
Mexican Revolution

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5861:, "a victory of Villa and Zapata would probably have resulted in a weak, fragmented state, a collage of revolutionary fiefs of varied political hues presided over by a feeble central government." Porfirio Díaz had successfully centralized power during his long presidency. Carranza was an old politico of the Díaz regime, considered a kind of bridge between the old Porfirian order and the new revolutionary. The northern generals seized power in 1920, with the "Sonoran hegemony prov complete and long lasting." The Sonorans, particularly Álvaro Obregón, were battle-tested leaders and pragmatic politicians able to consolidate centralized power immediately after 1920. The revolutionary struggle destroyed the professional army and brought to power men who joined the Revolution as citizen-soldiers. Once in power, successive revolutionary generals holding the presidency, Obregón, Calles, and Cárdenas, systematically downsized the army and instituted reforms to create a professionalized force subordinate to civilian politicians. By 1940, the government had controlled the power of the revolutionary generals, making the Mexican military subordinate to the strong central government, breaking the cycle of military intervention in politics dating to the independence era. It is also in contrast to the pattern of military power in many Latin American countries. 5940:
Camacho reorganized the party into its final form, removing the military. This channeled both political patronage and limited political options of those sectors. This structure strengthened the power of the PRI and the government. Union and peasant leaders themselves gained power of patronage, and the discontent of the membership was channeled through them. If organizational leaders could not resolve a situation or gain benefits for their members, it was they who were blamed for being ineffective brokers. There was the appearance of union and peasant leagues' power, but the effective power was in the hands of the PRI. Under PRI leadership before the 2000 elections which saw the conservative National Action Party elected most power came from a Central Executive Committee, which budgeted all government projects. This in effect turned the legislature into a rubber stamp for the PRI's leadership. The Party's name is aimed at expressing the Mexican state's incorporation of the idea of revolution, and especially a continuous, nationalist, anti-imperialist, Mexican revolution, into political discourse, and its legitimization as a popular, revolutionary party. According to historian Alan Knight, the memory of the revolution became a sort of "secular religion" that justified the Party's rule.
factions, it was the most homogeneous, with most fighters being free peasants and only few peons on haciendas. With no industry to speak of in Morelos, there were no industrial workers in the movement and no middle-class participants. A few intellectuals supported the Zapatistas. The Zapatistas' armed opposition movement just south of the capital needed to be heeded by those in power in Mexico City. Unlike northern Mexico, close to the U.S. border and access to arms sales from there, the Zapatista territory in Morelos was geographically isolated from access to arms. The Zapatistas did not appeal for support to international interests nor play a role in international politics the way Pancho Villa, the other major populist leader, did. The movement's goal was for land reform in Morelos and restoration of the rights of communities. The Zapatistas were divided into guerrilla fighting forces that joined together for major battles before returning to their home villages. Zapata was not a peasant himself but led peasants in his home state in regionally concentrated warfare to regain village lands and return to subsistence agriculture. Morelos was the only region where land reform was enacted during the years of fighting.
4825:, but during the revolution had fought in the north, rising to the rank of general, and becoming a part of the northern dynasty. He returned to Michoacan after the revolution, and implemented a number of reforms that were precursors of those he enacted as president. With Calles's founding of the PNR, Cárdenas became part of the party apparatus. Calles had no idea that Cárdenas was as politically savvy as he turned out to be, managing to oust Calles from his role as the power behind the presidency and forcing him into exile. Calles had increasingly moved to the political right, abandoning support for land reform. Peasants who had joined the revolution with the hope that land reform would be enacted, and the constitution had empowered the state to expropriate land and other resources. During Cárdenas's presidency, he expropriated and distributed land and organized peasant leagues, incorporating them into the political system. Although in theory peasants and workers could come together as a single powerful sector, the PNR ruled that peasant organizations were to be separate from industrial labor, and organizing the countryside should be under the control of the party. 3460: 5473:
military. Women who were involved in political reform would create reports that outlined the changes people wanted to see in their area. That type of activism was seen inside and outside of the cities. Women not only took political action but also enlisted in the military and became teachers to contribute to the change that they wanted to see after the revolution. Women were seen as prizes by many men involved in the military. Being involved in the military gave men a greater sense of superiority over women, which gave women the connotation of being a prize. That idea often lead to violence against women, which meanwhile increased. After the revolution, the ideas women contributed to the revolution were put on hold for many years. Women would often promote the ideas of establishing a greater justice system and creating ideals surrounded by democracy. The revolution caused many people to further reinstate the idea that women were meant to be taking care of the household. Women were also put in the lower part of the social class because of this idea.
26 by the time of the October congressional elections. From Huerta's point of view, the fragmentation of the conservative political landscape strengthened his own position. For the country's conservative elite, "there was a growing disillusionment with Huerta, and disgust at his strong-arm methods." Huerta closed the legislature on 26 October 1913, having the army surround its building and arresting congressmen perceived to be hostile to his regime. Despite that, congressional elections went ahead, but given that congress was dissolved and some members were in jail, opposition candidates' fervor disappeared. The sham election "brought home to Wilson's administration the fatuity of relying on elections to demonstrate genuine democracy." The October 1913 elections were the end of any pretension to constitutional rule in Mexico, with civilian political activity banned. Prominent Catholics were arrested and Catholic newspapers were suppressed.
5170:(people). Madero is in a dapper suit. The caption reads "offerings to the people to rise to the presidency." Political cartoons by Mexicans as well as Americans caricatured the situation in Mexico for a mass readership. Political broadsides including songs of the revolutionary period were also a popular form of visual art. After 1920, Mexican muralism and printmaking were two major forms of revolutionary art. Prints were easily reproducible and circulated widely, while murals commissioned by the Mexican government necessitated a journey to view them. Printmaking "emerged as a favored medium, alongside government sponsored mural painting among artists ready to do battle for a new aesthetic as well as a new political order." Diego Rivera, better known for his painting than printmaking, reproduced his depiction of Zapata in the murals in the Cortés Palace in Cuernavaca in a 1932 print. 4860:, which were largely eliminated under his rule, except in the most backwater areas of Mexico. To prevent conservative factions in the military from plotting and to put idle soldiers to work, Cárdenas mobilized the military to build public works projects. That same year another Cristero revolt occurred. This was partially caused by Cárdenas' mandate for secular education early in his presidency in 1934. The Cristeros were not supported by the Catholic hierarchy and Cárdenas quashed the revolt. The Catholic Church told rebels to surrender themselves to the government. In the next year, 1936, to further stabilize his rule, Cárdenas further armed the peasants and workers and begins to organize them into formal militias. This proved to be useful later in his presidency as the militias came to his aid in a military coup in revolutionary Mexico in 1938. Seeing no opposition from the 5054:
by rail, the soldiers rode on the tops of boxcars. Railway lines, engines, and rolling stock were targeted for sabotage and the rebuilding of tracks and bridges was an ongoing issue. Major battles in the north were fought along railway lines or railway junctions, such as Torreón. Early on, northern revolutionaries also added hospital cars so the wounded could be treated. Horses remained important in troop movements, they were either directly ridden to combat zones or they were loaded on trains. Infantry also still played a role. Arms purchases, mainly from the United States, gave northern armies almost inexhaustible access to rifles and ammunition so long as they had the means to pay for them. New military technology, particularly machine guns, mechanized death on a large scale. El Paso, Texas became a major supplier of weaponry to the Constitutionalist Army.
1296:, and enhanced the power of the federal government. Carranza became President of Mexico in 1917, serving a term ending in 1920. He attempted to impose a civilian successor, prompting northern revolutionary generals to rebel. Carranza fled Mexico City and was killed. From 1920 to 1940, revolutionary generals held the office of president, each completing their terms (except from 1928-1934). This was a period when state power became more centralized and revolutionary reforms were implemented, bringing the military under the control of the civilian government. The Revolution was a decade-long civil war, with new political leadership that gained power and legitimacy through their participation in revolutionary conflicts. The political party those leaders founded in 1929, which would become the 2034: 3580: 4673:
exchange for material rewards was one tactic. De la Huerta had already successfully used it with Pancho Villa. Not trusting Villa to remain on the sidelines, Obregón had him assassinated in 1923. In 1923 De la Huerta rebelled against Obregón and his choice of Calles as his successor as president, leading to a split in the military. The rebellion was suppressed and Obregón began to professionalize the military, reduced the number of troops by half, and forced officers to retire. Obregón (1920–24) followed by Calles (1924–28) viewed bringing the armed forces under state control as essential to stabilizing Mexico. Downsizing the military meant that state funds were freed up for other priorities, especially education. Obregón's Minister of Education,
5022: 5957:". The army opened the sociopolitical system and the leaders in the Constitutionalist faction, particularly Álvaro Obregón and Plutarco Elías Calles, controlled the central government for more than a decade after the military phase ended in 1920. The creation of the PNR in 1929 brought generals into the political system, but as an institution, the army's power as an interventionist force was tamed, most directly under Lázaro Cárdenas, who in 1936 incorporated the army as a sector in the new iteration of the party, the Revolutionary Party of Mexico (PRM). The old federal army had been destroyed during the revolution, and the new collection of revolutionary fighters were brought under state control. 5148: 4948: 5324: 3846:, a progressive who sympathized with the Mexican revolutionaries, and the president recalled Ambassador Wilson. The United States lifted the arms embargo imposed by Taft in order to supply weapons to the landlocked rebels; while under the complete embargo Huerta had still been able to receive shipments from the British by sea. Wilson urged European powers to not recognize Huerta's government, and attempted to persuade Huerta to call prompt elections "and not present himself as a candidate". The United States offered Mexico a loan on the condition that Huerta accept the proposal. He refused. Lind "clearly threatened a military intervention in case the demands were not met". 3930:, only to be undone by squabbling between the two commanding officers, General Velasco and General Maas, over who had the higher rank. As of mid-April, Mexico City sat undefended before Constitutionalist forces under Villa. Obregón moved south from Sonora along the Pacific Coast. When his way was blocked by federal gunboats, Obregón attacked these boats with an airplane, an early use of an airplane for military purposes. In early July he defeated federal troops at Orendain, Jalisco, leaving 8,000 federals dead and capturing a large trove of armaments. He was now in a position to arrive at Mexico City ahead of Villa, who was diverted by orders from Carranza to take 3302:
sought were not immediately instituted. He did introduce some progressive reforms, including improved funding for rural schools; promoting some aspects of agrarian reform to increase the amount of productive land; labor reforms including workman's compensation and the eight-hour day; but also defended the right of the government to intervene in strikes. According to historian Peter V. N. Henderson, De la Barra's and congress's actions "suggests that few Porfirians wished to return to the status quo of the dictatorship. Rather, the thoughtful, progressive members of the Porfirian meritocracy recognized the need for change." De la Barra's government sent General
4325:, sparking a decade-long armed conflict between liberals and conservatives. In contrast, the 1917 Constitution came at the culmination of revolutionary struggle. Drafting a new constitution was not a given at the outbreak of the Revolution. Carranza's 1913 Plan of Guadalupe was a narrow political plan to unite Mexicans against the Huerta regime and named Carranza as the head of the Constitutionalist Army. Increasingly revolutionaries called for radical reform. Carranza had consolidated power and his advisers persuaded him that a new constitution would better accomplish incorporating major reforms than a piecemeal revision of the 1857 constitution. 4729:("long live Christ the king"). It was a lengthy, major uprising against the revolutionary vision of the Mexican state in central Mexico, not a short-lived, localized rebellion. Calles's stringent enforcement of anticlerical laws had an impact on the presidential succession, with Calles's comrade and chosen successor, ex-President and President-elect Obregón being assassinated by a religious fanatic in 1928, plunging the political system into a major crisis. By law Calles could not be re-elected, but a solution needed to be found to keep political power in the hands of the revolutionary elite and prevent the country from reverting to civil war. 5046:
publicly. The cover story of Madero and Pino Suárez being caught in the crossfire gave Huerta plausible deniability. He needed it, since he only had a thin veil of legitimacy in his ascention to the presidency. The bodies of Madero and Pino Suárez were not photographed nor were they displayed, but pictures of Madero's clothing were taken, showing bullet holes in the back. Zapata's death in 1919 was at the hands of Carranza's military. There was no need for a coverup since he had remained a threat to the Carranza regime. Photos of the dead Zapata were taken and published, as proof of his demise, but Carranza was tainted by the deed.
3342: 3540:, now a colonel in the militia, was called up at this time. In mid-April, at the head of 400 irregular troops, he joined the forces commanded by Huerta. Huerta, however, viewed Villa as an ambitious competitor. During a visit to Huerta's headquarters in June 1912, after an incident in which he refused to return a number of stolen horses, Villa was imprisoned on charges of insubordination and robbery and sentenced to death. Raúl Madero, the President's brother, intervened to save Villa's life. Jailed in Mexico City, Villa escaped and fled to the United States, later to return and play a major role in the civil wars of 1913–1915. 3811: 3096:, Díaz's Minister of War, who also served as governor of Nuevo León. Reyes, an opponent of the Científicos, was a moderate reformer with a considerable base of support. Díaz became concerned about him as a rival and forced him to resign from his cabinet. He attempted to marginalize Reyes by sending him on a "military mission" to Europe, distancing him from Mexico and potential political supporters. "The potential challenge from Reyes would remain one of Díaz's political obsessions through the rest of the decade, which ultimately blinded him to the danger of the challenge of Francisco Madero's anti-re-electionist campaign." 3134: 5799: 4794: 3726:
question that he was a self-serving dictator." There are few biographies of Huerta, but one strongly asserts that Huerta should not be labeled simply as a counter-revolutionary, arguing that his regime consisted of two distinct periods: from the coup in February 1913 up to October 1913. During that time he attempted to legitimize his regime and demonstrate its legality by pursuing reformist policies; and after October 1913, when he dropped all attempts to rule within a legal framework and began murdering political opponents while battling revolutionary forces that had united in opposition to his regime.
1120: 3657: 4120:, which lasted from the sixth to the 15th. The frontal cavalry charges of Villa's forces were met by the shrewd, modern military tactics of Obregón. The victory of the Constitutionalists was complete, and Carranza emerged as the political leader of Mexico with a victorious army to keep him in that position. Villa retreated north. Carranza and the Constitutionalists consolidated their position as the winning faction, with Zapata remaining a threat until his assassination in 1919. Villa also remained a threat to the Constitutionalists, complicating their relationship with the United States when 1098: 607: 530: 3561:), which ended with Madero's resignation and assassination and Huerta assuming the presidency. Although Madero had reason to distrust Victoriano Huerta, Madero placed him in charge of suppressing the Mexico City revolt as interim commander. He did not know that Huerta had been invited to join the conspiracy, but had initially held back. During the fighting that took place in the capital, the civilian population was subjected to artillery exchanges, street fighting and economic disruption, perhaps deliberately caused by the coupists to demonstrate that Madero was unable to keep order. 3418:
quiescent states ... the Catholic Party (PCN) did conspicuously well." During that period, the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth (ACJM) was founded. Although the National Catholic Party was an opposition party to the Madero regime, "Madero clearly welcomed the emergence of a kind of two-party system (Catholic and liberal); he encouraged Catholic political involvement, echoing the exhortations of the episcopate." What was emerging during the Madero regime was "Díaz's old policy of Church-state detente was being continued, perhaps more rapidly and on surer foundations." The
were illusory; that electoral endorsement of the regime had to be manufactured; and that the Cardenista reforms, while creating certain loyal clienteles (some loyal from conviction, some by virtue of co-optation) had also raised up formidable opponents who now looked to take the offensive." He had a long and lustrous post-presidency, remaining influential in political life, and considered "the moral conscience of the Revolution". Cárdenas and his supporters carried "reforms further than any of their predecessors in Mexico or their counterparts in other Latin American countries."
3166:("effective voting, no re-election"). It declared the Díaz presidency illegal and called for a revolt against him, starting on 20 November 1910. Madero's political plan did not outline a major socioeconomic revolution but offered hopes of change for many disadvantaged Mexicans. The plan was very strongly opposed to militarism in Mexico as it was constituted under Díaz, calling on Federal Army generals to resign before true democracy could prevail in Mexico. Madero realized he needed a revolutionary armed force, enticing men to join with the promise of formal rank, and encouraged 1138: 1076: 545: 314: 3941:, seeking to get himself and his family out of Mexico rather than face the fate of Madero. He turned to the German government, which had generally supported his presidency. The Germans were not eager to allow him to be transported into exile on one of their ships, but relented. Huerta carried "roughly half a million marks in gold with him" as well as paper currency and checks. In exile, Huerta sought to return to Mexico via the United States. U.S. authorities arrested him and he was imprisoned in Fort Bliss, Texas. He died in January 1916, six months after going into exile. 4940: 4895: 4738: 2906: 4155:
Villa, who retreated north. Zapata remained active in the south, even though he was losing support, Zapata remained a threat to the Carranza regime until his assassination by order of Carranza on 10 April 1919. Disorder and violence in the countryside was largely due to anti-Carranza forces, but banditry as well as military and police misconduct contributed to the unsettled situation. The government's inability to keep order gave an opening to supporters of the old order headed by Félix Díaz. Some 36 generals of the dissolved Federal Army stood with Díaz.
4754:, which was suppressed, and the leaders executed. Obregón was elected, but assassinated before he took office, plunging the country into a political crisis over presidential succession. Since the Mexican Revolution had been sparked by the 1910 re-election of Díaz, Calles and others were well aware that the situation could spiral out of control. This political crisis came when the bloody Cristero War raged across central Mexico. A managed political solution to the crisis of presidential succession had to be found. The answer was the founding of the 4534:"Obregón and the Sonorans, the architects of Carranza's rise and fall, shared his hard headed opportunism, but they displayed a better grasp of the mechanisms of popular mobilization, allied to social reform, that would form the bases of a durable revolutionary regime after 1920." The interim government of Adolfo de la Huerta negotiated Pancho Villa's surrender in 1920, rewarding him with an hacienda where he lived in peace until he floated political interest in the 1924 election. Villa was assassinated in July 1923. Álvaro Obregón was elected 5919:, but his hand-picked presidential candidate, Lázaro Cárdenas, won a power struggle with Calles, expelling him from the country. Cárdenas reorganized the party that Calles founded, creating formal sectors for interest groups, including one for the Mexican military. The reorganized party was named Party of the Mexican Revolution. In 1946, the party again changed its name to the Institutional Revolutionary Party. The party under its various names held the presidency uninterruptedly from 1929 to 2000, and again from 2012 to 2018 under President 4221: 4602: 5626:
Venustiano Carranza gained considerable legitimacy as a civilian leader of the Constitutionalists, having supported Madero in life and led the successful coalition that ousted Huerta. But then Carranza downplayed Madero's role in the revolution in order to substitute himself as the origin of the true revolution. Carranza owned "the bullets taken from the body of Francisco I. Madero after his murder. Carranza had kept them in his home, perhaps because they were a symbol of a fate and a passive denouement he had always hoped to avoid."
1060: 273: 5574: 5018:
hands several times during the post-Huerta period. When the Conventionists held power, Villa and his men committed acts of violence against major supporters of Huerta and those who were considered revolutionary traitors with impunity. Villa's terror was not on the same scale as the reigns of terror which occurred during the French and Bolshevik Revolutions, but the assassinations and the kidnappings of wealthy people for ransom damaged Villa's reputation and they also caused the U.S. government's enthusiasm for him to cool.
5614: 2887: 5876:
and redistribution to peasants. Article 27 also empowered the government to expropriate holdings of foreign companies, most prominently seen in the 1938 expropriation of oil. In Article 123 the constitution codified major labor reforms, including an 8-hour workday, a right to strike, equal pay laws for women, and an end to exploitative practices such as child labor and company stores. The constitution strengthened restrictions on the Catholic Church in Mexico, which when enforced by the Calles government, resulted in the
4021: 4143: 3334: 2776: 4314: 3049: 3872: 3983: 4250: 3850: 4500: 4875:, the intellectual father of article 27 of the constitution empowering the state to expropriate property, criticized the move, saying that the state itself was replacing private landowners, while the peasants remained tied to the land. Ejidos were not very good at feeding large populations, causing an urban food crisis. To alleviate this, Cárdenas co-opted the support of capitalists to build large commercial farms to feed the urban population. This put the final nail in the coffin of the 621: 3606:, which formalized the alliance between Félix Díaz and Huerta, with the backing of the United States. Huerta was to become provisional president following the resignations of Madero and his vice president, José María Pino Suárez. Rather than being sent into exile with their families, the two were murdered while being transported to prison—a shocking event, but one that did not prevent the Huerta regime's recognition by most world governments, with the notable exception of the U.S. 3146: 1704: 5949: 5904: 4970:
the Federal Army summarily executed rebel soldiers, and the Constitutionalist Army executed Federal Army officers. There were no prisoner of war internment camps. Often rank-and-file soldiers of a losing faction were incorporated as troops by the ones who defeated them. The revolutionaries were not ideologically-driven, so they did not target their rivals for reprisals and they did not wage a "revolutionary terror" against them after they triumphed, in contrast to the
5269: 3366:, a leader who had defeated Díaz's army and forced his resignation and exile, he told Madero at a banquet in Ciudad Juárez in 1911, "You , sir, have destroyed the revolution ... It's simple: this bunch of dandies have made a fool of you, and this will eventually cost us our necks, yours included." Ignoring the warning, Madero increasingly relied on the Federal Army as armed rebellions broke out in Mexico in 1911–12, with particularly threatening insurrections led by 4268:. From the Mexican perspective, as much as Carranza sought the elimination of his rival Villa, but as a Mexican nationalist he could not countenance the extended U.S. incursion into its sovereign territory. Villa knew the inhospitable terrain intimately and operating with guerrilla tactics, he had little trouble evading his U.S. Army pursuers. Villa was deeply entrenched in the mountains of northern Mexico and knew the terrain too well to be captured. U.S. General 2619: 4614: 5528:
constitutional convention that drafted the 1917 Constitution, but did not effectively control all regions. The year 1920 was the last successful military rebellion, bringing the northern revolutionary generals to power. According to Álvaro Matute, "By the time Obregón was sworn in as president on December 1, 1920, the armed stage of the Mexican Revolution was effectively over." The year 1940 saw revolutionary general and President Lázaro Cárdenas choose
which were favorable to them, they did not engage in open battle nor did they attack heavily defended positions. They acquired weapons and ammunition which were abandoned by Federal forces and they also commandeered resources from landed estates and used them to feed their men. The Federal Army was unable to stray from the railway lines that transported them to contested areas, and they were unable to pursue the revolutionaries when they were attacked.
3807:. Huerta was seemingly deeply concerned with the issue of land reform, since it was a persistent spur of peasant unrest. Specifically, he moved to restore "ejido lands to the Yaquis and Mayos of Sonora and proposals for distribution of government lands to small-scale farmers." When Huerta refused to move faster on land reform, Molina Enríquez disavowed the regime in June 1913, later going on to advise the 1917 constitutional convention on land reform. 3594:("the renewers"), criticized him, saying, "The revolution is heading toward collapse and is pulling the government to which it gave rise down with it, for the simple reason that it is not governing with revolutionaries. Compromises and concessions to the supporters of the old regime are the main causes of the unsettling situation in which the government that emerged from the revolution finds itself ... The regime appears relentlessly bent on suicide." 3249: 3037: 3294:, who associated with the Interim President, said of him that "De la Barra wants to accommodate himself with dignity to the inevitable advance of the ex-revolutionary influence, while accelerating the widespread collapse of the Madero party." The Federal Army, despite its numerous defeats by the revolutionaries, remained intact as the government's force. Madero called on revolutionary fighters to lay down their arms and demobilize, which 1234:, and then to a much greater extent in northern Mexico. The Federal Army was unable to suppress the widespread uprisings, showing the military's weakness and encouraging the rebels. Díaz resigned in May 1911 and went into exile, an interim government was installed until elections could be held, the Federal Army was retained, and revolutionary forces demobilized. The first phase of the Revolution was relatively bloodless and short-lived. 4527:, with elements from the military and labor supporters in the CROM, rose in successful rebellion against Carranza, the last successful coup of the revolution. Carranza fled Mexico City by train toward Veracruz, but continued on horseback and died in an ambush, perhaps an assassination, but also possibly by suicide. Carranza's attempt to impose his choice was considered a betrayal of the Revolution and his remains were not placed in the 6046: 5327: 1972: 5326: 5331: 5330: 5325: 3614:
identical to those of Mexico: the liberal hacendados" (owners of large estates). Madero had created no political organization that could survive his death and had alienated and demobilized the revolutionary fighters who had helped bring him to power. In the aftermath of his assassination and Huerta's seizure of power via a military coup, former revolutionaries had no formal organization through which to raise opposition to Huerta.
4426: 5332: 5207: 4689: 4681:
expropriate private property, and foreigners also had claims against Mexico for damage to their property during the decade of turmoil. U.S. and British entrepreneurs had developed the petroleum industry in Mexico and had claims to oil still in the ground. Foreigners held extensive agricultural land that was now at risk to be distributed to landless Mexicans. Obregón and the U.S. entered in talks to sort out many issues, the
3730: 3948:, a spectacularly ineffective fighting force against the revolutionaries, ceased to exist. The revolutionary factions that had united in opposition to Huerta's regime now faced a new political landscape with the counter-revolutionaries decisively defeated. The revolutionary armies now contended for power and a new era of civil war began after an attempt at an agreement among the winners at a Convention of Aguascalientes. 4746:
so in 1920. In 1923, De la Huerta rebelled against Obregón's choice of Calles rather than himself as candidate. When Calles designated ex-president Obregón to succeed him, permitted by a constitutional amendment, the principle of no re-elected was technically adhered to, but there was the clear possibility of an endless alternation of the two powerful men. Other rebellions of revolutionary generals broke out in 1927, by
The situation was further exacerbated by the drought that lasted from 1907 to 1909. The economy took a great leap during the Porfiriato, through the construction of factories, industries and infrastructure such as railroads and dams, as well as improving agriculture. Foreign investors bought large tracts of land to cultivate crops and range cattle for export. The cultivation of exportable goods such as coffee, tobacco,
4436: 4685:, concluded in 1923, with the U.S. recognizing Obregón's government. In Mexico the agreement was controversial, with it being perceived as making major concessions to the U.S. and undermining revolutionary goals, but Obregón pushed it through the legislature and got U.S. recognition. When his fellow Sonoran general De La Huerta rebelled later in 1923, the U.S. supplied Obregón with arms to put down the challenge. 2661: 5671: 4959: 4377:
rewarded with a strong article in the 1917 constitution protecting labor rights (Article 123). Following the ratification of the constitution, Carranza was formally elected to the presidency of Mexico. Carranza and his political allies were opposed to creating a constitution that went beyond tinkering with the organizational framework of the 1857 constitution. The progressive faction, pejoratively called
6060: 5367: 5329: 4192:. The Carranza reform declared village lands were to be divided among individuals, aiming at creating a class of small holders, and not to revive the old structure of communities of communal landholders. In practice, land was transferred not to villagers, but rather redistributed to Constitutional army generals, and created new large-scale enterprises as rewards to the victorious military leaders. 5179: 2738:
military chieftains, and making them subordinate to the central government. He contended with a whole new group of generals who had fought for the liberal cause and who expected rewards for their services. He systematically dealt with them, providing some rivals with opportunities to enrich themselves, ensuring the loyalty of others with high salaries, and others were bought off by rewards of
5634:, who was implementing the North American Free Trade Agreement and amending the constitution to eliminate further land reform. Pascual Orozco, who with Villa captured Ciudad Juárez in May 1911, continues to have an ambiguous status, since he led a major rebellion against Madero in 1912 and then threw his lot in with Huerta. Orozco much more than Madero was considered a manly man of action. 2692:, was elected president (1880–1884). Díaz saw himself as indispensable, and after that interregnum, ran for the presidency again and served in office continuously until 1911. The constitution had been amended to allow unlimited presidential re-election. During the Porfiriato, there were regular elections, widely considered sham exercises, marked by contentious irregularities. 5915:(PRI) emerged as a way to manage political power and succession without resorting to violence. It was established in 1929 by President Calles, in the wake of the assassination of President-elect Obregón and two rebellions by disgruntled revolutionary generals with presidential ambitions. Initially, Calles remained the power behind the presidency, during a period known as the 6019:. Within Mexicans and Mexican Americans, there was a wide political spectrum present, from extreme anarchists, to conservative counterrevolutionaries. Some of these groups included Tejano Progressives who supported the revolution and actively helped out by raising awareness to social justice, and Border Anarchists who were a more radical group that participated in violence. 4567:
characterized the period, with generals of the revolution holding the presidency and designating their successors. Revolutionary generals continued to revolt against the new political arrangements, particularly at the juncture of an election. General Adolfo de la Huerta rose in rebellion in 1923, contesting Obregón's choice of Calles as his successor; Generals
3637: 2767:. There was a vast gulf between officers and the lower ranks. "The officer corps epitomized everything the masses resented about the Díaz system." With multiple rebellions breaking out in the wake of the fraudulent 1910 election, the military was unable to suppress them, revealing the regime's weakness and leading to Díaz's resignation in May 1911. 5658:, the shell was re-purposed to commemorate the Revolution. Buried in the four pillars are the remains of Francisco I. Madero, Venustiano Carranza, Plutarco Elías Calles, Lázaro Cárdenas, and Francisco Villa. In life, Villa fought Carranza and Calles, but his remains were transferred to the monument in 1979 during the administration of President 3722:(while expunging the name of counter-revolutionary Pascual Orozco from it), calling for the expropriation of land and redistribution to peasants. Huerta offered peace to Zapata, who rejected it. The Huerta government was thus challenged by revolutionary forces in the north of Mexico and the strategic state of Morelos, just south of the capital. 38: 2703:, an armed police militia directly under his control that seized land from local peasants. Peasants were forced to make futile attempts to win back their land through courts and petitions. By 1900, over ninety percent of Mexico's communal lands were sold with an estimated 9.5 million peasants forced into the service of wealthy landowners or 4289:, a coded cable from the German government to Carranza's government, Germany attempted to draw Mexico into war with the United States, which was itself neutral at the time. Germany hoped to draw U.S. troops from deployment to Europe and as a reward in the event of a German victory to return the territory lost to Mexico to the U.S. in the 5662:. Prior to the construction of that monument, one was built in 1935 to the amputated arm of General Álvaro Obregón, lost in victorious battle against Villa in the 1915 Battle of Celaya. The monument is on the site of the restaurant La Bombilla, where he was assassinated in 1928. The arm was cremated in 1989, but the monument remains. 4151:
Mexico City, which had been held by the Zapatistas, and held it permanently. He did not take the title of provisional or interim President of Mexico, since in doing so he would have been ineligible to become the constitutional president. Until the promulgation of the 1917 Constitution was framed as the "preconstitutional government".
5230:(Gustavo Carrera). Principal leaders of the Revolution were well aware of the propaganda element of documentary film making, and Pancho Villa contracted with an American film company to record for viewers in the U.S. his leadership on the battlefield. The film has been lost, but the story of the film making was interpreted in the 1265:, entered the conflict. Zapata's forces continued their armed rebellion in Morelos. Huerta's regime lasted from February 1913 to July 1914, and saw the Federal Army defeated by revolutionary armies. The revolutionary armies then fought each other, with the Constitutionalist faction under Carranza defeating the army of former ally 4391:
to the Constitutionalist regime. Zapata and his peasant followers in Morelos also never put down their guns and remained a threat to the government in Mexico City. Incorporating radical aspects of Villa's program and the Zapatistas' Plan of Ayala, the constitution became a way to outflank the two opposing revolutionary factions.
3868:, forced conscription. The revolutionary forces had no problem with voluntary recruitment. Most Mexican men avoided government conscription at all costs and the ones dragooned into the forces were sent to areas far away from home and were reluctant to fight. Conscripts deserted, mutinied and attacked and murdered their officers. 4852:, allowing him to push reforms easier. To fill the political vacuum, Cárdenas helped the formation of PNR-sponsored peasant leagues, empowering both peasants and the government. Other reforms included nationalization of key industries such as petroleum and the railroads. To appease workers, Cárdenas furthered provisions to end 6002:. This culminated in the dismantling of the ejido system in Chiapas, removing many landless peasants' hope of achieving access to land. Calling to Mexico's revolutionary heritage, the EZLN draws heavily on early revolutionary rhetoric. It is inspired by many of Zapata's policies, including a call for decentralized local rule. 5998:, which was very reliant and supportive of the revolutionary reforms, especially the ejido system, which it had pioneered before Cárdenas took power. Most revolutionary gains were reversed in the early 1990s by President Salinas, who began moving away from the agrarian policies of the late post revolution period in favor of 4910:, who succeeded Cárdenas and in the final reformulation of the party, removed the military sector. Cárdenas calculated to manage the military politically and to remove it from independently intervening in politics and to keep it from becoming a separate caste. This new party organization was a resurrection of 4814:; founded a new political party that created sectoral representation of industrial workers, peasants, urban office workers, and the army; engineered the succession of his hand-picked candidate; and then, perhaps the most radical act of all, stepped away from presidential power, letting his successor, General 5072:
paying writers to draft appeals to opinion in the U.S. and to disparage the reputations of Villa and Zapata as reactionaries, bandits, and unenlightened peasants. El Paso, Texas just across from Ciudad Juárez was an important site for revolutionary journalism in English and Spanish. Mariano Azuela wrote
happened in the spring of 1911 was that armed bands under self-appointed chiefs arose all over the republic, drove Díaz officials from the vicinity, seized money and stamps, and staked out spheres of local authority. Towns and cities as well as the countryside, passed into the hands of the Maderistas."
remains, diet is limited to beans, tortilla, and chili pepper; clothing is poor". Peasants temporarily migrated to other regions to work in the production of certain crops where they were frequently exploited, abused, and suffered from various diseases. Others decided to migrate to the United States.
