
Wife selling

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wife rights are inherited by his eldest surviving brother. In this respect wives are dealt with in a different manner from other forms of property .... A brother may take the widow as his wife .... A brother may also sell the wife rights in the widow to another man, but in order to understand this transaction we must consider a mystical aspect of Sonjo marriage. It is believed that when a married person dies he will ultimately be reunited with his spouse in the spirit world. This belief is expressed in a myth: In former times the dead sometimes returned to earth to help their relatives here, but the last spirit to so materialize on earth was insulted and vowed that thereafter the dead would remain forever in the spirit world; she explained before departing that the spirits of dead husband and wives waited in the spirit world for their spouses to die, and were then reunited with them there. This belief has a practical bearing on bride-price transactions. Thus when a husband dies, the brother who inherits the widow may sell his rights in her to another man for the fixed price of thirty goats. This relatively small sum of less than half the woman's normal bride-price is explained by the belief in spirit marriage, for the new husband only acquires full wife rights in the woman in this world; after she dies she will rejoin her original husband in the spirit world. A second husband loses possession of her ghost. This reduced bride-price for a widow cannot be explained as resulting from a deterioration in her value as a wife." In case of divorce, stated Gray, a "husband exchanges his wife rights with another man for a sum of goats. It is convenient to say that he 'sells' his wife, because the form of the transaction is basically the same as those in which he exchanges or sells other goods. Thus a young wife is treated economically as a commodity. Later in life she outgrows this status, partly because her sexual attractions wane, but of more importance is the fact that her children grow up and are betrothed .... This stabilizes her position in the community". Gray continued, a "young woman's value as a wife is not generally thought to be depreciated just because she was previously married, and a husband in selling a wife attempts to regain the same bride-price that he paid for her, which was originally based mainly on the social status of her parental family ... supply and demand .... restrictions limit the probability of finding a buyer in the same village .... After a buyer has been found, the wife is always given a grace period for finding a more desirable second husband before she is required to marry the man found by her husband. No physical coercion on the part of the husband is involved in the sale of a wife. The compulsive factor resides in the social structure, in which there is no regular position except as a wife for a young woman who was once married. However, a Sonjo husband has a special power, sanctioned by the community, over a wife whom he wishes to sell: if no acceptable buyer can be found within the tribe, he can sell her to the Masai, whose demands for Sonjo women and children seem to provide an unfailing market." Gray wrote, "if a woman .... behaves so as to make herself unsatisfactory as a wife she may induce her husband to sell her to another man of her choice, and thus has some means of protecting her own interest. This system of wife purchase is quite flexible in operation and seems to allow a woman as much freedom of choice—admittedly little—as is found in most other African societies." According to Gray, "children ... stay with their mother ... when she is sold and are adopted by her new husband." Gray wrote, "only young wives, childless or with young children, are normally considered saleable, and the price paid usually equals or is near the original bride-price, though that is never exceeded. In at least one case an older woman was sold by her husband for a considerably reduced price." Gray continued, "in these divorces ... payment is made ... only to her original husband . The village council, however, levies a tax of seven goats on these transactions .... This fee or tax is no doubt indicative of some underlying disapproval of the selling of wives. Most of these goats, like those collected in fines, are sacrificed .... When wives are exchanged rather than sold, the tax is only four goats ..., which accords with the general opinion that exchanging wives is preferable to selling them."
6724:, among the Toka, in the early 20th century, according to Gisela Geisler, "often women were ... hired out or even 'sold' against payment of cash to interested men by their own husbands." Geisler continued, "migrant labourers and African public servants ... had a particular interest in 'temporary marriages ....' ... granted them unlimited access to the domestic and sexual services ... must have been ... fairly common in Livingstone". Geisler continued, "while these practices offered single women some possibilities of survival in town, ... they also meant that women could take on the character of moveable capital assets in the hands of men." In the British colonial court established in 1906, "men who claimed to be 'legal' husbands accused 'temporary' husbands of adultery and demanded compensation, particularly if the bartered woman refused to return to her original husband. In one such case, a 'husband' demanded compensation from a 'temporary' husband because the latter had extended the agreed upon time with the former's wife without paying further monies.... Another man, who had sold his wife temporarily to a Lozi, demanded a court order for the return of his wife as well as outstanding payments.... Other husbands accused their wives in court of having misappropriated payments from their 'temporary' husbands." In a 1910 case, Geisler reported, a man objected that his daughter's husband "had sold her to another man", not because the father, who was a headman, was "concerned about the moral issue", but because "he had not been paid bridewealth from the new husband." Geisler also reported, in 1912 a rural Toka man's brother had died and the man had inherited his brother's wife and "he had passed the wife on to another man against payment ..., the exact sum his late brother had paid .... 6177:
could buy her own way out of a marriage or either spouse could have initiated this form of divorce. Reducing a husband's liability for family support and prenuptial debts was another reason for wife sale. Taxes were sometimes paid by selling a wife and children and paying the value as the required amount, especially when taxes were too high to permit basic survival. Famine leading to starvation was a reason for some sales. Gambling debts could be paid by selling a free or slave wife. A society might not allow a woman the rights reserved to men regarding spouse sale and a society might deny her any rights if her husband chose to sell her, even a right of refusal. A divorce that was by mutual consent but was without good faith by the wife at times caused the divorce to be void, allowing her to then be sold. A husband might sell his wife and then go to court seeking compensation for the new man's adultery with the wife. By one law, adultery was given as a justification for a husband selling his wife into concubinage.
Island in what is now Alaska), Colombia, England, Australia (among aborigines), Denmark (possibly), Hungary, France, Germany, India, Japan, Malaya (among Chinese laborers), Thailand (at least permitted), Northern Asia (among the Samoyads), Asia Minor (among the Yourouk), Kafiristan, Indonesia (albeit not outright), Tanganyika, Congo, Bamum, Central Africa (among the Baluba), Zambia, South Africa (among Chinese laborers), Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Nigeria (possibly), Abyssinia, Egypt, Lombardy, ancient Rome (sometimes as a legal fiction and sometimes as actual), ancient Greece, and ancient Emar (of Syria). In Rwanda, it was the subject of a wartime accusation. Specific bans existed in Thailand, Indonesia, ancient Rome, and ancient Israel and partial bans existed in England and Japan. Wife sale was a topic of popular culture in India, the U.S., China, Scandinavia, Nepal, Guatemala, and the Dutch Indies. It has been found in Christianity and Judaism.
6262:, a "Bill of Sale" of a "Wife and Property" for "Two Dollars and half Dozen Bowls of Grogg", the buyer "to have my said Wife for ever and a Day", is, according to Richard B. Morris, "unique of its kind". According to Morris, "although the administration of the law was in a somewhat unsettled state during this military occupation , neither at common law nor under the marriage laws then in force in South Carolina would the sale of a wife have been valid". The document likely was a way, wrote Morris, for "dissolving the marriage bond" since the state forbade divorce "and the marriage laws of the Church of England were widely disregarded among the poorer whites and in the back country", but it could also have been intended to reduce the husband's liability for debts for support of the wife and her children and for her pre-wedding debts, while it was unlikely to have been for the sale of a Black 6893:, according to Frederik Pijper in 1909, "one way was by selling oneself because of poverty. It might so happen that a married pair sank into such need that the husband was compelled to sell himself, and did so with his wife's consent. In this way he secured sustenance for himself, and with the purchase-money he was in a position to keep his wife from starving. Sometimes the conditions were reversed, and the wife sold herself with the same intentions and with her husband's consent. In such cases the marriage was usually dissolved; to be sure the Church opposed this, but could not prevent and therefore yielded to it.... A synod at Paris early in the seventh century ordained that freemen who had sold ... themselves should if they repaid the money at once be restored to their former status. To demand back a greater sum than what had been paid for them, was not allowed." 7198:, "according to Vinniaus the married freeman who had consorted with a slave should be compelled to sell the woman; if he had one or several sons by her he must set her free, and was not allowed to sell her." Women consorting with churchmen were to be sold by bishops; Pijper reported, "some churchmen, not living in honorable wedlock, consorted with strange women or their own slaves. Bishops were instructed to secure such women and sell them. This hard law was promulgated in Spain, at the beginning of the seventh century." A subdeacon's wife was to be enslaved by a prince, according to Pijper; "if a subdeacon refused to give up his wife, he was to be removed from his ecclesiastical office and benefice. If, however, after being warned by his bishop, he still failed to yield, his wife was to be made a slave by the prince." 5687: 7642:, mainly in rural areas, one song, a "dukha", which is a "suffering/hardship" song that "provide ... an interpretation of women's hardships", "underscore ... the limited resources and rights of a wife caught in a bad marriage". Sung from a daughter's perspective, the song in part said, " You don't need to return home after drinking there in the evening."/"In Pokhara bazaar, an electricity line,"/"The household property is not mine."/"The housewife is an outsider,"/"All the household property is needed ."/"If this wife is not enough, you can get another,"/"The head of the cock will be caught ."/"Why do you hold your head ? Go sell the buffalo and pigs."/"If you don't have enough money , you will even sell your wife."/"After selling his wife, he'll become a 6593: ... the seizure and sale of the women and children of the combatants", "frequently ... peasants were compelled to sell their women, children and cattle in order to meet the revenue demand.... But the enslavement was not generally so voluntary as even this. 'Villages', we are told, 'which owing to some shortage of produce, are unable to pay the full amount of the revenue-farm, are made prize, so to speak, by their masters and governors, and wives and children sold on the pretext of a charge of rebellion'.... 'They (the peasants) are carried off, attached to heavy iron chains, to various markets and fairs (to be sold), with their poor, unhappy wives behind them carrying their small children in their arms, all crying and lamenting their evil plight. 6202:. One law made wives into husbands' chattels. Other sales were described as brutal, patriarchal, and feudalistic. Wife sales were equated with slavery. One debate about the whole of Africa was whether Africans viewed the practice as no crime at all or as against what Africans thought valuable and dear. Some modern popular songs against wife sale are vehicles for urban antipoverty and feminist organizing for rights. A story in a popular collection written by a feminist was about a suggestion for wife sale and the wife's objection to discussing it followed by no wife sale occurring. Another story is about a feminist advocate for justice in which a husband is censored or censured for selling his wife in a gamble. 3957: 6729:"husbands, who had previously tried to profit financially from in effect selling their wives to other men and then charging them for adultery compensation before the urban court, now had to fear that bringing such charges might well imply that they lost their wife, the main asset for further deals of the kind." Geisler wrote, "women .... never had access to the money and goods that passed among the hands of men for rights over them, and ... they were not concerned about morality, women could to a certain extent move between men on their own accord and in their own right." 6440:, "blacks who remained with their owners found that with the British army so near, they had leverage with their masters they had never before enjoyed." An "advertisement announced the sale of a young Negro woman with four children. 'They are not sold for any fault,' claimed the seller, but because the woman had a husband in town and the mistress did not want to part them. While it is entirely possible that the owner acted out of humanitarian motivation, her liberality may have been influenced by her slave's enhanced chances for successful flight." 6996:, from the mid-13th century until 1932, according to Darunee Tantiwiramanond and Shashi Pandey, because "traditional Thai law ... decreed that women were mere chattels of men" and thus "women were considered part of a man's assets ... and hence were subjected to male overlordship", "a husband or a father could sell his wife or daughter without her consent.... The logic of the law, however, did not operate in reverse and did not apply in the case of the wife because she was not a legal entity and had no identity in her own right." 2518: 6573:
banned so that adoptions were likely used as an alternative to like effect, with payment in a like direction. Sales were essentially into slavery. Published sales and adoptions known to Ramseyer totalled 52 contracts in 1601–1860, of the 52 35 being of females and 17 being of males, transfers including children, depending on each contract. After 1740, sale "contracts ... largely disappeared", largely because of a growing demand for nonagricultural labor, making absconding or running away easier and more profitable.
6454:) lived at a distance from their original communities. According to Eileen Tamura, this isolation, combined with failure of the expectation of earning enough to return, resulted in a temporary disintegration of social norms, and the disintegration led to wife-selling. The sheriff of the island of Hawaii, E. G. Hitchcock, wrote in 1892 that "I wish to call your attention to the fact, more or less prevalent on this island, of the Japanese selling their wives or mistresses to each other." In 1901 and 1904, the sheriff of 6700:, a kingdom, in what is now Cameroon, in the 19th–20th centuries, according to Aboubakar Njiasse Njoya, "in rare cases, ... when a husband was no longer on good terms with his freeborn wife, for whom he had paid a very high brideprice, he simply sold her without informing his parents-in-law." According to Njiasse Njoya, a minority of slaves "were a product of ... disgruntled or dissatisfied husbands." Thus, a freeborn wife was sold into slavery when her husband was no longer on good terms with her. A 12571:, p. 284 and see p. 284 n. 12 ("marriage, as girls and women described it ..., meant being sent to a household where one was a stranger and placed in a lowly social position, vulnerable to the whims of many, possibly without emotional support, expected to work from before dawn to late at night, and threatened by the potential of having an abusive husband or one who would bring in a co-wife.", per p. 283) (bracketed insertions so in original) ( 20709: 19681: 17897: 6774:, according to David Northrup, "goods brought by visiting traders proved irresistible to many. Yet there was little that could be given in exchange for such goods: ivory, salt, fancy textiles, metalware, and, of course, slaves.... For many people slaves were the only real possibility. The more venturesome or powerful might hope to ... sell an adulterous wife .... But ... would not have been within the range of possibilities open to the average person." 6799:
sold first and the husband second, were litigated in 1802 and 1806. In 1808, reported Chandler, a master had sold a slave husband to another master; after a dispute between the slaves and the selling master, the master who sold the husband was subsequently ordered by a court to sell the slave's wife to the other master as well, so the slave family would be able to live together and not merely have visits; and the court order was complied with.
7797: 7111:." The procedure was also used for the making of a will when a wife wanted some of her property upon her demise to go not to her birth family but to her husband (and perhaps to her children). "How frequently women made use of ... ceremony"] we have no way of telling, but we often hear of women's wills from the late Republic on." "Hadrian (reign: A.D. 117–138) had enacted a decree of the Senate that abolished the need for the 'sale 19669: 7811: 7222:, "on marriage the husband generally pays something to the father, and this has given rise to the idea that the nomads are in the habit of selling their wives for the harems of Constantinople, whereas they are only carrying out their legitimate idea of the marriage contract." On the other hand, wives are often slaves; according to Bent, "poor though he is, a man will often have seven wives, or more properly speaking, seven slaves." 6351:
of pure Caucasian stock from the Southern States came to Toronto, wooed and won her. They were married and the husband took his bride to his home in the South. Not long afterwards the father was horrified to learn that the plausible scoundrel had sold his wife as a slave. He at once went South and after great exertion and much expense, he succeeded in bringing back to his house the unhappy woman, the victim of brutal treachery."
60: 19691: 17907: 6414:
told his master he couldn't stand it, he was tied to the whipping post stripped and given 40 lashes. The next night he ran to the swamps. The bloodhounds were put on his track and caught him .... This happened in sight of Nashville, the capital of Tennessee. I told this to some of the boys and they said it was all bosh, that the niggers were lying to me. But this story was just like the ones in
6464:] in their women, buying and selling their wives is an evil that should be looked into," and proposed that laws explicitly prohibiting wife-selling be enacted. In a personal narrative related by Joan Hori, the question "Why would anyone want a second-hand wife?" was posed; the response was that the prospect of a wife already present in the islands was more certain than that of a 8137:"In the first ages the father of a family might sell his children, and his wife was reckoned in the number of his children: the domestic judge might pronounce the death of the offender, or his mercy might expel her from his bed and house; but the slavery of the wretched female was hopeless and perpetual, unless he asserted for his own convenience the manly prerogative of divorce." 6872:" and another view was that the law created an indenture, not a sale, being for a limited duration. Specifically, according to Ernst J. Cohn in 1938, "if a man contracted a debt and sold his wife, son or daughter or gave them to work it off, 'for three years they work in the house of their buyer or exploiter and in the fourth year he shall restore them to their former condition. 6313:, according to Elsie Frances Dennis, two Indians of unspecified tribe or tribes had been killed and "the widow and two daughters of one were wailing, for they were to be sold as slaves." Not all tribes of the region and time sold wives; according to Dennis, "Ross said that he never knew a single instance in which a Chinook or one of the neighboring tribes ever sold his wife". 7355:-formula, a curse declaring someone outlawed.... the delinquent" may be killed by anyone. Specifically, according to Rüpke, "if somebody has sold his wife, he shall be sacrificed to the lower gods". The enactment of "the law that whoever sold his wife should be given over to the infernal gods" was, according to John Andrew Couch in 1894, credited to Romulus. According to 6827:, in the earlier period of Eastern Roman society, a husband could sell his wife, because she was counted among his children and he could sell them. According to Bruce W. Frier and Thomas A. J. McGinn, "it was apparently illegal for a husband to sell his wife , to give her in adoption, or to execute her even for serious misconduct without first consulting a 6198:
that of a sale. A society might tax or fine a wife sale without banning it. The nearness of a foreign military sometimes constrained a master in a slave sale that otherwise would have divided a family. Among criticisms, some of the sales (not of services alone but entirely of wives) have been likened to sales of horses. Wives for sale were
9633:, p. 246 (encompassing quotation) and nn. 27–28, p. 246 ("died without heirs") and n. 27, p. 259 ("imperial treasury") and n. 7, p. 112 ("potentate") and n. 7, p.  ("vassal chief" and "landlord"), and p.  n. 1 ("chief") (nn. omitted), citing, at nn. 27–28, 6863:. According to Étan Levine, "Hammurabi law ... permitted a wife to be sold to pay her husband's debts", although an earlier view (possibly outdated or not agreed with by all scholars) was that the law may have been relatively limited, providing only that the wife sale was limited to the sale of her services, 7018:), " may commerce with his wife, for marriage is not considered a binding tie. It is not uncommon for a Samoyad to sell his wife to another for the consideration of a few teams of deer, and he sometimes barters her for a lady whose husband may be willing to accept the view that exchange is no robbery." 6685:
transfer "wives—that is to say, wife rights". Among the Sonjo, wrote Gray, "a lively system of economic exchange .... also encompasses the sale and purchase of rights in women, who in their economic aspects are dealt with much like other commodities." According to Gray, "when a husband dies, his
here, he sold my mother to New Orleans, leaving my father at home.' .... Her master moved to Alabama, and died ..., leaving behind unpaid bills and seven slaves, all of whom a sheriff sold, save for her father", according to Daniel Meaders. According to Isaac Johnson, in childhood a slave,
According to W. R. Riddell, "a ... man with some Negro blood .... had a ... daughter ... showing little trace of Negro origin. It was understood that she would marry no one but a white man, and that the father was willing to give her a handsome dowry on such a marriage. A person
and every member of every such household may be assumed to have read it.... was also made into a film which instantly received the same kind of adoring viewership." According to Sudha Varde or Sadanand Varde, Guruji was one of "only two men who could be called feminists in the real sense", because
in 1972, "anyone who sold his wife was to be dedicated to the gods of the underworld." "The husband who sold his wife was to be sacrificed (if we may so translate Plutarch ...) to the infernal deities", according to Fowler in 1911. According to Rüpke, this judgment and punishment reflected and
The buying the freedom of a slave being from another party's perspective the selling the slave into freedom, the medieval church permitted the selling into freedom of a slave who was a spouse; according to Pijper, "if ... two slaves were joined in wedlock by their common master, and one of them
crops have been swept away by the inundation of the rivers.... people ... eat .... earth .... The people first sold their wives, then sons and daughters, then their utensils and furniture; finally they demolished their houses in order to dispose of the timber." A 19th-century source
Sometimes, a wife was sold by a husband to a new husband as a means of divorce, in which case sometimes the wife was able to choose who would be her new husband, provided she chose within a certain time period, and especially if the wife was young and sexually attractive. In some societies, the wife
was reported by H. Carrington Bolton as "Pontius Pilate, King of the Jews",/"Sold his wife for a pair of shoes."/"When the shoes began to wear"/"Pontius Pilate began to swear." Bolton received it after publishing other rhymes used by children for "counting-out". Variants on the rhyme have also been
Bans, whether against wife sales specifically or against all sales of human beings, that were only in effect part of the time or that were substantially violated and unenforced are too numerous to list. Examples include bans in England, often violated and generally unenforced for a time, and Japan,
6589:, although imperial regulations limited state revenue demands to approximately that which would permit the peasantry to survive, the local collectors often lacked willingness to comply, "violated or evaded" the regulations, and overestimated peasants' ability to pay. Despite at least one order that 6366:
military service, was discharged from the military. According to his daughter, Margaret Ryan Kelley, he came home and "brought with him a negro named August", whom he paid. According to her, August said, "his white folks ... had sold his wife 'down the river.' It was a source of constant grief
her to the highest bidder. Although the custom had no basis in law and frequently resulted in prosecution, particularly from the mid-19th century onwards, the attitude of the authorities was equivocal. At least one early-19th-century magistrate is on record as stating that he did not believe he had
Constraints existed in law and practice and there were criticisms. Some societies specifically forbade wife sales, even imposing death upon husbands violating the law, but a legal proscription was sometimes avoided or evaded, such as by arranging an adoption with a payment and an outcome similar to
or her husband had been murdered. Sometimes, a slave-master sold an enslaved wife. Enslaved families were often broken up and wives, husbands, and children sold to separate buyers, often never to see each other again, and a threat to sell a wife was used to keep an enslaved husband under a master's
said was not good for him .... all his business efforts have turned into failures .... he agrees to give or sell his wife to a greedy Eurasian (=Indo) moneylender who has fallen in love with her.... is a very promiscuous woman, easily impressed with money and fashionable clothing, and
of the slave family was not very common." If a slave couple was broken up by the sale of one spouse out of an area, Chandler wrote, the other spouse, even after 10 years, could petition a court to allow the latter slave to find a buyer so the couple could reunite; such cases, in which the wife was
Also according to Howard, as published in 1904, in China, "a marriage may be dissolved by mutual agreement" "but the agreement ... must be in good faith. Should the wife plan the divorce so as to form a punishable relation with another man, it is void, and the husband may ... sell her to
According to 14th-century scholar Wei Su quoted by Paul J. Smith, "early in the dynasty, ... the system for assessing taxes and labor services was based ... on household size. As a result ... the poor got even poorer. Poor folk sold their wives and children to meet their payments to
1851, Johnson's father, who had decided to move and therefore to sell his "farm and stock", ordered the sale of Johnson's mother and her children. No bids were offered for the mother with a 2-year-old child, but when they were separated she was sold for $ 1,100. Thomas Hughes, according to Meaders
Wife selling has been found in many societies over many centuries and occasionally into modern times, including the United States (including in Hawaii among the Japanese, among Indians in the Gallinomero, Yurok, Carolina, and Florida tribes and in the Pacific Northwest, and among natives on Kodiak
or after November, 1884, and in 1885. Wolf continued, "since the Baluba have come into contact with the Kioque and Bangala, trading tribes from the Lunda country and from Kuango, they are getting provided with guns and powder, for which they barter children, girls, and even their own wives." Wolf
they reached Baltimore, ... had sold his wife, and intended to make a slave of him' ... Hughes left". An "old slave" from "near Memphis" told a soldier (Chauncey H. Cooke) that "his master sold his wife and children to a cotton planter in Alabama to pay his gambling debts, and when he
and Takeyoshi Kawashima, "men routinely sold their wives and children or rented them long-term .... was endemic to the brutality of Asiatic patriarchal feudalism". Ramseyer continued, "sales and adoptions were transfers in perpetuity", the difference being that sales were sometimes legally
Contrasting women by rank or class and noting which wives were sold and which were not, Pijper wrote of the medieval Church, a "woman of noble rank who had deserted her husband three times was to be put under penance, and was to be prohibited from marrying again; but if she was a woman from the
new husband had sold the woman to yet another man" and a fresh payment was demanded. Geisler found another complication: After the court revised how it dealt with adultery, partly by forcing a divorce on the husband who was suing, and until "the enactment of the Native Court Ordinance of 1929",
is defined by Njiasse Njoya as "a human being who has been deprived of his freedom and is totally in the possession of his master or state, who uses him at will." A French administrator in 1919 "explained to the French decree ... which prohibited slavery.... demanded that husbands cease
is defined by the Carolinas as "that which is obsequiously to depend on the master for subsistence". According to MacLeod quoting J. Lawson, "if a man takes a widow ... laden with her husband's debts, she seems to have some of the attributes of a chattel, although also a wife. Her husband
wife's bangles to build a house, you can sell your wife now to repay your debts", his wife, hearing this, came to where her husband and the moneylender's representative were talking and said, "aren't you ashamed to talk about selling wives? Have you no control over your tongue?", no wife sale
1030, according to Gleis, Canute made a law that "neither woman nor maid shall be forced to marry one that is disliked by her nor shall be sold for money unless the bridegroom gives something of his own free will", although "whether buying and selling was originally really involved is still
arguing in 1948 that the law should be "translated somewhat as follows: .... § 117: 'If an obligation came due against a seignior and he accordingly sold (the services of) his wife ... they shall work (in) the house of their purchaser or obligee for three years, with their freedom
6604:, in approximately the same time period, according to Habib, "if any peasant or stranger died without leaving a son  ... his wife and daughters were seized for the benefit, depending upon the locality, of the ... , the ... or the 'dominant ... '." This practice, called 6193:
was sometimes the description for the sale of a wife's services; it might be for a term of years followed by freedom. If a sale was temporary, in some cases wife sale was considered temporary only in that the sold-and-remarried wife would, upon her death, be reunited with her first husband.
7236:, in 1899–1900, according to James J. Harrison, "we  ... encountered an Abyssinian gentleman, who, having nothing else to sell us, tried to sell his wife. After repeated attempts, he and the good lady, looking crestfallen at not even raising a bid, proceeded on their journey." 6713:
argued to a Baluba chief "how wrong it was to sell their own wives, ... , rather in confidence, that they only sold their troublesome wives out of the country, never the good ones." (The Baluba, said Wolf, distinguished "between domestic slaves and slaves for export ....
Germans "considered the wife as negotiable property ... sold them to the conquering Romans". According to E. J. Schuster in 1910, "under the original Germanic law .... the husband was entitled to dismiss and even to sell his wife on the ground of her adultery ....
According to Howard, as published in 1904, "by Chinese law ... when the wife is guilty of adultery .... the woman not be slain, ... the husband may ... sell her as a concubine, provided he has not pandered to the crime or does not sell her to the guilty man."
women in the mid to late 20th century, but mostly not between the festivals. According to Debra Skinner and co-authors, "this genre ... has been recognized by urban-based political and feminist groups as a promising medium for demanding equal rights for women and the poor."
became actual commodities that were bartered (not loaned) away." In addition, if a family ("a man, his wife and children") went to the countryside, "bandits who hid .... would trap the family, and perhaps kill the man. The mother and her children would be sold as slaves."
However, ambivalently, N. P. Lemche argued that "either there are no rules for a Hebrew's selling his wife ..., or ... incorporated in the law ... in the way that it was considered impossible that a man should be able to sell his wife and remain free himself".
was legitimized by religion. However, after a while, the offense was no longer punished; according to Mary Emily Case, "this very primitive kind of justice was pronounced accursed, and might be killed by any who met him"] soon fell into disuse, and offences which were merely
Not all people of African descent in the New York City area in 1776–1783 were slaves. In some cases, records may not reveal their status. A "group of black men ... " for] killing a white slaveowner (who had just sold the wife of one of the accused in New York City)".
6306:" Also according to Howard, as published in 1904, "among the California Yurok 'divorce is very easily accomplished at the will of the husband, the only indispensable formality being that he must receive back from his father-in-law the money which he paid for his spouse.' 7059:
tablet documented an instance of a husband selling his wife "into the service of" another man, for whom she was to be "the servant", "dead or living", with a provision that if she be redeemed the redeemer was to provide "one healthy woman ... in compensation".
6989:, Chinese laborers in the 1880s–1890s, according to Kynoch, "were said to have been prolific gamblers .... 'many of those who failed to pay off their gambling debts ... either committed suicide or sold their wives and children to pay off their debts'". 7143:
notional sale of the woman to the husband that could occur at any time during their marriage, thus, if after marriage, a fictitious notional sale of the wife to her own husband. According to du Plessis, "a ceremonial resale of the wife terminated marriage by
6708:"The Baluba  ... do not understand that there is any wrong in selling their wives and children; as these are property they consider themselves entitled to dispose of them at their pleasure", according to Ludwig Wolf, whose expedition met the Baluba 2382: 20199: 7544:"Guruji ... respected women in every way .... had a real awareness of the lives, of women and the hardships they had to bear"; these statements were, according to Gokhale, published as part of "some indication of the widespread influence 6295:". " seen several of these bargains driven in a day", and " you may see men selling their wives as men do horses at a fair, a man being allowed not only to change as often as he pleases but likewise to have as many wives as he is able to maintain." 5455: 7604:]" (or censuring) of "Yudhishtira ... for 'selling' his wife in the gamble". According to Alam, "Rabindranath's Gandhari is ... a feminist" and "Gandhari's feminism reaches its sublime height and she emerges the apostle of justice". 6793:
under Spanish colonial rule, particularly in 1750–1826, according to David L. Chandler, Spanish law "allowed slaves to marry and establish a family even against the master's wishes ... and prohibited ... separation through sale....
In Indonesia, among the Nias, according to Loeb citing Neumann from 1886, "the only restriction which the husband had to observe is that he was not allowed to sell his wife outright", but was allowed to "pawn her as a pledge for his debts".
6954:, "the Thebans proceeded to annihilate the Orchomenians and sell their wives and children into slavery"; this "and similar acts ... led Polybius to criticize 'the mob' ... as Thebes as 'having been schooled in violence and passion 16923: 1022: 12585:
Series of quotations except comma not period after "pigs", last letter of 1st "raksi" superscored with horizontal line instead of dot, last letter of 2d "raksi" superscored with an unclear diacritic instead of dot, and last letter of
introduction of Christianity into Germany did not immediately put an end to this state of things." According to Paul G. Gleis in 1930, in early Teutonic society, regarding fathers, "selling a wife and child was a measure only of last
tradition who teach on this commandment "without drawing attention to the property concept of woman" "might  ... unknowingly contributing to sexual inequality". Inequality and inferiority are, according to Schmidt, "negative".
is, apparently most relevantly, a "private meeting" when it is of a small group of people; if it is of many people, it is a "popular assembly" or a "public meeting or gathering"; or it may be a "hearing in council", "debate", or
discipline. In wartime, one side might, possibly falsely, accuse the other of wife sale as a method of spying. A wife could also be treated as revenue and seized by the local government because a man had died leaving no heirs.
6835:. However, according to Paul du Plessis, "the husband did not have the power of life and death over his wife; nor could he sell her into slavery...." According to Frier and McGinn, a wife had a socially respected position as 6509:, it was gradually established that only wife selling motivated by adultery should be punished. By 1568, wife selling was explicitly authorized by the law in several circumstances. Authorized wife selling was preserved by 6982:, in the 19th century, a divorce was "easy" and was done by the husband selling a wife. If a husband died, when the wife or wives "revert" to the husband's family, surviving brothers either "sold or retained" the wives. 7297:
Most bans are implied in bans against sales of human beings that by definition include sales of wives, and such more general bans are too numerous to list here. Some bans, however, are explicitly against wife sale.
7662:, according to Robert G. Mead, Jr., a "legend popular ... the story of the poor man who becomes rich by selling his wife to the Devil." This legend, according to Mead, is also one basis of the 1963 novel 6674:, "a man who simply disliked his wife and was in need of brass rods could always come up with some reason to sell her, and the village elders—who received a share of the profits—would almost invariably concur." 7255:, "at Herbert River the blacks did not know, before the arrival of the whites, of any stimulants at all. The tobacco served me instead of money, and for it they would do anything, even to selling their wives." 7715:
religion, "ballad mongers hawked 'the latest new verse about the Copenhagen apprentice masons' who sold their wives to the Mormons for two thousand kroner and riotously drowned their sorrows in the taverns".
law dating to the 14th century. At that time, two types of wife selling were recognized, both considered illegal. The first type was when a husband sold his wife to a man with whom she had been committing
As to France, "scattered records of wife sales in western France do exist", many of the locations being rural, notwithstanding the tendency of many French to criticize the English for the latter's custom.
8684:, vol. I, p. 232 and n. 2 (n. omitted), (vol. referenced "for the early medieval employment of wife sales as a technique of divorce" (but with apparently erroneous reference to p. 249) in 7071:
describes "some pretty deplorable characters who do dreadful things to each other ... candidate for future sanctification selling his wife—not once but twice—to save his own skin and make a buck".
The English custom of wife selling largely began in the late 17th century when divorce was a practical impossibility for all but the very wealthy. In the ritualized form, after parading his wife with a
is the practice of a husband selling his wife and may include the sale of a female by a party outside a marriage. Wife selling has had numerous purposes throughout the practice's history; and the term "
6540:, there was a famine and, according to a local newspaper and Leonard T. K. Wu, peasants who "had already mortgaged and sold all their lands on which they formerly made a living" then sold their wives. 7611:
that, having been tricked into giving away all his material possessions in a dream, the righteous king was forced to sell his wife and son into slavery and himself become the servant of the cremation
7528:, a man borrowed money from a moneylender, had not paid principal or interest, and was visited by the moneylender's representative who demanded full payment and "shamelessly suggested", "if you sold 5450: 9762: 8804:
Eugene E. Ruyle, Slavery, Surplus, and Stratification on the Northwest Coast: The Ethnoenergetics of an Incipient Stratification System, Current Anthropology, Vol. 14, No. 5 (Dec., 1973), p. 612
6630:, a man "proceeded to sell his wife" to a member of another tribe and a dispute developed on other grounds and was resolved in which "the right of disposal by relatives was freely admitted". 2377: 7167:
into slavery or giving her to Pulcheria so Pulcheria could sell his wife; after the signing, Pulcheria "gave ... a mighty scolding" and the sale or gift is not known to have occurred.
16897: 7289:, identified as enemies, by saying, "Tutsi sold their wives ... to the Hutu authorities. Tutsis tried to marry their wives to Hutu elite in order to have spies in the inner circle." 6448:
Japanese immigration to Hawaii was promoted during the late 19th century, but their number included a low proportion of women. The first generation of Japanese immigrants to the islands (
988: 12166:(Pune Vidyarthi Griha, 1935, 2d ed. 1940, 3d ed. 1954, 3d ed. reprinted 21 times through 1985) (subtitle per p. WS-101, col. 1, and presumably translated, possibly by Gokhale). 7380:, according to Levine, a man "could never sell a wife, even if she had originally been a war captive"; at least he could not sell her to an "outsider", although redemption was possible. 6401:
master and left, after which he was tried and sentenced. During his imprisonment, the master visited him, brought Hughes' wife, and promised that if Thomas Hughes went south the master
18078: 7516:, a collection of "stories", which, according to Guruji, were "true ...  ... a possibility of a character, an incident or a remark being fictitious." One of the stories was 2630: 6324:, according to Gavriil Ivanovich Davydov, "marital fidelity is not always considered a virtue by the islanders , and in many cases a husband will sell his wife for a small present." 14191:
A History of Matrimonial Institutions: Chiefly in England and the United States with an Introductory Analysis of the Literature and the Theories of Primitive Marriage and the Family
6743:, in Souroudougou, in the 1890s, "household heads often resorted to selling their wives and children to passing merchants for cowries or millett, with no option for re-purchase.... 6302:, as published in 1904, "if dissatisfied with his wife, the young Gallinomero of  ... may 'strike a bargain with another man' and sell her 'for a few strings of shell-money. 6693:
is given at marriage and, for a reason, returnable but "is not returned, the man may sell his wife to recover the amount he gave for her, a custom distinctly not East African".
7040:, among the Nias, according to E. M. Loeb citing J. B. Neumann from 1886, a husband was allowed to "pawn ... as a pledge for his debts", but not to sell her "outright". 6615:, "husbands sold their wives from motives of enmity as well as gain. The selling price of girls and women was at all times from four to ten times greater than that of males." 6928:
of Gran said, "When a wife of noble birth or aristocracy has left her husband for the third time, she receives mercy, but when she is from the common people, she is sold."
in the Hebrew Bible against coveting one's neighbor's wife has as part of its basis that "the wife is definitely seen as property", wrote Schmidt. Christians and earlier
characterized the practice as conventional among the lower classes in China: "The poorer people take their wives for an agreed term, and buy and sell them at pleasure."
7631:'s party for wives of subordinate officials, from which she "was kidnapped by a brothel-master", who later "sold her ... her husband's new employer ... who 5576: 20540: 17386: 1489: 11716:, p. 6, n. 10 (n. omitted) ("one would expect the killing of the offender to be represented as the sacrifice of a victim to the god" in same paragraph). 7266:(1092), if a priest instead of taking a wife had chosen a servant or a slave as a companion, she was to be sold and the proceeds were to be given to the bishop." 18034: 13752: 6146: 2334: 6736:, among Chinese laborers in 1904–1910, according to Gary Kynoch, gambling was "prolific" and unpaid debts often led to suicide and sales of wives and children. 16454: 7103:) in which she sells herself to third party, who then remancipates her to another person, who 'manumits' her and thereafter becomes her "fiduciary guardian" ( 6388:
his "mother was stolen ... from ... Madagascar", "given" to Johnson's grandfather, evaluated as a "servant", and "bequeathed" to Johnson's father in
5440: 4971: 2574: 2289: 537: 7587:"didn't ... sell his wife for truth", although the Brahmin announces that he must refuse the gift and ultimately the wife's "virtue remains unsullied". 6651:
In Africa generally, according to Parker Shipton in 1990, "husbands sometimes sell wives , but not vice versa". On the other hand, responding to a charge by
18110: 5325: 4697: 4434: 11572:
Beyond the Mask: Toward a Transdisciplinary Approach on Selected Social Problems Related to the Evolution and Context of International Tourism in Thailand
9759: 6847:, "in the framework of free marriage, a practice that became frequent in the late republican period, the wife ... remained in her father's familia." 16657: 7745:
were, according to Schmidt, influenced by the belief that "woman  ... unequal to man", producing "sexist theology". Schmidt argued that teachers of
5061: 4702: 748: 18120: 15132:
Pazdernik, Charles (1994). "'Our Most Pious Consort Given Us by God': Dissident Reactions to the Partnership of Justinian and Theodora, A.D. 525–548".
