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usurers stagger about, weighed down by the reptiles in their bellies. Further, shameless women hang by the hair that they had exposed to the gaze of man. Still further down liars and slanderers hang by their tongues from red-hot hooks lacerating their faces with nails of copper. Those who neglected the rites of prayer and ablution are now monsters with the head of dogs and the bodies of swine and are the food of serpents. In the next mansion drunkards suffer the torture of raging thirst, which demons affect to quench with cups of a liquid fire that burns their entrails. Still lower, hired mourners and professional women singers hang head downwards and howl with pain as devils cut their tongues with burning shears. Adulterers are punished in a cone-shaped furnace... and their shrieks are drowned by the curses of their fellow damned at the stench of their putrid flesh. In the next mansion unfaithful wives hang by their breasts, their hands tied to their necks. Undutiful children are tortured in a fire by fiends with red-hot forks. Lower down, shackled in collars of fire, are those who failed to keep their word. Murderers are being knifed by demons in endless expiation of their crime. Lastly, in the fourteenth and lowest mansion of the first storey, are being crucified on burning pillars those who failed to keep the rule of prayer; as the flames devour them, their flesh is seen gradually to peel off their bones.
3159:"The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out to the musalla (prayer place) on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. He passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.' They asked, ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?' He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religious commitment than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is deficient in our intelligence and religious commitment?' He said, ‘Is not the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Is it not true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?' The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religious commitment.’" (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 304) 3339:"As for those who disbelieve, for them is the fire of Hell; it does not destroy them so that they die, nor is its torment lightened for them. Thus We punish every disbeliever." Sunnah online quotes a hadith describing "As for the people of Hell, they are its inhabitants, and they neither live therein nor die. But there are people who will enter Hell because of their sins – or mistakes – so Allah will cause them to die once, then when they become like coal, He will give permission for intercession (for them). They will be brought group by group to the rivers of Paradise. Then it will be said, 'O people of Paradise! Pour water on them.' Then they will grow like seeds (i.e., the seeds of herbs and aromatic plants, or it was said, small plants that grow in between grasses, or it may mean wheat).' " 2193:, Hell and Paradise are psychological states of the soul manifested after its separation from the body. He believed Hell and Paradise are only the distance or closeness from God, respectively, in the mind of resurrectant. The torments of Hell wrong-doers endure are actually their conception of their distance from God, created by their sinful indulgence in their earthly desires and the illusion of things other than God as existent. But distance from God is also only illusory, because everything other than God is an illusion, since "everything is a form of the degrees of the Divine Existence". So in fact, Hell and Paradise are just as real as the current world, which is unreal in comparison to God. 3163:
he stood up, leaning on Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him), speaking of fear of Allah (taqwa) and urging us to obey Him. He preached to the people and reminded them. Then he went over to the women and preached to them and reminded them. Then he said, ‘Give in charity, for you are the majority of the fuel of Hell. A woman with dark cheeks stood up in the midst of the women and said, ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, ‘Because you complain too much and are ungrateful to your husbands.’ Then they started to give their jewelry in charity, throwing their earrings and rings into Bilal's cloak." (Narrated by Muslim, 885)
22: 3321:"It may be said that the only sin that all theologians have regarded as definitely unpardonable and assuredly leading to hell, is disbelief, either in the form of kufr, the stubborn refusal to believe, or shirk, the worship of something other than the one God — in other words idolatry. Although there exists a prophetic tradition listing seven deadly sins — idolatry, magic, murder, robbing orphans, usury, apostasy, and the slandering of faithful women — the tendency has been to suggest that even grave sinners may hope for God’s mercy, as long as they have professed belief and are Muslims. 2234:(lit. ‘inculpable ignorant’), who "will attain salvation if they are truthful to their own religion" because the message of Islam either didn't reach them, or reached them in an incorrect form. For those Muslims "who have committed a certain number of lesser sins and offences, they shall either spend an appropriate amount of time in hellfire or receive the kindness and forgiveness of God". Al-Islam also states: "According to the Qur`an and ahadith, heaven and hell exist at present. However, they will become fully apparent and represented only in the Hereafter ...". 2276:
passages in the Holy Quran showing that those in hell shall ultimately be taken out". Whereas the word "abad" used in the Quran has been translated as "eternity", it should be translated as "a long time", and the actual purpose of suffering in hell should not be thought of as punishment of sinners, but the purging of "the evil effects of their deeds done in this life" for the sinners "spiritual advancement". This is because in the afterlife, Muslims and Non-Muslims, even those "who never did any good deeds", will eventually be taken out of hell.
1810:, Qurtubi writes, "On the Day of Judgment, hell will be brought with seventy thousand reins. A single rein will be held by seventy thousand angels...". Based on verse 67:7 and verse 50:30, Jahannam inhales and has "breaths". Islamicity notes "the animalistic nature" of "The Fire" in Quranic verse 25:12: "When the Hellfire sees them from a distant place, they will hear its fury and roaring". According to verse 50:30, God will ask Jahannam if it is full and Jahannam will answer: "Are there any more (to come)?" 2718: 1428: 3330:"One should note there was a near consensus among Muslim theologians of the later periods that punishment for Muslim grave sinners would only be temporary; eventually after a purgatory sojourn in hell's top layer they would be admitted into paradise." Prior to that, theologians of the Kharijite and Mu'tazilite schools insisted that the "sinful" and "unrepentant" should be punished even if they were believers, but this position has been "lastingly defeated and erased" by mainstream Islam. 8781: 2288:, according to Smith and Haddad, express a "kind of embarrassment with the elaborate traditional detail concerning life in the grave and in the abodes of recompense, called into question by modern rationalists". Consequently, most of "modern Muslim Theologians" either "silence the issue" or reaffirm "the traditional position that the reality of the afterlife must not be denied but that its exact nature remains unfathomable". 9844: 2201:
were to be judged in line with Qur'an and Sunnah only. About Ibn Arabi, he fiercely defended the stance that Ibn Arabi was a Muslim of sound faith and whatever contradicted this was in fact not from him. Although the attitude towards Ibn Arabi might differ between Sufis and Wahhabis, there's general consensus about the attributes of Hell between Sufis and Wahhabis, with the exception of followers of Universal Sufism.
676: 9987: 8769: 2334: 1829: 775: 3156:
Messenger of Allah?" He said, "Because of their ingratitude (kufr)." It was said, "Are they ungrateful to Allah?" He said, "They are ungrateful to their companions (husbands) and ungrateful for good treatment. If you are kind to one of them for a lifetime then she sees one (undesirable) thing in you, she will say, ‘I have never had anything good from you.’" (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1052)
85: 2104:. Thomassen writes that "several types of concerns" weigh "against the idea of an eternal hell in Islamic thought": belief in the mercy of God; resistance to the idea that Muslims—even great sinners—would "end up together with the disbelievers in the hereafter"; and resistance to the idea that "something other than God himself might have eternal existence". 906: 1478:"Eschatological manuals" were written after the hadith, they compiled the hadith on hell, and also developed descriptions of Jahannam "in more deliberate ways". While the Quran and hadith tend to describe punishments that nonbelievers are forced to give themselves, the manuals illustrate external and more dramatic punishment, through 2217:
eternity for example for murderers, Shaykh Rifai attributed its bottom level to oppressors. Abdulqadir Jilani said that through the blessings of his students' association with him none of them were going to enter Hell, Abu Madyan Al-Ghawth in Hikam likened working for other than God to the past behavior of Hell's inhabitants.
2837:. However, according to at least one source—Christian evangelist Phil Parshall, who spent several decades observing and writing about Muslims in Asia—this has not been the common view of Muslims; Parshall writes that he "never met a Muslim who has attempted to undercut the bluntness and severity of their doctrine of hell." 2403:
very different than "coercion and force" (Mujtaba Musavi Lari). God created Paradise and Hell because "the people should worship their Lord, desiring His reward and fearing of His torment." God being "the Wisest of the judges", knows that his creations "love security and benefits and hate misery and torture" (Islamweb).
1264:". Use of utensils made of precious metals could also land its users in Jahannam: "A person who drinks from a silver vessel brings the fire of Jahannam into his belly". As could starving a cat to death: "A woman was tortured and was put in Hell because of a cat which she had kept locked till it died of hunger." 3162:
It was narrated that Jabir ibn ‘Abd-Allah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "I attended Eid prayers with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He started with the prayer before the khutbah (sermon), with no adhan (call to prayer) or iqamah (final call to prayer). Then
Shia cleric Mujtaba Musavi Lari acknowledges that this "presents a problem for many people", and offers a number of arguments: He notes that God's "essence is utterly pure of any trace of injustice", and reminds readers that "utter justice prevails in God's judging of men", with even small amounts of
Replies include that hell serves as deterrence. Fear of hell's horror will strengthen the will of the morally weak to obey God and to turn away from the temptations of sinful pleasure and the pollution of unbelief; that the wholesome fear of God's "just punishments ... grounded in religious faith" is
authors (such as Abu Yaqub al-Sijistānī) believe resurrection, heaven and hell do not involve physical bodies, but what is spiritual. Suffering of hell came from failure to be enlightened by the teachings of the Isma'ili Imam, but such suffering does not require resurrection. According to one source,
Moreover, Abd Al-Aziz Al-Dabbagh gave precise details of the locations of the two abodes in terms of Islamic Cosmology, while noting that the ignorance of existence of the two abodes at present alone suffices to lead someone to Hell, Shaykh Nazim clarified that the length of the stay may extend to an
This left the issue of how/whether to punish sinful Muslims (to "ensure ... moral and religious discipline" and responsibility for individual actions). One solution was to reserve for Muslims the highest level of hell with the most lenient punishments; but a "more common" solution one was to make the
Of these valleys, Ghayy is for those who postpone their prayers to the time of the next prayer, Wayl is for worshippers who neglect their prayers, and Saqar (also described as one of the seven levels above) is for those who did not pray, did not feed the poor, waded in vain dispute with vain talkers,
Some hadith describe the size of hell as enormous. It is so deep that if a stone were thrown into it, it would fall for 70 years before reaching the bottom (according to one hadith). Another states that the breadth of each of Hell's walls is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of 40
in regard of destroying inhabitants of hell physically, while their consciousness still remains and after the body is destroyed, it will regenerate again, thus the punishment will repeat. However, according to Buddhist belief, beings in Hell have a limited lifespan, as with all beings trapped in the
of Jahannam. Then, they order the Earth to swallow and crush the dead inside its womb, saying: "Seize him and take revenge, because he has stolen Allāh's wealth and worshipped others than Him". Following this, the dead is brought before the dais of God where a herald calls for throwing the dead into
thought, God created good and evil deeds, which humans decide upon—humans have their own possibility to choose, but God retains sovereignty of all possibilities. This still leaves the question of why God set out those people's lives (or the negative choice of deeds) which result in Hell, and why God
He also wrote about non-Muslims who have heard a distorted message: "The name of Muhammad has indeed reached their ears, but they do not know his true description and his character. Instead, they heard from the time they were young that a deceitful liar named Muhammad claimed to be a prophet. As far
the standard doctrine that the eternal reward for non-believers is hell, "irrespective of who they were and what they did." E. Thomassen writes that while the traditional idea that hell is punishment for unbelievers and Paradise the reward for Muslims plays "an important role in the construction and
that the gruesome punishments of hell last for eternity, while the sins were committed over (some part) of a lifetime of a few decades. Antony Flew wonders if the "infinite punishment" of hell (where, for example, the skin of the damned being replaced with "fresh skins" when "their skins are roasted
Other people populating hell mentioned in hadith include, but are not limited to, the mighty, the proud and the haughty. Einar Thomassen writes that this almost certainly refers to those too proud and haughty to submit to God, i.e. unbelievers (the literal translation of Muslim is one who submits to
Hell is described as being located below Paradise, having seven gates and "for every gate there shall be a specific party" of sinners (Q.15:43–44). The Qur'an also mentions wrongdoers having "degrees (or ranks) according to their deeds", (which some scholars believe refers to the "specific parties"
At least in one Christian majority country – the US. "Over the last 20 years, the number of Americans who believe in the fiery down under has dropped from 71 percent to 58 percent. ... Underlying these statistics is a conundrum that continues to tug at the conscience of some Christians, who find it
It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I saw that the majority of its people are women." They said, "Why, O
site IslamQA states that predestination is one of those issues which God urges Muslims to "abstain from" speaking about "as much as possible". "We must believe in predestination, yet we cannot assume that our actions are entirely bound by it." Though "everyone's abode (for Jannat or Jahannam ) has
debated in detail with the (then?)-Wahhabi Nasir al Kubaybi about sins committed by him and his students, and deviations that are said to have been propagated by Ibn Arabi. For the former, he explained that no human except the Prophet is protected from sins, and also he said that individual actions
will kill Iblis. In some manuals of Islamic eschatology, the Angels of divine justice will seize and kill Iblis, instead. Since the fallen angel is killed, there is no idea of a reigning Devil among the damned. Although there is a disagreement about the exact fate of the devils, most agree that the
Thomassen writes that in Islamic thought there was "a certain amount of tension" between the two "distinct functions" of hell: to punish disbelievers/ non-Muslims and to punish anyone who committed serious sins—both of which could draw support from Quranic verses and hadith. Factors involved in who
There are many traditions on the location of paradise and hell, but not all of them "are easily pictured or indeed mutually reconcilable". For example, some describe hell as in the lowest earth, while one scholar (Al-Majlisī) describes hell as "surrounding" the earth. Islamic scholars speculated on
There are at least a couple of indications that physical rather than "spiritual or psychological" punishment predominates in jahannam according to scholars Smith and Haddad. For example, the Quran notes that inmates of jahannam will be denied the pleasure of "gazing on the face of God", but nowhere
water and though death appears on all sides they cannot die. They are linked together in chains of 70 cubits, wearing pitch for clothing and fire on their faces have boiling water that will be poured over their heads, melting their insides as well as their skins, and hooks of iron to drag them back
The common belief among Muslims holds that Jahannam coexists with the temporal world, just as Jannah does (rather than being created after Judgment Day). Hell is described physically in different ways by different sources of Islamic literature. It is enormous in size, and located below Paradise. It
A large number of hadith about Muhammad's tour of hell during the miʿrāj, describe the various sinners and their torments. A summary of the uppermost level of hell, "reserved for deadly sins" and "subdivided into fourteen mansions, one close above the other, and each is a place of punishment for a
According to one hadith, hell will be vastly more populous than Paradise. Out of every one thousand people entering into the afterlife, nine hundred and ninety-nine of them will end up in the fire. (According to at least one scholarly salafi interpretation, the hadith expresses the large disparity
For the Arabic text summarized here, and a Spanish translation of it, see Asin Palacios 1984:432-37- Asin's source is a Leiden manuscript. (Leiden University Library Or. 786, no. 7) containing a copy of the anonymous Khabar al-Mi'rāj attributed to Ibn Abbas. Graphic illustrations of the various
hadith At-Tirmidhi (1999), Abu Dawood (4091) and Ibn Maajah (59) narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas‘ood that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "No one will enter Paradise in whose heart is an atom's weight of arrogance and no one will enter Hell in whose heart is an atom's
Scholars differ on the number of references in the Qur'an. A. Jones counts 92 "significant passages" about Hell and 62 about Paradise, while Lange identified about 400 verses "relating, in a meaningful way" to Hell, and about 320 to Paradise. Other scholars claim Paradise gets "significantly more
movement (by way of their official website), the places of Paradise and Hell are actually images of man's own spiritual life during lifetime, hell is a manifestation of his sins. Contrary to the belief that sinners or at least unbelieving sinners will spend eternity in hell, "there are numerous
2320:(authentic) hadith on hell unacceptable—the tradition of Muhammad stating, "most people in hell are women" has been explained as an attempt to "legitimate social control over women" (Smith and Haddad), or perpetuate "the moral, social, political, sectarian hierarchies" of medieval Islam (Lange). 2099:
Several verses in the Quran mention the eternal nature of Hell or both Paradise and Hell, or that the damned will linger in hell for ages. Two verses in the Quran (6:128 and 11:107) emphasize that consignment to hell is horrible and eternal — but include the caveat "except as God (or your Lord)
The description of Jahannam as a place of blazing fire appears in almost every verse in the Qur'an describing Hell. One collection of descriptions of Hell found in the Qur'an include "rather specific indications of the tortures of the Fire": flames that crackle and roar; fierce, boiling waters,
the seeming relish with which the Quran and/or commentators detail "the torture and the sufferings awaiting the sinners", the "boiling water, running sores, peeling skin, burning flesh, dissolving bowels, and crushing of skulls with iron maces"; what Christian Lange describes as indulging in
In the second mansion beings with blubber lips writhe under the red-hot forks of demons, while serpents enter their mouths and eat their bodies from within. These are faithless guardians, devoured now by serpents even as they once devoured the inheritances committed to their trust. Lower down
The first mansion is an ocean of fire comprising seventy lesser seas, and on the shore of each sea stands a city of fire. In each city are seventy thousand dwellings; in each dwelling, seventy thousand coffins of fire, the tombs of men and women, who, stung by snakes and scorpions, shriek in
Notably, Iblis' temporary rule over Jahannam depends always on God's power and hell is still a form of punishment for Iblis himself. ("We have appointed only ˹stern˺ angels as wardens of the Fire." according to Q.74:31) Einar Thomassen points out that Iblis is chained to the floor of hell as
and Faheem Younus write that since the Quran states that God has "prescribed to himself mercy", and "... for him whose scales (of good deeds) are light. Hell will be his mother," suffering in Jahannam is not a product of vengeance and punishment, but a temporary phenomenon as the sinner is
and his subordinates) emphasize Islamic doctrine in the judging of whether someone goes to Paradise or Hell: "the point is not whether their morals are good, rather the point is whether they submit to Allaah ... and obey his commands." In answering an audience question, well-known preacher
of the sinners was "to persist in sin" as long as they lived and if they had been "made immortal in this world" they would have kept on sinning indefinitely; and furthermore their sins may have long lasting consequences, and/or lead other humans "to the wrong path", spreading sin all
Narrated `Imran: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "I looked at Paradise and saw that the majority of its residents were the poor; and I looked at the (Hell) Fire and saw that the majority of its residents were women." (Sahih al-Bukhari 5198: Book 67, Hadith 132. Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith
crosses, and from which sinners fall making their arrival in hell (see "Eschatological manuals" above) Christian Lange writes "it made sense to picture as a vast subterranean funnel, spanned by the Bridge, which the resurrected pass on their way to paradise, with a brim
wills it", which some scholars considered an exemption from the eternity of hell. which suggests to some that Jahannam will be destroyed some day, so that its inhabitants may either be rehabilitated or cease to exist. The concept of hell's annihilation is referred to as
It is also a common belief among Muslims that hell, like paradise, is not awaiting the destruction of earth and arrival of Judgment Day, but "coexists in time" with the temporal world, having already been created. The basis of this belief was the Quranic statement "hell
2024:), others say he and his hosts will be the first to enter hell, while yet others say, the devils will all perish at Judgment Day. Since Satan and the devils are created from fire, some scholars suggest that they will not burn in fire, but suffer from the intense cold of 1879:
Unforgiveableness of unbelief. According to Smith and Haddad, perhaps "almost the only point on which Muslim thinkers completely agreed" was that it was "certain that the one unpardonable sin, that for which the pain of the Fire is assured, is refusal to testify to the
2469:, i.e. Islamic faith). Jonathan Brown concludes an examination of the matter by saying "anxiety over the fate" of human beings after death (whether Muslims or non-Muslims) "is best assuaged by trusting in God's total justice and immense mercy". Finally, some, (such as 945:
at each of the gates); and of there being "seven heavens ˹in layers˺, and likewise for the earth" (Q.65:12), (though this doesn't indicate that the seven layers of earth are hell). The one mention of levels of hell is that hypocrites will be found in its very bottom.
