
French Indochina

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purpose of disarming the Japanese. Ho Chi Minh confiscated gold taels, jewelry and coins in September 1945 during "Gold Week" to give to Chinese forces occupying northern Vietnam. Rice to Cochinchina by the French in October 1945 were divided by Ho Chi Minh, and the northern Vietnamese only received one third while the Chinese soldiers were given two thirds by Ho Chi Minh. For 15 days elections were postponed by Ho Chi Minh in response to a demand by Chinese general Chen Xiuhe on 18 December 1945 so that the Chinese could get the Dong Minh Hoi and VNQDD to prepare. The Chinese left only in April–June 1946. Ho Chi Minh gave golden smoking paraphernalia and a golden opium pipe to the Chinese general Lu Han after gold week and purchased weapons with what was left of the proceeds. Starving Vietnamese were dying throughout northern Vietnam in 1945 due to the Japanese seizure of their crops by the time the Chinese came to disarm the Japanese and Vietnamese corpses were all throughout the streets of Hanoi and had to be cleaned up by students. While Chiang Kai-shek, Xiao Wen (Hsiao Wen) and the Kuomintang central government of China was disinterested in occupying Vietnam beyond the allotted time period and involving itself in the war between the Việt Minh and the French, the Yunnan warlord Lu Han held the opposite view and wanted to occupy Vietnam to prevent the French returning and establish a Chinese trusteeship of Vietnam under the principles of the Atlantic Charter with the aim of eventually preparing Vietnam for independence and blocking the French from returning. Ho Chi Minh sent a cable on 17 October 1945 to American President Harry S. Truman calling on him, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, Premier Stalin and Premier Attlee to go to the United Nations against France and demand France not be allowed to return to occupy Vietnam, accusing France of having sold out and cheated the Allies by surrendering Indochina to Japan and that France had no right to return. Ho Chi Minh dumped the blame on Dong Minh Hoi and VNDQQ for signing the agreement with France for returning its soldiers to Vietnam after he had to do it himself. Ho Chi Minh's Việt Minh tried to organize welcome parades for Chinese soldiers in northern Vietnam and covered for instances of bad behavior by warlord soldiers, trying to reassure Vietnamese that the warlord troops of Lu Han were only there temporarily and that China supported Vietnam's independence. Việt Minh newspapers said that the same ancestors (huyết thống) and culture were shared by Vietnamese and Chinese and that the Chinese heroically fought Japan and changed in the 1911 revolution and was attacked by western imperialists so it was "not the same as feudal China". Ho Chi Minh forbade his soldiers like Trần Huy Liệu in Phú Thọ from attacking Chinese soldiers and Ho Chi Minh even surrendered Vietnamese who attacked Chinese soldiers to be executed as punishment in the Ro-Nha incident in Kiến An district on 6 March 1946 after Hồ Đức Thành and Đào Văn Biểu, special commissioners sent from Hanoi by Ho's DRV examined the case. Ho Chi Minh appeased and granted numerous concessions to the Chinese soldiers to avoid the possibility of them clashing with the Việt Minh, with him ordering Vietnamese not to carry out anything against Chinese soldiers and pledging his life on his promise, hoping the Chinese would disarm the Japanese soldiers and finish their mission as fast as possible.
3618:) and the Japanese committed these atrocities in Thai Nguyen province at Dinh Hoa, Vo Nhai and Hung Son. The Japanese attacked the Vietnamese while masquerading as Viet Minh and used terror and deception. The Japanese created the puppet Vietnam Phuc quoc quan (Vietnam restoration army). and tried to disrupt the Viet Minh's redistribution and confiscation of property of pro-Japanese Vietnamese traitors by disguising themselves as Viet Minh and then attacking people who took letters from them and organizing anti-French rallies and Trung sisters celebrations. Japanese soldiers tried to infiltrate Viet Minh bases with Viet Minh flags and brown trousers during their fighting. The Japanese murdered, plundered and raped Vietnamese and beheaded Vietnamese who stole bread and corn while they were starving according to their martial law. They shot a Vietnamese pharmacy student to death outside of his own house when he was coming home from guard duty at a hospital after midnight in Hanoi and also shot a defendant for a political case in the same city. In Thai Nguyen province, Vo Nhai, a Vietnamese boat builder was thrown in a river and had his stomach stabbed by the Japanese under suspicion of helping Viet Minh guerillas. The Japanese slit the abdomen and hung the Dai Tu mayor upside down in Thai Nguyen as well. The Japanese also beat thousands of people in Hanoi for not cooperating. Japanese officers ordered their soldiers to behead and burn Vietnamese. Some claimed that Taiwanese and Manchurian soldiers in the Japanese army were participating in the atrocities against the Vietnamese but Truong Chinh said that even if it was true Taiwanese and Manchurian soldiers were committing the rapes and killing, their Japanese officers were the ones giving the orders and participating along with them. Truong Chinh said that the Japanese wanted to plunder Asians for their own market and take it from the United States and Great Britain and were imperialists with no intent on liberating Vietnam. 2605: 3610:
Magazine" (Tap Chi Cong San) with the same title, describing Japanese atrocities like looting, slaughter and rape against the people of north Vietnam in 1945. He denounced the Japanese claims to have liberated Vietnam from France with the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere announced by Tojo and mentioned how the Japanese looted shrines, temples, eggs, vegetables, straw, rice, chickens, hogs and cattle for their horses and soldiers and built military stations and airstrips after stealing land and taking boats, vehicles, homes and destroying cotton fields and vegetable fields for peanut and jute cultivation in Annam and Tonkin. Japan replaced the French government on 9 March 1945 and started openly looting the Vietnamese even more in addition to taking French owned properties and stole watches, pencils, bicycles, money and clothing in Bac Giang and Bac Can. The Japanese tried to play the Vietnamese against the French, and played the Laotians against the Vietnamese by inciting Lao people to kill Vietnamese as Laotians murdered 7 Vietnamese officials in Luang Prabang and Lao youths were recruited to an anti-Vietnam organization by the Japanese when they took over Luang Prabang. The Japanese spread false rumours that the French were massacring Vietnamese at the time to distract the Vietnamese from Japanese atrocities. The Japanese created groups to counter the Viet Minh Communists like Vietnam Pao ve doan (Vietnam protection group) and Vietnam Ai quoc doan (Vietnam Patriotic Group to force Vietnamese into coolie labour, take taxes and rice and arrested ant-Japanese Vietnamese with their puppet government run by Tran Trong Kim. The Viet Minh rejected the Japanese demands to cease fighting and support Japan, so the Japanese implemented the
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and slaughtering Japanese and disarming them in a nationwide rebellion on 19 August 1945. The Japanese had already disarmed the French and the Japanese themselves lost morale so the Viet Minh managed to seize control after attacking the Japanese. Viet Minh had begun fighting in 1944, when the French were attacked on Dinh Ca in October 1944 and in Cao Bang and Bac Can French were attacked by Viet Cong in November 1944 and the French and Japanese fought each other on 9 March 1945, so in Tonkin the Viet Cong began disarming French soldiers and attacking the Japanese. In Quang Ngai, Ba To, Yen Bai and Nghia Lo political prisoners escaped Japanese were attacked din Son La by Meo (Hmong) tribesmen and in Hoa Binh and Lang Son by Muong tribesmen. The Viet Minh took control of 6 provinces in Tonkin after 9 March 1945 within 2 weeks. The Viet Minh led a brutal campaign against the Japanese where many died from 9 March 1945 to 19 August 1945. Truong Chinh ended the article with a quote from Sun Yatsen, "The revolution is not yet won, All comrades must continue their al out efforts!"
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zones across Vietnam named after past heroes of Vietnam, calling for propaganda to explain to the people that their only way forward was violent resistance against the Japanese and exposing the Vietnamese puppet government that served them. The conference also called for training propagandists and having women spread military propaganda and target Japanese soldiers with Chinese language leaflets and Japanese language propaganda. The Viet Minh's Vietnamese Liberation Army published the "Resistance against Japan" (Khang Nhat) newspaper. They also called for the creation of a group called "Chinese and Vietnamese Allied against Japan" by sending leaflets to recruit overseas Chinese in Vietnam to their cause. The resolution called on forcing French in Vietnam to recognize Vietnamese independence and for the DeGaulle France (Allied French) to recognize their independent and cooperate with them against Japan.
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Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea and South Korea. A Korean comfort woman named Kim Ch'un-hui stayed behind in Vietnam and died there when she was 44 in 1963, owning a dairy farm, cafe, US cash and diamonds worth 200,000 US dollars. 2 billion US dollars worth (1945 values) of damage, 148 million dollars of them due to destruction of industrial plants was incurred by Vietnam. 90% of heavy vehicles and motorcycles, cars and 16 tons of junks as well as railways, port installations were destroyed as well as one third of bridges. Some Japanese soldiers married Vietnamese women like Nguyen Thi Xuan and Nguyen Thi Thu and fathered multiple children with the Vietnamese women who remained behind in Vietnam while the Japanese soldiers themselves returned to Japan in 1955. The official Vietnamese historical narrative view them as children of rape and prostitution.
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atrocities against the Vietnamese by portraying Japan's aid to the South Vietnamese regime against North Vietnam as humanitarian aid, portraying the Vietnam war against America as a civil war. changing the death toll of 2 million Vietnamese dead at the hands of the Japanese famine to 1 million and calling the Japanese invasion as a presence and calling Japanese fascists at simply Japanese at the Vietnam-Japan international conference. He accused them of changing history in exchange for only a few tens of thousands of dollars, and the Presidium of international Vietnamese studies in Hanoi did not include any Vietnamese women. The Vietnamese professor Văn Tạo and Japanese professor Furuta Moto both conducted a study in the field on the Japanese induced famine of 1945 admitting that Japan killed 2 million Vietnamese by starvation.
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continued to operate under both German control and using German capital. During the 1910s, Speidel & Co. was the largest importer of European goods into the country with Engler being one of its major competitors. After the German owners were expelled from the company lower level employees tried to continue running these companies despite increasing push back from the French colonial authorities by means of arbitrary customs enforcement, freight interference, and regulatory aggravations. Later the French would seize all of the German Speidel Company's warehouses and would sell the seized goods at low prices both to Vietnamese consumers and Chinese exporters to try to increase revenue. These goods included rice, wine, and canned goods.
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column from Yunnan. Vietnamese VNQDD fighters accompanied the Chinese soldiers. Ho Chi Minh ordered his DRV administration to set quotas for rice to give to the Chinese soldiers and rice was sold in Chinese currency in the Red River delta. Lu Han occupied the French governor general's palace after ejecting the French staff under Sainteny. Chinese soldiers occupied French Indochina north of the 16th parallel while the British under the South-East Asia Command of Lord Mountbatten occupied the south. Vietnamese civilians were robbed, raped and killed by French soldiers in Saigon when they came back in August 1945.
684: 4254: 4358: 2706:. This exceptional human mobility offered the French Indochinese, mostly Vietnamese, the unique opportunity of directly access to social life and political debates that were occurring in contemporary France and this resulted in their aspirations to become "masters of their own destiny" to increase. Exposed to new political ideals and returning to a colonial occupation of their own country (by a ruler that many of them had fought and died for), resulted in some sour attitudes. Many of these troops sought out and joined the Vietnamese nationalist movement focused on overthrowing the French. 12421: 12409: 694: 12567: 12555: 12543: 12531: 12519: 12507: 12495: 12482: 12469: 12457: 12445: 12324: 12312: 12252: 4473:
Tonkin and Cochinchina (Northern and Southern Vietnam respectively), where French influence was most heavy, while Annam, Laos and Cambodia were less influenced by French education. Despite the dominance of French in official and educational settings, local populations still largely spoke their native languages. After French rule ended, the French language was still largely used among the new governments (with the exception of North Vietnam). Today, French continues to be taught as a second language in the former colonies and used in some administrative affairs.
12433: 704: 1815: 4113: 1978: 3234:(PCF) who promised to represent them both in legal and political matters. As returnees from France were more skilled and spoke fluent French the French colonists in Indochina would hire them to perform better paying jobs and often brought ideas of the successful Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. In provinces like Thanh Hoá, Nghệ An, and Hà Tĩnh where around twenty thousand returnees lived pro-Bolshevik activities would increase during this decade and this region saw the creation of many pro-Bolshevik parties. 2715:"ostensibly voluntary". While there is some truth to these claims, the vast majority of the men who volunteered for service in Europe were indeed volunteers. Among the motivations of volunteering were both personal and economic ambitions, some French Indochinese volunteers wished to see what the world looked like "beyond the bamboo hedges in their villages" while others preferred the money and the opportunity to see what France actually looks like. Their service would expose them to the brutality of 1966: 1639:, the various protectorates were consolidated into one union in 1887. Two more entities were incorporated into the union: the Laotian protectorate and the Chinese territory of Guangzhouwan. The French exploited the resources in the region during their rule, but also contributed to improvements of the health and education system in the region. Nevertheless, deep divides remained between the native population and the colonists, leading to sporadic rebellions by the former. After the 12288: 664: 6427:(1923), pp. 42-43; 9 PA 13/3, Memo from the General-Governor of French Indochina to the Governor of Cochinchina, Residents Superior of Tonkin, Annam, and Cambodia, 2 June 1918; Cross, Gary: Immigrant Workers in Industrial France. The Making of a New Laboring Class, Philadelphia 1983, p. 34-36; Nogaro, B. / Weil, Lucien: La main d'ouvre étrangère et coloniale pendant la guerre, New Haven, CT 1926, p. 32-35: 242,000 soldiers from Africa and Asia had served in the war. 4410: 12360: 12372: 2161: 12240: 3838:
Yunnan, China for sanctuary and aid from the Chinese Communists. A French reporter was told by Vietnamese village notables "We know what war always is, We understand your soldiers taking our animals, our jewelry, our Buddhas; it is normal. We are resigned to their raping our wives and our daughters; war has always been like that. But we object to being treated in the same way, not only our sons, but ourselves, old men and dignitaries that we are."
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and the rest of Europe during the War were Vietnamese these social and political developments affected the Vietnamese more. Because French Cochinchina was a direct French colony it enjoyed favourable legislation concerning the press which fostered a public sphere of oppositional political activism. Although these developments occurred throughout French Indochina they were more strongly felt in Cochinchina due to its more open society.
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below him. The governor-general was also in charge of all the military affairs of the country, among their responsibilities were the ability to set up an army corps, deploy the French Indochinese military forces, and issue conscription orders. However, the governor-general was not in charge of actually commanding the military forces during actual military campaigns and battles. The governor-general was also the chairman of the
the French administrator Paul Le Boulanger between the years 1914 and 1921. While the nature of Vietnamese resistance changed radically during the 1920s and the 1930s due to various major socio-cultural changes that were occurring at the time by a small, but growing, urbanised Vietnamese middle class, the rebellions in Cambodia and Laos remained to be "traditional" in their style and execution in contrast to the more "modern"
accused both France and Japan of the famine and said 1-2 million Vietnamese died. Võ An Ninh took photographs of dead and dying Vietnamese during the great famine. Starving Vietnamese were dying throughout northern Vietnam in 1945 due to the Japanese seizure of their crops by the time the Chinese came to disarm the Japanese and Vietnamese corpses were all throughout the streets of Hanoi and had to be cleaned up by students.
674: 3930:, where if Vietnam were to fall to communism then there would be multiple other countries that would fall to the ideology in Southeast Asia, from Vietnam to India there would be a dramatic shift in global power. Eisenhower chose to not put boots on the ground, but his decision to start to get involved likely is more important to the countries eventual step into the country than Johnson's decision to take that last step. 3886: 4240:, sacrifice, mourning, and longing. Both the government-general of French Indochina and the government of the Nguyễn dynasty attempted reform these rules and regulations in their favour. To expand their power into Vietnamese hamlets and villages the French administration issued models for the villages to follow, but many Vietnamese villages still functioned independent of the French and Nguyễn administrations. 715: 3705: 3854:, however, used efficient and novel tactics of direct fire artillery, convoy ambushes and massed anti-aircraft guns to impede land and air supply deliveries together with a strategy based on recruiting a sizable regular army facilitated by wide popular support, a guerrilla warfare doctrine and instruction developed in China, and the use of simple and reliable war material provided by the 3174: 3328:, with the signing of the convention only regulations related to custom, favours, amnesty, conferring titles, dignitaries, among others are given by the emperor. Everything else is up to the French protectorate government. This document also merges the budget of the Southern court with the budget of the French protectorate of Annam and that all the meetings of the Council of Ministers ( 6313:"Vài nét về Bộ Học qua châu bản triều Nguyễn. - 04:00 PM 26/11/2015 - Lượt xem: 482 - Có thể nói có không ít tư liệu viết về Bộ Học và những cách tân trong chương trình giáo dục Việt Nam thời thuộc Pháp, tuy nhiên Châu bản triều Nguyễn thực sự là nguồn sử liệu quan trọng cung cấp những thông tin xác thực, giá trị để chúng ta có cơ sở nghiên cứu về nền giáo dục Việt Nam thời thuộc địa" 3297:
the Bokor mountain resort, when Bardez visited he refused to free prisoners who were arrested for being unable to pay their debts, this agitated a crowd of around 700 angry peasants who then killed him, his interpreter, and the militiamen present during his visit. This assassination was a sign of the wider political unrest that characterised Cambodia during this decade.
country. Both the traditional elite and the Laotian peasantry seemed largely content with French rule during this period. Despite this, sporadic revolts occurred in Laos during the late 19th century and early 20th century. During the late 19th century Southern Laos saw upland minority communities rising up in revolt, these were led by Bac My and Ong Ma on the
4503:. The French administration established quotas of consumption for each Vietnamese village, thereby compelling villagers to purchase and consume set amounts of these monopolised goods. The trade of those three products formed about 44% of the colonial government's budget in 1920 but declined to 20% by 1930 as the colony began to economically diversify. 4645:. The primary motivation for such an effort was to facilitate export of European goods to China. A railway would also give France access to Yunnan's natural resources, mineral resources and opium, and open up the Chinese market for Indochinese products, such as rice, dry fish, wood and coal. Thus in the early 20th century, they completed the 4538:, though at lower levels than during the pre-war period. Prior to World War I, French Indochina had an annual flour import worth $ 950,000 and an annual condensed milk import worth $ 135,000, but during the war they would import only half this amount from the United States and about one fifth the amount of condensed milk from Australia. 5275: 2823:
For example Dr. Nguyễn Xuân Mai, who in 1910 became one of the first indigenous auxiliaries to graduate the Hanoi medical school, hoped to gain his PhD in France so he enlisted to fight in the war. In 1921 he would acquire his doctorate and he became one of the first Vietnamese doctors to enjoy the same rights as his French colleagues.
2388:), which was created in Hanoi in 1907 by the supporters of both Phan Châu Trinh and Phan Bội Châu was closed in the year of its founding by the French authorities because it was perceived as being anti-French. The Tonkin Free School stemmed from the movement of the same name, which aimed to modernise Vietnamese society by abandoning 3261:
by carrying out a double action, one political, the other repressive." indicating that he saw repressing subversive elements as paramount to the continued French domination of the region. His policies benefited collaborators while they were instrumental in repressing dissidents. Sarraut boasted the image of himself as a liberal
6403:- Vu-Hill, Kimloan: Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Indochina) (Version 1.1), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 2497:
revolt also broke out in Cochinchina in 1913 where prisons and administrative hubs were attacked by crowds of hundreds of peasants using sticks and swords to fight the French, as the French were armed with firearms a large number of protesters ended up dying by gunshot wounds causing the protests to break up ending the revolt.
2848:(development and improvement) of French Indochina was primarily financed by European French public loans, French private capital, and higher taxes on the local populations. But during the war French Indochina became completely responsible both for financing itself and the people they sent to Europe to fight in the war as 3474:, a Socialist commented that he had sought "a wide consultation with all elements of the popular ," but with "Trotskyist-Communists intervening in the villages to menace and intimidate the peasant part of the population, taking all authority from the public officials," the necessary "formula" had not been found. 2682:) for the wartime contribution by the French Indochinese to their colonial masters. However, beside some liberal reforms, the French administration actually increased economic exploitation and ruthless repression of nationalist movements which rapidly resulted in a disappointment of the promises made by Sarraut. 2473:, and Yunnan were earlier in the French sphere of influence in China, these places would now become hosts of anti-French revolutionary activities due to their borders with Tonkin and Laos, being the primary places of operation for both Chinese and Vietnamese revolutionaries. This allowed for members of the 2959:. The mandarin Trần Cao Văn engaged with he Duy Tân Emperor to try and stage a large rebellion in Annam in 1916, but their conspiracy was discovered and foiled by the French. In 1916 the Kingdom of Cambodia saw a 3 month uprising organised by between 30,000 and 100,000 peasants against both the mandatory 3021:. In November 1914 Japan supplanted the German sphere of influence in southern China with its own political and economic influence, putting it in direct competition with French Indochina. Even though the Japanese openly supported a number of anti-French secessionist movements, such as Prince Cường Để's 4521:
During the first six months of World War I, the government-general would expel all German and Austro-Hungarian people living in French Indochina. The two pre-war import/export houses, Speidel & Co. and F. Engler & Co., were officially re-organised as French companies; however, in reality they
Other government agencies of the Government-General of French Indochina include the Indochinese Defense Council, Mine Consultancy Committee, the Indochinese Education Consultancy Council, the Supreme Council for Exploitation of Colonies, the Indochinese Economic and Financial Interests Assembly, etc.
and a number of French residents. The governor-general was assisted by a system of different government agencies; however, these agencies functioned only to be consultants to help the governor-general perform his role and exercise his powers. The protectorates of Cambodia, Annam, Tonkin, and Laos all
Truong Chinh wrote another article on 12 September 1945, No 16 in Liberation Banner (Co Giai Phong) which was also reprinted on 16 August 1970 in Nhan Dan. He commemorated the August revolution against the Japanese, after the Japanese surrendered on 15 August 1945 then the Viet Minh started attacking
In April 1939 Cochinchina Council elections Tạ Thu Thâu led a "Workers' and Peasants' Slate" into victory over both the "bourgeois" Constitutionalists and the Communists' Democratic Front. Key to their success was popular opposition to the war taxes ("national defence levy") that the Communist Party,
In Kopong Chang, Cambodia the French resident Félix Bardez was assassinated in the year 1925 by disgruntled indigenous people. Félix Bardez visited the village at a time when its inhabitants were frustrated with the colonial policies of the French in Cambodia as the French raised the taxes to finance
both shared the same interest (the defeat of the French). Liébert argued that French Indochinese who rebelled should be treated according or as traitors to France. Another reason for the expansion of the security state was that the French feared that such a large expulsion of French soldiers to fight
2746:), or road crews. Vietnamese soldiers were also used to "sanitise" battle fields at the end of the war, where they would perform these duties in the middle of the cold European winters without being provided with warm clothes, in order to let the (White) French soldiers return to their homes earlier. 2364:
was founded in 1904 by Phan Bội Châu and Prince Cường Để. The group in a broader sense was also considered a Modernisation Movement. This new group of people consisted only of a few hundred people, with most of its members being either students or nationalists. Notable members of the society included
Although during the early 20th century calm was supposed to reign as the French had "pacified" the region, constant uprisings contesting French rule characterised French Indochina this period. "There is ample evidence of the rural populations' involvement in revolts against authority during the first
From 1 January 1898, the French directly took over the right to collect all taxes in the protectorate of Annam and to allocate salaries to the Emperor of the Nguyễn dynasty and its mandarins. In a notice dated 24 August 1898, the Resident-Superior of Annam wrote: "From now on, in the Kingdom of Annam
1999 Page 76 "the Association for Mutual Education (Hội Trí Tri) at 59 Fan Street. ... August 22, 1907, of the same paper further revealed, on page 348, that the three elementary grades were taught ... Trần Văn Hùng, Vũ Văn Trw and Phạm Duy Tốn, the latter a scholar-publicist and father of Professor
Chu Trinh Phan, Sính Vĩnh Phan Châu Trinh and his political writings - Page 7 2009 "Phan Boi Chau was the major figure within this group of literati.20 A founder of the Vietnam Modernization Association (Viet Nam Duy Tan Hoi, 1904), Phan Boi Chau went to Japan in 1905, primarily to ask for military
5956:- Morlat, Patrice: Social Conflict and Control, Protest and Repression (Indochina), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 4201:
The legislative decrees of the governor-general had to be sent to the minister of colonies for consideration; the minister would then approve or disapprove the decrees. However, the minister of colonies was not entitled to make any amendments to the decrees, and if they wished to alter it they would
In 1920, the French established provincial advisory councils in the Kingdom of Laos. In 1923 this was followed by an indigenous consultative assembly, which served an advisory role. Despite the Laotian indigenous consultative assembly not having any real political power, it served as an organisation
The increase in surveillance and repression was accompanied with a propaganda campaign aimed to convince the indigenous populations of the "enlightenment" of French colonialism. Both the indigenous peasantry and the elites had to be won over by being told of the many "advantages of colonialism". The
World War I also saw the colonial government of Cochinchina authorising the creation of Vietnamese-language newspapers in 1916, this was done to secure popular support for the war effort, the colonial authorities hoped that this would create a loyal indigenous group of politically active people. The
During the early 20th century Laos was considered to be the most "docile" territory as it saw relatively little uprisings. The French attributed this to them being more stable rulers than the Siamese who had ruled over them for a century before the establishment of the French protectorate over their
4586:. With the growing number of investments in the colony's mines and rubber, tea and coffee plantations, French Indochina began to industrialise as factories opened in the colony. These new factories produced textiles, cigarettes, beer and cement which were then exported throughout the French Empire. 4148:
directly ruled by the French colonial apparatus. The residents-superior and governor of Cochinchina did not have legislative powers only executive. While the Emperors of the Nguyễn dynasty did maintain their legislative powers, all imperial decrees had to be approved by either the Resident-Superior
The government-general of French Indochina as well as its powers were established and amended through presidential decrees. The governor-general held supreme power in French Indochina over the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the government and had the power to appoint the residents
Eisenhower had a further impact in that he would continue to provide support for future presidents policy in the country, Lyndon B. Johnson and Gerald Ford both used him to large extents, Kennedy did have several meetings with him in the White House, and Nixon was mostly on his own, but considering
It was at this conference that France relinquished any claim to territory in the Indochinese peninsula. The United States and South Vietnam rejected the Geneva Accords and never signed. South Vietnamese leader Diem rejected the idea of nationwide election as proposed in the agreement, saying that a
produced the Geneva Agreements between North Vietnam and France. Provisions included supporting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Indochina, granting it independence from France, declaring the cessation of hostilities and foreign involvement in internal Indochina affairs, and delineating
Chiang Kai-shek threatened the French with war in response to manoeuvering by the French and Ho Chi Minh against each other, forcing them to come to a peace agreement. In February 1946 he forced the French to surrender all of their concessions in China and renounce their extraterritorial privileges
On 25 March 2000, the Vietnamese journalist Trần Khuê wrote an article "Dân chủ: Vấn đề của dân tộc và thời đại" where he harshly criticized ethnographers and historians in Ho Chin Minh city's Institute of Social Sciences like Dr. Đinh Văn Liên and Professor Mạc Đường who tried to whitewash Japan's
and tax policies, continuing from the war period. The early years of this decade were characterised by widespread violence and a lack of order and security in rural Cambodia, as recorded by French residents in the provinces. Contemporarily Upper Laos was referred to as being "violently agitated" by
which characterised French colonial policy during the interwar period. Regarding the internal security of the French apparatus in the Far East Sarraut stated "I have always estimated that Indochina must be protected against the effects of a revolutionary propaganda that I have never underestimated,
communities. Only a handful of Vietnamese landlords, moneylenders, and middlemen benefitted from the new economic opportunities that arose during this period as the colonial economy of exportation was designed to enrich the French at the expense of the indigenous population. During this same period
The Great War presented a number of opportunities for the indigenous French Indochinese people serving in the West that didn't exist before, notably for some individuals to obtain levels of education that were simply unattainable at home by acquiring more advanced technical and professional skills.
