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urbanite) who claimed personal descent from the Canaanites. Villagers typically traced their family or their hamila's origins back to a more recent past in the Arabian peninsula. Many avowed descent from some nomadic tribe that had migrated from Arabia to Palestine either during or shortly after the Arab-Islamic conquests. By such a claim they inserted their family's history into the narrative of Arab and Islamic civilization and connected themselves to a genealogy that possessed greater local and contemporary prestige than did ancient or pre-Islamic descent. Several men specifically connected their forefathers' date of entry into Palestine to their participation in the army of Salih al-Din al-Ayyubi (Saladin), a historical figure whose significance has been retrospectively enlarged by nationalist discourse such that he is now regarded not merely as a hero of "Islamic" civilization but as a "national" luminary as well.+ (Modern nationalist discourse tends to downplay Salah al-Din's Kurdish origins.) Palestinians of all political stripes viewed Salah al-Din's wars against the Crusaders as a forerunner of the current combats against foreign intruders. Many considered Salah al-Din's victory over the Crusaders at Hittin (A.D. 1187) as a historical precedent that offered hope for their own eventual triumph even if, like the Crusader wars, the current struggle with Israel was destined to last more than two centuries. Family histories affiliated to earlier "patriotic" struggles against European aggression tied interviewees to a continuous narrative of national resistance. Villagers claiming descent from Arabs who entered Palestine during the Arab-Islamic conquest equally viewed these origins as establishing their historical precedence over the Jews
2226: 3241:, a demographer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. DellaPergola accused the authors of the AIDRG report of misunderstanding basic principles of demography on account of their lack of expertise in the subject, but he also acknowledged that he did not take into account the emigration of Palestinians and thinks it has to be examined, as well as the birth and mortality statistics of the Palestinian Authority. He also accused AIDRG of selective use of data and multiple systematic errors in their analysis, claiming that the authors assumed the Palestinian Electoral registry to be complete even though registration is voluntary, and they used an unrealistically low Total Fertility Ratio (a statistical abstraction of births per woman) to reanalyse that data in a "typical circular mistake." DellaPergola estimated the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza at the end of 2005 as 3.33 million, or 3.57 million if East Jerusalem is included. These figures are only slightly lower than the official Palestinian figures. The 8131: 12893:
Byzantine periods, many Jews emigrated to thriving centres in the diaspora, especially Iraq, whereas some converted to Christianity and others continued to live in the Holy Land, especially in Galilee and the coastal plain. Accordingly, most of the Muslims who participated in the conquest of the Holy Land did not settle there, but continued on to further destinations. For most of the Muslims who settled in the Holy Land were either Arabs who immigrated before the Muslim conquest and then converted to Islam, or Muslims who immigrated after the Holy Land's conquest. Consequently, many local Christians converted to Islam. Thus, almost twelve centuries later, when the army led by Napoleon Bonaparte arrived in the Holy Land, most of the local population was Muslim. The Holy Land's transformation from an area populated mainly by Christians into a region whose population was predominantly Muslim was the result of two processes: immigration and conversion
2559:, it was decided to accept the text of those articles, while inserting in the minutes of the conference an undertaking by the Mandatory Power that this would not involve the surrender of any of the rights hitherto enjoyed by the non-Jewish communities in Palestine. In 1922, the British authorities over Mandatory Palestine proposed a draft constitution that would have granted the Palestinian Arabs representation in a Legislative Council on condition that they accept the terms of the mandate. The Palestine Arab delegation rejected the proposal as "wholly unsatisfactory", noting that "the People of Palestine" could not accept the inclusion of the Balfour Declaration in the constitution's preamble as the basis for discussions. They further took issue with the designation of Palestine as a British "colony of the lowest order." The Arabs tried to get the British to offer an Arab legal establishment again roughly ten years later, but to no avail. 8264: 11294:(rev. ed.) Penguin. pp. 209–10: "the word 'Arab' needs to be used with care. It is applicable to the Bedouin and to a section of the urban and effendi classes; it is inappropriate as a description of the rural mass of the population, the fellaheen. The whole population spoke Arabic, usually corrupted by dialects bearing traces of words of other origin, but it was only the Bedouin who habitually thought of themselves as Arabs. Western travelers from the sixteenth century onwards make the same distinction, and the word 'Arab' almost always refers to them exclusively.... Gradually it was realized that there remained a substantial stratum of the pre-Israelite peasantry, and that the oldest element among the peasants were not 'Arabs' in the sense of having entered the country with or after the conquerors of the seventh century, had been there already when the Arabs came." 982: 9728:
Palestinian hip-hop as part of a joint process of localization. Just as the percussiveness of the Hebrew language is emphasized in Israeli Hip-hop, Palestinian music has always revolved around the rhythmic specificity and smooth melodic tone of Arabic. "Musically speaking, Palestinian songs are usually pure melody performed monophonically with complex vocal ornamentations and strong percussive rhythm beats". The presence of a hand-drum in classical Palestinian music indicates a cultural esthetic conducive to the vocal, verbal and instrumental percussion which serve as the foundational elements of Hip-hop. This hip hop is joining a "longer tradition of revolutionary, underground, Arabic music and political songs that have supported Palestinian Resistance". This subgenre has served as a way to politicize the Palestinian issue through music.
7956:, which resolved "that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the Governments or authorities responsible." Despite much of the international community, including the US President Harry Truman, insisting that the repatriation of Palestinian refugees was essential, Israel refused to accept the principle. In the intervening years Israel has consistently refused to change its position and has introduced further legislation to hinder Palestinians refugees from returning and reclaiming their land and confiscated property. 12147:, p. 44-45: "Hadrian officially renamed Judea Syria Palaestina after his Roman armies suppressed the Bar-Kokhba Revolt (the Second Jewish Revolt) in 135 C.E.; this is commonly viewed as a move intended to sever the connection of the Jews to their historical homeland. However, that Jewish writers such as Philo, in particular, and Josephus, who flourished while Judea was still formally in existence, used the name Palestine for the Land of Israel in their Greek works, suggests that this interpretation of history is mistaken. Hadrian's choice of Syria Palaestina may be more correctly seen as a rationalization of the name of the new province, in accordance with its area being far larger than geographical Judea. Indeed, Syria Palaestina had an ancient pedigree that was intimately linked with the area of greater Israel." 12159:, p. 44–45:"Hadrian officially renamed Judea Syria Palaestina after his Roman armies suppressed the Bar-Kokhba Revolt (the Second Jewish Revolt) in 135 C.E.; this is commonly viewed as a move intended to sever the connection of the Jews to their historical homeland. However, that Jewish writers such as Philo, in particular, and Josephus, who flourished while Judea was still formally in existence, used the name Palestine for the Land of Israel in their Greek works, suggests that this interpretation of history is mistaken. Hadrian's choice of Syria Palaestina may be more correctly seen as a rationalization of the name of the new province, in accordance with its area being far larger than geographical Judea. Indeed, Syria Palaestina had an ancient pedigree that was intimately linked with the area of greater Israel." 8524: 2500: 2975: 11434:
than Zionism. All nationalisms arise in opposition to some "other". Why else would there be the need to specify who you are? And all nationalisms are defined by what they oppose. As we have seen, Zionism itself arose in reaction to anti-Semitic and exclusionary nationalist movements in Europe. It would be perverse to judge Zionism as somehow less valid than European anti-Semitism or those nationalisms. . . Furthermore, Zionism itself was also defined by its opposition to the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants of the region. Both the "conquest of land" and the "conquest of labor" slogans that became central to the dominant strain of Zionism in the Yishuv originated as a result of the Zionist confrontation with the Palestinian "other".
2719: 12985:
especially Iraq, whereas some converted to Christianity and others continued to live in the Holy Land, especially in Galilee and the coastal plain. During the Byzantine period, the three provinces of Palestine included more than thirty cities, namely, settlements with a bishop see. After the Muslim conquest in the 630s, most of these cities declined and eventually disappeared. As a result, in many cases the local ecclesiastical administration weakened, while in others it simply ceased to exist. Consequently, many local Christians converted to Islam. Thus, almost twelve centuries later, when the army led by Napoleon Bonaparte arrived in the Holy Land, most of the local population was Muslim.
9555: 8248: 1330: 8229: 9807: 8516: 14524:). Paul De Waart said that the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice in 2004 "ascertained the present responsibility of the United Nations to protect Palestine's statehood. It affirmed the applicability of the prohibition of acquisition of Palestinian territory by Israel and confirmed the illegality of the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Moreover, the existence of the Palestinian people as the rightful claimant to the Occupied Palestinian Territory is no longer open to question (See De Waart, Paul J. I. M., "International Court of Justice Firmly Walled in the Law of Power in the Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process", 8310: 16506:
foreign worship are mingled so as often to be entirely indistinguishable, and the so-called Moslem is found worshipping at shrines consecrated to Jewish, Samaritan, Christian, and often Pagan memories. It is in worship at these shrines that the religion of the peasantry consists. Moslem by profession, they often spend their lives without entering a mosque, and attach more importance to the favour and protection of the village Mukam than to Allah himself, or to Mohammed his prophet... The reverence shown for these sacred spots is unbounded. Every fallen stone from the building, every withered branch of the tree, is carefully preserved.
11235:. "The process of Arabization and Islamization was gaining momentum there. It was one of the mainstays of Umayyad power and was important in their struggle against both Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula.... Conversions arising from convenience as well as conviction then increased. These conversions to Islam, together with a steady tribal inflow from the desert, changed the religious character of Palestine's inhabitants. The predominantly Christian population gradually became predominantly Muslim and Arabic-speaking. At the same time, during the early years of Muslim control of the city, a small permanent Jewish population returned to 9822: 9289: 9837: 7981: 12135:, p. 19: "While it is true that there is no evidence as to precisely who changed the name of Judaea to Palestine and precisely when this was done, circumstantial evidence would seem to point to Hadrian himself, since he is, it would seem, responsible for a number of decrees that sought to crush the national and religious spirit of thejews, whether these decrees were responsible for the uprising or were the result of it. In the first place, he refounded Jerusalem as a Graeco-Roman city under the name of Aelia Capitolina. He also erected on the site of the Temple another temple to Zeus." 10859:, p. 554: "The origin of the term Palestinian is uncertain. Some historians connect it to the Philistines, a biblical people that resided on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea as early as the twelfth century B.C.E. Thus, Palestinians are considered by some to be the indigenous people of present-day Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip. Other scholars dispute this view, asserting that Jews and others resided in Palestine—usually defined as the narrow strip of land bordered by the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea—long before these Arabs arrived in the seventh century." 9112: 13445:
wake of France's conquest of their country and the waves of Egyptian migration to Palestine and Syria during the rule of Muhammad Ali and his son, Ibrahim Pasha. In most cases the Egyptian army dropouts and the other Egyptian settlers preferred to settle in existing localities, rather than to establish new villages. In the southern coastal plain and Ramla zones there were at least nineteen villages which had families of Egyptian origin, and in the northern part of Samaria, including the 'Ara Valley, there are a number of villages with substantial population of Egyptian stock.
14474:). Judge Koroma explained "The Court has also held that the right of self-determination as an established and recognized right under international law applies to the territory and to the Palestinian people. Accordingly, the exercise of such right entitles the Palestinian people to a State of their own as originally envisaged in resolution 181 (II) and subsequently confirmed." Judge Higgins also said "that the Palestinian people are entitled to their territory, to exercise self-determination, and to have their own State"(See paragraph 5, Separate opinion of Judge Koroma 8366: 8037: 20437: 13240:
nomads who had filled the vacuum created by the departing Samaritans at the end of the Byzantine period To sum up: in the only rural region in Palestine in which, according to all the written and archeological sources, the process of Islamization was completed already in the twelfth century, there occurred events consistent with the model propounded by Levtzion and Vryonis: the region was abandoned by its original sedentary population and the subsequent vacuum was apparently filled by nomads who, at a later stage, gradually became sedentarized
570: 8329: 8177:, though some individuals identify as "Palestinian Druze". According to Salih al-Shaykh, most Druze do not consider themselves to be Palestinian: "their Arab identity emanates in the main from the common language and their socio-cultural background, but is detached from any national political conception. It is not directed at Arab countries or Arab nationality or the Palestinian people, and does not express sharing any fate with them. From this point of view, their identity is Israel, and this identity is stronger than their Arab identity". 12948:
Christianisation of the population on the other. Churches were erected primarily at the holy sites, 12 while at the same time Palestine's position and unique status as the Christian 'Holy Land' became more firmly rooted. All this, coupled with immigration and conversion, allegedly meant that the Christianisation of Palestine took place much more rapidly than that of other areas of the Roman empire, brought in its wake the annihilation of the pagan cults and meant that by the middle of the fifth century there was a clear Christian majority.
264: 9277: 1191: 9771: 3342: 12657:
numerous common points between Israelites and Canaanites in the Iron I period (c. 1200–1000 BCE). The record would suggest that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture... In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature. Given the information available, one cannot maintain a radical cultural separation between Canaanites and Israelites for the Iron I period." (pp. 6–7). Smith, Mark (2002) "The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities of Ancient Israel" (Eerdman's)
8988: 8790: 444: 9700: 2099: 2541:
the inhabitants. This meant that Palestinians did not become British citizens, and that Palestine was not annexed into the British dominions. The Mandate document divided the population into Jewish and non-Jewish, and Britain, the Mandatory Power considered the Palestinian population to be composed of religious, not national, groups. Consequently, government censuses in 1922 and 1931 would categorize Palestinians confessionally as Muslims, Christians and Jews, with the category of Arab absent.
9246: 480: 552: 246: 9131: 8961: 9262: 9033: 9724:. Palestinian hip-hop artists have been strongly influenced by the messages of American rappers. Tamar Nafar says, "When I heard Tupac sing 'It's a White Man's World' I decided to take hip hop seriously". In addition to the influences from American hip hop, it also includes musical elements from Palestinian and Arabic music including "zajal, mawwal, and saj" which can be likened to Arabic spoken word, as well as including the percussiveness and lyricism of Arabic music. 8350: 2665: 9234: 210: 8946: 372: 8298: 12523:, Indigenous Peoples: "One of the stumbling blocks to reaching an international consensus on the special character and scope of the human rights of indigenous peoples as well as the specific areas in which their protection may be ensured by state action is the ambiguity surrounding the definition of 'indigenous.' ... The United Nations Commission on Human Rights in 1995 adopted four principles to be taken into account in a definition of indigenous peoples" 9800:, many such facilities and institutions were subsequently shut down. Today there remains sport centers such as in Gaza and Ramallah, but the difficulty of mobility and travel restrictions means most Palestinian are not able to compete internationally to their full potential. However, Palestinian sport authorities have indicated that Palestinians in the diaspora will be eligible to compete for Palestine once the diplomatic and security situation improves. 20425: 9859: 8100: 7926: 95: 64: 1627: 20397: 300: 534: 2545: 606: 282: 9008: 354: 156: 138: 516: 2897: 8280: 462: 408: 318: 228: 192: 174: 336: 9755: 9486: 9444: 9311: 498: 426: 588: 2339: 390: 14449:, p. 170). In 2004, the International Court of Justice said that Israel had recognized the existence of a "Palestinian people" and referred a number of times to the Palestinian people and its "legitimate rights" in international agreements. The Court said those rights include the right to self-determination(See paragraph 118 of Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory 1121: 7858: 7849: 7840: 7831: 7822: 7813: 7804: 7795: 7786: 7777: 7768: 7759: 7750: 7741: 7732: 7723: 7714: 7705: 7696: 7687: 7678: 7669: 7660: 7651: 7642: 7633: 7624: 7615: 7606: 7597: 7588: 7579: 7570: 7561: 7552: 7543: 7534: 7525: 7516: 7507: 7498: 7489: 7480: 7471: 7462: 7453: 7444: 7435: 7426: 7417: 7408: 7399: 7390: 7381: 7372: 7363: 7354: 7345: 7336: 7327: 7318: 7309: 8417: 7876: 7867: 7300: 7291: 7282: 7273: 7264: 7255: 7246: 7237: 7228: 7219: 7210: 7201: 7192: 7183: 7174: 7165: 7156: 7147: 7138: 7129: 7120: 7111: 7102: 7093: 7084: 7075: 7066: 7057: 7048: 7039: 7030: 7021: 7012: 7003: 6994: 6985: 6976: 6967: 6958: 6949: 6940: 6931: 6922: 6913: 6904: 6895: 6886: 6877: 6868: 6859: 6850: 6841: 6832: 6823: 6814: 6805: 6796: 6787: 6778: 6769: 6760: 6751: 6742: 6733: 6724: 6715: 6706: 6697: 6688: 6679: 6670: 6661: 6652: 6643: 6634: 6625: 6616: 6607: 6598: 6589: 6580: 6571: 6562: 6553: 6544: 6535: 6526: 6517: 6508: 6499: 6490: 6481: 6472: 6463: 6454: 6445: 6436: 6427: 6418: 6409: 6400: 6391: 6382: 6373: 6364: 6355: 6346: 6337: 6328: 6319: 6310: 6301: 6292: 6283: 6274: 6265: 6256: 6247: 6238: 6229: 6220: 6211: 6202: 6193: 6184: 6175: 6166: 6157: 6148: 6139: 6130: 6121: 6112: 6103: 6094: 6085: 6076: 6067: 6058: 6049: 6040: 6031: 6022: 6013: 6004: 5995: 5986: 5977: 5968: 5959: 5950: 5941: 5932: 5923: 5914: 5905: 5896: 5887: 5878: 5869: 5860: 5851: 5842: 5833: 5824: 5815: 5806: 5797: 5788: 5779: 5770: 5761: 5752: 5743: 5734: 5725: 5716: 5707: 5698: 5689: 5680: 5671: 5662: 5653: 5644: 5635: 5626: 5617: 5608: 5599: 5590: 5581: 5572: 5563: 5554: 5545: 5536: 5527: 5518: 5509: 5500: 5491: 5482: 5473: 5464: 5455: 5446: 5437: 5428: 5419: 5410: 5401: 5392: 5383: 5374: 5365: 5356: 5347: 5338: 5329: 5320: 5311: 5302: 5293: 5284: 5275: 5266: 5257: 5248: 5239: 5230: 5221: 5212: 5203: 5194: 5185: 5176: 5167: 5158: 5149: 5140: 5131: 5122: 5113: 5104: 5095: 5086: 5077: 5068: 5059: 5050: 5041: 5032: 5023: 5014: 5005: 4996: 4987: 4978: 4969: 4960: 4951: 4942: 4933: 4924: 4915: 4906: 4897: 4888: 4879: 4870: 4861: 4852: 4843: 4834: 4825: 4816: 4807: 4798: 4789: 4780: 4771: 4762: 4753: 4744: 4735: 4726: 4717: 4708: 4699: 4690: 4681: 4672: 4663: 4654: 4645: 4636: 4627: 4618: 4609: 4600: 4591: 4582: 4573: 4564: 4555: 4546: 4537: 4528: 4519: 4510: 4501: 4492: 4483: 4474: 4465: 4456: 4447: 4438: 4429: 4420: 4411: 4402: 4393: 4384: 4375: 4366: 4357: 4348: 4339: 4330: 4321: 4312: 4303: 4294: 4285: 4276: 4267: 4258: 4249: 4240: 4231: 4222: 4213: 4204: 4195: 4186: 4177: 4168: 4159: 4150: 4141: 4132: 4123: 4114: 4105: 4096: 4087: 4078: 4069: 4060: 4051: 4042: 4033: 4024: 4015: 4006: 3997: 3988: 3979: 3970: 3961: 3952: 3943: 3934: 3925: 3916: 3907: 3898: 3889: 3880: 3871: 3862: 3853: 3844: 3835: 3826: 3817: 3808: 3799: 3790: 3781: 3772: 3763: 3754: 3745: 3736: 3727: 3718: 3709: 3700: 3691: 3682: 3673: 3664: 3655: 3646: 3637: 3628: 3619: 3610: 3601: 3592: 3583: 3574: 3565: 3556: 3547: 3538: 3529: 3520: 3511: 3502: 3493: 3484: 3475: 3466: 3457: 3448: 3439: 3430: 3421: 3412: 3403: 3394: 3385: 3376: 3367: 3358: 3349: 3021:, with respect to the Palestinian people's right to form a sovereign independent state, "The right of self-determination gives the Palestinian people collectively the inalienable right freely to determine its political status, while Israel, having recognized the Palestinians as a separate people, is obliged to promote and respect this right in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations". 2429: 3012:, the first Israeli–Palestinian interim peace agreement, were signed in 1993. The process was envisioned to last five years, ending in June 1999, when the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and the Jericho area began. The expiration of this term without the recognition by Israel of the Palestinian State and without the effective termination of the occupation was followed by the 9322: 13380: 10914:, edited by D. Levy and Y. Weiss. Berghahn Books. p. 214. "This blurring has led to a situation in which characteristics of the State of Israel are presented as characteristics of a nation-state, even though (de facto) it is a binational state, and Palestinian citizens are presented as an ethnic minority group although they are a homeland majority." 10853:, p. 100: "Furthermore, Zionism itself was also defined by its opposition to the indigenous Palestinian inhabitants of the region. Both the 'conquest of land' and the 'conquest of labor' slogans that became central to the dominant strain of Zionism in the Yishuv originated as a result of the Zionist confrontation with the Palestinian 'other'." 12116:. Getty Publications, 2005 p. 33. "It seems clear that by choosing a seemingly neutral name – one juxtaposing that of a neighboring province with the revived name of an ancient geographical entity (Palestine), already known from the writings of Herodotus – Hadrian was intending to suppress any connection between the Jewish people and that land." 12004:
Egyptian texts have to say about 'the sea peoples', one Egyptologist (Wolfgang Helck) recently remarked that although some things are unclear, "eins ist aber sicher: Nach den ägyptischen Texten haben wir es nicht mit einer "Völkerwanderung" zu tun." ("one thing is clear: according to the Egyptian texts, we are not dealing here with a '
cooperation with Israelis. At an international conference in Bahrain, Palestinian businessman Ashraf Jabari said, "I have no problem working with Israel. It is time to move on. ... The Palestinian Authority does not want peace. They told the families of the businessmen that they are wanted for participating in the Bahrain workshop."
16261: 13930:
According to historical records part, or perhaps the majority, of the Muslim Arabs in this country descended from local inhabitants, mainly Christians and Jews, who had converted after the Islamic conquest in the seventh century AD (Shaban 1971; Mc Graw Donner 1981). These local inhabitants, in turn,
These primordialist claims regarding the Palestinians' primeval and prior roots in the land operated at the level of the collective. When it came to an individual's own family, however, Arab-Islamic discourse took precedence over archaeological justifications. I ran across no Palestinian villager (or
The Jewish community strove to recover from the catastrophic results of the Bar Kokhva revolt (132–135 CE). Although some of these attempts were relatively successful, the Jews never fully recovered. During the Late Roman and Byzantine periods, many Jews emigrated to thriving centres in the diaspora,
The emergence of a second Jewish population peak can be posited toward the time of the construction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem during the Hasmonean period (3rd-2nd century B.C.E.). This new peak, variously estimated, and here cautiously put at around 4.5 million people during the first century
The most recent draft of the Palestinian constitution would amend that definition such that, "Palestinian nationality shall be regulated by law, without prejudice to the rights of those who legally acquired it prior to May 10, 1948 or the rights of the Palestinians residing in Palestine prior to this
Quote: "The thesis that a great "migration of the Sea Peoples" occurred ca. 1200 B.C. is supposedly based on Egyptian inscriptions, one from the reign of Merneptah and another from the reign of Ramesses III. Yet in the inscriptions themselves such a migration nowhere appears. After reviewing what the
The Palestinians are an Arab people, largely Moslem but with important numbers of Christians, who live in, once lived in, or trace their descent through parents or grandparents to the land once known as Palestine, which came under a British mandate in 1922 and now is the land of Israel, the West Bank
Traditional storytelling among Palestinians is prefaced with an invitation to the listeners to give blessings to God and the Prophet Mohammed or the Virgin Mary as the case may be, and includes the traditional opening: "There was, or there was not, in the oldness of time..." Formulaic elements of the
Poetry, using classical pre-Islamic forms, remains an extremely popular art form, often attracting Palestinian audiences in the thousands. Until 20 years ago, local folk bards reciting traditional verses were a feature of every Palestinian town. After the 1948 Palestinian exodus and discrimination by
New styles began to appear in the 1960s. For example, the "six-branched dress" named after the six wide bands of embroidery running down from the waist. These styles came from the refugee camps, particularly after 1967. Individual village styles were lost and replaced by an identifiable "Palestinian"
class showed features of cultures other than Islam was a conclusion arrived at by some Western scholars and explorers who mapped and surveyed Palestine during the latter half of the 19th century, and these ideas were to influence 20th-century debates on Palestinian identity by local and international
had a significant impact on contemporary Palestinian religious cultural identity. Religion was transformed into an element "constituting the individual/collective identity in conformity with orthodox precepts", and formed a major building block in the political development of Palestinian nationalism.
In the 1950s, a new generation of Palestinian nationalist groups and movements began to organize clandestinely, stepping out onto the public stage in the 1960s. The traditional Palestinian elite who had dominated negotiations with the British and the Zionists in the Mandate, and who were largely held
conferred an international legal status upon the territories and people which had ceased to be under the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire as part of a 'sacred trust of civilization'. Article 7 of the League of Nations Mandate required the establishment of a new, separate, Palestinian nationality for
argues it was not as a Palestinian nation that the Arabs of Ottoman Palestine objected to Zionists, since the very concept of such a nation was unknown to the Arabs of the area at the time and did not come into being until very much later. Even the concept of Arab nationalism in the Arab provinces of
immigration and settlement." Gelvin argues that this fact does not make the Palestinian identity any less legitimate: "The fact that Palestinian nationalism developed later than Zionism and indeed in response to it does not in any way diminish the legitimacy of Palestinian nationalism or make it less
Doron M. Behar; Bayazit Yunusbayev; Mait Metspalu; Ene Metspalu; Saharon Rosset; Jüri Parik; Siiri Rootsi; Gyaneshwer Chaubey; Ildus Kutuev; Guennady Yudkovsky; Elza K. Khusnutdinova; Oleg Balanovsky; Olga Balaganskaya; Ornella Semino; Luisa Pereira; David Comas; David Gurwitz; Batsheva Bonne-Tamir;
Mark Smith in "The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities of Ancient Israel" states "Despite the long regnant model that the Canaanites and Israelites were people of fundamentally different culture, archaeological data now casts doubt on this view. The material culture of the region exhibits
Oxford University Press, 2007 p.402: "'the Syrians called Palestinians', at the time of Herodotus were a mixture of Phoenicians, Philistines, Arabs, Egyptians, and perhaps also other peoples. . . Perhaps the circumcised 'Syrians called Palestinians' are the Arabs and Egyptians of the Sinai coast; at
The Arabs of Palestine began widely using the term Palestinian starting in the pre–World War I period to indicate the nationalist concept of a Palestinian people. But after 1948—and even more so after 1967—for Palestinians themselves the term came to signify not only a place of origin but also, more
The Arabs of Palestine began widely using the term Palestinian starting in the pre–World War I period to indicate the nationalist concept of a Palestinian people. But after 1948—and even more so after 1967—for Palestinians themselves the term came to signify not only a place of origin but also, more
23 July 2015.'En suma, los árabes y palestinos, arribados al país a finales del siglo XIX, dominan hoy en día la economía del país, y cada vez están emergiendo como actores importantes de la clase política hondureña y forman, después de Chile, la mayor concentración de descendientes de palestinos en
Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the West Bank are organized according to a refugee family's village or place of origin. Among the first things that children born in the camps learn is the name of their village of origin. David McDowall writes that, " a yearning for Palestine
In 2005, a critical review of the PCBS figures and methodology was conducted by the American-Israel Demographic Research Group (AIDRG). In their report, they claimed that several errors in the PCBS methodology and assumptions artificially inflated the numbers by a total of 1.3 million. The PCBS
periods – form part of the identity of the modern-day Palestinian people, as they have come to understand it over the last century. Noting that Palestinian identity has never been an exclusive one, with "Arabism, religion, and local loyalties" playing an important role, Khalidi cautions against
Whatever the differing viewpoints over the timing, causal mechanisms, and orientation of Palestinian nationalism, by the early 20th century strong opposition to Zionism and evidence of a burgeoning nationalistic Palestinian identity is found in the content of Arabic-language newspapers in Palestine,
in July 1968, defined "Palestinians" as "those Arab nationals who, until 1947, normally resided in Palestine regardless of whether they were evicted from it or stayed there. Anyone born, after that date, of a Palestinian father – whether in Palestine or outside it – is also a Palestinian."
