
Buddhism and psychology

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proceed from the standpoint of a neutral observer looking outwards towards the external world. The primary concern of the Abhidhamma is to understand the nature of experience, and thus the reality on which it focuses is conscious reality ... For this reason the philosophical enterprise of the Abhidhamma shades off into a phenomenological psychology. To facilitate the understanding of experienced reality, the Abhidhamma embarks upon an elaborate analysis of the mind as it presents itself to introspective meditation. It classifies consciousness into a variety of types, specifies the factors and functions of each type, correlates them with their objects and physiological bases, and shows how the different types of consciousness link up with each other and with material phenomena to constitute the ongoing process of experience.
own framework, is not to induce "healing" or "wholeness" or "self-acceptance," but to propel the mind in the direction of deliverance ā€“ and to do so by attenuating, and finally extricating, all those mental factors responsible for our bondage and suffering. We should remember that the Buddha did not teach the Dhamma as an "art of living" ā€“ though it includes that ā€“ but above all as a path to deliverance, a path to final liberation and enlightenment. And what the Buddha means by enlightenment is not a celebration of the limitations of the human condition, not a passive submission to our frailties, but an overcoming of those limitations by making a radical, revolutionary breakthrough to an altogether different dimension of being.
130: 2258:
eliminate undesirable behavior; training in social skills; self-monitoring; control of intrusive thoughts by distraction, switching/stopping, incompatible thoughts, and by prolonged exposure to them; intense, covert, focusing on the unpleasant aspects of a stimulus or the unpleasant consequences of a response, to reduce attachment to the former and eliminate the latter; graded approach to the development of positive feelings towards others: use of external cues in behavior control; use of response cost to aid elimination of undesirable behavior; use of family members for carrying out behavior change programs; and cognitive-behavioral methodsā€”for example, for grief."
4055:, we do not find either philosophy or religion as these are understood in the West. We find something more nearly resembling psychotherapy ... The main resemblance between these Eastern ways of life and Psychotherapy is in the concern of both with bringing about changes of consciousness, changes in our ways of feeling our own existence and our relation to human society and the natural world. The psychotherapist has, for the most part, been interested in changing the consciousness of peculiarly disturbed individuals. The disciplines of Buddhism and Taoism are, however, concerned with changing the consciousness of normal, socially adjusted people. 4363:"Because I practice and teach mindfulness, I have the recurring experience that people frequently make the assumption that I am a Buddhist. When asked, I usually respond that I am not a Buddhist (although there was a period in my life when I did think of myself in that way, and trained and continue to train in and have huge respect and love for different Buddhist traditions and practices), but I am a student of Buddhist meditation, and a devoted one, not because I am devoted to Buddhism per se, but because I have found its teachings and its practices to be so profound and so universally applicable, revealing and healing." 3052:(1996). In this text, he criticizes the Buddhist idea of enlightenment as a total purification of mind: "From the psychoanalytic perspective, a static, conflict-free sphere-a psychological "safehouse" -beyond the vicissitudes of conflict and conditioning where mind is immune to various aspects of affective life such as self-interest, egocentricity, fear, lust, greed, and suffering is quixotic. Since conflict and suffering seem to be inevitable aspects of human life, the ideal of Enlightenment may be asymptotic, that is, an unreachable ideal." He points to 2135: 2704: 2969:. ... What can be said with more certainty is that the knowledge of Zen, and a concern with it, can have a most fertile and clarifying influence on the theory and technique of psychoanalysis. Zen, different as it is in its method from psychoanalysis, can sharpen the focus, throw new light on the nature of insight, and heighten the sense of what it is to see, what it is to be creative, what it is to overcome the affective contaminations and false intellectualizations which are the necessary results of experience based on the subject-object split" 3068:, which from the Buddhist perspective is based on: "The reflexive tendency of the mind to incessantly make a narrative of everything that arises in experience is itself the cause of much of our suffering, and meditation offers a refreshing refuge from mapping every datum of sensory input to the macro-construction of a meaningful self." Olendzki also argues that for the Buddhist, the psychoanalytic focus on linguistic narrativity distracts us from immediate experience. 169: 10247: 1034: 2349:) of greed, hatred and confusion. From the perspective of the Buddha, mental illness is a matter of degree, and ultimately, everyone who is not an awakened being is in some sense mentally ill. As the Buddha in the Pali canon states: "those beings are hard to find in the world who can admit freedom from mental disease even for one moment, save only those in whom the asavas are destroyed." Another set of negative qualities outlined by the Buddha are the 10258: 4003:
Traditional dharma calls for renunciation and sacrifice, on the grounds that all interconnectedness is essentially unstable, and any happiness based on this instability is an invitation to suffering. True happiness has to go beyond interdependence and interconnectedness to the unconditioned ... The gate closes off radical areas of the dharma designed to address levels of suffering remaining even when a sense of wholeness has been mastered."
7656: 7643: 810: 750: 3564: 7633: 84: 25: 3984:. Thanissaro sees their view as centered on the idea of healing the 'divided self', an idea which is alien to Buddhism. Thanissaro asserts that there are also core differences between Romantic/humanistic psychology and Buddhism. These are summarized in the adjacent table. Thanissaro implicitly deems those who impose Romantic/humanistic goals on the Buddha's message as "Buddhist Romantics". 2577: 2103:(Sanskrit asrava, "influx, canker, inflows"). These factors are said to "intoxicate" and "befuddle" the mind. The Buddha taught that one had to remove them from the mind through practice in order to reach liberation. The asavas are said to arise from different factors: sensuality, aggression, cruelty, body, and individuality are some of the factors given. 1910:, sense objects and awareness. The contact between these bases leads to a perceptual event as explained in Buddhist texts: "when the eye that is internal is intact and external visible forms come within its range and when there is an appropriate act of attention on the part of the mind, there is the emergence of perceptual consciousness." 3045:. The first truth highlights the inevitability of humiliation in our lives of our narcissistic self-esteem. The second truth speaks of the primal thirst that makes such humiliation inevitable. The third truth promises release by developing a realistic self-image, and the fourth truth spells out the means of accomplishing that. 2092:(11th-12th century) says: "The latent dispositions are defilements which 'lie along with' the mental process to which they belong, rising to the surface as obsessions whenever they meet with suitable conditions" (Abhs 7.9). The Theravada school also holds that there is a subconscious stream of awareness termed the 3721:, the research program on language and cognition that underlies ACT at the basic level. For example, "self as context" is argued to emerge from deictic verbal relations such as I/You, or Here/There, which RFT laboratories have shown to help establish perspective taking skills and interconnection with others. 4337:
There are two core doctrines acceptable to many who, like myself, are not Buddhists, yet are deeply impressed by the core of Buddhist teaching. I refer first of all to the doctrine that the goal of life is to overcome greed, hate, and ignorance. In this respect Buddhism does not basically differ from
wherever you have the aptitude, whether it's in music, sport, hunting, meditating, etc. From the Buddha's point of view, however, it really does matter what you do to gain gratification, for some skills are more conducive to stable, long-term happiness than others, due to their long-term consequences.
have pointed out that the framework of Positive psychology is ethically neutral, and hence within that framework, you could argue that "a serial killer leads a pleasant life, a skilled Mafia hit man leads a good life, and a fanatical terrorist leads a meaningful life." Thanissaro argues that Positive
meditation has been seen as a way to aid the practice of person centered psychotherapy. Person centered therapist Manu Buzzano has written that "It seemed clear that regular meditation practice did help me in offering congruence, empathy and unconditional positive regard." He subsequently interviewed
as examples. Rubin also outlines a case study of the psychoanalytic treatment of a Buddhist meditator and notes that meditation has been largely ignored and devalued by psychoanalysts. He argues that Buddhist meditation can provide an important contribution to the practice of psychoanalytic listening
The notion of an "empty self" posits that there is no "CEO of the mind," but rather something like committees constantly vying for power. In this view, the "self" is not a stable, enduring entity in control, but rather a mirage of the mindā€”not actually real, but merely seemingly so. While that notion
This sheds light on the role Buddhism plays on psychotherapy. P. de Silva holds that Buddhist psychology is ā€˜ā€™therapy orientedā€™ā€™, since it not only provides an explanation for our mental ill-health and suffering, but it also offers effective treatments to them. For example, Buddhism may diagnose our
Most ACT self-help books (e.g.,) and many tested ACT protocols teach formal contemplative practice skills, but by this definition of mindfulness, such defusion skills as word repetition (taking a difficult thought, distilling it to a single word, and saying it repeatedly out loud for 30 seconds) are
As its name suggests, its overriding characteristic is an emphasis on 'dialectics' – that is, the reconciliation of opposites in a continual process of synthesis ... This emphasis on acceptance as a balance to change flows directly from the integration of a perspective drawn from Eastern (Zen)
likewise sees the parallel between the Buddhists and Existentialists only preliminary: "In terms of the Four Truths, the existentialists have only the first, which teaches that everything is ill. Of the second, which assigns the origin of ill to craving, they have only a very imperfect grasp. As for
in the preface to his "Notes on Dhamma" wrote that the work of the existential philosophers offered a way to approach the Buddhist texts, as they ask the type of questions about feelings of anxiety and the nature of existence with which the Buddha begins his analysis. Nanavira also states that those
and unconscious thought processes, the view that unwholesome unconscious forces cause much of human suffering and the idea that one may gain insight into these thought processes through various practices, including what Freud called "evenly suspended attention." A variety of teachers, clinicians and
and phenomenological self observation. According to the Buddha while initially unreliable, one's mind can be trained, calmed and cultivated so as to make introspection a refined and reliable method. This methodology is the foundation for the personal insight into the nature of the mind the Buddha is
Elsewhere in Ellis (1991, pp. 336-37), in response to concerns voiced by Watts (1960) regarding overly rationalistic psychotherapy, Ellis expresses a caveat specifically regarding Zen-like spiritual pursuits. Ellis notes that "perhaps the main goal" of a patient of rational-emotive therapy "is that
Cited in Goleman, 2004, p. 72. Goleman, who was teaching psychology at Harvard University at the time, goes on to write: "The very idea that Buddhism had anything to do with psychology was at the time for most of us in the field patently absurd. But that attitude reflected more our own naivete than
Think of an intensely pleasant experience you have had with the person with whom you now feel angry. When you have fantasized such a pleasant experience and have actually given yourself unusually good, intensely warm feelings toward that person as a result of this remembrance, continue the process.
and a founding member of the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy, has stated: "Positive psychology, which focuses on human flourishing rather than mental illness, is also learning a lot from Buddhism, particularly how mindfulness and compassion can enhance wellbeing. This has been the domain
and mindfulness. Ronald Siegel describes flow as "mindfulness while accomplishing something." Nobo Komagata and Sachiko Komagata, however, are critical of characterizing the notion of "flow" as a special case of mindfulness, noting that the connection is more complicated. Zen Buddhism has a concept
2433:. The Buddhist Abhidhamma works analyze the mind into elementary factors of experience called dharmas (Pali: dhammas). Dhammas are phenomenal factors or "psycho-physical events" whose interrelations and connections make up all streams of human experience. There are four categories of dharmas in the 5818:
Lt, Pizutti; A, Carissimi; Lj, Valdivia; Cav, Ilgenfritz; Jj, Freitas; D, Sopezki; Mmp, Demarzo; Mp, Hidalgo (2019). "Evaluation of Breathworks' Mindfulness for Stress 8-week Course: Effects on Depressive Symptoms, Psychiatric Symptoms, Affects, Self-Compassion, and Mindfulness Facets in Brazilian
What I am concerned about is the trend, common among present-day Buddhist teachers, of recasting the core principles of the Buddha's teachings into largely psychological terms and then saying, "This is Dhamma." When this is done we may never get to see that the real purpose of the teaching, in its
Patrick Kearney has written that the effort to integrate the teachings of the Buddha by interpreting it through the view of psychologies has led to "a growing confusion about the nature of Buddhist teachings and a willingness to distort and dilute these teachings". He is critical of Jack Kornfield
A common assumption is that what you do to induce a sense of flow is purely a personal issue, and ultimately what you do doesn't really matter. What matters is the fact of psychological flow. You're most likely to experience flow wherever you have the skill, and you're most likely to develop skill
The system that the Abhidhamma Pitaka articulates is simultaneously a philosophy, a psychology, and an ethics, all integrated into the framework of a program for liberation ... The Abhidhamma's attempt to comprehend the nature of reality, contrary to that of classical science in the West, does not
which were carried out in various laboratories. Another important researcher in this field, Prof. Yoshiharu Akishige, promoted Zen Psychology, the idea that the insights of Zen should not just be studied but that they should inform psychological practice. Research in this field continues with the
and Protestant Christianity. He also identifies broad commonalities between "Romantic/humanistic psychology" and early Buddhism: beliefs in human (versus divine) intervention with an approach that is experiential, pragmatic and therapeutic. Thanissaro Bhikkhu traces the roots of modern spiritual
seeks to revise the fundamental nature of human beings. Before commencing the treatment, they first ask the following question: what does it mean to be human? This then makes existential therapy distinct from other therapeutic techniques, which emphasise more on specific techniques with limited
According to Padmasiri de Silva, in the early Buddhist texts emotions can be divided into four groups: "those which obstruct the ideal of the virtuous life sought by the layman, emotions that interfere with the recluse seeking the path of perfection, emotions enhancing the layman's ideal of the
feeds back into the perceptual process itself. Therefore, perception for the Buddhists is not just based on the senses but also on our desires, interests and concepts and hence it is in a way unrealistic and misleading. The goal of Buddhist practice is then to remove these distractions and gain
Shenk, C., Masuda, A., Bunting, K., & Hayes, S. C. (2006). The psychological processes underlying mindfulness: Exploring the link between Buddhism and modern contextual behavioral psychology. In D. K. Nauriyal (Ed.), Buddhist thought and applied psychology: Transcending the boundaries (pp.
did not explicitly emerge from Buddhism, but its concepts often parallel ideas from Buddhist and mystical traditions. ACT has been defined by its originators as a method that "uses acceptance and mindfulness processes, and commitment and behavioral activation processes to produce psychological
Suzuki, Fromm and other psychoanalysts collaborated at a 1957 workshop on "Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis" in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Fromm contends that, at the turn of the twentieth century, most psychotherapeutic patients sought treatment due to medical-like symptoms that hindered their social
According to Padmal de Silva these similarities include: "fear reduction by graded exposure and reciprocal inhibition; using rewards for promoting desirable behavior; modelling for inducing behavioral change; the use of stimulus control to eliminate undesirable behavior; the use of aversion to
According to Padmal de Silva "Buddhist strategies represent a therapeutic model which treats the person as his/her agent of change, rather than as the recipient of externally imposed interventions." Silva argues that the Buddha saw each person responsible for their own personal development and
that can help many people find the solace they're looking for. In doing so, it augments the work of psychotherapy ... However, Buddhist Romanticism also helps close the gate to areas of the dharma that would challenge people in their hope for an ultimate happiness based on interconnectedness.
Feeling or affective reaction (vedana) is also at the source of the emotions and it is categorized in various ways; as physical or mental, as pleasant, unpleasant or neutral; and as rooted in the different senses. The Buddha also makes a distinction between worldly and unworldly or spiritual
Although at this time mindfulness meditation is most commonly taught and practiced within the context of Buddhism, its essence is universal ... Yet it is no accident that mindfulness comes out of Buddhism, which has as its overriding concerns the relief of suffering and the dispelling of
2297:, which is not just a formal meditation, but a skill of attentive awareness and self monitoring. In developing mindfulness, one is advised to be aware of all thoughts and sensations that arise, even unwanted or unpleasant ones and continuously attend to such thoughts. Eventually, through 2773: 6743:
Goleman, D., & Thurman, Robert A. F (Eds.) (1991). MindScience: An East-West dialogue : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Mind/Body Medical Institute of Harvard Medical School & New England Deaconess Hospital and Tibet House New York. Boston: Wisdom
worldwide has led to the comparing and contrasting of European psychology and psychiatry with Buddhist theory and practice. According to Austrian psychologist Gerald Virtbauer, the contact of Buddhism and European Psychology has generally followed three main approaches:
4193:., (1960), back cover. Explicitly, in regards to the book associated with the 1957 Cuernavaca, Mexico conference mentioned below, Humphries wrote: "This is the first major attempt to bring together two of the most powerful forces operating in the Western mind today." 4914:
Lazar, Sara W.; Kerr, Catherine E.; Wasserman, Rachel H.; Gray, Jeremy R.; Greve, Douglas N.; Treadway, Michael T.; McGarvey, Metta; Quinn, Brian T.; Dusek, Jeffery A.; Benson, Herbert; Rauch, Scott L.; Moore, Christopher I.; Fischl, Bruce (28 November 2005).
Mindfulness skills are central to DBT ... They are the first skills taught and are ... every week ... The skills are psychological and behavioral versions of meditation practices from Eastern spiritual training. I have drawn most heavily from the practice of
4156:(traditionally ca. 563 BCE to ca. 483 BCE; historically probably ca. 480 BCE to ca. 400 BCE ). The establishment of a self-conscious field of psychology as the empirical assessment of human mental activities and behavior is often identified with the work of 2926:
through the lens of intellectualism, Jung nonetheless contends that due to their shared goal of self transformation: "The only movement within our culture which partly has, and partly should have, some understanding of these aspirations is psychotherapy."
1996:. Nama refers to the non-physical elements and rupa to the physical components. According to Padmasiri de Silva, "The mental and physical constitutents form one complex, and there is a mutual dependency of the mind on the body and of the body on the mind." 2057:, such as fear, hatred, hope or despair. The Buddhist theory of emotions also highlights the ethical and spiritual importance of positive emotions such as compassion and friendliness as antidotes for negative emotions and as vehicles for self development. 4011:
has also criticized the presentation of certain Buddhist teachings mixed with psychological and Humanistic views as being authentic Buddhism. This risks losing the essence of the liberating and radical message of the Buddha, which is focused on attaining
For over a millennium, throughout the world, Buddhist practices have been used for non-Buddhist ends. More recently, clinical psychologists, theorists and researchers have incorporated Buddhist practices in widespread formalized psychotherapies. Buddhist
3179:(1969), such as "concentration on eating" ("we have to be fully aware of the fact that we are eating") and "awareness continuum" are strikingly similar to Buddhist mindfulness training. Other authors in Gestalt Therapy who were influenced by Buddhism are 3745:, the foundation of mindfulness, in 1977 based on the profound mindfulness/awareness training of Zen daily-life practice and meditation. Adaptation Practice is used for long-term relief of depression, anxiety, anger, stress and other emotional problems. 4427:, would not be thoroughly incompatible with some of the goals a devotee of rational-emotive living might seek for himself — as long as he did not seek this mode of sensing as an escape from facing some of his fundamental anxieties or hostilities." 3472:
in the fifth century BC, an analysis of the mind and its workings has been central to the practices of his followers. This analysis was codified during the first millennium after his death within the system called, in the Pali language of Buddha's day,
2610:, and entitled the translation, "Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics". In the introduction to this seminal work, Rhys Davids praised the sophistication of the Buddhist psychological system based on "a complex continuum of subjective phenomena" ( 2949:
functioning. However, by mid-century, the majority of psychoanalytic patients lacked overt symptoms and functioned well but instead suffered from an "inner deadness" and an "alienation from oneself". Paraphrasing Suzuki broadly, Fromm continues:
Vilardaga, R., EstƩvez, A., Levin, M. E., & Hayes, S. C. (in press). Deictic relational responding, empathy and experiential avoidance as predictors of social anhedonia: Further contributions from relational frame theory. 'The Psychological
as "suffering", this gives rise to a causal explanation of suffering, and the impression that suffering can be totally terminated. The translation given by David Brazier gives a different interpretation to the Four Noble Truths.
Jewish and Christian ethical norms. More important, and different from the Jewish and Christian tradition, is another element of Buddhist thinking: the demand for optimal awareness of the processes inside and outside oneself.
The skills that Thanissaro argues are more conductive to happiness include Buddhist virtues like harmlessness, generosity, moral restraint, and the development of good will as well as mindfulness, concentration, discernment.
by over two millennia; thus, any assessment of Buddhism in terms of psychology is necessarily a modern invention. One of the first such assessments occurred when British Indologists started translating Buddhist texts from
2788:(1858ā€“1919). In 1920, Tomosada Iritani (1887ā€“1957) administered a questionnaire to 43 persons dealing with Zen practice, in what was probably the first empirical psychological study of Zen. In the field of psychotherapy, 1959:
affects all one's behaviors and leads to suffering. For the Buddha there is nothing uniform or substantial about a person, only a constantly changing stream of events or processes categorized under five categories called
2614:) and the relationships and laws of causation that bound them (Rhys Davids, 1900, pp. xvi-xvii.). Buddhism's psychological orientation is a theme Rhys Davids pursued for decades as evidenced by her further publications, 2160:
Since Buddhist practice also encompasses practical wisdom, spiritual virtues and morality, it cannot be seen exclusively as another form of psychotherapy. It is more accurate to see it as a way of life or a way of being
If so, then one shall understand that while symptoms of mental illness are often indirectly treated by practicing Buddhaā€™s teaching, these objectives are only highly cursory and are not the main focus of the practice.
