
German Empire

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weak, the parties were fragmented, and there was a high level of mutual distrust. The Nazis built on the illiberal, anti-pluralist elements of Weimar's political culture. The Junker elites (the large landowners in the east) and senior civil servants used their great power and influence well into the twentieth century to frustrate any movement toward democracy. They played an especially negative role in the crisis of 1930–1933. Bismarck's emphasis on military force amplified the voice of the officer corps, which combined advanced modernisation of military technology with reactionary politics. The rising upper-middle-class elites, in the business, financial and professional worlds, tended to accept the values of the old traditional elites. The German Empire was for Hans-Ulrich Wehler a strange mixture of highly successful capitalist industrialisation and socio-economic modernisation on the one hand, and of surviving pre-industrial institutions, power relations and traditional cultures on the other. Wehler argues that it produced a high degree of internal tension, which led on the one hand to the suppression of socialists, Catholics and reformers, and on the other hand to a highly aggressive foreign policy. For these reasons
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were without a priest. In the face of systematic defiance, the Bismarck government increased the penalties and its attacks, and were challenged in 1875 when a papal encyclical declared the whole ecclesiastical legislation of Prussia was invalid, and threatened to excommunicate any Catholic who obeyed. There was no violence, but the Catholics mobilized their support, set up numerous civic organizations, raised money to pay fines, and rallied behind their church and the Centre Party. The "Old Catholic Church", which rejected the First Vatican Council, attracted only a few thousand members. Bismarck, a devout pietistic Protestant, realized his Kulturkampf was backfiring when secular and socialist elements used the opportunity to attack all religion. In the long run, the most significant result was the mobilization of the Catholic voters, and their insistence on protecting their religious identity. In the elections of 1874, the Centre party doubled its popular vote, and became the second-largest party in the national parliament—and remained a powerful force for the next 60 years, so that after Bismarck it became difficult to form a government without their support.
4437: 4590: 4566: 4462: 4444: 4499: 4480: 4476: 4469: 4426: 4429: 3730:. However, the evolution of weapons over the last century heavily favored defense over offense, especially thanks to the machine gun, so that it took proportionally more offensive force to overcome a defensive position. This resulted in the German lines on the offense contracting to keep up the offensive timetable while correspondingly the French lines were extending. In addition, some German units that were originally slotted for the German far-right were transferred to the Eastern Front in reaction to Russia mobilizing far faster than anticipated. The combined effect had the German right flank sweeping down in front of Paris instead of behind it exposing the German Right flank to the extending French lines and attack from strategic French reserves stationed in Paris. Attacking the exposed German right flank, the 4501: 4054: 4454: 4350: 4574: 1688: 4478: 4484: 4564: 4885: 1299:
1815, the now united Germany became predominantly urban. The success of German industrialization manifested itself in two ways in the early 20th century; German factories were often larger and more modern than many of their British and French counterparts, but the preindustrial sector was more backward. The success of the German Empire in the natural sciences, especially in physics and chemistry, was such that one-third of all Nobel Prizes went to German inventors and researchers. During its 47 years of existence, the German Empire became an industrial, technological, and scientific power in Europe, and by 1913, Germany was the largest economy in continental Europe and the third-largest in the world. Germany also became a
5350: 2448:(League of Three Emperors), in 1881. During this period, individuals within the German military were advocating a preemptive strike against Russia, but Bismarck knew that such ideas were foolhardy. He once wrote that "the most brilliant victories would not avail against the Russian nation, because of its climate, its desert, and its frugality, and having but one frontier to defend", and because it would leave Germany with another bitter, resentful neighbor. Despite this, another alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy would be signed in 1882, preying on the fears of the German and Austro-Hungarian militaries of the untrustworthiness of Russia itself. This alliance, named the 6405: 4542: 5381: 1019: 4773: 1751: 5032: 5004: 4976: 4570: 3699: 1616: 4582: 4461: 5095: 1505: 5119: 5844: 77: 6448: 6462: 5947: 6429: 5310: 4599: 3766: 6506: 4710: 3804:. Verdun had been one of the last cities to hold out against the German Army in 1870, and Falkenhayn predicted that as a matter of national pride the French would do anything to ensure that it was not taken. He expected that he could take strong defensive positions in the hills overlooking Verdun on the east bank of the river Meuse to threaten the city and the French would launch desperate attacks against these positions. He predicted that French losses would be greater than those of the Germans and that continued French commitment of troops to Verdun would "bleed the French Army white." In February 1916, the 1033: 5886: 2773: 63: 4843: 4822: 4794: 6003: 2703:. By 1880, Germany had 9,400 locomotives pulling 43,000 passengers and 30,000 tons of freight, and forged ahead of France. The total length of German railroad tracks expanded from 21,000 km (13,000 mi) in 1871 to 63,000 km (39,000 mi) by 1913, establishing the largest rail network in the world after the United States. The German rail network was followed by Austria-Hungary (43,280 km; 26,890 mi), France (40,770 km; 25,330 mi), the United Kingdom (32,623 km; 20,271 mi), Italy (18,873 km; 11,727 mi) and Spain (15,088 km; 9,375 mi). 5830: 5919: 5975: 5961: 3219: 5185: 5164: 6028: 5989: 5905: 5858: 1005: 977: 4488: 5933: 3399: 5872: 5143: 4738: 4411: 13385: 3034: 4430: 5280: 6476: 7339: 5393: 3127: 1072: 225: 6066:
by bit, through internal migration, religious blending was more and more common. In eastern territories, confession was almost uniquely perceived to be connected to one's ethnicity and the equation "Protestant = German, Catholic = Polish" was held to be valid. In areas affected by immigration in the Ruhr area and Westphalia, as well as in some large cities, religious landscape changed substantially. This was especially true in largely Catholic areas of Westphalia, which changed through Protestant immigration from the eastern provinces.
6417: 1100: 4521: 4654: 4439: 3822: 991: 2495: 5520: 4682: 2581: 4948: 4432: 5409: 5074: 4466: 1058: 6786: 5206: 3234:. The threat of the SPD to the German monarchy and industrialists caused the state both to crack down on the party's supporters and to implement its own programme of social reform to soothe discontent. Germany's large industries provided significant social welfare programmes and good care to their employees, as long as they were not identified as socialists or trade-union members. The larger industrial firms provided pensions, sickness benefits and even housing to their employees. 1863: 1086: 4927: 4864: 4483: 4397:
proclaimed, Bismarck implemented a convention in which his sovereign would only send and receive envoys to and from other German states as the King of Prussia, while envoys from Berlin sent to foreign nations always received credentials from the monarch in his capacity as German Emperor. In this way, the Prussian foreign ministry was largely tasked with managing relations with the other German states while the Imperial foreign ministry managed Germany's external relations.
3046: 3367: 5362: 4000:, the Germans expected to unfreeze the battlefield and win a decisive victory before the army of the United States, which had now entered the war on the side of the Allies, arrived in strength. In what was known as the "kaiserschlacht", Germany converged their troops and delivered multiple blows that pushed back the allies. However, the repeated German offensives in the spring of 1918 all failed, as the Allies fell back and regrouped and the Germans lacked the 3959: 3062: 211: 4033:
blockade. The winter of 1916–1917 was known as the "turnip winter", because the people had to survive on a vegetable more commonly reserved for livestock, as a substitute for potatoes and meat, which were increasingly scarce. Thousands of soup kitchens were opened to feed the hungry, who grumbled that the farmers were keeping the food for themselves. Even the army had to cut the soldiers' rations. The morale of both civilians and soldiers continued to sink.
201: 4457: 3182: 2950: 5264: 7269: 2324: 5248: 241: 4433: 3293: 6667:). The catastrophic German politics between 1914 and 1945 are interpreted in terms of a delayed modernisation of its political structures. At the core of Wehler's interpretation is his treatment of "the middle class" and "revolution", each of which was instrumental in shaping the 20th century. Wehler's examination of Nazi rule is shaped by his concept of "charismatic domination", which focuses heavily on Hitler. 4468: 2893: 4560: 2338: 6538:, the Empire's colonial efforts and its vigorous, competitive industrial prowess all gained it the dislike and envy of other nations. The German Empire enacted a number of progressive reforms, such as Europe's first social welfare system and freedom of press. There was also a modern system for electing the federal parliament, the Reichstag, in which every adult man had one vote. This enabled the 4417: 2619:
after those of Britain, thus making more efficient use of its capital and avoiding legacy methods in its leap to the envelope of technology. Germany invested more heavily than the British in research, especially in chemistry, ICE engines and electricity. Germany's dominance in physics and chemistry was such that one-third of all Nobel Prizes went to German inventors and researchers. The German
4486: 2838:. He came to realize that this sort of policy was very appealing, since it bound workers to the state, and also fit in very well with his authoritarian nature. The social security systems installed by Bismarck (health care in 1883, accident insurance in 1884, invalidity and old-age insurance in 1889) at the time were the largest in the world and, to a degree, still exist in Germany today. 4493: 2691:
was self-sufficient in meeting the demands of railroad construction, and the railways were a major impetus for the growth of the new steel industry. German unification in 1870 stimulated consolidation, nationalisation into state-owned companies, and further rapid growth. Unlike the situation in France, the goal was support of industrialisation, and so heavy lines crisscrossed the
3249:, and became the largest political party in Germany. The government remained in the hands of a succession of conservative coalitions supported by right-wing liberals or Catholic clerics and heavily dependent on the Kaiser's favour. The rising militarism under Wilhelm II caused many Germans to emigrate to the U.S. and the British colonies to escape mandatory military service. 3375:
with the United States, which opposed German attempts at colonial expansion in both the Caribbean and the Pacific. Native insurrections in German territories received prominent coverage in other countries, especially in Britain; the established powers had dealt with such uprisings decades earlier, often brutally, and had secured firm control of their colonies by then. The
3627: 4414: 4609: 4415: 4447: 3438:, was eventually relieved and reprimanded for his usurpation of orders and the cruelties he inflicted. These occurrences were sometimes referred to as "the first genocide of the 20th century" and officially condemned by the United Nations in 1985. In 2004 a formal apology by a government minister of the Federal Republic of Germany followed. 4546: 6661:
premodern society battled an emerging capitalist, bourgeois, modernising society. Recognising the importance of modernising forces in industry and the economy and in the cultural realm, Wehler argues that reactionary traditionalism dominated the political hierarchy of power in Germany, as well as social mentalities and in class relations (
the heart of Europe so powerful and yet so restless that her neighbors on each side had no choice but either to become her vassals or to stand together for protection....They used their central position to create fear in all sides, in order to gain their diplomatic ends. And then they complained that on all sides they had been encircled.
4421: 2437:. As the French lacked the strength to defeat Germany by themselves, they sought an alliance with Russia, or perhaps even the newly reformed empire of Austria-Hungary, which would envelope Germany completely. Bismarck wanted to prevent this at all costs and maintain friendly relations with the Austrians and the Russians, signing the 4556: 2793:
separate public schools where their religion was taught. There was little interaction or intermarriage. On the whole, the Protestants had a higher social status, and the Catholics were more likely to be peasant farmers or unskilled or semiskilled industrial workers. In 1870, the Catholics formed their own political party, the
emperor wanted to be the master in his own house and had many sycophants telling him that Frederick the Great would not have been great with a Bismarck at his side. A key difference between Wilhelm II and Bismarck was their approaches to handling political crises, especially in 1889, when German coal miners went on strike in
9576: 4573: 4389:). Relations between the Imperial centre and the Empire's components were somewhat fluid and were developed on an ongoing basis. The extent to which the German Emperor could, for example, intervene on occasions of disputed or unclear succession was much debated on occasion—for example in the inheritance crisis in 1829:
completely different franchises. Universal suffrage was significantly diluted by gross over-representation of rural areas from the 1890s onward. By the turn of the century, the urban-rural population balance was completely reversed from 1871; more than two-thirds of the empire's people lived in cities and towns.
10120: 3383:, was an untested power and had only been active there for two years. Seven western nations, including the United States, and Japan mounted a joint relief force to rescue westerners caught up in the rebellion. During the departure ceremonies for the German contingent, Wilhelm II urged them to behave like the 4009:
4.5 million men on the western front and 4,000 tanks for the Hundred Days Offensive, the Americans arriving at the rate of 10,000 a day, Germany's allies facing collapse and the German Empire's manpower exhausted, it was only a matter of time before multiple Allied offensives destroyed the German army.
4445: 2675:. Top-level decision-making was in the hands of professional salaried managers; leading Chandler to call the German dye companies "the world's first truly managerial industrial enterprises". There were many spinoffs from research—such as the pharmaceutical industry, which emerged from chemical research. 2821:
state board which weeded out intransigent Catholics. Another provision gave the government a veto power over most church activities. A second law abolished the jurisdiction of the Vatican over the Catholic Church in Prussia; its authority was transferred to a government body controlled by Protestants.
of social history, places the origins of Germany's path to disaster in the 1860s–1870s, when economic modernisation took place, but political modernisation did not happen and the old Prussian rural elite remained in firm control of the army, diplomacy and the civil service. Traditional, aristocratic,
Towards the end of the war, conditions deteriorated rapidly on the home front, with severe food shortages reported in all urban areas. The causes included the transfer of many farmers and food workers into the military, combined with the overburdened railway system, shortages of coal, and the British
Berlin was deeply suspicious of a supposed conspiracy of its enemies: that year-by-year in the early 20th century it was systematically encircled by enemies. There was a growing fear that the supposed enemy coalition of Russia, France and Britain was getting stronger militarily every year, especially
Technological progress during German industrialisation occurred in four waves: the railway wave (1877–1886), the dye wave (1887–1896), the chemical wave (1897–1902), and the wave of electrical engineering (1903–1918). Since Germany industrialised later than Britain, it was able to model its factories
Meanwhile, the chancellor remained wary of any foreign policy developments that looked even remotely warlike. In 1886, he moved to stop an attempted sale of horses to France because they might be used for cavalry and also ordered an investigation into large Russian purchases of medicine from a German
responsible only to him. The emperor was given extensive powers by the constitution. He alone appointed and dismissed the chancellor (so in practice, the emperor ruled the empire through the chancellor), was supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and final arbiter of all foreign affairs, and
After 1850, the states of Germany had rapidly become industrialized, with particular strengths in coal, iron (and later steel), chemicals, and railways. In 1871, Germany had a population of 41 million people; by 1913, this had increased to 68 million. A heavily rural collection of states in
has had a turbulent history. 19th-century scholars who emphasised a separate German path to modernity saw it as a positive factor that differentiated Germany from the "western path" typified by Great Britain. They stressed the strong bureaucratic state, reforms initiated by Bismarck and other strong
hardly changed. Still, there were almost entirely Catholic areas (Lower and Upper Bavaria, northern Westphalia, Upper Silesia, etc.) and almost entirely Protestant areas (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Saxony, etc.). Confessional prejudices, especially towards mixed marriages, were still common. Bit
4515: 3918:. Thus Germany had at last achieved its long-wanted dominance of "Mitteleuropa" (Central Europe) and could now focus fully on defeating the Allies on the Western Front. In practice, however, the forces that were needed to garrison and secure the new territories were a drain on the German war effort. 3562:
The encirclement, such as it was, was of Germany's own making. She had encircled herself by alienating France over Alsace-Lorraine, Russia by her support of Austria-Hungary's anti—Slav policy in the Balkans, England by building her rival fleet. She had created with Austria-Hungary a military bloc in
be sent in to crush the strike, but Wilhelm II rejected this authoritarian measure, responding "I do not wish to stain my reign with the blood of my subjects." Instead of condoning repression, Wilhelm had the government negotiate with a delegation from the coal miners, which brought the strike to an
produced several hundred different dyes, along with the five smaller firms. Imperial Germany built up the world's largest chemical industry, the production of German chemical industry was 60% higher than that of the United States. In 1913, these eight firms produced almost 90% of the world supply of
with Austria-Hungary in 1879. The Dual Aliance was a defensive alliance that was established against Russia, and by association France, in the event alliance did not work out with the state. However, an alliance with Russia would come not long after the signing of the Dual Alliance with Austria, the
or "special path" (or "exceptionalism") as the root of Nazism and the German catastrophe in the 20th century. According to the historiography by Kocka (1988), the process of nation-building from above had very grievous long-term implications. In terms of parliamentary democracy, Parliament was kept
shaped the positive memory of the Empire, especially among Germans who distrusted and despised the Weimar Republic. Conservatives, liberals, socialists, nationalists, Catholics and Protestants all had their own interpretations, which led to a fractious political and social climate in Germany in the
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cities and one imperial territory. The free cities had a republican form of government on the state level, even though the Empire at large was constituted as a monarchy, and so were most of the states. Prussia was the largest of the constituent states, covering two-thirds of the empire's territory.
began, with the French positions under constant shelling and poison gas attack and taking large casualties under the assault of overwhelmingly large German forces. However, Falkenhayn's prediction of a greater ratio of French killed proved to be wrong as both sides took heavy casualties. Falkenhayn
Claims that German communities in South America acted as extensions of the German Empire were ubiquituous by 1900 but it has never been proved that these communities acted in such way to any significant degree. German political, cultural and scientific influence was particularly intense in Chile in
had tried "to convince the Kaiser that the future of the German empire abroad lay in the Middle East" and not in Africa; with a grand Middle-Eastern empire, Germany could afford to allow Britain the unhindered completion of the Cape-to-Cairo railway that Rhodes favoured. Britain initially supported
Bismarck had originally dismissed the agitation for colonies with contempt; he favoured a Eurocentric foreign policy, as the treaty arrangements made during his tenure in office show. As a latecomer to colonization, Germany repeatedly came into conflict with the established colonial powers and also
Bismarck's efforts also initiated the levelling of the enormous differences between the German states, which had been independent in their evolution for centuries, especially with legislation. The completely different legal histories and judicial systems posed enormous complications, especially for
The Kulturkampf launched by Bismarck 1871–1880 affected Prussia; although there were similar movements in Baden and Hesse, the rest of Germany was not affected. According to the new imperial constitution, the states were in charge of religious and educational affairs; they funded the Protestant and
in 1815. Territories were not necessarily contiguous—many existed in several parts, as a result of historical acquisitions, or, in several cases, divisions of the ruling families. Some of the initially existing states, in particular Hanover, were abolished and annexed by Prussia as a result of the
On the advice of the chancellor, the emperor appointed the ministers and – at least formally – all other imperial officers. All acts of the emperor except for military directives required the countersignature of the chancellor (Article XVII). The emperor was also responsible for signing bills into
was able to set guidelines and make organisational changes within the executive branch, act as supreme arbitrator in administrative disputes between states, and serve as constitutional court for states that did not have a constitutional court (Article LXXVI). It was composed of representatives who
Artists began experimental art in opposition to Kaiser Wilhelm's support for traditional art, to which Wilhelm responded "art which transgresses the laws and limits laid down by me can no longer be called art". It was largely thanks to Wilhelm's influence that most printed material in Germany used
Bismarck's paternalistic programs won the support of German industry because its goals were to win the support of the working classes for the Empire and reduce the outflow of immigrants to America, where wages were higher but welfare did not exist. Bismarck further won the support of both industry
Nearly all German bishops, clergy, and laymen rejected the legality of the new laws, and were defiant in the face of heavier and heavier penalties and imprisonments imposed by Bismarck's government. By 1876, all the Prussian bishops were imprisoned or in exile, and a third of the Catholic parishes
Much more serious were the May laws of 1873. One made the appointment of any priest dependent on his attendance at a German university, as opposed to the seminaries that the Catholics typically used. Furthermore, all candidates for the ministry had to pass an examination in German culture before a
Prussia in 1871 included 16,000,000 Protestants, both Reformed and Lutheran, and 8,000,000 Catholics. Most people were generally segregated into their own religious worlds, living in rural districts or city neighbourhoods that were overwhelmingly of the same religion, and sending their children to
Lacking a technological base at first, the Germans imported their engineering and hardware from Britain but quickly learned the skills needed to operate and expand the railways. In many cities, the new railway shops were the centers of technological awareness and training, so that by 1850, Germany
which weighted votes based on the amount of taxes paid, all but assuring a conservative majority. The king and (with two exceptions) the prime minister of Prussia were also the emperor and chancellor of the empire – meaning that the same rulers had to seek majorities from legislatures elected from
The other states retained their own governments but had only limited aspects of sovereignty. For example, both postage stamps and currency were issued for the empire as a whole. Coins through one mark were also minted in the name of the empire, while higher-valued pieces were issued by the states.
With Bismarck's departure, Wilhelm II became the dominant ruler of Germany. Unlike his grandfather, Wilhelm I, who had been largely content to leave government affairs to the chancellor, Wilhelm II wanted to be fully informed and actively involved in running Germany, not an ornamental figurehead,
Bismarck announced there would be no more territorial additions to Germany in Europe, and his diplomacy after 1871 was focused on stabilizing the European system and preventing any wars. He succeeded, and only after his departure from office in 1890 did the diplomatic tensions start rising again.
157: 2797:, which generally supported unification and most of Bismarck's policies. However, Bismarck distrusted parliamentary democracy in general and opposition parties in particular, especially when the Centre Party showed signs of gaining support among dissident elements such as the Polish Catholics in 2604:. By 1902, the factory alone became "A great city with its own streets, its own police force, fire department and traffic laws. There are 150 kilometers of rail, 60 different factory buildings, 8,500 machine tools, seven electrical stations, 140 kilometers of underground cable, and 46 overhead." 2479:
Many consider Bismarck's foreign policy as a coherent system and partly responsible for the preservation of Europe's stability. It was also marked by the need to balance circumspect defensiveness and the desire to be free from the constraints of its position as a major European power. Bismarck's
2386:. Less preoccupied with continental power politics following unification in 1871, Germany's semi-parliamentary government carried out a relatively smooth economic and political revolution from above that pushed them along the way towards becoming the world's leading industrial power of the time. 1823:
Although authoritarian in many respects, the empire had some democratic features. Besides universal manhood suffrage, it permitted the development of political parties. Bismarck intended to create a constitutional façade that would mask the continuation of authoritarian policies. However, in the
Bismarck and most of his contemporaries were conservative-minded and focused their foreign policy attention on Germany's neighboring states. In 1914, 60% of German foreign investment was in Europe, as opposed to just 5% of British investment. Most of the money went to developing nations such as
concludes that he "remained undisputed world champion at the game of multilateral diplomatic chess for almost twenty years after 1871, himself exclusively, and successfully, to maintaining peace between the powers". This was a departure from his adventurous foreign policy for Prussia, where he
granting social rights to enhance the integration of a hierarchical society, to forge a bond between workers and the state so as to strengthen the latter, to maintain traditional relations of authority between social and status groups, and to provide a countervailing power against the modernist
While Prussian aristocrats challenged the demands of a united German state, in the 1890s several organizations were set up to challenge the authoritarian conservative Prussian militarism which was being imposed on the country. Educators opposed to the German state-run schools, which emphasized
wanted to reassert his ruling prerogatives at a time when other monarchs in Europe were being transformed into constitutional figureheads. This decision led the ambitious Kaiser into conflict with Bismarck. The old chancellor had hoped to guide Wilhelm as he had guided his grandfather, but the
2562:, which were also its main economic rivals. Throughout its existence, it experienced economic growth and modernization led by heavy industry. In 1871, it had a largely rural population of 41 million, while by 1913, this had increased to a predominantly urban population of 68 million. 1473:(around US$ 269 billion or €240 billion in 2019, or roughly US$ 32 billion in 1921), as well as limiting the army to 100,000 men and disallowing conscription, armored vehicles, submarines, aircraft, and more than six battleships. The consequential economic devastation, later exacerbated by the 6687:
led Germany to the disaster of 1933–1945. The special circumstances of German historical structures and experiences, were interpreted as preconditions that, while not directly causing National Socialism, did hamper the development of a liberal democracy and facilitate the rise of fascism. The
concept. This meant that Austria-Hungary, a multi-ethnic Empire with a considerable German-speaking population, would remain outside of the German nation state. Bismarck's policy was to pursue a solution diplomatically. The effective alliance between Germany and Austria played a major role in
marked his period in the office. Despite his hatred of liberalism and socialism – he called liberals and socialists "enemies of the Reich" – social programs introduced by Bismarck included old-age pensions, accident insurance, medical care and unemployment insurance, all aspects of the modern
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Unusually for a federation or a nation-state, the German states maintained limited autonomy over foreign affairs and continued to exchange ambassadors and other diplomats (both with each other and directly with foreign nations) for the Empire's entire existence. Shortly after the Empire was
in 1915 promised it the frontier districts of Austria and also colonial concessions. Germany did acquire a second ally in 1914 when the Ottoman Empire entered the war on its side, but in the long run, supporting the Ottoman war effort only drained away German resources from the main fronts.
Industrialisation progressed dynamically in Germany, and German manufacturers began to capture domestic markets from British imports, and also to compete with British industry abroad, particularly in the U.S. The German textile and metal industries had by 1870 surpassed those of Britain in
4451: 4008:
and were less willing to continue fighting. The war effort sparked civil unrest in Germany, while the troops, who had been constantly in the field without relief, grew exhausted and lost all hope of victory. In the summer of 1918, the British Army was at its peak strength with as many as
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One of the effects of the unification policies was the gradually increasing tendency to eliminate the use of non-German languages in public life, schools and academic settings with the intent of pressuring the non-German population to abandon their national identity in what was called
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and some had their own armies, the military forces of the smaller ones were put under Prussian control. Those of the larger states, such as the Kingdoms of Bavaria and Saxony, were coordinated along Prussian principles and would, in wartime, be controlled by the federal government.
9546: 3007:). In 1873 the constitution was amended to allow the Empire to replace the various and greatly differing Civil Codes of the states (If they existed at all; for example, parts of Germany formerly occupied by Napoleon's France had adopted the French Civil Code, while in Prussia the 4508: 2480:
successors did not pursue his foreign policy legacy. For instance, Kaiser Wilhelm II, who dismissed the chancellor in 1890, let the treaty with Russia lapse in favor of Germany's alliance with Austria, which finally led to a stronger coalition-building between Russia and France.
1385:("world politics") – a bellicose new course that ultimately contributed to the outbreak of World War I. Bismarck's successors were incapable of maintaining their predecessor's complex, shifting, and overlapping alliances which had kept Germany from being diplomatically isolated. 4427: 158: 149: 4614: 154: 153: 159: 152: 151: 150: 161: 1792:
The evolution of the German Empire is somewhat in line with parallel developments in Italy, which became a united nation-state a decade earlier. Some key elements of the German Empire's authoritarian political structure were also the basis for conservative modernization in
4584: 4583: 4448: 160: 156: 4616: 4545: 4534: 4465: 4496: 2682:(1914–1918), German industry switched to war production. The heaviest demands were on coal and steel for artillery and shell production, and on chemicals for the synthesis of materials that were subject to import restrictions and for chemical weapons and war supplies. 3718:, sweeping down to encircle and crush both Paris and the French forces along the Franco-German border in a quick victory. After defeating France, Germany would turn to attack Russia. The plan required violating the official neutrality of Belgium and Luxembourg, which 10084: 4431: 4455: 4446: 3267:. Hindenburg took over the role of commander–in–chief from the Kaiser, while Ludendorff became de facto general chief of staff. By 1916, Germany was effectively a military dictatorship run by Hindenburg and Ludendorff, with the Kaiser reduced to a mere figurehead. 4567: 2634:
Germany overtook British steel production in 1893 and pig iron production in 1903. The German steel and pig iron production continued its rapid expansion: Between 1911 and 1913, the German steel and pig iron output reached one quarter of total global production.
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in 1908 further soured relations with Russia. Berlin missed the opportunity to secure an alliance with Britain in the 1890s when it was involved in colonial rivalries with France, and he alienated British statesmen further by openly supporting the Boers in the
3315:"), causing the German Empire to vie with other European powers for remaining "unclaimed" territories. With the encouragement or at least the acquiescence of Britain, which at this stage saw Germany as a counterweight to her old rival France, Germany acquired 4475: 4506: 4422: 147: 4500: 4434: 2833:
Bismarck built on a tradition of welfare programs in Prussia and Saxony that began as early as in the 1840s. In the 1880s he introduced old-age pensions, accident insurance, medical care and unemployment insurance that formed the basis of the modern
6698:", the history of the bourgeoisie, and comparisons with the West. After 1990, increased attention to cultural dimensions and to comparative and relational history moved German historiography to different topics, with much less attention paid to the 4450: 2389:
Bismarck's "revolutionary conservatism" was a conservative state-building strategy designed to make ordinary Germans—not just the Junker elite—more loyal to the throne and empire. According to Kees van Kersbergen and Barbara Vis, his strategy was:
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In the 1860s, Russia removed privileges for German emigrants and placed pressure on German immigrants to assimilate. The majority of German emigrants left Russia after the turn of the century. Some of these ethnic Germans immigrated to Germany.
1291:. While Prussia was one of four kingdoms in the realm, it contained about two-thirds of the Empire's population and territory, and Prussian dominance was also constitutionally established, since the King of Prussia was also the German Emperor ( 186: 3855:
and the German and Austro-Hungarian armies thereafter steadily advanced eastward. The Germans benefited from political instability in Russia and its population's desire to end the war. In 1917 the German government allowed Russia's communist
military education, set up their own independent liberal schools, which encouraged individuality and freedom. However nearly all the schools in Imperial Germany had a very high standard and kept abreast with modern developments in knowledge.
4104:. Units of the German Navy refused to set sail for a last, large-scale operation in a war which they saw as good as lost, initiating the uprising. On 3 November, the revolt spread to other cities and states of the country, in many of which 3554:, it was after the set-back in Morocco in 1905 that the fear of encirclement began to be a potent factor in German politics." Few outside observers agreed with the notion of Germany as a victim of deliberate encirclement. English historian 2941:, where a series of anti-Polish measures was enforced. Numerous anti-Polish laws had no great effect especially in the province of Posen where the German-speaking population dropped from 42.8% in 1871 to 38.1% in 1905, despite all efforts. 3430:. In 1904, the Herero and the Nama revolted against the colonists in Southwest Africa, killing farm families, their laborers and servants. In response to the attacks, troops were dispatched to quell the uprising which then resulted in the 2866:. In the popular mind, Jews became a symbol of capitalism and wealth. On the other hand, the constitution and legal system protected the rights of Jews as German citizens. Antisemitic parties were formed but soon collapsed. But after the 2399:
Bismarck created the modern welfare state in Germany in the 1880s and enacted universal male suffrage in 1871. He became a great hero to German conservatives, who erected many monuments to his memory and tried to emulate his policies.
in 1886. The enormous growth of industrial production and industrial potential also led to a rapid urbanisation of Germany, which turned the Germans into a nation of city dwellers. More than 5 million people left Germany for the
4586: 4585: 4459: 3673:
Germany began the war by targeting its chief rival, France. Germany saw the French Republic as its principal danger on the European continent as it could mobilize much faster than Russia and bordered Germany's industrial core in the
4539: 1389:
was marked by increased oppression of Polish people and various factors influencing the Emperor's decisions, which were often perceived as contradictory or unpredictable by the public. In 1879, the German Empire consolidated the
4571: 4555: 4509: 4442: 1680:. However, the original constituencies drawn in 1871 were never redrawn to reflect the growth of urban areas. As a result, by the time of the great expansion of German cities in the 1890s and 1900s, rural areas were grossly 4504: 2638:
German factories were larger and more modern than their British and French counterparts. By 1913, the German electricity production was higher than the combined electricity production of Britain, France, Italy and Sweden.
4492: 4463: 3203:, which liberalized trade and so reduced unemployment, were supported by the Kaiser and most Germans except for Prussian landowners, who feared loss of land and power and launched several campaigns against the reforms. 4435: 2659:
dyestuffs and sold about 80% of their production abroad. The three major firms had also integrated upstream into the production of essential raw materials and they began to expand into other areas of chemistry such as
organisation and technical efficiency and superseded British manufacturers in the domestic market. Germany became the dominant economic power on the continent and was the second-largest exporting nation after Britain.