The violence of the Revolution is a powerful memory. Mexican survivors of the Revolution desired a lasting peace and were willing to accept a level of "political deficiencies" to maintain peace and stability. The memory of the revolution was used as justification for the party's policies with regard
living in the United States had a multitude of reaction and responses to the war. These responses were not unified, however, as class, race, regional origins, and political ideologies contributed to a large amount of different reactions from the Mexican diaspora in the United States. Furthermore, not
in 1939. To incorporate the populace into the party, Presidents Calles and Cárdenas created an institutional structure to bring in popular, agrarian, labor, and popular sectors. Cárdenas reorganized the party in 1938, controversially bringing in the military as a sector. His successor President Avila
An important element the revolution's legacy is the 1917 Constitution. The document brought numerous reforms demanded by populist factions of the revolution, with article 27 empowering the state to expropriate resources deemed vital to the nation. These powers included expropriation of hacienda lands
The popular heroes of the Mexican Revolution are the two radicals who lost: Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa. As early as 1921, the Mexican government began appropriating the memory and legacy of Zapata for its own purposes. Pancho Villa fought against those who won the Revolution and he was excluded
The railway lines which were constructed during the Porfiriato facilitated the movement of men, horses, and artillery and they were extensively used by all of the factions. This was much greater in northern Mexico, it was less so in the areas controlled by Zapata. When men and horses were transported
The death toll of the combatants was not as large as it might have been, because the opposing armies rarely engaged in open-field combat. The revolutionaries initially operated as guerrilla bands, and they launched hit-and-run strikes against the enemy. They drew the Federal Army into combat on terms
With the 1917 Constitution enshrining the principle of "no re-election", revolutionaries who had fought for the principle could not ignore it. Elections were when disgruntled aspirants to the presidency made their move, because it was a period of political transition. The Sonoran triumvirate had done
of the Revolution, not by the lawyers, who were there , but were generally in opposition." The constitution was drafted and ratified quickly, in February 1917. In December 1916, Villa had captured the major northern city of Torreón, with Obregón especially realizing that Villa was a continuing threat
Carranza's relationship with the United States had initially benefited from its recognition of his government, with the Constitutionalist Army being able to buy arms. In 1915 and early 1916, there is evidence that Carranza was seeking a loan from the U.S. with the backing of U.S. bankers and a formal
Carranza had expected to be confirmed in his position as First Chief of revolutionary forces, but his supporters "lost control of the proceedings". Opposition to Carranza was strongest in areas where there were popular and fierce demands for reform, particularly in Chihuahua where Villa was powerful,
The press embraced its newfound freedom and Madero became a target of its criticism. Organized labor, which had been suppressed under Díaz, could and did stage strikes, which foreign entrepreneurs saw as threatening their interests. Although there had been labor unrest under Díaz, labor's new freedom
Madero had drawn some loyal and militarily adept supporters who brought down the Díaz regime by force of arms. Madero himself was not a natural soldier, and his decision to dismiss the revolutionary forces that brought him to power isolated him politically. He was an inexperienced politician, who had
Since the press was censored in Mexico under Díaz, little was published that was critical of the regime. Newspapers barely reported on the Rio Blanco textile strike, the Cananea strike or harsh labor practices on plantations in Oaxaca and Yucatán. Leftist Mexican opponents of the Díaz regime, such as
Although the Díaz regime was authoritarian and centralizing, it was not a military dictatorship. His first presidential cabinet was staffed with military men, but over successive terms as president, important posts were held by able and loyal civilians. He did not create a personal dynasty, excluding
During Díaz's long tenure in office, the Federal Army became overstaffed and top-heavy with officers, many of them elderly who last saw active military service against the French in the 1860s. Some 9,000 officers commanded the 25,000 rank-and-file on the books, with some 7,000 padding the rosters and
and redirecting their political ambitions. Military rivals who did not accept the alternatives often rebelled and were crushed. It took him some 15 years to accomplish the transformation, reducing the army by 500 officers and 25 generals, creating an army subordinate to central power. He also created
Díaz had legitimacy as a leader through his battlefield accomplishments. He knew that the long tradition of military intervention in politics and its resistance to civilian control would prove challenging to his remaining in power. He set about curbing the power of the military, reining in provincial
The Mexican Revolution was extensively photographed as well as filmed, so that there is a large, contemporaneous visual record. "The Mexican Revolution and photography were intertwined." There was a large foreign viewership for still and moving images of the Revolution. The photographic record is by
The economic damage which the revolution caused lasted for years. the Population losses which were due to military and civilian casualties, the displacement of populations which migrated to safer areas, and the damage to the infrastructure all had significant impacts. The nation would not regain the
leading up to the ouster and murder of Madero, when rebels shelled the central core of the capital, causing the death of many civilians and animals. The rebels launched the attack in an attempt to convince observers in Mexico and the world that Madero had completely lost control. The capital changed
The death toll and the displacement of the population due to the Revolution is difficult to calculate. Mexico's population loss of 15 million was high, but numerical estimates vary greatly. Perhaps 1.5 million people died, and nearly 200,000 refugees fled abroad, especially to the United States. The
The most obvious acts of violence which occurred during the Revolution involved soldiers participating in combat or summary executions. The actual fighting which occurred during the Maderista phase of the Revolution (1910–11) did not result in a large number of casualties, but during the Huerta era,
to help give peasants access to land, mostly in southern Mexico. These appeased some agriculturalists, but many peasants would have preferred receiving individual plots of land to which they had title. The aim of ejidos was to replace the large-scale landed estates, many of which were foreign owned.
against Zapata's and Villa's force. This alliance continued under Obregón's and Calles's terms as president. Obregón also focused on land reform. He had governors in various states push forward the reforms promised in the 1917 constitution. These were, however, quite limited. Former Zapatistas still
With the overthrow of Madero and murder, Zapata disavowed his previous admiration of Pascual Orozco and directed warfare against the Huerta government, as did northern states of Mexico in the Constitutionalist movement, but Zapata did not ally or coordinate with it. With the defeat of Huerta in July
had fought against the Zapatistas, the peasant revolutionaries of Morelos. As revolutionary violence subsided in 1916, leaders of the Constitutionalist faction met in Querétaro to revise the 1857 constitution. The delegates were elected by jurisdiction and population, with the exclusion of those who
could not continue with his unsuccessful mission; declaring victory the troops returned to the U.S. after nearly a year. They were shortly thereafter deployed to Europe when the U.S. entered World War I on the side of the Allies. The Punitive Mission not only damaged the fragile United States-Mexico
Carranza did not move on land reform, despite his rhetoric. Rather, he returned confiscated estates to their owners. Not only did he oppose large-scale land reform, he vetoed laws that would have increased agricultural production by giving peasants temporary access to lands not under cultivation. In
Madero's "martyrdom accomplished what he was unable to do while alive: unite all the revolutionists under one banner." Within 16 months, revolutionary armies defeated the Federal Army and the Huerta regime fell. Like Porfirio Díaz, Huerta went into exile. The Federal Army was disbanded, leaving only
Huerta, formally in charge of the defense of Madero's regime, allowed the rebels to hold the armory in Mexico City—the Ciudadela—while he consolidated his political power. He changed allegiance from Madero to the rebels under Félix Díaz (Bernardo Reyes having been killed on the first day of the open
The Mexican Revolution brought about various social changes. First, the leaders of the Porfiriato lost their political power (but kept their economic power), and the middle class started to enter the public administration. "At this moment the bureaucrat, the government officer, the leader were born
After the revolution, Amelio Robles continued to look like and identify as a male for the rest of his life. Robles abandoned his home in order to join the Zapata military. Throughout the war, Robles began to assume a more masculine identity. After the war, he did not return to his former appearance
Women who had been discarded by their families would often join the military. Being involved in the military would lead to scrutiny amongst some male participants. In order to avoid sexual abuse many women would make themselves appear more masculine. They would also dress more masculine in order to
in 1928. Porfirio Díaz, Victoriano Huerta, and Pascual Orozco had gone into exile. Believing that he would also go into exile, Madero turned himself into Huerta's custody. Huerta considered that too dangerous a course, since he could have been a rallying point. Huerta did not want to execute Madero
Cárdenas left office in 1940 at age 45. His departure marked the end of the social revolution and ushering in half a century of relative stability. However, in the assessment of historian Alan Knight, the 1940 election was "a requiem for Cardenismo: it revealed that hopes of a democratic succession
until his assassination by an agent of President Carranza in 1919, Emiliano Zapata played an important role in the Mexican Revolution, the only revolutionary of first rank from southern Mexico. His home territory in Morelos was of strategic importance just south of Mexico City. Of the revolutionary
Carranza was elected president under the new constitution, and once formally in office, largely ignored or actively undermined the more radical aspects of the constitution. Obregón returned to Sonora and began building a power base that would launch his presidential campaign in 1919, which included
In October 1915, the U.S. recognized Carranza's government as the de facto ruling power, following Obregón's victories. This gave Carranza's Constitutionalists legitimacy internationally and access to the legal flow of arms from the U.S. The Carranza government still had active opponents, including
In practice, the alliance between Villa and Zapata as the Army of the Convention did not function beyond this initial victory against the Constitutionalists. Villa and Zapata left the capital, with Zapata returning to his southern stronghold in Morelos, where he continued to engage in warfare under
In the summer of 1913, Mexican conservatives who had supported Huerta sought a constitutionally-elected, civilian alternative to Huerta, brought together in a body called the National Unifying Junta. Political parties proliferated in this period, a sign that democracy had taken hold, and there were
Huerta's presidency is usually characterized as a dictatorship. From the point of view of revolutionaries at the time and the construction of historical memory of the Revolution, it is without any positive aspects. "Despite recent attempts to portray Victoriano Huerta as a reformer, there is little
rather than with the civilian Madero. In 1912, under pressure from his cabinet, Madero called on Huerta to suppress Orozco's rebellion. With Huerta's success against Orozco, he emerged as a powerful figure for conservative forces opposing the Madero regime. During the Orozco revolt, the governor of
of the Federal Army to put down Orozco's dangerous revolt. Madero had kept the army intact as an institution, using it to put down domestic rebellions against his regime. Huerta was a professional soldier and continued to serve in the army under the new commander-in-chief. Huerta's loyalty lay with
that he would not run in the 1910 election. At age 80, this set the scene for a possible peaceful transition in the presidency. It set off a flurry of political activity. To the dismay of potential candidates to replace him, he reversed himself and ran again. His later reversal on retiring from the
called in from across the U.S. border. This Arizona Rangers were ordered to use violence to combat labor unrest. In the state of Veracruz, the Mexican army gunned down Rio Blanco textile workers and put the bodies on train cars that transported them to Veracruz, "where the bodies were dumped in the
Díaz suppressed strikes, rebellions, and political opposition effectively until the early 1900s. Mexicans began to organize in opposition to Díaz, who had welcomed foreign capital and capitalists, suppressed nascent labor unions, and consistently moved against peasants as agriculture flourished. In
controlled vast swaths of the country through their huge estates (for example, the Terrazas had one estate in Sonora that alone comprised more than a million acres). Many Mexicans became landless peasants laboring on these vast estates or industrial workers toiling long hours for low wages. Foreign
Although the proportion between rural and urban population, and the number of workers and the middle class remained practically the same, the Mexican Revolution brought substantial qualitative changes to the cities. Big rural landlords moved to the city escaping from chaos in the rural areas. Some
and a negotiated settlement of the conflict. The restrictions on the religion in the Constitution remained in place until the early 1990s. The Salinas government introduced reforms to the constitution that rolled back the government's power to expropriate property and its restrictions on religious
and unlike Obregón who largely avoided direct conflict with the Catholic Church, Calles as president enforced the anticlerical provisions of the 1917 Constitution. Calles also put into effect a national school system that was largely secular to combat church influence in late 1924. After two years
to join the revolutionaries. Revolutionary generals asserted their "right to rule", having been victorious in the Revolution, but "they ruled in a manner which was a credit neither to themselves, their institution, nor the Carranza government. More often than not, they were predatory, venal, cruel
to fight Zapata's Liberating Army of the South. Morelos was very close to Mexico City, so Zapata's control of it and parts of the adjacent state of Puebla made Carranza's government vulnerable. Constitutionalist Army soldiers assassinated Zapata in an ambush in 1919, after their commanding officer
With Huerta's ouster in July 1914 and the dissolution of the Federal Army in August, the revolutionary factions agreed to meet and make "a last-ditch effort to avert more intense warfare than that which unseated Huerta". Commander of the Division of the North, Pancho Villa, and the Division of the
did not recognize the Huerta regime, since it had come to power by coup. Huerta and Carranza were in contact for two weeks immediately after the February coup, but they did not come to an agreement. Carranza then declared himself opposed to Huerta and became the leader of the anti-Huerta forces in
The cabinet of De la Barra and the Mexican congress was filled with supporters of the Díaz regime. Madero campaigned vigorously for the presidency during this interim period, but revolutionaries who had supported him and brought about Díaz's resignation were dismayed that the sweeping reforms they
Madero's plan was aimed at fomenting a popular uprising against Díaz, but he also understood that the support of the United States and U.S. financiers would be of crucial importance in undermining the regime. The rich and powerful Madero family drew on its resources to make regime change possible,
Díaz's presidency was characterized by the promotion of industry and the development of infrastructure by opening the country to foreign investment. Díaz suppressed opposition and promoted stability to reassure foreign investors. Farmers and peasants both complained of oppression and exploitation.
Although the ignominious end of Venustiano Carranza's presidency in 1920 cast a shadow over his legacy in the Revolution, sometimes viewed as a conservative revolutionary, he and his northern allies laid "the foundation of a more ambitious, centralizing state dedicated to national integration and
Anti-Díaz publications before the outbreak of the Revolution helped galvanize opposition to him, and he cracked down with censorship. As President Madero believed in freedom of the press, which helped galvanize opposition to his own regime. The Constitutionalists had an active propaganda program,
The violence which occurred during the Revolution did not just involve the largely male combatants, it also involved civilian populations of men, women, and children. Some ethnic groups were deliberately targeted, most particularly, the Chinese in northern Mexico. During the Maderista campaign in
as his successor. Obregón did not have to deal with two major revolutionary leaders. De la Huerta managed to persuade revolutionary general Pancho Villa to lay down his arms against the regime in return for a large estate in Durango, in northern Mexico. Carranza's agents had assassinated Emiliano
Another advantage of Carranza's position was the Constitutionalists' control of Veracruz, even though the United States still occupied it. The United States had concluded that both Villa and Zapata were too radical and hostile to its interests and sided with the moderate Carranza in the factional
Huerta militarized Mexico to a greater extent than it already was. When Huerta seized power in 1913, the army had on the books approximately 50,000 men, but Huerta mandated the number rise to 150,000, then 200,000 and, finally in spring 1914, 250,000. Raising that number of men in so short a time
considers Madero's retention of the Federal Army, which was defeated by the revolutionary forces and resulted in Díaz's resignation, "was the basic cause of his fall". His failure is also attributable to "the failure of the social class to which he belonged and whose interests he considered to be
The political acumen and flexibility Díaz exhibited in his early years in office began to decline after 1900. He brought the state governors under his control, replacing them at will. The Federal Army, while large, was increasingly an ineffective force with aging leadership and troops conscripted
The revolution that occurred during 1910 greatly affected gender roles present in Mexico. However, it continued to create a strict separation between genders although both men and women were involved in the revolution. Women were involved by promoting political reform as well as enlisting in the
Obregón sought diplomatic recognition by the U.S. in order to be considered legitimately holding power. He believed that once U.S. recognition was secured, other nations would follow suit. The U.S. and foreign interests were alarmed at provision in the new constitution powering the government to
Obregón was a pragmatist and not an ideologue, so that domestically he had to appeal to both the left and the right to ensure Mexico would not fall back into civil war. Securing labor rights built on Obregón's existing relationship with urban labor. The Constitutionists had made an alliance with
Villa had a well-earned reputation as a fierce and successful general, and the combination of forces arrayed against Carranza by Villa, other northern generals and Zapata was larger than the Constitutionalist Army, so it was not at all clear that Carranza's faction would prevail. He did have the
Upon taking power, Huerta had moved swiftly to consolidate his hold in the North, having learned the lesson from Díaz's fall that the north was a crucial region to hold. Within a month of the coup, rebellions began to spread throughout Mexico, most prominently led by the governor of the state of
did not promote rural development and impoverished the rural population even further. "From 1934 to 1940 wages fell 25% on rural areas, while for city workers wages increased by 20%". "There was a lack of food, there was not much to sell and even less to buy. the habit of sleeping in the floor
on the Mexican Revolution, with many different interpretations of the history. Over time it has become more fragmented. There is consensus as to when the revolution began, that is in 1910, but there is no consensus when it ended. The Constitutionalists defeated their major rivals and called the
There is no consensus when the Revolution ended, but the majority of scholars consider the 1920s and 1930s as being on the continuum of revolutionary change. The end date of revolutionary consolidation has also been set at 1946, with the last general serving as president and the political party
Carranza's 1913 Plan of Guadalupe was narrowly political, designed to unite the anti-Huerta forces in the north. But once Huerta was ousted, the Federal Army dissolved, and former Constitutionalist Pancho Villa defeated, Carranza sought to consolidate his position. The Constitutionalists retook
remaining in place, but not enforced, so conflict was muted. During Madero's presidency, Church-state conflict was channeled peacefully. The National Catholic Party became an important political opposition force during the Madero presidency. In the June 1912 congressional elections, "militarily
attracted many peasants throughout the country. Spontaneous rebellions arose in which ordinary farm laborers, miners and other working-class Mexicans, along with much of the country's population of indigenous peoples, fought Díaz's forces, with some success. Madero attracted the forces of rebel
by their opponents pushed for a constitution that enshrined new rights in the constitution itself, rather than trusting that the head of state and the apparatus of government would honor the gains. Although revolutionary generals were not part formal delegates to the convention, Álvaro Obregón
were excluded from the Constituent Congress, but their political challenge pushed the delegates to radicalize the Constitution, which in turn was far more radical than Carranza himself. While he was elected constitutional president in 1917, he did not implement its most revolutionary elements,
had contained far more radical language and promises of land reform and support for peasants and workers than Carranza's original plan. Carranza issued the "Additions to the Plan of Guadalupe", which for the first time promised significant reform. He also issued an agrarian reform law in 1915,
The lines were now drawn. When the Convention forces declared Carranza in rebellion against it, Obregón supported Carranza rather than Villa and Zapata. Villa and Zapata went into a loose alliance. Their forces moved separately on Mexico City, and took it when Carranza's forces evacuated it in
During the counter-revolutionary regime of Huerta, the Catholic Church in Mexico initially supported him. "The Church represented a force for reaction, especially in the countryside." However, when Huerta cracked down on political parties and conservative opposition, he had "Gabriel Somellera,
defeated in a string of battles with irregular, voluntary forces, Díaz's government began negotiations with the revolutionaries in the north. In historian Edwin Lieuwen's assessment, "Victors always attribute their success to their own heroic deeds and superior fighting abilities ... What
Rosa Bodilla, however, maintained her feminine appearance throughout her military career. She joined the Zapata's military with her husband. When he died, she was given his title, which became "Colonel Rosa Bobadila widow of Casas." She gave orders to men while continuing to dress as a woman.
Obregón's government was faced with the need for stabilizing Mexico after a decade of civil war. With the revolutionary armies having defeated the old federal army, Obregón now dealt with military leaders who were used to wielding power violently. Enticing them to leave the political arena in
Although Zapata was assassinated, the agrarian reforms that peasants themselves enacted in Morelos were impossible to reverse. The central government came to terms with that state of affairs. Zapata had fought for land and for those who tilled it in Morelos and succeeded. His credentials as a
Radical reforms were embedded in the constitution, in particular labor rights, agrarian reform, anticlericalism, and economic nationalism. The Mexican state asserted dominion over the nation's territory and resources (Article 27), which enabled land reform and expropriation of land. Labor was
Once the convention was in session after disputes about delegates, delegates reviewed Carranza's draft constitution. That document was a minor revision of the 1857 constitution and included none of the social, economic, and political demands for which revolutionary forces fought and died. The
and corrupt." The system of central government control over states that Díaz had created over decades had broken down during the revolutionary fighting. Autonomous fiefdoms arose in which governors simply ignored orders by the Carranza government. One of these was Governor of Sonora, General
With the exception of Zapata who rebelled against him in 1911, Francisco Madero was revered as "the apostle of democracy". Madero's murder in the 1913 counterrevolutionary coup elevated him as a "martyr" of the Revolution, whose memory unified the Constitutionalist coalition against Huerta.
Often studied as an event solely of Mexican history, or one also involving Mexico's northern neighbor, scholars now recognize that "From the beginning to the end, foreign activities figured crucially in the Revolution's course, not simple antagonism from the U.S. government, but complicated
has identified "orthodox" interpretation of the revolution as a monolithic, popular, nationalist revolution, while revisionism has focused on regional differences, and challenges its credentials revolution. One scholar classifies the conflict as a "great rebellion" rather than a revolution.
by U.S. Marines and sailors. Initially intended to prevent a German merchant vessel from delivering a shipment of arms to the Huerta regime, the muddled operation evolved into a seven-month stalemate resulting in the death of 193 Mexican soldiers, 19 U.S. servicemen and an unknown number of
for better conditions. Díaz enacted policies that encouraged large landowners to intrude upon the villagers' land and water rights. With the expansion of Mexican agriculture, landless peasants were forced to work for low wages or move to the cities. Peasant agriculture was under pressure as
The period 1920–1940 is generally considered to be one of revolutionary consolidation, with the leaders seeking to return Mexico to the level of development it had reached in 1910, but under new parameters of state control. Authoritarian tendencies rather than Liberal democratic principles
power and set about implementing a re-vitalilzed revolutionary agenda. He vastly expanded agrarian reform, expropriated commercial landed estates; nationalized the railways and the petroleum industry; kept the peace with the Catholic Church as an institution; put down a major rebellion by
4050: 3498:, a respectable revolutionary, with the explanation that Orozco had not reached the legal age to serve as governor, a tactic that was "a useful constitutional alibi for thwarting the ambitions of young, popular, revolutionary leaders". Madero had put Orozco in charge of the large force of 3358:
guaranteed that the essential structure of the Díaz regime, including the Federal Army, was kept in place. Madero fervently held to his position that Mexico needed real democracy, which included regime change by free elections, a free press, and the right of labor to organize and strike.
served the Huerta regime, continued to follow Villa after the split with Carranza, as well as Zapatistas. The election of delegates was to frame the creation of the new constitution as the result of popular participation. Carranza provided a draft revision for the delegates to consider.
The role of women in the Mexican Revolution has not been an important aspect of official historical memory, although the situation is changing. Carranza pushed for the rights of women, and gained women's support. During his presidency he relied on his personal secretary and close aide,
4403:(CROM). Carranza increasingly lost support of labor, crushing strikes against his government. Carranza did not move forward on land reform, fueling increasing opposition from peasants. In an attempt to suppress the continuing armed opposition conflict in Morelos, Carranza sent General 3696:, a strictly political plan to reject the legitimacy of the Huerta government, and called on revolutionaries to take up arms. Revolutionaries who had brought Madero to power only to be dismissed in favor of the Federal Army eagerly responded to the call, most prominently Pancho Villa. 4101:
the Plan of Ayala. Lacking a firm center of power and leadership, the Convention government was plagued by instability. Villa was the real power emerging from the Convention, and he prepared to strengthen his position by winning a decisive victory against the Constitutionalist Army.
4046:, his main rivals for power, would resign and go into exile, and that there should be a so-called pre-constitutionalist government "that would take charge of carrying out the social and political reforms the country needs before a fully constitutional government is re-established." 2849:
The construction of railways had been transformative in Mexico (as well as elsewhere in Latin America), accelerating economic activity and increasing the power of the Mexican state. The isolation from the central government that many remote areas had enjoyed or suffered was ending.
An example of this is presented by María de Jesús González who was a secret agent involved in Carranza's army. She would often present herself as a man in order to complete certain tasks assigned to her. After she completed these tasks she would return to her feminine appearance.
His first acts of reform in 1935, were aimed towards peasants. Former strongmen within the land owning community were losing political power, so he began to side with the peasants more and more. He also tried to further centralize the government's power by removing regional
Major leaders of the Revolution have been the subject of biographies, including the martyred Francisco I. Madero. There are many biographies of Zapata and Villa, whose movements did not achieve power, along with studies of the presidential career of revolutionary general
3551:, nephew of the former president, that were quickly put down and the generals jailed. They were both in Mexico City prisons and, despite their geographical separation, they were able to foment yet another rebellion in February 1913. This period came to be known as the 2721:
for cordage, and sugar replaced the domestic production of wheat, corn and livestock that peasants had lived on. Wealth, political power and access to education were concentrated among a handful of elite landholding families mainly of European and mixed descent. These
worked to produce a nationalistic perspective placing the borderlands as an integral part of Mexican culture, history, and as a crucial part to the revolution, as the borderlands and its communities have been ignored by both the United States and Mexican governments.
tricked Zapata by pretending that he intended to defect to Zapata's side. Carranza sent General Francisco Murguía and General Manuel M. Diéguez to track down and eliminate Villa, but they were unsuccessful. They did capture and execute one of Villa's top men, General
from the revolutionary pantheon for a considerable time, but his memory and legend remained alive among the Mexican people. The government recognized his continued potency and had his remains reburied in the Monument of the Revolution after considerable controversy.
5328: 4328:
In 1916 Carranza was only acting president at the time, and the expectation was to hold presidential elections. He called for a constituent congress to draft a new document based on liberal and revolutionary principles. Labor had supported the Constitutionalists and
2755:, under the direct control of the president. With these forces, Díaz attempted to pacify the Mexican countryside, led by a stable government that was nominally civilian, and the conditions to develop the country economically with the infusion of foreign investments. 5961:
poor farmers also migrated to the cities, and they settled on neighborhoods where the Porfiriato elite used to live. The standard of living in the cities grew: it went from contributing to 42% of the national GDP to 60% by 1940. However, social inequality remained.
There was considerable cultural production during the Revolution itself, including printmaking, music and photography, while in the post revolutionary era, revolutionary themes in painting and literature shaped historical memory and understanding of the Revolution.
5113:("by the border" in English), a newspaper dedicated to describing life in the border regions which would write about Mexican-Americans and their long rooted history and culture pertaining to these lands, as people living by the international border would be called 4097:
December 1914 for Veracruz. The famous picture of Zapata and Villa in the National Palace, with Villa sitting in the presidential chair, is a classic image of the Revolution. Villa is reported to have said to Zapata that the presidential chair "is too big for us".
The revolution "depended heavily, from its inception, on visual representations and, in particular, on photographs." The large number of Mexican and foreign photographers followed the action and stoked public interest in it. Among the foreign photographers were
was chosen for a term of 20 days. The Convention declared Carranza in rebellion against it. Civil war resumed, this time between revolutionary armies that had fought in a united cause to oust Huerta in 1913–1914. During the Convention, Constitutionalist General
3934:. Carranza, the civilian First Chief Carranza and Villa, the bold and successful commander of the Division of the North were on the verge of splitting. Obregón, the other highly successful Constitutionalist general, sought to keep the northern coalition intact. 4721:
the state crackdown, the Catholic Church protested by going on its version of a strike, refusing to baptize, marry, give last rites, or give communion to parishioners. Many peasants also joined in opposition to the state's crackdown on religion, beginning the
to fight in Morelos against the Zapatistas, burning villages and wreaking havoc. His actions drove a wedge between Zapata and Madero, which widened when Madero was inaugurated as president. Zapata remained in arms continuously until his assassination in 1919.
5817:, to rally and secure support for him. Through her efforts he was able to gain the support of women, workers and peasants. Carranza rewarded her efforts by lobbying for women's equality. He helped change and reform the legal status of women in Mexico. In the 5088:
Meanwhile, in the United States, Mexican-Americans created newspapers to help with the war effort, denouncing Diaz's regime as well as professing their support to the revolution. There were multiple newspapers written in the Spanish language, most notably,
in Chihuahua, but to a gifted revolutionary fighter who had helped bring about Díaz's fall, Madero's reward was insulting. After Madero refused to agree to social reforms calling for better working hours, pay, and conditions, Orozco organized his army, the
was working within the new democratic system promoted by Madero, but it had its interests to promote, some of which were the forces of the old conservative Church, while the new, progressive Church supporting social Catholicism of the 1891 papal encyclical
was about to break out. The aging Díaz failed to find a controlled solution to presidential succession, resulting in a power struggle among competing elites and the middle classes, which occurred during a period of intense labor unrest, exemplified by the
civilians. The German ship landed its cargo—largely U.S.-made rifles—in a deal brokered by U.S. businessmen (at a different port). U.S. forces eventually left Veracruz in the hands of the Carrancistas, but with lasting damage to U.S.-Mexican relations.
3826:, posing after a 1914 meeting at Fort Bliss, Texas. After the ouster of Huerta, Villa split with Carranza, and was defeated by Obregón in 1915. In 1916, Villa attacked the United States and Pershing was dispatched in a failed attempt to capture him. 5785:
stop, a hospital named after the date that Madero set in 1910 for rebellion against Díaz. There are no Metro stops named for revolutionary generals and presidents of Mexico, Carranza, Obregón, or Calles, and only an oblique reference to Villa in
4906:, organized by sectors. There were four sectors: industrial workers, peasants, middle class workers, largely employed by the government, and the army. Bringing the military into the party structure was controversial, privately opposed by General 2995:
Organized labor conducted strikes for better wages and just treatment. Demands for better labor conditions were central to the Liberal Party program, drawn up in 1905. Mexican copper miners in the northern state of Sonora took action in the 1906
was strongly nationalist, giving the government the power to expropriate foreign ownership of resources and enabling land reform (Article 27). It also had a strong code protecting organized labor (Article 123) and extended state power over the
1914, Zapata loosely allied with Pancho Villa, who had split from Venustiano Carranza and the Constitutionalist Army. The loose Zapata-Villa alliance lasted until Obregón decisively defeated Villa in a series of battles in 1915, including the
particularly those dealing with land reform. Carranza came from the old Porfirian landowning class and was repulsed by peasant demand for redistribution of land and their expectation that land seized would not revert to their previous owners.
nonexistent, so that officers could receive the subsidies for the numbers they commanded. Officers used their position for personal enrichment through salary and opportunities for graft. Although Mexicans had enthusiastically volunteered in
5191:, and professional cinematographers. Those behind the lens were hampered by the large, heavy cameras that impeded capturing action images, but no longer was written text enough, with photographs illustrating and verifying the written word. 4284:
in Europe in 1914, foreign powers with significant economic and strategic interests in Mexico—particularly the U.S., Great Britain and Germany—made efforts to sway Mexico to their side, but Mexico maintained a policy of neutrality. In the
3275:, until elections were held. Díaz and his family and a number of top supporters were allowed to go into exile. When Díaz left for exile in Paris, he was reported as saying, "Madero has unleashed a tiger; let us see if he can control it." 4479:. Zapata continued to oppose the Constitutionalists, but lost support in his own area and attempted to entice defectors back to his movement. That was a fatal error. He was ambushed and killed on 10 April 1919 by agents of now President 3396:
Political parties proliferated. One of the most important was the National Catholic Party, which in several regions of the country was particularly strong. Several Catholic newspapers were in circulation during the Madero era, including
The PRI was built as a big-tent corporatist party, to bring many political factions and interest groups (peasantry, labor, urban professionals) together, while excluding conservatives and Catholics, who eventually formed the opposition
Landed estates, many of which were owned by foreigners, were targeted for looting, the crops and animals were sold or they were used by the revolutionaries. The owners of some estates were killed. In the wake of the Revolution, a joint
7864: 7842: 2845:
were highly effective in controlling the countryside, especially along the 12,000 miles of railway lines. They were a mobile force, often sent on trains with their horses to put down rebellions in relatively remote areas of Mexico.
4770:. Three men held the presidency in what would have been Obregón second term. To alternation of the presidency by men who had previously held the office, the constitution was revised, reverted to the principle of no re-election. 4466:
had promised land reform. But Madero negotiated a settlement with the Díaz regime that continued its power. Once elected in November 1911, Madero did not move on land reform, prompting Zapata to rebel against him and draft the
3483:. Madero sent the Federal Army to deal with Zapata, unsuccessfully. Zapata remained true to the demands of the Plan de Ayala and in rebellion against every central government up until his assassination by an agent of President 5629:
Huerta remains the enduring villain of the Mexican Revolution for his coup against Madero. Díaz is still popularly and officially reviled, although there was an attempt to rehabilitate his reputation in the 1990s by President
like other females had. Robles carried on with his life as Amelio, and remained to look as well as act masculine. He reestablished himself into the community as a male, and was recognized as a male on his military documents.
3926:, a well-defended railway hub city. After bitter fighting for the hills surrounding Torreón, and later point-blank bombardment, on April 3 Villa's troops entered the devastated city. The Federal Army made a last stand at 3587:
The Madero presidency was unravelling, to no one's surprise except perhaps Madero's, whose support continued to deteriorate, even among his political allies. Madero's supporters in congress before the coup, the so-called
has stations commemorating aspects of the Revolution and the revolutionary era. When it opened in 1969, with line 1 (the "Pink Line"), two stations alluded to the revolution. Most directly referencing the Revolution was
convention was divided between conservatives, mostly politicians who had supported Madero and then Carranza, and progressives, who were soldiers who had fought in revolutionary battles. The progressives, deemed radical
advantage of the loyalty of General Álvaro Obregón. Despite Obregón's moderating actions at the Convention of Aguascalientes, even trying to persuade Carranza to resign his position, he ultimately sided with Carranza.
never held office before. He firmly held to democratic ideals, which many consider evidence of naivete. His election as president in October 1911 raised high expectations among many Mexicans for positive change. The
There is a huge bibliography of works in Spanish on the Mexican Revolution. Below are works in English, some of which have been translated from Spanish. Some of the works in English have been translated to Spanish.
places where peasants had fought for land reform, Carranza's policy was to repress them and deny their demands. In the southeast, where hacienda owners held strong, Carranza sent the most radical of his supporters,
helped fund that appealed to the urban working class, particularly in early 1915 before Obregón's victories over Villa and González's over Zapata. Once the armed opposition was less of a threat, Carranza dissolved
in March 1916, ended the possibility of a closer relationship with the U.S. Under heavy pressure from public opinion in the U.S. to punish the attackers (stoked mainly by the papers of ultra-conservative publisher
5406:", with numerous verses, was popular at the time of the Revolution, and subsequently, and is too in the present day. Published corridos often had images of particular revolutionary heroes along with the verses. 4208:
in 1915, Salvador Alvarado organized a large Socialist Party and carried out extensive land reform. He confiscated the large landed estates and redistributed the land in smaller plots to the liberated peasants.
would start out with two goals: to decry the racism and discrimination experienced by Mexicans and Mexicans-Americans in the United States, and to support the ongoing reforms in Mexico, equating the tyranny of
decisively and was inaugurated as president in November 1911, but his movement had lost crucial momentum and revolutionary supporters in the months of the Interim Presidency and left in place the Federal Army.
In an attempt to buffer his regime against further coups, Calles began arming peasants and factory workers with surplus weapons. He continued other reforms pushed by his predecessor, but Calles was virulently
Ricardo Flores Magón and Práxedis Guerrero, went into exile in the relative safety of the United States, but cooperation between the U.S. government and Díaz's agents resulted in the arrest of some radicals.
Carranza called for a meeting in October 1914 Mexico City, which he now controlled with Obregón, but other revolutionaries opposed to Carranza's influence successfully moved the venue to Aguascalientes. The
2808:(political bosses) who were loyal to him. He skillfully managed political conflict and reined in tendencies toward autonomy. He appointed several military officers to state governorships, including General 4229:
alliance with the U.S. Mexican nationalists in Mexico were seeking a stronger stance against the colossus of the north, by taxing foreign holdings and limiting their influence. With Villa's raid against
Supporting the Huerta regime initially were business interests in Mexico, both foreign and domestic; landed elites; the Roman Catholic Church; and the German and British governments. The U.S. President
Rival interests, particularly those of the foreign powers with a presence in Mexico, further complicated an already complex system of favoritism. As economic activity increased and industries thrived,
by the conservatives, "sought to integrate deep political and social reforms into the political structure of the country." making principles for which many of the revolutionaries had fought into law.
11587: 3271:, signed on 21 May 1911. The signed treaty stated that Díaz would abdicate the presidency along with his vice president, Ramón Corral, by the end of May 1911, to be replaced by an interim president, 3056:
Díaz had ruled continuously since 1884. The question of presidential succession was an issue as early as 1900, when he turned 70. Díaz re-established the office of vice president in 1906, choosing
into service. Díaz attempted the same kind of manipulation he executed with the Mexican political system with business interests, showing favoritism to European interests against those of the U.S.
all Mexicans had the same citizenship status, with some being immigrants, refugees, exiles, or people whose family had lived in the south-western states from Texas to California since before the
3115:, a physician who had opposed Díaz. Madero campaigned vigorously and effectively. To ensure Madero did not win, Díaz had him jailed before the election. He escaped and fled for a short period to 2802:
attempted to seize power after the fall of the regime in 1911. Díaz created a political machine, first working with regional strongmen and bringing them into his regime, then replacing them with
3842:, who had played a key role in the coup d'état, President Wilson not only declined to recognize Huerta's government but first supplanted the ambassador by sending his "personal representative" 3754:, who had helped topple the Díaz regime, then rebelled against Madero because of his lack of action on agrarian issues. Huerta's first cabinet comprised men who had supported the February 1913 2978:("Red Dawn"), in San Francisco, California. Although leftist groups were small in numbers, they became influential through their publications, articulating their opposition to the Díaz regime. 3184:, the "world's best rigger of Latin-American revolutions", to encourage support in the U.S. A strategy to discredit Díaz with U.S. business and the U.S. government achieved some success, with 14814: 5029:
Political assassination became a frequent way to eliminate rivals both during and after the Revolution. All of the major leaders of the Revolution were later assassinated: Madero in 1913,
that lasted from 1926 to 1929. Although the period is characterized as a consolidation of the Revolution, who ruled Mexico and the policies the government pursued were met with violence.