2469:). Abhidhamma texts are then an attempt to list all possible factors of experience and all possible relationships between them. Among the achievements of the Abhidhamma psychologists was the outlining of a theory of 5754:
Cusens, Bryany; Duggan, Geoffrey B.; Thorne, Kirsty; Burch, Vidyamala (2010). "Evaluation of the breathworks mindfulness-based pain management programme: effects on well-being and multiple measures of mindfulness".
practice, one elicits feelings of loving kindness by contemplating on a benefactor and one then uses these self-elicited warm feelings to then permeate the experiencing of a perceived "enemy." Moreover, Buddhist
2684:(MBSR) was a very influential development, introducing the term into Western cognitive behavioral therapy practice. Kabat-Zinn's students Zindel V. Segal, J. Mark G. Williams and John D. Teasdale later developed 2049:) of suffering, negative emotions and behavior: raga (passion or lust); dosa (hatred or malice); and moha (delusion, or false belief). These are opposed by three wholesome roots: liberality, kindness and wisdom. 3240:
can also be compared to the Buddhist view that the individual is ultimately responsible for their own development, that a Buddhist teacher is just a guide and that the patient can be "a light unto themselves".
or a Buddha) is seen as being completely free from any kind of dissatisfaction or suffering, all negative mental tendencies, roots and influxes have been eliminated and there are only positive emotions like
2371:) The texts also assume that this 'madness' can be cured or recovered from, or is at least an impermanent phenomenon, after which, during confession, the monk is considered sane by the sangha once more. 4300:
Books that have documented these meetings include Begley (2007), Davidson & Harrington (2002), Goleman (1997), Goleman (2004), Harrington & Zajonc (2006), Haywood & Varela (2001), Houshmand
According to Crocker, an important Buddhist element of Gestalt is that a "person is simply allowing what-is in the present moment to reveal itself to him and out of that receptivity is responding with '
A transcendent sense of self or "self as context" (an interconnected sense of consciousness that maintains contact with the "I/Here/Nowness" of awareness and its interconnection with "You/There/Then").
2367:. An act which is against the monk's code of discipline (Vinaya) committed by someone who was "ummatta" - "out of his mind" was said by the Buddha to be pardonable. This was termed the madmans leave ( 2827:
Buddhist introspection by Ishin Yoshimoto (1916ā€“1988). Naikan therapy is used in correctional institutions, education, to treat alcohol dependence as well as by individuals seeking self development.
Shonin, E., van Gordon, W., & Griffiths, M. D. (2014). The emerging role of Buddhism in clinical psychology: Toward effective integration. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 6(2), 123ā€“137.
and Taoism. Perls spent some time in Japanese Zen monasteries and his therapeutic techniques include mindfulness practices and focusing on the present moment. Practices outlined by Perls himself in
Epstein and Rubin want to rewrite Buddhism on their own terms, taking the ocean of the Buddha's wisdom and reducing it to a puddle small enough to accommodate the views of Freud and his successors.
2118:. This concept was termed the ālaya-vijƱāna (the foundation consciousness) which stores karmic seeds (bija) and undergoes rebirth. This theory was incorporated into a wider Yogacara theory of the 3477:(or Abhidharma in Sanskrit), which means 'ultimate doctrine' ... Every branch of Buddhism today has a version of these basic psychological teachings on the mind, as well as its own refinements. 4375:
According to Kabat-Zinn: "Marsha herself is a long-time practitioner of Zen, and DBT incorporates the spirit and principles of mindfulness and whatever degree of formal practice is possible."
has referred to mid-twentieth century collaborations between psychoanalysts and Buddhist scholars as a meeting between: "Two of the most powerful forces operating in the Western mind today."
Gaskins, R. W. (1999). " Adding legs to a snake": A reanalysis of motivation and the pursuit of happiness from a Zen Buddhist perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(2), 204ā€“215.
and Mark Epstein for holding that psychological techniques are a necessity for some Buddhists and of Jeffrey Rubin for writing that enlightenment might not be possible. Kearney writes:
2042:. Cravings condition clinging or obsession (upadana) to sense impressions, leading to a vicious cycle of further craving and striving, which is ultimately unsatisfactory and stressful. 5268:
Crocker, S. F. (2005). Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Eastern thought in Gestalt Therapy. In Woldt & Toman (Eds), Gestalt Therapy (pp. 65-80). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
3064:, which collects several essays by psychoanalysts and a Buddhist scholar, Andrew Olendzki. Olendzki outlines an important problematic between the two systems, the Freudian practice of 2807:
in 1957 with the aim of providing a comparative psychological dialogue between East and West (with contributions from Bruner, Fromm, and Jung). In the 1960s, Kasamatsu and Hirai used
feelings, seeing spiritual feelings as superior. Out of these basic immediate reactions as well as our situational context, conceptualization and personal history arise more complex
Brown, K.W. & Ryan, R.M. (2003). The benefits of being present: Mindfulness and its role in psychological well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 822-848.
6783:(2009). Could David Hume Have Known about Buddhism?: Charles FranƧois Dolu, the Royal College of La FlĆØche, and the Global Jesuit Intellectual Network. Hume Studies, 35(1), 5ā€“28. 4438:
In the example cited from Ellis (1997), a person attempts to replace their hostile feelings with pleasant feelings associated with the same individual. In general, with Buddhist
1988:'s "society of mind"). So the Buddhist model of the self may turn out to fit the data far better than the notions that have dominated Psychological thinking for the last century. 4275:
anything to do with Buddhism. It was news that Buddhism — like many of the world's great spiritual traditions — harbored a theory of mind and its workings" (p. 72).
Brown, CA; Jones, AKP (2013). "Psychobiological Correlates of Improved Mental Health in Patients With Musculoskeletal Pain After a Mindfulness-Based Pain Management Program".
Waldron, William; The Buddhist Unconscious: The Alaya-vijƱana in the context of Indian Buddhist Thought (Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism) Paperback ā€“ June 8, 2003; page
other person centered therapists who practiced meditation and found that it enhanced their empathy, nonjudgmental openness and quality of the relationship with their clients.
2812: 7420:
Sarunya Prasopchingchana & Dana Sugu, 'Distinctiveness of the Unseen Buddhist Identity' (International Journal of Humanistic Ideology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. 4, 2010)
Climbing to the Top of the Mountain, An interview with Bhikkhu Bodhi; Reprinted with permission from Insight Journal, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Volume 19, Fall 2002;
Hayes, S. C., Strosahl, K., & Wilson, K. G. (2011). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The process and practice of mindful change (2nd edition). New York: Guilford Press.
3627:(MBPM) is a mindfulness-based intervention (MBI) providing specific applications for people living with chronic pain and illness. Adapting the core concepts and practices of 39: 6945:
Kudesia, R. S., & Nyima, V. T. (2015). Mindfulness contextualized: An integration of Buddhist and neuropsychological approaches to cognition. Mindfulness, 6(4), 910ā€“925.
concludes that the practice "exerts beneficial effects on physical and mental health, and cognitive performance" but that "the underlying neural mechanisms remain unclear."
2719:) and on psycho-therapeutic practices which integrate meditative practices derived from Buddhism. From the perspective of Buddhism, various modern Buddhist teachers such as 3707:
Cognitive defusion (attending to the ongoing process of thought instead of automatically interacting with events as structured by prediction, judgment, and interpretation);
of commitment, risk-taking, joy of being; and sensory experiencing, as long as it does not merely consist of short-range self-defeating hedonism of a childish variety ..."
More recent work has focused on clinical research of particular practices derived from Buddhism such as mindfulness meditation and compassion development (ex. the work of
seems contrary to our own everyday experience, it actually describes the deconstruction of self that cognitive neuroscience finds as it dissects the mind (most famously,
Some traditional Buddhist practitioners have expressed concern that attempts to view Buddhism through the lens of psychology diminishes the Buddha's liberating message.
David Brazier is a psychotherapist who combines psychotherapy and Buddhism (Zen therapy, 1995). Brazier points to various possible translations of the Pali terms of the
Wallace, B. A., & Shapiro, S. L. (2006). Mental balance and well-being: building bridges between Buddhism and Western psychology. American psychologist, 61(7), 690.
in December 1903. After Dharmapala lectured on Buddhism, James remarked, "This is the psychology everybody will be studying 25ā€‰years from now." Later scholars such as
Dockett, K. H., Dudley-Grant, G. R., & Bankart, C. P. (2003). Psychology and Buddhism: From individual to global community: Springer Science & Business Media.
meditation "to achieve a higher degree of non-attachment, of non-greed, and of non-illusion; briefly, those that serve to reach a higher level of being" (p. 50).
3322:", the chasing of ephemeral pleasures and gains in search of lasting happiness. Buddhism holds that this very same striving is at the very root of human unhappiness. 5483:
Murphy, Michael D; The happiness agenda : A comparison of perspectives from positive psychology and American Buddhist psychology on the pursuit of well-being,
3288:. The existential concept of anxiety or angst as a response to the human condition also resonates with the Buddhist analysis of fear and despair. The Buddhist monk 3580:
program over a ten-year period with over four thousand patients at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Describing the MBSR program, Kabat-Zinn writes:
Linehan, M. M., H. E. Armstrong, A. Suarez, D. Allmon & H. L. Heard (1991). "Cognitive-behavioral treatment of chronically parasuicidal borderline patients."
2945:, who traveled to Japan in 1952 to meet with Suzuki and who advised her colleagues to listen to their clients with a "Zen-like concentration and non attachment". 5388:
Buzzano, Manu; The Buddha as a fully functioning person: toward a person-centered perspective on mindfulness, New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling, London
Trungpa Rinpoche's book goes on to describe the nanosecond phenomenological sequence by which a sensation becomes conscious using the Buddhist concepts of the "
Linehan, M. M., H. L. Heard, & H. E. Armstrong (in press). "Naturalistic follow-up of a behavioral treatment for chronically suicidal borderline patients.
4123: 3429:
coincide with their own recent discoveries and new ideas; as though the Abhidharma, which was taught 2,500 years ago, had been redeveloped in the modern idiom.
6495: 6226:
Weil, T. M., Hayes, S. C., & Capurro, P. (2011). Establishing a deictic relational repertoire in young children. 'The Psychological Record,' 61, 371-390.
For an authoritative source regarding Buddhist mindfulness meditation, Fromm (2002) references Nyanaponika (1996). Fromm (2002, pp. 52-53) goes on to write:
Naropa University has also been a training ground and meeting place for many of today's most prolific popularizers of a Buddhism-informed psychology such as
3853: 3742: 3545: 2784:, a different strand of comparative thought developed, beginning with the publication, "Psychology of Zen Sect" (1893) and "Buddhist psychology" (1897), by 4697: 3120:
that life should be different from what it is. We keep imprisoned in this yearning when we do not see reality as it is, namely imperfect and ever-changing;
8397: 4169:
The notion that consciousness is a sequence of states, like cells in a film strip, while not explicitly contrary to notions of consciousness found in the
Research by Sarah Lazar et al. (2005) found brain areas that are thicker in practitioners of Insight meditation than control subjects who do not meditate.
approach to psychology. Humanistic psychotherapy places much emphasis on helping the client achieve self-actualization and personal growth (e.g. Maslow).
5418: 4059:
Since Watts's early observations and musings, there have been many other important contributors to the contemporary popularization of the integration of
are not new; some of them, in fact, were originally stated several thousands of years ago, especially by the Greek and Roman Stoic philosophers (such as
MIkulas, W; Buddhism and Western Psychology: Fundamentals of Integration, University of West Florida, Journal of Consciousness Studies 2007, 14(4), 4-49
noted that: "There is an unmistakable and increasing interest in Zen Buddhism among psychoanalysts". One influential psychoanalyst who explored Zen was
9312: 7787: 4783:
T. W. Rhys Davids and Hermann Oldenberg; THE MAHAVAGGA, SECOND KHANDHAKA (THE UPOSATHA CEREMONY, AND THE PATIMOKKHA), Chapter-25 : Madman's Leave.
1097:, and its psychological terminology is colored by ethical overtones. Buddhist psychology has two therapeutic goals: the healthy and virtuous life of a 7250:
Virtbauer, Gerald (March 2012). "The Western reception of Buddhism as a psychological and ethical system: developments, dialogues, and perspectives".
Linehan, M. M., & H. L. Heard (1993). "Impact of treatment accessibility on clinical course of parasuicidal patients." In reply to R.E. Hoffman .
Virtbauer, Gerald (March 2012). "The Western reception of Buddhism as a psychological and ethical system: developments, dialogues, and perspectives".
as the "unsurpassed transformation to wholeness" for Zen practitioners. And while acknowledging the inadequacy of Psychologist attempts to comprehend
and exposure, the intensity and unpleasantness of such thoughts will disappear. Buddhist texts also promote the training of positive emotions such as
The presentation and exploration of parts of Buddhist teachings as a Psychology and psychological method for analyzing and modifying human experience.
Hayes, S. C., & Smith, S. (2005). Get out of your mind and into your life: The new Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
as confinement means that this craving is a natural reaction, which cannot be totally escaped or ceased, but can be limited, which gives us freedom.
to monitor the brains of Zen meditators. This led to the promotion of various studies covering psychiatry, physiology, and psychology of Zen by the
techniques. A comparison of these systems of cognitive behavioral modification has been discussed by professor William Mikulas and Padmal de Silva.
5564: 9316: 5171: 3967:
has also criticized the interpretation of Buddhism through Psychology, which has different values and goals, derived from roots such as European
Padmasiri de Silva sees the focus of existential psychology on the "tragic sense of life" just a different expression of the Buddhist concept of
of libido, ego, and thanatos respectively (de Silva, 1973). The arousal of these three cravings is derived from pleasant or unpleasant feelings (
Grabovac, A. D., Lau, M. A., & Willett, B. R. (2011). Mechanisms of mindfulness: A Buddhist psychological model. Mindfulness, 2(3), 154ā€“166.
anxiety, depression, and other symptoms of mental illness as stemming from greed and aversion, while encouraging us to treat them by taking the
9540: 7562: 231: 5897:
Lopes, Shirlene Aparecida; Vannucchi, Bruna Pesce; Demarzo, Marcelo; Cunha, Ƃngelo Geraldo JosĆ©; Nunes, Maria do PatrocĆ­nio TenĆ³rio (2019).
4693:"Delusional Mitigation in Religious and Psychological Forms of Self-Cultivation: Buddhist and Clinical Insight on Delusional Symptomatology" 4402: 2506:
Buddhism and psychology overlap in theory and in practice. Since the beginning of the 20th century, four strands of interplay have evolved:
2077:, "latent bias", "predisposition", "latent disposition") which are pre-conscious or non-conscious These habitual patterns are later termed " 7757: 7228:
Varela, F. J., Thompson, E., & Rosch, E. (1991). The embodied mind: Cognitive science and human experience. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.
5521: 3710:
Contact with the present moment (attention to the present external and internal world in a manner that is flexible, fluid, and voluntary);
4401:. (in press). Clinical experience has shown DBT to be effective for people with borderline personality disorder as well as other Axis II 3610:
Kabat-Zinn describes the MBSR program, as well as its scientific basis and the evidence for its clinical effectiveness, in his 1990 book
2761: 2673: 2552:
clinical utility: some contemporary mental-health practitioners increasingly find ancient Buddhist practices (such as the development of
2546: 1255:
said to have achieved. While introspection is a key aspect of the Buddhist method; observation of a person's behavior is also important.
43: 6589:
Berman, A. E., & Stevens, L. (2015). EEG manifestations of nondual experiences in meditators. Consciousness and Cognition, 31, 1ā€“11.
Bhikkhu Nandisena; Mental Illness according to Theravada Buddhism Towards a Theory of Mental Illness Based upon the Buddha's Teachings;
practices have been explicitly incorporated into a variety of psychological treatments. More tangentially, psychotherapies dealing with
7865: 7554: 6022:"Starting Where I Am: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Mindfulness as a Facilitator of Transition in Living With a Long-Term Condition" 4118: 3567:
Clinical researchers have found Buddhist mindfulness practices to help alleviate anxiety, depression and certain personality disorders.
2429:). The Abhidhamma works are historically later than the two other collections of the Tipitaka (3rd century BCE and later) and focus on 2353:, which are said to prevent proper mental cultivation, these are: sense desire, hostility, sloth-torpor, restlessness-worry and doubt. 2023:
Bhava tanha - craving for survival or continued existence, also includes hunger and sleep as well as desire for power, wealth and fame.
The integration of parts of the Buddhist teachings in already existing psychological or psychotherapeutic lines of thought (such as in
7600: 5333: 2374:
There are also stories of lay folk who show abnormal behavior due to the loss of their loved ones. Other Buddhist sources such as the
7622: 6924:
Kang, C., & Whittingham, K. (2010). Mindfulness: A dialogue between Buddhism and clinical psychology. Mindfulness, 1(3), 161ā€“173.
To give but one example, Buddhism identifies anger and ill-will as basic hindrances to spiritual development (see, for instance, the
Self-Selection all the Way: Improving Patients' Pain Experience and Outcomes on a Pilot Breathworks Mindfulness for Health Programme
4323: 2645:(Zen and the Psychology of Transformation, 1990) wrote about and compared Buddhism and Psychology directly. Writers in the field of 1146:) the potential for transformation, healing and finding existential meaning. Some contemporary mental-health practitioners such as 7511:
Gleig, Ann (9 May 2009). "The Culture of Narcissism Revisited: Transformations of Narcissism in Contemporary Psychospirituality".
10132: 9584: 7410: 5467: 4635: 3606:
It would be based on relatively intensive training in Buddhist meditation without the Buddhism (as I liked to put it), and yoga.
2665: 2545:) the potential for transformation, healing and finding existential meaning. This connection was explained by a modification of 2026:
Vibhava tanha - craving for annihilation, non-existence, also associated with aggression and violence towards oneself and others
is based on certain key factors shared by all human beings and is primarily concerned with the nature of human dissatisfaction (
9787: 7767: 7465: 7096: 3225:
models of human psychology stress the importance of personal responsibility and freedom of choice, ideas which are central to
7392: 7012: 6802: 6320: 5731: 5587: 5448: 5137: 3639:', and has been seen as sensitive to concerns about removing mindfulness teaching from its original ethical framework within 2401:
posits that the cause of suicide is mental illness based on factors such as loss of personal relations and physical illness.
1061: 5123:
Paul Williams,"Nina, Anatta, and No-Self," British Journal of Psychotherapy, Volume 14, Number 4, (Summer 1998), pp. 527-530
the complete 'owning' of each moment of your experience, good, bad, or ugly. This is the essence of full catastrophe living.
7950: 7792: 7455: 7446: 3862:). This is similar to using a CBT technique known as "emotional training" which Ellis describes in the following manner: 3077: 2641:(The principles of Buddhist psychology, 1987), Padmal de Silva (Buddhism and behaviour modification, 1984), Edwina Pio and 1965: 3380:
psychology should also look into the ethical dimensions of the good life. Regarding the example of flow states he writes:
who have understood the Buddha's message have gone beyond the existentialists and no longer see their questions as valid.
10127: 7593: 4733:
de Silva, Padmal; Early Buddhist and modern behavioral strategies for the control of unwanted intrusive cognitions; 1985.
3632: 3553: 2685: 2668:, especially in the United States. In the 1970s, psychotherapeutic techniques using "mindfulness" were developed such as 1200: 892: 7221: 3867:
Recall pleasant experiences and good feelings, and try to make these feelings paramount over your feelings of hostility.
The Pali canon also describes Buddhist monks (epitomized by the monk Gagga) with symptoms of what would today be called
10024: 9574: 7669: 7091: 6070:
Doran, NJ (2014). "Experiencing Wellness Within Illness: Exploring a Mindfulness-Based Approach to Chronic Back Pain".
4548: 3628: 3525: 2681: 2596: 2580: 887: 780: 226: 183: 10293: 7870: 7366: 7343: 7328: 7243: 7203: 7181: 7166: 7124: 7085: 7070: 7052: 6975: 6960: 6939: 6904: 6873: 6850: 6835: 6816: 6774: 6759: 6734: 6719: 6697: 6670: 6655: 6634: 6604: 6548: 6505: 5508:
Siegel, Ronald D. 2010. The mindfulness solution: everyday practices for everyday problems. New York: Guilford Press.
5488: 5370: 3823: 3689: 3624: 3541: 3126:
we can confine this yearning (that reality is different from what it is), and perceive reality as it is, whereby our
2697: 1917:" (conceptual proliferation), a distortion and elaboration in the cognitive process of the raw sensation or feeling ( 1204: 902: 897: 65: 10117: 7501: 3053: 3008:. She believed that the practice of Buddhism and Psychoanalysis are "mutually reinforcing and clarifying" (Coltart, 9802: 9547: 6856:
Josipovic, Z. (2010). Duality and nonduality in meditation research. Consciousness and Cognition, 19(4), 1119ā€“1121.
6490: 6407: 4815: 3325:
The Buddhist concept and practice of mindfulness meditation has been adopted by psychologists such as Rick Hanson (
1943:(dogmas, views). One of the most problematic views according to the Buddha, is the notion of a permanent and solid 7099:, being a Translation, now made for the First Time, from the Original Pāli, of the First Book of the Abhidhamma-Pi 3778:
acknowledges that, the ultimate objective of undertaking Buddhaā€™s teaching is to purify the mind, as expounded in
the third and fourth, they are quite unheard of... Knowing no way out, they are manufacturers of their own woes."
2114:(starting from the 3rd to 5th century CE) extended these ideas into what has been called a Buddhist theory of the 10303: 10298: 10194: 10184: 8013: 6195:
Hayes, S. C. (2002). Buddhism and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 9, 58-66.
4103: 3678: 3311: 2654: 2642: 2081:" (impression) by the later Yogacara Buddhists and were held to reside in an unconscious mental layer. The term " 47: 5899:"Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention in the Management of Musculoskeletal Pain in Nursing Workers" 5565:
94: 10139: 9792: 9594: 9485: 9430: 8003: 5898: 3533: 3453: 6622:
Curtis, C. (2016). The Experience of Self/No-Self in Aikido. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 23(1-2), 58ā€“68.
5537: 5415: 2583:
was one of the first modern Psychologists to conceptualize canonical Buddhist writings in terms of psychology.
