
Socialist economics

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depreciation, so there was no profit margin in the price charged to customers. Wages did not reflect the purchase price of labour, since labour was not a commodity traded in a market and the employing organizations did not own the means of production. Wages were set at a level that permitted a decent standard of living; they rewarded specialist skills and educational qualifications. In macroeconomic terms, the plan allocated the whole national product to workers in the form of wages for the workers' own use, with a fraction withheld for investment and for imports from abroad. The difference between the average value of wages and the value of national output per worker did not imply the existence of surplus value since it was part of a consciously formulated plan for the development of society. The presence of inequality in the socialist planned economies did not imply that an exploiting class existed. In the Soviet Union, communist-party members were able to buy scarce goods in special shops and the leadership elite took advantage of state property to live in more spacious accommodation - and sometimes in luxury. Although they received privileges not commonly available and some additional income in kind, there was no difference in their official remuneration in comparison to their non-party peers. Enterprise managers and workers received only the wages and bonuses related to the production targets that the planning authorities had set. Outside of the cooperative sector - which enjoyed greater economic freedoms and whose profits were shared among all members of the cooperative - there was no profit-taking class. Other analysts maintain that workers in the Soviet Union and in other Marxist–Leninist states had genuine control over the means of production through institutions such as
4395:, which argued that socialism can be built in a single country, despite existing within a global capitalist economic system. Nevertheless, the Soviet orthodoxy held that the stage during which developed socialism would be built would be a lengthy one and would not be achieved by the Soviet Union on its own. According to the official textbooks, the first stage of the transition period from capitalism to socialism had been completed by the 1970s in the European socialist countries (except Poland and Yugoslavia) and in Mongolia and Cuba. The next stage of developed socialism would not be reached until "the economic integration of the socialist states becomes a major factor of their economic progress" and social relations had been reconstructed on "collectivist principles". Communist writers accepted that during the earlier stages in constructing socialism the exchange of commodities on the basis of the average socially necessary labour embodied within them occurred and involved the mediation of money. Socialist planned economies were systems of commodity production, but this was directed in a conscious way towards meeting the needs of the people and not left to the "anarchy of the market". At the stage of developed socialism, "the state of dictatorship of the proletariat changes into a state of all people reflecting the increasing homogeneity of society" and the "evening out of economic development levels" within and between socialist countries. It would provide the foundations for a further stage of perfected socialist society, where an abundance of goods permitted their distribution according to need. Only then could the world socialist system progress towards the higher phase of 5676:. "More fundamentally, a socialist society must be one in which the economy is run on the principle of the direct satisfaction of human needs. Exchange-value, prices and so money are goals in themselves in a capitalist society or in any market. There is no necessary connection between the accumulation of capital or sums of money and human welfare. Under conditions of backwardness, the spur of money and the accumulation of wealth has led to a massive growth in industry and technology. It seems an odd argument to say that a capitalist will only be efficient in producing use-value of a good quality when trying to make more money than the next capitalist. It would seem easier to rely on the planning of use-values in a rational way, which because there is no duplication, would be produced more cheaply and be of a higher quality. Although money, and so monetary calculation, will disappear in socialism this does not mean that there will no longer be any need to make choices, evaluations and calculations. Wealth will be produced and distributed in its natural form of useful things, of objects that can serve to satisfy some human need or other. Not being produced for sale on a market, items of wealth will not acquire an exchange-value in addition to their use-value. In socialism their value, in the normal non-economic sense of the word, will not be their selling price nor the time needed to produce them but their usefulness. It is for this that they will be appreciated, evaluated, wanted and produced."" 3001:: capitalist production is the production of "an immense multitude of commodities" or generalised commodity production. A commodity has two essential qualities firstly, they are useful, they satisfy some human want, "the nature of such wants, whether, for instance, they spring from the stomach or from fancy, makes no difference" and secondly they are sold on a market or exchanged. Critically the exchange value of a commodity "is independent of the amount of labour required to appropriate its useful qualities". However, rather depends on the amount of socially necessary labour required to produce it. All commodities are sold at their value, so the origin of the capitalist profit is not in cheating or theft, but in the fact that the cost of reproduction of labour power, or the worker's wage, is less than the value created during their time at work, enabling the capitalists to yield a surplus value or profit on their investments. 4543:
USSR and upon the Soviet market for sales of goods. The decline in growth rates reflected a combination of diminishing returns to capital accumulation and low innovation as well as micro-economic inefficiencies, which a high rate of saving and investment was unable to counter. The CMEA was supposed to ensure coordination of national plans but it failed even to develop a common methodology for planning which could be adopted by its member states. As each member state was reluctant to give up national self-sufficiency the CMEA's efforts to encourage specialization was thwarted. There were very few joint ventures and therefore little intra-enterprise technology transfer and trade, which in the capitalist world was often undertaken by trans-national corporations. The International Bank for Economic Cooperation had no means of converting a country's trade surplus into an option to buy goods and services from other CMEA members.
9086:. "The scholars in camp of democratic socialism believe that China should draw on the Sweden experience, which is suitable not only for the West but also for China. In the post-Mao China, the Chinese intellectuals are confronted with a variety of models. The liberals favor the American model and share the view that the Soviet model has become archaic and should be totally abandoned. Meanwhile, democratic socialism in Sweden provided an alternative model. Its sustained economic development and extensive welfare programs fascinated many. Numerous scholars within the democratic socialist camp argue that China should model itself politically and economically on Sweden, which is viewed as more genuinely socialist than China. There is a growing consensus among them that in the Nordic countries the welfare state has been extraordinarily successful in eliminating poverty." 6724:, by Horvat, Branko. 1982. (p. 197): "The sandglass (socialist) model is based on the observation that there are two fundamentally different spheres of activity or decision making. The first is concerned with value judgments, and consequently each individual counts as one in this sphere. In the second, technical decisions are made on the basis of technical competence and expertise. The decisions of the first sphere are policy directives; those of the second, technical directives. The former are based on political authority as exercised by all members of the organization; the latter, on professional authority specific to each member and growing out of the division of labor. Such an organization involves a clearly defined coordinating hierarchy but eliminates a power hierarchy." 4069: method of achieving plan coherence was later complemented and replaced by value planning, with money provided to enterprises so that they could recruit labour and procure materials and intermediate production goods and services. The Soviet economy was brought to balance by the interlocking of three sets of calculation, namely the setting up of a model incorporating balances of production, manpower and finance. The exercise was undertaken annually and involved a process of iteration (the "method of successive approximation"). Although nominally a "centrally planned" economy, in reality formulation of the plan took place on a more local level of the production process as information was relayed from enterprises to planning ministries. Aside from the Soviet Union and 4531:, was constrained by its resources not by the demand for its goods and services; nor was it constrained by its finances since the government was not likely to shut it down if it failed to meet its financial targets. Enterprises in socialist planned economies operated within a "soft" budget constraint, unlike enterprises in capitalist market economies which are demand-constrained and operate within "hard" budget constraints, as they face bankruptcy if their costs exceed their sales. As all producers were working in a resource-constrained economy they were perpetually in short supply and the shortages could never be eliminated, leading to chronic disruption of production schedules. The effect of this was to preserve a high level of employment. 4443:, put forward proposals for establishing an integrated, centrally-planned socialist commonwealth in which each geographic region would specialize production in line with its set of natural and human resources. The resulting document, the "Basic Principles of the International Socialist Division of Labour" was adopted at the end of 1961, despite objections from Romania on certain aspects. The "Basic Principles" were never implemented fully and were replaced in 1971 by the adoption of the "Comprehensive Programme for Further Extension and Improvement of Cooperation and Development of Socialist Economic Integration". As a result, many specialization agreements were made between CMEA member states for investment programmes and 4497:
CEE/CIS area in the period 1985–1990 was 68 years, while for the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) it was 75 years. Infant mortality in the CEE/CIS area was 25 for every 1,000 live births in 1990, compared to 13 in the OECD area. In terms of education, the two areas enjoyed universal adult literacy and full enrolment of children in primary and secondary schools. For tertiary education, the CEE/CIS had 2,600 university students per 100,000 population, while in the OECD the comparable figure was 3,550 students. Overall enrolment at primary, secondary and tertiary levels was 75 percent in the CEE/CIS region and 82 percent in the OECD countries.
though not all were allies of the Soviet Union: Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Eastern Germany, Ethiopia, Hungary, Mozambique, Nicaragua, North Korea, Laos, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, Vietnam, South Yemen, Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. The system co-existed alongside the world capitalist system but was founded upon the principles of cooperation and mutual assistance rather than upon competition and rivalry. The countries involved aimed to even-out the level of economic development and to play an equal part in the international division of labour. An important role was played by the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) or
2744:'s classic account, the forceful transformation of land, money and especially labour into commodities to be allocated by an autonomous market mechanism was an alien and inhuman rupture of the pre-existing social fabric. Marx had viewed the process in a similar light, referring to it as part of the process of "primitive accumulation" whereby enough initial capital is amassed to begin capitalist production. The dislocation that Polyani and others describe, triggered natural counter-movements in efforts to re-embed the economy in society. These counter-movements, that included, for example, the 3893:
be achieved by having a public body, designated the Bureau of Public Ownership (BPO), owning the shares of publicly listed firms without affecting market-based allocation of capital inputs. Yunker termed this model pragmatic market socialism because it does not require massive changes to society and would leave the existing management system intact, and would be at least as efficient as modern-day capitalism while providing superior social outcomes as public ownership of large and established enterprises would enable profits to be distributed among the entire population in a
2773: 3307:(and therefore indirectly for use). "Production under socialism would be directly and solely for use. With the natural and technical resources of the world held in common and controlled democratically, the sole object of production would be to meet human needs." Goods and services would be produced for their usefulness, or for their use-value, eliminating the need for market-induced needs to ensure a sufficient amount of demand for products to be sold at a profit. Production in a socialist economy is therefore "planned" or "coordinated", and does not suffer from the 4702:. Some western observers note that the private sector is likely underestimated by state officials in calculation of GDP due to its propensity to ignore small private enterprises that are not registered. Most of the state and private sectors of economy are governed by free market practices, including a stock exchange for trading equity. The free-market is the arbitrator for most economic activity, which is left to the management of both state and private firms. A significant amount of privately owned firms exist, especially in the consumer service sector. 3042:: inherent to capitalism is the incessant drive to accumulate as a response to the competitive forces acting upon all capitalists. In such a context the accumulated wealth which is the source of the capitalist's social power derives itself from being able to repeat the circuit of money→commodity→money, where the capitalist receives an increment or "surplus value" higher than their initial investment, as rapidly and efficiently as possible. Moreover, this driving imperative leads capitalism to its expansion on a worldwide scale. 3884:. According to Nove, this model of socialism is "feasible" because it can be realized within the lifetime of anyone living today. It involves a combination of publicly owned and centrally directed enterprises for large-scale industries, autonomous publicly owned enterprises, consumer and worker-owned cooperatives for the majority of the economy, and private ownership for small businesses. It is a market-based mixed economy that includes a substantial role for macroeconomic interventionism and indicative economic planning. 1497: 3446: 3127: 3415:
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society.
labour force a year according to employment data during the 1970s and 1980s in Central and Eastern Europe and the USSR. Labour exchanges were established in the USSR in 1967 to help enterprises re-allocate workers and provide information on job vacancies. Compulsory unemployment insurance schemes operated in Bulgaria, Eastern Germany and Hungary but the numbers claiming support as a result of losing their job through no fault of their own numbered a few hundred a year.
3381: 8160:, Tables 27 and 47; figures are for 1992–94. The world average is 1,490 students per 100,000 people and 60 percent for the gross enrolment ratio, combining all levels of education. Countries with a high intake at tertiary level to technical and vocational education such as Western Germany (2,320) had a similar ratio of university students to the socialist countries, reflecting a higher proportion of manufacturing and construction in their economies. 3435: 3062:
course of its development capitalism was at the same time developing the preconditions for its own negation. However, although the objective conditions for change are generated by the capitalist system itself, the subjective conditions for social revolution can only come about through the apprehension of the objective circumstances by the agents themselves and the transformation of such understanding into an effective revolutionary program.
4447:. The importing country pledged to rely on the exporting country for its consumption of the product in question. Production specialization occurred in engineering, automotive, chemicals, computers and automation, telecommunications and biotechnology. Scientific and technical cooperation between CMEA member states was facilitated by the establishment in 1969 of the International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information in Moscow. 4000: 3567: 2899: 2404: 9065:. "Sweden, Great Britain, and France have mixed economies, sometimes referred to as democratic socialism—an economic and political system that combines private ownership of some of the means of production, governmental distribution of some essential goods and services, and free elections. For example, government ownership in Sweden is limited primarily to railroads, mineral resources, a public bank, and liquor and tobacco operations." 51: 5430: 2355: 5416: 1509: 1480: 2958: 4539:" or "repressed inflation". Prices on the black market were several times higher than in the official price-controlled outlets, reflecting the scarcity and possible illegality of the sale of these items. Therefore, although consumer welfare was reduced by shortages, the prices households paid for their regular consumption were lower than would have been the case had prices been set at market-clearing levels. 4202:
determined on the basis of the costs of inputs, a method derived from the labour theory of value. Prices did not therefore incentivize production enterprises, whose inputs were instead purposely rationed by the central plan. This "taut planning" began around 1930 in the Soviet Union and only became attenuated after the economic reforms in 1966–1968, when enterprises were encouraged to make profits.
3481:, and was based on a highly bureaucratic administration of the entire economy in accordance to a comprehensive plan formulated by a central planning agency, which specified output requirements for productive units and tried to micromanage the decisions and policies of enterprises. The command economy is based on the organizational model of a capitalist firm, but applies it to the entire economy. 3377:
and its satellites, it was the State which controlled and managed almost all of the economy as a single huge enterprise. Furthermore, the products that were manufactured in Soviet-type economies were not produced directly for use, given the fact that all of them were sold to the public at below-market prices (i.e. they were sold in deficit to satisfy the needs of the population).
4922:, it did not abolish private property in capital. India proceeded by nationalizing various large privately run firms, creating state-owned enterprises and redistributing income through progressive taxation in a manner similar to social democratic Western European nations than to planned economies such as the Soviet Union or China. Today, India is often characterized as having a 4223:
apply for and quit jobs freely in the Soviet Union. The use of market mechanisms went furthest in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. From 1975, Soviet citizens had the right to engage in private handicraft; collective farmers could raise and sell livestock privately from 1981. Households were free to dispose of their income as they chose, and incomes were lightly taxed.
3026:: Marx adapted previous value-theory to show that in capitalism phenomena involved with the price system (markets, competition, supply and demand) constitute a powerful ideology that obscures the underlying social relations of capitalist society. "Commodity fetishism" refers to this distortion of appearance. The underlying social reality is one of economic exploitation. 4065:. In a centrally planned economy, decisions regarding the quantity of goods and services to be produced are planned in advance by a planning agency. In the early years of Soviet central planning, the planning process was based upon a selected number of physical flows with inputs mobilized to meet explicit production targets measured in natural or technical units. This 4518:
automotive and nuclear power sectors, leaving the traditional heavy industries dependent upon older technologies. Despite the rhetoric about modernization, innovation remained weak as enterprise managers preferred routine production that was easier to plan and brought them predictable bonuses. Embargoes on high technology exports organized through the US-supported
3517:, attempt to apply the labor theory of value to socialism, so that the price of a good or service is adjusted to equal the amount of labor time expended in its production. The labor-time expended by each worker would correspond to labor credits, which would be used as a currency to acquire goods and services. Market socialists that base their models on 6712:
hand, nothing can pass to the ownership of individuals, except individual means of consumption. But as far as the distribution of the latter among the individual producers is concerned, the same principle prevails as in the exchange of commodity equivalents: a given amount of labor in one form is exchanged for an equal amount of labor in another form."
2979:", would stand as the branching point in economic theory. In one direction went those who rejected the capitalist system as fundamentally anti-social, arguing that it could never be harnessed to effectively realize the fullest development of human potentialities wherein "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all". 4856:. There are a number of different models of trade union protection which evolved, but they all guarantee the right of workers to form unions, negotiate benefits and participate in strikes. Germany appointed union representatives at high levels in all corporations and had much less industrial strife than the United Kingdom, whose laws encouraged 4501:
to live in communal apartments according to the 1989 census. Housing was generally of good quality in both the CEE/CIS region and in the OECD countries: 98 and 99 percent of the population in the OECD countries had access to safe drinking water and improved sanitation respectively, compared to 93 and 85 percent in the CEE/CIS area by 1990.
believed that even if markets and private property could be tamed so as not to be excessively "exploitative", or crises could be effectively mitigated, capitalist social relations would remain significantly unjust and anti-democratic, suppressing universal human needs for fulfilling, empowering and creative work, diversity and solidarity.
4125:. While they dispensed almost entirely with private ownership over the means of production, workers still effectively received a wage for their labour. Some believe that according to Marxist theory this should have been a step towards a genuine workers' state. However, some Marxists consider this a misunderstanding of Marx's views on 2647:. Socialists disagree about the degree to which social control or regulation of the economy is necessary; how far society should intervene and whether government, particularly existing government, is the correct vehicle for change are issues of disagreement. The goal of socialist economics is to neutralize capital, or in the case of 3770:
opposed to the market or private property and instead they try to ameliorate the effects of capitalism through a welfare state which relies on the market as the fundamental coordinating entity in the economy and a degree of public ownership/public provision of public goods in an economy otherwise dominated by private enterprise.
3357:. As a result, some socialist movements have argued that said economies were not socialist due to the lack of equal power-relations in the workplace, the presence of a new "elite", and because of the commodity production that took place in these economies. These economic and social systems have been classified as being either " 5086:, have existed within the broader context of the capitalist mode of production since the Paris Commune. New forms of socialist institutional arrangements began to take form at the end of the 20th century with the advancement and proliferation of the internet and other tools that allow for collaborative decision-making. 4615:
all the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the government decided against restoration or compensation on the grounds that too much time had elapsed and in many cases compensation had already been made through bilateral treaties between the USSR and foreign governments representing the former owners.
per person was estimated at $ 6,162. This compared to the US with $ 20,651 and $ 16,006 for Germany in the same year. For the OECD area as a whole estimated GDP per person was $ 14,385. Thus, on the basis of IMF estimates, national income (GDP) per person in the CEE/CIS area was 43 percent of that in the OECD area.