Zapata in 1919, removing a consistent and effective opponent. Some counterrevolutionaries in Chiapas laid down their arms. The only pro-Carranza governor to resist the regime change was
3000:. Starting on June 1, 1906, 5,400 miners began to organize labor strikes. Among other grievances, they were paid less than U.S. nationals working in the mines. In the state of Veracruz, 5307:
commissioned artists to decorate government buildings of the colonial era with murals depicting Mexico's history. Many of these focused on aspects of the Revolution. The "Big Three" of
In 1920, Sonoran revolutionary general Álvaro Obregón was elected President of Mexico and inaugurated in December 1920, following the coup engineered by him and revolutionary generals
4213:, a revolutionary brigadier general from Chihuahua was frustrated by the slow pace of land reform under the Madero presidency. He ordered the subdivision of six haciendas belonging to 14147: 4990:
increasing five-fold from 1910 to 1920, with 100,000 Mexicans entering the United States by 1920 , seeking better economic conditions, social stability, and political stability.
5931:, or PRD. It is not by chance that the party used the word "Revolution" in its name, challenging the Institutional Revolutionary Party's appropriation of the Mexican Revolution. 14162: 3434:
Madero did not have the experience or the ideological inclination to reward men who had helped bring him to power. Some revolutionary leaders expected personal rewards, such as
5162:, whose satirical prints, particularly featuring skeletons, circulated widely. Posada died in early 1913, so his caricatures are only of the early revolution. One published in 3999:
in early July, pushing for a more radical agenda than Carranza's Plan of Guadalupe. It also called for a meeting of revolutionary generals to decide Mexico's political future.
3228:. These victories encouraged alliances with other revolutionary leaders, including Villa. Against Madero's wishes, Orozco and Villa fought for and won Ciudad Juárez, bordering 14346: 4579:
revolted in 1929 against Calles, who remained a power behind the presidency with the assassination of Obregón in 1928. All these revolts were unsuccessful. In the late 1920s,
The revolutionary generals of the Convention called on Carranza to resign executive power. Although he agreed to do so, he laid out conditions for it. He would resign if both
2874:, just south of Mexico City, with its burgeoning sugar plantations. There was what one scholar has called "agrarian compression", in which "population growth intersected with 2839:
were only 2,500 in number, as opposed to the 30,000 in the army and another 30,000 in the federal auxiliaries, irregulars and National Guard. Despite their small numbers, the
3494:, a leader in taking Ciudad Juárez, had expected to become governor of Chihuahua. In 1911, although Orozco was "the man of the hour", Madero gave the governorship instead to 3450:. Madero met personally with Zapata, telling the guerrilla leader that the agrarian question needed careful study. His meaning was clear: Madero, a member of a rich northern 7518: 6034:
and land reform. Mexico commemorates the Revolution in monuments, statues, school textbooks, naming of cities, neighborhoods, and streets, images on peso notes and coins.
4760:. In 1929 Calles brought together the various factions, mainly regional strongmen. Calles himself could not become president again, but he remained a powerful figure, the 3282:
became interim president, pending an election to be held in October 1911. Madero considered De la Barra an acceptable figure for the interim presidency since he was not a
1551: 1245:. Politically inexperienced, Madero's government was fragile, and further regional rebellions broke out. In February 1913, prominent army generals from the Díaz regime 6359: 3780:, which, like other Catholic papers, had protested Congress's dissolution and the rigged elections , locked horns with the official press and was finally closed down. 5166:
entitled "oratory and music" shows Madero atop a pile of papers and the Plan of San Luis Potosí, haranguing a dark-skinned Mexican whose large sombrero has the label
The Constitutionalist Army was renamed the "Mexican National Army" and Carranza sent some of its most able generals to eliminate threats. In Morelos, he sent General
3060:. Rather than managing political succession, Díaz marginalized Corral, keeping him away from decision-making. Díaz publicly announced in an interview with journalist 14244: 11349: 1421: 5013:
Cities were the prizes in revolutionary clashes, and many of them were severely damaged. A notable exception is Mexico City, which only sustained damage during the
13881: 13705: 13045: 4654:, later to become president of Mexico. Although the 1917 Constitution was not fully implemented and parts of the country were still controlled by local strongmen, 3459: 2878:, declining wages and insecure tenancies to produce widespread economic deterioration", but the regions under the greatest stress were not the ones that rebelled. 1411: 1406: 1347: 14323: 5222:, and some 80 cameramen from the U.S. filmed as freelancers or employed by film companies. The footage has been edited and reconstructed into documentary films, 1536: 1491: 5203:, Homer Scott, and Walter Horne. Images appeared in newspapers and magazines, as well as postcards. Horne was associated with the Mexican War Postcard Company. 14351: 12858: 5586: 5219: 4747: 2924:) drew up a radical program of reform, specifically addressing what they considered to be the worst aspects of the Díaz regime. Most prominent in the PLM were 2709:. Diaz rigged elections, arguing that only he knew what was best for his country, and he enforced his belief with a strong hand. "Order and Progress" were the 1636: 392: 335: 11567: 4113:, to benefit Carranza and allowed munitions to flow to the Constitutionalists. The U.S. granted Carranza's government diplomatic recognition in October 1915. 14539: 14266: 13958: 12916: 6158: 6132: 5557:
Euro-American imperialist rivalries, extremely intricate during the first world war." A key work illuminating the international aspects of the Revolution is
1631: 14646: 14554: 14309: 11888: 11582: 6073: 5721:. As the Metro expanded, further stations with names from the revolutionary era opened. In 1980, two popular heroes of the Revolution were honored, with 4011:. The break between Carranza and Villa became definitive during the Convention. "Carranza spurned it, and Villa effectively hijacked it. Mexico's lesser 3700:
of Sonora, a successful rancher and businessman who had not participated in the Madero revolution, now joined the revolutionary forces in the north, the
3631: 3374:
in the north. Both Zapata and Orozco had led revolts that had put pressure on Díaz to resign, and both felt betrayed by Madero once he became president.
1195: 9647:
Perhaps enough time had passed since the Revolution and Romero Rubio was just a name with no historical significance to ordinary Mexicans. In 2000, the
4978:. An exception to this pattern of behavior in the history of Mexico occurred in the aftermath of its nineteenth-century wars against indigenous rebels. 3937:
The Federal Army's defeats caused Huerta's position to continue to deteriorate and in mid-July 1914, he stepped down and fled to the Gulf Coast port of
Constitutionalist forces made major gains against the Federal Army. In early 1914 Pancho Villa had moved against the Federal Army in the border town of
1606: 14549: 14239: 14190: 14105: 11008:
Wasserman, Mark. "You Can Teach An Old Revolutionary Historiography New Tricks: Regions, Popular Movements, Culture, and Gender in Mexico, 1820–1940",
9002: 8497: 8067: 8052: 7676: 6551: 5158:
During the late Porfiriato, political cartooning and print making developed as popular forms of art. The most well known print maker of that period is
The rebels who brought him to power were demobilized and Madero called on these men of action to return to civilian life. According to a story told by
being a decisive blow, but the struggle in Morelos by the Zapatistas was also extremely important since the state was just south of the Mexican capital
1661: 1496: 1308:, contended his election was heir to the 1910 democratic election of Francisco Madero, thereby claiming the heritage and legitimacy of the Revolution. 6673: 3714:
became governor of Chihuahua in 1914, following the defeat of Huerta, he located González's bones and had them reburied with full honors. In Morelos,
14393: 12443: 6401: 6098: 5681:
Names are a standard way governments commemorate people and events. Many towns and cities of Mexico recall the revolution. In Mexico City, there are
regime (1913–1914). Under Díaz relations between the Roman Catholic Church and the Mexican government were stable, with the anticlerical laws of the
2033: 1190:, which aimed to create a strong central government. Revolutionary generals held power from 1920 to 1940. The revolutionary conflict was primarily a 8511: 4840:(CTM), a nationalist, autonomous, non-politically affiliated organization. Communists in the labor movement were aligned with the Moscow-controlled 3431:
was also a current. When Madero was overthrown in February 1913 by counter-revolutionaries, the conservative wing of the Church supported the coup.
1257:. This initiated a new and bloody phase of the Revolution, as a coalition of northerners opposed to the counter-revolutionary regime of Huerta, the 5388:
were written at the time, serving as a kind of news report and functioned as propaganda, memorializing aspects of the Mexican Revolution. The term
5352: 5130:
argued that Mexican immigrants and American born Mexican-Americans should be inspired by the revolution's promise of land reform to fight for more
were forced to choose" between those two forces. It was a brief pause in revolutionary violence before another all-out period of civil war ensued.
3710:("First Chief") Venustiano Carranza. Huerta had Governor González arrested and murdered, for fear he would foment rebellion. When northern General 1170:
from 20 November 1910 to 1 December 1920. It has been called "the defining event of modern Mexican history" and resulted in the destruction of the
299: 6371: 419: 14234: 13592: 5287:
Venustiano Carranza attracted artists and intellectuals to the Constitutionalist cause. Painter, sculptor and essayist Gerardo Murillo, known as
The new constitution was approved on 5 February 1917. This picture shows the Constituent Congress of 1917 swearing fealty to the new Constitution
3911:, the majority of which defected to him with their weapons. Finally he moved against the capital, by sending his subordinates into Mexico state. 11101:
Brunk, Samuel. "Zapata and the City Boys: In Search of a Piece of Revolution". Hispanic American Historical Review. Duke University Press, 1993.
6311: 382: 11187: 5291:, was ardently involved in art production in the cause of the revolution. He was involved with the anarcho-syndicalist labor organization, the 4487:
steadfast revolutionary made him an enduring hero of the Revolution. His name and image were invoked in the 1994 uprising in Chiapas, with the
the military academy to train officers, but their training was aimed at repelling foreign invasions. Díaz expanded the rural police force, the
13023: 10697:
Gonzales, Michael J. "Imagining Mexico in 1921: Visions of the Revolutionary State and Society in the Centennial Celebration in Mexico City",
Dorado Romo, David. "Charting the Legacy of the Revolution: How the Mexican Revolution Transformed El Paso's Cultural and Urban Landscape" in
had strong influence in the post-revolutionary government, so most of the reforms began in Morelos, the birthplace of the Zapatista movement.
lampooned politicians and cultural elites with mordant humor, portraying them as skeletons. The Liberal Party of Mexico founded the anti-Díaz
13085: 11105: 3188:
representatives engaging in talks with Gustavo Madero. More importantly, the U.S. government "bent neutrality laws for the revolutionaries".
As a military man himself, and one who had intervened directly in politics to seize the presidency in 1876, Díaz was acutely aware that the
14294: 14224: 13863: 13075: 12986: 12052: 11687: 11300: 8823:
Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries, DeGolyer Library.
4660:, Obregón's presidency did begin consolidation of parts of the revolutionary agenda, including expanded rights of labor and the peasantry. 2647: 1340: 1183: 515: 498: 444: 11227: 5549:. In recent years, biographies of the victorious northerners Carranza, Obregón, and Calles have reassessed their roles in the Revolution. 3015:
These strikes were ruthlessly suppressed, with factory owners receiving support from government forces. In the Cananea strike, mine owner
14318: 13209: 12663: 12310: 11640: 11221: 6185: 5835:
is of a woman with braids, wearing female attire, with ammunition belts across her chest. There were a few revolutionary women, known as
5818: 5806: 4583:
provisions of the 1917 Constitution were stringently enforced, leading to a major grassroots uprising against the government, the bloody
2000: 625: 5650:, a major project of Díaz's government. The construction was abandoned with the outbreak of the Revolution in 1910. In 1933, during the 5187:
no means complete since much of the violence took place in relatively remote places, but it was a media event covered by photographers,
3393:, Manuel Sarabia, and Lázaro Gutiérrez de Lara and served as a center of agitation and propaganda, but it was not a formal labor union. 12886: 11677: 6088: 1194:, but foreign powers, having important economic and strategic interests in Mexico, figured in the outcome of Mexico's power struggles; 3195:, but their ultimate success was the result of the Federal Army's weakness and inability to suppress them. Madero's vague promises of 13216: 12406: 11661: 11230:
Photos and postcards in color and in black and white, some with manuscript letters, postmarks, and stamps from the collection at the
Pineda, Franco, Adela. The Mexican Revolution on the World Stage: Intellectuals and Film in the Twentieth Century, SUNY Press, 2019.
with troops. Going further, Carranza ordered the assassination of Emiliano Zapata in 1919. It was a huge blow, but Zapatista General
4400: 2355: 9617:
Buchenau, Jürgen, "The Arm and Body of the Revolution: Remembering Mexico's Last Caudillo, Álvaro Obregón" in Lyman L. Johnson, ed.
A modern legacy of revolution in the rural sphere is the Chiapas insurgency of the 1990s, taking its name from Emiliano Zapata, the
in Mexico City and statues and monuments to particular leaders. The Monument to the Revolution was created from the partially built
12868: 2695:
In his early years in the presidency, Díaz consolidated power by playing opposing factions against each other and by expanding the
14544: 10676:
Buchenau, Jürgen. "The Arm and Body of a Revolution: Remembering Mexico's Last Caudillo, Álvaro Obregón" in Lyman L. Johnson, ed.
14476: 14314: 14301: 14258: 14167: 13893: 13695: 13602: 13504: 13262: 12909: 11752: 6446: 5585:
The centennial of the Mexican Revolution was another occasion to construct of historical of the events and leaders. In 2010, the
5428:) is a notable one, originally published in serial form in newspapers. Literature is a lens through which to see the Revolution. 3137:
Principal battles during the fight to oust Díaz, November 1910 – May 1911. Most action was in the northern border area, with the
factory, the world's largest, protesting against unfair labor practices. They were paid in credit that could be used only at the
1333: 7514: 6224: 5689:, brother of murdered president. There is a portion of the old colonial street Calle de los Plateros leading to the main square 1924: 14668: 14658: 14526: 12565: 12320: 12189: 4507:
Even as Carranza's political authority was waning, he attempted to impose a political nobody, Mexico's ambassador to the U.S.,
described these men as the "true authors" of the Mexican Revolution for agitating the masses. As the 1910 election approached,
764:(secretly sided with Reyes against Madero until Reyes died in 1913; after Reyes was killed, Huerta launched his own revolution) 5581:
in Mexico City. It was to be the new legislative palace of the Díaz regime, but construction was interrupted by the revolution
4641:. The coup was supported by other revolutionary generals against the civilian Carranza attempting to impose another civilian, 3278:
With Díaz in exile and new elections to be called in October, the power structure of the old regime remained firmly in place.
14440: 14374: 14211: 14090: 13763: 12782: 12638: 12453: 11656: 11635: 10924: 10911: 10302: 10060: 9769: 9677: 9465: 8913: 8872: 8735: 8629: 8533: 8278: 8209: 6693: 6652: 6506: 6464: 6379: 6331: 6288: 5981: 4756: 4488: 3290:
or politician, but rather a Catholic lawyer and diplomat. He appeared to be a moderate, but the German ambassador to Mexico,
2306: 248: 4828:
Cárdenas encouraged working class organizations and sought to bring them into the political system under state control. The
3467:, 1911. Rather than keeping the revolutionary force that had helped bring him to power, Madero in a fatal decision kept the 14789: 14615: 14035: 12820: 11853: 11818: 11620: 11364: 11273: 11122: 6103: 5236: 3880: 2760: 2546: 1864: 1809: 1727: 1571: 5442:, when official discourse was erasing Villa's memory and emphasizing nationalist and centralized ideas of the Revolution. 4773:
An achievement in this period was the 1929 peace agreement between the Catholic Church and the Mexican state, brokered by
14799: 14386: 13710: 13338: 12843: 12282: 12167: 11245:, in the "Children in History" website. This is an overview of the Revolution with a treatment of the impact on children. 10322: 8448: 7859: 7837: 4293:. Carranza did not pursue this policy, but the leaking of the telegram pushed the U.S. into war against Germany in 1917. 14600: 3579: 14585: 13875: 13277: 13035: 12184: 12093: 11801: 11013: 10441: 10375: 10037: 8204:. Translated by Aliaga-Buchenau, Ana-Isabel. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press. pp. 51–58. 6078: 5928: 5007: 4008: 2447: 5709:'s vice president, who was murdered with him in February 1913. There is no Metro stop named for Madero. The other was 4035:
and in Morelos where Zapata held sway. The Convention of Aguascalientes brought that opposition out in an open forum.
14784: 14460: 14154: 13970: 13242: 12713: 12015: 11903: 11843: 11650: 11090:
Brunk, Samuel. “‘The Sad Situation of Civilians and Soldiers’: The Banditry of Zapatismo in the Mexican Revolution.”
9648: 8249:
Hart, John M. (1999). "Mexican Revolution, U. S. Military Involvement In The". In Chambers II, John Whiteclay (ed.).
7895: 7120: 6923: 6206:
Mexican casualties are not known, but found among the Mexican dead were the bodies of two German agents provocateurs.
5912: 5898: 4919: 4627: 2395: 1790: 1297: 11252: 4093:
had attempted to be a moderating force and had been the one to convey the Convention's call for Carranza to resign.
3138: 2676:
came to the presidency of Mexico in 1876 and remained almost continuously in office until 1911 in an era now called
1656: 1516: 1446: 13640: 12678: 12591: 12010: 11985: 11765: 11719: 11293: 11211: 6108: 5550: 5021: 4987: 4837: 4596: 2640: 1939: 11133: 6162: 6136: 5249: 4864:, generals, or conservative landlords, in 1936 Cárdenas began building collective agricultural enterprises called 4777:, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico. The church-state conflict went into hibernation following the designation of General 67:
A child soldier, El Niño artillero (Antonio Gómez Delgado), 10 years old, enlisted on July 2, 1910 in Acatzingán,
14804: 14711: 14516: 14496: 14283: 14219: 14042: 13911: 12815: 12735: 12673: 12508: 12103: 12042: 11046:
The Whole Truth About Mexico: The Mexican Revolution and President Wilson's Part Therein, as seen by a Cientifico
4844:, and Cárdenas sought to strengthen the Mexican labor organization aligned with the Mexican revolutionary state. 4367: 4351: 1993: 13376: 10172:
Mexico's Once and Future Revolution: Social Upheaval and the Challenge of Rule since the Late Nineteenth Century
institutions, as part of his policy to join the U.S. and Canada Free Trade Agreement. Just as the government of
5839:, who commanded troops, some of whom dressed and identified as male; they do not fit the stereotypical image of 5713:, whose icon is a cannon, alluding to the Ciudadela armory where the coup against Madero was launched. In 1970, 4805:
as the PNR's presidential candidate. Unlike his three predecessors controlled by Calles, Cárdenas threw off the
3220:—formed a powerful military union in the north and, although they were not especially committed to Madero, took 14774: 14511: 14506: 14501: 14491: 14185: 12830: 12805: 12703: 12252: 11980: 10857: 10541:
Capitalists, Caciques, and Revolution: The Native Elites and Foreign Enterprise in Chihuahua, Mexico, 1854–1911
9997: 9652: 5936: 5782: 5602: 4110: 4076:. In practice over the long term, Villa and Zapata fought in different areas, and the Constitutionalists under 2365: 11400: 10879:
Filming Pancho Villa: How Hollywood Shaped the Mexican Revolution: North American Cinema and Mexico, 1911–1917
Frank, Lucas N. "Playing with Fire: Woodrow Wilson, Self‐Determination, Democracy, and Revolution in Mexico."
3685: 3495: 3479:
in November 1911, declaring himself in rebellion against Madero. He renewed guerrilla warfare in the state of
Díaz sued for peace with Madero, who himself did not want a prolonged and bloody conflict. The result was the
3217: 1250: 735: 14809: 14794: 14486: 14481: 14445: 14379: 14271: 14117: 13700: 13552: 13090: 13018: 12949: 12718: 12688: 12683: 12315: 12220: 11975: 11823: 9635: 6093: 5605:, there was considerable emphasis on the bicentennial of independence rather than on the Mexican Revolution. 5315:, Orozco, and Siqueiros produced narratives of the Revolution, shaping historical memory and interpretation. 4535: 3328: 3311: 3108: 2979: 1762: 1621: 1301: 1223: 97: 11470: 11160: 5886: 5766: 5750: 5147: 4188:, sanctioning the return of all village lands illegally seized in contravention of an 1856 law passed under 3279: 3272: 3252: 869: 14435: 14062: 14002: 13899: 13804: 13567: 13353: 13057: 12896: 12795: 12523: 12421: 12325: 12305: 12125: 12108: 12005: 11682: 11562: 11475: 10781: 10588: 10430: 10265: 10075: 9981: 9965: 4346: 4004: 3961: 3767: 3548: 3414: 3112: 2799: 2519: 2474: 2437: 2425: 2370: 1611: 1566: 1546: 1179: 1022: 803: 575: 481: 454: 402: 345: 160: 11645: 11174:
Library of Congress – Hispanic Reading Room portal, Distant Neighbors: The U.S. and the Mexican Revolution
10943: 5718: 5643: 5578: 4947: 4528: 4321:
The Constitutionalist Army fought in the name of the 1857 Constitution promulgated by liberals during the
2685: 1237:
Madero was elected President, taking office in November 1911. He immediately faced the armed rebellion of
was particularly high. The conflict led to the deaths of around one million people, mostly noncombatants.
14769: 14673: 14110: 14095: 13953: 13905: 13670: 13221: 13095: 13008: 13003: 12772: 12760: 12755: 12230: 12130: 12057: 11791: 11745: 11286: 10088: 9933: 9669: 8939: 5589:
was an occasion to take account of Mexico's history. The centennial of independence in 1910 had been the
4872: 4797:
Revolutionary general and President Lázaro Cárdenas, pictured after nationalizing the railway system 1937
3790: 3443: 3237: 2633: 2581: 1961: 1949: 1737: 1556: 1541: 1431: 20: 13282: 8608:
Matute, "Mexican Revolution: May 1917–1920". Encyclopedia of Mexico. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997, 864
5787: 5781:, whose daughter Carmen Romero Rubio became Díaz's second wife. In 2012, a new Metro line opened with a 5726: 4832:, an umbrella labor organization, had declined in power with the ouster of Calles. Radical labor leader 4204:
in Yucatan, to mobilize peasants and be a counterweight to the hacienda owners. After taking control of
3390: 2941: 2854:
constructed next to railroad tracks meant instant communication between distant states and the capital.
1561: 1371: 1304:. When the Revolution ended is not well defined, and even the conservative winner of the 2000 election, 14653: 14610: 13887: 13645: 13630: 13532: 13401: 12969: 12881: 12838: 12533: 12354: 12245: 12235: 11908: 11863: 11328: 11178: 11023: 10817: 10484: 10238: 10220: 8596: 8559: 6901: 6083: 5738: 5214:, a publicity still taken by Mutual Film Corporation photographer John Davidson Wheelan in January 1914 4692:
Conflict zones of the Cristero War. Map of Mexico showing regions in which Cristero outbreaks occurred
3891:, Guerrero in mid-March; he followed this soon afterward with the capture of the Pacific coast port of 2459: 2454: 1986: 1832: 1683: 1576: 1511: 1277: 11547: 11511: 11201: 9456:
Cano, Gabriela (2019). "Mexican Revolution and Sexuality". In Chiang, Howard; Forman, Ross G. (eds.).
The Mexican Claims Commissions, 1823–1934: A Study in the Law and Procedure of International Tribunals
in producing political art. The government of Álvaro Obregón (1920–24) and his Minister of Education,
4463: 3355: 3268: 3192: 3157: 3128: 1646: 1506: 1227: 14595: 14363: 13947: 13935: 13690: 13675: 13396: 13287: 12981: 12959: 12708: 12698: 12631: 12438: 12157: 12140: 12062: 11995: 11001:
McNamara, Patrick J. "Rewriting Zapata: Generational Conflict on the Eve of the Mexican Revolution."
10900: 10835: 10419: 10104: 9949: 5882: 5631: 5460: 5076:("The Underdogs") in El Paso and published in serial form there. The alliance Carranza made with the 4833: 4555: 4230: 4121: 3986:
Map of zones of control during the Mexico Revolution as of early 1915, before Obregón defeated Villa.
3927: 3419: 2729:
companies (mostly from the United Kingdom, France, and the U.S.) also exercised influence in Mexico.
2566: 2360: 2318: 1897: 1626: 1526: 786:(fought own revolution after Díaz was overthrown and later sided with Huerta after Huerta took power) 13542: 9910: 6852:""The Sad Situation of Civilians and Soldiers": The Banditry of Zapatismo in the Mexican Revolution" 2986:, an emerging political figure and member of one of Mexico's richest families, funded the newspaper 2689: 14779: 14570: 14057: 14047: 13976: 13929: 13917: 13857: 13665: 13660: 13582: 12991: 12964: 12668: 12340: 12335: 12030: 12025: 12020: 11969: 11960: 11838: 11630: 10720:
The Myth of the Revolution: Hero Cults and the Institutionalization of the Mexican State, 1920–1940
10560: 6016: 5924: 5659: 5109:
communities in the border regions, as well as supporting the revolution. These articles were named
4290: 4277:
among the Mexicans. Carranza asserted Mexican sovereignty and forced the U.S. to withdraw in 1917.
3464: 1912: 1777: 1616: 1481: 1471: 1451: 11450: 11096:"The Sad Situation of Civilians and Soldiers": The Banditry of Zapatismo in the Mexican Revolution 5927:, son of president Lázaro Cárdenas, broke with the PRI, forming an independent leftist party, the 5655: 5159: 4634: 4618: 4543: 4539: 4520: 4173: 2953: 909: 201: 14641: 14633: 14575: 14335: 14030: 13793: 13620: 13615: 13547: 13406: 13391: 13386: 13366: 13247: 13124: 12411: 12272: 12000: 11808: 11572: 11369: 11218:, Latin American Revolutions, course material for History 328, Truman State University (Missouri) 10981: 10845:
of the Mexican revolution" (The Evolution of War and Its Representation in Literature and Film),
The Mexican Revolution in Puebla, 1908–1913: The Maderista Movement and Failure of Liberal Reform
9973: 9957: 9744:
Blancarte, Roberto "Recent Changes in Church-State Relations in Mexico: An Historical Approach".
9506: 8588: 8576: 8258: 6644: 6268: 5858: 5798: 5537: 5443: 5292: 5077: 4841: 4793: 4572: 4450:. Zapata rebelled against Madero in 1911 because of Madero's slowness in implementing land reform 4261: 4235: 4125: 3759: 3384: 2933: 2782: 2509: 2164: 1651: 1521: 1466: 1436: 1416: 471: 241: 93: 13587: 11868: 11430: 10967: 5907:
Logo of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, which incorporates the colors of the Mexican flag
5762: 5761:. The grandson had been a participant in the Mexican Revolution. In 1999, the radical anarchist 5742: 5296: 5272: 4815: 4778: 4576: 4404: 4159: 3992: 3875:
U.S. troops enter Veracruz in April 1914. Both Huerta and Carranza opposed the U.S. intervention
3810: 3681: 3133: 3005: 2929: 2925: 2894: 2890: 1501: 815: 705: 14408: 14132: 14067: 13923: 13650: 13577: 13527: 13512: 13494: 13467: 13381: 13348: 13013: 12974: 12954: 12765: 12658: 12476: 12381: 12287: 12277: 12135: 12115: 11813: 11738: 11610: 11605: 11058: 10974: 10318: 9823: 9699: 9604: 9511: 9481: 9460:. Vol. 2. Charles Scribner's Sons, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company. pp. 1035–1039. 8097: 8082: 7986: 7939: 7924: 7649: 7622: 7607: 7500: 7473: 7319: 7241: 7097: 6595: 5972:), that remained under control of the government. However, the structure of land ownership for 5870: 5300: 4999: 4902:
Cárdenas dissolved the revolutionary party founded by Calles, and established a new party, the
4302: 4069: 3843: 3701: 3664: 3583:
Corpses in front of the National Palace during the Ten Tragic Days. Photographer: Manuel Ramos.
3016: 2169: 2068: 1755: 1703: 1401: 1273: 1258: 1187: 194: 11460: 11147: 10534:
Deference and Defiance in Monterrey: Workers, Paternalism, and Revolution in Mexico, 1890–1950
Jacques, Leo M. Dambourges. Autumn 1974 "The Chinese Massacre in Torreon (Coahuila) in 1911".
8858: 8725: 8619: 8262: 6193: 5725:
explicitly commemorating the peasant revolutionary from Morelos. A sideways commemoration was
5509: 4751: 4068:(Liberation Army of the South), joined forces in the Army of the Convention, which fought the 3684:. Huerta expected state governors to fall into line with the new government. But Carranza and 3602:, who had done all he could to undermine U.S. confidence in Madero's presidency, brokered the 3075: 663: 14398: 14052: 13941: 13717: 13680: 13610: 13557: 13479: 13447: 13421: 13371: 13302: 13204: 13157: 12941: 12810: 12693: 12548: 12401: 12391: 12267: 12215: 12145: 12098: 12037: 11858: 10806: 8905: 6685: 6638: 6323: 5420: 5280: 4888: 3904: 3804: 3689: 3341: 3066: 2915: 2898: 2541: 2489: 2469: 2407: 2387: 2382: 2216: 2096: 2091: 2063: 2058: 1827: 1391: 1293: 874: 397: 340: 11692: 11236: 10771:
Myth and Mitote: The Political Caricature of José Guadalupe Posada and Manuel Alfonso Manila
The Rightward Drift of Mexico's Former Revolutionaries: The Case of Antonio Díaz Soto y Gama
Myth and Mitote: The Political Caricature of José Guadalupe Posada and Manuel Alfonso Manila
8893: 8524: 6280: 5920: 4651: 4084:
Rather than First Chief Carranza being named president of Mexico at the convention, General
3656: 570: 476: 449: 14748: 14663: 13343: 13317: 13267: 12624: 12560: 12396: 12371: 12366: 12257: 12162: 11796: 11781: 11455: 10404: 8935: 8270: 6113: 5642:
The most permanent manifestations of historical are in the built landscape, especially the
5546: 5529: 4915: 4907: 4802: 4782: 4551: 4547: 3834:
left the decision of whether to recognize the new government up to the incoming president,
3225: 2947: 2499: 2494: 2276: 2253: 2154: 2106: 2053: 2048: 2017: 1742: 1712: 1461: 1376: 1289: 13292: 11918: 11258: 5702: 5532:, a moderate, to succeed him. A 1966 anthology by scholars of the revolution was entitled 4085: 3001: 2969: 1918: 1272:
Carranza consolidated power, and a new constitution was promulgated in February 1917. The
1215: 938: 8: 14819: 14730: 13869: 13733: 13685: 13562: 13522: 13517: 13462: 13145: 13139: 13040: 12513: 12503: 12386: 12292: 12172: 12120: 11943: 11923: 11526: 11425: 11415: 11395: 11164: 10096: 6372:
5706: 5371: 5042: 5034: 4894: 4638: 4606: 4524: 4516: 4512: 4480: 4439: 4308: 4286: 4185: 4137: 4090: 4077: 4073: 3965: 3831: 3815: 3755: 3677: 3660: 3649: 3627: 3603: 3574: 3484: 3456:
family, was not about to implement comprehensive agrarian reform for aggrieved peasants.
3379: 3324: 3213: 3100: 2983: 2937: 2603: 2576: 2529: 2514: 2430: 2350: 2328: 2323: 2281: 2211: 1934: 1426: 1381: 1262: 1219: 1040: 988: 975: 958: 953: 904: 889: 756: 722: 680: 592: 439: 235: 227: 219: 209: 205: 188: 174: 170: 166: 154: 148: 138: 14683: 11263: 11248: 11242: 7023:"The Diplomacy of Suppression: Los Revoltosos, Mexico, and the United States, 1906–1911" 5714: 5304: 5245: 5010:
assessed the monetary damage and the amount of the monetary compensation which was due.
4995: 4674: 4647: 4568: 4197: 2291: 863: 658: 14690: 14605: 13964: 13828: 13810: 13775: 13572: 13537: 13489: 13474: 13361: 13312: 13151: 13110: 12790: 12543: 12518: 12081: 12067: 10789:
How a Revolutionary Art Became Official Culture: Murals, Museums, and the Mexican State
How a Revolutionary Art Became Official Culture: Murals, Museums, and the Mexican State
Border Fury: A Picture Postcard Record of Mexico's Revolution and U.S. War Preparedness
9125: 8366: 6898:
From Insurrection to Revolution: Social Bases of Agrarian Violence in Mexico, 1750–1940
6879: 5770: 5758: 5126:
to that of white Texan politicians. A month after the start of the conflict, Idar from
4975: 4939: 4884: 4737: 4575:
revolted in 1928, contesting Obregón's bid for a second term as president; and General
3116: 2905: 2598: 2534: 2484: 2442: 2400: 2338: 2313: 2301: 2286: 2271: 2226: 2116: 2101: 1641: 1386: 1027: 844: 767: 586: 11237:
Papers of E. K. Warren & Sons, 1884–1973, ranchers in Mexico, Texas and New Mexico
11173: 11143:", The Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, May 1963 pp. 133–151. 11087:
The American Historical Review. Washington: April 1996, Volume 101, Issue 2, Page 331.
The Posthumous Career of Emiliano Zapata: Myth, Memory, and Mexico's Twentieth Century
10321:. "The Influence of the Present Mexican Revolution upon the Status of Mexican Women," 9548:
The Posthumous Career of Emiliano Zapata: Myth, Memory, and Mexico's Twentieth Century
5598: 5464:, the Revolution and its perceived betrayal are key factors in driving the narrative. 4382:
indirectly, then directly, sided with the progressives against Carranza. In historian
4210: 4205: 14723: 14717: 14678: 14580: 14413: 13996: 13851: 13834: 13635: 13457: 13437: 13272: 13257: 13187: 13175: 12876: 12853: 12800: 12584: 12468: 12448: 12433: 12330: 12262: 12203: 12177: 11990: 11965: 11955: 11773: 11531: 11521: 11405: 11323: 10938:
Bailey, D. M. "Revisionism and the recent historiography of the Mexican Revolution."
10920: 10907: 10634:
Revolutions and Counter-Revolutions. 1917 and its Aftermath from a Global Perspective
10394: 10351:
In the Absence of Don Porfirio: Francisco León de la Barra and the Mexican Revolution
10298: 10056: 10033: 9765: 9673: 9461: 9458:
Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History
9129: 9117: 8909: 8868: 8731: 8625: 8529: 8370: 8358: 8274: 8251: 8205: 7891: 7116: 7044: 6919: 6871: 6689: 6648: 6502: 6460: 6395: 6375: 6327: 6284: 6221: 6011: 5697: 5686: 5429: 5357: 4971: 4811: 4265: 4201: 3839: 3733: 3693: 3641: 3623: 3599: 3527: 3410: 3303: 3181: 3177: 3111:, under the banner of the Anti-Reelectionist Party. Madero chose as his running mate 2586: 2556: 2524: 2464: 2296: 2191: 2181: 2111: 2086: 1907: 1854: 1692: 1591: 1531: 1441: 1254: 839: 761: 144: 11445: 10890:
Mexico: The Revolution and Beyond: Photographs by Agustín Victor Casasola, 1900–1940
10619:. LaJolla: Center for U.S.-Mexico Studies. University of California San Diego, 1985. 10596:
Revolution and Intervention: The diplomacy of Taft and Wilson with Mexico, 1910–1917
McCaa, Robert. "Missing millions: The demographic costs of the Mexican Revolution."
