
Double genocide theory

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istoriografiná diskursà. Ben-drais bruoþais þydø þudymo politika 1941–1944 m. bei lietuviø daly-vavimas joje buvo aiðkinamas ir vertinamas pagal teorinæ 'dviejøgenocidø' schemà: 1. Þydai aktyviai dalyvavo komunistiniame ju-dëjime; 2. Jie laukë Raudonosios armijos atëjimo, vadinasi – ir Lie-tuvos okupacijos; 3. Þydai aktyviai dalyvavo lietuviø represijose irdirbo NKVD struktûrose.Tokie 'argumentai', kaip mano tokio poþiûrio ðalininkai, turë-jo paaiðkinti spontaniðkà lietuviø kerðto proverþá prieð þydus pir-mosiomis karo dienomis, bandyti pateisinti kolaboravimà su na-ciais okupacijos metais. Savo 'istoriografinæ gynybà' jie bandëpagrásti dviem argumentais: lietuviai prisidëjo likviduojant tik þy-dus komunistus, o masines þydø þudynes organizavo vokieèiø na-cistai ir jose dalyvavo tik lietuviø visuomenës 'padugnës'.Dabartiniai lietuviø istorikai argumentuotai, faktø kalba pa-neigë mità, kad þydai sudarë daugumà Lietuvos komunistø vietinë-se valdþios ir represinëse struktûrose. Pavyzdþiui, Lietuvos istorikaifaktais árodë, kad 'dviejø genocidø' teorija yra klaidinga, o 1940 m.spalio mën. Lietuvos komunistø partijoje 68,49 proc. buvo lietuviø,16,24 – þydø, 11,97 – rusø. NKVD struktûrose 1941 m. birþelio mën.pradþioje 52,2 proc. sudarë rusai, 31,2 proc. – lietuviai, 16,6 proc. –þydai, Lietuvos komjaunimo organizacijoje þydai sudarë 23,8 proc.
459:'mnemonic warriors' employ the 'Holocaust template' and the concept of genocide in tendentious ways to justify radical policies and externalize the culpability for their international isolation and worsening social and economic circumstances domestically." In this sense, "the 'double genocide' paradigm ... focuses on 'our own' national suffering under – allegedly 'equally' evil – Nazism and Communism". Radonić posits that this theory and charges of Communist genocide come from "a stable of anti-communist émigré lexicon since the 1950s and more recently revisionist politicians and scholars" as well as the "comparative trivialization" of the Holocaust that "results from tossing postwar killings of suspected Axis collaborators and opponents of Tito's regime into the same conceptual framework as the Nazi murder of six million of Jews", describing this as "an effort to demonize communism more broadly as an ideology akin to Nazism". 239:
Communism." According to Katz, the double genocide theory is "a relatively recent initiative (though rooted in older apologetics regarding the Holocaust) that seeks to create a moral equivalence between Soviet atrocities committed against the Baltic region and the Holocaust in European history." Katz further writes that "the debate has garnered political traction/currency since the Baltic states joined the European Union in 2004. Since joining the EU, the Baltic states have attempted to downplay their nations' massive collaboration with the Nazis and to enlist the West in revising history in the direction of Double Genocide thinking." Katz recommends that "states in the region honor the victims of Communism and expose the evils of Communism as unique issues, 'without the equals-sign'."
485:. In 2008, two elderly Jewish women were investigated for their partisan activities. Arad cited those prosecutions as flowing from the double genocide theory, whose concept is described as follows: "In order to justify the participation of Lithuanians in the mass murder of Jews, there was a perceived need to invent Jews who similarly killed Lithuanians." In response to the investigations, Katz described this as a form of Holocaust obfuscation, another term for the double genocide theory, that "involves a series of false moral equivalences: Jews were disloyal citizens of pre-war Lithuania, helped the Soviet occupiers in 1940, and were therefore partly to blame for their fate. And the genocide that really matters was the one that Lithuanian people suffered at Soviet hands after 1944." 985:
vadinasi ir, Lietuvos okupacijos; 3) žydai dalyvavo komunistų represijose ir dirbo represinėse struktūrose. Tokie argumentai, kaip mano autoriai, turėtų paaiškinti 'spontanišką' lietuviųlceršto proveržį pirmosiomis karo dienomis. Reikia pripažinti, kad ši, nors dar ir reanimuojama koncepcija, neturi didelės įtakos lietuvių istoriografijoje. Bet ji gaji istorinėje publicistikoje, teigiant, kad 1940 m. žydai suvaidino pragaištingą vaidmenį ir susikompromitavo kaip Lietuvos piliečiai bei neteko vietos gyventojų pasitikėjimo. Argumentuota faktų kalba buvo įrodyta, kad didžioji žydų dalis nepritarė bolševikinei santvarkai Lietuvoje arba netrukus ja nusivylė. Faktais buvo įrodyta, kad 1941 m. birželio 14 d. trėmimai palietė nemažai Lietuvos žydų.
730:'theory' took the argument even further than merely asserting that there were two equally tragic developments in Lithuania. They argued that some Lithuanian Jews supported the occupying Soviet forces, and those Lithuanians who were participating in the Holocaust, were retaliating for the losses experienced during the first Soviet occupation. In other words, some Jews were participating in the 'Soviet genocide' against the Lithuanians. Needless to say, this 'theory' is flawed on many different levels. However, it did reflect a relatively popular way of thinking in the mid- and late 1990s. 163:." In this context, some basic postulates of the double genocide theory were developed. Lithuanian nationalists, backed by the state, falsely asserted that various nationalist collaborators were anti-Soviet heroes, that Jewish victims were merely collateral damage in the fog of war, and any documentation that counters this is Soviet propaganda. However, the historical record shows that Lithuanian Jews were targeted for extermination - based on their ethnicity - by both the Nazis and local nationalist forces, with 4482: 321:
past, and East European and ultranationalists today, who downplay Nazi crimes and up-play Communist crimes in order to promote a common European memory that merges Nazism and Stalinism into a 'double-genocide' theory that prioritises East European suffering over Jewish suffering, obfuscates the distinction between perpetrators and victims, and provides relief from the bitter legacy of East Europeans' collaboration in the Nazi genocide."