2265:(MN 20) (The Removal of Distracting Thoughts) and its commentary, the Papancasudani. For removing negative or 10283: 10109: 9807: 9490: 7782: 7615: 3065: 2247:, the Buddha stated that they also bring mundane benefits such as relaxation, good sleep and pain reduction. 709: 404: 129: 6021: 5398: 4792:
Ven. Rewata Dhamma, Process of Consciousness and Matter: The Philosophical Psychology of Buddhism, chapter 1
gatherings of Buddhists and scientists. Reflecting on one Mind and Life session in March 2000, psychologist
10288: 9692: 9564: 9535: 9237: 3815: 3000:. She theorized that there are distinct similarities in the transformation of the self that occurs in both 2489: 2251: 1210:
Buddhist integration of Western psychological and social science knowledge into the Buddhist system (e.g.,
907: 654: 429: 389: 3994:
Recognizing the widespread alienation and social fragmentation of modern life, Thanissaro Bhikkhu writes:
9383: 9292: 8762: 8407: 7920: 7815: 6643: 5954:"Mindfulness y CĆ”ncer: AplicaciĆ³n del programa MBPM de Respira Vida Breatworks en pacientes oncol'Ć³gicos" 4993: 3811: 8927: 7063:
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation: A Handbook of Mental Training based on the Buddha's Way of Mindfulness
3278: 1972:-sotam). False belief and attachment to an abiding ego-entity is at the root of most negative emotions. 10232: 9712: 9188: 8674: 7797: 7630: 5862:
Mehan, Suraj; Morris, Julia (2018). "A literature review of Breathworks and mindfulness intervention".
4113: 3338: 3236:(Maslow) is similar to the Buddhist attitude of self development as an ultimate human end. The idea of 2521: 2511: 2474: 2430: 1121: 9122: 5178: 5070:
Dockett, Dudley-Grant, Bankart (editors); Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community
de Silva, P. (1984). Buddhism and behaviour modification. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 22, 661-678.
Fromm distinguishes between two types of meditative techniques that have been used in psychotherapy:
The dialogue between Buddhism and psychoanalysis has continued with the work of psychiatrists such as
10122: 9935: 9925: 9797: 8780: 8360: 8121: 8096: 7030: 4289: 4068: 3697: 3180: 2914:, first published together in 1948. In his foreword, Jung highlights the enlightenment experience of 2532: 2446: 1724: 1054: 912: 529: 8146: 7539: 7459: 7450: 6921:
Kalupahana, David J. (1992), The Principles of Buddhist Psychology, Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications.
3834:) and by some of the ancient Taoist and Buddhist thinkers (see Suzuki, 1956, and Watts, 1959, 1960). 339: 10227: 9579: 9393: 9371: 9364: 9267: 8800: 8420: 8236: 8181: 7802: 7608: 3341:
have developed a 15-item "Mindful attention awareness scale" to measure dispositional mindfulness.
3270: 3042: 2760:, Rick Hanson (Buddha's Brain, 2009) and Zoran Josipovic. A recent review of the literature on the 2646: 2553: 2232: 1151: 534: 484: 3584:
This 'work' involves above all the regular, disciplined practice of moment-to-moment awareness or
popular psychology and spirituality: psychology has been popularized, and has become blended with
10144: 9475: 9455: 9212: 8942: 8186: 7359:
The Practice of Happiness: Exercises & Techniques for Developing Mindfulness, Wisdom, and Joy
Full catastrophe living: using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness
6528: 5723:
Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness
3718: 3612: 3492: 3457: 3349: 3237: 2382: 2099:
Another set of unconscious mental factors responsible for influencing one's behavior include the
contains a series of discourses attributed to the Buddha containing much psychological material.
694: 101: 6843:
Consciousness at the Crossroads: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Brain Science and Buddhism
6608: 5518: 2434: 34:
may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience
10174: 10014: 9682: 9652: 9425: 9376: 9217: 9165: 9160: 8922: 8743: 8640: 8392: 8387: 8136: 7187: 3488: 3365: 3218: 3149: 3057:
by improving an analyst's capacity for attention and recommends meditation for psychoanalysts.
2808: 2089: 1936: 1098: 773: 509: 494: 474: 399: 394: 309: 216: 141: 8504: 4855:
Ken Wilber (2000): Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy. Shambhala.
4530: 2510:
descriptive phenomenology: scholars have found in Buddhist teachings a detailed introspective
is a means to gain insight or understanding into the nature of the mental processes and their
1875: 1527: 10179: 10149: 9730: 9662: 9495: 9410: 9405: 9329: 9324: 9242: 7772: 5351:
Levine, Marvin; The Positive Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga: Paths to A Mature Happiness, 54
4692: 4669: 3358: 3232:
Humanistic psychology's focus on developing the 'fully functioning person' (Carl Rogers) and
3222: 3199: 2836: 2262: 2154: 2119: 1885: 927: 714: 704: 659: 8795: 4754:
A.II.143, cited in De Silva, P. An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology (2000) op. cit. p.123
De Silva, Padmasiri; An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology, 4th edition, Palgrave Macmillan
3444:. Since 1975, this accredited university has offered degrees in "contemplative psychology". 2223:
is meant to calm and relax the mind, as well as develop focus and concentration by training
10202: 10169: 10154: 9672: 9569: 9515: 9400: 9339: 9307: 9302: 9287: 9272: 9262: 9227: 9140: 8832: 8755: 8058: 7998: 7747: 7714: 7664: 7280: 6896: 4098: 3767: 3137: 2650: 2630: 2625:
An important event in the interchange of East and West occurred when American psychologist
echo the theory that madness is caused mainly by personal and environmental circumstances.
Buddhist texts also contain mental strategies of thought modification which are similar to
2172: 2168: 1184: 1047: 1037: 1016: 724: 684: 679: 644: 489: 369: 277: 262: 206: 178: 10042: 8657: 8526: 8452: 8328: 8066: 7557:
The Spiritual and the Psychological Meet: Lessons from for Students of Awareness Practices
Fromm attributes techniques associated with the latter to Buddhist mindfulness practices.
8: 10009: 9888: 9722: 9697: 9687: 9647: 9624: 9507: 9480: 9440: 9359: 9349: 9277: 9204: 8635: 8492: 8273: 8251: 8203: 8023: 7823: 7679: 7659: 7376: 6794: 6465: 5563:
Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Karma of Happiness A Buddhist Monk Looks at Positive Psychology,
4343: 4258: 4108: 4060: 3758: 3520:
Two increasingly popular therapeutic practices using Buddhist mindfulness techniques are
3307: 3192: 2873: 2739: 2357: 2147: 2012:) and how to dispel it. In the suttas, human beings are said to be motivated by craving ( 1094: 824: 734: 689: 627: 567: 504: 449: 444: 199: 188: 7983: 7910: 7411:
Rowell Havens, Teresina (1964). "Mrs. Rhys Davids' Dialogue with Psychology (1893-1924)"
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: A New Approach to Preventing Relapse
Healing Emotions: Conversations With the Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions, and Health
4215:'s stating, "Zen is neither psychology nor philosophy" (Suzuki & Jung, 1948, p. 11, 3369:
of Buddhism for the past two millennia and we're just adding a scientific perspective."
2703: 2134: 1952: 10072: 9977: 9819: 9782: 9777: 9707: 9657: 9604: 9599: 9470: 9465: 9460: 9450: 9435: 9420: 9415: 9354: 9334: 9297: 9222: 9027: 8728: 8652: 8530: 8472: 8313: 8213: 8141: 8116: 7762: 7692: 7528: 7267: 7216: 7133:
Buddhist Psychology: An Inquiry into the Analysis and Theory of Mind in Pali Literature
6516: 6138: 6095: 6052: 5934: 5844: 5309: 5282: 5044: 4941: 4932: 4916: 4594: 4347: 4232:. 1) refers to Jung's foreword to Suzuki (1949), Benoit (1955), and Sato (1958). Fromm 3988: 3964: 3376: 3266: 3233: 2872:
have attempted to bridge and integrate psycho-analysis and Buddhism. British barrister
2634: 2616:
Buddhist Psychology: An Inquiry into the Analysis and Theory of Mind in Pali Literature
2462: 2342: 2290: 2266: 2192: 1992:
The Buddha saw the human mind as a psycho-physical complex, a dynamic continuum called
1533: 1215: 1211: 1188: 719: 699: 639: 634: 522: 424: 417: 344: 334: 241: 9871: 6388:
Kearney, Patrick, Still Crazy after all these Years:Why Meditation isn't Psychotherapy
4743: 3651:. It has been subject to a range of clinical studies demonstrating its effectiveness. 2742:
is also an area of integration. One of the first figures in this area was neurologist
10250: 10212: 9908: 9893: 9856: 9841: 9614: 9530: 9445: 9282: 9247: 9232: 8959: 8949: 8630: 8477: 8462: 8333: 8256: 8176: 8111: 8043: 7930: 7687: 7388: 7362: 7339: 7324: 7271: 7239: 7199: 7177: 7162: 7120: 7081: 7066: 7058: 7048: 7008: 6971: 6956: 6948: 6935: 6910: 6900: 6879: 6869: 6846: 6831: 6812: 6798: 6770: 6755: 6730: 6715: 6693: 6666: 6651: 6630: 6600: 6597:
A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma: The Abhidhammattha Sangaha of Ācariya Anuruddha
6578: 6544: 6501: 6326: 6316: 6130: 6087: 6044: 6004: 5985: 5926: 5918: 5879: 5836: 5772: 5727: 5583: 5484: 5464: 5444: 5366: 5314: 5036: 5031: 5014: 4946: 4598: 4133: 4128: 3999: 3771: 3529: 3441: 3345: 3319: 3083: 2824: 2748: 2588: 2478: 2111: 2082: 2061:
virtuous life and emotions developed by the recluse seeking the path of perfection."
1486: 991: 766: 664: 649: 454: 329: 272: 236: 221: 152: 9194: 7988: 7888: 7581:
Psychotherapy and Buddhism: An Unfolding Dialogue. The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism
Visions of Compassion: Western Scientists and Tibetan Buddhists Examine Human Nature
6142: 6099: 5953: 5938: 5848: 5689:"Some Reflections on the Origins of MBSR, Skillful Means, and the Trouble with Maps" 5474:
East and West 13, no.2, pp105-115 January 1963. Ā© by The University press of Hawaii.
Psychotherapy and Buddhism: An Unfolding Dialogue. The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism
5048: 4964: 4830:"A new approach to cognitive development: ontogenesis and the process of initiation" 4253:. (1960, p. vii). Selected presentations from this conference are included in Fromm 3856:
for anger is the use of active contemplation of loving thoughts (see, for instance,
9898: 9851: 9846: 9702: 9667: 9642: 9637: 9388: 9344: 9257: 8932: 8588: 8581: 8365: 8355: 8241: 7905: 7777: 7578: 7532: 7520: 7380: 7288: 7259: 7231: 6823: 6568: 6122: 6079: 6056: 6036: 5975: 5965: 5910: 5871: 5828: 5764: 5700: 5304: 5294: 5213: 5026: 4936: 4928: 4894: 4586: 3188: 3038: 2986:, Jack Engler, Axel Hoffer, Jeremy D. Safran, David Brazier, and Jeffrey B. Rubin. 2840: 2753: 2638: 2123: 2115: 1129: 729: 674: 604: 594: 459: 8977: 7236:
Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying: An Exploration of Consciousness with the Dalai Lama
5793: 5145: 3677:
Controlled clinical studies have demonstrated DBT's effectiveness for people with
Many modern psychologists have found that the discoveries and explanations of the
10262: 10207: 10159: 10087: 9957: 9755: 9735: 9677: 9589: 9252: 9150: 8997: 8733: 8716: 8701: 8679: 8231: 8101: 7935: 7915: 7505: 7263: 7036: 7026: 6865: 6573: 6556: 6126: 5721: 5705: 5688: 5620:
Adelman, K. (2005, May 1). What i've learned: Tara Brach. Washingtonian Magazine.
5577: 5525: 5471: 5422: 4590: 4240:
who "was intensely interested in Zen Buddhism during the last years of her life."
4080: 3839: 3831: 3644: 3537: 3507: 3418: 3372: 3226: 3206: 3164: 2869: 2757: 2743: 2735: 2689: 2350: 2240: 2176: 2020:
Kama tanha - craving for sensory gratification, sex, novel stimuli, and pleasure.
1940: 1090: 839: 829: 754: 669: 469: 379: 324: 138: 9007: 8161: 8151: 6245: 5970: 5875: 3106:: existence is imperfect, it is like a wheel that is not straight into the axis; 2752:(1998). Others who have studied and written about this type of research include 2360:
in nature (rooted mainly in "environmental stress and inappropriate learning").
Ponder on the perils and disadvantages of the thought, its harmful consequences.
319: 10217: 9920: 9770: 9552: 9132: 9112: 9032: 8721: 8711: 8645: 8482: 7968: 7831: 7570: 7131: 6927: 6747: 4613: 4285: 4064: 3998:
When Buddhist Romanticism speaks to these needs, it opens the gate to areas of
3981: 3754: 3734: 3549: 3521: 3469: 3461: 3289: 3247:'s idea of "unconditional positive regard" and his stress on the importance of 3048:
Jeffrey B. Rubin has also written on the integration of these two practices in
3001: 2935: 2884:
One of the most important influences on the spread of Buddhism in the west was
2865: 2789: 2720: 2716: 2712: 2677: 2607: 2364: 1976: 1599: 1155: 1147: 1021: 917: 614: 544: 499: 357: 7524: 5914: 3086:, which give a new insight into these truths. The traditional translations of 2930:
Referencing Jung and Suzuki's collaboration as well as the efforts of others,
2785: 2341:). The Buddha attributed mental illness to the arising of mental defilements ( 1913:
The usual process of sense cognition is entangled with what the Buddha terms "
The earliest Buddhist writings are preserved in three-part collections called
10277: 9987: 9836: 9145: 9047: 8905: 8706: 8684: 8620: 8291: 8086: 8081: 7973: 7642: 6780: 6592: 6582: 6524: 6512: 6330: 6083: 5989: 5922: 5883: 5299: 5040: 4883:"The Relationship between the Psychology of Religion and Buddhist Psychology" 4393:
Regarding DBT's empirical effectiveness, Linehan (1993b, p. 1) cites Linehan
4157: 4008: 3977: 3973: 3495:
share core principles with ancient Buddhist antidotes to personal suffering.
2626: 2485: 2375: 2346: 2279:
Ignore the thought and distract yourself from it through some other activity.
2046: 1985: 1924: 1251: 996: 854: 439: 434: 374: 8445: 8435: 7807: 6932:
A Path with Heart: A Guide through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life
6914: 6883: 4556: 3987:
The same similarities have been recognized by David McMahan when describing
shares with Buddhism a focus on developing a positive emotions and personal
3252: 2306: 579: 384: 46:
any relevant information, and removing excessive detail that may be against
10077: 10062: 10032: 9982: 9972: 9814: 9609: 9102: 8937: 8815: 8603: 8598: 8425: 8296: 8171: 7632: 7469: 7372: 6841:
Houshmand, Zara, Robert B. Livingston & B. Alan Wallace (eds.) (1999).
6707: 6685: 6134: 6091: 6048: 5930: 5840: 5776: 5318: 5232:
Rubin, Jeffrey B. (1996). Psychotherapy and Buddhism, Toward an Integration
5133: 4950: 4237: 4076: 3775: 3770:, developing tranquillity and insight, through the meditative practices of 3294: 3172: 3015: 2993: 2989: 2983: 2979: 2942: 2897: 2797: 2793: 2560: 2356:
According to Edwina Pio, Buddhist texts see mental illness as being mainly
2039: 2031: 1969: 1956: 1935:
This psycho-physical process is further linked with psychological craving,
1907: 1449: 1240: 1158:
see Western psychology as providing complementary practices for Buddhists.
have multiple parallels and points of overlap. This includes a descriptive
953: 844: 479: 364: 282: 168: 134: 8860: 8845: 8805: 8502: 8166: 7742: 7487: 7292: 7112: 7106: 7100: 6310: 3113: 2013: 1796: 1515: 1343: 864: 10047: 9876: 9017: 9002: 8785: 8593: 8521: 8301: 8131: 8033: 7880: 7752: 7495: 7044: 6893:
Coming to our senses: healing ourselves and the world through mindfulness
Gentle Bridges: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on the Sciences of Mind
6703: 6003:
Agostinis, Alessio; Barrow, Michelle; Taylor, Chad; Gray, Callum (2017).
Effects of Buddhist meditation on Gestalt therapists: a qualitative study
4212: 3968: 3843: 3696:
Mindfulness in ACT is defined to be a combination of four aspects of the
3648: 3258: 3244: 3168: 2938: 2901: 2889: 2853: 2845: 2693: 2298: 2294: 2236: 2078: 1247: 1133: 1086: 1011: 971: 849: 801: 549: 10037: 8497: 7076:
Nyanaponika Thera, Bhikkhu Bodhi (ed.) & Erich Fromm (fwd.) (1986).
6344: 859: 9992: 9950: 9826: 9632: 9557: 9171: 9155: 9117: 9097: 8992: 8967: 8875: 8810: 8790: 8536: 8467: 8338: 8221: 8191: 8126: 8076: 7734: 7724: 7697: 7466:"Buddhist Romanticism Discussion", follow-up to Thanissaro Bhikkhu talk 7302: 6400:"Still Crazy after all these Years: Why Meditation isn't Psychotherapy" 5980: 5832: 4917:"Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness" 4177: 4153: 4093: 4072: 4036: 3780: 3474: 3426: 3315: 3184: 3033: 3019: 2992:(1927-1997) was the Director of the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis, a 2861: 2857: 2728: 2724: 2658: 2603: 2592: 2587:
The contact between Buddhism and Psychology began with the work of the
2516: 2421: 2410: 2398: 2390: 2326: 2282:
Reflect on the removal or stopping of the causes of the target thought.
An important early text for these cognitive therapeutic methods is the
2209: 2200: 2184: 2180: 2139: 2070: 2005: 1895: 1561: 1270: 1171: 1125: 1117: 1082: 554: 314: 211: 9012: 8008: 7172:
Segal, Zindel V., J. Mark G. Williams, & John D. Teasdale (2002).
The art of living : Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka
6269: 6040: 5276: 5274: 5241:
Hoffer (ed.); Freud and the Buddha: The Couch and the Cushion, page 85
4899: 4882: 2129: 1914: 9967: 9940: 9107: 8982: 8694: 8610: 8487: 8377: 8350: 8343: 8306: 8263: 8226: 7993: 7958: 7925: 7900: 7855: 7430: 7213:. NY: Doubleday Anchor Books. Cited in Ellis (1991) and Fromm (1960). 7191: 6690:
Thoughts without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective
Thoughts Without A Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective
6399: 4421:"Even some of the Zen Buddhist strivings after extreme sensation, or 3960: 3827: 3152:
the craving that life's event would be different. The translation of
is an American psychiatrist who practiced Buddhism in Thailand under
2907: 2893: 2849: 2600: 2228: 2224: 1906:(sense bases, sense media, sense spheres) which are categorized into 1899: 1835: 1235: 1078: 1006: 981: 976: 599: 574: 9740: 8576: 8430: 8196: 7978: 7847: 7839: 6293: 5768: 3858: 3636: 3022:
and has since written several books on psychoanalysis and Buddhism (
records that the Buddha distinguished between two kinds of illness (
2302: 2213: 1641: 1421: 1309: 1154:) of empirically therapeutic value, while Buddhist teachers such as 1001: 10257: 10097: 10052: 9997: 9962: 9866: 9525: 9092: 9087: 9037: 8972: 8890: 8855: 8850: 8511: 8382: 8370: 8281: 7940: 7637: 6968:
Skills Training Manual for Treating Borderline Personality Disorder
5271: 3640: 3440:
In 1974, Trungpa Rinpoche founded the Naropa Institute, now called
3274: 3005: 2997: 2973: 2931: 2567:. Buddhist notions form an important ingredient of this modern mix. 2528: 2470: 2386: 2107: 2093: 2054: 1993: 1961: 1903: 1861: 1845: 1789: 1229: 1180: 1167: 1074: 986: 834: 609: 589: 584: 464: 160: 9082: 9072: 9057: 8880: 8750: 8018: 7031:
4829: 4810:
Dockett, K. H., Dudley-Grant, G. R., & Bankart, C. P. (2003).
referred to non-Buddhist uses of Buddhist meditation practices as
work of Japanese psychologists such as Akira Onda and Osamu Ando.
10002: 9945: 9930: 9077: 9067: 9042: 8917: 8912: 8870: 8840: 8772: 8738: 8625: 8566: 8561: 8415: 8318: 8156: 8106: 7893: 7719: 7148:
Psychologia, An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient
Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
4670:"Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Role of Self-Control Strategies" 4202:
Both Fromm (1960) and Ellis (1962) cite this text as influential.
4173: 4048: 4013: 3915: 3717:
These four aspects of mindfulness in ACT are argued to stem from
3635:(MBCT), MBPM includes a distinctive emphasis on the practice of ' 3563: 3434: 3353: 3281:, both in theory and in manifesting Buddhist ideals in practice. 3248: 2805:
Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient
2564: 2394: 2314: 2244: 2220: 2204: 2196: 2188: 1857: 1841: 1670: 1549: 1493: 1471: 1291: 1106: 809: 289: 8689: 8457: 7573:
A Buddhist contribution to the psychoanalytic psychology of self
6557:"Why Altered States Are Not Enough: A Perspective from Buddhism" 3704:
Acceptance (openness to and engagement with present experience);
has written about the practice of Gestalt and Tibetan Buddhism.
2454: 2381:
Other abnormal behaviors described by the early sources include
1831: 1581: 1480: 1124:
of mental states, emotions and behaviors as well as theories of
10082: 10067: 9903: 9765: 9745: 9520: 9182: 9062: 9052: 8987: 8615: 8571: 8556: 8546: 8516: 8440: 8323: 8091: 7963: 7707: 7702: 7023:
Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta: Setting Rolling the Wheel of Truth
Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama
4423: 4384:
The parenthetical "(Zen)" is included in Linehan's actual text.
4315: 4044: 3848: 3285: 2922: 2916: 2820: 2669: 2661:
also integrated Buddhist thought and practice into their work.
