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1093: 1723:(word of the Buddha), they held it was the work of different monks after his death, and that this was the reason different Abhidharma schools varied widely in their doctrines. However, this school still studied and debated on Abhidharma concepts and thus did not seek to question the method of the Abhidharma in its entirety. Indeed, there were numerous Abhidharma texts written from an Abhidharma perspective. According to K.L. Dhammajoti, the commentator Yaśomitra even states that "the Sautrantikas can be said to have an abhidharma collection, i.e., as texts that are declared to be varieties of sutra in which the characteristics of factors are described." 2536:(Pali: sabhāva) to explain the causal workings of dharmas. This term was used in different ways by the different Buddhist schools. This term does not appear in the sutras. The Abhidharmakośabhāṣya states: “dharma means ‘upholding,’ , upholding intrinsic nature (svabhāva)” while the Theravādin commentaries holds that: “dhammas are so called because they bear their intrinsic natures, or because they are borne by causal conditions.” Dharmas were also said to be distinct from each other by their intrinsic/unique characteristics (svalaksana). The examination of these characteristics was held to be extremely important, the Sarvastivada 3657: 1457: 1589:) in their own right. In these post-canonical texts, further doctrinal developments and innovations can be found. As Noa Ronkin writes, "post-canonical Abhidharma texts became complex philosophical treatises employing sophisticated methods of argumentation and independent investigations that resulted in doctrinal conclusions quite far removed from their canonical antecedents." As Frauwallner writes, these later works were attempts to build truly complete philosophical systems out of the various canonical Abhidharma texts. 2600:
exegetical texts, then, svabhāva is used as an atemporal, invariable criterion determining what a dharma is, not necessarily that a dharma exists. The concern here is primarily with what makes categorial types of dharma unique, rather than with the ontological status of dharmas." However, in the later Sarvastivada texts, like the Mahavibhasa, the term svabhava began to be defined more ontologically as the really existing “intrinsic nature” specifying individual dharmas.
2961: 9267: 9278: 2339: 2896:' which are words for the immortal soul in Hinduism and Jainism respectively. They seemed to have held that the 'self' was part of a fifth category of existence, the “inexpressible”. This was a radically different view than the not-self view held by the mainstream Buddhist schools and this theory was a major point of controversy and was thoroughly attacked by other Buddhist schools such as the Theravadins, Sarvastivadins and later Mahayanists. 6676: 6663: 372: 4176: 1441:. According to Analayo, the beginning of Abhidharma proper was inspired by the desire "to be as comprehensive as possible, to supplement the directives given in the early discourses for progress on the path with a full picture of all aspects of the path in an attempt to provide a complete map of everything in some way related to the path." As Frauwallner explains, due to this scholastic impulse, lists grew in size, different 6653: 2924:"An atom (paramänu) is the smallest rüpa. It cannot be cut, broken, penetrated; it cannot be taken up, abandoned, ridden on, stepped on, struck or dragged. It is neither long nor short, square nor round, regular nor irregular, convex nor concave. It has no smaller parts; it cannot be decomposed, cannot be seen, heard, smelled, touched. It is thus that the paramänu is said to be the finest (sarva-süksma) of all rüpas." 1736: 1761: 2395:, since their goal was to outline, systematize and analyze all of the teachings. Abhidharmic thought also extends beyond the sutras to cover new philosophical and psychological ground which is only implicit in sutras or not present at all. There are certain doctrines which were developed or even invented by the Abhidharmikas and these became grounds for the debates among the different 2350: 1538:. However, these differences did not mean the existence of totally independent sects, as noted by Rupert Gethin, "at least some of the schools mentioned by later Buddhist tradition are likely to have been informal schools of thought in the manner of ‘Cartesians,’ ‘British Empiricists,’ or ‘Kantians’ for the history of modern philosophy." By the 7th-century, Chinese pilgrim 2524:
By carefully watching the coming and going of dhammas, and being able to identify which ones are wholesome and to be cultivated, and which ones are unwholesome and to be abandoned, the Buddhist meditator makes use of the Abhidharma as a schema to liberate his mind and realize that all experiences are impermanent, not-self, unsatisfactory and therefore not to be clung to.
3855: 2591:. For the Sarvastivadins, a synonym for svabhava is avayaya (a 'part'), the smallest possible unit which cannot be analyzed into smaller parts and hence it is ultimately real as opposed to only conventionally real (such as a chariot or a person). However, the Sarvastivadins did not hold that dharmas were completely independent of each other, as the 2707:, for the Sarvastivada school, 'causal efficacy is the central criterion for the reality/existence (astitva) of a dharma' and hence they were also sometimes called the 'Hetuvada' school. A dharma is real because it is a cause and it has effects, if it had no causal efficacy, it would not exist. The six causes outlined by the Sarvastivada are: 4540:("Ornament of/for Realization") also includes numerous Abhidharma type listings, and according to Karl Brunnholzl, "may be considered as a kind of highly formalized mahāyāna abhidharma presentation of the path and realization (similar to chapters five to eight of the Abhidharmakosa, which are frequently quoted in the AA commentaries)." 2523:
and hence the Abhidharmikas systematized dhammas into those which are skillful (kusala), purify the mind and lead to liberation, and those which are unskillful and do not. The Abhidharma then has a soteriological purpose, first and foremost and its goal is to support Buddhist practice and meditation.
just as the combination of the prātimokṣa with its commentary was central for the development of the Vinaya, so too the combination of mātṛkās with a commentary was instrumental in the development of the Abhidharma. Thus the use of a mātṛkā together with its exegesis is a characteristic common to the
Vasubandhu initially wrote in favor of Sarvāstivāda, and later critiqued this position. The Sarvāstivāda-Vaibhāṣika also held an atomistic conception of time which divided time into discrete indivisible moments (kṣaṇa) and saw all events as lasting only for a minute instant (and yet also existing in
According to Peter Harvey, the Theravadin view of dharmas was that "'They are dhammas because they uphold their own nature . They are dhammas because they are upheld by conditions or they are upheld according to their own nature' (Asl.39). Here 'own-nature' would mean characteristic nature, which is
The conventional reality of substantial objects and persons is merely a conceptual construct imputed by the mind on a flux of dhammas. However, dhammas are never seen as individually separate entities, but are always dependently conditioned by other dhammas in a stream of momentary constellations of
According to Analayo, these various lists were also not presented alone, but included some kind of commentary and explanation which was also part of the oral tradition. Sometimes this commentary included quotations from other sutras, and traces of this can be found in the canonical Abhidharma texts.
Vinayas all provide different accounts which mention that there was some kind of Abhidharma to be learned aside from the sūtras and Vinaya. According to Analayo, "the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya does not explicitly mention the Abhidharma, although it reports that on this occasion Mahākāśyapa recited the
cites this Bahuśrutīya abhidharma as containing a combination of Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna doctrines, and Joseph Walser agrees that this assessment is correct. Ian Charles Harris also characterizes the text as a synthesis of Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna, and notes that its doctrines are very close to those in
The Abhidharma project was thus to provide a completely exhaustive account of every possible type of conscious experience in terms of its constituent factors and their relations. The Theravada tradition holds that there were 82 types of possible dhammas – 82 types of occurrences in the experiential
2832:"Those who hold 'all exists' — the past, the present and the future — belong to the Sarvāstivāda. Those, on the other hand, who hold that some exist, viz., the present and the past karma that has not given fruit but not those that have given fruit or the future, are followers of the Vibhajyaväda." 2442:
Human experience is thus explained by a series of dynamic processes and their patterns of relationships with each other. Buddhist Abhidhamma philosophers then sought to explain all experience by creating lists and matrices (matikas) of these dhammas, which varied by school. The four categories of
and there are two ways of looking at reality. One way is the way of everyday experience and of normal worldly persons. This is the category of the nominal and the conceptual (paññatti), and is termed the conventional truth (saṃvṛti-satya). However, the way of the Abhidharma, and hence the way of
after the death of their leader. The sutta depicts Śāriputra as reciting a list of doctrinal terms and stating that the community will remain "united, unanimous, and in unison we will not dispute" regarding the teaching and also states they will recite together the doctrine. The close connection
Theravadins also held a theory of momentariness (Khāṇavāda), but it was less ontological than Sarvāstivāda and more focused on the psychological aspects of time. The Theravada divided every dhamma into three different instants of origination (uppādakkhaṇa), endurance (ṭhitikkhaṇa) and cessation
texts. However, they did not reject the validity of theoretical Abhidharma. Rather they attempted to construct a critical understanding of the consciousness that underlies all meaning, both mystical and theoretical. Their focus was on doctrine, but as it flowed from the practice of meditative
writes: "Anything the idea of which does not occur upon division or upon mental analysis, such as an object like a pot, that is a 'conceptual fiction'. The ultimately real is otherwise." For Vasubandhu then, something is not the ultimately real if it 'disappears under analysis', but is merely
1200:. What this means is that besides the small number of fundamental doctrinal statements, the Buddha's sermons also contain a quantity of doctrinal concepts. The most suitable form for collecting and preserving these concepts would have been comprehensive lists. Lists of this kind were called 2599:
Svabhava in the early Abhidhamma texts was then not a term which meant ontological independence, metaphysical essence or underlying substance, but simply referred to their characteristics, which are dependent on other conditions and qualities. According to Ronkin: "In the early Sarvāstivāda
2431:. In Abhidhamma literature, these lists of dhammas systematically arranged and they were seen as the ultimate entities or momentary events which make up the fabric of people's experience of reality. The idea was to create an exhaustive list of all possible phenomena that make up the world. 2920:
school, Abhidharmic atoms (paramannu) are not permanent, but momentary. The Vaibhasika held that an atom is the smallest analyzable unit of matter (rupa), hence it is a 'conceptual atom' (prajnapti-paramanu), though this also corresponds to a real existing thing. The Mahabhivasa states:
3641:, was orally transmitted until the 1st century BCE. Due to famines and constant wars, the monks responsible for recording the oral tradition felt that there was a risk of portions of the canon being lost so the Abhidhamma was written down for the first time along with the rest of the 871:
described the Abhidharma as "Doctrine pure and simple, without the intervention of literary development or the presentation of individuals" Compared to the colloquial Buddhist sūtras, Abhidharma texts are much more technical, analytic, and systematic in content and style. The
803:, the Abhidharma method seeks "to avoid the inexactitudes of colloquial conventional language, as is sometimes found in the Suttas, and state everything in psycho-philosophically exact language." In this sense, it is an attempt to best express the Buddhist view of " 1592:
Some of these texts surpassed the canonical Abhidharma in influence and popularity, becoming the orthodox summas of their particular schools' Abhidharma. Two exegetical texts, both from the 5th century, stand above the rest as the most influential. The works of
2774:) of all dhammas. The introduction begins with a detailed list of 24 specific types of conditioned relationships (paccaya) that may pertain between different factors. The majority of these conditions have counterparts in the Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma. The Pali 1519:). As such, the Abhidharma collections of the various Buddhist schools are much more unique to each sect. The various Abhidharmic traditions grew to have very fundamental philosophical disagreements with each other (such as on the status of the person, or 1711:
held that the Buddha and his disciples taught the Abhidharma, but that it was scattered throughout the canon. Only after his death was the Abhidharma compiled systematically by his elder disciples and was recited by Ananda at the first Buddhist council.
and also by geographic distance. According to Frauwallner, the period of the development of the canonical Abhidharma texts is between 250 and 50 BCE. By the time, the different canons began to be written down, and as a result the Abhidharma texts of the
and the Shannagarika. These schools posited the existence of a 'person' (pudgala) or self, which had a real existence that was not reducible to streams and collections of dharmas. They also often used other terms to refer to this real 'self', such as
between death and the next rebirth. The Purvasaila, Sammitiya, Vatsiputriya, and later Mahisasaka schools accepted this view, while the Theravadins, Vibhajyavada, Mahasanghika, and the Sariputrabhidharmasastra of the Dharmaguptakas rejected it.
to specific people, at specific times, depending on specific worldly circumstances. They held that Abhidharma was taught by the Buddha to his most eminent disciples, and that therefore this justified the inclusion of Abhidharma texts into their
school held "that the mundane factors have arisen from perversion (viparyāsa) and are only nominal (prajñapti)." However, in contrast to the other schools, they also held that the supramundane dharmas (nirvana etc.) were not nominal but real.
2571:, refers to the fact that we often assume unity and compactness in phenomena and functions which are instead made up of various elements, but when one sees that these are merely empty dhammas, one can understand the not-self characteristic: 2656:). They therefore claimed that all factors have no real essence, and that hence the same name applies to all ." This helps to explain their name as “Ekavyavahārika” (those who propound the single meaning). Paramārtha also notes that the 2407:
The "base upon which the entire system rests" is the 'dhamma theory' and this theory 'penetrated all the early schools'. For the Abhidharmikas, the ultimate components of existence, the elementary constituents of experience were called
5720:" in "Birgit Kellner, Patrick McAllister, Horst Lasic, Sara McClintock (eds.) (2020) Reverberations of Dharmakīrti‘s Philosophy, Proceedings of the Fifth International Dharmakīrti Conference Heidelberg August 26 to 30, 2014" p. 21. 843:), or as smaller introductory manuals. They are more developed philosophical works which include many innovations and doctrines not found in the canonical Abhidharma. Abhidharma remains an important field of scholarship among the 1176:
that was expanded over time. Thomas and Frauwallner both argue that while the Abhidharma texts of the different schools were compiled separately and have major differences, they are based on an "ancient core" of common material.
2557:, the most influential classical Theravada treatise, states that not-self does not become apparent because it is concealed by "compactness" when one does not give attention to the various elements which make up the person. The 2435:
dhammas, constantly coming into being and vanishing, always in flux. Perception and thinking is then seen as a combination of various dhammas. Cittas (awareness events) are never experienced on their own, but are always
While this Yogācārin Abhidharma is based on the Sarvāstivādin system, it also incorporates aspects of other Abhidharma systems and present a complete Abhidharma in accordance with a Mahāyāna Yogācāra view that thought
2864:, or 'life-continuum'. Bhavanga, literally, "the limb on which existence occurs" is 'that substratum which maintains the continuity of the individual throughout that life.' The Sarvastivadins had a similar term, 2603:
The Sautrantika school accepted the doctrine of svabhāva as referring to the distinctive or main characteristic of a dharma, but rejected the view that they exist in all three times . The Buddhist philosopher
states: "conditioned dharmas are weak in their intrinsic nature, they can accomplish their activities only through mutual dependence" and "they have no sovereignty (aisvarya). They are dependent on others."
1362:. These lists were intended as a basic way of explaining the Buddhist doctrine, and are likely to have been accompanied by oral explanations, which continued to develop and expand and were later written down 4444:
sutras and associated literature are influenced by Abhidharma. These texts make use of Abhidharma categories (like the dharma theory), and adopt them or critique them in different ways. Thus, according to
In addition to the core Vaibhāṣika Abhidharma literature, a variety of expository texts or treatises were written to serve as overviews and introductions to the Abhidharma. The oldest one of these was the
According to Collett Cox, Abhidharma started as a systematic elaboration of the teachings of the Buddhist sūtras, but later developed independent doctrines. The prominent Western scholar of Abhidharma,
2371: 4020:, for example, records that the Mahāsāṃghikas had no abhidharma. However, other sources indicate that there were such collections of abhidharma. During the early 5th century, the Chinese pilgrim 3698:("Path of Purification") is a comprehensive manual of Buddhist practice that also contains an overview of the Abhidhamma. This text remains one of the most popular Abhidhamma influenced texts in 2612:“The arising of an effect that is inferred by way of a causal complex is characterized as a svabhāva of that causal complex, because the effect’s production does not depend on anything else.” 3812:. According to Frauwallner however, the two Abhidharma collections share an "ancient core", which is basically an early doctrinal list of dharmas. The core canonical work of this school, the 1259:(MĀ 222) contains a similar doctrinal summary listing, which combines three lists into one: a list of eight activities, a list of ten mental qualities and practices, and the twelve links of 3847:" (all exists), which says that all phenomena in the three times (past, present and future) can be said to exist. Another defining Vaibhāṣika doctrine was that of simultaneous causation ( 1981: 1670:'s enlightenment. The Theravada tradition is unique in regarding its Abhidharma as having been taught in its complete form by the Buddha as a single teaching, with the exception of the 2809:
tradition held the view (expressed in the Vijñanakaya) that dharmas exist in all three times – past, present, future; hence the name of their school means "theory of all exists". The
1354:. He also points out another such list that occurs in various texts "comprises several groups of elements of import for entanglement in the cycle of existence" and was modeled on the 2416:). This concept has been variously translated as "factors" (Collett Cox), "psychic characteristics" (Bronkhorst), "phenomena" (Nyanaponika) and "psycho-physical events" (Ronkin). 235: 4870:
Inada, Kenneth K; The metaphysics of Buddhist experience and the Whiteheadian encounter, Philosophy East and West Vol. 25/1975.10 P.465-487 (C) by the University of Hawaii Press
1523:). Thus, according to Frauwallner, the different Abhidharma canons contained collections of doctrines which were sometimes unrelated to each other and sometimes contradictory. 1418:) with each other. Over time, the need arose for an overarching way to classify all these terms and doctrinal elements, and the first such framework was to subsume or include ( 1636:
have survived as complete collections, each consisting of seven books with accompanying commentarial literature. A small number of other Abhidharma texts are preserved in the
3836:("Great Commentary"), an encyclopedic work which became the central text of the Vaibhāṣika tradition who became the Kasmiri Sarvāstivāda Orthodoxy under the patronage of the 2544:
not something inherent in a dhamma as a separate ultimate reality, but arise due to the supporting conditions both of other dhammas and previous occurrences of that dhamma."