509:, describing it as "the example of living conditions of Goli Otok prisoners", and not correcting it after the misrepresentation was exposed. After an outcry from Holocaust historians, a small note was taped underneath the display caption that read: "Prisoners' bunk-beds in the Dachau camp." According to Subotić, this form of revisionism "has become so mainstream and state sponsored that in 2018 Croatian president 654:, argued that the region was subject to 'double genocide'—the one perpetrated by the Soviets, and the Holocaust committed by Nazi Germany. Supporters of this theory, which became very popular in the mid-1990s, claimed that Lithuanian Jews actively participated in the repression of the local population, and therefore the collaboration with the Nazis and participation in the Holocaust were merely acts of revenge. 440:'s crimes and the "double genocide thesis", an intellectual paradigm summed up as such: "1) any move towards redistribution and away from a completely free market is seen as communist; 2) anything communist inevitably leads to class murder; and 3) class murder is the moral equivalent of the Holocaust." By linking all leftist and socialist ideals to the excesses of 3839: 174:" that were allegedly over-represented in the ranks of the NKVD and communist party cadres. Berenis says that this theory is incorrect on the merits. Many Jews did not support the Soviets - a disproportionate number of Jews were victims of Soviet deportations. Further, in October 1940, 68.49 percent of members of the 159:, a political scientist specializing in national memory, said that "the way in which Jewish victims are portrayed there shows that this reference to the Holocaust is merely perfunctory." In Lithuania's state Jewish museum's main building, a plaque asserts that "The first killings of Jews have been performed 984:
Lietuvių istoriografijoje didelę įtaką turi 'dviejų genocidų' teorija, kuri, galima sakyti, yra vyraujanti. Šia prasme 'dviejų genocidų' arba 'dvigubos simetrijos' teorijos istoriniai argumentai yra tokie: 1) žydai aktyviai dalyvavo komunistiniame judėjime; 2) žydai laukė Raudonosios Armijos atėjimo,
as prominent examples, are "as politically tricky today as it was then. As it seems to reduce the responsibility of the Nazis and their collaborators, supporters and claqueurs, it is welcomed in rightist circles of various types: German conservatives in the 1980s, who wanted to 'normalise' the German
commented: "There is hardly any country in the vast region from Estonia in the north to Kazakhstan in the south in which either the authorities or the opposition have not seriously considered the idea of officially recognising past sufferings as genocides, often finding creative ways to reconcile the
Holocaust Memory and Antisemitism in Lithuania: Holocaust Memory and Antisemitism in Lithuania. Proceedings / International conference “Antisemitism in Europe Today: the Phenomena, the Conflicts” 8–9 November 2013 Organized by the Jewish Museum Berlin, the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and
Lietuviai taip pat linkę save suvokti vien kaip dviejų totalitarinių režimų, t. y. nacių Vokietijos ir Sovietų Sąjungos, auką ir vis dar vengia atidžiau įvertinti savo vaidmenį karo metų įvykiuose bei pripažinti lietuvių padarytus nusikaltimus. Panašiai kaip J. Haslingeris Austrijoje, Tomas Venclova
Toks vertinimas susilaukë arðios reakcijos lietuviø emigracijo-je JAV. Tarnavæ lietuviø savisaugos batalionuose, policijoje ar savi-valdoje, jie turëjo savo 1941–1944 m. aiðkinimo schemà. Lietuvai at-gavus nepriklausomybæ ir pradëjus diskutuoti ðiais klausimais,iðeiviø vertinimas persikëlë á vietiná
379:." Shafir states that the use of the term supports the "competitive martyrdom component of Double Genocide". Political scientist George Voicu writes that Leon Volovici has "rightfully condemned the abusive use of this concept as an attempt to 'usurp' and undermine a symbol specific to the history of 1133: 169:
Lithuanian Historian Vytautas Berenis commented that the double genocide theory has considerable influence in Lithuanian historiography and journalism. Berenis states that Lithuanian nationalists excuse their country's collaboration by asserting that collaborators were merely retaliating against
According to this 'theory,' there were two major genocides in Lithuania, the Soviet one (consisting of deportations and repressions) and the Holocaust. Both were extremely tragic events, and, according to some defenders of memory, they should be even viewed as equal. Yet some proponents of this
and deflecting the full blame from the major culprit of World War II. Katz commented that "Snyder flirts with the very wrong moral equivalence between Hitler and Stalin", to which Snyder responded: "I coincide with Zuroff and Katz on the centrality of the Holocaust, but we must not overlook how
describes double genocide theory as a form of Holocaust revisionism, whose debate is prompted by a "movement in Europe that believes the crimes—morally, ethically—of Nazism and Communism are absolutely equal, and that those of us who don't think they're absolutely equal, are perhaps soft on
Its latest iteration centers on east-central Europe—and especially in Lithuania—in the form of the 'double-genocide thesis' which posits that the Soviet and Nazi regimes committed genocides of equal gravity against the Baltic, Slavic and Jewish inhabitants of what Timothy Snyder calls the
put on the highly-publicized exhibition "In the Name of the People – Political Repression in Serbia 1944–1953", which according to Subotić "promised to display new historical documents and evidence of communist crimes, ranging from assassinations, kidnappings and detentions in camps to
In the Baltic States—Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia—many people view the communist era, and especially the 1940s, as the period of Soviet genocide against the local population. Furthermore, some Baltic intellectuals and political figures, such as the prominent Lithuanian writer
Lemée, Carole (April 2018). "Histoire-mémoire d'espaces yiddish litvaks après la Shoah: Entre mondes assassinés et vivants en Lituanie" [History-Memory of Litvak Yiddish Spaces after the Holocaust: Between Worlds of Life and Worlds of assassination].
called for the creation of an international commission to determine the truth about the camp between 1941 and 1945, 'but also after' – indicating that the narrative that Jasenovac was a communist camp after the war was now accepted at the pinnacle of power."
collectivisation, political trials and repression" but actually showed "random and completely decontextualised photographs of 'victims of communism', which included innocent people but also many proven fascist collaborators, members of the
Lietuvoje kritikuoja tautiečiams būdingą bet kokios kaltės neigimą ir vis dar gają 'dviejų genocidų' teoriją. Kritiškas požiūris išdėstomas viename garsiausių jo esė 'Žydai ir lietuviai' (1975) ir plėtojamas vėlesnėse publikacijose.
commented: "It seems to me that he is simply equating Nazi genocide with the mass murders carried out in the Soviet Union under Stalin. ... There is nothing wrong with comparing. It's the equation that I find highly troubling."
188:("Jews and Lithuanians") and subsequent publications. According to Venclova, the theory obscures the role of Lithuanians in crimes against humanity committed in Lithuania by assigning all guilt to non-Lithuanian actors. 3642: 405:, efforts to institutionalize the "double genocide thesis", or the moral equivalence between the Nazi Holocaust (race murder) and the victims of communism (class murder), in particular the push at the beginning of the 1687: 3834: 3746: 814: 227:. Historian Alexander Karn writes that the idea of double genocide "hinge upon the erasure of Lithuanian participation in the Holocaust". Ethnologist Carole Lemée sees it as a symptom of persistent 3848: 4252: 3463: 4221: 1114:... in trivializing the Holocaust by framing this process as a study of totally 'equal' totalitarian regimes, or, as it has been called for short by critics, 'red equals brown.' 4064: 1888: 2617: 705:
Budrytė, Dovilė (2018). "Memory, War, and Mnemonical In/Security: A Comparison of Lithuania and Ukraine". In Budrytė, Dovilė; Buhari-Gulmez, Didem; Resende, Erica (eds.).
129:, awarded posthumous honors to Nazi collaborators, and devoted public resources to historical committees that prioritized their nations' suffering under Soviet occupation 3741: 436:, including literacy, education, women's rights, and social security is usually silenced, and any discourse on the subject of communism is focused almost exclusively on 444:, Ghodsee posits that the elites hope to discredit and marginalize all political ideologies that could "threaten the primacy of private property and free markets". 274:
starting in September 2010, Zuroff accused Snyder of providing a scholarly basis for "the historically-inaccurate 'double genocide' theories" by emphasizing the
1201: 3753: 3736: 3313: 1889:"Holocaust Revisionism and Obfuscation: The Notion of 'Double-Genocide' and the Lithuanian Government's Instrumentalisation of Timothy Snyder's 'Bloodlands'" 1439:
Hackmann, Jörg (March 2009). "From National Victims to Transnational Bystanders? The Changing Commemoration of World War II in Central and Eastern Europe".
3874: 4382: 2088:
Radonić, Ljiljana (November 2018). "From 'Double Genocide' to 'the New Jews': Holocaust, Genocide and Mass Violence in Post-Communist Memorial Museums".
644: 455:
discusses how "the 'memory wars' in the course of the post-Communist re-narration of history since 1989 and the current authoritarian backlash" and how
3944: 3353: 357: 144: 3653: 164: 90: 4141: 3625: 3448: 2862: 2625: 392: 4104: 3647: 1825:
Budryté, Dovilé (2004). "'We Call it Genocide': Soviet Deportations and Repression in the Memory of Lithuanians". In Frey, Robert Seitz (ed.).
259:(2010) drew scholarly criticism for being seen as suggesting a moral equivalence between Soviet mass murders and the Nazi Holocaust. Historian 213: 4044: 2314: 968: 126: 178:
were ethnic Lithuanians, while 16.24 percent were Jews - but nearly all the victims of nationalist atrocities were Jews. Poet and dissident
3960: 3308: 2449: 2444: 2436: 391:
states in an attempt to erase fascist crimes and local participation to the Holocaust, and use their imagery to represent real or imagined
255: 371:
writes that usage of this term "allows the reality it describes to immediately attain, in the Western mind, a status equal to that of the
2172: 2019: 1052: 1010: 1098: 666:
Moses, Anthony Dirk (May 2012). "The Canadian Museum for Human Rights: The 'Uniqueness of the Holocaust' and the Question of Genocide".
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Shafir, Michael (December 2018). "The Nature of Postcommunist Antisemitism in East Central Europe: Ideology's Backdoor Return".
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Voicu, George (2018). "Postcommunist Romania's Leading Public Intellectuals and the Holocaust". In Florian, Alexandru (ed.).
1511: 1484: 1420: 1331: 1141: 1033: 951: 792: 722: 4526: 4511: 3197: 3187: 3170: 3165: 3082: 1613: 283:." Katz says that Snyder's historical reassessment of the Nazi–Soviet pact coincides with Baltic ultranationalist agendas. 1305: 1279: 4521: 4176: 4099: 3207: 3180: 2611: 3249: 3222: 3202: 2530: 2499: 2472: 2404: 533: 505:, which was displayed in the section devoted to a Communist-era camp for political prisoners on the Adriatic island of 409:
for commemoration of the latter in Europe, can be seen as the response by economic and political elites to fears of a
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Huterer, Andrea; Venclova, Tomas (January 2011). "Ich ersticke: Litauen auf nationalistischen Irrwegen".
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Katz, Dovid (November 2016). "Is Eastern European 'Double Genocide' Revisionism Reaching Museums?".
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Katz, Dovid (December 2017). "The Extraordinary Recent History of Holocaust Studies in Lithuania".
