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613: 42: 409: 4444: 2454: 4574: 579: 1889: 1441: 1610: 477: 4599: 2150: 1816: 2402: 4427: 4181: 4313: 2721: 4624: 3180: 3247: 426: 20086: 2195: 2268: 3581: 3468: 2916: 20021: 19953: 3143: 21263: 21426: 14604: 4658: 1690: 1288: 511: 4035: 460: 4778: 1209: 2338: 2850: 2063: 21859: 952: 302: 22022: 22013: 19827: 1543: 3383: 1081: 2974: 19485: 3164:"Soldiers of my Old Guard, I have come to bid you farewell. For twenty years you have accompanied me faithfully on the paths of honor and glory. ...With men like you, our cause was lost, but the war would have dragged on interminably, and it would have been a civil war. ... So I am sacrificing our interests to those of our country. ...Do not lament my fate; if I have agreed to live on, it is to serve our glory. I wish to write the history of the great deeds we have done together. Farewell, my children!" 3720: 3046: 647: 4514: 392: 596: 21793: 443: 528: 3932:. The agreement recognized the Catholic Church as the majority church of France and in return the Church recognized Napoleon's regime, undercutting much of the ground from royalists. The Concordat confirmed the seizure of Church lands and endowments during the revolution, but reintroduced state salaries for the clergy. The government also controlled the nomination of bishops for investiture by the pope. Bishops and other clergy were required to swear an oath of loyalty to the regime. 3914: 494: 545: 358: 23571: 375: 562: 630: 3824: 320: 327: 15187: 3366: 4260: 2420:, on 2 December, Napoleon deployed his army below the Pratzen Heights. He ordered his right wing to feign retreat, enticing the Allies to descend from the heights in pursuit. The French centre and left wing then captured the heights and caught the allies in a pincer movement. Thousands of Russian troops fled across a frozen lake to escape the trap and 100 to 2,000 of them drowned. About a third of the allied forces were killed, captured or wounded. 2010: 3089: 4098: 2661: 20051: 2767: 2121:. Neither of these territories were covered by Amiens, but they inflamed tensions significantly, as did Bonaparte's occupation of Holland and apparent ambitions in India. The dispute culminated in a declaration of war by Britain in May 1803. Bonaparte responded by reassembling the invasion camp at Boulogne and ordering the arrest of every British male between eighteen and sixty years old in France and its dependencies as a 1945:
opposition newspapers were closed down to stifle dissent. Royalist and regional revolts were dealt with by a combination of amnesties for those who lay down their arms and brutal repression of those who continued to resist. Bonaparte also improved state finances by securing loans under a promise to defend private property, raising taxes on tobacco, alcohol and salt, and extracting levies from France's satellite republics.
19996: 1247:, Bonaparte was appointed artillery commander of the republican forces sent to recapture the port of Toulon which was occupied by British and allied forces. He quickly increased the available artillery and proposed a plan to capture a hill fort where republican guns could dominate the city's harbour and force the British to evacuate. The successful assault on the position on 16–17 December led to the capture of the city. 334: 21731: 2572: 15196: 1140: 4385:. His education laws of 1802 left most primary education in the hands of religious or communal schools which taught basic literacy and numeracy for a minority of the population. He abolished the revolutionary central schools and replaced them with secondary schools and elite lycĂ©es where the curriculum was based on reading, writing, mathematics, Latin, natural history, classics, and ancient history. 4122:, who met him in 1802, said "Samuel Rogers stood a little way from me and... seemed to be disappointed in the look of countenance and said it was that of a little Italian." Farington said Napoleon's eyes were "lighter, and more of a grey, than I should have expected from his complexion", that "his person is below middle size", and that "his general aspect was milder than I had before thought it." 2970:, outside Moscow, on 7 September. The battle resulted in 44,000 Russian and 35,000 French dead, wounded or captured, in one of the bloodiest days of battle in Europe up to that time. The Russians withdrew overnight and Napoleon later stated, "The most terrible of all my battles was the one before Moscow. The French showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians worthy of being invincible". 4225:
and indirect elections with a high property qualification replaced direct elections. Real power in the regions was now in the hands of the prefects who were judged by how they met the main priorities of Napoleon's government: efficient administration, law and order, stimulating the local economy, gathering votes for plebiscites, conscripting soldiers and provisioning the army.
3127:(20–21 March). The coalition then moved towards Paris, whose defence was under the command of Joseph Bonaparte. On 29 March, a coalition army of 200,000 began their attack on the Belleville and Montmartre heights. Empress Marie Louise fled Paris that evening with her son, the King of Rome. With an army of only 38,000 to defend the capital, Joseph authorized the French marshal 2675:, which was reluctant to strictly enforce the blockade against its traditional ally Britain. On 17 October 1807, 24,000 French troops under General Junot crossed the Pyrenees with Spanish consent and headed towards Portugal to enforce the blockade. Junot occupied Lisbon in November, but the Portuguese royal family had already fled to Brazil with the Portuguese fleet. 3769:. However, subsequent studies also found high concentrations of arsenic in hair samples from Napoleon's childhood and from his son and JosĂ©phine. Arsenic was widely used in medicines and products such as hair creams in the 19th century. A 2021 study by an international team of gastrointestinal pathologists once again concluded that Napoleon died of stomach cancer. 2507: 4003:
and glory or for the welfare of France. Historians agree that Napoleon was highly intelligent with an excellent memory, and was a superior organizer who could work efficiently for long hours. In battle, he could rapidly dictate a series of complex commands to his subordinates, keeping in mind where major units were expected to be at each future point.
4529:, books, theatre, and art were part of his propaganda scheme, aimed at portraying him as bringing peace and stability to France. Propaganda focused on his role first as a general then as a civil leader and emperor. He fostered a relationship with artists, commissioning and controlling different forms of art to suit his propaganda goals. 5757: 4054:, numerology, fate and lucky stars, and always asked of his generals: is he lucky? Dwyer states that Napoleon's victories at Austerlitz and Jena in 1805–06 left him even more certain of his destiny and invincibility. "I am of the race that founds empires", he once boasted, deeming himself an heir to the Ancient Romans. 3296:. Four days later, Great Britain, Russia, Austria, and Prussia each pledged to put 150,000 men into the field to end his rule. Louis XVIII, however, fled Paris for Belgium in the early hours of 20 March after realizing that he did not have enough reliable troops to oppose Napoleon. Napoleon entered Paris that evening. 4126:
in 1797 and 1798, noted that "Bonaparte was rather slight and emaciated-looking; his face, too, was very thin, with a dark complexion... his black, unpowdered hair hung down evenly over both shoulders", but that, despite his slight and unkempt appearance, "his looks and expression were earnest and powerful."
3206:. The following night, Napoleon attempted suicide with poison he had carried after nearly being captured by the Russians during the retreat from Moscow. Its potency had weakened with age, however, and he survived to be exiled, while his wife and son took refuge in Austria. He was conveyed to the island on 4224:
Napoleon introduced a series of centralizing administrative reforms soon after taking power. In 1800, he established prefects appointed to run France's regional departments, sub-prefects to run districts and mayors to run towns. Local representative bodies were retained, but their powers were reduced
on 4 May 1814. In the first few months on Elba, he drew up plans for administrative reforms, road and building works, and improvements to the island's mines and agriculture, but results were limited by lack of funds. When Napoleon learned that Joséphine had died in France on 29 May, he was distraught
which Alexander considered an insult as his uncle was the duke. The Tsar responded by allowing neutral shipping into Russian ports and banning most French imports. Russia feared that Napoleon intended to restore the Kingdom of Poland while Napoleon suspected Russia of seeking an alliance with Britain
Napoleon was responsible for spreading many of the values of the French Revolution to other countries, especially through the Napoleonic Code. After the fall of Napoleon, it continued to influence the law in western Europe and other parts of the world including Latin America, the Dominican Republic,
A number of historians have argued that his expansionist foreign policy was a major factor in the Napoleonic wars which cost six million lives and caused economic disruption for a generation. McLynn and Barnett suggest that Napoleon's reputation as a military genius is exaggerated. Cobban and Conner
Under Napoleon, the focus shifted towards destroying enemy armies rather than simply outmanoeuvering them. Wars became more costly and decisive as invasions of enemy territory occurred on larger fronts. The political cost of war also increased, as defeat for a European power now meant more than just
A criminal code was promulgated in 1808, and eventually seven codes of law were produced under Napoleon. The Napoleonic code was carried by Napoleon's armies across Europe and influenced the law in many parts of the world. Cobban described it as, "the most effective agency for the propagation of the
His face was slightly swarthy, with regular features. His nose was not very large, but straight, with a slight, hardly noticeable bend. The hair on his head was dark reddish-blond; his eyebrows and eyelashes were much darker than the colour of his hair, and his blue eyes, set off by the almost black
A friend who first met him as a young man said Napoleon was only notable "for the dark color of his complexion... for his piercing and scrutinising glance, and for the style of his conversation". He also said that Napoleon was serious and sombre. Johann Ludwig Wurstemberger, who accompanied Napoleon
to adapt the law of Moses to those of the empire. An imperial decree of March 1808 organized Jewish worship into consistories, limited usury and encouraged Jews to adopt a family name, intermarriage, and civil marriage and divorce. Jews, however, were still subject to discrimination in many parts of
with Joséphine in 1796 and, at the pope's insistence, a private religious ceremony with her the day before his coronation as Emperor in 1804. This marriage was annulled by tribunals under Napoleon's control in January 1810. In April 1810, Napoleon married Austrian princess Marie Louise in a Catholic
Napoleon also circulated reports of poor treatment in the hope that public opinion would force the allies to revoke his exile on Saint Helena. Under instructions from the British government, Lowe cut Napoleon's expenditure, refused to recognize him as a former emperor, and made his supporters sign a
were peace terms offered by the coalition in November 1813 under which Napoleon would remain emperor, but France would be reduced to its "natural frontiers." That meant that France would retain control of Belgium, Savoy and the west bank of the Rhine, while withdrawing from Spain, Holland, Italy and
Following the royalist plot, Bonaparte's supporters convinced him that creating a hereditary regime would help secure it in case of his death, make it more acceptable to constitutional monarchists, and put it on the same footing as other European monarchies. On 18 May, the senate proclaimed Napoleon
Bonaparte believed that the best way to secure his regime was by a victorious peace. In May 1800, he led an army across the Swiss Alps into Italy, aiming to surprise the Austrian armies that had reoccupied the peninsula when Bonaparte was still in Egypt. After a difficult crossing over the Alps, the
in Paris where he trained to become an artillery officer. He excelled at mathematics, and read widely in geography, history and literature. However, he was poor at French and German. His father's death in February 1785 cut the family income and forced him to complete the two-year course in one year.
where he was routinely bullied by his peers for his accent, birthplace, short stature, mannerisms, and poor French. He became reserved and melancholic, applying himself to reading. An examiner observed that Napoleon "has always been distinguished for his application in mathematics. He is fairly well
in 2005. Most modern critics of Napoleon, however, reject the Hitler comparison, arguing that Napoleon did not commit genocide and did not engage in the mass murder and imprisonment of his political opponents. Nevertheless, Bell and McLynn condemn his killing of 3,000-5,000 Turkish prisoners of war
In his later years Napoleon gained weight and had a sallow complexion. Novelist Paul de Kock, who saw him in 1811, called Napoleon "yellow, obese, and bloated". A British captain who met him in 1815 stated "I felt very much disappointed, as I believe everyone else did, in his appearance ... He
Some historians talk of Napoleon's dual nature: a rationalist with a strong romantic streak. He took a team of scholars, artists and engineers with him to Egypt in order to scientifically study the country's culture and history, but at the same time was struck by romantic "orientalism". "I was full
Many historians see Napoleon as pragmatic and a realist, at least in the early years of his rule. He was not driven by ideology and promoted capable men irrespective of their political and social background, as long as they were loyal. As an expert in military matters, he valued technical expertise
wrote in 1947, "It is impossible that two historians, especially two historians living in different periods, should see any historical personality in the same light." There is no dispute that Napoleon was ambitious, although commentators disagree on whether his ambition was mostly for his own power
In November 1818, the allies announced that Napoleon would remain a prisoner on Saint Helena for life. When he learnt the news, he became depressed and more isolated, spending longer periods in his rooms which further undermined his health. A number of his entourage also left Saint Helena including
Napoleon appointed a government and introduced constitutional changes which were approved by plebiscite in May. A Chamber of Representatives was also indirectly elected that month on a highly restrictive property franchise. Napoleon's priority was to raise an army to face the coalition, but the law
The marriage was formalized in a civil ceremony on 1 April and a religious service at the Louvre on the following day. The marriage to Marie Louise was widely seen as a shift in French policy towards stronger ties with Austria and away from the already strained relationship with Russia. On 20 March
By then, there were 120,000 French troops garrisoned in the peninsula and widespread Spanish opposition to the occupation and the overthrow of the Spanish Bourbons. On 2 May, an uprising against the French broke out in Madrid and spread throughout Spain in the following weeks. In the face of brutal
Historians have variously described Bonaparte's new regime as "dictatorship by plebiscite," "absolutist rule decked out in the spirit of the age," and "soft despotism." Local and regional administration was reformed to concentrate power in the central government, censorship was introduced, and most
Unknown to Bonaparte, the Directory had sent him orders to return from Egypt with his army to ward off a possible invasion of France, but these messages never arrived. By the time that he reached Paris in October, France's situation had been improved by a series of victories. The Republic, however,
in July 1794, Bonaparte's association with leading Jacobins made him politically suspect to the new regime. He was arrested on 9 August but released two weeks later. He was asked to draw up plans to attack Italian positions as part of France's war with Austria and, in March 1795, he took part in an
The dominant influence of Napoleon's childhood was his mother, whose firm discipline restrained a rambunctious child. Later in life, Napoleon said, "The future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother." Napoleon's noble, moderately affluent background afforded him greater opportunities
Critics also cite Napoleon's exploitation of conquered territories. To finance his wars, Napoleon increased taxes and levies of troops from annexed territories and satellite states. He also introduced discriminatory tariff policies which promoted French trade at the expense of allies and satellite
Meanwhile, Napoleon was in Fontainebleau with an army of 40,000 to 60,000. He contemplated a march on Paris but, on 4 April, his senior commanders persuaded him to abdicate in favour of his son, with Marie Louise as regent. Tsar Alexander, however, demanded an unconditional abdication and Napoleon
decided on war with France. Prussia and Russia signed a new military alliance creating the fourth coalition against France. Prussia, however, committed a strategic blunder by declaring war when French troops were still in southern Germany and months before sufficient Russian troops could reach the
Facing a potential invasion from his continental enemies, Napoleon abandoned his invasion of England and sought to destroy the isolated Austrian armies in Southern Germany before their Russian ally could arrive in force. On 25 September, 200,000 French troops began to cross the Rhine on a front of
and joined the pro-French Corsican Republicans who opposed Paoli's policy and his aspirations to secede. He was given command over a battalion of Corsican volunteers and promoted to captain in the regular army in 1792, despite exceeding his leave of absence and a dispute between his volunteers and
In 1808, he founded the Imperial University, a supervisory body with control over curriculum and discipline. The following year he introduced the baccalaureate. The system was designed to produce the efficient bureaucrats, technicians, professionals and military officers that the Napoleonic state
said Napoleon saw others only as instruments and was cut off from feelings of admiration, sympathy or pity. Arthur Lévy replied that Napoleon genuinely loved Joséphine and often showed humanity and compassion to his enemies or those who had let him down. He had the normal middle class virtues and
Napoleon's health continued to worsen, and in March 1821 he was confined to bed. In April he wrote two wills declaring that he had been murdered by the British, that the Bourbons would fall and that his son would rule France. He left his fortune to 97 legatees and asked to be buried by the Seine.
Napoleon insisted on imperial formality. When he held a dinner party, men were expected to wear military dress and "women in evening gowns and gems. It was an explicit denial of the circumstances of his captivity". He formally received visitors, read, and dictated his memoirs and commentaries on
The new constitution was approved by plebiscite on 7 February 1800. The official count was over three million in favour and 1,562 against. Lucien, however, had doubled the count of the "yes" vote to give the false impression that a majority of those eligible to vote had approved the constitution.
outlawed him. In early June, Bonaparte and 400 French troops failed to capture Ajaccio from Corsican volunteers and the island was now controlled by Paoli's supporters. When Bonaparte learned that the Corsican assembly had condemned him and his family, the Buonapartes fled to Toulon on the French
He understood the power of organized religion in social and political affairs, and later sought to use it to support his regime. His attitude to religion is often described as utilitarian. In 1800 he stated, "it was by making myself a Catholic that I won the war in the Vendée, by making myself a
called him "the greatest statesman and the ablest general of ancient or modern times". Cobban states that he showed his genius in moving troops quickly and concentrating them on strategic points. His principles were to keep his forces united, keep no weak point unguarded, seize important points
The civil code entrenched the principles of equality before the law, religious toleration, secure property rights, equal inheritance for all legitimate children, and the abolition of the vestiges of feudalism. However, it also reduced the rights of women and children and severely restricted the
Similarly, historians are divided over whether Napoleon was consistently ruthless when his power was threatened or surprisingly indulgent in some cases. Those arguing for a ruthless personality point to episodes such as his violent suppression of revolts in France and conquered territories, his
The Jews of France had been granted full civil rights in September 1791 and religious equality in 1795. The revolutionary and Napoleonic regimes abolished Jewish ghettoes in the territories they conquered. Napoleon wished to assimilate Jews into French society and convened an assembly of Jewish
The French, pursued by the Russians, withdrew from most of Poland and Prussia over the winter of 1812–13 while both sides rebuilt their forces. Sweden and Prussia declared war on France in March 1813. In April, Napoleon assumed command of an army of 200,000 troops, and defeated the coalition at
With the annexation of the Papal states (May 1809, February 1810), Holland (July 1810) and the northern coastal regions of Westphalia (August 1810), mainland France further increased its territory. Napoleon now ruled about 40% of the European population either directly or indirectly through his
Napoleon's union with Joséphine had not produced a child, and he decided to secure the dynasty and strengthen its position in Europe by a strategic marriage into one of Europe's major royal houses. In November 1809, he announced his decision to divorce Joséphine and the marriage was annulled in
The hereditary empire was confirmed by a plebiscite in June. The official result showed 3.5 million voted "yes" and 2,569 voted "no". The yes count, however, was falsely inflated by 300,000 to 500,000 votes. The turnout, at 35%, was below the figure for the previous plebiscite. Britain, Russia,
Many historians have criticized Napoleon's authoritarian rule, especially after 1807, which included censorship, the closure of independent newspapers, the bypassing of direct elections and representative government, the dismissal of judges showing independence, and the exile of critics of the
The defeats at Bailén and Vimiero convinced Napoleon that he had to take command of the Iberian campaign. Before leaving for Spain, he attempted to strengthen the alliance with Russia and obtain a commitment from Alexander that Russia would declare war on Austria if she attacked France. At the
until after the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, but spent long periods of leave in Corsica which fed his Corsican nationalism. In September 1789, he returned to Corsica and promoted the French revolutionary cause. Paoli returned to the island in July 1790, but he had no sympathy for
One story of Napoleon at the school is that he led junior students to victory against senior students in a snowball fight, which allegedly showed his leadership abilities. But the story was only told after Napoleon had become famous. In his later years at Brienne, Napoleon became an outspoken
asking the French people to make "Napoleon Bonaparte" Consul for life. (It was the first time his first name was officially used by the regime.) About 3.6 million voted "yes" and 8,374 "no." Around 40-60% of eligible Frenchmen voted, the highest turnout for a plebiscite since the Revolution.
The Napoleonic legend played a key role in collective political defiance of the Bourbon restoration monarchy in 1815–1830. People from different walks of life and areas of France, particularly Napoleonic veterans, drew on the Napoleonic legacy and its connections with the ideals of the 1789
In February 1795, the National Convention proclaimed religious equality for France's Protestant churches and other religions. In April 1802, Napoleon published laws increasing state control of Calvinist congregations and Lutheran directories, with their pastors to be paid by the state. With
in March 1802, bringing the Revolutionary Wars to an end. Under the treaty, Britain agreed to withdraw from most of the colonies it had recently captured from France and her allies, and France agreed to evacuate Naples. In April, Bonaparte publicly celebrated the peace and his controversial
regime. Historians also blame Napoleon for reducing the civil rights of women, children and people of colour, and reintroducing the legal penalties of civil death and confiscation of property. His reintroduction of an hereditary monarchy and nobility remains controversial. His role in the
was unpopular. Realizing that his wife and son would not be joining him in exile, cut off from the allowance guaranteed to him by the Treaty of Fontainebleau, and aware of rumours he was about to be banished to a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean, Napoleon escaped from Elba in the brig
was particularly brutal. Bonaparte discovered that many of the defenders were former prisoners of war, ostensibly on parole, so he ordered the garrison and some 1,500–5,000 prisoners to be executed by bayonet or drowning. Men, women, and children were robbed and murdered for three days.
1797:. On 24 August 1799, fearing that the Republic's future was in doubt, he took advantage of the temporary departure of British ships from French coastal ports and set sail for France, despite the fact that he had received no explicit orders from Paris. The army was left in the charge of 1649:, an enemy of the British. Bonaparte assured the Directory that "as soon as he had conquered Egypt, he will establish relations with the Indian princes and, together with them, attack the English in their possessions". The Directory agreed in order to secure a trade route to the 2877:
January 1810. Napoleon had already commenced negotiations for the marriage of Tsar Alexander's sister Anna, but the Tsar responded that she was too young. Napoleon then turned to Austria, and a marriage to the Austrian Emperor's daughter, Marie Louise, was quickly agreed.
under which the Pope recognized Bonaparte's regime and the regime recognized Catholicism as the majority religion of France. In a further step towards national reconciliation (known as "fusion"), Bonaparte offered an amnesty to most émigrés who wished to return to France.
and listened to the advice of experts in other fields. However, there is a consensus that once he dominated Europe he became more intolerant of other views and surrounded himself with "yes men". Towards the end of his reign he lost his realism and ability to compromise.
Bell sees the return of Napoleon's remains to France in 1840 as an attempt by Louis-Phillipe to prop up his unpopular regime by associating it with Napoleon, and that the regime of Napoleon III was only possible due to the continued resonance of the Napoleonic legend.
Napoleon went on to say, "The battle of Austerlitz is the finest of all I have fought". Frank McLynn suggests that Napoleon was so successful at Austerlitz that he lost touch with reality, and what used to be French foreign policy became a "personal Napoleonic one".
During the campaign, Bonaparte became increasingly influential in French politics. He founded two newspapers: one for the troops in his army and one for circulation in France. The royalists attacked him for looting Italy and warned that he might become a dictator.
through superior artillery technology and Bonaparte's tactics. Bonaparte extracted an estimated 45 million French pounds from Italy during the campaign, another 12 million pounds in precious metals and jewels, and more than 300 paintings and sculptures.
according to the revolutionary calendar), the conspirators launched a coup, and the following day, backed by grenadiers with fixed bayonets, forced the Council of Five Hundred to dissolve the Directory and appoint Bonaparte, SieyĂšs and Ducos provisional consuls.
In the 21st century, Napoleon appears regularly in popular fiction, drama and advertising. Napoleon and his era remain major topics of historical research with a sharp increase in historical books, articles and symposia during the bicentenary years of 1999 to
Napoleon instituted numerous reforms, many of which had a lasting influence on France, Europe and the world. He reformed the French administration, codified French law, implemented a new education system, and established the first French central bank, the
2553:, fought on 14 October, the French convincingly defeated the Prussians and inflicted heavy casualties. With several major commanders dead or incapacitated, the Prussian king proved incapable of effectively commanding the army, which quickly disintegrated. 2939:
comprised around 450,000 frontline troops of which about a third were native French speakers. Napoleon called the invasion the "Second Polish War," but he refused to guarantee an independent Poland for fear of alienating his Austrian and Prussian allies.
2183:. The Duke was quickly executed after a secret military trial, even though there was no proof he had been involved in the plot. Enghien's kidnapping and execution infuriated royalists and monarchs throughout Europe, and drew a formal protest from Russia. 2783:
and invaded Bavaria. The Austrian advance, however, was disorganized and they were unable to defeat the Bavarian army before the French could concentrate their forces. Napoleon arrived from Paris on the 17th to lead the French campaign. In the following
2226:, to be crowned and anointed. He then swore an oath to defend the territory of the Republic; to respect the Concordat, freedom of worship, political and civil liberty and the sale of nationalized lands; to raise no taxes except by law; to maintain the 3323:
on 18 June. Wellington's army withstood repeated attacks by the French until, late in the afternoon, BlĂŒcher's Prussians arrived in force on Napoleon's right flank. The coalition forces broke through Napoleon's lines, inflicting a devastating defeat.
is fat, rather what we call pot-bellied, and although his leg is well shaped, it is rather clumsy ... He is very sallow, with light grey eyes, and rather thin, greasy-looking brown hair, and altogether a very nasty, priestlike-looking fellow."
In late 1811, Napoleon began planning an invasion of Russia. A Franco-Prussian alliance signed in February 1812 forced Prussia to provide 20,000 troops for the invasion and, in March, Austria agreed to provide 30,000 men. Napoleon's multinational
to retake the colony and they landed there in February 1802 with 29,000 men. Although Toussaint was captured and sent to France in July, the expedition ultimately failed due to high rates of disease and a string of defeats against rebel commander
The overthrow of the Spanish Bourbons caused alarm in Austria over Napoleon's ambitions while France's military difficulties in the Peninsular encouraged Austria to go to war. In the early morning of 10 April 1809, the Austrian army crossed the
France had regained her overseas colonies under Amiens but did not control them all. The French National Convention had voted to abolish slavery in February 1794, but, in May 1802, Bonaparte reintroduced it in all the recovered colonies except
he was slightly wounded in the heel but the Austrians were forced to retreat across the Danube. The French occupied Vienna on 13 May but most of the population had fled and the retreating army had destroyed all four bridges across the river.
2748:. British, Portuguese and Spanish regular forces engaged the French in a protracted series of conflicts. Meanwhile, a brutal guerrilla war engulfed much of the Spanish countryside, a conflict in which atrocities were committed by both sides. 2484:. He also opted for an alliance with France, calling France "our sincere and natural ally". That decision brought the Ottoman Empire into a losing war against Russia and Britain. A Franco-Persian alliance was formed between Napoleon and the 1258:, a leading Jacobin. He was promoted to brigadier general and put in charge of defences on the Mediterranean coast. In February 1794, he was made artillery commander of the Army of Italy and devised plans to attack the Kingdom of Sardinia. 21203: 3784:
permission to return Napoleon's remains to France. Napoleon's body was exhumed and found to be well preserved as it had been sealed in four coffins (two of metal and two of mahogany) and placed in a masonry tomb. On 15 December 1840, a
3404:. The prisoner was guarded by a garrison of 2,100 soldiers while a squadron of 10 ships continuously patrolled the waters to prevent escape. In the following years, there were rumours of escape plots, but no serious attempts were made. 2751:
Napoleon later called the Peninsular campaign, "the unlucky war ruined me." It tied up some 300,000 French troops from 1808 to 1812. By 1814, the French had been driven from the peninsula, with over 150,000 casualties in the campaign.
12432: 4232:, an advisory body of experts which could also draft laws for submission to the legislative body. Napoleon drew many of his ministers and ambassadors from the council. It was the council which undertook the codification of French law. 927:
of conquered territories, and his mixed record on civil rights. He abolished the free press, ended directly elected representative government, exiled and jailed critics of his regime, reinstated slavery in France's colonies except for
Revolution. The defiance manifested itself in seditious materials, displaying the tricolour and rosettes. There were also subversive activities celebrating anniversaries of Napoleon's life and reign and disrupting royal celebrations.
said his presence on the battlefield was worth 40,000 soldiers. He could charm people when he needed to but could also publicly humiliate them and was known for his rages when his plans were frustrated. Historian McLynn sees him as a
on 14 June. The Austrians fielded about 30,000 soldiers while Bonaparte commanded 24,000 troops. The Austrians' initial attack surprised the French who were gradually driven back. Late in the afternoon, however, a full division under
1738:, preventing Bonaparte from strengthening the French position in the Mediterranean. His army had succeeded in a temporary increase of French power in Egypt, though it faced repeated uprisings. In early 1799, he moved an army into the 4342:
was integrated into reserve batteries, the staff system became more fluid, and cavalry returned as an important formation in French military doctrine. These methods are now referred to as essential features of Napoleonic warfare.
In the following month, the French captured 140,000 soldiers and over 2,000 cannon. Despite their overwhelming defeat, the Prussians refused to negotiate with the French until the Russians had an opportunity to enter the fight.
in October. Although coalition casualties were 54,000 men, the French lost 38,000 killed or wounded and 15,000 taken prisoner. Up to 50,000 more were lost to death, illness and desertion during the French retreat to the Rhine.
Prussia's humiliating treatment at Tilsit caused lasting resentment against France in that country. The treaty was also unpopular in Russia, putting pressure on Alexander to end the alliance with France. Nevertheless, the
932:, banned the entry of blacks and mulattos into France, reduced the civil rights of women and children in France, reintroduced a hereditary monarchy and nobility, and violently repressed popular uprisings against his rule. 3026:
river on pontoon bridges in temperatures reaching −40 Â°C (−40 Â°F). On 5 December, shortly before arriving in Vilnius, Napoleon left his disintegrating army for Paris. In the following weeks, the remnants of the
to France. In contrast, Prussia was treated harshly. It lost half its territory and population and underwent a two-year occupation costing it about 1.4 billion francs. From former Prussian territory, Napoleon created the
4573: 4117:
Many of those who met Napoleon were surprised by his unremarkable physical appearance in contrast to his significant deeds and reputation. In his youth he was consistently described as small and thin. English painter
and took command of 240,000 French troops. After a series of victories over Anglo-Spanish forces, Madrid was retaken on 4 December. Napoleon then pursued the retreating British forces who were eventually evacuated at
Bonaparte's triumph at Marengo increased his popularity and political authority. However, he still faced royalist plots and feared Jacobin influence, especially in the army. Several assassination plots, including the
to encourage civilian and military achievements. The order is still the highest decoration in France. He introduced three French constitutions culminating in the reintroduction of a hereditary monarchy and nobility.
and peasants and suffered from the intense cold, disease and lack of food and water. Around 40,000 to 50,000 troops reached Smolensk on 9 November, a loss of about 60,000 in three weeks. Napoleon also heard that an
4623: 1507:
in 1796, but Charles withdrew his forces to protect Vienna after learning of Bonaparte's assault. In their first encounter, Bonaparte pushed Charles back and advanced deep into Austrian territory after winning the
4661: 2686:. The following month, Napoleon summoned Carlos and Fernando to Bayonne where, in May, he forced them both to relinquish their claims to the Spanish throne. Napoleon then made his brother Joseph King of Spain. 1846:
was bankrupt and the ineffective Directory was unpopular. Despite the failures in Egypt, Bonaparte returned to a hero's welcome. The Directory discussed Bonaparte's desertion but was too weak to punish him.
10476: 1965:
arrived on the field and reversed the tide of the battle. The Austrian army fled leaving behind 14,000 casualties. The following day, the Austrians signed an armistice and agreed to abandon Northern Italy.
Germany. Napoleon did not accept the terms and the allies crossed the Rhine into French territory on 1 January 1814. Wellington's British forces had already crossed the Pyrenees into south-western France.
23982: 21173: 9777: 9727: 2796:. Both sides inflicted about 23,000 casualties on each other and the French were forced back. The battle was reported in European capitals as a defeat for Napoleon and damaged his aura of invincibility. 11196: 2803:(5–6 July) the Austrians were forced to retreat but the French and Austrians each suffered losses of 37,000 to 39,000 killed, wounded or captured. The French caught up with the retreating Austrians at 1782:, so he marched his army back to Egypt in May. Bonaparte was alleged to have ordered plague-stricken men to be poisoned with opium to speed the retreat. Back in Egypt on 25 July, Bonaparte defeated an 1727:. Bonaparte's forces of 25,000 roughly equalled those of the Mamluks' Egyptian cavalry. Twenty-nine French and approximately 2,000 Egyptians were killed. The victory boosted the French army's morale. 3844:
Napoleon was baptized in Ajaccio on 21 July 1771, and raised a Roman Catholic. He began to question his faith at age 13 while at Brienne. Biographers have variously described him from that time as a
4332:, and from the reforms of preceding French governments, and then developed what was already in place. He continued the Revolutionary policies of conscription and promotion based primarily on merit. 12144: 4598: 4239:
in France in 1801 and it was spread through western Europe by his armies. The new system was unpopular in some circles, so in 1812 he introduced a compromise system in the retail trade called the
21210: 18487: 4812:. When Napoleon abdicated in 1815 he named his son his successor as "Napoleon II", but the allies refused to recognize him. He was awarded the title of the Duke of Reichstadt in 1818 and died of 4027:
execution of the Duc d'Enghien and plotters against his rule, and his massacre of Turkish prisoners of war in Syria in 1799. Others point to his mild treatment of disloyal subordinates such as
to improve his French (his mother tongue was the Corsican dialect of Italian). Although he eventually became fluent in French, he spoke with a Corsican accent and his French spelling was poor.
An Act for regulating the Intercourse with the Island of Saint Helena, during the time Napoleon Buonaparté shall be detained there; and for indemnifying persons in the cases therein mentioned.
2606:, wiping out about 30% of the Russian army. The scale of their defeat convinced the Russians to make peace with the French. The two emperors began peace negotiations on 25 June at the town of 1353:
where he worked on military planning. On 15 September, Bonaparte was removed from the list of generals in regular service for refusing to serve in the Vendée campaign. He sought a transfer to
20150: 4047:
of dreams," he stated. "I saw myself founding a religion, marching into Asia, riding an elephant, a turban on my head and in my hand a new Koran that I would have composed to suit my need."
Napoleon's educational reforms laid the foundation of a modern system of secondary and tertiary education in France and throughout much of Europe. He synthesized academic elements from the
Female education, in contrast, was designed to be practical and religious, based on home science, the catechism, basic literacy and numeracy, and enough science to eradicate superstition.
that revised the drafts. The code introduced a clearly written and accessible set of national laws to replace the various regional and customary law systems that had operated in France.
Napoleon continued to entertain a grand scheme to establish a French presence in the Middle East in order to put pressure on Britain and Russia, possibly by forming an alliance with the
14743: 11606: 2423:
The disaster at Austerlitz led Austria to seek an armistice. By the subsequent Treaty of Pressburg, signed on 26 December, Austria left the coalition, lost substantial territory to the
in history and geography, but opposed one in literature because it was not vocational. He also founded the military academy of Saint Cyr. He promoted the advanced centres, such as the
19849: 3939:, which further increased state control over the French Church. Similar arrangements were made with the Church in territories controlled by Napoleon, especially in Italy and Germany. 4355:
quickly, and seize his chance. Owen Connelly, however, states, "Napoleon's personal tactics defy analysis." He used his intuition, engaged his troops, and reacted to what developed.
In February 1804, Bonaparte's police made a series of arrests in relation to a royalist plot to kidnap or assassinate him that involved the British government, Moreau and an unnamed
12690: 2841:; and the territory of the former Archbishopric of Salzburg went to Bavaria. Austria was required to pay an indemnity of 200 million francs and its army was reduced to 150,000 men. 12964: 653: 3959:
in France. In January 1813, Napoleon pressured the pope to sign a new "Concordat of Fontainebleau" which was soon repudiated by the pontiff. The pope was not released until 1814.
1496:. The French triumph at Rivoli in January 1797 led to the collapse of the Austrian position in Italy. At Rivoli, Austria lost 43% of its soldiers dead, wounded or taken prisoner. 1426:
The couple married on 9 March 1796 in a civil ceremony. Bonaparte now habitually styled himself "Napoleon Bonaparte" rather than using the Italian form "Napoleone di Buonaparte."
24012: 24007: 14620: 919:
for an emerging middle class, and centralized state power at the expense of religious authorities. His conquests acted as a catalyst for political change and the development of
10232: 3421:
published articles insinuating the British government was trying to hasten his death. Napoleon often complained of his living conditions in letters to the island's governor,
21707: 4083:. Harold T. Parker speculated that rivalry with his older brother and bullying when he moved to France led him to develop an inferiority complex which made him domineering. 2549:. Upon learning the whereabouts of the Prussian army, the French swung westwards thus cutting the Prussians off from Berlin and the slowly approaching Russians. At the twin 3397:
in the Atlantic Ocean, 1,870 km (1,010 nmi) from the west coast of Africa. Napoleon and 27 followers arrived at Jamestown, Saint Helena, in October 1815 on board
The coalition, however, had a growing advantage in infantry, cavalry, reserves and armaments. In the largest battle of the Napoleonic wars, the coalition was victorious at
region. As an infantry command, it was a demotion from artillery general and he pleaded poor health to avoid the posting. During this period, he wrote the romantic novella
5741: 4153:". He was mocked as a short-tempered small man and was nicknamed "Little Boney in a strong fit". In fact, at about 170 cm (5 ft 7 in), he was of average height. 3951:
from 1805. When he annexed Rome in May 1809, the pope excommunicated him the following month. In July, French officials arrested the pope in the Vatican and exiled him to
13411: 10343: 2203:
Sweden and the Ottoman Empire refused to recognize Napoleon's new title. Austria, however, recognized Napoleon as Emperor of the French in return for his recognition of
9850: 9795: 4350:
as a genius in the art of war, and many historians rank him as a great military commander. Wellington considered him the greatest military commander of all time, and
3765:, the disease that had killed his father. A later theory, based on high concentrations of arsenic found in samples of Napoleon's hair, held that Napoleon had died of 2038:
With Europe at peace and the economy recovering, Bonaparte became increasingly popular, both domestically and abroad. In May 1802, the Council of State recommended a
23962: 21958: 20835: 11906: 10711: 7662: 4525:
Napoleon's use of propaganda contributed to his rise to power, legitimated his regime, and established his image for posterity. Strict censorship and control of the
3031:, about 75,000 troops, crossed the Nieman into allied territory. Russian military losses in the campaign were up to 300,000 and total deaths were up to one million. 3018:
From Smolensk, Napoleon's army headed for Vilnius, where there was a French garrison of 20,000. In late November, under attack from all sides by Russian forces, the
As war with Britain again loomed in 1803, Bonaparte realized that his American colony of Louisiana would be difficult to defend. In need of funds, he agreed to the
24002: 10472: 2693:
In July, Joseph travelled to Madrid where he was proclaimed King of Spain on the 24th. However, following news of a French defeat by regular Spanish forces at the
12377: 12292: 4137:
lashes, gave him a most pleasing expression ... The man I saw was of short stature, just over five feet tall, rather heavy although he was only 37 years old.
21196: 10293: 2394:
in November, capturing 100,000 muskets, 500 cannons, and the intact bridges across the Danube. Napoleon then sent his army north in pursuit of the Allies. Tsar
19716: 18058: 12404: 4245:(traditional units of measurement). In December 1805, Napoleon abolished the Revolutionary calendar, with its ten-day week, which had been introduced in 1793. 2530:, a collection of German states intended to serve as a buffer zone between France and Central Europe. The creation of the confederation spelled the end of the 11186: 1995:
two months later, gave him a pretext to arrest about 100 suspected Jacobins and royalists, some of whom were shot and many others deported to penal colonies.
1532: 1468:
Two days after the marriage, Bonaparte left Paris to take command of the Army of Italy. He went on the offensive, hoping to defeat the Kingdom of Sardinia in
24067: 22251: 13241: 11226: 22037: 20090: 20880: 16056: 15011: 14689: 9773: 24062: 21112: 18202: 12134: 2095:. In May 1803, Bonaparte acknowledged defeat, and the last 8,000 French troops left the island. The former slaves proclaimed the independent republic of 21541: 13400: 4443: 2568:
issued in November 1806. The Continental System, which prohibited European nations from trading with Britain, was widely violated throughout his reign.
20502: 19403: 19358: 19265: 19212: 19143: 19013: 18987: 18904: 18801: 18728: 1790: 1273:. After this campaign, Augustin Robespierre sent Bonaparte on a mission to the Republic of Genoa to determine the country's intentions towards France. 726: 47: 4211:, which regulated public worship in France. He also implemented civil and religious equality for Protestants and Jews. In May 1802, he instituted the 2744:
Napoleon never returned to Spain after the 1808 campaign. In April, the British sent another army to the peninsula under Arthur Wellesley, the future
24077: 23927: 21700: 14748: 20810: 14625: 5325:
There were actually three versions of the act written on 4 April 1814. The final signed version explicitly refers to "Napoleon II" as his successor.
and warned Lowe that he could die from the poor climate and lack of exercise. Lowe thought O'Meara was exaggerating and dismissed him in July 1818.
2453: 2078:
Saint-Domingue was the most profitable of the colonies – a major source of sugar, coffee and indigo – but was under the control of the former slave
20038: 17613: 11305: 3746:
but could not take communion due to his illness. He died on 5 May 1821 at age 51. His last words, variously recorded by those present, were either
on 7 March. Napoleon approached the battalion alone and called to them, "Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish!" The soldiers responded with, "
2492:. It collapsed in 1807 when France and Russia formed an unexpected alliance. In the end, Napoleon made no effective alliances in the Middle East. 23867: 23857: 20098: 17937: 17910: 9343: 9254: 4274:, known from 1807 as the Napoleonic Code, was implemented in March 1804. It was prepared by committees of legal experts under the supervision of 13469: 41: 24022: 23872: 23862: 21219: 19891: 12737: 4483:
states. He institutionalized plunder: French museums contain art stolen by Napoleon's forces from across Europe. Artefacts were brought to the
Tsar Alexander saw the creation of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Napoleon's marriage alliance with Austria and the election of the French Marshal
2697:, Joseph fled Madrid several days later. The following month, a British force landed in Portugal and, on the 21st, they defeated the French at 1085: 4762:. Such leaders embraced nationalistic sentiments influenced by French nationalism and led successful independence movements in Latin America. 1587:. This left Barras and his republican allies in control again but more dependent upon Bonaparte who finalized peace terms with Austria by the 1177:
Bonaparte plunged into a complex three-way struggle among royalists, revolutionaries, and Corsican nationalists. He became a supporter of the
22953: 21951: 14302: 4102: 3092: 20237: 14376: 3874:
in 1809. His will in 1821 stated, "I die in the Apostolical Roman religion, in the bosom of which I was born, more than fifty years since."
in 1785. He supported the French Revolution in 1789, and promoted its cause in Corsica. He rose rapidly through the ranks after winning the
24037: 23992: 22298: 21693: 20033: 17608: 14642: 12975: 11848: 3978:
Napoleon's military victories, formal religious equality and civil rights for religious minorities spread to the conquered territories and
1403:. On 26 October, he was promoted to commander of the Army of the Interior, and in January 1796 he was appointed head of the Army of Italy. 23599: 20429: 20371: 20160: 18246: 15322: 12682: 10096: 2717:
and called upon Britain to cease its war against France. However, Alexander failed to provide a firm commitment to make war with Austria.
and installed his elder brother, Joseph, on the throne. He then made his younger brother, Louis, King of Holland. He also established the
Bonaparte began with an army of 13,000 men. 1,500 were reported missing, 1,200 died in combat, and thousands perished from disease—mostly
24052: 23997: 17974: 15925: 15550: 15404: 13015: 12908: 7867: 5385: 5051: 4940: 4538:
in 1822, creating a legend of Napoleon as a liberal, visionary proponent of European unification, deposed by reactionary elements of the
4329: 3441:
guarantee they would stay with the prisoner indefinitely. Accounts of the mistreatment led, in March 1817, to a debate in parliament and
14167: 13548: 11736: 9293: 8985: 8574: 7981: 5699: 5442: 2380:, Mack surrendered. For just 2,000 French casualties, Napoleon had captured 60,000 Austrian soldiers through his army's rapid marching. 944:
noble family who emigrated to Corsica in the 16th century and his maternal ancestors, the Ramolinos, descended from a noble family from
24072: 23526: 21357: 20860: 20217: 19556: 14110: 14010: 8044: 1888: 15853: 12012: 23977: 23972: 23887: 22135: 21581: 19983: 15873: 15733: 11315: 4765:
Napoleon's reputation is generally favourable in Poland, which is the only country in the world to evoke him in its national anthem,
in the late 1880s, the Napoleonic legend was divorced from party politics and revived in popular culture. Writers and critics of the
losing isolated territories. Peace terms were often punitive, sometimes involving regime change, which intensified the trend towards
and Bavaria, and was forced to pay an indemnity of 40 million francs. Alexander's army was granted safe passage back to Russia.