does it state "that this loss contributed to the agony" the inmates experience. While the Quran describes the regret the inmates express for the deeds that put them in hell, it is "for the consequences" of the deeds "rather than for the actual commission of them".
1984:"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (Q.2:62; cf. 5:69) 2512:
as I am concerned, such people are like those who the call of Islam has not reached, for while they have heard of the Prophet's name, they heard the opposite of his true qualities. And hearing such things would never arouse one's desire to find out who he was."
Editor press review, felt he was "forced out of Islam" because he could not accept the idea of eternal punishment of torture for non-Muslims. "I found it hard to understand why every non-believer would end up" in hell, no matter how kind and good they may have
In addition are those who have committed serious criminal offenses against other human beings: the murder of a believer (Q.4:93, 3:21), usury (Q.2:275), devouring the property of an orphan (Q.4:10), and slander (Q.104), particularly of a chaste woman (Q.24:23).
Islamic scholars disagree on duration of Hell's punishment. The common view holds that Hell will continue to exist for an eternity with some inhabitants, while others hold that Hell exists to purify rather than inflict pain, and may even cease to exist after a
The common belief among Muslims (as indicated above) is that duration in hell is temporary for Muslims but not for others. This combines in Jahannam two concepts: an eternal hell (for unbelievers), and a place (an "outer level" of hell was sometimes called
are switched in Lange's list, and there is no accompanying type of unbelievers for each level. In A. F. Klein's list, it is the names of the levels that's not included, and instead of a level for Zoroastrians there is one for "witches and fortunetellers".
Instead of devils, angels punish the sinners and guard the entrances to hell. These angels were created from the fires of hell, and therefore, do not suffer wherein. They are described as subordinates of God and thus, their punishment is ultimately just.
by Dante also shares the Islamic idea of dividing hell into multiple "circles". According to the Divine Comedy, each layer corresponding to another sin, with Satan inside a frozen area at the very bottom. As with Christian popular understanding of hell,
3129:"One should note there was a near consensus among Muslim theologians of the later periods that punishment for Muslim grave sinners would only be temporary; eventually after a purgatory sojourn in hell's top layer they would be admitted into paradise." 1026:
The punishments of Hell described in the Qur'an tend to revolve around "skin sensation and digestion". Its wretched inhabitants sigh and wail, their scorched skins are constantly exchanged for new ones so that they can taste the torment anew, drink
2857:) also feature descriptions of Jahannam (or Jahannahum). These seem to have been strongly influenced by the Islamic environment in which they were composed, and may be considered as holding many of the same concepts as those today identified with 57:. This notion is an integral part of Islamic theology, and has occupied an important place in the Muslim belief. It is often called by the proper name Jahannam. However, "Jahannam" is simultaneously a term specifically for the uppermost layer of 1042:
Its inmates will be thirsty and hungry "constantly". Their fluids will include boiling water (Q.6:70), melted brass, and/or be bitterly cold, "unclean, full of pus". In addition to fire (Q.2:174), it has three different unique sources of food:
argued the eternity of hell and paradise are proven by the Quran, although earths and heavens (sun, moon, stars) will perish. In modern times Shia cleric Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari argues against the idea that hell will not last for eternity.
5 While, as noted above, some theologians held that only paradise was eternal, while Hell would eventually perish ( fanāʾ al-nār), the majority agreed that Hell too was eternal unto eternity, that is, a parte post (abad) (cf. Q 4:169, 5:119,
1505:– "dramatise life in the Fire", and present "new punishments, different types of sinners, and the appearance of a multitude of devils," to exhort the faithful to piety. His hell has a structure with a specific place for each type of sinners. 2153:, Yemenite ibn al-Wazir (d. 840/1436) meant (or at least meant to these theologians) that God would provide for "universal salvation even for non-Muslims". At the other end of the theological "spectrum" were fearful "renunciants" such as al- 1132:"built inside like a well and it had side posts like those of a well, and beside each post there was an angel carrying an iron mace. I saw therein many people hanging upside down with iron chains, and I recognized therein some men from the 2157:. Though Hasan was so faithful he was considered a "pious exemplar" of his age, he still felt great anxiety as to whether he would be among those fortunate enough to spend 1,000 years suffering in hell before being released to Jannah. 1239:
attempts to reconcile the conflicting hadith by suggesting that many of the women in Hell are there only temporarily and will eventually be brought reside in Paradise; thereafter the majority of the people of Paradise would be women.
1512:, between the moment of death and the time of their burial ceremony, "the spirit of a deceased Muslim takes a quick journey to Heaven and Hell, where it beholds visions of the bliss and torture awaiting humanity at the end of days". 2303:, seeing paradise and hell "primarily as metaphors for inner psychic" developments. Thus hellfire is actually a state of realization of one's failures as a human being", and not a supernatural subterranean realm. Egyptian modernist 1915:
That all human beings "are responsible" for their actions in this world, and all (even Muslims) face a "real possibility" of going to hell, (Q.19:71); This theme "has continued to play an important role throughout the history of
crosses and the resurrected walk. It is said to have mountains, rivers, valleys and "even oceans" filled with disgusting fluids; and also to be able to walk (controlled by reins), and ask questions, much like a sentient being.
Cf. e.g. For more detailed accounts of the positions of the various schools and individual theologians see van Ess 1991–97, 4:1059: index, s.vv. "Hölle," "Höllenstrafe.") For a survey of more modern Muslim views on hell, see
believe sinning Ibadis and all non-Ibadis are doomed to hell. According to Islamic studies professor Gavin Picken, Ibadis believe non-Ibadis and Ibadis who committed major sins without repenting will remain in hell forever.
1539:), are punished. Another tradition consigns to the seven different levels of hell, seven different types of "mischievous" Islamic scholars. Government authorities are also threatened with hell, but often in "oblique ways". 1228:, that women have an attachment to the here and now, inability to control their passions; but allows that despite this, many women are good and pious and will go to Paradise, and some are even superior to many men in piety. 2666:"And between them will be a partition, and on elevations are men who recognize all by their mark. And they call out to the companions of Paradise, "Peace be upon you." They have not entered it, but they long intensely." 2652:"And the companions of the Fire will call to the companions of Paradise, "Pour upon us some water or from whatever Allah has provided you." They will say, "Indeed, Allah has forbidden them both to the disbelievers." 5560: 1154:, "the Garden" (paradise). Whatever characteristic "the Garden offered, the Fire usually offered the opposite conditions." Several hadith describes a part of hell that is extremely cold rather than hot, known as 1640:
Another description of the layers of hell comes from "models such as that recorded by al-Thalabi (died 427/1035)" corresponding to "the seven earths of medieval Islamic cosmology"; the place of hell before the
they do not believe hell will last for eternity, based on their interpretation of Quranic verse 11:106. Instead, they believe hell to be a possible station of the soul's journey to its perfection in afterlife.
2182:"O God! If I worship You for fear of Hell, burn me in Hell, and if I worship You in hope of Paradise, exclude me from Paradise. But if I worship You for Your Own sake, grudge me not Your everlasting Beauty". 8430:ᵓUṣṣit il-Gumguma or 'The Story of the Skull' With Parallel Versions, Translation and Linguistic Analysis of Three 19th-century Judeo-Arabic Manuscripts from Egypt. Supplemented with Arabic Transliteration 5184: 1581:
Einar Thomassen writes that the seven levels of hell mentioned in hadith "came to be associated" with the seven names used in the Quran to refer to hell, with a category of inmates assigned to each level.
Hell's resemblance to a prison is strong. Inmates have chains around their necks (Q.13:5, 34:33, 36:8, 76:4, etc.), are "tethered" by hooks of iron (Q.22:21), and are guarded by "merciless angels" (
Heads of devils hanging from the tree of Zaqqum that "springs out of the bottom of Hell". (These are mentioned three or four times: Q.17:60 (as the "cursed tree"), Q.37:62-68, Q.44:43, Q.56:52.)
2646:"And he gave a cry and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus, so that he may put the end of his finger in water and put it on my tongue, for I am cruelly burning in this flame." 3290:) possible to some dogmatists that the Faithful should dwell in Hell for ever on account of their sins, and that the infidels should dwell in Paradise for ever on account of divine forgiveness" 2589:
made it possible to become evil. In Islamic thought, evil is considered to be movement away from good, and God created this possibility so that humans are able to recognize good. (In contrast,
According to a major Shia Islam website,, Hellfire is the eternal destination of unbelievers, although another essay on the site states that there is a set of unbelievers known as
God's mercy. "The tendency has been to suggest that even grave sinners may hope for God’s mercy, as long as they have professed belief and are Muslims", based on (two types of) Quranic verses:
prophesied that it would become a "valley of slaughter" and burial place; in later literature it thus became identified with a new idea of Hell as a place where the wicked would be punished.
introduce punishments, reasons and revelations not mentioned in the Quran. In both Quranic verses and hadiths, "the Fire" is "a gruesome place of punishment that is always contrasted with
742:(paradise). It is commonly believed by Muslims that confinement to hell is temporary for Muslims but not for others, and Muslim scholars disagree over whether Hell itself will last for 1523:, a theologian in the 14th century, writes explicitly of punishments faced by sinners and unbelievers in Jahannam. These are directly related to the wrongdoer's earthly transgressions. 5618: 1674:(place of torrents or swamps), a valley through which flows a stream of boiling sulphur to torment the wicked. The dweller in this valley have no eyes and in place of feet, have wings. 981:; Q.4:48,116), and those who do not believe in certain key doctrines of Islam: those who deny the divine origin of the Qur'an (Q.74:16–26) or the coming of Judgement Day (Q.25:11–14). 3783:
No one will come out of Hell except sinful believers who believed in the Oneness of God in this life and believed in the specific prophet sent to them (before the coming of Muhammad).
How optimistic Muslims were about whether they and the rest of humanity would avoid hellfire, or at least long durations of it, varied considerably. The idea of the "demise of hell" (
claims the majority of the inhabitants of hell will be women, due to an inclination for gossip, conjecture, ungratefulness of kind treatment from their spouses and idle chatting. The
Similarly to how the Qur'an speaks of the seven gates of Hell, "relatively early" narrations attest that Hell has seven levels. This interpretation became "widespread" in Islam. The
Traditions often describe this in multiples of seven: hell has seventy thousand valleys, each with "seventy thousand ravines, inhabited by seventy thousand serpents and scorpions".
961:), or enemies of Muhammad who worshiped idols (Q.10:24), and the "losers", or enemies of Muhammad who died in war against him (Q.21:70), as well as broad categories of sinners: the 2593:
are unable to move away from good, therefore angels generally rank lower than humans as they have reached heaven because they lack the ability to perceive the world as humans do.)
maintenance" of Muslim religious identity, it has "become increasingly challenged" by the "common humanitarian values" of global society. (One ex-Muslim – "Abu Lahab"—writing in
Others did not take literally the Quran's verses on Paradise and Hell as physical places where believers are rewarded with pleasure and sinners tortured with pain. According to
been written", because God "knows everything we have done", are currently doing, or will do in the future, nonetheless God has still "given us the choice in everything" we do.