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According to American ethnographer and Professor of Russian and East European Studies at the
4059: 3555: 3005: 2956: 2928: 2651: 2581: 2367: 1707: 649: 1461:, did not find much ground, neither in Germany nor elsewhere in international discussions. 8: 4431: 3988: 3789: 3035: 2946: 2938: 2701: 2694: 2426: 2411: 2362: 2254: 2034:
Holocaust Memory and Antisemitism in Lithuania: Reversed Memories of the Second World War
1034:"Lietuvos istorijos ir istorinės atminties tematizavimas naujausioje austrų literatūroje" 414: 197: 143:(now the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights) was opened in 1992, memorializing the 40: 31: 2185: 2176: 2023: 1056: 1014: 707:
Crisis and Change in Post-Cold War Global Politics: Ukraine in a Comparative Perspective
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Der rote Holocaust und die Deutschen: die Debatte um das "Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus"
4452: 4447: 4009: 3727: 3610: 3578: 2884: 2689: 2552: 2337: 2164: 2141: 2122: 2011: 1994: 1965: 1924: 1875: 1857: 1830: 1817: 1666: 1562: 1507: 1480: 1452: 1416: 1393: 1373: 1137: 1044: 1002: 947: 926: 914: 867: 822: 788: 759: 718: 687: 637: 599: 345: 309: 171: 2109: 1632: 879: 384: 212:, the double genocide theory is at worst Holocaust obfuscation. Political scientist 3663: 3620: 3522: 3475: 2852: 2847: 2721: 2394: 2232: 2205: 2197: 2097: 2069: 1982: 1953: 1849: 1797: 1628: 1448: 1365: 1167: 997:
Berenis, Vytautas (2006). "Istorinė tradicija ir moderniosios istorijos iššūkiai".
906: 859: 780: 747: 710: 675: 625: 587: 528: 498: 476: 367:, this term is not popular among scholars in Germany or internationally. Historian 292: 260: 2237: 2220: 2101: 1986: 1957: 910: 863: 751: 4457: 4323: 4215: 4121: 4004: 3427: 2878: 2631: 2201: 1660: 1556: 1501: 1474: 1127: 679: 433: 402: 353: 218: 714: 287: 4442: 4387: 4182: 3869: 3635: 3573: 3416: 3381: 3010: 2820: 2788: 2753: 2674: 1413:
The Red Holocaust and the Germans: The Debates on the "Black Book of Communism"
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Amending the Past: Europe's Holocaust Commissions and the Right to History
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Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania, Studies in Antisemitism
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A coining of communism as 'red Holocaust,' as had been suggested by the
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Leggewie, Claus (2013). "Totalitarian Experience and European Memory".
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refers to the book as "the equivalency canard". In a public debate in
International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust
3721: 3374: 3025: 2900: 2895: 2783: 895:"Is Eastern European 'Double Genocide' Revisionism Reaching Museums?" 506: 441: 136: 74: 4039: 2999: 2915: 2768: 2727: 105:. Scholars have criticized the double genocide theory as a form of 46: 4222:
The Other Side: The Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism
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The Genocidal Temptation: Auschwitz, Hiroshima, Rwanda, and Beyond
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over the suffering of their nation's Jews under Nazi occupation.
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A Dialogue on the Ethics and Politics of Transcultural Memory
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criticized the concept of double genocide in his 1975 essay
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resurgence in the face of devastated economies and extreme
victims of crimes against humanity during Soviet occupation
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Theory accusing the Soviets of genocide during World War II
Gesellschaft zur Rechtlichen und Humanitären Unterstützung
Future” and the Center for Research on Antisemitism Berlin
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local nationalists taking a leading role in the genocide.
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in 1991, particularly with regard to discussions about
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Our People: Discovering Lithuania's Hidden Holocaust
Goslan, Richard Joseph; Rousso, Henry, eds. (2004).
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Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime
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Memory politics and the Holocaust in Eastern Europe
3945:On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians 3643:Negationism of the military dictatorship of Brazil 2253:Ben-Mosche, Danny; Katz, Dovid (20 January 2012). 1662:The Holocaust/Genocide Template in Eastern Europe 1537:Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1503:Stalinism and Nazism: History and Memory Compared 1221: 1219: 1200:Liedy, Amy Shannon; Ruble, Blair (7 March 2011). 1080:Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 449:The Holocaust/Genocide Template in Eastern Europe 93:as retaliatory by accusing Jews of complicity in 4498: 3073:Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project (BAHOHP) 1846:Holocaust Public Memory in Postcommunist Romania 1434: 1432: 773:Moses, A. Dirk; Rothberg, Michael (2014-04-01), 183: 2626:The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews 2135: 1914: 1688:"Reversed Memories of the Second World War War" 1654: 1652: 1650: 1581: 1579: 939: 4105:Zeitgeschichtliche Forschungsstelle Ingolstadt 2252: 1526: 1524: 1216: 4045:Centre for the Study of the Causes of the War 3347: 2308: 2030: 1429: 1031: 772: 611: 609: 3083:Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) 2031:Malinauskaite, Gintare (8–9 November 2013). 2004:Belgrade Journal of Media and Communications 1647: 1576: 1499: 256:Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin 121:, many post-Soviet states, particularly the 61:that were equivalent in scale and nature to 1521: 497:, right-wing militias, and the Axis-allied 352:" for all "peacetime state killings" under 4177:A History of the Palestinian People (2017) 3361: 3354: 3340: 2594:Persecution of Jews during the Black Death 2315: 2301: 1472: 1199: 606: 85:. A more extreme version of the theory is 4142:Coverage of the Hillsborough disaster by 3817: 2236: 2209: 2116: 1787: 1685: 1506:. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1415:] (in German). Munich: Piper Verlag. 1225: 1132:. University of Wisconsin Press. p.  969:"Holokaustas ir lietuviu istorine samone" 3521: 2136:Vanagaitė, Rūta; Zuroff, Efraim (2020). 