2376:. Napoleon's army, however, moved quickly and outflanked the Austrian positions. After some minor engagements that culminated in the 1913:, under which three consuls were appointed for 10 years. Real power lay with Bonaparte as First Consul, and his preferred candidates 23627: 21500: 20815: 20267: 20170: 14366: 12878: 3346:, considering an escape to the United States. However, when he found that British ships were blockading the port, he surrendered to 3132: 24047: 23892: 23882: 21944: 18437: 17518: 12943: 12932: 10228: 4479:
argue that Napoleon had insufficient regard for the lives of his soldiers and that his battle tactics led to excessive casualties.
with the Catholic Church, which sought to reconcile the majority Catholic population to his regime. It was presented alongside the
4007: 2745: 1480:. The Austrians launched offensives against the French to break the siege, but Bonaparte defeated every relief effort, winning the 687: 23643: 23594: 22223: 21510: 20394: 18065: 15317: 4869: 4275: 3848:, a follower of Rousseau's "natural religion" or a believer in destiny. He consistently expressed his belief in a God or creator. 3761:
Antommarchi and the British wrote separate autopsy reports, each concluding that Napoleon had died of internal bleeding caused by
2959:, making it increasingly difficult for the French to forage food for themselves and their horses. On 18 August, Napoleon captured 2591:
In the next few months, Napoleon marched against the advancing Russian armies through Poland and fought a bloody stalemate at the
1914: 1062:, who became his patron and godfather to Napoleon. With Mabeuf's support, Carlo was named Corsican representative to the court of 24027: 22322: 21163: 20232: 20145: 19606: 17880: 17538: 15915: 15078: 11256: 19801: 13036: 8472: 2617:
Napoleon offered Alexander relatively lenient terms—demanding that Russia join the Continental System, withdraw its forces from
in February 1807. After a period of rest and consolidation on both sides, the war restarted in June with an initial struggle at
disagrees, stating that Napoleon was not overly ambitious for himself, "he embodied the ambitions of thirty million Frenchmen".
21071: 20845: 20562: 18170: 15199: 9520: 4665: 3603: 3490: 1372:, knew of Bonaparte's military exploits at Toulon and made him second in command of the forces defending the convention in the 13408: 12850: 10335: 22090: 22084: 22021: 19973: 19912: 19870: 19701: 18154: 17738: 17638: 17558: 15571: 14343: 14263: 14244: 14217: 14194: 14161: 14140: 14104: 14056: 14035: 14004: 13952: 13933: 13912: 13893: 13851: 13832: 13788: 13746: 13682: 13658: 13635: 13605: 13519: 13496: 13463: 13389: 13353: 13332: 13313: 13294: 13271: 13235: 13211: 13192: 13161: 13133: 13100: 13009: 12902: 12588: 12561: 11730: 11633: 11600: 11478: 11296: 11042: 10705: 10674: 10444: 10417: 10127: 9842: 9721: 9287: 8979: 8568: 8415: 8243: 8038: 7975: 7861: 7656: 7364: 7003: 6070: 5751: 5436: 5379: 4751: 3856:
that I turned men's hearts towards me in Italy. If I were to govern a nation of Jews I would rebuild the Temple of Solomon."
Napoleon returned to Paris and found that the legislature had turned against him. Realizing that his position was untenable,
2991:, and Napoleon entered Moscow on 14 September. The following evening, the city was set on fire on the orders of its governor 2314:
To facilitate the invasion, Napoleon planned to lure the Royal Navy from the English Channel by a diversionary attack on the
2039: 1226:
Bonaparte returned to his regiment in Nice and was made captain of a coastal battery. In July 1793, he published a pamphlet,
683: 20875: 20419: 19927: 18479: 14349: 13564:
Dwyer, Philip (2008b). "Remembering and Forgetting in Contemporary France: Napoleon, Slavery, and the French History Wars".
13359: 13106: 12594: 11493: 10450: 9791: 8249: 3120:
which induced the coalition to offer peace on the basis of France's 1791 frontiers. Napoleon, however, decided to fight on.
By September 1805, Sweden, Russia, Austria, Naples and the Ottoman Empire had joined Britain in a coalition against France.
1553: 1189:. Following allegations that Paoli had sabotaged the expedition and that his regime was corrupt and incompetent, the French 1148: 357: 24042: 23897: 23877: 23769: 21766: 20336: 19753: 19646: 18570: 17443: 15090: 13538: 12952: 12228: 11914: 10409: 5537: 5060: 4351: 3442: 2087: 1380:
there three years earlier and realized that artillery would be the key to its defence. He ordered a young cavalry officer,
785: 19626: 4495:
and decision to reinstate slavery in France's colonies in the Caribbean and Indian Ocean adversely affect his reputation.
4180: 2401: 899:
endures through the modernizing legal and administrative reforms he enacted in France and Western Europe, embodied in the
23907: 21271: 20850: 20805: 19978: 19130: 18891: 18146: 17533: 15975: 13167: 3202:, an island of 12,000 inhabitants in the Mediterranean, 10 km (6 mi) off the Tuscan coast, where they made him 3073:. Britain formally joined the coalition in June followed by Austria in August, but the allies were again defeated in the 2191:
and approved a new constitution. The following day, Napoleon appointed 18 of his leading generals Marshals of the Empire.
1731: 24: 22856: 22247: 22153: 22072: 22053: 22012: 21674: 20351: 20305: 17171: 4835:, was also widely known to be his child, as DNA evidence has confirmed. He may have had further illegitimate offspring. 4675:
Napoleon's regime abolished remnants of feudalism in the lands he conquered and in his satellite states. He liberalized
with the aim of luring the Russians into one or two decisive battles. The Russians retreated 320 kilometres east to the
in October 1809 was harsh for Austria which lost substantial territory and over three million subjects. France received
For the French, this spectacular victory on land was soured by the decisive victory that the Royal Navy attained at the
23952: 21168: 21158: 19922: 19228: 18878: 17814: 16415: 15833: 14831: 14458: 10059:"The gastric disease of Napoleon Bonaparte: brief report for the bicentenary of Napoleon's death on St. Helena in 1821" 6467: 5693: 4652: 1604: 1423: 738: 22217: 22117: 21556: 20547: 19758: 19733: 10285: 5642: 4824: 4426: 3415:, a 40-room wooden bungalow. The location and interior of the house were damp, windswept, rat-infested and unhealthy. 2720: 24097: 24087: 24082: 23316: 23296: 23276: 22946: 20542: 19883: 19844: 19390: 19021: 18051: 18002: 17733: 17728: 17713: 17696: 17691: 17686: 17681: 17553: 17528: 17156: 15985: 13870: 13809: 13765: 13720: 13442: 13072: 12666: 12627: 11457: 11064:"Perfectionism: A Hallmark Quality of World Class Performers, or a Psychological Impediment to Athletic Development?" 6445: 5203: 4459: 3300:
did not allow conscription and he was only able to raise about 300,000 men, mostly raw recruits and national guards.
2118: 1683: 1504: 1445: 848:, which ended in the catastrophic retreat of his army that winter. In 1813, Prussia and Austria joined Russia in the 21495: 19591: 1686:
surrendered after token resistance, and Bonaparte captured an important naval base with the loss of only three men.
After two months of planning, Bonaparte decided that France's naval strength was not yet sufficient to confront the
1476:, he knocked the Piedmontese out of the war in two weeks. The French then focused on the Austrians, laying siege to 23957: 23750: 23321: 23311: 23281: 23168: 22291: 20537: 20444: 19778: 18254: 18194: 17743: 17598: 17578: 16087: 14950: 12986: 11048: 9765: 9711: 6441: 3818: 3585: 3472: 3179: 2538: 2319: 713:
to a family of Italian origin, Napoleon moved to mainland France in 1779 and was commissioned as an officer in the
20972: 20760: 20687: 17603: 15858: 15016: 13225: 12525: 11218: 4320:
unveiled by Napoleon III in 1858. Napoleon I strengthened the town's defences to prevent British naval incursions.
was held in Paris with 700,000-1,000,000 attendees who lined the route of the funeral procession to the chapel of
3308: 3307:, into Belgium, aiming to drive a wedge between Wellington's army of 112,000 British, German and Dutch troops and 2245:. Austria saw this as a provocation because of its own territorial interests in Italy. When Napoleon incorporated 1700: 24057: 23987: 23912: 23341: 23291: 23133: 22889: 22231: 22065: 21576: 20913: 20622: 19561: 18023: 17995: 17967: 17819: 17648: 17523: 16879: 16284: 15118: 15072: 14716: 11787: 5831: 4303: 4092: 3112:
In north-eastern France, Napoleon led about 70,000 troops against a coalition army of 200,000. After a defeat at
2523: 1609: 1477: 1159: 301: 20755: 20652: 20242: 19236: 23922: 23793: 23622: 23519: 23399: 23361: 23356: 23336: 23237: 22317: 22147: 22123: 21809: 21350: 21247: 21148: 20750: 20527: 19220: 18358: 18210: 17859: 17543: 17488: 17483: 16839: 16717: 16360: 16238: 16061: 15565: 14721: 14612: 14518: 14484: 5036: 4782: 4532:
Napoleonic propaganda survived his exile to Saint Helena. Las Cases, who was with Napoleon in exile, published
in which short people adopt over-aggressive behaviour to compensate for lack of height; this inspired the term
3246: 3195: 2204: 2176: 2149: 1399:
Bonaparte's role in defeating the rebellion earned him and his family the patronage of the new government, the
1377: 1313: 20155: 17925: 13397: 4735:
was similarly sparked by Napoleonic rule. These changes contributed to the development of nationalism and the
gave Napoleon a respite from war and allowed him to return to France, which he had not seen in over 300 days.
When peace negotiations with Austria stalled, Bonaparte reopened hostilities in November. A French army under
were appointed as second and third consuls who only had an advisory role. The constitution also established a
1660:. His Egyptian expedition included a group of 167 scientists, with mathematicians, naturalists, chemists, and 23902: 23745: 23488: 23414: 23351: 23346: 23326: 23301: 23286: 23266: 23222: 23099: 23094: 22129: 21455: 21153: 19676: 19151: 18995: 18974: 18912: 18832: 18695: 18430: 18350: 18315: 17915: 17885: 16546: 15838: 15726: 15474: 15364: 15344: 14650: 13964: 11846:
Scientific education versus military training: the influence of Napoleon Bonaparte on the École Polytechnique
5072: 4897: 4793:
Napoleon married Joséphine in 1796, but the marriage produced no children. In 1806, he adopted his step-son,
There is debate over whether Napoleon was an outsider who never felt at home in France or with other people.
3659: 3546: 3227: 2424: 1992: 1910: 1898: 1592: 1440: 1435: 1186: 872:. In February 1815, Napoleon escaped from Elba and again took control of France in what became known as the " 869: 21475: 19586: 19576: 18263: 17493: 17226: 17125: 16793: 15039: 10388:
William Roberts (1999), "Napoleon, the Concordat of 1801, and Its Consequences". in by Frank J. Coppa, ed.,
Forging Napoleon's Grande ArmĂ©e: Motivation, Military Culture, and Masculinity in the French Army, 1800–1808
4229: 3694: 2267: 1670: 23967: 23693: 23331: 23306: 23227: 23153: 23104: 23089: 23084: 22939: 21561: 20865: 20552: 20449: 19940: 19917: 19862: 19748: 19691: 18578: 18510: 17905: 17643: 16818: 16566: 16481: 16193: 15905: 14738: 14660: 4534: 3434: 3343: 3328: 2550: 1815: 945: 861: 797: 527: 21470: 19857: 18660: 2537:
Napoleon's growing influence in Germany threatened the status of Prussia as a great power and in response
and Francis I decided to engage Napoleon in battle, despite reservations from some of their subordinates.
had grown to a force of 350,000 men, who were well equipped, well trained, and led by competent officers.
1595:, France's Foreign Minister, and took command of the Army of England for the planned invasion of Britain. 24032: 24017: 23815: 23781: 23163: 23128: 23079: 22284: 21536: 21531: 20967: 20592: 20487: 20366: 20346: 20257: 20186: 20008: 19506: 19273: 18966: 18819: 18307: 16944: 16646: 16380: 16334: 16329: 16102: 16046: 15761: 15504: 14865: 14781: 14417: 5300: 5265: 4742:
The Napoleonic invasion of Spain and ousting of the Spanish Bourbon monarchy had a significant effect on
4634: 4605: 4307: 2607: 2501: 2387:
on 21 October. After Trafalgar, the Royal Navy was never again seriously challenged by Napoleon's fleet.
2218:, on 2 December 1804. After having been anointed by the pope, Napoleon crowned himself with a replica of 2194: 1883: 1794: 1614: 1299: 1244: 940:
Napoleon's family was of Italian origin. His paternal ancestors, the Buonapartes, descended from a minor
789: 754: 312: 22243: 21658: 21480: 21242: 20790: 20642: 19656: 19551: 18789: 16258: 14513: 4798: 4034: 1415: 326: 208: 23455: 23371: 23254: 22078: 21920: 21853: 21725: 21102: 20657: 19636: 18860: 18809: 18741: 18641: 18425: 18334: 18121: 17960: 17890: 17701: 17583: 17317: 16722: 16606: 16309: 16041: 15863: 15789: 15775: 15754: 15174: 15044: 14901: 14877: 14853: 14655: 10697: 4828: 4713: 4580: 3304: 3040: 3006:
with the loss of 4,000 to 10,000 men, Napoleon retreated towards Smolensk. The French were attacked by
2761: 2527: 2262: 2154: 1987: 1657: 1389: 1073:
In January 1779, at age 9, Napoleon moved to the French mainland and enrolled at a religious school in
849: 837: 777: 734: 319: 23653: 23243: 22227: 21571: 21188: 20637: 20399: 19531: 17623: 17448: 17015: 14762: 14186:
The Islamic World in Decline: From the Treaty of Karlowitz to the Disintegration of the Ottoman Empire
9339: 4874: 3780:
was allegedly removed during the autopsy and sold and exhibited. In 1840, the British government gave
3066: 2799:
After six weeks of preparations, Napoleon made another attempt at crossing the Danube. In the ensuing
1918: 1535:, ending 1,100 years of Venetian independence. He authorized the French to loot treasures such as the 23932: 23512: 23483: 23464: 23445: 23212: 22159: 21875: 21821: 21343: 21117: 20702: 20434: 20277: 20132: 19935: 19498: 19374: 19297: 19175: 19159: 17784: 17453: 17246: 17025: 16969: 16919: 16798: 16551: 16531: 16375: 16324: 16299: 16228: 16208: 16127: 16028: 15782: 15130: 15004: 14889: 14790: 14706: 13962:
Glover, Richard (1967). "The French Fleet, 1807–1814; Britain's Problem; and Madison's Opportunity".
12551: 12349: 12264: 9224: 4906: 4283: 3398: 3150: 3142: 3003: 2960: 2898: 2834: 2713:
in October 1808, Napoleon and Alexander reached an agreement that recognized the Russian conquest of
2323: 2083: 1174:
Bonaparte, as he deemed his father a traitor for having deserted the cause of Corsican independence.
924: 845: 20: 23555: 23504: 22237: 21632: 21012: 20557: 20389: 20165: 19546: 17040: 16671: 16651: 16461: 16147: 15883: 15281: 12729: 5268:
formally ceded Corsica's rights, it remained un-incorporated during 1769 until it became one of the
required. It outperformed its European counterparts, many of which borrowed from the French system.
When the Concordat was published on 8 April 1802, Napoleon presented another set of laws called the
2915: 2833:, and the Adriatic ports of Trieste and Fiume(Rijeka); the part of Poland annexed by Austria in the 2301:, created in August 1805. At the start, this French army had about 200,000 men organized into seven 2017:
totalled 2,144,480 square kilometres (827,987 square miles), doubling the size of the United States.
1854: 741:
in 1798 which served as a springboard to political power. In November 1799, Napoleon engineered the
24092: 23947: 23679: 23669: 23423: 23249: 22863: 22059: 21838: 21627: 21566: 21460: 20825: 20672: 20627: 19957: 19952: 19696: 19526: 19516: 19329: 19313: 19191: 19106: 18953: 18937: 18840: 18614: 18178: 17779: 17563: 17403: 17221: 17020: 16964: 16959: 16894: 16823: 16691: 16591: 16430: 16370: 16218: 15719: 14984: 14917: 13050: 6451: 4554: 4339: 3972: 3832: 3347: 3124: 3070: 2793: 2140: 1638: 1262: 1059: 595: 21772: 21294: 20252: 17478: 17151: 16486: 14603: 14274: 5008: 4794: 3113: 2175:
prince. On the advice of his foreign minister, Talleyrand, Napoleon ordered the kidnapping of the
1619: 1317:
expedition to take back Corsica from the British, but the French were repulsed by the Royal Navy.
23917: 23044: 22962: 22332: 21967: 21910: 21716: 21526: 20677: 20632: 20341: 20222: 19899: 19721: 19345: 19252: 18920: 18736: 18679: 18594: 18299: 18138: 17829: 17498: 17352: 16924: 16844: 16732: 16601: 16586: 16521: 16516: 16289: 16223: 16117: 16000: 15049: 14370: 13092: 12658: 11288: 4759: 4696: 4392:
in professions including law, medicine, pharmacy, engineering and school teaching. He introduced
3956: 2448: 2444: 2365: 2353: 2092: 1893: 1850: 1783: 1509: 1346:, about a soldier and his lover, in a clear parallel to Bonaparte's own relationship with Clary. 1329: 1144: 916: 857: 245: 20682: 20577: 19631: 17804: 17090: 17055: 16142: 13123: 11845: 4687:
of merchants and craftsmen to facilitate entrepreneurship, legalized divorce, closed the Jewish
4542:. Napoleon remained a central figure in the romantic art and literature of the 1820s and 1830s. 3332: 2907:
as Crown Prince of Sweden as attempts to contain Russia. In December 1810, Napoleon annexed the
2822: 1798: 1719:, Egypt's ruling military caste. This helped the French practise their defensive tactic for the 23942: 23937: 23404: 23173: 22699: 22327: 21815: 21586: 21465: 21440: 20467: 20300: 19904: 19596: 19581: 19454: 19321: 19199: 18945: 18865: 18534: 18409: 18401: 18291: 17864: 17824: 17809: 17789: 17764: 17618: 17362: 17277: 17241: 17236: 17231: 17211: 17201: 17105: 17060: 17045: 16576: 16294: 16198: 16173: 16132: 16082: 16066: 14837: 14796: 14769: 14679: 14544: 14451: 12711: 11282: 4860: 4766: 4747: 4721: 4610: 4455: 3706: 3351: 3285:, who had boasted that he would bring Napoleon to Paris in an iron cage, also joined Napoleon. 2714: 2683: 2466: 2253:
into his empire, Austria formally protested against this violation of the Treaty of Lunéville.
2238: 1720: 1694: 1588: 1269:
in the mountains. From Ormea, it headed west to outflank the Austro-Sardinian positions around
1255: 1228: 1203: 980: 976: 766: 718: 646: 408: 172: 109: 23648: 21262: 19411: 17769: 16456: 12999: 12892: 12405:""L'appel Au Soldat": Visions of the Napoleonic Legend in Popular Culture of the Belle Epoque" 10691: 7851: 7646: 6062: 5369: 4777: 4657: 4397: 2330:
instead of linking up with French naval forces at Brest for an attack on the English Channel.
1978: 1208: 23190: 23138: 23110: 22689: 21971: 21936: 21925: 21637: 21596: 21425: 21415: 21304: 21007: 20321: 20272: 20207: 19738: 19621: 19611: 19489: 19484: 19382: 19337: 19090: 19037: 18855: 18845: 18784: 18774: 18769: 18526: 18382: 18030: 17568: 17468: 17332: 17327: 17322: 17272: 17161: 17085: 17075: 16909: 16849: 16778: 16611: 16561: 16496: 16491: 16168: 15995: 15878: 15524: 15452: 15442: 15145: 14967: 14575: 14184: 14151: 13625: 13542: 12547: 11720: 10358: 9277: 8969: 8558: 7965: 5993: 5681: 5426: 5286: 5273: 4966: 4504: 4431: 4325: 3968: 3593: 3480: 3342:
When Napoleon heard that Prussian troops had orders to capture him dead or alive, he fled to
3316: 3117: 2921: 2631: 2580: 2511: 2395: 1974: 1712: 1481: 1369: 1016: 908: 703: 691: 57: 19066: 16501: 16097: 14422: 14094: 13994: 13842:
Dwyer, Phillip (2015a). "Napoleon, the Revolution and the Empire". In Andress, David (ed.).
12652: 8028: 2522:
After Austerlitz, Napoleon increased his political power in Europe. In 1806, he deposed the
for an invasion of Britain. They never invaded, but the force formed the core of Napoleon's
crown. He then crowned Joséphine, who became only the second woman in French history, after
1930: 1559:
In this Italian campaign, Bonaparte's army captured 150,000 prisoners, 540 cannons, and 170
1342: 1100: 23852: 23847: 23729: 23719: 23436: 23390: 23271: 23201: 23178: 23148: 22724: 22719: 22684: 22650: 22625: 22615: 22209: 22096: 21787: 21591: 20946: 20820: 20582: 20404: 20326: 20175: 19783: 19773: 19566: 19281: 19098: 19045: 18850: 18633: 17849: 17799: 17413: 17302: 17292: 17267: 17166: 17100: 16914: 16904: 16884: 16864: 16773: 16753: 16631: 16425: 16350: 16152: 14859: 14726: 14275:"'Citizen Emperor': Political Ritual, Popular Sovereignty and the Coronation of Napoleon I" 12004: 11093:
Parker, Harold T. (1971). "The Formation of Napoleon's Personality: An Exploratory Essay".
11026: 11020: 10403: 5095: 5078: 4786: 4717: 4378: 4191: 3793:. The coffin was later placed in the cupola in St JĂ©rĂŽme's Chapel, where it remained until 3408: 3207: 3203: 3174: 2826: 2702: 2417: 2409: 2275: 2079: 2062: 1981:
in February 1801. The treaty reaffirmed and expanded earlier French gains at Campo Formio.
1775: 1584: 1536: 1328:
had married Bonaparte's elder brother Joseph. In April 1795, Bonaparte was assigned to the
1251: 1119: 1055: 1019:. Five more siblings were stillborn or did not survive infancy. Napoleon was baptized as a 781: 544: 493: 391: 20262: 19743: 19661: 18814: 18759: 17473: 16727: 16596: 16536: 16435: 16365: 14883: 11187:"Greatest cartooning coup of all time: The Brit who convinced everyone Napoleon was short" 3050: 2785: 1934: 1820:
General Bonaparte surrounded by members of the Council of Five Hundred during the Coup of
1641:. Bonaparte wished to establish a French presence in the Middle East and join forces with 1333: 8: 23217: 23207: 23195: 23033: 23004: 22989: 22975: 22850: 22753: 22729: 22709: 22679: 22669: 22630: 22610: 22605: 22585: 22516: 22511: 22467: 22343: 22107: 22047: 21445: 21223: 21022: 20952: 20800: 20730: 20587: 20567: 20532: 20507: 20439: 20140: 19666: 19050: 18929: 18687: 18599: 18374: 18366: 18342: 18101: 17854: 17633: 17628: 17357: 17307: 17191: 17176: 17080: 16974: 16874: 16788: 16676: 16636: 16556: 16526: 16506: 16440: 16405: 16355: 16319: 16314: 16274: 16137: 16122: 16107: 16092: 16051: 15828: 15427: 15331: 15162: 14912: 14694: 14632: 14491: 13712: 12345: 12000: 5305: 5269: 4804:
Napoleon's marriage to Marie Louise produced one child, Napoleon Francis Joseph Charles (
4732: 4692: 4589: 4462:
who wrought greater misery than any man before the coming of Hitler". He was compared to
4347: 4317: 4169: 4062: 4006:
He was an inspiring leader who could obtain the best from his soldiers and subordinates.
3777: 3687: 3105: 3058: 2963:
with the loss of 9,000 of his men, but the Russians were able to withdraw in good order.
2854: 2679: 2672: 2614:
which separated the French and Russian troops and their respective spheres of influence.
2603: 2596: 2489: 2458: 2384: 2315: 2223: 2215: 2159: 2134: 1840: 1679: 1650: 1473: 1237: 1190: 1104:
acquainted with history and geography ... This boy would make an excellent sailor".
during the Corsican war of independence against France. After the Corsican defeat at the
912: 813: 742: 699: 510: 22874: 20707: 20662: 17095: 16390: 16385: 16233: 12940: 12929: 11589:
Archer, Christon I.; Ferris, John R.; Herwig, Holger H.; Travers, Timothy H. E. (2008).
Losing America, Conquering India: Lord Cornwallis and the Remaking of the British Empire
4750:, whom they considered the legitimate monarch. Napoleon indirectly began the process of 4235:
After several attempts by revolutionary governments, Napoleon officially introduced the
2694: 2545:
Napoleon invaded Prussia with 180,000 troops, rapidly marching on the right bank of the
1922: 1826: 1689: 1305: 23232: 23123: 23060: 23024: 22900: 22810: 22773: 22740: 22714: 22645: 22620: 22600: 22595: 22551: 22541: 22536: 21915: 21505: 21410: 21366: 20482: 20247: 20212: 20063: 20025: 20020: 19768: 19686: 19681: 19427: 19419: 19114: 19074: 18886: 18779: 18543: 18518: 18462: 18445: 18283: 17900: 17895: 17839: 17794: 17723: 17593: 17438: 17428: 17423: 17342: 17282: 17130: 17050: 17010: 16994: 16984: 16954: 16939: 16929: 16889: 16859: 16813: 16666: 16661: 16656: 16541: 16476: 16248: 16213: 16188: 15990: 15940: 15890: 15868: 15848: 15843: 15230: 15169: 15156: 15150: 15135: 15100: 15085: 14999: 14934: 14895: 14711: 14684: 14583: 14531: 14502: 14206: 13981: 13821: 13777: 13647: 13283: 13221: 12517: 11779: 11771: 11110: 10632: 10083: 5823: 5025: 4890: 4809: 4755: 4725: 4492: 4448: 4416: 4080: 3794: 3773: 3723: 3714: 3710: 3320: 3289: 3254: 3157: 3128: 3023: 3012: 2967: 2908: 2815: 2808: 2710: 2643: 2576: 2561: 2103: 2056: 2014: 2004: 1970: 1735: 1528: 1418:, the former mistress of Barras. Josephine had been born in the French colonies in the 1364:
On 3 October, royalists in Paris declared a rebellion against the National Convention.
1321: 1012: 929: 896: 892: 881: 817: 793: 758: 459: 442: 374: 21858: 20830: 20647: 20409: 20282: 19839: 19793: 18130: 16686: 16616: 16581: 16571: 13923: 13597:
Napoleon and Wellington: the Battle of Waterloo and the Great commanders who fought it
13379: 11248: 10390:
Controversial Concordats: The Vatican's Relations with Napoleon, Mussolini, and Hitler
6993: 2999:, refused to negotiate a peace, and after six weeks Napoleon's army evacuated Moscow. 1746:). Bonaparte led these 13,000 French soldiers in the conquest of the coastal towns of 1461: 1113: 23842: 23065: 22994: 22674: 22635: 22590: 22561: 22556: 22546: 21979: 21892: 21617: 21405: 21059: 20992: 20982: 20962: 20068: 19366: 19305: 19289: 19082: 18162: 18016: 17983: 17251: 17216: 17186: 17146: 17120: 17110: 17065: 17035: 16989: 16934: 16854: 16803: 16783: 16768: 16758: 16737: 16681: 16641: 16466: 16400: 16395: 16253: 16183: 16036: 15955: 15950: 15388: 15190: 14955: 14907: 14847: 14820: 14802: 14757: 14588: 14444: 14431: 14339: 14294: 14259: 14240: 14213: 14190: 14157: 14136: 14130: 14100: 14052: 14031: 14000: 13985: 13948: 13929: 13908: 13889: 13882: 13866: 13847: 13828: 13805: 13784: 13761: 13742: 13730: 13716: 13705: 13700: 13688: 13678: 13672: 13668: 13654: 13631: 13601: 13515: 13492: 13459: 13438: 13385: 13375: 13349: 13328: 13309: 13290: 13267: 13231: 13207: 13188: 13157: 13129: 13096: 13068: 13005: 12898: 12842: 12662: 12644: 12623: 12617: 12584: 12557: 12509: 12424: 12369: 12284: 11783: 11726: 11596: 11453: 11292: 11063: 11038: 10701: 10670: 10440: 10413: 10123: 10088: 9717: 9283: 9246: 8975: 8564: 8468: 8411: 8239: 8034: 7971: 7857: 7652: 7360: 6999: 6473: 6463: 6066: 6055: 5815: 5747: 5689: 5432: 5375: 5313: 5251: 5243: 5042: 4923: 4703: 4382: 4312: 4204: 4165: 4149:, poised to invade. A nursery rhyme warned children that he ate naughty people; the " 4110: 3929: 3918: 3908: 3766: 3631: 3518: 3081: 3074: 3054: 2992: 2738: 2698: 2531: 2250: 2106:
with the United States, doubling the latter's size. The price was $ 15 million.
2027: 1957: 1953: 1902: 1789:
Bonaparte stayed informed of European affairs. He learned that France had suffered a
1724: 1675: 1646: 1500: 1485: 1450: 1155: 1047: 1008: 877: 853: 821: 750: 730: 714: 679: 561: 425: 277: 21685: 20617: 20316: 18606: 18506: 18453: 16707: 14809: 14733: 14322: 13799: 13595: 13261: 11162:
In the Service of the Tsar Against Napoleon: The Memoirs of Denis Davydov, 1806–1814
9512: 6989: 3924:
Seeking national reconciliation between revolutionaries and Catholics, Napoleon and
3270: 2741:
in January 1809. Napoleon left for France on 17 January, leaving Joseph in command.
2305:, artillery and cavalry reserves, and the Ă©lite Imperial Guard. By August 1805, the 1293: 1282: 1058:
in 1769 and Paoli's exile in Britain, Carlo became friends with the French governor
923:. However, he is controversial due to his role in wars which devastated Europe, his 722: 629: 23809: 23724: 23535: 23260: 23158: 23038: 22984: 22883: 22836: 22764: 22640: 22506: 22192: 21551: 21546: 21390: 21380: 21314: 21279: 21127: 20987: 20780: 20775: 20765: 20497: 20424: 20361: 20331: 20103: 20073: 19968: 19671: 19521: 19446: 19183: 19167: 19122: 19058: 19029: 18824: 18703: 18586: 18551: 18093: 18044: 18037: 17774: 17658: 17458: 17297: 17196: 17181: 17030: 16979: 16899: 16808: 16763: 16712: 16626: 16511: 16420: 16410: 16304: 16243: 16005: 15395: 15375: 15302: 15289: 15262: 15123: 15065: 14989: 14825: 14700: 14637: 14565: 14560: 14552: 14318: 14286: 14079: 13973: 13573: 13486: 12827: 12501: 12416: 12361: 12276: 11763: 11102: 11030: 10078: 10070: 9236: 8403: 6455: 5807: 5238: 5142: 4930: 4853: 4743: 4241: 4212: 4208: 4119: 4067: 4028: 3936: 3781: 3675: 2996: 2988: 2904: 2800: 2771: 2664: 2292: 2227: 2172: 2114: 2071: 2055:
which were under the control of rebel generals. A French military expedition under
2022: 1879: 1548: 1542: 1493: 1489: 1400: 1384:, to seize cannons and Bonaparte deployed them in key positions. On 5 October 1795— 1373: 1220: 996: 992: 984: 956: 841: 825: 773: 746: 695: 612: 476: 23705: 20906: 18009: 17548: 13861:
Ellis, Geoffrey (1997a). "Religion according to Napoleon". In Aston, Nigel (ed.).
6459: 4373: 1862: 1472:
before their Austrian allies could intervene. In a series of victories during the
1080: 23117: 23009: 22999: 22660: 22526: 22501: 22485: 22198: 21642: 21622: 21490: 21400: 21395: 21299: 21284: 21052: 20840: 20517: 20512: 20477: 20227: 19831: 19826: 19728: 19651: 19541: 19511: 18870: 18746: 18471: 18417: 18218: 17653: 17588: 17573: 17463: 17347: 17337: 17312: 17287: 17115: 16949: 16471: 16279: 16203: 16178: 15930: 15818: 15742: 15140: 15034: 14977: 14972: 14929: 14871: 14673: 14665: 14593: 14570: 14413: 14333: 14084: 14067: 14046: 13453: 13415: 13404: 13343: 13153: 13086: 12947: 12936: 12578: 12243: 11852: 11590: 10664: 10434: 8233: 5221: 4254: 4142: 4019: 3979: 3312: 3123:
After a series of battles in March, the allies forced Napoleon to retreat at the
2869: 2838: 2733: 2635: 2592: 2350: 2242: 2144: 2122: 1576: 1520: 1419: 1233: 1214: 1090: 1020: 1004: 1000: 900: 578: 23755: 20697: 17920: 14526: 12218: 8398:
Engman, Max (2016). "Finland and the Napoleonic Empire". In Planert, Ute (ed.).
5533: 5422: 4820: 4559: 4487:
for a grand central museum; an example which would later be followed by others.
2973: 2344: 2297: 2230:; and to govern in the interests, wellbeing and the glory of the French people. 803: 678:, was a French military officer and statesman who rose to prominence during the 23143: 23074: 23050: 22571: 22432: 21758: 21612: 21122: 21064: 20870: 20692: 20472: 20192: 20055: 20050: 20000: 19995: 19815: 19003: 18237: 17932: 17844: 17834: 17367: 17206: 17070: 16869: 16621: 15965: 15945: 15935: 15895: 15768: 15108: 15059: 14960: 14842: 14815: 14479: 14427: 13735: 13257: 13143: 12135:"'Glory of arms and art': Napoleonic plunder and the birth of national museums" 11278: 10074: 9279:
Making Sense of Constitutional Monarchism in Post-Napoleonic France and Germany
8229: 5128: 5064: 4984: 4959: 4832: 4708: 4638: 4614: 4436: 4200: 3895: 3870: 3865: 3860: 3853: 3798: 3762: 3719: 3412: 3386: 3382: 3098: 3045: 2981: 2956: 2655: 2626: 2515: 2473: 2432: 2048: 1973:
swept through Bavaria and scored an overwhelming victory over the Austrians at
1810: 1771: 1763: 1564: 1354: 1166: 1051: 964: 833: 809: 15980: 13147: 11034: 9513:"The Congress of Vienna, the Hundred Days, and Napoleon's Exile on St. Helena" 5285:
Aside from his name, there does not appear to be a connection between him and
4513: 3135:
as head of a provisional government. On 2 April, the Senate deposed Napoleon.
On 14 June Napoleon obtained an overwhelming victory over the Russians at the
regained control of Guadeloupe and slavery was reintroduced there on 16 July.
Napoleon is considered one of the greatest military commanders in history and
23836: 23674: 23474: 22531: 22457: 22422: 22387: 21289: 21136: 21107: 20977: 20795: 20572: 20414: 20310: 20202: 19763: 19706: 17408: 16112: 15970: 15900: 15489: 15054: 14298: 13692: 13577: 13511: 13082: 12846: 12648: 12513: 12428: 12373: 12288: 11191: 10058: 9250: 8407: 7355:
Regent, Frédéric (2013). "Slavery and the Colonies". In McPhee, Peter (ed.).
5819: 4999: 4695:. The power of church courts and religious authority was sharply reduced and 4236: 4186: 4129: 4076: 4015:
with a cruel streak which he often inflicted on women, children and animals.
3925: 3790: 3786: 3776:. Napoleon's heart and intestines were removed and sealed inside his coffin. 3729: 3331:. He left Paris three days later and settled at Joséphine's former palace in 3261:
On 1 March 1815, Napoleon and his followers landed on the French mainland at
3187: 2565: 2485: 2377: 2357: 2234: 2211: 2113:
as promised and protested against Bonaparte's annexation of Piedmont and his
2031: 1905:
was often used in portraits of rulers to indicate calm and stable leadership.
1665: 1623: 1524: 1381: 829: 762: 187: 20602: 15698: 14290: 12828:"Reconstruction of the Lineage Y Chromosome Haplotype of NapolĂ©on the First" 12420: 9225:"4, 6 et 11 avril 1814 : les trois actes d'abdication de NapolĂ©on I er" 3913: 1707:
Bonaparte and his expedition eluded pursuit by the Royal Navy and landed at
1523:, signed on 18 April, gave France control of most of northern Italy and the 23570: 23019: 22970: 22909: 22452: 22442: 22437: 22417: 22412: 22357: 22204: 22141: 21485: 21326: 21309: 21143: 21088: 21002: 20957: 20785: 20667: 20459: 19616: 19601: 19571: 15960: 15796: 15208: 14923: 13421: 10092: 8560:
The Battle of Znaim: Napoleon, the Habsburgs and the end of the War of 1809
Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789–1923
6477: 5634: 4951: 4813: 4736: 4676: 4521:: the ex-emperor is riding a donkey backwards while holding a broken sword. 4471: 4463: 4058: 3948: 3802: 3758:("who retreats... at the head of the army") or "France, my son, the Army." 3621: 3508: 3394: 3241: 3214: 2927: 2462: 2457:
The Iranian envoy Mirza Mohammad-Reza Qazvini meeting with Napoleon at the
2067: 1962: 1779: 1634: 920: 885: 873: 85: 22265: 12826:
Lucotte, Gérard; Macé, Jacques & Hrechdakian, Peter (September 2013).
12365: 12280: 9241: 8471:. Vol. 15, no. 4. Cobbett's political register. pp. 91–94. 4400:, that provided both military expertise and advanced research in science. 3232:
on 26 February 1815 with about 1,000 men and a flotilla of seven vessels.
in 1795, known at the time as West Galicia, was given to the Polish-ruled
967:. After their defeat, he eventually became the island's representative to 23560: 23184: 22845: 22825: 22521: 22495: 22447: 22402: 22392: 22377: 22367: 22186: 22170: 22033: 22001: 21450: 21252: 20997: 20855: 20745: 20522: 20492: 19641: 18961: 18754: 17748: 17718: 17706: 17663: 17418: 15638: 15277: 15113: 14536: 14398: 11494:"Outlines of the evolution of weights and measures and the metric system" 5743:
The Child and Childhood in Folk Thought: (The Child in Primitive Culture)
4980: 4955: 4805: 4680: 4585: 4563:
exploited the Napoleonic legend for diverse political and cultural ends.
4508: 4467: 4072: 3999: 3806: 3485:
An Act for the more effectually detaining in Custody Napoleon Buonaparté.
3422: 3222: 2882: 2780: 2584: 2219: 1858: 1821: 1642: 1365: 1325: 903:. He established a system of public education, abolished the vestiges of 888:
in the South Atlantic, where he died of stomach cancer in 1821, aged 51.
by 1805. Napoleon shattered the coalition with a decisive victory at the
672: 290: 78: 21792: 21095: 14048:
The War of Wars: The Epic Struggle Between Britain and France, 1789-1815
8280: 4057:
Various psychologists have attempted to explain Napoleon's personality.
Bonaparte formed an alliance with Talleyrand and leading members of the
1392:—he fired on the rebels with canister rounds (later called: "a whiff of 23493: 22799: 22778: 22580: 22490: 22472: 22397: 22382: 22362: 21995: 21218: 20901: 20740: 20356: 19711: 18186: 17433: 14126: 12521: 12489: 6022: 4526: 4271: 4264: 4012: 3823: 3743: 3686:
Las Cases in December 1816, General Gaspard Gourgaud in March 1818 and
3365: 3282: 3262: 2818:
but lost 4,000 men, mainly to illness, before withdrawing in December.
On 21 May, the French attempted to cross the Danube, precipitating the
In March 1808, a palace coup led to the abdication of the Spanish king
2052: 1708: 1630: 1583:
that purged royalists from the legislative councils on 4 September—the
1376:. Bonaparte had seen the massacre of the King's Swiss Guard during the 1350: 1066:
and Napoleon obtained a royal bursary to a military academy in France.
22931: 20608: 11775: 11751: 11114: 5998: 5827: 5795: 4105:, the regiment that often served as his personal escort, with a large 3393:
Napoleon was held in British custody and transferred to the island of
991:, where Napoleon was born on 15 August 1769. He had an elder brother, 840:, in which Napoleon solidified his grip over Europe after winning the 23534: 22793: 22783: 22704: 22427: 22407: 22276: 21989: 20735: 20381: 20292: 19875: 19244: 15652: 12139: 10360:
Memoirs of the Life, Exile, and Conversations of the Emperor Napoleon
4360: 3987: 3917:
Leaders of the Catholic Church taking the civil oath required by the
Reorganisation of the religious geography: France is divided into 59
3679: 3608: 3495: 3417: 2948: 2849: 2690:
French repression, the uprising developed into a sustained conflict.
2618: 2477: 2009: 1751: 1734:
captured or destroyed all but two vessels of the French fleet in the
1393: 1361:. The request was eventually granted, but he never took up the post. 1358: 1287: 1143:
Bonaparte, aged 23, as lieutenant-colonel of a battalion of Corsican
1063: 968: 904: 737:, scoring decisive victories and becoming a national hero. He led an 17952: 14408: 12505: 12458: 12350:"Memory and Political Imagination: The Legend of Napoleon Revisited" 8721: 8563:. Austria, February 1809: The Die is Cast for War. Greenhill Books. 8448: 8316: 8256: 4754:
when the power vacuum was filled by local political leaders such as
3088: 1337: 1250:
Toulon brought Bonaparte to the attention of powerful men including
French Republican military leaders of the French Revolutionary Wars
22788: 22694: 22476: 22352: 21335: 21083: 21078: 21017: 20896: 13977: 12248: 12223: 12039: 11767: 11106: 8030:
Napoleon and Berlin: The Franco-Prussian War in North Germany, 1813
5811: 5486: 5484: 4150: 4097: 3982:, although their implementation varied with the local authorities. 3890: 3311:'s force of 130,000 Prussians and Saxons. After engagements at the 3274: 3266: 3007: 2830: 2660: 2622: 2337: 1926: 1591:. Bonaparte returned to Paris on 5 December 1797 as a hero. He met 1469: 1178: 951: 18080: 15711: 14403: 10473:"Napoleon and the Pope: From the Concordat to the Excommunication" 7853:
The Encyclopedia of Warfare: From Earliest Time to the Present Day
5457: 4259: 4101:
Napoleon is often represented in his green colonel uniform of the
to capitulate on 31 March. The following day, the allies accepted
2766: 2560:
Following his triumph, Napoleon imposed the first elements of the
2327: 22372: 21730: 7230: 7228: 5012: 4161: 4106: 3828: 3426: 3269:
through the foothills of the Alps, taking the route now known as
2952: 1743: 1739: 1661: 1170: 988: 960: 941: 710: 155: 13863:
Religious change in Europe, 1650-1914: essays for John McManners
10137: 10025: 10023: 5481: 4553:
Venita Datta argues that following the collapse of militaristic
An enduring reform was the foundation, in December 1799, of the
3281:" and joined Napoleon's men. Six days later, 5,000 troops under 2318:. However, the plan unravelled after the British victory at the 1154:
Upon graduating in September 1785, Bonaparte was commissioned a
to study than were available to a typical Corsican of the time.
The Billy Ruffian: The Bellerophon and the Downfall of Napoleon
12265:"Propaganda and the Legitimation of Power in Napoleonic France" 11381: 11067: 7041: 7039: 5796:"The Formation of Napoleon's Personality: An Exploratory Essay" 4688: 4484: 4146: 3952: 3886: 3852:
Moslem that I established myself in Egypt, by making myself an
3654: 3541: 3336: 3293: 2804: 2725: 2571: 2391: 2373: 1716: 1516:, about 100 km from Vienna, the Austrians sued for peace. 1513: 1270: 1139: 21966: 20151:
François Alexandre Frédéric, duc de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt
14375:(in French). Vol. 2. Paris: Henri Javal. pp. 10–12. 12619:
Between Salt Water And Holy Water: A History Of Southern Italy
10892: 9944: 9810: 8176: 8174: 7225: 5496: 1929:
which were selected from indirectly elected candidates, and a
in April 1814. They exiled him to the Mediterranean island of
20085: 12894:
Franco-Batavian Relations in the Revolutionary Era, 1795-1803
12078: 11164:. Translation by Gregory Troubetzkoy. Greenhill Books. p. 64. 10173: 10161: 10020: 8853: 8340: 6893: 4684: 4335: 3882: 3878: 3845: 2944: 2611: 2546: 2302: 2246: 2180: 2110: 2096: 1759: 1755: 1747: 1266: 1074: 11127:
The Fortnightly, Volume 114. Chapman and Hall, 1923. p. 836.