4412:, an international body set up to promote economic development. It involved joint planning activity, the establishment of international economic, scientific and technical bodies and methods of cooperation between state agencies and enterprises, including joint ventures and projects. Allied to the CMEA were the 2866:
advocated a society in which people were ranked according to their capacities and rewarded according to their work. This was accompanied by a desire to implement a rationally organized economy based on planning and geared towards large-scale scientific and material progress, which embodied a desire for a semi-
Full Text. From the Preamble: "On 2 July 1976, the National Assembly of reunified Vietnam decided to change the country's name to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; the country entered a period of transition to socialism, strove for national construction, and unyieldingly defended its frontiers while
The Paris Commune was considered to be a prototype mode of economic and political organization for a future socialist society by Karl Marx. Private property in the means of production was abolished so that individuals and co-operative associations of producers owned productive property and introduced
Over the course of the 1980s it became clear that the CMEA area was "in crisis", although it remained viable economically and was not expected to collapse. The "extensive" growth model was retarding growth in the CMEA as a whole, with member countries dependent upon supplies of raw materials from the
were often paid in kind). Licensed markets operated in every town and city borough where non-state-owned enterprises (such as cooperatives and collective farms) were able to offer their products and services. From 1956 and 1959 onwards, all wartime controls over manpower were removed and people could
The American economist James Yunker detailed a model where social ownership of the means of production is achieved the same way private ownership is achieved in modern capitalism through the shareholder system that separates management functions from ownership. Yunker posits that social ownership can
and self-governance, with equal power-relations in the workplace to maximize occupational autonomy. A socialist form of organization would eliminate controlling hierarchies so that only a hierarchy based on technical knowledge in the workplace remains. Every member would have decision-making power in
Crises: Marx identified natural and historically specific (i.e. structural) barriers to accumulation that were interrelated and interpenetrated one another in times of crises. Different types of crises, such as realization crises and overproduction crises, are expressions of capitalism's inability to
was the first individual to coin the term "socialism". Saint-Simon was fascinated by the enormous potential of science and technology, which led him to advocate a socialist society that would eliminate the disorderly aspects of capitalism and which would be based upon equal opportunities. Saint-Simon
appeared in mature form as a result of the problems raised when an industrial factory system requiring long-term investment and entailing corresponding risks was introduced into an internationalized commercial (mercantilist) framework. Historically speaking, the most pressing needs of this new system
have roots in pre-capitalist institutions such as the religious communes, reciprocal obligations and communal charity of medieval Europe, the development of its economic theory primarily reflects and responds to the monumental changes brought about by the dissolution of feudalism and the emergence of
Full Text. From Article 5: "The Communist Party of Cuba, a follower of Martí's ideas and of Marxism–Leninism, and the organized vanguard of the Cuban nation, is the highest leading force of society and of the state, which organizes and guides the common effort toward the goals of the construction of
Full Text. Part 1: "Here, obviously, the same principle prevails as that which regulates the exchange of commodities, as far as this is exchange of equal values. Content and form are changed, because under the altered circumstances no one can give anything except his labor, and because, on the other
A society may be defined as socialist if the major part of the means of production of goods and services is in some sense socially owned and operated, by state, socialized or cooperative enterprises. The practical issues of socialism comprise the relationships between management and workforce within
economy that combines economic planning with the free market. While government-linked companies generate a majority of Singapore's GDP, moderate state planning in the economy has been reduced in recent decades. Nonetheless, while being the most right-wing of the Singaporean parties, the PAP has been
which generate 60% of Singapore's GDP. Temasek Holdings operates like any other company in a market economy. Managers of the holding are rewarded according to profits with the explicit intention to cultivate an ownership mindset. The state also provides substantial public housing, free education and
which initially adopted a Leninist approach to politics and a broad socialist model of economic development. Originally, there was also infighting between moderates and radicals, including a left-wing and communist wing in the party which saw many imprisoned. The socialist policies practised the PAP
By 1988, GDP per person, measured at purchasing power parity in US dollars, was $ 7,519 in Russia and $ 6,304 for the USSR. The highest income was to be found in Slovenia ($ 10,663) and Estonia ($ 9,078) and the lowest in Albania ($ 1,386) and Tajikistan ($ 2,730). Across the whole CEE/CIS area, GDP
On housing the main problem was over-crowding rather than homelessness in the socialist planned economies. In the USSR the area of residential accommodation was 15.5 square meters per person by 1990 in urban areas but 15 percent of the population were without their own separate accommodation and had
By the 1980s, the world economic socialist system embraced one-third of the world's population but generated no more than 15 percent of global economic output. At its height in the mid-1980s, the world socialist system could be said to comprise the following countries with a "socialist orientation",
East Asian model, or socialist market economy, based on a largely free-market, capital accumulation for profit and substantial private ownership along with state-ownership of strategic industries monopolised by a single political party. János Kornai ultimately leaves the classification of this model
Classical and Marxist conception, where socialism is a stage of economic development in which wage labour, private property in the means of production and monetary relations have been made redundant through the development of the productive forces, so that capital accumulation has been superseded by
remains unresolved within said socialist movements. However, other socialist movements defend the systems that were in place in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, remembering, as said above, that public ownership of the means of production can signify many variants. In the case of the Soviet Union
As Polanyi noted, these counter-movements were mostly reactive and therefore not full-fledged socialist movements. Some demands went no further than a wish to mitigate the capitalist market's worst effects. Later, a full socialist program developed, arguing for systemic transformation. Its theorists
The neoclassical view is that there is a lack of incentive, not a lack of information in a planned economy. They argue that within a socialist planned economy there is a lack of incentive to act on information. Therefore, the crucial missing element is not so much information as the Austrian School
initially refused to join a popular front electoral alliance and abstention by CNT supporters led to a right wing election victory. In 1936, the CNT changed its policy and anarchist votes helped bring the popular front back to power. Months later, the former ruling class responded with an attempted
with a growing private sector engaged primarily in commodity production and light industry. Centralized directive planning based on mandatory output requirements and production quotas has been superseded by the free-market mechanism for most of the economy and directive planning is utilized in some
and private property rights were re-established. In several countries property was restored to its former owners or their legal successors. If the actual property could not be returned the former owners received compensation. This occurred in Eastern Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Estonia. In
I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate (the) grave evils (of capitalism), namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
Socialization and the pre-conditions for social revolution: by socializing the labour process, concentrating workers into urban settings in large-scale production processes and linking them in a worldwide market, the agents of a potential revolutionary change are created. Thus Marx felt that in the
In the USSR in the late 1980s the system was normally referred to as the 'administrative-command economy'. What was fundamental to this system was not the plan but the role of administrative hierarchies at all levels of decision making; the absence of control over decision making by the population
regarding wage and business income, wealth, inheritance, capital gains and property. On the spending side, a set of social policies typically provides free access to public services such as education, health care and child care, while subsidized access to housing, food, pharmaceutical goods, water
of state institutions. 150 state-owned enterprises remain and report directly to the central government, most having a number of subsidiaries. By 2008, these state-owned corporations had become increasingly dynamic largely contributing to the increase in revenue for the state. The state-sector led
embraced a socialist planned economy after the Communist victory in its Civil War. Private property and private ownership of capital were abolished, and various forms of wealth made subject to state control or to workers' councils. The Chinese economy broadly adopted a similar system of production
Unemployment did not exist officially in the socialist planned economies, though there were people between jobs and a fraction of unemployable people as a result of illness, disability or other problems, such as alcoholism. The proportion of people changing jobs was between 6 and 13 percent of the
strongly affirm the classical liberal ideas of self-ownership and free markets, while maintaining that, taken to their logical conclusions, these ideas support strongly anti-corporatist, anti-hierarchical, pro-labor positions and anti-capitalism in economics and anti-imperialism in foreign policy.
and their economic reforms. While these policies and reforms did not change the fundamental aspect of capitalism and non-socialist elements within these countries supported or often implemented many of these reforms themselves, the result has been a set of economic institutions that were at least
where a major percentage of GDP comes from the state sector such as in Norway which ranks among the highest countries in quality of life and equality of opportunity for its citizens. Elements of these efforts persist throughout Europe, even if they have repealed some aspects of public control and
Proponents of this model distinguish themselves from market socialists who believe that economic planning is unattainable, undesirable or ineffective at distributing goods, viewing the market as the solution rather than a temporary phase in development of a socialist planned economy. This type of
Under conditions of "taut planning", the economy was expected to produce a volume of output higher than the reported capacity of enterprises and there was no "slack" in the system. Enterprises faced a resource constraint and hoarded labour and other inputs and avoided sub-contracting intermediate
From the 1960s onwards, CMEA countries, beginning with East Germany, attempted "intensive" growth strategies, aiming to raise the productivity of labour and capital. However, in practice this meant that investment was shifted towards new branches of industry, including the electronics, computing,
Data collected by the United Nations of indicators of human development in the early 1990s show that a high level of social development was achieved in the former socialist planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS). Life expectancy in the
Other countries with privileged affiliation with the CMEA included Algeria, Benin, Burma, Congo, Finland, Madagascar, Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, Seychelles, Syria, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. The Soviet Union also provided substantial economic aid and technical assistance to developing countries including
the firm and would be able to participate in establishing its overall policy objectives. The policies/goals would be carried out by the technical specialists that form the coordinating hierarchy of the firm, who would establish plans or directives for the work community to accomplish these goals.
Commons-based peer production bears a close family resemblance to the familiar vision of socialism sketched in the first paragraph of this chapter…In commons-based peer production a critical mass of inputs, and all outputs, are distributed within information networks as free goods rather than as
began from 2006 to encourage co-operatives, worker-ownership and self-employment in a move to reduce the central role of state enterprise and state management within the economy, with the goal of building a "deeper" or more co-operative form of socialism. By 2018, there were 429 co-operatives in
On the other side of the argument, economists contend that no surplus value was generated from labour activity or from commodity markets in the socialist planned economies; they therefore claim that there was no exploiting class, even if inequalities existed. Since prices were controlled and set
introduced central planning with five- (or six-) year plans on the Soviet model by 1951. The common features included the nationalization of industry, transport and trade, compulsory procurement in farming (but not collectivization) and government monopolies on foreign trade. Prices were largely
production quotas for every productive unit. A farm, mine or factory was judged on the basis of whether its production met the quota. It would be provided with a quota of the inputs it needed to start production, and then its quota of output would be taken away and given to downstream production
The distribution system became more unequal as price controls on necessities were removed fuelling the growth of poverty among people on fixed incomes such as pensioners and the unemployed. Redistributive measures through taxation and social safety nets proved unable to counteract the growth of
Marxist–Leninist conception which includes a form of political organisation based on control of the means of production and government by a single political party apparatus that claims to act in the interest of the working class and an ideology hostile toward markets and political dissent, with
in the 20th century such as in Sweden. Many different proposals for socialist economic systems call for a type of mixed economy, where multiple forms of ownership over the means of production co-exist with one another. Alternatively, a mixed economy may also be a socialist economy that allows a
world-system. It is a world-economy and it is by definition capitalist in form. Socialism involves the creation of a new kind of world-system, neither a redistributive world-empire nor a capitalist world-economy but a socialist world-government. I don't see this projection as being in the least
and reasoned that the equilibrium value of commodities approximated producer prices when those commodities were in elastic supply, and that these producer prices corresponded to the embodied labor. The Ricardian socialists viewed profit, interest and rent as deductions from this exchange-value.
or another during the 20th century. These include Britain (mixed economy and welfare state) from 1945 to 1979, France (state capitalism and indicative planning) from 1945 to 1982 under dirigisme, Sweden (social democratic welfare state) and Norway (state social democratic mixed economy) to the
which defines socialism as a set of values rather than a specific type of social and economic organisation. It includes unconditional support for parliamentary democracy, gradual and reformist attempts to establish socialism and support for socially progressive causes. Social democrats are not
ocialism would function without capitalist economic categories—such as money, prices, interest, profits and rent—and thus would function according to laws other than those described by current economic science. While some socialists recognised the need for money and prices at least during the
from nationalized industries for the overall national good, the ability to direct producers to social rather than market goals and greater control of the industries by and for the workers as well as the benefits and burdens of publicly funded research and development are extended to the wider
Trade between CMEA member states was divided into "hard goods" and "soft goods". The former could be sold on world markets and the latter could not. Commodities such as food, energy products and raw materials tended to be hard goods and were traded within the CMEA area at world market prices.
levels, there was no element of value added at the point of sale - as occurs in capitalist market economies. Prices were built up from the average cost of inputs, including wages, taxes, interest on stocks and working capital as well as allowances to cover the recoupment of investment and for
believed that central planners, regardless of their intellectual capacity, operated without the input and participation of the millions of people who participate in the economy and understand the local conditions and rapid changes in the economy. Therefore, central planners would be unable to
Especially before the 1930s, many socialists and anti-socialists implicitly accepted some form of the following for the incompatibility of state-owned industry and factor markets. A market transaction is an exchange of property titles between two independent transactors. Thus internal market
A decade after Taiwan made its democratic transition, the KMT's Leninist control model has yet to fade from the decision-making process. In short, both China's and Taiwan's state capitalism have their roots in the Leninist legacy. To be specific, Taiwan's state capitalism has experienced a
4842:. Unlike private insurance, governmental schemes are based on public statutes and not contracts, so that contributions and benefits may change in time and are based on solidarity among participants. Its funding is done on an ongoing basis, without direct relationship with future liabilities. 5703:
exchanges cease when all of industry is brought into the ownership of a single entity, whether the state or some other organization , the discussion applies equally to any form of social or community ownership, where the owning entity is conceived as a single organization or administration.
Markets became the dominant coordination mechanism following price liberalization and the de-control of foreign trade that permitted more or less unrestricted importation of goods in 1990/92. Queues at retail outlets disappeared as did hoarded inventories at factories. Stock exchanges were
The organizational forms prevailing in the socialist planned economies were restructured by breaking up vertically integrated industrial and agricultural concerns and closing non-viable undertakings. The hardening of enterprise budget constraints was more significant in driving industrial
In the early 1950s all states with a ruling Communist Party had adopted a homogeneous economic mechanism - thet of the USSR. By 1951 each of the seven states ruled by Communist Parties in Europe had adopted five- (or six-) year plans on the Soviet model with similar apparatus for their
region of Spain, organizes itself as an employee-owned, employee-managed enterprise. Similar styles of decentralized management which embrace cooperation and collaboration in place of traditional hierarchical management structures have been adopted by various private corporations such as
Within this context, socialism has undergone four periods: the first in the 19th century was a period of utopian visions (1780s–1850s); then occurred the rise of revolutionary socialist and communist movements in the 19th century as the primary opposition to the rise of corporations and
presiding over centrally planned economies began introducing reforms that shifted their economies away from centralized planning. In Central and Eastern Europe and the USSR the transition from a planned economy to a market economy was accompanied by the transformation of the socialist
5610:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 8. "What else does a socialist economic system involve? Those who favor socialism generally speak of social ownership, social control, or socialization of the means of production as the distinctive positive feature of a socialist economic system." 4673:
saw a remarkably large-scale experiment with rapid collectivisation of agriculture and other ambitious goals. Results were less than expected (e.g. there were food shortages and mass starvation) and the program was abandoned after three years. In the common program set up by the
perspective which states that a socialist planned economy can only be possible after first establishing the necessary comprehensive commodity market economy, letting it fully develop until it exhausts its historical stage and gradually transforms itself into a planned economy.
In recent decades, China has opened its economy to foreign investment and to market-based trade, and has continued to experience strong economic growth. It has carefully managed the transition from a socialist planned economy to a market economy, officially referred to as the
substantial role for private enterprise and contracting within a dominant economic framework of public ownership. This can extend to Soviet-type planned economies that have been reformed to incorporate a greater role for markets in the allocation of factors of production.
6649:"But there has always been a market-oriented strand of libertarian socialism that emphasizes voluntary cooperation between producers. And markets, properly understood, have always been about cooperation. As a commenter at Reason magazine's Hit&Run blog, remarking on 4522:
arrangement hampered technology transfer. Enterprise managers also ignored inducements to introduce labour-saving measures as they wished to retain a reserve of personnel to be available to meet their production target by working at top speed when supplies were delayed.
4210:, including the rapid expansion of universal education and health care, urban development with mass good-quality housing, and industrial development of all regions of the country. Nevertheless, markets continued to exist in Soviet-type planned economies. Even after the 4534:
As the supply of consumer goods failed to match rising incomes (because workers still received their pay even if they were not fully productive), household savings accumulated, indicating, in the official terminology, "postponed demand". Western economists called this
Walrasian and market socialist which defines socialism as public-ownership or cooperative-enterprises in a market economy, with prices for producer goods set through a trial-and-error method by a central planning board. In this view, socialism is defined in terms of
4319:), to a bureaucratic elite based on hierarchical and centralized powers of authority as well as to the lack of genuine worker control over the means of production. Such factors lead them to conclude that Soviet economies were not socialist, but examples either of 3049:
Centralization: the interacting forces of competition, endemic crises, intensive and extensive expansion of the scale of production, and a growing interdependency with the state apparatus, all promote a strong developmental tendency towards the centralization of
3742:. Economic planning in this definition means conscious allocation of economic inputs and the means of production by the associated producers to directly maximise use-values as opposed to exchange-values, in contrast to the "anarchy of production" of capitalism. 4678:
in 1949, in effect the country's interim constitution, state capitalism meant an economic system of corporatism. It provided as follows: "Whenever necessary and possible, private capital shall be encouraged to develop in the direction of state capitalism".
Various scholars and political economists have criticized the claim that the centrally-planned economy - and specifically the Soviet model of economic development - constitutes a form of socialism. They argue that the Soviet economy was structured upon the
5183:. Unlike Mondragon, Cisco remains firmly under private ownership. More fundamentally, employee-owned, self-managed enterprises still operate within the broader context of capitalism and are subject to the accumulation of capital and profit-loss mechanism. 5298:
estimated that about eight million people participated directly or at least indirectly in the Spanish Revolution which he claimed "came closer to realizing the ideal of the free stateless society on a vast scale than any other revolution in history".
The public choice mechanism was overhauled to rescind the communist party's leading role and introduce a liberal constitution entrenching civil rights and representative democracy in almost all transition economies except Belarus, Turkmenistan and
5118:, has been cited as a template for how socialism might operate. This is understood by some as a modern example of what the Paris Commune—a template for possible future organization—was to Marx in his time. Others, like Stefan Meretz, believe that 3057:
of labour, typically by revolutionizing technology and production techniques, capitalism develops so as to progressively reduce the objective need for work, suggesting the potential for a new era of creative forms of work and expanded scope for
full employment. Every worker was ensured employment. However workers were generally not directed to jobs. The central-planning administration adjusted relative wages rates to influence job choice in accordance with the outlines of the current
specifically capitalist social relations. As such it is commonly regarded as a movement belonging to the modern era. Many socialists have considered their advocacy as the preservation and extension of the radical humanist ideas expressed in
generally involves production with no aim to profit directly, but freely contribute to a project relying upon an open common pool of resources. Production is carried out directly for use— ex. open source software is produced solely for its
manifests that "a notable contribution to the activities of the Commune and particularly to the organization of public services was made by members of various anarchist factions, including the mutualists Courbet, Longuet, and Vermorel, the
Socialism can be divided into market socialism and planned socialism based on their dominant mechanism of resource allocation. Another distinction can be made between the type of property structures of different socialist systems (public,
to a capitalist mode of production. In Asia (China, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam) and in Cuba market mechanisms were introduced by the ruling communist parties and the planning system was reformed without systemic transformation.
6970: 5100:
to the capitalist economy that is based on collaborative self-management, common ownership of resources, and the (direct) production of use-values through the free cooperation of producers who have access to distributed capital.
in which publicly owned, employee-managed production units engage in free-market exchanges of goods and services with one another as well as with final consumers, e.g. mid-20th-century Yugoslavia. Two more theoretical models are
schemes where workers contribute to a mandatory public insurance program. The insurance typically include monetary provisions for retirement pensions and survivor benefits, permanent and temporary disabilities, unemployment and
established between 1990 and 1995. Anti-monopoly legislation was introduced. As workers lost their jobs or found their wages unpaid, informal labour markets sprang up along certain streets, particularly for construction trades.
6653:'s link to the Kelly article, put it: "every trade is a cooperative act." In fact, it's a fairly common observation among market anarchists that genuinely free markets have the most legitimate claim to the label 'socialism.'". 4491:
Every citizen had a right in practice to take part in discussing and solving any problems in the life of the enterprise, region, republic and the country they lived in, including the rights to free speech, of assembly and to
2994:, seeking to be a comprehensive logical description of production, consumption, and finance in relation to morality and the state. The work of philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and economics includes the following topics: 3856:. This model shares many similarities with the model of socialist self-management in that employees own and direct their enterprises, but places a greater role on democratically elected management within a market economy. 5033:
includes a number of state-owned enterprises, but the Taiwanese state's role in the economy shifted from that of an entrepreneur to a minority investor in companies alongside the democratization agenda of the late 1980s.
3830:, self-managing and cooperative aspect of socialism. Members of cooperative firms are relatively free to manage their own affairs and work schedules. This model was developed most extensively by the Yugoslav economists 5049:
democratic measures where elected officials received no more in compensation than the average worker and could be recalled at any time. Anarchists also participated actively in the establishment of the Paris Commune.
that privately owned enterprises that generate about 33% (People's Daily Online 2005) to over 50% of GDP in 2005, with a BusinessWeek article estimating 70% of GDP, a figure that might be even greater considering the
tradition, and that market anarchists can and should call themselves "socialists." See Gary Chartier, "Advocates of Freed Markets Should Oppose Capitalism," "Free-Market Anti-Capitalism?" session, annual conference,
The decision-making system was de-centralized through the ending of central planning and the privatization of enterprises. Work collectives and trade unions lost much of their influence in enterprise decision-making.
from the working class by the planning agency in order to reinvest this surplus into the economy and to distribute to managers and senior officials, indicating the Soviet Union and other Soviet-style economies were
The incentive system was modified by the legalization of private enterprise and alteration to employment laws. A large informal sphere developed estimated at comprising 21 to 30 percent of official calculations of
9027:. Retrieved 14 June 2020. "If we were to extend the definition of socialism to include Labor Britain or socialist Sweden, there would be no difficulty in refuting the connection between capitalism and democracy." 3207:
with production and consumption based on the guiding principle: "from each according to ability, to each according to need". Unlike mutualism, collectivist anarchism and Marxism, anarcho-communism as defended by
Socialist systems are those regimes based on the economic and political theory of socialism, which advocates public ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources.
from a socialist planned economy to a capitalist market economy in Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and Mongolia in the 1990s involved a series of institutional changes. These included:
4417: 5732:
transition from capitalism to socialism, socialists more commonly believed that the socialist economy would soon administratively mobilise the economy in physical units without the use of prices or money.
According to communist doctrine, planning had the stated purpose of enabling the people - through the communist party and state institutions - to undertake activities that would have been frustrated by a
that holds that when labor or its product is sold, in exchange, it ought to receive goods or services embodying "the amount of labor necessary to produce an article of exactly similar and equal utility".
4369:'s constitution states that Vietnam only entered a transition stage between capitalism and socialism after the country was re-unified under the Communist party in 1976, and the 1992 Constitution of the 7257:
implementation, notably nationalisation of industry, transport and trade, compulsory procurement in farming (collectivisation had, however, only barely begun) and the monopolisation of foreign trade.
