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4158:, pp. 105–106: "Ali's appeals were, of course, addressed primarily to the Kapitanioi of the Greek contingents in the Ottoman army. In addition , however , to the detachments of armatoloi already in the mainland , there were also numerous klephts and mountain tribesmen such as the Souliotes who had crossed over from the Ionian islands to Epirus at Ottoman invitation There had been over 3,000 of these fighting men in the islands, men who had been forced to flee from Ali's dominions as he had gradually extended his rule over Rumely. While in exile, they had served under the banner of whichever power held the islands, but the British had disbanded their regiments at the end of the Napoleonic wars. Unable any longer to make their living as soldiers , they were a destitute and bitter group which longed for some radical change in their political situation that would enable them to return to their homeland. Kapodistrias, a native Corfiote serving as Russian foreign minister, who knew most of the exiled chieftains from visiting the island in 1819, was extremely concerned about their plight and suspected that the British on the islands and Ali Pasha on the mainland were acting in concert to destroy what we may call the "military" Greeks. When both Ali Pasha and the Ottomans had requested their assistance in the summer of 1820, it was Kapodistrias who had encouraged them to take advantage of this opportunity to regain their ancestral villages. In fact, though certainly no revolutionary himself, he was so emphatic on that point he let it be known to Ypsilantes, who had been chosen the leader of the Hetaireia, that he endorsed the right of the "military" Greeks - "those Greeks who bear arms" to defend themselves against whatever foe attacked them, "as they have done for centuries". But the sanctioning of even limited rebellion by the foreign minister of the world's leading Orthodox power -made known to the chieftains by his two brothers in Corfu - could not but have serious repercussions in the months ahead. On several occasions in the past, these heroic mountain warriors had formed the shock-troops of peasant rebellion and consequently they had a powerful hold over the minds of the vast majority of the Greek people. It was not realistic to assume that the people would remained uninvolved while the military Greeks did battle with the Ottomans." 5851:, pp. 107–108 "While the Corfiot historian, K. D. Karamoutsos, in his study of Souliot genealogies (or lineages) does not disagree on the question of the vendetta, he has little time for what he considers extensive “misinformation” on the part of Katsaros. Karamoutsos has a more sympathetic view of the Souliots, insisting that no respectable historian could categorize them as members of the Albanian nation simply on the grounds that they had their roots in the centre of present-day Albania and could speak Albanian. On the contrary, he argues, they were 100% Orthodox and bilingual, speaking Greek as well as Albanian; he says that their names, customs, costumes and consciousness were Greek, and that they maintained Greek styles of housing and family structures. He accepts that some historians might place their forebears in the category of akrites, or border guards, of the Byzantine Empire. When they came to Corfu, the Souliots were usually registered in official documents, he says, as Albanesi or Suliotti. They were, he concludes, a special group, a Greek-Albanian people (ellinoarvanites). Vasso Psimouli, on the other hand, takes for granted that the Souliots were of Albanian origin. According to her, they first settled in Epirus at the end of the fourteenth century, but they were not cut off from the Greek-speaking population around them. They spoke Albanian at home but they soon began to use Greek. As these varying opinions suggest, Greek academics have not been able to agree whether the Souliots were Albanian, Albanian-speaking Greeks, or a mixture of Greeks and Hellenized Christian Albanians who had settled in northern Greece. The issue of the origin and ethnicity of the Souliots is very much a live and controversial issue in Greece today. Foreign writers have been equally divided." 5822:"Αλβανήτες",, shqiptare i identifikon edhe Eleni Karakicu, bashkëshortja e pare e Marko Boçarit. Ajo në fakt drejton një kundër akuzë ndaj tij e familjes së tij, si përgjigje rreth një procesi gjyqësor për çështje shkurorëzimi të parashtruar nga vetë Marko Boçari më 1810, në shtatë ujdhesat e Detit Jon. Ndërmjet tjerash, Karakicu akuzon indiferencën e vjehrrive të saj me fjalët: Nëse ai i kishte të gjitha gjërat në duart e veta, se vjehrri dhe vjehrra ime nuk vendosen ta zënë e ta vrasin, sa Kostën e Stathit, po aq edhe këtë ta bëjnë per mua dhe se sipas tyre e kanë tradhtuar, atëherë veprimi i tillë është borxh dhe ligj për shqiptarët, që të lahen nga mëkati." "["Alvanites", or in other words Albanians is how Eleni Karakitsou, the wife of Markos Botsaris identifies them. It relates to an accusation against his family to answer questions in a divorce case trial filed by Markos Botsaris in 1810 in the Septinsular islands of the Ionian Sea. Among other things, Karakitsou accuses her in-laws of indifference with the words: He had everything in his hands, because my father in law and mother in law decided not catch and to kill him, like Kosta and Stathi, yet they did not do this for me and I believe they have betrayed me and such an action is owed and law for Albanians, so as to brush away those sins." 2091:
Greece after the war despite their common status as refugees had their own peculiarities, interests and customs. The Souliotes, alongside people from the area of Arta and the rest of Epirus, in many cases insisted on being represented as a separate group in their affairs with the Greek state and maintain their own representatives. In other cases are grouped together with the other Epirote refugees as "Epirosouliotes" or just "Epirotes". The Souliots were considered to have "a sense of superiority" and were seen by some as being arrogant because they considered themselves to be superior in military affairs in their participation in the war. This feeling of superiority of Souliotes was not only directed towards other groups of refugees but also towards the central authorities. In such conditions, it was difficult for the Souliotes to follow the central government and they were constantly a source of "reaction and mutinies". A local relation from Agrinio (1836) to the central government reports that as the Souliotes were jobless and without land they had resorted to looting and robbing the local population.
2349:). R. A. Davenport stated in 1837 that were some people who believed that the "nucleus of the Suliote population consisted of Albanians" who had sought refuge in the mountains after the death of Skanderbeg, while other people claimed shepherds settled Souli from Gardhiki which in both cases was to escape Ottoman rule. In 1851 British traveler Edward Lear wrote the "mountains of Suli" were "occupied by Albanians" in the early medieval period and stayed Christian after the surrounding area converted to Islam. Traveler Henry Baerlin referred to the Souliotes as shouting their defiance in Albanian to "threatening Greek letters sent by Ali Pasha" during their wars. Traveler Brian de Jongh stated that the Souliots were of Albanian descent and "refugees from Albania a branch of the Tosks", that kept "their Albanian mother tongue and Christian faith. A NY Times article from 1880 calls the Souliotes a "branch of the Albanian people" and referred to Souliote women like Moscho Tzavella as exemplary of "the extraordinary courage of the Albanian women... in the history of the country. 40: 1022: 580: 4311:, pp. 106–107: "The news of the rising of the most famous and heroic among the Greeks could not fail but spread like wildfire through the land. Kasomoules, a contemporary memoirist, recalls that “the trumpet sounded from the north in the month of December and all Greeks, even in the most remote places were inspired by its call.” “If ever the cry of liberty is heard in Greece,” wrote the French consul in Patras, “it will come from the mountains of Epirus! According to all indications the moment has arrived.” Soon there were other Greek fighting men from the Ottoman camp, and neighboring mountain tribesmen joined with the Souliotes. In January even the Muslim Albanians, who had enjoyed a privileged position during Ali's rule, and resented Ottoman oppression as much as the Greeks, signed a formal pact with the Souliotes." 1423:(grandfather of Markos Botsaris) whom he calls a "paid traitor". Other historians of the 19th century follow the same assessment. In modern historiography, the explanation of his political stance through "greed" is considered an oversimplification. Like all other Souliot clans, the Botsaris first and foremost worked for the interests of their own clan, and sought to improve the wealth and political position of their clan, hence the stance of George Botsaris and all Souliot leaders is interpreted in this framework. For the Botsaris clan, since 1799 when Ali Pasha took control of the villages of Lakka Souli which were previously under the sphere of influence of the Botsaris clan, integration in the Ottoman system was the only viable political option. In 1800, George Botsaris received a large sum and the position of the 2307: 1065:
Ottoman official or timariot holder of Souli lived there. This likely happened not because of Souliot hostility but because of the extended practice of Ottoman officials since the 17th century to not live on the territories they were assigned to, but in the closest large urban settlement. All archival sources show that throughout its existence the Souliotic community paid its taxes regularly and complied with Ottoman economic laws in their transactions and as such was represented in the Ottoman system, but it was not integrally included in it as its remote position and lack of natural resources didn't lead to any Ottoman presence within Souli. As a result, Psimouli (2016) describes the status of Souli as a "community without Turkish presence, but not necessarily autonomous".
482: 1919: 1562: 468:
environmental conditions and lack of grazing grounds gradually created social conditions, which led many Souliote clans to engage in pillaging and raiding other Souliote clans and primarily the neighbouring, lowland peasant communities as a means to combat lack of means of subsistence. In the 18th century, the occasional use of raiding as a means of subsistence became an institutionalized activity of Souliote clans which systematically raided the lowland peasants. The price of weapons in the 17th century had decreased which made their acquirement much easier and the naturally defensive position of Souliote clans in their hilltop settlements made immediate intervention by the Ottoman authorities difficult.
1953:. After they plundered Agrafa, the Tzavellas clan joined Karaiskakis and abandoned Mavrokordatos as he had designated Markos Botsaris "General of Western Greece". The two clans had a very deep hostility to each other that throughout the war they supported opposed factions and refused to fight under the same command. In an effort to release the tension and daily infighting between leaders of armed bands, all of them, including newly arrived from the Ionians Zygouris Tzavellas, were elevated to the generalship, leading Markos to tear apart the certificate of his rank in protest. In August the Roumeliot and Souliot forces of 1,200 men met with the 5,000-strong vanguard of the Ottoman army of 2426:
thought that they were less Greek than the Greek-speakers. Trencsényi and Kopecek have inferred that they were Orthodox by faith and Albanian by origin. Fleming considers the Souliotes an Orthodox Albanian people, but also Greek-speaking. She also states that the Souliote people, who practiced a form of Orthodox Christianity and spoke Greek, were seen not as Greeks but as Albanians. Peter Bartl says that the Souliotes were an Albanian tribal community of Greek Orthodox religion. Yanni Kotsonis states that the Souliots appear a puzzling case only when contemporary notions of national belonging are projected to them and that their identity was complex, as they were "Albanians,
2951:. p. 487. “The Albanians were a mountain population from the region of Epirus, in the north-west part of the Ottoman Empire. They were predominantly Muslim. The Suliots were a Christian Albanian tribe, which in the eighteenth century settled in a mountainous area close to the town of Jannina. They struggled to remain independent and fiercely resisted Ali Pasha, the tyrannic ruler of Epirus. They were defeated in 1822 and, banished from their homeland, took refuge in the Ionian Islands. It was there that Lord Byron recruited a number of them to form his private guard, prior to his arrival in Missolonghi in 1824. Arnauts was the name given by the Turks to the Albanians”. 1553:. In January 1804, they were attacked by Ali Pasha's army under Beqir Bey with support from the local armatoloi Zikos Michos, Tzimas Alexis and Poulis. As the Botsaris clan was given the important armatolik of Tzoumerka, other armatoloi had targeted them. The Souliotes were besieged for 3 months on the grounds of the monastery of the Assumption of Mary. In the final battle, on April 7, most Souliotes were killed and of those who survived many were taken hostage. About 80 escaped from this battle. Ali Pasha at the same time published a firman which targeted the Botsaris clan which was hunted down. Kitsos Botsaris and his family with a few others managed to escape to 1508:, Koutsonikas, Gogkas Daglis, Giannakis Sehos, Fotomaras, Tzavaras, Veikos, Panou, Zigouris Diamadis, and Georgios Bousbos. They won all the decisive battles. Without food and ammunition, they were forced to withdraw to the fortresses of Kiafa and Kougi, where they lost the last battle on December 7, 1803. Following that, the Souliotes concluded an armistice with Veli Pasha, Ali's son and commander of the expedition. Finding their defense untenable in the long run, they agreed upon a treaty on 12 December which obliged them to abandon their homeland. They were allowed to leave with arms, the necessities of war, foodstuffs and whatever else they wished to take. 2149:
government of Othon as a measure which sought to placate the Souliotes and the locals of the areas which would see Souliot settlement prepared a legal act which was never officially published. The government accepted the Souliot requests for the implementation of the decisions of 1831-32 "to the extent that no unknown obstacles exist". This formulation allowed for local interest groups in these areas to postpone the creation of the settlements which eventually were halted. As a reaction against the new decision, on September 26, 1834, the Souliotes from all three areas (Nafpaktos, Agrinio, Mesologgi) signed a petition and elected
authorities petitioned the government to speed up the procedure for the building of the new settlement. In Agrinio, local reactions against the Souliotes caused many delays. The part of the local population which reacted against them accused them that they didn't plan to settle there peacefully but that they would engage in robberies and pillaging against them. In 1836, Souliotes were among the groups who took part in the anti-Bavarian movements in Greece and this caused further distrust towards them from the central authorities. In time, the dispute between Souliotes and locals led to the partial construction of the settlement.
6465:Ο Fauriel, εκδίδει το 1824 την πρώτη συλλογή ελληνικών δημοτικών τραγουδιών που αποτελεί και την πρώτη συλλογή υλικού για την περιοχή του Σουλίου. Η πρώτη, όπως έχουμε αναφέρει στην Εισαγωγή, συστηματική προσπάθεια συλλογής και καταγραφής των σουλιώτικων τραγουδιών σε σχέση με τα ιστορικά γεγονότα της εποχής, γίνεται από τον Fauriel το 1824. Από τότε και έπειτα η λαογραφία έχει να αναδείξει ένα σημαντικό αριθμό συλλογών, στις οποίες παρουσιάζεται το ποιητικό κείμενο των τραγουδιών, άλλοτε χωρίς σχολιασμό και άλλοτε133 συνοδευόμενο από το σχόλιο του αντίστοιχου ιστορικού γεγονότ 1345: 407:). The latter became the outer defensive ring in case of an attack. Both groups of villages were also collectively called Souli. At the peak of their power, in 1800, Souliot leaders estimated that their community numbered c. 20,000 inhabitants. Vasso Psimouli estimates a total population of c. 4,500 for the Souliot villages. Of these, she estimates that up to 1,250 were living in the "eptachori", among whom 500 were armed, according to Perraivos, organized in 18 clans, while the other 3,250, in 31 clans, were living in the "tetrachori" and provided c. 1200 armed men. 6516:(The Albanian Bee) appeared in Greek script in Alexandria, Egypt. It is one of the best Albanian collections, despite the fact that Efthim Mitko, the col-lector, was not in a position to be in direct contact with the people because he left Albania while young and lived in Egypt. The most important part of his collection are the lyric poems. Of the heroic songs, 97 are in the dialect of southern Albania and 26 in that of northern Albania. They celebrate exploits of beys, the heroes of Suli, and the battles of the Albanians in various parts of the Turkish Empire." 1146:
Greek entries. Many entries are related to religion and church organization. For Jochalas who edited and published the dictionary, despite the influence of Greek on Souliotic Albanian in the entries, it is evident that Botsaris and his family members who helped him lacked structural knowledge of Greek and were very inexperienced in writing. He also observes that the Albanian phrases are syntaxed as if were Greek (Yochalas, p.53). Similar lack of knowledge of Greek grammar, syntax and spelling is observed for all of the very few written documents by Souliotes.
2358: 1155:
secretaries as is, e.g., the case with the correspondence between the Cham beys and Ali pasha. A written account on the language Souliotes used is the diary of Fotos Tzavellas, composed during his captivity by Ali Pasha (1792–1793). This diary is written by F. Tzavellas himself in simple Greek with several spelling and punctuation mistakes. Emmanouel Protopsaltes, former professor of Modern Greek History at the University of Athens, who published and studied the dialect of this diary, concluded that Souliotes were Greek speakers originating from the area of
ordered the construction of tower fortifications around Souli. For two years the Souliotes were able to survive this encirclement by the smuggling of supplies from Parga and from nearby Paramythia and Margariti. Nevertheless, a lack of food and supplies was taking its toll. In April 1802 the Souliotes received a supply of food, weapons and ammunition by a French corvette stationed in Parga. This intervention by the French offered Ali the pretext for a new expedition against them with the support of the agas and beys of Epirus and southern Albania.
223:. On 4 December 1820, Ali Pasha constituted an anti-Ottoman coalition joined by the Souliotes, to which they contributed with 3,000 soldiers, mainly because he offered to allow the return of the Souliotes to their land, and partly by appeal to their shared Albanian origins. After the defeat of Ali Pasha and with the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence, the Souliotes were among the first communities to take arms against the Ottomans. Following the successful struggle for independence, they settled in parts of the newly established 4323:, p. 106: "Not surprisingly, the warlike and independent Souliotes, who like the other Greeks had been repeatedly mistreated by the Ottoman and who were especially close to the Kapodistrias brothers, were the first to rebel against the sultan (on 7/19 December) and ally themselves with Ali Pasha. They undoubtedly knew of the Hetaireia (as did everybody else by this time) but their purpose in revolting was most probably of a local nature: to regain the barren villages they had been forced to abandon seventeen years before..." 5706:. University of Athens. p. 36, 47: "Οι κατοικούντες εις Παραμυθίαν και Δέλβινον λέγονται Τζαμηδες και ο τόπος Τζαμουριά», δίδασκε ο Αθανάσιος Ψαλίδας στις αρχές του 19ου αιώνα και συνέχιζε: «Κατοικείται από Γραικούς και Αλβανούς· οι πρώτοι είναι περισσότεροι», ενώ διέκρινε τους δεύτερους σε Αλβανούς Χριστιανούς και Αλβανούς Μουσουλμάνους." Στην Τσαμουριά υπάγει επίσης την περιφέρεια της Πάργας, χωρίς να διευκρινίζει τον εθνοπολιτισμικό της χαρακτήρα, καθώς και τα χωριά του Σουλίου, κατοικούμενα από «Γραικούς πολεμιστές». 2076: 1230: 1392:) As part of the same agreement he held five children of prominent Souliote families as hostages. Ali Pasha launched successive spring-summer campaigns in 1789 and 1790. Although some Parasouliote settlements were captured, the defenders of Souli managed to repulse the attacks. Despite the end of the Russo-Turkish War, Ali Pasha was obsessed to capture this centre of resistance. Thus, he looked forward to implement indirect and long-term strategies since the numerical superiority of his troops proved inadequate. 5834:, p. 186: "Spiros Katsaros argues (1984) that the Suliots were much better off in Corfu, anyway. To the Corfiots, he suggests, in the period 1804–14, the Suliots were simply armed Albanian refugees, who were displacing them from their properties ... foreigners required to be housed at a short notice, prepared to squat illegally whenever necessary, needing to be taught Greek ... On these questions Katsaros is at odds with another Corfiot writer about the Suliots (himself of Suliot origins), D. Karamoutsos." 6268:, spoke Albanian, Greek and Aromanian (Vlach), was dealt with by the adoption of two different policies by Greek state institutions. The first policy was to take measures to hide the language(s) the population spoke, as we have seen in the case of “Southern Epirus”. The second was to put forth the argument that the language used by the population had no relation to their national affiliation. To this effect the state provided striking examples of Albanian-speaking individuals (from southern Greece or the 3645:, p. 202. "Për më tepër, shumë nga suljotët sot vazhdojnë të përkujtojnë rrënjët e forta në viset shkëmbore të Sulit dhe nëpërmjet toponimisë nuk e kontestojnë origjinën shqiptare të tyre. Në këtë kontekst, siç bën të ditur albanologu grek me prejardhje shqiptare, Petro Furiqi (Πέτρο Φουρίκης), toponimet si: Qafa, Vira ose Bira, Breku i vetetimesë (Bregu i vetëtimës), Gura, Dhembes (Dhëmbës), Kungje, Murga e Fereza, nuk kanë si të shpjegohen ndryshe, përveçse nëpërmjet gjuhës shqipe." 516:
leader may not have been acceptable by all members of the fara. Each clan was further divided in brotherhoods. As such, in time, it had the tendency to branch out in new clans which were formed as the original one grew in size and could no longer hold its cohesion as one unit under one leader. Members of the fara enjoyed privileges of settlement in specific villages and had the right to use in common specific natural resources (water springs, grazing grounds) which had been assigned to it.
354:(mountain peak) which is found as a geographical toponym in other areas where medieval Albanian clans settled. It may also be interpreted as 'watchpost', 'lookout', or 'mountain summit'. The view of Fourikis is the most commonly accepted theory in contemporary historiography. Psimouli (2006) considers the etymological aspects in the theory of Fourikis acceptable, but rejects the view the toponym Souli emerged from the region's geomorphology, because none of the four settlements of the 1647:
until 1814, very few entered British service. The British disbanded the remnants of the Souliot Regiment in 1815 and subsequently decommissioned their own two Greek Light Regiments. This left many of the Souliotes and other military refugees without livelihoods. In 1817, a group of veterans of Russian service on the Ionian Islands traveled to Russia to see if they could get patents of commission and employment in the Russian army. While unsuccessful in this endeavor, they joined the
2140:, a contemporary of Kapodistrias, writes that he was concerned with resettling Souliotes, Cretans and Thessalians from the area of Mt. Olympus in the same area as members of their own community as he thought that their settlements would become dangerous areas. Such a consideration might be plausible, but modern historiography considers that the issue remained unsolved for a long time due to systemic factors and not because of the individual predisposition of Kapodistrias. At the 2449:) was used to describe an Albanian speaker regardless of their religious affiliations. According to Nikolopoulou, due to their identification with Greece, they were seen as Greeks by their Muslim Albanian adversaries as well. Ali Pasha, on the other hand, established an alliance with the Souliotes in 1820 by appealing to the shared ethnic Albanian origin of the Souliotes and his Muslim Albanian forces. Religiously, the Souliotes were always members of the Christian flock of the 253: 1454: 1716:
appeal to their shared Albanian origin, but mainly after he offered to allow them to return to their land, the Souliots agreed in December to support him to lift the Sultan's siege of Yannina in return for their resettlement in Souli. Οn December 12, the Souliotes liberated the region of Souli, both from Muslim Lab Albanians, who were previously installed by Ali Pasha as settlers, and Muslim Cham Albanians, allies of Pashobey. They also captured the Kiafa fort.
1113: 1806:, a delegate of Hurshid Pasha, which the Christian Souliots, confident in their connection with the revolutionaries, rejected. As such Ago Muhurdar, a Muslim Albanian previously loyal to Ali stated: "Souliots! Until today we were servants of you and your allies... we were deceived because now we see clearly that both you and your co-religionists fight for your faith and freedom. Your war for faith and freedom is clearly a war against our faith and ruler". 1300:, guns and ammunition and urged Souliotes to revolt. The Turks, who got informed on the movements of Souliotes, in March 1772 sent against them an army of 5.000 Muslim Albanians, who were defeated and their leader Suleyman was captured. The hostilities lasted till mid 1772. According to other source the Souliotes were attacked by 9.000 men under Suleyman Tsapari. In 1775, Kurt Pasha sent a military expedition to Souli that ultimately failed. During the 5888:, "Finlay's late 19th century impression gives some impressions of the social complexity of social categories in this area. To begin with, the Souliotes (celebrated by Byron and in Greek national history for their role in the liberation of Greece) were a "branch of the Tchamides, one of the three great divisions of the Tosks" (Finlay 1939:42)-in other words they initially spoke Albanian... the question of a national identity can hardly be applied here" 1995:
the Souliots towards a constant, unaccommodable demand for their salaries. The concentration of many Souliot families in Mesologgi was a source of deep concern for the locals. The armed clashes between them were frequent as Souliotes engaged in robberies and even took possession of parts of the houses of locals for their own families, while claiming Greekness as a privilege enjoyed exclusively by themselves and berating other Christians in the city as
millet. The name Roman was a legacy of history, not a factual identification of race or ethnicity. The term Roman originally designated a citizen of the Eastern Roman Empire. The Ottomans employed the term Rayah to imply all land cultivators regardless of religion; but in practice, in the Ottoman Balkans, this term meant the Orthodox Christians. For the Western audience in Germany, Austria, and Hungary, Greek Orthodox was synonymous with Orthodoxy.
