
Soviet–Afghan War

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Mujahideen to gain in strength and numbers. Originally the Soviets thought that their forces would strengthen the backbone of the Afghan army and provide assistance by securing major cities, lines of communication and transportation. The Afghan army forces had a high desertion rate and were loath to fight, especially since the Soviet forces pushed them into infantry roles while they manned the armored vehicles and artillery. The main reason that the Afghan soldiers were so ineffective, though, was their lack of morale, as many of them were not truly loyal to the communist government but simply wanting a paycheck. Once it became apparent that the Soviets would have to get their hands dirty, they followed three main strategies aimed at quelling the uprising. Intimidation was the first strategy, in which the Soviets would use airborne attacks and armored ground attacks to destroy villages, livestock and crops in trouble areas. The Soviets would bomb villages that were near sites of guerrilla attacks on Soviet convoys or known to support resistance groups. Local peoples were forced to either flee their homes or die as daily Soviet attacks made it impossible to live in these areas. By forcing the people of Afghanistan to flee their homes, the Soviets hoped to deprive the guerrillas of resources and safe havens. The second strategy consisted of subversion, which entailed sending spies to join resistance groups and report information, as well as bribing local tribes or guerrilla leaders into ceasing operations. Finally, the Soviets used military forays into contested territories in an effort to root out the guerrillas and limit their options. Classic search and destroy operations were implemented using
7592: 4932: 6354: 5584:, who commanded a large force in the Panjshir Valley, and attack his relaxed and exposed forces. The Soviet attack was initiated to protect Najibullah, who did not have a ceasefire in effect with Massoud, and who rightly feared an offensive by Massoud's forces after the Soviet withdrawal. General Gromov, the 40th Army Commander, objected to the operation, but reluctantly obeyed the order. "Typhoon" began on 23 January and continued for three days. To minimize their own losses, the Soviets abstained from close-range fighting. Instead, they used long-range artillery, surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missiles. Numerous civilian casualties were reported. Massoud had not threatened the withdrawal to this point and did not attack Soviet forces after they breached the agreement. Overall, the Soviet attack represented a defeat for Massoud's forces, who lost 600 fighters killed and wounded. 5341: 6329: 4742:(Afghan secret police) to gather intelligence, infiltrate the Mujahideen, spread false information, bribe tribal militias into fighting and organize a government militia. While it is impossible to know exactly how successful KHAD was in infiltrating Mujahideen groups, it is thought that they succeeded in penetrating a good many resistance groups based in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran. KHAD is thought to have had particular success in igniting internal rivalries and political divisions amongst the resistance groups, rendering some of them completely useless because of infighting. KHAD had some success in securing tribal loyalties but many of these relationships were fickle and temporary. Often KHAD secured neutrality agreements rather than committed political alignment. 1227: 1109: 239: 228: 5558: 3999:
included that they would be met with "bitter resentment" from the Afghan people, that intervening in another country's civil war would hand a propaganda victory to their opponents, and Afghanistan's overall inconsequential weight in international affairs, in essence realizing they had little to gain by taking over a country with a poor economy, unstable government, and population hostile to outsiders. However, as the situation continued to deteriorate from May–December 1979, Moscow changed its mind on dispatching Soviet troops. The reasons for this complete turnabout are not entirely clear, and several speculative arguments include: the grave internal situation and inability for the Afghan government to retain power much longer; the effects of the
tasks by themselves. The women were now exposed to the Soviets, who kidnapped them with helicopters. By November 1980 a number of such incidents had taken place in various parts of the country, including Laghman and Kama. In the city of Kabul, too, the Soviets kidnapped women, taking them away in tanks and other vehicles, especially after dark. Such incidents happened mainly in the areas of Darul Aman and Khair Khana, near the Soviet garrisons. At times such acts were committed even during the day. KhAD agents also did the same. Small groups of them would pick up young women in the streets, apparently to question them but in reality to satisfy their lust: in the name of security, they had the power to commit excesses.
6346: 7316: 23035: 1744:. Numerous sanctions and embargoes were imposed on the Soviet Union by the international community in response. Soviet troops occupied Afghanistan's major cities and all main arteries of communication, whereas the mujahideen waged guerrilla warfare in small groups across the 80% of the country that was not subject to uncontested Soviet control—almost exclusively comprising the rugged, mountainous terrain of the countryside. In addition to laying millions of landmines across Afghanistan, the Soviets used their aerial power to deal harshly with both Afghan resistance and civilians, levelling villages to deny safe haven to the mujahideen, destroying vital irrigation ditches and other scorched-earth tactics. 125: 683: 1013: 3215: 836: 4695: 5067: 703: 7509: 1201: 1090: 672: 353: 214: 6956:'s government, though failing to win popular support, territory, or international recognition, was able to remain in power until 1992. Ironically, until demoralized by the defections of its senior officers, the Afghan Army had achieved a level of performance it had never reached under direct Soviet tutelage. Kabul had achieved a stalemate that exposed the Mujahideen's weaknesses, political and military. But for nearly three years, while Najibullah's government successfully defended itself against Mujahideen attacks, factions within the government had also developed connections with its opponents. 1751:(PDPA) government, and withdraw all of their military forces in a span of six months to one year. However, they were met with fierce resistance from Afghan guerrillas and experienced great operational difficulties on the rugged mountainous terrain. By the mid-1980s, the Soviet military presence in Afghanistan had increased to approximately 115,000 troops and fighting across the country intensified; the complication of the war effort gradually inflicted a high cost on the Soviet Union as military, economic, and political resources became increasingly exhausted. By mid-1987, reformist Soviet leader 3250:, suffering heavy casualties. In response, Pakistan closed its consulate in Afghanistan and blocked all trade routes through the Pakistan–Afghanistan border. This damaged Afghanistan's economy and Daoud's regime was pushed towards closer alliance with the Soviet Union for trade. However, these stopgap measures were not enough to compensate the loss suffered by Afghanistan's economy because of the border closure. As a result of continued resentment against Daoud's autocratic rule, close ties with the Soviet Union and economic downturn, Daoud Khan was forced to resign by the King of Afghanistan, 3642:
divisions at the Soviet-Afghan border, the sending of 500 military and civilian advisers and specialists and the immediate delivery of Soviet armed equipment sold at 25 percent below the original price; however, the Soviets were not pleased about the developments in Afghanistan and Brezhnev impressed upon Taraki the need for party unity. Despite reaching this agreement with Taraki, the Soviets continued to be reluctant to intervene further in Afghanistan and repeatedly refused Soviet military intervention within Afghan borders during Taraki's rule as well as later during Amin's short rule.
as a subject in its own right. The viewpoint that it was the United States that was fomenting the Islamic insurgency in Afghanistan with the aim of destabilizing Soviet-dominated Central Asia tended to downplay the effects of an unpopular Communist government pursuing policies that the majority of Afghans violently disliked as a generator of the insurgency and strengthened those who argued some sort of Soviet response was required to a supposed "outrageous American provocation." It was assumed in Moscow that because Pakistan (an ally of both the United States and China) was supporting the
876: 1923: 3839: 5902: 4906:, when they showed the enemy the fate awaiting infidels in the form of a truck filled with dismembered bodies of their comrades chopped to pieces after surrendering to radical non-Afghan salafists. Though demoralized by the abandonment of them by the Soviets, the Afghan Communist government forces rallied to break the siege of Jalalabad and to win the first major government victory in years. "This success reversed the government's demoralization from the withdrawal of Soviet forces, renewed its determination to fight on, and allowed it to survive three more years." 7501: 4840: 12294:, p. 128: "... the farmer told Wakhil about all the irrigation ditches that had been blown up by fighter jets, and the flooding in the valley and malaria outbreak that followed. Malaria, which on the eve of Taraki's Communist coup in April 1978 – was at the point of being eradicated in Afghanistan, had returned with a vengeance, thanks to the stagnant, mosquito-breeding pools caused by the widespread destruction of irrigation systems. Nangarhar was rife with the disease. This was another relatively minor, tedious side effect of the Soviet invasion." 5194:
interest in the Mujahideen cause, Kaplan believed, was not the lack of intrinsic interest to be found in a war between a small, poor country and a superpower where a million civilians were killed, but the result of the great difficulty and unprofitability of media coverage. Kaplan noted that "none of the American TV networks had a bureau for a war", and television cameramen venturing to follow the Mujahideen "trekked for weeks on little food, only to return ill and half starved". In October 1984, the Soviet ambassador to Pakistan, Vitaly Smirnov, told
6570:, which ultimately led to the withdrawal of the Soviet forces in early 1989, left the Afghan government in ruins. The accords had failed to address adequately the issue of the post-occupation period and the future governance of Afghanistan. The assumption among most Western diplomats was that the Soviet-backed government in Kabul would soon collapse; however, this was not to happen for another three years. During this time the Interim Islamic Government of Afghanistan (IIGA) was established in exile. The exclusion of key groups such as refugees and 5274: 6512: 6932: 645: 5476: 781: 3971: 6783: 4604:
disinformation was deployed primarily by "leaking" forged documents, distributing leaflets, publishing nominally independent articles in Soviet-aligned press, and conveying reports to embassies through KGB residencies. Among the active measures pursued in 1980–1982 were both pro- and anti-separatist documents disseminated in Pakistan, a forged letter implying a Pakistani-Iranian alliance, alleged reports of U.S. bases on the Iranian border, information regarding Pakistan's military intentions filtered through the
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missiles, while night operation and terrain-hugging tactics tended to prevent the rebels from getting a clear shot. By 1988 the Mujahideen had all but stopped firing them. Stingers also forced Soviet helicopters and ground attack planes to bomb from higher altitudes with less accuracy but did not bring down many more aircraft than Chinese heavy machine guns and other less sophisticated anti-aircraft weaponry. Gorbachev stated in an interview in 2010 that the Stinger did not influence his decision-making process.
and unconditional withdrawal of Soviet troops" from the Muslim nation of Afghanistan. Soviet military activities were met with strong criticism internationally, including some of its allied states at the UN General Assembly. The UN General Assembly passed a resolution protesting the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan by a vote of 104–18. According to political scientist Gilles Kepel, the Soviet intervention or invasion was viewed with "horror" in the West, considered to be a fresh twist on the geo-political "
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government, while the Khalq faction were organized in the Leninist style as a small, tightly organized elite group, allowing the latter to enjoy ascendancy over the former. In 1971, the U.S. Embassy in Kabul reported that there had been increasing leftist activity in the country, attributed to disillusionment of social and economic conditions, and the poor response from the Kingdom's leadership. It added that the PDPA was "perhaps the most disgruntled and organized of the country's leftist groups."
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billion in 2019 USD). The report credited the relatively low cost to the small size of the Soviet deployment and the fact that the supply lines to Afghanistan were very short (in some cases, easier and cheaper than internal USSR lines). Military aid to the DRA's armed forces totaled 9.124 billion rubles from 1980 to 1989 (peaking at 3.972 billion rubles in 1989). Financial and economic aid were also significant; by 1990, 75% of the Afghan state's income came from Soviet aid.
funding of rebels against the pro-Soviet administration in Kabul. Throughout 1989 and 1990, many rebel rocket attacks were fired, nowhere near military targets, that killed dozens of Afghan civilians. Many Afghans also reportedly felt that the U.S. caused the rise of the Taliban by sending billions of dollars in funding for the rebels while leaving the country in Pakistan's hands after 1992. One Afghan ex-prisoner who was affiliated with the U.S. Embassy in Kabul told the
3121:. Soviet-Afghan military cooperation began on a regular basis in 1956, and further agreements were made in the 1970s, which saw the USSR send advisers and specialists. The Soviets also had interests in the energy resources of Afghanistan, including oil and natural gas exploration from the 1950s and 1960s. The USSR began to import Afghan gas from 1968 onwards. Between 1954 and 1977, the Soviet Union provided Afghanistan with economic aid worth of about 1 billion rubles. 7000: 18527: 7692: 2829: 847: 26030: 18539: 3335:, amid fear that Rabbani, Hekmatyar and Massoud might be assassinated by Daoud. According to Baber, Bhutto's operation was an excellent idea and it had hard-hitting impact on Daoud and his government, which forced Daoud to increase his desire to make peace with Bhutto. Pakistan's goal was to overthrow Daoud's regime and establish an Islamist theocracy in its place. The first ever ISI operation in Afghanistan took place in 1975, supporting militants from the 2818: 4172: 3706: 4376:. This is a callous violation of international law and the United Nations Charter. If the Soviets are encouraged in this invasion by eventual success, and if they maintain their dominance over Afghanistan and then extend their control to adjacent countries, the stable, strategic, and peaceful balance of the entire world will be changed. This would threaten the security of all nations including, of course, the United States, our allies, and our friends. 7706: 3446:, which had been sympathetic to the PDPA cause, overthrew and executed Daoud along with members of his family. The Finnish scholar Raimo Väyrynen wrote about the so-called "Saur Revolution": "There is a multitude of speculations on the real nature of this coup. The reality appears to be that it was inspired first of all by domestic economic and political concerns and that the Soviet Union did not play any role in the Saur Revolution". After this the 7159: 3420: 5337:, said, "The main reason that there has been no national consolidation so far is that Comrade Karmal is hoping to continue sitting in Kabul with our help." Karmal's consolidation plan only involved those who had not raised arms against the regime, and even demanded Soviet troops to seal the border with Pakistan before any negotiations with Mujahideen. Eventually, the Soviet Union decided to dispose of Karmal from the leadership of Afghanistan. 6699: 1251: 5756: 4168:, believing this location to be more secure from possible threats. According to Colonel General Tukharinov and Merimsky, Amin was fully informed of the military movements, having requested Soviet military assistance to northern Afghanistan on 17 December. His brother and General Dmitry Chiangov met with the commander of the 40th Army before Soviet troops entered the country, to work out initial routes and locations for Soviet troops. 6753: 4966: 635: 4072:. The principal reasons for the invasion were the belief in Moscow that Amin was a leader both incompetent and fanatical who had lost control of the situation, together with the belief that it was the United States via Pakistan who was sponsoring the Islamist insurgency in Afghanistan. Andropov, Gromyko and Ustinov all argued that if a radical Islamist regime came to power in Kabul, it would attempt to sponsor radical Islam in 4575:
attacks against Soviet soldiers in Kabul became common, with roaming soldiers often assassinated in the city in broad daylight by civilians. In the summer of that year, numerous members of the ruling party would be assassinated in individual attacks. The Soviet Army quit patrolling Kabul in January 1981 after their losses due to terrorism, handing the responsibility over to the Afghan army. Tensions in Kabul peaked during the
793: 7440: 1279: 6717: 5820:"Afghans became victims regardless of whether they fled or surrendered. This is particularly reflected in the indiscriminate Soviet bombing of refugee caravans and villages. Similarly, the victims of massacres were not protected by their surrender to Soviet troops. Thus, the destruction of Afghans was not incidental to military objectives but was a strategic objective in and of itself. ... The intent to destroy the 6617:
strengthened when the Taliban movement developed and formed from orphans or refugee children who were forced by the Soviets to flee their homes and relocate their lives in Pakistan. The swift rise to power, from the young Taliban in 1996, was the result of the disorder and civil war that had warlords running wild because of the complete breakdown of law and order in Afghanistan after the departure of the Soviets.
6735: 18549: 655: 5691: 815: 4683:, but government control in the area did not improve. Heavy fighting also occurred in the provinces neighbouring Pakistan, where cities and government outposts were constantly besieged by the Mujahideen. Massive Soviet operations would regularly break these sieges, but the Mujahideen would return as soon as the Soviets left. In the west and south, fighting was more sporadic, except in the cities of 3289:
other Islamic countries, hence it relied on Daoud Khan to weaken Pakistan. They had the same thought regarding Iran, another major U.S. ally. The Soviet Union also believed that the hostile behaviour of Afghanistan against Pakistan and Iran could alienate Afghanistan from the west, and Afghanistan would be forced into a closer relationship with the Soviet Union. The pro-Soviet Afghans (such as the
religiously conservative. Immediately after coming to power, the Khalqis began to persecute the Parchamis, not the least because the Soviet Union favored the Parchami faction whose "go slow" plans were felt to be better suited for Afghanistan, thereby leading the Khalqis to eliminate their rivals so the Soviets would have no other choice but to back them. Within the PDPA, conflicts resulted in
2878: 45: 3089:, its involvement ranging from civil-military infrastructure to Afghan society. Since 1947, Afghanistan had been under the influence of the Soviet government and received large amounts of aid, economic assistance, military equipment training and military hardware from the Soviet Union. Economic assistance and aid had been provided to Afghanistan as early as 1919, shortly after the 5333:, was largely ineffective. It was weakened by divisions within the PDPA and the Parcham faction, and the regime's efforts to expand its base of support proved futile. Moscow came to regard Karmal as a failure and blamed him for the problems. Years later, when Karmal's inability to consolidate his government had become obvious, Mikhail Gorbachev, then General Secretary of the 1039: 6146:
one An-26) and 4 helicopter (Mi-8) kills. Some sources show that PAF had shot down at least a dozen more aircraft during the war. However, those kills were not officially acknowledged because they took place in Afghanistan's airspace and acknowledging those kills would mean that Afghan airspace was violated by PAF. In all, Pakistan Air Force F-16s had downed 3
3035:. Afterwards, the Soviet Army deployed around 120,000–160,000 troops in Central Asia, a force similar to the peak strength of the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in size. By 1926–1928, the Basmachis were mostly defeated by the Soviets, and Central Asia was incorporated into the Soviet Union. In 1929, the Basmachi rebellion reignited, associated with anti- 3751:
Afghan army in a series of insurrections. The numbers of the Afghan army fell from 110,000 men in 1978 to 25,000 by 1980. The U.S. embassy in Kabul cabled to Washington the army was melting away "like an ice floe in a tropical sea". According to scholar Gilles Dorronsoro, it was the violence of the state rather than its reforms that caused the uprisings.
1697:. The involvement of the foreign powers made the war a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Combat took place throughout the 1980s, mostly in the Afghan countryside. The war resulted in the deaths of approximately 3,000,000 Afghans, while millions more fled from the country as refugees; most externally displaced Afghans sought refuge 4101:
and anti-Islamic, all added to the government's unpopularity. After 20 months of Khalqist rule, the country deteriorated in almost every facet of life. The Soviet Union believed that without intervention, Amin's government would have been disintegrated by the resistance and the country would have been "lost" to a regime most likely hostile to the USSR.
city of Kabul and the areas of Darul Aman and Khair Khana, near the Soviet garrisons, to rape them. Women who were taken and raped by Soviet soldiers were considered 'dishonoured' by their families if they returned home. Deserters from the Soviet Army in 1984 also reported the atrocities by Soviet troops on Afghan women and children, including rape.
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legal to form "political parties", and promoted equality between the various tribes and nationalities. Despite high expectations, the new policy only had limited impact in regaining support from the population and the resistance, partly because of the high distrust and unpopularity of the PDPA and KHAD, as well as Najibullah's loyalty to Moscow.
7771:"The top leader is believed to be Maulvi Mohammad Umar Amir, who was born in the village of Nodeh in Kandhar, and is now settled in Singesar. He was wounded four times in the battles against the Soviets and his right eye was permanently damaged. He took part in the "Jehad" under the late Hizb-e-Islami Khalis Commander Nek Mohammad". 1705:. Approximately 6.5% to 11.5% of Afghanistan's erstwhile population of 13.5 million people (per the 1979 census) is estimated to have been killed over the course of the conflict. The Soviet–Afghan War caused grave destruction throughout Afghanistan and has also been cited by scholars as a significant factor that contributed to the 5682:
aircraft during the war. However, those kills were not officially acknowledged because they took place in Afghanistan's airspace and acknowledging those kills would mean that Afghan airspace was violated by PAF. In all, Pakistan Air Force F-16s had downed several MiG-23s, Su-22s, a Su-25, and an An-24 while losing only one F-16.
Afghanistan. Also, the Soviet Army's large formations were not mobile enough to engage small groups of Mujahideen fighters that easily merged back into the terrain. The set strategy also meant that troops were discouraged from "tactical initiative", essential in counter insurgency, because it "tended to upset operational timing".
3254:. Following his resignation, the crisis between Pakistan and Afghanistan was resolved and Pakistan re-opened the trade routes. After the removal of Daoud Khan, the King installed a new prime minister and started creating a balance in Afghanistan's relation with the West and the Soviet Union, which angered the Soviet Union. 5864:
civilians, drove many more Afghans from their homes, and used scorched-earth tactics to prevent their return. They used booby traps, mines, and chemical substances throughout the country. The Soviet army indiscriminately killed combatants and non-combatants to terrorize local populations into submission. The provinces of
3411:. Symbolic of the different backgrounds of the two factions were the fact that Taraki's father was a poor Pashtun herdsman while Karmal's father was a Tajik general in the Royal Afghan Army. More importantly, the radical Khalq faction believed in rapidly transforming Afghanistan, if necessary even using violence, from a 4032:
the fall of 1979, the Amin regime was collapsing with morale in the Afghan Army having fallen to rock-bottom levels, while the mujahideen had taken control of much of the countryside. The general consensus amongst Afghan experts at the time was that it was not a question of if, but when the mujahideen would take Kabul.
7023:, which was nicknamed "Little Russia" due to the city's high support of local communist officials. However the guerrillas were unable to fully defeat the Afghan Army as expected by the United States and Pakistan, and neither could the Najibullah government win on the battlefield. This situation ended following the 7105:) and young Afghan refugees, went on to continue violent jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan and abroad. Some of the thousands of Afghan Arabs who left Afghanistan went on to become "capable leaders, religious ideologues and military commanders," who played "vital roles" as insurgents or terrorists in places such as 8161: 6905:). As the war was viewed as "a Soviet war fought by non Soviets against Afghans", outside of the Soviet Union it undermined the legitimacy of the Soviet Union as a trans-national political union. The war created new forms of political participation, in the form of new civil organizations of war veterans ( 6983:(ISI). Both the Americans and Pakistanis expected Jalalabad to rapidly fall to the guerrillas and lead to a final victorious attack in Kabul. The Afghan Army proved their capability without Soviet troops as they managed to restrain the Mujahideen attack, resulting in a major defeat for the Mujahideen. 4567:, Afghanistan's new leadership, charged the Soviets with causing an increase in the unrest, and demanded that the 40th Army step in and quell the rebellion, as his own army had proved untrustworthy. Thus, Soviet troops found themselves drawn into fighting against urban uprisings, tribal armies (called 6995:
also supporting a negotiated peaceful solution – both China and Iran being guerrilla-backing countries. But the United States and Pakistan remained committed to a military solution. In addition, the Afghan government could claim that Jalalabad's bombardment, in which thousands of civilians lost their
there is no evidence that the Afghanistan war bankrupted the USSR. The Soviet Union spent about $ 7.5 billion between 1984 and 1987 but this number was negligible compared to the annual military budget of roughly $ 128 billion. The decision to withdraw was made based on a number of political factors.
The war resulted in the deaths of approximately 3,000,000 Afghans, Civilian death and destruction from the war was massive and detrimental. Estimates of Afghan civilian deaths vary from 562,000 to 2,000,000. By one estimate, at least 800,000 Afghans were killed during the Soviet occupation. 5 million
In early 1987 a CIA report estimated that, from 1979 to 1986, the Soviet military spent 18 billion rubles on the war in Afghanistan (not counting other costs incurred to the Soviet state such as economic and military aid to the DRA). The CIA noted that this was the equivalent of US$ 50 billion ($ 115
During the conflict, Pakistan Air Force F-16 had shot down ten aircraft, belonging to Soviet Union, which had intruded into Pakistani territory. However, the Soviet record only confirmed five kills (three Su-22s, one Su-25 and one An-26). Some sources show that PAF had shot down at least a dozen more
to General Secretary in 1985 and his 'new thinking' on foreign and domestic policy was likely an important factor in the Soviets' decision to withdraw. Gorbachev had been attempting to remove the Soviet Union from the economic stagnation that had set in under the leadership of Brezhnev, and to reform
brigadier general who was the chief for Afghan operations. The rebels began cross-border raids into the Soviet Union in spring 1985. In April 1987, three separate teams of Afghan rebels were directed by the ISI to launch coordinated raids on multiple targets across the Soviet border and extending, in
China condemned the Soviet coup and its military buildup, calling it a threat to Chinese security (both the Soviet Union and Afghanistan shared borders with China), that it marked the worst escalation of Soviet expansionism in over a decade, and that it was a warning to other Third World leaders with
The Amin government, having secured a treaty in December 1978 that allowed them to call on Soviet forces, repeatedly requested the introduction of troops in Afghanistan in the spring and summer of 1979. They requested Soviet troops to provide security and to assist in the fight against the mujahideen
and other Soviet officials. It was rumoured that Karmal was present at the meeting in an attempt to reconcile Taraki's Khalq faction and the Parcham against Amin and his followers. At the meeting, Taraki was successful in negotiating some Soviet support, including the redeployment of two Soviet armed
homeland caused much tension with Pakistan, a state that allied itself with the United States. The policy had also angered the non-Pashtun population of Afghanistan, and similarly, the Pashtun population in Pakistan were also not interested in having their areas being annexed by Afghanistan. In 1951,
Hizb-e Islami received the largest portion of U.S. assistance, which helped the group open ... a large network of religious schools, where Islamic extremism became an integral part of the curriculum. .... Islamist leaders that were previously unknown ... were given free rein over millions of Afghans
The war created a cleavage between the party and the military in the Soviet Union, where the efficacy of using the Soviet military to maintain the USSR's overseas interests was now put in doubt. In the non-Russian republics, those interested in independence were emboldened by the army's defeat. Some
During the conflict, Soviet aircraft intruded into Pakistani airspace multiple times and Pakistan Air Force F-16 had shot down ten aircraft, belonging to Soviet Union, which had intruded into Pakistani territory. However, the Soviet record only confirmed five plane kills (three Su-22s, one Su-25 and
The army of the Soviet Union killed large numbers of Afghans to suppress their resistance. In one notable incident the Soviet Army committed mass killing of civilians in the summer of 1980. To separate the Mujahideen from the local populations and eliminate their support, the Soviet army killed many
The Soviets did not have enough men to fight a counter-insurgency war (COIN), and their troops had low morale. The peak number of Soviet troops during the war was 115,000, but the bulk of these troops were conscripts, which led to poor combat performance in their Motor-Rifle Formations. However, the
The first half of the Soviet contingent was withdrawn from 15 May to 16 August 1988, and the second from 15 November to 15 February 1989. In order to ensure a safe passage, the Soviets had negotiated ceasefires with local Mujahideen commanders. The withdrawal was generally executed peacefully except
Ex-king Zahir Shah remained a popular figure to most Afghans. Diego Cordovez of the UN also recognized the king as a potential key to a political settlement to the war after the Soviet troops would leave. Polls in 1987 showed that he was a favored figure to lead a potential coalition between the DRA
In the mid-1980s, the Afghan resistance movement, assisted by the United States, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Egypt, the People's Republic of China and others, contributed to Moscow's high military costs and strained international relations. The U.S. viewed the conflict in Afghanistan
The Soviets did not initially foresee taking on such an active role in fighting the rebels and attempted to play down their role there as giving light assistance to the Afghan army. However, the arrival of the Soviets had the opposite effect as it incensed instead of pacified the people, causing the
We believe it would be a fatal mistake to commit ground troops. If our troops went in, the situation in your country would not improve. On the contrary, it would get worse. Our troops would have to struggle not only with an external aggressor, but with a significant part of your own people. And the
was alarmed by this. The Soviet Union also supported Daoud Khan's militancy against Pakistan as they wanted to weaken Pakistan, which was an ally of both the United States and China. However, it did not openly try to create problems for Pakistan as that would damage the Soviet Union's relations with
Of the troops deployed, 53,753 were wounded, injured, or sustained concussion and 415,932 fell sick. A high proportion of casualties were those who fell ill. This was because of local climatic and sanitary conditions, which were such that acute infections spread rapidly among the troops. There were
decided to withdraw from Afghanistan a year before the Mujahideen fired their first Stinger missiles; Gorbachev was motivated by U.S. sanctions, not military losses. The Stingers did make an impact at first but within a few months flares, beacons, and exhaust baffles were installed to disorient the
The concept of a "war of national liberation" against a Soviet-sponsored "revolutionary" regime was so alien to the Soviet dogma that the leadership could not "come to grips" with it. This led to, among other things, a suppression by the Soviet media for several years of the truth about how bad the
with the U.S. in 1987 and withdrawing the troops from Afghanistan, whose presence had garnered so much international condemnation. Beijing had stipulated that a normalization of relations would have to wait until Moscow withdrew its army from Afghanistan (among other things), and in 1989 the first
selected by the authorities which successfully passed a new constitution for Afghanistan, creating a presidential system with an elective bicameral parliament. The constitution declared "the sacred religion of Islam" the official religion, guaranteed the democratic rights of the individual, made it
who defected or were ambushed. The international arms market and foreign military support tended to reach the minority areas last. In the northern regions, little military tradition had survived upon which to build an armed resistance. Mobilization mostly came from political leadership closely tied
fought the Sarandoy's 7th Operative Regiment, only to fail and sustain massive casualties. The label “Sarandoy” additionally included traffic police, provincial officers and corrections/labor facility officers. Large salaries and proper weapons attracted a good number of recruits to the cause, even
to Kabul. In the west, a strong Soviet presence was maintained to counter Iranian influence. Incidentally, special Soviet units would have also performed secret attacks on Iranian territory to destroy suspected Mujahideen bases, and their helicopters then got engaged in shootings with Iranian jets.
The invasion of a practically defenseless country was shocking for the international community, and caused a sense of alarm for its neighbor Pakistan. Foreign ministers from 34 Muslim-majority countries adopted a resolution which condemned the Soviet intervention and demanded "the immediate, urgent
at the Embassy in Kabul and the KGB officers stationed in Afghanistan were well informed about the developments in that country, such information rarely filtered through to the decision-makers in Moscow who viewed Afghanistan more in the context of the Cold War rather than understanding Afghanistan
The British journalist Patrick Brogan wrote in 1989: "The simplest explanation is probably the best. They got sucked into Afghanistan much as the United States got sucked into Vietnam, without clearly thinking through the consequences, and wildly underestimating the hostility they would arouse". By
wing from government positions, including the ones who had supported his coup, and started replacing them with familiar faces from Kabul's traditional government elites. Daoud also started reducing his dependence on the Soviet Union. As a consequence of Daoud's actions, Afghanistan's relations with
In 1954, the United States began selling arms to its ally Pakistan, while refusing an Afghan request to buy arms, out of fear that the Afghans would use the weapons against Pakistan. As a consequence, Afghanistan, though officially neutral in the Cold War, drew closer to India and the Soviet Union,
While military operations in the country were going on, women were abducted. While flying in the country in search of mujahideen, helicopters would land in fields where women were spotted. While Afghan women do mainly domestic chores, they also work in fields assisting their husbands or performing
Captain Tarlan Eyvazov, a soldier in the Soviet forces during the war, stated that the Afghan children's future is destined for war. Eyvazov said, "Children born in Afghanistan at the start of the war... have been brought up in war conditions, this is their way of life." Eyvazov's theory was later
Once the Soviets withdrew, US interest in Afghanistan slowly decreased over the following four years, much of it administered through the DoD Office of Humanitarian Assistance, under the then Director of HA, George M. Dykes III. With the first years of the Clinton Administration in Washington, DC,
The Soviet forces abducted Afghan women in helicopters while flying in the country in search of Mujahideen. In November 1980 a number of such incidents had taken place in various parts of the country, including Laghman and Kama. Soviet soldiers as well as KhAD agents kidnapped young women from the
However, these statistics are based on Mujahideen self-reporting, which is of unknown reliability. A Russian general claimed the United States "greatly exaggerated" Soviet and Afghan aircraft losses during the war. According to Soviet figures, in 1987–1988, only 35 aircraft and 63 helicopters were
Intelligence gathering, essential for successful COIN, was inadequate. The Soviets overly relied on less-than-accurate aerial recon and radio intercepts rather than their recon infantry and special forces. Although their special forces and recon infantry units performed very well in combat against
The Soviets used large-scale offensives against Mujahideen strongholds, such as in the Panjshir Valley, which temporarily cleared those sectors and killed many civilians in addition to enemy combatants. The biggest shortcoming here, though, was the fact that once the Soviets engaged the enemy with
The Soviet Army of 1980 was trained and equipped for large scale, conventional warfare in Central Europe against a similar opponent, i.e., it used armored and motor-rifle formations. This was notably ineffective against small scale guerrilla groups using hit-and-run tactics in the rough terrain of
was signed in 1988 between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Supported by the Soviet Union and the United States respectively, the two Asian countries agreed to refrain from any form of interference in each other's territory. They also agreed to allow Afghan refugees in Pakistan to voluntarily return. The
on the other hand, thought any perception of Mujahideen as "barbaric" was unfair: "Documented accounts of mujahidin savagery were relatively rare and involved enemy troops only. Their cruelty toward civilians was unheard of during the war, while Soviet cruelty toward civilians was common." Lack of
4655:, which the Soviet Army soldiers called 'Dushman,' meaning 'enemy', divided into small groups and waged a guerrilla war in the mountains. Almost 80 percent of the country was outside government control. Soviet troops were deployed in strategic areas in the northeast, especially along the road from 4542:
in Iran saw a massive increase in the scarcity and price of oil, adding tens of billions of dollars to the Soviet economy, as it was the major source of revenue for the USSR that spent 40–60% of its entire federal budget (15% of the GDP) on the military. The oil boom may have overinflated national
Amin's revolutionary government had lost credibility with virtually all of the Afghan population. A combination of chaotic administration, excessive brutality from the secret police, unpopular domestic reforms, and a deteriorating economy, along with public perceptions that the state was atheistic
revolted. Between 3,000 and 5,000 people were killed and wounded during the Herat revolt. Some 100 Soviet citizens and their families were killed. By August 1979, up to 165,000 Afghans had fled across the border to Pakistan. The main reason the revolt spread so widely was the disintegration of the
to use local industrial workers in the Herat province. This was apparently on the belief that these workers would be supporters of the Afghan Soviet Government. This was discussed further in the Soviet Union with a wide range of views both wanting to ensure that Afghanistan remained Communist, and
Civil war continued when the former Mujahideen guerrillas, which were never under a united command during the period from 1979 to 1992, failed to create a functioning unity government in 1992. The civil war continued and about 400,000 Afghan civilians had lost their lives in the 1990s, eventually
Overall, between 6.5 and 11.5% of Afghanistan's population is estimated to have perished in the war. Anti-government forces were also responsible for some casualties. Rocket attacks on Kabul's residential areas caused more than 4,000 civilian deaths in 1987 according to the UN's Ermacora. Scholar
recounts that "as little as 25 per cent of the money for the Afghan jihad was actually supplied directly by states." Saudi Arabia was heavily involved in the war effort and matched the United States' contributions dollar-for-dollar in public funds. Saudi Arabia also gathered an enormous amount of
Under Soviet guidance, the DRA armed forces were built up to an official strength of 302,000 in 1986. To minimize the risk of a coup d'état, they were divided into different branches, each modeled on its Soviet counterpart. The ministry of defence forces numbered 132,000, the ministry of interior
In 1985, the size of the LCOSF (Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces) was increased to 108,800 and fighting increased throughout the country, making 1985 the bloodiest year of the war. However, despite suffering heavily, the Mujahideen were able to remain in the field, mostly because they received
air bases. In response to this request, an airborne battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel A. Lomakin, arrived at Bagram on 7 July. They arrived without their combat gear, disguised as technical specialists. They were the personal bodyguards for General Secretary Taraki. The paratroopers were
The 1975 rebellion, though unsuccessful, shook President Daoud Khan and made him realize that a friendly Pakistan was in his best interests. He started improving relations with Pakistan and made state visits there in 1976 and 1978. During the 1978 visit, he agreed to stop supporting anti-Pakistan
A final weapon of terror the Soviets used against the mujahideen was the abduction of Afghan women. Soldiers flying in helicopters would scan for women working in the fields in the absence of their men, land, and take the women captive. Soviet soldiers in the city of Kabul would also steal young
Cut off from families and local traditions, the madrassa students were "educated to put Deobandi doctrines into action through obedience to the fatwas produced in the madrassas in a spirit of conservatism and religious rigor." As the Afghan students came of age, they formed "the mainstay" of the
killings during the war and that the Soviet-backed government of Afghanistan was responsible for 178,000 democidal killings. He also assumed that overall a million people died during the war. There were also a number of reports of large scale executions of hundreds of civilians by Soviet and DRA
Everything was the target in the country, from cities, villages, up to schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, factories and orchards. Soviet tactics included targeting areas which showed support for the Mujahideen, and forcing the populace to flee the rural territories the communists were unable to
to oversee the process. In this way, President Najibullah had stabilized his political position enough to begin matching Moscow's moves toward withdrawal. Among other things the Geneva Accords identified the US and Soviet non-intervention in the internal affairs of Pakistan and Afghanistan and a
was unsympathetic, criticizing Afghanistan as "an unspeakable country filled with unspeakable people, sheepshaggers and smugglers, who have furnished in their leisure hours some of the worst arts and crafts ever to penetrate the occidental world. I yield to none in my sympathy to those prostrate
Afghanistan's resistance movement was born in chaos, spread and triumphed chaotically, and did not find a way to govern differently. Virtually all of its war was waged locally by regional warlords. As warfare became more sophisticated, outside support and regional coordination grew. Even so, the
if they were not necessarily "pro-communist". The problem was that many of the recruits they attracted were in fact Mujahideen who would join up to procure arms, ammunition and money while also gathering information about forthcoming military operations. By the end of 1981, there were reports of
The Soviet occupation provoked a great deal of fear and unrest amongst a wide spectrum of the Afghan populace. The Soviets held the view that their presence would be accepted after having rid Afghanistan of the "tyrannical" Khalq regime, but this was not to be. In the first week of January 1980,
Weapons supplies were made available through numerous countries. Before the Soviet intervention, the insurgents received support from the United States, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya and Kuwait, albeit on a limited scale. After the intervention, aid was substantially increased. The United
Information forged by the KGB from its agents in Kabul provided the last arguments to eliminate Amin. Supposedly, two of Amin's guards killed the former General Secretary Nur Muhammad Taraki with a pillow, and Amin himself was portrayed as a CIA agent. The latter is widely discredited, with Amin
region of eastern Afghanistan and soon civil war spread throughout the country. In September 1979, Deputy Prime Minister Hafizullah Amin seized power, arresting and killing Taraki. More than two months of instability overwhelmed Amin's regime as he moved against his opponents in the PDPA and the
of the Khalq faction pitted against Parcham leaders such as Babrak Karmal. Though the new regime promptly allied itself to the Soviet Union, many Soviet diplomats believed that the Khalqi plans to transform Afghanistan would provoke a rebellion from the general population, which was socially and
Pro-Mujahideen Afghans had seen the United States as the main power to help their cause in the Soviet–Afghan War. However, after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989, a growing number of Afghans started blaming the United States for miseries. This was cited as a result of continued American arming and
The volunteers also influenced each other. Many "unexpected" religious-political ideas resulted from the "cross-pollination" during the "great gathering" of Islamists from dozens of countries in the camps and training centers. One in particular was a "variant of Islamist ideology based on armed
somewhat agrees with this estimate, citing 850,000 civilian fatalities, while the military fatalities "certainly totaled over 100,000". Marek Sliwinski estimated the number of war deaths to be much higher, at a median of 1.25 million, or 9% of the entire pre-war Afghan population. Scholars John
remained in power until April 15, 1992. Najibullah stepped down that day as Mujahideen guerrilla forces moved into Kabul. He attempted to fly to India under the protection of the U.N. but was blocked from leaving at the airport. He then took refuge at a United Nations compound in Kabul. After a
to the point of an all-out withdrawal in 1988. This massive withdrawal of Soviet forces from such highly contested areas shows that the Soviet government's decision to leave Afghanistan was based upon a general change in Soviet foreign policy – from one of confrontation to avoidance of conflict
at the beginning of the intervention, spreading disinformation relating to both diplomatic status and military intelligence. These efforts focused on most countries bordering Afghanistan, on several international powers, the Soviet's main adversary, the United States, and neutral countries. The
In May 1979, U.S. officials secretly began meeting with rebel leaders through Pakistani government contacts. After additional meetings Carter signed two presidential findings in July 1979 permitting the CIA to spend $ 695,000 on non-military assistance (e.g., "cash, medical equipment, and radio
Among the approximately three million Afghan refugees in Pakistan, thousands of children were educated in madrasa boarding schools financed by aid from the US and Gulf monarchies. Since that aid was distributed according to the conservative Islamist ideological criteria of Pakistan's President
When back in the volunteer camps and training centers that he helped set up around Peshawar, Pakistan, Azzam exercised a "strong influence". He preached the importance of jihad: "those who believe that Islam can flourish be victorious without Jihad, fighting, and blood are deluded and have no
As many as 35,000 non-Afghan Muslim fighters went to Afghanistan between 1982 and 1992. Thousands more came and did not fight but attended schools with "former and future fighters". These "Afghan-Arabs" had a marginal impact on the jihad against the Soviets, but a much greater effect after the
The total official fatalities of the Soviet Armed Forces, frontier, and internal security troops came to 14,453. Other estimates give a figure of 26,000 killed Soviet soldiers. Soviet Army formations, units, and HQ elements lost 13,833, KGB sub-units lost 572, MVD formations lost 28, and other
American observers argued that the global balance of power had shifted to the Soviet Union following the emergence of several pro-Soviet regimes in the Third World in the latter half of the 1970s (such as in Nicaragua and Ethiopia), and the action in Afghanistan demonstrated the Soviet Union's
During meetings between General Secretary Taraki and Soviet leaders in March 1979, the Soviets promised political support and to send military equipment and technical specialists, but upon repeated requests by Taraki for direct Soviet intervention, the leadership adamantly opposed him; reasons
After a month, the Afghan requests were no longer for individual crews and subunits, but for regiments and larger units. In July, the Afghan government requested that two motorized rifle divisions be sent to Afghanistan. The following day, they requested an airborne division in addition to the
into a Communist society, while the moderate Parcham faction favored a more gradualist and gentler approach, arguing that Afghanistan was simply not ready for Communism and would not be for some time. The Parcham faction favored building up the PDPA as a mass party in support of the Daoud Khan
replied by congratulating the Afghans for their defence against the British, and a treaty of friendship between Afghanistan and Russia was finalized in 1921. The Soviets saw possibilities in an alliance with Afghanistan against the United Kingdom, such as using it as a base for a revolutionary
or Parliament of the Russian Federation. On 25 December, the lower house of the parliament defended the Soviet war in Afghanistan on the 30th anniversary of its start and praised the veterans of the conflict. Differing assessments of the war "mustn't erode the Russian people's respect for the
by undermining the image of the Red Army as invincible, undermining Soviet legitimacy, and by creating new forms of political participation. On the other hand, the costs for the Soviet Union were not overwhelmingly large compared to other commitments. The CIA estimated in 1987 that the costs
by Soviet or government forces. In the worst year of the war, 1985, well over half of all the farmers who remained in Afghanistan had their fields bombed, and over one quarter had their irrigation systems destroyed and their livestock shot by Soviet or government troops, according to a survey
The first step of the Soviet Union's exit strategy was to transfer the burden of fighting the Mujahideen to the Afghan armed forces, with the aim of preparing them to operate without Soviet help. During this phase, the Soviet contingent was restricted to supporting the DRA forces by providing
5202:" Unlike Vietnam and Lebanon, Afghanistan had "absolutely no clash between the strange and the familiar", no "rock-video quality" of "zonked-out GIs in headbands" or "rifle-wielding Shiite terrorists wearing Michael Jackson T-shirts" that provided interesting "visual materials" for newscasts. 5026:
networks were spread through the minority communities, readily available as foundations for leadership, organization, communication and indoctrination. These networks also provided for political mobilization, which led to some of the most effective of the resistance operations during the war.
estimates that after four years of war, there were at least 4,000 bases from which Mujahideen units operated. Most of these were affiliated with the seven expatriate parties headquartered in Pakistan, which served as sources of supply and varying degrees of supervision. Significant commanders
constitution including "right of free expression" and disallowing "torture, persecution, and punishment, contrary to human dignity". Karmal's government was formed of his fellow Parchamites along with (pro-Taraki) Khalqists, and a number of known non-communists/leftists in various ministries.
Arnold Horelick warned: "Covert action would raise the costs to the Soviets and inflame Moslem opinion against them in many countries. The risk was that a substantial U.S. covert aid program could raise the stakes and induce the Soviets to intervene more directly and vigorously than otherwise
Mujahideen groups used for assassination had three to five men in each. After they received their mission to kill certain government officials, they busied themselves with studying his pattern of life and its details and then selecting the method of fulfilling their established mission. They
Grain production declined an average of 3.5% per year between 1978 and 1990 due to sustained fighting, instability in rural areas, prolonged drought, and deteriorated infrastructure. Restoration of gas production has been hampered by internal strife and the disruption of traditional trading
province in July 1983. But in campaigns of the latter type the traditional explosions of manpower—customarily common immediately after the completion of harvest—proved obsolete when confronted by well dug-in defenders with modern weapons. Lashkar durability was notoriously short; few sieges
and asked for "practical and technical assistance with men and armament". Kosygin was unfavorable to the proposal on the basis of the negative political repercussions such an action would have for his country, and he rejected all further attempts by Taraki to solicit Soviet military aid in
7361:-trained soldiers to bombard Kabul with artillery and kill thousands of civilians, reassured by their commander that the civilians they killed would "be rewarded" in heaven if they were "good Muslims". From 2008 to 2014 "thousands of Shia" have been killed by Sunni extremists according to 7195:
understanding of the nature of this religion"; of not compromising: "Jihad and the rifle alone: no negotiations, no conferences and no dialogues"; and that Afghanistan was only the beginning: jihad would "remain an individual obligation" for Muslims until all other formerly-Muslim lands—"
5375:" program at the start of 1987, the goal of which was to unite the nation and end the war that had enveloped the nation for seven years. He expressed willingness to negotiate with the Mujahideen resistance, allow parties other than the PDPA to be active, and indicated that exiled King 6951:
The war did not end with the withdrawal of the Soviet Army. The Soviet Union left Afghanistan deep in winter, with intimations of panic among Kabul officials. The Afghan mujahideen were poised to attack provincial towns and cities and eventually Kabul, if necessary. General Secretary
5360:), was elected General Secretary and later as President of the Revolutionary Council. The relatively young new leader wasn't known that well to the Afghan population at the time, but he made swift reforms to change the country's situation and win support as devised by experts of the 5550:. This operation did not have any lasting effect on the outcome of the conflict nor on the soiled political and military status of the Soviets in the eyes of the West but was a symbolic gesture that marked the end of their widely condemned presence in the country with a victory. 5078:, disrupting the electric power system and industrial production, and attacking police stations and Soviet military installations and air bases. They assassinated government officials and PDPA members, and laid siege to small rural outposts. In March 1982, a bomb exploded at the 4003:
that brought an Islamic theocracy into power, leading to fears that religious fanaticism would spread through Afghanistan and into Soviet Muslim Central Asian republics; Taraki's murder and replacement by Amin, who the Soviet leadership believed had secret contacts within the
examples can be found in "The Signs of ar-Rahmaan in the Jihad of the Afghan," accessed 2006, and Abdullah Yusuf Azzam, "Abul-Mundhir ash-Shareef," accessed
7591: 5309:, but the Mujahideen managed to hold their ground, and the attackers suffered heavy casualties. Meanwhile, the Mujahideen benefited from expanded foreign military support from the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and other Muslim-majority countries. Two 3955:. In late April 1979, the committee reported that Amin was purging his opponents, including Soviet loyalists, that his loyalty to Moscow was in question and that he was seeking diplomatic links with Pakistan and possibly the People's Republic of China (which at the time had 6670:
have imposed tighter controls on refugees which have resulted in numerous returnees. In 2012 Pakistan banned extensions of visas to foreigners. Afghan refugees have also settled in India and became Indian citizens over time. Some also made their way into North America, the
6605:, to secure trade interests and routes. The ten years following the war saw much ecological and agrarian destruction—from wiping out the country's trees through logging practices, which has destroyed all but 2% of forest cover country-wide, to substantial uprooting of wild 4721:. Look at what has happened. We began by simply backing a friendly regime; slowly we got more deeply involved; then we started manipulating the regime – sometimes using desperate measures – and now? Now we are bogged down in a war we cannot win and cannot abandon. but for 7467:, a former commander of the Mujahideen, says that the war was a victory for Afghans but also the former Soviet bloc for bringing "freedom" to peoples and states oppressed by Moscow. However, other Afghans hold the view that the infighting that followed and the rise of the 6558:
as working in three stages: first, the center of customary Afghan culture, Islam, was pushed aside; second, Soviet patterns of life, especially amongst the young, were imported; third, shared Afghan cultural characteristics were destroyed by the emphasis on the so-called
Even before the revolutionaries came to power, Afghanistan was "a militarily and politically neutral nation, effectively dependent on the Soviet Union." A treaty, signed in December 1978, allowed the Democratic Republic to call upon the Soviet Union for military support.
as a firefight ensued. The Soviet paratroopers annihilated most of the regiment, with 700 Afghan paratroopers being killed or captured. In the aftermath of the battle, 26th Airborne Regiment was disbanded and later reorganized into the 37th Commando Brigade, led by Col.