to Cambodia by the Siamese in April 1907. During the reign of King Sisowath there was "an inexorable increase in French control" and the French residents gained executive authority to issue royal decrees, appoint officials, and collect taxes. The French protectorate of Laos at the time was ruled by
and Martin Murray, treated his statement by Nguyễn Ái Quốc as an article of faith and believed that the Vietnamese men who participated in World War I were "forcibly recruited" by means of "terrorism", later historians would claim that the recruitment enterprise employed during this period was only
Beginning in the 1880s there was a rise of an explicitly anti-Catholic French administration in French Indochina. The administration would try to reduce Catholic missionary influence in French Indochinese society, as opposed to the earlier decades where missionaries played an important role in both
On 17 August 1970, the North Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman Truong Chinh reprinted an article in Vietnamese in Nhan Dan, published in Hanoi titled "Policy of the Japanese Pirates Towards Our People" which was a reprint of his original article written in August 1945 in No 3 of the "Communist
While the French hoped to isolate political dissidents by locking them up in prisons, these prisons would ironically turn into "schools" for nationalism and Communism as concentrating a large number of political enemies together would allow them to communicate with each other, which contributed to
One of the effects of World War I on French Indochinese society was the introduction of a vibrant political press both in French and in the indigenous languages that led to the political radicalisation of a new generation of nationalists. Because most of the indigenous people that served in France
During the early days of the war around 6 million Frenchmen were drafted causing a severe labour shortage in France. In response, the Undersecretary of State for Artillery and Munitions proposed to hire women, European immigrants, and French colonial subjects, these people were later followed with
Movement a new generation of anti-French resistance emerged, rather than being rooted in the traditional mandarin elites the new anti-French resistance leaders of the early 20th century were more influenced by international events and revolutions abroad to inspire their resistance and the issue of
Sailing to southern Vietnam, de Genouilly captured the poorly defended city of Saigon on 17 February 1859. Once again, however, de Genouilly and his forces were unable to seize territory outside of the defensive perimeter of the city. De Genouilly was criticised for his actions and was replaced by
Fourteen French gunships, 3,300 men including 300 Filipino soldiers provided by the Spanish attacked the port of Tourane causing significant damage and occupying the city. After fighting the Vietnamese for three months and finding himself unable to progress further in land, de Genouilly sought and
Philippe M. F. Peycam The Birth of Vietnamese Political Journalism: Saigon, 1916-1930 - Page 56 2012 "During Chiêu's trial, the French discovered that he had been a central agent for an underground movement called the Association for the Modernization of Vietnam (Việt Nam Duy Tân Hội), based in
During World War I, export regulations kept changing which the Chinese export businesses took advantage of by purchasing rice for minimal prices from the Vietnamese farmers who grew it and then deliberately passing along the risks of the export trade to those small Vietnamese farmers who were the
The first few years of the war involved a low-level rural insurgency against the French. In 1949 the conflict turned into a conventional war between two armies equipped with modern weapons supplied by the United States, China and the Soviet Union. French Union forces included colonial troops from
Chiang Kai-shek deliberately withheld his crack and well trained soldiers from occupying Vietnam since he was going to use them to fight the Communists inside China and instead sent undisciplined warlord troops from Yunnan under Lu Han to occupy French Indochina north of the 16th parallel for the
General Lu Han's 200,000 Chinese soldiers occupied north Vietnam starting August 1945. 90,000 arrived by October, the 62nd army came on 26 September to Nam Dinh and Haiphong. Lang Son and Cao Bang were occupied by the Guangxi 62nd army corps and the Red River region and Lai Cai were occupied by a
1 to 2 million Vietnamese starved to death in the Red river delta of northern Vietnam due to the Japanese, as the Japanese seized Vietnamese rice and didn't pay. In Phat Diem the Vietnamese farmer Di Ho was one of the few survivors who saw the Japanese steal grain. The North Vietnamese government
The governments of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia have previously been reluctant to promote their colonial architecture as an asset for tourism; however, in recent times, the new generation of local authorities has somewhat "embraced" the architecture and advertise it. The heaviest concentration of
industry in French Indochina, and plantations were built throughout the colony, especially in Annam and Cochinchina. France soon became a leading producer of rubber through its Indochina colony and Indochinese rubber became prized in the industrialised world. The success of rubber plantations in
In Hanoi, on 15–20 April 1945, the Tonkin Revolutionary Military Conference of the Viet Minh issued a resolution that was reprinted on pages 1–4 on 25 August 1970 in the Nhan Dan journal. It called for a general uprising, resistance and guerilla warfare against the Japanese by establishing 7 war
The financial expenses of the 93,000 French Indochinese labourers and soldiers sent to France during the war – salaries, pensions, family allocations, the levy in kind (mostly rice), and even the functioning of the Indochinese hospital – were entirely financed from the budget of French Indochina
migrated or were trafficked to cities like Hanoi, Haiphong and Saigon in colonial French Indochina in the late 19th century to work as prostitutes and provide sexual services to French soldiers who were occupying Vietnam. Since the French viewed Japanese women as clean, they were highly popular.
was the principal language of education, government, trade, and media and French was widely introduced to the general population. French became widespread among urban and semi-urban populations and became the principal language of the elite and educated. This was most notable in the colonies of
second insurrection campaign, this campaign resulted in the society's members murdering two French Hanoi police officers, attacks on both militia and the military, and the execution of a number of Nguyễn dynasty mandarins that were accused of working together with the French government. Another
and Phu Lu, which caused 400 Vietnamese who were trained by the French to defect on 20 June 1948. Buddhist statues were looted and Vietnamese were robbed, raped and tortured by the French after the French crushed the Việt Minh in northern Vietnam in 1947-1948 forcing the Việt Minh to flee into
2872:). Morlat further noted that French Indochina supplied 340,000 tonnes of raw materials to France during the course of the war, which amounted to 34% of all raw supplies that Metropolitan France received from its colonies. The shipping of these materials was threatened by the presence of German 1872:
Peace negotiations proved unsuccessful and the fighting in Saigon continued. Ultimately in 1861, the French brought additional forces to bear in the Saigon campaign, advanced out of the city and began to capture cities in the Mekong Delta. On 5 June 1862, the Vietnamese conceded and signed the
5489:- Keith, Charles: Religious Missionaries and the Colonial State (Indochina), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 3632:
and with Burmese, Indonesia, Thai and Filipino women they made up a notable portion of Asian comfort women in general. Japanese use of Malaysian and Vietnamese women as comfort women was corroborated by testimonies. There were comfort women stations in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Burma,
was attractive to the Westernised indigenous elites of French Indochina as it would build a framework of mutually beneficial partnership between France and the Vietnamese before full sovereignty for the latter could be restored. In the colony of Cochinchina a handful of indigenous people were
The aim of the revolt was to inspire a wider uprising among the general populace in an attempt to overthrow the colonial authority. The VNQDĐ had previously attempted to engage in clandestine activities to undermine French rule, but increasing French scrutiny of their activities led to their
2951:" to make the French seem weaker. The motivations of this revolt are disputed as contemporary French colonial officials attributed it to Chinese opium smugglers, while the Canadian historian Geoffrey C. Gunn thinks that it was a political revolt. In February 1916 in Cochinchina supporters of 2666:
Prior to World War I the population of French Indochina stood at around 16,395,000 in 1913 with 14,165,000 being Vietnamese (Tonkinese, Annamese and Cochinchinese), 1,600,000 Cambodians, and 630,000 Laotians. These 16.4 million subjects were ruled over by only around 18,000 French civilians,
2604: 2142:
appealed to the British, but the British minister told the king to settle on whatever terms he could get, and he had no choice but to comply. Britain's only gesture was an agreement with France guaranteeing the integrity of the rest of Siam. In exchange, Siam had to give up its claim to the
The 'Holy Man's' uprising of 1901–1902 was a large scale popular rebellion involving Northeast Thailand, Southern Laos, and the adjacent portion of the Vietnamese Central Highlands. Scholarship to date has not adequately considered the rebellion's character as transcending present national
As Sarraut was determined to secure French rule over the country he created a strong political surveillance apparatus that functioned throughout French Indochina. He centralised all local police forces and developed an intelligence service, these policies would lead to the creation of the
6997:- Jennings, Eric Thomas: Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Indochina), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 12211: 2450:. The French accused Phan Châu Trinh and Phan Bội Châu of the plot, Phan Châu Trinh was sent to Poulo Condor, and Phan Bội Châu fled to Japan and thence, in the year 1910, he went to China. In the years 1912 and 1913 Vietnamese nationalists organised attacks in Tonkin and Cochinchina. 3493:
of 23 August 1939, the local communists were ordered by Moscow to return to direct confrontation with the French. Under the slogan "Land to the Tillers, Freedom for the workers and independence for Vietnam", in November 1940 the Party in Cochinchina obliged, triggering a widespread
6525:- Vu-Hill, Kimloan: Indochinese Workers in France (Indochina), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 2532:, and Laven) against French domination". Though there is not extensive literature on these particular revolutionary revolts in the Bolaven Plateau, one can see that the native communities desired to rid the region of the extensive and overpowering influence of their colonisers. 5979:
Education in Vietnam - Page 48 Jonathan D London - 2011 "Phan Boi Chau (1867–1940) was founder of the Duy Tân Hội (Reformation Society) and Đông Du ("Go East") movement that encouraged nationalist Vietnamese youth to study in Japan. Later, he founded the Vietnam Quang Phuc Hoi
Throughout Vietnam thousands of villages had their own independent legal codes that governed the social relations within the village community, thousands of written regulations existed and the central administration often recognised them. These legal codes were known as the
3486:: "the Trotskyists under the leadership of Ta Thu Thau, want to take advantage of a possible war in order to win total liberation." The Stalinists, on the other hand, are "following the position of the Communist Party in France" and "will thus be loyal if war breaks out". 2400:
in place of classical Chinese by publishing educational materials and newspapers using this script, as a new vehicle of instruction. The schools offered free courses to anyone who wanted to learn about the modern spirit. The teachers at the school at 59 Hàng Đàn included
8788:"Hương ước – xưa và nay. Hương ước – hay còn gọi là lệ làng, là một giá trị văn hóa, truyền thống, gắn liền với lịch sử dân tộc Việt Nam. Trải qua bao biến cố, Hương ước đến nay vẫn còn được lưu giữ và đóng vai trò trong nền văn hóa và phong tục, tập quán của người Việt" 9054:- Peters, Erica J.: Food and Nutrition (Indochina), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 6839:- Brocheux, Pierre: Colonial Society (Indochina), in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 2102:, targeted Vietnamese Christians as there were very few French soldiers to overcome, which led to a massacre of around 40,000 Christians. The rebellion was eventually brought down by a French military intervention, in addition to its lack of unity in the movement. 5508:"Nhà Nguyễn và những tháng 7 biến động. – Phải chăng tháng 7 với triều Nguyễn là một sự trùng hợp, khi Pháp mở đầu cuộc tấn công 1/9/1885 (nhằm vào 24/7/1858 âm lịch) và trận chiến đấu cuối cùng dưới sự lãnh đạo của triều đình nhà Nguyễn cũng diễn ra vào 5/7/1885" 12204: 3129:), a political police force, as the military presence was reduced to allocate more soldiers to the home front. In Metropolitan France these nascent surveillance organisations were put in charge of policing the 100,000 French Indochinese present to help fight the 226: 3116:
In April 1916 the administrator of civil services at the Political Affairs Bureau in Hanoi launched two voluminous reports that went into great detail about the parallel histories of what he referred to as the "Annamese Revolutionary Party" (how he called the
even though the base was relatively weak because of a lack of concrete and steel. French efforts were made more difficult due to the limited usefulness of armoured tanks in a forested and mountainous environment, lack of strong air forces for air cover and
2226:, and the associated provinces (approximately 13) to Siam. Meanwhile, Siam took over control of those areas, in anticipation of the upcoming treaty. Signatories from each country were dispatched to Tokyo to sign the treaty repatriating the lost provinces. 3516: 2540:
On 16 May 1906 the governor-general of French Indochina Jean Baptiste Paul Beau issued a decree establishing the Councils for the Improvement of Indigenous Education. These organisations would oversee the French policies surrounding the education of the
12197: 5848:- Thi Liên Trân, Claire: Indochina, in: 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War, ed. by Ute Daniel, Peter Gatrell, Oliver Janz, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Alan Kramer, and Bill Nasson, issued by Freie Universität Berlin, 2686:
Chinese immigrants. From 1915 onwards, the French war effort's manpower needs started to rise significantly. Initially the French maintained a racial hierarchy where they believed in "martial races" making the early recruitment fall onus primarily on
3575:. Several hundred thousand people – possibly over one million – are believed to have starved to death in 1944–1945. Approximately 1 million Vietnamese were estimated to have died of food supply disruption caused by the Japanese invasion of Burma. 7526: 3229:
entered France from French Indochina working various types of jobs, such as sailors, photographers, cooks, restaurant and shop owners and manual labourers. In France many Vietnamese immigrants and their organisations aligned themselves with the
2355:, a direct descendant of the Gia Long Emperor. Prince Cường Để hoped that by financing hundreds of young ambitious Vietnamese people to go get educated in Japan that this would contribute to the liberation of his country from French domination. 7401: 253: 7036:"Bảo Đại - Vị Hoàng đế cuối cùng trong lịch sử phong kiến Việt Nam. - Bảo Đại tên thật là Nguyễn Phúc Vĩnh Thụy, là vị Hoàng đế thứ 13 và cuối cùng của triều đại nhà Nguyễn, cũng là vị Hoàng đế cuối cùng trong lịch sử phong kiến Việt Nam" 2709:
In 1925, communist and anti-French activist Nguyễn Ái Quốc (later known as Hồ Chí Minh) wrote "taken in chains, confined in a school compound... Most of them will never again see the sun of their country" and a number of historians like
In 1864 the aforementioned three provinces ceded to France were formally constituted as the French colony of Cochinchina. Then in 1867, French Admiral Pierre de la Grandière forced the Vietnamese to surrender three additional provinces,
in nature and proved to be more successful in transcending class and geographical divisions to mobilise against the French than earlier movements, relying on better and more organized communication structures than their predecessors.
Cochinchinese colonial government offered financial support to these loyalist newspapers, but kept close control on the contents written in them to ensure a prevailing pro-French narrative. The editors of these newspapers were often
In Cochinchina where French rule had the distinction of being direct and therefore more sensitive to political shifts in Paris, it was punctuated by periods of relative liberalisation. The most significant was during the 1936–1938
led by Bui Quang Chiêu, which was founded to obtain the right of political participation for the indigenous people in Cochinchina. As a member of this party Nguyễn Phan Long was elected a member of Cochinchina's colonial council.
7553: 3354:
the 1920s marked the transition of what he termed the "traditional" to the "modern" nation-consciousness among the Vietnamese people, indicating a shift among both the elites and the peasants. Marr argues that the Vietnamese
was created during World War I, in 1922 it was expanded to become a better instrument to surveil and repress any potential Bolshevik elements, first in Metropolitan France and later in French Indochina. The activities of the
3125:. The reform policies were enacted to help control the narrative around French rule through policing and surveillance. The colonial police forces were connected with "the general control of Indochinese workers and riflemen" ( 9067:
Centre des Archives d'Outre-Mer in Aix-en-Provence (hereafter CAOM): Archives of the Governor General of Indochina (hereafter GGI), dossier 19457: 20 November 1914 letter from Governor General Vollenhoven to the Minister of
3571:. The war ended in May at the instigation of the Japanese, with the French forced to concede territorial gains for Thailand. The general disorganization of French Indochina, coupled with several natural disasters, caused a 3153:
would be used as the paramount tool to gather intelligence of subversive elements within French Indochinese society and to conduct large-scale union-wide registration by the colonial police forces of suspects and convicts.
sent by Chiang Kai-shek entered French Indochina north of the 16th parallel to accept the surrender of Japanese occupying forces, and remained there until 1946. This was in accordance with the instructions made by General
2947:, these rebels were later joined by various Laotian ethnic minorities (Lao, Kha and Black Tai). The joint Yunnanese and Laotian ethnic minority rebels spread misinformation claiming that "Paris has been crushed by the 5052:
Les légendes sont bien sûr modifiées. A gauche, les attributs de l'agriculture et des beaux-arts sont remplacés par des épis de riz et à droite figure une ancre symbolisant le ministère de la Marine et des Colonies.
their familial ties there was inevitably some ideas that were considered that otherwise would not have been. As he was so involved the United States policy in French Indochina his influence is hard to underestimate.
2416:). Because of this Côn Sơn Island would become the best school for political prisoners, nationalists, and communists, as they were gathered together in large, common cells which allowed them to exchange their ideas. 4348:
which accounted for 0.2% of the population (or 39,000 people) by 1940. Around 95% of French Indochina's population was rural in a 1913 estimate, although urbanisation did slowly grow over the course of French rule.
which was attended by 600 peasants dressed in white robes. Phan Xích Long claimed descent of the deposed Hàm Nghi Emperor and the Ming dynasty's emperor and declared himself to be the "Emperor of the Ming Dynasty".
As the war made both imports and exports from and to Europe more difficult, French Indochina would increase trade with other Pacific countries. During the war period, import businesses would import flour from the
involved in the decision-making processes through political bodies that were established to serve as representative assemblies (Cochinchina's Colonial Council, Saigon Municipal Council, among other local bodies).
The large amount of uprisings and rebellions that occurred during the war would inspire the creation of a political security apparatus that was used to find and arrest political dissidents in the post-war period.
224: 4429:
The principal reasons why French settlement did not grow in a manner similar to that in French North Africa (which had a population of over 1 million French civilians) were because French Indochina was seen as a
Chinese communist guerilla leader Chu Chia-pi came into northern Vietnam multiple times in 1945 and 1948 and helped the Việt Minh fight against the French from Yunnan. Other Chinese Communists also did the same.
3121:) and of the secret societies of French Cochinchina. These two reports proved to be very important to the Political Affairs Bureau as they would trigger a full-scale reform of the organisation making it into an 4541:
Beginning in the 1930s, France began to exploit the region for its natural resources and to economically diversify the colony. Cochinchina, Annam and Tonkin (encompassing modern-day Vietnam) became a source of
10587: 3067:
Both during and after the war the economic relations between France and Japan strengthened as Japan became a creditor of France following the latter's financial difficulties which came as a result of the war.
World War I also saw a number of rebellions throughout French Indochina, in 1914 3 major uprisings happened throughout Vietnam, followed by a number of revolts in Cochinchina. From 1914 to 1917 members of the
linking Hanoi and Saigon opened. Further improvements in the colony's transport infrastructures led to easier travel between France and Indochina. By 1939, it took no more than a month by ship to travel from
3451:. Liberal-minded, in Cochinchina Brévié tried to defuse an extremely tense political situation by amnestying political prisoners, and by easing restrictions on the press, political parties, and trade unions. 2835:
the average livelihood of the indigenous peasantry was drastically decreased due to both direct taxation and indirect taxes the French used to finance ambitious public works programmes constructed using the
whereby they agreed to legalize the free practice of the Catholic religion; to open trade in the Mekong Delta and at three ports at the mouth of the Red River in northern Vietnam; to cede the provinces of
lived in French Indochina, along with a smaller number of French military personnel and government workers (6,000). Of these almost half, 16,550, lived in Cochinchina, the vast majority living in Saigon.
6184: 3359:"urbanised" and "politicised" Vietnamese nationalism during the 1920s and 1930s, inspiring more "modern" movements to take up the struggle against French domination. This decade saw the emergence of the 3308:
to commemorate those that died fighting in World War I in the Cambodian capital city of Phnom Penh, the opening ceremony brought together a crowd which contained "people of all races and all religions".
In 1954 the French defeat at Điện Biên Phủ renewed the United States interest in intervening, including some senators who called out for large scale bombing campaigns, potentially even nuclear weapons.
6276:"Giới thiệu một số văn bản có liên quan đến Bộ Học và Bộ Quốc dân giáo dục. - Để điều hành đất nước, từ năm 1802-1906, nhà Nguyễn đã thiết lập 6 bộ là: Bộ Lại, Bộ Hộ, Bộ Lễ, Bộ Binh, Bộ Hình, Bộ Công" 4236:
contained rules about various legal practices like land management, marriage, labour relations, arbitration of disputes, as well as local customs such as family relations, village relations, ghosts,
have to draft it and then send the draft to the president of France. Only French presidential decrees could overturn the decrees of the governor-general. Executive decrees did not have to be sent to
3210:(colony of economic exploitation) most of its budget during this period was financed through revenue collection, taxes on the local populations, and consumption quotas for monopolised goods such as 2373:
would establish a network of commercial enterprises to both gain capital to finance their activities and to hide their true intentions. A number of other anti-French organisations would support the
8464:. Philip E. Lilienthal book. Vol. 6 of From Indochina to Vietnam: Revolution and War in a Global Perspective (illustrated ed.). University of California Press. pp. 269–271, 274–275. 7374:"I. DOCUMENTS FROM THE AUGUST REVOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE TONKIN REVOLUTIONARY MILITARY CONFERENCE, JPRS 53169 19 May 1971 TRANSLATIONS ON NORTH VIETNAM No. 940 DOCUMENTS ON THE AUGUST REVOLUTION" 7100:
2002 Page 199-200 "As for the Nationalist Party: it was wiped out in the debacle of Yên Bái in 1930, he explained, the remnants who fled to China became a 'reactionary counterrevolutionary group'"
3076: 2761:
social relations which were strongly contrasted with the racial hierarchy they experienced at home. In France the French Indochinese serving often engaged in comradery with the French and many had
railway company, as well as the various coal exploitation companies operating in Tonkin, these modern companies were accompanied by an influx of French tea, coffee, and rubber plantation magnates.
225: 4799:
in French Indochina, 'adopts' a baby elephant and raises it as a pet. His father later sells it to a Chinese merchant. The boy recaptures the pachyderm, however, and frees it back into the jungle.
efforts to reach a peaceable solution had failed. Seeing no other recourse, France sent Genouilly forward in a military effort to end Vietnam's persecution and expulsion of Catholic missionaries.