2001:. The locals refused to supply the Souliotes with food, housing and other necessary materials because of the bad relations between them and the ties they had to local forces. Enraged at the troubles they provoked, Byron threatened to leave the city, if the Souliots stayed there, paid them part of the salaries due, accepting a request of the notables, and disbanded them, hiring fighters from various regions in their stead. The Souliots moved to 1677: 1724:, leader of the Philike Etaireia, for the preparation for the Greek revolution. The Greek revolutionaries wished to lengthen Ali's siege in order to withhold the Sultan's army in Epirus, but the Souliots considered lifting the siege as a precondition for securing their control of Souli and under the military leadership of Markos Botsaris tried to control the road leading from Arta to Ioannina to interrupt the supplies for the Sultan's army. 1711:, the Greek serving as foreign minister of Russia, who had visited his native Corfu in 1819 and was concerned about the predicament of the Souliots, communicated to the Souliot leaders via his two brothers in Corfu his encouragement to take advantage of this opportunity in order to return to their homeland. The Souliots of Corfu promtply submitted a request to Ismail Pasha, the leader of the Sultan's army, and joined his force along with 2388:(Αλβανήτες) in a divorce document by the wife of Markos Botsaris. According to Greek Corfiot historian Spyros Katsaros, he states that the Corfiot Orthodox Greek speaking population during the period of 1804–14 viewed the Souliotes as "Albanian refugees ... needing to be taught Greek". While K.D. Karamoutsos, a Corfiot historian of Souliote origin disputes this stating that the Souliotes were a mixed Graeco-Albanian population or 3769:, p. 26: "From 1721 to 1772, the Souliotes repulsed six punitive expeditions launched against them by pasas and be vs. and at the same time expanded their polity at the expense of the latter. By the end of the eighteenth century, the small commonwealth of Souli reached its zenith in population and fighting forces. According to its leaders' reckoning, by 1800 Souli had a population of 20,000 and a military strength of 2,000." 2009: 1689: 381: 3618:, p. 27: "...the extent correspodents of Souli with Muslim and Christian leaders in is written in or translated from Greek. The language of the letters of the Souliotes, as well as the sentiments expressed in them, have led one prominent Greek scholar to assert that the basic ethnic and linguistic Component of Souli was Greek rather than Albanian.~note: Protopsaltes, "Souliotika semeiomata" pp 287–292" 3338:. Faber. pp. 160–161. “The Souliots were a tribe or clan of Christian Albanians who settled among these spectacular but inhospitable mountains during the fourteenth or fifteenth century…. The Souliots, like other Albanians, were great dandies. They wore red skull caps, fleecy capotes thrown carelessly over their shoulders, embroidered jackets, scarlet buskins, slippers with pointed toes and white kilts.” 2944:. Faber. pp. 160–161. “The Souliots were a tribe or clan of Christian Albanians who settled among these spectacular but inhospitable mountains during the fourteenth or fifteenth century…. The Souliots, like other Albanians, were great dandies. They wore red skull caps, fleecy capotes thrown carelessly over their shoulders, embroidered jackets, scarlet buskins, slippers with pointed toes and white kilts.” 2055: 3476: 2111:
areas of Agrinio, the Souliotes settled simply by occupying without a legal permit public land and even landed property whose owners weren't there. This move angered the locals, who considered these lands to belong to them. The land distribution affair fueled for many years the dispute between those dubbed as the "autochthonous" (natives) Agriniotes and the "heterochthonous" (foreigners) Souliotes.
1881:, that Botsaris had rented, insufficient to procure food and ammunition and without external assistance, the Souliots, famishing isolated in their mountains, were forced to seek British mediation, signed the surrender of Souli to the Sultan's forces in July and abandoned their lands for a second and final time in September, armed and carrying their movable property, heading to the Ionian islands. 2154:
weapons, furniture and even their clothes to get food". The Souliotes informed Othon that "the only science they know is that of weapons" which they offered to him. The petition ends with the statement that if no solution is found for their settlements, they will be "forced to leave their desired Greece, in which they fervently fought, and go to a foreign land in search for means to survive".
2037:. After the failure of the Greek navy to break the siege and bring supplies, the city's defenders, increasingly unified by the experience of a protracted siege, rejected the shameful terms offered by their hatred enemy, the Ottomans, who, unconscious of the revolutionary character of the war, asked them to surrender their arms, their only means of subsistence, and many Souliots died during the 1272:
attacked the guards and freed them. The text preserved in the Church of St. Nicholas notes that the person who had captured them was a Muslim from Margariti who was collaborating with them as he was the buyer of the stolen goods. This network of brigandage which the Muslim agas and beys of Margariti and the Souliotes had created in the region was the cause of the attack by Mustafa Pasha.
5514:, p. 8: "war im ubrigen noch keinerlei Nationalbewustsein anzutreffen, den nicht nationale, sodern religiose Kriterien bestimmten die Zugehorigkeit zu einer sozialen Gruppe, wobei alle Orthodoxe Christen unisono als Griechen galten, wahrend "Turk" fur Muslimen stand..." (...all Orthodox Christians were considered as "Greeks", while in the same fashion Muslims as "Turks") 595:
which belonged to three clans and in Samoniva 50 families which belonged to three clans. As the Souliot population, new clans were established from existing ones and formed the population of the seven villages around core Souli. There was an informal hierarchy among Souliot clans in the second half of the 18th century which was determined by the fighting power (men) of each
1268:. The Souliotes who also promoted Venetian goals, either jointly or independently of the Cham beys, launched their own pillaging raids. The local Ottoman authorities gathered 10,000 troops under Aslanzade Hadji Mehmet Pasha who attacked the Cham beys and the armatoloi who engaged in pillaging and destroyed Margariti. Souli itself wasn't attacked in this campaign. 2494:. The scope of the works about the Souliotes was focused on the Greek Revolution, but was not limited to it. As such the philhellenic discourse conceived in this way includes any kind of cultural activity: literature belle-lettres and writings of any kind, visual arts, design (decorations and household articles), music, theater, spectacles and organized events. 2132:
locals, but only to a small degree possibly because the population of the town had dwindled during the war and it had to be repopulated. In Nafpaktos, the locals were rather friendly towards them and supported their request to build their own settlement nearby; as such, according to Kostavasilis (2002) per Raikos (1957) "Nafpaktos became their second homeland".
1529:, in compliance with Ali's orders. The Ottoman Albanian troops violated this treaty and attacked groups of Souliotes. In one instance a group of Souliote women was attacked when heading to Zalongo and c. 22 of them being trapped decided to turn towards the cliff's edge together with their infants and children rather than surrender. According to tradition (see 2507:(1812) influenced especially the Western image of Souli, while the Greek tradition was to some extent resistant to Byronic trends. Byronism also created a separate thread in the English tradition of imaging Souli, while another one was the outbreak of the Greek Revolution. As a result of Byron's poetic refashioning of Albania as a "wild" landscape in 6272:) who were leading figures in the Greek state. As we will discuss below, under the prevalent ideology in Greece at the time every Orthodox Christian was considered Greek, and conversely after 1913, when the territory which from then onwards was called “Northern Epirus” in Greece was ceded to Albania, every Muslim of that area was considered Albanian." 1970:, was killed with a bullet in his head. Botsaris's death immediately provoked universal praise in Greece for his military skill and his prudence, he was acclaimed as "worthy of illustrious Greek forefathers", his feat was popularized by philhellenic committees across Europe and he became a legendary figure, enlisted among Greek national heroes. 1865:, who secretly aided the Souliots. To secure western Central Greece, his political base, from the Sultan's forces, Mavrocordatos approved the proposal of Markos Botsaris and the Souliots for a military campaign against Arta as a diversion to help Souli and personally assumed its leadership, but the Greek forces met with crushing defeat in the 1080:
which was a collective trait of the entire clan. The pervasiveness of blood vengeance in Souliot society is highlighted in Souli's architecture: all houses were essentially fortified towers which were placed in strategic positions which could be defended from attacks which started from other fortified towers of Souli and even the churches had
pronouncing the order in this manner he left Muslim properties without protection. Botsaris, coming from Souli, was a direct descendant of the Botsaris' family and was fluent in Albanian. He was appointed as lieutenant in charge of a Volunteers' company consisting of persons originating from Epirus and fighting mostly in South Western Epirus.
2873:, S. 65 “Swiss nationalism is, as we know, pluri-ethnic. For that matter, if we were to suppose that the Greek mountaineers who rose against the Turks in Byron's day were nationalists, which is admittedly improbable, we cannot fail to note that some of their most formidable fighters were not Hellenes but Albanians (the Souliotes).” 6177:
waren die Arvaniten meist gut ausgebildete Kämpfer mit entsprechend großer Erfahrung im Umgang mit Dörfer der Zagorisier zu schützen. Viele Arvaniten nahmen auch verschiedene Hilfsarbeiten an, die wegen der Abwanderung von Zagorisiern sonst niemand hätte ausführen können, wie die Bewachung von Feldern, Häusern und Viehherden."
January 1821, even the Muslim Albanians faithful to Ali Pasha signed an alliance with them and 3,000 Christian soldiers were fighting against the Sultan in Epirus. The Souliot struggle had initially a local character, but an understanding of the Souliotes and Muslim Albanians with Ali Pasha was in accordance with the plans of
different origins in Souli unlikely, because of the lack of sources testifying the abandonment of villages in the 17th century and also due to the limited ability of the pastures of Souli to maintain superfluous population and to the closed character of tribal organization, which is not open to accepting outsiders in mass.
3858:, p. 253: "Ali immediately ordered an all out attack on Souli in July 1792 with... The Souliotes accepted negotiations and presented the terms which included: the exchange of hostaged Souliotes for prisoners taken from among Ali's troops, the return of all Parasouliote villages to the Souliote confederation" 1740: 2930:, S. 141. “The Suliot dance of death is an integral image of the Greek revolution and it has been seared into the consciousness of Greek schoolchildren for generations. Many youngsters pay homage to the memory of these Orthodox Albanians each year by recreating the event in their elementary school pageants.” 2470:(1815–1891) stated that the Souliotes were "a mixture of Greeks and Hellenized Albanians" while "the Albanian tribe fortified the most noble the combatitive spirit of the Greek, and the Greek inspired in the Albanian the most noble sentiments of love of one's country, love of learning and the rule of law". 533:(council of elders). This acted as the highest political structure of Souliot society which was responsible for solving disputes, formulating tribal laws, arbitrage between clans in dispute and the enforcement of decisions of the council against members of the community. It was a space where the different 6054:
Albanian-speaking Suliots and Hydriots, Vlach-speaking Thessalians and Epirots, and Slav-speaking Macedonians had fought in insurgent Greece along with the other Greeks, and no one at the time had thought of any of these non-Greek speakers less Greek than the Greek-speakers. When most of the northern
leading figures of the Greek state and obscured the links of some Orthodox people such as Souliotes had to Albanian. 19th and 20th-century traditional historiography dealing with Souli and the Souliots selectively focused on their late eighteenth century conflicts with Ottoman officials, ignoring the
the Christian Albanian Souliotes were still unfamiliar with ideas of nationalism and they did not see themselves as leading "Greek armies", even declaring in a letter to the Russian Tsar that they do not have anything in common with the other Greeks, feeling closer to fellow Albanian Muslims instead.
and their contribution was major in this victory. The Souliotes who fought in this battle believed that the best landed property and housing of Nafpaktos belonged to them since they capture the area so they occupied and took them as their own. There were some negative reactions to their activity from
to be given land in Zapadi. The locals were against this decision and the situation deteriorated to the point of threat of civil war. Thus the ultimate decision by the government was postponed and later abandoned as the position was considered vulnerable to Ottoman attacks from the frontier. In other
The second recorded attack against Souli in oral history occurred in 1754 by Mustafa Pasha of Yanina. This oral story is confirmed in archival sources and has been recorded in a text in the Church of St. Nicholas of Ioannina. During the transfer of some brigands from Margariti to Yanina the Souliotes
Perraivos (1815) based on oral stories he collected proposed that the first attack against Souli by the Ottoman authorities occurred in 1721. Archival sources show that the campaign occurred more likely in 1731-33 and didn't have Souliotes as its specific target. In the early 18th century, the Muslim
Blood vengeance was one of the core social practices in Souliot society. It regulated relations between clans, the social hierarchy of Souli and the attribution of customary justice in cases of violations of clan property. Blood vengeance was ideologically linked with the concepts of honour-dishonour
and its size. The Botsaris clan was one of the oldest and most powerful in all four villages of core Souli. Georgios Botsaris in 1789 claimed that his clan could field 1,000 men against Ali Pasha followed by the Tzavellas and Zervas clans each of which could field 300 men and other smaller clans with
Most scholars agree that the first inhabitants of Souli settled there in the middle of the 16th century as groups of shepherds. The earliest inhabitants came from southern Albania and the plains of Thesprotia. Vasso Psimouli holds that Souli was chosen as a place of permanent settlement by a subgroup
is in Greek, which is interpreted by him as a testimony to the Greek orientation of the Souliotes. Arthur Foss says that the Souliotes were an Albanian tribe, that like other Albanian tribes, were great dandies. British historian Christopher Woodhouse describes them as an independent Greek community
has described them as "branch of the southern Albanian Tosks" and "Christian Albanians of Suli". Classicist David Brewer has described them as a tribe of Albanian origin that like other Albanian tribes lived by plunder and extortion on their neighbours. American professor Nicholas Pappas stated that
bankers, was reputed to carry. Bands of Souliot chieftains did not only comprise Souliots, as, to increase their clout, they had allowed their bands to include fighters from Roumeli, who were after higher wages, but, charged by the government, Byron favoured enlisting true Souliots. In contrast with
in late 1822. Meanwhile, the Souliots, unable to secure a living by offering armed service in the Ionian islands, sought to migrate to the Greek mainland and Botsaris, who wanted to form a military unit loyal to himself in order to assert his position, coordinated their gathering at Messolonghi, not
and other Souliots dispersed through Epirus. As Ismail Pasha, also known as Pashobey, temporized, fearful of the Souliots's return to their stronghold, they decided, four months later, in November 1820, to change camps and began secret negotiations with their old enemy, Ali. In part thanks to Ali's
1400:, one of their main leaders, was mortally wounded. The 1792 attack ended in Souliote victory and in the negotiations, the Botsaris clan managed to be recognized by Ali Pasha as the lawful representative of Souli and George Botsaris as the one who would enforce the terms of peace among the Souliotes. 1335:
Perraivos (1815) notes that by the end of the 18th century the central settlement of Souli had increased to 26 clans with a total of 450 families. The Greek peasants who were farmers in the lands which the Souliots had acquired were distinguished by the name of the village in which they dwelt. Clan,
recorded that "the Chams reserve the name Suliote for 100 families who, by virtue of birth, belonged to the military caste of Suli". According to Finlay, this population increased from other immigrant clans which joined them. Modern sources argue that the gradual settlement of families and tribes of
The first historical account of rebellious activity in Souli dates from 1685. During the 18th century, the Souliotes expanded their territory of influence. As soon as Ali Pasha became the local Ottoman ruler in 1789 he immediately launched successive expeditions against Souli. However, the numerical
Von größerer Bedeutung ist die jüngere Gruppe der sogenannten Sulioten – meist albanisch-sprachige Bevölkerung aus dem Raum Súli in Zentral-Epirus – die mit dem Beginn der Abwanderung der Zagorisier für die Wirtschaft von Zagóri an Bedeutung gewannen. Viele von ihnen waren bereits bei ihrer Ankunft
According to Jim Potts, for Greek authors the issue of ethnicity and origins regarding the Souliotes is contested and various views exist regarding whether they were Albanian, Albanian-speaking Greeks, or a combination of Hellenised Christian Albanians and Greeks who had settled in northern Greece.
Souliote groups had already moved during the war to areas which would form part of the Greek Kingdom. After the Greek War of Independence, the Souliotes could not return to their homeland as it remained outside the borders of the newly formed Greek state. Different groups of refugees who settled in
undertook their subsistence, the livelihood of the Souliots as well as that of their families in the Ionian islands, depended solely on the wages they received for their armed services from the revolutionary administration, as was generally the case with fighters from northern Greece, thus steering
and Mavrokordatos, who sought to promote those loyal to him. When the Tzavellas clan, who, according to primary sources "couldn't stand the fame of Markos Botsaris", moved to western Greece from the Ionian Islands, they tried to group with his adversaries. As they were poor and with no salary, they
At the fall of Preveza in late 1798, Ali Pasha managed to secure the neutrality of Souliotes through bribery. The biggest of the Souliot clans which negotiated and eventually collaborated with Ali Pasha and integrated itself in the local Ottoman hierarchy were the Botsaris clan. Perraivos (1815) is
Vranousis, Sfyroeras, 1997, p. 248: "According to C. Paparregopoulos, the Souliots were "a mixture of Greeks and Hellenized Albanians", and he goes on to say that "the Albanian tribe fortified the most noble the combatitive spirit of the Greek, and the Greek inspired in the Albanian the most noble
replying to Kitsos Tzavellas's request to surrender, took note of their mutation and, pointing out their shared Albanian origin, sarcastically called into question Tzavellas's Greekness. After defeating him next month, in October 1828, Tzavellas had Ahmet's and his men's foreheads stigmatized with
During the Anglo-French struggle over the Ionian Islands between 1810 and 1814, the Souliotes in French service faced off against other refugees organized by the British into the Greek Light Infantry Regiment. Since the Souliotes were mostly garrisoned on Corfu, which remained under French control
and so on were found to be derived from Albanian. A study by scholar Alexandros Mammopoulos (1982 concludes that not all the toponyms of Souli were Albanian and that many derive from various other Balkan languages, including quite a few in Greek. In a 2002 study, Shkëlzen Raça states that Souliote
and his family members. The Albanian variant in the text shows lexical influence from Greek, Turkish and other languages. Of 1494 Albanian words of the vocabulary, 361 are loanwords from Greek, 187 from Turkish, 21 from Italian and two from other languages. The Albanian entries correspond to 1701
A detailed recording of the Souliot clans appears for the first time by Perraivos. According to his notes, at the end of the 18th century, 450 families which belonged to 26 clans lived in the village of Souli. In Kiafa, there were 90 families which belonged to four clans. In Avariko, five families
Viele Arvaniten heirateten in die zagorische Gesellschaft ein, andere wurden von Zagorisiern adoptiert (Nitsiákos 1998: 328) und gingen so schnell in ihrer Gesellschaft auf. Der arvanitische Bevölkerungsanteil war nicht unerheblich. Durch ihren großen Anteil an den Aufstandsbewegungen der Kleften
In fact, nationalism was an entirely alien concept to these Christian Albanians and they certainly did not see themselves as leading 'Greek armies': the following year they would even tell the Russian Tsar – in a confidential message begging for assistance – that 'we don't have anything in common
and distinguishes Souliotes from "Arvanites". He also stated that they are part of the Cham population and their correspondent region, known as Chameria, was inhabited by both Albanians and Greeks with the later being more numerous, while the villages of Souli were inhabited by "Greek warriors".
In Nafpaktos, where the population had dwindled during the war, Souliot resettlement moved ahead. Extensive landed properties had been given to Souliotes outside the boundaries of the castle and most of them engaged in agriculture. The locals and the Souliotes had good relations and the municipal
and Ioannis Bairaktaris. After many debates and requests by Souliotes to be given land, the delegates of the assembly agreed to give land only to Souliotes who fought in the war and to allow them to build their settlements in limited properties in Nafpaktos and Agrinio. In April/May 1834, the new
During this period, the Souliots integrated in a new reality, defined by their incorporation in the national, political and military goals of the Greek Revolution and their Hellenization, while maintaining their organization in autonomous, competing clans, remnants of the old clans. Despite their
The uprising of the Souliotes, among the first to revolt against the Sultan, like the rest of the other Greek exiles in the Ionian islands, inspired the revolutionary spirit among the other Greek communities. Soon they were joined by additional Greek communities (armatoles and klephts). Later, in
and the Souliotes attempted to depose Ali Pasha. Clashes lasted for about 4 months and Ali Pasha was weakened but by May he signed an agreement with the Souliotes who abandoned the coalition and in exchange were given the right to act as armatoles in certain areas in Epirus and some of their clan
Papadopoulos Stefanos, "The Greek Revolution of 1770 and its impact on the Greek area", History of the Greek Nation, 1975, vol. 11, p. 76. In Grek (Παπαδόπουλος Στέφανος, "Η Ελληνική Επανάσταση του 1770 και ο αντίκτυπός της στις Ελληνικές χώρες", Ιστορία του Ελληνικού Έθνους, 1975, τ. 11, σ. 76.
The lieutenant of the Greek Army Dimitrios (Takis) Botsaris, after a looting incident during the First Balkan War, pronounces an order that "from this time on every one who will dare to disturb any Christian property will be strictly punished" (see K.D. Sterghiopoulos…, op.cit., pp. 173–174). In
In July 1792 Ali dispatched an army of c. 8,000–10,000 troops against the Souliotes. It initially managed to push the 1,300 Souliote defenders to the inner defiles of Souli and temporarily occupied the main settlement of the region. However, after a successful counterattack, the Ottoman Albanian
Taxation archives show that the economy of the Souliotes was based on small-scale subsistence pastoralism which due to few available grazing grounds never increased enough to become a source of commercial activity. The spahis of Souli generated little profit from their position. It seems that no
The Souliote population was located in inland Thesprotia and for much of the 16th century remained away from the plagues and military events which affected coastal Epirus. This was an era of demographic increase for the area. The Souliote clans were pastoralist communities. Demographic pressure,
of Epirus, where they successfully resisted Ottoman rule for many years. At the height of its power, in the second half of the 18th century, the Souliote confederacy is estimated to have consisted of up to 4,500 inhabitants. After the revolution, they migrated to and settled in newly independent
In the late 1790s, Balkan Orthodox Christians routinely referred to themselves as “Christians”. Within the Ottoman Empire, these Greek Orthodox urban and mercantile strata were referred to by the Ottomans, the Church, and themselves as Rayah, Christians, or “Romans”, that is, members of the Rum
describes them as a warlike Albanian Christian community. Koliopoulos and Veremis have described the Souliotes as being "partly hellenized Albanian". According to Koliopoulos and Veremis, when the Albanian-speaking Souliots and other non-Greek speakers had fought in the Greek revolution, no-one
After Hurshid captured Ali and had him decapitated in January 1822, he decided to turn his attention to the rebels at Souli and laid siege to it. In May 1822 the desperate resistance of c. 2,000 defenders of Souli managed to repel a 15,000-strong army, led by Hurshid Pasha, consisting mostly of
In June–July 1800 a new campaign was mounted by Ali involving 11,500 troops. When this direct assault failed, Ali resorted to long-term measures to subdue the warrior community. In order to isolate the seven main villages of Souli from the Parasouliote villages as well as Parga and Preveza, Ali
which in Albanian means grandfather. Each fara was formed by the descendants of a common patrilineal progenitor whose personal name became the clan name of the entire fara. It was led by a single clan leader who was its representative, although this practice was under constant negotiation as a
designed to link the name of Souli with the narrative of struggles of its inhabitants against Ottoman officials. Historically, this view has been rejected as it would imply that the Souliotes had no name for their main village and region before the killing of a single Ottoman official. Fourikis
Colonel Minot, the commander of the regiment, appointed as battalion captains mostly the leaders of Souliote clans who enjoyed the respect among the soldiers. Among them were: Tussa Zervas, George Dracos, Giotis Danglis, Panos Succos, Nastullis Panomaras, Kitsos Palaskas, Kitsos Paschos. Fotos
Their contribution in that conflict, although less well known, can be compared to those of the Souliotes on land and the Hydriotes and Spetsiotes at sea. These people, like the Cheimarriotes, were known to be Albanian-speaking or bilingual, yet they identified themselves wholly with the Greek
Amongst Western European travelers and authors traveling in the region during the nineteenth century, they described the Souliotes in different terms, while most of them were based on claims they have heard or read rather than on research-based evidence, dependent on their guides, without any
as a representative to take all necessary measures for their requests to be accepted. This new initiative had no success and reports of Souliotes from this era attest to their claims of great poverty of Souliot families. A Souliot petition to Othon reports that they were forced to" sell their
noted that the 1,484 Albanian lexemes "are important for our knowledge of the now extinct Suliot dialect of Albanian". In the early twentieth century among the descendants of Souliotes in the Kingdom of Greece, there was an example of Souliote still being fluent in Albanian, namely lieutenant
1049:, who had a degree of jurisdiction in Souli, represented them, as testified in a 1794 document, and collected a small amount of tax. The incorporation of the Souliots in the timariot system through the payment of taxes certified their legal standing, guaranteed them representation through the 5682:
Psalidas Ath. "History of the siege of Ioannina, 1820–1822", (Αθ. Ψαλίδας, "Ιστορία της πολιορκίας των Ιωαννίνων, 1820–1822") ed. 1962, in K.D. Stergiopoulos "The peculiarity of the military operations in Epirus in 1821" (Κ.Δ. Στεργιόπουλος, "Η ιδιομορφία των επιχειρήσεων Ηπείρου το 1821"),
The correspondence of the Souliotes to both Christian and Muslim leaders was either written in Greek or translated from Greek. Greek was commonly used in Ottoman Epirus for writing not just between Christians (including Souliotes) but even between Muslim Albanian-speakers who employed Greek
The Souliots spoke Albanian, being the descendants of an Albanian pastoral group that had settled in the area, while, due to their communication and exchanges with the mostly Greek-speaking population of surrounding areas and the importance of their economic and military presence during the
was to stop such differentiation and maintain relations of equality in the community. Until the fall of Souli in 1803, the Souliot community never accepted to have a single leader from one clan and even in times of war each clan chose its leader from its own ranks. Thus, the Souliot tribal
Janion, 2015, p. 16: "... the travelers who were the authors of the majority of early works about Suli might have misunderstood the cultural and political reality of Epirus. They hardly ever knew the Greek language, not to mention Albanian, and in most cases, they were dependent on their
2229:. Moreover, national consciousness and affiliations were absent in Ottoman Epirus during this era. The Souliots's Christian faith became in due time a key element differentiating them from nearby Chams and leading them to connect with and rally around the neighbouring Greek population. 1476:
and France for urgent action but without success. As the situation became more desperate in the summer of the same year, Ali's troops began assaults against the seven core villages of Souli. Meanwhile, the British turned to the Ottoman Empire in order to strengthen their forces against
Association" (Greek: "Αρβανίτικος Σύνδεσμος"), one of two associations that sought the creation of a unified Greco-Albanian state or of an Albanian principality under Greek suzerainty. Until 1909, the Ottomans kept a military base on the fortress of Kiafa. Finally in 1913, during the
We remark that the term "Albanian" is not an ethnic qualification but, as the terms "Zouave" and "Dragon", is used as generic to certain corps of infantry, formations of mercenaries recruited among Christians of Turkey. The Albanian Regiments were used also by the Italians and the
coined for an Albanian speaker independently of religion and citizenship survives until today in Epirus (see Lambros Baltsiotis and Léonidas Embirikos, “De la formation d’un ethnonyme. Le terme Arvanitis et son evolution dans l’État hellénique”, in G. Grivaud-S. Petmezas (eds.),
and Botsaris, leading 350 Souliots, attempted a nightly surprise attack into the camp of the Muslim Albanians, who bore identical arms and spoke the same language, but, operating alone and, contrary to plan, left to fight unsupported by other armed chiefs, except for the Souliot
1736:, but Markos Botsaris and the Muslim Albanians rejected his plans, operated eastwards of Souli and after occupying a number of positions they managed to interrupt the sending of supplies from Arta and control most of Epirus, greatly advancing the objectives of the Filiki Eteria. 555:
was the foundation for agreements not only within Souliot society but functioned as the basis for any agreements which Souliotes made with outsiders, including hostile forces in times of war. The significance of this concept is highlighted by the fact that M. Botsaris translates
414:. Parasouliotes could join the Souliotes to armed operations but they had no representation in the Souliote government. In case they displayed distinction in warfare they received permission to settle in Souliote villages and enjoyed the same rights and duties as the Souliotes. 2461:. Latter Greek official policy from the middle of the nineteenth century until the middle twentieth century, adopted a similar view: that speech was not a decisive factor for the establishment of a Greek national identity. As such, the dominant ideology in Greece considered as 2221:. Its name was derived from the Byzantine (Roman) subjects of the Ottoman Empire, but all Orthodox Christians were considered part of the same millet in spite of their differences in ethnicity and language. According to this, the Muslim communities in Epirus were classified as 5493: 4617:
Giorgos I. Mustakis, "From our local parliamental history" (Γιώργος Ι. Μουστάκης, Από την κοινοβουλευτική ιστορία του τόπου μας), Ta Prevezanika, Published by the Municipal Library of Preveza, (Τα Πρεβεζάνικα), έκδοση της Δημοτικής Βιβλιοθήκης της Πρέβεζας, 2002, p. 405. In
576:(unbeliever). As each clan acted autonomously of the general assembly of their leaders, they could sign agreements with outsiders which contradicted the agreements which the Souliot community signed as a whole and this was a common cause of friction among the Souliot clans. 6854: 2242:
and gradually caused clan identities to transform into the consciousness of a particular moral and cultural community related to its abode, while distinguishing the Souliots from the surrounding Greek-speaking and Albanian-speaking populations. At the beginning of the
1163:. Εmmanuel Protopsaltis asserted based on his reading of the texts that the national sentiment and the basic ethnic and linguistic component of Souli was Greek rather than Albanian. Psimouli criticizes the publication by Protopsaltis for its lack of critical analysis. 2053:
stressed the sacrifice of the Souliotes for a common fatherland. The gradual integration of the Souliots in the Greek national cause was noticed by and perhaps amused their contemporaries, such as the embittered Ahmet Nepravistha, the dervenaga of Kravara, who in a
proclaiming him an outlaw and subsequently called Christians and Muslims persecuted by Ali to aid the Sultan's troops promising the return of their properties and villages. As in summer 1820 both the Sultan and Ali sought the military assistance of the Souliots,
Nachfolger Albanischer Einwanderer, die im 15. Jh. In den zentral- und südgriechischen Raum einwanderten, dürfte es in Zagóri sehr wenige geben (Papageorgíu 1995: 14). Von ihrer Existenz im 15. Jh. wissen wir durch albanische Toponyme (s. Ikonómu1991: 10–11).