International journalistic perception of the war varied. Major American television journalists were sympathetic to the Mujahideen. Most visible was CBS News correspondent Dan Rather, who in 1982 accused the Soviet Union of genocide, comparing them to Hitler. Rather was
7671:, which came to power, radically changed the position of all veterans in the country. 15 February is celebrated as the Day of Commemoration of those killed in the War in Afghanistan. The main ceremony is held at the memorial "Sons of the Motherland – Eternal Memory". 3741:
in the northeastern part of the country near the border with Pakistan, and rapidly spread among the other ethnic groups. By the spring of 1979, 24 of the 28 provinces had suffered outbreaks of violence. The rebellion began to take hold in the cities: in March 1979 in
3293:(PDPA)) also supported Daoud Khan's hostility towards Pakistan, as they believed that a conflict with Pakistan would induce Afghanistan to seek aid from the Soviet Union. As a result, the pro-Soviet Afghans would be able to establish their influence over Afghanistan. 5529:, achieving a critical diplomatic victory for the Afghan resistance. Defeat of the Kabul government was their solution for peace. This confidence, sharpened by their distrust of the United Nations, virtually guaranteed their refusal to accept a political compromise. 6967:, for the joint cutoff of Soviet and American aid to the government and guerrillas respectively, to result in a ceasefire and peace negotiations. Najibullah sought American cooperation in achieving a political solution. However the newly elected administration of 4039:
covertly dispatched a group of specialists to determine the potential reaction from local Afghans to a presence of Soviet troops there. They concluded that deploying troops would be unwise and could lead to war, but this was reportedly ignored by the KGB chairman
of about 70% and with responsibility for most of the over 350 Soviet or Afghan government aircraft and helicopters downed in the last two years of the war. Some military analysts considered it a "game changer" and coined the term "Stinger effect" to describe it.
Sino-Soviet summit in 30 years took place. At the same time, Gorbachev pressured his Cuban allies in Angola to scale down activities and withdraw even though Soviet allies were faring somewhat better there. The Soviets also pulled many of their troops out of
members sent out to work in the Panjshir valley were ambushed within 30 km of Kabul, with heavy loss of life. On 4 September 1985, insurgents shot down a domestic Bakhtar Airlines plane as it took off from Kandahar airport, killing all 52 people aboard.
3717:" in Afghan society. The government brooked no opposition to the reforms and responded with violence to unrest. Between April 1978 and the Soviet Intervention of December 1979, thousands of prisoners, perhaps as many as 27,000, were executed at the notorious 7014:
In December 1990, the United States and the Soviet Union came close to an agreement to end arms supplies to the sides in the civil war, but a date could not be agreed. Two years after the Soviet withdrawal, the guerrillas only gained one provincial capital,
5995:, burned with cigarettes and that some of their hair was pulled out. Some died from these harsh conditions. Women of the prisoners were forced to watch or were locked up in the cells with the corpses. The Soviets were accused of supervising these tortures. 5524:
was selected as the head of the Interim Islamic State of Afghanistan, in an attempt to reassert its legitimacy against the Moscow-sponsored Kabul regime. Mojaddedi, as head of the Interim Afghan Government, met with then-Vice President of the United States
Afghanistan's General Secretary Najibullah, before his ouster by the Mujahideen in 1992, told a visiting US academic that "Afghanistan in extremist hands would be a center of instability." It has been claimed that the chaos could have been avoided had the
4813:, after the invasion, promised reforms to win support from the population alienated by his ousted predecessors. A temporary constitution, the Fundamental Principles of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, was adopted in April 1980. On paper, it was a 4946:
typically led 300 or more men, controlled several bases and dominated a district or a sub-division of a province. Hierarchies of organization above the bases were attempted. Their operations varied greatly in scope, the most ambitious being achieved by
and the United States, he inspired young Muslims with stories of miraculous deeds, such as Mujahideen who defeated vast columns of Soviet troops virtually single-handedly, angels riding into battle on horseback, and falling bombs intercepted by birds.
Soviets did have their elite infantry units, such as the famed Spetsnaz, the VDV, and their recon infantry. The problem with their elite units was not combat effectiveness, but that there were not enough of them and that they were employed incorrectly.
from the dead in Afghanistan, including stealing money, jewelry and clothes. During the Red Army withdrawal in February 1989, 30 to 40 military trucks crammed with Afghan historical treasures crossed into the Soviet Union, under orders from General
5824:, without distinction between combatants and non-combatants, was demonstrated by the persistent pattern of mass killing and maiming of people in Afghanistan and the destruction of the environment and food producing areas by the Soviet Union and the 7356:
they were uninterested in "islamizing modernity" of western knowledge or in western knowledge at all. The culture of religious purification, absolute obedience to leaders, and disinterest in anything else, is thought to explain the willingness of
all aid ceased. The US decided not to help with reconstruction of the country, instead handing the interests of the country over to US allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Pakistan quickly took advantage of this opportunity and forged relations with
3795:, "the Carter administration turned to CIA ... to counter Soviet and Cuban aggression in the Third World, particularly beginning in mid-1979." In March 1979, "CIA sent several covert action options relating to Afghanistan to the SCC " of the 7455:
is an annual holiday in Afghanistan on 28 April, however it is a controversial event to Afghans. Some Afghans honor the fighters and sacrifice made by the Mujahideen to defeat a major power, but others view the victory as a prelude to the brutal
had recently soured, as in June 1978 it began entering into friendlier relations with the Western world and buying French and Italian-made weapons, though the vast majority still came from the Soviet Union, its Warsaw Pact satellites, and China.
is to be crossed on the ground and in the air by forces of the 40th Army and the Air Force at 15:00 hrs on 25 December". This was the formal beginning of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Subsequently, on December 27, Soviet troops arrived at
13965: 7035:
government did not want to support the former communists), which effectively triggered an embargo. In April, Najibullah and his communist government fell to the Mujahideen, who replaced Najibullah with a new governing council for the country.
attacks on government targets. The Mujahideen surveyed firing positions that they normally located near villages within the range of Soviet artillery posts, putting the villagers in danger of death from Soviet retaliation. The Mujahideen used
areas of the east, south and southwest, tribal structure, with its many rival sub-divisions, provided the basis for military organization and leadership. Mobilization could be readily linked to traditional fighting allegiances of the tribal
16768: 5368:. A number of prisoners were released, while the night curfew in Kabul that had been in place since 1980 was finally lifted. He also moved against pro-Karmal Parchamites, who were expelled from the Revolutionary Council and the Politburo. 4899:. Despite their numbers, the contribution has been called a "curious sideshow to the real fighting," with only an estimated 2000 of them fighting "at any one time", compared with about 250,000 Afghan fighters and 125,000 Soviet troops. 11399: 6986:
The victory at Jalalabad gave Najibullah's government confidence that it could achieve a political solution, specifically one involving former communists and moderates from the opposition. Along with the Afghan and Soviet governments,
3623:, who warned Taraki that full Soviet intervention "would only play into the hands of our enemies – both yours and ours". Brezhnev also advised Taraki to ease up on the drastic social reforms and to seek broader support for his regime. 11484: 6547:, a survey of refugee women and children taken shortly after the Soviet withdrawal found child mortality at 31%, and over 80% of the children refugees to be unregistered. Of children who survived, 67% were severely malnourished, with 7258:... goes to God and the mujahideen in Afghanistan ... the US had no mentionable role," (Soviet economic troubles and United States aid to Mujahideen notwithstanding). They eagerly sought to duplicate their jihad in other countries. 6368:
Between 25 December 1979, and 15 February 1989, a total of 620,000 soldiers served with the forces in Afghanistan (though there were only 80,000–104,000 serving at one time): 525,000 in the Army, 90,000 with border troops and other
The Afghans are among the latest victims of genocide by a superpower. Large numbers of Afghans were killed to suppress resistance to the army of the Soviet Union, which wished to vindicate its client regime and realize its goal in
7402:– had both fought in Afghanistan, and bin Laden was a lieutenant of Abdullah Azzam. His group, al-Qaeda, returned to Afghanistan to take refuge with the Taliban after being expelled from Sudan. Before the 9/11 attack, al-Qaeda had 4591:
a few days after the invasion, civilians rose up against Soviet soldiers, killing a number of them, causing the soldiers to withdraw to their garrison. In this city, 130 Khalqists were murdered between January and February 1980.
13716:'I can't hide the fact that women and children have been killed,' Nikolay Movchan, 20, a Ukrainian who was a sergeant and headed a grenade-launching team, said in an interview later. 'And I've heard of Afghan women being raped.' 4711:
helicopter gunships that would provide cover for ground forces in armored vehicles. Once the villages were occupied by Soviet forces, inhabitants who remained were frequently interrogated and tortured for information or killed.
to the Afghan military. On 14 April 1979, the Afghan government requested that the USSR send 15 to 20 helicopters with their crews to Afghanistan, and on 16 June, the Soviet government responded and sent a detachment of tanks,
4559:, quickly taking control of the major urban centers, military bases and strategic installations. However, the presence of Soviet troops did not have the desired effect of pacifying the country. On the contrary, it exacerbated 4059:
was indecisive and waffled as he usually did when faced with a difficult decision. The three decision-makers in Moscow who pressed the hardest for an invasion in the fall of 1979 were the troika consisting of Foreign Minister
4986:(fighting force). In favorable circumstances such formations could quickly reach more than 10,000, as happened when large Soviet assaults were launched in the eastern provinces, or when the Mujahideen besieged towns, such as 4586:
The opposition to the Soviet presence was great nationally, crossing regional, ethnic, and linguistic lines. Never before in Afghan history had this many people been united in opposition against an invading foreign power. In
States purchased all of Israel's captured Soviet weapons clandestinely, and then funnelled the weapons to the Mujahideen, while Egypt upgraded its army's weapons and sent the older weapons to the militants. Turkey sold their
who warned about the possibility of a protracted guerrilla war, were dismissed by the troika who insisted that any occupation of Afghanistan would be short and relatively painless. Most notably, though the diplomats of the
3811:" When asked to clarify this remark, Slocombe explained: "Well, the whole idea was that if the Soviets decided to strike at this tar baby we had every interest in making sure that they got stuck." Yet a 5 April memo from 5141:
factory, as deep as over 16 kilometres (10 mi) into Soviet territory. In response, the Soviets issued a thinly-veiled threat to invade Pakistan to stop the cross-border attacks, and no further attacks were reported.
5012:-speaking regions of Afghanistan with that of the Pashtuns. Lacking a strong political representation in a state dominated by Pashtuns, minority communities commonly looked to pious learned or charismatically revered 7662:
is a veteran's group based in Moldova that advocates for the well-being of veterans. On 15 May 2000, after the Government's initiative to abolish benefits for veterans of the war in Afghanistan, sympathizers went to
During its first 18 months of rule, the PDPA applied a Soviet-style program of modernizing reforms, many of which were viewed by conservatives as opposing Islam. Decrees setting forth changes in marriage customs and
To do that, he needed a popular cause to unite the Afghan people divided along tribal lines, and a modern, well equipped Afghan army which would be used to suppress anyone who would oppose the Afghan government. His
5.5 million Afghans were made refugees by the war—a full one third of the country's pre-war population—fleeing the country to Pakistan or Iran. Another estimate states 6.2 million refugees. By the end of 1981, the
The remembrance of Soviet soldiers killed in Afghanistan and elsewhere internationally are commemorated annually on 15 February in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Veterans of the war are often referred to as афганцы
Afghan people have good memories of the Americans. During the Russian invasion everybody knows that America helped us to get the Russians out. But when Russia collapsed, they had no more interest and they left us
took a highly positive view of the Mujahideen, a reversal of their usual view of Islamic fighters. The publication praised their martyrdom and their role in entrapping the Soviets in a Vietnam War-style disaster.
Mujahideen mobilization in non-Pashtun regions faced very different obstacles. Prior to the intervention, few non-Pashtuns possessed firearms. Early in the war they were most readily available from army troops or
to coordinate their military operations against the Soviet Army. Late in 1985, the groups were active in and around Kabul, unleashing rocket attacks and conducting operations against the communist government.
landed at the airport at Bagram and the deployment of Soviet troops in Afghanistan was underway. The force that entered Afghanistan, in addition to the 103rd Guards Airborne Division, was under command of the
transformed the society in the country, leading to heavily armed police, private bodyguards, and openly armed civil defense groups becoming the norm in Afghanistan both during the war and decades thereafter.
A great deal of damage was done to the civilian children population by land mines. A 2005 report estimated 3–4% of the Afghan population were disabled due to Soviet and government land mines. In the city of
19726: 18740: 14439: 4247:
as head of government, who had been demoted to the relatively insignificant post of ambassador to Czechoslovakia following the Khalq takeover and announced that it had requested Soviet military assistance.
4076:, thereby requiring a preemptive strike. What was envisioned in the fall of 1979 was a short intervention under which Moscow would replace radical Khalqi Communist Amin with the moderate Parchami Communist 3732:
Large parts of the country went into open rebellion. The Parcham Government claimed that 11,000 were executed during the Amin/Taraki period in response to the revolts. The revolt began in October among the
15420: 7175:
Soviets left and in other countries. (After the Soviets left, training continued and "tens of thousands" from "some 40 nations" came to prepare for armed insurrections "to bring the struggle back home". )
4316:, being the largest commando formation at a strength of three battalions. As a result of the battle with the 26th Airborne Regiment, the Soviet 357th Guards Airborne Regiment were permanently stationed in 5379:
could be part of the process. A six-month ceasefire also began in December 1986. His administration was also more open to foreign visitors outside the Soviet bloc. In November 1987, Najibullah convened a
7394:. In the 1993 bombing, all of the participants in the bombing "either had served in Afghanistan or were linked to a Brooklyn-based fund-raising organ for the Afghan jihad" that was later "revealed to be 4518:". The Soviets viewed the treaty not only as a peace agreement between their erstwhile allies in Egypt and the US-supported Israelis but also as a military pact. In addition, the US sold more than 5,000 13956: 6384:
ministries and departments lost 20 men. During this period 312 servicemen were missing in action or taken prisoner; 119 were later freed, of whom 97 returned to the USSR and 22 went to other countries.
5364:. An eloquent speaker in both the Pashto and Dari languages, Najibullah engaged with elders and presented both himself and the state as Islamic, sometimes backing his speeches with excerpts from the 4324:
Garrison In the same year, the 81st Artillery Brigade was given airborne training and converted into the 38th Commando Brigade, stationed in Mahtab Qala (lit. Moonlit Fortress) garrison southwest of
Brezhnev at the time, claimed that four of General Secretary Taraki's ministers were responsible for the destabilization. However, Zaplatin failed to emphasize this in discussions and was not heard.
and promoted Afghanistan's ethnic minorities, although these programs appear to have had an effect only in the urban areas. By mid-1978, a rebellion started, with rebels attacking the local military
23337: 23332: 23327: 23322: 23317: 15244: 5595:
a year prior. It was widely believed that they would not be able to resist the Mujahideen for long. However, in the spring of 1989, DRA forces inflicted a major defeat on the Mujahideen during the
10389:, pp. 47–49: "Frustrated and hoping to discredit him, the KGB initially planted false stories that Amin was a CIA agent. In the autumn these rumors rebounded on the KGB in a strange case of " 6497:
Braithwaite and Ali Wardak accept this in their estimate of 1.2 million dead Afghans. However, Siddieq Noorzoy presents an even higher figure of 1.71 million deaths during the Soviet-Afghan war.
4341:" of the 19th century in which Britain feared that Russia sought access to the Indian Ocean, and posed a threat to Western security, explicitly violating the world balance of power agreed upon at 10551: 5955:
control. Half of Afghanistan's 24,000 villages were destroyed by the end of the war. Rosanne Klass compared the extermination campaigns of the Soviet military to the carnage unleashed during the
force, they failed to hold the ground, as they withdrew once their operation was completed. The killing of civilians further alienated the population from the Soviets, with bad long-term effects.
12194: 3901:
earlier requests. They repeated these requests and variants to these requests over the following months right up to December 1979. However, the Soviet government was in no hurry to grant them.
11407: 5301:
The decision to engage primarily Afghan forces was taken by the Soviets, but was resented by the PDPA, who viewed the departure of their protectors without enthusiasm. In May 1987 a DRA force
to stabilize the situation. Contrary to the contemporary view of Brzezinski and the regional powers, access to the Persian Gulf played no role in the decision to intervene on the Soviet side.
18389: 11476: 7638:
The Soviet invasion is considered by many Belarusians as a shameful act, and some veterans have refused to accept medals. Many veterans have had cold relations with the Belarusian regime of
4292:. In the second week alone, Soviet aircraft had made a total of 4,000 flights into Kabul. With the arrival of the two later divisions, the total Soviet force rose to over 100,000 personnel. 16776: 4555:
The first phase of the war began with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and first battles with various opposition groups. Soviet troops entered Afghanistan along two ground routes and one
16955: 8887: 5152:
Those hopelessly brave warriors I walked with, and their families, who suffered so much for faith and freedom and who are still not free, they were truly the people of God. – Journalist
4931: 12099:
The last great call to arms for Muslim fighters was in the 1980s, after the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. About 20,000 foreign fighters traveled there, most of them from the Gulf states.
The war left a long legacy in the former Soviet Union and following its collapse. Along with losses, it brought physical disabilities and widespread drug addiction throughout the USSR.
5407:, who was strongly against the King's return. Pakistan however was against this and refused to grant the ex-king a visa for potential negotiations with Mujahideen. Pakistan's President 7619:
who had lost children. Some 64,500 young men from the Uzbek SSR were drafted in the war. At least 1,522 were killed and more than 2,500 left disabled. The former Uzbekistani president
21420: 6812:
The legacy of the war introduced a culture of guns, drugs and terrorism in Afghanistan. The traditional power structure was also changed in favor of the powerful Mujahideen militias:
6057:. Out of the countries that supported the Mujahideen, the U.S. and Saudi Arabia offered the greatest financial support. However, private donors and religious charities throughout the 4134:
for them to undergo maintenance cycles for their tanks and other crucial equipment. Meanwhile, telecommunications links to areas outside of Kabul were severed, isolating the capital.
24937: 16754: 6396:
fever, and 140,665 of other diseases. Of the 11,654 who were discharged from the army after being wounded, maimed, or contracting serious diseases, 10,751 men, were left disabled.
In the last phase, Soviet troops prepared and executed their withdrawal from Afghanistan, whilst limiting the launching of offensive operations by those who had not withdrawn yet.
16895: 4875:
becoming a prominent organisational and networking base for the anti-Soviet Afghan fighters. As well as money, Muslim countries provided thousands of volunteer fighters known as "
In 1978, the Taraki government initiated a series of reforms, including a radical modernization of the traditional Islamic civil law, especially marriage law, aimed at "uprooting
After the revolution, Taraki assumed the leadership, prime ministership and general secretaryship of the PDPA. As before in the party, the government never referred to itself as "
24425: 3176:
Under the regime of Daoud Khan, Afghanistan had hostile relations with both Pakistan and Iran. Like all previous Afghan rulers since 1901, Daoud Khan also wanted to emulate Emir
18379: 14141:
According to Milton Bearden, former CIA chief in charge of the Afghan department, "The Saudi dollar-for-dollar match with the US taxpayer was fundamental to the success " (from
The Soviet–Afghan War has caused grief in the memories of Belarusians, but remains a topic rarely discussed in public. It was the last war the country took part in prior to the
had killed 25,000 Afghans during the war and another 10–15 million land mines, most planted by Soviet and government forces, were left scattered throughout the countryside. The
5676: 5665: 5457: 4453:
anti-aircraft guns respectively, after they were found to be poor models for their own forces. China provided the most relevant weapons, likely due to their own experience with
1171: 14288: 12130:
In all, perhaps 35,000 Muslim fighters went to Afghanistan between 1982 and 1992, while untold thousands more attended frontier schools teeming with former and future fighters.
14573:"Report on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan / prepared by the Special Rapporteur, Felix Ermacora, in accordance with Commission on Human Rights resolution 1985/38" 7918: 6523:
The population of Afghanistan's second largest city, Kandahar, was reduced from 200,000 before the war to no more than 25,000 inhabitants, following a months-long campaign of
The Mujahideen launched multiple raids into the Soviet union in an effort to foment unrest and rebellion by the Islamic populations of the Soviet Union, starting in late 1984
6111: 5265:, Soviet Union, France, United States and the United Kingdom in order to develop a framework. On 20 July 1987, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the country was announced. 1508: 4821:
Karmal called his regime "a new evolutionary phase of the glorious April Revolution", but he failed at uniting the PDPA. In the eyes of many Afghans, he was still seen as a "
2892: 23675: 22755: 9837: 7642:, accusing the government of depriving them of benefits. One Afghanistan veteran, Mikalaj Autukhovich, is considered a political prisoner of the present regime of Belarus. 25341: 25324: 23685: 5734: 4547:
was temporarily relieved of financial constraints and sought to fulfill a long-term geopolitical goal of seizing the lead in the region between Central Asia and the Gulf.
4124: 3944: 3616: 7149:
been willing to support the Najibullah and Soviet proposals of a coalition government with the guerrillas, instead of a total military solution. Najibullah also told the
25371: 14952: 6477:
to Afghanistan, enumerated 32,755 killed civilians, 1,834 houses and 74 villages destroyed, and 3,308 animals killed in the first nine months of 1985. Data cited by the
1356: 16681: 13154: 11461: 3929:, the KGB station in Kabul warned Moscow that Amin's leadership would lead to "harsh repressions, and as a result, the activation and consolidation of the opposition." 19721: 18735: 6508:
Along with fatalities were 1.2 million Afghans disabled (Mujahideen, government soldiers and noncombatants) and 3 million maimed or wounded (primarily noncombatants).
6216: 554: 16069: 14553: 10646: 7352:
Sunni terror group in Pakistan. But unlike the traditionally non-violent Deobandi, this "hybrid movement" embraced the violence of jihad, and unlike the Islamists of
4243:, and Amin had been "executed by a tribunal for his crimes" by the Afghan Revolutionary Central Committee. That committee then installed former Deputy Prime Minister 23830: 8860: 402: 11004: 1724:, who determined they could not subdue the uprising by themselves, asked for urgent Soviet military assistance; in 1979, over 20 requests were sent. Soviet Premier 4348:
The general feeling in the United States was that inaction against the Soviet Union could encourage Moscow to go further in its international ambitions. President
In response to Afghanistan's proxy war, Pakistan started supporting Afghans who were critical of Daoud Khan's policies. Bhutto authorized a covert operation under
15427: 9467: 7178:
The man instrumental not only in generating international support but also in inspiring these volunteers to travel to Afghanistan for the jihad was a Palestinian
25314: 19083: 7049: 6539:
estimated in 1994 that it would take 4,300 years to remove all the Soviet land mines in Afghanistan, which continued to kill hundreds of people on yearly basis.
824: 15382: 1759:. The final wave of disengagement was initiated on 15 May 1988, and on 15 February 1989, the last Soviet military column occupying Afghanistan crossed into the 26139: 25834: 25334: 9598: 6940: 5588: 5461:
timetable for full Soviet withdrawal. The agreement on withdrawal held, and on 15 February 1989, the last Soviet troops departed on schedule from Afghanistan.
5238:, Pakistanis remained sympathetic to the challenges faced by the Soviets in restoring the peace, eventually exploring the possibility of setting up an interim 3906:
We should tell Taraki and Amin to change their tactics. They still continue to execute those people who disagree with them. They are killing nearly all of the
3548:(although usury is prohibited in Islam) and the cancellation of farmers' debts. The new government also enhanced women's rights, sought a rapid eradication of 3544:
were not received well by a population deeply immersed in tradition and Islam, particularly by the powerful landowners harmed economically by the abolition of
1556: 676: 13557: 13530: 5603:
in 1990. The United States, having achieved its goal of forcing the Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan, gradually disengaged itself from the country.
23240: 22959: 21606: 19775: 18789: 10843:
The Causes of the Failure of Government of Afghanistan Under Professor Burhanuddin Rabbani (Afghanistan from Geneva Accords to the rise of Taliban (1988–96))
reported that as of 2004, Afghanistan still owed $ 8 billion in bilateral debt, mostly to Russia, however, in 2007 Russia agreed to cancel most of the debt.
of the newly established Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. On 5 December 1978, a treaty of friendship was signed between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan.
901: 17159: 8470: 6380:, and police forces. A further 21,000 personnel were with the Soviet troop contingent over the same period doing various white collar and blue-collar jobs. 6203:
targeted Pakistan using prostitution spy rings, terror attacks, hijackings, serial killings, assassinations and the dissemination of propaganda to dissuade
3235:, and as a result, China formed an alliance with Pakistan against their common enemy, India, pushing Afghanistan even closer to India and the Soviet Union. 25360: 25329: 21037: 16823: 9852: 7572: 6353: 6308:
On 5 April 1982, Soviet forces accidentally infiltrated Iranian territory, in which Soviet forces strayed from the target of a Mujahideen base in southern
4913: 4544: 4353: 4236: 936: 15252: 13127: 6577:
Before the war, Afghanistan was already one of the world's poorest countries. The prolonged conflict left Afghanistan ranked 170 out of 174 in the UNDP's
repeatedly demonstrating friendliness toward the various delegates of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and maintaining the pro-Soviet line. Soviet General
Pakistani intelligence officials began privately lobbying the U.S. and its allies to send materiel assistance to the Islamist rebels. Pakistani President
25319: 25271: 19824: 18838: 13925: 10933: 10871: 6574:, combined with major disagreements between the different Mujahideen factions, meant that the IIGA never succeeded in acting as a functional government. 4571:), and sometimes against mutinying Afghan Army units. These forces mostly fought in the open, and Soviet airpower and artillery made short work of them. 7571:
parties jointly approved a draft resolution seeking to justify the Soviet–Afghan War as well as declare null and void the 1989 resolution passed by the
rejected the plan, expecting to win the war through battle. Almost immediately after the Soviet withdrawal, the Mujahideen attacked the eastern city of
against Pakistan by supporting anti-Pakistani groups and providing them with arms, training and sanctuaries. The Pakistani government of prime minister
21085: 8495: 6501:
Antonio Giustozzi estimates 150,000 to 180,000 mujahideen casualties, of which half of them died. He also puts the fatalities of the communist-allied
5116: 12052: 8221: 4510:. The Soviet leadership saw the agreement as giving a major advantage to the United States. A Soviet newspaper stated that Egypt and Israel were now " 3671:
Taraki and Amin's regime even attempted to eliminate Parcham's leader Babrak Karmal. After being relieved of his duties as ambassador, he remained in
25568: 24649: 23012: 13687:
women. The object was rape, although sometimes the women were killed, as well. The women who returned home were often considered dishonored for life.
13297: 11920:
Haroon, Sana (2008). "The Rise of Deobandi Islam in the North-West Frontier Province and Its Implications in Colonial India and Pakistan 1914–1996".
7028: 6654:
were housed in Pakistan by 1988, some of whom continue to live in the country up until today. Of this total, about 100,000 were based in the city of
against inmates (officials, teachers, businessmen and students suspected of having ties to the rebels) in interrogation centers in Kabul, run by the
3988: 3889:
directly subordinate to the senior Soviet military advisor and did not interfere in Afghan politics. Several leading politicians at the time such as
Intense opposition from factions of the PDPA was sparked by the repression imposed on them by Daoud's regime and the death of a leading PDPA member,
737: 24405: 13601: 26059: 23381: 22740: 22267: 21017: 19790: 19120: 18804: 17943:
that was a long-term strategic success, with the possible exception of intervention in the Soviet-Afghan War (a disastrous military fiasco for the
14190: 13987: 13367: 11603: 10737: 7374: 6465:
Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran, 1/3 of the prewar population of the country, and another 2 million were displaced within the country, making it
6025: 2859: 8520: 7084:
of the survivors (many of whom joined the now infamous Taliban movement) that would be realized in the decade after the Soviet departure in 1988."
6909:), which weakened the political hegemony of the communist party. It also started the transformation of the press and media, which continued under 4616:, and various disinformation about armed interference by India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Jordan, Italy, and France, among others. 1763:. With continued external Soviet backing, the PDPA government pursued a solo war effort against the mujahideen, and the conflict evolved into the 26174: 23868: 20584: 19909: 18923: 17985: 16799: 15088: 14808: 12636: 7273:
militias but failed to establish a Salafi state. In Algeria and Egypt, thousand of volunteers returned and fought but were even less successful.
2616: 1767:. However following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991, all support to the Republic was pulled, leading to the toppling of the 1349: 412: 11894: 8313: 8039: 7019:, and its surrender was arranged by local tribal leaders. However, in March 1991, the guerrillas managed to win over a city for the first time: 4402:
warmly praised the "heroic resistance" of the Afghan people. Beijing also stated that the lacklustre worldwide reaction against Vietnam (in the
23034: 22826: 20335: 20144: 19987: 19654: 19346: 18668: 7668: 7031:, the main trigger for Najibullah losing power was Russia's refusal to sell oil products to Afghanistan in 1992 for political reasons (the new 6403: 2567: 13112: 12370: 10450: 8183: 25266: 24879: 19763: 18777: 14467: 7664: 5542:
was one of the final offensive operations undertaken by the Soviets, a successful sweep operation that cleared the road between the towns of
on 22 February 1980, when the Soviet soldiers murdered hundreds of protesters. The city uprising took a dangerous turn once again during the
15444: 5086:
darkened Kabul when a pylon on the transmission line from the Naghlu power station was blown up. In June 1982 a column of about 1,000 young
Massive Soviet military forces have invaded the small, nonaligned, sovereign nation of Afghanistan, which had hitherto not been an occupied
1657:(DRA) from 1979 to 1989. The war was a major conflict of the Cold War as it saw extensive fighting between Soviet Union, the DRA and allied 24932: 22816: 20004: 16881: 13848: 12021: 7250:
When the Soviet Union fell shortly after their withdrawal from Afghanistan, the volunteers were "exultant", believing that—in the words of
3343:, but lack of support along with government forces easily defeating them made it a failure, and a sizable portion of the insurgents sought 2980: 942: 15840: 15292: 9626: 8356:
Goodson, Larry; Johnson, Thomas H. (2011). "Parallels with the Past – How the Soviets Lost in Afghanistan, How the Americans are Losing".
25451: 25421: 24572: 23745: 23265: 23132: 22907: 22790: 21677: 19716: 19711: 18971: 18730: 18725: 7008: 7004: 6117: 5122: 3392: 3352: 3290: 3162:, rejected the Durand Line, which had been accepted as an international border by successive Afghan governments for over half a century. 3012: 3008: 2896: 1958: 1768: 1748: 1721: 16903: 16568: 9061: 7155:
that "if fundamentalism comes to Afghanistan, war will continue for many years. Afghanistan will be turned into a center of terrorism."
4457:, and kept meticulous record of all the shipments. The US, Saudi and Chinese aid combined totaled between $ 6 billion and $ 12 billion. 3474:"We only need one million people to make the revolution. It doesn't matter what happens to the rest. We need the land, not the people." 25708: 25668: 25578: 25389: 24905: 24273: 23250: 23200: 23175: 22780: 19632: 19032: 18646: 12901: 10713: 9971:"Intensification of Warfare between Government Forces and Moslem Rebels – Government Changes – Alleged Involvement of Foreign Powers". 7892: 7864: 7310: 5846: 4750: 4217: 3635: 3620: 2792: 1625: 1549: 1429: 1342: 274: 16622: 14220: 14023: 25696: 25591: 25463: 25249: 23140: 22869: 18093: 16585: 11108: 7568: 7536:
Commemorating the intervention of 25 December 1979, in December 2009, veterans of the Soviet war in Afghanistan were honoured by the
6560: 6481:
shows that Afghanistan's population declined from 13.4 million (1979) to 11.8 million (1989) during the decade of Soviet occupation.
brigadier general who was the chief for Afghan operations. The rebels began cross-border raids into the Soviet Union in spring 1985.
5956: 4048:, dressed in Afghan Army uniforms, was covertly deployed to Kabul between 9 and 12 November 1979. They moved a few days later to the 2602: 2322: 819: 4216:
began; as planned, General Secretary Hafizullah Amin was assassinated. Simultaneously, other key buildings were occupied (e.g., the
4012:"; however, allegations of Amin colluding with the Americans have been widely discredited and it was revealed in the 1990s that the 3589:– Alexei Kosygin, the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, in response to Taraki's request for Soviet presence in Afghanistan 26179: 26114: 25601: 25518: 25411: 24461: 23283: 23115: 22916: 22821: 20854: 19258: 18585: 18384: 17862:
Galbas, Michael. " 'We Are Heroes': The Homogenising Glorification of the Memories on the Soviet–Afghan War in Present Russia." in
16847: 14501: 14499:
Economic Development in Afghanistan During the Soviet Period, 1979–1989: Lessons Learned from the Soviet Experience in Afghanistan.
14314: 12609: 12083: 10598: 7422: 6536: 6457: 5501: 4299:, the Soviet 105th Airborne Division secured the city and disarmed Afghan Army units without facing opposition. On 1 January 1980, 18949: 14749: 13412: 10403: 10393:," the term used by spies to describe planted propaganda that filters back to confuse the country that first set the story loose." 8841: 5340: 5198:"that journalists traveling with the mujahidin 'will be killed. And our units in Afghanistan will help the Afghan forces to do it. 25541: 25348: 25215: 23589: 23017: 22257: 20901: 19113: 19098: 18873: 18054: 13913:
The United States and Saudi Arabia did provide considerable financial, logistical, and military support to the Afghan mujahideen.
13700: 8004: 7553: 5611:
Some of the causes of the Soviet Union's withdrawal from Afghanistan leading to the Afghanistan regime's eventual defeat include
5235: 4605: 4045: 3796: 3450:(DRA) was formed. Nur Muhammad Taraki, General Secretary of the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, became Chairman of the 2517: 24577: 15787: 12954: 11673: 4668:, in the central mountains of Afghanistan, were virtually untouched by the fighting, and lived in almost complete independence. 4141:
launched its initial incursion into Afghanistan on 25 December under the pretext of extending "international aid" to its puppet
26144: 26094: 25239: 25084: 23956: 23893: 23708: 23160: 22971: 22750: 21022: 19864: 19795: 19088: 19022: 18878: 18809: 18552: 10963: 10165: 8552: 3833: 1513: 31: 16710: 14960: 9170: 7541:
soldiers who honestly fulfilled their duty in implementing tasks to combat international terrorism and religious extremists".
6563:, with the outcome that the country was split into different ethnic groups, with no language, religion, or culture in common. 6328: 26129: 25726: 25227: 25193: 25181: 25176: 25067: 24669: 24501: 24481: 24456: 24358: 24303: 23215: 22745: 20680: 20367: 20345: 19392: 17896: 17845: 17817: 17798: 17772: 17753: 17705: 17678: 17655: 17626: 17595: 17562: 17517: 17488: 17467: 17440: 17413: 17363: 17344: 17313: 17289: 17268: 17247: 17203: 17174: 17132: 17102: 17072: 17043: 17015: 16988: 16689: 16552: 16470: 16437: 16408:
who were living in refugee camps, and the assistance they received was used to recruit and influence the refugee populations.
16400: 16178: 16023: 15956: 15821: 15765: 15737: 15709: 15664: 15629: 15585: 15555: 15188: 14903: 14536: 14377: 14173: 14111: 13679: 13351: 13234: 13199: 13096: 13064: 12693: 12579: 12478: 11977: 11808: 11770: 11453: 11256: 11142: 10903: 10774: 10697: 10629: 10534: 10318: 10259: 10148: 10113: 10005: 9943: 9821: 9786: 9757: 9714: 9685: 9577: 9442: 9417: 9279: 9252: 9148: 9116: 9071: 9044: 8992: 8956: 8929: 8897: 8870: 8825: 8647: 8611: 8074: 7954: 7323:
2015. Pakistan has sought to expel remnants of the Afghan Mujahideen from its borders since the end of the Soviet–Afghan War.
5372: 4479:
concurrent with the 1978–1979 upheavals in Afghanistan that changed the nature of the two superpowers. In February 1979, the
Soviet satellites (excluding Romania) publicly supported the intervention; however, a press account in June 1980 showed that
2770: 2577: 1542: 1268: 839: 296: 25653: 21768: 16956:"Președintele Maia Sandu a participat la manifestările consacrate Zilei comemorării celor căzuți în războiul din Afganistan" 15927: 15266: 12415: 9869: 8131: 4487:
from Iran, losing the United States as one of its most powerful allies. The United States then deployed twenty ships in the
in exile, fearing for his life if he returned as the regime requested. He and his family were protected by the Czechoslovak
3076: 2547: 26099: 25763: 25531: 24521: 24511: 23693: 22952: 21587: 21512: 21172: 20772: 19743: 19733: 19027: 18757: 18747: 16073: 14159: 8108: 5557: 4912:
guerrilla groups were also active, to a lesser extent compared to the religious Mujahideen. A notable Maoist group was the
3036: 2852: 1635: 13158: 26109: 26104: 25643: 25309: 25256: 25244: 24557: 23888: 23703: 23698: 23545: 22976: 22785: 21192: 20325: 19768: 18782: 18411: 17978: 16925: 11887: 7651: 7403: 7306: 5361: 4005: 3800: 3692: 3607: 3451: 1720:
In March 1979, there had been a violent uprising in Herat, where a number of Soviet military advisers were executed. The
930: 20434: 20362: 16113: 7635:
in 2022. 28,832 Belarusian natives were involved in the campaign and 732 died. Most casualties were under 20 years old.
that publicly favoured the invasion. Soviet Union expanded its military support to the Syrian government in return. The
continued through the Soviet era, with billions in economic and military aid sent to Afghanistan between 1955 and 1978.
those concerned that the war would escalate. Eventually, a compromise was reached to send military aid, but not troops.
26169: 25691: 25686: 25406: 25354: 24526: 24353: 22942: 22874: 22227: 21322: 20300: 20185: 20139: 20134: 20080: 19982: 19814: 19701: 19180: 18828: 18715: 18342: 18038: 14757: 10438: 9972: 7378: 6502: 6222: 6193: 6140: 5825: 5706:
in September 1986 was a turning point in the war is disputed. Many Western military analysts credit the Stinger with a
5577: 5470: 5391: 4153: 4142: 3952: 3447: 2797: 2787: 2780: 2537: 1772: 1756: 1654: 1630: 1620: 1500: 219: 15164: 11272: 5773:
in Afghanistan, intentionally targeting civilians and civilian areas for attack, and killing and torturing prisoners.
were held in 1988 to elect members of the new National Assembly, the first such elections in Afghanistan in 19 years.
basic units of Mujahideen organization and action continued to reflect the highly segmented nature of Afghan society.
transmitters") and on a propaganda campaign targeting the Soviet-backed leadership of the DRA, which (in the words of
26164: 26149: 26089: 25943: 25894: 25827: 25638: 25366: 24968: 24872: 23800: 23785: 22989: 22947: 21959: 21522: 20792: 20733: 19924: 19543: 19489: 19484: 19432: 19427: 19417: 19382: 19377: 19367: 19357: 19335: 19330: 19307: 19302: 19277: 19253: 19248: 19233: 19093: 17726: 17541: 17403: 17384: 17238:
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
17224: 15386: 14932: 12441: 11587: 11248:
Ghost Wars. The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
11214: 11184: 10361: 10081: 10032: 9563: 8457: 7167: 6816:"In present-day Afghanistan the groups of clergy, community elders, intelligentsia, and the military cannot be seen." 6094: 5792:
including W. Michael Reisman and Charles Norchi, writer and human rights advocate Rosanne Klass, political scientist
5715: 4519: 3514: 3297: 2918: 2740: 17: 20530: 17552: 16326: 14341:
Islamists, Leftists – and a Void in the Center. Afghanistan's Political Parties and where they come from (1902–2006)
12610:""Winning the Endgame in Afghanistan," by James A. Phillips, Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 181, May 18, 1992" 8241: 6294:
supported by American CIA advisors in an attempt to escape but the rebellion was squashed and all POWs were killed.
6061:—particularly in the Persian Gulf—raised considerably more funds for the Afghan rebels than any foreign government; 5286:, air support and technical assistance, though some large-scale operations were still carried out by Soviet troops. 4651:
The war now developed into a new pattern: the Soviets occupied the cities and main axis of communication, while the
26154: 26119: 25973: 25961: 25785: 25775: 25731: 25546: 25222: 25171: 25054: 24846: 24547: 24531: 23805: 21662: 21657: 21152: 21115: 20844: 20290: 19526: 19462: 19287: 19200: 15203: 13887: 13569: 13542: 10337: 7740: 7302: 6922: 6902: 6345: 5642: 5079: 4779: 4496: 3016: 2965: 2735: 1776: 1764: 1747:
The Soviet government had initially planned to swiftly secure Afghanistan's towns and road networks, stabilize the
1669:. While the mujahideen were backed by various countries and organizations, the majority of their support came from 1615: 1610: 1605: 1043: 21340: 21202: 20886: 16638: 15976: 14142: 13251: 10048: 6066:
money for the Afghan mujahideen in private donations that amounted to about $ 20 million per month at their peak.
took Kabul. They stormed the U.N. compound on September 26, 1996. They eventually tortured and killed Najibullah.
In an effort to foment unrest and rebellion by the Islamic populations of the Soviet Union, starting in late 1984
3807:"asked if there was value in keeping the Afghan insurgency going, 'sucking the Soviets into a Vietnamese quagmire? 3351:
militants and to expel any remaining militants in Afghanistan. In 1975, Daoud Khan established his own party, the
25978: 25966: 25822: 25807: 25721: 25623: 25205: 25025: 24754: 24684: 24435: 24318: 24313: 23919: 23738: 23627: 22937: 22900: 22382: 21763: 21692: 21592: 21470: 21242: 21232: 20819: 20206: 19919: 19679: 19664: 19605: 18964: 18693: 18678: 18619: 17948: 15696:. The Cambridge History of the Cold War. Vol. III. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 361–362. 11377: 7387: 7315: 7255: 7146: 6996:
lives and much of the city damaged, was masterminded by the United States and Pakistan, using American weaponry.
6872: 6862: 6644: 5138: 5103: 4958:. He led at least 10,000 trained troopers at the end of the Soviet war and had expanded his political control of 4853: 4387: 4273: 4269: 4228: 3672: 3118: 2900: 2845: 2821: 2802: 2750: 2612: 1902: 1760: 1706: 1694: 1523: 1271:
fighter aircraft lost (lost to friendly fire, according to Pakistan) (shot down, according to Afghan authorities)
896: 21157: 21044: 21032: 19819: 18833: 16512: 16486: 15226: 13131: 8731:"Assessment of oil and gas resources of northern Afghanistan and their impact on energy security in the country" 7282: 5769:
organization concluded that the Soviet Red Army and its communist-allied Afghan Army perpetrated war crimes and
5099:, laying mines in government accommodation or houses, using poison, and rigging explosive charges in transport. 1740:, launched an invasion of Afghanistan to support the local pro-Soviet government that had been installed during 26184: 26159: 26054: 25919: 25899: 25596: 25210: 25035: 24963: 24592: 23883: 23622: 23612: 23602: 23062: 21813: 21582: 21162: 21064: 20797: 20241: 20236: 19387: 19351: 18542: 18481: 18460: 18394: 18363: 17971: 13957:"Charlie Wilson: Congressman whose support for the mujahideen helped force the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan" 12658: 7457: 7413:
in Yemen in 2000. However, no direct U.S. aid to Bin Laden or any of his affiliates has ever been established.
7278: 6466: 5592: 4580: 4429: 4256: 3209: 1939: 1394: 377: 243: 21482: 21212: 20723: 20495: 16586:"A war of perception: the struggle for legitimacy, influence and power through media in post-2001 Afghanistan" 13929: 7340:. (Iran provided similar help to Shia Islamist groups and punishments to moderate Shia nationalist Afghans.) 5074:
They concentrated on both civilian and military targets, knocking out bridges, closing major roads, attacking
party, led by Ahmad Shah Massoud, attempting to overthrow the government. They started their rebellion in the
26074: 25990: 25817: 25681: 25633: 25394: 25188: 25062: 25045: 24764: 24363: 24348: 23617: 23607: 23597: 23431: 23406: 23165: 23055: 22760: 21775: 21728: 21492: 21415: 21147: 19802: 19553: 19282: 19108: 19103: 19058: 18816: 17527: 15999: 14393: 13323: 13010: 11785: 8338: 7549: 7262: 6183: 5793: 5750: 4507: 3812: 3573: 3455: 2598: 2487: 1518: 1288: 124: 21207: 20916: 20839: 20510: 13769:
Schwartzstein, Stuart j. d. (Winter 1982–83). "Chemical Warfare in Afghanistan: An Independent Assessment".