4580: 4578: 4577: 4576: 2813:
Catholic schools. In July 1871 Bismarck abolished the Catholic section of the Prussian Ministry of ecclesiastical and educational affairs, depriving Catholics of their voice at the highest level. The system of strict
4572: 4142:, Austria-Hungary falling apart from multiple ethnic tensions, its other allies out of the war and pressure from the German high command, the Kaiser and all German ruling kings, dukes, and princes abdicated, and 7340: 4474: 4428: 4581: 4579: 4575: 4453: 3165:(2004) notes, Bismarckian foreign policy "was too sedate for the reckless Kaiser". Wilhelm became internationally notorious for his aggressive stance on foreign policy and his strategic blunders (such as the 4565: 4547: 4470: 4467: 146: 4419: 2627:), being significantly concentrated, was able to make more efficient use of capital. Germany was not weighted down with an expensive worldwide empire that needed defense. Following Germany's annexation of 1600:
of 1870 overwhelmed the remaining opposition to a unified Germany (aside from Austria) in the four states south of the Main, and during November 1870, they joined the North German Confederation by treaty.
into Russia. Germany believed that if Lenin could create further political unrest, Russia would no longer be able to continue its war with Germany, allowing the German Army to focus on the Western Front.
10513: 4593: 4440: 4438: 4436: 2805:, led by the liberal intellectuals who formed a vital part of Bismarck's coalition. They saw the Catholic Church as a powerful force of reaction and anti-modernity, especially after the proclamation of 4589: 4588: 4449: 4443: 1761:
Although nominally a federal empire and league of equals, in practice, the empire was dominated by the largest and most powerful state, Prussia. It stretched across the northern two-thirds of the new
had the power to pass, amend, or reject bills and to initiate legislation. However, as mentioned above, in practice, the real power was vested in the emperor, who exercised it through his chancellor.
185: 4505: 2740:
After achieving formal unification in 1871, Bismarck devoted much of his attention to the cause of national unity. He opposed Catholic civil rights and emancipation, especially the influence of the
had guaranteed by treaty. However, the Germans had calculated that Britain would enter the war regardless of whether they had formal justification to do so. At first the attack was successful: the
favored strength and expansion, punctuating this by saying, "The great questions of the age are not settled by speeches and majority votes – this was the error of 1848–49 – but by iron and blood."
4569: 3844:
eventually proved to be a great success. Despite initial setbacks due to the unexpectedly rapid mobilisation of the Russian army, which resulted in a Russian invasion of East Prussia and Austrian
decided to exploit the defensive advantages that had shown themselves in the 1915 Allied offensives by attempting to goad France into attacking strong defensive positions near the ancient city of
9525: 148: 4568: 4357:
Before unification, German territory (excluding Austria and Switzerland) was made up of 27 constituent states. These states consisted of kingdoms, grand duchies, duchies, principalities, free
10154: 4544: 4543: 4503: 3363:(after 1908) became self-sufficient and profitable; all the others required subsidies from the Berlin treasury for building infrastructure, school systems, hospitals and other institutions. 4495: 4460: 2506:
Germans had dreamed of colonial imperialism since 1848. Although Bismarck had little interest in acquiring overseas possessions, most Germans were enthusiastic, and by 1884 he had acquired
187: 8008: 3241:, Wilhelm II maintained good relations with the Roman Catholic Church and concentrated on opposing socialism. This policy failed when the Social Democrats won a third of the votes in the 1364:
ones. As a colonial state, it sometimes clashed with the interests of other European powers, especially the British Empire. During its colonial expansion, the German Empire committed the
4458: 4456: 4563: 3311:", like Britain, which he constantly wished to emulate or rival. With German traders and merchants already active worldwide, he encouraged colonial efforts in Africa and the Pacific (" 4557: 2842:
and skilled workers by his high tariff policies, which protected profits and wages from American competition, although they alienated the liberal intellectuals who wanted free trade.
4612: 4549: 4548: 4538: 4498: 4473: 3195:
Under Wilhelm II, Germany no longer had long-ruling strong chancellors like Bismarck. The new chancellors had difficulty in performing their roles, especially the additional role as
4601: 4487: 4464: 3892:, the Bolshevik government gave Germany and the Ottoman Empire enormous territorial and economic concessions in exchange for an end to war on the Eastern Front. All of present-day 8156: 3434:. In total, some 65,000 Herero (80% of the total Herero population), and 10,000 Nama (50% of the total Nama population) perished. The commander of the punitive expedition, General 12630: 10221:(2003) is the fourth volume of his monumental history of German society. None of the series has yet been translated into English. A partial summary appears in Hans-Ulrich Wehler, 7955: 6069:
Politically, the confessional division of Germany had considerable consequences. In Catholic areas, the Centre Party had a big electorate. On the other hand, Social Democrats and
4607: 12645: 8212: 4562: 4561: 12829: 9932: 6040: 4615: 4551: 4502: 4497: 15347: 6416: 4527: 4507: 4420: 10936:
Berghahn, Volker Rolf. "Structure and Agency in Wilhelmine Germany: The history of the German Empire, Past, present and Future", in Annika Mombauer and Wilhelm Deist, eds.
7588: 3584:
and building a navy to rival Britain's. By 1911, Wilhelm had completely picked apart the careful power balance established by Bismarck and Britain turned to France in the
but soon abandoned any such designs given that far-flung bases in northern South America would be very vulnerable. Germany attempted to promote Chile, a country that was
of 1794 was still in effect). In 1881, a first commission was established to produce a common Civil Code for all of the Empire, an enormous effort that would produce the
The defeat of Russia in 1917 enabled Germany to transfer hundreds of thousands of troops from the Eastern to the Western Front, giving it a numerical advantage over the
6404: 2918:". These policies often had the reverse effect of stimulating resistance, usually in the form of homeschooling and tighter unity in the minority groups, especially the 4105: 6583:
from 1909 was a milestone in classic modern architecture and an outstanding example of emerging functionalism. The social, economic, and scientific successes of this
4541: 4540: 4537: 4536: 4535: 4242:) was a legislative body elected by universal male suffrage that effectively served as parliament. It had the right to propose bills and, with the concurrence of the 3479:, threatening Britain's naval supremacy in the Indian Ocean. Accordingly, they asked to have construction halted, to which Germany and the Ottoman Empire acquiesced. 12727: 4524: 4512: 2977: 9971: 6073:
usually received hardly any votes in the Catholic areas of the Ruhr. This began to change with the secularization arising in the last decades of the German Empire.
12364: 12188: 11528: 15137: 12806: 3658:, which Austria-Hungary blamed for the assassination. This unconditional support for Austria-Hungary was called a "blank cheque" by historians, including German 3507:– as a buffer to protect its interest from the growing influence of the United States. Policymakers in Germany analysed the possibility of establishing bases in 4600: 4594: 4592: 1303:, building the longest railway network of Europe, the world's strongest army, and a fast-growing industrial base. Starting very small in 1871, in a decade, the 17828: 12834: 11341: 9624:'A Barometer of National Confidence': a British Assessment of the Role of Insecurity in the Formulation of German Military Policy before the First World War." 6677:
leaders, the Prussian service ethos, the high culture of philosophy and music, and Germany's pioneering of a social welfare state. In the 1950s, historians in
4425: 3880:
government came to power under the leadership of Lenin. Facing political opposition, he decided to end Russia's campaign against Germany, Austria-Hungary, the
2452:, would exist up until 1915, when Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary. Despite Germany, and especially Austria's, lack of faith in the Russian alliance, the 4606: 4605: 4482: 13264: 13022: 12749: 12441: 11399: 4525: 3082:
as the new emperor. Frederick was a liberal and an admirer of the British constitution, while his links to Britain strengthened further with his marriage to
2966: 8865: 7477:
Seyler, Gustav A.:Die Wappen der deutschen Landesfürsten. Reprograf. Nachdr. von Siebmacher's Wappenbuch 1. Bd., 1. Abt. 2. – 5. Teil (Nürnberg 1909 – 1929)
13129: 4531: 4477: 3519:, into a regional counterweight to the United States. Germany and Britain managed through Chile to have Ecuador deny the United States a naval base in the 2369: 10958: 3571:" that Bismarck had negotiated with Tsarist Russia to lapse. It allowed Russia to make a new alliance with France. Germany was left with no firm ally but 17833: 13037: 12792: 10004: 8274: 4610: 4608: 4598: 4595: 4248:, approve the state budget annually and the military budget for periods of seven years until 1893, then after that for five years. All laws required the 4045:
arrived in Germany with returning troops. Around 287,000 people died of Spanish flu in Germany between 1918 and 1920 with 50,000 deaths in Berlin alone.
3889: 3150:
end without violence. The fractious relationship ended in March 1890, after Wilhelm II and Bismarck quarrelled, and the chancellor resigned days later.
13554: 9514: 1769:. With the exception of 1872–1873 and 1892–1894, the chancellor was always simultaneously the prime minister of Prussia. With 17 out of 58 votes in the 522: 13032: 12722: 12673: 12588: 1739:
to call for new elections. Officially, the chancellor was a one-man cabinet and was responsible for the conduct of all state affairs; in practice, the
9605: 4603: 4602: 3462:
was begun in 1900, although by 1914 it was still 500 km (310 mi) short of its destination in Baghdad. In an interview with Wilhelm in 1899,
invaders of continental Europe – an unfortunate remark that would later be resurrected by British propagandists to paint Germans as barbarians during
process, he created a system with a serious flaw. There was a significant disparity between the Prussian and German electoral systems. Prussia used a
12876: 8243: 5380: 4526: 4491: 4490: 4489: 1743:(top bureaucratic officials in charge of such fields as finance, war, foreign affairs, etc.) functioned much like ministers in other monarchies. The 10151: 8522:
Frankel, Richard (2003). "From the Beer Halls to the Halls of Power: The Cult of Bismarck and the Legitimization of a New German Right, 1898–1945".
7702: 9420: 7985: 2962:
in 1861 (which was adapted for the Empire and, with great modifications, is still in effect today), there was little similarity in laws otherwise.
8304: 6530:
Under Bismarck, a united German state had finally been achieved, but it remained a Prussian-dominated state and did not include German Austria as
4611: 4597: 4596: 4554: 2596:
For 30 years, Germany struggled against Britain to be Europe's leading industrial power. Representative of Germany's industry was the steel giant
and its allies on one side and Prussia and its allies on the other. The war resulted in the partial replacement of the Confederation in 1867 by a
566: 15514: 15357: 12717: 12075: 7488:
History of the Flag of the United States of America: With a Chronicle of the Symbols, Standards, Banners, and Flags of Ancient and Modern Nations
7224: 7198: 7142: 7058: 7019: 2248: 1644: 8000: 3686:
to Germany in 1871. The German high command knew that France would muster its forces to go into Alsace-Lorraine. Aside from the very unofficial
9136: 7763: 4082: 16617: 11506: 9817: 5419:
About 92% of the population spoke German as their first language. The only minority language with a significant number of speakers (5.4%) was
4613: 4604: 4553: 4552: 4471: 4041:
The population of Germany was already suffering from outbreaks of disease due to malnutrition due to Allied blockade preventing food imports.
15719: 11568: 4529: 4494: 4253: 76: 8063: 8031:
Deutsches Verfassungsrecht 1806–1918. Eine Dokumentensammlung nebst Einführungen. 1. Band: Gesamtdeutschland, Anhaltische Staaten und Baden.
6447: 6428: 14185: 14013: 13928: 13667: 12777: 12707: 12346: 11558: 11469: 9522:
Ideas viajeras y sus objetos. El intercambio científico entre Alemania y América austral. Madrid–Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana–Vervuert
7228: 6782:
In addition to present-day Germany, large parts of what comprised the German Empire now belong to several other modern European countries.
2926: 1329: 6461: 12801: 11692: 11146: 10085:""The Unspoilt Nature of German Ethnicity": Immigration and Integration of "Ethnic Germans" in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic" 9102:, Spring 1979, Vol. 53 Issue 1, pp. 40–64; Ivo N. Lambi, "The Protectionist Interests of the German Iron and Steel Industry, 1873–1879", 8148: 3033: 1308: 10765:
Rich, Norman. "The Question of National Interest in Imperial German Foreign Policy: Bismarck, William II, and the Road to World War I."
10290: 7963: 2453: 17788: 17778: 11369: 9551: 9474:
Fischer, Ferenc (1 January 2008). "La expansión (1885–1918) del modelo militar alemán y su pervivencia (1919–1933) en América Latina".
6044: 5392: 4090: 3023:(BGB), possibly one of the most impressive legal works in the world; it was eventually put into effect on 1 January 1900. All of these 3010: 2464:, ambassador to France, who reported back that the French were not seeking a revanchist war and were desperate for peace at all costs. 8186: 4530: 3379:
in China, which the Chinese government eventually sponsored, began in the Shandong province, in part because Germany, as colonizer at
By 1900, Germany became the largest economy in continental Europe and the third-largest in the world behind the United States and the
13257: 11699: 7813:. World Book, Inc., 2003. p. 572. States that Deutsches Reich translates as "German Realm" and was a former official name of Germany. 5349: 4523: 2476:, but it also collided with British and Russian geopolitical interests. Conflict over the Baghdad Railway was resolved in June 1914. 10813: 10045: 9924: 9873: 8648:
Fitzpatrick, Matthew (2007). "A Fall from Grace? National Unity and the Search for Naval Power and Colonial Possessions 1848–1884".
8363: 16005: 15245: 14082: 11351: 4329:
and the Imperial Government, led the lawmaking process and countersigned all acts of the emperor (except for military directives).
4165:. Those opposed, including disaffected veterans, joined a diverse set of paramilitary and underground political groups such as the 2362: 13027: 10301:
Modern Germany; her political and economic problems, her foreign and domestic policy, her ambitions, and the causes of her success
4281:. The chancellor, in consultation with the emperor, determined the government's broad policy guidelines and presented them to the 17753: 16186: 14400: 12959: 12797: 12784: 12741: 12650: 12376: 12178: 12085: 11987: 11745: 11392: 11094: 7580: 4150: 3276: 2409: 1921: 9547:"Material Connections: German Schools, Things, and Soft Power in Argentina and Chile from the 1880s through the Interwar Period" 3531:, and the prestige of Germany and German things in Chile remained high after the war but did not recover to its pre-war levels. 2714: 13672: 13151: 13141: 13009: 9020:
Lamberti, Marjorie (2001). "Religious conflicts and German national identity in Prussia, 1866–1914". In Philip G. Dwyer (ed.).
During World War I, the Kaiser increasingly devolved his powers to the leaders of the German High Command, particularly future
instead of the Roman type used in the rest of Western Europe. At the same time, a new generation of cultural creators emerged.
2571: 1666:, adopted by the Reichstag on 14 April 1871 and proclaimed by the Emperor on 16 April, was substantially based upon Bismarck's 11084: 11039:
Berlin Under the New Empire: Its Institutions, Inhabitants, Industry, Monuments, Museums, Social Life, Manners, and Amusements
9748: 6789:
German territories lost in both World Wars are shown in black, while present-day Germany is marked dark grey on this 1914 map.
Bismarck's post-1871 foreign policy was conservative and sought to preserve the balance of power in Europe. British historian
One factor in the social anatomy of these governments was the retention of a very substantial share in political power by the
and contained three-fifths of the country's population. The imperial crown was hereditary in the ruling house of Prussia, the
17570: 16952: 15479: 14452: 14007: 13323: 12923: 12857: 12694: 12573: 12246: 11265: 11121: 10888: 10388: 9279: 9241: 9211: 8991: 8964: 8506: 8479: 8096: 7938: 7674: 7566:
Ochsmann, Almut. "100 Jahre deutsche Nationalhymne: Überlegungen zu Eine vaterländische Ouvertüre op. 140." Mitteilungen der
7441: 7171: 7096: 6602:" laid the foundation of Germany's status as one of the world's leading economic powers. The iron and coal industries of the 4522: 4520: 4518: 4349: 3610: 2526:, Samoa) led to frictions with the UK, Russia, Japan, and the US. The largest colonial enterprises were in Africa, where the 2456:
would be first signed in 1887, and renewed up until 1890, when the Bismarckian system collapsed upon Bismarck's resignation.
2302: 2233: 2166: 14417: 7877: 7729: 3567:
Wilhelm II, under pressure from his new advisors after Bismarck left, committed a fatal error when he decided to allow the "
17808: 15786: 13637: 13250: 13098: 12518: 11303: 11057: 10219:
Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte: Vom Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges bis zur Gründung der Beiden Deutschen Staaten 1914–1949
8981: 2611:. German workers enjoyed health, accident and maternity benefits, canteens, changing rooms, and a national pension scheme. 17476: 6475: 4559: 4277:
of the Empire – he was not a ruler. He appointed the chancellor, usually the person able to command the confidence of the
4053: 4021:" meant that supplies had to be redirected towards the armed forces and, with German commerce being stopped by the Allied 17793: 15633: 15616: 15449: 14905: 13526: 13416: 13411: 12869: 12193: 11821: 11326: 10857: 9959: 5885: 5212: 4849: 4828: 4558: 3643: 2355: 2129: 1897: 1539:
were crushed after the relations between the educated, well-off middle-class liberals and the urban artisans broke down;
1434: 13083: 10478:
The German Empire between Two Wars; a Study of the Political and Social Development of the Nation between 1871 and 1914.
3666:– was that this "blank cheque" licensed Austro-Hungarian aggression regardless of the diplomatic consequences, and thus 1477:, as well as humiliation and outrage experienced by the German population are considered leading factors in the rise of 17823: 17622: 16622: 15524: 15489: 15434: 14910: 13068: 12358: 11760: 11518: 10377: 9724: 8632: 8607: 8579: 7302: 6539: 4344: 4154: 4101: 4078: 4058: 3678:. Unlike Britain and Russia, the French entered the war mainly for revenge against Germany, in particular for France's 3227: 2749: 2268: 2062: 1917: 1462: 1155: 746: 4029:
were controlled, then rationing was introduced. During the war about 750,000 German civilians died from malnutrition.
1687: 1197:
came into force on 16 April, changing the name of the federal state to the German Empire and introducing the title of
16266: 15973: 15877: 15714: 14175: 12943: 12637: 12453: 11725: 11196: 10982: 10915: 10832: 10752: 10665: 10606: 10589: 10495: 10357: 9190: 8875: 8845: 8792:
From Old Regime to Industrial State: A History of German Industrialization from the Eighteenth Century to World War I
7524: 7307: 4519: 4517: 4516: 4511: 4510: 4217: 4182: 4077:
Many Germans wanted an end to the war and increasing numbers began to associate with the political left, such as the
3544: 2553: 1663: 1610: 1525: 1322:
was marked by relative liberalism at its start, but in time grew more conservative. Broad reforms, the anti-Catholic
1194: 1166: 705: 267: 10699:
Reagin, Nancy (2001). "The Imagined Hausfrau: National Identity, Domesticity, and Colonialism in Imperial Germany".
7907: 17783: 14720: 13511: 12123: 11161: 10773: 10332: 6777: 6546:
to play considerable roles in the empire's political life despite the continued hostility of Prussian aristocrats.
6494: 5149: 1912: 1707: 62: 13384: 8442: 7609:
Nipperdey, Thomas, "Deutsche Geschichte 1866–1918: Zweiter Band: Machtstaat vor der Demokratie" (1995), p. 98–108.
5843: 4108:
were established. Meanwhile, Hindenburg and the senior generals lost confidence in the Kaiser and his government.
3355:). Islands were gained in the Pacific through purchase and treaties and also a 99-year lease for the territory of 1963: 17818: 17248: 15839: 15439: 14118: 13662: 13194: 12999: 12979: 12766: 12702: 12525: 12394: 11298: 11218: 11156: 9632: 8113: 7297: 4086: 2074: 1939: 1785: 1465:
with the abdication of Wilhelm II, which left the post-war federal republic to govern a devastated populace. The
16410: 11859: 8719:
Dedering, Tilman (1993). "The German-Herero war of 1904: Revisionism of Genocide or Imaginary Historiography?".
6002: 5946: 4220:(Article VII Nr. 1) and, because all laws required its consent, could effectively veto any bill coming from the 3422:. Herero and Nama tribal lands were used for a variety of exploitative goals (much as the British did before in 15822: 15638: 15322: 14697: 14200: 13350: 12994: 12989: 12984: 12974: 12668: 11313: 11288: 11186: 10955: 9515:"El debate sobre "el embrujamiento alemán" y el papel de la ciencia alemana hacia fines del siglo XIX en Chile" 8266: 5482: 1943: 1902: 1825: 1648: 1446: 82: 20: 10553:
Hewitson, Mark. "Germany and France before the First World War: a reassessment of Wilhelmine foreign policy."
9996: 5918: 3596:. When war came, Italy saw more benefit in an alliance with Britain, France, and Russia, which, in the secret 3045: 1820:, resulting from the absence of a revolutionary breakthrough by the peasants in combination with urban areas. 1710:, proposing a toast to the new emperor. At centre (in white): Otto von Bismarck, first Chancellor of Germany, 17686: 16116: 15892: 15754: 15658: 15557: 14534: 12969: 12964: 12928: 12862: 12754: 12600: 12183: 12035: 11573: 11501: 11432: 11201: 11171: 11166: 10881:
The Devil's Handwriting: Precoloniality and the German Colonial State in Qingdao, Samoa, and Southwest Africa
The era of the German Empire is well remembered in Germany as one of great cultural and intellectual vigour.
6034: 5988: 4514: 4513: 4158: 3621: 3380: 3356: 3079: 3065: 2992: 2468:
Russia that lacked the capital or technical knowledge to industrialize on their own. The construction of the
1703: 1361: 1222: 775: 591: 499: 5974: 5829: 3813:, and with no success in sight, the German Army pulled out of Verdun in December 1916 and the battle ended. 3550:
Russia. The longer Berlin waited the less likely it would prevail in a war. According to American historian
Tensions between Germany and the Catholic Church hierarchy as depicted in a chess game between Bismarck and
Bismarck's domestic policies played an important role in forging the authoritarian political culture of the
hegemony throughout the German states; to do so meant unification of the German states and the exclusion of
17681: 17565: 16136: 15864: 15734: 15238: 15188: 14170: 14158: 13677: 12918: 12545: 12485: 12382: 12287: 12050: 11836: 11540: 11379: 11278: 9602: 8326: 7232: 7194: 5960: 5904: 3242: 3099: 2982: 2575: 2444: 1935: 1711: 1584:
ended as a result of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 between the constituent Confederation entities of the
451: 8803:
Jochen Streb, et al. "Technological and geographical knowledge spillover in the German empire 1877–1918",
8235: 5857: 3950:
to gain his forces supplies and to pick up more Askari recruits. His force was still active at war's end.
17691: 16728: 15931: 15844: 15296: 15051: 14965: 14860: 14775: 14692: 14190: 14062: 13917: 13503: 13273: 13156: 12593: 12578: 12436: 12388: 12153: 11704: 11578: 11491: 11486: 11255: 11243: 11238: 9416: 9098:
Elaine Glovka Spencer, "Rules of the Ruhr: Leadership and Authority in German Big Business Before 1914",
7282: 6745: 6070: 5932: 5125: 4338: 3841: 3837: 3826: 3723: 3663: 3431: 3146: 2547: 2535: 1955: 1907: 1892: 1887: 1842: 1750: 1458: 1438: 1430: 1419: 1365: 1254: 1206: 1079: 229: 13328: 11765: 10442:
Bismarck and state socialism; an exposition of the social and economic legislation of Germany since 1870
paradigm has provided the impetus for at least three strands of research in German historiography: the "
5871: 5361: 1449:
in early 1917 contributed to bringing the United States into the war. In October 1918, after the failed
17803: 15854: 15766: 15744: 15663: 15648: 15464: 15444: 15286: 15198: 15113: 14702: 14600: 13495: 13136: 13093: 12370: 12128: 12113: 12015: 11884: 11452: 11364: 11321: 8296: 7686: 7122: 6564: 5101: 3790: 3073: 2859: 2472:, financed by German banks, was designed to eventually connect Germany with the Ottoman Empire and the 2469: 2134: 2104: 1877: 1624: 1615: 1589: 1190: 982: 627: 14890: 11071: 10175:
Jürgen Kocka (January 1988). "German History before Hitler: The Debate about the German 'Sonderweg'".
7698: 3018: 1577:
in 1870–1871 sparked a growing pan-German ideal and contributed to the formation of the German state.
17773: 17768: 17763: 17758: 17748: 17649: 16797: 16361: 16106: 15291: 15168: 14855: 14790: 14780: 14765: 14100: 14047: 13957: 13521: 13078: 12846: 12430: 12418: 12173: 12158: 11879: 11770: 11464: 11442: 11191: 11181: 11114: 11004:
Reagin, Nancy R. "Recent Work on German National Identity: Regional? Imperial? Gendered? Imaginary?"
Wilhelminism and Its Legacies: German Modernities, Imperialism, and the Meanings of Reform, 1890–1930
The Price of Exclusion: Ethnicity, National Identity, and the Decline of German Liberalism, 1898–1933
10483: 9129: 8867:
An Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe: Economic Regimes from Laissez-Faire to Globalization
6890: 6647: 5191: 4533: 4532: 4235: 4201: 4135: 4131: 3739: 3698: 3659: 3651: 3516: 3196: 1951: 1947: 1882: 1720: 1672: 1667: 1632: 1504: 1202: 665: 653: 487: 68: 14990: 13374: 12025: 7847:. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014; Cornelius Torp and Sven Oliver Müller, eds., 4744: 3706:
Germany did not want to risk lengthy battles along the Franco-German border and instead adopted the
1724:, the federal council of deputies from the 27 states. Executive power was vested in the emperor, or 1242: 1010: 17607: 17582: 17432: 17091: 17086: 16083: 16045: 15882: 15653: 14610: 14590: 14555: 14508: 14462: 13814: 13630: 13421: 13319: 13315: 13053: 12540: 12530: 12459: 12412: 12400: 12340: 12148: 12143: 12065: 11474: 11447: 11151: 10473: 9813: 9809: 7448:, Masurian in the south of East Prussia, Kashubian in the north of West Prussia and Sorbian in the 7333: 4870: 3845: 3316: 3154:
although most Germans found his claims of divine right to rule amusing. Wilhelm allowed politician
3083: 2971: 2767: 1959: 1561:, from the subsequent German Empire. He envisioned a conservative, Prussian-dominated Germany. The 1549:, which appealed to peasants as well as the aristocracy, took its place. Bismarck sought to extend 760: 10294:. Vol. 11 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 804–828 and more to page 901. 8340: 4256:, the Reich chancellor, through a change to Article XV, became dependent on the confidence of the 3765: 3169:), which pushed the German Empire into growing political isolation and eventually helped to cause 3109:, which had been diagnosed in 1887. He died on the 99th day of his rule, on 15 June 1888. His son 3094:
of the Reich and an increase of parliament's influence on the political process. The dismissal of
2461: 17798: 17674: 17555: 17096: 17049: 16992: 16691: 16635: 16383: 16219: 16093: 16073: 16050: 16030: 15990: 15953: 15902: 15776: 15739: 15509: 15231: 14488: 14180: 14163: 14153: 14128: 13972: 13698: 13303: 13124: 13116: 13058: 12818: 12513: 12276: 12103: 12098: 12030: 11889: 11874: 11869: 11849: 11730: 11607: 10408: 10350:
The Peculiarities of German History: Bourgeois Society and Politics in Nineteenth-Century Germany
The failure of Bismarck's Kulturkampf: Catholicism and state power in imperial Germany, 1871–1887
8191: 8059: 7433: 7292: 6481: 6467: 6453: 6422:
Distribution of Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Imperial Germany (Meyers Konversationslexikon)
4194: 3931: 3830: 3786: 3597: 3226:
From the 1890s onwards, the most effective opposition to the monarchy came from the newly formed
2226: 1927: 1450: 1442: 1407: 133: 19:
This article is about the German nation-state existing from 1871 until 1918. For other uses, see
12070: 5470:
was spoken throughout northern Germany and, though linguistically as distinct from High German (
2772: 17813: 17696: 17597: 17592: 17280: 17228: 17148: 17081: 16985: 16970: 16863: 16630: 16584: 16425: 16312: 16020: 15995: 15958: 15817: 15749: 15578: 15469: 15459: 15208: 15123: 14970: 14682: 14615: 14483: 14432: 14364: 14264: 14254: 14052: 13987: 13794: 13723: 13586: 13516: 13358: 12891: 12615: 12550: 12406: 12133: 12060: 12010: 11995: 11977: 11950: 11864: 11831: 11496: 11457: 11437: 11248: 11141: 10973:
Eley, Geoff; Retallack, James (2004), "Introduction", in Eley, Geoff; Retallack, James (eds.),
10275: 9483: 8572:
German Diplomatic Relations 1871–1945: The Wilhelmstrasse And the Formulation Of Foreign Policy
8330: 7421: 7118: 6543: 6383: 5863: 5707: 5490: 5475: 5447: 5170: 4139: 3782: 3576: 3414:
Upon acquiring Southwest Africa, German settlers were encouraged to cultivate land held by the
3287: 2835: 2794: 2499: 2489: 2449: 2092: 1986: 1529: 1499: 1454: 1399: 1341: 1151: 1117: 692: 246: 9714: 8705:(1977) focuses on political and economic history; Michael Perraudin and Jürgen Zimmerer, eds. 8496: 8135:
The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000
8086: 6972:), an uninhabited hill and some nearby slivers of land, annexed by the Netherlands after WWII 5286: 1437:
caused severe shortages of food and supplements. However, Imperial Germany had success on the
17627: 17587: 17400: 17275: 16339: 16329: 16288: 16259: 16181: 16000: 15985: 15948: 15193: 15173: 15153: 15016: 14980: 14935: 14880: 14672: 14667: 14442: 14389: 14214: 14123: 14092: 14032: 13982: 13764: 13754: 13490: 13459: 12881: 12535: 12424: 12200: 12163: 12093: 12040: 11962: 11930: 11904: 11854: 11785: 11687: 11640: 11424: 11293: 11176: 11089: 9271: 9261: 8469: 6826: 6027: 5501: 5080: 5010: 4390: 4115: 3993: 3947: 3849: 3778: 3540: 3218: 3166: 2976:
was introduced; in 1877, common court procedures were established in the court system by the
2896: 2725: 2289: 1931: 1766: 1731: 1550: 1319: 1226: 1210: 457: 17515: 14344: 8392: 7785: 6995:(excluding towns of Taps, Hejle and Vejstrup), and the towns of Hviding, Roager and Spandet 6505: 579: 17720: 17550: 17520: 17395: 17326: 17297: 17216: 16550: 16388: 16378: 15963: 15907: 15791: 15729: 15724: 15694: 15626: 15604: 15552: 15454: 15178: 15097: 15061: 15011: 14870: 14795: 14580: 14457: 14249: 14024: 14002: 13997: 13962: 13904: 13426: 13406: 13401: 13332: 13231: 13146: 11826: 11800: 11750: 11107: 8779:
The Origin of the Welfare State in England and Germany, 1850–1914: Social Policies Compared
7662: 7425: 7397: 7114: 6992: 6982: 6852: 6754: 6723: 6498: 6387: 4891: 4800: 4779: 4309: 4305: 4191: 3997: 3852: 3797: 3403: 3398: 3253: 3095: 2959: 2930: 2867: 2438: 2284: 2112: 2099: 1991: 1699: 1656: 1581: 1562: 1513: 1466: 1391: 1340:
Late in Bismarck's chancellorship and in spite of his earlier personal opposition, Germany
From 1871 to 1890, Otto von Bismarck's tenure as the first and to this day longest-serving
1304: 1246: 1234: 1170: 1038: 1024: 448: 17500: 13242: 11775: 10436:(1908), 503 pages, covers 1871–1906 with focus on social and economic history and colonies 3785:) with huge casualties. A series of allied offensives in 1915 against German positions in 3520: 3512: 3102:, on 8 June was a sign of the expected direction and a blow to Bismarck's administration. 8: 17412: 17292: 17258: 17160: 16980: 16975: 16787: 16506: 16442: 16317: 16302: 16146: 16040: 16015: 16010: 15887: 15832: 15771: 15677: 15408: 15342: 15203: 15148: 14985: 14975: 14960: 14950: 14915: 14845: 14760: 14730: 14677: 14394: 14148: 14143: 14042: 14037: 13804: 13759: 13718: 13623: 13570: 13354: 13311: 13213: 12352: 12216: 12168: 12045: 12005: 12000: 11945: 11628: 11622: 11523: 10810: 10162: 10049: 9865: 8355: 7445: 7409: 7155: 6576: 6062: 5994: 5779: 5618: 5486: 5316: 4170: 4147: 4123: 4111: 4062: 3679: 3395:. On two occasions, a French-German conflict over the fate of Morocco seemed inevitable. 3257: 3002: 2806: 2434: 1597: 1574: 1570: 1536: 1349: 1348:. Claiming much of the leftover territory that was not yet conquered by Europeans in the 1288: 1250: 1093: 910: 789: 356: 340: 17128: 17118: 15504: 13166: 11095:
Dissemination of the main foreign mother tongues in the German Reich 1913 (map, 300 dpi)
11038: 10693:
Jewish Responses to Anti-Semitism in Germany, 1870–1914: A Study in the History of Ideas
10450: 10300: 8334: 1773:, Berlin needed only a few votes from the smaller states to exercise effective control. 17525: 17505: 17488: 17439: 17304: 17113: 17064: 16997: 16915: 16856: 16851: 16846: 16802: 16772: 16664: 16562: 16430: 16405: 16212: 16205: 16060: 16025: 15912: 15897: 15827: 15805: 15781: 15709: 15643: 15573: 15484: 15403: 15372: 15281: 15258: 15102: 14925: 14920: 14885: 14865: 14840: 14835: 14830: 14825: 14820: 14805: 14800: 14745: 14652: 14498: 14369: 14259: 14239: 14195: 14138: 14133: 14110: 14077: 14067: 14057: 13939: 13449: 13346: 13293: 13288: 13173: 13088: 12447: 12311: 12293: 12258: 12222: 12055: 12020: 11972: 11957: 11844: 11795: 11634: 11593: 11273: 10903: 10804: 10732: 10716: 10596: 10565: 10543: 10280: 10200: 10192: 10112: 9568: 8925:
Carsten Burhop, "Pharmaceutical Research in Wilhelmine Germany: the Case of E. Merck",
8750: 8539: 8267:"The National Archives Learning Curve | The Great War | Why was it hard to make peace?" 8118: 7834:
being translated into English as "German Realm", up to and including the Weimar period.