2897:, the narrative states that "nothing will help Man on the last day except good and loving actions, deeds of giving charity to widows, orphans, the poor and the unfortunate." 2833:"transformed" in the process of confronting the truth about themselves. The idea of annihilation of hell was already introduced earlier by traditionalistic scholars, such as 5515:"Sahih Muslim 2834a – The Book of Paradise, its Description, its Bounties and its Inhabitants – – Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)" 2660:"And in addition, there is a deep division fixed between us and you, so that those who might go from here to you are not able to do so, and no one may come from you to us." 2904:
provide descriptive detail of hell-like places, divided into multiple levels; usually Sheol, which is translated as a grave or pit, is the place where humans descend upon
5564: 2212:"your coming unto it (hellfire) is certain, while your salvation therefrom is no more than conjecture. … fill up your heart therefore with a dread of that destination." 2465:), to giving a failing grade/mark to a student who scores 99 out of 100 in five of the six subjects they must pass, but fails one subject (comparing this to failing 6466:
Basharin, Pavel V. "The Problem of Free Will and Predestination in the Light of Satan’s Justification in Early Sufism." English Language Notes 56.1 (2018): 119-138.
Begley, Wayne E. The Garden of the Taj Mahal: A Case Study of Mughal Architectural Planning and Symbolism, in: Wescoat, James L.; Wolschke-Bulmahn, Joachim (1996).
2877:) and a number of sixty angels seize the soul of the dead and begin torturing him with fire and iron hooks. Two black angels named Nākir and Nakīr (identified with 8263: 1937:, murder of another Muslim, are not unpardonable in themselves, they are sufficiently serious that those that commit them cease to be Muslims and become guilty of 1087:
or "short narratives traced back to the Prophet or his Companions" from "the third/ninth century onwards", that "greatly elaborate" on the Quranic image of hell.
Just as Hell is often depicted as the seat of the devil in Christian culture (though not in the bible itself), so too some Islamic scholars describe it that way.
2344: 2017:) God (51:56), both are capable of righteous and evil deeds (11:119). The Quran confirms that hell will be filled with both sinful humans as well as sinful jinn. 1535:); hell is where those "who sleep during prayer (or speak of worldly matters during it), or deny the doctrine of predestinarianism or assert absolute free-will ( 3266:
A bottomless abyss for hypocrites, like the Pharaoh and people who disbelieves after Isa's table or Muslims who are outwardly believers but inwardly infidels.
manuscript also mentions drowning, stoning and falling from heights. Based on hadiths, the sinners are thought to carry signs in accordance with their sins.
1628:"Various similar models exist with a slightly differing order of names", according to Christian Lange, and he and A. F. Klein give similar lists of levels. 7862: 5668: 1267:
At least one hadith indicates the importance of faith in avoiding hell, stating: "... no one will enter Hell in whose heart is an atom's weight of faith."
2532:"If We had so willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but now My Word is realized—'I shall fill Hell with jinn and men together.'" (Q.32.32.) 855:, much of how Muslims picture and think about Jahannam comes from the Qur'an. He found nearly 500 references to Jahannam in it, using a variety of names. 5074: 2893:
The Judeo-Arabic legend in question explains that the dead is set free from the painful perogatory after twenty-four years. In a final quote alluding to
that God literally "creates beings to fill hell with", punishing his creatures for actions beyond their power to control, as reflected in verses such as
2391:"phantasies of violence and pain" which are "often shockingly violent, and frequently obscene"; Thomassen thinks shows an "almost sadistic delight"; and 5652: 5605: 2395:
finds out of character for a creator who begins all but two of the chapters of His holy book with the statement that God is merciful and compassionate.
2307:, thought it was sufficient to believe in the existence of an afterlife with rewards and punishment to be a true believer, even if you ignored "clear" ( 1969:
school prevailed in "classical Islamic theology": God was free to judge as he chose, but on the other hand all believers can feel assured of salvation.
writes that God punishes sinners in proportions to their offense in accordance with his justice, afterwards release them in accordance with his mercy.
but there "exists a strong exegetical tradition" that claims these verses were abrogated by a later verse indicating a much less pleasant hereafter:
2111:(Islamic scholars) disagree on this issue. According to Christian Lange, "the majority" of theologians agreed that Hell like Paradise "was eternal". 2057:
Quranic verses suggest that Judgment Day, Paradise and Hell are not "conceived to lie" off in some indefinite future, but "immediately ahead; it is
verse 7:50 states "The companions of the Fire will call to the Companions of the Garden: 'Pour down to us water or anything that God doth provide'".
1980:, are a variety of believer or unbelievers destined for hell. In two places in the Quran, almost identical verses seem to indicate they are saved: 7746: 8356: 2799: 1992:"...whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers." (Q.3:85) 1260:
Al-Bukhari in book 72:834 added to the list of dwellers in Jahannam: "The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah will be the
2355: 7129: 7050:
The exoteric Aḥmad Ibn Idrīs : a Sufi's critique of the Madhāhib and the Wahhābīs : four Arabic texts with translation and commentary
2. People who were exposed to a distorted understanding of Islam and have no recourse to correct that information. These too will be forgiven.
Lange, Christian, editor. Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions. Brill, 2016. JSTOR, chapter 1 p. 12
According to the first part of verse Q.65:12, "It is Allah Who has created seven heavens and of the earth the like thereof (i.e. seven). ...
2674:"Unhappy are you who are full of food now: for you will be in need. Unhappy are you who are laughing now: for you will be crying in sorrow." 1509: 1414: 8453: 7674: 2542:
and the logical conclusion of a world where God is omnipotent, controlling even the behavior of human beings. In the words of verse Q.9:51,
1907:"Whoever commits evil or wrongs themselves then seeks Allah's forgiveness will certainly find Allah All-Forgiving, Most Merciful" (Q.4:110); 1557:(in present-day Yemen), allegedly haunted by the souls of the wicked, was the entrance to the underworld. Others considered the entrance in 6327:
Acar, Ismail. 2008. "Theological Foundations of Religious Tolerance in Ismal: A Quranic Perspective." In J. Neusner and B. Chilton (eds.),
5803: 4000: 1668:(region of distress), the antechamber of hell, in which dwell men with the mouth of a dog, the ears of a goat and the cloven hoof of an ox. 5090: 4950: 839:(Jeremiah 7; 32–35). While the Gehenna gives its name to Hell, the fire used for the offerings turns into Hellfire, and Molech turns into 1257:(711–795), Muhammad said: "Truly a man utters words to which he attaches no importance, and by them he falls into the fire of Jahannam." 6774: 6457:
Marshall, David, ed. Death, Resurrection, and Human Destiny: Christian and Muslim Perspectives. Georgetown University Press, 2014. p. 86
Malik in Hadith quotes Muhammad as saying that the "fire of the children of Adam which they kindle is a seventieth part of the fire of
6759: 6563: 4980: 4965: 4935: 4894: 4825: 4481: 3353:"Their wish will be to get out of the Fire, but never will they get out therefrom: their penalty will be one that endures." (Q.5:36–37) 816:, written around the 2nd century BCE, Gehinnom appears as a transcendental place of punishment. This change comes to completion in the 6710: 4840: 4725: 4466: 2681: 2667: 2653: 778:
Valley of Hinnom (or Gehenna), c. 1900. The former site of child-sacrifice and a dumping-ground for the bodies of executed criminals,
punishment, whereas Malik is head of the 19 angels who guard hell, indicating it is the angels who are in charge and not the devils.
1904:"Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating others with Him ˹in worship˺ but forgives anything else of whoever He wills..." (Q.4:48), 6645:"200252: Is there any mention in the Islamic texts of a minimum period that sinners among the people of Tawheed will spend in Hell?" 2284:
According to Smith and Haddad, "The great majority of contemporary Muslim writers, ... choose not to discuss the afterlife at all".
727:(belief in God, the angels, books, prophets, Day of Resurrection, and decree) "by which the Muslim faith is traditionally defined." 2584:
before creating the world. Thus it is asked: how can humans be punished for what God has determined they do. In this tradition, in
1925:"Indeed, Allah does not forgive associating others with Him ˹in worship˺ but forgives anything else of whoever He wills". (Q.4:48); 8105:
ISLAMIC COSMOLOGY A STUDY OF AS-SUYUTI’S al-Hay'a as-samya fi l-hay'a as-sunmya with critical edition, translation, and commentary
Bukhārī, Ṣaḥīḥ, k. al-riqāq 52; Muslim, Ṣaḥīḥ, k. al-īmān 299; quoted in |Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016: p.12
7521:"Why Allah created Hell. Fatwa No: 84270. Fatwa Islamic Creed>Belief in the Hereafter>Doubts about belief in the Hereafter" 2186:
Similarly, Bāyazīd Basṭāmī (d. 234/848) proclaimed the fire of "God's love" burns a thousand times more intensely than hellfire.
2073:) for the unbelievers", and also hadith reporting that Muhammad had seen the punishment of sinners in hell during his miraculous 1710:, who is chained, his hand fastened one in front of and the other behind him, except when set free by God to chastise his demons. 459: 3398:
difficult to reconcile the existence of a just, loving God with a doctrine that dooms billions of people to eternal punishment."
3359:"the Fire: therein will be for them the Eternal Home: a (fit) requital, for that they were wont to reject Our Signs." (Q.41:28) 2750:, Iblis is the king of Jahannam. These depictions of Iblis as lord of hell simultaneously chained at its very bottom influenced 2492:
1. People who never heard of the message, who live in far away lands, such as the Byzantines ("Romans"). These will be forgiven.
1185:, (i.e. the reports of the two most esteemed Sunni hadith collections: al-Bukhaari and Muslim): "Associating others with Allah ( 953:
According to Thomassen, those specifically mentioned in the Qur'an as being punished in Hell are "most typically" disbelievers (
7863:"Is that a Muslim can believe in predestination, if so why judge Muslims? Answered according to Hanafi Fiqh by Tafseer Raheemi" 5429:"2. Belief. (21)Chapter: To be ungrateful to one's husband. And disbelief is of (different grades) lesser (or greater) degrees" 3450: 5330: 5304: 1128:, Muhammad is reported to have talked of angels guarding hell, each with "a mace of iron", and describes Jahannam as a place 730:
Punishment and suffering in Hell, in mainstream Islam, is physical, psychological, and spiritual, and varies according to the
9337: 8711: 8672: 8645: 8515: 8494: 8366: 8304: 8191: 8134: 8092: 7938: 7917: 7896: 7779: 7342: 7105: 7035: 6815: 6794: 6743: 6698: 6539: 6512: 6487: 6412: 6366: 3824: 3739: 3700: 3641: 2473:) simply deny the traditional doctrine, arguing God will "find goodness, even holiness, in those who do not practice Islam.". 2174:
preached "the centrality of the love of God" for which focus on eternal reward was a "distraction". Rabi'a al-'Adawiyya aka
2134:(d.728/1328) also argued for a limited abode in hell, based on the Quran and God's attribute of mercy (in more recent times 1466:, al-Maqam al-Mahmud (the Praiseworthy Station; where Muhammad will stand to intercede for the faithful), Mizan (the Scale), 346: 7931:
Heaven, Hell, and the Afterlife: Eternity in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam : Eternity in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Pure gold from the words of Sayyidī ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Dabbāgh = al-Dhabab al-Ibrīz min kalām Sayyidī ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz al-Dabbāgh
1649:, with hell at its bottom. Sources Miguel Asin Palacios and Patrick Hughes, Thomas Patrick Hughes describe these levels as: 750:
has seven levels, each one more severe than the one above it, but it is also said to be a huge pit over which the bridge of
8683: 6838: 5840: 3573: 1692:(store or dungeon), the office where sins are recorded and where souls are tormented by scorpions of the size of mules. In 1356: 7358: 5117: 4157: 2498:
3. People who heard of Islam because they live in neighboring lands and mix with Muslims. These have no hope of salvation.
1645:. This idea derives from the concept of "seven earths", each beneath the surface of the known world, serving as a sort of 1247:
Sahih Muslim quotes Muhammad as saying that suicides would reside in Jahannam forever. According to the hadith collection
809: 8815: 8271: 2705:
as having seven levels, each for different sins, the Bible (as regards the issue of levels), speaks of the "lowest Hell (
4147:"JAHANNAM From the Hebrew ge-hinnom, which refers to a valley outside Jerusalem, Jahannam is the Islamic word for hell." 3286:"The Ash'arites were concerned with affirming the omnipotence of God even to the extent that, 'it seemed theoretically ( 2821: 2196:
Many ideas attributed Ibn Arabi that contradict the Islamic creed have been rejected by the masses. For example, Shaykh
What sins are considered grave enough to merit damnation ("There is no fixed canon of mortal sins in Islamic theology");
Along with being a pit and a series of levels, some scholars, like al-Ghazali and the thirteenth-century Muslim scholar
In addition to having levels, an important feature of Judgement Day is that hell is a huge pit over which the bridge of
10138: 3174:
However, if the number of men and women are approximately equal, both these Hadith could not be true at the same time.
if they should try to escape, and their remorseful admissions of wrongdoing and pleading for forgiveness are in vain.
8693: 8617: 8576: 8463: 8437: 8215: 8167: 7707: 7254: 7058: 6995: 6983: 6925: 5850: 5813: 4907: 4868: 4748: 4303: 3617: 3583: 2373: 1407: 524: 8564: 6528:
Tesei, Tommaso (2016). "The barzakh and the Intermediate State of the Dead in the Quran". In Christian Lange (ed.).
the eternity of paradise and hell posed a major problem, since they regard God as the only eternal entity. Egyptian
where the entrance to hell might be located. Some thought the sea was the top level, or that the sulphourus well in
9025: 7307: 7166: 2890:
Jahannam. There he is put in shackles sixty cubits long and into a leather sackcloth full of snakes and scorpions.
describes Iblis as chained to the bottom of hell, commanding his hosts of demons from there. Also in the poetry of
124: 7622: 10163: 3607: 2615: 769: 706: 8160:
Ghabdulla Tuqaj (1886–1913): ein hochgelobter Poet im Dienst von tatarischer Nation und sowjetischem Sozialismus
7269: 6808:
The Monotheists: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Conflict and Competition, Volume II: The Words and Will of God
punishments are found in the famous miniatures of Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale Suppl. turc 190; see Seguy 1977.
5874: 5677: 5214: 9824: 9711: 8407: 5789: 2709:)". It also refers to a "bottomless pit", comparable to the lowest layer of Jahannam in most Sunni traditions. 1782:
But along with a pit and levels, hell also has mountains, rivers, valleys and "even oceans" filled with "fire,
Some prominent people mentioned in hadith and the Qur'an as suffering in Hell or destined to suffer there are:
651: 9325: 7587: 2824:) have rejected the concept of hell as a place of suffering and torment for sinners on the grounds that it is 9974: 9435: 9048: 7191: 5356:"Sahih al-Bukhari 29 – Belief – – Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)" 2928:
in Zoroastrianism), and those destined for hell will find it too narrow and fall below into their new abode.