13583: 12167:
interview with Arab Afghan fighter Abullah Anas and Afghan CIA station chief Milt Berden. Wright, Lawrence,
12060: 4284:
also entered the country, along with other smaller units. In all, the initial Soviet force was around 1,800
3925:'s actions had destabilized the situation in Afghanistan. Following his initial coup against and killing of 3273: 3263: 2507: 682: 26069: 25586: 25261: 25156: 24957: 24865: 24674: 24639: 24629: 24587: 24400: 23298: 23225: 23220: 23108: 23024: 23002: 21793: 21753: 21723: 21672: 21532: 21450: 21446: 21317: 21247: 21012: 20829: 20595: 20490: 20422: 19879: 19849: 19844: 19785: 19674: 19669: 19637: 19578: 19499: 19457: 19340: 18893: 18863: 18858: 18799: 18688: 18683: 18651: 18578: 17935: 12495: 11158: 10919: 10205: 8093: 7332:
and Saudi Arabia (and ignoring native Afghan traditions), the schools were part of networks of the favored
7151: 6898: 6681: 5510: 5224: 5216: 4357: 4097:
that therefore it was ultimately the United States and China who were behind the rebellion in Afghanistan.
3316: 3200:
the U.S. State Department urged Afghanistan to drop its claim against Pakistan and accept the Durand Line.
3020: 2765: 2587: 2557: 706: 17064:
Condemned to Repetition? The Rise, Fall, and Reprise of Soviet-Russian Military Interventionism, 1973–1996
11690: 10810: 7386:, or unintended consequences of funding the Mujahideen, was said to have come to the United States in the 5947:(often camouflaged as kids' playthings) were planted by Soviet military across Afghanistan. Around 90% of 5652:
bloody, four-year power struggle between different factions of the victorious anti-Najibullah forces, the
4204:, occupied major governmental, military and media buildings in Kabul, including their primary target, the 26064: 25867: 25849: 25615: 25473: 25434: 25401: 25091: 25079: 24995: 24897: 24654: 24567: 24420: 24293: 23665: 23660: 23655: 23278: 23180: 23145: 23068: 22983: 22765: 22237: 22232: 21949: 21627: 21355: 21100: 21059: 21003: 20906: 20787: 20745: 20650: 20175: 20129: 20014: 19997: 19869: 19738: 19706: 19642: 19531: 19422: 19407: 19243: 18883: 18752: 18720: 18656: 13605: 13128:""Launching the Missile That Made History," by Michael M. Phillips, Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2011" 10741: 8237: 8187: 7632: 6128: 5411:
and his supporters in the military were determined to put a conservative Islamic ally in power in Kabul.
5133: 5035: 4425: 4158: 3992: 3933: 3788: 3603: 3521:
There is only one leading force in the country – Hafizullah Amin. In the Politburo, everybody fears Amin.
3395:'s strength grew considerably after its foundation. In 1967, the PDPA split into two rival factions, the 3312: 3214: 3052: 2172: 1998: 1326: 1004: 15525: 14841: 13995: 13885:
Hegghammer, Thomas (2011). "The Rise of Muslim Foreign Fighters: Islam and the Globalization of Jihad".
13796: 11133:
Borshchevskaya, Anna (2022). "2: The Soviet Union in the Middle East and the Afghanistan Intervention".
Borshchevskaya, Anna (2022). "2: The Soviet Union in the Middle East and the Afghanistan Intervention".
Borshchevskaya, Anna (2022). "2: The Soviet Union in the Middle East and the Afghanistan Intervention".
regime and Mujahideen factions, as well as an opposition to the unpopular but powerful guerrilla leader
5050:, hotels, cinemas, and so on. In the border region with Pakistan, the Mujahideen would often launch 800 3509:
and executions of Parcham members. The Khalq state executed between 10,000 and 27,000 people, mostly at
26124: 26079: 25862: 25839: 25812: 24719: 24373: 24368: 23731: 22893: 22602: 21823: 21808: 21798: 21652: 21252: 20740: 20543: 20310: 19914: 19452: 19442: 19412: 19402: 19017: 18957: 18928: 18322: 18088: 16534: 15421:"The Weaponization of Afghanistan and the Effects of Small Arms and Light Weapons on Conflict Dynamics" 14289:"How Pakistan's President Zia collaborated with Israel's Mossad to defeat Soviet forces in Afghanistan" 12389: 12218: 11345: 10166:"The Strategic Mind of Zbigniew Brzezinski: How a Native Pole Used Afghanistan to Protect His Homeland" 9673: 9509: 9089: 8527: 7121:"in a spirit of conservatism and religious rigor", and went on to fill the ranks and leadership of the 6980: 6893:
Russian leaders began to doubt the ability to put down anti-Soviet resistance militarily (as it had in
6424: 6316:. Iranian security forces attacked this strike force by using tanks and aircraft destroying two Soviet 5596: 5302: 4903: 4613: 4277: 4265: 4017: 3783:
as early as January 1979 that it was vital to "repair our relationships with Pakistan" in light of the
3768: 3173:
gained independence from British India and inherited the Durand Line as its frontier with Afghanistan.
3090: 2961: 2437: 1930: 1474: 1185: 79: 17765:
Presidents' Secret Wars: CIA and Pentagon Covert Operations from World War II through the Persian Gulf
15095: 14815: 7289:
killed more than a thousand people between 1990 and 1997 but also failed to overthrow the government.
two superpowers agreed to halt their interference in Afghanistan, which included a Soviet withdrawal.
Taraki's reply to the Soviet ambassador Alexander Puzanov, who asked Taraki to spare the lives of two
3280:. Following his return to power, Daoud revived his Pashtunistan policy and for the first time started 835: 25904: 25877: 25780: 24734: 23255: 23007: 22831: 22707: 22652: 22472: 21460: 21167: 20728: 20340: 20257: 19753: 19647: 19447: 18767: 18661: 18502: 18186: 11898: 11876: 10349: 8048: 7286: 5842: 4962:-dominated areas to Afghanistan's northeastern provinces under the Supervisory Council of the North. 4289: 4281: 1948: 1409: 1181: 732: 482: 25872: 17939:, vol. LXXI, no. 2 (8 February 2024), pp. 32, 34–35. "n Walton's view, there was scarcely a US 12984: 12195:"Six Days That Shook Kabul: The '3 Hut uprising', first urban protest against the Soviet occupation" 12007: 10964:"Address to the Nation on the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan | the American Presidency Project" 9886:"U.S. Library of Congress – "The April 1912 Coup d'etat and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan"" 6097:, but Iran's support for the Hazaras nevertheless frustrated efforts for a united Mujahideen front. 4852:
as an integral Cold War struggle, and the CIA provided assistance to anti-Soviet forces through the
4694: 4360:
of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. The invasion, along with other concurrent events such as the
26084: 25985: 24749: 24699: 24338: 24328: 24097: 23858: 22457: 22024: 21287: 21177: 20931: 20475: 19894: 19600: 19175: 18979: 18908: 18614: 17697: 14414: 12259: 10457: 8302:
Markovskiy, Victor (1997). "Жаркое небо Афганистана: Часть IX" . Авиация и время (in Russian) p.28
7298: 6889:
identify mainly internal reasons for the collapse and mention the Afghanistan war only in passing.
5812:". Arguing that the Soviet military forces perpetrated genocide against Afghan people, sociologist 5797: 5565: 4466: 4261: 4252: 4138: 4020:
in response to Soviet nuclear presence in Eastern Europe and the failure of Congress to ratify the
3843: 3147:. The demarcation of the mountainous region resulted in an agreement, signed with the Afghan Emir, 2467: 628: 318: 24195: 22197: 16791: 10841: 9872:
A bitter harvest: Soviet intervention in Afghanistan and its effects on Afghan political movements
6848:. With Pashtuns increasingly politically fragmented, their influence on the state was challenged. 6492:
soldiers. Noor Ahmed Khalidi calculated that 876,825 Afghans were killed up until 1987. Historian
were left fighting alone and had to abandon some provincial capitals, as well as disbanding their
5066: 4583:
of April and May 1980, in which scores of students were killed by soldiers and PDPA sympathizers.
25234: 24800: 24739: 24679: 24582: 24506: 24466: 24333: 24323: 24102: 24019: 23951: 23863: 23101: 22931: 21687: 21632: 21617: 21557: 21365: 21345: 21105: 20782: 20387: 19807: 19536: 19155: 18821: 18571: 18071: 16865: 16195: 15448: 12029: 11830:. DA pam;550-65. Washington, D.C.: The Studies : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. 11337: 11038: 10390: 10310: 10247: 10214: 7556:-coalition in Afghanistan and also had to establish contacts with the "anti-Western forces"; the 7508: 7504:
20th Anniversary of Withdrawal of Soviet Military Forces from Afghanistan, stamp of Belarus, 2009
7383: 7349: 7126: 6226: 5932: 5770: 5419: 5310: 4942: 4146: 3086: 785: 497: 462: 397: 71: 20590: 17877: 17008:
An Army, its Role and Rule: A History of the Pakistan Army from Independence to Kargil 1947–1999
16658: 15143: 14590: 12929: 12125: 10794: 10372:. 'I would have been thrilled to have those kinds of contacts with Amin, but they didn't exist.' 9630: 5983:
Amnesty International concluded that the communist-controlled Afghan government used widespread
Roy also describes regional, ethnic and sectarian variations in Mujahideen organization. In the
may contain an excessive amount of intricate detail that may interest only a particular audience
25914: 25506: 25444: 24704: 24516: 24087: 23934: 23486: 23083: 22477: 21981: 21375: 21049: 20525: 20285: 20280: 20073: 20009: 19684: 19205: 19140: 18698: 18467: 18302: 17872:
Gibbs, David N. "Reassessing Soviet motives for invading Afghanistan: A declassified history."
17124: 16544: 16170: 15341: 14415:"Afghanistan – Security Services in Communist Afghanistan (1978–1992). AGSA, KAM, KhAD and WAD" 12765:
Mitchell, Alison (16 February 1989). "Last Soviet Troops Leave Afghanistan intervention ends".
12025: 10766: 10714:"The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979: Failure of Intelligence or of the Policy Process?" 10689: 10552:"The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, 1979: Not Trump's Terrorists, Nor Zbig's Warm Water Ports" 10353: 10137:
From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War
From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider's Story of Five Presidents and How They Won the Cold War
Mehrad, Ahmad Tamim; Zvolinski, V P; Kapralova, D O; Niazmand, Milad Ahmad (12 December 2020).
7580: 7452: 7444: 7399: 7110: 6876:
amounted to about 2.5 percent of the Soviet military spending per year. According to historian
5703: 5521: 5509:
in 1987, where they were also having a far easier time than in Afghanistan, and restrained the
5334: 5231: 4767: 4300: 3269: 3106: 2976: 2745: 2497: 2477: 2028: 1911: 1454: 856: 696: 648: 502: 343: 285: 55: 22687: 19397: 17884: 17867: 17507: 17374: 17217:
Manufacturing Terrorism: When Governments Use Fear to Justify Foreign Wars and Control Society
15946: 15907: 15811: 15681: 15545: 14101: 13822: 13341: 13224: 13086: 12569: 12468: 11841:
Grau, Lester W. (1 March 2004). "The Soviet–Afghan War: A Superpower Mired in the Mountains".
11246: 10619: 10524: 10251: 10022: 9995: 9933: 9677: 9140:
Dynamics of Political Development in Afghanistan: The British, Russian, and American Invasions
The Wars of Afghanistan:Messianic Terrorism, Tribal Conflict, and the Failures of Great Powers
8815: 8047:. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. pp. xviii–xxv. Archived from 7944: 6685:
cover in 1985 became a symbol both of the 1980s Afghan conflict and of the refugee situation.
6487:, an analyst of political killings, estimated that Soviet forces were responsible for 250,000 6123:
encouraged Mujahideen militants to mount sabotage raids inside the Soviet Union, according to
encouraged Mujahideen militants to mount sabotage raids inside the Soviet Union, according to
4373: 3438:. The mysterious circumstances of Khyber's death sparked massive anti-Daoud demonstrations in 3268:
In 1973, Daoud Khan, supported by Soviet-trained Afghan Army officers and a large base of the
26033: 24805: 24759: 24744: 24709: 24496: 24440: 24029: 23795: 22712: 21996: 21991: 21758: 21647: 21602: 21562: 21497: 21360: 21142: 20956: 20834: 20752: 20660: 20625: 20535: 20480: 20377: 20218: 19939: 19659: 19588: 19037: 18673: 18563: 18446: 17790: 17716: 17531: 17303: 16462: 16429: 16392: 15994: 15654: 15605: 15575: 15178: 14893: 14367: 13317: 13181: 13054: 11204: 10105: 10071: 9567: 8601: 7748: 7579:
hailed the decision as a victory for "historical truth". Russia's actions were criticized as
7118: 6589: 6567: 6474: 5850: 5449: 5443: 5414:
Negotiations continued and in 1988 through 1989, The Interim Afghan Government was formed in
4511: 4450: 3367: 2078: 1439: 1017: 891: 702: 536: 17689: 17645: 17116: 17033: 12912: 10720: 10239: 9665: 8746: 7889: 7861: 5294:) 80,000. However, these were theoretical figures: in reality each service was plagued with 4123:
On 31 October 1979, Soviet informants under orders from the inner circle of advisors around
policy was to annex Pashtun areas of Pakistan, and he used this policy for his own benefit.
1922: 25795: 25658: 25478: 25276: 24990: 24714: 24215: 24210: 24170: 24039: 24024: 23579: 23366: 23293: 23235: 23210: 22252: 22019: 21874: 21828: 21743: 21738: 21537: 21436: 21385: 21380: 21272: 21227: 21182: 21120: 20951: 20926: 20876: 20804: 20718: 20568: 20170: 20149: 19472: 19145: 19042: 19012: 18474: 18332: 18176: 18130: 18083: 14793:
M. Siddieq Noorzoy, "Some Observations on an Assessment of the Population in Afghanistan",
14663: 14251: 11895:"1986–1992: CIA and British Recruit and Train Militants Worldwide to Help Fight Afghan War" 11400:"3rd Hoot uprising; a millstone in Afghanistan's freedom-fighting history against invaders" 11373: 9468:"From Communism to Nationalism? The Trajectory of "Post-Communist" Ideology in Afghanistan" 9433:
Klass, Rosanne (2017). "4: Genocide in Afghanistan 1978–1992". In W. Charny, Israel (ed.).
8742: 7639: 7391: 6303: 5533: 5258: 5239: 5227: 5195: 4872: 4794:
in combat, said they were "big and black and shout very loudly when they fight. Unlike the
4391: 3838: 3718: 3627: 3510: 3496:". The government was divided along factional lines, with Taraki and Deputy Prime Minister 3170: 2979:, the British conceded Afghanistan's full independence. King Amanullah afterwards wrote to 1595: 1486: 807: 472: 407: 292: 25882: 23984: 13155:""Stop Panicking About the Stingers," by Matthew Schroeder, Foreign Policy, July 28, 2010" 12741: 12571:
The Fragmentation of Afghanistan: State Formation and Collapse in the International System
11503: 9997:
The Fragmentation of Afghanistan: State Formation and Collapse in the International System
7919:"Pakistan's F-16s Battled Soviet Jets – and Shot Down the Future Vice President of Russia" 7552:) advocated that Russia had to reject Western calls for stronger assistance to the US-led 5901: 4432:
and Romania privately informed the Soviet Union that the invasion was a damaging mistake.
As part of Baikal-79, a larger operation aimed at taking 20 key strongholds in and around
8: 26134: 26022: 25751: 25556: 25485: 25293: 25142: 25020: 24942: 24915: 24659: 24634: 24430: 24415: 24014: 23754: 23511: 23501: 22697: 22612: 22607: 22507: 22370: 22167: 22051: 21966: 21854: 21707: 21702: 21682: 21667: 21577: 21572: 21477: 21410: 21400: 21312: 21307: 21297: 21197: 21137: 21110: 20936: 20921: 20891: 20869: 20655: 20645: 20372: 20295: 20265: 20249: 20047: 19977: 19834: 19362: 19297: 19068: 18848: 18327: 18292: 18282: 18266: 18261: 18256: 18251: 18246: 18241: 18236: 18231: 18226: 18221: 18216: 18196: 18181: 18150: 18145: 17690: 16540: 12260:"The Limits of Soviet Airpower: The Failure of Military Coercion in Afghanistan, 1979–89" 11172: 10140: 9749: 9730: 8755: 8730: 7683: 7500: 7329: 6964: 6953: 6866: 6836:
in 1747, many of the well-organized pro-Mujahideen or pro-government groups consisted of
6662:(then known as the North-West Frontier Province). At the same time, close to two million 6637: 6291: 6085:
on the other hand only supported the Shia Mujahideen, namely the Persian speaking Shiite
5906: 5801: 5648: 5539: 5408: 5404: 5349: 5250: 5246: 5243: 5163: 4839: 4749:
were a centrally-commanded government paramilitary group placed under the control of the
To complement their brute force approach to weeding out the insurgency, the Soviets used
4676: 4672: 4630: 4403: 4365: 4213: 4131: 4118: 4073: 3926: 3868: 3776: 3772: 3760: 3595: 3400: 3324: 3320: 3285: 3251: 3159: 3110: 2775: 2755: 1850: 1741: 1729: 1698: 1585: 1479: 1404: 1380: 1055: 980: 875: 620: 549: 447: 432: 372: 367: 328: 67: 24145: 21552: 21465: 17480:
Afghanistan's Endless War: State Failure, Regional Politics, and the Rise of the Taliban
Charlie Wilson's War: The Extraordinary Story of the Largest Covert Operation in history
16276: 15118: 14974: 14498: 14052: 12613: 10589: 9813: 9803: 9327: 6658:, while more than 2 million were located in other parts of the northwestern province of 6469:
in history. In the 1980s, half of all refugees in the world were Afghan. In his report,
5975:, being used by Soviet forces in Afghanistan, often indiscriminately against civilians. 5063:
heavily. Often, they would enlist the services of the local inhabitants, even children.
3854:, 1987. Before the Soviet intervention, the building was the presidential palace, where 3649:
taught us to be merciless towards the enemies of the revolution, and millions of people
3442:, which resulted in the arrest of several prominent PDPA leaders. On 27 April 1978, the 25889: 25800: 25117: 25030: 24920: 24910: 24602: 24491: 24486: 24476: 24471: 23491: 23416: 22995: 22851: 22647: 22632: 22557: 22537: 22532: 22517: 22364: 22112: 21864: 21748: 21502: 21405: 21390: 21302: 21292: 21267: 21262: 21027: 20981: 20896: 20881: 20824: 20640: 20563: 20439: 20330: 20320: 20037: 20019: 19972: 19954: 19934: 19573: 19325: 19223: 19195: 19078: 19063: 18938: 18531: 18509: 18191: 18166: 18076: 17810:
The Bleeding Wound: The Soviet War in Afghanistan and the Collapse of the Soviet System
17667: 17333: 17112: 16643: 16605: 16346: 16163: 15889: 15635: 15541: 15497: 15208: 15025: 15000: 14937: 14776: 14730: 14243: 13904: 13778: 13511: 13503: 13419: 13337: 13271: 13205: 12118: 11995: 11945: 11937: 11858: 11824:
Seekins, Donald M.; Nyrop, Richard F.; American University (Washington, D.C.). (1986).
11597: 11152: 10913: 10759: 10682: 10615: 10407: 10342: 9373: 9220: 9212: 8087: 7996: 7973: 7697: 7576: 7362: 7274: 7196: 7179: 6659: 5776:
Several historians and scholars went further, stating that the Afghans were victims of
5766: 5581: 5314: 5306: 5273: 5185: 5176: 5055: 5039: 4970: 4947: 4916:(SAMA), whose founder and leader Abdul Majid Kalakani was reportedly arrested in 1980. 4864: 4726: 4539: 4480: 4409: 4368:
that accompanied it showed the volatility of the wider region for U.S. foreign policy:
4361: 4317: 4304: 4188: 4000: 3804: 3784: 3654: 3517:
estimated between 50,000 and 100,000 people disappeared during the Taraki–Amin period:
3328: 3238:
In 1960 and 1961, the Afghan Army, on the orders of Daoud Khan following his policy of
3130: 3101:, ammunition, a few aircraft, and (according to debated Soviet sources) a million gold 3060: 2833: 2312: 2182: 2127: 2048: 1842: 1590: 1424: 1031: 960: 797: 593: 522: 492: 477: 427: 75: 61: 23961: 22547: 22376: 17062: 9356:
Hilali, A. Z. (2005). "The Soviet Penetration into Afghanistan and the Marxist Coup".
6894: 6588:
Afghan guerrillas that were chosen to receive medical treatment in the United States,
6519:, often mistaken for a toy by children. The mine's shape was dictated by aerodynamics. 5730:
fired twenty-eight Stingers at Soviet aircraft near the border without a single kill.
policies. Gorbachev had also been attempting to ease cold war tensions by signing the
3959:). Of specific concern were Amin's supposed meetings with the U.S. chargé d'affaires, 3430:, with the text reading "The Great Saur Revolution is the fruit of the class struggle" 25997: 25937: 25716: 25502: 25198: 25000: 24985: 24927: 24780: 24410: 24298: 24255: 24250: 24200: 23994: 23989: 23770: 23536: 23456: 23451: 23386: 23245: 23170: 23124: 22864: 22717: 22662: 22637: 22592: 22522: 22497: 22462: 22452: 22421: 22308: 22192: 22162: 21899: 21889: 21803: 21697: 21542: 21257: 21054: 20911: 20864: 20762: 20713: 20687: 20665: 20505: 20485: 20429: 20417: 20231: 20066: 19944: 19884: 19691: 19617: 19595: 19494: 19372: 19185: 19165: 19160: 19150: 18985: 18898: 18705: 18631: 18609: 18312: 18135: 17902: 17892: 17851: 17841: 17835: 17813: 17794: 17768: 17749: 17732: 17722: 17701: 17674: 17651: 17632: 17622: 17601: 17591: 17568: 17558: 17537: 17513: 17494: 17484: 17478: 17463: 17446: 17436: 17419: 17409: 17390: 17380: 17359: 17340: 17319: 17309: 17285: 17264: 17243: 17236: 17220: 17199: 17180: 17170: 17146: 17138: 17128: 17117: 17098: 17078: 17068: 17049: 17039: 17011: 16994: 16984: 16609: 16548: 16466: 16455: 16433: 16422: 16396: 16385: 16174: 16019: 15952: 15817: 15761: 15733: 15705: 15685: 15660: 15639: 15625: 15581: 15551: 15184: 15030: 14899: 14734: 14722: 14680: 14532: 14373: 14169: 14107: 13675: 13515: 13347: 13230: 13209: 13195: 13092: 13060: 12962: 12717: 12689: 12575: 12474: 11983: 11973: 11949: 11862: 11804: 11766: 11670: 11583: 11487:
from the original on 6 April 2023 – via UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004.
11252: 11210: 11200: 11180: 11138: 11089: 11012: 10899: 10770: 10693: 10625: 10530: 10434: 10357: 10314: 10255: 10240: 10144: 10109: 10077: 10028: 10001: 9939: 9817: 9782: 9753: 9710: 9681: 9666: 9573: 9448: 9438: 9413: 9377: 9275: 9248: 9224: 9175:
Pakistan Military Consortium and Directorate for the Military History Research (DMHR)
9144: 9112: 9067: 9040: 8988: 8952: 8925: 8893: 8866: 8821: 8786: 8760: 8704: 8643: 8607: 8453: 8383: 8109:"Middle East Policy Council | Lessons of the Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan" 8070: 7950: 7545: 7464: 7065: 6991:
also publicly said that it supported the creation of a "broad-based" government, and
6968: 6960: 6511: 6283: 6031: 6013: 5936: 5920: 5809: 5759:
Afghan mujahideen killed by Soviet forces in the 1980s, after a raid on a caravan in
5737: 5526: 5488: 5189:
beneath the Russian jackboot, but if ever a country deserved rape it's Afghanistan."
4935: 4857: 4834: 4652: 4596: 4476: 4454: 3956: 3885: 3725:
and headmen. Other members of the traditional elite, the religious establishment and
3598:, the first major sign of anti-regime resistance, General Secretary Taraki contacted 3557: 3531: 3304: 3177: 3148: 3094: 3032: 3004: 2760: 2242: 2212: 1988: 1752: 1678: 1662: 1464: 1434: 487: 467: 452: 392: 303: 232: 22841: 22512: 16165:
Through Our Enemies' Eyes: Osama Bin Laden, Radical Islam, and the Future of America
15501: 14614: 14572: 14480: 14247: 13908: 13867: 13368:"Blood-Stained Hands: Past Atrocities in Kabul and Afghanistan's Legacy of Impunity" 12230:
The siege was ended only in November 1987 through the conduct of Operation Magistal'
11798: 9545: 9435:
The Widening Circle of Genocide: Genocide – A Critical Bibliographic Review Volume 3
Afghanistan: A Cultural and Political History (Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics)
Pakistan army soldiers conducting clearance operations in Mirali, North Waziristan,
6931: 5722:
with the Soviets, but after it was introduced, the Mujahideen never again lost one.
including two aircraft carriers, and there were constant threats of war between the
destroyed Kabul's communications hub, paralyzing Afghan military command. At 19:15,
actually planted the story; and the deteriorating ties with the United States after
644: 24729: 24597: 24230: 24135: 24082: 24004: 23939: 23820: 23568: 23521: 23506: 23466: 23461: 23376: 23361: 23303: 23205: 22627: 22552: 22482: 22467: 22447: 22394: 22177: 22172: 22152: 22102: 22092: 21919: 21884: 21869: 21818: 21547: 21487: 21327: 20986: 20966: 20675: 20617: 20611: 20578: 20558: 20548: 20397: 20198: 20190: 19929: 19874: 19780: 19521: 19292: 19262: 19228: 19073: 18933: 18888: 18794: 18453: 18425: 18307: 18171: 17940: 17581: 17155: 16597: 16338: 15912: 15881: 15841:"Explained: Why a top Afghan official visited the grave of ex-President Najibullah" 15697: 15617: 15609: 15601: 15489: 15474: 15020: 15012: 14766: 14672: 14235: 13896: 13495: 13263: 13187: 13113:"Explained: As Ashraf Ghani escapes, remembering Mohammed Najibullah, who couldn't" 12822: 11929: 11850: 11079: 10369: 10218: 9365: 9204: 9178: 8811: 8750: 8678: 8373: 8365: 7988: 7525: 7407: 7024: 6877: 6871:
According to scholars Rafael Reuveny and Aseem Prakash, the war contributed to the
6271: 6250: 5951:'s inhabitants were de-populated, as a result of Soviet atrocities during the war. 5881: 5858: 5733:
Many Russian military analysts tend to be dismissive of the impact of the Stinger.
5719: 5520:
By mid-1987 the Soviet Union announced that it would start withdrawing its forces.
5475: 5190: 5009: 5005: 4753:, before being placed under the control of the unified Ministry of State Security ( 4446: 4342: 3960: 3734: 3435: 3371: 2957: 2695: 2332: 2262: 1968: 1834: 1459: 1449: 965: 541: 16978: 16933: 15701: 13627: 12860:"The Aviation History", Florian Ion Petrescu, Relly Victoria Petrescu, 2012, p. 82 12343: 11825: 8778: 5943:
of cities and indiscriminate bombings that destroyed entire villages. Millions of
3970: 25909: 25122: 25074: 24980: 24795: 24785: 24644: 24552: 23873: 23848: 23825: 23558: 23531: 23526: 23481: 23476: 23471: 23446: 23411: 23356: 23190: 22846: 22702: 22692: 22677: 22657: 22642: 22617: 22562: 22327: 22295: 22187: 22147: 21909: 21904: 21844: 21785: 21517: 21395: 21222: 21187: 21095: 21090: 20814: 20708: 20382: 20315: 20305: 20270: 20226: 20213: 20165: 19949: 19696: 19548: 19516: 19190: 19170: 18710: 18418: 18358: 18337: 18120: 18059: 18006: 17837:
The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB
17585: 17279: 17025: 16601: 16508: 16013: 15753: 15689: 14505: 14343: 13499: 13486: 13481: 12709: 11967: 11760: 11677: 11084: 11067: 10520: 10456:. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. November 2001. Archived from 9407: 9269: 9242: 9138: 9106: 9034: 8982: 8946: 8919: 8637: 8135: 7896: 7873: 7868: 7482: 7398:'s de facto U.S. headquarters". Principals in the 2001 attack – Osama Bin Laden, 7251: 7244: 7134: 7130: 7098: 7069: 6944: 6926: 6886: 6663: 6633: 6434: 6377: 6287: 5992: 5968: 5877: 5869: 5854: 5838: 5805: 5789: 5785: 5561: 5427: 5423: 5318: 5087: 5043: 4951: 4888: 4758: 4722: 4680: 4600: 4576: 4313: 4127: 4084: 4056: 3940: 3922: 3881: 3855: 3697: 3634:, Cuba. On his way back, he stopped in Moscow on 20 March and met with Brezhnev, 3612: 3497: 3484: 3383: 3344: 3340: 3336: 3243: 3232: 3140: 3136: 3068: 2527: 2252: 2088: 2038: 2008: 1792: 1737: 1702: 1580: 1566: 1493: 1444: 1414: 1387: 1321: 851: 768: 598: 507: 382: 270: 116: 24140: 20809: 17926: 17258: 15854: 15360: 15319: 12902:"Breaking contact without leaving chaos: the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan" 8369: 7607:, numbering 160,000 of which more than 3,000 died and dozens more went missing. 4550: 4220:
at 19:15). The operation was fully complete by the morning of 28 December 1979.
1829:). In Russia and elsewhere in the former Soviet Union, it is usually called the 25929: 25857: 25137: 25127: 24820: 24724: 24240: 24220: 23999: 23780: 23670: 23563: 23516: 23441: 23436: 23426: 23421: 23401: 23396: 23391: 23371: 23288: 23195: 22672: 22597: 22587: 22582: 22442: 22182: 21971: 21894: 21622: 21527: 21277: 21217: 20849: 20767: 20670: 20630: 20600: 20500: 20455: 20032: 19859: 19622: 19612: 18989: 18636: 18626: 18488: 18439: 18317: 18297: 18287: 17931:
Spying Through a Glass Darkly: The Ethics of Espionage and Counter-Intelligence
The Fighting Never Stopped: A Comprehensive Guide to World Conflicts Since 1945
The Hidden War: A Russian Journalist's Account of the Soviet War in Afghanistan
17090: 15725: 14655: 14554:"7 Lessons Russian Strategists Learned From Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan" 12329: 10811:"THE AFGHAN ARMY: THE SOVIET MILITARY'S POOR STUDENT | CIA FOIA (" 10420: 10201:"The Myth of the "Afghan Trap": Zbigniew Brzezinski and Afghanistan, 1978–1979" 9853:"The Afghan President (To Be) Who Lived A Secret Life In A Czechoslovak Forest" 9208: 7183: 7081: 6882: 6833: 6821: 6672: 6555: 6524: 6484: 6470: 6047: 5940: 5873: 5699: 5431: 5153: 4978: 4771: 4644: 4535: 4413: 4338: 4321: 4149: 4109: 4069: 4061: 3982:, while conducting an offensive operation against the Afghan mujahideen in 1984 3948: 3894: 3890: 3726: 3638: 3599: 3362: 3360:
the Soviet Union deteriorated. In 1978, after witnessing India's nuclear test,
2988: 2972: 2941: 2937: 2457: 2382: 2372: 2292: 2272: 2202: 2108: 2058: 1858: 1725: 1682: 1469: 1419: 1399: 975: 803: 457: 387: 313: 308: 146: 139: 17906: 17498: 17323: 15621: 15493: 14676: 14239: 12843: 11933: 11854: 9885: 9664:
The Russian General Staff (2002). Grau, Lestwer W.; Gress, Michael A. (eds.).
9369: 9171:"Remembering our Warriors: Major-General Baber and Bhutto's Operation Cyclone" 6647:
reported that Afghans represented the largest group of refugees in the world.
5755: 4919: 26048: 25790: 24825: 24815: 24810: 24694: 24562: 24245: 24225: 24205: 24185: 24160: 24117: 24059: 24049: 23878: 23574: 23496: 23351: 23346: 23155: 22836: 22682: 22577: 22542: 22527: 22487: 22029: 21859: 21597: 21507: 21370: 21350: 21237: 20998: 20976: 20941: 20520: 20515: 20470: 20392: 20352: 20101: 19992: 19829: 19467: 18843: 18140: 18125: 18064: 17864:
Conflict Veterans: Discourses and Living Contexts of an Emerging Social Group
17636: 17450: 17299: 17184: 17150: 17053: 17029: 16998: 15317: 15016: 13558:"Discriminating Genocide from War Crimes: Vietnam and Afghanistan Reexamined" 13531:"Discriminating Genocide from War Crimes: Vietnam and Afghanistan Reexamined" 12721: 11762:
Afghanistan at War: From the 18th-Century Durrani Dynasty to the 21st Century
11093: 11016: 9991: 9706: 8790: 8764: 8387: 7946:
The Making of Terrorism in Pakistan: Historical and Social Roots of Extremism
7736: 7620: 7564: 7358: 7353: 7333: 7270: 7086: 7032: 6963:
in 1989 proposed a peace plan in cooperation with the leader of Afghanistan,
6776: 6493: 6120: 6093:, a political union of Afghan Shi'a. They were supplied predominantly by the 6039: 5821: 5781: 5727: 5632:
war was going, which caused a backlash when it was unable to hide it further.
5353: 5125: 5083: 4871:
ulama of that province played a significant role in the Afghan 'jihad', with
4810: 4699: 4635: 4564: 4399: 4381:
U.S. President Jimmy Carter during the Address to the Nation, January 4, 1980
4244: 4205: 4183:
On 27 December 1979, 700 Soviet troops dressed in Afghan uniforms, including
4165: 4077: 4065: 4049: 4041: 4009: 3936: 3847: 3527: 3419: 3408: 3301: 2705: 2660: 2447: 2427: 2407: 2302: 2232: 2068: 2018: 1882: 1809: 1674: 879: 773: 692: 576: 517: 362: 333: 281: 17855: 17615: 17605: 17572: 17423: 17082: 12219:
The Path to Victory and Chaos: 1979–92 – Library of Congress country studies
9922:, ed by Robert D Crews and Amin Tarzi, pub by Harvard University Press, 2008 7117:. Tens of thousands of Afghan refugee children in Pakistan were educated in 5344:
A column of Soviet BTR armored personnel carriers departing from Afghanistan
The Soviets established a special commission on Afghanistan, comprising the
which were willing to sell them weapons. In 1962, China defeated India in a
any relevant information, and removing excessive detail that may be against
130: 25673: 25494: 24888: 24689: 24308: 24235: 24190: 23924: 23815: 23790: 22622: 22572: 22502: 22492: 22346: 22334: 22321: 22127: 21954: 21455: 20703: 20553: 20412: 20407: 20402: 20108: 19748: 19272: 19238: 18993: 18762: 18595: 18033: 17944: 17889:
The Widening Circle of Genocide: Genocide – A Critical Bibliographic Review
17782: 17669:
Holy War, Unholy Victory: Eyewitness to the CIA's Secret War in Afghanistan
16530: 16196:""Jihad and the Rifle Alone": 'Abdullah 'Azzam and the Islamist Revolution" 15571: 15034: 14726: 14684: 13628:"Afghan guerrillas' fierce resistance stalemates Soviets and puppet regime" 12324: 11987: 11823: 11109:"Afghanistan: Soviet Invasion and U.S. Response Issue Brief Number IB80006" 10571: 10569: 10132: 10097: 9778: 8948:
Famous Assassinations in World History: An Encyclopedia [2 volumes]
8553:""Афган": война, о которой не принято говорить | Вне востока и запада" 7744: 7711: 7266: 7187: 7097:
Following the Soviet withdrawal, some of the foreign volunteers (including
7090: 7077: 6676: 6584: 6548: 6264: 6124: 6090: 6058: 6043: 6009: 5916: 5569: 5330: 5262: 5129: 5054:
per day. Between April 1985 and January 1987, they carried out over 23,500
5047: 5014: 4876: 4556: 4523: 4515: 4488: 4442: 4406:
earlier in 1979) encouraged the Soviets to feel free invading Afghanistan.
4349: 4083:
The concerns raised by the Chief of the Soviet Army General Staff, Marshal
3792: 3764: 3738: 3569: 3239: 3185: 3082: 2680: 2417: 2362: 2192: 1666: 1658: 970: 638: 437: 338: 323: 206: 19509: 17193: 14953:"Reversing the gun sights: transnational civil society targets land mines" 13191: 11786:
11326:. Translated by Defense spending and size of the Armed Forces of the USSR. 11137:. 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP, UK: I. B. Tauris. pp. 24, 25. 10526:
A Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev
Faith, Unity, Discipline: The Inter-Service-Intelligence (ISI) of Pakistan
were historically politically dominant since the modern foundation of the
of Education, damaging several buildings. In the same month, a widespread
to Islam. Roy contrasts the social leadership of religious figures in the
Their efforts were also sometimes counterproductive, as in the March 1989
In the 19th century, with the Czarist Russian forces moving closer to the
by providing small arms and aircraft and establishing training centers in
25536: 25498: 25490: 25112: 25096: 25010: 24952: 24288: 24175: 24150: 24092: 24054: 24044: 23914: 23554: 23150: 22667: 22272: 22242: 22097: 22087: 21986: 21849: 21642: 21131: 20961: 20946: 20757: 20605: 20573: 20460: 20275: 20180: 20119: 19854: 19583: 19504: 19437: 19267: 18868: 17647:
Afghan Crucible: The Soviet Invasion and the Making of Modern Afghanistan
15358: 14771: 14165: 14155: 14074: 13900: 12315:
Schultheis, Rob. "Night Letters Inside Wartime Afghanistan", 1992. p. 155
Détente and Confrontation: American-Soviet Relations from Nixon to Reagan
10754: 10529:. Chapel Hill (NC): The University of North Carolina Press. p. 228. 10430: 10425: 9838:"The World Was Going Our Way: The KGB and the Battle for the Third World" 7228: 7220: 7163: 6999: 6407: 6309: 6268: 6062: 5712: 5497: 5313:
foreign policy analysts, Michael Johns and James A. Phillips, championed
5254: 5220: 5205: 5000: 4783: 4775: 4718: 4675:
offensives into Mujahideen-controlled areas. Between 1980 and 1985, nine
4560: 4492: 4421: 4417: 4308: 4255:, entered Afghanistan from the north on 27 December. In the morning, the 4235:
that Afghanistan had been "liberated" from Amin's rule. According to the
4232: 4196: 4089: 3780: 3747: 3541: 3467: 3461: 3443: 3427: 3423: 3219: 3192: 3166: 3152: 3144: 3064: 3040: 3028: 3024: 2993: 2945: 2700: 2627: 2162: 2117: 1874: 1728:, declining to send troops, advised in one call to Afghan Prime Minister 1714: 742: 686: 512: 442: 16728: 16350: 15855:"Tough Battle Takes Toll on Afghans. Jalalabad: Key to Broader Victory?" 14780: 14315:"How Israel-Pakistan Relations Could Be Established By The End Of 2020?" 13782: 13507: 13275: 11941: 10566: 10223: 10200: 9918:"The Rise and Fall of the Taliban", by Neamatollah Nojumi, published in 8584: 7658:
died in the war. The Union of Veterans of the War in Afghanistan of the
6581:, making Afghanistan one of the least developed countries in the world. 6554:
Critics of Soviet and Afghan government forces describe their effect on
stated that Afghans were victims of "migratory genocide" implemented by
the Mujahideen, they would have better served in intelligence gathering.
thousands of new volunteers daily, and continued resisting the Soviets.
from Moscow, and suspended high-technology exports to the Soviet Union.
and outlawed all other parties. He then started removing members of its
3043:, which gave a pretext for the Red Army interventions in 1929 and 1930. 25526: 24790: 24664: 24278: 24064: 24009: 23979: 23909: 23082:
indicate countries occupied while the Soviet Union was a member of the
22426: 22137: 22107: 22061: 21976: 21944: 21936: 21879: 21567: 21282: 20971: 20859: 20465: 19889: 19839: 19758: 19627: 18903: 18853: 18772: 18641: 16825:Понад 3 тисячі українських військових загинули в Афганістані – Полторак 15893: 14594: 14470:
Directorate of Intelligence. Langley, United States. Feb. 1987. Page 4.
11242: 10934:"U.N. General Assembly Votes to Protest Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan" 10503: 10501: 10499: 10497: 10495: 10493: 9809: 9599:"The Intervention in Afghanistan and the Fall of Detente: A Chronology" 8842:"The Durand Line: A British Legacy Plaguing Afghan-Pakistani Relations" 8471:"7 things you probably didn't know about the Soviet war in Afghanistan" 8378: 8000: 7616: 7604: 7003:
In 1990, Najibullah formed the "Watan Party" which consisted mostly of
The war also altered the ethnic balance of power in the country. While
6528: 6516: 6478: 6361: 6230: 6229:. The strike force, in the darkness of night, accidentally landed near 5912: 5813: 5707: 5382: 5376: 5298:, the army alone suffering over 10% annual losses, or 32,000 per year. 5168: 5060: 5023: 4847:(special operations) group prepares for a mission in Afghanistan, 1988. 4787: 4762: 4640: 4624: 4171: 4164:
Simultaneously, Amin moved the offices of the General Secretary to the
3821: 3705: 3650: 3549: 3098: 3072: 3056: 2984: 2949: 2715: 2690: 2685: 2342: 2282: 2137: 1083:
620,000 total personnel 115,000 (1986 estimate) 120,000 (1987 estimate)
571: 24857: 23723: 23185: 21080: 16882:"В Кишиневе почтили память молдавских военных, погибших в Афганистане" 16755:"Afghanistan: le Parlement russe rend hommage aux anciens combattants" 14191:"The war against the Soviets in Afghanistan was run by Zia, not by us" 10307:
Becoming Enemies: U.S.-Iran Relations and the Iran-Iraq War, 1979-1988
9980:. Vol. 25. Keesing's Worldwide, LLC. October 1979. p. 29878. 9572:(2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 95–96. 9216: 8661: 8659: 7747:
and the Afghan government). It was described as a hostile invasion by
7158: 6237:. The force was surrounded and 120 soldiers were taken prisoner and 6 5685: 4025: 3611:
Afghanistan. Following Kosygin's rejection, Taraki requested aid from
25746: 25741: 25563: 25456: 25286: 24947: 24830: 24624: 24343: 24283: 24165: 23775: 22885: 22722: 22567: 22416: 22389: 22202: 22157: 22066: 22034: 22014: 22006: 21335: 21125: 19477: 18495: 18432: 16342: 15614:
Before and After the Fall: World Politics and the End of the Cold War
14809:"Afghanistan: Human Cost of Armed Conflict since the Soviet Invasion" 14527:
James Joes, Anthony (2010). "4: Afghanistan: End of the Red Empire".
14440:"Soviets said to launch attacks in Afghanistan may have entered Iran" 13267: 13183:
Imagining Afghanistan: The History and Politics of Imperial Knowledge
The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan
11454:"Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979–1982" 10898:. 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP, UK: I. B. Tauris. p. 24. 9511:
The April 1978 Coup d'état and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan
Soviet Russia and Tibet: The Debarcle of Secret Diplomacy, 1918-1930s
8069:. 50 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3DP, UK: I. B. Tauris. p. 24. 7655: 7236: 7170:, the route used by Soviet forces during the invasion 32 years before 6976: 6972: 6606: 6532: 6430: 6389: 6333: 6054: 5972: 5944: 5865: 5698:
Whether the introduction of the personal, portable, infrared-homing "
5365: 5295: 5283: 5172:
report. In 1987, CBS produced a full documentary special on the war.
4814: 4708: 4665: 3975: 3872: 3714: 3679:; files from January 1979 revealed information that Afghanistan sent 3493: 3412: 3281: 2953: 2655: 2352: 2098: 23093: 17963: 16896:"В Кишиневе отметили 32-летие вывода советских войск из Афганистана" 15885: 14221:"Monitoring Trends in Global Combat: A New Dataset of Battle Deaths" 10490: 10000:(2nd ed.). New Haven (CT): Yale University Press. p. 120. 7992: 7705: 6881:
The studies about the dissolution of the Soviet Union by historians
as the Afghan resistance leader most worthy of US support under the
1334: 30:
For other conflicts involving the Soviet Union and Afghanistan, see
25736: 25281: 25015: 24975: 24180: 24155: 24112: 23946: 23929: 23853: 22965: 22301: 22142: 22039: 21914: 21733: 21637: 20777: 20635: 20089: 20042: 19904: 18918: 18010: 17554:
Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979–1982
16848:"Millionlar nolasi: Afg'on urushi qanday boshlanib qanday tugagan?" 16800:"Defying history, Moscow moves to defend Soviet war in Afghanistan" 15445:"The Soviet Failure in Afghanistan | Marine Corps Association" 12823:"Afghanistan War | History, Combatants, Facts, & Timeline" 12686:
Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979–1982
11498: 11496: 11494: 11481:
Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982
8656: 8526:. Amnesty International. 1 November 2001. p. 6. Archived from 7732: 7731:
The Soviet military deployment had been variously described as an "
described the Afghan war as a "major mistake" of the Soviet Union.
7596: 7431:
were a popular form of carpet designs woven by victims of the war.
7428: 7395: 7337: 7232: 7138: 7114: 7102: 7061: 7016: 6910: 6829: 6704: 6655: 6488: 6357: 6279: 6275: 6260: 6204: 6051: 6035: 5948: 5924: 5777: 5760: 5506: 5493: 5415: 5096: 5031: 4965: 4896: 4868: 4844: 4795: 4746: 4688: 4661: 4588: 4472: 4191: 3553: 3347:
in Pakistan where they enjoyed the support of Bhutto's government.
3332: 3277: 3223: 3196: 3114: 3000: 2675: 1873:), with the understanding that this refers to the war (just as the 1710: 1670: 722: 112: 21421:
Struggle against political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union
17736: 17587:
Soldiers of God: With Islamic Warriors in Afghanistan and Pakistan
17142: 15318:
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (20 February 2008).
DRDC Centre for Operational Research & Analysis, Canada. p. 4.
12014: 11577: 8924:. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University. pp. 12, 45. 8314:"AFGHANS DOWN A PAKISTANI F-16, SAYING FIGHTER JET CROSSED BORDER" 7439: 7368: 6609:
trees for the exportation of their roots for therapeutic uses, to
witnessed extensive depopulation programmes by the Soviet forces.