As time passed, these commentaries and their accompanying lists became inseparable from each other, and the commentaries gained canonical status. Thus, according to Analayo:
2575:"when they are seen after resolving them by means of knowledge into these elements, they disintegrate like froth subjected to compression by the hand. They are mere states ( 2825:(only the present moment exists). This argument was so central, that north Indian Buddhist schools were often named according to their philosophical position. According to 1022:, in around the 3rd century BCE. Therefore, the canonical Abhidharma works are generally claimed by scholars not to represent the words of the Buddha himself, but those of 4143:
School taught a progression of twenty-seven stations for cultivating realization, based upon the teachings of this text. They took Harivarman as its founder in India, and
5299: 6501: 6437:
Buddhist Manual of Psychological Ethics, of the Fourth Century B.C., Being a Translation, now made for the First Time, from the Original Pāli, of the First Book of the
5067: 4373: 3988:
These texts contain traditional Abhidharma type lists and doctrines, but they also attempt to expound and defend the unique Pudgalavada doctrine of the "person" (
3827: 1654:. These different traditions have some similarities, suggesting either interaction between groups or some common ground antedating the separation of the schools. 3843:
Despite numerous variations and doctrinal disagreements within the tradition, most Sarvāstivāda-Vaibhāṣikas were united in their acceptance of the doctrine of "
Over time, the initial scholastic method of listing and categorizing terms was expanded in order to provide a complete and comprehensive systematization of the
2492:). The Sarvastivadas also included three dharmas in the fourth "unconditioned" category instead of just one, the dharma of space and two states of cessation. 2378: 7417: 2644:(provisional designation or fictitious construction). Another school called the Vainasikas also held that all dharmas were without svabhava. According to 1266:
According to Analayo, another important doctrinal list which appears in the early texts is the "thirty seven qualities that are conducive to awakening" (
8332: 6807: 4048:, Joseph Walser concludes that at least some Mahāsāṃghika sects probably had an abhidharma collection, and that it likely contained five or six books. 2608:
uses the concept of svabhāva, though he interprets it as being based on causal powers. For Dharmakirti, the essential nature (or ‘nature-svabhāva’) is:
Willemen, Charles; Dessein, Bart; Cox, Collett. Sarvastivada Buddhist Scholasticism, Handbuch der Orientalistik. Zweite Abteilung. Indien. Brill, 1998
1372:("attribute"), and refers to lists of terms divided by a dyad or triad of attributes. For example, terms could be grouped into those things that are 928:
Two interpretations of the term "Abhi-dharma" are common. According to Analayo, the initial meaning of Abhidharma in the earliest texts (such as the
4036:, he wrote that the monks of this region were Mahāsāṃghikas, and mentions the Pūrvaśailas specifically. Near Dhānyakaṭaka, he met two Mahāsāṃghika 5395:"several schools rejected the authority of Abhidharma and claimed that Abhidharma treatises were composed by fallible, human teachers." Macmillan 2770:, sets out the main Theravada theory on conditioned relations and causality. The Patthana is an exhaustive examination of the conditioned nature ( 1240:. Similar lists of numerically arranged doctrinal terms can be found in AN 10.27 and AN 10.28. Tse fu Kuan also argues that certain sūtras of the 1043:
of Gautama Buddha (c. 5th century BCE) offer various and sometimes conflicting narratives regarding the canonical status of Abhidharma. While the
8336: 3728:
Abhidhamma remains a living tradition in Theravāda nations today and modern Abhidhamma works continue to be written in modern languages such as
8560: 6614: 4464:
sutras were meant to be a criticism of the view held by some of the Abhidharmikas which saw dharmas as real. Conze also notes that the later
1825: 6777: 3705:
Sri Lankan Theravādins also composed shorter introductory manuals to the Abhidhamma. The most popular and widely used of these remains the
3575: 2672:
No.807) which survives in Chinese and Tibetan translation, and may have been a scripture of the Purvasailas, which was a sub-school of the
Gone Beyond (Volume 1): The Prajnaparamita Sutras, The Ornament of Clear Realization, and Its Commentaries in the Tibetan Kagyu Tradition,
6418: 3692:(c. 5th century) a South Indian exegete and philosopher who moved to Sri Lanka and wrote various commentaries and treatises in Pali. His 2508:), sees reality as the constant stream of collections of dharmas, and this way of seeing the world is ultimate truth (paramārtha-satya). 1579: 6594: 4007:
have no parallel in existing Indic languages or Chinese or Tibetan translation, suggesting the former breadth of Abhidharma literature.
6885: 298: 6620: 6642: 4084:
1646). Its authorship is attributed to Harivarman, a third-century monk from central India. This work may belong to the Mahāsāṃghika
4365: 752: 6324:
Lamotte, Etienne (French trans.); Karma Migme Chodron (English trans.); The Treatise on the Great Virtue of Wisdom of Nagarjuna –
5464: 9152: 8604: 2789:) in the mental continuum to explain causal interaction between past and present dharmas, this theory was later developed by the 1318:
and Abhidharma can be seen in the fact that it became the basis for one of the seven canonical Abhidharma texts belonging to the
were combined with each other to produce new ones, and new concepts and schemas were introduced, such as the differentiation of
1092: 773:
dating from the 3rd century BCE onwards, which contain detailed scholastic presentations of doctrinal material appearing in the
8807: 6787: 1305:. The fact that these lists were seen by the early Buddhists as a way to preserve and memorize the doctrine can be seen in the 291: 175: 4852:
Lusthaus, Dan; Buddhist Phenomenology – A philosophical investigation of Yogacara Buddhism and the cheng wei-shih lun, page 4.
6310: 5314: 5038: 4998:"XV. Un grand disciple du Buddha: Sâriputra. Son rôle dans l'histoire du bouddhisme et dans le développement de l'Abhidharma" 4959:"XV. Un grand disciple du Buddha: Sâriputra. Son rôle dans l'histoire du bouddhisme et dans le développement de l'Abhidharma" 3740:, where it has been the primary subject of study since around the 17th century. One of the most important figures in modern 3719:(circa 8th to 12th century). A further period of medieval Sri Lankan scholarship also produced a series of texts called the 6970: 6812: 6354:
Cox, Collett (2003). "Abidharma", in: Buswell, Robert E. ed. Encyclopedia of Buddhism, New York: Macmillan Reference Lib.
Various Buddhist schools sprang to life, such as the school based on the three Mādhyamaka śāstras, the school based on the
2747:(sambandhika) causation, in which dependent origination is viewed in reference to the relationship between cause and effect 2364: 5892:
ANKUR BARUA, THE LITERATURE OF THERAVADA ABHIDHAMMA, The Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong
5670:Ñāṇamoli Bhikkhu (trans), Buddhaghosa, The Path of Purification: Visuddhimagga, Buddhist Publication Society, 1991, p 668. 9147: 6563: 6551: 5599:
Ronkin, Noa, "Abhidharma", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2014 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <
1571:, Abhidharma texts continued to be composed, but now they were either commentaries on the canonical texts (like the Pāli 1026:. Peter Skilling describes the Abhidharma literature as "the end-product of several centuries of intellectual endeavor". 9044: 8594: 6689: 6524: 6472:
Takakusu, J. (1905). "On the Abhidhamma books of the Sarvastivadins", Journal of the Pali Text Society, pp. 67–146
6460: 6432: 4601: 4040:
and studied Mahāsāṃghika abhidharma with them for several months, during which time they also studied various Mahāyāna
and hence accompanied by various mental factors (cetasikas), in a constantly flowing stream of experience occurrences.
777:. It also refers to the scholastic method itself, as well as the field of knowledge that this method is said to study. 5981:
in Bart Dessein and Weijen Teng (ed) "Text, History, and Philosophy Abhidharma across Buddhist Scholastic Traditions."
sect. The only complete edition of this text is that in Chinese. Sanskrit fragments from this text have been found in
3050: 2723:
Co-existent cause (sahabhu-hetu) – a cause which arises from the mutuality of all dharmas, a 'simultaneous causality.'
2640:" because of their denial of the ultimate reality of all dharmas and their view that all dharmas are characterized by 6890: 6487: 6456: 6411: 6389: 5094: 4641: 2131: 9137: 6286:
pp. 119–140 dans Harrison Paul (eds.) Setting Out on the Great Way. Essays on Early Mahāyāna Buddhism, Equinox Publ.
4135:. These all vied with each other, producing many wondrous offshoots, each giving rise to its own theoretical system. 3969:(MS 2375/08). The manuscripts at this find are thought to have been part of a monastery library of the Mahāsāṃghika 3919:(ca fifth century CE), "undoubtedly one of the most brilliant Abhidharma masters in India". His two main works, the 8822: 8567: 5300:"Differences and similarities in Gandhāran art production: the case of the modelling school of Haḍḍa (Afghanistan)" 4405:
Yogācārins developed an Abhidharma literature set within a Mahāyāna framework. John Keenan, who has translated the
3568: 2848:
A key problem which the Abhidharmikas wished to tackle was the question of how rebirth and karma works if there is
1005:, the Buddhist sūtras deal with sequences and processes, while the Abhidharma texts describe occasions and events. 3608:
school. It consists of seven sections or books. There are also three Abhidhamma type texts which are found in the
3098: 2201: 9214: 9204: 7033: 2818: 1520: 1080:(and its Sanskrit parallel) which says that a learned monk is one who knows the Dharma, Vinaya, and the mātṛkās. 6003:"Abhidhamma Pitaka." Encyclopædia Britannica. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008. 3721: 3060: 2840:(bhaṅgakkhaṇa). They also held that only mental events were momentary, material events could endure for longer. 1666:
tradition it was held that the Abhidhamma was not a later addition, but rather was taught in the fourth week of
1251:("Discourse on Explaining the Spheres", MĀ 86) which includes a list of thirty one topics to be taught to newly 9159: 8812: 8614: 8505: 8450: 7023: 6359: 5542:
Potter, Buswell, Jaini; Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume VII Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD, page 121.
Many Abhidharma texts have been lost—likely more than have survived. This includes texts brought from India by
3685:. These post-canonical texts attempted to expand and further clarify the analysis presented in the Abhidhamma. 1693:. The tradition holds that the Buddha gave daily summaries of the teachings given in the heavenly realm to the 1286: 1072:
mātṛkā(s)." Analayo thinks that this reflects an early stage, when what later became Abhidharma was called the
214: 5838:
Potter, Buswell, Jaini; Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume VII Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD, page 115
Potter, Buswell, Jaini; Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume VII Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD, page 114
The Sarvastivada Abhidharma also used these, along with a fifth category: "factors dissociated from thought" (
9129: 8827: 8510: 6802: 6635: 5814:
Potter, Buswell, Jaini; Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume VII Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD, page 97
Potter, Buswell, Jaini; Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume VII Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD, page 96
The Mahāsāṃghikas and the Origin of Mahayana Buddhism: Evidence Provided in the *Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣāśāstra.
Potter, Buswell, Jaini; Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume VII Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD, page 82
Potter, Buswell, Jaini; Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies Volume VII Abhidharma Buddhism to 150 AD, page 74
Abhidharmikas discussed many concepts not widely found in non-Mahāyāna Abhidharma, such as the theory of the
3372: 2753:(avasthika) causation, in which dependent origination involves twelve distinct periods of the five aggregates 1674:, which contains material relating to later disputes and was held to only have been presented as an outline. 5612:
Ven. Rewata Dhamma, Process of Consciousness and Matter: The Philosophical Psychology of Buddhism, chapter 1
4450: 3681:
includes a variety of Abhidhamma commentaries and introductory manuals written after the compilation of the
school seems not to have accepted them as part of their Buddhist canon. Another school included most of the
in different ways. Since this happened in different monastic communities located in different regions, they
9308: 8712: 8584: 8555: 8257: 4633: 4291:
A compendium of doctrine and Buddhist meditation, with a strong influence from the Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma.
3284: 2284: 1868: 1744: 1414:
The explanations of the various elements in these lists also dealt with how these elements were connected (
998: 796: 745: 3884: 1605: 381: 8403: 8312: 7782: 7427: 6940: 6835: 3561: 3178: 2579:) occurring due to conditions and void. In this way the characteristic of not-self becomes more evident." 1132:
have argued that the Abhidharma was based on early and ancient lists of doctrinal terms which are called
7947: 2985: 1499:
were substantially different, as can be seen in how different the canonical Abhidharma texts are in the
410: 9252: 8732: 8208: 7694: 6817: 6650: 3259: 3183: 3130: 968: 783:
calls it "an abstract and highly technical systemization of the doctrine," which is "simultaneously a
8142: 5355:"Buddhism." Encyclopædia Britannica. Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008. 3945: 2741:(ksanika) causation, as when all twelve moments of the chain are realized in a single moment of action 2424: 2314: 2299: 1641: 814:
There are different types of Abhidharma literature. The early canonical Abhidharma works, such as the
9142: 8955: 8945: 8817: 7800: 7380: 7141: 7116: 6519:. The Treasury of Knowledge (book six, parts 1 and 2). Ithaca: Snow Lion. pp. 441–613, 849–874. 5127:
Abhidhamma Interpretations of “Persons” (puggala): with Particular Reference to the Aṅguttara Nikāya.
4326: 2457: 1310: 824:
with their accompanying explanations. These texts developed out of early Buddhist lists or matrices (
7166: 3879:
Dharmasresthin, (c. 1st. century B.C.). This text became the model for most of the later treatises.
3085: 2587:
saw dharmas as the ultimately 'real entities' (sad-dravya), though they also held that dharmas were
Abhidharma and the Vinaya, whose expositions often take the form of a commentary on a summary list.
921:, has said that these Buddhist systems are "among the major achievements of the classical period of 182: 9247: 8599: 8413: 8391: 8384: 8287: 7820: 7440: 7256: 7201: 6822: 6628: 6568: 4420: 4396: 4004: 3442: 3249: 3020: 2822: 1268: 97: 6575: – Numerous books and articles on Abhidhamma by Sujin Boriharnwanaket and others
5600: 4721: 4330:. This is a true compendium of Mahāyāna (Yogācāra) Abhidharma by Asanga. Its main sources are the 3999:
belonging to a variety of Indian schools that were never translated into Chinese. Many Abhidharma
3614: 2166: 9184: 9164: 8495: 8475: 8232: 7962: 7206: 6060: 5072: 4044:
together under Xuanzang's direction. On the basis of textual evidence as well as inscriptions at
views. This text remains the main source for Abhidharma in Indo-Tibetan and East Asian Buddhism.
3656: 3522: 3447: 3322: 2304: 2176: 1878: 1690: 956: 800: 738: 352: 327: 323: 319: 207: 203: 147: 118: 5871:
Kalupahana, David; A history of Buddhist philosophy, continuities and discontinuities, page 206.
Gethin, Rupert, 1998: The Foundations of Buddhism, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
4492: 2933: 2669: 1780: 1507:
schools. These differences are much more pronounced than among the other canonical collections (
Modern scholars generally believe that the canonical Abhidharma texts emerged after the time of
9194: 9034: 8702: 8672: 8445: 8396: 8237: 8185: 8180: 7942: 7763: 7660: 7412: 7407: 7156: 6223:
The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet, Volume 1
A Compendium of the Mahayana: Asanga's Mahayanasamgraha and Its Indian and Tibetan Commentaries
The Lokānuvartana-sūtra Taisho No.807 (T17,751b12-753c23) Translated into Chinese by Lokaksema.
4997: 4958: 4077: 3110: 3105: 3080: 2975: 2771: 2617: 2396: 2171: 1903: 1883: 1637: 1535: 1496: 1294: 1260: 1163: 1023: 955:
Some Western scholars have considered the Abhidharma to be the core of what is referred to as "
889: 821: 571: 562: 525: 7524: 3226: 2423:
give various lists of the constituents of the person such as the five skandhas, the six or 18
2151: 1830: 9199: 9169: 8750: 8682: 8515: 8430: 8425: 8349: 8344: 8262: 6792: 4407: 4229: 4211: 4011: 3748:(1846–1923), was well known for his writings on Abhidhamma (especially his commentary on the 3707: 3590: 3527: 3173: 3010: 2872:
doctrine of the storehouse consciousness (alayavijnana), which was later associated with the
2775: 2633: 2588: 2126: 2056: 1686: 1551: 981: 816: 576: 186: 7815: 6599: 3915:
The most mature and refined form of Vaibhāṣika philosophy can be seen in the work of master
3221: 2883:
or "Personalists" which included the Vātsīputrīya, the Dharmottarīya, the Bhadrayānīya, the
9222: 9189: 9174: 8692: 8589: 8535: 8420: 8359: 8327: 8322: 8307: 8292: 8282: 8247: 8160: 7852: 7775: 7078: 7018: 6767: 6734: 6684: 4295: 4286: 3467: 3377: 3269: 3025: 3015: 2980: 2717:
Universal cause (sarvatraga-hetu) – a homogeneous cause, pertaining only to defiled dharmas
2420: 2219: 1351: 1252: 1213: 501: 389: 338: 9062: 7677: 7546: 7472: 7348: 7086: 6234:
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Priestley, Leonard; Pudgalavada Buddhist Philosophy; Internet Encyclopedia of philosophy,
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor) 1996.
also consists of seven texts, but they are quite different works, unlike the Sarvāstivāda
2688:, especially of how momentary dharmas relate to each other through causes and conditions. 8: 9303: 9029: 8908: 8742: 8717: 8707: 8667: 8644: 8527: 8500: 8460: 8379: 8369: 8297: 8224: 7655: 7512: 7293: 7271: 7223: 7043: 6843: 6699: 6679: 6396: 4753:"Scriptural Authenticity and the Śrāvaka Schools: An Essay towards an Indian Perspective" 4528: 4446: 4303:. It mainly discusses traditional Abhidharma concepts, with a few Mahāyāna elements added 3790: 3741: 3000: 2960: 2649: 2319: 1923: 1752: 1622: 1483: 1129: 804: 581: 481: 476: 312: 7003: 6930: 6260:
Peter Harvey, "An Introduction to Buddhism." Cambridge University Press, 1993, page 106.
5028: 4270: 4163:(成實宗). This school is known as one of the six great schools of Japanese Buddhism in the 3805: 2889: 2860:
includes the earliest Pali canonical reference to an important answer to this question:
2849: 2484:). This dhamma is unconditioned it neither arises nor ceases due to causal interaction. 1512: 1159: 405: 9092: 8997: 8839: 8802: 8797: 8727: 8677: 8624: 8619: 8490: 8485: 8480: 8470: 8455: 8440: 8435: 8374: 8354: 8317: 8242: 8047: 7748: 7672: 7550: 7492: 7333: 7233: 7161: 7136: 6782: 6712: 6467:
Buddhist Psychology: An Inquiry into the Analysis and Theory of Mind in Pali Literature
6172: 4764: 4586: 3966: 3699: 3452: 3387: 3317: 3240: 3231: 3168: 3163: 2942: 2806: 2802: 2759:(prakarsika) causation, in which that sequence of causation occurs over three lifetimes 2637: 2540:
states "Abhidharma is the analysis of the svalaksana and samanya-laksana of dharmas".
world, while the general Sarvastivada tradition eventually enumerated 75 dharma types.
2477: 1976: 1958: 1953: 1893: 1800: 1719:
school ('those who rely on the sutras') rejected the status of the Abhidharma as being
1685:, where he meditated and delivered the Abhidharma teachings to gathered deities in the 1543: 1487: 1456: 972: 603: 8891: 4516: 4512: 4308: 4025: 3609: 3357: 1556: 1056: 940:
has the meaning of "about" or "concerning," and can also be seen in the parallel term
868: 706: 656: 620: 9270: 9232: 8928: 8913: 8876: 8861: 8634: 8550: 8465: 8302: 8267: 8252: 7979: 7969: 7650: 7497: 7482: 7353: 7276: 7196: 7131: 7063: 6950: 6707: 6609: 6520: 6483: 6452: 6407: 6385: 6355: 5939:
Frauwallner, Erich. Kidd, Sophie Francis (translator). Steinkellner, Ernst (editor).
The Birth of Insight: Meditation, Modern Buddhism, and the Burmese Monk Ledi Sayadaw,
The Birth of Insight: Meditation, Modern Buddhism, and the Burmese Monk Ledi Sayadaw,
5310: 5090: 5034: 4978: 4678: 4637: 4560: 4536: 4520: 3905: 3771: 3650: 3618: 3497: 3472: 3332: 3289: 3279: 3145: 3120: 3005: 2990: 2354: 2274: 1913: 1531: 1491: 1237: 1225: 1121: 960: 922: 918: 548: 543: 140: 8214: 7008: 6908: 5517:
Poussin, Louis de La Vallee (fr. trans.); Sangpo, Gelong Lodro (eng. trans.) (2012)
Another complete system of Abhidharma thought is elaborated in certain works of the
3774: 3765: 1785: 1708: 699: 681: 649: 415: 8918: 8871: 8866: 8722: 8687: 8662: 8657: 8408: 8364: 8277: 7952: 7608: 7601: 7385: 7375: 7261: 6925: 6797: 6236:
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
5859: 5847: 5732: 5691: 5679: 5646: 5621: 5423:
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems.