2541: 2310: 2162: 2035: 2009: 1948: 1919: 1852: 1765: 1741: 1509: 1501: 1142: 1110: 922: 749: 304: 299: 294: 257: 7146:
Sato, Koji (1958). "Psychotherapeutic Implications of Zen" in
Pio, Edwina (1988). Buddhist Psychology: A Modern Perspective.
3536:(DBT). Other prominent therapies that use mindfulness include 3094:
are "origin" and "cessation". Coupled with the translation of
Four Noble Truths Ā§ David Brazier: existence is imperfect
The Birth of Indian Psychology and its Development in Buddhism
practices. Buddhist psychology is embedded within the greater
10222: 10057: 9915: 9881: 9861: 9831: 9760: 9177: 9022: 8900: 8895: 8865: 8820: 8667: 8662: 8541: 8246: 8071: 8038: 8028: 6609:
Glimpses of Abhidharma: From a Seminar on Buddhist Psychology
3951: 3934: 3762:
critical evaluation of their effectiveness on the subject.
founded in 1978 by the British psychiatrist and Zen Buddhist
2781: 2599:
published through the Pali Text Society a translation of the
2536: 2438: 2100: 1947:
or 'pure ego'. This is because in early Buddhist psychology,
1137: 539: 7336:
The New Physics and Cosmology: Dialogues with the Dalai Lama
Revista de InvestigaciĆ³n y EducaciĆ³n en Ciencias de la Salud
5264: 5262: 5172:"Winnicott: Ego distortions in terms of true and false self" 4812:
Psychology and Buddhism: From individual to global community
4257:. (1960). Fromm's interest in Buddhism extended to multiple 3571: 3364:
Christopher K. Germer, clinical instructor in psychology at
Koji Sato (1905ā€“1971) began the publication of the journal,
2772: 2038:), reactions to sense impressions with positive or negative 2030:
These three basic drives have been compared to the Freudian
find ancient Buddhist practices (such as the development of
10092: 8885: 8551: 8048: 5668: 4305:. (1999), Varela (1997), and Zajonc & Houshmand (2004). 4170: 4052: 3577: 3481: 3030:, 2008). Epstein relates the Buddhist Four Noble Truths to 2676:(1934ā€“2011), possibly the first mindfulness based therapy. 1944: 1176: 7417:. V. 14 (1964) pp. 51ā€“58, University of Hawaii Press. 7141:
Birth of Indian Psychology and its Development in Buddhism
Manual of Psychological Ethics, of the Fourth Century B.C.
Visions of Dhamma: Buddhist Writings of Nyanaponika Thera.
Davidson, Richard J. & Anne Harrington (eds.) (2002).
6427: 6425: 5896: 3684: 3318:. Positive psychology also describes the futility of the " 3112:
simultaneously with the experience of dukkha there arises
9750: 8286: 7490:
Positive Psychology & the Buddhist Path of Compassion
7424: 6149: 6002: 5259: 4680:: 169ā€“182 – via National Taiwan University Library. 4261:
as evidenced by his writing the foreword for Nyanaponika
If we look deeply into such ways of life as Buddhism and
3871: 3738: 3659:
In writing about DBT, Zen practitioner Linehan states:
3593: 3251:
has been compared to Buddhist conceptions of compassion (
2885: 869: 109: 6791:
Understanding the Mind: The Nature and Power of the Mind
5656: 5644: 5441:
What We Say Matters: Practicing Nonviolent Communication
4663: 4661: 4451:
beings, near or far, kind or brutal, human or non-human.
has been compared to Buddhist meditative states such as
3212: 2576: 1109:, the total cessation of dissatisfaction and suffering ( 105: 6554: 6422: 6270:"Compassionate Goodwill | Vipassana Research Institute" 6203: 6201: 5753: 5632: 4614:"Increasing use of Buddhist Practices in Psychotherapy" 4342:
For an overview of Buddhist mindfulness practices, see
4030: 3654: 2819:
In Japan, a popular psychotherapy based on Buddhism is
scholars, whose main work was translating the Buddhist
2419:, literally "basket") of the Tripitaka is known as the 2345:) which are ultimately based on the unwholesome roots ( 2273:
Focus on an opposite or incompatible thought or object.
6539:. Portland, OR: Sussex Academic Press. Cited in Fromm 6466:
5249: 5247: 4965:"Brains of Buddhist monks scanned in meditation study" 4913: 4124:
Health applications and clinical studies of meditation
4025: 3171:, was based on phenomenology, existentialism and also 3060:
Axel Hoffer has contributed to this area as editor of
Attention & Inattention in Zen and Psychoanalysis
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Thanissaro Bhikkhu, The Roots of Buddhist Romanticism
5195: 4658: 3822:
Many of the principles incorporated in the theory of
2269:, the Buddha recommended five methods in this sutta: 2045:
The suttas also enumerate three "unwholesome roots" (
What Really Matters: Searching for Wisdom in America
6500:. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association. 6446: 6198: 5465:
Spurious Parallels to Buddhist Philosophy Philosophy
3619: 5952:LlƔcer, Lorena Alonso; Ramos-Campos, Marta (2018). 5794:"What is Mindfulness based Pain Management (MBPM)?" 5244: 5152: 4744:
3148:means that the uneasiness that is inherent to life 3116:, thirst: the dissatisfaction with what is and the 2243:). Though the ultimate goal of these practices are 2130:
Self development and cognitive behavioral practices
1077:includes an analysis of human psychology, emotion, 7385:Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression 7316:. NY: New American Library. Cited in Ellis (1991). 7309:. NY: New American Library. Cited in Ellis (1991). 5951: 5559: 5557: 4397:. (1991), Linehan & Heard (1993), and Linehan 3737:, who trained in the traditional Rinzai School of 3400:"Buddhism will come to the West as a psychology." 3337:, 2016). Kirk W. Brown and Richard M. Ryan of the 7334:Zajonc, Arthur (ed.) with Zara Houshmand (2004). 6315:(1st ed.). San Francisco: Harper & Row. 5439:Lasater, Judith Hanson; Lasater, Ike KT. (2009). 4629: 4627: 3054:scandals and abuses by American Buddhist teachers 3050:Psychotherapy and Buddhism, Toward an Integration 2235:through the application of continuous and stable 2195:in traditional Buddhism is based on the ideas of 2085:" is also associated with the latent tendencies. 2073:present a theory about latent mental tendencies ( 10275: 3331:Mindfulness, acceptance, and positive psychology 2974:Buddhist psychoanalytic dialogue and integration 2965:... and it impels us to express our faculty for 2835:Buddhism has some views which are comparable to 1716: 1577: 1541: 1262: 1246:A central feature of Buddhist psychology is its 1105:, "harmonious living") and the ultimate goal of 5726:(2nd ed.). Random House Publishing Group. 5554: 4228:To support this statement, Fromm (1960, p. 78, 6561:International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 6439: 6437: 6384: 6382: 6020:J, Long; M, Briggs; A, Long; F, Astin (2016). 5438: 5360: 4624: 4314:For instance, ninth-century Chinese Patriarch 3976:through American psychologist and philosopher 3136:this confinement is possible by following the 2830: 2233:impermanent, stressful and self-less qualities 1506:base, external sense base & consciousness. 1250:which is based on personal experience through 1222: 7616: 7476: 7435:). "Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology" 6807:Harrington, Anne & Arthur Zajonc (2006). 5399:NVC in the FWBO: Heart-to-Heart Communication 5384: 5382: 4515: 4513: 4511: 4509: 4507: 4505: 4503: 4501: 4499: 4497: 4495: 4493: 4491: 4489: 4487: 4288:and a psychologically savvy Buddhism such as 3664:practice with Western psychological practice. 3361:(ē„”åæƒ, no mind) which is also similar to flow. 1955:) but the delusion of self and clinging to a 1894:The early Buddhist texts outline a theory of 1055: 774: 104:. Consider transferring direct quotations to 8398:Basic points unifying Theravāda and Mahāyāna 5228: 5226: 5224: 4485: 4483: 4481: 4479: 4477: 4475: 4473: 4471: 4469: 4467: 3972:ideals from German Romantic Era philosopher 3753:Originated from the philosophical school of 2520:which outlines various traits, emotions and 2492:, has synopsized the Abhidhamma as follows: 2203:. The highest state a human can achieve (an 1498:on an internal & an external sense base. 6483: 6434: 6406:. Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. 6379: 5861: 5008: 5006: 5004: 5002: 4876: 4874: 4872: 4870: 4152:Buddhist doctrine was first articulated by 3010:The practice of psychoanalysis and Buddhism 2762:Neural mechanisms of mindfulness meditation 7623: 7609: 6890: 6859: 6155: 6112: 5719: 5686: 5674: 5662: 5650: 5638: 5538:"Mindfulness in Buddhism & Psychology" 5432: 5379: 5283:"Buddha philosophy and western psychology" 4990:The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation 4119:Eastern philosophy and clinical psychology 3805: 3616:, which was revised and reissued in 2013. 3447: 3329:, 2009), T.B. Kashdan & J. Ciarrochi ( 2879: 2556:) of empirically proven therapeutic value. 2531:psychotherapists have found in Buddhism's 2501: 2289:Another recommended technique is from the 2219:Buddhist meditation is of two main types: 1258: 1062: 1048: 781: 767: 7594:Bhante Kovida An Inquiring Mind's Journey 7440: 7278: 7249: 6572: 5979: 5969: 5704: 5361:Wilkins, Paul; Bozarth, Jerold D (2001). 5308: 5298: 5221: 5030: 4940: 4898: 4576: 4528: 4464: 4447:practice directs loving kindness towards 3647:and is delivered through the programs of 3572:Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) 1999: 1132:mental factors. Psychotherapists such as 66:Learn how and when to remove this message 7565:A Buddhist reinterpretation of Winnicott 7281:"Characteristics of Buddhist Psychology" 6665:. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing Group. 6555:Berkhin, Igor; Hartelius, Glenn (2011). 5864:British Journal of Healthcare Management 5817: 5582:. Shambhala dragon editions. Shambhala. 5331: 4999: 4867: 4667: 4360:In Kabat-Zinn, for instance, he writes: 3562: 3498: 3482:Buddhist techniques in clinical settings 3265:A comparison has also been made between 2771: 2702: 2575: 2547:Piaget's theory of cognitive development 2404: 2133: 1964:(heaps, aggregates), which includes the 128: 9585:Banishment of Buddhist monks from Nepal 7238:. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications. 7150:. Vol. I, No. 4 (1958). Cited in Fromm 7119:. Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing. 7002: 6789:Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang (2nd. ed., 1997) 6676: 6613: 6599:. Seattle, WA: BPS Pariyatti Editions. 6511: 6452: 5757:Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 5575: 5517:Mindfulness and Flow Experience, 2010, 5253: 5201: 5158: 3700:model, which is ACT's applied theory: 3685:Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) 2892:. He collaborated with psycho-analysts 2153:considers this as being similar to the 10276: 9788:List of Buddhist architecture in China 6663:Anger: How to Live with and without It 4770: 4768: 4766: 4764: 4762: 4760: 4705:(2): 1ā€“29 – via Digital Commons. 4690: 4674:Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism 4322:meditation. For more information, see 3872:Reaction from Buddhist traditionalists 3748: 3728: 3413:In his introduction to his 1975 book, 3301: 2955:seeing into the nature of one's being; 2767: 2549:introducing the process of initiation. 2320: 2183:) and psychological practices such as 2016:, literally 'thirst') of three types: 1116:Buddhism and the modern discipline of 7604: 7510: 7252:Mental Health, Religion & Culture 7117:i (Compendium of States or Phenomena) 6069: 5788: 5786: 5749: 5747: 5745: 5743: 5416:Buddhism and Nonviolent Communication 5142:The Network of Spiritual Progressives 4827: 4611: 4579:Mental Health, Religion & Culture 3797:this is the teaching of the Buddhas. 3213:Existential and Humanistic psychology 2069:The early Buddhist texts such as the 95:too many or overly lengthy quotations 7425:Mainstream teachers and popularizers 7404: 7139:Rhys Davids, Caroline A. F. (1936). 7130:Rhys Davids, Caroline A. F. (1914). 6308: 6019: 5280: 5012: 4880: 4531:"A blend of Buddhism and psychology" 4160:(August 16, 1832 ā€“ August 31, 1920). 4031:Mainstream teachers and popularizers 3725:also viewed as mindfulness methods. 3655:Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) 3592:According to Kabat-Zinn, a one-time 3576:Kabat-Zinn developed the eight-week 3393: 1187:and particularly the development of 77: 18: 16:Buddhism, Mindfulness and Psychology 7542:Exploring the phenomenon of empathy 6990:Archives of General Psychiatry, 50, 6985:100ā€“1064. Cited in Linehan (1993b). 6983:Archives of General Psychiatry, 48, 6648:Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy 6397: 6186:431-451). London: Routledge-Curzon. 6063: 6013: 5996: 5945: 5890: 5132: 4757: 4633: 4612:Szpir, M. (Januaryā€“February 2004). 4035:In 1961, philosopher and professor 4026:Popular psychology and spirituality 3980:, Jung and humanistic psychologist 3633:mindfulness-based cognitive therapy 3554:Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy 2688:(MBCT) in 1987. In the early 2000s 2686:mindfulness-based cognitive therapy 2459:physical occurrences, material form 1504:is the meeting of an internal sense 1201:mindfulness-based cognitive therapy 893:Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy 13: 9575:Silk Road transmission of Buddhism 7279:Virtbauer, Gerald (1 April 2014). 7003:McMahan, David L. (October 2008). 6992:157ā€“158. Cited in Linehan (1993b). 6845:. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications. 6830:. Boston: Shambhala Publications. 6754:. Boston: Shambhala Publications. 6515:(2004). "Buddha, Life of the". In 6106: 5855: 5811: 5783: 5740: 5713: 4933:10.1097/01.wnr.0000186598.66243.19 4691:Avison, Austin (October 4, 2021). 4176:, is found explicitly in the Pali 3629:mindfulness-based stress reduction 3526:Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction 3335:Mindfulness in Positive Psychology 3159: 2796:(1874-1938) who was influenced by 2682:mindfulness-based stress reduction 2064: 1485:sound, odor, flavors, touch & 888:Mindfulness-based stress reduction 232:Decline in the Indian subcontinent 227:Silk Road transmission of Buddhism 14: 10315: 7399: 7222:The Roots of Buddhist Romanticism 7065:. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser. 6710:& Richard De Martino (1960). 4529:DeAngelis, Tori (February 2014). 3814:, considered the "grandfather of 3788:Abstain from unwholesome deeds, 3625:Mindfulness-based pain management 3620:Mindfulness-based pain management 3542:Acceptance and Commitment Therapy 3452:Every two years, since 1987, the 3314:with the goal of improving human 2698:mindfulness-based pain management 2293:, which outlines the practice of 1928:knowledge of things as they are ( 1876:Source: MN 109 (Thanissaro, 2001) 1528:Source: MN 148 (Thanissaro, 1998) 1479:The six external sense bases are 1205:acceptance and commitment therapy 903:Acceptance and commitment therapy 898:Mindfulness-based pain management 10256: 10246: 10245: 9803:Thai temple art and architecture 9548:Huichang persecution of Buddhism 7788:Iconography in Laos and Thailand 7654: 7641: 7631: 7351: 7021:Ƒanamoli Thera (trans.) (1993). 7005:The Making of Buddhist Modernism 6491:American Psychiatric Association 6470: 6458: 6391: 6370: 6361: 6337: 6302: 6286: 6262: 6238: 6229: 6220: 6210: 6189: 6179: 5032:10.1111/j.1468-5884.2005.00280.x 4432: 4408: 3128:suffering from the imperfectness 3071: 2666:rapid growth of Western Buddhism 2629:invited the Sri Lankan Buddhist 2514:psychology (particularly in the 1033: 1032: 808: 748: 167: 82: 23: 7655: 7338:. NY: Oxford University Press. 7196:An Introduction to Zen Buddhism 6712:Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis 6629:. NY: Oxford University Press. 