2001: 1438: 1306:"The fatal fact of the Nazi-Soviet pact" 73:. The theory first gained popularity in 3918:There was no such thing as Palestinians 2218: 2087: 2052: 1843: 1824: 1658: 1611: 1585: 1103:Wissenschaft und Publizistik Als Kritik 996: 966: 845: 704: 387:, the Holocaust memory was hijacked in 4499: 3616:Denial of state terrorism in Argentina 1705: 1530: 1406: 1303: 1277: 1251: 1073: 741: 615: 577: 3449:Atrocities against Indigenous peoples 3335: 2296: 2183: 2154: 1886: 1796:(1). Purdue University Press: 73–94. 1695:. Jüdisches Museum Berlin. p. 5. 1554: 1355: 1332:"Why red is not brown in the Baltics" 1280:"A dangerous Nazi-Soviet equivalence" 1156: 812: 665: 65:, in which approximately six million 3496:U.S. cover-up of Japanese war crimes 1972: 1943: 1586:Subotić, Jelena (18 November 2019). 1329: 1278:Zuroff, Efraim (29 September 2010). 1125: 1096: 892: 580:Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism 383:." According to political scientist 125:, built memorials to victims of the 4100:United Daughters of the Confederacy 2612:The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 1706:Lazare, Daniel (9 September 2014). 246:and the Holocaust uniqueness debate 97:, especially in Lithuania, eastern 13: 4075:Iğdır Genocide Memorial and Museum 3093:Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) 1459:Munich Institut fur Zeitgeschichte 1304:Snyder, Timothy (5 October 2010). 534:Comparison of Nazism and Stalinism 338:Munich Institut für Zeitgeschichte 49:of equal severity occurred during 14: 4538: 4189:The Hoax of the Twentieth Century 3934:Allegations of genocide in Donbas 3826:Destruction of Armenian heritage 3733:Destruction of cultural heritage 3690:Ancient Egyptian race controversy 2246: 2062:International Political Sociology 1330:Katz, Dovid (30 September 2010). 1097:Heni, Clemens (26 October 2009). 943:The World Reacts to the Holocaust 744:Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs 698: 425:as the result of the excesses of 334:Institute of Contemporary History 4481: 4480: 2647:White genocide conspiracy theory 2322: 2117:Rosenfeld, Alvin Hirsch (2013). 1844:Florian, Alexandru, ed. (2018). 1479:. London: Routledge. p. 3. 1453:10.1111/j.1467-8675.2009.00526.x 1226:Beckerman, Gal (13 March 2011). 846:Radonić, Ljiljana (2018-10-02). 462: 316:, citing books such as Snyder's 200:... and the historical record." 69:were systematically murdered by 4085:Institute for Historical Review 4080:Institute for Armenian Research 3903:Denial of the 7 October attacks 3804:Shakespeare authorship question 3513:Denial of the 7 October attacks 2891:Institute for Historical Review 2811:General Order No. 11 (US, 1862) 2541:International Jewish conspiracy 2438: 2219:Zombory, Máté (November 2017). 1975:Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust 1946:Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust 1829:. University Press of America. 1781: 1751: 1725: 1699: 1679: 1641:10.5406/historypresent.4.2.0115 1633:10.5406/historypresent.4.2.0115 1605: 1548: 1531:Shafir, Michael (Summer 2016). 1493: 1466: 1400: 1349: 1323: 1297: 1271: 1245: 1150: 1119: 1090: 1074:Shafir, Michael (Summer 2016). 1067: 1025: 990: 960: 946:. JHU Press. pp. 325–353. 933: 899:Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust 198:legal definition of the concept 161:in the context of the war chaos 21:Double genocide theory (Rwanda) 3809:Territorial losses of Thailand 2157:Holocaust. Studii şi cercetări 1612:Ghodsee, Kristen (Fall 2014). 1252:Zuroff, Efraim (11 May 2011). 886: 839: 806: 779:, De Gruyter, pp. 29–38, 766: 735: 659: 571: 89:and vindicates the actions of 1: 4196:I Am More Than a Wolf Whistle 4015:Vietnam stab-in-the-back myth 3631:Lost Cause of the Confederacy 3464:Genocide of Serbs during WWII 3402:school textbook controversies 3088:Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) 2816:Racial policy of Nazi Germany 2794:Beilis trial (Russian Empire) 2764:Pogroms in the Russian Empire 2238:10.1080/00905992.2017.1339680 2184:Wight, A. Craig (July 2016). 2102:10.1080/14623528.2018.1522831 2053:Mälksoo, Maria (March 2014). 1987:10.1080/23256249.2017.1395530 1958:10.1080/23256249.2016.1242043 1358:Contemporary European History 1001:(in Lithuanian) (13): 10–28. 911:10.1080/23256249.2016.1242043 864:10.1080/14623528.2018.1522831 752:10.1080/23739770.2019.1638076 564: 554:The Seventy Years Declaration 539:Genocide recognition politics 503:Buchenwald concentration camp 191:In 2010, political scientist 57:committed atrocities against 4349:Lehideux and Isorni v France 4236:Report about Case Srebrenica 4210:Journal of Historical Review 3712:Censorship of Great Zimbabwe 3068:Anti-Defamation League (ADL) 2774:1968 Polish political crisis 2202:10.1016/j.annals.2016.04.002 2140:. Rowman & Littlefield. 2121:. Indiana University Press. 2090:Journal of Genocide Research 1887:Hoxha, Ani (December 2015). 1228:"Exploring the 'Bloodlands'" 1043:(in Lithuanian) (56): 9–33. 1032:Eidukevičienė, Rūta (2011). 852:Journal of Genocide Research 813:Brook, Daniel (2015-07-26). 680:10.1080/14623528.2012.677762 668:Journal of Genocide Research 471:, who was a prisoner in the 451:(2020), political scientist 342:Soviet and Communist studies 7: 4527:Historiography of Lithuania 4512:Anti-communism in Lithuania 4151:Did Six Million Really Die? 3784:Like sheep to the slaughter 2838:Night of the Murdered Poets 1473:Rosefielde, Steven (2010). 715:10.1007/978-3-319-78589-9_7 517: 490:Historical Museum of Serbia 369:Alexandra Laignel-Lavastine 306:Holocaust uniqueness debate 203: 10: 4543: 4522:The Holocaust in Lithuania 4357:Irving v Penguin Books Ltd 4274:J.J. Fedorowicz Publishing 4095:Turkish Historical Society 3626:Ferdinand Marcos apologism 2833:Anti-cosmopolitan campaign 2804:Anti-Zionist League (Iraq) 2779:Jewish Anti-Zionist League 2744:Antisemitic laws, policies 2600:On the Jews and Their Lies 2190:Annals of Tourism Research 1659:Radonić, Ljiljana (2020). 967:Berenis, Vytautas (2000). 407:2007–2008 financial crisis 400:University of Pennsylvania 393:crimes of Communist states 176:Lithuanian Communist Party 149:the Holocaust in Lithuania 141:Museum of Genocide Victims 112: 83:the Holocaust in Lithuania 18: 4476: 4418:Historical misconceptions 4400: 4375: 4332: 4299: 4292: 4261: 4245: 4113: 4027: 3997: 3971: 3926: 3895: 3862: 3672: 3594: 3426: 3369: 3111: 3056: 2937: 2871: 2742: 2660: 2513: 2460: 2330: 1370:10.1017/S0960777312000070 630:10.1080/13600820903432027 395:as memory appropriation. 373:extermination of the Jews 356:. According to historian 234:American Yiddish scholar 184: 36:Dvigubo genocido požiūris 4507:Holocaust historiography 3961:Denial of Crimean Tatars 3790:Myth of the golden exile 3078:Community Security Trust 2952:Black Death persecutions 2119:The End of the Holocaust 1686:Malinauskaite, Gintare. 