6249: 5746: 4220: 3697: 2914:
1905 the group of Mexican intellectuals and political agitators who had created the
2816:, but over the years military men were largely replaced by civilians loyal to Díaz. 2159: 13781: 13751: 13745: 13655: 13484: 13452: 13442: 13181: 13105: 13100: 13028: 12848: 12748: 12486: 12240: 11933: 11928: 11828: 11495: 11239:, held at Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library at Texas Tech University 11041: 9280: 9109: 8901: 8519: 8350: 8266: 7034: 6863: 6681: 6452: 6367: 6319: 6276: 5734: 5613: 5573: 5482:
gain more experience with handling weapons, and learning more about military jobs.
5438:(1931) is an account of the Revolution in northern Mexico, emphasizing the role of 5344: 5308: 5241: 4642: 4601: 4508: 4476: 4408: 4383: 4274: 4269: 4243: 4117: 3977: 3823: 2886: 2875: 2681: 2561: 2479: 2377: 2345: 2221: 1944: 1929: 1767: 1601: 1596: 1456: 1159: 1031: 979: 853: 793: 739: 182: 37: 11440: 11390: 11269: 10796:
Culture, Politics, and National Identity in Mexican Literature and Film, 1929–1952
10407:. "Battleground Women: Soldaderas and Female Soldiers in the Mexican Revolution." 10255:
Protestants and the Mexican Revolution: Missionaries, Ministers, and Social Change
5774: 4189: 4020: 2830: 2673: 2665: 1317: 1253:
to resign. Days later, both men were assassinated by orders of the new President,
1202: 648: 132: 14590: 14430: 13769: 13322: 13297: 12996: 12904: 12743: 12600: 12555: 12538: 12528: 12491: 12426: 12376: 11913: 11625: 11557: 11552: 11420: 11215: 11126: 10984:. "The Mexican Revolution: Bourgeois? Nationalist? Or Just a 'Great Rebellion'?" 10741:
The Mexican corrido as a source of interpretive study of modern Mexico, 1900–1970
10029: 10009: 10001: 9759: 9385:
The Mexican corrido as a source of interpretive study of modern Mexico, 1900–1970
9009: 8976:
Archivo General de la Nación, Mexico City, Archivo Fotográfico, Delgado y García)
7868: 7846: 6581: 6496: 6228: 5965: 5814: 5754: 5340: 5188: 5030: 5014: 4682: 4483:. Photos were taken of his corpse, demonstrating that he had indeed been killed. 4443: 4429: 4420: 4396: 4313: 4180: 4146:
Mexico at the end of 1915, with the Constitutionalists holding the most territory
4061: 4043: 4028: 3996: 3973: 3957: 3715: 3570: 3552: 3439: 3367: 3333: 3295: 3291: 3209: 3048: 3020: 2775: 2623: 2551: 2504: 2420: 2333: 1902: 1848: 1476: 1246: 1242: 1238: 1175: 1009: 933: 899: 819: 809: 700: 223: 47: 11465: 11119: 10438:
Gender and the Mexican Revolution: Yucatán Women and the Realities of Patriarchy
Tuñon Pablos, Esperanza. "Mexican Revolution: February 1913 – October 1915". In
Tuñon Pablos, Esperanza. "Mexican Revolution: February 1913 – October 1915", in
Growth Against Development: The Economic Impact of Railroads in Porfirian Mexico
5851: 5454:(1929) drew on his experiences in the Constitutionalist Army. In the fiction of 4142: 3982: 3057: 2963: 2862: 653: 14423: 14403: 14074: 13787: 13625: 13416: 13307: 13163: 13067: 13050: 12225: 12047: 11490: 11485: 11480: 11435: 11168: 11112: 11084: 10832:
Picturing the Proletariat: Artists and Labor in Revolutionary Mexico, 1908–1940
The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution
10177: 9941: 9930:
The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution
9925: 9717: 9067:
Picturing the Proletariat: Artists and Labor in Revolutionary Mexico, 1908–1940
8785: 7984:
Tuñon Pablos, Esperanza. "Mexican Revolution: February 1913 – October 1915" in
6065: 5999: 5710: 5563:
The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States, and the Mexican Revolution
5558: 5524: 5455: 5415: 5200: 4857: 4732: 4665: 4330: 4249: 4239: 4164: 3849: 3835: 3763: 3751: 3746: 3737: 3610: 3544: 3532: 3491: 3435: 3371: 3346: 3201: 3093: 3061: 3041: 2997: 2851: 2809: 2248: 2149: 2139: 1859: 1486: 1211: 1205:(1876–1911) was increasingly unpopular, there was no foreboding in 1910 that a 849: 789: 783: 690: 685: 9093: 8354: 7039: 7022: 4922:, which kept sectoral representation but eliminated the military as a sector. 1311: 14763: 14534: 13822: 13816: 13252: 13169: 13080: 12605: 12458: 12152: 11516: 11270:
Collection: "Era of the Mexican Revolution and the Mexican Muralist Movement"
10917:¡Tierra y Libertad! Photographs of Mexico 1900–1935 from the Casasola Archive 10825:
Mexico and Modern Printmaking, A Revolution in the Graphic Arts, 1920 to 1950
Revolution and Ideology Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States
9989: 9578: 9170:
Revolution and Ideology Images of the Mexican Revolution in the United States
9121: 9113: 8362: 7048: 6875: 6051: 5123: 5094: 4994:
northern Mexico, there was anti-Chinese violence, particularly, the May 1911
4880: 4774: 4717: 4468: 4214: 3938: 3719: 3476: 3426: 3009: 2968:, which appeared in both Spanish and English. In exile in the United States, 2739: 2243: 2176: 1976: 1581: 1396: 1226:
and Díaz jailed him, Madero called for an armed uprising against Díaz in the
1119: 1097: 1013: 726: 612: 550: 535: 54: 11374: 10262:
Insurgent Governor: Abraham González and the Mexican Revolution in Chihuahua
Many portions of this article are translations of excerpts from the article
5778: 4965:
were participants in the Revolution, as combatants and support of combatants
3871: 3285: 2813: 157:
creates an alliance of northerners under the Constitutionalist banner 1913.
13984: 13411: 12496: 12297: 11893: 11697: 11615: 11410: 11188:
EDSITEment's Spotlight: The Centennial of the Mexican Revolution, 1910–2010
10629: 10339:. Translated by Virginia H. Taylor. Austin: University of Texas Press 1966. 10189:
Revolution at Querétaro: The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916–1917
10021: 8878: 8864: 8339:"Zapata reactivado: una visión žižekiana del Centenario de la Constitución" 8295:
Revolution at Querétaro: The Mexican Constitutional Convention of 1916–1917
8134: 6658: 5991: 5877: 5730: 5722: 5674: 5439: 5403: 5312: 5131: 5038: 4853: 4722: 4584: 4580: 4168: 4053: 4039: 4024: 3969: 3945: 3888: 3819: 3711: 3645: 3537: 3468: 3363: 3260: 3205: 3185: 3149: 3145: 2820: 1869: 1666: 1285: 1266: 1171: 1004: 928: 894: 748: 695: 424: 367: 294: 231: 178: 10578:
Diplomacy and Revolution: U.S.-Mexican Relations under Wilson and Carranza
Revolution from Without: Yucatán, Mexico, and the United States, 1880–1924
6801:, Leslie Bethell, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, p. 130. 6456: 6448:
The Mexican Revolution's Wake: The Making of a Political System, 1920–1929
on 25 March 1912, enumerating why he was rising in revolt against Madero.
68: 14195: 14100: 13798: 13226: 12647: 12481: 10882: 10447: 9994:
Mexican Militarism: The Political Rise and Fall of the Revolutionary Army
5375: 5268: 4952: 4911: 4861: 4281: 3617: 3447: 3196: 3085: 2571: 1305: 61: 53:
A questionable photograph of a man posing near a bullet-ridden house in
11231: 10897:
Constructing the Image of the Mexican Revolution: Cinema and the Archive
7437: 5218:
Most prominent of the documentary film makers were Salvador Toscano and
level of development which it reached in 1910 for another twenty years.
or interest groups. The party was reorganized once again in 1946 as the
4613: 4499: 4131: 3564: 3103:, a young man from a wealthy landowning family in the northern state of 2618: 11878: 11873: 11848: 11833: 11714: 11702: 11359: 11354: 11333: 11208: 11140: 10989: 10571: 10557:
The United States and Pancho Villa: A study in unconventional diplomacy
The Mexican Revolution, Volume 2: Counter-revolution and Reconstruction
Matute, Álvaro Matute, "Mexican Revolution: May 1917 – December 1920".
6883: 6851: 5822: 5802: 5594: 5399: 5394: 5260:
contains hundreds of images from the era, along with explanatory text.
5240:. The largest collection of still photographs of the Revolution is the 5196: 5093:, (The Chronicle in English) created by Nicasio Idar and his family in 4876: 4455: 4447: 4435: 4322: 3919: 3233: 3216:. A young and able revolutionary, Orozco—along with Chihuahua Governor 3089: 2677: 2593: 2186: 2025: 1837: 1804: 1798: 1772: 1586: 1321: 1281: 1206: 580: 387: 289: 11264:
Elmer and Diane Powell Collection on Mexico and the Mexican Revolution
11115:" Mexican Studies. Berkley: Winter 2003, Volume 19, Issue 1, Page 127. 10762: 10165:
Revolutionary Mexico: The Coming and Process of the Mexican Revolution
Andrés Molina Enríquez: Mexican Land Reformer of the Revolutionary Era
9279:, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2012, pp. 246–247. Inv. #287647. 8338: 5105:
newspapers, would mostly cover stories about the Mexican-American and
3923: 3879:
In April 1914 U.S. opposition to Huerta culminated in the seizure and
3248: 3236:. Madero's call to action had some unanticipated results, such as the 3036: 806:(sided with Reyes and later Huerta after the killing of Reyes in 1913) 13990: 13757: 11786: 11278: 11207:
Stephanie Creed, Kelcie McLaughlin, Christina Miller, Vince Struble,
Photographing the Mexican Revolution: Commitments, Testimonies, Icons
10680:. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2004, pp. 179–207 10664:
La Revolución: Mexico's Great Revolution as Memory, Myth, and History
9272: 5827: 5590: 4962: 4822: 4359: 4253: 3052:
Francisco I. Madero campaigns from the back of a railway car in 1910.
2957: 2710: 2206: 2144: 1732: 1325: 1191: 1174:, its replacement by a revolutionary army, and the transformation of 11132:
Merewether Charles, Collections Curator, Getty Research Institute, "
The Secret War in El Paso: Mexican Revolutionary Intrigue, 1906–1920
The Mexican Revolution, Volume 1: Porfirians, Liberals, and Peasants
6867: 5948: 5903: 5690: 5366: 4246:
and around 5,000 troops into Mexico in an attempt to capture Villa.
3951: 3652:(1911–1913) but joined with anti-Madero conspirators in ousting him. 3156:
On 5 October 1910, Madero issued a "letter from jail", known as the
2688:, he could not run for re-election in 1880. His close ally, General 14250: 12416: 11898: 11707: 11577: 11338: 11224:, photographs and commentary on the site of the J. Paul Getty Trust 11196: 10962:
Golland, David Hamilton. "Recent Works on the Mexican Revolution."
The United States and Revolutionary Nationalism in Mexico 1916–1932
Mexican Rebel: Pascual Orozco and the Mexican Revolution, 1910–1915
The Mexican Revolution, 1914–1915: The Convention of Aguascalientes
Knight, Alan "The Myth of the Mexican Revolution" pp. 223–273 from
Knight, Alan "The Myth of the Mexican Revolution" pp. 223–273 from
Weston, Charles H., Jr. "The Political Legacy of Lázaro Cárdenas",
The Mexican Revolution and the Limits of Agrarian Reform, 1915–1946
5916: 5651: 5434: 4943:
Civilians fleeing the danger zone in Mexico City February 16, 1913.
4849: 4766: 4656: 4425: 4378: 4339: 4116:
The rival armies of Villa and Obregón clashed in April 1915 in the
3931: 3892: 3536:
Chihuahua mobilized the state militia to support the Federal Army.
3318: 3221: 3191:
In late 1910 revolutionary movements arose in response to Madero's
3107:, announced his intent to challenge Díaz for the presidency in the 3104: 2752: 2718: 2705: 2238: 1887: 362: 330: 200:
Rebellion against Carranza government by Sonoran generals Obregón,
11730: 11095: 10803:
Mexico's Revolutionary Avant-Gardes: From Estridentismo to ¡30–30!
South of the Border, Mexico in the American Imagination, 1914–1947
Empire and Revolution: The Americans in Mexico since the Civil War
Matute, Álvaro. "Mexican Revolution: May 1917 – December 1920" in
5206: 4788: 4688: 3729: 3122: 3119:. Díaz was announced the winner of the election by a "landslide". 215:
Interim Presidency of De la Huerta, 1920. Pancho Villa amnestied.
An Affair of Honor: Woodrow Wilson and the Occupation of Veracruz
10605:. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002. 10167:. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1987. 9621:. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2004, pp. 179–207. 9181:
Ades, Dawn. "The Mexican Printmaking Tradition, c. 1900–1930" in
5995: 5587:
Centennial of the Revolution and the Bicentennial of Independence
5384: 5288: 5253: 5211: 5106: 5102: 4650:
in Baja California, suppressed by northern revolutionary general
4176:, who later joined in the 1920 successful coup against Carranza. 4109:
fighting. The U.S. timed its exit from Veracruz, brokered at the
4049: 3915: 3908: 3480: 3229: 2871: 2764: 2746: 2698: 2201: 2134: 1231: 1186:
faction prevailed on the battlefield and drafted the present-day
75: 11018:
Womack, John Jr. "Mexican Revolution: Bibliographical Essay" in
Body Politics: Death, Dismemberment, and Memory in Latin America
Body Politics: Death, Dismemberment, and Memory in Latin America
to economic nationalism, educational policies, labour policies,
5757:, named after the grandson of Italian fighter for independence, 4677:, initiated innovative broad educational and cultural programs. 4590: 4414: 3740:(right). Emiliano Zapata disavowed Orozco when he joined Huerta. 3172:
to join the revolutionary forces with the promise of promotion.
presidency set off tremendous activity among opposition groups.
2660: 11761: 10527:
Workers, Neighbors, and Citizens: The Revolution in Mexico City
Lynching Pascual Orozco, Mexican Revolutionary Hero and Paradox
Taylor, Laurence D. "The Magonista Revolt in Baja California".
Disorder and Progress: Bandits, Police, and Mexican Development
Disorder and Progress: Bandits, Police, and Mexican Development
5670: 5414:
Few novels of the Mexican Revolution were written at the time:
5173: 4958: 4866: 3896: 2196: 1167: 1137: 1075: 1059: 313: 272: 141:
elected president of Mexico, 1911, assassinated February 1913.
110: 74:
Insurgents somewhere south of Mexico City, likely the state of
57:, it may come from a later 1930s film or be a period production 46:
Huertista troops insurging against President Francisco Madero,
12616: 11191: 9761:
Mexico: Class Formation, Capital Accumulation, & the State
9734:. Westport CT: Praeger Security International. pp. 15–25. 9250:, 1910–1917. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1988. 8814:
Fondo Casasola, Inv. 37311. SINAFO-Fototeca Nacional del INAH.
5685:(boroughs) named for Álvaro Obregón, Venustiano Carranza, and 4986:
violence caused by the Mexican Revolution resulted in Mexican
would not occur with volunteers, and the army resorted to the
the north. Huerta gained the support of revolutionary general
14418: 11343: 11108:" Zapatista Direct Solidarity Committee. University of Texas. 10952:, Thomas Holloway, ed. London: Wiley-Blackwell 2011, 330–346. 10380:
Macias, Anna. "Women and the Mexican Revolution, 1910–1920".
Meyer, Jean. "Revolution and Reconstruction in the 1920s" in
Yesterday in Mexico: A Chronicle of the Revolution, 1919–1936
Gentleman, Judith, "Revolutionary Consolidation, 1920–1940".
5969: 5964:
The greatest change occurred among the rural population. The
Strong central government, civilian subordination of military
have not yet collectively been the subject of a major study.
5518: 5178: 5057: 4561: 3900: 3389:(House of the World Worker) was founded in September 1912 by 14815:
Civil wars involving the states and peoples of North America
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University
Hoy, Terry. "Octavio Paz: The Search for Mexican Identity".
The Last Caudillo: Alvaro Obregón and the Mexican Revolution
McNeely, John H. "Origins of the Zapata revolt in Morelos."
Encyclopedia of U.S. Military Interventions in Latin America
6968: 6966: 6783:
Political Recruitment Across Two Centuries, Mexico 1884–1991
6222:"Missing millions: the human cost of the Mexican Revolution" 4733:
Political crisis and the founding of the revolutionary party
10978:, vol. 2, pp. 869–873. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997. 10132:. New Edition. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1984. 8554:
Meyer, Jean. "Revolution and Reconstruction in the 1920s."
6186:"Buffalo Soldiers at Huachuca: The Battle of Ambos Nogales" 4829: 3770:; and former Interim President Francisco León de la Barra. 3636: 3475:
In response to this lack of action, Zapata promulgated the
of Chihuahua. Others wanted major reforms, most especially
political science. Another potential successor was General
2909:"Land and Liberty", the slogan of the Mexican Liberal Party 2233: 1312:
Prelude to revolution: the Porfiriato and the 1910 election
700,000–1,117,000 civilians dead (using 2.7 million figure)
71:, part of the federal troops commanded by Victoriano Huerta 10964:
Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe
Mexican society during the Revolution: a literary approach
Alvaro Obregón, Power, and Revolution in Mexico, 1911–1920
9426:, vol. 3, p. 157. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1996. 9398:
Mexican society during the Revolution: a literary approach
8984: 8982: 7326: 7159: 7157: 7110: 6558: 6267:
Ristow, Colby (10 February 2021), Beezley, William (ed.),
Oil portrait of Venustiano Carranza, governor of Coahuila.
received support from Díaz's rurales in Sonora as well as
1166:) was an extended sequence of armed regional conflicts in 251:(1929) and consolidation of the post-revolutionary regime. 11072:. (Bedford Cultural Editions Series) first edition, 2012. 10814:
Mural Painting and Social Revolution in Mexico, 1920–1940
10401:. Texas: Cinco Puntos Press; First Edition, November 2006 10230:. (Bedford Cultural Editions Series) first edition, 2012. 10184:. New York: HarperCollins, 1997. Translated from Spanish. 10121: 9803: 9359:
Mural Painting and Social Revolution in Mexico, 1920–1940
8838: 8116: 7379: 7377: 7364: 7362: 7360: 7115:. United States: Wadsworth Publishing. pp. 285–286. 6978: 6963: 6827:. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 1981. P. 47 5885:
was amending significant provisions of the constitution,
national self-assertion." In the assessment of historian
in Mexico City, the icon shows a stylized, eyeless Zapata
5231: 4503:
1920 cartoon published in the U.S. as Carranza was ousted
Díaz seems to have initially considered Finance Minister
10543:. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984. 10203:
The Mexican Revolution and the Catholic Church 1910–1919
10160:. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2002. 9720:, ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991, p. 201 9703:, vol. 1, pp. 1357–1360. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997. 8958: 8415: 8095:
Matute, "Mexican Revolution: May 1917 – December 1920",
7904: 7806: 7794: 7758: 7683: 7457:
Mexican Rebel: Pascual Orozco and the Mexican Revolution
7347: 7345: 7343: 7341: 6990: 6498:
American Catholics and the Mexican Revolution, 1924-1936
allowed some revolutionary men to have access to land, (
and are not celebrated in historical memory at present.
5476: 5097:, Texas, a city which saw much action as a border town. 3243: 191:
consolidates his position as president of Mexico, 1915.
Knight, Alan. "Viewpoint: Revisionism and Revolution",
Knight, Alan. "Mexican Revolution: Interpretations" in
lost the presidential election to the candidate of the
9021: 8979: 8826: 7707: 7695: 7261: 7154: 6533: 6531: 5432:
is one of the few women writers of the Revolution; her
into Mexico in an unsuccessful attempt to capture him.
to organize also came with anti-American currents. The
hiring, in October 1910, the firm of Washington lawyer
The Mexican Revolution: A Brief History with Documents
The Mexican Revolution: A Brief History with Documents
10028:. Concise History of the Modern World (2nd ed.). 8516:
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History
8104: 7748: 7746: 7656: 7576: 7574: 7413: 7401: 7389: 7374: 7357: 7308:. Austin: University of Texas Press 1972, pp. 252–253. 7208: 7129: 6948:. New York: Zone Books, 2014, p. 55 and fn. 6, p. 533. 6738: 6678:
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History
Womack, John Jr. "The Mexican Revolution, 1910–1920".
6428: 6426: 6424: 6364:
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin American History
4238:, who owned a large estate in Mexico), U.S. President 4122:
elements of Villa's forces raided Columbus, New Mexico
Huerta was even able to briefly muster the support of
3663:, Governor of Coahuila, united northern forces of the 3618:
Huerta regime and civil war: February 1913 – July 1914
2992:, in opposition to the continual re-election of Díaz. 1142:
1.7–2.7 million Mexican deaths (civilian and military)
Photography and Memory in Mexico: Icons of Revolution
Venustiano Carranza's Nationalist Struggle: 1893–1920
9866: 9854: 9842: 9830: 9791: 9751: 9320:
Historia Gráfica de la Revolución Mexicana, 1900–1960
9172:. Louisville: The University Press of Kentucky, 1995. 8714:
Knight, Alan. "The Rise and Fall of Cardenismo", 275.
Castillo, Máximo (2016). Valdés, Jesús Vargas (ed.).
8059: 7888:
Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution
7818: 7782: 7770: 7338: 7002: 6916:
Villa and Zapata: A History of the Mexican Revolution
Historia Gráfica de la Revolución Mexicana, 1900–1960
Constitutionalists in power under Carranza: 1915–1920
3918:, Chihuahua, sending the federal soldiers fleeing to 3786:, the main Catholic newspaper, survived for a time." 3565:
A military coup overthrows Madero: 9–22 February 1913
family from the realms of power, although his nephew
A banner (1903) at the office of opposition magazine
Negotiating Revolutionary Culture: Mexico, 1930–1940
10508:. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2009. 10492:
State Governors in the Mexican Revolution, 1910–1952
10469:. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1990. 10026:
History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present
8230: 8218: 8169: 7993: 7731: 7719: 6951: 6840:. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990, p. 68. 6763: 6709: 6618: 6528: 6478: 6476: 6041: 6022: 5892: 5248:(1874–1938), with nearly 500,000 images held by the 4538:, the first of a string of revolutionary generals – 4386:'s assessment, "The Constitution was written by the 3758:, among them some who had supported Madero, such as 3078:
as his successor. Limantour was a key member of the
in Morelos, where peasants demanded rapid action on
EDSITEment, "The Best of the Humanities on the Web"
The Banditry of Zapatismo in the Mexican Revolution
Visual culture: prints, painting, film, photography
Ranchero Revolt: The Mexican Revolution in Guerrero
10275:. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1995. 9608:, vol. 2. p. 1532. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997. 9602:Rubén Osorio Zúñiga, "Francisco (Pancho) Villa" in 8727:
The History of Mexico: From Pre-Conquest to Present
The History of Mexico: From Pre-Conquest to Present
8591:. "The rise and fall of Cardenismo, c. 1930–1946". 7743: 7571: 7559: 7546: 7480: 6728: 6726: 6724: 6674:"Drought and the Origins of the Mexican Revolution" 6421: 6074:
United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution
Logo for the leftist Party of Democratic Revolution
5002:was espoused in the Liberal Party Program of 1905. 4558:, the son of a revolutionary general, was elected. 4007:did not, in fact, reconcile the various victorious 3944:Huerta's resignation marked the end of an era. The 3632:
United States involvement in the Mexican Revolution
218:Successive assassinations of revolutionary leaders 10854:Mexican Cinema: Reflections of a Society 1896–2004 10391:. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1967. 10273:Emiliano Zapata: Revolution and Betrayal in Mexico 9424:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 9003:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 8776:Knight, "The Rise and Fall of Cardenismo", 301–302 8498:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 8485:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 8386:Knight, "Venustiano Carranza", vol. 1, pp. 574–575 8250: 8068:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 8053:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 7677:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 7425: 7286: 7239:Henderson, Peter V. N. "Francisco de la Barra" in 7111:Clayton, Lawrence A.; Conniff, Michael L. (2005). 6552:Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture 5825:, the idealized female revolutionary combatant or 5617:Equestrian bronze of Villa in Chihuahua, Chihuahua 4898:Logo of the PRM, the new party created by Cárdenas 3298:and the revolutionaries in Morelos refused to do. 3031: 812:(sided with Orozco until Orozco sided with Huerta) 135:ousted from power and exiled to France, May 1911. 10827:. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 2006. 10655: 10617:The Mexican Revolution and the Anglo-Saxon Powers 10612:. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1981. 10313:Intellectual Precursors of the Mexican Revolution 9552: 9322:. 5 vols. Mexico: Editorial F. Tillas, S.A. 1967. 8900:, University of Chicago Press, pp. 107–122, 8648:. Austin: University of Texas Press 1961, 177–180 8253:The Oxford Companion to American Military History 7966: 7964: 7962: 7629: 7192:. Austin: University of Texas Press 1952, p. 150. 6636: 6525:. New York: Cambridge University Press 1991, 128. 6501:. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 8–45. 6473: 6099:List of Mexican Revolution and Cristero War films 6010:While the war was raging in Mexico, Mexicans and 4494: 4217:, which were given to sharecroppers and tenants. 3952:Meeting of the winners, then civil war: 1914–1915 3255:, interim president of Mexico, May–November 1911. 2901:in jail in the Los Angeles (CA) County Jail, 1917 14761: 10874:. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2010. 10626:. Louisville: University of Kentucky Press 1962. 10280:Plutarco Elías Calles and the Mexican Revolution 9294:Constructing the Image of the Mexican Revolution 9159:. Austin: University of Texas Press 2009, p. 18. 8461:Brunk, Samuel. "Emiliano Zapata" vol. 5, p. 494. 7890:. United States: Carroll & Graf Publishers. 7554:Mexican Revolution: February 1913 – October 1915 6918:. United States: Carroll & Graf Publishers. 6814:. Wilmington, Delaware: SR Books, rev. ed. 1992. 6721: 6576:Bantjes, Adrien A. "The Mexican Revolution". In 6316:Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History 6005: 5025:Photo of Zapata's corpse, Cuautla, 10 April 1919 3319:Madero presidency: November 1911 – February 1913 770:(also secretly sided with Reyes until his death) 13593:Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers 11120:"Soldiers of Fortune" in the Mexican Revolution 11038:Angelini, Erin. "The Bigger Truth About Mexico" 10948:Bantjes, Adrien A. "The Mexican Revolution" in 10773:. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009 10715:. New Haven: Yale University Art Gallery, 1993. 10476:. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1962. 10399:Las Soldaderas: Women of the Mexican Revolution 10367:. Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010. 10325:, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Feb. 1942), pp. 211–228. 10246: 10144:Mexican Revolution: The Constitutionalist Years 9439:. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1997, pp. 622–623. 9146:. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2009 8483:Wasserman, Mark. "Francisco "Pancho" Villa" in 8297:. Austin: University of Texas Press 1974, 26–27 8166:. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publisher 1993, p. 31. 7306:Mexican Revolution: The Constitutionalist Years 4789:Revitalization under Lázaro Cárdenas: 1934–1940 4256:entering Mexico in 1916 to punish Pancho Villa. 3123:End of the Porfiriato: November 1910 – May 1911 2812:, who became governor of the northern state of 16:Nationwide armed struggle in Mexico (1910–1920) 11249:Mexico: Photographs, Manuscripts, and Imprints 11197:U.S. Library of Congress Country Study: Mexico 10743:. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1957. 10729:. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1975. 10708:. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. 10501:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. 10490:Buchenau, Jürgen and William H. Beezley, eds. 10481:Caudillo and Peasant in the Mexican Revolution 10233:Womack, John, Jr. "The Mexican Revolution" in 10139:. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1952. 9435:Perea, Héctor. "Martín Luis Guzmán Franco" in 9361:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 8153:Knight, "Venustiano Carranza", vol. 1, p. 574. 