In addition to those who engage in traditional sins of wine drinking, fornication, sodomy, suicide, atheism (
Hadith describe types of sinners populating hell. Seven sins doom a person to Hell, according to reports of
years. According to another source (Qurṭubī) it takes "500 years" to get from one of its levels to another.
395: 9430: 5755:"170526: Commentary on the hadeeth, "No one who has an atom's weight of faith in his heart will enter Hell"" 2828:
with a loving God. There are also symbolic and more merciful interpretations of hell among Muslims. Muslims
8049: 8021: 7993: 7965: 1400: 427: 9766: 8914: 6381:
Palacios, M. A. (2013). Islam and the Divine Comedy. Vereinigtes Königreich: Taylor & Francis. p. 109
There are also "anonymous, popular compilations"; two texts in particular that focus mainly on hell are:
474: 301: 8330: 7216: 5253: 9691: 9015: 7731: 6358: 4122:
Hell and Its Rivals: Death and Retribution among Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Early Middle Ages
514: 8116:
Jane Dammen McAuliffe Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān Volume 3 Georgetown University, Washington DC p. 419
3077: 3047: 2786:, the notion of Iblis ruling hell remained in Islamic popular tradition until modern times. In one of 2553:
notes that "compassion is conspicuously absent" in these verses, and philosopher, political economist
10146: 9995: 9020: 9010: 8773: 724: 609: 321: 8087:
Robert Lebling Legends of the Fire Spirits: Jinn and Genies from Arabia to Zanzibar I.B.Tauris 2010
9868: 9673: 9303: 8944: 4093: 2550: 2009:). The pairing of humans and jinn as subjects of God's judgement is settled in the Quranic phrase " 541: 341: 2348:
that states a Knowledge editor's personal feelings or presents an original argument about a topic.
10198: 8808: 6479:
Narrating Muhammad's Night Journey: Tracing the Development of the Ibn 'Abbas Ascension Discourse
6400: 6101: 2901: 2874: 1221: 136: 8607: 6837:
Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari (9 January 2013). "Lesson Twenty: The Eternal Nature of Punishment".
4858: 4738: 4293: 4008: 2693:
describes a "lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death", which most
condemns the combination of predestination and hell as a "dreadful idealization of wickedness."
Psychological torments are humiliation (Q.3:178) and listening to "sighs and sobs". (Q.11:106).
10306: 9584: 8880: 6404: 3087: 3057: 2846: 1554: 1520: 590: 356: 6138:, ed. Aḥmad Ḥijāzī al-Saqqā, 2 vols in 1, Cairo 1980. ii, 108. quoted in Christian Lange p.12 2295:(died 1938), were similar to the Sufi "spiritual and internalized interpretations of hell" of 925:
Among the different terms and phrases mentioned above that refer to Hell in the Qur'an, Fire (
21: 9407: 9245: 8528: 6477: 2791: 2470: 2020:
The fate of Satan is less clear. Some say, he and his offspring are already chained in hell (
1910:"So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it" (Q.99:7–8) (and would be recompensed). 1286: 1050:, a dry desert plant that is full of thorns and fails to relieve hunger or sustain a person ( 585: 410: 194: 149: 6571: 6392: 823:
It can be thought that the narrative of Hell in Islam is largely shaped by the offerings of
10032: 9873: 9639: 8852: 6584:
The time of the Day of Judgment is not specified in the Quran but is understood to be near.
4604: 3920: 2779:), dwelling in the fourth layer of hell and rising up from coffins to torture the sinners. 2453: 1562: 1308: 918: 808:
talks about Gehenna as a place "where the worm never dies and the fire is never quenched" (
746:(the majority's view), or whether God's mercy will lead to it eventually being eliminated. 731: 46: 9330: 8634:
Lange, Christian (2016). "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies". In Christian Lange (ed.).
8: 9850: 9746: 9298: 8833: 2882: 2858: 2255: 1642: 1379: 1374: 1294: 1276: 1162: 720: 699: 595: 229: 129: 8596: 3097: 3067: 2386:
In modern times a number of criticisms have been made of the Islamic doctrine of hell:
10158: 10050: 9969: 9817: 9516: 9131: 9113: 9062: 8801: 8742: 8651: 8043: 8015: 7987: 7959: 7725: 7285: 7123: 6545: 6437: 5541: 4260: 4126: 4087: 3830: 3745: 2987: 2920:, holds that on Judgement Day all resurrected souls will pass over a bridge over hell ( 2829: 2690: 2661: 2647: 2579: 2424: 1977: 1444: 1318: 1261: 1249: 619: 576: 546: 529: 504: 449: 405: 117: 8655: 8635: 8063: 6549: 6529: 3834: 3814: 3749: 3729: 2680:"So let them laugh a little and weep much as recompense for what they used to earn." 2675: 1103:) over Hell that all resurrected souls must cross is mentioned in several narrations. 10349: 10109: 10097: 10040: 9776: 9488: 9387: 9288: 9264: 9081: 8992: 8689: 8668: 8641: 8613: 8572: 8511: 8490: 8459: 8433: 8403: 8362: 8300: 8211: 8187: 8163: 8130: 8088: 7934: 7913: 7892: 7775: 7713: 7703: 7338: 7111: 7101: 7064: 7054: 7031: 6991: 6921: 6811: 6790: 6739: 6694: 6535: 6508: 6483: 6408: 6393: 6362: 5846: 5809: 5785: 5633: 4864: 4744: 4299: 3820: 3735: 3696: 3637: 3613: 3579: 3193:
hadiths, ... were compiled into special eschatological handbooks by authors such as:
2970: 2948: 2866: 2285: 2143: 1463: 962: 941:
scorching wind, and black smoke, roaring and boiling as if it would burst with rage.
905: 817: 719:
The importance of Hell in Islamic doctrine is that it is an essential element of the
660: 624: 571: 484: 444: 306: 7335:
Teachings of Islam: A discussion on the philosophy of spiritual development in Islam
4330: 4130: 2787: 10321: 10283: 10254: 10234: 10126: 10079: 9937: 9863: 9611: 9440: 9425: 9308: 9202: 9182: 9073: 8734: 5728: 5702: 5647: 5600: 5069: 4252: 4120: 2991: 2878: 2554: 2112: 1755: 1486: 1333: 469: 464: 415: 400: 385: 294: 173: 9616: 8785: 2794:. When Iblis gets weary about Hell, he remembers his time in Heaven. According to 2790:'s works, Iblis' current abode in hell is compared to working in factories during 2351: 1922:"We do certainly know best those who deserve most to be burned therein" (Q.19:70); 1850: 1199:; killing a soul whom Allah has forbidden us to kill, except in cases dictated by 763: 10271: 10249: 10229: 10225: 10003: 9364: 9313: 9232: 9222: 9174: 9091: 8181: 7747:"Is there really such thing as a "kuffar", or "non-believer" in our world today?" 5780: 5118:"The ratio of people of Paradise to people of Hell – Islam Question & Answer" 3388:
The Christian Bible itself makes no mention of hell being the home of the devil.
3032: 2974: 2940:, conceived as a circulation of beginning and reset, the cosmology resembles the 2850: 2825: 2808:, how they could have listened to him, knowing it is his nature to deceive them. 2736: 2732: 2590: 2197: 1328: 1217: 1170: 852: 824: 801: 604: 420: 380: 369: 351: 254: 199: 112: 7649:"Will Good Righteous Non-Muslims like Mother Teresa go to Hell? – Dr Zakir Naik" 2578:
traditions, God wrote everything that will happen (in all of his creation) on a
2096:(for believers eventually destined for heaven after punishment for their sins). 1945:
unpardonable. ("Famous" issue in the theological debates of early Islam between
The three valleys in Jahannam described in the Quran on separate occasions are:
A depiction of Muhammad visiting the inmates of Jahannam being tormented by the
And the mountains shall be moved off so that they shall remain a mere semblance.
10203: 10170: 10015: 9962: 9888: 9631: 9542: 9534: 9478: 9417: 9164: 9043: 8919: 7702:. Khalil, Mohammad Hassan. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2013. p. 111. 6063:. Trans. H. Sutherland. London: Frank Cass. 1968 (First published 1926.) 13–14 3854: 2947:
A detailed description of the journey of the soul and the punishments of Hell (
2925: 2917: 2894: 2854: 2783: 2717: 2304: 2292: 2175: 2154: 2120: 1351: 1254: 1209:(usury); fleeing from the battlefield; and slandering chaste, innocent women." 901:
So taste! For We will not increase you in anything except torment. (Q.78:17–30)
692: 564: 551: 509: 454: 68: 7910:
The Single Monad Model of the Cosmos: Ibn Arabi's Concept of Time and Creation
7648: 7190:
Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani (5 September 2012). "Question 13: Non-Muslims and Hell".
7143: 6128: 5278: 1680:(region of adversity), in which serpents of enormous size devour the infidels. 1114:
between the number of saved and damned rather than a specific literal ratio.)
1028: 10343: 10208: 9810: 9791: 9761: 9397: 8934: 8895: 8885: 8738: 7717: 7115: 5664: 4629: 4256: 3767: 2953: 2760: 2747: 2625: 2462: 2242: 1894: 1451: 1187: 1133: 1007: 865:
The day on which the trumpet shall be blown so you shall come forth in hosts,
629: 534: 494: 7068: 4795: 4705: 4521: 4400: 9878: 9858: 9283: 8962: 8939: 8890: 8872: 7520: 5586: 5169: 4643: 4386: 2944:
notion of an eternal cosmic process of generation, decay, and destruction.
2834: 2758:
and gave rise to the Christian depiction of hell as the seat of the devil.
2466: 2441: 2150: 2131: 1854: 1390: 1166: 1011: 957:). These include people who lived during Muhammad's time, the polytheists ( 734:
of the condemned person. Its excruciating pain and horror described in the
680: 636: 373: 105: 94: 9144: 7095: 4605:"Quran > Ibn-Kathir Al-Qur'an Tafsir > Surah 111. Al-Lahab . Ayah 1" 2461:
compares the consigning to hell of otherwise righteous non-Muslims (like
1427: 1235:
will be women. Since the number of men and women are approximately equal,
9649: 9593: 9154: 7048: 6331:, West Conschocken, PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 297–313, esp. 299–304 5455:"(6) Chapter: A menstruating women should leave observing Saum (fasting)" 2721:
Satan is trapped in the frozen central zone in the Ninth Circle of Hell,
2575: 2259: 2139: 2042: 1570: 432: 390: 314: 30: 8967: 8780: 8746: 8722: 7537:
Flew, Antony, "The Terrors of Islam." In P. Kurtz and T. Madigan, eds.
6441: 4264: 4240: 4224: 2921: 2204:
Many other prominent Sufis too had more conventional attitudes, such as
1775:) and concentric circles leading down into a central pit at the bottom ( 1767: 1467: 1096: 751: 10180: 9833: 9786: 9781: 9771: 9606: 9547: 9460: 9207: 7700:
Between heaven and hell : Islam, salvation, and the fate of others
4718: 2769:, a popular cultural work, describes hell as inhabited not only by the 2694: 2545:"By no means can anything befall us but what God has destined for us." 2476: 2458: 2392: 2205: 1966: 1799: 1646: 1502: 1498: 1236: 1225: 1196: 1018:
and his wife, who were contemporaries and enemies of Muhammad (Q:111).
1003: 999: 437: 10008: 9601: 8793: 1720:
anguish. These wretches, the Keeper enlightens Mahomet, were tyrants.
9893: 9683: 9392: 9352: 9347: 9035: 9002: 8929: 8824: 8590:. Translated by Winter, T. J. Cambridge, U.K.: Islamic Texts Society. 7675:"The Fate of Non-Muslims: Perspectives on Salvation Outside of Islam" 7289: 5027: 3013: 2820:
In modern times some Christians and Christian denominations (such as
2771: 2740: 2296: 2272: 2190: 2127: 2093: 2025: 1843: 1803: 1565:). In a Persian work, the entry to hell is located in a gorge called 1536: 1447: 1155: 1015: 910: 797: 735: 336: 50: 5899: 10264: 10213: 10104: 10087: 9696: 9557: 9275: 9217: 9212: 9149: 9096: 8924: 8857: 7017:
Sarrāj, Lumaʿ (trans Gramlich), 529; quoted in Christian Lange p. 9
4712: 3356:"taste ye the Penalty of Eternity for your (evil) deeds!" (Q.32:14) 2966: 2941: 2795: 2124: 1839: 1213: 1192: 779: 743: 646: 614: 328: 262: 26: 9843: 9565: 9159: 5670:
The Cross and the Crescent Understanding the Muslim Mind and Heart
5514: 5409: 3909:. Elmhurst, New York: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc. pp. 353–4. 2624:
describing the sufferings in hell resemble those of the Christian
10288: 10239: 10218: 10121: 10020: 9947: 9927: 9922: 9905: 9701: 9621: 9452: 9342: 9187: 9121: 8987: 8972: 8844: 8559:, Trans. H. Sutherland, London: Frank Cass (First published 1926) 6644: 6149: 5754: 5480: 5454: 5391: 5373: 5305:"Commentary on hadith. The seven sins that doom a person to Hell" 3008: 3003: 2979: 2755: 2621: 2412: 2045:
who argue that even Satan might be restored to his former glory.
1558: 1479: 1459: 1323: 1282: 970: 836: 788: 479: 156: 9986: 9318: 7447:ʿAbdūh, Risālat al-tawḥīd, 178, quoted in Christian Lange, p.20 6318:
Gardet, Louis. 1967. Dieu et la destine de l'homme. Paris: Vrin.
5428: 5355: 3813:
Lange, Christian (2016). "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies".
Lange, Christian (2016). "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies".
3721: 3350:"Never shall they issue from the Fire." (Q.2:167 Arberry trans.) 2535:"God misleads whom He will and whom He will He guides." (Q.14:4) 868:
And the heaven shall be opened so that it shall be all openings,
10316: 10244: 10175: 10114: 10062: 9942: 9932: 9915: 9756: 9741: 9470: 9402: 9382: 9377: 9192: 9139: 8982: 8768: 6693:
John Renard The Handy Islam Answer Book Visible Ink Press 2015
6453: 6451: 5781:
Mughal Gardens: Sources, Places, Representations, and Prospects
3105:, which are also often used as the names of different gates to 2804: 2585: 2561: 2428: 2415:), is out of proportion to the "finite offenses" of the damned. 2171: 2002: 1882: 1688: 1471: 1440: 1200: 1150: 1145: 1084: 1061: 914: 858:
The following is an example of the Qur'anic verses about Hell:
840: 828: 813: 764:
Pre-Islamic: Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Babylonian Talmud
739: 499: 489: 278: 246: 238: 223: 217: 101: 9802: 6055: 6053: 5143: 4771: 4359:. Elmhurst, New York: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an, Inc. p. 21. 2869:) offers a detailed picture of the concept of Jahannam. Here, 1919:
God's freedom to send to Paradise or Hell whoever he chooses,
1696:, this place is sometimes considered the lowest place instead. 10326: 10276: 10259: 10092: 10055: 9957: 9952: 9900: 9883: 9665: 9570: 9506: 9293: 9250: 9197: 9086: 8954: 8907: 8862: 7053:. Bernd Radtke. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. p. 194. 6770: 6755: 6711:"Death of the People of Hell (From Fatawa al-Imam an-Nawawi)" 5086: 4976: 4961: 4946: 4931: 4890: 4836: 4821: 4721: 4681: 4657: 4477: 4462: 4414: 3976: 2983: 2905: 2751: 2706: 2567: 2316: 2108: 2075: 2037: 2013:" ("the humans and the jinn"). Both are created to "serve" (' 1938: 1934: 1783: 1707: 1662:(plain), the prison of winds, from where the winds come from. 1455: 1313: 1051: 832: 805: 641: 519: 210: 168: 161: 84: 76: 38: 18:
Islamic concept of hell and punishment of sinners after death
What are Ismaili Views on the Afterlife, Paradise, and Hell?