5009: 4970: 4485: 4351: 4112: 4085: 4081: 4073: 4065: 3916: 3794: 3733: 3729: 3624: 3492: 3477: 3462: 3457: 3075: 2995: 2279: 2121: 2011: 1938: 1618: 1247:
Another text which contains a similar list that acts as a doctrinal summary is the
1117: 1109: 676: 598: 440: 268: 252: 228: 111: 85: 65: 7997: 6604: 4808:
Studies in Abhidharma Literature and the Origins of Buddhist Philosophical Systems
sutras have been expanded by the insertion of various doctrinal Abhidharma lists.
3970: 2657: 2141: 1805: 633: 586: 9282: 9227: 9179: 9107: 8977: 8775: 8755: 8697: 8609: 8272: 8170: 8017: 7753: 7736: 7721: 7699: 7251: 7121: 6955: 6935: 6546: 6542: 6508: 6475: 4500: 4215: 3678: 3532: 3432: 3352: 3337: 3264: 3038: 2853: 2704: 2554: 2343: 2324: 2309: 2249: 2156: 1873: 1678: 1614: 1547: 1302: 944:(which just means discussions about the vinaya). The other interpretation, where 196: 8027: 7181: 7171: 5749: 4806:
Sophie Francis Kidd, translator; Ernst Steinkellner, editor; Erich Frauwallner;
2814: 2046: 1908: 1775: 688: 9237: 8940: 8790: 8572: 8152: 8132: 8052: 7741: 7731: 7665: 7502: 6988: 6851: 6377: 4508: 4480: 4045: 3813: 3422: 3407: 2584: 2436: 2269: 2244: 2229: 2096: 1667: 1508: 1482:
Therefore, the different Buddhist Abhidharma texts were developed over time as
1324: 1290:, where it is said to have been taught by the Buddha just before passing away. 1019: 905: 770: 466: 168: 5979:
The Contribution of Saṃghabhadra to Our Understanding of Abhidharma Doctrines,
4089: 2810: 2782: 2652:
held "that both the mundane and the supramundane factors are merely nominal (
1790: 1716: 1113: 880:
Abhidharmikas generally considered the Abhidharma to be the pure and literal (
Later post-canonical Abhidharma works were written as either large treatises (
671: 9297: 9007: 8856: 8165: 8067: 7925: 7726: 7704: 7640: 7311: 7106: 7101: 6993: 6662: 6569:
Readable online HTML book of the Dhammasangani (first book of the Abhidhamma)
5956:, Handbuch der Orientalistik. Zweite Abteilung. Indien. Brill, 1998, page XII 4982: 4625: 4621: 4570: 4524: 4392: 4278: 4264: 4225: 4195: 4191: 4188: 4180: 4120: 4115:, and even lead to the formation of its own school of Buddhism in China, the 4104: 3954: 3837: 3694: 3669: 3637: 3507: 3502: 3367: 3216: 3070: 2913: 2873: 2763:
The Sarvastivada Vibhasa-sastrins accepted only static dependent origination
2625: 2567: 2549: 2294: 2254: 2196: 2181: 2161: 1948: 1647: 1599: 1568: 1453:
and new ways of connecting or relating the various elements with each other.
1178: 1125: 1064: 1034: 1002: 976: 933: 910: 780: 774: 713: 663: 511: 395: 284: 7465: 7455: 6827: 6365:
Dutt, Nalinaksha (1978). Buddhist Sects in India, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass
6193:(Tsadra), Volume 1, Translator's Introduction. Boulder, Colorado: Snow Lion. 5013: 4974: 4100: 3642: 3347: 2146: 2031: 1681:
built a beautiful jeweled residence for the Buddha to the north-east of the
1301:. The use of lists containing doctrinal statements can similarly be seen in 9097: 9082: 9052: 9002: 8992: 8834: 8629: 8122: 7957: 7835: 7623: 7618: 7445: 7316: 7191: 6652: 6512: 4565: 4473: 4457: 4152: 4060: 4033: 4010:
According to some sources, abhidharma was not accepted as canonical by the
3953:) (T. 1548) is a complete abhidharma text that is thought to come from the 3745: 3482: 3417: 3392: 3294: 3274: 3125: 3115: 3065: 2880: 2684:
Another important project for the Abhidharmikas was to outline a theory of
2673: 2392: 2264: 2224: 2061: 2001: 1720: 1704: 1629: 1500: 1461: 1319: 1168: 1068: 964: 877: 640: 425: 371: 7880: 7865: 7825: 7522: 7186: 6762: 6444: 6438: 4834:
See, for instance, Rhys Davids (1900), Trungpa (1975), and Goleman (2004).
4453:, "only makes sense against the historical background of the Abhidharma." 4194:
tradition (which mainly evolved out of the Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma). This
3664: 3599: 3241: 3232: 2504:
enlightened persons like the Buddha, who have developed the true insight (
2051: 820:, are not philosophical treatises but mainly summaries and expositions of 471: 435: 9067: 8896: 8037: 8022: 7805: 7613: 7541: 7321: 7151: 7053: 6900: 6772: 6559: 4471:
There is also plenty of Abhidharma material (mainly Sarvāstivāda) in the
4164: 3977: 3962: 3909: 3901: 3897: 3831: 3689: 3660: 3542: 3512: 3487: 3342: 3327: 2917: 2879:
This problem was also taken up by a group of Buddhist schools termed the
2731: 2714:
Homogeneous cause (sabhäga-hetu) – dharma A(1) causes another dharma A(2)
2605: 2592: 2537: 2041: 2026: 2021: 1795: 1671: 1651: 1594: 1465: 1039: 625: 486: 9057: 7517: 6589: 6584: 6311:
The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines & Its Verse Summary
5399:(2004), page 2. (A similar statement can be found on pages 112 and 756.) 4768: 4752: 3808:, which are very close, often identical, to the suttas of the Theravada 3402: 2533: 1526:
These different Abhidharmic theories were (together with differences in
9012: 8970: 8846: 8577: 8191: 8175: 8137: 8117: 8012: 7987: 7895: 7830: 7810: 7556: 7487: 7358: 7241: 7211: 7146: 7096: 6754: 6744: 6717: 4428:), rather than as it was understood in acts of conceptual apprehension. 4360: 4207: 4203: 4144: 4095: 3893: 3876: 3595: 3537: 3437: 3427: 3254: 3201: 3055: 3045: 2826: 2734:
treatment of dependent origination, four different types are outlined:
2645: 2621: 2562: 2512: 2500: 2289: 2186: 2066: 2006: 1943: 1918: 1815: 1682: 1610: 1573: 1146: 990: 986: 839: 788: 784: 8032: 7028: 6580: – Abhidhamma the Buddhist Philosophy and Psychology
6249:"A Note on Abhidharma-samuccaya-bhasya and its Author (Sthiramati?)," 6102:
The Continuity of Madhyamaka and Yogacara in Indian Mahayana Buddhism.
4676: 4307:
According to Frauwallner, this text is based on the Abhidharma of the
4262:), the Mahāyāna buddhology of the three bodies of the Buddha, the ten 3649:
were translated into English in the 20th century and published by the
2036: 1333: 218: 8987: 8960: 8127: 8002: 7714: 7630: 7507: 7397: 7370: 7363: 7326: 7283: 7246: 7013: 6978: 6945: 6920: 6875: 6504:, Hamburg Buddhist Studies 2, Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2014 5753:
The Eastern Buddhist 40/1&2: 25–61. The Eastern Buddhist Society.
4416: 4251: 4243: 4238: 4179:
Statue of Xuanzang, the Chinese monk who brought and translated many
4016: 3716: 3605: 3412: 3362: 3140: 3135: 2950: 2884: 2793:
school in their theory of “storehouse consciousness” (ālayavijñāna).
2685: 2505: 2259: 1991: 1820: 1697: 1663: 1633: 1603:, remains the main reference work of the Theravāda school, while the 1504: 1101: 1060: 873: 852: 844: 693: 506: 16:
Buddhist traditions and texts dating from the 3rd century BCE onwards
8760: 7596: 7450: 7216: 6998: 6867: 6859: 4677:
The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2008). "Abhidhamma Pitaka".
3206: 2899:
The Sarvastivadin Abhidharmikas also developed the novel idea of an
1898: 1244:(AN 3.25, AN 4.87–90, AN 9.42–51) illustrates an Abhidharma method. 491: 154: 9277: 9117: 9072: 9017: 8982: 8886: 8545: 8112: 8107: 8057: 7992: 7910: 7875: 7870: 7531: 7402: 7390: 7301: 6960: 6657: 6225:
Harvard University, Department of South Asian studies, 2013, p. 45.
5827: 4555: 4356: 4219: 4175: 4029: 3996: 3786: 2869: 2861: 2857: 2790: 2767: 2338: 2239: 2081: 2071: 1996: 1986: 1933: 1850: 1810: 1539: 1534:, which resulted in the fragmented early Buddhist landscape of the 1438: 1298: 1297:
since they served as aids for the memorization and teaching of the
1173: 856: 848: 593: 363: 37: 8102: 8092: 8077: 7900: 7770: 7038: 6076:
Mind in Dispute: The Section on Mind in Harivarman’s *Tattvasiddhi
5728: 5726: 5557: 4024:
is said to have found a Mahāsāṃghika Abhidharma at a monastery in
3892:, 5th century), a series of verses and accompanying commentary by 3882:
The most influential of these treatises however, is certainly the
2136: 2116: 2111: 1293:
Analayo notes that these various lists served a useful purpose in
1204:, and it was from these lists that the Abhidharma later developed. 496: 302: 9022: 8965: 8950: 8097: 8087: 8062: 7937: 7932: 7890: 7860: 7792: 7758: 7645: 7586: 7581: 7435: 7338: 7176: 7126: 6913: 6739: 6089:
Nāgārjuna in Context: Mahāyāna Buddhism and Early Indian Culture.
Nāgārjuna in Context: Mahāyāna Buddhism and Early Indian Culture.
Nāgārjuna in Context: Mahāyāna Buddhism and Early Indian Culture.
Harvey, in his excellent INTRODUCTION TO BUDDHISM, page 87 wrote:
4591: 4504: 4159:
School was transmitted to Japan in 625 CE, where it was known as
4041: 4037: 3958: 3782: 3778: 3770:
The most influential Indian Abhidharma tradition was that of the
3737: 3547: 3517: 3382: 2520: 2428: 2191: 1835: 1694: 1585: 1484:
Buddhist monks and philosophers expanded their analytical methods
1402:(indetermined). An early form of this method can be found in the 1345: 1340: 1331:
Frauwallner notes that basic fundamental concepts such as the 12
means "higher teaching", seems to have been a later development.
833: 610: 533: 446: 430: 400: 7709: 7477: 6029: 6027: 5705:
Emptiness Appraised: A Critical Study of Nāgārjuna's Philosophy,
5089:. Vol. 1. New York: MacMillan Reference USA. pp. 1–7. 2786: 2620:
did not accept the svabhava concept, instead positing a kind of
2467: 1374: 9102: 9087: 8923: 8785: 8765: 8540: 8202: 8082: 8072: 8007: 7635: 7591: 7576: 7566: 7536: 7460: 7343: 7111: 6983: 6727: 6722: 6419:"The Dhamma Theory Philosophical Cornerstone of the Abhidhamma" 6382:
Destructive Emotions: A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama
6013: 6011: 6009: 5723: 5601:
4300: 4199: 4021: 4000: 3299: 2912:
Some Abhidharmikas such as the Sarvastivadins also defended an
2101: 2091: 2076: 2016: 1840: 1760: 1735: 1527: 1516: 1185:
are from an earlier date than the Abhidharma texts themselves.
1097: 1030: 994: 792: 538: 126: 5521:. pp. 1200. Motilal Banarsidass. Delhi. ISBN 978-81-208-3609-9 4519:, have questioned this, holding that the author was instead a 3904:
perspective. The Sautrantikas were a dissent group within the
This view that dharmas are empty or void is also found in the
9242: 9077: 8935: 8901: 8881: 8851: 8780: 8197: 8042: 7920: 7915: 7885: 7840: 7687: 7682: 7561: 7266: 7091: 7058: 7048: 6610:
Unravelling the Mysteries of Mind and Body through Abhidhamma
6579: 6574: 6480:
Glimpses of Abhidharma: From a Seminar on Buddhist Psychology
Studies in the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā and Other Essays.
6024: 5129:
J Indian Philos (2015) 43:31–60 DOI 10.1007/s10781-014-9228-5
An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices
Abhidharma texts served as the foundations of the East Asian
4379: 3854: 3211: 2900: 2720:
Retribution cause (vipäka-hetu) – leads to karmic retribution
2447: 2391:
The Abhidharma texts' field of inquiry extends to the entire
2234: 2106: 2086: 6006: 5994:; Theravāda doctrine, Volume 2, p. 86. Taylor & Francis. 5718:
Consciousness and Causality: Dharmakīrti Against Physicalism
1530:) some of the various causes for the splits in the monastic 9112: 7905: 7571: 7068: 6271:
The Scripture on the Explication of the Underlying Meaning.
5792: 5790: 3980:
Abhidharma type texts also survive in Chinese, such as the
3663:(c. 5th century), the most important Abhidhamma scholar of 3397: 2893: 948:
is interpreted as meaning "higher" or "superior", and thus
51: 6517:
Indo-Tibetan Classical Learning and Buddhist Phenomenology
Buddhism: The early Buddhist schools and doctrinal history
5545: 2801:
A prominent argument between the Abhidharmikas was on the
remains the primary source for Abhidharma studies in both
1546:. These various Abhidharma works were not accepted by all 8770: 7306: 6201: 6199: 6185: 6183: 5446: 5444: 4355:("Discourse on the Perfection of Consciousness-only") by 3935:阿毘達磨顯宗論), are key sources of late Vaibhāṣika Abhidharma. 2711:
Efficient cause (karana-hetu) – dharma A, causes dharma B
1845: 6605:
Books results for Abdhidhamma search on Internet Archive
Online excerpt of a well-known book about the Abhidhamma
The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalog (K 966)
5787: 4672: 4670: 4668: 4666: 3688:
The most influential of these commentaries are those of
5524: 4317:
a commentary on the work above, possibly by Sthiramati.
6196: 6180: 5441: 4527:
and wrote this text. It is a very influential text in
3789:. This is the Abhidharma tradition that is studied in 3777:
school, which was dominant in North India, especially
2679: 932:
and its parallels) was simply a discussion concerning
257: 5874: 4663: 4198:
Abhidharma can be found in the works of figures like
4119:(成實宗), which was founded in 412 CE. As summarized by 4072:), is an extant Abhidharma text which was popular in 3862:
is a major source in Tibetan and East Asian Buddhism.
997:, all integrated into the framework of a program for 795:, all integrated into the framework of a program for 242: 6395:
Horner, I.B. (1963). The book of discipline Vol. V (
Dhammajoti, K.L. Sarvastivada Abhidharma, page 189-.
The literature of the Personalists of early Buddhism
4895:, ed Denwood and Piatigorski, Curzon, London, 1982/3 4882:
Bodhi, A comprehensive manual of Abhidhamma, page 3.
4289:(Treatise on the Foundation for Yoga Practitioners). 1628:
In the modern era, only the Abhidharma texts of the
Jain community became divided over doctrinal matters
896:), while the sutras were considered 'conventional' ( 6141: 6139: 6125: 6123: 5775:
Dhammajoti, K.L. Sarvastivada Abhidharma, page 183.