3682:. During World War II, the United States had supported the Việt Minh in resistance against the Japanese; the group had been in control of the countryside since the French gave way in March 1945. 2776:
Emperor. However, in 1916, the Duy Tân Emperor was accused by the French of calling for his subjects to resist French rule and after his deposition he and his father were exiled to the island of
367,000,000 francs were sent by French Indochina. Though historian Patrice Morlat places the initial financial contribution of French Indochina at 381,000,000 gold francs (valued at 997,000,000
northern and southern zones into which opposing troops were to withdraw. The Agreements mandated unification on the basis of internationally supervised free elections to be held in July 1956.
Trong một thông tri ngày 24/8/1898, Khâm sứ Trung kỳ đã viết "Từ nay, trên vương quốc An Nam không còn tồn tại hai chính quyền nữa mà chỉ tồn tại một chính quyền thôi" (tức chính quyền Pháp).
3104:, the French consul in Hong Kong and a major player for the intelligence services coordinated by the political affairs bureau of French Indochina, noted that Vietnamese revolutionaries and 3625:
On 26 September 1945 Ho Chi Minh wrote a letter calling for struggle against the French mentioning they were returning after they sold out the Vietnamese to the Japanese twice in 4 years.
2726:, a smaller number (1,150) of French Indochinese soldiers and workers came from Cambodia. In Northeast France around 44,000 Vietnamese troops served in direct combat functions at both the 11032: 7954: 10580: 3902:
free election was impossible in the communist North and that his government was not bound by the Geneva Accords. France did withdraw, turning the north over to the Communists while the
11744: 10332: 3865:'s government subsequently gave a fallback position to Ho's forces, as well as abundant supplies of weapons. In October 1950, the French army suffered its first major defeat with the 2172:
The French continued to pressure Siam, and in 1902 they manufactured another crisis. This time Siam had to concede French control of territory on the west bank of the Mekong opposite
7373: 5402:
Dean Meyers and My-Van Tran, The Cao Dai, Prince Cuong De and the Japanese in 1937–1939, THE CRISIS OF THE EIGHTH LUNAR MONTH, University of South Australia, IJAPS Vol. 2 (May) 2006.
tells the story of Éliane Devries, a French plantation owner, and of her adopted Vietnamese daughter, Camille, set against the backdrop of the rising Vietnamese nationalist movement.
When French Indochina was viewed as an economically important colony for France, the French government set a goal to improve the transport and communications networks in the colony.
for him, and a new agreement with the French administration signed in 1917 allowed him only formal signs of royal power with actual power over Laos being in the hands of the French.
11486: 4081:. In the protectorates the indigenous administrations were nominally combined with the French administration, but in the colony of Cochinchina as well as "colonial cities", such as 888: 4085:
in Annam, the French maintained direct rule. All constituent countries of French Indochina had their own legal systems. In Annam and Tonkin the laws of the Nguyễn dynasty, such as
10829: 4707:. The French colonists also built a number of cities and towns in Indochina which served various purposes from trading outposts to resort towns. The most notable examples include 4198:, and the French penal code of 1810. These laws took effect in French Indochina on the date that the governor-general issued decrees that they would also apply to the federation. 161: 7573: 12316: 12143: 10573: 9391: 3797:
as Ho and his government took to the forests and mountains. In 1949, in order to provide a political alternative to Ho Chi Minh, the French favoured the creation of a unified
12848: 12768: 3873:'s Cambodia proclaimed its independence in November 1953. Fighting lasted until May 1954, when the Việt Minh won the decisive victory against French forces at the gruelling 3869:. Subsequent efforts by the French military managed to improve their situation only in the short term. Bảo Đại's State of Vietnam proved a weak and unstable government, and 7457: 2305:
saw an influx of French enterprises significant changes to the social order of the day inspired new forms of resistance against French rule that differed from the earlier
11861: 5350: 2419:
In March 1908, mass demonstrations took place against the authorities demanding a reduction of the high taxes took place in the French protectorates of Annam and Tonkin.
by French photographers. The Japanese government tried to hide the existences of these Japanese prostitutes who went abroad and did not mention them in books on history.
12103: 2967:
refers to this uprising as "The 1916 Affair", the circumstances leading up to this large revolt were directly caused by the war. 30 August 1917 saw the beginning of the
12148: 9206: 4168: 12843: 12763: 12115: 12091: 11630: 9116: 4078: 3249:
summarised the contents of the letters written by the soldiers during that period this way: "The French oppress the Germans in the same way they have the Annamites ."
Of the 93,000 French Indochinese soldiers and workers who came to Europe, most were from the poorest parts of Annam and Tonkin, which had been badly hit by famine and
During the early 20th century the French protectorate over Cambodia was challenged by rebels, just before it saw three separate revolts during the early reign of King
1423: 1405: 1391: 1377: 1357: 1343: 1329: 1315: 1297: 1281: 1261: 1232: 1214: 1200: 1184: 1166: 1148: 1126: 1108: 1088: 1074: 1058: 1042: 1022: 8628: 7418:
Article by Truong Chinh, chairman of the National Assembly: "Policy of the Japanese Pirates Towards Our people"; Hanoi, Nhan Dan, Vietnamese, 17 August 1970, pp 1, 3]
While the Nguyễn dynasty's Ministry of Education was nominally a part of the Nguyễn dynasty's administrative apparatus, actual control was in the hands of the French
policy (San Kuang) against the Vietnamese, pillaging, burning, killing, looting, and raping Vietnamese women. The Vietnamese called the Japanese "dwarfed monsters" (
2579:"Its creation is to better suit the times as more opportunities to study" opened up in the South to which this new ministry was best suited to help this transition. 3038:
was so bad that in 1914, the French considered exchanging French Indochina with Japan for both financial and military support, but this idea was quickly abandoned.
11025: 4641:
In the 19th century, the French colonial administration worked to develop regular trading networks and an efficient transport infrastructure between Indochina and
The strategy of pushing the Việt Minh into attacking well-defended bases in remote parts of the country at the end of their logistical trails was validated at the
2884:(people back from France) and were kept under close surveillance as they often had connections to anti-French dissidents and activists. Among these newspapers was 12138: 3498:. The revolt did not penetrate Saigon (an attempted uprising in the city was quelled in a day). In the Mekong Delta fighting continued until the end of the year. 6275: 6181: 5931: 1769:
European involvement in Vietnam was confined to trade during the 18th century, as the remarkably successful work of the Jesuit missionaries continued. In 1787,
12858: 7993: 6378: 2830:
plantations, mines, and other forms of agriculture, these were all French owned and the local trade to the great export-import houses was in the hands of the
While both "Indo-China" and "Indochina" can be found in contemporary English-language sources, "Indo-China" is the most commonly used spelling (even though
10822: 4821:, a freeloading American playboy falls in love with a local woman while visiting French Indochina with his girlfriend and her family on her father's yacht. 3771:
soldiers, along with captured Japanese troops, restored French control. Ho Chi Minh agreed to negotiate with the French in order to gain autonomy, but the
Emperor became the new monarch of Annam and Tonkin and he closely collaborated with the French administration. At the same time Cambodia was ruled by King
12153: 2896:(The Indochinese Forum) and in 1919 these three men would found the Indochinese Constitutionalist Party in Saigon. Because of these activities the French 2698:. Almost 100,000 Vietnamese were conscripts and went to Europe to fight and serve on the French battlefront, or work as labourers. Vietnamese troops also 1962:
provinces which officially became part of Thailand. (These provinces would be ceded back to Cambodia by a border treaty between France and Siam in 1906).
12853: 12818: 12728: 11018: 7035: 7429: 5375: 3861:
However, 1950 was the turning point of the war. Ho's government was recognised by the fellow Communist governments of China and the Soviet Union, and
Movement. The new social circumstances in French Indochina were brought about by the establishment of industrial companies by the French such as the
7402:"Policy of the Japanese Pirates Towards Our people, JPRS 53169 19 May 1971 TRANSLATIONS ON NORTH VIETNAM No. 940 DOCUMENTS ON THE AUGUST REVOLUTION" 12723: 12437: 10542: 6006:
1987 Page 315 "Phan Boi Chau himself, by this time the leader of a political group known as the "Renovation Society" (Duy Tan Hoi) initiated this"
was orchestrated by the French to reform the Nguyễn dynasty's educational system to match French ambitions in the region more. As explained by the
1304: 2794:
who was crowned in 1904 and cooperated closely with the French administration in his territory. King Sisowath attended the colonial exhibition in
12683: 10815: 4157:(皇越律例), sometimes known as the "Gia Long Code", remained the main civil code of the Nguyễn dynasty until the Emperor issued the nearly identical 3662:, France petitioned for the nullification of the 1938 Franco-Siamese Treaty and reasserted itself in the region, but came into conflict with the 3563:
between October 1940 and 9 May 1941. The Thai forces generally did well on the ground, but Thai objectives in the war were limited. In January,
12678: 12673: 12189: 11623: 5434: 3241:
after the war. Seeing how the French treated the German inhabitants of the occupied regions, some Vietnamese soldiers would empathise with the
In 1918, the idea of selling French Indochina to Japan was raised again and, like the first time that it was proposed, it was abandoned again.
In the 1930s, Siam engaged France in a series of talks concerning the repatriation of Siamese provinces held by the French. In 1938, under the
1710:, the French were forced to withdraw from Vietnam, which had been split into the two countries (until 1976), and French Indochina was no more. 11734: 10322: 4491:) by the French government. Funding for the colonial government came by means of taxes on locals and the French government established a near 3583: 1656: 875: 12079: 10509: 7208: 5538:, pg. 10 (2011): "The ultimately unsuccessful Cần Vương (Aid the King) Movement of 1885–89, for example, was coordinated by scholars such as 4841: 4073: 4018: 2446:'s rebel army to capture the city of Hanoi. The plot was disclosed, and then was suppressed by the French. In response the French proclaimed 728: 7897: 7717:"Cultural Autobiography, Testimonial, and Asian American Transnational Feminist Coalition in the "Comfort Women of World War II" Conference" 5993:
2004 Page 331 "Phong trao Duy Tan (The Duy Tan reform movement). Danang, Vietnam: Danang Publishing House. Pham, L. H. (2000, December 28)."
5464: 3693:
privately made it adamantly clear that the French were not to reacquire French Indochina after the war was over. He told Secretary of State
1838:, for example, an influential faction in the dynastic system, feared for their status in a society influenced by an insistence on monogamy. 12449: 12328: 10337: 8017:
Vietnam: Corpses in a mass grave following the 1944-45 famine during the Japanese occupation. Up to 2 million Vietnamese died of starvation
7591:"Comfort women were Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Burmese, Thai, Dutch, Australian, and Vietnamese women and girls forced into sexual slavery" 7462:. JPRS (Series). Contributor United States. Joint Publications Research Service. U.S. Joint Publications Research Service. pp. 17, 18. 4846: 4393:
missionaries were widespread throughout Indochina and roughly 10% of Tonkin's population identified as Catholic by the end of French rule.
17: 12158: 8933: 7436:. JPRS (Series). Contributor United States. Joint Publications Research Service. U.S. Joint Publications Research Service. pp. 14–16. 3454:
Saigon witnessed growing labour unrest culminating in the summer of 1937 in general dock and transport strikes. In April of that year the
12823: 12738: 12653: 9137: 7408:. JPRS (Series). Contributor United States. Joint Publications Research Service. U.S. Joint Publications Research Service. pp. 8–13. 2923:
were the sight of German agents hoping to help the Vietnamese revolutionaries as they shared the same goal, namely to defeat the French.
2888:(The Indigenous Forum) launched in 1917 by the agronomist Bùi Quang Chiêu working together with the lawyer Dương Văn Giáo and journalist 2191:
and Koh Kong to French Indochina. Trat became part of Thailand again on 23 March 1907 in exchange for many areas east of the Mekong like
7380:. JPRS (Series). Contributor United States. Joint Publications Research Service. U.S. Joint Publications Research Service. pp. 1–7. 7309: 3336:. Thus, in this document, the French colonialists completely took over all the power of the government of the Southern dynasty, even in 2852:
from Metropolitan France completely stopped. This meant that taxation increased, more rice was being exported, and the locals purchased
12838: 12758: 12609: 12559: 12547: 11575: 11308: 10106: 7828: 7774: 7745: 7716: 7689: 7636: 7609: 7570: 7346: 3709: 3398: 2569: 7663: 4570:, while Cambodia became a centre for rice and pepper crops. Only Laos was seen initially as an economically unviable colony, although 3825:
recruits was forbidden by the government to prevent the war from becoming even more unpopular at home. It was called the "dirty war" (
The federation lasted until 21 July 1954. In the four protectorates, the French formally left the local rulers in power, who were the
12177: 11616: 11276: 10197: 8787: 3479: 3470:
and by growing protest over the failure of the Communist-supported Popular Front to deliver constitutional reform. Colonial Minister
12733: 12172: 9284: 8980: 2655:
of all French Indochinese serving in Europe were Annamese and Tonkinese volunteers. This period also saw a number of uprisings in
was heavily involved in Vietnam in the 19th century; often French intervention was undertaken in order to protect the work of the
12833: 12753: 12748: 11815: 6230: 5233: 4851: 3730: 3415: 3360: 3225:
During the 1920s France allowed more Vietnamese to enter Metropolitan France for both studying and work purposes. Both legal and
there are no longer two governments, but only one" (meaning that the French government completely took over the administration).
252: 8709: 12803: 12585: 6972: 5358: 3599: 3595: 3553: 2856:. French Indochina provided a Metropolitan France with large financial aid; between the years 1915 and 1920 of the 600,000,000 2645:
saw thousands of volunteers, primarily from the French protectorates of Annam and Tonkin, enlist for service in Europe, around
192: 10218: 4514:. Indochina was the second most invested-in French colony by 1940 after Algeria, with investments totalling up to 6.7 million 3741:
in exchange for withdrawing from northern Indochina and allowing French troops to reoccupy the region starting in March 1946.
2516:, who demanded the restoration of the "old order" and led an armed insurrection against the French until as late as 1936. The 1782: 1733: 12813: 12486: 11810: 11694: 11510: 10951: 10317: 10277: 9856: 9776: 9757: 9716: 9586: 9467: 9448: 9381: 9339: 9320: 9203: 9098: 8918: 7273:
Chonchirdsin, Sud (1997). "The Indochinese Communist Party and the Nam Ky Uprising in Cochin China, November–December 1940".
7039: 6936: 6729:
Zinoman, Peter (2000). "Colonial Prisons and Anti-colonial Resistance in French Indochina: The Thai Nguyen Rebellion, 1917".
6449: 6279: 5511: 5507: 4623: 4362: 3541: 2703: 2599: 2106: 845: 9113: 7430:"Revolution or Coup d'Etat, JPRS 53169 19 May 1971 TRANSLATIONS ON NORTH VIETNAM No. 940 DOCUMENTS ON THE AUGUST REVOLUTION" 6751:
Indochine années vingt. Le balcon de la France sur le Pacifique. Une age de l'histoire de France en Extrême Orient, volume 1
6500: 12828: 12743: 12688: 12663: 11709: 10535: 10297: 6043:
Phạm Duy-Khiem and musician Phạm Duy-Ca'n, a.k.a. Phạm Duy. On November 16, 1943, Governor-General Decoux, resident-sup ...
4635: 4184:
A number of the legal documents in effect in the French Republic were also applied to French Indochina, these included the
4133: 3325: 3195: 2301:
elites would continue to operate under the French protectorate being loyal to their new rulers, but as early period of the
1695: 1189: 9088: 8220:. Uncovering the Past: Documentary Readers in American History (illustrated ed.). John Wiley & Sons. p. 40. 7806:. Worlds of Desire: The Chicago Series on Sexuality, Gender, and Culture. University of Chicago Press. pp. 159, 279. 7483: 3697:
the Indochinese were worse off under the French rule of nearly 100 years than they were at the beginning. Roosevelt asked
marched on the Saigonese penitentiary where he was held demanding his release, this coincided with other uprisings in the
12461: 11805: 11454: 10992: 10841: 7801: 2590:. The French administration in Annam continuously revised the curriculum to be taught in order to fit the French system. 2564:) with the French authorities on the future of the Annamese education system. This meeting was also recorded in the work 1841:
In 1858, the brief period of unification under the Nguyễn dynasty ended with a successful attack on Tourane (present day
1694:, was proclaimed by the French in 1949. French efforts to retake Vietnam were unsuccessful, culminating in defeat at the 1384: 7855: 7746:"CHAPTER 20 Sexualized Racism, Gender and Nationalism: The Case of Japan's Sexual Enslavement of Korean "Comfort Women"" 7499: 2719:
and many would change their perception about many social norms and beliefs at home because of their experiences abroad.
2337:) to obtain the "keys" to modernity and hope to bring these back to Vietnam. While others like the revolutionary leader 12808: 12280: 12268: 8584: 8531: 8504: 8469: 8442: 8415: 8332: 8306: 8279: 8225: 8198: 8171: 7838: 7811: 7784: 7757: 7673: 7646: 7619: 7536: 7356: 3158:
Political Affairs Bureau assembled a umber of Vietnamese elites belonging to the indigenous intelligentsia through the
the security apparatus of French Indochina was strengthened to fight the "Bolshevik danger" in the colonies. While the
3110: 2663:. French Indochina contributed significantly to the French war effort in terms of funds, products and human resources. 4673:
to Saigon and around five days by aeroplane from Paris to Saigon. Underwater telegraph cables were installed in 1921.
in 2017), roughly 60% of all financial contributions Metropolitan France received from its colonial empire (excluding
2586:, which dictated its policies. All work done by the ministry was according to the plans and the command of the French 2278:
launch rebellions in Cochinchina, the Peace and Duty Society (Nghia Hoa Doan Hoi) was introduced to the region by the
243: 12708: 12703: 12571: 11146: 10022: 10003: 9945: 9922: 9888: 9826: 9804: 9695: 9676: 9657: 9638: 9619: 9488: 9427: 9360: 9266: 8963: 8894: 7123: 6128: 6095: 6066: 4665: 4488: 4032: 3971: 3788: 3511: 3253: 2943:
revolutionaries invade French Indochina, who crossed the border and started attacking French military posts parading
2366: 2268: 1703: 11967: 9041: 6984: 6826: 6512: 6390: 5943: 5835: 5476: 4366: 2131:, to provoke a crisis. French gunboats appeared at Bangkok, and demanded the cession of Lao territories east of the 12698: 12693: 12658: 12511: 12499: 12256: 11136: 10307: 4696: 3814: 3507: 3050: 2811:, who was crowned king in 1904. King Sisavang Vong was trained at the Lycée Chasseloup-Laubat in Saigon and at the 1887: 1652: 1322: 1153: 831: 718: 10453: 8823: 4638:
as the region's busiest commercial centre. By 1937 Saigon was the sixth busiest port in the entire French Empire.
12798: 12778: 12668: 11106: 10528: 10182: 9029: 6568: 6312: 4796: 3418:(VNQDĐ). The VNQDĐ was the Vietnamese Nationalist Party. The attack was the largest disturbance brewed up by the 3018: 2014: 1954:
over Cambodia and officially recognised the 1863 French protectorate on Cambodia, in exchange for the control of
1809: 1628: 1582: 1079: 697: 12219: 10062: 7752:. Brill's Series on Modern East Asia in a Global Historical Perspective (reprint ed.). BRILL. p. 464. 3966: 12793: 11891: 11481: 11156: 10623: 10618: 10489: 10099: 8388: 8359: 8252: 8063: 7728: 7699: 7563: 7071: 6814: 5444: 3654: 3046: 2271:. These events all had significant influence on nationalist sentiments in the territories of French Indochina. 1827: 901: 8761: 8327:. Translated by Claire Duiker (illustrated, reprint ed.). Cambridge University Press. 2007. p. 108. 8058:. Vietnam war era classics series (illustrated, reprint ed.). Indiana University Press. pp. 39, 40. 6306: 6304: 6302: 6300: 6298: 6296: 3602:. The Japanese kept power in Indochina until the news of their government's surrender came through in August. 2426:
The heads of Duong Be, Tu Binh and Doi Nhan decapitated by the French on July 8, 1908 in the Hanoi Poison Plot
12788: 12718: 12713: 12473: 11269: 10228: 10144: 9168:
Rousseau, Jean-François (June 2014). "An Imperial Railway Failure: The Indochina-Yunnan Railway, 1898–1941".
8854: 6854:
American Council of Learned Societies: The colonial Bastille. A history of imprisonment in Vietnam, 1862-1940
6335: 5415: 3159: 2944: 2642: 2124: 2022: 1890:
along with the islands of Poulo Condore to France; and to pay reparations equivalent to one million dollars.
1773:, a French Catholic priest, petitioned the French government and organised French military volunteers to aid 9556: 5399:
Ch. Lemire, Les cinq Pays de l'Indo-Chine française, l'établissement de Kouang-Tchéou, le Siam,Juillet 1899.
5248: 3061:
to prevent the loss of the many French-Russian loans, which were important for the French post-war economy.