Samaritan rebellions during the fifth and sixth centuries were crushed by the Byzantines and as a result, the main Samaritan communities began to decline. Similarly, the Jewish community strove to recover from the catastrophic results of the Bar Kokhva revolt (132–135 ce). During the Late Roman and
Historically, music has served as an integral accompaniment to various social and religious rituals and ceremonies in Palestinian society (Al-Taee 47). Much of the Middle-Eastern and Arabic string instruments utilized in classical Palestinian music are sampled over Hip-hop beats in both Israeli and
Society during the 1970s. This group attempted to establish pre-Islamic (and pre-Hebraic) cultural roots for a re-constructed Palestinian national identity. The two putative roots in this patrimony are Canaanite and Jebusite. Such efforts seem to have borne fruit as evidenced in the organization of
Implicit in their scholarship (and made explicit by Canaan himself) was another theme, namely that the peasants of Palestine represent—through their folk norms ... the living heritage of all the accumulated ancient cultures that had appeared in Palestine (principally the Canaanite, Philistine,
to distinguish between the three main Palestinian sub-dialects: The urban variety notes a sound, while the rural variety (spoken in the villages around major cities) have a for the . The Bedouin variety of Palestine (spoken mainly in the southern region and along the Jordan valley) use a instead
outlined the government's view that: "No one can expect us to recognize the terrorist organization called the PLO as representing the Palestinians—because it does not. No one can expect us to negotiate with the heads of terror-gangs, who through their ideology and actions, endeavor to liquidate the
David Seddon writes that "he creation of Palestinian identity in its contemporary sense was formed essentially during the 1960s, with the creation of the Palestine Liberation Organization." He adds, however, that "the existence of a population with a recognizably similar name ('the Philistines') in
I.B. Tauris, 2006, p. 33. Both Weldon Matthews and Prasenjit Duara interpret this aspect of the mandate system as tailored to the needs of imperial powers, which found it useful to avoid classifying colonies as nations: "This outlook was carried over to Palestine from India and Egypt where British
Agranat-Tamir L, Waldman S, Martin MS, Gokhman D, Mishol N, Eshel T, Cheronet O, Rohland N, Mallick S, Adamski N, Lawson AM, Mah M, Michel MM, Oppenheimer J, Stewardson K, Candilio F, Keating D, Gamarra B, Tzur S, Novak M, Kalisher R, Bechar S, Eshed V, Kennett DJ, Faerman M, Yahalom-Mack N, Monge
Palestinian nationalism emerged during the interwar period in response to Zionist immigration and settlement. The fact that Palestinian nationalism developed later than Zionism and indeed in response to it does not in any way diminish the legitimacy of Palestinian nationalism or make it less valid
10948:. Routledge: "What is noteworthy here is the use of a general category 'Arabs', instead of a more specific one of 'Palestinians.' By turning to a general category, the particularity of Palestinians, among other ethnic and national groups, is erased and in its place Jordanian identity is implanted." 8095:
Religion as constitutive of individual identity was accorded a minor role within Palestinian social structure until the latter half of the 19th century. Jean Moretain, a priest writing in 1848, wrote that a Christian in Palestine was "distinguished only by the fact that he belonged to a particular
of refugees who fled or were expelled during the 1948 war, but excludes those who have since then emigrated to areas outside of UNRWA's remit. Based on these figures, almost half of all Palestinians are registered refugees. The 993,818 Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip and 705,207 Palestinian
occupied their lands until Israel's conquests of 1967. The formal annexation of the West Bank by Jordan in 1950, and the subsequent granting of its Palestinian residents Jordanian citizenship, further stunted the growth of a Palestinian national identity by integrating them into Jordanian society.
in a translation of a Russian work on the Holy Land into Arabic in 1898. After that, its usage gradually spread so that, by 1908, with the loosening of censorship controls under late Ottoman rule, a number of Muslim, Christian and Jewish correspondents writing for newspapers began to use the term
They came from Circassia and Chechnya, and were refugees from territories annexed by Russia in 1864, and the Bosnian Muslims, whose province was lost to Serbia in 1878. Belonging to this category were the Algerians (Mughrabis), who arrived in Syria and Palestine in several waves after 1850 in the
From the data given above it can be concluded that the Muslim population of Central Samaria, during the early Muslim period, was not an autochthonous population which had converted to Christianity. They arrived there either by way of migration or as a result of a process of sedentarization of the
was the only way to "liberate" Palestine. These groups gave voice to a tradition that emerged in the 1960s that argues Palestinian nationalism has deep historical roots, with extreme advocates reading a Palestinian nationalist consciousness and identity back into the history of Palestine over the
on 1 December 1948, 2,000 Palestinian delegates supported a resolution calling for "the unification of Palestine and Transjordan as a step toward full Arab unity". During what Khalidi terms the "lost years" that followed, Palestinians lacked a center of gravity, divided as they were between these
in 1834 (or even as early as the 17th century), while others argue that it did not emerge until after the Mandatory Palestine period. Legal historian Assaf Likhovski states that the prevailing view is that Palestinian identity originated in the early decades of the 20th century, when an embryonic
Hannah Amit-Kochavi recognizes only two branches: that written by Palestinians from inside the State of Israel as distinct from that written outside (ibid., p. 11). She also posits a temporal distinction between literature produced before 1948 and that produced thereafter. In a 2003 article
Following the failures of the Second Intifada, a younger generation is emerging that cares less about nationalist ideology than about economic growth. This has been a source of tension between some of the Palestinian political leadership and Palestinian business professionals who desire economic
by Palestine's Arabs was precipitated by heavy demands for conscripts. The local leaders and urban notables were unhappy about the loss of traditional privileges, while the peasants were well aware that conscription was little more than a death sentence. Starting in May 1834 the rebels took many
Khalidi, 1997, p. 149. Khalidi writes: 'As with other national movements, extreme advocates of this view go further than this, and anachronistically read back into the history of Palestine over the past few centuries, and even millennia, a nationalist consciousness and identity that are in fact
Some of these Muslims were Egyptian and Algerian immigrants who came to Palestine in the first half of the nineteenth century from foreign lands. There were also Algerians, Bosnians, and Circassians, who came in the second half of the nineteenth century, but most were from within the borders of
In their religious observances and sanctuaries we find, as in their language, the true history of the country. On a basis of polytheistic faith which most probably dates back to pre-Israelite times, we find a growth of the most heterogeneous description: Christian tradition, Moslem history and
because the Palestinian exodus/expulsion had fractured society so greatly that it was impossible to piece together a national identity. Between 1948 and 1967, the Jordanians and other Arab countries hosting Arab refugees from Palestine/Israel silenced any expression of Palestinian identity and
and Al-Nafir newspapers, which used the term "Filastini" more than 170 times in 110 articles from 1908 to 1914. They also made references to a "Palestinian society", "Palestinian nation", and a "Palestinian diaspora". Article writers included Christian and Muslim Arab Palestinians, Palestinian
Palestine's history of rule by many different empires is reflected in Palestinian cuisine, which has benefited from various cultural contributions and exchanges. Generally speaking, modern Syrian-Palestinian dishes have been influenced by the rule of three major Islamic groups: the Arabs, the
rate assumptions for a given year were checked against Palestinian Ministry of Health figures as well as Ministry of Education school enrollment figures six years later; immigration numbers were checked against numbers collected at border crossings, etc.). The errors claimed in their analysis
and the creation of hundreds of thousands of refugees. 418 villages had been razed, 46,367 buildings, 123 schools, 1,233 mosques, 8 churches and 68 holy shrines, many with a long history, destroyed by Israeli forces. In addition, Palestinians lost from 1.5 to 2 million acres of land, an
called for a nationwide general strike, non-payment of taxes, and the closure of municipal governments, and demanded an end to Jewish immigration and a ban of the sale of land to Jews. By the end of 1936, the movement had become a national revolt, and resistance grew during 1937 and 1938. In
Few would disagree that, in the century and a half before our period begins, the Jewish population of Judah () suffered a serious blow from which it never recovered. The destruction of the Jewish metropolis of Jerusalem and its environs and the eventual refounding of the city... had lasting
is a form of folk singing that consists of four verses, following a specific form and meter. The distinguishing feature of ataaba is that the first three verses end with the same word meaning three different things, and the fourth verse serves as a conclusion. It is usually followed by a
in 2000. The second intifada was more violent than the first. The International Court of Justice observed that since the government of Israel had decided to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people, their existence was no longer an issue. The court noted that the
who can cross the Seven Seas in an instant, giants, and ghouls with eyes of ember and teeth of brass. Stories invariably have a happy ending, and the storyteller will usually finish off with a rhyme like: "The bird has taken flight, God bless you tonight", or "Tutu, tutu, finished is my
estimated 150,000 urban and rural homes, and 23,000 commercial structures such as shops and offices. Recent estimates of the cost to Palestinians in property confiscations by Israel from 1948 onwards has concluded that Palestinians have suffered a net $ 300 billion loss in assets.
2375:, submits that, "Although a distinct Palestinian identity can be traced back at least to the middle of the nineteenth century (Kimmerling and Migdal 1993; Khalidi 1997b), or even to the seventeenth century (Gerber 1998), it was not until after World War I that a broad range of optional 12947:
The dominant view of the history of Palestine during the Byzantine period links the early phases of the consecration of the land during the fourth century and the substantial external financial investment that accompanied the building of churches on holy sites on the one hand with the
9478:, another Palestinian writer in exile in Lebanon, published an anthology of their work in 1966. Palestinian poets often write about the common theme of a strong affection and sense of loss and longing for a lost homeland. Among the new generation of Palestinian writers, the work of 1442:. Over the following several centuries, the population of Palestine drastically decreased, from an estimated 1 million during the Roman and Byzantine periods to about 300,000 by the early Ottoman period. Over time, the existing population adopted Arab culture and language and much 9367:, who have mentioned the need to give expression to the Palestinian "collective identity" and the "just case" of their struggle. There is also resistance to this school of thought, whereby Palestinian artists have "rebelled" against the demand that their art be "committed". Poet 11210:. p. 700: "Palestinians are an indigenous people who either live in, or originate from, historical Palestine.... Although the Muslims guaranteed security and allowed religious freedom to all inhabitants of the region, the majority converted to Islam and adopted Arab culture." 2440:
over the land in which the Palestinians have lived during the modern era. Palestine was administered by the Ottoman Empire until World War I, and then overseen by the British Mandatory authorities. Israel was established in parts of Palestine in 1948, and in the wake of the
Haber, Marc; Gauguier, Dominique; Youhanna, Sonia; Patterson, Nick; Moorjani, Priya; Botigué, Laura R.; Platt, Daniel E.; Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth; Soria-Hernanz, David F.; Wells, R. Spencer; Bertranpetit, Jaume; Tyler-Smith, Chris; Comas, David; Zalloua, Pierre A. (2013).
13582: 8126:
registered 752,048 inhabitants in Palestine, consisting of 660,641 Palestinian Arabs (Muslim and Christian Arabs), 83,790 Palestinian Jews, and 7,617 persons belonging to other groups. The corresponding percentage breakdown is 87% Muslim and Christian Arab and 11% Jewish.
and carry Israeli citizenship. Those who live in the West Bank also are represented in the legislature for the Palestinian National Authority. They are commonly referred to among Palestinians as the "Jews of Palestine", and maintain their own unique cultural identity.
8084:; many of them are rooted in Jewish, Samaritan, Christian and sometimes pagan traditions. Saints, taboo by the standards of orthodox Islam, mediated between man and God, and shrines to saints and holy men dotted the Palestinian landscape. Ali Qleibo, a Palestinian 14831:
Sela and Neil Caplan. "Epilogue: Reflections on Post-Oslo Israeli and Palestinian History and Memory of 1948." The War of 1948: Representations of Israeli and Palestinian Memories and Narratives, edited by Sela and Alon Kadish, Indiana University Press, 2016, pp.
10847:, 10. The Perfect Conflict: "Palestinians are the descendants of all the indigenous peoples who lived in Palestine over the centuries; since the seventh century, they have been predominantly Muslim in religion and almost completely Arab in language and culture." 2971:, to recommend a program of implementation to enable the Palestinian people to exercise national independence and their rights to self-determination without external interference, national independence and sovereignty, and to return to their homes and property. 12839:
repercussions. However, in other parts of Palestine the Jewish population remained strong What does seem clear is a different kind of change. Immigration of Christians and the conversion of pagans, Samaritans and Jews eventually produced a Christian majority
2129:(est. 1911). Filasteen initially focused its critique of Zionism around the failure of the Ottoman administration to control Jewish immigration and the large influx of foreigners, later exploring the impact of Zionist land-purchases on Palestinian peasants ( 8662:. Since various conflicts with Zionists began, some of the communities have subsequently left Palestine. The role of women varies among Palestinians, with both progressive and ultra-conservative opinions existing. Other groups of Palestinians, such as the 2322:
times were "cutely aware of the distinctiveness of Palestinian history ..." and "lthough proud of their Arab heritage and ancestry, the Palestinians considered themselves to be descended not only from Arab conquerors of the seventh century but also from
8549:, were an integral part of the Arab intelligentsia. Educational levels among Palestinians have traditionally been high. In the 1960s the West Bank had a higher percentage of its adolescent population enrolled in high school education than did Lebanon. 13264:, Oxford University press 2005. p. 130. "In Syria and Palestine, where there were already Arabs before the conquest, settlement was also permitted in the old urban centres and elsewhere, presumably privileging the political centres of the provinces." 11984:. Quote: "First coined in 1881 by the French Egyptologist G. Maspero (1896), the somewhat misleading term "Sea Peoples" encompasses the ethnonyms Lukka, Sherden, Shekelesh, Teresh, Eqwesh, Denyen, Sikil / Tjekker, Weshesh, and Peleset (Philistines). 8538:, which is high by international standards. There is a gender difference in the population aged above 15 with 5.9% of women considered illiterate compared to 1.6% of men. Illiteracy among women has fallen from 20.3% in 1997 to less than 6% in 2014. 11860: – omitting Arabian territory, which was free of tax, came 350 talents. This province contains the whole of Phoenicia and that part of Syria which is called Palestine, and Cyprus. This is the fifth Satrapy." (from Herodotus Book 3, 8th logos). 9336:. Unlike its Arabic counterparts, Palestinian literature is defined by national affiliation rather than territorially. For example, Egyptian literature is the literature produced in Egypt. This too was the case for Palestinian literature up to the 13943:
Nebel A, Filon D, Weiss DA, Weale M, Faerman M, Oppenheim A, Thomas MG (December 2000). "High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews".
2702:(the "catastrophe"). Israel took control of much of the territory that would have been allocated to the Arab state had the Palestinian Arabs accepted the UN partition plan. Along with a military defeat, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians 2354:
article that "based on hundreds of manuscripts, Islamic court records, books, magazines, and newspapers from the Ottoman period (1516–1918), it seems that the first Arab to use the term "Palestinian" was Farid Georges Kassab, a Beirut-based
Fernandes, Verónica; Triska, Petr; Pereira, Joana B.; Alshamali, Farida; Rito, Teresa; Machado, Alison; Fajkošová, Zuzana; Cavadas, Bruno; Černý, Viktor; Soares, Pedro; Richards, Martin B.; Pereira, Luísa (2015). Chaubey, Gyaneshwer (ed.).
793:" is used to refer to the nationalist concept of a Palestinian people by Palestinian Arabs from the late 19th century and in the pre-World War I period, while others assert the Palestinian identity encompasses the heritage of all eras from 13792:
Ana Teresa Fernandes; Rita Gonçalves; Sara Gomes; Dvora Filon; Almut Nebel; Marina Faerman; António Brehm (November 2011). "Y-chromosomal STRs in two populations from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area: Christian and Muslim Arabs".
14168: 9715:
that first emerged in New York in the 1970s, "young Palestinian musicians have tailored the style to express their own grievances with the social and political climate in which they live and work." Palestinian hip hop works to challenge
844:, it is estimated that half of the population in the Palestinian territories are refugees, and that they have collectively suffered approximately US$ 300 billion in property losses due to Israeli confiscations, at 2008–2009 prices. 10982:...throughout the 1990s and 2000s a growing number of PAI political organizations have been increasingly promoting Palestinian consciousness, advancing ethnonationalist objectives, and demanding recognition of collective group rights. 8263: 10865:, Arab-Israeli Conflict: "Although their leaders welcomed the Jews as refugees, many Palestinians (the indigenous Arab population of Palestine) viewed the arrival of Jewish settlers as a threat to their security and to their land." 2237: 2650:, dissolved the Arab High Committee and arrested officials from the Supreme Muslim Council who were behind the revolt. By 1939, 5,000 Arabs had been killed in British attempts to quash the revolt; more than 15,000 were wounded. 1450:, Palestine was already overwhelmingly Muslim, while others claim that it was only after the Crusades that the Christians lost their majority, and that the process of mass Islamization took place much later, perhaps during the 14440:
Only "peoples" are entitled to self-determination in contemporary international law (See Self-determination and National Minorities, Oxford Monographs in International Law, Thomas D. Musgrave, Oxford University Press, 1997,
Palestinians are the descendants of all the indigenous peoples who lived in Palestine over the centuries; since the seventh century, they have been predominantly Muslim in religion and almost completely Arab in language and
invasion" – today identify as Israelis (with the exception of a very few individuals). Palestinian Jews almost universally abandoned any such identity after the establishment of Israel and their incorporation into the
Conflict between Palestinian nationalists and various types of pan-Arabists continued during the British Mandate, but the latter became increasingly marginalized. Two prominent leaders of the Palestinian nationalists were
date, and who were forced into exile or departed there from and denied return thereto. This right passes on from fathers or mothers to their progenitor. It neither disappears nor elapses unless voluntarily relinquished."
the population in Palestine declined and fluctuated between 150,000 and 250,000 inhabitants, and it was only in the 19th century that a rapid population growth began to occur. This growth was aided by the immigration of
12103:, page 334: "In an effort to wipe out all memory of the bond between the Jews and the land, Hadrian changed the name of the province from Judaea to Syria-Palestina, a name that became common in non-Jewish literature." 9520:, and comprising the traditions (including oral traditions) of Palestinian culture. There was a folklorist revival among Palestinian intellectuals such as Nimr Sirhan, Musa Allush, Salim Mubayyid, and the Palestinian 2484:
as a state. However, Palestinian sovereignty over the areas claimed as part of the Palestinian state remains limited, and the boundaries of the state remain a point of contestation between Palestinians and Israelis.
978:, as when he speaks of the "Syrians of Palestine" or "Palestinian-Syrians", an ethnically amorphous group he distinguishes from the Phoenicians. Herodotus makes no distinction between the inhabitants of Palestine. 15079: 8822:
as their capital. Baghdad was historically located on Persian soil and henceforth, Persian culture was integrated into Arab culture during the 9th–11th centuries and spread throughout central areas of the empire.
3197:(PCBS) announced at the end of 2015 that the number of Palestinians worldwide at the end of 2015 was 12.37 million of which the number still residing within historic Palestine was 6.22 million. In 2022, 8810:. The Arabs who conquered Syria and Palestine had simple culinary traditions primarily based on the use of rice, lamb and yogurt, as well as dates. The already simple cuisine did not advance for centuries due to 2687:, which divided the mandate of Palestine into two states: one majority Arab and one majority Jewish. The Palestinian Arabs rejected the plan and attacked Jewish civilian areas and paramilitary targets. Following 2056:
The timing and causes behind the emergence of a distinctively Palestinian national identity among the Arabs of Palestine are matters of scholarly disagreement. Some argue that it can be traced as far back as the
789:, though Palestinian society was still fragmented by regional, class, religious, and family differences. The history of the Palestinian national identity is a disputed issue amongst scholars. For some, the term " 13431: 13931:
were descendants of the core population that had lived in the area for several centuries, some even since prehistorical times (Gil 1992)... Thus, our findings are in good agreement with the historical record...
Of course, the notion that the Palestinians are an Arab people, an integral part of the Arab world ('the Arab nation'), is wholly legitimate and natural, given the history and culture of the people in question.
comprised Kelani's research and an arrangement of five traditional Palestinian songs, whilst the other five songs were her own musical settings of popular and resistance poetry by the likes of Mahmoud Darwish,
is well known throughout the Arab world. After 1948, a new wave of performers emerged with distinctively Palestinian themes relating to dreams of statehood and burgeoning nationalist sentiments. In addition to
or village women. Until the 1940s, a woman's economic status, whether married or single, and the town or area they were from could be deciphered by most Palestinian women by the type of cloth, colors, cut, and
19592: 16115: 2830:
responsible for the loss of Palestine, were replaced by these new movements whose recruits generally came from poor to middle-class backgrounds and were often students or recent graduates of universities in
1713: 13568:
Khaybar's Jews appear in Arab folklore as well. The Muḥamara family of the Arab village of Yutta, near Hebron, trace their descent to the Jews of Khaybar. Families in other nearby villages tell of similar
12334:"Report by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Council of the League of Nations on the Administration of Palestine and Trans-Jordan for the Year 1930" 8695:
origins are disavowed. As such the peoples who populated Palestine throughout history have discursively rescinded their own history and religion as they adopted the religion, language, and culture of Islam.
noted in passing that "the Orthodox Palestinian Ottomans call themselves Arabs, and are in fact Arabs," despite describing the Arabic speakers of Palestine as Palestinians throughout the rest of the book."
19787: 13114: 2968: 17659: 8051:
between Islamic and Christian symbols and figures in religious practice was common in the Palestinian countryside, where most villages did not have local mosques or churches. Popular feast days, such as
contributed to growing Palestinian support for these groups, particularly among Palestinians in exile. Concurrently, among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, a new ideological theme, known as
A month later, during the 1920 Nebi Musa riots, the protests against British rule and Jewish immigration became violent and Bols banned all demonstrations. In May 1921 however, further anti-Jewish riots
That year, Al-Karmil was founded in Haifa 'with the purpose of opposing Zionist colonization...' and in 1911, Falastin began publication, referring to its readers, for the first time, as 'Palestinians'.
8688:, has critiqued Muslim historiography for assigning the beginning of Palestinian cultural identity to the advent of Islam in the 7th century. In describing the effect of such historiography, he writes: 8385:
According to the PCBS, there are an estimated 4,816,503 Palestinians in the Palestinian territories as of 2016, of whom 2,935,368 live in the West Bank and 1,881,135 in the Gaza Strip. According to the
15813: 10044: 9696:, English, and sometimes French. Since then, the new Palestinian musical subgenre has grown to include artists in the Palestinian territories, Israel, Great Britain, the United States and Canada. 3017:
Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip of 28 September 1995 also referred a number of times to the Palestinian people and its "legitimate rights". According to
1094:. Jacobson suggested the change to be rationalized by the fact that the new province was far larger. The name was thenceforth inscribed on coins, and beginning in the fifth century, mentioned in 12591: 8328: 20030: 19622: 3209:), there's a Palestinian population of 7.503 million, making up 51.16% of the total population. Within Israel proper, Palestinians constitute almost 21 percent of the population as part of its 13364: 12320:
As befitted its name, Falastin regularly discussed questions to do with Palestine as if it were a distinct entity and, in writing against the Zionists, addressed its readers as "Palestinians".
18743: 18324: 14677: 14538: 12333: 10898:. p. 5. "But given that the groups we are concerned with (Israelis and Palestinians) are ethnonational groups, their political cultures are heavily shaped by their ethnonational identities." 1143:, which eased press censorship laws in the Ottoman Empire, dozens of newspapers and periodicals were founded in Palestine, and the term "Palestinian" expanded in usage. Among those were the 20049: 9474:. The work of these poets was largely unknown to the wider Arab world for years because of the lack of diplomatic relations between Israel and Arab governments. The situation changed after 1446:. The settlement of Arabs before and after the Muslim conquest is thought to have played a role in accelerating the Islamization process. Some scholars suggest that by the arrival of the 10685: 2263:
valid than Zionism. All nationalisms arise in opposition to some 'other.' Why else would there be the need to specify who you are? And all nationalisms are defined by what they oppose."
2225: 12638:
John Day, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2005 pp. 47.5, p. 48: 'In this sense, the emergence of ancient Israel is viewed not as the cause of the demise of Canaanite culture but as its upshot'.
8147: 1164:
emigrants, and non-Palestinian Arabs. The Palestinian Arab Christian Falastin newspaper had addressed its readers as Palestinians since its inception in 1911 during the Ottoman period.
10562: 16519: 16176: 2410:, adopted the following resolution: "We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, 1236:
with Palestinian heritage identify themselves as Arabs or Palestinians. These non-Jewish Arab Israelis thus include those that are Palestinian by heritage but Israeli by citizenship.
16245: 9093:; some are made in English, French or Hebrew. More than 800 films have been produced about Palestinians, the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and other related topics. Examples include 19066: 8365: 8247: 890:, including more than a million in the Gaza Strip, around 750,000 in the West Bank, and around 250,000 in Israel proper. Of the Palestinian population who live abroad, known as the 15871: 20165: 10224: 9194:
Foreign travelers to Palestine in the late 19th and early 20th centuries often commented on the rich variety of costumes among the area's inhabitants, and particularly among the
Palestinian culture is closely related to those of the nearby Levantine countries such as Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and the Arab World. Cultural contributions to the fields of
14165: 2289:
successfully broke away from Ottoman leadership and, conquering territory spreading from Egypt to as far north as Damascus, asserted their own rule over the area. The so-called
17024: 9408:
Since 1967, most critics have theorized the existence of three "branches" of Palestinian literature, loosely divided by geographic location: 1) from inside Israel, 2) from the
the efforts of some extreme advocates of Palestinian nationalism to "anachronistically" read back into history a nationalist consciousness that is in fact "relatively modern".
15574: 12405: 9156:
A wide variety of handicrafts, many of which have been produced in the area of Palestine for hundreds of years, continue to be produced today. Palestinian handicrafts include
Biblical times suggests a degree of continuity over a long historical period (much as 'the Israelites' of the Bible suggest a long historical continuity in the same region)."
10661: 10095: 19178:"Origin, Diffusion, and Differentiation of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups E and J: Inferences on the Neolithization of Europe and Later Migratory Events in the Mediterranean Area" 2846:—popular among Palestinians for whom Arabism was already an important component of their identity—tended to obscure the identities of the separate Arab states it subsumed. 14980:
Avram Bornstein, 'Military Occupation as Carceral Society: Prisons, Checkpoints, and Wall in the Israeli-Palestinian Struggle,' in Avram Bornstein, Paul E. Farmer (et al.)
14259: 10327: 19019: 17786: 15087: 14667:
administrators did not merely doubt the existence of a unifying national identity, but thwarted its development by creating sectarian institutions as a matter of policy."
19965: 2813:
After the war, there was a hiatus in Palestinian political activity. Khalidi attributes this to the traumatic events of 1947–49, which included the depopulation of over
837: 13403: 10250: 2951:
In 1974, the PLO was recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people by the Arab nation-states and was granted observer status as a national
2872:(PLO), which had been formed in Cairo in 1964. The group grew in popularity in the following years, especially under the nationalistic orientation of the leadership of 1412:
of minorities. The immigration of Christians, the emigration of Jews, and the conversion of pagans, Jews and Samaritans, contributed to a Christian majority forming in
11067: 19011:
McCarthy, Justin (1990). "The Population of Palestine: Population Statistics of the Late Ottoman Period and the Mandate". Columbia University Press, ISBAN: 0231071108
16990: 15959: 10497: 8130: 16913: 16154: 15295: 15222: 14225: 14148: 13345: 13291: 13256: 12026: 11651: 11183: 10969: 10921: 10906: 10523: 10383: 10349: 7959:
In keeping with an Arab League resolution in 1965, most Arab countries have refused to grant citizenship to Palestinians, arguing that it would be a threat to their
Arabs (210,000), counting former residents now living abroad (325,000) and other discrepancies (82,000). The results of their research was also presented before the
18173: 14878: 14641: 11996: 11523: 11420: 11355: 10940: 9936:"Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) Presents the Conditions of Palestinian Populations on the Occasion of the International Population Day, 11/07/2022" 8200:, an Israeli citizen and self-described Palestinian Jew (who converted to Islam in 2008 in order to marry Miyassar Abu Ali) who serves as an observer member in the 19772: 18699: 11972: 11457: 11251: 10886: 9806: 2948:
provided an important subtext to the narrative of the fighters, "in symbolizing continuity and connections with the land, with peasantry and a rural way of life."
2801: 1801: 17969: 17113: 13111: 20093: 17643: 16449: 16171:
UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (III), "Progress Report of the United Nations Mediator", U.N. Doc. A/RES/194 (11 December 1948), para. 11, cited Leila Hilal,
13324: 11816: 10555: 2240: 16119: 9642:
is one of the foremost researchers and performers in the present day of music with a specifically Palestinian narrative and heritage. Her 2006 debut solo album
832:, is an interim administrative body nominally responsible for governance in Palestinian population centres in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Since 1978, the 19792: 16325: 8340: 1405: 15844: 15462: 14350: 10121: 9938: 7966:
Palestinians living in Lebanon are deprived of basic civil rights. They cannot own homes or land and are barred from becoming lawyers, engineers and doctors.
to refer to the Jewish Infantry Brigade Group of the British Army during World War II, and the term "Palestinian Talmud", which is an alternative name of the
20170: 20078: 19845: 16573: 14733: 11609: 9821: 8096:
clan. If a certain tribe was Christian, then an individual would be Christian, but without knowledge of what distinguished his faith from that of a Muslim."
Those parts of British Mandatory Palestine which did not become part of the newly declared Israeli state were occupied by Egypt or annexed by Jordan. At the
17281: 8557:
Presidency, held in the mid-eighties that, 'even thirty years ago, (Palestinians) probably already had the largest educated elite of all the Arab peoples.'
included: birth rate errors (308,000), immigration & emigration errors (310,000), failure to account for migration to Israel (105,000), double-counting
Abu-Rayya, Hisham Motkal; Abu-Rayya, Maram Hussien (2009). "Acculturation, religious identity, and psychological well-being among Palestinians in Israel".
17504: 9748:
fertility rites. It is marked by synchronized jumping, stamping, and movement, similar to tap dancing. One version is performed by men, another by women.
an award-winning poet, playwright, and editor has been widely published in literary journals and magazines and has been translated into twelve languages.
adopted by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which defined them as those "Jews who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the
In 2009, at the request of the PLO, "Jordan revoked the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians to keep them from remaining permanently in the country."
19650: 19644: 14411: 13891:"High-resolution Y chromosome haplotypes of Israeli and Palestinian Arabs reveal geographic substructure and substantial overlap with haplotypes of Jews" 8228: 2521:
family, militated for the promotion of the Arabic language and culture, for the defense of Islamic values and for an independent Syria and Palestine. In
2481: 1750: 18842: 17370: 2555:
The articles of the Mandate mentioned the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine, but not their political status. At the
20457: 14845: 10041: 2868:
and fractured Palestinian political and militant groups, prompting them to give up residual hopes in pan-Arabism. They rallied increasingly around the
1796: 15431: 9836: 8716:(1920–48) were driven by the concern that the "native culture of Palestine", and in particular peasant society, was being undermined by the forces of 1532:. Recent research suggests a genetic continuity between modern Palestinians and ancient Levantine populations, evidenced by their clustering with the 19135: 15158: 15040: 2222:
played a role in shaping this identity, that "it is a serious mistake to suggest that Palestinian identity emerged mainly as a response to Zionism."
18740: 18121:
Al-Taee, Nasser (2002). "Voices of Peace and the Legacy of Reconciliation: Popular Music, Nationalism, and the Quest for Peace in the Middle East".
Richards, Martin; Rengo, Chiara; Cruciani, Fulvio; Gratrix, Fiona; Wilson, James F.; Scozzari, Rosaria; Macaulay, Vincent; Torroni, Antonio (2003).
to their homes in Palestine. In 2012, Egypt deviated from this practice by granting citizenship to 50,000 Palestinians, mostly from the Gaza Strip.
19655: 19416: 8960: 2465:
states that the Palestinians' lack of sovereignty over the land has been used by Israelis to deny Palestinians their rights to self-determination.
17681: 17202: 16392: 14685: 14542: 12341: 9111: 2864:. In the meantime, pan-Arabism has waned as an aspect of Palestinian identity. The Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and West Bank triggered a 17437: 12538: 11220: 8146:
estimates that 6% of the Palestinian population worldwide is Christian and that 56% of them live outside of historic Palestine. According to the
8088:, states that this built evidence constitutes "an architectural testimony to Christian/Moslem Palestinian religious sensibility and its roots in 1323: 17165: 16523: 13989:"Abraham's children in the genome era: major Jewish diaspora populations comprise distinct genetic clusters with shared Middle Eastern Ancestry" 8166:
in Chile alone exceeds the number of those who have remained in their homeland. Saint George is the patron saint of the Palestinian Christians.
20098: 16082: 11578: 10682: 10294: 2930:, represented the Palestinian political strategy popularly adopted from 1967 onward. As a concept closely related to the land, agriculture and 1786: 18978: 15552: 15401: 14202: 12364: 10068: 19685: 17408: 16030: 15790: 14984:
Berghahn Books, 2009 pp.106–130, p.108:'On the whole, the Israeli Occupation has created an increasing prison-like society for Palestinians'.