3118:. Integral to the scheme was the establishment of a mutual-credit bank that would lend to producers at a minimal interest rate, just high enough to cover administration. Mutualism is based on a 8977: 3276:
utopian but I also don't feel its institution is imminent. It will be the outcome of a long social struggle in forms that may be familiar and perhaps in very few forms, that will take place in
3032:: workers are the fundamental creative source of new value. Property relations affording the right of usufruct and despotic control of the workplace to capitalists are the devices by which the 5025:
Taiwan's economy has been classified as a state capitalist system influenced by its Leninist model of political control, with some Taiwanese economists referring to Taiwan's economy model as
7473: 6019: 3694:
Public enterprise participatory planning, an economy featuring social ownership of the means of production with allocation based on an integration of decentralized democratic planning, e.g.
is an incomplete work of economic theory; he had planned four volumes but completed two and left his collaborator Engels to complete the third. In many ways, the work is modelled on Smith's
7414: 3165:' salaries would be determined in democratic organizations based on the amount of time they contributed to production. These salaries would be used to purchase goods in a communal market. 2748:
rebellions, are the incipient socialist movements. Over time such movements gave birth to or acquired an array of intellectual defenders who attempted to develop their ideas in theory.
6614: 3353:, excluding Yugoslavia, were based on bureaucratic, top-down administration of economic directives and micromanagement of the worker in the workplace inspired by capitalist models of 260: 8147:, New York: United Nations Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis, Tables 4 and 20. Data is for 1990. The world average was 58 for every1,000 live births. 4957:
has ownership stakes in many of the country's largest publicly listed companies, owning 37% of the Oslo stockmarket and operates the country's largest non-listed companies including
Public enterprise centrally planned economy in which all property is owned by the state and all key economic decisions are made centrally by the state, e.g. the former Soviet Union.
4413: 9399: 6621:) in maintaining that, because of its heritage and its emancipatory goals and potential, radical market anarchism should be seen—by its proponents and by others—as part of the 4257:. Stalin's formulations of national plans in terms of physical quantity of output was also attributed by Daniels as a source for the stagnant levels of efficiency and quality. 3958:
The "networked information age" has enabled the development and emergence of new forms of organizing the production of value in non-market arrangements that have been termed
9044:. Barkan, Joanne; Brand, Horst; Cohen, Mitchell; Coser, Lewis; Denitch, Bogdan; Fehèr, Ferenc; Heller, Agnès; Horvat, Branko; Tyler, Gus. pp. 96–110. Retrieved 14 June 2020. 5595:
the enterprise, the interrelationships between production units (plan versus markets), and, if the state owns and operates any part of the economy, who controls it and how.
Historical property relations: historical capitalism represents a process of momentous social upheaval where rural masses were separated from the land and ownership of the
9272: 4166: 6811:. "Planning is not equivalent to 'perfect' allocation of resources, nor 'scientific' allocation, nor even 'more humane' allocation. It simply means 'direct' allocation, 5152:
rather than publicly owned by the state. In these organizations, the management was elected directly by the workers in each firm, and were later organized according to
Socialism may be defined as movements for social ownership and control of the economy. It is this idea that is the common element found in the many forms of socialism.
in their countries; on the contrary, they claim to be building and working toward the establishment of socialism in their countries. For example, the preamble to the
4391:, known as the Fundamental Law of Victorious Socialism, embodied the claim that the foundations for socialism had been laid. In 1924 Stalin introduced the theory of 6438:
From Politics Past to Politics Future: An Integrated Analysis of Current and Emergent Paradigms Alan James Mayne Published 1999 Greenwood Publishing Group 316 pages
3161:. Instead, it envisions the means of production being owned collectively and controlled and managed by the producers themselves. Once collectivization takes place, 9329: 2682: 9429:
transformation from 'leviathan as entrepreneur' in the pre-1989 period to 'leviathan as a minority investor' with the agenda of democratization in the late 1980s.
5131: 4148:
allocation of resources, the Soviet bureaucracy determined allocation, particularly of the means of production. The prices that were constructed were determined
8994: 6556:"Communism is based on free consumption of all while collectivism is more likely to be based on the distribution of goods according to the labour contributed. 4988:
during its first few decades in power were of a pragmatic kind as characterized by its rejection of nationalization. Despite this, the PAP was a member of the
9917: 8073: 4675: 2554:
is utilized, the economic system is designated as a socialist planned economy. Non-market forms of socialism usually include a system of accounting based on
and to base distribution on need. As a coherent, modern economic-political philosophy, anarcho-communism was first formulated in the Italian section of the
8793: 6042:. In: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, ed. Neil Smelser and Paul B. Baltes. Amsterdam: Pergamon Press 2002, available for 4807:
of key industries such as mining, oil, steel, energy and transportation. A common model is for a sector to be taken over by the state and then one or more
Proposals for utilizing computer-based coordination and information technology for the coordination and optimization of resource allocation (also known as
3666:, where public and private ownership are mixed and industrial planning is ultimately subordinate to market allocation, e.g. the model generally adopted by 7852: 6436: 4347:
aimed not to introduce socialism (which could only be established on a worldwide scale), but to bring production and the state under the control of the
constructively overcome such barriers. Moreover, the upshot of crises is increased centralization, the expropriation of the many capitalists by the few.
The first advocates of socialism promoted social leveling in order to create a meritocratic or technocratic society based upon individual talent. Count
2385: 8974: 4299:, having not yet transcended the system of capitalism, but being in fact a variation of capitalism based on a process of state-directed accumulation. 6929: 5502:
Socialism, you see, is a bird with two wings. The definition is 'social ownership and democratic control of the instruments and means of production.'
Every citizen had a guaranteed right to work, rest, education, health care, abode and security in old age and maintenance in the event of disability.
utilizes participatory decision making as an economic mechanism to guide the production, consumption and allocation of resources in a given society.
3016:. Moreover, capitalist property relations aggravated the artificial separation between city and country, which is a key factor in accounting for the 8828: 4152:
the formulation of the economy plan, and such prices did not factor into choices about what was produced and how it was produced in the first place.
9121: 7470: 4996:, pointing out its regulation of the private sector, state intervention in the economy and social policies as evidence of this. The prime minister 4576:
with a separation of legislative, executive and judicial authorities and centres of private power that can act as a brake on the state's activity.
7445: 4460: 9307: 3766: 1308: 4488:
Material standards of living were rising steadily and everyone had free access to knowledge and to the values of world and national culture.
8854: 4656: 4583:. This economic system is a form of mixed-economy consisting of state, private, co-operative and individual enterprises coordinated by the 4475:
In the officially sanctioned textbooks describing the socialist planned economies as they existed in the 1980s, it was claimed as follows:
6680: 4895:
that operate according to the laws of capitalism and pursue profits, that have evolved in countries which have been influenced by various
experiments because they universally retained a wage-based economy and private ownership and control of the decisive means of production.
3810:, and management is elected by the workers within each firm. Profits would be distributed among the workers of the respective enterprise. 6907: 6863: 6627: 5766: 1539: 10231: 7824: 5148:. Rather than implementing a centrally planned economy, Yugoslavia developed a market socialist system where enterprises and firms were 4826:, through both tax and spending policies that aim to reduce economic inequalities. Social democracies typically employ various forms of 4757:, a mixed economy in which the state plays a dominant role intended to be a transitional phase in establishment of a socialist economy. 8886: 6955: 6103: 6043: 3319:
stated that "lower-stage communism" would consist of compensation based on the amount of labor one contributes to the social product.
9910: 8754: 5012:
health and recreational services as well as comprehensive public transportation. Today, Singapore is often characterized as having a
8727: 6779: 2596:
As a term, socialist economics may also be applied to the analysis of former and existing economic systems that were implemented in
9506: 6276: 5743:
Lawler, James; Ollman, Bertell; Schweickart, David; Ticktin, Hillel (1998). "The Difference Between Marxism and Market Socialism".
Lawler, James; Ollman, Bertell; Schweickart, David; Ticktin, Hillel (1998). "The Difference Between Marxism and Market Socialism".
5137: 4619:
in which citizens and workers in the enterprises received free or cheap shares was undertaken in most of the transition economies.
is a form of socialism where enterprises are owned and managed by their employees, effectively negating the employer-employee (or
2468: 7384:
Ellman, Michael (2007). "The Rise and Fall of Socialist Planning". In Estrin, Saul; Kołodko, Grzegorz W.; Uvalić, Milica (eds.).
7312: 5936: 2224: 206: 9276: 6560: 2440: 10040: 9751: 8952: 8535:, 1995, London: Royal Institute for International Affairs and Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, p. 126; Marie Lavigne, 4852:
recognition rights for the benefit of workers. The objectives of these policies are to guarantee living wages and help produce
2378: 417: 9037: 8651: 6250: 4451:
Manufactures tended to be soft goods—their prices were negotiable and often adjusted to make bilateral payment flows balance.
9889: 9760: 9664: 9637: 9609: 9581: 7834: 7677: 7393: 7322: 6789: 6479: 6015: 5990: 5969: 5945: 5921: 5587: 5558:
Socialism is an economic system characterized by state or collective ownership of the means of production, land, and capital.
5175: 4388: 3986:
by those affected by the use of the assets involved, with decisions made by those at the most localised level of production.
Various advocates of economic planning have been staunch critics of command economies and centralized planning. For example,
256: 8695: 5204: 4373:
states that the role of the Communist Party is to "guide the common effort toward the goals and construction of socialism".
were an assured supply of the elements of industry (land, elaborate machinery, and labour) and these imperatives led to the
10445: 10349: 9903: 7872: 4351:
of Workers' Deputies. Trotsky himself would weigh the material benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of the
Some socialist critics point to the lack of socialist social relations in Soviet-style economies (specifically the lack of
4211: 4017: 3584: 2916: 2447: 2421: 8810: 8286:, 2013 edition for 1988 GDP per capita at current purchasing power parities and current prices, Retrieved 1 November 2013. 4693:
by some outside observers. The current Chinese economic system is characterized by state ownership combined with a strong
between human beings in capitalism and their natural environment, which is at the root of our current ecological dilemmas.
9480: 6503: 4946:
Modern Norwegian state capitalism has its origins in public ownership of the country's oil reserves and in the country's
adopted a broadly socialist-inspired approach to economic growth. Like other countries with a democratic transition to a
4384: 4104: 9333: 3464:
is a mechanism for the allocation of economic inputs and decision-making based on direct allocation, in contrast to the
10319: 9421: 9228: 9207: 9083: 9062: 8764: 7785: 7104: 7079: 7046: 6064: 5842: 5724: 5695: 5629: 5551: 5523: 4685: 4425: 4112: 3315:
and not to the allocation of goods and services produced for consumption, which would be distributed through a market.
There are today no socialist systems in the world-economy any more than there are feudal systems because there is only
2836: 1813: 4527:
production activities, preferring to retain the work in-house. The enterprise, according to the theory promulgated by
and adoption of socialist or social democratic policies in response (1916–1989); and the response of socialism in the
9833: 9805: 8998: 8612: 8564: 8544: 8496: 8475: 8451: 8431: 8411: 8399: 8387: 8367: 8347: 8335: 8323: 8311: 8244: 8232: 8186: 8165: 8106: 8060: 8039: 8018: 7984: 7697: 7643: 7623: 7298: 7277: 7242: 7180: 7159: 6982: 6446: 6089: 4966: 4754: 4706: 4357: 4039: 3656: 3606: 2938: 2487: 2454: 2371: 1748: 350: 17: 9548:"How Cisco's CEO John Chambers Is Turning the Tech Giant Socialist | Fast Company | Business + Innovation" 10384: 8518:, 1995, London: Royal Institute for International Affairs and Washington DC: The Brookings Institution, pp. 118–27. 6598:
Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power, and Structural Poverty
4572:) with a constitutionally entrenched "leading role" for the communist and workers' parties in society to a liberal 4456: 4309: 4234:
period to represent an abrupt break with Lenin's government in terms of economic planning in which an deliberated,
1444: 1301: 9020: 5647:
Arneson, Richard J. (April 1992). "Is Socialism Dead? A Comment on Market Socialism and Basic Income Capitalism".
4058: 5291: 5272: 4464: 1532: 1488: 9241: 8789: 6635: 2436: 10055: 9186: 9148: 8625:"Modern History Sourcebook: The Common Program of The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, 1949" 7849: 5752: 5673: 4316: 4021: 3962:
along with the negation of ownership and the concept of property in the development of software in the form of
3827: 3684: 3588: 2920: 2828: 2425: 1914: 6392:
Miller, David. 1987. "Mutualism." The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Blackwell Publishing. p. 11
and their followers challenge this view - they claim that socialism was established in the Soviet Union after
10374: 10169: 10080: 10018: 9442: 5119: 5115: 5102: 4771:
Many of the industrialized, open countries of Western Europe experimented with one form of social democratic
4750: 4366: 4078: 4074: 4062: 3959: 3865: 3759: 2804: 2581:
provided comprehensive models of socialism. During the 20th century, proposals and models for both socialist
2359: 2254: 1974: 1964: 1454: 377: 323: 298: 166: 141: 10164: 4811:
set up for its day-to-day running. Advantages of nationalization include the ability of the state to direct
3938:) within an economy have been outlined by various socialists, economists and computer scientists, including 10324: 10277: 9945: 7549: 5369: 5017:
described as centre-left and adopted a left tack in certain areas in order to remain electorally dominant.
The transformation from socialism to capitalism involved a political shift: from a people's democracy (see
3296: 3290: 2284: 1411: 1381: 1356: 437: 241: 98: 9122:"Norway: The rich cousin – Oil makes Norway different from the rest of the region, but only up to a point" 6933: 4283:
economies. More fundamentally, these economies were structured around the dynamic of capitalism, i.e. the
3533:, have proposed that publicly owned enterprises set their price to equal marginal cost, thereby achieving 3338:
by all of society with management and control delegated to those who operate/use the means of production.
1258: 10379: 10294: 10267: 10154: 10085: 10008: 9926: 7194: 6585: 5354: 5227:
Even before the fascist victory in 1939, the anarchists were losing ground in a bitter struggle with the
The main tasks of the CMEA were plan coordination, production specialization and regional trade. In 1961
4429: 4098: 3846: 3510: 3103: 3099: 3095: 2788: 2566: 660: 340: 270: 186: 156: 8832: 3248:, they did not make their differences with collectivist anarchism explicit until after Bakunin's death. 303: 10299: 10287: 9299: 5251:
organizational principles throughout various portions of the country for two to three years, primarily
5192: 4332: 3703: 3366: 3251: 1525: 1313: 1198: 740: 9547: 2589:
were based heavily on neoclassical economics or a synthesis of neoclassical economics with Marxian or
9654: 8927: 4320: 4066: 3358: 2847: 2207: 2135: 1556: 1406: 1078: 221: 201: 6055:
Brown, Susan Love (1997). "The Free Market as Salvation from Government". In Carrier, James G., ed.
6038:. Munich: Elsevier 1980. A concise summary of Kornai's analysis can be found in Verdery, Katherine: 5864: 5007:
Singapore's economy is dominated by state-owned enterprises and government-linked companies through
poverty and, at the other end of the income scale, the emergence of a rich business elite (see also
Material development: as a result of its constant drive to optimize profitability by increasing the
10304: 10221: 10159: 9940: 9723: 8295: 7741: 4984: 4935: 4823: 4660: 4573: 4392: 3652: 1743: 1288: 345: 236: 6705: 6361:
Woodcock, George. Anarchism: A History Of Libertarian Ideas And Movements. Broadview Press. p. 100
3114:, either individually or collectively, with trade representing equivalent amounts of labor in the 10409: 10329: 10226: 10216: 10204: 10194: 9967: 8673: 7522: 6532: 6034:. Princeton: Princeton University Press and Oxford: Oxford University Press 1992; Kornai, János: 4989: 4455:
Egypt, India, Iraq, Iran, Somalia and Turkey. It supported developing countries in calling for a
4284: 4267: 4250: 4249:
had been replaced with a hasty version of planning with unrealistic targets, bureaucratic waste,
4130: 4010: 3929: 3909: 3711: 3577: 3303:, in contrast to a capitalist economic system, where goods and services are produced to generate 2909: 2605: 2590: 2461: 2414: 2309: 2259: 2140: 1868: 1738: 1513: 1464: 1346: 572: 562: 402: 357: 8861: 6138: 5994: 4787:
Nevertheless, these western European countries tried to restructure their economies away from a
the economic recovery process and increased economic growth in 2009 after the financial crises.
3806:. In Schweickart's model, enterprises and natural resources are owned by society in the form of 10209: 10179: 10147: 10090: 10000: 7228: 6684: 6306: 5308: 5145: 5055: 5026: 4891:
Various social democratic mixed economies are state capitalist, consisting of large commercial
4808: 4482:
Unemployment, hunger, poverty, illiteracy and uncertainty about the future had been eliminated.
4227: 4126: 3518: 3146: 3107: 3091: 3029: 2784: 2624: 2578: 2574: 2319: 1718: 1351: 695: 457: 293: 191: 181: 7801: 6870: 5798:
Veblein, Throstein (February 1907). "The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and His Followers".
5773: 1218: 10334: 10282: 10257: 10065: 10045: 8995:"Consistently pursuing the socialist orientation in developing the market economy in Vietnam" 7494:
Wilhelm, John Howard (1985). "The Soviet Union Has an Administered, Not a Planned, Economy".
7071: 7064: 6469: 5288: 5248: 5171: 4616: 4288: 3723: 3699: 3680: 3502: 3312: 3200: 3131: 3119: 2703: 2644: 2543: 2531: 2314: 1959: 1649: 1619: 1604: 1208: 970: 745: 725: 690: 602: 532: 507: 6280: 6232: 3489:
effectively coordinate all economic activity because they lacked this informal information.
10419: 10399: 10339: 10174: 10122: 9741: 8624: 5384: 5329: 4978: 4954: 4827: 4720: 4565: 4344: 4235: 3819: 3788: 3264: 3039: 2976: 2874: 2862: 2711: 2699: 2660: 2620: 2219: 2027: 1924: 1888: 1733: 1666: 1614: 1278: 1178: 1113: 650: 577: 432: 176: 126: 83: 66: 61: 6123: 5141: 3982:
has created a model of coordination called "negotiated coordination", which is based upon
3342: 3311:
inherent to capitalism. In most socialist theories, economic planning only applies to the
8: 10404: 10199: 10132: 10028: 10023: 9990: 6998:
Campbell, Al (March 2002). "Democratic Planned Socialism: Feasible Economic Procedures".
6734: 6403: 5379: 5198: 5079: 5030: 4931: 4923: 4873: 4863: 4781: 4352: 3715: 3695: 3648: 3323: 3221: 3204: 3192: 3158: 3111: 3077: 3072: 3023: 3005: 2844: 2677: 2636: 2612: 2586: 2555: 2515: 2329: 2274: 2269: 2202: 2192: 1878: 1459: 1426: 1386: 1371: 655: 567: 557: 527: 422: 308: 275: 121: 93: 50: 9826:
Left in the Wilderness: The Political Economy of British Democratic Socialism since 1979
9695:. The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics (2nd ed.). Library of Economics and Liberty 9510: 8578: 3449:
Leon Trotsky was among the earliest Soviet figures that supported economic planning and
industrialization (1830–1916); the polarisation of socialism around the question of the
1233: 10450: 10184: 10127: 9385: 8629: 8601:
The institutional framework of privatization and competition in economies in transition
7437: 7015: 6115: 5887: 5852: 5815: 5497:
Upton Sinclair's: A Monthly Magazine: for Social Justice, by Peaceful Means If Possible
5473: 5349: 5344: 5264: 5244: 5221: 5213: 5097: 5083: 4816: 4753:
has pursued similar economic reforms to China, though less extensively, resulting in a
4670: 4596: 4557: 4292: 4215: 4178: 3799: 3688: 3620: 3331: 3330:
by a state apparatus; direct ownership by the users of the productive property through
3304: 3300: 2772: 2764:
era (1970s–present). As socialism developed, so did the socialist system of economics.
2687: 2535: 2527: 2334: 2294: 2165: 2070: 1689: 1671: 1661: 1654: 1449: 1391: 1223: 1148: 920: 900: 885: 735: 640: 497: 477: 462: 412: 392: 370: 211: 146: 34: 5908:, 2, pp. 267–93, trans. as "The Ministry of Production in the Collectivist State", in 4551:
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, many of the remaining
A centrally planned economy combines public ownership of the means of production with
3787:) and on the dominant form of economic management within the economy (hierarchical or 1010: 10394: 10314: 10252: 10245: 10075: 9885: 9829: 9801: 9756: 9688: 9660: 9633: 9605: 9577: 9417: 9372:
Huff, W. G. (December 1995). "What is the Singapore model of economic development?".