2347:) to the Japanese Empire which they saw as the other role-model of modernisation for Vietnam to follow. The 12590: 12535: 12098: 11962: 11368: 11129: 10882: 10443: 10172: 10139: 8985: 7029: 7027: 7025: 7023: 6667:
Nguyễn Xuân Mai (1890-1929). Itinéraire d'un médecin indochinois engagé pendant la première guerre mondiale
6293: 5372: 4886:, was commonly used in French); contemporary official publications also adopt the spelling of "Indo-China". 4646: 3281:
that brought people from all over Laos together and contributed to the later formation of a modern Laotian
2992: 2656: 2074:
While the French were trying to establish control over Cambodia, a large scale Vietnamese insurgency – the
2033: 2002: 1925: 1846: 1729: 1676: 1598: 1047: 747: 667: 8579:. Vol. 2134 of Princeton Legacy Library (reprint ed.). Princeton University Press. p. 195. 7204:
Manfred McDowell, "Sky without Light: a Vietnamese Tragedy," New Politics, Vol XIII, No. 3, 2011, p. 1341
6902:(2011), pp. 121-25; 1 SLOTFOM 4, Report from the Controller General of Indochinese Soldiers, 5 April 1923. 4344:
in Cambodia, where they became heavily involved in trade and commerce. In addition, there was also a tiny
3850:, and use of foreign recruits from other French colonies (mainly from Algeria, Morocco and even Vietnam). 335: 236: 12523: 12425: 12086: 11775: 11669: 11449: 11124: 11111: 10368: 10187: 10177: 6861: 6772:
Indochine années vingt. La politique indigène des grands commis au service de la mise en valeur, volume 2
6717: 6238: 4577:
At the turn of the 20th century, the growing automobile industry in France resulted in the growth of the
4459: 4308:
ethnic groups formed the majority of their respective colony's populations. Minority groups, such as the
4050: 3909:
The events of 1954 marked the beginnings of serious United States involvement in Vietnam and the ensuing
3866: 3829:) by leftists in France. Vietnamese women were also raped in north Vietnam by the French like in Bảo Hà, 3757: 3679: 3591: 3490: 3419: 3364: 3246: 3097:, which sought to monitor and police anti-French activities both inside and outside of French Indochina. 3035: 2988: 2075: 2069: 2029: 2018: 1998: 1929: 1921: 1602: 1586: 1288: 1205: 1131: 1027: 816: 707: 677: 11689: 10463: 8377:"9. Vietnam's Second Appeal to the United States: Cable to President Harry S Truman (October 17, 1945)*" 7020: 3375:
During the 1920s the contestation of French colonial power in Cambodia and Laos was mostly aimed at the
French security was expanded because of fears of German involvement with their enemies in the Far East,
3085: 2727: 12389: 11825: 10794: 10499: 10267: 10233: 10149: 6058: 4704: 4511: 4455: 4059: 3455: 3333: 2984: 2573: 2118: 2109:, but all the uprisings and tentative efforts failed to obtain sufficient concessions from the French. 1982: 1737: 993: 813: 786: 11972: 11896: 10223: 8841:
Vichy in the Tropics: Pétain's National Revolution in Madagascar, Guadeloupe, and Indochina, 1940–1944
6219:. Second Edition. Asian/Oceanian Historical Dictionaries Series No. 35. Maryland: The Scarecrow Press. 3466:
winning seats. The exceptional unity of the left, however, was split by the lengthening shadow of the
2576: 12648: 11947: 11911: 11901: 11729: 11704: 11699: 11373: 11234: 11229: 10997: 10423: 10398: 10287: 10282: 10129: 10092: 9548:
The United States in Vietnam: An analysis in depth of the history of America's involvement in Vietnam
9033: 6976: 6913:
La voie étroite des réformes coloniales et la « collaboration franco-annamite » (1917-1928)
6818: 6610: 6504: 6382: 6152: 5935: 5827: 5555: 5468: 4683:
French settlers further added their influence on the colony by constructing buildings in the form of
4610: 3659: 3637: 3572: 3495: 3462:
ran a common slate for the municipal elections with both their respective leaders Nguyễn Văn Tạo and
2968: 2457:
in 1909 from its shores causing them to seek refuge in Qing China, here they would join the ranks of
2200: 2099: 1906:. With these three additions all of southern Vietnam and the Mekong Delta fell under French control. 1770: 8031: 3559:
Thailand took this opportunity of weakness to reclaim previously lost territories, resulting in the
3482:, had felt obliged to support. Brévié set the election results aside and wrote to Colonial Minister 3222:. In 1920 44% of the French Indochinese government budget came from opium, salt, and alcohol alone. 12773: 12352: 12007: 11262: 11216: 10715: 10393: 10388: 10378: 9971: 7390:
6315:(in Vietnamese). State Records and Archives Department of Vietnam (Cục Văn thư và Lưu trữ nhà nước) 5054: 4507: 3894: 3772: 3763:
to abdicate in his favour, on 2 September 1945 President Ho Chi Minh declared independence for the
3545: 2996: 2694:, but soon the need for additional manpower forced the French to recruit men from the Far East and 2485: 2283: 2123:
Territorial conflict in the Indochinese peninsula for the expansion of French Indochina led to the
2037: 1707: 599: 153: 11846: 11719: 10433: 9124: 7916: 7205: 6372: 6370: 6368: 6366: 6364: 6362: 6360: 6358: 6356: 3544:, which lasted until the end of the Pacific War. This allowed Japan better access to China in the 3101: 2939:
independence movements in Laos also challenged French rule in the country. 1914 also saw bands of
1883: 481: 147: 11957: 11871: 11754: 11724: 10494: 10428: 10383: 10373: 10347: 10292: 10272: 9023: 9021: 9019: 9017: 9015: 9013: 9011: 9009: 9007: 9005: 8601: 6964: 6120: 4684: 4463: 4097:(諭, "Decree"), remained in effect but were subordinate to the laws of the French administration. 3874: 2907:
The French invoked a supposed "German connection" between the Vietnamese revolutionaries and the
1874: 1578: 11906: 11876: 11856: 11679: 8764:. Vietnam Law and Legal Forum magazine, Vietnam News Agency – Your gateway to the law of Vietnam 8712:. Vietnam Law and Legal Forum magazine, Vietnam News Agency – Your gateway to the law of Vietnam 8379:. In Gettleman, Marvin E.; Franklin, Jane; Young, Marilyn Blatt; Franklin, Howard Bruce (eds.). 5539: 4253: 3842: 3830: 3406:
On 10 February 1930, there was an uprising by Vietnamese soldiers in the French colonial army's
against the Germans would inspire a general uprising similar to what the British experienced in
According to researcher Nguyễn Đắc Xuân, in 1907, the imperial court of the Nguyễn dynasty sent
2083: 11759: 11674: 11188: 11041: 10941: 10931: 10862: 10838: 10596: 10551: 10403: 10260: 10134: 9258: 9037: 6980: 6822: 6508: 6386: 6353: 5939: 5925: 5923: 5921: 5919: 5917: 5915: 5913: 5911: 5909: 5907: 5905: 5903: 5901: 5899: 5897: 5895: 5893: 5891: 5831: 5472: 5046: 4582:
French Indochina resulted in an increase in investment in the colony by various firms, such as
3913:. Laos and Cambodia also became independent in 1954, but were both drawn into the Vietnam War. 3813:
their colonial empire - Moroccan, Algerian, and Tunisian Arabs/Berbers; Laotian, Cambodian and
3440: 3231: 3010: 2901: 2861: 2812: 2207: 2040:, but in fact gathered all powers in their hands, the local rulers acting only as figureheads. 1879: 1823: 1574: 927: 431: 273: 9874: 9747: 9706: 9141: 9002: 8886: 8574: 8494: 8459: 8349: 8322: 8296: 8161: 7875:"Ben Valentine : Photographing the Forgotten Vietnamese Widows of Japanese WWII Soldiers" 6494: 6492: 6490: 6488: 6486: 6484: 6482: 5889: 5887: 5885: 5883: 5881: 5879: 5877: 5875: 5873: 5871: 5823: 3851: 3552:, but it was also part of Japan's strategy for dominion over Southeast Asia and later on, the 2610: 12783: 11942: 11932: 11348: 11078: 10872: 9846: 9576: 9478: 9438: 9371: 8526:. Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia (reprint ed.). Routledge. p. 12. 8521: 8432: 8405: 8376: 8269: 8242: 8215: 8188: 8053: 7931: 7320: 6928: 6379:"Between Acceptance and Refusal - Soldiers' Attitudes Towards War (Indochina). - Version 1.1" 5551: 3818: 3686: 3459: 3344: 3199: 3122: 3002: 2772:
During this period, the French protectorates of Annam and Tonkin were initially ruled by the
2762: 2520:
revolt erupted in 1901 and was not suppressed until 1907. It was a "major rebellion by local
and adopting new ideas from both the Western world and Japan. In particular, it promoted the
2352: 2298: 2095: 1899: 1632: 594: 12133: 11927: 5206:"Mousmés and French Colonial Culture: Making Japanese Women's Bodies Available in Indochina" 4421:, French settlement in Indochina did not occur at a grand scale. By 1940, only about 34,000 4357: 1903: 683: 12304: 11987: 11664: 10352: 10243: 8930: 7779:. Oxford oral history series (illustrated ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 215. 7067: 6857: 6479: 5868: 4788: 3923: 3579: 2948: 2889: 2826:
While World War I saw a number of new economic sectors develop in French Indochina, namely
2791: 2402: 2196: 2181: 1943: 1799: 1778: 1624: 1621: 1479: 1171: 167: 11952: 11937: 11851: 6552: 5547: 5021:
Vietnam alone has fifty-four ethnic groups, presented at the Ethnographic Museum of Hanoi.
4261: 4149:
of Annam or by the governor-general of French Indochina. Until the early 20th century the
3317: 2787: 2623: 2408:
in the years prior to World War I the French arrested thousands of people with some being
2338: 2247:
and its lasting impression on the East as it was considered to be the first victory of "a
2091: 1742:
French–Vietnamese relations started during the early 17th century with the arrival of the
629: 8: 12340: 11886: 11749: 11714: 11544: 10867: 10700: 10661: 10605: 10448: 10438: 10342: 10302: 8633: 6714:
Rebellion In Northern Laos. The revolts of the Lu and the Chinese Republicans (1914-1916)
Mireille: Des Vietnamiens dans la Grande Guerre. 50000 recrues dans les usines françaises
Rebellion In Northern Laos. The Revolts of the Lu and the Chinese Republicans (1914-1916)
4969: 4903: 4817: 4812: 4700: 4443: 4203: 4028: 3822: 3817:; Black Africans - and French professional troops, European volunteers, and units of the 3794: 3784: 3726: 3411: 3393: 2799: 2501: 2413: 2397: 2393: 2192: 1939: 1854: 1747: 1680: 914: 329: 61: 12012: 11992: 11881: 11363: 8247:. Religious Studies; 39 (illustrated ed.). Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 75. 8015: 7590: 6806: 5416:"Facts About Karayuki-San, The Japanese Sex Workers Trafficked To The Rest Of The World" 4603: 3834: 2549: 2294:). The Peace and Duty Society was also active supporting anti-Qing insurgents in China. 2180:
in southern Laos, as well as western Cambodia. France also occupied the western part of
12110: 11982: 11800: 11795: 11209: 11119: 11068: 10974: 10961: 10892: 10690: 10641: 10633: 10167: 10066: 9416: 9251: 9185: 8874: 8673: 8665: 7974: 7290: 7255: 5387:柏木卓司,『戦前期フランス領インドシナにおける邦人進出の形態-「職業別人口表 」を中心として-』 , (アジア経済) 31(3) 1990 3: p. 78-98。 5332: 5225: 5100: 5058: 4340: 3582:, Germany in retreat, and the United States ascendant in the Pacific, Japan launched a 3568: 3381: 3137: 3028: 2803: 2716: 2691: 2660: 2629: 2615: 2442:. The aim of the plot was to neutralise the French garrison and make way for Commander 2381: 2244: 2006: 1831: 1805: 1660: 1606: 1483: 1063: 799: 693: 687: 421: 12048: 11997: 11977: 11785: 7994:"The Good, the Bad, and the Not Beautiful: In the Street and on the Ground in Vietnam" 5458: 5456: 5229: 5205: 3903: 3801:, and former Emperor Bảo Đại was put back in power. Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia became 3760: 3463: 3179: 3023: 2360: 2330: 1993:
France obtained control over northern Vietnam following its victory over China in the
1691: 1668: 12413: 11790: 11739: 11684: 11659: 11491: 11439: 11378: 11183: 11166: 10789: 10784: 10327: 10072: 10018: 9999: 9941: 9918: 9884: 9852: 9822: 9800: 9772: 9753: 9734: 9712: 9691: 9672: 9653: 9634: 9615: 9582: 9527: 9510: 9484: 9463: 9444: 9423: 9411: 9377: 9356: 9335: 9316: 9262: 9189: 9094: 8959: 8914: 8890: 8677: 8580: 8561:
Accommodation and Resistance: The French Left, Indochina, and the Cold War, 1944–1954
8527: 8500: 8475: 8465: 8438: 8411: 8384: 8355: 8328: 8302: 8275: 8248: 8244:
America at War Since 1945: Politics and Diplomacy in Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War
8221: 8194: 8167: 8059: 7978: 7834: 7807: 7780: 7753: 7724: 7695: 7669: 7642: 7615: 7559: 7532: 7352: 7119: 6932: 6445: 6212: 6177: 6124: 6091: 6062: 5440: 5336: 4688: 4676:
As elsewhere in the world, the railways in French Indochina were the sites of active
4297: 4121: 3722: 3587: 3448: 3282: 3226: 3058: 3006: 2912: 2695: 2431: 2264: 1895: 1672: 1500: 1268: 1093: 614: 453: 12028: 11866: 11608: 11496: 9914: 8755: 8753: 8751: 8749: 8747: 5384:佐藤トゥイウェン,「第 4 章「孝」に殉じた天草の「からゆきさん」」,『周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ 8天草諸島の歴史と現在』,関西大学文化交渉学教育研究拠点,2012年。 5267: 4619: 3701:
if he wanted Indochina, to which Chiang Kai-shek replied: "Under no circumstances!"
2952: 2674:
promised a new policy of association and a "Franco-Annamese Collaboration" (French:
of French Indochina to "study educational issues related to each place separately".
2481: 2127:. In 1893 the French authorities in Indochina used border disputes, followed by the 1942:
had requested the establishment of a French protectorate over his country. In 1867,
1814: 11530: 11358: 11063: 10743: 10504: 10238: 10202: 9928: 9814: 9480:
The Vietnam War as history: edited by Elizabeth Jane Errington and B.J.C. McKercher
9177: 8882: 8745: 8743: 8741: 8739: 8737: 8735: 8733: 8731: 8729: 8727: 8657: 7966: 7878: 7282: 7251: 7247: 6734: 6196: 5453: 5324: 5217: 5092: 4804: 4747: 4631: 4329: 4237: 4112: 4082: 3870: 3802: 3798: 3717: 2831: 2739: 2731: 2711: 2699: 2443: 2439: 2177: 2082:
as the leader of an independent Vietnam. Between 1885 and 1889, insurgents, led by
1743: 1687: 1364: 703: 401: 356: 305: 287: 86: 11841: 11500: 9955: 8813:
An Outline History of Korean Confucianism: Part II: The Schools of Yi Confucianism
Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Interactions, Nationalism, Gender and Lineage
Admiral Page in November 1859 with instructions to obtain a treaty protecting the
12221: 12038: 11654: 11549: 11520: 11285: 11178: 11161: 10695: 10673: 10458: 10312: 10255: 10248: 9350: 9304: 9210: 9120: 8937: 8827: 8791: 8079: 7638:
Imperial Japan's Allied Prisoners of War in the South Pacific: Surviving Paradise
7577: 7212: 7014: 6882: 6800: 6779: 6758: 6695: 6674: 6631: 6572: 6473: 6327: 6188: 6087: 5379: 5061:
qui lui succède et mène à terme le projet. Les premières frappes sortent en 1879.
5006: 4961: 4895: 4728: 4642: 4510:, established in 1875 and was responsible for minting the colony's currency, the 4469: 4446:
from being overpopulated), and because Indochina was distant from France itself.
4422: 4186: 4117: 3737:), to increase their influence in Indochina and put pressure on their opponents. 3698: 3690: 3560: 3549: 3427: 3426:
leadership group taking the risk of staging a large scale military attack in the
3238: 2849: 2766: 2513: 2279: 2240: 2128: 2049: 1994: 1977: 1915: 1866: 1699: 1636: 1398: 1336: 860: 773: 406: 386: 366: 321: 211: 47: 8724: 6257:
boundaries, having common leadership, and growing out of common regional causes.
3648: 3041:
Clemenceau asked the Empire of Japan to aid them with the transportation of the
2078:– started to take shape, aiming to expel the French and install the boy emperor 12364: 12064: 12002: 11536: 11476: 10924: 10915: 10877: 10753: 10678: 10646: 10613: 10473: 9726: 8163:
Rice Wars in Colonial Vietnam: The Great Famine and the Viet Minh Road to Power
7286: 6416: 6113: 5960:(2017-12-06). DOI: 10.15463/ie1418.11199. Translated by: Jennings, Eric Thomas. 5932:"Social Conflict and Control, Protest and Repression (Indochina) - Version 1.0" 5543: 4983: 4917: 4692: 4578: 4418: 4173: 3847: 3483: 3305: 3219: 3130: 2964: 2928: 2869: 2758: 2738:
functions such as serving as drivers to transport soldiers to the front lines,
2671: 2409: 2275: 2087: 1640: 759: 554: 492: 411: 391: 381: 128: 11470: 11073: 9731:
The French Presence in Cochinchina and Cambodia: Rule and Response (1859–1905)
8703: 8701: 8699: 8697: 8695: 8693: 8691: 8689: 8687: 8661: 8605: 7970: 7830:
World War II and Southeast Asia: Economy and Society under Japanese Occupation
Korean "Comfort Women": Military Brothels, Brutality, and the Redress Movement
Korean "Comfort Women": Military Brothels, Brutality, and the Redress Movement
6738: 6200: 5501: 5499: 5294:"Postcards from the Edge of Empire: Images and Messages from French Indochina" 5268:"Postcards from the Edge of Empire: Images and Messages from French Indochina" 4398: 4116:
Two French women (wife and daughter of Governor-General Paul Doumer) throwing
609: 73: 12642: 12624: 12611: 11820: 11525: 11431: 11398: 11318: 11173: 10766: 10683: 10656: 10468: 9524:
Vietnam Past and Present: The North (History of French colonialism in Tonkin)
8479: 7803:
The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan
Double Agency: Acts of Impersonation in Asian American Literature and Culture
7503: 7059: 6606: 6148: 5328: 4771: 4755: 4531: 4345: 3927: 3764: 3716:
After the close of hostilities in WWII, 200,000 Chinese troops under General
3663: 3629: 3471: 3467: 3351: 3242: 2908: 2816: 2808: 2798:
in 1906 and was the King at the time of the retrocession of the provinces of
2256: 2173: 2139: 1350: 550: 527: 519: 496: 426: 396: 376: 361: 351: 346: 341: 100: 9907: 9554: 9077:
Bulletin de la Chambre de Commerce de Saigon: minutes from 26 February 1915.
8759: 8707: 7874: 6661: 6659: 6657: 3343:
In 1927 Vietnamese World War I veterans staged an unsuccessful rebellion in
2778: 1965: 12225: 11780: 11204: 11058: 11050: 10738: 10733: 10728: 10651: 10192: 9880: 9749:
The Emergence Of Modern Southeast Asia: A New History – Vietnam 1700 – 1885
8684: 5817: 5815: 5813: 5811: 5809: 5807: 5805: 5803: 5801: 5799: 5797: 5795: 5793: 5791: 5789: 5787: 5785: 5783: 5781: 5779: 5777: 5775: 5773: 5771: 5769: 5767: 5765: 5763: 5761: 5759: 5757: 5755: 5753: 5751: 5749: 5747: 5745: 5743: 5741: 5739: 5737: 5735: 5733: 5731: 5729: 5727: 5725: 5723: 5721: 5719: 5717: 5715: 5713: 5711: 5709: 5707: 5705: 5703: 5701: 5699: 5697: 5695: 5693: 5691: 5689: 5687: 5685: 5683: 5681: 5679: 5677: 5675: 5673: 5671: 5669: 5667: 5665: 5663: 5661: 5659: 5657: 5655: 5653: 5651: 5649: 5647: 5645: 5643: 5641: 5639: 5496: 5221: 4991: 4931: 4836: 4677: 4555: 4394: 4382: 4321: 4309: 4305: 3855: 3806: 3694: 3564: 3537: 3407: 3368: 3301: 2956: 2936: 2857: 2783: 2687: 2477:
to perform border raids on both Tonkin and Laos from their bases in China.
2389: 2343: 2260: 2252: 2105:
Nationalist sentiments intensified in Vietnam, especially during and after
2044: 1933: 1850: 1759: 1755: 1751: 1648: 1644: 1590: 1412: 1113: 634: 589: 546: 542: 504: 459: 441: 416: 371: 258: 114: 9938:
France on the Mekong: A History of the Protectorate in Cambodia, 1863–1953
Cuddy, Edward (2003). "Vietnam: Mr. Johnson's War. Or Mr. Eisenhower's?".
7856:"60 years after Japan army husband fled, Vietnam war bride clings to love" 6669:, in: Trévisan, Carina / Delalande, Hélène Baty (eds.): Entrer en guerre, 6269: 6267: 6265: 5637: 5635: 5633: 5631: 5629: 5627: 5625: 5623: 5621: 5619: 5465:"Religious Missionaries and the Colonial State (Indochina). - Version 1.0" 5313:"Recycling the 'Colonial Harem'? Women in Postcards from French Indochina" 4224:(例廊), which could be translated as "rural covenants", and also existed in 3384:
and radicalism that characterised what is now Vietnam during this period.
2542: 2453:
Using diplomatic pressure the French persuaded the Japanese to banish the
1506:Đại Pháp Quốc Khâm mệnh Tổng thống Đông Dương Toàn quyền đại thần quan nho 12595: 12069: 11388: 10936: 10723: 10595: 10520: 7898:"Photographing the Forgotten Vietnamese Widows of Japanese WWII Soldiers" 7112:
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social and Military History
6654: 4599: 4390: 3910: 3768: 3675: 3671: 3533: 2529: 2525: 2462: 2458: 2447: 2215: 1516: 1487: 663: 649: 562: 538: 512: 500: 485: 469: 465: 12033: 9604:
Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam
9181: 9032:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 7668:. Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights. Rutgers University Press. 7531:. Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights. Rutgers University Press. 7294: 7259: 6975:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 6817:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 6688:
Une histoire économique du Viet Nam. 1850-2007. La palanche et le camion
6503:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 6381:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 5934:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 5826:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 5467:. 1914-1918-online - International Encyclopedie of the First World War ( 5373:
4409: 4109:) which was the highest government agency in charge of general affairs. 2079: 1989:, built between 1900 and 1906 to house the governor-general of Indochina 11587: 11328: 11323: 10910: 10849: 9738: 9531: 9514: 8820: 8817:
The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2. (Feb. 1959), pp. 259–276.
8669: 7472:
6262: 5616: 5605:
Huard, pp. 1096–1107; Huguet, pp. 133–223; Sarrat, pp. 271–3; Thomazi,
5104: 5079: 4881: 4775: 4767: 4763: 4334: 4313: 4301: 4177: 3862: 3734: 3615: 3521: 3433: 3149:
were managed by the newly created Department of Political Affairs. The
3054: 2932: 2795: 2521: 2505: 2211: 2160: 2144: 1955: 1951: 1219: 508: 477: 473: 269: 12043: 11338: 10015:
The Colonial Bastille: A History of Imprisonment in Vietnam, 1862–1940
7932:"The Great Vietnamese Famine of 1944-45 Revisited 1944−45年ヴィエトナム大飢饉再訪" 6949: 6947: 6945: 6565: 3252:
After the Great War former governor-general Albert Sarraut became the
2773: 2438:
attempted to poison the entire French colonial army's garrison in the
2422: 1679:
with the help of the British. An all-out resistance war, known as the
12376: 12292: 12244: 11593: 9440:
The Tragedy of the Vietnam War: a South Vietnamese Officer's Analysis
The French Empire Between the Wars: Imperialism, Politics and Society
8354:(illustrated ed.). University of California Press. p. 336. 6339: 4873: 4759: 4670: 4535: 4500: 4386: 3926:, even though he did not believe a military victory, believed in the 3667: 3444: 2873: 2735: 2466: 2377:
such as the Peace and Duty Society and the Heaven and Earth Society.
2287: 2248: 2223: 2219: 1959: 1835: 1781:. Pigneau died in Vietnam but his troops fought on until 1802 in the 1664: 1461: 10771: 8873:
Werner, Jayne S. (October 2006). "Vietnamese Religious Society". In
8862:, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, pp. 4–6 5096: 3540:
granted Japan's demands for military access to Tonkin following the
as a necessity of the French protectorate over their countries, the
2837: 11083: 10900: 10084: 10067:
1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War
Chinese Comfort Women: Testimonies from Imperial Japan's Sex Slaves
7723:(illustrated, reprint ed.). U of Nebraska Press. p. 175. 7115: 6942: 6915:, in: Revue française d'histoire d'outre-mer 82/309 (1995), p. 408. 5312: 4743: 4650: 4594: 4583: 4492: 4378: 4374: 4212: 4150: 4144: 3320:'s death that stated that while the sovereign is abroad a council ( 3027:, the French situation in Europe was bad enough for prime minister 3001:
On 27 August 1914, Japan officially entered the war on the side of
2853: 1947: 1774: 1449: 1250: 1237: 619: 604: 579: 11745:
Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
10920: 10333:
Proclamation of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
10043: 7882: 5558:, who sought to restore sovereign authority to the Nguyễn throne." 5293: 2235:
50 years of the French colonial presence in Cambodia." The French
in the south. The capital for most of its history (1902–1945) was
11639: 11581: 11333: 10969: 10905: 10761: 10705: 10054: 8911:
Indochine : la colonisation ambiguë 1858–1954, La Découverte
Pham Diem (State and Law Research Institute) (24 February 2011).
Pham Diem (State and Law Research Institute) (24 February 2011).
7594: 4751: 4658: 4138: 3885: 3105: 3049:
to help fight in Europe. Clemenceau also wanted Japan to help by
3014: 2920: 2916: 2723: 2517: 2470: 2010: 1842: 1750:. Around this time, Vietnam had only just begun its "Southward"—" 1594: 1441: 714: 673: 644: 534: 523: 9204:"Vietnamese railway workers during the revolutionary high tide." 6310: 6017:
Les compagnons de route de Hô Chi Minh: Histoire d'un engagement
Asian Universities: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary ...
coup d'etat against the French Indochina colonial administration
2229: 2147:
of north-eastern Burma to the British, and cede Laos to France.
10946: 10857: 10666: 9688:
The Development of Capitalism in Colonial Indochina (1870–1940)
9055: 7206:
7137: 7135: 6998: 6958: 6840: 6648: 6603:
The birth of Vietnamese political journalism. Saigon, 1916-1930
6526: 6404: 6145:
The birth of Vietnamese political journalism. Saigon, 1916-1930
5957: 5849: 5574: 5490: 5396:平田豊弘,「松下光廣と大南公司」,『周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ 4 陶磁器流通と西海地域』,関西大学,荒武賢一朗編,2011年。 5351:"[Photos] The Japanese Prostitutes Of Colonial Vietnam" 4831: 4739: 4712: 4654: 4571: 4551: 4054: 3285:
where prior they associated themselves more with their region.
2940: 2827: 2619: 2132: 1997:(1884–85). French Indochina was formed on 17 October 1887 from 1763: 1617:
was the capital from 1887 to 1902 and again from 1945 to 1946.
1614: 584: 11040: 7040:
6973:"Commemoration, Cult of the Fallen (Indochina). - Version 1.0" 6896:
Coolies into Rebels. Impact of World War I on French Indochina
Coolies into rebels. Impact of World War I on French Indochina
5080:"French Indo-China: Demographic Imbalance and Colonial Policy" 4389:
was more widespread in Laos and Cambodia. In addition, active
and resided principally in the mountain regions of Indochina.
and others being imprisoned at the Poulo Condore jail island (
increasingly saw Catholic missionaries as a political threat;
1683:, broke out in late 1946 between French and Viet Minh forces. 11088: 10979: 8781: 8779: 7193:
Revolutionnaires Vietnamiens et pouvoir colonial en Indochine
Revolutionnaires Vietnamiens et pouvoir colonial en Indochine
6899: 6878: 6796: 6775: 6754: 6691: 6670: 6627: 6589: 6469: 6424: 4735: 4716: 4708: 4615: 4515: 4496: 4325: 4317: 4281: 4229: 4225: 4077:
had residents-superior while the colony of Cochinchina had a
4063: 3649:
Return of the French and initial conflicts with the Việt Minh
3525: 3211: 2560:, to French Cochinchina to "hold a conference on education" ( 1986: 1610: 1482:
removing a number of French nationalistic symbols related to
1453: 624: 558: 296: 7132: 3704: 3237:
A number of Vietnamese men would serve in occupied parts of
Contrôle général des travailleurs et tirailleurs indochinois
Council for the Improvement of Indigenous Education in Annam
2155: 9285:"Photos of European Colonial Architecture Around the World" 4634:
became a principal port in Southeast Asia and rivalled the
4563: 4559: 4547: 3598:
were established as independent states, members of Japan's
3215: 2865: 2188: 2165: 1970: 1869:
in Vietnam while refraining from making territorial gains.