6448: 1485:
Manuals dedicated solely to the subject of Jahannam include
843:, the guardian of Hell in the Qur'anic narrative. (Q.43:77) 774: 10311: 10151: 10067: 10045: 9724: 9719: 9524: 9501: 9496: 9372: 9240: 9101: 8902: 8685:
The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture
6642: 6390: 6050: 5842:
The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture
The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture
5752: 5676:. Global Mapping International. p. 132. Archived from 4503: 4501: 4499: 4497: 4495: 4493: 4491: 4489: 4438: 3808: 3806: 3575:
The Garden and the Fire: Heaven and Hell in Islamic Culture
Here is another tradition of layers quoted by A. F. Klein:
3106: 2937: 2564: 2345:
personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay
2300: 2033: 1888: 1205: 270: 178: 58: 54: 8228: 7288:(ed.): Encyclopedia of Islamic Civilisation and Religion, 7084:, v, 156, (trans. Winter); quoted in "Christian Lange, p.9 6836: 3768:"A Description of Hellfire (part 1 of 5): An Introduction" 3519: 3495: 3471: 2885:) strike the dead with a whip of fire and take him to the 9751: 8324: 8322: 8208:
The World's Religions: Worldviews and Contemporary Issues
Islam in Practice: Religious Beliefs in a Persian Village
7332: 6268:
The Muslim Creed: Its Genesis and Historical Development.
3543: 2861:. A Judeo-Arabic version of a popular narrative known as 2849:
script (particularly those which are identified with the
According to Islam, the jinn are obligated to follow the
1787: 977:; Q.4:140), self-content (Q.10:7–8, 17:18), polytheists ( 8667:. Cambridge United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 8458:. Encyclopædia Britannica Store. May 2008. p. 421. 6865:
Volume 3 Georgetown University, Washington DC p. 418-419
6507:. Cambridge United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 6321: 6007: 4566: 4486: 4059: 3971: 3969: 3803: 1454:), pulpits for the righteous (al-Aminun), seven rows of 1435:
on the Day of Judgment, from an autograph manuscript of
However, other hadith imply that the majority of people
1064:, which states that it is the only nourishment in hell); 8358:
Islam is Mercy: Essential Features of a Modern Religion
Islam is Mercy: Essential Features of a Modern Religion
7167:"Criteria To Enter The Lowest Level Of The Lowest Hell" 6787:
Islam is Mercy: Essential Features of a Modern Religion
4082:. Vol. 2. Cairo Egypt: Dar al-Kitab. p. 1415. 3220:
Muḥammad b. Yūsuf Aṭfayyish (Ibāḍī, d. 1332/1917), etc.
through" so that the process can continue for eternity
8319: 7302: 7300: 7298: 7100:. John O'Kane, Bernd Radtke. Leiden, the Netherlands. 5331:"What Are The 7 Major Sins That Doom A Person To Hell" 5254:"Avoid these 7 Deadly Sins that doom a person to Hell" 3370:"For the debates on the eternality of hell, see": e.g. 2427:
that eternal punishment is appropriate because of the
was reserved for Muslims who had committed grave sins.
1121:." He also describes that fire as "blacker than tar". 993: 7790: 7788: 7308:"A Philosophical Explanation of the Doctrine of Hell" 7250: 7248: 7208: 7183: 7145:Şeyh Nazım Kıbrısi-Ahir zamanda katillik artar (1990) 5504:ʿUmar Sulaymān al-Ashqar, al-Yawm al-ākhir, iii, 83–4 3966: 3254:
Provisional destination for sinners among the Jewish;
In book 87 Hadith 155, "Interpretation of Dreams" of
Khorchide, Mouhanad; Hartmann, Sarah (2014). "2.4".
7388: 7386: 7384: 7351: 7263: 7189: 6832: 6830: 6828: 6826: 6824: 6391:
Idelman Smith, Jane; Yazbeck Haddad, Yvonne (2002).
6312: 6037: 5481:"8 The Book of Prayer – Two Eids. Sahih Muslim 885b" 3251:
Inferno interim for the sinner among the Christians;
2178:(died 801), is said to have proclaimed to passersby 8713:
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection
7809: 7807: 7326: 7295: 6903:Robson, James. 1938. "Is the Moslem Hell Eternal?" 6884: 6868: 6605: 6428:MacDonald, John (1966). "The day of resurrection". 6395:
The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection
6296: 6210: 6208: 3578:. Columbia University Press. pp. Shabob118–9. 2697:believe to be a description of Hell, comparable to 1165:, lips are cut by scissors. Other traditions added 796:, the "Valley of Hinnom" is an accursed Valley in 7785: 7337:. Lahore and USA: Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam. 7245: 7240:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 6682:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 6631:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 6260: 6123:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 6118: 6116: 6014:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 6002:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 5990:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 5952:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 5947: 5945: 5875:"The torture of the grave Islam and the afterlife" 5057:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 5015:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 4363: 4212:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 4073: 4071: 4045:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 3890:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 3716:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 3438:Lange, "Introducing Hell in Islamic Studies", 2016 3308:: p.134-143; quoted in Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", 2599: 2423:good being weighed in the balance; he quotes Imam 8354: 7640: 7616: 7614: 7471: 7469: 7450: 7402: 7381: 7359:"A Philosophical Concept of the Doctrine of Hell" 7284:Gavin Picken: Art. "Ibadism (Al-'Ibadiyya)", in: 6821: 6626: 6624: 6282: 6280: 6278: 6276: 6233: 6231: 6229: 6227: 6170: 6168: 4145:Death and the Afterlife: A Cultural Encyclopedia. 4040: 4038: 1090: 10341: 8246: 7804: 7497: 7481: 6975: 6589: 6570:. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam. Archived from 6205: 5995: 5834: 5832: 5010: 5008: 5006: 5004: 4802: 4590:Ibn Hisham, Translated by Guillaume, A. (1955). 4545: 4543: 4541: 4539: 4537: 4535: 4533: 4531: 4207: 4205: 4055: 4053: 3956: 3954: 3952: 3950: 3793: 3791: 3711: 3709: 3652: 3650: 2041:devils are damned to hell. An exception are the 1886:(the indivisible oneness) of God, called either 862:Surely the day of decision is (a day) appointed: 7581: 7579: 7233: 7046: 6890:Gwynne, Rosalind W. 2002. "Hell and Hellfire." 6675: 6136:Al-Tadhkira fī aḥwāl al-mawtā wa-umūr al-ākhira 6113: 5942: 5939:see footnote 116 quoted in Christian Lange p.18 5900:Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah; Layla Mabrouk (1987). 5191: 4985: 4808:Gwynne, Rosalind W. 2002. "Hell and Hellfire." 4068: 4028: 4026: 3662: 3433: 3431: 3418: 3416: 3414: 2936:In terms of a finite hell, as asserted by some 45:is the place of punishment for unbelievers and 7611: 7466: 6621: 6334: 6273: 6224: 6165: 6047:, Cairo ; quoted in "Christian Lange p. 12-13" 4912:Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc 4035: 3760: 3567: 3565: 3563: 2802:, Iblis scolds the inhabitants of hell from a 2479:categorized non-Muslims into three categories: 2092:), resembling the Christian Catholic idea of 9818: 8809: 8588:On the Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife 8567:. In Berlin, Adele; Grossman, Maxine (eds.). 8549: 8391: 8291: 8289: 7623:"Heaven, Hell, and Non-Muslims in the Qur'an" 5829: 5795: 5446: 5001: 4528: 4324: 4322: 4202: 4164: 4050: 3947: 3900: 3898: 3788: 3706: 3687: 3685: 3683: 3681: 3647: 3196:Saʿīd b. Janāḥ (Shiʿi, fl. early 3rd/9th c.), 1408: 738:often parallels the pleasure and delights of 700: 8569:The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion 8229:"Al-Muddaththir (The Cloaked One), Verse 31" 8183:Salafi Ritual Purity: In the Presence of God 7829: 7576: 4023: 3880: 3878: 3428: 3411: 3227:Daqāʾiq al-akhbār fī dhikr al-janna wa-l-nār 3040: 2712: 2314:Some postmodernists have found at least one 7666: 7218:Biography of Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani 6643:Saalih al-Munajjid (Supervisor), Muhammad. 6496: 5279:"The seven sins that doom a person to Hell" 3848: 3846: 3844: 3560: 2279: 1996: 1715:different sin", was done by Asin Palacios: 1706:(place of damp and great cold) the home of 1526: 984: 883:They shall not taste therein cool nor drink 9825: 9811: 8816: 8802: 8716:. Albany, N Y: SUNY Press. pp. 84–87. 8710:Smith, Jane I.; Haddad, Yvonne Y. (1981). 8609:Introducing the Qur'an: For Today's Reader 8432:. Leiden: Brill. pp. 22–73, 130–181. 8286: 7588:"How the idea of hell drove me from Islam" 7476:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 7128:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 6636: 6341:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 6270:Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 184 6141: 6099: 6093: 5845:. Columbia University Press. p. 121. 5808:. Columbia University Press. p. 117. 5753:Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid (2013-10-13). 5104:The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife 5101: 5055:, v.157, trans. Winter p.221-2; quoted in 4860:Introducing the Qur'an: For Today's Reader 4852: 4850: 4848: 4740:Introducing the Qur'an: For Today's Reader 4636: 4348: 4319: 4295:Introducing the Qur'an: For Today's Reader 4171:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 3961:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 3895: 3855:"Conditions and Stages of Jahannam (Hell)" 3798:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 3678: 3657:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 3423:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", Numen, 56, 2009 2142:(d. 1936), İzmirli Ismail Hakkı (d. 1946) 1542: 1415: 1401: 917:with the heads of devils; miniature from " 898:And We have recorded everything in a book, 707: 693: 7585: 7093: 6990:. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 136. 6840:Resurrection, Judgement and the Hereafter 6427: 6192:The Concept of Belief in Islamic Theology 5967:, x, 82, quoted in "Christian Lange p.17 5918:, 40, 47, quoted in "Christian Lange p.17 5322: 5207: 4559: 4238: 4118: 4062:Paradise and Hell-fire in Imâm Al-Qurtubî 3875: 2982:; they will ultimately exhaust their bad 2865:(whose earliest version is attributed to 2701:as "the fire". While the Quran describes 2374:Learn how and when to remove this message 1808:Paradise and Hell-fire in Imam al Qurtubi 1656:(surface), inhabited by mankind and jinn. 1270: 1176: 827:by passing it over fire or burning it to 8446: 8397: 8255: 8221: 7621:Reynolds, Gabriel Said (19 March 2020). 7620: 7541:. Amherst, N.Y, 1987, p. 277. quoted in 7531: 7094:Sijilmāsī, Aḥmad ibn al-Mubārak (2007). 6253:quote of Lange describing Smith/Haddad, 5838: 5801: 5663: 5558: 5525: 5297: 4594:p. 707. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4125:(1 ed.). Cornell University Press. 3841: 3571: 2840: 2716: 2323: 2160: 1426: 904: 773: 20: 8823: 8665:Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions 8261: 8179: 7772:Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions 7421:quoting Lange describing Smith/Haddad, 6918:Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions 6736:Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions 6505:Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions 6355:Paradise and Hell in Islamic Traditions 5866: 5657: 4856: 4845: 4736: 4730: 4291: 3605: 3260:A place for witches and fortunetellers; 3217:Ṣiddīq Ḥasan Khān (Sunni, d. 1307/1890) 2965:Some descriptions of Jahannam resemble 2815: 2775:(guarding angels), but also by devils ( 2082: 1898:(worshiping other besides the one God). 1203:; consuming orphans' wealth; consuming 895:and they rejected Our messages as lies. 892:Surely they did not feared the account, 10342: 8562: 8423: 8421: 8419: 8328: 7834:. Oxford University Press. p. 16. 