9224: 9203: 9182: 9079: 9058: 8880: 8829:"InfoViewer: China's champions: Why state ownership is no longer proving a dead hand" 8760: 8608: 8560: 8540: 8492: 8471: 8447: 8427: 8407: 8395: 8383: 8363: 8343: 8331: 8319: 8307: 8240: 8228: 8182: 8161: 8102: 8056: 8035: 8014: 7980: 7830: 7781: 7693: 7673: 7639: 7619: 7576: 7441: 7389: 7318: 7294: 7273: 7238: 7206: 7176: 7155: 7100: 7075: 7042: 7035: 7019: 6978: 6949: 6785: 6670:
Wallerstein, Immanuel, The Capitalist World-Economy, 1979, Cambridge University Press
6557: 6475: 6442: 6085: 6060: 6011: 5986: 5965: 5941: 5917: 5838: 5748: 5720: 5691: 5688:
From Marx to Mises: Post Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation
5669: 5625: 5583: 5579: 5547: 5519: 5389: 5334: 5240: 5236: 5209: 5001: 4950: 4947: 4869: 4777: 4639: 4536: 4436: 4186: 3850: 3803: 3739: 3538: 3534: 3461: 3425: 3168: 3154: 3140: 2990: 2851: 2840: 2723: 2570: 2551: 2187: 1939: 1919: 1706: 1699: 1694: 1341: 1253: 1158: 1020: 950: 855: 840: 607: 547: 502: 487: 447: 382: 161: 151: 88: 9880: 9692: 9076:
Political Thought and China's Transformation: Ideas Shaping Reform in Post-Mao China
4587:. This system is intended to be transitional stage in the development of socialism. 3651:
while all decisive productive assets remain in the ownership of the state, e.g. the
10262: 9858: 9848: 9625: 9597: 9381: 7503: 7429: 7371: 7367: 7007: 6254: 5807: 5575: 5465: 5435: 5421: 5364: 5280: 5231:, who controlled the distribution of military aid to the Republican cause from the 5013: 5008: 4909: 4892: 4886: 4766: 4733: 4690: 4370: 4348: 4324: 4276: 4194: 4190: 4163:
would either reduce the quota for its production or increase the quota for its use.
4082: 3983: 3853: 3784: 3675: 3640: 3546: 3522: 3514: 3506: 3450: 3438: 3362: 3350: 3335: 3327: 3241: 3233: 3213: 3196: 3188: 3180: 2972: 2676:
societies and some primitive agricultural societies were communal, and called this
2669: 2648: 2547: 2523: 2511: 2507: 2180: 2115: 2100: 2052: 2042: 2036: 2009: 1994: 1765: 1728: 1501: 1484: 1203: 1183: 1103: 1098: 1040: 1000: 990: 955: 875: 850: 820: 805: 800: 775: 720: 705: 612: 587: 517: 472: 442: 330: 318: 246: 231: 171: 136: 9532: 9096: 8900: 8756:
China Since Tiananmen: The Politics of Transition – Joseph Fewsmith – Google Books
János Kornai, ‘’Economics of Shortage’’, Amsterdam: North Holland; Marie Lavigne,
Farber, Samuel (1992). "Before Stalinism: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Democracy".
6829: 5063: 2791:
theorists and the first thinker to refer to himself as an anarchist. Others were:
comprises the economic theories, practices and norms of hypothetical and existing
1283: 945: 675: 10424: 10344: 10189: 10137: 10095: 10013: 9463: 8981: 8797: 8702: 7962:, 1987, Moscow: Progress Publishers, p. 144; Sergei Ilyin and Alexander Motylev, 7876: 7856: 7477: 7293:, 1970, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, pp. 94–95, 107, 111–12, 127, 148, 165 7232: 6618: 6564: 5619: 5495: 5404: 5400: 5395: 5374: 5093: 5059: 5050: 4993: 4896: 4853: 4834: 4804: 4796: 4772: 4699: 4602: 4569: 4552: 4304: 4280: 4182: 4122: 3943: 3894: 3755: 3667: 3644: 3542: 3473: 3429: 3407: 3403: 3389: 3385: 3245: 3209: 3136: 2867: 2832: 2812: 2808: 2776: 2734: 2673: 2640: 2608: 2597: 2582: 2304: 2264: 2229: 2125: 2085: 2080: 2047: 1893: 1873: 1863: 1853: 1838: 1818: 1753: 1639: 1564: 1421: 1416: 1361: 1168: 1128: 960: 930: 915: 865: 835: 770: 710: 670: 592: 582: 482: 226: 216: 8605:
Reconstituting the Market: The political economy of microeconomic transformation
7869: 5957: 4528: 3754:
coordination of economic activity through centralised economic planning, e.g. a
3730: 2873:
Other early socialist thinkers were influenced by the classical economists. The
2601: 9718: 7011: 6761: 6756: 6715: 5491: 5260: 5216:
movement of peasants and workers, supported by armed militias, took control of
5153: 5089: 5078:
Various forms of socialist organization based on co-operative decision making,
4839: 4792: 4710:
large state industries. A major difference from the old planned economy is the
4694: 4584: 4340: 4207: 3947: 3835: 3807: 3629: 3465: 3398: 3308: 3229: 3176: 3150: 3017: 2559: 2289: 2105: 1999: 1843: 1376: 1268: 1238: 1228: 1153: 1123: 1118: 1108: 995: 975: 935: 905: 845: 785: 760: 700: 387: 196: 9895: 9484: 7507: 6328: 6080:(2nd ed.). Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements. 3094:
was involved with the Lyons mutualists and later adopted the name to describe
1273: 10439: 10354: 10309: 10272: 10060: 9950: 9793: 9783: 9765: 9656:
The Anarchist Collectives: Workers' Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution
9569: 8507: 8299: 7433: 7224: 7210: 7147: 5359: 5180: 5067: 5043: 4919: 4857: 4845: 4788: 4711: 4611: 4380: 4271: 4174: 3898: 3831: 3802:
is a model of market socialism primarily developed by the American economist
3663: 3225: 3033: 2878: 2816: 2800: 2719: 2632: 2539: 2339: 2324: 2130: 2120: 2110: 2095: 2075: 2004: 1848: 1770: 1681: 1644: 1634: 1624: 1401: 1396: 1263: 1213: 1193: 1188: 1163: 1138: 1035: 940: 860: 780: 755: 680: 617: 452: 251: 9347: 5456:
Lerner, A. P. (October 1938). "Theory and Practice in Socialist Economics".
also stated that he has been influenced by the democratic socialist British
allocation through political control. In contrast with systems where prices
3726:'s pamphlet "Workers' Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society". 2635:
to socialism, held that there were two schools of socialist thought, namely
685: 10035: 9980: 9746: 6658: 6650: 6610: 6575:
Nunzio Pernicone, "Italian Anarchism 1864–1892", pp. 111–13, AK Press 2009.
The Real Rights of Man: Political Economies for the Working Class 1775–1850
6175: 5878:
Taylor, Fred M. (1929). "The Guidance of Production in a Socialist State".
5324: 5276: 5271:, the figure was as high as 75%, although it was lower in areas with heavy 5232: 4997: 4336: 4296: 4218:
and anyone with a private garden plot were free to sell their own produce (
4198: 4181:, the scholarly consensus was that Stalin appropriated the position of the 4118: 4070: 3707: 3625: 3550: 3485: 3478: 3237: 3217: 3126: 3054: 2998: 2757: 2741: 2214: 2090: 1954: 1949: 1944: 1929: 1883: 1858: 1833: 1828: 1775: 1629: 1143: 1093: 1088: 1073: 1030: 1015: 985: 910: 895: 870: 830: 790: 765: 730: 645: 8306:, 1982, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, pp. 188, 194, 200, 208 7415:"State Capitalism versus Communism: What Happened in the USSR and the PRC" 7355: 3549:
rejected the labor theory of value and exchange value itself, advocated a
provided a foundation for socialism based on analysis of capitalism while
1133: 10070: 9985: 9868: 9838: 9774: 7471:"Socialism Means Abolishing the Distinction Between Bosses and Employees" 7066:
Socialism Revised and Modernized: The Case for Pragmatic Market Socialism
5909: 5904:
Enrico Barone, "Il Ministro della Produzione nello Stato Collettivista",
5295: 5284: 5165: 5149: 4927: 4849: 4737: 4328: 4086: 3967: 3963: 3939: 3935: 3780: 3530: 3526: 3445: 3115: 3013: 3009: 2984: 2952: 2855: 2824: 2796: 2792: 2519: 2279: 2234: 2197: 2175: 2170: 1783: 1758: 1366: 1248: 1083: 1045: 1025: 965: 925: 890: 825: 815: 795: 750: 665: 635: 597: 492: 335: 265: 131: 8257: 8053:
The rise and fall of the Soviet economy: An economic history of the USSR
6209: 6119: 5833:
Roemer, John (1994). "A Brief History of the Idea of Market Socialism".
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
Control over the means of production was removed from the state through
regard mature Soviet systems as neither socialist nor capitalist—but as
clearing goods by planning: if a surplus of a product accumulated, then
10240: 10142: 9975: 9733: 5891: 5819: 5477: 5339: 4812: 4800:
ownership. They are typically characterized by the following features:
4512: 4421: 4376: 4242: 4219: 4024: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 3979: 3823: 3719: 3591: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 3497:
Socialist economic theories base the value of a good or service on its
3380: 3184: 2923: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 2761: 2729: 2616: 1609: 1577: 1336: 1243: 980: 810: 512: 467: 8260:
Stabilization and growth in transition economies: The early experience
8258:"IMF staff estimates in Stanley Fischer, Ratna Sahay and Carlos Vegh, 8199: 7413:
Gabriel, Satya; Resnick, Stephen A.; Wolff, Richard D. (1 July 2008).
Singapore pursued a state-led model of economic development under the
4969:, whose partial objective is to prepare Norway for a post-oil future. 3434: 3341:
Management and control over the activities of enterprises is based on
2877:, such as Thomas Hodgskin and Charles Hall, were based on the work of 10389: 8674:"People's Daily Online – China has socialist market economy in place" 8537:
The Economies of Transition: From socialist economy to market economy
The Economies of Transition: From socialist economy to market economy
The Economies of Transition: From socialist economy to market economy
The Economies of Transition: From socialist economy to market economy
The Economies of Transition: From socialist economy to market economy
The Economies of Transition: From socialist economy to market economy
Comecon: The rise and fall of an international socialist organization
7227:(1989). "Soviet Restructuring in Relation to the Chinese Reform". In 6971:"Chapter 5: Economic Democracy: Why We Need It; 5.7: Ecology, p. 156" 6864:"Why we don't need money | The Socialist Party of Great Britain" 6622: 5268: 5256: 5252: 5228: 5217: 5111: 5107: 4962: 4396: 4362: 4254: 4239: 4231: 3877: 3674:
Public enterprise employee managed market economies, another form of
3498: 3454: 3354: 3316: 3172: 3085: 3081: 2968: 2961: 2665: 2628: 2504: 2299: 1823: 1788: 1723: 1587: 1582: 1331: 1173: 1005: 715: 552: 537: 427: 407: 397: 42: 9800:, 1970 London: World University Library/ Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 9400:"Singapore's rulers hope a nudge to the left will keep voters loyal" 9156: 8557:
Structural Adjustment without Mass Unemployment? Lessons from Russia
Structural Adjustment without Mass Unemployment? Lessons from Russia
8134:, File MORT/7.1. Data for 1985–1990. The world average was 64 years. 6425:
Bakunin Mikail. Bakunin on Anarchism. Black Rose Books. 1980. p. 369
5811: 5469: 5403:
which presented a critique of modern capitalism and advocated for a
3999: 3632:
identify five different economic models within socialist economics:
3566: 3216:
rejected the labor theory of value altogether, instead advocating a
2898: 2403: 10414: 10050: 9738:
Spectres of Capitalism: A Critique of Current Intellectual Fashions
UN Statistics Division, Department of Economic & Social Affairs
4361:.Furthermore, communist states often do not claim to have achieved 3921: 3702:. An incipient historical forebear is that of Catalonia during the 1676: 9853:
The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions
Unemployment in Capitalist, Communist and Post-Communist Economies
8034:, 1992, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University/Transaction, p. xii 6991: 5608:
The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism: A Critical Study
was put under worker control and in anarchist strongholds such as
4470: 4199:
countries with communist governments in Central and Eastern Europe
varies in different socialist theories. It can either be based on
2686:, which was based on the unpublished notes of Marx on the work of 7338: 7124: 4958: 4444: 4409: 4246: 4160: 4108: 3008:
by force, deprivation, and legal manipulation, creating an urban
2820: 2745: 2032: 1808: 1063: 542: 522: 8225:
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Former Soviet Union
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Former Soviet Union
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the former Soviet Union
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the former Soviet Union
and some of its European satellites aimed for a fully centrally-
is a revolutionary doctrine that advocates the abolition of the
2957: 9507:"Free Software and Socialism | World Socialist Party (US)" 6908:"Workers' Councils and the Economics of a Self-Managed Society" 6631: 6630:(Cæsar's Palace, Las Vegas, NV, 13 April 2010); Gary Chartier, 6277:"Karl Marx: The Needs of Capital vs. The Needs of Human Beings" 6104:"Economic Democracy: A Worthy Socialism That Would Really Work" 5429: 5073: 5029:, a legacy which still lingers in the decision-making process. 4440: 3162: 2354: 2160: 1068: 9812:
Economic Theory of Co-operative Enterprises: Selected Readings
9038:"From Sweden to Socialism: A Small Symposium on Big Questions" 8975:
Explainer: The state of Raul Castro's economic reforms in Cuba
8579:"Hiding in the Shadows: The Growth of the Underground Economy" 6654: 5620:
Bertrand Badie; Dirk Berg-Schlosser; Leonardo Morlino (2011).
5415: 1508: 1479: 9881:
The Accumulation of Freedom: Writings on Anarchist Economics.
Beyond Capital, Marx's Political Economy of the Working Class
Driven by Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region
6815:. As such, it is the opposite of market allocation, which is 6632:"Advocates of Freed Markets Should Embrace 'Anti-Capitalism'" 4915: 4741:
Cuba, many of which were previously state-owned enterprises.
quotas and full employment by fiat to the Russian model. The
4665: 4519: 4383:
came to power in the late 1920s and instituted the system of
4260: 3110:, who envisioned a society where each person might possess a 880: 9330:"Negative bonuses for Temasek staff for second year running" 8227:, 1994, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 431, 464 8181:, 1994, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 411, 465 6410: 6371: 5764: 5235:. The events known as the Spanish Revolution was a workers' 4965:. The government also operates a sovereign wealth fund, the 3639:
Public enterprise state-managed market economy, one form of
7583:. Marxism and the Modern World (1). Socialist Workers Party 5125: 5092:
identifies the emergence of the open software movement and
restructuring than privatization according to some studies.
3925: 3370: 313: 8984:, Reuters, published April 2018, accessed 28 December 2018 8652:"Long on China, Short on the United States by Tim Swanson" 8394:, 1982, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, p. 193 8074:"Soviet Union (former) Countries of Socialist Orientation" 6617:, and others (echoing the language of Benjamin Tucker and 6057:
Meanings of the Market: The Free Market in Western Culture
capitalist model. Variations range from social democratic
Class and national oppression had been totally eradicated.
3826:) dynamic of capitalism and emphasizing the opposition to 3471:
Economic planning is not synonymous with the concept of a
2767: 9814:, 1983, The Plunkett Foundation for Co-operative Studies. 7870:
Cubanet – Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, 1992
6735:"What was the USSR? Part I: Trotsky and state capitalism" 6416:
Patsouras, Louis. 2005. Marx in Context. iUniverse. p. 54
6329:"Capitalism and Ecology: The Nature of the Contradiction" 5283:
enactment. Factories were run through worker committees,
in 1936 and resulted in the widespread implementation of
Vietnam adopted an economic model it formally titled the
3139:, influential work which presents the economic vision of 3084:
and economic activity within the political philosophy of
8330:, 1995, London: Macmillan, pp. 52–54, 60–61, 75–76, 248 8262:, April 1996, IMF Working Paper WP/96/31; Table 1, p. 6" 7272:, 1970, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, pp. 172, 222 7125:"Participatory Planning Through Negotiated Coordination" 6032:
The Socialist System. The Political Economy of Communism
The Socialist System: the political economy of communism
supply, waste management and electricity is also common.
The planning system in the Soviet Union developed under
economies, this economic model was also utilized by the
A key early socialist theorist of political economy was
The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
2654: 9630:
The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution
The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution
Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements
Schneider, Friedrich Schneider; Enste, Dominik (2002).
socialism and the progress toward a communist society "
Globalization Unmasked: Imperialism in the 21st Century
6139:"Origin of the Family: In Defence of Engels and Morgan" 5203:
In Spain, the national anarcho-syndicalist trade union
Economy of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
4420:, founded in 1963, which had their counterparts in the 4136:
Characteristics of the Soviet economic model included:
3953: 2565:
Socialist economics has been associated with different
Comecon: Integration problems of the planned economies
7618:, 1970 (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson) pp. 167–70 7154:, 1970, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, pp. 150–51 7112:
commodities to be sold for profit by capitalist firms.
5837:. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 5314:
argued as it is the motivation to act on information.
fashion to help ensure economic growth and employment.
created by workers is appropriated by the capitalists.
According to influential socialist economic historian
to subject investment and capital to social planning.
The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939
Transition and Beyond: Essays in Honour of Mario Nuti
Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy
3706:. More developed theoretical models include those of 3441:
was an early form of computational economic planning.