mental factors, mental events, associated mentality
6328:, Vol. III Chapters XXXI–XLII , 2001, pp. 876–877. 3736:. Abhidhamma studies are particularly stressed in 2691:The Sarvastivadin analysis focused on six causes ( 1328:, which is effectively a commentary on the sūtra. 971:while Noa Ronkin and Kenneth Inada equate it with 6595:Access to Insight – description of the Abhidhamma 4680:Encyclopædia Britannica. Ultimate Reference Suite 4378:a commentary on the above, by Xuanzang's student 1309:and its various parallels, which mention how the 1083: 9295: 6136: 6120: 5952:Willemen, Charles; Dessein, Bart; Cox, Collett. 3800:Like the Theravada Abhidharma, the Sarvāstivāda 2843: 317: 4878: 4876: 4511:(c. 2nd century), but various scholars such as 1542:could reportedly collect Abhidharma texts from 1492:various schisms in the early Buddhist community 1263:. These two do not have any parallels in Pali. 1076:. The term appears in some sūtras, such as the 1047:does not speak of an Abhidharma apart from the 5002:Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 4963:Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient 4343:by Vasubandhu, a commentary on the work above. 3938: 3725:(which are commentaries to the commentaries). 1490:. This divergence was perhaps enhanced by the 936:, or talking about the Dharma. In this sense, 775:canonical Buddhist scriptures and commentaries 158: 145: 42: 32:higher teaching, meta-teaching, about dharmas 6636: 6507: 5926: 5924: 4725:(Summer 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). 3569: 2372: 1172:, likely began as a condensed version of the 746: 273: 233: 130: 116: 101: 90: 72: 70: 7418:Basic points unifying Theravāda and Mahāyāna 5822: 5820: 5465:"Abhidharma – Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia" 4873: 1640:and also in Sanskrit fragments, such as the 201: 6160:Basic Buddhism: Exploring Buddhism and Zen. 6147:Basic Buddhism: Exploring Buddhism and Zen. 6131:Basic Buddhism: Exploring Buddhism and Zen. 5519:Abhidharmakośa-Bhāṣya of Vasubandhu Vol. II 5450:Thích, Thiện Châu, Boin-Webb, Sara (1999). 4620: 4258:, the fundamental revolution of the basis ( 4151:School is counted among the ten schools of 4064:("the treatise that accomplishes reality"; 3984:(Taisho no. 1506 pp. 15c-30a) and the 3818:('Foundation of Knowledge'), also known as 3645:in the first century BCE. The books of the 2668:(‘The Sutra of Conformity with the World’, 1422:) all main terms into the schema of the 12 1368:Another related early method is called the 173: 6643: 6629: 6416: 5921: 5766:Journal of Buddhist Studies, VolI V, 2006. 5563: 5551: 5530: 4746: 4744: 4742: 4740: 4738: 4736: 4734: 4732: 4076:. This Abhidharma is now contained in the 3759: 3713:Compendium of the Topics of the Abhidharma 3576: 3562: 2817:and Theravada schools argued against this 2766:The last book of the Pali Abhidhamma, the 2379: 2365: 1488:developed in separate doctrinal directions 753: 739: 289: 56: 6585:BuddhaNet – description of the Abhidhamma 5817: 5595: 5593: 5591: 5589: 5587: 5585: 5033:. Courier Corporation. pp. 159–160. 3908:tradition that rejected many of the core 3677:In addition to the canonical Abhidharma, 2443:dhammas in the Theravada Abhidhamma are: 6404:The Heart Sutra: The Womb of the Buddhas 6251:J Bihar Res. Society, XXXV, 1949, p. 45. 5694:, Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, page 187-188. 5297: 4843:Nyanaponika, Abhidhamma studies, page 35 4750: 4523:monk learned in Abhidharma who became a 4174: 3853: 3655: 1455: 1091: 959:". Other scholars on the topic, such as 8605:Banishment of Buddhist monks from Nepal 5918:pp. 50–63. University of Chicago Press. 5480: 5438:, pp. 55 – 56. Oxford University Press. 4861:Ronkin, Noa; Early Buddhist metaphysics 4729: 4723:The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 4432: 3594:is the third pitaka, or basket, of the 2927: 2519:The ultimate goal of the Abhidharma is 9296: 8808:List of Buddhist architecture in China 6482:. Boston, MA: Shambhala Publications. 6368: 6205: 5973: 5971: 5880: 5582: 5121: 5119: 5026: 4170: 4147:as the school's founder in China. The 4051: 2632:). This view was widespread among the 2565:, a later Theravada commentary on the 2532:The Abhidharmikas often used the term 1928: 1689:heaven, including his deceased mother 6624: 6219:The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners 5743: 5741: 5666: 5664: 5508:, pp. 48–49. Oxford University Press. 5309:. Archaeopress Archaeology: 143–163. 5228: 5226: 5078: 4995: 4956: 4817: 4815: 2778:reduces them all to four main types. 1192:The oldest Buddhist tradition has no 1140:). Migot points to the mention of a " 1013: 1008: 6615:A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma 6465:Rhys Davids, Caroline A. F. (1914). 5577:A comprehensive manual of Abhidhamma 4921:pp. 17–19. Hamburg University Press. 4908:pp. 16–17. Hamburg University Press. 4825:pp. 70–71. Hamburg University Press. 4716: 4714: 4708:pp. 79–83. Hamburg University Press. 4700: 4698: 4660:, p. 90. Cambridge University Press. 4630:A Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma 2726:Conjoined cause (samprayuktaka-hetu) 2636:Nikaya. One school was even called " 1657: 1276:appears in various sūtras, like the 967:, describe Abhidharma as a Buddhist 6564:Indiana Philosophy Ontology Project 6552:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 6449:(Compendium of States or Phenomena) 5968: 5954:Sarvastivada Buddhist Scholasticism 5905:p. 63. University of Chicago Press. 5862:, Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, page 260 5850:, Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, page 259 5457: 5116: 5085:Cox, Collett (2004). "Abhidharma". 5084: 5047: 4507:. The work claims it is written by 4415:The Yogācāra masters inherited the 2680:Causality and dependent origination 2559:Paramatthamañjusa Visuddhimaggatika 2472:physical occurrences, material form 1597:(5th century CE), particularly the 1544:seven different Buddhist traditions 1100:, a painting at the Nava Jetavana, 1033:accounts on the compilation of the 13: 8595:Silk Road transmission of Buddhism 6540: 6494: 5738: 5735:, Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, page 66 5661: 5649:, Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, page 25 5624:, Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, page 24 5223: 5087:MacMillan Encyclopedia of Buddhism 4812: 4683:. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica 4602:Index of Buddhism-related articles 4391:) alone is ultimately "real." The 3826:was said to be composed by master 1650:school and various texts from the 1284:(and their parallels), and in the 1150:as the precursor to the canonical 1096:Depiction of the First Council at 14: 9320: 6534: 6078:, p. 23, University of Washington 5682:, Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma, page32 5412:, p. 55. Oxford University Press. 5275:p. 168. Hamburg University Press. 4711: 4695: 3667:, presenting three copies of the 3635:, like the rest of the Theravāda 2785:school used a theory of 'seeds' ( 884:) description of ultimate truth ( 9276: 9266: 9265: 8823:Thai temple art and architecture 8568:Huichang persecution of Buddhism 6808:Iconography in Laos and Thailand 6674: 6661: 6651: 6331: 6318: 6302: 6299:p. 30. Motilal Banarsidass Publ. 6289: 6276: 6263: 6254: 6241: 6228: 6211: 6189:Brunnholzl, Karl (2019) trans., 6165: 6152: 6107: 6094: 6081: 6068: 6053: 6040: 6035:Buddhist Sects and Sectarianism. 5828: 5333:p. 83. Hamburg University Press. 5220:p. 31. Hamburg University Press. 5207:p. 27. Hamburg University Press. 5194:p. 24. Hamburg University Press. 5181:p. 49. Hamburg University Press. 5168:p. 15. Hamburg University Press. 5155:p. 48. Hamburg University Press. 5142:p. 41. Hamburg University Press. 4947:p. 21. Hamburg University Press. 4934:p. 20. Hamburg University Press. 4299:("Compendium of Abhidharma") by 3830:. This became the basis for the 2959: 2402: 2348: 2337: 1759: 1734: 370: 6675: 6590:BuddhaNet – Abhidhamma articles 6428:. Buddhist Publication Society. 5997: 5984: 5959: 5946: 5933: 5908: 5895: 5886: 5865: 5853: 5841: 5832: 5808: 5799: 5778: 5769: 5756: 5710: 5697: 5685: 5673: 5652: 5640: 5627: 5615: 5606: 5569: 5536: 5511: 5498: 5489: 5471: 5428: 5415: 5402: 5389: 5380: 5371: 5358: 5349: 5336: 5323: 5291: 5278: 5265: 5252: 5239: 5210: 5197: 5184: 5171: 5158: 5145: 5132: 5103: 5060: 5020: 4989: 4950: 4937: 4924: 4911: 4898: 4885: 4864: 4855: 4846: 4837: 4828: 4499:was translated into Chinese by 4222:(Hsüan-tsang), and Vinītadeva. 4111:maintained great popularity in 2868:This concept is similar to the 2648:(499–569), another school, the 1550:as canonical; for example, the 1158:, said to have been recited by 888:) and an expression of perfect 8813:Japanese Buddhist architecture 8615:Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism 7695:Seven Factors of Enlightenment 6886:Places where the Buddha stayed 6341:p. 94. Shambhala Publications. 4800: 4791: 4782: 4650: 4614: 4131:, and the school based on the 2796: 2452:Mind, Consciousness, awareness 1677:According to their tradition, 1409: 1350:often occur as a group in the 979:writes that the system of the 822:early Buddhist doctrinal lists 1: 8828:Tibetan Buddhist architecture 6284:Abhidharma in early Mahāyāna, 6217:Ulrich Timme Kragh (editor), 5307:The Geography of Gandhara Art 4607: 4503:(344–413 CE) and his student 4397:"Consciousness Only school" ( 4315:Abhidharma-samuccaya-bhasyam, 3833:Abhidharma Mahāvibhāṣa Śāstra 2844:Rebirth and personal identity 1583:), or independent treatises ( 862: 8585:Buddhism and the Roman world 8561:Decline of Buddhism in India 8556:History of Buddhism in India 6656:   Topics in 5454:, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass 5298:Vanleene, Alexandra (2019). 4634:Buddhist Publication Society 4451:Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā 3890:Treasury of Higher Knowledge 2852:to be reborn apart from the 1869:Buddhist logico-epistemology 1569:foundational Buddhist canons 7: 7783:Twenty-two vows of Ambedkar 7523: 6469:, London: G. Bell and Sons. 6445: 6439: 6433:Rhys Davids, Caroline A. F. 6282:Bronkhorst Johannes, 2018. 5506:The Foundations of Buddhism 5436:The Foundations of Buddhism 5410:The Foundations of Buddhism 5030:History of Buddhist Thought 4891:"Pali oral literature", in 4720:Ronkin, Noa, "Abhidharma", 4543: 4236:) which includes the novel 3946:Śāriputra Abhidharma Śāstra 3939:Other Abhidharma traditions 3600: 3242: 3233: 3179:Sri Lankan Forest Tradition 2916:. However unlike the Hindu 2527: 1726: 1643:Śāriputra Abhidharma Śāstra 303: 243: 219: 187: 159: 131: 102: 10: 9325: 8733:The unanswerable questions 6348: 6174:What is and isn't Yogacara 5027:Thomas, Edward J. (1953). 4490:Mahāprajñāpāramitāupadeśa* 4479:The Treatise on the Great 4281:Abhidharma works include: 4183:Abhidharma texts to China. 4155:Buddhism. From China, the 3965:, and are now part of the 3929:*Abhidharmasamayapradīpikā 3763: 3184:Southern Esoteric Buddhism 2931: 2907: 1904:Interdependent origination 1188:According to Frauwallner, 9261: 9213: 9128: 9043: 8818:Buddhist temples in Korea 8741: 8643: 8526: 8223: 8151: 7978: 7851: 7791: 7426: 7381:Chinese Esoteric Buddhism 7292: 7284:Three planes of existence 7232: 7077: 6969: 6899: 6891:Buddha in world religions 6753: 6698: 6670: 6373:, Oxford University Press 6337:Brunnholzl, Karl (2011). 5331:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5273:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5218:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5205:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5192:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5179:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5166:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5153:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 5140:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 4945:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 4932:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 4919:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 4906:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 4823:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 4706:"The Dawn of Abhidharma," 2421:early Buddhist scriptures 1567:After the closing of the 1154:. Migot argues that this 337: 318: 311: 290: 283: 274: 267: 258: 251: 234: 227: 202: 195: 174: 167: 146: 139: 117: 110: 91: 84: 73: 71: 64: 50: 43: 36: 28: 21: 8600:Persecution of Buddhists 7821:Four stages of awakening 7202:Three marks of existence 6788:Physical characteristics 6451:. Kessinger Publishing. 6326:Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra 5965:Dhammajoti (2009) p. 59. 5943:SUNY Press. pp. 18, 100. 5397:Encyclopedia of Buddhism 5346:SUNY Press. pp. 124–125. 5057:SUNY Press. pp. 18, 100. 4751:Skilling, Peter (2010). 4366:Triṃśikā-vijñaptimātratā 4341:Mahāyānasaṃgraha-bhāṣya, 4332:Abhidharmamahāyānasūtra, 4080:, in sixteen fascicles ( 4005:Gandharan Buddhist texts 3869:Abhidharma-hṛdaya-sastra 1255:. The last sutra of the 7963:Ten principal disciples 6846:(aunt, adoptive mother) 6417:Karunadasa, Y. (1996). 6371:Foundations of Buddhism 6369:Gethin, Rupert (1998), 5990:Williams, Paul (2005). 5566:, p. Introduction. 5504:Gethin, Rupert (1998). 5434:Gethin, Rupert (1998). 5408:Gethin, Rupert (1998). 5073:Oxford University Press 5068:Foundations of Buddhism 5014:10.3406/befeo.1954.5607 5008:(2): 524–524, 537–540. 4975:10.3406/befeo.1954.5607 4347:Vijñapti-mātratā-siddhi 4321:Abhidharmamahāyānasūtra 4014:school. The Theravādin 3873:The Heart of Abhidharma 3760:Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma 3523:Varanggana Vanavichayen 3260:Seven Aids to Awakening 2511:As the Indian Buddhist 2499:For the Abhidharmikas, 2490:cittaviprayuktasaṃskāra 2305:Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo 1971:Pre-modern philosophers 1879:Buddhism and psychology 1548:Indian Buddhist schools 1460:Seated Buddha from the 1024:later Buddhist thinkers 957:Buddhism and psychology 867:The Belgian Indologist 8673:Buddhism and democracy 8186:Tibetan Buddhist canon 8181:Chinese Buddhist canon 7413:Pre-sectarian Buddhism 7408:Early Buddhist schools 6502:The Dawn of Abhidharma 6406:, Shoemaker 7 Hoard. 