6410:from the original on 2001-02-10 6170: 6161: 5680: 5623: 5614: 5605: 5596: 5569: 5530: 5511: 5502: 5493: 5477: 5457: 5408: 5391: 5354: 5345: 5325: 5235: 5207: 5164: 5126: 5117: 5108: 5099: 5086: 5073: 5064: 5055: 5019:Japanese Psychological Research 4982: 4957: 4907: 4887:Japanese Psychological Research 4858: 4849: 4840: 4821: 4816:Springer Science+Business Media 4804: 4795: 4786: 4777: 4748: 4736: 4727: 4718: 4709: 4684: 4387: 4378: 4369: 4354: 4328: 4308: 4294: 4278: 4268: 4243: 4236:. (1960, p. 78) also refers to 4222: 4205: 4196: 4183: 4163: 4104:Buddhism and Western Philosophy 3679:borderline personality disorder 2963:liberates our natural energies; 2910:wrote the foreword to Suzuki's 2655:altered states of consciousness 9793:Japanese Buddhist architecture 9595:Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism 8675:Seven Factors of Enlightenment 7866:Places where the Buddha stayed 7080:York Beach, ME: Weiser Books. 6997:Archives of General Psychiatry 6650:. NY: Carol Publishing Group. 5821:Journal of Clinical Psychology 5443:. Rodmell Press. p. 192. 5061:Suzuki & Jung, 1948, p. 25 4649: 4605: 4570: 4541: 4522: 4146: 3824:rational-emotive psychotherapy 3534:dialectical behavioral therapy 3028:Psychotherapy Without the Self 2839:. These include a view of the 2813:Japanese ministry of education 2479:psychology of ethical behavior 2285:Make a forceful mental effort. 2171:in Buddhism is based upon the 1851:Mental Factors arise from the 1476:nose, tongue, body & mind. 1161: 1: 9808:Tibetan Buddhist architecture 7319:Watts, Alan W. (1961, 1975). 7041:Mindfulness and Psychotherapy 7029:56.11). Available on-line at 6681:, Basic Books, Kindle Edition 6535:Benoit, Hubert (1955, 1995). 5363:Unconditional positive regard 4836:– via 4549:"About - Dr Gerald Virtbauer" 4457: 3794:purify your own mind-   3668:Similarly, Linehan writes: 2734:Applying the tools of modern 2633:to lecture in his classes at 2571: 2191:, cultivation, development). 9565:Buddhism and the Roman world 9541:Decline of Buddhism in India 9536:History of Buddhism in India 7636:   Topics in 7264:10.1080/13674676.2011.569928 6966:Linehan, Marsha M. (1993b). 6811:. Harvard University Press. 6661:Ellis, Albert (1977, 1997). 6574:10.24972/ijts.2011.30.1-2.63 6127:10.1097/AJP.0b013e31824c5d9f 6115:The Clinical Journal of Pain 5706:10.1080/14639947.2011.564844 5687:Kabat-Zinn, Jon (May 2011). 5602:Schwartz, 1995, pp. 315-16). 5287:Indian Journal of Psychiatry 4636:"Anusaya, Latent tendencies" 4591:10.1080/13674676.2011.569928 4324:Zongmi's "Five Types of Zen" 3816:cognitive-behavioral therapy 2912:Introduction to Zen Buddhism 2776:Dr. Shoma Morita (1874ā€“1938) 2664:The 1960s and 1970s saw the 2657:and similar topics) such as 2539:experiences (such as in Zen 2490:Buddhist Publication Society 2252:cognitive behavioral therapy 2138:Meditating Buddhist monk in 2088:A later Theravada text, the 908:Dialectical behavior therapy 430:Buddhist Paths to liberation 48:Knowledge's inclusion policy 7: 8763:Twenty-two vows of Ambedkar 8503: 7321:Psychotherapy East and West 7209:Suzuki, D.T. (1949, 1956). 7194:(fwd.) (1948, 1964, 1991). 7113: 7107: 7101: 7092:Rhys Davids, Caroline A. F. 7007:. Oxford University Press. 6999:. Cited in Linehan (1993b). 6725:Fromm, Erich (1989, 2002). 6072:Qualitative Health Research 6029:Journal of Advanced Nursing 5971:10.37536/RIECS.2018.3.2.101 5876:10.12968/bjhc.2018.24.5.235 4994:Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4211:In particular, Jung quotes 4086: 2831:Buddhism and psychoanalysis 2527:psychotherapeutic meaning: 2431:phenomenological psychology 2179:, wisdom or understanding ( 1797: 1223:Psychology in the Tripitaka 10: 10320: 9713:The unanswerable questions 7477:Psychotherapy and Buddhism 7415:Philosophy East & West 6376:Ellis 1997, pp. 86ā€“87 5332:Winghart, Olivier (2008). 5281:Aich, Tapas Kumar (2013). 4881:Kato, Hiroki (June 2016). 4620:– via 4114:Compassion focused therapy 4063:with psychology including 3791:perform wholesome deeds; 3510:used to induce relaxation; 3415:Glimpses of the Abhidharma 3339:University of Pennsylvania 3177:Ego, Hunger and Aggression 3075: 3024:Thoughts Without a Thinker 2597:Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids 2581:Caroline A. F. Rhys Davids 2408: 2145: 1524: 1467: 1462: 1281: 1265: 10241: 10193: 10108: 10023: 9798:Buddhist temples in Korea 9721: 9623: 9506: 9203: 9131: 8958: 8831: 8771: 8406: 8361:Chinese Esoteric Buddhism 8272: 8264:Three planes of existence 8212: 8057: 7949: 7879: 7871:Buddha in world religions 7733: 7678: 7650: 7525:10.1007/s11089-009-0207-9 7043:(audio). Louisville, CO: 6822:Hayward, Jeremy W. & 6176:Linehan 1993b, p. 63 6167:Linehan 1993a, p. 19 5915:10.1016/j.pmn.2018.02.065 4668:de Silva, Padmal (2000). 4180:(see Bodhi, 2000, p. 29). 3733:The British psychiatrist 3698:psychological flexibility 3333:, 2013) and Itai Ivtzan ( 3181:Barry Stevens (therapist) 3167:, an approach created by 2727:have academic degrees in 2004:Buddha's theory of human 1872: 1826: 1821: 1816: 1809: 1733: 1719: 1667: 1660: 1654: 1639: 1636: 1633: 1626: 1623: 1620: 1615: 1610: 1597: 1594: 1580: 1573: 1568: 1544: 1446: 1436: 1429: 1420: 1413: 1406: 1399: 1394: 1364: 1361: 1342: 1339: 1330: 1327: 1308: 1305: 1296: 1289: 1286: 913:Mode deactivation therapy 10294:Mindfulness (psychology) 9580:Persecution of Buddhists 8801:Four stages of awakening 8182:Three marks of existence 7768:Physical characteristics 7136:, London: Bell and sons. 6891:Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2005). 6860:Kabat-Zinn, Jon (1990). 6765:Goleman, Daniel (2004). 6714:. NY: Harper & Row. 6521:Encyclopedia of Buddhism 6484:Sources and bibliography 6431:Thanissaro Bikkhu (2012) 6084:10.1177/1049732314529662 5720:Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2013). 5611:Goleman, 2004, pp. 72-73 5300:10.4103/0019-5545.105517 4140: 4007:Another Theravada monk, 3271:Nonviolent Communication 3043:true self and false self 2959:from bondage to freedom; 2823:therapy, developed from 2647:transpersonal psychology 1930:yatha-bhuta Ʊānadassanam 1655:     1531:     1518:is dependent on feeling. 1512:is dependent on contact. 102:summarize the quotations 8943:Ten principal disciples 7826:(aunt, adoptive mother) 7312:Watts, Alan W. (1960). 7157:Schwartz, Tony (1996). 7105:aka, entitled Dhamma-Sa 6614:Brazier, David (2001), 6529:Macmillan Reference USA 6498:: DSM-IV — 4th ed 5903:Pain Management Nursing 5819:Health Professionals". 4834:Evolution and Cognition 4553:Gerald Virtbauer online 3806:Cognitive restructuring 3719:Relational Frame Theory 3613:Full Catastrophe Living 3493:cognitive restructuring 3448:Mind and life institute 3350:Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 3238:person-centered therapy 2880:D.T. Suzuki's influence 2502:Buddhism and psychology 2383:Intellectual disability 1966:stream of consciousness 1259:Perception and the self 1239:). The first part, the 1183:. The modern growth of 1136:have found in Buddhist 949:Buddhism and psychology 450:Philosophical reasoning 10304:Psychology of religion 10299:Psychological theories 9653:Buddhism and democracy 9166:Tibetan Buddhist canon 9161:Chinese Buddhist canon 8393:Pre-sectarian Buddhism 8388:Early Buddhist schools 7456:"Buddhist Romanticism" 7447:"Buddhist Romanticism" 7441:Caveats and criticisms 7285:SFU Forschungsbulletin 7176:. NY: Guilford Press. 6970:. NY: Guilford Press. 6955:. NY: Guilford Press. 6677:Epstein, Mark (2004), 6345:"Vipassana Meditation" 6309:Hart, William (1987). 6298:(in Chinese (Taiwan)). 5293:(Suppl 2): S165ā€“S170. 4988:Tang, Hƶlzel, Posner; 4828:Kress, Oliver (1993). 4429: 4365: 4340: 4057: 4023: 4005: 3886: 3869: 3836: 3818:" (CBT), has written: 3799: 3675: 3666: 3643:. It was developed by 3608: 3603: 3590: 3568: 3479: 3431: 3402: 3387: 3366:Harvard Medical School 2971: 2932:humanistic philosopher 2809:Electroencephalography 2777: 2708: 2595:. In 1900, Indologist 2584: 2499: 2337:) and mental illness ( 2143: 2090:Abhidhammattha-sangaha 2000:Motivation and emotion 1990: 1949:there is no fixed self 1170:predates the field of 217:Pre-sectarian Buddhism 145: 9663:Eight Consciousnesses 7773:Life of Buddha in art 7571:FREDRIK FALKENSTRƖM, 7361:. Boston: Shambhala. 7357:Fryba, Mirko (1995). 7293:10.15135/2014.2.1.1-9 6826:(eds.) (1992, 2001). 6809:The Dalai Lama at MIT 6618:, Robinson Publishing 6476:Watts, 1975, pp. 3-4. 5693:Contemporary Buddhism 5403:FWBO & TBMSG News 5013:Kato, Hiroki (2005). 4801:Bodhi, 2000, pp. 3-4. 4535:Monitor on Psychology 4419: 4361: 4335: 4041: 4018: 3996: 3882: 3864: 3852:). A common Buddhist 3820: 3786: 3772:samatha and vipassana 3670: 3661: 3604: 3598: 3582: 3566: 3499:Mindfulness practices 3466: 3423: 3407:Chogyam Trungpa, 1974 3398: 3382: 3312:strengths and virtues 3306:The growing field of 3144:In this translation, 3041:in his theory on the 2951: 2837:psychoanalytic theory 2775: 2738:(EEG, fMRI) to study 2706: 2692:and her organization 2579: 2494: 2405:Abhidhamma psychology 2333:): physical illness ( 2263:Vitakkasanthana Sutta 2137: 2120:Eight Consciousnesses 1981: 1166:The establishment of 485:Aids to Enlightenment 310:Dependent Origination 132: 10284:Buddhism and society 10140:East Asian religions 9570:Buddhism in the West 9141:Early Buddhist texts 8756:Four Right Exertions 8222:Ten spiritual realms 7715:Noble Eightfold Path 7323:. NY: Random House. 7232:Varela, Francisco J. 7161:. NY: Bantam Books. 6934:. NY: Bantam Books. 6537:The Supreme Doctrine 5629:2002, pp. 49ā€“52 5576:Trungpa, C. (2001). 5083:., 1960, pp. 77-78). 5015:"Zen and psychology" 4366:He goes on to write: 4099:Buddhism and science 3768:Noble Eightfold Path 3552:and, based on MBSR, 3150:arises together with 3062:Freud and the Buddha 2651:religious experience 2631:Anagarika Dharmapala 2435:Theravada Abhidhamma 2227:on a single object; 2173:Noble Eightfold Path 2169:Personal development 2122:and is also held in 1834:is derived from the 1185:Buddhism in the West 1095:philosophical system 1017:Choiceless awareness 455:Devotional practices 278:Noble Eightfold Path 10289:Buddhist philosophy 10263:Religion portal 10010:Temple of the Tooth 9889:Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi 8928:Upāsaka and Upāsikā 8421:Bodhipakkhiyādhammā 8204:Two truths doctrine 8024:Mahapajapati GotamÄ« 7824:Mahapajapati GotamÄ« 7513:Pastoral Psychology 7377:J. Mark G. Williams 7314:Nature, Man and Sex 7198:. NY: Grove Press. 6824:Francisco J. Varela 6795:Tharpa Publications 6769:. NY: Bantam Dell. 6692:. NY: Basic Books. 6367:Ellis, 1991, p. 35. 4403:Cluster B disorders 4344:Buddhist meditation 4109:Buddhist philosophy 4061:Buddhist meditation 3759:existential therapy 3749:Existential Therapy 3743:Adaptation Practice 3729:Adaptation Practice 3546:Adaptation Practice 3308:positive psychology 3302:Positive psychology 3193:Buddhist meditation 2874:Christmas Humphreys 2768:Japanese psychology 2740:Buddhist meditation 2606:'s first book, the 2565:modern spirituality 2488:, president of the 2415:The third part (or 2321:Abnormal psychology 2239:and comprehension ( 2148:Buddhist meditation 1923:). This process of 1836:Four Great Elements 825:Buddhist meditation 796:Part of a series on 755:Buddhism portal 628:Buddhism by country 390:Sanskrit literature 142:meditation research 10185:Western philosophy 9783:Dzong architecture 9605:Vipassana movement 9600:Buddhist modernism 9028:Emperor Wen of Sui 8796:Pratyekabuddhayāna 8729:Threefold Training 8531:Vipassana movement 8247:Hungry Ghost realm 8067:Avidyā (Ignorance) 8014:Puį¹‡į¹‡a MantānÄ«putta 7763:Great Renunciation 7758:Eight Great Events 7640:    7563:Daniel G. Radter, 7555:Linda A. Nockler, 7504:2013-08-26 at the 7460:į¹¬hānissaro Bhikkhu 7451:į¹¬hānissaro Bhikkhu 7217:Thanissaro Bhikkhu 6949:Linehan, Marsha M. 6616:The Feeling Buddha 6517:Buswell, R. E. Jr. 6398:Kearney, Patrick. 5833:10.1002/jclp.22749 5524:2017-06-27 at the 5470:2015-12-08 at the 5429:, January 31, 2009 5421:2016-06-25 at the 5138:"Freud and Buddha" 4996:16, 213ā€“225 (2015) 4698:The Hilltop Review 4634:Tan, Piya (2010). 4618:American Scientist 4348:Satipatthana Sutta 3989:Buddhist modernism 3965:Thanissaro Bhikkhu 3774:.  Moreover, 3569: 3468:Since the time of 3377:Thanissaro Bhikkhu 3375:and Buddhist monk 3267:Marshall Rosenberg 3234:self actualization 2967:happiness and love 2953:Zen is the art of 2778: 2709: 2649:(which deals with 2635:Harvard University 2585: 2291:Satipatthana Sutta 2267:intrusive thoughts 2193:Self-actualization 2144: 1216:Vipassana movement 1212:Buddhist modernism 1189:Buddhist modernism 1140:experiences (e.g. 242:Buddhist modernism 146: 10271: 10270: 9909:Om mani padme hum 9615:Women in Buddhism 9531:Buddhist councils 9401:Western countries 9189:Madhyamakālaį¹ƒkāra 8950:Shaolin Monastery 8527:Samatha-vipassanā 8137:PratÄ«tyasamutpāda 7941:Metteyya/Maitreya 7859: 7851: 7843: 7835: 7827: 7819: 7811: 7688:Four Noble Truths 7540:Jakob HĆ„kansson, 7405:Early scholarship 7393:978-1-57230-706-3 7059:Nyanaponika Thera 7014:978-0-19-518327-6 6803:978-0-948006-78-4 6729:. NY: Continuum. 6607:. - also online: 6531:. pp. 82ā€“88. 6322:978-1-928706-73-1 6041:10.1111/jan.12998 5800:. 22 January 2019 5733:978-0-345-53972-4 5677:, pp. 12ā€“13. 5589:978-0-8348-2134-7 5450:978-1-930485-24-2 5425:", Jason Little, 5401:", Shantigarbha, 5341:(Masters thesis). 4927:(17): 1893ā€“1897. 4900:10.1111/jpr.12121 4864:Rhys Davids, 2003 4418:Ellis then adds: 4134:Naropa University 4129:Indian psychology 3957: 3956: 3530:Marsha M. Linehan 3442:Naropa University 3394:Naropa University 3320:hedonic treadmill 3130:becomes confined; 3084:Four Noble Truths 2792:was developed by 2749:Zen and the Brain 2589:Pali Text Society 2563:in some forms of 2522:personality types 2475:personality types 2175:which integrates 2112:Mahayana Buddhism 1975:The psychologist 1892: 1891: 1888: 1878: 1814: 1813: 1731: 1686: 1685: 1650: 1608: 1560:according to the 1540: 1539: 1474:are the eye, ear, 1470:The six internal 1072: 1071: 992:Conscientiousness 791: 790: 273:Four Noble Truths 137:participating in 127: 126: 76: 75: 68: 10311: 10261: 10260: 10249: 10248: 10088:Sacred languages 9936:Maya Devi Temple 9899:Mahabodhi Temple 9703:Secular Buddhism 9668:Engaged Buddhism 8508: 8356:Tibetan Buddhism 8307:Vietnamese Thiį»n 7906:Mahāsthāmaprāpta 7857: 7849: 7841: 7833: 7825: 7817: 7809: 7658: 7657: 7645: 7635: 7625: 7618: 7611: 7602: 7601: 7536: 7496:Paul C. Cooper, 7431:Burns, Douglas ( 7387:. NY: Guilford. 7381:John D. Teasdale 7373:Segal, Zindel V. 7296: 7275: 7116: 7110: 7104: 7037:Nhat Hanh, Thich 7018: 6918: 6887: 6864:. New York, NY: 6727:The Art of Being 6682: 6619: 6586: 6576: 6532: 6477: 6474: 6468: 6462: 6456: 6450: 6444: 6441: 6432: 6429: 6420: 6419: 6417: 6415: 6395: 6389: 6386: 6377: 6374: 6368: 6365: 6359: 6358: 6356: 6355: 6341: 6335: 6334: 6306: 6300: 6299: 6290: 6284: 6283: 6281: 6280: 6266: 6260: 6259: 6257: 6256: 6242: 6236: 6233: 6227: 6224: 6218: 6214: 6208: 6205: 6196: 6193: 6187: 6183: 6177: 6174: 6168: 6165: 6159: 6153: 6147: 6146: 6110: 6104: 6103: 6067: 6061: 6060: 6026: 6017: 6011: 6010: 6000: 5994: 5993: 5983: 5973: 5949: 5943: 5942: 5894: 5888: 5887: 5859: 5853: 5852: 5815: 5809: 5808: 5806: 5805: 5790: 5781: 5780: 5751: 5738: 5737: 5717: 5711: 5710: 5708: 5684: 5678: 5672: 5666: 5660: 5654: 5648: 5642: 5636: 5630: 5627: 5621: 5618: 5612: 5609: 5603: 5600: 5594: 5593: 5573: 5567: 5561: 5552: 5551: 5549: 5548: 5534: 5528: 5515: 5509: 5506: 5500: 5497: 5491: 5481: 5475: 5461: 5455: 5454: 5436: 5430: 5412: 5406: 5395: 5389: 5386: 5377: 5376: 5358: 5352: 5349: 5343: 5342: 5340: 5329: 5323: 5322: 5312: 5302: 5278: 5269: 5266: 5257: 5251: 5242: 5239: 5233: 5230: 5219: 5211: 5205: 5199: 5193: 5192: 5190: 5189: 5183: 5177:. Archived from 5176: 5168: 5162: 5156: 5150: 5149: 5148:on 26 July 2013. 