3919: 15647:
Tantiwiramanond, Darunee; Pandey, Shashi (1987). "The Status and Role of Thai Women in the Pre-Modern Period: A Historical and Cultural Perspective".
Holland, Dorothy C.; Skinner, Debra G. (1995). "Contested Ritual, Contested Femininities: (Re)Forming Self and Society in a Nepali Women's Festival".
10330: 6908:, told of a creditor ordering the sale of a man who is both his debtor and his servant along with the sale of the man's wife, children, and property. 17781: 17164: 7178:, who married her, after which, when Hortensius was dying, he left all his property to her and, when she was widowed, Cato remarried her; and Caesar 6310: 1900: 1263: 19226: 16608: 11320:
Tricked; that the gift was to be to Pulcheria who would sell the wife; the scolding; and the claim as apocryphal and possibly traceable to gossip:
1935, the variants naming "Holy Moses" instead of "Pontius Pilate", and some women reported their use "as rope-skipping and ball-bouncing rhymes".
4394: 2032: 699: 7533:
occurred, and a partial monetary payment was made to the moneylender's representative. According to Gokhale, in 1935–1985 ("55 years") ( [
are those who sell their wives and children for money, even women who sell their husbands for a little spending money (it's all in the newspapers)
Belk, Russell W.; Østergaard, Per; Groves, Ronald (1998). "Sexual Consumption in the Time of AIDS: A Study of Prostitute Patronage in Thailand".
Hubbell, Andrew (2001). "A View of the Slave Trade From the Margin: Souroudougou in the Late Nineteenth-Century Slave Trade of the Niger Bend".
6556:, wife selling occurred in many of the poorer areas. As of 1997, the custom was still occasionally reported in some rural areas of the country. 6552:
came to power in 1949, wife selling was prohibited and the government took measures to eradicate the practice. During the famines caused by the
18982: 16529: 15236: 13292:
Burawoy, Michael (1984). "Karl Marx and the Satanic Mills: Factory Politics under Early Capitalism in England, the United States, and Russia".
4749: 612: 7274:
These are claims by enemies in war (including civil war) and which may not have been true even to a small degree, but which were widely made.
18694: 18115: 6890: 6505:. The second type was when a husband sold his wife because she had betrayed him or because they were no longer able to get along. During the 6243:. The English custom of wife selling spread to Wales, Scotland, Australia, and the United States before dying out in the early 20th century. 3386: 10871:), book 15, chapter 79, section 6, accessed August 4, 2013 (not all of the original books still existing, limiting contextualization) (from 20117: 17169: 7131:, which, according to Gary Forsythe, seems to have existed in the mid-5th century BC and into the CE 2nd century. According to Gardner and 5445: 5295: 2442: 1268: 11191:, p. 454 ("to third party" so in original and probably should be "to a third party") and see p. 455 ("this archaic form of 'sale 6823:
wrote that "there was a man (a Christian at that) who had sold his wife into slavery because he preferred to have the cash". According to
20377: 17139: 16750: 16292: 15766:
Van Buskirk, Judith (1998). "Crossing the Line: African-Americans in the New York City Region during the British Occupation, 1776–1783".
in the 11th century, and the Catholic church over time objected to it, apparently because it objected to divorce, while the non-Catholic
A wife being subject to sale was a consequence of her being a man's property, according to sociologist Alvin John Schmidt. The religious
4776: 3421: 1238: 841: 367: 10860: 10286: 16439: 11950:, (folktale collector-editor visited the town "in early March 1952") and 3 (about collector-editor's "fifth day") (both pp. in ch. I, 10308: 7351:
fundamental social relationships," in which the wife as "the harmed one is in an inferior position". Thus, according to Rüpke, "by the
7195: 5522: 4274: 2787: 2625: 522: 15536:
Skinner, Debra; Holland, Dorothy; Adhikari, G. B. (1994). "The Songs of Tij: A Genre of Critical Commentary for Women in Nepal".
19727: 18093: 14412:
Kynoch, Gary (2005). "'Your Petitioners are in Mortal Terror': The Violent World of Chinese Mineworkers in South Africa, 1904–1910".
9609:, trans. A. Constable, rev. V. A. Smith (London, 2d ed. with nn. 1916) (trans. based on version by Brock, Irving)), p. 205. 8217:
Although not directly disagreeing with Hammond on the word "wives", another view is that the word was "women", according to Diodorus.
4724: 9665:(Cambridge, 1929) (Allahabad, reprint), pp. 122 and 279 and see pp. 123 and 191–194, probably 'Abdu-r Rashīd al-Tattawaī, 18639: 18105: 16374: 16262: 15995: 12824:
defined by author as "an attitude, belief, or practice that subordinates an individual or group on the basis of sex", per p. xvii (
In Thailand, "only in 1935, under pressure from the West, were ... men forbidden from selling their wives into prostitution".
5495: 5315: 4488: 449: 337: 2959: 6839:, "although ... her position was weak in law". According to Jane F. Gardner, "over a wife in free marriage ... had no 5653: 2778: 6815:, more commonly 'power of life and death') was vested in the husband over his wife in some circumstances, the husband being the 19204: 17882: 16613: 16384: 16202: 16187: 16182: 16028: 11167:, pp. 247 and n. 35, 263 n. 72 (p. 247 quoting whole and latter n. quoting only "candidate ... buck"). 9577:, pp. 322–323 and nn. 19–21 (nn. omitted), citing Badauni, vol. II, p. 189; Manucci (probably Manuchy, Nicolao, 6342:
In Canada the buying and selling of wives was common practice among Chiefs and wealthier “commoners” in the West Coast tribes.
4759: 4177: 3912: 3846: 2882: 2635: 2001: 704: 459: 277: 262: 257: 87: 15565:
Smith, Paul J. (1998). "Fear of Gynarchy in an Age of Chaos: Kong Qi's Reflections on Life in South China Under Mongol Rule".
Shyamchi Ai: A Sad and Sweet Narrative Picture of a Mother's Sublime and Loving Teaching and of a Simple and Beautiful Culture
9661:(Allahabad, 1941), pp. 330–331 and 333 (and see p. 111 and n.); and citing, at n. 1, probably Moreland, W. H., 19520: 18992: 18806: 17910: 16444: 16167: 15756: 15733: 15637: 15220: 13888: 13660: 7262:, in the 11th century, a substitute for a wife could be sold, with the gain going to religious leadership. "According to the 5901: 5337: 5014: 4786: 3039: 2598: 2299: 527: 242: 7474:
1897–1898, a husband killed his wife and sold some parts to people to eat as beef, and the husband was caught and executed.
This article is about sales of wives regardless of whether marriage or sale was lawful or by whom sold, or for what purpose.
20328: 19618: 19588: 16945: 16267: 16079: 12303: 12301: 11032:(Tijdschrift van het Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap: Studien over Bataks en Bataksche landen, 1886), p. 463. 9096:, p. 329 (letter of March 21, 1863, from Chauncey (H. Cooke), 25th Regt. Wisc. Volunteers, Columbus, Ky., to Mother, 5529: 5490: 5133: 3071: 2490: 2025: 1044: 342: 146: 14169: 20308: 19951: 19635: 19593: 19343: 19179: 18752: 17591: 17261: 17174: 17065: 16740: 16560: 16192: 16177: 10783:(Paris), vol. 27, no. 2, March–April, 1972, pp. 285–312, and Menefee, S. P., "The 'Merry Maidens' and 'Noce de Pierre'", 9031:, p. 10 (the mother was sold to an unnamed buyer) and see p. 11 (the child was sold for $ 200 to a named buyer) 7377: 5571: 5208: 4868: 4719: 4515: 4424: 3138: 1702: 1360: 1273: 1164: 831: 649: 267: 252: 12298: 6291:
may .... '... take her for his money paid to her deceased husband's creditors, and sell her to another for his wife
18353: 18088: 18083: 17943: 17159: 16640: 11712:
To similar effect ("Plutarch tells us that a law of Romulus ordained that he who sold his wife should be sacrificed"):
7785:, "all that the father can do is sell his wife and children." Then, according to Marx, "he has become a slave dealer." 6943:"A Lombard  ... killed a man serf once who ventured to marry a free woman, and sold the serf's wife into slavery." 6901: 5591: 5285: 5039: 1258: 731: 11096:, p. 62, and see p. 63 (citing "for the sale of family members by the head of an Emarite household" Arnaud, 8164:
is a 'respectable married woman', 'matron', or 'mistress of a household'. The term is not semantically identical with
5686: 20806: 20412: 19608: 18632: 18205: 18153: 16807: 16645: 16131: 16109: 15963: 15685: 15455: 15023: 14946: 14865: 14737: 14158: 14110: 13810: 13762: 13700: 13681: 13519: 13471: 13282: 13011: 12463: 11148: 9849:, p. 36 ("Sonjo material ... was obtained in the field in the last half of 1955", per p. 36 n. 3) 8015:, in admiralty law, during armed international conflict, the property (such as a ship) which may be captured and kept 7985:
If the quoted description is inexact and the sale is not of wives but of wives-to-be, this may describe bride-buying.
argued that machinery adds so many women and children to the workforce that men are displaced and thus, according to
6430: 6153: 5891: 5413: 5290: 4714: 4483: 4350: 3905: 3841: 898: 736: 198: 176: 18506: 12131: 6663: 20796: 20723: 20282: 19846: 19071: 18649: 18058: 17990: 17544: 17381: 17281: 16745: 16635: 7687:
and writing in a language that "was a form of resistance to Dutch", according to Laurie J. Sears, included in 1909
5816: 5544: 4754: 4739: 4685: 4370: 4360: 4355: 4184: 4040: 2588: 2538: 1655: 1484: 1380: 836: 726: 14383:
Slavery Days in Old Kentucky. A True Story of a Father Who Sold His Wife and Four Children. By One of the Children
13059: 10880: 10879:(Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1970), vol. 4–8) (some bibliographical information per anon, 9680:(unclear which) (in "al-Tattawaī", "T" has accent on top and up to left)), and probably Munshī Tek Chand 'Bahār', 5260: 20630: 20010: 18130: 18053: 17134: 16652: 16414: 16207: 8828:, Canada) (other but unverified stories to like effect, but "unfortunately not ending so well", were alluded to). 5811: 5539: 5310: 4116: 3391: 3311: 3133: 2928: 2018: 1233: 743: 497: 282: 13409:
Cline, Howard F. (1962). "The Ortelius Maps of New Spain, 1579, and Related Contemporary Materials, 1560–1610".
11970:, pp. 5–6 and unnumbered p. facing p. 17 (last p. having photograph of Richardson) (all pp. in ch. I, 7607:
According to Jonathan Parry in 1980, "in the famous legend of Raja Harish Chandra, it was in order to provide a
and Johnson's father "used Jane in all respects as a wife and she, in her innocence, supposed she was such". In
20272: 19510: 19189: 19150: 19086: 18947: 18434: 18135: 16277: 14245: 7825: 7646:." A "woman ... became visibly agitated while listening to ". This was part of a genre sung at the annual 7202:
was thereafter freed, that one was permitted to marry again, if the freedom of the other could not be bought."
6359: 6282:
The Carolina tribe of Native Americans, according to William Christie MacLeod, as reported in 1925, engaged in
5866: 5861: 5009: 4997: 4577: 4389: 4035: 2848: 2684: 352: 16419: 11056:, p. 32 n. 18, citing ASJ 13:18 (Tsukimoto, A., "Akkadian Tablets in the Hirayama Collection (II)", 502: 20303: 19720: 19583: 19573: 19515: 19091: 18073: 18063: 17813: 17529: 16257: 6252: 6220: 5761: 5581: 5364: 4225: 3591: 3158: 2372: 1932: 1640: 332: 19623: 19548: 19403: 18756: 18711: 18704: 18274: 18098: 18068: 17092: 17040: 16018: 15988: 15103:
Parry, Jonathan (1980). "Ghosts, Greed and Sin: The Occupational Identity of the Benares Funeral Priests".
7226: 6086: 5781: 5586: 5430: 5300: 4961: 4729: 4709: 4269: 4237: 3826: 3061: 2979: 2954: 2887: 2457: 1191: 1139: 77: 3956: 20578: 20020: 19893: 19613: 19558: 19553: 19450: 19435: 19425: 19049: 18654: 18125: 17724: 17576: 16995: 16603: 16549: 13619: 8336: 8003:
Whether, after a 50-mile journey, the first sale occurred in North Carolina or near the state is unknown.
7356: 7085:
In ancient Rome, in two situations, a "fictitious" sale was an actual procedure. In one, to get rid of a
5941: 5776: 5646: 5596: 5320: 5238: 4365: 4146: 3966: 3056: 2694: 2447: 1843: 1687: 1094: 694: 632: 15161:
Pierce, Richard A., ed. (1976). "A Selection From G. I. Davydov: An Account of Two Voyages to America".
Lee-Warner, William (1897). "Moral Advance of the Peoples of India During the Reign of Queen Victoria".
9601:(1629–1643), trans. C. E. Luard, assisted by Hosten (Hakluyt Society, 1927)), vol. II, p. 272; and 9285:, vol. I, pp. 235–236 and n. 1 (n. omitted), citing, at n., Paul Georg von Möllendorff (1985) 20057: 20035: 19694: 19174: 19066: 17833: 16625: 16312: 16033: 9582: 8527:, p. 191 and see p. 194 ("not ... an example of normal marriage relations" in the state) 6363: 5505: 5357: 5342: 5233: 4429: 4099: 3851: 3441: 2279: 1952: 716: 387: 92: 15603:
Subrahmanyam, Sanjay (1998). "Hearing Voices: Vignettes of Early Modernity in South Asia, 1400–1750".
Geisler, Gisela (1992). "Moving with Tradition: the Politics of Marriage amongst the Toka of Zambia".
government in 1883, "the husband cannot sell his wife nor ill-treat her"; divorce exists but is rare.
passage describes an event in Egypt as an instance of wife selling. According to Theodore Y. Blumoff,
20781: 20771: 20151: 19363: 18997: 18669: 18513: 17186: 17000: 16902: 16787: 16461: 16429: 16089: 16023: 8356:
Richardson told story when she was age 70, 71, or 79 and said event occurred when she was "about" 16.
That the people described are Florida Indians is not explicitly by the "eye-witness" but is by Cline.
7725: 7700:
the Eurasian ends up feeling more than punished for his pursuit and purchase of another man's wife."
7669: 7445: 6121: 5601: 5500: 5031: 5019: 4609: 4582: 4087: 3229: 2559: 2412: 2367: 2362: 1285: 1099: 993: 878: 544: 512: 156: 82: 14276:
Ihde, Erin (1998). "'So gross a violation of decency': a note on wife sales in colonial Australia".
10000: 9998: 9669:(1653–1654), Abu Tahir Zulfiqar 'Ali Murshidabadi, ed. (Calcutta: Asiatic Society of Bengal, 1872) ( 7729:, the mayor's selling of his wife when he'd been a young, drunken labourer is the key plot element. 19988: 19713: 19630: 19568: 19563: 19465: 19261: 19199: 18761: 18572: 18528: 18501: 18348: 18259: 17446: 17334: 17181: 16950: 16887: 16722: 16677: 16539: 16424: 16406: 16342: 16272: 16146: 11143:(New York: Ivy Books (Ballantine Books (Random House)), 1st Ballantine Books ed., September, 1991 ( 9992:, p. 646 (bracketed insertion per p. 645 and date within expedition per pp. 640–641) 8063:, economic resources used to earn money without being sold themselves, thus not including inventory 7489: 6549: 6036: 5381: 5250: 4803: 4592: 4077: 3978: 3681: 3375: 2704: 2669: 2483: 2437: 2357: 1549: 1437: 1280: 1049: 978: 813: 768: 622: 507: 487: 417: 347: 213: 4257: 20786: 20194: 20161: 19941: 19470: 19430: 19184: 19140: 19133: 18484: 17900: 17729: 17709: 17571: 17561: 17519: 17149: 16990: 16852: 16822: 16817: 16767: 16702: 16687: 16620: 16593: 16578: 15981: 15845:
Westbrook, Raymond (2001). "Social Justice and Creative Jurisprudence in Late Bronze Age Syria".
10872: 9995: 9589:, p. 21; Pelsaert (probably Pelsaert, Francisco, trans. Moreland and Geyl, "Remonstrantie" ( 7771:, writing in 1881, "to sell wives ... is slavery. This is what Jehovah 'authorized in Judea. 7505: 7480: 7457: 6021: 5831: 5566: 5305: 5255: 5183: 4956: 4734: 4678: 4661: 4092: 2517: 2254: 1848: 1828: 1682: 1672: 1630: 1248: 1089: 943: 913: 908: 858: 793: 778: 711: 684: 669: 43: 16797: 14993:
Njiasse Njoya, Aboubakar (1995). "Slavery in the Bamum Kingdom in the 19th and 20th Centuries".
12307:"Interview about Sane Guruji with Sudha Varde (with Sadanand Varde Present)", as appendix II in 6418:
and I believe them. And father knows of things very much like this that are true." According to
888: 20638: 20521: 20267: 20236: 20052: 19956: 19934: 19578: 19278: 19194: 19044: 18972: 18908: 18886: 18876: 18851: 18841: 18412: 18281: 18237: 18180: 18018: 17936: 17828: 17801: 17791: 17271: 17251: 17114: 16985: 16882: 16832: 16802: 16782: 16717: 16697: 16672: 16667: 16662: 16573: 16544: 16517: 16493: 16488: 16074: 16064: 14025:
Henry, Paget (2004). "Between Hume and Cugoano: Race, Ethnicity and Philosophical Entrapment".
10763:, p. 127, n. 28 (n. omitted), n. 28 citing the Synod's 53rd canon and von Hefele, Carl Joseph, 9199: 8323: 7244: 5639: 5608: 5113: 4854: 4766: 4614: 4338: 4304: 4299: 3034: 2719: 2709: 2645: 2309: 2294: 2198: 1947: 1920: 1910: 1370: 1350: 1213: 1084: 973: 923: 893: 873: 808: 788: 763: 758: 753: 664: 627: 600: 576: 571: 141: 131: 13511: 13503: 10851:, p. 92 and, on being part of Greece, see pp. 82, 83, 84 n. 17, 87, 90, 91 20766: 20756: 20718: 20691: 20671: 20663: 20515: 20287: 19841: 19648: 19368: 19328: 19318: 19273: 19123: 19076: 19034: 18699: 18659: 18375: 18338: 17796: 17756: 17689: 17586: 17534: 17461: 17216: 16980: 16892: 16867: 16862: 16847: 16842: 16837: 16777: 16732: 16692: 16598: 16568: 16471: 16084: 7639: 6637:
region of India selling their wives to settle debts; the frequency of such cases is unknown.
6299: 6081: 6026: 5986: 5881: 5876: 5766: 5741: 5475: 5330: 5243: 5228: 4910: 4898: 4644: 4629: 4414: 4189: 4111: 4082: 3871: 3816: 3746: 3726: 3711: 3581: 3103: 3066: 2974: 2838: 2674: 2274: 2249: 2226: 1915: 1875: 1808: 1697: 1645: 1564: 1315: 1079: 983: 958: 953: 938: 933: 928: 868: 823: 783: 689: 659: 554: 151: 15465:
Schuster, E. J. (1910). "The History and Present Condition of the German Divorce Law".
Mulder, William (1956). "Image of Zion: Mormonism as an American Influence in Scandinavia".
14534:: Comments on the Problem of Social Edicts and Their Application in the Ancient Near East". 10201:, pp. 29 ("French conquest during the 1890s") and 40 ("the first years of French rule") 20801: 20761: 20554: 19888: 19750: 19490: 19445: 19415: 19398: 19388: 19236: 19157: 19145: 19081: 19054: 18937: 18856: 18836: 18786: 18644: 18365: 18313: 18002: 17985: 17975: 17667: 17201: 17075: 16792: 16757: 16707: 16682: 16503: 16466: 16197: 16059: 15507:
Shipton, Parker (1990). "African Famines and Food Security: Anthropological Perspectives".
8817: 8205: 8184:, a repenting of sins (violations of God's will) or a religious sacrament for the repenting 7575:, for an annual festival at a temple. Subrahmanyam says that, in the play, a member of the 7449: 7324: 6678: 6623: 5871: 5771: 5613: 5517: 5480: 5408: 5352: 5221: 5178: 4992: 4922: 4597: 4377: 4279: 4163: 4070: 3756: 3751: 3696: 3646: 3631: 3516: 3406: 3356: 3236: 2797: 2758: 2593: 2583: 2569: 2462: 2304: 2124: 2119: 2094: 1786: 1300: 1174: 883: 848: 798: 773: 586: 549: 272: 126: 15695:
Tran, Nu-Anh (2006). "South Vietnamese Identity, American Intervention, and the Newspaper
8: 20776: 20751: 20677: 20365: 20360: 20047: 19961: 19903: 19836: 19308: 19298: 19268: 19256: 19251: 19162: 19118: 19113: 19108: 18831: 18766: 18746: 18684: 18627: 18562: 18397: 18370: 18343: 18227: 18170: 18045: 17997: 17980: 17960: 17843: 17704: 17339: 17241: 17221: 17010: 16918: 16877: 16857: 16827: 16727: 16522: 16337: 14497:
Lemche, N. P. (1975). "The 'Hebrew Slave': Comments on the Slave Law Ex. xxi 2–11".
Hurvitz, Nathan (1954). "Jews and Jewishness in the Street Rhymes of American Children".
14189: 12480:
The Song Dynasty in China (960–1279): Life in the Song Seen through a 12th-century Scroll
7931:, the church that is official for England by decision of Parliament and that is Christian 7768: 7560: 7252: 7229:, according to Graeber, it was not "normal" "for a man ... to be able to sell his wife". 7219: 6437: 6091: 6016: 5731: 5714: 5101: 5081: 4966: 4951: 4820: 4791: 4781: 4671: 4619: 4587: 4384: 4242: 4210: 4205: 4158: 4015: 3861: 3791: 3721: 3596: 3571: 3551: 3531: 3411: 3286: 3276: 3153: 2984: 2906: 2899: 2894: 2809: 2714: 2699: 2659: 2620: 2476: 2188: 2084: 1962: 1823: 1442: 1340: 1320: 1109: 1017: 968: 948: 918: 818: 605: 412: 12763: 9819:
Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil and Wicked Traffic and Commerce of the Human Species
7448:, southwestern Michigan, which town was a destination for slaves travelling through the 6659:
wrote, "nothing could be more opposite to everything that they hold dear and valuable".
20644: 19968: 19765: 19495: 19485: 19475: 19460: 19455: 19440: 19393: 19373: 19348: 19313: 19303: 19283: 19098: 19024: 18977: 18952: 18927: 18791: 18622: 18464: 18385: 18028: 17616: 17611: 17601: 17549: 17539: 17514: 17456: 17414: 17324: 17319: 17314: 17226: 16534: 15942: 15913: 15883: 15862: 15816: 15808: 15775: 15664: 15626: 15612: 15582: 15553: 15524: 15495: 15474: 15434: 15426: 15389: 15360: 15327: 15292: 15283:
Ramseyer, J. Mark (1995). "The Market for Children: Evidence from Early Modern Japan".
15271: 15230: 15199: 15170: 15149: 15120: 15091: 15083: 15054: 15002: 14981: 14973: 14925: 14904: 14842: 14834: 14805: 14797: 14764: 14716: 14681: 14652: 14617: 14588: 14559: 14551: 14514: 14485: 14437: 14429: 14400: 14368: 14339: 14331: 14298: 14264: 14224: 14216: 14137: 14085: 14050: 14042: 14013: 13980: 13951: 13921: 13862: 13837: 13789: 13736: 13671: 13588: 13567: 13546: 13490: 13447: 13426: 13397: 13389: 13354: 13346: 13317: 13309: 13261: 13232: 13203: 13170: 13137: 13129: 13100: 13092: 13046: 13038: 12990: 11686:
in sense of 'sacrificed' per pp. 100, 102, 103), citing, at n. 25, Plutarch,
7832: 7552: 7452:
and in which town most residents and local government officials were Black. As told to
7191: 7175: 7171: 6820: 6612: 6553: 6367:
for him.... When he had $ 200, he intended to return to Virginia and find his people."
6339:, "the ruler has power to give or rather to sell wives to those desirous of marriage." 6046: 5886: 5841: 5347: 5193: 5168: 5158: 5123: 5118: 5086: 5051: 5044: 4985: 4978: 4835: 4654: 4649: 4639: 4409: 4262: 4220: 4215: 4168: 4136: 4126: 4063: 3876: 3771: 3731: 3601: 3496: 3461: 3271: 3261: 3186: 3128: 3113: 2964: 2944: 2921: 2773: 2753: 2532: 2432: 2221: 2129: 2069: 1727: 1722: 1712: 1660: 1650: 1625: 1559: 1517: 1427: 1422: 1417: 1325: 617: 7919:, a system of law based on precedent and prevalent in England and in the colonial U.S. 4284: 4230: 20791: 20713: 20437: 20422: 20042: 19908: 19858: 19853: 19684: 19541: 19420: 19383: 19378: 19358: 19353: 19323: 19288: 19241: 19231: 19103: 19029: 19019: 19012: 19002: 18903: 18896: 18871: 18861: 18846: 18716: 18689: 18479: 18459: 18444: 18427: 18318: 18308: 18244: 18210: 18195: 17929: 17875: 17786: 17714: 17699: 17498: 17441: 17246: 17154: 17045: 16965: 16812: 16114: 15959: 15820: 15752: 15745: 15729: 15681: 15633: 15451: 15438: 15216: 15095: 15019: 14985: 14942: 14861: 14855: 14846: 14809: 14733: 14563: 14441: 14343: 14241: 14154: 14106: 14054: 13884: 13878: 13806: 13758: 13696: 13677: 13656: 13650: 13605: 13515: 13467: 13438:
Cohn, Ernst J. (1938). "Contracts of Service For Life in Comparative Jurisprudence".
13401: 13358: 13321: 13278: 13141: 13104: 13050: 13007: 12662:, p. 329, col. 2, except "1963" and author's full name both per col. 1 12459: 11144: 8298: 7940: 7928: 7898: 7873: 7868: 7680: 7676: 7263: 7163:, may have been managed or tricked into signing unread a contract "selling" his wife 6860: 6689:
In East Congo, among the Baguha, as reported in 1926 by Melville J. Herskovitz, if a
6427: 6096: 6051: 5906: 5836: 5746: 5726: 5670: 5435: 5153: 5148: 5091: 5076: 5056: 4878: 4873: 4808: 4771: 4604: 4570: 4399: 4252: 4141: 4020: 3796: 3766: 3691: 3671: 3656: 3611: 3576: 3541: 3476: 3416: 3351: 3331: 3326: 3196: 3181: 3108: 3098: 3086: 2996: 2989: 2969: 2853: 2768: 2724: 2654: 2564: 2422: 2138: 1994: 1905: 1833: 1818: 1601: 1544: 1345: 1253: 1144: 1064: 903: 181: 15520: 14631:"Patrilinial and Matrilinial Organization in Sumatra: The Batak and the Minangkabau" 14228: 8866:, p. 93 and see p. 93 n. 57, citing, at n. 57, "PRO, wo 71-154". 8661: 8659: 8657: 7539:]), "every middle-class home in Maharashtra is said to have possessed a copy of 6458:
wrote that "In connection with Japanese the custom they have of trafficing [
20746: 20614: 20606: 20534: 20231: 20171: 19924: 19810: 19800: 19785: 19755: 19505: 19500: 19410: 19338: 19333: 19293: 19246: 19221: 19167: 19061: 18957: 18891: 18776: 18664: 18589: 18557: 18518: 18491: 18454: 18390: 18360: 18296: 18291: 18269: 18249: 18190: 18175: 18023: 17838: 17823: 17751: 17672: 17642: 17473: 17309: 17015: 16588: 16583: 16434: 16332: 15934: 15854: 15800: 15708: 15656: 15628:
Americanization, Acculturation, and Ethnic Identity: the Nisei Generation in Hawaii
15574: 15545: 15516: 15418: 15381: 15352: 15317: 15266: 15261: 15253: 15191: 15141: 15112: 15075: 15046: 14965: 14826: 14789: 14756: 14706: 14673: 14642: 14609: 14580: 14543: 14506: 14462: 14421: 14381: 14360: 14323: 14208: 14129: 14075: 14034: 14005: 13972: 13911: 13829: 13781: 13728: 13538: 13418: 13379: 13338: 13301: 13253: 13224: 13195: 13162: 13121: 13082: 13074: 13030: 11914:, p. 85 (the "grim incidents are all told for true, and could have happened"). 10801:
Die Germanische Frau im Lichte der Runeninschriften und der Antiken Historiographie
10221: 10219: 9167:, February 10, 1779, and March 10, 1779 (probably latter and only possibly former). 8124:
more frequently meant 'owner of an estate' regardless of family relations. Thus, a
7847: 7761: 7757: 7738: 7233: 7160: 7132: 7051:, "debtors sold their wives" "into slavery". In or near ancient Emar, according to 6951: 6844: 6771: 6697: 6569: 6477: 6239:
forcing husbands to sell their wives, rather than having to maintain the family in
6236: 6139: 6126: 6041: 5936: 5856: 5826: 5821: 5751: 5625: 5203: 5198: 5188: 5163: 5128: 5096: 5066: 4939: 4927: 4905: 4883: 4830: 4666: 4634: 3936: 3881: 3866: 3856: 3836: 3806: 3741: 3716: 3641: 3621: 3616: 3561: 3481: 3446: 3431: 3396: 3381: 3361: 3306: 3291: 3281: 3266: 3251: 3246: 3241: 3191: 3168: 3011: 3006: 2792: 2763: 2740: 2603: 2352: 2203: 2193: 2158: 2148: 2114: 1957: 1942: 1870: 1791: 1761: 1576: 1412: 1114: 679: 674: 517: 407: 18577: 15050: 14817:
Meek, Theophile J. (1948). "A New Interpretation of Code of Hammurabi §§ 117–19".
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13510:. Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. pp.  13481:
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13342: 9907: 9905: 9903: 20657: 20479: 20469: 20445: 20382: 20248: 20204: 20105: 19805: 19790: 19673: 19128: 18987: 18920: 18796: 18741: 18721: 18679: 18596: 18584: 18523: 18469: 18417: 18380: 18301: 18264: 18200: 17853: 17761: 17657: 17606: 17466: 17451: 17431: 17396: 17109: 17020: 16955: 16762: 16712: 16498: 16357: 14351:
Jastrow, Morris Jr. (1916). "Older and Later Elements in the Code of Hammurapi".
14099: 12121:(about collector-editor's tape recorder)), 85 ("stew beef"), and 244–245 (motifs) 11135: 10094:, pp. 441–442 and nn. 10–11 (nn. omitted) (the court being "colonial": 9766: 8654: 7878: 7857: 7816: 7782: 7754: 7746: 7684: 7572: 7344: 7259: 6667: 6656: 6397:
and Hopper, was a slave "who had apparently taken a large sum of money" from his
6199: 6181: 6001: 5966: 5961: 5956: 5896: 5851: 5801: 5796: 5709: 5704: 5534: 5425: 5420: 5173: 5143: 5138: 4861: 4825: 4624: 4542: 4247: 3993: 3831: 3821: 3811: 3786: 3776: 3706: 3686: 3666: 3606: 3546: 3526: 3511: 3466: 3456: 3436: 3371: 3321: 3316: 3301: 3256: 3201: 3016: 2689: 2452: 1972: 1880: 1776: 1717: 1569: 1554: 1534: 1499: 1208: 1119: 1054: 853: 803: 581: 432: 15372:
Rüpke, Jörg (1992). "You Shall Not Kill: Hierarchies of Norms in Ancient Rome".
Pijper, Frederik (1909). "The Christian Church and Slavery in the Middle Ages".
Trade Without Rulers: Pre-Colonial Economic Development in South-Eastern Nigeria
13034: 12244:, p. WS-98, col. 3 (quoting story), and see p. WS-99, col. 1 10216: 8368:, a grassroots political organization in India and related to the Congress Party 6781:, a girl, usually, is married off to a man to settle debts owed by her parents. 20562: 20333: 20316: 20253: 20226: 20209: 19898: 19831: 19795: 19775: 19641: 19480: 18932: 18781: 18601: 18552: 18402: 18286: 17848: 17806: 17776: 17766: 17684: 17677: 17662: 17652: 17488: 17424: 17366: 17361: 17346: 17129: 17124: 17119: 17005: 16940: 16476: 16449: 16302: 16004: 15858: 14937:
Motzki, Harald (2003). "Marriage and Divorce". In Jane Dammen McAuliffe (ed.).
13125: 12438: 12436: 12434: 12432: 10166: 10164: 10162: 9900: 8286: 8262: 7893: 7888: 7802: 7525: 7453: 7416: 7211: 7119: 7115:". "Classical law ... usually treat... the sale of free persons as void". 6986: 6947: 6864: 6778: 6646: 6376: 6259: 6251:
For divorce-based instances from the colonies before they became the U.S., see
6106: 6071: 6011: 5911: 5806: 5786: 5756: 5719: 5618: 5512: 4404: 4045: 4003: 3886: 3801: 3781: 3761: 3736: 3701: 3661: 3636: 3626: 3566: 3536: 3521: 3491: 3486: 3471: 3451: 3401: 3346: 3341: 3296: 3218: 3051: 3001: 2911: 2860: 2804: 2329: 2264: 2213: 1967: 1925: 1895: 1885: 1803: 1796: 1781: 1771: 1591: 1527: 1469: 1464: 1449: 1228: 1223: 1218: 1104: 1039: 559: 532: 377: 51: 15712: 14425: 14327: 14212: 13422: 13384: 13367: 10779:, p. 34, n. 9, citing Thompson, E. P., "'Rough Music': le charivari anglais", 10693: 10691: 8704:, vol. I, pp. 231–232 and n. 1 (n. omitted), citing, at n., Powers, 8508: 8506: 8504: 8502: 8172:
but may represent a subset or may not require wifehood or being free or freed.
7695:), in which "a religious Muslim ... tries to get rid of his wife, whom a 5736: 20740: 20652: 20619: 20417: 20397: 20348: 20025: 20005: 19946: 19863: 19760: 18866: 18826: 18821: 18736: 18535: 18407: 18215: 17860: 17483: 17419: 17404: 17266: 17231: 17211: 17082: 17025: 16960: 16379: 16282: 15876:
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography
15578: 13874: 13748: 13670:
Friedman, Edward; Pickowicz, Paul G.; Selden, Mark; Johnson, Kay Ann (1993).
Dennis, Elsie Frances (1930). "Indian Slavery in Pacific Northwest, pt. II".
13459: 12414:, p. 1518, col. 1, and see p. 1519, col. 3, last sentence 9597:(Cambridge, 1925)), p. 47; Manrique (probably Manrique, Fray Sebastian, 8821: 8060: 8024: 7852: 7664: 7584: 7444:" to be only a folktale, was told in 1952 by Mrs. Mary Richardson, living in 7433: 7164: 7156: 7140: 7064: 7022: 7004: 6905: 6824: 6671: 6619: 6582: 6465: 6419: 6317: 6006: 5791: 5556: 5485: 4932: 4915: 4690: 4520: 4510: 4294: 3944: 3891: 3676: 3651: 3586: 3556: 3506: 3501: 3426: 3366: 3336: 3211: 3046: 2916: 2877: 2865: 2843: 2825: 2640: 2417: 2324: 2284: 2259: 2244: 2153: 2134: 1979: 1586: 1522: 1507: 1365: 1330: 1310: 1181: 1124: 1059: 454: 357: 14316:
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
13504:"Constructing kinship in Rome: marriage and divorce, filiation and adoption" 12429: 12311:, p. WS-102, col. 1 (which of the two Vardes is quoted is unknown) 10987: 10985: 10159: 20624: 20600: 20567: 20548: 20529: 20484: 20457: 20432: 20370: 20146: 20100: 20095: 19998: 19983: 19826: 19039: 18942: 18881: 18816: 18811: 18771: 18726: 18496: 18474: 18333: 18328: 18254: 18220: 17694: 17581: 17409: 17376: 17356: 17276: 17256: 17236: 16872: 16772: 16508: 16483: 16347: 16287: 16252: 16217: 16212: 14776:
Meaders, Daniel (1995). "Kidnapping Blacks in Philadelphia: Isaac Hopper's
14467: 14450: 13215:
Blumoff, Theodore Y. (2000). "An Essay on Liberalism and Public Theology".
Encyclopedia of Islamic Law: A Compendium of the Views of the Major Schools
11298:, p. 125 ("the law is stated as at 14 November AD 565", per p. ). 10688: 10608: 10535:, p. 123 ("the law is stated as at 14 November AD 565", per p. ). 8542: 8499: 8048: 7964: 7842: 7720: 7647: 7624: 7556: 7411: 7332: 7052: 7012: 6808: 6740: 6733: 6717:
latter are usually troublesome individuals whom they want to get rid of".)