1445: 10837: 9819:
Imperialism in Southeast Asia: "A Fleeting, Passing Phase"
8776: 8383:(illustrated, revised ed.). Grove Press. p. 47. 7226:
In the Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary
7182:. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1959. p. 142 7011:
Inauguration à Pnom-Penh du Monument aux Morts du Cambodge
6501:"Indochinese Workers in France (Indochina). - Version 1.0" 4332:
were largely concentrated in major cities, especially the
regime, with American support, kept control of the South.
naval forces decisively defeated Thai naval forces in the
monarchist restoration movement of the late 19th century.
2978: 2734:. French Indochinese battalions were also used in various 2048:
Images of the Japanese prostitutes in Vietnam were put on
States and territories in the sphere of influence of the
10076: 9669:
The Vietnamese Response to French Intervention, 1862–1874
Llewellyn, Jennifer; Jim Southey; Steve Thompson (2018).
9476: 8710:"The state structure in French-ruled Vietnam (1858–1945)" 7608:
Stetz, Margaret D.; Oh, Bonnie B. C. (12 February 2015).
7446:*Reprinted from Co Giai Phong , No 16, 12 September 1945. 7238:
Tyson, James L. (1974). "Labor Unions in South Vietnam".
6168:, in: The Journal of The Siam Society 77/1 (1989), p. 61. 5057:
décède le 29 décembre 1878 et c'est alors son frère aîné
4567: 4543: 3265:
who benefited the indigenous people of French Indochina.
to bring Annamese students to France to study the latest
administration in Paris, France had agreed to repatriate
1909: 1706:
proclaimed their respective independences. Following the
9872: 7098:
Postcolonial Vietnam: New Histories of the National Past
A Time for War: The United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975
5865:, in: Modern Asian Studies 12/2, 1978, pp. 226-228. 3586:
to prevent a potential uprising by the colonial forces.
2769:, the latter being unthinkable in their home countries. 2670:
During this period governor-general of French Indochina
Japan: The Childless Society?: The Crisis of Motherhood
As French Indochina was supposed to be a self-financed
The French Indochinese in Europe experienced much more
Hanoi, Adieu: A bittersweet memoir of French Indochina
Lockhart, Bruce McFarland; Duiker, William J. (2010).
The Communist Road To Power In Vietnam: Second Edition
8274:. Military History and Policy. Routledge. p. 66. 7955:"Japan's Role in the Vietnamese Starvation of 1944–45" 6273: 3071: 2626:
2 (1917). Note how the document ends with the phrases
received approval of an alternative attack on Saigon.
11638: 9990:(Aug 1970, Vol. 20 Issue 8, pp 534–542; online survey 9216:, Volume 19, Number 4, December 2011, pp. 787-816(30) 7310:"Inequality and Insurgency in Vietnam: A re-analysis" 7033: 6311:
Th.S Nguyễn Thu Hường - TTLTQG I (26 November 2015).
From the City Inside the Red River: A Cultural Memoir
Residence of the Governor-General of French Indochina
3767:. But before September's end, a force of British and 3194:; Hán-Nôm: 安南如西遊學保助會), an organisation set up by the 3088:(阮必誠), who would later be known as Hồ Chí Minh (胡志明). 12849:
1945 disestablishments in the French colonial empire
1954 disestablishments in the French colonial empire
The Last Emperors of Vietnam: From Tu Duc to Bao Dai
Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education
Marxism in Southeast Asia; A Study of Four Countries
6970: 6055:
The last emperors of Vietnam: from Tu Duc to Bao Dai
5821: 5505: 5249:"A Brief Primer on Vice and Sex in Colonial Vietnam" 3434:
Left opposition and the 1940 uprising in Cochinchina
in Paris. In 1914, the French built a new palace in
modernisation. Some Vietnamese revolutionaries like
9334:(4th ed.). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. 9253:
America's War in Vietnam: A Short Narrative History
9248: 8047: 8045: 7147: 4925: 4687:and added French-influenced landmarks, such as the 4072:The government of French Indochina was headed by a 3775:of 1946 failed to produce a satisfactory solution. 3347:using vintage World War I era weapons and tactics. 9906: 9545: 9415: 9250: 8785: 7719:. In Vo, Linda Trinh; Sciachitano, Marian (eds.). 6793:Les affaires politiques de l'Indochine (1895-1923) 6708: 6706: 6704: 6553:"French Forces in the Salonika Campaign 1915-1918" 6222: 6112: 5371:*陳碧純,「山打根的八番娼館」之讀後心得,亞太研究論壇卷期:28 2005.06,頁309-315。 5078: 4754:, and various places in Cambodia and Laos such as 3733:(broadly the Vietnamese equivalent of the Chinese 2187:In 1904, to get back Chantaburi, Siam had to give 2056:administration and society in French Cochinchina. 12844:1945 establishments in the French colonial empire 12764:1887 establishments in the French colonial empire 9986:Watson, D. R. (1970) "The French and Indo-China" 9940:. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. 9436: 8602:"Battlefield Vietnam – Dien Bien Phu, the legacy" 7348:War, Guilt, and World Politics after World War II 6084:Vietnam: Current Issues and Historical Background 5116: 5114: 4939: 4436:(colony for economic exploitation) rather than a 4172:French colonial inspector and local on top of an 3447:which appointed as governor-general of Indochina 3166:the growth of Communism within French Indochina. 2480:In March 1913 the mystic millenarist cult leader 2434:took place where a group of Tonkinese indigenous 2319:Chemin de fer français de l'Indochine et du Yunan 1969:Siamese Army troops in the disputed territory of 1793: 1537:Administered by, but not part of French Indochina 12640: 9844: 9460:Cambodge: The Cultivation of a Nation, 1860–1945 8981:"French Declines in Indochina, as English Booms" 8604:. Public Broadcasting System PBS. Archived from 8271:Britain in Vietnam: Prelude to Disaster, 1945–46 8042: 7694:. Stanford University Press. 2005. p. 209. 7614:(illustrated ed.). Routledge. p. 126. 4977: 4911: 4136:shared its power with the French administration 1510: 1504: 67: 53: 9745: 9708:Britain in Vietnam: Prelude to Disaster, 1945–6 9313:Indochina: An Ambiguous Colonization, 1858–1954 9030:"Food and Nutrition (Indochina). - Version 1.0" 9027: 8461:Vietnam: State, War, and Revolution (1945–1946) 8193:(illustrated ed.). Routledge. p. 84. 7773:Qiu, Peipei; Su, Zhiliang; Chen, Lifei (2014). 6812: 6701: 6498: 6376: 4373:The principal religion in French Indochina was 3628:The Japanese forced Vietnamese women to become 3573:dreadful famine in Northern and Central Vietnam 3188:Société d'encouragement aux études occidentales 2614:on the financial and military aid given by the 2535: 2112: 9733:. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. 9704: 9574: 9546:Kahin, George McTurnin; John W. Lewis (1967). 9422:. 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Official reports on the French 3208:colonie d'exploitation économique 1766:which they had defeated in 1471. 12565: 12553: 12541: 12529: 12517: 12505: 12493: 12480: 12467: 12455: 12443: 12431: 12419: 12407: 12395: 12382: 12370: 12358: 12346: 12334: 12322: 12310: 12298: 12286: 12274: 12262: 12257:East Hebei Autonomous Government 12250: 12238: 11660:Capture of the Citadel of Saigon 10273:Holy Man's Rebellion (1901-1936) 9228: 9219: 9196: 9080: 9071: 9061: 8993: 8972: 8947: 8924: 8903: 8866: 8846: 8833: 8811:Key P. Yang; Gregory Henderson: 8805: 8641: 8620: 8593: 8566: 8553: 8540: 8513: 8486: 8451: 8424: 8397: 8368: 8348:Patti, Archimedes L. A. (1980). 8341: 8315: 8288: 8261: 8234: 8207: 8180: 8153: 8144: 8135: 8126: 8117: 8108: 8099: 8090: 8084:Hưng Việt: TRANG CHÁNH - Trang 1 8072: 8024: 8008: 7998:Local Culture/Global Photography 7985: 7946: 7923: 7908: 7889: 7866: 7847: 7820: 7793: 7766: 7737: 7708: 7682: 7655: 7628: 7601: 7582: 7545: 7518: 7492: 7475: 7466: 7449: 7440: 7421: 7412: 7393: 7384: 7365: 7338: 7301: 6442:French Army 1918 1915 to Victory 5414:Sartore, Melissa (7 June 2019). 5015: 4982:, lit. 'East Ocean Federation'; 4413:Subdivisions of French Indochina 4385:more dominant in Vietnam, while 4363:Cathédrale Saint-Joseph de Hanoï 4134:government of the Nguyễn dynasty 3970: 3965: 3809:and were granted more autonomy. 3508:French Indochina in World War II 3350:According to American historian 3192:Annam như Tây du học bảo trợ hội 3182:3 (1928) issue of the bimonthly 2667:militaries, and civil servants. 2341:made the "Journey to the East" ( 2297:The majority of the traditional 1758:, a territory being part of the 1673:declared Vietnamese independence 1593:(from 1898 until 1945), and the 1421: 1403: 1389: 1375: 1355: 1341: 1327: 1313: 1295: 1279: 1259: 1230: 1212: 1198: 1182: 1164: 1146: 1124: 1106: 1086: 1072: 1056: 1040: 1020: 713: 702: 692: 682: 672: 662: 242: 222: 170: 160: 146: 12734:1887 establishments in Cambodia 12317:Provisional Government of China 11487:French domains of the Holy Land 9848:Vietnam 1946: How the War Began 9462:. Honolulu: U of Hawaii Press. 9241: 9140:(in Vietnamese). Archived from 9093:. Manchester University Press. 7896:Valentine, Ben (19 July 2016). 7266: 7231: 7218: 7198: 7185: 7172: 7159: 7103: 7090: 7077: 7053: 7004: 6918: 6905: 6888: 6867: 6846: 6785: 6764: 6743: 6723: 6680: 6637: 6616: 6595: 6578: 6545: 6532: 6458: 6410: 6182:"The French in Laos, 1887–1945" 6171: 6158: 6137: 6111:Schulzinger, Robert D. (1999). 6104: 6075: 6046: 6032: 6022: 6009: 5996: 5983: 5973: 5963: 5855: 5599: 5586: 5561: 5528: 5426: 5407: 5365: 5343: 5304: 5292:Hoskins, Janet (January 2007). 5285: 5274:(44). IIAS Newsletter: 16, 17. 5259: 5240: 5197: 5188: 5167: 5146: 5123: 5000: 4955: 4946: 4797:French protectorate of Cambodia 4243: 3501: 3254:French minister of the colonies 3019:Kiautschou Bay Leased Territory 2333:traveled to the Western World ( 2150: 1810:French protectorate of Cambodia 1788: 1783:French assistance to Nguyễn Ánh 1734:French assistance to Nguyễn Ánh 1080:French Protectorate of Cambodia 199:"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" 12834:1945 establishments in Vietnam 12754:1887 establishments in Vietnam 12749:1954 disestablishments in Laos 11482:French domains of Saint Helena 10599:in Africa and the Indian Ocean 10490:Paris Foreign Missions Society 10244:Cochinchina campaign (1858–62) 9483:. Greenwood Publishing Group. 9376:. Greenwood Publishing Group. 9355:. Greenwood Publishing Group. 9042:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 8839:Jennings, Eric. (2001). p136. 8036:Japanese Occupation of Vietnam 7481: 7252:10.1080/00927678.1974.10587653 7072:University of California Press 6985:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 6931:, Editions L'Harmattan, 1994, 6827:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 6513:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 6440:Jouineau, Andre (April 2009). 6391:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 5944:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 5836:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 5477:Deutsch-Französische Gymnasium 5357:. 15 July 2015. Archived from 5266:Hoskins, Janet (Summer 2007). 5247:Carney, Joey (27 April 2020). 5071: 5035: 4978: 4912: 4889: 4864: 4367:Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris 4107:Indochinese Government Council 3793:Bitter fighting ensued in the 3765:Democratic Republic of Vietnam 3536:, the newly created regime of 2593: 2588:Director of Education of Annam 2311:Union commerciale indochinoise 2255:", as well as the fall of the 1828:Paris Foreign Missions Society 1794:French conquest of Cochinchina 1686:To counter the Viet Minh, the 1540: 1531: 1522: 1511: 1493: 1472: 1351:Democratic Republic of Vietnam 79: 13: 1: 12305:Shanghai Great Way Government 12099:French protectorate of Tonkin 10229:Bombardment of Tourane (1847) 10044:The Colonization of Indochina 9289:Colonial Architecture Project 7873:indomemoires (20 July 2016). 7635:Quinones, C. Kenneth (2021). 7485:Selected Writings (1920-1969) 7400:Truong, Chinh (19 May 1971). 7372:Truong, Chinh (19 May 1971). 7114:. Santa Barbara, California: 6217:Historical Dictionary of Laos 5272:Asia's Colonial Photographies 5210:Journal of Vietnamese Studies 5028: 4795:, a young Khmer boy from the 4791:and Intermondia Films' film, 4324:, were collectively known as 4248: 4196:Code d'instruction criminelle 3789:1947–1950 in French Indochina 3512:1940–1946 in French Indochina 3402:French Indochina around 1933. 3274:collaboration Franco-annamite 3270:collaboration Franco-annamite 3268:Albert Sarraut presented the 3258:collaboration Franco-annamite 3186:(遊學報) magazine issued by the 3160:French School of the Far East 2676:Collaboration franco-annamite 2643:French entry into World War I 2125:Franco-Siamese crisis of 1893 2023:Franco-Siamese crisis of 1893 1718: 12591:Greater East Asia Conference 12329:Reformed Government of China 12111:French colony of Cochinchina 12087:French protectorate of Annam 11670:Ba Dinh uprising / Cần Vương 11217:Port Louis-Philippe (Akaroa) 10444:Charles Rigault de Genouilly 10268:Franco-Siamese crisis (1893) 10224:Lê Văn Khôi revolt (1833–35) 10063:Colonial Society (Indochina) 9998:. 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(2016). 6334:Võ Thạnh (6 December 2016). 4734:French-era buildings are in 4697:Hanoi St. Joseph's Cathedral 4124:children (by Gabriel Veyre). 3815:Vietnamese ethnic minorities 3151:Sûreté générale indochinoise 3147:Sûreté générale indochinoise 3095:Sûreté générale indochinoise 3082:Sûreté générale indochinoise 2844:Prior to the year 1914, the 2750:itself and not from France. 2566:Hoàng Việt Giáp Tý niên biểu 2536:Introducing French education 2113:Franco-Siamese crisis (1893) 2009:(which together form modern 1938:In 1863, the Cambodian king 1926:Tonkin (French protectorate) 1847:Charles Rigault de Genouilly 193:Liberté, égalité, fraternité 18:French experience in Vietnam 7: 12829:1945 establishments in Laos 12744:1887 establishments in Laos 12689:French protectorate of Laos 12664:French colonisation in Asia 12390:Republic of the Philippines 11457:​ and Antarctic Lands 10369:Treaty of Versailles (1787) 10313:French–Thai War (1940–1941) 10256:Sino-French War (1884–1885) 10249:Tonkin campaign (1883–1886) 9905:Tucker, Spencer C. 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Afterwards they created 2860:that France received from 2597: 2574:Resident-Superior of Annam 2119:1893 Franco-Siamese crisis 2116: 2067: 1919: 1913: 1803: 1797: 1738:French conquest of Vietnam 1727: 1724:First French interventions 1713: 1675:, but France subsequently 1627:in 1862 and established a 994:French Indochinese piastre 787:French conquest of Vietnam 12804:Cambodia–France relations 12581: 12232: 12167: 12126: 12057: 12021: 11920: 11834: 11768: 11730:1940 Cochinchina uprising 11700:1916 Cochinchina uprising 11647: 11570: 11509: 11465: 11448: 11430: 11426: 11415: 11387: 11374:Saint Pierre and Miquelon 11347: 11307: 11303: 11292: 11251: 11235:French East India Company 11225: 11197: 11145: 11097: 11049: 11010: 10998:French West India Company 10988: 10960: 10891: 10848: 10807: 10780: 10752: 10714: 10632: 10604: 10565: 10558: 10482: 10424:Pierre Pigneau de Behaine 10412: 10399:Treaty of Tientsin (1885) 10361: 10283:1916 Cochinchina uprising 10211: 10158: 10145:France–Thailand relations 10122: 9974:. 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(1974). 6201:10.1017/S0026749X00012646 6153:Columbia University Press 5936:Free University of Berlin 5828:Free University of Berlin 5824:"Indochina (Version 1.0)" 5512:Bảo tàng Lịch sử Quốc gia 5469:Free University of Berlin 4995: 4987: 4935: 4921: 4680:and labour organisation. 4666:Trans-Indochinois railway 4636:British port of Singapore 4046: 4038: 4024: 4014: 4006: 3998: 3990: 3985: 3981: 3964: 3953: 3944: 3917:United States involvement 3638:Vietnamese Famine of 1945 3332:) must be chaired by the 3045:to Europe and by sending 2168:by French troops in 1904. 1771:Pierre Pigneau de Behaine 1754:", the occupation of the 1478:Localised version of the 1467: 1437: 1385:First Kingdom of Cambodia 999: 989: 985: 975: 965: 961: 956: 946: 941: 937: 924: 911: 898: 885: 872: 857: 842: 826: 810: 796: 783: 779: 769: 765: 753: 743:• 1887–1888 (first) 741: 737: 727: 655: 643: 572: 440: 317: 279: 265: 250: 234: 204: 185: 142: 137: 121: 107: 93: 68: 34: 12814:France–Vietnam relations 12709:20th century in Cambodia 12704:19th century in Cambodia 12560:Occupied Solomon Islands 12548:Occupied Gilbert Islands 12438:Kingdom of Luang Prabang 11513:​ the Indian Ocean 10464:Ernest Doudart de Lagrée 10404:Geneva Conference (1954) 10140:France–Vietnam relations 9746:Owen, Norman G. (2005). 9542:(Feb 1955) 5#3 pp 84–94. 9330:Chandler, David (2007). 9214:South East Asia Research 8324:Ho Chi Minh: A Biography 8241:Donaldson, Gary (1996). 7936:The Asia-Pacific Journal 7275:South East Asia Research 6246:(1). Siam Heritage Trust 5433:Jolivet, Muriel (2005). 5329:10.1177/0957155804040405 4857: 4647:Kunming–Haiphong railway 4534:and dairy products from 4257:Indochina in 1891 (from 4033:Ministry of the Colonies 3773:Fontainebleau Agreements 3712:during the Indochina War 3546:Second Sino-Japanese War 3316:) was established after 3304:resting on two sculpted 3169: 2993:Cambodia–Japan relations 2945:Chinese Republican flags 2367:Gilbert Trần Chánh Chiêu 2288:Heaven and Earth Society 2284:Manchu conquest of China 1730:France–Vietnam relations 1690:, led by former Emperor 1629:protectorate in Cambodia 755:• 1955–1956 (last) 600:Vietnamese folk religion 12699:20th century in Vietnam 12694:19th century in Vietnam 12659:Former colonies in Asia 12487:Occupied British Borneo 11806:Việt Nam Quang Phục Hội 11755:Battle of Dien Bien Phu 11421:Uninhabited territories 10932:Saint Kitts & Nevis 10495:Tirailleurs indochinois 10429:Jean-Baptiste Chaigneau 10384:Treaty of Saigon (1874) 10374:Treaty of Saigon (1862) 10348:Battle of Dien Bien Phu 10239:Siege of Tourane (1858) 10051:(in English and French) 10040:(in English and French) 10013:Zinoman, Peter (2001). 9705:Neville, Peter (2007). 9507:A Short History of Laos 9458:Edwards, Penny (2007). 9370:Chapuis, Oscar (2000). 9349:Chapuis, Oscar (1995). 9119:1 November 2013 at the 8458:Marr, David G. (2013). 8404:SarDesai, D.R. (2018). 8268:Neville, Peter (2007). 8214:Miller, Edward (2016). 7953:Dũng, Bùi Minh (1995). 7662:Min, Pyong Gap (2021). 7525:Min, Pyong Gap (2021). 7178:Frank N. Trager (ed.). 7087:, I.S.B.N 2-7025-0436-1 6665:Trân, Claire Thi Liên: 6601:Peycam, Philippe M. F: 6542:, paperback, 629 pages. 6143:Peycam, Philippe M. F: 6121:Oxford University Press 6053:Chapuis, Oscar (2000). 5317:French Cultural Studies 5152:Chapuis (1995), p. 195. 