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Socialism and Anarchism ... Authority, takes many shapes, but, broadly speaking, her enemies divide themselves into three classes: first, those who abhor her both as a means and as an end of progress, opposing her openly, avowedly, sincerely, consistently, universally; second, those who profess to believe in her as a means of progress, but who accept her only so far as they think she will subserve their own selfish interests, denying her and her blessings to the rest of the world; third, those who distrust her as a means of progress, believing in her only as an end to be obtained by first trampling upon, violating, and outraging her. These three phases of opposition to Liberty are met in almost every sphere of thought and human activity. Good representatives of the first are seen in the Catholic Church and the Russian autocracy; of the second, in the Protestant Church and the Manchester school of politics and political economy; of the third, in the atheism of Gambetta and the socialism of Karl Marx."
13380:"What is implied by the term 'libertarian socialism'?: The idea that socialism is first and foremost about freedom and therefore about overcoming the domination, repression, and alienation that block the free flow of human creativity, thought, and action...An approach to socialism that incorporates cultural revolution, women's and children's liberation, and the critique and transformation of daily life, as well as the more traditional concerns of socialist politics. A politics that is completely revolutionary because it seeks to transform all of reality. We do not think that capturing the economy and the state lead automatically to the transformation of the rest of social being, nor do we equate liberation with changing our life-styles and our heads. Capitalism is a total system that invades all areas of life: socialism must be the overcoming of capitalist reality in its entirety, or it is nothing." "What is Libertarian Socialism?" by Ulli Diemer. Volume 2, Number 1 (Summer 1997 issue) of 8024:(1912), p. 79. "Upon what point are orthodox political economy and socialism in absolute conflict? Political economy has held and holds that the economic laws governing the production and distribution of wealth which it has established are natural laws ... not in the sense that they are laws naturally determined by the condition of the social organism (which would be correct), but that they are absolute laws, that is to say that they apply to humanity at all times and in all places, and consequently, that they are immutable in their principal points, though they may be subject to modification in details. Scientific socialism holds, the contrary, that the laws established by classical political economy, since the time of Adam Smith, are laws peculiar to the present period in the history of civilized humanity, and that they are, consequently, laws essentially relative to the period of their analysis and discovery." 6797:, pp. 60–69: "The scholars in camp of democratic socialism believe that China should draw on the Sweden experience, which is suitable not only for the West but also for China. In the post-Mao China, the Chinese intellectuals are confronted with a variety of models. The liberals favor the American model and share the view that the Soviet model has become archaic and should be totally abandoned. Meanwhile, democratic socialism in Sweden provided an alternative model. Its sustained economic development and extensive welfare programs fascinated many. Numerous scholars within the democratic socialist camp argue that China should model itself politically and economically on Sweden, which is viewed as more genuinely socialist than China. There is a growing consensus among them that in the Nordic countries the welfare state has been extraordinarily successful in eliminating poverty." 2410: 6345:, pp. 61–63: "More fundamentally, a socialist society must be one in which the economy is run on the principle of the direct satisfaction of human needs. ... Exchange-value, prices and so money are goals in themselves in a capitalist society or in any market. There is no necessary connection between the accumulation of capital or sums of money and human welfare. Under conditions of backwardness, the spur of money and the accumulation of wealth has led to a massive growth in industry and technology ... . It seems an odd argument to say that a capitalist will only be efficient in producing use-value of a good quality when trying to make more money than the next capitalist. It would seem easier to rely on the planning of use-values in a rational way, which because there is no duplication, would be produced more cheaply and be of a higher quality." 5914:, pp. 1515–1516: "Just as private ownership defines capitalism, social ownership defines socialism. The essential characteristic of socialism in theory is that it destroys social hierarchies, and therefore leads to a politically and economically egalitarian society. Two closely related consequences follow. First, every individual is entitled to an equal ownership share that earns an aliquot part of the total social dividend... Second, in order to eliminate social hierarchy in the workplace, enterprises are run by those employed, and not by the representatives of private or state capital. Thus, the well-known historical tendency of the divorce between ownership and management is brought to an end. The society—i.e. every individual equally—owns capital and those who work are entitled to manage their own economic affairs." 6166:: "Just as private ownership defines capitalism, social ownership defines socialism. The essential characteristic of socialism in theory is that it destroys social hierarchies, and therefore leads to a politically and economically egalitarian society. Two closely related consequences follow. First, every individual is entitled to an equal ownership share that earns an aliquot part of the total social dividend...Second, in order to eliminate social hierarchy in the workplace, enterprises are run by those employed, and not by the representatives of private or state capital. Thus, the well-known historical tendency of the divorce between ownership and management is brought to an end. The society—i.e. every individual equally—owns capital and those who work are entitled to manage their own economic affairs." 4389:
one. According to Christopher Pierson, "f the contrast which 1989 highlights is not that between socialism in the East and liberal democracy in the West, the latter must be recognised to have been shaped, reformed and compromised by a century of social democratic pressure". Pierson further claims that "social democratic and socialist parties within the constitutional arena in the West have almost always been involved in a politics of compromise with existing capitalist institutions (to whatever far distant prize its eyes might from time to time have been lifted)". For Pierson, "if advocates of the death of socialism accept that social democrats belong within the socialist camp, as I think they must, then the contrast between socialism (in all its variants) and liberal democracy must collapse. For
9402:, p. 197: "The sandglass (socialist) model is based on the observation that there are two fundamentally different spheres of activity or decision making. The first is concerned with value judgments, and consequently each individual counts as one in this sphere. In the second, technical decisions are made on the basis of technical competence and expertise. The decisions of the first sphere are policy directives; those of the second, technical directives. The former are based on political authority as exercised by all members of the organisation; the latter, on professional authority specific to each member and growing out of the division of labour. Such an organisation involves a clearly defined coordinating hierarchy but eliminates a power hierarchy." 9414:, p. 197 "The sandglass (socialist) model is based on the observation that there are two fundamentally different spheres of activity or decision making. The first is concerned with value judgments, and consequently each individual counts as one in this sphere. In the second, technical decisions are made on the basis of technical competence and expertise. The decisions of the first sphere are policy directives; those of the second, technical directives. The former are based on political authority as exercised by all members of the organisation; the latter, on professional authority specific to each member and growing out of the division of labour. Such an organisation involves a clearly defined coordinating hierarchy but eliminates a power hierarchy." 1862: 2930:", the upper stage becoming possible only after the socialist stage further develops economic efficiency and the automation of production has led to a superabundance of goods and services. Marx argued that the material productive forces (in industry and commerce) brought into existence by capitalism predicated a cooperative society since production had become a mass social, collective activity of the working class to create commodities but with private ownership (the relations of production or property relations). This conflict between collective effort in large factories and private ownership would bring about a conscious desire in the working class to establish collective ownership commensurate with the collective efforts their daily experience. 10128:, p. 21 "For Walras, socialism would provide the necessary institutions for free competition and social justice. Socialism, in Walras's view, entailed state ownership of land and natural resources and the abolition of income taxes. As owner of land and natural resources, the state could then lease these resources to many individuals and groups, which would eliminate monopolies and thus enable free competition. The leasing of land and natural resources would also provide enough state revenue to make income taxes unnecessary, allowing a worker to invest his savings and become 'an owner or capitalist at the same time that he remains a worker." 2390: 2401: 4141: 5232: 6337:, pp. 175–177: "Especially before the 1930s, many socialists and anti-socialists implicitly accepted some form of the following for the incompatibility of state-owned industry and factor markets. A market transaction is an exchange of property titles between two independent transactors. Thus internal market exchanges cease when all of industry is brought into the ownership of a single entity, whether the state or some other organization, ... the discussion applies equally to any form of social or community ownership, where the owning entity is conceived as a single organization or administration."; 14594:[His most representative work is Walden, published in 1854, although written between 1845 and 1847, when Thoreau decides to settle in the isolation of a cabin in the woods, and live in intimate contact with nature, in a life of solitude and sobriety. From this experience, his philosophy tries to convey to us the idea that a respectful return to nature is necessary, and that happiness is above all the fruit of inner richness and the harmony of individuals with the natural environment. Many have seen in Thoreau one of the forerunners of environmentalism and primitive anarchism represented today by 11779:"Social democrats supported and tried to strengthen the basic institutions of the welfare state—pensions for all, public health care, public education, unemployment insurance. They supported and tried to strengthen the labour movement. The latter, as socialists, argued that capitalism could never be sufficiently humanised, and that trying to suppress the economic contradictions in one area would only see them emerge in a different guise elsewhere. (E.g., if you push unemployment too low, you'll get inflation; if job security is too strong, labour discipline breaks down; etc.)" 3399:
toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilised in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman, and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society.
4430: 3636:
actually a planned economy. Instead of conscious planning, the Soviet economy was based on a process whereby the plan was modified by localised agents and the original plans went largely unfulfilled. Planning agencies, ministries and enterprises all adapted and bargained with each other during the formulation of the plan as opposed to following a plan passed down from a higher authority, leading some economists to suggest that planning did not actually take place within the Soviet economy and that a better description would be an "administered" or "managed" economy.
2232: 9097:, p. 20: "According to nineteenth-century socialist views, socialism would function without capitalist economic categories—such as money, prices, interest, profits and rent—and thus would function according to laws other than those described by current economic science. While some socialists recognised the need for money and prices at least during the transition from capitalism to socialism, socialists more commonly believed that the socialist economy would soon administratively mobilise the economy in physical units without the use of prices or money." 2733:
high-pressure advertisement to be sold at a profit, thereby creating rather than satisfying economic demand. Socialists argue that capitalism consists of irrational activity, such as the purchasing of commodities only to sell at a later time when their price appreciates, rather than for consumption, even if the commodity cannot be sold at a profit to individuals in need and therefore a crucial criticism often made by socialists is that "making money", or accumulation of capital, does not correspond to the satisfaction of demand (the production of
with the concept of individual creative expression. Karl Marx believed that expansion of the productive forces and technology was the basis for the expansion of human freedom and that socialism, being a system that is consistent with modern developments in technology, would enable the flourishing of "free individualities" through the progressive reduction of necessary labour time. The reduction of necessary labour time to a minimum would grant individuals the opportunity to pursue the development of their true individuality and creativity.
10891:, p. 1"Authority is defined in terms of the right to exercise social control (as explored in the "sociology of power") and the correlative duty to obey (as explored in the "philosophy of practical reason"). Anarchism is distinguished, philosophically, by its scepticism towards such moral relations—by its questioning of the claims made for such normative power—and, practically, by its challenge to those "authoritative" powers which cannot justify their claims and which are therefore deemed illegitimate or without moral foundation." 6524:
laborers, and, as a rule, they expect the violent overthrow of existing institutions by revolution to precede the introduction of the socialistic state. I would not, by any means, say that they are all revolutionists, but the most of them undoubtedly are. ... The most general demands of the social democrats are the following: The state should exist exclusively for the laborers; land and capital must become collective property, and production be carried on unitedly. Private competition, in the ordinary sense of the term, is to cease.
9518:"Several authors of the most diverse political views have stated that there is in fact no planning in the Soviet Union: Eugene Zaleski, J. Wilhelm, Hillel Ticktin. They all in their very different ways note the fact that plans are often (usually) unfulfilled, that information flows are distorted, that plan-instructions are the subject of bargaining, that there are many distortions and inconsistencies, indeed that (as many sources attest) plans are frequently altered within the period to which they are supposed to apply ... ." 3253: 27377: 8772: 12310:
likely to see its goal as an Education Dictatorship over the masses—to Do Them Good, of course—the dictatorship being exercised by an elite party which suppresses all control from below, or by benevolent despots or Savior-Leaders of some kind, or by Shaw's "Supermen," by eugenic manipulators, by Proudhon's "anarchist" managers or Saint-Simon's technocrats or their more modern equivalents—with up-to-date terms and new verbal screens which can be hailed as fresh social theory as against "nineteenth-century Marxism.
6333:, p. 20: "socialism would function without capitalist economic categories—such as money, prices, interest, profits and rent—and thus would function according to laws other than those described by current economic science. While some socialists recognised the need for money and prices at least during the transition from capitalism to socialism, socialists more commonly believed that the socialist economy would soon administratively mobilise the economy in physical units without the use of prices or money."; 6604:, p. 57: "Over the long term, however, democratizing Sweden's political system was seen to be important not merely as a means but also as an end in itself. Achieving democracy was crucial not only because it would increase the power of the SAP in the Swedish political system but also because it was the form socialism would take once it arrived. Political, economic, and social equality went hand in hand, according to the SAP, and were all equally important characteristics of the future socialist society."; 2381: 5617: 26056: 27341: 20027: 1538: 5635: 2622:(AEI) argued that despite socialism's resurgence, it is still "a flawed system based on completely faulty principles that aren't consistent with human behavior and can't nurture the human spirit.", adding that "While it promised prosperity, equality, and security, it delivered poverty, misery, and tyranny." Some in the scientific community have suggested that a contemporary radical response to social and ecological problems could be seen in the emergence of movements associated with 4344:, anarchism is one of the many traditions of socialism. For anarchists and other anti-authoritarian socialists, socialism "can only mean a classless and anti-authoritarian (i.e. libertarian) society in which people manage their own affairs, either as individuals or as part of a group (depending on the situation). In other words, it implies self-management in all aspects of life", including at the workplace. Michael Newman includes anarchism as one of many socialist traditions. 27526: 3698: 27401: 26068: 19990: 10927:'s anti-authoritarianism and shows opposition to both state and non-state forms of authority as follows: "All anarchists deny authority; many of them fight against it." (p. 9) ... Bakunin did not convert the League's central committee to his full program, but he did persuade them to accept a remarkably radical recommendation to the Bern Congress of September 1868, demanding economic equality and implicitly attacking authority in both Church and State." 3418: 6793:, pp. 125–127: "Sweden, Great Britain, and France have mixed economies, sometimes referred to as democratic socialism—an economic and political system that combines private ownership of some of the means of production, governmental distribution of some essential goods and services, and free elections. For example, government ownership in Sweden is limited primarily to railroads, mineral resources, a public bank, and liquor and tobacco operations."; 5126: 2691: 3758: 7468:, IV.7.21. "The form of association, however, which if mankind continue to improve, must be expected in the end to predominate, is not that which can exist between a capitalist as chief, and work-people without a voice in the management, but the association of the labourers themselves on terms of equality, collectively owning the capital with which they carry on their operations, and working under managers elected and removable by themselves." 2963:. In contrast to Karl Marx's perspective of the state, Lassalle rejected the concept of the state as a class-based power structure whose main function was to preserve existing class structures. Lassalle also rejected the Marxist view that the state was destined to "wither away". Lassalle considered the state to be an entity independent of class allegiances and an instrument of justice that would therefore be essential for achieving socialism. 27389: 27365: 27441: 5626: 27492: 4058: 6361:: "This understanding of socialism was held not just by revolutionary Marxist socialists but also by evolutionary socialists, Christian socialists, and even anarchists. At that time, there was also wide agreement about the basic institutions of the future socialist system: public ownership instead of private ownership of the means of production, economic planning instead of market forces, production for use instead of for profit."; 92: 27509: 27475: 4816: 27543: 27413: 4716:
varieties of socialism from above, among them "Philanthropism", "Elitism", "Pannism", "Communism", "Permeationism" and "Socialism-from-Outside". According to Arthur Lipow, Marx and Engels were "the founders of modern revolutionary democratic socialism", described as a form of "socialism from below" that is "based on a mass working-class movement, fighting from below for the extension of democracy and human freedom". This
4638: 27353: 27329: 20039: 20015: 1550: 1521: 20002: 2857: 6586:
inherently vague. It is nevertheless associated with the following views: (1) capitalism is the only reliable means of generating wealth, but it is a morally defective means of distributing wealth because of its tendency towards poverty and inequality; (2) the defects of the capitalist system can be rectified through economic and social intervention, the state being the custodian of the public interest ... .
27458: 6365:: "Socialism has historically been committed to the improvement of people's material standards of living. Indeed, in earlier days many socialists saw the promotion of improving material living standards as the primary basis for socialism's claim to superiority over capitalism, for socialism was to overcome the irrationality and inefficiency seen as endemic to a capitalist system of economic organization."; 4502: 6504:, p. 2: "In fact, socialism has been both centralist and local; organized from above and built from below; visionary and pragmatic; revolutionary and reformist; anti-state and statist; internationalist and nationalist; harnessed to political parties and shunning them; an outgrowth of trade unionism and independent of it; a feature of rich industrialized countries and poor peasant-based communities." 3560:
technical knowledge in the workplace remains. Every member would have decision-making power in the firm and would be able to participate in establishing its overall policy objectives. The policies/goals would be carried out by the technical specialists that form the coordinating hierarchy of the firm, who would establish plans or directives for the work community to accomplish these goals.
4467:. Common social democratic policies include universal social rights and universally accessible public services such as education, health care, workers' compensation and other services, including child care and elder care. Social democracy supports the trade union labour movement and supports collective bargaining rights for workers. Most social democratic parties are affiliated with the 5262:, true freedom could only occur without suppressing passions, as the suppression of passions is not only destructive to the individual, but to society as a whole. Writing before the advent of the term "homosexuality", Fourier recognised that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives, including same-sex sexuality and 6632:, p. 2423: "Social democracy refers to a political tendency resting on three fundamental features: (1) democracy (e.g., equal rights to vote and form parties), (2) an economy partly regulated by the state (e.g., through Keynesianism), and (3) a welfare state offering social support to those in need (e.g., equal rights to education, health service, employment and pensions)." 4483:
insurance as well as other practical, progressive reforms of capitalism and are more concerned to administrate and humanise it. On the other hand, democratic socialists seek to replace capitalism with a socialist economic system, arguing that any attempt to humanise capitalism through regulations and welfare policies would distort the market and create economic contradictions.
worse off after 1989. In no country did more than 47 per cent of those surveyed agree that their lives improved after the advent of free markets. Subsequent polls and qualitative research across Russia and eastern Europe confirm the persistence of these sentiments as popular discontent with the failed promises of free-market prosperity has grown, especially among older people.
13200:"Therefore, rather than being an oxymoron, "libertarian socialism" indicates that true socialism must be libertarian and that a libertarian who is not a socialist is a phoney. As true socialists oppose wage labour, they must also oppose the state for the same reasons. Similarly, libertarians must oppose wage labour for the same reasons they must oppose the state." 2706:, values, cultural traits and economic practices are social creations and not the result of an immutable natural law. The object of their critique is thus not human avarice or human consciousness, but the material conditions and man-made social systems (i.e. the economic structure of society) which give rise to observed social problems and inefficiencies. 3811:, wherein the economy is planned by decentralised councils of workers and consumers. Workers would be remunerated solely according to effort and sacrifice, so that those engaged in dangerous, uncomfortable and strenuous work would receive the highest incomes and could thereby work less. A contemporary model for a self-managed, non-market socialism is 2737:). The fundamental criterion for economic activity in capitalism is the accumulation of capital for reinvestment in production, but this spurs the development of new, non-productive industries that do not produce use-value and only exist to keep the accumulation process afloat (otherwise the system goes into crisis), such as the spread of the 4113:
most of China's economic growth. The Chinese economic model is widely cited as a contemporary form of state capitalism, the major difference between Western capitalism and the Chinese model being the degree of state-ownership of shares in publicly listed corporations. The Socialist Republic of Vietnam has adopted a similar model after the
transmitirnos la idea que resulta necesario un retorno respetuoso a la naturaleza, y que la felicidad es sobre todo fruto de la riqueza interior y de la armonía de los individuos con el entorno natural. Muchos han visto en Thoreau a uno de los precursores del ecologismo y del anarquismo primitivista representado en la actualidad por
2710:, often considered to be the father of analytic philosophy, identified as a socialist. Russell opposed the class struggle aspects of Marxism, viewing socialism solely as an adjustment of economic relations to accommodate modern machine production to benefit all of humanity through the progressive reduction of necessary work time. 11582:...amongst the developed capitalist countries, the social democracies with generous welfare states (i.e., Scandinavia) have superior health outcomes to neo-liberal states like the US. Poverty alleviation and gains in human health have historically been linked to socialist political movements and public action, not to capitalism. 4923:
well-organised society, all of these things must be systematically accomplished by means of parallel federations, vertically united at the highest levels, constituting one vast organism in which all economic functions will be performed in solidarity with all others and that will permanently preserve the necessary cohesion".
3946:, either as a transitional stage between capitalism and socialism, or as an end-goal in itself. Typically, it refers to a form of technocratic management, whereby technical specialists administer or manage economic enterprises on behalf of society and the public interest instead of workers' councils or workplace democracy. 6369:, p. 12: "Socialism is a system based upon de facto public or social ownership of the means of production, the abolition of a hierarchical division of labor in the enterprise, a consciously organized social division of labor. Under socialism, money, competitive pricing, and profit-loss accounting would be destroyed." 6739:, p. 5: "Chapter 1 looks at the foundations of the doctrine by examining the contribution made by various traditions of socialism in the period between the early 19th century and the aftermath of the First World War. The two forms that emerged as dominant by the early 1920s were social democracy and communism." 3492:, and others not specifically advancing anti-socialists positions have shown that prevailing economic models upon which such democratic or market socialism models might be based have logical flaws or unworkable presuppositions. These criticisms have been incorporated into the models of market socialism developed by 4023:. The profit generated would be used to directly remunerate employees, collectively sustain the enterprise or finance public institutions. In state-oriented forms of market socialism, in which state enterprises attempt to maximise profit, the profits can be used to fund government programs and services through a 5772:, claiming them as an indictment of socialism. Opponents of this view, including supporters of socialism, state that these killings were aberrations caused by specific authoritarian regimes, and not caused by socialism itself, and draw comparisons to killings, famines and excess deaths under capitalism, 13500:
socialism of Robert Owen and Charles Fourier. After success of his British venture, Owen himself established a cooperative community within the United States at New Harmony, Indiana during 1825. One member of this commune was Josiah Warren (1798–1874), considered to be the first individualist anarchist"
of the working class. It, therefore, did not need to organise the people for the revolution. The people were expected to play their part only at the moment of revolution. Preparation for the revolution concerned only the little group of revolutionists armed for the coup. Indeed, to assure the success
By 1888, the term 'socialism' was in general use among Marxists, who had dropped 'communism', now considered an old fashioned term meaning the same as 'socialism'. ... At the turn of the century, Marxists called themselves socialists. ... The definition of socialism and communism as successive stages
were willing to vote for a socialist candidate and 50% of this same demographic had a somewhat or very unfavourable view of capitalism. Subsequently, another 2021 Axios poll found that 51% of 18-34 US adults had a positive view of socialism. Yet, 41% of Americans more generally had a positive view of
poll found that 50% of the respondents globally strongly or somewhat agreed that present socialist values were of great value for societal progress. In China this was 84%, India 72%, Malaysia 62%, Turkey 62%, South Africa 57%, Brazil 57%, Russia 55%, Spain 54%, Argentina 52%, Mexico 51%, Saudi Arabia
by and for the working class. Democratic socialism is difficult to define and groups of scholars have radically different definitions for the term. Some definitions simply refer to all forms of socialism that follow an electoral, reformist or evolutionary path to socialism rather than a revolutionary
mainly engaged in commodity production and light industry responsible from anywhere between 33% to over 70% of GDP generated in 2005. Although there has been a rapid expansion of private-sector activity since the 1980s, privatisation of state assets was virtually halted and were partially reversed in
is used in two different ways. One has no intention of bringing about socialism or fundamental economic change to society and is used to oppose such structural changes. The other is based on the assumption that while reforms are not socialist in themselves, they can help rally supporters to the cause
and other early socialists. Visions of imaginary ideal societies, which competed with revolutionary social democratic movements, were viewed as not being grounded in the material conditions of society and as reactionary. Although it is technically possible for any set of ideas or any person living at
At a certain stage of development, the material productive forces of society come into conflict with the existing relations of production or—this merely expresses the same thing in legal terms—with the property relations within the framework of which they have operated hitherto. Then begins an era of
is the only way to overcome these deficiencies. Socialists and specifically Marxian socialists argue that the inherent conflict of interests between the working class and capital prevent optimal use of available human resources and leads to contradictory interest groups (labour and business) striving
A 2009 poll in eight east European countries asked if the economic situation for ordinary people was 'better, worse or about the same as it was under communism'. The results stunned observers: 72 per cent of Hungarians, and 62 per cent of both Ukrainians and Bulgarians believed that most people were
Extreme equality overlooks the diversity of individual talents, tastes and needs, and save in a utopian society of unselfish individuals would entail strong coercion; but even short of this goal, there is the problem of giving reasonable recognition to different individual needs, tastes (for work or
Anarchist Peter Sabatini reports that in the United States "of early to mid-19th century, there appeared an array of communal and "utopian" counterculture groups (including the so-called free love movement). William Godwin's anarchism exerted an ideological influence on some of this, but more so the
We have mentioned several cases of this conviction that socialism is the business of a new ruling minority, non-capitalist in nature and therefore guaranteed pure, imposing its own domination either temporarily (for a mere historical era) or even permanently. In either case, this new ruling class is
That is why Anarchy, when it works to destroy authority in all its aspects, when it demands the abrogation of laws and the abolition of the mechanism that serves to impose them, when it refuses all hierarchical organisation and preaches free agreement—at the same time strives to maintain and enlarge
Market socialism is a general designation for a number of models of economic systems. On the one hand, the market mechanism is utilised to distribute economic output, to organise production and to allocate factor inputs. On the other hand, the economic surplus accrues to society at large rather than
The free development of individualities, and hence not the reduction of necessary labour time so as to posit surplus labour, but rather the general reduction of the necessary labour of society to a minimum, which then corresponds to the artistic, scientific etc. development of the individuals in the
Social democrats forms the extreme wing of the socialists ... inclined to lay so much stress on equality of enjoyment, regardless of the value of one's labor, that they might, perhaps, more properly be called communists. ... They have two distinguishing characteristics. The vast majority of them are
A society may be defined as socialist if the major part of the means of production of goods and services is in some sense socially owned and operated, by state, socialised or cooperative enterprises. The practical issues of socialism comprise the relationships between management and workforce within
notes that even if central planning overcame its inherent inhibitions of incentives and innovation, it would nevertheless be unable to maximize economic democracy and self-management, which he believes are concepts that are more intellectually coherent, consistent and just than mainstream notions of
held positions contrary to central planning. Leon Trotsky rejected central planning in favour of decentralised planning. He argued that central planners, regardless of their intellectual capacity, would be unable to coordinate effectively all economic activity within an economy because they operated
The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of the evil. ... I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by an educational system which would be oriented
Excessive disparities in income distribution lead to social instability and require costly corrective measures in the form of redistributive taxation, which incurs heavy administrative costs while weakening the incentive to work, inviting dishonesty and increasing the likelihood of tax evasion while
While the precise number of deaths is sensitive to the assumptions we make about baseline mortality, it is clear that somewhere in the vicinity of 100 million people died prematurely at the height of British colonialism. This is among the largest policy-induced mortality crises in human history. It
Socialist writers of the nineteenth century proposed socialist arrangements for sharing as a response to the inequality and poverty of the industrial revolution. English socialist Robert Owen proposed that ownership and production take place in cooperatives, where all members shared equally. French
Socialists have always recognized that there are many possible forms of social ownership of which co-operative ownership is one...Nevertheless, socialism has throughout its history been inseparable from some form of common ownership. By its very nature it involves the abolition of private ownership
Socialists have always recognized that there are many possible forms of social ownership of which co-operative ownership is one...Nevertheless, socialism has throughout its history been inseparable from some form of common ownership. By its very nature it involves the abolition of private ownership
You can't talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You're really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it
rejected the association of socialism and social ownership with state ownership over the means of production because the state as it exists in its current form is a product of capitalist society and cannot be transplanted to a different institutional framework. Schumpeter argued that there would be
Socialists view creativity as an essential aspect of human nature and define freedom as a state of being where individuals are able to express their creativity unhindered by constraints of both material scarcity and coercive social institutions. The socialist concept of individuality is intertwined
Libertarian socialism, furthermore, does not limit its aims to democratic control by producers over production, but seeks to abolish all forms of domination and hierarchy in every aspect of social and personal life, an unending struggle, since progress in achieving a more just society will lead to
Anarchism, then, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government. Anarchism stands for a social order based on the free grouping of individuals
It should not be forgotten, however, that in the period of the Second International, some of the reformist currents of Marxism, as well as some of the extreme left-wing ones, not to speak of the anarchist groups, had already criticised the view that State ownership and central planning is the best
Modern democratic socialism is a broad political movement that seeks to promote the ideals of socialism within the context of a democratic system. Some democratic socialists support social democracy as a temporary measure to reform the current system while others reject reformism in favour of more
in his essay on "State Socialism and Anarchism". According to Lesigne, there are two types of socialism: "One is dictatorial, the other libertarian". Tucker's two socialisms were the authoritarian state socialism which he associated to the Marxist school and the libertarian anarchist socialism, or
state-owned enterprises that report directly to China's central government. By 2008, these state-owned corporations had become increasingly dynamic and generated large increases in revenue for the state, resulting in a state-sector led recovery during the 2009 financial crises while accounting for
Socialist economics starts from the premise that "individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in
stance, believing that revolution should be spontaneous as a result of contradictions in society due to technological changes in the productive forces. Lenin theorised that under capitalism the workers cannot achieve class consciousness beyond organising into trade unions and making demands of the
French individualist anarchist Émile Armand shows clearly opposition to capitalism and centralised economies when he said that the individualist anarchist "inwardly he remains refractory—fatally refractory—morally, intellectually, economically (The capitalist economy and the directed economy, the
The decisive distinction between socialist and communist, as in one sense these terms are now ordinarily used, came with the renaming, in 1918, of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party (Bolsheviks) as the All-Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). From that time on, a distinction of socialist
Market socialism is the general designation for a number of models of economic systems. On the one hand, the market mechanism is utilized to distribute economic output, to organize production and to allocate factor inputs. On the other hand, the economic surplus accrues to society at large rather
were devoutly opposed to any socialist institution that was "conducive to superstitious authoritarianism". Draper makes the argument that this division echoes the division between "reformist or revolutionary, peaceful or violent, democratic or authoritarian, etc." and further identifies six major
The two movements are widely similar both in terminology and in ideology, although there are a few key differences. The major difference between social democracy and democratic socialism is the object of their politics in that contemporary social democrats support a welfare state and unemployment
criticised the idea of using the state to conduct central planning and own the means of production as a way to establish socialism. Following the victory of Leninism in Russia, the idea of "state socialism" spread rapidly throughout the socialist movement and eventually state socialism came to be
Su obra más representativa es Walden, aparecida en 1854, aunque redactada entre 1845 y 1847, cuando Thoreau decide instalarse en el aislamiento de una cabaña en el bosque, y vivir en íntimo contacto con la naturaleza, en una vida de soledad y sobriedad. De esta experiencia, su filosofía trata de
But there are still others (concepts and institutions) which by virtue of their nature cannot stand transplantation and always carry the flavor of a particular institutional framework. It is extremely dangerous, in fact it amounts to a distortion of historical description, to use them beyond the
Critics of socialism have argued that in any society where everyone holds equal wealth, there can be no material incentive to work because one does not receive rewards for a work well done. They further argue that incentives increase productivity for all people and that the loss of those effects
who favoured the domination of nature, eco-socialists revisited Marx's writings and believe that he "was a main originator of the ecological world-view". Marx discussed a "metabolic rift" between man and nature, stating that "private ownership of the globe by single individuals will appear quite
as an epithet, including against individuals who do not consider themselves to be socialists and against policies that are not considered socialist by their proponents. While there are many variations of socialism, and there is no single definition encapsulating all of socialism, there have been
3272:, Trotsky examined aesthetic issues in relation to class and the Russian revolution. Soviet scholar Robert Bird considered his work as the "first systematic treatment of art by a Communist leader" and a catalyst for later, Marxist cultural and critical theories. He would later co-author the 1938 3127:
The debate on the ability for social democratic reformism to lead to a socialist transformation of society is over a century old. Reformism is criticized for being paradoxical as it seeks to overcome the existing economic system of capitalism while trying to improve the conditions of capitalism,
and Blanquism is reduced to the observation that in place of a handful of conspirators we have a class-conscious proletariat. He forgets that this difference implies a complete revision of our ideas on organisation and, therefore, an entirely different conception of centralism and the relations
Modern usage began to settle from the 1860s, and in spite of the earlier variations and distinctions it was socialist and socialism which came through as the predominant words ... Communist, in spite of the distinction that had been made in the 1840s, was very much less used, and parties in the
Ethical socialism appeals to socialism on ethical and moral grounds as opposed to economic, egoistic, and consumeristic grounds. It emphasizes the need for a morally conscious economy based upon the principles of altruism, cooperation, and social justice while opposing possessive individualism.