1254:"The equivalency canard" 1126:Karn, Alexander (2015). 785:10.1515/9783110337617.29 544:Holocaust trivialization 511:Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović 475:and escaped to join the 279:Stalin enabled Hitler's 225:Holocaust trivialization 119:fall of the Soviet Union 107:Holocaust trivialization 79:fall of the Soviet Union 4365:Perinçek v. Switzerland 3795:Phantom time hypothesis 3389:Knowledge falsification 3284:Palestinian Territories 2789:Dreyfus Affair (France) 1708:"Timothy Snyder's Lies" 1545:Quote at pp. 64 and 74. 308:, the attempts to link 286:According to historian 276:Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact 4463:Genocide justification 4426:Accusation in a mirror 4413:Historical revisionism 4229:The Ottoman Lieutenant 3680:Allah as a lunar deity 3567:Double genocide theory 3363:Historical negationism 3098:Stephen Roth Institute 2746:and government actions 2685:Portuguese Inquisition 2662:Religious antisemitism 2536:Double genocide theory 2422:Secondary antisemitism 2358:Religious antisemitism 2255:"70 Years Declaration" 2040:. Jewish Museum Berlin 1810:10.5703/shofar.29.1.73 1621:History of the Present 1407:Möller, Horst (1999). 300:intellectuals such as 147:, but rarely mentions 53:: it alleges that the 35: 28:double genocide theory 4158:Falsifiers of History 4136:The Birth of a Nation 3887:Stab-in-the-back myth 3664:Operation Legacy (UK) 3531:Austria victim theory 3058:Organizations working 2618:Contemporary imprints 2547:The International Jew 2417:Rootless cosmopolitan 1802:10.1353/sho.2010.0093 1665:. London: Routledge. 1172:10.3917/ethn.182.0225 223:sees it as a form of 19:For another use, see 4284:Nation Europa Verlag 3956:Censorship of images 3673:Other manifestations 3556:Italiani brava gente 3060:against antisemitism 3006:Martyrdom in Judaism 2872:Antisemitic websites 2784:Leo Frank trial (US) 2680:Catholic Inquisition 2652:Zionist antisemitism 2368:Antisemitism studies 2225:Nationalities Papers 1854:10.2307/j.ctt2050vp3 1160:Ethnologie française 893:Katz, Dovid (2016). 290:, going back to the 185:"Žydai ir lietuviai" 4448:Conspiracy theories 4432:Ash heap of history 3989:Sun Language Theory 3754:Myth of English aid 3036:Spanish Inquisition 2947:Rhineland massacres 2702:Rhineland massacres 2695:Spanish Inquisition 2427:Stereotypes of Jews 2412:Racial antisemitism 2363:Persecution of Jews 592:10.26613/jca/1.2.12 495:quisling government 467:In 2006, historian 415:social inequalities 4408:Historical fiction 4203:Jasenovac – istina 4129:A Verdade Sufocada 4035:Adelaide Institute 3939:All-Russian nation 3896:Israel / Palestine 3875:Myth of Langemarck 3854:Western Azerbaijan 3717:Christ myth theory 3685:Ancient astronauts 3595:Other whitewashing 3469:Croatian Knowledge 3459:Cambodian genocide 3255:Conservative Party 3016:Pale of Settlement 2526:Christian Identity 2500:Soviet mathematics 2405:Working definition 549:Prague Declaration 332:was coined by the 91:Nazi collaborators 4494: 4493: 4453:False attribution 4396: 4395: 4376:International law 4262:Publishing houses 4023: 4022: 4010:Irish slaves myth 3830:Cemetery in Julfa 3773:Khazar hypothesis 3728:Damnatio memoriae 3611:Czechoslovak myth 3590: 3589: 3503:Rohingya genocide 3444:Armenian genocide 3329: 3328: 2972:Ghettos in Europe 2885:The Daily Stormer 2690:Roman Inquisition 2553:Jewish Bolshevism 2280:. 9 February 2011 2278:Defending History 2259:Defending History 2147:978-1-5381-3303-3 2128:978-0-253-01197-8 2074:10.1111/ips.12041 1863:978-0-253-03274-4 1836:978-0-7618-2743-6 1672:978-1-000-71212-4 1568:978-0-253-03274-4 1513:978-0-803-29000-6 1486:978-0-415-77757-5 1422:978-3-492-04119-5 1143:978-0-299-30554-3 978:(in Lithuanian). 953:978-0-8018-4969-5 815:"Double Genocide" 794:978-3-11-033761-7 724:978-3-319-78589-9 645:Jonas Mikelinskas 346:Steven Rosefielde 172:Jewish communists 153:Soviet occupation 127:Soviet occupation 95:Soviet repression 59:Eastern Europeans 44: 4534: 4517:Holocaust denial 4484: 4483: 4297: 4296: 3883: 3843: 3815: 3814: 3762: 3651: 3621:Driftwood theory 3519: 3518: 3508:Rwandan genocide 3491:Nanjing Massacre 3486:Khojaly massacre 3454:Bosnian genocide 3356: 3349: 3342: 3333: 3332: 2853:Holocaust denial 2722:Host desecration 2531:Cultural Marxism 2461:Antisemitism and 2440: 2395:New antisemitism 2317: 2310: 2303: 2294: 2293: 2289: 2287: 2285: 2269: 2267: 2265: 2242: 2240: 2231:(6): 1028–1046. 2215: 2213: 2180: 2151: 2132: 2113: 2084: 2082: 2080: 2059: 2049: 2047: 2045: 2039: 2027: 1998: 1969: 1940: 1911: 1909: 1907: 1896:Teaching History 1893: 1883: 1840: 1821: 1775: 1774: 1772: 1770: 1765:. 21 August 2008 1755: 1749: 1748: 1746: 1744: 1739:. 28 August 2008 1729: 1723: 1722: 1720: 1718: 1703: 1697: 1696: 1683: 1677: 1676: 1656: 1645: 1644: 1618: 1609: 1603: 1602: 1600: 1598: 1583: 1574: 1572: 1552: 1546: 1544: 1528: 1519: 1518:Quote at p. 157. 1517: 1497: 1491: 1490: 1470: 1464: 1463: 1436: 1427: 1426: 1404: 1398: 1397: 1353: 1347: 1346: 1344: 1342: 1327: 1321: 1320: 1318: 1316: 1301: 1295: 1294: 1292: 1290: 1275: 1269: 1268: 1266: 1264: 1249: 1243: 1242: 1240: 1238: 1232:The Boston Globe 1223: 1214: 1213: 1211: 1209: 1197: 1184: 1183: 1154: 1148: 1147: 1123: 1117: 1116: 1111: 1109: 1094: 1088: 1087: 1071: 1065: 1064: 1041:Darbai ir dienos 1038: 1029: 1023: 1022: 994: 988: 987: 973: 964: 958: 957: 937: 931: 930: 890: 884: 883: 843: 837: 836: 834: 833: 810: 804: 803: 802: 801: 770: 764: 763: 739: 733: 732: 702: 696: 695: 663: 657: 656: 653: 613: 604: 603: 575: 529:Black Ribbon Day 499:Chetnik movement 477:Soviet partisans 458: 453:Ljiljana Radonić 434:Communist states 366: 354:Communist states 293:Historikerstreit 261:Richard J. Evans 222: 187: 186: 157:Ljiljana Radonić 39: 4542: 4541: 4537: 4536: 4535: 4533: 4532: 4531: 4497: 4496: 4495: 4490: 4472: 4458:Furtive fallacy 4422: 4392: 4371: 4328: 4288: 4257: 4241: 4216:Leuchter report 4122:A Town Betrayed 4109: 4019: 4005:1776 Commission 3993: 3979:Denial of Kurds 3967: 3922: 3891: 3877: 3858: 3837: 3813: 3756: 3668: 3645: 3596: 3586: 3517: 3436: 3431: 3428:Genocide denial 3422: 3410:Rationalization 3365: 3360: 3330: 3325: 3107: 3061: 3059: 3052: 2933: 2922:The Right Stuff 2879:Bible Believers 2867: 2747: 2745: 2738: 2656: 2632:Self-hating Jew 2509: 2490:Nation of Islam 2456: 2326: 2321: 2283: 2281: 2272: 2263: 2261: 2249: 2148: 2129: 2078: 2076: 2057: 2043: 2041: 2037: 1905: 1903: 1891: 1864: 1837: 1784: 1779: 1778: 1768: 1766: 1757: 1756: 1752: 1742: 1740: 1731: 1730: 1726: 1716: 1714: 1704: 1700: 1684: 1680: 1673: 1657: 1648: 1616: 1610: 1606: 1596: 1594: 1584: 1577: 1569: 1553: 1549: 1529: 1522: 