7959: 7937:Archer, Christon I. "Military, 1821–1914", in 7922:Richmond, Douglas W., "Victoriano Huerta", in 7881: 7879: 7877: 7620:Richmond, Douglas W., "Victoriano Huerta", in 7605:Richmond, Douglas W., "Victoriano Huerta", in 7095:Mark Wasserman, "Francisco Vázquez Gómez", in 6797:Womack, John Jr. "The Mexican Revolution", in 5737:in 1915. The year 1997 saw the opening of the 4617:Revolutionary General and President of Mexico 4605:Revolutionary General and President of Mexico 2944:, were connected to the anti-Díaz publication 1201:Although the decades-long regime of President 19:For Mexico's war with Spain in 1810–1821, see 12632: 11746: 11294: 10798:. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2001. 10701:vol. 25. No 2, summer 2009, pp. 247–270. 10643:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972. 10529:. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 2001. 10205:. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1973 10146:. Austin, T: University of Texas Press, 1972. 9591:The Green Guide: Mexico, Guatemala and Belize 9387:. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1957 9157:Revolution on Paper: Mexican Prints 1910–1960 8860:An Atlas and Survey of Latin American History 7471:Richmond, Douglas W. "Victoriano Huerta". In 7104: 6939: 6760:. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1981. 6637:Edmonds-Poli, Emily; Shirk, David A. (2012). 6451:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 1–18. 6400:: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of April 2024 ( 6029: 5985: 5370:Corrido sheet music celebrating the entry of 4934: 4591:Sonoran generals in the presidency: 1920–1928 4462:Zapata initially supported Madero, since his 4415:Emiliano Zapata and the Revolution in Morelos 4365: 4357: 4012: 3863: 3798: 3781: 3775: 3705: 3589: 3556: 3518: 3512: 3506: 3499: 3451: 3424: 3404: 3398: 3382: 3283: 3167: 3161: 3079: 3044:, who later rebelled against President Madero 2987: 2973: 2961: 2945: 2919: 2840: 2834: 2824: 2803: 2788: 2780: 2744: 2723: 2696: 2641: 1994: 1341: 10847:West Virginia University Philological Papers 10750:. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1997. 10580:. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1977. 10522:. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 1989. 10346:. College Station: Texas A&M Press 1981. 10257:. Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1990. 9374:. Bloomington: Indiana University Press 1990 9246:Vanderwood, Paul J. and Frank N. Samponaro. 8856: 6785:. Austin: University of Texas Press 1995, 62 6414:Joseph, Gilbert and Jürgen Buchenau (2013). 6183: 5174:Photography, motion pictures, and propaganda 5066: 4664:labor during the revolution, mobilizing the 4411:continued to lead the armed struggle there. 3337:Francisco I. Madero, as President of Mexico. 800:(led own revolution until his death in 1913) 101:(10 years, 1 week and 4 days) 14083: 12283:North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) 11065:. New York: International Publishers, 1969. 10548: 10474:The Desert Revolution, Baja California 1911 10353:. Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources, 2000 8894:"Mexican Assimilation in the United States" 8857:La Rosa, Michael; Mejia, German R. (2007). 8696:. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997, 1032–1033 8571:Benjamin, Thomas. "Rebuilding the Nation". 8039:Mexican Revolution: Constitutionalist Years 8026:Mexican Revolution: Constitutionalist Years 7886:McLynn, Frank (2001). "The End of Huerta". 7874: 6914:McLynn, Frank (2001). "The Rise of Villa". 5819:Historical Museum of the Mexican Revolution 5807:Historical Museum of the Mexican Revolution 5256:. A multivolume history of the Revolution, 3774:president of the Catholic Party arrested; 3667:, with brilliant generals Obregón and Villa 2833:, making them his private armed force. The 12639: 12625: 11753: 11739: 11301: 11287: 10791:. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012. 10687:. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1994. 10673:. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2008. 10666:. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000. 10515:. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1983. 10465:Benjamin, Thomas and Mark Wasserman, eds. 10358:The Return of Comrade Ricardo Flores Magón 10191:. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1974. 9422:Camp, Roderic Ai. "Martín Luis Guzmán" in 8202:Máximo Castillo and the Mexican Revolution 6243: 6241: 6192:. Brigham Young University. Archived from 6089:List of factions in the Mexican Revolution 5745:honors the first martyr of the Revolution 5693:of the capital named Francisco I. Madero. 5519:Interpreting the history of the revolution 5485: 5058:Cultural aspects of the Mexican Revolution 4562:Consolidation of the Revolution: 1920–1940 2648: 2634: 2001: 1987: 1348: 1334: 244:victories in the 1920 and 1924 elections. 11662:Authentic Party of the Mexican Revolution 11202:Mexican Revolution of 1910 and Its Legacy 10867:. Austin: University of Texas Press 2012. 10648:Woodrow Wilson and the Mexican Revolution 10494:. Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefield 2009. 10416:Francisco I. Madero: Apostle of Democracy 10315:. Austin: University of Texas Press 1968. 10292: 10237:, vol. 5, ed. Leslie Bethell. Cambridge: 9886:Mexico's Military on the Democratic Stage 9757: 9732:Mexico's Military on the Democratic State 9509:, "Mexican Revolution: Interpretations". 9413:. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997, p. 187. 8752:Mexico's Military on the Democratic Stage 8523: 7594:Francisco I. Madero, Apostle of Democracy 7317:Lear, John. "Casa del Obrero Mundial" in 7256:Francisco I. Madero: Apostle of Democracy 7038: 6938:Claudio Lomnitz citing Francisco Bulnes, 6310:Johnson, Benjamin H. (20 December 2018), 6250:"Table 11.1 The Mexican Democide Line 39" 6184:Finley, James P.; Reilly, Jeanne (1993). 5987:Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional 5382:A number of traditional Mexican songs or 4821:Cárdenas came from the southern state of 4554:—to hold the presidency until 1946, when 4401:Regional Confederation of Mexican Workers 4260:The U.S. Army intervention, known as the 3907:. He confronted the federal garrisons in 3526:In April 1912, Madero dispatched General 2972:began publishing an anti-Díaz newspaper, 2751:as an elite guard, including many former 1218:strikes. When wealthy northern landowner 541: 13882:Revolutions and interventions in Hungary 11141:The Exile and Death of Victoriano Huerta 11048:. New York: M. Bulnes Book Company 1916. 10957:The Posthumous Career of Emiliano Zapata 10736:. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971. 10706:The Mexican Corrido: A Feminist Analysis 10282:. Lanham MD: Rowman and Littlefied 2007. 10170:Joseph, Gilbert M. and Jűrgen Buchanau. 10153:. London, 1983. Translated from Spanish. 10137:Mexican Revolution: Genesis under Madero 9664:Mirande, Alfredo; Enriquez, Evangelina. 9630:Fabrizio Mejía Madrid, "Insurgentes" in 9400:. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971. 9372:The Mexican Corrido: A Feminist Analysis 9307:Constructing the Image of the Revolution 8898:Mexican Immigration to the United States 8657:Serrano, Mónica. "Military, 1914–1996". 8509: 8199: 7674:Knight, Alan. "Venustiano Carranza". In 7190:Mexican Revolution: Genesis Under Madero 6549:Gentleman, Judith. "Mexico since 1910". 6494: 6357: 6216: 6214: 6161:. Bicentenario de México. Archived from 6135:. Bicentenario de México. Archived from 5947: 5902: 5797: 5669: 5612: 5572: 5365: 5322: 5267: 5205: 5177: 5146: 5020: 4957: 4951:Revolutionaries seized trains. Photo by 4946: 4938: 4893: 4818:, to exercise fully presidential power. 4792: 4736: 4687: 4612: 4600: 4498: 4434: 4424: 4312: 4273:relationship, but also caused a rise in 4264:, was limited to the western Sierras of 4248: 4219: 4141: 4048: 4019: 3981: 3870: 3848: 3838:. Despite the urging of U.S. ambassador 3809: 3728: 3655: 3635: 3578: 3543:There were other rebellions, one led by 3463:Madero and his military staff officers, 3458: 3409:, only to be later suppressed under the 3340: 3332: 3247: 3144: 3132: 3047: 3035: 2904: 2885: 2774: 2732: 2659: 14259:Occupied Enemy Territory Administration 11129:. "Postcards of the Mexican Revolution" 10008: 9988: 9972: 9956: 9451: 9449: 9447: 9445: 9091: 9069:. Austin: University of Texas Press, 60 9027: 9000:Wasserman, Mark. "Mexican Revolution". 8988: 8955:. New York: The MacMillan Company, 1935 8844: 8832: 8723: 8617: 8382: 8380: 8336: 8149: 8147: 8141:. New York: The New Press 2005, 185–187 8122: 8110: 8050:Knight, Alan. "Venustiano Carranza" in 7980: 7978: 7976: 7871:, p. 79, Biography & Autobiography. 7824: 7812: 7800: 7788: 7776: 7764: 7689: 7443: 7419: 7407: 7395: 7383: 7368: 7351: 7332: 7214: 7163: 7135: 6769: 6744: 6564: 6537: 6432: 6309: 6275:(1 ed.), Oxford University Press, 6238: 5864: 2787:reads: "The Constitution has died..." ( 820: 14762: 11308: 10919:. Oxford: Museum of Modern Art, 1985. 10235:The Cambridge History of Latin America 10210:The Great Rebellion: Mexico, 1905–1924 10122:Mexican Revolution – general histories 10095: 10082: 10055:] (in Spanish). Mexico: Tusquets. 9666:La Chicana: The Mexican-American Woman 9569: 9567: 9537:Womack, "The Mexican Revolution", 128. 9526:The Great Rebellion: Mexico, 1905–1924 9484:. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997, 862. 9087: 9085: 9083: 9081: 9079: 9077: 9075: 8906:10.7208/chicago/9780226066684.003.0004 8891: 8332: 8330: 8328: 8326: 8324: 8322: 8320: 8318: 8316: 7885: 7737: 7713: 7701: 7467: 7465: 7431: 7021:Raat, William Dirk (1 November 1976). 7008: 6984: 6972: 6913: 6838:Protestants and the Mexican Revolution 6793: 6791: 6686:10.1093/acrefore/9780199366439.013.379 6324:10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.013.491 6273:The Oxford Handbook of Mexican History 6266: 5608: 5142: 4354:in its role in education (Article 3). 3002:textile workers rioted in January 1907 1355: 151:and assumes the presidency 1913–1914. 42:From left to right and top to bottom: 14212:Austro-Hungarian occupation of Serbia 13548:Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) 12620: 11734: 11657:Zapatista Army of National Liberation 11282: 10950:A Companion to Latin American History 10753:Weinstock, Herbert. "Carlos Chavez". 10458: 10174:. Durham: Duke University Press 2013. 10069: 10046: 10020: 9872: 9860: 9848: 9836: 9809: 9797: 9788:, No. 209, November 2010 pp. 226–227. 9409:Klahn, Norma. "Nellie Campobello" in 9348:. Durham: Duke University Press 2012. 8661:. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn 1997, 911 8525:10.1093/acrefore/9780199366439.013.21 8510:Buchenau, Jürgen (3 September 2015), 8337:Centeno, Ramón I. (1 February 2018). 8189:Democratic Socialism: A Global Survey 8065:Brunk, Samuel. "Emiliano Zapata". In 7725: 7635: 7078: 7076: 7074: 7060: 7058: 6996: 6957: 6849: 6715: 6671: 6624: 6607: 6605: 6578:A Companion to Latin American History 6444: 6358:Buchenau, Jürgen (3 September 2015), 6281:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190699192.013.23 6211: 5982:Zapatista Army of National Liberation 5477:Female soldiers during the revolution 4515:, a triumvirate of Sonoran generals, 4489:Zapatista Army of National Liberation 4395:the new labor organization headed by 3244:Interim presidency: May–November 1911 2881: 1329: 163:between revolutionary leaders, 1914. 60:Armed supporters of Madero defending 14616:Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 11274:University of Michigan Museum of Art 10198:. New York: The Citadel Press, 1981. 9940: 9924: 9729: 9558: 9455: 9442: 9277:Photographing the Mexican Revolution 9207:Photograph by Antonio Gómes Delgado 9015: 8964: 8942:, volume 16, no. 3 1974, pp. 233–246 8421: 8377: 8271:10.1093/acref/9780195071986.001.0001 8248: 8236: 8224: 8175: 8144: 7999: 7973: 7910: 7752: 7662: 7580: 7565: 7540: 7521:from the original on 29 January 2020 7486: 7292: 7280: 7267: 7227: 7020: 6732: 6593:Garza, James A. "Porfirio Díaz", in 6482: 6353: 6351: 6349: 6104:Partido Revolucionario Institucional 5568: 5237:And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself 5226:(Carmen Toscano de Moreno 1950) and 4296: 4124:, in March 1916, prompting the U.S. 1249:, forcing Madero and Vice President 14545:Ottomans against the Triple Entente 13339:Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes 11760: 11568:Querétaro Constitutional Convention 11259:Time line of the Mexican Revolution 11251:from the DeGolyer Library contains 10986:Bulletin of Latin American Research 10940:Hispanic American Historical Review 10650:. New York: Exposition Press, 1967. 10536:. Cambridge University Press, 2003. 10323:Hispanic American Historical Review 9564: 9283:. SINAFO-Fototeca Nacional de INAH. 9220:Chilcote, Ronald H. "Introduction" 9092:Padilla, Yolanda (1 October 2018). 9072: 9018:, photo #9 between pp. 486 and 487. 8801:Hamilton, Nora. "Lázaro Cárdenas". 8705:Matute, "Álvaro Obregón", 1032–1033 8512:"The Mexican Revolution, 1910–1946" 8449:Hispanic American Historical Review 8313: 8011:Carranza quoted in Enrique Krauze, 7970:Knight, "Venustiano Carranza", 573. 7462: 7027:Hispanic American Historical Review 6941:"El verdadero Díaz y la revolución" 6788: 6416:Mexico's Once and Future Revolution 6360:"The Mexican Revolution, 1910–1946" 4224:Rebel armies between 1916 and 1920. 3922:, in the U.S. In mid-March he took 3490:The northern revolutionary General 3349:, who rebelled against him in 1912. 2863:industrial workers began organizing 2823:could oppose him. He augmented the 2770: 1247:staged a coup d'etat in Mexico City 13: 13278:First Battle of the Masurian Lakes 11255:related to the Mexican Revolution. 11134:Mexico: From Empire to Revolution" 11031: 11003:Mexican Studies-Estudios Mexicanos 10699:Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 10442:University of North Carolina Press 10289:. Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell 2011. 10112: 9946:The Life and Times of Pancho Villa 8692:Matute, Álvaro. "Álvaro Obregón". 8343:Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 7071: 7068:. New York: Pearson, 2001, p. 209. 7055: 6946:The Return of Ricardo Flores Magón 6672:Wolfe, Mikael D. (29 March 2017). 6602: 6418:. Durham: Duke University Press, 1 6247: 5929:Party of the Democratic Revolution 5769:station. Also opening in 1999 was 5733:commanded until its demise in the 5551:Sonorans in the Mexican Revolution 5008:American-Mexican Claims Commission 4929: 4009:factions in the Mexican Revolution 3881:occupation of the port of Veracruz 3718:continued his rebellion under the 3345:Madero and northern revolutionary 3232:, Texas, on the south side of the 2870:expanded, such as in the state of 64:during the Ten Tragic Days in 1913 14: 14831: 11904:Institutional Revolutionary Party 11651:Institutional Revolutionary Party 11228:Mexican Revolution, ca. 1910–1917 11222:Mexico: From Empire to Revolution 11154: 11022:, Leslie Bethell, ed. Cambridge: 10931: 10451:Zapata and the Mexican Revolution 10158:The Mexican Revolution: 1910–1940 9649:Institutional Revolutionary Party 9593:. London: Michelin, 2011, p. 149. 8435:Zapata and the Mexican Revolution 7446:, pp. 289–290, 554, fn. 259. 7113:A History of Modern Latin America 6445:Osten, Sarah (22 February 2018). 6346: 6159:"Elías Calles Campuzano Plutarco" 6023:Memory and myth of the Revolution 5943: 5913:Institutional Revolutionary Party 5899:Institutional Revolutionary Party 5893:Institutional Revolutionary Party 5494: 5337:Soy zapatista del Edo. de Morelos 4920:Institutional Revolutionary Party 4904:Partido de la Revolución Mexicana 4628:Institutional Revolutionary Party 3598:armed conflict). U.S. Ambassador 3163:Sufragio Efectivo, No Re-elección 1298:Institutional Revolutionary Party 13641:Second Battle of the Piave River 13263:Russian invasion of East Prussia 11720:Sonora in the Mexican Revolution 9901:, No. 209, November 2010 p. 228. 9891: 9878: 9815: 9778: 9738: 9723: 9706: 9683: 9658: 9641: 9624: 9611: 9596: 9584: 9540: 9531: 9518: 9500: 9487: 9474: 9429: 9416: 9403: 9390: 9377: 9364: 9351: 9338: 9325: 9312: 9299: 9286: 9266: 9253: 9240: 9227: 9214: 9201: 9188: 9175: 9162: 9149: 9136: 9059: 9046: 9033: 8994: 8970: 8945: 8928: 8885: 8850: 8817: 8808: 8795: 8779: 8770: 8767:vol. 39, no. 3 (Jan. 1963), 388. 8757: 8744: 8717: 8708: 8699: 8686: 8673: 8664: 8651: 8638: 8611: 8602: 8582: 8565: 8548: 8503: 8490: 8477: 8464: 8455: 8440: 8427: 8402: 8389: 8300: 8287: 8242: 8193: 8181: 8156: 8128: 8089: 8074: 8044: 8031: 8018: 8005: 7946: 7931: 7916: 7852: 7830: 7177:The Journal of San Diego History 6615:. New York: Pearson 2001, p. 98. 6109:Sonora in the Mexican Revolution 6058: 6044: 5793: 5717:opened, with the station at the 5601:(2006–2012) of the conservative 5503: 4998:, a major railway hub. In 1905, 4988:immigration to the United States 4838:Confederation of Mexican Workers 4597:Sonora in the Mexican Revolution 3822:(center) with U.S. Army General 3800:Los grandes problemas nacionales 3517:("Red Flaggers") and issued his 2672:Liberal general and war veteran 2617: 2032: 1970: 1702: 1230:. Rebellions broke out first in 1136: 1118: 1096: 1074: 1058: 619: 605: 543: 528: 312: 271: 36: 14712:Arrest of a Suspect in Sarajevo 13912:Lithuanian Wars of Independence 12646: 11266:from the DeGolyer Library, SMU. 11113:Emiliano Zapata: Textbook Hero. 10727:Is the Mexican Revolution Dead? 10453:. New York: Vintage Press 1970. 10360:. Brooklyn NY: Zone Books 2014. 10217:From Insurrection to Revolution 9918: 9821:Appendini, Kirsten. "Ejido" in 9495:Is the Mexican Revolution Dead? 9155:Ades, Dawn and Alison McClean, 9056:, Washington D.C. 2013, 156–157 8730:. Routledge. pp. 347–348. 8670:Matute, "Álvaro Obregón", 1032. 8624:. Routledge. pp. 338–341. 7668: 7641: 7614: 7599: 7586: 7533: 7507: 7492: 7449: 7311: 7298: 7273: 7248: 7233: 7220: 7195: 7182: 7169: 7141: 7089: 7014: 6932: 6907: 6890: 6843: 6830: 6817: 6804: 6775: 6750: 6665: 6630: 6587: 6570: 6543: 6515: 6488: 6438: 5534:Is the Mexican Revolution Dead? 5228:Epics of the Mexican Revolution 4757:Partido Nacional Revolucionario 4725:, named for their clarion call 4352:Roman Catholic Church in Mexico 4126:to launch a punitive expedition 3887:In Mexico's south, Zapata took 3672:revolutionary military forces. 3648:commander who served President 3032:Presidential succession in 1910 3012:, binding them to the company. 2763:, the ranks were now filled by 14535:Austria-Hungary against Serbia 14394:Deportations from East Prussia 14191:1915 typhus epidemic in Serbia 11106:From Soldaderas to Comandantes 11092:The American Historical Review 11010:Latin American Research Review 10858:University of California Press 10656:Memory and cultural dimensions 9998:University of New Mexico Press 9748:, Autumn 1993, vol. 35. No. 4. 6856:The American Historical Review 6408: 6303: 6260: 6254:Statistics of Mexican Democide 6177: 6151: 6125: 6079:Mexican Border War (1910–1919) 5783:Metro Hospital 20 de Noviembre 4914:, essentially organization by 4511:, as his successor. Under the 4495:The last successful coup: 1920 4167:, the only general of the old 4111:Niagara Falls peace conference 1300:(PRI), ruled Mexico until the 1: 14446:Ukrainian Canadian internment 11824:Centralist Republic of Mexico 11365:French Intervention in Mexico 11148:Zapata and the Intellectuals. 10757:22:4 (October 1936), 435–445. 10685:Mexican Literature: A History 9746:Journal of Church & State 9636:University of Wisconsin Press 6640:Contemporary Mexican Politics 6119: 6094:List of wars involving Mexico 6006:Reaction of Mexican Americans 5409: 5351:written by the revolutionary 4060:(Division of the North), and 3692:did not. Carranza issued the 3329:1911 Mexican general election 2684:to oppose the re-election of 1302:presidential election of 2000 555: 14601:Sazonov–Paléologue Agreement 13900:Estonian War of Independence 13568:Southern Palestine offensive 12253:Institutional stock exchange 11889:Second American intervention 11683:Liberation Army of the South 11611:Mexican Constitution of 1917 11563:Convention of Aguascalientes 11209:Mexican Revolution 1910–1920 11150:" Mexico Connect, 1996–2006. 10782:University Press of Kentucky 10589:University of Nebraska Press 10585:The United States and Huerta 10431:University of Nebraska Press 10266:University of Nebraska Press 10247:Biography and social history 10076:University of Nebraska Press 10072:Huerta: A Political Portrait 10014:Death and the Idea of Mexico 9982:University of Nebraska Press 9966:University of Nebraska Press 9634:, ed. Rubén Gallo. Madison: 9528:. New York: W.W. Norton 1980 9222:Mexico at the Hour of Combat 9054:Open Borders to a Revolution 8573:The Oxford History of Mexico 5773:, named after the leader of 5729:, named after the Army that 5637: 5398:, is from a corrido titled " 4347:Mexican Constitution of 1917 4005:Convention of Aguascalientes 3962:Convention of Aguascalientes 3415:Mexican Constitution of 1857 3024:harbor as food for sharks". 2829:, a police force created by 2790:La Constitución ha muerto... 1274:Mexican Constitution of 1917 1261:led by Governor of Coahuila 249:National Revolutionary Party 195:Mexican Constitution of 1917 161:Convention of Aguascalientes 78:, accompanied by their wives 7: 14790:Revolution-based civil wars 14555:USA against Austria-Hungary 13954:Turkish War of Independence 13906:Latvian War of Independence 13631:Treaty of Bucharest of 1918 13222:Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo 12454:Water supply and sanitation 11819:Spanish reconquest attempts 11094:101, no. 2 (1996): 331–53. 11053:A Diplomat's Wife in Mexico 10722:. Westport: Greenwood Press 10467:Provinces of the Revolution 10293:Caballero, Raymond (2015). 10089:University of Arizona Press 10083:Shadle, Stanley F. (1994). 9934:University of Chicago Press 9670:University of Chicago Press 8940:University of Arizona Press 8518:, Oxford University Press, 7515:"Album, Mexican Revolution" 6318:, Oxford University Press, 6037: 5846: 5821:, there is a recreation of 5263: 5151:José Guadalupe Posada. The 4698: Large-scale outbreaks 4066:Ejército Libertador del Sur 3814:Constitutionalist Generals 3795:The Great National Problems 3238:Magonista rebellion of 1911 21:Mexican War of Independence 10: 14836: 14800:Military history of Mexico 14638:Treaties of Brest-Litovsk 14186:1899–1923 cholera pandemic 13646:Second Battle of the Marne 13533:Second battle of the Aisne 13402:Second Battle of Champagne 13243:German invasion of Belgium 11854:Second French intervention 11802:Control of Central America 11646:Monument to the Revolution 11471:Francisco León de la Barra 11329:Economic History of Mexico 11024:Cambridge University Press 10892:. New York: Aperture 2003. 10818:Cambridge University Press 10694:44:3 (July 1982), 370–385. 10485:Cambridge University Press 10384:, 37:1 (Jul. 1980), 53–82. 10239:Cambridge University Press 10221:Princeton University Press 10182:Mexico: Biography of Power 10130:The Wind that Swept Mexico 10070:Meyer, Michael C. (1972). 9575:Mexico: Biography of Power 9211:, Casasola Archive, Mexico 8892:Lazear, Edward P. (2007), 8790:Mexico: Biography of Power 8597:Cambridge University Press 8560:Cambridge University Press 8013:Mexico: Biography of Power 7861:Legends, Leaders, Legacies 6902:Princeton University Press 6495:Redinger, Matthew (2005). 6374:(inactive 26 April 2024), 6084:Military history of Mexico 5896: 5887:Metro Constitución de 1917 5868: 5767:Metro Ricardo Flores Magón 5751:Metro Constitución de 1917 5719:Monument to the Revolution 5644:Monument to the Revolution 5579:Monument to the Revolution 5507: 5295:and in met and encouraged 4935:Violence in the Revolution 4594: 4529:Monument to the Revolution 4418: 4306: 4300: 4135: 3955: 3621: 3568: 3446:, who had long worked for 3322: 3280:Francisco León de la Barra 3273:Francisco León de la Barra 3253:Francisco León de la Barra 3126: 2761:the war against the French 1315: 1224:1910 presidential election 870:Francisco León de la Barra 247:Eventual formation of the 18: 14744: 14703: 14624: 14563: 14525: 14469: 14458: 14419:Assyrian genocide (Sayfo) 14362: 14334: 14282: 14204: 14178: 14130: 14023: 14016: 13948:Irish War of Independence 13844: 13726: 13691:Armistice of Villa Giusti 13676:Battle of Vittorio Veneto 13601: 13503: 13430: 13331: 13288:First Battle of the Marne 13235: 13197: 13132: 13123: 13066: 12940: 12929: 12895: 12867: 12829: 12781: 12734: 12727: 12654: 12578: 12467: 12362: 12353: 12211: 12202: 12089: 12080: 12053:Tropical cyclone rainfall 11951: 11942: 11772: 11670: 11598: 11583:United States involvement 11540: 11504: 11383: 11316: 11077: 11026:, 1991, pp. 405–414. 11020:Mexico Since Independence 10988:(1985) 4#2 pp. 1–37 10959:. (U of Texas Press 2008) 10901:University of Texas Press 10888:Ortiz Monasterio, Pablo. 10836:University of Texas Press 10718:O'Malley, Ilene V. 1986. 10420:Columbia University Press 10332:. New York: Pearson 2001. 10212:. New York: Norton, 1980. 10105:University of Texas Press 9950:Stanford University Press 9913:in the Spanish Knowledge. 9758:Cockcroft, James (1992). 9730:Camp, Roderic Ai (2005). 9714:Mexico since Independence 9333:Picturing the Proletariat 9198:, catalogue 22, pp. 76–77 9041:The Secret War in El Paso 8593:Mexico since Independence 8556:Mexico since Independence 8410:The Secret War in El Paso 8355:10.1525/msem.2018.34.1.36 7040:10.1215/00182168-56.4.529 6940: 6799:Mexico Since Independence 6523:Mexico Since Independence 5883:Carlos Salinas de Gortari 5831:. The typical image of a 5815:Hermila Galindo de Topete 5665: 5632:Carlos Salinas de Gortari 5467: 5461:The Death of Artemio Cruz 5244:, named for photographer 5210:Iconic image of Villa in 5117:(border-dwellers). These 5067:Journalism and propaganda 4834:Vicente Lombardo Toledano 4764:, in a period called the 4536:president in October 1920 4056:(left), Commander of the 3928:San Pedro de las Colonias 3425: 3420:Catholic Church in Mexico 3383: 2921:Partido Liberal de México 2686:Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada 1898:Petroleum nationalization 1367: 1131: 1089: 1050: 635: 262: 85: 35: 30: 14785:20th-century revolutions 14571:Constantinople Agreement 13864:Armenian–Azerbaijani War 13727:Co-belligerent conflicts 13696:Second Romanian campaign 13666:Third Transjordan attack 13377:Gorlice–Tarnów offensive 13283:Battle of Grand Couronné 12094:Administrative divisions 11411:Francisco "Pancho" Villa 11204:, 11055:. New York: Harper 1916. 10877:Orellana, Margarita de, 10632:, Michael Wildt (eds.): 10561:Cornell University Press 10549:International dimensions 10504:Harris, Charles H. III. 9764:. Monthly Review Press. 9114:10.1215/00138282-6960801 8724:Russell, Philip (2011). 7867:25 November 2022 at the 7845:25 November 2022 at the 6645:Rowman & Littlefield 6312:"The Mexican Revolution" 6269:"The Mexican Revolution" 5788:Metro División del Norte 5727:Metro División del Norte 5448:El águila y el serpiente 5392:an alternative word for 5318: 4710: Sporadic outbreaks 4704: Moderate outbreaks 3762:; supporters of General 3391:Antonio Díaz Soto y Gama 2952:. Political cartoons by 2942:Antonio Díaz Soto y Gama 2897:(right), leaders of the 2680:. Coming to power after 1913:Mexican Movement of 1968 1733:Viceroyalty of New Spain 1267:Francisco "Pancho" Villa 14634:Modus vivendi of Acroma 14586:Bulgaria–Germany treaty 13894:Greater Poland Uprising 13794:National Protection War 13671:Meuse–Argonne offensive 13621:German spring offensive 13616:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 13392:Siege of Novogeorgievsk 13367:Second Battle of Artois 13248:Battle of the Frontiers 12509:Handcrafts and folk art 12278:National stock exchange 12016:Protected natural areas 11844:Second Mexican Republic 11809:Supreme Executive Power 11573:Pancho Villa Expedition 11548:Treaty of Ciudad Juárez 11512:Plan of San Luis Potosí 11214:7 December 2017 at the 11183:Encyclopædia Britannica 10683:Foster, David, W., ed. 10639:Smith, Robert Freeman. 10555:Clendenin, Clarence C. 10349:Henderson, Peter V. N. 10337:Memoirs of Pancho Villa 10319:Fisher, Lillian Estelle 10142:Cumberland, Charles C. 10135:Cumberland, Charles C. 10016:. New York: Zone Books. 8577:Oxford University Press 8259:Oxford University Press 7836:Alan McPherson (2013). 