9632:. University of North Carolina Press. p. 1107. 9604:. University of North Carolina Press. p. 1107. 9590: 7966:, 1986 Moscow: Progress Publishers, pp. 323–26, 330. 7802:"Tony Cliff: State Capitalism in Russia (1955/1974)" 6683:. 13 August 2006. Archived from 6307:"Economic Manuscripts: Capital Vol. I – Chapter One" 5411: 4760: 4513:
Economic problems of the socialist planned economies
Charter of Economic Rights and Obligations of States
3989: 2964:, influential German socialist thinker and economist 9021:"Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy: A Symposium" 8728:"Online Extra: "China Is a Private-Sector Economy"" 8603:in Paul Hare, Judy Batt and Saul Estrin (editors), 7778:
Kronstadt 1917–1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy
7412: 6600:. Minor Compositions; 1st edition (5 November 2011) 6552: 6550: 5542:Rosser, J. Barkley Jr.; Rosser, Mariana V. (2003). 5212:(1936–1939). In response to the army rebellion, an 5114:, being based on collaboration and cooperation and 4212:
collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union
3897:rather than going largely to a class of inheriting 2787:. He was the most well-known of nineteenth century 2643:, maintaining that what they had in common was the 2428:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 27:
Economic theories, practices and norms of socialism
9778:If you're an Egalitarian, How Come You're So Rich? 8200:"Millennium Development Goals Indicators for 1990" 7175:, 1970, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, p. 102 7063: 7034: 4676:Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 4402: 3841: 3774:(as either socialist or capitalist) to the reader. 2510:. A socialist economic system is characterized by 9576:. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. p. 46. 9525: 9398:Azhar, Saeed; Chalmers, John (6 September 2015). 9275:. Rotary Club of Wellington North. Archived from 8950: 7659:, 1949, London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 182–83. 7388:. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 22. 7237:. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe. pp. 97–99. 7094: 4546: 10437: 9724:The Political Economy of Participatory Economics 8790:"The Role of Planning in China's Market Economy" 8559:, 1998, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 53, 97–98 8466:, 1982, Moscow: Novosti, p. 63; Samuel E Finer, 8130:UN Department of Economic & Social Affairs, 8121:, 1986, Moscow: Progress Publishers, pp. 271–72. 8055:, 2003, Harlow: Pearson Education, pp. 121, 131 8000:, 1986, Moscow: Progress Publishers, pp. 322–24. 7932:, 1949, London: Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 179–82 7893:, 1987, Moscow: Progress Publishers, pp. 140–41. 7826:The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky 7688:Brown, A, Kaser, M C, and Smith, G S (editors), 6655:"Socialism: A Perfectly Good Word Rehabilitated" 6547: 4169:for the long-term development of key industries. 2680:. Engels wrote about this at length in the book 9925: 9457: 9416:. 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They are regarded as 4547:Transition to market economies 4414:International Development Bank 4291:(as opposed to being based on 4161:the central planning authority 3685:progressive utilization theory 2835:; anti-market socialists like 13: 1: 10375:Critique of political economy 9845:, 1942, Monthly Review Press. 9533:"Pattern 8: Beyond Socialism" 8654:. 20 January 2009 8581:. International Monetary Fund 8284:National Accounts at a Glance 8158:Human Development Report 1997 7548:Binns, Peter (January 1975). 7317:. 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Berg Publishers. p. 107. 5964:, Oxford University Press, 5767:"Socialism and Calculation" 5355:History of economic thought 5317: 5096:as an emergent alternative 5084:production directly for use 4866:for industrial development. 4430:International Monetary Fund 4099:Economy of the Soviet Union 4063:Soviet-type command economy 4053:Centrally planned economies 3916:Computer-managed allocation 3557:Economic models and systems 3104:anarchist school of thought 2795:like Henri de Saint-Simon, 2567:schools of economic thought 10: 10467: 10300:New neoclassical synthesis 10288:Real business-cycle theory 9099:. BBC News. 5 October 2009 8378:Brown, A, and Kaser, M C, 8119:What is Political Economy? 7998:What is Political Economy? 7964:What is Political Economy? 7958:V Kashin and N Cherkasov, 7917:What is Political Economy? 7902:V Kashin and N Cherkasov, 7889:V Kashin and N Cherkasov, 7097:Taking Socialism Seriously 7012:10.1521/siso. 6784:. BRILL. pp. 88–113. 6737:. 9 April 2005 6640:. Cp. 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Greenwood Publishing. 5399:- an article written by 5273:Communist Party of Spain 5160:Self-managed enterprises 4903: 4860:rather than negotiation. 4824:Redistribution of wealth 4736:under the leadership of 4661:Socialist market economy 4574:representative democracy 4393:socialism in one country 4333:deformed workers' states 3653:socialist market economy 3367:deformed workers' states 2854:and early proponents of 2811:; anti-capitalists like 2604:. 19th-century American 346:Socialist market economy 271:Workers' self-management 237:Socialism in one country 84:Age of the Enlightenment 10410:Post-autistic economics 9821:, 1992, 2003, Palgrave. 9177:Quee, Tan Jing (2001). 9053:Kendall, Diana (2011). 8555:Simon Clarke (editor), 7947:Selected Works Volume 1 7740:Costello, Mick (1977). 7554:International Socialism 6830:"Glossary of Terms: Co" 6231:McNally, David (1980). 5983:Making Modern Economics 4990:Socialist International 4934:with a series of broad 4809:state-owned enterprises 4727: 4285:accumulation of capital 4268:accumulation of capital 4193:. After the end of the 3974:Negotiated coordination 3930:Towards a New Socialism 3910:Participatory economics 3712:participatory economics 3493:Economic value theories 3477:, which existed in the 3388:with his 1949 article " 2708:Discourse on Inequality 2606:individualist anarchist 2591:institutional economics 1347:Criticism of capitalism 358:Participatory economics 192:Labour-time calculation 10148:Modern Monetary Theory 9817:Lebowitz, Michael A.: 9659:, Free Life Editions, 9219:Chew, Melanie (2015). 9198:Chew, Melanie (2015). 8468:Comparative Government 7603:What is surplus value? 7527:Il Programma Comunista 7523:"Dialogue with Stalin" 7337:Chomsky, Noam (1986). 7199:London Review of Books 7062:Yunker, James (1992). 6851:Writings 1932–33, P.96 6508:Northeastern Anarchist 6502:Fabbri, Luigi (1922). 6151:Wallerstein, Immanuel 5835:A Future for Socialism 5518:. Praeger. p. 2. 5309:Criticism of socialism 5294:. 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(1974), 9221:Leaders of Singapore 9202:. World Scientific. 9200:Leaders of Singapore 8696:"China and the OECD" 7070:. Praeger. pp.  6237:Socialism from Below 5385:Scientific socialism 5330:Complexity economics 4979:Economy of Singapore 4955:government of Norway 4828:progressive taxation 4591:Transition economies 4345:Bolshevik revolution 4018:improve this article 3950:and Allin Cottrell. 3946:, and more recently 3820:self-managed economy 3814:Self-managed economy 3585:improve this article 3297:system of production 3265:Immanuel Wallerstein 3259:Immanuel Wallerstein 3040:Capital accumulation 2977:scientific socialism 2917:improve this article 2875:Ricardian socialists 2863:Henri de Saint-Simon 2712:Wilhelm von Humboldt 2661:History of socialism 2621:Ricardian socialists 2611:, who connected the 2422:improve this article 2285:Newly industrialized 2028:Collective ownership 1889:Vertical archipelago 1502:Communism portal 1485:Socialism portal 177:Industrial democracy 127:Collective ownership 10405:Heterodox economics 10133:Capability approach 10009:American (National) 9991:School of Salamanca 9769:Socialist Economics 9336:on 1 November 2014. 9078:. Springer. p. 69. 8796:7 June 2011 at the 8235:; and Porket, J L, 7875:9 July 2011 at the 7855:9 July 2011 at the 7725:Sloan, Pat (1937). 7714:. London: Longmans. 7033:Nove, Alec (1991). 6535:. 6404:Voluntary Socialism 6283:on 18 February 2009 6194:, 1998, Pluto Press 6126:on 11 January 2007. 5380:Socialist democracy 5199:Anarcho-syndicalism 5082:and in some cases, 5080:workplace democracy 4924:free-market economy 4782:reformist socialist 4353:New Economic Policy 4197:in 1945, the seven 4185:on such matters as 3716:Inclusive Democracy 3696:stateless communism 3649:economic efficiency 3324:means of production 3222:First International 3193:means of production 3159:means of production 3112:means of production 3078:Anarchist economics 3073:Anarchist economics 3067:Anarchist economics 3024:Commodity fetishism 3006:means of production 2971:'s approach, which 2845:Christian mutualist 2737:of these elements. 2678:primitive communism 2637:anarchist socialism 2623:as well as that of 2613:classical economics 2556:calculation-in-kind 2516:means of production 2501:Socialist economics 2270:Inclusive Democracy 1387:Market abolitionism 1372:Left-libertarianism 309:Inclusive Democracy 276:Workplace democracy 122:Calculation in kind 104:Socialist economics 94:Revolutions of 1848 10041:English historical 9729:(Available online) 9689:Heilbroner, Robert 9513:on 19 January 2012 9147:Party Milestones. 8980:2018-12-28 at the 8708:on 10 October 2008 8630:Fordham University 7577:"State Capitalism" 7476:2018-03-11 at the 7229:Gomulka, Stanislaw 5350:Gandhian economics 5345:Feminist economics 5214:anarchist-inspired 5098:mode of production 4671:Great Leap Forward 4597:Transition economy 4558:mode of production 4459:and backed the UN 4339:of 1917, in which 4293:production for use 4179:Sheila Fitzpatrick 3872:Feasible socialism 3800:Economic democracy 3795:Economic democracy 3758:in the form of an 3704:Spanish Revolution 3689:economic democracy 3621:Types of socialism 3459: 3443: 3394: 3332:worker cooperative 3144: 2966: 2781: 2688:Lewis Henry Morgan 2208:Material balancing 1690:Buddhist economics 1392:Marxist philosophy 212:Production for use 182:Input–output model 147:Economic democracy 10433: 10432: 10395:Political economy 10363: 10362: 10295:New institutional 10268:Neo-Schumpeterian 10076:Marxist economics 10056:German historical 9890:978-1-84935-094-5 9884:AK Press. (2012) 9878:Various authors. 9859:Von Mises, Ludwig 9849:Veblen, Thorstein 9761:978-1-4196-5869-3 9721:; Hahnel, Robin: 9666:978-0-914156-03-1 9639:978-0-8078-1906-7 9626:Bolloten, Burnett 9611:978-0-8078-1906-7 9598:Bolloten, Burnett 9583:978-0-297-84832-5 9246:The Straits Times 9159:on 27 August 2009 9128:. 2 February 2013 8955:. 8926:Duan, Zhongqiao. 8527:Michael Kaser on 8402:; Marie Lavigne, 8326:; Marie Lavigne, 7836:978-0-19-827234-2 7678:978-0-330-43968-8 7451:on 7 October 2011 7395:978-0-230-54697-4 7324:978-1-134-92607-7 6791:978-90-04-26953-8 6687:on 21 August 2006 6634:; Gary Chartier, 6584:James Guillaume, 6481:978-1-59986-218-7 6016:978-0-415-93344-5 5991:978-0-7656-0479-8 5970:978-0-19-828776-6 5946:978-1-56159-197-8 5922:978-0-7100-1506-8 5589:978-1-349-95121-5 5574:. pp. 1–18. 5390:Welfare economics 5335:Economic planning 5275:influence as the 5247:and more broadly 5241:Spanish Civil War 5237:social revolution 5210:Spanish Civil War 5208:coup causing the 4951:social democratic 4948:post-World War II 4932:national planning 4893:state enterprises 4870:Demand management 4864:National planning 4778:social democratic 4640:business oligarch 4566:People's Republic 4537:monetary overhang 4437:Nikita Khrushchev 4236:scientific system 4187:industrialisation 4067:material balances 4050: 4049: 4042: 3851:Marxian economist 3804:David Schweickart 3740:economic planning 3655:in China and the 3617: 3616: 3609: 3539:Anarcho-communism 3535:pareto efficiency 3462:Economic planning 3426:Economic planning 3420:Economic planning 3205:workers' councils 3169:Anarcho-communism 3155:private ownership 3141:anarcho-communism 3096:his own teachings 2991:Wealth of Nations 2949: 2948: 2941: 2852:Chartist movement 2841:John Francis Bray 2724:French Revolution 2702:doctrine such as 2571:Marxian economics 2498: 2497: 2490: 2472: 2396: 2395: 1906:By regional model 1700:Sabbath economics 1550: 1549: 1342:Communist society 1314:Socialist parties 573:Saint-Simonianism 162:Equal opportunity 152:Economic planning 89:French Revolution 18:Socialist economy 16:(Redirected from 10458: 10425:Economic systems 9964: 9963: 9946:Medieval Islamic 9920: 9913: 9906: 9897: 9896: 9798:Soviet Economics 9794:Kaser, Michael C 9705: 9704: 9702: 9700: 9685: 9679: 9676: 9670: 9669: 9650: 9644: 9643: 9622: 9616: 9615: 9594: 9588: 9587: 9566: 9560: 9559: 9557: 9555: 9543: 9537: 9536: 9529: 9523: 9522: 9520: 9518: 9503: 9497: 9496: 9494: 9492: 9487:on 14 April 2019 9477: 9471: 9461: 9455: 9454: 9452: 9450: 9438: 9432: 9431: 9409: 9403: 9396: 9390: 9389: 9369: 9363: 9362: 9360: 9358: 9344: 9338: 9337: 9326: 9320: 9319: 9317: 9315: 9295: 9289: 9288: 9286: 9284: 9268: 9262: 9255: 9249: 9238: 9232: 9217: 9211: 9196: 9190: 9175: 9169: 9168: 9166: 9164: 9155:. Archived from 9144: 9138: 9137: 9135: 9133: 9118: 9109: 9108: 9106: 9104: 9093: 9087: 9072: 9066: 9051: 9045: 9034: 9028: 9017: 9011: 9010: 9008: 9006: 8997:. Archived from 8991: 8985: 8971: 8965: 8964: 8962: 8960: 8948: 8942: 8941: 8939: 8937: 8932: 8923: 8917: 8916: 8914: 8912: 8897: 8891: 8890: 8884: 8876: 8874: 8872: 8866: 8860:. Archived from 8859: 8851: 8845: 8844: 8842: 8840: 8831:. Archived from 8825: 8819: 8818: 8807: 8801: 8787: 8778: 8777: 8775: 8773: 8750: 8744: 8743: 8741: 8739: 8724: 8718: 8717: 8715: 8713: 8707: 8701:. Archived from 8700: 8692: 8686: 8685: 8683: 8681: 8670: 8664: 8663: 8661: 8659: 8648: 8642: 8641: 8639: 8637: 8621: 8615: 8597: 8591: 8590: 8588: 8586: 8574: 8568: 8553: 8547: 8525: 8519: 8505: 8499: 8485: 8479: 8460: 8454: 8440: 8434: 8420: 8414: 8376: 8370: 8356: 8350: 8293: 8287: 8280: 8274: 8273: 8271: 8269: 8254: 8248: 8221: 8215: 8214: 8212: 8210: 8196: 8190: 8175: 8169: 8154: 8148: 8141: 8135: 8128: 8122: 8115: 8109: 8095: 8089: 8088: 8086: 8084: 8070: 8064: 8049: 8043: 8028: 8022: 8007: 8001: 7994: 7988: 7973: 7967: 7956: 7950: 7939: 7933: 7926: 7920: 7913: 7907: 7900: 7894: 7887: 7881: 7867: 7861: 7847: 7841: 7840: 7820: 7814: 7813: 7811: 7809: 7798: 7792: 7791: 7773: 7767: 7766: 7754: 7748: 7747: 7737: 7731: 7730: 7727:Soviet democracy 7722: 7716: 7715: 7707: 7701: 7686: 7680: 7668:Robert Service, 7666: 7660: 7653: 7647: 7632: 7626: 7616:Soviet Economics 7612: 7606: 7599: 7593: 7592: 7590: 7588: 7572: 7566: 7565: 7563: 7561: 7545: 7539: 7538: 7536: 7534: 7518: 7512: 7511: 7491: 7485: 7467: 7461: 7460: 7458: 7456: 7450: 7444:. Archived from 7419: 7410: 7404: 7403: 7381: 7375: 7352: 7346: 7335: 7329: 7328: 7308: 7302: 7291:Soviet Economics 7287: 7281: 7270:Soviet Economics 7266: 7260: 7259: 7253: 7251: 7221: 7215: 7214: 7190: 7184: 7173:Soviet Economics 7169: 7163: 7152:Soviet Economics 7145: 7139: 7138: 7136: 7134: 7129: 7121: 7115: 7114: 7092: 7086: 7085: 7069: 7059: 7053: 7052: 7040: 7030: 7024: 7023: 6995: 6989: 6988: 6975:After Capitalism 6966: 6960: 6959: 6953: 6945: 6943: 6941: 6932:. Archived from 6926: 6920: 6919: 6917: 6915: 6904: 6898: 6892: 6886: 6885: 6883: 6881: 6875: 6868: 6860: 6854: 6848: 6842: 6841: 6839: 6837: 6826: 6820: 6802: 6796: 6795: 6775: 6766: 6757:"Why Socialism?" 