5599:, as well launching successful assaults on fortified complexes in 4725:
and company we would never have got into it in the first place. –
Soviet military would begin a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan
1534: 634: 25628: 25132: 24107: 22247: 22132: 22122: 22071: 21612: 20357: 16570:
Making sense of Mujahidin Victory Day celebrations in Afghanistan
Tarzi, Shah M. (1992). "Afghanistan in 1991: A Glimmer of Hope".
13602:"This Time It Will Be Different | Christs College Cambridge" 10669:. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution. pp. 1017–1018. 10451:"Documents on the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan e-Dossier No. 4" 10237: 10051:. Association for Diplomatic Studies & Training. January 2013 7659: 7557: 7468: 7345: 7216: 7212: 7204: 7200: 7122: 7106: 7041: 6845: 6651: 6602: 6598: 6393: 6256: 6127:, Casey's executive assistant and Mohammed Yousef, the Pakistani 6086: 6004: 5984: 5653: 5647:
After the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989, the government of
5600: 5219:
began working with the Soviet Union to provide them an exit from
5132:, Casey's executive assistant and Mohammed Yousef, the Pakistani 4884: 4609: 4534:
The Soviet invasion has also been analyzed with the model of the
from consideration before the Senate, recalled the US Ambassador
issued an official order, stating that "he state frontier of the
4021: 3964: 3907: 3663: 3404: 3389: 3356: 2670: 2222: 1823: 17394: 16536:
The Osama bin Laden I Know: An Oral History of al Qaeda's Leader
16501: 14713:
Sliwinski, Marek (1989). "Afghanistan: Decimation of a People".
13391: 13389: 11491: 9452: 9008: 9006: 9004: 8728: 7463:
Many Afghans see their victory in the war as a source of pride.
5896: 5532:
In September 1988, Soviet MiG-23 fighters shot down two Iranian
In May 1985, the seven principal rebel organizations formed the
operations. The more common types of sabotage included damaging
The areas where the different Mujahideen forces operated in 1985
leaders, not only the highest rank, but of the middle rank, too.
3366:, Daoud Khan initiated a military buildup to counter Pakistan's 2952:". In 1885, Russian forces seized a disputed oasis south of the 1775:
at the hands of the mujahideen in 1992 and the start of another
was a protracted armed conflict fought in the Soviet-controlled
24034: 22315: 22117: 22056: 20991: 18981: 17952: 17305:
The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II
Landmines: Legacy of Conflict: A Manual for Development Workers
Taliban: Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia
11972:. Vol. 7. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 5–8. 11323: 11310:
Soviet Military Intervention in Afghanistan: Roots & Causes
11179:(revised ed.). Brookings Institution Press. p. 1030. 10761:
The Great War for Civilisation: the Conquest of the Middle East
The war has left a controversial legacy for Afghan people. The
6841: 6837: 6788: 6758: 6691:
Estimated number of Afghan refugees by destination, as of 1984
6544: 6332:
A demonstration against the Soviet presence in Afghanistan, in
6234: 6167: 6155: 6078: 5677:
Pakistan Soviet air confrontations during the Soviet Afghan war
5543: 5075: 5051: 4991: 4959: 4909: 4822: 4791: 4656: 4445:
stockpiles to the warlords, and the British and Swiss provided
4224: 3880:, and crews to guard the government in Kabul and to secure the 3722: 3631: 3085:(USSR) had been a major power broker and influential mentor in 2710: 2665: 18593: 17509:
Victorious Insurgencies: Four Rebellions that Shaped Our World
Blinders, Blunders, and Wars: What America and China Can Learn
Afghanistan and the Soviet Union: Collision and Transformation
14750:"Crime and War in Afghanistan: Part I: The Hobbesian Solution" 14529:
Victorious Insurgencies: Four Rebellions that Shaped Our World
13584:"Memories of fighting in Afghanistan | BBC World Service" 12470:
Condensing the Cold War: Reader's Digest and American Identity
Movement to contact and commitment to combat of reserve fronts
7080:" returned the country to the Dark Ages, paving the way for a 5690: 654: 25551: 25429: 22800: 22756:
American espionage in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation
22262: 22045: 20124: 17405:
The Soviet-Afghan War : how a superpower fought and lost
16624:'The victory was so strong': Afghans celebrate Soviet pullout 15001:"Children of war: The real casualties of the Afghan conflict" 13386: 12896: 12894: 12892: 12561: 11724: 11722: 11521: 11232:
Kinsella, Warren. "Unholy Alliances", Lester Publishing, 1992
Out of Afghanistan: The Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal
Blanton, Tom; Savranskaya, Svetlana, eds. (29 January 2019).
Out of Afghanistan: the Inside Story of the Soviet Withdrawal
Lenin's Brain and Other Tales from the Secret Soviet Archives
9001: 8817:
To Run the World: The Kremlin's Cold War Bid for Global Power
7224: 7020: 6988: 6740: 6610: 6159: 6151: 6147: 6074: 6070: 5547: 4987: 4955: 4880: 4684: 4551:
December 1979 – February 1980: Occupation and national unrest
4331: 4325: 4296: 4176: 3963:, which were used as a justification for the invasion by the 3877: 3864: 3851: 3743: 3646: 3564: 3545: 3506: 3502: 3480: 3439: 3396: 3308: 3143:
was sent to outline a border, likely in order to control the
3102: 1978: 1889:, especially by the non-Afghan volunteers of the Mujahideen. 1686: 17921:
Shaw, Tamsin, "Ethical Espionage" (review of Calder Walton,
16682:"Afghanistan Veterans in Belarus: Soldiers of Forgotten War" 16277:"Arab Veterans of Afghanistan War Lead New Islamic Holy War" 16070:"Jihad After Iraq: Lessons from the Arab Afghans Phenomenon" 15813:
Rebuilding Afghanistan in Times of Crisis: A Global Response
14842:"A Nation Is Dying, Afghanistan Under the Soviets 1979–1987" 14369:
Persian Dreams: Moscow and Tehran Since the Fall of the Shah
11374:"The Soviet-Afghan war: a superpower mired in the mountains" 9299: 9297: 9295: 9293: 9291: 8450:
US–Pakistan relationship: Soviet Intervention in Afghanistan
6447: 6340: 5324: 3617:
general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
25663: 25439: 23650: 23273: 22340: 22222: 20114: 20058: 17787:
What We Won: America's Secret War in Afghanistan, 1979–1989
16032: 15577:
What We Won: America's Secret War in Afghanistan, 1979–1989
15475:"The Afghanistan war and the breakdown of the Soviet Union" 12800: 12773: 10978: 10660: 10658: 10102:
What We Won: America's Secret War in Afghanistan, 1979–1989
9164: 9162: 9160: 8274: 8272: 8259: 8257: 8255: 7537: 7208: 6992: 6936: 6722: 6667: 6571: 6414: 6317: 6313: 6238: 6196: 6171: 6163: 6082: 5988: 5718:
claimed that before the Stinger the Mujahideen never won a
List of Soviet aircraft losses during the Soviet–Afghan War
5480: 5464: 5357: 5291: 5268: 5019: 4892: 4754: 4739: 4527: 4484: 4285: 3979: 3680: 3468:
Kidnapping and assassination of U.S. Ambassador Adolph Dubs
3247: 3158:
In 1947, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Afghanistan,
1690: 1278: 1100:
250,000 total personnel (1989, including Sarandoy and Khad)
727: 12889: 12084:"Western Fighters Answer Mideast Extremists' Clarion Call" 11719: 11535: 11533: 11477:"Urban Uprisings and Their Suppression: Student Uprisings" 10889: 10887: 10885: 10651:(Reprint ed.). HarperCollins e-books. pp. 63–64. 10404:"Генерал-майор Василий Заплатин __ ДО ШТУРМА ДВОРЦА АМИНА" 10049:"The Assassination of Ambassador Spike Dubs — Kabul, 1979" 9395:. Washington D.C.: The Brookings Institution. p. 986. 7974:"The Stinger missile and U.S. intervention in Afghanistan" 7603:
About 25 percent of Soviet servicemen in Afghanistan were
7292: 6112:
Raids inside the Soviet Union during the Soviet–Afghan War
would invade Afghanistan and use it to threaten the large
25648: 25468: 23831:
Anti-communist insurgencies in Central and Eastern Europe
23810: 22795: 22775: 22770: 16364: 15089:"Collateral damage and the uncertainty of Afghanistan..." 14656:"Afghanistan: Demographic Consequences of War: 1978–1987" 14269: 14053:""Reagan Doctrine, 1985," United States State Department" 13738: 12287: 12285: 10480: 10478: 10344:
In the Graveyard of Empires: America's War in Afghanistan
9663: 9488: 9288: 9063:
Humanitarian Crises and International Relations 1959–2013
7764: 6420: 6374: 6370: 6225:
accidentally landed inside Pakistan territory during the
6200: 5905:
An Afghan village left in ruins after being destroyed by
became a base for the Afghan resistance fighters and the
4730: 4691:, which were always partly controlled by the resistance. 4241:
Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighborliness
4184: 4013: 3918: 3775:
in April 1979, but Carter told National Security Adviser
3676: 3307:. In 1974, Bhutto authorized another secret operation in 3109:
in 1919. In 1942, the USSR again moved to strengthen the
1713:. It is also commonly referred to as "the Soviet Union's 658: 166:(9 years, 1 month, 3 weeks and 1 day) 17431:
Gompert, David C.; Binnendijk, Hans; Lin, Bonny (2014).
Bergen, Peter; Reynolds, Alec (November–December 2005).
16095: 16093: 16091: 16051: 16049: 16047: 15908:"Even Guerrillas Surprised when Khost Fell with Graphic" 14880:
US–Pakistan Relationship: Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan
14125: 14123: 13728: 13726: 13724: 13346:. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 205, 369. 12527: 12525: 12297: 11664: 10740:, Military Thought (military-theoretical journal of the 10655: 9935:
Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander the Great
9900: 9746:
Afghanistan: Political Frailty and External Interference
9525: 9523: 9521: 9157: 8987:. Infobase Publishing, 2007. pp. 129, 132 and 133. 8735:
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
8269: 8252: 7818: 7816: 7788: 7786: 7512:
A meeting of Russian war veterans from Afghanistan, 1990
7495: 6675:, Australia, and other parts of the world. The photo of 4543:
confidence, serving as a catalyst for the invasion. The
4208:. The operation began at 19:00, when the KGB-led Soviet 3754: 3683:
spies to Czechoslovakia to find and assassinate Karmal.
3513:, prior to the Soviet intervention. Political scientist 16266:, 2006, p. 50. (March 1997 interview with Peter Arnett) 16247: 16245: 15550:. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 330–331. 15401: 15267:"Pakistan: UN cautions on Afghan refugee camp closures" 14347: 12746: 12742:
12238: 12236: 11652: 11530: 11324:"Расходы на оборону и численность вооруженных сил СССР" 10882: 9668:
The Soviet Afghan-War: How a Superpower Fought and Lost
8420: 8418: 8416: 8403: 8401: 8399: 8397: 8222:
The Soviet-Afghan War: Breaking the Hammer & Sickle
7833: 7831: 7803: 7801: 5572:, announcing the withdrawal of Soviet contingent forces 4887:
communists. Notable among them was a young Saudi named
4805: 3771:
due to Pakistan's nuclear program and the execution of
3015:, supporting the ousted king Amanullah, as part of the 17923:
Spies: The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West
Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam
Afghanistan: The First Five Years of Soviet Occupation
A Long Goodbye: The Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan
14912: 13823:"Amnesty Says Soviets Directed Torture in Afghanistan" 12510: 12344:"Dan Rather: more Soviet killing looms in Afghanistan" 12282: 11640: 11580:
Afghanistan, the bear trap: the defeat of a superpower
11106: 10591:
Afghanistan: The First Five Years of Soviet Occupation
10475: 9952: 9645: 8889:
The Middle East in World Politics (Routledge Revivals)
The Middle East in World Politics (Routledge Revivals)
Nyrop, Richard F.; Seekins, Donald M. (January 1986).
by the Soviets and Afghan communist soldiers in 1987.
into several pieces and gave it to his acquaintances.
by the Soviet Union. These include American professor
5636: 5580:, ordered the 40th Army to violate the agreement with 5418:
as an alliance of various Mujahadeen groups including
Soviet exit and change of Afghan leadership, 1985–1989
The war began after the Soviets, under the command of
Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
Soviet occupation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina
16295: 16218: 16142: 16088: 16044: 15835: 15833: 14455:
Combat Losses and Casualties in the Twentieth Century
14120: 13750: 13721: 13186:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p. 35. 12549: 12537: 12522: 11209:. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 33–34. 10944: 10866: 10864: 10792: 10073:
Revolution Unending. Afghanistan: 1979 to the Present
Revolution Unending. Afghanistan: 1979 to the Present
9593: 9591: 9589: 9518: 9190: 9188: 8081:
By 1987, the number of Soviet troops reached 120,000.
7813: 7783: 7460:
that divided the country politically and ethnically.
Three such countries were Bosnia, Algeria and Egypt.
in the Soviet Union – according to Russian publicist
Soviet soldiers return from Afghanistan, October 1986
5670: 5536:
helicopters which had intruded into Afghan airspace.
Mujahideen with two captured artillery field guns in
to disarm, only for them to refuse and fire upon the
3046: 3039:
riots. Basmachis crossed over into Afghanistan under
Corps of Islamic Revolution Guardians of Afghanistan
Andrew, Christopher & Mitrokhin, Vasili (1999).
17430: 16242: 15293:"No more visa extensions for foreigners in Pakistan" 14691: 13484:(1986). "The Continuing Soviet War in Afghanistan". 13437: 12233: 12022:"Did the U.S. "Create" Osama bin Laden?(2005-01-14)" 11961: 11959: 11114:. Library of Congress Congressional Research Service 10684:
Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism: Parcham and Khalq
10575: 10507: 9540: 9538: 9345:. Durham: Duke Press Policy Studies. pp. 72–73. 8921:
Afghanistan's Two-Party Communism: Parcham and Khalq
8413: 8394: 8284: 7843: 7828: 7798: 7673: 7563:
In November 2018, Russian lawmakers from the ruling
with an RPG, rounds and AK47 in the background, 1986
Liberation Organization of the People of Afghanistan
Soviet military operations against Afghan guerrillas
sentiment, causing the rebellion to spread further.
fortress, meaning this new brigade was stationed as
by rioting mobs, the Soviet government sold several
3139:, near the border with British India, civil servant 2987:
control) desiring for permanent friendly relations.
1803: 937:
Liberation Organization of the People of Afghanistan
War, Politics and Society in Afghanistan, 1978-1992
16230: 13865: 13672:
The War Chronicles: From Flintlocks to Machine Guns
13413:"Genocide and the Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan" 12473:. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 124–126. 12390:"Cameraman, CBS Deny Afghanistan Scenes Were Faked" 10283: 10180: 9801: 8430: 8160:(in Norwegian). Archived from 6134: 6069:Other countries that supported the Mujahideen were 4352:placed a trade embargo against the Soviet Union on 4251:Soviet ground forces, under the command of Marshal 4008:and "was capable of reaching an agreement with the 3242:, made two unsuccessful incursions into Pakistan's 2975:'s ascent to the throne in 1919 and the subsequent 2960:. The border was agreed by the joint Anglo-Russian 2931: 17666: 17614: 17332: 17235: 16659:"Stirring at U.S. Embassy raises hopes of Afghans" 16487:"Pakistan: Rampant Killings of Shia by Extremists" 16454: 16421: 16384: 16162: 15830: 15788:"After Jalalabad's Defense, Kabul Grows Confident" 15730:Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse, 1970–2000 14975:"Gorbachev, the Iraqi War & Afghan Atrocities" 13955: 13926:"Interview with Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski-(13/6/97)" 13701:"4 Soviet Deserters Tell of Cruel Afghanistan War" 13243: 13048: 13046: 13044: 13042: 13040: 12838: 12836: 12817: 12815: 12117: 11504:"KGB Active Measures in Southwest Asia in 1980-82" 11295:From Prague to Kabul: The Soviet Style of Invasion 10861: 10758: 10681: 10549: 10341: 9586: 9185: 9111:. Hoover Institution Press, 1985. pp. 58–59. 8586:Soviet foreign policy toward Afghanistan 1919–1988 7912: 7910: 7908: 7265:, the Salafi jihadist Afghan Arabs fought against 7129:in Pakistan. The groups embodied new varieties of 5694:Painting of the first Stinger Missile kill in 1986 5117:Raids inside Soviet Union during Soviet Afghan War 4526:, and the USSR's previously strong relations with 4398:close relations to the Soviet Union. Vice Premier 4104: 3003:intervened in Afghanistan to suppress the Islamic 1820: 17512:. The University Press of Kentucky. p. 211. 17460:MI6: Life and Death in the British Secret Service 16867:Afg'on urushi va unda jon berganlarni eslaysizmi? 15361:"Afghan refugees in India become Indian, at last" 15220: 15218: 14882:. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Co. (p. 198) 14747: 14531:. The University Press of Kentucky. p. 211. 13604:. 9 March 2011. Archived from 12639:. 11956: 11003:Walsh, Edward; Goshko, John M. (3 January 1980). 10624:. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 86. 10597:. Washington, D.C.: National Defense University. 9535: 8779:"Soviets grab Afghan resources, saving their own" 8452:. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Co. (p. 198) 7575:which condemned the invasion. Communist lawmaker 7573:Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union 7243:struggle and extreme religious vigour", known as 6312:and accidentally destroyed an asphalt factory in 6274:who were being held at the Badaber fortress near 5967:There have also been numerous reports of illegal 5915:systems, crucial to agriculture in Afghanistan's 5437: 4757:) in 1986. They had mixed success in the war, as 4506:March 1979 marked the signing of the U.S.-backed 3019:. The Basmachi movement had originated in a 1916 26046: 25737:Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences 22741:List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States 19791:Soviet re-occupation of the Baltic states (1944) 19121:List of battles involving the Russian Federation 18805:Soviet re-occupation of the Baltic states (1944) 15606:"Mikhail Gorbachev: The Anatomy of New Thinking" 15468: 15466: 14795:Journal of the Writers Union of Free Afghanistan 14551: 14319:Latest Asian, Middle-East, EurAsian, Indian News 14219:Lacina, Bethany; Gleditsch, Nils Petter (2005). 13768: 13562:Denver Journal of International Law & Policy 13535:Denver Journal of International Law & Policy 13304:. Archived from the original on 8 September 2012 12053:"Terror 'blowback' burns CIA (November 1, 1998)" 11743: 11728: 11199: 11068:"Oil Fueled? The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan" 10872:"Moslems Condemn Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan" 9016:. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995. p. 65. 8573:. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1995. p. 20. 7375:Allegations of CIA assistance to Osama bin Laden 7277:, Salafi jihadist helped lead and fight for the 5751:Soviet war crimes § Afghanistan (1979–1989) 5110: 4938:in 1982, general headquarters of the Afghan Army 4798:they were not afraid to attack us in the open". 145:Below: Soviet airmen with a local Afghan man in 23869:Predictions of the collapse of the Soviet Union 21178:North Yemen-South Yemen Border conflict of 1972 20585:On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences 19910:Soviet OMON assaults on Lithuanian border posts 19825:Anti-communist resistance in Poland (1944–1953) 18924:Soviet OMON assaults on Lithuanian border posts 18839:Anti-communist resistance in Poland (1944–1953) 17833: 17335:The Great Gamble: The Soviet war in Afghanistan 15781: 15779: 15777: 15547:Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979–1989 15447:. 25 July 2014. Archived from 15359:United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 15320:"Afghan refugee teaches Hindi to tots in India" 14994: 14992: 14468:The Costs of Soviet Involvement in Afghanistan. 14218: 14099: 13797:"Soviets Accused of Supervising Afghan Torture" 13480: 13343:Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979–1989 13037: 12833: 12812: 12637:"Charlie Wilson's War Was Really America's War" 12111: 12109: 12107: 10979:"Carter withdraws SALT II accord, Jan. 2, 1980" 10648:The Great Gamble: The Soviet War in Afghanistan 10621:Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan 1979–1989 10304: 9851:Bezhan, Frud; Kubalek, Petr (9 December 2019). 9703:The Cold War and the Making of the Modern World 9108:Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion in Perspective 9091:Pakistan's Support of Afghan Islamists, 1975–79 8980: 8224:by Lester W. Grau and Ali Ahmad Jalali| 8184:"Afghanistan hits Soviet milestone – Army News" 7905: 7281:, deliberately killing thousands of civilians. 7137:" among the foreign volunteers, and a "hybrid" 5397: 4679:were launched into the strategically important 4619: 4272:, the 860th Separate Motor Rifle Regiment, the 3763:'s ties with the U.S. had been strained during 1237:150,000–180,000 casualties (tentative estimate) 24650:Removal of Hungary's border fence with Austria 17743: 17119:Afgantsy: The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979–89 16870:(in Uzbek), Voice of America, 17 February 2016 16324: 15970: 15968: 15871: 15805: 15803: 15801: 15215: 15075:Reconstructing War-Torn Societies: Afghanistan 15062:Reconstructing War-Torn Societies: Afghanistan 13458: 13456: 13454: 13452: 13052: 12688:. University of California Press. p. 74. 12496:"Radical writer Alexander Cockburn dead at 71" 12433: 11631: 11392: 11132: 11061: 11059: 10893: 10688:. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press. p.  9700: 8639:Moscow's Muslim Challenge: Soviet Central Asia 8355: 8236: 8064: 7669:Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova 7615:The war affected many families in post-Soviet 6373:sub-units, 5,000 in independent formations of 6221:On 2 April 1986, the 38th commando brigade of 6199:’s foreign "Tenth Directorate" and the Soviet 6177: 6089:in a limited way. One of these groups was the 5492:the Soviet Union's economy and image with the 4276:, and the 36th Mixed Air Corps. Later on, the 3686: 3124: 2956:from Afghan forces, which became known as the 1787:In Afghanistan, the war is usually called the 26140:Cold War military history of the Soviet Union 24873: 23739: 23109: 22901: 20074: 19764:Soviet occupation of the Baltic states (1940) 18965: 18778:Soviet occupation of the Baltic states (1940) 18579: 17979: 17123:. New York: Oxford University Press. p.  17024: 16320: 16318: 16316: 16314: 16312: 16310: 16038: 15682:"The collapse of the Soviet Union, 1990–1991" 15472: 15463: 15183:(3rd ed.). Red Globe Press. p. 59. 14708: 14706: 13572:on 12 March 2021 – via Digital Commons. 13545:on 12 March 2021 – via Digital Commons. 13395: 13229:. Berlin: Hartmann, Miles-Verl. p. 195. 10835: 10833: 10831: 10336: 9863: 9850: 9772: 8702: 8521:"Afghanistan: Making Human Rights the Agenda" 7055: 6012:. He cut an antique Tekke carpet stolen from 5897:Scorched-earth tactics and Wanton destruction 5483:M main battle tank withdraws from Afghanistan 5303:attacked well-entrenched Mujahideen positions 5210: 4671:Periodically the Soviet Army undertook multi- 4161:, causing a stir among the city's residents. 3974:Soviet ground forces in action, supported by 3701:Soviet forces after capturing some Mujahideen 3626:In 1979, Taraki attended a conference of the 2853: 1631:Islamic State–Taliban conflict (2015–present) 1550: 1350: 210: 78:. Please discuss this issue on the article's 22817:Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War 20368:Incapacitation of the Allied Control Council 17827: 17557:. Berkeley: University of California Press. 16453:Crews, Robert D.; Tarzi, Amin, eds. (2008). 16420:Crews, Robert D.; Tarzi, Amin, eds. (2008). 16383:Crews, Robert D.; Tarzi, Amin, eds. (2008). 16072:. Combating Terrorism Center. Archived from 15774: 15167:Press-Release 08.08.07 – 15051:. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. (p. 40) 14989: 14898:. Diane Publishing Company. pp. 39–40. 13988:"Saudi Arabia and the Future of Afghanistan" 13980: 13289: 13080: 13078: 13076: 12659:""Think tank fosters bloodshed, terrorism," 12407: 12158:, by Lawrence Wright, NY, Knopf, 2006, p.107 12156:Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 12124:. London: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd. p.  12104: 11602:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 10238:Harrison, Selig S.; Cordovez, Diego (1995). 10027:. London: Hurst & Company. p. 188. 9743: 8037: 7474: 7434: 7416: 6105: 6026:Foreign involvement in the Soviet–Afghan War 4018:NATO's two-track missile deployment decision 3462:"Red Terror" of the revolutionary government 3077:Afghanistan–Russia relations § The USSR 943:Afghanistan Mujahedin Freedom Fighters Front 21678:1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre 19717:Red Army intervention in Afghanistan (1930) 19712:Red Army intervention in Afghanistan (1929) 18731:Red Army intervention in Afghanistan (1930) 18726:Red Army intervention in Afghanistan (1929) 17933:, Oxford University Press, 251 pp., 2024), 17687: 17402:Grau, Lester W.; Gress, Michael A. (2002). 17111: 16513:"Guantanamo Docket: Khalid Shaikh Mohammed" 16154: 16105: 15965: 15798: 15580:. Brookings Institution Press. p. 29. 15540: 15144:"USSR aid to Afghanistan worth $ 8 billion" 14839: 14030:. Council on Foreign Relations. 25 May 2023 13918: 13849:"Soviet Looting Charged In Afghan Disaster" 13449: 13406: 13404: 13336: 13250:Kuperman, Alan J. (January–February 2002). 13011:"What happened in the battle of Jalalabad?" 12806: 12791: 12779: 12487: 12135: 11710: 11578:Yousaf, Mohammad & Adkin, Mark (1992). 11056: 11002: 10926: 10614: 10192: 10076:. London: Hurst & Company. p. 96. 9322: 9320: 9318: 9316: 9314: 9312: 9274:. Princeton University Press. p. 213. 9085: 9083: 9066:. Bentham Science Publishers. p. 150. 8820:. Cambridge University Press. p. 475. 8232: 8230: 7967: 7965: 7009:National Revolutionary Party of Afghanistan 6856: 6807: 6460:helping a wounded Afghan child walk in 1986 5290:70,000 and the ministry of state security ( 5249:, but this was not authorized by President 3912:– Kosygin speaking at a Politburo session. 3353:National Revolutionary Party of Afghanistan 24880: 24866: 23746: 23732: 23251:Death and state funeral of Leonid Brezhnev 23116: 23102: 22908: 22894: 22781:United States involvement in regime change 20336:1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine 20081: 20067: 19033:Military history of the Russian Federation 18972: 18958: 18586: 18572: 17986: 17972: 17947:) and perhaps support for the anti-Soviet 17688:Maley, William & Saikal, Amin (1989). 16797: 16769:"Russian parliament hails Afghan war vets" 16729:"Russian parliament hails Afghan war vets" 16452: 16419: 16382: 16307: 15974: 15652: 15616:. 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Despite an active support for 4780:Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces 4270:5th Guards Motor Rifle Divisions 4028:was "already effectively dead." 2932:Russian interest in Central Asia 2876: 2827: 2817: 2816: 1921: 1315:Approximately 1–3 million killed 1277: 1249: 1225: 1199: 1137: 1107: 1088: 1071: 1049: 1037: 1024: 1011: 998: 912:Union of Islamic Fighters (UIF) 885: 874: 845: 834: 813: 802: 791: 779: 762: 701: 691: 681: 670: 653: 643: 633: 614: 351: 258: 237: 226: 212: 199: 129: 123: 58:to read and navigate comfortably 43: 26180:History of Islam in Afghanistan 26115:Wars involving the Soviet Union 24755:Dissolution of the Soviet Union 24685:Fall of the inner German border 22383:Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 21764:Dissolution of the Soviet Union 21693:Fall of the inner German border 21593:1988 Black Sea bumping incident 21243:Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 21233:Spanish transition to democracy 21193:1972–1975 Bangladesh insurgency 20820:Communist insurgency in Sarawak 20326:Indo-Pakistani War of 1947–1948 20207:Occupation of the Baltic states 20020:Deployment in Kazakhstan (2022) 19665:Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan 19606:1919 Soviet invasion of Ukraine 18679:Red Army invasion of Azerbaijan 18620:1919 Soviet invasion of Ukraine 16969: 16337:(November/December 2005): 2–6. 15482:Review of International Studies 15094:. 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According to former 3710: 3702: 3669: 3591: 3577: 3537: 3526:PDPA Politburo member 3476: 3431: 3407:(Flag) faction led by 3270:Afghan Commando Forces 3227: 3204:1960s–1970s: Proxy war 3107:Third Anglo-Afghan War 2977:Third Anglo-Afghan War 2834:Afghanistan portal 2771:List of heads of state 2029:Greco-Bactrian kingdom 1814:جنگ شوروی در افغانستان 1709:, formally ending the 1581:Saur Revolution (1978) 1156:4,000 died from wounds 1153:9,500 killed in combat 1133:Total: 242,000–253,000 857:Ahmadzai (Ghilji clan) 697:Afghan Commando Forces 503:Sibghatullah Mojaddedi 251:Commanders and leaders 26185:Terrorism in Pakistan 26160:Maoism in Afghanistan 25697:List of metro systems 25250:Collective leadership 24806:Post-Soviet conflicts 24760:Tajikistani Civil War 24710:Revolution on Granite 24670:Monday Demonstrations 24196:Sanjaasürengiin Zorig 24030:Mengistu Haile Mariam 23796:Eastern Bloc politics 23141:Collective leadership 22832:Russia–NATO relations 22713:Jonathan Reed Winkler 21997:Democratic capitalism 21992:Supply-side economics 21960:American conservatism 21759:Breakup of Yugoslavia 21648:Bougainville conflict 21563:South Yemen civil war 21498:Martial law in Poland 21361:Nicaraguan Revolution 21336:Dirty War (Argentina) 21143:1971 JVP insurrection 20957:Years of Lead (Italy) 20835:North Yemen civil war 20753:Berlin Crisis of 1961 20729:Albanian–Soviet split 20661:1959 Tibetan uprising 20626:Syrian Crisis of 1957 20481:Iraqi Intifada (1952) 20341:1948 Arab–Israeli War 20005:Intervention in Syria 19940:Tajikistani Civil War 19648:Lithuanian–Soviet War 19589:Battle of Robat Karim 19038:Post-Soviet conflicts 18662:Lithuanian–Soviet War 17808:Ro'i, Yaacov (2022). 17791:Brookings Institution 17767:. Chicago: I.R. Dee. 17763:Prados, John (1996). 17278:Curtis, Mark (2018). 16264:Messages to the World 15680:Pravda, Alex (2010). 14963:on 28 September 2013. 14892:McGrath, Rae (1998). 14615:20th Century Democide 13656: 13466: 13302:World Affairs Journal 13192:10.1017/9781108867986 13059:. Osprey Publishing. 12767:Newsday Moscow Bureau 12082:Temple-Raston, Dina. 11566:The Soviet-Afghan War 11360:The Soviet-Afghan War 10106:Brookings Institution 9744:Misdaq, Nabi (2006). 8846:Middle East Institute 8606:. BRILL. p. 87. 8500:History Learning Site 7773:Indian Defence Review 7749:Amnesty International 7594: 7511: 7503: 7488: 7442: 7373:Further information: 7318: 7297:Further information: 7254:—the credit for "the 7239:"—were reconquered. 7161: 7074: 7060:Further information: 7002: 6934: 6814: 6590:Norton Air Force Base 6587: 6551:increasing with age. 6514: 6475:UN Special Rapporteur 6455: 6356: 6348: 6331: 5959:in the 13th century. 5904: 5851:Baraki Barak massacre 5818: 5758: 5693: 5560: 5478: 5444:Geneva Accords (1988) 5343: 5276: 5223:, initiatives led by 5150: 5069: 4968: 4934: 4922: 4842: 4715: 4697: 4638: 4614:Carter Administration 4461:State of the Cold War 4370: 4264:and consisted of the 4174: 4112: 3973: 3904: 3867:") rebels. After the 3841: 3832:Further information: 3801:Department of Defense 3708: 3700: 3644: 3584: 3572: 3530:to Soviet Ambassador 3519: 3472: 3452:Revolutionary Council 3422: 3217: 2940:was fearful that the 2079:Indo-Parthian kingdom 2059:Indo-Scythian kingdom 1586:Herat uprising (1979) 1127:Casualties and losses 892:Hezbollah Afghanistan 537:Muhammad Asif Muhsini 26075:1980s in Afghanistan 25659:Net material product 25602:Censorship of images 25519:Political repression 25479:Soviet Border Troops 25412:First Deputy Premier 24996:1965 economic reform 24991:Soviet space program 24216:Vytautas Landsbergis 24211:Viacheslav Chornovil 24040:Denis Sassou Nguesso 23580:Konstantin Chernenko 23294:Uzbek cotton scandal 23236:1980 Summer Olympics 23211:1977 Moscow bombings 22253:Non-Aligned Movement 21875:Peaceful coexistence 21829:North Borneo dispute 21744:German reunification 21739:Min Ping Yu No. 5202 21437:Salvadoran Civil War 21386:Grand Mosque seizure 21381:Yemenite War of 1979 21273:Mozambican Civil War 21228:Carnation Revolution 21183:Yemenite War of 1972 21121:1970 Polish protests 20952:1967 Hong Kong riots 20927:Argentine Revolution 20877:Guatemalan Civil War 20805:Cuban Missile Crisis 20719:Bay of Pigs Invasion 20591:1956 Poznań protests 20569:Geneva Summit (1955) 20171:Hukbalahap Rebellion 20150:Non-Aligned Movement 19988:Annexation of Crimea 19692:Central Asian Revolt 19601:Ukrainian–Soviet War 19473:Russo-Circassian War 19156:Pugachev's Rebellion 19099:Russo-Ukrainian Wars 19043:Russian Armed Forces 19013:Early modern warfare 18706:Central Asian Revolt 18615:Ukrainian–Soviet War 18475:The Living Daylights 18461:Charlie Wilson's War 18333:Battle for Hill 3234 18177:Abdullah Yusuf Azzam 18131:Konstantin Chernenko 18084:Hezb-e Islami Khalis 17435:. Rand Corporation. 17339:. New York: Harper. 17234:Coll, Steve (2004). 17215:Coles, T. J (2018). 16983:. Diane Publishing. 16926:"Информация о союзе" 16590:Central Asian Survey 16541:Simon & Schuster 16327:"Blowback Revisited" 16120:. The New York Times 15433:on 9 September 2020. 15180:The Afghanistan Wars 15098:on 22 September 2009 15087:Panetta, L. (2007). 15073:Barakat, S. (2004). 15060:Barakat, S. (2004). 14821:on 18 September 2017 14664:Central Asian Survey 13901:10.1162/ISEC_a_00023 13153:Schroeder, Matthew. 12918:on 25 December 2010. 12792:Urban, Mark (1990). 12448:. The New York Times 12171:, Knopf, 2006, p.105 11901:on 12 September 2008 11711:Urban, Mark (1990). 11173:Garthoff, Raymond L. 11135:Putin's War in Syria 10896:Putin's War in Syria 10141:Simon & Schuster 9750:Taylor & Francis 8785:. 22 December 1982. 8067:Putin's War in Syria 7640:Alexander Lukashenko 7427:Within Afghanistan, 7392:September 11 attacks 6903:East Germany in 1953 6304:1982 Harmak incident 5919:, were destroyed by 5607:Causes of withdrawal 5593:air assault brigades 5240:system of government 5196:Agence France Presse 4969:Three mujahideen in 4904:battle for Jalalabad 4873:Darul Uloom Haqqania 4467:Cold War (1979–1985) 3719:Pul-e-Charkhi prison 3651:had to be eliminated 3628:Non-Aligned Movement 3621:Soviet head of state 3511:Pul-e-Charkhi prison 3479:— Announcement from 3374:in Afghan politics. 