7382: 7287: 7220: 7015: 7005: 6653: 6509: 6395: 5924: 5755: 5631: 5435: 5424: 4954: 4688: 4660: 4374: 4373:
sovereign from the mid-1600s onward. Others were created as sovereign states after the
4320: 4301: 4070: 4005: 3927: 3568: 3340: 3187: 3024: 2863: 2079: 2039: 2011: 1851: 1778: 1677: 1517: 1470: 1278: 1238: 1230: 996: 615: 360: 170: 9257: 7046: 7036: 5474:) as from Dutch and English, was considered "German", hence also its name. Danish and 3126: 2711:
The creation of the Empire under Prussian leadership was a victory for the concept of
1065: 17634: 17530: 17466: 17461: 17390: 17287: 17002: 16930: 16925: 16767: 16696: 16679: 16674: 16669: 16469: 16420: 16166: 16141: 16088: 16035: 15849: 15621: 15413: 15128: 15118: 15081: 14955: 14940: 14815: 14785: 14755: 14750: 14725: 14662: 14657: 14647: 14518: 14467: 14354: 14349: 14072: 13708: 13693: 13369: 13338: 13206: 13200: 13161: 13063: 12896: 12479: 12334: 12317: 12118: 11940: 11920: 11755: 11740: 11670: 11658: 11359: 11336: 11283: 10978: 10911: 10884: 10828: 10748: 10724: 10676: 10661: 10602: 10585: 10491: 10441: 10425: 10386:
Germany and the great powers, 1866–1914: A study in public opinion and foreign policy
10369: 10353: 10324:
Berghahn, Volker Rolf. "German Colonialism and Imperialism from Bismarck to Hitler".
10204: 10116: 10104: 9720: 9599:
Germany and the great powers, 1866–1914: A study in public opinion and foreign policy
9572: 9275: 9237: 9207: 9186: 8987: 8960: 8871: 8841: 8628: 8603: 8575: 8502: 8475: 8396: 8204: 8196: 8092: 7979: 7934: 7755: 7733: 7670: 7645: 7520: 7453: 7401: 7386: 7378: 7076: 6695: 6650:
and his students emphasised Germany's primary guilt for causing the First World War.
5938: 5910: 5895: 5644: 5592: 5508: 5428: 4716: 4366: 4358: 4004:
needed to consolidate their gains. Meanwhile, soldiers had become radicalised by the
3687: 3655: 3581: 3435: 3407: 3300: 3296: 3158:
to tutor him in European economics and industrial and financial realities in Europe.
2938: 2664: 2507: 2044: 1967: 1540: 1372: 1218: 941: 718: 541: 396: 348: 344: 10736: 10658:
Imperial Germany 1867–1918: Politics, Culture, and Society in an Authoritarian State
From Kaiserreich to Third Reich: Elements of Continuity in German History, 1871–1945
6930: 3888:
to redirect Bolshevik energy to eliminating internal dissent. In March 1918, by the
Bismarck's chief concern was that France would plot revenge after its defeat in the
17483: 17270: 17265: 17221: 17208: 17138: 17106: 17101: 16965: 16960: 16942: 16903: 16836: 16819: 16760: 16750: 16745: 16686: 16642: 16612: 16572: 16555: 16538: 16501: 16252: 16228: 16176: 16171: 16161: 16156: 16151: 15978: 15943: 15917: 15589: 15393: 15362: 15317: 15312: 15144: 15108: 15026: 14850: 14620: 14565: 14528: 14503: 14493: 14427: 14379: 14309: 14304: 14299: 14294: 14289: 14279: 14274: 13967: 13713: 12264: 12234: 12228: 12138: 11967: 11935: 11925: 11664: 11588: 11583: 11511: 11331: 11231: 11009: 10874: 10708: 10653: 10557:
115.462 (2000): 570–606; argues Germany had a growing sense of military superiority
10535: 10184: 10096: 9740: 9560: 9167:
School Strikes in Prussian Poland, 1901–1907: The Struggle over Bilingual Education
8728: 8684: 8657: 8531: 7857:
Absolute Destruction: Military Culture and the Practices of War in Imperial Germany
7637: 6657: 6568: 5980: 5966: 5742: 5413: 4876: 4188: 4001: 3810: 3805: 3750:
resulted in a long-held stalemate between the German Army and the Allies in dug-in
3667: 3589: 3585: 3508: 3308: 3264: 3155: 3106: 3090:. With his ascent to the throne, many hoped that Frederick's reign would lead to a 2802: 2695:
and other industrial districts and provided good connections to the major ports of
2672: 2523: 2419: 2006: 2001: 1996: 1695: 1681: 1474: 1403: 1281: 1158:
in 1918, when the German Reich changed its form of government from a monarchy to a
935: 445: 364: 11029: 10432: 10385: 8386: 4290:), negotiating peace, making treaties, and calling and adjourning sessions of the 3726:
swept down from Belgium and Luxembourg and advanced on Paris, at the nearby river
3690:, the Germans never stated a clear list of goals that they wanted out of the war. 3078:
On 9 March 1888, Wilhelm I died shortly before his 91st birthday, leaving his son
17701: 17669: 17542: 17510: 17493: 17449: 17444: 17422: 17417: 17375: 17368: 17343: 17203: 17198: 17039: 16920: 16814: 16809: 16777: 16602: 16592: 16486: 16479: 16474: 16459: 16415: 16297: 16283: 16131: 16126: 16121: 16068: 15494: 15021: 14770: 14740: 14735: 14595: 14585: 14550: 14540: 14523: 14359: 14314: 14229: 13947: 13922: 13769: 13444: 13073: 12913: 12252: 11805: 11780: 11479: 11387: 11226: 11061: 10962: 10817: 10777: 10520: 10459: 10392: 10336: 10158: 9636: 9609: 8831: 7869: 7374: 7092: 6965: 6817: 6620: 6560: 6048: 5952: 5877: 5835: 5605: 5568: 5519: 5439: 5420: 4933: 4381:
Each component of the German Empire sent representatives to the Federal Council (
4162: 4143: 4127: 4066: 3821: 3747: 3742:, resulting in the German Army retreating to defensive positions along the river 3711: 3707: 3683: 3647: 3572: 3555: 3551: 3468: 3459: 3376: 3312: 3200: 2934: 2907: 2862:, it had been religiously motivated, but by the 19th century, it was a factor in 2814: 2628: 2580: 2519: 2176: 1794: 1740: 1670:. The political system remained the same. The empire had a parliament called the 1652: 1636: 1585: 1558: 1521: 1426: 1395: 1353: 1159: 1051: 675: 603: 553: 414: 332: 328: 302: 224: 43: 17123: 11053: 6710:
thesis, they have not provided a generally accepted alternative interpretation.
5408: 4365:
Several of these states had gained sovereignty following the dissolution of the
4025:, German civilians were forced to live in increasingly meagre conditions. First 3630:
Map of the world showing the participants in World War I. Those fighting on the
17644: 17639: 17602: 17577: 17560: 17471: 17456: 17427: 17385: 17233: 17193: 17188: 17143: 17069: 17029: 17019: 17009: 16824: 16703: 16597: 16464: 16346: 16233: 16111: 16098: 15761: 15519: 15163: 14945: 14930: 14895: 14635: 14630: 14513: 14447: 14319: 13977: 13952: 13857: 13774: 13728: 13544: 13472: 13464: 13454: 13342: 12906: 12886: 12557: 12270: 12108: 11899: 11790: 11646: 11550: 11533: 11013: 10898: 10782: 10681: 10188: 9901: 9309: 9178: 8837: 7417: 7390: 7274: 7023: 7010: 6591:, or founding epoch, have sometimes led the Wilhelmine era to be regarded as a 5891: 5849: 5694: 5681: 5657: 5494: 5450:, were located in the north and northwest of the empire, near the borders with 5443: 5254: 5038: 4982: 4264: 4138:
on 3 November 1918. So, in November 1918, with internal revolution, the Allies
4119: 4022: 3881: 3861: 3794: 3751: 3719: 3635: 3631: 3451: 3162: 3091: 3087: 2785: 2559: 2342: 2328: 2069: 1806: 1628: 1411: 1357: 1198: 468: 116: 10720: 10100: 10034:] (in German) (3 ed.). Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer Verlag. p. 1003. 9954: 9952: 9950: 9564: 8983:
The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe: Volume 2, 1870 to the Present
8732: 6586: 1627:
Reichstag renamed the Confederation the "German Empire" and gave the title of
17742: 17725: 17612: 17407: 17380: 17353: 17331: 17076: 17059: 17044: 16888: 16841: 16829: 16755: 16647: 16521: 16516: 16491: 16373: 14575: 14570: 13992: 13850: 13809: 13789: 13017: 12305: 12299: 11735: 11652: 10613:
A constitutional history of Germany in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Hayes, Carlton J. H. (1917), "The History of German Socialism Reconsidered",
10454:(1914); 507 pages, describes the workings of local government and bureaucracy 10285: 10108: 8661: 8400: 8208: 8200: 7649: 7413: 7080: 6871: 6611: 6580: 5197: 4313: 4274: 3978: 3938:, Lettow-Vorbeck launched multiple guerrilla raids against British forces in 3743: 3727: 3488: 3455: 3415: 3142: 2958:
national trade. While a common trade code had already been introduced by the
2919: 2915: 2900: 2887: 2608: 2494: 2426: 1798: 1754: 1334: 1186: 916: 904: 435: 282: 269: 17153: 17133: 14339: 10374:
From Bismarck to the World War: A History of German Foreign Policy 1870–1914
German Constitutional History since 1789. Volume III: Bismarck and the Reich
The German Revolution of 1918: A Study of German Socialism in War and Revolt
8688: 8054: 8052: 7699:"German Empire: administrative subdivision and municipalities, 1900 to 1910" 7641: 6906: 6785: 6572: 4210:) held sovereignty over the Empire and served as its highest authority. The 3930:, a guerrilla campaign was waged by the colonial army leader there, General 2817:
was applied only in Catholic areas; the Protestant schools were left alone.
17617: 17358: 17348: 17314: 17243: 17238: 17165: 16955: 16937: 16898: 16893: 16873: 16868: 16740: 16733: 16723: 16718: 16713: 16607: 16545: 16526: 16511: 16447: 15859: 15534: 15529: 15499: 15398: 15352: 14900: 14422: 14384: 14284: 13867: 13602: 13593: 13482: 13362: 13307: 12467: 11894: 10966: 10864:
Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichroder, and the Building of the German Empire
10728: 9947: 9267: 8833:
The Challenges of Globalization: Economy and Politics in Germany, 1860–1914
Haardt, Oliver F. R. (2016). "The Kaiser in the Federal State, 1871–1918".
7541: 7437: 7405: 7211: 7104: 7072: 7054: 6902: 6761: 6738: 6730: 6678: 6555: 6056: 4967: 4126:
on 30 October 1918. Between 24 October and 3 November 1918, Italy defeated
3735: 3476: 3463: 3392: 3360: 2875: 2871: 2851: 2809:
in 1870, and the tightening control of the Vatican over the local bishops.
2777: 2745: 2668: 2511: 2473: 2265: 2261: 2196: 2186: 2147: 2034: 1813: 1593: 1482: 1478: 1386: 1274: 1182: 1147: 930: 924: 352: 100: 10028:
Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte seit 1789. Band III: Bismarck und das Reich
Comparative Welfare State Politics: Development, Opportunities, and Reform
A Manual of the History of the Political System of Europe and its Colonies
7138: 7100: 6898: 5155: 1862: 1698:(1877), depicting the proclamation of Emperor William I (18 January 1871, 17336: 17321: 17170: 16883: 16792: 16782: 16708: 16356: 16351: 15869: 15583: 15418: 15367: 15132: 14641: 14437: 14329: 14324: 14244: 13835: 13819: 13393: 12678: 12583: 12281: 11709: 11130: 10873:(2011), a recent scholarly biography; emphasis on Bismarck's personality 10570: 8182: 8049: 7899: 7190: 6959: 6952: 6947: 6550: 5455: 4855: 4042: 4026: 3963: 3865: 3793:
resulted in huge allied casualties and little territorial change. German
3731: 3528: 3419: 3388: 3238: 3212: 3170: 3105:
By the time of his accession, however, Frederick had developed incurable
2761: 2679: 2527: 2049: 1545: 1415: 1381: 1345: 1324: 1300: 1266: 733: 679: 400: 216: 11033:(1908) 275 pp; popular description of social life in villages and cities 10770: 10329: 9675:
The spirit of British policy and the myth of the encirclement of Germany
8236:"Germany's World War I Debt Was So Crushing It Took 92 Years to Pay Off" 7618:
Röhl, John C. G. "Kaiser Wilhelm II: A Concise Life" (2014), p. 172–173.
by the Soviet authorities; now part of independent Lithuania since 1990
especially contributed to that process. The first motorcar was built by
A few (0.5%) spoke French, the vast majority of these in the Reichsland
3958: 3061: 1233:-led North German Confederation and its southern German allies, such as 210: 17363: 17180: 17054: 17014: 16947: 16078: 15699: 14687: 14625: 14544: 13784: 13749: 13536: 10547: 10312: 10309:
Modern Germany: society, economy, and politics in the twentieth century
10071: 9909: 8543: 8122: 7759: 6592: 6535: 6531: 6520: 6513: 5467: 5463: 5329: 5176: 3715: 3447: 3366: 3199:
assigned to them in the German Constitution. The reforms of Chancellor
3137: 3130: 3110: 2655: 2119: 1801:
and the preservation of an authoritarian political structure under the
1647:) and the title Emperor came into effect on 1 January 1871. During the 1376: 1312: 1284: 511: 421: 390: 324: 10627:
The Downfall of the Anti-Semitic Political Parties in Imperial Germany
10196: 9629: 9498:
The danger of dreams: German and American imperialism in Latin America
The Downfall of the Anti-Semitic Political Parties in Imperial Germany
in 1871, it absorbed parts of what had been France's industrial base.
1702:). From left, on the podium (in black): Crown Prince Frederick (later 17253: 17024: 16908: 16878: 16659: 16533: 16324: 15689: 15337: 15046: 15036: 14605: 13912: 13799: 12473: 12240: 10866:(1979) Bismarck worked closely with this leading banker and financier 9999:[Law Amending the Imperial Constitution of 28 October 1918]. 9895: 9893: 9891: 7849:
Imperial Germany Revisited: Continuing Debates & New Perspectives
7182: 7050: 7041: 7018:, on the Czech–Polish border in Silesia, whose German population was 6840: 6640: 6632: 6615: 5051: 4995: 4813: 4785: 4750: 4166: 4018: 3901: 3877: 3857: 3675: 3504: 3471:; but by 1911 British statesmen came to fear it might be extended to 3181: 2642:
By 1900, the German chemical industry dominated the world market for
641: 404: 215:
The German Empire and its occupied territories in the final stage of
200: 10634:
Antisemitism: A historical encyclopedia of prejudice and persecution
10539: 10319:
Imperial Germany, 1871–1914: Economy, Society, Culture, and Politics
German History and Global Enterprise: BASF: The History of a Company
8535: 7542:""Max Schneckenburger (1819–1849)–der Dichter der "Wacht am Rhein "" 7134: 7130: 7088: 5412:
Percentage of linguistic minorities of the German Empire in 1900 by
was emperor for only 99 days (9 March – 15 June 1888)
2949: 1441:; it occupied a large amount of territory to its east following the 16654: 16437: 16395: 16334: 15223: 15183: 15066: 15056: 14875: 14374: 13646: 12733: 10999:
Imperial Germany Revisited: Continuing Debates and New Perspectives
10712: 8943:
Great Train Race: Railways and the Franco-German Rivalry, 1815–1914
8930: 6934: 6926: 6858: 6832: 6637:
Many historians have emphasized the central importance of a German
6607: 4834: 3943: 3906: 3885: 3759: 3500: 3427: 3423: 3359:
in northeast China. But of these German colonies only Togoland and
3352: 3332: 3328: 2855: 2741: 2510:. By the 1890s, German colonial expansion in Asia and the Pacific ( 1457:, allies Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire had collapsed, and 1262: 1258: 9960:"Das Deutsche Kaiserreich 1871–1918: Der föderative Nationalstaat" 9888: 7126: 7084: 2414: 240: 16567: 16496: 16452: 16307: 15968: 15388: 15332: 15254: 15076: 15031: 15006: 14560: 14269: 13887: 13840: 13779: 13703: 13657: 13549: 10938:
The Kaiser: New Research on Wilhelm II's Role in Imperial Germany
The Kaiser: New Research on Wilhelm II's Role in Imperial Germany
The Development of the Economies of Continental Europe: 1850–1914
Haardt, Oliver FR. "The Kaiser in the Federal State, 1871–1918."
9997:"Gesetz zur Abänderung der Reichsverfassung vom 28. Oktober 1918" 8747:
The Development of the Economies of Continental Europe: 1850–1914
Einst hatten die Deutschen das drittgrößte Kolonialreich ...
7449: 7394: 7186: 7167: 7159: 6987: 6914: 6886: 6876: 6391: 5479: 5459: 5451: 5270: 5225: 5086: 4729: 3915: 3911: 3893: 3496: 3492: 3348: 3324: 3320: 3292: 3231: 2798: 2696: 2531: 2515: 2214: 2016: 1566: 1554: 430: 336: 16368: 10575:
Blood and Iron: The Rise and Fall of the German Empire 1871–1918
9962:[The German Empire 1871–1918: The Federal Nation State] 9087:
Origins of the Authoritarian Welfare State in Prussia, 1815–1870
Fischer, Michael; Senkel, Christian (2010). Klaus Tanner (ed.).
16400: 16275: 15158: 15071: 14334: 14234: 13877: 13733: 13299: 10854:
The Kaiser's Voters: Electors and Elections in Imperial Germany
The Sword and the Scepter; the Problem of Militarism in Germany
9927:[The Federal Council in the Constitution and Reality]. 8763:
The fossil monarchies: the collapse of the old order, 1905–1922
Alfred Vagts, "Land and Sea Power in the Second German Reich."
7176: 7163: 7109: 6922: 6918: 6910: 6846: 5023: 4939: 4904: 4701: 4673: 4269: 3935: 3897: 3801: 3755: 3344: 2892: 2700: 2620: 1817: 1726: 1214: 1178: 368: 261: 11099: 10279: 4312:(Article LIII); when exercising his military authority he had 3773:
German attempts to break through failed at the two battles of
Under Bismarck, Germany was a world innovator in building the
17034: 15348:
Chronology of warfare between the Romans and Germanic peoples
15327: 13615: 13436: 12901: 8187:"Germany Confronts the Forgotten Story of Its Other Genocide" 7429: 6882: 6567:
a year later for his Roman history. Painters like the groups
Distribution of Protestants and Catholics in Imperial Germany
5134: 3939: 3774: 3642:
Following the assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke
3634:'s side (at one point or another) are depicted in green, the 3472: 2651: 2601: 2597: 2589: 2585: 1270: 1174: 10842:(2011), 862 pp; 35 essays by specialists; Germany since 1760 10343:
The Long Nineteenth Century: A History of Germany, 1780–1918
Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck and Germany's East African Empire
3426:), including farming, ranching, and mining for minerals and 2748:, and working-class radicalism, represented by the emerging 1777:
However, these larger gold and silver issues were virtually
15041: 13882: 13872: 13862: 13845: 13272: 9900: 7826:. J Whitaker & Sons, 1990. Pp. 765. Refers to the term 6894: 6603: 5423:(a figure that rises to over 6% when including the related 5110: 4097: 3873: 3336: 2692: 2660: 2647: 1802: 1379:'s refusal to recall him to office, the empire embarked on 16244: 10686:
The Great Naval Race: Anglo-German Naval Rivalry 1900–1914
The First World War: Germany and Austria–Hungary 1914–1918
8001:"Vom Kaiserreich zur Republik 1918/19 – Weimarer Republik" 7667:
The Nemesis of Power The German Army in Politics 1918–1945
Germany quickly lost almost all its colonies. However, in
put up a strong resistance to the defense of Paris at the
on 18 January 1871, William was proclaimed Emperor in the
Administrative subdivision and census results (1900/1910)
Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947
Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600–1947
7855:. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008; Isabel V. Hull, 7786:"Cornell University Library Making of America Collection" 7502:
Reichsgründung 1871: Ereignis, Beschreibung, Inszenierung
where francophones formed 11.6% of the total population.
Coats of arms and flags of the constituent states in 1900
were appointed by and reported to the state governments.
3626: 3384: 3027:
are, albeit with many amendments, still in effect today.
2643: 2460:
chemical works. Bismarck stubbornly refused to listen to
Dissemination of the German Language 1913 (map, 300 dpi)
Dickinson, Edward Ross. "The German Empire: an Empire?"
8709:(2010) focuses on cultural impact in Africa and Germany. 8675:
Ciarlo, David (2008). "Globalizing German Colonialism".