states that all socialists share five themes: the first is that socialism posits that society is more than a mere collection of individuals; second, that it considers human welfare a desirable objective; third, that it considers humans by nature to be active and productive; fourth, it holds the
argued that money could not be arbitrarily abolished following a socialist revolution. Money had to exhaust its "historic mission", meaning it would have to be used until its function became redundant, eventually being transformed into bookkeeping receipts for statisticians and only in the more
Individualist anarchist Benjamin Tucker defined anarchism as opposition to authority as follows "They found that they must turn either to the right or to the left,—follow either the path of Authority or the path of Liberty. Marx went one way; Warren and Proudhon the other. Thus were born State
is contrasted to that of the "authoritarian, anti-democratic creed" and "the various totalitarian collectivist ideologies which claim the title of socialism" as well as "the many varieties of 'socialism from above' which have led in the twentieth century to movements and state forms in which a
any time in history to be a utopian socialist, the term is most often applied to those socialists who lived in the first quarter of the 19th century who were ascribed the label "utopian" by later socialists as a negative term to imply naivete and dismiss their ideas as fanciful or unrealistic.
are further classified as "command economies", which are defined as systems where economic coordination is undertaken by commands, directives and production targets. Studies by economists of various political persuasions on the actual functioning of the Soviet economy indicate that it was not
Management and control over the activities of enterprises are based on self-management and self-governance, with equal power-relations in the workplace to maximise occupational autonomy. A socialist form of organisation would eliminate controlling hierarchies so that only a hierarchy based on
Social democracy is an ideological stance that supports a broad balance between market capitalism, on the one hand, and state intervention, on the other hand. Being based on a compromise between the market and the state, social democracy lacks a systematic underlying theory and is, arguably,
At the heart of the market socialist model is the abolition of the large-scale private ownership of capital and its replacement by some form of 'social ownership'. Even the most conservative accounts of market socialism insist that this abolition of large-scale holdings of private capital is
The fundamental objective of socialism is to attain an advanced level of material production and therefore greater productivity, efficiency and rationality as compared to capitalism and all previous systems, under the view that an expansion of human productive capability is the basis for the
It is forgotten that the early defenders of commercial society like Smith were as much concerned with criticising the associational blocks to mobile labour represented by guilds as they were to the activities of the state. The history of socialist thought includes a long associational and
published findings which found that 42% of Canadians viewed socialism as the ideal system compared to 43% of British respondents, 40% Australian respondents and 31% American respondents. Overall support for socialism ranged from 50% of Canadians 18-24 year olds to 28% of Canadians over 55.
We therefore foresee a Society in which all activities will be coordinated, a structure that has, at the same time, sufficient flexibility to permit the greatest possible autonomy for social life, or for the life of each enterprise, and enough cohesiveness to prevent all disorder. ... In a
A state-directed economy may refer to a type of mixed economy consisting of public ownership over large industries, as promoted by various Social democratic political parties during the 20th century. This ideology influenced the policies of the British Labour Party during Clement Attlee's
Socialists argue that the accumulation of capital generates waste through externalities that require costly corrective regulatory measures. They also point out that this process generates wasteful industries and practices that exist only to generate sufficient demand for products such as
The disappearances of slaves and masters and lords and serfs would now be replicated by the disappearance of capitalists and workers. Such oppositional categories would no longer apply to the relationships of production, Instead, workers would become their own collective bosses. The two
There are many forms of socialism, all of which eliminate private ownership of capital and replace it with collective ownership. These many forms, all focused on advancing distributive justice for long-term social welfare, can be divided into two broad types of socialism: nonmarket and
5938:, p. 87: "This alteration in the relationship between economy and politics is evident in the very definition of a socialist economic system. The basic characteristic of such a system is generally reckoned to be the predominance of the social ownership of the means of production." 4333:
simply anarchism, that he advocated. Tucker noted that the fact that the authoritarian "State Socialism has overshadowed other forms of Socialism gives it no right to a monopoly of the Socialistic idea". According to Tucker, what those two schools of socialism had in common was the
and social democracy had become the two dominant political tendencies within the international socialist movement, with socialism itself becoming the most influential secular movement of the 20th century. Many socialists also adopted the causes of other social movements, such as
from communist, often with supporting definitions such as social democrat or democratic socialist, became widely current, although it is significant that all communist parties, in line with earlier usage, continued to describe themselves as socialist and dedicated to socialism.
provided a comprehensive theoretical framework for a planned socialist economy. In his model, assuming perfect computation techniques, simultaneous equations relating inputs and outputs to ratios of equivalence would provide appropriate valuations to balance supply and demand.
social world or culture whose denizens they are. Now ownership or property—also, so I believe, taxation—are such denizens of the world of commercial society, exactly as knights and fiefs are denizens of the feudal world. But so is the state (a denizen of commercial society).
Socialists complain that capitalism necessarily leads to unfair and exploitative concentrations of wealth and power in the hands of the relative few who emerge victorious from free-market competition—people who then use their wealth and power to reinforce their dominance in
One finds favorable opinions of cooperatives also among other great economists of the past, such as, for example, John Stuart Mill and Alfred Marshall...In eliminating the domination of capital over labour, firms run by workers eliminate capitalist exploitation and reduce
Mill, in contrast, advances a form of liberal democratic socialism for the enlargement of freedom as well as to realise social and distributive justice. He offers a powerful account of economic injustice and justice that is centered on his understanding of freedom and its
revolutionary methods. Modern social democracy emphasises a program of gradual legislative modification of capitalism to make it more equitable and humane while the theoretical end goal of building a socialist society is relegated to the indefinite future. According to
reports that "s Marxists the founders of the group believed that the injustice and oppression which they suffered stemmed from relationships deeply embedded in the structure of American society". Emerging from events such as the May 1968 insurrection in France, the
argues that "n general anarchism is closer to socialism than liberalism. ... Anarchism finds itself largely in the socialist camp, but it also has outriders in liberalism. It cannot be reduced to socialism, and is best seen as a separate and distinctive doctrine."
that emphasized the moral worth of the individual while stressing that people act or should act as if they are in isolation from one another. The original utopian socialists condemned this doctrine of individualism for failing to address social concerns during the
by overthrowing ownership of the means of production by capitalists and consequently, overthrowing the state that upheld this economic order. For Marx and Engels, conditions determine consciousness and ending the role of the capitalist class leads eventually to a
5677:, "The Right condemned socialism as violating individual rights to private property and unleashing monstrous forms of state oppression", while "the Left saw it as opening up new vistas of social equality, genuine freedom and the development of human potentials." 3547:
and the market exchange as natural entities or moral rights which are central to their conceptions of freedom and liberty and view the economic dynamics of capitalism as immutable and absolute, therefore they perceive public ownership of the means of production,
2610:, argued that the appeal of socialism persists due to the inequality and "tremendous suffering" under current global capitalism, the use of wage labor "which rests on the exploitation and domination of humans by other humans," and ecological crises, such as 13187:"unlike other socialists, they tend to see (to various different degrees, depending on the thinker) to be skeptical of centralised state intervention as the solution to capitalist exploitation..." Roderick T. Long. "Toward a libertarian theory of class." 4941:
As part of the larger socialist movement, it seeks to distinguish itself from Bolshevism, Leninism and Marxism–Leninism as well as social democracy. Past and present political philosophies and movements commonly described as libertarian socialist include
A self-managed, decentralised economy is based on autonomous self-regulating economic units and a decentralised mechanism of resource allocation and decision-making. This model has found support in notable classical and neoclassical economists including
Having lost its ability to bring happiness or trample men in the dust, money will turn into mere bookkeeping receipts for the convenience of statisticians and for planning purposes. In the still more distant future, probably these receipts will not be
6357:, p. 13: "Under socialism, by definition, it (private property and factor markets) would be eliminated. There would then be something like 'scientific management', 'the science of socially organized production', but it would not be economics."; 3993:, whereas the nationalisation of the coal mines in 1947 created a coal board charged with running the coal industry commercially so as to be able to meet the interest payable on the bonds which the former mine owners' shares had been converted into. 3829:
to the capitalist economy and centrally planned economy that is based on collaborative self-management, common ownership of resources and the production of use-values through the free cooperation of producers who have access to distributed capital.
5908:–8: "What else does a socialist economic system involve? Those who favor socialism generally speak of social ownership, social control, or socialization of the means of production as the distinctive positive feature of a socialist economic system." 2789:, resulting in reduced incentives for capitalists to invest in more production. In essence, social welfare policies cripple capitalism and its incentive system and are thus unsustainable in the long run. Marxists argue that the establishment of a 3883:
based on market-based allocation, social ownership of the means of production and self-management within firms. This system substituted Yugoslavia's Soviet-type central planning with a decentralised, self-managed system after reforms in 1953.
argued that the absence of private economic activity would enable political leaders to grant themselves coercive powers, powers that, under a capitalist system, would instead be granted by a capitalist class, which Friedman found preferable.
of the 20th century, where it was combined with a single-party political system. In a centrally planned economy, decisions regarding the quantity of goods and services to be produced are planned in advance by a planning agency (see also the
13228:"So, libertarian socialism rejects the idea of state ownership and control of the economy, along with the state as such. Through workers' self-management it proposes to bring an end to authority, exploitation, and hierarchy in production." 4886:
structures of political organisation. Libertarian socialism asserts that a society based on freedom and equality can be achieved through abolishing authoritarian institutions that control production. Libertarian socialists generally prefer
refers to an array of different economic theories and systems that use the market mechanism to organise production and to allocate factor inputs among socially owned enterprises, with the economic surplus (profits) accruing to society in a
essential. This requirement is fully consistent with the market socialists' general claim that the vices of market capitalism lie not with the institutions of the market but with (the consequences of) the private ownership of capital ... .
argued socialism requires that the "main streams of economic activity are brought under public direction", with an economic plan and workers' democracy. Some argued that capitalism had been abolished. Socialist governments established the
10573:"In a society developed on these lines, the voluntary associations which already now begin to cover all the fields of human activity would take a still greater extension so as to substitute themselves for the state in all its functions." 6612:, p. 77: "... Giorgio Napolitano launched a medium-term programme, 'which tended to justify the governmental deflationary policies, and asked for the understanding of the workers, since any economic recovery would be linked with the 3078:
Revolutionary socialists believe that a social revolution is necessary to effect structural changes to the socioeconomic structure of society. Among revolutionary socialists there are differences in strategy, theory and the definition of
4703:. The idea of socialism from above is much more frequently discussed in elite circles than socialism from below—even if that is the Marxist ideal—because it is more practical. Draper viewed socialism from below as being the purer, more 2768:
of these socialised assets. Private ownership imposes constraints on planning, leading to uncoordinated economic decisions that result in business fluctuations, unemployment and a tremendous waste of material resources during crisis of
and control of capital—as being the cause of poverty, low wages, unemployment, economic and social inequality and a lack of economic security; a general view that the solution to these problems is a form of collective control over the
1838:" politics, remaining committed to equality and welfare, while abandoning public ownership and class-based politics. Socialism experienced a resurgence in popularity in the 2010s, most prominently in the form of democratic socialism. 5523:
51%, Sweden 49%, Canada 49%, Great Britain 49%, Australia 49%, Poland 48%, Chile 48%, South Korea 48%, Peru 48%, Italy 47%, Serbia 47%, Germany 45%, Belgium 44%, Romania 40%, United States 39%, France 31%, Hungary 28% and Japan 21%.
5504: 3053:
based on socialist ideas could also be categorised as "utopian socialist". For Marxists, the development of capitalism in Western Europe provided a material basis for the possibility of bringing about socialism because according to
2144:(1848), Mill posited that "as far as economic theory was concerned, there is nothing in principle in economic theory that precludes an economic order based on socialist policies" and promoted substituting capitalist businesses with 4117:
economic renovation but slightly differs from the Chinese model in that the Vietnamese government retains firm control over the state sector and strategic industries, but allows for private-sector activity in commodity production.
for the purpose of producing real social wealth; an order that will guarantee to every human being free access to the earth and full enjoyment of the necessities of life, according to individual desires, tastes, and inclinations.
of capital; bringing the means of production, distribution, and exchange into public ownership and control is central to its philosophy. It is difficult to see how it can survive, in theory or practice, without this central idea.
of capital; bringing the means of production, distribution, and exchange into public ownership and control is central to its philosophy. It is difficult to see how it can survive, in theory or practice, without this central idea.
3239:, as well as entry into the cultural sphere, but that the process of artistic creation in terms of language and presentation should be the domain of the practitioner. According to political scientist Baruch Knei-Paz in his book 3002:
and taxation, were concepts exclusive to commercial society (capitalism) and attempting to place them within the context of a future socialist society would amount to a distortion of these concepts by using them out of context.
6150:, p. 2456: "Socialist systems are those regimes based on the economic and political theory of socialism, which advocates public ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources." 5926:, p. 2456: "Socialist systems are those regimes based on the economic and political theory of socialism, which advocates public ownership and cooperative management of the means of production and allocation of resources." 1913:. They viewed their society as harming community life by basing society on competition. They presented socialism as an alternative to liberal individualism based on the shared ownership of resources. Saint-Simon proposed 14592:. Para George Woodcock, esta actitud puede estar también motivada por una cierta idea de resistencia al progreso y de rechazo al materialismo creciente que caracteriza la sociedad norteamericana de mediados de siglo XIX. 7215:
was introduced into Marxist theory by Lenin in 1917. ... the new distinction was helpful to Lenin in defending his party against the traditional Marxist criticism that Russia was too backward for a socialist revolution.
is not necessarily defined by revolutionary socialists as violent insurrection, but as a complete dismantling and rapid transformation of all areas of class society led by the majority of the masses: the working class.
Desbazeille, Michèle Madonna (1990). "Le Nouveau Monde amoureux de Charles Fourier: une écriture passionnée de la rencontre" [The New World in Love with Charles Fourier: A Passionate Writing of the Encounter].
road to socialism. But with the victory of Leninism in Russia, all dissent was silenced, and socialism became identified with 'democratic centralism', 'central planning', and State ownership of the means of production.
2741:, contributing to the formation of economic bubbles. Such accumulation and reinvestment, when it demands a constant rate of profit, causes problems if the earnings in the rest of society do not increase in proportion. 3815:'s model of negotiated coordination. Negotiated coordination is based upon social ownership by those affected by the use of the assets involved, with decisions made by those at the most localised level of production. 14598:. For George Woodcock, this attitude may also be motivated by a certain idea of resistance to progress and rejection of the growing materialism that characterizes American society in the mid-nineteenth century.] 4421:
as "hybrid economics", an active collaboration of capitalist and socialist visions. Some studies and surveys indicate that people tend to live happier and healthier lives in social democratic societies rather than
15623: 6809:: "Nordic nations—and especially Sweden—did embrace socialism between around 1970 and 1990. During the past 30 years, however, both conservative and social democratic-led governments have moved toward the center." 1715:; organised through political parties and opposed to party politics; at times overlapping with trade unions and other times independent and critical of them, and present in industrialised and developing nations. 4416:
schemes, support for publicly financed public services and a mixed economy. It is often used in this manner to refer to Western and Northern Europe during the later half of the 20th century. It was described by
3795:, a real-time information bridge between the government, state enterprises and consumers. This had been preceded by similar efforts to introduce a form of cybernetic economic planning as seen with the proposed 2082:, etc. He used these terms completely interchangeably. The notion that 'socialism' and 'communism' are distinct historical stages is alien to his work and only entered the lexicon of Marxism after his death". 5757:
Some philosophers have also criticized the aims of socialism, arguing that equality erodes away at individual diversities and that the establishment of an equal society would have to entail strong coercion.
Vol. 1 (1896): "Society should be free through mankind's spontaneous federative affiliation to life, based on the community of land and tools of the trade; meaning: Anarchy will be equality by abolition of
13975: 5711:, while others support their criticism by examining historical attempts to establish socialist societies. The economic calculation problem concerns the feasibility and methods of resource allocation for a 4095:
that holds that when labour or its product is sold, in exchange it ought to receive goods or services embodying "the amount of labour necessary to produce an article of exactly similar and equal utility".
13574:, considered early French utopian socialist Charles Fourier to be the founder of the libertarian branch of socialist thought, as opposed to the authoritarian socialist ideas of Babeuf and Buonarroti." 11939:
Liberal socialism, for example, is unequivocally in favour of the free market economy and of freedom of action for the individual and recognises in legalistic and artificial monopolies the real evils of
In order of increasing decentralisation (at least) three forms of socialised ownership can be distinguished: state-owned firms, employee-owned (or socially) owned firms, and citizen ownership of equity.
2. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) any of various social or political theories or movements in which the common welfare is to be achieved through the establishment of a socialist economic system.
revolution that would overcome as many male-female inequalities as possible. As their movement already had the most radical demands in women's equality, most Marxist leaders, including Clara Zetkin and
3746:"in an implied contractual relationship with the public". It originated in the United Kingdom and was at its most influential in the first quarter of the 20th century. It was strongly associated with 13248:" ...preferring a system of popular self governance via networks of decentralized, local voluntary, participatory, cooperative associations. Roderick T. Long. "Toward a libertarian theory of class." 2806:
and wealth within a small segment of society. In addition, they complained that capitalism does not use available technology and resources to their maximum potential in the interests of the public.
13291:"...preferring a system of popular self governance via networks of decentralized, local, voluntary, participatory, cooperative associations-sometimes as a complement to and check on state power..." 3648:
without the input and tacit knowledge embodied by the participation of the millions of people in the economy. As a result, central planners would be unable to respond to local economic conditions.
4653:. It holds that socialist revolution should be carried out by a relatively small group of highly organised and secretive conspirators. Upon seizing power, the revolutionaries introduce socialism. 6647: 2845:
argued that socialism would emerge from historical necessity as capitalism rendered itself obsolete and unsustainable from increasing internal contradictions emerging from the development of the
4091:. Integral to the scheme was the establishment of a mutual-credit bank that would lend to producers at a minimal interest rate, just high enough to cover administration. Mutualism is based on a 4787: 5680:
Because of socialism's many varieties, most critiques have focused on a specific approach. Proponents of one approach typically criticise others. Socialism has been criticised in terms of its
socialist Henri Saint-Simon proposed to the contrary: socialism meant solving economic problems by means of state administration and planning, and taking advantage of new advances in science.
5487:. Syndicalists advocate a socialist economy based on federated unions or syndicates of workers who own and manage the means of production. Some Marxist currents advocate syndicalism, such as 2702:
extension of freedom and equality in society. Many forms of socialist theory hold that human behaviour is largely shaped by the social environment. In particular, socialism holds that social
12990: 6785:: "If we were to extend the definition of socialism to include Labor Britain or socialist Sweden, there would be no difficulty in refuting the connection between capitalism and democracy."; 24664: 10702: 8983: 5800: 3096:
of class conscious revolutionaries to take a central role in coordinating the social revolution to overthrow the capitalist state and eventually the institution of the state altogether.
4404:. The two main directions were to establish democratic socialism or to build first a welfare state within the capitalist system. The first variant advances democratic socialism through 6703:
As the nineteenth century progressed, 'socialist' came to signify not only concern with the social question, but opposition to capitalism and support for some form of social ownership.
would lead to stagnation. Some critics of socialism argue that income sharing reduces individual incentives to work and therefore incomes should be individualized as much as possible.
is unfeasible in this view because information cannot be aggregated by a central body and effectively used to formulate a plan for an entire economy, because doing so would result in
301: 10114:
It is an economic system that combines social ownership of capital with market allocation of capital...The state owns the means of production, and returns accrue to society at large.
7591: 5898:, p. 2: "Socialism may be defined as movements for social ownership and control of the economy. It is this idea that is the common element found in the many forms of socialism." 5884:, p. 2: "Socialism may be defined as movements for social ownership and control of the economy. It is this idea that is the common element found in the many forms of socialism." 24975: 2927: 1668:
ideology in most countries of the world. Types of socialism vary based on the role of markets and planning in resource allocation, and the structure of management in organizations.
went from ruling party in 2011 to a minor party. The decline of these mainstream parties opened space for more radical and populist left parties in some countries, such as Spain's
17796: 4370:
really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism. There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.
3730:. There are numerous variations of self-management, including labour-managed firms and worker-managed firms. The goals of self-management are to eliminate exploitation and reduce 2752:
in the economy. According to socialists, private property becomes obsolete when it concentrates into centralised, socialised institutions based on private appropriation of revenue
5019: 3144:", specifically focused on structural changes to capitalism as opposed to reforms to improve living conditions within capitalism or to prop it up through economic interventions. 2876:
Marx and Engels held the view that the consciousness of those who earn a wage or salary (the working class in the broadest Marxist sense) would be moulded by their conditions of
16782: 5380:
absurd as private ownership of one man by another" and his observation that a society must "hand it down to succeeding generations in an improved condition". English socialist
in the United States. Few of these radical left parties have won national government in Europe, while some more mainstream socialist parties have managed to, such as Portugal's
The original conception of socialism was an economic system whereby production was organised in a way to directly produce goods and services for their utility (or use-value in
2535:, which saw a declining share of the vote in national elections—from 43.9% in 2009 to 13.2% in May 2012, to 12.3% in June 2012 and 4.7% in 2015—due to its poor handling of the 5569:. Specifically, 68% of respondents favoured the nationalisation of water services, 65% supporting the nationalisation of the railways, 63% supporting the public ownership of 10754: 10678: 2777:(the corrective measures) reduce the overall efficiency of the market economy. These corrective policies limit the incentive system of the market by providing things such as 5266:. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused and that "affirming one's difference" can actually enhance social integration. In 6257:
the enterprise, the interrelationships between production units (plan versus markets), and, if the state owns and operates any part of the economy, who controls it and how.
25379: 25362: 3898:
of the last century, but would also mark another milestone in human history, similar to earlier transitions out of slavery and feudalism. As an example, Wolff claims that
3226: 16806:
is larger than the combined number of deaths that occurred during all famines in the Soviet Union, Maoist China, North Korea, Pol Pot's Cambodia, and Mengistu's Ethiopia.
11514: 10562:
Anarchism, a social philosophy that rejects authoritarian government and maintains that voluntary institutions are best suited to express man's natural social tendencies.
of 1969, militant gay liberation organisations began to spring up around the world. Many sprang from left radicalism more than established homophile groups, although the
While major socialist political movements include anarchism, communism, the labour movement, Marxism, social democracy, and syndicalism, independent socialist theorists,
A planned economy is a type of economy consisting of a mixture of public ownership of the means of production and the coordination of production and distribution through
25409: 3060:"hat the bourgeoisie produces above all is its own grave diggers", namely the working class, which must become conscious of the historical objectives set it by society. 16285: 12623: 20824: 15517: 14690:[Voluntary submission. Spanish Individualist Anarchism during the Dictatorship and the Second Republic (1923–1938) by Xavier Diez] (in Spanish). Archived from 10662:
as many anarchists have stressed, it is not government as such that they find objectionable, but the hierarchical forms of government associated with the nation state.
10343: 17507: 10715:
anarchists are opposed to irrational (e.g., illegitimate) authority, in other words, hierarchy—hierarchy being the institutionalisation of authority within a society.
3235:(1917–1925) organisational control of the national culture. Similarly, Trotsky viewed the party as transmitters of culture to the masses for raising the standards of 5932:, p. 7: "Pure socialism is defined as a system wherein all of the means of production are owned and run by the government and/or cooperative, nonprofit groups." 5159: 4180:(1924), Angelo S. Rappoport analysed forty definitions of socialism to conclude that common elements of socialism include general criticism of the social effects of 3286:. Trotsky's writings on literature such as his 1923 survey which advocated tolerance, limited censorship and respect for literary tradition had strong appeal to the 20873: 12116: 4034:
believed that a socialist economy based on state ownership of land and natural resources would provide a means of public finance to make income taxes unnecessary.
5355:. Eco-socialists generally claim that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion, poverty, war and environmental degradation through 4400:
employ these terms interchangeably. Others found "clear differences" between the three terms and prefer to describe their own political beliefs by using the term
Social democracy is a socialist tradition of political thought. Many social democrats refer to themselves as socialists or democratic socialists and some such as
and money. In a fully developed socialist economy, production and balancing factor inputs with outputs becomes a technical process to be undertaken by engineers.
27245: 25352: 24296: 4212:
identifies four core principles of socialism and particularly socialist society, namely sociality, social responsibility, cooperation and planning. In his study
15445: 14095: 5200:
rather than trying to combine them. Anarcha-feminism began with late 19th- and early 20th-century authors and theorists such as anarchist feminists Goldman and
and a class of owners, private property in the means of production is perceived as being an outdated form of economic organisation that should be replaced by a
and ideas remain a political force with varying degrees of power and influence, heading national governments in several countries. Socialist politics have been
25872: 25372: 24301: 8009:
The individual is largely a product of his environment and much of his conduct and behavior is the reflex of getting a living in a particular stage of society.
argues that "re-organising production so that workers become collectively self-directed at their work-sites" not only moves society beyond both capitalism and
20883: 20276: 15681: 15364:
leisure) and talents. It is true therefore that beyond some point the pursuit of equality runs into controversial or contradictory criteria of need or merit.