3171:Dominion of Pakistan 1327:internally displaced 1322:externally displaced 1241:75,000–90,000 killed 1149:14,453–26,000 killed 830:Jebh-e Nejat-e Melli 808:Hezb-i Islami Khalis 590:Mulawi Mohammad Shah 473:Mulavi Younas Khalis 463:Wa'el Hamza Julaidan 408:Abdul Jabar Qahraman 293:Konstantin Chernenko 26070:1979 in Afghanistan 25727:Academy of Sciences 25542:Population transfer 25486:Soviet Armed Forces 25349:Congress of Soviets 25330:Presidium/Politburo 25294:Soviet anti-Zionism 25143:West Siberian Plain 25021:Revolutions of 1989 24958:Great Patriotic War 24943:New Economic Policy 24660:Pan-European Picnic 24635:1988 Polish strikes 24015:Wojciech Jaruzelski 23755:Revolutions of 1989 22698:Alex von Tunzelmann 22688:Vladimir Tismăneanu 22613:Thomas J. McCormick 22608:Jack F. Matlock Jr. 22508:Robert Hugh Ferrell 22371:Crusade for Freedom 22168:Illiberal democracy 22052:Ho Chi Minh Thought 21855:Eisenhower Doctrine 21708:Peaceful Revolution 21703:Romanian Revolution 21683:Revolutions of 1989 21668:1988 Polish strikes 21578:Operation INFEKTION 21573:1987 Lieyu massacre 21478:Eritrean Civil Wars 21461:Peruvian Revolution 21411:1979 Herat uprising 21401:Sino-Vietnamese War 21366:Uganda–Tanzania War 21346:Egyptian–Libyan War 21313:Third Indochina War 21308:Sino-Albanian split 21298:Ethiopian Civil War 21198:Eritrean Civil Wars 21138:Ping-pong diplomacy 21111:Cambodian Civil War 20937:Korean DMZ Conflict 20922:Cultural Revolution 20892:Dominican Civil War 20870:Tlatelolco massacre 20656:1959 Mosul uprising 20646:1958 Lebanon crisis 20373:Al-Wathbah uprising 20296:First Indochina War 20266:Iran crisis of 1946 20048:Sphere of influence 19978:Russo-Ukrainian War 19835:First Indochina War 19808:Soviet–Japanese War 19744:Xinjiang War (1937) 19613:Kazakhstan Campaign 19398:Kościuszko Uprising 19298:Second Northern War 19176:Coup attempt (1991) 19069:Soviet-Finnish wars 18849:First Indochina War 18822:Soviet–Japanese War 18758:Xinjiang War (1937) 18627:Kazakhstan Campaign 18328:Operation Magistral 18293:Panjshir offensives 18283:Operation Storm-333 18276:Military operations 18197:Burhanuddin Rabbani 18182:Gulbuddin Hekmatyar 18151:Abdul Rashid Dostum 18146:Mohammad Najibullah 17949:Solidarity movement 17462:. London: Phoenix. 17308:. Haymarket Books. 17219:. Clairview Books. 17192:Carew, Tom (2001). 17113:Braithwaite, Rodric 16962:. 15 February 2021. 16884:. 15 February 2020. 16804:The Washington Post 16717:, 28 September 2015 16511:(3 November 2008). 16373:, pp. 277–278. 16003:. 20 September 2001 15951:. Scarecrow Press. 15754:Zubok, Vladislav M. 15542:Braithwaite, Rodric 15212:. 16 November 1988. 15047:Hauner, M. (1989). 14878:Hilali, A. (2005). 14807:Khan, Imtiyaz Gul. 14644:26 February 1985 AP 14504:2 July 2019 at the 14278:, pp. 131–132. 13338:Braithwaite, Rodric 12965:on 30 November 2022 12375:The Washington Post 12306:, pp. 161–162. 12201:. 22 February 2015. 11797:Roy Gutman (2008). 11072:Post-Soviet Affairs 10736:Ye. I. Malashenko, 10616:Braithwaite, Rodric 10578:, pp. 131–132. 10521:Zubok, Vladislav M. 10410:on 21 October 2000. 9888:. 9552:. 27 February 2006. 9497:, pp. 120–121. 9306:, pp. 119–120. 8559:. 11 February 2020. 8448:Hilali, A. (2005). 8345:. 28 December 2019. 8240:(18 October 2009). 8138:on 21 November 2011 8054:on 3 November 2001. 7877:, 29 October 1988. 7684:Soviet Union portal 7660:Republic of Moldova 7330:Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq 7147:Bush administration 7125:in Afghanistan and 6965:Mohammad Najibullah 6954:Mohammed Najibullah 6867:Revolutions of 1989 6682:National Geographic 6638:Afghans in Pakistan 6622:CIA World Fact Book 6336:, Netherlands, 1985 6211:Miram Shah incident 6020:Foreign involvement 5935:implemented by the 5649:Mohammad Najibullah 5597:Battle of Jalalabad 5576:General Yazov, the 5540:Operation Magistral 5514:wherever possible. 5405:Gulbuddin Hekmatyar 5350:Mohammad Najibullah 5311:Heritage Foundation 5184:Leftist journalist 4786:. A fighter of the 4717:Afghanistan is our 4631:Panjshir offensives 4404:Sino-Vietnamese War 4301:Soviet paratroopers 4132:Afghan Armed Forces 4119:Operation Storm-333 4074:Soviet Central Asia 3953:Minister of Defence 3863:("Those engaged in 3777:Zbigniew Brzezinski 3773:Zulfikar Ali Bhutto 3761:Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq 3666:sentenced to death. 3561:growing rebellion. 3401:Nur Muhammad Taraki 3325:Gulbuddin Hekmatyar 3321:Burhanuddin Rabbani 3286:Zulfikar Ali Bhutto 3252:Mohammed Zahir Shah 3240:Pashtun irredentism 3160:Mohammad Daoud Khan 3111:Afghan Armed Forces 2538:Democratic Republic 1847:Війна в Афганістані 1755:announced that the 1742:Operation Storm-333 1730:Nur Muhammad Taraki 1661:groups against the 981:Afghan Mellat Party 677:Afghan Armed Forces 621:Soviet Armed Forces 550:Sayyid Ali Beheshti 448:Gulbuddin Hekmatyar 433:Burhanuddin Rabbani 373:Abdul Rashid Dostum 368:Mohammad Najibullah 329:Valentin Varennikov 62:readable prose size 26065:Cold War conflicts 25372:Military Collegium 25240:Capital punishment 25118:Caucasus Mountains 25031:Post-Soviet states 24911:Russian Revolution 24020:Slobodan Milošević 23889:Vatican Opposition 23266:Events (1982–1985) 23201:Vladivostok Summit 23133:Events (1964–1982) 23018:Western Belorussia 22917:Soviet occupations 22852:Russian Revolution 22648:Mary Elise Sarotte 22633:William B. Pickett 22558:Patrick J. Hearden 22538:Gabriel Gorodetsky 22533:Timothy Garton Ash 22518:Anneli Ute Gabanyi 22113:Ethnic nationalism 21865:Hallstein Doctrine 21749:Yemeni unification 21538:1985 Geneva Summit 21503:Casamance conflict 21406:New Jewel Movement 21391:Iranian Revolution 21376:Chadian–Libyan War 21323:Cambodian conflict 21303:Lebanese Civil War 21293:Western Sahara War 21268:June 1976 protests 21263:Cambodian genocide 21028:17 July Revolution 20982:Nigerian Civil War 20897:Rhodesian Bush War 20882:Colombian conflict 20825:Ramadan Revolution 20564:Bandung Conference 20440:Operation Valuable 20321:Partition of India 20038:Russian Revolution 19973:Russo-Georgian War 19955:Second Chechen War 19935:Georgian Civil War 19574:Russo-Japanese War 19326:Great Northern War 19224:Russo-Crimean Wars 19196:Second Chechen War 19094:Russo-Turkish wars 19089:Russo-Swedish wars 19079:Russo-Persian Wars 19064:Russo-Crimean Wars 18939:Georgian Civil War 18482:The Magic Mountain 18192:Abdul Rahim Wardak 18167:Ahmad Shah Massoud 18077:Maktab al-Khidamat 17284:. Serpent's Tail. 17160:DS371.2 .B725 2011 16692:on 26 October 2020 16644:The New York Times 16517:The New York Times 16118:The New York Times 15981:The New York Times 15792:The New York Times 15686:Leffler, Melvyn P. 15451:on 12 January 2018 15389:on 5 December 2008 15346:The Times of India 15299:. 17 February 2012 15117:Kirby, A. (2003). 14938:The New York Times 14772:10.1093/bjc/azs065 14295:. 30 December 2020 14081:. 17 February 2009 13853:The New York Times 13829:. 19 November 1986 13803:. 19 November 1986 13705:The New York Times 13608:on 16 January 2018 13425:on 26 October 2016 13372:Human Rights Watch 13252:"Stinging Rebukes" 13015:Rebellion Research 12989:Small Wars Journal 12884:War in Afghanistan 12794:War in Afghanistan 12663:, August 25, 2008" 12616:on 18 January 2006 12596:War in Afghanistan 12446:The New York Times 12154:Wright, Lawrence, 12032:on 1 December 2008 11713:War in Afghanistan 11410:on 1 December 2017 11201:Harrison, Selig S. 10940:. 15 January 1980. 10878:. 29 January 1980. 10744:), April–June 2004 10206:Diplomatic History 9633:on 8 November 2011 9466:Atkinson, Darren. 9012:Rubin, Barnett R. 8569:Rubin, Barnett R. 8318:The New York Times 8130:Rischard, Maxime. 8028:Krivosheev, p. 365 7895:2016-03-03 at the 7867:2016-03-03 at the 7698:Afghanistan portal 7601: 7577:Nikolay Kharitonov 7532:Russian Federation 7514: 7506: 7449: 7363:Human Rights Watch 7325: 7180:Muslim Brotherhood 7172: 7168:War in Afghanistan 7012: 6949: 6660:Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 6594: 6592:, California, 1986 6521: 6462: 6366: 6351: 6338: 5910: 5767:Human Rights Watch 5764: 5696: 5660:Aerial engagements 5582:Ahmad Shah Massoud 5574: 5485: 5346: 5315:Ahmad Shah Massoud 5307:Arghandab District 5279: 5186:Alexander Cockburn 5072: 4975: 4948:Ahmad Shah Massoud 4940: 4925: 4849: 4727:Vladimir Kuzichkin 4704: 4649: 4540:Islamic Revolution 4481:Iranian Revolution 4362:Iranian Revolution 4194:officers from the 4181: 4145:. On 25 December, 4115: 4001:Iranian Revolution 3984: 3860: 3805:Walter B. Slocombe 3729:fled the country. 3711: 3703: 3655:October Revolution 3578: 3432: 3372:military influence 3329:Ahmad Shah Massoud 3228: 3131:Partition of India 3091:Russian Revolution 3061:Abdul Ahad Mohmand 2741:Political violence 2548:Tanai coup attempt 2183:Rashidun Caliphate 2128:Hephthalite Empire 2049:Indo-Greek kingdom 1305:1) 1,000,000 dead 1032:Pakistan Air Force 961:Sharafat Kuh Front 798:Maktab al-Khidamat 594:Abdul Karim Brahui 523:Abdul Rahim Wardak 493:Abdul Rasul Sayyaf 478:Jalaluddin Haqqani 428:Ahmad Shah Massoud 26125:Guerrilla warfare 26080:Conflicts in 1979 26055:Soviet–Afghan War 26042: 26041: 26006: 26005: 25998:Hammer and sickle 25940:and their groups 25938:Soviet dissidents 25717:Communist Academy 25634:Economic planning 25610: 25609: 25503:Soviet Air Forces 25422:Security services 25342:General Secretary 25325:Central Committee 25267:Political parties 25199:Brezhnev Doctrine 25194:Foreign relations 25151: 25150: 25092:Autonomous okrugs 25006:Soviet–Afghan War 24986:Sino-Soviet split 24928:Russian Civil War 24855: 24854: 24781:Colour revolution 24611: 24610: 24578:Congo-Brazzaville 24299:Democratic Russia 24256:Pope John Paul II 24251:George H. W. Bush 24201:Vladimir Bukovsky 23990:Mikhail Gorbachev 23985:Nicolae Ceaușescu 23771:Era of Stagnation 23721: 23720: 23717: 23716: 23313:Politburo members 23231:Soviet–Afghan War 23171:Brezhnev Doctrine 23125:Era of Stagnation 23091: 23090: 22883: 22882: 22870:List of conflicts 22718:Rudolph Winnacker 22663:Giles Scott-Smith 22638:Ronald E. Powaski 22593:Melvyn P. Leffler 22523:John Lewis Gaddis 22498:Robert D. English 22463:Warren H. Carroll 22453:Michael Beschloss 22422:Nuclear arms race 22403: 22402: 22309:Neues Deutschland 22211: 22210: 22193:White nationalism 22163:Liberal democracy 21900:Ulbricht Doctrine 21890:Brezhnev Doctrine 21698:Velvet Revolution 21442:Soviet–Afghan War 21258:Angolan Civil War 21055:Goulash Communism 20912:ASEAN Declaration 20865:Mexican Dirty War 20763:Annexation of Goa 20714:1960 U-2 incident 20688:Sino-Soviet split 20666:Laotian Civil War 20506:Bricker Amendment 20486:Mau Mau rebellion 20430:Malayan Emergency 20418:Chinese Civil War 20378:Tito–Stalin split 20232:Division of Korea 20056: 20055: 19945:First Chechen War 19900:Soviet–Afghan War 19885:Angolan Civil War 19660:Polish–Soviet War 19618:Finnish Civil War 19596:Russian Civil War 19495:November Uprising 19433:Anglo-Russian War 19373:Bar Confederation 19186:First Chechen War 19166:Russian Civil War 19161:Decembrist revolt 19151:Bulavin Rebellion 19146:Razin's Rebellion 19129: 19128: 19084:Russo-Polish Wars 19052:Lists by opponent 18947: 18946: 18914:Soviet–Afghan War 18899:Angolan Civil War 18674:Polish–Soviet War 18632:Finnish Civil War 18610:Russian Civil War 18561: 18560: 18352:Civilian protests 18313:Battles of Zhawar 18205: 18204: 18136:Mikhail Gorbachev 18102: 18101: 17995:Soviet–Afghan War 17898:978-1-351-29406-5 17847:978-0-465-00310-5 17819:978-1-5036-3106-9 17800:978-0-8157-2595-4 17774:978-1-56663-108-2 17755:978-1-4392-7451-4 17707:978-0-521-37588-7 17680:978-0-89526-499-2 17657:978-0-19-884601-7 17628:978-0-674-01090-1 17597:978-0-307-54698-2 17582:Kaplan, Robert D. 17564:978-0-520-08591-6 17519:978-0-8131-2614-2 17490:978-0-295-80158-2 17469:978-0-7538-2833-5 17442:978-0-8330-8777-5 17415:978-0-7006-1186-7 17365:978-0-7146-8242-6 17346:978-0-06-114318-2 17315:978-1-60846-726-6 17291:978-1-78283-433-5 17270:978-0-87113-851-4 17249:978-1-59420-007-6 17205:978-1-84018-495-2 17176:978-0-679-72033-1 17169:. Vintage Books. 17134:978-0-19-983265-1 17104:978-0-8021-3775-3 17074:978-0-262-52257-1 17045:978-0-313-34642-2 17017:978-0-8059-9594-7 16990:978-0-7881-1111-2 16665:, 5 December 2001 16647:, 4 February 1990 16554:978-0-7432-9592-5 16472:978-0-674-03002-2 16439:978-0-674-03002-2 16402:978-0-674-03002-2 16180:978-1-57488-967-3 16025:978-0-7397-2500-9 15958:978-0-8108-7957-7 15823:978-1-351-33400-6 15767:978-0-300-25730-4 15739:978-0-19-536863-5 15711:978-0-521-83721-7 15666:978-0-674-05866-8 15631:978-1-108-82425-5 15610:Monteiro, Nuno P. 15602:Radchenko, Sergey 15587:978-0-8157-2595-4 15557:978-0-19-983265-1 15342:"Escape from War" 15273:. 17 January 2007 15255:on 24 March 2012. 15190:978-1-352-01100-5 15011:(7333): 349–352. 14977:. 14905:978-0-7881-3280-3 14846:Los Angeles Times 14538:978-0-8131-2614-2 14379:978-1-59797-646-6 14257:on 6 October 2014 14197:. THE SLATE GROUP 14175:978-1-85043-666-9 14113:978-0-7656-3192-3 13998:on 7 October 2014 13932:on 29 August 2000 13801:Los Angeles Times 13747:, pp. 94–95. 13681:978-1-61673-404-6 13353:978-0-19-983265-1 13236:978-3-937885-30-8 13201:978-1-108-49123-5 13098:978-0-7881-4665-7 13066:978-1-4728-1038-0 12695:978-0-520-20893-3 12581:978-0-300-09519-7 12480:978-1-4529-0446-7 12394:Los Angeles Times 11979:978-0-8122-3808-2 11810:978-1-60127-024-5 11772:978-1-59884-759-8 11258:978-0-14-303466-7 11144:978-0-7556-3463-7 10905:978-0-7556-3463-7 10776:978-1-84115-007-9 10699:978-0-8179-7792-4 10631:978-0-19-983265-1 10536:978-0-8078-5958-2 10320:978-1-4422-0830-8 10261:978-0-19-506294-6 10224:10.1093/dh/dhz065 10150:978-1-4165-4336-7 10115:978-0-8157-2595-4 10007:978-0-300-09519-7 9992:Rubin, Barnett R. 9945:978-0-7867-2263-1 9909:, pp. 56–57. 9823:978-1-85043-857-1 9788:978-0-8179-4812-2 9759:978-0-415-70205-8 9716:978-1-85702-004-5 9687:978-0-7006-1186-7 9579:978-0-521-39700-1 9444:978-1-56000-172-0 9419:978-1-4165-4336-7 9281:978-0-691-15441-1 9254:978-1-84904-863-7 9181:on 28 April 2016. 9150:978-0-230-11200-1 9118:978-0-8179-8213-3 9073:978-1-60805-834-1 9046:978-1-61039-412-3 8994:978-1-4381-0819-3 8958:978-1-61069-286-1 8931:978-0-8179-7793-1 8899:978-1-317-81128-2 8872:978-1-317-81128-2 8827:978-1-108-47735-2 8812:Radchenko, Sergey 8649:978-0-87332-614-8 8613:978-90-04-12952-8 8076:978-0-7556-3463-7 7956:978-0-415-56526-4 7923:National Interest 7899:D. Meshchaninov. 7546:Semyon Bagdasarov 7465:Atta Muhammad Nur 7066:Deobandi jihadism 6969:George H. W. Bush 6961:Mikhail Gorbachev 6805: 6804: 6284:Afghan Mujahideen 6032:Afghan mujahideen 6014:Darul Aman Palace 5810:cultural genocide 5738:Mikhail Gorbachev 5527:George H. W. Bush 5489:Mikhail Gorbachev 5487:The promotion of 4936:Darul Aman Palace 4858:Operation Cyclone 4835:Afghan mujahideen 4790:, describing the 4782:all operating in 4653:Afghan mujahideen 4597:Mitrokhin Archive 4595:According to the 4477:Southwestern Asia 4455:guerrilla warfare 4447:Blowpipe missiles 4366:hostage stand-off 3976:Mi-24 helicopters 3945:Central Committee 3873:Mi-24 helicopters 3858:was assassinated. 3532:Alexander Puzanov 3305:Naseerullah Babar 3178:Abdur Rahman Khan 3149:Abdur Rahman Khan 3095:Russian Civil War 3033:Caucasus campaign 3005:Basmachi movement 2929: 2928: 2921: 2870: 2869: 2761:Afghan (ethnonym) 2736:Political history 2640: 2639: 2488:Saqqawist Emirate 2438:Sadozai Sultanate 2391: 2390: 2177:7th–8th centuries 2146: 2145: 1999:Macedonian Empire 1989:Achaemenid Empire 1959:Oxus civilization 1819: 1802: 1753:Mikhail Gorbachev 1679:Operation Cyclone 1665:and their allied 1663:Afghan mujahideen 1651:Soviet–Afghan War 1644: 1643: 1532: 1531: 1501:Soviet withdrawal 1368:Soviet–Afghan War 1333: 1332: 1318:3,000,000 wounded 1309:3) 2,000,000 dead 1307:2) 1,500,000 dead 1172:451 aircraft lost 488:Haji Abdul Qadeer 468:Ayman al-Zawahiri 453:Fazal Haq Mujahid 393:Ismatullah Muslim 304:Mikhail Gorbachev 233:Afghan mujahideen 188: 187: 106:Soviet–Afghan War 97: 96: 64:was 19,000 words. 18:Soviet-Afghan war 16:(Redirected from 26192: 26032: 26031: 26021: 26020: 26019: 25769: 25768: 25677: 25532:Collectivization 25277:Marxism–Leninism 25162: 25161: 25051: 25050: 24882: 24875: 24868: 24859: 24858: 24730:Transnistria War 24389: 24388: 24231:Aung San Suu Kyi 24146:Alexander Dubček 24083:Civil resistance 23940:Sinatra Doctrine 23920:Demokratizatsiya 23821:Shortage economy 23748: 23741: 23734: 23725: 23724: 23641: 23640: 23637:National economy 23304:Friendship Games 23206:Helsinki Accords 23118: 23111: 23104: 23095: 23094: 23037: 22910: 22903: 22896: 22887: 22886: 22628:David S. Painter 22553:John Earl Haynes 22483:Nicholas J. Cull 22468:Adrian Cioroianu 22448:Thomas A. Bailey 22395:Voice of America 22286: 22285: 22198:White separatism 22178:Social democracy 22173:Guided democracy 22153:Authoritarianism 22103:Ultranationalism 22093:Anti-imperialism 22020:Marxism–Leninism 21933: 21932: 21920:Kinmen Agreement 21885:Johnson Doctrine 21870:Kennedy Doctrine 21786:Frozen conflicts 21769:1991 August Coup 21658:Afghan Civil War 21553:Reykjavík Summit 21548:Somali Rebellion 21488:Ugandan Bush War 21466:Gdańsk Agreement 20987:Protests of 1968 20967:War of Attrition 20676:Cuban Revolution 20612:We will bury you 20579:Cyprus Emergency 20559:Kashmir Princess 20549:Jebel Akhdar War 20398:Western betrayal 20083: 20076: 20069: 20060: 20059: 19930:Transnistria War 19875:War of Attrition 19781:Continuation War 19730: 19522:January Uprising 19363:Seven Years' War 19263:Time of Troubles 19229:Russo-Kazan Wars 19074:Russo-Kazan Wars 19006: 19005: 18974: 18967: 18960: 18951: 18950: 18934:Transnistria War 18889:War of Attrition 18795:Continuation War 18744: 18588: 18581: 18574: 18565: 18564: 18551: 18550: 18541: 18540: 18530: 18529: 18528: 18426:Afghan Breakdown 18308:Badaber uprising 18172:Abdul Ali Mazari 18111: 18110: 18094:Ittehad i-Islami 18024: 18023: 17988: 17981: 17974: 17965: 17964: 17910: 17859: 17823: 17804: 17778: 17759: 17746:Afghan boomerang 17740: 17711: 17695: 17684: 17672: 17661: 17640: 17620: 17609: 17576: 17547: 17523: 17502: 17473: 17454: 17427: 17398: 17369: 17350: 17338: 17327: 17295: 17274: 17253: 17241: 17230: 17209: 17188: 17154: 17122: 17108: 17086: 17057: 17026:Bartrop, Paul R. 17021: 17002: 16964: 16963: 16952: 16946: 16945: 16943: 16941: 16936:on 20 April 2021 16932:. Archived from 16922: 16916: 16915: 16913: 16911: 16906:on 17 April 2021 16902:. Archived from 16892: 16886: 16885: 16878: 16872: 16871: 16862: 16856: 16855: 16844: 16838: 16837: 16835: 16833: 16820: 16814: 16813: 16812: 16810: 16795: 16789: 16788: 16786: 16784: 16775:. Archived from 16765: 16759: 16758: 16751: 16745: 16744: 16742: 16740: 16725: 16719: 16718: 16707: 16701: 16700: 16699: 16697: 16678: 16667: 16666: 16655: 16649: 16648: 16635: 16629: 16628: 16619: 16613: 16612: 16581: 16575: 16574: 16565: 16559: 16558: 16527: 16521: 16520: 16509:Williams, Margot 16505: 16499: 16498: 16496: 16494: 16483: 16477: 16476: 16460: 16450: 16444: 16443: 16427: 16417: 16411: 16410: 16390: 16380: 16374: 16368: 16362: 16361: 16359: 16357: 16343:10.2307/20031771 16322: 16305: 16299: 16293: 16292: 16290: 16288: 16273: 16267: 16261: 16255: 16249: 16240: 16234: 16228: 16222: 16216: 16215: 16213: 16211: 16191: 16185: 16184: 16168: 16158: 16152: 16146: 16140: 16136: 16130: 16129: 16127: 16125: 16109: 16103: 16097: 16086: 16085: 16083: 16081: 16065: 16059: 16053: 16042: 16036: 16030: 16029: 16010: 16004: 15991: 15985: 15984: 15972: 15963: 15962: 15942: 15936: 15935: 15924: 15918: 15917: 15913:Associated Press 15904: 15898: 15897: 15869: 15863: 15862: 15861:. 15 March 1989. 15851: 15845: 15844: 15837: 15828: 15827: 15807: 15796: 15795: 15783: 15772: 15771: 15750: 15744: 15743: 15722: 15716: 15715: 15690:Westad, Odd Arne 15677: 15671: 15670: 15650: 15644: 15643: 15598: 15592: 15591: 15568: 15562: 15561: 15538: 15532: 15531: 15522: 15513: 15512: 15510: 15508: 15479: 15470: 15461: 15460: 15458: 15456: 15441: 15435: 15434: 15432: 15426:. Archived from 15425: 15417: 15411: 15405: 15399: 15398: 15396: 15394: 15379: 15373: 15372: 15370: 15368: 15356: 15350: 15349: 15338: 15332: 15331: 15329: 15327: 15315: 15309: 15308: 15306: 15304: 15289: 15283: 15282: 15280: 15278: 15263: 15257: 15256: 15241: 15235: 15234: 15222: 15213: 15201: 15195: 15194: 15174: 15168: 15162: 15156: 15155: 15153: 15151: 15140: 15134: 15133: 15131: 15129: 15114: 15108: 15107: 15105: 15103: 15084: 15078: 15071: 15065: 15058: 15052: 15045: 15039: 15038: 15028: 14996: 14987: 14986: 14984: 14982: 14971: 14965: 14964: 14949: 14943: 14942: 14928: 14922: 14916: 14910: 14909: 14889: 14883: 14876: 14870: 14863: 14857: 14856: 14854: 14852: 14837: 14831: 14830: 14828: 14826: 14820: 14814:. Archived from 14813: 14804: 14798: 14791: 14785: 14784: 14774: 14754: 14745: 14739: 14738: 14710: 14701: 14695: 14689: 14688: 14660: 14651: 14645: 14642: 14636: 14635:27 March 1985 AP 14633: 14627: 14624: 14618: 14612: 14606: 14605: 14603: 14601: 14587: 14581: 14580: 14568: 14562: 14561: 14558:The Moscow Times 14549: 14543: 14542: 14524: 14518: 14515: 14509: 14495: 14489: 14488: 14477: 14471: 14465: 14459: 14458: 14450: 14444: 14443: 14436: 14430: 14429: 14427: 14425: 14411: 14405: 14404: 14398: 14390: 14384: 14383: 14363: 14357: 14351: 14345: 14337: 14331: 14330: 14328: 14326: 14321:. 29 August 2019 14311: 14305: 14304: 14302: 14300: 14285: 14279: 14273: 14267: 14266: 14264: 14262: 14256: 14250:. Archived from 14225: 14216: 14207: 14206: 14204: 14202: 14186: 14180: 14179: 14152: 14146: 14139: 14133: 14127: 14118: 14117: 14097: 14091: 14090: 14088: 14086: 14071: 14065: 14064: 14062: 14060: 14049: 14040: 14039: 14037: 14035: 14020: 14014: 14008: 14007: 14005: 14003: 13994:. Archived from 13984: 13978: 13977: 13975: 13973: 13959: 13951: 13942: 13941: 13939: 13937: 13928:. Archived from 13922: 13916: 13915: 13882: 13876: 13875: 13863: 13857: 13856: 13845: 13839: 13838: 13836: 13834: 13827:Associated Press 13819: 13813: 13812: 13810: 13808: 13793: 13787: 13786: 13766: 13760: 13754: 13748: 13742: 13736: 13730: 13719: 13718: 13713: 13711: 13696: 13690: 13689: 13668: 13662: 13650: 13644: 13643: 13641: 13639: 13624: 13618: 13617: 13615: 13613: 13598: 13592: 13591: 13580: 13574: 13573: 13553: 13547: 13546: 13526: 13520: 13519: 13494:(513): 333–336. 13478: 13472: 13460: 13447: 13441: 13435: 13434: 13432: 13430: 13424: 13417: 13408: 13399: 13393: 13384: 13383: 13381: 13379: 13364: 13358: 13357: 13334: 13328: 13327: 13321: 13313: 13311: 13309: 13293: 13287: 13286: 13284: 13282: 13268:10.2307/20033070 13247: 13241: 13240: 13220: 13214: 13213: 13177: 13171: 13170: 13168: 13166: 13150: 13144: 13143: 13141: 13139: 13123: 13117: 13116: 13109: 13103: 13102: 13082: 13071: 13070: 13050: 13035: 13032: 13026: 13025: 13023: 13021: 13006: 13000: 12999: 12997: 12995: 12981: 12975: 12974: 12972: 12970: 12951: 12945: 12944: 12942: 12940: 12934:Hurst Publishers 12926: 12920: 12919: 12917: 12906: 12898: 12887: 12880: 12874: 12867: 12861: 12858: 12852: 12851: 12840: 12831: 12830: 12819: 12810: 12804: 12798: 12797: 12789: 12783: 12777: 12771: 12770: 12762: 12756: 12750: 12744: 12739: 12733: 12732: 12730: 12728: 12706: 12700: 12699: 12681: 12675: 12674: 12672: 12670: 12661:The Daily Cougar 12655: 12649: 12648: 12646: 12644: 12632: 12626: 12625: 12623: 12621: 12605: 12599: 12592: 12586: 12585: 12565: 12559: 12553: 12547: 12541: 12535: 12529: 12520: 12514: 12508: 12507: 12505: 12503: 12491: 12485: 12484: 12464: 12458: 12457: 12455: 12453: 12437: 12431: 12430: 12428: 12426: 12411: 12405: 12404: 12402: 12400: 12385: 12379: 12378: 12366: 12360: 12359: 12357: 12355: 12340: 12334: 12322: 12316: 12313: 12307: 12301: 12295: 12289: 12280: 12279: 12277: 12275: 12255: 12246: 12240: 12231: 12228: 12222: 12216: 12203: 12202: 12191: 12185: 12178: 12172: 12165: 12159: 12152: 12146: 12139: 12133: 12132: 12123: 12113: 12102: 12101: 12096: 12094: 12079: 12073: 12072: 12070: 12068: 12048: 12042: 12041: 12039: 12037: 12028:. Archived from 12018: 12012: 12011: 12005: 12001: 11999: 11991: 11963: 11954: 11953: 11917: 11911: 11910: 11908: 11906: 11891: 11885: 11884: 11873: 11867: 11866: 11838: 11832: 11831: 11821: 11815: 11814: 11794: 11788: 11783: 11777: 11776: 11756: 11750: 11749: 11741: 11735: 11734: 11726: 11717: 11716: 11708: 11702: 11701: 11695: 11687: 11681: 11668: 11662: 11656: 11650: 11644: 11638: 11637: 11629: 11623: 11622: 11614: 11608: 11607: 11601: 11593: 11575: 11569: 11562: 11556: 11553:The Great Gamble 11551:Gregory Feifer, 11549: 11543: 11537: 11528: 11525: 11519: 11518: 11516: 11514: 11500: 11489: 11488: 11472: 11466: 11465: 11449: 11420: 11419: 11417: 11415: 11396: 11390: 11389: 11387: 11385: 11369: 11363: 11356: 11350: 11349: 11334: 11328: 11327: 11320: 11314: 11313: 11305: 11299: 11298: 11290: 11284: 11283: 11281: 11279: 11269: 11263: 11262: 11239: 11233: 11230: 11221: 11220: 11197: 11191: 11190: 11169: 11163: 11162: 11156: 11148: 11130: 11124: 11123: 11121: 11119: 11113: 11104: 11098: 11097: 11087: 11063: 11054: 11053: 11051: 11049: 11034: 11028: 11027: 11025: 11023: 11000: 10994: 10993: 10991: 10989: 10974: 10968: 10967: 10960: 10954: 10948: 10942: 10941: 10930: 10924: 10923: 10917: 10909: 10891: 10880: 10879: 10868: 10859: 10858: 10856: 10854: 10848: 10837: 10826: 10825: 10823: 10821: 10807: 10801: 10800: 10790: 10781: 10780: 10764: 10751: 10745: 10734: 10728: 10727: 10726:on 22 July 2006. 10725: 10718: 10710: 10704: 10703: 10687: 10677: 10671: 10670: 10662: 10653: 10652: 10642: 10636: 10635: 10612: 10606: 10605: 10603: 10596: 10585: 10579: 10573: 10564: 10563: 10561: 10559: 10547: 10541: 10540: 10517: 10511: 10505: 10488: 10482: 10473: 10472: 10470: 10468: 10462: 10455: 10447: 10441: 10418: 10412: 10411: 10400: 10394: 10384: 10375: 10374: 10347: 10334: 10325: 10324: 10302: 10293: 10287: 10281: 10280: 10272: 10266: 10265: 10245: 10235: 10229: 10228: 10226: 10196: 10190: 10184: 10178: 10177: 10175: 10173: 10161: 10155: 10154: 10129: 10120: 10119: 10094: 10088: 10087: 10067: 10061: 10060: 10058: 10056: 10045: 10039: 10038: 10018: 10012: 10011: 9988: 9982: 9981: 9979: 9968: 9962: 9956: 9950: 9949: 9929: 9923: 9916: 9910: 9904: 9898: 9897: 9895: 9893: 9882: 9876: 9867: 9861: 9860: 9848: 9842: 9841: 9834: 9828: 9827: 9799: 9793: 9792: 9770: 9764: 9763: 9741: 9735: 9734: 9727: 9721: 9720: 9698: 9692: 9691: 9671: 9661: 9655: 9649: 9643: 9642: 9640: 9638: 9623: 9617: 9616: 9614: 9612: 9603: 9595: 9584: 9583: 9560: 9554: 9553: 9542: 9533: 9527: 9516: 9507: 9498: 9492: 9486: 9485: 9483: 9481: 9472: 9463: 9457: 9456: 9430: 9424: 9423: 9403: 9397: 9396: 9388: 9382: 9381: 9353: 9347: 9346: 9338: 9332: 9331: 9324: 9307: 9301: 9286: 9285: 9265: 9259: 9258: 9238: 9229: 9228: 9192: 9183: 9182: 9166: 9155: 9154: 9134: 9123: 9122: 9102: 9096: 9087: 9078: 9077: 9057: 9051: 9050: 9030: 9017: 9010: 8999: 8998: 8978: 8963: 8962: 8942: 8936: 8935: 8915: 8904: 8903: 8883: 8877: 8876: 8856: 8850: 8849: 8838: 8832: 8831: 8808: 8802: 8801: 8799: 8797: 8775: 8769: 8768: 8758: 8726: 8720: 8719: 8717: 8715: 8700: 8694: 8693: 8691: 8689: 8675: 8669: 8663: 8654: 8653: 8633: 8618: 8617: 8597: 8591: 8590: 8580: 8574: 8567: 8561: 8560: 8549: 8543: 8542: 8540: 8538: 8533:on 16 April 2021 8532: 8525: 8517: 8511: 8510: 8508: 8506: 8492: 8486: 8485: 8483: 8481: 8466: 8460: 8446: 8440: 8434: 8428: 8422: 8411: 8405: 8392: 8391: 8381: 8353: 8347: 8346: 8335: 8329: 8328: 8326: 8324: 8309: 8303: 8300: 8294: 8288: 8282: 8276: 8267: 8261: 8250: 8249: 8234: 8225: 8219: 8200: 8199: 8197: 8195: 8180: 8174: 8173: 8171: 8169: 8164:on 17 March 2019 8154: 8148: 8147: 8145: 8143: 8127: 8121: 8120: 8118: 8116: 8104: 8098: 8097: 8091: 8083: 8062: 8056: 8055: 8053: 8046: 8035: 8029: 8026: 8020: 8019: 8017: 8015: 8009: 7978: 7969: 7960: 7959: 7940: 7934: 7933: 7931: 7929: 7914: 7903: 7902: 7887: 7881: 7880: 7859: 7853: 7847: 7841: 7835: 7826: 7820: 7811: 7805: 7796: 7790: 7781: 7780: 7768: 7752: 7729: 7714: 7709: 7708: 7700: 7695: 7694: 7693: 7686: 7681: 7680: 7679: 7322: 7025:1991 August Coup 6878:Sergey Radchenko 6787: 6785: 6784: 6775: 6773: 6772: 6757: 6755: 6754: 6739: 6737: 6736: 6721: 6719: 6718: 6703: 6701: 6700: 6688: 6687: 6456:A member of the 6298:Raid inside Iran 6272:prisoners of war 6251:Badaber uprising 6245:Badaber uprising 5969:chemical weapons 5859:Laghman massacre 5788:, scholars from 5720:set piece battle 5236:insurgent groups 5225:Foreign Minister 5217:Foreign Ministry 5201: 5191:Robert D. Kaplan 5044:office buildings 4606:Pakistan embassy 4392:Thomas J. Watson 4382: 4237:Soviet Politburo 3961:J. Bruce Amstutz 3844:Soviet 40th Army 3810: 3746:, rebels led by 3667: 3535: 3488: 3436:Mir Akbar Khyber 3319:(AI) extradited 3258:1973 coup d'état 2992:advance towards 2964:of 1885–87. The 2958:Panjdeh Incident 2924: 2917: 2913: 2910: 2904: 2880: 2879: 2872: 2862: 2855: 2848: 2832: 2831: 2830: 2820: 2819: 2803:Muslim conquests 2788:Hinduism history 2751:Economic history 2635: 2613:Islamic Republic 2404: 2403: 2333:Chagatai Khanate 2159: 2158: 2099:Kidarite kingdom 1969:Gandhara kingdom 1945: 1944: 1925: 1915: 1897: 1896: 1880: 1872: 1864: 1856: 1848: 1840: 1828: 1818:romanized:  1817: 1815: 1807: 1801:romanized:  1800: 1798: 1777:Afghan Civil War 1765:Afghan Civil War 1667:foreign fighters 1571: 1569: 1559: 1552: 1545: 1536: 1535: 1410:Padkhwab-e Shana 1395:Student protests 1371: 1369: 1359: 1352: 1345: 1336: 1335: 1282: 1281: 1254: 1253: 1252: 1230: 1229: 1228: 1204: 1203: 1202: 1142: 1141: 1140: 1112: 1111: 1110: 1093: 1092: 1091: 1076: 1075: 1074: 1054: 1053: 1052: 1042: 1041: 1040: 1030: 1028: 1027: 1016: 1015: 1014: 1003: 1002: 1001: 966:Harakat-e-Mulavi 897:Harakat i-Islami 890: 889: 888: 878: 850: 849: 848: 838: 831: 820:Ittehad-e Islami 818: 817: 816: 806: 796: 795: 794: 784: 783: 782: 767: 766: 765: 751:Sunni Mujahideen 707:Afghan Air Force 705: 695: 685: 675: 674: 673: 657: 647: 637: 619: 618: 617: 542:Abdul Ali Mazari 422:Sunni Mujahideen 356: 355: 354: 263: 262: 261: 242: 241: 240: 231: 230: 229: 222: 218: 216: 215: 205: 203: 202: 158: 157: 133: 127: 103: 102: 92: 89: 83: 47: 46: 39: 21: 26200: 26199: 26195: 26194: 26193: 26191: 26190: 26189: 26085:1980s conflicts 26045: 26044: 26043: 26038: 26017: 26015: 26002: 25950: 25924: 25844: 25758: 25703: 25675: 25649:Internet domain 25644:Five-year plans 25606: 25573: 25513: 25416: 25378: 25310:Communist Party 25298: 25257:Passport system 25147: 25123:European Russia 25101: 25040: 24981:Khrushchev Thaw 24960:(World War II) 24938:Creation treaty 24892: 24886: 24856: 24851: 24835: 24796:Democratization 24786:Decommunization 24769: 24705:Helsinki Summit 24645:April 9 tragedy 24617: 24607: 24536: 24445: 24393: 24384: 24378: 24266: 24260: 24128: 24122: 24075: 24069: 24025:Mathieu Kérékou 23972: 23966: 23898: 23874:Reagan Doctrine 23849:Active measures 23841: 23835: 23826:Totalitarianism 23763: 23757: 23752: 23722: 23713: 23686:Five-year plans 23680: 23632: 23584: 23540: 23314: 23308: 23260: 23191:1973 oil crisis 23127: 23122: 23092: 23087: 23073: 23038: 23029: 23013:Western Ukraine 22919: 22914: 22884: 22879: 22856: 22847:Second Cold War 22805: 22733: 22727: 22703:Odd Arne Westad 22693:Patrick Vaughan 22678:Athan Theoharis 22658:Ellen Schrecker 22643:Yakov M. Rabkin 22618:Timothy Naftali 22563:Tvrtko Jakovina 22548:Jussi Hanhimäki 22431: 22409: 22399: 22377:Paix et Liberté 22352: 22296:Active measures 22277: 22207: 22188:White supremacy 22148:Totalitarianism 22076: 22001: 21924: 21910:Reagan Doctrine 21905:Carter Doctrine 21845:Truman Doctrine 21833: 21780: 21712: 21607:Soviet reaction 21518:Ndogboyosoi War 21425: 21396:Saur Revolution 21223:1973 oil crisis 21188:Munich massacre 21096:Alcora Exercise 21091:Black September 21069: 20815:Sino-Indian War 20709:Simba rebellion 20692: 20536:Capture of the 20444: 20383:Berlin Blockade 20316:May 1947 crises 20306:Truman Doctrine 20271:Greek Civil War 20260:Blacklist Forty 20227:Gouzenko Affair 20214:Cursed soldiers 20166:Morgenthau Plan 20154: 20092: 20087: 20057: 20052: 20024: 19965: 19959: 19950:War of Dagestan 19724: 19697:August Uprising 19566: 19560: 19549:Boxer Rebellion 19517:Amur Annexation 19318: 19312: 19216: 19210: 19191:War of Dagestan 19171:August Uprising 19125: 19047: 18997: 18978: 18948: 18943: 18738: 18711:August Uprising 18598: 18592: 18562: 18557: 18526: 18524: 18515: 18468:The Kite Runner 18419:The 9th Company 18404:Films about war 18399: 18368: 18359:3 Hoot uprising 18347: 18338:Operation Arrow 18271: 18201: 18155: 18121:Leonid Brezhnev 18098: 18060:Jamiat-e Islami 18043: 18015: 18007:Afghan conflict 17997: 17992: 17962: 17918: 17916:Further reading 17913: 17899: 17848: 17830: 17820: 17801: 17775: 17756: 17729: 17708: 17681: 17658: 17629: 17598: 17565: 17544: 17520: 17491: 17470: 17443: 17416: 17387: 17366: 17347: 17316: 17292: 17271: 17250: 17227: 17206: 17177: 17135: 17105: 17091:Borovik, Artyom 17075: 17046: 17018: 16991: 16972: 16967: 16954: 16953: 16949: 16939: 16937: 16924: 16923: 16919: 16909: 16907: 16894: 16893: 16889: 16880: 16879: 16875: 16864: 16863: 16859: 16846: 16845: 16841: 16831: 16829: 16826: 16822: 16821: 16817: 16808: 16806: 16796: 16792: 16782: 16780: 16767: 16766: 16762: 16753: 16752: 16748: 16738: 16736: 16727: 16726: 16722: 16709: 16708: 16704: 16695: 16693: 16680: 16679: 16670: 16663:Chicago Tribune 16657: 16656: 16652: 16637: 16636: 16632: 16621: 16620: 16616: 16582: 16578: 16567: 16566: 16562: 16555: 16528: 16524: 16506: 16502: 16492: 16490: 16485: 16484: 16480: 16473: 16451: 16447: 16440: 16418: 16414: 16403: 16381: 16377: 16369: 16365: 16355: 16353: 16331:Foreign Affairs 16323: 16308: 16300: 16296: 16286: 16284: 16275: 16274: 16270: 16262: 16258: 16250: 16243: 16235: 16231: 16223: 16219: 16209: 16207: 16192: 16188: 16181: 16159: 16155: 16147: 16143: 16137: 16133: 16123: 16121: 16110: 16106: 16098: 16089: 16079: 16077: 16076:on 23 July 2015 16066: 16062: 16054: 16045: 16037: 16033: 16026: 16012: 16011: 16007: 15992: 15988: 15973: 15966: 15959: 15943: 15939: 15926: 15925: 15921: 15906: 15905: 15901: 15886:10.2307/2645218 15870: 15866: 15853: 15852: 15848: 15839: 15838: 15831: 15824: 15808: 15799: 15784: 15775: 15768: 15751: 15747: 15740: 15726:Kotkin, Stephen 15723: 15719: 15712: 15678: 15674: 15667: 15651: 15647: 15632: 15599: 15595: 15588: 15569: 15565: 15558: 15539: 15535: 15524: 15523: 15516: 15506: 15504: 15477: 15471: 15464: 15454: 15452: 15443: 15442: 15438: 15430: 15423: 15419: 15418: 15414: 15406: 15402: 15392: 15390: 15381: 15380: 15376: 15366: 15364: 15357: 15353: 15340: 15339: 15335: 15325: 15323: 15316: 15312: 15302: 15300: 15291: 15290: 15286: 15276: 15274: 15265: 15264: 15260: 15243: 15242: 15238: 15223: 15216: 15202: 15198: 15191: 15175: 15171: 15163: 15159: 15149: 15147: 15142: 15141: 15137: 15127: 15125: 15115: 15111: 15101: 15099: 15085: 15081: 15072: 15068: 15059: 15055: 15046: 15042: 14997: 14990: 14980: 14978: 14973: 14972: 14968: 14951: 14950: 14946: 14929: 14925: 14917: 14913: 14906: 14890: 14886: 14877: 14873: 14864: 14860: 14850: 14848: 14838: 14834: 14824: 14822: 14818: 14811: 14805: 14801: 14792: 14788: 14752: 14746: 14742: 14711: 14704: 14696: 14692: 14658: 14652: 14648: 14643: 14639: 14634: 14630: 14626:4 March 1980 AP 14625: 14621: 14613: 14609: 14599: 14597: 14589: 14588: 14584: 14569: 14565: 14550: 14546: 14539: 14525: 14521: 14516: 14512: 14506:Wayback Machine 14496: 14492: 14479: 14478: 14474: 14466: 14462: 14451: 14447: 14438: 14437: 14433: 14423: 14421: 14413: 14412: 14408: 14396: 14392: 14391: 14387: 14380: 14364: 14360: 14352: 14348: 14338: 14334: 14324: 14322: 14313: 14312: 14308: 14298: 14296: 14287: 14286: 14282: 14274: 14270: 14260: 14258: 14254: 14223: 14217: 14210: 14200: 14198: 14187: 14183: 14176: 14153: 14149: 14140: 14136: 14128: 14121: 14114: 14098: 14094: 14084: 14082: 14073: 14072: 14068: 14058: 14056: 14051: 14050: 14043: 14033: 14031: 14022: 14021: 14017: 14011: 14001: 13999: 13986: 13985: 13981: 13971: 13969: 13962:The Independent 13952: 13945: 13935: 13933: 13924: 13923: 13919: 13883: 13879: 13864: 13860: 13847: 13846: 13842: 13832: 13830: 13821: 13820: 13816: 13806: 13804: 13795: 13794: 13790: 13767: 13763: 13755: 13751: 13743: 13739: 13731: 13722: 13709: 13707: 13697: 13693: 13682: 13670: 13669: 13665: 13651: 13647: 13637: 13635: 13626: 13625: 13621: 13611: 13609: 13600: 13599: 13595: 13582: 13581: 13577: 13554: 13550: 13527: 13523: 13487:Current History 13482:Nake M. Kamrany 13479: 13475: 13461: 13450: 13442: 13438: 13428: 13426: 13422: 13415: 13409: 13402: 13398:, pp. 3–4. 