10223: 1606:". He recognized that Souliotes and the others were already naturally trained in irregular tactics and did not have to conform to the Western regular tactics. This unit was eventually named "Legion of Light Riflemen". The Souliotes participated in campaigns in 4361:... Οι συνεννοήσεις Σουλιωτών και μουσουλμάνων Αλβανών για την υπεράσπιση του Αλή πασά, οι οποίες οδήγησαν σε γραπτή συμφωνία (15/27 Ιανουαρίου 1821) στο Σούλι, ήταν σύμφωνες με τις θέσεις του Αλέξανδρου Υψηλάντη για την προετοιμασία της ελληνικής επανάστασης. 1780:
from July, sought and managed to persuade all three parties to recognize the central administration of the Greek revolutionaries taking shape in Messologhi in return for help against Arta. In November they sent representatives to the assembly that established
in the 18th century, the Greek Orthodox Bishop Serafeim Byzantios notes that "as the Souliotes speak Albanian, most villages of Lakka speak Albanian, but Greek is not unknown to them". The closest existing variant of Souliotic Albanian is that of the village
4078: 2400:", the ancient Greek ruler of Epirus. Greek historian Vasso Psimouli states that the Souliotes were of Albanian origin, having first settled in Epirus in the 14th century and speaking Albanian at home despite not being isolated from their Greek neighbours. 2937:. Great Britain Naval Intelligence Division. University Press, 1944. “… who belong to the Cham branch of south Albanian Tosks (see volume I, pp. 363–5). In the mid-eighteenth century these people (the Souliotes) were a semi-autonomous community …” 5681: 2126:
1)to find land of their settlement 2)to pay them back wages for the participation in the war 3)to enact measures for widows and orphans. These proposals were met with support by Kapodistrias Since March 1829, many Souliotes had fought for the capture of
by the clans which settled there. Hence, Psimouli (2006) proposes that "Souli" or "Siouli" refers to a personal name -the first name or cognomen of the progenitor of the Albanian immigrant group that settled there - as happened in other settlements like
3106:, p. 26: "By the end of the eighteenth century, the small commonwealth of Souli reached its zenith in population and fighting forces. According to its leaders' reckoning, by 1800 Souli had a population of 20,000 and a military strength of 2,000." 1629:
in 1807 and the détente between Russia and France, the Russian forces withdrew from the Ionian Islands and the French occupied them. The Souliotes and other components of Russian units entered service with the French in various units, such as the
1411:, were vital to Souli for the supply of livestock and ammunition. Perraivos records that, in his pursuit to gather all incomes of all large estate holders of the area in order to augment his political power, Ali tried to buy from Bekir bey, the 6055:
Greek fighters settled in southern Greece as refugees, none of them thought, or was made to think, of himself as less of a Greek for speaking little or nothing of the language, notwithstanding the ongoing deate on Greekness and Greek identity.
organization remained one which preserved the collective autonomy of each clan until its end. Social stratification was expressed since the second half of the 18th century in social practices of the Souliots, but was never institutionalized.
Lampros Giannu Kutsonikas, Genikē historia tēs Hellēnikēs epanastaseōs, 1864, vol. 2, p. 164. In Greek. (Λάμπρος Γ. Κουτσονίκας, Γενική Ιστορία της Ελληνικής Επαναστάσεως). Available in the Web. "Πληρεξούσιος των Σουλιωτών εστάλη ο Φώτιος
In the eighteenth century common traits in their appearance, such as displaying shaved forehead and temples, their social structure, common mores, and activities such as brigandage and war reinforced the sense of belonging in the same
inability to unify under the same command, due to the clan antagonism that determined their accession to opposing armed bands or political factions, the Souliots remained experienced and formidable warriors to be employed by the Greek
6682: 2737:"Σουλιώτες πολεμιστές καταδιώκουν τον εχθρό. - Hughes, Thomas Smart - Mε Tο Bλεμμα Των Περιγηηγητων - Τόποι - Μνημεία - Άνθρωποι - Νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη - Ανατολική Μεσόγειος - Ελλάδα - Μικρά Ασία - Νότιος Ιταλία, 15ος - 20ός αιώνας" 335:
is uncertain. Perraivos attributed the name to an Ottoman official in the region who was killed in a battle against the Souliotes, who gave his name to their village. In contemporary historiography, this theory is considered to be a
612:). It is evident that in this period of Souliot history, social stratification among the clans had created an environment which led weaker clans to coalesce around stronger ones and be represented by them. The role, however, of the 2831:
Nikolopoulou, 2013, p. 299, "Still, regardless of ethnic roots, the Souliot identification with Greece earned them the title of "Greeks" by their Ottoman and Muslim Albanian enemies alike... identifies them as Greeks fighting the
clan leaders who settled in the area and gave his name to it as was the habit in tribal settlements. Fourikis (1934) rejected an origin of the toponym from a personal name and proposed that it simply derived from the Albanian word
3989: 1980:
arrived at Messolonghi and, having heard of Markos's and the Souliots's bravery, formed an armed band of 500 Souliots, who were attracted by the money Byron, the administrator of the loans the Greeks had recently contracted with
Minister of War, a position he declined, opting to carry on as chieftain in endangered Souli, but his nephew Markos stayed in revolted Greece with a view to a joint operation of Souliots and the revolutionaries against Hurshid.
2511:, travelogues from the early 19th century record a series of representations of the Souliots, already known as invincible warriors. One of the most impressive of these images was a watercolour, a creation of British architect 1653:("Company of Friends"), the secret society founded in Odessa in 1814 for the purpose of liberating Greek lands from Ottoman rule. They returned to the Ionian Islands and elsewhere and began to recruit fellow veterans into the 1801:
perceived the religious character and divergent aims of the Greek Revolution and apprised of Ali's slim chances of success, they abandoned the Souliots and Ali and joined the Ottomans, accepting the proposals of the Albanian
1515:, son of Ali, but the gunpowder exploded during the surrender. According to Perraivos, Samuel, enraged at the insult of one of Veli's deputies, set himself ablaze opting for death instead of surrender, while according to the 6576:. Sometimes we find the same rhyme or assonance for a considerable number of lines. In "The Song of Marko Boçari from Suli" (Mitko, ed. Pekmezi, pp. 141—143), containing more than seventy octosyllabic lines, only six end in 4454:
Skiotis, 1976, p. 107: “In fact the astonishing progress of Greek arms in Epirus and the solidarity between the kapetanaioi there and Ali Pasha seems to have taken the top Hetairists in the Ottoman capital and Russia by
superiority of his troops was not enough. The siege against Souli was intensified from 1800 and in December 1803 the Souliotes concluded an armistice and agreed to abandon their homeland. Most of them were exiled in the
with the other Greeks'. They felt generally closer to their fellow Albanian Muslims than they did to the Greeks, and Ypsilantis's rhetoric surely counted for less than the trust the Souliots placed in Perraivos himself.
308:. Souli gradually became the name of the entire region where the four main Souliot settlements are located (Souli, Avariko, Kiafa, Samoniva). Souli as a region is not attested in any sources before the 18th century. 1906:. On Mavrokordatos's orders, after the submission of most armed chiefs from Western Roumeli to the Ottomans, Botsaris was promoted to general and successfully assumed command of the defense of Messolonghi during its 1287:
that broke out around 1770 against Ottoman Empire, with the help of Russia. Many of the joined the Russian fleet. Their revolt was connected with the acts of Russian agents in Epirus, which continued till the 2nd
1283:(1762). During 1721–1772 the Souliotes managed to repulse a total of six military expeditions. As a result, they expanded their territory at the expense of the various Ottoman lords. Souliotes participated in the 2882:. Hurst, Oxford 2002, S. 178. “The Souliotes were a warlike Albanian Christian community, which resisted Ali Pasha in Epirus in the years immediately preceding the outbreak the Greek War of Independence in 1821.” 2329:
described the Souliotes in 1814 as "a mixture of Greeks and Albanian Christians" who were originally refugees that settled in the Souli mountains. In the nineteenth century, the ethnic and geographical terms
writes that "the Souliot chieftains knew nothing about the Etaireia" when "Perraivos decided to confide what he called “the great purpose of the race" to them and produced a letter written by Ypsilantis and
and later settled in the Ionian Islands. He returned to the Pashalik of Yanina in 1813 when Ali Pasha gave him again the armatolik of Tzoumerka but as soon as he returned he was murdered by a Gogos Bakolas.
is placed on a mountaintop or an outlook but at an altitude of no more than 600 m. The author notes that while the mountain peaks which surround Souli have Albanian toponyms, none of them was actually named
Despite the settlement of groups of Souliotes via the occupation of landed property, a permanent solution to their resettlement didn't exist in 1829 and even during the early years of the reign of Othon I.
Balázs Trencsényi, Michal Kopecek. Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770–1945): The Formation of National Movements, Published by Central European University Press, 2006,
1533:) they did this one after the other while dancing and singing. Other Souliotes reached Parga, which was under Russian control at the time. They either settled down there or set off for the Ionian Islands. 1830:
that convened in December 1821 and January 1822, issuing the declaration of independence of the Greek nation. Trying to bind the Souliots in the Revolution, Mavrokordatos, now elected president of the
10243: 10208: 1125:
writes that "Souliot men spoke Albanian at home and all men could speak Greek as they were their neighbours, while many women could speak Greek too". For the movements of Souliots to the villages of
signed in September a tripartite alliance to aid Ali and each other even against Ali, should he become powerful enough to turn against one of them. In October an envoy acting on the instructions of
1367:. As soon as Ali Pasha became the local Ottoman ruler, all local factions which held power over tax collection were opposed to him. In February 1789, a coalition between the Muslim Albanian beys of 2562:
as part of his first collective work about Greek folk songs. In this work Fauriel presents various songs from the region together with descriptions about the correspondent historic events. In 1852
1481:, and the weapons and ammunition supplies were interrupted. Without support from outside and wearied by years of siege, the unity of the Souliote clans started to split. As such two chieftains, 1472:
In 1803 the position of the Souliotes became desperate with the artillery and famine depleting their ranks. On the other hand, the defenders in Souli sent delegations to the Russian Empire, the
of Arta. This was the first time that a Souliot clan became part of the Ottoman political system. The departure of the Botsaris clan weakened Souli as they were a significant part of its force.
During the following seven years Ali Pasha undertook preparations to take revenge for the defeat. Meanwhile, he besieged the French-controlled towns of the Ionian coast. Especially two of them,
459:. Authors who traveled in the region in the late 18th and early 19th centuries argue that the initial core of clans which formed the Souliotes gradually grew and expanded in other settlements. 2434:
According to the same author, the issue of the origin and ethnicity of the Souliots is very much a live and controversial issue in Greece today, and foreign writers have been equally divided.
were eventually contracted by Mavrokordatos, who ordered them, in manner similar to the practices of the Ottomans and other Greek armed groups, to wage war against and plunder the province of
of Souliot society negotiated with each other their position in Souliotic society. The assembly was held in the open courtyard next to the church of St. George in Souli. The decisions of the
past of the Souliot society, providing a distorted image of the relation of Souliots with their surroundings and presenting their military skills as a racial characteristic. Greek historian
3978:Οι Σουλιώται και οι Αρματωλοί εν Επτανήσω (1804–1815). Η Λεγεών των "Ελαφρών Κυνηγετών" – Το "Αλβανικόν Σύνταγμα" – Τα δύο συντάγματα του "ελαφρού ελληνικού πεζικού του δουκός της Υόρκης" 2695:Ελευθερία Νικολαΐδου (Eleutheria Nikolaidou) (1997). "Η Ήπειρος στον Αγώνα της Ανεξαρτησίας (Epirus in the Struggle for Independence)". In Μιχαήλ Σακελλαρίου (Michael Sakellariou) (ed.). 2648:, named her organization "women of Zalongo" and her members "present-day Souliotisses". Also, imprisoned female resistance fighters before their execution by Axis troops used to sing the 1053:
and allowed the continuation of their control and enrichment through activities such as brigandage and the provision of protection to subjugated populations. Perraivos records that the "
8344: 2897:, S. 20. “The Suliots, then numbering around 12,000, were Christian Albanians inhabiting a small independent community somewhat akin to that of the Catholic Mirdite tribe to the north”. 2547:
Theater plays and poems were produced during and soon after the Greek Revolution of 1821 for the Souliotes in general, and for certain heroes or events, such as Markos Botsaris or the
8634: 5973:
Pappas, 1982, p. 42: "But regardless of their origins, in modern times the Souliotes have been looked upon as Orthodox Christian Albanians who identified themselves with the Greeks."
9496: 4051:
Bode, Andreas (1975). «Albaner und Griechen als Kolonisten in Neurussland"», Beitrage zur Kenntnis Sudosteuropas und des Nahen Orients, Munchen, vol. 16 (1975), pp. 29–35, cited in:
in modern times the Souliotes have been looked upon as Orthodox Christian Albanians who identified themselves with the Greeks. According to Pappas the overwhelming majority of the
one of the contemporary historians who recorded the collaboration of Botsaris with Ali Pasha since the spring of 1800. Perraivos attributes this shift to the "madness of greed" of
10428: 4397:
writes that at the time "neither Markos Botsaris nor the rest of the Souliots seem to know the Filiki Etaireia or the vision and the goals of the Greek Struggle for Independence."
of Preveza known by the name Triboukis who supported French commercial interests was murdered. At the same time, the beys of Margariti launched a raid campaign as far as south as
312:, the French traveler, historian and consul in Ioannina, and others in his era theorized that the area was the ancient Greek Selaida and its modern inhabitants descendants of the 6929: 5286:
Marco Botsaris's brother Kosta (Constantine), who fought at Karpenisi and completed the victory, lived to become a general and senator in the Greek Kingdom. Kosta died in 1853..
3007:, p. 320: "Pouqueville, insisting on tracing everything back to antiquity, identified Souli with the ancient Selleis and the Souliots as the descendants of its inhabitants" 1420: 9715: 4632: 1640:(Albanian Regiment), terms which did not have their later ethnic connotation, but were instead stylized terms that described the soldiers' general origins or mode of fighting. 1511:
When the last Souliot tribes left, monk Samuel stayed with 5 Souliots in the fortified monastery of Saint Paraskevi in Kugi, in order to surrender war supplies to deputies of
5913:"The Suliots, then numbering around 12,000, were Christian Albanians inhabiting a small independent community somewhat akin to that of the Catholic Mirdite trive to the north 1790: 8497: 399:), namely: Souli (also known as Kakosouli), Avariko (also known as Navariko), Kiafa and Samoniva. In time the confederation expanded and included additional seven villages ( 1728:, sent by Ypsilantis to Epirus and aiming to connect Ali's and the Souliots's struggle with the objectives of the Greek revolution, proposed to attack the seaside forts of 9720: 7902: 2519:. This depiction of armed mountaineers in a fierce landscape, supposedly encapsulating their warrior qualities, was massively reproduced in the 19th century, symbolizing 320:
in Europe and the ideological return to the ancient past. Such views had little acceptance in historiography and were already rejected as early as the publication of the
Installations of refuges from Epirus and Thessaly in independent Greece 1832-1862 [Εγκαταστάσεις Ηπειρωτών και Θεσσαλών προσφύγων στο ελεύθερο κράτος 1832-1862]
9695: 8431: 39: 2478:
The image of Souliotes in art and literature is capacious. They were at times depicted as remote from European culture, exotic and simple mountaineers as proposed in
toponyms listed by Fourikis can only be explained through Albanian. Vasso Psimouli (2006) states that many of the placenames of the wider area of Souli are Slavic or
8105: 2325:
In 1813 Hobhouse stated the Souliotes "are all Greek Christians and speak Greek" and resembled more "the Albanian warrior than the Greek merchant". French historian
10203: 9799: 8405: 8304: 7897: 7861: 1482: 1893:
and developed a friendship with Mavrokordatos, who was similarly tainted with failure and in need of a local footing, becoming the head of his political faction (
9774: 8477: 3491:β) Είναι δυνατόν επίσης δυνατόν η επίδρασις της ελληνικής γλώσσης να ήτο τόσον μεγάλη επί της Αλβανικής της ομιλουμένης πιθανώς εις την περιοχήν του Σουλίου ..." 1911:
far from their homeland, under the aegis of Mavrokordatos, who needed a mercenary army to gain political and military power in western Greece against the local
9996: 8100: 7877: 5408:, p. 65: «Είμεθα βιασμένοι να αφήσωμεν την ποθητήν (...) Ελλάδα εις την οποίαν ηγωνίσθημεν ενθέρμως (...) να υπάγωμεν εις ξένην γην ζητούντες πόρον ζωής». 6720:
Balta, Evangelia; Oğuz, Mustafa; Yaşar, Filiz (2011). "The Ethnic and Religious Composition of Ottoman Thesprotia in the Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries".
6223:) was the term used by Greek speakers to describe an Albanian speaker regardless of his/hers religious background. In official language of that time the term 503:"tribe"). Membership in the fara was exclusively decided via patrilineality. Indicative of this condition is the translation of M. Botsaris of the Greek term 9879: 8883: 8276: 2274: 1794: 1385: 6264:. 2011. "The fact that the Christian communities within the territory which was claimed by Greece from the mid-19th century until 1946, known after 1913 as 7882: 2563: 970:
The Souliotes wore red skull caps, fleecy capotes over their shoulders, embroidered jackets, scarlet buskins, slippers with pointed toes and white kilts.
9298: 8271: 8246: 8080: 7595: 7061: 7040: 5537: 1359:
Relations between Ali Pasha and the Souliotes are documented since 1783 when the Souliotes had fought for Ali Pasha's army as allied mercenaries against
9536: 8360: 1021: 600:
100 men each. George Botsaris presented himself as "the most respected individual among the Souliots" and his son Dimitris presented his father as the
Skoulidas, Ilias (2001). "The Relations Between the Greeks and the Albanians during the 19th Century: Political Aspirations and Visions (1875–1897)".
2980:. Otto Harrassowitz – Verlag. p. 20. "Patronymics in –ot are also included in this category: indef. sg. suljot ‘native of Suli’ – indef. pl. suljótë." 2815:. Clarendon P., 1967, p. 24: "...they all fought equally well and none better than the Albanian-speaking Suliotes in Greek Epirus of whom Byron sang." 9501: 8395: 8070: 7982: 7967: 2610: 2408: 1810:
Distanced from their thitherto Albanian allies, the Souliots turned to the government of revolted Greece, to which they had sent a plenipotentiary,
Pappas, 1982, p. 27: "Testimony to their hellenic orientation emerges in the overwhelming majority of Greek ballads in the cycle's of Souli's wars."
From Rum Millet to Greek Nation: Enlightenment, Secularization, and National Identity in Ottoman Balkan Society, 1453–1821, Victor Roudometof, p. 19
revolted and overthrew the local Ottoman authorities. This uprising was short-lived due to the reaction of the local Ottoman beys, agas and pashas.
9727: 8651: 8618: 1216:(Zavruho, Murga, Sqapeta, Koristiani, Glavitsa, Samoniva, Avarico), while those of the core of the four Souliotic settlements are mostly Albanian. 6166:
in Zagóri zweisprachig, da in Súli Einwohner griechischsprachiger Dörfer zugewandert waren und die albanischsprachige Bevölkerung des Súli-Tales (
called them a branch of Chams, which American ethnologist Laurie Kain Hart interpreted as them having initially spoken Albanian. British academic
9902: 8095: 2209:
In Ottoman-ruled Epirus, national identity did not play a role to the social classification of the local society; religion was the key factor of
Explanations on the establishment of a legion of Epiro-Souliotes and Himaro-Peloponnesians in the service of His Imperial Majesty Alexander I ...
1505: 1486: 10381: 9955: 9621: 9113: 8291: 6983: 2194: 1501: 1680:
Flag raised by the leader of the Souliotes, Markos Botsaris, in Souli, October 1820, after the exile in the Ionian islands. The flag depicts
Odysseas Betsos, "Fots Boboris. An 1821 fighter from Krania", (Οδυσσέας Μπέτσος, «Φώτος Μπόμπορης. Ένας αγωνιστής του '21 από την Κρανιά.»,
3656: 10112: 9685: 7186: 2637:
the Greek military leader Panos Koronaios stated the determination of the Cretan rebels by saying that "Souli lives again in the Arkadi".