According to McKenna, Wilde was part of a secret organisation that aimed to legalise homosexuality, and was known among the group as a leader of "the Cause".
struggles and disputes within the socialist movement go back to the First International and the expulsion in 1872 of the anarchists, who went on to lead the
4100: 1834:
consensus replaced the social democratic consensus in the advanced capitalist world, while many former socialist politicians and political parties embraced "
4892: 3775:
in which workers manage the firms and democratically determine remuneration levels and labour divisions. Productive resources would be legally owned by the
27235: 25398: 25367: 20858: 9251: 4221:
belief of human equality; and fifth, that history is progressive and will create positive change on the condition that humans work to achieve such change.
4103:. It combines a large state sector that comprises the commanding heights of the economy, which are guaranteed their public ownership status by law, with a 3532: 3497: 10861:, p. 28"Anarchists do reject the state, as we will see. But to claim that this central aspect of anarchism is definitive is to sell anarchism short." 4197:(the degree and means of control vary among socialist movements); an agreement that the outcome of this collective control should be a society based upon 25357: 25309: 20712: 18576: 8358: 3136:
argues that reforms are a diversion of energy for socialists and are limited because they must adhere to the logic of capitalism. French social theorist
in France were considered respectable socialists while working-class movements that "proclaimed the necessity of total social change" denoted themselves
14573:[Voluntary submission. Spanish Individualist Anarchism during the Dictatorship and the Second Republic (1923–1938)] (in Spanish). Archived from 27110: 20798: 18394: 16496: 5228:
published "Socialist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women's Movement", which is believed to be the first published use of the term "socialist feminism".
11316: 6096:
Pure socialism is defined as a system wherein all of the means of production are owned and run by the government and/or cooperative, nonprofit groups.
Socialism, you see, is a bird with two wings. The definition is 'social ownership and democratic control of the instruments and means of production.'
25606: 24056: 15900: 12290: 12211: 10710: 7766: 7644: 2687:. Positivism held that both the natural and social worlds could be understood through scientific knowledge and be analysed using scientific methods. 16990: 15402: 10395: 4725:' rules over a stratified economy in the name of socialism", a division that "runs through the history of the socialist movement". Lipow identifies 24654: 15097: 3445:), with the direct allocation of resources in terms of physical units as opposed to financial calculation and the economic laws of capitalism (see 3241: 1680: 12756: 8156: 3132:, capitalism is not overthrown, "but is on the contrary strengthened by the development of social reforms". In a similar vein, Stan Parker of the 24847: 24762: 21190: 21046: 2756:
but based on cooperative work and internal planning in allocation of inputs—until the role of the capitalist becomes redundant. With no need for
13171: 13022: 5384:
is credited with developing principles of what was later called eco-socialism. During the 1880s and 1890s, Morris promoted his ideas within the
interchangeably, but many later Marxists defined socialism as a specific historical phase that would displace capitalism and precede communism.
27250: 24490: 22210: 21727: 19919: 12140: 12057: 10481: 8741: 3274: 2499:
Many mainstream democratic socialist and social democratic parties continued to drift right-wards. On the right of the socialist movement, the
1349: 5920:, p. 53: "Socialism is an economic system characterised by state or collective ownership of the means of production, land, and capital."; 27275: 25304: 24917: 20727: 10640:
The IAF – IFA fights for : the abolition of all forms of authority whether economical, political, social, religious, cultural or sexual.
8681: 7330: 4771: 12180: 4038:
implemented a market socialist economy based on cooperatives and worker self-management. Some of the economic reforms introduced during the
26620: 24970: 24539: 24103: 20931: 20905: 17828: 14250: 13649: 12729: 10421: 9033: 7598: 7284: 17824: 15047: 10747: 9255: 9123:
In such a setting, information problems are not serious, and engineers rather than economists can resolve the issue of factor proportions.
and market exchange are natural entities or moral rights which are central to freedom and liberty and argue that the economic dynamics of
social revolution. The changes in the economic foundation lead sooner or later to the transformation of the whole immense superstructure.
2477: 1858:. This latter word could mean companionship and fellowship as well as the more legalistic idea of a consensual contract between freemen". 1766:
includes political philosophies that originated in the revolutionary movements of the mid-to-late 18th century and out of concern for the
25489: 25459: 24752: 24432: 15116: 13000: 12542: 1580: 17884: 15011: 14013: 11001: 3119:
to pass political and social reforms for the purposes of ameliorating the instabilities and inequities of capitalism. Within socialism,
25746: 25706: 25616: 25427: 24943: 23000: 22641: 20863: 15028: 14688:"La Insumisión voluntaria. El Anarquismo individualista Español durante la Dictadura i la Segunda República (1923–1938) by Xavier Diez" 6381: 5431:
was followed by his essay "Ecology and Revolutionary Thought" which introduced ecology as a concept in radical politics. In the 1970s,
4935: 4678: 4247: 2761: 16792: 16661: 7681: 7288: 4160:
authors, and academic supporters of socialism may not be represented in these movements. Some political groups have called themselves
In the Leninist conception, the role of the vanguard party was to politically educate the workers and peasants to dispel the societal
formed in 1992. Many of these parties lost large parts of their electoral base in the early 21st century. This phenomenon is known as
27190: 25734: 25629: 25501: 25287: 24684: 24419: 20868: 20680: 17076: 11458: 10764: 3628: 12515: 12416: 5351:
Eco-socialism is a political strain merging aspects of socialism, Marxism or libertarian socialism with green politics, ecology and
to influence the state to intervene in the economy in their favour at the expense of overall economic efficiency. Early socialists (
26464: 25639: 25556: 25449: 24822: 24787: 24736: 24521: 23185: 20829: 20794: 17433: 14635: 12783: 12031: 10684: 5577:
which is operated by the government. The poll also found broad levels of support among traditional Labour and Conservative voters.
3876: 3115:. Reformism is the belief that socialists should stand in parliamentary elections within capitalist society and if elected use the 2349:, culminating in the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Socialists have adopted the causes of other social movements such as 14665: 12810: 12596: 12134:
of the revolutionary conspiracy, it was considered wiser to keep the mass at some distance from the conspirators. Rosa Luxemburg,
8932:"Trotsky and Trotskyism" in The Cambridge History of Communism: Volume 1, World Revolution and Socialism in One Country 1917–1941R 8096: 2409: 26104: 25579: 25386: 25253: 24169: 23793: 23095: 20971: 20900: 3583:
or labour credits, which like money would be used to acquire articles of consumption, but unlike money they are unable to become
2563: 247: 14271: 14212: 26552: 25277: 25122: 24810: 24444: 24337: 24174: 23214: 20946: 20498: 20412: 18520: 12569: 11522: 11115: 10631: 8830: 7183:
One widespread distinction was that socialism socialised production only while communism socialised production and consumption.
4883: 2956:
and the role it should play in revolutionary struggles, in constructing socialism and within an established socialist economy.
2586:. In other countries, left-wing revivals have taken place within mainstream democratic socialist and centrist parties, as with 2039: 458: 16162: 16130: 5319:, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States which in its early days reflected a strong Marxist influence. The 27130: 25764: 25265: 25231: 25219: 25214: 25105: 24782: 23202: 20599: 20166: 17407: 16814: 15927: 15644: 13624: 13501: 12820: 12793: 12766: 12739: 12712: 12687: 12660: 12633: 12606: 12579: 12552: 12525: 12451: 12426: 12399: 12372: 11810: 9302: 9269: 8966: 8956: 8939: 8914: 8840: 8782: 7511: 6136:
Socialism is an economic system characterised by state or collective ownership of the means of production, land, and capital.
6129: 6089: 5769: 4047: 2923: 297: 25691: 15525: 14609: 10627: 10347: 10310: 9480: 8516: 5500: 3563:
The role and use of money in a hypothetical socialist economy is a contested issue. Nineteenth century socialists including
are not usually called "utopian socialists", although their way of living is a prime example. They have been categorised as
25801: 25569: 24659: 24634: 24181: 21027: 20951: 20804: 20756: 18525: 16567: 13488: 13458:
anti-statist tradition prior to the political victory of the Bolshevism in the east and varieties of Fabianism in the west.
13232: 13205: 12650: 10024: 8496: 7071: 4567:
Principles that can be described as ethical or liberal socialist have been based upon or developed by philosophers such as
Weisskopf, Thomas E. (1992). "Toward a Socialism for the Future, in the Wake of the Demise of the Socialism of the Past".
11550:"Capitalism and extreme poverty: A global analysis of real wages, human height, and mortality since the long 16th century" 10778: 10369: 7623: 2959:
In the 19th century, the philosophy of state socialism was first explicitly expounded by the German political philosopher
27429: 25681: 25347: 25294: 25282: 23903: 23813: 17934: 17816: 16596: 15756: 15667: 12972: 11766: 9985: 9889: 9828: 9787: 8411: 8235:
The bourgeoisie demonstrated to be a superfluous class. All its social functions are now performed by salaried employees.
7417: 7344: 7310: 7002: 6482: 6474: 5225: 3961:
Nationalisation in the United Kingdom was achieved through compulsory purchase of the industry (i.e. with compensation).
2485: 2270:
saw the establishment of new socialist party states, partly in Eastern Europe and the Far East. The establishment of the
1917:, scientific administration and the application of scientific understanding to the organisation of society. By contrast, 24439: 23928: 22055: 14571:"La Insumisión voluntaria. El Anarquismo individualista Español durante la Dictadura i la Segunda República (1923–1938)" 4938:
through the identification, criticism and practical dismantling of illegitimate authority in all aspects of human life.
criticised Lenin, stating that his conception of revolution was elitist and Blanquist. Marxism–Leninism combines Marx's
Utopian socialism is a term used to define the first currents of modern socialist thought as exemplified by the work of
25729: 25724: 25444: 25392: 24827: 24516: 24454: 22203: 21720: 20981: 20961: 20547: 20443: 20089: 17674: 17603: 17533: 17511:, in Patrick Riordan (dir.), Values in Public life: aspects of common goods (Berlin, LIT Verlag, 2007), pp. 11–34. 17393: 17373: 17355: 17274: 17227: 17196: 17131: 17089: 17033: 17004: 16933: 16880: 16767: 16727: 16704: 16650: 16619: 16561: 16536: 16486: 16467: 16444: 16413: 16386: 16361: 16342: 16319: 16251: 16217: 16071: 16043: 16009: 15916: 15890: 15864: 15837: 15814: 15786: 15717: 15600: 15535: 15385: 15304: 15178: 14927: 14886: 14846: 14769: 14515: 14439: 14370: 14339: 14196: 14157: 14124: 13946: 13806: 13314: 12335: 12273: 12247: 12007: 11851: 11749: 11712: 11663: 11441: 11383: 11299: 11268: 11229: 11201: 11099: 11077: 11056: 10953: 10871:
Brown, L. Susan (2002). "Anarchism as a Political Philosophy of Existential Individualism: Implications for Feminism".
10824: 10184: 9961: 9858: 9623: 9544: 9463: 9384: 9177: 9148: 9116: 8559: 8436: 8002: 7980: 7395: 7260: 7207: 7176: 7147: 7038: 6939: 6696: 6578: 6549: 6457:
than to a class of private (capitalist) owners, through some form of collective, public or social ownership of capital.
6449: 6311: 6282: 6189: 6026: 5961: 5219: 5172: 2555: 2425: 18276: 15216:
What became known as the socialist calculation debate started when von Mises (1935 ) launched a critique of socialism.
14305: 12907: 4201:, including social equality, economic protection of people and should provide a more satisfying life for most people. 27295: 25981: 25932: 25865: 25676: 25404: 25006: 24910: 24802: 24629: 24609: 24534: 24449: 24414: 24372: 20809: 20473: 20131: 15463: 14188: 13435:
new insight and understanding of forms of oppression that may be concealed in traditional practice and consciousness.
8798: 4310: 2571: 2551: 2157: 1861: 391: 13167:"It implies a classless and anti-authoritarian (i.e. libertarian) society in which people manage their own affairs" 6273:. Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies, and Movements. Vol. 73 (2nd ed.). Lanham, Maryland: 3294: 2679:
and liberal political economy. Another philosophical basis for a great deal of early socialism was the emergence of
27125: 26486: 26011: 25999: 25823: 25813: 25769: 25584: 25260: 25209: 25092: 24689: 24500: 24096: 23873: 22323: 20888: 20878: 20493: 19911: 18327: 17707: 15948:
Engel-DiMauro, Salvatore (2 January 2021). "Anti-Communism and the Hundreds of Millions of Victims of Capitalism".
11487: 10906: 9910: 8240: 8100: 4306: 3229:
stated that the development of the socialist workers' culture should not be "hamstrung from above" and opposed the
3133: 2431: 1485: 1342: 15689: 13696: 13369:
LibSoc share with LibCap an aversion to any interference to freedom of thought, expression or choice of lifestyle.
13330: 9156:
to a class of private (capitalist) owners, through some form of collective, public or social ownership of capital.
5851: 5057:
he established. Muslim socialists are more conservative than their Western contemporaries and find their roots in
State socialism can be used to classify any variety of socialist philosophies that advocates the ownership of the
estimated that about eight million people participated directly or at least indirectly in the Spanish Revolution.
of left-wing governments on the continent in the early 21st century. Member parties ruling countries included the
27225: 27160: 26205: 26016: 26004: 25860: 25845: 25759: 25661: 25243: 25063: 24694: 22829: 22680: 20261: 20256: 20006: 18665: 18384: 18232: 15065: 13158:. "There exist three major camps in libertarian thought: right-libertarianism, socialist libertarianism, and ..." 8642: 8035: 5272: 4740:
and authoritarian methods of Stalin. A number of scholars and Western socialists have regarded Leon Trotsky as a
4517: 2140: 1573: 1529: 15154: 14963:
Hargis, Mike (2002). "No Human Being is Illegal: International Workers' Association Conference on Immigration".
13513: 10574: 10488:. Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the United States of America. 17 November 2003. Archived from 5280:
society where wealth is shared by all, while warning of the dangers of social systems that crush individuality.
4479:, Marxism is loosely held to be valuable for its emphasis on changing the world for a more just, better future. 26416: 25957: 25937: 25634: 25248: 25073: 25001: 24716: 24614: 24566: 24399: 24327: 24030: 23883: 22769: 20836: 20176: 20126: 19319: 19209: 18515: 17867: 17756: 17735: 17697: 17648: 17629: 17555: 17499: 17481: 17417: 17323: 17250: 16959: 14806: 14687: 14570: 14479: 14399: 13988: 13155: 13069: 12327: 11970: 10985: 10107: 9232: 9015:"Trotskyology: A review of John Kelly, Contemporary Trotskyism: Parties, Sects and Social Movements in Britain" 8615: 8382: 6655: 3192:
Under Socialism, solidarity will be the basis of society. Literature and art will be tuned to a different key.
2850: 2443: 24409: 19134: 15527:
The Legacy of Nuremberg: Civilising Influence or Institutionalised Vengeance? (International Humanitarian Law)
under the rule of law. It promotes extending democratic decision-making beyond political democracy to include
4027:, eliminating or greatly diminishing the need for various forms of taxation that exist in capitalist systems. 3434:
it. Society as whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members".
27573: 26569: 26028: 25855: 25719: 25671: 25432: 25226: 25100: 25083: 24726: 24624: 24404: 24070: 23943: 23165: 22196: 21713: 21556: 20976: 20851: 20438: 18888: 18645: 18247: 17976: 17292: 16611: 15677: 15269: 9345: 6341:: "Marxian socialism is often identified with the call to organize economic activity on a nonmarket basis."; 5840: 5527: 5325: 4149: 3822: 3515:
by all of society with management and control delegated to those who operate/use the means of production; or
2943: 2830: 2619: 2546:
In Europe, the share of votes for such socialist parties was at its 70-year lowest in 2015. For example, the
2493: 2370: 2271: 2079: 1495: 418: 364: 339: 207: 182: 27447: 16508: 16089: 14993: 14735: 11612: 1818:, academics have noted that some Western European countries have been governed by socialist parties or have 27598: 27588: 27180: 27165: 27060: 25624: 25299: 25194: 24995: 24903: 24770: 24469: 24459: 24228: 23968: 23963: 23657: 22695: 22328: 22137: 21736: 21140: 20582: 20503: 20483: 20266: 20186: 20171: 20136: 19975: 19950: 19872: 18928: 16479:
Common Destiny: A Comparative History of the Dutch, French, and German Social Democratic Parties, 1945–1969
15328: 14666:"R.A. Forum > SHAFFER, Kirwin R. Anarchism and countercultural politics in early twentieth-century Cuba" 13473:
referred to himself many times as a socialist and considered his philosophy to be "Anarchistic socialism."
12964: 5810: 5805: 5777: 5708: 5700: 5660: 5483:
and the use of establishment politics. Syndicalists reject state power in favour of strategies such as the
5385: 5307:
under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky, the Soviet Union abolished previous laws against homosexuality.
5231: 4791: 3966: 3653: 2922:, socialism is the lower stage of communism based on the principle of "from each according to his ability, 2790: 2536: 2524: 1708: 1452: 1422: 1397: 478: 282: 139: 14539: 12296: 12217: 3140:
criticized reformism by advocating a third alternative to reformism and social revolution that he called "
1852:, which means to combine or to share. The related, more technical term in Roman and then medieval law was 1299: 26586: 26097: 25905: 25887: 25653: 25511: 25472: 25439: 25129: 25117: 25033: 24935: 24815: 24721: 24495: 24089: 23983: 23978: 23763: 22112: 21665: 21205: 20926: 20750: 20468: 20151: 19970: 19668: 18908: 18717: 18675: 18173: 16269: 15950: 15410: 12091: 6963: 5656: 5389: 4963: 4879: 4692: 4263: 4243:
voluntary institutions, but that several authors have defined as more specific institutions based on non-
4080: 4065: 3673: 3619: 3473: 3357: 3181: 2890: 2255: 2043: 1962: 701: 381: 311: 227: 197: 27515: 24867: 18863: 15802:
The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World
13903: 10399: 344: 42: 27319: 26457: 26180: 25900: 25877: 25850: 24581: 24464: 24263: 22648: 22308: 21372: 20994: 20841: 20819: 20518: 20478: 20196: 20116: 19924: 19768: 19289: 19114: 18146: 17689: 17143: 16996: 16925: 16553: 15908: 15296: 13723: 13399: 11999: 11962: 11741: 11375: 10176: 9749: 8160: 8075: 7444: 6372: 5846: 5715:. Central planning is also criticized by elements of the radical left. Libertarian socialist economist 5496: 4870:
tradition within socialism that rejects centralised state ownership and control including criticism of
3865: 3787:, or the use of computers to manage the allocation of economic inputs. The socialist-run government of 3531:
or autonomous collective institutions. Some socialists feel that in a socialist economy, at least the "
3356:. Socialist groups have also been closely involved with a number of counter-cultural movements such as 2595: 2461: 2437: 1640:
associated with the implementation of such systems. Social ownership can take various forms, including
1566: 1354: 1239: 781: 63: 22965: 19010: 17904: 17843: 17778: 17015: 16977: 10806:
Anarchism is the view that a society without the state, or government, is both possible and desirable.
Anarchism is the view that a society without the state, or government, is both possible and desirable.
6893: 6213: 5515:
A multitude of polls have found significant levels of support for socialism among modern populations.
adopt an eco-socialist paradigm. An "environmentalism of the poor" combining ecological awareness and
27593: 27105: 27065: 26506: 25942: 25915: 25818: 24832: 24704: 23012: 22955: 22540: 21500: 21312: 21175: 20893: 20846: 20814: 20508: 20453: 19154: 19089: 18990: 18163: 17208:
The Practice of Socialist Internationalism: European Socialists and International Politics, 1914–1960
17025: 16719: 15829: 15732: 14948: 13908: 13881: 13854: 13827: 13553: 13168: 12170:. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company. 12101: 10084: 9879: 9436: 9210: 8726: 8626: 8230: 8217: 7283:
Hudis, Peter; Vidal, Matt; Smith, Tony; Rotta, Tomás; Prew, Paul, eds. (September 2018 – June 2019).
7093: 7030: 5436: 5427: 5086: 5022:
Arabic letters "Lam" and "Alif" reading "Lā" (Arabic for "No!") are a symbol of Islamic Socialism in
4987: 4596: 4259: 3880: 3677: 3268: 1447: 1119: 262: 242: 38: 17: 25910: 12135: 12065: 11594: 11047:
Brown, Susan Love (1997). "The Free Market as Salvation from Government". In Carrier, James G., ed.
10731: 10489: 9331: 8749: 6867: 5171:(1879), is the "single work dealing with sexuality most widely read by rank-and-file members of the 4254:
to be undesirable, unnecessary or harmful, it is not the central aspect. Anarchism entails opposing
2389: 1731:. While retaining socialism as a long-term goal, in the post-war period social democracy embraced a 27578: 27205: 26933: 26695: 26655: 26645: 26593: 26023: 24775: 24699: 24332: 24233: 23853: 21281: 21245: 21020: 20769: 20702: 20572: 20552: 20535: 20191: 19299: 19159: 18792: 18581: 18322: 17837: 17719: 16872: 16866: 16588: 15773:, eds. (2011). "Introduction: Pathologies of Power and the Rise of the Global Industrial Complex". 15748: 14709: 13822: 13750: 12884: 12096: 11876: 11429: 10258: 10062: 9646: 9201: 8707: 8183: 7730: 7439:
Baum, Bruce (2007). "J. S. Mill and Liberal Socialism". In Urbanati, Nadia; Zacharas, Alex (eds.).
7229:, p. 9: "In a modern sense of the word, communism refers to the ideology of Marxism–Leninism." 6994: 6081: 6075: 5820: 4900: 4855: 4444: 4384:
Democratic socialism represents any socialist movement that seeks to establish an economy based on
4190: 4087:, either individually or collectively, with trade representing equivalent amounts of labour in the 3587:
and would not be used to allocate resources within the production process. Bolshevik revolutionary
3337: 2547: 1930: 1720: 1657: 1329: 386: 277: 21456: 13876: 7252: 7240: 7139: 7127: 6243: 4439:
Social democrats advocate a peaceful, evolutionary transition of the economy to socialism through
3245:, this represented one of several distinctions between Trotsky's approach on cultural matters and 2190:, along with the changes that brought, although it has precedents in earlier movements and ideas. 27464: 27357: 26983: 26891: 26190: 26185: 25272: 24639: 24144: 23833: 23753: 23170: 22759: 22670: 22000: 21645: 21539: 21075: 20762: 20448: 20251: 20181: 20043: 19000: 18635: 18379: 18271: 18158: 18053: 17927: 17211: 17021: 16436: 16334: 16262: 16094: 15997: 15778: 15592: 15450: 15079: 13849: 13612: 12265: 12188: 10845: 10284: 9261: 9080: 8715: 8599: 8469: 7898: 7294: 7248: 7135: 6848: 6014: 5949: 5815: 5790: 5418: 5372: 4959: 4904: 4748: 4616: 4537: 4468: 4345: 4314: 4145: 3808: 3702: 3520: 3116: 3073: 3056: 3050: 2727: 2504: 2192: 2110: 2071: 1991: 1554: 1505: 1387: 613: 603: 443: 398: 23567: 14978: 14247: 12352: 11433: 11423: 10428: 9707: 9428: 7503: 7497: 4733:
as two prominent authoritarian socialist currents within the history of the socialist movement.
3246: 2994:
different institutions within socialism than those that exist within modern capitalism, just as
2400: 1986:
was that the latter aimed to only socialise production while the former aimed to socialise both
27155: 27145: 26734: 26665: 26650: 26131: 26090: 25952: 25544: 25482: 24857: 24852: 24792: 24243: 24186: 24132: 24127: 23160: 23140: 22990: 22660: 22288: 22157: 21859: 21615: 21610: 21525: 21495: 20739: 20733: 20562: 20463: 20146: 20082: 19613: 19598: 19279: 19274: 18898: 18843: 18767: 18722: 18640: 18593: 18500: 18188: 18126: 17861: 17519: 16197: 14021: 9816:
From Politics Past to Politics Future: An Integrated Analysis of Current and Emergent Paradigms
6163: 5606: 4971: 4955: 4412:
methods. In the second variant, social democracy is a policy regime involving a welfare state,
liberal democracy is, in substantial part, a product of socialist (social democratic) forces".
4376: 4267: 4140: 4092: 4061: 4028: 3665: 3572: 3477: 3365: 3361: 3287: 3222: 3161: 3153: 2979: 2903:
The major characteristics of socialism (particularly as conceived by Marx and Engels after the
2881: 2786: 2782: 2684: 2567: 2323: 2275: 2221: 2026:
and communism. He used it to defend the Bolshevik program from Marxist criticism that Russia's
1987: 1724: 1392: 736: 498: 334: 232: 222: 23027: 19688: 17431:
Navarro, V. (1992). "Has socialism failed? An analysis of health indicators under socialism".
16642: 16115: 15552:(April 1992). "Is Socialism Dead? A Comment on Market Socialism and Basic Income Capitalism". 15124: 14182: 13616: 13606: 12151: 11841: 9814: 9376: 9214: 8857: 8403: 7302: 6121: 6018: 6008: 5953: 5943: 5905: 4007:
Market socialism consists of publicly owned or cooperatively owned enterprises operating in a
system based on some form of social ownership of the means of production. By the early 1920s,
1259: 27583: 27381: 27265: 27240: 27170: 26853: 26581: 26354: 26312: 26282: 26071: 25043: 24367: 24238: 23314: 23269: 23080: 22675: 22048: 21794: 21675: 21650: 21635: 21566: 21551: 21386: 21352: 21275: 21260: 21145: 21060: 20707: 20557: 20322: 19473: 19339: 19104: 19069: 19029: 18777: 18598: 18107: 18043: 17525: 16063: 16001: 15991: 15541: 14025: 11701:
The crisis of social democratic trade unionism in Western Europe: the search for alternatives
11622: 11289: 11258: 10998: 9953: 9848: 9515: 9075: 8316: 7837: 7802: 6843: 5142: 4833: 4810: 4670: 4650: 4413: 4334: 4321: 4279: 3899: 3640: 3373: 3353: 3349: 3256: 3141: 2984: 2672: 2464:, linking left-wing socialist parties in Latin America. Its members were associated with the 2153: 1906: 1901: 1815: 1748: 1712: 1249: 1011: 786: 766: 731: 643: 573: 548: 23130: 21270: 16630: 15848: 15584: 13596: 9368: 9206: 6379:
Marangos, John (2004). "Social Dividend versus Basic Income Guarantee in Market Socialism".
6109: 27260: 27015: 26928: 26906: 26829: 26825: 26754: 26670: 26615: 26610: 26433: 26277: 26166: 25833: 25696: 25516: 25314: 25028: 24886: 24619: 24529: 24352: 24280: 24248: 24198: 24193: 23823: 23703: 23472: 23279: 23120: 23047: 22739: 22700: 22685: 22219: 22005: 21811: 21784: 21292: 21255: 21130: 21095: 20577: 20488: 19578: 19284: 19239: 19124: 18893: 18700: 18695: 18690: 18566: 18374: 18312: 18058: 17991: 17958: 17954: 17569: 17314: 17242: 16158: 15358: 13930: 13112: 13090: 11655: 10227: 9820: 9292: 8551: 7920: 7846: 5835: 5440: 5393: 5333: 5286: 5201: 4747:
rather than a forerunner to Stalin with particular emphasis drawn to his activities in the
4700: 4688: 4662: 4632: 4525: 4459:
that opposes inequality, poverty and oppression while rejecting both a totally unregulated
4358: 4020: 3974: 3933: 3177: 3112: 3046: 3022: 3012: 2799: 2757: 2694: 2653: 2648:
Early socialist thought took influences from a diverse range of philosophies such as civic
2512: 2500: 2447: 2334: 2326: 2319: 2225: 2213: 2209: 2183: 2177: 2059: 2011: 1934: 1893: 1823: 1752: 1688: 1649: 1629: 1601: 1319: 1219: 1154: 691: 618: 473: 217: 167: 124: 107: 102: 25920: 24862: 23294: 21155: 15048:"Majority of public including Tory voters want water and rail nationalised, poll suggests" 6984: 2853:
of capitalism that would generate contradictions, leading to working-class consciousness.
2523:". Mainstream social democratic and socialist parties are also networked in Europe in the 8: 27498: 27285: 27150: 27020: 26810: 26739: 26496: 26469: 26452: 26440: 26262: 26218: 26060: 25789: 25594: 25523: 25331: 25180: 25058: 24980: 24953: 24649: 24357: 24208: 24161: 24149: 24013: 23893: 23863: 23783: 23309: 23249: 22570: 22490: 22117: 21854: 21799: 21605: 21600: 21485: 21317: 21287: 21100: 21080: 21013: 20936: 20910: 20650: 20635: 20630: 20620: 20587: 20377: 20372: 20310: 19773: 19603: 19583: 19264: 19084: 19039: 18948: 18938: 18848: 18838: 18817: 18787: 18685: 18625: 18467: 18462: 18457: 18444: 18337: 18254: 18210: 18205: 18198: 17898: 17878: 17856: 17219: 16971: 16755: 16311: 15614: 14878: 13104: 10690:
the precious kernel of social customs without which no human or animal society can exist.