The Economic Development of France and Germany 1815–1914
Crime; convicts in relation to the population, 1882–1886
Economic history of Germany § Industrial Revolution
arrived, Italy left the alliance and the Ottoman Empire
1229:, the head of government. As these events occurred, the 10825:
Escape into War? The Foreign Policy of Imperial Germany
British history in the 19th century and after 1782–1919
9028: 8625:
Russian Foreign Policy: Interests, Vectors, and Sectors
7892: 4385:) and, via single-member districts, the Imperial Diet ( 8979: 7170:, southern East Prussia, central and eastern parts of 4286:
law, declaring war (which required the consent of the
was ousted from the Russian throne, and in November a
full support for Austro-Hungarian plans to invade the
3454:. Under Wilhelm II, with the financial backing of the 2925:
The Germanisation policies were targeted particularly
9435: 8149:"Diese deutschen Wörter kennt man noch in der Südsee" 7452:
regions of Prussia (Brandenburg and Silesia) and the
7444:. Czech was spoken predominantly in the south of the 7181:
Northern and western parts of the country, including
Native languages of the citizens of the German Empire
and viewed the countries of northern South America –
10274: 10141:"The Hitler Legacy: The Nazi Cult in Diaspora" p. 64 9808: 8870:. Cambridge University Press, New York. p. 28. 7264: 6534:
nationalists had desired. The influence of Prussian
also lived under German colonial rule, primarily in
3710:, a military strategy designed to cripple France by 3588:. Germany's only other ally besides Austria was the 3487:
In South America, Germany's primary interest was in
10234: 9384: 9359: 9319: 9234:
The Second Reich: Kaiser Wilhelm II and his Germany
8773: 8771: 8495:Moore, Robert Laurence; Vaudagna, Maurizio (2003). 6575:made a significant contribution to modern art. The 6512:of the German Empire used since 1903. In 1956, the 4216:was a legislative body that possessed the right of 10598:The Rise of the Anglo-German Antagonism, 1860–1914 10278:; Lake, Philip; Atkinson, Charles Francis (1911). 7730:"Population statistics of the German Empire, 1871" 5485:and Dutch in the western border areas of Prussia ( 4146:was abolished. On 9 November, the Social Democrat 3904:was given over to the German occupation authority 8060:"Germany article of Encyclopedia Britannia, Link" 7517:Heil Dir im Siegerkranz: die Hymnen der Deutschen 7250: Denotes territories lost in both World Wars 5398:Detailed map in 1893 with cities and larger towns 3662:. Subsequent interpretation – for example at the 2854:was endemic in Germany during the period. Before 1757:, the main residence of the House of Hohenzollern 1718:The legislation also required the consent of the 1469:imposed post-war reparation costs of 132 billion 1429:in the autumn of 1914 failed, and the war on the 17740: 10046:"Fremdsprachige Minderheiten im Deutschen Reich" 8980:Broadberry, Stephen; O'Rourke, Kevin H. (2010). 8768: 7931:A History of Modern Germany: 1800 to the Present 7851:. Oxford: Berghahn, 2011; James Retallack, ed., 7231:and continued as a part of Russia following the 6077:Religious confessions in the German Empire 1880 4100:, in northern Germany, saw the beginning of the 3668:Germany bore responsibility for starting the war 3039:Different legal systems in Germany prior to 1900 2937:even where they made up the majority, as in the 2801:. A powerful intellectual force of the time was 12076:Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers 10945:Imperial Germany: A Historiographical Companion 10251: 9716:German Anglophobia and the Great War, 1914–1918 9336: 9334: 9130:"Everyday Antisemitism in Pre-War Nazi Germany" 8818:The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe 7393:were located in the east; Polish mainly in the 7223:exclave on the Baltic, from which Germans were 4413: 4089:into the war in April 1917 tipped the long-run 3450:after him sought closer economic ties with the 824:540,857.54 km (208,826.26 sq mi) 10811:"Lecture Notes, Germany and Europe, 1871–1945" 10260:. 15th edition, vol. 14, Leipzig 1933, p. 741. 9925:"Der Bundesrat in Verfassung und Wirklichkeit" 9712: 9508: 9506: 9469: 9467: 9465: 9463: 8859: 8857: 8593: 8591: 8445:[The Prussian Three-Class Franchise]. 8424: 8422: 8146: 7256: Denotes territories lost in World War II 6390:in addition to Christianity. Over two million 5478:were spoken predominantly in the north of the 4085:(USPD), which demanded an end to the war. The 3237:Having learned from the failure of Bismarck's 1592:, comprising the 22 states north of the river 17829:States and territories disestablished in 1918 16260: 15239: 13631: 13258: 11115: 10997:Müller, Sven Oliver, and Cornelius Torp, ed. 10820:(2008), a brief textbook by a leading scholar 10789:. (4 vol University of Miami Press 1969–1973) 10415:Imperial Germany and the Great War, 1914–1918 9840:Imperial Germany and the Great War, 1914–1918 9540: 9538: 9314:The Entourage of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1888–1918 9293: 9291: 9227: 9225: 9223: 8623:Gvosdev, Nikolas; Marsh, Christopher (2013). 8494: 8467: 7845:Imperial Germany and the Great War, 1914–1918 7499: 7244: Denotes territories lost in World War I 4140:advancing toward Germany on the Western Front 3056: 2363: 1461:had surrendered. The empire collapsed in the 17717:"Empire" as a description of foreign policy 13600: 13591: 10840:The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History 10174: 9352:Geoffrey Cocks and Konrad H. Jarausch, eds. 9331: 8954: 8929:. Volume: 83. Issue: 3. 2009. pp. 475ff. in 8627:. Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press. p. 241. 8622: 8616: 7984:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 7828: 7748: 7346: 6850: 6838: 6830: 6718:The Empire of Germany had two armed forces: 6705: 6699: 6689: 6682: 6671: 6662: 6638: 6584: 6518: 5321: 5298: 5236: 5217: 5062: 5043: 5015: 4987: 4959: 4915: 4896: 4805: 4761: 4721: 4693: 4665: 4642: 4324: 4291: 4243: 4225: 4211: 4205: 3016: 3008: 3000: 2990: 2988: 2712: 2231: 2117: 1692:Die Proklamation des Deutschen Kaiserreiches 1643:of the Confederation. The new constitution ( 1181:, where the south German states, except for 943: 922: 914: 902: 168: 131: 98: 35: 15358:Roman campaigns in Germania (12 BC – AD 16) 12566: 9741:"Schlieffen Plan | German military history" 9503: 9460: 9206:. Cambridge University Press. p. 214. 8854: 8816:Stephen Broadberry, and Kevin H. O'Rourke. 8647: 8588: 8468:Kersbergen, Kees van; Vis, Barbara (2013). 8419: 8180: 6957: 6704:. While some historians have abandoned the 4134:, which forced Austria-Hungary to sign the 814:1,750,000 km (680,000 sq mi) 109: 17834:States and territories established in 1871 16267: 16253: 15246: 15232: 13638: 13624: 13265: 13251: 11122: 11108: 10235:Helmut Walser Smith (May 2008). "When the 9552:Comparative Studies in Society and History 9535: 9288: 9220: 8986:. Cambridge University Press. p. 80. 8391:. Cincinnati: Jennings & Pye. p.  8353: 7724: 7722: 7720: 7490:, 2nd ed, p. 102; A. Williams and co, 1880 7424:) with 13.8% of the population and in the 6670:The historiographical concept of a German 5523:Demographics of pre-WW1 European countries 3670:, or at least provoking a wider conflict. 2878:, antisemitism in Germany would increase. 2370: 2356: 239: 223: 209: 199: 11085:German Reich map of states 1913 (300 dpi) 10646:Mombauer, Annika and Wilhelm Deist, eds. 10401:Wilhelm II: Prince and Emperor, 1859–1900 10328:, vol. 40, no. 1 (2017) pp. 147–162 9797:The defeat of imperial Germany, 1917–1918 8501:. Cornell University Press. p. 226. 8407: 8233: 7859:. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005. 6386:, millions of subjects practiced various 6061:Generally, religious demographics of the 5504:(6.28%) were spoken chiefly in the east. 5386:Election constituencies for the Reichstag 3840:was a stalemate for the German Army, the 3638:in orange, and neutral countries in grey. 3575:, and her support for action in annexing 3121: 2850:As it was throughout Europe at the time, 12365:Revolutions and interventions in Hungary 10883:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 10451:Municipal life and government in Germany 10405:Wilhelm II: Emperor and Exile, 1900–1941 9512: 9500:(U of North Carolina Press, 1999), p. 67 9404:Wilhelm II: Emperor and Exile, 1900–1941 9204:Cambridge Illustrated History of Germany 9106:, March 1962, Vol. 22 Issue 1, pp. 59–70 9034: 9019: 8892:The Emergence of the German Dye Industry 8807:, May 2006, Vol. 59 Issue 2, pp. 347–373 8718: 8707:German Colonialism and National Identity 8091:. Oxford University Press. p. 517. 8084: 7954:Toyka-Seid, Gerd Schneider, Christiane. 7539: 6784: 6504: 6454:Greater Imperial coat of arms of Germany 6434:Distribution of Jews in Imperial Germany 6026: 5518: 5407: 4348: 4161:on 11 November. It was succeeded by the 4052: 3957: 3820: 3764: 3697: 3625: 3397: 3365: 3291: 3217: 3180: 3125: 3060: 2948: 2929:of the empire, gained by Prussia in the 2891: 2771: 2579: 2493: 2413: 1749: 1686: 1645:Constitution of the German Confederation 1614: 1596:. The patriotic fervor generated by the 1503: 1352:, it managed to build the third-largest 204: 17541: 12742:Occupied Enemy Territory Administration 11054:Ravenstein's Atlas of the German Empire 10940:(2003) pp. 281–293, historiography 10794:Faust's Metropolis: A History of Berlin 10745:Germany in the Age of Kaiser Wilhelm II 10675:(1996) dense coverage of chief topics; 10424:(2006), the standard scholarly survey; 9473: 9441: 9256: 9201: 9183:Zweihundert Jahre deutsche Polenpolitik 8790:Richard H. Tilly and Michael Kopsidis, 8521: 8078: 7956:"Reichsgründung/ Deutsches Reich | bpb" 7928: 7717: 7691: 6516:was re-introduced as the symbol of the 6482:Lesser Imperial coat of arms of Germany 6468:Middle Imperial coat of arms of Germany 4300:(Articles XI and XII). The emperor was 4036: 3307:Wilhelm II wanted Germany to have her " 2927:against the significant Polish minority 17741: 13673:List of current non-sovereign monarchs 10992:Contesting the German Empire 1871–1918 10801:A Social History of Germany, 1648–1914 10582:Imperial Culture in Germany, 1871–1918 10562:A History of Modern Germany: 1840–1945 10463:(1894); politics and parties, Volume 2 10396:(1938); written for advanced students. 10082: 9922: 9531:from the original on 21 December 2018. 9379:Imperial Culture in Germany, 1871–1918 9061:A History of Modern Germany: 1840–1945 8863: 8794:. (University of Chicago Press, 2020). 8703:The Rulers of German Africa, 1884–1914 8674: 8600:A History of Modern Germany Since 1815 8597: 8366:from the original on 17 September 2021 8325: 8307:from the original on 17 September 2021 8301:The National WWII Museum | New Orleans 8246:from the original on 17 September 2021 8181:Steinhauser, Gabriele (28 July 2017). 8011:from the original on 17 September 2021 7953: 7880:from the original on 17 September 2021 7778: 7627: 7591:from the original on 20 September 2022 7568:Internationalen Max-Reger-Gesellschaft 7514: 5514: 4254:constitutional reforms of October 1918 3829:at the time of the cease-fire and the 1330:systematic repression of Polish people 140:("Hail to Thee in the Victor's Crown") 16248: 15227: 13903: 13619: 13246: 12695:Austro-Hungarian occupation of Serbia 12031:Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) 11103: 10025: 10007:from the original on 15 November 2022 9968:Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung 9677:(London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1931). 9544: 9390: 9365: 9340: 9325: 9297: 9231: 8569: 8443:"Das Preußische Dreiklassenwahlrecht" 8440: 8277:from the original on 14 December 2017 7998: 7766:from the original on 25 December 2018 7705:from the original on 26 December 2018 7687:Statement of Abdication of Wilhelm II 7332: 6937:region on the Belgian–German border) 6771: 4332: 3611:History of Germany during World War I 1427:German plans to capture Paris quickly 15253: 13099:Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 10796:(1998), 1139 pages, pp. 188–233 10364:Prussian Poland in the German Empire 9876:from the original on 27 January 2023 9820:from the original on 2 November 2000 9152:Timothy Baycroft and Mark Hewitson, 8829: 8428: 8413: 8384: 8264: 8159:from the original on 19 October 2017 8147:Matthias Heine (17 September 2012). 8066:from the original on 24 January 2022 7999:Sturm, Reinhard (23 December 2011). 7843:See, for example, Roger Chickering, 6502:aftermath of the empire's collapse. 4048: 3996:. By retraining the soldiers in new 3987: Occupied territory (1914–1918) 1508:Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1890 13028:Ottomans against the Triple Entente 11822:Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes 10895:Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman 10348:Blackbourn, David, and Geoff Eley. 9579:from the original on 7 January 2019 9490: 9154:What is a nation?: Europe 1789–1914 8721:Journal of Southern African Studies 8574:. New York: iUniverse. p. 33. 8033:Springer, Berlin 2006, pp. 231, 246 7811:The World Book dictionary, Volume 1 7540:von ADELHEID, K. L. A. I. B. E. R. 4093:even more in favour of the Allies. 4083:Independent Social Democratic Party 3848:, the badly organised and supplied 3702:German troops being mobilized, 1914 3351:, and the mainland part of current 3277:International relations (1814–1919) 3191:in the 1890s / early 1900s 3176: 2600:, whose first factory was built in 2565: 2410:International relations (1814–1919) 2395:forces of liberalism and socialism. 13: 13668:List of current sovereign monarchs 11761:First Battle of the Masurian Lakes 10969:, with guide to recent scholarship 10922:German Women for Empire, 1884–1945 10267: 10123:from the original on 11 March 2023 9977:from the original on 30 April 2023 9935:from the original on 30 April 2023 9751:from the original on 2 August 2019 9719:. Cambridge UP. pp. 176–178. 9423:from the original on 8 August 2018 9022:Modern Prussian History: 1830–1947 8602:. London: Continuum. p. 170. 8215:from the original on 1 August 2017 7910:from the original on 13 April 2023 7303:Spa Conference (29 September 1918) 6045:Evangelical Church of the Redeemer 5821: 4409: 4345:List of historic states of Germany 3370:Flag of the German colonial empire 3270: 3228:Social Democratic Party of Germany 3051:Fields of law in the German Empire 2999:) and code of criminal procedure ( 1784:While the states issued their own 1520:on 8 June 1815 as a result of the 1516:had been created by an act of the 1116:Area and population not including 16:1871–1918 empire in Central Europe 14: 17845: 17789:20th century in Germany by period 17779:1918 disestablishments in Germany 11047: 10673:Germany from Napoleon to Bismarck 10639:Milward, Alan S. and S. B. Saul. 9903:Constitution of the German Empire 9814:"1914–18: Lebensmittelversorgung" 9169:(Columbia University Press, 1981) 9142:from the original on 12 May 2004. 8745:Alan S. Milward, and S. B. Saul, 8441:Peter, Jelena (1 February 2000). 7900:"Reich, German political concept" 7416:). Small islands also existed in 7308:Spa Conferences (First World War) 7197:, from all of which Germans were 7057:in 1939, from which Germans were 7020:partially deported following WWII 6526:, the modern German armed forces. 6497:and the penalties imposed by the 4183:Constitution of the German Empire 3545:Diplomatic history of World War I 3534: 3116: 3011:Allgemeines Preußisches Landrecht 2815:government supervision of schools 2554:Urbanization in the German Empire 2403: 1611:Proclamation of the German Empire 1253:. The German Empire consisted of 14186:Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13383: 12124:Second Battle of the Piave River 11746:Russian invasion of East Prussia 10947:(1996); 18 essays by specialists 10503:German Foreign Policy, 1871–1914 10228: 10211: 10168: 10144: 10135: 10076: 10064: 10038: 10019: 9989: 9916: 9858: 9845: 9832: 9802: 9789: 9776: 9763: 9733: 9706: 9693: 9680: 9667: 9654: 9641: 9614: 9591: 8234:Blakemore, Erin (27 June 2019). 7669:. London: Macmillan. pp. 13–14. 7519:. Oldenburg, Hamburg: Stalling. 7366: 7267: 6778:Territorial evolution of Germany 6598:In the field of economics, the " 6495:aftermath of the First World War 6474: 6460: 6446: 6427: 6415: 6403: 6031:Emperor Wilhelm II, who was the 6001: 5987: 5973: 5959: 5945: 5931: 5917: 5903: 5884: 5870: 5856: 5842: 5828: 5391: 5379: 5360: 5348: 5308: 5278: 5262: 5246: 5204: 5183: 5162: 5141: 5117: 5093: 5072: 5030: 5002: 4974: 4946: 4925: 4883: 4862: 4841: 4820: 4792: 4771: 4736: 4708: 4680: 4652: 4400: 4153:. The new government led by the 3971: Home Territory (1871–1918) 3816: 3693: 3558:expressed the British viewpoint: 3482: 3230:(SPD), whose radicals advocated 3044: 3032: 2881: 2858:'s decrees ended the ghettos in 2828: 2735: 2706: 2336: 2322: 1861: 1098: 1084: 1070: 1056: 1031: 1017: 1003: 989: 975: 183: 144: 75: 61: 15450:German revolutions of 1848–1849 15419:Ostsiedlung (East Colonisation) 13663:Imperial, royal and noble ranks 13195:Arrest of a Suspect in Sarajevo 12395:Lithuanian Wars of Independence 11129: 10433:The Evolution of Modern Germany 10177:Journal of Contemporary History 9970:(in German). 2016. p. 10. 9662:German foreign policy 1871–1914 9447: 9409: 9396: 9371: 9346: 9303: 9250: 9195: 9172: 9159: 9146: 9122: 9109: 9092: 9079: 9066: 9053: 9040: 9013: 9000: 8973: 8948: 8935: 8919: 8910: 8897: 8884: 8823: 8810: 8797: 8784: 8755: 8739: 8712: 8695: 8668: 8641: 8563: 8550: 8515: 8488: 8461: 8434: 8388:European Constitutional History 8378: 8347: 8319: 8289: 8258: 8227: 8174: 8140: 8127: 8114:The Journal of Military History 8105: 8036: 8023: 7992: 7947: 7922: 7862: 7837: 7816: 7803: 7680: 7656: 7621: 7354: 7325: 7298:List of German monarchs in 1918 6439: 5403: 4176: 4106:workers' and soldiers' councils 3966:, shortly before its collapse: 3864:to travel through Germany from 3592:, but it remained an ally only 3402:Hoisting of the German flag at 3222:Berlin in the late 19th century 2845: 2130:German revolutions of 1848–1849 1832: 1706:), his father the emperor, and 567:C. zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst 17754:1871 establishments in Germany 15435:Early modern period, 1500–1800 15323:List of early Germanic peoples 13645: 13018:Austria-Hungary against Serbia 12877:Deportations from East Prussia 12674:1915 typhus epidemic in Serbia 11042:(2 vol. London, 1879) Volume 2 11008:(2004) v 37, pp. 273–289 10629:(Yale University Press, 1975). 10468:Bismarck and the German Empire 9929:Orte der Demokratie Geschichte 9524:(in Spanish). pp. 29–40. 8498:The American Century in Europe 8339:. London: H. G. Bohn. p.  7612: 7603: 7573: 7560: 7533: 7508: 7493: 7480: 7471: 7026:until its dissolution in 1992 6043:after the inauguration of the 6013: 5557:German and a foreign language 5483:province of Schleswig-Holstein 4102:German Revolution of 1918–1919 3604: 3441: 3281: 2755: 1447:unrestricted submarine warfare 21:German Empire (disambiguation) 1: 15558:History of Germany since 1990 12929:Ukrainian Canadian internment 9923:Haardt, Oliver F. R. (2020). 9872:(in German). 4 January 2019. 9354:German Professions, 1800–1950 9119:(Yale University Press, 1975) 8447:Deutsches Historisches Museum 8327:Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig 7756:"German constitution of 1871" 7373:The Slavic speakers included 7345:; today often referred to as 7313: 6035:Evangelical Church of Prussia 5368: 5341: 4012: 3921: 3650:, the Kaiser offered Emperor 3622:German entry into World War I 3517:heavily influenced by Germany 3145:. Bismarck demanded that the 2534:in 1906–1907 resulted in the 2502:and its protectorates in 1914 1781:and had limited circulation. 1604: 1493: 1223:Minister President of Prussia 13678:List of monarchy referendums 13084:Sazonov–Paléologue Agreement 12383:Estonian War of Independence 12051:Southern Palestine offensive 10908:The German Empire, 1871–1918 10480:New York: Macmillan Company. 10223:The German Empire, 1871–1918 10026:Huber, Ernst Rudolf (1988). 9263:The German Empire: 1870–1918 8558:The Age of Empire: 1875–1914 8474:. Cambridge UP. p. 38. 7515:Hansen, Hans Jürgen (1978). 7233:collapse of the Soviet Union 7083:, parts of the districts of 6626: 4252:approval to pass. After the 4096:The end of October 1918, in 3932:Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck 2724:Germany's decision to enter 2576:Industrialization in Germany 1712:Helmuth von Moltke the Elder 1524:, after being alluded to in 1445:. The German declaration of 1420:formally allied with Germany 1249:, were still engaged in the 452:semi-constitutional monarchy 7: 17809:Former monarchies of Europe 16274: 13274:States of the German Empire 13038:USA against Austria-Hungary 12437:Turkish War of Independence 12389:Latvian War of Independence 12114:Treaty of Bucharest of 1918 11705:Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo 10048:(in German). Archived from 9686:George Macaulay Trevelyan, 9236:. McGraw-Hill. p. 60. 9104:Journal of Economic History 8916:Chandler (1990) pp. 474–475 8907:(2004) covers 1865 to 2000; 8701:L. Gann and Peter Duignan, 7962:(in German). Archived from 7732:(in German). Archived from 7504:. Münster: Bachmann Verlag. 7283:Economic history of Germany 7260: 7141:(the German population was 7123:Greater Poland Voivodeships 6746:Imperial German Air Service 6713: 6022: 4339:States of the German Empire 4157:called for and received an 4081:(SPD) and the more radical 3934:. Using Germans and native 3769:German Army positions, 1914 3664:Versailles Peace Conference 3511:and showed interest in the 3432:Herero and Namaqua Genocide 2987:, code of civil procedure ( 2933:. Poles were treated as an 2719:(Smaller Germany) over the 2685: 2548:Economic history of Germany 2536:Herero and Namaqua genocide 2483: 1366:Herero and Namaqua genocide 1080:Territory of the Saar Basin 230:States of the German Empire 10: 17850: 17794:Former countries in Europe 15465:North German Confederation 15445:Confederation of the Rhine 13121:Treaties of Brest-Litovsk 12669:1899–1923 cholera pandemic 12129:Second Battle of the Marne 12016:Second battle of the Aisne 11885:Second Battle of Champagne 11726:German invasion of Belgium 11014:10.1163/156916104323121483 10847:The German Colonial Empire 10838:Smith, Helmut Walser, ed. 10760:Imperial Germany 1871–1918 10528:American Historical Review 10189:10.1177/002200948802300101 9008:Europe reshaped, 1848–1878 8957:Imperial Germany 1850–1918 7853:Imperial Germany 1871–1918 6857:(northeastern part of the 6775: 6630: 6565:Nobel prize for literature 6054: 4342: 4336: 4180: 4118:on 29 September 1918. The 3619: 3615: 3608: 3538: 3285: 3274: 3100:Prussian interior minister 3098:, the highly conservative 3074:Year of the Three Emperors 3071: 3057:Year of the three emperors 2885: 2860:Confederation of the Rhine 2765: 2759: 2569: 2551: 2545: 2541: 2487: 2407: 2135:North German Confederation 2105:Confederation of the Rhine 1714:, Prussian Chief of Staff. 1625:North German Confederation 1608: 1590:North German Confederation 1497: 1488: 1406:in 1882. It also retained 1217:remained its capital, and 1191:North German Confederation 1169:on 18 January 1871 at the 983:North German Confederation 179:("The Watch on the Rhine") 18: 17824:Modern history of Germany 17710: 17662: 17179: 16583: 16282: 16199: 16059: 15939: 15930: 15813: 15804: 15685: 15676: 15612: 15603: 15566: 15545: 15427: 15381: 15305: 15274: 15265: 15090: 14999: 14713: 14476: 14410: 14222: 14213: 14109: 14091: 14023: 13938: 13896: 13828: 13742: 13686: 13653: 13579: 13563: 13535: 13522:Schwarzburg-Sondershausen 13481: 13435: 13392: 13381: 13281: 13227: 13186: 13107: 13046: 13008: 12952: 12941: 12902:Assyrian genocide (Sayfo) 12845: 12817: 12765: 12687: 12661: 12613: 12506: 12499: 12431:Irish War of Independence 12327: 12209: 12174:Armistice of Villa Giusti 12159:Battle of Vittorio Veneto 12084: 11986: 11913: 11814: 11771:First Battle of the Marne 11718: 11680: 11615: 11606: 11549: 11423: 11412: 11378: 11350: 11312: 11264: 11217: 11210: 11137: 11027:Dawson, William Harbutt. 10879:Steinmetz, George (2007) 10701:Journal of Modern History 10564:(1969), pp. 173–532 10555:English Historical Review 10519:20 September 2022 at the 10457:Dawson, William Harbutt. 10448:Dawson, William Harbutt. 10439:Dawson, William Harbutt. 10430:Dawson, William Harbutt. 10391:17 September 2021 at the 10101:10.1080/00905990600841959 9626:English Historical Review 9608:20 September 2018 at the 9565:10.1017/S0010417517000159 9513:Sanhueza, Carlos (2011). 9185:. suhrkamp 1978, p. 144; 8955:Feuchtwanger, Ed (2002). 8733:10.1080/03057079308708348 8088:War in Human Civilization 7933:. John Wiley & Sons. 7824:Whitaker's almanack, 1991 7436:) (5.5%) and in parts of 7209: 7154: 7070: 7035: 7004: 6981: 6969: 6958: 6946: 6870: 6851: 6839: 6831: 6816: 6806: 6803: 6800: 6795: 6623:during the 19th century. 6488: 6096: 6093: 6090: 6087: 6084: 6081: 5293: 5284: 5268: 5252: 5233:Free and Hanseatic Cities 5231: 5192:Schwarzburg-Sondershausen 5057: 4910: 4756: 4637: 4629: 4260:rather than the emperor. 4136:Armistice of Villa Giusti 4132:battle of Vittorio Veneto 3962:The German Empire during 3740:First Battle of the Marne 3197:Prime Minister of Prussia 2418:A postage stamp from the 1826:three-class voting system 1668:North German Constitution 1623:On 10 December 1870, the 1371:After the resignation of 1273:(six before 1876), seven 1114: 954: 890: 886: 873: 860: 847: 843: 833: 828: 818: 808: 803: 799: 786: 771: 756: 743: 730: 715: 702: 689: 685: 671: 659: 647: 637: 633: 621: 609: 597: 585: 573: 559: 547: 535: 531: 521: 517: 505: 493: 481: 477: 467: 441: 429: 377: 308: 298: 254: 238: 205:The German Empire in 1914 196: 125: 93: 57: 52: 30: 15617:Administrative divisions 13815:Self-proclaimed monarchy 13329:Lauenburg and Bütow Land 13054:Constantinople Agreement 12347:Armenian–Azerbaijani War 12210:Co-belligerent conflicts 12179:Second Romanian campaign 12149:Third Transjordan attack 11860:Gorlice–Tarnów offensive 11766:Battle of Grand Couronné 11006:Central European History 10954:Issue 66, (Autumn 2008) 10952:History Workshop Journal 10776:19 November 2021 at the 10767:Naval War College Review 9810:German Historical Museum 9703:(1978) pp. 302–338, 350. 