7744: 7552: 7438:, 98; quoted in "Christian Lange, p.20 7412:, 100, quoted in Christian Lange, p.19 6981: 6329:Religious Tolerance in World Religions 5872: 5729:"Atom's Weight Of Arrogance And Faith" 5631: 5616: 5584: 5534: 5245: 5182: 5167: 5141: 5106:. The Islamic Text Society. p. ?. 5077:(Volume 4, Book 55, Hadith number 567) 5028:"Sahih al-Bukhari. search of "bridge"" 5020: 4287: 4285: 4283: 4281: 4106: 2744:Al-Hay'a as-samya fi l-hay'a as-sunmya 804:took place. In the canonical Gospels, 9806: 8797: 8601:. Prometheus Books. pp. 123–127. 6972:. Yale University Press, 1992, p. 87. 6556: 6527: 6502: 6475: 6352: 5930:, 70, quoted in "Christian Lange p.17 5328: 4970: 4955: 4940: 4925: 4884: 4815: 4328: 4158:"The Foreign Vocabulary of the Quran" 3993: 3921:"Islamic Beliefs about the Afterlife" 3913: 3812: 3727: 3599: 3248:A fire for sinners among the Muslims; 3045:, but other names include "the fire" 1224:(d. 2012) reaffirms the arguments of 877:A place of resort for the inordinate, 8612:. Fortress Press. pp. 228–234. 8586:Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad (1989). 8529:"The Thirty-one Planes of Existence" 8427: 7832:The Koran, a Very Short Introduction 7738: 7646: 7164: 5251: 4899: 4830: 4788: 4064:. El-Mansoura Egypt: Dar Al-Manarah. 3199:Ibn Abī l-Dunyā (Sunni, d. 281/894), 3116: 2327: 2220: 1822: 937:) 26 times, or 23 by another count. 8637:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 8416: 8295:Mouhanad Khorchide, Sarah Hartmann 8147:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 8056: 7608:(E. Thomassen I Numen 56(2009) 415) 6785:Mouhanad Khorchide, Sarah Hartmann 6703: 6531:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 5452: 5426: 5240:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 4905: 4509:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 4354: 4278: 4077: 4060:Ford, Khadija; Reda Bedeir (1425). 3904: 3816:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 3731:Locating Hell in Islamic Traditions 3609:The Complete Idiot's Guide to Islam 3214:al-Saffārīnī (Sunni, d. 1189/1774), 3211:al-Baḥrānī (Shiʿi, d. 1107/1695–6), 3036: 2291:The beliefs of Pakistani modernist 1973:stay of Muslims in hell temporary. 1470:(the Bridge), Jahannam (Hell), and 1462:(al-Ruh), A'raf (the Barrier), the 1060:, which is only mentioned once (in 994:Biblical and historical individuals 13: 8107:ANTON M. HEINEN BEIRUT 1982 p. 143 7333:Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (2011). 6476:Colby, Frederick S. (2008-08-06). 5478: 4298:. Fortress Press. pp. 228–9. 4160:. Oriental Institute Barods. 1938. 4080:The Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an 3634:Heresy? The Five Lost Commandments 3443: 1497:. Other manuals—such as texts by 14: 10361: 8761: 8709: 8662: 8329:Younus, Faheem (27 August 2011). 7672: 7456: 7392: 7275:, Interfaith Alliance, June 2018. 7193:Biography of Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani 6937:Note 128, "Christian Lange p. 20" 6920:Cambridge University Press, 2016 6874: 6611: 6595: 6302: 6214: 6195: 6083: 5784:Dumbarton Oaks, Washington D.C., 5252:Naik, Zakir (13 September 2018). 4991: 4369: 3852: 3668: 3636:, Strategic Book Publishing 2010 3301: 2911: 1450:, ca. 1238. Shown are the 'Arsh ( 1212:According to a series of hadith, 835:describes as taking place in the 9985: 9842: 8779: 8767: 8633: 8594: 8521: 8500: 8479: 8382: 8348: 8310: 8264:"The Campaign to Eliminate Hell" 8200: 8173: 8152: 8139: 8119: 8110: 8097: 8081: 8028: 8000: 7972: 7944: 7923: 7902: 7881: 7855: 7845: 7838: 7823: 7813: 7794: 7774:Cambridge University Press 2015 7764: 7692: 7602: 7564: 7542: 7513: 7503: 7487: 7441: 7428: 7415: 7278: 7239: 7221:. 5 September 2012 7215:"Question 20: Heaven and Hell". 7158: 7136: 7087: 7075: 7040: 7020: 7011: 6962: 6949: 6940: 6931: 6910: 6897: 6855: 6810:Princeton University Press 2009 6800: 6779: 6764: 6749: 6738:Cambridge University Press 2015 6728: 6687: 6681: 6662: 6630: 6521: 6469: 6460: 6421: 6384: 6375: 6346: 6247: 6184: 6151:The Noble Qur'an – القرآن الكريم 6122: 6076: 6066: 6028: 6019: 6013: 6001: 5989: 5988:iii, 200, vi, 18. all quoted in 5970: 5957: 5951: 5933: 5921: 5908: 5893: 5772: 5746: 5721: 5695: 5640: 5625: 5610: 5593: 5578: 5552: 5531:at-Tadhkirah, al-Qurtubî, p. 475 5507: 5498: 5472: 5420: 5402: 5056: 5014: 4511:BRILL 978-90-04-30121-4 p. 12-13 4211: 4044: 3889: 3715: 3437: 3391: 3382: 3373: 3364: 3342: 3333: 3324: 3315: 3293: 3280: 3271: 3239: 3205:al-Qurṭubī (Sunni, d. 671/1272), 3202:al-Ghazālī (Sunni, d. 505/1111), 3187: 3177: 3168: 3142: 3139:space" in the Qur'an than Hell. 3065:, "that which breaks to pieces" 2845:Arabic texts written by Jews in 2332: 1875:will be consigned to hell are: 1827: 1728: 1431:Diagram of "Plain of Assembly" ( 1140: 674: 83: 29:visiting Jahannam; artwork from 9832: 8455:Encyclopedia of World Religions 8331:"Islam's Understanding Of Hell" 8162:Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998 7745:Nazimi, Hassan (10 July 2019). 7272:Starter Facts About Ibadi Islam 6988:Historical Dictionary of Sufism 6025:Qurtubi, Tadhkira, ii, 101, 105 5384: 5366: 5348: 5271: 5232: 5176: 5161: 5135: 5110: 5095: 5080: 5062: 5045: 4863:. Fortress Press. p. 232. 4764: 4743:. Fortress Press. p. 233. 4698: 4674: 4650: 4622: 4597: 4584: 4514: 4471: 4455: 4431: 4407: 4393: 4379: 4237:Shakir translation, quoted in 4231: 4217: 4189: 4176: 4150: 4137: 4112: 4100: 3938: 3626: 3257:The burning fire for renegades; 3208:al-Suyūṭī (Sunni, d. 911/1505), 3132: 3123: 2616:Biblical and Quranic narratives 2604: 2600:Comparison with other religions 2225: 1806:being, rather than a place. In 1624:(the abyss) for the hypocrites. 1576: 1352:Swallowing in the Land of Bayda 948: 770:Biblical and Quranic narratives 8720: 8605: 8149:BRILL 978-90-04-30121-4 p. 149 7475: 7260:, Ismaili Gnosis, 29 May 2017. 6340: 6286: 6237: 6174: 5902:The Soul's Journey after Death 5667:(1989). "8. Hell and Heaven". 4908:"Zaqqum in light of the Quran" 4549: 4170: 3960: 3797: 3656: 3536: 3512: 3488: 3464: 3422: 3026: 2079:journey on a winged creature. 1976:And also the issue of whether 1933:Whether if grave sins such as 1842:format but may read better as 1802:, describe hell as a gigantic 1517:The Soul's Journey After Death 1091:Organization, size, and guards 1021: 933:) 77 times, and Blazing Fire ( 889:as a corresponding recompense. 1: 8784:The dictionary definition of 8688:. Columbia University Press. 8681: 8585: 8555:Asin Palacios, Miguel, 1968, 8262:Strauss, Mark (13 May 2016). 6959:, (trans. Gramlich), iii, 221 6568:Oxford Islamic Studies Online 6059:Asin Palacios, Miguel. 1968. 5242:BRILL 978-90-04-30121-4 p. 16 5197: 3263:Furnace for the disbelievers; 3019: 2641:... Resemble Quranic verses: 2638:Three bible verses from Luke: 1965:"Ultimately" the view of the 1501:and the 12th-century scholar 812:). In the apocryphal book of 8402:. Baker Books. p. 131. 7028:The Philosophy of Ibn 'Arabi 6946:Hoover, Islamic Universalism 4772:"Surah Ash-Shu'ara - 96-102" 4355:Ali, Abdullah Yusuf (2001). 4078:Ali, Abdullah Yusuf (n.d.). 3905:Ali, Abdullah Yusuf (2001). 3405: 2900:Some Jewish sources such as 2266: 2061:, or almost there already". 1793: 1006:; Q:10:90-92), the wives of 886:But boiling water and filth, 7: 8606:Kaltner, John, ed. (2011). 8571:. Oxford University Press. 8557:Islam and the Divine Comedy 8489:Bloomsbury Publishing 2001 8210:Pearson Prentice Hall 2005 8127:Islam and the Divine Comedy 7647:Naik, Zakir (Mar 6, 2021). 7539:Defending the Enlightenment 6892:Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān 6863:Encyclopaedia of the Qurʾān 6287:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", 6238:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", 6194:, (1965), p. 37; quoted in 6175:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", 6061:Islam and the Divine Comedy 5873:Halevi, Leor (4 May 2007). 5215:"The Coldness of Zamhareer" 5122:Islam Question & Answer 4857:Kaltner, John, ed. (2011). 4737:Kaltner, John, ed. (2011). 4550:Thomassen, "Islamic Hell", 4292:Kaltner, John, ed. (2011). 4119:Bernstein, Alan E. (2017). 3041: 2997: 2986:, experience death, and be 2960: 2931: 2454:Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid 2237: 2052: 2032:). A popular opinion among 1547: 929:) is used 125 times, Hell ( 258:("Stories of the Prophets") 10: 10366: 8550:Books and journal articles 8064:"Hell Is Not Satan's Home" 6359:Cambridge University Press 4810:Encyclopaedia of the Quran 4567:"Al-Masad, The Palm Fibre" 4415:"Surah Al-Waqi'ah – 42–43" 4143:Richard P. Taylor (2000). 2613: 1813: 1280: 1274: 767: 758: 10299: 10191: 10137: 10078: 10031: 9994: 9983: 9849: 9840: 9737: 9710: 9682: 9664: 9648: 9630: 9592: 9583: 9556: 9533: 9515: 9487: 9469: 9451: 9416: 9363: 9274: 9263: 9231: 9173: 9130: 9112: 9072: 9061: 9034: 9001: 8953: 8871: 8843: 8832: 8721:Thomassen, Einar (2009). 8682:Rustomji, Nerina (2009). 8663:Lange, Christian (2016). 8180:Gauvain, Richard (2013). 7586:Abu Lahab (25 Jul 2003). 6970:Women and Gender in Islam 6649:Islam Question and Answer 6503:Lange, Christian (2016). 6353:Lange, Christian (2015). 5839:Rustomji, Nerina (2009). 5802:Rustomji, Nerina (2009). 5759:Islam Question and Answer 5283:Islam Question and Answer 4682:"Surah Al-Haqqah – 30–32" 4239:Thomassen, Einar (2009). 4199:chapter 1, (forthcoming), 3612:(3rd ed.). Penguin. 3572:Rustomji, Nerina (2009). 3096: 3086: 3076: 3066: 3056: 3046: 2713:Christian popular culture 2249: 2165: 1818: 1482:, scorpions, and snakes. 1078: 1002:(Firʿawn; the pharaoh of 874:Surely hell lies in wait, 846: 820:, written around 500 CE. 725:the six articles of faith 8739:10.1163/156852709X405062 8640:. BRILL. pp. 1–28. 8565:"Cosmology and creation" 8299:Verlag Herder GmbH 2014 8048:: CS1 maint: location ( 8020:: CS1 maint: location ( 7992:: CS1 maint: location ( 7964:: CS1 maint: location ( 7047:Aḥmad ibn Idrīs (2000). 6789:Verlag Herder GmbH 2014 6534:. BRILL. pp. 1–28. 6399:. Oxfordshire, England: 5984:ii, 76–7, 130; Muttaqī, 4257:10.1163/156852709X405062 3606:Emerick, Yahiya (2011). 3472:"Surah Al-Baqarah – 119" 3379:(the fatihah and sura 9) 2609: 2280:Modernism, postmodernism 1997:Jinn, devils, and angels 1222:ʿUmar Sulaymān al-Ashqar 985:Committers of major sins 880:Living therein for ages. 347:Medieval Islamic science 8508:Teachings of the Buddha 8485:Jean Holm, John Bowker 8398:Parshall, Phil (1994). 8129:Routledge, 16.10.2013 6861:Jane Dammen McAuliffe, 6401:Oxford University Press 5703:"Who are your friends?" 5410:"Sahih al-Bukhari 5196" 5200:The Garden and the Fire 4658:"Surah Ibrahim – 16–17" 3977:"Surah Al-Hijr – 43–44" 2452:Conservative scholars ( 1851:converting this article 1702:(place of burning) and 1543:Location and topography 913:, and showing the tree 911:guardian angels of Hell 8656:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1w3.7 8563:Berlin, Adele (2011). 8428:Ørum, Olav G. (2017). 8361:. Verlag Herder GmbH. 7730:: CS1 maint: others ( 6550:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1w3.7 6357:. Cambridge, England: 6266:Wensinck, A. J. 1932. 5634:"Chapter 49 Hadith 11" 5374:"Sahih al-Bukhari 304" 4225:"Surah An-Naba - 1-40" 3835:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1w3.7 3750:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1w3.7 3520:"Surah Al-Qari'ah – 9" 3496:"Surah Al-Humazah – 4" 3148:Other hadith include 3095:, "place of burning" 2951:) are detailed in the 2863:The Story of the Skull 2853:genre in the study of 2726: 2354:by rewriting it in an 2214: 2208:, who warned Muslims, 2184: 2138:has been supported by 1761: 1726: 1527:Inmates and their sins 1521:Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya 1475: 1271:Eschatological manuals 1177:Inmates and their sins 1138: 1083:There are "scores" of 922: 783: 357:Succession to Muhammad 34: 8598:Why I Am Not a Muslim 8125:Miguel Asin Palacios 7848:Why I Am Not a Muslim 7830:Michael Cook (2000). 