7304:Cumberland, Charles C. 7188:Cumberland, Charles C. 6133:"Obregón Salido Álvaro" 5486:María de Jesús González 5293:Casa del Obrero Mundial 5078:Casa del Obrero Mundial 4842:Communist International 4464:Plan de San Luis Potosí 4275:anti-American sentiment 4236:William Randolph Hearst 3385:Casa del Obrero Mundial 3356:Treaty of Ciudad Juárez 3269:Treaty of Ciudad Juárez 3193:Plan de San Luis Potosí 3160:, with its main slogan 3158:Plan de San Luis Potosí 3139:Battle of Ciudad Juárez 3129:Treaty of Ciudad Juárez 3113:Francisco Vázquez Gómez 2081:By other characteristic 1791:Second Federal Republic 1278:universal male suffrage 1269:by the summer of 1915. 1228:Plan of San Luis Potosí 1222:challenged Díaz in the 14805:Wars fought in Arizona 14659:Paris Peace Conference 14647:Ukraine–Central Powers 14441:Massacres of Albanians 14409:Late Ottoman genocides 14216:Bulgarian occupations 13924:Third Anglo-Afghan War 13888:Hungarian–Romanian War 13706:Naval Victory Bulletin 13701:Armistice with Germany 13651:Hundred Days Offensive 13578:Battle of La Malmaison 13528:Second battle of Arras 13495:Battle of Transylvania 13349:Second Battle of Ypres 13217:Sarajevo assassination 13106:South African Republic 12321:States by unemployment 12311:Science and technology 11814:First Mexican Republic 11606:Emigration from Mexico 11541:Political developments 11401:José María Pino Suárez 11125:9 January 2014 at the 10975:Encyclopedia of Mexico 10704:Herrera Sobek, María, 10692:The Review of Politics 10374:19.2 (2003): 367–400. 10151:The Mexican Revolution 10053:The Mexican Revolution 10049:La Revolucion mexicana 9824:Encyclopedia of Mexico 9700:Encyclopedia of Mexico 9632:The Mexico City Reader 9605:Encyclopedia of Mexico 9512:Encyclopedia of Mexico 9482:Encyclopedia of Mexico 9437:Encyclopedia of Mexico 9411:Encyclopedia of Mexico 9370:Herrera Sobek, María, 9102:English Language Notes 8803:Encyclopedia of Mexico 8694:Encyclopedia of Mexico 8659:Encyclopedia of Mexico 8308:The Mexican Revolution 8139:The Mexican Revolution 8098:Encyclopedia of Mexico 8083:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7987:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7940:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7925:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7858:Susan Vollmer (2007). 7650:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7623:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7608:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7504:, vol. 2, pp. 855–756. 7501:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7474:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7320:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7242:Encyclopedia of Mexico 7201:quoted in Cumberland, 7149:The Mexican Revolution 7098:Encyclopedia of Mexico 6944:. In Claudio Lomnitz, 6850:Brunk, Samuel (1996). 6596:Encyclopedia of Mexico 6030: 5986: 5953: 5908: 5871:Constitution of Mexico 5809: 5678: 5618: 5582: 5452:La sombra del caudillo 5379: 5363: 5301:David Alfaro Siqueiros 5284: 5215: 5183: 5155: 5134:in the United States. 5026: 5000:anti-Chinese sentiment 4966: 4955: 4944: 4899: 4877:feudal hacienda system 4873:Andrés Molina Enríquez 4801:In 1934, Calles chose 4798: 4742: 4712: 4622: 4610: 4504: 4451: 4432: 4366: 4358: 4318: 4303:Constitution of Mexico 4257: 4225: 4147: 4081: 4080:defeated Villa in 1915 4070:Constitutionalist Army 4031: 4013: 3987: 3876: 3864: 3854: 3827: 3799: 3791:Andrés Molina Enríquez 3782: 3776: 3741: 3706: 3702:Constitutionalist Army 3668: 3665:Constitutionalist Army 3653: 3590: 3584: 3557: 3519: 3513: 3507: 3500: 3472: 3465:Mexico National Palace 3452: 3444:Andrés Molina Enríquez 3405: 3399: 3350: 3338: 3284: 3256: 3176:with Madero's brother 3168: 3162: 3153: 3142: 3080: 3053: 3045: 3017:William Cornell Greene 2988: 2974: 2962: 2946: 2928:and his two brothers, 2920: 2910: 2902: 2841: 2835: 2825: 2804: 2794: 2789: 2781: 2745: 2724: 2697: 2669: 1865:Occupation of Veracruz 1259:Constitutionalist Army 1188:Constitution of Mexico 1163: 736:José María Pino Suárez 636:Commanders and leaders 171:Constitutionalist Army 122:Revolutionary victory 14775:Wars involving Mexico 14669:Treaty of St. Germain 14642:Russia–Central Powers 14596:Sykes–Picot Agreement 14424:Pontic Greek genocide 14399:Destruction of Kalisz 14375:Eastern Mediterranean 13936:Polish–Lithuanian War 13718:Armistice of Belgrade 13681:Armistice of Salonica 13611:Operation Faustschlag 13558:Third Battle of Oituz 13480:Baranovichi offensive 13448:Lake Naroch offensive 13422:Battle of Robat Karim 13397:Vistula–Bug offensive 13372:Battles of the Isonzo 13303:First Battle of Ypres 12549:Our Lady of Guadalupe 12043:Territorial evolution 11859:Second Mexican Empire 11631:1968 student protests 11451:Plutarco Elías Calles 11005:30.1 (2014): 122–149. 10841:McCard, Victoria L. " 10807:Yale University Press 10755:The Musical Quarterly 10646:Teitelbaum, Louis M. 10425:Richmond, Douglas W. 10363:Lucas, Jeffrey Kent. 10335:Guzmán, Martín Luis. 10208:Ruiz, Ramón Eduardo. 10156:Gonzales, Michael J. 10074:. Lincoln, Nebraska: 9672:, 1981, pp. 217–219. 9653:National Action Party 9524:Ruiz, Ramon Eduardo. 9497:New York: Knopf 1966. 9357:*Folgarait, Leonard. 8056:, vol. 1, pp. 573–575 6457:10.1017/9781108235570 6220:Robert McCaa (2001). 5951: 5937:National Action Party 5906: 5801: 5765:was honored with the 5739:Metro Lázaro Cárdenas 5673: 5656:Plutarco Elías Calles 5616: 5603:National Action Party 5576: 5369: 5335: 5281:San Ildefonso College 5271: 5224:Memories of a Mexican 5209: 5181: 5160:José Guadalupe Posada 5150: 5024: 4961: 4950: 4942: 4897: 4889:industrial capitalism 4796: 4781:to succeed President 4740: 4691: 4635:Plutarco Elías Calles 4619:Plutarco Elías Calles 4616: 4604: 4521:Plutarco Elías Calles 4502: 4438: 4428: 4316: 4280:With the outbreak of 4252: 4223: 4174:Plutarco Elías Calles 4145: 4052: 4023: 3985: 3905:Buenavista de Cuellar 3874: 3852: 3813: 3805:land reform in Mexico 3803:), a key work urging 3732: 3690:Governor of Chihuahua 3659: 3639: 3582: 3462: 3344: 3336: 3251: 3148: 3136: 3051: 3039: 2954:José Guadalupe Posada 2916:Mexican Liberal Party 2908: 2899:Mexican Liberal Party 2889: 2778: 2733:Díaz and the military 2668:, President of Mexico 2663: 2383:Bulgarian unification 2059:Counter-revolutionary 1828:Second Mexican Empire 1090:Casualties and losses 910:Plutarco Elías Calles 875:Francisco S. Carvajal 202:Plutarco Elías Calles 14810:Wars fought in Texas 14795:History of socialism 14664:Treaty of Versailles 14380:Mount Lebanon famine 14295:in the United States 14263:Russian occupations 13977:Turkish–Armenian War 13918:Polish–Ukrainian War 13858:Ukrainian–Soviet War 13805:Central Asian Revolt 13588:Armistice of Focșani 13318:Battle of Sarikamish 13268:Battle of Tannenberg 12664:Military engagements 12566:World Heritage Sites 11981:Environmental issues 11839:Mexican–American War 11797:First Mexican Empire 11431:Ricardo Flores Magón 11350:Constitution of 1857 11051:O'Shaunessy, Edith. 11012:(2008) 43#2 260–271 10942:58#1 (1978), 62–79. 10812:Folgarait, Leonard. 10732:Rutherford, John D. 10570:76.1 (2014): 71–96. 10532:Snodgrass, Michael. 10479:Brading, D. A., ed. 10436:Smith, Stephanie J. 10311:Cockcroft, James D. 10260:Beezley, William H. 10253:Baldwin, Deborah J. 10187:Niemeyer, Victor E. 10097:Turner, John Kenneth 10047:Meyer, Jean (2004). 9396:Rutherford, John D. 8936:Arizona and the West 8452:(1966): pp. 153–169. 7954:Revolutionary Mexico 6836:Baldwin, Deborah J. 6227:3 March 2016 at the 6114:Bourgeois revolution 6017:Mexican–American War 5911:The creation of the 5889:station was opened. 5865:Constitution of 1917 5763:Ricardo Flores Magón 5743:Metro Aquiles Serdán 5530:Manuel Avila Camacho 5297:José Clemente Orozco 5273:José Clemente Orozco 4908:Manuel Avila Camacho 4816:Manuel Ávila Camacho 4779:Manuel Ávila Camacho 4577:José Gonzalo Escobar 4291:Mexican–American War 4231:Columbus, New Mexico 3240:in Baja California. 3088:advisers steeped in 2948:El Hijo del Ahuizote 2926:Ricardo Flores Magón 2895:Enrique Flores Magón 2891:Ricardo Flores Magón 2783:El hijo del Ahuizote 2155:Contentious politics 2026:Political revolution 1950:Coronavirus pandemic 1925:1982 economic crisis 1778:Mexican–American War 1290:economic nationalism 1196:the U.S. involvement 1124:500 Americans killed 816:Ricardo Flores Magón 706:Ricardo Flores Magón 14731:They shall not pass 14654:Treaty of Bucharest 14611:Treaty of Bucharest 14550:USA against Germany 14527:Declarations of war 14231:German occupations 14144:British casualties 14003:Soviet–Georgian War 13930:Egyptian Revolution 13870:Armeno-Georgian War 13734:Somaliland campaign 13686:Armistice of Mudros 13563:Battle of Caporetto 13553:Battle of Mărășești 13523:Zimmermann telegram 13518:February Revolution 13463:Battle of the Somme 13387:Bug-Narew Offensive 13362:Battle of Gallipoli 13354:Sinking of the RMS 13146:Scramble for Africa 13140:Franco-Prussian War 12796:Sinai and Palestine 12221:Automotive industry 12109:Chamber of Deputies 11792:War of Independence 11527:Plan of Agua Prieta 11461:José Yves Limantour 11416:Venustiano Carranza 11396:Francisco I. Madero 11165:Library of Congress 11139:Rausch George Jr. " 10860:, 3rd edition, 2005 10830:Lear, John. (2017) 10725:Ross, Stanley, ed. 10539:Wasserman, Robert. 10518:LaFrance, David G. 10472:Blaisdell, Lowell. 10411:51, 4 (April 1995). 9911:Revolución Mexicana 9812:, pp. 297–298. 9318:Casasola, Gustavo. 9233:Debroise, Olivier. 9196:Revolution on Paper 9183:Revolution on Paper 9065:Lear, John. (2017) 9039:Harris and Sadler, 8967:, pp. 457–459. 8681:Yesterday in Mexico 8424:, pp. 123–124. 8408:Harris and Sadler, 8397:Peace by Revolution 8395:Tannenbaum, Frank. 7913:, pp. 247–248. 7335:, pp. 397–404. 7270:, pp. 114–118. 6999:, pp. 323–324. 6987:, pp. 167–173. 6975:, pp. 181–186. 6567:, pp. xii–xii. 5925:Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas 5707:Francisco I. Madero 5660:José López Portillo 5648:Palacio Legislativo 5609:Heroes and villains 5510:Amelio Robles Ávila 5372:Francisco I. Madero 5143:Prints and cartoons 5101:, as well as other 4996:massacre at Torreón 4976:Russian Revolutions 4639:Adolfo de la Huerta 4525:Adolfo de la Huerta 4513:Plan of Agua Prieta 4481:Venustiano Carranza 4440:Francisco I. Madero 4309:Plan of Agua Prieta 4287:Zimmermann Telegram 4262:Punitive Expedition 4138:Venustiano Carranza 4074:Venustiano Carranza 4064:, Commander of the 3756:Pact of the Embassy 3678:Venustiano Carranza 3661:Venustiano Carranza 3650:Francisco I. Madero 3628:Venustiano Carranza 3604:Pact of the Embassy 3575:Pact of the Embassy 3485:Venustiano Carranza 3380:anarcho-syndicalist 3325:Francisco I. Madero 3214:Venustiano Carranza 3101:Francisco I. Madero 3076:José Yves Limantour 2989:Anti-Reelectionista 2984:Francisco I. Madero 2936:. They, along with 2624:Politics portal 1935:Mexican peso crisis 1810:French intervention 1763:Centralist Republic 1738:War of Independence 1263:Venustiano Carranza 1220:Francisco I. Madero 1164:Revolución mexicana 976:Venustiano Carranza 954:Venustiano Carranza 890:Venustiano Carranza 757:Venustiano Carranza 723:Francisco I. Madero 681:Francisco I. Madero 664:José Yves Limantour 228:Venustiano Carranza 210:Plan of Agua Prieta 206:Adolfo de la Huerta 155:Venustiano Carranza 139:Francisco I. Madero 14770:Mexican Revolution 14691:Treaty of Lausanne 14606:Paris Economy Pact 14540:UK against Germany 14470:Entry into the war 14436:Urkun (Kyrgyzstan) 14155:Ottoman casualties 13965:Franco-Turkish War 13845:Post-War conflicts 13829:Russian Revolution 13811:Invasion of Darfur 13776:Kelantan rebellion 13764:Kurdish rebellions 13740:Mexican Revolution 13573:October Revolution 13538:Kerensky offensive 13513:Capture of Baghdad 13490:Monastir offensive 13475:Brusilov offensive 13313:Battle of Kolubara 13152:Russo-Japanese War 12422:Indigenous peoples 12326:Telecommunications 12185:State legislatures 12126:Federal government 12006:Metropolitan areas 11884:Mexican Revolution 11693:División del Norte 11688:Constitutionalists 11476:Félix Díaz Velasco 11310:Mexican Revolution 11243:Mexican Revolution 11179:Mexican Revolution 11161:Mexican Revolution 11111:Gilbert, Dennis. " 10823:Ittman, John, ed. 10662:Benjamin, Thomas. 10601:Hart, John Mason. 10598:. Cambridge, 1970. 10459:Regional histories 10440:. North Carolina: 10395:Poniatowska, Elena 10356:Lomnitz, Claudio. 10285:Buchenau, Jürgen. 10278:Buchenau, Jürgen, 10163:Hart, John Mason. 10024:(8 January 2016). 9899:Past & Present 9786:Past & Present 8644:Dulles, John F.W. 8433:Womack, John Jr., 8162:Markiewicz, Dana. 7849:, p. 393, ABC-CLIO 7665:, pp. 92–118. 7543:, pp. 196–197 7455:Meyer, Michael C. 7203:Mexican Revolution 6823:Coatsworth, John. 6810:Vanderwood, Paul. 6781:Camp, Roderic Ai. 6756:Vanderwood, Paul. 6012:Mexican Americans 5954: 5921:Enrique Peña Nieto 5909: 5810: 5771:Metro Romero Rubio 5759:Giuseppi Garibaldi 5741:station. In 1988, 5679: 5619: 5583: 5444:Martín Luis Guzmán 5380: 5364: 5285: 5216: 5184: 5156: 5153:Calavera Maderista 5085:as a publication. 5027: 4967: 4956: 4945: 4900: 4885:agrarian socialism 4879:, making Mexico a 4836:helped create the 4799: 4743: 4713: 4652:Abelardo Rodríguez 4626:morphing into the 4623: 4611: 4505: 4452: 4433: 4319: 4258: 4226: 4148: 4082: 4058:División del Norte 4032: 3988: 3877: 3855: 3828: 3760:Jesús Flores Magón 3742: 3669: 3654: 3585: 3511:, also called the 3473: 3351: 3339: 3257: 3154: 3143: 3117:San Antonio, Texas 3067:Pearson's Magazine 3054: 3046: 2911: 2903: 2882:Opposition to Díaz 2795: 2670: 2599:Second Arab Spring 1359:Mexican Revolution 1156:Mexican Revolution 1028:Aureliano Blanquet 845:Aureliano Blanquet 768:Aureliano Blanquet 587:Aureliano Blanquet 440:Constitutionalists 31:Mexican Revolution 14757: 14756: 14740: 14739: 14724:The Golden Virgin 14718:Mutilated victory 14699: 14698: 14679:Treaty of Trianon 14674:Treaty of Neuilly 14581:Damascus Protocol 14454: 14453: 14414:Armenian genocide 14371:Allied blockades 14343:Belgian refugees 14126: 14125: 14036:Strategic bombing 14012: 14011: 13997:Franco-Syrian War 13971:Greco-Turkish War 13959:Anglo-Turkish War 13942:Polish–Soviet War 13876:German Revolution 13852:Russian Civil War 13835:Finnish Civil War 13661:Battle of Megiddo 13636:Battle of Goychay 13583:Battle of Cambrai 13543:Battle of Mărăști 13458:Battle of Jutland 13438:Erzurum offensive 13293:Siege of Przemyśl 13273:Siege of Tsingtao 13258:Battle of Galicia 13188:Second Balkan War 13176:Italo-Turkish War 13133:Pre-War conflicts 13119: 13118: 13009:Portuguese Empire 12925: 12924: 12887:German New Guinea 12869:Asian and Pacific 12614: 12613: 12574: 12573: 12349: 12348: 12198: 12197: 12168:Political parties 12131:Foreign relations 12076: 12075: 11864:Restored Republic 11782:Pre-Columbian era 11728: 11727: 11641:Historical Museum 11532:Plan of San Diego 11522:Plan of Guadalupe 11406:Victoriano Huerta 11324:History of Mexico 11068:Wasserman, Mark. 11042:Bulnes, Francisco 10925:978-84-934426-5-1 10912:978-1-4384-7561-5 10849:51 (2006), 43–51. 10801:Flores, Tatiana. 10794:Doremus, Anne T. 10776:Britton, John A. 10769:Barajas, Rafael. 10711:Oles, James, ed. 10622:Quirk, Robert E. 10608:Katz, Friedrich. 10576:Gilderhus, M. T. 10497:Joseph, Gilbert. 10448:Womack, John, Jr. 10414:Ross, Stanley R. 10304:978-1-5143-8250-9 10226:Wasserman, Mark. 10201:Quirk, Robert E. 10194:Quirk, Robert E. 10062:978-607-421-141-2 9771:978-0-85345-560-8 9689:Cano, Gabriela. " 9678:978-0-226-53160-1 9668:. United States: 9493:Ross, Stanley R. 9467:978-0-684-32553-8 9168:Britton, John A. 9142:Barajas, Rafael. 8915:978-0-226-06632-5 8874:978-0-7656-2933-3 8847:, pp. 23–24. 8737:978-1-136-96828-0 8631:978-1-136-96828-0 8535:978-0-19-936643-9 8487:, vol. 5, p. 416. 8280:978-0-19-507198-6 8211:978-0-8071-6388-7 8187:Busky, Donald F. 8125:, pp. 36–37. 8071:, vol. 5, p. 494. 7943:, vol. 2, p. 910. 7928:, vol. 1, p. 658. 7815:, pp. 77–78. 7803:, pp. 76–77. 7767:, pp. 73–74. 7716:, pp. 62–63. 7704:, pp. 62–64. 7692:, pp. 63–64. 7680:, vol. 1, p. 573. 7626:, vol. 1, p. 655. 7611:, vol. 1, p. 657. 7477:, vol. 1, p. 656. 7254:Ross, Stanley R. 6695:978-0-19-936643-9 6654:978-1-4422-0756-1 6508:978-0-268-04022-2 6466:978-1-108-41598-9 6381:978-0-19-936643-9 6333:978-0-19-932917-5 6290:978-0-19-069919-2 6248:Rummel, Rudolph. 6000:modern capitalism 5703:Metro Pino Suárez 5698:Mexico City Metro 5687:Gustavo A. Madero 5597:. With President 5569:Historical memory 5430:Nellie Campobello 5333: 5250:Fototeca Nacional 4812:Saturnino Cedillo 4748:Francisco Serrano 4573:Francisco Serrano 4297:1917 Constitution 4202:Salvador Alvarado 4086:Eulalio Gutiérrez 3995:had drawn up the 3840:Henry Lane Wilson 3734:Victoriano Huerta 3694:Plan of Guadalupe 3642:Victoriano Huerta 3624:Victoriano Huerta 3600:Henry Lane Wilson 3558:La Decena Trágica 3528:Victoriano Huerta 3411:Victoriano Huerta 3312:the 1911 election 3304:Victoriano Huerta 3182:Sherburne Hopkins 3178:Gustavo A. Madero 2970:Práxedis Guerrero 2658: 2657: 2192:Mass mobilization 2182:Guerrilla warfare 2011: 2010: 1977:Mexico portal 1919:La Década Perdida 1908:Mexican Dirty War 1892:(1928–1934) 1855:Plan of Guadalupe 1849:La decena trágica 1833:Restored Republic 1728:Spanish-Aztec War 1675: 1674: 1657:3rd Ciudad Juarez 1517:2nd Ciudad Juarez 1447:1st Ciudad Juarez 1255:Victoriano Huerta 1184:Constitutionalist 1152: 1151: 939:Eulalio Gutiérrez 866:(until June 1913) 840:Victoriano Huerta 762:Victoriano Huerta 258: 257: 145:Victoriano Huerta 14827: 14684:Treaty of Sèvres 14576:Treaty of London 14467: 14466: 14245:Northeast France 14176: 14175: 14148:Parliamentarians 14081: 14080: 14043:Chemical weapons 14021: 14020: 13782:Senussi campaign 13752:Muscat rebellion 13746:Maritz rebellion 13714: 13656:Vardar offensive 13485:Battle of Romani 13453:Battle of Asiago 13443:Battle of Verdun 13407:Kosovo offensive 13182:First Balkan War 13130: 13129: 13029:Russian Republic 12938: 12937: 12732: 12731: 12674:Economic history 12641: 12634: 12627: 12618: 12617: 12594: 12587: 12534:National symbols 12360: 12359: 12301: 12246:Renewable energy 12236:Economic history 12209: 12208: 12087: 12086: 11949: 11948: 11929:Chiapas conflict 11829:Texas Revolution 11755: 11748: 11741: 11732: 11731: 11496:Genovevo de la O 11384:Important people 11303: 11296: 11289: 11280: 11279: 11063:Insurgent México 10996:Past and Present 10895:Pick, Zuzana M. 10746:Vaughn, Mary K. 10739:Simmons, Merle. 10615:Meyer, Lorenzo. 10405:Reséndez, Andrés 10387:Meyer, Michael. 10308: 10297:. Create Space. 10128:Brenner, Anita. 10108: 10101:Barbarous Mexico 10092: 10079: 10066: 10043: 10022:Meade, Teresa A. 10017: 10010:Lomnitz, Claudio 10005: 9985: 9969: 9953: 9937: 9902: 9895: 9889: 9882: 9876: 9870: 9864: 9858: 9852: 9846: 9840: 9834: 9828: 9819: 9813: 9807: 9801: 9795: 9789: 9782: 9776: 9775: 9755: 9749: 9742: 9736: 9735: 9727: 9721: 9710: 9704: 9687: 9681: 9662: 9656: 9645: 9639: 9628: 9622: 9615: 9609: 9600: 9594: 9588: 9582: 9573:Enrique Krauze, 9571: 9562: 9556: 9550: 9544: 9538: 9535: 9529: 9522: 9516: 9504: 9498: 9491: 9485: 9478: 9472: 9471: 9453: 9440: 9433: 9427: 9420: 9414: 9407: 9401: 9394: 9388: 9383:Simmons, Merle. 9381: 9375: 9368: 9362: 9355: 9349: 9342: 9336: 9329: 9323: 9316: 9310: 9303: 9297: 9290: 9284: 9281:Casasola Archive 9270: 9264: 9257: 9251: 9244: 9238: 9231: 9225: 9218: 9212: 9205: 9199: 9192: 9186: 9179: 9173: 9166: 9160: 9153: 9147: 9140: 9134: 9133: 9089: 9070: 9063: 9057: 9050: 9044: 9037: 9031: 9025: 9019: 9013: 9007: 8998: 8992: 8986: 8977: 8974: 8968: 8962: 8956: 8949: 8943: 8932: 8926: 8925: 8924: 8922: 8889: 8883: 8882: 8854: 8848: 8842: 8836: 8830: 8824: 8821: 8815: 8812: 8806: 8799: 8793: 8783: 8777: 8774: 8768: 8761: 8755: 8748: 8742: 8741: 8721: 8715: 8712: 8706: 8703: 8697: 8690: 8684: 8677: 8671: 8668: 8662: 8655: 8649: 8642: 8636: 8635: 8618:Russell (2011). 8615: 8609: 8606: 8600: 8586: 8580: 8569: 8563: 8552: 8546: 8545: 8544: 8542: 8527: 8507: 8501: 8494: 8488: 8481: 8475: 8468: 8462: 8459: 8453: 8444: 8438: 8431: 8425: 8419: 8413: 8406: 8400: 8393: 8387: 8384: 8375: 8374: 8334: 8311: 8304: 8298: 8293:Niemeyer, E. V. 8291: 8285: 8284: 8256: 8246: 8240: 8234: 8228: 8222: 8216: 8215: 8197: 8191: 8185: 8179: 8173: 8167: 8160: 8154: 8151: 8142: 8132: 8126: 8120: 8114: 8108: 8102: 8093: 8087: 8078: 8072: 8063: 8057: 8048: 8042: 8035: 8029: 8022: 8016: 8009: 8003: 7997: 7991: 7982: 7971: 7968: 7957: 7950: 7944: 7935: 7929: 7920: 7914: 7908: 7902: 7901: 7883: 7872: 7856: 7850: 7834: 7828: 7822: 7816: 7810: 7804: 7798: 7792: 7786: 7780: 7774: 7768: 7762: 7756: 7750: 7741: 7735: 7729: 7723: 7717: 7711: 7705: 7699: 7693: 7687: 7681: 7672: 7666: 7660: 7654: 7645: 7639: 7633: 7627: 7618: 7612: 7603: 7597: 7590: 7584: 7578: 7569: 7563: 7557: 7550: 7544: 7537: 7531: 7530: 7528: 7526: 7511: 7505: 7496: 7490: 7484: 7478: 7469: 7460: 7453: 7447: 7441: 7435: 7429: 7423: 7417: 7411: 7405: 7399: 7393: 7387: 7381: 7372: 7366: 7355: 7349: 7336: 7330: 7324: 7315: 7309: 7302: 7296: 7290: 7284: 7277: 7271: 7265: 7259: 7252: 7246: 7237: 7231: 7230:, pp. 40–41 7224: 7218: 7212: 7206: 7199: 7193: 7186: 7180: 7173: 7167: 7166:, pp. 9–10. 7161: 7152: 7145: 7139: 7133: 7127: 7126: 7108: 7102: 7093: 7087: 7080: 7069: 7062: 7053: 7052: 7042: 7018: 7012: 7006: 7000: 6994: 6988: 6982: 6976: 6970: 6961: 6955: 6949: 6943: 6942: 6936: 6930: 6929: 6911: 6905: 6894: 6888: 6887: 6847: 6841: 6834: 6828: 6821: 6815: 6808: 6802: 6795: 6786: 6779: 6773: 6767: 6761: 6754: 6748: 6742: 6736: 6730: 6719: 6713: 6707: 6706: 6704: 6702: 6669: 6663: 6662: 6634: 6628: 6622: 6616: 6609: 6600: 6591: 6585: 6574: 6568: 6562: 6556: 6547: 6541: 6535: 6526: 6519: 6513: 6512: 6492: 6486: 6480: 6471: 6470: 6442: 6436: 6430: 6419: 6412: 6406: 6405: 6399: 6391: 6390: 6388: 6355: 6344: 6343: 6342: 6340: 6307: 6301: 6300: 6299: 6297: 6264: 6258: 6257: 6245: 6236: 6218: 6209: 6208: 6203: 6201: 6181: 6175: 6174: 6172: 6170: 6155: 6149: 6148: 6146: 6144: 6129: 6068: 6063: 6062: 6061: 6054: 6049: 6048: 6047: 6033: 5994:revolt began in 5989: 5735:Battle of Celaya 5715:Metro Revolución 5523:There is a vast 5361: 5345:State of Morelos 5334: 5309:Mexican muralism 5305:José Vasconcelos 5246:Agustín Casasola 5242:Casasola Archive 5189:photojournalists 5164:El Vale Panchito 4752:Arnulfo R. Gómez 4709: 4703: 4697: 4675:José Vasconcelos 4643:Ignacio Bonillas 4509:Ignacio Bonillas 4477:Battle of Celaya 4409:Genovevo de la O 4384:Frank Tannenbaum 4371: 4363: 4270:John J. Pershing 4244:John J. Pershing 4198:Francisco Múgica 4118:Battle of Celaya 4016: 3978:Battle of Celaya 3867: 3802: 3785: 3779: 3766:; supporters of 3709: 3686:Abraham González 3593: 3560: 3522: 3516: 3510: 3503: 3496:Abraham González 3455: 3430: 3429: 3408: 3402: 3388: 3387: 3289: 3218:Abraham González 3200:leaders such as 3171: 3165: 3084:, the circle of 3083: 2991: 2980:Francisco Bulnes 2977: 2967: 2951: 2923: 2844: 2838: 2828: 2807: 2792: 2786: 2771:Political system 2750: 2727: 2702: 2650: 2643: 2636: 2622: 2621: 2475:Hungarian (1956) 2307:Spanish American 2036: 2013: 2012: 2003: 1996: 1989: 1975: 1974: 1973: 1945:Mexican drug war 1930:Chiapas conflict 1893: 1768:Texas Revolution 1706: 1696: 1678: 1677: 1372:Mazatlán Railway 1362: 1360: 1350: 1343: 1336: 1327: 1326: 1141: 1140: 1123: 1122: 1108:2 Germans killed 1101: 1100: 1083: 1081:Anti-government: 1079: 1078: 1067: 1063: 1062: 1036: 1018: 984: 864:Manuel Mondragón 858: 822: 798: 744: 731: 659:Manuel Mondragón 624: 623: 622: 611: 609: 608: 558: 1913–1918) 557: 553: 549: 547: 546: 534: 532: 531: 321: 319:Anti-government: 317: 316: 280: 276: 275: 183:Battle of Celaya 94:20 November 1910 87: 86: 40: 28: 27: 14835: 14834: 14830: 14829: 14828: 14826: 14825: 14824: 14780:1910s in Mexico 14760: 14759: 14758: 14753: 14736: 14695: 14627: 14620: 14591:Treaty of Darin 14559: 14521: 14477:Austria-Hungary 14463: 14450: 14431:Rape of Belgium 14358: 14330: 14278: 14272:Western Armenia 14267:Eastern Galicia 14200: 14174: 14138: 14137:Civilian impact 14136: 14122: 14079: 14008: 13840: 13770:Ovambo Uprising 13722: 13708: 13597: 13499: 13426: 13344:Battle of Łomża 13327: 13323:Christmas truce 13298:Race to the Sea 13231: 13193: 13115: 13086:Austria-Hungary 13062: 12997:Empire of Japan 12934: 12932: 12921: 12905:U-boat campaign 12891: 12863: 12825: 12777: 12723: 12704:Popular culture 12650: 12645: 12615: 12610: 12597: 12590: 12583: 12570: 12463: 12439:Public holidays 12412:Nationality law 12407:Life expectancy 12345: 12299: 12194: 12158:Law enforcement 12072: 12063:Water resources 11938: 11914:Mexican miracle 11768: 11759: 11729: 11724: 11666: 11636:Popular culture 11626:Mexican miracle 11594: 11558:Morelos Commune 11536: 11500: 11456:Lázaro Cárdenas 11421:Emiliano Zapata 11379: 11312: 11307: 11216:Wayback Machine 11157: 11136:, January 2002. 11127:Wayback Machine 11118:Hardman, John. 11083:Brunk, Samuel. 11080: 11075: 11034: 11032:Primary sources 11029: 11014:in Project MUSE 10955:Brunk, Samuel. 10934: 10929: 10870:Noble, Andrea, 10852:Mora, Carl J., 10765: 10760: 10669:Brunk, Samuel. 10658: 10653: 10587:. Lincoln, NE: 10551: 10546: 10461: 10456: 10429:. Lincoln, NE: 10372:Mexican Studies 10305: 10271:Brunk, Samuel. 10264:. Lincoln, NE: 10249: 10244: 10178:Krauze, Enrique 10124: 10115: 10113:Further reading 10063: 10040: 10030:Wiley-Blackwell 10002:Greenwood Press 9996:. Albuquerque: 9942:Katz, Friedrich 9926:Katz, Friedrich 9921: 9905: 9896: 9892: 9883: 9879: 9871: 9867: 9859: 9855: 9847: 9843: 9835: 9831: 9820: 9816: 9808: 9804: 9796: 9792: 9783: 9779: 9772: 9756: 9752: 9743: 9739: 9728: 9724: 9711: 9707: 9688: 9684: 9663: 9659: 9646: 9642: 9629: 9625: 9616: 9612: 9601: 9597: 9589: 9585: 9581:, 1997, p. 373. 9572: 9565: 9557: 9553: 9546:Brunk, Samuel, 9545: 9541: 9536: 9532: 9523: 9519: 9505: 9501: 9492: 9488: 9479: 9475: 9468: 9454: 9443: 9434: 9430: 9421: 9417: 9408: 9404: 9395: 9391: 9382: 9378: 9369: 9365: 9356: 9352: 9343: 9339: 9330: 9326: 9317: 9313: 9304: 9300: 9291: 9287: 9271: 9267: 9258: 9254: 9245: 9241: 9232: 9228: 9219: 9215: 9206: 9202: 9193: 9189: 9180: 9176: 9167: 9163: 9154: 9150: 9141: 9137: 9090: 9073: 9064: 9060: 9051: 9047: 9038: 9034: 9026: 9022: 9014: 9010: 8999: 8995: 8987: 8980: 8975: 8971: 8963: 8959: 8950: 8946: 8933: 8929: 8920: 8918: 8916: 8890: 8886: 8875: 8867:. p. 150. 8855: 8851: 8843: 8839: 8831: 8827: 8822: 8818: 8813: 8809: 8800: 8796: 8786:Krauze, Enrique 8784: 8780: 8775: 8771: 8762: 8758: 8749: 8745: 8738: 8722: 8718: 8713: 8709: 8704: 8700: 8691: 8687: 8678: 8674: 8669: 8665: 8656: 8652: 8643: 8639: 8632: 8616: 8612: 8607: 8603: 8587: 8583: 8570: 8566: 8553: 8549: 8540: 8538: 8536: 8508: 8504: 8495: 8491: 8482: 8478: 8469: 8465: 8460: 8456: 8445: 8441: 8432: 8428: 8420: 8416: 8407: 8403: 8394: 8390: 8385: 8378: 8335: 8314: 8305: 8301: 8292: 8288: 8281: 8247: 8243: 8235: 8231: 8223: 8219: 8212: 8198: 8194: 8186: 8182: 8174: 8170: 8161: 8157: 8152: 8145: 8133: 8129: 8121: 8117: 8109: 8105: 8094: 8090: 8079: 8075: 8064: 8060: 8049: 8045: 8036: 8032: 8023: 8019: 8010: 8006: 7998: 7994: 7983: 7974: 7969: 7960: 7951: 7947: 7936: 7932: 7921: 7917: 7909: 7905: 7898: 7884: 7875: 7869:Wayback Machine 7857: 7853: 7847:Wayback Machine 7835: 7831: 7823: 7819: 7811: 7807: 7799: 7795: 7787: 7783: 7775: 7771: 7763: 7759: 7751: 7744: 7736: 7732: 7724: 7720: 7712: 7708: 7700: 7696: 7688: 7684: 7673: 7669: 7661: 7657: 7653:, vol. 2, p. 6. 7646: 7642: 7634: 7630: 7619: 7615: 7604: 7600: 7591: 7587: 7579: 7572: 7564: 7560: 7551: 7547: 7538: 7534: 7524: 7522: 7513: 7512: 7508: 7497: 7493: 7485: 7481: 7470: 7463: 7454: 7450: 7442: 7438: 7430: 7426: 7418: 7414: 7406: 7402: 7394: 7390: 7382: 7375: 7367: 7358: 7350: 7339: 7331: 7327: 7316: 7312: 7303: 7299: 7291: 7287: 7278: 7274: 7266: 7262: 7253: 7249: 7238: 7234: 7225: 7221: 7213: 7209: 7200: 7196: 7187: 7183: 7174: 7170: 7162: 7155: 7146: 7142: 7138:, pp. 8–9. 7134: 7130: 7123: 7109: 7105: 7094: 7090: 7081: 7072: 7063: 7056: 7019: 7015: 7007: 7003: 6995: 6991: 6983: 6979: 6971: 6964: 6956: 6952: 6937: 6933: 6926: 6912: 6908: 6895: 6891: 6868:10.2307/2170394 6848: 6844: 6835: 6831: 6822: 6818: 6809: 6805: 6796: 6789: 6780: 6776: 6768: 6764: 6755: 6751: 6747:, pp. 1–5. 