9635:12 November 2021 at the 9628:117.471 (2002): 333–55. 9545:Penny, H. Glenn (2017). 9417:"Wilhelm II (1859–1941)" 9202:Kitchen, Martin (2000). 8864:Berend, T. Ivan (2016). 8830:Torp, Cornelius (2014). 8662:10.1177/0266355406075719 8297:"How Did Hitler Happen?" 8265:Archives, The National. 7929:Kitchen, Martin (2011). 6384:overseas colonial empire 6033:Supreme Governor of the 5792:Other foreign languages 5017:Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha 3489:Argentina, Brazil, Chile 2768:Pope Pius IX and Germany 2646:. The three major firms 1730:, who was assisted by a 1463:November 1918 Revolution 1433:became a stalemate. The 1425:In the First World War, 1416:the great crisis of 1914 1146:, was the period of the 17784:19th century in Germany 14083:Vatican City (Holy See) 13117:Modus vivendi of Acroma 13069:Bulgaria–Germany treaty 12377:Greater Poland Uprising 12277:National Protection War 12154:Meuse–Argonne offensive 12104:German spring offensive 12099:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 11875:Siege of Novogeorgievsk 11850:Second Battle of Artois 11731:Battle of the Frontiers 10943:Chickering, Roger, ed. 10636:(2 vol Abc-clio, 2005). 10460:Germany and the Germans 10317:Berghahn, Volker Rolf. 10307:Berghahn, Volker Rolf. 10291:Encyclopædia Britannica 10276:Ashworth, Philip Arthur 10157:6 February 2018 at the 10083:Oltmer, Jochen (2006). 9745:Encyclopedia Britannica 9713:Matthew Stibbe (2006). 9455:Ruanda-Urundi 1884–1919 9100:Business History Review 8927:Business History Review 8805:Economic History Review 8570:Young, William (2006). 8331:Talboys, David Alphonso 8192:The Wall Street Journal 7334:[ˌdɔʏtʃəsˈʁaɪç] 7293:List of German monarchs 7225:deported following WWII 7199:deported following WWII 7143:deported following WWII 7059:deported following WWII 6051:, 31 October 1898) 4898:Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach 4195:constitutional monarchy 4155:German Social Democrats 4079:Social Democratic Party 3953: 3890:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 3831:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 3317:German Southwest Africa 3019:Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch 2978:courts constitution act 2782:Between Berlin and Rome 2750:Social Democratic Party 1735:could also disband the 1678:universal male suffrage 1676:, which was elected by 1443:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1356:at the time, after the 1134:), also referred to as 592:T. von Bethmann Hollweg 299:Official languages 134:Heil dir im Siegerkranz 17819:Military dictatorships 15878:Science and technology 15579:History of Brandenburg 15470:Unification of Germany 15460:Frankfurt Constitution 14365:Islands of Refreshment 13795:Legitimacy (political) 13601: 13592: 13587:German colonial empire 13517:Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 13142:Paris Peace Conference 13130:Ukraine–Central Powers 12924:Massacres of Albanians 12892:Late Ottoman genocides 12699:Bulgarian occupations 12407:Third Anglo-Afghan War 12371:Hungarian–Romanian War 12189:Naval Victory Bulletin 12184:Armistice with Germany 12134:Hundred Days Offensive 12061:Battle of La Malmaison 12011:Second battle of Arras 11978:Battle of Transylvania 11832:Second Battle of Ypres 11700:Sarajevo assassination 11589:South African Republic 10643:(1977) pp. 17–70. 10611:Koch, Hannsjoachim W. 10512:34.4 (2016): 529–554. 9620:Matthew S. Seligmann, 9484:Uniwersytet Warszawski 9232:Kurtz, Harold (1970). 8959:. Routledge. Table 1. 8598:Tipton, Frank (2003). 7829: 7486:Preble, George Henry, 7361: 7347: 6797:When lost from Germany 6790: 6706: 6700: 6690: 6683: 6672: 6663: 6639: 6585: 6527: 6519: 6052: 5524: 5416: 5322: 5299: 5237: 5218: 5171:Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt 5063: 5044: 5016: 4988: 4960: 4916: 4897: 4806: 4762: 4722: 4694: 4666: 4643: 4619: 4354: 4325: 4292: 4244: 4226: 4218:legislative initiative 4212: 4206: 4173:, and the Communists. 4074: 3989: 3833: 3770: 3703: 3639: 3577:Bosnia and Herzegovina 3565: 3411: 3371: 3304: 3288:German colonial empire 3262:Generalquartiermeister 3223: 3192: 3134: 3122:Bismarck's resignation 3069: 3017: 3009: 3001: 2991: 2989: 2954: 2944: 2910: 2836:European welfare state 2789: 2713: 2669:agricultural chemicals 2593: 2503: 2500:German colonial empire 2490:German colonial empire 2470:Berlin–Baghdad railway 2450:Triple Alliance (1882) 2422: 2397: 2232: 2118: 1987:Linear Pottery culture 1758: 1715: 1620: 1557:'s main German rival, 1509: 1500:Unification of Germany 1408:strong diplomatic ties 1307:became second only to 1289:one imperial territory 1152:unification of Germany 1131: 944: 923: 915: 903: 247:German colonial empire 169: 132: 110: 99: 36: 17687:Medieval great powers 15515:Flight and expulsions 14176:Saint Kitts and Nevis 13765:Criticism of monarchy 13755:Abolition of monarchy 13152:Treaty of St. Germain 13125:Russia–Central Powers 13079:Sykes–Picot Agreement 12907:Pontic Greek genocide 12882:Destruction of Kalisz 12858:Eastern Mediterranean 12419:Polish–Lithuanian War 12201:Armistice of Belgrade 12164:Armistice of Salonica 12094:Operation Faustschlag 12041:Third Battle of Oituz 11963:Baranovichi offensive 11931:Lake Naroch offensive 11905:Battle of Robat Karim 11880:Vistula–Bug offensive 11855:Battles of the Isonzo 11786:First Battle of Ypres 10869:Steinberg, Jonathan. 10816:24 March 2012 at the 10632:Levy, Richard S. ed. 10383:Carroll, E. Malcolm. 10335:7 August 2020 at the 10326:German Studies Review 10241:German Studies Review 10152:A New Surge of Growth 9673:Hermann Kantorowicz, 9601:(1938) pp 485ff, 830. 8689:10.1093/gerhis/ghn007 8524:German Studies Review 8385:Case, Nelson (1902). 7663:Wheeler-Bennett, John 7642:10.1093/gerhis/ghw117 7348:Deutsches Kaiserreich 7227:. Transferred to the 6788: 6508: 6055:Further information: 6030: 5522: 5502:West Slavic languages 5411: 5238:Freie und Hansestädte 5011:Saxe-Coburg and Gotha 4618: 4352: 4151:proclaimed a republic 4116:Armistice of Salonica 4069:for Germany from the 4056: 3961: 3948:Portuguese Mozambique 3824: 3768: 3701: 3629: 3560: 3541:Causes of World War I 3401: 3369: 3295: 3275:Further information: 3221: 3184: 3129: 3064: 2952: 2897:Prussian deportations 2895: 2775: 2583: 2546:Further information: 2497: 2462:Georg Herbert Münster 2417: 2408:Further information: 2392: 1913:Territorial evolution 1767:House of Hohenzollern 1753: 1690: 1618: 1507: 1435:Allied naval blockade 1211:House of Hohenzollern 458:military dictatorship 309:Common languages 283:52.51861°N 13.37611°E 17697:European colonialism 17682:Ancient great powers 16187:World Heritage Sites 15865:German states by GDP 15455:German Confederation 14008:United Arab Emirates 13564:Imperial Territories 13417:Mecklenburg-Strelitz 13412:Mecklenburg-Schwerin 13333:Starostwo of Draheim 13147:Treaty of Versailles 12863:Mount Lebanon famine 12778:in the United States 12746:Russian occupations 12460:Turkish–Armenian War 12401:Polish–Ukrainian War 12341:Ukrainian–Soviet War 12288:Central Asian Revolt 12071:Armistice of Focșani 11801:Battle of Sarikamish 11751:Battle of Tannenberg 11147:Military engagements 10990:Jefferies, Matthew. 10769:(1973) 26#1: 28–41. 10474:Fife, Robert Herndon 10420:Clark, Christopher. 10089:Nationalities Papers 9597:E. Malcolm Carroll, 8903:Werner Abelshauser, 7758:(in German). German 7053:in 1923, retaken by 6993:South Jutland County 6755:Imperial German Navy 6724:Imperial German Army 6553:published his novel 6499:Treaty of Versailles 6388:indigenous religions 5367:Population density ( 5295:Imperial Territories 4892:Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach 4850:Mecklenburg-Strelitz 4829:Mecklenburg-Schwerin 4308:(Article LXIII) and 4037:Spanish Flu Pandemic 3998:infiltration tactics 3798:Erich von Falkenhayn 3096:Robert von Puttkamer 2931:partitions of Poland 2874:'s rise to power in 2868:Treaty of Versailles 2439:Dual Alliance (1879) 2249:Expulsion of Germans 2215:Contemporary Germany 2113:German Confederation 1708:Frederick I of Baden 1700:Palace of Versailles 1657:Palace of Versailles 1582:German Confederation 1563:Second Schleswig War 1514:German Confederation 1467:Treaty of Versailles 1453:, the German armies 1257:, each with its own 1171:Palace of Versailles 1118:colonial possessions 761:Abdication of Kaiser 17692:Modern great powers 15823:Automobile industry 15409:Carolingian dynasty 15343:History of the Huns 15204:Trinidad and Tobago 15091:Commonwealth realms 14976:United Baltic Duchy 14119:Antigua and Barbuda 14111:Commonwealth realms 13805:Order of succession 13527:Waldeck and Pyrmont 13214:They shall not pass 13137:Treaty of Bucharest 13094:Treaty of Bucharest 13033:USA against Germany 13010:Declarations of war 12714:German occupations 12627:British casualties 12486:Soviet–Georgian War 12413:Egyptian Revolution 12353:Armeno-Georgian War 12217:Somaliland campaign 12169:Armistice of Mudros 12046:Battle of Caporetto 12036:Battle of Mărășești 12006:Zimmermann telegram 12001:February Revolution 11946:Battle of the Somme 11870:Bug-Narew Offensive 11845:Battle of Gallipoli 11837:Sinking of the RMS 11629:Scramble for Africa 11623:Franco-Prussian War 11279:Sinai and Palestine 11060:6 June 2013 at the 10961:12 May 2020 at the 10904:Wehler, Hans-Ulrich 10852:Sperber, Jonathan. 10845:Smith, Woodruff D. 10823:Schollgen, Gregor. 10792:Richie, Alexandra. 10671:Nipperdey, Thomas. 10584:. (Palgrave, 2003) 10580:Jefferies, Mattew. 10413:Chickering, Roger. 10341:Blackbourn, David. 10258:Der Große Brockhaus 10163:Library of Congress 9664:(1976) pp. 121–138. 9377:Matthew Jefferies, 9165:John J. Kulczycki, 9072:Christopher Clark, 9063:(1969), pp. 258–260 9024:. pp. 169–187. 8356:"Otto von Bismarck" 7570:3.42 (2022): 18–23. 7319:Informational notes 6577:AEG turbine factory 6078: 6063:early modern period 5531: 5515:1900 census results 5219:Waldeck und Pyrmont 5213:Waldeck and Pyrmont 4626: 4319:The chancellor was 4171:Organisation Consul 4148:Philipp Scheidemann 4124:Armistice of Mudros 4073:on 9 November 1918. 4063:Philipp Scheidemann 3872:In March 1917, the 3527:the decades before 3258:Paul von Hindenburg 3003:Strafprozessordnung 2993:Zivilprozessordnung 2906:, 1909 painting by 2904:(Polenausweisungen) 2807:papal infallibility 2435:Franco-Prussian War 2063:Early Modern period 2050:Eastward settlement 1779:commemorative coins 1664:German Constitution 1598:Franco-Prussian War 1575:Franco-Prussian War 1571:Austro-Prussian War 1537:Revolutions of 1848 1350:Scramble for Africa 1261:, four constituent 1251:Franco-Prussian War 1156:November Revolution 911:South German gulden 790:Weimar Constitution 279: /  15893:Telecommunications 15574:History of Prussia 15490:Revolution of 1918 15485:War guilt question 15404:Carolingian Empire 15373:Sack of Rome (410) 15282:History of Germany 13351:Schleswig-Holstein 13174:Treaty of Lausanne 13089:Paris Economy Pact 13023:UK against Germany 12953:Entry into the war 12919:Urkun (Kyrgyzstan) 12638:Ottoman casualties 12448:Franco-Turkish War 12328:Post-War conflicts 12312:Russian Revolution 12294:Invasion of Darfur 12259:Kelantan rebellion 12247:Kurdish rebellions 12223:Mexican Revolution 12056:October Revolution 12021:Kerensky offensive 11996:Capture of Baghdad 11973:Monastir offensive 11958:Brusilov offensive 11796:Battle of Kolubara 11635:Russo-Japanese War 11036:Vizetelly, Henry. 10977:, Berghahn Books, 10920:Wildenthal, Lora. 10758:Retallack, James. 10743:Retallack, James. 10370:Brandenburg, Erich 10298:Barker, J. Ellis. 10052:on 6 February 2010 9838:Roger Chickering, 9782:Holger H. Herwig, 9076:(2006) pp. 568–576 9006:J.A.S. Grenville, 8416:, pp. 139–140 7966:on 26 October 2020 7546:SCHRIFTEN DER BAAR 7288:Kingdom of Germany 7221:Kaliningrad Oblast 7195:Warmia and Masuria 6983:Northern Schleswig 6929:(all are parts of 6791: 6772:Territorial legacy 6656:, a leader of the 6654:Hans-Ulrich Wehler 6528: 6396:German East Africa 6076: 6053: 6037:'s older Provinces 5530:(1 December 1900) 5527: 5525: 5436:Germanic languages 5417: 5355:Administrative map 4625: 4620: 4375:Congress of Vienna 4355: 4333:Constituent states 4321:head of government 4302:commander-in-chief 4075: 4071:Reichstag building 4006:Russian Revolution 3990: 3946:. He also invaded 3928:German East Africa 3834: 3771: 3704: 3640: 3569:Reinsurance Treaty 3412: 3372: 3341:German East Africa 3305: 3224: 3193: 3135: 3086:, eldest child of 3070: 2965:In 1871, a common 2955: 2911: 2864:German nationalism 2790: 2594: 2504: 2454:Reinsurance Treaty 2423: 2343:History portal 2329:Germany portal 2080:Kingdom of Prussia 2040:Kingdom of Germany 2012:Barbarian kingdoms 1759: 1716: 1621: 1518:Congress of Vienna 1510: 1398:, followed by the 1154:in 1871 until the 678: • 661:• Lower house 649:• Upper house 616:Georg von Hertling 580:Bernhard von Bülow 288:52.51861; 13.37611 171:Die Wacht am Rhein 17804:Former monarchies 17736: 17735: 17658: 17657: 17623:Polish–Lithuanian 16798:Gurjara-Pratihara 16242: 16241: 16195: 16194: 15926: 15925: 15840:Chemical Triangle 15800: 15799: 15787:Political parties 15735:Foreign relations 15672: 15671: 15599: 15598: 15510:Allied occupation 15414:Holy Roman Empire 15221: 15220: 15217: 15216: 14906:Piedmont-Sardinia 14658:Sip Song Chau Tai 14468:Thirteen Colonies 14209: 14208: 13613: 13612: 13240: 13239: 13223: 13222: 13207:The Golden Virgin 13201:Mutilated victory 13182: 13181: 13162:Treaty of Trianon 13157:Treaty of Neuilly 13064:Damascus Protocol 12937: 12936: 12897:Armenian genocide 12854:Allied blockades 12826:Belgian refugees 12609: 12608: 12519:Strategic bombing 12495: 12494: 12480:Franco-Syrian War 12454:Greco-Turkish War 12442:Anglo-Turkish War 12425:Polish–Soviet War 12359:German Revolution 12335:Russian Civil War 12318:Finnish Civil War 12144:Battle of Megiddo 12119:Battle of Goychay 12066:Battle of Cambrai 12026:Battle of Mărăști 11941:Battle of Jutland 11921:Erzurum offensive 11776:Siege of Przemyśl 11756:Siege of Tsingtao 11741:Battle of Galicia 11671:Second Balkan War 11659:Italo-Turkish War 11616:Pre-War conflicts 11602: 11601: 11492:Portuguese Empire 11408: 11407: 11370:German New Guinea 11352:Asian and Pacific 10889:978-0-2267-7241-7 10809:Scheck, Raffael. 10691:Ragins, Sanford. 10654:Mommsen, Wolfgang 10625:Levy, Richard S. 10618:Kurlander, Eric. 10362:Blanke, Richard. 10239:Debate Left Us". 9842:(2004) p. 141–142 9701:Germany 1866–1945 9649:Germany 1866–1945 9647:Gordon A. Craig, 9496:Mitchell, Nancy. 9476:Revista del CESLA 9281:978-0-679-64090-5 9243:978-0-07-035653-5 9213:978-0-521-79432-9 9115:Richard S. Levy, 8993:978-1-139-48951-5 8966:978-1-13462-072-2 8508:978-0-8014-4075-5 8481:978-1-107-65247-7 8195:. New York City. 8117:3.4 (1939): 210+ 8098:978-0-19-923663-3 8085:Azar Gat (2008). 8029:Michael Kotulla: 7940:978-1-44439-689-8 7822:Joseph Whitaker. 7809:World Book, Inc. 7762:. 16 March 2011. 7675:978-1-4039-1812-3 7454:Kingdom of Saxony 7238: 7237: 6881:The two towns of 6726:, which included 6696:long 19th century 6542:and the Catholic 6380: 6379: 6071:Free Trade Unions 5819: 5818: 5804:Imperial citizens 5645:Wendish (Sorbian) 5509:Elsass-Lothringen 5500:Polish and other 5339: 5338: 5335: 5334: 5323:Elsass-Lothringen 5129: 5105: 5045:Sachsen-Meiningen 4989:Sachsen-Altenburg 4367:Holy Roman Empire 4224:(Article V). The 4187:The Empire was a 4087:entry of the U.S. 4049:Revolt and demise 3688:Septemberprogramm 3656:Kingdom of Serbia 3582:South African War 3521:Galápagos Islands 3513:Galápagos Islands 3436:Lothar von Trotha 3408:German New Guinea 3301:Berlin Conference 3084:Princess Victoria 2939:Province of Posen 2665:photographic film 2623:system (known as 2508:German New Guinea 2380: 2379: 2311: 2310: 2205: 2204: 2045:Holy Roman Empire 1922:Holy Roman Empire 1741:State Secretaries 1619:Wilhelm I in 1884 1573:in 1866, and the 1541:Otto von Bismarck 1373:Otto von Bismarck 1219:Otto von Bismarck 1124: 1123: 1110: 1109: 1106: 1105: 1044: 1043: 747:German Revolution 719:Berlin Conference 611:• 1917–1918 587:• 1909–1917 575:• 1900–1909 561:• 1894–1900 549:• 1890–1894 542:Otto von Bismarck 537:• 1871–1890 507:• 1888–1918 483:• 1871–1888 397:United Protestant 188: 177: 162: 17841: 17774:1910s in Germany 17769:1900s in Germany 17764:1890s in Germany 17759:1880s in Germany 17749:1870s in Germany 17539: 17538: 17204:Austro-Hungarian 16904:Chagatai Khanate 16269: 16262: 16255: 16246: 16245: 16222: 16215: 16208: 16172:Prussian virtues 15937: 15936: 15845:Economic history 15811: 15810: 15705: 15683: 15682: 15634:Cities and towns 15610: 15609: 15590:Baden Revolution 15394:Treaty of Verdun 15363:Marcomannic Wars 15318:Migration Period 15313:Germanic peoples 15297:Military history 15272: 15271: 15248: 15241: 15234: 15225: 15224: 15145:Irish Free State 14911:Poland–Lithuania 14220: 14219: 14171:Papua New Guinea 13901: 13900: 13640: 13633: 13626: 13617: 13616: 13606: 13597: 13512:Schaumburg-Lippe 13507: 13499: 13469: 13387: 13366: 13336: 13267: 13260: 13253: 13244: 13243: 13167:Treaty of Sèvres 13059:Treaty of London 12950: 12949: 12728:Northeast France 12659: 12658: 12631:Parliamentarians 12564: 12563: 12526:Chemical weapons 12504: 12503: 12265:Senussi campaign 12235:Muscat rebellion 12229:Maritz rebellion 12197: 12139:Vardar offensive 11968:Battle of Romani 11936:Battle of Asiago 11926:Battle of Verdun 11890:Kosovo offensive 11665:First Balkan War 11613: 11612: 11512:Russian Republic 11421: 11420: 11215: 11214: 11157:Economic history 11124: 11117: 11110: 11101: 11100: 11080: 10987: 10910:. (Berg, 1985). 10871:Bismarck: A Life 10740: 10550: 10501:Geiss, Imanuel. 10445:(1890) 175 pages 10295: 10283: 10261: 10255: 10249: 10248: 10232: 10226: 10215: 10209: 10208: 10172: 10166: 10148: 10142: 10139: 10133: 10132: 10130: 10128: 10080: 10074: 10068: 10062: 10061: 10059: 10057: 10042: 10036: 10035: 10023: 10017: 10016: 10014: 10012: 9993: 9987: 9986: 9984: 9982: 9976: 9965: 9956: 9945: 9944: 9942: 9940: 9920: 9914: 9913: 9907: 9897: 9886: 9885: 9883: 9881: 9862: 9856: 9849: 9843: 9836: 9830: 9829: 9827: 9825: 9806: 9800: 9793: 9787: 9780: 9774: 9767: 9761: 9760: 9758: 9756: 9737: 9731: 9730: 9710: 9704: 9697: 9691: 9684: 9678: 9671: 9665: 9658: 9652: 9645: 9639: 9623: 9618: 9612: 9595: 9589: 9588: 9586: 9584: 9542: 9533: 9532: 9530: 9519: 9510: 9501: 9494: 9488: 9487: 9471: 9458: 9451: 9445: 9439: 9433: 9432: 9430: 9428: 9413: 9407: 9400: 9394: 9388: 9382: 9375: 9369: 9363: 9357: 9350: 9344: 9338: 9329: 9323: 9317: 9307: 9301: 9295: 9286: 9285: 9258:Stürmer, Michael 9254: 9248: 9247: 9229: 9218: 9217: 9199: 9193: 9176: 9170: 9163: 9157: 9150: 9144: 9143: 9141: 9134: 9126: 9120: 9113: 9107: 9096: 9090: 9083: 9077: 9070: 9064: 9057: 9051: 9046:Ronald J. Ross, 9044: 9038: 9032: 9026: 9025: 9017: 9011: 9004: 8998: 8997: 8977: 8971: 8970: 8952: 8946: 8941:Allan Mitchell, 8939: 8933: 8923: 8917: 8914: 8908: 8901: 8895: 8888: 8882: 8881: 8861: 8852: 8851: 8827: 8821: 8814: 8808: 8801: 8795: 8788: 8782: 8775: 8766: 8759: 8753: 8749:(1977) pp 17–70 8743: 8737: 8736: 8716: 8710: 8699: 8693: 8692: 8672: 8666: 8665: 8645: 8639: 8638: 8620: 8614: 8613: 8595: 8586: 8585: 8567: 8561: 8554: 8548: 8547: 8519: 8513: 8512: 8492: 8486: 8485: 8465: 8459: 8458: 8456: 8454: 8438: 8432: 8426: 8417: 8411: 8405: 8404: 8382: 8376: 8375: 8373: 8371: 8354:Kenneth Barkin. 8351: 8345: 8344: 8323: 8317: 8316: 8314: 8312: 8293: 8287: 8286: 8284: 8282: 8262: 8256: 8255: 8253: 8251: 8231: 8225: 8224: 8222: 8220: 8178: 8172: 8171: 8166: 8164: 8144: 8138: 8131: 8125: 8109: 8103: 8102: 8082: 8076: 8075: 8073: 8071: 8056: 8047: 8040: 8034: 8027: 8021: 8020: 8018: 8016: 7996: 7990: 7989: 7983: 7975: 7973: 7971: 7951: 7945: 7944: 7926: 7920: 7919: 7917: 7915: 7896: 7890: 7889: 7887: 7885: 7866: 7860: 7841: 7835: 7832: 7820: 7814: 7807: 7801: 7800: 7798: 7796: 7782: 7776: 7775: 7773: 7771: 7752: 7746: 7745: 7743: 7741: 7726: 7715: 7714: 7712: 7710: 7695: 7689: 7684: 7678: 7660: 7654: 7653: 7625: 7619: 7616: 7610: 7607: 7601: 7600: 7598: 7596: 7577: 7571: 7564: 7558: 7557: 7555: 7553: 7537: 7531: 7530: 7512: 7506: 7505: 7497: 7491: 7484: 7478: 7475: 7458: 7457: 7370: 7364: 7358: 7352: 7350: 7344: 7343: 7342: 7336: 7329: 7277: 7272: 7271: 7270: 7255: 7249: 7243: 7160:East Brandenburg 7006:Hultschin Region 6971: 6963: 6962: 6856: 6855: 6844: 6843: 6836: 6835: 6793: 6792: 6709: 6703: 6693: 6686: 6681:argued that the 6675: 6666: 6658:Bielefeld School 6644: 6590: 6569:Der Blaue Reiter 6540:Social Democrats 6524: 6478: 6464: 6450: 6431: 6419: 6407: 6091:Other Christian 6079: 6075: 6041:Augusta Victoria 6005: 5991: 5977: 5963: 5949: 5935: 5921: 5907: 5888: 5874: 5860: 5846: 5832: 5682:Moravian (Czech) 5532: 5526: 5395: 5383: 5373: 5370: 5364: 5352: 5325: 5312: 5311: 5302: 5282: 5281: 5266: 5265: 5250: 5249: 5240: 5221: 5208: 5207: 5187: 5186: 5166: 5165: 5150:Schaumburg-Lippe 5145: 5144: 5127: 5121: 5120: 5103: 5097: 5096: 5076: 5075: 5066: 5047: 5034: 5033: 5019: 5006: 5005: 4991: 4978: 4977: 4963: 4950: 4949: 4929: 4928: 4919: 4900: 4887: 4886: 4866: 4865: 4845: 4844: 4824: 4823: 4809: 4796: 4795: 4775: 4774: 4765: 4740: 4739: 4725: 4712: 4711: 4697: 4684: 4683: 4669: 4656: 4655: 4646: 4627: 4624: 4412: 4405: 4404: 4328: 4323:and chaired the 4304:of the Empire's 4295: 4247: 4229: 4215: 4209: 4091:balance of power 4017:The concept of " 3986: 3976: 3970: 3811:Erich Ludendorff 3809:was replaced by 3806:Battle of Verdun 3712:invading Belgium 3598:Treaty of London 3590:Kingdom of Italy 3586:Entente Cordiale 3509:Margarita Island 3309:place in the sun 3265:Erich Ludendorff 3256:, Field Marshal 3254:German president 3177:Domestic affairs 3156:Walther Rathenau 3113:became emperor. 3107:laryngeal cancer 3048: 3036: 3022: 3014: 3006: 2998: 2996: 2986: 2975: 2803:anti-Catholicism 2718: 2715:Kleindeutschland 2678:By the start of 2673:electrochemicals 2566:Industrial power 2524:Caroline Islands 2420:Caroline Islands 2372: 2365: 2358: 2345: 2341: 2340: 2339: 2331: 2327: 2326: 2325: 2237: 2220: 2219: 2153: 2152: 2123: 2007:Migration Period 2002:Germanic peoples 1997:Urnfield culture 1865: 1855: 1837: 1836: 1696:Anton von Werner 1682:over-represented 1475:Great Depression 1451:Spring Offensive 1293:Deutscher Kaiser 1195:new constitution 1136:Imperial Germany 1102: 1101: 1088: 1087: 1074: 1073: 1060: 1059: 1048: 1047: 1035: 1034: 1021: 1020: 1007: 1006: 993: 992: 979: 978: 972: 971: 956: 955: 947: 936:German gold mark 928: 920: 908: 782:11 November 1918 778: 763: 726: 725:15 November 1884 569: 393: 294: 293: 291: 290: 289: 284: 280: 277: 276: 275: 272: 257:and largest city 243: 232: 227: 220: 219:, September 1918 213: 206: 203: 190: 189: 175: 174: 164: 163: 137: 113: 104: 79: 65: 47: 39: 28: 27: 17849: 17848: 17844: 17843: 17842: 17840: 17839: 17838: 17739: 17738: 17737: 17732: 17721:American Empire 17706: 17702:African empires 17654: 17537: 17229:Central African 17175: 16993:Romano-Germanic 16579: 16313:Middle Assyrian 16286: 16278: 16273: 16243: 16238: 16225: 16218: 16211: 16204: 16191: 16055: 16006:Life expectancy 15922: 15796: 15767:Law enforcement 15703: 15668: 15595: 15562: 15541: 15525:Divided Germany 15495:Weimar Republic 15423: 15389:Frankish Empire 15377: 15301: 15267: 15261: 15252: 15222: 15213: 15138:princely states 15086: 15022:Kingdom of Fiji 14995: 14741:Austria-Hungary 14709: 14472: 14406: 14205: 14191:Solomon Islands 14105: 14087: 14019: 13934: 13892: 13824: 13770:Democratization 13738: 13682: 13649: 13644: 13614: 13609: 13575: 13571:Alsace–Lorraine 13559: 13531: 13505: 13497: 13477: 13467: 13431: 13427:Weimar-Eisenach 13407:Hesse-Darmstadt 13388: 13379: 13331:and the former 13327:(including the 13326: 13297: 13277: 13271: 13241: 13236: 13219: 13178: 13110: 13103: 13074:Treaty of Darin 13042: 13004: 12960:Austria-Hungary 12946: 12933: 12914:Rape of Belgium 12841: 12813: 12761: 12755:Western Armenia 12750:Eastern Galicia 12683: 12657: 12621: 12620:Civilian impact 12619: 12605: 12562: 12491: 12323: 12253:Ovambo Uprising 12205: 12191: 12080: 11982: 11909: 11827:Battle of Łomża 11810: 11806:Christmas truce 11781:Race to the Sea 11714: 11676: 11598: 11569:Austria-Hungary 11545: 11480:Empire of Japan 11417: 11415: 11404: 11388:U-boat campaign 11374: 11346: 11308: 11260: 11206: 11187:Popular culture 11133: 11128: 11078: 11062:Wayback Machine 11050: 11045: 11030:Germany at Home 11021:Primary sources 11018: 10985: 10972: 10963:Wayback Machine 10927: 10893:Taylor, A.J.P. 10827:. (Berg, 1990) 10818:Wayback Machine 10783:Ritter, Gerhard 10778:Wayback Machine 10698: 10682:Padfield, Peter 10601:(2nd ed. 1988) 10595:Kennedy, Paul. 10560:Holborn, Hajo. 10540:10.2307/1837686 10525: 10521:Wayback Machine 10403:(1989); vol 2: 10393:Wayback Machine 10337:Wayback Machine 10281:"Germany"  10270: 10268:Further reading 10265: 10264: 10256: 10252: 10233: 10229: 10216: 10212: 10173: 10169: 10159:Wayback Machine 10149: 10145: 10140: 10136: 10126: 10124: 10081: 10077: 10069: 10065: 10055: 10053: 10044: 10043: 10039: 10024: 10020: 10010: 10008: 9995: 9994: 9990: 9980: 9978: 9974: 9963: 9958: 9957: 9948: 9938: 9936: 9921: 9917: 9899: 9898: 9889: 9879: 9877: 9864: 9863: 9859: 9850: 9846: 9837: 9833: 9823: 9821: 9807: 9803: 9794: 9790: 9781: 9777: 9768: 9764: 9754: 9752: 9739: 9738: 9734: 9727: 9711: 9707: 9698: 9694: 9685: 9681: 9672: 9668: 9660:Imanuel Geise, 9659: 9655: 9646: 9642: 9637:Wayback Machine 9621: 9619: 9615: 9610:Wayback Machine 9596: 9592: 9582: 9580: 9543: 9536: 9528: 9517: 9511: 9504: 9495: 9491: 9472: 9461: 9452: 9448: 9440: 9436: 9426: 9424: 9415: 9414: 9410: 9401: 9397: 9389: 9385: 9376: 9372: 9364: 9360: 9351: 9347: 9339: 9332: 9324: 9320: 9308: 9304: 9296: 9289: 9282: 9255: 9251: 9244: 9230: 9221: 9214: 9200: 9196: 9177: 9173: 9164: 9160: 9151: 9147: 9139: 9132: 9128: 9127: 9123: 9114: 9110: 9097: 9093: 9084: 9080: 9071: 9067: 9058: 9054: 9045: 9041: 9035:Lamberti (2001) 9033: 9029: 9018: 9014: 9005: 9001: 8994: 8978: 8974: 8967: 8953: 8949: 8940: 8936: 8924: 8920: 8915: 8911: 8902: 8898: 8889: 8885: 8878: 8862: 8855: 8848: 8828: 8824: 8815: 8811: 8802: 8798: 8789: 8785: 8777:E. P. Hennock, 8776: 8769: 8761:Edmond Taylor, 8760: 8756: 8744: 8740: 8717: 8713: 8700: 8696: 8673: 8669: 8646: 8642: 8635: 8621: 8617: 8610: 8596: 8589: 8582: 8568: 8564: 8560:(1987), p. 312. 