7816:Why I Am Not a Muslim 7797:Why I Am Not a Muslim 7545:Why I Am Not a Muslim 7506:Why I Am Not a Muslim 7490:Why I Am Not a Muslim 7459:Islamic Understanding 7423:Islamic Understanding 7410:Islamic Understanding 7395:Islamic Understanding 6982:Renard, John (2015). 6877:Islamic Understanding 6614:Islamic Understanding 6598:Islamic Understanding 6305:Islamic Understanding 6255:Islamic Understanding 6217:Islamic Understanding 6198:Islamic Understanding 6086:Islamic Understanding 5980:iv, 2, 112; Qurṭubī, 5587:"Chapter 56 Hadith 6" 5548:. Forty Hadith Qudsi. 5170:"Chapter 57 Hadith 2" 5144:"Chapter 57 Jahannam" 4994:Islamic Understanding 4439:"Surah Al-Mulk – 7–8" 4372:Islamic Understanding 3853:Elias, Afzal Hoosen. 3819:. BRILL. p. 12. 3734:. BRILL. p. 12. 3671:Islamic Understanding 3451:"Islamic Terminology" 3304:Islamic Understanding 2841:Judeo-Islamic sources 2792:Industrial Revolution 2782:As evident from late 2754:'s representation of 2720: 2471:Gabriel Said Reynolds 2324:Doubts and criticisms 2311:) hadith about hell. 2210: 2180: 2161:Doctrines and beliefs 1717: 1563:Old City of Jerusalem 1474:(Meadow of Paradise). 1430: 1287:Resurrection in Islam 1281:Further information: 1130: 908: 786:In the Hebrew Bible, 777: 24: 9640:Happy hunting ground 9373:14 planetary systems 8776:at Wikimedia Commons 8400:Inside the Community 7982:. Deuteronomy 32:22. 7457:Smith & Haddad, 7393:Smith & Haddad, 7369:(10). 1 October 2005 6875:Smith & Haddad, 6612:Smith & Haddad, 6596:Smith & Haddad, 6303:Smith & Haddad, 6215:Smith & Haddad, 6196:Smith & Haddad, 6084:Smith & Haddad, 4992:Smith & Haddad, 4592:The Life of Muhammad 4370:Smith & Haddad, 4131:10.7591/j.ctt1qv5q7k 4092:: CS1 maint: year ( 3669:Smith & Haddad, 3302:Smith & Haddad, 2816:Christian Liberalism 2620:Some of the Quranic 2477:Abu Hamid al-Ghazali 2083:Eternal or temporary 1612:(the scorching fire) 1601:(the consuming fire) 1559:the valley of Hinnom 919:The David Collection 396:Association football 10307:Davy Jones's locker 9767:Mythological places 9016:Terrestrial Kingdom 8595:Ibn Warraq (1995). 8268:National Geographic 8158:Michael Friederich 7908:Mohamed Haj Yousef 7363:Review of Religions 7165:Rami (2018-12-15). 6100:al-Dhahabi (1351). 5709:. 20 September 2016 5683:on 30 December 2014 5392:"Sahih Muslim 2736" 5102:al-Ghazali (1989). 4331:"Paradise and Hell" 4011:on 23 December 2014 4001:"Hell in the Quran" 3544:"Surah Al-Mulk – 5" 2883:Islamic eschatology 2859:Islamic eschatology 2256:Interfaith Alliance 1643:Day of Resurrection 1493:, and al-Maqdisi's 1437:Futuhat al-Makkiyya 1375:Day of Resurrection 1295:Islamic eschatology 1277:Islamic eschatology 157:Profession of Faith 130:Day of Resurrection 10051:Gate of the Ghosts 9747:Existential planes 7954:. Revelation 21:8. 7887:Reinhold Loeffler 7312:The Muslim Sunrise 7286:Ian Richard Netton 7030:, Routledge, 2013 6154:. 6034:Suyūṭī, Budūr, 411 5879:The New York Times 5329:Al-Hakeem, Assem. 5285:. 15 November 2014 2830:Mouhanad Khorchide 2735:(961–1038) in his 2727: 2691:Book of Revelation 2356:encyclopedic style 2343:is written like a 2286:Islamic Modernists 1978:People of the Book 1853:, if appropriate. 1476: 1445:Muslim philosopher 1039:; Q.66:6, 96:18). 923: 784: 723:, which is one of 35: 10337: 10336: 9975:World of Darkness 9800: 9799: 9777:Spirits in prison 9733: 9732: 9657:Land without evil 9579: 9578: 9259: 9258: 9057: 9056: 9049:World of Darkness 9021:Telestial Kingdom 9011:Celestial Kingdom 8993:Sidrat al-Muntaha 8772:Media related to 8674:978-0-521-50637-3 8647:978-90-04-30121-4 8533:Access to Insight 8516:978-1-468-50903-8 8510:AuthorHouse 2012 8495:978-1-623-56623-4 8368:978-3-451-80286-7 8305:978-3-451-80286-7 8206:William A. Young 8193:978-0-7103-1356-0 8135:978-1-134-53650-4 8093:978-0-857-73063-3 8038:. Revelation 9:2. 7939:978-1-440-80184-6 7929:J. Harold Ellens 7918:978-1-499-77984-4 7897:978-0-887-06679-5 7869:. 13 October 2012 7780:978-1-316-41205-3 7770:Christian Lange. 7673:Brown, Jonathan. 7573:, Vol. I, p. 674) 7561:, vol. I, ch. 36. 7344:978-1-934-27117-9 7107:978-90-474-3248-7 7036:978-1-135-02969-2 6881:: p.93-95, 142–43 6816:978-1-400-82571-4 6795:978-3-451-80286-7 6744:978-0-521-50637-3 6699:978-1-578-59544-0 6564:"Day of Judgment" 6541:978-90-04-30121-4 6514:978-0-521-50637-3 6489:978-0-7914-7788-5 6414:978-0-198-03552-7 6368:978-1-316-41205-3 5928:Daqāʾiq al-akhbār 5707:hadith of the day 5542:"Hadith Qudsi 39" 4197:Paradise and Hell 4184:Paradise and Hell 3826:978-90-04-30121-4 3772:Religion of Islam 3741:978-90-04-30121-4 3701:978-1-136-09954-0 3693:Religion Of Islam 3642:978-1-609-11406-0 3312:, 56, 2009: p.410 3184:weight of faith." 3117:Explanatory notes 3055:, "blazing fire" 2687: 2686: 2384: 2383: 2376: 2271:According to the 2221:Non-Sunni schools 2144:Yūsuf al-Qarādāwī 1872: 1871: 1758:until they died. 1561:(surrounding the 1464:Pond of Abundance 1425: 1424: 818:Babylonian Talmud 717: 716: 10357: 10235:Asphodel Meadows 9989: 9938:Bosom of Abraham 9846: 9827: 9820: 9813: 9804: 9803: 9712:Ancient Egyptian 9612:Thirteen Heavens 9590: 9589: 9272: 9271: 9203:Asphodel Meadows 9070: 9069: 8841: 8840: 8818: 8811: 8804: 8795: 8794: 8783: 8771: 8757: 8755: 8753: 8733:(2–3): 401–416. 8717: 8706: 8704: 8702: 8678: 8659: 8630: 8628: 8626: 8602: 8591: 8582: 8544: 8543: 8541: 8540: 8525: 8519: 8504: 8498: 8483: 8477: 8476: 8474: 8472: 8450: 8444: 8443: 8425: 8414: 8413: 8395: 8389: 8386: 8380: 8379: 8377: 8375: 8352: 8346: 8345: 8343: 8341: 8326: 8317: 8314: 8308: 8307:page chapter 2.4 8293: 8284: 8283: 8281: 8279: 8270:. Archived from 8259: 8253: 8250: 8244: 8243: 8241: 8239: 8225: 8219: 8204: 8198: 8197: 8177: 8171: 8156: 8150: 8145:Christian Lange 8143: 8137: 8123: 8117: 8114: 8108: 8103:ANTON M. HEINEN 8101: 8095: 8085: 8079: 8078: 8076: 8074: 8060: 8054: 8053: 8047: 8039: 8036:King James Bible 8032: 8026: 8025: 8019: 8011: 8008:King James Bible 8004: 7998: 7997: 7991: 7983: 7980:King James Bible 7976: 7970: 7969: 7963: 7955: 7952:King James Bible 7948: 7942: 7927: 7921: 7912:ibnalarabi 2014 7906: 7900: 7885: 7879: 7878: 7876: 7874: 7859: 7853: 7842: 7836: 7835: 7827: 7821: 7811: 7802: 7792: 7783: 7768: 7762: 7761: 7759: 7757: 7742: 7736: 7735: 7729: 7721: 7696: 7690: 7689: 7687: 7685: 7679:yaqeen institute 7670: 7664: 7663: 7661: 7659: 7644: 7638: 7637: 7635: 7633: 7618: 7609: 7606: 7600: 7599: 7597: 7595: 7583: 7574: 7571:Safinat al-Bihar 7568: 7562: 7556: 7550: 7535: 7529: 7528: 7517: 7511: 7501: 7495: 7485: 7479: 7473: 7464: 7454: 7448: 7445: 7439: 7432: 7426: 7419: 7413: 7406: 7400: 7390: 7379: 7378: 7376: 7374: 7355: 7349: 7348: 7330: 7324: 7323: 7321: 7319: 7304: 7293: 7282: 7276: 7267: 7261: 7252: 7243: 7237: 7231: 7230: 7228: 7226: 7212: 7206: 7205: 7203: 7201: 7187: 7181: 7180: 7178: 7177: 7162: 7156: 7155: 7154: 7153: 7140: 7134: 7133: 7127: 7119: 7091: 7085: 7082:Ihya ulum al din 7079: 7073: 7072: 7044: 7038: 7024: 7018: 7015: 7009: 7008: 7006: 7004: 6979: 6973: 6966: 6960: 6953: 6947: 6944: 6938: 6935: 6929: 6916:Christian Lange 6914: 6908: 6901: 6895: 6888: 6882: 6872: 6866: 6859: 6853: 6852: 6850: 6848: 6834: 6819: 6804: 6798: 6797:page chapter 2.5 6783: 6777: 6768: 6762: 6753: 6747: 6734:Christian Lange 6732: 6726: 6725: 6723: 6721: 6707: 6701: 6691: 6685: 6679: 6673: 6666: 6660: 6659: 6657: 6655: 6640: 6634: 6628: 6619: 6609: 6603: 6593: 6587: 6586: 6581: 6579: 6574:on March 9, 2014 6560: 6554: 6553: 6525: 6519: 6518: 6500: 6494: 6493: 6473: 6467: 6464: 6458: 6455: 6446: 6445: 6425: 6419: 6418: 6398: 6388: 6382: 6379: 6373: 6372: 6350: 6344: 6338: 6332: 6325: 6319: 6316: 6310: 6300: 6294: 6284: 6271: 6264: 6258: 6251: 6245: 6235: 6222: 6212: 6203: 6188: 6182: 6172: 6163: 6162: 6160: 6159: 6145: 6139: 6132: 6126: 6120: 6111: 6110: 6108: 6097: 6091: 6080: 6074: 6070: 6064: 6057: 6048: 6045:Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ 6041: 6035: 6032: 6026: 6023: 6017: 6016:: p.131, note 79 6011: 6005: 5999: 5993: 5974: 5968: 5961: 5955: 5949: 5940: 5937: 5931: 5925: 5919: 5912: 5906: 5905: 5897: 5891: 5890: 5888: 5886: 5881:. New York Times 5870: 5864: 5863: 5861: 5859: 5836: 5827: 5826: 5824: 5822: 5799: 5793: 5776: 5770: 5769: 5767: 5765: 5750: 5744: 5743: 5741: 5739: 5725: 5719: 5718: 5716: 5714: 5699: 5693: 5692: 5690: 5688: 5682: 5675: 5661: 5655: 5648:Sahih al-Bukhari 5644: 5638: 5637: 5629: 5623: 5622: 5614: 5608: 5601:Sahih al-Bukhari 5597: 5591: 5590: 5582: 5576: 5575: 5573: 5572: 5563:. Archived from 5556: 5550: 5549: 5538: 5532: 5529: 5523: 5522: 5511: 5505: 5502: 5496: 5495: 5493: 5491: 5476: 5470: 5469: 5467: 5465: 5450: 5444: 5443: 5441: 5439: 5424: 5418: 5417: 5406: 5400: 5399: 5388: 5382: 5381: 5370: 5364: 5363: 5352: 5346: 5345: 5343: 5341: 5326: 5320: 5319: 5317: 5315: 5301: 5295: 5294: 5292: 5290: 5275: 5269: 5268: 5266: 5264: 5249: 5243: 5238:Christian Lange 5236: 5230: 5229: 5227: 5225: 5211: 5205: 5195: 5189: 5188: 5180: 5174: 5173: 5165: 5159: 5158: 5156: 5154: 5139: 5133: 5132: 5130: 5128: 5114: 5108: 5107: 5099: 5093: 5084: 5078: 5070:Sahih al-Bukhari 5066: 5060: 5049: 5043: 5042: 5040: 5038: 5024: 5018: 5012: 4999: 4989: 4983: 4974: 4968: 4959: 4953: 4944: 4938: 4929: 4923: 4922: 4920: 4918: 4906:Farooqi, M.I.H. 4903: 4897: 4888: 4882: 4881: 4879: 4877: 4854: 4843: 4834: 4828: 4819: 4813: 4806: 4800: 4799: 4792: 4786: 4785: 4783: 4782: 4768: 4762: 4761: 4759: 4757: 4734: 4728: 4716: 4710: 4709: 4702: 4696: 4695: 4693: 4692: 4678: 4672: 4671: 4669: 4668: 4654: 4648: 4647: 4640: 4634: 4633: 4626: 4620: 4619: 4617: 4615: 4601: 4595: 4588: 4582: 4581: 4579: 4577: 4563: 4557: 4547: 4526: 4525: 4518: 4512: 4507:Christian Lange 4505: 4484: 4475: 4469: 4459: 4453: 4452: 4450: 4449: 4435: 4429: 4428: 4426: 4425: 4411: 4405: 4404: 4397: 4391: 4390: 4383: 4377: 4367: 4361: 4360: 4352: 4346: 4345: 4343: 4341: 4326: 4317: 4316: 4314: 4312: 4289: 4276: 4275: 4273: 4271: 4235: 4229: 4228: 4221: 4215: 4209: 4200: 4193: 4187: 4180: 4174: 4168: 4162: 4161: 4154: 4148: 4141: 4135: 4134: 4116: 4110: 4104: 4098: 4097: 4091: 4083: 4075: 4066: 4065: 4057: 4048: 4042: 4033: 4030: 4021: 4020: 4018: 4016: 4007:. 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The Guardian 7575: 7563: 7551: 7530: 7512: 7496: 7480: 7465: 7449: 7440: 7436:Reconstruction 7427: 7414: 7408:Smith/Haddad, 7401: 7380: 7350: 7343: 7325: 7294: 7277: 7262: 7244: 7232: 7207: 7196:. 7182: 7157: 7135: 7106: 7086: 7074: 7059: 7039: 7019: 7010: 6996: 6974: 6968:Ahmed, Leila. 6961: 6948: 6939: 6930: 6909: 6896: 6883: 6867: 6854: 6843:. 6820: 6799: 6778: 6763: 6748: 6727: 6702: 6686: 6674: 6661: 6635: 6620: 6604: 6588: 6555: 6540: 6520: 6513: 6495: 6488: 6482:. 