6682: 6655:
that Africans "think it no crime to sell one another", African philosopher
6510: 6506: 6497: 6379:
who moved 50 miles recalled that, while she was between 5 and 8 years old,
6283: 6056: 6031: 5991: 5946: 5846: 5561: 5398: 5374: 5280: 5273: 5004: 4532: 4505: 4468: 4446: 4333: 4050: 4030: 3998: 3988: 3983: 3973: 3176: 2664: 2107: 2074: 1813: 1692: 1512: 1479: 1459: 1375: 1355: 1335: 963: 863: 591: 566: 422: 362: 327: 292: 287: 20: 14916:
Morris, Richard B. (1948). "White Bondage in Ante-Bellum South Carolina".
14038: 10960: 10958: 10956: 10388: 10386: 10384: 9657:, folio 26a; citing, mainly at p. 112 n. 7, probably Saran, P., 5976: 4813: 20592: 20392: 20277: 20166: 20141: 20129: 20110: 19993: 19973: 19883: 19780: 18323: 18232: 17596: 17556: 17524: 17391: 17351: 17191: 17104: 17055: 17030: 16930: 16630: 16369: 16352: 16307: 16222: 14897:
The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
Mead, Robert G. Jr. (1968). "Miguel Angel Asturias and the Nobel Prize".
13976: 13963:
Hammond, N. G. L. (2000). "Political Developments in Boeotia".
The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
13087: 12132:"Disney Removing Wife Auction Scene From 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' Ride" 11981: 11460: 11458: 11311:, p. 268 n. 52, attributing the claim to Theophanes, A.M. 5941. 11104:(Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1981), per "Three Tablets From the Vicinity of Emar", 10982: 10031:, p. 439 (field research December, 1981–June, 1983, per p. 437) 9754: 9752: 9341: 9339: 8611:, p. 193 and n. 10 (n. omitted), but see p. 194 n. 11 8084: 8036: 8012: 7952: 7883: 7704: 7689:
Membeli Bini Orang: Sebuah Cerita Yang Sungguh Sudah Terjadi Di Periangan
7509: 7423: 7328: 7215: 6979: 6756: 6690: 6634: 6586: 5996: 5951: 5931: 5403: 5391: 4744: 4547: 4537: 4495: 4309: 3123: 3093: 2870: 2407: 2314: 2089: 2079: 1707: 1667: 1635: 1494: 1454: 1290: 1203: 1154: 1129: 1029: 721: 444: 427: 382: 297: 28: 15779: 15668: 15616: 15499: 15244:
Pound, Roscoe (1916). "Individual Interests in the Domestic Relations".
15174: 15153: 15006: 14929: 14489: 14433: 14302: 14046: 13955: 13571: 13133: 11902:, pp. 95 (by Mary Richardson) and 96 n. 59 (by James D. Suggs) 10623:, p. 183, col. 2, and see p. 181, col. 2, n. 13 7091:(a person responsible for approving of a female's decisions that might, 20685: 20572: 20189: 19770: 18967: 18731: 17870: 17865: 17746: 17741: 17637: 17621: 17478: 17371: 17329: 17291: 17099: 17087: 17060: 17050: 16970: 16396: 16391: 16362: 16297: 16136: 15946: 15887: 15866: 15586: 15557: 15528: 15393: 15364: 15331: 15275: 15203: 15124: 15087: 15058: 14977: 14908: 14801: 14621: 14592: 14518: 14404: 14268: 14220: 14017: 13984: 13866: 13841: 13793: 13592: 13550: 13494: 13430: 13393: 13350: 13313: 13236: 13207: 13096: 13042: 12994: 12539: 12537: 12535: 12533: 11866: 10953: 10381: 10173:, p. 543 and n. 57 (n. omitted), citing, in n. 57, Yen, 9645:
1659), Add. 6598 (probably of British Museum, Additional Collections),
9561:, p. 323 and n. 25 (n. omitted), citing, at n., Faẓl, Abū-l, 9108: 9106: 7916: 7693:
Buying Another Man's Wife: A Story that Really Happened in the Priangan
7493: 7248: 7048: 7047:, Syria, in the late 14th- to early 12th-centuries B.C.E., in the Late 7000: 6975: 6652: 6565: 6513:
lawmakers, as was the prohibition against selling a wife to her lover.
5694: 5551: 4848: 4552: 4419: 3206: 3148: 3143: 2319: 2048: 1989: 1984: 1865: 1860: 1756: 1732: 1581: 1474: 1432: 1388: 1198: 1186: 1159: 1149: 1069: 471: 466: 437: 372: 203: 15917: 15812: 15478: 15430: 15296: 15018:. Oxford Studies in African Affairs. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 14838: 14768: 14720: 14685: 14656: 14555: 14372: 14335: 14141: 14089: 13925: 13740: 13451: 13368:"Family Bonds and the Bondsman: The Slave Family in Colonial Colombia" 13265: 13174: 12916:(Oxford, Oxfordshire), February 1, 1800, p. 4, and July 15, 1809, p. 3 12498:, p. 284 (year per p. 283 and Central Nepal per p. 279) 12486:) (Asia for Educators, Columbia University), accessed October 6, 2012. 12473: 12264: 12262: 12237: 12235: 12155: 12153: 11455: 11021: 11019: 11017: 11015: 9749: 9336: 8926:, p. 52 and nn. 23–24 (nn. omitted), quoting Hopper, Isaac, 8880: 8878: 8876: 8874: 8872: 8326:, according to a similar folktale as told by James D. Suggs to Dorson. 8301:, part of a simple game and often used to designate one person as "it" 8039:, one of the Bantu-speaking ethnic groups and living in Central Africa 7087: 7033:" and posited that such people are not, or are no longer, Vietnamese. 6433:, a "slave overseer was kept in place with threats to sell his wife". 20586: 20387: 20338: 20321: 20259: 20241: 20015: 19929: 18962: 18567: 17771: 17719: 17436: 17035: 16162: 15874:
Wolf, Ludwig (1887). "Explorations on the Upper Kassai and Sankuru".
15494:. 90: Trans-Regional Indonesia over One Thousand Years (90): 97–123. 15145: 14664:
Lumholtz, Carl (1889). "A Residence among the Natives of Australia".
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association
11856: 11854: 11852: 11850: 11848: 11846: 11622:, p. 67, n. 50 and see p. 61 n. 7, citing "Plut. 10213:, p. 40 and n. 63 (n. omitted), citing a source dated 1899. 9565:(Calcutta, probably Bib. Ind., 1873–1887), vol. II, pp. 159–160. 8771: 8274: 7862: 7778: 7712: 7659: 7623:
In China, according to Smith, a "possibly well-known tale" about the
7240: 7056: 7037: 7015: 6398: 6267: 6240: 4796: 4461: 4323: 2143: 1890: 1838: 1539: 1134: 237: 15938: 15549: 15385: 15356: 15340: 15322: 15305: 15257: 15195: 15116: 15079: 15034: 14969: 14793: 14613: 14584: 14510: 14009: 13993: 13833: 13542: 13228: 13199: 13183: 13078: 12530: 11205: 11203: 11201: 10149: 10147: 10110: 10108: 10106: 10104: 10063: 10061: 9103: 8277:, psychoactive drugs meant to improve physical or mental functioning 7865:, where, on marriage, a woman's rights are subsumed by her husband's 4478: 20474: 20407: 20343: 20156: 20134: 20030: 19978: 19736: 19007: 18801: 18674: 18422: 17952: 17736: 17566: 17493: 17144: 17070: 16975: 16935: 16327: 16322: 16317: 16242: 16237: 16232: 16172: 15804: 15660: 15422: 14830: 14760: 14677: 14547: 14364: 14151:
Theodosian Empresses: Women and Imperial Dominion in Late Antiquity
13785: 13732: 13305: 13257: 13166: 12259: 12232: 12150: 11012: 10501: 10499: 10497: 8869: 8439: 8427: 8391: 8378: 8365: 8193: 7407: 7364:—such, for example, as selling a wife—ceased to be punished. Thus, 7127: 6993: 6790: 6752: 6681:, in the Masai district, in 1955, according to Robert F. Gray, the 6520:
province, the missionary Mathieu-Ly said of "starvation ....
6502: 6423: 6389: 6336: 6116: 5386: 4944: 4888: 4840: 4500: 4345: 4200: 4106: 2608: 2269: 2183: 1855: 1677: 1596: 1243: 1169: 1074: 1034: 402: 397: 392: 317: 312: 307: 247: 11843: 11820: 11818: 11805: 11803: 11801: 10895:, p. 92, n. 44 (criticism by Polybius disputed, per n.). 10248:, vol. I, p. 174 apparently in error and p. 108 probably intended. 10228:, p. 39 and n. 58 (n. omitted), citing a 1992 interview. 8983:, pp. 7 (Johnson born 1844) and 9 (Johnson was sold at age 7) 7796: 7496:
originally contained a "Wife Auction". This was recently removed.
7440:, narrated by two informants, and that possibly was true although 6484:) has a long history, spanning both the Imperial and Modern eras. 6405:'would manumit her' and would not 'attempt to make a slave of him. 6335:
in the 16th century, according to an unnamed "eye-witness", among
20427: 20221: 20214: 20079: 19875: 18185: 16247: 16141: 16121: 16094: 16069: 15973: 12960: 12958: 11198: 11102:
Mélanges Bibliques et Orientaux en l'Honneur de M. Henri Cazelles
10144: 10101: 10058: 9353: 8825: 8720:, p. 188 and n. 43 (n. omitted), citing, at n., White, 8415: 8403: 8226: 8181: 7837: 7742: 7628: 7580: 7564: 7099:, "the woman undergoes a formal and entirely fictitious 'sale' ( 6962: 6921: 6856: 6767: 6537: 6517: 6328: 6271: 6263: 6231: 6185: 5921: 5678: 5369: 4451: 4131: 3948: 3163: 3118: 2208: 2178: 2171: 322: 208: 188: 161: 136: 59: 14857:
Wives for Sale: An Ethnographic Study of British Popular Divorce
Baines, Erin K. (2003). "Body Politics and the Rwandan Crisis".
12391:, p. 1517, col. 1, citing Rabindranath or Vyasa, Sri, 11756:, pp. 89–90, citing "Dt. 21:14" (trans. perhaps by Levine). 11291: 11289: 10877:
Diodorus of Sicily in Twelve Volumes with an English Translation
10494: 9542: 9540: 8736:, p. 185 and n. 32 (n. omitted), citing, at n., Ross, 7567:, who ruled Tanjavur 1684–1712, in the early 18th century wrote 6916:
Wife selling occurred in Europe in addition to that in Britain:
people she must be sold without hope of regaining her freedom".
20402: 20354: 20123: 17196: 16227: 16126: 16104: 16099: 16049: 14391:
Kelley, Margaret Ryan (1939). "A Soldier of the Iron Brigade".
Ingersoll, Robert G. (1881). "The Christian Religion, pt. II".
14170:"Japanese prostitution in Hawaii during the immigration period" 13900:"Sonjo Bride-Price and the Question of African 'Wife Purchase'" 13609: 12407: 12405: 12380: 12378: 11815: 11798: 10767:, vol. 5 (Freiburg: Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1886), p. 324. 8108: 8072: 7594:, a story of Gandhari, according to Jayanti Alam, includes the 7278: 6760: 6721: 6627: 6601: 6321: 6235:
the right to prevent wife sales, and there were cases of local
6227: 5071: 4893: 4473: 4456: 4318: 4153: 4121: 2679: 2427: 2402: 2055: 1295: 302: 193: 171: 166: 116: 15956:
Freeing China's Farmers: Rural Restructuring in the Reform Era
13669: 13579:
Dorson, Richard M. (1956a). "Negro Tales of Mary Richardson".
12955: 12856:, vol. 5 (Freiburg: Herder'sche Verlagshandlung, 1886), p. 19. 11574:(Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.: Verlag Breitenbach, 1988), p. 291. 9739: 9737: 9388: 7194:
with a slave who may have thereby borne sons, Pijper wrote of
20491: 20087: 17206: 16054: 15904:
Wright, E. Blackwood (1903). "Native Races in South Africa".
11986: 11984: 11615: 11613: 11611: 11609: 11607: 11286: 10907:, p. 34 (quotation is of law, presumably as translated). 9537: 9452: 9450: 9065: 9063: 9061: 8452: 8310: 8250: 8096: 8075:, economic exchange without money or other medium of exchange 7651: 7576: 7286: 7182:
Cato .... having sold his wife for Hortensius's gold."
6925: 6450: 4328: 4314: 4289: 2613: 2551: 1305: 121: 24: 23:. For transfers of property into or as part of marriage, see 15925:
Wu, Leonard T. K. (1936). "Rural Bankruptcy in China".
Caesars' Wives: Sex, Power, and Politics in the Roman Empire
12602:, pp. 298 (song no. 15) (English) and 299 (non-English) 12402: 12375: 10827:, p. 41 (quotation is of law, presumably as translated) 9585:(London: Gov't of India, 1907–1908)), vol. II, p. 451; 8911:, p. 294 &, that it was the Union or Federal side, 8208:, an archaeological site and municipality in Boeotia, Greece 7994:
They are not revealed in all cases according to Van Buskirk.
19705: 17921: 17818: 17647: 13464:
The Stoic Tradition from Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages
12520: 12518: 12516: 12478:, in Ebrey, Patricia, and Conrad Schirokauer, consultants, 11871: 11869: 11594: 11592: 9734: 8238: 7347:, "a husband selling his wife" was a "crime ... that 7282: 7044: 6633:
In 2009, there were reports of impoverished farmers in the
The Chinese custom of wife selling or 'selling a divorce' (
6455: 6375:
Cases were reported from different states. A slave born in
servant, though being for the sale of an Indian woman or a
4195: 4025: 1937: 1766: 15066:
Oppenheim, A. L. (1955). "'Siege-Documents' From Nippur".
15035:"Some Matrimonial Problems of the Western Border of India" 13244:
Bolton, H. Carrington (1897). "More Counting-out Rhymes".
11604: 11100:, pp. 5–6 (possibly Caquot, A., and M. Delcor, eds., 10665:
Information without quotation and with other differences:
9447: 9058: 7003:, according to an 1895 report by Arthur Montefiore, among 6358:
In 1863, William W. Ryan, II, who had opposed slavery and
For the selling of unmarried females to become wives, see
20464: 11002: 11000: 10943: 10941: 10939: 10937: 9163:, p. 90 and n. 51 (n. omitted), citing, at n., 8952: 8950: 8948: 8946: 8944: 8776: 8774: 7600: 7535: 7462: 6460: 6230:
around her neck, arm, or waist, a husband would publicly
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
14695:"Debtor and Chattel Slavery in Aboriginal North America" 14600:
Levine, Étan (2001). "Biblical Women's Marital Rights".
Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law
12617: 12513: 12475:
China in 1000 CE: The Most Advanced Society in the World
To similar effect and attributing enactment to Romulus:
11589: 10331:"'Money wives': Nigerian girls sold off to settle debts" 7095:, reduce her assets), as a way of getting a replacement 6819:
or 'head of the household'. According to Keith Bradley,
Veiled and Silenced: How Culture Shaped Sexist Theology
The South Carolina Historical and Genealogical Magazine
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Fang, Bay; Leong, Mark (1998). "China's stolen wives".
Couch, John Andrew (1894). "Woman in Early Roman Law".
Case, Mary Emily (1893). "Did the Romans Degenerate?".
12093:, pp. 95 (ages 71 and about 16), 238 (age 70) and 10611:#117 (trans. by Levine), per pp. 87 n. 1, 89. 9961: 9959: 9946: 9944: 9359: 8488:, p. 249 and probably n. 83 (n. omitted), n. 83 citing 8406:, the manager of a place where prostitution is provided 6705:
selling their wives when they no longer satisfy them".
The earliest documented ban of the practice appears in
6173:" is not defined in all sources relating to the topic. 2335:
List of child abuse cases featuring long-term detention
15535: 15409:, and the gendered semantics of the Roman household". 13942:
Hamilton, Gail (1890). "Society Women before Christ".
13805:(combined ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 12635: 12623: 12611: 12599: 12575:
is "distilled liquor", per p. 283) (spellings of
12524: 12507: 12283:, p. WS-95, col. 3, and see Nhagwat, Kamal, 11771:, p. 93, citing "v.8" (trans. perhaps by Levine). 11764: 11762: 10997: 10934: 8941: 2576:
Gender representation on corporate boards of directors
15646: 15486:
Sears, Laurie J. (2010). "Modernity and Decadence in
11251: 11249: 10964: 10309:"Money wives: The Nigerian girls sold to repay debts" 10287:"Nigeria's young daughters are sold as 'money wives'" 9684:((1739–1740) (Nawal Kishor, lithographed ed. 1916)) ( 9503: 9501: 9437: 9435: 9433: 9431: 9429: 6277: 18035:
Timeline of women's legal rights (other than voting)
Gleis, Paul G. (1930). "The Early Teutonic Family".
13111: 12789: 12787: 12785: 12217:, p. WS-95, col. 3, quoting Guruji, Sane, 12193:, p. WS-95, col. 2, quoting Guruji, Sane, 11938:, p. 5 ("first met her ... in June, 1952") 11567: 11307:
Managed; and sale apparently directly into slavery:
9971: 9956: 9941: 9659:
The Provincial Government of the Mughals (1526–1658)
8539:, pp. 191–192 (bracketed insertions per p. 191) 8313:, a religious leader said to have authored the Torah 7792: 7668:, by Miguel Angel Asturias, a winner in 1967 of the 7571:('The Gifting of the Virtuous Wife'), a play in the 6443: 5326:
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery
Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia
Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History
13691:Frier, Bruce W.; McGinn, Thomas A. J. (2004). 13466:(2nd ed.). Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 12365: 12363: 12361: 12359: 12346: 12344: 12331: 12329: 12162:, p. WS-95, col. 2, citing Guruji, Sane, 11783:, p. 143, citing as "the law" that of "vv2-6". 11759: 11030:
Het Pane en Bila-Stroomgebied op het eiland Sumatra
8455:, a shaman, one who interacts with the spirit world 6777:In southeast Nigeria, in a practice referred to as 15774:(Explorations in Early American Culture): 74–100. 15744: 15680:(1st American ed.). New York, NY: New Press. 15625: 14278:Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 14098: 13937:. London: P. S. Jayasinghe, Asia Publishing House. 12614:, p. 265 and see p. 276 (re song no. 15) 11570:, p. 199, col. 1, citing Meyer, Walter, 11246: 9769:, CNN, October 22, 2009, accessed October 8, 2011. 9703:, p. 246 and n. 28 (n. omitted), citing 9498: 9426: 8265:, capital of the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire 7711:1850s–1870s, where there were many critics of the 7152:, too)", as a reversal of the marriage procedure. 6422:, reviewing a modern-day historical exhibition in 6320:, in present-day Alaska and that was then part of 17782:Racial bias in criminal news in the United States 15467:Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation 15215:(4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 13849:Gokhale, Shanta (1990). "Mother in Sane Guruji's 13508:The Family in Italy from Antiquity to the Present 13506:. In David I. Kertzer; Richard P. Saller (eds.). 12852:, p. 128, n. 34, citing von Hefele, Carl Joseph, 12782: 9837:, pp. 152–153 and see p. 153 n. 69 8668:, p. 372 and n. 7, quoting Lawson, J., 6755:, wives were sold, a practice apart from that of 6516:Famines are related to wife sale. In 1834, about 1901:Racial bias in criminal news in the United States 20738: 15787:Watson, Alan (1972). "Roman Private Law and the 14457:. Publication. Field Museum of Natural History. 14238:The Fatal Shore: An Epic of Australia's Founding 14153:. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 14064:"The Cattle Complex in East Africa: (Concluded)" 12356: 12341: 12326: 12109:, pp. 95–96, n. 59 and see pp.  ( 11324:, p. 177 n. 9, p. 130, n. 80 10419:, p. 208 and see pp. 214–216, 219, 221 9817:, p. 142, quoting either Cugoano, Ottobah, 9760:"Farmers Sell Wives to Pay Debts in Rural India" 9653:, folio 131b; citing, at p. 259 n. 7, 9325:, vol. I, p. 236 n. 2, citing Kohler, 9217:(London: Richard Bentley, 1869), vol. 1, p. 106. 8688:, p. 192 n. 3, citing, at n., Powers, 7943:, private movable property, thus not real estate 7075: 6859:, around the 1700s BC, the law that applied was 6309:In the late 17th–mid 18th centuries, among some 5441:13th Amendment to the United States Constitution 2799:Science, technology, engineering and mathematics 17442:Same-sex marriage (laws and issues prohibiting) 14727: 14312:The Agrarian System of Mughal India (1556-1707) 13935:The Agrarian System of Mughal India (1556–1707) 11792: 1545:Same-sex marriage (laws and issues prohibiting) 16924:SPLC-designated list of anti-LGBTQ hate groups 14386:. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 14119: 12764:"The Wife Sale in "The Mayor of Casterbridge"" 12568: 12555: 12543: 12495: 12472:That "Sung" and "Song" name the same dynasty: 12174: 12172: 11527: 11525: 9823:Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery 8816:, p. 388 n. 28 (story attributed to 8647:, p. 375 n. 15, quoting Lawson, J., 6831:of relatives," thus possibly lawful after the 1023:SPLC-designated list of anti-LGBTQ hate groups 19721: 17937: 15989: 15726:from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian 14992: 13277:. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 12981:Alam, Jayanti (1994). "Gandhari, the Rebel". 12730: 12728: 11118: 11116: 11114: 10799:, p. 127 and n. 29, citing Bruder, Reinhold, 9977: 9965: 9950: 8599:, p. 193, but see p. 194 n. 11 6147: 5647: 3913: 2484: 2026: 15747:The Social Life of Money in the English Past 15699:[Political Discussion], 1965–1969". 15602: 15596:Sex, Law, and Society in Late Imperial China 14666:Journal of the American Geographical Society 13714:. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 13648: 12369: 12350: 12335: 12320: 12256:, p. WS-95, col. 1 (quoting story) 11650: 11648: 11432: 11430: 11333: 10739:, pp. 128, 82–83, p. 83 n. 23 9825:(New York: Penguin Books, 1999), p. 27. 9415:, p. 128, citing Kawashima, Takeyoshi, 8752:, p. 1, col. 1 and see col. 2 8587:, p. 193 and nn. 7–8 (nn. omitted) 8347:Richardson was raised partly in Mississippi. 8241:, long-established rule, practice, or custom 7627:(A.D. 960–1279) told of a wife invited to a 6345: 5446:Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom 17140:List of people killed for being transgender 15765: 15285:Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 15032: 13771: 13690: 13604:. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 12169: 11522: 11452:, p. 128 and see p. 128 n. 5 11221: 11209: 11188: 11176: 10787:(London), vol. 85, Spring, 1974, pp. 23–42. 10715:, p. 679, nn. 20–21 (nn. omitted) 10666: 10505: 10428: 9743: 9728: 9459:, p. 131 and n. 8 and p. 132 9160: 9148: 9136: 8863: 8852: 8837: 7155:Theophanes claimed that in the 5th century 6533:another as in the case of unfaithfulness". 1239:List of people killed for being transgender 19728: 19714: 18695:African-American women's suffrage movement 17944: 17930: 15996: 15982: 15235:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 15210: 14874: 14475: 14061: 12725: 12458:(Columbia University Press, 5th ed. 1993 ( 11295: 11111: 10976: 10532: 9938:, p. 643 and n. 445 (n. omitted) 9935: 9716: 9215:The Marriage Day in all Ages and Countries 7477:The plot of the 1969 western-musical film 7281:, up to 1994, according to Erin K Baines, 6200:treated like capital assets or commodities 6154: 6140: 5654: 5640: 3920: 3906: 2491: 2477: 2033: 2019: 15897:The Wedding Day in All Ages and Countries 15844: 15834:Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte 15827: 15751:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 15719: 15338: 15321: 15265: 15131: 15065: 14728:Mansell, Wade; Meteyard, Belinda (2004). 14710: 14646: 14571:Leone, Mark P. (1992). "Carter's Grove". 14466: 14288: 14079: 13915: 13616: 13383: 13086: 13060:"Three Tablets From the Vicinity of Emar" 12937: 12045:, p. 96 n. 59 (about Suggs see 11645: 11427: 11308: 11280: 11069: 11053: 11041: 10994:, p. 190 and n. 96 (n. omitted) 10947: 10928: 10488: 10416: 10404: 9821:(1787), p. 27, or Cugoano, Ottobah, 9365: 8111:(or millet), a kind of grass used as food 7967:, an Indian tribe in northwest California 6879: 18640:Discrimination against transgender women 16263:Social determinants of health in poverty 15675: 15464: 15282: 15013: 14958:The Mississippi Valley Historical Review 14663: 14353:Journal of the American Oriental Society 13991: 13941: 13801:Glare, P. G. W., ed. (1984) . 13676:. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 13631: 13365: 13114:Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 13006:. Chicago, IL: ABC International Group. 13001: 11682:, p. 102, n. 25 (n. omitted) ( 11504: 11492: 11476: 11464: 11373: 11361: 11349: 11233: 10815:, p. 229 and n. 1 (n. omitted) 10812: 10669:, p. 41 and see p. 40, citing 10392: 10375: 10363: 10351: 10273: 9649:1a–128b, and Add. 6599), folio 23b, and 9507: 9492: 9480: 9468: 9456: 9441: 9421:The Family Structure of Japanese Society 9412: 8575:, p. 192 and n. 4 (n. omitted) 8563:, p. 192 and n. 3 (n. omitted) 8473: 7318: 6409:" But, according to Meaders and Hopper, 5451:Abolition of slave trade in Persian gulf 5316:Advisory Committee of Experts on Slavery 5296:Brussels Anti-Slavery Conference 1889–90 338:Social determinants of health in poverty 15742: 15506: 15445: 15303: 15169:(2). translated by Colin Bearne: 1–30. 15001:. Translated by Noah Messomo: 227–237. 14853: 14775: 14692: 14379: 14350: 14254: 14198: 14194:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 14096: 13962: 13873: 13848: 13718: 13709: 13599: 13578: 13501: 13291: 13272: 13214: 13148: 13057: 12964: 12949: 12925: 12909: 12897: 12893: 12881: 12868:, p. 211, citing Anderson, A. O., 12865: 12849: 12837: 12817: 12805: 12793: 12776: 12308: 12288: 12280: 12268: 12253: 12241: 12214: 12190: 12178: 12159: 12106: 12094: 12090: 12070: 12058: 12042: 12022: 12002: 11990: 11967: 11947: 11935: 11923: 11911: 11899: 11887: 11875: 11860: 11837: 11713: 11449: 11424:, p. 695, n. 157 (n. omitted) 11412:, p. 690, n. 109 (n. omitted) 11400:, p. 690, n. 108 (n. omitted) 11164: 11122: 11093: 11081: 10892: 10848: 10796: 10776: 10760: 10748: 10736: 10632: 10592: 10580: 10464: 10257: 10241: 10225: 10210: 10198: 10186: 10153: 10138: 10126: 10114: 10091: 10079: 10067: 10052: 10040: 10028: 9834: 9778: 9376: 9266: 9265:, vol. , pp. –72; briefly discussed in 9210: 9179: 9177: 9175: 9173: 9069: 9040: 9028: 9016: 9004: 8992: 8980: 8968: 8956: 8923: 8813: 8665: 8644: 8632: 8620: 8485: 6209: 20739: 15903: 15786: 15623: 15593: 15450:. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press. 15400: 15181: 15160: 14955: 14936: 14915: 14599: 14525: 14496: 14448: 14411: 14390: 14235: 14187: 13747: 13636:New Light on an Old Roman Legal Saw". 13557: 13458: 13243: 13020: 12746: 12734: 12636:Skinner, Holland & Adhikari (1994) 12624:Skinner, Holland & Adhikari (1994) 12612:Skinner, Holland & Adhikari (1994) 12600:Skinner, Holland & Adhikari (1994) 12525:Skinner, Holland & Adhikari (1994) 12508:Skinner, Holland & Adhikari (1994) 11824: 11809: 11780: 11768: 11753: 11701:The Original Meaning of the Word Sacer 11679: 11598: 11583: 11555: 11543: 11531: 11519:, p. 681, n. 37 (n. omitted) 11516: 11421: 11409: 11397: 11388:, p. 680, n. 26 (n. omitted) 11385: 11268: 10724: 10712: 10697: 10682: 10604: 10568: 10556: 10544: 10476: 10452: 10440: 10170: 9322: 9310: 9298: 9282: 9250: 9238: 9232: 9195: 9189: 8908: 8896: 8884: 8761: 8749: 8733: 8717: 8701: 8685: 8681: 8608: 8596: 8584: 8572: 8560: 8548: 8536: 8524: 8512: 8493: 8196:, a person of Lombardy, northern Italy 7955:, money made of shells or shell pieces 7555:, often described as the main part of 7508:(born as Pandurang Sadashiv Sane), of 7185: 6311:Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest 6274:, while unlikely, was not impossible. 34:Practice of a husband selling his wife 19709: 18983:Post-structuralist discourse analysis 18260:Gender-critical or trans-exclusionary 17925: 15977: 15953: 15564: 15485: 15371: 15243: 15102: 14732:(3rd ed.). Routledge Cavendish. 14570: 14309: 14148: 14027:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14024: 13994:"A Journey From Zeila to Lake Rudolf" 13932: 13819: 13800: 13528: 13480: 13408: 12719: 12707: 12695: 12683: 12583:approximate for last letter of each). 12442: 12423: 12291:, p. WS-101, col. 3 ("film 11836:Quotation and attribution to Bolton: 11725: 11703:, p. 60, n. 4 (n. omitted). 11667: 11654: 11635: 11619: 11337: 11321: 11028:, p. 47, citing Neumann, J. B., 10916: 10904: 10836: 10824: 10517: 10443:, pp. 182–183, 190, 192, 196–197 9814: 9802: 9790: 9700: 9630: 9618: 9605:Bernier (probably Bernier, Francois, 9574: 9558: 9546: 9531: 9519: 9400: 9253:, p. 122, quoting the missionary 9226: 9213:, p. 1 and n. 2, citing Wood, E. J., 9124: 9112: 9093: 8792: 8780: 8764:, p. 19, col. 2 (in XIII, 7107:); that is, he replaces her original 6316:In 1802–1803, among native people on 5338:Anglo-Egyptian Slave Trade Convention 5015:Human trafficking in Papua New Guinea 17906: 16946:Capital punishment for homosexuality 16268:Social determinants of mental health 15906:Journal of the Royal African Society 15894: 15873: 15694: 14816: 14746: 14628: 14275: 14167: 14101:River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze 13897: 13437: 13328: 13181: 12980: 12872:(Edinburgh, 1922), vol. 2, p. 74, n. 12671: 12659: 12647: 12411: 12384: 12115:The Communities and the Storytellers 12075:The Communities and the Storytellers 12027:The Communities and the Storytellers 12007:The Communities and the Storytellers 11972:The Communities and the Storytellers 11952:The Communities and the Storytellers 11741: 11568:Belk, Østergaard & Groves (1998) 11436: 11060:, vol. 13, pp. 275–333 (1991)). 11025: 11006: 10991: 10656:, rule 117, and 3 sources from 1903. 10645: 10620: 10261: 10245: 10237: 10016: 10004: 9989: 9923: 9911: 9894: 9882: 9870: 9858: 9846: 9270: 9262: 9183: 9170: 9072:, p. 63, citing Hopper, Isaac, 9043:, p. 62, citing Hopper, Isaac, 8489: 8430:, related to the governing of people 8027:, an ethnic group in parts of Africa 7466:] County, northern Mississippi, 7292: 6904:, attributed to Jesus, according to 5530:Slave marriages in the United States 5134:Human trafficking in the Middle East 3072:Gender representation in video games 2064:Marriage and other unions and status 1045:Capital punishment for homosexuality 343:Social determinants of mental health 17066:Genital modification and mutilation 14893:Arthur Montefiore, F.G.S., F.R.G.S. 14414:Journal of Southern African Studies 13721:Canadian Journal of African Studies 13695:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 13587:(1: Folk Narrative Issue I): 5–26. 