10793: 10747: 10745: 10545: 10523: 10521: 10372: 10370: 9932: 8087: 7482: 7393:
White Fury: A Jamaican Slaveholder and the Age of Revolution
7036: 6934: 6211: 5371:
The Napoleonic Empire and the New European Political Culture
5192: 4388:
He retained the revolutionary higher education system, with
Napoleon after his abdication in Fontainebleau, 4 April 1814
The peace with Britain was uneasy. Britain did not evacuate
15591: 14436: 13125:
Napoleon: Symbol for an Age, A Brief History with Documents
12749: 12747: 12174: 12164: 12162: 11529: 11527: 11357: 10491: 9734: 9342:. Bulletin des lois de la Republique Française. July 1814. 8171: 5186: 5180: 5166: 5163: 5157: 5148: 4518: 4439:, showing Spanish resisters being executed by French troops 4346:
Napoleon was regarded by the influential military theorist
First remittance of the Legion of Honour, 15 July 1804, at
4051: 3199: 1560: 1084:
Statue of Bonaparte as a schoolboy in Brienne, aged 15, by
865: 20125: 14208:
The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Geometry
Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution
12244:"Napoleon's incendiary legacy divides France 200 years on" 11956: 11142: 9874: 9872: 8877: 7816: 7446: 6924: 6922: 6920: 6753: 5711: 5709: 3437:
for a few months but gave up as he was poor at languages.
had gathered most of the Austrian army at the fortress of
in June 1815. Napoleon was exiled to the remote island of
19965: 12759: 12198: 12102: 12056: 12054: 11944: 11588: 11539: 11466: 10988: 10964: 10928: 10829: 10769: 10742: 10644: 10620: 10608: 10569: 10518: 10367: 10305: 10303: 10256: 10254: 10239: 10197: 9920: 9746: 9667: 9132: 9012: 8757: 8697: 8487: 8381: 8379: 8075: 7706: 7704: 6871: 6869: 6856: 6854: 6852: 5906: 5405: 5403: 3303:
On 12 June, Napoleon led about 124,000 men, known as the
during a meeting on a raft floating in the middle of the
2495: 2369: 1512:
in March 1797. Alarmed by the French thrust that reached
1503:. French forces in Southern Germany had been defeated by 1320:
From 1794, Bonaparte was in a romantic relationship with
19:"Napoleon Bonaparte" redirects here. For other uses, see 12744: 12384: 12159: 12090: 11886: 11814: 11688: 11664: 11551: 11524: 11429: 11405: 11393: 11369: 11345: 11130: 10940: 10882: 10880: 10817: 10730: 10598: 10596: 10557: 10149: 10035: 9968: 9024: 9000: 8925: 8913: 8829: 8805: 8793: 8781: 8769: 8745: 8709: 8673: 8661: 8649: 8637: 8601: 8538: 8352: 8304: 8268: 8210: 8198: 8186: 8159: 8099: 8051: 8008: 7882: 7828: 6837: 6801: 6484: 6295: 4282:. Napoleon participated actively in the sessions of the 4168:
gesture—a reference to the painting produced in 1812 by
In mid-1817, Napoleon's health worsened. His physician,
Napoleon's farewell to his Imperial Guard, 20 April 1814
The Russians, now commanded by Kutuzov, made a stand at
In 1803 and 1804, Napoleon had assembled a force around
836:. In 1809, the Austrians again challenged France in the 12469: 12439: 11640: 10757: 10357:
Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonné comte de Las (1855).
9908: 9869: 9822: 9792:"A Journey to St. Helena, Home of Napoleon's Last Days" 9691: 9679: 7434: 7422: 7398: 6917: 5706: 5469: 4801:(1789–1860), and arranged dynastic marriages for them. 2506: 24013:
Grand Crosses of the Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary
Grand Crosses of the Order of Saint James of the Sword
Napoleon: The Decline and Fall of an Empire, 1811-1821
12825: 12795: 12771: 12051: 12027: 11968: 11700: 11652: 11500: 11333: 11321: 11167: 11074: 10976: 10916: 10865: 10853: 10781: 10315: 10300: 10251: 10209: 8901: 8865: 8841: 8526: 8514: 8436: 8376: 7945: 7701: 7111: 6866: 6849: 5649: 5400: 5368:
Broers, M.; Hicks, P.; Guimera, A. (10 October 2012).
3750:("France, the army, head of the army, Joséphine"), or 1977:
in December. The Austrians capitulated and signed the
749:, and became First Consul of the Republic. He won the 721:
in 1793 and defeating royalist insurgents in Paris on
21715: 12299: 12186: 12114: 12066: 11921: 11862: 11826: 11802: 11676: 11563: 11512: 11417: 10904: 10877: 10841: 10593: 10185: 9980: 9956: 9320: 9036: 8949: 8889: 8733: 8685: 8589: 8424: 8364: 8328: 8292: 8147: 8135: 7996: 7921: 7894: 7689: 7677: 6628: 6496: 5846: 5515: 5513: 5511: 5204: 5183: 5169: 5145: 4646: 4145:, the British press depicted Napoleon as a dangerous 3986:
notables in 1806 to that end. In 1807, he summoned a
After a decade of war, France and Britain signed the
In August, he obtained a position with the Bureau of
ceded Corsica to France. His father fought alongside
are still studied at military schools worldwide. His
List of people associated with the French Revolution
13921: 13905:
Napoleon's Wars: An International History, 1803-1815
Napoleon: Passion, Death and Resurrection, 1815-1840
12783: 12323: 12311: 11999: 11621: 10805: 10266: 9896: 9857: 8727: 8454: 8322: 8286: 8262: 5772: 5463: 5195: 5189: 5177: 5160: 5154: 4517:
1814 English caricature of Napoleon being exiled to
4328:, Napoleon borrowed from previous theorists such as 3693:
In September 1819, two priests and a new physician,
by General Malet in Paris had only narrowly failed.
1811, Marie Louise gave birth to the heir apparent,
1396:"). About 300 to 1,400 rebels died in the uprising. 1336:—a civil war and royalist counter-revolution in the 1261:
The French army carried out Bonaparte's plan in the
In February 1793, Bonaparte took part in the failed
In September he was examined by the famed scientist
Emperor of the French, further expanding his power.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
advanced diplomatic history of Napoleon and his era
The Napoleonic Wars: The Rise and Fall of an Empire
12556:. Internet Archive. McGraw-Hill. pp. 428–429. 11988:
Napoleon's Wars: An International History 1803–1815
11179: 10952: 10718: 10581: 10533: 9358: 8026: 7240: 6729: 5882: 5337: 5174: 5151: 3690:, who was possibly Napoleon's lover, in July 1819. 1937:which were effectively nominated by the executive. 1723:on 21 July, about 24 km (15 mi) from the 1656:In May 1798, Bonaparte was elected a member of the 1243:In September, with the help of his fellow Corsican 1122:and became the first Corsican to graduate from the 852:, in which Napoleon was decisively defeated at the 671:; 15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821), later known by his 14205: 13881: 13820: 13779:Blundering to Glory: Napoleon's Military Campaigns 13776: 13734: 13704: 13646: 13282: 11595:. University of Nebraska Press. pp. 380–404. 8504: 8502: 7176: 7174: 6640: 6544: 6054: 5508: 5367: 5272:in 1770. Corsica would be legally integrated as a 4746:. Many local elites sought to rule in the name of 2667:, Napoleon's brother, as King of Spain (1808–1813) 1240:which was now heavily influenced by the Jacobins. 1099:In May, he transferred to the military academy at 48:The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries 21325:Several family members held additional titles in 14335:The Transformation of European Politics 1763–1848 14237:Waterloo Lectures:A Study Of The Campaign Of 1815 8971:Command Failure in War: Psychology and Leadership 7191: 7189: 5349: 4458:who laid the foundations of modern Europe" or "a 3273:. The 5th Regiment intercepted him just south of 2943:On 24 June, Napoleon's troops began crossing the 2210:Napoleon's coronation, with the participation of 1865:to overthrow the government. On 9 November 1799 ( 23963:French military personnel of the Napoleonic Wars 23834: 21542:NapolĂ©on Charles, Prince of Canino and Musignano 20039:Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen 11496:. London: The Macmillan Company. pp. 66–69. 11477:sfnp error: no target: CITEREFO'Connor2003 ( 11452:. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. p. 191. 10508: 10506: 10439:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 261–262. 10436:Christianity and Revolutionary Europe, 1750-1830 3947:Napoleon progressively occupied and annexed the 3772:Napoleon was buried with military honors in the 3407:Napoleon stayed for two months at a pavilion in 3198:of 11 April 1814, the allies exiled Napoleon to 1111:In September 1784, Napoleon was admitted to the 24003:Grand Crosses of the Order of Christ (Portugal) 17911:England expects that every man will do his duty 14324:Napoleon, from 18 Brumaire to Tilsit, 1799-1807 14065: 13758:A History of Modern France, Volume 2: 1799-1871 12654:Unity and Diversity in European Culture c. 1800 10143: 10057:Lugli, Alessandro; et al. (4 March 2021). 8499: 8068: 8066: 7171: 5605: 5603: 4263:First page of the 1804 original edition of the 3156:In his farewell address to the soldiers of the 2671:After Tilsit, Napoleon turned his attention to 2166: 1563:. The French army fought 67 actions and won 18 753:in 1800, which secured France's victory in the 659:Rescale the fullscreen map to see Saint Helena. 21461:Charles Lucien, Prince of Canino and Musignano 18081:Significant civil and political events by year 13922:Fremont-Barnes, Gregory; Fisher, Todd (2004). 10052: 10050: 9997: 9995: 9435: 9433: 7849: 7186: 6324: 6322: 6052: 5789: 5787: 4454:There is debate over whether Napoleon was "an 4338:replaced divisions as the largest army units, 3809:in the crypt under the dome at Les Invalides. 3801:, was completed. In 1861, during the reign of 2844: 1674:in 1809. En route to Egypt, Bonaparte reached 1637:and thereby undermine Britain's access to its 1531:with Austria. Bonaparte marched on Venice and 1499:The French then invaded the heartlands of the 911:and other religious minorities, abolished the 706:from 1804 to 1814, and briefly again in 1815. 23520: 22947: 22292: 21952: 21701: 21527:Joseph Lucien, Prince of Canino and Musignano 21351: 21204: 17968: 15727: 15703: 14452: 12881:(decreed on the 13th, proclaimed on the 15th) 12622:. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 264ff. 12459:"H-Net announcements 2004-08-12 - 2004-08-17" 11722:Napoleon: Conquest, Reform and Reorganisation 10693:Soldiers And Warriors: An Illustrated History 10503: 10056: 5123: 5121: 3955:. In 1812 the pontiff was transferred to the 3433:military campaigns. He studied English under 3425:, while his attendants complained of "colds, 3218:and locked himself in his room for two days. 3034: 2755: 2634:, ruled by his young brother JĂ©rĂŽme, and the 2256: 1952:The French confronted an Austrian army under 1633:He decided on a military expedition to seize 1027:. In his youth, his name was also spelled as 24068:People excommunicated by the Catholic Church 21623:Marie, Princess George of Greece and Denmark 21134: 21093: 21069: 21050: 20034:Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick 15213: 13844:The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution 13530: 13306:Citizen Emperor: Napoleon in Power 1799-1815 12897:. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. p. 276. 12718:. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1992, pp. 402–403. 12344: 11718: 11472: 10689: 10405:Religion and revolution in France, 1780-1804 8817: 8063: 5600: 4831:(1810–1868), the son of his Polish mistress 4819:Napoleon acknowledged one illegitimate son: 4294:basic principles of the French Revolution." 3727: 3389:, Saint Helena, site of Napoleon's captivity 3329:he abdicated on 22 June in favour of his son 2649: 2342: 2306: 1998: 801: 690:from 1796 to 1815. He was the leader of the 185: 18721: 15551:Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine 14068:"The Death of Napoleon, Cancer or Arsenic?" 14066:Hindmarsh, J. Thomas; Savory, John (2008). 12860: 12488:Lobingier, Charles Sumner (December 1918). 11491: 10111: 10047: 9992: 9716:. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 272. 9430: 8402:. Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp. 227–238. 8235:How Far From Austerlitz? Napoleon 1805–1815 8033:. University of Oklahoma Press. p. 9. 7845: 7843: 6319: 5784: 5739: 5052:Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine 4330:Jacques Antoine Hippolyte, Comte de Guibert 4050:Napoleon was superstitious. He believed in 2438: 1664:among them. Their discoveries included the 1108:Corsican nationalist and admirer of Paoli. 24063:Officers of the French Academy of Sciences 23527: 23513: 22954: 22940: 22299: 22285: 21959: 21945: 21708: 21694: 21552:Jeanne, Marchioness of Villeneuve-Escaplon 21358: 21344: 21211: 21197: 20238:Alexandre-ThĂ©odore-Victor, comte de Lameth 17975: 17961: 15734: 15720: 15269:Provisional Consul of the French Republic 14459: 14445: 14365: 13804:. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 13537: 13220: 12340: 12338: 12241: 11584: 11582: 11580: 11578: 11492:Hallock, William; Wade, Herbert T (1906). 11311: 11148: 11136: 8967: 7963: 7911: 7909: 5985: 5983: 5981: 5312:. He is less realistically portrayed on a 5118: 3942: 3116:, the French won a series of victories in 1730:On 1 August 1798, the British fleet under 1265:in April 1794, and then advanced to seize 40: 16:Emperor of the French (r. 1804–1814, 1815) 23600:Charles-François Lebrun, duc de Plaisance 21476:NapolĂ©on Charles, Prince Royal of Holland 21441:ZĂ©naĂŻde, Princess of Canino and Musignano 20503:Louis Michel le Peletier de Saint-Fargeau 20161:HonorĂ© Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau 19984:Prince Frederick, Duke of York and Albany 14331: 14083: 14028:Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe 13996:Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe 13818: 13374: 12487: 11632:sfnp error: no target: CITEREFFlynn2001 ( 11485: 10082: 9673: 9240: 8467:Hope, John; Baird, D. (28 January 1809). 8466: 7644: 6899: 6719: 6717: 6715: 6217: 3962: 3221:Napoleon understood that the French king 3184:Napoleon leaving Elba on 26 February 1815 1909:On 15 December, Bonaparte introduced the 1429: 1414:Bonaparte was romantically involved with 24078:People of the War of the First Coalition 23928:French commanders of the Napoleonic Wars 22025:Imperial Eagle of the House of Bonaparte 21582:Princess Marie Letizia, Duchess of Aosta 20935: 18219:Nationalization of the Church properties 14317: 13774: 13729: 13699: 13667: 13547:. Vol. 1. Charles Scribner's Sons. 13505: 13201: 13121: 12615: 11962: 11904: 11749: 11363: 10638: 9938: 9138: 8974:. Indiana University Press. p. 48. 8715: 8679: 8655: 8631: 8619: 8508: 8093: 7970:. Harvard University Press. p. 12. 7840: 7834: 7734: 7722: 7584: 7536: 7512: 7488: 7440: 7416: 7379: 7330: 7318: 7282: 7258: 7234: 7219: 7207: 7195: 7180: 7165: 7153: 7141: 7105: 7093: 7081: 7057: 7030: 7018: 6976: 6940: 6928: 6843: 6807: 6586: 6502: 6427: 6391: 6364: 6265: 6205: 6157: 6097: 6040: 6016: 5954: 5948: 5936: 5924: 5912: 5864: 5727: 5667: 5588: 5570: 4776: 4656: 4512: 4498: 4442: 4425: 4410: 4311: 4258: 4179: 4096: 4033: 4008:Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington 3912: 3822: 3748:France, l'armĂ©e, tĂȘte d'armĂ©e, JosĂ©phine 3718: 3381: 3364: 3360: 3319:, Napoleon confronted Wellington at the 3245: 3178: 3141: 3087: 3044: 2972: 2914: 2848: 2765: 2719: 2659: 2570: 2505: 2452: 2400: 2336: 2266: 2193: 2148: 2061: 2008: 1887: 1814: 1688: 1608: 1541: 1439: 1286: 1207: 1138: 1079: 950: 876:". His opponents responded by forming a 688:French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 22961: 21164:Historiography of the French Revolution 20435:Antoine Christophe Merlin de Thionville 20146:Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette 14253: 14234: 14092: 13902: 13760:(2nd ed.). London: Penguin Books. 13593: 13484: 13341: 13062: 13055: 13037:TraitĂ© de Fontainebleau, 11 avril 1814. 12335: 12262: 12210: 12045: 11880: 11658: 11646: 11575: 11249:"Was Napoleon Short? | Britannica" 11173: 10662: 10650: 10575: 10333: 10235:from the original on 19 September 2011. 9853:from the original on 18 September 2016. 9709: 9275: 9186: 9102: 8883: 8180: 7906: 7428: 7404: 6759: 6490: 6439: 6415: 6403: 6375: 6373: 6253: 6028: 6004: 5989: 5978: 5852: 5673: 5655: 5525: 4808:) (1811–1832), known from birth as the 4702:Napoleon reorganized what had been the 4447:A mass grave of soldiers killed at the 4103:Chasseur Ă  Cheval of the Imperial Guard 4086: 3455:Custody of Napoleon Buonaparte Act 1816 3372:, watercolour by Franz Josef Sandmann, 3335:. By 28 June, the Prussian army was at 2198:Napoleon's throne room at Fontainebleau 1678:on 9 June 1798, then controlled by the 232: 122:13 December 1799 â€“ 18 May 1804 23868:19th-century French military personnel 23858:18th-century French military personnel 23835: 23628:Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-PĂ©rigord 22306: 21628:Marie Clotilde, Countess Serge de Witt 21547:Roland, Prince of Canino and Musignano 21532:Lucien, Prince of Canino and Musignano 21391:Lucien, Prince of Canino and Musignano 20171:Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-PĂ©rigord 20126:Other significant figures and factions 16057:Planned invasion of the United Kingdom 15312:12 December 1799 – 18 May 1804 15272:11 November – 12 December 1799 14690:Planned invasion of the United Kingdom 14272: 14182: 14149: 14044: 13961: 13860: 13841: 13797: 13755: 13644: 13566:French Politics, Culture & Society 13563: 13432: 13280: 13256: 13182: 13142: 12997: 12976:Statut constitutionnel du 17 mars 1805 12890: 12866: 12813: 12807: 12801: 12789: 12777: 12765: 12716:Caudillos in Spanish America 1800–1850 12576: 12546: 12204: 12192: 12180: 12168: 12132: 12120: 12108: 12096: 12084: 12072: 12060: 12033: 11974: 11950: 11939: 11892: 11868: 11832: 11820: 11808: 11694: 11682: 11670: 11569: 11557: 11545: 11533: 11518: 11506: 11447: 11435: 11423: 11411: 11399: 11387: 11375: 11351: 11327: 11277: 11092: 11080: 11070:: Meyer & Meyer. pp. 178–211. 10994: 10970: 10946: 10934: 10922: 10910: 10898: 10886: 10871: 10859: 10847: 10835: 10823: 10787: 10775: 10751: 10736: 10626: 10614: 10602: 10563: 10527: 10512: 10497: 10376: 10336:"NapolĂ©on et l'islam, l'anti-croisade" 10321: 10309: 10260: 10245: 10215: 10203: 10117: 10001: 9890: 9884: 9780:from the original on 27 February 2024. 9730:from the original on 27 February 2024. 9649: 9613: 9589: 9577: 9553: 9541: 9499: 9487: 9475: 9463: 9439: 9412: 9388: 9376: 9198: 9162: 9114: 9066: 9054: 8943: 8907: 8871: 8847: 8823: 8703: 8520: 8442: 8397: 8385: 8252:from the original on 25 February 2018. 8129: 8117: 8047:from the original on 18 November 2016. 8002: 7951: 7939: 7900: 7822: 7771: 7759: 7710: 7695: 7560: 7554: 7500: 7464: 7452: 7354: 7270: 7129: 7117: 6964: 6952: 6911: 6887: 6875: 6831: 6819: 6795: 6783: 6771: 6747: 6723: 6712: 6706: 6694: 6682: 6670: 6658: 6634: 6622: 6610: 6598: 6574: 6562: 6538: 6526: 6514: 6379: 6352: 6340: 6328: 6313: 6301: 6289: 6277: 6241: 6229: 6193: 6181: 6169: 6145: 6133: 6121: 6109: 6085: 5972: 5960: 5900: 5876: 5793: 5778: 5715: 5679: 5645:from the original on 28 November 2017. 5621: 5609: 5594: 5582: 5558: 5502: 5490: 5409: 5343: 5308:and in Jacques-Louis David's imperial 4728:that opposed the French intervention. 4712:, into a more streamlined forty-state 4666:United States House of Representatives 4160:He is often portrayed wearing a large 4132:considered him average in appearance: 3881:in translation and had an interest in 3568:Intercourse with Saint Helena Act 1816 3133:Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-PĂ©rigord 2496:War of the Fourth Coalition and Tilsit 1991:(Dagger plot) in October 1800 and the 1668:, and their work was published in the 1598: 808:into Eastern Europe, and defeated the 24023:Knights of the Golden Fleece of Spain 23873:19th-century heads of state of France 23863:18th-century heads of state of France 23508: 22935: 22280: 21940: 21689: 21339: 21192: 21039: 20934: 20218:François-Marie, marquis de BarthĂ©lemy 20124: 19974:James Saumarez, 1st Baron de Saumarez 19913:Prince Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld 19871:Friedrich Adolf, Count von Kalckreuth 19474: 18720: 18351:Paris Commune becomes insurrectionary 18079: 17982: 17956: 17739:Spanish American wars of independence 15715: 15702: 15212: 14440: 14423:Daily tracking of Napoleon's location 14203: 14125: 13942: 13623: 13539:Bourrienne, Louis Antoine Fauvelet de 13451: 13420: 13322: 13303: 13170:from the original on 27 February 2024 12987:Die Rheinbunds-Akte. – 1806, Juli 12. 12753: 12740:from the original on 7 December 2023. 12727: 12642: 12580:Germany, 1871-1945: A Concise History 12528:from the original on 10 February 2023 12435:from the original on 7 December 2023. 12402: 12380:from the original on 7 December 2023. 12305: 12295:from the original on 7 December 2023. 11739:from the original on 18 October 2015. 11627: 11450:An Encyclopaedia of Napoleon's Europe 11259:from the original on 1 September 2022 11018: 11006: 10724: 10714:from the original on 7 December 2023. 10432: 10401: 10356: 10346:from the original on 2 December 2023. 10296:from the original on 21 January 2018. 10272: 10191: 10179: 10167: 10155: 10099:from the original on 27 February 2024 10041: 10029: 9986: 9974: 9962: 9950: 9926: 9914: 9902: 9878: 9863: 9828: 9816: 9752: 9740: 9697: 9685: 9661: 9637: 9625: 9601: 9565: 9523:from the original on 7 September 2023 9451: 9424: 9400: 9346:from the original on 22 December 2011 9326: 9314: 9210: 9174: 9150: 9126: 9090: 9078: 9042: 9030: 9018: 9006: 8968:Langer, Philip; Pois, Robert (2004). 8955: 8931: 8919: 8895: 8859: 8835: 8811: 8799: 8787: 8775: 8763: 8751: 8739: 8691: 8667: 8643: 8607: 8595: 8544: 8493: 8430: 8370: 8358: 8346: 8334: 8310: 8298: 8274: 8228: 8216: 8204: 8192: 8165: 8153: 8141: 8105: 8081: 8057: 8014: 7927: 7915: 7888: 7856:. Taylor & Francis. p. 133. 7798:Great Generals of the Napoleonic Wars 7683: 7665:from the original on 27 February 2024 7632: 7620: 7608: 7596: 7572: 7548: 7524: 7476: 7342: 7306: 7294: 7246: 7045: 6988: 6735: 5888: 5834:from the original on 25 February 2018 5760:from the original on 27 February 2024 5431:. Yale University Press. p. 98. 5421: 5361: 5250: 5237: 5220: 4724:in 1871, as it sparked a new wave of 2892: 2807:on 10 July, and the latter signed an 1784:Ottoman amphibious invasion at Abukir 1236:), demonstrating his support for the 1046:Napoleon was born one year after the 725:in 1795. In 1796, Napoleon commanded 261: 23770:Hugues-Bernard Maret, duc de Bassano 22920:Debatable or disputed rulers are in 21365: 20372:Louis Marie de La RĂ©velliĂšre-LĂ©peaux 19784:Claude Victor-Perrin, Duc de Belluno 19475: 18571:Insurrection of 12 Germinal Year III 15309:First Consul of the French Republic 15195: 14379:from the original on 7 December 2023 14352:from the original on 7 December 2023 14170:from the original on 7 December 2023 14113:from the original on 7 December 2023 14025: 14013:from the original on 2 December 2023 13992: 13616: 13584: 13551:from the original on 2 December 2023 13472:from the original on 5 December 2023 13362:from the original on 2 December 2023 13244:from the original on 2 December 2023 13109:from the original on 7 December 2023 13081: 13018:from the original on 2 December 2023 12953:Historical Dictionary of Switzerland 12911:from the original on 2 December 2023 12597:from the original on 7 December 2023 12475: 12445: 12390: 12329: 12317: 12216: 12147:from the original on 9 November 2023 11927: 11790:from the original on 3 December 2017 11706: 11609:from the original on 7 December 2023 11339: 11061: 10982: 10958: 10811: 10799: 10763: 10587: 10551: 10539: 10479:from the original on 24 January 2018 10453:from the original on 2 December 2023 10410:Catholic University of America Press 9364: 9296:from the original on 2 November 2022 9222: 8988:from the original on 2 December 2023 8577:from the original on 2 December 2023 8556: 8532: 8475:from the original on 29 October 2021 7984:from the original on 2 December 2023 7964:Karsh, Efraim; Karsh, Inari (2001). 7359:. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 409–12. 7357:A Companion to the French Revolution 7069: 6860: 6646: 6550: 6370: 5702:from the original on 22 August 2022. 5531: 5519: 5475: 5445:from the original on 2 December 2023 5388:from the original on 2 December 2023 5355: 4935:19 February 1803 – 29 December 1813 4797:(1781–1824), and his second cousin, 3839: 3443:Henry Vassall-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland 3429:, damp floors and poor provisions". 2724:Napoleon accepting the surrender of 2476:. In February 1806, Ottoman Emperor 2406:Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz 2233:On 26 May, Napoleon crowned himself 1134: 995:, and, later, six younger siblings: 786:dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire 224: 24038:Marshals of the First French Empire 23993:Generals of the First French Empire 22268:from 1848-1873 as Louis Philippe II 21557:NapolĂ©on, Prince Imperial of France 21537:Augusta, Princess Placido Gabrielli 21456:Charlotte, Princess Mario Gabrielli 21248:Marie Louise, Empress of the French 21040: 19979:Edward Pellew, 1st Viscount Exmouth 17724:Franco-Swedish War (Pomeranian War) 15741: 15676:11 April 1814 â€“ 20 March 1815 15400:19 February 1803 – 19 October 1813 15396:Mediator of the Swiss Confederation 13846:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 12231:from the original on 20 April 2010. 12015:from the original on 24 August 2019 11752:"Science, Education and Napoleon I" 9770:The Spirit of the English Magazines 5239:[napoleˈoːnediˌbwɔnaˈparte] 4931:Mediator of the Swiss Confederation 4861:First Consul of the French Republic 3893:("a great man") against Voltaire's 1873: 110:First Consul of the French Republic 25:Napoleon Bonaparte (disambiguation) 13: 24053:Monarchs taken prisoner in wartime 23998:Grand Crosses of the Order of Aviz 22020: 22016:Coat of arms of the House of Capet 22011: 21169:Influence of the French Revolution 21159:Symbolism in the French Revolution 19923:Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss-Plauen 19884:Charles Eugene, Prince of Lambesc 18139:Convocation of the Estates General 15351:President of the Italian Republic 14832:French campaign in Egypt and Syria 14228: 12856:from the original on 6 April 2014. 8728:Fremont-Barnes & Fisher (2004) 8455:Fremont-Barnes & Fisher (2004) 8323:Fremont-Barnes & Fisher (2004) 8287:Fremont-Barnes & Fisher (2004) 8263:Fremont-Barnes & Fisher (2004) 7395:, Oxford University Press, p. 182. 6433: 6057:Napoleon: A Biographical Companion 5540:from the original on 20 April 2010 5464:Fremont-Barnes & Fisher (2004) 5428:The Spanish Inquisition: A History 4664:of Napoleon in the chamber of the 4653:Influence of the French Revolution 4647:Long-term influence outside France 4248: 1804: 1605:French campaign in Egypt and Syria 1554:Henri FĂ©lix Emmanuel Philippoteaux 1197: 1149:Henri FĂ©lix Emmanuel Philippoteaux 14: 24109: 24073:People of the First French Empire 20811:Guillaume-ChrĂ©tien de Malesherbes 20543:Antoine Quentin Fouquier-Tinville 19845:Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen 19627:François Christophe de Kellermann 18866:Battle of Peyrestortes (Pyrenees) 15131:"China is a sleeping giant" quote 14392: 13884:The Peninsular War: A New History 13508:Napoleon: The Man Behind The Myth 13327:. Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing. 12835:International Journal of Sciences 12693:from the original on 31 July 2021 12219:"Furore over Austerlitz ceremony" 11905:Hastings, Max (31 October 2014). 9840: 9798:from the original on 3 March 2021 7870:from the original on 29 July 2014 6979:, pp. 209–10, 219–23, 229–34 6454:. pp. 15–16, 18, 20, 22–23. 5534:"Furore over Austerlitz ceremony" 5100:11 April 1814 – 26 February 1815 4898:President of the Italian Republic 4706:, made up of about three hundred 4219: 3991:the empire and satellite states. 3805:, his remains were entombed in a 3139:reluctantly complied on 6 April. 2978:Napoleon's withdrawal from Russia 2705:, the French evacuated Portugal. 1949:French captured Milan on 2 June. 1853:and Directory: Lucien Bonaparte, 1684:Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim 1505:Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen 1422:, and her family owned slaves on 1297:, artillery fire in front of the 1276: 265: 23978:French people of Lombard descent 23973:French people of Italian descent 23888:19th-century presidents of Italy 23751:Pierre-Alexandre-Laurent Forfait 23644:Jean Jacques RĂ©gis de CambacĂ©rĂšs 23595:Jean Jacques RĂ©gis de CambacĂ©rĂšs 23569: 23538:(10 November 1799 – 18 May 1804) 21857: 21791: 21729: 21675:Jean-Christophe, Prince NapolĂ©on 21613:Princess Mary, Mrs. Enrico Gotti 21506:Mathilde, Princess of San Donato 21424: 21261: 21243:JosĂ©phine, Empress of the French 20538:Philippe-Antoine Merlin de Douai 20445:Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours 20415:Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot 20306:Jean-Marie Roland de la PlatiĂšre 20084: 20049: 20019: 19994: 19951: 19825: 19702:Édouard Mortier, Duke of TrĂ©vise 19483: 18255:Civil Constitution of the Clergy 17599:Frederick William III of Prussia 17579:Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly 15354:26 January 1802 – 17 March 1805 15318:Jean Jacques RĂ©gis de CambacĂ©rĂšs 15194: 15186: 15185: 14602: 14409:International Napoleonic Society 14372:MĂ©moires du Prince de Talleyrand 14338:. Oxford U.P. pp. 177–560. 14305:from the original on 15 May 2021 13030: 12991: 12980: 12969: 12958: 12923: 12884: 12879:Constitution du 13 dĂ©cembre 1799 12872: 12819: 12721: 12705: 12675: 12636: 12609: 12570: 12540: 12481: 12451: 12396: 12256: 12235: 12126: 12005:"The Little Tyrant, A review of 11993: 11980: 11933: 11898: 11874: 11838: 11743: 11712: 11441: 11271: 11241: 11229:from the original on 4 June 2016 11211: 11199:from the original on 3 June 2023 11154: 11121: 11086: 11055: 11012: 11000: 10683: 10656: 10465: 10426: 10395: 10382: 10350: 10327: 10278: 10221: 10007: 9834: 9784: 9758: 9703: 9655: 9643: 9631: 9619: 9607: 9595: 9583: 9571: 9559: 9547: 9535: 9505: 9493: 9481: 9469: 9457: 9445: 9418: 9406: 9394: 9382: 9370: 9332: 9308: 9269: 9257:from the original on 2 July 2023 9216: 9204: 9192: 9180: 9168: 9156: 9144: 9120: 9108: 9096: 9084: 9072: 9060: 9048: 8961: 8937: 8625: 8613: 8550: 8460: 8391: 8222: 8123: 8111: 8020: 7957: 7933: 7803: 7790: 7777: 7765: 7753: 7740: 7728: 7716: 7638: 7626: 7614: 7602: 7590: 7578: 7566: 7542: 7530: 7518: 7506: 7494: 7470: 7458: 7410: 7385: 7373: 7348: 7336: 7324: 7312: 7300: 7288: 7276: 7264: 7252: 7213: 7201: 7159: 7147: 7135: 7123: 7099: 7087: 7075: 7063: 7051: 7024: 7012: 6995:The French Revolution, 1770-1814 6982: 6970: 6958: 6946: 6905: 6881: 6825: 6813: 6789: 6777: 6765: 6741: 6442:"Chapter 2: Bird of the Islands" 5319: 5292: 5252:[napuliˈɔnɛˌbwɔnaˈbartɛ] 5141: 4870:Jean-Jacques-RĂ©gis de CambacĂ©rĂšs 4622: 4597: 4572: 4276:Jean Jacques RĂ©gis de CambacĂ©rĂšs 3819:Napoleon and the Catholic Church 3586:Parliament of the United Kingdom 3579: 3473:Parliament of the United Kingdom 3466: 3168: 2883:François Charles Joseph Napoleon 2272:Napoleon in his coronation robes 2128: 1527:, and promised to partition the 1357:to offer his services to Sultan 1182:the French garrison in Ajaccio. 733:and their Italian allies in the 684:a series of successful campaigns 645: 628: 611: 594: 577: 560: 543: 526: 509: 492: 475: 458: 441: 424: 407: 390: 373: 356: 332: 325: 318: 300: 228: 24048:Military personnel from Ajaccio 23893:19th-century princes of Andorra 23883:19th-century monarchs of France 21968:Pretenders to the French throne 21618:EugĂ©nie, Princess of La Moskowa 21396:Elisa, Grand Duchess of Tuscany 21238:Napoleon, Emperor of the French 20876:Jean-Jacques Duval d'EprĂ©mesnil 20623:Jacques-Nicolas Billaud-Varenne 20548:Philippe-François-Joseph Le Bas 19759:Jean-Mathieu-Philibert SĂ©rurier 19754:BarthĂ©lemy Louis Joseph SchĂ©rer 19734:Catherine-Dominique de PĂ©rignon 19562:Adam Philippe, Comte de Custine 18480:Marie Antoinette is guillotined 17719:Russo-Swedish War (Finnish War) 17649:Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies 15555:12 July 1806 – 19 October 1813 15073:Napoleon as Mars the Peacemaker 13004:. Routledge. pp. 246–248. 12263:Forrest, A. (1 December 2004). 12242:Williamson, Lucy (4 May 2021). 12133:Dodman, Benjamin (7 May 2021). 11049:Springer Science+Business Media 10334:Youssef, Ahmed (January 2023). 7811:Atlas of World Military History 7785:Atlas of World Military History 6700: 6688: 6676: 6664: 6652: 6616: 6604: 6592: 6580: 6568: 6556: 6532: 6520: 6508: 6421: 6409: 6397: 6385: 6358: 6346: 6334: 6307: 6283: 6271: 6259: 6247: 6235: 6223: 6199: 6187: 6175: 6163: 6151: 6139: 6127: 6115: 6103: 6091: 6079: 6046: 6034: 6010: 5966: 5942: 5930: 5918: 5894: 5870: 5858: 5740:Chamberlain, Alexander (1896). 5733: 5721: 5661: 5627: 5615: 5576: 5564: 5552: 5279: 5258: 4825:ElĂ©onore Denuelle de La Plaigne 4304:Napoleonic weaponry and warfare 4093:Cultural depictions of Napoleon 4079:ascribed his nervous energy to 3288:On 13 March, the powers at the 3235: 2857:at its greatest extent in 1812: 2732:On 6 November, Napoleon was in 2583:on a raft in the middle of the 2205:Francis I as Emperor of Austria 2179:, violating the sovereignty of 1129: 759:sold the territory of Louisiana 698:from 1799 to 1804, then of the 257: 220: 24028:Leaders who took power by coup 21406:Pauline, Princess of Guastalla 21149:Women in the French Revolution 20751:Louis Antoine, Duke of Enghien 19928:Johann MĂ©szĂĄros von SzoboszlĂł 19592:Pierre Marie BarthĂ©lemy Ferino 19221:French invasion of Switzerland 17634:Prince Regent John of Portugal 17544:Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor 17489:Frederick Augustus I of Saxony 17484:Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria 15596:11 April 1814 – 20 March 1815 15494:17 March 1805 – 11 April 1814 15482:as last crowned monarch, 1530 14156:. Greenwood Publishing Group. 