14809: 12454:. Constitution Committee of the Palestine National Council Third Draft, 7 March 2003, revised on 25 March 2003. 25 March 2003. Archived from 10615: 2885: 2860:
Since 1967, Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have lived under military occupation, creating, according to Avram Bornstein, a
1776: 16173: 15729: 15688: 15483: 12822:
David Goodblatt (2006). "The Political and Social History of the Jewish Community in the Land of Israel, c. 235–638". In Steven Katz (ed.).
10585: 9770: 9537:
stories share much in common with the wider Arab world, though the rhyming scheme is distinct. There are a cast of supernatural characters:
permeates the whole refugee community and is most ardently espoused by the younger refugees, for whom home exists only in the imagination."
19810: 19782: 19389: 15350: 12229: 19063: 15990: 10275: 8757:
express the characteristics of the Palestinian experience and show signs of common origin despite the geographical separation between the
in May 1948, five Arab armies (Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Transjordan) came to the Palestinian Arabs' aid against the newly founded
20152: 20045: 19956: 15868: 14903: 13544: 12448: 10025: 9276: 7893: 3034: 2814: 2725: 2684: 17755: 15323: 9245: 1564:
of world populations found that the Palestinian samples clustered in the "Middle Eastern genomic group", which included samples such as
The origins of Palestinians are complex and diverse. According to Palestinian historian Nazmi Al-Ju'beh like in other Arab nations, the
19767: 19281: 18053: 16694: 15927: 15111: 14573: 10216: 9288: 8004:
represent a significant minority of 6%, and belong to several denominations, followed by much smaller religious communities, including
and the dispossession of the Arab majority crystallised among most editors, Christian and Muslim, of local newspapers. The term itself
981: 15759: 3189:
In the absence of a comprehensive census including all Palestinian diaspora populations, and those that have remained within what was
17035: 13889:
Nebel, Almut; Filon, Dvora; Weiss, Deborah A.; Weale, Michael; Faerman, Marina; Oppenheim, Ariella; Thomas, Mark G. (December 2000).
10471: 9632: 2998: 1634: 1319: 1310:
affiliation, is independent of the existence of any actual Arabian origins. Palestinians are sometimes described as indigenous. In a
1293: 1127:(1874–1949) was the first person to self-describe Palestine's Arabs as "Palestinians" in the preface of a book he translated in 1898. 17812: 17723: 16294: 15571: 15136: 12395: 11018: 10405: 8309: 7922:
refugees in the West Bank, who hail from towns and villages now located within the borders of Israel, are included in these figures.
began for economic reasons that pre-dated the Arab-Israeli conflict, but continued to grow thereafter. Many emigrants were from the
20175: 20103: 19820: 19544: 12034:, BRILL, 2010 pp.301–363, for the Neo-Assyrian sources p.312: The four city-states of the late Philistine period (Iron Age II) are 11812: 10932:, edited by S. C. Saha. Lexington Books. pp. 269ff, 284: "The Palestinians...are an ethnic minority in their country of residence." 10651: 10092: 9946: 9458:
neighboring Arab countries, poetry was transformed into a vehicle for political activism. From among those Palestinians who became
9130: 8868:
describes an assortment of dishes laid out on the table for a meal that takes place over several hours, a characteristic common to
8297: 3194: 17610: 17329: 16874: 16828: 10901:
Jabareen, Hassan. 2002. "The Future of Arab Citizenship in Israel:Jewish-Zionist Time in as Place with No Palestinian memory." In
8987: 2394:
The idea of a unique Palestinian state distinct from its Arab neighbors was at first rejected by Palestinian representatives. The
19690: 19431: 19384: 18022: 16352: 15685: 13486: 10246: 2290: 1662: 18784: 17943: 8349: 20482: 20278: 20035: 19998: 19717: 19016: 17778: 14256: 12695: 10319: 7914: 3231: 2038: 17900:
The Land and the Book: Or, Biblical Illustrations Drawn from the Manners and Customs, the Scenes and Scenery, of the Holy Land
Cordesman, 2005, p. 54. The figure is based on an estimate for 2005, extrapolating from a population 2.3 million in 2001.
15244: 14501: 14476: 14451: 11863: 11202:
Abu-Libdeh, Bassam, Peter D. Turnpenny, and Ahmed Teebi. 2012. "Genetic Disease in Palestine and Palestinians". Pp. 700–11 in
Mor, M., Reiterer, F. V., & Winkler, W. (2010). Samaritans: Past and present: Current studies. Berlin: De Gruyter. p. 217.
10164: 9043:
Similar to the structure of Palestinian society, the Palestinian field of arts extends over four main geographic centers: the
estimated that in the territory of former Mandatory Palestine (now encompassing Israel and the Palestinian territories of the
2989:(1987–93) was the first popular uprising against the Israeli occupation of 1967. Followed by the PLO's 1988 proclamation of a 20003: 19499: 19167: 19129: 19053: 18992: 18908: 18729: 18676: 18577: 18553: 18529: 18434: 18393: 18369: 17653: 17563: 17357: 16800: 16639: 16052: 15216: 14635: 14120: 13523: 13212: 12969: 12865: 12831: 12775: 12678: 12493: 12430: 12306: 12269: 11756: 11645: 11495: 11414: 11387: 11280: 11177: 11134: 11098: 10963: 9797: 2805: 2450: 2446: 898:, lacking legal citizenship in any country. 2.1 million of the diaspora population are registered as refugees in neighboring 806: 18220: 17902: 16806: 15519: 12934: 12499: 11693: 11140: 11104: 11051: 10003: 8393:
In 2008, Minority Rights Group International estimated the number of Palestinians in Jordan to be about 3 million. The
20130: 20108: 19986: 19612: 18810: 16546: 15967: 15083: 13987:
Atzmon G, Hao L, Pe'er I, Velez C, Pearlman A, Palamara PF, Morrow B, Friedman E, Oddoux C, Burns E, Ostrer H (June 2010).
12668: 11719: 10501: 10357: 9177: 8535: 8523: 2630: 911: 19900: 17229: 16936: 10530: 10457: 10379: 9351:
and the exploration of existential themes and issues of identity. References to the subjects of resistance to occupation,
19961: 19840: 19732: 19549: 18687: 16869: 16835: 15893: 14627:
International Law Reports: Cases 1938–1940, H. Lauterpacht, Cambridge University Press, 2004, ISBN 0-521-46354-8, page 49
11449: 11243: 9877: 8506: 8387: 2688: 1205: 852: 802: 794: 15652: 12800: 11852:
describes its scope in the Fifth Satrapy of the Persians as follows: "From the town of Posidium, on the border between
11783: 10619: 9740:, a Levantine Arab folk dance style whose local Palestinian versions were appropriated by Palestinian nationalism after 9261: 8482:
Barbara McKean Parmenter has noted that the Arabs of Palestine have been credited with the preservation of the original
The Palestinian Arabs suffered such a major defeat at the end of the war, that the term they use to describe the war is
by the British Mandatory authorities were granted "Palestinian citizenship". Other examples include the use of the term
20060: 19830: 19695: 18926: 18599: 18314: 18252: 18214: 18167: 17973: 17117: 17097: 15289: 13844: 12617: 9462:
after the passage of the Citizenship Law in 1952, a school of resistance poetry was born that included poets including
7975: 2974: 2154:
is considered a "foundational text" on the subject. He notes that the archaeological strata that denote the history of
1601: 19232: 17863: 17459: 16453: 13321: 11805: 8150:, the Palestinian population of the West Bank and Gaza Strip is 97% Muslim and 3% Christian. The vast majority of the 7944:
Israeli policy to prevent the refugees from returning to their homes was initially formulated by David Ben Gurion and
20472: 20180: 20083: 19835: 19802: 19354: 19159: 19098: 19032: 19006: 18961: 18944: 18900: 18869: 18778: 18757: 18659: 18631: 18617: 18495: 18452: 18411: 18352: 18338: 18299: 18270: 17584: 17542: 17263: 16984: 16907: 16756: 16619: 16476: 16420: 16255: 16220: 14929: 14446: 13425: 13374: 13317: 13226: 13008: 12569: 12121: 12100: 11966: 7934: 2869: 2613:, we have to effect a complete change in our plans here. Southern Syria no longer exists. We must defend Palestine". 1737: 821: 814: 16347: 16317: 15278:"The Palestinian Autonomy and International Human Rights Law: Perspectives on an Ongoing Process of Nation-Building" 13022: 11891:, Bks. 2:104 (Φοἰνικες δἐ καὶ Σὐριοι οἱ ἑν τᾔ Παλαιστἰνῃ, "Phoinikes de kaì Surioi oi en té Palaistinē"); 3:5; 7:89. 11544: 9754: 8775:
to promote Arab culture and encourage cooperation in the Arab region. The opening event was launched in March 2009.
2499: 1326:, the "Indigenous Peoples of Palestine are the Bedouin Jahalin, al-Kaabneh, al-Azazmeh, al-Ramadin and al-Rshaida". 20467: 20160: 20088: 20040: 19981: 19927: 19408: 15459: 14998: 14342: 13144:"New Evidence Relating to the Process of Islamization in Palestine in the Early Muslim Period: The Case of Samaria" 10895: 10431: 10125: 9935: 9721: 8219: 2880:
Palestinian nationalism was grouped together under the umbrella of the PLO whose constituent organizations include
as constituting the first formative event of the Palestinian people. From 1516 to 1917, Palestine was ruled by the
2274: 2058: 16589: 15617: 14741: 10273:
Los Árabes y Palestinos en Honduras: su establecimiento e impacto en la sociedad hondureña contemporánea:1900–2009
9157: 8945: 19915: 19675: 19617: 19559: 17278: 15047: 12879: 9976: 9095: 8764: 3152: 2680: 2593:, a distinctive form of Palestinian Arab nationalism took root between April and July 1920. With the fall of the 2473: 2371:
the Ottoman Empire, "had not reached significant proportions before the outbreak of World War I." Tamir Sorek, a
1828: 16612:
Religious Celebrations: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations
Randa F arah, "The Marginalizastion of Palestinian Refugees", Niklaus Steiner, Mark Gibney, Gil Loescher (eds.)
New Political Entities in Public and Private International Law: With Special Reference to the Palestinian Entity
13089: 8390:, there were 1,658,000 Arab citizens of Israel as of 2013. Both figures include Palestinians in East Jerusalem. 2955:
by the United Nations that same year. Israel rejected the resolution, calling it "shameful". In a speech to the
can include Jews with Palestinian heritage and Israeli citizenship, although some Arab Jews prefer to be called
19895: 19707: 19632: 19274: 19045: 17512: 12207: 9371:
for example, has often said that "poetry is not a civil servant, it's not a soldier, it's in nobody's employ."
8151: 2889: 2477: 1816: 1742: 1691: 935: 10828:
Palestinians (similar to the Samaritans and some of the Druze), highlighting their primarily indigenous origin
Hajjej, Abdelhafidh; Almawi, Wassim Y.; Arnaiz-Villena, Antonio; Hattab, Lasmar; Hmida, Slama (9 March 2018).
Palestinian Arabic has three primary sub-variations, Rural, Urban, and Bedouin, with the pronunciation of the
3001:. The policy which partly led to this exodus was a response to the alignment of PLO leader Yasser Arafat with 2551:(1897–1984) was a Palestinian nationalist and politician, viewed in the 1940s as a leader of the Palestinians 824:
is an umbrella organization for groups that represent the Palestinian people before international states. The
20055: 19680: 19325: 18814: 17995: 17378: 13179: 12008:' .") Thus the migration hypothesis is based not on the inscriptions themselves but on their interpretation." 9233: 2399: 1502: 1427: 915: 18985:
Identity and religion in Palestine: the struggle between Islamism and secularism in the occupied territories
15599: 14419: 20337: 20125: 19852: 19670: 19574: 19554: 19476: 17970:"Middle East & North Africa Reem Kelani World Music at Global Rhythm – The Destination for World Music" 17074: 14842: 13459:"The Muslim Settlement of Late Ottoman and Mandatory Palestine: Comparison with Jewish Settlement Patterns" 9409: 8254: 8017: 3242: 2757: 2454: 2407: 2210:
in the late 19th century that sharpened following the demarcation of modern nation-state boundaries in the
1907: 1823: 1808: 1529: 1244: 1240: 864: 20: 19119: 17304: 15435: 15165: 15051: 8515: 19702: 19421: 19359: 16250:. Diane Publishing reprint. Originally published by National Defense University Press. pp. 104–105. 11153:
People know who they are, where they live, and where their families have lived for centuries or millennia
10190: 9554: 7960: 2606: 2356: 1657: 1593: 1397: 1171:
period, the term "Palestinian" was used to refer to all people residing there, regardless of religion or
20332: 16026: 8594:
In the 19th and early 20th century, there were some well known Palestinian families, which included the
855:, roughly one half of the world's Palestinian population continues to reside in the territory of former 20415: 19991: 19244: 18644: 17206: 16777: 16388: 15814:"What Counts is the Counting: Statistical Manipulation as a Solution to Israel's "Demographic Problem"" 14502:"Cour internationale de Justice – International Court of Justice | International Court of Justice" 14477:"Cour internationale de Justice – International Court of Justice | International Court of Justice" 14452:"Cour internationale de Justice – International Court of Justice | International Court of Justice" 9089:
overall, receives much European and Israeli support. Palestinian films are not exclusively produced in
8201: 7933:
UNRWA figures do not include some 274,000 people, or 1 in 5.5 of all Arab residents of Israel, who are
2031: 1720: 1672: 1643: 1329: 1289: 790: 17685: 17433: 16753:"Apartheid Israel: A Critical Reading of the Draft Permanent Agreement, known as the "Geneva Accords"" 16113: 11231: 11217: 9007: 3289:
also have substantial Palestinian populations. These two countries have had presidents of Palestinian
area. Those emigrating to Latin America were mainly Christian. Half of those of Palestinian origin in
The Greek word reflects an ancient Eastern Mediterranean-Near Eastern word which was used either as a
20487: 20243: 19905: 19890: 19777: 19267: 19081: 18770: 17779:"Jewish film maker directs Palestinian story in 'Miral' – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News" 17176: 15879: 11994:
The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe Ca. 1200 B.C., Robert Drews, p48–61
10194: 9394: 9359:
are also common. Palestinian literature can be intensely political, as underlined by writers such as
of 1948 it has become "a literature written by Palestinians" regardless of their residential status.
8510: 8487: 8279: 7901: 2920: 2659: 2442: 2143:), expressing growing concern over land dispossession and its implications for the society at large. 2106: 1781: 848: 683: 16089: 10458:"Census Profile, 2021 Census – Ethnic or Cultural Background – Canada – provinces & territories" 8184:
who carry Palestinian identity cards and live in the West Bank while a roughly equal number live in
20263: 19815: 19486: 19453: 19058: 18892: 15549: 15409: 14737: 14199: 12400: 12372: 11606: 11570: 11287: 10061: 8483: 8123: 8089: 2718: 2618: 2406:, February 1919), which met for the purpose of selecting a Palestinian Arab representative for the 2191: 1725: 1252:
religious-specific, and it includes not only the Arabic-speaking Muslims of Palestine but also the
986: 17401: 15782: 15490: 14806: 7952:
was formally adopted by the Israeli cabinet in June 1948. In December of that year the UN adopted
2940:) who stayed put on his land, refusing to leave. A strategy more passive than that adopted by the 2934:, the ideal image of the Palestinian put forward at this time was that of the peasant (in Arabic, 813:, the term "Palestinian" evolved into a sense of a shared future in the form of aspirations for a 20248: 20223: 20198: 20135: 20119: 19976: 19426: 19369: 18974: 18086:
Maira, Sunaina (2008). "We Ain't Missing: Palestinian Hip Hop – A Transnational Youth Movement".
17166:"Lepers, Lunatics and Saints: The Nativist Ethnography of Tawfiq Canaan and his Jerusalem Circle" 15695: 11207: 10589: 9459: 9436:, which he defines as "writing rooted in diasporic countries but focused in theme and content on 9341: 9224: 9151: 9037: 8939:
is an assortment of stuffed vegetables such as, zucchinis, potatoes, cabbage and in Gaza, chard.
8772: 8758: 8335: 3210: 2865: 2703: 2668: 2423: 2395: 2251: 1990: 1605: 1561: 1475: 1233: 1055: 907: 879: 867: 810: 15721: 15346: 13840:"Extensive Female-Mediated Gene Flow from Sub-Saharan Africa into Near Eastern Arab Populations" 12233: 7980: 2601:, coupled with the British conquest and administration of Palestine, the formerly pan-Syrianist 1337:
Palestine has undergone many demographic and religious upheavals throughout history. During the
and other religious communities of Palestine who were at that time Arabic-speakers, such as the
20327: 20285: 20258: 20238: 20015: 19880: 19712: 19536: 19515: 17604:"Hebrew Translations of Palestinian Literature – from Total Denial to Partial Recognition" 16974: 15994: 11126:
Breaking Cycles of Violence in Israel and Palestine: Empathy and Peacemaking in the Middle East
10272: 9902: 9305: 8436: 8285: 8207: 8026: 8001: 3261:
In total, an estimated 600,000 Palestinians are thought to reside in the Americas. Palestinian
3042: 3038: 2893:
past few centuries, and even millennia, when such a consciousness is in fact relatively modern.
2286: 2000: 1912: 1902: 1882: 1541: 1482:'s revolt) in the first half of the 19th century, and the subsequent immigration of Algerians, 1471: 899: 878:. In Israel proper, Palestinians constitute almost 21 percent of the population as part of its 766: 740: 679: 18483: 16897: 16212: 16151: 15277: 15206: 14900: 14539:"John Dugard's "Situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967"" 14222: 14145: 13342: 13288: 13277:
Oxford University Press 2014 pp.312–324, 329 (theory of imported population unsubstantiated);.
13253: 12455: 12023: 11676: 11635: 11325: 11163: 10953: 10918: 10903: 10022: 8554: 2993:, these developments served to further reinforce the Palestinian national identity. After the 1086:
became the official administrative name in a move viewed by scholars as an attempt by emperor
20462: 20342: 20273: 20268: 20218: 20213: 20208: 20203: 19494: 18157: 17138:
Second Class: Discrimination Against Palestinian Arab Children in Israel's Schools, p 8, 2001
15402:"Comunidad palestina en Chile acusa "campaña de terror" tras nuevas pintadas |" 15320: 15109: 15080:"48 Statement in the Knesset by Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Allon – 26 November 1974" 14875: 14625: 14282: 13513: 12765: 12739: 12232:. PASSIA: Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs. Archived from 11993: 11748: 11742: 11574: 11520: 11404: 11352: 11339: 11310: 10937: 9337: 9122: 8239: 8174: 6273: 3306: 3298: 3278: 3092: 2642: 2346:
against the British Mandate. The sign reads "No dialogue, no negotiations until termination "
2282: 2119: 2110: 2024: 1707: 1467: 1409: 1386: 1140: 1006: 919: 903: 825: 18061: 17745: 16690: 15919: 14565: 13890: 11954: 11620:
96, November–December 2015 pp. 5–37, p.31 n.55, citing Rex Brynen and Roula E-Rifai (eds.),
10883: 8826:
There are several foods native to Palestine that are well known in the Arab world, such as,
Jews who identify as Palestinian Jews are few, but include Israeli Jews who are part of the
20477: 20253: 20233: 20228: 20190: 20113: 20025: 19933: 19885: 19863: 19750: 19458: 19364: 19330: 19305: 18521: 18426: 18287: 17603: 15783:"How Many Palestinians Actually Live in the West Bank? – Diplomacy & Defense – Haaretz" 15751: 15523: 14379: 14049: 13698: 10938:
Palestinian Identity in Jordan and Israel: The Necessary 'Others' in the Making of a Nation
Perspectives on Contemporary Ethnic Conflict: Primal Violence Or the Politics of Conviction
10878: 10783: 10715: 10010: 9872: 9648: 9447: 9413: 9398: 9360: 9189: 9056: 8679: 8589: 8163: 8143: 8053: 7949: 7910: 3314: 2941: 2707: 2672: 2626: 2622: 2578: 2125: 2014: 1970: 1922: 1791: 1730: 1682: 1597: 1196: 1153: 1131:
In modern times, the first person to self-describe Palestine's Arabs as "Palestinians" was
891: 883: 786: 651: 269: 18030: 12200:"The Origins of the term "Palestinian" ("Filasṭīnī") in late Ottoman Palestine, 1898–1914" 10475: 8211: 2258:
he states that "Palestinian nationalism emerged during the interwar period in response to
8: 19941: 19922: 19722: 19374: 18937:
Their Promised Land: Arab and Jew in History's Cauldron-One Valley in the Jerusalem Hills
18587: 17820: 17713: 16286: 15677: 15583: 15128: 14378:. New York: Grove Press, 2003. p. 43. "Upon occupying the West Bank during the 1948 war, 14166:"The Origins of the term 'Palestinian' ('Filasṭīnī') in late Ottoman Palestine, 1898–1914 13683: 12613: 11305: 11026: 10656: 10409: 10104: 9669: 9664: 9268: 9161: 9080: 8784: 8036: 5868: 3238: 3190: 2952: 2931: 2771: 2582: 2563: 2556: 2513: 2494: 1975: 1965: 1951: 1932: 1417: 1370: 1168: 1095: 856: 778: 751: 647: 18361:
Native Peoples of the World: An Encyclopedia of Groups, Cultures and Contemporary Issues
14070: 14053: 14037: 13769: 13742: 13702: 11019:"The Construction of Identity through Tradition: Palestinians in the Detroit Metro Area" 10787: 10719: 8056:, were celebrated by both Muslims and Christians and shared prophets and saints include 7988:
The majority of Palestinians are Muslim, the vast majority of whom are followers of the
5967: 2306:
and Ibrahim Pasha's army was deployed, defeating the last rebels on 4 August in Hebron.
20363: 20310: 20020: 20010: 19825: 19640: 19290: 19202: 19177: 18916: 18834: 18785:"Beshara Doumani's "Rediscovering Ottoman Palestine: Writing Palestinians into History" 18467: 18200: 18138: 18103: 17321: 16864: 16839: 16733: 15836: 15316: 14013: 13988: 13969: 13921: 13866: 13839: 13791: 13722: 13661: 13634: 13602: 13556: 13171: 13081: 13073: 11169: 10814: 10771: 10746: 10703: 9827: 9791: 9712: 9437: 8585: 8411: 3852: 3258:
Many Palestinians have settled in the United States, particularly in the Chicago area.
2990: 2843: 2822: 2602: 2469: 2324: 2155: 2005: 1995: 1887: 1848: 1650: 1553: 1549: 1424: 1350: 1220: 1214: 1180: 762: 755: 630: 100: 18206:
New Approaches to Migration?: Transnational Communities and the Transformation of Home
JM, Govrin Y, Erel Y, Yakir B, Pinhasi R, Carmi S, Finkelstein I, Reich D (May 2020).
13458: 9655:
and Mahmoud Salim al-Hout. All the songs on the album relate to 'pre-1948 Palestine'.
9609:. Over three decades, the Palestinian National Music and Dance Troupe (El Funoun) and 9347:
Contemporary Palestinian literature is often characterized by its heightened sense of
7101: 3834: 3816: 20396: 20320: 19971: 19207: 19163: 19155: 19125: 19094: 19049: 19028: 19002: 18988: 18957: 18940: 18922: 18904: 18896: 18884: 18865: 18791: 18774: 18753: 18725: 18715: 18672: 18666: 18655: 18627: 18613: 18595: 18573: 18549: 18525: 18491: 18448: 18430: 18407: 18389: 18365: 18348: 18334: 18310: 18295: 18266: 18248: 18241: 18210: 18163: 18107: 17947: 17649: 17580: 17559: 17538: 17353: 17259: 17093: 16980: 16903: 16796: 16615: 16581: 16496: 16416: 16251: 16216: 16201: 15840: 15285: 15212: 14925: 14631: 14442: 14116: 14075: 14038:"On whole-genome demography of world's ethnic groups and individual genomic identity" 14018: 13961: 13913: 13871: 13820: 13774: 13714: 13666: 13606: 13519: 13478: 13474: 13421: 13405:
Distribution and Population Density During the Late Ottoman and Early Mandate Periods
13370: 13313: 13218: 13208: 13163: 13065: 13014: 13004: 12975: 12965: 12926: 12871: 12861: 12827: 12771: 12674: 12489: 12337: 12302: 12265: 12117: 12096: 11962: 11752: 11641: 11491: 11410: 11383: 11276: 11173: 11130: 11094: 11059: 11005: 10959: 10819: 10801: 10751: 10733: 9565: 9333: 8603: 8599: 8573: 8372: 7857: 7794: 7551: 7380: 6156: 5976: 5310: 4041: 3322: 2916: 2537: 2270: 1626: 1498: 1439: 1435: 1431: 1390: 1346: 1338: 1091: 1063: 1025: 1021: 990: 68: 18142: 14412:"Interview With Middle East Scholar Avi Shlaim: America, Israel and the Middle East" 13686: 13085: 11471:
importantly, a sense of a shared past and future in the form of a Palestinian state.
importantly, a sense of a shared past and future in the form of a Palestinian state.
10122:"La Ventana – Littin: "Quiero que esta película sea una contribución a la paz"" 9680:. These Palestinian youth forged the new Palestinian musical subgenre, which blends 7434: 7326: 6498: 5274: 4950: 4941: 4752: 4059: 3252:, who accused its authors of multiple methodological errors and a political agenda. 2566:
in February 1920, some 1,500 Palestinians demonstrated in the streets of Jerusalem.
desire among Palestinians for self-government in the face of generalized fears that
continued to be used by historians and geographers to refer to the area between the
20429: 20401: 20358: 19945: 19436: 19340: 19197: 19189: 18826: 18517: 18422: 18130: 18095: 17921: 16725: 16488: 16060: 15828: 15251: 14508: 14483: 14458: 14112: 14065: 14057: 14008: 14000: 13973: 13953: 13925: 13905: 13861: 13853: 13810: 13802: 13764: 13754: 13726: 13706: 13656: 13646: 13594: 13552: 13470: 13413: 13155: 13057: 12918: 12005: 11861: 11744:
Refugees into Citizens – Palestinians and the end of the Arab-Israeli conflict
11001: 10997: 10809: 10791: 10741: 10723: 10160: 9906: 9864: 9475: 9451: 9429: 9382: 9368: 8639: 8627: 8486:
of many sites mentioned in the Bible, as was documented by the American geographer
8440: 8428: 8235: 8155: 8013: 7677: 7650: 7533: 7056: 6345: 6093: 6084: 6057: 5769: 5733: 5679: 4293: 3018: 2586: 2411: 2310:
argues that the Arabs in Palestine nevertheless remained part of a larger national
save a decade from the 1830s to the 1840s when an Egyptian vassal of the Ottomans,
2102: 1942: 1927: 1917: 1836: 1494: 1451: 1413: 1265: 1209: 1184: 1083: 887: 638: 18652:
What Did We Do to Deserve This? Palestinian Life under Occupation in the West Bank
16895: 16649: 15432:"Chile: Palestinian refugees arrive to warm welcome – Adnkronos Culture And Media" 15108:
See Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
14097: 12434: 12018: 11622:
Compensation to Palestinian Refugees and the Search for Palestinian-Israeli Peace,
8789: 8560:
Contributions to Palestinian culture have been made by diaspora figures including
of the Levant, the primary languages spoken in Palestine, among the predominantly
7209: 6921: 6246: 6228: 5616: 5076: 5022: 5013: 4068: 4023: 2202:
Khalidi argues that the modern national identity of Palestinians has its roots in
1556:. Genetic studies have also shown a genetic relationship between Palestinians and 1200:
newspaper addressed its readers as "Palestinians" since its establishment in 1911.
20436: 19910: 19564: 19468: 19448: 19335: 19248: 19236: 19086: 19070: 19023: 18747: 18567: 18563: 18543: 18539: 18383: 18359: 18276: 18204: 17906: 17899: 17308: 17285: 17090:
Jordanian Poets: Samer Raimouny, Mustafa Wahbi, Haider Mahmoud, Ibrahim Nasrallah
Interview with Elias Sanbar. Claude Cheysson, "The Right to Self-Determination",
16790: 16180: 16174:
Transitional Justice Responses to Palestinian Dispossession: Focus on Restitution
16158: 15875: 15661: 15656: 15603: 15578: 15556: 15527: 15466: 15327: 15115: 14907: 14882: 14849: 14813: 14392: 14263: 14229: 14206: 14172: 14152: 13806: 13651: 13349: 13328: 13295: 13260: 13118: 12483: 12296: 12259: 12030: 12000: 11867: 11617: 11613: 11527: 11359: 11224: 11124: 11088: 10944: 10925: 10910: 10890: 10796: 10728: 10689: 10279: 10099: 10048: 10029: 10007: 10000: 9942: 9842: 9693: 9479: 9463: 9325: 9027: 8862:
cheese used to fill it. Another very popular food is Palestinian Kofta or Kufta.
8803: 8611: 8550: 8452: 8269:
Palestinian Christian Scouts on Christmas Eve in front of the Nativity Church in
7839: 7821: 7686: 7479: 7389: 7227: 6462: 6291: 6174: 6138: 5958: 5913: 5760: 5607: 5220: 5166: 4968: 4743: 4725: 4572: 4257: 4050: 3483: 3013: 2692: 2247: 2130: 1960: 1892: 1841: 1544:. Additionally, there are indications within Palestinian populations of maternal 1479: 1253: 1079: 1036: 731: 711: 46: 17059:
West Bank 44.6% versus 22.8% in Lebanon. See Elias H. Tuma, Haim Darin-Drabkin,
16550: 16450:"Palestinian Cave Dwellers and Holy Shrines: The Passing of Traditional Society" 16247:
The Middle East in 2015 The Impact of Regional Trends on U.S. Strategic Planning
15606:, is led by Bennett Zimmerman, Yoram Ettinger, Roberta Seid, and Michael L. Wise 14678:"Correspondence with the Palestine Arab Delegation and the Zionist Organization" 12720:
DellaPergola, Sergio (2001). "Some Fundamentals of Jewish Demographic History".
11689: 8459:
was also spoken in some areas. Palestinian Arabic, like other variations of the
7875: 7758: 7668: 7245: 7191: 7182: 6768: 6606: 6516: 6372: 5832: 5742: 5265: 5175: 5004: 4788: 4734: 4626: 4482: 4221: 3915: 3861: 3519: 1190: 19582: 19443: 19345: 19037: 18857: 18762: 17639: 17233: 16942: 15559: 14061: 14004: 13759: 12906: 12433:. Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations. Archived from 11715: 11602: 11515: 11213: 9652: 9509: 9467: 9315: 9216: 8932: 8833: 8685: 8659: 8635: 8631: 8623: 8595: 8448: 8159: 8085: 8073: 8041: 7953: 7659: 7641: 7011: 6867: 6831: 6777: 6048: 6030: 6012: 5445: 5355: 5256: 5229: 5193: 5112: 4779: 4329: 4311: 4212: 4203: 3942: 3879: 3600: 3002: 2997:
in 1991, Kuwaiti authorities forcibly pressured nearly 200,000 Palestinians to
2986: 2904: 2634: 2594: 2319: 2278: 2207: 2195: 2147: 1864: 1525: 1208:, the use and application of the terms "Palestine" and "Palestinian" by and to 1114: 959: 944: 841: 833: 485: 18592:
Al Kanfei Yonah: Collected Studies of Jonas C. Greenfield on Semitic Philology
18134: 17292:, Turbo Computers & Software Co. Ltd. June 2006. Retrieved 8 January 2008. 16865:"World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples – Jordan – Palestinians" 16829:"65th Independence Day – More than 8 Million Residents in the State of Israel" 16318:"Mired in poverty: Palestinian refugees in Lebanon see little hope in new law" 15897: 14397:
Palestinian Arab National Movement: From Riots to Rebellion: 1929–1939, vol. 2
Tudor Parfitt; Michael F. Hammer; Karl Skorecki; Richard Villems (July 2010).