12808:, pp. 128–129 (quoting p. 129) 10965:Tantiwiramanond & Pandey (1987) 10491:, p. 72 n. 11 col. 1 9663:The Agrarian System of Moslem India 9607:Travels in the Mogul Empire 1656–68 9348:, p. 213, col. 1, citing 8442:, related to equal rights for women 8394:, a city on the Ganges river, India 8382:, compensation for priestly service 8253:, forbidden places for females only 7753:Wife selling was criticized by the 7205: 7023:Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) 6811:, the 'power of life and killing' ( 4869:Human trafficking in Southeast Asia 1165:Genital modification and mutilation 13: 16003: 15924: 14693:MacLeod, William Christie (1925). 14478:The Journal of the Society of Arts 12484:Asian Topics on Asia for Educators 11336:, p. 258, n. 71, citing 11236:, p. 240, citing Watson, A., 11141:The Holy Bible: King James Version 10803:(Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1974). 9471:, p. 132 ( 3.1, 3d sentence). 9345: 8289:, Roman Judean prefect in AD 26–36 7438:The Man Who Sold His Wife For Beef 7401: 7396: 6902:parable of the unforgiving servant 6622:, in or before 1911, according to 6278:Native Americans and other natives 5523:last survivors of American slavery 2378:Hague Convention (child abduction) 14: 20818: 15213:Borkowski's Textbook on Roman Law 14891:; with some prefatory remarks by 14887:, collected from the journals of 14393:The Wisconsin Magazine of History 14240:. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf. 13757:. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf. 13483:The Wisconsin Magazine of History 12870:Early Sources of Scottish History 11259:(1st Midland Book ed., 1991), 12. 10082:, p. 441 (n. 9 omitted) 9746:, p. 432 and see p. 431 9423:) (Tokyo: Nihon hyoron sha, 1950) 8938:, December 27, 1842, p. 118. 7579:offers to "donate" his wife to a 7518:Karja Mhanje Jiwantapanicha Narak 7393:by law having no ban for a time. 7371: 7338: 7080: 6911: 6868:re-established in the fourth year 6444:Hawaii, among Japanese immigrants 4484:Field slaves in the United States 4351:Slavery in the Rashidun Caliphate 20708: 20707: 19689: 19680: 19679: 19667: 19227:Democratic Republic of the Congo 18650:Diversity, equity, and inclusion 17905: 17896: 17895: 17545:Diversity, equity, and inclusion 17382:Law for Protection of the Nation 17282:White genocide conspiracy theory 15676:Thompson, Edward Palmer (1993). 15632:. University of Illinois Press. 15611:(3: Early Modernities): 75–104. 14941:. Vol. III. Leiden: Brill. 14860:. New York: St. Martin's Press. 14062:Herskovitz, Melville J. (1926). 13883:. Brooklyn, NY: Melville House. 13774:The American Journal of Theology 13673:Chinese Village, Socialist State 13246:The Journal of American Folklore 12943: 12931: 12919: 12903: 12887: 12875: 12859: 12843: 12831: 12811: 12799: 12770: 12756: 12740: 12713: 12701: 12689: 12677: 12665: 12653: 12641: 12629: 12605: 12561: 12549: 12501: 12489: 12448: 12417: 12314: 12274: 12247: 12208: 12184: 12124: 12100: 12084: 12064: 12052: 12036: 12016: 11996: 11961: 11941: 11929: 11917: 11905: 11893: 11881: 11830: 11786: 11774: 11747: 11735: 11719: 11706: 11693: 11673: 11660: 11629: 11577: 11561: 11549: 11537: 11510: 11498: 11486: 11470: 11442: 11415: 11403: 11391: 11379: 11367: 11355: 11343: 11327: 11314: 11301: 11274: 11262: 11227: 11215: 11182: 11170: 11158: 11128: 11087: 11075: 11063: 11047: 11035: 10970: 10922: 10910: 10898: 10886: 10865:, Library or Historical Library" 10854: 10842: 10830: 10818: 10806: 10790: 10770: 10754: 10742: 10730: 10718: 10706: 10676: 10659: 10638: 10626: 10614: 10598: 10586: 10574: 10562: 10550: 10538: 10526: 10511: 10482: 10470: 10458: 10446: 10434: 10422: 10410: 10398: 10369: 10357: 10345: 10323: 10301: 10289:. Al Jazeera. September 21, 2018 10279: 10267: 10251: 10231: 10204: 10192: 10180: 10132: 10120: 10085: 10073: 10046: 10034: 10022: 10010: 9983: 9929: 9917: 9888: 9876: 9864: 9417:Nihon shakai no kazokuteki kosei 9269:, p. 1 and n. 2, citing at n. 2 8738:Adventures of the First Settlers 8445: 8433: 8421: 8409: 8397: 8385: 8371: 8359: 8350: 8341: 8329: 8316: 8304: 8292: 8280: 8268: 8256: 8244: 8232: 8220: 8211: 8199: 8187: 8175: 8154: 8140: 8131: 8120:According to Richard P. Saller, 8114: 8102: 8090: 8078: 8066: 8054: 8042: 8030: 8018: 7809: 7795: 7485:treats the subject satirically. 6784: 6370: 6246: 5685: 4361:Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate 4356:Slavery in the Umayyad Caliphate 4185:Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate 3955: 2589:Diversity, equity, and inclusion 2516: 1656:Diversity, equity, and inclusion 1485:Law for Protection of the Nation 1381:White genocide conspiracy theory 58: 17387:MSM blood donation restrictions 17135:LGBT grooming conspiracy theory 15594:Sommer, Matthew Harvey (2002). 15521:10.1146/annurev.anthro.19.1.353 14854:Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt (1981). 14819:Journal of Near Eastern Studies 14573:The Journal of American History 14536:Journal of Near Eastern Studies 14310:Islam, Riazul (1965). "Review: 14188:Howard, George Elliott (1904). 13649:Freisenbruch, Annelise (2010). 13331:International Journal of Ethics 12973: 12295: ... shown on television") 10175:A Social History of the Chinese 10098:, pp. 443–444 and 446–447) 9852: 9840: 9828: 9808: 9796: 9784: 9772: 9722: 9710: 9694: 9624: 9612: 9568: 9552: 9525: 9513: 9486: 9474: 9462: 9406: 9394: 9382: 9370: 9316: 9304: 9292: 9276: 9256: 9244: 9220: 9204: 9154: 9142: 9130: 9118: 9087: 9034: 9022: 9010: 8998: 8986: 8974: 8962: 8917: 8902: 8890: 8857: 8846: 8831: 8807: 8798: 8786: 8755: 8743: 8727: 8711: 8695: 8675: 8638: 8626: 8614: 8602: 8590: 8578: 8006: 7997: 7988: 7979: 7970: 7958: 7946: 7934: 7922: 7387: 7269: 7232:On an Abyssinian couple met in 7210:In Asia Minor, administered by 6884: 6843:at all." However, according to 6802: 6543: 6184:, such as if she had married a 6180:A free wife might be sold into 5311:Committee of Experts on Slavery 4862:East, Southeast, and South Asia 1490:MSM blood donation restrictions 1234:LGBT grooming conspiracy theory 20273:Right of way (property access) 17400:(as religious or racial quota) 15490:Fiction of the Dutch Empire". 15339:Robertson, G. S. (1894). 15184:The American Historical Review 14730:A Critical Introduction to Law 14201:The Journal of African History 13712:Women in Roman Law and Society 13693:A Casebook on Roman Family Law 13372:Latin American Research Review 13149:Bennett, Harold (1930). "I. – 11257:Women in Roman Law and Society 9483:, pp. 129–130 and table 1 9082:National Anti-Slavery Standard 9053:National Anti-Slavery Standard 8936:National Anti-Slavery Standard 8566: 8554: 8530: 8518: 8479: 8467: 8322:Alternatively, it happened in 7910: 7826:The Babylonian Marriage Market 7551:In southeastern India, in the 7368:early lost the force of law." 7343:In ancient Rome, according to 7170:In ancient Rome, according to 6436:On the other hand, during the 5010:Slave raiding in Easter Island 2383:Hague Convention (maintenance) 1503:(as religious or racial quota) 1: 17814:Second-generation gender bias 17530:Constitutional colorblindness 16258:Social determinants of health 15958:. London: M. E. Sharpe. 15701:Journal of Vietnamese Studies 15509:Annual Review of Anthropology 15051:10.1080/0015587x.1911.9719496 14712:10.1525/aa.1925.27.3.02a00020 14648:10.1525/aa.1933.35.1.02a00030 14526:Lemche, Niels Peter (1979). " 14134:10.1525/ae.1995.22.2.02a00040 14081:10.1525/aa.1926.28.4.02a00040 13917:10.1525/aa.1960.62.1.02a00030 13855:Economic and Political Weekly 13343:10.1086/intejethi.3.2.2375686 13294:American Journal of Sociology 12983:Economic and Political Weekly 12395:, per "Gandhari, the Rebel", 12113:, 2d paragraph), 5–6 (ch. I, 11978:) and p. 23 (Richardson) 11793:Mansell & Meteyard (2004) 11240:(Princeton, 1975), p. 9 10240:, vol. , p. 108, analyzed in 9287:Das chinesische Familienrecht 8461: 8335:Perhaps should be spelled as 7764:sometimes did not oppose it. 7522:Indebtedness is Hell on Earth 7076:Ambiguous and related reports 6253:wife selling (English custom) 6221:Wife selling (English custom) 2373:International child abduction 1933:Second-generation gender bias 1641:Constitutional colorblindness 333:Social determinants of health 19735: 19589:Suffragists and suffragettes 17951: 15899:. New York: Harper and Bros. 15828:Westbrook, Raymond (1999). " 15793:The Journal of Roman Studies 15743:Valenze, Deborah M. (2006). 15598:. Stanford University Press. 15446:Schmidt, Alvin John (1989). 15401:Saller, Richard P. (1999). " 15310:The Journal of Negro History 15304:Riddell, W. R. (1919). 14875:Montefiore, Arthur (1895). " 14782:The Journal of Negro History 13655:. New York, NY: Free Press. 13620:U.S. News & World Report 13600:Dorson, Richard M. (1956b). 13184:"The Yourouks of Asia Minor" 13067:Journal of Cuneiform Studies 12896:, p. 128, nn. 35–36, citing 12779:, p. 124 and see pp. 124–129 12569:Holland & Skinner (1995) 12556:Holland & Skinner (1995) 12544:Holland & Skinner (1995) 12496:Holland & Skinner (1995) 12399:, p. 1519, col. 3. 12285:Interview with Kamal Nhagwat 12271:, p. WS-95, col. 3 12181:, p. WS-95, col. 1 11638:, p. 61, citing "Plut. 11558:, pp. 480, 485, 486–488 8795:, p. 104 and n. 22 8099:, sea snails or their shells 7732: 7618: 7309: 7227:Palestine of the 1st century 7025:, Tuân Sắc in 1969 "argued, 5301:Temporary Slavery Commission 4962:Slavery in the Mongol Empire 3040:Portrayal in American comics 2631:Heads of state or government 2458:Paternal rights and abortion 7: 20579:Two Treatises of Government 17725:Medical model of disability 17577:Hate speech laws by country 15728:. Oxford University Press. 15306:"The Slave in Upper Canada" 14939:Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān 14177:Hawaiian Journal of History 13992:Harrison, James J. (1901). 13880:Debt: The First 5,000 Years 13602:Negro Folktales in Michigan 13560:Oregon Historical Quarterly 13366:Chandler, David L. (1981). 13275:Slavery and Society at Rome 13217:Journal of Law and Religion 13035:10.1080/0143659032000084429 12674:, p. 326, col. 1. 9639:Dastūr-al 'Amal-i 'Ālamgīrī 9635:Dastur-al 'Amal-i 'Alamgiri 8840:, pp. 75, 76, 78, and 8087:, an ethnic group in Africa 7788: 7301: 6608:, may have been abolished. 6487: 5321:Ad Hoc Committee on Slavery 4366:Volga Bulgarian slave trade 2368:Hague Convention (adoption) 1844:Medical model of disability 1688:Hate speech laws by country 10: 20823: 17834:Social model of disability 16313:Discrimination against men 15859:10.1163/156852001300079139 14149:Holum, Kenneth G. (1982). 13502:Corbier, Mireille (1991). 13126:10.1177/074391569801700205 12650:, p. 329, col. 2 9719:, p. 167, col. 2 9621:, p. 173, col. 1 9579:Storia do Mogor, 1656–1712 7524:), in which, according to 7499: 7190:Regarding a married man's 6850: 6644: 6568:(1600–1868), according to 6250: 6218: 6214: 5506:Great Dismal Swamp maroons 5343:Anti-Slavery International 5108:North Africa and West Asia 2227:Parenting coordinator (US) 1953:Social model of disability 388:Discrimination against men 18: 15: 20703: 20500: 20302: 20182: 20075: 20068: 19917: 19874: 19819: 19743: 19661: 19601: 19540: 19533: 19212: 18919: 18670:Female genital mutilation 18613: 18546: 18443: 18163: 18152: 18079:Majority-Muslim countries 18044: 18011: 17968: 17959: 17891: 17630: 17507: 17300: 17187:Opposition to immigration 16911: 16558: 16405: 16155: 16105:Race / Ethnicity 16042: 16011: 15720:Treggiari, Susan (1993). 15713:10.1525/vs.2006.1.1-2.169 15211:du Plessis, Paul (2010). 14629:Loeb, E. M. (1933). 14449:Laufer, Berthold (1930). 14426:10.1080/03057070500202162 14328:10.1017/s0041977x00057116 14291:The North American Review 14213:10.1017/S0021853700007805 13710:Gardner, Jane F. (1986). 13423:10.1080/03085696208592206 13385:10.1017/S0023879100028338 12456:The Columbia Encyclopedia 11840:, p. 140, n. 18 11238:Rome of the Twelve Tables 11222:Frier & McGinn (2004) 11210:Frier & McGinn (2004) 11189:Frier & McGinn (2004) 11177:Frier & McGinn (2004) 11108:, p. 62 n. 4)). 10883:, accessed the same day). 10648:, p. 46 n. 1 ( 10506:Frier & McGinn (2004) 10429:Frier & McGinn (2004) 10333:. France 24. June 9, 2019 10311:. BBC. September 17, 2018 9352:(Tientsin, also known as 7726:The Mayor of Casterbridge 7670:Nobel Prize in Literature 7577:Untouchable (Dalit) caste 7548:has had in Maharashtra." 7415:reported, including from 7218:, as reported in 1891 by 6640: 6481: 6346:People of African descent 6122:Private electronic market 5602:Emancipation Proclamation 5274:Opposition and resistance 5032:Sex trafficking in Europe 5020:Blackbirding in Polynesia 4583:Trans-Saharan slave trade 2395:Family and criminal code 2353:Private international law 2347:Private international law 1286:Opposition to immigration 172:Race / Ethnicity 20807:Human commodity auctions 20631:The Great Transformation 19989:Labor theory of property 19636:Women's studies journals 19594:Women's rights activists 18155:Movements and ideologies 17182:Occupational segregation 16951:Compulsory sterilization 15895:Wood, Edward J. (1869). 15579:10.1163/1568520982601412 15345:The Geographical Journal 15014:Northrup, David (1978). 14380:Johnson, Isaac (2004) . 13998:The Geographical Journal 13898:Gray, Robert F. (1960). 13632:Forsythe, Gary (1996). " 13002:Bakhtiar, Laleh (1996). 12914:Jackson's Oxford Journal 12710:, p. 105 n. 33 12426:, p. 102 n. 22 10873:Oldfather, Charles Henry 10685:, p. 20, n. 59 10260:, p. 1 and n. 2, citing 10244:, p. 1 and n. 2, citing 9327:Aus dem chin. Civilrecht 7904: 7490:Pirates of the Caribbean 7174:, Cato gave his wife to 6576: 6559: 6471: 5817:Generalized second-price 5382:Compensated emancipation 4593:Indian Ocean slave trade 2438:Parental child abduction 2285:Contact & visitation 2172:Dissolution of marriages 1281:Occupational segregation 1050:Compulsory sterilization 20797:Feminism and the family 20200:Forest-dwelling (India) 20162:restraint on alienation 19942:Common good (economics) 19180:International relations 17710:Internalized oppression 17572:Fighting Discrimination 17562:Fat acceptance movement 17520:Anti-discrimination law 17160:Native American mascots 15830:Vitae Necisque Potestas 15624:Tamura, Eileen (1994). 15267:2027/hvd.32044053412573 15033:O'Brien, A. J. (1911). 14889:F. G. Jackson, F.R.G.S. 14699:American Anthropologist 14635:American Anthropologist 14236:Hughes, Robert (1986). 14097:Hessler, Peter (2001). 14068:American Anthropologist 13904:American Anthropologist 13803:Oxford Latin Dictionary 13634:Ubi tu gaius, ego gaia. 13273:Bradley, Keith (1994). 13182:Bent, Theodore (1891). 12967:, p. 256 n. 5 12912:, p. 56, n. 20, citing 12753:and esp. pp. 30–31 11670:, p. 180 n. 7 10547:, pp. 193, 196–197 9765:March 26, 2012, at the 9366:Fang & Leong (1998) 9333:, vol. VI, p. 376. 8418:, a major city in Nepal 7635: ... the couple". 7011:) (who are part of the 6813:vitae necisque potestas 6739:In what is now western 6611:As reported in 1897 by 6550:Chinese Communist Party 6318:Kodiak (Kad'iak) Island 5812:Generalized first-price 5306:1926 Slavery Convention 5062:Germany in World War II 4679:North and South America 4201:Contract of manumission 2626:Conservatives in the US 2599:Explorers and travelers 1829:Internalized oppression 1683:Fighting Discrimination 1673:Fat acceptance movement 1631:Anti-discrimination law 1259:Native American mascots 20639:Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 20413:Primitive accumulation 20268:Right of way (transit) 20053:Tragedy of the commons 19935:fictitious commodities 19609:Conservative feminisms 18909:Women in the workforce 18877:Violence against women 18852:Sexual objectification 18812:Opposition to feminism 18019:Bicycling and feminism 17829:Social identity threat 17802:Reverse discrimination 17792:Racial color blindness 17272:Violence against women 17252:Sex-selective abortion 15878:. New monthly series. 15538:Asian Folklore Studies 14468:10.5962/bhl.title.3396 13058:Beckman, Gary (1988). 12567:Series of quotations: 12005:, pp. –2 (ch. I, 10881:"Record Canonical URI" 9495:, p. 133, table 2 9389:Friedman et al. (1993) 8672:, (1714), p. 114. 8324:Itta Bena, Mississippi 7836:, 1866 comic opera by 7590:In Indian literature, 7243:, in 1880–1884, among 7118:One of three forms of 6880:International theology 6362:and had enlisted into 6237:Poor Law Commissioners 5867:Simultaneous ascending 4787:British Virgin Islands 4339:Circassian slave trade 4305:Safavid imperial harem 4300:Ottoman Imperial Harem 2929:In Shakespeare's works 2300:UN Rights of the Child 2295:Grandparent visitation 2222:Custody evaluator (US) 2199:Matrimonial Causes Act 1948:Social identity threat 1921:Reverse discrimination 1911:Racial color blindness 1371:Violence against women 1351:Sex-selective abortion 20692:The Wealth of Nations 20672:Jean-Jacques Rousseau 20664:The Ethics of Liberty 19649:Women in peacekeeping 19190:Revisionist mythology 18633:Children's literature 17797:Religious intolerance 17757:Political correctness 17587:Intersex human rights 17535:Cultural assimilation 17217:Religious persecution 16981:Disability hate crime 15954:Zweig, David (1997). 14257:Jewish Social Studies 14039:10.1353/jsp.2004.0013 13944:North American Review 13933:Habib, Irfan (1963). 13861:(42/43): WS95–WS102. 13023:Third World Quarterly 12097:, p. 5 (age 79). 11479:, p. 352 or 352 10869:Bibliotheca Historica 10607:, p. 89, citing 10431:, pp. 18–20, 486 9313:, vol. I, p. 236 9301:, vol. I, p. 235 8492:, pp. 26–27 and 8392:Benares (or Varanasi) 7319:South African Kaffirs 6861:King Hammurabi's Code 6581:In 16th–17th-century 6300:George Elliott Howard 5902:Vickrey–Clarke–Groves 5026:Europe and North Asia 4986:Australia and Oceania 4686:Pre-Columbian America 4258:Slave raid of Suðuroy 4190:Slavery in al-Andalus 4112:Black Sea slave trade 4041:21st-century jihadism 2685:Nobel Prize laureates 2280:Filial responsibility 2275:Tender years doctrine 2250:DNA paternity testing 2108:Validity of marriages 1916:Religious intolerance 1876:Political correctness 1698:Intersex human rights 1646:Cultural assimilation 1316:Religious persecution 1080:Disability hate crime 20555:Progress and Poverty 19889:Common-pool resource 19092:Pathways perspective 18938:Gender mainstreaming 18857:Substantive equality 18837:Reproductive justice 18787:Matriarchal religion 18645:Diversity (politics) 17202:Political repression 16208:Anti-left handedness 16198:Anti-intellectualism 15768:Pennsylvania History 14122:American Ethnologist 12073:, p. 5 (ch. I, 11728:, pp. 66–67, ( 9978:Njiasse Njoya (1995) 9966:Njiasse Njoya (1995) 9951:Njiasse Njoya (1995) 8706:Tribes of California 8690:Tribes of California 8651:(1714), p. 327. 7450:Underground Railroad 7436:, a folktale titled 7327:, as studied in the 7161:Eastern Roman Empire 6978:, which was east of 6210:History and practice 5782:Discriminatory price 5481:Indentured servitude 5409:Underground Railroad 5209:United Arab Emirates 4598:Zanzibar slave trade 4565:By country or region 4378:Atlantic slave trade 4280:Ma malakat aymanukum 4164:Venetian slave trade 3842:United Arab Emirates 2779:in the United States 2594:Economic development 2584:Diversity (politics) 2570:Female entrepreneurs 2463:Right to family life 2125:Prenuptial agreement 2120:Marriage certificate 2095:Domestic partnership 1301:Political repression 283:Anti-left handedness 273:Anti-intellectualism 20678:The Social Contract 20366:population transfer 20283:prior-appropriation 19962:homestead principle 19674:Feminism portal 19554:Ecofeminist authors 19404:Trinidad and Tobago 19344:Republic of Ireland 19205:Composition studies 18887:Women's empowerment 18842:Sex workers' rights 18767:Feminist capitalism 18747:Internalized sexism 18685:Feminism in culture 18568:Kurdish (Jineology) 17705:Historical eugenics 17242:Segregation academy 17222:Religious terrorism 17011:Enemy of the people 16919:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 16445:Jehovah's Witnesses 16338:Perpetual foreigner 15411:Classical Philology 15246:Michigan Law Review 15163:Arctic Anthropology 15134:Classical Antiquity 14778:Tales of Oppression 14168:Hori, Joan (1981). 13965:Classical Quarterly 12854:Conciliengeschichte 12510:, pp. 260, 262 12370:Subrahmanyam (1998) 12351:Subrahmanyam (1998) 12336:Subrahmanyam (1998) 12321:Subrahmanyam (1998) 12025:, p.  (ch. I, 11334:Freisenbruch (2010) 10765:Conciliengeschichte 10455:, pp. 185, 189 9587:Mazhar-i Shahjahani 9078:Tales of Oppression 9049:Tales of Oppression 8932:Tales of Oppression 8722:Ten Years in Oregon 8670:History of Carolina 8649:History of Carolina 7769:Robert G. Ingersoll 7561:Sanjay Subrahmanyam 7460:, Cohoma [ 7196:medieval Christians 7186:Medieval Christians 6438:American Revolution 6092:Revenue equivalence 5777:Deferred-acceptance 5567:Slave Route Project 4698:Americas indigenous 4588:Red Sea slave trade 4578:Contemporary Africa 4441:Topics and practice 4211:Crimean slave trade 4206:Bukhara slave trade 4159:Genoese slave trade 4036:Contemporary Africa 4016:Forced prostitution 3827:Trinidad and Tobago 3062:Speculative fiction 2955:Theological figures 2900:Feminist philosophy 2700:Reproductive rights 2506:Part of a series on 2189:Grounds for divorce 2085:Common-law marriage 1824:Historical eugenics 1341:Segregation academy 1321:Religious terrorism 1110:Enemy of the people 1018:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 528:Jehovah's Witnesses 413:Perpetual foreigner 20658:Murray N. Rothbard 19969:Free-rider problem 19050:Literary criticism 18928:Complementarianism 18655:Effects on society 18623:Complementarianism 18435:Women's liberation 17617:Social integration 17612:Self-determination 17602:Racial integration 17550:Diversity training 17540:Cultural pluralism 17515:Affirmative action 17415:Racial segregation 17325:Crime of apartheid 17227:Religious violence 16737:Indigenous people 16132:Sexual orientation 15927:Far Eastern Survey 13977:10.1093/cq/50.1.80 13531:Harvard Law Review 12928:, pp. 139–140 12900:, pp. 56, 140 12722:, pp. 107–108 11699:Fowler, W. Warde, 11364:, pp. 154–155 11255:Gardner, Jane F., 11179:, pp. 448–453 10700:, p. 676 and 10667:Giesebrecht (1907) 10129:, pp. 449–450 10055:, pp. 440–441 9534:, pp. 320–321 9522:, pp. 319–320 9356:) (Chinese daily). 9186:, pp. 115–116 9161:Van Buskirk (1998) 9149:Van Buskirk (1998) 9137:Van Buskirk (1998) 9080:(column) (1840–), 9051:(column) (1840–), 8934:(column) (1840–), 8930:(Tale No. LXVII), 8928:Patriarchal System 8864:Van Buskirk (1998) 8853:Van Buskirk (1998) 8838:Van Buskirk (1998) 8496:, pp. 244–264 7833:The Bartered Bride 7719:In English author 7512:, India, authored 6613:William Lee-Warner 6554:Great Leap Forward 5862:Sealed first-price 5348:Blockade of Africa 4655:Somali slave trade 4571:Sub-Saharan Africa 4263:Turkish Abductions 4221:Khivan slave trade 4216:Khazar slave trade 4169:Balkan slave trade 4127:Prague slave trade 3392:Dominican Republic 3159:Mixed martial arts 3129:Fastpitch softball 2710:Violence and abuse 2695:Positions of power 2433:Legality of incest 2139:Voidable marriages 2130:Matrimonial regime 2070:Types of marriages 1728:Social integration 1723:Self-determination 1713:Racial integration 1661:Diversity training 1651:Cultural pluralism 1626:Affirmative action 1518:Racial segregation 1428:Crime of apartheid 1326:Religious violence 828:Indigenous people 199:Sexual orientation 20734: 20733: 20645:What Is Property? 20438:human trafficking 20423:Regulatory taking 20298: 20297: 20043:Right to property 19703: 19702: 19657: 19656: 19067:Political ecology 18973:Écriture féminine 18872:Triple oppression 18862:Toxic masculinity 18847:Sexual harassment 18712:Feminist stripper 18690:Feminist movement 18609: 18608: 18547:Ethnic and racial 18148: 18147: 17919: 17918: 17787:Racism by country 17715:Intersectionality 17700:Heteronormativity 17499:Voter suppression 17247:Sexual harassment 17046:Forced conversion 16966:Cultural genocide 16636:African Americans 16455:post–Cold War era 16440:Eastern Orthodoxy 16193:Anti-drug addicts 16188:Anti-homelessness 16115:Scientific racism 15758:978-0-521-61780-2 15735:978-0-19-814939-2 15678:Customs in Common 15639:978-0-252-06358-9 15222:978-0-19-957488-9 14499:Vetus Testamentum 14484:(2307): 161–194. 14314:by Irfan Habib". 14105:. HarperCollins. 13890:978-1-933633-86-2 13662:978-1-4165-8303-5 13460:Colish, Marcia L. 12989:(25): 1517–1519. 12840:, pp. xiv–xv 11448:Both quotations: 11296:du Plessis (2010) 11098:Mélanges Cazelles 11058:Acta Sumerologica 10977:Montefiore (1895) 10533:du Plessis (2010) 10264:, vol. I, p. 174. 9936:Herskovitz (1926) 9717:Lee-Warner (1897) 9705:Fathiya-i 'Ibriya 9667:Farhang-i Rashīdī 9651:Fathiya-i 'Ibriya 9273:, vol. 1, p. 174. 7929:Church of England 7899:Widow inheritance 7874:Human trafficking 7869:Exchange of women 7681:Tirto Adhi Soerjo 7625:Song dynastic era 7615:Dom in Benares." 7583:and asks whether 7454:Richard M. Dorson 7293:Bans of wife sale 7264:synod of Szabolcs 7159:, emperor of the 7148:(and probably by 7139:was in essence a 7105:tutor fiduciarius 6865:Theophile J. Meek 6536:In 1928–1930, in 6416:Uncle Tom's Cabin 6164: 6163: 5942:Cancellation hunt 5892:Value of revenues 5762:Click-box bidding 5664: 5663: 5614:Freedmen's Bureau 5436:Third Servile War 5431:International law 4998:Human trafficking 4760:Human trafficking 4435:Thirteen colonies 4253:Sack of Baltimore 4021:Human trafficking 3930: 3929: 3134:Football / soccer 3057:Fictional pirates 2849:Art history field 2725:Exchange of women 2501: 2500: 2423:Domestic violence 2397:(or criminal law) 2305:Children's rights 2239:Children's issues 2043: 2042: 1906:Racism by country 1834:Intersectionality 1819:Heteronormativity 1602:Voter suppression 1346:Sexual harassment 1145:Forced conversion 1065:Cultural genocide 727:African Americans 538:post–Cold War era 523:Eastern Orthodoxy 268:Anti-drug addicts 263:Anti-homelessness 182:Scientific racism 20814: 20782:Poverty activism 20772:Family economics 20711: 20710: 20615:John Stuart Mill 20535:Friedrich Engels 20516:Frédéric Bastiat 20509: 20361:Forced migration 20329:Collectivization 20073: 20072: 19952:First possession 19925:Bundle of rights 19730: 19723: 19716: 19707: 19706: 19693: 19692: 19683: 19682: 19672: 19671: 19670: 19538: 19537: 19521:History of women 18998:Political theory 18899: 18892:Women-only space 18777:Likeability trap 18665:Female education 18161: 18160: 18156: 18116:African-American 18046:Women's suffrage 18037: 18024:Feminist history 17966: 17965: 17946: 17939: 17932: 17923: 17922: 17909: 17908: 17899: 17898: 17839:Social privilege 17824:Social exclusion 17752:Police brutality 17673:Multiculturalism 17643:Amatonormativity 17474:Social exclusion 17310:Age of candidacy 17110:Homeless dumping 17016:Ethnic cleansing 15998: 15991: 15984: 15975: 15974: 15969: 15950: 15921: 15900: 15891: 15870: 15841: 15824: 15783: 15762: 15750: 15739: 15722:Roman Marriage: 15716: 15707:(1–2): 169–209. 15691: 15672: 15643: 15631: 15620: 15599: 15590: 15561: 15532: 15503: 15482: 15461: 15442: 15397: 15368: 15335: 15325: 15300: 15279: 15269: 15240: 15234: 15226: 15207: 15178: 15157: 15146:10.2307/25011016 15128: 15099: 15062: 15029: 15010: 14989: 14952: 14933: 14912: 14871: 14850: 14813: 14772: 14743: 14724: 14714: 14689: 14660: 14650: 14625: 14596: 14579:(3): 1082–1087. 14567: 14522: 14493: 14472: 14470: 14445: 14408: 14387: 14376: 14347: 14306: 14297:(300): 477–522. 14285: 14272: 14251: 14232: 14195: 14184: 14174: 14164: 14145: 14116: 14104: 14093: 14083: 14058: 14021: 13988: 13959: 13950:(405): 146–159. 