10243: 8429:
Marxism and the leap to the kingdom of freedom: the rise and fall of the Communist utopia
7387: 6769: 6390: 5830: 5735: 5681: 5474: 5397: 5352: 5312: 5193: 5012: 5007: 4975: 4951: 4908: 4847: 4767: 4744: 4600: 4545: 4287: 4271: 4236: 4186: 4084: 4072: 4016: 3990: 3939: 3857: 3853: 3800: 3739: 3544: 3504: 3438: 3385: 3207: 3185: 2998:
had its own distinct and unique institutional forms. The state, along with concepts like
2583: 2559: 2421: 2342: 2263: 2251: 2205: 2149: 1870: 1827: 1645: 1617: 1500: 1467: 1427: 1412: 696: 608: 598: 568: 463: 349: 316: 162: 144: 134: 91: 23057: 19573: 19518: 19005: 16716:
Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.–Indonesian Relations, 1960–1968
14643: 12035: 7963:
Andrew Vincent. Modern political ideologies. Wiley-Blackwell publishing. 2010. pp. 87–88
7924: 7850: 4516:
Liberal socialism incorporates liberal principles to socialism. It has been compared to
social reform. It asserts that the only acceptable constitutional form of government is
4043: 3950:
administration. In the biography of the 1945 United Kingdom Labour Party Prime Minister
that socialists associated with capitalism. By the late 19th century, after the work of
1274: 27568: 27005: 26921: 26911: 26744: 26707: 26637: 26576: 26559: 26513: 26423: 26337: 26151: 25927: 25838: 25155: 25068: 24958: 24948: 24644: 24223: 24213: 24025: 24020: 24003: 23998: 23467: 22975: 22912: 22172: 21804: 21779: 21769: 21764: 21752: 21625: 21446: 21377: 21337: 21200: 20696: 20670: 20625: 20458: 20417: 20337: 19994: 19955: 19698: 19653: 19638: 19428: 19199: 18966: 18913: 18873: 18742: 18732: 18711: 18551: 18452: 18399: 18285: 18227: 18141: 18001: 17981: 17966: 17920: 17565: 17458: 17264: 17180: 17160: 17119: 17099: 16951: 16841: 16743:
Upton Sinclair's: A Monthly Magazine: for Social Justice, by Peaceful Means If Possible
16378: 16146: 16081: 16053: 15975: 15856: 15801: 15571: 15233: 15162: 14673: 14391: 13798: 13775: 13674: 13666: 13647:
Reid, Donald M. (1974). "The Syrian Christians and Early Socialism in the Arab World".
13360: 13040: 12930: 12857: 12496: 11900:
Political economy and the Labour Party: the economics of democratic socialism 1884–2005
11573: 11321: 11161: 11120: 10759: 10067: 9684: 9319: 8885: 8659: 8127: 8104: 7946: 7867: 7832: 6570: 6418: 6410: 6251: 5856: 5731: 5727: 5685: 5670: 5561:
A 2023 IPSOS poll found that a majority of British public favoured public ownership of
5492: 5407: 5316: 5304: 5090: 5070: 5054: 4859: 4548:, liberal socialism identifies artificial and legalistic monopolies to be the fault of 4448: 4385: 4275: 3982: 3902:
is "a stunningly successful alternative to the capitalist organisation of production".
3826: 3669: 3540: 3508: 3454: 3391: 2960: 2803: 2795: 2643: 2605: 2354: 2279: 2145: 1792: 1763: 1744: 1692: 1676: 1661: 1637: 1490: 1432: 1264: 1189: 961: 941: 926: 776: 681: 538: 518: 503: 453: 433: 411: 252: 187: 75: 23457: 20941: 19383: 14949:
The Anarchist Collectives Workers' Self-management in the Spanish Revolution 1936–1939
The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century
as well as its political and social implications. Other critiques are directed at the
5315:. He is known for his involvement in the founding of gay organisations, including the 4836: 3309:
was imposed under Stalin in artistic production and other creative industries such as
2457: 1051: 27135: 27037: 27025: 27010: 26990: 26901: 26848: 26820: 26802: 26605: 26481: 26474: 26287: 26235: 26213: 26141: 26035: 25975: 25754: 25540: 25236: 25038: 25023: 24965: 24551: 24317: 24218: 23988: 23933: 23773: 23562: 23224: 23150: 23125: 22927: 22729: 21884: 21774: 21747: 21595: 21466: 21461: 21418: 21362: 21332: 21297: 21240: 21105: 20956: 20342: 20121: 20098: 20075: 19808: 19748: 19543: 19254: 18995: 18883: 18878: 18680: 18495: 18474: 18359: 18317: 18220: 18131: 18088: 18068: 18028: 17996: 17752: 17731: 17693: 17670: 17644: 17625: 17599: 17551: 17529: 17495: 17477: 17450: 17413: 17389: 17369: 17351: 17319: 17296: 17270: 17246: 17223: 17192: 17176: 17172: 17127: 17107: 17085: 17059: 17029: 17000: 16955: 16929: 16899: 16876: 16763: 16760:
From Marx to Mises: Post Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation
16723: 16700: 16680: 16646: 16631: 16615: 16608:
Pretext for Mass Murder: 30 September Movement and Suharto's Coup d'État in Indonesia
16592: 16557: 16532: 16504: 16482: 16463: 16440: 16419: 16409: 16405: 16382: 16357: 16338: 16315: 16247: 16213: 16067: 16039: 16031: 16015: 16005: 15979: 15967: 15912: 15886: 15860: 15833: 15810: 15782: 15752: 15713: 15663: 15640: 15628: 15596: 15585: 15575: 15531: 15455: 15381: 15300: 15174: 15150: 14923: 14892: 14882: 14852: 14842: 14812: 14802: 14775: 14765: 14521: 14511: 14485: 14475: 14445: 14435: 14405: 14395: 14366: 14335: 14275: 14192: 14184:
The Gay 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Gay Men and Lesbians, Past and Present
14163: 14153: 14120: 14065: 13994: 13984: 13970: 13952: 13942: 13802: 13779: 13767: 13692: 13678: 13620: 13597: 13364: 13310: 13271: 13151: 13147: 13065: 12816: 12789: 12762: 12735: 12708: 12683: 12656: 12629: 12602: 12575: 12548: 12521: 12488: 12447: 12422: 12395: 12368: 12331: 12295:(revised ed.). Highland Park, Michigan: International Socialists. Archived from 12269: 12243: 12216:(revised ed.). Highland Park, Michigan: International Socialists. Archived from 12013: 12003: 11976: 11966: 11930: 11907: 11880: 11847: 11745: 11718: 11708: 11669: 11659: 11577: 11554: 11483: 11437: 11389: 11379: 11295: 11264: 11225: 11197: 11165: 11095: 11073: 11052: 10981: 10959: 10949: 10820: 10739: 10396:"InfoViewer: China's champions: Why state ownership is no longer proving a dead hand" 10288: 10180: 10103: 9957: 9885: 9854: 9824: 9619: 9540: 9459: 9380: 9369: 9298: 9265: 9173: 9144: 9112: 8962: 8935: 8910: 8889: 8877: 8836: 8778: 8555: 8492: 8432: 8407: 8378: 8195: 7998: 7976: 7950: 7938: 7872: 7828: 7776: 7740: 7654: 7507: 7391: 7340: 7306: 7256: 7203: 7200:
From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation
7172: 7169:
From Marx to Mises: Post-Capitalist Society and the Challenge of Economic Calculation
7143: 7067: 7044: 7034: 6998: 6935: 6901: 6692: 6651: 6574: 6545: 6478: 6445: 6422: 6402: 6307: 6303: 6278: 6185: 6125: 6110: 6085: 6022: 5957: 5747: 5723: 5507:
is an international federation of anarcho-syndicalist labour unions and initiatives.
5300: 5243: 5205: 5030: 4991: 4979: 4947: 4717: 4607:. Liberal socialism has been particularly prominent in British and Italian politics. 4541: 4496: 4492: 4194: 4181: 4157: 4131: 3962: 3888: 3833: 3765: 3731: 3607: 3584: 3553: 3536: 3442: 3306: 3211: 3016: 2990: 2975: 2919: 2912: 2886: 2869: 2849:
and technology. It was these advances in the productive forces combined with the old
2846: 2749: 2516: 2469: 2287: 2266:, although other trends condemned what they saw as the lack of democracy. The end of 2231: 2187: 2063: 2027: 1914: 1910: 1897: 1866: 1704: 1672: 1625: 1621: 1597: 1382: 1294: 1199: 1061: 991: 896: 881: 648: 588: 543: 528: 488: 423: 202: 192: 129: 27280: 24797: 23042: 17462: 16845: 16354:
Political Thought and China's Transformation: Ideas Shaping Reform in Post-Mao China
12934: 11092:
Liberating Visions: Human Fulfillment and Social Justice in African-American Thought
Socialism | Definition, History, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy
was an early leader in the American LGBT rights movement as well as a member of the
Ethical socialism has been the official philosophy of mainstream socialist parties.
discussed a form of economic socialism within free market. In later editions of his
continued to describe themselves as socialists dedicated to socialism. According to
27417: 27369: 27345: 27333: 26896: 26886: 26712: 26660: 26564: 26428: 26317: 26267: 26245: 26240: 26171: 24342: 23993: 23923: 23693: 23612: 23607: 23532: 23507: 23452: 23442: 23432: 23402: 23382: 23372: 23239: 23234: 23192: 23135: 22932: 22615: 22610: 22585: 22530: 22505: 22080: 22070: 22043: 22012: 21906: 21869: 21685: 21660: 21655: 21561: 21451: 21413: 21408: 21367: 21357: 21347: 21307: 21125: 21110: 20966: 20690: 20645: 20523: 20317: 20300: 20236: 20216: 20211: 20156: 20031: 20019: 19892: 19758: 19743: 19718: 19703: 19538: 19468: 19378: 19349: 19334: 19309: 19269: 19259: 19224: 19219: 19164: 19139: 19129: 19099: 19059: 18868: 18853: 18802: 18782: 18650: 18630: 18539: 18193: 18136: 18063: 18033: 17711: 17617: 17591: 17442: 17423: 17403: 17215: 17152: 17055: 16831: 16823: 16263:"Socialism and Capitalism: Are They Qualitatively Different Socioeconomic Systems?" 16243: 16150: 16142: 15959: 15874: 15632: 15618: 15563: 15554: 15521: 15346: 15166: 14915: 14870: 14362: 14258: 14057: 13759: 13658: 13575: 13352: 13267: 12986: 12926: 12922: 12849: 12705:
Trotsky's political economy of capitalism. Brotherstone, Terence; Dukes, Paul,(eds)
12480: 12360: 12129:
existing between the party and the struggle itself. Blanquism did not count on the
12125: 11568: 11563: 11549: 11193: 11153: 11135: 10727: 10151: 10058: 9981: 9939: 9919: 9719: 9536: 8995: 8869: 8651: 8594: 8213: 8152: 7928: 7911: 7862: 7854: 7569: 7539: 7493: 7478:
Gildea, Robert. "1848 in European Collective Memory". In Evans; Strandmann (eds.).
7360: 7326: 7298: 7108: 6398: 6394: 5795: 5743: 5674: 5648: 5593: 5574: 5281: 5235: 5197: 5154: 5104: 5100: 5096: 5066: 5062: 5058: 5050: 5015:
is a broad concept involving an intertwining of Christian religion with socialism.
4888: 4851: 4798: 4783: 4760: 4712: 4666: 4658: 4572: 4568: 4529: 4452: 4433: 4362: 4002: 3929: 3925: 3891: 3849: 3845: 3799:
system in the Soviet Union. The OGAS project was conceived to oversee a nationwide
3792: 3788: 3761: 3723: 3706: 3576: 3528: 3516: 3460: 3369: 3345: 3341: 3325: 3252: 3173: 3105: 2999: 2971: 2842: 2765: 2745: 2738: 2707: 2562:
fell from being the dominant force in Israeli politics to 4.43% of the vote in the
2315: 2283: 2201: 2135: 2131: 2086: 1775: 1716: 1696: 1684: 1613: 1542: 1525: 1244: 1224: 1144: 1139: 1081: 1041: 1031: 996: 916: 891: 861: 846: 841: 816: 761: 746: 653: 628: 558: 513: 483: 371: 359: 287: 272: 212: 177: 23597: 19094: 19079: 15963: 10453: 8524: 6685:
The Communist Manifesto: A Road Map to History's Most Important Political Document
Several scholars state that in practice, the Soviet model functioned as a form of
and the compulsory communism, included the full text of a "Socialistic Letter" by
and as such the centralised-planned economic model is usually associated with the
2127: 1324: 986: 716: 27405: 27270: 27210: 27095: 26943: 26938: 26916: 26836: 26790: 26547: 26501: 26399: 26376: 26359: 26332: 26117: 25947: 25160: 25112: 25018: 24384: 24050: 23723: 23642: 23602: 23572: 23557: 23522: 23517: 23487: 23462: 23447: 23422: 23407: 23342: 23319: 23304: 23289: 23274: 23145: 23100: 23085: 23075: 22897: 22892: 22749: 22744: 22724: 22712: 22177: 22075: 21834: 21680: 21670: 21640: 21546: 21180: 21090: 20226: 19763: 19733: 19553: 19533: 19528: 19523: 19463: 19453: 19448: 19433: 19403: 19329: 19189: 19169: 19144: 19074: 19034: 18923: 18918: 18797: 18762: 18757: 18752: 18427: 18290: 18153: 18016: 18011: 17801: 17791: 17658: 17583: 17577: 17347: 17071: 16853: 16741: 16524: 16372: 16290: 16201: 15705: 15549: 15211: 15098:"Four in 10 Canadians prefer socialism but not higher taxes to pay for it: op-ed" 14731: 14613: 14356: 14325: 14321: 14254: 14223: 14110: 14083: 13602: 13535: 13470: 13236: 13209: 13175: 13053: 12677: 12389: 12155: 12144: 11005: 10924: 10920: 10902: 10674: 10635: 10553: 10317: 9949: 9580: 9576: 9565: 9561: 9487: 9393: 9051: 8904: 7703: 6988: 6931: 6715: 6688: 6536:
Merkel, Wolfgang; Petring, Alexander; Henkes, Christian; Egle, Christoph (2008).
6274: 5761: 5712: 5704: 5693: 5689: 5652: 5644: 5581: 5570: 5539: 5535: 5531: 5480: 5456: 5422: 5337: 5329: 5259: 5120: 5108: 5046: 4763: 4752: 4696: 4584: 4561: 4533: 4464: 4325: 4317: 4217: 4169: 4127: 4024: 3970: 3955: 3943: 3921: 3911: 3895: 3735: 3719: 3710: 3649: 3623: 3601: 3524: 3507:
can be based on direct ownership by the users of the productive property through
3485: 3465: 3426: 3422: 3409: 3405: 3301:
throughout the 1920s but these groups were later rigorously repressed during the
3026: 2947: 2723: 2601: 2520: 2300: 2274:
in 1949, saw socialism introduced. China experienced land redistribution and the
2259: 2247: 1819: 1811: 1783: 1779: 1767: 1641: 1605: 1462: 1457: 1402: 1209: 1169: 1001: 971: 956: 906: 876: 811: 751: 711: 633: 623: 523: 267: 257: 19119: 17446: 16547: 14301: 13229: 13201: 12364: 10033: 8999: 8157:"Economic Crisis from a Socialist Perspective | Professor Richard D. Wolff" 6227:
Socialism is the standard leftist ideology in most countries of the world; ... .
has also become prominent. Pepper critiqued the current approach of many within
was published, socialism was respectable in Europe while communism was not. The
while in Britain it is attributed to Owen, who became one of the fathers of the
27393: 27300: 27220: 27175: 27115: 27080: 26872: 26785: 26690: 26598: 26389: 26223: 26146: 25967: 25895: 25175: 25165: 24757: 24322: 24040: 23948: 23938: 23667: 23542: 23527: 23502: 23497: 23492: 23437: 23412: 23367: 23347: 23209: 23180: 23155: 23110: 23090: 23052: 23007: 22887: 22877: 22734: 22565: 22378: 21963: 21943: 21938: 21926: 21398: 21342: 21322: 21160: 21115: 21070: 21065: 20775: 20594: 20357: 20327: 20231: 20221: 20206: 20161: 20102: 19852: 19793: 19753: 19738: 19673: 19663: 19643: 19633: 19623: 19588: 19568: 19508: 19458: 19418: 19393: 19388: 19314: 19244: 19109: 19054: 18903: 18670: 18655: 18586: 18505: 18215: 17852: 17727: 17641:
One Hundred Years of Socialism: The West European Left in the Twentieth Century
17595: 17587: 17515: 17469: 17260: 16986: 16904: 16827: 16737: 16688: 16684: 15796: 15656:
The Political Economy of European Social Democracy: A Critical Realist Approach
15610: 15203: 15170: 15146: 14757: 12838:"Trotsky and His Interpreters; or, Will the Real Leon Trotsky Please Stand up?" 12324:
Authoritarian Socialism in America: Edward Bellamy and the Nationalist Movement
12087: 10786: 10482:"VN Embassy: Socialist-oriented market economy: concept and development soluti" 9737: 9060: 9055: 8858:"Culture as permanent revolution: Lev Trotsky's Literature and] Revolution" 8297: 8249:, pp. 15–20, 1: Capitalism, The General Pattern of Capitalist Development. 7933: 7906: 7894: 7858: 7682:"Jeremy Corbyn has defied his critics to become Labour's best hope of survival" 7384:
The Lost World of Socialists at Europe's Margins: Imagining Utopia, 1870s–1920s
6514: 5551: 5543: 5484: 5452: 5448: 5432: 5381: 5364: 5341: 5296: 5292: 5239: 5211: 5112: 4654: 4642: 4588: 4580: 4553: 4460: 4329: 4295: 4251: 4198: 4104: 4051: 4008: 3958:
states: "he government ... wanted what would become known as a mixed economy."
3951: 3841: 3818: 3772: 3751: 3727: 3690: 3580: 3512: 3157: 3129: 2953: 2770: 2676: 2611: 2591: 2528: 2380: 2346: 2101: 2098: 2019: 1950: 1740: 1728: 1417: 1309: 1279: 1269: 1194: 1164: 1159: 1149: 1036: 1016: 976: 946: 886: 826: 801: 741: 428: 237: 20067: 19857: 19498: 19174: 17309: 14779: 13662: 13356: 11884: 11774: 11650:
Colby, Ira Christopher (2013). Dulmus, Catherine N.; Sowers, Karen M. (eds.).
11157: 10840:
Slevin, Carl (2003). "Anarchism". In McLean, Iain; McMillan, Alistair (eds.).
9791: 9723: 8873: 7048: 5616: 5530:(IEA) found that 67% of young British (16–24) respondents wanted to live in a 4031: 2690: 2489: 1846:
According to Andrew Vincent, "he word 'socialism' finds its root in the Latin
1314: 27562: 27255: 27140: 27055: 27000: 26860: 26780: 26675: 26525: 26518: 26411: 26364: 26257: 26113: 25828: 24837: 24591: 24347: 24258: 24137: 23973: 23803: 23713: 23662: 23632: 23622: 23552: 23547: 23537: 23397: 23387: 23377: 23352: 23219: 23197: 23115: 23022: 22995: 22980: 22922: 22605: 22147: 22107: 21995: 21899: 21821: 21630: 21505: 21423: 21327: 21195: 21165: 21135: 20722: 20660: 20640: 20567: 20542: 20347: 19882: 19723: 19713: 19683: 19658: 19628: 19563: 19558: 19493: 19488: 19408: 19344: 19324: 19234: 19214: 19194: 19044: 18812: 18747: 18737: 18705: 18556: 18544: 18510: 18420: 18411: 18364: 18006: 17893: 17786: 17773: 17573: 17543: 17141:
Hayes, Carlton J. H. (1917). "The History of German Socialism Reconsidered".
17081: 16943: 16423: 16193: 16181: 15987: 15971: 15806: 15770: 15459: 15350: 15029:"67 per cent of young Brits want a socialist economic system, finds new poll" 14896: 14856: 14816: 14525: 14471: 14449: 14409: 14167: 14141: 14069: 13998: 13976:
Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women
13956: 13771: 13592: 13041:
De l'être-humain mâle et femelle – Lettre à P.J. Proudhon par Joseph Déjacque
12492: 12130: 12017: 11980: 11934: 11911: 11722: 11673: 11393: 11217: 11138:, who "argued that the socialisms of the pre-war world (not just that of the 10963: 9969:
categories—employer and employee—would be integrated in the same individuals.
The Anarchist Collectives: Workers' Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution
9708:"InterNyet: why the Soviet Union did not build a nationwide computer network" 8881: 8640:
Schaff, Adam (April–June 1973). "Marxist Theory on Revolution and Violence".
8199: 7780: 7744: 7735: 7658: 7628: 7542:
stated: "o the question 'Is this still capitalism?' I would answer 'No'." In
7368: 7336: 6905: 6406: 6046: 5825: 5356: 5116: 5082: 4827: 4756: 4592: 4521: 4456: 4440: 4291: 4240: 4209: 4039: 3978: 3747: 3611: 3468:
as opposed to private capital owners. Variations of market socialism include
3298: 3084: 2904: 2649: 2631: 2627: 2615: 2587: 2508: 2473: 2358: 2350: 2296: 2291: 1881: 1800: 1796: 1756: 1732: 1700: 1633: 1609: 1442: 1437: 1304: 1254: 1234: 1229: 1204: 1179: 1076: 981: 901: 821: 796: 721: 658: 493: 292: 27532: 26082: 20054: 19304: 16981:(12th ed.). London & New York: The Encyclopædia Britannica Company. 16374:
Anarchism and Authority: A Philosophical Introduction to Classical Anarchism
16019: 14489: 14061: 12469:"The Blackmail of the Single Alternative: Bukharin, Trotsky and Perestrojka" 6955: 4451:
to guarantee employees and other economic stakeholders sufficient rights of
3137: 2966:
Preceding the Bolshevik-led revolution in Russia, many socialists including
726: 27290: 27090: 26995: 26841: 26815: 26724: 26406: 26394: 26342: 26302: 26297: 26161: 26156: 25711: 25532: 24926: 24842: 24731: 24711: 24253: 23953: 23637: 23627: 23617: 23482: 23477: 23417: 23392: 23362: 23357: 23264: 23259: 23105: 22985: 22719: 22655: 22525: 22515: 22510: 22429: 22419: 22363: 22253: 21894: 21879: 21874: 21576: 21530: 21510: 21441: 21302: 21250: 21085: 20675: 20513: 20367: 20305: 20271: 20241: 19823: 19803: 19798: 19788: 19728: 19608: 19478: 19204: 19184: 19179: 19149: 19049: 18571: 18389: 18242: 18178: 17609: 17385: 17188: 16917: 16778: 16747: 16392: 16230: 16121: 15740: 15247: 14830: 14798: 13394: 12899: 12875: 11857: 11545: 11419: 11274: 11142:, but of the democratic socialists too) were now increasingly irrelevant". 10743: 9990: 9864: 9834: 9741: 9528: 9424: 7942: 7902: 7890: 7876: 7771: 7687: 7649: 7008: 6723: 5716: 5634: 5444: 5376: 5184: 5180: 5176: 5164: 5130: 5034: 4983: 4932: 4915: 4875: 4863: 4775: 4737: 4604: 4505: 4476: 4418: 4283: 4244: 4109: 4012: 3804: 3632: 3588: 3549: 3489: 3446: 3329: 3283: 3279: 3260: 3124:
of revolution by popularizing the cause of socialism to the working class.
2939: 2877: 2778: 2330: 2267: 2243: 2050:
specifically to mean socialists who supported the politics and theories of
1968: 1956: 1807: 1736: 1184: 1134: 1129: 1114: 1071: 1056: 1026: 951: 936: 911: 871: 831: 806: 771: 686: 27481: 19443: 17836: 17454: 16057: 15636: 14919: 12938: 7412: 5589:
socialism compared to 52% of those who viewing socialism more negatively.
3697: 1174: 27230: 26978: 26973: 26965: 26950: 26775: 26680: 26491: 26327: 26292: 26272: 26252: 26230: 26195: 25574: 25536: 25528: 25150: 25134: 25048: 24990: 24571: 24556: 24203: 23652: 23647: 23582: 23577: 23427: 23299: 23254: 23244: 23037: 23032: 22970: 22907: 22690: 22665: 22590: 22550: 22520: 22495: 22475: 22454: 22434: 22414: 22404: 22373: 22238: 22102: 22065: 22060: 21990: 21911: 21889: 21839: 21816: 21695: 21480: 21403: 21393: 21220: 21170: 21120: 20685: 20422: 20387: 20352: 20332: 20246: 19887: 19877: 19828: 19818: 19813: 19783: 19618: 19593: 19548: 19413: 19354: 19294: 19249: 19064: 18971: 18933: 18858: 18807: 18727: 18479: 18183: 18093: 18021: 17666: 17487: 17284: 16836: 16085: 16027: 15766: 15513: 15255: 15228:
Levy, David M.; Peart, Sandra J. (2008). "Socialist calculation debate".
14943: 14705: 14595: 14589: 14116: 13763: 13582:, preface by Kent Bromley, New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1906. 13487:
speculators and the fabricators of single are equally repugnant to him.)"
Long, Roderick T. (Summer 1998). "Toward a libertarian theory of class".
13057: 12991:"Socialism Means Abolishing the Distinction Between Bosses and Employees" 11459:"New Study Finds Big Government Makes People Happy, "Free Markets" Don't" 11023:
State Socialism and Anarchism: How Far They Agree and Wherein They Differ
The Politics of Individualism: Liberalism, Liberal Feminism and Anarchism
9227: 8548:
Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution, Volume IV: Critique of Other Socialisms
5773: 5585: 5566: 5468: 5360: 5345: 5277: 5267: 5255: 5238:, philosopher and activist who was instrumental in the foundation of the 5188: 4871: 4867: 4821: 4674: 4302: 4135: 4088: 3986: 3869: 3784: 3776: 3568: 3493: 3481: 3469: 3218: 3093: 3030: 2908: 2668: 2664: 2660: 2656: 2507:. The organisation states the aim of becoming the global network of "the 2307: 2236: 2165: 2161: 2119: 1922: 1918: 1653: 1407: 1289: 1124: 1086: 1066: 1006: 966: 931: 866: 856: 836: 791: 706: 676: 638: 533: 376: 306: 172: 27400: 16529:
Markets, Planning, and Democracy: Essays After the Collapse of Communism
Markets in the name of Socialism: The Left-Wing origins of Neoliberalism
The Revolution Betrayed: What is the Soviet Union and where is it Going?
12500: 12468: 11794: 10156: 10139: 9924: 9905: 6414: 6208: 4429: 26761: 26749: 26719: 26685: 26625: 26307: 25564: 24081: 24035: 23843: 23743: 23592: 23512: 23284: 23175: 23017: 22960: 22937: 22902: 22851: 22841: 22809: 22754: 22580: 22560: 22485: 22449: 22353: 22338: 22263: 22188: 22162: 22122: 22092: 21978: 21958: 21849: 21705: 21515: 21490: 21428: 21215: 21036: 20717: 20529: 20407: 20392: 20382: 20201: 19897: 19833: 19513: 19503: 19423: 18561: 18432: 18302: 18261: 18237: 18112: 18073: 17746: 17164: 16787: 15342: 15320: 14503: 14423: 14331: 14297: 13144:
The social history of crime and punishment in America. An encyclopedia.
The Soviet Economy on the Brink of Reform: Essays in Honor of Alec Nove
The Soviet Economy on the Brink of Reform: Essays in Honor of Alec Nove
12484: 11372:
The age of social democracy: Norway and Sweden in the twentieth century
Pierson, Chris (June 2005). "Lost property: What the Third Way lacks".
8663: 5739: 5555: 5488: 5150: 5125: 5045:
are not only compatible with, but actively promoting the principles of
form of socialism. Muslim socialists believe that the teachings of the
4995: 4967: 4896: 4726: 4684: 4628: 4576: 4549: 4423: 4409: 4397: 4035: 3812: 3449:), often entailing the end of capitalistic economic categories such as 3417: 3231: 3169: 3109: 3042: 2967: 2680: 2558:'s fortunes declined rapidly from 2005 to 2019, and outside Europe the 2224:
was the first elected socialist party when it formed government in the
2051: 2030:
were not sufficiently developed for communism. The distinction between
2023: 1831: 1377: 1284: 1021: 851: 553: 508: 24895: 17860: 15066:"Young Americans are increasingly embracing socialism over capitalism" 14610:"Naturists: The first naturists & the naturist culture – Natustar" 13670: 12861: 12837: 11400: 11317:"America Can Never Sort Out Whether 'Socialism' Is Marginal or Rising" 9034:"Comrades at war: the decline and fall of the Socialist Workers Party" 8039: 7155:
Marxist tradition took some variant of social and socialist as titles.