12979: 12922: 12875: 10904:
Challenging Ethnic Citizenship: German and Israeli Perspectives on Immigration
7623: 7497: 7344: 7263: 7038: 6993: 6939: 6885: 6399: 6120: 5949: 5940: 5904: 5859: 5778: 5706: 5688: 5418: 5391: 5346: 5103: 5094: 5049: 4923: 4869: 4761: 4302: 4122: 3645: 3366: 3217:
numbers were cross-checked against a variety of other sources (e.g., asserted
ancestry respectively, preserving associated cultural customs and traditions.
20451: 18966: 18949: 18874: 18636: 18479: 18236: 16585: 16500: 15649: 14895: 13515:
Memories of Revolt: The 1936–1939 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past
13482: 13222: 13167: 13069: 12930: 12792: 11775: 11063: 11009: 10805: 10737: 9471: 9433: 9068: 8886: 8869: 8841: 8709: 8663: 8655: 8643: 8546: 8494: 8193: 7704: 7578: 7506: 7443: 7281: 7236: 7128: 7020: 6966: 6660: 6615: 6597: 6480: 6255: 6111: 5661: 5652: 5427: 5382: 5373: 5292: 5202: 5067: 4896: 4842: 4635: 4005: 3888: 3771: 3726: 3274: 3266: 3245:
put the number of Palestinians in the West Bank at 2,657,029 as of May 2012.
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
2900: 2873: 2590: 2386:
takes the view that the Palestinian identity did not develop until after the
2367: 2315: 2229: 2075: 1581: 1458: 1299: 1132: 1124: 1058:
for the province that covered most of the region. At the same time, the name
895: 798: 634: 251: 16976:
Sociolinguistics/Soziolinguistik 3: An International Handbook of the Science
16492: 16114:
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) – Norwegian Refugee Council.
500,000 descendientes de primera y segunda generación de palestinos en Chile
13598: 13159: 13018: 12609: 10611: 10435: 9744:, has, according to one scholar, possible roots that may go back to ancient 9203:
motifs, or lack thereof, used for the robe-like dress or "thoub" in Arabic.
7785: 7596: 7398: 7371: 7362: 7353: 7218: 7083: 7074: 7065: 6822: 6813: 6723: 6669: 6588: 6543: 6363: 5886: 5877: 5715: 5625: 5481: 5472: 5409: 5364: 5337: 5301: 4995: 4887: 4437: 3654: 3609: 3564: 3546: 3348: 2098: 902:, most of whom hold Jordanian citizenship; over 1 million live between 20368: 19320: 19229: 19211: 18815:"Palestine's Population During The Ottoman And The British Mandate Periods" 17867: 17718: 17463: 14762: 14711: 14607: 14371: 14315: 14079: 14022: 13965: 13917: 13875: 13824: 13778: 13718: 13670: 13635:"Genome-wide diversity in the levant reveals recent structuring by culture" 10823: 10755: 9699: 9681: 9610: 9489: 9372: 9169: 9165: 9101: 9032: 8924: 8908: 8845: 8619: 8607: 8569: 8534:
The literacy rate of Palestine was 96.3% according to a 2014 report by the
8218:, then part of the Ottoman Empire. He remained there for 24 years, where a 8215: 7945: 7894:
more than 400 depopulated towns and villages of the 1948 Palestinian exodus
7749: 7731: 7569: 7524: 7407: 7335: 7308: 7254: 6795: 6678: 6642: 6489: 6444: 6435: 6426: 6336: 6210: 6102: 5850: 5751: 5634: 5517: 5463: 5247: 5238: 5211: 5157: 5130: 4824: 4617: 4347: 4338: 4014: 3933: 3843: 3825: 3807: 3681: 3465: 3402: 3294: 3198: 3058:
Palestinian Territories (Gaza Strip and West Bank including East Jerusalem)
3009: 2908: 2383: 2307: 2163: 2067: 1520:
Genetic studies indicate a genetic affinity between Palestinians and other
1510: 1506: 1443: 1401: 1353:. Most Palestinians share a strong genetic link to the ancient Canaanites. 1311: 1307: 1229: 1136: 1067: 1051: 829: 770: 691: 675: 215: 19121:
The Palestinian Diaspora: Formation of Identities and Politics of Homeland
16752: 16672:
The Druze in the Middle East: Their Faith, Leadership, Identity and Status
15615: 13957: 13909: 13417: 13275:
The Byzantine-Islamic Transition in Palestine: An Archaeological Approach,
12561: 12533: 11637:
Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World
Israel and the Family of Nations: The Jewish Nation-state and Human Rights
10704:"The genetic heterogeneity of Arab populations as inferred from HLA genes" 9644:
Sprinting Gazelle – Palestinian Songs from the Motherland and the Diaspora
and other Western powers by the Ottoman Sultanate in the aftermath of the
7812: 7803: 7470: 7452: 7272: 7119: 7047: 6984: 6876: 6750: 6651: 6534: 6039: 5922: 5841: 5823: 5724: 5670: 5544: 5490: 5328: 5031: 4986: 4977: 4914: 4806: 4689: 4608: 4599: 4581: 4563: 4428: 4320: 4275: 4167: 4158: 4140: 4104: 3798: 3753: 3663: 3528: 3492: 3438: 2664: 2507:
The first Palestinian nationalist organizations emerged at the end of the
who had lived in the country since time immemorial, including the ancient
1430:; they were later succeeded by other Arab Muslim dynasties, including the 20441: 19315: 19172:
Charles Wilson, "Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt". New York, 1881.
The Hellenistic settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa
16357: 15572:"Jews now a 47% minority in Israel and the territories, demographer says" 15159:"Report of the Independent Fact Finding Committee on Gaza: No Safe Place" 13815: 12998: 12610:"Study finds ancient Canaanites genetically linked to modern populations" 12067: 11633: 11548: 9812: 9741: 9673: 9639: 9496:
Palestinian folklore is the body of expressive culture, including tales,
9417: 9086: 8705: 8651: 8565: 8561: 8432: 8420: 8115: 7776: 7695: 7605: 7542: 7515: 7461: 7317: 7173: 7110: 6858: 6804: 6453: 6417: 6408: 5787: 5580: 5400: 5283: 5121: 4833: 4815: 4698: 4509: 4455: 4446: 4374: 4356: 4149: 3870: 3510: 3447: 3420: 3318: 3282: 3249: 3218: 2960: 2855: 2839: 2647: 2571: 2508: 2458: 2437: 2387: 2372: 2215: 2211: 2203: 1937: 1487: 1176: 1044: 1017: 1013: 782: 667: 557: 377: 18471: 18458:
Feldman, Louis H. (1990). "Some Observations on the Name of Palestine".
Charles Glass (1975). "Jews against Zion: Israeli Jewish Anti-Zionism".
14994: 13710: 11545:"Who Represents the Palestinians Officially Before the World Community?" 10498:"Did you know that ... Palestinians in the Netherlands – Palestine Link" 7722: 7632: 7560: 7488: 7425: 7200: 6633: 6624: 6471: 6300: 6192: 6075: 6066: 5994: 5985: 5508: 5040: 4680: 4653: 4491: 4401: 4095: 4086: 3978: 3951: 3924: 3906: 3636: 3618: 3573: 3555: 3429: 3384: 3375: 1280:
it had during the British Mandate, is an indivisible territorial unit."
20373: 19740: 19623:
United States security assistance to the Palestinian National Authority
19587: 19310: 18767:
Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness
18379: 18099: 18023:"'Palestinians' embracing hip-hop to push 'perspective of the victims'" 16896:
Robert Bonfil; Oded Irshai; Guy G. Stroumsa; Rina Talgam, eds. (2011).
16737: 15624: 15618:"The Million Person Gap: The Arab Population in the West Bank and Gaza" 15164:. The League of Arab States. 30 April 2009. p. 145. Archived from 13585:[Four Samaritan Menorahs from the village of Hajjeh, Samaria]. 13366:
Population Resettlement in International Conflicts: A Comparative Study
13175: 13143: 13077: 11521:
Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness
11159: 9717: 9677: 9364: 9200: 9060: 9048: 8742: 8542: 8528: 8475: 8423:, a Palestinian actress and producer, attends a motion picture ceremony 8181: 8104: 8099: 8065: 8048: 8009: 7925: 7767: 7614: 7587: 7299: 7137: 6948: 6912: 6759: 6579: 6525: 6390: 6381: 6327: 6183: 6021: 5805: 5643: 5571: 5526: 5184: 5085: 4662: 4536: 4419: 4365: 3780: 3762: 3744: 3582: 3501: 3411: 3393: 3262: 3206: 2548: 2518: 2462: 2332: 2152:
Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness
1859: 1565: 1533: 1514: 1366: 1354: 1342: 1257: 1107: 1035:) is used of 7th-century Philistia and its, by then, four city states. 923: 875: 769:
constituted 90 percent of the population of Palestine, just before the
707: 695: 125: 19105:
Palestinian Arab National Movement: From Riots to Rebellion: 1929–1939
18838: 12855: 12592:"Jews and Arabs Share Genetic Link to Ancient Canaanites, Study Finds" 12024:
The Books of Kings: Sources, Composition, Historiography and Reception
9968: 8375:
priest from Jerusalem with his family of three generations, circa 1893
7848: 7830: 7740: 7290: 7155: 7146: 6975: 6930: 6786: 6741: 6714: 6696: 6687: 6561: 6318: 6282: 6264: 6129: 6003: 5931: 5697: 5535: 5499: 5319: 5139: 4959: 4716: 4590: 4554: 4266: 4176: 3987: 3969: 3960: 3897: 3708: 3699: 3591: 3537: 1369:
eventually forming the majority of the population in Palestine during
largely dropped from use. For example, the English-language newspaper
19745: 19218:
Ateek, Naim (1992) Jerusalem in Islam and For Palestinian Christians.
The Invention of Ancient Israel: The Silencing of Palestinian History
Dance and Authenticity in Israel and Palestine: Performing the Nation
17434:"Xan Brooks on Palestinian directors | Film | The Guardian" 14778: 14382:
moved quickly to erase all traces of corporate Palestinian identity."
13409: 13202: 13045: 13003:. Translated by Ethel Briodo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 12055: 11849: 11236: 9777: 9704: 9530: 9517: 9390: 9386: 9208: 9195: 9044: 8975: 8717: 8270: 8197: 8076: – domed single rooms often placed in the shadow of an ancient 7997: 7416: 7029: 6894: 6849: 6840: 6732: 6705: 6570: 6309: 6219: 6201: 6165: 5589: 5562: 5436: 5058: 4860: 4671: 4644: 4545: 4500: 4464: 4410: 4383: 4185: 3789: 3717: 3690: 3672: 3474: 3357: 3310: 3270: 3227: 3222: 3202: 2763: 2544: 2403: 2343: 2295: 2167: 1854: 1577: 1545: 1463: 1374: 1269: 1225: 1172: 1159: 967: 963: 871: 575: 114: 16778:
16729: 16083:"Badil Resource Centre for Palestinian Refugee and Residency Rights" 16027:"Obituary; Shafik Handal; leader of El Salvador's leftist party; 75" 15832: 15550:'The Israeli right is the minority — the left need only realize it,' 13254:
Framing the Early Middle Ages; Europe and the Mediterranean, 400–900
13061: 12199: 11311:
Perceptions of Palestine: Their Influence on U.S. Middle East Policy
10652:"Clinging to ancient traditions, the last Samaritans keep the faith" 10093:"Israel's population approaches 9.7 million as 2022 comes to an end" 9613:
have reinterpreted and rearranged traditional wedding songs such as
8914: 7866: 7713: 7164: 7002: 6957: 6903: 6507: 6354: 6237: 6147: 5895: 5814: 5796: 5598: 5553: 5454: 5148: 4932: 4905: 4851: 4797: 4770: 4707: 4527: 4473: 4392: 4284: 4248: 4239: 4230: 4194: 4131: 4113: 4077: 4032: 3996: 3735: 3627: 3456: 1102:
has been used to refer to the region since the time of the earliest
63: 19259: 19193: 19079:
Giving Voice to Stones Place and Identity in Palestinian Literature
18830: 17750: 16626:
He is also the patron saint of the Palestinian Christian community.
16208: 13857: 13046:"The Population of Western Palestine in the Roman-Byzantine Period" 12696:"Caught Between Two Votes: The Samaritans And The Israeli Election" 12063: 9558: 9526: 9521: 9356: 8998: 8979: 8951: 8880: 8850: 8730: 8700: 8692: 8356: 8148:
Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs
7092: 6552: 4878: 4518: 3290: 3286: 3125: 2994: 2896: 2610: 2522: 2311: 2159: 2139: 1483: 1447: 1103: 1075: 1002: 975: 539: 305: 19593:
Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice
19253: 18862:
The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood
Army of Shadows, Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948
17999: 15011:
The PNC adopted the goal of establishing a national state in 1974.
12488:. Contemporain publications. Presses de l’Ifpo. pp. 205–231. 12396:"Behind the uprisings among Palestinians with Israeli citizenship" 12087: 12085: 11326:
The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Volume II: Since 1500
How Israelis and Palestinians Negotiate: A Cross-cultural Analysis
10217:"Palestinians Living in UAE Uncertain Over Peace Deal With Israel" 8814:'s strict rules of parsimony and restraint, until the rise of the 8670:
may no longer self-identify as Palestinian for political reasons.
who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the
conquered the region in the first century BCE, they used the name
20378: 20315: 19755: 19091:
The Emergence of the Palestinian-Arab National Movement 1918–1929
16644: 15596: 13739: 11955:"The Philistines and Other "Sea Peoples" in Text and Archaeology" 11853: 9685: 9513: 9485: 9443: 9321: 9310: 9013: 8994: 8971: 8892: 8828: 8819: 8815: 8754: 8750: 8726: 8647: 8493:
Palestinians who live or work in Israel generally can also speak
8464: 8444: 8021: 7918: 2979: 2956: 2877: 2530: 2453:, with both countries continuing to administer these areas until 2338: 2328: 2259: 2233: 2219: 2187: 2183: 2179: 2175: 2171: 2063: 1897: 1569: 1382: 1273: 1087: 998: 715: 687: 611: 341: 287: 19242:
United Nations Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry Into Conflict and Prejudice
PALESTINIAN EMBROIDERY MOTIVES. A Treasury of Stitches 1850–1950
16755:. The Association for One Democratic State in Palestine-Israel. 15321:"The Bahrain Conference: What the Experts and the Media Missed." 12670:
The Highlands of Canaan: Agricultural Life in the Early Iron Age
12331: 11488:
Semites and Anti-Semites, An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice
Semites and Anti-Semites, An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice
10701: 10161:"The Arab, Palestinian people group is reported in 25 countries" 3305:, which has a smaller Palestinian population, has a Palestinian 2967:
In 1975, the United Nations established a subsidiary organ, the
and dozens of Arabs and Jews were killed in the confrontations.
1120: 785:. Opposition to Jewish immigration spurred the consolidation of 130:
2,170,000 (of whom 1,386,455 are registered refugees as of 2018)
Communities and Law: Politics and Cultures of Legal Identities.
17371:" – for the world-wide Palestine community" 17301: 17232:. Manchester Festival of Palestinian literature. Archived from 16899:
Jews in Byzantium: Dialectics of Minority and Majority Cultures
16640:"Balad's MK-to-be: 'Anti-Israelization' Conscientious Objector" 14728: 14726: 14724: 14722: 14720: 12907:"The Christianisation of Rural Palestine during Late Antiquity" 12740:"Palestine - Roman Rule, Jewish Revolts, Crusades | Britannica" 12082: 12047: 11959:
Society of Biblical Literature Archaeology and biblical studies
the time of Herodotus there were few Jews in the coastal area."
11547:. Institute for Middle East Understanding. 2007. Archived from 10768: 10062:"Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) Press Release" 9745: 9689: 9577: 9505: 9402: 9212: 9137: 9090: 9064: 9052: 8967: 8917:
that are eaten throughout the Palestinian territories, include
8899: 8874: 8837: 8807: 8768: 8460: 8456: 8320: 8316: 8289: 8111: 8061: 8030: 3302: 3076: 3066: 2936: 2861: 2835: 2706:
from what became the State of Israel. Israel did not allow the
2638: 2303: 2299: 2079:
with great frequency in referring to the 'Palestinian people' (
1573: 1537: 1358: 1303: 1277: 1111: 952: 860: 774: 593: 521: 449: 395: 359: 161: 143: 20166:
Foreign Affairs Minister of the Palestinian National Authority
Israel refused to allow refugees to return to their homes 242.
Palestine and the Palestinians: a social and political history
13631: 12826:. Vol. IV. Cambridge University Press. pp. 404–430. 8416: 8303:
Palestinian Jews in Ben Zakai house of prayer, Jerusalem, 1893
3,190,000 (of whom 809,738 are registered refugees as of 2017)
20302: 19951: 19760: 19665: 19660: 19379: 18721: 18590:; Paul, Shalom M.; Stone, Michael E; Pinnick, Avital (2001). 18466:. Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion: 1–23. 16152:
Problems of Protection: The UNHCR, Refugees, and Human Rights
16056: 13343:
Islamic Societies to the Nineteenth Century: A Global History
12039: 11857: 10001:'PCBS reports Palestinian population growth to 4.81 million,' 9761: 9737: 9571: 9538: 9501: 9497: 9377: 9352: 9348: 9252: 9227:. It was a shorter and narrower fashion, with a western cut. 9173: 9118: 8919: 8904: 8865: 8811: 8794: 8746: 8667: 8615: 8394: 8185: 8170: 8135: 8077: 8069: 8057: 8005: 7993: 7989: 3086: 2926: 2881: 2831: 2699: 2598: 2428: 1980: 1771: 1766: 1677: 1521: 1378: 1261: 1071: 971: 719: 467: 413: 323: 233: 197: 179: 19241: 18641:
Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, myth, reality
15520:"Palestinian population to exceed Jewish population by 2020" 14717: 13837: 12365:"Noted Arab citizens call on Israel to shed Jewish identity" 10247:"Lebanon conducts first-ever census of Palestinian refugees" 2826:
countries and others such as Syria, Lebanon, and elsewhere.
in Jaffa and attacks on Jewish and British installations in
invasion." The Charter also states that "Palestine with the
20141: 18921:(Reissue, illustrated ed.). Harvard University Press. 15484:"Table 1.0: Total Registered Refugees per Country per Area" 13204:
Frankish Rural Settlement in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
8928: 3193:, exact population figures are difficult to determine. The 2218:. Khalidi also states that although the challenge posed by 1557: 1362: 838:
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
503: 431: 148:
2,175,491 (2017, registered refugees only)–3,240,000 (2009)
Jacobs, Daniel; Eber, Shirley; Silvani, Francesca (1998).
18586: 17256:
Oud and Guitar: The Musical Culture of the Arabs in Israel
15623:. Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. Archived from 14876:
Urbicide in Palestine: Spaces of Oppression and Resilience
10772:"Genetic Stratigraphy of Key Demographic Events in Arabia" 10186: 8903:, which is the pita bread dipping of olive oil and ground 8397:
put their number at 2.1 million as of December 2015.
2621:, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, appointed by the British, and 2480:
and several Israeli authorities. A total of 133 countries
affiliations became relevant for the Arabs of Palestine."
958:(فلسطين), first occurs in the work of the 5th century BCE 18610:
A Century of Palestinian Immigration into Central America
17684:. Palestinian National Information Center. Archived from 16522:. Americans for Middle East Understanding. Archived from 14376:
Arafat's War: The Man and His Battle for Israeli Conquest
12150: 12138: 11023:
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Science
works, particularly those written by Palestinians in the
9220: 9085:
Palestinian cinematography, relatively young compared to
8738: 8081: 7909:
In 2006, there were 4,255,120 Palestinians registered as
3341: 1090:
to disassociate Jews from the land as punishment for the
174,000 (2017 census)–458,369 (2016, registered refugees)
18309:(Illustrated ed.). University of California Press. 13148:
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Palestinian literature forms part of the wider genre of
8553:, France's Minister for Foreign Affairs under the first 8072:. Villagers would pay tribute to local patron saints at 2436:
An independent Palestinian state has not exercised full
uses several criteria to define this term. According to
Israel and the Palestinian Territories: the rough guide
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War
Bennett Zimmerman, Roberta Seid & Michael L. Wise.
The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East
A political and economic dictionary of the Middle East,
13986: 13743:"The Genomic History of the Bronze Age Southern Levant" 11840:
With the exception of Bks. 1, 105; 3.91.1, and 4.39, 2.
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War
11382:. The University of North Carolina Press. p. 174. 8497:, as do some who live in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 8431:
dialect. Prior to the 7th century Islamic Conquest and
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War
In the centuries that followed, the region experienced
1218:, founded by Jews in 1932, changed its name in 1950 to 18999:
Homeland: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians
15960:"El Salvador: Central American Palestine of the West?" 15648:
Bennett Zimmerman, Roberta Seid, and Michael L. Wise,
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Seymour Gitin, 'Philistines in the Book of Kings,' in
Melvin Ember; Carol R. Ember; Ian A. Skoggard (2005).
América Latina, con entre 150,000 y 200,000 personas.'
The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia
8162:, and in fact the number of Palestinian Christians in 1268:
were/are also included, although limited only to "the
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Holy Land, Whose Land?: Modern Dilemma, Ancient Roots
17813:"Scattered like seeds: Palestinian prose goes global" 16637: 13613: 13299:, (1988) Cambridge University Press 3rd.ed.2014 p.156 13123:
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
12469:– via Jerusalem Media and Communication Center. 12332:
Government of the United Kingdom (31 December 1930).
became Israeli citizens and Druze males serve in the
2713: 19042:
Speak, Bird, Speak Again: Palestinian Arab Folktales
Oral telling of Samaritan traditions: Volume 780-785
15894:"Chicago's Arab American Community: An Introduction" 14499:
and paragraph 18, Separate opinion of Judge Higgins
13942: 13888: 13580: 13450: 11961:, vol. 15, Society of Biblical Lit, p. 2, 9854: 9529:
Canaanite festival and the annual Music Festival of
2888:, among other groups who at that time believed that 2629:
by the British in 1935, his followers initiated the
After the British general, Louis Bols, read out the
828:, officially established in 1994 as a result of the 745: 52: 19256:
Download Palestinian Pictures in Ottoman Palestine.