13945:The Napoleonic Wars, 1803–1815 13044: 12730:"Napoleon and Polish Identity" 10669:. Da Capo Press. p. 171. 10666:Wellington: A Personal History 10122:. Royal Society of Chemistry. 9340:"Napoleon's act of abdication" 8238:. Pan Macmillan. p. 238. 7261:, pp. 283–84, 289, 294–96 5415: 5228: 5133: 5056:12 July 1806 – 4 November 1813 4865:13 December 1799 – 18 May 1804 4783:Marie Louise, Duchess of Parma 4061:cited Napoleon to describe an 4038:Napoleon visiting the Tribunat 3994: 1832: 1446:Bonaparte at the Pont d'Arcole 1378:Insurrection of 10 August 1792 1314:Fall of Maximilien Robespierre 844:. In summer 1812, he launched 1: 23746:Marc-Antoine Bourdon de Vatry 21154:Incroyables and merveilleuses 20973:Pierre Claude François Daunou 20761:Louis Joseph, Prince of CondĂ© 19892:Maximilian Baillet de Latour 19863:Friedrich Freiherr von Hotze 19160:Naval Engagement off Brittany 18913:Battle of Villers-en-Cauchies 18887:Battle of Truillas (Pyrenees) 18696:Constitution of the Year VIII 18431:Committee of General Security 18316:National Legislative Assembly 18171:National Constituent Assembly 17659:Prince Charles John of Sweden 15635:as King of France and Navarre 15613:as King of France and Navarre 15475:Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 15459:as King of France and Navarre 15405:New Confederation established 14367:Talleyrand, Chares-Maurice de 13965:The Journal of Modern History 13544:Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte 13088:Napoleon: A Concise Biography 12553:A history of the modern world 12217:Repa, Jan (2 December 2005). 11907:"Everything is Owed to Glory" 10663:Hibbert, Christopher (1999). 10144:Hindmarsh & Savory (2008) 9710:Hibbert, Christopher (2003). 6460:10.4159/harvard.9780674188761 6440:Knapton, Ernest John (1963). 5688:. Pearson Education Limited. 5532:Repa, Jan (2 December 2005). 4902:26 January 1802 – 18 May 1805 4363:since the Revolutionary era. 3868:by the pope through the bull 3697:, joined Napoleon's retinue. 3660:Statute Law Revision Act 1873 3547:Statute Law Revision Act 1873 3373: 3309:Gebhard Leberecht von BlĂŒcher 2551:battles of Jena and Auerstedt 2465:, 27 April 1807, to sign the 2279: 1993:Plot of the Rue Saint-Nicaise 1911:Constitution of the Year VIII 1903:the hand inside the waistcoat 1701:Louis-François, Baron Lejeune 1593:Charles Maurice de Talleyrand 1454: 1436:Italian Campaign of 1796-1797 1187:French expedition to Sardinia 935: 818:trade embargo against Britain 765:. In December 1804, Napoleon 283: 23694:Martin-Michel-Charles Gaudin 22248:NapolĂ©on VII Jean-Christophe 21231:Emperor and immediate family 21072:LibertĂ©, Ă©galitĂ©, fraternitĂ© 20866:Charles Alexandre de Calonne 20756:Louis Henri, Prince of CondĂ© 20653:Jean Baptiste NoĂ«l Bouchotte 20553:Marc-Guillaume Alexis Vadier 20243:Charles Malo François Lameth 19918:Peter Vitus von Quosdanovich 19749:Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr 19692:Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey 18892:Second Battle of Wissembourg 18579:Constitution of the Year III 15447:18 May 1804 – 11 April 1814 15345:Italian Republic established 14466: 14327:. Columbia University Press. 14085:10.1373/clinchem.2008.117358 13880:Esdaile, Charles J. (2003). 13879: 13783:. Rowman & Littlefield. 13384:. Harvard University Press. 13230:. Harcourt Brace, & Co. 13149:Napoleon: Soldier of Destiny 11750:Williams, L. Pearce (1956). 10229:"L'Empire et le Saint-SiĂšge" 9843:"Napoleon's English Lessons" 9282:. Springer. pp. 10–15. 8027:Michael V. Leggiere (2015). 7645:Rosenberg, Chaim M. (2017). 5331: 5004:17 March 1805 – 6 April 1814 4699:was proclaimed for all men. 4535:The Memorial of Saint Helena 4421: 4366: 3902: 3435:Emmanuel, comte de Las Cases 3344:Rochefort, Charente-Maritime 2167:Bonaparte becomes Napoleon I 880:, which defeated him at the 862:forcing Napoleon to abdicate 158:, Corsica, Kingdom of France 91:20 March 1815 – 22 June 1815 7: 24043:Military governors of Paris 23898:Characters in War and Peace 23878:19th-century kings of Italy 23816:First Cabinet of Napoleon I 22108:Blancs d'Espagne succession 21822:Francis Joseph I of Austria 21511:NapolĂ©on, Prince of Monfort 20968:Charles-Augustin de Coulomb 20593:Antoine Christophe Saliceti 20528:Jean-Marie Collot d'Herbois 20488:Louis Antoine de Saint-Just 20367:Jean-Baptiste Robert Lindet 20352:JĂ©rĂŽme PĂ©tion de Villeneuve 20347:Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud 20156:Isaac RenĂ© Guy le Chapelier 20009:William V, Prince of Orange 18879:First Battle of Wissembourg 18836:(21 Dec 1792 - 25 May 1793) 18552:Closing of the Jacobin Club 18421:(27 Jun 1793 – 27 Jul 1794) 18378:(20 Sep 1792 – 26 Oct 1795) 18238:Abolition of the Parlements 18211:Women's March on Versailles 15505:Victor Emmanuel II of Savoy 15389:Helvetic Republic dissolved 14866:War of the Fourth Coalition 14418:Public Broadcasting Service 14332:Schroeder, Paul W. (1996). 13865:. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 13458:. Oxford University Press. 13285:Napoleon: The Path to Power 13187:. New York: Pegasus books. 12965:Constitution du 18 mai 1804 12048:, pp. 41, 53, 75, 103. 12011:. The Claremont Institute. 10641:, "Introduction", pp. 3-36. 9223:Vial, Charles-Éloi (2014). 5301:Bonaparte Crossing the Alps 4816:aged 21, with no children. 4772: 4752:Latin American independence 4635:French occupation of Moscow 4631:Napoleon leaves the Kremlin 4606:Bonaparte Crossing the Alps 4308:Military career of Napoleon 4023:understood the common man. 3812: 3251:Napoleon's Return from Elba 3160:on 20 April, Napoleon said: 2845:Consolidation of the Empire 2814:In August, a British force 2502:War of the Fourth Coalition 2334:260 km (160 mi). 2070:coin depicting Napoleon as 1884:War of the Second Coalition 1795:War of the Second Coalition 1615:Bonaparte Before the Sphinx 1332:, which was engaged in the 1300:Church of Saint-Roch, Paris 1245:Antoine Christophe Saliceti 1147:. Portrait made in 1835 by 915:, enacted the principle of 790:War of the Fourth Coalition 755:War of the Second Coalition 739:invasion of Egypt and Syria 10: 24114: 23908:Deaths from stomach cancer 23456:North German Confederation 23372:Confederation of the Rhine 21921:House of Habsburg-Lorraine 21854:North German Confederation 21839:Archduke Johann of Austria 21726:Confederation of the Rhine 21103:French Republican calendar 20658:Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Gobel 20283:Bertrand BarĂšre de Vieuzac 19637:Pierre Choderlos de Laclos 19587:Charles François Dumouriez 19577:Jacques François Dugommier 19391:League of Armed Neutrality 19224:(28 January – 17 May 1798) 19176:Battle of the Bay of CĂĄdiz 18999:(22 Nov 1794 - 7 Jun 1795) 18978:(22 Nov 1794 - 7 Jun 1795) 18642:Second Congress of Rastatt 18426:Committee of Public Safety 18413:(9 Mar 1793 – 31 May 1795) 17494:Frederick I of WĂŒrttemberg 15864:Confederation of the Rhine 15642:according to his will only 15175:Symphony No. 3 (Beethoven) 15040:Column of the Grande ArmĂ©e 14902:War of the Sixth Coalition 14878:War of the Fifth Coalition 14854:War of the Third Coalition 14096:Heavy Words Lightly Thrown 13455:Napoleon: The End of Glory 13345:Napoleon: A Political Life 13063:Barnett, Corelli (1997) . 13048: 12616:Astarita, Tommaso (2005). 11844:Margaret Bradley (1975), " 10698:Courier Dover Publications 10120:Is Arsenic an Aphrodisiac? 10075:10.1007/s00428-021-03061-1 9766:"Two Days at Saint Helena" 8420:– via Springer Link. 7651:. McFarland. p. 168. 6998:. Blackwell. p. 212. 5794:Parker, Harold T. (1971). 5746:. MacMillan. p. 385. 5493:, pp. 574–76, 582–84. 5310:Napoleon Crossing the Alps 5222:[napɔleɔ̃bɔnapaʁt] 4973:18 May 1804 – 6 April 1814 4829:Alexandre Colonna-Walewski 4716:; this helped promote the 4714:Confederation of the Rhine 4650: 4581:Napoleon Crossing the Alps 4502: 4414: 4301: 4297: 4252: 4175: 4090: 3966: 3906: 3816: 3742:On 3 May he was given the 3704: 3695:François Carlo Antommarchi 3561:United Kingdom legislation 3448:United Kingdom legislation 3239: 3172: 3041:War of the Sixth Coalition 3038: 3035:War of the Sixth Coalition 2987:The Russians retreated to 2896: 2762:War of the Fifth Coalition 2759: 2756:War of the Fifth Coalition 2653: 2528:Confederation of the Rhine 2499: 2442: 2263:War of the Third Coalition 2260: 2257:War of the Third Coalition 2155:The Coronation of Napoleon 2138: 2132: 2117:, which established a new 2002: 1988:Conspiration des poignards 1877: 1838: 1808: 1658:French Academy of Sciences 1602: 1433: 1390:French Republican calendar 1280: 1201: 850:War of the Sixth Coalition 838:War of the Fifth Coalition 824:and installed his brother 778:War of the Third Coalition 735:War of the First Coalition 18: 23953:French governors of Egypt 23804: 23794:Jean François AimĂ© Dejean 23788: 23776: 23764: 23738: 23712: 23700: 23688: 23662: 23636: 23623:Charles-FrĂ©dĂ©ric Reinhard 23615: 23608: 23582: 23567: 23543: 23473: 23454: 23435: 23413: 23389: 23370: 23059: 23018: 22969: 22918: 22899: 22873: 22835: 22809: 22763: 22738: 22659: 22570: 22466: 22342: 22312: 22261: 22169: 22106: 22032: 22009: 21978: 21906: 21885: 21868: 21852: 21831: 21802: 21786: 21757: 21740: 21724: 21667: 21651: 21605: 21562:Prince Jerome Napoleon II 21519: 21433: 21422: 21411:Caroline, Queen of Naples 21373: 21323: 21270: 21259: 21230: 21118:Cult of the Supreme Being 21046: 21035: 20941: 20930: 20889: 20723: 20716: 20601: 20458: 20380: 20291: 20278:Pierre Paul Royer-Collard 20184: 20133:Patriotic Society of 1789 20131: 20120: 20082: 20047: 20017: 19992: 19949: 19936:Karl Philipp Sebottendorf 19858:Karl Aloys zu FĂŒrstenberg 19823: 19814: 19792: 19497: 19481: 19470: 19439: 19402: 19375:Convention of Alessandria 19357: 19264: 19211: 19142: 19012: 18986: 18903: 18800: 18727: 18716: 18672: 18661:Law of 22 FlorĂ©al Year VI 18653: 18626: 18563: 18499: 18394: 18327: 18276: 18230: 18122:What Is the Third Estate? 18113: 18086: 18075: 17990: 17873: 17757: 17672: 17654:Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden 17644:William, Prince of Orange 17507: 17454:Pierre-Charles Villeneuve 17387: 17380: 17260: 17139: 17003: 16832: 16746: 16700: 16449: 16343: 16267: 16161: 16075: 16027: 16018: 15914: 15815: 15806: 15783:French Invasion of Russia 15749: 15709: 15704:Links to related articles 15678: 15663: 15658: 15651: 15627: 15618: 15605: 15588: 15583: 15548: 15539: 15531: 15522: 15511: 15496: 15487: 15466: 15449: 15440: 15416: 15411: 15393: 15382: 15356: 15349: 15338: 15307: 15296: 15267: 15256: 15251: 15224: 15219: 15183: 15099: 15027: 15005:Saint-Domingue expedition 14943: 14890:French invasion of Russia 14791:French Revolutionary Wars 14780: 14611: 14600: 14501: 14474: 14235:Chesney, Charles (2006). 14189:. Greenwood. p. 99. 13999:. Bloomsbury Publishing. 13903:Esdaile, Charles (2007). 13819:Cordingly, David (2004). 13798:Conner, Susan P. (2004). 13741:. Saturday Review Press. 13707:The Campaigns of Napoleon 13674:The Campaigns of Napoleon 13653:. Yale University Press. 13645:Bordes, Philippe (2007). 13587:Napoleon: For and Against 13531:Historiography and memory 13437:. London: Jonathan Cape. 13308:. Yale University Press. 13289:. Yale University Press. 12409:French Historical Studies 11725:. Routledge. p. 52. 11095:French Historical Studies 11035:10.1007/978-1-349-08847-8 9580:, pp. 540–45, 562–64 9201:, pp. 461–62, 487–88 7809:Richard Brooks (editor), 7783:Richard Brooks (editor), 6565:, pp. 245–50, 268–71 5800:French Historical Studies 5680:Ellis, Geoffrey (1997b). 5374:. Springer. p. 230. 5266:1768 Treaty of Versailles 5102: 5093: 5087: 5069: 5049: 5033: 5017: 4997: 4991: 4977: 4964: 4947: 4937: 4928: 4920: 4912: 4895: 4887: 4879: 4858: 4850: 4845: 4838: 4785:and her son Napoleon, by 4187:Saint-Louis des Invalides 4031:, Talleyrand and FouchĂ©. 3728: 3665: 3653: 3648: 3640: 3630: 3620: 3615: 3602: 3592: 3578: 3573: 3566: 3552: 3540: 3535: 3527: 3517: 3507: 3502: 3489: 3479: 3465: 3460: 3453: 3151:Antoine-Alphonse Montfort 2899:French invasion of Russia 2650:Peninsular War and Erfurt 2349:receive the surrender of 2320:Battle of Cape Finisterre 2086:under his brother-in-law 2084:Saint-Domingue expedition 1999:Temporary peace in Europe 1711:on 1 July. He fought the 1254:, the younger brother of 686:across Europe during the 296: 276: 197: 186: 178: 162: 142: 138: 134: 130: 126: 115: 108: 104: 96: 84: 74: 63: 56: 39: 34: 21:Napoleon (disambiguation) 24098:Self-proclaimed monarchy 24088:Politicians from Ajaccio 24083:People of Tuscan descent 23680:Louis-Alexandre Berthier 23670:Louis-Alexandre Berthier 23424:Archduke John of Austria 21767:Karl Theodor von Dalberg 21659:Charles, Prince NapolĂ©on 21220:Imperial House of France 20826:Gui-Jean-Baptiste Target 20791:JosĂ©phine de Beauharnais 20673:Stanislas-Marie Maillard 20643:François-Nicolas Vincent 20628:Pierre Gaspard Chaumette 19802:Charles-Alexandre Linois 19697:Jean Victor Marie Moreau 19677:François SĂ©verin Marceau 19657:François Joseph Lefebvre 19552:Jean-Étienne Championnet 19527:Louis-Alexandre Berthier 19522:Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte 19517:Alexandre de Beauharnais 19507:Eustache Charles d'Aoust 19229:French Invasion of Egypt 19107:Second Battle of Bassano 18841:Battle of Kaiserslautern 18615:Conspiracy of the Equals 18308:The Constitution of 1791 18179:Storming of the Bastille 17564:Archduke John of Austria 17559:Prince von Schwarzenberg 17404:Louis-Alexandre Berthier 15625:20 March – 22 June 1815 15559:Confederation dissolved 15214:Offices and distinctions 14918:Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube 14514:JosĂ©phine de Beauharnais 14239:. Kessinger Publishing. 14150:Watson, William (2003). 14026:Grab, Alexander (2003). 13993:Grab, Alexander (2017). 13630:. Taylor & Francis. 13600:. Simon & Schuster. 13594:Roberts, Andrew (2001). 13589:. London: Jonathan Cape. 13578:10.3167/fpcs.2008.260306 13485:Roberts, Andrew (2014). 13342:Englund, Steven (2010). 13202:Chandler, David (2002). 13183:Broers, Michael (2022). 13051:Bibliography of Napoleon 12891:Kubben, Raymond (2011). 12583:. Berg. pp. 11–13. 12577:Scheck, Raffael (2008). 12007:Napoleon: A Penguin Life 11986:Charles Esdaile (2008), 11859:(1975) 32#5 pp. 415–449. 11592:World History of Warfare 11019:Ellis, Geoffrey (2003). 10118:Cullen, William (2008). 9953:, pp. 82–89, 90–93. 9819:, pp. 44–46, 64–67. 8408:10.1057/9781137455475_16 7391:Christer Petley (2018), 6452:Harvard University Press 5505:, pp. 32–34, 50–51. 5112: 4975:20 March – 22 June 1815 4799:StĂ©phanie de Beauharnais 3973:Napoleon and Protestants 3833:ecclesiastical provinces 3700: 3445:'s call for an inquiry. 3370:Napoleon on Saint Helena 3348:Frederick Lewis Maitland 3125:Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube 2955:river and implemented a 2794:Battle of Aspern-Essling 2599:that proved indecisive. 2579:: Napoleon meeting with 2439:Middle-Eastern alliances 2141:Coronation of Napoleon I 1639:trade interests in India 1416:JosĂ©phine de Beauharnais 1263:Second Battle of Saorgio 1060:Charles Louis de Marbeuf 816:. Seeking to extend his 798:Battle of Jena–Auerstedt 209:JosĂ©phine de Beauharnais 23958:French military leaders 23654:Claude Ambroise RĂ©gnier 22333:List of French monarchs 21911:List of German monarchs 21572:Victor, Prince NapolĂ©on 20806:Jacques-Donatien Le Ray 20678:Charles-Philippe Ronsin 20638:Antoine-François Momoro 20633:Charles-Philippe Ronsin 20450:François de NeufchĂąteau 20400:Charles-François Lebrun 20342:Jean Baptiste Treilhard 20223:Guillaume-Mathieu Dumas 20099:Luis Firmin de Carvajal 19905:Rudolf Ritter von Otto 19900:Karl Mack von Leiberich 19532:Jean-Baptiste BessiĂšres 19346:Second Battle of Zurich 19237:Irish Rebellion of 1798 19083:First Battle of Bassano 18921:Second Battle of Boulou 18722:Revolutionary campaigns 18680:Coup of 30 Prairial VII 18595:Council of Five Hundred 18383:First republic declared 18319:(1 Oct 1791 – Sep 1792) 18300:Declaration of Pillnitz 18024:Constitutional monarchy 17499:Frederick VI of Denmark 17449:Jean-Baptiste BessiĂšres 16239:Greater Poland uprising 16062:Duc d'Enghien Execution 15323:Charles-François Lebrun 15050:Palace of Fontainebleau 14291:10.1111/1468-229X.12089 14273:Dwyer, Philip (2015b). 14183:Sicker, Martin (2001). 14093:Roberts, Chris (2004). 14045:Harvey, Robert (2007). 13775:Connelly, Owen (2006). 13756:Cobban, Alfred (1963). 13506:Zamoyski, Adam (2018). 13403:19 October 2016 at the 13323:Dwyer, Phillip (2018). 13281:Dwyer, Philip (2008a). 13122:Blaufarb, Rafe (2008). 13093:Oxford University Press 13091:. Oxford and New York: 12946:2 December 2023 at the 12935:2 December 2023 at the 12659:Oxford University Press 12490:"Napoleon and His Code" 12421:10.1215/00161071-28-1-1 11911:The Wall Street Journal 11390:, p. 29-35, 51-53. 11289:Weidenfeld and Nicolson 11219:"La taille de NapolĂ©on" 11160:Davydov, Denis (1999). 10901:, pp. 573, 575–76. 10802:, pp. 135–37, 175. 10554:, pp. 135–37, 198. 10182:, pp. 216–19, 225. 10170:, pp. 141, 195–99. 10032:, pp. 115, 282n82. 9105:, pp. 600–602, 608 8862:, pp. 361, 370–71. 7850:Adrian Gilbert (2000). 6541:, pp. 195, 204–206 6053:David Nicholls (1999). 6031:, Chapter 2, pp. 29–53. 5639:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 4875:Charles-François Lebrun 4697:equality before the law 3957:Palace of Fontainebleau 3943:Arrest of Pope Pius VII 3864:ceremony. Napoleon was 3774:Valley of the Geraniums 3411:before he was moved to 3339:, just north of Paris. 3196:Treaty of Fontainebleau 2510:Napoleon reviewing the 2480:recognized Napoleon as 2449:Franco-Persian alliance 2445:Franco-Ottoman alliance 2390:French forces occupied 2093:Jean-Jacques Dessalines 1919:Charles-François Lebrun 1894:Bonaparte, First Consul 1851:Council of Five Hundred 1742:of Damascus (Syria and 1671:Description de l'Égypte 1575:Bonaparte sent General 1025:Napoleone di Buonaparte 917:equality before the law 832:in 1808, provoking the 820:, Napoleon invaded the 669:Napoleone di Buonaparte 246:Marie Louise of Austria 24058:Monarchs who abdicated 23988:French Roman Catholics 23913:Emperors of the French 23782:François BarbĂ©-Marbois 23556:Emmanuel Joseph SieyĂšs 22839:(1814–1815; 1815–1830) 22328:List of Frankish kings 22323:Simplified family tree 22171:Bonapartist pretenders 22026: 22017: 21816:Ferdinand I of Austria 21633:Louis, Prince NapolĂ©on 21587:William Bonaparte-Wyse 21577:Prince Louis Bonaparte 21496:Prince JĂ©rĂŽme NapolĂ©on 21471:Prince Pierre NapolĂ©on 21253:Napoleon, King of Rome 21135: 21094: 21070: 21051: 20563:Prieur de la CĂŽte-d'Or 20558:Jean-Pierre-AndrĂ© Amar 20468:Maximilien Robespierre 20301:Jacques Pierre Brissot 20166:Emmanuel Joseph SieyĂšs 19597:Louis-Charles de Flers 19582:Thomas-Alexandre Dumas 19547:Jean François Carteaux 19322:First Battle of Zurich 19285:(20 Mar – 21 May 1799) 19240:(23 May – 23 Sep 1798) 19200:Treaty of Campo Formio 18946:Glorious First of June 18874:(18 Sep – 18 Dec 1793) 18833:Expedition to Sardinia 18511:Desmoulins guillotined 18446:Assassination of Marat 18438:Fall of the Girondists 18410:Revolutionary Tribunal 18402:Execution of Louis XVI 18292:Champ de Mars massacre 18195:Abolition of Feudalism 17619:Ferdinand VII of Spain 16067:Coronation of Napoleon 15672:Emperor of the French 15435:as King of the French 15282:Emmanuel Joseph SieyĂšs 14838:Battle of the Pyramids 14643:Assassination attempts 14545:Carlo Maria Buonaparte 14254:Johnson, Paul (2002). 13907:. London: Allen Lane. 13677:. New York: Scribner. 13433:McLynn, Frank (1997). 13304:Dwyer, Philip (2013). 12998:Emsley, Clive (2014). 12403:Datta, Venita (2005). 12087:, pp. 62, 105–07. 10286:"Napoleon's "divorce"" 9129:, pp. 453, 458–63 8557:Gill, John H. (2020). 8349:, p. 271-72, 275. 7551:, pp. 125, 129–31 6709:, pp. 327, 333–35 6601:, pp. 285–86, 291 6007:, Chapter 1, pp. 3–28. 5247: 5217: 4907:Francesco Melzi d'Eril 4790: 4767:Poland Is Not Yet Lost 4748:Ferdinand VII of Spain 4722:unification of Germany 4672:Louisiana and Quebec. 4668: 4522: 4451: 4440: 4321: 4267: 4195: 4139: 4114: 4039: 3963:Religious emancipation 3921: 3836: 3735: 3707:Death mask of Napoleon 3390: 3379: 3258: 3191: 3166: 3153: 3101: 3061: 2984: 2931: 2920:Napoleon watching the 2873: 2775: 2729: 2668: 2588: 2524:Bourbon king of Naples 2519: 2469: 2467:Treaty of Finckenstein 2413: 2361: 2343: 2307: 2285: 2239:Iron Crown of Lombardy 2199: 2163: 2075: 2018: 1906: 1855:Emmanuel Joseph SieyĂšs 1829: 1721:Battle of the Pyramids 1704: 1695:Battle of the Pyramids 1626: 1589:Treaty of Campo Formio 1579:to Paris to support a 1556: 1465: 1430:First Italian campaign 1309: 1256:Maximilien Robespierre 1229:Le souper de Beaucaire 1223: 1204:Siege of Toulon (1793) 1151: 1096: 981:Maria Letizia Ramolino 977:Carlo Maria Buonaparte 972: 802: 709:Born on the island of 173:Longwood, Saint Helena 23923:French Army personnel 22024: 22015: 21926:House of Hohenzollern 21773:EugĂšne de Beauharnais 21717:German Confederations 21638:Andrew Bonaparte-Wyse 21597:Lucien Bonaparte-Wyse 21416:JĂ©rĂŽme I of Westfalia 21295:EugĂšne de Beauharnais 21008:Jean-Jacques Rousseau 20273:Jean-Charles Pichegru 20253:Jean-François Rewbell 19739:Jean-Charles Pichegru 19622:Jean-Baptiste Jourdan 19612:Jacques Maurice Hatry 19383:Battle of Hohenlinden 19256:(12 Oct – 5 Dec 1798) 19091:Battle of Emmendingen 19038:Battle of Castiglione 18925:(30 Apr – 1 May 1794) 18856:Battle of Hondschoote 18527:Thermidorian Reaction 18491:(throughout the year) 18264:FĂȘte de la FĂ©dĂ©ration 18190:(20 Jul – 5 Aug 1789) 18174:(9 Jul – 30 Sep 1791) 18158:(17 Jun – 9 Jul 1790) 17906:Conference of Dresden 17815:Paris (February 1812) 17744:Swedish–Norwegian War 17569:Alexander I of Russia 15666:— TITULAR â€” 15622:Co-Prince of Andorra 15620:Emperor of the French 15529:1806 – 11 April 1814 15443:Emperor of the French 15303:Consulate established 14204:Wells, David (1992). 14153:Tricolor and crescent 13943:Gates, David (2003). 13624:Amini, Iradj (2000). 13585:Geyl, Pieter (1949). 13452:Price, Munro (2014). 13435:Napoleon: a Biography 13428:. St. Martin's Press. 13414:23 March 2018 at the 13222:Kircheisen, Friedrich 12643:Alter, Peter (2006). 11719:Clive Emsley (2014). 11448:Palmer, Alan (1984). 11022:The Napoleonic Empire 10690:Jack Coggins (1966). 10433:Aston, Nigel (2002). 10402:Aston, Nigel (2000). 10107:– via Springer. 9743:, pp. 39–41, 90. 9242:10.3917/napo.141.0003 6430:, pp. 97, 103–04 5009:EugĂšne de Beauharnais 4967:Emperor of the French 4795:EugĂšne de Beauharnais 4780: 4660: 4516: 4505:Napoleonic propaganda 4499:Propaganda and memory 4446: 4432:The Third of May 1808 4429: 4411:Memory and evaluation 4326:military organization 4315: 4302:Further information: 4290:grounds for divorce. 4262: 4183: 4134: 4100: 4091:Further information: 4037: 3969:Napoleon and the Jews 3967:Further information: 3916: 3907:Further information: 3826: 3817:Further information: 3722: 3385: 3368: 3361:Exile on Saint Helena 3317:Battle of Quatre Bras 3292:declared Napoleon an 3249: 3182: 3162: 3145: 3091: 3048: 3022:managed to cross the 2976: 2957:scorched earth policy 2918: 2852: 2769: 2723: 2682:in favour of his son 2663: 2632:Kingdom of Westphalia 2581:Alexander I of Russia 2574: 2539:Frederick William III 2509: 2456: 2404: 2396:Alexander I of Russia 2340: 2322:in July 1805. French 2270: 2197: 2189:Emperor of the French 2152: 2082:. Bonaparte sent the 2065: 2012: 1891: 1818: 1713:Battle of Shubra Khit 1692: 1612: 1545: 1482:Battle of Castiglione 1443: 1370:Thermidorian Reaction 1290: 1211: 1145:Republican volunteers 1142: 1083: 954: 846:an invasion of Russia 800:in 1806, marched his 772:The breakdown of the 704:Emperor of the French 58:Emperor of the French 23903:Corsican politicians 23730:Jean-Antoine Chaptal 23720:Pierre-Simon Laplace 23437:German Confederation 23391:German Confederation 22318:Detailed family tree 22244:NapolĂ©on VII Charles 21876:Wilhelm I of Prussia 21810:Francis I of Austria 21788:German Confederation 21592:Marie Bonaparte-Wyse 20936:Influential thinkers 20683:Jean-François Varlet 20583:Jean-Lambert Tallien 20578:Jean Bon Saint-AndrĂ© 20405:Pierre-Joseph Cambon 20327:Marquis de Condorcet 20176:Nicolas de Condorcet 19941:Dagobert von Wurmser 19774:Louis-Gabriel Suchet 19717:Pierre-Jacques Osten 19632:Jean-Baptiste KlĂ©ber 19567:Louis-Nicolas Davout 19557:Chapuis de Tourville 19099:Battle of Schliengen 19046:Battle of Theiningen 18967:Battle of Aldenhoven 18851:Battle of Wattignies 18820:Battle of Neerwinden 18634:Coup of 18 Fructidor 18147:Death of the Dauphin 17860:Fontainebleau (1814) 17414:Louis-Nicolas Davout 16335:Invasion of Portugal 15566:Francis I of Austria 15525:Co-Prince of Andorra 15226:Napoleon I of France 14860:Battle of Austerlitz 14717:Weaponry and warfare 14399:The Napoleonic Guide 13713:Simon & Schuster 13381:Bonaparte: 1769–1802 13067:. Ware: Wordsworth. 13056:Biographical studies 12728:Nieuwazny, Andrzej. 12689:. Brown University. 12683:"The Crisis of 1808" 12346:Hazareesingh, Sudhir 12183:, pp. 578, 584. 12001:Hanson, Victor Davis 11917:on 13 November 2014. 11027:Macmillan Publishers 10500:, pp. 242, 245. 10412:. pp. 279–315. 9276:Prutsch, M. (2012). 9229:Napoleonica la Revue 6061:. ABC-CLIO. p.  5951:, pp. 26, 30–31 5298:This is depicted in 5248:Napulione Buonaparte 5079:German Confederation 4994:Himself as President 4731:The movement toward 4718:German Confederation 4203:. He negotiated the 4192:Jean-Baptiste Debret 4164:hat—sideways—with a 4087:Appearance and image 3678:, diagnosed chronic 3333:ChĂąteau de Malmaison 3175:Principality of Elba 3049:Napoleon and Prince 2889:satellite kingdoms. 2823:Treaty of Schönbrunn 2703:Convention of Cintra 2625:, and hand over the 2490:Fatâ€Čh-Ali Shah Qajar 2418:Battle of Austerlitz 2080:Toussaint Louverture 1799:Jean-Baptiste KlĂ©ber 1585:Coup of 18 Fructidor 1537:Horses of Saint Mark 1533:forced its surrender 1406:Within weeks of the 1386:13 VendĂ©miaire An IV 1252:Augustin Robespierre 1120:Pierre-Simon Laplace 1056:Battle of Ponte Novu 975:Napoleon's parents, 860:and captured Paris, 792:, Napoleon defeated 782:Battle of Austerlitz 23968:French nationalists 23649:AndrĂ© Joseph Abrial 23544:Provisional consuls 22976:Carolingian dynasty 22963:Monarchs of Germany 22754:Henry VI of England 22266:OrlĂ©anist pretender 22038:Unionist pretenders 21481:Louis II of Holland 21466:Prince Louis Lucien 21224:First French Empire 21023:Mary Wollstonecraft 20801:Jean Sylvain Bailly 20588:Pierre Louis Prieur 20533:Jean-Henri Voulland 20508:Jacques-Louis David 20440:Jean Joseph Mounier 20141:Jean Sylvain Bailly 19779:Belgrand de Vaubois 19667:Jean-Antoine Marbot 19607:Emmanuel de Grouchy 19412:Treaty of LunĂ©ville 19051:Battle of Neresheim 18996:Siege of Luxembourg 18975:Siege of Luxembourg 18930:Battle of Tourcoing 18861:Siege of Bellegarde 18688:Coup of 18 Brumaire 18600:Council of Ancients 18375:National Convention 18367:September Massacres 18343:Brunswick Manifesto 18335:France declares war 18102:Assembly of Vizille 17886:Bourbon Restoration 17629:Maria I of Portugal 17614:Prince of Hohenlohe 17604:Gebhard von BlĂŒcher 16547:Neumarkt-Sankt Veit 15854:Swiss Confederation 15600:Relinquished title 15263:Directory dissolved 15119:Cultural depictions 14913:Battle of Vauchamps 14633:Coup of 18 Brumaire 14492:First French Empire 13801:The Age of Napoleon 13649:Jacques-Louis David 13627:Napoleon and Persia 12393:, pp. 107–109. 12366:10.1093/fh/18.4.463 12281:10.1093/fh/18.4.426 11062:Hall, H.K. (2006). 9941:, pp. 638–639. 9929:, pp. 103–105. 9755:, pp. 769–770. 9021:, pp. 400–407. 8766:, pp. 326–330. 8496:, pp. 296–300. 8469:"Battle of Corunna" 8289:, pp. 198–199. 8183:, pp. 458–461. 8096:, pp. 467–468. 8084:, pp. 225–228. 8072:Brooks 2000, p. 110 7825:, pp. 233–252. 7746:Michael J. Hughes, 7491:, pp. 338–339. 7455:, pp. 389–390. 6943:, pp. 205–206. 6902:, pp. 500–502. 6220:, pp. 137–159. 5478:, pp. 204–211. 5316:in the latter work. 5306:Hippolyte Delaroche 5270:Provinces of France 4891:Cisalpine Directory 4733:Italian unification 4693:Spanish Inquisition 4590:Jacques-Louis David 4398:École Polytechnique 4348:Carl von Clausewitz 4318:Cherbourg-Octeville 4170:Jacques-Louis David 4063:inferiority complex 3889:. He also defended 3688:Albine de Montholon 3213:and disembarked at 3106:Frankfurt proposals 3059:January Suchodolski 2862: French Empire 2604:Battle of Friedland 2459:Finckenstein Palace 2385:Battle of Trafalgar 2364:Austrian commander 2316:British West Indies 2216:Notre Dame de Paris 2160:Jacques-Louis David 2135:First French Empire 2119:Swiss Confederation 1979:Treaty of LunĂ©ville 1776:reduce the fortress 1680:Knights Hospitaller 1651:Indian subcontinent 1631:British Royal Navy. 1599:Egyptian expedition 1474:Montenotte campaign 1238:National Convention 1191:National Convention 963:independence under 955:Napoleon's father, 913:Spanish Inquisition 814:Battle of Friedland 784:, which led to the 743:Coup of 18 Brumaire 727:a military campaign 313:Battles of Napoleon 24033:Marshals of France 24018:House of Bonaparte 23789:War Administration 23765:Secretary of State 23590:Napoleon Bonaparte 23551:Napoleon Bonaparte 23061:Kingdom of Germany 23025:Kingdom of Germany 22901:House of Bonaparte 22811:House of Bonaparte 22741:House of Lancaster 22307:Monarchs of France 22027: 22018: 21916:History of Germany 21446:Princess Charlotte 21401:Louis I of Holland 20861:LomĂ©nie de Brienne 20836:Madame de Lamballe 20771:NapolĂ©on Bonaparte 20568:Prieur de la Marne 20483:Camille Desmoulins 20337:Marie Jean HĂ©rault 20213:Jean-Sifrein Maury 20208:Arnaud de La Porte 20064:Alexander Korsakov 19850:Count of Clerfayt 19769:Jean-de-Dieu Soult 19682:Auguste de Marmont 19537:NapolĂ©on Bonaparte 19428:Algeciras campaign 19420:Treaty of Florence 19298:Battle of Stockach 19131:Ireland expedition 19115:Battle of Calliano 19075:Battle of Rovereto 19067:Battle of WĂŒrzburg 18519:Law of 22 Prairial 18488:Anti-clerical laws 18463:The Death of Marat 18284:Flight to Varennes 17901:Continental System 17896:Congress of Erfurt 17820:Paris (March 1812) 17594:Peter Wittgenstein 17519:Duke of Wellington 17474:Prince Poniatowski 17439:Jean-de-Dieu Soult 17424:Auguste de Marmont 16819:Arroyo dos Molinos 16667:Walcheren Campaign 16657:Armistice of Znaim 16552:Dalmatian Campaign 16477:Tyrolean Rebellion 15683:Title next held by 15653:Titles in pretence 15516:Title last held by 15501:Title next held by 15471:Title last held by 15424:Title last held by 15372:Title next held by 15314:Served alongside: 15274:Served alongside: 15252:Political offices 15231:House of Bonaparte 15157:Retour des cendres 15136:German Romanticism 15086:Rue de la Victoire 15000:Law of 20 May 1802 14935:Battle of Waterloo 14896:Battle of Borodino 14584:Caroline Bonaparte 14532:Alexandre Walewski 14132:Napoleon Bonaparte 14072:Clinical Chemistry 13701:Chandler, David G. 13396:; 1008 pp.; vol 1 13376:Gueniffey, Patrice 12756:, pp. 320–21. 12661:. pp. 61–76. 12494:Harvard Law Review 12448:, pp. 109–12. 12207:, pp. 579–84. 11953:, pp. 666–67. 11883:, pp. 278–281 11851:4 May 2023 at the 11366:, pp. 101–10. 11009:, pp. 175–176 10997:, pp. 288–89. 10973:, pp. 287–91. 10937:, pp. 19, 47. 10778:, pp. 277–79. 10766:, pp. 135–37. 10754:, pp. 279–80. 10629:, pp. 280–81. 10530:, pp. 160–61. 10379:, pp. 244–45. 10248:, pp. 236–37. 10206:, pp. 239–41. 10158:, pp. 126–27. 10069:(479): 1055–1060. 10044:, pp. 120–23. 9977:, pp. 108–13. 9774:Monroe and Francis 9379:, pp. 593–594 9033:, pp. 410–19. 9009:, pp. 388–98. 8934:, pp. 379–82. 8886:, pp. 563–64. 8838:, pp. 358–61. 8814:, pp. 353–55. 8802:, pp. 350–53. 8790:, pp. 334–41. 8754:, pp. 321–25. 8706:, pp. 285–86. 8670:, pp. 312–14. 8646:, pp. 308–12. 8610:, pp. 306–08. 8547:, pp. 304–05. 8511:, pp. 659–660 8361:, pp. 276–78. 8313:, pp. 269–70. 8277:, pp. 262–63. 8219:, pp. 261–62. 8207:, pp. 251–53. 8195:, pp. 247–50. 8168:, pp. 245–47. 8108:, pp. 233–34. 8060:, pp. 224–25. 8017:, pp. 216–20. 7891:, pp. 204–05. 7796:Andrew Uffindell, 7750:(NYU Press, 2012). 7345:, pp. 100–102 7309:, pp. 111–114 7183:, pp. 279–281 6834:, pp. 411–424 6762:, pp. 127–28. 6577:, pp. 282–285 6304:, pp. 159–63. 