13938: 13929: 13919: 13894: 13870: 13845: 13816: 13797: 13768: 13744: 13715: 13706: 13687: 13666: 13645: 13628: 13613: 13596: 13581:Midwest Folklore 13575: 13554: 13525: 13498: 13477: 13455: 13434: 13405: 13387: 13362: 13325: 13288: 13269: 13240: 13211: 13178: 13145: 13108: 13090: 13064: 13054: 13017: 12998: 12968: 12962: 12953: 12947: 12941: 12938:Ingersoll (1881) 12935: 12929: 12923: 12917: 12907: 12901: 12891: 12885: 12879: 12873: 12863: 12857: 12847: 12841: 12835: 12829: 12815: 12809: 12803: 12797: 12791: 12780: 12774: 12768: 12767: 12760: 12754: 12744: 12738: 12732: 12723: 12717: 12711: 12705: 12699: 12693: 12687: 12681: 12675: 12669: 12663: 12657: 12651: 12645: 12639: 12633: 12627: 12621: 12615: 12609: 12603: 12565: 12559: 12553: 12547: 12541: 12528: 12522: 12511: 12505: 12499: 12493: 12487: 12452: 12446: 12440: 12427: 12421: 12415: 12409: 12400: 12382: 12373: 12367: 12354: 12348: 12339: 12333: 12324: 12318: 12312: 12305: 12296: 12278: 12272: 12266: 12257: 12251: 12245: 12239: 12230: 12212: 12206: 12188: 12182: 12176: 12167: 12157: 12148: 12147: 12145: 12143: 12128: 12122: 12104: 12098: 12088: 12082: 12068: 12062: 12056: 12050: 12040: 12034: 12020: 12014: 12000: 11994: 11988: 11979: 11965: 11959: 11945: 11939: 11933: 11927: 11921: 11915: 11909: 11903: 11897: 11891: 11885: 11879: 11873: 11864: 11858: 11841: 11834: 11828: 11822: 11813: 11807: 11796: 11790: 11784: 11778: 11772: 11766: 11757: 11751: 11745: 11739: 11733: 11723: 11717: 11710: 11704: 11697: 11691: 11677: 11671: 11664: 11658: 11652: 11643: 11633: 11627: 11617: 11602: 11596: 11587: 11581: 11575: 11565: 11559: 11553: 11547: 11541: 11535: 11529: 11520: 11514: 11508: 11502: 11496: 11490: 11484: 11474: 11468: 11462: 11453: 11446: 11440: 11434: 11425: 11419: 11413: 11407: 11401: 11395: 11389: 11383: 11377: 11371: 11365: 11359: 11353: 11347: 11341: 11331: 11325: 11318: 11312: 11309:Pazdernik (1994) 11305: 11299: 11293: 11284: 11281:Treggiari (1993) 11278: 11272: 11266: 11260: 11253: 11244: 11231: 11225: 11219: 11213: 11207: 11196: 11194: 11186: 11180: 11174: 11168: 11162: 11156: 11132: 11126: 11120: 11109: 11091: 11085: 11079: 11073: 11070:Westbrook (2001) 11067: 11061: 11054:Westbrook (2001) 11051: 11045: 11042:Westbrook (2001) 11039: 11033: 11023: 11010: 11004: 10995: 10989: 10980: 10974: 10968: 10962: 10951: 10948:Robertson (1894) 10945: 10932: 10929:Robertson (1894) 10926: 10920: 10914: 10908: 10902: 10896: 10890: 10884: 10863:Diodorus Siculus 10858: 10852: 10846: 10840: 10834: 10828: 10822: 10816: 10810: 10804: 10794: 10788: 10774: 10768: 10758: 10752: 10746: 10740: 10734: 10728: 10722: 10716: 10710: 10704: 10695: 10686: 10680: 10674: 10663: 10657: 10642: 10636: 10630: 10624: 10618: 10612: 10602: 10596: 10590: 10584: 10578: 10572: 10566: 10560: 10554: 10548: 10542: 10536: 10530: 10524: 10515: 10509: 10503: 10492: 10489:Oppenheim (1955) 10486: 10480: 10479:, vol. 4, p. 462 10474: 10468: 10462: 10456: 10450: 10444: 10438: 10432: 10426: 10420: 10417:Westbrook (1999) 10414: 10408: 10405:Westbrook (1999) 10402: 10396: 10390: 10379: 10373: 10367: 10361: 10355: 10349: 10343: 10342: 10340: 10338: 10327: 10321: 10320: 10318: 10316: 10305: 10299: 10298: 10296: 10294: 10283: 10277: 10271: 10265: 10255: 10249: 10235: 10229: 10223: 10214: 10208: 10202: 10196: 10190: 10184: 10178: 10168: 10157: 10151: 10142: 10136: 10130: 10124: 10118: 10112: 10099: 10089: 10083: 10077: 10071: 10065: 10056: 10050: 10044: 10038: 10032: 10026: 10020: 10014: 10008: 10002: 9993: 9987: 9981: 9975: 9969: 9963: 9954: 9948: 9939: 9933: 9927: 9926:, pp. 43–44 9921: 9915: 9909: 9898: 9897:, pp. 42–43 9892: 9886: 9880: 9874: 9873:, pp. 40–41 9868: 9862: 9856: 9850: 9844: 9838: 9832: 9826: 9812: 9806: 9800: 9794: 9788: 9782: 9776: 9770: 9756: 9747: 9741: 9732: 9726: 9720: 9714: 9708: 9698: 9692: 9655:Mirat-al Istilah 9628: 9622: 9616: 9610: 9595:Jahangir's India 9572: 9566: 9556: 9550: 9544: 9535: 9529: 9523: 9517: 9511: 9505: 9496: 9490: 9484: 9478: 9472: 9466: 9460: 9454: 9445: 9439: 9424: 9410: 9404: 9398: 9392: 9386: 9380: 9374: 9368: 9363: 9357: 9343: 9334: 9320: 9314: 9308: 9302: 9296: 9290: 9280: 9274: 9260: 9254: 9248: 9242: 9241:, pp. 57–64 9236: 9230: 9224: 9218: 9208: 9202: 9193: 9187: 9181: 9168: 9158: 9152: 9146: 9140: 9134: 9128: 9122: 9116: 9110: 9101: 9091: 9085: 9076:(Tale No. XVI), 9067: 9056: 9047:(Tale No. XVI), 9038: 9032: 9026: 9020: 9014: 9008: 9007:, pp. 13–14 9002: 8996: 8990: 8984: 8978: 8972: 8966: 8960: 8954: 8939: 8921: 8915: 8906: 8900: 8894: 8888: 8882: 8867: 8861: 8855: 8850: 8844: 8835: 8829: 8811: 8805: 8802: 8796: 8790: 8784: 8778: 8769: 8766:Marriage Customs 8759: 8753: 8747: 8741: 8731: 8725: 8715: 8709: 8699: 8693: 8679: 8673: 8663: 8652: 8642: 8636: 8630: 8624: 8618: 8612: 8606: 8600: 8594: 8588: 8582: 8576: 8570: 8564: 8558: 8552: 8546: 8540: 8534: 8528: 8522: 8516: 8510: 8497: 8483: 8477: 8471: 8456: 8449: 8443: 8437: 8431: 8425: 8419: 8413: 8407: 8401: 8395: 8389: 8383: 8375: 8369: 8363: 8357: 8354: 8348: 8345: 8339: 8333: 8327: 8320: 8314: 8308: 8302: 8296: 8290: 8284: 8278: 8272: 8266: 8260: 8254: 8248: 8242: 8236: 8230: 8224: 8218: 8215: 8209: 8203: 8197: 8191: 8185: 8179: 8173: 8158: 8152: 8144: 8138: 8135: 8129: 8128:could be female. 8118: 8112: 8106: 8100: 8094: 8088: 8082: 8076: 8070: 8064: 8058: 8052: 8046: 8040: 8034: 8028: 8022: 8016: 8010: 8004: 8001: 7995: 7992: 7986: 7983: 7977: 7974: 7968: 7962: 7956: 7950: 7944: 7938: 7932: 7926: 7920: 7914: 7848:Bride kidnapping 7819: 7814: 7813: 7812: 7805: 7800: 7799: 7774: 7762:Christian church 7758:Pope Gregory VII 7634: 7597: 7531: 7481:Paint Your Wagon 7443: 7350: 7234:northeast Africa 7181: 7133:Marcia L. Colish 7114: 7032: 7028: 6957: 6952:N. G. L. Hammond 6938: 6875: 6871: 6845:Mireille Corbier 6797: 6746: 6727: 6716: 6596: 6592: 6570:J. Mark Ramseyer 6523: 6483: 6412: 6408: 6404: 6386: 6382: 6305: 6294: 6156: 6149: 6142: 6087:Price of anarchy 5937:Calor licitantis 5689: 5666: 5665: 5656: 5649: 5642: 5626:Emancipation Day 5459: 5426:Slave Trade Acts 4117:Byzantine Empire 3959: 3932: 3931: 3922: 3915: 3908: 3592:Marshall Islands 3169:Paralympic Games 2800: 2577: 2542: 2520: 2511:Women in society 2503: 2502: 2493: 2486: 2479: 2204:Legal separation 2194:No-fault divorce 2159:Amatonormativity 2149:Marriageable age 2115:Marriage licence 2045: 2044: 2035: 2028: 2021: 1958:Social privilege 1943:Social exclusion 1871:Police brutality 1792:Multiculturalism 1762:Amatonormativity 1577:Social exclusion 1413:Age of candidacy 1209:Homeless dumping 1115:Ethnic cleansing 62: 39: 38: 20822: 20821: 20817: 20816: 20815: 20813: 20812: 20811: 20737: 20736: 20735: 20730: 20699: 20503: 20502: 20496: 20446:husband-selling 20383:Illegal logging 20378:Illegal fishing 20307: 20294: 20205:Freedom to roam 20178: 20091:(agrarian land) 20064: 20021:Property rights 19913: 19870: 19832:Estate (landed) 19815: 19739: 19734: 19704: 19699: 19690: 19668: 19666: 19653: 19597: 19529: 19528: 19527: 19436:Northern Cyprus 19208: 19200:Science fiction 18993:Oedipus complex 18953:Women's studies 18915: 18914: 18913: 18897: 18807:Oedipus complex 18797:Men in feminism 18762:Language reform 18742:Ideal womanhood 18722:Gender equality 18717:Formal equality 18680:Feminationalism 18605: 18573:Native American 18542: 18541: 18540: 18439: 18349:Post-structural 18154: 18144: 18040: 18033: 18029:Women's history 18007: 17955: 17950: 17920: 17915: 17887: 17762:Polyculturalism 17658:Civil liberties 17626: 17607:Reappropriation 17508:Countermeasures 17503: 17432:Racial steering 17398:Numerus clausus 17302: 17296: 17021:Ethnic conflict 16956:Corrective rape 16907: 16554: 16401: 16293:HIV/AIDS stigma 16151: 16100:Mental disorder 16038: 16007: 16002: 15972: 15966: 15939:10.2307/3023358 15933:(20): 209–216. 15882:(10): 628–647. 15759: 15736: 15688: 15640: 15550:10.2307/1178647 15458: 15386:10.2307/3270075 15357:10.2307/1774233 15323:10.2307/2713447 15258:10.2307/1275833 15228: 15227: 15223: 15196:10.2307/1837055 15117:10.2307/2802004 15080:10.2307/4241717 15026: 14970:10.2307/1895281 14949: 14868: 14794:10.2307/2717752 14740: 14614:10.2307/3622599 14585:10.2307/2080800 14511:10.2307/1517262 14248: 14172: 14161: 14113: 14010:10.2307/1775132 13891: 13834:10.2307/3316389 13813: 13765: 13703: 13684: 13663: 13543:10.2307/1322384 13522: 13474: 13285: 13252:(39): 313–321. 13229:10.2307/3556572 13200:10.2307/2842269 13079:10.2307/1359708 13062: 13014: 12976: 12971: 12963: 12956: 12948: 12944: 12936: 12932: 12924: 12920: 12908: 12904: 12892: 12888: 12880: 12876: 12864: 12860: 12848: 12844: 12836: 12832: 12820:, p. 129 ( 12816: 12812: 12804: 12800: 12792: 12783: 12775: 12771: 12762: 12761: 12757: 12745: 12741: 12733: 12726: 12718: 12714: 12706: 12702: 12694: 12690: 12682: 12678: 12670: 12666: 12658: 12654: 12646: 12642: 12634: 12630: 12622: 12618: 12610: 12606: 12584: 12566: 12562: 12554: 12550: 12542: 12531: 12523: 12514: 12506: 12502: 12494: 12490: 12471: 12453: 12449: 12441: 12430: 12422: 12418: 12410: 12403: 12383: 12376: 12368: 12357: 12349: 12342: 12334: 12327: 12319: 12315: 12306: 12299: 12287:as appx. I, in 12279: 12275: 12267: 12260: 12252: 12248: 12240: 12233: 12213: 12209: 12189: 12185: 12177: 12170: 12158: 12151: 12141: 12139: 12138:. June 30, 2017 12130: 12129: 12125: 12111:Acknowledgments 12105: 12101: 12089: 12085: 12069: 12065: 12057: 12053: 12041: 12037: 12021: 12017: 12001: 11997: 11989: 11982: 11966: 11962: 11946: 11942: 11934: 11930: 11922: 11918: 11910: 11906: 11898: 11894: 11886: 11882: 11874: 11867: 11859: 11844: 11835: 11831: 11823: 11816: 11808: 11799: 11791: 11787: 11779: 11775: 11767: 11760: 11752: 11748: 11740: 11736: 11724: 11720: 11711: 11707: 11698: 11694: 11678: 11674: 11665: 11661: 11653: 11646: 11634: 11630: 11618: 11605: 11597: 11590: 11582: 11578: 11566: 11562: 11554: 11550: 11542: 11538: 11530: 11523: 11515: 11511: 11505:Lumholtz (1889) 11503: 11499: 11493:Lumholtz (1889) 11491: 11487: 11477:Harrison (1901) 11475: 11471: 11465:Harrison (1901) 11463: 11456: 11447: 11443: 11435: 11428: 11420: 11416: 11408: 11404: 11396: 11392: 11384: 11380: 11374:Hamilton (1890) 11372: 11368: 11362:Hamilton (1890) 11360: 11356: 11350:Hamilton (1890) 11348: 11344: 11332: 11328: 11319: 11315: 11306: 11302: 11294: 11287: 11279: 11275: 11267: 11263: 11254: 11247: 11234:Forsythe (1996) 11232: 11228: 11220: 11216: 11208: 11199: 11192: 11187: 11183: 11175: 11171: 11163: 11159: 11133: 11129: 11121: 11112: 11092: 11088: 11080: 11076: 11068: 11064: 11052: 11048: 11040: 11036: 11024: 11013: 11005: 10998: 10990: 10983: 10975: 10971: 10963: 10954: 10946: 10935: 10927: 10923: 10915: 10911: 10903: 10899: 10891: 10887: 10859: 10855: 10847: 10843: 10835: 10831: 10823: 10819: 10813:Schuster (1910) 10811: 10807: 10795: 10791: 10775: 10771: 10759: 10755: 10747: 10743: 10735: 10731: 10723: 10719: 10711: 10707: 10696: 10689: 10681: 10677: 10671:Codex Hammurabi 10664: 10660: 10643: 10639: 10631: 10627: 10619: 10615: 10603: 10599: 10591: 10587: 10579: 10575: 10567: 10563: 10555: 10551: 10543: 10539: 10531: 10527: 10516: 10512: 10504: 10495: 10487: 10483: 10475: 10471: 10463: 10459: 10451: 10447: 10439: 10435: 10427: 10423: 10415: 10411: 10403: 10399: 10393:Chandler (1981) 10391: 10382: 10376:Chandler (1981) 10374: 10370: 10364:Chandler (1981) 10362: 10358: 10352:Chandler (1981) 10350: 10346: 10336: 10334: 10329: 10328: 10324: 10314: 10312: 10307: 10306: 10302: 10292: 10290: 10285: 10284: 10280: 10274:Northrup (1978) 10272: 10268: 10256: 10252: 10236: 10232: 10224: 10217: 10209: 10205: 10197: 10193: 10185: 10181: 10169: 10160: 10152: 10145: 10137: 10133: 10125: 10121: 10113: 10102: 10090: 10086: 10078: 10074: 10066: 10059: 10051: 10047: 10039: 10035: 10027: 10023: 10015: 10011: 10003: 9996: 9988: 9984: 9976: 9972: 9964: 9957: 9949: 9942: 9934: 9930: 9922: 9918: 9910: 9901: 9893: 9889: 9881: 9877: 9869: 9865: 9857: 9853: 9845: 9841: 9833: 9829: 9813: 9809: 9801: 9797: 9789: 9785: 9777: 9773: 9767:Wayback Machine 9757: 9750: 9742: 9735: 9727: 9723: 9715: 9711: 9699: 9695: 9629: 9625: 9617: 9613: 9573: 9569: 9557: 9553: 9545: 9538: 9530: 9526: 9518: 9514: 9508:Ramseyer (1995) 9506: 9499: 9493:Ramseyer (1995) 9491: 9487: 9481:Ramseyer (1995) 9479: 9475: 9469:Ramseyer (1995) 9467: 9463: 9457:Ramseyer (1995) 9455: 9448: 9442:Ramseyer (1995) 9440: 9427: 9413:Ramseyer (1995) 9411: 9407: 9399: 9395: 9387: 9383: 9375: 9371: 9364: 9360: 9344: 9337: 9321: 9317: 9309: 9305: 9297: 9293: 9281: 9277: 9261: 9257: 9249: 9245: 9237: 9233: 9225: 9221: 9209: 9205: 9194: 9190: 9182: 9171: 9159: 9155: 9147: 9143: 9135: 9131: 9123: 9119: 9111: 9104: 9092: 9088: 9068: 9059: 9039: 9035: 9027: 9023: 9015: 9011: 9003: 8999: 8991: 8987: 8979: 8975: 8967: 8963: 8955: 8942: 8922: 8918: 8907: 8903: 8895: 8891: 8883: 8870: 8862: 8858: 8851: 8847: 8836: 8832: 8812: 8808: 8803: 8799: 8791: 8787: 8779: 8772: 8760: 8756: 8748: 8744: 8732: 8728: 8716: 8712: 8700: 8696: 8680: 8676: 8664: 8655: 8643: 8639: 8631: 8627: 8619: 8615: 8607: 8603: 8595: 8591: 8583: 8579: 8571: 8567: 8559: 8555: 8547: 8543: 8535: 8531: 8523: 8519: 8511: 8500: 8484: 8480: 8474:Thompson (1993) 8472: 8468: 8464: 8459: 8450: 8446: 8438: 8434: 8426: 8422: 8414: 8410: 8402: 8398: 8390: 8386: 8376: 8372: 8364: 8360: 8355: 8351: 8346: 8342: 8334: 8330: 8321: 8317: 8309: 8305: 8297: 8293: 8285: 8281: 8273: 8269: 8261: 8257: 8249: 8245: 8237: 8233: 8229:, Roman emperor 8225: 8221: 8216: 8212: 8204: 8200: 8192: 8188: 8180: 8176: 8159: 8155: 8151:"deliberation". 8145: 8141: 8136: 8132: 8119: 8115: 8107: 8103: 8095: 8091: 8083: 8079: 8071: 8067: 8059: 8055: 8047: 8043: 8035: 8031: 8023: 8019: 8011: 8007: 8002: 7998: 7993: 7989: 7984: 7980: 7975: 7971: 7963: 7959: 7951: 7947: 7939: 7935: 7927: 7923: 7915: 7911: 7907: 7879:Husband-selling 7858:Commodification 7817:Feminism portal 7815: 7810: 7808: 7801: 7794: 7791: 7783:Michael Burawoy 7772: 7747:Judeo-Christian 7735: 7632: 7621: 7595: 7573:Telugu language 7569:Satidânashûramu 7565:Shahaji Bhonsle 7559:, according to 7553:Tanjavur region 7529: 7502: 7446:Calvin Township 7441: 7404: 7399: 7397:Popular culture 7390: 7374: 7348: 7341: 7321: 7312: 7304: 7295: 7272: 7251:, according to 7208: 7188: 7179: 7112: 7083: 7078: 7030: 7026: 6955: 6950:, according to 6936: 6924:, in 1114, the 6914: 6887: 6882: 6873: 6869: 6853: 6805: 6795: 6787: 6744: 6725: 6714: 6670:, according to 6668:Aro Confederacy 6657:Ottobah Cugoano 6649: 6643: 6618:In the Western 6594: 6590: 6585:, according to 6579: 6562: 6546: 6521: 6490: 6474: 6446: 6410: 6406: 6402: 6384: 6380: 6373: 6348: 6337:Florida Indians 6303: 6292: 6280: 6256: 6249: 6223: 6217: 6212: 6160: 6131: 6101: 6066: 5971: 5967:Tacit collusion 5916: 5832:Multi-attribute 5660: 5631: 5630: 5535:Slave narrative 5491:Fugitive slaves 5471: 5463: 5462: 5453: 5421:Slave rebellion 5276: 5266: 5265: 5224: 5214: 5213: 5036:United Kingdom 4972:Yankee princess 4566: 4558: 4557: 4285:Avret Pazarları 4231:Avret Pazarları 4100:Medieval Europe 4066: 4056: 4055: 3994:Forced marriage 3969: 3926: 3897: 3896: 3232: 3222: 3221: 3214: 3202:Track and field 3089: 3079: 3078: 3030: 3029:Popular culture 3022: 3021: 2950: 2949: 2934: 2933: 2888:Science fiction 2834: 2833: 2815: 2814: 2798: 2749: 2748: 2730: 2729: 2705:Venture capital 2670:Law enforcement 2575: 2560:Animal advocacy 2556: 2536: 2533:Women's history 2528: 2497: 2468: 2467: 2453:Paternity fraud 2448:Parents' rights 2443:Parental duties 2398: 2396: 2388: 2387: 2348: 2340: 2339: 2240: 2232: 2231: 2174: 2164: 2163: 2110: 2100: 2099: 2065: 2039: 2010: 2009: 2008: 2007: 2006: 1881:Polyculturalism 1777:Civil liberties 1749: 1741: 1740: 1739: 1738: 1737: 1718:Reappropriation 1618: 1617:Countermeasures 1610: 1609: 1608: 1607: 1606: 1535:Racial steering 1501:Numerus clausus 1405: 1397: 1396: 1395: 1394: 1393: 1120:Ethnic conflict 1055:Corrective rape 1010: 1002: 1001: 1000: 999: 998: 652: 641: 640: 639: 638: 637: 490: 480: 479: 478: 477: 476: 368:HIV/AIDS stigma 230: 222: 221: 220: 219: 218: 167:Mental disorder 109: 101: 100: 99: 98: 97: 70: 35: 32: 17: 12: 11: 5: 20820: 20810: 20809: 20804: 20799: 20794: 20789: 20787:Medieval women 20784: 20779: 20774: 20769: 20764: 20759: 20754: 20749: 20732: 20731: 20729: 20728: 20727: 20726: 20716: 20704: 20701: 20700: 20698: 20697: 20696: 20695: 20683: 20682: 20681: 20669: 20668: 20667: 20655: 20650: 20649: 20648: 20636: 20635: 20634: 20622: 20617: 20612: 20611: 20610: 20598: 20597: 20596: 20584: 20583: 20582: 20570: 20565: 20563:Garrett Hardin 20560: 20559: 20558: 20546: 20545: 20544: 20532: 20527: 20526: 20525: 20512: 20510: 20498: 20497: 20495: 20494: 20489: 20488: 20487: 20482: 20477: 20472: 20462: 20461: 20460: 20455: 20454: 20453: 20448: 20440: 20435: 20425: 20420: 20415: 20410: 20405: 20400: 20395: 20390: 20385: 20380: 20375: 20374: 20373: 20368: 20358: 20351: 20346: 20341: 20336: 20334:Eminent domain 20331: 20326: 20325: 20324: 20317:Bioprospecting 20313: 20311: 20309:redistribution 20300: 20299: 20296: 20295: 20293: 20292: 20291: 20290: 20285: 20275: 20270: 20265: 20264: 20263: 20251: 20246: 20245: 20244: 20239: 20234: 20224: 20219: 20218: 20217: 20207: 20202: 20197: 20192: 20186: 20184: 20180: 20179: 20177: 20176: 20175: 20174: 20169: 20164: 20159: 20154: 20144: 20139: 20138: 20137: 20127: 20120: 20115: 20114: 20113: 20108: 20103: 20093: 20085: 20076: 20070: 20066: 20065: 20063: 20062: 20061: 20060: 20050: 20045: 20040: 20039: 20038: 20033: 20028: 20018: 20013: 20011:Natural rights 20008: 20003: 20002: 20001: 19991: 19986: 19981: 19976: 19971: 19966: 19965: 19964: 19959: 19949: 19944: 19939: 19938: 19937: 19927: 19921: 19919: 19915: 19914: 19912: 19911: 19906: 19901: 19896: 19891: 19886: 19880: 19878: 19872: 19871: 19869: 19868: 19867: 19866: 19856: 19851: 19850: 19849: 19839: 19834: 19829: 19823: 19821: 19817: 19816: 19814: 19813: 19808: 19803: 19798: 19793: 19788: 19783: 19778: 19773: 19768: 19763: 19758: 19753: 19747: 19745: 19741: 19740: 19733: 19732: 19725: 19718: 19710: 19701: 19700: 19698: 19697: 19687: 19677: 19662: 19659: 19658: 19655: 19654: 19652: 19651: 19646: 19642:SCUM Manifesto 19638: 19633: 19628: 19627: 19626: 19621: 19611: 19605: 19603: 19599: 19598: 19596: 19591: 19586: 19581: 19576: 19571: 19566: 19561: 19556: 19551: 19546: 19544: 19535: 19531: 19530: 19526: 19525: 19524: 19523: 19513: 19511:United Kingdom 19508: 19503: 19498: 19493: 19488: 19483: 19478: 19473: 19468: 19463: 19458: 19453: 19448: 19443: 19438: 19433: 19428: 19423: 19418: 19413: 19408: 19407: 19406: 19401: 19396: 19391: 19386: 19381: 19376: 19371: 19361: 19356: 19351: 19346: 19341: 19336: 19331: 19326: 19321: 19316: 19311: 19306: 19301: 19296: 19291: 19286: 19281: 19276: 19271: 19266: 19265: 19264: 19259: 19254: 19249: 19244: 19239: 19234: 19229: 19218: 19217: 19216: 19214: 19210: 19209: 19207: 19202: 19197: 19192: 19187: 19185:Existentialism 19182: 19177: 19172: 19171: 19170: 19160: 19155: 19154: 19153: 19148: 19143: 19141:Existentialism 19138: 19137: 19136: 19134:Justice ethics 19126: 19121: 19116: 19106: 19101: 19096: 19095: 19094: 19084: 19079: 19074: 19069: 19064: 19059: 19058: 19057: 19052: 19047: 19037: 19032: 19027: 19022: 19017: 19016: 19015: 19010: 19000: 18995: 18990: 18985: 18980: 18975: 18970: 18965: 18960: 18955: 18950: 18945: 18940: 18935: 18933:Gender studies 18930: 18925: 18923: 18917: 18916: 18912: 18911: 18906: 18904:Women's rights 18901: 18898:Women's health 18894: 18889: 18884: 18879: 18874: 18869: 18864: 18859: 18854: 18849: 18844: 18839: 18834: 18829: 18824: 18819: 18814: 18809: 18804: 18799: 18794: 18789: 18784: 18782:Male privilege 18779: 18774: 18769: 18764: 18759: 18751:International 18749: 18744: 18739: 18734: 18729: 18724: 18719: 18714: 18709: 18708: 18707: 18702: 18697: 18687: 18682: 18677: 18672: 18667: 18662: 18657: 18652: 18647: 18642: 18637: 18636: 18635: 18625: 18619: 18618: 18617: 18615: 18611: 18610: 18607: 18606: 18604: 18599: 18594: 18593: 18592: 18582: 18581: 18580: 18575: 18570: 18560: 18555: 18550: 18548: 18544: 18543: 18539: 18538: 18533: 18532: 18531: 18521: 18516: 18511: 18510: 18509: 18504: 18499: 18489: 18488: 18487: 18482: 18477: 18472: 18462: 18457: 18451: 18450: 18449: 18447: 18441: 18440: 18438: 18437: 18432: 18431: 18430: 18420: 18415: 18410: 18405: 18400: 18395: 18394: 18393: 18383: 18378: 18373: 18368: 18363: 18358: 18357: 18356: 18346: 18341: 18336: 18331: 18326: 18321: 18316: 18311: 18306: 18305: 18304: 18294: 18289: 18284: 18279: 18278: 18277: 18267: 18262: 18257: 18252: 18247: 18242: 18241: 18240: 18230: 18225: 18224: 18223: 18213: 18208: 18203: 18198: 18193: 18188: 18183: 18178: 18173: 18167: 18165: 18158: 18150: 18149: 18146: 18145: 18143: 18142: 18141: 18140: 18139: 18138: 18133: 18128: 18118: 18113: 18103: 18102: 18101: 18094:United Kingdom 18091: 18086: 18081: 18076: 18071: 18066: 18061: 18056: 18050: 18048: 18042: 18041: 18039: 18038: 18031: 18026: 18021: 18015: 18013: 18009: 18008: 18006: 18005: 18000: 17995: 17994: 17993: 17983: 17978: 17972: 17970: 17963: 17957: 17956: 17949: 17948: 17941: 17934: 17926: 17917: 17916: 17914: 17913: 17903: 17892: 17889: 17888: 17886: 17885: 17880: 17879: 17878: 17868: 17863: 17858: 17857: 17856: 17851: 17846: 17836: 17831: 17826: 17821: 17816: 17811: 17810: 17809: 17807:Reverse racism 17799: 17794: 17789: 17784: 17779: 17777:Prisoner abuse 17774: 17769: 17767:Power distance 17764: 17759: 17754: 17749: 17744: 17739: 17734: 17733: 17732: 17722: 17717: 17712: 17707: 17702: 17697: 17692: 17687: 17685:Ethnic penalty 17682: 17681: 17680: 17678:Neurodiversity 17675: 17665: 17663:Dehumanization 17660: 17655: 17653:Cisnormativity 17650: 17645: 17640: 17634: 17632: 17631:Related topics 17628: 17627: 17625: 17624: 17619: 17614: 17609: 17604: 17599: 17594: 17589: 17584: 17579: 17574: 17569: 17564: 17559: 17554: 17553: 17552: 17542: 17537: 17532: 17527: 17522: 17517: 17511: 17509: 17505: 17504: 17502: 17501: 17496: 17491: 17489:State religion 17486: 17481: 17476: 17471: 17470: 17469: 17464: 17459: 17454: 17444: 17439: 17434: 17429: 17428: 17427: 17425:Nuremberg Laws 17422: 17412: 17407: 17402: 17394: 17389: 17384: 17379: 17374: 17369: 17367:Ghetto benches 17364: 17362:Gerrymandering 17359: 17354: 17349: 17347:Gender pay gap 17344: 17343: 17342: 17337: 17327: 17322: 17317: 17312: 17306: 17304: 17301:Discriminatory 17298: 17297: 17295: 17294: 17289: 17284: 17279: 17274: 17269: 17264: 17259: 17254: 17249: 17244: 17239: 17234: 17229: 17224: 17219: 17214: 17209: 17204: 17199: 17194: 17189: 17184: 17179: 17178: 17177: 17172: 17167: 17157: 17152: 17147: 17142: 17137: 17132: 17130:Lavender scare 17127: 17125:Kill Haole Day 17122: 17120:Indian rolling 17117: 17112: 17107: 17102: 17097: 17096: 17095: 17085: 17080: 17079: 17078: 17068: 17063: 17058: 17053: 17048: 17043: 17038: 17033: 17028: 17023: 17018: 17013: 17008: 17006:Eliminationism 17003: 16998: 16993: 16988: 16983: 16978: 16973: 16968: 16963: 16958: 16953: 16948: 16943: 16941:Cancel culture 16938: 16933: 16928: 16927: 16926: 16915: 16913: 16912:Manifestations 16909: 16908: 16906: 16905: 16900: 16895: 16890: 16885: 16880: 16875: 16870: 16865: 16860: 16855: 16850: 16845: 16840: 16835: 16830: 16825: 16820: 16815: 16810: 16808:Middle Eastern 16805: 16800: 16795: 16790: 16785: 16780: 16775: 16770: 16765: 16760: 16755: 16754: 16753: 16748: 16743: 16735: 16730: 16725: 16720: 16715: 16710: 16705: 16700: 16695: 16690: 16685: 16680: 16675: 16670: 16665: 16660: 16655: 16650: 16649: 16648: 16643: 16638: 16628: 16623: 16618: 16617: 16616: 16611: 16606: 16596: 16591: 16586: 16581: 16576: 16571: 16565: 16563: 16556: 16555: 16553: 16552: 16550:Zoroastrianism 16547: 16542: 16537: 16532: 16527: 16526: 16525: 16515: 16514: 16513: 16512: 16511: 16506: 16501: 16496: 16481: 16480: 16479: 16477:Untouchability 16474: 16464: 16459: 16458: 16457: 16452: 16447: 16442: 16437: 16427: 16422: 16417: 16411: 16409: 16403: 16402: 16400: 16399: 16394: 16389: 16388: 16387: 16382: 16377: 16367: 16366: 16365: 16360: 16350: 16345: 16340: 16335: 16330: 16325: 16320: 16315: 16310: 16305: 16303:Leprosy stigma 16300: 16295: 16290: 16285: 16280: 16275: 16270: 16265: 16260: 16255: 16250: 16245: 16240: 16235: 16230: 16225: 16220: 16215: 16210: 16205: 16200: 16195: 16190: 16185: 16180: 16175: 16170: 16165: 16159: 16157: 16153: 16152: 16150: 16149: 16144: 16139: 16134: 16129: 16124: 16119: 16118: 16117: 16112: 16102: 16097: 16092: 16087: 16082: 16077: 16072: 16067: 16062: 16057: 16052: 16046: 16044: 16040: 16039: 16037: 16036: 16031: 16026: 16021: 16015: 16013: 16009: 16008: 16005:Discrimination 16001: 16000: 15993: 15986: 15978: 15971: 15970: 15964: 15951: 15922: 15912:(7): 261–275. 15901: 15892: 15871: 15842: 15825: 15805:10.2307/298930 15784: 15763: 15757: 15740: 15734: 15724:Iusti Coniuges 15717: 15692: 15686: 15673: 15661:10.1355/sj2-1f 15655:(1): 125–149. 15644: 15638: 15621: 15600: 15591: 15562: 15544:(2): 259–305. 15533: 15504: 15483: 15473:(2): 229–238. 15469:. New series. 15462: 15456: 15443: 15423:10.1086/449430 15417:(2): 182–197. 15407:mater familias 15403:Pater familias 15398: 15369: 15351:(3): 193–217. 15336: 15316:(4): 372–395. 15301: 15291:(1): 127–149. 15280: 15252:(3): 177–196. 15241: 15221: 15208: 15190:(4): 675–695. 15179: 15158: 15140:(2): 256–281. 15129: 15107:. New series. 15100: 15063: 15045:(4): 426–448. 15030: 15024: 15011: 14990: 14953: 14947: 14934: 14924:(4): 191–207. 14913: 14872: 14866: 14851: 14831:10.1086/370876 14825:(3): 180–183. 14814: 14773: 14761:10.2307/338517 14755:(2): 326–331. 14744: 14738: 14725: 14705:(3): 370–380. 14701:. New series. 14690: 14678:10.2307/196654 14661: 14637:. New series. 14626: 14597: 14568: 14548:10.1086/372688 14523: 14505:(2): 129–144. 14494: 14473: 14446: 14420:(3): 531–546. 14409: 14399:(3): 286–311. 14388: 14377: 14365:10.2307/592666 14348: 14322:(1): 172–174. 14307: 14286: 14273: 14263:(2): 135–150. 14252: 14246: 14233: 14196: 14185: 14165: 14159: 14146: 14128:(2): 279–305. 14117: 14111: 14094: 14074:(4): 633–664. 14070:. New series. 14059: 14033:(2): 129–148. 14029:. New series. 14022: 14004:(3): 258–275. 13989: 13967:. New series. 13960: 13939: 13930: 13906:. New series. 13895: 13889: 13875:Graeber, David 13871: 13846: 13828:(1/2): 31–45. 13817: 13811: 13798: 13786:10.1086/478663 13769: 13763: 13749:Gibbon, Edward 13745: 13733:10.2307/485290 13727:(3): 437–461. 13716: 13707: 13701: 13688: 13682: 13667: 13661: 13646: 13629: 13614: 13597: 13576: 13566:(2): 181–195. 13555: 13526: 13520: 13499: 13489:(3): 322–344. 13478: 13472: 13456: 13442:. 3rd series. 13435: 13406: 13378:(2): 107–131. 13363: 13337:(2): 165–182. 13326: 13306:10.1086/228079 13300:(2): 247–282. 13289: 13283: 13270: 13258:10.2307/533282 13241: 13223:(2): 229–283. 13212: 13179: 13167:10.2307/282790 13146: 13120:(2): 197–214. 13109: 13055: 13029:(3): 479–493. 13018: 13012: 12999: 12977: 12975: 12972: 12970: 12969: 12965:Burawoy (1984) 12954: 12950:Burawoy (1984) 12942: 12930: 12926:Menefee (1981) 12918: 12910:Menefee (1981) 12902: 12898:Menefee (1981) 12894:Schmidt (1989) 12886: 12882:Menefee (1981) 12874: 12866:Menefee (1981) 12858: 12850:Schmidt (1989) 12842: 12838:Schmidt (1989) 12830: 12818:Schmidt (1989) 12810: 12806:Schmidt (1989) 12798: 12794:Schmidt (1989) 12781: 12777:Schmidt (1989) 12769: 12755: 12739: 12724: 12712: 12700: 12688: 12676: 12664: 12652: 12640: 12628: 12616: 12604: 12594:" instead of " 12560: 12548: 12529: 12512: 12500: 12488: 12466:)), entry for 12447: 12428: 12416: 12401: 12387:, [§] 12374: 12355: 12340: 12325: 12313: 12309:Gokhale (1990) 12297: 12289:Gokhale (1990) 12281:Gokhale (1990) 12273: 12269:Gokhale (1990) 12258: 12254:Gokhale (1990) 12246: 12242:Gokhale (1990) 12231: 12215:Gokhale (1990) 12207: 12191:Gokhale (1990) 12183: 12179:Gokhale (1990) 12168: 12160:Gokhale (1990) 12149: 12123: 12107:Dorson (1956b) 12099: 12095:Dorson (1956a) 12091:Dorson (1956b) 12083: 12071:Dorson (1956b) 12063: 12059:Dorson (1956a) 12051: 12043:Dorson (1956b) 12035: 12023:Dorson (1956b) 12015: 12003:Dorson (1956b) 11995: 11993:, pp. 5–6 11991:Dorson (1956a) 11980: 11968:Dorson (1956b) 11960: 11948:Dorson (1956b) 11940: 11936:Dorson (1956a) 11928: 11924:Dorson (1956b) 11916: 11912:Dorson (1956b) 11904: 11900:Dorson (1956b) 11892: 11888:Dorson (1956a) 11880: 11876:Dorson (1956b) 11865: 11861:Hurvitz (1954) 11842: 11838:Hurvitz (1954) 11829: 11814: 11797: 11785: 11773: 11758: 11746: 11734: 11718: 11714:Bennett (1930) 11705: 11692: 11672: 11659: 11644: 11628: 11603: 11588: 11576: 11560: 11548: 11536: 11521: 11509: 11497: 11485: 11469: 11454: 11450:Graeber (2011) 11441: 11426: 11414: 11402: 11390: 11378: 11366: 11354: 11342: 11326: 11313: 11300: 11285: 11273: 11261: 11245: 11226: 11214: 11197: 11181: 11169: 11165:Blumoff (2000) 11157: 11127: 11123:Beckman (1988) 11110: 11094:Beckman (1988) 11086: 11082:Beckman (1988) 11074: 11062: 11046: 11034: 11011: 10996: 10981: 10969: 10952: 10933: 10921: 10909: 10897: 10893:Hammond (2000) 10885: 10853: 10849:Hammond (2000) 10841: 10829: 10817: 10805: 10797:Schmidt (1989) 10789: 10777:Menefee (1981) 10769: 10761:Schmidt (1989) 10753: 10749:Valenze (2006) 10741: 10737:Graeber (2011) 10729: 10717: 10705: 10687: 10675: 10658: 10654:Cod. Hammurabi 10637: 10633:Jastrow (1916) 10625: 10613: 10597: 10593:Corbier (1991) 10585: 10581:Gardner (1986) 10573: 10561: 10549: 10537: 10525: 10510: 10493: 10481: 10469: 10465:Bradley (1994) 10457: 10445: 10433: 10421: 10409: 10397: 10380: 10368: 10356: 10344: 10322: 10300: 10278: 10266: 10258:Menefee (1981) 10250: 10242:Menefee (1981) 10230: 10226:Hubbell (2001) 10215: 10211:Hubbell (2001) 10203: 10199:Hubbell (2001) 10191: 10187:Hubbell (2001) 10179: 10158: 10154:Geisler (1992) 10143: 10139:Geisler (1992) 10131: 10127:Geisler (1992) 10119: 10115:Geisler (1992) 10100: 10092:Geisler (1992) 10084: 10080:Geisler (1992) 10072: 10068:Geisler (1992) 10057: 10053:Geisler (1992) 10045: 10041:Geisler (1992) 10033: 10029:Geisler (1992) 10021: 10009: 9994: 9982: 9970: 9955: 9940: 9928: 9916: 9899: 9887: 9875: 9863: 9851: 9839: 9835:Graeber (2011) 9827: 9807: 9795: 9783: 9779:Shipton (1990) 9771: 9758:Sidner, Sara, 9748: 9744:O'Brien (1911) 9733: 9729:O'Brien (1911) 9721: 9709: 9693: 9623: 9611: 9567: 9551: 9536: 9524: 9512: 9497: 9485: 9473: 9461: 9446: 9425: 9405: 9393: 9381: 9377:Hessler (2001) 9369: 9358: 9335: 9315: 9303: 9291: 9275: 9267:Menefee (1981) 9255: 9243: 9231: 9219: 9211:Menefee (1981) 9203: 9188: 9169: 9153: 9141: 9129: 9127:, p. 1083 9117: 9102: 9086: 9070:Meaders (1995) 9057: 9041:Meaders (1995) 9033: 9029:Johnson (2004) 9021: 9017:Johnson (2004) 9009: 9005:Johnson (2004) 8997: 8993:Johnson (2004) 8985: 8981:Johnson (2004) 8973: 8969:Johnson (2004) 8961: 8957:Johnson (2004) 8940: 8924:Meaders (1995) 8916: 8901: 8889: 8868: 8856: 8845: 8830: 8814:Riddell (1919) 8806: 8797: 8785: 8770: 8754: 8742: 8740:, p. 100. 