Perry, Marvin; Chase, Myrna; Jacob, Margaret; Jacob, James R. (2009).
5224:, organised to defend both anarchist and feminist ideas. In 1972, the 3757: 1679:
forms. A non-market socialist system seeks to eliminate the perceived
27195: 27032: 26767: 26322: 26136: 25784: 25779: 25601: 25494: 25324: 24985: 23733: 23672: 23229: 22872: 22799: 22784: 22705: 22625: 22545: 22500: 22480: 22459: 22444: 22424: 22409: 22273: 22233: 22152: 22097: 22087: 22022: 21973: 21864: 21844: 21620: 21590: 21520: 21265: 21210: 21185: 21150: 20655: 20141: 19945: 19940: 19867: 19693: 19483: 19438: 19373: 19229: 18833: 18772: 18660: 18530: 18406: 18332: 18297: 18121: 18048: 17986: 16696: 16638: 16459: 16209: 15882: 15659: 14838: 14463: 14431: 14149: 13904:"Women Workers Struggle For Their Rights by Alexandra Kollontai 1919" 13521: 13452: 13279: 11903: 11704: 10940:
McKay, Iain, ed. (2008). "Isn't libertarian socialism an oxymoron?".
10657: 10592: 9986:"Yes, there is an alternative to capitalism: Mondragon shows the way" 9615: 9198:
The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups
9140: 8590: 8353: 8268:
Capitalist property relations put a "fetter" on the productive forces
Main Currents of Marxism: The Founders, the Golden Age, the Breakdown
6541: 6441: 6239: 6181: 6117: 5562: 5368: 5308: 4943: 4741: 4736:
Trotsky viewed himself to be an adherent of Leninism but opposed the
4730: 4722: 4708: 4620: 4405: 4255: 4230: 4076: 3917: 3861: 3837: 3644: 3564: 3302: 3236: 3089: 3069: 3034: 2995: 2897: 2861: 2838: 2734: 2579: 2540: 2481: 2465: 2338: 2197: 2006:
as the latter had come to be considered an old-fashioned synonym for
1978: 1835: 1787: 1771: 1699:
retains the use of monetary prices, factor markets and sometimes the
1665: 1372: 1214: 1046: 756: 593: 578: 468: 448: 438: 17156: 14691: 14574: 14327:
Environmentalism and Political Theory: Toward an Ecocentric Approach
13877:"The Social Basis of the Woman Question by Alexandra Kollontai 1909" 11336: 8655: 8257: 8255: 7973:
Socialism and the Market: The Socialist Calculation Debate Revisited
List of socialist parties with national parliamentary representation
5435:, claimed that capitalist technologies were chiefly responsible for 4591:. Other important liberal socialist figures include Guido Calogero, 4274:
and salaries based on the amount of time contributed to production,
4057: 3519:
by a state apparatus. Public ownership may refer to the creation of
27185: 26881: 26702: 26530: 26445: 26384: 26347: 25774: 25319: 25053: 25013: 24273: 24008: 23587: 23324: 22917: 22882: 22856: 22836: 22789: 22600: 22555: 22439: 22343: 22333: 22298: 22268: 22142: 22132: 22127: 21983: 21953: 21948: 21933: 21789: 21759: 20744: 20397: 19965: 19960: 19862: 19398: 18347: 18342: 18307: 18168: 18078: 17811: 15932: 15567: 14428:
The Enemy of Nature: the End of Capitalism or the End of the World?
13980: 13938: 13701: 13306: 13130: 12995: 12853: 12444:
Was There an Alternative? Trotskyism: a Look Back Through the Years
10945: 10458: 9943: 9014: 7708: 5861: 5699:
Some forms of criticism occupy theoretical grounds, such as in the
5625: 5547: 5491:. Anarcho-syndicalism views syndicalism as a method for workers in 5414: 5146: 5138: 5069:. Islamic socialists believe in deriving legitimacy from political 5042: 4815: 4779: 4624: 3780: 3333: 3165: 2623: 2311: 2160:, Marxists denounced it as a betrayal of working-class ideals by a 2115: 2075: 2055: 1995: 1887: 27549: 27388: 16549:
The Killing Season: A History of the Indonesian Massacres, 1965–66
The Philosophy and Economics of Market Socialism: A Critical Study
10344:"10 China Myths for the New Decade | The Heritage Foundation" 4164:
while holding views that some consider antithetical to socialism.
The current economic system in China is formally referred to as a
27100: 26955: 26867: 25666: 25170: 24586: 24045: 23958: 22846: 22814: 22804: 22575: 22535: 22368: 22293: 22278: 22258: 22167: 22027: 21968: 21916: 21571: 21433: 19778: 19678: 18603: 18083: 18038: 13275: 12879: 11959:
Third way discourse: European ideologies in the twentieth century
11139: 10098:
Gregory, Paul; Stuart, Robert (2003). "Marx's Theory of Change".
9763: 8373:
Gregory, Paul; Stuart, Robert (2004). "Marx's Theory of Change".
8252: 5663:
schools of economics and critics of socialism in the 20th century
Syndicalism operates through industrial trade unions. It rejects
4928: 4704: 4637: 4557: 4114: 3450: 3128:
thereby making it appear more tolerable to society. According to
from each according to his ability, to each according to his need
2865: 2815: 2217: 2090: 1976:
fell out of use during this period. An early distinction between
1104: 583: 563: 17897: 17877: 17300: 17111: 17063: 16970: 16783:"How British colonialism killed 100 million Indians in 40 years" 13489:"Anarchist Individualism as a Life and Activity" by Emile Armand 13418: 10809:
The following sources cite anarchism as a political philosophy:
10032:. London: Socialist Party of Great Britain. 1985. Archived from 7767:"This May Day, let's hope democratic socialism makes a comeback" 5499:
was largely orchestrated by the anarcho-syndicalist trade union
was a combination of the major shipbuilding companies including
3610:. A planned economy can be either decentralised or centralised. 2856: 27412: 27120: 24362: 24154: 22794: 22595: 22383: 22358: 22348: 22318: 22303: 21921: 21225: 20665: 20615: 20362: 20292: 19708: 19648: 18369: 17805: 17748:
Deep Socialism: A New Manifesto of Marxist Ethics and Economics
16691:(1998). "The Difference Between Marxism and Market Socialism". 14358:
The Anarchist Moment: Reflections on Culture, Nature, and Power
Rosa Luxemburg as part of a longer section on Blanquism in her
11823: 11821: 10785:. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. 2006. Archived from 10521: 10519: 7826: 6644:
Economic Democracy: The Political Struggle for the 21st century
6039: 5413:
In the late 19th century, anarcho-naturism fused anarchism and
5402: 5023: 5018: 4501: 4262:
in the conduct of human relations, including the state system.
distant future would money not be required for even that role.
3318: 2575: 2314:, socialists who tended to be critical of the Soviet Union and 1109: 27352: 27328: 20038: 20014: 17622:
Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016–2021
16679: 16163:"From Sweden to Socialism: A Small Symposium on Big Questions" 15425: 14547: 11782: 11291:
The New Progressive Dilemma: Australia and Tony Blair's Legacy
Peter Kropotkin. "Anarchism" from the Encyclopædia Britannica]
8822: 8303: 7889: 7365:
Preface to the 1888 English Edition of the Communist Manifesto
Keywords: A vocabulary of culture and society, revised edition
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society – From 1600
6342: 5295:. who was an influential personality in the foundation of the 3210:
of institutional religion and nationalism that constitute the
around the world, came to represent socialism in terms of the
1549: 1520: 27423: 27085: 27075: 27070: 26542: 26537: 25589: 25467: 24576: 24546: 22824: 22313: 22248: 21005: 20402: 18353: 16865:
Zimbalist, Andrew; Sherman, Howard J.; Brown, Stuart (1988).
Peter Kropotkin. "Anarchism" from the Encyclopædia Britannica
10536: 10534: 8984:"The New Left in the Counterculture: Hypotheses and Evidence" 5519: 5247: 5038: 4832:, published in New York City between 1858 and 1861 by French 3783:
rights. Another form of decentralised planning is the use of
3743: 3310: 2926:", while upper stage communism is based on the principle of " 2703: 2532: 2212:. In the last third of the 19th century parties dedicated to 1884:, who alleged he first used the term in the Parisian journal 921: 17912: 15378:
The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought
The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought
11818: 10516: 10504: 10200: 9371:
The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century Political Thought
7975:. Routledge Library of 20th Century Economics, 2000. p. 12. 7020: 7018: 4352: 4320:, who proclaimed himself to be an anarchistic socialist and 27215: 25701: 25477: 24561: 24485: 24427: 22819: 22243: 16903: 14795:
Breaking the boundaries: towards a feminist green socialism
10884: 10882: 9107:
Gregory, Paul; Stuart, Robert (2004). "Socialist Economy".
time set free, and with the means created, for all of them.
6708: 5367:
and transnational structures. Contrary to the depiction of
that includes both public and private capital goods. While
that advocates a society where each person might possess a
identifies the emergence of the open software movement and
3796: 3771:
One such system is the cooperative economy, a largely free
3643:, some factions within the Soviet Union before the rise of 3314: 354: 15609: 15369: 15080:"Axios|SurveyMonkey Poll: Capitalism and Socialism (2021)" 13119: 11996:
J.S. Mill's political thought: a bicentennial reassessment
Meanings of the Market: The Free Market in Western Culture
10531: 8616:"The Leninist Concept of the Revolutionary Vanguard Party" 8431:. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press. p. 95. 7441:
J.S. Mill's Political Thought: A Bicentennial Reassessment
6629: 6147: 5976: 5923: 5742:
are immutable and absolute. As such, they also argue that
Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist
and the ends, by which anarchism pursued different means.
and then founded their own libertarian international, the
Religious sects whose members live communally such as the
2126:. This branch of socialism produced the communist work of 25686: 25506: 22388: 22283: 16868:
Comparing Economic Systems: A Political-Economic Approach
16495: 16286:"Socialism declining in Europe as populism support grows" 15765: 15284: 11492: 10852: 10703:"B.1 Why are anarchists against authority and hierarchy?" 9230:(1985). "Should Marxists be Interested in Exploitation". 8520: 8285: 7282: 7015: 6830: 6664: 6077:
Comparing Economic Systems: A Political-Economic Approach
The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
can only be achieved by working to end both economic and
2604:, the founding editor of the American socialist magazine 1830:, many of these countries moved away from socialism as a 17724:
Long Detour: The History and Future of the American Left
Renewing Socialism: Democracy, Strategy, and Imagination
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy
14979:"The value of Socialism: Global Ipsos Poll | Ipsos" 14835:
Ecofeminism as politics: nature, Marx and the postmodern
Organizational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy
The Capitalism Papers: Fatal Flaws of an Obsolete System
10879: 10140:"Yugoslavia: The Case of Self-Managing Market Socialism" 9906:"Yugoslavia: The Case of Self-Managing Market Socialism" 9764:"Participatory Planning Through Negotiated Coordination" 9257:
Exploitation as Domination: What Makes Capitalism Unjust
5175:(SPD)". In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, both 4927:
All of this is typically done within a general call for
The most prominent example of a planned economy was the
was founded in 2013 by current or former members of the
was the preferred term. Engels wrote that in 1848, when
27200: 16858:
Anarchism: A History of Libertarian Ideas and Movements
14014:"The Chicago Women's Liberation Union: An Introduction" 13570:
Kent Bromley, in his preface to Peter Kropotkin's book
13097: 12965:"USSR strayed from communism, say Economics professors" 12788:. New Haven : Yale University Press. p. 161. 11873:
Carlo Rosselli: socialist heretic and antifascist exile
11633: 11631: 10259:"China names key industries for absolute state control" 10173:
Reform Rule in Czechoslovakia: The Dubcek Era 1968–1969
8613: 6600:, pp. 25–27: "The long term and the short term."; 6535: 6007:
Hastings, Adrian; Mason, Alistair; Pyper, Hugh (2000).
Hastings, Adrian; Mason, Alistair; Pyper, Hugh (2000).
Top-right: a demonstration in Austin, Texas, US by the
15846: 12357:
The Palgrave Handbook of Leninist Political Philosophy
12148: 11929:. The Interstate Printers and Publishers. p. 32. 11652:
Connecting social welfare policy to fields of practice
11409:, 2004. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, p. 8, November 2009. 11353: 11351: 11342: 10100:
Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First Century
Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First Century
Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First Century
8573: 8571: 8375:
Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First Century
Wiedmann, Thomas; Lenzen, Manfred; Keyßer, Lorenz T.;
7704:"How Greece's once-mighty Pasok party fell from grace" 6540:. Routledge Research in Comparative Politics. London: 5768:
Many commentators on the political right point to the
and some elements of the New Left and others favoured
1994:(in the form of free access to final goods). By 1888, 1896:, one of the founders of what would later be labelled 27317: 16864: 16633:
Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy
Red Hangover: Legacies of Twentieth-Century Communism
14710:"A Short Biography of Murray Bookchin by Janet Biehl" 11680: 9591: 8273: 7645:"2017 and the curious demise of Europe's centre-left" 6720:
Beyond Left and Right: The Future of Radical Politics
Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy
5929: 5289:: A Study of Some Transitional Types of Men and Women 4101:
socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics
were subject to extreme levels of political control.
2078:, socialism, communism, realm of free individuality, 1719:
originated within the socialist movement, supporting
The Global Industrial Complex: Systems of Domination
Varieties of Environmentalism Essays North and South
13015: 11628: 11238: 11224:(2nd ed.). London: Continuum. pp. 80–103. 10687:
on 18 March 2012 – via The Anarchist Library.
Anarchism and Education: a Philosophical Perspective
10005: 9564:(1935). "The Nature and History of the Problem". In 8445: 7193: 7191: 7024: 5988: 5284:
actively campaigned for homosexual rights. His work
3631:). The economic systems of the Soviet Union and the 2952:
Socialists have taken different perspectives on the
1900:. Socialism contrasted with the liberal doctrine of 20713:
Non Violent Resistance (psychological intervention)
16120:. Leiden: E.J. Brill. pp. 273–274 – via 15682:"Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy: A Symposium" 15518:"Justice Betrayed: Post-1945 Responses to Genocide" 15240: 14146:
International encyclopedia of men and masculinities
Trotsky, Trotskyism and the Transition to Socialism
11348: 11190:
Socialism After Communism: The New Market Socialism
10713:on 15 June 2012 – via The Anarchist Library. 8568: 8359:
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
6616:goal of an advance towards democratic socialism'"; 6521:. New York: Harper and Brothers. pp. 204–205. 6471:
Socialism After Communism: The New Market Socialism
5443:. In the 1990s socialist/feminists Mary Mellor and 4839:, the first recorded person to describe himself as 4699:. The other side of socialism is a more democratic 3639:Although central planning was largely supported by 1814:led to socialism's widespread association with the 20277:Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 15201: 13724:"What is Socialist Feminism? – The Feminist eZine" 12124:), writes: "For Lenin, the difference between the 11809:sfnmp error: no target: CITEREFTanseyJackson2008 ( 9641: 9639: 9458:(7th ed.). George Hoffman. pp. 120–121. 8815:Central Committee, "On Proletcult Organisations", 8126:Magdoff, Fred; Yates, Michael D. (November 2009). 8020:Ferri, Enrico, "Socialism and Modern Science", in 7680: 6006: 5941: 4649:Blanquism is a conception of revolution named for 4108:2005. The current Chinese economy consists of 150 3225:of peasants and workers. Influenced by Lenin, the 1972:, which had been used as synonyms, while the term 1921:proposed to organise production and ownership via 1747:polity that expands state intervention to include 17888:. Vol. 25 (11th ed.). pp. 301–308. 17829:Dean Peter Krogh Foreign Affairs Digital Archives 14098:. pp. 389, 391, 429, 458, 459, 462, and 463. 13697:"Islamic Socialism: A history from left to right" 12956: 11488:"Opinion: Social safety net makes people happier" 11134:This definition is captured in this statement by 9111:(Seventh ed.). George Hoffman. p. 117. 8517:"Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism" 8366: 8091: 8089: 7907:"Degrowth can work — here's how science can help" 7202:. Open Court Publishing Company. pp. 44–45. 7188: 7119: 7066:. South-Western College Publishing. p. 159. 6538:Social Democracy in Power: The Capacity to Reform 3328:phenomenon which emerged in the 1960s shaped the 2880:, leading to a tendency to seek their freedom or 1681:inefficiencies, irrationalities, unpredictability 27560: 25775:Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences 17382:Alternative Societies: For a Pluralist Socialism 15375: 15355:A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy 14011: 13823:"Clara Zetkin: On a Bourgeois Feminist Petition" 13230:"I1. Isn't libertarian socialism an oxymoron" in 12571:The social and political thought of Leon Trotsky 11515:"World's Happiest Countries? Social Democracies" 11070:Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism 11036:Instead of a Book by a Man Too Busy to Write One 10875:. Black Rose Books Ltd. Publishing. p. 106. 10802:The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10589:The Shorter Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10026:The Strike Weapon: Lessons of the Miners' Strike 9746:The Political Economy of Participatory Economics 8832:The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky 8463: 8402:. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield. p.  6073: 4486: 4278:advocate a direct transition from capitalism to 3742:of industry through the medium of trade-related 3295:literary, religious and national representatives 3242:The Social and Political Thought of Leon Trotsky 3221:to the proletariat to facilitate their economic 3083:. Orthodox Marxists and left communists take an 2911:would control the means of production through a 2182:The history of socialism has its origins in the 21191:Perspectives on capitalism by school of thought 20097: 17409:Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism 17017:Labour: The New Zealand Labour Party, 1916–2016 15993:Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World 15624:International Encyclopedia of Political Science 15159:The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online 14762:The closing circle: nature, man, and technology 14248:Gay movement boosted by '79 march on Washington 13502:Peter Sabatini. "Libertarianism: Bogus Anarchy" 13087:The American journal of economics and sociology 11993: 10864: 10819:. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers. p. 24. 10622: 10620: 10224:The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Thought 9636: 7530:, p. 50, p. 126-128. MacGibbon and Kee, (1961). 6108:Rosser, Mariana V.; Rosser, J. Barkley (2003). 5065:and sometimes, if in an Arab speaking country, 4340:According to anarchists such as the authors of 2667:, Christianity (both Catholic and Protestant), 17310:"Build It Now: Socialism for the 21st century" 16776: 16283: 15496: 15208:A Companion to the History of Economic Thought 13795:Eleanor Marx (1855–1898): Life, Work, Contacts 12574:. Oxford : Clarendon Press. pp. 207–215. 12092:"The Vulgarisation of Marxism by Opportunists" 11543: 10935: 10933: 9674:(Ithaca, NY.: Cornell University Press, 1971). 9579:(1935). "The Present State of the Debate". In 8835:. Oxford : Clarendon Press. pp. 289–301. 8086: 7160: 6977: 6826: 6269:Docherty, James C.; Lamb, Peter, eds. (2006). 6074:Sherman, Howard J.; Zimbalist, Andrew (1988). 4755:. More specifically, Trotsky advocated for a 3965:was a combination of major aircraft companies 3803:but was never implemented due to conflicting, 3275:Manifesto for an Independent Revolutionary Art 3092:argue that it is historically necessary for a 2637: 2235:New Harmony, a utopian attempt as proposed by 26112: 26098: 24911: 24097: 22204: 21721: 21021: 20728:Refusal to serve in the Israel Defense Forces 20083: 20059: 17928: 17474:Market Socialism: The Debate among Socialists 17050:Fried, Albert; Sanders, Ronald, eds. (1964). 16693:Market Socialism: The Debate Among Socialists 16628: 16456:The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited 16131:"al-Takaful al-Ijtimai and Islamic Socialism" 15947: 15729:The German Social Democratic Party, 1914–1921 15492: 15446:"100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead" 15431: 14994:"Socialism Is Gaining Popularity, Poll Shows" 14658: 14213:"Mattachine Society at Dynes, Wayne R. (ed.)" 13850:"Clara Zetkin: Lenin on the Women's Question" 13202:"I1. Isn't libertarian socialism an oxymoron" 13085:Hicks, Steven V.; Shannon, Daniel E. (2003). 13052: 12868: 12517:Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy 11804: 11216: 10370:"Reassessing China's State-Owned Enterprises" 10285:"China has socialist market economy in place" 10241:Tandy, Francis D. (1896). "6, paragraph 15". 10097: 9453: 9106: 8799:"Trotsky on the Society of the Future (1924)" 8712:Controversy: Do We Support Reformist Demands? 8466:An Outline on the History of Economic Thought 8464:Screpanti, Ernesto; Zamagni, Stefano (2005). 8400:Philosophy and the Problems of Work: A Reader 8372: 8348: 8346: 7332:Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society 7245:Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society 7171:. Open Court Publishing Company. p. 43. 7061: 5917: 5421:circles in France, Spain, Cuba and Portugal. 5217: 5209: 4878:) as well as the state itself. It emphasises 3703:Soviet of Workers' Deputies of St. Petersburg 2896:Marx and Engels used the terms socialism and 2695:Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon 2442:Bottom-right: a rally for abortion rights in 1687:that socialists traditionally associate with 1574: 59:Sociopolitical economic philosophy and system 22710: 17049: 17013: 16662:"Nordic Countries Aren't Actually Socialist" 16305: 16113: 16080: 16026: 15488: 15145: 13929: 13650:International Journal of Middle East Studies 13546: 13331:"Libertarian Socialism: A Practical Outline" 13169:I.1 Isn't libertarian socialism an oxymoron? 13084: 12350: 12262:Socialism Since 1889: A Biographical History 12240:Socialism Since 1889: A Biographical History 11846:. Manchester University Press. p. 127. 11827: 11287: 10617: 10540: 10525: 10510: 9871: 9736: 8125: 7624:"Why Labour is obsessed with Greek politics" 7592:"A Progressive Network for the 21st Century" 7570:"Basic document | Progressive Alliance" 7502:. Milsons Point, N.S.W. P: Vintage. p.  6670: 6268: 6107: 4819:The first anarchist journal to use the term 3006: 1885: 1739:within a predominantly developed capitalist 22646: 16629:Rosser, Marina V.; Barkley, J. Jr. (2003). 16284:Krause-Jackson, Flavia (28 December 2019). 16114:Hanna, Sami A.; Gardner, George H. (1969). 14680: 14046: 13252:. Volume 15. Issue 02. Summer 1998. Pg. 305 13191:. Volume 15. Issue 02. Summer 1998. Pg. 305 12962: 12707:. Edinburgh University Press. p. 227. 11771:Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice 11764: 10930: 10720: 10398:. 28 August 2003. Archived from 9612:Encyclopedia of Political Economy, Volume 2 9429:"4: The Struggle for Productivity of Labor" 9137:Encyclopedia of Political Economy, Volume 2 9068: 8934:. Cambridge University Press. p. 204. 7064:The Global Economy and its Economic Systems 6753:. 