6308:Conze, Edward (1973). 6295:Mäll, Linnart (2005). 6269:Keenan, John P. (tr). 5747:Dessein, Bart (2009). 5703:Burton, David (1999). 5635:Buddhism as philosophy 4656:Harvey, Peter (2013). 4430: 4411:into English, writes: 4374:Cheng weishi lun shuji 4184: 4137: 4078:Chinese Buddhist canon 3986:Sammatiyanikayasastra. 3863: 3750:Abhidhammatthasangaha, 3674: 3612:(‘Minor Collection’): 3106:Pre-sectarian Buddhism 3081:Abhidhammattha-sangaha 2618:early Buddhist schools 2614: 2589:dependently originated 2581: 2397:early Buddhist schools 1884:Buddhist vegetarianism 1700:, who passed them on. 1609:(4–5th century CE) of 1536:early Buddhist schools 1497:early Buddhist schools 1480: 1469: 1206: 1105: 1084:The ancient core (the 904:) teachings, given by 572:Pre-sectarian Buddhism 563:Early Buddhist schools 526:Pre-sectarian Buddhism 57: 8683:Eight Consciousnesses 6793:Life of Buddha in art 6100:Harris, Ian Charles. 5288:SUNY Press. pp. 9–11. 4996:Migot, André (1954). 4957:Migot, André (1954). 4413: 4408:Saṃdhinirmocana Sūtra 4230:eight consciousnesses 4178: 4125: 4003:discovered among the 3933:Apidamo xian zong lun 3896:. It often critiques 3857: 3708:Abhidhammatthasangaha 3659: 3528:Dhammananda Bhikkhuni 3174:Thai Forest Tradition 2776:Abhidhammatthasangaha 2610: 2573: 2482:Extinction, cessation 2464:), there are 52 types 2355:Philosophy portal 2057:Dharmapala of Nalanda 1652:Pudgalavāda tradition 1475: 1459: 1287:Mahāparinirvāṇa-sūtra 1212:can be found in some 1208:The extensive use of 1190: 1181:also writes that the 1095: 985:is "simultaneously a 9160:East Asian religions 8590:Buddhism in the West 8161:Early Buddhist texts 7776:Four Right Exertions 7242:Ten spiritual realms 6735:Noble Eightfold Path 5914:Braun, Erik (2013). 5901:Braun, Erik (2013). 4757:The Eastern Buddhist 4296:Abhidharma-samuccaya 4287:Yogācārabhūmi-Śāstra 3885:Abhidharmakośabhāsya 3860:Abhidharmakośabhāsya 3754:Paramatthadipanitika 3604:), the canon of the 3378:Anagarika Dharmapala 3285:Enlightenment Stages 3270:Noble Eightfold Path 2934:Theravāda Abhidhamma 2928:Theravāda Abhidhamma 2699:) and five effects ( 2695:), four conditions ( 2220:Anagarika Dharmapala 1378:(form, physical) or 1352:early Buddhist texts 1269:bodhipākṣikā dharmāḥ 1214:early Buddhist texts 1108:Western scholars of 837:), as commentaries ( 828:) of key teachings. 769:are a collection of 445:Tibetan EBTs in the 390:Early Buddhist Texts 339:Glossary of Buddhism 9309:Buddhist literature 9283:Religion portal 9030:Temple of the Tooth 8909:Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi 7948:Upāsaka and Upāsikā 7441:Bodhipakkhiyādhammā 7224:Two truths doctrine 7044:Mahapajapati Gotamī 6844:Mahapajapati Gotamī 6384:. NY: Bantam Dell. 6238:SUNY Press. p. 144. 5716:Christian Coseru, " 5425:SUNY Press. p. 130. 5368:SUNY Press. p. 127. 4529:East Asian Buddhism 4447:Johannes Bronkhorst 4244:the three natures ( 4171:Mahāyāna Abhidharma 4061:Tattvasiddhi Śāstra 4053:Tattvasiddhi Śāstra 3791:East Asian Buddhism 3086:Yogāvacara's manual 3051:Paracanonical texts 2666:Lokānuvartana-sūtra 2344:Religion portal 2214:Modern philosophers 1924:Two truths doctrine 1753:Buddhist philosophy 1623:East Asian Buddhism 1521:temporal eternalism 1130:Johannes Bronkhorst 1045:Mahāsāṅghika Vinaya 482:Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī 9205:Western philosophy 8803:Dzong architecture 8625:Vipassana movement 8620:Buddhist modernism 8048:Emperor Wen of Sui 7816:Pratyekabuddhayāna 7749:Threefold Training 7551:Vipassana movement 7267:Hungry Ghost realm 7087:Avidyā (Ignorance) 7034:Puṇṇa Mantānīputta 6783:Great Renunciation 6778:Eight Great Events 6660:    6617:(Amazon book link) 6500:Anālayo, Bhikkhu, 6247:Prahlad Pradhan, 4587:Pratitya-samutpada 4359:– a commentary on 4185: 4133:Satyasiddhi Śāstra 4109:Satyasiddhi Śāstra 3982:Traidharmakasastra 3967:Schøyen Collection 3951:Shèlìfú Āpítán Lùn 3864: 3675: 3453:K. Sri Dhammananda 3388:Vajirananavarorasa 3318:Moggaliputta-Tissa 3275:Four Divine Abodes 3169:Vipassana movement 3164:Buddhist modernism 2952:Theravāda Buddhism 2901:intermediate state 2836:all three times). 2803:Philosophy of time 2563:Acariya Dhammapala 2429:twelve sense bases 1977:Moggaliputta-Tissa 1959:Buddhist modernism 1470: 1398:(unwholesome), or 1253:ordained monastics 1106: 1078:Mahāgopālaka-sutta 1014:Modern scholarship 1009:Origin and history 973:process philosophy 900:) and figurative ( 534:Kingdom of Magadha 9291: 9290: 8929:Om mani padme hum 8635:Women in Buddhism 8551:Buddhist councils 8421:Western countries 8209:Madhyamakālaṃkāra 7970:Shaolin Monastery 7547:Samatha-vipassanā 7157:Pratītyasamutpāda 6961:Metteyya/Maitreya 6879: 6871: 6863: 6855: 6847: 6839: 6831: 6708:Four Noble Truths 6440:Abhidhamma-Piṭaka 6402:Red Pine (2004). 6050:2005. pp. 212–213 6033:Baruah, Bibhuti. 5486:Pine 2004, pg. 12 5316:978-1-78969-186-3 5262:SUNY Press. p. 6. 5249:SUNY Press. p. 5. 5236:SUNY Press. p. 4. 5113:SUNY Press. p. 3. 5040:978-0-486-42104-9 4797:Cox 2003, pp. 1–7 4581:Buddhist concepts 4561:Abhidhamma Pitaka 4537:Abhisamayālaṅkāra 4369:("Thirty Verses") 4252:mere cognizance ( 4234:aṣṭa vijñānakāyāḥ 4088:school or to the 3802:Abhidharma Pitaka 3683:Abhidhamma Piṭaka 3651:Pāli Text Society 3647:Abhidhamma Piṭaka 3633:Abhidhamma Piṭaka 3615:Paṭisambhidāmagga 3591:Abhidhamma Piṭaka 3586: 3585: 3280:Four Noble Truths 3146:Pali Text Society 3121:Buddhist councils 2821:view in favor of 2501:truth was twofold 2389: 2388: 2275:K. N. Jayatilleke 2172:Acariya Anuruddha 1658:Traditional views 1562:Abhidhamma Piṭaka 1439:Buddhist doctrine 1390:and the triad of 1386:(constructed) or 1299:Buddhist doctrine 1261:dependent arising 1228:, as well as the 1174:Buddhist doctrine 1166:according to the 1122:Erich Frauwallner 982:Abhidhamma Piṭaka 961:Nyanaponika Thera 930:Mahāgosiṅga-sutta 923:Indian philosophy 919:Erich Frauwallner 817:Abhidhamma Piṭaka 763: 762: 549:Buddhist councils 544:Moggaliputtatissa 344: 343: 9316: 9281: 9280: 9269: 9268: 9108:Sacred languages 8956:Maya Devi Temple 8919:Mahabodhi Temple 8723:Secular Buddhism 8688:Engaged Buddhism 7528: 7376:Tibetan Buddhism 7327:Vietnamese Thiền 6926:Mahāsthāmaprāpta 6877: 6869: 6861: 6853: 6845: 6837: 6829: 6678: 6677: 6665: 6655: 6645: 6638: 6631: 6622: 6621: 6556: 6547:Zalta, Edward N. 6530: 6509:Kongtrul, Jamgon 6476:Trungpa, Chogyam 6461:Internet Archive 6448: 6442: 6429: 6423: 6399:), London Luzac. 6374: 6342: 6335: 6329: 6322: 6316: 6306: 6300: 6293: 6287: 6280: 6274: 6267: 6261: 6258: 6252: 6245: 6239: 6232: 6226: 6215: 6209: 6203: 6194: 6187: 6178: 6169: 6163: 6158:Nan, Huai-Chin. 6156: 6150: 6145:Nan, Huai-Chin. 6143: 6134: 6129:Nan, Huai-Chin. 6127: 6118: 6111: 6105: 6098: 6092: 6087:Walser, Joseph. 6085: 6079: 6072: 6066: 6065: 6057: 6051: 6046:Walser, Joseph. 6044: 6038: 6031: 6022: 6017:Walser, Joseph. 6015: 6004: 6001: 5995: 5988: 5982: 5975: 5966: 5963: 5957: 5950: 5944: 5937: 5931: 5928: 5919: 5912: 5906: 5899: 5893: 5890: 5884: 5878: 5872: 5869: 5863: 5860:K. L. Dhammajoti 5857: 5851: 5848:K. L. Dhammajoti 5845: 5839: 5836: 5830: 5824: 5815: 5812: 5806: 5803: 5797: 5794: 5785: 5782: 5776: 5773: 5767: 5760: 5754: 5745: 5736: 5733:K. L. Dhammajoti 5730: 5721: 5714: 5708: 5701: 5695: 5692:K. L. Dhammajoti 5689: 5683: 5680:K. L. Dhammajoti 5677: 5671: 5668: 5659: 5656: 5650: 5647:K. L. Dhammajoti 5644: 5638: 5631: 5625: 5622:K. L. Dhammajoti 5619: 5613: 5610: 5604: 5597: 5580: 5573: 5567: 5561: 5555: 5549: 5543: 5540: 5534: 5528: 5522: 5515: 5509: 5502: 5496: 5493: 5487: 5484: 5478: 5475: 5469: 5468: 5461: 5455: 5448: 5439: 5432: 5426: 5419: 5413: 5406: 5400: 5393: 5387: 5386:Dutt 1978, p. 58 5384: 5378: 5375: 5369: 5362: 5356: 5353: 5347: 5340: 5334: 5327: 5321: 5320: 5304: 5295: 5289: 5282: 5276: 5269: 5263: 5256: 5250: 5243: 5237: 5230: 5221: 5214: 5208: 5201: 5195: 5188: 5182: 5175: 5169: 5162: 5156: 5149: 5143: 5136: 5130: 5123: 5114: 5107: 5101: 5100: 5082: 5076: 5064: 5058: 5051: 5045: 5044: 5024: 5018: 5017: 4993: 4987: 4986: 4954: 4948: 4941: 4935: 4928: 4922: 4915: 4909: 4902: 4896: 4893:Buddhist Studies 4889: 4883: 4880: 4871: 4868: 4862: 4859: 4853: 4850: 4844: 4841: 4835: 4832: 4826: 4819: 4810: 4804: 4798: 4795: 4789: 4786: 4780: 4779: 4777: 4775: 4748: 4727: 4718: 4709: 4702: 4693: 4692: 4690: 4688: 4674: 4661: 4654: 4648: 4647: 4622:Dhamma, U Rewata 4618: 4493:Taishō Tripiṭaka 4419:approach of the 4352:Cheng Weishi Lun 4327:Mahāyānasaṃgraha 4260:āśraya-parāvṛtti 4113:Chinese Buddhism 4082:Taishō Tripiṭaka 4074:Chinese Buddhism 3925:Shun zhengli lun 3795:Tibetan Buddhism 3742:Myanmar Buddhism 3722:sub-commentaries 3603: 3578: 3571: 3564: 3463:Asoka Weeraratna 3458:Narada Mahathera 3245: 3236: 3076:Abhidhammavatara 3061:Sub-commentaries 2963: 2953: 2938: 2937: 2866:nikayasabhagata. 2703:). According to 2381: 2374: 2367: 2353: 2352: 2351: 2342: 2341: 2280:David Kalupahana 1939:Buddhist atomism 1763: 1738: 1731: 1730: 1619:Tibetan Buddhism 1468:, 2nd century CE 1242:Aṅguttara Nikāya 1216:, including the 1194:Abhidharmapitaka 1118:Edward J. Thomas 1110:Buddhist studies 1001:." According to 911:scriptural canon 890:spiritual wisdom 886:paramattha sacca 809:paramārtha-satya 805:ultimate reality 799:." According to 755: 748: 741: 677:Mulasarvastivada 441:Śālistamba Sūtra 374: 357: 351: 346: 345: 333: 332: 306: 295: 294: 279: 278: 263: 262: 261: 260:ཆོས་མངོན་པ་མཛོད། 246: 239: 238: 222: 211: 210: 190: 179: 178: 162: 151: 150: 134: 123: 122: 105: 94: 93: 80: 79: 76: 75: 60: 46: 45: 19: 18: 9324: 9323: 9319: 9318: 9317: 9315: 9314: 9313: 9294: 9293: 9292: 9287: 9275: 9257: 9209: 9124: 9039: 8776:Ordination hall 8737: 8639: 8610:Buddhist crisis 8522: 8219: 8171:Mahayana sutras 8147: 8143:Thích Nhất Hạnh 7974: 7847: 7787: 7737:Bodhisattva vow 7422: 7288: 7228: 7187:Taṇhā (Craving) 7122:Five hindrances 7073: 6965: 6895: 6749: 6694: 6666: 6649: 6537: 6527: 6497: 6495:Further reading 6421: 6378:Goleman, Daniel 6362:; pp. 1–7. 6351: 6346: 6345: 6336: 6332: 6323: 6319: 6307: 6303: 6294: 6290: 6281: 6277: 6268: 6264: 6259: 6255: 6246: 6242: 6233: 6229: 6216: 6212: 6204: 6197: 6188: 6181: 6171:Lusthaus, Dan. 6170: 6166: 6157: 6153: 6144: 6137: 6128: 6121: 6115:Indian Buddhism 6112: 6108: 6099: 6095: 6086: 6082: 6073: 6069: 6059: 6058: 6054: 6045: 6041: 6032: 6025: 6016: 6007: 6002: 5998: 5989: 5985: 5977:KL Dhammajoti. 5976: 5969: 5964: 5960: 5951: 5947: 5938: 5934: 5929: 5922: 5913: 5909: 5900: 5896: 5891: 5887: 5879: 5875: 5870: 5866: 5858: 5854: 5846: 5842: 5837: 5833: 5825: 5818: 5813: 5809: 5804: 5800: 5795: 5788: 5783: 5779: 5774: 5770: 5761: 5757: 5746: 5739: 5731: 5724: 5715: 5711: 5702: 5698: 5690: 5686: 5678: 5674: 5669: 5662: 5657: 5653: 5645: 5641: 5632: 5628: 5620: 5616: 5611: 5607: 5598: 5583: 5574: 5570: 5564:Karunadasa 1996 5562: 5558: 5554:, p. Ch.I. 5552:Karunadasa 1996 5550: 5546: 5541: 5537: 5531:Karunadasa 1996 5529: 5525: 5516: 5512: 5503: 5499: 5494: 5490: 5485: 5481: 5476: 5472: 5463: 5462: 5458: 5449: 5442: 5433: 5429: 5420: 5416: 5407: 5403: 5394: 5390: 5385: 5381: 5376: 5372: 5363: 5359: 5354: 5350: 5341: 5337: 5329:Anālayo (2014) 5328: 5324: 5317: 5302: 5296: 5292: 5283: 5279: 5271:Anālayo (2014) 5270: 5266: 5257: 5253: 5244: 5240: 5231: 5224: 5216:Anālayo (2014) 5215: 5211: 5203:Anālayo (2014) 5202: 5198: 5190:Anālayo (2014) 5189: 5185: 5177:Anālayo (2014) 5176: 5172: 5164:Anālayo (2014) 5163: 5159: 5151:Anālayo (2014) 5150: 5146: 5138:Anālayo (2014) 5137: 5133: 5124: 5117: 5108: 5104: 5097: 5083: 5079: 5075:, 1998, page 48 5065: 5061: 5052: 5048: 5041: 5025: 5021: 4994: 4990: 4955: 4951: 4943:Anālayo (2014) 4942: 4938: 4930:Anālayo (2014) 4929: 4925: 4917:Anālayo (2014) 4916: 4912: 4904:Anālayo (2014) 4903: 4899: 4890: 4886: 4881: 4874: 4869: 4865: 4860: 4856: 4851: 4847: 4842: 4838: 4833: 4829: 4821:Anālayo (2014) 4820: 4813: 4805: 4801: 4796: 4792: 4787: 4783: 4773: 4771: 4749: 4730: 4719: 4712: 4704:Anālayo (2014) 4703: 4696: 4686: 4684: 4675: 4664: 4655: 4651: 4644: 4619: 4615: 4610: 4598: 4546: 4517:Paul Demiéville 4513:Étienne Lamotte 4495:no. 1509). The 4438: 4173: 4117:Chéngshí school 4056: 3941: 3768: 3762: 3679:Pali literature 3610:Khuddaka Nikāya 3582: 3553: 3552: 3533:Ayya Tathaaloka 3433:Maha Ghosananda 3373:Sumangala Thera 3358:Sāriputta Thera 3353:Parakramabahu I 3313: 3305: 3304: 3197: 3189: 3188: 3159: 3151: 3150: 3101: 3091: 3090: 3041: 3031: 3030: 2971: 2951: 2936: 2930: 2910: 2854:five aggregates 2846: 2799: 2772:Paticcasamupada 2705:K.L. Dhammajoti 2682: 2650:Ekavyavahārikas 2530: 2405: 2385: 2349: 2347: 2336: 2330: 2329: 2325:14th Dalai Lama 2310:Jamgon Kongtrul 2300:Thích Nhất Hạnh 2250:Keiji Nishitani 2215: 2207: 2206: 2157:Abhayakaragupta 1972: 1964: 1963: 1874:Buddhist ethics 1864: 1856: 1855: 1771: 1729: 1660: 1557:Khuddaka Nikāya 1412: 1404:Dasuttara Sutta 1303:Jain literature 1234:Daśottara Sūtra 1222:Dasuttara Sutta 1090: 1016: 1011: 869:Étienne Lamotte 865: 759: 730: 729: 728: 727: 565: 555: 554: 553: 528: 518: 517: 516: 461: 453: 452: 451: 384: 355: 349: 330: 326: 322: 296: 277:Abahidahaalamaa 276: 259: 240: 212: 206: 180: 152: 124: 95: 77: 23: 22:Translations of 17: 12: 11: 5: 9322: 9312: 9311: 9306: 9289: 9288: 9286: 9285: 9273: 9262: 9259: 9258: 9256: 9255: 9250: 9245: 9240: 9235: 9230: 9225: 9219: 9217: 9211: 9210: 9208: 9207: 9202: 9197: 9192: 9187: 9182: 9177: 9172: 9167: 9162: 9157: 9156: 9155: 9150: 9140: 9134: 9132: 9126: 9125: 9123: 9122: 9121: 9120: 9115: 9105: 9100: 9095: 9090: 9085: 9080: 9075: 9070: 9065: 9060: 9055: 9049: 9047: 9041: 9040: 9038: 9037: 9032: 9027: 9026: 9025: 9020: 9015: 9010: 9005: 8995: 8990: 8985: 8980: 