1514: 1498: 1494: 1487: 1471: 1467: 1437: 1430: 1423: 1405: 1401: 1354: 1350: 1340: 1338: 1328: 1324: 1314: 1312: 1302: 1298: 1288: 1286: 1276: 1272: 1262: 1260: 1250: 1246: 1236: 1234: 1224: 1217: 1207: 1205: 1204:. Wilson Center 1198: 1187: 1155: 1151: 1144: 1124: 1120: 1107: 1105: 1095: 1091: 1072: 1068: 1036: 1030: 1026: 995: 991: 971: 965: 961: 954: 938: 934: 891: 887: 844: 840: 831: 829: 811: 807: 799: 797: 795: 771: 767: 740: 736: 725: 703: 699: 664: 660: 647: 614: 607: 576: 572: 567: 520: 465: 456: 403:Kristen Ghodsee 360: 348:referred to a " 327: 248: 216: 206: 155:. According to 115: 101:, and northern 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 4540: 4530: 4529: 4524: 4519: 4514: 4509: 4492: 4491: 4489: 4488: 4477: 4474: 4473: 4471: 4470: 4465: 4460: 4455: 4450: 4445: 4443:Cherry picking 4440: 4435: 4428: 4421: 4420: 4415: 4410: 4404: 4402: 4398: 4397: 4394: 4393: 4391: 4390: 4388:Right to truth 4385: 4379: 4377: 4373: 4372: 4370: 4369: 4361: 4353: 4345: 4336: 4334: 4330: 4329: 4327: 4326: 4321: 4316: 4311: 4305: 4303: 4294: 4290: 4289: 4287: 4286: 4281: 4276: 4271: 4265: 4263: 4259: 4258: 4256: 4255: 4249: 4247: 4243: 4242: 4240: 4239: 4232: 4225: 4218: 4213: 4206: 4199: 4192: 4185: 4183:Hitler Diaries 4180: 4173: 4166: 4161: 4154: 4147: 4139: 4132: 4125: 4117: 4115: 4111: 4110: 4108: 4107: 4102: 4097: 4092: 4087: 4082: 4077: 4072: 4067: 4062: 4057: 4052: 4047: 4042: 4037: 4031: 4029: 4025: 4024: 4021: 4020: 4018: 4017: 4012: 4007: 4001: 3999: 3995: 3994: 3992: 3991: 3986: 3984:History Thesis 3981: 3975: 3973: 3969: 3968: 3966: 3965: 3964: 3963: 3958: 3950: 3949: 3948: 3936: 3930: 3928: 3924: 3923: 3921: 3920: 3915: 3910: 3905: 3899: 3897: 3893: 3892: 3890: 3889: 3884: 3872: 3870:Borussian myth 3866: 3864: 3860: 3859: 3857: 3856: 3851: 3849:Nizami Ganjavi 3846: 3845: 3844: 3832: 3823: 3821: 3812: 3811: 3806: 3801: 3799:New chronology 3792: 3787: 3780: 3775: 3770: 3763: 3751: 3750: 3749: 3744: 3739: 3731: 3724: 3719: 3714: 3709: 3708: 3707: 3697: 3692: 3687: 3682: 3676: 3674: 3670: 3669: 3667: 3666: 3661: 3656: 3640: 3639: 3638: 3636:Dunning School 3628: 3623: 3618: 3613: 3608: 3600: 3598: 3597:of governments 3592: 3591: 3588: 3587: 3585: 3584: 3576: 3574:Vichy syndrome 3571: 3570: 3569: 3562:Trivialization 3559: 3552: 3551: 3550: 3533: 3527: 3525: 3516: 3515: 3510: 3505: 3500: 3499: 3498: 3488: 3483: 3481:Katyn massacre 3478: 3473: 3472: 3471: 3461: 3456: 3451: 3446: 3440: 3438: 3437:and atrocities 3424: 3423: 3421: 3420: 3417:Victim blaming 3413: 3406: 3405: 3404: 3392: 3385: 3382:Disinformation 3378: 3370: 3367: 3366: 3359: 3358: 3351: 3344: 3336: 3327: 3326: 3324: 3323: 3318: 3317: 3316: 3311: 3301: 3296: 3291: 3286: 3281: 3276: 3271: 3266: 3265: 3264: 3263: 3262: 3257: 3250:United Kingdom 3247: 3242: 3237: 3232: 3231: 3230: 3225: 3215: 3210: 3205: 3200: 3195: 3190: 3185: 3184: 3183: 3173: 3168: 3158: 3153: 3148: 3143: 3138: 3133: 3128: 3127: 3126: 3115: 3113: 3109: 3108: 3106: 3105: 3100: 3095: 3090: 3085: 3080: 3075: 3070: 3064: 3062: 3057: 3054: 3053: 3051: 3050: 3045: 3044: 3043: 3033: 3028: 3023: 3018: 3013: 3011:Nuremberg Laws 3008: 3003: 2996: 2991: 2986: 2981: 2980: 2979: 2974: 2967:Jewish quarter 2964: 2959: 2954: 2949: 2943: 2941: 2935: 2934: 2932: 2931: 2926: 2918: 2913: 2908: 2903: 2898: 2893: 2888: 2881: 2875: 2873: 2869: 2868: 2866: 2865: 2863:ZOG conspiracy 2860: 2855: 2850: 2845: 2840: 2835: 2830: 2829: 2828: 2823: 2821:Final Solution 2813: 2808: 2807: 2806: 2796: 2791: 2786: 2781: 2776: 2771: 2766: 2761: 2756: 2754:Ghetto benches 2750: 2748: 2743: 2740: 2739: 2737: 2736: 2731: 2724: 2719: 2714: 2709: 2704: 2699: 2698: 2697: 2692: 2687: 2677: 2675:Jewish deicide 2672: 2666: 2664: 2658: 2657: 2655: 2654: 2649: 2644: 2639: 2634: 2629: 2622: 2621: 2620: 2608: 2603: 2596: 2591: 2590: 2589: 2584: 2572: 2567: 2562: 2561: 2560: 2550: 2543: 2538: 2533: 2528: 2523: 2517: 2515: 2514:Related topics 2511: 2510: 2508: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2492: 2487: 2482: 2477: 2476: 2475: 2464: 2462: 2458: 2457: 2455: 2454: 2453: 2452: 2447: 2442: 2429: 2424: 2419: 2414: 2409: 2408: 2407: 2402: 2392: 2391: 2390: 2385: 2380: 2370: 2365: 2360: 2355: 2350: 2345: 2340: 2334: 2332: 2328: 2327: 2320: 2319: 2312: 2305: 2297: 2291: 2290: 2270: 2248: 2247:External links 2245: 2244: 2243: 2216: 2181: 2163:(8): 281–306. 2152: 2146: 2133: 2127: 2114: 2096:(4): 510–529. 2085: 2050: 2028: 2010:(3): 101–106. 1999: 1981:(3): 285–295. 1970: 1952:(3): 191–220. 1941: 1912: 1884: 1862: 1841: 1835: 1822: 1783: 1780: 1777: 1776: 1750: 1724: 1698: 1678: 1671: 1646: 1627:(2): 115–142. 1604: 1592:Balkan Insight 1575: 1573:Quote at p. 46 1567: 1547: 1520: 1512: 1492: 1485: 1465: 1447:(1): 167–181. 1441:Constellations 1428: 1421: 1399: 1364:(2): 133–143. 1348: 1322: 1296: 1270: 1244: 1215: 1185: 1166:(2): 225–242. 1149: 1142: 1118: 1089: 1066: 1024: 989: 959: 952: 932: 905:(3): 191–220. 885: 858:(4): 510–529. 838: 805: 793: 765: 734: 723: 697: 674:(2): 215–238. 658: 618:Global Society 605: 569: 568: 566: 563: 562: 561: 556: 551: 546: 541: 536: 531: 526: 524:Anti-communism 519: 516: 464: 461: 423:Western worlds 389:post-Communist 385:Jelena Subotić 326: 323: 251:Timothy Snyder 247: 241: 210:Michael Shafir 205: 202: 180:Tomas Venclova 114: 111: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4539: 4528: 4525: 4523: 4520: 4518: 4515: 4513: 4510: 4508: 4505: 4504: 4502: 4487: 4479: 4478: 4475: 4469: 4466: 4464: 4461: 4459: 4456: 4454: 4451: 4449: 4446: 4444: 4441: 4439: 4436: 4434: 4433: 4429: 4427: 4424: 4423: 4419: 4416: 4414: 4411: 4409: 4406: 4405: 4403: 4399: 4389: 4386: 4384: 4381: 4380: 4378: 4374: 4367: 4366: 4362: 4359: 4358: 4354: 4351: 4350: 4346: 4343: 4342: 4338: 4337: 4335: 4331: 4325: 4322: 4320: 4317: 4315: 4312: 4310: 4307: 4306: 4304: 4302: 4298: 4295: 4291: 4285: 4282: 4280: 4277: 4275: 4272: 4270: 4267: 4266: 4264: 4260: 4254: 4251: 4250: 4248: 4244: 4238: 4237: 4233: 4231: 4230: 4226: 4224: 4223: 4219: 4217: 4214: 4212: 4211: 4207: 4205: 4204: 4200: 4198: 4197: 4193: 4191: 4190: 4186: 4184: 4181: 4179: 4178: 4174: 4172: 4171: 4167: 4165: 4162: 4160: 4159: 4155: 4153: 4152: 4148: 4146: 4145: 4140: 4138: 4137: 4133: 4131: 4130: 4126: 4124: 4123: 4119: 4118: 4116: 4112: 4106: 4103: 4101: 4098: 4096: 4093: 4091: 4088: 4086: 4083: 4081: 4078: 4076: 4073: 4071: 4068: 4066: 4063: 4061: 4058: 4056: 4053: 4051: 4048: 4046: 4043: 4041: 4038: 4036: 4033: 4032: 4030: 4028:Organizations 4026: 4016: 4013: 4011: 4008: 4006: 4003: 4002: 4000: 3998:United States 3996: 3990: 3987: 3985: 3982: 3980: 3977: 3976: 3974: 3970: 3962: 3959: 3957: 3954: 3953: 3952:Soviet Union 3951: 3947: 3946: 3942: 3941: 3940: 3937: 3935: 3932: 3931: 3929: 