17116:. Pontas literary & film agency. Archived from 14036:Kim, Byung-Ju; Choi, Jaejin; Kim, Sung-Hou (2023). 12481: 11531:, New York: Columbia University Press, 2010, p. 18. 10292: 9428:, Steven Salaita posits a fourth branch made up of 8704:ethnographers. The contributions of the 'nativist' 2051: 1493:Many Palestinian villagers claim ancestral ties to 993:, showing the term ارض فلسطين ("Land of Palestine") 966:, where it denotes generally the coastal land from 18881:. Institute for Palestine Studies, Washington D.C. 18345:The Israeli-Palestinian War: Escalating to Nowhere 18240: 17502: 16200: 15597:American-Israel Demographic Research Group (AIDRG) 15189: 11350:Paul Scham, Walid Salem, Benjamin Pogrund (eds.), 11086: 10987: 10320:"Inside Berlin's famous Palestinian neighbourhood" 9492:is a Palestinian dramatist, writer and journalist. 8047:Until the end of the 19th century, cross-cultural 2417: 1552:, possibly linked to historical migrations or the 19:"Palestinian" redirects here. For other uses, see 19118:Schulz, Helena Lindholm; Hammer, Juliane (2003). 19064:Whose Land? A History of the Peoples of Palestine 18664: 17258:(Institute for Israeli Arab Studies, Beit Berl), 16287:"Egypt grants citizenship to 50,000 Palestinians" 14982:An Anthropology Of War: Views from the Frontline, 14257:"Who Was The First Palestinian in Modern History" 12860:. Leeds, UK: Arc Humanities Press. pp. 3–4. 12294: 12106: 11292:Whose Land? 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By 2432:UN stamp to commemorate the Palestinian struggle 2359:." He explained further that Kassab's 1909 book 1540:. Variations have been noted between Muslim and 17601: 17230:"Manchester Festival of Palestinian Literature" 17078:, Vol. 16, no. 1 (Autumn 1986), pp. 3–12; p. 3. 16957: 16688: 16281: 16279: 15211:. University of California Press. p. 198. 15126: 14566:"Palestinian Authority to revive statehood bid" 14391: 14186: 14184: 13581:Erlich (Zhabo), Ze’ev H.; Rotter, Meir (2021). 13194: 12821: 12539:International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs 12387: 12362: 12301:. University of California Press. p. 128. 11087:Yakobson, Alexander; Rubinstein, Amnon (2009). 9830:, Chilean tennis player of Palestinian descent. 9796:Although sport facilities did exist before the 9703:American radio personality and record producer 8858:originated in Nablus, as well as the sweetened 8712:and other Palestinian writers and published in 3325:leader, was the son of Palestinian immigrants. 2318:argues otherwise, writing that Palestinians in 1324:International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs 18292:Freedom of Religion and Belief: A World Report 17810: 17637: 17436:. London: 12 April 2006. 16938:Cyril Mango. Byzantium: The Empire of New Rome 16934: 16547:"Palestinian Christians: Challenges and Hopes" 15284:. 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In his book 2232:'s 1898 use of the word "Palestinians" in the 1787:Politics of the Palestinian National Authority 1501:that settled in Palestine during or after the 920:the largest Palestinian diaspora concentration 19275: 17628: 16715: 15505: 15503: 14664:Confronting an Empire, Constructing a Nation, 14274: 14272: 13456: 13310:A History of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 12767:An Introduction to Jewish-Christian Relations 11927:, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1928, vol.1 p.219. 11511: 11509: 11507: 11485: 11270: 10838: 10836: 10616:United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 8714:The Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society 8029:population, which was originally composed of 2886:Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 2414:, natural, economic and geographical bonds." 2032: 1194:1936 issue of the Palestinian Arab Christian 19117: 18997:Lynd, S., Bahour, S. and Lynd, A. 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Associated Press. 16015:Guzmán, 2000, p. 85. 15701:on 30 September 2011 15509:Cohen, 1995, p. 415. 15465:22 July 2009 at the 14096:Tamir Sorek (2004). 13327:22 June 2023 at the 13117:5 March 2023 at the 12647:ubb, 1998. pp. 13–14 12437:on 9 September 2010. 11900:Kasher, 1990, p. 15. 11866:29 June 2011 at the 11551:on 28 September 2007 11058:. 19 February 1978. 10935:Nasser, Riad. 2013. 10524:"Handing on the key" 10382:. 26 February 2006. 10249:. 21 December 2017. 10028:22 July 2021 at the 10023:'The World Fact Book 10006:13 July 2016 at the 9873:List of Palestinians 9649:Salma Khadra Jayyusi 9591:Zarif – Al-Toul 9448:Palestinian-American 9414:Palestinian diaspora 9412:, 3) from among the 9410:occupied territories 9399:Deir Yassin massacre 9361:Salma Khadra Jayyusi 9340:, but following the 9190:Palestinian costumes 9184:Traditional costumes 9123:bombed December 1947 9117:The Alhamra Cinema, 9057:Palestinian diaspora 8680:Culture of Palestine 8626:, Al-Zaghab family, 8590:Palestinian families 8381:Current demographics 8144:Bethlehem University 8054:Thursday of the Dead 7950:Jewish National Fund 3315:Schafik Jorge Handal 2942:Palestinian fedayeen 2708:Palestinian refugees 2673:Army of the Holy War 2627:Izz ad-Din al-Qassam 2623:Izz ad-Din al-Qassam 2579:1920 Nebi Musa riots 2015:List of Palestinians 1923:Great Mosque of Gaza 1714:Depopulated villages 1598:Palestinian identity 1428:conquered the Levant 1367:Israelite Samaritans 1175:, and those granted 1016:", particularly the 892:Palestinian diaspora 884:Palestinian refugees 652:Palestinian diaspora 270:United Arab Emirates 20369:Gypsies (Dom/Nawar) 20050:Religious buildings 19723:Anti-Palestinianism 19409:Israeli–Palestinian 19247:4 July 1997 at the 19235:2 July 2020 at the 19230:Sounds of Folksongs 18447:. Greenwood Press. 18406:. Fairhurst Press. 18027:Jewish World Review 17922:"Palestinian music" 17714:"Art of Resistance" 17577:Palestinian Costume 17535:Palestinian Costume 17515:on 19 February 2007 17493:Karmi, 2005, p. 18. 17307:4 July 2011 at the 17173:Jerusalem Quarterly 16935:Scribner's (1980). 16845:on 28 November 2017 16526:on 13 November 2020 16477:"The Moslem Mukams" 16293:. 30 January 2011. 16122:on 3 September 2006 16095:on 14 December 2004 15850:on 13 November 2013 15821:Middle East Journal 15678:Sergio DellaPergola 15584:The Times of Israel 15555:9 June 2023 at the 15438:on 24 November 2017 15317:Sonnenfeld, Jeffrey 15208:Israel's occupation 15021:relatively modern.' 14812:7 June 2020 at the 14744:on 15 December 2005 14706:"Palestine Arabs." 14545:on 30 December 2007 14422:on 13 November 2019 14212:. 10 December 2018. 14054:2023NatSR..13.6316K 13711:10.1038/nature09103 13703:2010Natur.466..238B 13599:10.26351/IHD/11-2/3 12997:Gil, Moshe (1997). 12905:Bar, Doron (2003). 12614:Tel Aviv University 12344:on 22 February 2007 12189:Kish, 1978, p. 200. 12168:Cohen, 2006, p. 37. 12079:Strange 1980 p.159. 11943:Brill, 1980 p. 159. 11878:Cohen, 2006, p. 36. 11607:'The House of Zion' 11306:Kathleen Christison 10788:2015PLoSO..1018625F 10720:2018PLoSO..1392269H 10688:21 May 2020 at the 10657:The Times of Israel 10105:The Times of Israel 10098:2 June 2023 at the 9670:Palestinian hip hop 9665:Palestinian hip hop 9659:Palestinian hip hop 9381:tells the story of 9269:Library of Congress 9096:Divine Intervention 9081:Cinema of Palestine 8785:Palestinian cuisine 8484:Semitic place names 8142:Bernard Sabella of 3297:in El Salvador and 3239:Sergio DellaPergola 2953:liberation movement 2585:and the failure of 2583:San Remo conference 2564:Balfour Declaration 2557:San Remo conference 2529:, dominated by the 2517:, dominated by the 2514:al-Muntada al-Adabi 2495:Mandatory Palestine 2482:recognize Palestine 2451:Gaza Strip by Egypt 2294:cities, among them 2083:), 'Palestinians' ( 1613:Part of a series on 1418:Byzantine Palestine 1371:classical antiquity 1361:civilization, with 1204:Following the 1948 1169:Mandatory Palestine 859:, now encompassing 857:Mandatory Palestine 779:Mandatory Palestine 763:Palestinian Muslims 752:ethnonational group 648:varieties of Arabic 33: 19641:State of Palestine 19114:. Interlink Books. 19112:Palestine: A Guide 18885:Kimmerling, Baruch 18797:on 6 November 2007 18385:Israel / Palestine 18279:(8 October 1985). 18247:. Reaktion Books. 18100:10.1353/ncr.0.0027 18002:on 7 December 2013 17579:. British Museum. 17537:. British Museum. 17509:Saudi Aramco World 17381:on 14 January 2018 17025:"Education (2014)" 16945:on 17 January 2013 16518:Janet Abu-Lughod. 16291:The Jerusalem Post 15630:on 2 February 2007 15171:on 13 October 2009 15090:on 3 December 2013 15041:"Security Council" 14819:. 7 December 2018. 14688:on 16 October 2007 14514:on 12 January 2011 14293:David Seddon (ed.) 14042:Scientific Reports 13412:. pp. 44–52. 12375:on 16 October 2008 12236:on 16 January 2013 11612:1 May 2021 at the 11056:The New York Times 11029:on 10 October 2017 10536:on 2 November 2012 10504:on 4 November 2018 10223:. 16 August 2020. 10163:. Joshua Project. 10047:3 May 2023 at the 9949:(PCBS) 7 July 2022 9792:Sport in Palestine 9709: 9563: 9494: 9455: 9342:Palestinian Exodus 9330: 9328:, Palestinian poet 9319: 9041: 8818:, who established 8799: 8586:Women in Palestine 8532: 8521: 8443:communities, were 8425: 8412:Palestinian Arabic 8140: 8108: 8045: 7986: 7948:, director of the 7931: 3050:Country or region 2991:State of Palestine 2983: 2964:State of Israel." 2919:and the events of 2913: 2890:political violence 2844:Gamal Abdel Nasser 2823:Jericho Conference 2811: 2677: 2603:mayor of Jerusalem 2572:broke out in Jaffa 2553: 2505: 2470:self-determination 2434: 2382:Israeli historian 2357:Orthodox Christian 2348: 2325:indigenous peoples 2244: 2114: 2109:and emblem of the 2081:ahl/ahālī Filasṭīn 1550:Sub-Saharan Africa 1444:converted to Islam 1351:Canaanite religion 1339:2nd millennium BCE 1335: 1314:context, the word 1221:The Jerusalem Post 1215:The Palestine Post 1202: 1181:Palestine Regiment 1129: 1098:. The Arabic word 995: 987:maps of the region 775:Jewish immigration 101:State of Palestine 31: 20411: 20410: 20387: 20386: 20321:Afro-Palestinians 20114:Ma'an News Agency 19992:Mental healthcare 19972:Flag of Palestine 19651:Political parties 19601: 19600: 19524: 19523: 19437:First Lebanon War 19168:978-0-415-10759-4 19131:978-0-415-26820-2 19054:978-0-520-06292-4 18993:978-0-691-12729-3 18909:978-0-674-01129-8 18731:978-1-85984-694-0 18678:978-1-85828-248-0 18579:978-1-108-48868-6 18555:978-0-521-85289-0 18531:978-0-19-533402-9 18436:978-0-19-516520-3 18395:978-1-5095-5483-6 18371:978-1-317-46399-3 18033:on 16 August 2007 17950:on 5 January 2009 17920:Christian Poche. 17655:978-0-7486-2073-9 17638:Suleiman, Yasir; 17564:978-1-901764-47-5 17358:978-1-859-64323-5 16802:978-0-521-86251-6 16545:Bernard Sabella. 15970:on 8 January 2009 15958:Matthew Ziegler. 15524:Ma'an News Agency 15218:978-0-520-25531-9 15133:Middle East Forum 14767:Righteous Victims 14662:Weldon Matthews, 14637:978-0-521-46354-6 14612:Righteous Victims 14596:Righteous Victims 14320:Righteous Victims 14146:pp. 117ff, p. 142 13525:978-1-55728-763-2 13308:Mark A. Tessler, 13214:978-0-511-58534-0 12971:978-1-64189-222-3 12867:978-1-64189-222-3 12833:978-0-521-77248-8 12791:Denova, Rebecca. 12777:978-0-521-70562-2 12680:978-0-907459-39-2 12495:978-2-35159-265-6 12338:League of Nations 12308:978-0-520-02466-3 12271:978-1-135-22022-8 12230:"Palestine Facts" 12091:H.H. Ben-Sasson, 11758:978-0-87609-194-4 11647:978-0-306-48321-9 11497:978-0-393-31839-5 11416:978-1-107-47077-4 11389:978-0-8078-3017-8 11282:978-0-393-31839-5 11179:978-0-7456-4243-7 11136:978-1-7936-2352-2 11100:978-0-415-46441-3 10965:978-0-8122-0439-1 10478:on 24 August 2013 10011:Ma'an News Agency 9566:Palestinian music 9334:Arabic literature 8970:, garnished with 8604:Nashashibi family 8600:al-Husayni family 8574:Ibrahim Nasrallah 8210:, founder of the 8031:Jewish immigrants 3234:on 8 March 2006. 3187: 3186: 3162:Other Arab states 3091:500,000 (largest 2917:Battle of Karameh 2538:League of Nations 2271:Baruch Kimmerling 2238:Akim Olesnitsky's 2049: 2048: 1751:political parties 1731:Fedayeen militias 1499:Arabian Peninsula 1391:Samaritan revolts 1387:Jewish-Roman Wars 1266:Jews of Palestine 1092:Bar Kokhba revolt 1064:Mediterranean Sea 1022:Semitic languages 815:Palestinian state 744: 725: 724: 69:Flag of Palestine 20495: 20488:Stateless people 20440: 20439: 20428: 20427: 20426: 20419: 20399: 20299: 20298: 19533: 19532: 19459:Israel–Hamas war 19405: 19404: 19284: 19277: 19270: 19261: 19260: 19215: 19205: 19188:(5): 1023–1034. 19147: 19145: 19143: 19087:Porath, Yehoshua 18932: 18854: 18852: 18850: 18811:McCarthy, Justin 18806: 18804: 18802: 18796: 18790:. Archived from 18789: 18735: 18710: 18709: 18707: 18682: 18605: 18583: 18559: 18535: 18508: 18506: 18504: 18475: 18440: 18399: 18375: 18320: 18284: 18277:Ben Zvi, Yitzhak 18258: 18246: 18232: 18230: 18228: 18186: 18185: 18183: 18181: 18153: 18147: 18146: 18118: 18112: 18111: 18083: 18074: 18073: 18071: 18069: 18064:on 18 April 2005 18060:. Archived from 18049: 18043: 18042: 18040: 18038: 18029:. Archived from 18018: 18012: 18011: 18009: 18007: 17998:. Archived from 17992: 17986: 17985: 17983: 17981: 17976:on 11 March 2014 17972:. Archived from 17966: 17960: 17959: 17957: 17955: 17946:. Archived from 17940: 17934: 17933: 17931: 17929: 17917: 17911: 17895: 17889: 17886: 17880: 17879: 17877: 17875: 17866:. Archived from 17859: 17853: 17850: 17833: 17832: 17830: 17828: 17819:. Archived from 17808: 17799: 17798: 17796: 17794: 17774: 17768: 17767: 17765: 17763: 17742: 17736: 17735: 17733: 17731: 17709: 17698: 17697: 17695: 17693: 17678: 17672: 17671: 17669: 17667: 17635: 17626: 17625: 17623: 17621: 17615: 17608: 17599: 17588: 17573: 17567: 17552: 17546: 17531: 17525: 17524: 17522: 17520: 17511:. Archived from 17500: 17494: 17491: 17485: 17482: 17476: 17475: 17473: 17471: 17462:. Archived from 17460:"Palestine Film" 17456: 17450: 17449: 17447: 17445: 17430: 17424: 17423: 17421: 17419: 17413: 17406: 17397: 17391: 17390: 17388: 17386: 17377:. Archived from 17367: 17361: 17348: 17342: 17341: 17339: 17337: 17318: 17312: 17299: 17293: 17276: 17267: 17252: 17246: 17245: 17243: 17241: 17236:on 31 March 2008 17225: 17219: 17218: 17216: 17214: 17209:on 19 April 2007 17205:. Archived from 17198: 17192: 17191: 17189: 17187: 17182:on 24 April 2015 17181: 17170: 17161: 17148: 17145: 17139: 17136: 17130: 17129: 17127: 17125: 17110: 17104: 17103: 17085: 17079: 17070: 17064: 17057: 17051: 17050: 17048: 17046: 17041:on 11 March 2017 17040: 17029: 17021: 17012: 17009: 17003: 17002: 17000: 16998: 16970: 16964: 16961: 16955: 16954: 16952: 16950: 16932: 16926: 16925: 16923: 16921: 16893: 16887: 16886: 16884: 16882: 16861: 16855: 16854: 16852: 16850: 16844: 16833: 16825: 16819: 16818: 16816: 16814: 16786: 16780: 16775: 16769: 16768: 16766: 16764: 16748: 16742: 16741: 16713: 16707: 16706: 16704: 16702: 16686: 16675: 16668: 16662: 16661: 16659: 16657: 16652:on 2 August 2009 16648:. Archived from 16635: 16629: 16628: 16607: 16601: 16600: 16599: 16597: 16588:, archived from 16569: 16563: 16562: 16560: 16558: 16553:on 15 April 2010 16542: 16536: 16535: 16533: 16531: 16515: 16509: 16508: 16472: 16466: 16465: 16463: 16461: 16445: 16424: 16411: 16405: 16404: 16402: 16400: 16385: 16379: 16376: 16370: 16369: 16367: 16365: 16360:on 13 April 2014 16356:. Archived from 16344: 16338: 16337: 16335: 16333: 16313: 16307: 16306: 16304: 16302: 16283: 16274: 16273: 16271: 16269: 16241: 16230: 16229: 16206: 16196: 16185: 16169: 16163: 16147: 16141: 16138: 16132: 16131: 16129: 16127: 16111: 16105: 16104: 16102: 16100: 16094: 16088:. Archived from 16087: 16079: 16073: 16072: 16070: 16068: 16049: 16043: 16042: 16040: 16038: 16022: 16016: 16013: 16007: 16006: 16004: 16002: 15986: 15980: 15979: 15977: 15975: 15966:. Archived from 15955: 15949: 15946: 15940: 15939: 15937: 15935: 15916: 15910: 15909: 15907: 15905: 15900:on 24 March 2006 15896:. Archived from 15889: 15883: 15866: 15860: 15859: 15857: 15855: 15849: 15843:. Archived from 15818: 15809: 15803: 15802: 15800: 15798: 15778: 15772: 15771: 15769: 15767: 15748: 15742: 15741: 15739: 15737: 15717: 15711: 15710: 15708: 15706: 15700: 15694:. Archived from 15693: 15689:"Correspondence" 15684:, 2007, No. 27, 15675: 15666: 15646: 15640: 15639: 15637: 15635: 15629: 15622: 15613: 15607: 15594: 15588: 15569: 15563: 15548:Meron Rapaport, 15546: 15540: 15539: 15537: 15535: 15516: 15510: 15507: 15498: 15497: 15496:on 23 July 2008. 15495: 15488: 15480: 15469: 15458: 15454: 15448: 15447: 15445: 15443: 15434:. Archived from 15428: 15422: 15421: 15419: 15417: 15408:. Archived from 15398: 15392: 15389: 15372: 15369: 15363: 15362: 15360: 15358: 15343: 15334: 15314: 15308: 15307: 15305: 15303: 15273: 15267: 15266: 15264: 15262: 15256: 15250:. Archived from 15249: 15241: 15235: 15234: 15232: 15230: 15202: 15196: 15195: 15187: 15181: 15180: 15178: 15176: 15170: 15163: 15155: 15149: 15148: 15146: 15144: 15124: 15118: 15106: 15100: 15099: 15097: 15095: 15076: 15067: 15066: 15064: 15062: 15057:on 8 August 2007 15056: 15045: 15037: 15031: 15028: 15022: 15018: 15012: 15010: 15008: 15006: 14991: 14985: 14978: 14972: 14969: 14963: 14960: 14954: 14951: 14942: 14939: 14933: 14918: 14912: 14893: 14887: 14873:Nurhan Abujidi, 14871: 14865: 14862: 14856: 14841:Thrall, Nathan. 14839: 14833: 14829: 14820: 14804: 14795: 14792: 14786: 14776: 14770: 14760: 14754: 14753: 14751: 14749: 14730: 14715: 14704: 14698: 14697: 14695: 14693: 14674: 14668: 14660: 14654: 14653: 14651: 14649: 14621: 14615: 14605: 14599: 14592: 14586: 14585: 14583: 14581: 14561: 14555: 14554: 14552: 14550: 14535: 14529: 14523: 14521: 14519: 14513: 14507:. Archived from 14506: 14498: 14496: 14494: 14488: 14482:. Archived from 14481: 14473: 14471: 14469: 14463: 14457:. Archived from 14456: 14438: 14432: 14431: 14429: 14427: 14418:. Archived from 14407: 14401: 14400: 14389: 14383: 14369: 14363: 14362: 14360: 14358: 14338: 14332: 14329: 14323: 14313: 14307: 14304: 14298: 14291: 14285: 14276: 14267: 14255:Zachary Foster, 14253: 14247: 14244: 14233: 14219: 14213: 14197: 14191: 14188: 14179: 14162: 14156: 14142: 14136: 14135: 14133: 14131: 14125: 14102: 14093: 14084: 14083: 14073: 14033: 14027: 14026: 14016: 13984: 13978: 13977: 13940: 13934: 13933: 13895: 13886: 13880: 13879: 13869: 13852:(4): 1058–1064. 13835: 13829: 13828: 13818: 13789: 13783: 13782: 13772: 13762: 13753:(5): 1153–1154. 13737: 13731: 13730: 13697:(7303): 238–42. 13681: 13675: 13674: 13664: 13654: 13629: 13623: 13617: 13611: 13610: 13578: 13572: 13571: 13565: 13563: 13540: 13534: 13533: 13509: 13503: 13502: 13496: 13494: 13454: 13448: 13447: 13441: 13439: 13399: 13393: 13392: 13390: 13388: 13360: 13354: 13340:Ira M. Lapidus, 13338: 13332: 13306: 13300: 13286:Ira M. Lapidus, 13284: 13278: 13271: 13265: 13249: 13243: 13242: 13236: 13234: 13198: 13192: 13191: 13189: 13187: 13139: 13130: 13108: 13102: 13101: 13099: 13097: 13041: 13035: 13034: 13032: 13030: 12994: 12988: 12987: 12957: 12951: 12950: 12944: 12942: 12902: 12896: 12895: 12889: 12887: 12851: 12842: 12841: 12819: 12813: 12812: 12810: 12808: 12788: 12782: 12781: 12761: 12755: 12754: 12752: 12750: 12736: 12730: 12729: 12717: 12711: 12710: 12708: 12706: 12691: 12685: 12684: 12664: 12658: 12654: 12648: 12645: 12639: 12636: 12630: 12629: 12627: 12625: 12606: 12600: 12599: 12588: 12582: 12581: 12579: 12577: 12560:Mark, Joshua J. 12557: 12551: 12550: 12548: 12546: 12530: 12524: 12518: 12512: 12511: 12509: 12507: 12479: 12473: 12470: 12468: 12466: 12460: 12453: 12445: 12439: 12438: 12427: 12418: 12417: 12415: 12413: 12391: 12385: 12384: 12382: 12380: 12371:. Archived from 12360: 12354: 12353: 12351: 12349: 12340:. Archived from 12329: 12323: 12322: 12317: 12315: 12292: 12286: 12285: 12280: 12278: 12255: 12246: 12245: 12243: 12241: 12226: 12220: 12219: 12217: 12215: 12196: 12190: 12187: 12181: 12175: 12169: 12166: 12160: 12154: 12148: 12142: 12136: 12130: 12124: 12110: 12104: 12089: 12080: 12077: 12071: 12015: 12009: 11991: 11985: 11983: 11982: 11980: 11950: 11944: 11939:. John Strange, 11934: 11928: 11921: 11915: 11907: 11901: 11898: 11892: 11885: 11879: 11876: 11870: 11847: 11841: 11838: 11832: 11831: 11829: 11827: 11821: 11810: 11802: 11796: 11795: 11793: 11791: 11772: 11763: 11762: 11738: 11732: 11731: 11729: 11727: 11712: 11706: 11705: 11703: 11701: 11686: 11680: 11673: 11664: 11663: 11661: 11659: 11631: 11625: 11600: 11591: 11590: 11588: 11586: 11567: 11561: 11560: 11558: 11556: 11541: 11532: 11513: 11502: 11501: 11483: 11474: 11473: 11467: 11465: 11446: 11437: 11436: 11430: 11428: 11400: 11394: 11393: 11375: 11364: 11348: 11342: 11336: 11330: 11321: 11315: 11303: 11297: 11286: 11267: 11261: 11259: 11216:, et al. 2020. 11199: 11193: 11191: 11165:Israel/Palestine 11155: 11150: 11148: 11119: 11114: 11112: 11083: 11077: 11075: 11047: 11041: 11038: 11036: 11034: 11013: 10984: 10979: 10977: 10874: 10868: 10840: 10831: 10830: 10817: 10799: 10766: 10760: 10759: 10749: 10731: 10699: 10693: 10680: 10674: 10673: 10671: 10669: 10647: 10641: 10638: 10632: 10631: 10629: 10627: 10608: 10602: 10601: 10599: 10597: 10588:. Archived from 10581: 10575: 10574: 10572: 10570: 10560: 10552: 10546: 10545: 10543: 10541: 10535: 10529:. Archived from 10528: 10520: 10514: 10513: 10511: 10509: 10500:. Archived from 10494: 10488: 10487: 10485: 10483: 10474:. Archived from 10468: 10462: 10461: 10454: 10448: 10447: 10445: 10443: 10434:. Archived from 10428: 10422: 10421: 10419: 10417: 10412:on 23 March 2009 10408:. Archived from 10402: 10396: 10395: 10393: 10391: 10376: 10370: 10369: 10367: 10365: 10346: 10340: 10339: 10337: 10335: 10316: 10310: 10309: 10307: 10305: 10299: 10290: 10284: 10269: 10263: 10262: 10260: 10258: 10243: 10237: 10236: 10234: 10232: 10213: 10207: 10206: 10204: 10202: 10183: 10177: 10176: 10174: 10172: 10157: 10138: 10137: 10135: 10133: 10118: 10109: 10108:10 December 2022 10090: 10084: 10083: 10081: 10079: 10073: 10066: 10058: 10052: 10051:30 December 2015 10039: 10033: 10020: 10014: 9998: 9989: 9988: 9986: 9984: 9965: 9950: 9933: 9909: 9907:Arab Australians 9899: 9867: 9865:Palestine portal 9862: 9861: 9860: 9839: 9824: 9809: 9773: 9757: 9476:Ghassan Kanafani 9452:Naomi Shihab Nye 9430:English language 9383:Hind al-Husseini 9369:Mourid Barghouti 9291: 9279: 9264: 9248: 9236: 9180:, among others. 