9975: 7615: 2189:
Members of the Souliote diaspora that lived in Greece played a major role in 19th- and 20th-century politics and military affairs, like
369: 5939: 4025: 2122:
but this proposal remained postponed as well. On July 24, 1829, the Souliotes submitted a new report which asked from the government of
who had succeeded his father as armatolos of Tzoumerka became a target. Botsaris gathered his clan and 1,200 Souliotes who retreated to
341:(1934) goes as far as proposing that Perraivos invented this explanation himself. At the end of the 19th century Labridis proposed that 10332: 316:, an ancient Greek tribe that inhabited the region in antiquity. This hypothesis was fueled and proposed in the context of the rise of 6938: 1304:, the inhabitants of Souli, as well as of other communities in Epirus were mobilized for another Greek uprising which became known as 579: 8365: 3485:"Η παρουσία αύτη φαινομένων της ελληνικής συντάξεως εις το αλβανικόν ιδίωμα του Λεξικού είναι δυνατόν να ερμηνευθή κατά δύο τρόπους: 2701:Στήν εἰκόνα πολεμιστές Σουλιῶτες σέ χαλκογραφία τῶν μέσων τοῦ 19ου αἰ. (In the picture Souliote warriors from a 19th c. chalcography) 2541:(1797), mentioned the gallantry of the Souliotes and the Maniotes when he called on the Greeks to take up arms against the Ottomans. 1522: 188: 2372:
During the early nineteenth century exile in Corfu, the Souliote population was usually registered in official Corfiot documents as
The Souliots were of Albanian origin and like other warrior Albanians lived by plunder and extortion practised on their neighbours.
1902:) in western Greece, and commonly toured the area trying to dissuade the locals from submitting to the marching Ottoman army under 1599: 1141:
Further evidence on the language of the Souliotes is drawn from the Rhomaic (Greek)-Albanian dictionary composed in 1809 mainly by
231:. Members of the Souliote diaspora participated in the national struggles for the incorporation of Souli to Greece, such as in the 2094:
Since at least 1823 when many of them moved from the Ionian islands to western Greece, the Souliotes had been aiming to settle in
9541: 8492: 7588: 1580:". This was a regiment of irregulars organized by the Russians among mainland refugees; it not only included Souliotes, but also 2482:
prototypes by Lord Byron and later by various British poets who remained under the influence of the former. In the works of the
2306: 3500:
b) It is also possible that the influence of the Greek was so heavy on the Albanian possibly spoken in the area of Souli, ..."
through their interaction with Greek-speakers. They are known for their military prowess, their resistance to the local ruler
8848: 8241: 7144: 6969:Σούλι και Σουλιώτες: Οικονομικά, κοινωνικά και δημογραφικά δεδομένα. Διδακτορική διατριβή. Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο. Τμήμα Ιστορίας 6783: 6641: 6605: 6399: 6372: 6345: 6318: 5910: 5668: 5517: 5450: 5166: 5134: 5110: 5090: 5070: 4816: 4761: 4578: 4558: 4522: 4470: 4428: 4392: 4375: 4252: 4129: 3738: 3523: 3241: 2878: 2558:
comprises traditional songs in Greek and Albanian. At 1824 the first collection of folk material from Souli was published by
5478: 1496:
and decided either to fight or die. The remaining Souliotes numbered at no more than 2,000 armed men. The main leaders were
9566: 9193: 8520: 8487: 8125: 8085: 2005:
and, after Byron's death, days later, in April 1824, they were enlisted by other captains, leaving western Central Greece.
1827: 1823: 1782: 1171:
In a study by scholar Petros Fourikis examining the onomastics of Souli, most of the toponyms and micro-toponyms such as:
10388: 10133: 9526: 9263: 8545: 8004: 7977: 7392: 7333: 4057: 2141: 1577: 481: 10339: 8535: 8530: 8502: 7992: 7581: 7094: 2115: 2046: 1987: 1918: 2345:
wrote in 1815 that they were of "Albanian origin" and "belonging to the division of that people called the Tzamides" (
1308:. In 1785 it was the time of Bekir pasha to lead another unsuccessful attack against them. In March 1789, during the 8573: 8540: 8176: 7997: 7948: 7929: 7301: 7280: 7227: 7167: 7123: 7018: 6918: 6897: 6843: 6824: 6710: 6528:, p. 173: "There is a variety of rhymes and assonances in the Albanian heroic songs. The most common pattern is 6072: 6032: 5902: 5631: 5600: 5264: 5230: 5203: 4035: 3076: 2927: 2894: 2870: 2852: 1785:
and they made a common attack on the city of Arta, which they captured and plundered, provoking the counterattack of
1309: 1289: 3055: 2697:Ηπειρος : 4000 χρόνια ελληνικής ιστορίας και πολιτισμού (Epirus: 4.000 years of Greek history and civilisation) 2630: 2303:
knowledge of Greek and Albanian and having probably misunderstood the cultural and political reality of the region:
4091: 2544:
In 1818 at the Greek quarter of Odessa a ballet performance was organized under the name "The Soulios at Jannina".
7934: 2845:
Discourses of Collective Identity in Central and Southeast Europe (1770–1945): The Formation of National Movements
2598:), which included lyric poems of heroic songs in southern Albanian dialect, including of the heroes of Souli; the 1561: 8639: 8613: 8400: 8299: 8216: 5810:"Disa Aspekte Studimore Mbi Sulin Dhe Suljotët [Some research aspects regarding Souli and the Souliotes]" 1301: 227:
and assimilated into the Greek nation, with many attaining high posts in the Greek government, including that of
10168: 9680: 10469: 9645: 8733: 7962: 7532: 6189:"The Muslim Chams of Northwestern Greece: The grounds for the expulsion of a "non-existent" minority community" 5927: 4368:, p. 106 writes that "They undoubtedly knew of the Hetaireia (as did everybody else at the time)", while 2920:
The Balkan Wars: Conquest, Revolution, and Retribution from the Ottoman Era to the Twentieth Century and Beyond
and Christians and later Greeks as well", adopting Greekness since the Greek Revolution prevailed and endured.
2342: 1541:
After the surrender of Souli, Souliote clans chose divergent paths but many were ultimately led to move to the
979: 5534: 10037: 9979: 8324: 8040: 8025: 2503: 3494:"This presence of Greek syntactic phenomena in the Albanian of the dictionary can be explained in two ways: 2486:, Souliotes and their place were often presented according to the most common 19th-century literary cliché: 2177:. Souliots settled in Athens made up the greatest part of Albanian-speaking Greeks that formed in 1898 the " 8973: 7739: 7374: 6793:
Hart, Laurie Kain (Feb 1999), "Culture, Civilization, and Demarcation at the Northwest Borders of Greece",
2976: 2281:(1767–1829), Greek scholar and secretary to Ali Pasha in early 19th century stated that the Souliotes were 2041:
in April 1826. Many Souliots, including distinguished officers of important clans, were also killed in the
units were routed with 2,500 of them killed. On the other hand, the Souliotes suffered minimal losses, but
1325: 10442: 9935: 9596: 9003: 8598: 8385: 8221: 8196: 8146: 8115: 7718: 6967: 2578:, and many of them are about Souli and the struggles of the Souliotes against the Ottoman Turks. In 1878 2491: 2467: 1760:
In continuation of their cooperation during the summer, the Souliots, Muslim Albanian beys and the Greek
1011: 9945: 8181: 6991:Ψιμούλη, Βάσω (2002). "Σούλι και Σουλιώτες. Ο τόπος και οι άνθρωποι". In Βασίλης Παναγιωτόπουλος (ed.). 5442: 4092:"H Ελληνική Σημαία. H ιστορία και οι παραλλαγές της κατά την Επανάσταση – Η σημασία και η καθιέρωσή της" 9965: 9660: 9108: 8818: 8120: 8110: 7987: 7849: 7758: 7397: 2441:
by Greek monolinguals, which amongst the Greek-speaking population until the interwar period, the term
2291: 2034: 1907: 1636: 1237: 587: 10138: 10117: 2248:
During the Greek War of Independence the Souliotes identified entirely with the Greek national cause.
Several surrounding villages, c. 50–66, which became part of the Souliote confederation were known as
10107: 9433: 8708: 8608: 8512: 8236: 7892: 7676: 7604: 7404: 5590: 2641: 2244: 1666: 1297: 148: 10173: 6484: 1320:, Christos Photomaras and Demos Drakos, agreed with Louitzis Sotiris, a Greek representative of the 9884: 9794: 9779: 9650: 9586: 9531: 9453: 9358: 9088: 9048: 9033: 8452: 8370: 7824: 7778: 3054:(=«beam, stake») was perhaps used as a moniker for a tall person, an equivalent of the Greek word « 2813:
Epirus: the Geography, the Ancient Remains, the History and Topography of Epirus and Adjacent Areas
2512: 2454: 2314: 1769: 1744: 228: 45: 17: 10279: 9606: 7256:
Tzakis, Dionysis (2021). "Epirus". In Paschalis M. Kitromilides and Constantinos Tsoukalas (ed.).
4241:Ελευθερία Νικολαΐδου (1997). "Η Ήπειρος στον Αγώνα της Ανεξαρτησίας". In M. V. Sakellariou (ed.). 1344: 10374: 9864: 9761: 9705: 9551: 9463: 9098: 8978: 8660: 8578: 8380: 7326: 2713: 2614: 2450: 2210: 2064: 1725: 1493: 543: 224: 120: 10346: 10294: 7196:. University of York, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies: 97–109. Archived from 2995:, p. 24: "Souli gave its name to the confederation, a name whose origins are also unclear." 2909: 2599: 309: 9960: 9253: 9143: 9123: 9118: 9103: 9093: 8988: 8968: 8953: 8918: 8868: 8793: 8748: 8738: 8723: 8603: 8593: 8588: 8375: 8065: 7197: 7136:
Nationalism, globalization, and orthodoxy: the social origins of ethnic conflict in the Balkans
6035:, 9781850654629 p. 184 describes Souliotes as "Orthodox and partly hellenized Albanian tribes". 4722: 4338: 4079:
Boppe Auguste, Le Régiment Albanais (1807–1814), Berger-Levrault & Cie, Paris, 1902. p. 11.
2618: 2559: 2338:
were used often to incorporate the people of the area and southern Epirus, now part of Greece.
2326: 2186:, the Ottomans lost Epirus and the southern part of the region became part of the Greek state. 2107: 2030: 1954: 325: 147:
from the 16th century to the beginning of the 19th century, who via their participation in the
6595: 5254: 1260:
and the Souliotes promoted Venetian interests in certain areas of Epirus. In this context, an
10413: 10353: 10248: 10153: 10102: 10097: 10052: 10016: 9443: 9428: 9388: 9363: 9283: 9243: 9153: 9008: 8993: 8958: 8743: 7783: 7691: 7656: 7471: 7409: 7369: 7240:
Social and revolutionary awareness of the armed cohorts of Roumeli during the 1821 revolution
7217: 6993:Η οθωμανική κυριαρχία, 1770-1821. Πολιτική πραγματικότητα - Οικονομική και κοινωνική οργάνωση 6471: 6027: : from 1831 to the Present Edition: 2 Published by C. Hurst & Co. Publishers, 2004 5463:Ελευθερία Νικολαΐδου (1997). "Εσωτερικές εξελίξεις (1830-1913)". In Μ. Β. Σακελλαρίου (ed.). 5250: 2666: 2571: 2458: 2239: 2170: 1721: 998:. In a 1613 tax list, however, Souli is one of the settlements in which some taxpayers paid 337: 232: 133: 9950: 6754:
The city of Missolonghi during the revolution of 1821: war, economy, politics, everyday life
French odysseys: Greece in French travel literature from the Renaissance to the romantic era
2392:. The Hellenic Navy Academy says that the Souliotic war banner used by Tousias Botsaris and 10233: 10021: 9940: 9874: 9869: 9742: 9710: 9626: 9616: 9581: 9511: 9448: 9408: 9318: 9223: 9133: 9068: 9058: 9043: 9013: 8933: 8923: 8903: 8893: 8888: 8803: 8788: 8768: 8753: 8728: 8703: 8482: 8464: 8445: 8334: 8206: 8156: 7972: 7363: 6729:. Papers and monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens. Vol. XVI. pp. 347–389 3606:, Bibliotheke Epirotikes Etaireias Athenon (B.H.E.A.), No 53, p. 7, Athens, 1984. In Greek. 2947:
Nina Athanassoglou-Kallmyer (1983), "Of Suliots, Arnauts, Albanians and Eugène Delacroix".
2123: 1950: 1708: 1703: 1473: 1389: 1348: 1122: 203:, and later for their contribution to the Greek cause in the revolutionary war against the 4743:
the Chanticleer brig of war was even despatched to Fanari, to superintend the embarkation.
8: 10228: 10047: 10042: 10011: 9920: 9854: 9824: 9819: 9809: 9611: 9591: 9383: 9328: 9308: 9178: 9028: 8998: 8943: 8938: 8928: 8908: 8878: 8813: 8773: 8718: 8673: 8583: 8563: 8314: 8211: 8090: 7943: 7839: 7744: 7542: 7379: 6045: 5704:Η ελληνική κοινότητα της Αλβανίας υπό το πρίσμα της ιστορικής γεωγραφίας και δημογραφίας 5246: 4893: 2516: 2357: 2318: 2278: 2060: 1962: 1958: 1926: 1448: 1317: 1036: 520: 200: 10274: 7573: 7293:
Formal and informal education during the rise of Greek nationalism: learning to be Greek
Greeks in Russian Military Service in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries
5809: 2365: 10464: 10423: 10319: 10258: 10253: 10148: 10072: 9859: 9834: 9829: 9766: 9700: 9675: 9631: 9516: 9473: 9368: 9288: 9268: 9258: 9188: 9138: 9078: 9053: 9023: 8963: 8843: 8828: 8568: 8415: 8390: 8261: 8256: 8251: 8191: 8161: 8141: 7808: 7666: 7537: 7512: 7319: 6977: 6206: 6139: 4889: 2528: 2213:. The Orthodox congregation was included in a specific ethno-religious community under 2190: 2137: 2042: 1930: 1352: 5958:
The Greek War of Independence: The Struggle for Freedom and the Birth of Modern Greece
of Souli, the timariot rights in Souli and, facing his obstinate refusal, killed him.
1096:(justice). The term linked to the actual practice of blood vengeance which he uses is 10360: 10314: 10299: 10238: 10178: 10001: 9839: 9814: 9789: 9690: 9637: 9546: 9418: 9378: 9348: 9278: 9213: 9203: 9163: 9148: 9083: 9038: 8898: 8858: 8758: 8524: 8309: 8226: 8186: 8166: 8151: 8075: 8035: 8020: 7953: 7887: 7856: 7803: 7798: 7686: 7455: 7297: 7276: 7238: 7223: 7173: 7163: 7140: 7119: 7090: 7014: 6995:. Ιστορία του Νέου Ελληνισμού 1770-2000. Athens: Ελληνικά Γράμματα. pp. 227–256. 6914: 6893: 6839: 6820: 6779: 6752: 6706: 6637: 6601: 6395: 6368: 6341: 6314: 6210: 6068: 6028: 5923: 5906: 5898: 5861: 5627: 5596: 5446: 5260: 5226: 5199: 4734: 4248: 4031: 3519: 3072: 2923: 2905: 2890: 2866: 2848: 2412: 2397: 2396:
before and during the Greek War of Independence bore the inscription "descendants of
2287: 2270: 2262: 2174: 2106:. In the area of Agrinio (then Vrachori), the Souliotes asked from the government of 1831: 1699: 1364: 1131: 995: 432: 293: 265: 192: 101: 6075:, 9789637326608 p. 173 "The Souliotes were Albanian by origin and Orthodox by faith" 10418: 10082: 10067: 10062: 9925: 9784: 9561: 9468: 9398: 9393: 9373: 9343: 9323: 9313: 9248: 9228: 9208: 9183: 9173: 9073: 9018: 8948: 8913: 8863: 8833: 8823: 8798: 8698: 8472: 8266: 8231: 7844: 7834: 7681: 7671: 7552: 7527: 7517: 7481: 7244: 7041:"Σουλιώτες: από ανυπότακτοι ορεσίβιοι, μαχητές της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης. Α' μέρος" 6863: 6802: 6758: 6449: 6441: 6196: 4350: 4342: 2661: 2649: 2548: 2393: 2012: 1967: 1649: 1626: 1530: 1465: 1397: 1360: 1313: 1121:
eighteenth century, learnt to use also Greek. For the social use of each language,
529: 372:. The name itself metaphorically may have referred to his height as a tall person. 167: 7194:
Hellenism and the First Greek War of Liberation (1821–1830): Continuity and Change
7062:"Σουλιώτες: από ανυπότακτοι ορεσίβιοι, μαχητές της Ελληνικής Επανάστασης B' μέρος" 6816:
Imaging Suli: Interactions Between Philhellenic Ideas and Greek Identity Discourse
6721: 6674: 6391:
Imaging Suli: Interactions Between Philhellenic Ideas and Greek Identity Discourse
Imaging Suli: Interactions Between Philhellenic Ideas and Greek Identity Discourse
Imaging Suli: Interactions Between Philhellenic Ideas and Greek Identity Discourse
Imaging Suli: Interactions Between Philhellenic Ideas and Greek Identity Discourse
2075: 1248:
of 1684–89. In particular in 1685, the Souliotes together with the inhabitants of
10408: 10367: 10213: 10163: 10057: 9898: 9844: 9737: 9655: 9571: 9478: 9413: 9353: 9303: 9273: 9198: 9128: 8983: 8783: 8763: 8713: 8688: 8683: 8668: 8438: 8319: 8281: 8171: 7957: 7921: 7562: 7557: 7522: 7507: 7502: 7497: 7476: 7291: 7268: 7260:. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. pp. 208–218. 7157: 7134: 7111: 7082: 6956: 6908: 6887: 6814: 6773: 6700: 6631: 6426:, p. 296: "Aside from the Souliote cycle of folksongs in Greek and Albanian" 6389: 6362: 6335: 6308: 6140:
Die Zagóri-Dörfer in Nordgriechenland: Wirtschaftliche Einheit–ethnische Vielfalt
6024: 5993: 5703: 5621: 5541: 5220: 5193: 4729: 4242: 4061: 3513: 2676: 2645: 2555: 2417: 2198: 2166: 2150: 2145: 2083: 2079: 2050: 1793:
in the Peloponnese after the beginning of the Greek revolts and after witnessing
1712: 1692: 1546: 1497: 1229: 1142: 428: 212: 208: 136: 9665: 6170:) engen Kontakt mit der griechischsprachigen Bevölkerung der weiteren Umgebung ( 5195:
Lord Byrons letzte Fahrt Eine Geschichte des Griechischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges
3593:”, 1973, vol. 2, pp. 213–225, in Greek. The text of the diary is in pp. 226–235. 2736: 489:
The Souliotes were organized in patrilineal clans which they called in Albanian
440: 10309: 10304: 10284: 10158: 10143: 10006: 9991: 9983: 9894: 9849: 9804: 9732: 9670: 9601: 9458: 9333: 9293: 9218: 9063: 8873: 8853: 8808: 8693: 8678: 8410: 8339: 8329: 8201: 7793: 7661: 7633: 7624: 7547: 7387: 7358: 7089:. Landscapes of the Imagination. Oxford University Press, US. p. 186 159. 3488:α) Ότι η μητρική γλώσσα του Μπότσαρη και των συνεργατών του ήτο η Ελληνική, ... 2606: 2587: 2575: 2346: 2018: 1982: 1866: 1835: 1811: 1753: 1602:. Its organization was laid down by Papadopoulos in a leaflet in Greek titled " 1542: 1526: 1468:
during the Souliote wars (1827, Oil on canvas, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France).
1321: 491: 400: 392: 285: 273: 220: 204: 196: 105: 6877:Η Ελληνική Επανάσταση και οι αυτοκρατορίες: Η Γαλλία και οι Έλληνες, 1797-1830 6453: 4355: 4050: 3069:Αρβανίτες, οι Δωριείς του νεότερου Ελληνισμού: H ιστορία των Ελλήνων Αρβανιτών 2904:. Institute for Balkan Studies. Monograph Series, No. 219, Thessaloniki 1991, 2265:, at the cusp between the 18th and the 19th century, revolutionaries, such as 1598:. The formation of this unit was undertaken by the Greek-born Russian colonel 1368: 1332:. This was the time when Ali Pasha became the local Ottoman lord of Ioannina. 1244:
The first historical account of anti-Ottoman activity in Souli dates from the
1156: 1000: 10458: 10433: 10325: 10218: 9915: 9488: 9438: 9423: 9403: 9168: 8838: 7829: 7788: 7430: 7153: 6806: 6152:
Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte hat es mehrfach Ansiedlungen christlich-orthodoxer
2858: 2534: 2422: 2404: 2266: 1974: 1897: 1858: 1786: 1126: 1006: 460: 346: 171: 6836:
Brigands with a Cause: Brigandage and Irredentism in Modern Greece 1821–1912
4732:, to supervise the evacuation of the Souliots after their capitulation. See 2902:
Greeks in Russian Military Service in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries
2694: 10183: 9576: 9556: 9506: 9238: 7773: 7734: 7177: 6889:
Imaging and Mapping Eastern Europe: Sarmatia Europea to Post-Communist Bloc
European Journal of Turkish Studies. Social Sciences on Contemporary Turkey
Banac, Ivo; Ackerman, John G.; Szporluk, Roman; Vucinich, Wayne S. (1981).
Regarding the question of the Souliots being aware of the Filiki Etaireia,
Banac, Ivo; Ackerman, John G.; Szporluk, Roman; Vucinich, Wayne S. (1981).
Bibliographie Ionienne ... des ouvrages publies par les Grecs des Sept-Iles
2595: 2483: 1845: 1464:(1795–1858), depicting the folklore suicide of Souliote women known as the 1461: 1305: 1284: 1280: 1147: 365: 7248: 7112:"The Souliots in Souli and Corfu and the strange case of Photos Tzavellas" 6867: 6762: 6445: 6297:
sentiments of love of one's country, love of learning and the rule of law"
4346: 2411:
calls them "Christian Albanians". The Canadian professor of Greek studies
A page of the diary of Fotos Tzavellas. Header: ΦΕΡΟΥΑΡΙΟΥ (February) 1792
681: 10289: 9930: 9233: 9158: 8778: 7646: 7450: 6437: 2605:
The Souliotes became the main topic in the works of several Greek poets:
2579: 2524: 2520: 2487: 2479: 2273:, referred admiringly to the Souliots and registered their conflict with 2251: 2183: 2162: 1937: 1903: 1803: 1777: 1748: 1453: 1151:
Dimitrios (Takis) Botsaris, a direct descendant of the Botsaris' family.
1027: 448: 444: 317: 252: 236: 7034:. Ιστορική Βιβλιοθήκη - Οι Ιδρυτές της Νεότερης Ελλάδας. Athens: Τα Νέα. 7004:. Ιστορία και Πολιτική (4th ed.). Athens: Βιβλιοπωλείον της Εστίας. 4055:, Oct. 1995, by Sophie Dascalopoulos (Prof.) – Vernicos Nicolas (Prof.) 2855:, S. 173. “The Souliotes were Albanian by origin and Orthodox by faith”. 1739: 1112: 427:
immigrant pastoralist populations that arrived in the area organized in
9521: 8030: 7939: 7706: 7701: 7445: 6135: 4627:
Giorgos I. Moustakis, "Από την κοινοβουλευτική ιστορία του τόπου μας",
2218: 1977: 1681: 1512: 1432: 1428: 1381: 1380:
leaders received wages from Ali Pasha. Ali Pasha managed to install as
class and territorial labels had significance in addition to religion.
1245: 1213: 1101: 1092:
which literally means vengeance in Albanian as the equivalent of Greek
1074: 1031: 301: 163: 7269:"From the Turkish Conquest to the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century" 6201: 5282:
Encyclopædia britannica: a new survey of universal knowledge, Volume 3
on a high pay scale. They took part in all the battles fought against
1789:, the Sultan's new commander in chief in Yannina. Upon information of 1276: 9910: 9756: 9338: 7641: 6775:
The Muslim Bonaparte: Diplomacy and Orientalism in Ali Pasha's Greece
3825: 3823: 2757: 2755: 2671: 2438: 2178: 2128: 2119: 2103: 2095: 1941: 1890: 1773: 1765: 1761: 1594: 1517: 1424: 1265: 1261: 1257: 1081: 452: 439:) in the mid-14th century, a time of power vacuum after the death of 424: 159: 5897:
Miranda Vickers, The Albanians: A Modern History, I.B.Tauris, 1999,
5738: 3497:
a) The mother tongue of Botsaris and his coworkers was the Greek ...
1160: 443:
and demographic decline of the Greek agrarian population due to the
9752: 7435: 6744:Το Μεσολόγγι στο 1821: Πόλεμος, οικονομία, πολιτική, καθημερινή ζωή 4747: 2747:Πρωτότυπος τίτλος: View of Albanian palikars in pursuit of an enemy 2118:, the Souliotes requested to be given land in the Peloponnese near 2002: 1936:
In early 1823 western Central Greece was beset by infighting among
1850: 1676: 1615: 1478: 1376: 5693:" (text in italics is in quotation marks in the source). In Greek. 3820: 2752: 2421:
in the late 18th century during the resistance against Ali Pasha.