6112:, pp. 106–122 5573:, pp. xiv, 14 5287:Napoleon's theorem 5218:NapolĂ©on Bonaparte 5105:Himself as Emperor 5090:Himself as Emperor 5026:Victor Emmanuel II 5022:Title next held by 4882:Himself as Emperor 4846:Political offices 4791: 4760:JosĂ© de San MartĂ­n 4726:German nationalism 4669: 4523: 4493:Haitian Revolution 4456:enlightened despot 4452: 4449:Battle of Waterloo 4441: 4417:Legacy of Napoleon 4322: 4272:civil code of laws 4268: 4196: 4115: 4081:sexual dysfunction 4040: 3922: 3877:Napoleon read the 3837: 3736: 3711:Retour des cendres 3391: 3380: 3321:Battle of Waterloo 3290:Congress of Vienna 3259: 3255:Charles de Steuben 3192: 3154: 3129:Auguste de Marmont 3102: 3062: 2985: 2932: 2909:Duchy of Oldenburg 2893:Invasion of Russia 2874: 2776: 2746:Duke of Wellington 2730: 2711:Congress of Erfurt 2669: 2644:Treaties of Tilsit 2589: 2577:Treaties of Tilsit 2562:Continental System 2520: 2470: 2414: 2362: 2326:then retreated to 2324:Admiral Villeneuve 2286: 2243:Cathedral of Milan 2200: 2164: 2104:Louisiana Purchase 2076: 2057:Antoine Richepanse 2019: 2015:Louisiana Purchase 2005:Haitian Revolution 1907: 1830: 1736:Battle of the Nile 1732:Sir Horatio Nelson 1705: 1627: 1557: 1529:Republic of Venice 1466: 1368:, a leader of the 1343:Clisson et EugĂ©nie 1310: 1224: 1163:artillery regiment 1152: 1101:Brienne-le-ChĂąteau 1097: 973: 893:Napoleonic tactics 882:Battle of Waterloo 665:Napoleon Bonaparte 23830: 23829: 23824: 23823: 23800: 23799: 23739:Navy and Colonies 23502: 23501: 23428: 23427:(Imperial Regent) 23066:Holy Roman Empire 22995:Louis the Younger 22929: 22928: 22890:Louis Philippe II 22813:(1804–1814; 1815) 22274: 22273: 22269: 22228:NapolĂ©on V Victor 22224:NapolĂ©on V JĂ©rĂŽme 22213: 22210:Emperor 1852–1870 21980:Monarchy in exile 21934: 21933: 21902: 21901: 21893:Otto von Bismarck 21848: 21847: 21782: 21781: 21683: 21682: 21381:Joseph I of Spain 21333: 21332: 21186: 21185: 21182: 21181: 21060:Cockade of France 21031: 21030: 20993:Antoine Lavoisier 20983:Benjamin Franklin 20963:Anacharsis Cloots 20926: 20925: 20922: 20921: 20846:Louis de Breteuil 20688:Theophile Leclerc 20116: 20115: 20112: 20111: 20069:Alexander Suvorov 19810: 19809: 19744:JĂłzef Poniatowski 19662:Étienne Macdonald 19466: 19465: 19367:Battle of Marengo 19330:Battle of Trebbia 19314:Battle of Cassano 19306:Battle of Magnano 19290:Battle of Ostrach 19192:Battle of Neuwied 18954:Battle of Fleurus 18938:Battle of Tournay 18815:War in the VendĂ©e 18751:Royalist Revolts 18712: 18711: 18269: 18245:Abolition of the 18163:Tennis Court Oath 18155:National Assembly 17984:French Revolution 17950: 17949: 17946: 17945: 17938:Types of military 17734:Russo-Turkish War 17729:Russo-Persian War 17697:Anglo-Turkish War 17692:Anglo-Swedish War 17687:Anglo-Spanish War 17682:Anglo-Russian War 17609:Duke of Brunswick 17512:political leaders 17392:political leaders 17376: 17375: 16381:Medina de Rioseco 16103:Haslach-Jungingen 16037:French Revolution 16014: 16013: 15797:Seventh Coalition 15696: 15695: 15691: 15690: 15668: 15647: 15628:Succeeded by 15616: 15590:Sovereign of the 15563:successive ruler: 15532:Succeeded by 15485: 15462: 15450:Succeeded by 15438: 15421:French Revolution 15369: 15206: 15205: 15101:Legacy and memory 15045:Equestrian statue 15028:Homes and honours 14956:Concordat of 1801 14908:Battle of Leipzig 14884:Battle of EckmĂŒhl 14848:Battle of Marengo 14821:Battle of Bassano 14803:French Revolution 14685:Sale of Louisiana 14589:Pauline Bonaparte 14432:Project Gutenberg 14428:Works by Napoleon 14345:978-0-1982-0654-5 14319:Lefebvre, Georges 14265:978-0-6700-3078-1 14258:. Penguin Books. 14246:978-1-4286-4988-0 14219:978-0-1401-1813-1 14212:. Penguin Books. 14196:978-0-2759-6891-5 14163:978-0-2759-7470-1 14142:978-0-0601-7214-5 14135:. HarperCollins. 14106:978-1-8620-7765-2 14058:978-1-8452-9635-3 14037:978-0-3336-8275-3 14006:978-1-4039-3757-5 13954:978-0-7126-0719-3 13935:978-1-8417-6831-1 13914:978-0-1419-0946-2 13895:978-1-4039-6231-7 13853:978-0-1996-3974-8 13834:978-1-5823-4468-3 13790:978-0-7425-5318-7 13748:978-0-8415-0254-3 13684:978-0-0252-3660-8 13660:978-0-3001-2346-3 13637:978-0-9342-1158-1 13617:Specialty studies 13607:978-0-7432-2832-9 13521:978-0-0081-1607-1 13510:. Great Britain: 13498:978-0-6700-2532-9 13491:. Penguin Group. 13465:978-0-1996-6080-3 13391:978-0-6743-6835-4 13355:978-0-6740-1803-7 13334:978-1-4088-9175-9 13315:978-0-3002-1253-2 13296:978-0-3001-3754-5 13273:978-0-0063-7521-0 13266:. HarperCollins. 13237:978-0-8369-6981-8 13213:978-0-8505-2750-6 13194:978-1-6393-6177-9 13163:978-0-5712-7345-4 13135:978-0-3124-3110-5 13102:978-0-1902-6271-6 13011:978-1-317-89780-4 13001:Napoleonic Europe 12930:Acte de MĂ©diation 12904:978-90-04-18558-6 12768:, p. 318-19. 12645:T. C. W. Blanning 12590:978-1-84520-817-2 12563:978-0-07-040826-5 12478:, p. 2016ff. 12171:, pp. 32–34. 12111:, p. 29, 46. 12099:, pp. 81–82. 11895:, pp. 60–61. 11857:Annals of science 11823:, pp. 58–59. 11732:978-1-317-61028-1 11709:, pp. 10–13. 11697:, pp. 93–94. 11673:, pp. 46–47. 11602:978-0-8032-1941-0 11560:, pp. 43–44. 11548:, p. 577-78. 11438:, pp. 21–23. 11414:, pp. 24–25. 11402:, pp. 75–76. 11378:, pp. 49–51. 11354:, pp. 37–40. 11342:, pp. 53–56. 11312:Kircheisen (1932) 11298:978-0-297-78809-6 11284:Napoleon's family 11195:. 28 April 2016. 11149:Kircheisen (1932) 11137:Bourrienne (1889) 11044:978-1-4039-4401-6 10949:, pp. 95–96. 10838:, p. 279-80. 10826:, pp. 16–17. 10707:978-0-486-45257-9 10676:978-0-7382-0148-1 10617:, p. 280-83. 10578:, pp. 88–89. 10566:, pp. 18–19. 10515:, pp. 435–36 10446:978-0-521-46592-2 10419:978-0-8132-0976-0 10129:978-0-85404-363-7 9917:, pp. 93–97. 9881:, pp. 64–67. 9831:, pp. 43–44. 9723:978-0-393-32499-0 9700:, pp. 71–74. 9688:, pp. 13–34. 9664:, pp. 556–62 9640:, pp. 551–56 9628:, pp. 546–47 9616:, pp. 573–74 9604:, pp. 544–46 9592:, pp. 553–54 9568:, pp. 538–42 9556:, pp. 537–38 9502:, pp. 532–33 9490:, pp. 525–26 9466:, pp. 522–23 9454:, pp. 514–16 9415:, pp. 513–15 9403:, pp. 500–03 9317:, pp. 484–86 9289:978-1-137-29165-3 9213:, pp. 479–84 9189:, pp. 626–67 9177:, pp. 475–78 9153:, pp. 465–69 9093:, pp. 445–46 9057:, pp. 280–84 8981:978-0-253-11093-0 8922:, p. 371-72. 8826:, pp. 494–95 8778:, p. 328-30. 8570:978-1-78438-451-7 8535:, pp. 78–80. 8417:978-1-349-56731-7 8400:Napoleon's Empire 8245:978-1-74328-540-4 8040:978-0-8061-8017-5 7977:978-0-674-00541-9 7863:978-1-57958-216-6 7658:978-1-4766-6812-3 7635:, pp. 185–87 7623:, pp. 164–66 7611:, pp. 130–31 7599:, pp. 144–45 7575:, pp. 127–28 7539:, pp. 349–50 7527:, pp. 116–23 7515:, pp. 342–48 7479:, pp. 110–13 7366:978-1-4443-3564-4 7285:, pp. 313–15 7198:, pp. 271–74 7156:, pp. 268–70 7021:, pp. 240–43 7005:978-0-631-20299-8 6863:, pp. 39–40. 6685:, pp. 311–16 6673:, pp. 304–05 6589:, pp. 149–51 6493:, pp. 92–94. 6447:Empress Josephine 6292:, pp. 76, 84 6280:, pp. 155–57 6244:, pp. 154–55 6232:, pp. 147–52 6196:, pp. 245–47 6184:, pp. 140–41 6172:, pp. 132–35 6148:, pp. 131–32 6072:978-0-87436-957-1 6019:, pp. 36, 38 5915:, pp. 12–14. 5753:978-1-4219-8748-4 5718:, pp. 20–21. 5438:978-0-300-11982-4 5412:, pp. 38–40. 5381:978-1-137-27139-6 5110: 5109: 5103:Succeeded by 5082: 5070:Succeeded by 5067: 5046: 5043:Holy Roman Empire 5015: 4978:Succeeded by 4941:Swiss Restoration 4938:Succeeded by 4924:Helvetic Assembly 4913:Succeeded by 4910: 4880:Succeeded by 4877: 4704:Holy Roman Empire 4379:The Enlightenment 4352:Henry Vassall-Fox 4205:Concordat of 1801 4166:hand-in-waistcoat 4111:hand-in-waistcoat 3930:Concordat of 1801 3919:Concordat of 1801 3909:Concordat of 1801 3840:Religious beliefs 3767:arsenic poisoning 3756:Ă  la tĂȘte d'armĂ©e 3672: 3671: 3649:Other legislation 3574:Act of Parliament 3559: 3558: 3536:Other legislation 3461:Act of Parliament 3357:on 15 July 1815. 3305:Army of the North 3075:Battle of Dresden 2993:Feodor Rostopchin 2949:Russian Lithuania 2924:in September 1812 2816:landed in Holland 2786:Battle of EckmĂŒhl 2728:, 4 December 1808 2532:Holy Roman Empire 2518:, 14 October 1806 2341:Napoleon and the 2074:from AN XI, 1802 2028:Concordat of 1801 1954:Michael von Melas 1791:series of defeats 1676:Hospitaller Malta 1501:House of Habsburg 1486:Battle of Bassano 1451:Antoine-Jean Gros 1424:sugar plantations 1334:War in the VendĂ©e 1213:Bonaparte at the 1156:second lieutenant 1135:Return to Corsica 1048:Republic of Genoa 1023:, under the name 878:Seventh Coalition 870:Bourbons to power 868:and restored the 854:Battle of Leipzig 822:Iberian Peninsula 751:Battle of Marengo 715:French Royal Army 680:French Revolution 308: 307: 24105: 23933:French Consulate 23810:French Directory 23725:Lucien Bonaparte 23613: 23612: 23573: 23536:French Consulate 23529: 23522: 23515: 23506: 23505: 23426: 22985:Louis the German 22956: 22949: 22942: 22933: 22932: 22884:Louis Philippe I 22875:House of OrlĂ©ans 22837:House of Bourbon 22765:House of Bourbon 22301: 22294: 22287: 22278: 22277: 22263: 22207: 21961: 21954: 21947: 21938: 21937: 21866: 21865: 21861: 21800: 21799: 21795: 21738: 21737: 21733: 21710: 21703: 21696: 21687: 21686: 21428: 21367:Bonaparte family 21360: 21353: 21346: 21337: 21336: 21315:Lucien Bonaparte 21305:JĂ©rĂŽme Bonaparte 21280:Joseph Bonaparte 21265: 21213: 21206: 21199: 21190: 21189: 21140: 21128:Temple of Reason 21099: 21075: 21056: 21037: 21036: 20988:Thomas Jefferson 20932: 20931: 20851:de Chateaubriand 20781:Joseph Bonaparte 20776:Lucien Bonaparte 20766:Marie Antoinette 20721: 20720: 20708:Sylvain MarĂ©chal 20663:François Hanriot 20498:Louis Philippe I 20425:Louis Philippe I 20420:Philippe ÉgalitĂ© 20362:Olympe de Gouges 20332:Charlotte Corday 20322:Étienne ClaviĂšre 20122: 20121: 20104:Antonio Ricardos 20089: 20088: 20074:Andrei Rosenberg 20054: 20053: 20024: 20023: 19999: 19998: 19969:Ralph Abercromby 19956: 19955: 19931: 19908: 19895: 19887: 19879: 19866: 19853: 19830: 19829: 19821: 19820: 19725: 19672:Marcellin Marbot 19495: 19494: 19488: 19487: 19476:Military leaders 19472: 19471: 19459: 19451: 19447:Treaty of Amiens 19432: 19424: 19416: 19395: 19387: 19379: 19371: 19350: 19349:(25–26 Sep 1799) 19342: 19334: 19333:(17–20 Jun 1799) 19326: 19318: 19317:(27–28 Apr 1799) 19310: 19302: 19294: 19293:(20–21 Mar 1799) 19286: 19278: 19274:Second Coalition 19257: 19249: 19241: 19233: 19225: 19204: 19196: 19188: 19184:Treaty of Leoben 19180: 19172: 19171:(14–15 Jan 1797) 19168:Battle of Rivoli 19164: 19156: 19152:Italian campaign 19135: 19127: 19126:(15–17 Nov 1796) 19123:Battle of Arcole 19119: 19111: 19103: 19095: 19087: 19079: 19071: 19063: 19059:Battle of Amberg 19055: 19042: 19034: 19030:Battle of Lonato 19026: 19022:Italian campaign 19000: 18979: 18971: 18958: 18950: 18942: 18934: 18926: 18917: 18896: 18895:(26–27 Dec 1793) 18883: 18875: 18837: 18829: 18825:Battle of Famars 18793: 18718: 18717: 18700: 18692: 18684: 18665: 18646: 18638: 18619: 18611: 18591: 18583: 18575: 18556: 18548: 18540: 18531: 18523: 18515: 18492: 18484: 18476: 18468: 18458: 18450: 18442: 18422: 18414: 18406: 18387: 18379: 18371: 18363: 18355: 18347: 18339: 18320: 18312: 18304: 18296: 18288: 18287:(20–21 Jun 1791) 18267: 18259: 18251: 18242: 18223: 18215: 18207: 18199: 18191: 18183: 18175: 18167: 18159: 18151: 18143: 18135: 18127: 18106: 18098: 18094:Day of the Tiles 18077: 18076: 17977: 17970: 17963: 17954: 17953: 17714:Dano-Swedish War 17702:Anglo-Danish War 17554:Archduke Charles 17469:JĂ©rĂŽme Bonaparte 17385: 17384: 17318:Castel di Sangro 17227:FĂšre-Champenoise 16880:GarcĂ­a HernĂĄndez 16794:Fuentes de Oñoro 16310:Guttstadt-Deppen 16047:Second Coalition 16025: 16024: 16006:French Royalists 15813: 15812: 15762:Fourth Coalition 15736: 15729: 15722: 15713: 15712: 15700: 15699: 15664: 15632: 15610: 15606:Preceded by 15479: 15456: 15432: 15376:Enrico De Nicola 15361: 15247: 15240: 15222: 15221: 15210: 15209: 15198: 15197: 15189: 15188: 15124:Napoleon complex 15066:Maison Bonaparte 15020: 14990:Organic Articles 14826:Battle of Rivoli 14782:Battles and wars 14766: 14752: 14701:Mesures usuelles 14629: 14606: 14576:JĂ©rĂŽme Bonaparte 14566:Lucien Bonaparte 14561:Joseph Bonaparte 14553:Letizia Ramolino 14461: 14454: 14447: 14438: 14437: 14388: 14386: 14384: 14361: 14359: 14357: 14328: 14314: 14312: 14310: 14269: 14256:Napoleon: A life 14250: 14223: 14211: 14200: 14179: 14177: 14175: 14146: 14122: 14120: 14118: 14089: 14087: 14062: 14041: 14022: 14020: 14018: 13989: 13958: 13939: 13918: 13899: 13887: 13876: 13857: 13838: 13826: 13815: 13794: 13782: 13771: 13752: 13740: 13726: 13710: 13696: 13664: 13652: 13641: 13611: 13590: 13581: 13560: 13558: 13556: 13525: 13502: 13488:Napoleon: A Life 13481: 13479: 13477: 13448: 13429: 13395: 13371: 13369: 13367: 13338: 13319: 13300: 13288: 13277: 13253: 13251: 13249: 13217: 13198: 13179: 13177: 13175: 13139: 13118: 13116: 13114: 13078: 13039: 13034: 13028: 13027: 13025: 13023: 12995: 12989: 12984: 12978: 12973: 12967: 12962: 12956: 12927: 12921: 12920: 12918: 12916: 12888: 12882: 12876: 12870: 12864: 12858: 12857: 12855: 12832: 12823: 12817: 12811: 12805: 12799: 12793: 12787: 12781: 12775: 12769: 12763: 12757: 12751: 12742: 12741: 12725: 12719: 12709: 12703: 12702: 12700: 12698: 12679: 12673: 12672: 12640: 12634: 12633: 12613: 12607: 12606: 12604: 12602: 12574: 12568: 12567: 12544: 12538: 12537: 12535: 12533: 12485: 12479: 12473: 12467: 12466: 12455: 12449: 12443: 12437: 12436: 12400: 12394: 12388: 12382: 12381: 12342: 12333: 12327: 12321: 12315: 12309: 12303: 12297: 12296: 12260: 12254: 12253: 12239: 12233: 12232: 12214: 12208: 12202: 12196: 12190: 12184: 12178: 12172: 12166: 12157: 12156: 12154: 12152: 12130: 12124: 12118: 12112: 12106: 12100: 12094: 12088: 12082: 12076: 12070: 12064: 12058: 12049: 12043: 12037: 12031: 12025: 12024: 12022: 12020: 11997: 11991: 11984: 11978: 11972: 11966: 11965:, p. xliii. 11960: 11954: 11948: 11942: 11937: 11931: 11930:, pp. 7–10. 11925: 11919: 11918: 11913:. Archived from 11902: 11896: 11890: 11884: 11878: 11872: 11866: 11860: 11842: 11836: 11830: 11824: 11818: 11812: 11806: 11800: 11799: 11797: 11795: 11747: 11741: 11740: 11716: 11710: 11704: 11698: 11692: 11686: 11680: 11674: 11668: 11662: 11656: 11650: 11644: 11638: 11637: 11625: 11619: 11618: 11616: 11614: 11586: 11573: 11567: 11561: 11555: 11549: 11543: 11537: 11536:, p. 27-28. 11531: 11522: 11516: 11510: 11504: 11498: 11497: 11489: 11483: 11482: 11470: 11464: 11463: 11445: 11439: 11433: 11427: 11421: 11415: 11409: 11403: 11397: 11391: 11385: 11379: 11373: 11367: 11361: 11355: 11349: 11343: 11337: 11331: 11325: 11319: 11309: 11303: 11302: 11275: 11269: 11268: 11266: 11264: 11245: 11239: 11238: 11236: 11234: 11215: 11209: 11208: 11206: 11204: 11183: 11177: 11171: 11165: 11158: 11152: 11146: 11140: 11134: 11128: 11125: 11119: 11118: 11090: 11084: 11078: 11072: 11071: 11059: 11053: 11052: 11016: 11010: 11004: 10998: 10992: 10986: 10985:, p. 37-38. 10980: 10974: 10968: 10962: 10956: 10950: 10944: 10938: 10932: 10926: 10920: 10914: 10908: 10902: 10896: 10890: 10884: 10875: 10869: 10863: 10857: 10851: 10845: 10839: 10833: 10827: 10821: 10815: 10809: 10803: 10797: 10791: 10785: 10779: 10773: 10767: 10761: 10755: 10749: 10740: 10739:, p. 18-19. 10734: 10728: 10722: 10716: 10715: 10687: 10681: 10680: 10660: 10654: 10653:, p. 379ff. 10648: 10642: 10636: 10630: 10624: 10618: 10612: 10606: 10600: 10591: 10585: 10579: 10573: 10567: 10561: 10555: 10549: 10543: 10537: 10531: 10525: 10516: 10510: 10501: 10495: 10489: 10488: 10486: 10484: 10469: 10463: 10462: 10460: 10458: 10430: 10424: 10423: 10399: 10393: 10386: 10380: 10374: 10365: 10364: 10354: 10348: 10347: 10331: 10325: 10319: 10313: 10307: 10298: 10297: 10282: 10276: 10270: 10264: 10258: 10249: 10243: 10237: 10236: 10231:. 10225: 10219: 10213: 10207: 10201: 10195: 10189: 10183: 10177: 10171: 10165: 10159: 10153: 10147: 10141: 10135: 10133: 10115: 10109: 10108: 10106: 10104: 10086: 10054: 10045: 10039: 10033: 10027: 10018: 10011: 10005: 9999: 9990: 9984: 9978: 9972: 9966: 9960: 9954: 9948: 9942: 9936: 9930: 9924: 9918: 9912: 9906: 9900: 9894: 9888: 9882: 9876: 9867: 9861: 9855: 9854: 9838: 9832: 9826: 9820: 9814: 9808: 9807: 9805: 9803: 9788: 9782: 9781: 9762: 9756: 9750: 9744: 9738: 9732: 9731: 9713:Napoleon's Women 9707: 9701: 9695: 9689: 9683: 9677: 9674:Cordingly (2004) 9671: 9665: 9659: 9653: 9647: 9641: 9635: 9629: 9623: 9617: 9611: 9605: 9599: 9593: 9587: 9581: 9575: 9569: 9563: 9557: 9551: 9545: 9539: 9533: 9532: 9530: 9528: 9509: 9503: 9497: 9491: 9485: 9479: 9473: 9467: 9461: 9455: 9449: 9443: 9437: 9428: 9422: 9416: 9410: 9404: 9398: 9392: 9386: 9380: 9374: 9368: 9362: 9356: 9355: 9353: 9351: 9336: 9330: 9324: 9318: 9312: 9306: 9305: 9303: 9301: 9273: 9267: 9266: 9264: 9262: 9244: 9220: 9214: 9208: 9202: 9196: 9190: 9184: 9178: 9172: 9166: 9165:, p. 432-39 9160: 9154: 9148: 9142: 9136: 9130: 9124: 9118: 9112: 9106: 9100: 9094: 9088: 9082: 9076: 9070: 9064: 9058: 9052: 9046: 9040: 9034: 9028: 9022: 9016: 9010: 9004: 8998: 8997: 8995: 8993: 8965: 8959: 8953: 8947: 8941: 8935: 8929: 8923: 8917: 8911: 8905: 8899: 8893: 8887: 8881: 8875: 8869: 8863: 8857: 8851: 8845: 8839: 8833: 8827: 8821: 8815: 8809: 8803: 8797: 8791: 8785: 8779: 8773: 8767: 8761: 8755: 8749: 8743: 8737: 8731: 8725: 8719: 8713: 8707: 8701: 8695: 8689: 8683: 8677: 8671: 8665: 8659: 8653: 8647: 8641: 8635: 8629: 8623: 8617: 8611: 8605: 8599: 8593: 8587: 8586: 8584: 8582: 8554: 8548: 8542: 8536: 8530: 8524: 8518: 8512: 8506: 8497: 8491: 8485: 8484: 8482: 8480: 8464: 8458: 8452: 8446: 8440: 8434: 8428: 8422: 8421: 8395: 8389: 8383: 8374: 8368: 8362: 8356: 8350: 8344: 8338: 8332: 8326: 8320: 8314: 8308: 8302: 8296: 8290: 8284: 8278: 8272: 8266: 8260: 8254: 8253: 8226: 8220: 8214: 8208: 8202: 8196: 8190: 8184: 8178: 8169: 8163: 8157: 8151: 8145: 8139: 8133: 8127: 8121: 8115: 8109: 8103: 8097: 8091: 8085: 8079: 8073: 8070: 8061: 8055: 8049: 8048: 8024: 8018: 8012: 8006: 8000: 7994: 7993: 7991: 7989: 7961: 7955: 7949: 7943: 7937: 7931: 7925: 7919: 7913: 7904: 7898: 7892: 7886: 7880: 7879: 7877: 7875: 7847: 7838: 7832: 7826: 7820: 7814: 7807: 7801: 7794: 7788: 7781: 7775: 7769: 7763: 7757: 7751: 7744: 7738: 7732: 7726: 7720: 7714: 7708: 7699: 7693: 7687: 7681: 7675: 7674: 7672: 7670: 7642: 7636: 7630: 7624: 7618: 7612: 7606: 7600: 7594: 7588: 7582: 7576: 7570: 7564: 7558: 7552: 7546: 7540: 7534: 7528: 7522: 7516: 7510: 7504: 7498: 7492: 7486: 7480: 7474: 7468: 7462: 7456: 7450: 7444: 7438: 7432: 7426: 7420: 7414: 7408: 7402: 7396: 7389: 7383: 7377: 7371: 7370: 7352: 7346: 7340: 7334: 7333:, p. 319-20 7328: 7322: 7316: 7310: 7304: 7298: 7297:, pp. 79–84 7292: 7286: 7280: 7274: 7268: 7262: 7256: 7250: 7244: 7238: 7232: 7223: 7217: 7211: 7205: 7199: 7193: 7184: 7178: 7169: 7163: 7157: 7151: 7145: 7139: 7133: 7127: 7121: 7115: 7109: 7108:, p. 249-50 7103: 7097: 7096:, p. 246-47 7091: 7085: 7079: 7073: 7067: 7061: 7055: 7049: 7043: 7034: 7028: 7022: 7016: 7010: 7009: 6986: 6980: 6974: 6968: 6962: 6956: 6950: 6944: 6938: 6932: 6926: 6915: 6909: 6903: 6900:Gueniffey (2015) 6897: 6891: 6885: 6879: 6873: 6864: 6858: 6847: 6841: 6835: 6829: 6823: 6817: 6811: 6805: 6799: 6793: 6787: 6781: 6775: 6769: 6763: 6757: 6751: 6745: 6739: 6733: 6727: 6726:, pp. 13–14 6721: 6710: 6704: 6698: 6692: 6686: 6680: 6674: 6668: 6662: 6656: 6650: 6644: 6638: 6632: 6626: 6620: 6614: 6608: 6602: 6596: 6590: 6584: 6578: 6572: 6566: 6560: 6554: 6548: 6542: 6536: 6530: 6524: 6518: 6512: 6506: 6500: 6494: 6488: 6482: 6481: 6437: 6431: 6425: 6419: 6418:, pp. 67–68 6413: 6407: 6406:, pp. 65–66 6401: 6395: 6394:, pp. 95–96 6389: 6383: 6377: 6368: 6362: 6356: 6350: 6344: 6338: 6332: 6331:, p. 165-68 6326: 6317: 6311: 6305: 6299: 6293: 6287: 6281: 6275: 6269: 6268:, pp. 79–80 6263: 6257: 6251: 6245: 6239: 6233: 6227: 6221: 6218:Gueniffey (2015) 6215: 6209: 6208:, pp. 76–79 6203: 6197: 6191: 6185: 6179: 6173: 6167: 6161: 6160:, pp. 65–66 6155: 6149: 6143: 6137: 6131: 6125: 6124:, pp. 58–63 6119: 6113: 6107: 6101: 6100:, pp. 52–53 6095: 6089: 6088:, pp. 52–54 6083: 6077: 6076: 6060: 6050: 6044: 6043:, pp. 41–46 6038: 6032: 6026: 6020: 6014: 6008: 6002: 5996: 5987: 5976: 5970: 5964: 5963:, pp. 38–42 5958: 5952: 5946: 5940: 5934: 5928: 5927:, pp. 22–23 5922: 5916: 5910: 5904: 5898: 5892: 5886: 5880: 5874: 5868: 5862: 5856: 5850: 5844: 5843: 5841: 5839: 5791: 5782: 5776: 5770: 5769: 5767: 5765: 5737: 5731: 5730:, pp. 16–20 5725: 5719: 5713: 5704: 5703: 5677: 5671: 5670:, pp. 13–17 5665: 5659: 5653: 5647: 5646: 5631: 5625: 5619: 5613: 5607: 5598: 5592: 5586: 5580: 5574: 5568: 5562: 5556: 5550: 5549: 5547: 5545: 5529: 5523: 5517: 5506: 5500: 5494: 5488: 5479: 5473: 5467: 5461: 5455: 5454: 5452: 5450: 5419: 5413: 5407: 5398: 5397: 5395: 5393: 5365: 5359: 5353: 5347: 5341: 5326: 5323: 5317: 5296: 5290: 5283: 5277: 5262: 5256: 5254: 5241: 5236: 5232: 5226: 5224: 5212: 5208: 5202: 5201: 5198: 5197: 5194: 5191: 5188: 5185: 5182: 5179: 5176: 5172: 5171: 5168: 5165: 5162: 5159: 5156: 5153: 5150: 5147: 5137: 5131: 5125: 5088:Preceded by 5076: 5061:Karl von Dalberg 5058: 5041:(Emperor of the 5040: 5034:Preceded by 5006: 4992:Preceded by 4948:Preceded by 4921:Preceded by 4909:as Vicepresident 4904: 4888:Preceded by 4867: 4854:French Directory 4851:Preceded by 4843: 4842: 4683:, abolished the 4626: 4601: 4576: 4340:mobile artillery 4324:In the field of 4284:Council of State 4242:mesures usuelles 4230:Council of State 4213:Legion of Honour 4209:Organic Articles 4201:Banque de France 4120:Joseph Farington 4068:Napoleon complex 4029:Charles XIV John 3980:satellite states 3937:Organic Articles 3782:Louis Philippe I 3778:Napoleon's penis 3733: 3732: 3667:Status: Repealed 3583: 3582: 3569: 3564: 3563: 3554:Status: Repealed 3470: 3469: 3456: 3451: 3450: 3378: 3375: 3279:Vive l'empereur! 3002:After capturing 2995:. Alexander, in 2912:against France. 2885:, King of Rome. 2870:satellite states 2867: 2861: 2801:Battle of Wagram 2772:Battle of Wagram 2770:Napoleon at the 2695:Battle of BailĂ©n 2665:Joseph Bonaparte 2425:Kingdom of Italy 2360:in October 1805. 2348: 2310: 2284: 2281: 2228:Legion of Honour 2224:Marie de' Medici 2214:, took place at 2115:Act of Mediation 2023:Treaty of Amiens 1935:Council of State 1923:Legislative Body 1880:French Consulate 1874:French Consulate 1827:François Bouchot 1740:Ottoman province 1647:Sultan of Mysore 1620:Jean-LĂ©on GĂ©rĂŽme 1549:Battle of Rivoli 1547:Napoleon at the 1519:The preliminary 1510:Battle of Tarvis 1494:Battle of Rivoli 1490:Battle of Arcole 1459: 1456: 1401:French Directory 1374:Tuileries Palace 1330:Army of the West 1306:Rue Saint-HonorĂ© 1221:Edouard Detaille 1094: 985:Maison Bonaparte 957:Carlo Buonaparte 909:emancipated Jews 856:. The coalition 842:Battle of Wagram 807: 774:Treaty of Amiens 655: 649: 642: 637: 632: 625: 620: 615: 608: 603: 598: 591: 586: 581: 574: 569: 564: 557: 552: 547: 540: 535: 530: 523: 518: 513: 506: 501: 496: 489: 484: 479: 472: 467: 462: 455: 450: 445: 438: 433: 428: 421: 416: 411: 404: 399: 394: 387: 382: 377: 370: 365: 360: 353: 348: 343: 336: 335: 329: 322: 304: 287: 269: 267: 263: 259: 236: 234: 230: 226: 222: 191: 190: 182:15 December 1840 169: 152: 150: 120: 92: 70: 44: 32: 31: 24113: 24112: 24108: 24107: 24106: 24104: 24103: 24102: 24093:Royal reburials 23948:French generals 23833: 23832: 23831: 23826: 23825: 23820: 23796: 23784: 23772: 23760: 23734: 23708: 23696: 23684: 23658: 23632: 23616:Foreign Affairs 23604: 23578: 23576: 23574: 23565: 23539: 23533: 23503: 23498: 23469: 23450: 23431: 23409: 23385: 23366: 23233:Frederick (III) 23064: 23055: 23023: 23014: 23010:Louis the Child 23000:Charles the Fat 22974: 22965: 22960: 22930: 22925: 22914: 22895: 22869: 22831: 22805: 22759: 22734: 22661:House of Valois 22655: 22566: 22527:Charles the Fat 22486:Pepin the Short 22471: 22462: 22338: 22337: 22308: 22305: 22275: 22270: 22257: 22165: 22102: 22028: 22019: 22007: 21974: 21965: 21935: 21930: 21898: 21881: 21856: 21844: 21832:Imperial regent 21827: 21790: 21778: 21753: 21728: 21720: 21714: 21684: 21679: 21663: 21647: 21643:Eugenia Rasponi 21601: 21515: 21491:Dermide Leclerc 21429: 21420: 21369: 21364: 21334: 21329: 21319: 21300:Elisa Bonaparte 21285:Louis Bonaparte 21266: 21257: 21226: 21217: 21187: 21178: 21053:La Marseillaise 21042: 21041:Cultural impact 21027: 20937: 20918: 20885: 20841:Madame du Barry 20831:Catherine ThĂ©ot 20821:ThĂ©rĂ©sa Tallien 20712: 20703:Gracchus Babeuf 20648:François Chabot 20605: 20597: 20518:Georges Couthon 20513:Marquis de Sade 20478:Jean-Paul Marat 20454: 20410:Bertrand BarĂšre 20376: 20287: 20268:Boissy d'Anglas 20263:Madame de StaĂ«l 20228:Antoine Barnave 20196: 20189: 20180: 20127: 20108: 20083: 20078: 20048: 20043: 20018: 20013: 19993: 19988: 19950: 19945: 19929: 19906: 19893: 19885: 19877: 19864: 19851: 19840:JĂłzsef Alvinczi 19824: 19806: 19788: 19729:Nicolas Oudinot 19719: 19652:Claude Lecourbe 19647:Charles Leclerc 19542:Guillaume Brune 19512:Pierre Augereau 19482: 19477: 19462: 19457: 19455:Treaty of Paris 19449: 19435: 19430: 19422: 19414: 19398: 19393: 19385: 19377: 19369: 19353: 19348: 19340: 19332: 19324: 19316: 19308: 19300: 19292: 19284: 19276: 19260: 19255: 19247: 19239: 19231: 19223: 19207: 19202: 19194: 19186: 19178: 19170: 19162: 19154: 19138: 19133: 19125: 19117: 19109: 19101: 19093: 19085: 19077: 19069: 19061: 19053: 19040: 19032: 19024: 19008: 18998: 18982: 18977: 18969: 18956: 18948: 18940: 18932: 18924: 18915: 18899: 18894: 18881: 18873: 18871:Siege of Toulon 18835: 18827: 18810:First Coalition 18796: 18787: 18723: 18708: 18698: 18690: 18682: 18668: 18663: 18649: 18644: 18636: 18622: 18617: 18609: 18589: 18581: 18573: 18559: 18554: 18546: 18538: 18529: 18521: 18513: 18495: 18490: 18482: 18474: 18472:Law of Suspects 18466: 18456: 18448: 18440: 18420: 18418:Reign of Terror 18412: 18404: 18390: 18385: 18377: 18369: 18361: 18353: 18345: 18337: 18323: 18318: 18310: 18302: 18294: 18286: 18272: 18257: 18249: 18240: 18226: 18221: 18213: 18205: 18198:(4–11 Aug 1789) 18197: 18189: 18181: 18173: 18165: 18157: 18149: 18141: 18133: 18131:RĂ©veillon riots 18125: 18109: 18104: 18096: 18082: 18071: 17986: 17981: 17951: 17942: 17869: 17753: 17674: 17668: 17624:Miguel de Álava 17589:Pyotr Bagration 17584:Count Bennigsen 17574:Mikhail Kutuzov 17539:Thomas Cochrane 17511: 17509: 17503: 17464:Louis Bonaparte 17391: 17389: 17388:French and ally 17372: 17256: 17172:ChĂąteau-Thierry 17135: 16999: 16970:Maloyaroslavets 16828: 16742: 16696: 16487:Yevenes/YĂ©benes 16445: 16361:Rosily Squadron 16339: 16263: 16229:Waren-Nossentin 16157: 16088:Cape Finisterre 16071: 16042:First Coalition 16020: 16010: 15917: 15910: 15821: 15817: 15808: 15802: 15790:Sixth Coalition 15776:Fifth Coalition 15755:Third Coalition 15745: 15743:Napoleonic Wars 15740: 15705: 15697: 15692: 15684: 15675: 15669: 15636: 15631: 15624: 15621: 15609: 15595: 15579: 15568: 15564: 15561: 15554: 15546: 15543: 15535: 15528: 15517: 15502: 15493: 15478: 15472: 15455: 15446: 15431: 15425: 15422: 15399: 15391: 15386: 15373: 15370: 15353: 15347: 15342: 15321: 15320:(Second Consul) 15316: 15313: 15311: 15305: 15300: 15276: 15273: 15271: 15265: 15260: 15241: 15235: 15234: 15227: 15215: 15207: 15202: 15179: 15141:Napoleonic Code 15095: 15091:Warsaw monument 15035:Arc de Triomphe 15023: 15014: 14978:Infamous Decree 14973:Grand Sanhedrin 14951:Catholic Church 14939: 14930:Battle of Ligny 14872:Battle of Eylau 14797:Siege of Toulon 14776: 14760: 14746: 14674:Napoleonic Wars 14623: 14621:Stay in Auxonne 14613:Life and career 14607: 14598: 14594:Elisa Bonaparte 14571:Louis Bonaparte 14497: 14496: 14470: 14465: 14404:Napoleon Series 14395: 14382: 14380: 14355: 14353: 14346: 14308: 14306: 14266: 14247: 14231: 14229:Further reading 14226: 14220: 14197: 14173: 14171: 14164: 14143: 14116: 14114: 14107: 14059: 14038: 14016: 14014: 14007: 13955: 13936: 13915: 13896: 13873: 13854: 13835: 13812: 13791: 13768: 13749: 13731:Chandler, David 13723: 13685: 13669:Chandler, David 13661: 13638: 13619: 13614: 13608: 13554: 13552: 13533: 13528: 13522: 13499: 13475: 13473: 13466: 13445: 13416:Wayback Machine 13405:Wayback Machine 13392: 13365: 13363: 13356: 13335: 13316: 13297: 13274: 13258:Cronin, Vincent 13247: 13245: 13238: 13214: 13195: 13173: 13171: 13164: 13154:Faber and Faber 13144:Broers, Michael 13136: 13112: 13110: 13103: 13075: 13058: 13053: 13047: 13042: 13035: 13031: 13021: 13019: 13012: 12996: 12992: 12985: 12981: 12974: 12970: 12963: 12959: 12948:Wayback Machine 12937:Wayback Machine 12928: 12924: 12914: 12912: 12905: 12889: 12885: 12877: 12873: 12865: 12861: 12853: 12830: 12824: 12820: 12812: 12808: 12800: 12796: 12788: 12784: 12776: 12772: 12764: 12760: 12752: 12745: 12726: 12722: 12710: 12706: 12696: 12694: 12681: 12680: 12676: 12669: 12641: 12637: 12630: 12614: 12610: 12600: 12598: 12591: 12575: 12571: 12564: 12545: 12541: 12531: 12529: 12506:10.2307/1327640 12486: 12482: 12474: 12470: 12457: 12456: 12452: 12444: 12440: 12401: 12397: 12389: 12385: 12343: 12336: 12328: 12324: 12316: 12312: 12304: 12300: 12261: 12257: 12240: 12236: 12215: 12211: 12203: 12199: 12191: 12187: 12179: 12175: 12167: 12160: 12150: 12148: 12131: 12127: 12119: 12115: 12107: 12103: 12095: 12091: 12083: 12079: 12071: 12067: 12059: 12052: 12044: 12040: 12032: 12028: 12018: 12016: 11998: 11994: 11985: 11981: 11973: 11969: 11963:Chandler (1973) 11961: 11957: 11949: 11945: 11938: 11934: 11926: 11922: 11903: 11899: 11891: 11887: 11879: 11875: 11867: 11863: 11853:Wayback Machine 11843: 11839: 11831: 11827: 11819: 11815: 11807: 11803: 11793: 11791: 11748: 11744: 11733: 11717: 11713: 11705: 11701: 11693: 11689: 11681: 11677: 11669: 11665: 11657: 11653: 11645: 11641: 11631: 11626: 11622: 11612: 11610: 11603: 11587: 11576: 11568: 11564: 11556: 11552: 11544: 11540: 11532: 11525: 11517: 11513: 11505: 11501: 11490: 11486: 11476: 11473:O'Connor (2003) 11471: 11467: 11460: 11446: 11442: 11434: 11430: 11422: 11418: 11410: 11406: 11398: 11394: 11386: 11382: 11374: 11370: 11364:Blaufarb (2008) 11362: 11358: 11350: 11346: 11338: 11334: 11326: 11322: 11310: 11306: 11299: 11291:. p. 124. 11279:Seward, Desmond 11276: 11272: 11262: 11260: 11247: 11246: 11242: 11232: 11230: 11217: 11216: 11212: 11202: 11200: 11185: 11184: 11180: 11172: 11168: 11159: 11155: 11147: 11143: 11135: 11131: 11126: 11122: 11091: 11087: 11079: 11075: 11060: 11056: 11045: 11029:. p. 125. 11017: 11013: 11005: 11001: 10993: 10989: 10981: 10977: 10969: 10965: 10957: 10953: 10945: 10941: 10933: 10929: 10921: 10917: 10909: 10905: 10897: 10893: 10885: 10878: 10870: 10866: 10858: 10854: 10846: 10842: 10834: 10830: 10822: 10818: 10810: 10806: 10798: 10794: 10786: 10782: 10774: 10770: 10762: 10758: 10750: 10743: 10735: 10731: 10723: 10719: 10708: 10700:. p. 187. 10688: 10684: 10677: 10661: 10657: 10649: 10645: 10639:Chandler (1966) 10637: 10633: 10625: 10621: 10613: 10609: 10601: 10594: 10586: 10582: 10574: 10570: 10562: 10558: 10550: 10546: 10538: 10534: 10526: 10519: 10511: 10504: 10496: 10492: 10482: 10480: 10471: 10470: 10466: 10456: 10454: 10447: 10431: 10427: 10420: 10400: 10396: 10387: 10383: 10375: 10368: 10355: 10351: 10332: 10328: 10320: 10316: 10308: 10301: 10284: 10283: 10279: 10271: 10267: 10259: 10252: 10244: 10240: 10227: 10226: 10222: 10214: 10210: 10202: 10198: 10190: 10186: 10178: 10174: 10166: 10162: 10154: 10150: 10146:, p. 2092. 10142: 10138: 10130: 10116: 10112: 10102: 10100: 10063:Virchows Archiv 10055: 10048: 10040: 10036: 10028: 10021: 10012: 10008: 10000: 9993: 9985: 9981: 9973: 9969: 9961: 9957: 9949: 9945: 9939:Zamoyski (2018) 9937: 9933: 9925: 9921: 9913: 9909: 9901: 9897: 9889: 9885: 9877: 9870: 9862: 9858: 9839: 9835: 9827: 9823: 9815: 9811: 9801: 9799: 9790: 9789: 9785: 9764: 9763: 9759: 9751: 9747: 9739: 9735: 9724: 9708: 9704: 9696: 9692: 9684: 9680: 9672: 9668: 9660: 9656: 9648: 9644: 9636: 9632: 9624: 9620: 9612: 9608: 9600: 9596: 9588: 9584: 9576: 9572: 9564: 9560: 9552: 9548: 9540: 9536: 9526: 9524: 9511: 9510: 9506: 9498: 9494: 9486: 9482: 9474: 9470: 9462: 9458: 9450: 9446: 9438: 9431: 9423: 9419: 9411: 9407: 9399: 9395: 9387: 9383: 9375: 9371: 9363: 9359: 9349: 9347: 9338: 9337: 9333: 9325: 9321: 9313: 9309: 9299: 9297: 9290: 9274: 9270: 9260: 9258: 9221: 9217: 9209: 9205: 9197: 9193: 9185: 9181: 9173: 9169: 9161: 9157: 9149: 9145: 9141:, p. 1020. 