13394: 13387: 13377: 13375: 13366: 13365: 13361: 13354: 13335: 13331: 13315: 13314: 13307: 13305: 13294: 13290: 13280: 13278: 13256:Foreign Affairs 13248: 13244: 13237: 13221: 13217: 13202: 13178: 13174: 13164: 13162: 13161:on 31 July 2010 13151: 13147: 13137: 13135: 13134:on 17 July 2015 13124: 13120: 13111: 13110: 13106: 13099: 13083: 13074: 13067: 13051: 13038: 13033: 13029: 13019: 13017: 13007: 13003: 12993: 12991: 12983: 12982: 12978: 12968: 12966: 12953: 12952: 12948: 12938: 12936: 12928: 12927: 12923: 12915: 12904: 12900: 12899: 12890: 12881: 12877: 12868: 12864: 12859: 12855: 12842: 12841: 12834: 12821: 12820: 12813: 12805: 12801: 12790: 12786: 12778: 12774: 12763: 12759: 12751: 12747: 12740: 12736: 12726: 12724: 12708: 12707: 12703: 12696: 12682: 12678: 12668: 12666: 12657: 12656: 12652: 12642: 12640: 12633: 12629: 12619: 12617: 12606: 12602: 12593: 12589: 12582: 12566: 12562: 12554: 12550: 12542: 12538: 12530: 12523: 12515: 12511: 12501: 12499: 12492: 12488: 12481: 12465: 12461: 12451: 12449: 12438: 12434: 12424: 12422: 12412: 12408: 12398: 12396: 12386: 12382: 12367: 12363: 12353: 12351: 12342: 12341: 12337: 12323: 12319: 12314: 12310: 12302: 12298: 12290: 12283: 12273: 12271: 12256: 12249: 12241: 12234: 12229: 12225: 12217: 12206: 12193: 12192: 12188: 12179: 12175: 12166: 12162: 12153: 12149: 12141:Rashid, Ahmed, 12140: 12136: 12114: 12105: 12092: 12090: 12080: 12076: 12066: 12064: 12063:on 24 June 2011 12057:The Independent 12049: 12045: 12035: 12033: 12020: 12019: 12015: 12003: 12002: 11993: 11992: 11980: 11964: 11957: 11918: 11914: 11904: 11902: 11893: 11892: 11888: 11875: 11874: 11870: 11839: 11835: 11822: 11818: 11811: 11795: 11791: 11784: 11780: 11773: 11757: 11753: 11742: 11738: 11727: 11720: 11709: 11705: 11693: 11689: 11688: 11684: 11680:Claude Malhuret 11678:Wayback Machine 11669: 11665: 11657: 11653: 11645: 11641: 11630: 11626: 11615: 11611: 11595: 11594: 11590: 11576: 11572: 11563: 11559: 11550: 11546: 11538: 11531: 11526: 11522: 11512: 11510: 11502: 11501: 11492: 11473: 11469: 11450: 11423: 11413: 11411: 11404:The Kabul Times 11398: 11397: 11393: 11383: 11381: 11370: 11366: 11357: 11353: 11335: 11331: 11322: 11321: 11317: 11306: 11302: 11291: 11287: 11277: 11275: 11271: 11270: 11266: 11259: 11240: 11236: 11231: 11224: 11217: 11198: 11194: 11187: 11170: 11166: 11150: 11149: 11145: 11131: 11127: 11117: 11115: 11111: 11105: 11101: 11064: 11057: 11047: 11045: 11035: 11031: 11021: 11019: 11009:Washington Post 11001: 10997: 10987: 10985: 10975: 10971: 10962: 10961: 10957: 10949: 10945: 10932: 10931: 10927: 10911: 10910: 10906: 10892: 10883: 10870: 10869: 10862: 10852: 10850: 10846: 10838: 10829: 10819: 10817: 10809: 10808: 10804: 10791: 10784: 10777: 10752: 10748: 10735: 10731: 10723: 10716: 10712: 10711: 10707: 10700: 10678: 10674: 10663: 10656: 10643: 10639: 10632: 10613: 10609: 10601: 10594: 10586: 10582: 10574: 10567: 10557: 10555: 10548: 10544: 10537: 10518: 10514: 10506: 10491: 10483: 10476: 10466: 10464: 10463:on 7 March 2016 10460: 10453: 10449: 10448: 10444: 10419: 10415: 10402: 10401: 10397: 10385: 10378: 10364: 10335: 10328: 10321: 10303: 10296: 10288: 10284: 10273: 10269: 10262: 10236: 10232: 10197: 10193: 10185: 10181: 10171: 10169: 10162: 10158: 10151: 10130: 10123: 10116: 10095: 10091: 10084: 10068: 10064: 10054: 10052: 10047: 10046: 10042: 10035: 10019: 10015: 10008: 9989: 9985: 9977: 9970: 9969: 9965: 9957: 9953: 9946: 9930: 9926: 9917: 9913: 9905: 9901: 9891: 9889: 9884: 9883: 9879: 9868: 9864: 9849: 9845: 9836: 9835: 9831: 9824: 9800: 9796: 9789: 9781:. p. 121. 9771: 9767: 9760: 9752:. p. 134. 9742: 9738: 9729: 9728: 9724: 9717: 9709:. p. 253. 9699: 9695: 9688: 9662: 9658: 9650: 9646: 9636: 9634: 9625: 9624: 9620: 9610: 9608: 9601: 9597: 9596: 9587: 9580: 9561: 9557: 9544: 9543: 9536: 9528: 9519: 9508: 9501: 9493: 9489: 9479: 9477: 9470: 9464: 9460: 9445: 9431: 9427: 9420: 9404: 9400: 9389: 9385: 9354: 9350: 9339: 9335: 9326: 9325: 9310: 9302: 9289: 9282: 9266: 9262: 9255: 9239: 9232: 9193: 9186: 9167: 9158: 9151: 9135: 9126: 9119: 9103: 9099: 9088: 9081: 9074: 9058: 9054: 9047: 9039:. Hachette UK. 9031: 9020: 9011: 9002: 8995: 8979: 8966: 8959: 8943: 8939: 8932: 8916: 8907: 8900: 8884: 8880: 8873: 8857: 8853: 8840: 8839: 8835: 8828: 8809: 8805: 8795: 8793: 8777: 8776: 8772: 8727: 8723: 8713: 8711: 8701: 8697: 8687: 8685: 8677: 8676: 8672: 8664: 8657: 8650: 8634: 8621: 8614: 8598: 8594: 8581: 8577: 8568: 8564: 8551: 8550: 8546: 8536: 8534: 8530: 8523: 8519: 8518: 8514: 8504: 8502: 8494: 8493: 8489: 8479: 8477: 8467: 8463: 8447: 8443: 8435: 8431: 8423: 8414: 8406: 8395: 8354: 8350: 8337: 8336: 8332: 8322: 8320: 8310: 8306: 8301: 8297: 8289: 8285: 8277: 8270: 8262: 8253: 8235: 8228: 8220: 8203: 8193: 8191: 8182: 8181: 8177: 8167: 8165: 8156: 8155: 8151: 8141: 8139: 8128: 8124: 8114: 8112: 8105: 8101: 8085: 8084: 8077: 8063: 8059: 8051: 8044: 8036: 8032: 8027: 8023: 8013: 8011: 8007: 7993:10.2307/2657738 7976: 7970: 7963: 7957: 7941: 7937: 7927: 7925: 7915: 7906: 7900: 7897:Wayback Machine 7888: 7884: 7878: 7874:Krasnaya Zvezda 7869:Wayback Machine 7860: 7856: 7848: 7844: 7836: 7829: 7821: 7814: 7806: 7799: 7791: 7784: 7770: 7769: 7765: 7761: 7756: 7755: 7730: 7726: 7721: 7710: 7703: 7696: 7691: 7689: 7682: 7677: 7675: 7667:. In 2001, the 7648: 7629: 7613: 7589: 7534: 7498: 7483:Chicago Tribune 7477: 7458:1990s civil war 7447:in Kabul (2007) 7437: 7425: 7419: 7381: 7371: 7313: 7295: 7252:Osama bin Laden 7245:Salafi jihadism 7135:Salafi jihadism 7131:Political Islam 7099:Osama bin Laden 7095: 7085: 7072: 7070:Salafi jihadism 7058: 7029:Andrey Karaulov 6945:Bagram Airfield 6929: 6927:Afghan conflict 6921:Main articles: 6919: 6899:Hungary in 1956 6887:Vladislav Zubok 6869: 6861:Main articles: 6859: 6854: 6810: 6782: 6780: 6770: 6768: 6752: 6750: 6734: 6732: 6716: 6714: 6698: 6696: 6640: 6634:Afghan refugees 6632:Main articles: 6630: 6450: 6378:Internal Troops 6343: 6326: 6306: 6300: 6288:Jamiat-e Islami 6253: 6247: 6219: 6213: 6186: 6180: 6143: 6137: 6118:Director of CIA 6114: 6108: 6103: 6028: 6022: 6001: 5993:electric shocks 5981: 5965: 5937:Soviet airforce 5899: 5890: 5861: 5855:Kunduz massacre 5839:Rauzdi massacre 5835: 5806:Nake M. Kamrany 5802:Soviet military 5790:Yale Law School 5786:Paul R. Bartrop 5753: 5747: 5688: 5679: 5673: 5668: 5662: 5645: 5639: 5609: 5473: 5467: 5446: 5440: 5428:Operation Arrow 5400: 5327: 5319:Reagan Doctrine 5271: 5232:Khurshid Kasuri 5213: 5208: 5199: 5177:Reader's Digest 5159: 5148: 5123:Director of CIA 5119: 5113: 5088:communist party 5038:, knocking out 4952:Panjshir valley 4889:Osama bin Laden 4837: 4831: 4808: 4763:Arab mujahideen 4759:Osama bin Laden 4736: 4733:defector, 1982 4681:Panjshir Valley 4633: 4627: 4622: 4601:active measures 4577:3 Hoot uprising 4553: 4469: 4463: 4438: 4410:Ba'athist Syria 4383: 4380: 4334: 4314:Shahnawaz Tanai 4231:, announced on 4128:Leonid Brezhnev 4121: 4107: 4085:Nikolai Ogarkov 4057:Leonid Brezhnev 3989:Vasily Zaplatin 3941:Boris Ponomarev 3923:Hafizullah Amin 3915: 3911: 3856:Hafizullah Amin 3836: 3830: 3808: 3803:representative 3791:(CIA) official 3757: 3695: 3689: 3668: 3661: 3613:Leonid Brezhnev 3592: 3588: 3567: 3536: 3525: 3498:Hafizullah Amin 3490: 3485:1978 April coup 3478: 3470: 3464: 3386: 3384:Saur Revolution 3380: 3341:Panjshir valley 3337:Jamiat-e Islami 3266: 3260: 3244:Bajaur District 3212: 3206: 3141:Mortimer Durand 3137:Pamir Mountains 3133: 3127: 3087:Afghan politics 3079: 3069:Bagram Airfield 3049: 2934: 2925: 2914: 2908: 2905: 2891:Please help by 2890: 2881: 2877: 2866: 2828: 2826: 2809: 2808: 2807: 2730: 2722: 2721: 2720: 2650: 2642: 2641: 2633: 2628:Islamic Emirate 2568:Islamic Emirate 2528:Saur Revolution 2401: 2393: 2392: 2323:Mongol Invasion 2297:before 879–1215 2156: 2148: 2147: 2089:Sasanian Empire 2073:135 BC – 248 AD 2039:Parthian Empire 2009:Seleucid Empire 1942: 1913: 1906: 1895: 1878: 1855:Афганская вайна 1839:Афганская война 1826:dar Afghanestan 1785: 1738:Leonid Brezhnev 1647: 1646: 1645: 1640: 1572: 1568:Afghan conflict 1567: 1565: 1563: 1533: 1528: 1505: 1372: 1367: 1365: 1363: 1329: 1324: 1319: 1317: 1316: 1310: 1308: 1306: 1276: 1275: 1274: 1250: 1248: 1247: 1244: 1226: 1224: 1223: 1217: 1200: 1198: 1197: 1162: 1138: 1136: 1135: 1122: 1108: 1106: 1103: 1089: 1087: 1086: 1072: 1070: 1060: 1050: 1048: 1038: 1036: 1025: 1023: 1012: 1010: 999: 997: 994: 993: 985: 957: 956: 948: 927: 926: 918: 886: 884: 871: 870: 864:Shia Mujahideen 862: 852:Haqqani Network 846: 844: 829: 814: 812: 792: 790: 780: 778: 769:Jamiat-e Islami 763: 761: 758: 757: 747: 738:Fidayan-i Islam 719: 718: 717:Paramilitaries: 713: 671: 669: 665: 615: 613: 603: 599:Bashir Baghlani 582: 581: 563: 562: 555:Abuzar Ghaznavi 546:Assef Kandahari 531:Shia Mujahideen 528: 527: 508:Osama bin Laden 417: 383:Shahnawaz Tanai 352: 350: 348: 271:Leonid Brezhnev 259: 257: 238: 236: 235: 227: 225: 213: 211: 209: 200: 198: 176: 165: 152: 134: 128: 117:Afghan conflict 93: 87: 84: 65: 48: 44: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 26198: 26188: 26187: 26182: 26177: 26172: 26167: 26162: 26157: 26152: 26147: 26142: 26137: 26132: 26127: 26122: 26117: 26112: 26107: 26102: 26097: 26092: 26087: 26082: 26077: 26072: 26067: 26062: 26057: 26040: 26039: 26037: 26036: 26026: 26011: 26008: 26007: 26004: 26003: 26001: 26000: 25995: 25994: 25993: 25983: 25982: 25981: 25971: 25970: 25969: 25958: 25956: 25952: 25951: 25949: 25948: 25947: 25946: 25934: 25932: 25926: 25925: 25923: 25922: 25917: 25912: 25907: 25902: 25897: 25892: 25887: 25886: 25885: 25875: 25870: 25865: 25860: 25854: 25852: 25846: 25845: 25843: 25842: 25837: 25832: 25831: 25830: 25825: 25815: 25810: 25805: 25804: 25803: 25798: 25793: 25783: 25778: 25772: 25766: 25760: 25759: 25757: 25756: 25755: 25754: 25744: 25739: 25734: 25729: 25724: 25719: 25713: 25711: 25705: 25704: 25702: 25701: 25700: 25699: 25694: 25692:Rail transport 25689: 25687:Railway system 25679: 25671: 25666: 25661: 25656: 25651: 25646: 25641: 25636: 25631: 25626: 25620: 25618: 25612: 25611: 25608: 25607: 25605: 25604: 25599: 25594: 25589: 25583: 25581: 25575: 25574: 25572: 25571: 25566: 25561: 25560: 25559: 25549: 25544: 25539: 25534: 25529: 25523: 25521: 25515: 25514: 25512: 25511: 25510: 25509: 25483: 25482: 25481: 25476: 25466: 25461: 25460: 25459: 25449: 25448: 25447: 25437: 25432: 25426: 25424: 25418: 25417: 25415: 25414: 25409: 25407:Deputy Premier 25404: 25399: 25398: 25397: 25390:Heads of state 25386: 25384: 25380: 25379: 25377: 25376: 25375: 25374: 25364: 25358: 25355:Supreme Soviet 25352: 25346: 25345: 25344: 25339: 25338: 25337: 25332: 25322: 25317: 25306: 25304: 25300: 25299: 25297: 25296: 25291: 25290: 25289: 25284: 25279: 25272:State ideology 25269: 25264: 25259: 25254: 25253: 25252: 25242: 25237: 25232: 25231: 25230: 25220: 25219: 25218: 25208: 25203: 25202: 25201: 25191: 25186: 25185: 25184: 25179: 25168: 25166: 25159: 25153: 25152: 25149: 25148: 25146: 25145: 25140: 25138:Ural Mountains 25135: 25130: 25128:North Caucasus 25125: 25120: 25115: 25109: 25107: 25103: 25102: 25100: 25099: 25094: 25089: 25088: 25087: 25077: 25072: 25071: 25070: 25059: 25057: 25048: 25042: 25041: 25039: 25038: 25033: 25028: 25023: 25018: 25013: 25008: 25003: 24998: 24993: 24988: 24983: 24978: 24973: 24972: 24971: 24966: 24955: 24950: 24945: 24940: 24935: 24930: 24925: 24924: 24923: 24918: 24908: 24902: 24900: 24894: 24893: 24885: 24884: 24877: 24870: 24862: 24853: 24852: 24850: 24849: 24843: 24841: 24837: 24836: 24834: 24833: 24828: 24823: 24821:Post-communism 24818: 24813: 24808: 24803: 24798: 24793: 24788: 24783: 24777: 24775: 24771: 24770: 24768: 24767: 24762: 24757: 24752: 24747: 24742: 24737: 24732: 24727: 24722: 24717: 24712: 24707: 24702: 24697: 24692: 24687: 24682: 24677: 24672: 24667: 24662: 24657: 24652: 24647: 24642: 24637: 24632: 24627: 24621: 24619: 24613: 24612: 24609: 24608: 24606: 24605: 24600: 24595: 24590: 24585: 24580: 24575: 24570: 24565: 24560: 24555: 24550: 24544: 24542: 24538: 24537: 24535: 24534: 24529: 24524: 24519: 24514: 24509: 24504: 24499: 24494: 24489: 24484: 24479: 24474: 24469: 24464: 24459: 24453: 24451: 24447: 24446: 24444: 24443: 24438: 24433: 24428: 24423: 24418: 24413: 24411:Czechoslovakia 24408: 24403: 24397: 24395: 24394:Eastern Europe 24386: 24380: 24379: 24377: 24376: 24371: 24366: 24361: 24356: 24351: 24346: 24341: 24336: 24331: 24326: 24321: 24316: 24311: 24306: 24301: 24296: 24291: 24286: 24281: 24276: 24270: 24268: 24262: 24261: 24259: 24258: 24253: 24248: 24243: 24241:Isaias Afwerki 24238: 24233: 24228: 24223: 24221:Zianon Pazniak 24218: 24213: 24208: 24203: 24198: 24193: 24188: 24183: 24178: 24173: 24168: 24163: 24158: 24153: 24148: 24143: 24138: 24132: 24130: 24124: 24123: 24121: 24120: 24115: 24110: 24105: 24100: 24095: 24090: 24085: 24079: 24077: 24071: 24070: 24068: 24067: 24062: 24057: 24052: 24047: 24042: 24037: 24032: 24027: 24022: 24017: 24012: 24007: 24002: 24000:Erich Honecker 23997: 23992: 23987: 23982: 23976: 23974: 23968: 23967: 23965: 23964: 23959: 23954: 23949: 23944: 23943: 23942: 23937: 23932: 23927: 23922: 23912: 23906: 23904: 23900: 23899: 23897: 23896: 23891: 23886: 23881: 23876: 23871: 23866: 23861: 23856: 23851: 23845: 23843: 23837: 23836: 23834: 23833: 23828: 23823: 23818: 23813: 23808: 23803: 23798: 23793: 23788: 23783: 23781:Anti-communism 23778: 23773: 23767: 23765: 23759: 23758: 23751: 23750: 23743: 23736: 23728: 23719: 23718: 23715: 23714: 23712: 23711: 23706: 23701: 23696: 23690: 23688: 23682: 23681: 23679: 23678: 23673: 23671:Food Programme 23668: 23663: 23658: 23653: 23647: 23645: 23638: 23634: 23633: 23631: 23630: 23625: 23623:Tikhonov's 1st 23620: 23615: 23610: 23605: 23600: 23594: 23592: 23586: 23585: 23583: 23582: 23577: 23572: 23566: 23561: 23550: 23548: 23542: 23541: 23539: 23534: 23529: 23524: 23519: 23514: 23509: 23504: 23499: 23494: 23489: 23484: 23479: 23474: 23469: 23464: 23459: 23454: 23449: 23444: 23439: 23434: 23429: 23424: 23419: 23414: 23409: 23404: 23399: 23394: 23389: 23384: 23379: 23374: 23369: 23364: 23359: 23354: 23349: 23344: 23342: 23341: 23340: 23335: 23330: 23325: 23320: 23310: 23309: 23307: 23306: 23301: 23296: 23291: 23289:Able Archer 83 23286: 23281: 23276: 23270: 23268: 23262: 23261: 23259: 23258: 23253: 23248: 23246:Exercise Zapad 23243: 23238: 23233: 23228: 23223: 23218: 23213: 23208: 23203: 23198: 23196:Fall of Saigon 23193: 23188: 23183: 23178: 23173: 23168: 23163: 23158: 23153: 23148: 23143: 23137: 23135: 23129: 23128: 23121: 23120: 23113: 23106: 23098: 23089: 23088: 23078: 23075: 23074: 23072: 23071: 23066: 23059: 23052: 23046: 23044: 23040: 23039: 23032: 23030: 23028: 23027: 23022: 23021: 23020: 23015: 23005: 23000: 22999: 22998: 22986: 22981: 22980: 22979: 22977:Transcarpathia 22972:Czechoslovakia 22969: 22962: 22957: 22956: 22955: 22950: 22945: 22935: 22927: 22925: 22921: 22920: 22913: 22912: 22905: 22898: 22890: 22881: 22880: 22878: 22877: 22872: 22867: 22861: 22858: 22857: 22855: 22854: 22849: 22844: 22839: 22834: 22829: 22824: 22819: 22813: 22811: 22807: 22806: 22804: 22803: 22798: 22793: 22788: 22783: 22778: 22773: 22768: 22763: 22758: 22753: 22748: 22743: 22737: 22735: 22729: 22728: 22726: 22725: 22720: 22715: 22710: 22705: 22700: 22695: 22690: 22685: 22680: 22675: 22673:Timothy Snyder 22670: 22665: 22660: 22655: 22650: 22645: 22640: 22635: 22630: 22625: 22620: 22615: 22610: 22605: 22603:Vojtech Mastny 22600: 22598:Geir Lundestad 22595: 22590: 22588:Walter Laqueur 22585: 22583:Walter LaFeber 22580: 22575: 22570: 22565: 22560: 22555: 22550: 22545: 22540: 22535: 22530: 22525: 22520: 22515: 22513:André Fontaine 22510: 22505: 22500: 22495: 22490: 22485: 22480: 22475: 22470: 22465: 22460: 22455: 22450: 22445: 22443:Gar Alperovitz 22439: 22437: 22433: 22432: 22430: 22429: 22424: 22419: 22413: 22411: 22405: 22404: 22401: 22400: 22398: 22397: 22392: 22386: 22385: 22380: 22373: 22368: 22360: 22358: 22354: 22353: 22351: 22350: 22343: 22338: 22331: 22324: 22319: 22312: 22305: 22298: 22292: 22290: 22283: 22279: 22278: 22276: 22275: 22270: 22265: 22260: 22255: 22250: 22245: 22240: 22235: 22230: 22225: 22219: 22217: 22213: 22212: 22209: 22208: 22206: 22205: 22200: 22195: 22190: 22185: 22183:Third-Worldism 22180: 22175: 22170: 22165: 22160: 22155: 22150: 22145: 22140: 22135: 22130: 22125: 22120: 22115: 22110: 22105: 22100: 22095: 22090: 22084: 22082: 22078: 22077: 22075: 22074: 22069: 22064: 22059: 22054: 22049: 22042: 22037: 22032: 22027: 22022: 22017: 22011: 22009: 22003: 22002: 22000: 21999: 21994: 21989: 21984: 21979: 21974: 21972:Libertarianism 21969: 21964: 21963: 21962: 21952: 21950:Chicago school 21947: 21941: 21939: 21930: 21926: 21925: 21923: 21922: 21917: 21912: 21907: 21902: 21897: 21895:Nixon Doctrine 21892: 21887: 21882: 21877: 21872: 21867: 21862: 21857: 21852: 21847: 21841: 21839: 21838:Foreign policy 21835: 21834: 21832: 21831: 21826: 21821: 21816: 21811: 21806: 21801: 21796: 21790: 21788: 21782: 21781: 21779: 21778: 21773: 21772: 21771: 21761: 21756: 21751: 21746: 21741: 21736: 21731: 21726: 21720: 21718: 21714: 21713: 21711: 21710: 21705: 21700: 21695: 21690: 21685: 21680: 21675: 21670: 21665: 21660: 21655: 21650: 21645: 21640: 21635: 21630: 21625: 21623:Operation RYAN 21620: 21615: 21610: 21600: 21595: 21590: 21585: 21580: 21575: 21570: 21565: 21560: 21555: 21550: 21545: 21540: 21535: 21530: 21528:Able Archer 83 21525: 21520: 21515: 21510: 21505: 21500: 21495: 21490: 21485: 21480: 21475: 21474: 21473: 21463: 21458: 21453: 21444: 21439: 21433: 21431: 21427: 21426: 21424: 21423: 21418: 21413: 21408: 21403: 21398: 21393: 21388: 21383: 21378: 21373: 21368: 21363: 21358: 21353: 21348: 21343: 21338: 21333: 21325: 21320: 21315: 21310: 21305: 21300: 21295: 21290: 21285: 21280: 21278:Oromo conflict 21275: 21270: 21265: 21260: 21255: 21250: 21245: 21240: 21235: 21230: 21225: 21220: 21218:Yom Kippur War 21215: 21210: 21205: 21200: 21195: 21190: 21185: 21180: 21175: 21170: 21165: 21160: 21155: 21150: 21145: 21140: 21135: 21128: 21123: 21118: 21113: 21108: 21103: 21098: 21093: 21088: 21083: 21077: 21075: 21071: 21070: 21068: 21067: 21062: 21057: 21052: 21047: 21042: 21041: 21040: 21030: 21025: 21020: 21015: 21010: 21001: 20996: 20995: 20994: 20984: 20979: 20974: 20969: 20964: 20959: 20954: 20949: 20944: 20939: 20934: 20929: 20924: 20919: 20914: 20909: 20904: 20899: 20894: 20889: 20884: 20879: 20874: 20873: 20872: 20862: 20857: 20852: 20850:Aden Emergency 20847: 20842: 20837: 20832: 20827: 20822: 20817: 20812: 20807: 20802: 20801: 20800: 20795: 20790: 20780: 20775: 20770: 20768:Papua conflict 20765: 20760: 20755: 20750: 20749: 20748: 20738: 20737: 20736: 20726: 20721: 20716: 20711: 20706: 20700: 20698: 20694: 20693: 20691: 20690: 20685: 20684: 20683: 20673: 20671:Kitchen Debate 20668: 20663: 20658: 20653: 20648: 20643: 20638: 20633: 20631:Sputnik crisis 20628: 20623: 20615: 20608: 20603: 20601:Polish October 20598: 20593: 20588: 20581: 20576: 20571: 20566: 20561: 20556: 20551: 20546: 20541: 20533: 20528: 20523: 20518: 20513: 20508: 20503: 20501:Pact of Madrid 20498: 20493: 20488: 20483: 20478: 20473: 20468: 20463: 20458: 20456:Bamboo Curtain 20452: 20450: 20446: 20445: 20443: 20442: 20437: 20432: 20427: 20426: 20425: 20415: 20410: 20405: 20400: 20395: 20390: 20385: 20380: 20375: 20370: 20365: 20360: 20355: 20350: 20349: 20348: 20343: 20338: 20328: 20323: 20318: 20313: 20308: 20303: 20298: 20293: 20288: 20283: 20278: 20273: 20268: 20263: 20255: 20247: 20239: 20234: 20229: 20224: 20216: 20211: 20210: 20209: 20204: 20196: 20183: 20178: 20173: 20168: 20162: 20160: 20156: 20155: 20153: 20152: 20147: 20142: 20137: 20132: 20127: 20122: 20117: 20112: 20105: 20097: 20094: 20093: 20086: 20085: 20078: 20071: 20063: 20054: 20053: 20051: 20050: 20045: 20040: 20035: 20033:Russian Winter 20029: 20026: 20025: 20023: 20022: 20017: 20012: 20007: 20002: 20001: 20000: 19995: 19990: 19985: 19975: 19969: 19967: 19961: 19960: 19958: 19957: 19952: 19947: 19942: 19937: 19932: 19927: 19922: 19917: 19912: 19907: 19902: 19897: 19892: 19887: 19882: 19877: 19872: 19867: 19862: 19860:Vlora incident 19857: 19852: 19847: 19842: 19837: 19832: 19827: 19822: 19817: 19812: 19811: 19810: 19805: 19800: 19799: 19798: 19788: 19783: 19778: 19773: 19772: 19771: 19761: 19756: 19746: 19741: 19736: 19731: 19719: 19714: 19709: 19704: 19699: 19694: 19689: 19688: 19687: 19682: 19677: 19672: 19667: 19662: 19657: 19652: 19651: 19650: 19645: 19640: 19630: 19625: 19623:Sochi conflict 19620: 19615: 19610: 19609: 19608: 19593: 19592: 19591: 19581: 19576: 19570: 19568: 19562: 19561: 19559: 19558: 19557: 19556: 19546: 19541: 19540: 19539: 19534: 19524: 19519: 19514: 19513: 19512: 19502: 19497: 19492: 19487: 19482: 19481: 19480: 19475: 19465: 19460: 19455: 19450: 19445: 19440: 19435: 19430: 19425: 19420: 19415: 19410: 19405: 19400: 19395: 19390: 19385: 19380: 19375: 19370: 19365: 19360: 19355: 19349: 19344: 19338: 19333: 19328: 19322: 19320: 19314: 19313: 19311: 19310: 19305: 19300: 19295: 19290: 19285: 19280: 19275: 19270: 19265: 19256: 19251: 19246: 19241: 19236: 19231: 19226: 19220: 19218: 19212: 19211: 19209: 19208: 19203: 19198: 19193: 19188: 19183: 19178: 19173: 19168: 19163: 19158: 19153: 19148: 19143: 19137: 19135: 19131: 19130: 19127: 19126: 19124: 19123: 19118: 19117: 19116: 19106: 19101: 19096: 19091: 19086: 19081: 19076: 19071: 19066: 19061: 19055: 19053: 19049: 19048: 19046: 19045: 19040: 19035: 19030: 19025: 19020: 19015: 19009: 19003: 18999: 18998: 18977: 18976: 18969: 18962: 18954: 18945: 18944: 18942: 18941: 18936: 18931: 18926: 18921: 18916: 18911: 18906: 18901: 18896: 18891: 18886: 18881: 18876: 18874:Vlora Incident 18871: 18866: 18861: 18856: 18851: 18846: 18841: 18836: 18831: 18826: 18825: 18824: 18819: 18814: 18813: 18812: 18802: 18797: 18792: 18787: 18786: 18785: 18775: 18770: 18760: 18755: 18750: 18745: 18733: 18728: 18723: 18718: 18713: 18708: 18703: 18702: 18701: 18696: 18691: 18686: 18681: 18676: 18671: 18666: 18665: 18664: 18659: 18654: 18644: 18639: 18637:Sochi conflict 18634: 18629: 18624: 18623: 18622: 18606: 18604: 18600: 18599: 18591: 18590: 18583: 18576: 18568: 18559: 18558: 18556: 18555: 18545: 18535: 18520: 18517: 18516: 18514: 18513: 18506: 18499: 18492: 18489:Peshavar Waltz 18485: 18478: 18471: 18464: 18457: 18450: 18443: 18440:All Costs Paid 18436: 18429: 18422: 18415: 18407: 18405: 18401: 18400: 18398: 18397: 18392: 18387: 18382: 18376: 18374: 18373:Related topics 18370: 18369: 18367: 18366: 18361: 18355: 18353: 18349: 18348: 18346: 18345: 18340: 18335: 18330: 18325: 18320: 18318:Battle of Jaji 18315: 18310: 18305: 18300: 18298:Siege of Urgun 18295: 18290: 18288:Siege of Khost 18285: 18279: 18277: 18273: 18272: 18270: 18269: 18264: 18259: 18254: 18249: 18244: 18239: 18234: 18229: 18224: 18219: 18213: 18211: 18210:Events by year 18207: 18206: 18203: 18202: 18200: 18199: 18194: 18189: 18184: 18179: 18174: 18169: 18163: 18161: 18157: 18156: 18154: 18153: 18148: 18143: 18138: 18133: 18128: 18123: 18117: 18115: 18108: 18104: 18103: 18100: 18099: 18097: 18096: 18091: 18086: 18081: 18080: 18079: 18069: 18068: 18067: 18057: 18051: 18049: 18045: 18044: 18042: 18041: 18036: 18030: 18028: 18021: 18017: 18016: 18014: 18013: 18002: 17999: 17998: 17991: 17990: 17983: 17976: 17968: 17961: 17960:External links 17958: 17957: 17956: 17917: 17914: 17912: 17911: 17897: 17880: 17870: 17866:(2018): 134+. 17860: 17846: 17829: 17826: 17825: 17824: 17818: 17805: 17799: 17779: 17773: 17760: 17754: 17741: 17727: 17712: 17706: 17685: 17679: 17662: 17656: 17641: 17627: 17610: 17596: 17578: 17563: 17548: 17542: 17524: 17518: 17503: 17489: 17474: 17468: 17455: 17441: 17428: 17414: 17399: 17385: 17370: 17364: 17351: 17345: 17328: 17314: 17300:Dower, John W. 17296: 17290: 17275: 17269: 17254: 17248: 17231: 17225: 17211: 17210: 17204: 17189: 17175: 17162: 17133: 17109: 17103: 17087: 17073: 17058: 17044: 17030:Totten, Samuel 17022: 17016: 17003: 16989: 16973: 16971: 16968: 16966: 16965: 16947: 16917: 16887: 16873: 16857: 16839: 16815: 16790: 16779:on 8 June 2011 16760: 16746: 16720: 16702: 16686:Belarus Digest 16668: 16650: 16630: 16614: 16596:(3): 329–345, 16576: 16560: 16553: 16522: 16500: 16478: 16471: 16445: 16438: 16412: 16401: 16375: 16363: 16306: 16304:, p. 276. 16294: 16268: 16256: 16241: 16229: 16227:, p. 147. 16217: 16186: 16179: 16153: 16151:, p. 145. 16141: 16131: 16104: 16102:, p. 142. 16087: 16060: 16058:, p. 137. 16043: 16031: 16024: 16005: 15986: 15964: 15957: 15937: 15919: 15899: 15880:(2): 189–196. 15864: 15846: 15843:. 30 May 2020. 15829: 15822: 15797: 15773: 15766: 15745: 15738: 15717: 15710: 15672: 15665: 15645: 15630: 15593: 15586: 15563: 15556: 15533: 15514: 15488:(4): 693–708. 15462: 15436: 15412: 15410:, p. 224. 15400: 15374: 15351: 15333: 15310: 15284: 15258: 15236: 15214: 15209:New York Times 15196: 15189: 15169: 15157: 15135: 15109: 15079: 15066: 15053: 15040: 14988: 14966: 14944: 14923: 14921:, p. 188. 14911: 14904: 14884: 14871: 14858: 14832: 14799: 14786: 14765:(2): 179–196. 14740: 14702: 14690: 14671:(3): 101–126. 14646: 14637: 14628: 14619: 14617:Rudolph Rummel 14607: 14582: 14563: 14544: 14537: 14519: 14510: 14490: 14472: 14460: 14445: 14431: 14406: 14385: 14378: 14358: 14356:, p. 139. 14346: 14332: 14306: 14280: 14268: 14208: 14195:FOREIGN POLICY 14181: 14174: 14168:. p. 59. 14147: 14143:Milton Bearden 14134: 14132:, p. 143. 14119: 14112: 14092: 14066: 14041: 14015: 14009: 13979: 13943: 13917: 13877: 13858: 13840: 13814: 13788: 13777:(3): 267–272. 13761: 13759:, p. 131. 13749: 13737: 13720: 13691: 13680: 13663: 13645: 13619: 13593: 13575: 13548: 13521: 13473: 13448: 13436: 13400: 13385: 13359: 13352: 13329: 13288: 13242: 13235: 13215: 13200: 13172: 13145: 13118: 13104: 13097: 13072: 13065: 13036: 13027: 13001: 12976: 12946: 12921: 12888: 12875: 12862: 12853: 12850:. 24 May 2023. 12832: 12829:. 7 June 2023. 12811: 12809:, p. 132. 12799: 12784: 12782:, p. 127. 12772: 12757: 12755:, p. 335. 12745: 12734: 12701: 12694: 12676: 12650: 12627: 12608:Sherk, James. 12600: 12587: 12580: 12560: 12548: 12536: 12521: 12519:, p. 120. 12509: 12486: 12479: 12459: 12432: 12406: 12380: 12361: 12350:. 3 April 1980 12335: 12330:Holy War, Inc. 12317: 12308: 12296: 12281: 12247: 12245:, p. 104. 12232: 12223: 12204: 12186: 12180:Akram, Assen, 12173: 12160: 12147: 12134: 12103: 12074: 12043: 12013: 12004:|journal= 11978: 11955: 11912: 11886: 11868: 11849:(1): 129–151. 11833: 11816: 11809: 11789: 11778: 11771: 11751: 11736: 11718: 11703: 11682: 11663: 11661:, p. 144. 11651: 11639: 11624: 11621:. p. 191. 11609: 11588: 11570: 11557: 11544: 11542:, p. 127. 11529: 11520: 11490: 11467: 11421: 11391: 11364: 11351: 11348:. p. 118. 11329: 11315: 11300: 11285: 11264: 11257: 11234: 11222: 11215: 11192: 11185: 11164: 11143: 11125: 11099: 11055: 11029: 10995: 10969: 10955: 10953:, p. 138. 10943: 10925: 10904: 10881: 10860: 10827: 10802: 10782: 10775: 10746: 10729: 10705: 10698: 10672: 10654: 10637: 10630: 10607: 10580: 10565: 10542: 10535: 10512: 10510:, p. 136. 10489: 10487:, p. 122. 10474: 10442: 10439:978-0745319179 10421:John K. Cooley 10413: 10395: 10376: 10362: 10326: 10319: 10294: 10282: 10267: 10260: 10230: 10191: 10179: 10156: 10149: 10121: 10114: 10089: 10082: 10062: 10040: 10033: 10013: 10006: 9983: 9963: 9961:, p. 130. 9951: 9944: 9924: 9911: 9899: 9877: 9862: 9843: 9829: 9822: 9794: 9787: 9765: 9758: 9736: 9722: 9715: 9693: 9686: 9656: 9654:, p. 315. 9644: 9618: 9585: 9578: 9555: 9534: 9532:, p. 115. 9517: 9499: 9487: 9458: 9443: 9425: 9418: 9398: 9383: 9348: 9333: 9308: 9287: 9280: 9260: 9253: 9230: 9184: 9156: 9149: 9124: 9117: 9097: 9079: 9072: 9052: 9045: 9018: 9000: 8993: 8964: 8957: 8937: 8930: 8905: 8898: 8878: 8871: 8851: 8833: 8826: 8803: 8770: 8721: 8695: 8670: 8655: 8648: 8619: 8612: 8592: 8575: 8562: 8544: 8512: 8487: 8461: 8441: 8439:, p. 211. 8429: 8412: 8410:, p. 129. 8393: 8364:(4): 577–599. 8348: 8330: 8304: 8295: 8283: 8281:, p. 115. 8279:Giustozzi 2000 8268: 8266:, p. 271. 8264:Giustozzi 2000 8251: 8238:Peter Beaumont 8226: 8201: 8190:on 25 May 2012 8175: 8149: 8122: 8099: 8075: 8057: 8030: 8021: 7961: 7955: 7935: 7904: 7882: 7854: 7842: 7827: 7825:, p. 189. 7812: 7797: 7795:, p. 190. 7782: 7762: 7760: 7757: 7754: 7753: 7723: 7722: 7720: 7717: 7716: 7715: 7701: 7687: 7647: 7644: 7628: 7625: 7612: 7609: 7588: 7585: 7533: 7530: 7497: 7494: 7476: 7473: 7436: 7433: 7421:Main article: 7418: 7415: 7370: 7367: 7350:Sipah-e-Sahaba 7294: 7291: 7186:. Touring the 7184:Abdullah Azzam 7127:Sipah-e-Sahaba 7082:radicalization 7073: 7057: 7054: 6979:of Pakistan's 6959:Soviet leader 6918: 6915: 6883:Stephen Kotkin 6858: 6855: 6853: 6850: 6834:Durrani Empire 6822:militarization 6809: 6806: 6803: 6802: 6799: 6795: 6794: 6791: 6765: 6764: 6761: 6747: 6746: 6743: 6729: 6728: 6725: 6711: 6710: 6707: 6693: 6692: 6673:European Union 6629: 6626: 6601:and later the 6556:Afghan culture 6525:carpet bombing 6485:Rudolph Rummel 6471:Felix Ermacora 6449: 6446: 6441: 6440: 6437: 6431:artillery guns 6427: 6417: 6411: 6406:(includes 333 6342: 6339: 6325: 6322: 6302:Main article: 6299: 6296: 6249:Main article: 6246: 6243: 6215:Main article: 6212: 6209: 6182:Main article: 6179: 6176: 6162:, and Several 6139:Main article: 6136: 6133: 6110:Main article: 6107: 6104: 6102: 6099: 6048:United Kingdom 6024:Main article: 6021: 6018: 6000: 5997: 5980: 5977: 5964: 5961: 5941:carpet bombing 5921:aerial bombing 5898: 5895: 5889: 5886: 5834: 5831: 5746: 5743: 5716:Charlie Wilson 5687: 5684: 5675:Main article: 5672: 5669: 5661: 5658: 5641:Main article: 5638: 5635: 5634: 5633: 5629: 5625: 5621: 5617: 5608: 5605: 5469:Main article: 5466: 5463: 5450:Geneva Accords 5442:Main article: 5439: 5436: 5432:siege of Khost 5399: 5396: 5326: 5323: 5270: 5267: 5259:Yaqub Ali Khan 5228:Yaqub Ali Khan 5212: 5209: 5207: 5204: 5154:Rob Schultheis 5149: 5147: 5146:Media reaction 5144: 5115:Main article: 5112: 5109: 4833:Main article: 4830: 4827: 4807: 4804: 4772:Mazar-i-Sharif 4714: 4626: 4623: 4621: 4618: 4552: 4549: 4536:resource curse 4503:expansionism. 4462: 4459: 4437: 4434: 4414:Hafez al-Assad 4388:SALT-II treaty 4378: 4333: 4330: 4253:Sergey Sokolov 4192:special forces 4150:Dmitry Ustinov 4117:Main article: 4106: 4103: 4070:Dmitry Ustinov 4062:Andrei Gromyko 3949:Dmitry Ustinov 3903: 3895:Andrei Gromyko 3891:Alexei Kosygin 3829: 3826: 3785:unrest in Iran 3756: 3753: 3737:tribes of the 3727:intelligentsia 3688: 3685: 3673:Czechoslovakia 3659: 3639:Andrei Gromyko 3600:Alexei Kosygin 3596:Herat uprising 3594:Following the 3583: 3566: 3563: 3523: 3487:in Afghanistan 3471: 3463: 3460: 3382:Main article: 3379: 3376: 3363:Smiling Buddha 3315:(ISI) and the 3274:bloodless coup 3259: 3256: 3205: 3202: 3126: 3123: 3048: 3045: 2989:Vladimir Lenin 2973:Amanullah Khan 2942:Russian Empire 2938:British Empire 2933: 2930: 2927: 2926: 2884: 2882: 2875: 2868: 2867: 2865: 2864: 2857: 2850: 2842: 2839: 2838: 2837: 2836: 2824: 2811: 2810: 2806: 2805: 2800: 2798:Jewish history 2795: 2790: 2785: 2784: 2783: 2773: 2768: 2763: 2758: 2753: 2748: 2743: 2738: 2732: 2731: 2729:Related topics 2728: 2727: 2724: 2723: 2719: 2718: 2713: 2708: 2703: 2698: 2693: 2688: 2683: 2678: 2673: 2668: 2663: 2658: 2652: 2651: 2648: 2647: 2644: 2643: 2638: 2637: 2631: 2624: 2623: 2620: 2609: 2608: 2605: 2595: 2594: 2591: 2584: 2583: 2580: 2574: 2573: 2570: 2564: 2563: 2560: 2554: 2553: 2550: 2544: 2543: 2540: 2534: 2533: 2530: 2524: 2523: 2520: 2514: 2513: 2510: 2504: 2503: 2500: 2494: 2493: 2490: 2484: 2483: 2480: 2474: 2473: 2470: 2464: 2463: 2460: 2458:Durrani Empire 2454: 2453: 2450: 2444: 2443: 2440: 2434: 2433: 2430: 2424: 2423: 2420: 2414: 2413: 2410: 2402: 2399: 2398: 2395: 2394: 2389: 2388: 2385: 2379: 2378: 2375: 2369: 2368: 2365: 2359: 2358: 2355: 2349: 2348: 2345: 2339: 2338: 2335: 2329: 2328: 2325: 2319: 2318: 2315: 2309: 2308: 2305: 2299: 2298: 2295: 2289: 2288: 2285: 2279: 2278: 2275: 2269: 2268: 2265: 2259: 2258: 2255: 2249: 2248: 2245: 2239: 2238: 2235: 2229: 2228: 2225: 2219: 2218: 2215: 2209: 2208: 2205: 2203:Tibetan Empire 2199: 2198: 2195: 2189: 2188: 2185: 2179: 2178: 2175: 2169: 2168: 2165: 2157: 2154: 2153: 2150: 2149: 2144: 2143: 2140: 2134: 2133: 2130: 2124: 2123: 2120: 2114: 2113: 2111: 2105: 2104: 2101: 2095: 2094: 2091: 2085: 2084: 2083:20 BC – 50? AD 2081: 2075: 2074: 2071: 2065: 2064: 2061: 2055: 2054: 2051: 2045: 2044: 2041: 2035: 2034: 2031: 2025: 2024: 2021: 2015: 2014: 2011: 2005: 2004: 2001: 1995: 1994: 1991: 1985: 1984: 1981: 1975: 1974: 1971: 1965: 1964: 1961: 1955: 1954: 1951: 1943: 1938: 1937: 1934: 1933: 1927: 1926: 1918: 1917: 1908: 1907: 1900: 1894: 1891: 1784: 1781: 1769:Homeland Party 1726:Alexei Kosygin 1683:United Kingdom 1642: 1641: 1639: 1638: 1633: 1628: 1623: 1618: 1613: 1608: 1603: 1598: 1593: 1588: 1583: 1577: 1574: 1573: 1562: 1561: 1554: 1547: 1539: 1530: 1529: 1527: 1526: 1521: 1516: 1511: 1504: 1503: 1498: 1491: 1490: 1489: 1477: 1472: 1467: 1462: 1457: 1452: 1447: 1442: 1437: 1432: 1427: 1422: 1417: 1412: 1407: 1402: 1397: 1392: 1385: 1377: 1374: 1373: 1362: 1361: 1354: 1347: 1339: 1331: 1330: 1314: 1304: 1298: 1297: 1296:80,775–95,775+ 1292: 1291: 1273: 1272: 1265: 1262: 1258: 1246: 1245: 1243: 1242: 1238: 1234: 1218: 1216: 1215: 1212: 1208: 1196: 1195: 1192: 1189: 1178: 1177:147 tanks lost 1175: 1169: 1166: 1165:53,753 wounded 1163: 1161: 1160: 1157: 1154: 1150: 1146: 1129: 1128: 1124: 1123: 1121: 1120: 1116: 1104: 1102: 1101: 1097: 1085: 1084: 1080: 1067: 1066: 1062: 1061: 1059: 1058: 1046: 1034: 1021: 1008: 991: 990: 989: 984: 983: 978: 976:Settam-e-Melli 973: 968: 963: 954: 953: 952: 947: 946: 940: 934: 924: 923: 922: 917: 916: 913: 910: 907: 904: 899: 894: 882: 868: 867: 866: 861: 860: 854: 842: 832: 827: 822: 810: 800: 788: 776: 771: 755: 754: 753: 748: 746: 745: 740: 735: 730: 725: 716: 715: 714: 712: 711: 710: 709: 699: 689: 666: 664: 663: 662: 661: 651: 641: 631: 623: 610: 609: 608:Units involved 605: 604: 602: 601: 596: 591: 583: 580: 579: 574: 564: 561: 560: 557: 552: 547: 544: 539: 529: 526: 525: 520: 515: 510: 505: 500: 495: 490: 485: 480: 475: 470: 465: 460: 458:Abdullah Azzam 455: 450: 445: 440: 438:Naqib Alikozai 435: 430: 420: 418: 416: 415: 410: 405: 400: 395: 390: 388:Mohammed Rafie 385: 380: 375: 370: 365: 349: 347: 346: 341: 336: 331: 326: 321: 319:Sergey Sokolov 316: 314:Andrei Gromyko 311: 309:Dmitry Ustinov 306: 301: 290: 279: 256: 253: 252: 248: 247: 223: 195: 194: 190: 189: 186: 185: 182: 178: 177: 174: 172: 168: 167: 162: 154: 153: 151: 150: 147:Logar Province 143: 140:Kunar Province 135: 120: 119: 108: 107: 101: 100: 95: 94: 74:it, or adding 51: 49: 42: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 26197: 26186: 26183: 26181: 26178: 26176: 26173: 26171: 26168: 26166: 26163: 26161: 26158: 26156: 26153: 26151: 26148: 26146: 26143: 26141: 26138: 26136: 26133: 26131: 26128: 26126: 26123: 26121: 26118: 26116: 26113: 26111: 26108: 26106: 26103: 26101: 26098: 26096: 26093: 26091: 26088: 26086: 26083: 26081: 26078: 26076: 26073: 26071: 26068: 26066: 26063: 26061: 26058: 26056: 26053: 26052: 26050: 26035: 26027: 26025: 26024: 26013: 26012: 26009: 25999: 25996: 25992: 25989: 25988: 25987: 25984: 25980: 25977: 25976: 25975: 25972: 25968: 25965: 25964: 25963: 25960: 25959: 25957: 25953: 25945: 25942: 25941: 25939: 25936: 25935: 25933: 25931: 25927: 25921: 25918: 25916: 25913: 25911: 25908: 25906: 25903: 25901: 25898: 25896: 25895:Printed media 25893: 25891: 25888: 25884: 25881: 25880: 25879: 25876: 25874: 25871: 25869: 25866: 25864: 25861: 25859: 25856: 25855: 25853: 25851: 25847: 25841: 25838: 25836: 25833: 25829: 25828:Cyrillisation 25826: 25824: 25821: 25820: 25819: 25816: 25814: 25811: 25809: 25806: 25802: 25799: 25797: 25796:Working class 25794: 25792: 25791:Soviet people 25789: 25788: 25787: 25784: 25782: 25779: 25777: 