5144:. Archived from 5130: 5124: 5121: 5115: 5112: 5106: 5103: 5097: 5090: 5084: 5077: 5071: 5068: 5062: 5059: 5053: 5052: 5034: 5010: 4997: 4986: 4980: 4979: 4977: 4976: 4961: 4955: 4954: 4944: 4911: 4905: 4904: 4902: 4878: 4865: 4862: 4856: 4853: 4847: 4844: 4838: 4837: 4825: 4819: 4808: 4802: 4799: 4793: 4790: 4784: 4781: 4775: 4772: 4755: 4752: 4746: 4740: 4734: 4731: 4725: 4722: 4716: 4713: 4707: 4706: 4688: 4682: 4681: 4665: 4656: 4653: 4647: 4646: 4643:The Dharmafarers 4640: 4631: 4622: 4621: 4609: 4603: 4602: 4574: 4568: 4567: 4565: 4564: 4555:. Archived from 4545: 4539: 4538: 4526: 4520: 4517: 4452: 4436: 4430: 4412: 4406: 4391: 4385: 4382: 4376: 4373: 4367: 4358: 4352: 4332: 4326: 4312: 4306: 4298: 4292: 4290:Joseph Goldstein 4282: 4276: 4272: 4266: 4259:Buddhist schools 4247: 4241: 4226: 4220: 4209: 4203: 4200: 4194: 4187: 4181: 4167: 4161: 4150: 4069:Joseph Goldstein 3888: 3887: 3421:Rinpoche wrote: 3409: 3229:and psychology. 3189:Gestalt Practice 3066:free association 3039:Donald Winnicott 3037:as described by 2844:writers such as 2841:unconscious mind 2754:Richard Davidson 2639:David Kalupahana 2512:phenomenological 2369:ummattakasammuti 2124:Tibetan Buddhism 2116:Unconscious mind 1951:(atta; Sanskrit 1884: 1882: 1874: 1862:other aggregates 1846:other aggregates 1800: 1725:mental factors ( 1723: 1717: 1713: 1703: 1699: 1663: 1658: 1640: 1629: 1598: 1578: 1558: 1542: 1536: 1530: 1496:arises dependent 1439: 1434: 1418: 1409: 1404: 1380:<–> 1337: 1303: 1263: 1091:Buddhist ethical 1064: 1057: 1050: 1036: 1035: 966:Similar concepts 812: 793: 792: 783: 776: 769: 753: 752: 480:Sublime abidings 171: 148: 147: 122: 119: 113: 86: 85: 78: 71: 64: 60: 57: 51: 27: 26: 19: 10319: 10318: 10314: 10313: 10312: 10310: 10309: 10308: 10274: 10273: 10272: 10267: 10255: 10237: 10189: 10104: 10019: 9756:Ordination hall 9717: 9619: 9590:Buddhist crisis 9502: 9199: 9151:Mahayana sutras 9127: 9123:ThĆ­ch Nhįŗ„t Hįŗ”nh 8954: 8827: 8767: 8717:Bodhisattva vow 8402: 8268: 8208: 8167:Taį¹‡hā (Craving) 8102:Five hindrances 8053: 7945: 7875: 7729: 7674: 7646: 7629: 7579:Janice Priddy, 7506:Wayback Machine 7479: 7443: 7427: 7407: 7402: 7354: 7349: 7015: 6928:Kornfield, Jack 6907: 6876: 6866:Dell Publishing 6748:Goleman, Daniel 6523:. Vol. 1. 6486: 6481: 6480: 6475: 6471: 6463: 6459: 6451: 6447: 6442: 6435: 6430: 6423: 6413: 6411: 6396: 6392: 6387: 6380: 6375: 6371: 6366: 6362: 6353: 6351: 6343: 6342: 6338: 6323: 6307: 6303: 6292: 6291: 6287: 6278: 6276: 6268: 6267: 6263: 6254: 6252: 6244: 6243: 6239: 6234: 6230: 6225: 6221: 6215: 6211: 6206: 6199: 6194: 6190: 6184: 6180: 6175: 6171: 6166: 6162: 6156:Kabat-Zinn 2005 6154: 6150: 6111: 6107: 6068: 6064: 6035:(10): 2445ā€“56. 6024: 6018: 6014: 6001: 5997: 5950: 5946: 5895: 5891: 5860: 5856: 5816: 5812: 5803: 5801: 5798:Breathworks CIC 5792: 5791: 5784: 5769:10.1002/cpp.653 5752: 5741: 5734: 5718: 5714: 5685: 5681: 5675:Kabat-Zinn 2005 5673: 5669: 5663:Kabat-Zinn 2005 5661: 5657: 5651:Kabat-Zinn 1990 5649: 5645: 5639:Kabat-Zinn 1990 5637: 5633: 5628: 5624: 5619: 5615: 5610: 5606: 5601: 5597: 5590: 5574: 5570: 5562: 5555: 5546: 5544: 5536: 5535: 5531: 5526:Wayback Machine 5516: 5512: 5507: 5503: 5498: 5494: 5482: 5478: 5472:Wayback Machine 5462: 5458: 5451: 5437: 5433: 5427:Shambhala Times 5423:Wayback Machine 5413: 5409: 5396: 5392: 5387: 5380: 5373: 5359: 5355: 5350: 5346: 5338: 5330: 5326: 5279: 5272: 5267: 5260: 5252: 5245: 5240: 5236: 5231: 5222: 5214:Janice Priddy, 5212: 5208: 5200: 5196: 5187: 5185: 5181: 5174: 5170: 5169: 5165: 5157: 5153: 5131: 5127: 5122: 5118: 5113: 5109: 5104: 5100: 5091: 5087: 5078: 5074: 5069: 5065: 5060: 5056: 5011: 5000: 4987: 4983: 4974: 4972: 4963: 4962: 4958: 4912: 4908: 4879: 4868: 4863: 4859: 4854: 4850: 4845: 4841: 4826: 4822: 4809: 4805: 4800: 4796: 4791: 4787: 4782: 4778: 4773: 4758: 4753: 4749: 4741: 4737: 4732: 4728: 4723: 4719: 4714: 4710: 4689: 4685: 4666: 4659: 4654: 4650: 4638: 4632: 4625: 4610: 4606: 4575: 4571: 4562: 4560: 4547: 4546: 4542: 4527: 4523: 4518: 4465: 4460: 4455: 4437: 4433: 4417: 4416: 4413: 4409: 4392: 4388: 4383: 4379: 4374: 4370: 4359: 4355: 4333: 4329: 4313: 4309: 4299: 4295: 4283: 4279: 4273: 4269: 4248: 4244: 4227: 4223: 4210: 4206: 4201: 4197: 4188: 4184: 4168: 4164: 4151: 4147: 4143: 4138: 4089: 4033: 4028: 3947: 3945: 3933: 3928: 3923: 3908: 3901: 3896: 3894: 3893:Romantic / 3874: 3840:Five Hindrances 3832:Marcus Aurelius 3808: 3751: 3731: 3687: 3657: 3645:Vidyamala Burch 3637:loving-kindness 3622: 3574: 3538:Steven C. Hayes 3508:auto-suggestion 3501: 3484: 3458:"Mind and Life" 3450: 3435:five aggregates 3419:Chogyam Trungpa 3411: 3404: 3396: 3373:Martin Seligman 3344:The concept of 3304: 3227:Buddhist ethics 3215: 3207:Claudio Naranjo 3205:More recently, 3187:(who developed 3165:Gestalt Therapy 3162: 3160:Gestalt therapy 3080: 3074: 2976: 2882: 2870:Sharon Salzberg 2833: 2770: 2758:B. Alan Wallace 2744:James H. Austin 2736:neuropsychology 2690:Vidyamala Burch 2574: 2504: 2413: 2407: 2351:five hindrances 2323: 2303:loving-kindness 2214:loving-kindness 2150: 2132: 2067: 2065:The Unconscious 2002: 1886:diagram details 1880: 1856: 1804: 1793: 1788: 1776: 1769: 1764: 1752: 1745: 1740: 1711: 1710: 1708: 1706: 1704: 1701: 1700: 1697: 1696: 1694: 1692: 1690: 1681: 1674: 1669: 1661: 1656: 1643: 1627: 1601: 1600:4 elements 1559: 1550:Five Aggregates 1546: 1534:diagram details 1532: 1526: 1505: 1497: 1492:Sense-specific 1484: 1475: 1454: 1448: 1437: 1430: 1414: 1407: 1400: 1386: 1384: 1376: 1374: 1356: 1354: 1352: 1350: 1348: 1346: 1335: 1333: 1331: 1322: 1320: 1318: 1316: 1314: 1312: 1301: 1299: 1297: 1261: 1225: 1164: 1081:, behavior and 1068: 1027: 1026: 967: 959: 958: 944: 936: 935: 883: 875: 874: 820: 787: 747: 740: 739: 630: 620: 619: 570: 560: 559: 525: 515: 514: 420: 410: 409: 380:Mahayana Sutras 360: 350: 349: 290:Five Aggregates 268: 267: 247: 246: 237:Later Buddhists 202: 139:neuropsychology 123: 117: 114: 108:or excerpts to 99: 87: 83: 72: 61: 55: 52: 38:Please help by 37: 28: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 10317: 10307: 10306: 10301: 10296: 10291: 10286: 10269: 10268: 10266: 10265: 10253: 10242: 10239: 10238: 10236: 10235: 10230: 10225: 10220: 10215: 10210: 10205: 10199: 10197: 10191: 10190: 10188: 10187: 10182: 10177: 10172: 10167: 10162: 10157: 10152: 10147: 10142: 10137: 10136: 10135: 10130: 10120: 10114: 10112: 10106: 10105: 10103: 10102: 10101: 10100: 10095: 10085: 10080: 10075: 10070: 10065: 10060: 10055: 10050: 10045: 10040: 10035: 10029: 10027: 10021: 10020: 10018: 10017: 10012: 10007: 10006: 10005: 10000: 9995: 9990: 9985: 9975: 9970: 9965: 9960: 9955: 9954: 9953: 9948: 9943: 9938: 9933: 9923: 9918: 9913: 9912: 9911: 9901: 9896: 9891: 9886: 9885: 9884: 9879: 9874: 9869: 9864: 9854: 9849: 9844: 9839: 9834: 9829: 9824: 9823: 9822: 9820:Greco-Buddhist 9812: 9811: 9810: 9805: 9800: 9795: 9790: 9785: 9780: 9775: 9774: 9773: 9771:Burmese pagoda 9763: 9758: 9753: 9748: 9743: 9738: 9727: 9725: 9719: 9718: 9716: 9715: 9710: 9705: 9700: 9695: 9690: 9685: 9680: 9675: 9670: 9665: 9660: 9655: 9650: 9645: 9640: 9635: 9629: 9627: 9621: 9620: 9618: 9617: 9612: 9607: 9602: 9597: 9592: 9587: 9582: 9577: 9572: 9567: 9562: 9561: 9560: 9553:Greco-Buddhism 9550: 9545: 9544: 9543: 9533: 9528: 9523: 9518: 9512: 9510: 9504: 9503: 9501: 9500: 9499: 9498: 9493: 9488: 9486:United Kingdom 9483: 9478: 9473: 9468: 9463: 9458: 9453: 9448: 9443: 9438: 9433: 9431:Czech Republic 9428: 9423: 9418: 9413: 9408: 9398: 9397: 9396: 9391: 9381: 9380: 9379: 9369: 9368: 9367: 9362: 9352: 9347: 9342: 9337: 9332: 9327: 9322: 9321: 9320: 9310: 9305: 9295: 9290: 9285: 9280: 9275: 9270: 9265: 9260: 9255: 9250: 9245: 9240: 9235: 9230: 9225: 9220: 9215: 9209: 9207: 9201: 9200: 9198: 9197: 9195:AbhidharmadÄ«pa 9192: 9185: 9180: 9175: 9168: 9163: 9158: 9153: 9148: 9143: 9137: 9135: 9129: 9128: 9126: 9125: 9120: 9115: 9113:B. R. Ambedkar 9110: 9105: 9100: 9095: 9090: 9085: 9080: 9075: 9070: 9065: 9060: 9055: 9050: 9045: 9040: 9035: 9033:Songtsen Gampo 9030: 9025: 9020: 9015: 9010: 9005: 9000: 8995: 8990: 8985: 8980: 8975: 8970: 8964: 8962: 8956: 8955: 8953: 8952: 8947: 8946: 8945: 8935: 8930: 8925: 8920: 8915: 8910: 8909: 8908: 8898: 8893: 8888: 8883: 8878: 8873: 8868: 8863: 8858: 8853: 8848: 8843: 8837: 8835: 8829: 8828: 8826: 8825: 8824: 8823: 8818: 8813: 8808: 8798: 8793: 8788: 8783: 8777: 8775: 8769: 8768: 8766: 8765: 8760: 8759: 8758: 8748: 8747: 8746: 8741: 8736: 8726: 8725: 8724: 8719: 8714: 8712:Eight precepts 8709: 8699: 8698: 8697: 8692: 8687: 8682: 8672: 8671: 8670: 8660: 8655: 8650: 8649: 8648: 8643: 8638: 8628: 8623: 8618: 8613: 8608: 8607: 8606: 8601: 8591: 8586: 8585: 8584: 8579: 8574: 8569: 8564: 8559: 8554: 8549: 8544: 8539: 8534: 8524: 8519: 8514: 8509: 8500: 8490: 8485: 8483:Five Strengths 8480: 8475: 8470: 8465: 8460: 8455: 8450: 8449: 8448: 8443: 8438: 8433: 8423: 8418: 8412: 8410: 8404: 8403: 8401: 8400: 8395: 8390: 8385: 8380: 8375: 8374: 8373: 8368: 8363: 8358: 8348: 8347: 8346: 8341: 8336: 8331: 8326: 8321: 8316: 8311: 8310: 8309: 8304: 8299: 8294: 8278: 8276: 8270: 8269: 8267: 8266: 8261: 8260: 8259: 8254: 8249: 8244: 8239: 8234: 8224: 8218: 8216: 8210: 8209: 8207: 8206: 8201: 8200: 8199: 8194: 8189: 8179: 8174: 8169: 8164: 8159: 8154: 8149: 8144: 8139: 8134: 8129: 8124: 8122:Mental factors 8119: 8114: 8109: 8104: 8099: 8094: 8089: 8084: 8079: 8074: 8069: 8063: 8061: 8055: 8054: 8052: 8051: 8046: 8041: 8036: 8031: 8026: 8021: 8016: 8011: 8006: 8001: 7996: 7991: 7986: 7981: 7976: 7974:Mahamoggallāna 7971: 7966: 7961: 7955: 7953: 7947: 7946: 7944: 7943: 7938: 7933: 7928: 7923: 7918: 7913: 7908: 7903: 7898: 7897: 7896: 7889:Avalokiteśvara 7885: 7883: 7877: 7876: 7874: 7873: 7868: 7863: 7862: 7861: 7853: 7845: 7837: 7829: 7821: 7813: 7800: 7795: 7790: 7785: 7780: 7775: 7770: 7765: 7760: 7755: 7750: 7745: 7739: 7737: 7731: 7730: 7728: 7727: 7722: 7717: 7712: 7711: 7710: 7705: 7700: 7690: 7684: 7682: 7676: 7675: 7673: 7672: 7667: 7662: 7651: 7648: 7647: 7628: 7627: 7620: 7613: 7605: 7599: 7598: 7585: 7584: 7576: 7568: 7560: 7546: 7545: 7537: 7508: 7493: 7488:Lorne Ladner, 7478: 7475: 7474: 7473: 7463: 7453: 7449:a treatise by 7442: 7439: 7438: 7437: 7426: 7423: 7422: 7421: 7418: 7406: 7403: 7401: 7400:External links 7398: 7397: 7396: 7370: 7353: 7350: 7348: 7347: 7332: 7317: 7310: 7307:The Way of Zen 7303:Watts, Alan W. 7300: 7297: 7276: 7258:(3): 251ā€“263. 7247: 7234:(ed.) (1997). 7229: 7226: 7214: 7207: 7185: 7170: 7155: 7144: 7137: 7128: 7089: 7074: 7061:(1954, 1996). 7056: 7034: 7019: 7013: 7000: 6993: 6986: 6979: 6964: 6946: 6943: 6925: 6922: 6919: 6905: 6888: 6874: 6857: 6854: 6839: 6820: 6805: 6787: 6784: 6781:Gopnik, Alison 6778: 6763: 6750:(ed.) (1997). 6745: 6741: 6738: 6723: 6701: 6683: 6674: 6659: 6646:(1962, 1991). 6641: 6638: 6623: 6620: 6611: 6595:(ed.) (2000). 6593:Bodhi, Bhikkhu 6590: 6587: 6567:(1ā€“2): 63ā€“68. 6552: 6533: 6513:Bechert, Heinz 6509: 6487: 6485: 6482: 6479: 6478: 6469: 6457: 6445: 6433: 6421: 6390: 6378: 6369: 6360: 6336: 6321: 6301: 6285: 6261: 6237: 6228: 6219: 6209: 6197: 6188: 6178: 6169: 6160: 6158:, p. 431. 6148: 6105: 6078:(6): 749ā€“760. 6062: 6012: 5995: 5960:(in Spanish). 5944: 5889: 5870:(5): 235ā€“241. 5854: 5827:(6): 970ā€“984. 5810: 5782: 5739: 5732: 5712: 5679: 5667: 5655: 5643: 5631: 5622: 5613: 5604: 5595: 5588: 5568: 5553: 5529: 5510: 5501: 5492: 5476: 5456: 5449: 5431: 5407: 5390: 5378: 5371: 5353: 5344: 5324: 5270: 5258: 5243: 5234: 5220: 5206: 5194: 5163: 5151: 5125: 5116: 5107: 5098: 5085: 5072: 5063: 5054: 5025:(2): 125ā€“136. 4998: 4981: 4956: 4906: 4866: 4857: 4848: 4839: 4820: 4803: 4794: 4785: 4776: 4756: 4747: 4735: 4726: 4717: 4708: 4683: 4657: 4648: 4623: 4604: 4585:(3): 251ā€“263. 4569: 4540: 4521: 4462: 4461: 4459: 4456: 4454: 4453: 4431: 4407: 4386: 4377: 4368: 4353: 4327: 4307: 4293: 4286:Jack Kornfield 4277: 4267: 4242: 4221: 4204: 4195: 4182: 4162: 4144: 4142: 4139: 4137: 4136: 4131: 4126: 4121: 4116: 4111: 4106: 4101: 4096: 4090: 4088: 4085: 4032: 4029: 4027: 4024: 3982:Abraham Maslow 3955: 3954: 3949: 3942: 3938: 3937: 3930: 3925: 3919: 3918: 3913: 3910: 3904: 3903: 3898: 3891: 3873: 3870: 3807: 3804: 3755:existentialism 3750: 3747: 3735:Clive Sherlock 3730: 3727: 3715: 3714: 3711: 3708: 3705: 3693:flexibility." 3686: 3683: 3656: 3653: 3621: 3618: 3596:practitioner, 3573: 3570: 3556:(MBCT) (Segal 3550:Clive Sherlock 3522:Jon Kabat-Zinn 3515: 3514: 3511: 3500: 3497: 3483: 3480: 3470:Gautama Buddha 3462:Daniel Goleman 3449: 3446: 3397: 3395: 3392: 3327:Buddha's Brain 3303: 3300: 3290:Nanavira Thera 3214: 3211: 3161: 3158: 3142: 3141: 3138:Eightfold Path 3131: 3121: 3107: 3073: 3070: 3002:psychoanalysis 2975: 2972: 2881: 2878: 2866:Jack Kornfield 2832: 2829: 2790:Morita therapy 2769: 2766: 2721:Jack Kornfield 2717:Daniel Goleman 2713:Jon Kabat-Zinn 2678:Jon Kabat-Zinn 2608:Dhamma Sangani 2573: 2570: 2569: 2568: 2557: 2550: 2525: 2503: 2500: 2473:, a theory of 2451:mental factors 2409:Main article: 2406: 2403: 2365:mental illness 2322: 2319: 2311:empathetic joy 2287: 2286: 2283: 2280: 2277: 2274: 2146:Main article: 2131: 2128: 2066: 2063: 2028: 2027: 2024: 2021: 2001: 1998: 1977:Daniel Goleman 1939:(conceit) and 1890: 1889: 1870: 1869: 1868: 1867: 1866: 1865: 1849: 1839: 1824: 1823: 1819: 1818: 1815: 1812: 1811: 1807: 1806: 1784: 1783: 1779: 1778: 1760: 1759: 1755: 1754: 1736: 1735: 1732: 1721: 1714: 1687: 1684: 1683: 1665: 1664: 1659: 1652: 1651: 1638: 1635: 1631: 1630: 1625: 1622: 1618: 1617: 1613: 1612: 1609: 1596: 1592: 1591: 1575: 1571: 1570: 1566: 1565: 1538: 1537: 1522: 1521: 1520: 1519: 1513: 1507: 1499: 1490: 1487:mental objects 1477: 1465: 1464: 1460: 1459: 1456: 1445: 1441: 1440: 1435: 1427: 1426: 1419: 1411: 1410: 1405: 1397: 1396: 1392: 1391: 1388: 1381: 1378: 1371: 1367: 1366: 1363: 1360: 1341: 1338: 1329: 1326: 1307: 1304: 1295: 1288: 1284: 1283: 1279: 1278: 1267:Figure 1: 1260: 1257: 1224: 1221: 1220: 1219: 1208: 1197: 1163: 1160: 1156:Jack Kornfield 1148:Jon Kabat-Zinn 1070: 1069: 1067: 1066: 1059: 1052: 1044: 1041: 1040: 1029: 1028: 1025: 1024: 1022:Isolation tank 1019: 1014: 1009: 1004: 999: 994: 989: 984: 979: 974: 968: 965: 964: 961: 960: 957: 956: 951: 945: 942: 941: 938: 937: 934: 933: 925: 923:Hakomi therapy 920: 918:Morita therapy 915: 910: 905: 900: 895: 890: 884: 881: 880: 877: 876: 873: 872: 867: 862: 857: 852: 847: 842: 837: 832: 827: 821: 818: 817: 814: 813: 805: 804: 798: 797: 789: 788: 786: 785: 778: 771: 763: 760: 759: 758: 757: 742: 741: 738: 737: 732: 727: 722: 717: 712: 707: 702: 697: 692: 687: 682: 677: 672: 667: 662: 657: 652: 647: 642: 637: 631: 626: 625: 622: 621: 618: 617: 612: 607: 602: 597: 592: 587: 582: 577: 571: 566: 565: 562: 561: 558: 557: 552: 547: 545:Pratyekabuddha 542: 537: 532: 526: 521: 520: 517: 516: 513: 512: 507: 502: 500:Buddhist chant 497: 492: 487: 482: 477: 472: 467: 462: 457: 452: 447: 442: 437: 432: 427: 421: 416: 415: 412: 411: 408: 407: 402: 397: 392: 387: 382: 377: 372: 367: 361: 358:Buddhist texts 356: 355: 352: 351: 348: 347: 342: 337: 332: 327: 322: 317: 312: 307: 302: 297: 292: 287: 286: 285: 275: 269: 266: 265: 260: 254: 253: 252: 249: 248: 245: 244: 239: 234: 229: 224: 219: 214: 209: 203: 198: 197: 194: 193: 192: 191: 186: 181: 173: 172: 164: 163: 157: 156: 133:Buddhist monk 125: 124: 90: 88: 81: 74: 73: 31: 29: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10316: 10305: 10302: 10300: 10297: 10295: 10292: 10290: 10287: 10285: 10282: 10281: 10279: 10264: 10259: 10254: 10252: 10244: 10243: 10240: 10234: 10231: 10229: 10226: 10224: 10221: 10219: 10216: 10214: 10211: 10209: 10206: 10204: 10201: 10200: 10198: 10196: 10192: 10186: 10183: 10181: 10178: 10176: 10173: 10171: 10168: 10166: 10163: 10161: 10158: 10156: 10153: 10151: 10148: 10146: 10143: 10141: 10138: 10134: 10131: 10129: 10126: 10125: 10124: 10121: 10119: 10116: 10115: 10113: 10111: 10107: 10099: 10096: 10094: 10091: 10090: 10089: 10086: 10084: 10081: 10079: 10076: 10074: 10071: 10069: 10066: 10064: 10061: 10059: 10056: 10054: 10051: 10049: 10046: 10044: 10041: 10039: 10036: 10034: 10031: 10030: 10028: 10026: 10025:Miscellaneous 10022: 10016: 10015:Vegetarianism 10013: 10011: 10008: 10004: 10001: 9999: 9996: 9994: 9991: 9989: 9986: 9984: 9981: 9980: 9979: 