3925: 3919: 3916: 3914: 3913:Temple denial 3911: 3909: 3906: 3904: 3901: 3900: 3898: 3894: 3888: 3885: 3881: 3876: 3873: 3871: 3868: 3867: 3865: 3861: 3855: 3852: 3850: 3847: 3841: 3836: 3833: 3831: 3828: 3827: 3825: 3824: 3822: 3820: 3816: 3810: 3807: 3805: 3802: 3800: 3796: 3793: 3791: 3788: 3786: 3785: 3781: 3779: 3776: 3774: 3771: 3769: 3768: 3764: 3760: 3755: 3752: 3748: 3745: 3743: 3740: 3738: 3737:Islamic State 3735: 3734: 3732: 3730: 3729: 3725: 3723: 3720: 3718: 3715: 3713: 3710: 3706: 3703: 3702: 3701: 3700:Book burnings 3698: 3696: 3695:Antiquization 3693: 3691: 3688: 3686: 3683: 3681: 3678: 3677: 3675: 3671: 3665: 3662: 3660: 3659:Neo-Stalinism 3657: 3655: 3649: 3644: 3641: 3637: 3634: 3633: 3632: 3629: 3627: 3624: 3622: 3619: 3617: 3614: 3612: 3609: 3607: 3606: 3602: 3601: 3599: 3593: 3583: 3581: 3577: 3575: 3572: 3568: 3565: 3564: 3563: 3560: 3558: 3557: 3553: 3549: 3545: 3542: 3541: 3540: 3539: 3534: 3532: 3529: 3528: 3526: 3524: 3520: 3514: 3511: 3509: 3506: 3504: 3501: 3497: 3494: 3493: 3492: 3489: 3487: 3484: 3482: 3479: 3477: 3474: 3470: 3467: 3466: 3465: 3462: 3460: 3457: 3455: 3452: 3450: 3447: 3445: 3442: 3441: 3439: 3435: 3434:mass killings 3429: 3425: 3419: 3418: 3414: 3412: 3411: 3407: 3403: 3400: 3399: 3398: 3397: 3396:Pseudohistory 3393: 3391: 3390: 3386: 3384: 3383: 3379: 3377: 3376: 3372: 3371: 3368: 3364: 3357: 3352: 3350: 3345: 3343: 3338: 3337: 3334: 3322: 3319: 3315: 3312: 3310: 3307: 3306: 3305: 3304:United States 3302: 3300: 3297: 3295: 3292: 3290: 3287: 3285: 3282: 3280: 3277: 3275: 3272: 3270: 3267: 3261: 3258: 3256: 3253: 3252: 3251: 3248: 3246: 3243: 3241: 3238: 3236: 3233: 3229: 3226: 3224: 3221: 3220: 3219: 3216: 3214: 3211: 3209: 3206: 3204: 3201: 3199: 3196: 3194: 3191: 3189: 3186: 3182: 3179: 3178: 3177: 3174: 3172: 3169: 3167: 3164: 3163: 3162: 3159: 3157: 3154: 3152: 3149: 3147: 3144: 3142: 3139: 3137: 3134: 3132: 3129: 3125: 3122: 3121: 3120: 3117: 3116: 3114: 3110: 3104: 3101: 3099: 3096: 3094: 3091: 3089: 3086: 3084: 3081: 3079: 3076: 3074: 3071: 3069: 3066: 3065: 3063: 3055: 3049: 3046: 3042: 3039: 3038: 3037: 3034: 3032: 3029: 3027: 3024: 3022: 3019: 3017: 3014: 3012: 3009: 3007: 3004: 3002: 3001: 2997: 2995: 2992: 2990: 2987: 2985: 2984:The Holocaust 2982: 2978: 2975: 2973: 2970: 2969: 2968: 2965: 2963: 2960: 2958: 2955: 2953: 2950: 2948: 2945: 2944: 2942: 2940: 2936: 2930: 2927: 2925: 2923: 2919: 2917: 2914: 2912: 2909: 2907: 2904: 2902: 2899: 2897: 2894: 2892: 2889: 2887: 2886: 2882: 2880: 2877: 2876: 2874: 2870: 2864: 2861: 2859: 2856: 2854: 2851: 2849: 2848:Doctors' plot 2846: 2844: 2843:Slánský trial 2841: 2839: 2836: 2834: 2831: 2827: 2826:The Holocaust 2824: 2822: 2819: 2818: 2817: 2814: 2812: 2809: 2805: 2802: 2801: 2800: 2799:Farhud (Iraq) 2797: 2795: 2792: 2790: 2787: 2785: 2782: 2780: 2777: 2775: 2772: 2770: 2767: 2765: 2762: 2760: 2759:Hep-Hep riots 2757: 2755: 2752: 2751: 2749: 2741: 2735: 2732: 2730: 2729: 2725: 2723: 2720: 2718: 2715: 2713: 2710: 2708: 2707:Martin Luther 2705: 2703: 2700: 2696: 2693: 2691: 2688: 2686: 2683: 2682: 2681: 2678: 2676: 2673: 2671: 2668: 2667: 2665: 2663: 2659: 2653: 2650: 2648: 2645: 2643: 2642:Weaponization 2640: 2638: 2635: 2633: 2630: 2628: 2627: 2623: 2619: 2616: 2615: 2614: 2613: 2609: 2607: 2606:Philosemitism 2604: 2602: 2601: 2597: 2595: 2592: 2588: 2585: 2583: 2580: 2579: 2578: 2577: 2573: 2571: 2568: 2566: 2565:Khazar theory 2563: 2559: 2556: 2555: 2554: 2551: 2549: 2548: 2544: 2542: 2539: 2537: 2534: 2532: 2529: 2527: 2524: 2522: 2519: 2518: 2516: 2512: 2506: 2503: 2501: 2498: 2496: 2495:Olympic Games 2493: 2491: 2488: 2486: 2483: 2481: 2478: 2474: 2473:New Testament 2471: 2470: 2469: 2466: 2465: 2463: 2459: 2451: 2448: 2446: 2443: 2441: 2435: 2434: 2433: 2430: 2428: 2425: 2423: 2420: 2418: 2415: 2413: 2410: 2406: 2403: 2401: 2398: 2397: 2396: 2393: 2389: 2386: 2384: 2381: 2379: 2376: 2375: 2374: 2371: 2369: 2366: 2364: 2361: 2359: 2356: 2354: 2351: 2349: 2346: 2344: 2341: 2339: 2336: 2335: 2333: 2329: 2325: 2318: 2313: 2311: 2306: 2304: 2299: 2298: 2295: 2279: 2275: 2271: 2260: 2256: 2251: 2250: 2239: 2234: 2230: 2226: 2222: 2217: 2212: 2207: 2203: 2199: 2195: 2191: 2187: 2182: 2178: 2174: 2170: 2166: 2162: 2158: 2153: 2149: 2143: 2139: 2134: 2130: 2124: 2120: 2115: 2111: 2107: 2103: 2099: 2095: 2091: 2086: 2075: 2071: 2067: 2063: 2056: 2051: 2036: 2035: 2029: 2025: 2021: 2017: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2000: 1996: 1992: 1988: 1984: 1980: 1976: 1971: 1967: 1963: 1959: 1955: 1951: 1947: 1942: 1938: 1934: 1930: 1926: 1923:(1): 97–109. 1922: 1918: 1913: 1901: 1897: 1890: 1885: 1881: 1877: 1873: 1869: 1865: 1859: 1855: 1851: 1847: 1842: 1838: 1832: 1828: 1823: 1819: 1815: 1811: 1807: 1803: 1799: 1795: 1791: 1786: 1785: 1764: 1763:The Economist 1760: 1754: 1738: 1734: 1728: 1713: 1709: 1702: 1694: 1689: 1682: 1674: 1668: 1664: 1663: 1655: 1653: 1651: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1630: 1626: 1622: 1615: 1608: 1593: 1589: 1582: 1580: 1570: 1564: 1560: 1559: 1551: 1543:(44): 52–110. 1542: 1538: 1534: 1527: 1525: 1515: 1509: 1505: 1504: 1496: 1488: 1482: 1478: 1477: 1476:Red Holocaust 1469: 1462: 1460: 1454: 1450: 1446: 1442: 1435: 1433: 1424: 1418: 1414: 1410: 1403: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1371: 1367: 1363: 1359: 1352: 1337: 1333: 1326: 1311: 1307: 1300: 1285: 1281: 1274: 1259: 1255: 1248: 1233: 1229: 1222: 1220: 1203: 1196: 1194: 1192: 1190: 1181: 1177: 1173: 1169: 1165: 1161: 1153: 1145: 1139: 1135: 1131: 1130: 1122: 1115: 1104: 1100: 1093: 1086:(44): 52–110. 1085: 1081: 1077: 1070: 1063: 1058: 1054: 1050: 1046: 1042: 1035: 1028: 1021: 1016: 1012: 1008: 1004: 1000: 999:Kultūrologija 993: 986: 981: 977: 970: 963: 955: 949: 945: 944: 936: 928: 924: 920: 916: 912: 908: 904: 900: 896: 889: 881: 877: 873: 869: 865: 861: 857: 853: 849: 842: 828: 824: 820: 816: 809: 796: 790: 786: 782: 778: 777: 769: 761: 757: 753: 749: 745: 738: 731: 726: 720: 716: 712: 708: 701: 694: 693:'bloodlands'. 689: 685: 681: 677: 673: 669: 662: 655: 651: 646: 639: 635: 631: 627: 623: 619: 612: 610: 601: 597: 593: 589: 586:(2): 33–62 . 585: 581: 574: 570: 560: 557: 555: 552: 550: 547: 545: 542: 540: 537: 535: 532: 530: 527: 525: 522: 521: 515: 512: 508: 504: 500: 496: 491: 486: 484: 483: 478: 474: 470: 463:Notable cases 460: 454: 450: 445: 443: 439: 438:Joseph Stalin 435: 431: 428: 424: 420: 416: 412: 408: 404: 401: 396: 394: 390: 386: 382: 381:European Jews 378: 374: 370: 364: 359: 358:Jörg Hackmann 355: 351: 350:Red Holocaust 347: 343: 340:) at Munich. 