5011:Fédération indochinoise 4715:in central Vietnam and 4464:French language in Laos 4338:in Cochinchina and the 4286:Flooded street of Hanoi 4089:(敕, "Imperial Order"), 3875:Battle of Dien Bien Phu 3491:Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact 3367:(ICP) which were often 3036:war situation in Europe 2989:Japan–Vietnam relations 2894:La Tribune indochinoise 2577:Ernest Fernand Lévecque 2282:refugees following the 1696:Battle of Điện Biên Phủ 1579:Mainland Southeast Asia 1561:(previously spelled as 1546:As Commissioner-General 928:Second disestablishment 12799:French Fourth Republic 12779:French colonial empire 12669:Former French colonies 11816:Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng 11675:Pacification of Tonkin 11642:independence movements 11351:​ collectivities 11189:Sanjak of Alexandretta 11042:Former French colonies 10839:Former French colonies 10597:Former French colonies 10552:French overseas empire 10261:Pacification of Tonkin 10150:France–China relations 10135:French colonial empire 9961: 9786:Peters, Erica (2012). 9606:(2014). Pulitzer Prize 9123:. Arnaud Georges. In: 9038:Bavarian State Library 8650:The Review of Politics 8573:Chen, King C. (2015). 8055:In the Jaws of History 7800:Soh, C. Sarah (2020). 7715:THOMA, PAMELA (2004). 7428:Truong, Chinh (1971). 7211:17 August 2020 at the 6981:Bavarian State Library 6823:Bavarian State Library 6509:Bavarian State Library 6387:Bavarian State Library 5940:Bavarian State Library 5832:Bavarian State Library 5473:Bavarian State Library 5378:11 August 2022 at the 5311:Yee, Jennifer (2004). 5230:10.1525/vs.2012.7.1.52 5222:10.1525/vs.2012.7.1.52 5164:Chapuis (2000), p. 48. 5051: 5047:Principality of Monaco 5010: 4973: 4965: 4907: 4899: 4880: 4872: 4627: 4607: 4484:colonie d'exploitation 4483: 4438: 4432: 4414: 4370: 4293: 4289:Landing stage of Hanoi 4260: 4181: 4125: 4105:(later renamed to the 4093:(誌, "Ordinance"), and 3956: 3890: 3713: 3578:On 9 March 1945, with 3548:against the forces of 3529: 3416:Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng 3403: 3361:Việt Nam Quốc Dân Đảng 3283:national consciousness 3232:French Communist Party 3203: 3089: 3051:intervening in Siberia 2985:France–Japan relations 2763:romantic relationships 2638: 2427: 2317:shipping company, the 2315:Est Asiatique français 2267:which established the 2239:was worried about the 2169: 2043:Japanese women called 2038:kings of Luang Prabang 1990: 1974: 1824:French colonial empire 1819: 1571:Indochinese Federation 1569:and after 1941 as the 1505: 876:First disestablishment 210: 191: 54: 40: 12809:France–Laos relations 12794:French Third Republic 12462:Occupied West Sumatra 12178:independence movement 11298:Inhabited territories 11230:France–Asia relations 10785:Somaliland (Djibouti) 10434:Jean-Baptiste Cécille 10130:France–Asia relations 9752:. U of Hawaii Press. 9671:. New York: Praeger. 9667:McLeod, Mark (1991). 9578:The A to Z of Vietnam 9505:Evans, Grant (2002). 9332:A History of Cambodia 9125:Annales de Géographie 8936:6 August 2020 at the 8559:Edward Rice-Maximin, 8375:Ho, Chi Minh (1995). 7555:Japan's Comfort Women 7552:Tanaka, Yuki (2003). 6955:A history of Cambodia 6645:A History of Cambodia 4908:Đông Dương thuộc Pháp 4711:in northern Vietnam, 4614:Musée Louis Finot in 4613: 4597: 4508:Banque de l'Indochine 4489:economic exploitation 4439:colonie de peuplement 4412: 4360: 4256: 4171: 4115: 3893:On 20 July 1954, the 3888: 3707: 3519: 3456:Vietnamese Communists 3430:in northern Vietnam. 3414:was sponsored by the 3401: 3392:Further information: 3388:Yên Bái mutiny (1930) 3200:scientific literature 3177: 3123:umbrella organisation 3102:Gaston Ernest Liébert 3080:A 1920 report by the 3079: 2700:served in the Balkans 2607: 2570:ministry of education 2543:indigenous population 2425: 2369:. The members of the 2163: 2129:Paknam naval incident 2068:Further information: 1980: 1968: 1855:Charles de Montigny's 1817: 1708:Geneva Accord of 1954 1633:French Third Republic 698:Cambodia Protectorate 595:Chinese folk religion 318:Common languages 237:Vietnamese-style seal 12789:Second French Empire 12719:20th century in Laos 12714:19th century in Laos 12625:21.0333°N 105.8500°E 12426:Kingdom of Kampuchea 11705:Thái Nguyên uprising 11690:Yên Thế Insurrection 11665:Cochinchina Campaign 11576:overseas departments 11511:Scattered Islands in 11392:​ collectivity 10850:French North America 10394:Treaty of Huế (1884) 10389:Treaty of Huế (1883) 10379:Treaty of Huế (1863) 10353:Partition of Vietnam 10293:Vue Pa Chay's revolt 10288:Thái Nguyên uprising 9936:Tully, John (2003). 9711:. Psychology Press. 9648:Marr, David (1995). 9629:Marr, David (1982). 9610:Marr, David (1971). 9398:. HCM City Web. 2005 9209:7 April 2016 at the 7959:Modern Asian Studies 7827:Huff, Gregg (2020). 7576:25 July 2022 at the 7456:Ho Chi Minh (1971). 6731:Modern Asian Studies 6673:(2016), p. 305. (in 6472:(1994), p. 248. (in 6193:Modern Asian Studies 6187:17 June 2018 at the 5536:Education in Vietnam 4974:Liên bang Đông Dương 4723:Architectural legacy 4163:Civil Code of Tonkin 3480:Franco-Soviet accord 3017:and the rest of the 2997:Japan–Laos relations 2969:Thái Nguyên uprising 2728:Battle of the Vosges 2704:Middle Eastern front 2465:. While places like 2386:Đông Kinh Nghĩa Thục 2021:was added after the 1849:under the orders of 1845:) by French Admiral 1800:Cochinchina Campaign 1622:Second French Empire 1573:, was a grouping of 1480:Great Seal of France 1206:Kingdom of Kampuchea 1176:Kingdom of Champasak 1139:protectorate of Laos 867:Oct. 1940 – May 1941 495:and other Asiatics ( 218:("The Marseillaise") 55:Liên bang Đông Dương 12621: /  12572:Occupied New Guinea 12353:Kingdom of Thailand 11750:First Indochina War 11710:Bazin assassination 11545:Juan de Nova Island 11432:North Pacific Ocean 11044:in Asia and Oceania 10439:Charles de Montigny 10343:First Indochina War 10298:Bazin assassination 9602:Logevall, Fredrik. 9182:10.7227/TJTH.35.1.2 9144:on 14 December 2010 8875:Juergensmeyer, Mark 8826:11 May 2022 at the 8634:The Washington Post 8298:Ho Chi Minh: A Life 7096:Patricia M. Pelley 6953:Chandler, David P: 6164:Gunn, Geoffrey C.: 5534:Jonathan D. London 5194:Thomazi, pp. 69–71. 5173:Chapuis, pp. 49–53. 5091:(11): 68–81. 1945. 5055:Albert-Désiré Barre 4900:Indochine française 4818:Lady of the Tropics 4701:Notre Dame de Paris 4512:Indochinese piastre 4444:Metropolitan France 4204:Metropolitan France 4159:Civil Code of Annam 4029:President of France 3795:First Indochina War 3785:First Indochina War 3779:First Indochina War 3727:General Order No. 1 3685:American President 3330:Hội đồng thượng thư 2886:La Tribune indigène 2862:its colonial empire 2552:and Huỳnh Côn, the 2286:and the Vietnamese 2243:victory during the 2030:emperors of Vietnam 2015:Kingdom of Cambodia 1983:Presidential Palace 1748:Alexandre de Rhodes 1704:Kingdom of Cambodia 1681:First Indochina War 1653:Japanese occupation 1631:in 1863. After the 1625:annexed Cochinchina 1605:in the centre, and 1486:, science, and the 846:Japanese occupation 668:Tonkin Protectorate 12512:Occupied Singapore 12500:Occupied Hong Kong 11968:Nguyễn Thượng Hiền 11892:Nguyễn Thiện Thuật 11801:Tonkin Free School 11450:Overseas territory 10975:France Antarctique 10962:Equinoctial France 10925:Dominican Republic 10047:, from around 1892 8608:on 30 October 2021 8563:(Greenwood, 1986). 8548:Street Without Joy 8434:Tragedy of Vietnam 8301:. Hachette Books. 7326:on 9 November 2018 6894:Vu-Hill, Kimloan: 6686:Brocheux, Pierre: 6584:Vu-Hill, Kimloan: 6213:Stuart-Fox, Martin 6178:Fox-Stuart, Martin 6082:Largo, V. (2002). 6061:. pp. 90–91. 5611:Histoire militaire 5592:David Marr (1971) 5107:– via JSTOR. 5059:Auguste-Jean Barre 4966:Union indochinoise 4782:In popular culture 4628: 4608: 4415: 4405:French settlements 4387:Theravāda Buddhism 4371: 4330:Ethnic Han Chinese 4294: 4182: 4155:Hoàng Việt luật lệ 4126: 3891: 3714: 3569:Battle of Ko Chang 3530: 3443:government led by 3404: 3382:political activism 3322:Hội đồng phụ chính 3239:Weimar era Germany 3227:illegal immigrants 3204: 3138:October Revolution 3090: 3057:forces during the 3029:Georges Clemenceau 2786:. Thereafter, the 2692:French West Africa 2639: 2635:Đông Dương vạn tuế 2562:bàn nghị học chính 2430:In June 1908, the 2428: 2410:sentenced to death 2382:Tonkin Free School 2245:Russo-Japanese War 2170: 2076:Cần Vương movement 2070:Cần Vương movement 1991: 1975: 1820: 1806:French Cochinchina 1661:Japanese surrender 1484:universal suffrage 800:French Cochinchina 688:French Cochinchina 678:Annam Protectorate 442:Ethnic groups 41:Union Indochinoise 12630:21.0333; 105.8500 12604: 12603: 12414:Empire of Vietnam 12187: 12186: 11912:Nguyễn Trung Trực 11847:Nguyễn Quang Bích 11791:Empire of Vietnam 11760:Geneva Conference 11740:August Revolution 11720:Nghệ-Tĩnh Soviets 11685:Hanoi Poison Plot 11606: 11605: 11602: 11601: 11566: 11565: 11562: 11561: 11558: 11557: 11501:Amsterdam Islands 11492:Kerguelen Islands 11440:Clipperton Island 11411: 11410: 11407: 11406: 11379:Wallis and Futuna 11247: 11246: 11243: 11242: 11147:Mandate for Syria 11137:Kouang-Tchéou-Wan 11099:Indochinese Union 11006: 11005: 10803: 10802: 10716:Equatorial Africa 10518: 10517: 10328:August Revolution 10061:Pierre Brocheux: 9858:978-0-520-25602-6 9815:Tarling, Nicholas 9797:A History of Laos 9790:. AltaMira Press. 9778:978-0-7322-8197-7 9759:978-0-8248-2890-5 9718:978-0-415-35848-4 9588:978-0-8108-7646-0 9469:978-0-8248-2923-0 9450:978-0-7864-3285-1 9383:978-0-313-31170-3 9341:978-0-8133-4363-1 9322:978-2-7071-3412-7 9202:David Del Testa, 9100:978-0-7190-7755-5 8919:978-2-7071-3412-7 8913:, 2001, p. 178. ( 8790:(in Vietnamese). 8141:Errington, p. 63. 8132:Tønnesson, p. 41. 8105:Addington, p. 30. 7038:(in Vietnamese). 6937:978-2-7384-2368-9 6791:Morlat, Patrice: 6770:Morlat, Patrice: 6749:Morlat, Patrice: 6643:Chandler, David: 6451:978-2-35250-105-3 6338:(in Vietnamese). 6278:(in Vietnamese). 5861:Osborne, Milton: 5510:(in Vietnamese). 4689:Hanoi Opera House 4622:in 1932, now the 4379:Mahayana Buddhism 4280:, in the quay of 4262:Le Monde illustré 4070: 4069: 3895:Geneva Conference 3889:Indochina in 1954 3881:Geneva Agreements 3803:associated states 3756:After persuading 3723:Douglas MacArthur 3678:, founder of the 3666:, a coalition of 3478:in the spirit of 3357:retours de France 3345:Bắc Ninh province 3059:Russian civil war 2902:their nationalism 2882:retours de France 2740:stretcher bearers 2518:Phu Mi Bun Revolt 2432:Hanoi Poison Plot 2269:Republic of China 2265:Xinhai Revolution 2034:kings of Cambodia 1567:Indochinese Union 1563:French Indo-China 1556: 1555: 1501:Classical Chinese 1433: 1432: 1429: 1428: 1323:Kouang-Tchéou-Wan 1243: 1242: 1158:Kouang-Tchéou-Wan 907:13 September 1945 852:22 September 1940 708:Laos Protectorate 615:Tai folk religion 338: 227: 36:Indochinese Union 16:(Redirected from 12866: 12649:French Indochina 12636: 12635: 12633: 12632: 12631: 12626: 12622: 12619: 12618: 12617: 12614: 12570: 12569: 12568: 12558: 12557: 12556: 12546: 12545: 12544: 12534: 12533: 12532: 12522: 12521: 12520: 12510: 12509: 12508: 12498: 12497: 12496: 12485: 12484: 12483: 12472: 12471: 12470: 12460: 12459: 12458: 12448: 12447: 12446: 12436: 12435: 12434: 12424: 12423: 12422: 12412: 12411: 12410: 12402:French Indochina 12400: 12399: 12398: 12388: 12386: 12385: 12375: 12374: 12373: 12363: 12362: 12361: 12351: 12350: 12349: 12339: 12338: 12337: 12327: 12326: 12325: 12315: 12314: 12313: 12303: 12302: 12301: 12291: 12290: 12289: 12279: 12278: 12277: 12267: 12266: 12265: 12255: 12254: 12253: 12243: 12242: 12241: 12214: 12207: 12200: 12191: 12190: 12182: 12144:Nguyễn Trọng Hợp 12080:Governor-General 12075:French Indochina 11963:Nguyễn Thần Hiến 11948:Huỳnh Thúc Kháng 11835:Uprising Leaders 11680:Bãi Sậy uprising 11633: 11626: 11619: 11610: 11609: 11531:Glorioso Islands 11512: 11463: 11462: 11456: 11452: 11428: 11427: 11417: 11416: 11391: 11364:Saint Barthélemy 11359:French Polynesia 11350: 11310: 11305: 11304: 11294: 11293: 11279: 11272: 11265: 11256: 11255: 11064:Coromandel Coast 11035: 11028: 11021: 11012: 11011: 10893:French Caribbean 10873:Terre Neuve 10832: 10825: 10818: 10809: 10808: 10590: 10583: 10576: 10567: 10566: 10563: 10562: 10545: 10538: 10531: 10522: 10521: 10505:Tonkinese Rifles 10203:State of Vietnam 10116:French Indochina 10109: 10102: 10095: 10086: 10085: 10081: 10052: 10041: 10028: 10009: 9983: 9981: 9979: 9967: 9964: 9951: 9932: 9929:Internet Archive 9912: 9901: 9899: 9897: 9869: 9867: 9865: 9841: 9832: 9810: 9791: 9782: 9763: 9742: 9722: 9701: 9682: 9663: 9644: 9625: 9599: 9597: 9595: 9571: 9569: 9567: 9551: 9535: 9518: 9501: 9499: 9497: 9473: 9454: 9433: 9421: 9407: 9405: 9403: 9387: 9366: 9345: 9326: 9305:Brocheux, Pierre 9300: 9298: 9296: 9279: 9277: 9275: 9256: 9235: 9232: 9226: 9223: 9217: 9200: 9194: 9193: 9165: 9154: 9153: 9151: 9149: 9134: 9128: 9111: 9105: 9104: 9084: 9078: 9075: 9069: 9065: 9059: 9053: 9051: 9049: 9025: 9000: 8997: 8991: 8990: 8976: 8970: 8969: 8951: 8945: 8928: 8922: 8907: 8901: 8900: 8870: 8864: 8863: 8861: 8850: 8844: 8837: 8831: 8809: 8803: 8802: 8800: 8798: 8792:Đài Á Châu Tự Do 8783: 8774: 8773: 8771: 8769: 8757: 8722: 8721: 8719: 8717: 8705: 8682: 8681: 8645: 8639: 8638: 8624: 8618: 8617: 8615: 8613: 8597: 8591: 8590: 8570: 8564: 8557: 8551: 8544: 8538: 8537: 8517: 8511: 8510: 8490: 8484: 8483: 8455: 8449: 8448: 8428: 8422: 8421: 8401: 8395: 8394: 8372: 8366: 8365: 8345: 8339: 8338: 8319: 8313: 8312: 8292: 8286: 8285: 8265: 8259: 8258: 8238: 8232: 8231: 8211: 8205: 8204: 8184: 8178: 8177: 8157: 8151: 8148: 8142: 8139: 8133: 8130: 8124: 8121: 8115: 8114:Neville, p. 119. 8112: 8106: 8103: 8097: 8096:Tuchman, p. 235. 8094: 8088: 8087: 8076: 8070: 8069: 8049: 8040: 8039: 8028: 8022: 8021: 8012: 8006: 8005: 7989: 7983: 7982: 7950: 7944: 7943: 7927: 7921: 7920: 7912: 7906: 7905: 7893: 7887: 7886: 7870: 7864: 7863: 7851: 7845: 7844: 7824: 7818: 7817: 7797: 7791: 7790: 7770: 7764: 7763: 7741: 7735: 7734: 7712: 7706: 7705: 7686: 7680: 7679: 7659: 7653: 7652: 7632: 7626: 7625: 7605: 7599: 7598: 7586: 7580: 7569: 7549: 7543: 7542: 7522: 7516: 7515: 7513: 7511: 7502:. Archived from 7496: 7490: 7489: 7479: 7473: 7470: 7464: 7463: 7453: 7447: 7444: 7438: 7437: 7425: 7419: 7416: 7410: 7409: 7397: 7391: 7388: 7382: 7381: 7369: 7363: 7362: 7342: 7336: 7335: 7333: 7331: 7325: 7319:. Archived from 7314: 7305: 7299: 7298: 7270: 7264: 7263: 7235: 7229: 7222: 7216: 7202: 7196: 7189: 7183: 7176: 7170: 7163: 7157: 7151: 7145: 7139: 7130: 7129: 7107: 7101: 7094: 7088: 7081: 7075: 7057: 7051: 7050: 7048: 7046: 7031: 7018: 7008: 7002: 6996: 6994: 6992: 6968: 6962: 6951: 6940: 6926: 6922: 6916: 6909: 6903: 6892: 6886: 6871: 6865: 6852:Zinoman, Peter, 6850: 6844: 6838: 6836: 6834: 6810: 6804: 6789: 6783: 6768: 6762: 6747: 6741: 6727: 6721: 6712:Gunn, Geoffrey: 6710: 6699: 6684: 6678: 6663: 6652: 6641: 6635: 6620: 6614: 6599: 6593: 6582: 6576: 6563: 6557: 6556: 6549: 6543: 6538:Sanderson Beck: 6536: 6530: 6524: 6522: 6520: 6496: 6477: 6462: 6456: 6455: 6437: 6428: 6414: 6408: 6402: 6400: 6398: 6374: 6351: 6350: 6348: 6346: 6331: 6325: 6324: 6322: 6320: 6308: 6291: 6290: 6288: 6286: 6271: 6260: 6259: 6253: 6251: 6235: 6226: 6220: 6210: 6204: 6175: 6169: 6162: 6156: 6141: 6135: 6134: 6118: 6108: 6102: 6101: 6079: 6073: 6072: 6050: 6044: 6038:Nguyễn Đình Hoà 6036: 6030: 6026: 6020: 6013: 6007: 6000: 5994: 5987: 5981: 5977: 5971: 5967: 5961: 5955: 5953: 5951: 5927: 5866: 5859: 5853: 5847: 5845: 5843: 5819: 5614: 5603: 5597: 5590: 5584: 5583:, p. 57-68. 5578: 5572: 5565: 5559: 5556:Huỳnh Thúc Kháng 5532: 5526: 5525: 5520: 5518: 5503: 5494: 5488: 5486: 5484: 5460: 5451: 5450: 5430: 5424: 5423: 5411: 5405: 5369: 5363: 5362: 5361:on 17 July 2015. 5347: 5341: 5340: 5308: 5302: 5301: 5289: 5283: 5282: 5280: 5263: 5257: 5256: 5244: 5238: 5237: 5201: 5195: 5192: 5186: 5183: 5174: 5171: 5165: 5162: 5153: 5150: 5144: 5141: 5130: 5127: 5121: 5118: 5109: 5108: 5085:Population Index 5082: 5075: 5069: 5067: 5063: 5049:, 2013) Quote: " 5041:Lecompte, Jean. 5039: 5022: 5019: 5013: 5004: 4998: 4997: 4989: 4981: 4980: 4959: 4953: 4950: 4944: 4943: 4937: 4929: 4927:Ĕnduchĕn Bareăng 4923: 4915: 4914: 4893: 4887: 4885: 4877: 4868: 4748:Ho Chi Minh City 4699:(resembling the 4691:(modeled on the 4657:capital city of 4604:Long Biên Bridge 4495:on the trade of 4486: 4441: 4435: 4423:French civilians 4265: 4238:ancestor worship 4192:Code de commerce 4118:small cash coins 4074:governor-general 4010:French Indochina 3974: 3969: 3960: 3959: 3949: 3948: 3942: 3941: 3871:Norodom Sihanouk 3843:Battle of Nà Sản 3835:Lào Cai province 3831:Bảo Yên District 3799:State of Vietnam 3580:France liberated 3363:(VNQDĐ) and the 3086:Nguyễn Tất Thành 3007:invaded and took 2911:, alleging that 2890:Nguyễn Phan Long 2850:investment funds 2832:Overseas Chinese 2732:Battle of Verdun 2712:Joseph Buttinger 2680:Pháp-Việt Đề huề 2654: 2653: 2649: 2608:A report by the 2440:Citadel of Hanoi 2276:secret societies 2100:Huỳnh Thúc Kháng 2050:French postcards 1875:Treaty of Saigon 1688:State of Vietnam 1649:Vichy government 1559:French Indochina 1547: 1544: 1538: 1535: 1529: 1526: 1520: 1514: 1513: 1508: 1497: 1491: 1476: 1425: 1424: 1407: 1406: 1393: 1392: 1379: 1378: 1359: 1358: 1345: 1344: 1331: 1330: 1317: 1316: 1309: 1299: 1298: 1283: 1282: 1263: 1262: 1247: 1246: 1234: 1233: 1216: 1215: 1202: 1201: 1186: 1185: 1168: 1167: 1150: 1149: 1140: 1128: 1127: 1110: 1109: 1090: 1089: 1076: 1075: 1060: 1059: 1044: 1043: 1024: 1023: 1017: 1016: 1001: 1000: 920:19 December 1946 894:2 September 1945 868: 853: 834: 729:Governor-General 717: 706: 696: 686: 676: 666: 518:0.2% Europeans ( 334: 310: 309:(1902/1945–1954) 301: 292: 255: 246: 229: 228: 219: 215: 196: 177: 173: 164: 150: 132: 124: 123: 118: 110: 109: 104: 96: 95: 90: 82: 81: 71: 70: 65: 57: 51: 43: 32: 31: 21: 12874: 12873: 12869: 12868: 12867: 12865: 12864: 12863: 12774:New Imperialism 12639: 12638: 12629: 12627: 12623: 12620: 12615: 12612: 12610: 12608: 12607: 12605: 12600: 12577: 12576: 12566: 12564: 12554: 12552: 12542: 12540: 12530: 12528: 12518: 12516: 12506: 12504: 12494: 12492: 12489: 12481: 12479: 12474:Occupied Malaya 12468: 12466: 12456: 12454: 12444: 12442: 12432: 12430: 12420: 12418: 12408: 12406: 12396: 12394: 12383: 12381: 12371: 12369: 12359: 12357: 12347: 12345: 12335: 12333: 12323: 12321: 12311: 12309: 12299: 12297: 12287: 12285: 12275: 12273: 12263: 12261: 12251: 12249: 12239: 12237: 12228: 12222:Empire of Japan 12218: 12188: 12183: 12173:Wars in Vietnam 12169: 12163: 12122: 12053: 12017: 12008:Phan Văn Trường 11973:Nguyễn Thái Học 11921:Revolutionaries 11916: 11907:Đinh Công Tráng 11897:Tôn Thất Thuyết 11877:Phan Đình Phùng 11862:Nguyễn Hữu Huân 11830: 11764: 11655:Siege of Saigon 11643: 11637: 11607: 11598: 11580:Claimed by the 11554: 11550:Tromelin Island 11521:Bassas da India 11505: 11455:French Southern 11444: 11422: 11403: 11383: 11343: 11311:​ regions 11299: 11288: 11286:Overseas France 11283: 11239: 11221: 11193: 11179:Greater Lebanon 11149:and the Lebanon 11148: 11141: 11093: 11045: 11039: 11002: 10984: 10956: 10887: 10844: 10842:in the Americas 10836: 10799: 10776: 10748: 10710: 10628: 10600: 10594: 10554: 10549: 10519: 10514: 10478: 10459:Francis Garnier 10417: 10415: 10408: 10357: 10207: 10160: 10154: 10118: 10113: 10079: 10050: 10039: 10036: 10031: 10025: 10006: 9977: 9975: 9970: 9954: 9948: 9925: 9895: 9893: 9891: 9863: 9861: 9859: 9840:. Paris: Payot. 