8975: 8974: 8973: 8968: 8963: 8958: 8953: 8943: 8938: 8933: 8932: 8931: 8921: 8916: 8911: 8906: 8905: 8904: 8899: 8894: 8889: 8884: 8874: 8869: 8864: 8859: 8854: 8849: 8844: 8843: 8842: 8840:Greco-Buddhist 8832: 8831: 8830: 8825: 8820: 8815: 8810: 8805: 8800: 8795: 8794: 8793: 8791:Burmese pagoda 8783: 8778: 8773: 8768: 8763: 8758: 8747: 8745: 8739: 8738: 8736: 8735: 8730: 8725: 8720: 8715: 8710: 8705: 8700: 8695: 8690: 8685: 8680: 8675: 8670: 8665: 8660: 8655: 8649: 8647: 8641: 8640: 8638: 8637: 8632: 8627: 8622: 8617: 8612: 8607: 8602: 8597: 8592: 8587: 8582: 8581: 8580: 8573:Greco-Buddhism 8570: 8565: 8564: 8563: 8553: 8548: 8543: 8538: 8532: 8530: 8524: 8523: 8521: 8520: 8519: 8518: 8513: 8508: 8506:United Kingdom 8503: 8498: 8493: 8488: 8483: 8478: 8473: 8468: 8463: 8458: 8453: 8451:Czech Republic 8448: 8443: 8438: 8433: 8428: 8418: 8417: 8416: 8411: 8401: 8400: 8399: 8389: 8388: 8387: 8382: 8372: 8367: 8362: 8357: 8352: 8347: 8342: 8341: 8340: 8330: 8325: 8315: 8310: 8305: 8300: 8295: 8290: 8285: 8280: 8275: 8270: 8265: 8260: 8255: 8250: 8245: 8240: 8235: 8229: 8227: 8221: 8220: 8218: 8217: 8215:Abhidharmadīpa 8212: 8205: 8200: 8195: 8188: 8183: 8178: 8173: 8168: 8163: 8157: 8155: 8149: 8148: 8146: 8145: 8140: 8135: 8133:B. R. Ambedkar 8130: 8125: 8120: 8115: 8110: 8105: 8100: 8095: 8090: 8085: 8080: 8075: 8070: 8065: 8060: 8055: 8053:Songtsen Gampo 8050: 8045: 8040: 8035: 8030: 8025: 8020: 8015: 8010: 8005: 8000: 7995: 7990: 7984: 7982: 7976: 7975: 7973: 7972: 7967: 7966: 7965: 7955: 7950: 7945: 7940: 7935: 7930: 7929: 7928: 7918: 7913: 7908: 7903: 7898: 7893: 7888: 7883: 7878: 7873: 7868: 7863: 7857: 7855: 7849: 7848: 7846: 7845: 7844: 7843: 7838: 7833: 7828: 7818: 7813: 7808: 7803: 7797: 7795: 7789: 7788: 7786: 7785: 7780: 7779: 7778: 7768: 7767: 7766: 7761: 7756: 7746: 7745: 7744: 7739: 7734: 7732:Eight precepts 7729: 7719: 7718: 7717: 7712: 7707: 7702: 7692: 7691: 7690: 7680: 7675: 7670: 7669: 7668: 7663: 7658: 7648: 7643: 7638: 7633: 7628: 7627: 7626: 7621: 7611: 7606: 7605: 7604: 7599: 7594: 7589: 7584: 7579: 7574: 7569: 7564: 7559: 7554: 7544: 7539: 7534: 7529: 7520: 7510: 7505: 7503:Five Strengths 7500: 7495: 7490: 7485: 7480: 7475: 7470: 7469: 7468: 7463: 7458: 7453: 7443: 7438: 7432: 7430: 7424: 7423: 7421: 7420: 7415: 7410: 7405: 7400: 7395: 7394: 7393: 7388: 7383: 7378: 7368: 7367: 7366: 7361: 7356: 7351: 7346: 7341: 7336: 7331: 7330: 7329: 7324: 7319: 7314: 7298: 7296: 7290: 7289: 7287: 7286: 7281: 7280: 7279: 7274: 7269: 7264: 7259: 7254: 7244: 7238: 7236: 7230: 7229: 7227: 7226: 7221: 7220: 7219: 7214: 7209: 7199: 7194: 7189: 7184: 7179: 7174: 7169: 7164: 7159: 7154: 7149: 7144: 7142:Mental factors 7139: 7134: 7129: 7124: 7119: 7114: 7109: 7104: 7099: 7094: 7089: 7083: 7081: 7075: 7074: 7072: 7071: 7066: 7061: 7056: 7051: 7046: 7041: 7036: 7031: 7026: 7021: 7016: 7011: 7006: 7001: 6996: 6994:Mahamoggallāna 6991: 6986: 6981: 6975: 6973: 6967: 6966: 6964: 6963: 6958: 6953: 6948: 6943: 6938: 6933: 6928: 6923: 6918: 6917: 6916: 6909:Avalokiteśvara 6905: 6903: 6897: 6896: 6894: 6893: 6888: 6883: 6882: 6881: 6873: 6865: 6857: 6849: 6841: 6833: 6820: 6815: 6810: 6805: 6800: 6795: 6790: 6785: 6780: 6775: 6770: 6765: 6759: 6757: 6751: 6750: 6748: 6747: 6742: 6737: 6732: 6731: 6730: 6725: 6720: 6710: 6704: 6702: 6696: 6695: 6693: 6692: 6687: 6682: 6671: 6668: 6667: 6648: 6647: 6640: 6633: 6625: 6619: 6618: 6612: 6607: 6602: 6597: 6592: 6587: 6582: 6577: 6572: 6566: 6557: 6536: 6535:External links 6533: 6532: 6531: 6526:978-1559393898 6525: 6505: 6496: 6493: 6492: 6491: 6478:(1975, 2001). 6473: 6470: 6463: 6446:Dhamma-Sangaṇi 6430: 6414: 6400: 6393: 6375: 6366: 6363: 6350: 6347: 6344: 6343: 6330: 6317: 6301: 6288: 6275: 6262: 6253: 6240: 6227: 6210: 6208:, p. 207. 6195: 6179: 6164: 6151: 6135: 6119: 6117:. 2000. p. 398 6106: 6093: 6080: 6067: 6052: 6039: 6023: 6005: 5996: 5983: 5967: 5958: 5945: 5932: 5920: 5907: 5894: 5885: 5883:, p. 205. 5873: 5864: 5852: 5840: 5831: 5816: 5807: 5798: 5786: 5777: 5768: 5755: 5737: 5722: 5709: 5696: 5684: 5672: 5660: 5651: 5639: 5626: 5614: 5605: 5581: 5568: 5556: 5544: 5535: 5523: 5510: 5497: 5488: 5479: 5477:Cox 2003, p. 2 5470: 5456: 5440: 5427: 5414: 5401: 5388: 5379: 5370: 5357: 5348: 5335: 5322: 5315: 5290: 5277: 5264: 5251: 5238: 5222: 5209: 5196: 5183: 5170: 5157: 5144: 5131: 5115: 5102: 5095: 5077: 5059: 5046: 5039: 5019: 4988: 4949: 4936: 4923: 4910: 4897: 4884: 4872: 4863: 4854: 4845: 4836: 4827: 4811: 4799: 4790: 4781: 4728: 4710: 4694: 4662: 4649: 4642: 4626:Bodhi, Bhikkhu 4612: 4611: 4609: 4606: 4605: 4604: 4597: 4596: 4595: 4594: 4589: 4582: 4578: 4577: 4576: 4575: 4574: 4573: 4568: 4563: 4551: 4550:Buddhist texts 4547: 4545: 4542: 4481:Prajñāpāramitā 4466:Prajñāpāramitā 4462:Prajñāpāramitā 4442:Prajñāpāramitā 4437: 4434:Prajñāpāramitā 4431: 4421:Prajñāpāramitā 4384: 4383: 4370: 4344: 4338: 4336:Yogācārabhūmi. 4323: 4318: 4312: 4292: 4254:vijñapti-mātra 4172: 4169: 4167:(710–794 CE). 4129:Abhidharmakośa 4055: 4050: 4046:Nāgārjunakoṇḍā 3940: 3937: 3927:順正理論) and the 3828:Kātyāyanīputra 3815:Jñānaprasthāna 3764:Main article: 3761: 3758: 3584: 3583: 3581: 3580: 3573: 3566: 3558: 3555: 3554: 3551: 3550: 3545: 3540: 3535: 3530: 3525: 3520: 3515: 3510: 3505: 3500: 3495: 3490: 3485: 3480: 3475: 3470: 3468:Walpola Rahula 3465: 3460: 3455: 3450: 3445: 3440: 3435: 3430: 3425: 3423:Mun Bhuridatta 3420: 3415: 3410: 3408:Mahasi Sayadaw 3405: 3400: 3395: 3390: 3385: 3380: 3375: 3370: 3365: 3360: 3355: 3350: 3345: 3340: 3335: 3330: 3325: 3320: 3314: 3311: 3310: 3307: 3306: 3303: 3302: 3297: 3292: 3287: 3282: 3277: 3272: 3267: 3262: 3257: 3252: 3247: 3238: 3229: 3224: 3219: 3214: 3209: 3204: 3198: 3195: 3194: 3191: 3190: 3187: 3186: 3181: 3176: 3171: 3166: 3160: 3157: 3156: 3153: 3152: 3149: 3148: 3143: 3138: 3133: 3128: 3123: 3118: 3113: 3108: 3102: 3097: 3096: 3093: 3092: 3089: 3088: 3083: 3078: 3073: 3068: 3063: 3058: 3053: 3048: 3042: 3037: 3036: 3033: 3032: 3029: 3028: 3023: 3018: 3013: 3008: 3003: 2998: 2993: 2988: 2983: 2978: 2972: 2969: 2968: 2965: 2964: 2956: 2955: 2947: 2946: 2932:Main article: 2929: 2926: 2909: 2906: 2845: 2842: 2798: 2795: 2761: 2760: 2754: 2748: 2742: 2728: 2727: 2724: 2721: 2718: 2715: 2712: 2681: 2678: 2585:Sarvastivadins 2529: 2526: 2516:conventional. 2486: 2485: 2475: 2465: 2455: 2404: 2401: 2387: 2386: 2384: 2383: 2376: 2369: 2361: 2358: 2357: 2332: 2331: 2328: 2327: 2322: 2320:Gendün Chöphel 2317: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2297: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2277: 2272: 2270:Mahasi Sayadaw 2267: 2262: 2257: 2252: 2247: 2245:Kitaro Nishida 2242: 2237: 2232: 2230:B. R. Ambedkar 2227: 2222: 2216: 2213: 2212: 2209: 2208: 2205: 2204: 2199: 2194: 2189: 2184: 2179: 2174: 2169: 2164: 2159: 2154: 2152:Ratnākaraśānti 2149: 2144: 2139: 2134: 2129: 2124: 2119: 2114: 2109: 2104: 2099: 2097:Guifeng Zongmi 2094: 2089: 2084: 2079: 2074: 2069: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2049: 2044: 2039: 2034: 2029: 2024: 2019: 2014: 2009: 2004: 1999: 1994: 1989: 1984: 1982:Katyāyāniputra 1979: 1973: 1970: 1969: 1966: 1965: 1962: 1961: 1956: 1951: 1946: 1941: 1936: 1931: 1926: 1921: 1916: 1911: 1906: 1901: 1896: 1891: 1886: 1881: 1876: 1871: 1865: 1862: 1861: 1858: 1857: 1854: 1853: 1848: 1843: 1838: 1833: 1828: 1823: 1818: 1813: 1808: 1803: 1798: 1793: 1788: 1783: 1778: 1772: 1769: 1768: 1765: 1764: 1756: 1755: 1749: 1748: 1740: 1739: 1728: 1725: 1668:Gautama Buddha 1659: 1656: 1630:Sarvāstivādins 1606:Abhidharmakośa 1411: 1408: 1360:Samyuttanikaya 1325:Saṅgītiparyāya 1295:early Buddhism 1282:Sāmagāma-sutta 1278:Pāsādika-sutta 1257:Madhyama-āgama 1249:Madhyama-āgama 1142:Mātṛkā Piṭaka" 1089: 1082: 1037:following the 1035:Buddhist Canon 1020:Gautama Buddha 1015: 1012: 1010: 1007: 906:Gautama Buddha 864: 861: 771:Buddhist texts 761: 760: 758: 757: 750: 743: 735: 732: 731: 726: 725: 724: 723: 722: 721: 720: 719: 718: 717: 703: 696: 686: 685: 684: 679: 674: 669: 668: 667: 653: 646: 638: 637: 636: 631: 618: 617: 616: 613: 608: 607: 606: 601: 591: 590: 589: 582:Ekavyāvahārika 568: 567: 566: 561: 560: 557: 556: 552: 551: 546: 541: 536: 530: 529: 524: 523: 520: 519: 515: 514: 509: 504: 499: 494: 489: 484: 479: 477:Mahāmoggallāna 474: 469: 467:Gautama Buddha 463: 462: 459: 458: 455: 454: 450: 449: 443: 438: 433: 428: 423: 418: 413: 411:Gandhāran EBTs 408: 403: 398: 393: 386: 385: 380: 379: 376: 375: 367: 366: 359: 358: 342: 341: 335: 334: 315: 309: 308: 287: 281: 280: 271: 265: 264: 255: 249: 248: 231: 225: 224: 199: 193: 192: 171: 165: 164: 143: 137: 136: 114: 108: 107: 88: 82: 81: 68: 62: 61: 54: 48: 47: 44:𑀅𑀪𑀺𑀥𑀭𑁆𑀫 40: 34: 33: 30: 26: 25: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 9321: 9310: 9307: 9305: 9302: 9301: 9299: 9284: 9279: 9274: 9272: 9264: 9263: 9260: 9254: 9251: 9249: 9246: 9244: 9241: 9239: 9236: 9234: 9231: 9229: 9226: 9224: 9221: 9220: 9218: 9216: 9212: 9206: 9203: 9201: 9198: 9196: 9193: 9191: 9188: 9186: 9183: 9181: 9178: 9176: 9173: 9171: 9168: 9166: 9163: 9161: 9158: 9154: 9151: 9149: 9146: 9145: 9144: 9141: 9139: 9136: 9135: 9133: 9131: 9127: 9119: 9116: 9114: 9111: 9110: 9109: 9106: 9104: 9101: 9099: 9096: 9094: 9091: 9089: 9086: 9084: 9081: 9079: 9076: 9074: 9071: 9069: 9066: 9064: 9061: 9059: 9056: 9054: 9051: 9050: 9048: 9046: 9045:Miscellaneous 9042: 9036: 9035:Vegetarianism 9033: 9031: 9028: 9024: 9021: 9019: 9016: 9014: 9011: 9009: 9006: 9004: 9001: 9000: 8999: 8996: 8994: 8991: 8989: 8986: 8984: 8981: 8979: 8976: 8972: 8969: 8967: 8964: 8962: 8959: 8957: 8954: 8952: 8949: 8948: 8947: 8944: 8942: 8939: 8937: 8934: 8930: 8927: 8926: 8925: 8922: 8920: 8917: 8915: 8912: 8910: 8907: 8903: 8900: 8898: 8895: 8893: 8890: 8888: 8885: 8883: 8880: 8879: 8878: 8875: 8873: 8870: 8868: 8865: 8863: 8860: 8858: 8857:Buddha in art 8855: 8853: 8850: 8848: 8845: 8841: 8838: 8837: 8836: 8833: 8829: 8826: 8824: 8821: 8819: 8816: 8814: 8811: 8809: 8806: 8804: 8801: 8799: 8796: 8792: 8789: 8788: 8787: 8784: 8782: 8779: 8777: 8774: 8772: 8769: 8767: 8764: 8762: 8759: 8757: 8754: 8753: 8752: 8749: 8748: 8746: 8744: 8740: 8734: 8731: 8729: 8726: 8724: 8721: 8719: 8716: 8714: 8711: 8709: 8706: 8704: 8701: 8699: 8696: 8694: 8691: 8689: 8686: 8684: 8681: 8679: 8676: 8674: 8671: 8669: 8666: 8664: 8661: 8659: 8656: 8654: 8651: 8650: 8648: 8646: 8642: 8636: 8633: 8631: 8628: 8626: 8623: 8621: 8618: 8616: 8613: 8611: 8608: 8606: 8603: 8601: 8598: 8596: 8593: 8591: 8588: 8586: 8583: 8579: 8576: 8575: 8574: 8571: 8569: 8566: 8562: 8559: 8558: 8557: 8554: 8552: 8549: 8547: 8544: 8542: 8539: 8537: 8534: 8533: 8531: 8529: 8525: 8517: 8514: 8512: 8511:United States 8509: 8507: 8504: 8502: 8499: 8497: 8494: 8492: 8489: 8487: 8484: 8482: 8479: 8477: 8474: 8472: 8469: 8467: 8464: 8462: 8459: 8457: 8454: 8452: 8449: 8447: 8444: 8442: 8439: 8437: 8434: 8432: 8429: 8427: 8424: 8423: 8422: 8419: 8415: 8412: 8410: 8407: 8406: 8405: 8402: 8398: 8395: 8394: 8393: 8390: 8386: 8383: 8381: 8378: 8377: 8376: 8373: 8371: 8368: 8366: 8363: 8361: 8358: 8356: 8353: 8351: 8348: 8346: 8343: 8338: 8334: 8331: 8329: 8326: 8324: 8321: 8320: 8319: 8316: 8314: 8311: 8309: 8306: 8304: 8301: 8299: 8296: 8294: 8291: 8289: 8286: 8284: 8281: 8279: 8276: 8274: 8271: 8269: 8266: 8264: 8261: 8259: 8256: 8254: 8251: 8249: 8246: 8244: 8241: 8239: 8236: 8234: 8231: 8230: 8228: 8226: 8222: 8216: 8213: 8211: 8210: 8206: 8204: 8201: 8199: 8196: 8194: 8193: 8189: 8187: 8184: 8182: 8179: 8177: 8174: 8172: 8169: 8167: 8164: 8162: 8159: 8158: 8156: 8154: 8150: 8144: 8141: 8139: 8136: 8134: 8131: 8129: 8126: 8124: 8121: 8119: 8116: 8114: 8111: 8109: 8106: 8104: 8101: 8099: 8096: 8094: 8091: 8089: 8086: 8084: 8081: 8079: 8076: 8074: 8071: 8069: 8068:Padmasambhava 8066: 8064: 8061: 8059: 8056: 8054: 8051: 8049: 8046: 8044: 8041: 8039: 8036: 8034: 8031: 8029: 8026: 8024: 8021: 8019: 8016: 8014: 8011: 8009: 8006: 8004: 8001: 7999: 7996: 7994: 7991: 7989: 7986: 7985: 7983: 7981: 7980:Major figures 7977: 7971: 7968: 7964: 7961: 7960: 7959: 7956: 7954: 7951: 7949: 7946: 7944: 7941: 7939: 7936: 7934: 7931: 7927: 7926:Western tulku 7924: 7923: 7922: 7919: 7917: 7914: 7912: 7909: 7907: 7904: 7902: 7899: 7897: 7894: 7892: 7889: 7887: 7884: 7882: 7879: 7877: 7874: 7872: 7869: 7867: 7864: 7862: 7859: 7858: 7856: 7854: 7850: 7842: 7839: 7837: 7834: 7832: 7829: 7827: 7824: 7823: 7822: 7819: 7817: 7814: 7812: 7809: 7807: 7804: 7802: 7799: 7798: 7796: 7794: 7790: 7784: 7781: 7777: 7774: 7773: 7772: 7769: 7765: 7762: 7760: 7757: 7755: 7752: 7751: 7750: 7747: 7743: 7740: 7738: 7735: 7733: 7730: 7728: 7727:Five precepts 7725: 7724: 7723: 7720: 7716: 7713: 7711: 7708: 7706: 7705:Dhamma vicaya 7703: 7701: 7698: 7697: 7696: 7693: 7689: 7686: 7685: 7684: 7681: 7679: 7676: 7674: 7671: 7667: 7664: 7662: 7659: 7657: 7654: 7653: 7652: 7649: 7647: 7644: 7642: 7639: 7637: 7634: 7632: 7629: 7625: 7622: 7620: 7617: 7616: 7615: 7612: 7610: 7607: 7603: 7600: 7598: 7595: 7593: 7590: 7588: 7585: 7583: 7580: 7578: 7575: 7573: 7570: 7568: 7565: 7563: 7560: 7558: 7555: 7552: 7548: 7545: 7543: 7540: 7538: 7535: 7533: 7530: 7527: 7526: 7521: 7519: 7516: 7515: 7514: 7511: 7509: 7506: 7504: 7501: 7499: 7496: 7494: 7491: 7489: 7486: 7484: 7481: 7479: 7476: 7474: 7473:Buddhābhiṣeka 7471: 7467: 7464: 7462: 7459: 7457: 7454: 7452: 7449: 7448: 7447: 7444: 7442: 7439: 7437: 7434: 7433: 7431: 7429: 7425: 7419: 7416: 7414: 7411: 7409: 7406: 7404: 7401: 7399: 7396: 7392: 7389: 7387: 7384: 7382: 7379: 7377: 7374: 7373: 7372: 7369: 7365: 7362: 7360: 7357: 7355: 7352: 7350: 7347: 7345: 7342: 7340: 7337: 7335: 7332: 7328: 7325: 7323: 7320: 7318: 7315: 7313: 7310: 7309: 7308: 7305: 7304: 7303: 7300: 7299: 7297: 7295: 7291: 7285: 7282: 7278: 7275: 7273: 7270: 7268: 7265: 7263: 7260: 7258: 7255: 7253: 7250: 7249: 7248: 7245: 7243: 7240: 7239: 7237: 7235: 7231: 7225: 7222: 7218: 7215: 7213: 7210: 7208: 7205: 7204: 7203: 7200: 7198: 7195: 7193: 7190: 7188: 7185: 7183: 7180: 7178: 7175: 7173: 7170: 7168: 7165: 7163: 7160: 7158: 