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It is a system that uses the market and 3421:Albert Einstein advocated for a socialist 3278:with the endorsement of prominent artists 2864:provided the basis for the development of 2802:) criticised capitalism for concentrating 2717: 2208:swept Europe, expressing what they termed 1909:, including poverty, oppression, and vast 1581: 1567: 24: 20681:Global Day of Action on Military Spending 17718: 17564: 17402: 17332: 17077:Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism 16835: 16811: 16659: 16523: 15769:; Kahn, Richard; Nocella II, Anthony J.; 15227: 14750: 14456: 14320: 14296: 14272:"Gay Liberation Front: Manifesto. London" 14005: 13935:Quiet rumours: an anarcha-feminist reader 13608:The Oxford Companion to Christian Thought 13558:The General Idea of Proudhon's Revolution 13033: 12648: 11952: 11950: 11948: 11567: 11369: 10842:The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics 10613:. 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It was not until after the 183:Critique of political economy 23969:Institutional discrimination 23964:History of political thought 22696:Negative and positive rights 21141:History of capitalist theory 20583:World Peace Bell Association 20484:Dialogue Among Civilizations 20187:New Socialist Party of Japan 20172:Iraq War resisters in Canada 20137:Coalition of Women for Peace 19976:Socialist calculation debate 19951:Economic calculation problem 18929:Socialist mode of production 17366:Selected works in one volume 17335:A Short History of Socialism 16036:Handbook of Political Theory 15928:"The end of the French left" 15745:The Social Democratic Moment 15497:Sullivan & Hickel (2022) 15329:University of Michigan Press 15046:Gye, Hugo (16 August 2023). 14569:Diez, Xavier (26 May 2006). 14257:, Lou Chabarro 2004 for the 13540:Ghost of Anarcho-Syndicalism 13345:Social Philosophy and Policy 13250:Social Philosophy and Policy 13189:Social Philosophy and Policy 12655:. 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Some economists, such as 3358:Vietnam Solidarity Campaign 3332:and radical outlook of the 3259:produced by Mexican artist 3182:Constructivist architecture 3049:by some. 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Therefore, 3064:Reform versus revolution 2697:, early French socialist 2022:to mean a stage between 1931:Marie Roch Louis Reybaud 387:Socialist market economy 312:Workers' self-management 278:Socialism in one country 125:Age of the Enlightenment 39:latest accepted revision 26984:Equality before the law 26191:Romano-Germanic culture 26061:Soviet Union portal 24660:North Korea (1947–1948) 24655:North Korea (1946–1947) 23834:The Communist Manifesto 22760:Tyranny of the majority 22671:Consent of the governed 21646:Individualist anarchism 20864:Military action in Iran 20499:Monuments and memorials 20449:Concert Yutel for Peace 20252:React, Include, Recycle 20182:List of peace activists 20147:Conscientious objectors 19011:Étienne-Gabriel Morelly 19001:Gabriel Bonnot de Mably 18681:Equality of opportunity 18636:Criticism of capitalism 18385:Marxism–Leninism–Maoism 18142:Left-wing laissez-faire 17905:Encyclopædia Britannica 17885:Encyclopædia Britannica 17844:Encyclopædia Britannica 17835:Kirkup, Thomas (1887). 17779:Encyclopædia Britannica 17745:Wilberg, Peter (2003). 17212:Oxford University Press 17022:Wellington, New Zealand 16978:Encyclopædia Britannica 16910:Sermons from the Latins 16437:Oxford University Press 16238:Kendall, Diana (2011). 16129:Hanna, Sami A. 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M. S. Namboodiripad 19599:Martin Luther King Jr. 19280:Luis Emilio Recabarren 19275:Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 19210:Alexandre Ledru-Rollin 18899:Labor-time calculation 18864:Decentralized planning 18768:Proletarian revolution 18723:State-owned enterprise 18641:Criticism of socialism 17726:(hardcover ed.). 17624:. St. Martin's Press. 17380:Martell, Luke (2023). 17344:The Case for Socialism 17206:Imlay, Talbot (2018). 16585:A Future for Socialism 16497:"Abu Dharr al-Ghifari" 16400:Meyer, Thomas (2013). 16212:. pp. 1515–1516. 15680:, ed. 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For early socialist 5251: 5218: 5210: 5134: 5027: 4956:collectivist anarchism 4925: 4843: 4677:and the principle of " 4646: 4509: 4436: 4377:Martin Luther King Jr. 4372: 4153: 4093:labour theory of value 4069: 4062:Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 4029:Neoclassical economist 3906:State-directed economy 3805:bureaucratic interests 3768: 3714: 3686: 3666:Decentralised planning 3573:Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 3430: 3401: 3366:Love Music Hate Racism 3362:Stop the War Coalition 3288:New York Intellectuals 3263: 3194: 3162:New York Intellectuals 3154:Proletarian literature 2980:libertarian socialists 2907:of 1871) are that the 2873: 2825: 2787:reserve army of labour 2783:unemployment insurance 2698: 2685:European Enlightenment 2568:Peruvian Aprista Party 2276:Anti-Rightist Movement 2239: 2222:Australian Labor Party 2042:renamed itself to the 1886: 1873: 1854: 1848: 1393:Criticism of socialism 345:Decentralized planning 248:Peer‑to‑peer economics 27266:Three Seas Initiative 27241:Pacific Islands Forum 27106:British–Irish Council 26854:Greek Orthodox Church 26313:Industrial Revolution 26283:Scientific Revolution 25735:List of metro systems 25288:Collective leadership 22676:Divine right of kings 21676:Post-scarcity economy 21651:Libertarian socialism 21636:Free-market socialism 21567:Market fundamentalism 21552:Capitalist propaganda 21146:Industrial Revolution 21061:Anarchy of production 20787:wars or their aspects 20708:Nonviolent resistance 20558:Show of Peace Concert 20323:Anti-nuclear movement 20007:Socialism WikiProject 19769:Léopold Sédar Senghor 19474:Cornelius Castoriadis 19340:Alfred Russel Wallace 19105:Nikolay Chernyshevsky 19070:Louis Auguste Blanqui 19030:Stephen Pearl Andrews 18859:Cooperative ownership 18380:Maoism–Third Worldism 17876:Bonar, James (1911). 17663:The ABCs of Socialism 17582:. 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Indianapolis, IN: 17106:. New York: Bantam. 16950:(reprint ed.). 16912:. Benziger Brothers. 16756:Steele, David Ramsay 16606:Roosa, John (2006). 16329:Lamb, Peter (2015). 15809:. pp. 238–240. 15615:Berg-Schlosser, Dirk 15522:Blumenthal, David A. 15493:Engel-DiMauro (2021) 15487:, pp. 238–240; 15432:Engel-DiMauro (2021) 15359:Blackwell Publishing 15165:. pp. 685–692. 14879:Taylor & Francis 14386:Benton, Ted (1996). 13764:10.1300/j082v45n02_a 13695:(21 February 2013). 13113:Blackwell Publishing 13105:Ostergaard, Geoffrey 13091:Blackwell Publishing 12969:The Campus Chronicle 12191:on 28 September 2011 12137:Leninism or Marxism? 12122:Leninism or Marxism? 12120:(later published as 11172:democratic socialism 10919:Anarchist historian 10595:. 2005. p. 14. 10350:on 10 September 2010 10311:"China and the OECD" 10291:Online. 13 July 2005 10228:Blackwell Publishing 9878:Dolgoff, S. (1974), 9823:Group. p. 131. 9821:Greenwood Publishing 9479:Ericson, Richard E. 8752:on 24 September 2018 8552:Monthly Review Press 8546:Draper, Hal (1990). 8188:Australian Socialist 8184:"What is capitalism" 7731:"Rose thou art sick" 7247:(revised ed.). 6391:Taylor & Francis 5841:Socialism by country 5836:Scientific socialism 5534:, 72% supported the 5441:population pressures 5417:philosophies within 5394:environmental issues 5334:Gay Liberation Front 5287:The Intermediate Sex 5202:Voltairine de Cleyre 5055:Medina welfare state 4914:Anarcho-syndicalist 4905:citizens' assemblies 4788:transitional program 4749:pre-Civil War period 4701:socialism from below 4689:socialism from above 4663:scientific socialist 4556:. It considers both 4526:democratic socialism 4359:Democratic socialism 4288:anarcho-syndicalists 4272:workers cooperatives 4235:Anarchism advocates 4021:capital accumulation 3975:British Shipbuilders 3934:Steady-state economy 3660:Self-managed economy 3178:Constructivism (art) 3113:democratic socialism 3047:religious socialists 3023:Henri de Saint-Simon 3013:Scientific socialism 2983:identified with the 2800:Ricardian socialists 2758:capital accumulation 2618:of the conservative 2550:, after winning the 2501:Progressive Alliance 2460:was launched by the 2448:Victorian Socialists 2327:collective ownership 2320:Anarcho-syndicalists 2303:and social welfare. 2258:and the creation of 2228:for a week in 1899. 2226:Colony of Queensland 2214:Democratic socialism 2210:scientific socialism 2184:Age of Enlightenment 2178:History of socialism 2018:was appropriated by 2012:Bolshevik Revolution 1935:cooperative movement 1894:Henri de Saint-Simon 1824:democratic socialist 1725:social interventions 1689:capital accumulation 1602:political philosophy 1543:Communism portal 1526:Socialism portal 218:Industrial democracy 168:Collective ownership 62:For other uses, see 27599:Political movements 27589:Economic ideologies 27286:West Nordic Council 27151:Eastern Partnership 26740:Analytic philosophy 26441:Classical tradition 26263:Early modern period 26219:Classical antiquity 26214:European Bronze Age 25765:Academy of Sciences 25580:Population transfer 25524:Soviet Armed Forces 25387:Congress of Soviets 25368:Presidium/Politburo 25332:Soviet anti-Zionism 25181:West Siberian Plain 25059:Revolutions of 1989 24996:Great Patriotic War 24981:New Economic Policy 24823:Estonia (1918–1919) 24717:Hungary (1949–1989) 24014:Right-wing politics 23894:A Theory of Justice 23864:The Road to Serfdom 23784:The Social Contract 22491:Christian democracy 21855:Christian democracy 21606:Anarcho-syndicalism 21601:Anarcho-primitivism 21486:Economic inequality 21101:Economic liberalism 20911:Nuclear disarmament 20894:in Russian Far East 20651:Department of Peace 20636:Counter-recruitment 20631:Conflict resolution 20621:Central Park be-ins 20609:Slogans and tactics 20588:Japanese Peace Bell 20378:Non-interventionism 20373:Modern-war pacifism 20311:Christian anarchism 19774:George Bernard Shaw 19689:François Mitterrand 19604:Alexandra Kollontai 19584:Jayaprakash Narayan 19265:Constantin Pecqueur 19085:Philippe Buonarroti 19040:John Goodwyn Barmby 18939:Workplace democracy 18849:Calculation in kind 18839:Anarchist economics 18788:Socialist economics 18686:Equality of outcome 18626:Anarchist economics 18338:Ho Chi Minh Thought 18255:Orthodox Trotskyism 18211:Libertarian Marxism 18206:Left-libertarianism 17566:Prychitko, David L. 17476:, Routledge, 1998. 17426:on 19 October 2014. 17364:Marx & Engels, 17291:. Minneapolis, MN: 17181:Henderson, David R. 17120:Harrington, Michael 17100:Harrington, Michael 17054:. Garden City, NY: 16781:(2 December 2022). 16525:Prychitko, David L. 16312:The Scarecrow Press 16082:Ghodsee, Kristen R. 15550:Arneson, Richard J. 15232:(Second ed.). 15104:. 23 February 2023. 14676:on 12 October 2013. 13748:"Acknowledgments". 13178:at An Anarchist FAQ 12353:"Lenin and Trotsky" 11840:Adams, Ian (1998). 10908:Individual Liberty. 10789:on 14 December 2006 10732:"Towards Anarchism" 10638:on 5 January 2012. 10244:Voluntary Socialism 10157:10.1257/jep.5.4.187 9925:10.1257/jep.5.4.187 9587:. pp. 201–243. 9493:on 25 November 2011 9252:Vrousalis, Nicholas 8356:(1859). "Preface". 8294:, pp. 197–198. 8163:on 28 February 2014 7925:2022Natur.612..400H 7851:2020NatCo..11.3107W 7482:. pp. 207–235. 7388:Bloomsbury Academic 6789:, pp. 96–110; 6770:Facts on File. Inc. 6250:(Second ed.). 6051:The Free Dictionary 5831:Socialist democracy 5736:means of production 5554:was a specifically 5475:Anarcho-syndicalism 5398:Henry David Thoreau 5353:alter-globalisation 5313:Communist Party USA 5194:Alexandra Kollontai 5149:sources of women's 5129:Socialist feminist 5013:Christian socialism 5008:Religious socialism 5002:Religious socialism 4976:libertarian Marxism 4952:anarcho-syndicalism 4907:, trade unions and 4848:left-libertarianism 4601:John Maynard Keynes 4546:means of production 4237:stateless societies 4187:means of production 4148:, New York City on 4085:means of production 4064:, main theorist of 4017:means of production 3991:Yarrow Shipbuilders 3940:means of production 3858:Anarcho-syndicalism 3854:means of production 3801:information network 3545:means of production 3505:means of production 3386:Socialist economics 3208:false consciousness 3186:Russian avant-garde 2584:La France Insoumise 2560:Israeli Labor Party 2343:Revolutions of 1989 2264:means of production 2252:Third International 2206:Revolutions of 1848 2164:indifferent to the 2150:Revolutions of 1848 2146:worker cooperatives 2118:in England and the 1871:Rudolf Sutermeister 1828:revolutions of 1989 1782:and advocacy for a 1624:. It describes the 1618:means of production 1428:Market abolitionism 1413:Left-libertarianism 350:Inclusive Democracy 317:Workplace democracy 163:Calculation in kind 145:Socialist economics 135:Revolutions of 1848 29:Page version status 26745:Post-structuralism 26708:Christian humanism 26338:Universal suffrage 25410:Military Collegium 25278:Capital punishment 25156:Caucasus Mountains 25069:Post-Soviet states 24949:Russian Revolution 24788:Byelorussia (1919) 24026:Political violence 24021:Political theology 24004:Left-wing politics 23999:Political spectrum 21770:Political spectrum 21626:Economic democracy 21447:Private foundation 20805:American Civil War 20697:Make love, not war 20671:Economic sanctions 20626:Civil disobedience 20459:Festival for Peace 20432:Media and cultural 20418:Testimony of peace 20338:Christian pacifism 19956:Marxist philosophy 19873:Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu 19699:Gamal Abdel Nasser 19654:Alasdair MacIntyre 19429:Simone de Beauvoir 19200:Ferdinand Lassalle 18967:Tommaso Campanella 18914:Production for use 18874:Economic democracy 18743:Mode of production 18733:Left-wing politics 18712:The Internationale 18400:Xi Jinping Thought 17173:Heilbroner, Robert 16992:Socialist Planning 16952:Palgrave Macmillan 16922:Why Not Socialism? 16905:"Socialism."  16900:Bellarmine, Robert 16795:on 15 January 2023 16681:Schweickart, David 16379:Ashgate Publishing 16198:"Social ownership" 16032:Kukathas, Chandran 15857:Palgrave MacMillan 15692:on 19 October 2019 15544:on 5 January 2016. 15466:on 12 January 2018 15234:Palgrave Macmillan 15163:Palgrave Macmillan 15151:Blume, Lawrence E. 15147:Durlauf, Steven N. 15127:on 22 October 2020 15121:The Point Magazine 14616:on 25 October 2012 14392:The Guilford Press 14096:Éditions Anthropos 14028:on 4 November 2011 13799:Ashgate Publishing 13693:Paracha, Nadeem F. 13477:by Various Authors 12842:The Russian Review 12485:10.1007/BF00818977 12299:on 20 January 2016 12220:on 20 January 2016 11906:. pp. 60–61. 11595:"Social democracy" 11484:Radcliff, Benjamin 11322:The New York Times 11121:Al Jazeera America 10760:The Globe and Mail 10323:on 10 October 2008 10265:. 19 December 2006 10068:Socialist Standard 9748:. Princeton, NJ.: 9170:Whither Socialism? 8686:Socialist Standard 7413:"John Stuart Mill" 6985:Kołakowski, Leszek 6831:Best et al. (2011) 6571:Palgrave Macmillan 6252:Palgrave Macmillan 5857:Types of socialism 5728:right-libertarians 5720:economic freedom. 5686:socialist movement 5671:analytical Marxist 5573:and 39% favouring 5536:re-nationalisation 5497:Spanish Revolution 5493:capitalist society 5328:in the US and the 5317:Mattachine Society 5305:Russian Revolution 5276:, he advocates an 5252: 5135: 5091:Socialist feminism 5028: 4860:anti-authoritarian 4844: 4774:, the tactic of a 4647: 4510: 4449:economic democracy 4437: 4386:economic democracy 4301:The authoritarian– 4276:anarcho-communists 4154: 4070: 3983:Govan Shipbuilders 3866:Spanish Revolution 3827:mode of production 3769: 3715: 3670:Economic democracy 3541:right libertarians 3533:commanding heights 3509:worker cooperative 3498:Nicholas Vrousalis 3472:proposals such as 3431: 3392:Production for use 3264: 2961:Ferdinand Lassalle 2874: 2796:utopian socialists 2739:financial industry 2699: 2644:Types of socialism 2472:in Argentina, the 2365:Early 21st century 2280:Great Leap Forward 2240: 2058:and later that of 1874: 1764:political movement 1745:liberal democratic 1662:political spectrum 1433:Marxist philosophy 253:Production for use 223:Input–output model 188:Economic democracy 35: 27315: 27314: 27309: 27308: 27136:Council of Europe 27038:International law 26991:Constitutionalism 26849:Eastern Orthodoxy 26355:Post–Cold War era 26288:Age of Revolution 26142:Greco-Roman world 26080: 26079: 26044: 26043: 26036:Hammer and sickle 25978:and their groups 25976:Soviet dissidents 25755:Communist Academy 25672:Economic planning 25648: 25647: 25541:Soviet Air Forces 25460:Security services 25380:General Secretary 25363:Central Committee 25305:Political parties 25237:Brezhnev Doctrine 25232:Foreign relations 25189: 25188: 25130:Autonomous okrugs 25044:Soviet–Afghan War 25024:Sino-Soviet split 24966:Russian Civil War 24893: 24892: 24880: 24879: 24876: 24875: 24673: 24672: 24415:Congo-Brazzaville 24311:Regional variants 24079: 24078: 23989:Philosophy of law 23934:Conflict theories 23774:The Spirit of Law 23681: 23680: 22730:Original position 22186: 22185: 21885:Constitutionalism 21748:The Establishment 21703: 21702: 21596:Anarcho-communism 21467:Spontaneous order 21462:Social alienation 21419:Economic mobility 21106:Economic planning 21003: 21002: 20906:Military taxation 20776:War tax resisters 20343:Deterrence theory 20122:Anti-war movement 20052: 20051: 19925:Socialist parties 19906: 19905: 19809:Ram Manohar Lohia 19749:Gaetano Salvemini 19544:Mikhail Gorbachev 19255:Antonie Pannekoek 18884:Equal opportunity 18879:Economic planning 18612: 18611: 18501:African-Caribbean 18489:Regional variants 18221:Council communism 18089:Saint-Simonianism 17899:"Socialism"  17879:"Socialism"  17862:"Socialism"  17838:"Socialism"  17618:Rubel, Maximilien 17404:Muravchik, Joshua 16972:"Socialism"  16777:Sullivan, Dylan; 16683:; Lawler, James; 16505:Oxford University 16088:(22 March 2018). 15988:Esposito, John L. 15875:Brus, Wlodzimierz 15646:978-1-4129-5963-6 15629:SAGE Publications 15619:Morlino, Leonardo 15495:, pp. 1–17; 15413:on 26 August 2018 15347:Goodin, Robert E. 14871:Guha, Ramachandra 14640:Anarchist Writers 13626:978-0-19-860024-4 13471:(Benjamin) Tucker 13272:personal property 13148:Sage Publications 13039:Joseph Déjacque, 12987:Wolff, Richard D. 12822:978-1-931859-19-6 12795:978-0-300-13724-8 12768:978-1-000-70651-2 12741:978-1-134-94783-6 12714:978-0-7486-0317-6 12689:978-0-929087-48-1 12662:978-1-78168-721-5 12635:978-1-000-88190-5 12608:978-1-78960-701-7 12581:978-0-19-827233-5 12554:978-1-000-88190-5 12527:978-90-04-26953-8 12453:978-1-893638-97-6 12428:978-1-134-26191-8 12401:978-0-300-13493-3 12374:978-1-137-51649-7 12181:"Vladimir Lenin, 12068:on 21 August 2008 11555:World Development 11544:Sullivan, Dylan; 10889:McLaughlin (2007) 10859:McLaughlin (2007) 10811:McLaughlin (2007) 10728:Malatesta, Errico 10059:Hardcastle, Edgar 9670:Vanek, Jaroslav, 9647:"Guild Socialism" 9481:"Command Economy" 9304:978-0-684-83569-3 9271:978-0-19286-769-8 9211:Table of Contents 9172:. The MIT Press. 8968:978-1-136-79864-1 8941:978-1-108-21041-6 8916:978-1-78168-560-0 8842:978-0-19-827233-5 8784:978-1-931859-16-5 8595:Engels, Friedrich 8554:. pp. 1–21. 8527:on 4 January 2006 8306:, pp. 60–61. 8214:Engels, Friedrich 8153:Wolff, Richard D. 8042:on 22 August 2019 7919:(7940): 400–403. 7513:978-1-74051-033-2 7494:Blainey, Geoffrey 7361:Engels, Friedrich 7327:Williams, Raymond 7109:Russell, Bertrand 6787:Heilbroner (1991) 6304:Sage Publications 6131:978-0-262-18234-8 6091:978-0-15-512403-5 5748:economic planning 5732:private ownership 5724:Economic liberals 5373:social ecologists 5250:western movements 5206:Spanish Civil War 5183:were against the 5141:that argues that 5031:Islamic socialism 4992:utopian socialism 4980:council communism 4948:anarcho-communism 4936:free associations 4909:workers' councils 4772:socialist parties 4718:type of socialism 4542:private ownership 4540:is linked to the 4497:Liberal socialism 4493:Ethical socialism 4391:actually existing 4248:free associations 4239:often defined as 4182:private ownership 4158:utopian socialist 4132:The labor problem 3963:British Aerospace 3889:Marxian economist 3860:was practised in 3834:Anarcho-communism 3766:economic planning 3641:Marxist–Leninists 3608:economic planning 3554:economic planning 3537:Economic liberals 3443:Marxian economics 3307:Socialist realism 3017:Utopian socialism 2991:Joseph Schumpeter 2978:, anarchists and 2976:council communism 2974:currents such as 2934:Role of the state 2920:orthodox Marxists 2887:classless society 2870:Marxian economics 2847:productive forces 2750:productive forces 2517:social-democratic 2484:in Peru, and the 2470:Front for Victory 2335:workers' councils 2310:gave rise to the 2248:communist parties 2188:French Revolution 2064:communist parties 2028:productive forces 1915:economic planning 1911:wealth inequality 1898:utopian socialism 1867:utopian socialist 1826:". Following the 1705:Socialist parties 1622:private ownership 1612:characterised by 1591: 1590: 1383:Communist society 1355:Socialist parties 614:Saint-Simonianism 203:Equal opportunity 193:Economic planning 130:French Revolution 47:19 September 2024 26: 16:(Redirected from 27606: 27594:Economic systems 27554: 27546: 27545: 27544: 27537: 27536:from Wikiversity 27529: 27528: 27527: 27520: 27512: 27511: 27510: 27503: 27495: 27494: 27493: 27486: 27478: 27477: 27476: 27469: 27461: 27460: 27459: 27452: 27444: 27443: 27442: 27432: 27416: 27415: 27404: 27403: 27392: 27391: 27380: 27379: 27378: 27368: 27367: 27366: 27358:Organized Labour 27356: 27355: 27344: 27343: 27342: 27332: 27331: 27323: 27181:EU Customs Union 26713:Secular humanism 26661:Christian ethics 26611:East–West Schism 26594:Physical culture 26318:Great Divergence 26268:Age of Discovery 26107: 26100: 26093: 26084: 26083: 26070: 26069: 26059: 26058: 26057: 25807: 25806: 25715: 25570:Collectivization 25315:Marxism–Leninism 25200: 25199: 25089: 25088: 24920: 24913: 24906: 24897: 24896: 24743: 24742: 24600: 24599: 24390: 24389: 24385:socialist states 24264:African-American 24106: 24099: 24092: 24083: 24082: 23994:Political ethics 23984:Machiavellianism 23924:Authoritarianism 23909: 23899: 23889: 23879: 23869: 23859: 23849: 23839: 23829: 23819: 23809: 23799: 23789: 23779: 23769: 23759: 23749: 23739: 23729: 23719: 23709: 23699: 22775: 22774: 22716: 22652: 22642:Balance of power 22616:Social democracy 22611:Social Darwinism 22586:Multiculturalism 22531:Environmentalism 22506:Communitarianism 22213: 22206: 22199: 22190: 22189: 22113:Internationalism 22044:Authoritarianism 22013:Social democracy 21907:Environmentalism 21870:Communitarianism 21730: 21723: 21716: 21707: 21706: 21686:Social anarchism 21661:Market socialism 21656:Market anarchism 21562:Critique of work 21452:Private property 21414:Economic freedom 21409:Decentralization 21387:Cultural aspects 21348:Regulated market 21126:Financial crisis 21111:Entrepreneurship 21030: 21023: 21016: 21007: 21006: 20830:list of protests 20691:Lesson of Munich 20646:Demilitarisation 20524:Peace journalism 20318:Anti-imperialism 20301:Anarcho-pacifism 20237:Peace psychology 20217:Peace conference 20212:Peace commission 20157:Culture of Peace 20092: 20085: 20078: 20069: 20068: 20056: 20055: 20042: 20041: 20030: 20029: 20028: 20018: 20017: 20004: 20003: 19992: 19991: 19893:Yanis Varoufakis 19846: 19759:Jean-Paul Sartre 19744:Bertrand Russell 19719:Sylvia Pankhurst 19704:Jawaharlal Nehru 19574:Dolores Ibárruri 19539:Einar Gerhardsen 19519:Alexander Dubček 19469:Nikolai Bukharin 19379:Salvador Allende 19367: 19350:Wilhelm Weitling 19335:Suzanne Voilquin 19320:William Thompson 19310:Lysander Spooner 19270:Georgi Plekhanov 19260:Giovanni Pascoli 19225:Errico Malatesta 19220:Helen Macfarlane 19165:Alexander Herzen 19140:Friedrich Engels 19135:Prosper Enfantin 19130:W. E. B. Du Bois 19100:Edward Carpenter 19060:Eduard Bernstein 19023: 19006:Sylvain Maréchal 18984: 18960: 18954: 18953: 18919:Public ownership 18869:Direct democracy 18854:Common ownership 18818:Workers' council 18803:State capitalism 18718:Internationalism 18651:Critique of work 18631:Anti-revisionism 18313:Marxism–Leninism 18147:Left-wing market 18104: 18103: 18064:Social democracy 17947: 17937: 17930: 17923: 17914: 17913: 17909: 17908:(12th ed.). 