9133: 9114: 9010: 8990: 8963: 8948: 8640:Barghouti family 8628:Al-Khalil family 8580:Women and family 8429:Levantine Arabic 8373:Eastern Orthodox 8368: 8352: 8331: 8312: 8300: 8282: 8266: 8250: 8236:Dome of the Rock 8231: 8156:Eastern Orthodox 8103:Christians from 8014:Palestinian Jews 7899: 7878: 7869: 7860: 7851: 7842: 7833: 7824: 7815: 7806: 7797: 7788: 7779: 7770: 7761: 7752: 7743: 7734: 7725: 7716: 7707: 7698: 7689: 7680: 7671: 7662: 7653: 7644: 7635: 7626: 7617: 7608: 7599: 7590: 7581: 7572: 7563: 7554: 7545: 7536: 7527: 7518: 7509: 7500: 7491: 7482: 7473: 7464: 7455: 7446: 7437: 7428: 7419: 7410: 7401: 7392: 7383: 7374: 7365: 7356: 7347: 7338: 7329: 7320: 7311: 7302: 7293: 7284: 7275: 7266: 7257: 7248: 7239: 7230: 7221: 7212: 7203: 7194: 7185: 7176: 7167: 7158: 7149: 7140: 7131: 7122: 7113: 7104: 7095: 7086: 7077: 7068: 7059: 7050: 7041: 7032: 7023: 7014: 7005: 6996: 6987: 6978: 6969: 6960: 6951: 6942: 6933: 6924: 6915: 6906: 6897: 6888: 6879: 6870: 6861: 6852: 6843: 6834: 6825: 6816: 6807: 6798: 6789: 6780: 6771: 6762: 6753: 6744: 6735: 6726: 6717: 6708: 6699: 6690: 6681: 6672: 6663: 6654: 6645: 6636: 6627: 6618: 6609: 6600: 6591: 6582: 6573: 6564: 6555: 6546: 6537: 6528: 6519: 6510: 6501: 6492: 6483: 6474: 6465: 6456: 6447: 6438: 6429: 6420: 6411: 6402: 6393: 6384: 6375: 6366: 6357: 6348: 6339: 6330: 6321: 6312: 6303: 6294: 6285: 6276: 6267: 6258: 6249: 6240: 6231: 6222: 6213: 6204: 6195: 6186: 6177: 6168: 6159: 6150: 6141: 6132: 6123: 6114: 6105: 6096: 6087: 6078: 6069: 6060: 6051: 6042: 6033: 6024: 6015: 6006: 5997: 5988: 5979: 5970: 5961: 5952: 5943: 5934: 5925: 5916: 5907: 5898: 5889: 5880: 5871: 5862: 5853: 5844: 5835: 5826: 5817: 5808: 5799: 5790: 5781: 5772: 5763: 5754: 5745: 5736: 5727: 5718: 5709: 5700: 5691: 5682: 5673: 5664: 5655: 5646: 5637: 5628: 5619: 5610: 5601: 5592: 5583: 5574: 5565: 5556: 5547: 5538: 5529: 5520: 5511: 5502: 5493: 5484: 5475: 5466: 5457: 5448: 5439: 5430: 5421: 5412: 5403: 5394: 5385: 5376: 5367: 5358: 5349: 5340: 5331: 5322: 5313: 5304: 5295: 5286: 5277: 5268: 5259: 5250: 5241: 5232: 5223: 5214: 5205: 5196: 5187: 5178: 5169: 5160: 5151: 5142: 5133: 5124: 5115: 5106: 5097: 5088: 5079: 5070: 5061: 5052: 5043: 5034: 5025: 5016: 5007: 4998: 4989: 4980: 4971: 4962: 4953: 4944: 4935: 4926: 4917: 4908: 4899: 4890: 4881: 4872: 4863: 4854: 4845: 4836: 4827: 4818: 4809: 4800: 4791: 4782: 4773: 4764: 4755: 4746: 4737: 4728: 4719: 4710: 4701: 4692: 4683: 4674: 4665: 4656: 4647: 4638: 4629: 4620: 4611: 4602: 4593: 4584: 4575: 4566: 4557: 4548: 4539: 4530: 4521: 4512: 4503: 4494: 4485: 4476: 4467: 4458: 4449: 4440: 4431: 4422: 4413: 4404: 4395: 4386: 4377: 4368: 4359: 4350: 4341: 4332: 4323: 4314: 4305: 4296: 4287: 4278: 4269: 4260: 4251: 4242: 4233: 4224: 4215: 4206: 4197: 4188: 4179: 4170: 4161: 4152: 4143: 4134: 4125: 4116: 4107: 4098: 4089: 4080: 4071: 4062: 4053: 4044: 4035: 4026: 4017: 4008: 3999: 3990: 3981: 3972: 3963: 3954: 3945: 3936: 3927: 3918: 3909: 3900: 3891: 3882: 3873: 3864: 3855: 3846: 3837: 3828: 3819: 3810: 3801: 3792: 3783: 3774: 3765: 3756: 3747: 3738: 3729: 3720: 3711: 3702: 3693: 3684: 3675: 3666: 3657: 3648: 3639: 3630: 3621: 3612: 3603: 3594: 3585: 3576: 3567: 3558: 3549: 3540: 3531: 3522: 3513: 3504: 3495: 3486: 3477: 3468: 3459: 3450: 3441: 3432: 3423: 3414: 3405: 3396: 3387: 3378: 3369: 3360: 3351: 3344: 3343: 3146:(approx) 40,000 3047: 3046: 3019:Thomas Giegerich 2799: 2795: 2789: 2785: 2781: 2759:Corpus separatum 2755: 2751: 2745: 2741: 2735: 2671:, leader of the 2527:al-Nadi al-Arabi 2291:Peasants' Revolt 2136: 2123:(est. 1908) and 2103:Eagle of Saladin 2066:would lead to a 2041: 2034: 2027: 1986: 1918:Dome of the Rock 1812: 1654: 1653: 1629: 1610: 1609: 1554:Arab slave trade 1404:(and subsequent 1210:Palestinian Jews 1185:Jerusalem Talmud 1084:Syria Palaestina 1039:'s cognate word 1010:Peleset/Purusati 1007:Ancient Egyptian 847:Despite various 749: 747:al-Filasṭīniyyūn 739: 737: 610: 608: 607: 592: 590: 589: 574: 572: 571: 556: 554: 553: 538: 536: 535: 520: 518: 517: 502: 500: 499: 484: 482: 481: 466: 464: 463: 448: 446: 445: 430: 428: 427: 412: 410: 409: 394: 392: 391: 376: 374: 373: 358: 356: 355: 340: 338: 337: 322: 320: 319: 304: 302: 301: 286: 284: 283: 268: 266: 265: 250: 248: 247: 232: 230: 229: 214: 212: 211: 196: 194: 193: 178: 176: 175: 160: 158: 157: 142: 140: 139: 99: 97: 96: 76:Total population 66: 56: 54:al-Filasṭīniyyūn 50: 42: 41: 34: 30: 20503: 20502: 20498: 20497: 20496: 20494: 20493: 20492: 20448: 20447: 20446: 20434: 20424: 20422: 20414: 20412: 20407: 20383: 20347: 20328:Christian Arabs 20290: 20185: 20153:Foreign affairs 20147: 20067: 19869: 19867: 19857: 19797: 19727: 19627: 19597: 19569: 19565:Judicial system 19520: 19504: 19481: 19469:Black September 19463: 19449:Second Intifada 19396: 19375:British Mandate 19336:Ayyubid Dynasty 19294: 19288: 19249:Wayback Machine 19237:Wayback Machine 19226: 19221: 19141: 19139: 19132: 19071:Wayback Machine 19038:Muhawi, Ibrahim 19024:Wayback Machine 18977:, USA, 6th ed. 18929: 18858:Khalidi, Rashid 18848: 18846: 18800: 18798: 18794: 18787: 18783: 18763:Khalidi, Rashid 18748:Wayback Machine 18732: 18705: 18703: 18679: 18602: 18580: 18556: 18532: 18502: 18500: 18498: 18437: 18396: 18372: 18323:Cohen, Hillel, 18317: 18255: 18243:Palestinian Art 18226: 18224: 18217: 18195: 18190: 18189: 18179: 18177: 18170: 18154: 18150: 18119: 18115: 18084: 18077: 18067: 18065: 18050: 18046: 18036: 18034: 18019: 18015: 18005: 18003: 17994: 17993: 17989: 17979: 17977: 17968: 17967: 17963: 17953: 17951: 17942: 17941: 17937: 17927: 17925: 17918: 17914: 17910:Vol II, p. 578. 17907:Wayback Machine 17896: 17892: 17887: 17883: 17873: 17871: 17870:on 14 July 2013 17860: 17856: 17851: 17836: 17826: 17824: 17823:on 13 June 2008 17809: 17802: 17792: 17790: 17785:. 17775: 17771: 17761: 17759: 17744: 17743: 17739: 17729: 17727: 17710: 17701: 17691: 17689: 17680: 17679: 17675: 17665: 17663: 17656: 17642:, eds. (2006). 17640:Muhawi, Ibrahim 17636: 17629: 17619: 17617: 17613: 17606: 17600: 17591: 17574: 17570: 17553: 17549: 17532: 17528: 17518: 17516: 17501: 17497: 17492: 17488: 17483: 17479: 17469: 17467: 17466:on 12 June 2008 17458: 17457: 17453: 17443: 17441: 17432: 17431: 17427: 17417: 17415: 17411: 17404: 17398: 17394: 17384: 17382: 17369: 17368: 17364: 17349: 17345: 17335: 17333: 17320: 17319: 17315: 17309:Wayback Machine 17300: 17296: 17286:Wayback Machine 17277: 17270: 17253: 17249: 17239: 17237: 17226: 17222: 17212: 17210: 17199: 17195: 17185: 17183: 17179: 17168: 17162: 17151: 17146: 17142: 17137: 17133: 17123: 17121: 17112: 17111: 17107: 17100: 17086: 17082: 17071: 17067: 17058: 17054: 17044: 17042: 17038: 17027: 17023: 17022: 17015: 17010: 17006: 16996: 16994: 16987: 16971: 16967: 16962: 16958: 16948: 16946: 16933: 16929: 16919: 16917: 16910: 16894: 16890: 16880: 16878: 16863: 16862: 16858: 16848: 16846: 16842: 16831: 16827: 16826: 16822: 16812: 16810: 16803: 16787: 16783: 16776: 16772: 16762: 16760: 16749: 16745: 16730:10.2307/2535683 16714: 16710: 16700: 16698: 16687: 16678: 16669: 16665: 16655: 16653: 16636: 16632: 16622: 16608: 16604: 16595: 16593: 16570: 16566: 16556: 16554: 16543: 16539: 16529: 16527: 16516: 16512: 16473: 16469: 16459: 16457: 16446: 16427: 16412: 16408: 16398: 16396: 16387: 16386: 16382: 16377: 16373: 16363: 16361: 16346: 16345: 16341: 16331: 16329: 16314: 16310: 16300: 16298: 16285: 16284: 16277: 16267: 16265: 16258: 16242: 16233: 16223: 16197: 16188: 16181:Wayback Machine 16170: 16166: 16159:Wayback Machine 16148: 16144: 16139: 16135: 16125: 16123: 16112: 16108: 16098: 16096: 16092: 16085: 16081: 16080: 16076: 16066: 16064: 16063:on 13 July 2008 16051: 16050: 16046: 16036: 16034: 16023: 16019: 16014: 16010: 16000: 15998: 15987: 15983: 15973: 15971: 15956: 15952: 15947: 15943: 15933: 15931: 15918: 15917: 15913: 15903: 15901: 15890: 15886: 15882:. 21 July 2009. 15876:Wayback Machine 15867: 15863: 15853: 15851: 15847: 15833:10.3751/67.2.12 15816: 15810: 15806: 15796: 15794: 15779: 15775: 15765: 15763: 15750: 15749: 15745: 15735: 15733: 15718: 15714: 15704: 15702: 15698: 15691: 15687: 15676: 15669: 15657:Wayback Machine 15647: 15643: 15633: 15631: 15627: 15620: 15614: 15610: 15604:Wayback Machine 15595: 15591: 15587:30 August 2022. 15579:Wayback Machine 15570: 15566: 15562:12 January 2023 15557:Wayback Machine 15547: 15543: 15533: 15531: 15530:on 4 March 2016 15518: 15517: 15513: 15508: 15501: 15493: 15486: 15482: 15481: 15472: 15467:Wayback Machine 15456: 15455: 15451: 15441: 15439: 15430: 15429: 15425: 15415: 15413: 15400: 15399: 15395: 15390: 15375: 15370: 15366: 15356: 15354: 15345: 15344: 15337: 15328:Wayback Machine 15315: 15311: 15301: 15299: 15292: 15274: 15270: 15260: 15258: 15254: 15247: 15243: 15242: 15238: 15228: 15226: 15219: 15203: 15199: 15188: 15184: 15174: 15172: 15168: 15161: 15157: 15156: 15152: 15142: 15140: 15125: 15121: 15116:Wayback Machine 15107: 15103: 15093: 15091: 15078: 15077: 15070: 15060: 15058: 15054: 15043: 15039: 15038: 15034: 15029: 15025: 15019: 15015: 15004: 15002: 14993: 14992: 14988: 14979: 14975: 14970: 14966: 14961: 14957: 14952: 14945: 14940: 14936: 14919: 14915: 14908:Wayback Machine 14894: 14890: 14883:Wayback Machine 14872: 14868: 14863: 14859: 14850:Wayback Machine 14840: 14836: 14830: 14823: 14814:Wayback Machine 14805: 14798: 14793: 14789: 14777: 14773: 14761: 14757: 14747: 14745: 14732: 14731: 14718: 14705: 14701: 14691: 14689: 14676: 14675: 14671: 14661: 14657: 14647: 14645: 14638: 14622: 14618: 14606: 14602: 14593: 14589: 14579: 14577: 14562: 14558: 14548: 14546: 14537: 14536: 14532: 14517: 14515: 14511: 14504: 14500: 14492: 14490: 14486: 14479: 14475: 14467: 14465: 14461: 14454: 14450: 14439: 14435: 14425: 14423: 14408: 14404: 14393:Yehoshua Porath 14390: 14386: 14370: 14366: 14356: 14354: 14347:Foreign Affairs 14339: 14335: 14330: 14326: 14314: 14310: 14305: 14301: 14292: 14288: 14277: 14270: 14264:Wayback Machine 14254: 14250: 14245: 14236: 14230:Wayback Machine 14221:Khalidi, 2010, 14220: 14216: 14207:Wayback Machine 14198: 14194: 14189: 14182: 14173:Wayback Machine 14163: 14159: 14153:Wayback Machine 14143: 14139: 14129: 14127: 14123: 14100: 14094: 14087: 14034: 14030: 13985: 13981: 13941: 13937: 13893: 13887: 13883: 13836: 13832: 13790: 13786: 13738: 13734: 13682: 13678: 13645:(2): e1003316. 13630: 13626: 13618: 13614: 13579: 13575: 13561: 13559: 13541: 13537: 13526: 13510: 13506: 13492: 13490: 13455: 13451: 13437: 13435: 13428: 13400: 13396: 13386: 13384: 13377: 13361: 13357: 13350:Wayback Machine 13339: 13335: 13329:Wayback Machine 13307: 13303: 13296:Wayback Machine 13285: 13281: 13272: 13268: 13261:Wayback Machine 13251:Chris Wickham, 13250: 13246: 13232: 13230: 13215: 13199: 13195: 13185: 13183: 13140: 13133: 13119:Wayback Machine 13109: 13105: 13095: 13093: 13062:10.2307/1356664 13042: 13038: 13028: 13026: 13011: 12995: 12991: 12972: 12958: 12954: 12940: 12938: 12903: 12899: 12885: 12883: 12868: 12852: 12845: 12834: 12820: 12816: 12806: 12804: 12789: 12785: 12778: 12762: 12758: 12748: 12746: 12738: 12737: 12733: 12718: 12714: 12704: 12702: 12692: 12688: 12681: 12665: 12661: 12655: 12651: 12646: 12642: 12637: 12633: 12623: 12621: 12616:. 1 June 2020. 12608: 12607: 12603: 12590: 12589: 12585: 12575: 12573: 12558: 12554: 12544: 12542: 12532: 12531: 12527: 12519: 12515: 12505: 12503: 12496: 12480: 12476: 12464: 12462: 12458: 12451: 12447: 12446: 12442: 12429: 12428: 12421: 12411: 12409: 12392: 12388: 12378: 12376: 12361: 12357: 12347: 12345: 12330: 12326: 12313: 12311: 12309: 12293: 12289: 12276: 12274: 12272: 12256: 12249: 12239: 12237: 12228: 12227: 12223: 12213: 12211: 12204:Emmanuel Beshka 12198: 12197: 12193: 12188: 12184: 12176: 12172: 12167: 12163: 12155: 12151: 12143: 12139: 12131: 12127: 12111: 12107: 12090: 12083: 12078: 12074: 12031:Wayback Machine 12016: 12012: 12006:Völkerwanderung 12001:Wayback Machine 11992: 11988: 11978: 11976: 11969: 11951: 11947: 11935: 11931: 11922: 11918: 11908: 11904: 11899: 11895: 11886: 11882: 11877: 11873: 11868:Wayback Machine 11848: 11844: 11839: 11835: 11825: 11823: 11819: 11808: 11804: 11803: 11799: 11789: 11787: 11774: 11773: 11766: 11759: 11739: 11735: 11725: 11723: 11714: 11713: 11709: 11699: 11697: 11688: 11687: 11683: 11674: 11667: 11657: 11655: 11648: 11632: 11628: 11618:New Left Review 11614:Wayback Machine 11601: 11594: 11584: 11582: 11569: 11568: 11564: 11554: 11552: 11543: 11542: 11535: 11528:Wayback Machine 11514: 11505: 11498: 11484: 11477: 11463: 11461: 11448: 11447: 11440: 11426: 11424: 11417: 11401: 11397: 11390: 11376: 11367: 11360:Wayback Machine 11349: 11345: 11338:Rashid Khalidi, 11337: 11333: 11322: 11318: 11304: 11300: 11283: 11257: 11255: 11242: 11225:Wayback Machine 11189: 11187: 11180: 11172:. p. 221. 11146: 11144: 11137: 11110: 11108: 11101: 11073: 11071: 11050: 11048: 11044: 11032: 11030: 10975: 10973: 10966: 10945:Wayback Machine 10926:Wayback Machine 10911:Wayback Machine 10891:Wayback Machine 10875: 10871: 10841: 10834: 10782:(3): e0118625. 10767: 10763: 10714:(3): e0192269. 10700: 10696: 10690:Wayback Machine 10681: 10677: 10667: 10665: 10648: 10644: 10639: 10635: 10625: 10623: 10610: 10609: 10605: 10595: 10593: 10592:on 29 July 2013 10584:Miguel Benito. 10582: 10578: 10568: 10566: 10558: 10554: 10553: 10549: 10539: 10537: 10533: 10526: 10522: 10521: 10517: 10507: 10505: 10496: 10495: 10491: 10481: 10479: 10470: 10469: 10465: 10456: 10455: 10451: 10441: 10439: 10438:on 20 July 2009 10430: 10429: 10425: 10415: 10413: 10404: 10403: 10399: 10389: 10387: 10378: 10377: 10373: 10363: 10361: 10348: 10347: 10343: 10333: 10331: 10324:Middle East Eye 10318: 10317: 10313: 10303: 10301: 10297: 10291: 10287: 10280:Wayback Machine 10270: 10266: 10256: 10254: 10245: 10244: 10240: 10230: 10228: 10215: 10214: 10210: 10200: 10198: 10185: 10184: 10180: 10170: 10168: 10159: 10158: 10141: 10131: 10129: 10128:on 22 July 2009 10120: 10119: 10112: 10100:Wayback Machine 10091: 10087: 10077: 10075: 10071: 10064: 10060: 10059: 10055: 10049:Wayback Machine 10040: 10036: 10030:Wayback Machine 10021: 10017: 10008:Wayback Machine 9999: 9992: 9982: 9980: 9967: 9966: 9953: 9943:Wayback Machine 9934: 9923: 9918: 9913: 9912: 9900: 9896: 9891: 9886: 9863: 9858: 9856: 9853: 9846: 9843:Roberto Bishara 9840: 9831: 9825: 9816: 9810: 9794: 9788: 9781: 9774: 9765: 9758: 9734: 9711:Borrowing from 9682:Arabic melodies 9667: 9661: 9552: 9480:Nathalie Handal 9464:Mahmoud Darwish 9416:throughout the 9326:Mahmoud Darwish 9308: 9302: 9295: 9292: 9283: 9280: 9271: 9265: 9256: 9249: 9240: 9237: 9192: 9154: 9141: 9134: 9125: 9115: 9083: 9071:and elsewhere. 9030: 9028:Palestinian art 9024: 9017: 9011: 9002: 8991: 8982: 8964: 8955: 8949: 8923: – boiled 8797:, 1877 painting 8787: 8781: 8682: 8676: 8612:Nusaybah family 8592: 8584:Main articles: 8582: 8551:Claude Cheysson 8513: 8505:Main articles: 8503: 8488:Edward Robinson 8414: 8408: 8403: 8383: 8376: 8369: 8360: 8353: 8344: 8332: 8323: 8313: 8304: 8301: 8292: 8283: 8274: 8267: 8258: 8251: 8242: 8232: 7978: 7972: 7961:right of return 7907: 7906: 7905: 7891: 7886: 7885: 7884: 7883: 7882: 7881: 7880: 7879: 7871: 7870: 7862: 7861: 7853: 7852: 7844: 7843: 7835: 7834: 7826: 7825: 7817: 7816: 7808: 7807: 7799: 7798: 7790: 7789: 7781: 7780: 7772: 7771: 7763: 7762: 7754: 7753: 7745: 7744: 7736: 7735: 7727: 7726: 7718: 7717: 7709: 7708: 7700: 7699: 7691: 7690: 7682: 7681: 7673: 7672: 7664: 7663: 7655: 7654: 7646: 7645: 7637: 7636: 7628: 7627: 7619: 7618: 7610: 7609: 7601: 7600: 7592: 7591: 7583: 7582: 7574: 7573: 7565: 7564: 7556: 7555: 7547: 7546: 7538: 7537: 7529: 7528: 7520: 7519: 7511: 7510: 7502: 7501: 7493: 7492: 7484: 7483: 7475: 7474: 7466: 7465: 7457: 7456: 7448: 7447: 7439: 7438: 7430: 7429: 7421: 7420: 7412: 7411: 7403: 7402: 7394: 7393: 7385: 7384: 7376: 7375: 7367: 7366: 7358: 7357: 7349: 7348: 7340: 7339: 7331: 7330: 7322: 7321: 7313: 7312: 7304: 7303: 7295: 7294: 7286: 7285: 7277: 7276: 7268: 7267: 7259: 7258: 7250: 7249: 7241: 7240: 7232: 7231: 7223: 7222: 7214: 7213: 7205: 7204: 7196: 7195: 7187: 7186: 7178: 7177: 7169: 7168: 7160: 7159: 7151: 7150: 7142: 7141: 7133: 7132: 7124: 7123: 7115: 7114: 7106: 7105: 7097: 7096: 7088: 7087: 7079: 7078: 7070: 7069: 7061: 7060: 7052: 7051: 7043: 7042: 7034: 7033: 7025: 7024: 7016: 7015: 7007: 7006: 6998: 6997: 6989: 6988: 6980: 6979: 6971: 6970: 6962: 6961: 6953: 6952: 6944: 6943: 6935: 6934: 6926: 6925: 6917: 6916: 6908: 6907: 6899: 6898: 6890: 6889: 6881: 6880: 6872: 6871: 6863: 6862: 6854: 6853: 6845: 6844: 6836: 6835: 6827: 6826: 6818: 6817: 6809: 6808: 6800: 6799: 6791: 6790: 6782: 6781: 6773: 6772: 6764: 6763: 6755: 6754: 6746: 6745: 6737: 6736: 6728: 6727: 6719: 6718: 6710: 6709: 6701: 6700: 6692: 6691: 6683: 6682: 6674: 6673: 6665: 6664: 6656: 6655: 6647: 6646: 6638: 6637: 6629: 6628: 6620: 6619: 6611: 6610: 6602: 6601: 6593: 6592: 6584: 6583: 6575: 6574: 6566: 6565: 6557: 6556: 6548: 6547: 6539: 6538: 6530: 6529: 6521: 6520: 6512: 6511: 6503: 6502: 6494: 6493: 6485: 6484: 6476: 6475: 6467: 6466: 6458: 6457: 6449: 6448: 6440: 6439: 6431: 6430: 6422: 6421: 6413: 6412: 6404: 6403: 6395: 6394: 6386: 6385: 6377: 6376: 6368: 6367: 6359: 6358: 6350: 6349: 6341: 6340: 6332: 6331: 6323: 6322: 6314: 6313: 6305: 6304: 6296: 6295: 6287: 6286: 6278: 6277: 6269: 6268: 6260: 6259: 6251: 6250: 6242: 6241: 6233: 6232: 6224: 6223: 6215: 6214: 6206: 6205: 6197: 6196: 6188: 6187: 6179: 6178: 6170: 6169: 6161: 6160: 6152: 6151: 6143: 6142: 6134: 6133: 6125: 6124: 6116: 6115: 6107: 6106: 6098: 6097: 6089: 6088: 6080: 6079: 6071: 6070: 6062: 6061: 6053: 6052: 6044: 6043: 6035: 6034: 6026: 6025: 6017: 6016: 6008: 6007: 5999: 5998: 5990: 5989: 5981: 5980: 5972: 5971: 5963: 5962: 5954: 5953: 5945: 5944: 5936: 5935: 5927: 5926: 5918: 5917: 5909: 5908: 5900: 5899: 5891: 5890: 5882: 5881: 5873: 5872: 5864: 5863: 5855: 5854: 5846: 5845: 5837: 5836: 5828: 5827: 5819: 5818: 5810: 5809: 5801: 5800: 5792: 5791: 5783: 5782: 5774: 5773: 5765: 5764: 5756: 5755: 5747: 5746: 5738: 5737: 5729: 5728: 5720: 5719: 5711: 5710: 5702: 5701: 5693: 5692: 5684: 5683: 5675: 5674: 5666: 5665: 5657: 5656: 5648: 5647: 5639: 5638: 5630: 5629: 5621: 5620: 5612: 5611: 5603: 5602: 5594: 5593: 5585: 5584: 5576: 5575: 5567: 5566: 5558: 5557: 5549: 5548: 5540: 5539: 5531: 5530: 5522: 5521: 5513: 5512: 5504: 5503: 5495: 5494: 5486: 5485: 5477: 5476: 5468: 5467: 5459: 5458: 5450: 5449: 5441: 5440: 5432: 5431: 5423: 5422: 5414: 5413: 5405: 5404: 5396: 5395: 5387: 5386: 5378: 5377: 5369: 5368: 5360: 5359: 5351: 5350: 5342: 5341: 5333: 5332: 5324: 5323: 5315: 5314: 5306: 5305: 5297: 5296: 5288: 5287: 5279: 5278: 5270: 5269: 5261: 5260: 5252: 5251: 5243: 5242: 5234: 5233: 5225: 5224: 5216: 5215: 5207: 5206: 5198: 5197: 5189: 5188: 5180: 5179: 5171: 5170: 5162: 5161: 5153: 5152: 5144: 5143: 5135: 5134: 5126: 5125: 5117: 5116: 5108: 5107: 5099: 5098: 5090: 5089: 5081: 5080: 5072: 5071: 5063: 5062: 5054: 5053: 5045: 5044: 5036: 5035: 5027: 5026: 5018: 5017: 5009: 5008: 5000: 4999: 4991: 4990: 4982: 4981: 4973: 4972: 4964: 4963: 4955: 4954: 4946: 4945: 4937: 4936: 4928: 4927: 4919: 4918: 4910: 4909: 4901: 4900: 4892: 4891: 4883: 4882: 4874: 4873: 4865: 4864: 4856: 4855: 4847: 4846: 4838: 4837: 4829: 4828: 4820: 4819: 4811: 4810: 4802: 4801: 4793: 4792: 4784: 4783: 4775: 4774: 4766: 4765: 4757: 4756: 4748: 4747: 4739: 4738: 4730: 4729: 4721: 4720: 4712: 4711: 4703: 4702: 4694: 4693: 4685: 4684: 4676: 4675: 4667: 4666: 4658: 4657: 4649: 4648: 4640: 4639: 4631: 4630: 4622: 4621: 4613: 4612: 4604: 4603: 4595: 4594: 4586: 4585: 4577: 4576: 4568: 4567: 4559: 4558: 4550: 4549: 4541: 4540: 4532: 4531: 4523: 4522: 4514: 4513: 4505: 4504: 4496: 4495: 4487: 4486: 4478: 4477: 4469: 4468: 4460: 4459: 4451: 4450: 4442: 4441: 4433: 4432: 4424: 4423: 4415: 4414: 4406: 4405: 4397: 4396: 4388: 4387: 4379: 4378: 4370: 4369: 4361: 4360: 4352: 4351: 4343: 4342: 4334: 4333: 4325: 4324: 4316: 4315: 4307: 4306: 4298: 4297: 4289: 4288: 4280: 4279: 4271: 4270: 4262: 4261: 4253: 4252: 4244: 4243: 4235: 4234: 4226: 4225: 4217: 4216: 4208: 4207: 4199: 4198: 4190: 4189: 4181: 4180: 4172: 4171: 4163: 4162: 4154: 4153: 4145: 4144: 4136: 4135: 4127: 4126: 4118: 4117: 4109: 4108: 4100: 4099: 4091: 4090: 4082: 4081: 4073: 4072: 4064: 4063: 4055: 4054: 4046: 4045: 4037: 4036: 4028: 4027: 4019: 4018: 4010: 4009: 4001: 4000: 3992: 3991: 3983: 3982: 3974: 3973: 3965: 3964: 3956: 3955: 3947: 3946: 3938: 3937: 3929: 3928: 3920: 3919: 3911: 3910: 3902: 3901: 3893: 3892: 3884: 3883: 3875: 3874: 3866: 3865: 3857: 3856: 3848: 3847: 3839: 3838: 3830: 3829: 3821: 3820: 3812: 3811: 3803: 3802: 3794: 3793: 3785: 3784: 3776: 3775: 3767: 3766: 3758: 3757: 3749: 3748: 3740: 3739: 3731: 3730: 3722: 3721: 3713: 3712: 3704: 3703: 3695: 3694: 3686: 3685: 3677: 3676: 3668: 3667: 3659: 3658: 3650: 3649: 3641: 3640: 3632: 3631: 3623: 3622: 3614: 3613: 3605: 3604: 3596: 3595: 3587: 3586: 3578: 3577: 3569: 3568: 3560: 3559: 3551: 3550: 3542: 3541: 3533: 3532: 3524: 3523: 3515: 3514: 3506: 3505: 3497: 3496: 3488: 3487: 3479: 3478: 3470: 3469: 3461: 3460: 3452: 3451: 3443: 3442: 3434: 3433: 3425: 3424: 3416: 3415: 3407: 3406: 3398: 3397: 3389: 3388: 3380: 3379: 3371: 3370: 3362: 3361: 3353: 3352: 3331: 3170:Other countries 3045: 3033:Main articles: 3031: 3014:Second Intifada 2858: 2852: 2809: 2797: 2793: 2791: 2787: 2783: 2779: 2777: 2776: 2768: 2767: 2753: 2749: 2747: 2743: 2739: 2737: 2733: 2731: 2730: 2722: 2716: 2693:State of Israel 2662: 2656: 2654:War (1947–1949) 2497: 2491: 2455:Israel occupied 2426: 2420: 2352:Foreign Affairs 2248:James L. Gelvin 2085:al-Filasṭīnīyūn 2054: 2045: 1984: 1851: 1833: 1810: 1756: 1710: 1649: 1648: 1608: 1592:Main articles: 1590: 1393:respectively. 1296: 1288:Main articles: 1286: 1254:Arab Christians 1115:adjectival noun 1080:Pliny the Elder 1060:Syria Palestina 1037:Biblical Hebrew 941: 932: 674: 670: 666: 645: 641: 629: 605: 603: 587: 585: 569: 567: 551: 549: 533: 531: 515: 513: 497: 495: 479: 477: 461: 459: 443: 441: 425: 423: 407: 405: 389: 387: 371: 369: 353: 351: 335: 333: 317: 315: 299: 297: 281: 279: 263: 261: 245: 243: 227: 225: 209: 207: 191: 189: 173: 171: 155: 153: 137: 135: 94: 92: 71: 57: 51: 44: 29: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 20501: 20491: 20490: 20485: 20480: 20475: 20470: 20465: 20460: 20445: 20444: 20432: 20409: 20408: 20406: 20405: 20392: 20389: 20388: 20385: 20384: 20382: 20381: 20376: 20371: 20366: 20361: 20355: 20353: 20349: 20348: 20346: 20345: 20340: 20335: 20330: 20325: 20324: 20323: 20318: 20307: 20305: 20296: 20292: 20291: 20289: 20288: 20283: 20282: 20281: 20271: 20266: 20261: 20256: 20251: 20246: 20241: 20236: 20231: 20226: 20221: 20216: 20211: 20206: 20201: 20195: 20193: 20187: 20186: 20184: 20183: 20178: 20173: 20168: 20163: 20157: 20155: 20149: 20148: 20146: 20145: 20138: 20133: 20128: 20123: 20116: 20111: 20106: 20101: 20096: 20091: 20086: 20081: 20075: 20073: 20069: 20068: 20066: 20065: 20064: 20063: 20053: 20043: 20038: 20033: 20028: 20023: 20018: 20013: 20008: 20007: 20006: 19996: 19995: 19994: 19989: 19979: 19974: 19969: 19959: 19954: 19949: 19939: 19938: 19937: 19925: 19920: 19919: 19918: 19908: 19903: 19898: 19893: 19888: 19883: 19878: 19872: 19870: 19862: 19859: 19858: 19856: 19855: 19849: 19848: 19843: 19838: 19833: 19828: 19826:Stock Exchange 19823: 19821:Communications 19818: 19813: 19807: 19805: 19799: 19798: 19796: 19795: 19790: 19785: 19780: 19775: 19770: 19765: 19764: 19763: 19758: 19753: 19743: 19737: 19735: 19729: 19728: 19726: 19725: 19720: 19715: 19710: 19705: 19700: 19699: 19698: 19693: 19688: 19683: 19678: 19673: 19668: 19663: 19658: 19648: 19637: 19635: 19629: 19628: 19626: 19625: 19620: 19615: 19609: 19607: 19603: 19602: 19599: 19598: 19596: 19595: 19590: 19585: 19583:Prime Minister 19579: 19577: 19571: 19570: 19568: 19567: 19562: 19557: 19552: 19547: 19545:Prime Minister 19541: 19539: 19530: 19526: 19525: 19522: 19521: 19519: 19518: 19512: 19510: 19506: 19505: 19503: 19502: 19497: 19495:Battle of Gaza 19491: 19489: 19483: 19482: 19480: 19479: 19473: 19471: 19465: 19464: 19462: 19461: 19456: 19451: 19446: 19444:First Intifada 19441: 19440: 19439: 19429: 19424: 19419: 19413: 19411: 19402: 19398: 19397: 19395: 19394: 19393: 19392: 19387: 19382: 19377: 19372: 19367: 19362: 19355:Modern history 19351: 19350: 19349: 19348: 19346:Ottoman Empire 19343: 19341:Mamluk Dynasty 19338: 19333: 19328: 19323: 19318: 19313: 19302: 19300: 19296: 19295: 19287: 19286: 19279: 19272: 19264: 19258: 19257: 19251: 19239: 19225: 19224:External links 19222: 19220: 19219: 19216: 19194:10.1086/386295 19173: 19170: 19148: 19130: 19115: 19108: 19101: 19084: 19075: 19056: 19035: 19027:. I.B.Tauris. 19012: 19009: 18995: 18981: 18967:Lewis, Bernard 18964: 18950:Lewis, Bernard 18947: 18933: 18928:978-0674822702 18927: 18912: 18882: 18875:Khalidi, Walid 18872: 18855: 18831:10.2307/604972 18807: 18781: 18760: 18752:Mohr Siebeck. 18736: 18730: 18711: 18683: 18677: 18662: 18648: 18637:Hobsbawn, Eric 18634: 18620: 18606: 18601:978-9004121706 18600: 18584: 18578: 18560: 18554: 18536: 18530: 18509: 18496: 18480:Feldman, Louis 18476: 18455: 18441: 18435: 18414: 18400: 18394: 18376: 18370: 18355: 18341: 18327: 18321: 18316:978-0520931022 18315: 18302: 18285: 18273: 18259: 18254:978-1861892591 18253: 18237:Ankori, Gannit 18233: 18216:978-0203167144 18215: 18196: 18194: 18191: 18188: 18187: 18169:978-9004132382 18168: 18148: 18113: 18094:(2): 161–192. 18075: 18044: 18013: 17987: 17961: 17935: 17912: 17890: 17881: 17854: 17834: 17800: 17769: 17737: 17699: 17673: 17654: 17627: 17589: 17587:. pp. 88, 113. 17568: 17547: 17526: 17495: 17486: 17477: 17451: 17425: 17392: 17362: 17343: 17313: 17294: 17268: 17247: 17220: 17193: 17149: 17140: 17131: 17120:on 26 May 2010 17105: 17099:978-1158408894 17098: 17080: 17065: 17052: 17013: 17004: 16985: 16965: 16956: 16927: 16908: 16888: 16856: 16820: 16801: 16781: 16770: 16743: 16724:(1/2): 56–81. 16708: 16676: 16663: 16630: 16620: 16602: 16564: 16537: 16510: 16467: 16425: 16406: 16380: 16371: 16339: 16308: 16275: 16256: 16231: 16221: 16186: 16164: 16142: 16133: 16106: 16074: 16044: 16017: 16008: 15997:on 16 May 2006 15989:Larry Lexner. 15981: 15964:The Daily Star 15950: 15941: 15920:"Palestinians" 15911: 15884: 15861: 15827:(2): 185–205. 