8726: 8724:, p. 277. 8710: 8694: 8692:, p. 178. 8674: 8666:MacLeod (1925) 8653: 8645:MacLeod (1925) 8637: 8633:MacLeod (1925) 8625: 8621:MacLeod (1925) 8613: 8601: 8589: 8577: 8565: 8553: 8541: 8529: 8517: 8498: 8486:Valenze (2006) 8478: 8465: 8463: 8460: 8458: 8457: 8444: 8432: 8420: 8408: 8404:Brothel-master 8396: 8384: 8370: 8358: 8349: 8340: 8337:Coahoma County 8328: 8315: 8303: 8291: 8287:Pontius Pilate 8279: 8267: 8263:Constantinople 8255: 8243: 8231: 8219: 8210: 8198: 8186: 8174: 8162:mater familias 8153: 8139: 8130: 8126:pater familias 8122:pater familias 8113: 8101: 8089: 8077: 8065: 8061:Capital assets 8053: 8041: 8029: 8017: 8005: 7996: 7987: 7978: 7969: 7957: 7945: 7933: 7921: 7908: 7906: 7903: 7902: 7901: 7896: 7894:Sexual slavery 7891: 7889:Self-ownership 7886: 7881: 7876: 7871: 7866: 7860: 7855: 7850: 7845: 7840: 7829: 7821: 7820: 7806: 7803:Society portal 7790: 7787: 7755:Roman Catholic 7734: 7731: 7723:'s 1886 novel 7620: 7617: 7526:Shanta Gokhale 7501: 7498: 7417:Salt Lake City 7403: 7400: 7398: 7395: 7389: 7386: 7378:ancient Israel 7373: 7372:Ancient Israel 7370: 7340: 7337: 7320: 7317: 7311: 7308: 7303: 7300: 7294: 7291: 7271: 7268: 7207: 7206:Other cultures 7204: 7187: 7184: 7082: 7079: 7077: 7074: 6972: 6971: 6959: 6948:ancient Greece 6944: 6941: 6932: 6929: 6913: 6912:Other cultures 6910: 6886: 6883: 6881: 6878: 6852: 6849: 6837:mater familias 6817:pater familias 6804: 6801: 6786: 6783: 6779:money marriage 6770:before it was 6647:Money marriage 6642: 6639: 6578: 6575: 6566:Tokugawa Japan 6561: 6558: 6545: 6542: 6489: 6486: 6473: 6470: 6445: 6442: 6428:Carter's Grove 6377:North Carolina 6372: 6369: 6347: 6344: 6284:debtor slavery 6279: 6276: 6260:South Carolina 6248: 6245: 6219:Main article: 6216: 6213: 6211: 6208: 6162: 6161: 6159: 6158: 6151: 6144: 6136: 6133: 6132: 6130: 6129: 6124: 6119: 6113: 6110: 6109: 6103: 6102: 6100: 6099: 6097:Winner's curse 6094: 6089: 6084: 6078: 6075: 6074: 6068: 6067: 6065: 6064: 6059: 6054: 6049: 6044: 6039: 6034: 6029: 6024: 6019: 6014: 6009: 6004: 5999: 5994: 5989: 5983: 5980: 5979: 5973: 5972: 5970: 5969: 5964: 5959: 5954: 5949: 5944: 5939: 5934: 5928: 5925: 5924: 5918: 5917: 5915: 5914: 5909: 5904: 5899: 5894: 5889: 5884: 5879: 5874: 5869: 5864: 5859: 5854: 5849: 5844: 5839: 5834: 5829: 5824: 5819: 5814: 5809: 5804: 5799: 5794: 5789: 5784: 5779: 5774: 5769: 5764: 5759: 5754: 5749: 5744: 5739: 5734: 5729: 5724: 5723: 5722: 5717: 5712: 5701: 5698: 5697: 5691: 5690: 5682: 5681: 5675: 5674: 5662: 5661: 5659: 5658: 5651: 5644: 5636: 5633: 5632: 5629: 5628: 5623: 5622: 5621: 5616: 5611: 5606: 5605: 5604: 5594: 5589: 5584: 5579: 5574: 5564: 5559: 5554: 5549: 5548: 5547: 5542: 5532: 5527: 5526: 5525: 5520: 5513:List of slaves 5510: 5509: 5508: 5503: 5498: 5488: 5483: 5478: 5472: 5469: 5468: 5465: 5464: 5461: 5460: 5448: 5443: 5438: 5433: 5428: 5423: 5418: 5417: 5416: 5406: 5401: 5396: 5395: 5394: 5384: 5379: 5378: 5377: 5372: 5362: 5361: 5360: 5355: 5345: 5340: 5335: 5334: 5333: 5328: 5323: 5318: 5313: 5308: 5303: 5298: 5293: 5288: 5277: 5272: 5271: 5268: 5267: 5264: 5263: 5258: 5253: 5248: 5247: 5246: 5241: 5231: 5225: 5220: 5219: 5216: 5215: 5212: 5211: 5206: 5201: 5196: 5191: 5186: 5181: 5176: 5171: 5166: 5161: 5156: 5151: 5146: 5141: 5136: 5131: 5126: 5121: 5116: 5110: 5109: 5105: 5104: 5099: 5094: 5089: 5084: 5079: 5074: 5069: 5064: 5059: 5057:Dutch Republic 5054: 5049: 5048: 5047: 5042: 5034: 5028: 5027: 5023: 5022: 5017: 5012: 5007: 5002: 5001: 5000: 4989: 4988: 4982: 4981: 4976: 4975: 4974: 4964: 4959: 4954: 4949: 4948: 4947: 4937: 4936: 4935: 4925: 4920: 4919: 4918: 4913: 4903: 4902: 4901: 4896: 4891: 4881: 4876: 4871: 4865: 4864: 4858: 4857: 4852: 4845: 4844: 4843: 4838: 4828: 4823: 4818: 4817: 4816: 4806: 4801: 4800: 4799: 4794: 4789: 4784: 4774: 4769: 4764: 4763: 4762: 4757: 4752: 4747: 4742: 4737: 4732: 4727: 4722: 4717: 4707: 4706: 4705: 4695: 4694: 4693: 4682: 4681: 4675: 4674: 4669: 4664: 4659: 4658: 4657: 4647: 4642: 4637: 4632: 4627: 4622: 4617: 4612: 4607: 4602: 4601: 4600: 4590: 4585: 4580: 4574: 4573: 4567: 4564: 4563: 4560: 4559: 4556: 4555: 4550: 4545: 4540: 4535: 4529: 4528: 4524: 4523: 4518: 4516:Child soldiers 4513: 4508: 4503: 4498: 4493: 4492: 4491: 4481: 4476: 4471: 4466: 4465: 4464: 4459: 4454: 4443: 4442: 4438: 4437: 4432: 4427: 4425:Spanish Empire 4422: 4417: 4412: 4407: 4405:Middle Passage 4402: 4397: 4392: 4387: 4381: 4380: 4374: 4373: 4368: 4363: 4358: 4353: 4348: 4343: 4342: 4341: 4336: 4331: 4326: 4321: 4312: 4307: 4302: 4297: 4292: 4287: 4282: 4277: 4267: 4266: 4265: 4260: 4255: 4250: 4245: 4235: 4234: 4233: 4226:Ottoman Empire 4223: 4218: 4213: 4208: 4203: 4198: 4193: 4187: 4181: 4180: 4174: 4173: 4172: 4171: 4161: 4156: 4151: 4150: 4149: 4144: 4139: 4129: 4124: 4119: 4114: 4109: 4103: 4102: 4096: 4095: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4074: 4073: 4067: 4062: 4061: 4058: 4057: 4054: 4053: 4048: 4046:Sexual slavery 4043: 4038: 4033: 4028: 4023: 4018: 4013: 4012: 4011: 4006: 4004:Child marriage 4001: 3991: 3986: 3981: 3979:Child soldiers 3976: 3970: 3965: 3964: 3961: 3960: 3952: 3951: 3941: 3940: 3928: 3927: 3925: 3924: 3917: 3910: 3902: 3899: 3898: 3895: 3894: 3889: 3884: 3879: 3874: 3869: 3864: 3859: 3854: 3849: 3847:United Kingdom 3844: 3839: 3834: 3829: 3824: 3819: 3814: 3809: 3804: 3799: 3794: 3789: 3784: 3779: 3774: 3769: 3764: 3759: 3754: 3749: 3744: 3739: 3734: 3729: 3724: 3719: 3714: 3709: 3704: 3699: 3694: 3689: 3684: 3679: 3674: 3669: 3664: 3659: 3654: 3649: 3644: 3639: 3634: 3629: 3624: 3619: 3614: 3609: 3604: 3599: 3594: 3589: 3584: 3579: 3574: 3569: 3564: 3559: 3554: 3549: 3544: 3539: 3534: 3529: 3524: 3519: 3514: 3509: 3504: 3499: 3494: 3489: 3484: 3479: 3474: 3469: 3464: 3459: 3454: 3449: 3444: 3439: 3434: 3429: 3424: 3419: 3414: 3409: 3404: 3399: 3394: 3389: 3384: 3379: 3369: 3364: 3359: 3354: 3349: 3344: 3339: 3334: 3329: 3324: 3319: 3314: 3309: 3304: 3299: 3294: 3289: 3284: 3279: 3274: 3269: 3264: 3259: 3254: 3249: 3244: 3239: 3233: 3228: 3227: 3224: 3223: 3219:List of sports 3216: 3215: 3209: 3204: 3199: 3194: 3189: 3184: 3179: 3174: 3171: 3166: 3161: 3156: 3151: 3146: 3141: 3136: 3131: 3126: 3121: 3116: 3111: 3106: 3101: 3096: 3090: 3085: 3084: 3081: 3080: 3077: 3076: 3075: 3074: 3064: 3059: 3054: 3049: 3044: 3043: 3042: 3031: 3028: 3027: 3024: 3023: 3020: 3019: 3014: 3009: 3004: 2999: 2994: 2993: 2992: 2987: 2982: 2972: 2967: 2962: 2957: 2951: 2948: 2947: 2941: 2940: 2939: 2936: 2935: 2932: 2931: 2926: 2925: 2924: 2919: 2909: 2904: 2903: 2902: 2892: 2891: 2890: 2880: 2875: 2874: 2873: 2871:"Chick flicks" 2863: 2858: 2857: 2856: 2854:Women's cinema 2846: 2841: 2835: 2832: 2831: 2828: 2822: 2821: 2820: 2817: 2816: 2813: 2812: 2807: 2802: 2795: 2790: 2785: 2784: 2783: 2782: 2781: 2766: 2761: 2756: 2750: 2747: 2746: 2743: 2737: 2736: 2735: 2732: 2731: 2728: 2727: 2722: 2717: 2712: 2707: 2702: 2697: 2692: 2687: 2682: 2677: 2672: 2667: 2662: 2657: 2652: 2651: 2650: 2649: 2648: 2638: 2633: 2628: 2618: 2617: 2616: 2606: 2601: 2596: 2591: 2586: 2581: 2580: 2579: 2572: 2562: 2555: 2554: 2548: 2547: 2544: 2543: 2529: 2526: 2525: 2522: 2521: 2513: 2512: 2508: 2507: 2499: 2498: 2496: 2495: 2488: 2481: 2473: 2470: 2469: 2466: 2465: 2460: 2455: 2450: 2445: 2440: 2435: 2430: 2425: 2420: 2415: 2410: 2405: 2399: 2394: 2393: 2390: 2389: 2386: 2385: 2380: 2375: 2370: 2365: 2360: 2355: 2349: 2346: 2345: 2342: 2341: 2338: 2337: 2332: 2330:Paper abortion 2327: 2322: 2317: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2297: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2277: 2272: 2267: 2265:Legal guardian 2262: 2257: 2252: 2247: 2241: 2238: 2237: 2234: 2233: 2230: 2229: 2224: 2219: 2216: 2214:Parenting plan 2211: 2206: 2201: 2196: 2191: 2186: 2181: 2175: 2170: 2169: 2166: 2165: 2162: 2161: 2156: 2151: 2146: 2141: 2132: 2127: 2122: 2117: 2111: 2106: 2105: 2102: 2101: 2098: 2097: 2092: 2087: 2082: 2077: 2072: 2066: 2063: 2062: 2059: 2058: 2052: 2051: 2041: 2040: 2038: 2037: 2030: 2023: 2015: 2012: 2011: 2005: 2004: 1999: 1998: 1997: 1987: 1982: 1977: 1976: 1975: 1970: 1965: 1955: 1950: 1945: 1940: 1935: 1930: 1929: 1928: 1926:Reverse racism 1918: 1913: 1908: 1903: 1898: 1896:Prisoner abuse 1893: 1888: 1886:Power distance 1883: 1878: 1873: 1868: 1863: 1858: 1853: 1852: 1851: 1841: 1836: 1831: 1826: 1821: 1816: 1811: 1806: 1804:Ethnic penalty 1801: 1800: 1799: 1797:Neurodiversity 1794: 1784: 1782:Dehumanization 1779: 1774: 1772:Cisnormativity 1769: 1764: 1759: 1753: 1752: 1751: 1750: 1748:Related topics 1747: 1746: 1743: 1742: 1736: 1735: 1730: 1725: 1720: 1715: 1710: 1705: 1700: 1695: 1690: 1685: 1680: 1675: 1670: 1665: 1664: 1663: 1653: 1648: 1643: 1638: 1633: 1628: 1622: 1621: 1620: 1619: 1616: 1615: 1612: 1611: 1605: 1604: 1599: 1594: 1592:State religion 1589: 1584: 1579: 1574: 1573: 1572: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1547: 1542: 1537: 1532: 1531: 1530: 1528:Nuremberg Laws 1525: 1515: 1510: 1505: 1497: 1492: 1487: 1482: 1477: 1472: 1470:Ghetto benches 1467: 1465:Gerrymandering 1462: 1457: 1452: 1450:Gender pay gap 1447: 1446: 1445: 1440: 1430: 1425: 1420: 1415: 1409: 1408: 1407: 1406: 1403: 1402: 1399: 1398: 1392: 1391: 1386: 1383: 1378: 1373: 1368: 1363: 1358: 1353: 1348: 1343: 1338: 1333: 1328: 1323: 1318: 1313: 1308: 1303: 1298: 1293: 1288: 1283: 1278: 1277: 1276: 1271: 1266: 1256: 1251: 1246: 1241: 1236: 1231: 1229:Lavender scare 1226: 1224:Kill Haole Day 1221: 1219:Indian rolling 1216: 1211: 1206: 1201: 1196: 1195: 1194: 1184: 1179: 1178: 1177: 1167: 1162: 1157: 1152: 1147: 1142: 1137: 1132: 1127: 1122: 1117: 1112: 1107: 1105:Eliminationism 1102: 1097: 1092: 1087: 1082: 1077: 1072: 1067: 1062: 1057: 1052: 1047: 1042: 1040:Cancel culture 1037: 1032: 1027: 1026: 1025: 1014: 1013: 1012: 1011: 1009:Manifestations 1008: 1007: 1004: 1003: 997: 996: 991: 986: 981: 976: 971: 966: 961: 956: 951: 946: 941: 936: 931: 926: 921: 916: 911: 906: 901: 899:Middle Eastern 896: 891: 886: 881: 876: 871: 866: 861: 856: 851: 846: 845: 844: 839: 834: 826: 821: 816: 811: 806: 801: 796: 791: 786: 781: 776: 771: 766: 761: 756: 751: 746: 741: 740: 739: 734: 729: 719: 714: 709: 708: 707: 702: 697: 687: 682: 677: 672: 667: 662: 656: 655: 654: 653: 647: 646: 643: 642: 636: 635: 633:Zoroastrianism 630: 625: 620: 615: 610: 609: 608: 598: 597: 596: 595: 594: 589: 584: 579: 564: 563: 562: 560:Untouchability 557: 547: 542: 541: 540: 535: 530: 525: 520: 510: 505: 500: 494: 493: 492: 491: 486: 485: 482: 481: 475: 474: 469: 464: 463: 462: 457: 452: 442: 441: 440: 435: 425: 420: 415: 410: 405: 400: 395: 390: 385: 380: 378:Leprosy stigma 375: 370: 365: 360: 355: 350: 345: 340: 335: 330: 325: 320: 315: 310: 305: 300: 295: 290: 285: 280: 275: 270: 265: 260: 255: 250: 245: 240: 234: 233: 232: 231: 228: 227: 224: 223: 217: 216: 211: 206: 201: 196: 191: 186: 185: 184: 179: 169: 164: 159: 154: 149: 144: 139: 134: 129: 124: 119: 113: 112: 111: 110: 107: 106: 103: 102: 96: 95: 90: 85: 80: 74: 73: 72: 71: 68: 67: 64: 63: 55: 54: 52:Discrimination 48: 47: 33: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 20819: 20808: 20805: 20803: 20800: 20798: 20795: 20793: 20790: 20788: 20785: 20783: 20780: 20778: 20775: 20773: 20770: 20768: 20765: 20763: 20760: 20758: 20755: 20753: 20750: 20748: 20745: 20744: 20742: 20725: 20722: 20721: 20720: 20717: 20715: 20712:Categories: 20706: 20705: 20702: 20694: 20693: 20689: 20688: 20687: 20684: 20680: 20679: 20675: 20674: 20673: 20670: 20666: 20665: 20661: 20660: 20659: 20656: 20654: 20653:David Ricardo 20651: 20647: 20646: 20642: 20641: 20640: 20637: 20633: 20632: 20628: 20627: 20626: 20623: 20621: 20620:Elinor Ostrom 20618: 20616: 20613: 20609: 20608: 20604: 20603: 20602: 20599: 20595: 20594: 20590: 20589: 20588: 20585: 20581: 20580: 20576: 20575: 20574: 20571: 20569: 20566: 20564: 20561: 20557: 20556: 20552: 20551: 20550: 20547: 20543: 20542: 20538: 20537: 20536: 20533: 20531: 20528: 20524: 20523: 20519: 20518: 20517: 20514: 20513: 20511: 20507: 20499: 20493: 20490: 20486: 20483: 20481: 20478: 20476: 20473: 20471: 20468: 20467: 20466: 20463: 20459: 20456: 20452: 20449: 20447: 20444: 20443: 20441: 20439: 20436: 20434: 20431: 20430: 20429: 20426: 20424: 20421: 20419: 20418:Privatization 20416: 20414: 20411: 20409: 20406: 20404: 20401: 20399: 20398:Legal plunder 20396: 20394: 20391: 20389: 20386: 20384: 20381: 20379: 20376: 20372: 20369: 20367: 20364: 20363: 20362: 20359: 20357: 20356: 20352: 20350: 20349:Expropriation 20347: 20345: 20342: 20340: 20337: 20335: 20332: 20330: 20327: 20323: 20320: 20319: 20318: 20315: 20314: 20312: 20310: 20305: 20301: 20289: 20286: 20284: 20281: 20280: 20279: 20276: 20274: 20271: 20269: 20266: 20262: 20261: 20257: 20256: 20255: 20252: 20250: 20247: 20243: 20240: 20238: 20235: 20233: 20230: 20229: 20228: 20225: 20223: 20220: 20216: 20213: 20212: 20211: 20208: 20206: 20203: 20201: 20198: 20196: 20193: 20191: 20188: 20187: 20185: 20181: 20173: 20170: 20168: 20165: 20163: 20160: 20158: 20155: 20153: 20150: 20149: 20148: 20145: 20143: 20140: 20136: 20133: 20132: 20131: 20128: 20126: 20125: 20121: 20119: 20116: 20112: 20109: 20107: 20104: 20102: 20099: 20098: 20097: 20094: 20092: 20090: 20086: 20084: 20083:(watercourse) 20082: 20078: 20077: 20074: 20071: 20067: 20059: 20056: 20055: 20054: 20051: 20049: 20046: 20044: 20041: 20037: 20034: 20032: 20029: 20027: 20026:primogeniture 20024: 20023: 20022: 20019: 20017: 20014: 20012: 20009: 20007: 20006:Legal plunder 20004: 20000: 19997: 19996: 19995: 19992: 19990: 19987: 19985: 19982: 19980: 19977: 19975: 19972: 19970: 19967: 19963: 19960: 19958: 19957:appropriation 19955: 19954: 19953: 19950: 19948: 19947:Excludability 19945: 19943: 19940: 19936: 19933: 19932: 19931: 19928: 19926: 19923: 19922: 19920: 19916: 19910: 19907: 19905: 19902: 19900: 19897: 19895: 19892: 19890: 19887: 19885: 19882: 19881: 19879: 19877: 19873: 19865: 19862: 19861: 19860: 19857: 19855: 19852: 19848: 19845: 19844: 19843: 19840: 19838: 19835: 19833: 19830: 19828: 19825: 19824: 19822: 19818: 19812: 19809: 19807: 19804: 19802: 19799: 19797: 19794: 19792: 19789: 19787: 19784: 19782: 19779: 19777: 19774: 19772: 19769: 19767: 19764: 19762: 19759: 19757: 19754: 19752: 19749: 19748: 19746: 19742: 19738: 19731: 19726: 19724: 19719: 19717: 19712: 19711: 19708: 19696: 19688: 19686: 19678: 19676: 19675: 19664: 19663: 19660: 19650: 19647: 19644: 19643: 19639: 19637: 19634: 19632: 19629: 19625: 19622: 19620: 19617: 19616: 19615: 19612: 19610: 19607: 19606: 19604: 19600: 19595: 19592: 19590: 19587: 19585: 19582: 19580: 19577: 19575: 19572: 19570: 19567: 19565: 19562: 19560: 19557: 19555: 19552: 19550: 19547: 19545: 19543: 19539: 19536: 19532: 19522: 19519: 19518: 19517: 19516:United States 19514: 19512: 19509: 19507: 19504: 19502: 19499: 19497: 19494: 19492: 19489: 19487: 19484: 19482: 19479: 19477: 19474: 19472: 19469: 19467: 19464: 19462: 19459: 19457: 19454: 19452: 19449: 19447: 19444: 19442: 19439: 19437: 19434: 19432: 19429: 19427: 19424: 19422: 19419: 19417: 19414: 19412: 19409: 19405: 19402: 19400: 19397: 19395: 19392: 19390: 19387: 19385: 19382: 19380: 19377: 19375: 19372: 19370: 19367: 19366: 19365: 19364:Latin America 19362: 19360: 19357: 19355: 19352: 19350: 19347: 19345: 19342: 19340: 19337: 19335: 19332: 19330: 19327: 19325: 19322: 19320: 19317: 19315: 19312: 19310: 19307: 19305: 19302: 19300: 19297: 19295: 19292: 19290: 19287: 19285: 19282: 19280: 19277: 19275: 19272: 19270: 19267: 19263: 19260: 19258: 19255: 19253: 19250: 19248: 19245: 19243: 19240: 19238: 19235: 19233: 19230: 19228: 19225: 19224: 19223: 19220: 19219: 19215: 19211: 19206: 19203: 19201: 19198: 19196: 19195:Technoscience 19193: 19191: 19188: 19186: 19183: 19181: 19178: 19176: 19173: 19169: 19166: 19165: 19164: 19161: 19159: 19156: 19152: 19149: 19147: 19144: 19142: 19139: 19135: 19132: 19131: 19130: 19127: 19125: 19122: 19120: 19117: 19115: 19112: 19111: 19110: 19107: 19105: 19102: 19100: 19097: 19093: 19090: 19089: 19088: 19085: 19083: 19080: 19078: 19075: 19073: 19070: 19068: 19065: 19063: 19060: 19056: 19053: 19051: 19048: 19046: 19045:Art criticism 19043: 19042: 19041: 19038: 19036: 19033: 19031: 19028: 19026: 19023: 19021: 19018: 19014: 19011: 19009: 19006: 19005: 19004: 19001: 18999: 18996: 18994: 18991: 18989: 18986: 18984: 18981: 18979: 18976: 18974: 18971: 18969: 18966: 18964: 18961: 18959: 18958:Men's studies 18956: 18954: 18951: 18949: 18946: 18944: 18941: 18939: 18936: 18934: 18931: 18929: 18926: 18924: 18922: 18918: 18910: 18907: 18905: 18902: 18900: 18895: 18893: 18890: 18888: 18885: 18883: 18880: 18878: 18875: 18873: 18870: 18868: 18867:Transmisogyny 18865: 18863: 18860: 18858: 18855: 18853: 18850: 18848: 18845: 18843: 18840: 18838: 18835: 18833: 18830: 18828: 18827:Purplewashing 18825: 18823: 18822:Protofeminism 18820: 18818: 18815: 18813: 18810: 18808: 18805: 18803: 18800: 18798: 18795: 18793: 18790: 18788: 18785: 18783: 18780: 18778: 18775: 18773: 18770: 18768: 18765: 18763: 18760: 18758: 18754: 18750: 18748: 18745: 18743: 18740: 18738: 18737:Honor killing 18735: 18733: 18730: 18728: 18725: 18723: 18720: 18718: 18715: 18713: 18710: 18706: 18703: 18701: 18698: 18696: 18693: 18692: 18691: 18688: 18686: 18683: 18681: 18678: 18676: 18673: 18671: 18668: 18666: 18663: 18661: 18658: 18656: 18653: 18651: 18648: 18646: 18643: 18641: 18638: 18634: 18631: 18630: 18629: 18626: 18624: 18621: 18620: 18616: 18612: 18603: 18600: 18598: 18595: 18591: 18588: 18587: 18586: 18583: 18579: 18576: 18574: 18571: 18569: 18566: 18565: 18564: 18561: 18559: 18556: 18554: 18551: 18549: 18545: 18537: 18534: 18530: 18527: 18526: 18525: 18522: 18520: 18517: 18515: 18512: 18508: 18505: 18503: 18500: 18498: 18495: 18494: 18493: 18490: 18486: 18483: 18481: 18478: 18476: 18473: 18471: 18468: 18467: 18466: 18463: 18461: 18458: 18456: 18453: 18452: 18448: 18446: 18442: 18436: 18433: 18429: 18426: 18425: 18424: 18421: 18419: 18416: 18414: 18413:Transnational 18411: 18409: 18406: 18404: 18401: 18399: 18396: 18392: 18389: 18388: 18387: 18384: 18382: 18379: 18377: 18374: 18372: 18369: 18367: 18364: 18362: 18359: 18355: 18352: 18351: 18350: 18347: 18345: 18342: 18340: 18337: 18335: 18332: 18330: 18327: 18325: 18322: 18320: 18317: 18315: 18312: 18310: 18307: 18303: 18300: 18299: 18298: 18295: 18293: 18290: 18288: 18285: 18283: 18282:Individualist 18280: 18276: 18273: 18272: 18271: 18268: 18266: 18263: 18261: 18258: 18256: 18253: 18251: 18248: 18246: 18243: 18239: 18236: 18235: 18234: 18231: 18229: 18226: 18222: 18219: 18218: 18217: 18214: 18212: 18209: 18207: 18204: 18202: 18199: 18197: 18194: 18192: 18189: 18187: 18184: 18182: 18181:Anti-abortion 18179: 18177: 18174: 18172: 18169: 18168: 18166: 18162: 18159: 18157: 18151: 18137: 18134: 18132: 18129: 18127: 18124: 18123: 18122: 18119: 18117: 18114: 18112: 18109: 18108: 18107: 18106:United States 18104: 18100: 18097: 18096: 18095: 18092: 18090: 18087: 18085: 18082: 18080: 18077: 18075: 18072: 18070: 18067: 18065: 18062: 18060: 18057: 18055: 18052: 18051: 18049: 18047: 18043: 18036: 18032: 18030: 18027: 18025: 18022: 18020: 18017: 18016: 18014: 18010: 18004: 18001: 17999: 17996: 17992: 17989: 17988: 17987: 17984: 17982: 17979: 17977: 17974: 17973: 17971: 17967: 17964: 17962: 17958: 17954: 17947: 17942: 17940: 17935: 17933: 17928: 17927: 17924: 17912: 17904: 17902: 17894: 17893: 17890: 17884: 17881: 17877: 17874: 17873: 17872: 17869: 17867: 17864: 17862: 17861:Social stigma 17859: 17855: 17852: 17850: 17847: 17845: 17842: 17841: 17840: 17837: 17835: 17832: 17830: 17827: 17825: 17822: 17820: 17817: 17815: 17812: 17808: 17805: 17804: 17803: 17800: 17798: 17795: 17793: 17790: 17788: 17785: 17783: 17780: 17778: 17775: 17773: 17770: 17768: 17765: 17763: 17760: 17758: 17755: 17753: 17750: 17748: 17745: 17743: 17740: 17738: 17735: 17731: 17728: 17727: 17726: 17723: 17721: 17718: 17716: 17713: 17711: 17708: 17706: 17703: 17701: 17698: 17696: 17693: 17691: 17688: 17686: 17683: 17679: 17676: 17674: 17671: 17670: 17669: 17666: 17664: 17661: 17659: 17656: 17654: 17651: 17649: 17646: 17644: 17641: 17639: 17636: 17635: 17633: 17629: 17623: 17620: 17618: 17615: 17613: 17610: 17608: 17605: 17603: 17600: 17598: 17595: 17593: 17590: 17588: 17585: 17583: 17580: 17578: 17575: 17573: 17570: 17568: 17565: 17563: 17560: 17558: 17555: 17551: 17548: 17547: 17546: 17543: 17541: 17538: 17536: 17533: 17531: 17528: 17526: 17523: 17521: 17518: 17516: 17513: 17512: 17510: 17506: 17500: 17497: 17495: 17492: 17490: 17487: 17485: 17484:State atheism 17482: 17480: 17477: 17475: 17472: 17468: 17465: 17463: 17460: 17458: 17455: 17453: 17450: 17449: 17448: 17445: 17443: 17440: 17438: 17435: 17433: 17430: 17426: 17423: 17421: 17420:Jim Crow laws 17418: 17417: 17416: 17413: 17411: 17408: 17406: 17405:One-drop rule 17403: 17401: 17399: 17395: 17393: 17390: 17388: 17385: 17383: 17380: 17378: 17375: 17373: 17370: 17368: 17365: 17363: 17360: 17358: 17355: 17353: 17350: 17348: 17345: 17341: 17338: 17336: 17333: 17332: 17331: 17328: 17326: 17323: 17321: 17320:Blood quantum 17318: 17316: 17313: 17311: 17308: 17307: 17305: 17299: 17293: 17290: 17288: 17285: 17283: 17280: 17278: 17275: 17273: 17270: 17268: 17267:Victimisation 17265: 17263: 17262:Trans bashing 17260: 17258: 17255: 17253: 17250: 17248: 17245: 17243: 17240: 17238: 17235: 17233: 17232:Religious war 17230: 17228: 17225: 17223: 17220: 17218: 17215: 17213: 17212:Racialization 17210: 17208: 17205: 17203: 17200: 17198: 17195: 17193: 17190: 17188: 17185: 17183: 17180: 17176: 17173: 17171: 17168: 17166: 17163: 17162: 17161: 17158: 17156: 17153: 17151: 17148: 17146: 17143: 17141: 17138: 17136: 17133: 17131: 17128: 17126: 17123: 17121: 17118: 17116: 17113: 17111: 17108: 17106: 17103: 17101: 17098: 17094: 17091: 17090: 17089: 17086: 17084: 17083:Glass ceiling 17081: 17077: 17074: 17073: 17072: 17069: 17067: 17064: 17062: 17059: 17057: 17054: 17052: 17049: 17047: 17044: 17042: 17039: 17037: 17034: 17032: 17029: 17027: 17026:Ethnic hatred 17024: 17022: 17019: 17017: 17014: 17012: 17009: 17007: 17004: 17002: 16999: 16997: 16994: 16992: 16989: 16987: 16984: 16982: 16979: 16977: 16974: 16972: 16969: 16967: 16964: 16962: 16961:Counter-jihad 16959: 16957: 16954: 16952: 16949: 16947: 16944: 16942: 16939: 16937: 16934: 16932: 16929: 16925: 16922: 16921: 16920: 16917: 16916: 16914: 16910: 16904: 16901: 16899: 16896: 16894: 16891: 16889: 16886: 16884: 16881: 16879: 16876: 16874: 16871: 16869: 16866: 16864: 16861: 16859: 16856: 16854: 16851: 16849: 16846: 16844: 16841: 16839: 16836: 16834: 16831: 16829: 16826: 16824: 16821: 16819: 16816: 16814: 16811: 16809: 16806: 16804: 16801: 16799: 16796: 16794: 16791: 16789: 16786: 16784: 16781: 16779: 16776: 16774: 16771: 16769: 16766: 16764: 16761: 16759: 16756: 16752: 16751:United States 16749: 16747: 16744: 16742: 16739: 16738: 16736: 16734: 16731: 16729: 16726: 16724: 16721: 16719: 16716: 16714: 16711: 16709: 16706: 16704: 16701: 16699: 16696: 16694: 16691: 16689: 16686: 16684: 16681: 16679: 16676: 16674: 16671: 16669: 16666: 16664: 16661: 16659: 16656: 16654: 16651: 16647: 16644: 16642: 16639: 16637: 16634: 16633: 16632: 16629: 16627: 16624: 16622: 16619: 16615: 16614:United States 16612: 16610: 16607: 16605: 16602: 16601: 16600: 16597: 16595: 16592: 16590: 16587: 16585: 16582: 16580: 16577: 16575: 16572: 16570: 16567: 16566: 16564: 16562: 16557: 16551: 16548: 16546: 16543: 16541: 16538: 16536: 16535:Protestantism 16533: 16531: 16528: 16524: 16521: 16520: 16519: 16516: 16510: 16507: 16505: 16502: 16500: 16497: 16495: 16492: 16491: 16490: 16487: 16486: 16485: 16482: 16478: 16475: 16473: 16470: 16469: 16468: 16465: 16463: 16460: 16456: 16453: 16451: 16450:LDS or Mormon 16448: 16446: 16443: 16441: 16438: 16436: 16433: 16432: 16431: 16428: 16426: 16423: 16421: 16418: 16416: 16413: 16412: 16410: 16408: 16404: 16398: 16395: 16393: 16390: 16386: 16383: 16381: 16380:Transmisogyny 16378: 16376: 16373: 16372: 16371: 16368: 16364: 16361: 16359: 16356: 16355: 16354: 16351: 16349: 16346: 16344: 16341: 16339: 16336: 16334: 16331: 16329: 16326: 16324: 16321: 16319: 16316: 16314: 16311: 16309: 16306: 16304: 16301: 16299: 16296: 16294: 16291: 16289: 16286: 16284: 16283:Gerontophobia 16281: 16279: 16276: 16274: 16271: 16269: 16266: 16264: 16261: 16259: 16256: 16254: 16251: 16249: 16246: 16244: 16241: 16239: 16236: 16234: 16231: 16229: 16226: 16224: 16221: 16219: 16216: 16214: 16211: 16209: 16206: 16204: 16203:Anti-intersex 16201: 16199: 16196: 16194: 16191: 16189: 16186: 16184: 16181: 16179: 16178:Anti-albinism 16176: 16174: 16171: 16169: 16166: 16164: 16161: 16160: 16158: 16154: 16148: 16145: 16143: 16140: 16138: 16135: 16133: 16130: 16128: 16125: 16123: 16120: 16116: 16113: 16111: 16108: 16107: 16106: 16103: 16101: 16098: 16096: 16093: 16091: 16088: 16086: 16083: 16081: 16078: 16076: 16073: 16071: 16068: 16066: 16063: 16061: 16058: 16056: 16053: 16051: 16048: 16047: 16045: 16041: 16035: 16032: 16030: 16027: 16025: 16022: 16020: 16019:Institutional 16017: 16016: 16014: 16010: 16006: 15999: 15994: 15992: 15987: 15985: 15980: 15979: 15976: 15967: 15965:1-56324-838-7 15961: 15957: 15952: 15948: 15944: 15940: 15936: 15932: 15928: 15923: 15919: 15915: 15911: 15907: 15902: 15898: 15893: 15889: 15885: 15881: 15877: 15872: 15868: 15864: 15860: 15856: 15852: 15848: 15843: 15840:(2): 203–223. 15839: 15835: 15831: 15826: 15822: 15818: 15814: 15810: 15806: 15802: 15798: 15794: 15790: 15785: 15781: 15777: 15773: 15769: 15764: 15760: 15754: 15749: 15748: 15741: 15737: 15731: 15727: 15723: 15718: 15714: 15710: 15706: 15702: 15698: 15693: 15689: 15687:1-56584-074-7 15683: 15679: 15674: 15670: 15666: 15662: 15658: 15654: 15650: 15645: 15641: 15635: 15630: 15629: 15622: 15618: 15614: 15610: 15606: 15601: 15597: 15592: 15588: 15584: 15580: 15576: 15572: 15568: 15563: 15559: 15555: 15551: 15547: 15543: 15539: 15534: 15530: 15526: 15522: 15518: 15514: 15510: 15505: 15501: 15497: 15493: 15489: 15488:Fin-de-Siècle 15484: 15480: 15476: 15472: 15468: 15463: 15459: 15457:0-86554-329-1 15453: 15449: 15444: 15440: 15436: 15432: 15428: 15424: 15420: 15416: 15412: 15408: 15404: 15399: 15395: 15391: 15387: 15383: 15379: 15375: 15370: 15366: 15362: 15358: 15354: 15350: 15346: 15342: 15337: 15333: 15329: 15324: 15319: 15315: 15311: 15307: 15302: 15298: 15294: 15290: 15286: 15281: 15277: 15273: 15268: 15263: 15259: 15255: 15251: 15247: 15242: 15238: 15232: 15224: 15218: 15214: 15209: 15205: 15201: 15197: 15193: 15189: 15185: 15180: 15176: 15172: 15168: 15164: 15159: 15155: 15151: 15147: 15143: 15139: 15135: 15130: 15126: 15122: 15118: 15114: 15111:(1): 88–111. 