6753: 6747: 6746: 6744: 6742: 6731: 6725: 6719: 6713: 6703: 6697: 6696: 6694: 6692: 6677: 6671: 6668: 6662: 6647: 6641: 6607: 6601: 6594: 6588: 6582: 6576: 6573: 6567: 6558:An Anarchist FAQ 6554: 6545: 6544: 6542: 6540: 6529: 6523: 6522: 6520: 6518: 6499: 6493: 6492: 6490: 6488: 6466: 6460: 6459: 6457: 6455: 6432: 6426: 6423: 6417: 6414: 6408: 6399: 6393: 6390: 6384: 6383: 6381: 6379: 6368: 6362: 6359: 6353: 6347: 6341: 6340: 6338: 6336: 6325: 6319: 6318: 6316: 6314: 6302: 6293: 6292: 6290: 6288: 6279:. Archived from 6273: 6267: 6266: 6264: 6262: 6257:on 16 April 2009 6253:. Archived from 6247: 6241: 6240: 6228: 6222: 6221: 6219: 6217: 6206: 6195: 6188: 6182: 6173: 6167: 6161: 6155: 6149: 6143: 6142: 6134: 6128: 6127: 6122:. Archived from 6099: 6093: 6074: 6068: 6053: 6047: 6028: 6022: 6004: 5998: 5979: 5973: 5955: 5949: 5931: 5925: 5902: 5896: 5895: 5875: 5869: 5868: 5862: 5858: 5856: 5848: 5830: 5824: 5823: 5795: 5789: 5788: 5786: 5784: 5778: 5771: 5762: 5756: 5741: 5735: 5734: 5712: 5706: 5705: 5683: 5677: 5662: 5656: 5655:(3) pp. 485–511. 5645: 5639: 5638: 5617: 5611: 5604: 5598: 5597: 5567: 5561: 5560: 5539: 5533: 5532: 5511: 5505: 5504: 5488: 5482: 5481: 5453: 5438: 5436:Economics portal 5433: 5432: 5424: 5422:Socialism portal 5419: 5418: 5365:Labour economics 5281:collectivization 5031:Taiwan's economy 5014:state capitalist 5009:Temasek Holdings 4910:Economy of India 4887:State capitalism 4881:State capitalism 4767:Social democracy 4734:Republic of Cuba 4721:Marxist–Leninist 4691:state capitalism 4585:market mechanism 4553:socialist states 4465:General Assembly 4371:Republic of Cuba 4325:state capitalism 4277:state-capitalist 4216:collective farms 4195:Second World War 4191:collectivisation 4083:Republic of Cuba 4045: 4038: 4034: 4031: 4025: 4002: 3994: 3984:social ownership 3854:Richard D. Wolff 3676:market socialism 3668:social democrats 3641:market socialism 3612: 3605: 3601: 3598: 3592: 3569: 3561: 3547:Errico Malatesta 3523:marginal utility 3515:market socialism 3507:marginal utility 3466:market mechanism 3453:but opposed the 3451:decentralization 3439:Project Cybersyn 3363:state capitalist 3351:Socialist states 3328:public ownership 3234:Errico Malatesta 3214:Errico Malatesta 3197:direct democracy 3189:common ownership 3181:private property 2973:Friedrich Engels 2944: 2937: 2933: 2930: 2924: 2901: 2893: 2829:William Thompson 2823:socialists like 2670:Friedrich Engels 2649:market socialism 2598:socialist states 2587:market economies 2548:market socialism 2528:directly for use 2524:public ownership 2512:social ownership 2508:economic systems 2493: 2486: 2482: 2479: 2473: 2471: 2430: 2406: 2398: 2388: 2381: 2374: 2358: 2357: 2116:Municipalization 2101:Financialization 2071:Collectivization 2053:Social ownership 2043:Private property 2037:Common ownership 1995:Common ownership 1809:Closed (autarky) 1766:State capitalism 1744:Socialist market 1729:Market socialist 1565:Economic systems 1552: 1551: 1542: 1535: 1528: 1514:Organized Labour 1512: 1511: 1500: 1499: 1498: 1483: 1482: 1427:Workers' council 1064:Gracchi Brothers 588:Social democracy 331:Market socialism 319:Project Cybersyn 247:Soviet democracy 232:Social ownership 187:Internationalism 167:Free association 137:Common ownership 53: 30: 29: 21: 10466: 10465: 10461: 10460: 10459: 10457: 10456: 10455: 10436: 10435: 10434: 10429: 10359: 10345:Thermoeconomics 10116:21st centuries) 10115: 10113: 10107: 9995: 9955: 9941:Ancient schools 9929: 9924: 9894: 9839:Sweezy, Paul M. 9719:Albert, Michael 9714: 9712:Further reading 9709: 9708: 9698: 9696: 9686: 9682: 9677: 9673: 9667: 9651: 9647: 9640: 9623: 9619: 9612: 9595: 9591: 9584: 9567: 9563: 9553: 9551: 9544: 9540: 9531: 9530: 9526: 9516: 9514: 9505: 9504: 9500: 9490: 9488: 9479: 9478: 9474: 9464:George Woodcock 9462: 9458: 9448: 9446: 9439: 9435: 9424: 9410: 9406: 9397: 9393: 9370: 9366: 9356: 9354: 9346: 9345: 9341: 9328: 9327: 9323: 9313: 9311: 9296: 9292: 9282: 9280: 9279:on 7 March 2006 9269: 9265: 9256: 9252: 9239: 9235: 9218: 9214: 9197: 9193: 9176: 9172: 9162: 9160: 9145: 9141: 9131: 9129: 9120: 9119: 9112: 9102: 9100: 9095: 9094: 9090: 9074:Li, He (2015). 9073: 9069: 9052: 9048: 9035: 9031: 9018: 9014: 9004: 9002: 8993: 8992: 8988: 8982:Wayback Machine 8972: 8968: 8958: 8956: 8949: 8945: 8935: 8933: 8930: 8924: 8920: 8910: 8908: 8899: 8898: 8894: 8878: 8877: 8870: 8868: 8867:on 20 July 2011 8864: 8857: 8855:"Archived copy" 8853: 8852: 8848: 8838: 8836: 8835:on 11 July 2011 8827: 8826: 8822: 8809: 8808: 8804: 8798:Wayback Machine 8788: 8781: 8771: 8769: 8767: 8751: 8747: 8737: 8735: 8726: 8725: 8721: 8711: 8709: 8705: 8698: 8694: 8693: 8689: 8679: 8677: 8672: 8671: 8667: 8657: 8655: 8650: 8649: 8645: 8635: 8633: 8623: 8622: 8618: 8599:Silvana Malle, 8598: 8594: 8584: 8582: 8575: 8571: 8554: 8550: 8526: 8522: 8506: 8502: 8486: 8482: 8461: 8457: 8442:Marie Lavigne, 8441: 8437: 8422:Marie Lavigne, 8421: 8417: 8377: 8373: 8357: 8353: 8338:; Padma Desai, 8294: 8290: 8281: 8277: 8267: 8265: 8256: 8255: 8251: 8222: 8218: 8208: 8206: 8198: 8197: 8193: 8176: 8172: 8155: 8151: 8142: 8138: 8129: 8125: 8116: 8112: 8096: 8092: 8082: 8080: 8072: 8071: 8067: 8051:Philip Hanson, 8050: 8046: 8029: 8025: 8008: 8004: 7995: 7991: 7975:Marie Lavigne, 7974: 7970: 7957: 7953: 7940: 7936: 7927: 7923: 7914: 7910: 7901: 7897: 7888: 7884: 7877:Wayback Machine 7868: 7864: 7857:Wayback Machine 7848: 7844: 7837: 7821: 7817: 7807: 7805: 7800: 7799: 7795: 7788: 7774: 7770: 7755: 7751: 7738: 7734: 7723: 7719: 7708: 7704: 7687: 7683: 7667: 7663: 7654: 7650: 7633: 7629: 7613: 7609: 7600: 7596: 7586: 7584: 7573: 7569: 7559: 7557: 7546: 7542: 7532: 7530: 7519: 7515: 7492: 7488: 7478:Wayback Machine 7468: 7464: 7454: 7452: 7448: 7417: 7411: 7407: 7396: 7382: 7378: 7353: 7349: 7336: 7332: 7325: 7309: 7305: 7288: 7284: 7267: 7263: 7249: 7247: 7245: 7222: 7218: 7191: 7187: 7170: 7166: 7146: 7142: 7132: 7130: 7127: 7123: 7122: 7118: 7107: 7093: 7089: 7082: 7060: 7056: 7049: 7031: 7027: 6996: 6992: 6985: 6967: 6963: 6947: 6946: 6939: 6937: 6936:on 20 July 2011 6930:"Archived copy" 6928: 6927: 6923: 6913: 6911: 6906: 6905: 6901: 6893: 6889: 6879: 6877: 6873: 6866: 6862: 6861: 6857: 6853:, Leon Trotsky. 6849: 6845: 6835: 6833: 6828: 6827: 6823: 6809:New Left Review 6803: 6799: 6792: 6776: 6769: 6754: 6750: 6740: 6738: 6733: 6732: 6728: 6720: 6716: 6704: 6700: 6690: 6688: 6679: 6678: 6674: 6669: 6665: 6648: 6644: 6619:Thomas Hodgskin 6615:Charles Johnson 6608: 6604: 6595: 6591: 6583: 6579: 6574: 6570: 6565:Wayback Machine 6555: 6548: 6538: 6536: 6531: 6530: 6526: 6516: 6514: 6500: 6496: 6486: 6484: 6482: 6468: 6467: 6463: 6453: 6451: 6449: 6433: 6429: 6424: 6420: 6415: 6411: 6400: 6396: 6391: 6387: 6377: 6375: 6374:. 6370: 6369: 6365: 6360: 6356: 6348: 6344: 6334: 6332: 6327: 6326: 6322: 6312: 6310: 6303: 6296: 6286: 6284: 6275: 6274: 6270: 6260: 6258: 6249: 6248: 6244: 6229: 6225: 6215: 6213: 6208: 6207: 6198: 6189: 6185: 6174: 6170: 6162: 6158: 6150: 6146: 6135: 6131: 6100: 6096: 6075: 6071: 6054: 6050: 6030:Kornai, János: 6029: 6025: 6005: 6001: 5985:, M.E. Sharpe, 5980: 5976: 5956: 5952: 5948:, v. 1, p. 195. 5932: 5928: 5903: 5899: 5876: 5872: 5860: 5859: 5850: 5849: 5845: 5831: 5827: 5812:10.2307/1883435 5796: 5792: 5782: 5780: 5776: 5769: 5763: 5759: 5742: 5738: 5727: 5713: 5709: 5698: 5684: 5680: 5663: 5659: 5646: 5642: 5632: 5618: 5614: 5605: 5601: 5590: 5568: 5564: 5554: 5540: 5536: 5526: 5512: 5508: 5492:Sinclair, Upton 5489: 5485: 5470:10.2307/2967541 5454: 5450: 5445: 5434: 5427: 5420: 5413: 5410: 5405:planned economy 5401:Albert Einstein 5375:Post-capitalism 5320: 5311: 5305: 5265:Spain's economy 5259:, and parts of 5201: 5195: 5189: 5187:Anarchist Spain 5168: 5162: 5134: 5128: 5094:peer production 5076: 5051:George Woodcock 5046: 5040: 5023: 4994:socialist party 4981: 4975: 4944: 4936:five-year plans 4912: 4906: 4889: 4883: 4854:full employment 4835:Social security 4805:Nationalization 4797:mixed economies 4773:mixed economies 4769: 4763: 4747: 4730: 4700:Chengbao system 4663: 4655:Main articles: 4653: 4603:economic system 4599: 4593: 4570:Communist state 4549: 4515: 4473: 4463:adopted by the 4405: 4385:five-year plans 4317:self-management 4305:market-clearing 4263: 4183:Left Opposition 4167:five-year plans 4123:planned economy 4115: 4101: 4095: 4055: 4046: 4035: 4029: 4026: 4015: 4003: 3992: 3976: 3956: 3944:Viktor Glushkov 3932: 3918: 3907: 3895:social dividend 3890: 3874: 3862: 3844: 3816: 3797: 3756:command economy 3645:price mechanism 3623: 3613: 3602: 3596: 3593: 3582: 3570: 3559: 3543:Peter Kropotkin 3541:as defended by 3495: 3474:command economy 3432: 3430:Planned economy 3424:Main articles: 3422: 3408:Albert Einstein 3386:planned economy 3343:self-management 3293: 3287: 3285:Characteristics 3261: 3246:Mikhail Bakunin 3240:, and other ex- 3210:Peter Kropotkin 3171:is a theory of 3137:Peter Kropotkin 3075: 3069: 2955: 2945: 2934: 2928: 2925: 2914: 2902: 2891: 2868:planned economy 2833:Charles Fourier 2813:Thomas Hodgskin 2809:William Cobbett 2805:William Ogilvie 2777:Charles Fourier 2770: 2735:commodification 2674:hunter-gatherer 2663: 2657: 2641:state socialism 2609:Benjamin Tucker 2538:for allocating 2494: 2483: 2477: 2474: 2431: 2429: 2419: 2407: 2392: 2352: 2345: 2344: 2310:Post-industrial 2305:Post-capitalist 2265:Hunter-gatherer 2250: 2242: 2241: 2156: 2148: 2147: 2126:Nationalization 2086:Demutualization 2081:Corporatization 2066: 2058: 2057: 2048:State ownership 2023: 2015: 2014: 1990: 1982: 1981: 1907: 1899: 1898: 1869:Robinson Crusoe 1804: 1803:By coordination 1796: 1795: 1780:Traditionalist 1640:Neomercantilist 1600: 1592: 1573: 1546: 1506: 1496: 1494: 1477: 1470: 1469: 1440: 1432: 1431: 1422:Socialist state 1417:Socialist Party 1362:Economic system 1327: 1319: 1318: 1304: 1294: 1293: 1059: 1051: 1050: 631: 623: 622: 438:Democratic road 373: 363: 362: 289: 281: 280: 227:Social dividend 217:Sharing economy 117: 109: 108: 79: 71: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 10464: 10454: 10453: 10448: 10431: 10430: 10428: 10427: 10422: 10417: 10412: 10407: 10402: 10397: 10392: 10387: 10382: 10377: 10371: 10369: 10365: 10364: 10361: 10360: 10358: 10357: 10352: 10347: 10342: 10337: 10332: 10327: 10322: 10317: 10312: 10307: 10305:Organizational 10302: 10297: 10292: 10291: 10290: 10285: 10275: 10270: 10265: 10260: 10255: 10253:Neo-Malthusian 10250: 10249: 10248: 10238: 10237: 10236: 10235: 10234: 10229: 10219: 10214: 10213: 10212: 10197: 10192: 10187: 10182: 10177: 10172: 10170:Disequilibrium 10167: 10162: 10160:Constitutional 10157: 10152: 10151: 10150: 10140: 10135: 10130: 10125: 10119: 10117: 10109: 10108: 10106: 10105: 10100: 10099: 10098: 10088: 10083: 10078: 10073: 10068: 10063: 10058: 10053: 10048: 10046:French liberal 10043: 10038: 10033: 10032: 10031: 10021: 10016: 10011: 10005: 10003: 9997: 9996: 9994: 9993: 9988: 9983: 9978: 9972: 9970: 9961: 9957: 9956: 9954: 9953: 9948: 9943: 9937: 9935: 9931: 9930: 9923: 9922: 9915: 9908: 9900: 9893: 9892: 9876: 9866: 9856: 9846: 9836: 9824:Noel Thompson 9822: 9815: 9808: 9791: 9784:Horvat, Branko 9781: 9772: 9766:Cole, G. D. H. 9763: 9744: 9731: 9715: 9713: 9710: 9707: 9706: 9680: 9671: 9665: 9645: 9638: 9617: 9610: 9589: 9582: 9570:Beevor, Antony 9561: 9550:. Fast Company 9538: 9524: 9498: 9472: 9456: 9445:. 9433: 9423:978-0520295988 9422: 9404: 9391: 9364: 9339: 9321: 9290: 9263: 9250: 9233: 9229:978-9814719452 9212: 9208:978-9814719452 9191: 9170: 9139: 9110: 9088: 9084:978-1137427816 9067: 9063:978-1111305505 9046: 9029: 9012: 9001:on 10 May 2011 8986: 8966: 8943: 8918: 8907:. 16 July 2009 8892: 8846: 8820: 8817:. 8 July 2008. 8802: 8779: 8766:978-0521001052 8765: 8745: 8719: 8687: 8665: 8643: 8616: 8592: 8569: 8548: 8520: 8500: 8480: 8462:Boris Putrin, 8455: 8435: 8415: 8371: 8351: 8288: 8275: 8249: 8216: 8191: 8170: 8149: 8136: 8123: 8110: 8090: 8065: 8044: 8023: 8002: 7989: 7968: 7951: 7934: 7921: 7908: 7895: 7882: 7862: 7842: 7835: 7815: 7793: 7787:978-0521894425 7786: 7768: 7749: 7732: 7717: 7702: 7681: 7661: 7648: 7627: 7607: 7594: 7567: 7540: 7513: 7496:Soviet Studies 7486: 7462: 7428:(4): 539–556. 7405: 7394: 7376: 7347: 7330: 7323: 7303: 7282: 7261: 7243: 7225:Kaser, Michael 7216: 7185: 7164: 7140: 7116: 7106:978-0739166352 7105: 7087: 7081:978-0275941345 7080: 7054: 7048:978-0043350492 7047: 7025: 6990: 6983: 6961: 6921: 6899: 6887: 6876:on 7 June 2011 6855: 6843: 6832:. 6821: 6797: 6790: 6767: 6762:Monthly Review 6748: 6726: 6714: 6698: 6672: 6663: 6642: 6602: 6589: 6577: 6568: 6546: 6524: 6494: 6480: 6461: 6447: 6427: 6418: 6409: 6394: 6385: 6372:"Introduction" 6363: 6354: 6342: 6320: 6309:. 6294: 6268: 6242: 6223: 6196: 6183: 6168: 6163:Chomsky, Noam 6156: 6144: 6141:. 6129: 6094: 6069: 6065:978-1859731499 6048: 6023: 5999: 5974: 5950: 5926: 5912:, ed. (1935), 5897: 5870: 5861:|journal= 5844:978-0674339460 5843: 5825: 5790: 5779:on 7 June 2011 5757: 5736: 5726:978-0804775663 5725: 5707: 5697:978-0875484495 5696: 5678: 5657: 5640: 5631:978-1412959636 5630: 5612: 5599: 5588: 5562: 5553:978-0262182348 5552: 5534: 5525:978-0275968861 5524: 5506: 5483: 5447: 5446: 5444: 5441: 5440: 5439: 5425: 5409: 5408: 5396:Why Socialism? 5392: 5387: 5382: 5377: 5372: 5367: 5362: 5357: 5352: 5347: 5342: 5337: 5332: 5327: 5321: 5319: 5316: 5307:Main article: 5304: 5301: 5191:Main article: 5188: 5185: 5161: 5158: 5154:Edvard Kardelj 5150:socially owned 5130:Main article: 5127: 5124: 5090:Michel Bauwens 5075: 5072: 5042:Main article: 5039: 5036: 5022: 5019: 4977:Main article: 4974: 4971: 4943: 4940: 4908:Main article: 4905: 4902: 4885:Main article: 4882: 4879: 4878: 4877: 4867: 4861: 4843: 4840:parental leave 4832: 4821: 4793:welfare states 4789:purely private 4765:Main article: 4762: 4759: 4746: 4743: 4729: 4726: 4695:private sector 4652: 4649: 4648: 4647: 4643: 4635: 4631: 4627: 4623: 4620: 4592: 4589: 4548: 4545: 4514: 4511: 4494: 4493: 4489: 4486: 4483: 4480: 4472: 4469: 4404: 4401: 4279:and unplanned 4262: 4259: 4208:market economy 4171: 4170: 4164: 4157: 4153: 4142: 4097:Main article: 4094: 4091: 4054: 4051: 4048: 4047: 4006: 4004: 3997: 3991: 3988: 3975: 3972: 3955: 3952: 3948:Paul Cockshott 3917: 3914: 3906: 3903: 3889: 3886: 3873: 3870: 3861: 3858: 3843: 3840: 3836:Jaroslav Vanek 3815: 3812: 3808:public banking 3796: 3793: 3776: 3775: 3771: 3763: 3751: 3743: 3728: 3727: 3722:as well as in 3692: 3672: 3660: 3637: 3630:Michael Albert 3615: 3614: 3573: 3571: 3564: 3558: 3555: 3494: 3491: 3421: 3418: 3404:Why Socialism? 3399:Monthly Review 3390:Why Socialism? 