8556:Eric Hobsbawm, 8555: 8551: 8536:10.2307/1432746 8520: 8516: 8509: 8493: 8489: 8482: 8466: 8462: 8452: 8450: 8439: 8435: 8427: 8420: 8412: 8408: 8383: 8379: 8369: 8367: 8352: 8348: 8324: 8320: 8310: 8308: 8295: 8294: 8290: 8280: 8278: 8263: 8259: 8249: 8247: 8232: 8228: 8218: 8216: 8179: 8175: 8162: 8160: 8145: 8141: 8132: 8128: 8110: 8106: 8099: 8083: 8079: 8069: 8067: 8058: 8057: 8050: 8042:J. H. Clapham, 8041: 8037: 8028: 8024: 8014: 8012: 7997: 7993: 7977: 7976: 7969: 7967: 7952: 7948: 7941: 7927: 7923: 7913: 7911: 7898: 7897: 7893: 7883: 7881: 7870:"German Empire" 7868: 7867: 7863: 7842: 7838: 7830:Deutsches Reich 7821: 7817: 7808: 7804: 7794: 7792: 7784: 7783: 7779: 7769: 7767: 7754: 7753: 7749: 7739: 7737: 7736:on 5 April 2007 7728: 7727: 7718: 7708: 7706: 7697: 7696: 7692: 7685: 7681: 7661: 7657: 7626: 7622: 7617: 7613: 7608: 7604: 7594: 7592: 7581:"German Empire" 7579: 7578: 7574: 7565: 7561: 7551: 7549: 7538: 7534: 7527: 7513: 7509: 7498: 7494: 7485: 7481: 7476: 7472: 7462: 7461: 7372: 7371: 7367: 7359: 7355: 7338: 7337: 7330: 7326: 7316: 7273: 7268: 7266: 7263: 7258: 7257: 7253: 7251: 7247: 7245: 7241: 7207: 7152: 7125:, the towns of 7068: 7067:Both World Wars 7047:Klaipėda Region 7037:Memel Territory 7033: 7032:Both World Wars 7002: 7001:Both World Wars 6979: 6944: 6868: 6867:Both World Wars 6818:Alsace-Lorraine 6814: 6813:Both World Wars 6798: 6780: 6774: 6716: 6635: 6629: 6561:Theodor Mommsen 6493:The defeat and 6491: 6484: 6479: 6470: 6465: 6456: 6451: 6442: 6435: 6432: 6423: 6420: 6411: 6408: 6309:Alsace-Lorraine 6059: 6049:Reformation Day 6025: 6016: 6009: 6006: 5997: 5992: 5983: 5978: 5969: 5964: 5955: 5950: 5941: 5936: 5927: 5922: 5913: 5908: 5899: 5889: 5880: 5875: 5866: 5861: 5852: 5847: 5838: 5833: 5824: 5822:Linguistic maps 5529: 5517: 5434:The non-German 5406: 5399: 5396: 5387: 5384: 5375: 5371: 5365: 5356: 5353: 5344: 5317:Alsace–Lorraine 5309: 5279: 5263: 5247: 5205: 5184: 5163: 5142: 5118: 5094: 5073: 5031: 5003: 4975: 4947: 4926: 4884: 4863: 4842: 4821: 4793: 4772: 4763:Großherzogtümer 4737: 4709: 4681: 4653: 4621: 4617: 4410: 4403: 4369:, and had been 4347: 4341: 4335: 4202:Federal Council 4185: 4179: 4163:Weimar Republic 4144:German nobility 4128:Austria-Hungary 4051: 4039: 4015: 3988: 3984: 3982: 3974: 3972: 3968: 3956: 3924: 3819: 3754:positions from 3748:Race to the Sea 3746:. A subsequent 3708:Schlieffen Plan 3696: 3684:Alsace-Lorraine 3648:Gavrilo Princip 3644:Franz Ferdinand 3624: 3618: 3613: 3607: 3573:Austria-Hungary 3556:G. M. Trevelyan 3552:Gordon A. Craig 3547: 3539:Main articles: 3537: 3485: 3469:Baghdad Railway 3460:Baghdad Railway 3444: 3313:new imperialism 3290: 3284: 3279: 3273: 3271:Foreign affairs 3201:Leo von Caprivi 3179: 3124: 3119: 3076: 3059: 3052: 3049: 3040: 3037: 2980: 2969: 2947: 2935:ethnic minority 2908:Wojciech Kossak 2890: 2884: 2848: 2831: 2770: 2764: 2758: 2738: 2721:Großdeutschland 2709: 2688: 2661:pharmaceuticals 2629:Alsace-Lorraine 2578: 2570:Main articles: 2568: 2556: 2550: 2544: 2530:in what is now 2492: 2486: 2412: 2406: 2376: 2337: 2335: 2334: 2323: 2321: 2320: 2313: 2312: 2294: 2273: 2240: 2217: 2207: 2206: 2177:Weimar Republic 2150: 2140: 2139: 2126: 2095: 2085: 2084: 2065: 2055: 2054: 2030: 2022: 2021: 2017:Frankish Empire 1992:Únětice culture 1982: 1974: 1973: 1918:Historic states 1873: 1853: 1846: 1835: 1653:Hall of Mirrors 1641:Bundespräsidium 1637:King of Prussia 1613: 1607: 1586:Austrian Empire 1530:Treaty of Paris 1522:Napoleonic Wars 1502: 1496: 1491: 1455:were in retreat 1400:Triple Alliance 1396:Austria-Hungary 1354:colonial empire 1342:became involved 1207:King of Prussia 1165:The empire was 1132:Deutsches Reich 1120: 1099: 1085: 1071: 1066:Memel Territory 1057: 1052:Weimar Republic 1032: 1018: 1004: 990: 976: 949: 940: 938: 934: 933: 900: 879: 866: 853: 836: 835:• Estimate 811: 792: 779: 774: 767:9 November 1918 764: 759: 752:3 November 1918 749: 736: 724: 721: 708: 698:18 January 1871 695: 676:New Imperialism 662: 650: 624: 612: 604:Georg Michaelis 600: 588: 576: 565: 562: 554:Leo von Caprivi 550: 538: 508: 496: 484: 460: 424: 419: 417: 412: 408: 394: 388: 387: 381: 373: 323: 317: 316: 287: 285: 281: 278: 273: 270: 268: 266: 265: 264: 258: 250: 234: 233: 228: 221: 214: 207: 192: 191: 184: 180: 178: 167: 166: 165: 145: 141: 139: 121:("God with us") 120: 107: 89: 88: 87: 85: 80: 72: 71: 66: 48: 41: 37:Deutsches Reich 33: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 17847: 17837: 17836: 17831: 17826: 17821: 17816: 17811: 17806: 17801: 17799:Former empires 17796: 17791: 17786: 17781: 17776: 17771: 17766: 17761: 17756: 17751: 17734: 17733: 17731: 17730: 17729: 17728: 17723: 17714: 17712: 17708: 17707: 17705: 17704: 17699: 17694: 17689: 17684: 17679: 17678: 17677: 17666: 17664: 17660: 17659: 17656: 17655: 17653: 17652: 17647: 17642: 17637: 17632: 17631: 17630: 17620: 17615: 17610: 17605: 17600: 17595: 17590: 17585: 17580: 17575: 17574: 17573: 17568: 17558: 17553: 17547: 17545: 17536: 17535: 17534: 17533: 17528: 17523: 17518: 17513: 17503: 17498: 17497: 17496: 17486: 17481: 17480: 17479: 17474: 17469: 17459: 17454: 17453: 17452: 17447: 17437: 17436: 17435: 17430: 17425: 17420: 17415: 17405: 17404: 17403: 17398: 17388: 17383: 17378: 17373: 17372: 17371: 17366: 17361: 17356: 17351: 17341: 17340: 17339: 17334: 17324: 17319: 17318: 17317: 17312: 17302: 17301: 17300: 17295: 17285: 17284: 17283: 17278: 17268: 17263: 17262: 17261: 17256: 17251: 17246: 17241: 17231: 17226: 17225: 17224: 17219: 17211: 17206: 17201: 17196: 17191: 17185: 17183: 17177: 17176: 17174: 17173: 17168: 17163: 17158: 17157: 17156: 17151: 17146: 17141: 17136: 17131: 17126: 17116: 17111: 17110: 17109: 17104: 17099: 17094: 17089: 17084: 17074: 17073: 17072: 17067: 17062: 17057: 17047: 17042: 17037: 17032: 17027: 17022: 17017: 17012: 17007: 17006: 17005: 17000: 16990: 16989: 16988: 16983: 16978: 16973: 16968: 16963: 16950: 16945: 16940: 16935: 16934: 16933: 16928: 16923: 16913: 16912: 16911: 16906: 16901: 16896: 16886: 16881: 16876: 16871: 16866: 16861: 16860: 16859: 16854: 16849: 16844: 16834: 16833: 16832: 16827: 16822: 16817: 16807: 16806: 16805: 16800: 16795: 16785: 16780: 16775: 16770: 16765: 16764: 16763: 16758: 16753: 16743: 16738: 16737: 16736: 16731: 16726: 16721: 16716: 16711: 16701: 16700: 16699: 16694: 16684: 16683: 16682: 16677: 16672: 16667: 16657: 16652: 16651: 16650: 16640: 16639: 16638: 16633: 16625: 16620: 16615: 16610: 16605: 16600: 16595: 16589: 16587: 16585:Post-classical 16581: 16580: 16578: 16577: 16576: 16575: 16565: 16560: 16559: 16558: 16553: 16543: 16542: 16541: 16531: 16530: 16529: 16524: 16519: 16514: 16509: 16504: 16494: 16489: 16484: 16483: 16482: 16477: 16472: 16467: 16457: 16456: 16455: 16450: 16440: 16435: 16434: 16433: 16428: 16423: 16418: 16413: 16403: 16398: 16393: 16392: 16391: 16386: 16384:Middle Kingdom 16381: 16371: 16366: 16365: 16364: 16359: 16354: 16344: 16343: 16342: 16340:Neo-Babylonian 16337: 16332: 16330:Old Babylonian 16322: 16321: 16320: 16315: 16305: 16300: 16294: 16292: 16280: 16279: 16272: 16271: 16264: 16257: 16249: 16240: 16239: 16237: 16236: 16231: 16224: 16223: 16216: 16209: 16201: 16200: 16197: 16196: 16193: 16192: 16190: 16189: 16184: 16179: 16174: 16169: 16164: 16159: 16154: 16149: 16144: 16139: 16134: 16129: 16124: 16119: 16114: 16109: 16104: 16103:Cultural icons 16101: 16096: 16091: 16086: 16081: 16076: 16071: 16065: 16063: 16057: 16056: 16054: 16053: 16048: 16043: 16038: 16033: 16028: 16023: 16018: 16013: 16008: 16003: 15998: 15993: 15988: 15983: 15982: 15981: 15976: 15966: 15961: 15956: 15951: 15946: 15940: 15934: 15928: 15927: 15924: 15923: 15921: 15920: 15915: 15910: 15905: 15900: 15895: 15890: 15885: 15883:Stock exchange 15880: 15875: 15867: 15862: 15857: 15852: 15847: 15842: 15837: 15836: 15835: 15825: 15820: 15814: 15808: 15802: 15801: 15798: 15797: 15795: 15794: 15789: 15784: 15779: 15774: 15769: 15764: 15759: 15758: 15757: 15752: 15747: 15737: 15732: 15727: 15722: 15717: 15712: 15707: 15697: 15692: 15686: 15680: 15674: 15673: 15670: 15669: 15667: 15666: 15661: 15656: 15651: 15646: 15641: 15636: 15631: 15630: 15629: 15624: 15613: 15607: 15601: 15600: 15597: 15596: 15594: 15593: 15587: 15581: 15576: 15570: 15568: 15564: 15563: 15561: 15560: 15555: 15549: 15547: 15543: 15542: 15540: 15539: 15538: 15537: 15532: 15522: 15520:Denazification 15517: 15512: 15507: 15502: 15497: 15492: 15487: 15482: 15477: 15472: 15467: 15462: 15457: 15452: 15447: 15442: 15437: 15431: 15429: 15425: 15424: 15422: 15421: 15416: 15411: 15406: 15401: 15396: 15391: 15385: 15383: 15379: 15378: 15376: 15375: 15370: 15365: 15360: 15355: 15350: 15345: 15340: 15335: 15330: 15325: 15320: 15315: 15309: 15307: 15303: 15302: 15300: 15299: 15294: 15292:Historiography 15289: 15284: 15278: 15276: 15269: 15263: 15262: 15251: 15250: 15243: 15236: 15228: 15219: 15218: 15215: 15214: 15212: 15211: 15206: 15201: 15196: 15191: 15186: 15181: 15176: 15171: 15166: 15161: 15156: 15151: 15142: 15126: 15121: 15116: 15111: 15106: 15100: 15094: 15092: 15088: 15087: 15085: 15084: 15079: 15074: 15069: 15064: 15059: 15054: 15049: 15044: 15039: 15034: 15029: 15024: 15019: 15014: 15009: 15003: 15001: 14997: 14996: 14994: 14993: 14988: 14983: 14978: 14973: 14968: 14963: 14958: 14953: 14948: 14943: 14938: 14933: 14928: 14923: 14918: 14913: 14908: 14903: 14898: 14896:Ottoman Empire 14893: 14888: 14883: 14878: 14873: 14868: 14863: 14858: 14856:Kartli-Kakheti 14853: 14848: 14843: 14838: 14833: 14828: 14823: 14818: 14813: 14808: 14803: 14798: 14793: 14788: 14783: 14778: 14773: 14768: 14763: 14758: 14753: 14748: 14743: 14738: 14733: 14728: 14723: 14717: 14715: 14711: 14710: 14708: 14707: 14695: 14690: 14685: 14680: 14675: 14670: 14665: 14660: 14655: 14650: 14645: 14638: 14633: 14628: 14623: 14618: 14613: 14608: 14603: 14598: 14593: 14588: 14583: 14578: 14573: 14568: 14563: 14558: 14553: 14548: 14538: 14531: 14526: 14521: 14516: 14511: 14506: 14501: 14496: 14491: 14486: 14480: 14478: 14474: 14473: 14471: 14470: 14465: 14460: 14455: 14450: 14445: 14440: 14435: 14430: 14425: 14420: 14414: 14412: 14408: 14407: 14405: 14404: 14397: 14392: 14387: 14382: 14377: 14372: 14367: 14362: 14357: 14352: 14347: 14342: 14337: 14332: 14327: 14322: 14317: 14312: 14307: 14302: 14297: 14292: 14287: 14282: 14277: 14272: 14267: 14265:Central Africa 14262: 14257: 14252: 14247: 14242: 14237: 14232: 14226: 14224: 14217: 14211: 14210: 14207: 14206: 14204: 14203: 14201:United Kingdom 14198: 14193: 14188: 14183: 14178: 14173: 14168: 14167: 14166: 14161: 14151: 14146: 14141: 14136: 14131: 14126: 14121: 14115: 14113: 14107: 14106: 14104: 14103: 14097: 14095: 14089: 14088: 14086: 14085: 14080: 14075: 14070: 14065: 14060: 14055: 14050: 14045: 14040: 14035: 14029: 14027: 14021: 14020: 14018: 14017: 14010: 14005: 14000: 13995: 13990: 13985: 13980: 13975: 13970: 13965: 13960: 13955: 13950: 13944: 13942: 13936: 13935: 13933: 13932: 13925: 13920: 13915: 13909: 13907: 13898: 13894: 13893: 13891: 13890: 13885: 13880: 13875: 13870: 13865: 13860: 13858:Prince regnant 13855: 13854: 13853: 13843: 13838: 13832: 13830: 13826: 13825: 13823: 13822: 13817: 13812: 13807: 13802: 13797: 13792: 13787: 13782: 13777: 13775:Decolonization 13772: 13767: 13762: 13757: 13752: 13746: 13744: 13740: 13739: 13737: 13736: 13731: 13729:Personal union 13726: 13721: 13716: 13711: 13706: 13701: 13699:Constitutional 13696: 13690: 13688: 13684: 13683: 13681: 13680: 13675: 13670: 13665: 13660: 13654: 13651: 13650: 13643: 13642: 13635: 13628: 13620: 13611: 13610: 13608: 13607: 13598: 13589: 13583: 13581: 13577: 13576: 13574: 13573: 13567: 13565: 13561: 13560: 13558: 13557: 13552: 13547: 13541: 13539: 13533: 13532: 13530: 13529: 13524: 13519: 13514: 13509: 13501: 13493: 13487: 13485: 13483:Principalities 13479: 13478: 13476: 13475: 13470: 13462: 13457: 13452: 13447: 13441: 13439: 13433: 13432: 13430: 13429: 13424: 13419: 13414: 13409: 13404: 13398: 13396: 13390: 13389: 13382: 13380: 13378: 13377: 13372: 13367: 13291: 13285: 13283: 13279: 13278: 13270: 13269: 13262: 13255: 13247: 13238: 13237: 13235: 13234: 13228: 13225: 13224: 13221: 13220: 13218: 13217: 13210: 13203: 13198: 13190: 13188: 13184: 13183: 13180: 13179: 13177: 13176: 13171: 13170: 13169: 13164: 13159: 13154: 13149: 13139: 13134: 13133: 13132: 13127: 13119: 13113: 13111: 13109:Peace treaties 13108: 13105: 13104: 13102: 13101: 13096: 13091: 13086: 13081: 13076: 13071: 13066: 13061: 13056: 13050: 13048: 13044: 13043: 13041: 13040: 13035: 13030: 13025: 13020: 13014: 13012: 13006: 13005: 13003: 13002: 12997: 12995:United Kingdom 12992: 12987: 12985:Ottoman Empire 12982: 12977: 12972: 12967: 12962: 12956: 12954: 12947: 12942: 12939: 12938: 12935: 12934: 12932: 12931: 12926: 12921: 12916: 12911: 12910: 12909: 12904: 12899: 12889: 12887:Sack of Dinant 12884: 12879: 12874: 12873: 12872: 12867: 12866: 12865: 12851: 12849: 12843: 12842: 12840: 12839: 12838: 12837: 12835:United Kingdom 12832: 12823: 12821: 12815: 12814: 12812: 12811: 12810: 12809: 12804: 12795: 12789:POW locations 12787: 12782: 12781: 12780: 12771: 12769: 12763: 12762: 12760: 12759: 12758: 12757: 12752: 12744: 12739: 12738: 12737: 12730: 12725: 12720: 12712: 12711: 12710: 12705: 12697: 12691: 12689: 12685: 12684: 12682: 12681: 12676: 12671: 12665: 12663: 12656: 12655: 12654: 12653: 12648: 12640: 12635: 12634: 12633: 12624: 12622: 12614: 12611: 12610: 12607: 12606: 12604: 12603: 12598: 12597: 12596: 12589:United Kingdom 12586: 12584:Ottoman Empire 12581: 12576: 12570: 12568: 12561: 12560: 12558:Trench warfare 12555: 12554: 12553: 12543: 12538: 12533: 12528: 12523: 12522: 12521: 12510: 12508: 12501: 12497: 12496: 12493: 12492: 12490: 12489: 12483: 12477: 12471: 12465: 12464: 12463: 12457: 12451: 12445: 12434: 12428: 12422: 12416: 12410: 12404: 12398: 12392: 12386: 12380: 12374: 12368: 12362: 12356: 12350: 12344: 12338: 12331: 12329: 12325: 12324: 12322: 12321: 12315: 12309: 12303: 12297: 12291: 12285: 12279: 12274: 12271:Volta-Bani War 12268: 12262: 12256: 12250: 12244: 12238: 12232: 12226: 12220: 12213: 12211: 12207: 12206: 12204: 12203: 12198: 12186: 12181: 12176: 12171: 12166: 12161: 12156: 12151: 12146: 12141: 12136: 12131: 12126: 12121: 12116: 12111: 12109:Zeebrugge Raid 12106: 12101: 12096: 12090: 12088: 12082: 12081: 12079: 12078: 12073: 12068: 12063: 12058: 12053: 12048: 12043: 12038: 12033: 12028: 12023: 12018: 12013: 12008: 12003: 11998: 11992: 11990: 11984: 11983: 11981: 11980: 11975: 11970: 11965: 11960: 11955: 11954: 11953: 11943: 11938: 11933: 11928: 11923: 11917: 11915: 11911: 11910: 11908: 11907: 11902: 11900:Battle of Loos 11897: 11892: 11887: 11882: 11877: 11872: 11867: 11862: 11857: 11852: 11847: 11842: 11834: 11829: 11824: 11818: 11816: 11812: 11811: 11809: 11808: 11803: 11798: 11793: 11791:Black Sea raid 11788: 11783: 11778: 11773: 11768: 11763: 11758: 11753: 11748: 11743: 11738: 11733: 11728: 11722: 11720: 11716: 11715: 11713: 11712: 11707: 11702: 11697: 11696: 11695: 11693:Historiography 11684: 11682: 11678: 11677: 11675: 11674: 11668: 11662: 11656: 11650: 11647:Bosnian Crisis 11644: 11641:Tangier Crisis 11638: 11632: 11626: 11619: 11617: 11610: 11604: 11603: 11600: 11599: 11597: 11596: 11591: 11586: 11581: 11576: 11574:Ottoman Empire 11571: 11566: 11561: 11555: 11553: 11551:Central Powers 11547: 11546: 11544: 11543: 11538: 11537: 11536: 11534:British Empire 11529:United Kingdom 11526: 11521: 11516: 11515: 11514: 11509: 11507:Russian Empire 11499: 11494: 11489: 11484: 11483: 11482: 11472: 11467: 11462: 11461: 11460: 11450: 11445: 11440: 11435: 11429: 11427: 11425:Entente Powers 11418: 11413: 11410: 11409: 11406: 11405: 11403: 11402: 11397: 11396: 11395: 11393:North Atlantic 11384: 11382: 11376: 11375: 11373: 11372: 11367: 11362: 11356: 11354: 11348: 11347: 11345: 11344: 11339: 11334: 11329: 11324: 11318: 11316: 11310: 11309: 11307: 11306: 11304:Central Arabia 11301: 11296: 11291: 11286: 11281: 11276: 11270: 11268: 11266:Middle Eastern 11262: 11261: 11259: 11258: 11253: 11252: 11251: 11241: 11236: 11235: 11234: 11223: 11221: 11212: 11208: 11207: 11205: 11204: 11199: 11194: 11189: 11184: 11179: 11174: 11169: 11167:Historiography 11164: 11159: 11154: 11149: 11144: 11138: 11135: 11134: 11127: 11126: 11119: 11112: 11104: 11098: 11097: 11092: 11087: 11082: 11069: 11049: 11048:External links 11046: 11044: 11043: 11034: 11024: 11017: 11016: 11002: 10995: 10988: 10983: 10970: 10948: 10941: 10933: 10930:Historiography 10926: 10925: 10918: 10901: 10891: 10877: 10867: 10862:Stern, Fritz. 10860: 10850: 10843: 10836: 10821: 10807: 10799:Sagarra, Eda. 10797: 10790: 10780: 10763: 10756: 10741: 10721:10.1086/319879 10713:10.1086/319879 10696: 10689: 10679: 10669: 10651: 10644: 10637: 10630: 10623: 10616: 10609: 10593: 10578: 10568: 10558: 10551: 10523: 10510:German History 10506: 10499: 10484:Fischer, Fritz 10481: 10471: 10464: 10455: 10446: 10437: 10428: 10418: 10417:(2nd ed. 2004) 10411: 10399:Cecil, Lamar. 10397: 10381: 10367: 10360: 10346: 10339: 10322: 10321:(2nd ed. 2005) 10315: 10305: 10296: 10286:Chisholm, Hugh 10271: 10269: 10266: 10263: 10262: 10250: 10227: 10210: 10167: 10143: 10134: 10095:(4): 429–446. 10075: 10063: 10037: 10018: 9988: 9946: 9915: 9887: 9857: 9844: 9831: 9801: 9795:Rod Paschall, 9788: 9775: 9762: 9732: 9726:978-0521027281 9725: 9705: 9692: 9690:(1937) p. 463. 9679: 9666: 9653: 9640: 9613: 9590: 9559:(3): 519–549. 9534: 9502: 9489: 9478:(in Spanish). 9459: 9446: 9434: 9408: 9406:(1996) ch 9–13 9395: 9383: 9370: 9358: 9345: 9330: 9318: 9310:Isabel V. Hull 9302: 9287: 9280: 9249: 9242: 9219: 9212: 9194: 9179:Martin Broszat 9171: 9158: 9145: 9121: 9108: 9091: 9085:Hermann Beck, 9078: 9065: 9059:Hajo Holborn, 9052: 9039: 9037:, p. 177. 9027: 9012: 8999: 8992: 8972: 8965: 8947: 8934: 8918: 8909: 8896: 8890:John J. Beer, 8883: 8876: 8853: 8846: 8840:. p. 63. 8838:Berghahn Books 8822: 8809: 8796: 8783: 8767: 8754: 8738: 8711: 8694: 8683:(2): 285–298. 8677:German History 8667: 8656:(2): 135–161. 8650:German History 8640: 8634:978-1452234847 8633: 8615: 8609:978-0826449092 8608: 8587: 8581:978-0595407064 8580: 8562: 8549: 8530:(3): 543–560. 8514: 8507: 8487: 8480: 8460: 8433: 8418: 8406: 8377: 8346: 8318: 8288: 8257: 8226: 8173: 8139: 8133:Paul Kennedy, 8126: 8104: 8097: 8077: 8048: 8035: 8022: 7991: 7946: 7939: 7921: 7891: 7861: 7836: 7815: 7802: 7777: 7747: 7716: 7690: 7679: 7655: 7636:(4): 529–554. 7630:German History 7620: 7611: 7602: 7572: 7559: 7532: 7525: 7507: 7492: 7479: 7469: 7468: 7460: 7459: 7418:Recklinghausen 7365: 7353: 7323: 7322: 7315: 7312: 7311: 7310: 7305: 7300: 7295: 7290: 7285: 7279: 7278: 7275:Germany portal 7262: 7259: 7252: 7246: 7240: 7239: 7236: 7235: 7217: 7214: 7208: 7205: 7202: 7201: 7179: 7174: 7153: 7150: 7147: 7146: 7112: 7107: 7069: 7066: 7063: 7062: 7044: 7039: 7034: 7031: 7028: 7027: 7024:Czechoslovakia 7013: 7011:Czech Republic 7008: 7003: 7000: 6997: 6996: 6990: 6985: 6980: 6977: 6974: 6973: 6955: 6950: 6945: 6942: 6939: 6938: 6931:Liège Province 6891:municipalities 6879: 6874: 6869: 6866: 6863: 6862: 6823: 6820: 6815: 6812: 6809: 6808: 6805: 6802: 6799: 6796: 6776:Main article: 6773: 6770: 6769: 6768: 6767: 6766: 6751: 6750: 6749: 6743: 6739:Polizeitruppen 6735: 6715: 6712: 6664:Klassenhabitus 6631:Main article: 6628: 6625: 6490: 6487: 6486: 6485: 6480: 6473: 6471: 6466: 6459: 6457: 6452: 6445: 6441: 6438: 6437: 6436: 6433: 6426: 6424: 6421: 6414: 6412: 6409: 6402: 6378: 6377: 6374: 6371: 6368: 6365: 6362: 6359: 6356: 6353: 6350: 6347: 6341: 6340: 6337: 6334: 6331: 6328: 6325: 6322: 6319: 6316: 6313: 6310: 6306: 6305: 6302: 6299: 6296: 6293: 6290: 6287: 6284: 6281: 6278: 6275: 6271: 6270: 6267: 6264: 6261: 6258: 6255: 6252: 6249: 6246: 6243: 6240: 6236: 6235: 6232: 6229: 6226: 6223: 6220: 6217: 6214: 6211: 6208: 6205: 6201: 6200: 6197: 6194: 6191: 6188: 6185: 6182: 6179: 6176: 6173: 6170: 6166: 6165: 6162: 6159: 6156: 6153: 6150: 6147: 6144: 6141: 6138: 6135: 6131: 6130: 6127: 6124: 6121: 6118: 6115: 6112: 6109: 6106: 6103: 6099: 6098: 6095: 6092: 6089: 6086: 6083: 6047:in Jerusalem ( 6039:, and Empress 6024: 6021: 6015: 6012: 6011: 6010: 6007: 6000: 5998: 5993: 5986: 5984: 5979: 5972: 5970: 5965: 5958: 5956: 5951: 5944: 5942: 5937: 5930: 5928: 5923: 5916: 5914: 5909: 5902: 5900: 5890: 5883: 5881: 5876: 5869: 5867: 5862: 5855: 5853: 5848: 5841: 5839: 5834: 5827: 5823: 5820: 5817: 5816: 5811: 5806: 5800: 5799: 5796: 5793: 5789: 5788: 5785: 5782: 5776: 5775: 5772: 5769: 5765: 5764: 5761: 5758: 5752: 5751: 5748: 5745: 5739: 5738: 5735: 5732: 5728: 5727: 5724: 5721: 5717: 5716: 5713: 5710: 5704: 5703: 5700: 5697: 5691: 5690: 5687: 5684: 5678: 5677: 5674: 5671: 5667: 5666: 5663: 5660: 5654: 5653: 5650: 5647: 5641: 5640: 5637: 5634: 5628: 5627: 5624: 5621: 5615: 5614: 5611: 5608: 5602: 5601: 5598: 5595: 5589: 5588: 5585: 5582: 5578: 5577: 5574: 5571: 5565: 5564: 5561: 5558: 5554: 5553: 5550: 5547: 5543: 5542: 5539: 5536: 5516: 5513: 5495:Rhine Province 5405: 5402: 5401: 5400: 5397: 5390: 5388: 5385: 5378: 5376: 5366: 5359: 5357: 5354: 5347: 5343: 5340: 5337: 5336: 5333: 5332: 5327: 5313: 5305: 5304: 5291: 5290: 5283: 5275: 5274: 5267: 5259: 5258: 5251: 5243: 5242: 5229: 5228: 5223: 5209: 5201: 5200: 5195: 5188: 5180: 5179: 5174: 5167: 5159: 5158: 5153: 5146: 5138: 5137: 5132: 5122: 5114: 5113: 5108: 5098: 5090: 5089: 5084: 5077: 5069: 5068: 5059:Principalities 5055: 5054: 5049: 5039:Saxe-Meiningen 5035: 5027: 5026: 5021: 5007: 4999: 4998: 4993: 4983:Saxe-Altenburg 4979: 4971: 4970: 4965: 4951: 4943: 4942: 4937: 4930: 4922: 4921: 4908: 4907: 4902: 4888: 4880: 4879: 4874: 4867: 4859: 4858: 4853: 4846: 4838: 4837: 4832: 4825: 4817: 4816: 4811: 4797: 4789: 4788: 4783: 4776: 4768: 4767: 4754: 4753: 4748: 4741: 4733: 4732: 4727: 4713: 4705: 4704: 4699: 4685: 4677: 4676: 4671: 4657: 4649: 4648: 4635: 4634: 4631: 4622: 4408: 4402: 4399: 4337:Main article: 4334: 4331: 4181:Main article: 4178: 4175: 4120:Ottoman Empire 4065:proclaims the 4050: 4047: 4038: 4035: 4023:naval blockade 4014: 4011: 3983: 3973: 3967: 3955: 3952: 3923: 3920: 3882:Ottoman Empire 3862:Vladimir Lenin 3818: 3815: 3795:Chief of Staff 3752:trench warfare 3695: 3692: 3636:Central Powers 3620:Main article: 3617: 3614: 3606: 3603: 3536: 3535:Pre-war Europe 3533: 3484: 3481: 3452:Ottoman Empire 3443: 3440: 3325:German Kamerun 3286:Main article: 3283: 3280: 3272: 3269: 3243:1912 elections 3178: 3175: 3167:Tangier Crisis 3123: 3120: 3118: 3117:Wilhelmine era 3115: 3092:liberalization 3088:Queen Victoria 3072:Main article: 3058: 3055: 3054: 3053: 3050: 3043: 3041: 3038: 3031: 2946: 2943: 2886:Main article: 2883: 2880: 2847: 2844: 2830: 2827: 2786:Kladderadatsch 2760:Main article: 2757: 2754: 2737: 2734: 2708: 2705: 2687: 2684: 2644:synthetic dyes 2567: 2564: 2560:British Empire 2543: 2540: 2518:in China, the 2488:Main article: 2485: 2482: 2445:Dreikaiserbund 2405: 2404:Foreign policy 2402: 2378: 2377: 2375: 2374: 2367: 2360: 2352: 2349: 2348: 2347: 2346: 2332: 2315: 2314: 2309: 2308: 2305: 2303:Modern history 2299: 2298: 2295: 2293: 2292: 2287: 2281: 2278: 2277: 2274: 2272: 2271: 2258: 2255: 2254: 2251: 2245: 2244: 2243:1945–1949/1952 2241: 2239: 2238: 2229: 2223: 2218: 2213: 2212: 2209: 2208: 2203: 2202: 2199: 2193: 2192: 2189: 2183: 2182: 2179: 2173: 2172: 2169: 2163: 2162: 2159: 2151: 2146: 2145: 2142: 2141: 2138: 2137: 2132: 2127: 2125: 2124: 2115: 2109: 2107: 2102: 2096: 2091: 2090: 2087: 2086: 2083: 2082: 2077: 2072: 2066: 2061: 2060: 2057: 2056: 2053: 2052: 2047: 2042: 2037: 2031: 2028: 2027: 2024: 2023: 2020: 2019: 2014: 2009: 2004: 1999: 1994: 1989: 1983: 1980: 1979: 1976: 1975: 1972: 1971: 1925: 1915: 1910: 1905: 1900: 1895: 1890: 1885: 1883:Historiography 1880: 1874: 1871: 1870: 1867: 1866: 1858: 1857: 1848: 1847: 1840: 1834: 1831: 1807:Russian Empire 1795:Imperial Japan 1649:siege of Paris 1629:German Emperor 1609:Main article: 1606: 1603: 1498:Main article: 1495: 1492: 1490: 1487: 1412:Ottoman Empire 1275:principalities 1199:German Emperor 1122: 1121: 1115: 1112: 1111: 1108: 1107: 1104: 1103: 1096: 1090: 1089: 1082: 1076: 1075: 1068: 1062: 1061: 1054: 1045: 1042: 1041: 1036: 1028: 1027: 1022: 1014: 1013: 1008: 1000: 999: 994: 986: 985: 980: 968: 967: 962: 952: 951: 901: 895: 894: 892: 888: 887: 884: 883: 880: 874: 871: 870: 867: 861: 858: 857: 854: 848: 845: 844: 841: 840: 837: 834: 831: 830: 826: 825: 822: 816: 815: 812: 809: 806: 805: 801: 800: 797: 796: 795:11 August 1919 793: 787: 784: 783: 780: 772: 769: 768: 765: 757: 754: 753: 750: 744: 741: 740: 737: 731: 728: 727: 722: 716: 713: 712: 709: 703: 700: 699: 696: 690: 687: 686: 683: 682: 673: 672:Historical era 669: 668: 663: 660: 657: 656: 651: 648: 645: 644: 639: 635: 634: 631: 630: 625: 622: 619: 618: 613: 610: 607: 606: 601: 598: 595: 594: 589: 586: 583: 582: 577: 574: 571: 570: 563: 560: 557: 556: 551: 548: 545: 544: 539: 536: 533: 532: 529: 528: 525: 519: 518: 515: 514: 509: 506: 503: 502: 497: 494: 491: 490: 485: 482: 479: 478: 475: 474: 471: 465: 464: 463: 462: 443: 439: 438: 