15110: 15106: 15101: 15097: 15093: 15089: 15085: 15081: 15077: 15073: 15069: 15064: 15060: 15056: 15052: 15048: 15044: 15040: 15036: 15031: 15027: 15025:0-19-822712-4 15021: 15017: 15012: 15008: 15004: 15000: 14996: 14991: 14987: 14983: 14979: 14975: 14971: 14967: 14963: 14959: 14954: 14950: 14948:90-04-12354-7 14944: 14940: 14935: 14931: 14927: 14923: 14919: 14914: 14910: 14906: 14902: 14898: 14894: 14890: 14886: 14882: 14878: 14873: 14869: 14867:0-312-88629-2 14863: 14859: 14858: 14852: 14848: 14844: 14840: 14836: 14832: 14828: 14824: 14820: 14815: 14811: 14807: 14803: 14799: 14795: 14791: 14787: 14783: 14779: 14774: 14770: 14766: 14762: 14758: 14754: 14750: 14745: 14741: 14739:1-85941-892-9 14735: 14731: 14726: 14722: 14718: 14713: 14708: 14704: 14700: 14696: 14691: 14687: 14683: 14679: 14675: 14671: 14667: 14662: 14658: 14654: 14649: 14644: 14640: 14636: 14632: 14627: 14623: 14619: 14615: 14611: 14607: 14603: 14598: 14594: 14590: 14586: 14582: 14578: 14574: 14569: 14565: 14561: 14557: 14553: 14549: 14545: 14541: 14537: 14533: 14529: 14524: 14520: 14516: 14512: 14508: 14504: 14500: 14495: 14491: 14487: 14483: 14479: 14474: 14469: 14464: 14460: 14456: 14452: 14447: 14443: 14439: 14435: 14431: 14427: 14423: 14419: 14415: 14410: 14406: 14402: 14398: 14394: 14389: 14385: 14384: 14378: 14374: 14370: 14366: 14362: 14358: 14354: 14349: 14345: 14341: 14337: 14333: 14329: 14325: 14321: 14317: 14313: 14308: 14304: 14300: 14296: 14292: 14287: 14283: 14279: 14274: 14270: 14266: 14262: 14258: 14253: 14249: 14243: 14239: 14234: 14230: 14226: 14222: 14218: 14214: 14210: 14206: 14202: 14197: 14193: 14192: 14186: 14182: 14178: 14171: 14166: 14162: 14160:0-520-06801-7 14156: 14152: 14147: 14143: 14139: 14135: 14131: 14127: 14123: 14118: 14114: 14112:0-06-095374-8 14108: 14103: 14102: 14095: 14091: 14087: 14082: 14077: 14073: 14069: 14065: 14060: 14056: 14052: 14048: 14044: 14040: 14036: 14032: 14028: 14023: 14019: 14015: 14011: 14007: 14003: 13999: 13995: 13990: 13986: 13982: 13978: 13974: 13970: 13966: 13961: 13957: 13953: 13949: 13945: 13940: 13936: 13931: 13927: 13923: 13918: 13913: 13909: 13905: 13901: 13896: 13892: 13886: 13882: 13881: 13876: 13872: 13868: 13864: 13860: 13856: 13852: 13847: 13843: 13839: 13835: 13831: 13827: 13823: 13822:Primitive Man 13818: 13814: 13812:0-19-864224-5 13808: 13804: 13799: 13795: 13791: 13787: 13783: 13779: 13775: 13770: 13766: 13764:0-679-43593-X 13760: 13756: 13755: 13750: 13746: 13742: 13738: 13734: 13730: 13726: 13722: 13717: 13713: 13708: 13704: 13702:0-19-516186-6 13698: 13694: 13689: 13685: 13683:0-300-05428-9 13679: 13675: 13674: 13668: 13664: 13658: 13654: 13653: 13647: 13644:(2): 240–241. 13643: 13639: 13635: 13630: 13626: 13622: 13621: 13615: 13611: 13607: 13603: 13598: 13594: 13590: 13586: 13582: 13577: 13573: 13569: 13565: 13561: 13556: 13552: 13548: 13544: 13540: 13536: 13532: 13527: 13523: 13521:0-300-05037-2 13517: 13513: 13509: 13505: 13500: 13496: 13492: 13488: 13484: 13479: 13475: 13473:9789004072671 13469: 13465: 13461: 13457: 13453: 13449: 13445: 13441: 13436: 13432: 13428: 13424: 13420: 13416: 13412: 13407: 13403: 13399: 13395: 13391: 13386: 13381: 13377: 13373: 13369: 13364: 13360: 13356: 13352: 13348: 13344: 13340: 13336: 13332: 13327: 13323: 13319: 13315: 13311: 13307: 13303: 13299: 13295: 13290: 13286: 13284:0-521-37887-7 13280: 13276: 13271: 13267: 13263: 13259: 13255: 13251: 13247: 13242: 13238: 13234: 13230: 13226: 13222: 13218: 13213: 13209: 13205: 13201: 13197: 13193: 13189: 13185: 13180: 13176: 13172: 13168: 13164: 13160: 13156: 13152: 13147: 13143: 13139: 13135: 13131: 13127: 13123: 13119: 13115: 13110: 13106: 13102: 13098: 13094: 13089: 13088:2027.42/77492 13084: 13080: 13076: 13072: 13068: 13061: 13056: 13052: 13048: 13044: 13040: 13036: 13032: 13028: 13024: 13019: 13015: 13013:1-56744-498-9 13009: 13005: 13000: 12996: 12992: 12988: 12984: 12979: 12978: 12966: 12961: 12959: 12952:, p. 247 12951: 12946: 12940:, p. 485 12939: 12934: 12927: 12922: 12915: 12911: 12906: 12899: 12895: 12890: 12883: 12878: 12871: 12867: 12862: 12855: 12851: 12846: 12839: 12834: 12827: 12823: 12819: 12814: 12807: 12802: 12796:, p. 126 12795: 12790: 12788: 12786: 12778: 12773: 12765: 12759: 12752: 12748: 12747:Mulder (1956) 12743: 12736: 12735:Mulder (1956) 12731: 12729: 12721: 12716: 12709: 12704: 12698:, p. 102 12697: 12692: 12685: 12680: 12673: 12668: 12661: 12656: 12649: 12644: 12638:, p. 285 12637: 12632: 12626:, p. 260 12625: 12620: 12613: 12608: 12601: 12597: 12593: 12589: 12582: 12578: 12574: 12570: 12564: 12558:, p. 283 12557: 12552: 12546:, p. 284 12545: 12540: 12538: 12536: 12534: 12527:, p. 261 12526: 12521: 12519: 12517: 12509: 12504: 12497: 12492: 12485: 12482:([§] 12481: 12477: 12476: 12469: 12465: 12464:0-395-62438-X 12461: 12457: 12451: 12444: 12439: 12437: 12435: 12433: 12425: 12420: 12413: 12408: 12406: 12398: 12394: 12390: 12386: 12381: 12379: 12371: 12366: 12364: 12362: 12360: 12352: 12347: 12345: 12337: 12332: 12330: 12322: 12317: 12310: 12304: 12302: 12294: 12290: 12286: 12282: 12277: 12270: 12265: 12263: 12255: 12250: 12243: 12238: 12236: 12228: 12224: 12220: 12216: 12211: 12204: 12200: 12196: 12192: 12187: 12180: 12175: 12173: 12165: 12161: 12156: 12154: 12137: 12133: 12127: 12120: 12116: 12112: 12108: 12103: 12096: 12092: 12087: 12080: 12076: 12072: 12067: 12060: 12055: 12048: 12044: 12039: 12032: 12028: 12024: 12019: 12012: 12008: 12004: 11999: 11992: 11987: 11985: 11977: 11973: 11969: 11964: 11957: 11953: 11949: 11944: 11937: 11932: 11926:, p. 217 11925: 11920: 11913: 11908: 11901: 11896: 11889: 11884: 11877: 11872: 11870: 11863:, p. 140 11862: 11857: 11855: 11853: 11851: 11849: 11847: 11839: 11833: 11827:, p. 313 11826: 11825:Bolton (1897) 11821: 11819: 11812:, p. 321 11811: 11810:Bolton (1897) 11806: 11804: 11802: 11794: 11789: 11782: 11781:Lemche (1975) 11777: 11770: 11769:Levine (2001) 11765: 11763: 11755: 11754:Levine (2001) 11750: 11744:, p. 170 11743: 11738: 11731: 11727: 11722: 11715: 11709: 11702: 11696: 11689: 11685: 11681: 11680:Watson (1972) 11676: 11669: 11663: 11656: 11651: 11649: 11641: 11637: 11632: 11625: 11621: 11616: 11614: 11612: 11610: 11608: 11601:, p. 266 11600: 11599:Wright (1903) 11595: 11593: 11586:, p. 261 11585: 11584:Wright (1903) 11580: 11573: 11569: 11564: 11557: 11556:Baines (2003) 11552: 11546:, p. 483 11545: 11544:Baines (2003) 11540: 11534:, p. 485 11533: 11532:Baines (2003) 11528: 11526: 11518: 11517:Pijper (1909) 11513: 11506: 11501: 11494: 11489: 11482: 11478: 11473: 11467:, p. 265 11466: 11461: 11459: 11451: 11445: 11439:, p. 274 11438: 11433: 11431: 11423: 11422:Pijper (1909) 11418: 11411: 11410:Pijper (1909) 11406: 11399: 11398:Pijper (1909) 11394: 11387: 11386:Pijper (1909) 11382: 11376:, p. 155 11375: 11370: 11363: 11358: 11352:, p. 147 11351: 11346: 11340:, p. 130 11339: 11335: 11330: 11323: 11317: 11310: 11304: 11297: 11292: 11290: 11282: 11277: 11271:, p. 383 11270: 11269:Colish (1990) 11265: 11258: 11252: 11250: 11243: 11239: 11235: 11230: 11224:, p. 203 11223: 11218: 11212:, p. 455 11211: 11206: 11204: 11202: 11190: 11185: 11178: 11173: 11166: 11161: 11154: 11153:Old Testament 11150: 11149:0-8041-0906-0 11146: 11142: 11139:12:11–20, in 11138: 11137: 11131: 11124: 11119: 11117: 11115: 11107: 11103: 11099: 11095: 11090: 11083: 11078: 11071: 11066: 11059: 11055: 11050: 11043: 11038: 11031: 11027: 11022: 11020: 11018: 11016: 11008: 11003: 11001: 10993: 10988: 10986: 10979:, p. 405 10978: 10973: 10967:, p. 133 10966: 10961: 10959: 10957: 10950:, p. 216 10949: 10944: 10942: 10940: 10938: 10931:, p. 194 10930: 10925: 10918: 10913: 10906: 10901: 10894: 10889: 10882: 10878: 10874: 10870: 10866: 10864: 10857: 10850: 10845: 10838: 10833: 10826: 10821: 10814: 10809: 10802: 10798: 10793: 10786: 10782: 10778: 10773: 10766: 10762: 10757: 10751:, p. 250 10750: 10745: 10738: 10733: 10727:, p. 690 10726: 10725:Pijper (1909) 10721: 10714: 10713:Pijper (1909) 10709: 10703: 10699: 10698:Pijper (1909) 10694: 10692: 10684: 10683:Lemche (1979) 10679: 10672: 10668: 10662: 10655: 10651: 10647: 10641: 10634: 10629: 10622: 10617: 10610: 10606: 10605:Levine (2001) 10601: 10595:, p. 133 10594: 10589: 10582: 10577: 10571:, p. 194 10570: 10569:Saller (1999) 10565: 10559:, p. 193 10558: 10557:Saller (1999) 10553: 10546: 10545:Saller (1999) 10541: 10534: 10529: 10523: 10519: 10514: 10507: 10502: 10500: 10498: 10490: 10485: 10478: 10477:Gibbon (1994) 10473: 10466: 10461: 10454: 10453:Saller (1999) 10449: 10442: 10441:Saller (1999) 10437: 10430: 10425: 10418: 10413: 10406: 10401: 10395:, p. 126 10394: 10389: 10387: 10385: 10378:, p. 122 10377: 10372: 10366:, p. 110 10365: 10360: 10354:, p. 107 10353: 10348: 10332: 10326: 10310: 10304: 10288: 10282: 10275: 10270: 10263: 10259: 10254: 10247: 10243: 10239: 10234: 10227: 10222: 10220: 10212: 10207: 10200: 10195: 10188: 10183: 10176: 10172: 10171:Kynoch (2005) 10167: 10165: 10163: 10156:, p. 450 10155: 10150: 10148: 10141:, p. 451 10140: 10135: 10128: 10123: 10117:, p. 442 10116: 10111: 10109: 10107: 10105: 10097: 10093: 10088: 10081: 10076: 10070:, p. 441 10069: 10064: 10062: 10054: 10049: 10043:, p. 440 10042: 10037: 10030: 10025: 10019:, p. 647 10018: 10013: 10007:, p. 646 10006: 10001: 9999: 9991: 9986: 9980:, p. 235 9979: 9974: 9968:, p. 230 9967: 9962: 9960: 9953:, p. 227 9952: 9947: 9945: 9937: 9932: 9925: 9920: 9913: 9908: 9906: 9904: 9896: 9891: 9884: 9879: 9872: 9867: 9860: 9855: 9848: 9843: 9836: 9831: 9824: 9820: 9816: 9811: 9805:, p. 140 9804: 9799: 9793:, p. 142 9792: 9787: 9781:, p. 372 9780: 9775: 9768: 9764: 9761: 9755: 9753: 9745: 9740: 9738: 9731:, p. 426 9730: 9725: 9718: 9713: 9707:, folio 131b. 9706: 9702: 9697: 9690: 9687: 9683: 9682:Bahār-i 'Ajam 9679: 9675: 9672: 9668: 9664: 9660: 9656: 9652: 9648: 9644: 9640: 9636: 9632: 9627: 9620: 9615: 9608: 9604: 9600: 9596: 9592: 9588: 9584: 9580: 9576: 9571: 9564: 9560: 9555: 9549:, p. 322 9548: 9543: 9541: 9533: 9528: 9521: 9516: 9510:, p. 128 9509: 9504: 9502: 9494: 9489: 9482: 9477: 9470: 9465: 9458: 9453: 9451: 9444:, p. 132 9443: 9438: 9436: 9434: 9432: 9430: 9422: 9418: 9414: 9409: 9403:, p. 343 9402: 9397: 9391:, p. 241 9390: 9385: 9379:, p. 281 9378: 9373: 9367: 9362: 9355: 9351: 9347: 9342: 9340: 9332: 9328: 9324: 9323:Howard (1904) 9319: 9312: 9311:Howard (1904) 9307: 9300: 9299:Howard (1904) 9295: 9289:, p. 32. 9288: 9284: 9283:Howard (1904) 9279: 9272: 9268: 9264: 9259: 9252: 9251:Laufer (1930) 9247: 9240: 9239:Sommer (2002) 9235: 9228: 9223: 9216: 9212: 9207: 9201: 9197: 9196:Tamura (1994) 9192: 9185: 9180: 9178: 9176: 9174: 9166: 9165:Royal Gazette 9162: 9157: 9150: 9145: 9138: 9133: 9126: 9121: 9115:, p. 329 9114: 9109: 9107: 9099: 9095: 9090: 9083: 9079: 9075: 9074:Thomas Hughes 9071: 9066: 9064: 9062: 9054: 9050: 9046: 9045:Thomas Hughes 9042: 9037: 9030: 9025: 9018: 9013: 9006: 9001: 8994: 8989: 8982: 8977: 8970: 8965: 8958: 8953: 8951: 8949: 8947: 8945: 8937: 8933: 8929: 8925: 8920: 8914: 8910: 8909:Kelley (1939) 8905: 8899:, p. 286 8898: 8897:Kelley (1939) 8893: 8887:, p. 306 8886: 8885:Kelley (1939) 8881: 8879: 8877: 8875: 8873: 8865: 8860: 8854: 8849: 8843: 8839: 8834: 8827: 8823: 8822:Chief Justice 8819: 8815: 8810: 8801: 8794: 8789: 8783:, p. 105 8782: 8777: 8775: 8767: 8763: 8762:Pierce (1976) 8758: 8751: 8750:Pierce (1976) 8746: 8739: 8735: 8734:Dennis (1930) 8730: 8723: 8719: 8718:Dennis (1930) 8714: 8708:, p. 56. 8707: 8703: 8702:Howard (1904) 8698: 8691: 8687: 8686:Morris (1948) 8683: 8682:Howard (1904) 8678: 8671: 8667: 8662: 8660: 8658: 8650: 8646: 8641: 8635:, p. 370 8634: 8629: 8623:, p. 371 8622: 8617: 8610: 8609:Morris (1948) 8605: 8598: 8597:Morris (1948) 8593: 8586: 8585:Morris (1948) 8581: 8574: 8573:Morris (1948) 8569: 8562: 8561:Morris (1948) 8557: 8551:, p. 192 8550: 8549:Morris (1948) 8545: 8538: 8537:Morris (1948) 8533: 8526: 8525:Morris (1948) 8521: 8515:, p. 191 8514: 8513:Morris (1948) 8509: 8507: 8505: 8503: 8495: 8494:Hughes (1986) 8491: 8487: 8482: 8476:, p. 408 8475: 8470: 8466: 8454: 8448: 8441: 8436: 8429: 8424: 8417: 8412: 8405: 8400: 8393: 8388: 8381: 8380: 8374: 8367: 8362: 8353: 8344: 8338: 8332: 8325: 8319: 8312: 8307: 8300: 8295: 8288: 8283: 8276: 8271: 8264: 8259: 8252: 8247: 8240: 8235: 8228: 8223: 8214: 8207: 8202: 8195: 8190: 8183: 8178: 8171: 8167: 8163: 8157: 8149: 8143: 8134: 8127: 8123: 8117: 8110: 8105: 8098: 8093: 8086: 8081: 8074: 8069: 8062: 8057: 8050: 8049:Lunda country 8045: 8038: 8033: 8026: 8021: 8014: 8009: 8000: 7991: 7982: 7973: 7966: 7961: 7954: 7949: 7942: 7937: 7930: 7925: 7918: 7913: 7909: 7900: 7897: 7895: 7892: 7890: 7887: 7885: 7882: 7880: 7877: 7875: 7872: 7870: 7867: 7864: 7861: 7859: 7856: 7854: 7853:Child-selling 7851: 7849: 7846: 7844: 7841: 7839: 7835: 7834: 7830: 7828: 7827: 7823: 7822: 7818: 7807: 7804: 7798: 7793: 7786: 7784: 7780: 7776: 7770: 7767:According to 7765: 7763: 7759: 7756: 7751: 7748: 7744: 7740: 7730: 7728: 7727: 7722: 7717: 7714: 7710: 7706: 7701: 7698: 7694: 7690: 7686: 7682: 7679:, fiction by 7678: 7673: 7671: 7667: 7666: 7665:Mulata de tal 7661: 7656: 7653: 7649: 7645: 7641: 7640:Central Nepal 7636: 7630: 7626: 7616: 7614: 7610: 7605: 7603: 7602: 7593: 7588: 7586: 7585:Harishchandra 7582: 7578: 7574: 7570: 7566: 7562: 7558: 7557:Tamil society 7554: 7549: 7547: 7542: 7538: 7537: 7527: 7523: 7519: 7515: 7511: 7507: 7497: 7495: 7491: 7486: 7484: 7482: 7475: 7473: 7469: 7465: 7464: 7459: 7455: 7451: 7447: 7439: 7435: 7430: 7428: 7425: 7421: 7418: 7413: 7410:from Western 7409: 7402:United States 7394: 7385: 7381: 7379: 7369: 7367: 7363: 7358: 7354: 7346: 7336: 7334: 7333:South African 7330: 7326: 7316: 7307: 7299: 7290: 7288: 7284: 7280: 7275: 7267: 7265: 7261: 7256: 7254: 7253:Carl Lumholtz 7250: 7246: 7242: 7237: 7235: 7230: 7228: 7223: 7221: 7220:Theodore Bent 7217: 7213: 7203: 7199: 7197: 7193: 7183: 7177: 7173: 7172:Gail Hamilton 7168: 7166: 7165:Aelia Eudocia 7162: 7158: 7157:Theodosius II 7153: 7151: 7147: 7142: 7138: 7134: 7130: 7129: 7124: 7122: 7116: 7110: 7106: 7102: 7098: 7094: 7090: 7089: 7073: 7070: 7066: 7065:Old Testament 7061: 7058: 7054: 7050: 7046: 7041: 7039: 7034: 7024: 7019: 7017: 7014: 7010: 7006: 7002: 7001:Northern Asia 6997: 6995: 6990: 6988: 6983: 6981: 6977: 6968: 6964: 6960: 6953: 6949: 6945: 6942: 6933: 6930: 6927: 6923: 6919: 6918: 6917: 6909: 6907: 6906:David Graeber 6903: 6898: 6894: 6892: 6877: 6866: 6862: 6858: 6848: 6846: 6842: 6838: 6834: 6830: 6826: 6825:Edward Gibbon 6822: 6818: 6814: 6810: 6800: 6792: 6785:Latin America 6782: 6780: 6775: 6773: 6769: 6766:In southeast 6764: 6762: 6758: 6754: 6749: 6742: 6737: 6735: 6730: 6723: 6718: 6711: 6706: 6703: 6699: 6694: 6692: 6687: 6684: 6680: 6675: 6673: 6672:David Graeber 6669: 6665: 6660: 6658: 6654: 6648: 6638: 6636: 6631: 6629: 6625: 6624:A. J. O'Brien 6621: 6616: 6614: 6609: 6607: 6603: 6598: 6588: 6584: 6574: 6571: 6567: 6557: 6555: 6551: 6541: 6539: 6534: 6530: 6526: 6519: 6514: 6512: 6508: 6504: 6499: 6494: 6485: 6479: 6469: 6467: 6466:picture bride 6463: 6462: 6457: 6453: 6452: 6441: 6439: 6434: 6432: 6429: 6425: 6421: 6420:Mark P. Leone 6417: 6400: 6395: 6391: 6378: 6371:Black slavery 6368: 6365: 6361: 6356: 6352: 6343: 6340: 6338: 6334: 6331:, apparently 6330: 6325: 6323: 6319: 6314: 6312: 6307: 6301: 6298:According to 6296: 6289: 6285: 6275: 6273: 6269: 6265: 6261: 6254: 6247:United States 6244: 6242: 6238: 6233: 6229: 6222: 6207: 6203: 6201: 6195: 6192: 6187: 6183: 6178: 6174: 6172: 6168: 6157: 6152: 6150: 6145: 6143: 6138: 6137: 6135: 6134: 6128: 6125: 6123: 6120: 6118: 6115: 6114: 6112: 6111: 6108: 6105: 6104: 6098: 6095: 6093: 6090: 6088: 6085: 6083: 6082:Digital goods 6080: 6079: 6077: 6076: 6073: 6070: 6069: 6063: 6060: 6058: 6055: 6053: 6050: 6048: 6045: 6043: 6040: 6038: 6035: 6033: 6030: 6028: 6025: 6023: 6020: 6018: 6015: 6013: 6010: 6008: 6005: 6003: 6000: 5998: 5995: 5993: 5990: 5988: 5985: 5984: 5982: 5981: 5978: 5975: 5974: 5968: 5965: 5963: 5960: 5958: 5955: 5953: 5950: 5948: 5945: 5943: 5940: 5938: 5935: 5933: 5930: 5929: 5927: 5926: 5923: 5920: 5919: 5913: 5910: 5908: 5905: 5903: 5900: 5898: 5895: 5893: 5890: 5888: 5885: 5883: 5882:Uniform price 5880: 5878: 5877:Traffic light 5875: 5873: 5870: 5868: 5865: 5863: 5860: 5858: 5855: 5853: 5850: 5848: 5845: 5843: 5840: 5838: 5835: 5833: 5830: 5828: 5825: 5823: 5820: 5818: 5815: 5813: 5810: 5808: 5805: 5803: 5800: 5798: 5795: 5793: 5790: 5788: 5785: 5783: 5780: 5778: 5775: 5773: 5770: 5768: 5767:Combinatorial 5765: 5763: 5760: 5758: 5755: 5753: 5750: 5748: 5745: 5743: 5742:Best/not best 5740: 5738: 5737:Barter double 5735: 5733: 5730: 5728: 5725: 5721: 5718: 5716: 5713: 5711: 5708: 5707: 5706: 5703: 5702: 5700: 5699: 5696: 5693: 5692: 5688: 5684: 5683: 5680: 5677: 5676: 5672: 5668: 5667: 5657: 5652: 5650: 5645: 5643: 5638: 5637: 5635: 5634: 5627: 5624: 5620: 5617: 5615: 5612: 5610: 5607: 5603: 5600: 5599: 5598: 5595: 5593: 5590: 5588: 5585: 5583: 5580: 5578: 5575: 5573: 5570: 5569: 5568: 5565: 5563: 5560: 5558: 5557:Slave catcher 5555: 5553: 5550: 5546: 5543: 5541: 5538: 5537: 5536: 5533: 5531: 5528: 5524: 5521: 5519: 5516: 5515: 5514: 5511: 5507: 5504: 5502: 5499: 5497: 5494: 5493: 5492: 5489: 5487: 5486:Forced labour 5484: 5482: 5479: 5477: 5474: 5473: 5467: 5466: 5457: 5452: 5449: 5447: 5444: 5442: 5439: 5437: 5434: 5432: 5429: 5427: 5424: 5422: 5419: 5415: 5412: 5411: 5410: 5407: 5405: 5402: 5400: 5397: 5393: 5390: 5389: 5388: 5385: 5383: 5380: 5376: 5373: 5371: 5368: 5367: 5366: 5363: 5359: 5356: 5354: 5351: 5350: 5349: 5346: 5344: 5341: 5339: 5336: 5332: 5331:Abolitionists 5329: 5327: 5324: 5322: 5319: 5317: 5314: 5312: 5309: 5307: 5304: 5302: 5299: 5297: 5294: 5292: 5289: 5287: 5284: 5283: 5282: 5279: 5278: 5275: 5270: 5269: 5262: 5259: 5257: 5254: 5252: 5249: 5245: 5242: 5240: 5237: 5236: 5235: 5232: 5230: 5227: 5226: 5223: 5218: 5217: 5210: 5207: 5205: 5202: 5200: 5197: 5195: 5192: 5190: 5187: 5185: 5182: 5180: 5177: 5175: 5172: 5170: 5167: 5165: 5162: 5160: 5157: 5155: 5152: 5150: 5147: 5145: 5142: 5140: 5137: 5135: 5132: 5130: 5127: 5125: 5122: 5120: 5117: 5115: 5112: 5111: 5107: 5106: 5103: 5100: 5098: 5095: 5093: 5090: 5088: 5085: 5083: 5080: 5078: 5075: 5073: 5070: 5068: 5065: 5063: 5060: 5058: 5055: 5053: 5050: 5046: 5043: 5041: 5038: 5037: 5035: 5033: 5030: 5029: 5025: 5024: 5021: 5018: 5016: 5013: 5011: 5008: 5006: 5003: 4999: 4996: 4995: 4994: 4991: 4990: 4987: 4984: 4983: 4980: 4977: 4973: 4970: 4969: 4968: 4965: 4963: 4960: 4958: 4955: 4953: 4950: 4946: 4943: 4942: 4941: 4938: 4934: 4933:comfort women 4931: 4930: 4929: 4926: 4924: 4921: 4917: 4916:Chukri System 4914: 4912: 4909: 4908: 4907: 4904: 4900: 4897: 4895: 4892: 4890: 4887: 4886: 4885: 4882: 4880: 4877: 4875: 4872: 4870: 4867: 4866: 4863: 4860: 4859: 4856: 4853: 4850: 4846: 4842: 4839: 4837: 4834: 4833: 4832: 4829: 4827: 4824: 4822: 4819: 4815: 4812: 4811: 4810: 4807: 4805: 4804:Latin America 4802: 4798: 4795: 4793: 4790: 4788: 4785: 4783: 4780: 4779: 4778: 4775: 4773: 4770: 4768: 4765: 4761: 4758: 4756: 4755:interregional 4753: 4751: 4748: 4746: 4743: 4741: 4740:prison labour 4738: 4736: 4733: 4731: 4728: 4726: 4723: 4721: 4718: 4716: 4713: 4712: 4711: 4710:United States 4708: 4704: 4701: 4700: 4699: 4696: 4692: 4689: 4688: 4687: 4684: 4683: 4680: 4677: 4676: 4673: 4670: 4668: 4665: 4663: 4660: 4656: 4653: 4652: 4651: 4648: 4646: 4643: 4641: 4638: 4636: 4633: 4631: 4628: 4626: 4623: 4621: 4618: 4616: 4613: 4611: 4608: 4606: 4603: 4599: 4596: 4595: 4594: 4591: 4589: 4586: 4584: 4581: 4579: 4576: 4575: 4572: 4569: 4568: 4562: 4561: 4554: 4551: 4549: 4546: 4544: 4541: 4539: 4536: 4534: 4531: 4530: 4526: 4525: 4522: 4521:White slavery 4519: 4517: 4514: 4512: 4511:Slave raiding 4509: 4507: 4504: 4502: 4499: 4497: 4494: 4490: 4487: 4486: 4485: 4482: 4480: 4479:Corvée labour 4477: 4475: 4472: 4470: 4467: 4463: 4460: 4458: 4455: 4453: 4450: 4449: 4448: 4445: 4444: 4440: 4439: 4436: 4433: 4431: 4428: 4426: 4423: 4421: 4418: 4416: 4413: 4411: 4408: 4406: 4403: 4401: 4398: 4396: 4393: 4391: 4388: 4386: 4383: 4382: 4379: 4376: 4375: 4372: 4369: 4367: 4364: 4362: 4359: 4357: 4354: 4352: 4349: 4347: 4344: 4340: 4337: 4335: 4332: 4330: 4327: 4325: 4322: 4320: 4316: 4313: 4311: 4308: 4306: 4303: 4301: 4298: 4296: 4295:Abbasid harem 4293: 4291: 4288: 4286: 4283: 4281: 4278: 4276: 4273: 4272: 4271: 4268: 4264: 4261: 4259: 4256: 4254: 4251: 4249: 4246: 4244: 4241: 4240: 4239: 4238:Barbary Coast 4236: 4232: 4229: 4228: 4227: 4224: 4222: 4219: 4217: 4214: 4212: 4209: 4207: 4204: 4202: 4199: 4197: 4194: 4191: 4188: 4186: 4183: 4182: 4179: 4176: 4175: 4170: 4167: 4166: 4165: 4162: 4160: 4157: 4155: 4152: 4148: 4145: 4143: 4140: 4138: 4135: 4134: 4133: 4130: 4128: 4125: 4123: 4120: 4118: 4115: 4113: 4110: 4108: 4105: 4104: 4101: 4098: 4097: 4094: 4091: 4089: 4086: 4084: 4081: 4079: 4076: 4075: 4072: 4069: 4068: 4065: 4060: 4059: 4052: 4049: 4047: 4044: 4042: 4039: 4037: 4034: 4032: 4029: 4027: 4024: 4022: 4019: 4017: 4014: 4010: 4007: 4005: 4002: 4000: 3997: 3996: 3995: 3992: 3990: 3987: 3985: 3982: 3980: 3977: 3975: 3972: 3971: 3968: 3963: 3962: 3958: 3954: 3953: 3950: 3946: 3945:Forced labour 3943: 3942: 3938: 3934: 3933: 3923: 3918: 3916: 3911: 3909: 3904: 3903: 3901: 3900: 3893: 3890: 3888: 3885: 3883: 3880: 3878: 3875: 3873: 3870: 3868: 3865: 3863: 3860: 3858: 3855: 3853: 3852:United States 3850: 3848: 3845: 3843: 3840: 3838: 3835: 3833: 3830: 3828: 3825: 3823: 3820: 3818: 3815: 3813: 3810: 3808: 3805: 3803: 3800: 3798: 3795: 3793: 3790: 3788: 3785: 3783: 3780: 3778: 3775: 3773: 3770: 3768: 3765: 3763: 3760: 3758: 3755: 3753: 3750: 3748: 3745: 3743: 3740: 3738: 3735: 3733: 3730: 3728: 3725: 3723: 3720: 3718: 3715: 3713: 3710: 3708: 3705: 3703: 3700: 3698: 3695: 3693: 3690: 3688: 3685: 3683: 3680: 3678: 3675: 3673: 3670: 3668: 3665: 3663: 3660: 3658: 3655: 3653: 3650: 3648: 3645: 3643: 3640: 3638: 3635: 3633: 3630: 3628: 3625: 3623: 3620: 3618: 3615: 3613: 3610: 3608: 3605: 3603: 3600: 3598: 3595: 3593: 3590: 3588: 3585: 3583: 3580: 3578: 3575: 3573: 3570: 3568: 3565: 3563: 3560: 3558: 3555: 3553: 3550: 3548: 3545: 3543: 3540: 3538: 3535: 3533: 3530: 3528: 3525: 3523: 3520: 3518: 3515: 3513: 3510: 3508: 3505: 3503: 3500: 3498: 3495: 3493: 3490: 3488: 3485: 3483: 3480: 3478: 3475: 3473: 3470: 3468: 3465: 3463: 3460: 3458: 3455: 3453: 3450: 3448: 3445: 3443: 3440: 3438: 3435: 3433: 3430: 3428: 3425: 3423: 3422:FS Micronesia 3420: 3418: 3415: 3413: 3410: 3408: 3405: 3403: 3400: 3398: 3395: 3393: 3390: 3388: 3385: 3383: 3380: 3377: 3373: 3370: 3368: 3365: 3363: 3360: 3358: 3355: 3353: 3350: 3348: 3345: 3343: 3340: 3338: 3335: 3333: 3330: 3328: 3325: 3323: 3320: 3318: 3315: 3313: 3310: 3308: 3305: 3303: 3300: 3298: 3295: 3293: 3290: 3288: 3285: 3283: 3280: 3278: 3275: 3273: 3270: 3268: 3265: 3263: 3260: 3258: 3255: 3253: 3250: 3248: 3245: 3243: 3240: 3238: 3235: 3234: 3231: 3226: 3225: 3220: 3213: 3212:Winter sports 3210: 3208: 3205: 3203: 3200: 3198: 3195: 3193: 3190: 3188: 3185: 3183: 3180: 3178: 3175: 3172: 3170: 3167: 3165: 3162: 3160: 3157: 3155: 3152: 3150: 3147: 3145: 3142: 3140: 3137: 3135: 3132: 3130: 3127: 3125: 3122: 3120: 3117: 3115: 3112: 3110: 3107: 3105: 3102: 3100: 3097: 3095: 3092: 3091: 3088: 3083: 3082: 3073: 3070: 3069: 3068: 3065: 3063: 3060: 3058: 3055: 3053: 3050: 3048: 3047:Film industry 3045: 3041: 3038: 3037: 3036: 3033: 3032: 3026: 3025: 3018: 3015: 3013: 3010: 3008: 3005: 3003: 3000: 2998: 2995: 2991: 2988: 2986: 2983: 2981: 2978: 2977: 2976: 2973: 2971: 2968: 2966: 2963: 2961: 2958: 2956: 2953: 2952: 2946: 2943: 2942: 2938: 2937: 2930: 2927: 2923: 2920: 2918: 2915: 2914: 2913: 2910: 2908: 2907:Photographers 2905: 2901: 2898: 2897: 2896: 2893: 2889: 2886: 2885: 2884: 2881: 2879: 2876: 2872: 2869: 2868: 2867: 2864: 2862: 2859: 2855: 2852: 2851: 2850: 2847: 2845: 2842: 2840: 2837: 2836: 2829: 2827: 2824: 2823: 2819: 2818: 2811: 2808: 2806: 2803: 2801: 2796: 2794: 2791: 2789: 2788:Organizations 2786: 2780: 2777: 2776: 2775: 2772: 2771: 2770: 2767: 2765: 2762: 2760: 2757: 2755: 2752: 2751: 2744: 2742: 2739: 2738: 2734: 2733: 2726: 2723: 2721: 2718: 2716: 2715:Voting rights 2713: 2711: 2708: 2706: 2703: 2701: 2698: 2696: 2693: 2691: 2688: 2686: 2683: 2681: 2678: 2676: 2673: 2671: 2668: 2666: 2663: 2661: 2658: 2656: 2653: 2647: 2644: 2643: 2642: 2641:Queen regnant 2639: 2637: 2634: 2632: 2629: 2627: 2624: 2623: 2622: 2619: 2615: 2612: 2611: 2610: 2607: 2605: 2602: 2600: 2597: 2595: 2592: 2590: 2587: 2585: 2582: 2578: 2573: 2571: 2568: 2567: 2566: 2563: 2561: 2558: 2557: 2553: 2550: 2549: 2546: 2545: 2540: 2534: 2531: 2530: 2524: 2523: 2519: 2515: 2514: 2510: 2509: 2505: 2504: 2494: 2489: 2487: 2482: 2480: 2475: 2474: 2472: 2471: 2464: 2461: 2459: 2456: 2454: 2451: 2449: 2446: 2444: 2441: 2439: 2436: 2434: 2431: 2429: 2426: 2424: 2421: 2419: 2418:Child selling 2416: 2414: 2411: 2409: 2406: 2404: 2401: 2400: 2392: 2391: 2384: 2381: 2379: 2376: 2374: 2371: 2369: 2366: 2364: 2361: 2359: 2356: 2354: 2351: 2350: 2344: 2343: 2336: 2333: 2331: 2328: 2326: 2325:Child support 2323: 2321: 2318: 2316: 2313: 2311: 2308: 2306: 2303: 2301: 2298: 2296: 2293: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2273: 2271: 2268: 2266: 2263: 2261: 2260:Child custody 2258: 2256: 2253: 2251: 2248: 2246: 2243: 2242: 2236: 2235: 2228: 2225: 2223: 2220: 2217: 2215: 2212: 2210: 2207: 2205: 2202: 2200: 2197: 2195: 2192: 2190: 2187: 2185: 2182: 2180: 2177: 2176: 2173: 2168: 2167: 2160: 2157: 2155: 2154:Sham marriage 2152: 2150: 2147: 2145: 2142: 2140: 2136: 2133: 2131: 2128: 2126: 2123: 2121: 2118: 2116: 2113: 2112: 2109: 2104: 2103: 2096: 2093: 2091: 2088: 2086: 2083: 2081: 2078: 2076: 2073: 2071: 2068: 2067: 2061: 2060: 2057: 2054: 2053: 2050: 2047: 2046: 2036: 2031: 2029: 2024: 2022: 2017: 2016: 2014: 2013: 2003: 2000: 1996: 1993: 1992: 1991: 1988: 1986: 1983: 1981: 1980:Social stigma 1978: 1974: 1971: 1969: 1966: 1964: 1961: 1960: 1959: 1956: 1954: 1951: 1949: 1946: 1944: 1941: 1939: 1936: 1934: 1931: 1927: 1924: 1923: 1922: 1919: 1917: 1914: 1912: 1909: 1907: 1904: 1902: 1899: 1897: 1894: 1892: 1889: 1887: 1884: 1882: 1879: 1877: 1874: 1872: 1869: 1867: 1864: 1862: 1859: 1857: 1854: 1850: 1847: 1846: 1845: 1842: 1840: 1837: 1835: 1832: 1830: 1827: 1825: 1822: 1820: 1817: 1815: 1812: 1810: 1807: 1805: 1802: 1798: 1795: 1793: 1790: 1789: 1788: 1785: 1783: 1780: 1778: 1775: 1773: 1770: 1768: 1765: 1763: 1760: 1758: 1755: 1754: 1745: 1744: 1734: 1731: 1729: 1726: 1724: 1721: 1719: 1716: 1714: 1711: 1709: 1706: 1704: 1701: 1699: 1696: 1694: 1691: 1689: 1686: 1684: 1681: 1679: 1676: 1674: 1671: 1669: 1666: 1662: 1659: 1658: 1657: 1654: 1652: 1649: 1647: 1644: 1642: 1639: 1637: 1634: 1632: 1629: 1627: 1624: 1623: 1614: 1613: 1603: 1600: 1598: 1595: 1593: 1590: 1588: 1587:State atheism 1585: 1583: 1580: 1578: 1575: 1571: 1568: 1566: 1563: 1561: 1558: 1556: 1553: 1552: 1551: 1548: 1546: 1543: 1541: 1538: 1536: 1533: 1529: 1526: 1524: 1523:Jim Crow laws 1521: 1520: 1519: 1516: 1514: 1511: 1509: 1508:One-drop rule 1506: 1504: 1502: 1498: 1496: 1493: 1491: 1488: 1486: 1483: 1481: 1478: 1476: 1473: 1471: 1468: 1466: 1463: 1461: 1458: 1456: 1453: 1451: 1448: 1444: 1441: 1439: 1436: 1435: 1434: 1431: 1429: 1426: 1424: 1423:Blood quantum 1421: 1419: 1416: 1414: 1411: 1410: 1401: 1400: 1390: 1387: 1384: 1382: 1379: 1377: 1374: 1372: 1369: 1367: 1366:Victimisation 1364: 1362: 1361:Trans bashing 1359: 1357: 1354: 1352: 1349: 1347: 1344: 1342: 1339: 1337: 1334: 1332: 1331:Religious war 1329: 1327: 1324: 1322: 1319: 1317: 1314: 1312: 1311:Racialization 1309: 1307: 1304: 1302: 1299: 1297: 1294: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1284: 1282: 1279: 1275: 1272: 1270: 1267: 1265: 1262: 1261: 1260: 1257: 1255: 1252: 1250: 1247: 1245: 1242: 1240: 1237: 1235: 1232: 1230: 1227: 1225: 1222: 1220: 1217: 1215: 1212: 1210: 1207: 1205: 1202: 1200: 1197: 1193: 1190: 1189: 1188: 1185: 1183: 1182:Glass ceiling 1180: 1176: 1173: 1172: 1171: 1168: 1166: 1163: 1161: 1158: 1156: 1153: 1151: 1148: 1146: 1143: 1141: 1138: 1136: 1133: 1131: 1128: 1126: 1125:Ethnic hatred 1123: 1121: 1118: 1116: 1113: 1111: 1108: 1106: 1103: 1101: 1098: 1096: 1093: 1091: 1088: 1086: 1083: 1081: 1078: 1076: 1073: 1071: 1068: 1066: 1063: 1061: 1060:Counter-jihad 1058: 1056: 1053: 1051: 1048: 1046: 1043: 1041: 1038: 1036: 1033: 1031: 1028: 1024: 1021: 1020: 1019: 1016: 1015: 1006: 1005: 995: 992: 990: 987: 985: 982: 980: 977: 975: 972: 970: 967: 965: 962: 960: 957: 955: 952: 950: 947: 945: 942: 940: 937: 935: 932: 930: 927: 925: 922: 920: 917: 915: 912: 910: 907: 905: 902: 900: 897: 895: 892: 890: 887: 885: 882: 880: 877: 875: 872: 870: 867: 865: 862: 860: 857: 855: 852: 850: 847: 843: 842:United States 840: 838: 835: 833: 830: 829: 827: 825: 822: 820: 817: 815: 812: 810: 807: 805: 802: 800: 797: 795: 792: 790: 787: 785: 782: 780: 777: 775: 772: 770: 767: 765: 762: 760: 757: 755: 752: 750: 747: 745: 742: 738: 735: 733: 730: 728: 725: 724: 723: 720: 718: 715: 713: 710: 706: 705:United States 703: 701: 698: 696: 693: 692: 691: 688: 686: 683: 681: 678: 676: 673: 671: 668: 666: 663: 661: 658: 657: 651: 645: 644: 634: 631: 629: 626: 624: 621: 619: 618:Protestantism 616: 614: 611: 607: 604: 603: 602: 599: 593: 590: 588: 585: 583: 580: 578: 575: 574: 573: 570: 569: 568: 565: 561: 558: 556: 553: 552: 551: 548: 546: 543: 539: 536: 534: 533:LDS or Mormon 531: 529: 526: 524: 521: 519: 516: 515: 514: 511: 509: 506: 504: 501: 499: 496: 495: 489: 484: 483: 473: 470: 468: 465: 461: 458: 456: 455:Transmisogyny 453: 451: 448: 447: 446: 443: 439: 436: 434: 431: 430: 429: 426: 424: 421: 419: 416: 414: 411: 409: 406: 404: 401: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 364: 361: 359: 358:Gerontophobia 356: 354: 351: 349: 346: 344: 341: 339: 336: 334: 331: 329: 326: 324: 321: 319: 316: 314: 311: 309: 306: 304: 301: 299: 296: 294: 291: 289: 286: 284: 281: 279: 278:Anti-intersex 276: 274: 271: 269: 266: 264: 261: 259: 256: 254: 253:Anti-albinism 251: 249: 246: 244: 241: 239: 236: 235: 226: 225: 215: 212: 210: 207: 205: 202: 200: 197: 195: 192: 190: 187: 183: 180: 178: 175: 174: 173: 170: 168: 165: 163: 160: 158: 155: 153: 150: 148: 145: 143: 140: 138: 135: 133: 130: 128: 125: 123: 120: 118: 115: 114: 105: 104: 94: 91: 89: 86: 84: 81: 79: 78:Institutional 76: 75: 66: 65: 61: 57: 56: 53: 50: 49: 45: 41: 40: 37: 30: 26: 22: 20767:Medieval law 20757:Marriage law 20719:Property law 20690: 20676: 20662: 20643: 20629: 20625:Karl Polanyi 20605: 20601:Marcel Mauss 20591: 20577: 20568:David Harvey 20553: 20549:Henry George 20539: 20530:Ronald Coase 20520: 20505: 20451:wife selling 20450: 20433:bride buying 20371:repatriation 20353: 20304:Disposession 20258: 20147:Property law 20122: 20118:Forest types 20088: 20080: 20069:Applications 19999:rent-seeking 19984:Gift economy 19842:Intellectual 19665: 19640: 19584:Rhetoricians 19574:Philosophers 19466:Saudi Arabia 19262:South Africa 19124:Epistemology 19077:Anthropology 19072:Architecture 19035:Legal theory 18943:Gynocentrism 18882:War on women 18817:Pro-feminism 18772:Gender-blind 18727:Gender quota 18700:Art movement 18497:Dianic Wicca 18376:Sex-positive 18339:Postcolonial 18206:Conservative 18186:Anti-fascist 17695:Gender-blind 17582:Human rights 17410:Racial quota 17397: 17377:Jewish quota 17357:Gerontocracy 17352:Gender roles 17330:Disabilities 17315:Blood purity 17287:Wife selling 17286: 17277:White flight 17257:Slut-shaming 17237:Scapegoating 17155:Murder music 16828:Palestinians 16646:South Africa 16631:Black people 16609:South Africa 16430:Christianity 16420:Baháʼí Faith 16348:Sectarianism 16288:Heterosexism 16253:Ephebiphobia 16218:Antisemitism 16213:Anti-Masonry 16080:Hair texture 15955: 15930: 15926: 15909: 15905: 15896: 15879: 15875: 15853:(1): 22–43. 