3336:commonly owned 3309:business cycle 3286: 3283: 3260: 3257: 3230:Emilio Covelli 3071:Main article: 3068: 3065: 3064: 3063: 3059: 3051: 3047: 3043: 3037: 3027: 3021: 3018:metabolic rift 3002: 2951:Main article: 2947: 2946: 2905: 2903: 2896: 2890: 2886:Karl Marx and 2884: 2799:radicals like 2769: 2766: 2672:believed that 2659:Main article: 2656: 2653: 2496: 2495: 2410: 2408: 2401: 2394: 2393: 2391: 2390: 2383: 2376: 2368: 2365: 2364: 2363: 2362: 2347: 2346: 2343: 2342: 2337: 2332: 2327: 2322: 2320:Resource-based 2317: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2297: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2277: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2257: 2251: 2248: 2247: 2244: 2243: 2240: 2239: 2238: 2237: 2232: 2227: 2217: 2212: 2211: 2210: 2205: 2200: 2195: 2185: 2184: 2183: 2178: 2173: 2163: 2157: 2154: 2153: 2150: 2149: 2146: 2145: 2144: 2143: 2133: 2128: 2123: 2118: 2113: 2108: 2106:Liberalization 2103: 2098: 2093: 2088: 2083: 2078: 2073: 2067: 2064: 2063: 2060: 2059: 2056: 2055: 2050: 2045: 2040: 2030: 2024: 2022:Property types 2021: 2020: 2017: 2016: 2013: 2012: 2007: 2002: 1997: 1991: 1988: 1987: 1984: 1983: 1980: 1979: 1978: 1977: 1971:Latin America 1969: 1968: 1967: 1962: 1957: 1952: 1947: 1942: 1934: 1933: 1932: 1927: 1922: 1917: 1908: 1905: 1904: 1901: 1900: 1897: 1896: 1891: 1886: 1881: 1876: 1871: 1866: 1861: 1856: 1851: 1846: 1841: 1836: 1831: 1826: 1821: 1816: 1811: 1805: 1802: 1801: 1798: 1797: 1794: 1793: 1792: 1791: 1786: 1778: 1773: 1768: 1763: 1762: 1761: 1756: 1751: 1746: 1741: 1736: 1731: 1726: 1721: 1711: 1710: 1709: 1704: 1703: 1702: 1692: 1684: 1679: 1674: 1669: 1664: 1659: 1658: 1657: 1652: 1647: 1642: 1637: 1632: 1627: 1622: 1617: 1607: 1601: 1598: 1597: 1594: 1593: 1591: 1590: 1585: 1580: 1574: 1571: 1568: 1567: 1561: 1560: 1548: 1547: 1545: 1544: 1537: 1530: 1522: 1519: 1518: 1517: 1516: 1504: 1492: 1472: 1471: 1468: 1467: 1462: 1457: 1452: 1447: 1441: 1438: 1437: 1434: 1433: 1430: 1429: 1424: 1419: 1414: 1409: 1404: 1399: 1394: 1389: 1384: 1379: 1377:Libertarianism 1374: 1369: 1364: 1359: 1354: 1349: 1344: 1339: 1334: 1328: 1326:Related topics 1325: 1324: 1321: 1320: 1317: 1316: 1311: 1305: 1300: 1299: 1296: 1295: 1292: 1291: 1286: 1281: 1276: 1271: 1266: 1261: 1256: 1251: 1246: 1241: 1236: 1231: 1226: 1221: 1216: 1211: 1206: 1201: 1196: 1191: 1186: 1181: 1176: 1171: 1166: 1161: 1156: 1151: 1146: 1141: 1136: 1131: 1126: 1121: 1116: 1111: 1106: 1101: 1096: 1091: 1086: 1081: 1076: 1071: 1066: 1060: 1057: 1056: 1053: 1052: 1049: 1048: 1043: 1038: 1033: 1028: 1023: 1018: 1013: 1008: 1003: 998: 993: 988: 983: 978: 973: 968: 963: 958: 953: 948: 943: 938: 933: 928: 923: 918: 913: 908: 903: 898: 893: 888: 883: 878: 873: 868: 863: 858: 853: 848: 843: 838: 833: 828: 823: 818: 813: 808: 803: 798: 793: 788: 783: 778: 773: 768: 763: 758: 753: 748: 743: 738: 733: 728: 723: 718: 713: 708: 703: 698: 693: 688: 683: 678: 673: 668: 663: 658: 653: 648: 643: 638: 632: 629: 628: 625: 624: 621: 620: 615: 610: 605: 600: 595: 590: 585: 580: 575: 570: 565: 560: 555: 550: 545: 540: 535: 530: 525: 520: 515: 510: 505: 500: 495: 490: 485: 480: 475: 470: 465: 460: 455: 450: 445: 440: 435: 430: 425: 420: 415: 410: 405: 400: 395: 390: 385: 380: 374: 369: 368: 365: 364: 361: 360: 355: 354: 353: 348: 343: 338: 328: 327: 326: 321: 316: 311: 306: 296: 290: 287: 286: 283: 282: 279: 278: 273: 268: 263: 254: 249: 244: 239: 234: 229: 224: 219: 214: 209: 204: 199: 197:Labour voucher 194: 189: 184: 179: 174: 169: 164: 159: 154: 149: 144: 139: 134: 129: 124: 118: 115: 114: 111: 110: 107: 106: 101: 96: 91: 86: 80: 77: 76: 73: 72: 70: 69: 64: 58: 55: 54: 46: 45: 39: 38: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10463: 10452: 10449: 10447: 10444: 10443: 10441: 10426: 10423: 10421: 10418: 10416: 10413: 10411: 10408: 10406: 10403: 10401: 10398: 10396: 10393: 10391: 10388: 10386: 10383: 10381: 10378: 10376: 10373: 10372: 10370: 10366: 10356: 10355:Social credit 10353: 10351: 10348: 10346: 10343: 10341: 10338: 10336: 10333: 10331: 10330:Structuralist 10328: 10326: 10323: 10321: 10318: 10316: 10313: 10311: 10310:Public choice 10308: 10306: 10303: 10301: 10298: 10296: 10293: 10289: 10286: 10284: 10281: 10280: 10279: 10278:New classical 10276: 10274: 10273:Neoliberalism 10271: 10269: 10266: 10264: 10263:Neo-Ricardian 10261: 10259: 10256: 10254: 10251: 10247: 10244: 10243: 10242: 10239: 10233: 10230: 10228: 10225: 10224: 10223: 10220: 10218: 10215: 10211: 10208: 10207: 10206: 10203: 10202: 10201: 10198: 10196: 10195:Institutional 10193: 10191: 10188: 10186: 10183: 10181: 10178: 10176: 10173: 10171: 10168: 10166: 10163: 10161: 10158: 10156: 10153: 10149: 10146: 10145: 10144: 10141: 10139: 10136: 10134: 10131: 10129: 10126: 10124: 10121: 10120: 10118: 10110: 10104: 10101: 10097: 10094: 10093: 10092: 10089: 10087: 10084: 10082: 10079: 10077: 10074: 10072: 10069: 10067: 10064: 10062: 10059: 10057: 10054: 10052: 10049: 10047: 10044: 10042: 10039: 10037: 10034: 10030: 10027: 10026: 10025: 10022: 10020: 10017: 10015: 10012: 10010: 10007: 10006: 10004: 10002: 9998: 9992: 9989: 9987: 9984: 9982: 9979: 9977: 9974: 9973: 9971: 9969: 9965: 9962: 9958: 9952: 9951:Scholasticism 9949: 9947: 9944: 9942: 9939: 9938: 9936: 9932: 9928: 9921: 9916: 9914: 9909: 9907: 9902: 9901: 9898: 9891: 9887: 9883: 9882: 9877: 9874: 9870: 9867: 9864: 9860: 9857: 9854: 9850: 9847: 9844: 9840: 9837: 9835: 9834:1-902683-54-4 9831: 9827: 9823: 9820: 9816: 9813: 9809: 9807: 9806:0-303-17565-6 9803: 9799: 9795: 9792: 9789: 9785: 9782: 9779: 9776: 9773: 9770: 9767: 9764: 9762: 9758: 9754: 9753: 9748: 9747:Carson, Kevin 9745: 9743: 9739: 9735: 9732: 9730: 9726: 9725: 9720: 9717: 9716: 9694: 9690: 9684: 9675: 9668: 9662: 9658: 9657: 9649: 9641: 9635: 9631: 9627: 9621: 9613: 9607: 9603: 9599: 9593: 9585: 9579: 9575: 9571: 9565: 9549: 9542: 9534: 9528: 9512: 9508: 9502: 9486: 9482: 9476: 9469: 9465: 9460: 9444: 9437: 9430: 9425: 9419: 9415: 9408: 9401: 9395: 9387: 9383: 9380:(6): 735–59. 9379: 9375: 9368: 9353: 9349: 9343: 9335: 9331: 9325: 9309: 9305: 9301: 9294: 9278: 9274: 9267: 9260: 9254: 9247: 9243: 9237: 9230: 9226: 9222: 9216: 9209: 9205: 9201: 9195: 9188: 9184: 9180: 9174: 9158: 9154: 9150: 9143: 9127: 9126:The Economist 9123: 9117: 9115: 9098: 9092: 9085: 9081: 9077: 9071: 9064: 9060: 9056: 9050: 9043: 9039: 9033: 9026: 9022: 9016: 9000: 8996: 8990: 8983: 8979: 8976: 8970: 8954: 8947: 8929: 8922: 8906: 8902: 8896: 8888: 8882: 8863: 8856: 8850: 8834: 8830: 8824: 8816: 8812: 8806: 8799: 8795: 8791: 8786: 8784: 8768: 8762: 8758: 8757: 8749: 8733: 8729: 8723: 8704: 8697: 8691: 8675: 8669: 8653: 8647: 8632: 8631: 8626: 8620: 8614: 8613:90-5702-329-6 8610: 8606: 8602: 8596: 8580: 8573: 8566: 8565:1-85898-713-X 8562: 8558: 8552: 8546: 8545:0-333-52731-3 8542: 8538: 8534: 8530: 8524: 8517: 8513: 8509: 8508:Michael Kaser 8504: 8498: 8497:1-285-05535-7 8494: 8490: 8484: 8477: 8476:0-140-21170-5 8473: 8469: 8465: 8459: 8453: 8452:0-333-52731-3 8449: 8445: 8439: 8433: 8432:0-333-52731-3 8429: 8425: 8419: 8413: 8412:0-333-52731-3 8409: 8405: 8401: 8400:0-253-35412-9 8397: 8393: 8389: 8388:0-333-23337-9 8385: 8381: 8375: 8369: 8368:0-333-52731-3 8365: 8361: 8355: 8349: 8348:0-631-17183-5 8345: 8341: 8337: 8336:0-333-52731-3 8333: 8329: 8325: 8324:1-85898-713-X 8321: 8317: 8313: 8312:0-253-35412-9 8309: 8305: 8301: 8300:Michael Kaser 8297: 8292: 8285: 8279: 8263: 8261: 8253: 8246: 8245:0-312-12484-8 8242: 8238: 8234: 8233:0-521-35593-1 8230: 8226: 8220: 8205: 8201: 8195: 8188: 8187:0-521-35593-1 8184: 8180: 8174: 8167: 8166:0-19-511997-5 8163: 8159: 8153: 8146: 8140: 8133: 8127: 8120: 8114: 8108: 8107:0-631-17183-5 8104: 8100: 8097:Padma Desai, 8094: 8079: 8075: 8069: 8062: 8061:0-582-29958-6 8058: 8054: 8048: 8041: 8040:1-56000-080-5 8037: 8033: 8030:Jenny Brine, 8027: 8020: 8019:0-303-17565-6 8016: 8012: 8006: 7999: 7993: 7986: 7985:0-521-33427-6 7982: 7978: 7972: 7965: 7961: 7955: 7948: 7944: 7941:Stalin, J V, 7938: 7931: 7925: 7918: 7912: 7905: 7899: 7892: 7886: 7878: 7874: 7871: 7866: 7858: 7854: 7851: 7846: 7838: 7832: 7828: 7827: 7819: 7803: 7797: 7789: 7783: 7779: 7772: 7764: 7760: 7753: 7745: 7744: 7736: 7728: 7721: 7713: 7706: 7699: 7698:0-521-35593-1 7695: 7691: 7685: 7679: 7675: 7671: 7665: 7658: 7652: 7645: 7644:0-521-35593-1 7641: 7637: 7631: 7625: 7624:0-303-17565-6 7621: 7617: 7611: 7604: 7598: 7582: 7578: 7571: 7555: 7551: 7544: 7528: 7524: 7517: 7509: 7505: 7502:(1): 118–30. 7501: 7497: 7490: 7483: 7479: 7475: 7472: 7466: 7447: 7443: 7439: 7435: 7431: 7427: 7423: 7416: 7409: 7402: 7397: 7391: 7387: 7380: 7373: 7369: 7366:(1): 110–26. 7365: 7361: 7357: 7351: 7344: 7340: 7334: 7326: 7320: 7316: 7315: 7307: 7300: 7299:0-303-17565-6 7296: 7292: 7286: 7279: 7278:0-303-17565-6 7275: 7271: 7265: 7258: 7246: 7244:9780765618368 7240: 7236: 7235: 7230: 7226: 7220: 7212: 7208: 7204: 7200: 7196: 7195:"The Old Man" 7189: 7182: 7181:0-303-17565-6 7178: 7174: 7168: 7161: 7160:0-303-17565-6 7157: 7153: 7149: 7148:Michael Kaser 7144: 7126: 7120: 7113: 7108: 7102: 7098: 7091: 7083: 7077: 7073: 7068: 7067: 7058: 7050: 7044: 7041:. Routledge. 7039: 7038: 7029: 7021: 7017: 7013: 7009: 7005: 7001: 6994: 6986: 6984:9780742513006 6980: 6976: 6972: 6965: 6957: 6951: 6935: 6931: 6925: 6909: 6903: 6897: 6891: 6872: 6865: 6859: 6852: 6847: 6831: 6825: 6818: 6814: 6810: 6806: 6801: 6793: 6787: 6783: 6782: 6774: 6772: 6764: 6763: 6758: 6752: 6736: 6730: 6723: 6718: 6710: 6708: 6702: 6686: 6682: 6676: 6667: 6660: 6656: 6652: 6646: 6639: 6638: 6633: 6629: 6624: 6620: 6616: 6612: 6606: 6599: 6593: 6587: 6581: 6572: 6566: 6562: 6559: 6553: 6551: 6534: 6528: 6513: 6509: 6505: 6498: 6483: 6477: 6473: 6472: 6465: 6450: 6448:0-275-96151-6 6444: 6440: 6439: 6431: 6422: 6413: 6406: 6405: 6398: 6389: 6373: 6367: 6358: 6352: 6346: 6330: 6324: 6308: 6301: 6299: 6282: 6278: 6272: 6256: 6252: 6246: 6238: 6234: 6227: 6212:. 6211: 6205: 6203: 6201: 6193: 6190:Noel Thomson 6187: 6180: 6177: 6172: 6166: 6160: 6154: 6148: 6140: 6133: 6125: 6121: 6117: 6113: 6109: 6105: 6098: 6091: 6090:9780810855601 6087: 6083: 6079: 6073: 6066: 6062: 6058: 6052: 6045: 6041: 6037: 6033: 6027: 6021: 6017: 6013: 6010:, Routledge, 6009: 6003: 5996: 5992: 5988: 5984: 5978: 5971: 5967: 5963: 5959: 5954: 5947: 5943: 5939: 5938: 5930: 5923: 5919: 5915: 5911: 5907: 5901: 5893: 5889: 5885: 5881: 5874: 5866: 5854: 5846: 5840: 5836: 5829: 5821: 5817: 5813: 5809: 5805: 5801: 5794: 5775: 5768: 5761: 5754: 5750: 5746: 5740: 5733: 5728: 5722: 5718: 5711: 5704: 5699: 5693: 5689: 5682: 5675: 5671: 5667: 5661: 5654: 5650: 5644: 5637: 5633: 5627: 5623: 5616: 5609: 5603: 5596: 5591: 5585: 5581: 5577: 5573: 5566: 5559: 5555: 5549: 5545: 5538: 5531: 5527: 5521: 5517: 5510: 5503: 5499: 5498: 5493: 5487: 5479: 5475: 5471: 5467: 5463: 5459: 5452: 5448: 5437: 5431: 5426: 5423: 5417: 5412: 5406: 5402: 5398: 5397: 5393: 5391: 5388: 5386: 5383: 5381: 5378: 5376: 5373: 5371: 5368: 5366: 5363: 5361: 5360:Job guarantee 5358: 5356: 5353: 5351: 5348: 5346: 5343: 5341: 5338: 5336: 5333: 5331: 5328: 5326: 5323: 5322: 5315: 5310: 5300: 5297: 5293: 5290: 5286: 5282: 5278: 5274: 5270: 5266: 5262: 5258: 5254: 5250: 5246: 5242: 5238: 5234: 5230: 5225: 5223: 5222:collectivised 5219: 5215: 5211: 5206: 5200: 5194: 5184: 5182: 5181:Cisco Systems 5177: 5173: 5167: 5157: 5155: 5151: 5147: 5143: 5139: 5133: 5123: 5121: 5117: 5113: 5109: 5104: 5099: 5095: 5091: 5087: 5085: 5081: 5071: 5069: 5068:Louise Michel 5065: 5064:Elisée Reclus 5061: 5057: 5052: 5045: 5044:Paris Commune 5038:Paris Commune 5035: 5032: 5028: 5018: 5015: 5010: 5005: 5003: 4999: 4995: 4991: 4986: 4980: 4970: 4968: 4964: 4960: 4956: 4953:reforms. The 4952: 4949: 4939: 4937: 4933: 4929: 4925: 4921: 4920:mixed economy 4917: 4911: 4901: 4898: 4894: 4888: 4875: 4871: 4868: 4865: 4862: 4859: 4855: 4851: 4847: 4846:Minimum wages 4844: 4841: 4836: 4833: 4829: 4825: 4822: 4818: 4814: 4810: 4806: 4803: 4802: 4801: 4798: 4794: 4790: 4785: 4783: 4779: 4774: 4768: 4758: 4756: 4752: 4742: 4739: 4735: 4725: 4722: 4716: 4713: 4712:privatization 4708: 4703: 4701: 4696: 4692: 4688: 4687: 4680: 4677: 4672: 4667: 4662: 4658: 4644: 4641: 4636: 4632: 4628: 4624: 4621: 4618: 4613: 4612:privatization 4609: 4608: 4607: 4604: 4598: 4588: 4586: 4582: 4577: 4575: 4571: 4567: 4562: 4559: 4554: 4544: 4540: 4538: 4532: 4530: 4524: 4521: 4510: 4506: 4502: 4498: 4490: 4487: 4484: 4481: 4478: 4477: 4476: 4468: 4466: 4462: 4458: 4452: 4448: 4446: 4442: 4439:, the Soviet 4438: 4433: 4431: 4427: 4423: 4419: 4415: 4411: 4400: 4398: 4394: 4390: 4387:in 1928. The 4386: 4382: 4381:Joseph Stalin 4378: 4374: 4372: 4368: 4364: 4360: 4359: 4354: 4350: 4346: 4342: 4338: 4334: 4330: 4326: 4322: 4318: 4313: 4311: 4306: 4300: 4298: 4294: 4290: 4286: 4282: 4278: 4273: 4272:surplus value 4269: 4258: 4256: 4252: 4248: 4244: 4241: 4237: 4233: 4230:regarded the 4229: 4224: 4221: 4217: 4213: 4209: 4203: 4200: 4196: 4192: 4188: 4184: 4180: 4176: 4168: 4165: 4162: 4158: 4154: 4151: 4147: 4143: 4139: 4138: 4137: 4134: 4132: 4131:socialization 4128: 4124: 4120: 4114: 4110: 4106: 4100: 4090: 4088: 4084: 4080: 4076: 4072: 4068: 4064: 4060: 4044: 4041: 4033: 4030:February 2023 4023: 4019: 4013: 4012: 4007:This section 4005: 4001: 3996: 3995: 3987: 3985: 3981: 3971: 3969: 3965: 3961: 3951: 3949: 3945: 3941: 3937: 3931: 3927: 3923: 3913: 3911: 3902: 3900: 3896: 3885: 3883: 3879: 3869: 3867: 3857: 3855: 3852: 3848: 3839: 3837: 3833: 3832:Branko Horvat 3829: 3825: 3821: 3811: 3809: 3805: 3801: 3792: 3790: 3786: 3782: 3772: 3768: 3764: 3761: 3757: 3752: 3749: 3744: 3741: 3736: 3735: 3734: 3732: 3725: 3721: 3717: 3713: 3709: 3705: 3701: 3697: 3693: 3690: 3686: 3682: 3677: 3673: 3669: 3665: 3664:mixed economy 3661: 3658: 3654: 3650: 3646: 3642: 3638: 3635: 3634: 3633: 3631: 3627: 3622: 3611: 3608: 3600: 3597:February 2023 3590: 3586: 3580: 3579: 3574:This section 3572: 3568: 3563: 3562: 3554: 3552: 3548: 3544: 3540: 3536: 3532: 3528: 3524: 3520: 3516: 3512: 3508: 3504: 3500: 3490: 3487: 3482: 3480: 3476: 3475: 3469: 3467: 3463: 3456: 3452: 3447: 3440: 3436: 3431: 3427: 3416: 3411: 3409: 3405: 3401: 3400: 3391: 3387: 3382: 3378: 3375: 3372: 3368: 3364: 3360: 3356: 3352: 3347: 3344: 3339: 3337: 3333: 3329: 3325: 3320: 3318: 3314: 3310: 3306: 3302: 3298: 3292: 3281: 3279: 3274: 3268: 3266: 3256: 3253: 3249: 3247: 3243: 3239: 3235: 3231: 3227: 3226:Carlo Cafiero 3223: 3219: 3215: 3211: 3206: 3202: 3198: 3194: 3190: 3186: 3182: 3178: 3174: 3170: 3166: 3164: 3160: 3156: 3152: 3148: 3142: 3138: 3134: 3133: 3128: 3124: 3121: 3117: 3113: 3109: 3105: 3101: 3097: 3093: 3089: 3087: 3083: 3079: 3074: 3060: 3056: 3052: 3048: 3044: 3041: 3038: 3035: 3034:surplus value 3031: 3028: 3025: 3022: 3019: 3015: 3011: 3007: 3003: 3000: 2997: 2996: 2995: 2993: 2992: 2987: 2986: 2980: 2978: 2974: 2970: 2963: 2959: 2954: 2943: 2940: 2932: 2929:February 2023 2922: 2918: 2912: 2911: 2906:This section 2904: 2900: 2895: 2894: 2889: 2883: 2880: 2879:David Ricardo 2876: 2871: 2869: 2864: 2859: 2857: 2853: 2849: 2846: 2842: 2838: 2834: 2830: 2826: 2822: 2818: 2817:communitarian 2814: 2810: 2806: 2802: 2801:Thomas Spence 2798: 2794: 2790: 2786: 2778: 2774: 2765: 2763: 2759: 2753: 2749: 2747: 2743: 2738: 2736: 2731: 2727: 2725: 2721: 2720:Immanuel Kant 2717: 2713: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2700:Enlightenment 2696: 2691: 2689: 2685: 2684: 2679: 2675: 2671: 2667: 2662: 2652: 2650: 2646: 2642: 2638: 2634: 2633:Josiah Warren 2630: 2626: 2622: 2618: 2614: 2610: 2607: 2603: 2599: 2594: 2592: 2588: 2584: 2580: 2576: 2572: 2568: 2563: 2561: 2557: 2553: 2549: 2545: 2541: 2540:capital goods 2537: 2533: 2529: 2525: 2521: 2517: 2513: 2509: 2506: 2502: 2492: 2489: 2481: 2470: 2467: 2463: 2460: 2456: 2453: 2449: 2446: 2442: 2439: –  2438: 2434: 2433:Find sources: 2427: 2423: 2417: 2416: 2411:This article 2409: 2405: 2400: 2399: 2389: 2384: 2382: 2377: 2375: 2370: 2369: 2367: 2366: 2361: 2356: 2351: 2350: 2349: 2348: 2341: 2338: 2336: 2333: 2331: 2328: 2326: 2323: 2321: 2318: 2316: 2315:Post-scarcity 2313: 2311: 2308: 2306: 2303: 2301: 2298: 2296: 2293: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2273: 2271: 2268: 2266: 2263: 2261: 2260:Expeditionary 2258: 2256: 2253: 2252: 2246: 2245: 2236: 2233: 2231: 2228: 2226: 2223: 2222: 2221: 2218: 2216: 2213: 2209: 2206: 2204: 2201: 2199: 2196: 2194: 2191: 2190: 2189: 2186: 2182: 2179: 2177: 2174: 2172: 2169: 2168: 2167: 2164: 2162: 2159: 2158: 2152: 2151: 2142: 2139: 2138: 2137: 2136:Socialization 2134: 2132: 2131:Privatization 2129: 2127: 2124: 2122: 2121:Mutualization 2119: 2117: 2114: 2112: 2111:Marketization 2109: 2107: 2104: 2102: 2099: 2097: 2096:Expropriation 2094: 2092: 2089: 2087: 2084: 2082: 2079: 2077: 2076:Communization 2074: 2072: 2069: 2068: 2062: 2061: 2054: 2051: 2049: 2046: 2044: 2041: 2038: 2034: 2031: 2029: 2026: 2025: 2019: 2018: 2011: 2008: 2006: 2003: 2001: 1998: 1996: 1993: 1992: 1986: 1985: 1976: 1973: 1972: 1970: 1966: 1963: 1961: 1958: 1956: 1953: 1951: 1948: 1946: 1943: 1941: 1938: 1937: 1935: 1931: 1928: 1926: 1923: 1921: 1918: 1916: 1913: 1912: 1910: 1909: 1903: 1902: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1887: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1875: 1872: 1870: 1867: 1865: 1862: 1860: 1857: 1855: 1852: 1850: 1847: 1845: 1842: 1840: 1837: 1835: 1832: 1830: 1827: 1825: 1822: 1820: 1817: 1815: 1814:Decentralized 1812: 1810: 1807: 1806: 1800: 1799: 1790: 1787: 1785: 1782: 1781: 1779: 1777: 1774: 1772: 1771:Social credit 1769: 1767: 1764: 1760: 1757: 1755: 1752: 1750: 1747: 1745: 1742: 1740: 1739:Participatory 1737: 1735: 1732: 1730: 1727: 1725: 1722: 1720: 1717: 1716: 1715: 1712: 1708: 1705: 1701: 1698: 