7155: 7153: 7150: 7148: 7145: 7143: 7140: 7138: 7135: 7133: 7130: 7128: 7125: 7123: 7120: 7118: 7117:Enlightenment 7115: 7113: 7110: 7108: 7107:Dhamma theory 7105: 7103: 7102:Buddha-nature 7100: 7098: 7095: 7093: 7090: 7088: 7085: 7084: 7082: 7080: 7076: 7070: 7067: 7065: 7062: 7060: 7057: 7055: 7052: 7050: 7047: 7045: 7042: 7040: 7037: 7035: 7032: 7030: 7027: 7025: 7022: 7020: 7017: 7015: 7012: 7010: 7007: 7005: 7002: 7000: 6997: 6995: 6992: 6990: 6987: 6985: 6982: 6980: 6977: 6976: 6974: 6972: 6968: 6962: 6959: 6957: 6954: 6952: 6949: 6947: 6944: 6942: 6941:Samantabhadra 6939: 6937: 6934: 6932: 6929: 6927: 6924: 6922: 6919: 6915: 6912: 6911: 6910: 6907: 6906: 6904: 6902: 6898: 6892: 6889: 6887: 6884: 6880: 6874: 6872: 6866: 6864: 6858: 6856: 6850: 6848: 6842: 6840: 6834: 6832: 6826: 6825: 6824: 6821: 6819: 6816: 6814: 6811: 6809: 6806: 6804: 6801: 6799: 6796: 6794: 6791: 6789: 6786: 6784: 6781: 6779: 6776: 6774: 6771: 6769: 6766: 6764: 6761: 6760: 6758: 6756: 6752: 6746: 6743: 6741: 6738: 6736: 6733: 6729: 6726: 6724: 6721: 6719: 6716: 6715: 6714: 6711: 6709: 6706: 6705: 6703: 6701: 6697: 6691: 6688: 6686: 6683: 6681: 6673: 6672: 6669: 6664: 6659: 6654: 6646: 6641: 6639: 6634: 6632: 6627: 6626: 6623: 6616: 6613: 6611: 6608: 6606: 6603: 6601: 6598: 6596: 6593: 6591: 6588: 6586: 6583: 6581: 6578: 6576: 6573: 6570: 6567: 6565: 6561: 6558: 6554: 6553: 6548: 6544: 6541:Ronkin, Noa. 6539: 6538: 6528: 6522: 6518: 6514: 6513:Dorje, Gyurme 6510: 6506: 6503: 6499: 6498: 6489: 6488:1-57062-764-9 6485: 6481: 6477: 6474: 6471: 6468: 6464: 6462: 6458: 6457:0-7661-4702-9 6454: 6450: 6447: 6441: 6434: 6431: 6427: 6420: 6415: 6413: 6412:1-59376-009-4 6409: 6405: 6401: 6398: 6394: 6391: 6390:0-553-38105-9 6387: 6383: 6379: 6376: 6372: 6367: 6364: 6361: 6357: 6353: 6352: 6340: 6334: 6327: 6321: 6314: 6312: 6305: 6298: 6292: 6285: 6279: 6272: 6266: 6257: 6250: 6244: 6237: 6231: 6224: 6220: 6214: 6207: 6202: 6200: 6192: 6186: 6184: 6177: 6175: 6168: 6161: 6155: 6148: 6142: 6140: 6132: 6126: 6124: 6116: 6113:Warder, A.K. 6110: 6103: 6097: 6090: 6084: 6077: 6071: 6064: 6063: 6056: 6049: 6043: 6036: 6030: 6028: 6020: 6014: 6012: 6010: 6000: 5993: 5987: 5980: 5974: 5972: 5962: 5955: 5949: 5942: 5936: 5927: 5925: 5917: 5911: 5904: 5898: 5889: 5882: 5877: 5868: 5861: 5856: 5849: 5844: 5835: 5829: 5823: 5821: 5811: 5802: 5793: 5791: 5781: 5772: 5765: 5759: 5752: 5751: 5744: 5742: 5734: 5729: 5727: 5719: 5713: 5706: 5700: 5693: 5688: 5681: 5676: 5667: 5665: 5655: 5648: 5643: 5636: 5630: 5623: 5618: 5609: 5602: 5596: 5594: 5592: 5590: 5588: 5586: 5578: 5572: 5565: 5560: 5553: 5548: 5539: 5532: 5527: 5520: 5514: 5507: 5501: 5492: 5483: 5474: 5466: 5460: 5453: 5447: 5445: 5437: 5431: 5424: 5418: 5411: 5405: 5398: 5392: 5383: 5374: 5367: 5361: 5352: 5345: 5339: 5332: 5326: 5318: 5312: 5308: 5301: 5294: 5287: 5281: 5274: 5268: 5261: 5255: 5248: 5242: 5235: 5229: 5227: 5219: 5213: 5206: 5200: 5193: 5187: 5180: 5174: 5167: 5161: 5154: 5148: 5141: 5135: 5128: 5125:Tse-fu Kuan. 5122: 5120: 5112: 5106: 5098: 5096:0-02-865719-5 5092: 5088: 5081: 5074: 5070: 5069: 5063: 5056: 5050: 5042: 5036: 5032: 5031: 5023: 5015: 5011: 5007: 5003: 4999: 4992: 4984: 4980: 4976: 4972: 4968: 4965:(in French). 4964: 4960: 4953: 4946: 4940: 4933: 4927: 4920: 4914: 4907: 4901: 4894: 4888: 4879: 4877: 4867: 4858: 4849: 4840: 4831: 4824: 4818: 4816: 4809: 4803: 4794: 4785: 4770: 4766: 4762: 4758: 4754: 4747: 4745: 4743: 4741: 4739: 4737: 4735: 4733: 4726: 4724: 4717: 4715: 4707: 4701: 4699: 4682: 4681: 4673: 4671: 4669: 4667: 4659: 4653: 4645: 4643:1-928706-02-9 4639: 4636:. p. 2. 4635: 4631: 4627: 4623: 4617: 4613: 4603: 4600: 4599: 4593: 4590: 4588: 4585: 4584: 4583: 4580: 4579: 4572: 4571:Vinaya Pitaka 4569: 4567: 4564: 4562: 4559: 4558: 4557: 4554: 4553: 4552: 4549: 4548: 4541: 4539: 4538: 4532: 4530: 4526: 4522: 4518: 4514: 4510: 4506: 4502: 4498: 4494: 4491: 4487: 4483: 4482: 4476: 4475: 4469: 4467: 4463: 4459: 4456:According to 4454: 4452: 4448: 4443: 4435: 4429: 4427: 4422: 4418: 4412: 4410: 4409: 4403: 4402: 4400: 4394: 4390: 4381: 4377: 4375: 4371: 4368: 4367: 4362: 4358: 4354: 4353: 4348: 4345: 4342: 4339: 4337: 4333: 4329: 4328: 4324: 4322: 4319: 4316: 4313: 4310: 4306: 4302: 4298: 4297: 4293: 4290: 4288: 4284: 4283: 4282: 4280: 4275: 4273: 4272: 4267: 4266: 4261: 4257: 4255: 4249: 4247: 4241: 4240: 4235: 4231: 4227: 4223: 4221: 4217: 4213: 4209: 4205: 4201: 4197: 4193: 4190: 4182: 4177: 4168: 4166: 4162: 4158: 4154: 4150: 4146: 4142: 4136: 4134: 4130: 4124: 4122: 4121:Nan Huai-Chin 4118: 4114: 4110: 4106: 4102: 4097: 4093: 4091: 4087: 4083: 4079: 4075: 4071: 4067: 4063: 4062: 4054: 4049: 4047: 4043: 4039: 4035: 4031: 4027: 4023: 4019: 4018: 4013: 4008: 4006: 4002: 3998: 3993: 3991: 3987: 3983: 3979: 3974: 3972: 3971:Lokottaravāda 3968: 3964: 3960: 3956: 3955:Dharmaguptaka 3952: 3948: 3947: 3936: 3934: 3930: 3926: 3922: 3918: 3913: 3911: 3907: 3903: 3900:views from a 3899: 3895: 3891: 3887: 3886: 3880: 3878: 3874: 3870: 3861: 3858:Vasubandhu's 3856: 3852: 3850: 3846: 3841: 3839: 3838:Kushan empire 3835: 3834: 3829: 3825: 3821: 3817: 3816: 3811: 3807: 3803: 3798: 3796: 3792: 3788: 3784: 3780: 3776: 3773: 3767: 3757: 3755: 3751: 3747: 3743: 3739: 3735: 3731: 3726: 3724: 3723: 3718: 3714: 3710: 3709: 3703: 3701: 3697: 3696: 3695:Visuddhimagga 3691: 3686: 3684: 3680: 3672: 3671: 3670:Visuddhimagga 3666: 3662: 3658: 3654: 3652: 3648: 3644: 3640: 3639: 3634: 3629: 3628: 3626: 3621: 3620: 3619:Nettipakaraṇa 3616: 3611: 3607: 3602: 3597: 3593: 3592: 3579: 3574: 3572: 3567: 3565: 3560: 3559: 3557: 3556: 3549: 3546: 3544: 3541: 3539: 3536: 3534: 3531: 3529: 3526: 3524: 3521: 3519: 3516: 3514: 3511: 3509: 3508:Ajahn Sumedho 3506: 3504: 3503:Bhikkhu Bodhi 3501: 3499: 3496: 3494: 3491: 3489: 3486: 3484: 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3071:Visuddhimagga 3069: 3067: 3064: 3062: 3059: 3057: 3054: 3052: 3049: 3047: 3046:Pāli Tipiṭaka 3044: 3043: 3040: 3035: 3034: 3027: 3026:Western world 3024: 3022: 3019: 3017: 3014: 3012: 3009: 3007: 3004: 3002: 2999: 2997: 2994: 2992: 2989: 2987: 2984: 2982: 2979: 2977: 2974: 2973: 2967: 2966: 2962: 2958: 2957: 2954: 2949: 2948: 2944: 2940: 2939: 2935: 2925: 2922: 2919: 2915: 2914:atomic theory 2905: 2902: 2897: 2895: 2891: 2886: 2882: 2881:Pudgalavadins 2877: 2875: 2874:Buddha nature 2871: 2867: 2863: 2859: 2855: 2851: 2841: 2837: 2833: 2830: 2828: 2824: 2820: 2816: 2812: 2808: 2807:Sarvāstivādin 2804: 2794: 2792: 2788: 2784: 2779: 2777: 2773: 2769: 2764: 2758: 2755: 2752: 2749: 2746: 2743: 2740: 2737: 2736: 2735: 2733: 2725: 2722: 2719: 2716: 2713: 2710: 2709: 2708: 2706: 2702: 2698: 2694: 2689: 2687: 2677: 2675: 2671: 2667: 2662: 2659: 2658:Lokottaravāda 2655: 2651: 2647: 2643: 2639: 2638:Prajñaptivada 2635: 2631: 2630:prajñaptivada 2627: 2626:conceptualism 2623: 2619: 2613: 2609: 2607: 2601: 2597: 2594: 2590: 2586: 2580: 2578: 2572: 2570: 2569: 2568:Visuddhimagga 2564: 2560: 2556: 2552: 2551: 2550:Visuddhimagga 2545: 2541: 2539: 2535: 2525: 2522: 2517: 2514: 2509: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2493: 2491: 2483: 2479: 2476: 2473: 2469: 2466: 2463: 2459: 2456: 2453: 2449: 2446: 2445: 2444: 2440: 2438: 2432: 2430: 2426: 2422: 2417: 2415: 2411: 2403:Dhamma theory 2400: 2398: 2394: 2382: 2377: 2375: 2370: 2368: 2363: 2362: 2360: 2359: 2356: 2346: 2345: 2340: 2334: 2333: 2326: 2323: 2321: 2318: 2316: 2313: 2311: 2308: 2306: 2303: 2301: 2298: 2296: 2295:P. A. Payutto 2293: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2273: 2271: 2268: 2266: 2263: 2261: 2258: 2256: 2255:Hajime Tanabe 2253: 2251: 2248: 2246: 2243: 2241: 2238: 2236: 2233: 2231: 2228: 2226: 2223: 2221: 2218: 2217: 2211: 2210: 2203: 2200: 2198: 2197:Sakya Chokden 2195: 2193: 2190: 2188: 2185: 2183: 2182:Je Tsongkhapa 2180: 2178: 2175: 2173: 2170: 2168: 2165: 2163: 2162:Sakya Pandita 2160: 2158: 2155: 2153: 2150: 2148: 2145: 2143: 2142:Jñanasrimitra 2140: 2138: 2135: 2133: 2130: 2128: 2125: 2123: 2120: 2118: 2115: 2113: 2110: 2108: 2105: 2103: 2100: 2098: 2095: 2093: 2090: 2088: 2085: 2083: 2080: 2078: 2075: 2073: 2070: 2068: 2065: 2063: 2060: 2058: 2055: 2053: 2050: 2048: 2045: 2043: 2040: 2038: 2035: 2033: 2030: 2028: 2025: 2023: 2020: 2018: 2015: 2013: 2010: 2008: 2005: 2003: 2000: 1998: 1995: 1993: 1990: 1988: 1985: 1983: 1980: 1978: 1975: 1974: 1968: 1967: 1960: 1957: 1955: 1952: 1950: 1949:Buddha-nature 1947: 1945: 1942: 1940: 1937: 1935: 1932: 1930: 1929:Dharma theory 1927: 1925: 1922: 1920: 1917: 1915: 1912: 1910: 1907: 1905: 1902: 1900: 1897: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1887: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1875: 1872: 1870: 1867: 1866: 1860: 1859: 1852: 1849: 1847: 1844: 1842: 1839: 1837: 1834: 1832: 1829: 1827: 1824: 1822: 1819: 1817: 1814: 1812: 1809: 1807: 1806:Lokottaravāda 1804: 1802: 1801:Prajñaptivāda 1799: 1797: 1794: 1792: 1789: 1787: 1784: 1782: 1779: 1777: 1774: 1773: 1767: 1766: 1762: 1758: 1757: 1754: 1751: 1750: 1746: 1742: 1741: 1737: 1733: 1732: 1724: 1722: 1718: 1713: 1710: 1706: 1701: 1699: 1696: 1692: 1688: 1684: 1680: 1675: 1673: 1669: 1665: 1655: 1653: 1649: 1648:Dharmaguptaka 1645: 1644: 1639: 1638:Chinese Canon 1635: 1631: 1626: 1624: 1620: 1616: 1612: 1608: 1607: 1602: 1601: 1600:Visuddhimagga 1596: 1590: 1588: 1587: 1582: 1581: 1576: 1575: 1570: 1565: 1563: 1559: 1558: 1553: 1549: 1545: 1541: 1537: 1533: 1529: 1524: 1522: 1518: 1514: 1510: 1506: 1502: 1501:Sarvāstivādin 1498: 1493: 1489: 1485: 1479: 1474: 1467: 1464:monastery of 1463: 1462:Sarvāstivādin 1458: 1454: 1452: 1448: 1444: 1440: 1435: 1433: 1429: 1425: 1421: 1417: 1407: 1405: 1401: 1397: 1394:(wholesome), 1393: 1389: 1385: 1381: 1377: 1376: 1371: 1366: 1365: 1361: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1348: 1343: 1342: 1337: 1335: 1329: 1327: 1326: 1321: 1317: 1316:Saṅgīti Sūtra 1312: 1308: 1307:Saṅgīti Sūtra 1304: 1300: 1296: 1291: 1289: 1288: 1283: 1279: 1275: 1271: 1270: 1264: 1262: 1258: 1254: 1250: 1245: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1230:Saṅgīti Sūtra 1227: 1223: 1219: 1218:Saṅgīti Sutta 1215: 1211: 1205: 1203: 1199: 1195: 1189: 1186: 1184: 1180: 1179:Rupert Gethin 1175: 1171: 1170: 1165: 1164:First Council 1161: 1157: 1156:Mātṛkā Piṭaka 1153: 1149: 1148: 1143: 1139: 1135: 1131: 1127: 1126:Rupert Gethin 1123: 1119: 1115: 1111: 1103: 1099: 1094: 1087: 1081: 1079: 1075: 1070: 1066: 1065:Dharmaguptaka 1062: 1058: 1054: 1053:Vinaya Piṭaka 1050: 1046: 1042: 1041: 1036: 1032: 1027: 1025: 1021: 1006: 1004: 1003:L. S. Cousins 1000: 996: 992: 988: 984: 983: 978: 977:Bhikkhu Bodhi 974: 970: 969:phenomenology 966: 962: 958: 953: 951: 947: 943: 939: 935: 931: 926: 924: 920: 914: 912: 907: 903: 899: 895: 891: 887: 883: 879: 878:Sarvāstivādin 875: 870: 860: 858: 854: 850: 846: 842: 841: 836: 835: 829: 827: 823: 819: 818: 812: 810: 806: 802: 798: 794: 790: 786: 782: 781:Bhikkhu Bodhi 778: 776: 772: 768: 756: 751: 749: 744: 742: 737: 736: 734: 733: 715: 714:Dharmaguptaka 711: 710: 708: 704: 701: 697: 695: 692: 691: 690: 687: 683: 680: 678: 675: 673: 670: 665: 664:Dharmaguptaka 661: 660: 658: 654: 651: 647: 644: 643: 642: 639: 635: 632: 629: 628: 627: 624: 623: 622: 619: 614: 612: 609: 605: 604:Prajñaptivāda 602: 600: 597: 596: 595: 592: 588: 587:Lokottaravāda 585: 584: 583: 580: 579: 578: 575: 574: 573: 570: 569: 564: 559: 558: 550: 547: 545: 542: 540: 537: 535: 532: 531: 527: 522: 521: 513: 512:Anāthapiṇḍika 510: 508: 505: 503: 502:Mahākātyāyana 500: 498: 495: 493: 490: 488: 485: 483: 480: 478: 475: 473: 470: 468: 465: 464: 457: 456: 448: 444: 442: 439: 437: 434: 432: 429: 427: 424: 422: 419: 417: 414: 412: 409: 407: 404: 402: 399: 397: 394: 391: 388: 387: 383: 378: 377: 373: 369: 368: 365: 361: 360: 354: 348: 347: 340: 336: 329: 325: 321: 316: 314: 310: 305: 300: 293: 288: 286: 282: 272: 270: 266: 256: 254: 250: 245: 237: 232: 230: 226: 221: 216: 209: 205: 200: 198: 194: 189: 184: 177: 172: 170: 166: 161: 156: 149: 144: 142: 138: 133: 128: 121:(T) / 阿毗达磨(S) 120: 115: 113: 109: 104: 99: 89: 87: 83: 69: 67: 63: 59: 55: 53: 49: 41: 39: 35: 31: 27: 20: 9223:Bodhisattvas 9143:Christianity 9138:Baháʼí Faith 9003:Dharmachakra 8993:Prayer wheel 8983:Prayer beads 8751:Architecture 8652: 8630:969 Movement 8414:Saudi Arabia 8392:Central Asia 8385:South Africa 8207: 8190: 8123:Panchen Lama 8028:Buddhapālita 7624:Satipatthana 7619:Mindful Yoga 7532:Recollection 7446:Brahmavihara 7317:Japanese Zen 7312:Chinese Chan 7272:Animal realm 7079:Key concepts 6901:Bodhisattvas 6713:Three Jewels 6550: 6543:"Abhidharma" 6516: 6479: 6466: 6436: 6425: 6403: 6381: 6370: 6338: 6333: 6325: 6320: 6309: 6304: 6296: 6291: 6283: 6278: 6270: 6265: 6256: 6248: 6243: 6235: 6230: 6222: 6218: 6213: 6190: 6173: 6167: 6162:1997. p. 112 6159: 6154: 6146: 6130: 6114: 6109: 6101: 6096: 6088: 6083: 6075: 6070: 6061: 6055: 6047: 6042: 6037:2008. p. 437 6034: 6021:2005. p. 213 6018: 5999: 5991: 5986: 5978: 5961: 5953: 5948: 5940: 5935: 5915: 5910: 5902: 5897: 5888: 5876: 5867: 5855: 5843: 5834: 5810: 5801: 5780: 5771: 5763: 5762:Guang Xing. 5758: 5748: 5717: 5712: 5704: 5699: 5687: 5675: 5654: 5642: 5634: 5629: 5617: 5608: 5576: 5571: 5559: 5547: 5538: 5533:, p. 7. 