433: 427: 426: 415:Roman Catholic 382: 379: 375: 374: 372: 371: 314: 313: 312: 310: 306: 305: 300: 296: 295: 259: 256: 252: 251: 244: 236: 235: 222: 208: 198: 197: 194: 193: 182: 181: 143: 142: 123: 122: 91: 90: 81: 74: 73: 67: 60: 59: 58: 55: 54: 50: 49: 34: 31: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 17846: 17835: 17832: 17830: 17827: 17825: 17822: 17820: 17817: 17815: 17814:German Empire 17812: 17810: 17807: 17805: 17802: 17800: 17797: 17795: 17792: 17790: 17787: 17785: 17782: 17780: 17777: 17775: 17772: 17770: 17767: 17765: 17762: 17760: 17757: 17755: 17752: 17750: 17747: 17746: 17744: 17727: 17726:Soviet empire 17724: 17722: 17719: 17718: 17716: 17715: 17713: 17711:Miscellaneous 17709: 17703: 17700: 17698: 17695: 17693: 17690: 17688: 17685: 17683: 17680: 17676: 17673: 17672: 17671: 17668: 17667: 17665: 17661: 17651: 17648: 17646: 17643: 17641: 17638: 17636: 17633: 17629: 17626: 17625: 17624: 17621: 17619: 17616: 17614: 17611: 17609: 17606: 17604: 17601: 17599: 17596: 17594: 17591: 17589: 17586: 17584: 17581: 17579: 17576: 17572: 17569: 17567: 17564: 17563: 17562: 17559: 17557: 17554: 17552: 17549: 17548: 17546: 17544: 17540: 17532: 17529: 17527: 17524: 17522: 17519: 17517: 17514: 17512: 17509: 17508: 17507: 17504: 17502: 17499: 17495: 17492: 17491: 17490: 17487: 17485: 17482: 17478: 17475: 17473: 17470: 17468: 17465: 17464: 17463: 17460: 17458: 17455: 17451: 17448: 17446: 17443: 17442: 17441: 17438: 17434: 17431: 17429: 17426: 17424: 17421: 17419: 17416: 17414: 17411: 17410: 17409: 17406: 17402: 17399: 17397: 17394: 17393: 17392: 17389: 17387: 17384: 17382: 17379: 17377: 17374: 17370: 17367: 17365: 17362: 17360: 17357: 17355: 17352: 17350: 17347: 17346: 17345: 17342: 17338: 17335: 17333: 17330: 17329: 17328: 17325: 17323: 17320: 17316: 17313: 17311: 17310:German Empire 17308: 17307: 17306: 17303: 17299: 17296: 17294: 17291: 17290: 17289: 17286: 17282: 17279: 17277: 17274: 17273: 17272: 17269: 17267: 17264: 17260: 17257: 17255: 17252: 17250: 17247: 17245: 17242: 17240: 17237: 17236: 17235: 17232: 17230: 17227: 17223: 17220: 17218: 17215: 17214: 17212: 17210: 17207: 17205: 17202: 17200: 17197: 17195: 17192: 17190: 17187: 17186: 17184: 17182: 17178: 17172: 17169: 17167: 17164: 17162: 17159: 17155: 17152: 17150: 17147: 17145: 17142: 17140: 17137: 17135: 17132: 17130: 17127: 17125: 17122: 17121: 17120: 17117: 17115: 17112: 17108: 17105: 17103: 17100: 17098: 17095: 17093: 17090: 17088: 17085: 17083: 17080: 17079: 17078: 17075: 17071: 17068: 17066: 17063: 17061: 17058: 17056: 17053: 17052: 17051: 17050:Turco-Persian 17048: 17046: 17043: 17041: 17038: 17036: 17033: 17031: 17028: 17026: 17023: 17021: 17018: 17016: 17013: 17011: 17008: 17004: 17001: 16999: 16996: 16995: 16994: 16991: 16987: 16984: 16982: 16979: 16977: 16974: 16972: 16969: 16967: 16964: 16962: 16959: 16958: 16957: 16954: 16951: 16949: 16946: 16944: 16941: 16939: 16936: 16932: 16929: 16927: 16924: 16922: 16919: 16918: 16917: 16914: 16910: 16907: 16905: 16902: 16900: 16897: 16895: 16892: 16891: 16890: 16887: 16885: 16882: 16880: 16877: 16875: 16872: 16870: 16867: 16865: 16862: 16858: 16855: 16853: 16850: 16848: 16845: 16843: 16840: 16839: 16838: 16835: 16831: 16828: 16826: 16823: 16821: 16818: 16816: 16813: 16812: 16811: 16808: 16804: 16801: 16799: 16796: 16794: 16791: 16790: 16789: 16786: 16784: 16781: 16779: 16776: 16774: 16771: 16769: 16766: 16762: 16759: 16757: 16754: 16752: 16749: 16748: 16747: 16744: 16742: 16739: 16735: 16732: 16730: 16727: 16725: 16722: 16720: 16717: 16715: 16712: 16710: 16707: 16706: 16705: 16702: 16698: 16695: 16693: 16690: 16689: 16688: 16685: 16681: 16678: 16676: 16673: 16671: 16668: 16666: 16663: 16662: 16661: 16658: 16656: 16653: 16649: 16646: 16645: 16644: 16641: 16637: 16634: 16632: 16629: 16628: 16626: 16624: 16621: 16619: 16616: 16614: 16611: 16609: 16606: 16604: 16601: 16599: 16596: 16594: 16591: 16590: 16588: 16586: 16582: 16574: 16571: 16570: 16569: 16566: 16564: 16561: 16557: 16554: 16552: 16549: 16548: 16547: 16544: 16540: 16537: 16536: 16535: 16532: 16528: 16525: 16523: 16520: 16518: 16515: 16513: 16510: 16508: 16505: 16503: 16500: 16499: 16498: 16495: 16493: 16490: 16488: 16485: 16481: 16478: 16476: 16473: 16471: 16468: 16466: 16463: 16462: 16461: 16458: 16454: 16451: 16449: 16446: 16445: 16444: 16441: 16439: 16436: 16432: 16429: 16427: 16424: 16422: 16419: 16417: 16414: 16412: 16409: 16408: 16407: 16404: 16402: 16399: 16397: 16394: 16390: 16387: 16385: 16382: 16380: 16377: 16376: 16375: 16372: 16370: 16367: 16363: 16360: 16358: 16355: 16353: 16350: 16349: 16348: 16345: 16341: 16338: 16336: 16333: 16331: 16328: 16327: 16326: 16323: 16319: 16316: 16314: 16311: 16310: 16309: 16306: 16304: 16301: 16299: 16296: 16295: 16293: 16290: 16285: 16281: 16277: 16270: 16265: 16263: 16258: 16256: 16251: 16250: 16247: 16235: 16232: 16230: 16227: 16226: 16221: 16217: 16214: 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15846: 15843: 15841: 15838: 15834: 15831: 15830: 15829: 15826: 15824: 15821: 15819: 15816: 15815: 15812: 15809: 15807: 15803: 15793: 15790: 15788: 15785: 15783: 15780: 15778: 15775: 15773: 15770: 15768: 15765: 15763: 15760: 15756: 15753: 15751: 15748: 15746: 15743: 15742: 15741: 15738: 15736: 15733: 15731: 15728: 15726: 15723: 15721: 15718: 15716: 15713: 15711: 15708: 15706: 15702: 15698: 15696: 15693: 15691: 15688: 15687: 15684: 15681: 15679: 15675: 15665: 15662: 15660: 15657: 15655: 15652: 15650: 15647: 15645: 15642: 15640: 15637: 15635: 15632: 15628: 15625: 15623: 15620: 15619: 15618: 15615: 15614: 15611: 15608: 15606: 15602: 15591: 15588: 15585: 15582: 15580: 15577: 15575: 15572: 15571: 15569: 15565: 15559: 15556: 15554: 15553:Reunification 15551: 15550: 15548: 15544: 15536: 15533: 15531: 15528: 15527: 15526: 15523: 15521: 15518: 15516: 15513: 15511: 15508: 15506: 15503: 15501: 15498: 15496: 15493: 15491: 15488: 15486: 15483: 15481: 15478: 15476: 15475:German Empire 15473: 15471: 15468: 15466: 15463: 15461: 15458: 15456: 15453: 15451: 15448: 15446: 15443: 15441: 15438: 15436: 15433: 15432: 15430: 15426: 15420: 15417: 15415: 15412: 15410: 15407: 15405: 15402: 15400: 15397: 15395: 15392: 15390: 15387: 15386: 15384: 15380: 15374: 15371: 15369: 15366: 15364: 15361: 15359: 15356: 15354: 15351: 15349: 15346: 15344: 15341: 15339: 15336: 15334: 15331: 15329: 15326: 15324: 15321: 15319: 15316: 15314: 15311: 15310: 15308: 15304: 15298: 15295: 15293: 15290: 15288: 15285: 15283: 15280: 15279: 15277: 15273: 15270: 15264: 15260: 15256: 15249: 15244: 15242: 15237: 15235: 15230: 15229: 15226: 15210: 15207: 15205: 15202: 15200: 15197: 15195: 15192: 15190: 15187: 15185: 15182: 15180: 15177: 15175: 15172: 15170: 15167: 15165: 15162: 15160: 15157: 15155: 15152: 15150: 15146: 15143: 15140: 15139: 15134: 15130: 15127: 15125: 15122: 15120: 15117: 15115: 15112: 15110: 15107: 15104: 15101: 15099: 15096: 15095: 15093: 15089: 15083: 15080: 15078: 15075: 15073: 15070: 15068: 15065: 15063: 15060: 15058: 15055: 15053: 15050: 15048: 15045: 15043: 15040: 15038: 15035: 15033: 15030: 15028: 15025: 15023: 15020: 15018: 15017:Easter Island 15015: 15013: 15010: 15008: 15005: 15004: 15002: 14998: 14992: 14989: 14987: 14984: 14982: 14979: 14977: 14974: 14972: 14969: 14967: 14964: 14962: 14959: 14957: 14954: 14952: 14949: 14947: 14944: 14942: 14939: 14937: 14934: 14932: 14929: 14927: 14924: 14922: 14919: 14917: 14914: 14912: 14909: 14907: 14904: 14902: 14899: 14897: 14894: 14892: 14889: 14887: 14884: 14882: 14879: 14877: 14874: 14872: 14869: 14867: 14864: 14862: 14859: 14857: 14854: 14852: 14849: 14847: 14844: 14842: 14839: 14837: 14834: 14832: 14829: 14827: 14824: 14822: 14819: 14817: 14814: 14812: 14809: 14807: 14804: 14802: 14799: 14797: 14794: 14792: 14789: 14787: 14784: 14782: 14779: 14777: 14774: 14772: 14769: 14767: 14764: 14762: 14759: 14757: 14754: 14752: 14749: 14747: 14744: 14742: 14739: 14737: 14734: 14732: 14729: 14727: 14724: 14722: 14719: 14718: 14716: 14712: 14705: 14704: 14699: 14696: 14694: 14691: 14689: 14686: 14684: 14681: 14679: 14676: 14674: 14671: 14669: 14666: 14664: 14661: 14659: 14656: 14654: 14651: 14649: 14646: 14644: 14643: 14639: 14637: 14634: 14632: 14629: 14627: 14624: 14622: 14619: 14617: 14614: 14612: 14609: 14607: 14604: 14602: 14599: 14597: 14594: 14592: 14589: 14587: 14584: 14582: 14579: 14577: 14574: 14572: 14569: 14567: 14564: 14562: 14559: 14557: 14556:Jabal Shammar 14554: 14552: 14549: 14546: 14542: 14539: 14537: 14536: 14532: 14530: 14527: 14525: 14522: 14520: 14517: 14515: 14512: 14510: 14507: 14505: 14502: 14500: 14497: 14495: 14492: 14490: 14487: 14485: 14482: 14481: 14479: 14475: 14469: 14466: 14464: 14461: 14459: 14456: 14454: 14451: 14449: 14446: 14444: 14441: 14439: 14436: 14434: 14431: 14429: 14426: 14424: 14421: 14419: 14416: 14415: 14413: 14409: 14403: 14402: 14398: 14396: 14393: 14391: 14388: 14386: 14383: 14381: 14378: 14376: 14373: 14371: 14368: 14366: 14363: 14361: 14358: 14356: 14353: 14351: 14348: 14346: 14343: 14341: 14338: 14336: 14333: 14331: 14328: 14326: 14323: 14321: 14318: 14316: 14313: 14311: 14308: 14306: 14303: 14301: 14298: 14296: 14293: 14291: 14288: 14286: 14283: 14281: 14278: 14276: 14273: 14271: 14268: 14266: 14263: 14261: 14258: 14256: 14253: 14251: 14248: 14246: 14243: 14241: 14238: 14236: 14233: 14231: 14228: 14227: 14225: 14221: 14218: 14216: 14212: 14202: 14199: 14197: 14194: 14192: 14189: 14187: 14184: 14182: 14179: 14177: 14174: 14172: 14169: 14165: 14162: 14160: 14157: 14156: 14155: 14152: 14150: 14147: 14145: 14142: 14140: 14137: 14135: 14132: 14130: 14127: 14125: 14122: 14120: 14117: 14116: 14114: 14112: 14108: 14102: 14099: 14098: 14096: 14094: 14090: 14084: 14081: 14079: 14076: 14074: 14071: 14069: 14066: 14064: 14061: 14059: 14056: 14054: 14051: 14049: 14048:Liechtenstein 14046: 14044: 14041: 14039: 14036: 14034: 14031: 14030: 14028: 14026: 14022: 14016: 14015: 14011: 14009: 14006: 14004: 14001: 13999: 13996: 13994: 13991: 13989: 13986: 13984: 13981: 13979: 13976: 13974: 13971: 13969: 13966: 13964: 13961: 13959: 13956: 13954: 13951: 13949: 13946: 13945: 13943: 13941: 13937: 13931: 13930: 13926: 13924: 13921: 13919: 13916: 13914: 13911: 13910: 13908: 13906: 13902: 13899: 13895: 13889: 13886: 13884: 13881: 13879: 13876: 13874: 13871: 13869: 13866: 13864: 13861: 13859: 13856: 13852: 13851:Queen regnant 13849: 13848: 13847: 13844: 13842: 13839: 13837: 13834: 13833: 13831: 13827: 13821: 13818: 13816: 13813: 13811: 13810:Republicanism 13808: 13806: 13803: 13801: 13798: 13796: 13793: 13791: 13790:Head of state 13788: 13786: 13783: 13781: 13778: 13776: 13773: 13771: 13768: 13766: 13763: 13761: 13758: 13756: 13753: 13751: 13748: 13747: 13745: 13741: 13735: 13732: 13730: 13727: 13725: 13724:Non-sovereign 13722: 13720: 13717: 13715: 13712: 13710: 13707: 13705: 13702: 13700: 13697: 13695: 13692: 13691: 13689: 13685: 13679: 13676: 13674: 13671: 13669: 13666: 13664: 13661: 13659: 13656: 13655: 13652: 13648: 13641: 13636: 13634: 13629: 13627: 13622: 13621: 13618: 13605: 13604: 13599: 13596: 13595: 13590: 13588: 13585: 13584: 13582: 13578: 13572: 13569: 13568: 13566: 13562: 13556: 13553: 13551: 13548: 13546: 13543: 13542: 13540: 13538: 13534: 13528: 13525: 13523: 13520: 13518: 13515: 13513: 13510: 13508: 13502: 13500: 13498:(Junior Line) 13494: 13492: 13489: 13488: 13486: 13484: 13480: 13474: 13471: 13466: 13463: 13461: 13458: 13456: 13453: 13451: 13448: 13446: 13443: 13442: 13440: 13438: 13434: 13428: 13425: 13423: 13420: 13418: 13415: 13413: 13410: 13408: 13405: 13403: 13400: 13399: 13397: 13395: 13394:Grand Duchies 13391: 13386: 13376: 13373: 13371: 13368: 13364: 13360: 13356: 13352: 13348: 13344: 13340: 13334: 13330: 13325: 13321: 13317: 13313: 13309: 13305: 13301: 13295: 13292: 13290: 13287: 13286: 13284: 13280: 13275: 13268: 13263: 13261: 13256: 13254: 13249: 13248: 13245: 13233: 13230: 13229: 13226: 13216: 13215: 13211: 13209: 13208: 13204: 13202: 13199: 13197: 13196: 13192: 13191: 13189: 13185: 13175: 13172: 13168: 13165: 13163: 13160: 13158: 13155: 13153: 13150: 13148: 13145: 13144: 13143: 13140: 13138: 13135: 13131: 13128: 13126: 13123: 13122: 13120: 13118: 13115: 13114: 13112: 13106: 13100: 13097: 13095: 13092: 13090: 13087: 13085: 13082: 13080: 13077: 13075: 13072: 13070: 13067: 13065: 13062: 13060: 13057: 13055: 13052: 13051: 13049: 13045: 13039: 13036: 13034: 13031: 13029: 13026: 13024: 13021: 13019: 13016: 13015: 13013: 13011: 13007: 13001: 13000:United States 12998: 12996: 12993: 12991: 12988: 12986: 12983: 12981: 12978: 12976: 12973: 12971: 12968: 12966: 12963: 12961: 12958: 12957: 12955: 12951: 12948: 12945: 12940: 12930: 12927: 12925: 12922: 12920: 12917: 12915: 12912: 12908: 12905: 12903: 12900: 12898: 12895: 12894: 12893: 12890: 12888: 12885: 12883: 12880: 12878: 12875: 12871: 12868: 12864: 12861: 12860: 12859: 12856: 12855: 12853: 12852: 12850: 12848: 12844: 12836: 12833: 12831: 12828: 12827: 12825: 12824: 12822: 12820: 12816: 12808: 12805: 12803: 12799: 12796: 12794: 12791: 12790: 12788: 12786: 12783: 12779: 12776: 12775: 12773: 12772: 12770: 12768: 12764: 12756: 12753: 12751: 12748: 12747: 12745: 12743: 12740: 12736: 12735: 12731: 12729: 12726: 12724: 12721: 12719: 12716: 12715: 12713: 12709: 12706: 12704: 12701: 12700: 12698: 12696: 12693: 12692: 12690: 12686: 12680: 12677: 12675: 12672: 12670: 12667: 12666: 12664: 12660: 12652: 12649: 12647: 12644: 12643: 12641: 12639: 12636: 12632: 12629: 12628: 12626: 12625: 12623: 12617: 12612: 12602: 12601:United States 12599: 12595: 12592: 12591: 12590: 12587: 12585: 12582: 12580: 12577: 12575: 12572: 12571: 12569: 12565: 12559: 12556: 12552: 12551:Convoy system 12549: 12548: 12547: 12546:Naval warfare 12544: 12542: 12539: 12537: 12534: 12532: 12529: 12527: 12524: 12520: 12517: 12516: 12515: 12512: 12511: 12509: 12505: 12502: 12498: 12487: 12484: 12481: 12478: 12475: 12472: 12469: 12466: 12461: 12458: 12455: 12452: 12449: 12446: 12443: 12440: 12439: 12438: 12435: 12432: 12429: 12426: 12423: 12420: 12417: 12414: 12411: 12408: 12405: 12402: 12399: 12396: 12393: 12390: 12387: 12384: 12381: 12378: 12375: 12372: 12369: 12366: 12363: 12360: 12357: 12354: 12351: 12348: 12345: 12342: 12339: 12336: 12333: 12332: 12330: 12326: 12319: 12316: 12313: 12310: 12307: 12306:Kaocen revolt 12304: 12301: 12300:Easter Rising 12298: 12295: 12292: 12289: 12286: 12283: 12280: 12278: 12275: 12272: 12269: 12266: 12263: 12260: 12257: 12254: 12251: 12248: 12245: 12242: 12239: 12236: 12233: 12230: 12227: 12224: 12221: 12218: 12215: 12214: 12212: 12208: 12202: 12199: 12195: 12190: 12187: 12185: 12182: 12180: 12177: 12175: 12172: 12170: 12167: 12165: 12162: 12160: 12157: 12155: 12152: 12150: 12147: 12145: 12142: 12140: 12137: 12135: 12132: 12130: 12127: 12125: 12122: 12120: 12117: 12115: 12112: 12110: 12107: 12105: 12102: 12100: 12097: 12095: 12092: 12091: 12089: 12087: 12083: 12077: 12074: 12072: 12069: 12067: 12064: 12062: 12059: 12057: 12054: 12052: 12049: 12047: 12044: 12042: 12039: 12037: 12034: 12032: 12029: 12027: 12024: 12022: 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4152: 4149: 4145: 4141: 4137: 4133: 4129: 4125: 4121: 4117: 4113: 4109: 4107: 4103: 4099: 4094: 4092: 4088: 4084: 4080: 4072: 4068: 4064: 4060: 4055: 4046: 4044: 4034: 4030: 4028: 4024: 4020: 4010: 4007: 4003: 3999: 3995: 3980: 3979:Puppet states 3965: 3960: 3951: 3949: 3945: 3941: 3937: 3933: 3929: 3919: 3917: 3913: 3910:, along with 3909: 3908: 3903: 3899: 3895: 3891: 3887: 3883: 3879: 3875: 3870: 3867: 3863: 3859: 3854: 3851: 3847: 3843: 3842:Eastern Front 3839: 3838:Western Front 3832: 3828: 3827:Eastern Front 3823: 3817:Eastern Front 3814: 3812: 3807: 3803: 3799: 3796: 3792: 3788: 3784: 3780: 3776: 3767: 3763: 3761: 3757: 3753: 3749: 3745: 3741: 3737: 3733: 3729: 3725: 3721: 3717: 3713: 3709: 3700: 3694:Western Front 3691: 3689: 3685: 3681: 3677: 3671: 3669: 3665: 3661: 3660:Fritz Fischer 3657: 3653: 3649: 3645: 3637: 3633: 3628: 3623: 3612: 3602: 3599: 3595: 3591: 3587: 3583: 3578: 3574: 3570: 3564: 3559: 3557: 3553: 3546: 3542: 3532: 3530: 3524: 3522: 3518: 3514: 3510: 3506: 3502: 3498: 3494: 3490: 3483:South America 3480: 3478: 3474: 3470: 3465: 3461: 3457: 3456:Deutsche Bank 3453: 3449: 3446:Bismarck and 3439: 3437: 3433: 3429: 3425: 3421: 3417: 3409: 3405: 3400: 3396: 3394: 3390: 3386: 3382: 3378: 3368: 3364: 3362: 3358: 3354: 3350: 3346: 3342: 3338: 3334: 3330: 3326: 3322: 3318: 3314: 3310: 3302: 3298: 3294: 3289: 3278: 3268: 3266: 3263: 3259: 3255: 3250: 3248: 3244: 3240: 3235: 3233: 3229: 3220: 3216: 3214: 3208: 3204: 3202: 3198: 3190: 3189: 3183: 3174: 3172: 3168: 3164: 3159: 3157: 3151: 3148: 3144: 3143:Upper Silesia 3139: 3132: 3128: 3114: 3112: 3108: 3103: 3101: 3097: 3093: 3089: 3085: 3081: 3075: 3067: 3066:Frederick III 3063: 3047: 3042: 3035: 3030: 3029: 3028: 3026: 3025:codifications 3021: 3020: 3013: 3012: 3005: 3004: 2997: 2995: 2994: 2984: 2979: 2973: 2968: 2967:criminal code 2963: 2961: 2960:Confederation 2951: 2942: 2940: 2936: 2932: 2928: 2923: 2921: 2917: 2916:Germanisation 2909: 2905: 2902: 2898: 2894: 2889: 2888:Germanisation 2882:Germanisation 2879: 2877: 2873: 2869: 2865: 2861: 2857: 2853: 2843: 2839: 2837: 2829:Social reform 2826: 2822: 2818: 2816: 2810: 2808: 2804: 2800: 2796: 2787: 2783: 2779: 2774: 2769: 2763: 2753: 2751: 2747: 2743: 2736:Social issues 2733: 2729: 2727: 2722: 2717: 2716: 2707:Consolidation 2704: 2702: 2698: 2694: 2683: 2681: 2676: 2674: 2670: 2666: 2662: 2657: 2653: 2649: 2645: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2630: 2626: 2622: 2616: 2612: 2610: 2609:welfare state 2605: 2603: 2599: 2591: 2587: 2582: 2577: 2573: 2563: 2561: 2555: 2549: 2539: 2537: 2533: 2529: 2525: 2521: 2517: 2513: 2509: 2501: 2496: 2491: 2481: 2477: 2475: 2471: 2465: 2463: 2457: 2455: 2451: 2447: 2446: 2440: 2436: 2431: 2428: 2427:Eric Hobsbawm 2421: 2416: 2411: 2401: 2396: 2391: 2387: 2385: 2373: 2368: 2366: 2361: 2359: 2354: 2353: 2351: 2350: 2344: 2333: 2330: 2319: 2318: 2317: 2316: 2306: 2304: 2301: 2300: 2296: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2285:Reunification 2283: 2282: 2280: 2279: 2275: 2270: 2267: 2263: 2260: 2259: 2257: 2256: 2252: 2250: 2247: 2246: 2242: 2236: 2235: 2230: 2228: 2225: 2224: 2222: 2221: 2216: 2211: 2210: 2200: 2198: 2195: 2194: 2190: 2188: 2185: 2184: 2180: 2178: 2175: 2174: 2170: 2168: 2165: 2164: 2160: 2158: 2157:German Empire 2155: 2154: 2149: 2144: 2143: 2136: 2133: 2131: 2128: 2122: 2121: 2116: 2114: 2111: 2110: 2108: 2106: 2103: 2101: 2100:Mediatisation 2098: 2097: 2094: 2089: 2088: 2081: 2078: 2076: 2073: 2071: 2068: 2067: 2064: 2059: 2058: 2051: 2048: 2046: 2043: 2041: 2038: 2036: 2033: 2032: 2026: 2025: 2018: 2015: 2013: 2010: 2008: 2005: 2003: 2000: 1998: 1995: 1993: 1990: 1988: 1985: 1984: 1981:Early history 1978: 1977: 1969: 1965: 1961: 1957: 1953: 1949: 1945: 1941: 1937: 1933: 1929: 1926: 1923: 1919: 1916: 1914: 1911: 1909: 1906: 1904: 1901: 1899: 1896: 1894: 1891: 1889: 1886: 1884: 1881: 1879: 1876: 1875: 1869: 1868: 1864: 1860: 1859: 1856: 1850: 1849: 1844: 1839: 1838: 1830: 1827: 1821: 1819: 1815: 1810: 1808: 1804: 1800: 1799:Emperor Meiji 1796: 1790: 1787: 1782: 1780: 1774: 1772: 1768: 1764: 1756: 1755:Berlin Palace 1752: 1748: 1746: 1742: 1738: 1733: 1729: 1728: 1723: 1722: 1713: 1709: 1705: 1704:Frederick III 1701: 1697: 1693: 1689: 1685: 1683: 1679: 1675: 1674: 1669: 1665: 1660: 1658: 1654: 1650: 1646: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1630: 1626: 1617: 1612: 1602: 1599: 1595: 1591: 1587: 1583: 1578: 1576: 1572: 1569:in 1864, the 1568: 1564: 1560: 1556: 1552: 1548: 1547: 1543:'s pragmatic 1542: 1538: 1533: 1531: 1527: 1523: 1519: 1515: 1506: 1501: 1486: 1484: 1480: 1476: 1472: 1468: 1464: 1460: 1456: 1452: 1448: 1444: 1440: 1439:Eastern Front 1436: 1432: 1431:Western Front 1428: 1423: 1421: 1417: 1413: 1409: 1405: 1401: 1397: 1393: 1392:Dual Alliance 1388: 1384: 1383: 1378: 1375:in 1890, and 1374: 1369: 1367: 1363: 1359: 1355: 1351: 1347: 1343: 1338: 1336: 1335:welfare state 1331: 1327: 1326: 1321: 1316: 1314: 1310: 1306: 1302: 1296: 1294: 1290: 1286: 1283: 1280: 1276: 1272: 1268: 1267:grand duchies 1264: 1260: 1256: 1252: 1248: 1244: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1212: 1208: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1189:, joined the 1188: 1187:Liechtenstein 1184: 1180: 1176: 1172: 1168: 1163: 1161: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1145: 1141: 1137: 1133: 1129: 1128:German Empire 1119: 1113: 1097: 1095: 1092: 1091: 1083: 1081: 1078: 1077: 1069: 1067: 1064: 1063: 1055: 1053: 1050: 1049: 1046: 1040: 1037: 1030: 1029: 1026: 1023: 1016: 1015: 1012: 1009: 1002: 1001: 998: 995: 988: 987: 984: 981: 974: 973: 970: 969: 966: 963: 961: 958: 957: 953: 948: 946: 937: 932: 927: 926: 919: 918: 917:Bremen thaler 912: 907: 906: 905:Vereinsthaler 898: 893: 889: 885: 881: 878: 872: 868: 865: 859: 855: 852: 846: 842: 838: 832: 827: 823: 821: 817: 813: 807: 802: 798: 794: 791: 785: 781: 777: 770: 766: 762: 755: 751: 748: 742: 738: 735: 729: 723: 720: 714: 711:16 April 1871 710: 707: 701: 697: 694: 688: 684: 681: 677: 674: 670: 667: 664: 658: 655: 652: 646: 643: 640: 636: 632: 629: 628:Max von Baden 626: 620: 617: 614: 608: 605: 602: 596: 593: 590: 584: 581: 578: 572: 568: 564: 558: 555: 552: 546: 543: 540: 534: 530: 526: 524: 520: 516: 513: 510: 504: 501: 500:Friedrich III 498: 492: 489: 486: 480: 476: 472: 470: 466: 459: 455: 454: 453: 450: 449:parliamentary 447: 444: 440: 437: 434: 432: 428: 423: 416: 411: 406: 402: 398: 392: 386: 383: 376: 370: 366: 362: 358: 354: 350: 346: 342: 338: 334: 330: 326: 322: 319: 318: 311: 307: 304: 301: 297: 292: 263: 260: 253: 248: 242: 237: 231: 226: 218: 212: 202: 195: 173: 172: 138: 136: 135: 128: 124: 118: 114: 112: 111:Nobiscum Deus 105: 103: 102: 96: 92: 84: 78: 70: 64: 56: 51: 45: 38: 32:German Empire 29: 26: 22: 17477:Contemporary 17327:Indo-Persian 17315:Nazi Germany 17309: 17259:Contemporary 17161:Vijayanagara 17060:Great Seljuk 16971:Thessalonica 16899:Golden Horde 16539:Carthaginian 16318:Neo-Assyrian 16303:Neo-Sumerian 16220:Bibliography 16094:Coat of arms 16074:Architecture 16051:Trade unions 16031:Prostitution 15991:Homelessness 15954:Demographics 15903:Trade unions 15870: 15860:German model 15833:Central bank 15777:Conservatism 15740:Human rights 15725:Court system 15720:Constitution 15700: 15546:Contemporary 15535:West Germany 15530:East Germany 15505:World War II 15500:Nazi Germany 15474: 15440:18th-century 15399:East Francia 15353:Cimbrian War 15194:South Africa 15189:Sierra Leone 15136: 14966:Two Sicilies 14901:Papal States 14810: 14701: 14640: 14533: 14399: 14159:Cook Islands 14012: 13998:Saudi Arabia 13927: 13603:Mitteleuropa 13594:Mittelafrika 13506:(Elder Line) 13504:Reuss-Greiz 13468:(until 1876) 13460:Coburg-Gotha 13363:West Prussia 13320:Hohenzollern 13316:Hesse-Nassau 13308:East Prussia 13212: 13205: 13193: 12800: / 12732: 12567:Conscription 12531:Cryptography 12468:Iraqi Revolt 11895:Siege of Kut 11838: 11563: 11416:participants 11365:German Samoa 11299:South Arabia 11075: 11065: 11037: 11028: 11020: 11019: 11005: 10998: 10991: 10974: 10967:Project MUSE 10951: 10944: 10937: 10929: 10928: 10921: 10907: 10894: 10880: 10870: 10863: 10853: 10846: 10839: 10824: 10800: 10793: 10786: 10766: 10759: 10744: 10707:(1): 54–86. 10704: 10700: 10695:(ISD, 1980). 10692: 10685: 10672: 10657: 10647: 10640: 10633: 10626: 10619: 10612: 10597: 10581: 10574: 10571:Hoyer, Katja 10561: 10554: 10531: 10527: 10509: 10502: 10487: 10477: 10467: 10458: 10449: 10440: 10431: 10421: 10414: 10409:vol 2 online 10404: 10400: 10384: 10373: 10363: 10349: 10342: 10325: 10318: 10308: 10299: 10289: 10257: 10253: 10244: 10240: 10236: 10230: 10222: 10218: 10213: 10180: 10176: 10170: 10146: 10137: 10125:. Retrieved 10092: 10088: 10078: 10066: 10054:. Retrieved 10050:the original 10040: 10031: 10027: 10021: 10009:. Retrieved 10000: 9991: 9979:. Retrieved 9967: 9937:. Retrieved 9928: 9918: 9908:– via 9902: 9878:. Retrieved 9869: 9860: 9852: 9847: 9839: 9834: 9822:. Retrieved 9804: 9796: 9791: 9783: 9778: 9770: 9769:Edwin Hoyt, 9765: 9753:. Retrieved 9744: 9735: 9715: 9708: 9700: 9695: 9687: 9682: 9674: 9669: 9661: 9656: 9648: 9643: 9625: 9616: 9598: 9593: 9581:. Retrieved 9556: 9550: 9521: 9497: 9492: 9479: 9475: 9454: 9449: 9442:Stürmer 2000 9437: 9425:. Retrieved 9411: 9403: 9398: 9386: 9378: 9373: 9361: 9353: 9348: 9321: 9316:(2004) p. 85 9313: 9305: 9268:Random House 9266:. New York: 9262: 9252: 9233: 9203: 9197: 9182: 9174: 9166: 9161: 9156:(2006) p 166 9153: 9148: 9124: 9116: 9111: 9103: 9099: 9094: 9086: 9081: 9073: 9068: 9060: 9055: 9047: 9042: 9030: 9021: 9015: 9007: 9002: 8982: 8975: 8956: 8950: 8942: 8937: 8926: 8921: 8912: 8904: 8899: 8891: 8886: 8866: 8832: 8825: 8817: 8812: 8804: 8799: 8791: 8786: 8778: 8765:(1967) p 206 8762: 8757: 8746: 8741: 8727:(1): 80–88. 8724: 8720: 8714: 8706: 8702: 8697: 8680: 8676: 8670: 8653: 8649: 8643: 8624: 8618: 8599: 8571: 8565: 8557: 8552: 8527: 8523: 8517: 8497: 8490: 8470: 8463: 8451:. Retrieved 8446: 8436: 8409: 8387: 8380: 8368:. Retrieved 8359: 8349: 8335: 8321: 8309:. Retrieved 8300: 8291: 8279:. Retrieved 8270: 8260: 8248:. Retrieved 8239: 8229: 8217:. Retrieved 8190: 8183:Tucker, Emma 8176: 8168: 8161:. Retrieved 8152: 8142: 8134: 8129: 8112: 8107: 8087: 8080: 8068:. Retrieved 8043: 8038: 8030: 8025: 8015:21 September 8013:. Retrieved 8004: 7994: 7970:21 September 7968:. Retrieved 7964:the original 7959: 7949: 7930: 7924: 7912:. Retrieved 7903: 7894: 7882:. Retrieved 7873: 7864: 7856: 7852: 7848: 7844: 7839: 7827: 7823: 7818: 7810: 7805: 7793:. Retrieved 7789: 7780: 7768:. Retrieved 7750: 7738:. Retrieved 7734:the original 7707:. Retrieved 7693: 7682: 7666: 7658: 7633: 7629: 7623: 7614: 7605: 7595:17 September 7593:. Retrieved 7584: 7575: 7567: 7562: 7550:. Retrieved 7545: 7535: 7516: 7510: 7501: 7495: 7487: 7482: 7473: 7464: 7463: 7438:East Prussia 7406:West Prussia 7368: 7356: 7327: 7318: 7317: 7229:Russian SFSR 7212:East Prussia 7206:World War II 7151:World War II 7105:East Prussia 7079:, a part of 7073:West Prussia 7055:Nazi Germany 6943:World War II 6903:Burg-Reuland 6849:region) and 6781: 6762:Seebataillon 6760: 6737: 6731:Schutztruppe 6729: 6717: 6679:West Germany 6669: 6652: 6636: 6599: 6597: 6556:Buddenbrooks 6554: 6548: 6544:Centre Party 6529: 6517: 6492: 6440:Coat of arms 6381: 6344: 6068: 6060: 6057:Landeskirche 6032: 6017: 5813: 5808: 5803: 5506: 5499: 5471: 5433: 5431:languages). 