25774: 25773: 25770: 25767: 25765: 25761: 25753: 25750: 25749: 25748: 25745: 25743: 25740: 25738: 25735: 25733: 25730: 25728: 25725: 25723: 25720: 25718: 25715: 25714: 25712: 25710: 25706: 25698: 25695: 25693: 25690: 25688: 25685: 25684: 25683: 25680: 25678: 25672: 25670: 25667: 25665: 25662: 25660: 25657: 25655: 25652: 25650: 25647: 25645: 25642: 25640: 25639:Energy policy 25637: 25635: 25632: 25630: 25627: 25625: 25622: 25621: 25619: 25617: 25613: 25603: 25600: 25598: 25595: 25593: 25590: 25588: 25585: 25584: 25582: 25580: 25576: 25570: 25567: 25565: 25562: 25558: 25555: 25554: 25553: 25550: 25548: 25545: 25543: 25540: 25538: 25535: 25533: 25530: 25528: 25525: 25524: 25522: 25520: 25516: 25508: 25504: 25500: 25496: 25492: 25489: 25488: 25487: 25484: 25480: 25477: 25475: 25472: 25471: 25470: 25467: 25465: 25462: 25458: 25455: 25454: 25453: 25450: 25446: 25443: 25442: 25441: 25438: 25436: 25433: 25431: 25428: 25427: 25425: 25423: 25419: 25413: 25410: 25408: 25405: 25403: 25400: 25396: 25393: 25392: 25391: 25388: 25387: 25385: 25381: 25373: 25370: 25369: 25368: 25367:Supreme Court 25365: 25362: 25359: 25356: 25353: 25350: 25347: 25343: 25340: 25336: 25333: 25331: 25328: 25327: 25326: 25323: 25321: 25318: 25316: 25313: 25312: 25311: 25308: 25307: 25305: 25301: 25295: 25292: 25288: 25285: 25283: 25280: 25278: 25275: 25274: 25273: 25270: 25268: 25265: 25263: 25260: 25258: 25255: 25251: 25248: 25247: 25246: 25243: 25241: 25238: 25236: 25233: 25229: 25226: 25225: 25224: 25221: 25217: 25214: 25213: 25212: 25209: 25207: 25204: 25200: 25197: 25196: 25195: 25192: 25190: 25187: 25183: 25180: 25178: 25175: 25174: 25173: 25170: 25169: 25167: 25163: 25160: 25158: 25154: 25144: 25141: 25139: 25136: 25134: 25131: 25129: 25126: 25124: 25121: 25119: 25116: 25114: 25111: 25110: 25108: 25104: 25098: 25095: 25093: 25090: 25086: 25083: 25082: 25081: 25078: 25076: 25073: 25069: 25066: 25065: 25064: 25061: 25060: 25058: 25056: 25052: 25049: 25047: 25043: 25037: 25034: 25032: 25029: 25027: 25024: 25022: 25019: 25017: 25014: 25012: 25009: 25007: 25004: 25002: 24999: 24997: 24994: 24992: 24989: 24987: 24984: 24982: 24979: 24977: 24974: 24970: 24969:The Holocaust 24967: 24965: 24962: 24961: 24959: 24956: 24954: 24951: 24949: 24946: 24944: 24941: 24939: 24936: 24934: 24931: 24929: 24926: 24922: 24919: 24917: 24914: 24913: 24912: 24909: 24907: 24904: 24903: 24901: 24899: 24895: 24890: 24883: 24878: 24876: 24871: 24869: 24864: 24863: 24860: 24848: 24845: 24844: 24842: 24838: 24832: 24829: 24827: 24826:Yugoslav Wars 24824: 24822: 24819: 24817: 24816:Neo-Stalinism 24814: 24812: 24811:Neo-Sovietism 24809: 24807: 24804: 24802: 24799: 24797: 24794: 24792: 24789: 24787: 24784: 24782: 24779: 24778: 24776: 24772: 24766: 24763: 24761: 24758: 24756: 24753: 24751: 24748: 24746: 24743: 24741: 24738: 24736: 24733: 24731: 24728: 24726: 24723: 24721: 24718: 24716: 24713: 24711: 24708: 24706: 24703: 24701: 24698: 24696: 24695:Black January 24693: 24691: 24688: 24686: 24683: 24681: 24678: 24676: 24673: 24671: 24668: 24666: 24663: 24661: 24658: 24656: 24653: 24651: 24648: 24646: 24643: 24641: 24638: 24636: 24633: 24631: 24628: 24626: 24623: 24622: 24620: 24614: 24604: 24601: 24599: 24596: 24594: 24591: 24589: 24586: 24584: 24581: 24579: 24576: 24574: 24571: 24569: 24566: 24564: 24561: 24559: 24556: 24554: 24551: 24549: 24546: 24545: 24543: 24539: 24533: 24530: 24528: 24525: 24523: 24520: 24518: 24515: 24513: 24510: 24508: 24505: 24503: 24500: 24498: 24495: 24493: 24490: 24488: 24485: 24483: 24480: 24478: 24475: 24473: 24470: 24468: 24465: 24463: 24460: 24458: 24455: 24454: 24452: 24448: 24442: 24439: 24437: 24434: 24432: 24429: 24427: 24424: 24422: 24419: 24417: 24414: 24412: 24409: 24407: 24404: 24402: 24399: 24398: 24396: 24390: 24387: 24381: 24375: 24372: 24370: 24367: 24365: 24362: 24360: 24357: 24355: 24352: 24350: 24347: 24345: 24342: 24340: 24337: 24335: 24332: 24330: 24327: 24325: 24322: 24320: 24317: 24315: 24312: 24310: 24307: 24305: 24302: 24300: 24297: 24295: 24292: 24290: 24287: 24285: 24282: 24280: 24277: 24275: 24272: 24271: 24269: 24263: 24257: 24254: 24252: 24249: 24247: 24246:Ronald Reagan 24244: 24242: 24239: 24237: 24234: 24232: 24229: 24227: 24226:Zhelyu Zhelev 24224: 24222: 24219: 24217: 24214: 24212: 24209: 24207: 24206:Boris Yeltsin 24204: 24202: 24199: 24197: 24194: 24192: 24189: 24187: 24186:Joachim Gauck 24184: 24182: 24179: 24177: 24174: 24172: 24169: 24167: 24164: 24162: 24159: 24157: 24154: 24152: 24149: 24147: 24144: 24142: 24139: 24137: 24134: 24133: 24131: 24125: 24119: 24118:Strike action 24116: 24114: 24111: 24109: 24106: 24104: 24101: 24099: 24096: 24094: 24091: 24089: 24086: 24084: 24081: 24080: 24078: 24072: 24066: 24063: 24061: 24060:Todor Zhivkov 24058: 24056: 24053: 24051: 24050:Deng Xiaoping 24048: 24046: 24043: 24041: 24038: 24036: 24033: 24031: 24028: 24026: 24023: 24021: 24018: 24016: 24013: 24011: 24008: 24006: 24003: 24001: 23998: 23996: 23993: 23991: 23988: 23986: 23983: 23981: 23978: 23977: 23975: 23969: 23963: 23960: 23958: 23955: 23953: 23950: 23948: 23945: 23941: 23938: 23936: 23933: 23931: 23928: 23926: 23923: 23921: 23918: 23917: 23916: 23913: 23911: 23908: 23907: 23905: 23901: 23895: 23892: 23890: 23887: 23885: 23882: 23880: 23879:Soviet Empire 23877: 23875: 23872: 23870: 23867: 23865: 23862: 23860: 23857: 23855: 23852: 23850: 23847: 23846: 23844: 23840:International 23838: 23832: 23829: 23827: 23824: 23822: 23819: 23817: 23814: 23812: 23809: 23807: 23804: 23802: 23799: 23797: 23794: 23792: 23789: 23787: 23784: 23782: 23779: 23777: 23774: 23772: 23769: 23768: 23766: 23760: 23756: 23749: 23744: 23742: 23737: 23735: 23730: 23729: 23726: 23710: 23707: 23705: 23702: 23700: 23697: 23695: 23692: 23691: 23689: 23687: 23683: 23677: 23674: 23672: 23669: 23667: 23664: 23662: 23659: 23657: 23654: 23652: 23649: 23648: 23646: 23642: 23639: 23635: 23629: 23626: 23624: 23621: 23619: 23616: 23614: 23611: 23609: 23606: 23604: 23601: 23599: 23598:Kosygin's 1st 23596: 23595: 23593: 23591: 23587: 23581: 23578: 23576: 23575:Yuri Andropov 23573: 23570: 23567: 23565: 23562: 23560: 23556: 23552: 23551: 23549: 23547: 23543: 23538: 23535: 23533: 23530: 23528: 23525: 23523: 23520: 23518: 23515: 23513: 23510: 23508: 23505: 23503: 23500: 23498: 23495: 23493: 23490: 23488: 23485: 23483: 23480: 23478: 23475: 23473: 23470: 23468: 23465: 23463: 23460: 23458: 23455: 23453: 23450: 23448: 23445: 23443: 23440: 23438: 23435: 23433: 23430: 23428: 23425: 23423: 23420: 23418: 23415: 23413: 23410: 23408: 23405: 23403: 23400: 23398: 23395: 23393: 23390: 23388: 23385: 23383: 23380: 23378: 23375: 23373: 23370: 23368: 23365: 23363: 23360: 23358: 23355: 23353: 23350: 23348: 23345: 23343: 23339: 23336: 23334: 23331: 23329: 23326: 23324: 23321: 23319: 23316: 23315: 23311: 23305: 23302: 23300: 23297: 23295: 23292: 23290: 23287: 23285: 23282: 23280: 23277: 23275: 23272: 23271: 23269: 23267: 23263: 23257: 23254: 23252: 23249: 23247: 23244: 23242: 23239: 23237: 23234: 23232: 23229: 23227: 23224: 23222: 23219: 23217: 23214: 23212: 23209: 23207: 23204: 23202: 23199: 23197: 23194: 23192: 23189: 23187: 23184: 23182: 23179: 23177: 23174: 23172: 23169: 23167: 23164: 23162: 23159: 23157: 23156:Prague Spring 23154: 23152: 23149: 23147: 23144: 23142: 23139: 23138: 23136: 23134: 23130: 23126: 23119: 23114: 23112: 23107: 23105: 23100: 23099: 23096: 23085: 23081: 23076: 23070: 23067: 23065: 23064: 23060: 23058: 23057: 23056:Northern Iran 23053: 23051: 23048: 23047: 23045: 23041: 23036: 23026: 23023: 23019: 23016: 23014: 23011: 23010: 23009: 23006: 23004: 23001: 22997: 22994: 22993: 22992: 22991: 22987: 22985: 22982: 22978: 22975: 22974: 22973: 22970: 22968: 22967: 22963: 22961: 22958: 22954: 22951: 22949: 22946: 22944: 22941: 22940: 22939: 22938:Baltic states 22936: 22934: 22933: 22929: 22928: 22926: 22922: 22918: 22911: 22906: 22904: 22899: 22897: 22892: 22891: 22888: 22876: 22873: 22871: 22868: 22866: 22863: 22862: 22859: 22853: 22850: 22848: 22845: 22843: 22840: 22838: 22837:War on terror 22835: 22833: 22830: 22828: 22825: 22823: 22820: 22818: 22815: 22814: 22812: 22808: 22802: 22799: 22797: 22794: 22792: 22789: 22787: 22784: 22782: 22779: 22777: 22774: 22772: 22769: 22767: 22764: 22762: 22759: 22757: 22754: 22752: 22749: 22747: 22744: 22742: 22739: 22738: 22736: 22732:Espionage and 22730: 22724: 22721: 22719: 22716: 22714: 22711: 22709: 22706: 22704: 22701: 22699: 22696: 22694: 22691: 22689: 22686: 22684: 22683:Andrew Thorpe 22681: 22679: 22676: 22674: 22671: 22669: 22666: 22664: 22661: 22659: 22656: 22654: 22651: 22649: 22646: 22644: 22641: 22639: 22636: 22634: 22631: 22629: 22626: 22624: 22621: 22619: 22616: 22614: 22611: 22609: 22606: 22604: 22601: 22599: 22596: 22594: 22591: 22589: 22586: 22584: 22581: 22579: 22578:Gabriel Kolko 22576: 22574: 22571: 22569: 22566: 22564: 22561: 22559: 22556: 22554: 22551: 22549: 22546: 22544: 22543:Fred Halliday 22541: 22539: 22536: 22534: 22531: 22529: 22528:Lloyd Gardner 22526: 22524: 22521: 22519: 22516: 22514: 22511: 22509: 22506: 22504: 22501: 22499: 22496: 22494: 22491: 22489: 22488:Norman Davies 22486: 22484: 22481: 22479: 22476: 22474: 22473:John Costello 22471: 22469: 22466: 22464: 22461: 22459: 22456: 22454: 22451: 22449: 22446: 22444: 22441: 22440: 22438: 22434: 22428: 22425: 22423: 22420: 22418: 22415: 22414: 22412: 22408:Technological 22406: 22396: 22393: 22391: 22388: 22387: 22384: 22381: 22379: 22378: 22374: 22372: 22369: 22367: 22366: 22362: 22361: 22359: 22355: 22349: 22348: 22344: 22342: 22339: 22337: 22336: 22332: 22330: 22329: 22325: 22323: 22320: 22318: 22317: 22313: 22311: 22310: 22306: 22304: 22303: 22299: 22297: 22294: 22293: 22291: 22289:Pro-communist 22287: 22284: 22280: 22274: 22271: 22269: 22266: 22264: 22261: 22259: 22256: 22254: 22251: 22249: 22246: 22244: 22241: 22239: 22236: 22234: 22231: 22229: 22226: 22224: 22221: 22220: 22218: 22216:Organizations 22214: 22204: 22201: 22199: 22196: 22194: 22191: 22189: 22186: 22184: 22181: 22179: 22176: 22174: 22171: 22169: 22166: 22164: 22161: 22159: 22156: 22154: 22151: 22149: 22146: 22144: 22141: 22139: 22136: 22134: 22131: 22129: 22126: 22124: 22121: 22119: 22116: 22114: 22111: 22109: 22106: 22104: 22101: 22099: 22096: 22094: 22091: 22089: 22086: 22085: 22083: 22079: 22073: 22070: 22068: 22065: 22063: 22060: 22058: 22055: 22053: 22050: 22048: 22047: 22043: 22041: 22038: 22036: 22033: 22031: 22030:Eurocommunism 22028: 22026: 22023: 22021: 22018: 22016: 22013: 22012: 22010: 22008: 22004: 21998: 21995: 21993: 21990: 21988: 21985: 21983: 21980: 21978: 21975: 21973: 21970: 21968: 21965: 21961: 21958: 21957: 21956: 21953: 21951: 21948: 21946: 21943: 21942: 21940: 21938: 21934: 21931: 21927: 21921: 21918: 21916: 21913: 21911: 21908: 21906: 21903: 21901: 21898: 21896: 21893: 21891: 21888: 21886: 21883: 21881: 21878: 21876: 21873: 21871: 21868: 21866: 21863: 21861: 21860:Domino theory 21858: 21856: 21853: 21851: 21848: 21846: 21843: 21842: 21840: 21836: 21830: 21827: 21825: 21822: 21820: 21817: 21815: 21814:South Ossetia 21812: 21810: 21807: 21805: 21802: 21800: 21797: 21795: 21792: 21791: 21789: 21787: 21783: 21777: 21774: 21770: 21767: 21766: 21765: 21762: 21760: 21757: 21755: 21752: 21750: 21747: 21745: 21742: 21740: 21737: 21735: 21732: 21730: 21727: 21725: 21722: 21721: 21719: 21715: 21709: 21706: 21704: 21701: 21699: 21696: 21694: 21691: 21689: 21686: 21684: 21681: 21679: 21676: 21674: 21671: 21669: 21666: 21664: 21661: 21659: 21656: 21654: 21651: 21649: 21646: 21644: 21641: 21639: 21636: 21634: 21631: 21629: 21626: 21624: 21621: 21619: 21616: 21614: 21611: 21608: 21604: 21601: 21599: 21598:8888 Uprising 21596: 21594: 21591: 21589: 21586: 21584: 21581: 21579: 21576: 21574: 21571: 21569: 21566: 21564: 21561: 21559: 21556: 21554: 21551: 21549: 21546: 21544: 21543:Iran–Iraq War 21541: 21539: 21536: 21534: 21531: 21529: 21526: 21524: 21521: 21519: 21516: 21514: 21511: 21509: 21508:Falklands War 21506: 21504: 21501: 21499: 21496: 21494: 21491: 21489: 21486: 21484: 21481: 21479: 21476: 21472: 21469: 21468: 21467: 21464: 21462: 21459: 21457: 21454: 21452: 21448: 21445: 21443: 21440: 21438: 21435: 21434: 21432: 21428: 21422: 21419: 21417: 21414: 21412: 21409: 21407: 21404: 21402: 21399: 21397: 21394: 21392: 21389: 21387: 21384: 21382: 21379: 21377: 21374: 21372: 21371:NDF Rebellion 21369: 21367: 21364: 21362: 21359: 21357: 21354: 21352: 21351:German Autumn 21349: 21347: 21344: 21342: 21339: 21337: 21334: 21332: 21331: 21326: 21324: 21321: 21319: 21316: 21314: 21311: 21309: 21306: 21304: 21301: 21299: 21296: 21294: 21291: 21289: 21286: 21284: 21281: 21279: 21276: 21274: 21271: 21269: 21266: 21264: 21261: 21259: 21256: 21254: 21251: 21249: 21246: 21244: 21241: 21239: 21238:Metapolitefsi 21236: 21234: 21231: 21229: 21226: 21224: 21221: 21219: 21216: 21214: 21211: 21209: 21206: 21204: 21201: 21199: 21196: 21194: 21191: 21189: 21186: 21184: 21181: 21179: 21176: 21174: 21171: 21169: 21166: 21164: 21161: 21159: 21156: 21154: 21151: 21149: 21146: 21144: 21141: 21139: 21136: 21134: 21133: 21129: 21127: 21124: 21122: 21119: 21117: 21114: 21112: 21109: 21107: 21104: 21102: 21099: 21097: 21094: 21092: 21089: 21087: 21084: 21082: 21079: 21078: 21076: 21072: 21066: 21063: 21061: 21058: 21056: 21053: 21051: 21048: 21046: 21043: 21039: 21036: 21035: 21034: 21031: 21029: 21026: 21024: 21021: 21019: 21016: 21014: 21011: 21009: 21007: 21002: 21000: 20999:Prague Spring 20997: 20993: 20990: 20989: 20988: 20985: 20983: 20980: 20978: 20977:Al-Wadiah War 20975: 20973: 20970: 20968: 20965: 20963: 20960: 20958: 20955: 20953: 20950: 20948: 20945: 20943: 20942:12-3 incident 20940: 20938: 20935: 20933: 20930: 20928: 20925: 20923: 20920: 20918: 20915: 20913: 20910: 20908: 20905: 20903: 20900: 20898: 20895: 20893: 20890: 20888: 20885: 20883: 20880: 20878: 20875: 20871: 20868: 20867: 20866: 20863: 20861: 20858: 20856: 20853: 20851: 20848: 20846: 20843: 20841: 20838: 20836: 20833: 20831: 20828: 20826: 20823: 20821: 20818: 20816: 20813: 20811: 20808: 20806: 20803: 20799: 20796: 20794: 20791: 20789: 20786: 20785: 20784: 20781: 20779: 20776: 20774: 20771: 20769: 20766: 20764: 20761: 20759: 20756: 20754: 20751: 20747: 20744: 20743: 20742: 20739: 20735: 20732: 20731: 20730: 20727: 20725: 20722: 20720: 20717: 20715: 20712: 20710: 20707: 20705: 20702: 20701: 20699: 20695: 20689: 20686: 20682: 20679: 20678: 20677: 20674: 20672: 20669: 20667: 20664: 20662: 20659: 20657: 20654: 20652: 20649: 20647: 20644: 20642: 20639: 20637: 20634: 20632: 20629: 20627: 20624: 20622: 20621: 20616: 20613: 20609: 20607: 20604: 20602: 20599: 20597: 20594: 20592: 20589: 20586: 20582: 20580: 20577: 20575: 20572: 20570: 20567: 20565: 20562: 20560: 20557: 20555: 20552: 20550: 20547: 20545: 20542: 20540: 20539: 20534: 20532: 20529: 20527: 20524: 20522: 20521:Domino theory 20519: 20517: 20516:Petrov Affair 20514: 20512: 20509: 20507: 20504: 20502: 20499: 20497: 20494: 20492: 20489: 20487: 20484: 20482: 20479: 20477: 20474: 20472: 20469: 20467: 20464: 20462: 20459: 20457: 20454: 20453: 20451: 20447: 20441: 20438: 20436: 20433: 20431: 20428: 20424: 20421: 20420: 20419: 20416: 20414: 20411: 20409: 20406: 20404: 20401: 20399: 20396: 20394: 20393:Madiun Affair 20391: 20389: 20386: 20384: 20381: 20379: 20376: 20374: 20371: 20369: 20366: 20364: 20361: 20359: 20356: 20354: 20353:Marshall Plan 20351: 20347: 20344: 20342: 20339: 20337: 20334: 20333: 20332: 20329: 20327: 20324: 20322: 20319: 20317: 20314: 20312: 20309: 20307: 20304: 20302: 20299: 20297: 20294: 20292: 20289: 20287: 20284: 20282: 20279: 20277: 20274: 20272: 20269: 20267: 20264: 20262: 20261: 20256: 20254: 20253: 20248: 20246: 20245: 20240: 20238: 20235: 20233: 20230: 20228: 20225: 20223: 20222: 20217: 20215: 20212: 20208: 20205: 20203: 20202: 20197: 20195: 20194: 20189: 20188: 20187: 20184: 20182: 20179: 20177: 20174: 20172: 20169: 20167: 20164: 20163: 20161: 20157: 20151: 20148: 20146: 20143: 20141: 20138: 20136: 20133: 20131: 20128: 20126: 20123: 20121: 20118: 20116: 20113: 20111: 20110: 20106: 20104: 20103: 20102:United States 20099: 20098: 20095: 20091: 20084: 20079: 20077: 20072: 20070: 20065: 20064: 20061: 20049: 20046: 20044: 20041: 20039: 20036: 20034: 20031: 20030: 20027: 20021: 20018: 20016: 20013: 20011: 20008: 20006: 20003: 19999: 19998:2022 invasion 19996: 19994: 19993:War in Donbas 19991: 19989: 19986: 19984: 19981: 19980: 19979: 19976: 19974: 19971: 19970: 19968: 19962: 19956: 19953: 19951: 19948: 19946: 19943: 19941: 19938: 19936: 19933: 19931: 19928: 19926: 19923: 19921: 19918: 19916: 19913: 19911: 19908: 19906: 19903: 19901: 19898: 19896: 19893: 19891: 19888: 19886: 19883: 19881: 19878: 19876: 19873: 19871: 19868: 19866: 19863: 19861: 19858: 19856: 19853: 19851: 19848: 19846: 19843: 19841: 19838: 19836: 19833: 19831: 19830:Ili Rebellion 19828: 19826: 19823: 19821: 19818: 19816: 19813: 19809: 19806: 19804: 19801: 19797: 19794: 19793: 19792: 19789: 19787: 19784: 19782: 19779: 19777: 19774: 19770: 19767: 19766: 19765: 19762: 19760: 19757: 19755: 19752: 19751: 19750: 19747: 19745: 19742: 19740: 19737: 19735: 19732: 19728: 19723: 19720: 19718: 19715: 19713: 19710: 19708: 19705: 19703: 19700: 19698: 19695: 19693: 19690: 19686: 19683: 19681: 19678: 19676: 19673: 19671: 19668: 19666: 19663: 19661: 19658: 19656: 19653: 19649: 19646: 19644: 19641: 19639: 19636: 19635: 19634: 19631: 19629: 19626: 19624: 19621: 19619: 19616: 19614: 19611: 19607: 19604: 19603: 19602: 19599: 19598: 19597: 19594: 19590: 19587: 19586: 19585: 19582: 19580: 19577: 19575: 19572: 19571: 19569: 19563: 19555: 19552: 19551: 19550: 19547: 19545: 19542: 19538: 19535: 19533: 19530: 19529: 19528: 19525: 19523: 19520: 19518: 19515: 19511: 19508: 19507: 19506: 19503: 19501: 19498: 19496: 19493: 19491: 19488: 19486: 19483: 19479: 19476: 19474: 19471: 19470: 19469: 19468:Caucasian War 19466: 19464: 19461: 19459: 19456: 19454: 19451: 19449: 19446: 19444: 19441: 19439: 19436: 19434: 19431: 19429: 19426: 19424: 19421: 19419: 19416: 19414: 19411: 19409: 19406: 19404: 19401: 19399: 19396: 19394: 19391: 19389: 19386: 19384: 19381: 19379: 19376: 19374: 19371: 19369: 19366: 19364: 19361: 19359: 19356: 19353: 19350: 19348: 19345: 19342: 19339: 19337: 19334: 19332: 19329: 19327: 19324: 19323: 19321: 19315: 19309: 19306: 19304: 19301: 19299: 19296: 19294: 19291: 19289: 19286: 19284: 19281: 19279: 19276: 19274: 19271: 19269: 19266: 19264: 19260: 19257: 19255: 19252: 19250: 19247: 19245: 19242: 19240: 19237: 19235: 19232: 19230: 19227: 19225: 19222: 19221: 19219: 19213: 19207: 19204: 19202: 19199: 19197: 19194: 19192: 19189: 19187: 19184: 19182: 19179: 19177: 19174: 19172: 19169: 19167: 19164: 19162: 19159: 19157: 19154: 19152: 19149: 19147: 19144: 19142: 19139: 19138: 19136: 19132: 19122: 19119: 19115: 19112: 19111: 19110: 19107: 19105: 19102: 19100: 19097: 19095: 19092: 19090: 19087: 19085: 19082: 19080: 19077: 19075: 19072: 19070: 19067: 19065: 19062: 19060: 19057: 19056: 19054: 19050: 19044: 19041: 19039: 19036: 19034: 19031: 19029: 19026: 19024: 19021: 19019: 19016: 19014: 19011: 19010: 19007: 19004: 19000: 18995: 18991: 18987: 18983: 18975: 18970: 18968: 18963: 18961: 18956: 18955: 18952: 18940: 18937: 18935: 18932: 18930: 18927: 18925: 18922: 18920: 18917: 18915: 18912: 18910: 18907: 18905: 18902: 18900: 18897: 18895: 18892: 18890: 18887: 18885: 18882: 18880: 18877: 18875: 18872: 18870: 18867: 18865: 18862: 18860: 18857: 18855: 18852: 18850: 18847: 18845: 18844:Ili Rebellion 18842: 18840: 18837: 18835: 18832: 18830: 18827: 18823: 18820: 18818: 18815: 18811: 18808: 18807: 18806: 18803: 18801: 18798: 18796: 18793: 18791: 18788: 18784: 18781: 18780: 18779: 18776: 18774: 18771: 18769: 18766: 18765: 18764: 18761: 18759: 18756: 18754: 18751: 18749: 18746: 18742: 18737: 18734: 18732: 18729: 18727: 18724: 18722: 18719: 18717: 18714: 18712: 18709: 18707: 18704: 18700: 18697: 18695: 18692: 18690: 18687: 18685: 18682: 18680: 18677: 18675: 18672: 18670: 18667: 18663: 18660: 18658: 18655: 18653: 18650: 18649: 18648: 18645: 18643: 18640: 18638: 18635: 18633: 18630: 18628: 18625: 18621: 18618: 18617: 18616: 18613: 18612: 18611: 18608: 18607: 18605: 18601: 18597: 18589: 18584: 18582: 18577: 18575: 18570: 18569: 18566: 18554: 18546: 18544: 18536: 18534: 18533: 18522: 18521: 18518: 18512: 18511: 18507: 18505: 18504: 18500: 18498: 18497: 18493: 18491: 18490: 18486: 18484: 18483: 18479: 18477: 18476: 18472: 18470: 18469: 18465: 18463: 18462: 18458: 18456: 18455: 18451: 18449: 18448: 18444: 18442: 18441: 18437: 18435: 18434: 18430: 18428: 18427: 18423: 18421: 18420: 18416: 18414: 18413: 18412:List of films 18409: 18408: 18406: 18402: 18396: 18393: 18391: 18388: 18386: 18383: 18381: 18378: 18377: 18375: 18371: 18365: 18362: 18360: 18357: 18356: 18354: 18350: 18344: 18341: 18339: 18336: 18334: 18331: 18329: 18326: 18324: 18321: 18319: 18316: 18314: 18311: 18309: 18306: 18304: 18301: 18299: 18296: 18294: 18291: 18289: 18286: 18284: 18281: 18280: 18278: 18274: 18268: 18265: 18263: 18260: 18258: 18255: 18253: 18250: 18248: 18245: 18243: 18240: 18238: 18235: 18233: 18230: 18228: 18225: 18223: 18220: 18218: 18215: 18214: 18212: 18208: 18198: 18195: 18193: 18190: 18188: 18185: 18183: 18180: 18178: 18175: 18173: 18170: 18168: 18165: 18164: 18162: 18158: 18152: 18149: 18147: 18144: 18142: 18141:Babrak Karmal 18139: 18137: 18134: 18132: 18129: 18127: 18126:Yuri Andropov 18124: 18122: 18119: 18118: 18116: 18112: 18109: 18105: 18095: 18092: 18090: 18089:Hezb-e Wahdat 18087: 18085: 18082: 18078: 18075: 18074: 18073: 18070: 18066: 18065:Shura-e Nazar 18063: 18062: 18061: 18058: 18056: 18053: 18052: 18050: 18046: 18040: 18037: 18035: 18032: 18031: 18029: 18025: 18022: 18018: 18012: 18008: 18004: 18003: 18000: 17996: 17989: 17984: 17982: 17977: 17975: 17970: 17969: 17966: 17954: 17950: 17946: 17942: 17941:covert action 17938: 17937: 17932: 17928: 17924: 17920: 17919: 17908: 17904: 17900: 17894: 17891:. Routledge. 17890: 17886: 17881: 17879: 17875: 17871: 17869: 17865: 17861: 17857: 17853: 17849: 17843: 17839: 17838: 17832: 17831: 17821: 17815: 17811: 17806: 17802: 17796: 17792: 17788: 17784: 17783:Riedel, Bruce 17780: 17776: 17770: 17766: 17761: 17757: 17751: 17747: 17742: 17738: 17734: 17730: 17728:9780737767551 17724: 17720: 17719: 17713: 17709: 17703: 17699: 17694: 17693: 17686: 17682: 17676: 17671: 17670: 17663: 17659: 17653: 17649: 17648: 17642: 17638: 17634: 17630: 17624: 17619: 17618: 17611: 17607: 17603: 17599: 17593: 17589: 17588: 17583: 17579: 17574: 17570: 17566: 17560: 17556: 17555: 17549: 17545: 17543:9780415353854 17539: 17535: 17534: 17529: 17525: 17521: 17515: 17511: 17510: 17504: 17500: 17496: 17492: 17486: 17482: 17481: 17475: 17471: 17465: 17461: 17456: 17452: 17448: 17444: 17438: 17434: 17429: 17425: 17421: 17417: 17411: 17407: 17406: 17400: 17396: 17392: 17388: 17386:9781850653967 17382: 17378: 17377: 17371: 17367: 17361: 17357: 17352: 17348: 17342: 17337: 17336: 17329: 17325: 17321: 17317: 17311: 17307: 17306: 17301: 17297: 17293: 17287: 17283: 17282: 17276: 17272: 17266: 17262: 17261: 17255: 17251: 17245: 17240: 17239: 17232: 17228: 17226:9781905570973 17222: 17218: 17213: 17212: 17207: 17201: 17197: 17196: 17190: 17186: 17182: 17178: 17172: 17168: 17163: 17161: 17157: 17152: 17148: 17144: 17140: 17136: 17130: 17126: 17121: 17120: 17114: 17110: 17106: 17100: 17096: 17092: 17088: 17084: 17080: 17076: 17070: 17067:. MIT Press. 17066: 17065: 17059: 17055: 17051: 17047: 17041: 17037: 17036: 17031: 17027: 17023: 17019: 17013: 17009: 17004: 17000: 16996: 16992: 16986: 16982: 16981: 16975: 16974: 16961: 16957: 16951: 16935: 16931: 16927: 16921: 16905: 16901: 16897: 16891: 16883: 16877: 16869: 16868: 16861: 16853: 16849: 16843: 16827: 16819: 16805: 16801: 16794: 16778: 16774: 16773:Khaleej Times 16770: 16764: 16756: 16750: 16734: 16730: 16724: 16716: 16712: 16706: 16691: 16687: 16683: 16677: 16675: 16673: 16664: 16660: 16654: 16646: 16645: 16640: 16634: 16626: 16625: 16618: 16611: 16607: 16603: 16599: 16595: 16591: 16587: 16580: 16572: 16571: 16564: 16556: 16550: 16546: 16542: 16538: 16537: 16532: 16531:Bergen, Peter 16526: 16518: 16514: 16510: 16504: 16488: 16482: 16474: 16468: 16464: 16459: 16458: 16449: 16441: 16435: 16431: 16426: 16425: 16416: 16409: 16404: 16398: 16394: 16389: 16388: 16379: 16372: 16367: 16352: 16348: 16344: 16340: 16336: 16332: 16328: 16321: 16319: 16317: 16315: 16313: 16311: 16303: 16298: 16282: 16278: 16272: 16265: 16260: 16254:, p. 10. 16253: 16248: 16246: 16238: 16233: 16226: 16221: 16205: 16201: 16197: 16190: 16182: 16176: 16172: 16167: 16166: 16157: 16150: 16145: 16135: 16119: 16115: 16108: 16101: 16096: 16094: 16092: 16075: 16071: 16064: 16057: 16052: 16050: 16048: 16040: 16035: 16027: 16021: 16017: 16016: 16009: 16002: 16001: 15996: 15990: 15982: 15978: 15971: 15969: 15960: 15954: 15950: 15949: 15941: 15933: 15929: 15923: 15915: 15914: 15909: 15903: 15895: 15891: 15887: 15883: 15879: 15875: 15868: 15860: 15856: 15850: 15842: 15836: 15834: 15825: 15819: 15816:. Routledge. 15815: 15814: 15806: 15804: 15802: 15793: 15789: 15782: 15780: 15778: 15769: 15763: 15759: 15755: 15749: 15741: 15735: 15731: 15727: 15721: 15713: 15707: 15703: 15699: 15695: 15691: 15687: 15683: 15676: 15668: 15662: 15658: 15657: 15649: 15641: 15637: 15633: 15627: 15623: 15619: 15615: 15611: 15607: 15603: 15597: 15589: 15583: 15579: 15578: 15573: 15572:Riedel, Bruce 15567: 15559: 15553: 15549: 15548: 15543: 15537: 15529: 15528: 15521: 15519: 15503: 15499: 15495: 15491: 15487: 15483: 15476: 15469: 15467: 15450: 15446: 15440: 15429: 15422: 15416: 15409: 15404: 15388: 15384: 15378: 15362: 15355: 15347: 15343: 15337: 15321: 15314: 15298: 15294: 15288: 15272: 15268: 15262: 15254: 15250: 15246: 15240: 15232: 15228: 15221: 15219: 15211: 15210: 15205: 15200: 15192: 15186: 15182: 15181: 15173: 15166: 15161: 15145: 15139: 15124: 15120: 15113: 15097: 15093: 15090: 15083: 15076: 15070: 15063: 15057: 15050: 15044: 15036: 15032: 15027: 15022: 15018: 15014: 15010: 15006: 15002: 14995: 14993: 14976: 14970: 14962: 14958: 14954: 14948: 14940: 14939: 14934: 14927: 14920: 14915: 14907: 14901: 14897: 14896: 14888: 14881: 14875: 14868: 14862: 14847: 14843: 14836: 14817: 14810: 14803: 14796: 14790: 14782: 14778: 14773: 14768: 14764: 14760: 14759: 14751: 14744: 14736: 14732: 14728: 14724: 14720: 14716: 14709: 14707: 14700:, p. 49. 14699: 14694: 14686: 14682: 14678: 14674: 14670: 14666: 14665: 14657: 14650: 14641: 14632: 14623: 14616: 14611: 14596: 14592: 14586: 14579:. Geneva: 16. 14578: 14574: 14567: 14559: 14555: 14548: 14540: 14534: 14530: 14523: 14514: 14507: 14503: 14500: 14494: 14486: 14482: 14476: 14469: 14464: 14456: 14449: 14441: 14435: 14420: 14416: 14410: 14402: 14395: 14394:"RAND_MG1078" 14389: 14381: 14375: 14371: 14370: 14362: 14355: 14350: 14344: 14342: 14336: 14320: 14316: 14310: 14294: 14290: 14284: 14277: 14272: 14253: 14249: 14245: 14241: 14237: 14233: 14229: 14222: 14215: 14213: 14196: 14192: 14185: 14177: 14171: 14167: 14163: 14162: 14157: 14151: 14144: 14138: 14131: 14126: 14124: 14115: 14109: 14105: 14104: 14096: 14080: 14076: 14070: 14054: 14048: 14046: 14029: 14025: 14019: 14013: 13997: 13993: 13989: 13983: 13967: 13963: 13958: 13950: 13948: 13931: 13927: 13921: 13914: 13910: 13906: 13902: 13898: 13894: 13890: 13889: 13881: 13873: 13869: 13862: 13854: 13850: 13844: 13828: 13824: 13818: 13802: 13798: 13792: 13784: 13780: 13776: 13772: 13771:World Affairs 13765: 13758: 13753: 13746: 13741: 13735:, p. 11. 13734: 13729: 13727: 13725: 13717: 13706: 13702: 13695: 13688: 13683: 13677: 13673: 13667: 13660: 13654: 13649: 13634:. 7 July 1983 13633: 13629: 13623: 13607: 13603: 13597: 13589: 13585: 13579: 13571: 13567: 13563: 13559: 13552: 13544: 13540: 13536: 13532: 13525: 13517: 13513: 13509: 13505: 13501: 13497: 13493: 13489: 13488: 13483: 13477: 13470: 13464: 13459: 13457: 13455: 13453: 13446:, p. 48. 13445: 13440: 13421: 13414: 13407: 13405: 13397: 13392: 13390: 13374:. 6 July 2005 13373: 13369: 13363: 13355: 13349: 13345: 13344: 13339: 13333: 13325: 13319: 13303: 13299: 13292: 13277: 13273: 13269: 13265: 13261: 13257: 13253: 13246: 13238: 13232: 13228: 13227: 13219: 13211: 13207: 13203: 13197: 13193: 13189: 13185: 13184: 13176: 13160: 13156: 13149: 13133: 13129: 13122: 13114: 13108: 13100: 13094: 13090: 13089: 13081: 13079: 13077: 13068: 13062: 13058: 13057: 13049: 13047: 13045: 13043: 13041: 13034:Marshall, p.7 13031: 13016: 13012: 13005: 12990: 12986: 12980: 12964: 12960: 12956: 12950: 12935: 12931: 12925: 12914: 12910: 12903: 12897: 12895: 12893: 12885: 12879: 12872: 12866: 12857: 12849: 12845: 12839: 12837: 12828: 12824: 12818: 12816: 12808: 12803: 12795: 12788: 12781: 12776: 12768: 12761: 12754: 12749: 12743: 12738: 12723: 12719: 12715: 12711: 12705: 12697: 12691: 12687: 12680: 12664: 12662: 12654: 12638: 12631: 12615: 12611: 12604: 12597: 12591: 12583: 12577: 12573: 12572: 12564: 12558:, p. 15. 12557: 12552: 12546:, p. 14. 12545: 12540: 12534:, p. 10. 12533: 12528: 12526: 12518: 12513: 12497: 12490: 12482: 12476: 12472: 12471: 12463: 12447: 12443: 12436: 12421: 12417: 12410: 12395: 12391: 12384: 12376: 12372: 12365: 12349: 12345: 12339: 12332: 12331: 12326: 12325:Bergen, Peter 12321: 12312: 12305: 12300: 12293: 12288: 12286: 12269: 12265: 12261: 12254: 12252: 12244: 12239: 12237: 12227: 12220: 12215: 12213: 12211: 12209: 12200: 12196: 12190: 12183: 12177: 12170: 12169:Looming Tower 12164: 12157: 12151: 12144: 12138: 12131: 12127: 12122: 12121: 12112: 12110: 12108: 12100: 12089: 12085: 12078: 12062: 12058: 12054: 12047: 12031: 12027: 12023: 12017: 12009: 11997: 11989: 11985: 11981: 11975: 11971: 11970: 11962: 11960: 11951: 11947: 11943: 11939: 11935: 11931: 11927: 11923: 11916: 11900: 11896: 11890: 11882: 11878: 11872: 11864: 11860: 11856: 11852: 11848: 11844: 11837: 11829: 11828: 11820: 11812: 11806: 11802: 11801: 11793: 11787: 11782: 11774: 11768: 11764: 11763: 11755: 11747: 11740: 11732: 11725: 11723: 11714: 11707: 11699: 11692: 11686: 11679: 11675: 11672: 11667: 11660: 11655: 11649:, p. 43. 11648: 11643: 11635: 11628: 11620: 11613: 11605: 11599: 11591: 11589:0-9711709-2-4 11585: 11581: 11574: 11567: 11561: 11555:, pp. 169–170 11554: 11548: 11541: 11536: 11534: 11524: 11509: 11505: 11499: 11497: 11495: 11486: 11482: 11478: 11471: 11463: 11459: 11455: 11448: 11446: 11444: 11442: 11440: 11438: 11436: 11434: 11432: 11430: 11428: 11426: 11409: 11405: 11401: 11395: 11379: 11375: 11368: 11361: 11355: 11347: 11343: 11339: 11333: 11325: 11319: 11311: 11304: 11296: 11289: 11274: 11268: 11260: 11254: 11250: 11249: 11244: 11238: 11229: 11227: 11218: 11216:0-19-506294-9 11212: 11208: 11207: 11202: 11196: 11188: 11186:0-8157-3041-1 11182: 11178: 11174: 11168: 11160: 11154: 11146: 11140: 11136: 11129: 11110: 11103: 11095: 11091: 11086: 11081: 11077: 11073: 11069: 11062: 11060: 11044: 11040: 11033: 11018: 11014: 11010: 11006: 10999: 10984: 10980: 10973: 10965: 10959: 10952: 10947: 10939: 10935: 10929: 10921: 10915: 10907: 10901: 10897: 10890: 10888: 10886: 10877: 10873: 10867: 10865: 10845: 10844: 10836: 10834: 10832: 10816: 10812: 10806: 10798: 10797: 10789: 10787: 10778: 10772: 10768: 10763: 10762: 10756: 10750: 10743: 10739: 10733: 10722: 10715: 10709: 10701: 10695: 10691: 10686: 10685: 10676: 10668: 10661: 10659: 10650: 10649: 10641: 10633: 10627: 10623: 10622: 10617: 10611: 10600: 10593: 10592: 10584: 10577: 10572: 10570: 10553: 10546: 10538: 10532: 10528: 10527: 10522: 10516: 10509: 10504: 10502: 10500: 10498: 10496: 10494: 10486: 10481: 10479: 10459: 10452: 10446: 10440: 10436: 10432: 10428: 10427: 10422: 10417: 10409: 10405: 10399: 10392: 10388: 10383: 10381: 10373: 10371: 10370:Graham Fuller 10365: 10363:9780393071429 10359: 10355: 10351: 10346: 10345: 10339: 10338:Seth G. Jones 10333: 10331: 10322: 10316: 10312: 10308: 10301: 10299: 10292:, p. 48. 10291: 10286: 10278: 10271: 10263: 10257: 10253: 10249: 10244: 10243: 10234: 10225: 10220: 10216: 10212: 10208: 10207: 10202: 10195: 10189:, p. 46. 10188: 10183: 10167: 10160: 10152: 10146: 10142: 10138: 10134: 10133:Gates, Robert 10128: 10126: 10117: 10111: 10107: 10103: 10099: 10098:Riedel, Bruce 10093: 10085: 10083:1-85065-703-3 10079: 10075: 10074: 10066: 10050: 10044: 10036: 10034:1-85065-703-3 10030: 10026: 10025: 10017: 10009: 10003: 9999: 9998: 9993: 9987: 9976: 9975: 9967: 9960: 9955: 9947: 9941: 9937: 9936: 9928: 9921: 9915: 9908: 9903: 9887: 9881: 9874: 9873: 9866: 9858: 9854: 9847: 9839: 9833: 9825: 9819: 9815: 9811: 9807: 9806: 9798: 9790: 9784: 9780: 9776: 9769: 9761: 9755: 9751: 9747: 9740: 9732: 9726: 9718: 9712: 9708: 9707:Fourth Estate 9704: 9697: 9689: 9683: 9679: 9675: 9670: 9669: 9660: 9653: 9648: 9632: 9628: 9622: 9607: 9600: 9594: 9592: 9590: 9581: 9575: 9571: 9570: 9565: 9559: 9551: 9547: 9541: 9539: 9531: 9526: 9524: 9522: 9514: 9512: 9506: 9504: 9496: 9491: 9476: 9469: 9462: 9454: 9450: 9446: 9440: 9436: 9429: 9421: 9415: 9411: 9410: 9402: 9394: 9387: 9379: 9375: 9371: 9367: 9363: 9359: 9352: 9344: 9337: 9329: 9323: 9321: 9319: 9317: 9315: 9313: 9305: 9300: 9298: 9296: 9294: 9292: 9283: 9277: 9273: 9272: 9264: 9256: 9250: 9246: 9245: 9237: 9235: 9226: 9222: 9218: 9214: 9210: 9206: 9203:(2): 93–102. 9202: 9198: 9191: 9189: 9180: 9176: 9172: 9165: 9163: 9161: 9152: 9146: 9142: 9141: 9133: 9131: 9129: 9120: 9114: 9110: 9109: 9101: 9094: 9092: 9086: 9084: 9075: 9069: 9065: 9064: 9056: 9048: 9042: 9038: 9037: 9029: 9027: 9025: 9023: 9015: 9009: 9007: 9005: 8996: 8990: 8986: 8985: 8977: 8975: 8973: 8971: 8969: 8960: 8954: 8950: 8949: 8941: 8933: 8927: 8923: 8922: 8914: 8912: 8910: 8901: 8895: 8891: 8890: 8882: 8874: 8868: 8864: 8863: 8855: 8847: 8843: 8837: 8829: 8823: 8819: 8818: 8813: 8807: 8792: 8788: 8784: 8780: 8774: 8766: 8762: 8757: 8752: 8748: 8744: 8741:(1): 012038. 8740: 8736: 8732: 8725: 8710: 8706: 8699: 8684: 8680: 8674: 8667: 8662: 8660: 8651: 8645: 8641: 8640: 8632: 8630: 8628: 8626: 8624: 8615: 8609: 8605: 8604: 8596: 8588: 8587: 8579: 8572: 8566: 8558: 8554: 8548: 8529: 8522: 8516: 8501: 8497: 8491: 8476: 8472: 8465: 8459: 8458:0-7546-4220-8 8455: 8451: 8445: 8438: 8433: 8426: 8421: 8419: 8417: 8409: 8404: 8402: 8400: 8398: 8389: 8385: 8380: 8375: 8371: 8367: 8363: 8359: 8352: 8344: 8343:The Fulda Gap 8340: 8334: 8319: 8315: 8308: 8299: 8293:, p. 80. 8292: 8287: 8280: 8275: 8273: 8265: 8260: 8258: 8256: 8247: 8243: 8239: 8233: 8231: 8223: 8218: 8216: 8214: 8212: 8210: 8208: 8206: 8189: 8185: 8179: 8163: 8159: 8153: 8137: 8133: 8126: 8110: 8103: 8095: 8089: 8082: 8078: 8072: 8068: 8061: 8050: 8043: 8042: 8034: 8025: 8006: 8002: 7998: 7994: 7990: 7986: 7982: 7975: 7968: 7966: 7958: 7952: 7948: 7947: 7939: 7924: 7920: 7913: 7911: 7909: 7898: 7894: 7891: 7886: 7876: 7875: 7870: 7866: 7863: 7858: 7852:, p. 63. 7851: 7846: 7840:, p. 62. 7839: 7834: 7832: 7824: 7819: 7817: 7810:, p. 61. 