1697: 1696: 1693: 1691: 1688: 1687: 1685: 1683: 1680: 1678: 1675: 1673: 1670: 1668: 1665: 1663: 1660: 1656: 1653: 1651: 1650:Social market 1648: 1646: 1645:Protectionist 1643: 1641: 1638: 1636: 1633: 1631: 1628: 1626: 1625:Laissez-faire 1623: 1621: 1618: 1616: 1613: 1612: 1611: 1608: 1606: 1603: 1602: 1596: 1595: 1589: 1586: 1584: 1581: 1579: 1576: 1575: 1570: 1569: 1566: 1563: 1562: 1558: 1554: 1553: 1543: 1538: 1536: 1531: 1529: 1524: 1523: 1521: 1520: 1515: 1510: 1505: 1503: 1493: 1490: 1486: 1481: 1476: 1475: 1474: 1473: 1466: 1463: 1461: 1458: 1456: 1453: 1451: 1448: 1446: 1445:Related lists 1443: 1442: 1436: 1435: 1428: 1425: 1423: 1420: 1418: 1415: 1413: 1410: 1408: 1405: 1403: 1402:Progressivism 1400: 1398: 1397:Nanosocialism 1395: 1393: 1390: 1388: 1385: 1383: 1380: 1378: 1375: 1373: 1370: 1368: 1365: 1363: 1360: 1358: 1355: 1353: 1350: 1348: 1345: 1343: 1340: 1338: 1335: 1333: 1330: 1329: 1323: 1322: 1315: 1312: 1310: 1307: 1306: 1303: 1302:Organizations 1298: 1297: 1290: 1289:Ocasio-Cortez 1287: 1285: 1282: 1280: 1277: 1275: 1272: 1270: 1267: 1265: 1262: 1260: 1257: 1255: 1252: 1250: 1247: 1245: 1242: 1240: 1237: 1235: 1232: 1230: 1227: 1225: 1222: 1220: 1217: 1215: 1212: 1210: 1209:van der Lubbe 1207: 1205: 1202: 1200: 1197: 1195: 1192: 1190: 1187: 1185: 1182: 1180: 1177: 1175: 1172: 1170: 1167: 1165: 1162: 1160: 1157: 1155: 1152: 1150: 1147: 1145: 1142: 1140: 1137: 1135: 1132: 1130: 1127: 1125: 1122: 1120: 1117: 1115: 1112: 1110: 1107: 1105: 1102: 1100: 1097: 1095: 1092: 1090: 1087: 1085: 1082: 1080: 1077: 1075: 1072: 1070: 1067: 1065: 1062: 1061: 1055: 1054: 1047: 1044: 1042: 1039: 1037: 1034: 1032: 1029: 1027: 1024: 1022: 1019: 1017: 1014: 1012: 1009: 1007: 1004: 1002: 999: 997: 994: 992: 989: 987: 984: 982: 979: 977: 974: 972: 969: 967: 964: 962: 959: 957: 954: 952: 949: 947: 944: 942: 939: 937: 934: 932: 929: 927: 924: 922: 919: 917: 914: 912: 909: 907: 904: 902: 899: 897: 894: 892: 889: 887: 884: 882: 879: 877: 874: 872: 869: 867: 864: 862: 859: 857: 854: 852: 849: 847: 844: 842: 839: 837: 834: 832: 829: 827: 824: 822: 819: 817: 814: 812: 809: 807: 804: 802: 799: 797: 794: 792: 789: 787: 784: 782: 779: 777: 774: 772: 769: 767: 764: 762: 759: 757: 754: 752: 749: 747: 746:Chernyshevsky 744: 742: 739: 737: 734: 732: 729: 727: 724: 722: 719: 717: 714: 712: 709: 707: 704: 702: 699: 697: 694: 692: 689: 687: 684: 682: 679: 677: 674: 672: 669: 667: 664: 662: 659: 657: 654: 652: 649: 647: 644: 642: 639: 637: 634: 633: 630:Intellectuals 627: 626: 619: 616: 614: 611: 609: 606: 604: 601: 599: 596: 594: 591: 589: 586: 584: 581: 579: 576: 574: 571: 569: 566: 564: 563:Revolutionary 561: 559: 556: 554: 551: 549: 546: 544: 541: 539: 536: 534: 531: 529: 526: 524: 521: 519: 516: 514: 511: 509: 506: 504: 501: 499: 498:Laissez-faire 496: 494: 491: 489: 486: 484: 481: 479: 476: 474: 471: 469: 466: 464: 461: 459: 456: 454: 451: 449: 446: 444: 441: 439: 436: 434: 431: 429: 426: 424: 421: 419: 416: 414: 411: 409: 406: 404: 403:Authoritarian 401: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 379: 376: 375: 372: 367: 366: 359: 356: 352: 349: 347: 344: 342: 339: 337: 334: 333: 332: 329: 325: 322: 320: 317: 315: 312: 310: 307: 305: 302: 301: 300: 297: 295: 292: 291: 285: 284: 277: 274: 272: 269: 267: 264: 262: 258: 255: 253: 252:Strike action 250: 248: 245: 243: 240: 238: 235: 233: 230: 228: 225: 223: 220: 218: 215: 213: 210: 208: 205: 203: 200: 198: 195: 193: 190: 188: 185: 183: 180: 178: 175: 173: 170: 168: 165: 163: 160: 158: 157:Equal liberty 155: 153: 150: 148: 145: 143: 140: 138: 135: 133: 130: 128: 125: 123: 120: 119: 113: 112: 105: 102: 100: 97: 95: 92: 90: 87: 85: 82: 81: 75: 74: 68: 65: 63: 60: 59: 57: 56: 52: 48: 47: 44: 41: 40: 36: 32: 31: 19: 10180:Evolutionary 10112:Contemporary 10102: 10091:Neoclassical 10036:Distributist 9981:Mercantilism 9968:Early modern 9879: 9872: 9862: 9852: 9842: 9825: 9818: 9811: 9797: 9787: 9780:: Harvard UP 9777: 9775:Cohen, G. A. 9768: 9750: 9737: 9728: 9722: 9697:. Retrieved 9683: 9674: 9655: 9648: 9629: 9620: 9601: 9592: 9573: 9564: 9552:. Retrieved 9541: 9527: 9515:. Retrieved 9511:the original 9501: 9489:. Retrieved 9485:the original 9475: 9467: 9459: 9447:. Retrieved 9436: 9427: 9413: 9407: 9394: 9377: 9373: 9367: 9355:. Retrieved 9351: 9342: 9334:the original 9324: 9312:. Retrieved 9303: 9293: 9281:. Retrieved 9277:the original 9266: 9258: 9253: 9245: 9236: 9220: 9215: 9199: 9194: 9178: 9173: 9161:. Retrieved 9157:the original 9152: 9142: 9130:. Retrieved 9125: 9101:. Retrieved 9091: 9075: 9070: 9054: 9049: 9041: 9032: 9024: 9015: 9003:. Retrieved 8999:the original 8989: 8969: 8957:. Retrieved 8946: 8934:. Retrieved 8921: 8909:. Retrieved 8904: 8895: 8869:. Retrieved 8862:the original 8849: 8837:. Retrieved 8833:the original 8823: 8814: 8805: 8770:. Retrieved 8755: 8748: 8736:. Retrieved 8731: 8722: 8710:. Retrieved 8703:the original 8690: 8678:. Retrieved 8668: 8656:. Retrieved 8646: 8634:. Retrieved 8628: 8619: 8604: 8600: 8595: 8583:. Retrieved 8572: 8556: 8551: 8536: 8532: 8528: 8523: 8515: 8511: 8503: 8488: 8483: 8467: 8463: 8458: 8443: 8438: 8423: 8418: 8403: 8391: 8379: 8374: 8359: 8354: 8339: 8327: 8315: 8303: 8296:Archie Brown 8291: 8283: 8278: 8266:. Retrieved 8259: 8252: 8236: 8224: 8219: 8207:. Retrieved 8203: 8194: 8178: 8173: 8157: 8152: 8144: 8139: 8131: 8126: 8118: 8113: 8098: 8093: 8081:. Retrieved 8077: 8068: 8052: 8047: 8031: 8026: 8010: 8009:Kaser, M C, 8005: 7997: 7992: 7976: 7971: 7963: 7959: 7954: 7946: 7942: 7937: 7929: 7928:John Eaton, 7924: 7916: 7911: 7903: 7898: 7890: 7885: 7865: 7845: 7825: 7818: 7806:. Retrieved 7796: 7777: 7771: 7765:(3): 229–30. 7762: 7758: 7752: 7742: 7735: 7726: 7720: 7711: 7705: 7689: 7684: 7669: 7664: 7656: 7655:John Eaton, 7651: 7635: 7630: 7615: 7614:Kaser, M C, 7610: 7602: 7597: 7585:. Retrieved 7580: 7570: 7558:. Retrieved 7553: 7543: 7531:. Retrieved 7526: 7516: 7499: 7495: 7489: 7481: 7465: 7453:. Retrieved 7446:the original 7425: 7421: 7408: 7399: 7385: 7379: 7363: 7359: 7350: 7342: 7333: 7313: 7306: 7290: 7289:Kaser, M C, 7285: 7269: 7268:Kaser, M C, 7264: 7255: 7248:. Retrieved 7233: 7219: 7202: 7198: 7188: 7172: 7171:Kaser, M C, 7167: 7151: 7143: 7131:. Retrieved 7119: 7110: 7096: 7090: 7065: 7057: 7036: 7028: 7006:(1): 29–42. 7003: 6999: 6993: 6974: 6964: 6938:. Retrieved 6934:the original 6924: 6912:. Retrieved 6902: 6895: 6890: 6878:. Retrieved 6871:the original 6858: 6850: 6846: 6834:. Retrieved 6824: 6816: 6812: 6808: 6804: 6800: 6780: 6760: 6751: 6739:. Retrieved 6729: 6721: 6717: 6706: 6701: 6689:. Retrieved 6685:the original 6675: 6666: 6659:Kevin Carson 6651:Jesse Walker 6645: 6636: 6611:Kevin Carson 6605: 6597: 6592: 6580: 6571: 6537:. Retrieved 6527: 6515:. Retrieved 6511: 6507: 6497: 6487:20 September 6485:. Retrieved 6470: 6464: 6452:. Retrieved 6437: 6430: 6421: 6412: 6402: 6397: 6388: 6376:. Retrieved 6366: 6357: 6350: 6345: 6333:. Retrieved 6323: 6311:. Retrieved 6285:. Retrieved 6281:the original 6271: 6259:. Retrieved 6255:the original 6245: 6236: 6226: 6214:. Retrieved 6210:"Adam Smith" 6191: 6186: 6178: 6176:Karl Polanyi 6171: 6164: 6159: 6152: 6147: 6132: 6124:the original 6111: 6107: 6097: 6081: 6077: 6072: 6056: 6051: 6039: 6035: 6031: 6026: 6007: 6002: 5982: 5977: 5961: 5958:János Kornai 5953: 5934: 5929: 5913: 5905: 5900: 5883: 5879: 5873: 5834: 5828: 5803: 5799: 5793: 5781:. Retrieved 5774:the original 5760: 5744: 5739: 5730: 5716: 5710: 5701: 5687: 5681: 5665: 5660: 5652: 5648: 5643: 5635: 5621: 5615: 5607: 5602: 5593: 5571: 5565: 5557: 5543: 5537: 5529: 5515: 5509: 5501: 5496: 5486: 5461: 5457: 5451: 5394: 5325:Basic income 5312: 5233:Soviet Union 5226: 5202: 5169: 5135: 5088: 5077: 5047: 5024: 5006: 5002:Labour Party 4998:Lee Kuan Yew 4982: 4945: 4913: 4890: 4786: 4770: 4748: 4731: 4717: 4704: 4684: 4681: 4664: 4600: 4580: 4578: 4563: 4550: 4541: 4533: 4529:János Kornai 4525: 4516: 4507: 4503: 4499: 4495: 4492:demonstrate. 4474: 4453: 4449: 4434: 4406: 4375: 4356: 4337:April Theses 4314: 4310:trade unions 4301: 4297:law of value 4264: 4225: 4220:farm workers 4204: 4172: 4149: 4145: 4135: 4119:Soviet Union 4116: 4093:Soviet Union 4071:Eastern Bloc 4056: 4036: 4027: 4016:Please help 4011:verification 4008: 3977: 3957: 3933: 3908: 3891: 3881: 3875: 3863: 3845: 3817: 3798: 3789:self-managed 3777: 3747: 3731:János Kornai 3729: 3708:Karl Polanyi 3647:to increase 3626:Robin Hahnel 3624: 3603: 3594: 3583:Please help 3578:verification 3575: 3551:gift economy 3496: 3486:Leon Trotsky 3483: 3479:Soviet Union 3472: 3470: 3460: 3413: 3397: 3395: 3373: 3348: 3340: 3321: 3294: 3277: 3272: 3270: 3262: 3250: 3238:Andrea Costa 3218:gift economy 3187:in favor of 3167: 3145: 3130: 3090: 3076: 3055:productivity 2999:Law of value 2989: 2983: 2981: 2975:would call " 2967: 2935: 2926: 2915:Please help 2910:verification 2907: 2887: 2872: 2860: 2782: 2758:Soviet Union 2754: 2750: 2742:Karl Polanyi 2739: 2728: 2715: 2707: 2694: 2692: 2681: 2664: 2602:János Kornai 2595: 2564: 2530:rather than 2520:cooperatives 2500: 2499: 2484: 2475: 2465: 2458: 2451: 2444: 2432: 2420:Please help 2415:verification 2412: 2225:Peer-to-peer 2220:Self-managed 2155:Coordination 2091:Deregulation 1776:Distributist 1713: 1630:Mercantilist 458:Evolutionary 378:21st-century 172:Freed market 103: 10335:Supply-side 10258:Neo-Marxian 10071:Marginalism 10001:Late modern 9986:Physiocrats 9869:Makoto Itoh 9734:Amin, Samir 9693:"Socialism" 9441:Karl Marx. 9298:RSS Feeds. 8973:Frank, M., 8871:18 November 8209:26 December 7422:Crit Sociol 6305:Karl Marx. 6114:(1): 9–38. 5924:pp. 245–90. 5910:F. A. Hayek 5783:15 February 5296:Sam Dolgoff 5289:libertarian 5261:the Levante 5166:Cooperative 5142:autogestion 5060:bakuninists 4928:free market 4850:trade union 4738:Raúl Castro 4646:Uzbekistan. 4329:Trotskyists 4251:bottlenecks 4087:North Korea 3968:open design 3964:open source 3940:Oskar Lange 3936:cybernetics 3781:cooperative 3531:Abba Lerner 3527:Oskar Lange 3521:, and thus 3116:free market 3014:wage-labour 3010:proletariat 2985:Das Kapital 2953:Das Kapital 2888:Das Kapital 2856:syndicalism 2825:Robert Owen 2793:Technocrats 2330:Traditional 2280:Manorialism 2275:Information 2249:Other types 2235:Open access 2198:Cybernetics 1940:Anglo-Saxon 1925:Singaporean 1884:Underground 1879:Subsistence 1784:Corporatist 1759:Syndicalist 1719:Communalist 1605:Associative 1599:By ideology 1572:Major types 1489:WikiProject 1367:French Left 1159:Spiridonova 1058:Politicians 971:Castoriadis 651:Saint-Simon 603:Third World 598:Syndicalism 533:Nationalist 508:Libertarian 473:Free-market 336:Lange model 324:Soviet-type 294:Communalism 266:Vanguardism 222:Spontaneism 132:Cooperative 78:Development 10440:Categories 10315:Regulation 10241:Monetarism 10227:Circuitism 10175:Ecological 10143:Chartalism 10123:Behavioral 10066:Manchester 10061:Malthusian 10019:Birmingham 9976:Cameralism 9960:Modern era 9934:Pre-modern 9187:9839602144 9025:Commentary 9005:7 February 8936:28 January 8636:19 January 8585:28 January 8143:UN, 1994, 8083:28 January 7945:(1952) in 7133:30 October 6287:4 February 5995:pp. 414–15 5886:(1): 1–8. 5753:0415919665 5674:0415919665 5443:References 5340:Fair trade 5263:. Much of 5255:, Aragon, 5229:Stalinists 5224:the land. 5197:See also: 5164:See also: 4813:investment 4595:See also: 4422:World Bank 4377:Stalinists 4243:economists 4226:Historian 4146:determined 4103:See also: 3980:Pat Devine 3978:Economist 3920:See also: 3828:alienation 3824:wage labor 3720:Pat Devine 3619:See also: 3525:, such as 3289:See also: 3185:capitalism 2762:neoliberal 2730:Capitalism 2693:Values of 2617:Adam Smith 2532:for profit 2522:or direct 2478:April 2023 2448:newspapers 2335:Transition 2295:Plantation 2203:Indicative 2065:Transition 1915:East Asian 1686:Religious 1662:Democratic 1635:Neoliberal 1620:Democratic 1610:Capitalist 1578:Capitalism 1460:Socialists 1455:By country 1337:Capitalism 1219:Mitterrand 1184:Gerhardsen 1129:Liebknecht 1114:Markievicz 1041:Varoufakis 991:Fotopoulos 661:Saint-Just 656:Buonarroti 641:Campanella 578:Scientific 513:Marhaenism 468:Fourierism 453:Ecological 433:Democratic 10451:Socialism 10390:Economics 10325:Stockholm 10200:Keynesian 10165:Cracovian 10114:(20th and 10103:Socialist 10086:Mutualism 10029:Ricardian 10024:Classical 9863:Socialism 9554:15 August 9517:15 August 9449:15 August 9357:15 August 9181:. Insan. 9163:15 August 9132:1 January 9042:Dissident 8959:15 August 8772:15 August 8738:15 August 8680:15 August 8658:15 August 8268:15 August 7808:15 August 7442:206573501 7211:0260-9592 7020:145580437 6940:23 August 6914:15 August 6880:15 August 6836:15 August 6741:15 August 6707:Karl Marx 6691:15 August 6623:socialist 6539:15 August 6517:15 August 6454:15 August 6335:15 August 6313:15 August 6216:15 August 5972:, p. 476. 5863:ignored ( 5853:cite book 5303:Criticism 5269:Catalonia 5257:Andalusia 5253:Catalonia 5245:anarchist 5218:Barcelona 5112:Knowledge 5108:use-value 5062:Elie and 4973:Singapore 4963:Statkraft 4874:Keynesian 4820:populace. 4467:in 1974. 4397:communism 4363:socialism 4255:shortages 4240:Menshevik 4232:Stalinist 3878:Alec Nove 3511:mutualism 3499:use value 3455:Stalinist 3317:Karl Marx 3263:In 1979, 3242:Mazzinian 3173:anarchism 3100:Mutualism 3086:anarchism 3082:economics 2969:Karl Marx 2962:Karl Marx 2837:John Gray 2789:mutualist 2695:socialism 2666:Karl Marx 2629:Karl Marx 2505:socialist 2300:Plutonomy 2181:Regulated 2010:Voluntary 1936:European 1789:Feudalism 1734:Mutualist 1724:Communist 1714:Socialist 1695:Christian 1615:Corporate 1588:Communism 1583:Socialism 1332:Anarchism 1254:Gorbachev 1104:Malatesta 1099:Bernstein 876:Pankhurst 856:Pannekoek 846:Luxemburg 801:Plekhanov 776:Carpenter 771:Kropotkin 568:Ricardian 558:Religious 553:Reformism 538:Nkrumaism 528:Municipal 428:Communism 423:Christian 408:Blanquism 398:Anarchism 341:Mutualism 43:Socialism 10415:Degrowth 10350:Virginia 10190:Freiburg 10185:Feminist 10138:Carnegie 10128:Buddhist 10096:Lausanne 10051:Georgism 10014:Austrian 9740:, 1998, 9691:(2008). 9628:(1984). 9600:(1984). 9572:(2006). 9308:Archived 8978:Archived 8905:BBC News 8881:cite web 8794:Archived 7873:Archived 7853:Archived 7482:Truthout 7474:Archived 6950:cite web 6561:Archived 6378:29 April 6120:40403235 6044:download 5960:(1992), 5494:(1918). 5318:See also 5292:communes 5285:agrarian 4445:projects 4428:and the 3922:Cybersyn 3899:rentiers 3402:titled " 3058:leisure. 3050:capital. 2797:agrarian 2619:and the 2552:planning 2188:Planning 1839:Informal 1824:Dirigist 1677:Georgist 1672:Feminist 1557:a series 1555:Part of 1450:Category 1189:Erlander 1149:Kerensky 1119:Connolly 976:Thompson 961:Bookchin 951:Montseny 901:Vanzetti 866:Einstein 836:Landauer 741:Saltykov 736:Lassalle 696:Proudhon 478:Gandhian 463:Feminist 413:Buddhist 393:Agrarian 371:Variants 35:a series 33:Part of 10368:Related 10155:Chicago 9699:18 June 9491:16 July 9314:19 July 8712:14 July 8078:Photius 7587:9 April 7560:9 April 7533:9 April 7455:16 July 7250:11 July 6817:ex post 6813:ex ante 5892:1809581 5820:1883435 5478:2967541 4959:Statoil 4858:strikes 4817:profits 4745:Vietnam 4410:Comecon 4349:Soviets 4247:Gosplan 4109:Gosplan 3748:de jure 3410:wrote: 3267:wrote: 3191:of the 3163:workers 3157:of the 2982:Marx's 2821:utopian 2746:Luddite 2583:planned 2550:. 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Socialist economy
a series

Age of the Enlightenment
French Revolution
Revolutions of 1848
Socialist calculation debate
Socialist economics
Calculation in kind
Collective ownership
Common ownership
Critique of political economy
Economic democracy
Economic planning
Equal liberty
Equal opportunity
Free association
Freed market
Industrial democracy
Input–output model
Labour-time calculation
Labour voucher
Material balance planning
Peer‑to‑peer economics
Production for use

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