5418: 5404:Demographics 5315: 5300:Reichsländer 5294: 5285: 5269: 5253: 5232: 5211: 5190: 5169: 5148: 5128:(Elder Line) 5126:Reuss-Greiz 5124: 5100: 5079: 5064:Fürstentümer 5058: 5037: 5009: 4981: 4968:Braunschweig 4961:Braunschweig 4953: 4932: 4911: 4890: 4869: 4848: 4827: 4799: 4778: 4757: 4743: 4715: 4687: 4659: 4638: 4395: 4386: 4382: 4380: 4370: 4364: 4356: 4318: 4297: 4287: 4282: 4278: 4268: 4262: 4257: 4249: 4239: 4233: 4221: 4199: 4186: 4177:Constitution 4110: 4095: 4076: 4040: 4031: 4016: 3991: 3925: 3905: 3871: 3850:Russian Army 3835: 3772: 3736:British Army 3705: 3672: 3652:Franz Joseph 3641: 3593: 3566: 3561: 3548: 3525: 3486: 3477:Persian Gulf 3464:Cecil Rhodes 3445: 3413: 3393:World War II 3377:Boxer Rising 3373: 3361:German Samoa 3306: 3261: 3251: 3246: 3236: 3225: 3209: 3205: 3194: 3186: 3160: 3152: 3136: 3104: 3077: 2964: 2956: 2924: 2912: 2903: 2872:Adolf Hitler 2852:antisemitism 2849: 2846:Antisemitism 2840: 2832: 2823: 2819: 2811: 2795:Centre Party 2791: 2781: 2778:Pope Pius IX 2746:Pope Pius IX 2739: 2730: 2720: 2710: 2689: 2677: 2641: 2637: 2633: 2624: 2617: 2613: 2606: 2595: 2557: 2512:Jiaozhou Bay 2505: 2478: 2474:Persian Gulf 2466: 2458: 2443: 2432: 2424: 2398: 2393: 2388: 2383: 2381: 2197:World War II 2187:Nazi Germany 2156: 2148:German Reich 2075:18th century 2070:Sectionalism 2035:East Francia 1833:Bismarck era 1822: 1814:landed elite 1811: 1791: 1783: 1775: 1770: 1762: 1760: 1744: 1736: 1725: 1719: 1717: 1691: 1671: 1661: 1640: 1622: 1579: 1551:Hohenzollern 1544: 1535:The liberal 1534: 1528:of the 1814 1511: 1479:Adolf Hitler 1424: 1380: 1370: 1339: 1323: 1317: 1297: 1292: 1164: 1148:German Reich 1143: 1140:Second Reich 1139: 1135: 1127: 1125: 965:Succeeded by 964: 959: 931:French franc 925:Hamburg mark 896: 876: 863: 850: 819: 810:• Total 739:28 July 1914 706:Constitution 623:• 1918 599:• 1917 495:• 1888 420:0.17% other 418:1.24% Jewish 409: 384: 353:Sinte Romani 320: 176:(unofficial) 130: 126: 108: 101:Gott mit uns 97: 95:Motto:  94: 83:Coat of arms 25: 17065:Khwarezmian 16998:Carolingian 16803:Rashtrakuta 16507:Shaishunaga 16406:Hellenistic 16389:New Kingdom 16379:Old Kingdom 16021:Pornography 15996:Immigration 15959:Drug policy 15871:Mittelstand 15818:Agriculture 15782:Nationalism 15755:Transgender 15639:Earthquakes 15586:, 1583-1588 15584:Cologne War 15480:World War I 15382:Middle Ages 15368:Gothic Wars 15133:British Raj 15105:(Sri Lanka) 14991:Württemberg 14703:South Yemen 14591:Maguindanao 14484:Afghanistan 14245:Barotseland 14181:Saint Lucia 14154:New Zealand 14063:Netherlands 13836:Chhatrapati 13820:Sovereignty 13760:Aristocracy 13537:City-states 13496:Reuss-Gera 13375:Württemberg 13304:Brandenburg 13296:as a whole 13276:(1871–1918) 12830:Netherlands 12807:Switzerland 12688:Occupations 12679:Spanish flu 12456:(1919–1922) 12450:(1918–1921) 12444:(1918–1923) 12433:(1919–1921) 12427:(1919–1921) 12421:(1919–1920) 12397:(1918–1920) 12391:(1918–1920) 12385:(1918–1920) 12367:(1918–1920) 12349:(1918–1920) 12343:(1917–1921) 12337:(1917–1921) 12284:(1916-1918) 12282:Arab Revolt 12273:(1915–1917) 12267:(1915–1917) 12255:(1914-1917) 12249:(1914–1917) 12243:(1914–1921) 12237:(1913–1920) 12225:(1910–1920) 12219:(1900–1920) 12192: [ 11710:July Crisis 11631:(1880–1914) 11294:Mesopotamia 11172:Home fronts 11131:World War I 11079:(in German) 10313:ACLS E-book 10183:(1): 3–16. 9866:"Bundesrat" 9583:13 December 8449:(in German) 8311:14 November 8281:14 November 8250:17 November 7552:9 September 7434:Brandenburg 7331:Pronounced 7191:Lubusz Land 6978:World War I 6960:Duivelsberg 6953:Netherlands 6827:departments 6587:Gründerzeit 6551:Thomas Mann 6239:Württemberg 6085:Protestant 6014:Immigration 5549:51,883,131 5541:Percentage 5472:Hochdeutsch 5456:Netherlands 5372: 1885 5102:Reuss-Gera 4917:Herzogtümer 4856:Neustrelitz 4745:Württemberg 4644:Königreiche 4250:Reichstag's 4122:signed the 4114:signed the 4043:Spanish flu 4027:food prices 3981:(1917–1918) 3964:World War I 3866:Switzerland 3732:French Army 3724:German Army 3605:World War I 3529:World War I 3442:Middle East 3389:World War I 3282:Colonialism 3239:Kulturkampf 3213:blackletter 3171:World War I 3147:German Army 2981: [ 2970: [ 2762:Kulturkampf 2756:Kulturkampf 2726:World War I 2680:World War I 2528:Herero Wars 2384:Kaiserreich 2167:World War I 2093:Unification 2029:Middle Ages 1964:Württemberg 1944:Family tree 1852:History of 1786:decorations 1662:The second 1546:Realpolitik 1387:This period 1382:Weltpolitik 1346:colonialism 1325:Kulturkampf 1301:great power 1243:Württemberg 1011:Württemberg 960:Preceded by 950:(1914–1918) 939:(1873–1914) 693:Unification 680:World War I 638:Legislature 461:(1916–1918) 425:0.07% other 410:Minorities: 321:Unofficial: 286: / 217:World War I 86:(1889–1918) 17743:Categories 17635:Portuguese 17516:Revival Le 17506:Vietnamese 17149:Later Tran 17119:Vietnamese 17015:Singhasari 17003:Holy Roman 16627:Bulgarian 16563:Satavahana 16534:Phoenician 16470:Achaemenid 16431:Indo-Greek 16411:Macedonian 16325:Babylonian 16182:Television 16167:Philosophy 16142:Literature 16001:Irreligion 15986:Healthcare 15949:Corruption 15715:Chancellor 15704:(military) 15701:Bundeswehr 15199:Tanganyika 15114:The Gambia 15042:Niuē-Fekai 14981:Yugoslavia 14881:Montenegro 14688:Upper Yafa 14683:Upper Asir 14320:Madagascar 14053:Luxembourg 13785:Government 13750:Abdication 13719:Hereditary 13647:Monarchies 13359:Westphalia 13047:Agreements 12847:War crimes 12723:Luxembourg 12616:Casualties 11487:Montenegro 11322:South West 11202:Technology 11192:Propaganda 11182:Opposition 10660:. (1995). 10490:. (1986). 10476:. (1916). 10072:Low German 10070:Including 10056:20 January 9910:Wikisource 9486:: 135–160. 9391:Kurtz 1970 9366:Kurtz 1970 9341:Kurtz 1970 9326:Kurtz 1970 9298:Kurtz 1970 9270:. p.  8453:19 January 8360:Britannica 8070:12 January 7874:Britannica 7760:Wikisource 7585:Britannica 7422:Westphalia 7314:References 7119:Pomeranian 7022:; part of 6907:Bütgenbach 6600:Kaiserzeit 6593:golden age 6573:Die Brücke 6536:militarism 6532:Pan-German 6521:Bundeswehr 6514:Iron Cross 6355:16,232,651 6349:28,331,152 6137:17,633,279 6008:non-German 5995:Lithuanian 5809:56,367,187 5780:Portuguese 5619:Lithuanian 5573:3,086,489 5493:, and the 5491:Westphalia 5468:Low German 5464:Luxembourg 5342:Other maps 5177:Rudolstadt 4343:See also: 4283:Reichstag. 4013:Home front 3836:While the 3716:Luxembourg 3609:See also: 3448:Wilhelm II 3138:Wilhelm II 3131:Wilhelm II 2899:of ethnic 2766:See also: 2552:See also: 2307:since 1990 2290:New states 2234:Ostgebiete 2227:Occupation 2120:Zollverein 1968:Mediatised 1878:Chronology 1732:chancellor 1605:Foundation 1494:Background 1471:gold marks 1377:Wilhelm II 1320:chancellor 1313:Royal Navy 1227:chancellor 1173:, outside 1142:or simply 945:Papiermark 897:Until 1873 882:64,925,993 869:56,367,178 856:41,058,792 839:70,000,000 829:Population 523:Chancellor 512:Wilhelm II 442:Government 431:Demonym(s) 391:Protestant 357:Lithuanian 341:Limburgish 325:Low German 274:13°22′34″E 17628:Couronian 17266:Ethiopian 17254:Manchukuo 17209:Brazilian 17055:Ghaznavid 17025:Srivijaya 16976:Trebizond 16961:Byzantine 16943:North Sea 16938:Norwegian 16926:Almoravid 16909:Ilkhanate 16879:Majapahit 16852:Muromachi 16761:Solomonic 16746:Ethiopian 16660:Caliphate 16593:Aragonese 16421:Ptolemaic 16137:Libraries 16117:Festivals 15964:Education 15908:Transport 15873:companies 15792:President 15730:Elections 15695:Bundesrat 15690:Bundestag 15659:Mountains 15627:Districts 15605:Geography 15338:Visigoths 15275:Overviews 15169:Mauritius 15062:Rarotonga 15047:Nuku Hiva 15037:Mangareva 15012:Bora Bora 14891:Neuchâtel 14861:Lithuania 14766:Catalonia 14653:Sri Lanka 14606:Manchukuo 14581:Kurdistan 14535:Indonesia 14458:Talamanca 14418:Araucanía 14401:and other 14380:Wassoulou 14124:Australia 13800:Oligarchy 13473:Meiningen 13465:Lauenburg 13455:Altenburg 13450:Brunswick 13422:Oldenburg 13343:Rhineland 13324:Pomerania 12944:Diplomacy 12651:Olympians 12574:Australia 12541:Logistics 12474:Vlora War 12403:(1918–19) 12379:(1918–19) 12373:(1918–19) 12361:(1918–19) 12308:(1916–17) 12290:(1916–17) 12241:Zaian War 12231:(1914–15) 11951:first day 11839:Lusitania 11667:(1912–13) 11661:(1911–12) 11649:(1908–09) 11643:(1905–06) 11625:(1870–71) 11414:Principal 11274:Gallipoli 11177:Memorials 11162:Geography 11152:Aftermath 10747:, (1996) 10237:Sonderweg 10205:159651458 10117:162220760 10109:0090-5992 9573:149372568 8429:Case 1902 8414:Case 1902 8401:608806061 8209:781541372 8201:0099-9660 7650:0266-3554 7465:Citations 7442:Pomerania 7398:provinces 7383:Kashubian 7210:Northern 7183:Pomerania 7172:Pomerania 7139:Działdowo 7097:Pomerania 7089:Lauenburg 7051:Lithuania 7042:Lithuania 6970:Wylerberg 6948:Wylerberg 6899:Büllingen 6841:Haut-Rhin 6707:Sonderweg 6701:Sonderweg 6691:Sonderweg 6684:Sonderweg 6673:Sonderweg 6641:Sonderweg 6633:Sonderweg 6627:Sonderweg 6616:Karl Benz 6559:in 1901. 6318:1,218,513 6242:1,364,580 6207:2,886,806 6178:3,748,253 6172:1,477,952 6143:9,206,283 6088:Catholic 5925:Kashubian 5756:Hungarian 5632:Kashubian 5535:language 5425:Kashubian 5330:Straßburg 5156:Bückeburg 5052:Meiningen 4996:Altenburg 4955:Brunswick 4877:Oldenburg 4871:Oldenburg 4814:Darmstadt 4786:Karlsruhe 4751:Stuttgart 4387:Reichstag 4383:Bundesrat 4359:Hanseatic 4326:Bundesrat 4298:Reichstag 4293:Bundesrat 4288:Bundesrat 4279:Reichstag 4258:Reichstag 4245:Bundesrat 4240:Reichstag 4227:Bundesrat 4222:Reichstag 4213:Bundesrat 4207:Bundesrat 4167:Freikorps 4159:armistice 4019:total war 3902:Lithuania 3878:Bolshevik 3858:Bolshevik 3791:Champagne 3676:Rhineland 3594:pro forma 3505:Venezuela 3410:, in 1884 3247:Reichstag 3188:Reichstag 3080:Frederick 2728:in 1914. 2588:works in 2276:1949–1990 2253:1944–1950 2201:1939–1945 2191:1933–1945 2181:1918–1933 2171:1914–1918 2161:1871–1918 1936:Empresses 1771:Bundesrat 1745:Reichstag 1737:Reichstag 1721:Bundesrat 1673:Reichstag 1633:William I 1526:Article 6 1333:European 1282:Hanseatic 1255:25 states 1225:, became 1209:from the 1203:Wilhelm I 1150:from the 1130:(German: 776:Armistice 734:WWI began 666:Reichstag 654:Bundesrat 642:Bicameral 488:Wilhelm I 422:Christian 385:Majority: 378:Religion 361:Kashubian 271:52°31′7″N 53:1871–1918 17608:Japanese 17571:Scottish 17551:American 17543:Colonial 17472:Imperial 17440:Moroccan 17376:Japanese 17354:Afsharid 17213:Burmese 17199:Austrian 17154:Later Le 17129:Early Le 17114:Venetian 17040:Tiwanaku 16953:Hellenic 16916:Moroccan 16847:Kamakura 16837:Japanese 16820:Saffarid 16773:Georgian 16687:Chalukya 16665:Rashidun 16655:Calakmul 16623:Bruneian 16502:Haryanka 16480:Sasanian 16475:Parthian 16426:Bactrian 16416:Seleucid 16396:Goguryeo 16374:Egyptian 16308:Assyrian 16298:Akkadian 16289:Colonies 16229:Category 16147:Internet 16132:Language 16122:Folklore 16041:Religion 16016:Pensions 16011:Naturism 15888:Taxation 15772:Lobbying 15745:Intersex 15678:Politics 15287:Timeline 15266:General 15259:articles 15184:Rhodesia 15179:Pakistan 15098:Barbados 15067:Rimatara 15057:Rapa Iti 14986:Valencia 14961:Tavolara 14951:Scotland 14916:Portugal 14876:Moldavia 14761:Bulgaria 14756:Brittany 14731:Asturias 14611:Mongolia 14601:Maldives 14463:Trinidad 14453:Suriname 14411:Americas 14395:Zimbabwe 14390:Zanzibar 14375:Wituland 14350:Ngazidja 14345:Ndzuwani 14280:Ethiopia 14003:Thailand 13983:Malaysia 13963:Cambodia 13913:Eswatini 13709:Elective 13694:Absolute 13282:Kingdoms 13232:Category 12819:Refugees 12785:Italians 12774:Germans 12734:Ober Ost 12514:Aviation 11608:Timeline 11579:Bulgaria 11360:Tsingtao 11337:Togoland 11284:Caucasus 11219:European 11211:Theatres 11058:Archived 10959:Archived 10814:Archived 10774:Archived 10737:37192065 10729:18335627 10517:Archived 10389:Archived 10333:Archived 10217:Wehler, 10155:Archived 10127:11 March 10121:Archived 10011:29 April 10005:Archived 9981:29 April 9972:Archived 9939:29 April 9933:Archived 9880:29 April 9874:Archived 9818:Archived 9749:Archived 9633:Archived 9606:Archived 9577:Archived 9526:Archived 9457:, p. 163 9427:19 April 9421:Archived 9260:(2000). 9137:Archived 8931:ProQuest 8364:Archived 8329:(1873). 8305:Archived 8275:Archived 8244:Archived 8213:Archived 8163:18 April 8157:Archived 8153:Die Welt 8064:Archived 8009:Archived 7980:cite web 7914:13 April 7908:Archived 7884:11 April 7878:Archived 7795:16 April 7764:Archived 7740:25 April 7709:25 April 7703:Archived 7665:(1967). 7589:Archived 7450:Lusatian 7395:Prussian 7379:Masurian 7360:German: 7261:See also 7115:Silesian 7071:Most of 6935:Wallonia 6927:St. Vith 6889:and the 6861:region) 6859:Lorraine 6833:Bas-Rhin 6804:Country 6714:Military 6510:War flag 6023:Religion 5911:Masurian 5896:Moravian 5768:Spanish 5731:Russian 5720:English 5670:Italian 5636:100,213 5623:106,305 5610:141,061 5597:142,049 5593:Masurian 5584:211,679 5560:252,918 5480:Prussian 5429:Masurian 4835:Schwerin 4639:Kingdoms 4633:Capital 4371:de facto 4296:and the 4112:Bulgaria 4067:republic 4002:reserves 3944:Rhodesia 3922:Colonies 3907:Ober Ost 3886:Bulgaria 3853:faltered 3760:Flanders 3734:and the 3501:Colombia 3428:diamonds 3424:Rhodesia 3381:Jiaozhou 3357:Jiaozhou 3353:Tanzania 3343:(modern 3335:(modern 3333:Togoland 3329:Cameroon 3327:(modern 3319:(modern 3297:Bismarck 2856:Napoleon 2686:Railways 2625:Konzerne 2520:Marianas 2484:Colonies 2269:division 1928:Monarchs 1888:Military 1843:a series 1841:Part of 1565:against 1459:Bulgaria 1360:and the 1277:, three 1263:kingdoms 1259:nobility 1231:Prussian 1193:and the 1160:republic 891:Currency 456:Under a 405:Reformed 401:Lutheran 106:(German) 17675:largest 17670:Empires 17650:Swedish 17645:Spanish 17640:Russian 17603:Italian 17578:Chinese 17566:English 17561:British 17556:Belgian 17531:Vietnam 17521:Tay son 17467:Tsarist 17462:Russian 17457:Ottoman 17423:Dzungar 17418:Khoshut 17391:Mexican 17386:Maratha 17369:Pahlavi 17349:Safavid 17344:Iranian 17271:Haitian 17234:Chinese 17194:Ashanti 17166:Wagadou 17092:Eastern 17087:Western 17070:Timurid 17030:Tibetan 17020:Songhai 17010:Serbian 16931:Almohad 16921:Idrisid 16825:Samanid 16815:Tahirid 16810:Iranian 16788:Kannauj 16768:Genoese 16704:Chinese 16697:Eastern 16692:Western 16680:Fatimid 16675:Abbasid 16670:Umayyad 16643:Burmese 16603:Ayyubid 16598:Angevin 16568:Xianbei 16556:Eastern 16551:Western 16497:Magadha 16460:Iranian 16453:Xiongnu 16438:Hittite 16347:Chinese 16335:Kassite 16284:Ancient 16276:Empires 16206:Outline 16112:Fashion 16099:Cuisine 16061:Culture 16026:Poverty 15969:Germans 15932:Society 15913:Welfare 15898:Tourism 15855:Exports 15828:Banking 15806:Economy 15710:Cabinet 15649:Islands 15644:Geology 15567:Regions 15333:Teutons 15306:Ancient 15268:History 15255:Germany 15174:Nigeria 15149:Ireland 15077:Tahuata 15052:Raiatea 15032:Huahine 15007:Abemama 15000:Oceania 14971:Tuscany 14926:Romania 14921:Prussia 14886:Navarre 14866:Majorca 14846:Ireland 14841:Imereti 14836:Iceland 14831:Hungary 14826:Hanover 14821:Granada 14811:Germany 14806:Georgia 14801:Galicia 14791:Finland 14781:Corsica 14776:Cilicia 14746:Bavaria 14736:Austria 14721:Albania 14693:Vietnam 14636:Sarawak 14626:Qu'aiti 14561:Kathiri 14524:Dapitan 14499:Bukhara 14448:Miskito 14370:Tunisia 14360:Shilluk 14270:Dahomey 14260:Burundi 14250:Bagirmi 14230:Adamawa 14149:Jamaica 14144:Grenada 14129:Bahamas 14093:Oceania 14043:Denmark 14038:Belgium 14033:Andorra 13948:Bahrain 13923:Morocco 13918:Lesotho 13897:Current 13888:Pharaoh 13841:Emperor 13780:Dynasty 13734:Regency 13714:Federal 13704:Diarchy 13658:Monarch 13550:Hamburg 13437:Duchies 13355:Silesia 13312:Hanover 13294:Prussia 13289:Bavaria 12970:Germany 12870:Germany 12798:Germany 12718:Belgium 12703:Albania 12662:Disease 12642:Sports 12594:Ireland 12507:Warfare 12500:Aspects 11688:Origins 11681:Prelude 11584:Senussi 11564:Germany 11559:Leaders 11497:Romania 11438:Belgium 11433:Leaders 11332:Kamerun 11314:African 11249:Romania 11227:Balkans 11142:Outline 10897:(1967) 10856:(1997) 10803:(1977) 10622:(2007). 10615:(1984). 10548:1837686 10407:(1996) 10378:online 10376:(1927) 10352:(1984) 10311:(1987) 10288:(ed.). 9824:23 July 9699:Craig, 9453:Louis, 9419:. BBC. 9381:(2003). 8894:(1959). 8544:1432746 8370:23 July 8333:(ed.). 8240:HISTORY 8219:7 March 8185:(ed.). 8123:3038611 7770:2 April 7446:Silesia 7410:Silesia 7387:Sorbian 7216:Russia 7187:Silesia 7168:Masuria 7156:Silesia 6988:Denmark 6933:in the 6915:Lontzen 6887:Malmedy 6877:Belgium 6853:Moselle 6822:France 6807:Region 6392:Muslims 6367:561,612 6312:305,315 6283:993,109 6277:547,461 6248:590,290 6169:Bavaria 6155:363,790 6134:Prussia 6126:Number 6120:Number 6114:Number 6108:Number 6102:Number 6094:Jewish 5981:Italian 5967:Walloon 5939:Sorbian 5864:Frisian 5795:14,535 5743:Swedish 5723:20,217 5712:20,677 5708:Frisian 5699:43,016 5686:64,382 5673:65,930 5662:80,361 5649:93,032 5581:French 5546:German 5487:Hanover 5476:Frisian 5460:Belgium 5452:Denmark 5448:Frisian 5271:Hamburg 5226:Arolsen 5087:Detmold 4912:Duchies 4730:Dresden 4723:Sachsen 4689:Bavaria 4667:Preußen 4661:Prussia 4265:emperor 4189:federal 4130:in the 4061:leader 3936:Askaris 3916:Ukraine 3912:Belarus 3894:Estonia 3860:leader 3846:Galicia 3720:Britain 3632:Entente 3616:Origins 3497:Ecuador 3493:Uruguay 3475:on the 3349:Burundi 3321:Namibia 3299:at the 3245:to the 3232:Marxism 3133:in 1902 3111:Wilhelm 2876:Germany 2799:Silesia 2788:, 1875. 2742:Vatican 2697:Hamburg 2656:Hoechst 2542:Economy 2532:Namibia 2516:Tianjin 1956:Prussia 1952:Bavaria 1948:Austria 1903:Judaism 1893:Economy 1854:Germany 1818:Junkers 1805:in the 1655:at the 1567:Denmark 1559:Austria 1555:Prussia 1489:History 1414:. When 1410:to the 1358:British 1309:Britain 1271:duchies 1269:, five 1239:Bavaria 1183:Austria 1167:founded 1144:Germany 997:Bavaria 942:German 875:•  862:•  849:•  788:•  773:•  758:•  745:•  732:•  717:•  704:•  691:•  469:Emperor 446:Federal 413:35.89% 389:62.63% 365:Swahili 349:Sorbian 345:Frisian 337:Yiddish 255:Capital 249:in 1914 127:Anthem: 17613:Mongol 17598:German 17593:French 17583:Danish 17526:Dainam 17501:Tongan 17489:Somali 17484:Sokoto 17450:'Alawi 17428:Kalmyk 17408:Mongol 17401:Second 17381:Korean 17332:Mughal 17322:Indian 17305:German 17298:Second 17288:French 17281:Second 17217:Second 17189:Afghan 17181:Modern 17107:Kyrgyz 17102:Uighur 17097:Second 17077:Turkic 17045:Toltec 16981:Epirus 16966:Nicaea 16889:Mongol 16842:Yamato 16778:Huetar 16636:Second 16573:Rouran 16522:Shunga 16517:Maurya 16492:Kushan 16465:Median 16443:Hunnic 16401:Harsha 16234:Portal 16089:Cinema 16069:Anthem 16036:Racism 15850:Energy 15664:Rivers 15622:States 15592:, 1848 15428:Modern 15257:  15209:Uganda 15159:Malawi 15124:Guyana 15103:Ceylon 15082:Tahiti 15072:Rurutu 15027:Hawaii 14956:Serbia 14941:Saxony 14931:Russia 14816:Greece 14796:France 14786:Cyprus 14771:Crimea 14751:Bosnia 14726:Aragon 14714:Europe 14678:Taiwan 14648:Sikkim 14631:Ryukyu 14616:Najran 14514:Chehab 14494:Bengal 14443:Mexico 14428:Brazil 14355:Rwanda 14335:Maravi 14235:Ankole 14223:Africa 14215:Former 14196:Tuvalu 14139:Canada 14134:Belize 14078:Sweden 14068:Norway 14058:Monaco 14025:Europe 13978:Kuwait 13973:Jordan 13958:Brunei 13953:Bhutan 13905:Africa 13878:Sultan 13829:Titles 13743:Topics 13555:Lübeck 13545:Bremen 13445:Anhalt 13370:Saxony 13347:Saxony 13300:Berlin 12990:Russia 12965:France 12793:Canada 12708:Serbia 12579:Canada 12536:Horses 12488:(1921) 12482:(1920) 12476:(1920) 12470:(1920) 12462:(1920) 12415:(1919) 12409:(1919) 12355:(1918) 12320:(1918) 12314:(1917) 12302:(1916) 12296:(1916) 12261:(1915) 11673:(1913) 11655:(1911) 11637:(1905) 11594:Darfur 11519:Serbia 11502:Russia 11465:Greece 11453:France 11443:Brazil 11289:Persia 11232:Serbia 11001:(2011) 10994:(2008) 10981:  10956:online 10924:(2001) 10914:  10899:online 10887:  10875:online 10849:(1978) 10831:  10805:online 10771:online 10762:(2008) 10751:  10735:  10727:  10719:  10688:(2005) 10677:online 10664:  10650:(2003) 10605:  10588:  10577:(2021) 10566:online 10546:  10514:online 10505:(1979) 10494:  10470:(1964) 10426:online 10366:(1981) 10356:  10345:(1998) 10330:Online 10304:(1907) 10225:(1997) 10203:  10197:260865 10195:  10115:  10107:  9905:  9855:(2008) 9799:(1994) 9786:(1996) 9773:(1981) 9755:18 May 9723:  9630:online 9603:online 9571:  9356:(1990) 9278:  9240:  9210:  9189:  9089:(1995) 9050:(1998) 8990:  8963:  8945:(2000) 8874:  8844:  8781:(2007) 8751:online 8631:  8606:  8578:  8542:  8505:  8478:  8399:  8207:  8199:  8137:(1987) 8121:  8095:  8046:(1936) 7937:  7673:  7648:  7523:  7375:Polish 7254:  7248:  7242:  7177:Poland 7164:Warmia 7135:Słupsk 7131:Lębork 7110:Poland 7101:Soldau 6966:German 6923:Waimes 6919:Raeren 6911:Kelmis 6847:Alsace 6606:, the 6489:Legacy 6373:30,615 6361:78,031 6330:39,278 6295:27,278 6260:13,331 6213:74,333 6204:Saxony 6190:53,526 6161:23,534 6149:52,225 6097:Other 5953:French 5878:Polish 5836:Danish 5771:2,059 5760:8,158 5747:8,998 5734:9,617 5606:Danish 5569:Polish 5552:92.05 5538:Count 5462:, and 5454:, the 5440:Danish 5421:Polish 5287:Lübeck 5255:Bremen 5024:Coburg 4940:Dessau 4934:Anhalt 4905:Weimar 4807:Hessen 4717:Saxony 4702:Munich 4695:Bayern 4674:Berlin 4630:State 4273:) was 4270:Kaiser 4169:, the 3994:Allies 3985:  3977:  3975:  3969:  3898:Latvia 3802:Verdun 3787:Artois 3756:Alsace 3503:, and 3491:, and 3458:, the 3416:Herero 3345:Rwanda 3339:) and 3303:, 1884 2870:, and 2744:under 2701:Bremen 2621:cartel 2592:, 1890 2574:, and 2522:, the 1960:Saxony 1932:Queens 1872:Topics 1845:on the 1816:, the 1797:under 1727:Kaiser 1635:, the 1483:Nazism 1362:French 1287:, and 1285:cities 1265:, six 1245:, and 1215:Berlin 1179:France 1138:, the 1094:Danzig 527:  473:  436:German 380:(1880) 369:Arabic 333:Danish 329:Polish 303:German 262:Berlin 129:  44:German 40:  17663:Lists 17618:Omani 17588:Dutch 17494:Isaaq 17445:Saadi 17413:Oirat 17396:First 17364:Qajar 17293:First 17276:First 17249:China 17222:Third 17082:First 17035:Tikal 16986:Morea 16956:Roman 16874:Latin 16869:Khmer 16864:Kanem 16830:Buyid 16756:Zagwe 16751:Aksum 16741:Chola 16648:First 16631:First 16618:Bornu 16613:Benin 16608:Aztec 16546:Roman 16527:Gupta 16512:Nanda 16448:White 16213:Index 16177:Sport 16162:Names 16157:Music 16152:Media 16107:Dance 15979:Women 15944:Crime 15918:Women 15654:Lakes 15328:Goths 15164:Malta 15154:Kenya 15129:India 15119:Ghana 14946:Savoy 14936:Samos 14851:Italy 14698:Yemen 14673:Tibet 14668:Syria 14621:Nepal 14596:Mahra 14576:Kumul 14571:Korea 14566:Khiva 14545:Qajar 14529:Hejaz 14519:China 14504:Burma 14433:Haiti 14423:Aztec 14340:Mwali 14330:Maore 14310:Libya 14305:Kongo 14300:Kaffa 14295:Gumma 14290:Gomma 14285:Ghana 14275:Egypt 14255:Bornu 14240:Aussa 14101:Tonga 14073:Spain 13993:Qatar 13968:Japan 13580:Other 13491:Lippe 13402:Baden 13339:Posen 13187:Other 12980:Japan 12975:Italy 12802:camps 12646:Rugby 12196:] 11475:Japan 11470:Italy 11448:China 11342:North 10733:S2CID 10717:JSTOR 10544:JSTOR 10284:. In 10201:S2CID 10193:JSTOR 10113:S2CID 10030:[ 9975:(PDF) 9964:(PDF) 9569:S2CID 9529:(PDF) 9518:(PDF) 9393:, 56. 9368:, 76. 9328:, 67. 9140:(PDF) 9133:(PDF) 8540:JSTOR 8119:JSTOR 7430:Calau 7426:Kreis 7402:Posen 7391:Czech 7127:Bytów 7093:Stolp 7085:Bütow 7077:Posen 6883:Eupen 6801:Name 6748:, and 6376:0.07 6358:35.89 6352:62.63 6345:Total 6339:0.03 6324:3,053 6321:77.78 6315:19.49 6304:0.01 6289:2,280 6286:63.25 6280:34.86 6274:Baden 6269:0.01 6254:2,817 6251:29.95 6245:69.23 6234:0.01 6225:6,518 6219:4,809 6210:97.11 6199:0.00 6184:5,017 6181:70.93 6175:27.97 6164:0.09 6146:33.75 6140:64.64 6082:Area 5894:(and 5892:Czech 5850:Dutch 5798:0.03 5787:0.00 5774:0.00 5763:0.01 5750:0.02 5737:0.02 5726:0.04 5715:0.04 5702:0.08 5695:Czech 5689:0.11 5676:0.12 5665:0.14 5658:Dutch 5652:0.16 5639:0.18 5626:0.19 5613:0.25 5600:0.25 5587:0.38 5576:5.48 5563:0.45 5444:Dutch 5414:Kreis 5135:Greiz 5081:Lippe 4801:Hesse 4780:Baden 3940:Kenya 3775:Ypres 3744:Aisne 3728:Marne 3473:Basra 3404:Mioko 2985:] 2974:] 2920:Poles 2901:Poles 2652:Bayer 2602:Essen 2598:Krupp 2590:Essen 2586:Krupp 1908:Women 1803:tsars 1763:Reich 1639:, as 1404:Italy 1402:with 1394:with 1247:Hesse 1235:Baden 1175:Paris 1039:Hesse 1025:Baden 117:Latin 17433:Bogd 17359:Zand 17337:Sikh 17244:Qing 17239:Ming 17171:Wari 17139:Tran 17124:Dinh 16894:Yuan 16884:Mali 16793:Pala 16783:Inca 16734:Yuan 16724:Song 16719:Liao 16714:Tang 16487:Kush 16369:Dʿmt 16127:Flag 16084:Arts 15750:LGBT 15109:Fiji 14663:Sulu 14642:Shan 14586:Laos 14551:Iraq 14541:Iran 14509:Cebu 14489:Asir 14477:Asia 14438:Inca 14385:Yeke 14325:Mali 14315:Luba 14164:Niue 14014:list 13988:Oman 13940:Asia 13929:list 13883:Shah 13873:Tsar 13868:khan 13863:Raja 13846:King 13687:Type 12767:POWs 12086:1918 11988:1917 11914:1916 11815:1915 11719:1914 11524:Siam 11327:East 10979:ISBN 10912:ISBN 10885:ISBN 10829:ISBN 10749:ISBN 10725:PMID 10662:ISBN 10603:ISBN 10586:ISBN 10492:ISBN 10354:ISBN 10129:2023 10105:ISSN 10058:2010 10013:2023 9983:2023 9941:2023 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German Empire (disambiguation)
Flag of German Reich
Coat of arms (1889–1918) of German Reich
Coat of arms
Gott mit uns
Heil dir im Siegerkranz
Die Wacht am Rhein

World War I

States of the German Empire

German colonial empire
52°31′7″N 13°22′34″E / 52.51861°N 13.37611°E / 52.51861; 13.37611
Low German
Sinte Romani

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