2008: 1275:
Other attacks in the same era include that Dost Bey, commander of
as a village inhabited by 244 taxpayers, located in the Christian
10438: 7696: 7440: 4583:: "No more was needed by way of confirmation... faith and ruler". 2294:
states in 1803 that the Souliotes are the "pride of the Greeks".
2165:, a number of Greek military officers of Souliote descent, under 2099: 2086:, lived on to serve in the Greek army like many exiled Souliotes. 1878: 1874: 1815: 1729: 1688: 1660: 1619: 1611: 1585: 1404: 1329: 1293: 1058: 6886:
Murawska-Muthesius, Katarzyna (2021). "Mountains and Palikars".
Cothran, Boyd; Judge, Joan; Shubert, Adrian (20 February 2020).
7651: 6438:"The historical songs of Souli: historicity and local identity" 5256:Ενθυμήματα Στρατιωτικά της Επαναστάσεως των Ελλήνων (1821-1833) 5222:
Die Albaner : Eine Geschichte zwischen Orient und Okzident
4845: 4843: 3330: 3328: 2634: 2038: 1946: 1819: 1607: 1589: 1581: 1550: 1492:
However, the rest in Souli gathered together in Saint George's
1412: 1249: 1045: 984: 380: 313: 305: 184: 180: 175: 152: 144: 6188: 5492:
Alexandros L. Zaousēs, Hetairia Meletēs Hellēnikēs Historias.
5375: 5291: 5147: 5145: 4892:
describes this as a reaction to his perceived demotion, while
7425: 7216:
Schwandner-Sievers, Stephanie; Fischer, Bernd Jürgen (2002).
Thesprotia Expedition II: Environment and settlement patterns
5619: 5495:Οι δύο όχθες, 1939–1945: μία προσπάθεια για εθνική συμφιλίωση 4023: 2977:
Albanian grammar: with exercises, chrestomathy and glossaries
2498: 1997: 1870: 1862: 1854: 1733: 1573: 1554: 1408: 1388:
in Souli, one of his subordinates Andreas Iskos (relative of
1372: 1292:. The Russian agent Ludovicos or Luigi Sotiri (a doctor from 1138:. This dialect is spoken only by few people in modern times. 1135: 1054: 1015: 541:
were not written down but agreed upon via the oral pledge of
456: 281: 257: 140: 73: 7311: 5480:
Encyclopædia britannica: a new survey of universal knowledge
5465:Ηπειρος : 4000 χρόνια ελληνικής ιστορίας και πολιτισμού 5423: 5411: 5387: 4988: 4986: 4840: 3325: 2863:
Nations and Nationalism Since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality
Tragically Speaking On the Use and Abuse of Theory for Life
6692:Πρωτόγονη επανάσταση: Αρματολοί και κλέφτες (18ος-19ος αι.) 5363: 5351: 5339: 5303: 5259:. Vol. Γ΄. Pelekanos Books. p. 123-4, 124, n. 1. 5142: 4751: 4280: 4278: 4276: 990: 9696:
Annibale Santorre di Rossi de Pomarolo, Count of Santarosa
6491: 6023:
Giannēs Koliopoulos, John S. Koliopoulos, Thanos Veremēs.
4608:(Ηπειρωτών Κοινόν) 1, Preveza 2005, pp. 111–118. In Greek. 3382: 3380: 2144:(late 1831- early 1832) the Souliotes were represented by 1521:
and to a "remembrance" written on a fresco in a church of
the chieftains of Souli: Georgios and Dimitrios Botsaris,
All heads of clans gathered in the general assembly which
dominating a large number of neighbouring villages in the
7603: 7215: 5623:
Nation and ideology: essays in honor of Wayne S. Vucinich
5552: 5507: 5505: 4983: 4867: 4780: 4027:
Nation and ideology: essays in honor of Wayne S. Vucinich
3958: 3796: 3711: 3205: 1296:) came to Souli probably in 1771, carrying a letter from 551:) to which all heads of clans were bound. The concept of 485:
Vasilis Goudas, deputy to Markos Botsaris, by Louis Dupré
The Ionian Islands: Aspects of Their History and Culture
The Ionian Islands: Aspects of their History and Culture
4273: 4196:. Vol. 1. London: Taylor and Francis. p. 198. 4119: 4117: 4115: 3737:
harvnb error: no target: CITEREFSfyroerasVranousis1997 (
published a collection of Albanian folk material in his
and reads in Greek: "Freedom", "Fatherland", "Religion".
6282:Ψιμούλη, Βάσω (1996). "Σουλιὼτες: βοσκοί καί ἅρπαγες". 5922:
The Balkan Wars, Andre Gerolymatos, Basic Books, 2008,
is closed by insurgents thiefs Souliotes and Arvanites
4198:ὁ ἀρχιστράτηγος τῆς Πύλης Ἰσμαὴλ-πασᾶς, ὁ καὶ Πασόμπεης 3377: 2793: 2791: 2789: 2787: 1783:
a constitutional charter for Western Continental Greece
6519: 6417: 6090: 5502: 3861: 3621: 3416: 3404: 3313: 3301: 3289: 3277: 3248: 3217: 3193: 2497:
The romantic image of the wild, exotic Souliotes that
Descriptions in contemporary and 19th-century accounts
7030:Ψιμούλη, Βάσω (2010). Βασίλης Παναγιωτόπουλος (ed.). 6503: 5279: 4741:(2nd ed.). London: John Murray. pp. 206–7. 4112: 3229: 2956: 2724:
Description: Albanian Palikars in pursuit of an enemy
Epirus, 4000 Years of Greek History and Civilization
6694:. Athens: Εκδόσεις Ελληνικού Ανοικτού Πανεπιστημίου. 6633:
Women Warriors and National Heroes: Global Histories
6580:, all the other lines have as a rhyme or asso-nance 5592:
The Greek Revolution and the Making of Modern Europe
5462: 4244:
Epirus, 4000 years of Greek history and civilization
4240: 3583:
The diary of captivity of Fotos Tzavellas 1792–1793)
2784: 2774: 2772: 2770: 1572:
Many Souliotes entered service with the Russians on
and went to Souli once every year to collect taxes.
6629: 6256: 6254: 6050:
Greece: The Modern Sequel. From 1831 to the Present
5245: 2501:proposed in the second canto of his narrative poem 2352: 1576:, where they became an important component of the " 1219: 978:In the mid-sixteenth century Souli is listed in an 7266: 6885: 6690:Ασδραχάς, Σπύρος (2019). "Σουλιώτικα σημειώματα". 6659: 6044: 5744: 5516:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFNußbergerStoppel ( 3994:. Paris, 1910, vol. 1, pp. 202, 203, article 699. 3789: 3787: 3785: 3732: 3705: 3148: 2761: 2473: 2070: 1431:, and the Botsaris clan left Souli and settled in 621:Main Souliot clans at the end of the 18th century 7258:The Greek revolution : a critical dictionary 7087:The Ionian Islands and Epirus: A Cultural History 6931:Minderheitenschutz im östlichen Europa (Albanien) 6011:Minorities in Greece: Aspects of a Plural Society 4733: 3893: 3891: 3460: 3458: 3019: 3017: 3015: 3013: 2879:Minorities in Greece: Aspects of a Plural Society 2827: 2825: 2823: 2767: 10456: 6594:Hirst, Anthony; Sammon, Patrick (26 June 2014). 6251: 5940:“Greece, The Hidden Centuries” by David Brewer, 3750: 3748: 3479:The Greek-Albanian Dictionary of Markos Botsaris 3392: 2865:. 2. Edition. Cambridge University Press, 1992, 2311:View of Albanian Palikars in Pursuit of an Enemy 1990:armed chiefs, for whom the various provinces of 7187:"The Greek Revolution: Ali Pasha's Last Gamble" 6928:Angelika, Nußberger; Stoppel, Wolfgang (2001), 6927: 6560:. There are other songs which follow the model 6180: 5844: 5842: 5840: 5327: 3782: 3701: 3699: 3697: 2277:as a national struggle for Greek independence. 2225:, while the Orthodox (Rum), were classified as 9622:Sophie de Marbois-Lebrun, Duchess of Plaisance 6719: 6600:. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 112. 6160:) in verschiedenen Dörfern von Zagóri gegeben. 5696: 5284:, Encyclopædia britannica, Inc., p. 957, 4208: 4206: 3888: 3455: 3359: 3347: 3171: 3169: 3010: 2820: 2515:, which was incorporated in 1820 in a book by 1884: 1671: 1661:Participation in the Greek War of Independence 1339: 451:, could reach the area from the north through 391:The core of Souli consisted of four villages ( 239:(1912–1913) with Ottoman rule ending in 1913. 7589: 7327: 7114:. In Hirst, Anthony; Sammon, Patrick (eds.). 6937:(in German), Universität Köln, archived from 5667:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 5483:. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 1946, p. 957 5443:Englische Akten zur Geschichte des Krimkriegs 5165:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 5133:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 5109:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 5089:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 5069:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 4815:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 4760:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 4577:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMazower2021 ( 4557:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMazower2021 ( 4521:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMazower2021 ( 4469:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMazower2021 ( 4427:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMazower2021 ( 4391:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 4374:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFMazower2021 ( 4128:harvnb error: no target: CITEREFΨιμούλη2021 ( 3745: 3515:A Biographical Dictionary of Albanian History 3433: 3431: 3267: 3265: 3263: 7968:Republican French rule in the Ionian Islands 7059: 7038: 6906: 6852: 5955: 5837: 5776: 5774: 5772: 5770: 5768: 5755: 5753: 5718: 5716: 5714: 5712: 5588: 5511: 5429: 5417: 5405: 5393: 5381: 5369: 5357: 5345: 5333: 5321: 5309: 5297: 3924: 3922: 3920: 3918: 3878: 3876: 3839: 3837: 3835: 3808: 3694: 3511: 2384:in onomastic catalogs for foreigners and as 2049:of the provisional Greek government in 1827 1026:Portraits of Lambro the Suliote and the old 527:, a term that can be linked to the Albanian 447:. One Albanian immigrant group, that of the 7162:. Philadelphia: American Folklore Society. 6833: 6593: 6195:(12). European Journal of Turkish Studies. 5949: 5803: 5801: 5198:. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. p. 94. 5036: 4977: 4945: 4203: 4053:Les Grecs en Russie/Les colonies militaires 4019: 4017: 3654: 3166: 3087: 3085: 2988: 2986: 2847:. Central European University Press, 2006, 10333:The Reception of Lord Byron at Missolonghi 7983:Imperial French rule in the Ionian Islands 7596: 7582: 7334: 7320: 7159:Albanian and South Slavic Oral Epic Poetry 7132: 6982:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 6698: 6236:, Alexandreia, Athens, 2006, pp. 417–448." 6186: 6002: 5825: 5786: 5471: 4284: 3638: 3636: 3538: 3532: 3428: 3260: 3061: 3004: 38: 7236: 6200: 5991: 5765: 5750: 5709: 5191: 4992: 4896:attributed his act to his hostility with 4873: 4849: 4786: 4354: 4332: 4191: 4005: 4003: 4001: 3915: 3903: 3873: 3832: 3050:, pp. 142–147. Psimouli writes that 2974:Camaj, Martin, & Leonard Fox (1984). 2204: 1657:, including a number of Souliot leaders. 523:(himself a Souliot) recorded in Greek as 189:Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople 6874: 6750: 6741: 6689: 6672: 6435: 6123: 6078: 5992:Woodhouse, Christopher Montague (1968). 5798: 5626:. East European Monographs. p. 46. 5445:. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2006. 5212: 5116: 5040: 5020: 5004: 4961: 4030:. East European Monographs. p. 42. 4014: 3760: 3609: 3481:. Academy of Greece, Athens 1980, p. 53. 3386: 3371: 3082: 2983: 2699:. Athens: Εκδοτική Αθηνών. p. 277. 2356: 2305: 2074: 2007: 1917: 1738: 1687: 1675: 1560: 1452: 1343: 1228: 1111: 1020: 578: 480: 379: 251: 50:Albanian palikars in pursuit of an enemy 8493:Areopagus of Eastern Continental Greece 7184: 7029: 7008: 6999: 6990: 6965: 6771: 6281: 6262:The Muslim Chams of Northwestern Greece 6245: 6096: 6084: 6052:. London: Hurst & Co. p. 233. 5792: 5662: 5650: 5576: 5564: 5218: 5179: 5160: 5128: 5104: 5084: 5064: 5052: 5032: 5016: 4973: 4949: 4933: 4921: 4909: 4885: 4861: 4834: 4822: 4810: 4798: 4774: 4755: 4714: 4690: 4678: 4666: 4654: 4592: 4572: 4552: 4548: 4516: 4512: 4500: 4476: 4464: 4422: 4418: 4406: 4386: 4382: 4369: 4365: 4320: 4308: 4296: 4267: 4216: 4212: 4167: 4155: 4143: 4123: 3964: 3952: 3897: 3867: 3814: 3802: 3754: 3728: 3726: 3717: 3688: 3633: 3627: 3569: 3541:The Muslim Chams of Northwestern Greece 3464: 3449: 3437: 3422: 3410: 3398: 3319: 3307: 3295: 3283: 3271: 3254: 3223: 3211: 3199: 3187: 3160: 3047: 3035: 3023: 2962: 2797: 2778: 2211:classification of the local communities 1442: 162:clans that settled in the highlands of 14: 10457: 10113:Auguste Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angély 9686:Auguste Regnaud de Saint-Jean d'Angély 7289: 7255: 7152: 6954: 6812: 6636:. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 124. 6525: 6509: 6497: 6423: 6387: 6360: 6333: 6306: 6174:) gehabt hatte (Vakalópulos 1992: 91). 6102: 5689:"... the road Arta-Preveza-Paramythia 5467:. Αθήνα: Εκδοτική Αθηνών. p. 310. 4718: 4702: 4536: 4488: 4442: 4228: 4179: 4089: 4009: 3998: 3940: 3928: 3909: 3882: 3855: 3843: 3766: 3615: 3591:Athens Society of the Friends of Souli 3557: 3240:sfn error: no target: CITEREFPsimuli ( 3136: 3124: 3103: 3091: 2992: 2835: 2644:(1941-1944) female resistance leader, 2232: 2193:, the son of Markos Botsaris, and the 1869:in July. With annual revenue from the 1328:with 2,200 men against the Muslims of 191:. They spoke the Souliotic dialect of 187:. The Souliotes were followers of the 7577: 7315: 7267:Vranousis, L.; Sfyroeras, V. (1997). 7219:Albanian Identities: Myth and History 7109: 7080: 6913:. Lincoln: UNP – Nebraska Paperback. 6129: 6108: 6008: 5879: 5848: 5831: 5780: 5759: 5722: 5553:Schwandner-Sievers & Fischer 2002 455:, while the other from the south via 44:Souliot warriors in a watercolour by 8488:Senate of Western Continental Greece 8465:Greek regional councils and statutes 7139:, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001, 6801:(1), Blackwell Publishing: 196–220, 6792: 6111:Lexikon zur Geschichte Südosteuropas 5885: 5807: 3723: 3642: 3175: 1826:, the first legislative body of the 1824:First National Assembly at Epidaurus 1536: 1279:(1759) and Mahmoud Aga, governor of 1057:of Soli", Beqir Bey, was settled in 988:of Ai-Donat, part of the homonymous 476: 345:may derive from one of the earliest 68:Regions with significant populations 10389:The Apotheosis of Athanasios Diakos 10134:Jean Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent 8619:Proposals for the monarch of Greece 8005:United States of the Ionian Islands 6853:Kostavasilis, Konstantinos (2002). 6436:Koliousi, Eirini (1 January 2009). 5225:. München: C.H. Beck. p. 106. 3235: 2843:Balázs Trencsényi, Michal Kopecek: 2368:1824 – 1825; Louvre Museum, France. 2142:Fifth National Assembly at Nafplion 1889:Markos Botsaris opted to remain in 1797:in Messolonghi the Muslim Albanian 1632:Battaglione dei Cacciatori Macedoni 1618:in 1806, and during the defense of 24: 10340:Greece on the Ruins of Missolonghi 8503:Military-Political System of Samos 7243:(Thesis). University of Panteion. 7039:Βάσω Ψιμούλη (22 November 2021) . 6862:(Thesis). University of Ioannina. 6705:. Johns Hopkins University Press. 6514:Alvanikē melissa — Bleta Shqiptare 6394:. Peter Lang Edition. p. 13. 6367:. Peter Lang Edition. p. 14. 6340:. Peter Lang Edition. p. 14. 6313:. Peter Lang Edition. p. 17. 6113:. Böhlau Verlag Wien. p. 921. 5960:. The Overlook Press. p. 46. 5867:. Hellenic Navy Academy. p. 5 4739:A Visit to Greece in 1823 and 1824 4194:Ιστορία της Ελληνικής Επαναστάσεως 3829:Vranousis, Sfyroeras, 1997, p. 249 3115:Vranousis, Sfyroeras, 1997, p. 254 2584:Alvanikē melissa — Bleta Shqiptare 2297: 2116:Third National Assembly at Troezen 1068: 300:), a hilltop settlement in modern 280:) were named after the village of 25: 10481: 8574:Protocol of St. Petersburg (1826) 7998:1st Regiment Greek Light Infantry 7118:. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 6955:Pappas, Nicholas Charles (1982). 6653: 5702:Kallivretakis, Leonidas (1995). " 5687:, Νο. 289–290 (1976), pp 310, 311 4247:. Ekdotikē Athēnōn. p. 272. 3512:Robert Elsie (24 December 2012). 1698:In July 1820 the Sultan issued a 507:which is the exact equivalent to 8635:Greek expedition to Syria (1825) 7060:Βάσω Ψιμούλη (14 January 2022). 6623: 6614: 6587: 6429: 6408: 6381: 6354: 6327: 6300: 6290: 6275: 6239: 6117: 6060: 6038: 6017: 5995:A Short History of Modern Greece 5985: 5976: 5967: 5956:David Brewer (1 November 2011). 5933: 5916: 5891: 5862:"The Greek Flag and its History" 5854: 5728: 5675: 5656: 5644: 5613: 5582: 5570: 5558: 5546: 5524: 5499:Ekdoseis Papazēsē, 1987, p. 110. 5486: 5456: 5435: 5399: 5315: 5273: 5239: 5185: 5173: 5154: 5122: 5098: 5078: 5058: 5046: 5026: 5010: 4998: 4967: 4955: 4939: 4927: 4915: 4903: 4879: 4855: 4828: 4804: 4792: 4768: 4708: 4696: 4684: 4672: 4660: 4648: 4638: 4621: 4611: 4598: 4586: 4566: 4542: 4530: 4506: 4494: 4482: 4458: 4448: 4436: 4412: 4400: 4326: 4314: 3655:Mammopoulos, Alexandros (1982). 3071:. . Athens, 1960 (3rd ed. 1998: 2362:Souliotes in traditional costume 2353:Identification by historiography 2256: 1316:, Nikolaos and Christos Zervas, 1220:Relations with Ottoman officials 417: 368:or the neighbouring Mazaraki or 6907:Nikolopoulou, Kalliopi (2013). 6665: 4746:The Souliots were shipped from 4302: 4290: 4261: 4234: 4222: 4185: 4173: 4161: 4149: 4137: 4090:Χατζηλύρας, Αλέξανδρος-Μιχαήλ. 4083: 4072: 4044: 3983: 3970: 3946: 3934: 3849: 3772: 3682: 3648: 3596: 3575: 3563: 3551: 3505: 3470: 3443: 3365: 3353: 3341: 3181: 3154: 3142: 3130: 3118: 3109: 3097: 3041: 3029: 2998: 2968: 2887:The Albanians: A Modern History 2474:Souliotes in literature and art 2071:Settlement in Greece and legacy 1949:which was under the control of 1818:from a family originating from 1525:, the blow-up was an action of 1043:The Souliots were subject to a 109:(from the 18th century onwards) 10429:Garden of Heroes (Missolonghi) 9527:François-René de Chateaubriand 7993:Adriatic campaign of 1807–1814 7963:Fall of the Republic of Venice 6778:. Princeton University Press. 5280:University of Chicago (1946), 3733:Sfyroeras & Vranousis 1997 3706:Vranousis & Sfyroeras 1997 3477:Yochalas Titos (editor, 1980) 3149:Vranousis & Sfyroeras 1997 2803: 2729: 2706: 2688: 2527:take of the heroic yet savage 1324:side, that they were ready to 1234:A Suliote in his shaggy Capote 387:by William Martin Leake (1835) 375: 170:and established an autonomous 13: 1: 10038:London Philhellenic Committee 8026:Eastern Orthodox Christianity 7949:Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792) 7930:Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774) 7341: 7237:Tsiamalos, Demetrios (2007). 6834:Koliopoulos, John S. (1987). 5595:. Penguin Press. p. 44. 5219:Schmitt, Oliver Jens (2012). 3657:"Πόθεν η λέξη Κούγκι κι αλλα" 2682: 2574:are mostly compiled from the 2283:Greeks fighting the Albanians 1489:, withdrew from the defense. 