15804: 15773: 15743: 15712: 15667: 15641: 15608: 15589: 15564: 15541: 15511: 15499: 15470: 15449: 15423: 15412:on 19 May 2019 15393: 15373: 15364: 15335: 15309: 15291:978-9041111555 15290: 15268: 15257:on 6 July 2010 15236: 15217: 15197: 15182: 15150: 15119: 15101: 15068: 15032: 15023: 15013: 14986: 14973: 14964: 14955: 14943: 14934: 14913: 14888: 14866: 14857: 14834: 14821: 14796: 14787: 14771: 14755: 14716: 14699: 14682:United Nations 14669: 14655: 14636: 14616: 14600: 14594:Benny Morris, 14587: 14556: 14530: 14489:on 4 June 2011 14464:on 6 July 2010 14433: 14402: 14384: 14364: 14333: 14324: 14308: 14299: 14286: 14268: 14248: 14234: 14214: 14192: 14180: 14157: 14137: 14111:(3): 269–291. 14085: 14028: 13979: 13946:Human Genetics 13935: 13904:(6): 630–641. 13898:Human Genetics 13881: 13858:10.1086/374384 13830: 13801:(5): 561–562. 13784: 13732: 13676: 13624: 13612: 13573: 13535: 13524: 13504: 13449: 13426: 13394: 13375: 13355: 13333: 13301: 13279: 13266: 13244: 13213: 13193: 13154:(3): 257–276. 13131: 13103: 13036: 13009: 12989: 12970: 12952: 12917:(3): 401–421. 12897: 12866: 12843: 12832: 12814: 12793:"Christianity" 12783: 12776: 12756: 12731: 12712: 12686: 12679: 12659: 12649: 12640: 12631: 12601: 12583: 12552: 12525: 12513: 12494: 12474: 12461:on 8 July 2007 12440: 12419: 12386: 12355: 12324: 12307: 12287: 12270: 12247: 12221: 12191: 12182: 12180:, p. 553. 12170: 12161: 12149: 12137: 12125: 12105: 12081: 12072: 12010: 11986: 11967: 11945: 11929: 11916: 11909:David Asheri, 11902: 11893: 11880: 11871: 11842: 11833: 11797: 11764: 11757: 11733: 11707: 11681: 11665: 11646: 11626: 11603:Perry Anderson 11592: 11562: 11533: 11516:Rashid Khalidi 11503: 11496: 11475: 11438: 11415: 11395: 11388: 11365: 11343: 11331: 11316: 11298: 11296: 11295: 11281: 11268: 11240: 11228: 11211: 11200: 11178: 11168:. London, UK: 11156: 11135: 11120: 11099: 11042: 11040: 11039: 11014: 10996:(4): 325–331. 10985: 10964: 10949: 10933: 10915: 10899: 10869: 10867: 10866: 10860: 10854: 10848: 10832: 10761: 10694: 10675: 10642: 10633: 10603: 10576: 10547: 10515: 10489: 10463: 10460:. 8 July 2024. 10449: 10423: 10397: 10371: 10360:on 22 May 2013 10341: 10311: 10285: 10264: 10238: 10221:The Media Line 10208: 10178: 10139: 10110: 10085: 10053: 10034: 10032:CIA July 2015. 10015: 9990: 9951: 9920: 9919: 9917: 9914: 9911: 9910: 9893: 9892: 9890: 9887: 9885: 9882: 9881: 9880: 9875: 9869: 9868: 9852: 9849: 9848: 9847: 9841: 9834: 9832: 9826: 9819: 9817: 9811: 9804: 9790:Main article: 9787: 9784: 9783: 9782: 9775: 9768: 9766: 9759: 9752: 9733: 9730: 9663:Main article: 9660: 9657: 9619:Marj Ibn 'Amer 9551: 9548: 9468:Samih al-Qasim 9316:Susan Abulhawa 9304:Main article: 9301: 9298: 9297: 9296: 9293: 9286: 9284: 9281: 9274: 9272: 9266: 9259: 9257: 9250: 9243: 9241: 9238: 9231: 9217:First Intifada 9188:Main article: 9186: 9185: 9150:Main article: 9148: 9147: 9143: 9142: 9135: 9128: 9126: 9116: 9109: 9079:Main article: 9077: 9076: 9026:Main article: 9023: 9020: 9019: 9018: 9012: 9005: 9003: 8992: 8985: 8983: 8965: 8958: 8956: 8950: 8943: 8920:waraq al-'inib 8834:Nabulsi cheese 8829:kinafe Nabulsi 8783:Main article: 8780: 8777: 8686:anthropologist 8678:Main article: 8675: 8672: 8664:Negev Bedouins 8660:Jayyusi family 8636:Abu Ghosh clan 8632:Ridwan dynasty 8624:Shurrab family 8596:Khalidi family 8581: 8578: 8502: 8499: 8467:from Aramaic. 8410:Main article: 8407: 8404: 8402: 8399: 8382: 8379: 8378: 8377: 8370: 8363: 8361: 8354: 8347: 8345: 8333: 8326: 8324: 8314: 8307: 8305: 8302: 8295: 8293: 8284: 8277: 8275: 8268: 8261: 8259: 8252: 8245: 8243: 8233: 8226: 8160:Roman Catholic 8086:anthropologist 8042:East Jerusalem 8040:Silhouette of 8027:Israeli Jewish 7971: 7968: 7954:resolution 194 7900:60 modern day 7896:(red) and the 7888: 7887: 7873: 7872: 7864: 7863: 7855: 7854: 7846: 7845: 7837: 7836: 7828: 7827: 7819: 7818: 7810: 7809: 7801: 7800: 7792: 7791: 7783: 7782: 7774: 7773: 7765: 7764: 7756: 7755: 7747: 7746: 7738: 7737: 7729: 7728: 7720: 7719: 7711: 7710: 7702: 7701: 7693: 7692: 7684: 7683: 7675: 7674: 7666: 7665: 7657: 7656: 7648: 7647: 7639: 7638: 7630: 7629: 7621: 7620: 7612: 7611: 7603: 7602: 7594: 7593: 7585: 7584: 7576: 7575: 7567: 7566: 7558: 7557: 7549: 7548: 7540: 7539: 7531: 7530: 7522: 7521: 7513: 7512: 7504: 7503: 7495: 7494: 7486: 7485: 7477: 7476: 7468: 7467: 7459: 7458: 7450: 7449: 7441: 7440: 7432: 7431: 7423: 7422: 7414: 7413: 7405: 7404: 7396: 7395: 7387: 7386: 7378: 7377: 7369: 7368: 7360: 7359: 7351: 7350: 7342: 7341: 7333: 7332: 7324: 7323: 7315: 7314: 7306: 7305: 7297: 7296: 7288: 7287: 7279: 7278: 7270: 7269: 7261: 7260: 7252: 7251: 7243: 7242: 7234: 7233: 7225: 7224: 7216: 7215: 7207: 7206: 7198: 7197: 7189: 7188: 7180: 7179: 7171: 7170: 7162: 7161: 7153: 7152: 7144: 7143: 7135: 7134: 7126: 7125: 7117: 7116: 7108: 7107: 7099: 7098: 7090: 7089: 7081: 7080: 7072: 7071: 7063: 7062: 7054: 7053: 7045: 7044: 7036: 7035: 7027: 7026: 7018: 7017: 7009: 7008: 7000: 6999: 6991: 6990: 6982: 6981: 6973: 6972: 6964: 6963: 6955: 6954: 6946: 6945: 6937: 6936: 6928: 6927: 6919: 6918: 6910: 6909: 6901: 6900: 6892: 6891: 6883: 6882: 6874: 6873: 6865: 6864: 6856: 6855: 6847: 6846: 6838: 6837: 6829: 6828: 6820: 6819: 6811: 6810: 6802: 6801: 6793: 6792: 6784: 6783: 6775: 6774: 6766: 6765: 6757: 6756: 6748: 6747: 6739: 6738: 6730: 6729: 6721: 6720: 6712: 6711: 6703: 6702: 6694: 6693: 6685: 6684: 6676: 6675: 6667: 6666: 6658: 6657: 6649: 6648: 6640: 6639: 6631: 6630: 6622: 6621: 6613: 6612: 6604: 6603: 6595: 6594: 6586: 6585: 6577: 6576: 6568: 6567: 6559: 6558: 6550: 6549: 6541: 6540: 6532: 6531: 6523: 6522: 6514: 6513: 6505: 6504: 6496: 6495: 6487: 6486: 6478: 6477: 6469: 6468: 6460: 6459: 6451: 6450: 6442: 6441: 6433: 6432: 6424: 6423: 6415: 6414: 6406: 6405: 6397: 6396: 6388: 6387: 6379: 6378: 6370: 6369: 6361: 6360: 6352: 6351: 6343: 6342: 6334: 6333: 6325: 6324: 6316: 6315: 6307: 6306: 6298: 6297: 6289: 6288: 6280: 6279: 6271: 6270: 6262: 6261: 6253: 6252: 6244: 6243: 6235: 6234: 6226: 6225: 6217: 6216: 6208: 6207: 6199: 6198: 6190: 6189: 6181: 6180: 6172: 6171: 6163: 6162: 6154: 6153: 6145: 6144: 6136: 6135: 6127: 6126: 6118: 6117: 6109: 6108: 6100: 6099: 6091: 6090: 6082: 6081: 6073: 6072: 6064: 6063: 6055: 6054: 6046: 6045: 6037: 6036: 6028: 6027: 6019: 6018: 6010: 6009: 6001: 6000: 5992: 5991: 5983: 5982: 5974: 5973: 5965: 5964: 5956: 5955: 5947: 5946: 5938: 5937: 5929: 5928: 5920: 5919: 5911: 5910: 5902: 5901: 5893: 5892: 5884: 5883: 5875: 5874: 5866: 5865: 5857: 5856: 5848: 5847: 5839: 5838: 5830: 5829: 5821: 5820: 5812: 5811: 5803: 5802: 5794: 5793: 5785: 5784: 5776: 5775: 5767: 5766: 5758: 5757: 5749: 5748: 5740: 5739: 5731: 5730: 5722: 5721: 5713: 5712: 5704: 5703: 5695: 5694: 5686: 5685: 5677: 5676: 5668: 5667: 5659: 5658: 5650: 5649: 5641: 5640: 5632: 5631: 5623: 5622: 5614: 5613: 5605: 5604: 5596: 5595: 5587: 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1910: 1905: 1900: 1895: 1890: 1885: 1877: 1876: 1872: 1871: 1870: 1869: 1868: 1867: 1865:East Jerusalem 1862: 1857: 1845: 1844: 1839: 1832: 1831: 1826: 1821: 1820: 1819: 1806: 1805: 1804: 1799: 1794: 1784: 1779: 1774: 1769: 1763: 1762: 1755: 1754: 1746: 1745: 1740: 1735: 1734: 1733: 1728: 1718: 1717: 1716: 1704: 1703: 1695: 1694: 1688: 1687: 1686: 1685: 1680: 1675: 1670: 1665: 1660: 1655: 1646: 1638: 1637: 1631: 1630: 1622: 1621: 1615: 1614: 1589: 1586: 1536:population of 1528:groups in the 1459:Ottoman period 1285: 1282: 1096:rabbinic texts 931: 928: 842:Perry Anderson 834:United Nations 799:Ottoman period 795:biblical times 750:) are an Arab 723: 722: 704: 703: 699: 698: 660: 659: 655: 654: 623: 622: 618: 617: 614: 600: 599: 596: 582: 581: 578: 564: 563: 560: 546: 545: 542: 528: 527: 524: 510: 509: 506: 492: 491: 488: 486:United Kingdom 474: 473: 470: 456: 455: 452: 438: 437: 434: 420: 419: 416: 402: 401: 398: 384: 383: 380: 366: 365: 362: 348: 347: 344: 330: 329: 326: 312: 311: 310:27,000–200,000 308: 294: 293: 290: 276: 275: 272: 258: 257: 254: 240: 239: 236: 222: 221: 218: 204: 203: 200: 186: 185: 182: 168: 167: 164: 150: 149: 146: 132: 131: 128: 121: 120: 117: 110: 109: 105: 104: 88: 87: 83: 82: 78: 77: 73: 72: 67: 59: 58: 27: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 20500: 20489: 20486: 20484: 20481: 20479: 20476: 20474: 20471: 20469: 20466: 20464: 20461: 20459: 20456: 20455: 20453: 20443: 20438: 20433: 20431: 20421: 20420: 20417: 20404: 20403: 20398: 20394: 20393: 20390: 20380: 20377: 20375: 20372: 20370: 20367: 20365: 20362: 20360: 20357: 20356: 20354: 20350: 20344: 20341: 20339: 20336: 20334: 20331: 20329: 20326: 20322: 20319: 20317: 20314: 20313: 20312: 20309: 20308: 20306: 20304: 20300: 20297: 20295:Ethnic groups 20293: 20287: 20284: 20280: 20277: 20276: 20275: 20274:United States 20272: 20270: 20267: 20265: 20262: 20260: 20257: 20255: 20252: 20250: 20247: 20245: 20242: 20240: 20237: 20235: 20232: 20230: 20227: 20225: 20222: 20220: 20217: 20215: 20212: 20210: 20207: 20205: 20202: 20200: 20197: 20196: 20194: 20192: 20188: 20182: 20179: 20177: 20174: 20172: 20169: 20167: 20164: 20162: 20159: 20158: 20156: 20154: 20150: 20144: 20143: 20139: 20137: 20134: 20132: 20129: 20127: 20124: 20122: 20121: 20117: 20115: 20112: 20110: 20107: 20105: 20102: 20100: 20097: 20095: 20092: 20090: 20087: 20085: 20082: 20080: 20077: 20076: 20074: 20070: 20062: 20059: 20058: 20057: 20054: 20051: 20047: 20044: 20042: 20039: 20037: 20034: 20032: 20029: 20027: 20026:Personalities 20024: 20022: 20019: 20017: 20014: 20012: 20009: 20005: 20002: 20001: 20000: 19997: 19993: 19990: 19988: 19985: 19984: 19983: 19980: 19978: 19975: 19973: 19970: 19967: 19963: 19960: 19958: 19955: 19953: 19950: 19947: 19943: 19940: 19936: 19935: 19931: 19930: 19929: 19926: 19924: 19921: 19917: 19914: 19913: 19912: 19909: 19907: 19904: 19902: 19899: 19897: 19894: 19892: 19891:Refugee camps 19889: 19887: 19884: 19882: 19879: 19877: 19874: 19873: 19871: 19865: 19860: 19854: 19851: 19850: 19847: 19844: 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Routledge. 19123: 19122: 19116: 19113: 19109: 19106: 19102: 19100: 19099:0-7146-2939-1 19096: 19092: 19088: 19085: 19083: 19080: 19076: 19073: 19072: 19068: 19065: 19060: 19059:Parkes, James 19057: 19055: 19051: 19047: 19043: 19039: 19036: 19034: 19033:1-85043-289-9 19030: 19026: 19025: 19021: 19018: 19013: 19010: 19008: 19007:1-56656-132-9 19004: 19000: 18996: 18994: 18990: 18986: 18982: 18980: 18976: 18972: 18968: 18965: 18963: 18962:0-393-31839-7 18959: 18955: 18951: 18948: 18946: 18945:0-517-57231-1 18942: 18938: 18934: 18930: 18924: 18920: 18919: 18913: 18910: 18906: 18902: 18901:0-674-01129-5 18898: 18894: 18890: 18886: 18883: 18880: 18876: 18873: 18871: 18870:0-8070-0308-5 18867: 18863: 18859: 18856: 18844: 18840: 18836: 18832: 18828: 18824: 18820: 18816: 18812: 18808: 18793: 18786: 18782: 18780: 18779:0-231-10514-2 18776: 18772: 18768: 18764: 18761: 18759: 18758:3-16-145241-0 18755: 18751: 18749: 18745: 18742: 18737: 18733: 18727: 18723: 18719: 18718: 18712: 18701: 18697: 18693: 18689: 18684: 18680: 18674: 18670: 18669: 18663: 18661: 18660:1-85964-195-4 18657: 18653: 18649: 18646: 18642: 18638: 18635: 18633: 18632:90-04-10754-1 18629: 18625: 18621: 18619: 18618:9977-67-587-2 18615: 18611: 18607: 18603: 18597: 18593: 18589: 18585: 18581: 18575: 18571: 18570: 18565: 18561: 18557: 18551: 18547: 18546: 18541: 18537: 18533: 18527: 18523: 18519: 18515: 18510: 18499: 18497:9789004104181 18493: 18489: 18485: 18481: 18477: 18473: 18469: 18465: 18461: 18456: 18454: 18453:0-313-32051-9 18450: 18446: 18442: 18438: 18432: 18428: 18424: 18420: 18415: 18413: 18412:0-9748233-2-5 18409: 18405: 18401: 18397: 18391: 18387: 18386: 18381: 18377: 18373: 18367: 18364:. Routledge. 18363: 18362: 18356: 18354: 18353:0-275-98758-2 18350: 18346: 18342: 18340: 18339:0-521-44405-5 18336: 18332: 18328: 18326: 18322: 18318: 18312: 18308: 18303: 18301: 18300:0-415-15977-6 18297: 18293: 18289: 18286: 18282: 18278: 18274: 18272: 18271:0-472-11315-1 18268: 18264: 18260: 18256: 18250: 18245: 18244: 18238: 18234: 18222: 18218: 18212: 18208: 18207: 18202: 18201:Al-Ali, Nadje 18198: 18197: 18175: 18171: 18165: 18161: 18160: 18152: 18144: 18140: 18136: 18132: 18128: 18124: 18123:Popular Music 18117: 18109: 18105: 18101: 18097: 18093: 18089: 18082: 18080: 18063: 18059: 18055: 18048: 18032: 18028: 18024: 18017: 18001: 17997: 17996:"Reem Kelani" 17991: 17975: 17971: 17965: 17949: 17945: 17939: 17923: 17916: 17909: 17908: 17904: 17901: 17894: 17888:Muhawi, 1989. 17885: 17869: 17865: 17858: 17849: 17847: 17845: 17843: 17841: 17839: 17822: 17818: 17814: 17807: 17805: 17788: 17784: 17780: 17773: 17757: 17753: 17752: 17747: 17741: 17725: 17721: 17720: 17715: 17708: 17706: 17704: 17687: 17683: 17677: 17661: 17657: 17651: 17647: 17646: 17641: 17634: 17632: 17612: 17605: 17598: 17596: 17594: 17586: 17585:0-7141-1597-5 17582: 17578: 17572: 17565: 17561: 17558:. Melisende. 17557: 17551: 17544: 17543:0-7141-1597-5 17540: 17536: 17530: 17514: 17510: 17506: 17499: 17490: 17481: 17465: 17461: 17455: 17439: 17435: 17429: 17410: 17403: 17396: 17380: 17376: 17372: 17366: 17359: 17355: 17352: 17347: 17331: 17327: 17323: 17317: 17310: 17306: 17303: 17298: 17291: 17287: 17283: 17280: 17275: 17273: 17265: 17264:965-454-002-9 17261: 17257: 17251: 17235: 17231: 17228:Danny Moran. 17224: 17208: 17204: 17197: 17178: 17174: 17167: 17160: 17158: 17156: 17154: 17144: 17135: 17119: 17115: 17109: 17101: 17095: 17091: 17084: 17077: 17076: 17069: 17062: 17056: 17037: 17033: 17026: 17020: 17018: 17008: 16992: 16988: 16986:9783110184181 16982: 16978: 16977: 16969: 16960: 16944: 16940: 16939: 16931: 16915: 16911: 16909:9789004203556 16905: 16901: 16900: 16892: 16876: 16872: 16871: 16866: 16860: 16841: 16837: 16830: 16824: 16808: 16804: 16798: 16794: 16793: 16785: 16779: 16774: 16758: 16754: 16747: 16739: 16735: 16731: 16727: 16723: 16719: 16712: 16696: 16692: 16685: 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4907: 4898: 4889: 4880: 4871: 4862: 4853: 4844: 4835: 4826: 4817: 4808: 4799: 4790: 4781: 4772: 4763: 4754: 4745: 4736: 4727: 4718: 4709: 4700: 4691: 4682: 4673: 4664: 4655: 4646: 4637: 4628: 4619: 4610: 4601: 4592: 4583: 4574: 4565: 4556: 4547: 4538: 4529: 4520: 4511: 4502: 4493: 4484: 4475: 4466: 4457: 4448: 4439: 4430: 4421: 4412: 4403: 4394: 4385: 4376: 4367: 4358: 4349: 4340: 4331: 4322: 4313: 4304: 4295: 4286: 4277: 4268: 4259: 4250: 4241: 4232: 4223: 4214: 4205: 4196: 4187: 4178: 4169: 4160: 4151: 4142: 4133: 4124: 4115: 4106: 4097: 4088: 4079: 4070: 4061: 4052: 4043: 4034: 4025: 4016: 4007: 3998: 3989: 3980: 3971: 3962: 3953: 3944: 3935: 3926: 3917: 3908: 3899: 3890: 3881: 3872: 3863: 3854: 3845: 3836: 3827: 3818: 3809: 3800: 3791: 3782: 3773: 3764: 3755: 3746: 3737: 3728: 3719: 3710: 3701: 3692: 3683: 3674: 3665: 3656: 3647: 3638: 3629: 3620: 3611: 3602: 3593: 3584: 3575: 3566: 3557: 3548: 3539: 3530: 3521: 3512: 3503: 3494: 3485: 3476: 3467: 3458: 3449: 3440: 3431: 3422: 3413: 3404: 3395: 3386: 3377: 3368: 3359: 3350: 3326: 3324: 3320: 3316: 3312: 3308: 3304: 3300: 3296: 3292: 3288: 3284: 3280: 3276: 3275:Latin America 3272: 3268: 3267:South America 3264: 3259: 3256: 3253: 3251: 3246: 3244: 3240: 3235: 3233: 3229: 3224: 3220: 3214: 3212: 3211:Arab citizens 3208: 3204: 3200: 3196: 3192: 3182: 3180: 3177: 3176: 3172: 3169: 3168: 3164: 3161: 3160: 3156: 3154: 3150: 3149: 3145: 3142: 3141: 3137: 3134: 3133: 3129: 3127: 3123: 3122: 3118: 3115: 3114: 3110: 3107: 3106: 3102: 3099: 3098: 3094: 3090: 3088: 3085: 3084: 3080: 3078: 3075: 3074: 3070: 3068: 3065: 3064: 3060: 3057: 3056: 3052: 3049: 3048: 3044: 3040: 3036: 3026: 3022: 3020: 3015: 3011: 3006: 3004: 3000: 2996: 2992: 2988: 2981: 2976: 2972: 2970: 2965: 2962: 2958: 2954: 2949: 2947: 2943: 2939: 2938: 2933: 2929: 2928: 2922: 2918: 2910: 2906: 2902: 2901:Yasser Arafat 2898: 2894: 2891: 2887: 2883: 2879: 2876:. Mainstream 2875: 2874:Yasser Arafat 2871: 2867: 2863: 2857: 2847: 2845: 2841: 2837: 2833: 2827: 2824: 2819: 2816: 2807: 2803: 2775: 2773: 2765: 2761: 2760: 2729: 2727: 2720: 2711: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2696: 2694: 2690: 2686: 2682: 2674: 2670: 2666: 2661: 2651: 2649: 2644: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2628: 2624: 2620: 2614: 2612: 2608: 2604: 2600: 2596: 2592: 2591:Greater Syria 2588: 2584: 2580: 2575: 2573: 2567: 2565: 2560: 2558: 2550: 2546: 2542: 2539: 2534: 2532: 2528: 2524: 2520: 2516: 2515: 2510: 2501: 2496: 2486: 2483: 2479: 2475: 2471: 2466: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2452: 2448: 2444: 2439: 2430: 2425: 2415: 2413: 2409: 2405: 2401: 2397: 2392: 2389: 2385: 2380: 2378: 2374: 2369: 2368:Bernard Lewis 2365: 2362: 2358: 2353: 2345: 2340: 2336: 2334: 2330: 2326: 2321: 2317: 2316:Walid Khalidi 2313: 2309: 2305: 2301: 2297: 2292: 2288: 2287:Ibrahim Pasha 2284: 2280: 2276: 2272: 2268: 2264: 2261: 2257: 2253: 2249: 2242: 2239: 2235: 2231: 2230:Khalil Beidas 2227: 2223: 2221: 2217: 2213: 2209: 2205: 2200: 2197: 2193: 2189: 2185: 2181: 2177: 2173: 2169: 2165: 2161: 2157: 2153: 2150:'s 1997 book 2149: 2144: 2142: 2141: 2132: 2128: 2127: 2122: 2121: 2112: 2108: 2104: 2100: 2096: 2094: 2090: 2086: 2082: 2077: 2076:Khalīl Beidas 2073: 2069: 2065: 2060: 2042: 2037: 2035: 2030: 2028: 2023: 2022: 2020: 2019: 2016: 2013: 2012: 2007: 2004: 2002: 1999: 1997: 1994: 1992: 1989: 1987: 1983: 1979: 1977: 1974: 1972: 1969: 1967: 1964: 1962: 1959: 1958: 1957: 1956: 1953: 1950: 1949: 1944: 1943:Rachel's Tomb 1941: 1939: 1936: 1934: 1931: 1929: 1928:Joseph's Tomb 1926: 1924: 1921: 1919: 1916: 1914: 1911: 1909: 1906: 1904: 1901: 1899: 1896: 1894: 1891: 1889: 1886: 1884: 1881: 1880: 1879: 1878: 1874: 1873: 1866: 1863: 1861: 1858: 1856: 1853: 1852: 1850: 1847: 1846: 1843: 1840: 1838: 1835: 1834: 1830: 1827: 1825: 1822: 1818: 1815: 1814: 1813: 1807: 1803: 1800: 1798: 1795: 1793: 1790: 1789: 1788: 1785: 1783: 1782:Islamic Jihad 1780: 1778: 1775: 1773: 1770: 1768: 1765: 1764: 1761: 1758: 1757: 1752: 1748: 1747: 1744: 1741: 1739: 1736: 1732: 1729: 1727: 1724: 1723: 1722: 1719: 1715: 1712: 1711: 1709: 1706: 1705: 1702: 1699: 1698: 1697: 1696: 1693: 1690: 1689: 1684: 1681: 1679: 1676: 1674: 1671: 1669: 1666: 1664: 1661: 1659: 1656: 1652: 1647: 1645: 1642: 1641: 1640: 1639: 1636: 1633: 1632: 1628: 1624: 1623: 1620: 1617: 1616: 1612: 1611: 1607: 1603: 1599: 1595: 1585: 1583: 1579: 1575: 1571: 1567: 1563: 1562:whole genomes 1559: 1555: 1551: 1547: 1543: 1539: 1535: 1531: 1527: 1523: 1518: 1516: 1512: 1508: 1504: 1500: 1496: 1491: 1489: 1485: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1472:Ibrahim Pasha 1469: 1465: 1460: 1455: 1453: 1452:Mamluk period 1449: 1445: 1441: 1437: 1433: 1429: 1426: 1421: 1419: 1415: 1411: 1407: 1403: 1399: 1394: 1392: 1388: 1384: 1380: 1376: 1372: 1368: 1364: 1360: 1356: 1352: 1348: 1344: 1340: 1331: 1327: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1309: 1305: 1301: 1300:Arab identity 1295: 1291: 1281: 1279: 1275: 1271: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1251: 1246: 1242: 1237: 1235: 1232:. Non-Jewish 1231: 1227: 1223: 1222: 1217: 1216: 1211: 1207: 1199: 1198: 1192: 1188: 1186: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1170: 1165: 1162: 1161: 1156: 1155: 1150: 1146: 1142: 1138: 1134: 1133:Khalil Beidas 1126: 1125:Khalil Beidas 1122: 1118: 1116: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1093: 1089: 1085: 1081: 1077: 1073: 1069: 1065: 1061: 1057: 1053: 1048: 1046: 1042: 1038: 1034: 1030: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1015: 1011: 1008: 1004: 1000: 992: 988: 983: 979: 977: 973: 969: 965: 961: 957: 954: 950: 946: 940: 939: 927: 925: 921: 917: 913: 909: 905: 901: 897: 893: 889: 885: 881: 880:Arab citizens 877: 873: 869: 866: 862: 858: 854: 850: 845: 843: 839: 835: 831: 827: 823: 818: 816: 812: 808: 804: 800: 796: 792: 788: 784: 780: 776: 772: 768: 764: 759: 757: 753: 748: 742: 733: 729: 721: 717: 713: 709: 705: 700: 697: 693: 689: 685: 681: 680:denominations 677: 673: 669: 665: 661: 656: 653: 649: 644: 640: 636: 632: 628: 624: 619: 615: 613: 601: 597: 595: 583: 579: 577: 565: 561: 559: 547: 543: 541: 529: 525: 523: 511: 507: 505: 493: 489: 487: 475: 471: 469: 457: 453: 451: 439: 435: 433: 421: 417: 415: 403: 399: 397: 385: 381: 379: 367: 363: 361: 349: 345: 343: 331: 327: 325: 313: 309: 307: 295: 291: 289: 277: 273: 271: 259: 255: 253: 252:United States 241: 237: 235: 223: 219: 217: 205: 201: 199: 187: 183: 181: 169: 165: 163: 151: 147: 145: 133: 129: 127: 122: 118: 116: 111: 106: 103: 102: 89: 84: 79: 74: 70: 65: 60: 55: 48: 35: 26: 22: 20463:Palestinians 20400: 20311:Muslim Arabs 20140: 20118: 20036:Prostitution 19999:Human rights 19957:Demographics 19932: 19906:Architecture 19876:Palestinians 19875: 19778:Governorates 19326:Islamic Rule 19321:Roman Empire 19185: 19181: 19151: 19140:. Retrieved 19120: 19111: 19104: 19090: 19078: 19062: 19041: 19015: 18998: 18984: 18970: 18953: 18936: 18917: 18888: 18878: 18861: 18847:. Retrieved 18822: 18818: 18799:. Retrieved 18792:the original 18766: 18739: 18716: 18704:, retrieved 18695: 18691: 18667: 18651: 18640: 18623: 18609: 18591: 18568: 18564:Gelvin, J.L. 18544: 18540:Gelvin, J.L. 18513: 18501:. Retrieved 18487: 18463: 18459: 18444: 18418: 18403: 18384: 18360: 18344: 18330: 18306: 18291: 18288:Boyle, Kevin 18280: 18262: 18242: 18225:. Retrieved 18205: 18178:. Retrieved 18158: 18151: 18126: 18122: 18116: 18091: 18087: 18066:. Retrieved 18062:the original 18057: 18047: 18035:. Retrieved 18031:the original 18026: 18016: 18004:. Retrieved 18000:the original 17990: 17978:. Retrieved 17974:the original 17964: 17952:. Retrieved 17948:the original 17938: 17926:. Retrieved 17915: 17898: 17893: 17884: 17872:. Retrieved 17868:the original 17857: 17825:. Retrieved 17821:the original 17816: 17791:. Retrieved 17782: 17772: 17760:. Retrieved 17749: 17740: 17728:. Retrieved 17719:The Guardian 17717: 17690:. Retrieved 17686:the original 17676: 17664:. Retrieved 17644: 17618:. Retrieved 17576: 17571: 17555: 17550: 17534: 17529: 17517:. Retrieved 17513:the original 17508: 17498: 17489: 17480: 17468:. Retrieved 17464:the original 17454: 17442:. Retrieved 17428: 17416:. Retrieved 17395: 17383:. Retrieved 17379:the original 17374: 17365: 17350: 17346: 17334:. Retrieved 17325: 17316: 17297: 17289: 17255: 17250: 17238:. Retrieved 17234:the original 17223: 17211:. Retrieved 17207:the original 17196: 17184:. Retrieved 17177:the original 17172: 17143: 17134: 17122:. Retrieved 17118:the original 17108: 17089: 17083: 17073: 17068: 17060: 17055: 17043:. Retrieved 17036:the original 17031: 17007: 16995:. Retrieved 16975: 16968: 16959: 16947:. Retrieved 16943:the original 16937: 16930: 16918:. Retrieved 16898: 16891: 16879:. Retrieved 16868: 16859: 16847:. Retrieved 16840:the original 16823: 16811:. Retrieved 16791: 16784: 16773: 16761:. Retrieved 16746: 16721: 16717: 16711: 16699:. Retrieved 16671: 16666: 16654:. Retrieved 16650:the original 16643: 16633: 16625: 16611: 16605: 16594:, retrieved 16590:the original 16577: 16567: 16555:. Retrieved 16551:the original 16540: 16528:. Retrieved 16524:the original 16513: 16504: 16487:(2): 89–91. 16484: 16480: 16470: 16458:. Retrieved 16454:the original 16413: 16409: 16397:. Retrieved 16383: 16374: 16362:. Retrieved 16358:the original 16351: 16342: 16330:. Retrieved 16322:the Guardian 16321: 16311: 16299:. Retrieved 16290: 16266:. Retrieved 16246: 16226: 16202: 16172: 16167: 16150: 16145: 16136: 16124:. Retrieved 16120:the original 16109: 16097:. Retrieved 16090:the original 16077: 16065:. Retrieved 16061:the original 16047: 16035:. Retrieved 16020: 16011: 15999:. Retrieved 15995:the original 15984: 15972:. Retrieved 15968:the original 15963: 15953: 15944: 15932:. Retrieved 15923: 15914: 15902:. Retrieved 15898:the original 15887: 15864: 15852:. Retrieved 15845:the original 15824: 15820: 15807: 15795:. Retrieved 15786: 15776: 15764:. Retrieved 15755: 15746: 15734:. Retrieved 15725: 15715: 15703:. Retrieved 15696:the original 15681: 15660: 15644: 15632:. Retrieved 15625:the original 15611: 15592: 15582: 15567: 15544: 15532:. Retrieved 15528:the original 15514: 15491:the original 15457:(in Spanish) 15452: 15440:. Retrieved 15436:the original 15426: 15414:. Retrieved 15410:the original 15405: 15396: 15367: 15355:. Retrieved 15330: 15312: 15300:. Retrieved 15281: 15271: 15259:. Retrieved 15252:the original 15239: 15227:. Retrieved 15207: 15200: 15191: 15185: 15175:20 September 15173:. Retrieved 15166:the original 15153: 15141:. Retrieved 15132: 15122: 15104: 15092:. Retrieved 15088:the original 15059:. Retrieved 15052:the original 15035: 15026: 15016: 15003:. Retrieved 14989: 14981: 14976: 14967: 14958: 14937: 14921: 14916: 14899: 14891: 14874: 14869: 14860: 14852: 14837: 14816: 14790: 14782: 14774: 14766: 14763:Benny Morris 14758: 14746:. Retrieved 14742:the original 14712:Avraham Sela 14707: 14702: 14690:. Retrieved 14686:the original 14681: 14672: 14663: 14658: 14646:. Retrieved 14626: 14619: 14611: 14608:Benny Morris 14603: 14595: 14590: 14578:. Retrieved 14569: 14559: 14547:. Retrieved 14543:the original 14533: 14525: 14516:. Retrieved 14509:the original 14491:. Retrieved 14484:the original 14466:. Retrieved 14459:the original 14436: 14424:. Retrieved 14420:the original 14415: 14405: 14396: 14387: 14375: 14367: 14355:. Retrieved 14346: 14336: 14327: 14319: 14316:Benny Morris 14311: 14302: 14294: 14289: 14251: 14217: 14209: 14195: 14176: 14160: 14140: 14128:. Retrieved 14108: 14104: 14045: 14041: 14031: 13999:(6): 850–9. 