17901: 17889: 17881: 17872: 17864: 17848: 17840: 17821: 17762: 17741: 17720:Weinstein, James 17715: 17703: 17680: 17659:Sunkara, Bhaskar 17654: 17635: 17613: 17561: 17539: 17466: 17427: 17422:. Archived from 17399: 17361: 17338: 17329: 17304: 17280: 17256: 17233: 17202: 17168: 17137: 17115: 17095: 17072:Ghodsee, Kristen 17067: 17056:Doubleday Anchor 17046: 17044: 17042: 17010: 16995:(3rd ed.). 16982: 16974: 16965: 16939: 16913: 16907: 16886: 16861: 16854:Woodcock, George 16849: 16839: 16808: 16802: 16800: 16791:. Archived from 16773: 16751: 16733: 16710: 16676: 16674: 16672: 16656: 16636: 16625: 16602: 16579: 16577: 16575: 16542: 16520: 16518: 16516: 16511:on 10 March 2022 16507:. Archived from 16492: 16473: 16450: 16427: 16396: 16367: 16348: 16333:(3rd ed.). 16325: 16302: 16300: 16298: 16280: 16278: 16276: 16267: 16257: 16244:Cengage Learning 16234: 16228: 16226: 16202:Michie, Jonathan 16189: 16177: 16175: 16173: 16154: 16149:. Archived from 16141:(3–4): 275–286. 16135:The Muslim World 16125: 16110: 16104: 16102: 16077: 16054:Ghodsee, Kristen 16049: 16023: 15983: 15944: 15942: 15940: 15922: 15901:Busky, Donald F. 15896: 15870: 15849:Bratberg, Øivind 15843: 15820: 15792: 15762: 15736: 15723: 15706:Beckett, Francis 15701: 15699: 15697: 15688:. Archived from 15678:Barrett, William 15673: 15650: 15606: 15590: 15579: 15545: 15540:. Archived from 15499: 15482: 15476: 15475: 15473: 15471: 15462:. Archived from 15441: 15435: 15434:, pp. 1–17. 15429: 15423: 15422: 15420: 15418: 15409:. Archived from 15398: 15392: 15391: 15373: 15367: 15366: 15339: 15333: 15332: 15317: 15311: 15310: 15288: 15282: 15281: 15279: 15277: 15266: 15260: 15259: 15244: 15238: 15237: 15225: 15219: 15218: 15199: 15193: 15191: 15189: 15187: 15143: 15137: 15136: 15134: 15132: 15123:. Archived from 15112: 15106: 15105: 15102:Fraser Institute 15094: 15088: 15087: 15076: 15070: 15069: 15062: 15056: 15055: 15043: 15037: 15036: 15025: 15019: 15018: 15016: 15008: 15002: 15001: 14989: 14983: 14982: 14975: 14969: 14968: 14960: 14954: 14953: 14940: 14934: 14933: 14907: 14901: 14900: 14867: 14861: 14860: 14827: 14821: 14820: 14790: 14784: 14783: 14754: 14748: 14747: 14745: 14743: 14734:(16 June 2004). 14732:Bookchin, Murray 14728: 14722: 14721: 14719: 14717: 14702: 14696: 14695: 14684: 14678: 14677: 14672:. Archived from 14662: 14656: 14655: 14653: 14651: 14642:. Archived from 14632: 14626: 14625: 14623: 14621: 14612:. Archived from 14606: 14600: 14599: 14584: 14582: 14566: 14560: 14559: 14557: 14555: 14546:. Archived from 14536: 14530: 14529: 14500: 14494: 14493: 14460: 14454: 14453: 14420: 14414: 14413: 14383: 14377: 14376: 14363:Black Rose Books 14352: 14346: 14345: 14322:Eckersley, Robyn 14318: 14312: 14311: 14294: 14288: 14287: 14285: 14283: 14278:on 30 April 2012 14268: 14262: 14259:Washington Blade 14245: 14239: 14238: 14236: 14234: 14229:on 19 April 2012 14228: 14222:. Archived from 14217: 14209: 14203: 14202: 14178: 14172: 14171: 14138: 14132: 14130: 14106: 14100: 14099: 14084:Fourier, Charles 14080: 14074: 14073: 14044: 14038: 14037: 14035: 14033: 14024:. Archived from 14009: 14003: 14002: 13967: 13961: 13960: 13927: 13921: 13920: 13918: 13916: 13900: 13894: 13893: 13891: 13889: 13873: 13867: 13866: 13864: 13862: 13846: 13840: 13839: 13837: 13835: 13819: 13813: 13812: 13790: 13784: 13783: 13745: 13739: 13738: 13736: 13734: 13720: 13714: 13713: 13711: 13709: 13689: 13683: 13682: 13644: 13638: 13637: 13635: 13633: 13603:Hastings, Adrian 13600: 13589: 13583: 13576:Kropotkin, Peter 13568: 13562: 13561: 13550: 13544: 13543: 13536:Bookchin, Murray 13532: 13526: 13525: 13520:. Archived from 13510: 13504: 13497: 13491: 13484: 13478: 13475:An Anarchist FAQ 13467: 13461: 13460: 13444: 13438: 13437: 13431: 13429: 13415: 13409: 13408: 13391: 13385: 13378: 13372: 13371: 13340: 13334: 13327: 13321: 13320: 13298: 13292: 13289: 13283: 13278:by abolition of 13268:private property 13259: 13253: 13246: 13240: 13239:An Anarchist FAQ 13226: 13217: 13214:An Anarchist FAQ 13198: 13192: 13185: 13179: 13165: 13159: 13146:5 vols. London: 13140: 13134: 13123: 13117: 13116: 13101: 13095: 13094: 13082: 13076: 13075: 13054:Bookchin, Murray 13050: 13044: 13037: 13031: 13030: 13019: 13013: 13012: 13010: 13008: 13003:on 11 March 2018 12999:. Archived from 12989:(27 June 2015). 12983: 12981: 12979: 12960: 12954: 12953: 12951: 12949: 12943: 12937:. Archived from 12912: 12903: 12897: 12896: 12894: 12892: 12872: 12866: 12865: 12833: 12827: 12826: 12806: 12800: 12799: 12779: 12773: 12772: 12752: 12746: 12745: 12725: 12719: 12718: 12700: 12694: 12693: 12673: 12667: 12666: 12646: 12640: 12639: 12619: 12613: 12612: 12592: 12586: 12585: 12565: 12559: 12558: 12538: 12532: 12531: 12511: 12505: 12504: 12479:(1/3): 159–188. 12464: 12458: 12457: 12439: 12433: 12432: 12412: 12406: 12405: 12385: 12379: 12378: 12348: 12342: 12341: 12319: 12313: 12312: 12306: 12304: 12286: 12280: 12279: 12257: 12251: 12236: 12230: 12229: 12227: 12225: 12207: 12201: 12200: 12198: 12196: 12187:. Archived from 12177: 12171: 12168:Marxism–Leninism 12165: 12159: 12126:Social democracy 12112: 12106: 12105: 12084: 12078: 12077: 12075: 12073: 12064:. Archived from 12054: 12048: 12047: 12045: 12043: 12028: 12022: 12021: 11991: 11985: 11984: 11954: 11943: 11942: 11922: 11916: 11915: 11895: 11889: 11888: 11868: 11862: 11861: 11837: 11831: 11825: 11816: 11814: 11798: 11792: 11786: 11780: 11778: 11777:on 17 June 2012. 11773:. Archived from 11762: 11756: 11755: 11733: 11727: 11726: 11696: 11690: 11684: 11678: 11677: 11647: 11641: 11635: 11626: 11616: 11610: 11609: 11607: 11605: 11591: 11585: 11584: 11571: 11541: 11535: 11534: 11532: 11530: 11525:on 7 August 2020 11521:. Archived from 11511: 11505: 11504: 11502: 11500: 11480: 11474: 11473: 11471: 11469: 11454: 11448: 11447: 11416: 11410: 11404: 11398: 11397: 11367: 11361: 11355: 11346: 11340: 11334: 11333: 11331: 11329: 11312: 11306: 11305: 11285: 11279: 11278: 11257:Raza, Syed Ali. 11254: 11248: 11242: 11236: 11235: 11214: 11208: 11207: 11194:Penn State Press 11185: 11179: 11169: 11136:Anthony Crosland 11132: 11126: 11112: 11106: 11105: 11087: 11081: 11066: 11060: 11045: 11039: 11032: 11026: 11019: 11013: 10997:Lesigne (1887). 10995: 10989: 10974: 10968: 10967: 10942:An Anarchist FAQ 10937: 10928: 10917: 10911: 10898: 10892: 10886: 10877: 10876: 10868: 10862: 10856: 10850: 10849: 10837: 10831: 10830: 10808: 10798: 10796: 10794: 10776: 10774: 10772: 10763:. Archived from 10751: 10724: 10718: 10717: 10709:. Archived from 10707:An Anarchist FAQ 10699: 10693: 10692: 10683:. Archived from 10675:Kropotkin, Peter 10671: 10665: 10664: 10649: 10643: 10642: 10634:. Archived from 10628:"IAF principles" 10624: 10615: 10614: 10606: 10600: 10599: 10584: 10578: 10571: 10565: 10564: 10554:Woodcock, George 10550: 10544: 10538: 10529: 10523: 10514: 10508: 10502: 10501: 10499: 10497: 10478: 10472: 10471: 10469: 10467: 10450: 10444: 10443: 10441: 10439: 10433: 10427:. Archived from 10426: 10418: 10412: 10411: 10409: 10407: 10392: 10386: 10385: 10383: 10381: 10366: 10360: 10359: 10357: 10355: 10339: 10333: 10332: 10330: 10328: 10322: 10315: 10307: 10301: 10300: 10298: 10296: 10281: 10275: 10274: 10272: 10270: 10255: 10249: 10248: 10238: 10232: 10231: 10219: 10213: 10212: 10210: 10208: 10197: 10191: 10190: 10168: 10162: 10161: 10159: 10135: 10129: 10123: 10117: 10116: 10095: 10089: 10088: 10082: 10080: 10055: 10049: 10048: 10046: 10044: 10038: 10031: 10021: 10015: 10009: 10003: 10002: 10000: 9998: 9984:(24 June 2012). 9978: 9972: 9971: 9936: 9930: 9929: 9927: 9901: 9895: 9894: 9875: 9869: 9868: 9845: 9839: 9838: 9810: 9804: 9803: 9801: 9799: 9794:on 14 April 2019 9784: 9778: 9777: 9775: 9773: 9768: 9760: 9754: 9753: 9734: 9728: 9727: 9703: 9697: 9696: 9694: 9692: 9681: 9675: 9668: 9662: 9661: 9659: 9657: 9643: 9634: 9633: 9618:. pp. 8–9. 9607: 9601: 9595: 9589: 9588: 9573: 9572:. pp. 1–40. 9558: 9552: 9550: 9537:Pathfinder Press 9525: 9519: 9509: 9503: 9502: 9500: 9498: 9492: 9486:. Archived from 9485: 9476: 9470: 9469: 9451: 9445: 9444: 9421: 9415: 9409: 9403: 9397: 9391: 9390: 9374: 9364: 9358: 9357: 9355: 9353: 9342: 9336: 9335: 9329: 9325: 9323: 9315: 9313: 9311: 9289: 9283: 9282: 9280: 9278: 9248: 9242: 9241: 9224: 9218: 9205: 9200:(2nd ed.). 9193: 9187: 9186: 9165: 9159: 9158: 9132: 9126: 9125: 9104: 9098: 9092: 9086: 9085: 9072: 9066: 9065: 9056:"Why Socialism?" 9052:Einstein, Albert 9048: 9042: 9041: 9029: 9023: 9022: 9010: 9004: 9003: 8979: 8973: 8972: 8952: 8946: 8945: 8927: 8921: 8920: 8900: 8894: 8893: 8853: 8847: 8846: 8826: 8820: 8813: 8807: 8806: 8795: 8789: 8788: 8768: 8762: 8761: 8759: 8757: 8748:. Archived from 8746:Socialist Review 8737: 8731: 8730: 8724: 8722: 8703: 8697: 8696: 8694: 8692: 8677: 8668: 8667: 8637: 8631: 8630: 8624: 8622: 8611: 8605: 8604: 8587: 8581: 8575: 8566: 8565: 8543: 8537: 8536: 8534: 8532: 8523:. Archived from 8513: 8507: 8506: 8498:978-0-06156161-0 8484: 8478: 8477: 8468:(2nd ed.). 8461: 8455: 8449: 8443: 8442: 8424: 8418: 8417: 8395: 8389: 8388: 8370: 8364: 8363: 8350: 8341: 8340: 8334: 8332: 8313: 8307: 8301: 8295: 8289: 8283: 8277: 8271: 8270: 8259: 8250: 8244: 8238: 8237: 8228: 8226: 8210: 8204: 8203: 8179: 8173: 8172: 8170: 8168: 8155:(29 June 2009). 8149: 8143: 8142: 8140: 8138: 8123: 8117: 8116: 8114: 8112: 8093: 8084: 8083: 8076:"The Grundrisse" 8071: 8065: 8058: 8052: 8051: 8049: 8047: 8038:. Archived from 8031: 8025: 8018: 8012: 8011: 7990: 7984: 7970: 7964: 7961: 7955: 7954: 7936: 7903:Schor, Juliet B. 7887: 7881: 7880: 7870: 7824: 7818: 7817: 7815: 7813: 7798: 7792: 7791: 7789: 7787: 7762: 7756: 7755: 7753: 7751: 7739:. 2 April 2016. 7727: 7721: 7720: 7718: 7716: 7699: 7693: 7692: 7684: 7676: 7670: 7669: 7667: 7665: 7640: 7634: 7633: 7620: 7614: 7613: 7611: 7609: 7603: 7597:. Archived from 7596: 7588: 7582: 7581: 7579: 7577: 7566: 7560: 7553: 7547: 7540:Anthony Crosland 7537: 7531: 7528:In Place of Fear 7526:Bevan, Aneurin, 7524: 7518: 7517: 7490: 7484: 7483: 7475: 7469: 7459: 7453: 7452: 7436: 7430: 7429: 7427: 7425: 7408: 7402: 7401: 7379: 7373: 7372: 7357: 7351: 7350: 7323: 7317: 7316: 7280: 7271: 7270: 7236: 7230: 7224: 7218: 7217: 7195: 7186: 7185: 7164: 7158: 7157: 7123: 7117: 7116: 7105: 7099: 7098: 7088: 7082: 7081: 7073:978-1285-05535-0 7059: 7053: 7052: 7022: 7013: 7012: 6981: 6975: 6974: 6972: 6970: 6956:"socialism (n.)" 6952: 6946: 6945: 6923: 6917: 6916: 6914: 6912: 6889: 6883: 6882: 6880: 6878: 6863: 6854: 6853: 6840: 6834: 6819:Sanandaji (2021) 6816: 6810: 6807:Sanandaji (2021) 6804: 6798: 6780: 6774: 6773: 6761: 6755: 6754: 6746: 6740: 6734: 6728: 6727: 6716:Giddens, Anthony 6712: 6706: 6705: 6680: 6674: 6668: 6662: 6661: 6639: 6633: 6627: 6621: 6608:, pp. 7–8; 6595: 6589: 6588: 6562: 6556: 6555: 6533: 6527: 6526: 6511: 6505: 6499: 6493: 6492: 6466: 6460: 6459: 6433: 6427: 6426: 6376: 6370: 6367:Prychitko (2002) 6363:Weisskopf (1992) 6352: 6346: 6328: 6322: 6321: 6302:(1st ed.). 6295: 6289: 6288: 6277:. pp. 1–3. 6266: 6260: 6259: 6236: 6230: 6229: 6224: 6222: 6205: 6199: 6198: 6173: 6167: 6157: 6151: 6145: 6139: 6138: 6115: 6105: 6099: 6098: 6071: 6065: 6064: 6059: 6057: 6043: 6037: 6036: 6004: 5998: 5992: 5986: 5980: 5974: 5971: 5891: 5885: 5879: 5796:Critique of work 5744:public ownership 5675:Erik Olin Wright 5649:Ludwig von Mises 5637: 5628: 5619: 5594:Fraser Institute 5575:broadband access 5390:Socialist League 5344:and traditional 5282:Edward Carpenter 5236:Edward Carpenter 5223: 5215: 5198:liberal feminism 5155:Marxist feminism 5105:Environmentalism 5101:Anarcho-naturism 5097:Anarcha-feminism 5077:Social movements 5067:Arab nationalism 5063:anti-colonialism 5059:anti-imperialism 5051:public ownership 4889:direct democracy 4852:social anarchism 4799:state capitalism 4792:internationalism 4790:, and socialist 4784:collectivisation 4713:Friedrich Engels 4667:anti-imperialism 4659:Eduard Bernstein 4633:Marxism–Leninism 4573:Eduard Bernstein 4569:John Stuart Mill 4530:social democracy 4455:. It supports a 4453:co-determination 4434:Eduard Bernstein 4402:social democracy 4380: 4363:Social democracy 4342:An Anarchist FAQ 4290:prefer workers' 4044:Alexander Dubček 4003:Market socialism 3997:Market socialism 3930:State capitalism 3926:Public ownership 3892:Richard D. Wolff 3850:common ownership 3846:private property 3793:Project Cybersyn 3789:Salvador Allende 3762:Project Cybersyn 3740:workers' control 3724:John Stuart Mill 3693: 3624:communist states 3577:John Stuart Mill 3529:municipalisation 3517:public ownership 3461:Market socialism 3413: 3370:Anti-Nazi League 3350:dominant culture 3346:direct democracy 3342:anti-imperialism 3326:counter-cultural 3202: 3174:Russian Futurism 3106:social democracy 2972:orthodox Marxist 2860:The writings of 2843:Friedrich Engels 2834: 2766:common ownership 2762:free association 2746:private property 2744:Socialists view 2708:Bertrand Russell 2519:, socialist and 2480:in El Salvador, 2412: 2403: 2392: 2383: 2351:environmentalism 2341:, marked by the 2316:social democracy 2301:nationalisations 2284:Herbert Morrison 2202:Friedrich Engels 2136:John Stuart Mill 2132:Wilhelm Weitling 2087:Christian Europe 2060:Marxism–Leninism 1891: 1857: 1851: 1797:environmentalism 1776:Friedrich Engels 1717:Social democracy 1709:internationalist 1697:Market socialism 1620:, as opposed to 1614:social ownership 1583: 1576: 1569: 1555:Organized Labour 1553: 1552: 1541: 1540: 1539: 1524: 1523: 1468:Workers' council 1105:Gracchi Brothers 629:Social democracy 372:Market socialism 360:Project Cybersyn 288:Soviet democracy 273:Social ownership 228:Internationalism 208:Free association 178:Common ownership 94: 71: 70: 21: 27614: 27613: 27609: 27608: 27607: 27605: 27604: 27603: 27579:Anti-capitalism 27559: 27558: 27557: 27547: 27542: 27540: 27530: 27525: 27523: 27513: 27508: 27506: 27502:from Wikisource 27496: 27491: 27489: 27479: 27474: 27472: 27462: 27457: 27455: 27451:from Wiktionary 27445: 27440: 27438: 27435: 27431:sister projects 27428:at Knowledge's 27422: 27410: 27398: 27386: 27376: 27374: 27364: 27362: 27350: 27340: 27338: 27326: 27318: 27316: 27311: 27310: 27305: 27271:UKUSA Agreement 27211:Lublin Triangle 27096:Baltic Assembly 27048: 27042: 26960: 26797: 26632: 26502:Eurolinguistics 26371: 26360:Information age 26333:Interwar period 26200: 26120: 26111: 26081: 26076: 26055: 26053: 26040: 25988: 25962: 25882: 25796: 25741: 25713: 25687:Internet domain 25682:Five-year plans 25644: 25611: 25551: 25454: 25416: 25348:Communist Party 25336: 25295:Passport system 25185: 25161:European Russia 25139: 25078: 25019:Khrushchev Thaw 24998:(World War II) 24976:Creation treaty 24930: 24924: 24894: 24889: 24872: 24853:Slovakia (1919) 24753:Alsace-Lorraine 24741: 24669: 24598: 24505: 24474: 24383: 24377: 24306: 24285: 24116: 24110: 24080: 24075: 24062: 24051:Totalitarianism 23912: 23907: 23897: 23887: 23877: 23867: 23857: 23847: 23837: 23827: 23817: 23807: 23797: 23787: 23777: 23767: 23757: 23747: 23737: 23727: 23724:Treatise on Law 23717: 23707: 23697: 23677: 23335: 23329: 23068: 23062: 22948: 22942: 22861: 22764: 22750:State of nature 22745:Social contract 22725:Ordered liberty 22713:Noblesse oblige 22630: 22464: 22393: 22222: 22217: 22187: 22182: 22178:Totalitarianism 22032: 21835:Accelerationism 21826: 21739: 21734: 21704: 21699: 21681:Sharing economy 21671:Post-capitalism 21641:Green anarchism 21580: 21547:Anti-capitalism 21534: 21470: 21381: 21373:State-sponsored 21230: 21206:Property rights 21181:Nationalization 21091:Economic bubble 21049: 21039: 21034: 21004: 20999: 20986: 20915: 20859:Afghanistan War 20810:Second Boer War 20786: 20780: 20604: 20427: 20281: 20227:Peace education 20110:Peace advocates 20105: 20096: 20061: 20053: 20048: 20036: 20026: 20024: 20012: 19980: 19929: 19902: 19838: 19764:Arthur Scargill 19734:Pierre Renaudel 19554:Antonio Gramsci 19534:Muammar Gaddafi 19529:Faiz Ahmad Faiz 19524:Albert Einstein 19464:Aristide Briand 19454:Murray Bookchin 19449:Grace Lee Boggs 19434:Walter Benjamin 19404:Chiang Kai-shek 19384:Inejirō Asanuma 19359: 19330:Benjamin Tucker 19190:Peter Kropotkin 19170:Thomas Hodgskin 19145:Charles Fourier 19125:Théodore Dézamy 19075:Philippe Buchez 19035:Mikhail Bakunin 19015: 18991:Gracchus Babeuf 18976: 18943: 18924:Social dividend 18822: 18798:Socialist state 18763:Post-capitalism 18758:Planned economy 18753:Nationalization 18618: 18608: 18484: 18439: 18274: 18266: 18164:Insurrectionary 18110: 18102: 17968: 17961: 17948: 17943: 17941: 17853:Ely, Richard T. 17825:Cuban Socialism 17810: 17800: 17776:– entry at the 17770: 17765: 17759: 17738: 17700: 17677: 17651: 17632: 17606: 17558: 17536: 17516:Piketty, Thomas 17420: 17396: 17358: 17348:Haymarket Books 17326: 17277: 17261:Kitching, Gavin 17253: 17230: 17199: 17157:10.2307/1837686 17134: 17092: 17040: 17038: 17036: 17007: 16987:Ellman, Michael 16962: 16936: 16894: 16892:Further reading 16889: 16883: 16798: 16796: 16770: 16738:Sinclair, Upton 16730: 16707: 16689:Ollman, Bertell 16685:Ticktin, Hillel 16670: 16668: 16653: 16622: 16599: 16598:978-067433946-0 16573: 16571: 16564: 16539: 16514: 16512: 16489: 16470: 16447: 16416: 16389: 16364: 16352:Li, He (2015). 16345: 16322: 16296: 16294: 16291:The Independent 16274: 16272: 16265: 16254: 16224: 16222: 16220: 16171: 16169: 16100: 16098: 16074: 16046: 16028:Gaus, Gerald F. 16012: 15938: 15936: 15919: 15893: 15867: 15840: 15817: 15797:Bevins, Vincent 15789: 15759: 15758:978-067444261-0 15720: 15695: 15693: 15670: 15669:978-04156-04253 15647: 15621:, eds. (2011). 15611:Badie, Bertrand 15603: 15538: 15508: 15503: 15502: 15483: 15479: 15469: 15467: 15442: 15438: 15430: 15426: 15416: 15414: 15399: 15395: 15388: 15374: 15370: 15361:. p. 339. 15340: 15336: 15318: 15314: 15307: 15289: 15285: 15275: 15273: 15268: 15267: 15263: 15245: 15241: 15226: 15222: 15214:. p. 319. 15212:Wiley-Blackwell 15204:Samuels, Warren 15200: 15196: 15185: 15183: 15181: 15153:, eds. (1987). 15144: 15140: 15130: 15128: 15113: 15109: 15096: 15095: 15091: 15078: 15077: 15073: 15064: 15063: 15059: 15044: 15040: 15027: 15026: 15022: 15014: 15010: 15009: 15005: 14990: 14986: 14977: 14976: 14972: 14961: 14957: 14941: 14937: 14930: 14908: 14904: 14889: 14868: 14864: 14849: 14828: 14824: 14809: 14791: 14787: 14772: 14758:Commoner, Barry 14755: 14751: 14741: 14739: 14729: 14725: 14715: 14713: 14703: 14699: 14694:on 26 May 2006. 14686: 14685: 14681: 14664: 14663: 14659: 14649: 14647: 14646:on 15 June 2018 14634: 14633: 14629: 14619: 14617: 14608: 14607: 14603: 14580: 14578: 14567: 14563: 14553: 14551: 14550:on 5 April 2016 14538: 14537: 14533: 14518: 14501: 14497: 14482: 14470:. Vol. 3. 14461: 14457: 14442: 14421: 14417: 14402: 14384: 14380: 14373: 14353: 14349: 14342: 14319: 14315: 14295: 14291: 14281: 14279: 14270: 14269: 14265: 14255:Wayback Machine 14246: 14242: 14232: 14230: 14226: 14215: 14211: 14210: 14206: 14199: 14191:. p. 124. 14179: 14175: 14160: 14152:. p. 315. 14139: 14135: 14127: 14107: 14103: 14081: 14077: 14045: 14041: 14031: 14029: 14010: 14006: 13991: 13968: 13964: 13949: 13928: 13924: 13914: 13912: 13902: 13901: 13897: 13887: 13885: 13875: 13874: 13870: 13860: 13858: 13848: 13847: 13843: 13833: 13831: 13821: 13820: 13816: 13809: 13791: 13787: 13747: 13746: 13742: 13732: 13730: 13722: 13721: 13717: 13707: 13705: 13690: 13686: 13645: 13641: 13631: 13629: 13627: 13590: 13586: 13569: 13565: 13551: 13547: 13533: 13529: 13524:on 9 June 2009. 13512: 13511: 13507: 13498: 13494: 13485: 13481: 13468: 13464: 13445: 13441: 13427: 13425: 13417: 13416: 13412: 13392: 13388: 13379: 13375: 13341: 13337: 13328: 13324: 13317: 13299: 13295: 13290: 13286: 13261:Mendes, Silva. 13260: 13256: 13247: 13243: 13237:Wayback Machine 13227: 13220: 13210:Wayback Machine 13199: 13195: 13186: 13182: 13176:Wayback Machine 13166: 13162: 13141: 13137: 13124: 13120: 13102: 13098: 13083: 13079: 13072: 13051: 13047: 13038: 13034: 13021: 13020: 13016: 13006: 13004: 12977: 12975: 12961: 12957: 12947: 12945: 12944:on 28 July 2019 12941: 12910: 12904: 12900: 12890: 12888: 12873: 12869: 12834: 12830: 12823: 12807: 12803: 12796: 12780: 12776: 12769: 12753: 12749: 12742: 12726: 12722: 12715: 12701: 12697: 12690: 12674: 12670: 12663: 12647: 12643: 12636: 12620: 12616: 12609: 12593: 12589: 12582: 12566: 12562: 12555: 12539: 12535: 12528: 12512: 12508: 12465: 12461: 12454: 12440: 12436: 12429: 12413: 12409: 12402: 12386: 12382: 12375: 12349: 12345: 12338: 12320: 12316: 12302: 12300: 12287: 12283: 12276: 12258: 12254: 12237: 12233: 12223: 12221: 12208: 12204: 12194: 12192: 12179: 12178: 12174: 12166: 12162: 12156:Wayback Machine 12145:Wayback Machine 12113: 12109: 12088:Lenin, Vladimir 12085: 12081: 12071: 12069: 12056: 12055: 12051: 12041: 12039: 12038:on 29 June 2017 12030: 12029: 12025: 12010: 12002:. p. 101. 11992: 11988: 11973: 11955: 11946: 11923: 11919: 11896: 11892: 11869: 11865: 11854: 11838: 11834: 11826: 11819: 11808: 11803:, p. 190; 11799: 11795: 11789:Thompson (2006) 11787: 11783: 11763: 11759: 11752: 11744:. p. 153. 11734: 11730: 11715: 11697: 11693: 11685: 11681: 11666: 11648: 11644: 11636: 11629: 11617: 11613: 11603: 11601: 11593: 11592: 11588: 11542: 11538: 11528: 11526: 11513: 11512: 11508: 11498: 11496: 11481: 11477: 11467: 11465: 11455: 11451: 11444: 11417: 11413: 11405: 11401: 11386: 11368: 11364: 11356: 11349: 11341: 11337: 11327: 11325: 11313: 11309: 11302: 11286: 11282: 11271: 11255: 11251: 11243: 11239: 11232: 11215: 11211: 11204: 11186: 11182: 11133: 11129: 11113: 11109: 11102: 11088: 11084: 11067: 11063: 11046: 11042: 11033: 11029: 11020: 11016: 11006:Wayback Machine 10996: 10992: 10975: 10971: 10956: 10938: 10931: 10925:Mikhail Bakunin 10921:George Woodcock 10918: 10914: 10903:Benjamin Tucker 10899: 10895: 10887: 10880: 10869: 10865: 10857: 10853: 10838: 10834: 10827: 10799: 10792: 10790: 10777: 10770: 10768: 10725: 10721: 10701: 10700: 10696: 10672: 10668: 10650: 10646: 10626: 10625: 10618: 10607: 10603: 10586: 10585: 10581: 10572: 10568: 10556:. "Anarchism". 10551: 10547: 10539: 10532: 10528:, pp. 1–2. 10524: 10517: 10513:, pp. 1–3. 10509: 10505: 10495: 10493: 10492:on 27 July 2011 10480: 10479: 10475: 10465: 10463: 10452: 10451: 10447: 10437: 10435: 10434:on 20 July 2011 10431: 10424: 10420: 10419: 10415: 10405: 10403: 10402:on 11 July 2011 10394: 10393: 10389: 10379: 10377: 10368: 10367: 10363: 10353: 10351: 10340: 10336: 10326: 10324: 10320: 10313: 10309: 10308: 10304: 10294: 10292: 10283: 10282: 10278: 10268: 10266: 10257: 10256: 10252: 10239: 10235: 10220: 10216: 10206: 10204: 10203:. 10199: 10198: 10194: 10187: 10169: 10165: 10136: 10132: 10124: 10120: 10110: 10096: 10092: 10078: 10076: 10056: 10052: 10042: 10040: 10039:on 14 June 2007 10036: 10029: 10023: 10022: 10018: 10010: 10006: 9996: 9994: 9979: 9975: 9964: 9950:Haymarket Books 9937: 9933: 9902: 9898: 9892: 9891:978-0914156-031 9876: 9872: 9861: 9847: 9846: 9842: 9831: 9830:978-027596151-0 9811: 9807: 9797: 9795: 9786: 9785: 9781: 9771: 9769: 9766: 9762: 9761: 9757: 9738:Albert, Michael 9735: 9731: 9704: 9700: 9690: 9688: 9683: 9682: 9678: 9669: 9665: 9655: 9653: 9645: 9644: 9637: 9626: 9608: 9604: 9598:Sinclair (1918) 9596: 9592: 9559: 9555: 9547: 9526: 9522: 9510: 9506: 9496: 9494: 9490: 9483: 9477: 9473: 9466: 9452: 9448: 9422: 9418: 9410: 9406: 9398: 9394: 9387: 9365: 9361: 9351: 9349: 9344: 9343: 9339: 9327: 9326: 9317: 9316: 9309: 9307: 9305: 9291: 9290: 9286: 9276: 9274: 9272: 9249: 9245: 9228:Roemer, John E. 9225: 9221: 9194: 9190: 9180: 9166: 9162: 9151: 9133: 9129: 9119: 9105: 9101: 9093: 9089: 9074: 9073: 9069: 9049: 9045: 9030: 9026: 9011: 9007: 8980: 8976: 8969: 8953: 8949: 8942: 8928: 8924: 8917: 8901: 8897: 8854: 8850: 8843: 8827: 8823: 8814: 8810: 8797: 8796: 8792: 8785: 8769: 8765: 8755: 8753: 8738: 8734: 8720: 8718: 8704: 8700: 8690: 8688: 8678: 8671: 8656:10.2307/2708729 8638: 8634: 8620: 8618: 8612: 8608: 8588: 8584: 8576: 8569: 8562: 8544: 8540: 8530: 8528: 8515: 8514: 8510: 8499: 8485: 8481: 8472:. p. 295. 