9976: 9974: 9971: 9969: 9966: 9964: 9961: 9959: 9956: 9952: 9949: 9947: 9944: 9942: 9939: 9937: 9934: 9932: 9929: 9928: 9927: 9924: 9922: 9919: 9917: 9914: 9910: 9907: 9906: 9905: 9902: 9900: 9897: 9895: 9892: 9890: 9887: 9883: 9880: 9878: 9875: 9873: 9870: 9868: 9865: 9863: 9860: 9859: 9858: 9855: 9853: 9850: 9848: 9845: 9843: 9840: 9838: 9837:Buddha in art 9835: 9833: 9830: 9828: 9825: 9821: 9818: 9817: 9816: 9813: 9809: 9806: 9804: 9801: 9799: 9796: 9794: 9791: 9789: 9786: 9784: 9781: 9779: 9776: 9772: 9769: 9768: 9767: 9764: 9762: 9759: 9757: 9754: 9752: 9749: 9747: 9744: 9742: 9739: 9737: 9734: 9733: 9732: 9729: 9728: 9726: 9724: 9720: 9714: 9711: 9709: 9706: 9704: 9701: 9699: 9696: 9694: 9691: 9689: 9686: 9684: 9681: 9679: 9676: 9674: 9671: 9669: 9666: 9664: 9661: 9659: 9656: 9654: 9651: 9649: 9646: 9644: 9641: 9639: 9636: 9634: 9631: 9630: 9628: 9626: 9622: 9616: 9613: 9611: 9608: 9606: 9603: 9601: 9598: 9596: 9593: 9591: 9588: 9586: 9583: 9581: 9578: 9576: 9573: 9571: 9568: 9566: 9563: 9559: 9556: 9555: 9554: 9551: 9549: 9546: 9542: 9539: 9538: 9537: 9534: 9532: 9529: 9527: 9524: 9522: 9519: 9517: 9514: 9513: 9511: 9509: 9505: 9497: 9494: 9492: 9491:United States 9489: 9487: 9484: 9482: 9479: 9477: 9474: 9472: 9469: 9467: 9464: 9462: 9459: 9457: 9454: 9452: 9449: 9447: 9444: 9442: 9439: 9437: 9434: 9432: 9429: 9427: 9424: 9422: 9419: 9417: 9414: 9412: 9409: 9407: 9404: 9403: 9402: 9399: 9395: 9392: 9390: 9387: 9386: 9385: 9382: 9378: 9375: 9374: 9373: 9370: 9366: 9363: 9361: 9358: 9357: 9356: 9353: 9351: 9348: 9346: 9343: 9341: 9338: 9336: 9333: 9331: 9328: 9326: 9323: 9318: 9314: 9311: 9309: 9306: 9304: 9301: 9300: 9299: 9296: 9294: 9291: 9289: 9286: 9284: 9281: 9279: 9276: 9274: 9271: 9269: 9266: 9264: 9261: 9259: 9256: 9254: 9251: 9249: 9246: 9244: 9241: 9239: 9236: 9234: 9231: 9229: 9226: 9224: 9221: 9219: 9216: 9214: 9211: 9210: 9208: 9206: 9202: 9196: 9193: 9191: 9190: 9186: 9184: 9181: 9179: 9176: 9174: 9173: 9169: 9167: 9164: 9162: 9159: 9157: 9154: 9152: 9149: 9147: 9144: 9142: 9139: 9138: 9136: 9134: 9130: 9124: 9121: 9119: 9116: 9114: 9111: 9109: 9106: 9104: 9101: 9099: 9096: 9094: 9091: 9089: 9086: 9084: 9081: 9079: 9076: 9074: 9071: 9069: 9066: 9064: 9061: 9059: 9056: 9054: 9051: 9049: 9048:Padmasambhava 9046: 9044: 9041: 9039: 9036: 9034: 9031: 9029: 9026: 9024: 9021: 9019: 9016: 9014: 9011: 9009: 9006: 9004: 9001: 8999: 8996: 8994: 8991: 8989: 8986: 8984: 8981: 8979: 8976: 8974: 8971: 8969: 8966: 8965: 8963: 8961: 8960:Major figures 8957: 8951: 8948: 8944: 8941: 8940: 8939: 8936: 8934: 8931: 8929: 8926: 8924: 8921: 8919: 8916: 8914: 8911: 8907: 8906:Western tulku 8904: 8903: 8902: 8899: 8897: 8894: 8892: 8889: 8887: 8884: 8882: 8879: 8877: 8874: 8872: 8869: 8867: 8864: 8862: 8859: 8857: 8854: 8852: 8849: 8847: 8844: 8842: 8839: 8838: 8836: 8834: 8830: 8822: 8819: 8817: 8814: 8812: 8809: 8807: 8804: 8803: 8802: 8799: 8797: 8794: 8792: 8789: 8787: 8784: 8782: 8779: 8778: 8776: 8774: 8770: 8764: 8761: 8757: 8754: 8753: 8752: 8749: 8745: 8742: 8740: 8737: 8735: 8732: 8731: 8730: 8727: 8723: 8720: 8718: 8715: 8713: 8710: 8708: 8707:Five precepts 8705: 8704: 8703: 8700: 8696: 8693: 8691: 8688: 8686: 8685:Dhamma vicaya 8683: 8681: 8678: 8677: 8676: 8673: 8669: 8666: 8665: 8664: 8661: 8659: 8656: 8654: 8651: 8647: 8644: 8642: 8639: 8637: 8634: 8633: 8632: 8629: 8627: 8624: 8622: 8619: 8617: 8614: 8612: 8609: 8605: 8602: 8600: 8597: 8596: 8595: 8592: 8590: 8587: 8583: 8580: 8578: 8575: 8573: 8570: 8568: 8565: 8563: 8560: 8558: 8555: 8553: 8550: 8548: 8545: 8543: 8540: 8538: 8535: 8532: 8528: 8525: 8523: 8520: 8518: 8515: 8513: 8510: 8507: 8506: 8501: 8499: 8496: 8495: 8494: 8491: 8489: 8486: 8484: 8481: 8479: 8476: 8474: 8471: 8469: 8466: 8464: 8461: 8459: 8456: 8454: 8453:Buddhābhiį¹£eka 8451: 8447: 8444: 8442: 8439: 8437: 8434: 8432: 8429: 8428: 8427: 8424: 8422: 8419: 8417: 8414: 8413: 8411: 8409: 8405: 8399: 8396: 8394: 8391: 8389: 8386: 8384: 8381: 8379: 8376: 8372: 8369: 8367: 8364: 8362: 8359: 8357: 8354: 8353: 8352: 8349: 8345: 8342: 8340: 8337: 8335: 8332: 8330: 8327: 8325: 8322: 8320: 8317: 8315: 8312: 8308: 8305: 8303: 8300: 8298: 8295: 8293: 8290: 8289: 8288: 8285: 8284: 8283: 8280: 8279: 8277: 8275: 8271: 8265: 8262: 8258: 8255: 8253: 8250: 8248: 8245: 8243: 8240: 8238: 8235: 8233: 8230: 8229: 8228: 8225: 8223: 8220: 8219: 8217: 8215: 8211: 8205: 8202: 8198: 8195: 8193: 8190: 8188: 8185: 8184: 8183: 8180: 8178: 8175: 8173: 8170: 8168: 8165: 8163: 8160: 8158: 8155: 8153: 8150: 8148: 8145: 8143: 8140: 8138: 8135: 8133: 8130: 8128: 8125: 8123: 8120: 8118: 8115: 8113: 8110: 8108: 8105: 8103: 8100: 8098: 8097:Enlightenment 8095: 8093: 8090: 8088: 8087:Dhamma theory 8085: 8083: 8082:Buddha-nature 8080: 8078: 8075: 8073: 8070: 8068: 8065: 8064: 8062: 8060: 8056: 8050: 8047: 8045: 8042: 8040: 8037: 8035: 8032: 8030: 8027: 8025: 8022: 8020: 8017: 8015: 8012: 8010: 8007: 8005: 8002: 8000: 7997: 7995: 7992: 7990: 7987: 7985: 7982: 7980: 7977: 7975: 7972: 7970: 7967: 7965: 7962: 7960: 7957: 7956: 7954: 7952: 7948: 7942: 7939: 7937: 7934: 7932: 7929: 7927: 7924: 7922: 7921:Samantabhadra 7919: 7917: 7914: 7912: 7909: 7907: 7904: 7902: 7899: 7895: 7892: 7891: 7890: 7887: 7886: 7884: 7882: 7878: 7872: 7869: 7867: 7864: 7860: 7854: 7852: 7846: 7844: 7838: 7836: 7830: 7828: 7822: 7820: 7814: 7812: 7806: 7805: 7804: 7801: 7799: 7796: 7794: 7791: 7789: 7786: 7784: 7781: 7779: 7776: 7774: 7771: 7769: 7766: 7764: 7761: 7759: 7756: 7754: 7751: 7749: 7746: 7744: 7741: 7740: 7738: 7736: 7732: 7726: 7723: 7721: 7718: 7716: 7713: 7709: 7706: 7704: 7701: 7699: 7696: 7695: 7694: 7691: 7689: 7686: 7685: 7683: 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7171: 7168: 7167:0-553-37492-3 7164: 7160: 7156: 7153: 7149: 7145: 7142: 7138: 7135: 7134: 7129: 7126: 7125:0-7661-4702-9 7122: 7118: 7115: 7109: 7103: 7098: 7093: 7090: 7087: 7086:0-87728-669-8 7083: 7079: 7075: 7072: 7071:0-87728-073-8 7068: 7064: 7060: 7057: 7054: 7053:1-56455-632-8 7050: 7046: 7042: 7038: 7035: 7032: 7028: 7024: 7020: 7016: 7010: 7006: 7001: 6998: 6994: 6991: 6987: 6984: 6980: 6977: 6976:0-89862-034-1 6973: 6969: 6965: 6962: 6961:0-89862-183-6 6958: 6954: 6950: 6947: 6944: 6941: 6940:0-553-37211-4 6937: 6933: 6929: 6926: 6923: 6920: 6916: 6912: 6908: 6906:0-7868-8654-4 6902: 6898: 6894: 6889: 6885: 6881: 6877: 6875:0-385-30312-2 6871: 6867: 6863: 6858: 6855: 6852: 6851:1-55939-127-8 6848: 6844: 6840: 6837: 6836:1-57062-893-9 6833: 6829: 6825: 6821: 6818: 6817:0-674-02319-6 6814: 6810: 6806: 6804: 6800: 6796: 6792: 6788: 6785: 6782: 6779: 6776: 6775:0-553-38105-9 6772: 6768: 6764: 6761: 6760:1-57062-212-4 6757: 6753: 6749: 6746: 6744:Publications. 6742: 6739: 6736: 6735:0-8264-0673-4 6732: 6728: 6724: 6721: 6720:0-06-090175-6 6717: 6713: 6709: 6705: 6702: 6699: 6698:0-465-08585-7 6695: 6691: 6687: 6686:Epstein, Mark 6684: 6680: 6675: 6672: 6671:0-8065-0937-6 6668: 6664: 6660: 6657: 6656:0-8065-0909-0 6653: 6649: 6645: 6644:Ellis, Albert 6642: 6639: 6636: 6635:0-19-513043-X 6632: 6628: 6624: 6621: 6617: 6612: 6610: 6606: 6605:1-928706-02-9 6602: 6598: 6594: 6591: 6588: 6584: 6580: 6575: 6570: 6566: 6562: 6558: 6553: 6550: 6549:1-898723-14-1 6546: 6542: 6538: 6534: 6530: 6526: 6522: 6518: 6514: 6510: 6507: 6506:0-89042-062-9 6503: 6499: 6497: 6492: 6489: 6488: 6473: 6467: 6461: 6454: 6449: 6440: 6438: 6428: 6426: 6409: 6405: 6401: 6394: 6385: 6383: 6373: 6364: 6350: 6346: 6340: 6332: 6328: 6324: 6318: 6314: 6313: 6305: 6297: 6296: 6289: 6275: 6271: 6265: 6251: 6247: 6246:"APA PsycNet" 6241: 6232: 6223: 6213: 6204: 6202: 6192: 6182: 6173: 6164: 6157: 6152: 6144: 6140: 6136: 6132: 6128: 6124: 6121:(3): 233ā€“44. 6120: 6116: 6109: 6101: 6097: 6093: 6089: 6085: 6081: 6077: 6073: 6066: 6058: 6054: 6050: 6046: 6042: 6038: 6034: 6030: 6023: 6016: 6008: 6007: 5999: 5991: 5987: 5982: 5977: 5972: 5967: 5963: 5959: 5955: 5948: 5940: 5936: 5932: 5928: 5924: 5920: 5916: 5912: 5908: 5904: 5900: 5893: 5885: 5881: 5877: 5873: 5869: 5865: 5858: 5850: 5846: 5842: 5838: 5834: 5830: 5826: 5822: 5814: 5799: 5795: 5789: 5787: 5778: 5774: 5770: 5766: 5762: 5758: 5750: 5748: 5746: 5744: 5735: 5729: 5725: 5724: 5716: 5707: 5702: 5698: 5694: 5690: 5683: 5676: 5671: 5665:, p. 26. 5664: 5659: 5653:, p. 11. 5652: 5647: 5640: 5635: 5626: 5617: 5608: 5599: 5591: 5585: 5581: 5580: 5572: 5566: 5560: 5558: 5543: 5539: 5533: 5527: 5523: 5520: 5514: 5505: 5496: 5490: 5489:9781124902272 5486: 5480: 5473: 5469: 5466: 5460: 5452: 5446: 5442: 5435: 5428: 5424: 5420: 5417: 5411: 5405:, May 8, 2008 5404: 5400: 5394: 5385: 5383: 5374: 5372:9781898059318 5368: 5364: 5357: 5348: 5337: 5336: 5328: 5320: 5316: 5311: 5306: 5301: 5296: 5292: 5288: 5284: 5277: 5275: 5265: 5263: 5255: 5250: 5248: 5238: 5229: 5227: 5225: 5218: 5217: 5210: 5204:, p. 42. 5203: 5198: 5184:on 2015-05-18 5180: 5173: 5167: 5160: 5155: 5147: 5143: 5139: 5135: 5134:Epstein, Mark 5129: 5120: 5114:Fromm, p. 140 5111: 5105:Fromm, p. 115 5102: 5095: 5089: 5082: 5076: 5067: 5058: 5050: 5046: 5042: 5038: 5033: 5028: 5024: 5020: 5016: 5009: 5007: 5005: 5003: 4995: 4991: 4985: 4970: 4966: 4960: 4952: 4948: 4943: 4938: 4934: 4930: 4926: 4922: 4918: 4910: 4901: 4896: 4892: 4888: 4884: 4877: 4875: 4873: 4871: 4861: 4852: 4843: 4835: 4831: 4824: 4817: 4813: 4807: 4798: 4789: 4780: 4771: 4769: 4767: 4765: 4763: 4761: 4751: 4745: 4739: 4730: 4721: 4712: 4704: 4700: 4699: 4694: 4687: 4679: 4675: 4671: 4664: 4662: 4652: 4644: 4637: 4630: 4628: 4619: 4615: 4608: 4600: 4596: 4592: 4588: 4584: 4580: 4573: 4559:on 2017-02-12 4558: 4554: 4550: 4544: 4537:. p. 64. 4536: 4532: 4525: 4516: 4514: 4512: 4510: 4508: 4506: 4504: 4502: 4500: 4498: 4496: 4494: 4492: 4490: 4488: 4486: 4484: 4482: 4480: 4478: 4476: 4474: 4472: 4470: 4468: 4463: 4450: 4446: 4441: 4435: 4428: 4426: 4425: 4411: 4404: 4400: 4396: 4390: 4381: 4372: 4364: 4357: 4351: 4349: 4345: 4339: 4331: 4325: 4321: 4317: 4311: 4304: 4297: 4291: 4287: 4281: 4271: 4264: 4260: 4256: 4252: 4246: 4239: 4235: 4231: 4225: 4218: 4214: 4208: 4199: 4192: 4186: 4179: 4175: 4172: 4166: 4159: 4158:Wilhelm Wundt 4155: 4149: 4145: 4135: 4132: 4130: 4127: 4125: 4122: 4120: 4117: 4115: 4112: 4110: 4107: 4105: 4102: 4100: 4097: 4095: 4092: 4091: 4084: 4082: 4078: 4074: 4070: 4066: 4062: 4056: 4054: 4050: 4046: 4040: 4038: 4022: 4017: 4015: 4010: 4009:Bhikkhu Bodhi 4004: 4001: 3995: 3992: 3990: 3985: 3983: 3979: 3978:William James 3975: 3974:Immanuel Kant 3970: 3966: 3962: 3953: 3950: 3943: 3940: 3939: 3936: 3931: 3926: 3921: 3920: 3917: 3914: 3912:divided self 3911: 3906: 3905: 3899: 3892: 3890: 3889: 3885: 3881: 3877: 3868: 3863: 3861: 3860: 3855: 3851: 3850: 3845: 3841: 3835: 3833: 3829: 3825: 3819: 3817: 3813: 3803: 3798: 3795: 3792: 3789: 3785: 3783: 3782: 3777: 3773: 3769: 3763: 3760: 3756: 3746: 3744: 3740: 3736: 3726: 3722: 3720: 3712: 3709: 3706: 3703: 3702: 3701: 3699: 3694: 3691: 3682: 3680: 3674: 3669: 3665: 3660: 3652: 3650: 3646: 3642: 3638: 3634: 3630: 3626: 3617: 3615: 3614: 3607: 3602: 3597: 3595: 3589: 3587: 3581: 3579: 3565: 3561: 3559: 3555: 3551: 3547: 3543: 3539: 3535: 3531: 3527: 3523: 3518: 3512: 3509: 3506: 3505: 3504: 3496: 3494: 3490: 3478: 3476: 3471: 3465: 3463: 3459: 3456:has convened 3455: 3445: 3443: 3438: 3436: 3430: 3428: 3422: 3420: 3416: 3410: 3408: 3401: 3391: 3386: 3381: 3378: 3374: 3370: 3367: 3362: 3360: 3355: 3351: 3347: 3342: 3340: 3336: 3332: 3328: 3323: 3321: 3317: 3313: 3309: 3299: 3296: 3291: 3287: 3282: 3280: 3276: 3272: 3268: 3263: 3260: 3256: 3254: 3250: 3246: 3242: 3239: 3235: 3230: 3228: 3224: 3220: 3210: 3208: 3203: 3201: 3196: 3194: 3191:by including 3190: 3186: 3182: 3178: 3174: 3170: 3166: 3157: 3155: 3151: 3147: 3139: 3135: 3132: 3129: 3125: 3122: 3119: 3115: 3111: 3108: 3105: 3102: 3101: 3100: 3097: 3093: 3089: 3085: 3079: 3072:David Brazier 3069: 3067: 3063: 3058: 3055: 3051: 3046: 3044: 3040: 3036: 3035: 3029: 3025: 3021: 3017: 3013: 3011: 3007: 3003: 2999: 2995: 2991: 2987: 2985: 2981: 2970: 2968: 2964: 2960: 2956: 2950: 2946: 2944: 2940: 2937: 2936:psychoanalyst 2933: 2928: 2925: 2924: 2919: 2918: 2913: 2909: 2905: 2903: 2899: 2895: 2891: 2887: 2877: 2875: 2871: 2867: 2863: 2859: 2855: 2851: 2847: 2842: 2838: 2828: 2826: 2822: 2817: 2814: 2810: 2806: 2801: 2799: 2795: 2791: 2787: 2783: 2774: 2765: 2763: 2759: 2755: 2751: 2750: 2745: 2741: 2737: 2732: 2730: 2726: 2722: 2718: 2714: 2705: 2701: 2699: 2695: 2691: 2687: 2683: 2679: 2675: 2671: 2667: 2662: 2660: 2656: 2652: 2648: 2644: 2643:Hubert Benoit 2640: 2636: 2632: 2628: 2627:William James 2623: 2621: 2617: 2613: 2609: 2605: 2602: 2598: 2594: 2590: 2582: 2578: 2566: 2562: 2558: 2555: 2551: 2548: 2544: 2543: 2538: 2537:enlightenment 2535:approach and 2534: 2533:non-dualistic 2530: 2526: 2523: 2519: 2518: 2513: 2509: 2508: 2507: 2498: 2493: 2491: 2487: 2486:Bhikkhu Bodhi 2482: 2480: 2476: 2472: 2468: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2452: 2448: 2444: 2440: 2436: 2432: 2428: 2424: 2423: 2418: 2412: 2402: 2400: 2396: 2392: 2388: 2384: 2379: 2377: 2376:Milinda Panha 2372: 2370: 2366: 2361: 2359: 2354: 2352: 2348: 2347:three poisons 2344: 2340: 2339:cetasiko rogo 2336: 2332: 2328: 2318: 2316: 2312: 2308: 2304: 2300: 2296: 2292: 2284: 2281: 2278: 2275: 2272: 2271: 2270: 2268: 2264: 2259: 2255: 2253: 2248: 2246: 2242: 2238: 2234: 2230: 2226: 2222: 2217: 2215: 2211: 2206: 2202: 2198: 2194: 2190: 2186: 2182: 2178: 2174: 2170: 2166: 2164: 2158: 2156: 2149: 2141: 2136: 2127: 2125: 2121: 2117: 2113: 2109: 2104: 2102: 2097: 2095: 2091: 2086: 2084: 2080: 2076: 2072: 2062: 2058: 2056: 2050: 2048: 2047:akusala mulas 2043: 2041: 2037: 2033: 2025: 2022: 2019: 2018: 2017: 2015: 2011: 2007: 1997: 1995: 1989: 1987: 1986:Marvin Minsky 1980: 1978: 1973: 1971: 1967: 1963: 1958: 1954: 1950: 1946: 1942: 1938: 1933: 1931: 1926: 1925:confabulation 1922: 1921: 1916: 1911: 1909: 1905: 1902:based on the 1901: 1897: 1887: 1877: 1871: 1863: 1859: 1858:Consciousness 1854: 1850: 1847: 1843: 1842:Consciousness 1840: 1837: 1833: 1830: 1829: 1828: 1827: 1825: 1820: 1808: 1803: 1801: 1799: 1792: 1786: 1785: 1781: 1780: 1775: 1773: 1768: 1762: 1761: 1757: 1756: 1751: 1749: 1744: 1738: 1737: 1730: 1728: 1722: 1718: 1715: 1688: 1680: 1678: 1673: 1672:consciousness 1666: 1653: 1649: 1647: 1632: 1619: 1614: 1607: 1605: 1593: 1590: 1588: 1584: 1579: 1576: 1572: 1567: 1563: 1556: 1555:paƱca khandha 1552: 1551: 1543: 1535: 1529: 1523: 1517: 1514: 1511: 1508: 1503: 1500: 1495: 1494:consciousness 1491: 1488: 1482: 1481:visible forms 1478: 1473: 1469: 1468: 1466: 1461: 1457: 1453: 1452: 1451:consciousness 1443: 1442: 1433: 1428: 1425: 1424: 1417: 1412: 1403: 1398: 1393: 1389: 1382: 1379: 1372: 1369: 1368: 1359: 1358: 1325: 1324: 1294: 1293: 1285: 1280: 1276: 1272: 1268: 1264: 1256: 1253: 1252:introspection 1249: 1244: 1242: 1238: 1237: 1232: 1231: 1217: 1213: 1209: 1206: 1202: 1198: 1195: 1194: 1193: 1190: 1186: 1182: 1178: 1173: 1169: 1159: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1145: 1144: 1139: 1138:enlightenment 1135: 1131: 1127: 1123: 1122:phenomenology 1119: 1114: 1112: 1108: 1104: 1100: 1096: 1092: 1088: 1084: 1080: 1076: 1065: 1060: 1058: 1053: 1051: 1046: 1045: 1043: 1042: 1039: 1031: 1030: 1023: 1020: 1018: 1015: 1013: 1010: 1008: 1005: 1003: 1000: 998: 997:Contemplation 995: 993: 990: 988: 985: 983: 980: 978: 975: 973: 970: 969: 963: 962: 955: 952: 950: 947: 946: 940: 939: 932: 930: 926: 924: 921: 919: 916: 914: 911: 909: 906: 904: 901: 899: 896: 894: 891: 889: 886: 885: 879: 878: 871: 868: 866: 863: 861: 858: 856: 855:Mental noting 853: 851: 848: 846: 843: 841: 838: 836: 833: 831: 828: 826: 823: 822: 816: 815: 811: 807: 806: 803: 800: 799: 795: 794: 784: 779: 777: 772: 770: 765: 764: 762: 761: 756: 751: 746: 745: 744: 743: 736: 733: 731: 728: 726: 723: 721: 718: 716: 713: 711: 708: 706: 703: 701: 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213: 210: 208: 205: 204: 201: 196: 195: 190: 187: 185: 182: 180: 177: 176: 175: 174: 170: 166: 165: 162: 159: 158: 154: 150: 149: 143: 140: 136: 131: 121: 111: 107: 103: 97: 96: 91:This article 89: 80: 79: 70: 67: 59: 49: 45: 41: 35: 32:This article 30: 21: 20: 10203:Bodhisattvas 10164: 10123:Christianity 10118:BahĆ”Ź¼Ć­ Faith 9983:Dharmachakra 9973:Prayer wheel 9963:Prayer beads 9731:Architecture 9610:969 Movement 9394:Saudi Arabia 9372:Central Asia 9365:South Africa 9187: 9170: 9103:Panchen Lama 9008:Buddhapālita 8604:Satipatthana 8599:Mindful Yoga 8512:Recollection 8426:Brahmavihara 8297:Japanese Zen 8292:Chinese Chan 8252:Animal realm 8059:Key concepts 7881:Bodhisattvas 7693:Three Jewels 7595: 7587: 7586: 7580: 7572: 7564: 7556: 7548: 7547: 7541: 7519:(1): 79ā€“91. 