13996: 13992: 13982: 13949: 13945: 13938: 13929: 13901: 13897: 13884: 13849: 13843: 13833: 13798: 13794: 13787: 13750: 13746: 13735: 13694: 13690: 13679: 13642: 13638: 13627: 13622:, p. 8. 13620:Ben Zvi 1985 13615: 13590: 13586: 13576: 13567: 13560:, retrieved 13548: 13538: 13529: 13514: 13507: 13498: 13491:. Retrieved 13466: 13462: 13452: 13443: 13436:. Retrieved 13404: 13397: 13385:. Retrieved 13365: 13358: 13341: 13336: 13309: 13304: 13287: 13282: 13274: 13269: 13252: 13247: 13238: 13231:. Retrieved 13203: 13196: 13184:. Retrieved 13151: 13147: 13126: 13122: 13106: 13094:. Retrieved 13053: 13049: 13039: 13027:. Retrieved 12999: 12992: 12983: 12961: 12955: 12946: 12939:. Retrieved 12914: 12910: 12900: 12891: 12884:. Retrieved 12856: 12837: 12823: 12817: 12805:. Retrieved 12796: 12786: 12766: 12759: 12747:. Retrieved 12743: 12734: 12725: 12721: 12715: 12703:. Retrieved 12699: 12689: 12669: 12662: 12652: 12643: 12634: 12622:. Retrieved 12604: 12595: 12586: 12574:. Retrieved 12565: 12555: 12545:10 September 12543:. Retrieved 12537: 12528: 12516: 12504:. Retrieved 12484: 12477: 12463:. Retrieved 12456:the original 12443: 12435:the original 12410:. Retrieved 12399: 12389: 12377:. Retrieved 12373:the original 12368: 12358: 12346:. Retrieved 12342:the original 12327: 12319: 12312:. Retrieved 12297: 12290: 12282: 12275:. Retrieved 12260: 12238:. Retrieved 12234:the original 12224: 12212:. Retrieved 12203: 12194: 12185: 12178:Feldman 1996 12173: 12164: 12152: 12140: 12133:Feldman 1990 12128: 12113: 12108: 12092: 12075: 12059: 12051: 12043: 12035: 12022: 12013: 11989: 11977:, retrieved 11958: 11948: 11940: 11936: 11932: 11924: 11919: 11910: 11905: 11896: 11888: 11883: 11874: 11845: 11836: 11824:. Retrieved 11800: 11788:. Retrieved 11779: 11743: 11736: 11724:. Retrieved 11710: 11698:. Retrieved 11684: 11675:Alan Dowty, 11656:. Retrieved 11636: 11629: 11621: 11583:. Retrieved 11565: 11553:. Retrieved 11549:the original 11519: 11487: 11469: 11462:. Retrieved 11453: 11432: 11425:. Retrieved 11405: 11398: 11379: 11351: 11346: 11334: 11324: 11319: 11309: 11301: 11291: 11272: 11263: 11256:. Retrieved 11247: 11230: 11203: 11195: 11188:. Retrieved 11164: 11152: 11145:. Retrieved 11125: 11116: 11109:. Retrieved 11089: 11079: 11074:23 September 11072:. Retrieved 11055: 11045: 11031:. Retrieved 11027:the original 11022: 10993: 10989: 10981: 10974:. Retrieved 10954: 10936: 10929: 10902: 10882: 10872: 10827: 10779: 10775: 10764: 10711: 10707: 10697: 10678: 10666:. Retrieved 10655: 10645: 10636: 10624:. Retrieved 10606: 10594:. Retrieved 10590:the original 10579: 10567:. Retrieved 10550: 10538:. Retrieved 10531:the original 10518: 10506:. Retrieved 10502:the original 10492: 10480:. Retrieved 10476:the original 10466: 10452: 10440:. Retrieved 10436:the original 10426: 10414:. Retrieved 10410:the original 10400: 10388:. Retrieved 10374: 10362:. Retrieved 10358:the original 10353: 10344: 10332:. Retrieved 10323: 10314: 10304:15 September 10302:. Retrieved 10288: 10267: 10255:. Retrieved 10241: 10229:. Retrieved 10220: 10211: 10199:. Retrieved 10181: 10169:. Retrieved 10130:. Retrieved 10126:the original 10103: 10088: 10076:. Retrieved 10056: 10037: 10018: 9981:. Retrieved 9972: 9897: 9795: 9760:Palestinian 9735: 9726: 9710: 9668: 9643: 9638: 9631: 9626: 9622: 9618: 9614: 9611:Mohsen Subhi 9606: 9603:Sahja/Saamir 9602: 9598: 9594: 9590: 9586: 9582: 9576: 9570: 9564: 9543: 9535: 9510:oral history 9495: 9490:Samah Sabawi 9456: 9425: 9422: 9407: 9376: 9373:Rula Jebreal 9346: 9331: 9205: 9193: 9170:glass-making 9155: 9102:Paradise Now 9100: 9094: 9084: 9042: 8936: 8925:grape leaves 8918: 8913: 8909:sesame seeds 8897: 8891: 8885: 8879: 8873: 8864: 8859: 8855: 8849: 8827: 8825: 8800: 8763: 8736: 8723: 8713: 8708:produced by 8698: 8691: 8683: 8620:Shawish clan 8608:Tuqan family 8593: 8570:Emile Habibi 8559: 8540: 8533: 8492: 8481: 8471: 8469: 8426: 8392: 8384: 8371:Palestinian 8339: 8212:Baháʼí Faith 8206: 8191: 8179: 8168: 8164:the diaspora 8141: 8134:Palestinian 8121: 8109: 8094: 8046: 7987: 7965: 7958: 7946:Joseph Weitz 7943: 7939: 7932: 7908: 7889: 3295:Antonio Saca 3260: 3257: 3254: 3247: 3236: 3215: 3199:Arnon Soffer 3188: 3178: 3116:Saudi Arabia 3029:Demographics 3023: 3010:Oslo Accords 3007: 2999:leave Kuwait 2984: 2966: 2950: 2945: 2935: 2925: 2914: 2909:Kamal Nasser 2859: 2850:1967–present 2828: 2820: 2812: 2769: 2758: 2723: 2697: 2683:adopted the 2678: 2615: 2576: 2568: 2561: 2554: 2535: 2526: 2512: 2506: 2467: 2461:. Historian 2457:them in the 2435: 2393: 2384:Efraim Karsh 2381: 2376: 2366: 2360: 2351: 2349: 2308:Benny Morris 2283:Muhammad Ali 2269: 2265: 2255: 2250:argues that 2245: 2201: 2151: 2145: 2138: 2124: 2118: 2115: 2107:coat of arms 2092: 2088: 2084: 2080: 2071: 2068:Jewish state 2055: 1981: 1883:Christianity 1797:Governorates 1759: 1700: 1667: 1635:Demographics 1619:Palestinians 1618: 1582:Yemenite Jew 1519: 1492: 1468:Muhammad Ali 1456: 1422: 1402:Christianity 1395: 1336: 1315: 1312:human rights 1297: 1264:. Thus, the 1249: 1238: 1230:Mizrahi Jews 1219: 1213: 1203: 1195: 1166: 1158: 1152: 1148: 1144: 1137:Najib Nassar 1130: 1099: 1068:Jordan River 1059: 1049: 1040: 1032: 1028: 1009: 996: 991:Kâtip Çelebi 955: 948: 942: 937: 912:Saudi Arabia 846: 830:Oslo Accords 819: 801:. After the 760: 728:Palestinians 727: 726: 692:Samaritanism 676:Christianity 671: 663: 642: 626: 562:9,000–15,000 216:Saudi Arabia 91: 81:14.3 million 32:Palestinians 28:Ethnic group 25: 20478:Arab people 20279:Los Angeles 20224:El Salvador 20099:Photography 20089:Journalists 20004:LGBT rights 19987:Health care 19977:Handicrafts 19901:Archaeology 19816:Agriculture 19761:Southern WB 19756:Northern WB 19316:Philistines 19142:29 November 18825:: 106–107. 18706:29 November 18227:29 November 18180:29 November 17874:21 November 17827:6 September 17730:6 September 17666:29 November 17336:29 November 17124:14 December 16920:29 November 16849:18 February 16813:29 November 16530:30 November 16332:29 November 16301:29 November 16268:29 November 16211:. pp.  16037:10 February 15854:12 November 15797:29 November 15766:29 November 15736:29 November 15634:20 February 15442:17 February 15416:17 February 15357:28 December 15302:29 November 15261:16 December 15229:29 November 15143:29 November 15094:30 November 14357:29 November 14281:, pp.  14279:Gelvin 2005 14130:29 November 14048:(1): 6316. 13493:29 November 13438:29 November 13387:29 November 13233:29 November 13186:29 November 13129:(1), 47–60. 13096:29 November 13029:29 November 12941:29 November 12886:29 November 12749:25 December 12705:25 December 12562:"Palestine" 12534:"Palestine" 12314:31 December 12277:31 December 12214:29 November 11979:29 November 11887:Herodotus, 11826:11 November 11790:29 November 11726:11 November 11700:11 November 11450:"Palestine" 11427:29 November 11244:"Palestine" 11190:29 November 11160:Dowty, Alan 11147:29 November 11111:29 November 10976:29 November 10857:Danver 2015 10851:Gelvin 2021 10668:16 February 10626:22 December 10596:23 February 10569:29 November 10406:"" 10390:29 November 10334:29 November 10257:29 November 10231:29 November 10132:17 February 10078:29 November 9983:29 November 9813:Marko Zaror 9718:stereotypes 9674:Tamer Nafar 9640:Reem Kelani 9621:(1989) and 9418:Middle East 9215:before the 9146:Handicrafts 9087:Arab cinema 8966:A plate of 8931:and ground 8844:(cheese of 8836:(cheese of 8652:Hilles clan 8566:Ghada Karmi 8562:Edward Said 8433:Arabization 8421:Areen Omari 8208:Bahá'u'lláh 8196:group, and 8116:Crimean War 7919:descendants 3283:El Salvador 3250:Ian Lustick 3219:birth rates 3183:10,574,521 3153:Gulf states 3053:Population 2961:Yigal Allon 2856:Six-Day War 2840:pan-Arabist 2648:martial law 2509:World War I 2459:Six-Day War 2438:sovereignty 2373:sociologist 2216:World War I 2212:Middle East 2204:nationalist 1991:Handicrafts 1938:Nabi Samwil 1644:Definitions 1495:Arab tribes 1488:Circassians 1478:(following 1408:), and the 1224:. The term 1177:citizenship 1167:During the 1108:geographers 1045:Philistines 1018:Philistines 1014:Sea Peoples 882:. Many are 791:Palestinian 783:World War I 736:الفلسطينيون 668:Sunni Islam 558:Netherlands 378:El Salvador 40:الفلسطينيون 20452:Categories 20374:Samaritans 20109:Television 20094:Newspapers 20016:Literature 19916:watermelon 19741:Gaza Strip 19529:Government 19311:Canaanites 18849:14 January 18503:17 October 17762:6 December 17385:13 January 17045:30 January 16949:14 January 16881:24 January 16763:11 January 14785:, p. 139n. 14738:Al Jazeera 14518:7 February 14493:7 February 14416:The Nation 13500:Palestine. 12980:1302180905 12876:1302180905 12624:24 October 12506:14 October 12412:14 October 11585:6 December 11033:2 December 10845:Dowty 2023 10508:4 November 10354:Al Monitor 9884:References 9595:Al-Maijana 9546:(story)." 9393:after the 9365:Liana Badr 9300:Literature 9201:embroidery 9176:-wood and 9158:embroidery 9061:Arab world 9049:Gaza Strip 8771:under the 8743:literature 8658:, and the 8555:Mitterrand 8543:May Ziadeh 8529:John Kerry 8476:shibboleth 8182:Samaritans 8066:St. George 8049:syncretism 8010:Samaritans 7992:branch of 7974:See also: 7937:refugees. 3319:Salvadoran 3263:emigration 3207:Gaza Strip 3081:1,318,000 3071:2,700,000 3061:4,420,549 2854:See also: 2772:Green Line 2577:After the 2549:Musa Alami 2519:Nashashibi 2463:Avi Shlaim 2449:, and the 2422:See also: 2412:linguistic 2333:Canaanites 2146:Historian 2001:Literature 1933:Lot's Tomb 1860:Gaza Strip 1726:Government 1534:Bronze-Age 1414:Late Roman 1355:Israelites 1343:Canaanites 1316:indigenous 1304:linguistic 1278:boundaries 1258:Samaritans 962:historian 949:Palaistínē 934:See also: 924:Arab world 876:Gaza Strip 797:up to the 771:third wave 718:and other 708:Jordanians 696:Shia Islam 126:Gaza Strip 20430:Palestine 20343:Metawalis 20259:Nicaragua 20199:Australia 19962:Education 19841:Transport 19811:Companies 19783:Landforms 19746:West Bank 19733:Geography 19713:Elections 19691:Third Way 19588:President 19550:President 19331:Crusaders 19291:Palestine 18939:. Crown. 18801:18 August 18380:Dowty, A. 18129:: 41–61. 18108:144998198 18058:Angelingo 17954:24 August 17620:17 August 17545:. p. 112. 16586:0379-0975 16501:0031-0328 16460:17 August 16001:25 August 15841:143466620 15534:18 August 15005:17 August 14779:Tom Segev 14748:17 August 14570:Ynet News 13607:245363335 13587:במעבה ההר 13569:lineages. 13545:"Khaybar" 13483:1060-4367 13469:(1): 77. 13410:Routledge 13223:958547332 13168:0022-4995 13070:0003-097X 12931:0022-0469 12807:3 January 12576:3 January 12465:21 August 12379:8 January 12036:Amqarrūna 11850:Herodotus 11464:29 August 11290:. 1970. 11258:29 August 11237:Jerusalem 11064:0362-4331 11010:0147-1767 10806:1932-6203 10738:1932-6203 9916:Citations 9778:Bethlehem 9746:Canaanite 9705:DJ Khaled 9676:'s group 9623:Zaghareed 9607:Zaghareet 9587:Al-Rozana 9438:Palestine 9391:Jerusalem 9387:orphanage 9375:'s novel 9209:West Bank 9196:fellaheen 9168:-making, 9164:-making, 9045:West Bank 8980:pine nuts 8976:olive oil 8718:modernity 8501:Education 8461:Levantine 8437:Christian 8271:Bethlehem 8198:Uri Davis 8158:and some 7998:Ahmadiyya 7913:with the 3323:guerrilla 3311:Said Musa 3271:Bethlehem 3228:Jerusalem 3223:fertility 3221:based on 3203:West Bank 3093:community 2806:Jordanian 2764:Jerusalem 2404:Jerusalem 2377:political 2344:Jerusalem 2296:Jerusalem 2168:Byzantine 2156:Palestine 2126:Filasteen 2120:Al-Karmil 2072:Filasṭīnī 1855:West Bank 1849:Palestine 1651:Palestine 1584:samples. 1578:Iraqi Jew 1574:Jordanian 1566:Samaritan 1546:gene flow 1515:Samaritan 1497:from the 1476:Algerians 1464:Egyptians 1448:Crusaders 1425:Rashiduns 1375:Jerusalem 1359:Canaanite 1226:Arab Jews 1173:ethnicity 1160:Al-Karmil 1149:Al-Munadi 1050:When the 1031:(variant 968:Phoenicia 964:Herodotus 938:Palestine 930:Etymology 896:stateless 872:West Bank 761:In 1919, 756:Palestine 741:romanized 678:(various 672:Minority: 664:Majority: 643:Diaspora: 621:Languages 576:Australia 166:2,037,000 115:West Bank 108:5,350,000 20316:Bedouins 20264:Pakistan 20191:Diaspora 20061:Football 20046:Religion 20011:Language 19934:keffiyeh 19886:Diaspora 19751:Enclaves 19633:Politics 19606:Security 19454:Gaza War 19417:Timeline 19401:Conflict 19245:Archived 19233:Archived 19212:15069642 19136:Archived 19089:(1974). 19067:Archived 19061:(1970). 19040:(1989). 19020:Archived 18969:(2002). 18952:(1999). 18877:(1984). 18860:(2006). 18843:Archived 18813:(1994). 18765:(1997). 18744:Archived 18700:archived 18639:(1990). 18566:(2021). 18542:(2005). 18482:(1996). 18472:23508170 18382:(2023). 18239:(2006). 18221:Archived 18174:Archived 18143:56388670 18068:25 April 18037:25 April 17928:10 March 17903:Archived 17793:25 March 17787:Archived 17756:Archived 17751:Ynetnews 17724:Archived 17660:Archived 17611:Archived 17566:. p. 21. 17444:22 April 17438:Archived 17409:Archived 17330:Archived 17305:Archived 17282:Archived 17240:18 April 17213:18 April 16991:Archived 16914:Archived 16875:Archived 16873:. 2008. 16807:Archived 16757:Archived 16695:Archived 16578:Américas 16557:25 April 16399:26 April 16393:Archived 16364:16 April 16326:Archived 16295:Archived 16262:Archived 16209:ABC-CLIO 16177:Archived 16155:Archived 16126:22 April 16099:11 March 16031:Archived 15928:Archived 15872:Archived 15791:Archived 15760:Archived 15730:Archived 15653:Archived 15600:Archived 15575:Archived 15553:Archived 15463:Archived 15351:Archived 15324:Archived 15296:Archived 15223:Archived 15137:Archived 15112:Archived 14999:Archived 14904:Archived 14879:Archived 14846:Archived 14832:203–221. 14810:Archived 14692:1 August 14648:22 April 14642:Archived 14574:Archived 14549:22 April 14395:(1977). 14351:Archived 14260:Archived 14226:Archived 14203:Archived 14169:Archived 14149:Archived 14121:Archived 14080:37072456 14071:10113208 14023:20560205 13966:11153918 13918:11153918 13876:12629598 13825:20843760 13779:32470400 13770:10212583 13719:20531471 13671:23468648 13487:Archived 13432:Archived 13381:Archived 13346:Archived 13325:Archived 13292:Archived 13257:Archived 13227:Archived 13180:Archived 13115:Archived 13090:Archived 13086:24341643 13023:Archived 13019:59601193 12935:Archived 12880:Archived 12801:Archived 12618:Archived 12570:Archived 12500:Archived 12406:Archived 12401:ABC News 12240:23 April 12208:Archived 12064:Ashkelon 12060:Isqalūna 12027:Archived 11997:Archived 11973:archived 11937:pwlɜsɜtj 11864:Archived 11817:Archived 11815:. 2009. 11784:Archived 11776:"Jordan" 11720:Archived 11694:Archived 11652:Archived 11610:Archived 11579:Archived 11524:Archived 11458:Archived 11456:. 2007. 11421:Archived 11356:Archived 11340:pp.24–26 11252:Archived 11250:. 2007. 11221:Archived 11197:culture. 11184:Archived 11162:(2008). 11141:Archived 11105:Archived 11068:Archived 10970:Archived 10941:Archived 10922:Archived 10907:Archived 10887:Archived 10881:. 2005. 10824:25738654 10776:PLOS ONE 10756:29522542 10708:PLOS ONE 10686:Archived 10662:Archived 10620:Archived 10618:. 2013. 10563:Archived 10384:Archived 10328:Archived 10276:Archived 10251:Archived 10225:Archived 10201:22 April 10195:Archived 10165:Archived 10096:Archived 10069:Archived 10045:Archived 10026:Archived 10004:Archived 9977:Archived 9939:Archived 9851:See also 9625:(1997). 9617:(1986), 9559:Kamanjeh 9527:Qabatiya 9522:Folklore 9514:proverbs 9357:homeland 9121:, 1937, 8999:Ramallah 8952:Musakhan 8898:zate 'u 8881:tabouleh 8851:musakhan 8816:Abbasids 8731:Nabatean 8701:fellahin 8650:family, 8618:family, 8406:Language 8357:Ramallah 8315:Tomb of 8082:oak tree 8070:al-Khdir 7970:Religion 7911:refugees 3329:Refugees 3309: – 3307:minister 3291:ancestry 3287:Honduras 3277:live in 3173:308,000 3165:153,000 3157:159,000 3130:225,000 3126:Americas 3119:327,000 3111:405,425 3103:434,896 2995:Gulf War 2884:and the 2802:Egyptian 2611:Damascus 2523:Damascus 2388:1967 war 2331:and the 2312:pan-Arab 2184:Crusader 2160:Biblical 2140:fellahin 2117:such as 1996:Language 1792:Enclaves 1701:Previous 1692:Politics 1683:Diaspora 1588:Identity 1484:Bosnians 1440:Fatimids 1438:and the 1436:Abbasids 1432:Umayyads 1308:cultural 1197:Falastin 1154:Falastin 1104:medieval 1100:Filastin 1076:Josephus 1066:and the 1026:Akkadian 1020:. Among 1003:ethnonym 976:ethnonym 970:down to 956:Filasṭīn 947:toponym 918:holding 865:occupied 863:and the 853:exoduses 712:Lebanese 658:Religion 540:Colombia 306:Honduras 124: – 113: – 20416:Portals 20379:Bushnaq 20338:Druzers 20333:Baháʼís 20286:Uruguay 20249:Lebanon 20079:By city 19942:Cuisine 19868:society 19864:Culture 19836:Tourism 19803:Economy 19768:Borders 19299:History 19203:1181965 18193:Sources 18006:3 April 17980:3 April 17783:Haaretz 17692:28 July 17470:26 July 17266:, p. 4. 16738:2535683 16693:. CNN. 16656:29 July 16645:Haaretz 16596:29 July 15974:7 April 15934:7 April 15904:7 April 15705:21 June 15331:Fortune 15061:31 July 14580:25 July 14426:9 March 14050:Bibcode 14014:3032072 13974:8136092 13926:8136092 13867:1180338 13727:4307824 13699:Bibcode 13662:3585000 13562:22 June 13176:3632444 13078:1356664 12727:B.C.E., 12596:Haaretz 12058:), and 11854:Cilicia 11555:27 July 10815:4349752 10784:Bibcode 10747:5844529 10716:Bibcode 10482:22 June 10442:16 June 10171:26 June 9780:c. 1936 9686:hip hop 9633:dalouna 9615:Mish'al 9599:Dal'ona 9544:haduttu 9518:customs 9506:legends 9450:writer 9221:welfare 9162:pottery 9059:in the 9014:Kanafeh 8995:Falafel 8972:paprika 8937:Mahashi 8915:Entrées 8893:labaneh 8860:Nabulsi 8820:Baghdad 8804:Persian 8779:Cuisine 8755:cuisine 8751:costume 8727:Hebraic 8674:Culture 8648:Douaihy 8465:lexicon 8445:Aramaic 8401:Society 8238:in the 8022:Zionist 7904:(blue) 3138:44,200 3108:Lebanon 2980:Tunisia 2957:Knesset 2878:secular 2675:in 1948 2531:Husayni 2329:Hebrews 2320:Ottoman 2260:Zionist 2234:preface 2220:Zionism 2196:Ottoman 2188:Ayyubid 2180:Fatimid 2176:Abbasid 2172:Umayyad 2064:Zionism 1985:(dance) 1976:Cuisine 1952:Culture 1898:Al-Aqsa 1893:Judaism 1811:(Hamas) 1760:Current 1658:History 1570:Bedouin 1526:Semitic 1383:Samaria 1347:Semitic 1284:Origins 1274:Zionist 1145:Al-Quds 1088:Hadrian 1041:Plištim 1033:Pilištu 1029:Palaštu 999:toponym 914:, with 908:Lebanon 870:of the 743::  716:Syrians 688:Druzism 639:English 612:Algeria 346:100,000 342:Germany 328:132,935 288:Lebanon 274:200,000 256:255,000 238:295,000 220:400,000 202:500,000 20402:Portal 20254:Mexico 20244:Kuwait 20239:Jordan 20209:Canada 20204:Brazil 20041:Racism 19982:Health 19923:Cinema 19773:Cities 19293:topics 19210:  19200:  19166:  19158:  19128:  19097:  19052:  19031:  19005:  18991:  18960:  18943:  18925:  18907:  18899:  18868:  18839:604972 18837:  18777:  18756:  18728:  18675:  18658:  18630:  18616:  18598:  18576:  18552:  18528:  18494:  18470:  18451:  18433:  18410:  18392:  18368:  18351:  18337:  18313:  18298:  18269:  18251:  18213:  18166:  18141:  18106:  17862:IMEU. 17652:  17583:  17562:  17541:  17519:4 June 17418:5 June 17356:  17262:  17186:31 May 17096:  16997:16 May 16983:  16906:  16799:  16736:  16701:30 May 16618:  16584:  16499:  16419:  16254:  16219:  16215:–470. 16067:30 May 15839:  15288:  15215:  14928:  14710:. Ed. 14634:  14468:6 July 14445:  14223:p. 149 14078:  14068:  14021:  14011:  13972:  13964:  13924:  13916:  13874:  13864:  13823:  13777:  13767:  13725:  13717:  13691:Nature 13669:  13659:  13605:  13522:  13481:  13424:  13373:  13316:  13221:  13211:  13174:  13166:  13084:  13076:  13068:  13017:  13007:  12978:  12968:  12929:  12874:  12864:  12830:  12774:  12677:  12492:  12348:29 May 12305:  12268:  12120:  12099:  12048:Ashdod 12044:Asdūdu 11965:  11755:  11644:  11494:  11413:  11386:  11279:  11176:  11170:Polity 11133:  11097:  11062:  11008:  10962:  10822:  10812:  10804:  10754:  10744:  10736:  10540:21 May 10416:27 May 10364:23 May 9694:Hebrew 9690:Arabic 9627:Ataaba 9593:, and 9578:ataaba 9539:djinns 9470:, and 9403:Israel 9397:, the 9213:Jordan 9172:, and 9138:Halhul 9091:Arabic 9075:Cinema 9067:, the 9065:Europe 9055:, the 9053:Israel 8968:hummus 8900:zaatar 8896:, and 8875:hummus 8856:Kinafe 8848:) and 8838:Nablus 8769:UNESCO 8610:, the 8606:, the 8602:, the 8598:, the 8457:Arabic 8453:Syriac 8451:, and 8441:Jewish 8359:, 1905 8321:Hittin 8317:Shuaib 8290:Hebron 8273:, 2006 8220:shrine 8112:France 8074:maqams 8062:Halhul 3303:Belize 3151:Other 3143:Kuwait 3077:Israel 3067:Jordan 3041:, and 2937:fellah 2836:Beirut 2800:  2798:  2796:  2794:  2788:  2786:  2784:  2782:  2780:  2754:  2752:  2750:  2744:  2742:  2740:  2734:  2641:. The 2639:Nablus 2587:Faisal 2581:, the 2476:, the 2304:Nablus 2300:Hebron 2214:after 2192:Mamluk 2135:فلاحين 2131:Arabic 2105:, the 1966:Cinema 1802:Cities 1673:Origin 1668:People 1604:, and 1538:Canaan 1511:Nablus 1507:Hebron 1486:, and 1474:) and 1112:Arabic 1056:Judaea 1052:Romans 985:1650s 953:Arabic 900:Jordan 861:Israel 805:, the 781:after 732:Arabic 646:Local 635:Hebrew 631:Arabic 609:  594:Sweden 591:  580:~7,000 573:  555:  544:12,000 537:  526:13,000 522:Mexico 519:  508:15,000 501:  490:20,000 483:  472:29,000 465:  454:45,905 450:Canada 447:  436:57,000 429:  418:59,000 411:  400:59,000 396:Brazil 393:  382:70,000 375:  364:80,000 360:Kuwait 357:  339:  321:  303:  285:  267:  249:  231:  213:  195:  177:  162:Israel 159:  144:Jordan 141:  98:  47:Arabic 43:  20364:Kurds 20352:Other 20303:Arabs 20269:Syria 20229:Haiti 20219:Egypt 20214:Chile 20104:Radio 20084:Books 20072:Media 20056:Sport 20021:Music 19952:Dance 19831:Taxes 19666:Hamas 19661:Fatah 19380:Nakba 18835:JSTOR 18795:(PDF) 18788:(PDF) 18722:Verso 18698:(3), 18468:JSTOR 18139:S2CID 18104:S2CID 17614:(PDF) 17607:(PDF) 17412:(PDF) 17405:(PDF) 17360:ch. 2 17180:(PDF) 17169:(PDF) 17039:(PDF) 17028:(PDF) 16843:(PDF) 16832:(PDF) 16734:JSTOR 16423:p. 53 16093:(PDF) 16086:(PDF) 16057:UNRWA 15848:(PDF) 15837:S2CID 15817:(PDF) 15699:(PDF) 15692:(PDF) 15682:Azure 15662:Azure 15628:(PDF) 15621:(PDF) 15494:(PDF) 15487:(PDF) 15255:(PDF) 15248:(PDF) 15169:(PDF) 15162:(PDF) 15055:(PDF) 15044:(PDF) 14512:(PDF) 14505:(PDF) 14487:(PDF) 14480:(PDF) 14462:(PDF) 14455:(PDF) 14283:92–93 14124:(PDF) 14101:(PDF) 13970:S2CID 13922:S2CID 13894:(PDF) 13723:S2CID 13603:S2CID 13172:JSTOR 13082:S2CID 13074:JSTOR 12459:(PDF) 12452:(PDF) 12052:Hāzat 12040:Ekron 11858:Egypt 11820:(PDF) 11809:(PDF) 11780:UNRWA 11658:2 May 10928:. In 10559:(PDF) 10534:(PDF) 10527:(PDF) 10298:(PDF) 10072:(PDF) 10065:(PDF) 9973:UNRWA 9901:See: 9889:Notes 9786:Sport 9762:Dabke 9738:Dabke 9732:Dance 9572:zajal 9550:Music 9531:Yabus 9502:dance 9498:music 9378:Miral 9353:exile 9349:irony 9253:dowry 9174:olive 9119:Jaffa 8905:thyme 8866:Mezze 8812:Islam 8808:Turks 8795:Jaffa 8747:music 8693:Pagan 8668:Druze 8616:Qudwa 8479:of . 8449:Greek 8395:UNRWA 8338:, in 8186:Holon 8171:Druze 8136:Druze 8078:carob 8058:Jonah 8006:Druze 7994:Islam 7990:Sunni 3279:Chile 3179:TOTAL 3135:Egypt 3100:Syria 3087:Chile 2946:sumud 2927:sumud 2882:Fatah 2832:Cairo 2700:Nakba 2599:Syria 2164:Roman 2006:Music 1982:Dabke 1888:Islam 1772:Hamas 1767:Fatah 1678:Nakba 1548:from 1379:Judea 1262:Druze 1106:Arab 1072:Philo 1005:. 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