6743: 6739: 6731: 6722: 6714: 6710: 6700: 6698: 6696: 6670: 6666: 6655: 6635: 6631: 6623: 6619: 6610: 6603: 6592: 6588: 6582:Wiley-Blackwell 6575: 6571: 6563: 6559: 6548: 6544: 6536: 6529: 6520: 6516: 6509: 6493: 6489: 6481: 6474: 6467: 6443: 6439: 6431: 6422: 6413: 6409: 6393: 6392: 6386: 6384: 6382: 6356: 6347: 6338: 6336: 6334: 6308: 6304: 6295: 6293: 6291: 6265: 6261: 6246: 6239: 6233:Mexican Studies 6229:Wayback Machine 6219: 6212: 6199: 6197: 6182: 6178: 6168: 6166: 6157: 6156: 6152: 6142: 6140: 6131: 6130: 6126: 6122: 6064: 6059: 6057: 6050: 6045: 6043: 6040: 6025: 6008: 5966:agrarian reform 5946: 5901: 5895: 5873: 5867: 5854: 5849: 5796: 5755:Metro Garibaldi 5753:opened, as did 5668: 5640: 5611: 5599:Felipe Calderón 5571: 5547:Lázaro Cárdenas 5521: 5512: 5506: 5497: 5488: 5479: 5470: 5458:, particularly 5424:(translated as 5412: 5355: 5347:"), a southern 5323: 5321: 5279:, mural in the 5266: 5220:Jesús H. Abitía 5201:Otis A. Aultman 5176: 5145: 5069: 5060: 4937: 4932: 4930:Characteristics 4803:Lázaro Cárdenas 4791: 4783:Lázaro Cárdenas 4741:Logo of the PNR 4735: 4727:Viva Cristo Rey 4711: 4707: 4705: 4701: 4699: 4695: 4693: 4683:Bucareli Treaty 4599: 4593: 4564: 4497: 4444:Emiliano Zapata 4430:Emiliano Zapata 4423: 4421:Emiliano Zapata 4417: 4397:Luis N. Morones 4311: 4305: 4299: 4211:Maximo Castillo 4200:in Tabasco and 4181:Pact of Torreón 4140: 4134: 4062:Emiliano Zapata 4044:Emiliano Zapata 4029:Emiliano Zapata 3997:Pact of Torreón 3980: 3974:Emiliano Zapata 3958:Pact of Torreon 3954: 3830:U.S. President 3716:Emiliano Zapata 3634: 3620: 3577: 3571:Ten Tragic Days 3569:Main articles: 3567: 3553:Ten Tragic Days 3547:and another by 3520:Plan Orozquista 3440:Emiliano Zapata 3370:in Morelos and 3368:Emiliano Zapata 3331: 3323:Main articles: 3321: 3296:Emiliano Zapata 3292:Paul von Hintze 3246: 3210:Emiliano Zapata 3131: 3125: 3034: 3021:Arizona Rangers 2884: 2852:Telegraph lines 2805:jefes políticos 2773: 2735: 2690:Manuel González 2654: 2616: 2611: 2610: 2267: 2259: 2258: 2130: 2122: 2121: 2082: 2074: 2073: 2044: 2007: 1971: 1969: 1955: 1954: 1903:Mexican miracle 1891: 1883: 1875: 1874: 1823: 1815: 1814: 1793: 1783: 1782: 1758: 1748: 1747: 1723: 1715: 1694: 1687: 1676: 1671: 1612:2nd Agua Prieta 1567:4th Topolobampo 1557:3rd Topolobampo 1547:2nd Topolobampo 1542:1st Topolobampo 1477:Ten Tragic Days 1432:1st Agua Prieta 1363: 1358: 1356: 1354: 1324: 1314: 1286:workers' rights 1243:agrarian reform 1239:Emiliano Zapata 1182:. The northern 1176:Mexican culture 1148: 1135: 1127: 1117: 1111: 1095: 1085:255,000–290,000 1084: 1073: 1072: 1069:250,000–300,000 1068: 1065:Pro-government: 1057: 1056: 1046: 1032: 1014: 1010:Emiliano Zapata 994: 980: 963: 943: 934:Emiliano Zapata 916: 900:Emiliano Zapata 879: 854: 827: 810:Emiliano Zapata 794: 773: 740: 727: 710: 701:Emiliano Zapata 670: 631: 620: 618: 606: 604: 561: 544: 542: 529: 527: 503: 488: 459: 429: 407: 372: 350: 311: 310: 306: 278:Pro-government: 270: 269: 254: 129: 128: 113: 100: 98:1 December 1920 81: 48:Ten Tragic Days 41: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 14833: 14823: 14822: 14817: 14812: 14807: 14802: 14797: 14792: 14787: 14782: 14777: 14772: 14755: 14754: 14752: 14751: 14745: 14742: 14741: 14738: 14737: 14735: 14734: 14727: 14720: 14715: 14707: 14705: 14701: 14700: 14697: 14696: 14694: 14693: 14688: 14687: 14686: 14681: 14676: 14671: 14666: 14656: 14651: 14650: 14649: 14644: 14636: 14630: 14628: 14626:Peace treaties 14625: 14622: 14621: 14619: 14618: 14613: 14608: 14603: 14598: 14593: 14588: 14583: 14578: 14573: 14567: 14565: 14561: 14560: 14558: 14557: 14552: 14547: 14542: 14537: 14531: 14529: 14523: 14522: 14520: 14519: 14514: 14512:United Kingdom 14509: 14504: 14502:Ottoman Empire 14499: 14494: 14489: 14484: 14479: 14473: 14471: 14464: 14459: 14456: 14455: 14452: 14451: 14449: 14448: 14443: 14438: 14433: 14428: 14427: 14426: 14421: 14416: 14406: 14404:Sack of Dinant 14401: 14396: 14391: 14390: 14389: 14384: 14383: 14382: 14368: 14366: 14360: 14359: 14357: 14356: 14355: 14354: 14352:United Kingdom 14349: 14340: 14338: 14332: 14331: 14329: 14328: 14327: 14326: 14321: 14312: 14306:POW locations 14304: 14299: 14298: 14297: 14288: 14286: 14280: 14279: 14277: 14276: 14275: 14274: 14269: 14261: 14256: 14255: 14254: 14247: 14242: 14237: 14229: 14228: 14227: 14222: 14214: 14208: 14206: 14202: 14201: 14199: 14198: 14193: 14188: 14182: 14180: 14173: 14172: 14171: 14170: 14165: 14157: 14152: 14151: 14150: 14141: 14139: 14131: 14128: 14127: 14124: 14123: 14121: 14120: 14115: 14114: 14113: 14106:United Kingdom 14103: 14101:Ottoman Empire 14098: 14093: 14087: 14085: 14078: 14077: 14075:Trench warfare 14072: 14071: 14070: 14060: 14055: 14050: 14045: 14040: 14039: 14038: 14027: 14025: 14018: 14014: 14013: 14010: 14009: 14007: 14006: 14000: 13994: 13988: 13982: 13981: 13980: 13974: 13968: 13962: 13951: 13945: 13939: 13933: 13927: 13921: 13915: 13909: 13903: 13897: 13891: 13885: 13879: 13873: 13867: 13861: 13855: 13848: 13846: 13842: 13841: 13839: 13838: 13832: 13826: 13820: 13814: 13808: 13802: 13796: 13791: 13788:Volta-Bani War 13785: 13779: 13773: 13767: 13761: 13755: 13749: 13743: 13737: 13730: 13728: 13724: 13723: 13721: 13720: 13715: 13703: 13698: 13693: 13688: 13683: 13678: 13673: 13668: 13663: 13658: 13653: 13648: 13643: 13638: 13633: 13628: 13626:Zeebrugge Raid 13623: 13618: 13613: 13607: 13605: 13599: 13598: 13596: 13595: 13590: 13585: 13580: 13575: 13570: 13565: 13560: 13555: 13550: 13545: 13540: 13535: 13530: 13525: 13520: 13515: 13509: 13507: 13501: 13500: 13498: 13497: 13492: 13487: 13482: 13477: 13472: 13471: 13470: 13460: 13455: 13450: 13445: 13440: 13434: 13432: 13428: 13427: 13425: 13424: 13419: 13417:Battle of Loos 13414: 13409: 13404: 13399: 13394: 13389: 13384: 13379: 13374: 13369: 13364: 13359: 13351: 13346: 13341: 13335: 13333: 13329: 13328: 13326: 13325: 13320: 13315: 13310: 13308:Black Sea raid 13305: 13300: 13295: 13290: 13285: 13280: 13275: 13270: 13265: 13260: 13255: 13250: 13245: 13239: 13237: 13233: 13232: 13230: 13229: 13224: 13219: 13214: 13213: 13212: 13210:Historiography 13201: 13199: 13195: 13194: 13192: 13191: 13185: 13179: 13173: 13167: 13164:Bosnian Crisis 13161: 13158:Tangier Crisis 13155: 13149: 13143: 13136: 13134: 13127: 13121: 13120: 13117: 13116: 13114: 13113: 13108: 13103: 13098: 13093: 13091:Ottoman Empire 13088: 13083: 13078: 13072: 13070: 13068:Central Powers 13064: 13063: 13061: 13060: 13055: 13054: 13053: 13051:British Empire 13046:United Kingdom 13043: 13038: 13033: 13032: 13031: 13026: 13024:Russian Empire 13016: 13011: 13006: 13001: 13000: 12999: 12989: 12984: 12979: 12978: 12977: 12967: 12962: 12957: 12952: 12946: 12944: 12942:Entente Powers 12935: 12930: 12927: 12926: 12923: 12922: 12920: 12919: 12914: 12913: 12912: 12910:North Atlantic 12901: 12899: 12893: 12892: 12890: 12889: 12884: 12879: 12873: 12871: 12865: 12864: 12862: 12861: 12856: 12851: 12846: 12841: 12835: 12833: 12827: 12826: 12824: 12823: 12821:Central Arabia 12818: 12813: 12808: 12803: 12798: 12793: 12787: 12785: 12783:Middle Eastern 12779: 12778: 12776: 12775: 12770: 12769: 12768: 12758: 12753: 12752: 12751: 12740: 12738: 12729: 12725: 12724: 12722: 12721: 12716: 12711: 12706: 12701: 12696: 12691: 12686: 12684:Historiography 12681: 12676: 12671: 12666: 12661: 12655: 12652: 12651: 12644: 12643: 12636: 12629: 12621: 12612: 12611: 12609: 12608: 12603: 12596: 12595: 12588: 12580: 12579: 12576: 12575: 12572: 12571: 12569: 12568: 12563: 12558: 12553: 12552: 12551: 12541: 12536: 12531: 12526: 12521: 12516: 12511: 12506: 12501: 12500: 12499: 12489: 12484: 12479: 12473: 12471: 12465: 12464: 12462: 12461: 12456: 12451: 12446: 12441: 12436: 12431: 12430: 12429: 12424: 12414: 12409: 12404: 12399: 12394: 12389: 12384: 12379: 12374: 12369: 12363: 12357: 12351: 12350: 12347: 12346: 12344: 12343: 12341:Water scarcity 12338: 12336:Transportation 12333: 12328: 12323: 12318: 12313: 12308: 12303: 12295: 12293:Pension system 12290: 12285: 12280: 12275: 12270: 12265: 12260: 12255: 12250: 12249: 12248: 12238: 12233: 12228: 12223: 12218: 12212: 12206: 12200: 12199: 12196: 12195: 12193: 12192: 12187: 12182: 12181: 12180: 12170: 12165: 12160: 12155: 12150: 12149: 12148: 12143: 12133: 12128: 12123: 12118: 12113: 12112: 12111: 12106: 12096: 12090: 12084: 12078: 12077: 12074: 12073: 12071: 12070: 12065: 12060: 12055: 12050: 12045: 12040: 12035: 12034: 12033: 12031:Municipalities 12023: 12018: 12013: 12008: 12003: 11998: 11993: 11988: 11986:Extreme points 11983: 11978: 11973: 11970:Climate change 11963: 11958: 11952: 11946: 11940: 11939: 11937: 11936: 11931: 11926: 11921: 11916: 11911: 11906: 11901: 11896: 11891: 11886: 11881: 11876: 11871: 11866: 11861: 11856: 11851: 11846: 11841: 11836: 11831: 11826: 11821: 11816: 11811: 11806: 11805: 11804: 11794: 11789: 11784: 11778: 11776: 11770: 11769: 11758: 11757: 11750: 11743: 11735: 11726: 11725: 11723: 11722: 11717: 11712: 11711: 11710: 11705: 11700: 11695: 11690: 11685: 11674: 11672: 11668: 11667: 11665: 11664: 11659: 11654: 11648: 11643: 11638: 11633: 11628: 11623: 11618: 11613: 11608: 11602: 11600: 11596: 11595: 11593: 11592: 11591: 11590: 11580: 11575: 11570: 11565: 11560: 11555: 11553:Decena trágica 11550: 11544: 11542: 11538: 11537: 11535: 11534: 11529: 11524: 11519: 11514: 11508: 11506: 11502: 11501: 11499: 11498: 11493: 11491:Manuel Palafox 11488: 11486:Eufemio Zapata 11483: 11481:Bernardo Reyes 11478: 11473: 11468: 11463: 11458: 11453: 11448: 11446:Aquiles Serdán 11443: 11438: 11436:Pascual Orozco 11433: 11428: 11426:Álvaro Obregón 11423: 11418: 11413: 11408: 11403: 11398: 11393: 11387: 11385: 11381: 11380: 11378: 11377: 11372: 11367: 11362: 11357: 11352: 11347: 11341: 11336: 11331: 11326: 11320: 11318: 11314: 11313: 11306: 11305: 11298: 11291: 11283: 11277: 11276: 11267: 11261: 11256: 11246: 11240: 11234: 11225: 11219: 11205: 11199: 11194: 11185: 11176: 11171: 11169:Flickr Commons 11156: 11155:External links 11153: 11152: 11151: 11144: 11137: 11130: 11116: 11109: 11102: 11099: 11088: 11079: 11076: 11074: 11073: 11066: 11056: 11049: 11039: 11035: 11033: 11030: 11028: 11027: 11016: 11006: 10999: 10992: 10979: 10970: 10960: 10953: 10946: 10935: 10933: 10932:Historiography 10930: 10928: 10927: 10914: 10904: 10893: 10886: 10875: 10868: 10861: 10850: 10839: 10828: 10821: 10810: 10799: 10792: 10787:Coffey, Mary. 10785: 10780:. Louisville: 10774: 10766: 10764: 10761: 10759: 10758: 10751: 10744: 10737: 10730: 10723: 10716: 10709: 10702: 10695: 10688: 10681: 10674: 10667: 10659: 10657: 10654: 10652: 10651: 10644: 10637: 10636:. Campus 2017. 10627: 10620: 10613: 10606: 10599: 10592: 10581: 10574: 10564: 10559:. Ithaca, NY: 10552: 10550: 10547: 10545: 10544: 10537: 10530: 10523: 10516: 10509: 10502: 10495: 10488: 10477: 10470: 10462: 10460: 10457: 10455: 10454: 10445: 10434: 10423: 10412: 10402: 10392: 10385: 10378: 10368: 10361: 10354: 10347: 10340: 10333: 10328:Garner, Paul. 10326: 10316: 10309: 10303: 10290: 10283: 10276: 10269: 10258: 10250: 10248: 10245: 10243: 10242: 10231: 10224: 10215:Tutino, John. 10213: 10206: 10199: 10192: 10185: 10175: 10168: 10161: 10154: 10147: 10140: 10133: 10125: 10123: 10120: 10114: 10111: 10110: 10109: 10093: 10080: 10067: 10061: 10044: 10039:978-1118772485 10038: 10018: 10006: 9990:Lieuwen, Edwin 9986: 9970: 9954: 9938: 9920: 9917: 9916: 9915: 9904: 9903: 9890: 9877: 9875:, p. 304. 9865: 9863:, p. 205. 9853: 9851:, p. 303. 9841: 9839:, p. 299. 9829: 9814: 9802: 9800:, p. 294. 9790: 9777: 9770: 9750: 9737: 9722: 9718:Leslie Bethell 9705: 9682: 9657: 9640: 9638:, 2004, p. 63. 9623: 9610: 9595: 9583: 9563: 9551: 9539: 9530: 9517: 9499: 9486: 9473: 9466: 9441: 9428: 9415: 9402: 9389: 9376: 9363: 9350: 9344:Coffey, Mary. 9337: 9324: 9311: 9298: 9285: 9265: 9252: 9239: 9226: 9213: 9200: 9187: 9174: 9161: 9148: 9135: 9108:(2): 107–120. 9071: 9058: 9045: 9032: 9030:, p. 383. 9020: 9008: 8993: 8991:, p. 388. 8978: 8969: 8957: 8944: 8927: 8914: 8884: 8873: 8849: 8837: 8835:, p. 394. 8825: 8816: 8807: 8794: 8778: 8769: 8756: 8743: 8736: 8716: 8707: 8698: 8685: 8672: 8663: 8650: 8637: 8630: 8610: 8601: 8581: 8564: 8547: 8534: 8502: 8489: 8476: 8463: 8454: 8439: 8426: 8414: 8401: 8388: 8376: 8345:(in Spanish). 8312: 8299: 8286: 8279: 8241: 8239:, p. 569. 8229: 8227:, p. 297. 8217: 8210: 8192: 8180: 8178:, p. 296. 8168: 8155: 8143: 8127: 8115: 8103: 8088: 8073: 8058: 8043: 8030: 8017: 8004: 8002:, p. 258. 7992: 7972: 7958: 7945: 7930: 7915: 7903: 7896: 7873: 7851: 7829: 7817: 7805: 7793: 7781: 7769: 7757: 7755:, p. 167. 7742: 7730: 7728:, p. 165. 7718: 7706: 7694: 7682: 7667: 7655: 7640: 7628: 7613: 7598: 7585: 7583:, p. 196. 7570: 7568:, p. 114. 7558: 7552:Tuñon Pablos, 7545: 7532: 7506: 7491: 7489:, p. 165. 7479: 7461: 7448: 7436: 7424: 7422:, p. 404. 7412: 7410:, p. 403. 7400: 7398:, p. 400. 7388: 7386:, p. 402. 7373: 7371:, p. 503. 7356: 7337: 7325: 7310: 7297: 7285: 7272: 7260: 7258:, pp. 188–202. 7247: 7232: 7219: 7217:, p. 203. 7207: 7194: 7181: 7179:, 45 (1) 1999. 7168: 7153: 7140: 7128: 7121: 7103: 7088: 7070: 7064:Garner, Paul. 7054: 7033:(4): 529–550. 7013: 7011:, p. 173. 7001: 6989: 6977: 6962: 6960:, p. 323. 6950: 6931: 6924: 6906: 6896:Tutino, John. 6889: 6862:(2): 331–353. 6842: 6829: 6816: 6803: 6787: 6774: 6762: 6749: 6737: 6720: 6718:, p. 163. 6708: 6694: 6664: 6653: 6647:. p. 28. 6629: 6627:, p. 162. 6617: 6611:Garner, Paul. 6601: 6586: 6569: 6557: 6542: 6527: 6514: 6507: 6487: 6472: 6465: 6437: 6420: 6407: 6380: 6345: 6332: 6302: 6289: 6259: 6237: 6210: 6196:on 5 July 2011 6176: 6165:on 30 May 2019 6150: 6139:on 30 May 2019 6123: 6121: 6118: 6117: 6116: 6111: 6106: 6101: 6096: 6091: 6086: 6081: 6076: 6070: 6069: 6066:History portal 6055: 6039: 6036: 6024: 6021: 6007: 6004: 5945: 5944:Social changes 5942: 5897:Main article: 5894: 5891: 5869:Main article: 5866: 5863: 5853: 5850: 5848: 5845: 5795: 5792: 5747:Aquiles Serdán 5711:Metro Balderas 5705:, named after 5667: 5664: 5639: 5636: 5610: 5607: 5570: 5567: 5559:Friedrich Katz 5525:historiography 5520: 5517: 5508:Main article: 5505: 5502: 5496: 5495:Rosa Bobadilla 5493: 5487: 5484: 5478: 5475: 5469: 5466: 5456:Carlos Fuentes 5416:Mariano Azuela 5411: 5408: 5353:Marciano Silva 5320: 5317: 5265: 5262: 5234:scripted film 5175: 5172: 5144: 5141: 5068: 5065: 5059: 5056: 4936: 4933: 4931: 4928: 4858:company stores 4790: 4787: 4734: 4731: 4706: 4700: 4694: 4666:Red Battalions 4607:Álvaro Obregón 4592: 4589: 4563: 4560: 4517:Álvaro Obregón 4496: 4493: 4454:From the late 4419:Main article: 4416: 4413: 4405:Pablo González 4331:Red Battalions 4301:Main article: 4298: 4295: 4240:Woodrow Wilson 4165:Felipe Angeles 4160:Pablo González 4136:Main article: 4133: 4130: 4091:Álvaro Obregón 4078:Álvaro Obregón 3993:Pablo González 3966:Álvaro Obregón 3953: 3950: 3836:Woodrow Wilson 3764:Bernardo Reyes 3752:Pascual Orozco 3747:Woodrow Wilson 3738:Pascual Orozco 3698:Alvaro Obregón 3682:Pablo González 3619: 3616: 3611:Friedrich Katz 3566: 3563: 3545:Bernardo Reyes 3533:Bernardo Reyes 3492:Pascual Orozco 3436:Pascual Orozco 3372:Pascual Orozco 3347:Pascual Orozco 3320: 3317: 3245: 3242: 3226:Chihuahua City 3202:Pascual Orozco 3124: 3121: 3094:Bernardo Reyes 3062:James Creelman 3042:Bernardo Reyes 3033: 3030: 2998:Cananea strike 2883: 2880: 2810:Bernardo Reyes 2772: 2769: 2740:landed estates 2734: 2731: 2656: 2655: 2653: 2652: 2645: 2638: 2630: 2627: 2626: 2613: 2612: 2609: 2608: 2607: 2606: 2596: 2591: 2590: 2589: 2584: 2579: 2569: 2564: 2559: 2554: 2549: 2544: 2539: 2538: 2537: 2532: 2527: 2522: 2512: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2492: 2487: 2482: 2477: 2472: 2467: 2462: 2457: 2452: 2451: 2450: 2445: 2435: 2434: 2433: 2428: 2423: 2415: 2410: 2405: 2404: 2403: 2398: 2390: 2385: 2380: 2375: 2374: 2373: 2368: 2363: 2358: 2356:Italian states 2348: 2343: 2342: 2341: 2336: 2326: 2321: 2316: 2311: 2310: 2309: 2304: 2299: 2294: 2289: 2284: 2274: 2268: 2265: 2264: 2261: 2260: 2257: 2256: 2251: 2249:Tax resistance 2246: 2241: 2236: 2231: 2230: 2229: 2224: 2219: 2209: 2204: 2199: 2194: 2189: 2184: 2179: 2174: 2173: 2172: 2162: 2157: 2152: 2150:Class conflict 2147: 2142: 2140:Civil disorder 2137: 2131: 2128: 2127: 2124: 2123: 2120: 2119: 2114: 2109: 2104: 2099: 2094: 2089: 2083: 2080: 2079: 2076: 2075: 2072: 2071: 2066: 2061: 2056: 2051: 2045: 2042: 2041: 2038: 2037: 2029: 2028: 2022: 2021: 2009: 2008: 2006: 2005: 1998: 1991: 1983: 1980: 1979: 1966: 1965: 1957: 1956: 1953: 1952: 1947: 1942: 1937: 1932: 1927: 1922: 1915: 1910: 1905: 1900: 1895: 1884: 1881: 1880: 1877: 1876: 1873: 1872: 1867: 1862: 1860:Tampico Affair 1857: 1852: 1845: 1840: 1838:The Porfiriato 1835: 1830: 1824: 1821: 1820: 1817: 1816: 1813: 1812: 1807: 1802: 1794: 1789: 1788: 1785: 1784: 1781: 1780: 1775: 1770: 1765: 1759: 1756:First Republic 1754: 1753: 1750: 1749: 1746: 1745: 1740: 1735: 1730: 1724: 1721: 1720: 1717: 1716: 1711: 1708: 1707: 1699: 1698: 1689: 1688: 1681: 1673: 1672: 1670: 1669: 1664: 1659: 1654: 1649: 1644: 1639: 1634: 1629: 1624: 1619: 1614: 1609: 1604: 1599: 1594: 1589: 1584: 1579: 1574: 1569: 1564: 1559: 1554: 1549: 1544: 1539: 1534: 1529: 1524: 1519: 1514: 1509: 1504: 1499: 1494: 1489: 1484: 1479: 1474: 1469: 1464: 1459: 1454: 1449: 1444: 1439: 1434: 1429: 1424: 1419: 1414: 1409: 1404: 1399: 1394: 1389: 1384: 1379: 1374: 1368: 1365: 1364: 1353: 1352: 1345: 1338: 1330: 1313: 1310: 1150: 1149: 1147: 1146: 1143: 1132: 1129: 1128: 1126: 1125: 1114: 1112: 1110: 1109: 1105: 1092: 1091: 1087: 1086: 1070: 1053: 1052: 1048: 1047: 1045: 1044: 1041:Álvaro Obregón 1038: 1025: 1020: 1007: 1001: 995: 993: 992: 989:Álvaro Obregón 986: 972: 965: 964: 962: 961: 959:Álvaro Obregón 956: 950: 944: 942: 941: 936: 931: 925: 918: 917: 915: 914: 912: 907: 905:Álvaro Obregón 902: 897: 892: 886: 880: 878: 877: 872: 867: 861: 850:Pascual Orozco 847: 842: 836: 829: 828: 826: 825: 813: 807: 801: 790:Bernardo Reyes 787: 784:Pascual Orozco 780: 774: 772: 771: 765: 759: 754: 751: 746: 733: 719: 712: 711: 709: 708: 703: 698: 693: 691:Bernardo Reyes 688: 686:Pascual Orozco 683: 677: 671: 669: 668: 666: 661: 656: 651: 645: 638: 637: 633: 632: 630: 629: 626:United Kingdom 616: 596: 595: 593:Álvaro Obregón 591:Forces led by 589: 585:Forces led by 583: 578: 573: 567: 562: 560: 559: 539: 519: 518: 512: 505: 504: 502: 501: 495: 489: 487: 486: 485: 484: 479: 472:Conventionists 468: 461: 460: 458: 457: 452: 447: 442: 436: 430: 428: 427: 422: 416: 409: 408: 406: 405: 400: 395: 390: 385: 379: 373: 371: 370: 365: 359: 352: 351: 349: 348: 343: 338: 333: 327: 307: 305: 304: 303: 302: 297: 286: 265: 264: 260: 259: 256: 255: 253: 252: 245: 242:Laborist Party 239: 236:Álvaro Obregón 216: 213: 198: 192: 186: 175:Álvaro Obregón 173:under General 164: 158: 152: 142: 136: 126: 125: 124: 119: 115: 114: 109: 107: 103: 102: 91: 83: 82: 80: 79: 72: 65: 58: 51: 43: 33: 32: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 14832: 14821: 14818: 14816: 14813: 14811: 14808: 14806: 14803: 14801: 14798: 14796: 14793: 14791: 14788: 14786: 14783: 14781: 14778: 14776: 14773: 14771: 14768: 14767: 14765: 14750: 14747: 14746: 14743: 14733: 14732: 14728: 14726: 14725: 14721: 14719: 14716: 14714: 14713: 14709: 14708: 14706: 14702: 14692: 14689: 14685: 14682: 14680: 14677: 14675: 14672: 14670: 14667: 14665: 14662: 14661: 14660: 14657: 14655: 14652: 14648: 14645: 14643: 14640: 14639: 14637: 14635: 14632: 14631: 14629: 14623: 14617: 14614: 14612: 14609: 14607: 14604: 14602: 14599: 14597: 14594: 14592: 14589: 14587: 14584: 14582: 14579: 14577: 14574: 14572: 14569: 14568: 14566: 14562: 14556: 14553: 14551: 14548: 14546: 14543: 14541: 14538: 14536: 14533: 14532: 14530: 14528: 14524: 14518: 14517:United States 14515: 14513: 14510: 14508: 14505: 14503: 14500: 14498: 14495: 14493: 14490: 14488: 14485: 14483: 14480: 14478: 14475: 14474: 14472: 14468: 14465: 14462: 14457: 14447: 14444: 14442: 14439: 14437: 14434: 14432: 14429: 14425: 14422: 14420: 14417: 14415: 14412: 14411: 14410: 14407: 14405: 14402: 14400: 14397: 14395: 14392: 14388: 14385: 14381: 14378: 14377: 14376: 14373: 14372: 14370: 14369: 14367: 14365: 14361: 14353: 14350: 14348: 14345: 14344: 14342: 14341: 14339: 14337: 14333: 14325: 14322: 14320: 14316: 14313: 14311: 14308: 14307: 14305: 14303: 14300: 14296: 14293: 14292: 14290: 14289: 14287: 14285: 14281: 14273: 14270: 14268: 14265: 14264: 14262: 14260: 14257: 14253: 14252: 14248: 14246: 14243: 14241: 14238: 14236: 14233: 14232: 14230: 14226: 14223: 14221: 14218: 14217: 14215: 14213: 14210: 14209: 14207: 14203: 14197: 14194: 14192: 14189: 14187: 14184: 14183: 14181: 14177: 14169: 14166: 14164: 14161: 14160: 14158: 14156: 14153: 14149: 14146: 14145: 14143: 14142: 14140: 14134: 14129: 14119: 14118:United States 14116: 14112: 14109: 14108: 14107: 14104: 14102: 14099: 14097: 14094: 14092: 14089: 14088: 14086: 14082: 14076: 14073: 14069: 14068:Convoy system 14066: 14065: 14064: 14063:Naval warfare 14061: 14059: 14056: 14054: 14051: 14049: 14046: 14044: 14041: 14037: 14034: 14033: 14032: 14029: 14028: 14026: 14022: 14019: 14015: 14004: 14001: 13998: 13995: 13992: 13989: 13986: 13983: 13978: 13975: 13972: 13969: 13966: 13963: 13960: 13957: 13956: 13955: 13952: 13949: 13946: 13943: 13940: 13937: 13934: 13931: 13928: 13925: 13922: 13919: 13916: 13913: 13910: 13907: 13904: 13901: 13898: 13895: 13892: 13889: 13886: 13883: 13880: 13877: 13874: 13871: 13868: 13865: 13862: 13859: 13856: 13853: 13850: 13849: 13847: 13843: 13836: 13833: 13830: 13827: 13824: 13823:Kaocen revolt 13821: 13818: 13817:Easter Rising 13815: 13812: 13809: 13806: 13803: 13800: 13797: 13795: 13792: 13789: 13786: 13783: 13780: 13777: 13774: 13771: 13768: 13765: 13762: 13759: 13756: 13753: 13750: 13747: 13744: 13741: 13738: 13735: 13732: 13731: 13729: 13725: 13719: 13716: 13712: 13707: 13704: 13702: 13699: 13697: 13694: 13692: 13689: 13687: 13684: 13682: 13679: 13677: 13674: 13672: 13669: 13667: 13664: 13662: 13659: 13657: 13654: 13652: 13649: 13647: 13644: 13642: 13639: 13637: 13634: 13632: 13629: 13627: 13624: 13622: 13619: 13617: 13614: 13612: 13609: 13608: 13606: 13604: 13600: 13594: 13591: 13589: 13586: 13584: 13581: 13579: 13576: 13574: 13571: 13569: 13566: 13564: 13561: 13559: 13556: 13554: 13551: 13549: 13546: 13544: 13541: 13539: 13536: 13534: 13531: 13529: 13526: 13524: 13521: 13519: 13516: 13514: 13511: 13510: 13508: 13506: 13502: 13496: 13493: 13491: 13488: 13486: 13483: 13481: 13478: 13476: 13473: 13469: 13466: 13465: 13464: 13461: 13459: 13456: 13454: 13451: 13449: 13446: 13444: 13441: 13439: 13436: 13435: 13433: 13429: 13423: 13420: 13418: 13415: 13413: 13410: 13408: 13405: 13403: 13400: 13398: 13395: 13393: 13390: 13388: 13385: 13383: 13382:Great Retreat 13380: 13378: 13375: 13373: 13370: 13368: 13365: 13363: 13360: 13358: 13357: 13352: 13350: 13347: 13345: 13342: 13340: 13337: 13336: 13334: 13330: 13324: 13321: 13319: 13316: 13314: 13311: 13309: 13306: 13304: 13301: 13299: 13296: 13294: 13291: 13289: 13286: 13284: 13281: 13279: 13276: 13274: 13271: 13269: 13266: 13264: 13261: 13259: 13256: 13254: 13253:Battle of Cer 13251: 13249: 13246: 13244: 13241: 13240: 13238: 13234: 13228: 13225: 13223: 13220: 13218: 13215: 13211: 13208: 13207: 13206: 13203: 13202: 13200: 13196: 13189: 13186: 13183: 13180: 13177: 13174: 13171: 13170:Agadir Crisis 13168: 13165: 13162: 13159: 13156: 13153: 13150: 13147: 13144: 13141: 13138: 13137: 13135: 13131: 13128: 13126: 13122: 13112: 13109: 13107: 13104: 13102: 13099: 13097: 13094: 13092: 13089: 13087: 13084: 13082: 13079: 13077: 13074: 13073: 13071: 13069: 13065: 13059: 13058:United States 13056: 13052: 13049: 13048: 13047: 13044: 13042: 13039: 13037: 13034: 13030: 13027: 13025: 13022: 13021: 13020: 13017: 13015: 13012: 13010: 13007: 13005: 13002: 12998: 12995: 12994: 12993: 12990: 12988: 12985: 12983: 12980: 12976: 12975:French Empire 12973: 12972: 12971: 12968: 12966: 12963: 12961: 12958: 12956: 12953: 12951: 12948: 12947: 12945: 12943: 12939: 12936: 12928: 12918: 12917:Mediterranean 12915: 12911: 12908: 12907: 12906: 12903: 12902: 12900: 12898: 12897:Naval warfare 12894: 12888: 12885: 12883: 12880: 12878: 12875: 12874: 12872: 12870: 12866: 12860: 12857: 12855: 12852: 12850: 12847: 12845: 12842: 12840: 12837: 12836: 12834: 12832: 12828: 12822: 12819: 12817: 12814: 12812: 12809: 12807: 12804: 12802: 12799: 12797: 12794: 12792: 12789: 12788: 12786: 12784: 12780: 12774: 12773:Italian Front 12771: 12767: 12764: 12763: 12762: 12761:Eastern Front 12759: 12757: 12756:Western Front 12754: 12750: 12747: 12746: 12745: 12742: 12741: 12739: 12737: 12733: 12730: 12726: 12720: 12717: 12715: 12714:Puppet states 12712: 12710: 12707: 12705: 12702: 12700: 12697: 12695: 12692: 12690: 12687: 12685: 12682: 12680: 12677: 12675: 12672: 12670: 12667: 12665: 12662: 12660: 12657: 12656: 12653: 12649: 12642: 12637: 12635: 12630: 12628: 12623: 12622: 12619: 12607: 12604: 12602: 12599: 12598: 12593: 12589: 12586: 12582: 12581: 12577: 12567: 12564: 12562: 12559: 12557: 12554: 12550: 12547: 12546: 12545: 12542: 12540: 12537: 12535: 12532: 12530: 12527: 12525: 12522: 12520: 12517: 12515: 12512: 12510: 12507: 12505: 12502: 12498: 12495: 12494: 12493: 12490: 12488: 12485: 12483: 12480: 12478: 12475: 12474: 12472: 12470: 12466: 12460: 12457: 12455: 12452: 12450: 12447: 12445: 12444:States by HDI 12442: 12440: 12437: 12435: 12432: 12428: 12425: 12423: 12420: 12419: 12418: 12415: 12413: 12410: 12408: 12405: 12403: 12400: 12398: 12395: 12393: 12390: 12388: 12385: 12383: 12380: 12378: 12375: 12373: 12370: 12368: 12365: 12364: 12361: 12358: 12356: 12352: 12342: 12339: 12337: 12334: 12332: 12329: 12327: 12324: 12322: 12319: 12317: 12316:States by GDP 12314: 12312: 12309: 12307: 12304: 12302: 12296: 12294: 12291: 12289: 12286: 12284: 12281: 12279: 12276: 12274: 12273:Manufacturing 12271: 12269: 12266: 12264: 12261: 12259: 12256: 12254: 12251: 12247: 12244: 12243: 12242: 12239: 12237: 12234: 12232: 12229: 12227: 12224: 12222: 12219: 12217: 12214: 12213: 12210: 12207: 12205: 12201: 12191: 12190:Supreme Court 12188: 12186: 12183: 12179: 12176: 12175: 12174: 12171: 12169: 12166: 12164: 12161: 12159: 12156: 12154: 12151: 12147: 12144: 12142: 12139: 12138: 12137: 12134: 12132: 12129: 12127: 12124: 12122: 12119: 12117: 12114: 12110: 12107: 12105: 12102: 12101: 12100: 12097: 12095: 12092: 12091: 12088: 12085: 12083: 12079: 12069: 12066: 12064: 12061: 12059: 12056: 12054: 12051: 12049: 12046: 12044: 12041: 12039: 12036: 12032: 12029: 12028: 12027: 12024: 12022: 12019: 12017: 12014: 12012: 12009: 12007: 12004: 12002: 11999: 11997: 11994: 11992: 11989: 11987: 11984: 11982: 11979: 11977: 11974: 11971: 11967: 11964: 11962: 11959: 11957: 11954: 11953: 11950: 11947: 11945: 11941: 11935: 11932: 11930: 11927: 11925: 11922: 11920: 11917: 11915: 11912: 11910: 11907: 11905: 11902: 11900: 11897: 11895: 11892: 11890: 11887: 11885: 11882: 11880: 11877: 11875: 11872: 11870: 11867: 11865: 11862: 11860: 11857: 11855: 11852: 11850: 11847: 11845: 11842: 11840: 11837: 11835: 11832: 11830: 11827: 11825: 11822: 11820: 11817: 11815: 11812: 11810: 11807: 11803: 11800: 11799: 11798: 11795: 11793: 11790: 11788: 11785: 11783: 11780: 11779: 11777: 11775: 11771: 11767: 11763: 11756: 11751: 11749: 11744: 11742: 11737: 11736: 11733: 11721: 11718: 11716: 11713: 11709: 11706: 11704: 11701: 11699: 11696: 11694: 11691: 11689: 11686: 11684: 11681: 11680: 11679: 11676: 11675: 11673: 11669: 11663: 11660: 11658: 11655: 11652: 11649: 11647: 11644: 11642: 11639: 11637: 11634: 11632: 11629: 11627: 11624: 11622: 11619: 11617: 11614: 11612: 11609: 11607: 11604: 11603: 11601: 11597: 11589: 11586: 11585: 11584: 11581: 11579: 11576: 11574: 11571: 11569: 11566: 11564: 11561: 11559: 11556: 11554: 11551: 11549: 11546: 11545: 11543: 11539: 11533: 11530: 11528: 11525: 11523: 11520: 11518: 11517:Plan of Ayala 11515: 11513: 11510: 11509: 11507: 11503: 11497: 11494: 11492: 11489: 11487: 11484: 11482: 11479: 11477: 11474: 11472: 11469: 11467: 11464: 11462: 11459: 11457: 11454: 11452: 11449: 11447: 11444: 11442: 11441:Carmen Serdán 11439: 11437: 11434: 11432: 11429: 11427: 11424: 11422: 11419: 11417: 11414: 11412: 11409: 11407: 11404: 11402: 11399: 11397: 11394: 11392: 11391:Porfirio Díaz 11389: 11388: 11386: 11382: 11376: 11373: 11371: 11368: 11366: 11363: 11361: 11358: 11356: 11353: 11351: 11348: 11346:social system 11345: 11342: 11340: 11337: 11335: 11332: 11330: 11327: 11325: 11322: 11321: 11319: 11315: 11311: 11304: 11299: 11297: 11292: 11290: 11285: 11284: 11281: 11275: 11271: 11268: 11265: 11262: 11260: 11257: 11254: 11250: 11247: 11244: 11241: 11238: 11235: 11233: 11229: 11226: 11223: 11220: 11217: 11213: 11210: 11206: 11203: 11200: 11198: 11195: 11193: 11189: 11186: 11184: 11180: 11177: 11175: 11172: 11170: 11166: 11162: 11159: 11158: 11149: 11145: 11142: 11138: 11135: 11131: 11128: 11124: 11121: 11117: 11114: 11110: 11107: 11103: 11100: 11097: 11093: 11089: 11086: 11082: 11081: 11071: 11067: 11064: 11060: 11057: 11054: 11050: 11047: 11043: 11040: 11037: 11036: 11025: 11021: 11017: 11015: 11011: 11007: 11004: 11000: 10997: 10993: 10991: 10987: 10983: 10980: 10977: 10976: 10971: 10969: 10966:16.1 (2014). 