7516: 7512: 7497: 7489: 7481: 7480: 7470:Gil Fronsdal 7432: 7414: 7384: 7358: 7335: 7320: 7313: 7306: 7284: 7255: 7251: 7235: 7220: 7211:Zen Buddhism 7210: 7195: 7192:Carl G. Jung 7188:Suzuki, D.T. 7173: 7158: 7151: 7147: 7140: 7132: 7095: 7077: 7062: 7040: 7022: 7004: 6996: 6989: 6982: 6967: 6952: 6931: 6895:. New York: 6892: 6861: 6842: 6827: 6808: 6790: 6766: 6751: 6726: 6711: 6708:D. T. Suzuki 6704:Fromm, Erich 6689: 6678: 6662: 6647: 6626: 6615: 6596: 6564: 6560: 6540: 6536: 6520: 6494: 6472: 6460: 6453:McMahan 2008 6448: 6412:. Retrieved 6403: 6393: 6372: 6363: 6352:. Retrieved 6348: 6339: 6311: 6304: 6294: 6288: 6277:. Retrieved 6273: 6264: 6253:. Retrieved 6249: 6240: 6231: 6222: 6212: 6191: 6181: 6172: 6163: 6151: 6118: 6114: 6108: 6075: 6071: 6065: 6032: 6028: 6015: 6005: 5998: 5964:(2): 33ā€“45. 5961: 5957: 5947: 5909:(1): 32ā€“38. 5906: 5902: 5892: 5867: 5863: 5857: 5824: 5820: 5813: 5802:. Retrieved 5797: 5763:(1): 63ā€“78. 5760: 5756: 5722: 5715: 5696: 5692: 5682: 5670: 5658: 5646: 5641:, p. 1. 5634: 5625: 5616: 5607: 5598: 5578: 5571: 5545:. Retrieved 5541: 5532: 5513: 5504: 5495: 5479: 5459: 5440: 5434: 5426: 5410: 5402: 5393: 5362: 5356: 5347: 5334: 5327: 5290: 5286: 5254:Brazier 2001 5237: 5215: 5209: 5202:Epstein 2004 5197: 5186:. Retrieved 5179:the original 5166: 5159:Epstein 2004 5154: 5146:the original 5141: 5128: 5119: 5110: 5101: 5093: 5088: 5080: 5075: 5066: 5057: 5022: 5018: 4989: 4984: 4973:. Retrieved 4971:. 2011-04-24 4968: 4959: 4924: 4920: 4909: 4890: 4886: 4860: 4851: 4842: 4833: 4823: 4811: 4806: 4797: 4788: 4779: 4750: 4738: 4729: 4720: 4711: 4702: 4696: 4686: 4677: 4673: 4651: 4642: 4617: 4607: 4582: 4578: 4572: 4561:. Retrieved 4557:the original 4552: 4543: 4534: 4524: 4448: 4444: 4439: 4434: 4422: 4420: 4410: 4398: 4394: 4389: 4380: 4371: 4362: 4356: 4341: 4336: 4330: 4319: 4310: 4302: 4296: 4280: 4270: 4262: 4254: 4250: 4245: 4238:Karen Horney 4233: 4229: 4224: 4216: 4207: 4198: 4190: 4185: 4165: 4148: 4058: 4042: 4034: 4019: 4006: 3997: 3993: 3986: 3958: 3932:knowledge of 3883: 3878: 3875: 3865: 3857: 3847: 3837: 3821: 3812:Albert Ellis 3809: 3800: 3796: 3793: 3790: 3787: 3779: 3776:S. N. Goenka 3764: 3752: 3741:, developed 3732: 3723: 3716: 3695: 3688: 3676: 3671: 3667: 3662: 3658: 3623: 3611: 3609: 3605: 3599: 3591: 3586:mindfulness, 3585: 3583: 3575: 3557: 3519: 3516: 3502: 3485: 3467: 3451: 3439: 3432: 3424: 3414: 3412: 3406: 3403: 3399: 3388: 3383: 3371: 3363: 3343: 3334: 3330: 3326: 3324: 3305: 3295:Edward Conze 3283: 3279:right speech 3264: 3257: 3243: 3231: 3216: 3204: 3197: 3176: 3173:Zen Buddhism 3163: 3153: 3145: 3143: 3133: 3127: 3123: 3117: 3109: 3103: 3095: 3091: 3087: 3081: 3061: 3059: 3049: 3047: 3031: 3027: 3023: 3016:Mark Epstein 3014: 3009: 2994:neo-Freudian 2990:Nina Coltart 2988: 2984:Nina Coltart 2980:Mark Epstein 2977: 2966: 2962: 2958: 2957:it is a way 2954: 2952: 2947: 2943:Karen Horney 2929: 2921: 2915: 2911: 2906: 2898:Karen Horney 2883: 2834: 2825:Jōdo ShinshÅ« 2818: 2804: 2802: 2798:Zen Buddhism 2794:Shoma Morita 2779: 2747: 2746:, who wrote 2733: 2710: 2663: 2624: 2619: 2615: 2611: 2586: 2561:spirituality 2540: 2515: 2505: 2495: 2483: 2466: 2458: 2450: 2442: 2426: 2425:(Pali; Skt. 2420: 2416: 2414: 2380: 2373: 2368: 2362: 2355: 2338: 2334: 2330: 2324: 2288: 2260: 2256: 2249: 2218: 2167: 2159: 2151: 2105: 2098: 2087: 2074: 2068: 2059: 2051: 2044: 2040:hedonic tone 2032:drive theory 2029: 2003: 1991: 1982: 1974: 1957:self concept 1934: 1929: 1918: 1912: 1908:sense organs 1893: 1883:   1879:   1844:arises from 1795: 1790: 1771: 1766: 1747: 1742: 1726: 1676: 1671: 1645: 1603: 1586: 1582: 1554: 1548: 1450: 1431: 1422: 1415: 1401: 1344: 1310: 1290: 1274: 1266: 1245: 1241:Sutta Pitaka 1234: 1233:(Pali; Skt. 1228: 1226: 1165: 1141: 1115: 1102: 1073: 954:Mindful Yoga 948: 928: 845:Satipatthana 460:Merit making 425:Three Jewels 365:Buddhavacana 295:Impermanence 283:Dharma wheel 135:Barry Kerzin 115: 100:Please help 92: 62: 53: 40:spinning off 33: 10048:Dharma talk 9877:Asalha Puja 9673:Eschatology 9476:Switzerland 9456:New Zealand 9384:Middle East 9293:Philippines 9213:Afghanistan 9018:Bodhidharma 9003:Buddhaghosa 8923:Householder 8833:Monasticism 8786:Bodhisattva 8641:Prostration 8594:Mindfulness 8522:Anapanasati 8505:Kammaį¹­į¹­hāna 8302:Korean Seon 8242:Asura realm 8237:Human realm 8177:Ten Fetters 8132:Parinirvana 8034:Uppalavanna 7999:Mahākaccana 7984:Mahākassapa 7916:Kį¹£itigarbha 7911:Ākāśagarbha 7808:Suddhodāna 7753:Four sights 7680:Foundations 7045:Sounds True 6414:14 November 5981:10017/35501 5096:. pp. 85-86 4921:NeuroReport 4213:Rudolf Otto 4079:(1995) and 3969:Romanticism 3948:integration 3924:experience 3897:psychology 3844:Ten Fetters 3784:183:   3649:Breathworks 3631:(MBSR) and 3528:(MBSR) and 3489:mindfulness 3348:studied by 3259:Mindfulness 3245:Carl Rogers 3219:existential 3169:Fritz Perls 2939:Erich Fromm 2902:Erich Fromm 2890:D.T. Suzuki 2854:Erich Fromm 2846:D.T. Suzuki 2786:Inoue Enryō 2694:Breathworks 2672:therapy by 2618:(1914) and 2554:mindfulness 2358:psychogenic 2335:kāyiko rogo 2299:habituation 2295:mindfulness 2237:mindfulness 1472:sense bases 1292:sense bases 1275:Six Sextets 1248:methodology 1162:Interaction 1152:mindfulness 1134:Erich Fromm 1130:unconscious 1099:householder 1087:therapeutic 1085:along with 1012:Observation 972:Wakefulness 929:Mindfulness 850:Anapanasati 802:Mindfulness 695:New Zealand 550:Bodhisattva 535:Four Stages 490:Monasticism 470:Mindfulness 440:Perfections 370:Early Texts 10278:Categories 10165:Psychology 10145:Gnosticism 10133:Comparison 10128:Influences 10110:Comparison 9993:Bhavacakra 9951:Kushinagar 9926:Pilgrimage 9872:Māgha PÅ«jā 9827:Bodhi Tree 9643:Buddhology 9633:Abhidharma 9625:Philosophy 9558:Menander I 9426:Costa Rica 9377:Uzbekistan 9218:Bangladesh 9172:Dhammapada 9156:Pali Canon 9118:Ajahn Chah 9098:Dalai Lama 8998:KumārajÄ«va 8993:Vasubandhu 8968:The Buddha 8876:Zen master 8811:Sakadagami 8791:Buddhahood 8722:Pratimokį¹£a 8537:Shikantaza 8493:Meditation 8468:Deity yoga 8339:Madhyamaka 8232:Deva realm 8127:Mindstream 8077:Bodhicitta 7989:Aį¹…gulimāla 7856:Devadatta 7832:Yaśodharā 7735:The Buddha 7725:Middle Way 7472:(04/01/02) 7462:(03/25/02) 7458:, talk by 7094:(, 2003). 6543:. (1960). 6354:2023-03-19 6279:2023-03-19 6255:2023-03-19 5804:2020-05-22 5699:(1): 294. 5547:2023-08-11 5188:2015-05-09 4975:2023-08-11 4563:2016-08-10 4458:References 4178:Abhidhamma 4154:the Buddha 4094:Bhavacakra 4073:Tara Brach 4037:Alan Watts 3927:feeling of 3895:humanistic 3781:Dhammapada 3601:illusions. 3560:., 2002). 3475:Abhidhamma 3454:Dalai Lama 3427:abhidharma 3316:well-being 3277:ideals of 3223:humanistic 3185:Dick Price 3110:Samudhaya: 3076:See also: 3034:narcissism 3020:Ajahn Chah 2862:Tara Brach 2858:Alan Watts 2729:psychology 2725:Tara Brach 2696:developed 2659:Ken Wilber 2604:Abhidhamma 2593:Pali Canon 2572:Psychology 2529:humanistic 2517:Abhidhamma 2427:Abhidharma 2422:Abhidhamma 2411:Abhidharma 2399:Buddhagosa 2391:alcoholism 2327:Pali Canon 2315:equanimity 2307:compassion 2241:SampajaƱƱa 2210:compassion 2201:Buddhahood 2185:meditation 2155:humanistic 2140:Khao Luang 2110:school of 2071:Pali Canon 2006:motivation 1896:perception 1767:perception 1562:Pali Canon 1383:"external" 1373:"internal" 1271:Pali Canon 1172:psychology 1126:perception 1118:psychology 1103:samacariya 1083:motivation 882:Psychology 840:SampajaƱƱa 568:Traditions 505:Pilgrimage 445:Meditation 405:Post-canon 385:Pāli Canon 315:Middle Way 212:The Buddha 110:Wikisource 44:relocating 10233:Festivals 10213:Buddhists 10175:Theosophy 9978:Symbolism 9968:Hama yumi 9941:Bodh Gaya 9708:Socialism 9683:Evolution 9658:Economics 9496:Venezuela 9411:Australia 9406:Argentina 9330:Sri Lanka 9325:Singapore 9243:Indonesia 9205:Countries 9146:Tripiį¹­aka 9108:Ajahn Mun 8983:Nagarjuna 8978:Aśvaghoį¹£a 8861:Anagārika 8856:Śrāmaį¹‡erÄ« 8851:Śrāmaį¹‡era 8846:BhikkhunÄ« 8806:Sotāpanna 8695:Passaddhi 8636:Offerings 8611:Nekkhamma 8488:Iddhipada 8408:Practices 8378:Theravada 8351:Vajrayana 8344:Yogachara 8314:Pure Land 8227:Six Paths 8214:Cosmology 7994:Anuruddha 7969:Sāriputta 7959:Kaundinya 7951:Disciples 7926:Vajrapāį¹‡i 7778:Footprint 7743:Tathāgata 7549:Winnicott 7272:145760146 7154:. (1960). 6951:(1993a). 6583:1321-0122 6404:BuddhaNet 6331:778448192 5990:2530-2787 5923:1524-9042 5884:1358-0574 5041:1468-5884 4893:: 70ā€“84. 4599:145760146 4265:. (1986). 4081:Nhat Hanh 4065:Kornfield 3961:Theravada 3959:American 3952:Awakening 3935:Awakening 3907:spiritual 3902:Buddhism 3828:Epictetus 3146:samudhaya 3088:samudhaya 2908:Carl Jung 2894:Carl Jung 2850:Carl Jung 2674:Ron Kurtz 2601:Theravada 2467:cessation 2443:awareness 2229:Vipassana 2225:attention 2216:present. 1900:cognition 1791:formation 1604:mahābhÅ«ta 1236:Tripitaka 1079:cognition 1007:Awareness 982:Alertness 977:Attention 931:(journal) 865:Vipassanā 715:Sri Lanka 705:Singapore 660:Indonesia 600:Vajrayāna 575:Theravāda 530:Awakening 418:Practices 375:Tripiį¹­aka 345:Cosmology 320:Emptiness 300:Suffering 118:July 2016 106:Wikiquote 93:contains 56:July 2016 10251:Category 10180:Violence 10150:Hinduism 10098:Sanskrit 10053:Hinayana 10038:Amitābha 9998:Swastika 9867:Uposatha 9857:Holidays 9842:Calendar 9688:Humanism 9526:Kanishka 9516:Timeline 9340:Thailand 9308:Kalmykia 9303:Buryatia 9288:Pakistan 9273:Mongolia 9268:Maldives 9263:Malaysia 9228:Cambodia 9093:Shamarpa 9088:Nichiren 9038:Xuanzang 8973:Nagasena 8891:Rinpoche 8621:Pāramitā 8463:Devotion 8383:Navayana 8371:Dzogchen 8334:Nichiren 8282:Mahayana 8274:Branches 8152:Saį¹…khāra 7901:MaƱjuśrÄ« 7858:(cousin) 7850:(cousin) 7818:(mother) 7810:(father) 7798:Miracles 7748:Birthday 7665:Glossary 7638:Buddhism 7502:Archived 7383:(2002). 7379:, & 7305:(1959). 7219:(2012). 7039:(1998). 6930:(1993). 6915:57254284 6897:Hyperion 6884:24097980 6688:(1995). 6525:New York 6493:(1994). 6408:Archived 6217:Record.' 6143:33688569 6135:22874090 6100:45682942 6092:24728110 6049:27174075 5939:29170927 5931:29779791 5849:59306658 5841:30689206 5777:19911432 5522:Archived 5468:Archived 5419:Archived 5365:. PCCS. 5319:23858249 5049:40216599 4969:BBC News 4951:16272874 4087:See also 4083:(1998). 4067:(1993), 3946:personal 3944:on-going 3929:oneness 3922:ultimate 3916:clinging 3909:illness 3854:antidote 3641:Buddhism 3464:notes: 3275:Buddhist 3124:Nirodha: 3118:yearning 3032:primary 3006:Buddhism 2998:Buddhist 2888:scholar 2700:(MBPM). 2622:(1936). 2477:, and a 2471:emotions 2447:Cetasika 2387:epilepsy 2108:Yogacara 2094:Bhavanga 2055:emotions 1994:namarupa 1979:states: 1962:skandhas 1904:ayatanas 1798:saį¹…khāra 1727:cetasika 1387:objects 1230:Tipitaka 1181:Sanskrit 1168:Buddhism 1075:Buddhism 1038:Category 987:Prudence 860:Appamāda 835:Anussati 819:Buddhism 725:Thailand 685:Mongolia 680:Malaysia 645:Cambodia 610:Navayana 590:Hinayana 585:Mahāyāna 495:Lay life 325:Morality 305:Not-self 263:Concepts 222:Councils 207:Timeline 179:Glossary 161:Buddhism 153:a series 151:Part of 144:with EEG 10228:Temples 10208:Buddhas 10170:Science 10160:Judaism 10155:Jainism 10073:Lineage 10033:AbhijƱā 10003:Thangka 9946:Sarnath 9931:Lumbini 9852:Funeral 9847:Cuisine 9723:Culture 9698:Reality 9648:Creator 9638:Atomism 9508:History 9481:Ukraine 9441:Germany 9360:Senegal 9350:Vietnam 9278:Myanmar 9078:Shinran 9068:Karmapa 9043:Shandao 9013:Dignāga 8938:Śrāvaka 8918:Donchee 8913:Kappiya 8871:Sayadaw 8841:Bhikkhu 8816:Anāgāmi 8773:Nirvana 8739:Samadhi 8626:Paritta 8567:Tonglen 8562:Mandala 8517:Smarana 8498:Mantras 8446:Upekkha 8416:Bhavana 8366:Shingon 8319:Tiantai 8172:Tathātā 8162:Śūnyatā 8157:Skandha 8147:Saį¹ƒsāra 8142:Rebirth 8117:Kleshas 8107:Indriya 8009:SubhÅ«ti 7894:Guanyin 7848:Ānanda 7840:Rāhula 7720:Nirvana 7660:Outline 7533:3765882 7433:undated 7287:: 1ā€“9. 6519:(ed.). 6057:4917280 5463:Conze, 5310:3705677 4942:1361002 4174:nikayas 4077:Epstein 4049:Vedanta 4039:wrote: 4014:nirvana 3849:kilesas 3544:(ACT), 3357:called 3354:samadhi 3249:empathy 3200:no-mind 3154:nirodha 3092:nirodha 2612:dhammas 2463:Nibbāna 2395:suicide 2343:Kleshas 2245:nirvana 2221:Samatha 2205:Arahant 2197:Nirvana 2189:bhavana 2075:Anusaya 1970:VijƱāna 1915:papaƱca 1853:Contact 1743:feeling 1677:viƱƱāna 1642:contact 1585: ( 1516:Craving 1510:Feeling 1502:Contact 1463:  1458:  1455:  1444:  1423:contact 1395:  1390:  1377:organs 1370:  1365:  1362:  1340:  1328:  1306:  1287:  1282:  1203:and in 1107:nirvana 735:Vietnam 690:Myanmar 605:Tibetan 595:Chinese 523:Nirvāį¹‡a 340:Saį¹ƒsāra 335:Rebirth 200:History 189:Outline 10223:Sutras 10218:Suttas 10083:Siddhi 10068:Koliya 10043:Brahmā 9958:Poetry 9904:Mantra 9894:Kasaya 9766:Pagoda 9746:Kyaung 9741:Vihāra 9736:Temple 9678:Ethics 9521:Ashoka 9471:Sweden 9466:Poland 9461:Norway 9451:Mexico 9436:France 9421:Canada 9416:Brazil 9355:Africa 9335:Taiwan 9298:Russia 9223:Bhutan 9183:Vinaya 9063:Naropa 9053:Saraha 8988:Asanga 8744:PrajƱā 8653:Refuge 8616:Nianfo 8577:Tertƶn 8572:Tantra 8557:Ganana 8547:Tukdam 8473:Dhyāna 8441:Mudita 8436:Karuį¹‡Ä 8329:RisshÅ« 8324:Huayan 8257:Naraka 8197:Anattā 8192:Dukkha 8187:Anicca 8092:Dharma 8044:Channa 7979:Ānanda 7964:Assaji 7931:Skanda 7834:(wife) 7803:Family 7783:Relics 7708:Sangha 7703:Dharma 7698:Buddha 7531:  7391:  7365:  7342:  7327:  7270:  7242:  7202:  7190:& 7180:  7165:  7123:  7084:  7069:  7051:  7011:  6974:  6959:  6938:  6913:  6903:  6882:  6872:  6849:  6834:  6815:  6801:  6773:  6758:  6733:  6718:  6696:  6669:  6654:  6633:  6603:  6581:  6547:  6504:  6329:  6319:  6141:  6133:  6098:  6090:  6055:  6047:  5988:  5937:  5929:  5921:  5882:  5847:  5839:  5775:  5730:  5586:  5487:  5447:  5369:  5317:  5307:  5092:Fromm 5079:Fromm 5047:  5039:  4949:  4939:  4597:  4424:satori 4316:Zongmi 4249:Fromm 4189:Fromm 4045:Taoism 4000:dharma 3359:Mushin 3286:dukkha 3253:Karuį¹‡Ä 3134:Marga: 3104:Dukkha 3096:dukkha 3026:1995, 2996:and a 2923:satori 2917:satori 2821:Naikan 2670:Hakomi 2542:kensho 2461:) and 2417:pitaka 2393:, and 2177:ethics 2163:Dharma 2101:asavas 2083:fetter 2079:Vāsanā 2036:vedana 2010:dukkha 1941:ditthi 1920:vedana 1873:  1822:  1817:  1810:  1805:  1787:  1782:  1777:  1763:  1758:  1753:  1748:vedanā 1739:  1734:  1720:  1709:  1707:  1705:  1695:  1693:  1691:  1689:  1682:  1668:  1646:phassa 1637:  1634:  1624:  1621:  1616:  1611:  1595:  1574:  1569:  1545:  1525:  1447:  1334:  1332:  1300:  1298:  1143:kensho 1111:dukkha 1002:EpochĆ© 720:Taiwan 700:Russia 640:Brazil 635:Bhutan 555:Buddha 475:Wisdom 258:Dharma 10195:Lists 10063:Kalpa 10058:Iddhi 9921:Music 9916:Mudra 9882:Vassa 9862:Vesak 9832:Budai 9778:Candi 9761:Stupa 9693:Logic 9446:Italy 9345:Tibet 9283:Nepal 9253:Korea 9248:Japan 9238:India 9233:China 9178:Sutra 9133:Texts 9083:Dōgen 9073:Hōnen 9058:Atiśa 9023:Zhiyi 8933:Achar 8901:Tulku 8896:Geshe 8881:Rōshi 8866:Ajahn 8821:Arhat 8781:Bodhi 8751:VÄ«rya 8668:Sacca 8663:Satya 8658:Sādhu 8646:Music 8589:Merit 8582:Terma 8542:Zazen 8478:Faith 8431:Mettā 8112:Karma 8072:Bardo 8039:Asita 8029:Khema 8019:Upāli 8004:Nanda 7842:(son) 7816:Māyā 7793:Films 7670:Index 7529:S2CID 7482:Kohut 7413:, in 7268:S2CID 7152:et al 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