5526: 5518: 5513: 5505: 5500: 5491: 5482: 5473: 5459: 5451: 5435: 5430: 5422: 5417: 5409: 5404: 5396: 5391: 5382: 5373: 5365: 5360: 5351: 5343: 5338: 5330: 5325: 5306: 5293: 5285: 5280: 5272: 5267: 5259: 5254: 5246: 5241: 5233: 5217: 5212: 5204: 5199: 5191: 5186: 5178: 5173: 5165: 5160: 5152: 5147: 5139: 5134: 5126: 5110: 5105: 5086: 5080: 5066: 5062: 5054: 5049: 5029: 5022: 5005: 5001: 4991: 4966: 4962: 4952: 4944: 4939: 4931: 4926: 4918: 4913: 4905: 4900: 4892: 4887: 4866: 4857: 4848: 4839: 4830: 4822: 4807: 4802: 4793: 4784: 4772:. Retrieved 4760: 4756: 4722: 4705: 4685:. Retrieved 4679: 4657: 4652: 4629: 4616: 4566:Sutta Pitaka 4535: 4533: 4521:Sarvāstivāda 4497:Dà zhìdù lùn 4496: 4489: 4478: 4474:Dà zhìdù lùn 4472: 4470: 4465: 4461: 4458:Edward Conze 4455: 4441: 4439: 4433: 4425: 4414: 4406: 4404: 4398: 4388: 4385: 4372: 4364: 4350: 4346: 4340: 4335: 4331: 4325: 4320: 4314: 4304: 4294: 4285: 4276: 4269: 4268:and the ten 4263: 4259: 4253: 4245: 4239:ālayavijñāna 4237: 4233: 4224: 4186: 4160: 4156: 4153:Tang dynasty 4148: 4140: 4138: 4132: 4128: 4126: 4116: 4108: 4094: 4069: 4059: 4057: 4052: 4034:Dhānyakaṭaka 4015: 4012:Mahāsāṃghika 4009: 3994: 3989: 3985: 3981: 3975: 3950: 3944: 3942: 3932: 3928: 3924: 3921:*Nyāyānusāra 3920: 3917:Saṃghabhadra 3914: 3906:Sarvāstivāda 3889: 3883: 3881: 3872: 3868: 3865: 3859: 3849:sahabhū-hetu 3848: 3844: 3842: 3832: 3824:Aṣṭagrantha, 3823: 3819: 3814: 3810:Sutta Pitaka 3809: 3801: 3799: 3793:and also in 3781:and also in 3772:Sarvāstivāda 3769: 3753: 3749: 3746:Ledi Sayadaw 3727: 3720: 3712: 3706: 3704: 3693: 3687: 3682: 3676: 3668: 3646: 3636: 3632: 3630: 3625:Peṭakopadesa 3623: 3613: 3589: 3587: 3483:U Dhammaloka 3418:S. N. Goenka 3393:Ledi Sayadaw 3295:Three Jewels 3126:Vibhajjavada 3066:Vimuttimagga 3056:Commentaries 2923: 2911: 2898: 2878: 2865: 2847: 2838: 2834: 2831: 2815:Vibhajyavāda 2800: 2780: 2765: 2762: 2756: 2750: 2744: 2738: 2729: 2700: 2696: 2692: 2690: 2683: 2674:Mahasamghika 2665: 2663: 2653: 2641: 2634:Mahasamghika 2629: 2615: 2611: 2602: 2598: 2582: 2576: 2574: 2566: 2558: 2548: 2546: 2542: 2531: 2518: 2510: 2498: 2494: 2489: 2487: 2481: 2471: 2461: 2451: 2441: 2433: 2418: 2413: 2409: 2406: 2393:Buddhadharma 2390: 2335: 2265:D. T. Suzuki 2225:Ledi Sayadaw 2127:Śāntarakṣita 2062:Chandrakirti 2047:Buddhapālita 2012:Saṃghabhadra 1888: 1776:Vibhajyavāda 1721:Buddhavacana 1714: 1705:Sarvāstivāda 1702: 1687:Trāyastriṃśa 1676: 1661: 1642: 1627: 1604: 1598: 1591: 1584: 1578: 1572: 1566: 1561: 1555: 1552:Mahāsāṃghika 1525: 1481: 1476: 1471: 1450: 1446: 1442: 1436: 1431: 1430:, and the 5 1427: 1423: 1419: 1415: 1413: 1403: 1399: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1382:(formless), 1379: 1373: 1369: 1367: 1363: 1359: 1355: 1346: 1344:, and the 5 1339: 1332: 1330: 1323: 1322:school, the 1320:Sarvāstivāda 1315: 1314:between the 1306: 1292: 1285: 1281: 1277: 1273: 1267: 1265: 1256: 1248: 1246: 1241: 1238:Dīrgha Āgama 1233: 1229: 1226:Dīgha Nikāya 1221: 1217: 1209: 1207: 1201: 1197: 1193: 1191: 1187: 1182: 1169:Ashokavadana 1167: 1155: 1151: 1145: 1141: 1137: 1133: 1107: 1085: 1077: 1073: 1069:Sarvāstivāda 1052: 1049:Sūtra Piṭaka 1048: 1044: 1038: 1028: 1017: 980: 965:Dan Lusthaus 954: 949: 945: 941: 937: 929: 927: 915: 901: 897: 893: 885: 881: 866: 838: 832: 830: 825: 815: 813: 808: 801:Peter Harvey 779: 766: 764: 689:Vibhajyavāda 641:Sarvāstivāda 630:Vātsīputrīya 577:Mahāsāṃghika 460:Early sangha 420: 331:Vi Diệu Pháp 244:abhidharmaya 9068:Dharma talk 8897:Asalha Puja 8693:Eschatology 8496:Switzerland 8476:New Zealand 8404:Middle East 8313:Philippines 8233:Afghanistan 8038:Bodhidharma 8023:Buddhaghosa 7943:Householder 7853:Monasticism 7806:Bodhisattva 7661:Prostration 7614:Mindfulness 7542:Anapanasati 7525:Kammaṭṭhāna 7322:Korean Seon 7262:Asura realm 7257:Human realm 7197:Ten Fetters 7152:Parinirvana 7054:Uppalavanna 7019:Mahākaccana 7004:Mahākassapa 6936:Kṣitigarbha 6931:Ākāśagarbha 6828:Suddhodāna 6773:Four sights 6700:Foundations 6443:, entitled 6206:Gethin 1998 6149:1997. p. 90 6133:1997. p. 91 6104:1991. p. 99 6091:2005. p. 52 6074:Lin, Qian. 5881:Gethin 1998 4774:25 February 4763:(2): 1–47. 4424:centering ( 4399:Wéishí-zōng 4246:trisvabhāva 4165:Nara period 4161:Jōjitsu-shu 4107:works. The 4090:Sautrāntika 4086:Bahuśrutīya 4070:Chéngshílun 4026:Pāṭaliputra 3978:Pudgalavada 3963:Afghanistan 3902:Sautrantika 3845:sarvāstitva 3820:Aṣṭaskandha 3752:called the 3690:Buddhaghosa 3661:Buddhaghosa 3598:(Sanskrit: 3543:Kee Nanayon 3513:Ajahn Brahm 3498:Nyanaponika 3488:Nyanatiloka 3473:Jayatilleke 3448:Pragyananda 3343:Buddhadatta 3338:Buddhaghoṣa 3328:Sanghamitta 3312:Key figures 3265:Mindfulness 3227:Kammaṭṭhāna 2918:Vaisheshika 2811:Sautrāntika 2797:Temporality 2783:Sautrāntika 2732:Mahavibhasa 2606:Dharmakirti 2593:Mahavibhasa 2555:Buddhaghosa 2538:Mahavibhasa 2474:), 28 types 2437:intentional 2202:Mikyö Dorje 2122:Jñānagarbha 2042:Dharmakirti 2027:Buddhadatta 2022:Buddhaghosa 1826:Pramāṇavāda 1796:Pudgalavada 1791:Sautrāntika 1717:Sautrāntika 1672:Kathavatthu 1634:Theravādins 1595:Buddhaghosa 1580:Mahāvibhāṣa 1574:Aṭṭhakathās 1560:within the 1466:Tapa Shotor 1410:Development 1388:asaṃskṛtam, 1160:Mahākāśyapa 1136:(Sanskrit: 1114:André Migot 1040:parinirvāṇa 882:nippariyaya 855:schools of 672:Sautrāntika 645:(Haimavata) 626:Pudgalavada 615:(Haimavata) 599:Bahuśrutīya 487:Mahakasyapa 324:A-tì-đạt-ma 78:ôbhidhôrmmô 9304:Abhidharma 9298:Categories 9185:Psychology 9165:Gnosticism 9153:Comparison 9148:Influences 9130:Comparison 9013:Bhavacakra 8971:Kushinagar 8946:Pilgrimage 8892:Māgha Pūjā 8847:Bodhi Tree 8663:Buddhology 8653:Abhidharma 8645:Philosophy 8578:Menander I 8446:Costa Rica 8397:Uzbekistan 8238:Bangladesh 8192:Dhammapada 8176:Pali Canon 8138:Ajahn Chah 8118:Dalai Lama 8018:Kumārajīva 8013:Vasubandhu 7988:The Buddha 7896:Zen master 7831:Sakadagami 7811:Buddhahood 7742:Pratimokṣa 7557:Shikantaza 7513:Meditation 7488:Deity yoga 7359:Madhyamaka 7252:Deva realm 7147:Mindstream 7097:Bodhicitta 7009:Aṅgulimāla 6876:Devadatta 6852:Yaśodharā 6755:The Buddha 6745:Middle Way 6560:Abhidharma 6435:(, 2003). 6397:Cullavagga 6360:0028657187 6273:2000. p. 1 5633:Siderits, 4969:(2): 524. 4608:References 4525:Mahāyānist 4501:Kumārajīva 4361:Vasubandhu 4311:tradition. 4309:Mahīśāsaka 4216:Śīlabhadra 4212:Dharmapāla 4208:Sthiramati 4204:Vasubandhu 4145:Kumārajīva 4101:Mādhyamaka 4096:Paramārtha 3910:Vaibhāṣika 3898:Vaibhāṣika 3894:Vasubandhu 3875:), by the 3775:Vaibhāṣika 3766:Vaibhāṣika 3643:Pāli Canon 3538:Ayya Khema 3478:Kalupahana 3443:Mahapragya 3438:Kripasaran 3428:Ajahn Chah 3348:Dhammapāla 3255:Middle Way 3250:Meditation 3202:Abhidhamma 3131:Mahāvihāra 2976:Bangladesh 2876:doctrine. 2827:Vasubandhu 2823:presentism 2819:eternalist 2646:Paramārtha 2622:nominalism 2513:Vasubandhu 2427:, and the 2290:Buddhadasa 2187:Longchenpa 2147:Ratnakīrti 2132:Haribhadra 2067:Shantideva 2032:Dhammapāla 2007:Vasubandhu 2002:Harivarman 1919:Middle Way 1889:Abhidharma 1816:Madhyamaka 1786:Vaibhāṣika 1770:Traditions 1709:Vaibhāṣika 1683:bodhi tree 1611:Vasubandhu 1505:Theravādin 1451:caitasikās 1424:āyatanāni, 1416:saṃprayoga 1152:Abhidharma 1147:Cullavagga 1057:Mahīśāsaka 999:liberation 991:psychology 987:philosophy 950:Abhidharma 942:abhivinaya 934:the Dharma 874:Theravādin 863:Definition 840:aṭṭhakathā 797:liberation 789:psychology 785:philosophy 767:Abhidharma 707:Mahīśāsaka 682:Vaibhāṣika 657:Mahīśāsaka 421:Abhidharma 416:Prātimokṣa 382:Scriptures 313:Vietnamese 275:ᜀᜊᜑᜒᜇᜑᜀᜎᜋᜀ 160:abidatsuma 58:Abhidhamma 24:abhidhamma 9253:Festivals 9233:Buddhists 9195:Theosophy 8998:Symbolism 8988:Hama yumi 8961:Bodh Gaya 8728:Socialism 8703:Evolution 8678:Economics 8516:Venezuela 8431:Australia 8426:Argentina 8350:Sri Lanka 8345:Singapore 8263:Indonesia 8225:Countries 8166:Tripiṭaka 8128:Ajahn Mun 8003:Nagarjuna 7998:Aśvaghoṣa 7881:Anagārika 7876:Śrāmaṇerī 7871:Śrāmaṇera 7866:Bhikkhunī 7826:Sotāpanna 7715:Passaddhi 7656:Offerings 7631:Nekkhamma 7508:Iddhipada 7428:Practices 7398:Theravada 7371:Vajrayana 7364:Yogachara 7334:Pure Land 7247:Six Paths 7234:Cosmology 7014:Anuruddha 6989:Sāriputta 6979:Kaundinya 6971:Disciples 6946:Vajrapāṇi 6798:Footprint 6763:Tathāgata 5579:, page 3. 4983:0336-1519 4509:Nāgārjuna 4017:Dīpavaṃsa 3949:(舍利弗阿毘曇論 3877:Tocharian 3717:Anuruddha 3700:Theravada 3665:Theravāda 3606:Theravāda 3601:Tripiṭaka 3413:U Ba Khin 3363:Anawrahta 3141:Mahavamsa 3136:Dipavamsa 3116:Sthaviras 3011:Sri Lanka 2970:Countries 2885:Sammitiya 2757:Prolonged 2739:Momentary 2686:causality 2654:prajñapti 2642:prajñapti 2506:vipassana 2315:Ju Mipham 2285:Ñāṇananda 2260:Masao Abe 2052:Bhāviveka 1992:Nagarjuna 1944:Suffering 1909:Emptiness 1831:Vajrayana 1821:Yogachara 1781:Theravāda 1698:Sariputta 1664:Theravāda 1400:avyākṛtam 1384:saṃskṛtam 1356:Oghavagga 1334:āyatanāni 1196:but only 1102:Shravasti 1061:Theravāda 853:Vajrayāna 845:Theravāda 700:Kāśyapīya 694:Theravāda 650:Kāśyapīya 634:Saṃmitīya 621:Sthaviras 507:Devadatta 472:Sāriputta 436:Mahāvastu 396:Tripiṭaka 188:âphĭthômm 74:অভিধর্ম্ম 9271:Category 9200:Violence 9170:Hinduism 9118:Sanskrit 9073:Hinayana 9058:Amitābha 9018:Swastika 8887:Uposatha 8877:Holidays 8862:Calendar 8708:Humanism 8546:Kanishka 8536:Timeline 8360:Thailand 8328:Kalmykia 8323:Buryatia 8308:Pakistan 8293:Mongolia 8288:Maldives 8283:Malaysia 8248:Cambodia 8113:Shamarpa 8108:Nichiren 8058:Xuanzang 7993:Nagasena 7911:Rinpoche 7641:Pāramitā 7483:Devotion 7403:Navayana 7391:Dzogchen 7354:Nichiren 7302:Mahayana 7294:Branches 7172:Saṅkhāra 6921:Mañjuśrī 6878:(cousin) 6870:(cousin) 6838:(mother) 6830:(father) 6818:Miracles 6768:Birthday 6685:Glossary 6658:Buddhism 6515:(2013). 6380:(2004). 6315:Preface. 4769:44362554 4628:(2000). 4556:Tipitaka 4544:See also 4488:: 大智度論, 4417:mystical 4393:Yogācāra 4389:vijñapti 4357:Xuanzang 4334:and the 4279:Yogācāra 4265:pāramitā 4226:Yogācāra 4220:Xuanzang 4196:Yogācāra 4192:Yogācāra 4189:Mahāyāna 4181:Yogācāra 4157:Chéngshí 4149:Chéngshí 4141:Chéngshí 4105:Yogācāra 4092:school. 4032:visited 4030:Xuanzang 3997:Xuanzang 3976:Several 3787:Gandhara 3638:Tipiṭaka 3622:and the 3596:Tipitaka 3493:Nanamoli 3403:U Nārada 3290:Precepts 3196:Doctrine 3016:Thailand 2981:Cambodia 2943:a series 2941:Part of 2870:Yogacara 2862:bhavanga 2858:Patthana 2791:Yogacara 2768:Patthana 2697:pratyaya 2534:svabhāva 2528:Svabhāva 2458:Cetasika 2240:Yin Shun 2082:Xuanzang 2072:Sengzhao 1997:Aryadeva 1987:Nagasena 1934:Svabhava 1899:Not-self 1851:Dzogchen 1846:Zen/Chán 1811:Mahayana 1745:a series 1743:Part of 1727:Doctrine 1632:and the 1577:and the 1540:Xuanzang 1432:skandhāh 1428:dhatāvah 1420:saṃgraha 1396:akuśalam 1347:skandhāh 1341:dhatāvah 1272:). This 1112:such as 1051:and the 902:pariyaya 857:Buddhism 849:Mahāyāna 594:Gokulika 431:Avadanas 364:Buddhism 353:a series 304:aphitham 236:අභිධර්මය 220:abidalma 141:Japanese 92:အဘိဓမ္မာ 38:Sanskrit 9248:Temples 9228:Buddhas 9190:Science 9180:Judaism 9175:Jainism 9093:Lineage 9053:Abhijñā 9023:Thangka 8966:Sarnath 8951:Lumbini 8872:Funeral 8867:Cuisine 8743:Culture 8718:Reality 8668:Creator 8658:Atomism 8528:History 8501:Ukraine 8461:Germany 8380:Senegal 8370:Vietnam 8298:Myanmar 8098:Shinran 8088:Karmapa 8063:Shandao 8033:Dignāga 7958:Śrāvaka 7938:Donchee 7933:Kappiya 7891:Sayadaw 7861:Bhikkhu 7836:Anāgāmi 7793:Nirvana 7759:Samadhi 7646:Paritta 7587:Tonglen 7582:Mandala 7537:Smarana 7518:Mantras 7466:Upekkha 7436:Bhavana 7386:Shingon 7339:Tiantai 7192:Tathātā 7182:Śūnyatā 7177:Skandha 7167:Saṃsāra 7162:Rebirth 7137:Kleshas 7127:Indriya 7029:Subhūti 6914:Guanyin 6868:Ānanda 6860:Rāhula 6740:Nirvana 6680:Outline 6562:at the 6549:(ed.). 6349:Sources 5707:p. 113. 5575:Bodhi, 4687:18 June 4592:Skandha 4505:Sengrui 4486:Chinese 4068:: 成實論, 4066:Chinese 4042:śāstras 4038:bhikṣus 4028:. When 4001:sastras 3990:pudgala 3959:Bamiyan 3783:Bactria 3779:Kashmir 3738:Myanmar 3734:Sinhala 3730:Burmese 3548:Dipa Ma 3518:Analayo 3383:Mongkut 3323:Mahinda 3243:Nibbāna 3234:Saṃsāra 3158:Schools 3099:History 3021:Vietnam 3001:Myanmar 2908:Atomism 2892:' and ' 2850:no self 2730:In the 2521:Nirvana 2478:Nibbāna 2414:dhammas 2412:(Pali: 2410:dhammas 2192:Gorampa 2177:Dolpopa 2167:Rongzom 2037:Dignāga 1954:Nirvana 1836:Tiāntāi 1695:bhikkhu 1662:In the 1646:of the 1443:mātṛkās 1426:the 18 1392:kuśalam 1358:of the 1338:the 18 1236:of the 1224:of the 1183:mātikās 1162:at the 1144:in the 1134:mātikās 1086:mātṛkās 1074:mātṛkās 993:and an 898:sammuti 826:mātṛkās 791:and an 611:Caitika 447:Kangyur 426:Jatakas 401:Nikayas 350:Part of 292:อภิธรรม 269:Tagalog 253:Tibetan 229:Sinhala 176:អភិធម្ម 132:āpídámó 112:Chinese 103:əbḭdəmà 86:Burmese 66:Bengali 29:English 9243:Sutras 9238:Suttas 9103:Siddhi 9088:Koliya 9063:Brahmā 8978:Poetry 8924:Mantra 8914:Kasaya 8786:Pagoda 8766:Kyaung 8761:Vihāra 8756:Temple 8698:Ethics 8541:Ashoka 8491:Sweden 8486:Poland 8481:Norway 8471:Mexico 8456:France 8441:Canada 8436:Brazil 8375:Africa 8355:Taiwan 8318:Russia 8243:Bhutan 8203:Vinaya 8083:Naropa 8073:Saraha 8008:Asanga 7764:Prajñā 7673:Refuge 7636:Nianfo 7597:Tertön 7592:Tantra 7577:Ganana 7567:Tukdam 7493:Dhyāna 7461:Mudita 7456:Karuṇā 7349:Risshū 7344:Huayan 7277:Naraka 7217:Anattā 7212:Dukkha 7207:Anicca 7112:Dharma 7064:Channa 6999:Ānanda 6984:Assaji 6951:Skanda 6854:(wife) 6823:Family 6803:Relics 6728:Sangha 6723:Dharma 6718:Buddha 6523:  6486:  6455: 6410:  6388:  6358:  5637:, 112. 5313:  5093:  5037:  4981:  4767:  4640:  4460:, the 4449:, the 4349:, Ch. 4301:Asanga 4200:Asanga 4022:Faxian 3973:sect. 3806:Agamas 3300:Vinaya 3207:Anattā 2856:. The 2805:. The 2751:Static 2745:Serial 2670:Taisho 2616:Other 2577:dhamma 2425:dhatus 2102:Wonhyo 2092:Fazang 2077:Jizang 2017:Asanga 1894:Ahimsa 1863:Themes 1841:Huayan 1586:śāstra 1532:Saṃgha 1528:Vinaya 1517:Vinaya 1515:, and 1509:Sūtras 1447:cittas 1370:mātṛkā 1280:, the 1274:mātṛkā 1210:mātṛkā 1202:mātṛkā 1198:mātṛkā 1138:mātṛkā 1128:, and 1098:Rajgir 1067:, and 1055:, the 1031:Vinaya 995:ethics 894:prajñā 851:, and 834:śāstra 793:ethics 539:Ashoka 492:Ānanda 406:Āgamas 362:Early 197:Korean 183:UNGEGN 155:Rōmaji 127:Pinyin 9215:Lists 9083:Kalpa 9078:Iddhi 8941:Music 8936:Mudra 8902:Vassa 8882:Vesak 8852:Budai 8798:Candi 8781:Stupa 8713:Logic 8466:Italy 8365:Tibet 8303:Nepal 8273:Korea 8268:Japan 8258:India 8253:China 8198:Sutra 8153:Texts 8103:Dōgen 8093:Hōnen 8078:Atiśa 8043:Zhiyi 7953:Achar 7921:Tulku 7916:Geshe 7901:Rōshi 7886:Ajahn 7841:Arhat 7801:Bodhi 7771:Vīrya 7688:Sacca 7683:Satya 7678:Sādhu 7666:Music 7609:Merit 7602:Terma 7562:Zazen 7498:Faith 7451:Mettā 7132:Karma 7092:Bardo 7059:Asita 7049:Khema 7039:Upāli 7024:Nanda 6862:(son) 6836:Māyā 6813:Films 6690:Index 6545:. 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Glossary of Buddhism

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