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747: 745: 741: 737: 733: 728: 726: 722: 710: 705: 703: 698: 696: 691: 690: 688: 687: 682: 672: 671: 670: 669: 662: 659: 658: 653: 650: 648: 645: 644: 643: 640: 638: 635: 631: 628: 626: 623: 622: 621: 618: 616: 613: 611: 608: 606: 603: 602: 597: 594: 592: 589: 587: 584: 583: 582: 581: 578: 575: 573: 570: 569: 566: 561: 560: 553: 550: 548: 545: 543: 540: 536: 533: 532: 531: 528: 526: 523: 521: 520:Proselytizing 518: 516: 513: 511: 508: 506: 503: 501: 498: 496: 493: 491: 488: 486: 483: 481: 478: 476: 473: 471: 468: 466: 463: 461: 458: 456: 453: 451: 448: 446: 443: 439: 436: 434: 431: 430: 429: 428:Denominations 426: 422: 419: 418: 417: 414: 412: 409: 407: 404: 402: 399: 397: 394: 392: 389: 387: 384: 382: 379: 378: 375: 371: 366: 365: 358: 355: 353: 350: 348: 345: 343: 340: 338: 335: 334: 331: 330: 326: 324: 323: 319: 317: 316: 312: 311: 308: 305: 303: 300: 299: 296: 291: 290: 283: 281: 277: 275: 273: 269: 268: 264: 261: 259: 257: 253: 251: 249: 245: 243: 241: 237: 236: 232: 231: 226: 225: 220: 219: 215: 213: 212: 208: 207: 201: 198: 196: 193: 192: 188: 187: 180: 177: 175: 172: 170: 167: 166: 163: 160: 158: 155: 154: 151: 146: 145: 138: 135: 134: 131: 128: 126: 123: 122: 119: 116: 114: 111: 110: 107: 103: 100: 99: 96: 91: 90: 86: 82: 81: 78: 75: 74: 70: 66: 65: 62: 60: 56: 52: 48: 44: 40: 32: 28: 23: 16: 10159:Mesopotamian 9910: 9879:Lake of fire 9859:Christianity 9594:Mesoamerican 9426:Three Worlds 9299:Animal world 9284:Desire Realm 9026:Spirit world 8977: 8940:Pearly gates 8891:Third Heaven 8873:Christianity 8786: 8750:. Retrieved 8730: 8726: 8712: 8699:. Retrieved 8684: 8664: 8636: 8623:. Retrieved 8608: 8597: 8587: 8568: 8556: 8537:. Retrieved 8532: 8523: 8507: 8502: 8487:Sacred Place 8486: 8481: 8469:. Retrieved 8454: 8448: 8429: 8399: 8393: 8384: 8372:. Retrieved 8357: 8350: 8338:. Retrieved 8334: 8312: 8296: 8276:. Retrieved 8272:the original 8267: 8257: 8248: 8236:. Retrieved 8232: 8223: 8207: 8202: 8182: 8175: 8159: 8154: 8146: 8141: 8126: 8121: 8112: 8104: 8099: 8083: 8071:. Retrieved 8067: 8058: 8035: 8030: 8007: 8002: 7979: 7974: 7951: 7946: 7930: 7925: 7909: 7904: 7888: 7883: 7871:. Retrieved 7866: 7857: 7847: 7846:Ibn Warraq, 7844:, quoted in 7840: 7831: 7825: 7815: 7814:Ibn Warraq, 7796: 7795:Ibn Warraq, 7771: 7766: 7754:. Retrieved 7750: 7740: 7699: 7694: 7682:. Retrieved 7678: 7668: 7656:. Retrieved 7652: 7642: 7630:. Retrieved 7626: 7604: 7592:. 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Retrieved 6572:the original 6567: 6558: 6530: 6523: 6504: 6498: 6478: 6471: 6462: 6433: 6429: 6423: 6394: 6386: 6377: 6354: 6348: 6336: 6328: 6323: 6314: 6304: 6298: 6288: 6267: 6262: 6254: 6249: 6239: 6216: 6197: 6191: 6186: 6176: 6156:. Retrieved 6150: 6143: 6135: 6134:al-Qurṭubī: 6130: 6102: 6095: 6085: 6078: 6068: 6060: 6044: 6039: 6030: 6021: 6009: 5997: 5985: 5981: 5977: 5976:Abū Nuʿaym, 5972: 5964: 5959: 5935: 5927: 5923: 5915: 5910: 5901: 5895: 5883:. Retrieved 5878: 5868: 5856:. Retrieved 5841: 5819:. Retrieved 5804: 5797: 5779: 5774: 5762:. Retrieved 5758: 5748: 5736:. Retrieved 5732: 5723: 5711:. Retrieved 5706: 5697: 5685:. Retrieved 5678:the original 5669: 5659: 5646: 5642: 5632:Imam Malik. 5627: 5617:al-Bukhari. 5612: 5599: 5595: 5585:Imam Malik. 5580: 5569:. Retrieved 5565:the original 5554: 5545: 5536: 5527: 5518: 5509: 5500: 5488:. Retrieved 5484: 5474: 5462:. Retrieved 5458: 5448: 5436:. Retrieved 5432: 5422: 5413: 5404: 5395: 5386: 5377: 5368: 5359: 5350: 5338:. Retrieved 5335:Islamic fiqh 5334: 5324: 5312:. Retrieved 5308: 5299: 5287:. Retrieved 5282: 5273: 5261:. Retrieved 5257: 5247: 5239: 5234: 5222:. Retrieved 5218: 5209: 5199: 5193: 5183:al-Bukhari. 5178: 5168:Imam Malik. 5163: 5151:. Retrieved 5147: 5142:Imam Malik. 5137: 5125:. Retrieved 5121: 5112: 5103: 5097: 5082: 5068: 5064: 5052: 5047: 5035:. Retrieved 5031: 5022: 4993: 4987: 4972: 4957: 4942: 4927: 4915:. Retrieved 4911: 4901: 4886: 4874:. Retrieved 4859: 4832: 4817: 4809: 4804: 4790: 4779:. Retrieved 4775: 4766: 4754:. Retrieved 4739: 4732: 4714: 4700: 4689:. Retrieved 4685: 4676: 4665:. Retrieved 4661: 4652: 4644:"Quran 4:56" 4638: 4624: 4612:. Retrieved 4608: 4599: 4591: 4586: 4574:. Retrieved 4570: 4561: 4551: 4516: 4508: 4473: 4457: 4446:. Retrieved 4442: 4433: 4422:. Retrieved 4418: 4409: 4395: 4381: 4371: 4365: 4356: 4350: 4338:. Retrieved 4334: 4309:. Retrieved 4294: 4268:. 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Retrieved 3445: 3393: 3384: 3375: 3366: 3344: 3335: 3326: 3317: 3309: 3303: 3295: 3287: 3282: 3273: 3241: 3232: 3226: 3189: 3179: 3170: 3144: 3134: 3125: 3102: 3092: 3082: 3072: 3062: 3052: 3028: 2990:in a higher 2964: 2952: 2946: 2935: 2916:Like Islam, 2915: 2899: 2892: 2887:lowest level 2886: 2870: 2862: 2851:Isra'iliyyat 2847:Judeo-Arabic 2844: 2835:Ibn Taimiyya 2826:incompatible 2822:Universalism 2819: 2810: 2803: 2781: 2776: 2770: 2766: 2759: 2743: 2731: 2728: 2722: 2702: 2698: 2688: 2619: 2605:Christianity 2580: 2551:Michael Cook 2442:The Guardian 2385: 2370: 2361: 2342: 2315: 2313: 2308: 2290: 2283: 2270: 2253: 2241: 2231: 2229: 2226:Twelver Shia 2215: 2211: 2203: 2195: 2188: 2185: 2181: 2169: 2151:ibn Taymiyya 2148: 2146:(d. 2022)). 2136:fanāʾ al-nār 2135: 2132:Ibn Taymiyya 2118: 2106: 2102:fanāʾ al-nār 2101: 2098: 2089: 2086: 2074: 2070: 2066: 2063: 2058: 2056: 2047: 2029: 2026:intense cold 2021: 2019: 2014: 2010: 2006: 2000: 1987: 1975: 1971: 1964: 1958: 1954: 1950: 1946: 1942: 1893: 1887: 1881: 1873: 1860: 1855:Editing help 1837: 1807: 1797: 1781: 1776: 1772: 1765: 1752: 1747: 1742: 1737: 1732: 1722: 1718: 1713: 1703: 1699: 1693: 1687: 1683: 1677: 1671: 1665: 1659: 1653: 1639: 1633: 1629: 1627: 1621: 1615: 1609: 1604: 1598: 1592: 1586: 1580: 1577:Seven levels 1566: 1551: 1532: 1530: 1516: 1514: 1507: 1495:Dhikr al-nar 1494: 1491:Sifat al-nar 1490: 1484: 1477: 1436: 1432: 1391:Islam portal 1266: 1259: 1248: 1246: 1242: 1232: 1230: 1211: 1204: 1186: 1183:as-Saheehayn 1182: 1180: 1160: 1149: 1144: 1131: 1125: 1123: 1118: 1116: 1112: 1109: 1105: 1100: 1094: 1082: 1073: 1070: 1057: 1047: 1041: 1036: 1034: 1025: 997: 988: 978: 974: 966: 958: 954: 952: 949:Disbelievers 943: 939: 934: 930: 926: 924: 857: 850: 831:, which the 822: 793: 787: 785: 748: 729: 718: 637:Islamophobia 416:Demographics 411:Circumcision 327: 320: 313: 279: 271: 255: 247: 239: 228: 222: 216: 209: 42: 36: 15: 9834:Underworlds 9436:Madhya Loka 9431:Urdhva Loka 9304:Human world 9155:Neorxnawang 9065:mythologies 8701:25 December 7891:SUNY Press 6894:, 2: 418–19 6715:Sunnaonline 6190:T. Izutsu, 5858:25 December 5733:ask ghamidi 5687:29 December 5258:Islam Peace 4917:30 December 4329:AMATULLAH. 4107:Berlin 2011 4015:23 December 3930:23 December 3867:25 December 3777:23 December 3632:Tom Fulks, 3591:25 December 3456:23 December 2895:Isaiah 58.8 2725:, Canto 34. 2140:Rashīd Riḍā 1595:(the blaze) 1571:Afghanistan 1510:Leor Halevi 1441:Sufi mystic 1233:in paradise 1201:Islamic law 1141:Punishments 1022:Punishments 652:Laws of war 315:Ahl al-Bayt 200:Foundations 31:Miraj Nameh 10181:Hamistagan 10033:East Asian 9787:Utopianism 9782:Underworld 9772:Otherworld 9692:Summerland 9607:Tamoanchan 9548:Hamistagan 9461:Sach Khand 9408:Akshardham 9326:Form Realm 9208:Myth of Er 9102:Tech Duinn 9092:Tír na nÓg 9082:Otherworld 8539:2022-05-13 8409:0801071321 8238:30 January 7873:5 February 7684:5 February 7658:5 February 7632:5 February 7594:4 February 7559:al-Wasa'il 7373:8 February 7318:7 February 7225:5 February 7200:5 February 7176:2023-02-11 7152:2023-02-11 7003:8 February 6847:5 February 6672:, xiv, 216 6578:29 January 6403:. p.  6291:, 56, 2009 6242:, 56, 2009 6179:, 56, 2009 6158:2021-09-23 6103:Major Sins 5914:Qushayrī, 5885:15 October 5790:0884022358 5571:2012-12-05 5490:5 February 5464:5 February 5438:5 February 5289:12 January 5198:Rustomji, 5153:23 January 5127:24 October 5037:3 February 4812:, 2: :416a 4781:2021-08-24 4719:Quran 67:7 4691:2021-08-24 4667:2021-08-24 4614:28 January 4576:28 January 4554:, 56, 2009 4448:2021-08-24 4424:2021-08-24 4357:The Qur'an 4335:Islamicity 3986:2021-08-24 3907:The Qur'an 3691:A F Klein 3553:2021-08-24 3529:2021-08-24 3505:2021-08-24 3481:2021-08-24 3020:References 2924:in Islam, 2748:Al-Ma'arri 2741:Al-Suyutis 2695:Christians 2662:Luke 16:26 2648:Luke 16:24 2459:Zakir Naik 2393:ibn Warraq 2297:ibn ʿArabī 2206:al-Ghazali 2191:ibn ʿArabī 2121:Muʿtazilis 2069:prepared ( 2003:divine law 1800:Al-Qurtubi 1647:underworld 1503:Qadi Ayyad 1499:al-Ghazali 1255:Imam Mālik 1237:al-Qurṭubī 1226:al-Qurṭubī 1197:witchcraft 1085:narrations 1037:zabāniyyah 1004:The Exodus 971:hypocrites 789:Gei-Hinnom 505:Philosophy 242:(exegesis) 179:Pilgrimage 169:Almsgiving 10139:Near East 9970:Mandaeism 9894:Purgatory 9851:Abrahamic 9684:Theosophy 9441:Adho Loka 9393:Vaikuntha 9353:Sukhavati 9348:Pure land 9294:Pretaloka 9267:religions 9145:Fólkvangr 9036:Mandaeism 9003:Mormonism 8930:Purgatory 8836:religions 8834:Abrahamic 8827:locations 8825:Afterlife 8752:6 January 8471:7 January 8073:17 August 8044:cite book 8016:cite book 7988:cite book 7960:cite book 7801:: p.125-6 7726:cite book 7718:793726652 7290:Routledge 7124:cite book 7116:310402464 6668:Muttaqī, 6618:: p.81–82 6082:See also 5963:Muttaqī, 5653:3 :40:323 5561:"001:199" 5453:Bukhari. 5427:Bukhari. 5224:7 January 5204:: p.117-8 5075:8:76:6529 5051:Ghazālī, 4376:: p.85-86 4270:6 January 4088:cite book 3884:Qurṭubī, 3406:Citations 3091:‎, 3081:‎, 3061:‎, 3051:‎, 3014:Salvation 2978:cycle of 2902:Jerahmeel 2772:Zabaniyya 2676:Luke 6:25 2574:Based on 2429:intention 2273:Ahmadiyya 2267:Ahmadiyya 2128:al-Tahawi 2094:purgatory 1967:Ash'arite 1794:Sentience 1622:al-Hawiya 1599:al-Hutama 1555:Hadramawt 1537:Qadarites 1448:Ibn Arabi 1369:Key terms 1156:Zamhareer 1029:festering 1016:Abu Lahab 979:mushrikūn 975:munafiqūn 967:murtaddūn 963:apostates 959:mushrikūn 810:Mark 9:48 798:Jerusalem 625:terrorism 577:Criticism 530:Sexuality 500:Mysticism 470:Festivals 450:Education 445:Economics 381:Academics 337:Caliphate 150:Practices 51:afterlife 47:evildoers 10350:Jahannam 10344:Category 10265:Tartarus 10214:Niflheim 10209:Náströnd 10192:European 10147:Egyptian 10105:Hinduism 10088:Buddhism 9996:American 9911:Jahannam 9697:Devachan 9617:Tlālōcān 9558:Tengrism 9517:Japanese 9378:Ādi Śeṣa 9365:Hinduism 9276:Buddhism 9218:Tartarus 9213:Empyrean 9150:Valhalla 9132:Germanic 9097:Mag Mell 9063:European 8978:Jahannam 8968:As-Sirāt 8925:Paradise 8858:Gehinnom 8853:Gan Eden 8787:Jahannam 8774:Jahannam 8747:27793798 8518:page 147 8497:page 112 8374:25 April 8335:Huffpost 7756:25 March 7525:Islamweb 7069:41601202 6818:page 145 6442:20832837 6257:, 81–82 6090:: p.86-7 5982:Tadhkira 5821:15 March 5738:15 March 5713:15 March 5619:"72:834" 5606:7:72:834 5479:Muslim. 5340:15 March 5314:15 March 5263:15 March 5185:"87:155" 5091:56:39–55 4951:37:62-68 4265:27793798 3886:Tadhkira 3101:‎ 3083:haawiyah 3071:‎ 3042:jahannam 2998:See also 2967:Buddhist 2961:Buddhism 2932:Hinduism 2922:As-Sirāt 2777:shayatin 2703:Jahannam 2699:Jahannam 2622:parables 2243:Isma'ili 2238:Isma'ili 2067:has been 2053:Timeline 2043:Murji'ah 2030:Zamharīr 1955:Mutazila 1947:Khawarij 1939:unbelief 1804:sentient 1768:As-Sirāt 1700:As-Saqar 1634:al-Saqar 1616:al-jahim 1610:al-Saqar 1605:al-Sa'ir 1587:Jahannam 1548:Location 1533:dahriyya 1468:As-Sirāt 1250:Muwaṭṭaʾ 1214:Muhammad 1193:idolatry 1167:flogging 1119:Jahannam 931:jahannam 780:Jeremiah 752:As-Sirāt 744:eternity 661:Glossary 647:Jihadism 620:Violence 615:Islamism 586:Muhammad 572:Apostasy 515:Politics 465:Feminism 460:Exorcism 421:Diaspora 406:Children 401:Calendar 329:Rashidun 307:Muhammad 302:Timeline 263:Mathnawi 125:Prophets 69:a series 67:Part of 43:Jahannam 27:Muhammad 10289:Tuonela 10240:Elysium 10219:Niflhel 10164:Irkalla 10122:Jainism 10041:Chinese 10021:Xibalba 10009:Mictlān 9948:Gehenna 9928:Abaddon 9923:Judaism 9906:Barzakh 9702:Nirvana 9622:Xibalba 9602:Mictlān 9489:Chinese 9453:Sikhism 9418:Jainism 9398:Kailash 9343:Nirvana 9188:Elysium 9122:Tuonela 8988:Malakut 8973:Barzakh 8845:Judaism 7941:page 31 7852:: p.125 7820:: p.124 7653:YouTube 7549:: p.127 7510:: p.127 7494:: p.125 7478:: p.406 7463:: p.163 7434:Iqbal, 7399:: p.100 6955:Makki, 6746:page 53 6343:: p.414 6293:: p.410 6244:: p.411 6181:: p.412 6004:: p.131 5764:20 June 4556:: p.404 4195:Lange, 4182:Jones, 4173:: p.402 3963:: p.407 3944:Q.15:44 3800:: p.413 3755:passim) 3703:page 92 3659:: p.405 3425:: p.401 3073:hutamah 3009:Gehenna 3004:Barzakh 2980:Samsara 2798:shaikh 2761:Inferno 2756:Lucifer 2723:Inferno 2350:Please 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Miraj Nameh
a series

Revealed Books
Day of Resurrection
Profession of Faith

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