9829: 9807: 9779: 9760: 9727:Osborne, Milton 9719: 9698: 9679: 9660: 9641: 9622: 9593: 9591: 9589: 9565: 9563: 9495: 9493: 9491: 9470: 9451: 9430: 9412:Duiker, William 9401: 9399: 9390: 9384: 9363: 9342: 9323: 9294: 9292: 9273: 9271: 9269: 9244: 9239: 9238: 9233: 9229: 9224: 9220: 9211:Wayback Machine 9201: 9197: 9166: 9157: 9147: 9145: 9136: 9135: 9131: 9121:Wayback Machine 9112: 9108: 9101: 9085: 9081: 9076: 9072: 9066: 9062: 9047: 9045: 9044:, among others) 9026: 9003: 8998: 8994: 8977: 8973: 8966: 8952: 8948: 8938:Wayback Machine 8929: 8925: 8908: 8904: 8897: 8871: 8867: 8859: 8851: 8847: 8838: 8834: 8828:Wayback Machine 8810: 8806: 8796: 8794: 8784: 8777: 8767: 8765: 8758: 8725: 8715: 8713: 8706: 8685: 8646: 8642: 8625: 8621: 8611: 8609: 8598: 8594: 8587: 8571: 8567: 8558: 8554: 8545: 8541: 8534: 8518: 8514: 8507: 8491: 8487: 8472: 8456: 8452: 8445: 8429: 8425: 8418: 8402: 8398: 8391: 8373: 8369: 8362: 8346: 8342: 8335: 8321: 8320: 8316: 8309: 8293: 8289: 8282: 8266: 8262: 8255: 8239: 8235: 8228: 8212: 8208: 8201: 8185: 8181: 8174: 8158: 8154: 8149: 8145: 8140: 8136: 8131: 8127: 8122: 8118: 8113: 8109: 8104: 8100: 8095: 8091: 8078: 8077: 8073: 8066: 8050: 8043: 8030: 8029: 8025: 8014: 8013: 8009: 7990: 7986: 7951: 7947: 7928: 7924: 7913: 7909: 7894: 7890: 7871: 7867: 7852: 7848: 7841: 7825: 7821: 7814: 7798: 7794: 7787: 7771: 7767: 7760: 7742: 7738: 7731: 7713: 7709: 7702: 7688: 7687: 7683: 7676: 7660: 7656: 7649: 7633: 7629: 7622: 7606: 7602: 7587: 7583: 7578:Wayback Machine 7566: 7550: 7546: 7539: 7523: 7519: 7509: 7507: 7506:on 6 April 2023 7498: 7497: 7493: 7480: 7476: 7471: 7467: 7454: 7450: 7445: 7441: 7426: 7422: 7417: 7413: 7398: 7394: 7389: 7385: 7370: 7366: 7359: 7343: 7339: 7329: 7327: 7323: 7312: 7306: 7302: 7271: 7267: 7236: 7232: 7223: 7219: 7213:Wayback Machine 7203: 7199: 7190: 7186: 7177: 7173: 7164: 7160: 7152: 7148: 7140: 7133: 7126: 7118:. p. 442. 7108: 7104: 7095: 7091: 7082: 7078: 7058: 7054: 7044: 7042: 7032: 7021: 7009: 7005: 6990: 6988: 6987:, among others) 6969: 6965: 6952: 6943: 6924: 6923: 6919: 6910: 6906: 6893: 6889: 6872: 6868: 6851: 6847: 6832: 6830: 6829:, among others) 6811: 6807: 6790: 6786: 6769: 6765: 6748: 6744: 6728: 6724: 6711: 6702: 6685: 6681: 6664: 6655: 6642: 6638: 6621: 6617: 6600: 6596: 6583: 6579: 6575:, by Jeff Drake 6573:Wayback Machine 6564: 6560: 6551: 6550: 6546: 6537: 6533: 6518: 6516: 6515:, among others) 6497: 6480: 6463: 6459: 6452: 6438: 6431: 6417:Sarraut, Albert 6415: 6411: 6396: 6394: 6393:, among others) 6375: 6354: 6344: 6342: 6332: 6328: 6318: 6316: 6309: 6294: 6284: 6282: 6272: 6263: 6249: 6247: 6233: 6227: 6223: 6211: 6207: 6195:. 29:1 p. 111. 6189:Wayback Machine 6180:(Winter 1995). 6176: 6172: 6163: 6159: 6142: 6138: 6131: 6123:US. p. 7. 6109: 6105: 6098: 6090:. p. 111. 6088:Nova Publishers 6080: 6076: 6069: 6051: 6047: 6037: 6033: 6027: 6023: 6015:Van Thao Trinh 6014: 6010: 6001: 5997: 5988: 5984: 5978: 5974: 5968: 5964: 5949: 5947: 5946:, among others) 5928: 5869: 5860: 5856: 5841: 5839: 5838:, among others) 5820: 5617: 5604: 5600: 5591: 5587: 5579: 5575: 5566: 5562: 5540:Phan Đình Phùng 5533: 5529: 5516: 5514: 5504: 5497: 5482: 5480: 5479:, among others) 5461: 5454: 5447: 5431: 5427: 5412: 5408: 5380:Wayback Machine 5370: 5366: 5349: 5348: 5344: 5309: 5305: 5298:IIAS Newsletter 5290: 5286: 5278: 5264: 5260: 5245: 5241: 5202: 5198: 5193: 5189: 5184: 5177: 5172: 5168: 5163: 5156: 5151: 5147: 5142: 5133: 5128: 5124: 5119: 5112: 5097:10.2307/2730333 5077: 5076: 5072: 5065: 5040: 5036: 5031: 5026: 5025: 5020: 5016: 5005: 5001: 4996:ສະຫະພາບອິນໂດຈີນ 4960: 4956: 4951: 4947: 4941:Indouchin Frang 4894: 4890: 4869: 4865: 4860: 4828: 4793:Niok l'éléphant 4784: 4731: 4729:French colonial 4725: 4643:southwest China 4592: 4479: 4470:French language 4466: 4452: 4407: 4355: 4346:French minority 4292: 4251: 4246: 4058: 3994:17 October 1887 3977: 3954: 3946: 3945: 3940: 3919: 3883: 3791: 3783:Main articles: 3781: 3708:Members of the 3699:Chiang Kai-shek 3670:and Vietnamese 3657: 3651: 3561:Franco-Thai War 3550:Chiang Kai-shek 3514: 3506:Main articles: 3504: 3436: 3428:Red River Delta 3396: 3390: 3306:Asian elephants 3172: 3142:Sûreté générale 3074: 2999: 2981: 2813:Colonial School 2651: 2647: 2646: 2602: 2596: 2538: 2514:Bolaven Plateau 2331:Phan Châu Trinh 2232: 2208:Front Populaire 2158: 2153: 2121: 2115: 2084:Phan Đình Phùng 2072: 2066: 1995:Sino-French War 1936: 1918: 1916:Tonkin campaign 1912: 1812: 1802: 1796: 1791: 1740: 1728:Main articles: 1726: 1721: 1716: 1700:Kingdom of Laos 1637:Tonkin campaign 1552: 1551: 1550: 1545: 1541: 1536: 1532: 1527: 1523: 1512:大法國欽命總統東洋全權大臣關伩 1498: 1494: 1477: 1473: 1456: 1452: 1448: 1444: 1422: 1416: 1404: 1399:Kingdom of Laos 1390: 1376: 1370: 1368: 1356: 1342: 1337:Empire of Japan 1328: 1314: 1307: 1306: 1296: 1290: 1280: 1274: 1272: 1260: 1254: 1231: 1223: 1213: 1199: 1191: 1183: 1175: 1165: 1157: 1147: 1138: 1137: 1135: 1125: 1117: 1107: 1099: 1097: 1087: 1073: 1065: 1057: 1049: 1041: 1033: 1031: 1021: 978: 968: 949: 933:27 October 1946 930: 917: 904: 902:Reestablishment 891: 878: 866: 863: 861:Franco-Thai War 851: 848: 835: 829: 819: 806:17 October 1862 803: 789: 774:New Imperialism 756: 748:Ernest Constans 744: 723: 712: 639: 568: 446: 436: 325: 313: 308: 304: 299: 295: 290: 286: 261: 241: 230: 223: 220: 217: 216: 212:La Marseillaise 200: 181: 180: 179: 175: 171: 165: 157: 156: 151: 133: 126: 119: 112: 108:ສະຫະພາບອິນດູຈີນ 105: 98: 91: 84: 77: 66: 59: 52: 45: 37: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 12872: 12862: 12861: 12856: 12851: 12846: 12841: 12836: 12831: 12826: 12821: 12816: 12811: 12806: 12801: 12796: 12791: 12786: 12781: 12776: 12771: 12766: 12761: 12756: 12751: 12746: 12741: 12736: 12731: 12726: 12721: 12716: 12711: 12706: 12701: 12696: 12691: 12686: 12681: 12676: 12671: 12666: 12661: 12656: 12651: 12602: 12601: 12599: 12598: 12593: 12588: 12582: 12579: 12578: 12575: 12574: 12562: 12550: 12538: 12536:Occupied Nauru 12526: 12514: 12502: 12490: 12478: 12476: 12464: 12452: 12440: 12428: 12416: 12404: 12392: 12379: 12367: 12365:State of Burma 12355: 12343: 12331: 12319: 12307: 12295: 12283: 12271: 12259: 12247: 12234: 12233: 12230: 12229: 12217: 12216: 12209: 12202: 12194: 12185: 12184: 12181: 12180: 12175: 12168: 12165: 12164: 12162: 12161: 12156: 12151: 12149:Huỳnh Công Tấn 12146: 12141: 12136: 12134:Hoàng Cao Khải 12130: 12128: 12124: 12123: 12121: 12120: 12119: 12118: 12108: 12107: 12106: 12096: 12095: 12094: 12084: 12083: 12082: 12072: 12067: 12065:Albert Sarraut 12061: 12059: 12055: 12054: 12052: 12051: 12046: 12041: 12036: 12031: 12025: 12023: 12019: 12018: 12016: 12015: 12010: 12005: 12003:Phan Chu Trinh 12000: 11995: 11990: 11985: 11983:Nguyễn An Ninh 11980: 11975: 11970: 11965: 11960: 11955: 11950: 11945: 11940: 11935: 11930: 11924: 11922: 11918: 11917: 11915: 11914: 11909: 11904: 11899: 11894: 11889: 11887:Hoàng Hoa Thám 11884: 11879: 11874: 11872:Nguyễn Xuân Ôn 11869: 11867:Phan Xích Long 11864: 11859: 11854: 11849: 11844: 11838: 11836: 11832: 11831: 11829: 11828: 11823: 11818: 11813: 11808: 11803: 11798: 11796:Nguyễn dynasty 11793: 11788: 11783: 11778: 11772: 11770: 11766: 11765: 11763: 11762: 11757: 11752: 11747: 11742: 11737: 11732: 11727: 11722: 11717: 11715:Yên Bái mutiny 11712: 11707: 11702: 11697: 11692: 11687: 11682: 11677: 11672: 11667: 11662: 11657: 11651: 11649: 11645: 11644: 11636: 11635: 11628: 11621: 11613: 11604: 11603: 11600: 11599: 11597: 11596: 11590: 11584: 11578: 11574:Also known as 11571: 11568: 11567: 11564: 11563: 11560: 11559: 11556: 11555: 11553: 11552: 11547: 11542: 11541: 11540: 11537:Banc du Geyser 11528: 11523: 11517: 11515: 11507: 11506: 11504: 11503: 11494: 11489: 11484: 11479: 11477:Crozet Islands 11474: 11466: 11460: 11446: 11445: 11443: 11442: 11436: 11434: 11424: 11423: 11413: 11412: 11409: 11408: 11405: 11404: 11402: 11401: 11395: 11393: 11385: 11384: 11382: 11381: 11376: 11371: 11366: 11361: 11355: 11353: 11345: 11344: 11342: 11341: 11336: 11331: 11326: 11321: 11315: 11313: 11301: 11300: 11290: 11289: 11282: 11281: 11274: 11267: 11259: 11253: 11249: 11248: 11245: 11244: 11241: 11240: 11238: 11237: 11232: 11226: 11223: 11222: 11220: 11219: 11214: 11213: 11212: 11201: 11199: 11195: 11194: 11192: 11191: 11186: 11184:Jabal al-Druze 11181: 11176: 11171: 11170: 11169: 11164: 11157:State of Syria 11153: 11151: 11143: 11142: 11140: 11139: 11134: 11133: 11132: 11127: 11122: 11114: 11109: 11103: 11101: 11095: 11094: 11092: 11091: 11086: 11081: 11076: 11071: 11066: 11061: 11055: 11053: 11047: 11046: 11038: 11037: 11030: 11023: 11015: 11008: 11007: 11004: 11003: 11001: 11000: 10995: 10989: 10986: 10985: 10983: 10982: 10977: 10972: 10966: 10964: 10958: 10957: 10955: 10954: 10952:Virgin Islands 10949: 10944: 10939: 10934: 10929: 10928: 10927: 10916:Saint-Domingue 10913: 10911:The Grenadines 10908: 10903: 10897: 10895: 10889: 10888: 10886: 10885: 10880: 10878:French Florida 10875: 10870: 10865: 10860: 10854: 10852: 10846: 10845: 10835: 10834: 10827: 10820: 10812: 10805: 10804: 10801: 10800: 10798: 10797: 10795:Isle de France 10792: 10787: 10781: 10778: 10777: 10775: 10774: 10769: 10764: 10758: 10756: 10750: 10749: 10747: 10746: 10741: 10736: 10731: 10726: 10720: 10718: 10712: 10711: 10709: 10708: 10703: 10698: 10693: 10688: 10687: 10686: 10676: 10671: 10670: 10669: 10659: 10654: 10649: 10644: 10638: 10636: 10630: 10629: 10627: 10626: 10621: 10616: 10610: 10608: 10602: 10601: 10593: 10592: 10585: 10578: 10570: 10560: 10556: 10555: 10548: 10547: 10540: 10533: 10525: 10516: 10515: 10513: 10512: 10507: 10502: 10497: 10492: 10486: 10484: 10480: 10479: 10477: 10476: 10474:Albert Sarraut 10471: 10466: 10461: 10456: 10451: 10449:Amédée Courbet 10446: 10441: 10436: 10431: 10426: 10420: 10418: 10413: 10410: 10409: 10407: 10406: 10401: 10396: 10391: 10386: 10381: 10376: 10371: 10365: 10363: 10359: 10358: 10356: 10355: 10350: 10345: 10340: 10335: 10330: 10325: 10320: 10315: 10310: 10305: 10303:Yên Bái mutiny 10300: 10295: 10290: 10285: 10280: 10275: 10270: 10265: 10264: 10263: 10253: 10252: 10251: 10246: 10241: 10231: 10226: 10221: 10215: 10213: 10209: 10208: 10206: 10205: 10200: 10195: 10190: 10185: 10180: 10175: 10170: 10164: 10162: 10156: 10155: 10153: 10152: 10147: 10142: 10137: 10132: 10126: 10124: 10120: 10119: 10112: 10111: 10104: 10097: 10089: 10083: 10082: 10070: 10059: 10048: 10035: 10034:External links 10032: 10030: 10029: 10023: 10010: 10004: 9991: 9984: 9968: 9952: 9946: 9933: 9923: 9902: 9889: 9870: 9857: 9842: 9833: 9827: 9811: 9805: 9792: 9783: 9777: 9764: 9758: 9743: 9723: 9717: 9702: 9696: 9683: 9677: 9664: 9658: 9645: 9639: 9626: 9620: 9607: 9600: 9587: 9572: 9552: 9550:. Delta Books. 9543: 9536: 9519: 9502: 9489: 9474: 9468: 9455: 9449: 9434: 9428: 9408: 9396:Hochiminh City 9388: 9382: 9367: 9361: 9346: 9340: 9327: 9321: 9301: 9280: 9267: 9245: 9243: 9240: 9237: 9236: 9227: 9218: 9195: 9155: 9138:"Ga Hải Phòng" 9129: 9106: 9099: 9079: 9070: 9060: 9001: 8992: 8971: 8964: 8946: 8923: 8902: 8895: 8865: 8845: 8832: 8804: 8775: 8723: 8683: 8656:(4): 351–374. 8640: 8619: 8592: 8586:978-1400874903 8585: 8565: 8552: 8539: 8533:978-1134078479 8532: 8512: 8506:978-0429972546 8505: 8485: 8471:978-0520274150 8470: 8450: 8444:978-1315510842 8443: 8423: 8417:978-0429975196 8416: 8396: 8389: 8367: 8360: 8340: 8334:978-0521850629 8333: 8314: 8308:978-1401305611 8307: 8287: 8281:978-1134244768 8280: 8260: 8253: 8233: 8227:978-1405196789 8226: 8206: 8200:978-1317231936 8199: 8179: 8173:978-1442223035 8172: 8152: 8143: 8134: 8125: 8116: 8107: 8098: 8089: 8071: 8064: 8041: 8023: 8007: 7984: 7945: 7922: 7907: 7888: 7865: 7846: 7840:978-1108916080 7839: 7819: 7813:978-0226768045 7812: 7792: 7786:978-0199373895 7785: 7765: 7759:978-9004292932 7758: 7736: 7729: 7707: 7700: 7681: 7675:978-1978814981 7674: 7654: 7648:978-1527575462 7647: 7627: 7621:978-1317466253 7620: 7600: 7581: 7564: 7544: 7538:978-1978814981 7537: 7517: 7491: 7482:Ho, Chi Minh. 7474: 7465: 7448: 7439: 7420: 7411: 7392: 7383: 7364: 7358:978-1139510875 7357: 7337: 7300: 7281:(3): 269–293. 7265: 7230: 7217: 7197: 7191:Daniel Hemery 7184: 7171: 7165:Daniel Hemery 7158: 7156:, p. 119. 7146: 7131: 7124: 7102: 7089: 7076: 7060:Marr, David G. 7052: 7019: 7003: 6963: 6941: 6917: 6904: 6887: 6866: 6845: 6805: 6784: 6763: 6742: 6722: 6700: 6679: 6653: 6636: 6615: 6594: 6577: 6558: 6544: 6531: 6478: 6457: 6450: 6429: 6409: 6352: 6326: 6292: 6261: 6221: 6205: 6170: 6157: 6136: 6129: 6103: 6096: 6074: 6067: 6045: 6031: 6021: 6008: 5995: 5982: 5972: 5962: 5867: 5854: 5615: 5609:, pp. 272–75; 5598: 5585: 5573: 5560: 5544:Phan Chu Trinh 5527: 5495: 5452: 5445: 5425: 5406: 5404: 5403: 5400: 5397: 5394: 5391: 5388: 5385: 5364: 5342: 5303: 5284: 5258: 5239: 5196: 5187: 5175: 5166: 5154: 5145: 5143:Tucker, p. 29. 5131: 5122: 5110: 5070: 5033: 5032: 5030: 5027: 5024: 5023: 5014: 4999: 4954: 4945: 4922:ឥណ្ឌូចិនបារាំង 4888: 4862: 4861: 4859: 4856: 4855: 4854: 4849: 4844: 4839: 4834: 4827: 4824: 4823: 4822: 4809: 4802:The 1992 film 4800: 4783: 4780: 4727:Main article: 4724: 4721: 4693:Palais Garnier 4620:Ernest Hébrard 4591: 4590:Infrastructure 4588: 4478: 4475: 4451: 4448: 4406: 4403: 4391:Roman Catholic 4381:influenced by 4365:, inspired by 4354: 4351: 4291: 4290: 4287: 4284: 4275: 4268: 4250: 4247: 4245: 4242: 4068: 4067: 4051:Norodom Palace 4048: 4044: 4043: 4040: 4036: 4035: 4026: 4022: 4021: 4016: 4012: 4011: 4008: 4004: 4003: 4000: 3996: 3995: 3992: 3988: 3987: 3983: 3982: 3979: 3978: 3975: 3962: 3961: 3951: 3950: 3939: 3938:Administration 3936: 3918: 3915: 3882: 3879: 3852:Võ Nguyên Giáp 3848:carpet bombing 3827:la sale guerre 3819:Foreign Legion 3780: 3777: 3653:Main article: 3650: 3647: 3503: 3500: 3484:Georges Mandel 3435: 3432: 3412:Yên Bái mutiny 3410:garrison. The 3394:Yên Bái mutiny 3389: 3386: 3326:Southern court 3196:Southern Court 3171: 3168: 3131:Central Powers 3073: 3070: 3047:its own forces 2980: 2977: 2965:Milton Osborne 2953:Phan Xích Long 2929:Tai Lue people 2904:as dangerous. 2846:mise en valeur 2717:modern warfare 2678:; Vietnamese: 2672:Albert Sarraut 2616:Nguyễn dynasty 2598:Main article: 2595: 2592: 2537: 2534: 2482:Phan Xích Long 2414:Côn Sơn Island 2231: 2228: 2164:Occupation of 2157: 2154: 2152: 2149: 2143:Thai-speaking 2117:Main article: 2114: 2111: 2088:Phan Chu Trinh 2065: 2062: 1914:Main article: 1911: 1908: 1867:Catholic faith 1832:Nguyễn dynasty 1798:Main article: 1795: 1792: 1790: 1787: 1725: 1722: 1720: 1717: 1715: 1712: 1651:and was under 1641:Fall of France 1601:in the north, 1554: 1553: 1549: 1548: 1539: 1530: 1521: 1492: 1470: 1469: 1468: 1465: 1464: 1439: 1435: 1434: 1431: 1430: 1427: 1426: 1419: 1409: 1408: 1401: 1395: 1394: 1387: 1381: 1380: 1373: 1361: 1360: 1353: 1347: 1346: 1339: 1333: 1332: 1325: 1319: 1318: 1311: 1308:Luang Phrabang 1301: 1300: 1293: 1285: 1284: 1277: 1265: 1264: 1257: 1244: 1241: 1240: 1235: 1227: 1226: 1217: 1209: 1208: 1203: 1195: 1194: 1187: 1179: 1178: 1169: 1161: 1160: 1151: 1143: 1142: 1129: 1121: 1120: 1111: 1103: 1102: 1091: 1083: 1082: 1077: 1069: 1068: 1061: 1053: 1052: 1045: 1037: 1036: 1025: 1013: 1012: 1007: 997: 996: 991: 987: 986: 983: 982: 979: 976: 973: 972: 969: 966: 963: 962: 959: 958: 954: 953: 950: 947: 944: 943: 939: 938: 935: 934: 931: 925: 922: 921: 918: 912: 909: 908: 905: 899: 896: 895: 892: 889:DRV proclaimed 886: 883: 882: 879: 873: 870: 869: 864: 858: 855: 854: 849: 843: 840: 839: 838:5 January 1900 836: 827: 824: 823: 820: 811: 808: 807: 804: 797: 794: 793: 790: 784: 781: 780: 777: 776: 771: 770:Historical era 767: 766: 763: 762: 760:Henri Hoppenot 757: 754: 751: 750: 745: 742: 739: 738: 735: 734: 731: 725: 724: 722: 721: 710: 700: 690: 680: 670: 659: 657: 653: 652: 647: 641: 640: 638: 637: 632: 627: 622: 617: 612: 607: 602: 597: 592: 587: 582: 576: 574: 570: 569: 567: 566: 531: 516: 489: 462: 456: 449: 447: 444: 438: 437: 435: 434: 429: 424: 419: 414: 409: 404: 399: 394: 389: 384: 379: 374: 369: 364: 359: 354: 349: 344: 339: 332: 326: 319: 315: 314: 312: 311: 302: 293: 283: 281: 277: 276: 267: 263: 262: 256: 248: 247: 232: 231: 221: 202: 201: 198: 183: 182: 166: 159: 158: 152: 145: 144: 143: 140: 139: 138:1887–1946/1954 135: 134: 38: 35: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12871: 12860: 12857: 12855: 12852: 12850: 12847: 12845: 12842: 12840: 12837: 12835: 12832: 12830: 12827: 12825: 12822: 12820: 12817: 12815: 12812: 12810: 12807: 12805: 12802: 12800: 12797: 12795: 12792: 12790: 12787: 12785: 12782: 12780: 12777: 12775: 12772: 12770: 12767: 12765: 12762: 12760: 12757: 12755: 12752: 12750: 12747: 12745: 12742: 12740: 12737: 12735: 12732: 12730: 12727: 12725: 12722: 12720: 12717: 12715: 12712: 12710: 12707: 12705: 12702: 12700: 12697: 12695: 12692: 12690: 12687: 12685: 12682: 12680: 12677: 12675: 12672: 12670: 12667: 12665: 12662: 12660: 12657: 12655: 12652: 12650: 12647: 12646: 12644: 12637: 12634: 12597: 12594: 12592: 12589: 12587: 12584: 12583: 12580: 12573: 12563: 12561: 12551: 12549: 12539: 12537: 12527: 12525: 12524:Occupied Guam 12515: 12513: 12503: 12501: 12491: 12488: 12477: 12475: 12465: 12463: 12453: 12451: 12441: 12439: 12429: 12427: 12417: 12415: 12405: 12403: 12393: 12391: 12380: 12378: 12368: 12366: 12356: 12354: 12344: 12342: 12332: 12330: 12320: 12318: 12308: 12306: 12296: 12294: 12284: 12282: 12272: 12270: 12260: 12258: 12248: 12246: 12236: 12235: 12231: 12227: 12223: 12215: 12210: 12208: 12203: 12201: 12196: 12195: 12192: 12179: 12176: 12174: 12171: 12170: 12166: 12160: 12157: 12155: 12152: 12150: 12147: 12145: 12142: 12140: 12137: 12135: 12132: 12131: 12129: 12127:Collaborators 12125: 12117: 12116:Administrator 12114: 12113: 12112: 12109: 12105: 12104:Administrator 12102: 12101: 12100: 12097: 12093: 12092:Administrator 12090: 12089: 12088: 12085: 12081: 12078: 12077: 12076: 12073: 12071: 12068: 12066: 12063: 12062: 12060: 12058:French rulers 12056: 12050: 12047: 12045: 12042: 12040: 12037: 12035: 12032: 12030: 12027: 12026: 12024: 12020: 12014: 12011: 12009: 12006: 12004: 12001: 11999: 11996: 11994: 11991: 11989: 11986: 