7809: 7804: 7802: 7794: 7789: 7787: 7778: 7774: 7767: 7763: 7750: 7746: 7742: 7738: 7737:Western world 7734: 7728: 7724: 7713: 7707: 7702: 7699: 7688: 7685: 7674: 7672: 7670: 7666: 7661: 7657: 7653: 7652:Moldavian SSR 7643: 7641: 7636: 7634: 7624: 7622: 7621:Islam Karimov 7618: 7608: 7606: 7598: 7593: 7584: 7582: 7578: 7574: 7570: 7566: 7565:United Russia 7561: 7559: 7555: 7551: 7550:A Just Russia 7547: 7542: 7539: 7529: 7527: 7523: 7517: 7510: 7502: 7492: 7487: 7485: 7484: 7472: 7470: 7466: 7461: 7459: 7454: 7446: 7441: 7432: 7430: 7424: 7414: 7412: 7411: 7405: 7401: 7397: 7393: 7389: 7385: 7380: 7376: 7366: 7364: 7360: 7359:Hizb-e-Islami 7355: 7354:Hizb-e-Islami 7351: 7347: 7341: 7339: 7335: 7334:Hizb-e-Islami 7331: 7317: 7312: 7308: 7304: 7300: 7290: 7288: 7284: 7280: 7276: 7272: 7268: 7264: 7259: 7257: 7253: 7248: 7246: 7240: 7238: 7234: 7230: 7226: 7222: 7218: 7214: 7210: 7206: 7202: 7198: 7192: 7189: 7185: 7181: 7176: 7169: 7165: 7160: 7156: 7154: 7153: 7148: 7142: 7140: 7136: 7132: 7128: 7124: 7120: 7116: 7112: 7108: 7104: 7100: 7093: 7092: 7088: 7087:Samuel Totten 7083: 7079: 7071: 7067: 7063: 7053: 7051: 7045: 7043: 7037: 7034: 7033:Boris Yeltsin 7030: 7026: 7022: 7018: 7010: 7006: 7001: 6997: 6994: 6990: 6984: 6982: 6978: 6974: 6970: 6966: 6962: 6957: 6955: 6946: 6942: 6938: 6933: 6928: 6924: 6914: 6912: 6908: 6904: 6900: 6896: 6890: 6888: 6884: 6879: 6874: 6868: 6864: 6849: 6847: 6843: 6839: 6835: 6831: 6826: 6823: 6817: 6813: 6800: 6797: 6796: 6792: 6790: 6778: 6777:United States 6767: 6766: 6762: 6760: 6749: 6748: 6744: 6742: 6731: 6730: 6726: 6724: 6713: 6712: 6708: 6706: 6695: 6694: 6689: 6686: 6684: 6683: 6678: 6674: 6669: 6665: 6661: 6657: 6653: 6648: 6646: 6639: 6635: 6625: 6623: 6618: 6614: 6613:agriculture. 6612: 6608: 6604: 6600: 6591: 6586: 6582: 6580: 6575: 6573: 6569: 6564: 6562: 6557: 6552: 6550: 6546: 6540: 6538: 6534: 6530: 6526: 6518: 6513: 6509: 6506: 6504: 6498: 6495: 6494:John W. 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A Spetsnaz 4043: 4042:Yuri Andropov 4038: 4033: 4029: 4027: 4023: 4019: 4015: 4011: 4010:United States 4007: 4002: 3996: 3994: 3990: 3981: 3977: 3972: 3968: 3966: 3962: 3958: 3954: 3950: 3946: 3942: 3938: 3937:Yuri Andropov 3935: 3930: 3928: 3924: 3920: 3913: 3909: 3902: 3898: 3896: 3892: 3887: 3883: 3879: 3874: 3870: 3866: 3857: 3853: 3849: 3848:Tajbeg Palace 3845: 3840: 3835: 3825: 3823: 3817: 3814: 3806: 3802: 3798: 3794: 3790: 3786: 3782: 3778: 3774: 3770: 3766: 3762: 3752: 3749: 3745: 3740: 3736: 3730: 3728: 3724: 3720: 3716: 3707: 3699: 3694: 3684: 3682: 3678: 3674: 3665: 3658: 3656: 3652: 3648: 3643: 3640: 3637: 3633: 3629: 3624: 3622: 3618: 3614: 3609: 3605: 3601: 3597: 3590: 3582: 3575: 3571: 3562: 3559: 3555: 3551: 3547: 3543: 3533: 3529: 3528:Nur Ahmad Nur 3522: 3518: 3516: 3512: 3508: 3504: 3499: 3495: 3489: 3486: 3482: 3475: 3469: 3459: 3457: 3453: 3449: 3445: 3441: 3437: 3429: 3425: 3424:Postage stamp 3421: 3417: 3414: 3413:feudal system 3410: 3409:Babrak Karmal 3406: 3402: 3398: 3394: 3391: 3385: 3375: 3373: 3369: 3365: 3364: 3358: 3354: 3348: 3346: 3342: 3338: 3334: 3330: 3326: 3322: 3318: 3314: 3310: 3306: 3303: 3302:Major-General 3299: 3294: 3292: 3287: 3283: 3282:proxy warring 3279: 3275: 3271: 3265: 3255: 3253: 3249: 3245: 3241: 3236: 3234: 3225: 3221: 3216: 3211: 3201: 3198: 3194: 3191:Daoud Khan's 3189: 3187: 3181: 3179: 3174: 3172: 3168: 3163: 3161: 3156: 3154: 3150: 3146: 3142: 3138: 3132: 3122: 3120: 3116: 3112: 3108: 3104: 3100: 3096: 3092: 3088: 3084: 3078: 3074: 3070: 3066: 3062: 3058: 3054: 3044: 3042: 3038: 3034: 3030: 3026: 3022: 3018: 3014: 3010: 3006: 3002: 2997: 2995: 2990: 2986: 2982: 2978: 2974: 2969: 2967: 2963: 2959: 2955: 2951: 2947: 2943: 2939: 2923: 2920: 2912: 2902: 2898: 2894: 2888: 2885:This section 2883: 2874: 2873: 2863: 2858: 2856: 2851: 2849: 2844: 2843: 2841: 2840: 2835: 2825: 2823: 2815: 2814: 2813: 2812: 2804: 2801: 2799: 2796: 2794: 2791: 2789: 2786: 2782: 2779: 2778: 2777: 2774: 2772: 2769: 2767: 2766:List of years 2764: 2762: 2759: 2757: 2754: 2752: 2749: 2747: 2744: 2742: 2739: 2737: 2734: 2733: 2726: 2725: 2717: 2714: 2712: 2709: 2707: 2706:Paropamisadae 2704: 2702: 2699: 2697: 2694: 2692: 2689: 2687: 2684: 2682: 2679: 2677: 2674: 2672: 2669: 2667: 2664: 2662: 2659: 2657: 2654: 2653: 2646: 2645: 2632: 2629: 2626: 2625: 2621: 2618: 2614: 2611: 2610: 2606: 2604: 2600: 2597: 2596: 2592: 2589: 2588:Islamic State 2586: 2585: 2581: 2579: 2576: 2575: 2571: 2569: 2566: 2565: 2561: 2559: 2558:Islamic State 2556: 2555: 2551: 2549: 2546: 2545: 2541: 2539: 2536: 2535: 2531: 2529: 2526: 2525: 2521: 2519: 2516: 2515: 2511: 2509: 2506: 2505: 2501: 2499: 2496: 2495: 2491: 2489: 2486: 2485: 2481: 2479: 2476: 2475: 2471: 2469: 2466: 2465: 2461: 2459: 2456: 2455: 2451: 2449: 2448:Afsharid Iran 2446: 2445: 2441: 2439: 2436: 2435: 2431: 2429: 2428:Hotak dynasty 2426: 2425: 2421: 2419: 2416: 2415: 2411: 2409: 2406: 2405: 2397: 2396: 2386: 2384: 2381: 2380: 2376: 2374: 2371: 2370: 2366: 2364: 2361: 2360: 2356: 2354: 2351: 2350: 2346: 2344: 2341: 2340: 2336: 2334: 2331: 2330: 2326: 2324: 2321: 2320: 2316: 2314: 2311: 2310: 2306: 2304: 2301: 2300: 2296: 2294: 2291: 2290: 2286: 2284: 2281: 2280: 2276: 2274: 2271: 2270: 2266: 2264: 2261: 2260: 2256: 2254: 2251: 2250: 2246: 2244: 2241: 2240: 2236: 2234: 2231: 2230: 2226: 2224: 2221: 2220: 2216: 2214: 2211: 2210: 2206: 2204: 2201: 2200: 2196: 2194: 2191: 2190: 2186: 2184: 2181: 2180: 2176: 2174: 2171: 2170: 2166: 2164: 2161: 2160: 2152: 2151: 2141: 2139: 2136: 2135: 2131: 2129: 2126: 2125: 2121: 2119: 2116: 2115: 2112: 2110: 2107: 2106: 2102: 2100: 2097: 2096: 2092: 2090: 2087: 2086: 2082: 2080: 2077: 2076: 2072: 2070: 2069:Kushan Empire 2067: 2066: 2062: 2060: 2057: 2056: 2052: 2050: 2047: 2046: 2043:247 BC–224 AD 2042: 2040: 2037: 2036: 2032: 2030: 2027: 2026: 2022: 2020: 2019:Maurya Empire 2017: 2016: 2012: 2010: 2007: 2006: 2002: 2000: 1997: 1996: 1992: 1990: 1987: 1986: 1982: 1980: 1979:Median Empire 1977: 1976: 1972: 1970: 1967: 1966: 1962: 1960: 1957: 1956: 1952: 1950: 1947: 1946: 1941: 1936: 1935: 1932: 1929: 1928: 1924: 1920: 1919: 1916: 1910: 1909: 1904: 1899: 1898: 1890: 1888: 1884: 1883:United States 1881:'Nam" in the 1876: 1868: 1863:Afgʻon urushi 1860: 1852: 1844: 1836: 1832: 1827: 1825: 1811: 1806: 1794: 1790: 1780: 1778: 1774: 1770: 1766: 1762: 1758: 1754: 1750: 1745: 1743: 1739: 1734: 1731: 1727: 1723: 1718: 1716: 1712: 1708: 1704: 1700: 1696: 1692: 1688: 1684: 1680: 1676: 1675:United States 1672: 1668: 1664: 1660: 1656: 1652: 1637: 1634: 1632: 1629: 1627: 1624: 1622: 1619: 1617: 1614: 1612: 1609: 1607: 1604: 1602: 1599: 1597: 1594: 1592: 1589: 1587: 1584: 1582: 1579: 1578: 1575: 1570: 1560: 1555: 1553: 1548: 1546: 1541: 1540: 1537: 1525: 1522: 1520: 1517: 1515: 1512: 1510: 1507: 1506: 1502: 1499: 1497: 1496: 1492: 1488: 1485: 1484: 1483: 1482: 1478: 1476: 1473: 1471: 1468: 1466: 1463: 1461: 1458: 1456: 1453: 1451: 1448: 1446: 1443: 1441: 1438: 1436: 1433: 1431: 1428: 1426: 1423: 1421: 1418: 1416: 1413: 1411: 1408: 1406: 1403: 1401: 1398: 1396: 1393: 1391: 1390: 1386: 1384: 1383: 1379: 1378: 1375: 1370: 1360: 1355: 1353: 1348: 1346: 1341: 1340: 1337: 1328: 1323: 1313: 1312:Total deaths: 1303: 1299: 1295: 1294:Total killed: 1290: 1287: 1286: 1285: 1280: 1270: 1266: 1264:6,804 wounded 1263: 1260: 1259: 1257: 1240: 1239: 1236: 1235: 1233: 1222: 1219: 1213: 1210: 1209: 1207: 1193: 1190: 1187: 1183: 1179: 1176: 1173: 1170: 1167: 1164: 1158: 1155: 1152: 1151: 1148: 1147: 1145: 1144:Soviet Union: 1134: 1131: 1130: 1125: 1118: 1117: 1115: 1105: 1099: 1098: 1096: 1082: 1081: 1079: 1078:Soviet Union: 1069: 1068: 1063: 1057: 1047: 1045: 1035: 1033: 1022: 1019: 1009: 1006: 996: 995: 988: 982: 979: 977: 974: 972: 969: 967: 964: 962: 959: 958: 951: 944: 941: 938: 935: 932: 929: 928: 921: 914: 911: 908: 905: 903: 902:Shura Council 900: 898: 895: 893: 883: 881: 880:Sazman i Nasr 877: 873: 872: 865: 858: 855: 853: 843: 841: 840:Mahaz-e Milli 837: 833: 828: 826: 823: 821: 811: 809: 805: 801: 799: 789: 787: 777: 775: 774:Shura-e Nazar 772: 770: 760: 759: 752: 749: 744: 741: 739: 736: 734: 731: 729: 728:KhAD-e-Nezami 726: 724: 721: 720: 708: 704: 700: 698: 694: 690: 688: 684: 680: 679: 678: 668: 667: 660: 656: 652: 650: 646: 642: 640: 636: 632: 630: 627: 626: 625: 624: 622: 612: 611: 606: 600: 597: 595: 592: 589: 588: 586: 578: 577:Mulavi Dawood 575: 573: 570: 569: 567: 558: 556: 553: 551: 548: 545: 543: 540: 538: 535: 534: 532: 524: 521: 519: 518:Ahmed Gailani 516: 514: 511: 509: 506: 504: 501: 499: 498:Mohammad Nabi 496: 494: 491: 489: 486: 484: 481: 479: 476: 474: 471: 469: 466: 464: 461: 459: 456: 454: 451: 449: 446: 444: 441: 439: 436: 434: 431: 429: 426: 425: 423: 419: 414: 413:Dawlat Waziri 411: 409: 406: 404: 401: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 364: 363:Babrak Karmal 361: 360: 359: 345: 342: 340: 337: 335: 334:Igor Rodionov 332: 330: 327: 325: 322: 320: 317: 315: 312: 310: 307: 305: 302: 300: 299: 294: 291: 289: 288: 283: 282:Yuri Andropov 280: 278: 277: 272: 269: 268: 266: 255: 254: 249: 245: 234: 224: 221: 208: 197: 196: 191: 183: 180: 179: 173: 170: 169: 163: 160: 159: 155: 148: 144: 141: 137: 136: 132: 126: 121: 118: 114: 109: 104: 99: 91: 81: 77: 73: 69: 63: 59: 57: 52:This article 50: 41: 40: 37: 33: 19: 26014: 25786:Demographics 25776:Antisemitism 25629:Central Bank 25547:Forced labor 25495:Spetsnaz GRU 25315:organisation 25223:Human rights 25172:Constitution 25055:Subdivisions 25005: 24933:Russian SFSR 24889:Soviet Union 24774:Later events 24690:Malta Summit 24522:Turkmenistan 24450:Soviet Union 24436:Soviet Union 24416:East Germany 24236:Meles Zenawi 24191:Sali Berisha 24141:Václav Havel 24088:Human chains 23995:Károly Grósz 23925:Khozraschyot 23816:Nomenklatura 23791:Eastern Bloc 23502:Shevardnadze 23487:Shcherbytsky 23230: 23079: 23061: 23054: 23049: 22996:East Prussia 22988: 22964: 22930: 22842:Brinkmanship 22734:intelligence 22623:Marius Oprea 22573:Harvey Klehr 22503:Herbert Feis 22493:Willem Drees 22458:Archie Brown 22375: 22363: 22345: 22335:Trybuna Ludu 22333: 22326: 22322:Radio Moscow 22314: 22307: 22300: 22128:Anti-Zionism 22044: 21967:Keynesianism 21955:Conservatism 21819:Transnistria 21799:China-Taiwan 21456:Gera Demands 21441: 21329: 21130: 21005: 20810:El Porteñazo 20704:Congo Crisis 20619: 20554:Algerian War 20537: 20413:Western Bloc 20408:Eastern Bloc 20403:Iron Curtain 20259: 20251: 20243: 20220: 20200: 20192: 20109:Soviet Union 20107: 20100: 19899: 19749:World War II 19273:Smolensk War 19239:Livonian War 18913: 18763:World War II 18596:Soviet Union 18523: 18508: 18501: 18494: 18487: 18480: 18473: 18466: 18459: 18452: 18445: 18438: 18431: 18424: 18417: 18410: 18034:Soviet Union 18020:Belligerents 18005:Part of the 17994: 17934: 17930: 17927:Cécile Fabre 17922: 17888: 17873: 17863: 17836: 17809: 17786: 17764: 17745: 17717: 17691: 17668: 17646: 17616: 17586: 17553: 17532: 17508: 17479: 17459: 17432: 17404: 17375: 17355: 17334: 17304: 17280: 17259: 17237: 17216: 17194: 17166: 17118: 17094: 17063: 17038:. ABC-CLIO. 17034: 17007: 16979: 16970:Bibliography 16959: 16950: 16938:. Retrieved 16934:the original 16929: 16920: 16908:. Retrieved 16904:the original 16899: 16890: 16876: 16866: 16860: 16851: 16842: 16830:. Retrieved 16818: 16807:, retrieved 16803: 16793: 16781:. Retrieved 16777:the original 16772: 16763: 16749: 16737:. Retrieved 16732: 16723: 16714: 16705: 16694:, retrieved 16690:the original 16685: 16662: 16653: 16642: 16633: 16623: 16617: 16593: 16589: 16579: 16569: 16563: 16535: 16525: 16516: 16503: 16491:. Retrieved 16481: 16456: 16448: 16423: 16415: 16406: 16386: 16378: 16366: 16354:. Retrieved 16334: 16330: 16297: 16285:. Retrieved 16280: 16271: 16263: 16259: 16239:, p. 8. 16232: 16220: 16208:. Retrieved 16203: 16199: 16189: 16164: 16156: 16144: 16134: 16122:. Retrieved 16117: 16107: 16078:. Retrieved 16074:the original 16063: 16041:, p. 4. 16034: 16014: 16008: 15998: 15989: 15980: 15947: 15940: 15931: 15922: 15911: 15902: 15877: 15874:Asian Survey 15873: 15867: 15858: 15849: 15812: 15791: 15757: 15748: 15729: 15720: 15693: 15675: 15655: 15648: 15613: 15596: 15576: 15566: 15546: 15536: 15526: 15505:. Retrieved 15485: 15481: 15453:. Retrieved 15449:the original 15439: 15428:the original 15415: 15408:Amstutz 1994 15403: 15391:. Retrieved 15387:the original 15377: 15365:. Retrieved 15354: 15345: 15336: 15324:. Retrieved 15313: 15301:. Retrieved 15296: 15287: 15275:. Retrieved 15270: 15261: 15253:the original 15248: 15239: 15230: 15207: 15199: 15179: 15172: 15160: 15148:. Retrieved 15138: 15126:. Retrieved 15122: 15112: 15100:. Retrieved 15096:the original 15091: 15082: 15074: 15069: 15061: 15056: 15048: 15043: 15008: 15004: 14979:. Retrieved 14969: 14961:the original 14956: 14947: 14941:. p. 9. 14936: 14926: 14914: 14894: 14887: 14879: 14874: 14866: 14865:Sandy Gall. 14861: 14849:. Retrieved 14845: 14835: 14823:. Retrieved 14816:the original 14802: 14794: 14789: 14762: 14756: 14743: 14721:(1): 39–56. 14718: 14714: 14693: 14668: 14662: 14649: 14640: 14631: 14622: 14610: 14598:. Retrieved 14585: 14576: 14566: 14557: 14547: 14528: 14522: 14513: 14493: 14484: 14475: 14463: 14454: 14448: 14434: 14422:. Retrieved 14418: 14409: 14400: 14388: 14368: 14361: 14354:Goodson 2011 14349: 14340: 14335: 14323:. Retrieved 14318: 14309: 14297:. Retrieved 14292: 14283: 14271: 14259:. Retrieved 14252:the original 14234:(2–3): 154. 14231: 14227: 14199:. Retrieved 14194: 14184: 14160: 14156:Burke, Jason 14150: 14137: 14102: 14095: 14083:. Retrieved 14078: 14069: 14057:. Retrieved 14032:. Retrieved 14027: 14018: 14012: 14000:. Retrieved 13996:the original 13991: 13982: 13970:. Retrieved 13961: 13934:. Retrieved 13930:the original 13920: 13912: 13892: 13886: 13880: 13871: 13861: 13852: 13843: 13831:. Retrieved 13826: 13817: 13805:. Retrieved 13800: 13791: 13774: 13770: 13764: 13752: 13745:Goodson 2011 13740: 13715: 13708:. Retrieved 13704: 13694: 13685: 13671: 13666: 13657: 13648: 13636:. Retrieved 13631: 13622: 13610:. Retrieved 13606:the original 13596: 13587: 13578: 13570:the original 13565: 13561: 13551: 13543:the original 13538: 13534: 13524: 13491: 13485: 13476: 13469:Afghanistan. 13467: 13439: 13427:. Retrieved 13420:the original 13376:. Retrieved 13371: 13362: 13342: 13332: 13318:cite journal 13306:. Retrieved 13301: 13291: 13279:. Retrieved 13259: 13255: 13245: 13225: 13218: 13182: 13175: 13163:. Retrieved 13159:the original 13148: 13136:. Retrieved 13132:the original 13121: 13107: 13087: 13055: 13030: 13018:. Retrieved 13014: 13004: 12992:. Retrieved 12988: 12979: 12967:. Retrieved 12963:the original 12958: 12949: 12937:. Retrieved 12933: 12924: 12913:the original 12908: 12883: 12878: 12870: 12865: 12856: 12847: 12826: 12802: 12793: 12787: 12775: 12766: 12760: 12753:Amstutz 1994 12748: 12737: 12725:. Retrieved 12713: 12704: 12685: 12679: 12667:. Retrieved 12660: 12653: 12641:. Retrieved 12630: 12618:. Retrieved 12614:the original 12603: 12595: 12590: 12570: 12563: 12551: 12539: 12512: 12500:. Retrieved 12498:. Al jazeera 12489: 12469: 12462: 12450:. Retrieved 12445: 12435: 12423:. Retrieved 12420:The Atlantic 12419: 12409: 12397:. Retrieved 12393: 12383: 12374: 12364: 12352:. Retrieved 12347: 12338: 12328: 12320: 12311: 12299: 12272:. Retrieved 12267: 12263: 12226: 12198: 12189: 12181: 12176: 12168: 12163: 12155: 12150: 12142: 12137: 12129: 12119: 12098: 12091:. Retrieved 12087: 12077: 12065:. Retrieved 12061:the original 12056: 12046: 12034:. Retrieved 12030:the original 12016: 11968: 11928:(1): 66–67. 11925: 11921: 11915: 11903:. Retrieved 11899:the original 11889: 11880: 11871: 11846: 11842: 11836: 11826: 11819: 11799: 11792: 11781: 11761: 11754: 11745: 11739: 11730: 11712: 11706: 11697: 11685: 11666: 11659:Amstutz 1994 11654: 11647:Amstutz 1994 11642: 11633: 11627: 11618: 11612: 11579: 11573: 11565: 11560: 11552: 11547: 11540:Amstutz 1994 11523: 11511:. Retrieved 11507: 11480: 11470: 11457: 11412:. Retrieved 11408:the original 11403: 11394: 11384:15 September 11382:. Retrieved 11380:Publications 11367: 11359: 11354: 11341: 11338:Roy, Olivier 11332: 11318: 11309: 11303: 11294: 11288: 11276:. Retrieved 11267: 11247: 11237: 11205: 11195: 11176: 11167: 11134: 11128: 11116:. Retrieved 11102: 11078:(1): 56–94. 11075: 11071: 11046:. Retrieved 11042: 11037:G, Jeffrey. 11032: 11020:. Retrieved 11008: 10998: 10986:. Retrieved 10982: 10972: 10958: 10946: 10938:Toledo Blade 10937: 10928: 10895: 10875: 10851:. Retrieved 10842: 10818:. Retrieved 10814: 10805: 10795: 10760: 10755:Fisk, Robert 10749: 10732: 10721:the original 10708: 10683: 10675: 10666: 10647: 10640: 10620: 10610: 10590: 10583: 10556:. Retrieved 10545: 10525: 10515: 10465:. Retrieved 10458:the original 10445: 10424: 10416: 10408:the original 10398: 10367: 10343: 10306: 10285: 10276: 10270: 10246:. New York: 10241: 10233: 10210: 10204: 10194: 10182: 10170:. Retrieved 10159: 10136: 10101: 10092: 10072: 10065: 10053:. Retrieved 10043: 10023: 10016: 9996: 9986: 9973: 9966: 9959:Amstutz 1994 9954: 9934: 9927: 9919: 9914: 9907:Goodson 2011 9902: 9890:. Retrieved 9880: 9871: 9865: 9856: 9846: 9832: 9804: 9797: 9779:Hoover Press 9774: 9768: 9745: 9739: 9725: 9702: 9696: 9667: 9659: 9652:Amstutz 1994 9647: 9635:. Retrieved 9631:the original 9621: 9609:. Retrieved 9605: 9568: 9564:Roy, Olivier 9558: 9549: 9510: 9490: 9478:. Retrieved 9474: 9461: 9434: 9428: 9408: 9401: 9392: 9386: 9361: 9357: 9351: 9342: 9336: 9270: 9263: 9243: 9200: 9196: 9179:the original 9174: 9143:. Springer. 9139: 9107: 9100: 9090: 9062: 9055: 9035: 9013: 8983: 8947: 8940: 8920: 8888: 8881: 8861: 8854: 8845: 8836: 8816: 8806: 8794:. Retrieved 8782: 8773: 8738: 8734: 8724: 8712:. Retrieved 8708: 8698: 8686:. Retrieved 8682: 8673: 8666:Goodson 2011 8638: 8602: 8595: 8585: 8578: 8570: 8565: 8556: 8547: 8535:. Retrieved 8528:the original 8515: 8503:. Retrieved 8499: 8490: 8478:. Retrieved 8474: 8464: 8449: 8444: 8432: 8427:, p. 5. 8425:Goodson 2011 8361: 8357: 8351: 8342: 8333: 8321:. Retrieved 8317: 8307: 8298: 8286: 8245: 8192:. Retrieved 8188:the original 8178: 8166:. Retrieved 8162:the original 8152: 8140:. Retrieved 8136:the original 8125: 8113:. Retrieved 8102: 8080: 8066: 8060: 8049:the original 8040: 8033: 8024: 8012:. Retrieved 7984: 7980: 7945: 7938: 7926:. Retrieved 7922: 7901:(in Russian) 7885: 7879:(in Russian) 7872: 7871:A. Oliynik. 7857: 7850:Goodson 2011 7845: 7838:Goodson 2011 7823:Goodson 2011 7808:Goodson 2011 7793:Goodson 2011 7776: 7772: 7766: 7745:Eastern Bloc 7741:intervention 7727: 7712:1980s portal 7649: 7637: 7630: 7614: 7602: 7562: 7544:Duma member 7543: 7535: 7521: 7518: 7515: 7489: 7481: 7478: 7462: 7450: 7426: 7409: 7382: 7342: 7326: 7267:Bosnian Serb 7260: 7249: 7241: 7193: 7188:Muslim world 7177: 7173: 7150: 7143: 7096: 7091:Paul Bartrop 7078:rubblization 7075: 7046: 7038: 7013: 6985: 6958: 6950: 6906: 6891: 6870: 6827: 6819: 6815: 6811: 6680: 6677:Sharbat Gula 6649: 6641: 6621: 6619: 6615: 6595: 6578: 6576: 6565: 6553: 6549:malnutrition 6541: 6522: 6507: 6499: 6483: 6463: 6442: 6404:451 aircraft 6398: 6392:, 31,080 of 6386: 6382: 6367: 6307: 6254: 6220: 6189: 6187: 6144: 6125:Robert Gates 6115: 6091:Tehran Eight 6068: 6059:Muslim world 6050:making it a 6044:Saudi Arabia 6029: 6010:Boris Gromov 6002: 5982: 5971:, including 5966: 5953: 5930: 5917:arid climate 5911: 5891: 5862: 5819: 5798:Louis Dupree 5775: 5765: 5732: 5724: 5697: 5680: 5646: 5610: 5586: 5575: 5570:Boris Gromov 5552: 5538: 5531: 5519: 5516: 5486: 5455: 5447: 5420:Hezbi Islami 5413: 5401: 5389: 5381: 5370: 5347: 5331:puppet state 5328: 5300: 5288: 5280: 5263:Saudi Arabia 5214: 5183: 5175: 5174: 5167: 5160: 5151: 5130:Robert Gates 5120: 5101: 5093: 5073: 5029: 5013: 4997: 4983: 4976: 4941: 4926: 4908: 4901: 4883:against the 4877:Afghan Arabs 4862: 4850: 4820: 4809: 4800: 4744: 4737: 4716: 4705: 4670: 4650: 4594: 4585: 4573: 4568: 4557:air corridor 4554: 4533: 4524:Saudi Arabia 4516:the Pentagon 4505: 4501: 4489:Persian Gulf 4470: 4443:World War II 4439: 4436:Military aid 4408: 4396: 4385: 4371: 4350:Jimmy Carter 4347: 4335: 4294: 4250: 4240: 4222: 4210:Zenith Group 4209: 4202:Zenith Group 4201: 4195: 4182: 4163: 4136: 4122: 4099: 4094: 4082: 4054: 4036: 4034: 4030: 3997: 3985: 3934:KGB chairman 3931: 3916: 3905: 3899: 3861: 3818: 3793:Robert Gates 3765:Jimmy Carter 3758: 3739:Kunar Valley 3731: 3712: 3670: 3645: 3625: 3593: 3585: 3579: 3576:in the 1950s 3538: 3520: 3491: 3477: 3473: 3433: 3387: 3370:and Iranian 3368:armed forces 3361: 3349: 3295: 3267: 3237: 3229: 3190: 3186:Pashtunistan 3182: 3175: 3164: 3157: 3134: 3083:Soviet Union 3080: 2998: 2970: 2935: 2915: 2906: 2893:spinning off 2886: 2781:List of wars 2630:(reinstated) 2590:(reinstated) 1963:2100–1800 BC 1953:2200–1800 BC 1887:Afghan jihad 1886: 1869:" (Russian: 1866: 1830: 1788: 1786: 1771:'s Isolated 1746: 1735: 1719: 1677:(as part of 1659:paramilitary 1650: 1648: 1600: 1494: 1480: 1455:Maravar Pass 1440:Baraki Barak 1388: 1381: 1366: 1311: 1301: 1293: 1283: 1261:5,775 killed 1255: 1231: 1220: 1206:Afghanistan: 1205: 1143: 1132: 1113: 1095:Afghanistan: 1094: 1077: 1020:(covertly) 986: 971:Nimruz Front 949: 919: 863: 750: 584: 565: 530: 421: 358:Afghanistan: 357: 344:Yuri Drozdov 339:Boris Gromov 324:Dmitry Yazov 297: 286: 275: 265:Soviet Union 264: 207:Soviet Union 193:Belligerents 111:Part of the 98: 85: 53: 36: 25890:Phraseology 25835:Prohibition 25823:Linguistics 25808:Drug policy 25801:1989 census 25722:Cybernetics 25624:Agriculture 25537:Great Purge 25499:Soviet Navy 25491:Soviet Army 25363:(1989–1991) 25357:(1938–1991) 25351:(1922–1936) 25335:Secretariat 25206:Gun control 25113:Caspian Sea 25097:Closed city 25026:Dissolution 25011:Perestroika 24953:Great Purge 24750:August Coup 24603:South Yemen 24548:Afghanistan 24392:Central and 24385:by location 24289:Civic Forum 24176:Feng Congde 24151:Ion Iliescu 24136:Lech Wałęsa 24093:Magnitizdat 24055:Zhao Ziyang 24045:Heng Samrin 24005:Miloš Jakeš 23915:Perestroika 23590:Governments 23512:Solomentsev 23452:Mzhavanadze 23151:Six-Day War 23050:Afghanistan 22668:Shen Zhihua 22478:Michael Cox 22410:competition 22357:Pro-Western 22347:Soviet Life 22273:Safari Club 22243:Warsaw Pact 22098:Nationalism 22088:Imperialism 21987:Reaganomics 21850:Containment 21643:Perestroika 21132:Realpolitik 20962:Six-Day War 20947:Greek junta 20758:Berlin Wall 20606:Suez Crisis 20574:Vietnam War 20461:McCarthyism 20276:Baruch Plan 20221:Unthinkable 20181:Dekemvriana 20120:Warsaw Pact 19855:Vietnam War 19725: [ 19584:World War I 19505:Crimean War 19438:Finnish War 19354:(1740–1748) 19343:(1733–1738) 19268:Ingrian War 18984:(including 18869:Vietnam War 18739: [ 17528:Jones, Adam 16940:17 February 16910:17 February 16832:29 December 16809:14 February 16696:22 December 16543:. pp.  16493:16 November 15393:15 February 15367:15 February 15326:15 February 15150:15 February 15128:27 November 14919:Kaplan 2008 14600:20 February 14339:Ruttig, T. 14166:I.B. Tauris 14059:20 February 14055:. 13733:Kaplan 2008 13165:15 February 13138:15 February 12727:2 September 12620:15 February 12556:Kaplan 2008 12544:Kaplan 2008 12532:Kaplan 2008 12517:Kaplan 2008 12371:"Gunga Dan" 12292:Kaplan 2008 11513:13 November 11414:29 November 11243:Coll, Steve 11118:26 December 11048:13 November 11022:13 November 10988:13 November 10853:26 December 10485:Brogan 1989 10431:Pluto Press 10426:Unholy Wars 10352:. pp.  10250:. pp.  10217:: 237–264. 9812:. pp.  9611:12 November 9530:Kaplan 2008 9495:Brogan 1989 9480:12 November 9304:Brogan 1989 8688:13 November 8379:10945/41811 8291:Nelson 2013 8194:15 February 7928:20 December 7779:: 33. 1995. 7548:(socialist 7229:South Yemen 7221:Philippines 7166:during the 7164:Salang Pass 7040:leading to 6941:Afghan Army 6935:Two Soviet 6408:helicopters 6310:Afghanistan 6063:Jason Burke 5872:, Laghman, 5713:Congressman 5534:AH-1J Cobra 5498:Perestroika 5255:Durand Line 5221:Afghanistan 5036:power lines 5001:gendarmerie 4995:succeeded. 4943:Olivier Roy 4863:Pakistan's 4784:Afghanistan 4776:Warsaw Pact 4770:present in 4643:fighter in 4538:. The 1979 4493:Arabian Sea 4422:Warsaw Pact 4418:Warsaw Pact 4318:Bala Hissar 4305:Bala Hissar 4233:Radio Kabul 4197:Alpha Group 4137:The Soviet 4090:Narkomindel 4055:In Moscow, 3816:intended." 3781:Cyrus Vance 3748:Ismail Khan 3664:Parchamites 3542:land reform 3534:, June 1978 3515:Olivier Roy 3444:Afghan Army 3220:Afghanistan 3193:irredentist 3167:British Raj 3153:Durand Line 3145:Khyber Pass 3065:Interkosmos 3041:Ibrahim Bek 3031:during the 3029:Enver Pasha 3025:World War I 2983:(now under 2701:Kushanshahr 2578:US invasion 2313:Khwarezmids 2163:Kabul Shahi 2118:Alchon Huns 1973:1500–535 BC 1914:Afghanistan 1912:History of 1875:Vietnam War 1699:in Pakistan 1435:Caravan war 1232:Mujahideen: 1168:264 missing 1114:Mujahideen: 1007:(covertly) 915:Raʽad Party 743:Pader Watan 687:Afghan Army 559:Mosbah Sade 513:Mullah Omar 443:Ismail Khan 378:Abdul Qadir 246:(from 1988) 220:Afghanistan 175:Afghanistan 76:subheadings 26135:Proxy wars 26049:Categories 25930:Opposition 25920:Television 25900:Propaganda 25873:Literature 25747:Naukograds 25742:Sharashkas 25676:(currency) 25654:Inventions 25597:Censorship 25527:Red Terror 25211:Government 25085:Autonomous 25068:Autonomous 25001:Stagnation 24964:Evacuation 24791:Lustration 24665:Baltic Way 24616:Individual 24593:Mozambique 24532:Uzbekistan 24517:Tajikistan 24502:Kyrgyzstan 24497:Kazakhstan 24462:Azerbaijan 24441:Yugoslavia 24319:Solidarity 24279:Charter 77 24265:Opposition 24161:Wu'erkaixi 24127:Opposition 24074:Opposition 24065:Siad Barre 24010:Egon Krenz 23980:Ramiz Alia 23971:Government 23910:Uskoreniye 23842:background 23764:background 23537:Vorotnikov 22436:Historians 22427:Space Race 22328:Rudé právo 22282:Propaganda 22138:Neo-Nazism 22108:Chauvinism 22062:Trotskyism 21977:Monetarism 21945:Liberalism 21937:Capitalism 21929:Ideologies 21880:Ostpolitik 21603:Solidarity 21568:Toyota War 21471:Solidarity 21328:Operation 21283:Ogaden War 20972:Dhofar War 20860:Shifta War 20618:Operation 20466:Korean War 20258:Operation 20250:Operation 20242:Operation 20219:Operation 20199:Operation 20191:Operation 19890:Ogaden War 19840:Korean War 19759:Winter War 19628:Heimosodat 19215:Tsardom of 18904:Ogaden War 18854:Korean War 18773:Winter War 18642:Heimosodat 18553:Multimedia 18160:Mujahideen 18048:Mujahideen 17907:1032709528 17737:2012049971 17499:1026403863 17324:1038690733 17143:2011015052 16854:(in Uzbek) 16371:Kepel 2002 16302:Kepel 2002 16252:Kepel 2002 16237:Kepel 2002 16225:Kepel 2002 16149:Kepel 2002 16100:Kepel 2002 16056:Kepel 2002 15455:19 January 15231:The Nation 14698:Dower 2017 14595:World Bank 14325:7 February 14299:7 February 14276:Crile 2003 14261:8 December 14130:Kepel 2002 13964:. London. 13757:Klass 2018 13653:Kakar 1997 13612:19 January 13463:Kakar 1997 13444:Jones 2006 12769:. Newsday. 10951:Kepel 2002 10172:10 October 9810:I.B.Tauris 9676:. p.  9364:(4): 709. 8683:Britannica 8408:Klass 2018 8111:. 7759:References 7743:" (by the 7735:" (by the 7617:Uzbekistan 7611:Uzbekistan 7275:In Algeria 6798:Elsewhere 6727:1,800,000 6709:3,200,000 6679:placed on 6533:Land mines 6529:bulldozing 6517:PFM-1 mine 6479:World Bank 6362:mujahideen 6231:Miram Shah 6046:, and the 5973:mycotoxins 5945:land-mines 5913:Irrigation 5837:See also: 5814:Helen Fein 5794:Adam Jones 5749:See also: 5745:War crimes 5708:kill ratio 5664:See also: 5589:DRA forces 5409:Zia-ul-Haq 5383:loya jirga 5377:Zahir Shah 5296:desertions 5251:Zia-ul-Haq 5247:Zahir Shah 5169:60 Minutes 5061:land mines 5024:maraboutic 4815:democratic 4788:Mujahideen 4677:offensives 4673:divisional 4641:Mujahideen 4629:See also: 4465:See also: 4339:Great Game 4095:mujahideen 3980:T-62 tanks 3822:Steve Coll 3769:presidency 3691:See also: 3550:illiteracy 3466:See also: 3311:where the 3262:See also: 3233:border war 3208:See also: 3129:See also: 3099:small arms 3073:Naghlu Dam 3057:Soyuz TM-6 3051:See also: 2971:Following 2954:Oxus River 2950:Great Game 2897:relocating 2716:Zabulistan 2691:Kafiristan 2686:Kabulistan 2508:Daoud coup 2343:Qarlughids 2283:Ghaznavids 2193:Tang China 2138:Nezak Huns 2063:155–80? BC 2033:256–125 BC 2023:305–180 BC 2013:312–150 BC 2003:330–312 BC 1993:550–330 BC 1983:728–550 BC 1893:Background 1851:Belarusian 1831:Afghan war 1693:, and the 1325:2,000,000 1320:5,000,000 572:Faiz Ahmad 88:March 2022 72:condensing 25991:Republics 25979:Republics 25967:Republics 25818:Languages 25682:Transport 25564:Holodomor 25457:Militsiya 25395:President 25287:Stalinism 25189:Elections 25063:Republics 25046:Geography 25036:Nostalgia 24948:Stalinism 24831:Pink tide 24625:Jeltoqsan 24541:Elsewhere 24492:Lithuania 24344:Rastokhez 24284:New Forum 24267:movements 24166:Chai Ling 23776:Communism 23709:11th plan 23704:10th plan 23472:Ponomarev 23467:Polyansky 23432:Kuznetsov 23407:Kirilenko 23387:Gorbachev 23367:Chernenko 23362:Chebrikov 23063:Manchuria 22953:Lithuania 22723:Ken Young 22568:Tony Judt 22417:Arms race 22390:Red Scare 22258:NN States 22203:Apartheid 22158:Autocracy 22067:Stalinism 22035:Guevarism 22025:Castroism 22015:Communism 22007:Socialism 21533:Star Wars 21126:Koza riot 20252:Beleaguer 20244:Masterdom 19510:Åland War 19478:Murid War 19317:18th–19th 18603:1922–1991 18496:Rambo III 18454:Cargo 200 18447:The Beast 18433:Afghantsi 18187:Abdul Haq 17637:685132509 17451:904811772 17185:319859472 17151:709682862 17054:437198304 16999:948347893 16610:144300941 15640:267224303 15102:17 August 14825:5 January 14735:211172972 14085:2 October 14034:2 October 14028:World 101 14002:2 October 13972:2 October 13936:2 October 13895:(3): 62. 13710:6 January 13655:, p. 224 13516:251536966 13465:, p. 215 13429:7 January 13210:211440686 12722:0882-7729 12425:3 October 12304:Coll 2004 12274:3 October 12243:Coll 2004 12093:5 October 12006:ignored ( 11996:cite book 11950:154959326 11905:9 January 11863:144778383 11598:cite book 11153:cite book 11094:1060-586X 11017:0190-8286 10914:cite book 10558:8 January 10387:Coll 2004 10290:Coll 2004 10187:Coll 2004 10055:6 January 9378:145101689 9225:108646101 8791:0882-7729 8765:1757-899X 8709:BBC, 1979 8437:Joes 2010 8388:0030-4387 8323:2 October 8088:cite book 7656:Moldovans 7605:Ukrainian 7599:, Ukraine 7569:Communist 7486:in 2001: 7263:In Bosnia 7237:Andalusia 7197:Palestine 7119:madrassas 7109:, Egypt, 6977:Hamid Gul 6973:Jalalabad 6947:, in 2002 6917:Civil war 6852:Aftermath 6607:pistachio 6489:democidal 6390:hepatitis 6334:The Hague 6101:Spillover 6055:proxy war 5866:Nangarhar 5833:Massacres 5566:40th Army 5284:artillery 5040:pipelines 4954:north of 4843:A Soviet 4709:Mil Mi-24 4666:Hazarajat 4545:Politburo 4512:gendarmes 4412:, led by 4345:in 1945. 4262:40th Army 4229:Uzbek SSR 4139:40th Army 3943:from the 3735:Nuristani 3715:feudalism 3494:communist 3119:Uzbek SSR 2985:Bolshevik 2909:June 2024 2656:Arachosia 2622:2004–2021 2607:2001–2004 2572:1996–2001 2562:1992–1996 2542:1978–1992 2522:1973–1978 2502:1926–1973 2482:1823–1926 2472:1818–1855 2462:1747–1823 2452:1738–1747 2442:1716–1732 2432:1709–1738 2422:1510–1709 2412:1501–1738 2387:1520–1591 2377:1370–1507 2367:1245–1381 2357:1256–1335 2353:Ilkhanate 2347:1224–1266 2337:1226–1245 2327:1219–1226 2317:1215–1231 2307:1037–1194 2263:Saffarids 2053:180–90 BC 1843:Ukrainian 1761:Uzbek SSR 1487:Hill 3234 1481:Magistral 1475:Arghandab 1382:Storm-333 1256:Pakistan: 987:Pakistani 955:Factions: 925:Factions: 869:Factions: 756:Factions: 629:40th Army 483:Abdul Haq 80:talk page 68:splitting 66:Consider 26034:Category 25587:Religion 25474:Chairmen 25320:Congress 25282:Leninism 25262:Propiska 25157:Politics 25016:Glasnost 24976:Cold War 24916:February 24588:Mongolia 24583:Ethiopia 24568:Cambodia 24472:Chechnya 24406:Bulgaria 24181:Tank Man 24171:Wang Dan 24156:Liu Gang 24113:Samizdat 24108:Protests 23947:Glasnost 23930:500 Days 23854:Cold War 23762:Internal 23699:9th plan 23694:8th plan 23569:Podgorny 23559:Brezhnev 23522:Tikhonov 23507:Shvernik 23492:Shelepin 23477:Rashidov 23462:Podgorny 23437:Masherov 23412:Kiselyov 23372:Demichev 23357:Brezhnev 23352:Andropov 22966:Bornholm 22875:Timeline 22865:Category 22810:See also 22302:Izvestia 22143:Islamism 22040:Hoxhaism 21915:Rollback 21794:Abkhazia 21734:Gulf War 21638:Glasnost 21008:incident 20778:Sand War 20636:Ifni War 20145:Rio Pact 20090:Cold War 20043:Cold War 19905:Gulf War 19261:and the 19134:Internal 18990:Imperial 18919:Gulf War 18543:Category 18114:Alliance 18027:Alliance 18011:Cold War 18009:and the 17856:44027616 17785:(2014). 17606:48367823 17584:(2008). 17573:37175170 17530:(2006). 17424:48249312 17395:99017020 17302:(2017). 17115:(2011). 17093:(1990). 17083:40074017 17032:(2007). 16715:Politico 16533:(2006). 16351:20031771 15756:(2021). 15728:(2008). 15692:(eds.). 15604:(2021). 15574:(2014). 15544:(2011). 15502:18194424 15348:. India. 15123:BBC News 15035:11834566 14781:23640010 14727:11617850 14685:12317412 14502:Archived 14424:29 March 14419:Refworld 14248:14344770 14201:25 March 14158:(2004). 14079:BBC News 13966:Archived 13909:40379198 13833:30 April 13807:30 April 13783:20671950 13508:45315752 13378:11 April 13340:(2011). 13276:20033070 13020:11 April 12994:11 April 12969:11 April 12939:11 April 12886:, p. 251 12598:, p. 219 12036:28 March 11988:15869076 11942:27755911 11674:Archived 11485:Archived 11462:Archived 11340:(1990). 11245:(2005). 11175:(1994). 10983:POLITICO 10757:(2005). 10618:(2011). 10599:Archived 10523:(2009). 10467:17 April 10433:. p. 8. 10391:blowback 10340:(2010). 10135:(2007). 10100:(2014). 9994:(2002). 9566:(1990). 9550:BBC News 9453:93-46257 8814:(2024). 8537:16 April 8246:Guardian 8014:26 April 8005:Archived 7893:Archived 7865:Archived 7733:invasion 7597:Kolomyia 7522:Afgantsy 7429:war rugs 7396:al-Qaeda 7390:and the 7384:Blowback 7338:Deobandi 7283:In Egypt 7233:Tashkent 7182:cleric, 7139:Deobandi 7115:Chechnya 7103:al-Qaeda 7062:Jihadism 7017:Tarinkot 6911:glasnost 6907:Afgantsy 6830:Pashtuns 6705:Pakistan 6656:Peshawar 6652:refugees 6628:Refugees 6599:warlords 6358:Spetsnaz 6292:XI Corps 6280:Pakistan 6276:Peshawar 6261:Pakistan 6205:Pakistan 6166:while 1 6052:Cold War 6036:Pakistan 5949:Kandahar 5925:strafing 5778:genocide 5761:Kandahar 5507:Mongolia 5494:Glasnost 5430:and the 5416:Pekhawar 5164:embedded 5080:Ministry 5056:shelling 5032:sabotage 4897:al-Qaeda 4891:, whose 4869:Deobandi 4845:Spetsnaz 4796:Russians 4778:and the 4761:and the 4747:Sarandoy 4723:Brezhnev 4689:Kandahar 4662:Nuristan 4589:Kandahar 4520:missiles 4491:and the 4473:Cold War 4451:Oerlikon 4379:—  4364:and the 4322:Rishkhor 4179:in Kabul 3886:Shindand 3660:—  3604:chairman 3558:Nuristan 3554:garrison 3524:—  3481:Khalqist 3403:and the 3333:Peshawar 3278:republic 3224:Pakistan 3115:Tashkent 3001:Red Army 2822:Category 2696:Khorasan 2676:Gandhara 2617:politics 2518:Republic 2418:Safavids 2373:Timurids 2287:963–1187 2273:Samanids 2253:Tahirids 2243:Abbasids 2213:Umayyads 2155:Medieval 1931:Timeline 1903:a series 1901:Part of 1773:Republic 1711:Cold War 1671:Pakistan 1405:Panjshir 1065:Strength 1056:XI Corps 723:Sarandoy 639:Spetsnaz 171:Location 115:and the 113:Cold War 56:too long 25955:Symbols 25868:Fashion 25850:Culture 25764:Society 25709:Science 25674:Rouble 25616:Economy 25592:Science 25402:Premier 25383:Offices 25245:Leaders 25165:General 25133:Siberia 25106:Regions 25080:Oblasts 24921:October 24898:History 24840:Related 24598:Somalia 24527:Ukraine 24507:Moldova 24482:Georgia 24477:Estonia 24467:Belarus 24457:Armenia 24431:Romania 24421:Hungary 24401:Albania 24309:Sąjūdis 24129:leaders 24076:methods 23973:leaders 23962:Đổi Mới 23903:Reforms 23644:Reforms 23564:Kosygin 23546:Leaders 23532:Voronov 23527:Ustinov 23497:Shelest 23482:Romanov 23447:Mikoyan 23442:Mazurov 23427:Kulakov 23422:Kosygin 23402:Gromyko 23397:Grishin 23392:Grechko 23382:Efremov 23377:Dolgikh 23186:Détente 23080:Italics 23025:Romania 23003:Hungary 22990:Germany 22984:Finland 22943:Estonia 22932:Austria 22365:Amerika 22248:Comecon 22133:Fascism 22123:Zionism 22072:Titoism 21613:Contras 21081:Détente 20358:Comecon 19983:Outline 19966:century 19567:century 19319:century 19002:Related 18986:Tsarist 18107:Leaders 17945:Soviets 17793:Press. 16783:28 July 16739:1 March 16356:23 July 16124:23 July 16080:22 July 15894:2645218 15694:Endings 15507:15 July 15363:. UNHCR 15322:. 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Leonid Brezhnev
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