10965: 10961: 10958: 10954: 10951: 10947: 10945: 10941: 10937: 10936: 10926: 10922: 10918: 10915: 10913: 10909: 10905: 10902: 10898: 10894: 10891: 10887: 10884: 10880: 10876: 10873: 10869: 10866: 10862: 10859: 10855: 10851: 10848: 10844: 10840: 10837: 10833: 10829: 10826: 10822: 10819: 10816:. Cambridge: 10815: 10811: 10808: 10805:. New Haven: 10804: 10800: 10797: 10793: 10790: 10786: 10783: 10779: 10775: 10772: 10768: 10767: 10756: 10752: 10749: 10745: 10742: 10738: 10735: 10731: 10728: 10724: 10721: 10717: 10714: 10710: 10707: 10703: 10700: 10696: 10693: 10689: 10686: 10682: 10679: 10675: 10672: 10668: 10665: 10661: 10660: 10649: 10645: 10642: 10638: 10635: 10631: 10630:Rinke, Stefan 10628: 10625: 10621: 10618: 10614: 10611: 10607: 10604: 10600: 10597: 10594:Haley, P. E. 10593: 10590: 10586: 10583:Grieb, K. J. 10582: 10579: 10575: 10573: 10569: 10565: 10562: 10558: 10554: 10553: 10542: 10538: 10535: 10531: 10528: 10524: 10521: 10517: 10514: 10511:Jacobs, Ian. 10510: 10507: 10503: 10500: 10496: 10493: 10489: 10486: 10483:. Cambridge: 10482: 10478: 10475: 10471: 10468: 10464: 10463: 10452: 10449: 10446: 10443: 10439: 10435: 10432: 10428: 10424: 10421: 10417: 10413: 10410: 10406: 10403: 10400: 10396: 10393: 10390: 10386: 10383: 10379: 10377: 10373: 10369: 10366: 10362: 10359: 10355: 10352: 10348: 10345: 10342:Hall, Linda. 10341: 10338: 10334: 10331: 10330:Porfirio Díaz 10327: 10324: 10320: 10317: 10314: 10310: 10306: 10300: 10296: 10291: 10288: 10284: 10281: 10277: 10274: 10270: 10267: 10263: 10259: 10256: 10252: 10251: 10240: 10236: 10232: 10229: 10225: 10222: 10219:. Princeton: 10218: 10214: 10211: 10207: 10204: 10200: 10197: 10193: 10190: 10186: 10183: 10179: 10176: 10173: 10169: 10166: 10162: 10159: 10155: 10152: 10148: 10145: 10141: 10138: 10134: 10131: 10127: 10126: 10119: 10106: 10102: 10098: 10094: 10090: 10086: 10081: 10077: 10073: 10068: 10064: 10058: 10054: 10050: 10045: 10041: 10035: 10031: 10027: 10023: 10019: 10015: 10011: 10007: 10003: 9999: 9995: 9991: 9987: 9983: 9979: 9975: 9971: 9967: 9963: 9959: 9955: 9951: 9947: 9943: 9939: 9935: 9931: 9927: 9923: 9922: 9914: 9912: 9907: 9906: 9900: 9894: 9887: 9881: 9874: 9869: 9862: 9857: 9850: 9845: 9838: 9833: 9826: 9825: 9818: 9811: 9806: 9799: 9794: 9787: 9781: 9773: 9767: 9763: 9762: 9754: 9747: 9741: 9733: 9726: 9719: 9715: 9709: 9702: 9701: 9696: 9692: 9686: 9679: 9675: 9671: 9667: 9661: 9654: 9650: 9644: 9637: 9633: 9627: 9620: 9614: 9607: 9606: 9599: 9592: 9587: 9580: 9579:HarperCollins 9576: 9570: 9568: 9560: 9555: 9549: 9543: 9534: 9527: 9521: 9514: 9513: 9508: 9503: 9496: 9490: 9483: 9477: 9469: 9463: 9459: 9452: 9450: 9448: 9446: 9438: 9432: 9425: 9419: 9412: 9406: 9399: 9393: 9386: 9380: 9373: 9367: 9360: 9354: 9347: 9341: 9334: 9328: 9321: 9315: 9308: 9302: 9295: 9289: 9282: 9278: 9274: 9269: 9262: 9261:Mexican Suite 9256: 9249: 9243: 9236: 9235:Mexican Suite 9230: 9223: 9217: 9210: 9204: 9197: 9191: 9184: 9178: 9171: 9165: 9158: 9152: 9145: 9139: 9131: 9127: 9123: 9119: 9115: 9111: 9107: 9103: 9099: 9097: 9094:"Borderlands 9088: 9086: 9084: 9082: 9080: 9078: 9076: 9068: 9062: 9055: 9049: 9042: 9036: 9029: 9024: 9017: 9012: 9005: 9004: 8997: 8990: 8985: 8983: 8973: 8966: 8961: 8954: 8951:Feller, A.H. 8948: 8941: 8937: 8931: 8917: 8911: 8907: 8903: 8899: 8895: 8888: 8880: 8876: 8870: 8866: 8862: 8861: 8853: 8846: 8841: 8834: 8829: 8820: 8811: 8804: 8798: 8791: 8787: 8782: 8773: 8766: 8760: 8753: 8747: 8739: 8733: 8729: 8728: 8720: 8711: 8702: 8695: 8689: 8682: 8676: 8667: 8660: 8654: 8647: 8641: 8633: 8627: 8623: 8622: 8614: 8605: 8599:1991, 241–320 8598: 8595:, Cambridge: 8594: 8590: 8585: 8579:2000, 467–502 8578: 8574: 8568: 8562:1991, 201–240 8561: 8558:, Cambridge: 8557: 8551: 8537: 8531: 8526: 8521: 8517: 8513: 8506: 8500:, v. 4, 16–17 8499: 8493: 8486: 8480: 8473: 8472:La Revolución 8467: 8458: 8451: 8450: 8443: 8436: 8430: 8423: 8418: 8411: 8405: 8398: 8392: 8383: 8381: 8372: 8368: 8364: 8360: 8356: 8352: 8348: 8344: 8340: 8333: 8331: 8329: 8327: 8325: 8323: 8321: 8319: 8317: 8309: 8303: 8296: 8290: 8282: 8276: 8272: 8268: 8264: 8260: 8255: 8254: 8245: 8238: 8233: 8226: 8221: 8213: 8207: 8203: 8196: 8190: 8184: 8177: 8172: 8165: 8159: 8150: 8148: 8140: 8136: 8135:Gilly, Adolfo 8131: 8124: 8119: 8113:, p. 37. 8112: 8107: 8100: 8099: 8092: 8085: 8084: 8077: 8070: 8069: 8062: 8055: 8054: 8047: 8040: 8034: 8027: 8021: 8014: 8008: 8001: 7996: 7989: 7988: 7981: 7979: 7977: 7967: 7965: 7963: 7955: 7949: 7942: 7941: 7934: 7927: 7926: 7919: 7912: 7907: 7899: 7897:0-7867-1088-8 7893: 7889: 7882: 7880: 7878: 7870: 7866: 7863: 7862: 7855: 7848: 7844: 7841: 7840: 7833: 7827:, p. 79. 7826: 7821: 7814: 7809: 7802: 7797: 7791:, p. 75. 7790: 7785: 7779:, p. 74. 7778: 7773: 7766: 7761: 7754: 7749: 7747: 7740:, p. 63. 7739: 7734: 7727: 7722: 7715: 7710: 7703: 7698: 7691: 7686: 7679: 7678: 7671: 7664: 7659: 7652: 7651: 7644: 7637: 7632: 7625: 7624: 7617: 7610: 7609: 7602: 7595: 7589: 7582: 7577: 7575: 7567: 7562: 7555: 7549: 7542: 7536: 7520: 7516: 7510: 7503: 7502: 7495: 7488: 7483: 7476: 7475: 7468: 7466: 7458: 7452: 7445: 7440: 7433: 7428: 7421: 7416: 7409: 7404: 7397: 7392: 7385: 7380: 7378: 7370: 7365: 7363: 7361: 7354:, p. 77. 7353: 7348: 7346: 7344: 7342: 7334: 7329: 7322: 7321: 7314: 7307: 7301: 7295:, p. 48. 7294: 7289: 7283:, p. 117 7282: 7276: 7269: 7264: 7257: 7251: 7244: 7243: 7236: 7229: 7223: 7216: 7211: 7204: 7198: 7191: 7185: 7178: 7172: 7165: 7160: 7158: 7150: 7144: 7137: 7132: 7124: 7122:0-534-62158-9 7118: 7114: 7107: 7100: 7099: 7092: 7085: 7084:Porfirio Díaz 7079: 7077: 7075: 7067: 7066:Porfirio Díaz 7061: 7059: 7050: 7046: 7041: 7036: 7032: 7028: 7024: 7017: 7010: 7005: 6998: 6993: 6986: 6981: 6974: 6969: 6967: 6959: 6954: 6947: 6935: 6927: 6925:0-7867-1088-8 6921: 6917: 6910: 6903: 6900:. Princeton: 6899: 6893: 6885: 6881: 6877: 6873: 6869: 6865: 6861: 6857: 6853: 6846: 6839: 6833: 6826: 6820: 6813: 6807: 6800: 6794: 6792: 6784: 6778: 6771: 6766: 6759: 6753: 6746: 6741: 6734: 6729: 6727: 6725: 6717: 6712: 6697: 6691: 6687: 6683: 6679: 6675: 6668: 6660: 6656: 6650: 6646: 6642: 6641: 6633: 6626: 6621: 6614: 6613:Porfirio Díaz 6608: 6606: 6598: 6597: 6590: 6583: 6579: 6573: 6566: 6561: 6555:, vol. 4, 15. 6554: 6553: 6546: 6539: 6534: 6532: 6524: 6518: 6510: 6504: 6500: 6499: 6491: 6484: 6479: 6477: 6468: 6462: 6458: 6454: 6450: 6449: 6441: 6434: 6429: 6427: 6425: 6417: 6411: 6403: 6397: 6383: 6377: 6373: 6369: 6365: 6361: 6354: 6352: 6350: 6335: 6329: 6325: 6321: 6317: 6313: 6306: 6292: 6286: 6282: 6278: 6274: 6270: 6263: 6255: 6251: 6244: 6242: 6234: 6230: 6226: 6223: 6217: 6215: 6207: 6195: 6191: 6187: 6180: 6164: 6160: 6154: 6138: 6134: 6128: 6124: 6115: 6112: 6110: 6107: 6105: 6102: 6100: 6097: 6095: 6092: 6090: 6087: 6085: 6082: 6080: 6077: 6075: 6072: 6071: 6067: 6056: 6053: 6052:Mexico portal 6042: 6035: 6032: 6020: 6018: 6013: 6003: 6001: 5997: 5993: 5992:neo-Zapatista 5988: 5983: 5978: 5975: 5971: 5967: 5962: 5958: 5950: 5941: 5938: 5932: 5930: 5926: 5922: 5918: 5914: 5905: 5900: 5890: 5888: 5884: 5879: 5872: 5862: 5860: 5844: 5842: 5838: 5834: 5830: 5829: 5824: 5820: 5816: 5808: 5804: 5800: 5794:Role of women 5791: 5789: 5784: 5780: 5776: 5775:Porfirio Díaz 5772: 5768: 5764: 5760: 5756: 5752: 5748: 5744: 5740: 5736: 5732: 5728: 5724: 5720: 5716: 5712: 5708: 5704: 5699: 5694: 5692: 5688: 5684: 5676: 5672: 5663: 5661: 5657: 5653: 5649: 5645: 5635: 5633: 5627: 5623: 5615: 5606: 5604: 5600: 5596: 5592: 5588: 5580: 5575: 5566: 5564: 5561:'s 1981 work 5560: 5554: 5552: 5548: 5542: 5539: 5535: 5531: 5526: 5516: 5511: 5504:Amelio Robles 5501: 5492: 5483: 5474: 5465: 5463: 5462: 5457: 5453: 5449: 5445: 5441: 5437: 5436: 5431: 5427: 5426:The Underdogs 5423: 5422: 5417: 5407: 5405: 5402:". 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4730: 4728: 4724: 4719: 4718:anti-clerical 4690: 4686: 4684: 4678: 4676: 4670: 4667: 4661: 4659: 4658: 4653: 4649: 4648:Esteban Cantú 4644: 4640: 4636: 4631: 4629: 4620: 4615: 4608: 4603: 4598: 4588: 4586: 4582: 4578: 4574: 4570: 4569:Arnulfo Gómez 4559: 4557: 4556:Miguel Alemán 4553: 4552:Ávila Camacho 4549: 4545: 4541: 4537: 4532: 4530: 4526: 4522: 4518: 4514: 4510: 4501: 4492: 4490: 4484: 4482: 4478: 4472: 4470: 4469:Plan of Ayala 4465: 4460: 4457: 4449: 4445: 4441: 4437: 4431: 4427: 4422: 4412: 4410: 4406: 4402: 4398: 4392: 4389: 4385: 4380: 4374: 4370: 4369: 4362: 4361: 4355: 4353: 4348: 4343: 4341: 4335: 4332: 4326: 4324: 4315: 4310: 4304: 4294: 4292: 4288: 4283: 4278: 4276: 4271: 4267: 4263: 4255: 4251: 4247: 4245: 4242:sent General 4241: 4237: 4232: 4222: 4218: 4216: 4215:Luis Terrazas 4212: 4207: 4203: 4199: 4193: 4191: 4190:Benito Juárez 4187: 4182: 4177: 4175: 4170: 4166: 4161: 4156: 4152: 4144: 4139: 4129: 4127: 4123: 4119: 4114: 4112: 4106: 4102: 4098: 4094: 4092: 4087: 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823: 817: 814: 811: 808: 805: 802: 799: 797: 791: 788: 785: 782: 781: 778: 775: 769: 766: 763: 760: 758: 755: 753:Mateo Almanza 752: 750: 747: 745: 743: 737: 734: 732: 730: 724: 721: 720: 717: 714: 713: 707: 704: 702: 699: 697: 694: 692: 689: 687: 684: 682: 679: 678: 675: 672: 667: 665: 662: 660: 657: 655: 652: 650: 649:Porfirio Díaz 647: 646: 643: 640: 639: 634: 627: 617: 614: 613:United States 603: 602: 601: 600: 599:Supported by: 594: 590: 588: 584: 582: 579: 577: 574: 572: 569: 568: 566: 563: 552: 540: 537: 536:United States 526: 525: 524: 523: 522:Supported by: 517: 514: 513: 510: 507: 506: 500: 497: 496: 493: 490: 483: 480: 478: 475: 474: 473: 470: 469: 466: 463: 462: 456: 453: 451: 448: 446: 443: 441: 438: 437: 434: 431: 426: 423: 421: 418: 417: 414: 411: 410: 404: 401: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 380: 377: 374: 369: 366: 364: 361: 360: 357: 354: 353: 347: 344: 342: 339: 337: 334: 332: 329: 328: 325: 322: 320: 315: 308: 301: 298: 296: 293: 292: 291: 288: 287: 284: 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" 11091: 11069: 11062: 11052: 11045: 11019: 11009: 11002: 10995: 10985: 10982:Knight, Alan 10973: 10963: 10956: 10949: 10939: 10916: 10896: 10889: 10881:. New York: 10878: 10871: 10864: 10863:Mraz, John. 10856:. Berkeley: 10853: 10846: 10842: 10831: 10824: 10813: 10802: 10795: 10788: 10777: 10770: 10754: 10747: 10740: 10733: 10726: 10719: 10712: 10705: 10698: 10691: 10684: 10677: 10670: 10663: 10647: 10640: 10633: 10623: 10616: 10609: 10602: 10595: 10584: 10577: 10567: 10556: 10540: 10533: 10526: 10525:Lear, John. 10519: 10512: 10505: 10498: 10491: 10480: 10473: 10466: 10450: 10437: 10426: 10418:. 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New York: 8572: 8567: 8555: 8550: 8541:15 September 8539:, retrieved 8515: 8505: 8492: 8484: 8479: 8471: 8466: 8457: 8447: 8442: 8434: 8429: 8417: 8409: 8404: 8396: 8391: 8349:(1): 36–62. 8346: 8342: 8307: 8302: 8294: 8289: 8252: 8244: 8232: 8220: 8201: 8195: 8188: 8183: 8171: 8163: 8158: 8138: 8130: 8123:Lieuwen 1981 8118: 8111:Lieuwen 1981 8106: 8096: 8091: 8081: 8076: 8066: 8061: 8051: 8046: 8038: 8037:Cumberland, 8033: 8025: 8024:Cumberland, 8020: 8012: 8007: 7995: 7985: 7953: 7948: 7938: 7933: 7923: 7918: 7906: 7887: 7860: 7854: 7838: 7832: 7825:Knight 1986b 7820: 7813:Knight 1986b 7808: 7801:Knight 1986b 7796: 7789:Knight 1986b 7784: 7777:Knight 1986b 7772: 7765:Knight 1986b 7760: 7733: 7721: 7709: 7697: 7690:Knight 1986b 7685: 7675: 7670: 7658: 7648: 7643: 7631: 7621: 7616: 7606: 7601: 7593: 7588: 7561: 7553: 7548: 7535: 7523:. 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Historian 5533: 5522: 5513: 5498: 5489: 5480: 5471: 5459: 5451: 5447: 5433: 5425: 5421:Los de Abajo 5419: 5413: 5404:La Cucaracha 5393: 5389: 5383: 5381: 5348: 5336: 5313:Diego Rivera 5286: 5276: 5257: 5235: 5227: 5223: 5217: 5193: 5185: 5167: 5163: 5157: 5152: 5135: 5132:civil rights 5127: 5118: 5114: 5110: 5098: 5090: 5087: 5082: 5074:Los de Abajo 5073: 5070: 5061: 5052: 5048: 5028: 5012: 5004: 4992: 4984: 4980: 4968: 4924: 4903: 4901: 4883:, combining 4865: 4854:debt peonage 4846: 4827: 4820: 4806: 4800: 4772: 4765: 4761: 4755: 4744: 4726: 4723:Cristero War 4714: 4679: 4671: 4662: 4655: 4632: 4624: 4585:Cristero War 4581:anticlerical 4565: 4533: 4531:until 1942. 4506: 4485: 4473: 4461: 4453: 4393: 4387: 4375: 4356: 4344: 4336: 4327: 4320: 4279: 4259: 4227: 4194: 4186:Luis Cabrera 4178: 4169:Federal Army 4157: 4153: 4149: 4115: 4107: 4103: 4099: 4095: 4083: 4065: 4057: 4054:Pancho Villa 4040:Pancho Villa 4037: 4033: 4025:Pancho Villa 4001: 3989: 3970:Pancho Villa 3946:Federal Army 3943: 3936: 3913: 3889:Chilpancingo 3886: 3878: 3860: 3856: 3829: 3820:Pancho Villa 3794: 3793:, author of 3788: 3772: 3743: 3724: 3712:Pancho Villa 3674: 3670: 3646:Federal Army 3608: 3596: 3586: 3542: 3538:Pancho Villa 3525: 3489: 3474: 3469:Federal Army 3433: 3395: 3376: 3364:Pancho Villa 3361: 3352: 3309: 3300: 3277: 3266: 3261:Federal Army 3258: 3206:Pancho Villa 3190: 3186:Standard Oil 3174: 3155: 3150:Pancho Villa 3098: 3086:technocratic 3073: 3065: 3058:Ramón Corral 3055: 3026: 3014: 3004:at the huge 2994: 2964:Regeneración 2938:Luis Cabrera 2912: 2867: 2860: 2856: 2848: 2821:Federal Army 2818: 2796: 2757: 2736: 2715: 2704: 2694: 2671: 2510:People Power 2412: 2227:Disobedience 1960: 1940:PRI downfall 1917: 1888: 1870:Cristero War 1847: 1842: 1797: 1743:First Empire 1592:Norias Ranch 1537:Chilpancingo 1412:Smelter View 1357: 1276:established 1271: 1236: 1200: 1172:Federal Army 1155: 1153: 1102: 1080: 1064: 1033: 1015: 1005:Pancho Villa 997: 991:(until 1917) 981: 968: 946: 929:Pancho Villa 921: 895:Pancho Villa 882: 855: 832: 795: 776: 749:Pancho Villa 741: 728: 715: 696:Pancho Villa 673: 654:Ramón Corral 641: 598: 597: 564: 521: 520: 516:Carrancistas 508: 499:Carrancistas 491: 464: 445:Carrancistas 432: 412: 375: 355: 323: 318: 309: 282: 277: 268: 263:Belligerents 232:Pancho Villa 179:Pancho Villa 127:Full results 121: 25: 14347:Netherlands 14324:Switzerland 14205:Occupations 14196:Spanish flu 13973:(1919–1922) 13967:(1918–1921) 13961:(1918–1923) 13950:(1919–1921) 13944:(1919–1921) 13938:(1919–1920) 13914:(1918–1920) 13908:(1918–1920) 13902:(1918–1920) 13884:(1918–1920) 13866:(1918–1920) 13860:(1917–1921) 13854:(1917–1921) 13801:(1916-1918) 13799:Arab Revolt 13790:(1915–1917) 13784:(1915–1917) 13772:(1914-1917) 13766:(1914–1917) 13760:(1914–1921) 13754:(1913–1920) 13742:(1910–1920) 13736:(1900–1920) 13709: [ 13227:July Crisis 13148:(1880–1914) 12811:Mesopotamia 12689:Home fronts 12648:World War I 12402:Immigration 12268:Land reform 12216:Agriculture 12038:Territories 11976:Earthquakes 11924:Peso crisis 11919:Lost Decade 11375:Científicos 11334:Encomiendas 11253:photographs 10998:134 (1992). 10883:Verso Books 9932:. Chicago: 9309:, pp. 41–54 7738:Shadle 1994 7714:Shadle 1994 7702:Shadle 1994 7541:Katz (1998) 7432:Shadle 1994 7281:Katz (1998) 7228:Katz (1981) 7009:Turner 1969 6985:Turner 1969 6973:Turner 1969 6190:BYU Library 6031:indigenismo 5974:ejidetarios 5923:. In 1988, 5859:Alan Knight 5779:Científicos 5749:. In 1994, 5538:Alan Knight 5450:(1928) and 5376:Mexico City 5356: [ 5136:Fronterizos 5119:fronterizos 5115:fronterizos 4953:Hugo Brehme 4912:corporatism 4862:bourgeoisie 4762:Jefe Máximo 4621:(1924–1928) 4609:(1920–1924) 4282:World War I 4184:drafted by 3991:Northeast, 3818:(left) and 3736:(left) and 3707:Primer Jefe 3591:Renovadores 3508:Orozquistas 3448:land reform 3310:Madero won 3197:land reform 3081:Científicos 2893:(left) and 2572:Arab Spring 2170:Human chain 2160:Coup d'état 2069:Proletarian 1693:History of 1652:3rd Nogales 1647:3rd Torreón 1617:2nd Nogales 1597:Ojo de Agua 1562:2nd Torreón 1507:1st Torreón 1492:Jonacatepec 1482:1st Nogales 1472:2nd Rellano 1467:1st Rellano 1452:2nd Tijuana 1437:1st Tijuana 1382:Buena Noche 1377:Costa Oeste 1306:Vicente Fox 1294:land reform 1280:, promoted 1251:Pino Suárez 1043:(from 1917) 628:(1916–1918) 615:(1913–1918) 538:(1910–1913) 393:Orozquistas 336:Orozquistas 300:Porfiristas 147:overthrows 62:Mexico City 14820:Proxy wars 14764:Categories 14564:Agreements 14364:War crimes 14240:Luxembourg 14133:Casualties 13004:Montenegro 12839:South West 12719:Technology 12709:Propaganda 12699:Opposition 12561:Television 12519:Literature 12397:Healthcare 12372:Censorship 12367:Corruption 12300:(currency) 12258:Irrigation 11879:Porfiriato 11874:Yaqui Wars 11849:La Reforma 11834:Pastry War 11715:Soldaderas 11708:Magonistas 11703:Felicistas 11588:formations 11370:Porfiriato 11360:La Reforma 11355:Reform War 11317:Background 11059:Reed, John 10899:. Austin: 10843:Soldaderas 10834:. Austin: 10149:Gilly, A. 10103:. Austin: 10087:. Tucson: 9873:Meyer 2004 9861:Meyer 2004 9849:Meyer 2004 9837:Meyer 2004 9810:Meyer 2004 9798:Meyer 2004 9691:Soldaderas 9259:Debroise, 9006:, v. 4, 36 8921:7 November 8470:Benjamin, 8261:. p.  7726:Meyer 1972 7636:Meyer 1972 7539:quoted in 7525:31 January 7459:, 138–147. 7279:quoted in 7226:quoted in 6997:Meade 2016 6958:Meade 2016 6716:Meade 2016 6625:Meade 2016 6580:, London: 6200:9 November 6120:References 5595:Porfiriato 5410:Literature 5400:La Adelita 5395:soldaderas 5277:The Trench 5197:Jimmy Hare 5128:La Cronica 5111:fronterizo 5099:La Cronica 5091:La Cronica 5083:Vanguardia 4963:Soldaderas 4891:by 1940. 4595:See also: 4456:Porfiriato 4448:Cuernavaca 4368:Zapatistas 4323:Reform era 4307:See also: 3956:See also: 3920:Fort Bliss 3768:Félix Díaz 3704:under the 3676:Coahuila, 3622:See also: 3609:Historian 3549:Félix Díaz 3286:Científico 3234:Rio Grande 3127:See also: 3090:positivist 3006:Río Blanco 2960:newspaper 2814:Nuevo León 2725:hacendados 2711:watchwords 2706:hacendados 2678:Porfiriato 2594:Euromaidan 2542:Bolivarian 2490:Nicaraguan 2470:Guatemalan 2408:Young Turk 2388:Philippine 2217:Nonviolent 2212:Resistance 2187:Insurgency 2097:Nonviolent 2092:From above 2064:Democratic 1843:Revolution 1805:Reform War 1799:La Reforma 1773:Pastry War 1637:Xochimilco 1622:San Ysabel 1587:Bandit War 1502:San Andrés 1462:Cuernavaca 1422:2nd Bauche 1407:1st Bauche 1392:Rosamorada 1322:Porfiriato 1316:See also: 1282:secularism 1216:Río Blanco 1207:revolution 1180:government 1023:Félix Díaz 804:Félix Díaz 581:Felicistas 576:Zapatistas 482:Zapatistas 455:Zapatistas 420:Huertistas 403:Zapatistas 398:Magonistas 388:Felicistas 363:Maderistas 346:Zapatistas 341:Magonistas 331:Maderistas 290:Porfiriato 14461:Diplomacy 14168:Olympians 14091:Australia 14058:Logistics 13991:Vlora War 13920:(1918–19) 13896:(1918–19) 13890:(1918–19) 13878:(1918–19) 13825:(1916–17) 13807:(1916–17) 13758:Zaian War 13748:(1914–15) 13468:first day 13356:Lusitania 13184:(1912–13) 13178:(1911–12) 13166:(1908–09) 13160:(1905–06) 13142:(1870–71) 12931:Principal 12791:Gallipoli 12694:Memorials 12679:Geography 12669:Aftermath 12524:Monuments 12514:Languages 12387:Education 12306:Petroleum 12263:Labor law 12231:Companies 12173:President 12121:Elections 12011:Mountains 11944:Geography 11869:Caste War 11698:Federales 11339:Haciendas 11272:from the 11163:from the 10568:Historian 10099:(1969) . 9992:(1981) . 9976:(1986b). 9960:(1986a). 9695:Coronelas 9559:Katz 1998 9273:John Mraz 9263:, p. 178. 9237:, p. 177. 9130:165222756 9122:0013-8282 9016:Katz 1998 8965:Katz 1998 8683:, 158–172 8422:Katz 1981 8371:149383391 8363:0742-9797 8237:Katz 1998 8225:Katz 1981 8176:Katz 1981 8000:Katz 1981 7911:Katz 1981 7753:Katz 1981 7663:Katz 1981 7581:Katz 1998 7566:Katz 1981 7487:Katz 1998 7323:, 206–207 7293:Katz 1981 7268:Katz 1998 7205:, p. 151. 7151:, p. 131. 7049:0018-2168 6876:0002-8762 6733:Katz 1981 6584:2011, 330 6483:Katz 1981 5841:soldadera 5837:coronelas 5833:soldadera 5828:soldadera 5638:Monuments 5591:swan song 5440:Villistas 5343:from the 5341:Zapatista 5037:in 1920, 5033:in 1919, 4823:Michoacan 4785:in 1940. 4544:Rodríguez 4360:Villistas 4266:Chihuahua 4254:Uncle Sam 4179:The 1914 4014:caudillos 3844:John Lind 3777:La Nación 3514:Colorados 3487:in 1919. 3453:hacendado 3406:La Nación 3259:With the 3169:Federales 3099:In 1910, 2975:Alba Roja 2958:anarchist 2876:land loss 2868:haciendas 2547:Bulldozer 2500:Carnation 2495:Argentine 2438:1917–1923 2426:Communist 2371:Hungarian 2207:Rebellion 2145:Civil war 2107:Permanent 2054:Communist 2049:Bourgeois 1822:1864–1928 1632:Tlayacapa 1577:Zacatecas 1512:Chihuahua 1402:2nd Tepic 1397:1st Tepic 1192:civil war 998:1915–1920 969:1915–1920 947:1914–1915 922:1914–1915 883:1913–1914 833:1913–1914 777:1911–1913 716:1911–1913 674:1910–1911 642:1910–1911 571:Villistas 565:1915–1920 509:1915–1920 492:1914–1915 477:Villistas 465:1914–1915 450:Villistas 433:1913–1914 425:Federales 413:1913–1914 376:1911–1913 368:Federales 356:1911–1913 324:1910–1911 295:Federales 283:1910–1911 197:enacted. 69:Michoacán 14749:Category 14336:Refugees 14302:Italians 14291:Germans 14251:Ober Ost 14031:Aviation 13125:Timeline 13096:Bulgaria 12877:Tsingtao 12854:Togoland 12801:Caucasus 12736:European 12728:Theatres 12601:Category 12544:Religion 12504:Folklore 12163:Military 12141:Intersex 12099:Congress 12082:Politics 12068:Wildlife 12058:Volcanos 11899:Maximato 11766:articles 11678:Factions 11578:Maximato 11212:Archived 11123:Archived 10990:in JSTOR 10012:(2005). 9944:(1998). 9928:(1981). 9209:El Negro 9185:, p. 11. 9096:Letrados 9043:, 87–105 8679:Dulles, 8474:, p. 91. 7865:Archived 7843:Archived 7556:, p. 855 7519:Archived 7147:Womack, 7082:Garner, 6396:citation 6387:18 April 6339:18 April 6296:18 April 6225:Archived 6038:See also 5917:Maximato 5847:Legacies 5652:Maximato 5435:Cartucho 5390:Adelitas 5385:corridos 5378:in 1911. 5339:("I'm a 5264:Painting 5035:Carranza 4850:caciques 4767:Maximato 4657:caciques 4548:Cárdenas 4471:(1911). 4388:soldiers 4379:Jacobins 4340:Jacobins 3932:Saltillo 3893:Acapulco 3824:Pershing 3640:General 3531:General 3222:Mexicali 3105:Coahuila 3040:General 2765:draftees 2719:henequen 2664:General 2604:Sudanese 2582:Egyptian 2577:Tunisian 2530:Romanian 2431:Cultural 2417:Chinese 2392:Iranian 2361:February 2282:American 2277:Atlantic 2266:Examples 2239:Samizdat 2043:By class 2018:a series 2016:Part of 1962:Timeline 1889:Maximato 1684:a series 1682:Part of 1642:Carrizal 1627:Columbus 1582:2nd Naco 1572:Veracruz 1527:Zaragoza 1487:1st Naco 1427:Mexicali 1103:Alleged: 1051:Strength 860:in 1915) 383:Reyistas 238:(1928). 234:(1923), 230:(1920), 226:(1919), 222:(1913), 212:, 1920. 189:Carranza 185:, 1915. 177:defeats 167:Carranza 106:Location 14487:Germany 14387:Germany 14315:Germany 14235:Belgium 14220:Albania 14179:Disease 14159:Sports 14111:Ireland 14024:Warfare 14017:Aspects 13205:Origins 13198:Prelude 13101:Senussi 13081:Germany 13076:Leaders 13014:Romania 12955:Belgium 12950:Leaders 12849:Kamerun 12831:African 12766:Romania 12744:Balkans 12659:Outline 12585:Outline 12492:Cuisine 12469:Culture 12459:Welfare 12449:Smoking 12434:Poverty 12355:Society 12331:Tourism 12204:Economy 12178:Cabinet 11996:Islands 11991:Forests 11966:Climate 11956:Borders 11774:History 10903:, 2010. 10885:, 2007. 10820:, 1998. 10809:, 2013. 10784:, 1995. 10591:, 1969. 10563:, 1981. 10487:, 1980. 10433:, 1983. 10268:, 1973. 10241:, 1986. 10223:, 1985. 9224:, p. 9. 8306:Gilly, 7086:p. 210. 6884:2170394 5996:Chiapas 5990:). The 5823:Adelita 5805:in the 5803:Adelita 5593:of the 5349:corrido 5289:Dr. Atl 5254:Pachuca 5212:Ojinaga 5103:Chicano 5043:Obregón 4916:estates 4206:Yucatán 3924:Torreón 3916:Ojinaga 3909:Morelos 3816:Obregón 3783:El País 3501:rurales 3481:Morelos 3400:El País 3230:El Paso 2930:Enrique 2872:Morelos 2842:rurales 2836:rurales 2826:rurales 2753:bandits 2747:rurales 2699:Rurales 2535:Singing 2485:Rwandan 2460:Spanish 2455:Siamese 2443:Russian 2413:Mexican 2339:Belgian 2314:Serbian 2302:Haitian 2287:Brabant 2272:English 2202:Protest 2135:Boycott 2129:Methods 2102:Passive 1662:Durango 1532:Ojinaga 1442:Cuautla 1387:Rosario 1232:Morelos 1212:Cananea 1160:Spanish 1034:† 1016:† 982:† 856:† 852:(  818: ( 796:† 742:† 729:† 551:Germany 208:in the 181:at the 76:Morelos 14507:Russia 14482:France 14310:Canada 14225:Serbia 14096:Canada 14053:Horses 14005:(1921) 13999:(1920) 13993:(1920) 13987:(1920) 13979:(1920) 13932:(1919) 13926:(1919) 13872:(1918) 13837:(1918) 13831:(1917) 13819:(1916) 13813:(1916) 13778:(1915) 13190:(1913) 13172:(1911) 13154:(1905) 13111:Darfur 13036:Serbia 13019:Russia 12982:Greece 12970:France 12960:Brazil 12806:Persia 12749:Serbia 12606:Portal 12556:Sports 12487:Cinema 12417:People 12241:Energy 12104:Senate 12026:States 12021:Rivers 11961:Cities 11764:  11762:Mexico 11599:Legacy 11078:Online 10968:online 10944:online 10923:  10910:  10572:online 10444:, 2009 10376:online 10301:  10059:  10036:  9884:Camp, 9827:, 450. 9768:  9676:  9515:, 869. 9464:  9331:John, 9305:Pick, 9296:, p. 2 9292:Pick, 9194:Ades, 9128:  9120:  8912:  8871:  8805:, 195. 8750:Camp, 8734:  8628:  8532:  8437:(1968) 8399:, 166. 8369:  8361:  8310:, 232. 8277:  8208:  8101:, 863. 8086:, 862. 8041:, 181. 8028:, 180. 8015:, 349. 7956:, 276. 7952:Hart, 7894:  7592:Ross, 7245:, 397. 7119:  7101:, 151. 7047:  6922:  6882:  6874:  6692:  6651:  6505:  6463:  6378:  6330:  6287:  6235:19(2). 5970:ejidos 5691:zócalo 5666:Naming 5468:Gender 5168:pueblo 5107:Tejano 5095:Laredo 5031:Zapata 4972:French 4867:ejidos 4708:  4702:  4696:  4637:, and 4550:, and 4540:Calles 4523:, and 4399:, the 3976:, and 3903:; and 3897:Iguala 3644:was a 3630:, and 3471:intact 3212:, and 2682:a coup 2587:Yemeni 2567:Kyrgyz 2557:Orange 2525:Velvet 2520:Yogurt 2465:August 2448:German 2421:Xinhai 2401:Second 2378:Eureka 2366:German 2297:French 2254:Terror 2197:Mutiny 2112:Social 2087:Colour 1882:Modern 1695:Mexico 1686:on the 1602:Celaya 1497:Aviles 1457:Parque 1292:, and 1168:Mexico 1030:  1012:  978:  792:  738:  725:  610:  548:  533:  224:Zapata 220:Madero 204:, and 149:Madero 118:Result 111:Mexico 50:, 1913 14704:Other 14497:Japan 14492:Italy 14319:camps 14163:Rugby 13713:] 12992:Japan 12987:Italy 12965:China 12859:North 12592:Index 12539:Radio 12529:Music 12427:Women 12392:Flags 12377:Crime 12298:Peso 12001:Lakes 11671:Other 11653:(PRI) 11505:Plans 11344:Casta 11190:from 10422:1955. 10051:[ 9888:, 17. 9697:" in 9335:56–67 9126:S2CID 8792:, 480 8367:S2CID 7990:, 858 7596:, 340 6904:1986. 6880:JSTOR 6599:, 406 6169:2 May 6143:2 May 5374:into 5360:] 5319:Music 5039:Villa 4446:, in 3901:Taxco 2934:Jesús 2800:Félix 2562:Tulip 2480:Cuban 2396:First 2346:Texas 2319:Greek 2292:Liège 2222:Civil 14284:POWs 13603:1918 13505:1917 13431:1916 13332:1915 13236:1914 13041:Siam 12844:East 12497:Wine 12146:LGBT 12048:Time 10921:ISBN 10908:ISBN 10299:ISBN 10057:ISBN 10034:ISBN 9766:ISBN 9693:and 9674:ISBN 9462:ISBN 9118:ISSN 8923:2023 8910:ISBN 8869:ISBN 8754:, 22 8732:ISBN 8626:ISBN 8543:2024 8530:ISBN 8412:, ix 8359:ISSN 8275:ISBN 8206:ISBN 7892:ISBN 7527:2020 7117:ISBN 7045:ISSN 6920:ISBN 6872:ISSN 6703:2021 6690:ISBN 6649:ISBN 6503:ISBN 6461:ISBN 6402:link 6389:2024 6376:ISBN 6341:2024 6328:ISBN 6298:2024 6285:ISBN 6202:2016 6171:2013 6145:2013 5696:The 5577:The 5299:and 5015:days 4974:and 4887:and 4856:and 4830:CROM 4750:and 4571:and 4364:and 4345:The 4042:and 4027:and 3865:leva 3832:Taft 3573:and 3442:and 3403:and 3327:and 3224:and 3064:for 2940:and 2932:and 2552:Rose 2515:1989 2505:Saur 2351:1848 2334:July 2329:1830 2324:1820 2234:Riot 2117:Wave 1667:Ruby 1607:León 1320:and 1214:and 1178:and 1154:The 90:Date 12482:Art 12288:Oil 12153:Law 11167:at 9110:doi 8902:doi 8520:doi 8351:doi 8267:doi 8263:432 7035:doi 6864:doi 6860:101 6682:doi 6453:doi 6368:doi 6320:doi 6277:doi 5777:'s 5654:of 5446:'s 5418:'s 5252:in 5232:HBO 4072:of 821:POW 169:'s 14766:: 13711:It 11181:– 11061:. 11044:. 10397:. 10180:. 10032:. 10000:, 9980:. 9964:. 9716:, 9566:^ 9444:^ 9275:, 9124:. 9116:. 9106:56 9104:. 9100:. 9074:^ 8981:^ 8938:, 8908:, 8896:, 8863:. 8788:, 8528:, 8514:, 8379:^ 8365:. 8357:. 8347:34 8341:. 8315:^ 8273:. 8265:. 8257:. 8146:^ 8137:. 7975:^ 7961:^ 7876:^ 7745:^ 7573:^ 7517:. 7464:^ 7376:^ 7359:^ 7340:^ 7156:^ 7073:^ 7057:^ 7043:. 7031:56 7029:. 7025:. 6965:^ 6878:. 6870:. 6858:. 6854:. 6790:^ 6723:^ 6688:. 6680:. 6676:. 6643:. 6604:^ 6530:^ 6475:^ 6459:. 6423:^ 6398:}} 6394:{{ 6366:, 6362:, 6348:^ 6326:, 6314:, 6283:, 6271:, 6252:. 6240:^ 6231:. 6213:^ 6204:. 6188:. 5790:. 5565:. 5358:es 5311:, 5275:, 5199:, 4630:. 4546:, 4542:, 4519:, 4491:. 4442:, 3972:, 3968:, 3964:, 3960:, 3899:; 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Mexican War of Independence

Ten Tragic Days
Ciudad Juarez
Mexico City
20 November 1910
1 December 1920
Porfirio Díaz
Francisco I. Madero
Victoriano Huerta
Venustiano Carranza
Convention of Aguascalientes
Constitutionalist Army
Álvaro Obregón
Pancho Villa
Battle of Celaya
Mexican Constitution of 1917
Plutarco Elías Calles
Adolfo de la Huerta
Plan of Agua Prieta
Venustiano Carranza
Pancho Villa

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