9139:Chandler (1995) 9137: 9133: 9125: 9121: 9113: 9109: 9101: 9097: 9089: 9085: 9077: 9073: 9065: 9061: 9053: 9049: 9041: 9037: 9029: 9025: 9017: 9013: 9005: 9001: 8991: 8989: 8982: 8966: 8962: 8954: 8950: 8942: 8938: 8930: 8926: 8918: 8914: 8906: 8902: 8894: 8890: 8882: 8878: 8870: 8866: 8858: 8854: 8846: 8842: 8834: 8830: 8822: 8818: 8810: 8806: 8798: 8794: 8786: 8782: 8774: 8770: 8762: 8758: 8750: 8746: 8738: 8734: 8726: 8722: 8716:Chandler (1973) 8714: 8710: 8702: 8698: 8690: 8686: 8680:Chandler (1973) 8678: 8674: 8666: 8662: 8656:Chandler (1973) 8654: 8650: 8642: 8638: 8632:Chandler (1966) 8630: 8626: 8620:Chandler (1966) 8618: 8614: 8606: 8602: 8594: 8590: 8580: 8578: 8571: 8555: 8551: 8543: 8539: 8531: 8527: 8519: 8515: 8509:Chandler (1966) 8507: 8500: 8492: 8488: 8478: 8476: 8465: 8461: 8453: 8449: 8441: 8437: 8429: 8425: 8418: 8396: 8392: 8384: 8377: 8369: 8365: 8357: 8353: 8345: 8341: 8333: 8329: 8321: 8317: 8309: 8305: 8297: 8293: 8285: 8281: 8273: 8269: 8261: 8257: 8246: 8230:Horne, Alistair 8227: 8223: 8215: 8211: 8203: 8199: 8191: 8187: 8179: 8172: 8164: 8160: 8152: 8148: 8140: 8136: 8128: 8124: 8116: 8112: 8104: 8100: 8094:Chandler (1966) 8092: 8088: 8080: 8076: 8071: 8064: 8056: 8052: 8041: 8025: 8021: 8013: 8009: 8001: 7997: 7987: 7985: 7978: 7962: 7958: 7950: 7946: 7938: 7934: 7926: 7922: 7914: 7907: 7899: 7895: 7887: 7883: 7873: 7871: 7864: 7848: 7841: 7835:Chandler (1973) 7833: 7829: 7821: 7817: 7808: 7804: 7795: 7791: 7782: 7778: 7770: 7766: 7758: 7754: 7745: 7741: 7735:Chandler (1966) 7733: 7729: 7723:Chandler (1966) 7721: 7717: 7709: 7702: 7694: 7690: 7682: 7678: 7668: 7666: 7659: 7643: 7639: 7631: 7627: 7619: 7615: 7607: 7603: 7595: 7591: 7585:Zamoyski (2018) 7583: 7579: 7571: 7567: 7559: 7555: 7547: 7543: 7537:Zamoyski (2018) 7535: 7531: 7523: 7519: 7513:Zamoyski (2018) 7511: 7507: 7499: 7495: 7489:Zamoyski (2018) 7487: 7483: 7475: 7471: 7463: 7459: 7451: 7447: 7441:Connelly (2006) 7439: 7435: 7427: 7423: 7417:Zamoyski (2018) 7415: 7411: 7403: 7399: 7390: 7386: 7380:Zamoyski (2018) 7378: 7374: 7367: 7353: 7349: 7341: 7337: 7331:Zamoyski (2018) 7329: 7325: 7319:Zamoyski (2018) 7317: 7313: 7305: 7301: 7293: 7289: 7283:Zamoyski (2018) 7281: 7277: 7269: 7265: 7259:Zamoyski (2018) 7257: 7253: 7245: 7241: 7235:Chandler (1966) 7233: 7226: 7220:Chandler (1966) 7218: 7214: 7208:Chandler (1966) 7206: 7202: 7196:Zamoyski (2018) 7194: 7187: 7181:Chandler (1966) 7179: 7172: 7166:Chandler (2002) 7164: 7160: 7154:Zamoyski (2018) 7152: 7148: 7142:Zamoyski (2018) 7140: 7136: 7128: 7124: 7116: 7112: 7106:Zamoyski (2018) 7104: 7100: 7094:Zamoyski (2018) 7092: 7088: 7082:Zamoyski (2018) 7080: 7076: 7068: 7064: 7058:Zamoyski (2018) 7056: 7052: 7044: 7037: 7031:Zamoyski (2018) 7029: 7025: 7019:Zamoyski (2018) 7017: 7013: 7006: 6990:Furet, François 6987: 6983: 6977:Zamoyski (2018) 6975: 6971: 6963: 6959: 6951: 6947: 6941:Zamoyski (2018) 6939: 6935: 6929:Connelly (2006) 6927: 6918: 6910: 6906: 6898: 6894: 6886: 6882: 6874: 6867: 6859: 6850: 6844:Zamoyski (2018) 6842: 6838: 6830: 6826: 6818: 6814: 6808:Zamoyski (2018) 6806: 6802: 6794: 6790: 6782: 6778: 6770: 6766: 6758: 6754: 6746: 6742: 6734: 6730: 6722: 6713: 6705: 6701: 6693: 6689: 6681: 6677: 6669: 6665: 6657: 6653: 6645: 6641: 6633: 6629: 6621: 6617: 6609: 6605: 6597: 6593: 6587:Zamoyski (2018) 6585: 6581: 6573: 6569: 6561: 6557: 6549: 6545: 6537: 6533: 6525: 6521: 6513: 6509: 6503:Chandler (1966) 6501: 6497: 6489: 6485: 6470: 6438: 6434: 6428:Zamoyski (2018) 6426: 6422: 6414: 6410: 6402: 6398: 6392:Zamoyski (2018) 6390: 6386: 6378: 6371: 6365:Zamoyski (2018) 6363: 6359: 6351: 6347: 6339: 6335: 6327: 6320: 6312: 6308: 6300: 6296: 6288: 6284: 6276: 6272: 6266:Zamoyski (2018) 6264: 6260: 6252: 6248: 6240: 6236: 6228: 6224: 6216: 6212: 6206:Zamoyski (2018) 6204: 6200: 6192: 6188: 6180: 6176: 6168: 6164: 6158:Zamoyski (2018) 6156: 6152: 6144: 6140: 6132: 6128: 6120: 6116: 6108: 6104: 6098:Zamoyski (2018) 6096: 6092: 6084: 6080: 6073: 6051: 6047: 6041:Zamoyski (2018) 6039: 6035: 6027: 6023: 6017:Zamoyski (2018) 6015: 6011: 6003: 5999: 5988: 5979: 5971: 5967: 5959: 5955: 5949:Zamoyski (2018) 5947: 5943: 5937:Zamoyski (2018) 5935: 5931: 5925:Zamoyski (2018) 5923: 5919: 5913:Chandler (1973) 5911: 5907: 5899: 5895: 5887: 5883: 5875: 5871: 5865:Zamoyski (2018) 5863: 5859: 5851: 5847: 5837: 5835: 5792: 5785: 5777: 5773: 5763: 5761: 5754: 5738: 5734: 5728:Zamoyski (2018) 5726: 5722: 5714: 5707: 5696: 5678: 5674: 5668:Zamoyski (2018) 5666: 5662: 5654: 5650: 5633: 5632: 5628: 5620: 5616: 5608: 5601: 5593: 5589: 5581: 5577: 5571:Zamoyski (2018) 5569: 5565: 5557: 5553: 5543: 5541: 5530: 5526: 5518: 5509: 5501: 5497: 5489: 5482: 5474: 5470: 5462: 5458: 5448: 5446: 5439: 5420: 5416: 5408: 5401: 5391: 5389: 5382: 5366: 5362: 5354: 5350: 5342: 5338: 5334: 5329: 5324: 5320: 5297: 5293: 5284: 5280: 5263: 5259: 5234: 5233: 5229: 5210: 5206: 5173: 5144: 5140: 5138: 5134: 5126: 5119: 5115: 5106: 5099: 5091: 5083: 5075: 5057: 5055: 5047: 5039: 5023: 5005: 5003: 4995: 4987: 4974: 4972: 4969: 4962: 4954: 4943: 4934: 4926: 4916: 4915:Himself as King 4903: 4901: 4893: 4883: 4872: 4866: 4864: 4856: 4841: 4823:(1806–1881) by 4787:François GĂ©rard 4775: 4744:Spanish America 4655: 4649: 4642: 4629:Moscow (1812). 4627: 4618: 4602: 4593: 4577: 4511: 4503:Main articles: 4501: 4485:MusĂ©e du Louvre 4424: 4419: 4413: 4369: 4310: 4300: 4257: 4255:Napoleonic Code 4251: 4249:Napoleonic Code 4222: 4178: 4143:Napoleonic Wars 4095: 4089: 4020:Hippolyte Taine 3997: 3975: 3965: 3945: 3911: 3905: 3859:Napoleon had a 3842: 3821: 3815: 3795:Napoleon's tomb 3724:Napoleon's tomb 3717: 3715:Napoleon's tomb 3703: 3668: 3588: 3580: 3567: 3562: 3555: 3475: 3467: 3454: 3449: 3376: 3363: 3313:Battle of Ligny 3265:and headed for 3244: 3238: 3177: 3171: 3077:(August 1813). 3043: 3037: 3004:Maloyaroslavets 2901: 2895: 2872: 2865: 2863: 2859: 2847: 2839:Duchy of Warsaw 2835:third partition 2764: 2758: 2658: 2652: 2636:Duchy of Warsaw 2593:Battle of Eylau 2504: 2498: 2451: 2443:Main articles: 2441: 2410:François GĂ©rard 2282: 2276:François GĂ©rard 2265: 2259: 2177:Duke of Enghien 2169: 2147: 2145:Napoleonic Wars 2137: 2131: 2123:prisoner of war 2088:General Leclerc 2007: 2001: 1886: 1878:Main articles: 1876: 1843: 1837: 1813: 1807: 1805:Ruler of France 1774:. He failed to 1764:attack on Jaffa 1697:on 21 July 1798 1682:. Grand Master 1607: 1601: 1577:Pierre Augereau 1565:pitched battles 1521:peace of Leoben 1462:MusĂ©e du Louvre 1457: 1438: 1432: 1420:Lesser Antilles 1285: 1279: 1215:Siege of Toulon 1206: 1200: 1198:Siege of Toulon 1165:. He served in 1137: 1132: 1124:École militaire 1114:École militaire 1088: 983:, lived in the 938: 901:Napoleonic Code 812:in 1807 at the 767:crowned himself 719:siege of Toulon 692:French Republic 676:Napoleon I 662: 661: 660: 657: 656: 652: 650: 643: 640: 638: 635: 633: 626: 623: 621: 618: 616: 609: 606: 604: 601: 599: 592: 589: 587: 584: 582: 575: 572: 570: 567: 565: 558: 555: 553: 550: 548: 541: 538: 536: 533: 531: 524: 521: 519: 516: 514: 507: 504: 502: 499: 497: 490: 487: 485: 482: 480: 473: 470: 468: 465: 463: 456: 453: 451: 448: 446: 439: 436: 434: 431: 429: 422: 419: 417: 414: 412: 405: 402: 400: 397: 395: 388: 385: 383: 380: 378: 371: 368: 366: 363: 361: 354: 351: 349: 346: 344: 341: 339: 337: 333: 330: 323: 315: 281: 280: 272: 271: 268: 1814) 255: 251: 248: 238: 218: 214: 211: 193: 183: 171: 167: 154: 148: 146: 121: 116: 90: 68: 52: 28: 17: 12: 11: 5: 24111: 24101: 24100: 24095: 24090: 24085: 24080: 24075: 24070: 24065: 24060: 24055: 24050: 24045: 24040: 24035: 24030: 24025: 24020: 24015: 24010: 24005: 24000: 23995: 23990: 23985: 23980: 23975: 23970: 23965: 23960: 23955: 23950: 23945: 23940: 23935: 23930: 23925: 23920: 23918:Exiled royalty 23915: 23910: 23905: 23900: 23895: 23890: 23885: 23880: 23875: 23870: 23865: 23860: 23855: 23850: 23845: 23828: 23827: 23822: 23821: 23819: 23818: 23812: 23805: 23802: 23801: 23798: 23797: 23792: 23790: 23786: 23785: 23780: 23778: 23774: 23773: 23768: 23766: 23762: 23761: 23759: 23758: 23753: 23748: 23742: 23740: 23736: 23735: 23733: 23732: 23727: 23722: 23716: 23714: 23710: 23709: 23704: 23702: 23698: 23697: 23692: 23690: 23686: 23685: 23683: 23682: 23677: 23672: 23666: 23664: 23660: 23659: 23657: 23656: 23651: 23646: 23640: 23638: 23634: 23633: 23631: 23630: 23625: 23619: 23617: 23610: 23606: 23605: 23603: 23602: 23597: 23592: 23586: 23584: 23580: 23579: 23568: 23566: 23564: 23563: 23558: 23553: 23547: 23545: 23541: 23540: 23532: 23531: 23524: 23517: 23509: 23500: 23499: 23497: 23496: 23491: 23486: 23480: 23478: 23471: 23470: 23468: 23467: 23461: 23459: 23452: 23451: 23449: 23448: 23446:Franz Joseph I 23442: 23440: 23433: 23432: 23430: 23429: 23420: 23418: 23411: 23410: 23408: 23407: 23402: 23396: 23394: 23387: 23386: 23384: 23383: 23377: 23375: 23368: 23367: 23365: 23364: 23359: 23354: 23349: 23344: 23339: 23334: 23329: 23324: 23319: 23314: 23309: 23304: 23299: 23294: 23289: 23284: 23279: 23274: 23269: 23264: 23257: 23252: 23247: 23240: 23235: 23230: 23225: 23220: 23215: 23210: 23205: 23198: 23193: 23188: 23181: 23176: 23171: 23166: 23161: 23156: 23151: 23146: 23141: 23136: 23134:Lothair II/III 23131: 23126: 23121: 23114: 23107: 23102: 23097: 23092: 23087: 23082: 23077: 23071: 23069: 23057: 23056: 23054: 23053: 23048: 23041: 23036: 23030: 23028: 23016: 23015: 23013: 23012: 23007: 23002: 22997: 22992: 22987: 22981: 22979: 22967: 22966: 22959: 22958: 22951: 22944: 22936: 22927: 22926: 22919: 22916: 22915: 22913: 22912: 22906: 22904: 22897: 22896: 22894: 22893: 22886: 22880: 22878: 22871: 22870: 22868: 22867: 22860: 22853: 22848: 22842: 22840: 22833: 22832: 22830: 22829: 22822: 22816: 22814: 22807: 22806: 22804: 22803: 22796: 22791: 22786: 22781: 22776: 22770: 22768: 22761: 22760: 22758: 22757: 22749: 22747: 22736: 22735: 22733: 22732: 22727: 22722: 22717: 22712: 22707: 22702: 22697: 22692: 22687: 22682: 22677: 22672: 22666: 22664: 22657: 22656: 22654: 22653: 22648: 22643: 22638: 22633: 22628: 22623: 22618: 22613: 22608: 22603: 22598: 22593: 22588: 22583: 22577: 22575: 22572:House of Capet 22568: 22567: 22565: 22564: 22559: 22554: 22549: 22544: 22539: 22534: 22529: 22524: 22519: 22514: 22509: 22504: 22499: 22493: 22488: 22482: 22480: 22464: 22463: 22461: 22460: 22455: 22450: 22445: 22440: 22435: 22433:Childebert III 22430: 22425: 22420: 22415: 22410: 22405: 22400: 22395: 22390: 22385: 22380: 22375: 22370: 22365: 22360: 22355: 22349: 22347: 22340: 22339: 22336: 22335: 22330: 22325: 22320: 22314: 22313: 22310: 22309: 22304: 22303: 22296: 22289: 22281: 22272: 22271: 22262: 22259: 22258: 22256: 22255: 22240: 22234: 22220: 22214: 22201: 22195: 22189: 22183: 22176: 22174: 22173:(1814–present) 22167: 22166: 22164: 22163: 22156: 22150: 22144: 22138: 22132: 22126: 22120: 22113: 22111: 22110:(1883–present) 22104: 22103: 22101: 22100: 22093: 22087: 22081: 22075: 22069: 22062: 22056: 22050: 22043: 22041: 22040:(1830–present) 22030: 22029: 22010: 22008: 22006: 22005: 21998: 21992: 21985: 21983: 21976: 21975: 21964: 21963: 21956: 21949: 21941: 21932: 21931: 21929: 21928: 21923: 21918: 21913: 21907: 21904: 21903: 21900: 21899: 21897: 21896: 21889: 21887: 21883: 21882: 21880: 21879: 21872: 21870: 21863: 21850: 21849: 21846: 21845: 21843: 21842: 21835: 21833: 21829: 21828: 21826: 21825: 21819: 21813: 21806: 21804: 21797: 21784: 21783: 21780: 21779: 21777: 21776: 21770: 21763: 21761: 21759:Prince primate 21755: 21754: 21752: 21751: 21744: 21742: 21735: 21722: 21721: 21713: 21712: 21705: 21698: 21690: 21681: 21680: 21678: 21677: 21671: 21669: 21668:6th generation 21665: 21664: 21662: 21661: 21655: 21653: 21652:5th generation 21649: 21648: 21646: 21645: 21640: 21635: 21630: 21625: 21620: 21615: 21609: 21607: 21606:4th generation 21603: 21602: 21600: 21599: 21594: 21589: 21584: 21579: 21574: 21569: 21567:Prince Charles 21564: 21559: 21554: 21549: 21544: 21539: 21534: 21529: 21523: 21521: 21520:3rd generation 21517: 21516: 21514: 21513: 21508: 21503: 21498: 21493: 21488: 21483: 21478: 21473: 21468: 21463: 21458: 21453: 21448: 21443: 21437: 21435: 21434:2nd generation 21431: 21430: 21423: 21421: 21419: 21418: 21413: 21408: 21403: 21398: 21393: 21388: 21383: 21377: 21375: 21374:1st generation 21371: 21370: 21363: 21362: 21355: 21348: 21340: 21331: 21330: 21324: 21321: 21320: 21318: 21317: 21312: 21307: 21302: 21297: 21292: 21287: 21282: 21276: 21274: 21272:French Princes 21268: 21267: 21260: 21258: 21256: 21255: 21250: 21245: 21240: 21234: 21232: 21228: 21227: 21216: 21215: 21208: 21201: 21193: 21184: 21183: 21180: 21179: 21177: 21176: 21171: 21166: 21161: 21156: 21151: 21146: 21141: 21132: 21131: 21130: 21123:Cult of Reason 21120: 21115: 21110: 21105: 21100: 21091: 21086: 21081: 21076: 21067: 21065:Flag of France 21062: 21057: 21047: 21044: 21043: 21033: 21032: 21029: 21028: 21026: 21025: 21020: 21015: 21010: 21005: 21000: 20995: 20990: 20985: 20980: 20975: 20970: 20965: 20960: 20955: 20950: 20942: 20939: 20938: 20928: 20927: 20924: 20923: 20920: 20919: 20917: 20916: 20911: 20910: 20909: 20904: 20893: 20891: 20887: 20886: 20884: 20883: 20878: 20873: 20871:Jacques Necker 20868: 20863: 20858: 20853: 20848: 20843: 20838: 20833: 20828: 20823: 20818: 20813: 20808: 20803: 20798: 20793: 20788: 20783: 20778: 20773: 20768: 20763: 20758: 20753: 20748: 20743: 20738: 20733: 20727: 20725: 20718: 20714: 20713: 20711: 20710: 20705: 20700: 20695: 20693:Claire Lacombe 20690: 20685: 20680: 20675: 20670: 20665: 20660: 20655: 20650: 20645: 20640: 20635: 20630: 20625: 20620: 20618:Jacques HĂ©bert 20614: 20612: 20599: 20598: 20596: 20595: 20590: 20585: 20580: 20575: 20570: 20565: 20560: 20555: 20550: 20545: 20540: 20535: 20530: 20525: 20520: 20515: 20510: 20505: 20500: 20495: 20490: 20485: 20480: 20475: 20473:Georges Danton 20470: 20464: 20462: 20456: 20455: 20453: 20452: 20447: 20442: 20437: 20432: 20427: 20422: 20417: 20412: 20407: 20402: 20397: 20392: 20386: 20384: 20378: 20377: 20375: 20374: 20369: 20364: 20359: 20354: 20349: 20344: 20339: 20334: 20329: 20324: 20319: 20317:Henri GrĂ©goire 20313: 20308: 20303: 20297: 20295: 20289: 20288: 20286: 20285: 20280: 20275: 20270: 20265: 20260: 20258:Camille Jordan 20255: 20250: 20245: 20240: 20235: 20230: 20225: 20220: 20215: 20210: 20205: 20199: 20197: 20185: 20182: 20181: 20179: 20178: 20173: 20168: 20163: 20158: 20153: 20148: 20143: 20137: 20135: 20129: 20128: 20118: 20117: 20114: 20113: 20110: 20109: 20107: 20106: 20101: 20095: 20093: 20080: 20079: 20077: 20076: 20071: 20066: 20060: 20058: 20045: 20044: 20042: 20041: 20036: 20030: 20028: 20015: 20014: 20012: 20011: 20005: 20003: 19990: 19989: 19987: 19986: 19981: 19976: 19971: 19962: 19960: 19947: 19946: 19944: 19943: 19938: 19933: 19925: 19920: 19915: 19910: 19902: 19897: 19889: 19881: 19873: 19868: 19860: 19855: 19847: 19842: 19836: 19834: 19818: 19812: 19811: 19808: 19807: 19805: 19804: 19798: 19796: 19790: 19789: 19787: 19786: 19781: 19776: 19771: 19766: 19761: 19756: 19751: 19746: 19741: 19736: 19731: 19726: 19714: 19709: 19704: 19699: 19694: 19689: 19684: 19679: 19674: 19669: 19664: 19659: 19654: 19649: 19644: 19639: 19634: 19629: 19624: 19619: 19614: 19609: 19604: 19599: 19594: 19589: 19584: 19579: 19574: 19569: 19564: 19559: 19554: 19549: 19544: 19539: 19534: 19529: 19524: 19519: 19514: 19509: 19503: 19501: 19492: 19479: 19478: 19468: 19467: 19464: 19463: 19461: 19460: 19452: 19443: 19441: 19437: 19436: 19434: 19433: 19425: 19417: 19408: 19406: 19400: 19399: 19397: 19396: 19388: 19380: 19372: 19363: 19361: 19355: 19354: 19352: 19351: 19343: 19338:Battle of Novi 19335: 19327: 19325:(4–7 Jun 1799) 19319: 19311: 19303: 19295: 19287: 19279: 19270: 19268: 19262: 19261: 19259: 19258: 19250: 19242: 19234: 19226: 19217: 19215: 19209: 19208: 19206: 19205: 19197: 19189: 19181: 19173: 19165: 19157: 19148: 19146: 19140: 19139: 19137: 19136: 19128: 19120: 19118:(6–7 Nov 1796) 19112: 19104: 19096: 19088: 19080: 19072: 19064: 19056: 19048: 19043: 19035: 19033:(3–4 Aug 1796) 19027: 19018: 19016: 19010: 19009: 19007: 19006: 19004:Peace of Basel 19001: 18992: 18990: 18984: 18983: 18981: 18980: 18972: 18964: 18959: 18951: 18943: 18935: 18927: 18918: 18909: 18907: 18901: 18900: 18898: 18897: 18889: 18884: 18876: 18868: 18863: 18858: 18853: 18848: 18846:Siege of Mainz 18843: 18838: 18830: 18822: 18817: 18812: 18806: 18804: 18798: 18797: 18795: 18794: 18782: 18777: 18775:Siege of Mainz 18772: 18767: 18766: 18765: 18762: 18757: 18749: 18744: 18739: 18733: 18731: 18725: 18724: 18714: 18713: 18710: 18709: 18707: 18706: 18701: 18693: 18685: 18676: 18674: 18670: 18669: 18667: 18666: 18657: 18655: 18651: 18650: 18648: 18647: 18639: 18630: 18628: 18624: 18623: 18621: 18620: 18612: 18607:13 VendĂ©miaire 18604: 18603: 18602: 18597: 18584: 18576: 18567: 18565: 18561: 18560: 18558: 18557: 18549: 18541: 18532: 18524: 18516: 18503: 18501: 18497: 18496: 18494: 18493: 18485: 18477: 18469: 18459: 18454:LevĂ©e en masse 18451: 18443: 18435: 18434: 18433: 18428: 18415: 18407: 18398: 18396: 18392: 18391: 18389: 18388: 18380: 18372: 18364: 18359:10th of August 18356: 18348: 18340: 18331: 18329: 18325: 18324: 18322: 18321: 18313: 18305: 18297: 18289: 18280: 18278: 18274: 18273: 18271: 18270: 18260: 18252: 18243: 18241:(Feb–Jul 1790) 18234: 18232: 18228: 18227: 18225: 18224: 18216: 18208: 18200: 18192: 18184: 18176: 18168: 18160: 18152: 18144: 18136: 18128: 18117: 18115: 18111: 18110: 18108: 18107: 18099: 18090: 18088: 18084: 18083: 18073: 18072: 18070: 18069: 18062: 18055: 18048: 18041: 18034: 18027: 18020: 18013: 18006: 17999: 17991: 17988: 17987: 17980: 17979: 17972: 17965: 17957: 17948: 17947: 17944: 17943: 17941: 17940: 17935: 17933:Longwood House 17930: 17929: 17928: 17918: 17913: 17908: 17903: 17898: 17893: 17888: 17883: 17877: 17875: 17871: 17870: 17868: 17867: 17862: 17857: 17852: 17847: 17842: 17837: 17832: 17827: 17822: 17817: 17812: 17807: 17802: 17797: 17792: 17787: 17782: 17777: 17772: 17767: 17761: 17759: 17755: 17754: 17752: 17751: 17746: 17741: 17736: 17731: 17726: 17721: 17716: 17711: 17710: 17709: 17699: 17694: 17689: 17684: 17678: 17676: 17670: 17669: 17667: 17666: 17661: 17656: 17651: 17646: 17641: 17639:Count of Feira 17636: 17631: 17626: 17621: 17616: 17611: 17606: 17601: 17596: 17591: 17586: 17581: 17576: 17571: 17566: 17561: 17556: 17551: 17546: 17541: 17536: 17534:Horatio Nelson 17531: 17526: 17521: 17515: 17513: 17505: 17504: 17502: 17501: 17496: 17491: 17486: 17481: 17476: 17471: 17466: 17461: 17456: 17451: 17446: 17444:Marshal Victor 17441: 17436: 17431: 17426: 17421: 17416: 17411: 17406: 17401: 17395: 17393: 17382: 17378: 17377: 17374: 17373: 17371: 17370: 17365: 17360: 17355: 17350: 17345: 17340: 17335: 17330: 17325: 17320: 17315: 17310: 17305: 17300: 17295: 17290: 17285: 17280: 17275: 17270: 17264: 17262: 17258: 17257: 17255: 17254: 17249: 17244: 17239: 17234: 17229: 17224: 17222:Arcis-sur-Aube 17219: 17214: 17209: 17204: 17199: 17194: 17189: 17184: 17179: 17174: 17169: 17164: 17159: 17154: 17149: 17143: 17141: 17137: 17136: 17134: 17133: 17128: 17123: 17118: 17113: 17108: 17103: 17098: 17093: 17088: 17083: 17078: 17073: 17068: 17063: 17058: 17053: 17048: 17043: 17038: 17033: 17028: 17023: 17018: 17013: 17007: 17005: 17001: 17000: 16998: 16997: 16992: 16987: 16982: 16977: 16972: 16967: 16965:Venta del Pozo 16962: 16957: 16952: 16947: 16942: 16937: 16932: 16927: 16922: 16917: 16912: 16907: 16902: 16897: 16892: 16887: 16882: 16877: 16872: 16867: 16862: 16857: 16852: 16847: 16842: 16840:Ciudad Rodrigo 16836: 16834: 16830: 16829: 16827: 16826: 16821: 16816: 16811: 16806: 16801: 16796: 16791: 16786: 16781: 16776: 16771: 16766: 16761: 16756: 16750: 16748: 16744: 16743: 16741: 16740: 16735: 16730: 16725: 16720: 16718:Ciudad Rodrigo 16715: 16710: 16704: 16702: 16698: 16697: 16695: 16694: 16692:Alba de Tormes 16689: 16684: 16679: 16674: 16669: 16664: 16659: 16654: 16649: 16644: 16639: 16634: 16629: 16624: 16619: 16614: 16609: 16604: 16599: 16594: 16592:Aspern-Essling 16589: 16584: 16579: 16574: 16569: 16564: 16559: 16554: 16549: 16544: 16539: 16534: 16529: 16524: 16519: 16514: 16509: 16504: 16499: 16494: 16489: 16484: 16479: 16474: 16469: 16464: 16459: 16453: 16451: 16447: 16446: 16444: 16443: 16438: 16433: 16428: 16423: 16418: 16413: 16408: 16403: 16398: 16393: 16388: 16383: 16378: 16373: 16368: 16363: 16358: 16353: 16347: 16345: 16341: 16340: 16338: 16337: 16332: 16327: 16322: 16317: 16312: 16307: 16302: 16297: 16292: 16287: 16282: 16277: 16271: 16269: 16265: 16264: 16262: 16261: 16256: 16251: 16246: 16241: 16236: 16231: 16226: 16221: 16216: 16211: 16206: 16201: 16196: 16194:Jena–Auerstedt 16191: 16186: 16181: 16176: 16171: 16165: 16163: 16159: 16158: 16156: 16155: 16150: 16145: 16140: 16135: 16130: 16125: 16120: 16115: 16110: 16105: 16100: 16095: 16090: 16085: 16079: 16077: 16073: 16072: 16070: 16069: 16064: 16059: 16054: 16049: 16044: 16039: 16033: 16031: 16022: 16016: 16015: 16012: 16011: 16009: 16008: 16003: 15998: 15993: 15988: 15983: 15978: 15973: 15968: 15966:Ottoman Empire 15963: 15958: 15953: 15948: 15943: 15938: 15933: 15928: 15926:United Kingdom 15922: 15920: 15912: 15911: 15909: 15908: 15903: 15898: 15896:Ottoman Empire 15893: 15891:Denmark–Norway 15888: 15887: 15886: 15881: 15876: 15871: 15861: 15856: 15851: 15846: 15841: 15836: 15834:Polish Legions 15831: 15825: 15823: 15810: 15804: 15803: 15801: 15800: 15793: 15786: 15779: 15772: 15769:Peninsular War 15765: 15758: 15750: 15747: 15746: 15739: 15738: 15731: 15724: 15716: 15710: 15707: 15706: 15694: 15693: 15689: 15688: 15682: 15677: 15662: 15656: 15655: 15649: 15648: 15629: 15626: 15617: 15607: 15603: 15602: 15597: 15592:Island of Elba 15587: 15581: 15580: 15574:PrĂ€sidialmacht 15562: 15556: 15547: 15544: 15537: 15536: 15533: 15530: 15521: 15515: 15509: 15508: 15500: 15495: 15486: 15470: 15464: 15463: 15451: 15448: 15439: 15423: 15420: 15414: 15413: 15412:Regnal titles 15409: 15408: 15401: 15392: 15387: 15380: 15379: 15371: 15360: 15355: 15348: 15343: 15336: 15335: 15327: 15325:(Third Consul) 15306: 15301: 15294: 15293: 15285: 15266: 15261: 15254: 15253: 15249: 15248: 15239:15 August 1769 15228: 15225: 15220: 15217: 15216: 15204: 15203: 15184: 15181: 15180: 15178: 15177: 15172: 15167: 15166: 15165: 15160: 15148: 15143: 15138: 15133: 15128: 15127: 15126: 15116: 15111: 15109:Bank of France 15105: 15103: 15097: 15096: 15094: 15093: 15088: 15083: 15082: 15081: 15069: 15062: 15060:Longwood House 15057: 15052: 15047: 15042: 15037: 15031: 15029: 15025: 15024: 15022: 15021: 15009: 15008: 15007: 15002: 14994: 14993: 14992: 14982: 14981: 14980: 14975: 14965: 14964: 14963: 14958: 14947: 14945: 14941: 14940: 14938: 14937: 14932: 14927: 14920: 14915: 14910: 14905: 14898: 14893: 14886: 14881: 14874: 14869: 14862: 14857: 14850: 14845: 14843:Siege of Jaffa 14840: 14835: 14828: 14823: 14818: 14816:Battle of Lodi 14813: 14810:13 VendĂ©miaire 14806: 14799: 14794: 14786: 14784: 14778: 14777: 14775: 14774: 14773: 14772: 14755: 14754: 14753: 14739:2nd abdication 14736: 14734:Route NapolĂ©on 14731: 14730: 14729: 14722:1st abdication 14719: 14714: 14709: 14707:Looting of art 14704: 14697: 14692: 14687: 14682: 14677: 14670: 14669: 14668: 14663: 14658: 14653: 14647:Constitutions 14645: 14640: 14635: 14630: 14617: 14615: 14609: 14608: 14601: 14599: 14597: 14596: 14591: 14586: 14578: 14573: 14568: 14563: 14555: 14547: 14539: 14534: 14529: 14521: 14516: 14507: 14505: 14499: 14498: 14495: 14494: 14489: 14488: 14487: 14480:Napoleonic era 14476: 14475: 14472: 14471: 14464: 14463: 14456: 14449: 14441: 14435: 14434: 14425: 14420: 14411: 14406: 14401: 14394: 14393:External links 14391: 14390: 14389: 14363: 14344: 14329: 14315: 14285:(339): 40–57. 14270: 14264: 14251: 14245: 14230: 14227: 14225: 14224: 14218: 14201: 14195: 14180: 14162: 14147: 14141: 14123: 14105: 14090: 14063: 14057: 14042: 14036: 14023: 14005: 13990: 13978:10.1086/240080 13972:(3): 233–252. 13959: 13953: 13940: 13934: 13919: 13913: 13900: 13894: 13877: 13871: 13858: 13852: 13839: 13833: 13827:. Bloomsbury. 13816: 13810: 13795: 13789: 13772: 13766: 13753: 13747: 13727: 13721: 13697: 13683: 13665: 13659: 13642: 13636: 13620: 13618: 13615: 13613: 13612: 13606: 13591: 13582: 13572:(3): 110–122. 13561: 13534: 13532: 13529: 13527: 13526: 13520: 13503: 13497: 13482: 13464: 13449: 13443: 13430: 13418: 13390: 13372: 13354: 13339: 13333: 13320: 13314: 13301: 13295: 13278: 13272: 13254: 13236: 13218: 13212: 13206:. Leo Cooper. 13199: 13193: 13180: 13162: 13140: 13134: 13119: 13101: 13083:Bell, David A. 13079: 13073: 13059: 13057: 13054: 13049:Main article: 13046: 13043: 13041: 13040: 13029: 13010: 12990: 12979: 12968: 12957: 12922: 12903: 12883: 12871: 12859: 12841:(9): 127–139. 12818: 12806: 12804:, p. 105. 12794: 12782: 12780:, p. 203. 12770: 12758: 12743: 12720: 12704: 12674: 12667: 12635: 12628: 12608: 12589: 12569: 12562: 12539: 12500:(2): 114–134. 12480: 12468: 12450: 12438: 12395: 12383: 12360:(4): 463–483. 12354:French History 12334: 12332:, p. 107. 12322: 12320:, p. 106. 12310: 12308:, p. 262. 12298: 12275:(4): 426–445. 12269:French History 12255: 12234: 12209: 12197: 12185: 12173: 12158: 12125: 12113: 12101: 12089: 12077: 12065: 12063:, p. 665. 12050: 12046:Barnett (1997) 12038: 12036:, p. 666. 12026: 11992: 11979: 11977:, p. 574. 11967: 11955: 11943: 11932: 11920: 11897: 11885: 11881:Roberts (2014) 11873: 11861: 11837: 11825: 11813: 11801: 11768:10.1086/348507 11762:(4): 369–382. 11742: 11731: 11711: 11699: 11687: 11675: 11663: 11659:Roberts (2001) 11651: 11649:, p. 272. 11647:Roberts (2004) 11639: 11620: 11601: 11574: 11562: 11550: 11538: 11523: 11511: 11509:, p. 234. 11499: 11484: 11465: 11458: 11440: 11428: 11416: 11404: 11392: 11380: 11368: 11356: 11344: 11332: 11330:, p. 118. 11320: 11304: 11297: 11270: 11240: 11210: 11178: 11174:Roberts (2004) 11166: 11153: 11151:, p. 129. 11141: 11129: 11120: 11107:10.2307/286104 11085: 11083:, p. 285. 11073: 11054: 11043: 11011: 10999: 10987: 10975: 10963: 10951: 10939: 10927: 10925:, p. 582. 10915: 10903: 10891: 10876: 10874:, p. 573. 10864: 10862:, p. 286. 10852: 10840: 10828: 10816: 10814:, p. 198. 10804: 10792: 10790:, p. 287. 10780: 10768: 10756: 10741: 10729: 10717: 10706: 10682: 10675: 10655: 10651:Englund (2010) 10643: 10631: 10619: 10607: 10592: 10580: 10576:Barnett (1997) 10568: 10556: 10544: 10532: 10517: 10502: 10490: 10464: 10445: 10425: 10418: 10394: 10381: 10366: 10349: 10326: 10324:, p. 197. 10314: 10312:, p. 248. 10299: 10277: 10265: 10263:, p. 235. 10250: 10238: 10220: 10218:, p. 236. 10208: 10196: 10194:, p. 235. 10184: 10172: 10160: 10148: 10136: 10128: 10110: 10046: 10034: 10019: 10017:(2014) 799–801 10006: 9991: 9989:, p. 115. 9979: 9967: 9965:, p. 105. 9955: 9943: 9931: 9919: 9907: 9895: 9883: 9868: 9856: 9841:Hicks, Peter. 9833: 9821: 9809: 9783: 9757: 9745: 9733: 9722: 9702: 9690: 9678: 9676:, p. 254. 9666: 9654: 9652:, pp. 635 9642: 9630: 9618: 9606: 9594: 9582: 9570: 9558: 9546: 9534: 9504: 9492: 9480: 9468: 9456: 9444: 9429: 9417: 9405: 9393: 9381: 9369: 9357: 9331: 9329:, p. 259. 9319: 9307: 9288: 9268: 9215: 9203: 9191: 9187:Esdaile (2007) 9179: 9167: 9155: 9143: 9131: 9119: 9107: 9103:Esdaile (2007) 9095: 9083: 9071: 9059: 9047: 9045:, p. 425. 9035: 9023: 9011: 8999: 8980: 8960: 8958:, p. 385. 8948: 8936: 8924: 8912: 8910:, p. 773. 8900: 8898:, p. 370. 8888: 8884:Esdaile (2007) 8876: 8874:, p. 508. 8864: 8852: 8850:, p. 501. 8840: 8828: 8816: 8804: 8792: 8780: 8768: 8756: 8744: 8742:, p. 316. 8732: 8730:, p. 144. 8720: 8718:, p. 732. 8708: 8696: 8694:, p. 314. 8684: 8682:, p. 729. 8672: 8660: 8658:, p. 708. 8648: 8636: 8624: 8612: 8600: 8598:, p. 306. 8588: 8569: 8549: 8537: 8525: 8523:, p. 128. 8513: 8498: 8486: 8459: 8457:, p. 205. 8447: 8445:, p. 118. 8435: 8433:, p. 286. 8423: 8416: 8390: 8388:, p. 218. 8375: 8373:, p. 296. 8363: 8351: 8339: 8337:, p. 267. 8327: 8325:, p. 199. 8315: 8303: 8301:, p. 264. 8291: 8279: 8267: 8265:, p. 197. 8255: 8244: 8221: 8209: 8197: 8185: 8181:Roberts (2014) 8170: 8158: 8156:, p. 244. 8146: 8144:, p. 243. 8134: 8122: 8110: 8098: 8086: 8074: 8062: 8050: 8039: 8019: 8007: 7995: 7976: 7956: 7954:, p. 344. 7944: 7932: 7930:, p. 209. 7920: 7905: 7893: 7881: 7862: 7839: 7837:, p. 407. 7827: 7815: 7802: 7789: 7776: 7764: 7752: 7739: 7727: 7715: 7713:, p. 138. 7700: 7688: 7686:, p. 190. 7676: 7657: 7637: 7625: 7613: 7601: 7589: 7577: 7565: 7553: 7541: 7529: 7517: 7505: 7493: 7481: 7469: 7457: 7445: 7433: 7431:, Introduction 7429:Roberts (2014) 7421: 7409: 7407:, p. 303. 7405:Roberts (2014) 7397: 7384: 7372: 7365: 7347: 7335: 7323: 7311: 7299: 7287: 7275: 7263: 7251: 7239: 7224: 7212: 7200: 7185: 7170: 7158: 7146: 7134: 7122: 7120:, p. 256. 7110: 7098: 7086: 7074: 7062: 7050: 7035: 7023: 7011: 7004: 6981: 6969: 6957: 6945: 6933: 6916: 6904: 6892: 6880: 6878:, p. 280. 6865: 6848: 6846:, p. 198. 6836: 6824: 6812: 6810:, p. 188. 6800: 6788: 6776: 6764: 6760:Englund (2010) 6752: 6740: 6728: 6711: 6699: 6687: 6675: 6663: 6651: 6639: 6637:, p. 135. 6627: 6615: 6603: 6591: 6579: 6567: 6555: 6543: 6531: 6519: 6507: 6495: 6491:Englund (2010) 6483: 6469:978-0674252011 6468: 6432: 6420: 6416:Roberts (2014) 6408: 6404:Roberts (2014) 6396: 6384: 6369: 6357: 6345: 6333: 6318: 6306: 6294: 6282: 6270: 6258: 6254:Roberts (2014) 6246: 6234: 6222: 6210: 6198: 6186: 6174: 6162: 6150: 6138: 6126: 6114: 6102: 6090: 6078: 6071: 6045: 6033: 6029:Roberts (2014) 6021: 6009: 6005:Roberts (2014) 5997: 5990:Roberts (2001) 5977: 5965: 5953: 5941: 5929: 5917: 5905: 5893: 5881: 5869: 5857: 5853:Roberts (2014) 5845: 5812:10.2307/286104 5783: 5771: 5752: 5732: 5720: 5705: 5695:978-1317874690 5694: 5672: 5660: 5658:, p. 142. 5656:Roberts (2014) 5648: 5626: 5614: 5599: 5587: 5575: 5563: 5551: 5524: 5507: 5495: 5480: 5468: 5466:, p. 336. 5456: 5437: 5414: 5399: 5380: 5360: 5348: 5335: 5333: 5330: 5328: 5327: 5318: 5291: 5278: 5257: 5227: 5132: 5129:King of France 5116: 5114: 5111: 5108: 5107: 5104: 5101: 5096:Prince of Elba 5092: 5089: 5085: 5084: 5073:Francis II (I) 5071: 5068: 5065:Prince-primate 5048: 5035: 5031: 5030: 5021: 5016: 4996: 4993: 4989: 4988: 4985:King of France 4979: 4976: 4970:as Napoleon I 4963: 4960:King of France 4949: 4945: 4944: 4939: 4936: 4927: 4922: 4918: 4917: 4914: 4911: 4894: 4889: 4885: 4884: 4881: 4878: 4857: 4852: 4848: 4847: 4840: 4837: 4833:Maria Walewska 4774: 4771: 4709:Kleinstaaterei 4691:and ended the 4651:Main article: 4648: 4645: 4644: 4643: 4639:Maurice Orange 4637:, painting by 4633:, part of the 4628: 4621: 4619: 4615:Paul Delaroche 4603: 4596: 4594: 4578: 4571: 4500: 4497: 4437:Francisco Goya 4423: 4420: 4415:Main article: 4412: 4409: 4394:grandes Ă©coles 4390:grandes Ă©coles 4383:the Revolution 4368: 4365: 4299: 4296: 4253:Main article: 4250: 4247: 4221: 4220:Administration 4218: 4177: 4174: 4088: 4085: 3996: 3993: 3964: 3961: 3944: 3941: 3928:agreed to the 3904: 3901: 3871:Quum memoranda 3866:excommunicated 3861:civil marriage 3841: 3838: 3814: 3811: 3799:Louis Visconti 3797:, designed by 3763:stomach cancer 3702: 3699: 3670: 3669: 3666: 3663: 3662: 3657: 3651: 3650: 3646: 3645: 3642: 3638: 3637: 3634: 3628: 3627: 3624: 3618: 3617: 3613: 3612: 3606: 3600: 3599: 3596: 3590: 3589: 3584: 3576: 3575: 3571: 3570: 3560: 3557: 3556: 3553: 3550: 3549: 3544: 3538: 3537: 3533: 3532: 3529: 3525: 3524: 3521: 3515: 3514: 3511: 3505: 3504: 3500: 3499: 3493: 3487: 3486: 3483: 3477: 3476: 3471: 3463: 3462: 3458: 3457: 3447: 3413:Longwood House 3401:Northumberland 3387:Longwood House 3362: 3359: 3271:Route NapolĂ©on 3240:Main article: 3237: 3234: 3173:Main article: 3170: 3167: 3099:Paul Delaroche 3057:, painting by 3039:Main article: 3036: 3033: 3013:attempted coup 2982:Adolph Northen 2980:, painting by 2922:fire of Moscow 2897:Main article: 2894: 2891: 2864: 2858: 2846: 2843: 2760:Main article: 2757: 2754: 2656:Peninsular War 2654:Main article: 2651: 2648: 2627:Ionian Islands 2516:Battle of Jena 2512:Imperial Guard 2500:Main article: 2497: 2494: 2486:Persian Empire 2474:Ottoman Empire 2440: 2437: 2433:Vincent Cronin 2261:Main article: 2258: 2255: 2168: 2165: 2133:Main article: 2130: 2127: 2049:Saint-Domingue 2040:new plebiscite 2000: 1997: 1971:General Moreau 1875: 1872: 1839:Main article: 1836: 1831: 1811:Napoleonic era 1809:Main article: 1806: 1803: 1772:bubonic plague 1603:Main article: 1600: 1597: 1434:Main article: 1431: 1428: 1355:Constantinople 1294:13 VendĂ©miaire 1283:13 VendĂ©miaire 1281:Main article: 1278: 1277:13 VendĂ©miaire 1275: 1202:Main article: 1199: 1196: 1136: 1133: 1131: 1128: 1052:Pasquale Paoli 965:Pasquale Paoli 937: 934: 858:invaded France 834:Peninsular War 757:, and in 1803 723:13 VendĂ©miaire 658: 651: 644: 639: 634: 627: 622: 617: 610: 605: 600: 593: 588: 583: 576: 571: 566: 559: 554: 549: 542: 537: 532: 525: 520: 515: 508: 503: 498: 491: 486: 481: 474: 469: 464: 457: 452: 447: 440: 435: 430: 423: 418: 413: 406: 401: 396: 389: 384: 379: 372: 367: 362: 355: 350: 345: 338: 331: 324: 317: 316: 311: 310: 309: 306: 305: 298: 294: 293: 288: 274: 273: 253: 249: 244: 243: 242: 241: 216: 212: 207: 206: 205: 204: 201: 199: 195: 194: 184: 180: 176: 175: 170:(aged 51) 164: 160: 159: 153:15 August 1769 144: 140: 139: 136: 135: 132: 131: 128: 127: 124: 123: 113: 112: 106: 105: 102: 101: 98: 94: 93: 88: 82: 81: 76: 72: 71: 67:18 May 1804 – 65: 61: 60: 54: 53: 45: 37: 36: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 24110: 24099: 24096: 24094: 24091: 24089: 24086: 24084: 24081: 24079: 24076: 24074: 24071: 24069: 24066: 24064: 24061: 24059: 24056: 24054: 24051: 24049: 24046: 24044: 24041: 24039: 24036: 24034: 24031: 24029: 24026: 24024: 24021: 24019: 24016: 24014: 24011: 24009: 24006: 24004: 24001: 23999: 23996: 23994: 23991: 23989: 23986: 23984: 23981: 23979: 23976: 23974: 23971: 23969: 23966: 23964: 23961: 23959: 23956: 23954: 23951: 23949: 23946: 23944: 23943:French exiles 23941: 23939: 23938:French deists 23936: 23934: 23931: 23929: 23926: 23924: 23921: 23919: 23916: 23914: 23911: 23909: 23906: 23904: 23901: 23899: 23896: 23894: 23891: 23889: 23886: 23884: 23881: 23879: 23876: 23874: 23871: 23869: 23866: 23864: 23861: 23859: 23856: 23854: 23851: 23849: 23846: 23844: 23841: 23840: 23838: 23817: 23813: 23811: 23807: 23806: 23803: 23795: 23791: 23787: 23783: 23779: 23775: 23771: 23767: 23763: 23757: 23754: 23752: 23749: 23747: 23744: 23743: 23741: 23737: 23731: 23728: 23726: 23723: 23721: 23718: 23717: 23715: 23711: 23707: 23706:Joseph FouchĂ© 23703: 23699: 23695: 23691: 23687: 23681: 23678: 23676: 23675:Lazare Carnot 23673: 23671: 23668: 23667: 23665: 23661: 23655: 23652: 23650: 23647: 23645: 23642: 23641: 23639: 23635: 23629: 23626: 23624: 23621: 23620: 23618: 23614: 23611: 23607: 23601: 23598: 23596: 23593: 23591: 23588: 23587: 23585: 23581: 23572: 23562: 23559: 23557: 23554: 23552: 23549: 23548: 23546: 23542: 23537: 23530: 23525: 23523: 23518: 23516: 23511: 23510: 23507: 23495: 23492: 23490: 23489:Frederick III 23487: 23485: 23482: 23481: 23479: 23476: 23475:German Empire 23472: 23466: 23463: 23462: 23460: 23457: 23453: 23447: 23444: 23443: 23441: 23438: 23434: 23425: 23422: 23421: 23419: 23416: 23415:German Empire 23412: 23406: 23403: 23401: 23398: 23397: 23395: 23392: 23388: 23382: 23379: 23378: 23376: 23373: 23369: 23363: 23360: 23358: 23355: 23353: 23350: 23348: 23345: 23343: 23340: 23338: 23335: 23333: 23330: 23328: 23325: 23323: 23320: 23318: 23317:Ferdinand III 23315: 23313: 23310: 23308: 23305: 23303: 23300: 23298: 23297:Maximilian II 23295: 23293: 23290: 23288: 23285: 23283: 23280: 23278: 23277:Frederick III 23275: 23273: 23270: 23268: 23265: 23263: 23262: 23258: 23256: 23253: 23251: 23248: 23246: 23245: 23241: 23239: 23236: 23234: 23231: 