1310:Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792) 1290:Russo-Turkish War (1787–1792) 1084:. M. Botsaris uses the terms 606:commissioner of the Albanians 10169:Eugène Emmanuel Amaury Duval 8974:Michail Komninos Afentoulief 7350: 7290:Zervas, Theodore G. (2016). 7222:. Indiana University Press. 6187:Baltsiotis, Lambros (2011). 4633:Municipal Library of Preveza 4192:Τρικούπης, Σπυρίδων (1853). 3360:Balta, Oğuz & Yaşar 2011 3348:Balta, Oğuz & Yaşar 2011 2631:revolt of 1866–1869 in Crete 2556:Souliotic cycle of folksongs 2418:Souliotic cycle of folksongs 1923:The death of Markos Botsaris 1828:provisional Greek Government 1224: 584:Captain of Suliote Albanians 242: 7: 10405:25 March (Independence Day) 8640:Russo-Turkish War (1828–29) 8498:Provisional Regime of Crete 7719:Gregory V of Constantinople 7133:Roudometof, Victor (2001), 6838:. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 6751:Diakakis, Antonios (2017). 6620:Nikolopoulous, 2013, p. 302 6227:was used instead. The term 6215:"Until the Interwar period 5192:Schuberth, Richard (2021). 4099:Hellenic Army General Stuff 3980:. Athens, 1916, pp. 47, 48. 3602:Protopsaltes G. Emmanouel, 3581:Protopsaltes G. Emmanouel, 2655: 2468:Constantine Paparrigopoulos 2169:, participated in a failed 1885:In the revolutionary armies 1822:, to represent them in the 1672:Return to Souli (1820-1822) 1340:Ali Pasha-Souliot relations 1302:Russo-Turkish War (1768–74) 1166: 1107: 1014:, newcomers or converts to 183:, and assimilated into the 10: 10486: 9966:Soliman Pasha al-Faransawi 9661:Karl von Normann-Ehrenfels 9497:António Figueira d'Almeida 9109:Konstantinos Mavromichalis 8819:Germanos III of Old Patras 8555:International Conferences, 7903:Thourios or Patriotic hymn 7850:Panagiotis Anagnostopoulos 7009:Psimuli, Vaso Dh. (2016). 6875:Κοτσώνης, Γιάννης (2020). 6742:Διακάκης, Αντώνης (2019). 6048:; Veremis, Thanos (2002). 5151:Nikolopoulou, 2013, p. 301 3793:Nikolopoulou, 2013, p. 239 3518:. I.B.Tauris. p. 44. 3163:, pp. 123–124, 142–3. 2714:"drawing _ British Museum" 2509:Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 2504:Childe Harold's Pilgrimage 2437:The Souliotes were called 2292:modern Greek Enlightenment 1791:massacres of local Muslims 1664: 1643:Tzavellas, Veicos Zervas. 1446: 1072: 973: 590:, published in March 1822. 471: 331:The origin of the toponym 151:came to identify with the 10398: 10267: 10196: 10126: 10108:Antoine Virgile Schneider 10090: 10081: 10030: 9974: 9893: 9751: 9487: 9434:Konstantinos Vlachopoulos 9194:Konstantinos Nikolopoulos 9114:Kyriakoulis Mavromichalis 8709:Constantin Denis Bourbaki 8659: 8648: 8627: 8554: 8513:Greek national assemblies 8511: 8463: 8424: 8353: 8290: 8134: 8058: 8049: 8013: 7916:European intervention and 7915: 7893:Pamphlet of Rigas Feraios 7870: 7817: 7766: 7757: 7727: 7677:Konstantinos Kolokotronis 7657:Dionysius the Philosopher 7632: 7623: 7612: 7605:Greek War of Independence 7490: 7464: 7418: 7405:Greek War of Independence 7349: 7000:Ψιμούλη, Βάσω Δ. (2006). 6813:Janion, Ewa Roza (2015). 6699:Augustinos, Olga (1994). 6673:Ασδραχάς, Σπύρος (1964). 6388:Janion, Ewa Róza (2015). 6361:Janion, Ewa Róza (2015). 6334:Janion, Ewa Róza (2015). 6307:Janion, Ewa Róza (2015). 6025:Greece: The Modern Sequel 2642:Axis occupation of Greece 2624: 2591: 2566:published the collection 2317:, published in a book by 2245:Greek War of Independence 1986:fighters in the bands of 1667:Greek War of Independence 1298:Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov 610:ton Arvaniton epitropikos 404: 396: 289: 277: 149:Greek War of Independence 139:community in the area of 119: 114: 100: 95: 87: 79: 72: 67: 62: 57: 37: 9946:Koca Hüsrev Mehmed Pasha 9885:Christoforos Zachariadis 9795:Alexandros Kantakouzinos 9780:Anastasios Christopoulos 9651:Julius Michael Millingen 9454:Christoforos Zachariadis 9359:Sotirios Theocharopoulos 9089:Alexandros Mavrokordatos 9049:Leonardos Leonardopoulos 9034:Konstantinos Lagoumitzis 8614:Treaty of Constantinople 7935:Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca 7825:Ellinoglosso Xenodocheio 7779:Athanasios Christopoulos 7740:Souliote War (1789–1793) 7375:Souliote War (1789–1793) 7185:Skiotis, Dennis (1976). 6807:10.1525/ae.1999.26.1.196 6536:, but these can also be 6512:, p. 13: "In 1878, 4635:, Preveza, 2002, p. 405. 4421:, p. 32-34, 36-37, 2513:Charles Robert Cockerell 2455:Church of Constantinople 2315:Charles Robert Cockerell 2261:During the emergence of 2045:in 1827. Addressing the 1770:Alexandros Mavrokordatos 1745:Alexandros Mavrokordatos 46:Charles Robert Cockerell 10375:The Archipelago on Fire 10139:Léon-Jean-Joseph Dubois 10118:Camille Alphonse Trézel 9865:Konstantinos Xenokratis 9762:Danubian Principalities 9706:Auguste Hilarion Touret 9464:Germanos Zapheiropoulos 9339:Nikitas Stamatelopoulos 9239:Anagnostis Papageorgiou 9099:Demetrios Mavromichalis 8979:Alexandros Kontostavlos 8604:London Protocol of 1830 8594:London Protocol of 1829 8589:London Protocol of 1828 6772:Fleming, K. E. (2014). 6675:"Σουλιώτικα σημειώματα" 5998:. Praeger. p. 122. 5808:Raça, Shkëlzen (2012). 5745:Murawska-Muthesius 2021 5512:Nußberger & Stoppel 5477:University of Chicago. 3976:Rados N. Konstantinos, 2949:The Burlington Magazine 2915:Fleming K. (2014), p.59 2762:Murawska-Muthesius 2021 2615:Christos Christovasilis 2537:in his patriotic poem, 2451:bishopric of Paramythia 2173:, demanding union with 2065:First Hellenic Republic 1726:Christophoros Perraivos 1460:. Romantic painting by 1384:(representative of the 602:captain of the Souliots 247: 10209:Fotis Chrysanthopoulos 10174:Pierre-Narcisse Guérin 9800:Georgios Kantakouzinos 9254:Christoforos Perraivos 9124:Dimitrios Meletopoulos 9119:Petrobey Mavromichalis 9104:Georgios Mavromichalis 9094:Antonios Mavromichalis 8989:Georgios Kountouriotis 8969:Theodoros Kolokotronis 8954:Apostolis Kolokotronis 8919:Georgakis Kapsokalyvas 8869:Antonios Kalamogdartis 8794:Georgios Filippopoulos 8749:Dimitrakis Deligiannis 8739:Hatzimichalis Dalianis 8724:Giannis Chondrogiannis 8557:treaties and protocols 7898:Salpisma Polemistirion 7862:Society of the Phoenix 7296:. New York: Springer. 6966:Ψιμούλη, Βάσω (1995). 6961:. Stanford University. 6879:. Athens: Αλεξάνδρεια. 6819:. Peter Lang Edition. 6479:Cite journal requires 6087:, pp. 59, 99, 166 4705:, p. 213-5, 216-7 4445:, p. 208-9, 210-1 4339:University of Ioannina 2933:Henry Clifford Darby: 2619:Aristotelis Valaoritis 2560:Claude Charles Fauriel 2369: 2322: 2290:, major figure of the 2205:Identity and ethnicity 2108:Petrobey Mavromichalis 2087: 2047:Third National Council 2021: 1973:In December 1823, the 1933: 1776:Greek who had been in 1757: 1695: 1685: 1600:Emmanouil Papadopoulos 1569: 1483:Athanasios Koutsonikas 1469: 1356: 1241: 1117: 1040: 591: 486: 388: 326:Christoforos Perraivos 297: 269: 261: 207:under leaders such as 10470:Former confederations 10414:Eleftheria i thanatos 10354:The Massacre at Chios 10249:Anastasios Polyzoidis 10244:Panagiotis Papatsonis 10197:Historians/Memoirists 10154:Guillaume-Abel Blouet 10103:Antoine Simon Durrieu 10098:Nicolas Joseph Maison 10053:Lazaros Kountouriotis 10017:Alexander I of Russia 9775:Athanasios Agrafiotis 9607:Henrik Nikolai Krøyer 9444:Liolios Xirolivaditis 9429:Alexakis Vlachopoulos 9389:Melchisedek Tsouderos 9364:Zafeirakis Theodosiou 9284:Anastasios Polyzoidis 9244:Dimitrios Papanikolis 9234:Grigorios Papaflessas 9154:Panagiotis Michanidis 9009:Lykourgos Krestenitis 8994:Lazaros Kountouriotis 8849:Konstantinos Gouvelis 8744:Dimitrios Deligeorgis 8478:Directorate of Achaea 7784:Theoklitos Farmakidis 7472:Cham Albanian dialect 7410:Epirus Revolt of 1854 7370:Ali Pasha of Ioannina 6414:Mazower, 2021, p. 10 6109:Bartl, Peter (2016). 6013:. Hurst. p. 178. 5589:Mark Mazower (2021). 5251:Giannis Vlachogiannis 4669:, pp. 46, 50–51. 4631:, publication of the 2922:. Basic Books, 2002, 2889:. I.B. Tauris, 1999, 2667:Epirus Revolt of 1854 2633:and the holocaust of 2459:Greek Orthodox Church 2457:, part of the larger 2360: 2309: 2240:place-based community 2078: 2011: 1921: 1742: 1722:Alexandros Ypsilantis 1691: 1679: 1568:by Louis Dupré (1825) 1564: 1545:and in south Greece. 1456: 1347: 1232: 1115: 1024: 582: 484: 383: 255: 158:They originated from 121:Orthodox Christianity 63:c. 4,500 (1803, est.) 10347:Le siège de Corinthe 10295:François Pouqueville 10234:Konstantinos Metaxas 10022:Nicholas I of Russia 9941:Mahmud Dramali Pasha 9875:Demetrios Ypsilantis 9870:Alexander Ypsilantis 9743:James Jakob Williams 9711:Edward John Trelawny 9627:Vasos Mavrovouniotis 9617:Ernst Michael Mangel 9582:Frank Abney Hastings 9512:Paul Marie Bonaparte 9449:Demetrios Ypsilantis 9409:Thanasoulas Valtinos 9319:Theofanis Siatisteus 9224:Dimitrios Panourgias 9134:Konstantinos Metaxas 9069:Yiannis Makriyiannis 9059:Lykourgos Logothetis 9044:Georgios Lechouritis 9014:Stamatis Krestenitis 8959:Ioannis Kolokotronis 8934:Georgios Karaiskakis 8924:Anastasios Karatasos 8904:Ioannis Kapodistrias 8894:Konstantinos Kanaris 8889:Athanasios Kanakaris 8804:Panagiotakis Fotilas 8789:Yiannis Dyovouniotis 8769:Konstantinos Dimidis 8754:Kanellos Deligiannis 8729:Dimitrios Christidis 8704:Laskarina Bouboulina 8599:Treaty of Adrianople 8483:Peloponnesian Senate 7973:Septinsular Republic 7918:Greek involvement in 7878:Adelphiki Didaskalia 7364:Souliote Confederacy 7275:. Ekdotike Athenon. 6795:American Ethnologist 6234:Byzantina et Moderna 6144:Ethnologia Balkanica 6046:Koliopoulos, John S. 3691:, pp. 147, 148. 3334:Arthur Foss (1978). 2940:Arthur Foss (1978). 2600:Song of Marko Boçari 2568:Folk Songs of Greece 2453:and belonged to the 2161:In 1854, during the 2124:Ioannis Kapodistrias 2063:, the emblem of the 2035:besieged Messolonghi 1951:Georgios Karaiskakis 1929:(1823). Painting by 1709:Ioannis Kapodistrias 1704:Ali Pasha of Yannina 1474:Septinsular Republic 1443:Fall of Souli (1803) 1390:Georgios Karaiskakis 1349:Ali Pasha of Yannina 1246:Ottoman-Venetian War 1123:William Martin Leake 980:Ottoman tax register 429:large kinship groups 310:François Pouqueville 10229:Lambros Koutsonikas 10073:Rothschild & Co 10048:Jean-Gabriel Eynard 10043:Ludwig I of Bavaria 10012:Lodewijk van Heiden 9921:Nasuhzade Ali Pasha 9880:Nikolaos Ypsilantis 9855:Athanasios Tsakalov 9825:Dimitrie Macedonski 9820:Constantine Levidis 9810:Stamatios Kleanthis 9612:Ludwig I of Bavaria 9592:Samuel Gridley Howe 9384:Anastasios Tsamados 9329:Ioannis Skandalidis 9309:Georgios Sachtouris 9264:Vasileios Petimezas 9179:Konstantinos Negris 9029:Kyprianos of Cyprus 9004:Ioannis Krestenitis 8999:Michalis Kourmoulis 8944:Nikolaos Kasomoulis 8939:Aristeidis Karnalis 8929:Panagiotis Karatzas 8909:Viaros Kapodistrias 8884:Athanasios Kampetis 8879:Dimitrios Kallergis 8814:Antonios Georgantas 8774:Ioannis Dimoulitsas 8719:Sotiris Charalampis 8674:Odysseas Androutsos 8584:Conference of Poros 8564:Congress of Laibach 8147:Wallachian uprising 7944:Catherine the Great 7840:Athanasios Tsakalov 7759:Greek Enlightenment 7745:Souliote War (1803) 7543:Lambros Koutsonikas 7380:Souliote War (1803) 7249:10.12681/eadd/16242 7203:on 17 November 2015 7110:Potts, Jim (2014). 7081:Potts, Jim (2010). 7002:Σούλι και Σουλιώτες 6868:10.12681/eadd/23070 6763:10.12681/eadd/45947 6660:Souli, in Wikiquote 6500:, pp. 116–117. 6446:10.12681/eadd/27097 5441:Baumgart Winfried. 5247:Nikolaos Kasomoulis 4900:of the Tzavellaioi. 4894:Nikolaos Kasomoulis 4825:, p. 65-6, 72. 4347:10.12681/eadd/12856 4215:, pp. 59, 63, 3955:, pp. 430–436. 3539:Baltsiotis (2011). 3374:, pp. 175–177. 3350:, pp. 349, 352 2918:André Gerolymatos: 2800:, pp. 169, 264 2517:Thomas Smart Hughes 2403:Scottish historian 2319:Thomas Smart Hughes 2279:Athanasios Psalidas 2275:Ali pasha of Yanina 2233:Self-identification 2033:and were sent into 1927:Battle of Karpenisi 1895:later known as the 1795:anti-Muslim actions 1566:A Souliote in Corfu 1449:Souliote War (1803) 1386:Pashalik of Yannina 1318:Lambros Koutsonikas 1037:Thomas Smart Hughes 622: 604:and himself as the 521:Lambros Koutsonikas 34: 10443:Presidential Guard 10424:Propylaea (Munich) 10320:Theodoros Vryzakis 10259:Spyridon Trikoupis 10254:Georgios Tertsetis 10224:Ambrosios Frantzis 10149:Stamatis Voulgaris 9951:Reşid Mehmed Pasha 9860:Tudor Vladimirescu 9835:Giorgakis Olympios 9830:Anastasios Manakis 9701:Friedrich Thiersch 9676:Theobald Piscatory 9632:Johann Jakob Meyer 9517:Karl Rudolf Brommy 9474:Marigo Zarafopoula 9369:Emmanouil Tombazis 9289:Konstantinos Rados 9269:Dionysios Petrakis 9259:Nikolaos Petimezas 9189:Diamantis Nikolaou 9139:Hatzigiannis Mexis 9079:Anastasios Manakis 9054:Georgios Liologlou 9024:Nikolaos Kriezotis 8964:Panos Kolokotronis 8844:Dimitrios Gouvelis 8829:Konstantinos Gofas 8734:Panagiotis Danglis 8569:Congress of Verona 7883:Asma Polemistirion 7809:Eugenios Voulgaris 7667:Panagiotis Benakis 7538:Panagiotis Danglis 7513:Dimitrios Botsaris 7066:The Books' Journal 7045:The Books' Journal 7011:Suli dhe suljotët 6009:Clogg, R. (2002). 5653:, pp. 255–256 5579:, p. 298-299. 5540:2016-03-04 at the 4890:Spyridon Trikoupis 4852:, pp. 254–55. 4728:was dispatched to 4717:, pp. 57–61, 4555:, pp. 118–119 4519:, pp. 117–118 4515:, p. 43, 34, 4060:2012-06-14 at the 3967:, pp. 451–52. 3720:, pp. 359–60. 3589:”, edited by the “ 3238:, pp. 152–53. 3026:, pp. 134–139 2602:being among them. 2564:Spyridon Zambelios 2370: 2341:British traveller 2323: 2217:domination called 2197:resistance leader 2191:Dimitrios Botsaris 2138:Friedrich Thiersch 2088: 2043:battle of Analatos 2022: 1934: 1931:Ludovico Lipparini 1758: 1696: 1686: 1588:, and other Greek 1570: 1470: 1458:The Souliote women 1357: 1353:Spyridon Ventouras 1242: 1205:Vreku i Vetetimese 1134:(Rapëza) and also 1118: 1041: 920:Avariko (Navarik) 620: 592: 487: 423:of one of the two 389: 262: 134:Orthodox Christian 32: 10452: 10451: 10361:The Free Besieged 10315:Dionysios Solomos 10300:Alexander Pushkin 10239:Panoutsos Notaras 10192: 10191: 10179:Charles Lenormant 10002:Edward Codrington 9997:Stratford Canning 9840:Yiannis Pharmakis 9815:Georgios Lassanis 9790:Stefanos Kanellos 9691:Giuseppe Rosaroll 9638:Ellinika Chronika 9547:Giacinto Collegno 9419:Meletis Vasileiou 9379:Ioannis Trikoupis 9349:Joseph Stephanini 9299:Panagiotis Rodios 9279:Kyriakos Pittakis 9214:Andronikos Paikos 9204:Antonis Oikonomou 9164:Nikolaos Mykonios 9149:Antonios Miaoulis 9084:Manto Mavrogenous 9039:Georgios Lassanis 8899:Stefanos Kanellos 8859:Dimitrios Indares 8759:Athanasios Diakos 8609:London Conference 8525:Executive of 1822 8521:First (Epidaurus) 8036:Constitutionalism 8021:Greek nationalism 7988:Albanian Regiment 7954:French Revolution 7911: 7910: 7888:Hellenic Nomarchy 7857:Philomuse Society 7804:Adamantios Korais 7799:Theophilos Kairis 7753: 7752: 7687:Cosmas of Aetolia 7571: 7570: 7398:Albanian Regiment 7146:978-0-313-31949-5 6785:978-1-4008-6497-3 6683:Επιθεώρηση Τέχνης 6643:978-1-350-12114-0 6607:978-1-4438-6278-3 6401:978-3-631-66991-4 6374:978-3-631-66991-4 6347:978-3-631-66991-4 6320:978-3-631-66991-4 6202:10.4000/ejts.4444 5911:978-1-86064-541-9 5814:Studime Historike 5747:, pp. 77–78. 5451:978-3-486-57597-2 5430:Kostavasilis 2002 5418:Kostavasilis 2002 5406:Kostavasilis 2002 5394:Kostavasilis 2002 5384:, pp. 42–43. 5382:Kostavasilis 2002 5370:Kostavasilis 2002 5358:Kostavasilis 2002 5346:Kostavasilis 2002 5334:Kostavasilis 2002 5322:Kostavasilis 2002 5310:Kostavasilis 2002 5298:Kostavasilis 2002 4976:, pp. 90–1, 4888:, pp. 77–9. 4735:George Waddington 4551:, p. 43-46, 4409:, p. 30, 32. 4254:978-960-213-371-2 3805:, p. 382-84. 3757:, pp. 360–61 3664:Epirotiki Etereia 3525:978-1-78076-431-3 3467:, pp. 180–81 3401:, pp. 239–41 3214:, p. 251-53. 3038:, pp. 141–2. 2900:Nicholas Pappas: 2885:Miranda Vickers: 2764:, pp. 77–79. 2413:Andre Gerolymatos 2288:Adamantios Korais 2271:Adamantios Korais 2263:Greek nationalism 1637:Régiment Albanais 1537:Exile (1803–1820) 1365:Pashalik of Berat 1351:in a portrait by 1314:Lambros Tzavellas 1238:Joseph Cartwright 996:sanjak of Delvina 968: 967: 588:Joseph Cartwright 477:Patrilineal clans 338:constitutive myth 176:mountainous areas 126: 125: 110: 16:(Redirected from 10477: 10419:Pedion tou Areos 10275:Eugène Delacroix 10204:Dimitrios Ainian 10088: 10087: 10083:Morea expedition 10068:Ioannis Varvakis 10063:Georgios Stavros 9926:Ismael Gibraltar 9911:Sultan Mahmud II 9785:Diamandi Djuvara 9724: 9587:Carl von Heideck 9562:Vincenzo Gallina 9537:Giuseppe Chiappe 9469:Evangelos Zappas 9399:Theodoros Tzinis 9394:Kitsos Tzavellas 9374:Iakovos Tombazis 9344:Georgios Stavros 9324:Georgios Sisinis 9314:Georgios Sekeris 9249:Emmanouel Pappas 9229:Nakos Panourgias 9209:Ioannis Orlandos 9184:Theodoros Negris 9174:Alexander Negris 9144:Andreas Miaoulis 9074:Ioannis Mamouris 9019:Antonios Kriezis 8949:Ioannis Kolettis 8914:Stamatios Kapsas 8864:Isaiah of Salona 8834:Vasileios Goudas 8824:Georgios Gevidis 8799:Asimakis Fotilas 8699:Tousias Botsaris 8579:Treaty of London 8546:Fifth (Nafplion) 8473:Messenian Senate 8267:Chios expedition 8217:Greek civil wars 7845:Emmanuil Xanthos 7835:Nikolaos Skoufas 7764: 7763: 7682:Lambros Katsonis 7672:Nikolaos Galatis 7630: 7629: 7598: 7591: 7584: 7575: 7574: 7553:Lambros Tzavelas 7528:Tousias Botsaris 7518:Katerina Botsari 7482:Dance of Zalongo 7336: 7329: 7322: 7313: 7312: 7307: 7286: 7261: 7252: 7233: 7212: 7210: 7208: 7202: 7191: 7181: 7149: 7129: 7106: 7104: 7103: 7077: 7075: 7073: 7056: 7054: 7052: 7035: 7032:Μάρκος Μπότσαρης 7024: 7005: 6996: 6987: 6981: 6973: 6962: 6951: 6950: 6949: 6943: 6936: 6924: 6903: 6880: 6871: 6861: 6849: 6830: 6809: 6789: 6766: 6747: 6746:. Athens: Ασίνη. 6738: 6736: 6734: 6728: 6716: 6695: 6687: 6679: 6648: 6647: 6627: 6621: 6618: 6612: 6611: 6591: 6585: 6523: 6517: 6507: 6501: 6495: 6489: 6488: 6482: 6477: 6475: 6467: 6462: 6460: 6454:10442/hedi/27097 6433: 6427: 6421: 6415: 6412: 6406: 6405: 6385: 6379: 6378: 6358: 6352: 6351: 6331: 6325: 6324: 6304: 6298: 6294: 6288: 6287: 6279: 6273: 6258: 6249: 6243: 6237: 6214: 6204: 6184: 6178: 6133: 6127: 6126:, pp. 91–2. 