339: 335: 331: 330:Red Holocaust 322: 319: 315: 311: 307: 303: 299: 295: 294: 289: 284: 282: 277: 273: 272: 267: 266:Efraim Zuroff 262: 258: 257: 252: 245: 240: 237: 232: 230: 226: 220: 215: 211: 208:According to 201: 199: 194: 193:Evgeny Finkel 189: 181: 177: 173: 167: 166: 162: 158: 154: 150: 146: 142: 138: 133: 132: 128: 124: 123:Baltic states 120: 110: 108: 104: 100: 96: 92: 88: 84: 80: 76: 72: 68: 64: 63:the Holocaust 60: 56: 52: 48: 42: 37: 33: 29: 22: 4430: 4363: 4355: 4347: 4339: 4293:Legal status 4279:Munin Verlag 4269:Arndt Verlag 4234: 4227: 4220: 4208: 4201: 4194: 4187: 4175: 4170:Folk og Land 4168: 4156: 4149: 4143: 4134: 4127: 4120: 4114:Publications 4090:Nippon Kaigi 3943: 3908:Nakba denial 3797: / 3782: 3778:LGBT erasure 3765: 3742:Saudi Arabia 3726: 3652: / 3605:Cuba de ayer 3603: 3580:Sonderaktion 3579: 3566: 3554: 3546: / 3537: 3415: 3408: 3394: 3387: 3380: 3373: 3314:21st century 3294:South Africa 3260:Labour Party 3181:21st century 3124:Saudi Arabia 3048:Yellow badge 2998: 2994:Jewish quota 2921: 2883: 2858:Yellow badge 2726: 2670:Anti-Judaism 2624: 2610: 2598: 2574: 2570:Ku Klux Klan 2545: 2535: 2521:Anti-Zionism 2505:Universities 2468:Christianity 2378:Adolf Hitler 2324:Antisemitism 2282:. Retrieved 2277: 2262:. Retrieved 2258: 2228: 2224: 2211:10026.1/4673 2193: 2189: 2160: 2156: 2137: 2118: 2093: 2089: 2077:. Retrieved 2068:(1): 82–99. 2065: 2061: 2042:. Retrieved 2033: 2007: 2003: 1978: 1974: 1949: 1945: 1920: 1916: 1904:. Retrieved 1899: 1895: 1872:j.ctt2050vp3 1845: 1826: 1793: 1789: 1782:Bibliography 1767:. Retrieved 1762: 1753: 1741:. Retrieved 1736: 1727: 1715:. Retrieved 1711: 1701: 1691: 1681: 1661: 1624: 1620: 1607: 1595:. Retrieved 1591: 1557: 1550: 1540: 1536: 1502: 1495: 1475: 1468: 1458: 1456: 1444: 1440: 1412: 1408: 1402: 1361: 1357: 1351: 1339:. Retrieved 1336:The Guardian 1335: 1325: 1313:. Retrieved 1310:The Guardian 1309: 1299: 1287:. Retrieved 1284:The Guardian 1283: 1273: 1261:. Retrieved 1257: 1247: 1235:. Retrieved 1231: 1206:. Retrieved 1163: 1159: 1152: 1128: 1121: 1113: 1106:. Retrieved 1102: 1092: 1083: 1079: 1069: 1060: 1040: 1027: 1018: 998: 992: 983: 982:(19): 3–24. 979: 976:Politologija 975: 962: 942: 935: 902: 898: 888: 855: 851: 841: 830:. Retrieved 818: 808: 798:, retrieved 775: 768: 743: 737: 728: 706: 700: 691: 671: 667: 661: 641: 624:(1): 51–70. 621: 617: 583: 579: 573: 487: 480: 473:Vilna Ghetto 469:Yitzhak Arad 466: 448: 446: 417:in both the 397: 337: 329: 328: 317: 298:conservative 291: 288:Thomas Kühne 285: 271:The Guardian 269: 254: 249: 243: 233: 229:antisemitism 214:Clemens Heni 207: 190: 168: 134: 116: 71:Nazi Germany 55:Soviet Union 51:World War II 27: 25: 4301:Statute law 4246:Conferences 4055:Dalit Voice 3878: [ 3838: [ 3757: [ 3646: [ 3279:New Zealand 3031:Segregation 2939:Persecution 2911:Radio Islam 2717:Blood libel 2712:Blood curse 2485:Middle Ages 2331:Core topics 1208:14 November 648: [ 377:Nazi regime 361: [ 314:Nazi crimes 302:Ernst Nolte 217: [ 87:antisemitic 4501:Categories 4468:Propaganda 4438:Censorship 4341:R v Zundel 3835:Nakhchivan 3819:Azerbaijan 3747:Gaza Strip 3548:Speer myth 3432:denial of 3156:Costa Rica 3119:Arab world 3103:Yad Vashem 3026:Refuseniks 2989:Jewish hat 2962:Expulsions 2929:Stormfront 2637:Xenophobia 2587:in English 2576:Mein Kampf 2558:Żydokomuna 2388:Propaganda 2284:28 January 2264:28 January 2079:28 January 2044:28 January 1906:28 January 1902:(4): 36–41 1880:1002302967 1769:28 January 1743:28 January 1341:28 January 1315:28 January 1289:28 January 1263:28 January 1237:28 January 1108:28 January 832:2023-06-15 800:2023-06-15 565:References 559:Żydokomuna 482:Respublika 430:capitalism 427:neoliberal 318:Bloodlands 244:Bloodlands 236:Dovid Katz 117:After the 77:after the 32:Lithuanian 3767:Izbrisani 3722:Dacianism 3538:Wehrmacht 3523:Holocaust 3476:Holodomor 3375:Denialism 3321:Venezuela 3136:Australia 3131:Argentina 3112:By region 3041:Expulsion 2901:Metapedia 2896:Jew Watch 2582:in Arabic 2348:Geography 2343:Economics 2196:: 60–78. 2169:2065-6602 2016:2334-6132 1995:165297779 1966:157910635 1929:0030-6428 1917:Osteuropa 1818:144954562 1394:143701601 1378:0960-7773 1049:1392-0588 1007:1822-2242 927:157910635 919:2325-6249 872:1462-3528 827:1091-2339 760:199137931 688:216139226 638:144068609 600:158144987 507:Goli Otok 442:Stalinism 137:Lithuania 75:Lithuania 47:genocides 4486:Category 4333:Case law 4164:Flatline 3289:Pakistan 3223:Imperial 3000:Judensau 2957:Boycotts 2916:Redwatch 2906:Podblanc 2769:May Laws 2728:Judensau 2432:Timeline 2400:Three Ds 2383:Americas 2110:80720034 1937:44936946 1737:Politico 1717:4 August 1597:3 August 1386:41485456 1180:44971741 880:80720034 746:: 1–14. 518:See also 344:scholar 304:and the 253:'s book 204:Analysis 4401:Related 4324:Germany 4314:Belgium 4309:Austria 4144:The Sun 3863:Germany 3309:History 3245:Ukraine 3213:Romania 3198:Hungary 3188:Germany 3171:Belgium 3166:Austria 3021:Pogroms 2353:History 2338:Canards 1712:Jacobin 1258:Haaretz 419:Eastern 411:leftist 375:by the 113:History 103:Romania 43:  4368:(2013) 4360:(2000) 4352:(1998) 4344:(1992) 4319:France 4040:ASİMKK 3972:Turkey 3927:Russia 3544:Rommel 3536:Clean 3299:Turkey 3274:Mexico 3240:Sweden 3228:Soviet 3218:Russia 3208:Norway 3193:Greece 3176:France 3161:Europe 3141:Canada 2977:Mellah 2924:(blog) 2734:Pogrom 2373:Nazism 2177:415363 2175:  2167:  2144:  2125:  2108:  2024:149749 2022:  2014:  1993:  1964:  1935:  1927:  1878:  1870:  1860:  1833:  1816:  1808:  1790:Shofar 1669:  1639:  1565:  1510:  1483:  1419:  1392:  1384:  1376:  1178:  1140:  1057:207959 1055:  1047:  1015:254316 1013:  1005:  950:  925:  917:  878:  870:  825:  791:  758:  721:  686:  636:  598:  310:Soviet 281:crimes 139:, the 99:Poland 4050:CODOH 3882:] 3842:] 3761:] 3654:Chile 3650:] 3269:Japan 3235:Spain 3203:Italy 3151:Chile 3146:China 2480:Islam 2437:19th 2173:CEEOL 2106:S2CID 2058:(PDF) 2038:(PDF) 2020:CEEOL 1991:S2CID 1962:S2CID 1933:JSTOR 1892:(PDF) 1868:JSTOR 1814:S2CID 1806:JSTOR 1637:JSTOR 1617:(PDF) 1411:[ 1390:S2CID 1382:JSTOR 1176:JSTOR 1053:CEEOL 1037:(PDF) 1011:CEEOL 972:(PDF) 923:S2CID 876:S2CID 819:Slate 756:S2CID 684:S2CID 652:] 634:S2CID 596:S2CID 365:] 221:] 26:The " 4070:HIAG 3705:list 3582:1005 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Double genocide theory (Rwanda)
World War II
Soviet Union
Eastern Europeans
the Holocaust
Nazi Germany
fall of the Soviet Union
the Holocaust in Lithuania
Nazi collaborators
Soviet repression
Holocaust trivialization
fall of the Soviet Union
Baltic states
Soviet occupation
over the suffering of their nation's Jews under Nazi occupation.
Museum of Genocide Victims
victims of crimes against humanity during Soviet occupation
the Holocaust in Lithuania
Soviet occupation
Ljiljana Radonić
in the context of the war chaos

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