15850: 15846: 15837: 15833: 15829: 15796: 15792: 15789:Leges Regiae 15788: 15771: 15767: 15746: 15725: 15721: 15704: 15700: 15696: 15677: 15652: 15648: 15627: 15608: 15604: 15595: 15570: 15566: 15541: 15537: 15512: 15508: 15491: 15487: 15470: 15466: 15447: 15414: 15410: 15406: 15402: 15380:(1): 58–79. 15377: 15373: 15348: 15344: 15341:"Kafiristan" 15313: 15309: 15288: 15284: 15249: 15245: 15212: 15187: 15183: 15166: 15162: 15137: 15133: 15108: 15104: 15074:(1): 69–89. 15071: 15067: 15042: 15038: 15015: 14998: 14994: 14964:(1): 18–38. 14961: 14957: 14938: 14921: 14917: 14900: 14896: 14892: 14888: 14885:Great Tundra 14884: 14880: 14876: 14856: 14822: 14818: 14788:(2): 47–65. 14785: 14781: 14777: 14752: 14748: 14729: 14702: 14698: 14669: 14665: 14641:(1): 16–50. 14638: 14634: 14605: 14601: 14576: 14572: 14542:(1): 11–22. 14539: 14535: 14531: 14527: 14502: 14498: 14481: 14477: 14458: 14454: 14417: 14413: 14396: 14392: 14382: 14356: 14352: 14319: 14315: 14311: 14294: 14290: 14281: 14277: 14260: 14256: 14237: 14207:(1): 25–47. 14204: 14200: 14190: 14180: 14176: 14150: 14125: 14121: 14100: 14071: 14067: 14030: 14026: 14001: 13997: 13971:(1): 80–93. 13968: 13964: 13947: 13943: 13934: 13910:(1): 34–57. 13907: 13903: 13879: 13858: 13854: 13850: 13825: 13821: 13802: 13780:(1): 31–55. 13777: 13773: 13753: 13724: 13720: 13711: 13692: 13672: 13651: 13641: 13637: 13633: 13624: 13618: 13601: 13584: 13580: 13563: 13559: 13537:(1): 39–50. 13534: 13530: 13507: 13486: 13482: 13463: 13446:(1): 45–54. 13443: 13439: 13414: 13410: 13375: 13371: 13334: 13330: 13297: 13293: 13274: 13249: 13245: 13220: 13216: 13191: 13187: 13158: 13154: 13150: 13117: 13113: 13073:(1): 61–68. 13070: 13066: 13026: 13022: 13003: 12986: 12982: 12974:Bibliography 12945: 12933: 12921: 12913: 12905: 12889: 12884:, p. 34 12877: 12869: 12861: 12853: 12845: 12833: 12826:Introduction 12825: 12821: 12813: 12801: 12772: 12758: 12750: 12742: 12737:, p. 31 12720:Sears (2010) 12715: 12708:Sears (2010) 12703: 12696:Sears (2010) 12691: 12686:, p. 98 12684:Sears (2010) 12679: 12667: 12655: 12643: 12631: 12619: 12607: 12595: 12591: 12587: 12580: 12576: 12572: 12563: 12551: 12503: 12491: 12483: 12479: 12474: 12467: 12455: 12450: 12445:, p. 62 12443:Smith (1998) 12424:Parry (1980) 12419: 12396: 12392: 12389:Perspectives 12388: 12372:, p. 89 12353:, p. 90 12338:, p. 84 12323:, p. 78 12316: 12292: 12284: 12276: 12249: 12226: 12222: 12219:Introduction 12218: 12210: 12202: 12198: 12194: 12186: 12163: 12140:. Retrieved 12135: 12126: 12118: 12114: 12110: 12102: 12086: 12078: 12074: 12066: 12054: 12046: 12038: 12030: 12026: 12018: 12010: 12006: 11998: 11975: 11971: 11963: 11955: 11951: 11943: 11931: 11919: 11907: 11895: 11890:, p. 15 11883: 11878:, p. 95 11832: 11795:, p. 88 11788: 11776: 11749: 11737: 11729: 11726:Rüpke (1992) 11721: 11708: 11700: 11695: 11687: 11683: 11675: 11668:Pound (1916) 11662: 11657:, p. 46 11655:Couch (1894) 11639: 11636:Rüpke (1992) 11631: 11623: 11620:Rüpke (1992) 11579: 11571: 11563: 11551: 11539: 11512: 11507:, p. 11 11500: 11488: 11480: 11472: 11444: 11417: 11405: 11393: 11381: 11369: 11357: 11345: 11338:Holum (1982) 11329: 11322:Holum (1982) 11316: 11303: 11283:, p. 24 11276: 11264: 11256: 11241: 11237: 11229: 11217: 11184: 11172: 11160: 11152: 11140: 11134: 11130: 11125:, p. 62 11105: 11101: 11097: 11089: 11084:, p. 61 11077: 11072:, p. 32 11065: 11057: 11049: 11044:, p. 22 11037: 11029: 11009:, p. 16 10972: 10924: 10919:, p. 34 10917:Gleis (1930) 10912: 10905:Gleis (1930) 10900: 10888: 10876: 10868: 10862: 10856: 10844: 10839:, p. 36 10837:Gleis (1930) 10832: 10825:Gleis (1930) 10820: 10808: 10800: 10792: 10784: 10780: 10772: 10764: 10756: 10744: 10732: 10720: 10708: 10701: 10678: 10670: 10661: 10653: 10649: 10640: 10628: 10616: 10609:Hittite Laws 10600: 10588: 10583:, p. 76 10576: 10564: 10552: 10540: 10528: 10521: 10518:Glare (1984) 10513: 10508:, p. 90 10484: 10472: 10467:, p. 37 10460: 10448: 10436: 10424: 10412: 10400: 10371: 10359: 10347: 10335:. Retrieved 10325: 10313:. Retrieved 10303: 10291:. Retrieved 10281: 10276:, p. 73 10269: 10253: 10233: 10206: 10194: 10189:, p. 25 10182: 10174: 10134: 10122: 10095: 10087: 10075: 10048: 10036: 10024: 10012: 9985: 9973: 9931: 9919: 9914:, p. 43 9890: 9885:, p. 42 9878: 9866: 9861:, p. 37 9854: 9842: 9830: 9822: 9818: 9815:Henry (2004) 9810: 9803:Henry (2004) 9798: 9791:Henry (2004) 9786: 9774: 9724: 9712: 9704: 9701:Habib (1963) 9696: 9688: 9685: 9681: 9677: 9673: 9670: 9666: 9662: 9658: 9654: 9650: 9646: 9642: 9638: 9634: 9631:Habib (1963) 9626: 9619:Islam (1965) 9614: 9606: 9602: 9598: 9594: 9590: 9586: 9578: 9575:Habib (1963) 9570: 9562: 9559:Habib (1963) 9554: 9547:Habib (1963) 9532:Habib (1963) 9527: 9520:Habib (1963) 9515: 9488: 9476: 9464: 9420: 9416: 9408: 9401:Zweig (1997) 9396: 9384: 9372: 9361: 9349: 9330: 9326: 9318: 9306: 9294: 9286: 9278: 9258: 9246: 9234: 9229:, p. 28 9227:Smith (1998) 9222: 9214: 9206: 9191: 9164: 9156: 9151:, p. 90 9144: 9139:, p. 89 9132: 9125:Leone (1992) 9120: 9113:Cooke (1921) 9097: 9094:Cooke (1921) 9089: 9081: 9077: 9073: 9052: 9048: 9044: 9036: 9024: 9019:, p. 10 9012: 9000: 8988: 8976: 8964: 8935: 8931: 8927: 8919: 8912: 8904: 8892: 8859: 8848: 8841: 8833: 8818:Charles Moss 8809: 8800: 8793:Cline (1962) 8788: 8781:Cline (1962) 8765: 8757: 8745: 8737: 8729: 8721: 8713: 8705: 8697: 8689: 8677: 8669: 8648: 8640: 8628: 8616: 8604: 8592: 8580: 8568: 8556: 8544: 8532: 8520: 8481: 8469: 8447: 8435: 8423: 8411: 8399: 8387: 8377: 8373: 8361: 8352: 8343: 8331: 8318: 8306: 8299:Counting-out 8294: 8282: 8270: 8258: 8246: 8234: 8222: 8213: 8201: 8189: 8177: 8169: 8165: 8161: 8156: 8147: 8142: 8133: 8125: 8121: 8116: 8104: 8092: 8080: 8068: 8056: 8044: 8032: 8025:Masai people 8020: 8008: 7999: 7990: 7981: 7972: 7965:Yurok people 7960: 7948: 7936: 7924: 7912: 7843:Bride buying 7831: 7824: 7777: 7766: 7752: 7736: 7724: 7721:Thomas Hardy 7718: 7708: 7702: 7696: 7692: 7688: 7677:Dutch Indies 7674: 7663: 7657: 7648:Tij Festival 7643: 7638:In 1990, in 7637: 7622: 7612: 7608: 7606: 7599: 7591: 7589: 7568: 7550: 7545: 7540: 7534: 7521: 7517: 7513: 7503: 7487: 7478: 7476: 7471: 7467: 7461: 7437: 7431: 7426: 7419: 7412:Pennsylvania 7405: 7391: 7388:Partial bans 7382: 7375: 7365: 7361: 7352: 7342: 7339:Ancient Rome 7322: 7313: 7305: 7296: 7276: 7273: 7270:Enemy claims 7257: 7238: 7231: 7224: 7214:, among the 7209: 7200: 7189: 7169: 7154: 7149: 7145: 7136: 7126: 7120: 7117: 7108: 7104: 7100: 7096: 7092: 7086: 7084: 7081:Ancient Rome 7068: 7062: 7053:Gary Beckman 7042: 7035: 7020: 7008: 6998: 6991: 6984: 6973: 6966: 6915: 6899: 6895: 6888: 6885:Christianity 6854: 6840: 6836: 6832: 6828: 6816: 6812: 6809:ancient Rome 6806: 6803:Ancient Rome 6788: 6776: 6765: 6750: 6741:Burkina Faso 6738: 6734:South Africa 6731: 6720:In Southern 6719: 6709: 6707: 6701: 6695: 6688: 6677:In northern 6676: 6666:, under the 6661: 6650: 6632: 6617: 6610: 6605: 6599: 6583:Mughal India 6580: 6563: 6547: 6544:Contemporary 6535: 6531: 6527: 6515: 6511:Qing Dynasty 6507:Ming Dynasty 6498:Yuan Dynasty 6495: 6493:the state". 6491: 6475: 6459: 6449: 6447: 6435: 6415: 6393: 6374: 6357: 6353: 6349: 6341: 6332: 6326: 6315: 6308: 6297: 6287: 6281: 6258:In 1781, in 6257: 6224: 6204: 6196: 6190: 6179: 6175: 6170: 6167:Wife selling 6166: 6165: 6061: 6017:Domain names 5872:Single-price 5772:Common value 5562:Slave patrol 5399:Freedom suit 5375:Sierra Leone 5365:Colonization 5281:Abolitionism 5261:Baháʼí Faith 5234:Christianity 5184:Saudi Arabia 5040:Penal Labour 5005:Blackbirding 4911:Debt bondage 4899:penal system 4725:Contemporary 4715:Field slaves 4703:U.S. Natives 4662:South Africa 4533:Galley slave 4506:Slave market 4496:House slaves 4469:Blackbirding 4447:Conscription 4371:21st century 4334:Umm al-walad 4178:Muslim world 4147:Emancipation 4051:Wage slavery 4031:Penal labour 4009:Wife selling 4008: 3999:Bride buying 3984:Conscription 3974:Child Labour 3967:Contemporary 3872:Vatican City 3817:Turkmenistan 3747:South Africa 3727:Sierra Leone 3712:Saudi Arabia 3177:Roller derby 2975:Christianity 2960:Baháʼí Faith 2839:Architecture 2539:legal rights 2310:Emancipation 2075:Cohabitation 1814:Gender-blind 1693:Human rights 1513:Racial quota 1500: 1480:Jewish quota 1460:Gerontocracy 1455:Gender roles 1433:Disabilities 1418:Blood purity 1385:Wife selling 1376:White flight 1356:Slut-shaming 1336:Scapegoating 1254:Murder music 919:Palestinians 737:South Africa 722:Black people 700:South Africa 513:Christianity 503:Baháʼí Faith 423:Sectarianism 363:Heterosexism 328:Ephebiphobia 293:Antisemitism 288:Anti-Masonry 147:Hair texture 36: 21:bride-buying 20802:Slave trade 20762:Legal codes 20593:Das Kapital 20480:progressive 20470:inheritance 20393:Land reform 20167:real estate 20142:Land tenure 20130:Inheritance 20058:anticommons 19994:Law of rent 19974:Game theory 19904:Information 19884:Common land 19781:Cooperative 19624:Comic books 19549:Art critics 19471:South Korea 19451:Philippines 19431:New Zealand 19426:Netherlands 19158:Pornography 19146:Metaphysics 19087:Criminology 19082:Archaeology 19055:Film theory 18757:Women's Day 18507:Ecofeminist 18366:Reactionary 18314:Materialist 18089:Switzerland 18084:New Zealand 18003:Fourth-wave 17986:Second-wave 17597:Nonviolence 17592:LGBT rights 17557:Empowerment 17525:Anti-racism 17447:Segregation 17392:No kid zone 17192:Persecution 17105:Hate speech 17056:Gay bashing 17031:Ethnic joke 16986:Dog whistle 16931:Blood libel 16626:Azerbaijani 16530:Neopaganism 16523:Persecution 16489:Persecution 16472:Persecution 16435:Catholicism 16370:Transphobia 16353:Supremacism 16308:Lesbophobia 16223:Aporophobia 16183:Anti-autism 16034:Taste-based 16029:Statistical 15799:: 100–105. 15573:(1): 1–95. 15515:: 353–394. 14903:: 388–410. 14672:(1): 1–34. 14284:(1): 26–37. 13851:Shyamchi Ai 13411:Imago Mundi 13194:: 269–276. 12672:Mead (1968) 12660:Mead (1968) 12648:Mead (1968) 12412:Alam (1994) 12393:Mahabharata 12385:Alam (1994) 12293:Shyamchi Ai 12227:Shyamchi Ai 12203:Shyamchi Ai 12061:, p. 5 11742:Case (1893) 11437:Bent (1891) 11026:Loeb (1933) 11007:Loeb (1933) 10992:Tran (2006) 10646:Cohn (1938) 10644:Quotation: 10635:, p. 8 10621:Meek (1948) 10262:Wood (1869) 10246:Wood (1869) 10238:Wood (1869) 10017:Wolf (1887) 10005:Wolf (1887) 9990:Wolf (1887) 9924:Gray (1960) 9912:Gray (1960) 9895:Gray (1960) 9883:Gray (1960) 9871:Gray (1960) 9859:Gray (1960) 9847:Gray (1960) 9350:Ta Kung Pao 9271:Wood (1869) 9263:Wood (1869) 9184:Hori (1981) 8995:, p. 9 8971:, p. 7 8959:, p. 8 8490:Ihde (1998) 8051:, in Africa 7953:Shell money 7884:Organ trade 7739:commandment 7705:Scandinavia 7592:Mahabharata 7546:Shyamchi Ai 7514:Shyamchi Ai 7510:Maharashtra 7506:Sane Guruji 7424:Los Angeles 7406:An undated 7357:Alan Watson 7329:Cape Colony 7043:In ancient 7013:Ural-Altaic 6980:Afghanistan 6891:Christinity 6757:bride price 6751:In Eastern 6691:bride-price 6664:West Africa 6635:Bundelkhand 6587:Irfan Habib 5732:Anglo-Dutch 5715:Bidding fee 5577:court cases 5454: [ 5404:Slave Power 5392:Manumission 5239:Catholicism 5114:Afghanistan 4855:Puerto Rico 4767:The Bahamas 4745:Slave codes 4548:Shanghaiing 4538:Impressment 4430:Slave Coast 4310:Qajar harem 4270:Concubinage 4243:slave trade 3757:South Sudan 3752:South Korea 3697:Puerto Rico 3682:Philippines 3647:North Korea 3632:New Zealand 3517:Ivory Coast 3407:El Salvador 3237:Afghanistan 3094:Auto racing 3067:Video games 2980:Catholicism 2759:Engineering 2636:Legislators 2408:Child abuse 2315:Foster care 2090:Civil union 2080:Concubinage 1708:Nonviolence 1703:LGBT rights 1668:Empowerment 1636:Anti-racism 1550:Segregation 1495:No kid zone 1291:Persecution 1204:Hate speech 1155:Gay bashing 1130:Ethnic joke 1085:Dog whistle 1030:Blood libel 717:Azerbaijani 613:Neopaganism 606:Persecution 572:Persecution 555:Persecution 518:Catholicism 445:Transphobia 428:Supremacism 383:Lesbophobia 298:Aporophobia 258:Anti-autism 93:Taste-based 88:Statistical 29:bride price 20777:Insolvency 20752:Family law 20741:Categories 20724:by country 20686:Adam Smith 20573:John Locke 20237:indigenous 20232:aboriginal 20152:alienation 19847:indigenous 19837:Intangible 19751:Collective 19614:Literature 19559:Economists 19279:Bangladesh 19213:By country 19163:Psychology 19119:Empiricism 19114:Aesthetics 19109:Philosophy 18968:Patriarchy 18948:Matriarchy 18753:Girl's Day 18732:Girl power 18705:In hip hop 18628:Literature 18563:Indigenous 18502:Reclaiming 18398:Standpoint 18371:Separatism 18344:Postmodern 18238:Vegetarian 18228:Difference 18171:Analytical 17998:Third-wave 17981:First-wave 17871:Stereotype 17866:Speciesism 17747:Oppression 17742:Oikophobia 17638:Allophilia 17622:Toleration 17479:Sodomy law 17372:Internment 17292:Witch-hunt 17170:Blackhawks 17100:Hate group 17088:Hate crime 17061:Gendercide 17051:Freak show 17041:Excellence 17001:Employment 16971:Defamation 16903:Vietnamese 16898:Venezuelan 16788:Lithuanian 16462:Falun Gong 16397:Xenophobia 16392:Vegaphobia 16375:Non-binary 16333:Pedophobia 16298:Homophobia 16110:Skin color 16070:Disability 16043:Attributes 16024:Structural 15697:Chính Luận 14608:: 87–135. 14451:"Geophagy" 14247:0394753666 14183:: 113–124. 13417:: 98–115. 13151:Sacer Esto 11495:, p.  10875:, trans., 10652:), citing 10650:Jewish Law 10407:, p.  9637:(probably 9198:, p.  9098:March 21st 8462:References 8275:Stimulants 8206:Orchomenus 7917:Common law 7683:, who was 7598: [ 7541:Shyamti Ai 7494:Disneyland 7458:Clarksdale 7353:sacer-esto 7345:Jörg Rüpke 7323:Among the 7249:Queensland 7245:aborigines 7192:consortium 7176:Hortensius 7141:fictitious 7049:Bronze Age 7016:Mongoloids 6976:Kafiristan 6970:disputed." 6679:Tanganyika 6653:David Hume 6645:See also: 6431:plantation 6268:indentured 6241:workhouses 5987:Algorithms 5887:Unique bid 5842:No-reserve 5592:J.Q. Adams 5582:Washington 5552:Slave name 5501:convention 5476:Common law 4849:Encomienda 4645:Seychelles 4630:Mauritania 4553:Slave ship 4420:Panyarring 4415:New France 4064:Historical 3862:Uzbekistan 3792:Tajikistan 3722:Seychelles 3597:Mauritania 3572:Madagascar 3552:Kyrgyzstan 3532:Kazakhstan 3412:East Timor 3287:Bangladesh 3277:Azerbaijan 3230:By country 3217:See also: 3207:Volleyball 3149:Ice hockey 3144:Gymnastics 3104:Basketball 2895:Philosophy 2883:Literature 2830:Humanities 2810:Telegraphy 2745:Technology 2660:Journalism 2621:Government 2255:Legitimacy 2218:Residence 2049:Family law 1990:Stereotype 1985:Speciesism 1866:Oppression 1861:Oikophobia 1757:Allophilia 1733:Toleration 1582:Sodomy law 1475:Internment 1389:Witch-hunt 1269:Blackhawks 1199:Hate group 1187:Hate crime 1160:Gendercide 1150:Freak show 1140:Excellence 1100:Employment 1070:Defamation 994:Vietnamese 989:Venezuelan 879:Lithuanian 545:Falun Gong 472:Xenophobia 467:Vegaphobia 450:Non-binary 408:Pedophobia 373:Homophobia 177:Skin color 137:Disability 108:Attributes 83:Structural 20587:Karl Marx 20388:Land Back 20339:Enclosure 20322:biopiracy 20260:Bergregal 20242:squatting 20016:Ownership 19930:Commodity 19909:Knowledge 19820:By nature 19776:Customary 19766:Community 19369:Argentina 19329:Indonesia 19319:Hong Kong 19274:Australia 19175:Seriality 19099:Geography 19025:Sociology 18978:Economics 18963:Kyriarchy 18465:Christian 18445:Religious 18386:Socialist 18176:Anarchist 18121:States of 18059:Australia 17844:Christian 17772:Prejudice 17720:Masculism 17668:Diversity 17462:religious 17437:Redlining 17036:Ethnocide 16996:Education 16888:Ukrainian 16823:Pakistani 16813:Mongolian 16741:Australia 16723:Hungarian 16678:Colombian 16658:Bulgarian 16540:Rastafari 16494:Ahmadiyya 16407:Religious 16385:Trans men 16343:Pregnancy 16278:Gayphobia 16273:Fatphobia 16168:Acephobia 16163:Arophobia 16147:Viewpoint 15821:162001271 15492:Indonesia 15439:161315294 15231:cite book 15096:164083182 14986:165350302 14847:162913591 14810:140789960 14564:162196494 14528:Andurārum 14442:144821057 14344:161489972 14055:145116025 13751:(1994) . 13627:(14): 35. 13402:253141298 13359:170688261 13322:144971021 13142:158063014 13105:162073903 13051:143785679 12117:, subch. 12077:, subch. 12029:, subch. 12009:, subch. 11974:, subch. 11954:, subch. 11684:dedicated 10522:consilium 9583:W. Irvine 9581:, trans. 9563:Akbarnāma 9346:Wu (1936) 8428:Political 8148:consilium 7863:Coverture 7779:Karl Marx 7733:Criticism 7660:Guatemala 7619:Elsewhere 7504:In 1933, 7488:The ride 7422:1920 and 7310:Indonesia 7241:Australia 7057:cuneiform 7038:Indonesia 6833:consilium 6829:consilium 6821:Augustine 6796:eparation 6772:colonized 6600:Also, in 6591:"prohibit 6399:Louisiana 6360:secession 6191:Wife sale 6171:wife sale 6052:Virginity 5907:Walrasian 5837:Multiunit 5747:Brazilian 5727:Amsterdam 5587:Jefferson 5244:Mormonism 5179:Palestine 4993:Australia 4923:Indonesia 4814:Lei Áurea 4797:Code Noir 4777:Caribbean 4750:Treatment 4489:Treatment 4462:Devshirme 4324:Odalisque 4142:In Russia 4083:Babylonia 4071:Antiquity 3892:Kurdistan 3877:Venezuela 3772:Sri Lanka 3732:Singapore 3602:Mauritius 3497:Indonesia 3462:Guatemala 3272:Australia 3262:Argentina 2985:Mormonism 2922:Punk rock 2878:Fine arts 2774:dentistry 2754:Computing 2720:Workforce 2604:Education 2245:Paternity 2144:Annulment 1963:Christian 1891:Prejudice 1839:Masculism 1787:Diversity 1565:religious 1540:Redlining 1135:Ethnocide 1095:Education 979:Ukrainian 914:Pakistani 904:Mongolian 832:Australia 814:Hungarian 769:Colombian 749:Bulgarian 623:Rastafari 577:Ahmadiyya 488:Religious 460:Trans men 418:Pregnancy 353:Gayphobia 348:Fatphobia 243:Acephobia 238:Arophobia 214:Viewpoint 20792:Misogyny 20714:Property 20607:The Gift 20506:key work 20501:Scholars 20485:property 20442:spousal 20408:Poaching 20344:Eviction 20288:riparian 20249:Littoral 20157:easement 20135:executor 20106:literary 20031:usufruct 19979:Georgism 19859:Tangible 19854:Personal 19761:Communal 19744:By owner 19737:Property 19685:Category 19619:American 19491:Thailand 19446:Pakistan 19416:Malaysia 19399:Paraguay 19389:Honduras 19237:Ethiopia 19104:Pedagogy 19030:Rhetoric 19020:Sexology 19013:Womanist 19008:Thealogy 19003:Theology 18802:Misogyny 18675:Femicide 18660:Equality 18614:Concepts 18529:Orthodox 18492:Neopagan 18480:Womanist 18460:Buddhist 18428:Africana 18423:Womanism 18319:Maternal 18309:Lipstick 18275:Activism 18245:Equality 18211:Cultural 18196:Carceral 18131:Virginia 18111:Timeline 18054:Timeline 17991:timeline 17976:Timeline 17953:Feminism 17901:Category 17883:The talk 17819:Snobbery 17737:Net bias 17567:Feminism 17494:Ugly law 17335:Catholic 17303:policies 17150:Mortgage 17145:Lynching 17076:examples 17071:Genocide 16991:Economic 16976:Democide 16936:Bullying 16853:Romanian 16818:Nigerian 16768:Japanese 16703:Georgian 16688:Filipino 16621:Assyrian 16594:Armenian 16584:American 16579:Albanian 16561:National 16545:Yazidism 16467:Hinduism 16425:Buddhism 16328:Nepotism 16323:Misogyny 16318:Misandry 16243:Cronyism 16238:Clannism 16233:Biphobia 16173:Adultism 16090:Language 15780:27774162 15669:41056721 15617:20027508 15605:Daedalus 15500:20798234 15175:40283937 15154:25011016 15039:Folklore 15007:40341703 14995:Paideuma 14930:27571982 14881:Samoyads 14749:Hispania 14490:41334271 14434:25065023 14359:: 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4821:Colombia 4792:Trinidad 4782:Barbados 4672:Zanzibar 4620:Ethiopia 4501:Saqaliba 4395:Database 4346:Saqaliba 4107:Ancillae 3937:a series 3935:Part of 3797:Thailand 3767:Suriname 3692:Portugal 3672:Paraguay 3657:Pakistan 3612:Mongolia 3582:Maldives 3577:Malaysia 3542:Kiribati 3477:Honduras 3417:Ethiopia 3387:DR Congo 3352:Colombia 3332:Cambodia 3327:Bulgaria 3192:Swimming 3154:Lacrosse 3099:Baseball 2997:Hinduism 2990:Opus Dei 2970:Buddhism 2945:Religion 2769:Medicine 2675:Military 2609:Feminism 2565:Business 2413:CPS (US) 2363:Marriage 2290:CAFCASS 2270:Adoption 2184:Adultery 2002:The talk 1938:Snobbery 1856:Net bias 1678:Feminism 1597:Ugly law 1438:Catholic 1404:Policies 1249:Mortgage 1244:Lynching 1175:examples 1170:Genocide 1090:Economic 1075:Democide 1035:Bullying 944:Romanian 909:Nigerian 859:Japanese 794:Georgian 779:Filipino 712:Assyrian 685:Armenian 675:American 670:Albanian 650:national 628:Yazidism 550:Hinduism 508:Buddhism 403:Nepotism 398:Misogyny 393:Misandry 318:Cronyism 313:Clannism 308:Biphobia 248:Adultism 157:Language 44:a series 42:Part of 20747:Divorce 20522:The Law 20428:Slavery 20254:Mineral 20222:Hunting 20215:pannage 20210:Grazing 20195:Fishing 20081:Acequia 20048:Rivalry 20036:women's 19894:Digital 19876:Commons 19811:Unowned 19786:Private 19631:Parties 19506:Ukraine 19501:Vietnam 19411:Lebanon 19309:Germany 19299:Finland 19294:Denmark 19269:Albania 19257:Senegal 19252:Nigeria 19168:Therapy 19151:Science 19062:Biology 18590:Mizrahi 18558:Chicana 18519:Islamic 18455:Atheist 18391:Marxist 18361:Radical 18297:Liberal 18292:Lesbian 18270:Hip hop 18250:Eugenic 18191:Atheist 18164:General 18136:Wyoming 17969:General 17961:History 17911:Commons 17690:Figleaf 17115:Housing 16883:Turkish 16833:Pashtun 16803:Mexican 16783:Kurdish 16763:Italian 16713:Haitian 16698:Finnish 16673:Chinese 16668:Chechen 16663:Catalan 16653:Bengali 16574:African 16559:Ethnic/ 16518:Judaism 16509:Sunnism 16499:Shi'ism 16415:Atheism 16248:Elitism 16137:Species 16075:Genetic 16065:Dialect 15947:3023358 15888:1800960 15867:3632557 15587:3632774 15558:1178647 15529:2155970 15394:3270075 15365:1774233 15332:2713447 15276:1275833 15204:1837055 15125:2802004 15088:4241717 15059:1254977 14978:1895281 14909:2842187 14883:of the 14879:on the 14802:2717752 14622:3622599 14593:2080800 14532:Mīšarum 14519:1517262 14405:4631256 14269:4465224 14221:3647214 14018:1775132 13985:1558936 13867:4396897 13842:3316389 13794:3154254 13610:56-6516 13593:4317564 13551:1322384 13512:127–144 13495:4630312 13431:1150307 13394:2503127 13351:2375686 13314:2779215 13237:3556572 13208:2842269 13097:1359708 13043:3993381 12995:4401360 12454:Dates: 12195:Preface 12142:May 24, 11730:Summary 11688:Romulus 11136:Genesis 10781:Annales 10337:May 12, 10315:May 12, 10293:May 12, 9678:marzbān 9674:marzbän 9599:Travels 9593:1626), 9354:Tianjin 8826:Ontario 8416:Pokhara 8227:Hadrian 8194:Lombard 8182:Penance 8170:matrona 8109:Millett 8097:Cowries 7941:Chattel 7838:Smetana 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3432:Finland 3397:Ecuador 3382:Denmark 3362:Croatia 3357:Comoros 3307:Bolivia 3292:Belgium 3282:Bahrain 3267:Armenia 3252:Andorra 3247:Algeria 3242:Albania 3187:Surfing 3164:Netball 3124:Cycling 3119:Curling 3114:Cricket 3012:Sikhism 3007:Judaism 2793:Science 2764:Geology 2741:Science 2527:Society 2358:Divorce 2209:Alimony 2179:Divorce 1809:Figleaf 1214:Housing 974:Turkish 924:Pashtun 894:Mexican 874:Kurdish 854:Italian 804:Haitian 789:Finnish 764:Chinese 759:Chechen 754:Catalan 744:Bengali 665:African 648:Ethnic/ 601:Judaism 592:Sunnism 582:Shi'ism 498:Atheism 323:Elitism 204:Species 142:Genetic 132:Dialect 20403:Piracy 20355:Farhud 20183:Rights 20124:Huerta 20096:Estate 19918:Theory 19899:Global 19801:Social 19791:Public 19756:Common 19645:(1967) 19569:Muslim 19564:Jewish 19542:People 19496:Turkey 19486:Taiwan 19476:Sweden 19461:Russia 19456:Poland 19441:Norway 19394:Mexico 19374:Brazil 19349:Israel 19314:Greece 19304:France 19284:Canada 19222:Africa 19129:Ethics 18988:Method 18921:Theory 18832:Racism 18597:Romani 18585:Jewish 18524:Jewish 18470:Mormon 18418:Victim 18381:Social 18354:French 18302:Equity 18265:Global 18201:Choice 18074:Kuwait 18064:Canada 18012:Social 17876:threat 17730:autism 17467:sexual 17457:racial 17340:Jewish 17197:Pogrom 17175:Chiefs 17165:Braves 16893:Uyghur 16868:Somali 16863:Slavic 16848:Romani 16843:Quebec 16838:Polish 16778:Korean 16773:Jewish 16746:Canada 16733:Indian 16718:Hazara 16693:Fulani 16604:France 16569:Afghan 16504:Sufism 16228:Audism 16156:Social 16085:Height 15962:  15945:  15918:715167 15916:  15886:  15865:  15819:  15813:298930 15811:  15778:  15755:  15732:  15684:  15667:  15636:  15615:  15585:  15556:  15527:  15498:  15479:752586 15477:  15454:  15437:  15431:270558 15429:  15392:  15363:  15330:  15297:765073 15295:  15274:  15219:  15202:  15173:  15152:  15123:  15094:  15086:  15057:  15022:  15005:  14984:  14976:  14945:  14928:  14907:  14864:  14845:  14839:542533 14837:  14808:  14800:  14769:338517 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1296:Pogrom 1274:Chiefs 1264:Braves 984:Uyghur 959:Somali 954:Slavic 939:Romani 934:Quebec 929:Polish 869:Korean 864:Jewish 837:Canada 824:Indian 809:Hazara 784:Fulani 695:France 660:Afghan 587:Sufism 303:Audism 229:Social 152:Height 20492:Theft 20278:Water 20172:title 20101:legal 20089:Ejido 19827:Croft 19806:State 19771:Crown 19695:Index 19602:Other 19579:Poets 19534:Lists 19481:Syria 19421:Nepal 19384:Haiti 19379:Chile 19359:Japan 19354:Italy 19324:India 19289:China 19242:Ghana 19232:Egypt 18792:Media 18602:White 18553:Black 18514:Hindu 18485:Asian 18408:Trans 18403:State 18334:Post- 18287:Labor 18216:Cyber 18099:Wales 18069:Japan 17854:white 17207:Purge 16873:Tatar 16798:Māori 16793:Malay 16758:Irish 16708:Greek 16683:Croat 16641:China 16599:Asian 16484:Islam 16358:White 16095:Looks 16060:Class 16055:Caste 16012:Forms 15943:JSTOR 15914:JSTOR 15884:JSTOR 15863:JSTOR 15817:S2CID 15809:JSTOR 15776:JSTOR 15665:JSTOR 15613:JSTOR 15583:JSTOR 15554:JSTOR 15525:JSTOR 15496:JSTOR 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bride price
a series

Hair texture
Mental disorder
Race / Ethnicity
Skin color
Scientific racism
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