6121: 6115: 6114: 6106: 6100: 6094: 6088: 6082: 6076: 6064: 6058: 6057: 6042: 6036: 6021: 6015: 6014: 6006: 6000: 5999: 5989: 5983: 5980: 5974: 5971: 5965: 5964: 5953: 5947: 5937: 5931: 5920: 5914: 5895: 5889: 5883: 5877: 5876: 5874: 5872: 5866: 5858: 5852: 5846: 5835: 5829: 5823: 5821: 5805: 5796: 5790: 5784: 5778: 5763: 5757: 5748: 5742: 5736: 5732: 5726: 5720: 5707: 5700: 5694: 5685:Ηπειρωτική Εστία 5679: 5673: 5672: 5660: 5654: 5648: 5642: 5641: 5617: 5611: 5610: 5586: 5580: 5574: 5568: 5562: 5556: 5550: 5544: 5528: 5522: 5521: 5509: 5500: 5490: 5484: 5475: 5469: 5468: 5460: 5454: 5439: 5433: 5427: 5421: 5415: 5409: 5403: 5397: 5391: 5385: 5379: 5373: 5367: 5361: 5355: 5349: 5343: 5337: 5331: 5325: 5324:, pp. 15–16 5319: 5313: 5307: 5301: 5300:, p. 27-28. 5295: 5289: 5288: 5277: 5271: 5270: 5249:(6 March 2015). 5243: 5237: 5236: 5216: 5210: 5209: 5189: 5183: 5177: 5171: 5170: 5158: 5152: 5149: 5140: 5138: 5126: 5120: 5119:, p. 307-8. 5114: 5102: 5096: 5094: 5082: 5076: 5074: 5067:, pp. 39–40 5062: 5056: 5055:, p. 470-1. 5050: 5044: 5043:, p. 136-7. 5037:Koliopoulos 1987 5030: 5024: 5023:, p. 136-7. 5014: 5008: 5002: 4996: 4990: 4981: 4978:Koliopoulos 1987 4971: 4965: 4959: 4953: 4946:Koliopoulos 1987 4943: 4937: 4931: 4925: 4924:, pp. 83–5. 4919: 4913: 4907: 4901: 4883: 4877: 4871: 4865: 4859: 4853: 4847: 4838: 4837:, pp. 72–3. 4832: 4826: 4820: 4808: 4802: 4801:, pp. 61–2. 4796: 4790: 4784: 4778: 4772: 4766: 4765: 4745: 4712: 4706: 4700: 4694: 4693:, pp. 54–6. 4688: 4682: 4681:, pp. 51–3. 4676: 4670: 4664: 4658: 4652: 4646: 4642: 4636: 4625: 4619: 4615: 4609: 4602: 4596: 4590: 4584: 4582: 4570: 4564: 4562: 4546: 4540: 4534: 4528: 4526: 4510: 4504: 4503:, p. 39-41. 4498: 4492: 4486: 4480: 4479:, p. 38-39. 4474: 4462: 4456: 4452: 4446: 4440: 4434: 4432: 4425:, pp. 43–44 4416: 4410: 4404: 4398: 4396: 4379: 4363: 4358: 4356:10442/hedi/12856 4330: 4324: 4318: 4312: 4306: 4300: 4294: 4288: 4282: 4271: 4265: 4259: 4258: 4238: 4232: 4226: 4220: 4219:, p. 26-27. 4210: 4201: 4200: 4189: 4183: 4177: 4171: 4170:, p. 24-26. 4165: 4159: 4153: 4147: 4141: 4135: 4133: 4121: 4110: 4109: 4107: 4105: 4096: 4087: 4081: 4076: 4070: 4048: 4042: 4041: 4021: 4012: 4007: 3996: 3987: 3981: 3974: 3968: 3962: 3956: 3950: 3944: 3938: 3932: 3926: 3913: 3907: 3901: 3895: 3886: 3880: 3871: 3865: 3859: 3853: 3847: 3841: 3830: 3827: 3818: 3817:, p. 385-87 3812: 3806: 3800: 3794: 3791: 3780: 3776: 3770: 3764: 3758: 3752: 3743: 3742: 3730: 3721: 3715: 3709: 3703: 3692: 3686: 3680: 3679: 3677: 3675: 3661: 3652: 3646: 3640: 3631: 3625: 3619: 3613: 3607: 3604:Souli, Souliotes 3600: 3594: 3579: 3573: 3572:, pp. 215–6 3567: 3561: 3555: 3549: 3548: 3536: 3530: 3529: 3509: 3503: 3474: 3468: 3462: 3453: 3447: 3441: 3435: 3426: 3420: 3414: 3408: 3402: 3396: 3390: 3384: 3375: 3369: 3363: 3357: 3351: 3345: 3339: 3332: 3323: 3317: 3311: 3305: 3299: 3293: 3287: 3281: 3275: 3269: 3258: 3252: 3246: 3245: 3233: 3227: 3221: 3215: 3209: 3203: 3197: 3191: 3190:, pp. 133–4 3185: 3179: 3173: 3164: 3158: 3152: 3146: 3140: 3134: 3128: 3122: 3116: 3113: 3107: 3101: 3095: 3089: 3080: 3065: 3059: 3045: 3039: 3033: 3027: 3021: 3008: 3002: 2996: 2990: 2981: 2972: 2966: 2960: 2954: 2839: 2833: 2829: 2818: 2807: 2801: 2795: 2782: 2776: 2765: 2759: 2750: 2749: 2744: 2743: 2733: 2727: 2726: 2721: 2720: 2710: 2704: 2703: 2692: 2662:Dance of Zalongo 2650:Song of Zalonggo 2596:The Albanian Bee 2593: 2592:Αλβανική Μέλισσα 2572:Greek folk songs 2549:Dance of Zalongo 2394:Kitsos Tzavellas 2366:Eugène Delacroix 2215:Graeco-Byzantine 2171:revolt in Epirus 1968:Kitsos Tzavellas 1901: 1814:, a man born in 1655:Philike Etaireia 1627:Treaty of Tilsit 1531:Dance of Zalongo 1466:Dance of Zalongo 1398:Lambros Tzavelas 1361:Ahmet Kurt Pasha 1010:, taxes paid by 689:Souli, Samoniva 626:Name in Albanian 623: 619: 406: 398: 322:History of Souli 291: 279: 168:Late Middle Ages 108: 58:Total population 42: 35: 31: 21: 10485: 10484: 10480: 10479: 10478: 10476: 10475: 10474: 10455: 10454: 10453: 10448: 10409:Hymn to Liberty 10394: 10368:Hymn to Liberty 10263: 10214:Ioannis Filimon 10188: 10164:Prosper Baccuet 10122: 10077: 10058:Ioannis Papafis 10026: 9970: 9889: 9845:Michael Soutzos 9765: 9759: 9747: 9738:Olivier Voutier 9718: 9656:August Myhrberg 9646:Jonathan Miller 9572:Constantin Guys 9552:Charles Fabvier 9502:Joseph Balestra 9483: 9479:Nikolaos Zervas 9414:Dimitrios Varis 9354:Ioannis Stratos 9304:Dionysios Romas 9274:Andreas Pipinos 9199:Ioannis Notaras 9129:Andreas Metaxas 8984:Panos Koronaios 8784:Georgios Drakos 8764:Dionysis Diakos 8714:Stefanos Chalis 8689:Markos Botsaris 8684:Kostas Botsaris 8669:Chian Committee 8655: 8644: 8623: 8556: 8550: 8536:Third (Troezen) 8531:Second (Astros) 8507: 8459: 8420: 8354:Naval conflicts 8349: 8286: 8130: 8121:3rd Messolonghi 8116:2nd Messolonghi 8111:1st Messolonghi 8054: 8045: 8009: 7958:Napoleonic Wars 7922:Napoleonic Wars 7919: 7917: 7907: 7866: 7813: 7749: 7723: 7619: 7608: 7602: 7572: 7567: 7563:Nikolaos Zervas 7558:Photini Tzavela 7523:Kitsos Botsaris 7508:Kostas Botsaris 7503:Kitsos Tzavelas 7498:Markos Botsaris 7486: 7477:Souliotic songs 7460: 7414: 7345: 7340: 7310: 7304: 7283: 7230: 7206: 7204: 7200: 7189: 7170: 7147: 7126: 7101: 7099: 7097: 7071: 7069: 7050: 7048: 7021: 6975: 6974: 6947: 6945: 6941: 6934: 6921: 6900: 6859: 6846: 6827: 6786: 6732: 6730: 6726: 6713: 6686:(110): 174–185. 6677: 6668: 6656: 6651: 6644: 6628: 6624: 6619: 6615: 6608: 6592: 6588: 6524: 6520: 6508: 6504: 6496: 6492: 6480: 6478: 6469: 6468: 6458: 6456: 6434: 6430: 6422: 6418: 6413: 6409: 6402: 6386: 6382: 6375: 6359: 6355: 6348: 6332: 6328: 6321: 6305: 6301: 6295: 6291: 6280: 6276: 6266:Northern Epirus 6259: 6252: 6244: 6240: 6185: 6181: 6134: 6130: 6122: 6118: 6107: 6103: 6095: 6091: 6083: 6079: 6065: 6061: 6043: 6039: 6022: 6018: 6007: 6003: 5990: 5986: 5981: 5977: 5972: 5968: 5954: 5950: 5938: 5934: 5921: 5917: 5896: 5892: 5884: 5880: 5870: 5868: 5864: 5860: 5859: 5855: 5847: 5838: 5830: 5826: 5806: 5799: 5791: 5787: 5779: 5766: 5758: 5751: 5743: 5739: 5733: 5729: 5721: 5710: 5701: 5697: 5680: 5676: 5666: 5661: 5657: 5649: 5645: 5639:national cause. 5634: 5618: 5614: 5603: 5587: 5583: 5575: 5571: 5563: 5559: 5551: 5547: 5542:Wayback Machine 5529: 5525: 5515: 5510: 5503: 5491: 5487: 5476: 5472: 5461: 5457: 5440: 5436: 5428: 5424: 5416: 5412: 5404: 5400: 5392: 5388: 5380: 5376: 5368: 5364: 5356: 5352: 5344: 5340: 5332: 5328: 5320: 5316: 5308: 5304: 5296: 5292: 5278: 5274: 5267: 5244: 5240: 5233: 5217: 5213: 5206: 5190: 5186: 5178: 5174: 5164: 5159: 5155: 5150: 5143: 5132: 5127: 5123: 5108: 5103: 5099: 5088: 5083: 5079: 5068: 5063: 5059: 5051: 5047: 5031: 5027: 5015: 5011: 5003: 4999: 4995:, pp. 257. 4991: 4984: 4972: 4968: 4960: 4956: 4944: 4940: 4932: 4928: 4920: 4916: 4912:, pp. 80–3 4908: 4904: 4884: 4880: 4876:, pp. 256. 4872: 4868: 4860: 4856: 4848: 4841: 4833: 4829: 4814: 4809: 4805: 4797: 4793: 4789:, pp. 254. 4785: 4781: 4777:, p. 61-4. 4773: 4769: 4759: 4730:Fanari, Preveza 4721:, p. 217. 4713: 4709: 4701: 4697: 4689: 4685: 4677: 4673: 4665: 4661: 4653: 4649: 4643: 4639: 4626: 4622: 4616: 4612: 4606:Epiroton Koinon 4603: 4599: 4591: 4587: 4576: 4571: 4567: 4556: 4547: 4543: 4535: 4531: 4520: 4511: 4507: 4499: 4495: 4491:, p. 211-2 4487: 4483: 4468: 4463: 4459: 4453: 4449: 4441: 4437: 4426: 4417: 4413: 4405: 4401: 4390: 4373: 4331: 4327: 4319: 4315: 4307: 4303: 4295: 4291: 4285:Roudometof 2001 4283: 4274: 4270:, p. 106-7 4266: 4262: 4255: 4239: 4235: 4227: 4223: 4211: 4204: 4190: 4186: 4178: 4174: 4166: 4162: 4154: 4150: 4142: 4138: 4127: 4122: 4113: 4103: 4101: 4094: 4088: 4084: 4077: 4073: 4062:Wayback Machine 4049: 4045: 4038: 4022: 4015: 4008: 3999: 3990:Legrand Emile, 3988: 3984: 3975: 3971: 3963: 3959: 3951: 3947: 3939: 3935: 3927: 3916: 3908: 3904: 3896: 3889: 3881: 3874: 3866: 3862: 3854: 3850: 3842: 3833: 3828: 3821: 3813: 3809: 3801: 3797: 3792: 3783: 3777: 3773: 3765: 3761: 3753: 3746: 3736: 3731: 3724: 3716: 3712: 3704: 3695: 3687: 3683: 3673: 3671: 3659: 3653: 3649: 3641: 3634: 3626: 3622: 3614: 3610: 3601: 3597: 3580: 3576: 3568: 3564: 3556: 3552: 3537: 3533: 3526: 3510: 3506: 3484: 3475: 3471: 3463: 3456: 3448: 3444: 3436: 3429: 3421: 3417: 3409: 3405: 3397: 3393: 3385: 3378: 3370: 3366: 3358: 3354: 3346: 3342: 3333: 3326: 3318: 3314: 3306: 3302: 3294: 3290: 3282: 3278: 3270: 3261: 3253: 3249: 3239: 3234: 3230: 3222: 3218: 3210: 3206: 3198: 3194: 3186: 3182: 3174: 3167: 3159: 3155: 3147: 3143: 3135: 3131: 3123: 3119: 3114: 3110: 3102: 3098: 3090: 3083: 3066: 3062: 3046: 3042: 3034: 3030: 3022: 3011: 3005:Augustinos 1994 3003: 2999: 2991: 2984: 2973: 2969: 2961: 2957: 2876:Richard Clogg: 2840: 2836: 2830: 2821: 2808: 2804: 2796: 2785: 2777: 2768: 2760: 2753: 2741: 2739: 2735: 2734: 2730: 2718: 2716: 2712: 2711: 2707: 2693: 2689: 2685: 2677:Souliotic songs 2658: 2646:Lela Karagianni 2627: 2611:Iakovos Polylas 2492:sentimentalized 2476: 2409:Miranda Vickers 2390:ellinoarvanites 2355: 2300: 2298:Western authors 2259: 2254: 2235: 2207: 2199:Napoleon Zervas 2167:Kitsos Tzavelas 2151:Kostas Botsaris 2146:Kitsos Tzavelas 2084:Markos Botsaris 2080:Kostas Botsaris 2073: 2051:Kitsos Tzavelas 2014:Kizzo Tzavellas 1894: 1887: 1843:Albanians, the 1809: 1713:Markos Botsaris 1693:Markos Botsaris 1674: 1669: 1663: 1650:Filiki Etaireia 1641: 1547:Kitsos Botsaris 1539: 1498:Fotos Tzavellas 1494:Orthodox Church 1451: 1445: 1421:George Botsaris 1342: 1227: 1222: 1169: 1143:Markos Botsaris 1110: 1077: 1071: 1069:Blood vengeance 1012:Muslim subjects 976: 564:(religion) and 479: 474: 420: 378: 264:The Souliotes ( 250: 245: 213:Kitsos Tzavelas 209:Markos Botsaris 137:Albanian tribal 104: 53: 30: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 10483: 10473: 10472: 10467: 10450: 10449: 10447: 10446: 10436: 10431: 10426: 10421: 10416: 10411: 10406: 10402: 10400: 10396: 10395: 10393: 10392: 10385: 10378: 10371: 10364: 10357: 10350: 10343: 10336: 10329: 10322: 10317: 10312: 10310:Andreas Kalvos 10307: 10305:Karl Krazeisen 10302: 10297: 10292: 10287: 10285:Peter von Hess 10282: 10277: 10271: 10269: 10265: 10264: 10262: 10261: 10256: 10251: 10246: 10241: 10236: 10231: 10226: 10221: 10216: 10211: 10206: 10200: 10198: 10194: 10193: 10190: 10189: 10187: 10186: 10181: 10176: 10171: 10166: 10161: 10159:Gabriel Bibron 10156: 10151: 10146: 10144:Pierre Peytier 10141: 10136: 10130: 10128: 10124: 10123: 10121: 10120: 10115: 10110: 10105: 10100: 10094: 10092: 10085: 10079: 10078: 10076: 10075: 10070: 10065: 10060: 10055: 10050: 10045: 10040: 10034: 10032: 10028: 10027: 10025: 10024: 10019: 10014: 10009: 10007:Henri de Rigny 10004: 9999: 9994: 9992:George Canning 9988: 9986: 9972: 9971: 9969: 9968: 9963: 9958: 9953: 9948: 9943: 9938: 9933: 9928: 9923: 9918: 9913: 9907: 9905: 9895:Ottoman Empire 9891: 9890: 9888: 9887: 9882: 9877: 9872: 9867: 9862: 9857: 9852: 9850:Roxani Soutzos 9847: 9842: 9837: 9832: 9827: 9822: 9817: 9812: 9807: 9805:Rallou Karatza 9802: 9797: 9792: 9787: 9782: 9777: 9771: 9769: 9749: 9748: 9746: 9745: 9740: 9735: 9733:David Urquhart 9730: 9725: 9713: 9708: 9703: 9698: 9693: 9688: 9683: 9681:Maxime Raybaud 9678: 9673: 9671:Maurice Persat 9668: 9663: 9658: 9653: 9648: 9643: 9642: 9641: 9629: 9624: 9619: 9614: 9609: 9604: 9602:Karl Krazeisen 9599: 9594: 9589: 9584: 9579: 9574: 9569: 9564: 9559: 9554: 9549: 9544: 9539: 9534: 9532:Richard Church 9529: 9524: 9519: 9514: 9509: 9504: 9499: 9493: 9491: 9485: 9484: 9482: 9481: 9476: 9471: 9466: 9461: 9459:Andreas Zaimis 9456: 9451: 9446: 9441: 9436: 9431: 9426: 9421: 9416: 9411: 9406: 9401: 9396: 9391: 9386: 9381: 9376: 9371: 9366: 9361: 9356: 9351: 9346: 9341: 9336: 9334:Zisis Sotiriou 9331: 9326: 9321: 9316: 9311: 9306: 9301: 9296: 9294:Ioannis Rangos 9291: 9286: 9281: 9276: 9271: 9266: 9261: 9256: 9251: 9246: 9241: 9236: 9231: 9226: 9221: 9219:Georgios Panou 9216: 9211: 9206: 9201: 9196: 9191: 9186: 9181: 9176: 9171: 9166: 9161: 9156: 9151: 9146: 9141: 9136: 9131: 9126: 9121: 9116: 9111: 9106: 9101: 9096: 9091: 9086: 9081: 9076: 9071: 9066: 9064:Andreas Londos 9061: 9056: 9051: 9046: 9041: 9036: 9031: 9026: 9021: 9016: 9011: 9006: 9001: 8996: 8991: 8986: 8981: 8976: 8971: 8966: 8961: 8956: 8951: 8946: 8941: 8936: 8931: 8926: 8921: 8916: 8911: 8906: 8901: 8896: 8891: 8886: 8881: 8876: 8874:George Kalaras 8871: 8866: 8861: 8856: 8854:Angelis Govios 8851: 8846: 8841: 8839:Ioannis Gouras 8836: 8831: 8826: 8821: 8816: 8811: 8809:Angelis Gatsos 8806: 8801: 8796: 8791: 8786: 8781: 8776: 8771: 8766: 8761: 8756: 8751: 8746: 8741: 8736: 8731: 8726: 8721: 8716: 8711: 8706: 8701: 8696: 8694:Notis Botsaris 8691: 8686: 8681: 8679:Fotos Bomporis 8676: 8671: 8665: 8663: 8657: 8656: 8649: 8646: 8645: 8643: 8642: 8637: 8631: 8629: 8625: 8624: 8622: 8621: 8616: 8611: 8606: 8601: 8596: 8591: 8586: 8581: 8576: 8571: 8566: 8560: 8558: 8552: 8551: 8549: 8548: 8543: 8541:Fourth (Argos) 8538: 8533: 8528: 8517: 8515: 8509: 8508: 8506: 8505: 8500: 8495: 8490: 8485: 8480: 8475: 8469: 8467: 8461: 8460: 8458: 8457: 8450: 8443: 8436: 8428: 8426: 8422: 8421: 8419: 8418: 8413: 8408: 8403: 8398: 8393: 8388: 8383: 8378: 8373: 8368: 8363: 8357: 8355: 8351: 8350: 8348: 8347: 8342: 8337: 8332: 8327: 8322: 8317: 8312: 8307: 8302: 8300:Constantinople 8296: 8294: 8288: 8287: 8285: 8284: 8279: 8274: 8269: 8264: 8259: 8254: 8249: 8244: 8239: 8234: 8229: 8224: 8219: 8214: 8209: 8204: 8199: 8194: 8189: 8184: 8179: 8174: 8169: 8164: 8159: 8154: 8149: 8144: 8138: 8136: 8132: 8131: 8129: 8128: 8123: 8118: 8113: 8108: 8103: 8098: 8093: 8088: 8083: 8078: 8073: 8068: 8062: 8060: 8056: 8055: 8050: 8047: 8046: 8044: 8043: 8038: 8033: 8028: 8023: 8017: 8015: 8011: 8010: 8008: 8007: 8002: 8001: 8000: 7995: 7990: 7985: 7980: 7975: 7970: 7965: 7951: 7946: 7937: 7932: 7926: 7924: 7913: 7912: 7909: 7908: 7906: 7905: 7900: 7895: 7890: 7885: 7880: 7874: 7872: 7868: 7867: 7865: 7864: 7859: 7854: 7853: 7852: 7847: 7842: 7837: 7827: 7821: 7819: 7815: 7814: 7812: 7811: 7806: 7801: 7796: 7794:Anthimos Gazis 7791: 7786: 7781: 7776: 7770: 7768: 7761: 7755: 7754: 7751: 7750: 7748: 7747: 7742: 7737: 7731: 7729: 7725: 7724: 7722: 7721: 7716: 7711: 7710: 7709: 7699: 7694: 7689: 7684: 7679: 7674: 7669: 7664: 7662:Daskalogiannis 7659: 7654: 7649: 7644: 7638: 7636: 7627: 7625:Ottoman Greece 7621: 7620: 7613: 7610: 7609: 7601: 7600: 7593: 7586: 7578: 7569: 7568: 7566: 7565: 7560: 7555: 7550: 7548:Fotos Tzavelas 7545: 7540: 7535: 7533:Giotis Danglis 7530: 7525: 7520: 7515: 7510: 7505: 7500: 7494: 7492: 7488: 7487: 7485: 7484: 7479: 7474: 7468: 7466: 7462: 7461: 7459: 7458: 7453: 7448: 7443: 7438: 7433: 7428: 7422: 7420: 7416: 7415: 7413: 7412: 7407: 7402: 7401: 7400: 7395: 7388:Ionian Islands 7384: 7383: 7382: 7377: 7366: 7361: 7359:Cham Albanians 7355: 7353: 7347: 7346: 7339: 7338: 7331: 7324: 7316: 7309: 7308: 7302: 7287: 7281: 7263: 7262: 7253: 7234: 7228: 7213: 7182: 7168: 7154:Skendi, Stavro 7150: 7145: 7130: 7124: 7107: 7096:978-0199754168 7095: 7078: 7057: 7036: 7027: 7026: 7025: 7019: 6997: 6988: 6963: 6952: 6925: 6919: 6904: 6898: 6882: 6881: 6872: 6850: 6844: 6831: 6825: 6810: 6790: 6784: 6769: 6768: 6767: 6739: 6717: 6711: 6696: 6669: 6667: 6664: 6663: 6662: 6655: 6654:External links 6652: 6650: 6649: 6642: 6622: 6613: 6606: 6586: 6518: 6502: 6490: 6481:|journal= 6428: 6416: 6407: 6400: 6380: 6373: 6353: 6346: 6326: 6319: 6299: 6289: 6274: 6250: 6238: 6179: 6168:Lakka-Sulioten 6128: 6116: 6101: 6099:, pp. 60. 6089: 6077: 6059: 6037: 6016: 6001: 5984: 5975: 5966: 5948: 5944:, Apr 12, 2010 5942:Greek Reporter 5932: 5915: 5890: 5878: 5853: 5836: 5824: 5797: 5785: 5783:, p. 109. 5764: 5762:, p. 108. 5749: 5737: 5727: 5725:, p. 110. 5708: 5695: 5674: 5655: 5643: 5632: 5612: 5601: 5581: 5569: 5567:, p. 189. 5557: 5545: 5523: 5501: 5485: 5470: 5455: 5434: 5432:, p. 150. 5422: 5420:, p. 149. 5410: 5398: 5396:, p. 146. 5386: 5374: 5362: 5350: 5338: 5326: 5314: 5302: 5290: 5272: 5265: 5238: 5231: 5211: 5204: 5184: 5182:, p. 471. 5172: 5153: 5141: 5121: 5097: 5077: 5057: 5045: 5039:, p. 59, 5035:, p. 90, 5025: 5019:, p. 90, 5009: 4997: 4993:Tsiamalos 2007 4982: 4966: 4964:, p. 136. 4954: 4952:, pp. 89. 4948:, p. 59, 4938: 4926: 4914: 4902: 4878: 4874:Tsiamalos 2007 4866: 4854: 4850:Tsiamalos 2007 4839: 4827: 4803: 4791: 4787:Tsiamalos 2007 4779: 4767: 4707: 4695: 4683: 4671: 4659: 4657:, p. 46-7 4647: 4637: 4629:Τα Πρεβεζάνικα 4620: 4610: 4597: 4585: 4565: 4541: 4529: 4505: 4493: 4481: 4457: 4447: 4435: 4411: 4399: 4325: 4313: 4301: 4289: 4272: 4260: 4253: 4233: 4221: 4202: 4184: 4172: 4160: 4148: 4136: 4111: 4082: 4071: 4043: 4036: 4013: 3997: 3982: 3969: 3957: 3945: 3933: 3914: 3902: 3887: 3872: 3870:, p. 410. 3860: 3848: 3831: 3819: 3807: 3795: 3781: 3771: 3759: 3744: 3722: 3710: 3693: 3681: 3647: 3632: 3630:, p. 392. 3620: 3608: 3595: 3574: 3562: 3550: 3531: 3524: 3504: 3502: 3501: 3498: 3493: 3492: 3489: 3469: 3454: 3442: 3427: 3425:, p. 157. 3415: 3413:, p. 246. 3403: 3391: 3389:, p. 178. 3376: 3364: 3352: 3340: 3324: 3322:, p. 156. 3312: 3310:, p. 399. 3300: 3298:, p. 155. 3288: 3286:, p. 148. 3276: 3259: 3257:, p. 154. 3247: 3228: 3226:, p. 144. 3216: 3204: 3202:, p. 250. 