11984: 11981: 11979: 11976: 11974: 11971: 11969: 11966: 11964: 11961: 11959: 11956: 11954: 11953:Vũ Hồng Khanh 11951: 11949: 11946: 11944: 11941: 11939: 11938:Phan Bội Châu 11936: 11934: 11931: 11929: 11928:Lương Văn Can 11926: 11925: 11923: 11919: 11913: 11910: 11908: 11905: 11903: 11900: 11898: 11895: 11893: 11890: 11888: 11885: 11883: 11880: 11878: 11875: 11873: 11870: 11868: 11865: 11863: 11860: 11858: 11855: 11853: 11850: 11848: 11845: 11843: 11840: 11839: 11837: 11833: 11827: 11824: 11822: 11819: 11817: 11814: 11812: 11809: 11807: 11804: 11802: 11799: 11797: 11794: 11792: 11789: 11787: 11784: 11782: 11779: 11777: 11774: 11773: 11771: 11769:Organisations 11767: 11761: 11758: 11756: 11753: 11751: 11748: 11746: 11743: 11741: 11738: 11736: 11733: 11731: 11728: 11726: 11723: 11721: 11718: 11716: 11713: 11711: 11708: 11706: 11703: 11701: 11698: 11696: 11693: 11691: 11688: 11686: 11683: 11681: 11678: 11676: 11673: 11671: 11668: 11666: 11663: 11661: 11658: 11656: 11653: 11652: 11650: 11646: 11641: 11634: 11629: 11627: 11622: 11620: 11615: 11614: 11611: 11595: 11591: 11589: 11585: 11583: 11579: 11577: 11573: 11572: 11569: 11551: 11548: 11546: 11543: 11539: 11538: 11534: 11533: 11532: 11529: 11527: 11526:Europa Island 11524: 11522: 11519: 11518: 11516: 11514: 11508: 11502: 11498: 11495: 11493: 11490: 11488: 11485: 11483: 11480: 11478: 11475: 11473: 11472: 11468: 11467: 11464: 11461: 11458: 11451: 11447: 11441: 11438: 11437: 11435: 11433: 11429: 11425: 11418: 11414: 11400: 11399:New Caledonia 11397: 11396: 11394: 11390: 11386: 11380: 11377: 11375: 11372: 11370: 11367: 11365: 11362: 11360: 11357: 11356: 11354: 11352: 11346: 11340: 11337: 11335: 11332: 11330: 11327: 11325: 11322: 11320: 11319:French Guiana 11317: 11316: 11314: 11312: 11306: 11302: 11295: 11291: 11287: 11280: 11275: 11273: 11268: 11266: 11261: 11260: 11257: 11254: 11250: 11236: 11233: 11231: 11228: 11227: 11224: 11218: 11215: 11211: 11208: 11207: 11206: 11203: 11202: 11200: 11196: 11190: 11187: 11185: 11182: 11180: 11177: 11175: 11174:Alawite State 11172: 11168: 11165: 11163: 11160: 11159: 11158: 11155: 11154: 11152: 11150: 11144: 11138: 11135: 11131: 11128: 11126: 11123: 11121: 11118: 11117: 11115: 11113: 11110: 11108: 11105: 11104: 11102: 11100: 11096: 11090: 11087: 11085: 11082: 11080: 11077: 11075: 11072: 11070: 11067: 11065: 11062: 11060: 11057: 11056: 11054: 11052: 11048: 11043: 11036: 11031: 11029: 11024: 11022: 11017: 11016: 11013: 11009: 10999: 10996: 10994: 10991: 10990: 10987: 10981: 10978: 10976: 10973: 10971: 10968: 10967: 10965: 10963: 10959: 10953: 10950: 10948: 10945: 10943: 10942:Saint Vincent 10940: 10938: 10935: 10933: 10930: 10926: 10922: 10919: 10918: 10917: 10914: 10912: 10909: 10907: 10904: 10902: 10899: 10898: 10896: 10894: 10890: 10884: 10881: 10879: 10876: 10874: 10871: 10869: 10866: 10864: 10861: 10859: 10856: 10855: 10853: 10851: 10847: 10843: 10840: 10833: 10828: 10826: 10821: 10819: 10814: 10813: 10810: 10806: 10796: 10793: 10791: 10788: 10786: 10783: 10782: 10779: 10773: 10770: 10768: 10767:Grande Comore 10765: 10763: 10760: 10759: 10757: 10755: 10751: 10745: 10742: 10740: 10737: 10735: 10732: 10730: 10727: 10725: 10722: 10721: 10719: 10717: 10713: 10707: 10704: 10702: 10699: 10697: 10694: 10692: 10689: 10685: 10684:Four Communes 10682: 10681: 10680: 10677: 10675: 10672: 10668: 10667:Arguin Island 10665: 10664: 10663: 10660: 10658: 10655: 10653: 10650: 10648: 10645: 10643: 10642:Côte d'Ivoire 10640: 10639: 10637: 10635: 10631: 10625: 10622: 10620: 10617: 10615: 10612: 10611: 10609: 10607: 10603: 10598: 10591: 10586: 10584: 10579: 10577: 10572: 10571: 10568: 10564: 10561: 10557: 10553: 10546: 10541: 10539: 10534: 10532: 10527: 10526: 10523: 10511: 10508: 10506: 10503: 10501: 10498: 10496: 10493: 10491: 10488: 10487: 10485: 10483:Organisations 10481: 10475: 10472: 10470: 10469:Auguste Pavie 10467: 10465: 10462: 10460: 10457: 10455: 10454:Henri Rivière 10452: 10450: 10447: 10445: 10442: 10440: 10437: 10435: 10432: 10430: 10427: 10425: 10422: 10421: 10419: 10416:personalities 10411: 10405: 10402: 10400: 10397: 10395: 10392: 10390: 10387: 10385: 10382: 10380: 10377: 10375: 10372: 10370: 10367: 10366: 10364: 10360: 10354: 10351: 10349: 10346: 10344: 10341: 10339: 10336: 10334: 10331: 10329: 10326: 10324: 10321: 10319: 10316: 10314: 10311: 10309: 10306: 10304: 10301: 10299: 10296: 10294: 10291: 10289: 10286: 10284: 10281: 10279: 10276: 10274: 10271: 10269: 10266: 10262: 10259: 10258: 10257: 10254: 10250: 10247: 10245: 10242: 10240: 10237: 10236: 10235: 10232: 10230: 10227: 10225: 10222: 10220: 10217: 10216: 10214: 10210: 10204: 10201: 10199: 10196: 10194: 10191: 10189: 10186: 10184: 10181: 10179: 10176: 10174: 10171: 10169: 10166: 10165: 10163: 10157: 10151: 10148: 10146: 10143: 10141: 10138: 10136: 10133: 10131: 10128: 10127: 10125: 10121: 10117: 10110: 10105: 10103: 10098: 10096: 10091: 10090: 10087: 10078: 10074: 10071: 10068: 10064: 10060: 10057: 10056: 10049: 10046: 10045: 10038: 10037: 10026: 10024:0-520-22412-4 10020: 10016: 10011: 10007: 10005:0-395-20367-8 10001: 9997: 9992: 9989: 9988:History Today 9985: 9973: 9969: 9965: 9963: 9957: 9953: 9949: 9947:0-7618-2431-6 9943: 9939: 9934: 9930: 9926: 9924:0-8131-0966-3 9920: 9916: 9911: 9910: 9903: 9892: 9890:0-345-30823-9 9886: 9882: 9878: 9877: 9871: 9860: 9854: 9850: 9849: 9843: 9839: 9834: 9830: 9828:0-415-23289-9 9824: 9820: 9816: 9812: 9808: 9806:0-521-59235-6 9802: 9798: 9793: 9789: 9784: 9780: 9774: 9770: 9765: 9761: 9755: 9751: 9750: 9744: 9740: 9736: 9732: 9728: 9724: 9720: 9714: 9710: 9709: 9703: 9699: 9697:0-520-04000-7 9693: 9689: 9684: 9680: 9678:0-275-93562-0 9674: 9670: 9665: 9661: 9659:0-520-07833-0 9655: 9651: 9646: 9642: 9640:0-520-04180-1 9636: 9632: 9627: 9623: 9621:0-520-01813-3 9617: 9613: 9608: 9605: 9601: 9590: 9584: 9580: 9579: 9573: 9562: 9561:Alpha History 9558: 9553: 9549: 9544: 9541: 9540:History Today 9537: 9533: 9529: 9525: 9520: 9516: 9512: 9508: 9503: 9492: 9490:0-275-93560-4 9486: 9482: 9481: 9475: 9471: 9465: 9461: 9456: 9452: 9446: 9443:. 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Retrieved 8606:the original 8595: 8575: 8568: 8560: 8555: 8547: 8542: 8522: 8515: 8495: 8488: 8460: 8453: 8433: 8426: 8406: 8399: 8380: 8370: 8350: 8343: 8323: 8317: 8297: 8290: 8270: 8263: 8243: 8236: 8216: 8209: 8189: 8182: 8162: 8155: 8146: 8137: 8128: 8119: 8110: 8101: 8092: 8083: 8074: 8054: 8035: 8026: 8016: 8010: 8001: 7997: 7987: 7962: 7958: 7948: 7939: 7935: 7925: 7910: 7901: 7891: 7868: 7859: 7849: 7829: 7822: 7802: 7795: 7775: 7768: 7749: 7739: 7720: 7710: 7690: 7684: 7664: 7657: 7637: 7630: 7610: 7603: 7593:– via 7584: 7554: 7547: 7527: 7520: 7508:. Retrieved 7504:the original 7494: 7484: 7477: 7468: 7458: 7451: 7442: 7433: 7423: 7414: 7405: 7395: 7386: 7377: 7367: 7347: 7340: 7328:. Retrieved 7321:the original 7316: 7303: 7278: 7274: 7268: 7246:(2): 70–82. 7243: 7239: 7233: 7225: 7220: 7200: 7192: 7187: 7179: 7174: 7166: 7161: 7149: 7111: 7105: 7097: 7092: 7085:Les Linh Tap 7084: 7079: 7063: 7055: 7043:. Retrieved 7010: 7006: 6989:. Retrieved 6966: 6954: 6920: 6912: 6907: 6895: 6890: 6874: 6869: 6864:. Page: 199. 6853: 6848: 6831:. Retrieved 6808: 6792: 6787: 6771: 6766: 6750: 6745: 6730: 6725: 6713: 6687: 6682: 6666: 6651:2007, p. 146 6644: 6639: 6623: 6618: 6602: 6597: 6585: 6580: 6561: 6547: 6539: 6534: 6517:. Retrieved 6465: 6460: 6441: 6420: 6412: 6395:. Retrieved 6343:. Retrieved 6329: 6317:. Retrieved 6283:. Retrieved 6255: 6248:. Retrieved 6243: 6237: 6224: 6216: 6208: 6192: 6173: 6165: 6160: 6144: 6139: 6114: 6106: 6083: 6077: 6054: 6048: 6039: 6034: 6024: 6016: 6011: 6003: 5998: 5990: 5985: 5975: 5965: 5948:. Retrieved 5862: 5857: 5840:. Retrieved 5613:, pp. 124–25 5610: 5606: 5601: 5593: 5588: 5576: 5569:Annam–Tonkin 5568: 5563: 5552:Trần Quý Cáp 5535: 5530: 5522: 5515:. Retrieved 5481:. Retrieved 5435: 5428: 5419: 5409: 5367: 5359:the original 5354: 5345: 5320: 5316: 5306: 5297: 5287: 5271: 5261: 5252: 5242: 5213: 5209: 5199: 5190: 5169: 5148: 5125: 5088: 5084: 5073: 5053:Hélas,  5042: 5037: 5017: 5002: 4957: 4948: 4891: 4866: 4837:French Union 4816: 4803: 4792: 4732: 4682: 4675: 4663: 4640: 4629: 4602:Bridge, now 4576: 4540: 4528: 4524: 4520: 4505: 4501:rice alcohol 4480: 4467: 4428: 4416: 4383:Confucianism 4372: 4339: 4333: 4295: 4277: 4272: 4271:Panorama of 4258: 4244:Demographics 4233: 4221: 4217: 4211: 4208: 4200: 4195: 4191: 4185: 4183: 4162: 4158: 4154: 4143: 4137: 4131: 4127: 4120:in front of 4106: 4102: 4099: 4094: 4090: 4086: 4071: 4057:(1887–1902), 4047:Headquarters 4025:Appointed by 4002:21 July 1954 3932: 3920: 3908: 3900: 3892: 3860: 3856:Soviet Union 3840: 3826: 3823:metropolitan 3811: 3807:French Union 3792: 3755: 3751: 3747: 3743: 3739: 3715: 3695:Cordell Hull 3689:and General 3684: 3672:nationalists 3658: 3643: 3635: 3627: 3624: 3620: 3611: 3608: 3604: 3577: 3565:Vichy French 3558: 3538:Vichy France 3534:World War II 3531: 3524:painting in 3502:World War II 3496:insurrection 3488: 3476: 3453: 3449:Jules Brévié 3437: 3424: 3405: 3376: 3374: 3369:middle class 3356: 3349: 3342: 3337: 3329: 3321: 3313: 3311: 3302:war monument 3299: 3295: 3289: 3287: 3279: 3273: 3269: 3267: 3262: 3257: 3251: 3236: 3224: 3207: 3205: 3191: 3187: 3183: 3164: 3156: 3150: 3146: 3141: 3135: 3126: 3118: 3115: 3099: 3094: 3091: 3081: 3066: 3063: 3042: 3040: 3033: 3022: 3000: 2973: 2960: 2957:Mekong Delta 2925: 2906: 2897: 2893: 2885: 2881: 2878: 2845: 2843: 2836: 2825: 2821: 2784:Indian Ocean 2777: 2771: 2767:French women 2756: 2752: 2748: 2744:brancardiers 2743: 2721: 2708: 2688:North Africa 2684: 2679: 2675: 2669: 2665: 2640: 2634: 2627: 2622:in the year 2609: 2587: 2583: 2581: 2565: 2561: 2557: 2553: 2550:Cao Xuân Dục 2547: 2539: 2524:tribes (the 2510: 2499: 2493: 2491: 2479: 2474: 2454: 2452: 2435: 2429: 2418: 2407: 2403:Phạm Duy Tốn 2396:for writing 2390:Confucianism 2385: 2379: 2374: 2370: 2359: 2357: 2348: 2342: 2334: 2325: 2323: 2318: 2314: 2310: 2306: 2302: 2296: 2291: 2273: 2261:Qing dynasty 2236: 2233: 2205: 2186: 2171: 2151:20th century 2137: 2133:Mekong River 2122: 2104: 2096:Trần Quý Cáp 2073: 2058: 2054: 2045:Karayuki-san 2042: 2027: 1992: 1950:) renounced 1937: 1934:Guangzhouwan 1892: 1871: 1863: 1859: 1851:Napoleon III 1840: 1821: 1789:19th century 1768: 1760:Khmer Empire 1756:Mekong Delta 1741: 1685: 1659:. After the 1645:World War II 1619: 1591:Guangzhouwan 1570: 1566: 1562: 1558: 1557: 1542: 1533: 1524: 1495: 1474: 1458: 1417:French Union 1413: 1365: 1269: 1251: 1220: 1172: 1154: 1132: 1118:Qing dynasty 1114: 1094: 1048:Protectorate 1032:Protectorate 1028: 1010:Succeeded by 1009: 1004: 977:• 1937 967:• 1900 948:• Total 881:9 March 1945 832:Guangzhouwan 830:Addition of 802:established 719:Guangzhouwan 635:Christianity 630:Baháʼí Faith 590:Confucianism 259:Guangzhouwan 235: 205: 187:Motto:  186: 29: 12628: / 12616:105°51′00″E 12596:Pacific War 12154:Nguyễn Thân 12139:Trần Bá Lộc 12070:Jean Decoux 11998:Tạ Thu Thâu 11978:Hồ Chí Minh 11857:Trương Định 11786:Duy Tân Hội 11695:World War I 11592:Claimed by 11586:Claimed by 11471:Adélie Land 11389:Sui generis 11120:Cochinchina 10937:Saint Lucia 10691:Upper Volta 10634:West Africa 10278:World War I 10168:Cochinchina 10161:territories 10159:Constituent 10080:(in French) 9978:28 December 9896:28 November 9864:28 November 9496:28 November 9274:28 November 9176:(1): 1–17. 8944:(in French) 6925:(in French) 6733:34: 57–98. 6622:Le Van Ho, 5571:, pp. 39–77 5323:(5): 5–19. 5066:(in French) 4832:East Indies 4789:Walt Disney 4618:, built by 4606:, in Hanoi. 4600:Paul Doumer 4499:, salt and 4487:(colony of 4326:Montagnards 4066:(1902–1945) 3991:Established 3911:Vietnam War 3769:Free French 3676:Hồ Chí Minh 3464:Tạ Thu Thâu 3119:Duy Tân Hội 3024:Duy Tân Hội 2949:German Army 2759:egalitarian 2661:Cochinchina 2611:Viện cơ mật 2594:World War I 2475:Duy Tân Hội 2463:Tongmenghui 2459:Sun Yat-Sen 2455:Duy Tân Hội 2448:martial law 2436:tirailleurs 2375:Duy Tân Hội 2371:Duy Tân Hội 2361:Duy Tân Hội 2216:Angkor Thom 2197:Siam Nakhon 2176:and around 2145:Shan region 2107:World War I 2007:Cochinchina 1746:missionary 1669:Hồ Chí Minh 1607:Cochinchina 1597:regions of 1517:seal script 1488:Gallic cock 1066:Cochinchina 1005:Preceded by 814:Addition of 650:Indochinese 557:, etc...), 300:(1902–1945) 291:(1887–1902) 12643:Categories 12613:21°02′00″N 12039:Thành Thái 11958:Ngô Đức Kế 11640:Vietnamese 11588:Madagascar 11497:Saint Paul 11329:Martinique 11324:Guadeloupe 11079:Pondichéry 10790:Madagascar 10662:Mauritania 10123:Background 9739:B000K13QGO 9594:27 October 9532:B006DCCM9Q 9515:B000MBU21O 8821:Stable URL 8797:22 January 8390:0802133622 8361:0520041569 8254:0275956601 8065:0253335396 7730:0803296274 7701:0804751862 7565:1134650124 7330:9 November 6716:, in: The 6155:. Page 18. 5567:Fourniau, 5446:1134757166 5253:Simi Press 5185:Llewellyn. 5029:References 4970:Vietnamese 4904:Vietnamese 4882:Indo-Chine 4768:Battambang 4764:Phnom Penh 4703:) and the 4685:Beaux-Arts 4454:See also: 4298:Vietnamese 4249:Population 4178:Phnom Penh 4039:Main organ 3735:Kuomintang 3616:Wa (Japan) 3612:Three Alls 3522:propaganda 3458:and their 3184:Du-học-báo 3003:the allies 2983:See also: 2933:Muang Sing 2874:submarines 2800:Battambang 2796:Marseilles 2779:La Réunion 2696:Madagascar 2554:Thượng thư 2522:Lao Theung 2506:Phnom Penh 2398:Vietnamese 2303:Pháp thuộc 2280:Minh Hương 2212:Angkor Wat 2193:Battambang 2182:Chantaburi 2013:) and the 1956:Battambang 1952:suzerainty 1920:See also: 1888:Định Tường 1836:courtesans 1804:See also: 1775:Nguyễn Ánh 1719:Background 1595:Vietnamese 1305:Kingdom of 1289:Kingdom of 1224:Lao Issara 1098:Twelve Tai 981:23,300,000 971:15,164,500 957:Population 656:Membership 645:Demonym(s) 454:Vietnamese 432:Kam Mueang 330:Vietnamese 324:(official) 270:Federation 168:Great Seal 62:Vietnamese 12245:Manchukuo 11842:Phạm Bành 11821:Việt Minh 11776:Cần Vương 11594:Mauritius 11453:​ ( 10863:Louisiana 10744:Cameroons 10055:Indochina 9956:"Vietnam" 9190:111066738 9068:Colonies. 9048:21 August 8768:10 August 8716:10 August 8678:145582758 8480:2691-0403 7979:145374444 7224:Ngô Văn, 7154:Gunn 2014 7074:. p. 276. 6991:21 August 6833:21 August 6613:. Page 4. 6519:21 August 6397:21 August 6340:VnExpress 5950:21 August 5842:17 August 5483:21 August 5355:Saigoneer 5337:162718081 4874:Indochine 4805:Indochine 4760:Vientiane 4719:in Laos. 4671:Marseille 4655:Yunnanese 4653:with the 4536:Australia 4234:Hương ước 4220:(鄉例) and 4213:Hương ước 4142:but were 3999:Dissolved 3687:Roosevelt 3668:Communist 3664:Việt Minh 3489:With the 3445:Leon Blum 3420:Cần Vương 3318:Khải Định 3055:Bolshevik 2941:Yunnanese 2913:Hong Kong 2900:regarded 2854:war bonds 2804:Siem Reap 2788:Khải Định 2736:logistics 2628:Đại Pháp 2624:Khải Định 2618:to Great 2467:Guangdong 2326:Cần Vương 2307:Cần Vương 2251:over the 2224:Siem Pang 2220:Siem Reap 2178:Champasak 1960:Siem Reap 1904:Vĩnh Long 1667:, led by 1665:Viet Minh 1462:Zhanjiang 1273:Empire of 1050:of Tonkin 792:1858–1885 573:Religion 565:, etc...) 515:, etc...) 422:Cantonese 12034:Hàm Nghi 12022:Emperors 11943:Cường Để 11349:Overseas 11309:Overseas 11167:Damascus 11116:Vietnam 11107:Cambodia 11084:Karaikal 10901:Dominica 10696:Togoland 10362:Treaties 10183:Cambodia 9817:(2001). 9729:(1969). 9566:4 August 9414:(1976). 9402:4 August 9295:4 August 9207:Archived 9117:Archived 8934:Archived 8824:Archived 8550:, p. 17. 7574:Archived 7295:23746947 7260:30171359 7209:Archived 7116:ABC-CLIO 7070:(1971): 7068:Berkeley 6860:(2001): 6858:Berkeley 6609:(2015): 6569:Archived 6215:(2001). 6185:Archived 6151:(2015): 5607:Conquête 5596:, pg. 68 5517:7 August 5376:Archived 5276:Archived 5234:Archived 4826:See also 4815:'s 1939 4744:Haiphong 4651:Haiphong 4584:Michelin 4493:monopoly 4450:Language 4375:Buddhism 4353:Religion 4218:Hương lệ 4180:in 1896. 4174:elephant 4151:Gia Long 4145:de facto 4122:Annamite 4079:governor 4031:and the 3986:Overview 3691:Stilwell 3592:Cambodia 3338:Trung Kỳ 3015:Tsingtao 2841:system. 2792:Sisowath 2730:and the 2702:and the 2353:Cường Để 2299:mandarin 2241:Japanese 2201:Sisophon 2080:Hàm Nghi 1948:Thailand 1946:(modern 1896:Châu Đốc 1884:Gia Định 1880:Biên Hòa 1752:Nam Tiến 1583:Cambodia 1499:Used on 1450:Cambodia 1369:State of 1291:Cambodia 1255:Thailand 1238:Thailand 1034:of Annam 990:Currency 620:Hinduism 605:Caodaism 580:Buddhism 12224:during 12159:Lê Hoan 12049:Bảo Đại 12044:Duy Tân 11781:Đông Du 11582:Comoros 11339:Réunion 11334:Mayotte 11252:Present 11210:Vanuatu 11198:Oceania 10970:Berbice 10906:Grenada 10762:Anjouan 10754:Comoros 10706:Albreda 10679:Senegal 10647:Dahomey 10624:Tunisia 10619:Morocco 10614:Algeria 9909:Vietnam 9234:Bailey. 9148:30 June 8999:Peters. 8877:(ed.). 8670:1408716 8612:29 July 7595:Twitter 7571:Alt URL 7510:22 July 7045:22 June 6939:, p. 45 6345:22 June 6319:22 June 6285:16 June 6250:2 April 5105:2730333 4787:In the 4695:), the 4659:Kunming 4477:Economy 4419:Algeria 4417:Unlike 4399:Hòa Hảo 4397:'s and 4395:Cao Đài 4377:, with 4278:Yun-nan 4273:Lac-Kaï 4222:Lệ làng 4139:de jure 4083:Đà Nẵng 3904:Bảo Đại 3805:of the 3761:Bảo Đại 3758:Emperor 3674:led by 3636:In the 3588:Vietnam 3408:Yên Bái 3314:Quy ước 3220:alcohol 3180:Bảo Đại 3106:Germany 2921:Beijing 2917:Bangkok 2870:Algeria 2782:in the 2774:Duy Tân 2724:cholera 2650:⁄ 2630:vạn tuế 2556:of the 2530:Nyaheun 2502:Norodom 2471:Guangxi 2444:Đề Thám 2349:Đông Du 2344:Đông Du 2263:to the 2011:Vietnam 1973:in 1893 1940:Norodom 1900:Hà Tiên 1843:Da Nang 1779:Tây Sơn 1714:History 1692:Bảo Đại 1643:during 1442:Vietnam 1371:Vietnam 1275:Vietnam 1192:of Siam 1190:Kingdom 1100:Cantons 926:•  913:•  900:•  887:•  874:•  859:•  844:•  828:•  812:•  798:•  785:•  610:Hòa Hảo 535:Negrito 524:Germans 493:Chinese 427:Siamese 407:Teochew 402:Tai Dam 357:Cao Lan 336:Tây Bồi 280:Capital 206:Anthem: 87:Chinese 74:Chữ Hán 12387:  12029:Tự Đức 11648:Events 11162:Aleppo 11130:Tonkin 11089:Yanaon 11069:Madras 10947:Tobago 10868:Canada 10858:Acadia 10772:Mohéli 10657:Guinea 10559:Former 10414:French 10212:Events 10173:Tonkin 10065:, in: 10021:  10002:  9944:  9921:  9887:  9855:  9825:  9803:  9775:  9756:  9737:  9715:  9694:  9675:  9656:  9637:  9618:  9585:  9530:  9513:  9487:  9466:  9447:  9426:  9380:  9359:  9338:  9319:  9265:  9188:  9097:  9056:Berlin 9040:, and 8962:  8917:  8893:  8815:. 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French experience in Vietnam
Chữ Hán
Flag of French Indochina
Great Seal of French Indochina
Great Seal
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
La Marseillaise
Vietnamese-style seal

Map of French Indochina, including Guangzhouwan
French colonial possessions
Tây Bồi

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