23229: 23226: 23224: 23221: 23219: 23216: 23214: 23211: 23209: 23206: 23204: 23203: 23199: 23197: 23194: 23192: 23189: 23187: 23186: 23182: 23180: 23177: 23175: 23172: 23170: 23167: 23165: 23162: 23160: 23157: 23155: 23152: 23150: 23147: 23145: 23142: 23140: 23137: 23135: 23132: 23130: 23127: 23125: 23122: 23120: 23119: 23115: 23113: 23112: 23108: 23106: 23103: 23101: 23098: 23096: 23093: 23091: 23088: 23086: 23083: 23081: 23078: 23076: 23073: 23072: 23070: 23067: 23062: 23058: 23052: 23049: 23047: 23046: 23042: 23040: 23037: 23035: 23032: 23031: 23029: 23026: 23021: 23017: 23011: 23008: 23006: 23003: 23001: 22998: 22996: 22993: 22991: 22988: 22986: 22983: 22982: 22980: 22977: 22972: 22968: 22964: 22957: 22952: 22950: 22945: 22943: 22938: 22937: 22934: 22923: 22917: 22911: 22908: 22907: 22905: 22902: 22898: 22892: 22891: 22887: 22885: 22882: 22881: 22879: 22876: 22872: 22866: 22865: 22861: 22859: 22858: 22854: 22852: 22849: 22847: 22844: 22843: 22841: 22838: 22834: 22828: 22827: 22823: 22821: 22818: 22817: 22815: 22812: 22808: 22802: 22801: 22797: 22795: 22792: 22790: 22787: 22785: 22782: 22780: 22777: 22775: 22772: 22771: 22769: 22766: 22762: 22756: 22755: 22751: 22750: 22748: 22746: 22743: 22742: 22737: 22731: 22728: 22726: 22723: 22721: 22718: 22716: 22713: 22711: 22708: 22706: 22703: 22701: 22698: 22696: 22693: 22691: 22688: 22686: 22683: 22681: 22678: 22676: 22673: 22671: 22668: 22667: 22665: 22662: 22658: 22652: 22649: 22647: 22644: 22642: 22639: 22637: 22634: 22632: 22629: 22627: 22624: 22622: 22619: 22617: 22614: 22612: 22609: 22607: 22604: 22602: 22599: 22597: 22594: 22592: 22589: 22587: 22584: 22582: 22579: 22578: 22576: 22573: 22569: 22563: 22560: 22558: 22555: 22553: 22550: 22548: 22545: 22543: 22540: 22538: 22535: 22533: 22530: 22528: 22525: 22523: 22520: 22518: 22515: 22513: 22510: 22508: 22505: 22503: 22500: 22497: 22494: 22492: 22489: 22487: 22484: 22483: 22481: 22478: 22474: 22469: 22465: 22459: 22458:Childeric III 22456: 22454: 22451: 22449: 22446: 22444: 22441: 22439: 22436: 22434: 22431: 22429: 22426: 22424: 22423:Theuderic III 22421: 22419: 22416: 22414: 22411: 22409: 22406: 22404: 22401: 22399: 22396: 22394: 22391: 22389: 22388:Childebert II 22386: 22384: 22381: 22379: 22376: 22374: 22371: 22369: 22366: 22364: 22361: 22359: 22356: 22354: 22351: 22350: 22348: 22345: 22341: 22334: 22331: 22329: 22326: 22324: 22321: 22319: 22316: 22315: 22311: 22302: 22297: 22295: 22290: 22288: 22283: 22282: 22279: 22267: 22260: 22253: 22249: 22245: 22241: 22239: 22235: 22233: 22229: 22225: 22221: 22219: 22215: 22211: 22206: 22202: 22200: 22196: 22194: 22190: 22188: 22184: 22182: 22178: 22177: 22175: 22172: 22168: 22161: 22157: 22155: 22151: 22149: 22145: 22143: 22139: 22137: 22133: 22131: 22127: 22125: 22121: 22119: 22115: 22114: 22112: 22109: 22105: 22098: 22094: 22092: 22088: 22086: 22082: 22080: 22076: 22074: 22073:Philippe VIII 22070: 22067: 22063: 22061: 22057: 22055: 22051: 22049: 22045: 22044: 22042: 22039: 22035: 22031: 22023: 22014: 22003: 21999: 21997: 21993: 21991: 21987: 21986: 21984: 21981: 21977: 21973: 21969: 21962: 21957: 21955: 21950: 21948: 21943: 21942: 21939: 21927: 21924: 21922: 21919: 21917: 21914: 21912: 21909: 21908: 21905: 21894: 21891: 21890: 21888: 21884: 21877: 21874: 21873: 21871: 21867: 21864: 21860: 21855: 21851: 21840: 21837: 21836: 21834: 21830: 21823: 21820: 21817: 21814: 21811: 21808: 21807: 21805: 21801: 21798: 21794: 21789: 21785: 21774: 21771: 21768: 21765: 21764: 21762: 21760: 21756: 21749: 21746: 21745: 21743: 21739: 21736: 21732: 21727: 21723: 21718: 21711: 21706: 21704: 21699: 21697: 21692: 21691: 21688: 21676: 21673: 21672: 21670: 21666: 21660: 21657: 21656: 21654: 21650: 21644: 21641: 21639: 21636: 21634: 21631: 21629: 21626: 21624: 21621: 21619: 21616: 21614: 21611: 21610: 21608: 21604: 21598: 21595: 21593: 21590: 21588: 21585: 21583: 21580: 21578: 21575: 21573: 21570: 21568: 21565: 21563: 21560: 21558: 21555: 21553: 21550: 21548: 21545: 21543: 21540: 21538: 21535: 21533: 21530: 21528: 21525: 21524: 21522: 21518: 21512: 21509: 21507: 21504: 21502: 21501:Prince JĂ©rĂŽme 21499: 21497: 21494: 21492: 21489: 21487: 21484: 21482: 21479: 21477: 21474: 21472: 21469: 21467: 21464: 21462: 21459: 21457: 21454: 21452: 21449: 21447: 21444: 21442: 21439: 21438: 21436: 21432: 21427: 21417: 21414: 21412: 21409: 21407: 21404: 21402: 21399: 21397: 21394: 21392: 21389: 21387: 21384: 21382: 21379: 21378: 21376: 21372: 21368: 21361: 21356: 21354: 21349: 21347: 21342: 21341: 21338: 21328: 21327:vassal states 21322: 21316: 21313: 21311: 21308: 21306: 21303: 21301: 21298: 21296: 21293: 21291: 21290:Joachim Murat 21288: 21286: 21283: 21281: 21278: 21277: 21275: 21273: 21269: 21264: 21254: 21251: 21249: 21246: 21244: 21241: 21239: 21236: 21235: 21233: 21229: 21225: 21221: 21214: 21209: 21207: 21202: 21200: 21195: 21194: 21191: 21175: 21172: 21170: 21167: 21165: 21162: 21160: 21157: 21155: 21152: 21150: 21147: 21145: 21142: 21139: 21138: 21137:Sans-culottes 21133: 21129: 21126: 21125: 21124: 21121: 21119: 21116: 21114: 21111: 21109: 21108:Metric system 21106: 21104: 21101: 21098: 21097: 21092: 21090: 21087: 21085: 21082: 21080: 21077: 21074: 21073: 21068: 21066: 21063: 21061: 21058: 21055: 21054: 21049: 21048: 21045: 21038: 21034: 21024: 21021: 21019: 21016: 21014: 21011: 21009: 21006: 21004: 21001: 20999: 20996: 20994: 20991: 20989: 20986: 20984: 20981: 20979: 20976: 20974: 20971: 20969: 20966: 20964: 20961: 20959: 20956: 20954: 20951: 20949: 20948: 20944: 20943: 20940: 20933: 20929: 20915: 20912: 20908: 20907:PanthĂ©on Club 20905: 20903: 20900: 20899: 20898: 20895: 20894: 20892: 20888: 20882: 20879: 20877: 20874: 20872: 20869: 20867: 20864: 20862: 20859: 20857: 20854: 20852: 20849: 20847: 20844: 20842: 20839: 20837: 20834: 20832: 20829: 20827: 20824: 20822: 20819: 20817: 20814: 20812: 20809: 20807: 20804: 20802: 20799: 20797: 20796:Joachim Murat 20794: 20792: 20789: 20787: 20784: 20782: 20779: 20777: 20774: 20772: 20769: 20767: 20764: 20762: 20759: 20757: 20754: 20752: 20749: 20747: 20744: 20742: 20739: 20737: 20734: 20732: 20729: 20728: 20726: 20722: 20719: 20715: 20709: 20706: 20704: 20701: 20699: 20696: 20694: 20691: 20689: 20686: 20684: 20681: 20679: 20676: 20674: 20671: 20669: 20666: 20664: 20661: 20659: 20656: 20654: 20651: 20649: 20646: 20644: 20641: 20639: 20636: 20634: 20631: 20629: 20626: 20624: 20621: 20619: 20616: 20615: 20613: 20611: 20610: 20604: 20600: 20594: 20591: 20589: 20586: 20584: 20581: 20579: 20576: 20574: 20573:Gilbert Romme 20571: 20569: 20566: 20564: 20561: 20559: 20556: 20554: 20551: 20549: 20546: 20544: 20541: 20539: 20536: 20534: 20531: 20529: 20526: 20524: 20521: 20519: 20516: 20514: 20511: 20509: 20506: 20504: 20501: 20499: 20496: 20494: 20491: 20489: 20486: 20484: 20481: 20479: 20476: 20474: 20471: 20469: 20466: 20465: 20463: 20461: 20457: 20451: 20448: 20446: 20443: 20441: 20438: 20436: 20433: 20431: 20428: 20426: 20423: 20421: 20418: 20416: 20413: 20411: 20408: 20406: 20403: 20401: 20398: 20396: 20395:de CambacĂ©rĂšs 20393: 20391: 20388: 20387: 20385: 20383: 20379: 20373: 20370: 20368: 20365: 20363: 20360: 20358: 20355: 20353: 20350: 20348: 20345: 20343: 20340: 20338: 20335: 20333: 20330: 20328: 20325: 20323: 20320: 20318: 20314: 20312: 20311:Madame Roland 20309: 20307: 20304: 20302: 20299: 20298: 20296: 20294: 20290: 20284: 20281: 20279: 20276: 20274: 20271: 20269: 20266: 20264: 20261: 20259: 20256: 20254: 20251: 20249: 20248:AndrĂ© ChĂ©nier 20246: 20244: 20241: 20239: 20236: 20234: 20231: 20229: 20226: 20224: 20221: 20219: 20216: 20214: 20211: 20209: 20206: 20204: 20203:Grace Elliott 20201: 20200: 20198: 20195: 20194: 20188: 20183: 20177: 20174: 20172: 20169: 20167: 20164: 20162: 20159: 20157: 20154: 20152: 20149: 20147: 20144: 20142: 20139: 20138: 20136: 20134: 20130: 20123: 20119: 20105: 20102: 20100: 20097: 20096: 20094: 20092: 20087: 20081: 20075: 20072: 20070: 20067: 20065: 20062: 20061: 20059: 20057: 20052: 20046: 20040: 20037: 20035: 20032: 20031: 20029: 20027: 20022: 20016: 20010: 20007: 20006: 20004: 20002: 19997: 19991: 19985: 19982: 19980: 19977: 19975: 19972: 19970: 19967: 19964: 19963: 19961: 19959: 19954: 19948: 19942: 19939: 19937: 19934: 19932: 19926: 19924: 19921: 19919: 19916: 19914: 19911: 19909: 19903: 19901: 19898: 19896: 19890: 19888: 19882: 19880: 19874: 19872: 19869: 19867: 19861: 19859: 19856: 19854: 19848: 19846: 19843: 19841: 19838: 19837: 19835: 19833: 19828: 19822: 19819: 19817: 19813: 19803: 19800: 19799: 19797: 19795: 19791: 19785: 19782: 19780: 19777: 19775: 19772: 19770: 19767: 19765: 19764:Joseph Souham 19762: 19760: 19757: 19755: 19752: 19750: 19747: 19745: 19742: 19740: 19737: 19735: 19732: 19730: 19727: 19723: 19718: 19715: 19713: 19710: 19708: 19707:Joachim Murat 19705: 19703: 19700: 19698: 19695: 19693: 19690: 19688: 19687:AndrĂ© MassĂ©na 19685: 19683: 19680: 19678: 19675: 19673: 19670: 19668: 19665: 19663: 19660: 19658: 19655: 19653: 19650: 19648: 19645: 19643: 19640: 19638: 19635: 19633: 19630: 19628: 19625: 19623: 19620: 19618: 19615: 19613: 19610: 19608: 19605: 19603: 19600: 19598: 19595: 19593: 19590: 19588: 19585: 19583: 19580: 19578: 19575: 19573: 19570: 19568: 19565: 19563: 19560: 19558: 19555: 19553: 19550: 19548: 19545: 19543: 19540: 19538: 19535: 19533: 19530: 19528: 19525: 19523: 19520: 19518: 19515: 19513: 19510: 19508: 19505: 19504: 19502: 19500: 19496: 19493: 19491: 19486: 19480: 19473: 19469: 19458:(25 Jun 1802) 19456: 19453: 19450:(25 Mar 1802) 19448: 19445: 19444: 19442: 19438: 19429: 19426: 19423:(18 Mar 1801) 19421: 19418: 19413: 19410: 19409: 19407: 19405: 19401: 19392: 19389: 19384: 19381: 19378:(15 Jun 1800) 19376: 19373: 19370:(14 Jun 1800) 19368: 19365: 19364: 19362: 19360: 19356: 19347: 19344: 19341:(15 Aug 1799) 19339: 19336: 19331: 19328: 19323: 19320: 19315: 19312: 19307: 19304: 19301:(25 Mar 1799) 19299: 19296: 19291: 19288: 19283: 19282:Siege of Acre 19280: 19275: 19272: 19271: 19269: 19267: 19263: 19254: 19253:Peasants' War 19251: 19246: 19243: 19238: 19235: 19230: 19227: 19222: 19219: 19218: 19216: 19214: 19210: 19203:(17 Oct 1797) 19201: 19198: 19195:(18 Apr 1797) 19193: 19190: 19187:(17 Apr 1797) 19185: 19182: 19179:(25 Jan 1797) 19177: 19174: 19169: 19166: 19163:(13 Jan 1797) 19161: 19158: 19153: 19150: 19149: 19147: 19145: 19141: 19132: 19129: 19124: 19121: 19116: 19113: 19108: 19105: 19102:(26 Oct 1796) 19100: 19097: 19094:(19 Oct 1796) 19092: 19089: 19084: 19081: 19076: 19073: 19068: 19065: 19062:(24 Aug 1796) 19060: 19057: 19054:(11 Aug 1796) 19052: 19049: 19047: 19044: 19039: 19036: 19031: 19028: 19023: 19020: 19019: 19017: 19015: 19011: 19005: 19002: 18997: 18994: 18993: 18991: 18989: 18985: 18976: 18973: 18968: 18965: 18963: 18960: 18957:(26 Jun 1794) 18955: 18952: 18947: 18944: 18941:(22 May 1794) 18939: 18936: 18933:(18 May 1794) 18931: 18928: 18922: 18919: 18916:(24 Apr 1794) 18914: 18911: 18910: 18908: 18906: 18902: 18893: 18890: 18888: 18885: 18882:(13 Oct 1793) 18880: 18877: 18872: 18869: 18867: 18864: 18862: 18859: 18857: 18854: 18852: 18849: 18847: 18844: 18842: 18839: 18834: 18831: 18828:(23 May 1793) 18826: 18823: 18821: 18818: 18816: 18813: 18811: 18808: 18807: 18805: 18803: 18799: 18791: 18786: 18783: 18781: 18778: 18776: 18773: 18771: 18768: 18763: 18761: 18758: 18756: 18753: 18752: 18750: 18748: 18745: 18743: 18740: 18738: 18735: 18734: 18732: 18730: 18726: 18719: 18715: 18705: 18702: 18699:(24 Dec 1799) 18697: 18694: 18689: 18686: 18683:(18 Jun 1799) 18681: 18678: 18677: 18675: 18671: 18664:(11 May 1798) 18662: 18659: 18658: 18656: 18652: 18643: 18640: 18635: 18632: 18631: 18629: 18625: 18616: 18613: 18608: 18605: 18601: 18598: 18596: 18593: 18592: 18588: 18585: 18582:(22 Aug 1795) 18580: 18577: 18572: 18569: 18568: 18566: 18562: 18555:(11 Nov 1794) 18553: 18550: 18545: 18542: 18539:(28 Jul 1794) 18536: 18533: 18530:(27 Jul 1794) 18528: 18525: 18522:(10 Jun 1794) 18520: 18517: 18512: 18508: 18505: 18504: 18502: 18498: 18489: 18486: 18483:(16 Oct 1793) 18481: 18478: 18475:(17 Sep 1793) 18473: 18470: 18465: 18464: 18460: 18457:(23 Aug 1793) 18455: 18452: 18449:(13 Jul 1793) 18447: 18444: 18439: 18436: 18432: 18429: 18427: 18424: 18423: 18419: 18416: 18411: 18408: 18405:(21 Jan 1793) 18403: 18400: 18399: 18397: 18393: 18386:(22 Sep 1792) 18384: 18381: 18376: 18373: 18368: 18365: 18362:(10 Aug 1792) 18360: 18357: 18352: 18349: 18346:(25 Jul 1792) 18344: 18341: 18338:(20 Apr 1792) 18336: 18333: 18332: 18330: 18326: 18317: 18314: 18309: 18306: 18303:(27 Aug 1791) 18301: 18298: 18295:(17 Jul 1791) 18293: 18290: 18285: 18282: 18281: 18279: 18275: 18268:(14 Jul 1790) 18266: 18265: 18261: 18258:(12 Jul 1790) 18256: 18253: 18250:(23 Jun 1790) 18248: 18244: 18239: 18236: 18235: 18233: 18229: 18220: 18217: 18212: 18209: 18206:(26 Aug 1789) 18204: 18201: 18196: 18193: 18188: 18185: 18182:(14 Jul 1789) 18180: 18177: 18172: 18169: 18166:(20 Jun 1789) 18164: 18161: 18156: 18153: 18150:(4 June 1789) 18148: 18145: 18140: 18137: 18134:(28 Apr 1789) 18132: 18129: 18124: 18123: 18119: 18118: 18116: 18112: 18105:(21 Jul 1788) 18103: 18100: 18095: 18092: 18091: 18089: 18085: 18078: 18074: 18068: 18067: 18063: 18061: 18060: 18056: 18054: 18053: 18049: 18047: 18046: 18042: 18040: 18039: 18035: 18033: 18032: 18028: 18026: 18025: 18021: 18019: 18018: 18014: 18012: 18011: 18010:Ancien RĂ©gime 18007: 18005: 18004: 18000: 17998: 17997: 17993: 17992: 17989: 17985: 17978: 17973: 17971: 17966: 17964: 17959: 17958: 17955: 17939: 17936: 17934: 17931: 17927: 17924: 17923: 17922: 17919: 17917: 17914: 17912: 17909: 17907: 17904: 17902: 17899: 17897: 17894: 17892: 17889: 17887: 17884: 17882: 17879: 17878: 17876: 17874:Miscellaneous 17872: 17866: 17863: 17861: 17858: 17856: 17853: 17851: 17848: 17846: 17843: 17841: 17838: 17836: 17833: 17831: 17828: 17826: 17823: 17821: 17818: 17816: 17813: 17811: 17808: 17806: 17803: 17801: 17798: 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17437: 17435: 17432: 17430: 17429:AndrĂ© MassĂ©na 17427: 17425: 17422: 17420: 17417: 17415: 17412: 17410: 17409:Joachim Murat 17407: 17405: 17402: 17400: 17397: 17396: 17394: 17386: 17383: 17379: 17369: 17366: 17364: 17361: 17359: 17356: 17354: 17353:Rocheserviere 17351: 17349: 17346: 17344: 17341: 17339: 17336: 17334: 17331: 17329: 17326: 17324: 17321: 17319: 17316: 17314: 17311: 17309: 17306: 17304: 17301: 17299: 17296: 17294: 17291: 17289: 17286: 17284: 17281: 17279: 17276: 17274: 17271: 17269: 17266: 17265: 17263: 17259: 17253: 17250: 17248: 17245: 17243: 17240: 17238: 17235: 17233: 17230: 17228: 17225: 17223: 17220: 17218: 17215: 17213: 17210: 17208: 17205: 17203: 17200: 17198: 17195: 17193: 17190: 17188: 17185: 17183: 17180: 17178: 17175: 17173: 17170: 17168: 17165: 17163: 17160: 17158: 17155: 17153: 17150: 17148: 17145: 17144: 17142: 17138: 17132: 17129: 17127: 17124: 17122: 17119: 17117: 17114: 17112: 17109: 17107: 17104: 17102: 17099: 17097: 17094: 17092: 17089: 17087: 17084: 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14133: 14128: 14124: 14112: 14108: 14102: 14098: 14097: 14091: 14086: 14081: 14077: 14073: 14069: 14064: 14060: 14054: 14050: 14049: 14043: 14039: 14033: 14029: 14024: 14012: 14008: 14002: 13998: 13997: 13991: 13987: 13983: 13979: 13975: 13971: 13967: 13966: 13960: 13956: 13950: 13946: 13941: 13937: 13931: 13927: 13926: 13920: 13916: 13910: 13906: 13901: 13897: 13891: 13888:. Macmillan. 13886: 13885: 13878: 13874: 13872:0-1982-0596-1 13868: 13864: 13859: 13855: 13849: 13845: 13840: 13836: 13830: 13825: 13824: 13817: 13813: 13811:0-3133-2014-4 13807: 13803: 13802: 13796: 13792: 13786: 13781: 13780: 13773: 13769: 13767:0-1402-0525-X 13763: 13759: 13754: 13750: 13744: 13739: 13738: 13732: 13728: 13724: 13722:0-02-523660-1 13718: 13714: 13709: 13708: 13702: 13698: 13694: 13690: 13686: 13680: 13676: 13675: 13670: 13666: 13662: 13656: 13651: 13650: 13643: 13639: 13633: 13629: 13628: 13622: 13621: 13609: 13603: 13599: 13598: 13592: 13588: 13583: 13579: 13575: 13571: 13567: 13562: 13550: 13546: 13545: 13540: 13536: 13535: 13523: 13517: 13513: 13512:HarperCollins 13509: 13504: 13500: 13494: 13490: 13489: 13483: 13471: 13467: 13461: 13457: 13456: 13450: 13446: 13444:0-2240-4072-3 13440: 13436: 13431: 13427: 13423: 13422:Lyons, Martyn 13419: 13417: 13413: 13410: 13409:online review 13406: 13402: 13399: 13393: 13387: 13383: 13382: 13377: 13373: 13361: 13357: 13351: 13347: 13346: 13340: 13336: 13330: 13326: 13321: 13317: 13311: 13307: 13302: 13298: 13292: 13287: 13286: 13279: 13275: 13269: 13265: 13264: 13259: 13255: 13243: 13239: 13233: 13229: 13228: 13223: 13219: 13215: 13209: 13205: 13200: 13196: 13190: 13186: 13181: 13169: 13165: 13159: 13155: 13151: 13150: 13145: 13141: 13137: 13131: 13127: 13126: 13120: 13108: 13104: 13098: 13094: 13090: 13089: 13084: 13080: 13076: 13074:1-8532-6678-7 13070: 13066: 13061: 13060: 13052: 13038: 13033: 13017: 13013: 13007: 13003: 13002: 12994: 12988: 12983: 12977: 12972: 12966: 12961: 12955: 12954: 12949: 12945: 12942: 12938: 12934: 12931: 12926: 12910: 12906: 12900: 12896: 12895: 12887: 12880: 12875: 12869:, p. 423 12868: 12867:McLynn (1997) 12863: 12852: 12848: 12844: 12840: 12836: 12829: 12822: 12816:, p. 630 12815: 12814:McLynn (1997) 12810: 12803: 12802:Palmer (1984) 12798: 12792:, p. 663 12791: 12790:McLynn (1997) 12786: 12779: 12778:Palmer (1984) 12774: 12767: 12766:McLynn (1997) 12762: 12755: 12750: 12748: 12739: 12735: 12731: 12724: 12717: 12713: 12708: 12692: 12688: 12684: 12678: 12670: 12668:0-19-726382-8 12664: 12660: 12656: 12655: 12650: 12649:Hagen Schulze 12646: 12639: 12631: 12629:0-393-05864-6 12625: 12621: 12620: 12612: 12596: 12592: 12586: 12582: 12581: 12573: 12565: 12559: 12555: 12554: 12549: 12548:Palmer, R. R. 12543: 12527: 12523: 12519: 12515: 12511: 12507: 12503: 12499: 12495: 12491: 12484: 12477: 12472: 12464: 12460: 12454: 12447: 12442: 12434: 12430: 12426: 12422: 12418: 12414: 12410: 12406: 12399: 12392: 12387: 12379: 12375: 12371: 12367: 12363: 12359: 12355: 12351: 12347: 12341: 12339: 12331: 12326: 12319: 12314: 12307: 12302: 12294: 12290: 12286: 12282: 12278: 12274: 12270: 12266: 12259: 12251: 12250: 12245: 12238: 12230: 12226: 12225: 12220: 12213: 12206: 12205:Dwyer (2015a) 12201: 12195:, p. 49. 12194: 12193:Conner (2004) 12189: 12182: 12181:Dwyer (2015a) 12177: 12170: 12169:Conner (2004) 12165: 12163: 12146: 12142: 12141: 12136: 12129: 12123:, p. 52. 12122: 12121:Cobban (1963) 12117: 12110: 12109:Cobban (1963) 12105: 12098: 12097:Conner (2004) 12093: 12086: 12085:Conner (2004) 12081: 12075:, p. 19. 12074: 12073:Cobban (1963) 12069: 12062: 12061:McLynn (1997) 12057: 12055: 12047: 12042: 12035: 12034:McLynn (1997) 12030: 12014: 12010: 12008: 12002: 11996: 11989: 11983: 11976: 11975:Dwyer (2015a) 11971: 11964: 11959: 11952: 11951:McLynn (1997) 11947: 11941: 11940:Dwyer (2008b) 11936: 11929: 11924: 11916: 11912: 11908: 11901: 11894: 11893:Conner (2004) 11889: 11882: 11877: 11871:, p. 59. 11870: 11869:Conner (2004) 11865: 11858: 11854: 11850: 11847: 11841: 11835:, p. 60. 11834: 11833:Conner (2004) 11829: 11822: 11821:Conner (2004) 11817: 11811:, p. 34. 11810: 11809:Cobban (1963) 11805: 11789: 11785: 11781: 11777: 11773: 11769: 11765: 11761: 11757: 11753: 11746: 11738: 11734: 11728: 11724: 11723: 11715: 11708: 11703: 11696: 11695:Conner (2004) 11691: 11685:, p. 90. 11684: 11683:Conner (2004) 11679: 11672: 11671:Cobban (1963) 11667: 11661:, p. 59. 11660: 11655: 11648: 11643: 11635: 11630:, p. 16. 11629: 11624: 11608: 11604: 11598: 11594: 11593: 11585: 11583: 11581: 11579: 11572:, p. 28. 11571: 11570:Cobban (1963) 11566: 11559: 11558:Conner (2004) 11554: 11547: 11546:Dwyer (2015a) 11542: 11535: 11534:Cobban (1963) 11530: 11528: 11521:, p. 41. 11520: 11519:Conner (2004) 11515: 11508: 11507:Palmer (1984) 11503: 11495: 11488: 11480: 11474: 11469: 11461: 11459:0-297-78394-7 11455: 11451: 11444: 11437: 11436:Cobban (1963) 11432: 11426:, p. 76. 11425: 11424:Conner (2004) 11420: 11413: 11412:Cobban (1963) 11408: 11401: 11400:Conner (2004) 11396: 11389: 11388:Conner (2004) 11384: 11377: 11376:Conner (2004) 11372: 11365: 11360: 11353: 11352:Conner (2004) 11348: 11341: 11336: 11329: 11328:Bordes (2007) 11324: 11317: 11313: 11308: 11300: 11294: 11290: 11286: 11285: 11280: 11274: 11258: 11254: 11250: 11244: 11228: 11225:(in French). 11224: 11220: 11214: 11198: 11194: 11193: 11192:National Post 11188: 11182: 11176:, p. 93. 11175: 11170: 11163: 11157: 11150: 11145: 11138: 11133: 11124: 11116: 11112: 11108: 11104: 11100: 11096: 11089: 11082: 11081:McLynn (1997) 11077: 11069: 11065: 11058: 11050: 11046: 11040: 11036: 11032: 11028: 11024: 11023: 11015: 11008: 11003: 10996: 10995:McLynn (1997) 10991: 10984: 10979: 10972: 10971:McLynn (1997) 10967: 10961:, p. 20. 10960: 10955: 10948: 10947:Conner (2004) 10943: 10936: 10935:Cobban (1963) 10931: 10924: 10923:Dwyer (2015a) 10919: 10913:, p. 56. 10912: 10911:Cobban (1963) 10907: 10900: 10899:Dwyer (2015a) 10895: 10889:, p. 21. 10888: 10887:Cobban (1963) 10883: 10881: 10873: 10872:Dwyer (2015a) 10868: 10861: 10860:McLynn (1997) 10856: 10850:, p. 12. 10849: 10848:Cobban (1963) 10844: 10837: 10836:McLynn (1997) 10832: 10825: 10824:Cobban (1963) 10820: 10813: 10808: 10801: 10796: 10789: 10788:McLynn (1997) 10784: 10777: 10776:McLynn (1997) 10772: 10765: 10760: 10753: 10752:McLynn (1997) 10748: 10746: 10738: 10737:Cobban (1963) 10733: 10726: 10721: 10713: 10709: 10703: 10699: 10695: 10694: 10686: 10678: 10672: 10668: 10667: 10659: 10652: 10647: 10640: 10635: 10628: 10627:McLynn (1997) 10623: 10616: 10615:McLynn (1997) 10611: 10605:, p. 18. 10604: 10603:Cobban (1963) 10599: 10597: 10590:, p. 26. 10589: 10584: 10577: 10572: 10565: 10564:Cobban (1963) 10560: 10553: 10548: 10542:, p. 15. 10541: 10536: 10529: 10528:Palmer (1984) 10524: 10522: 10514: 10513:McLynn (1997) 10509: 10507: 10499: 10498:Ellis (1997a) 10494: 10478: 10474: 10468: 10452: 10448: 10442: 10438: 10437: 10429: 10421: 10415: 10411: 10407: 10406: 10398: 10391: 10385: 10378: 10377:Ellis (1997a) 10373: 10371: 10362: 10361: 10353: 10345: 10342:(in French). 10341: 10337: 10330: 10323: 10322:Conner (2004) 10318: 10311: 10310:Ellis (1997a) 10306: 10304: 10295: 10291: 10287: 10281: 10275:, p. 84. 10274: 10269: 10262: 10261:Ellis (1997a) 10257: 10255: 10247: 10246:Ellis (1997a) 10242: 10234: 10230: 10224: 10217: 10216:Ellis (1997a) 10212: 10205: 10204:Ellis (1997a) 10200: 10193: 10188: 10181: 10176: 10169: 10164: 10157: 10152: 10145: 10140: 10131: 10125: 10121: 10114: 10098: 10094: 10090: 10085: 10080: 10076: 10072: 10068: 10064: 10060: 10053: 10051: 10043: 10038: 10031: 10026: 10024: 10016: 10010: 10004:, p. 655 10003: 10002:McLynn (1997) 9998: 9996: 9988: 9983: 9976: 9971: 9964: 9959: 9952: 9947: 9940: 9935: 9928: 9923: 9916: 9911: 9905:, p. 64. 9904: 9899: 9893:, p. 642 9892: 9891:McLynn (1997) 9887: 9880: 9875: 9873: 9866:, p. 41. 9865: 9860: 9852: 9848: 9844: 9837: 9830: 9825: 9818: 9813: 9797: 9793: 9787: 9779: 9776:: 402. 1832. 9775: 9771: 9767: 9761: 9754: 9749: 9742: 9737: 9729: 9725: 9719: 9715: 9714: 9706: 9699: 9694: 9687: 9682: 9675: 9670: 9663: 9658: 9651: 9650:Broers (2022) 9646: 9639: 9634: 9627: 9622: 9615: 9614:Broers (2022) 9610: 9603: 9598: 9591: 9590:Broers (2022) 9586: 9579: 9578:Broers (2022) 9574: 9567: 9562: 9555: 9554:Broers (2022) 9550: 9544:, p. 607 9543: 9542:McLynn (1997) 9538: 9522: 9518: 9514: 9508: 9501: 9500:Broers (2022) 9496: 9489: 9488:Broers (2022) 9484: 9478:, p. 605 9477: 9476:McLynn (1997) 9472: 9465: 9464:Broers (2022) 9460: 9453: 9448: 9442:, p. 604 9441: 9440:McLynn (1997) 9436: 9434: 9427:, p. 507 9426: 9421: 9414: 9413:Broers (2022) 9409: 9402: 9397: 9391:, p. 597 9390: 9389:McLynn (1997) 9385: 9378: 9377:McLynn (1997) 9373: 9367:, p. 97. 9366: 9361: 9345: 9341: 9335: 9328: 9323: 9316: 9311: 9295: 9291: 9285: 9281: 9280: 9272: 9256: 9252: 9248: 9243: 9238: 9234: 9231:(in French). 9230: 9226: 9219: 9212: 9207: 9200: 9199:Broers (2022) 9195: 9188: 9183: 9176: 9171: 9164: 9163:Broers (2022) 9159: 9152: 9147: 9140: 9135: 9128: 9123: 9117:, p. 565 9116: 9115:McLynn (1997) 9111: 9104: 9099: 9092: 9087: 9081:, p. 445 9080: 9075: 9069:, p. 550 9068: 9067:McLynn (1997) 9063: 9056: 9055:Broers (2022) 9051: 9044: 9039: 9032: 9027: 9020: 9015: 9008: 9003: 8987: 8983: 8977: 8973: 8972: 8964: 8957: 8952: 8946:, p. 518 8945: 8944:McLynn (1997) 8940: 8933: 8928: 8921: 8916: 8909: 8908:Harvey (2007) 8904: 8897: 8892: 8885: 8880: 8873: 8872:McLynn (1997) 8868: 8861: 8856: 8849: 8848:McLynn (1997) 8844: 8837: 8832: 8825: 8824:McLynn (1997) 8820: 8813: 8808: 8801: 8796: 8789: 8784: 8777: 8772: 8765: 8760: 8753: 8748: 8741: 8736: 8729: 8724: 8717: 8712: 8705: 8704:Palmer (1984) 8700: 8693: 8688: 8681: 8676: 8669: 8664: 8657: 8652: 8645: 8640: 8634:, p. 707 8633: 8628: 8622:, p. 706 8621: 8616: 8609: 8604: 8597: 8592: 8576: 8572: 8566: 8562: 8561: 8553: 8546: 8541: 8534: 8529: 8522: 8521:Conner (2004) 8517: 8510: 8505: 8503: 8495: 8490: 8474: 8470: 8463: 8456: 8451: 8444: 8443:Palmer (1984) 8439: 8432: 8427: 8419: 8413: 8409: 8405: 8401: 8394: 8387: 8386:Palmer (1984) 8382: 8380: 8372: 8367: 8360: 8355: 8348: 8343: 8336: 8331: 8324: 8319: 8312: 8307: 8300: 8295: 8288: 8283: 8276: 8271: 8264: 8259: 8251: 8247: 8241: 8237: 8236: 8231: 8225: 8218: 8213: 8206: 8201: 8194: 8189: 8182: 8177: 8175: 8167: 8162: 8155: 8150: 8143: 8138: 8132:, p. 370 8131: 8130:McLynn (1997) 8126: 8120:, p. 497 8119: 8118:McLynn (1997) 8114: 8107: 8102: 8095: 8090: 8083: 8078: 8069: 8067: 8059: 8054: 8046: 8042: 8036: 8032: 8031: 8023: 8016: 8011: 8005:, p. 99. 8004: 8003:Sicker (2001) 7999: 7983: 7979: 7973: 7969: 7968: 7960: 7953: 7952:Cronin (1994) 7948: 7942:, p. 350 7941: 7940:McLynn (1997) 7936: 7929: 7924: 7918:, p. 414 7917: 7912: 7910: 7903:, p. 18. 7902: 7901:Palmer (1984) 7897: 7890: 7885: 7869: 7865: 7859: 7855: 7854: 7846: 7844: 7836: 7831: 7824: 7823:Glover (1967) 7819: 7812: 7806: 7799: 7793: 7786: 7780: 7774:, p. 332 7773: 7772:McLynn (1997) 7768: 7762:, p. 321 7761: 7760:McLynn (1997) 7756: 7749: 7743: 7737:, p. 333 7736: 7731: 7725:, p. 332 7724: 7719: 7712: 7711:Palmer (1984) 7707: 7705: 7698:, p. 96. 7697: 7696:Conner (2004) 7692: 7685: 7680: 7664: 7660: 7654: 7650: 7649: 7641: 7634: 7629: 7622: 7617: 7610: 7605: 7598: 7593: 7587:, p. 359 7586: 7581: 7574: 7569: 7563:, p. 297 7562: 7561:McLynn (1997) 7557: 7550: 7545: 7538: 7533: 7526: 7521: 7514: 7509: 7503:, p. 296 7502: 7501:McLynn (1997) 7497: 7490: 7485: 7478: 7473: 7467:, p. 265 7466: 7465:McLynn (1997) 7461: 7454: 7453:Broers (2015) 7449: 7443:, p. 70. 7442: 7437: 7430: 7425: 7419:, p. 337 7418: 7413: 7406: 7401: 7394: 7388: 7382:, p. 329 7381: 7376: 7368: 7362: 7358: 7351: 7344: 7339: 7332: 7327: 7321:, p. 319 7320: 7315: 7308: 7303: 7296: 7291: 7284: 7279: 7273:, p. 243 7272: 7271:McLynn (1997) 7267: 7260: 7255: 7249:, p. 302 7248: 7243: 7237:, p. 296 7236: 7231: 7229: 7222:, p. 293 7221: 7216: 7210:, p. 292 7209: 7204: 7197: 7192: 7190: 7182: 7177: 7175: 7167: 7162: 7155: 7150: 7144:, p. 267 7143: 7138: 7131: 7130:Conner (2004) 7126: 7119: 7118:Dwyer (2015a) 7114: 7107: 7102: 7095: 7090: 7084:, p. 265 7083: 7078: 7071: 7066: 7060:, p. 243 7059: 7054: 7048:, p. 111 7047: 7042: 7040: 7033:, p. 242 7032: 7027: 7020: 7015: 7007: 7001: 6997: 6996: 6991: 6985: 6978: 6973: 6967:, p. 455 6966: 6965:Dwyer (2008a) 6961: 6955:, p. 444 6954: 6953:Dwyer (2008a) 6949: 6942: 6937: 6931:, p. 57. 6930: 6925: 6923: 6921: 6914:, p. 442 6913: 6912:Dwyer (2008a) 6908: 6901: 6896: 6890:, p. 189 6889: 6888:McLynn (1997) 6884: 6877: 6876:McLynn (1997) 6872: 6870: 6862: 6857: 6855: 6853: 6845: 6840: 6833: 6832:Dwyer (2008a) 6828: 6822:, p. 392 6821: 6820:Dwyer (2008a) 6816: 6809: 6804: 6798:, p. 372 6797: 6796:Dwyer (2008a) 6792: 6786:, p. 179 6785: 6784:McLynn (1997) 6780: 6774:, p. 175 6773: 6772:McLynn (1997) 6768: 6761: 6756: 6750:, p. 342 6749: 6748:Dwyer (2008a) 6744: 6738:, p. 12. 6737: 6732: 6725: 6724:Watson (2003) 6720: 6718: 6716: 6708: 6707:Dwyer (2008a) 6703: 6697:, p. 322 6696: 6695:Dwyer (2008a) 6691: 6684: 6683:Dwyer (2008a) 6679: 6672: 6671:Dwyer (2008a) 6667: 6661:, p. 306 6660: 6659:Dwyer (2008a) 6655: 6649:, p. 30. 6648: 6643: 6636: 6635:McLynn (1997) 6631: 6625:, p. 296 6624: 6623:Dwyer (2008a) 6619: 6613:, p. 132 6612: 6611:McLynn (1997) 6607: 6600: 6599:Dwyer (2008a) 6595: 6588: 6583: 6576: 6575:Dwyer (2008a) 6571: 6564: 6563:Dwyer (2008a) 6559: 6553:, p. 29. 6552: 6547: 6540: 6539:Dwyer (2008a) 6535: 6529:, p. 109 6528: 6527:Broers (2015) 6523: 6516: 6515:Dwyer (2008a) 6511: 6504: 6499: 6492: 6487: 6479: 6475: 6471: 6465: 6461: 6457: 6453: 6449: 6448: 6443: 6436: 6429: 6424: 6417: 6412: 6405: 6400: 6393: 6388: 6381: 6380:McLynn (1997) 6376: 6374: 6366: 6361: 6355:, p. 169 6354: 6353:Dwyer (2008a) 6349: 6342: 6341:McLynn (1997) 6337: 6330: 6329:Dwyer (2008a) 6325: 6323: 6315: 6314:McLynn (1997) 6310: 6303: 6302:Dwyer (2008a) 6298: 6291: 6290:McLynn (1997) 6286: 6279: 6278:Dwyer (2008a) 6274: 6267: 6262: 6255: 6250: 6243: 6242:Dwyer (2008a) 6238: 6231: 6230:Dwyer (2008a) 6226: 6219: 6214: 6207: 6202: 6195: 6194:Dwyer (2008a) 6190: 6183: 6182:Dwyer (2008a) 6178: 6171: 6170:Dwyer (2008a) 6166: 6159: 6154: 6147: 6146:Dwyer (2008a) 6142: 6136:, p. 130 6135: 6134:Dwyer (2008a) 6130: 6123: 6122:McLynn (1997) 6118: 6111: 6110:Dwyer (2008a) 6106: 6099: 6094: 6087: 6086:McLynn (1997) 6082: 6074: 6068: 6064: 6059: 6058: 6049: 6042: 6037: 6030: 6025: 6018: 6013: 6006: 6001: 5995: 5991: 5986: 5984: 5982: 5974: 5973:McLynn (1997) 5969: 5962: 5961:Dwyer (2008a) 5957: 5950: 5945: 5938: 5933: 5926: 5921: 5914: 5909: 5902: 5901:McLynn (1997) 5897: 5891:, p. 74. 5890: 5885: 5878: 5877:McLynn (1997) 5873: 5866: 5861: 5855:, p. 11. 5854: 5849: 5833: 5829: 5825: 5821: 5817: 5813: 5809: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5790: 5788: 5781:, p. 27. 5780: 5779:Cronin (1994) 5775: 5759: 5755: 5749: 5745: 5744: 5736: 5729: 5724: 5717: 5716:Cronin (1994) 5712: 5710: 5701: 5697: 5691: 5687: 5683: 5676: 5669: 5664: 5657: 5652: 5644: 5640: 5636: 5630: 5623: 5622:McLynn (1997) 5618: 5611: 5610:McLynn (1997) 5606: 5604: 5596: 5595:Dwyer (2008a) 5591: 5584: 5583:McLynn (1997) 5579: 5572: 5567: 5560: 5559:McLynn (1997) 5555: 5539: 5535: 5528: 5522:, p. 52. 5521: 5516: 5514: 5512: 5504: 5503:Conner (2004) 5499: 5492: 5491:Dwyer (2015a) 5487: 5485: 5477: 5472: 5465: 5460: 5444: 5440: 5434: 5430: 5429: 5424: 5423:PĂ©rez, Joseph 5418: 5411: 5410:Conner (2004) 5406: 5404: 5387: 5383: 5377: 5373: 5372: 5364: 5358:, p. 56. 