3192: 3180: 3165: 3153: 3141: 3129: 3117: 3108: 3096: 3081: 3060: 3040: 3028: 3009: 2997: 2982: 2967: 2955: 2953: 2952: 2945: 2938: 2931: 2916: 2913: 2898: 2883: 2874: 2856: 2834: 2819: 2817: 2816: 2802: 2783: 2766: 2751: 2728: 2705: 2686: 2684: 2681: 2680: 2679: 2674: 2669: 2664: 2657: 2654: 2626: 2623: 2607:Andreas Kalvos 2576:Ionian Islands 2475: 2472: 2354: 2351: 2327:Claude Fauriel 2299: 2296: 2258: 2255: 2253: 2250: 2234: 2231: 2206: 2203: 2072: 2069: 2027:Administration 2019:Karl Krazeisen 1886: 1883: 1867:battle of Peta 1836:Notis Botsaris 1812:Fotos Bomporis 1754:Peter von Hess 1673: 1670: 1662: 1659: 1543:Ionian Islands 1538: 1535: 1527:Fotos Tzavelas 1447:Main article: 1444: 1441: 1341: 1338: 1226: 1223: 1221: 1218: 1168: 1165: 1109: 1106: 1070: 1067: 975: 972: 966: 965: 962: 959: 955: 954: 951: 948: 944: 943: 940: 937: 933: 932: 929: 926: 922: 921: 918: 915: 911: 910: 907: 904: 900: 899: 896: 893: 889: 888: 885: 882: 878: 877: 874: 871: 867: 866: 863: 860: 856: 855: 852: 849: 845: 844: 841: 838: 834: 833: 830: 827: 823: 822: 819: 816: 812: 811: 808: 805: 801: 800: 797: 794: 790: 789: 786: 783: 779: 778: 775: 772: 768: 767: 764: 761: 757: 756: 753: 750: 746: 745: 742: 739: 735: 734: 731: 728: 724: 723: 720: 717: 713: 712: 709: 706: 702: 701: 698: 695: 691: 690: 687: 684: 678: 677: 674: 671: 667: 666: 663: 660: 656: 655: 652: 649: 645: 644: 641: 638: 634: 633: 630: 627: 478: 475: 473: 470: 419: 416: 377: 374: 256:A painting of 249: 246: 244: 241: 233:revolt of 1854 229:Prime Minister 221:Ionian Islands 205:Ottoman Empire 124: 123: 117: 116: 112: 111: 98: 97: 93: 92: 89: 85: 84: 81: 77: 76: 70: 69: 65: 64: 60: 59: 55: 54: 43: 28: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10482: 10471: 10468: 10466: 10463: 10462: 10460: 10444: 10440: 10437: 10435: 10434:Royal Phalanx 10432: 10430: 10427: 10425: 10422: 10420: 10417: 10415: 10412: 10410: 10407: 10404: 10403: 10401: 10397: 10391: 10390: 10386: 10384: 10383: 10379: 10377: 10376: 10372: 10370: 10369: 10365: 10363: 10362: 10358: 10356: 10355: 10351: 10349: 10348: 10344: 10342: 10341: 10337: 10335: 10334: 10330: 10328: 10327: 10323: 10321: 10318: 10316: 10313: 10311: 10308: 10306: 10303: 10301: 10298: 10296: 10293: 10291: 10288: 10286: 10283: 10281: 10278: 10276: 10273: 10272: 10270: 10266: 10260: 10257: 10255: 10252: 10250: 10247: 10245: 10242: 10240: 10237: 10235: 10232: 10230: 10227: 10225: 10222: 10220: 10219:George Finlay 10217: 10215: 10212: 10210: 10207: 10205: 10202: 10201: 10199: 10195: 10185: 10182: 10180: 10177: 10175: 10172: 10170: 10167: 10165: 10162: 10160: 10157: 10155: 10152: 10150: 10147: 10145: 10142: 10140: 10137: 10135: 10132: 10131: 10129: 10125: 10119: 10116: 10114: 10111: 10109: 10106: 10104: 10101: 10099: 10096: 10095: 10093: 10089: 10086: 10084: 10080: 10074: 10071: 10069: 10066: 10064: 10061: 10059: 10056: 10054: 10051: 10049: 10046: 10044: 10041: 10039: 10036: 10035: 10033: 10031:Financial aid 10029: 10023: 10020: 10018: 10015: 10013: 10010: 10008: 10005: 10003: 10000: 9998: 9995: 9993: 9990: 9989: 9987: 9985: 9981: 9977: 9973: 9967: 9964: 9962: 9961:Ibrahim Pasha 9959: 9957: 9954: 9952: 9949: 9947: 9944: 9942: 9939: 9937: 9934: 9932: 9929: 9927: 9924: 9922: 9919: 9917: 9916:Hurshid Pasha 9914: 9912: 9909: 9908: 9906: 9904: 9900: 9896: 9892: 9886: 9883: 9881: 9878: 9876: 9873: 9871: 9868: 9866: 9863: 9861: 9858: 9856: 9853: 9851: 9848: 9846: 9843: 9841: 9838: 9836: 9833: 9831: 9828: 9826: 9823: 9821: 9818: 9816: 9813: 9811: 9808: 9806: 9803: 9801: 9798: 9796: 9793: 9791: 9788: 9786: 9783: 9781: 9778: 9776: 9773: 9772: 9770: 9768: 9763: 9758: 9754: 9750: 9744: 9741: 9739: 9736: 9734: 9731: 9729: 9726: 9722: 9717: 9716:German Legion 9714: 9712: 9709: 9707: 9704: 9702: 9699: 9697: 9694: 9692: 9689: 9687: 9684: 9682: 9679: 9677: 9674: 9672: 9669: 9667: 9664: 9662: 9659: 9657: 9654: 9652: 9649: 9647: 9644: 9640: 9639: 9635: 9634: 9633: 9630: 9628: 9625: 9623: 9620: 9618: 9615: 9613: 9610: 9608: 9605: 9603: 9600: 9598: 9597:George Jarvis 9595: 9593: 9590: 9588: 9585: 9583: 9580: 9578: 9575: 9573: 9570: 9568: 9567:Thomas Gordon 9565: 9563: 9560: 9558: 9555: 9553: 9550: 9548: 9545: 9543: 9542:Lord Cochrane 9540: 9538: 9535: 9533: 9530: 9528: 9525: 9523: 9520: 9518: 9515: 9513: 9510: 9508: 9505: 9503: 9500: 9498: 9495: 9494: 9492: 9490: 9486: 9480: 9477: 9475: 9472: 9470: 9467: 9465: 9462: 9460: 9457: 9455: 9452: 9450: 9447: 9445: 9442: 9440: 9439:Pieros Voidis 9437: 9435: 9432: 9430: 9427: 9425: 9424:Domna Visvizi 9422: 9420: 9417: 9415: 9412: 9410: 9407: 9405: 9404:Loukas Vagias 9402: 9400: 9397: 9395: 9392: 9390: 9387: 9385: 9382: 9380: 9377: 9375: 9372: 9370: 9367: 9365: 9362: 9360: 9357: 9355: 9352: 9350: 9347: 9345: 9342: 9340: 9337: 9335: 9332: 9330: 9327: 9325: 9322: 9320: 9317: 9315: 9312: 9310: 9307: 9305: 9302: 9300: 9297: 9295: 9292: 9290: 9287: 9285: 9282: 9280: 9277: 9275: 9272: 9270: 9267: 9265: 9262: 9260: 9257: 9255: 9252: 9250: 9247: 9245: 9242: 9240: 9237: 9235: 9232: 9230: 9227: 9225: 9222: 9220: 9217: 9215: 9212: 9210: 9207: 9205: 9202: 9200: 9197: 9195: 9192: 9190: 9187: 9185: 9182: 9180: 9177: 9175: 9172: 9170: 9169:Zachos Milios 9167: 9165: 9162: 9160: 9159:Spyros Milios 9157: 9155: 9152: 9150: 9147: 9145: 9142: 9140: 9137: 9135: 9132: 9130: 9127: 9125: 9122: 9120: 9117: 9115: 9112: 9110: 9107: 9105: 9102: 9100: 9097: 9095: 9092: 9090: 9087: 9085: 9082: 9080: 9077: 9075: 9072: 9070: 9067: 9065: 9062: 9060: 9057: 9055: 9052: 9050: 9047: 9045: 9042: 9040: 9037: 9035: 9032: 9030: 9027: 9025: 9022: 9020: 9017: 9015: 9012: 9010: 9007: 9005: 9002: 9000: 8997: 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5347: 5342: 5335: 5330: 5323: 5318: 5312:, p. 11. 5311: 5306: 5299: 5294: 5287: 5283: 5276: 5268: 5266:9789604007561 5262: 5258: 5257: 5252: 5248: 5242: 5234: 5232:9783406630323 5228: 5224: 5223: 5215: 5207: 5205:9783835345959 5201: 5197: 5196: 5188: 5181: 5176: 5168: 5162: 5157: 5148: 5146: 5136: 5130: 5125: 5118: 5117:Διακάκης 2019 5112: 5106: 5101: 5092: 5086: 5081: 5072: 5066: 5061: 5054: 5049: 5042: 5041:Διακάκης 2019 5038: 5034: 5029: 5022: 5021:Διακάκης 2019 5018: 5013: 5007:, p. 92. 5006: 5005:Κοτσώνης 2020 5001: 4994: 4989: 4987: 4980:, p. 59. 4979: 4975: 4970: 4963: 4962:Διακάκης 2019 4958: 4951: 4947: 4942: 4936:, pp. 89 4935: 4930: 4923: 4918: 4911: 4906: 4899: 4895: 4891: 4887: 4882: 4875: 4870: 4864:, p. 74. 4863: 4858: 4851: 4846: 4844: 4836: 4831: 4824: 4818: 4813:, pp. 37 4812: 4807: 4800: 4795: 4788: 4783: 4776: 4771: 4763: 4757: 4753: 4749: 4744: 4740: 4736: 4731: 4727: 4726: 4720: 4716: 4711: 4704: 4699: 4692: 4687: 4680: 4675: 4668: 4663: 4656: 4651: 4641: 4634: 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693: 692: 688: 685: 683: 680: 679: 675: 672: 669: 668: 664: 661: 658: 657: 653: 650: 647: 646: 642: 639: 636: 635: 631: 629:Name in Greek 628: 625: 624: 618: 615: 611: 607: 603: 598: 589: 585: 581: 577: 575: 571: 567: 563: 559: 554: 550: 546: 545: 540: 536: 532: 531: 526: 522: 517: 514: 510: 506: 502: 498: 494: 493: 483: 469: 465: 462: 461:George Finlay 458: 454: 450: 446: 442: 438: 434: 430: 426: 418:Early history 415: 413: 408: 402: 394: 386: 382: 373: 371: 367: 362: 357: 353: 348: 347:Cham Albanian 344: 339: 334: 329: 327: 323: 319: 315: 311: 307: 303: 299: 295: 287: 283: 275: 271: 267: 259: 254: 240: 238: 234: 230: 226: 222: 216: 214: 210: 206: 202: 198: 194: 190: 186: 182: 177: 173: 172:confederation 169: 165: 161: 156: 154: 150: 146: 142: 138: 135: 131: 122: 118: 113: 107: 103: 99: 94: 90: 86: 82: 78: 75: 71: 66: 61: 56: 51: 47: 41: 36: 27: 19: 10387: 10382:Loukis Laras 10380: 10373: 10366: 10359: 10352: 10345: 10338: 10331: 10324: 10184:Edgar Quinet 9956:Yussuf Pasha 9666:Hadži-Prodan 9636: 9577:Emmanuel Han 9557:Adam Friedel 9507:Samuel Barff 9489:Philhellenes 8650: 8453: 8446: 8439: 8432: 8305:Thessaloniki 8051: 7978:Greek Legion 7871:Publications 7774:John Caradja 7735:Orlov Revolt 7713: 7614: 7393:Greek Legion 7342: 7292: 7272: 7257: 7239: 7218: 7205:. Retrieved 7198:the original 7193: 7158: 7135: 7115: 7100:. Retrieved 7086: 7070:. Retrieved 7068:(124): 34–40 7065: 7049:. Retrieved 7047:(123): 34–41 7044: 7031: 7010: 7001: 6992: 6968: 6957: 6946:, retrieved 6939:the original 6930: 6909: 6888: 6876: 6855: 6835: 6815: 6798: 6794: 6774: 6753: 6743: 6731:. Retrieved 6722: 6701: 6691: 6681: 6666:Bibliography 6632: 6625: 6616: 6596: 6589: 6581: 6577: 6573: 6569: 6565: 6561: 6557: 6553: 6549: 6545: 6541: 6537: 6533: 6529: 6521: 6513: 6505: 6493: 6472:cite journal 6464: 6457:. Retrieved 6440:: 6, 76-75. 6431: 6419: 6410: 6390: 6383: 6363: 6356: 6336: 6329: 6309: 6302: 6292: 6286:. 24–25: 13. 6283: 6277: 6269: 6265: 6261: 6260:Baltsiotis. 6246:Ψιμούλη 1995 6241: 6233: 6228: 6224: 6220: 6216: 6192: 6182: 6171: 6167: 6164: 6157: 6153: 6151: 6150:: 113–114. " 6147: 6143: 6131: 6119: 6110: 6104: 6097:Fleming 2014 6092: 6085:Fleming 2014 6080: 6062: 6053: 6049: 6040: 6019: 6010: 6004: 5994: 5987: 5978: 5969: 5961: 5957: 5951: 5941: 5935: 5918: 5893: 5881: 5869:. Retrieved 5856: 5827: 5817: 5813: 5795:, p. 66 5793:Fleming 2014 5788: 5740: 5730: 5698: 5690: 5684: 5677: 5665:, p. 34 5663:Ψιμούλη 2021 5658: 5651:Ψιμούλη 2002 5646: 5637: 5622: 5615: 5606: 5591: 5584: 5577:Ψιμούλη 2006 5572: 5565:Ψιμούλη 2006 5560: 5555:, p. 50 5548: 5530: 5526: 5494: 5488: 5479: 5473: 5464: 5458: 5437: 5425: 5413: 5401: 5389: 5377: 5365: 5353: 5341: 5336:, p. 35 5329: 5317: 5305: 5293: 5285: 5281: 5275: 5255: 5241: 5221: 5214: 5194: 5187: 5180:Ψιμούλη 2006 5175: 5163:, p. 40 5161:Ψιμούλη 2021 5156: 5131:, p. 40 5129:Ψιμούλη 2021 5124: 5107:, p. 40 5105:Ψιμούλη 2021 5100: 5087:, p. 40 5085:Ψιμούλη 2021 5080: 5065:Ψιμούλη 2021 5060: 5053:Ψιμούλη 2006 5048: 5033:Ψιμούλη 2010 5028: 5017:Ψιμούλη 2010 5012: 5000: 4974:Ψιμούλη 2010 4969: 4957: 4950:Ψιμούλη 2010 4941: 4934:Ψιμούλη 2010 4929: 4922:Ψιμούλη 2010 4917: 4910:Ψιμούλη 2010 4905: 4897: 4886:Ψιμούλη 2010 4881: 4869: 4862:Ψιμούλη 2010 4857: 4835:Ψιμούλη 2010 4830: 4823:Ψιμούλη 2010 4811:Ψιμούλη 2021 4806: 4799:Ψιμούλη 2010 4794: 4782: 4775:Ψιμούλη 2010 4770: 4758:, p. 36 4756:Ψιμούλη 2021 4742: 4738: 4724: 4715:Ψιμούλη 2010 4710: 4698: 4691:Ψιμούλη 2010 4686: 4679:Ψιμούλη 2010 4674: 4667:Ψιμούλη 2010 4662: 4655:Ψιμούλη 2010 4650: 4640: 4628: 4623: 4613: 4605: 4600: 4595:, p. 46 4593:Ψιμούλη 2010 4588: 4573:Mazower 2021 4568: 4553:Mazower 2021 4549:Ψιμούλη 2010 4544: 4532: 4517:Mazower 2021 4513:Ψιμούλη 2010 4508: 4501:Ψιμούλη 2010 4496: 4484: 4477:Ψιμούλη 2010 4465:Mazower 2021 4460: 4450: 4438: 4423:Mazower 2021 4419:Ψιμούλη 2010 4414: 4407:Ψιμούλη 2010 4402: 4389:, p. 34 4387:Ψιμούλη 2021 4383:Ψιμούλη 2010 4372:, p. 44 4370:Mazower 2021 4366:Skiotis 1976 4360: 4337:(in Greek). 4334: 4328: 4321:Skiotis 1976 4316: 4309:Skiotis 1976 4304: 4297:Ψιμούλη 2010 4292: 4268:Skiotis 1976 4263: 4243: 4236: 4224: 4217:Ψιμούλη 2010 4213:Fleming 2014 4197: 4193: 4187: 4175: 4168:Ψιμούλη 2010 4163: 4156:Skiotis 1976 4151: 4144:Ψιμούλη 2010 4139: 4126:, p. 34 4124:Ψιμούλη 2021 4102:. Retrieved 4098: 4085: 4074: 4065: 4052: 4046: 4026: 3991: 3985: 3977: 3972: 3965:Psimuli 2016 3960: 3953:Ψιμούλη 2006 3948: 3936: 3905: 3898:Psimuli 2016 3868:Psimuli 2016 3863: 3851: 3815:Psimuli 2016 3810: 3803:Psimuli 2016 3798: 3774: 3762: 3755:Psimuli 2016 3735:, p. 47 3718:Psimuli 2016 3713: 3689:Ψιμούλη 2006 3684: 3672:. 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Retrieved 2708: 2700: 2696: 2690: 2639: 2628: 2604: 2583: 2567: 2553: 2546: 2543: 2538: 2533: 2508: 2502: 2496: 2488:romanticized 2484:philhellenes 2480:orientalized 2477: 2462: 2446: 2442: 2436: 2432: 2427: 2402: 2389: 2385: 2381: 2377: 2373: 2371: 2364:. Sketch by 2361: 2340: 2335: 2331: 2324: 2310: 2301: 2282: 2260: 2236: 2226: 2222: 2214: 2208: 2195:World War II 2188: 2160: 2156: 2134: 2113: 2093: 2089: 2026: 2023: 2013: 1996: 1991: 1972: 1942:armed chiefs 1935: 1922: 1912: 1896: 1888: 1844: 1841: 1834:, appointed 1808: 1798: 1759: 1743: 1718: 1700:hatt-ı Şerif 1697: 1654: 1648: 1645: 1635: 1631: 1624: 1603: 1593: 1578:Greek Legion 1571: 1565: 1540: 1516: 1510: 1502:Dimos Drakos 1491: 1471: 1462:Ary Scheffer 1457: 1437: 1417: 1402: 1394: 1382:dervend agha 1358: 1334: 1306:Orlov Revolt 1285:Orlov revolt 1274: 1270: 1254: 1243: 1233: 1208: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1188: 1184: 1180: 1176: 1172: 1170: 1153: 1148:Robert Elsie 1140: 1119: 1097: 1093: 1089: 1088:(enemy) and 1085: 1078: 1063: 1050: 1044: 1042: 1025: 1005: 999: 989: 983: 977: 969: 643:Souli (Sul) 613: 609: 605: 601: 596: 593: 583: 573: 569: 565: 561: 560:in Greek as 557: 552: 548: 542: 538: 534: 528: 524: 518: 512: 508: 504: 500: 496: 490: 488: 466: 441:Stefan Dušan 436: 421: 411: 409: 390: 385:Map of Souli 384: 360: 355: 351: 342: 332: 330: 321: 263: 217: 185:Greek people 157: 153:Greek nation 129: 127: 49: 29:Ethnic group 26: 10399:Remembrance 10290:Victor Hugo 10280:Louis Dupré 9936:Kara Mehmet 9931:Omer Vrioni 9767:Sacred Band 9719: [ 8779:Adam Doukas 8237:Lerna Mills 8101:Acrocorinth 7607:(1821–1829) 7491:Individuals 7451:Mousiotitsa 7419:Settlements 7207:16 November 6733:20 December 6526:Skendi 1954 6510:Skendi 1954 6498:Zervas 2016 6424:Pappas 1982 6284:Τα Ιστορικά 4725:Chanticleer 4719:Tzakis 2021 4703:Tzakis 2021 4645:Μπόμπορης". 4537:Tzakis 2021 4489:Tzakis 2021 4443:Tzakis 2021 4229:Tzakis 2021 4180:Tzakis 2021 4010:Pappas 1982 3941:Pappas 1982 3929:Pappas 1982 3910:Pappas 1982 3883:Pappas 1982 3856:Pappas 1982 3844:Pappas 1982 3767:Pappas 1982 3616:Pappas 1982 3558:Pappas 1982 3483:(in Greek): 3137:Pappas 1982 3125:Pappas 1982 3104:Pappas 1982 3092:Pappas 1982 2993:Pappas 1982 2640:During the 2580:Thimi Mitko 2525:Orientalist 2521:Romanticism 2184:Balkan Wars 2163:Crimean War 1975:philhellene 1908:first siege 1853:along with 1804:Omer Vrioni 1778:Messolonghi 1749:Messolonghi 1369:Gjirokastër 1197:Stret(h)eza 1001:resm-i çift 796:Papagiannis 662:Koutsonikas 632:Settlement 608:(in Greek, 449:Mazarakaioi 376:Settlements 318:romanticism 237:Balkan Wars 225:Greek state 195:and learnt 91:up to 1,250 10459:Categories 10127:Scientific 9522:Lord Byron 8401:Alexandria 8386:Sphacteria 8325:Samothrace 8315:Tripolitsa 8222:Sphacteria 8207:Dervenakia 8091:Tripolitsa 8041:Monarchism 8031:Liberalism 7940:Greek Plan 7707:Rum Millet 7702:Phanariots 7616:Background 7446:Vourgareli 7102:2013-09-21 6948:2010-05-21 6757:(Thesis). 6136:Thede Kahl 5928:0786724579 5849:Potts 2014 5832:Potts 2010 5781:Potts 2014 5760:Potts 2014 5723:Potts 2014 4455:surprise.” 3067:Biris, K. 2832:Albanians" 2742:2022-11-03 2719:2022-11-03 2683:References 2219:Rum millet 1978:Lord Byron 1747:defending 1682:St. George 1665:See also: 1582:Himariotes 1433:Vourgareli 1102:Gjakmarrja 1094:dikaiosyne 1082:embrasures 1075:Gjakmarrje 1073:See also: 1032:Dervitzina 568:("without 356:tetrachori 324:(1815) by 302:Thesprotia 164:Thesprotia 80:Tetrachori 10465:Souliotes 9757:Wallachia 8433:Agamemnon 8292:Massacres 8277:Koronisia 8212:Karpenisi 8182:Drăgășani 7714:Souliotes 7692:Ali Pasha 7642:Armatoles 7343:Souliotes 7013:. Toena. 6978:cite book 6972:. Athens. 6459:25 August 6270:Souliotēs 6229:Arvanitis 6221:Arvanitēs 6217:Arvanitis 6211:142733144 6158:Arvaniten 6138:(1999). " 5930:, p. 187. 5886:Hart 1999 5820:(2): 215. 4723:HMS  3643:Raça 2012 3176:Hart 1999 2910:0073-862X 2672:Mandritsa 2447:Arvanites 2445:(plural: 2443:Arvanitis 2439:Arvanites 2386:Alvanites 2382:Arvanites 2179:Arvanitic 2129:Nafpaktos 2120:Epidaurus 2104:Nafpaktos 2096:Mesologgi 2003:Anatoliko 1988:Roumeliot 1963:Karpenisi 1913:armatoloi 1891:Acarnania 1832:Executive 1774:Phanariot 1766:Acarnania 1762:armatoles 1625:With the 1622:in 1807. 1614:in 1806, 1610:in 1805, 1595:armatoloi 1518:Alipasiad 1429:Tzoumerka 1425:armatolos 1266:Acarnania 1262:armatolos 1258:Margariti 1225:1685–1772 1214:Aromanian 1136:Kanallaki 964:Samoniva 953:Samoniva 917:Salataris 914:Sallatari 741:Kalogeros 738:Kallojeri 651:Tzavellas 562:threskeia 453:Vagenetia 412:Parasouli 397:Τετραχώρι 370:Mazarakia 278:Σουλιώτες 243:Geography 201:Ali Pasha 130:Souliotes 96:Languages 88:Eptachori 48:entitled 10091:Military 9753:Moldavia 8454:Karteria 8416:Navarino 8391:Gerontas 8310:Navarino 8262:Phaleron 8257:Kamatero 8252:Arachova 8192:Vasilika 8177:Vasilika 8162:Valtetsi 8142:Kalamata 8081:Livadeia 8076:Navarino 7647:Proestoi 7436:Katsikas 7156:(1954). 7051:17 April 6219:(plural 5538:Archived 5453:, p. 262 4748:Splantza 4737:(1825). 4104:17 April 4058:Archived 3674:17 April 3052:S(h)ul-i 2656:See also 2539:Thourios 2378:Suliotti 2374:Albanesi 2332:Albanian 1938:notables 1851:Chameria 1702:against 1634:and the 1616:Dalmatia 1479:Napoleon 1377:Chameria 1240:, 1822). 1167:Toponyms 1132:Anthousa 1108:Language 1039:, 1820). 942:Avariko 931:Avariko 906:Pandazis 903:Pandaziu 818:Sachinis 793:Papajani 763:Kaskaris 760:Kashkari 752:Thanasis 697:Boutzias 659:Kuçonika 648:Xhavella 640:Botsaris 614:pleqësia 566:i pabesë 539:pleqësia 530:pleqësia 525:Πλεκεσία 433:Albanian 425:Albanian 405:Επταχώρι 294:Albanian 266:Albanian 235:and the 193:Albanian 160:Albanian 132:were an 115:Religion 102:Albanian 83:c. 3,250 52:(1813-4) 33:Souliots 18:Souliote 10439:Evzones 9976:Britain 9899:Algeria 8628:Related 8371:Nauplia 8272:Martino 8247:Distomo 8227:Maniaki 8187:Sculeni 8167:Doliana 8152:Alamana 8135:Battles 8106:Nauplia 7697:Maniots 7652:Klephts 7465:Culture 7441:Skiadas 7351:History 7178:3794368 7072:29 July 6225:Alvanos 6154:Albaner 5871:30 July 5253:(ed.). 3236:Psimuli 3056:ντερέκι 2629:At the 2398:Pyrrhus 2336:Albania 2321:(1820). 2114:At the 2100:Agrinio 2061:Phoenix 1992:Roumeli 1925:at the 1879:Vonitsa 1875:Karleli 1816:Preveza 1730:Preveza 1620:Lefkada 1612:Tenedos 1590:klephts 1586:Maniots 1523:Seliani 1405:Preveza 1363:of the 1330:Rumelia 1322:Russian 1294:Lefkada 1277:Delvinë 1161:Chimara 1059:Yannina 994:of the 974:Economy 851:Bousbos 840:Palamas 837:Pallama 829:Mantzos 815:Shahini 749:Thanasi 686:Danglis 682:Danglli 574:apistos 472:Society 270:Suljotë 166:in the 10326:Hellas 9984:Russia 9980:France 9901:, and 8661:Greece 8447:Hellas 8381:Andros 8361:Eresos 8345:Cyprus 8320:Naousa 8197:Trench 8157:Gravia 8071:Salona 8066:Patras 8059:Sieges 8052:Events 7767:People 7728:Events 7634:People 7456:Kastri 7300:  7279:  7226:  7176:  7166:  7143:  7122:  7093:  7017:  6917:  6896:  6842:  6823:  6782:  6709:  6640:  6604:  6398:  6371:  6344:  6317:  6209:  6156:(sog. 6071:  6031:  5926:  5909:  5901:  5735:guides 5630:  5599:  5449:  5263:  5229:  5202:  4754:. 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Charles Robert Cockerell
Orthodox Christianity
Orthodox Christian
Albanian tribal
Greek War of Independence
Greek nation
Late Middle Ages
mountainous areas
Greek people
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Ali Pasha
Ottoman Empire
Markos Botsaris
Kitsos Tzavelas
Ionian Islands
Greek state
Prime Minister

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