5357: 5352: 5346:, p. xv. 5345: 5344:Dwyer (2008a) 5340: 5336: 5322: 5315: 5311: 5307: 5303: 5302: 5295: 5288: 5282: 5275: 5271: 5267: 5264:Although the 5261: 5253: 5249: 5245: 5240: 5231: 5223: 5219: 5215: 5214: 5200: 5136: 5130: 5124: 5122: 5117: 5098: 5097: 5086: 5080: 5077:(Head of the 5074: 5066: 5062: 5054: 5053: 5044: 5038: 5032: 5029: 5027: 5020: 5014: 5010: 5002: 5001: 5000:King of Italy 4990: 4986: 4982: 4971: 4968: 4961: 4957: 4953: 4946: 4942: 4933: 4932: 4925: 4919: 4908: 4900: 4899: 4892: 4886: 4876: 4871: 4863: 4862: 4855: 4849: 4844: 4836: 4834: 4830: 4826: 4822: 4817: 4815: 4811: 4807: 4802: 4800: 4796: 4788: 4784: 4779: 4770: 4768: 4763: 4761: 4757: 4756:SimĂłn BolĂ­var 4753: 4749: 4745: 4740: 4738: 4734: 4729: 4727: 4723: 4719: 4715: 4711: 4710: 4705: 4700: 4698: 4694: 4690: 4686: 4682: 4678: 4677:property laws 4673: 4667: 4663: 4659: 4654: 4640: 4636: 4632: 4625: 4620: 4616: 4612: 4608: 4607: 4600: 4595: 4591: 4587: 4583: 4582: 4575: 4570: 4569: 4568: 4564: 4562: 4561: 4556: 4551: 4547: 4543: 4541: 4540:Ancien RĂ©gime 4537: 4536: 4530: 4528: 4520: 4515: 4510: 4506: 4496: 4494: 4488: 4486: 4480: 4476: 4473: 4470:in 1947, and 4469: 4465: 4461: 4457: 4450: 4445: 4438: 4434: 4433: 4428: 4418: 4408: 4405: 4401: 4399: 4395: 4391: 4386: 4384: 4380: 4376: 4375: 4374:Ancien RĂ©gime 4364: 4362: 4356: 4353: 4349: 4344: 4341: 4337: 4333: 4331: 4327: 4319: 4314: 4309: 4305: 4295: 4291: 4287: 4285: 4281: 4280:Second Consul 4277: 4273: 4266: 4261: 4256: 4246: 4244: 4243: 4238: 4237:metric system 4233: 4231: 4226: 4217: 4214: 4210: 4206: 4202: 4193: 4189: 4188: 4182: 4173: 4171: 4167: 4163: 4158: 4154: 4152: 4148: 4144: 4138: 4133: 4131: 4130:Denis Davydov 4127: 4123: 4121: 4112: 4108: 4104: 4099: 4094: 4084: 4082: 4078: 4077:Wilhelm Reich 4074: 4070: 4069: 4064: 4060: 4055: 4053: 4048: 4044: 4036: 4032: 4030: 4024: 4021: 4016: 4014: 4009: 4004: 4001: 3992: 3989: 3983: 3981: 3974: 3970: 3960: 3958: 3954: 3950: 3940: 3938: 3933: 3931: 3927: 3926:Pope Pius VII 3920: 3915: 3910: 3900: 3898: 3897: 3892: 3888: 3884: 3880: 3875: 3873: 3872: 3867: 3862: 3857: 3855: 3849: 3847: 3834: 3830: 3825: 3820: 3810: 3808: 3804: 3800: 3796: 3792: 3791:Les Invalides 3788: 3787:state funeral 3783: 3779: 3775: 3770: 3768: 3764: 3759: 3757: 3753: 3749: 3745: 3740: 3731: 3730:Les Invalides 3725: 3721: 3716: 3712: 3708: 3698: 3696: 3691: 3689: 3683: 3681: 3677: 3676:Barry O'Meara 3664: 3661: 3658: 3656: 3652: 3647: 3644:5 August 1873 3643: 3639: 3636:11 April 1816 3635: 3633: 3629: 3626:11 April 1816 3625: 3623: 3619: 3614: 3610: 3607: 3605: 3601: 3597: 3595: 3591: 3587: 3577: 3572: 3565: 3551: 3548: 3545: 3543: 3539: 3534: 3531:5 August 1873 3530: 3526: 3523:11 April 1816 3522: 3520: 3516: 3513:11 April 1816 3512: 3510: 3506: 3501: 3497: 3494: 3492: 3488: 3484: 3482: 3478: 3474: 3464: 3459: 3452: 3446: 3444: 3438: 3436: 3430: 3428: 3424: 3420: 3419: 3414: 3410: 3405: 3403: 3402: 3396: 3388: 3384: 3371: 3367: 3358: 3356: 3355: 3349: 3345: 3340: 3338: 3334: 3330: 3325: 3322: 3318: 3314: 3310: 3306: 3301: 3297: 3295: 3291: 3286: 3284: 3280: 3276: 3272: 3268: 3264: 3256: 3252: 3248: 3243: 3233: 3231: 3230: 3224: 3219: 3216: 3212: 3211: 3205: 3201: 3197: 3189: 3188:Joseph Beaume 3185: 3181: 3176: 3169:Exile to Elba 3165: 3161: 3159: 3152: 3148: 3144: 3140: 3136: 3134: 3130: 3126: 3121: 3119: 3115: 3110: 3107: 3100: 3096: 3095: 3090: 3086: 3083: 3078: 3076: 3072: 3068: 3060: 3056: 3052: 3047: 3042: 3032: 3030: 3025: 3021: 3016: 3014: 3009: 3005: 3000: 2998: 2997:St Petersburg 2994: 2990: 2983: 2979: 2975: 2971: 2969: 2964: 2962: 2958: 2954: 2950: 2946: 2941: 2938: 2929: 2928:Adam Albrecht 2925: 2923: 2917: 2913: 2910: 2906: 2900: 2890: 2886: 2884: 2878: 2871: 2868: French 2856: 2855:French Empire 2851: 2842: 2840: 2836: 2832: 2828: 2824: 2819: 2817: 2812: 2811:on the 12th. 2810: 2806: 2802: 2797: 2795: 2790: 2787: 2782: 2774:, 6 July 1809 2773: 2768: 2763: 2753: 2749: 2747: 2742: 2740: 2735: 2727: 2722: 2718: 2716: 2712: 2706: 2704: 2700: 2696: 2691: 2687: 2685: 2681: 2676: 2674: 2666: 2662: 2657: 2647: 2645: 2639: 2637: 2633: 2628: 2624: 2620: 2615: 2613: 2609: 2605: 2600: 2598: 2594: 2587:, 7 July 1807 2586: 2582: 2578: 2573: 2569: 2567: 2566:Berlin Decree 2563: 2558: 2554: 2552: 2548: 2543: 2540: 2535: 2533: 2529: 2525: 2517: 2513: 2508: 2503: 2493: 2491: 2487: 2483: 2479: 2475: 2468: 2464: 2460: 2455: 2450: 2446: 2436: 2434: 2428: 2426: 2421: 2419: 2411: 2407: 2403: 2399: 2397: 2393: 2388: 2386: 2381: 2379: 2378:Battle of Ulm 2375: 2371: 2367: 2359: 2358:Battle of Ulm 2355: 2352: 2347: 2346: 2339: 2335: 2331: 2329: 2325: 2321: 2317: 2312: 2309: 2304: 2300: 2299: 2294: 2289: 2277: 2273: 2269: 2264: 2254: 2252: 2248: 2244: 2240: 2236: 2235:King of Italy 2231: 2229: 2225: 2221: 2220:Charlemagne's 2217: 2213: 2212:Pope Pius VII 2208: 2206: 2196: 2192: 2190: 2184: 2182: 2178: 2174: 2161: 2157: 2156: 2151: 2146: 2142: 2136: 2129:French Empire 2126: 2124: 2120: 2116: 2112: 2107: 2105: 2100: 2098: 2094: 2089: 2085: 2081: 2073: 2069: 2064: 2060: 2058: 2054: 2050: 2044: 2041: 2036: 2033: 2032:Pope Pius VII 2029: 2024: 2016: 2011: 2006: 1996: 1994: 1990: 1989: 1982: 1980: 1976: 1972: 1967: 1964: 1959: 1955: 1950: 1946: 1942: 1938: 1936: 1932: 1928: 1924: 1920: 1916: 1912: 1904: 1900: 1896: 1895: 1890: 1885: 1881: 1871: 1868: 1864: 1863:Joseph FouchĂ© 1860: 1856: 1852: 1847: 1842: 1835: 1828: 1824: 1823: 1817: 1812: 1802: 1800: 1796: 1792: 1787: 1785: 1781: 1777: 1773: 1768: 1765: 1761: 1757: 1753: 1749: 1745: 1741: 1737: 1733: 1728: 1726: 1722: 1718: 1714: 1710: 1702: 1698: 1696: 1691: 1687: 1685: 1681: 1677: 1673: 1672: 1667: 1666:Rosetta Stone 1663: 1659: 1654: 1652: 1648: 1644: 1640: 1636: 1632: 1625: 1624:Hearst Castle 1621: 1618:(c. 1886) by 1617: 1616: 1611: 1606: 1596: 1594: 1590: 1586: 1582: 1578: 1573: 1569: 1566: 1562: 1555: 1551: 1550: 1544: 1540: 1538: 1534: 1530: 1526: 1525:Low Countries 1522: 1517: 1515: 1511: 1506: 1502: 1497: 1495: 1491: 1487: 1483: 1479: 1475: 1471: 1463: 1452: 1448: 1447: 1442: 1437: 1427: 1425: 1421: 1417: 1413: 1409: 1404: 1402: 1397: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1382:Joachim Murat 1379: 1375: 1371: 1367: 1362: 1360: 1356: 1352: 1347: 1345: 1344: 1339: 1335: 1331: 1327: 1324:whose sister 1323: 1322:DĂ©sirĂ©e Clary 1318: 1315: 1308: 1307: 1302: 1301: 1296: 1295: 1289: 1284: 1274: 1272: 1268: 1264: 1259: 1257: 1253: 1248: 1246: 1241: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1230: 1222: 1218: 1216: 1210: 1205: 1195: 1192: 1188: 1183: 1180: 1175: 1172: 1168: 1164: 1162: 1157: 1150: 1146: 1141: 1127: 1125: 1121: 1116: 1115: 1109: 1105: 1102: 1092: 1087: 1082: 1078: 1076: 1071: 1067: 1065: 1061: 1057: 1053: 1049: 1044: 1042: 1038: 1034: 1030: 1026: 1022: 1018: 1014: 1010: 1006: 1002: 998: 994: 990: 986: 982: 978: 970: 966: 962: 959:, fought for 958: 953: 949: 947: 943: 933: 931: 926: 922: 921:nation states 918: 914: 910: 906: 902: 898: 894: 889: 887: 883: 879: 875: 871: 867: 863: 859: 855: 851: 847: 843: 839: 835: 831: 830:King of Spain 827: 823: 819: 815: 811: 806: 805: 799: 795: 791: 787: 783: 779: 775: 770: 768: 764: 763:United States 760: 756: 752: 748: 744: 740: 736: 732: 728: 724: 720: 716: 712: 707: 705: 701: 700:French Empire 697: 693: 689: 685: 681: 677: 674: 670: 666: 654: 648: 631: 614: 597: 580: 563: 546: 529: 512: 495: 478: 461: 444: 427: 410: 393: 376: 359: 328: 321: 314: 303: 299: 295: 292: 289: 286: 285: 279: 275: 247: 240: 239: 210: 203: 202: 200: 196: 189: 188:Les Invalides 181: 177: 174: 165: 161: 157: 145: 141: 137: 133: 129: 125: 119: 114: 111: 107: 103: 99: 95: 89: 87: 83: 80: 77: 73: 66: 62: 59: 55: 50: 49: 43: 38: 33: 30: 26: 22: 23814:Followed by 23808:Preceded by 23756:Denis DecrĂšs 23589: 23577:First Consul 23550: 23380: 23322:Ferdinand IV 23312:Ferdinand II 23282:Maximilian I 23259: 23242: 23200: 23185:Henry (VIII) 23183: 23169:Frederick II 23124:Conrad (III) 23116: 23109: 23043: 23020:East Francia 22971:East Francia 22921: 22910:Napoleon III 22888: 22862: 22855: 22824: 22819: 22798: 22752: 22744: 22739: 22700:Charles VIII 22468:Carolingians 22453:Theuderic IV 22443:Chilperic II 22438:Dagobert III 22418:Childeric II 22413:Chlothar III 22358:Childebert I 22344:Merovingians 22205:NapolĂ©on III 22180: 22066:Philippe VII 21747: 21486:NapolĂ©on III 21385: 21310:Joseph Fesch 21237: 21144:Phrygian cap 21089:Bastille Day 21003:Thomas Paine 20958:Edmund Burke 20953:Beaumarchais 20947:Les LumiĂšres 20945: 20786:Joseph Fesch 20770: 20698:Pauline LĂ©on 20668:Jacques Roux 20607: 20191: 19617:Lazare Hoche 19602:Paul Grenier 19572:Louis Desaix 19536: 19431:(8 Jul 1801) 19415:(9 Feb 1801) 19386:(3 Dec 1800) 19309:(5 Apr 1799) 19110:(6 Nov 1796) 19086:(8 Sep 1796) 19078:(4 Sep 1796) 19070:(3 Sep 1796) 19041:(5 Aug 1796) 18970:(2 Oct 1794) 18949:(1 Jun 1794) 18691:(9 Nov 1799) 18637:(4 Sep 1797) 18574:(1 Apr 1795) 18544:White Terror 18537:guillotined 18514:(5 Apr 1794) 18461: 18441:(2 Jun 1793) 18311:(3 Sep 1791) 18262: 18222:(2 Nov 1789) 18214:(5 Oct 1789) 18142:(5 May 1789) 18120: 18097:(7 Jun 1788) 18064: 18057: 18050: 18043: 18036: 18029: 18022: 18015: 18008: 18001: 17994: 17921:Grande ArmĂ©e 17881:Bibliography 17865:Paris (1815) 17825:Paris (1814) 17810:Paris (1810) 17790:Finckenstein 17765:Campo Formio 17524:Rowland Hill 17510:military and 17398: 17390:military and 17363:Rocquencourt 17232:Saint-Dizier 17202:Bar-sur-Aube 17157:Mincio River 16652:Schöngrabern 16431:2nd Zaragoza 16371:1st Zaragoza 16325:Stralsund II 16174:Campo Tenese 16148:Schöngrabern 16133:Cape Ortegal 16083:Diamond Rock 15961:Papal States 15795: 15788: 15781: 15774: 15767: 15760: 15753: 15686:Napoleon II 15685: 15679: 15671: 15670: 15665: 15659: 15643: 15634: 15633: 15619: 15612: 15611: 15599: 15589: 15584: 15573: 15572:Head of the 15569: 15558: 15549: 15540: 15523: 15518: 15512: 15503: 15497: 15488: 15481: 15480: 15473: 15467: 15458: 15457: 15441: 15434: 15433: 15426: 15417: 15403: 15394: 15383: 15374: 15362: 15357: 15350: 15339: 15329: 15315: 15308: 15297: 15290:First Consul 15287: 15275: 15268: 15257: 15243: 15236: 15229: 15193: / 15155: 15071: 15064: 14924:Hundred Days 14922: 14900: 14888: 14876: 14864: 14852: 14830: 14808: 14801: 14789: 14699: 14672: 14580: 14557: 14549: 14541: 14527:Charles LĂ©on 14523: 14519:Marie Louise 14510: 14467: 14381:. Retrieved 14371: 14354:. Retrieved 14334: 14323: 14309:25 September 14307:. Retrieved 14282: 14278: 14255: 14236: 14207: 14185: 14172:. Retrieved 14152: 14131: 14115:. Retrieved 14095: 14078:(12): 2092. 14075: 14071: 14051:. Robinson. 14047: 14030:. Palgrave. 14027: 14015:. Retrieved 13995: 13969: 13963: 13944: 13924: 13904: 13883: 13862: 13843: 13822: 13800: 13778: 13757: 13736: 13711:. New York: 13706: 13673: 13648: 13626: 13596: 13586: 13569: 13565: 13553:. Retrieved 13543: 13507: 13487: 13474:. Retrieved 13454: 13434: 13425: 13380: 13364:. Retrieved 13348:. Scribner. 13344: 13324: 13305: 13284: 13262: 13246:. Retrieved 13226: 13203: 13184: 13172:. Retrieved 13148: 13124: 13111:. Retrieved 13087: 13064: 13032: 13020:. Retrieved 13000: 12993: 12982: 12971: 12960: 12951: 12925: 12913:. Retrieved 12893: 12886: 12874: 12862: 12838: 12834: 12821: 12809: 12797: 12785: 12773: 12761: 12754:Dwyer (2013) 12733: 12723: 12715: 12707: 12695:. Retrieved 12686: 12677: 12653: 12638: 12618: 12611: 12599:. Retrieved 12579: 12572: 12552: 12542: 12530:. Retrieved 12497: 12493: 12483: 12471: 12462: 12453: 12441: 12412: 12408: 12398: 12386: 12357: 12353: 12325: 12313: 12306:Price (2014) 12301: 12272: 12268: 12258: 12247: 12237: 12222: 12212: 12200: 12188: 12176: 12149:. Retrieved 12138: 12128: 12116: 12104: 12092: 12080: 12068: 12041: 12029: 12017:. Retrieved 12006: 11995: 11987: 11982: 11970: 11958: 11946: 11935: 11923: 11915:the original 11910: 11900: 11888: 11876: 11864: 11856: 11840: 11828: 11816: 11804: 11792:. Retrieved 11759: 11755: 11745: 11721: 11714: 11702: 11690: 11678: 11666: 11654: 11642: 11628:Flynn (2001) 11623: 11611:. Retrieved 11591: 11565: 11553: 11541: 11514: 11502: 11487: 11468: 11449: 11443: 11431: 11419: 11407: 11395: 11383: 11371: 11359: 11347: 11335: 11323: 11307: 11283: 11273: 11261:. Retrieved 11252: 11243: 11231:. Retrieved 11222: 11213: 11203:30 September 11201:. Retrieved 11190: 11181: 11169: 11161: 11156: 11144: 11139:, p. 7. 11132: 11123: 11098: 11094: 11088: 11076: 11057: 11047:– via 11021: 11014: 11007:Dwyer (2013) 11002: 10990: 10978: 10966: 10954: 10942: 10930: 10918: 10906: 10894: 10867: 10855: 10843: 10831: 10819: 10807: 10795: 10783: 10771: 10759: 10732: 10727:, p. 8. 10725:Price (2014) 10720: 10692: 10685: 10665: 10658: 10646: 10634: 10622: 10610: 10583: 10571: 10559: 10547: 10535: 10493: 10481:. Retrieved 10467: 10455:. Retrieved 10435: 10428: 10404: 10397: 10392:, pp. 34–80. 10389: 10384: 10359: 10352: 10339: 10329: 10317: 10289: 10280: 10273:Dwyer (2013) 10268: 10241: 10223: 10211: 10199: 10192:Dwyer (2018) 10187: 10180:Dwyer (2018) 10175: 10168:Dwyer (2018) 10163: 10156:Dwyer (2018) 10151: 10139: 10134:, pp. 148-61 10119: 10113: 10101:. Retrieved 10066: 10062: 10042:Dwyer (2018) 10037: 10030:Dwyer (2018) 10014: 10009: 9987:Dwyer (2018) 9982: 9975:Dwyer (2018) 9970: 9963:Dwyer (2018) 9958: 9951:Dwyer (2018) 9946: 9934: 9927:Dwyer (2018) 9922: 9915:Dwyer (2018) 9910: 9903:Dwyer (2018) 9898: 9886: 9879:Dwyer (2018) 9864:Dwyer (2018) 9859: 9846: 9836: 9829:Dwyer (2018) 9824: 9817:Dwyer (2018) 9812: 9800:. Retrieved 9786: 9769: 9760: 9753:Schom (1997) 9748: 9741:Dwyer (2018) 9736: 9712: 9705: 9698:Dwyer (2018) 9693: 9686:Dwyer (2018) 9681: 9669: 9662:Dwyer (2013) 9657: 9645: 9638:Dwyer (2013) 9633: 9626:Dwyer (2013) 9621: 9609: 9602:Dwyer (2013) 9597: 9585: 9573: 9566:Dwyer (2013) 9561: 9549: 9537: 9525:. Retrieved 9516: 9507: 9495: 9483: 9471: 9459: 9452:Dwyer (2013) 9447: 9425:Dwyer (2013) 9420: 9408: 9401:Dwyer (2013) 9396: 9384: 9372: 9360: 9348:. Retrieved 9334: 9327:Gates (2003) 9322: 9315:Dwyer (2013) 9310: 9298:. Retrieved 9278: 9271: 9259:. Retrieved 9232: 9228: 9218: 9211:Dwyer (2013) 9206: 9194: 9182: 9175:Dwyer (2013) 9170: 9158: 9151:Dwyer (2013) 9146: 9134: 9127:Dwyer (2013) 9122: 9110: 9098: 9091:Dwyer (2013) 9086: 9079:Dwyer (2013) 9074: 9062: 9050: 9043:Dwyer (2013) 9038: 9031:Dwyer (2013) 9026: 9019:Dwyer (2013) 9014: 9007:Dwyer (2013) 9002: 8990:. Retrieved 8970: 8963: 8956:Dwyer (2013) 8951: 8939: 8932:Dwyer (2013) 8927: 8920:Dwyer (2013) 8915: 8903: 8896:Dwyer (2013) 8891: 8879: 8867: 8860:Dwyer (2013) 8855: 8843: 8836:Dwyer (2013) 8831: 8819: 8812:Dwyer (2013) 8807: 8800:Dwyer (2013) 8795: 8788:Dwyer (2013) 8783: 8776:Dwyer (2013) 8771: 8764:Dwyer (2013) 8759: 8752:Dwyer (2013) 8747: 8740:Dwyer (2013) 8735: 8723: 8711: 8699: 8692:Dwyer (2013) 8687: 8675: 8668:Dwyer (2013) 8663: 8651: 8644:Dwyer (2013) 8639: 8627: 8615: 8608:Dwyer (2013) 8603: 8596:Dwyer (2013) 8591: 8579:. Retrieved 8559: 8552: 8545:Dwyer (2013) 8540: 8528: 8516: 8494:Dwyer (2013) 8489: 8477:. Retrieved 8462: 8450: 8438: 8431:Dwyer (2013) 8426: 8399: 8393: 8371:Dwyer (2013) 8366: 8359:Dwyer (2013) 8354: 8347:Dwyer (2013) 8342: 8335:Dwyer (2013) 8330: 8318: 8311:Dwyer (2013) 8306: 8299:Dwyer (2013) 8294: 8282: 8275:Dwyer (2013) 8270: 8258: 8234: 8224: 8217:Dwyer (2013) 8212: 8205:Dwyer (2013) 8200: 8193:Dwyer (2013) 8188: 8166:Dwyer (2013) 8161: 8154:Dwyer (2013) 8149: 8142:Dwyer (2013) 8137: 8125: 8113: 8106:Dwyer (2013) 8101: 8089: 8082:Dwyer (2013) 8077: 8058:Dwyer (2013) 8053: 8029: 8022: 8015:Dwyer (2013) 8010: 7998: 7986:. Retrieved 7966: 7959: 7947: 7935: 7928:Dwyer (2013) 7923: 7916:Schom (1997) 7896: 7889:Dwyer (2013) 7884: 7872:. Retrieved 7852: 7830: 7818: 7810: 7805: 7797: 7792: 7784: 7779: 7767: 7755: 7747: 7742: 7730: 7718: 7691: 7684:Dwyer (2013) 7679: 7667:. Retrieved 7647: 7640: 7633:Dwyer (2013) 7628: 7621:Dwyer (2013) 7616: 7609:Dwyer (2013) 7604: 7597:Dwyer (2013) 7592: 7580: 7573:Dwyer (2013) 7568: 7556: 7549:Dwyer (2013) 7544: 7532: 7525:Dwyer (2013) 7520: 7508: 7496: 7484: 7477:Dwyer (2013) 7472: 7460: 7448: 7436: 7424: 7412: 7400: 7392: 7387: 7375: 7356: 7350: 7343:Dwyer (2013) 7338: 7326: 7314: 7307:Lyons (1994) 7302: 7295:Dwyer (2013) 7290: 7278: 7266: 7254: 7247:Schom (1997) 7242: 7215: 7203: 7168:, p. 51 7161: 7149: 7137: 7132:, p. 37 7125: 7113: 7101: 7089: 7077: 7072:, p. 43 7065: 7053: 7046:Lyons (1994) 7026: 7014: 6994: 6984: 6972: 6960: 6948: 6936: 6907: 6895: 6883: 6839: 6827: 6815: 6803: 6791: 6779: 6767: 6755: 6743: 6736:Amini (2000) 6731: 6702: 6690: 6678: 6666: 6654: 6642: 6630: 6618: 6606: 6594: 6582: 6570: 6558: 6546: 6534: 6522: 6517:, p. xv 6510: 6505:, p. 3. 6498: 6486: 6450:. New York: 6446: 6435: 6423: 6411: 6399: 6387: 6382:, p. 96 6367:, p. 92 6360: 6348: 6343:, p. 93 6336: 6316:, p. 92 6309: 6297: 6285: 6273: 6261: 6256:, p. 55 6249: 6237: 6225: 6213: 6201: 6189: 6177: 6165: 6153: 6141: 6129: 6117: 6105: 6093: 6081: 6056: 6048: 6036: 6024: 6012: 6000: 5975:, p. 26 5968: 5956: 5944: 5939:, p. 28 5932: 5920: 5908: 5903:, p. 21 5896: 5889:Wells (1992) 5884: 5879:, p. 18 5872: 5867:, p. 19 5860: 5848: 5836:. Retrieved 5803: 5799: 5774: 5762:. Retrieved 5742: 5735: 5723: 5685: 5675: 5663: 5651: 5638: 5629: 5624:, p. 20 5617: 5597:, p. xv 5590: 5578: 5566: 5554: 5542:. Retrieved 5527: 5498: 5471: 5459: 5447:. Retrieved 5427: 5417: 5390:. Retrieved 5370: 5363: 5351: 5339: 5321: 5309: 5299: 5294: 5281: 5260: 5230: 5135: 5094: 5050: 5024: 5018: 4998: 4965: 4952:First Consul 4929: 4896: 4859: 4821:Charles LĂ©on 4818: 4814:tuberculosis 4810:King of Rome 4803: 4792: 4764: 4741: 4737:nation state 4730: 4707: 4701: 4674: 4670: 4630: 4604: 4579: 4565: 4560:Belle Époque 4558: 4552: 4548: 4544: 4539: 4533: 4531: 4524: 4489: 4481: 4477: 4472:Claude Ribbe 4464:Adolf Hitler 4460:megalomaniac 4453: 4430: 4406: 4402: 4393: 4389: 4387: 4372: 4370: 4357: 4345: 4334: 4323: 4292: 4288: 4279: 4269: 4240: 4234: 4227: 4223: 4197: 4184: 4159: 4155: 4140: 4135: 4128: 4124: 4116: 4066: 4059:Alfred Adler 4056: 4049: 4045: 4041: 4025: 4017: 4005: 3998: 3984: 3976: 3949:Papal States 3946: 3934: 3923: 3894: 3876: 3869: 3858: 3854:ultramontane 3850: 3843: 3803:Napoleon III 3771: 3760: 3755: 3751: 3747: 3741: 3737: 3692: 3684: 3673: 3632:Commencement 3622:Royal assent 3519:Commencement 3509:Royal assent 3439: 3431: 3416: 3406: 3400: 3395:Saint Helena 3392: 3369: 3353: 3341: 3326: 3302: 3298: 3287: 3278: 3260: 3250: 3242:Hundred Days 3236:Hundred Days 3228: 3220: 3215:Portoferraio 3209: 3193: 3183: 3163: 3155: 3146: 3137: 3122: 3111: 3103: 3093: 3079: 3063: 3029:grande armĂ©e 3028: 3020:grande armĂ©e 3019: 3017: 3001: 2986: 2977: 2965: 2945:Nieman river 2942: 2937:grande armĂ©e 2936: 2933: 2919: 2902: 2887: 2879: 2875: 2820: 2813: 2798: 2791: 2777: 2750: 2743: 2731: 2707: 2701:. Under the 2692: 2688: 2684:Fernando VII 2677: 2670: 2640: 2616: 2612:River Niemen 2601: 2590: 2564:through the 2559: 2555: 2544: 2536: 2521: 2481: 2471: 2463:West Prussia 2429: 2422: 2415: 2405: 2389: 2382: 2363: 2354:General Mack 2345:Grande ArmĂ©e 2332: 2313: 2308:Grande ArmĂ©e 2298:Grande ArmĂ©e 2296: 2290: 2287: 2271: 2232: 2209: 2201: 2188: 2185: 2170: 2153: 2108: 2101: 2077: 2072:First Consul 2045: 2037: 2020: 1986: 1983: 1968: 1951: 1947: 1943: 1939: 1908: 1892: 1866: 1848: 1844: 1833: 1819: 1788: 1769: 1729: 1715:against the 1706: 1693: 1669: 1655: 1628: 1613: 1580: 1574: 1570: 1558: 1546: 1518: 1498: 1467: 1444: 1411: 1407: 1405: 1398: 1385: 1363: 1348: 1341: 1319: 1311: 1304: 1298: 1291: 1260: 1249: 1242: 1227: 1225: 1212: 1184: 1176: 1160: 1153: 1130:Early career 1123: 1112: 1110: 1106: 1098: 1086:Louis Rochet 1072: 1068: 1045: 1040: 1036: 1032: 1028: 1024: 974: 939: 890: 886:Saint Helena 874:Hundred Days 804:Grande ArmĂ©e 771: 745:against the 729:against the 708: 696:First Consul 675: 668: 664: 663: 282: 168:(1821-05-05) 117: 100:Louis XVIII 69:6 April 1814 46: 29: 23853:1821 deaths 23848:1769 births 23561:Roger Ducos 23477:(1871–1918) 23458:(1867–1871) 23439:(1850–1866) 23417:(1848/1849) 23405:Ferdinand I 23393:(1815–1848) 23374:(1806–1813) 23342:Charles VII 23292:Ferdinand I 23174:Henry (VII) 23149:Frederick I 22903:(1852–1870) 22877:(1830–1848) 22846:Louis XVIII 22826:Napoleon II 22767:(1589–1792) 22745:(1422–1453) 22690:Charles VII 22663:(1328–1589) 22537:Charles III 22522:Carloman II 22498:(Charles I) 22496:Charlemagne 22448:Chlothar IV 22403:Sigebert II 22393:Chlothar II 22378:Chilperic I 22368:Charibert I 22238:NapolĂ©on VI 22218:NapolĂ©on IV 22187:NapolĂ©on II 22154:Alphonse II 22136:Charles XII 22002:Louis XVIII 21982:(1792–1815) 21895:(1867–1871) 21878:(1867–1871) 21841:(1848–1849) 21824:(1850–1866) 21818:(1835–1848) 21812:(1815–1835) 21769:(1806–1813) 21750:(1806–1813) 21719:(1806–1871) 21451:NapolĂ©on II 21013:AbbĂ© SieyĂšs 20998:Montesquieu 20914:Social Club 20856:Jean Chouan 20746:Louis XVIII 20523:Roger Ducos 20493:Paul Barras 20460:Montagnards 20390:AbbĂ© SieyĂšs 20193:monarchiens 20001:Netherlands 19930:(Hungarian) 19878:(Hungarian) 19794:French Navy 19720: [ 19642:Jean Lannes 19499:French Army 19277:(1798–1802) 19248:(1798–1800) 19232:(1798–1801) 18962:Chouannerie 18923:(Pyrenees) 18788: [ 18755:Chouannerie 18547:(Fall 1794) 18535:Robespierre 17749:War of 1812 17707:Gunboat War 17664:Louis XVIII 17419:Jean Lannes 17333:Quatre Bras 17323:San Germano 17273:Occhiobello 17162:Champaubert 17152:La RothiĂšre 17076:San Marcial 16960:2nd Polotsk 16925:1st Polotsk 16910:Majadahonda 16850:Villagarcia 16779:Campo Maior 16567:Piave River 16492:Ciudad Real 16482:Villafranca 16351:Dos de Mayo 16300:Stralsund I 16052:18 Brumaire 15986:Netherlands 15884:WĂŒrttemberg 15639:Napoleon II 15630:Louis XVIII 15608:Louis XVIII 15534:Louis XVIII 15453:Louis XVIII 15278:Roger Ducos 15114:Bonapartism 15015: [ 14985:Protestants 14761: [ 14747: [ 14624: [ 14537:Napoleon II 14127:Schom, Alan 13947:. Pimlico. 13174:27 February 13128:. Bedford. 13045:Works cited 13022:30 November 12915:30 November 12476:Grab (2017) 12446:Bell (2015) 12415:(1): 1–30. 12391:Bell (2015) 12330:Bell (2015) 12318:Bell (2015) 11928:Geyl (1949) 11794:5 September 11707:Bell (2015) 11340:Bell (2015) 11101:(1): 6–26. 10983:Bell (2015) 10959:Geyl (1949) 10812:Geyl (1949) 10800:Geyl (1949) 10764:Geyl (1949) 10588:Bell (2015) 10552:Geyl (1949) 10540:Geyl (1949) 10363:. Redfield. 10103:28 November 9527:7 September 9365:Bell (2015) 8533:Bell (2015) 7070:Bell (2015) 6861:Bell (2015) 6647:Bell (2015) 6551:Bell (2015) 5806:(1): 6–26. 5682:"Chapter 2" 5612:, p. 6 5585:, p. 4 5561:, p. 2 5520:Bell (2015) 5476:Grab (2017) 5356:Grab (2003) 5274:dĂ©partement 4981:Louis XVIII 4956:Louis XVIII 4950:Himself as 4806:Napoleon II 4681:manorialism 4613:version by 4588:version by 4509:Bonapartism 4468:Pieter Geyl 4270:Napoleon's 4141:During the 4073:Erich Fromm 4000:Pieter Geyl 3995:Personality 3807:sarcophagus 3655:Repealed by 3542:Repealed by 3423:Hudson Lowe 3377: 1820 3354:Bellerophon 3223:Louis XVIII 3114:La RothiĂšre 3051:Poniatowski 2585:Neman River 2547:River Saale 2514:before the 2283: 1805 2237:, with the 1975:Hohenlinden 1867:18 Brumaire 1859:Roger Ducos 1841:18 Brumaire 1834:18 Brumaire 1822:18 Brumaire 1643:Tipu Sultan 1581:coup d'Ă©tat 1458: 1801 1449:, by Baron 1408:VendĂ©miaire 1366:Paul Barras 1326:Julie Clary 1292:JournĂ©e du 1232:(Supper at 1089: [ 776:led to the 673:regnal name 291:Napoleon II 79:Louis XVIII 23837:Categories 23494:William II 23381:Napoleon I 23362:Francis II 23357:Leopold II 23337:Charles VI 23250:Wenceslaus 23238:Charles IV 23144:Henry (VI) 23139:Conrad III 23068:(962–1806) 23063:within the 22973:during the 22820:Napoleon I 22800:Louis XVII 22779:Louis XIII 22725:Charles IX 22720:Francis II 22685:Charles VI 22651:Charles IV 22626:Philip III 22616:Louis VIII 22581:Hugh Capet 22574:(987–1328) 22507:Charles II 22491:Carloman I 22473:Robertians 22398:Dagobert I 22383:Sigebert I 22363:Chlothar I 22181:NapolĂ©on I 22179:1814 1815 22148:Jacques II 22142:Alphonse I 22124:Charles XI 22034:Legitimist 21996:Louis XVII 21886:Chancellor 21803:Presidents 21748:Napoleon I 21386:NapolĂ©on I 20902:Cordeliers 20816:Talleyrand 20741:Louis XVII 20603:HĂ©bertists 20357:Jean Debry 20187:Feuillants 19816:Opposition 19712:Michel Ney 19134:(Dec 1796) 18742:Thionville 18645:(Dec 1797) 18618:(May 1796) 18610:5 Oct 1795 18587:Directoire 18467:(painting) 18370:(Sep 1792) 18354:(Jun 1792) 18187:Great Fear 18126:(Jan 1789) 18017:Revolution 17891:Casualties 17805:Schönbrunn 17780:Artlenburg 17529:John Moore 17434:Michel Ney 17303:Scapezzano 17293:Cesenatico 17237:Montmartre 17167:Montmirail 17101:Wartenburg 17056:Großbeeren 16915:Gorodechno 16905:Klyastitsy 16885:Saltanovka 16774:Casal Novo 16647:Hollabrunn 16632:Korneuburg 16426:Somosierra 16330:Copenhagen 16153:Austerlitz 16143:DĂŒrenstein 15879:Westphalia 15822:and allies 15519:Louis XVI 15246:5 May 1821 15146:Propaganda 14680:Coronation 14416:by the US 14383:5 December 14099:. Granta. 14017:2 December 13928:. Osprey. 13555:2 December 13476:5 December 13366:2 December 13248:2 December 13152:. London: 13113:5 December 12712:John Lynch 12601:5 December 12532:5 December 12151:5 December 12019:16 October 11613:5 December 11314:, p.  10483:23 January 10457:2 December 9300:2 November 9261:6 December 8992:2 December 8581:2 December 8479:23 October 7988:2 December 7669:18 October 5992:, p.  5838:2 December 5764:15 October 5449:2 December 5392:2 December 5216:; French: 5037:Francis II 4662:Bas-relief 4555:Boulangism 4475:in Syria. 4316:Statue in 4265:Code Civil 4013:misogynist 3752:qui recule 3744:last rites 3705:See also: 3594:Long title 3481:Long title 3283:Michel Ney 3263:Golfe-Juan 3229:Inconstant 2905:Bernadotte 2356:after the 2139:See also: 2053:Guadeloupe 2003:See also: 1915:CambacĂ©rĂšs 1709:Alexandria 1662:geodesists 1492:, and the 1351:Topography 1312:After the 1194:mainland. 1037:Napolionne 936:Early life 534:Austerlitz 483:Somosierra 264:; 227:; 166:5 May 1821 149:1769-08-15 23609:Ministers 23575:Bonaparte 23484:William I 23465:William I 23400:Francis I 23352:Joseph II 23347:Francis I 23327:Leopold I 23302:Rudolf II 23287:Charles V 23272:Albert II 23267:Sigismund 23223:Henry VII 23179:Conrad IV 23100:Henry III 23095:Conrad II 23027:(919–962) 23022:(911–919) 22978:(843–911) 22857:Louis XIX 22851:Charles X 22794:Louis XVI 22784:Louis XIV 22730:Henry III 22710:Francis I 22705:Louis XII 22680:Charles V 22670:Philip VI 22631:Philip IV 22611:Philip II 22606:Louis VII 22586:Robert II 22517:Louis III 22479:(751–987) 22428:Clovis IV 22408:Clovis II 22346:(509–751) 22250:present ( 22130:Jacques I 22091:Henri VII 22054:Louis XIX 22048:Charles X 22004:1814 1815 21990:Louis XVI 21869:President 21862:1867–1871 21796:1815–1866 21741:Protector 21734:1806–1813 20736:Louis XVI 20731:Charles X 20382:The Plain 20293:Girondins 20233:Lafayette 19894:(Walloon) 19876:PĂĄl Kray 19852:(Walloon) 19394:(1800–02) 19245:Quasi-War 18704:Consulate 18590:(1795–99) 18045:Consulate 18038:Directory 17855:Casalanza 17830:Tauroggen 17785:Pressburg 17770:LunĂ©ville 17675:conflicts 17508:Coalition 17358:La Suffel 17308:Tolentino 17192:Montereau 17177:Vauchamps 17126:Bornhöved 17081:Dennewitz 17026:Tarragona 16975:Chashniki 16875:Salamanca 16799:Tarragona 16723:Barquilla 16677:Almonacid 16637:Stockerau 16607:Stralsund 16577:2nd Porto 16557:Ebelsberg 16527:Abensberg 16497:1st Porto 16457:CastellĂłn 16441:Benavente 16406:Valmaseda 16320:Friedland 16315:Heilsberg 16285:OstroƂęka 16275:Mohrungen 16209:Magdeburg 16138:Amstetten 16123:Trafalgar 16108:Elchingen 16093:Wertingen 15991:Brunswick 15916:Coalition 15660:New title 15585:New title 15541:New title 15428:Louis XVI 15384:New title 15340:New title 15298:New title 15258:New title 14744:2nd exile 14727:1st exile 14638:Consulate 14558:Brothers: 14524:Children: 14414:Biography 14299:1468-229X 13986:143376566 13733:(1973) . 13703:(1995) . 13693:740560411 13541:(1889) . 13378:(2015) . 13065:Bonaparte 12941:MĂ©diation 12847:2305-3925 12514:0017-811X 12429:0016-1071 12374:0269-1191 12289:0269-1191 12140:France 24 11784:144112149 11263:20 August 10013:Roberts, 9350:28 August 9251:2100-0123 7813:. p. 156. 5820:0016-1071 5635:"Corsica" 5332:Citations 5139:English: 4422:Criticism 4367:Education 4361:total war 4071:. Adler, 3988:Sanhedrin 3903:Concordat 3680:hepatitis 3609:56 Geo. 3 3496:56 Geo. 3 3418:The Times 3352:HMS  3210:Undaunted 3204:sovereign 3194:With the 3158:Old Guard 2827:Carinthia 2809:armistice 2781:Inn River 2680:Carlos IV 2619:Wallachia 2597:Heilsberg 2478:Selim III 2366:Karl Mack 2241:, at the 2099:in 1804. 2066:Silver 5 2013:The 1803 1927:Tribunate 1901:. Posing 1561:standards 1394:grapeshot 1359:Selim III 1234:Beaucaire 1064:Louis XVI 1041:Napulione 1029:Nabulione 971:'s court. 969:Louis XVI 905:feudalism 788:. In the 747:Directory 731:Austrians 500:Friedland 347:Rochefort 297:Signature 118:In office 97:Successor 86:2nd reign 75:Successor 64:1st reign 23843:Napoleon 23777:Treasury 23713:Interior 23332:Joseph I 23307:Matthias 23228:Louis IV 23218:Albert I 23208:Rudolf I 23154:Henry VI 23105:Henry IV 23090:Henry II 23085:Otto III 23034:Conrad I 22990:Carloman 22789:Louis XV 22774:Henry IV 22715:Henry II 22695:Louis XI 22646:Philip V 22621:Louis IX 22601:Louis VI 22596:Philip I 22552:Louis IV 22542:Robert I 22512:Louis II 22477:Bosonids 22353:Clovis I 22252:disputed 22160:Louis XX 22118:Jean III 22085:Henri VI 22079:Jean III 21096:PanthĂ©on 21084:Muscadin 21079:Marianne 21018:Voltaire 20897:Jacobins 20890:Factions 20430:Mirabeau 19886:(French) 18780:Jemappes 18764:DauphinĂ© 18247:Nobility 18059:Journals 18052:Glossary 18031:Republic 18003:Timeline 17926:Uniforms 17840:Chaumont 17758:Treaties 17459:Joseph I 17399:Napoleon 17343:Waterloo 17283:Casaglia 17247:Toulouse 17131:Sehested 17106:Bidassoa 17086:2nd Kulm 17071:1st Kulm 17061:Katzbach 17051:Sorauren 17046:Pyrenees 17011:Castalla 16995:Berezina 16985:Smoliani 16955:Tarutino 16940:Borodino 16930:Valutino 16920:Smolensk 16890:Ostrovno 16860:Maguilla 16824:Valencia 16814:Saguntum 16662:Talavera 16542:Ratisbon 16532:Landshut 16507:Bergisel 16502:MedellĂ­n 16416:Espinosa 16376:Valencia 16249:Czarnowo 16219:Pasewalk 16214:Prenzlau 16189:Saalfeld 16128:Caldiero 16098:GĂŒnzburg 15976:Sardinia 15951:Portugal 15363:(Became 15191:Category 14996:Slavery 14581:Sisters: 14485:timeline 14468:Napoleon 14377:Archived 14369:(1891). 14350:Archived 14321:(1969). 14303:Archived 14168:Archived 14129:(1997). 14111:Archived 14011:Archived 13737:Napoleon 13671:(1966). 13549:Archived 13470:Archived 13424:(1994). 13412:Archived 13401:Archived 13360:Archived 13263:Napoleon 13260:(1994). 13242:Archived 13227:Napoleon 13224:(1932). 13204:Napoleon 13168:Archived 13146:(2015). 13107:Archived 13085:(2015). 13016:Archived 12944:Archived 12933:Archived 12909:Archived 12851:Archived 12738:Archived 12691:Archived 12651:(eds.). 12595:Archived 12550:(1995). 12526:Archived 12433:Archived 12378:Archived 12348:(2004). 12293:Archived 12249:BBC News 12229:Archived 12224:BBC News 12145:Archived 12013:Archived 12003:(2003). 11849:Archived 11788:Archived 11737:Archived 11607:Archived 11281:(1986). 11257:Archived 11227:Archived 11197:Archived 10712:Archived 10477:Archived 10451:Archived 10344:Archived 10294:Archived 10233:Archived 10097:Archived 10093:33661330 10015:Napoleon 9851:Archived 9802:18 March 9796:Archived 9778:Archived 9728:Archived 9521:Archived 9344:Archived 9294:Archived 9255:Archived 9235:(1): 3. 8986:Archived 8575:Archived 8473:Archived 8250:Archived 8232:(1997). 8045:Archived 7982:Archived 7868:Archived 7787:. p. 108 7663:Archived 6992:(1996). 5832:Archived 5758:Archived 5700:Archived 5686:Napoleon 5643:Archived 5538:Archived 5443:Archived 5425:(2005). 5386:Archived 5276:in 1789. 5244:Corsican 5235:Italian: 5213:-nə-part 5209:-lee-ən 5028:in 1861 4781:Empress 4773:Children 4720:and the 4679:, ended 4586:romantic 4151:bogeyman 4113:gesture. 3891:Muhammad 3885:and the 3829:dioceses 3813:Religion 3734:in Paris 3641:Repealed 3604:Citation 3528:Repealed 3491:Citation 3427:catarrhs 3275:Grenoble 3267:Grenoble 3118:February 3024:Berezina 3008:Cossacks 2989:Tarutino 2968:Borodino 2961:Smolensk 2831:Carniola 2673:Portugal 2623:Moldavia 2351:Austrian 2293:Boulogne 1725:pyramids 1470:Piedmont 1410:uprising 1179:Jacobins 1021:Catholic 1013:Caroline 987:home in 961:Corsican 946:Lombardy 810:Russians 682:and led 449:Borodino 432:Berezina 364:Waterloo 342:620miles 35:Napoleon 23689:Finance 23637:Justice 23583:Consuls 23244:GĂŒnther 23202:Alfonso 23196:Richard 23191:William 23164:Otto IV 23129:Henry V 23118:Hermann 23080:Otto II 23039:Henry I 22922:italics 22864:Henry V 22675:John II 22636:Louis X 22591:Henry I 22562:Louis V 22557:Lothair 22547:Rudolph 22502:Louis I 22373:Guntram 22226:/ 1891 22162:present 22099:present 22097:Jean IV 22060:Henri V 21222:of the 20978:Diderot 20724:Figures 20609:EnragĂ©s 20315:Father 20026:Prussia 19958:Britain 19907:(Saxon) 19865:(Swiss) 19832:Austria 17673:Related 17252:Bayonne 17217:Craonne 17187:Mormant 17147:Brienne 17121:Nivelle 17111:Leipzig 17066:Dresden 17036:Vitoria 17021:Bautzen 16990:Krasnoi 16935:Mesoten 16895:Vitebsk 16855:Almaraz 16845:Badajoz 16804:Albuera 16789:Almeida 16784:Sabugal 16769:Redinha 16759:Barrosa 16738:Bussaco 16733:Almeida 16713:Astorga 16682:Tamames 16642:Gefrees 16597:Alcañiz 16537:EckmĂŒhl 16467:Corunna 16436:SahagĂșn 16401:Zornoza 16396:Vimeiro 16366:CabezĂłn 16290:Kolberg 16259:PuƂtusk 16254:Golymin 16244:Hamelin 16224:Stettin 16184:Schleiz 16029:Prelude 16021:battles 15996:Hanover 15941:Prussia 15931:Austria 15869:Bavaria 15849:Etruria 15844:Holland 15816:France, 15809:gerents 15576:Austria 15332:Emperor 15330:Became 15288:Became 15200:Commons 15170:Studies 14712:Tactics 14695:Holland 14550:Mother: 14542:Father: 14279:History 14174:12 June 13407:; also 13398:excerpt 12522:1327640 11990:, p. 39 11233:15 July 10084:8572813 7874:11 July 7800:. p. 15 6478:1740591 5544:5 April 5536:. 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Napoleon (disambiguation)
Napoleon Bonaparte (disambiguation)
Portrait of Napoleon in his late thirties, in high-ranking white and dark blue military dress uniform. In the original image he stands amid rich 18th-century furniture laden with papers, and gazes at the viewer. His hair is Brutus style, cropped close but with a short fringe in front, and his right hand is tucked in his waistcoat.
The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries
Emperor of the French
2nd reign
First Consul of the French Republic
Longwood, Saint Helena
Les Invalides
Joséphine de Beauharnais
Marie Louise of Austria

Napoleon II
Napoleon's signature
Battles of Napoleon
About OpenStreetMaps
Maps: terms of use
Surrender of Napoleon on 15 July 1815
Battle of Waterloo on 18 June 1815
Exile to Elba from 30 May 1814 to 26 February 1815
Battle of Saint-Dizier is the primary link --- Battle of Brienne on 29 January 1814 Battle of La RothiĂšre on 1 February 1814 Battle of Champaubert on 10 February 1814 Battle of Montmirail on 11 February 1814 Battle of ChĂąteau-Thierry (1814) on 12 February 1814 Battle of Vauchamps on 14 February 1814 Battle of Mormant on 17 February 1814 Battle of Montereau on 18 February 1814 Battle of Craonne on 7 March 1814 Battle of Laon from 9 to 10 March 1814 Battle of Reims (1814) from 12 to 13 March 1814 Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube from 20 to 21 March 1814 Battle of Saint-Dizier on 26 March 1814
Battle of Leipzig is the primary link --- Battle of LĂŒtzen (1813) on 2 May 1813 Battle of Bautzen (1813) from 20 to 21 May 1813 Battle of Dresden from 26 to 27 August 1813 Battle of Leipzig from 16 to 19 October 1813 Battle of Hanau from 30 to 31 October 1813
Battle of Berezina from 26 to 29 November 1812
Battle of Borodino is the primary link --- Battle of Vitebsk on 26 July 1812 Battle of Smolensk on 16 August 1812 Battle of Borodino on 7 September 1812
Battle of Wagram is the primary link --- Battle of Teugen-Hausen on 19 April 1809 Battle of Abensberg on 20 April 1809 Battle of Landshut (1809) on 21 April 1809 Battle of EckmĂŒhl from 21 to 22 April 1809 Battle of Ratisbon on 23 April 1809 Battle of Aspern-Essling from 21 to 22 May 1809 Battle of Wagram from 5 to 6 July 1809 Battle of Znaim from 10 to 11 July 1809
Battle of Somosierra on 30 November 1808
Battle of Friedland is the primary link --- Battle of Czarnowo on 23 December 1806 Battle of Eylau from 7 to 8 February 1807 Battle of Friedland on 14 June 1807

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