8462: 8458: 8450: 8446: 8439: 8425: 8421: 8414: 8413:978-07425-07951 8396: 8392: 8385: 8371: 8367: 8351: 8344: 8330: 8328: 8315: 8314: 8310: 8302: 8298: 8290: 8286: 8278: 8274: 8260: 8253: 8245: 8241: 8224: 8222: 8211: 8207: 8180: 8176: 8166: 8164: 8150: 8146: 8136: 8134: 8124: 8120: 8110: 8108: 8107:on 16 July 2010 8095: 8094: 8087: 8072: 8068: 8059: 8055: 8045: 8043: 8032: 8028: 8019: 8015: 8005: 7991: 7987: 7971: 7967: 7962: 7958: 7895:Kallis, Giorgos 7888: 7884: 7825: 7821: 7811: 7809: 7799: 7795: 7785: 7783: 7763: 7759: 7749: 7747: 7729: 7728: 7724: 7714: 7712: 7700: 7696: 7677: 7673: 7663: 7661: 7641: 7637: 7632:. 30 June 2018. 7622: 7621: 7617: 7607: 7605: 7604:on 4 March 2014 7601: 7594: 7590: 7589: 7585: 7575: 7573: 7568: 7567: 7563: 7554: 7550: 7538: 7534: 7525: 7521: 7514: 7491: 7487: 7476: 7472: 7460: 7456: 7437: 7433: 7423: 7421: 7409: 7405: 7398: 7380: 7376: 7358: 7354: 7347: 7346:978-0-006334798 7324: 7320: 7313: 7312:978-019-0695545 7281: 7274: 7263: 7237: 7233: 7225: 7221: 7210: 7196: 7189: 7179: 7165: 7161: 7150: 7124: 7120: 7106: 7102: 7090: 7089: 7085: 7074: 7060: 7056: 7041: 7023: 7016: 7005: 7004:978-0393-060546 6997:. p. 151. 6982: 6978: 6968: 6966: 6954: 6953: 6949: 6942: 6932:Wiley-Blackwell 6924: 6920: 6910: 6908: 6890: 6886: 6876: 6874: 6864: 6857: 6842: 6841: 6837: 6833:, p. xviii 6823:Caulcutt (2022) 6817: 6813: 6805: 6801: 6781: 6777: 6762: 6758: 6747: 6743: 6735: 6731: 6713: 6709: 6699: 6689:Haymarket Books 6681: 6677: 6669: 6665: 6658: 6640: 6636: 6628: 6624: 6596: 6592: 6581: 6573:. p. 128. 6563: 6559: 6552: 6534: 6530: 6515:Ely, Richard T. 6512: 6508: 6500: 6496: 6485: 6484:978-0271-014784 6467: 6463: 6452: 6440:. Vol. 2. 6434: 6430: 6377: 6373: 6353: 6349: 6329: 6325: 6314: 6296: 6292: 6285: 6275:Scarecrow Press 6267: 6263: 6237: 6233: 6220: 6218: 6217:. 15 April 2009 6207: 6206: 6202: 6192: 6180:. Vol. 2. 6174: 6170: 6158: 6154: 6146: 6142: 6132: 6106: 6102: 6092: 6072: 6068: 6055: 6053: 6045: 6044: 6040: 6029: 6005: 6001: 5997:, pp. 7–8. 5993: 5989: 5981: 5977: 5964: 5892: 5888: 5880: 5876: 5871: 5866: 5786: 5762:Milton Friedman 5707:as part of the 5705:Austrian School 5667: 5666: 5665: 5664: 5653:Friedrich Hayek 5645:Milton Friedman 5640: 5639: 5638: 5630: 5629: 5621: 5620: 5609: 5603: 5513: 5481:state socialism 5477: 5471: 5465: 5457:deep ecologists 5455:, particularly 5423:Murray Bookchin 5338:anti-capitalist 5330:Stonewall riots 5260:Charles Fourier 5123: 5121:Queer anarchism 5109:Green anarchism 5093: 5081:Main articles: 5079: 5010: 5004: 4974:, participism, 4874:relationships ( 4837:Joseph Déjacque 4813: 4807: 4764:democratization 4753:Left Opposition 4697:socialist state 4635: 4615:Main articles: 4613: 4585:Norberto Bobbio 4562:social equality 4534:anti-capitalist 4499: 4491:Main articles: 4489: 4465:planned economy 4382: 4374: 4365: 4357:Main articles: 4355: 4326:state socialism 4318:Benjamin Tucker 4313:. In 1888, the 4233: 4227: 4218:Michael Freeden 4170:political right 4138: 4128:Labour movement 4124: 4077:economic theory 4025:social dividend 4013:monetary prices 4005: 3999: 3971:Hawker Siddeley 3956:Francis Beckett 3944:state apparatus 3936: 3922:Nationalization 3914: 3912:State socialism 3908: 3896:state socialism 3836:is a theory of 3736:Guild socialism 3720:Alfred Marshall 3711:workers council 3695: 3688: 3680: 3664:Main articles: 3662: 3650:State socialism 3604: 3602:Planned economy 3598: 3596:Planned economy 3581:labour vouchers 3525:nationalisation 3486:Joseph Stiglitz 3466:social dividend 3423:planned economy 3415: 3406:Albert Einstein 3403: 3394: 3388: 3382: 3204: 3196: 3188: 3150: 3076: 3068:Main articles: 3066: 3033:which inspired 3027:Charles Fourier 3019: 3011:Main articles: 3009: 2950: 2948:State socialism 2936: 2836: 2827: 2818: 2812: 2730: 2724:Anti-capitalism 2722:Main articles: 2720: 2646: 2640: 2614:. In contrast, 2602:Bhaskar Sunkara 2596:Socialist Party 2582:, and France's 2548:Socialist Party 2521:labour movement 2488:, whose leader 2458:São Paulo Forum 2454: 2453: 2452: 2451: 2441: 2435: 2429: 2419: 2415: 2414: 2413: 2405: 2404: 2395: 2394: 2393: 2385: 2384: 2373: 2367: 2329:in the form of 2196:was written by 2180: 2174: 2046:, interpreting 1880:was claimed by 1876:Initial use of 1844: 1820:mixed economies 1812:socialist state 1784:post-capitalist 1780:anti-capitalism 1768:social problems 1587: 1547: 1537: 1535: 1518: 1511: 1510: 1481: 1473: 1472: 1463:Socialist state 1458:Socialist Party 1403:Economic system 1368: 1360: 1359: 1345: 1335: 1334: 1100: 1092: 1091: 672: 664: 663: 479:Democratic road 414: 404: 403: 330: 322: 321: 268:Social dividend 258:Sharing economy 158: 150: 149: 120: 112: 67: 60: 55: 54: 53: 52: 51: 50: 34: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 27612: 27602: 27601: 27596: 27591: 27586: 27581: 27576: 27571: 27556: 27555: 27538: 27521: 27519:from Wikibooks 27504: 27487: 27485:from Wikiquote 27470: 27453: 27424: 27421: 27420: 27408: 27396: 27384: 27382:Libertarianism 27372: 27360: 27348: 27336: 27313: 27312: 27307: 27306: 27304: 27303: 27301:Westernization 27298: 27293: 27288: 27283: 27281:Visegrád Group 27278: 27273: 27268: 27263: 27258: 27253: 27248: 27243: 27238: 27233: 27228: 27223: 27221:Nordic Council 27218: 27213: 27208: 27203: 27198: 27193: 27188: 27183: 27178: 27173: 27168: 27163: 27158: 27153: 27148: 27143: 27138: 27133: 27128: 27123: 27118: 27116:Bucharest Nine 27113: 27108: 27103: 27098: 27093: 27088: 27083: 27081:Arctic Council 27078: 27073: 27068: 27063: 27058: 27052: 27050: 27044: 27043: 27041: 27040: 27035: 27030: 27029: 27028: 27023: 27018: 27013: 27008: 27003: 26993: 26988: 26987: 26986: 26976: 26970: 26968: 26962: 26961: 26959: 26958: 26953: 26948: 26947: 26946: 26941: 26936: 26931: 26926: 26925: 26924: 26919: 26914: 26909: 26899: 26894: 26889: 26879: 26878: 26877: 26876: 26875: 26865: 26864: 26863: 26858: 26857: 26856: 26846: 26845: 26844: 26834: 26833: 26832: 26807: 26805: 26799: 26798: 26796: 26795: 26794: 26793: 26783: 26778: 26773: 26772: 26771: 26759: 26758: 26757: 26747: 26742: 26737: 26732: 26727: 26722: 26717: 26716: 26715: 26710: 26700: 26699: 26698: 26691:Existentialism 26688: 26683: 26678: 26673: 26668: 26663: 26658: 26653: 26648: 26642: 26640: 26634: 26633: 26631: 26630: 26629: 26628: 26623: 26618: 26613: 26603: 26602: 26601: 26591: 26590: 26589: 26584: 26574: 26573: 26572: 26562: 26557: 26556: 26555: 26550: 26545: 26535: 26534: 26533: 26523: 26522: 26521: 26511: 26510: 26509: 26504: 26494: 26489: 26484: 26479: 26478: 26477: 26467: 26462: 26461: 26460: 26450: 26449: 26448: 26438: 26437: 26436: 26426: 26421: 26420: 26419: 26409: 26404: 26403: 26402: 26397: 26392: 26381: 26379: 26373: 26372: 26370: 26369: 26368: 26367: 26362: 26352: 26351: 26350: 26345: 26340: 26335: 26330: 26325: 26320: 26315: 26310: 26305: 26300: 26295: 26290: 26285: 26280: 26275: 26270: 26265: 26255: 26250: 26249: 26248: 26243: 26238: 26228: 26227: 26226: 26224:Late antiquity 26216: 26210: 26208: 26202: 26201: 26199: 26198: 26193: 26188: 26183: 26178: 26177: 26176: 26175: 26174: 26169: 26159: 26154: 26149: 26139: 26134: 26128: 26126: 26122: 26121: 26110: 26109: 26102: 26095: 26087: 26078: 26077: 26075: 26074: 26064: 26049: 26046: 26045: 26042: 26041: 26039: 26038: 26033: 26032: 26031: 26021: 26020: 26019: 26009: 26008: 26007: 25996: 25994: 25990: 25989: 25987: 25986: 25985: 25984: 25972: 25970: 25964: 25963: 25961: 25960: 25955: 25950: 25945: 25940: 25935: 25930: 25925: 25924: 25923: 25913: 25908: 25903: 25898: 25892: 25890: 25884: 25883: 25881: 25880: 25875: 25870: 25869: 25868: 25863: 25853: 25848: 25843: 25842: 25841: 25836: 25831: 25821: 25816: 25810: 25804: 25798: 25797: 25795: 25794: 25793: 25792: 25782: 25777: 25772: 25767: 25762: 25757: 25751: 25749: 25743: 25742: 25740: 25739: 25738: 25737: 25732: 25730:Rail transport 25727: 25725:Railway system 25717: 25709: 25704: 25699: 25694: 25689: 25684: 25679: 25674: 25669: 25664: 25658: 25656: 25650: 25649: 25646: 25645: 25643: 25642: 25637: 25632: 25627: 25621: 25619: 25613: 25612: 25610: 25609: 25604: 25599: 25598: 25597: 25587: 25582: 25577: 25572: 25567: 25561: 25559: 25553: 25552: 25550: 25549: 25548: 25547: 25521: 25520: 25519: 25514: 25504: 25499: 25498: 25497: 25487: 25486: 25485: 25475: 25470: 25464: 25462: 25456: 25455: 25453: 25452: 25447: 25445:Deputy Premier 25442: 25437: 25436: 25435: 25428:Heads of state 25424: 25422: 25418: 25417: 25415: 25414: 25413: 25412: 25402: 25396: 25393:Supreme Soviet 25390: 25384: 25383: 25382: 25377: 25376: 25375: 25370: 25360: 25355: 25344: 25342: 25338: 25337: 25335: 25334: 25329: 25328: 25327: 25322: 25317: 25310:State ideology 25307: 25302: 25297: 25292: 25291: 25290: 25280: 25275: 25270: 25269: 25268: 25258: 25257: 25256: 25246: 25241: 25240: 25239: 25229: 25224: 25223: 25222: 25217: 25206: 25204: 25197: 25191: 25190: 25187: 25186: 25184: 25183: 25178: 25176:Ural Mountains 25173: 25168: 25166:North Caucasus 25163: 25158: 25153: 25147: 25145: 25141: 25140: 25138: 25137: 25132: 25127: 25126: 25125: 25115: 25110: 25109: 25108: 25097: 25095: 25086: 25080: 25079: 25077: 25076: 25071: 25066: 25061: 25056: 25051: 25046: 25041: 25036: 25031: 25026: 25021: 25016: 25011: 25010: 25009: 25004: 24993: 24988: 24983: 24978: 24973: 24968: 24963: 24962: 24961: 24956: 24946: 24940: 24938: 24932: 24931: 24923: 24922: 24915: 24908: 24900: 24891: 24890: 24885: 24882: 24881: 24878: 24877: 24874: 24873: 24871: 24870: 24865: 24860: 24855: 24850: 24845: 24840: 24835: 24833:Hungary (1919) 24830: 24825: 24820: 24819: 24818: 24813: 24805: 24800: 24795: 24790: 24785: 24780: 24779: 24778: 24773: 24765: 24760: 24755: 24749: 24747: 24740: 24739: 24734: 24729: 24724: 24719: 24714: 24709: 24708: 24707: 24702: 24700:Czech Republic 24695:Czechoslovakia 24692: 24687: 24681: 24679: 24675: 24674: 24671: 24670: 24668: 24667: 24662: 24657: 24652: 24647: 24642: 24637: 24635:Inner Mongolia 24632: 24627: 24622: 24617: 24615:East Turkestan 24612: 24606: 24604: 24597: 24596: 24595: 24594: 24584: 24579: 24574: 24569: 24564: 24559: 24554: 24549: 24544: 24543: 24542: 24537: 24532: 24524: 24519: 24513: 24511: 24507: 24506: 24504: 24503: 24498: 24493: 24488: 24482: 24480: 24476: 24475: 24473: 24472: 24467: 24462: 24457: 24452: 24447: 24442: 24437: 24436: 24435: 24430: 24422: 24417: 24412: 24407: 24402: 24396: 24394: 24387: 24379: 24378: 24376: 24375: 24370: 24365: 24360: 24355: 24350: 24345: 24340: 24335: 24330: 24325: 24320: 24314: 24312: 24308: 24307: 24305: 24304: 24299: 24297:United Kingdom 24293: 24291: 24287: 24286: 24284: 24283: 24278: 24277: 24276: 24268: 24267: 24266: 24256: 24254:United Kingdom 24251: 24246: 24241: 24236: 24231: 24226: 24221: 24216: 24211: 24206: 24201: 24196: 24191: 24190: 24189: 24184: 24179: 24178: 24177: 24164: 24159: 24158: 24157: 24147: 24142: 24141: 24140: 24130: 24124: 24122: 24118: 24117: 24109: 24108: 24101: 24094: 24086: 24077: 24076: 24074: 24073: 24067: 24064: 24063: 24061: 24060: 24053: 24048: 24043: 24041:Social justice 24038: 24033: 24028: 24023: 24018: 24017: 24016: 24011: 24006: 23996: 23991: 23986: 23981: 23976: 23971: 23966: 23961: 23956: 23951: 23949:Egalitarianism 23946: 23941: 23939:Contractualism 23936: 23931: 23926: 23920: 23918: 23914: 23913: 23911: 23910: 23900: 23890: 23880: 23870: 23860: 23850: 23840: 23830: 23820: 23810: 23800: 23790: 23780: 23770: 23760: 23750: 23740: 23730: 23720: 23710: 23700: 23689: 23687: 23683: 23682: 23679: 23678: 23676: 23675: 23670: 23665: 23660: 23655: 23650: 23645: 23640: 23635: 23630: 23625: 23620: 23615: 23610: 23605: 23600: 23595: 23590: 23585: 23580: 23575: 23570: 23565: 23560: 23555: 23550: 23545: 23540: 23535: 23530: 23525: 23520: 23515: 23510: 23505: 23500: 23495: 23490: 23485: 23480: 23475: 23470: 23465: 23460: 23455: 23450: 23445: 23440: 23435: 23430: 23425: 23420: 23415: 23410: 23405: 23400: 23395: 23390: 23385: 23380: 23375: 23370: 23365: 23360: 23355: 23350: 23345: 23339: 23337: 23331: 23330: 23328: 23327: 23322: 23317: 23312: 23307: 23302: 23297: 23292: 23287: 23282: 23277: 23272: 23267: 23262: 23257: 23252: 23247: 23242: 23237: 23232: 23227: 23222: 23217: 23212: 23207: 23206: 23205: 23195: 23190: 23189: 23188: 23178: 23173: 23168: 23163: 23158: 23153: 23148: 23143: 23138: 23133: 23128: 23123: 23118: 23113: 23108: 23103: 23098: 23093: 23088: 23083: 23078: 23072: 23070: 23064: 23063: 23061: 23060: 23055: 23050: 23045: 23040: 23035: 23030: 23025: 23020: 23015: 23010: 23005: 23004: 23003: 22993: 22988: 22983: 22978: 22973: 22968: 22963: 22958: 22952: 22950: 22944: 22943: 22941: 22940: 22935: 22930: 22925: 22920: 22915: 22910: 22905: 22900: 22895: 22890: 22885: 22880: 22875: 22869: 22867: 22863: 22862: 22860: 22859: 22854: 22849: 22844: 22839: 22834: 22833: 22832: 22822: 22817: 22812: 22807: 22802: 22797: 22792: 22787: 22781: 22779: 22772: 22766: 22765: 22763: 22762: 22757: 22752: 22747: 22742: 22737: 22735:Overton window 22732: 22727: 22722: 22717: 22708: 22703: 22698: 22693: 22688: 22683: 22678: 22673: 22668: 22663: 22658: 22653: 22644: 22638: 22636: 22632: 22631: 22629: 22628: 22623: 22618: 22613: 22608: 22603: 22598: 22593: 22588: 22583: 22578: 22573: 22568: 22566:Libertarianism 22563: 22558: 22553: 22548: 22543: 22538: 22533: 22528: 22523: 22518: 22513: 22508: 22503: 22498: 22493: 22488: 22483: 22478: 22472: 22470: 22466: 22465: 22463: 22462: 22457: 22452: 22447: 22442: 22437: 22432: 22427: 22422: 22417: 22412: 22407: 22401: 22399: 22395: 22394: 22392: 22391: 22386: 22381: 22376: 22371: 22366: 22361: 22356: 22351: 22346: 22341: 22336: 22331: 22326: 22321: 22316: 22311: 22306: 22301: 22296: 22291: 22286: 22281: 22276: 22271: 22266: 22261: 22256: 22251: 22246: 22241: 22236: 22230: 22228: 22224: 22223: 22216: 22215: 22208: 22201: 22193: 22184: 22183: 22181: 22180: 22175: 22170: 22165: 22160: 22155: 22150: 22145: 22140: 22135: 22130: 22125: 22120: 22115: 22110: 22105: 22100: 22095: 22090: 22085: 22084: 22083: 22078: 22073: 22063: 22058: 22053: 22052: 22051: 22040: 22038: 22034: 22033: 22031: 22030: 22025: 22020: 22015: 22010: 22009: 22008: 22003: 21993: 21988: 21987: 21986: 21976: 21971: 21966: 21964:Libertarianism 21961: 21956: 21951: 21946: 21941: 21939:Fundamentalism 21936: 21931: 21930: 21929: 21927:Third Position 21924: 21914: 21909: 21904: 21903: 21902: 21892: 21887: 21882: 21877: 21872: 21867: 21862: 21857: 21852: 21847: 21842: 21837: 21831: 21828: 21827: 21825: 21824: 21819: 21814: 21809: 21808: 21807: 21802: 21797: 21792: 21787: 21782: 21777: 21767: 21762: 21757: 21756: 21755: 21744: 21741: 21740: 21733: 21732: 21725: 21718: 21710: 21701: 21700: 21698: 21693: 21688: 21683: 21678: 21673: 21668: 21663: 21658: 21653: 21648: 21643: 21638: 21633: 21628: 21623: 21618: 21613: 21608: 21603: 21598: 21593: 21588: 21586: 21582: 21581: 21579: 21574: 21569: 21564: 21559: 21554: 21549: 21544: 21542: 21536: 21535: 21533: 21528: 21523: 21518: 21513: 21508: 21503: 21498: 21493: 21488: 21483: 21478: 21476: 21475:Social aspects 21472: 21471: 21469: 21464: 21459: 21454: 21449: 21444: 21439: 21436: 21431: 21426: 21421: 21416: 21411: 21406: 21401: 21399:American Dream 21396: 21391: 21389: 21383: 21382: 21380: 21375: 21370: 21365: 21360: 21355: 21350: 21345: 21340: 21335: 21330: 21325: 21320: 21315: 21310: 21305: 21300: 21295: 21290: 21285: 21278: 21273: 21268: 21263: 21258: 21253: 21248: 21243: 21238: 21236: 21232: 21231: 21229: 21228: 21223: 21218: 21213: 21208: 21203: 21198: 21193: 21188: 21183: 21178: 21173: 21168: 21163: 21161:Market failure 21158: 21156:Market economy 21153: 21148: 21143: 21138: 21133: 21128: 21123: 21118: 21116:Ecopreneurship 21113: 21108: 21103: 21098: 21093: 21088: 21083: 21078: 21073: 21071:Centralization 21068: 21066:Business cycle 21063: 21057: 21055: 21051: 21050: 21044: 21041: 21040: 21033: 21032: 21025: 21018: 21010: 21001: 21000: 20998: 20997: 20991: 20988: 20987: 20985: 20984: 20979: 20974: 20972:United Kingdom 20969: 20964: 20959: 20954: 20949: 20944: 20939: 20934: 20929: 20923: 20921: 20917: 20916: 20914: 20913: 20908: 20903: 20898: 20897: 20896: 20891: 20881: 20876: 20871: 20866: 20861: 20856: 20855: 20854: 20849: 20839: 20834: 20833: 20832: 20822: 20817: 20812: 20807: 20802: 20790: 20788: 20782: 20781: 20779: 20778: 20773: 20766: 20759: 20754: 20747: 20742: 20737: 20730: 20725: 20720: 20715: 20710: 20705: 20700: 20693: 20688: 20683: 20678: 20673: 20668: 20663: 20658: 20653: 20648: 20643: 20638: 20633: 20628: 20623: 20618: 20612: 20610: 20606: 20605: 20603: 20602: 20597: 20595:Women in Black 20592: 20591: 20590: 20580: 20575: 20570: 20565: 20560: 20555: 20550: 20545: 20540: 20539: 20538: 20533: 20521: 20516: 20511: 20506: 20501: 20496: 20491: 20486: 20481: 20476: 20471: 20466: 20461: 20456: 20451: 20446: 20441: 20435: 20433: 20429: 20428: 20426: 20425: 20420: 20415: 20410: 20405: 20400: 20395: 20390: 20385: 20380: 20375: 20370: 20365: 20360: 20358:Green politics 20355: 20350: 20345: 20340: 20335: 20330: 20328:Antimilitarism 20325: 20320: 20315: 20314: 20313: 20308: 20303: 20295: 20289: 20287: 20283: 20282: 20280: 20279: 20274: 20269: 20264: 20259: 20254: 20249: 20244: 20239: 20234: 20232:Peace movement 20229: 20224: 20222:Peace congress 20219: 20214: 20209: 20207:Peace churches 20204: 20199: 20194: 20189: 20184: 20179: 20174: 20169: 20164: 20162:ECOPEACE Party 20159: 20154: 20152:Counterculture 20149: 20144: 20139: 20134: 20129: 20124: 20119: 20113: 20111: 20107: 20106: 20103:peace movement 20095: 20094: 20087: 20080: 20072: 20066: 20063: 20062: 20050: 20049: 20047: 20046: 20034: 20022: 20010: 19998: 19985: 19982: 19981: 19979: 19978: 19973: 19968: 19963: 19958: 19953: 19948: 19943: 19937: 19935: 19931: 19930: 19928: 19927: 19922: 19916: 19914: 19908: 19907: 19904: 19903: 19901: 19900: 19895: 19890: 19885: 19880: 19875: 19870: 19865: 19860: 19855: 19853:Pedro Castillo 19849: 19847: 19840: 19839: 19837: 19836: 19831: 19826: 19821: 19816: 19811: 19806: 19801: 19796: 19794:E. P. Thompson 19791: 19786: 19781: 19776: 19771: 19766: 19761: 19756: 19754:Bernie Sanders 19751: 19746: 19741: 19739:B. T. Ranadive 19736: 19731: 19726: 19721: 19716: 19711: 19706: 19701: 19696: 19691: 19686: 19681: 19676: 19674:Adrien Marquet 19671: 19666: 19664:Nelson Mandela 19661: 19656: 19651: 19646: 19644:Rosa Luxemburg 19641: 19636: 19634:Vladimir Lenin 19631: 19626: 19624:Henri Lefebvre 19621: 19616: 19611: 19606: 19601: 19596: 19591: 19589:Russell Jacoby 19586: 19581: 19576: 19571: 19569:Saddam Hussein 19566: 19561: 19556: 19551: 19546: 19541: 19536: 19531: 19526: 19521: 19516: 19511: 19509:Eugene V. Debs 19506: 19501: 19496: 19491: 19486: 19481: 19476: 19471: 19466: 19461: 19459:Bertolt Brecht 19456: 19451: 19446: 19441: 19436: 19431: 19426: 19421: 19419:Henri Barbusse 19416: 19411: 19406: 19401: 19396: 19394:Clement Attlee 19391: 19389:Hafez al-Assad 19386: 19381: 19376: 19370: 19368: 19361: 19360: 19358: 19357: 19352: 19347: 19342: 19337: 19332: 19327: 19322: 19317: 19315:Fred M. Taylor 19312: 19307: 19302: 19297: 19292: 19287: 19282: 19277: 19272: 19267: 19262: 19257: 19252: 19247: 19245:William Morris 19242: 19237: 19232: 19227: 19222: 19217: 19212: 19207: 19202: 19197: 19192: 19187: 19182: 19177: 19172: 19167: 19162: 19157: 19152: 19147: 19142: 19137: 19132: 19127: 19122: 19117: 19112: 19110:James Connolly 19107: 19102: 19097: 19092: 19087: 19082: 19077: 19072: 19067: 19062: 19057: 19055:Edward Bellamy 19052: 19047: 19042: 19037: 19032: 19026: 19024: 19017: 19016: 19014: 19013: 19008: 19003: 18998: 18996:Victor d'Hupay 18993: 18987: 18985: 18978: 18977: 18975: 18974: 18969: 18963: 18961: 18951: 18945: 18944: 18942: 18941: 18936: 18931: 18926: 18921: 18916: 18911: 18906: 18904:Labour voucher 18901: 18896: 18891: 18886: 18881: 18876: 18871: 18866: 18861: 18856: 18851: 18846: 18841: 18836: 18830: 18828: 18824: 18823: 18821: 18820: 18815: 18810: 18805: 18800: 18795: 18790: 18785: 18780: 18775: 18770: 18765: 18760: 18755: 18750: 18745: 18740: 18735: 18730: 18725: 18720: 18715: 18708: 18703: 18698: 18693: 18688: 18683: 18678: 18673: 18671:Egalitarianism 18668: 18663: 18658: 18656:Class struggle 18653: 18648: 18643: 18638: 18633: 18628: 18622: 18620: 18614: 18613: 18610: 18609: 18607: 18606: 18601: 18596: 18591: 18590: 18589: 18584: 18582:In one country 18574: 18569: 18564: 18559: 18554: 18549: 18548: 18547: 18537: 18536: 18535: 18534: 18533: 18523: 18513: 18508: 18503: 18498: 18492: 18490: 18486: 18485: 18483: 18482: 18477: 18472: 18471: 18470: 18465: 18455: 18449: 18447: 18441: 18440: 18438: 18437: 18436: 18435: 18425: 18424: 18423: 18418: 18417: 18416: 18415: 18414: 18404: 18403: 18402: 18397: 18392: 18387: 18382: 18377: 18367: 18362: 18357: 18350: 18345: 18340: 18335: 18330: 18325: 18320: 18310: 18300: 18295: 18294: 18293: 18282: 18280: 18268: 18267: 18265: 18264: 18259: 18258: 18257: 18252: 18251: 18250: 18245: 18235: 18230: 18225: 18224: 18223: 18216:Left communism 18208: 18203: 18202: 18201: 18196: 18191: 18186: 18181: 18176: 18171: 18166: 18161: 18156: 18151: 18150: 18149: 18144: 18134: 18129: 18118: 18116: 18101: 18100: 18099: 18098: 18097: 18096: 18086: 18081: 18076: 18066: 18061: 18056: 18051: 18046: 18041: 18036: 18031: 18026: 18025: 18024: 18019: 18009: 18004: 17999: 17994: 17989: 17984: 17979: 17973: 17971: 17963: 17962: 17953: 17950: 17949: 17940: 17939: 17932: 17925: 17917: 17911: 17910: 17894:Cole, G. D. H. 17890: 17873: 17849: 17832: 17822: 17808: 17782: 17769: 17768:External links 17766: 17764: 17763: 17757: 17742: 17736: 17728:Westview Press 17716: 17704: 17698: 17681: 17676:978-1784787264 17675: 17661:, ed. (2016). 17655: 17649: 17636: 17630: 17614: 17605:978-1412965804 17604: 17588:Cato Institute 17574:Hamowy, Ronald 17562: 17556: 17544:Pipes, Richard 17540: 17535:978-0300259667 17534: 17512: 17503: 17485: 17470:Bertell Ollman 17467: 17441:(2): 583–601. 17428: 17418: 17400: 17395:978-1529229707 17394: 17377: 17374:978-0853151814 17362: 17357:978-1608460731 17356: 17339: 17330: 17324: 17305: 17281: 17276:978-0416358407 17275: 17257: 17251: 17234: 17229:978-0191774317 17228: 17203: 17198:978-0865976665 17197: 17169: 17138: 17133:978-1611453355 17132: 17116: 17096: 17091:978-1568588902 17090: 17068: 17047: 17035:978-1776560745 17034: 17011: 17006:978-1107427327 17005: 16983: 16966: 16960: 16944:Cole, G. D. H. 16940: 16935:978-0691143613 16934: 16914: 16895: 16893: 16890: 16888: 16887: 16882:978-0155124035 16881: 16862: 16850: 16809: 16774: 16769:978-0875484495 16768: 16762:. Open Court. 16752: 16734: 16729:978-0804771825 16728: 16711: 16706:978-0415919678 16705: 16677: 16666:Foreign Policy 16657: 16652:978-0262182348 16651: 16626: 16621:978-0299220341 16620: 16603: 16597: 16580: 16563:978-1400888863 16562: 16543: 16538:978-1840645194 16537: 16521: 16493: 16488:978-1571811851 16487: 16474: 16469:978-0044460152 16468: 16451: 16446:978-0192804310 16445: 16428: 16415:978-0745673523 16414: 16397: 16388:978-0754661962 16387: 16368: 16363:978-1137427816 16362: 16349: 16344:978-1442258266 16343: 16326: 16321:978-0810855601 16320: 16303: 16281: 16258: 16253:978-1111305505 16252: 16235: 16219:978-1135932268 16218: 16194:Horvat, Branko 16190: 16182:Horvat, Branko 16178: 16155: 16126: 16111: 16078: 16073:978-0822369493 16072: 16050: 16045:978-0761967873 16044: 16024: 16011:978-0195066135 16010: 15984: 15945: 15923: 15918:978-0275968861 15917: 15897: 15892:978-0415866477 15891: 15871: 15866:978-1137013262 15865: 15847:Brandal, Nik; 15844: 15839:978-0804775663 15838: 15821: 15816:978-1541742406 15815: 15793: 15788:978-0739136980 15787: 15771:McLaren, Peter 15763: 15757: 15737: 15724: 15719:978-1842751923 15718: 15702: 15674: 15668: 15651: 15645: 15607: 15602:978-0195088274 15601: 15580: 15568:10.1086/293421 15562:(3): 485–511. 15546: 15537:978-9004156913 15536: 15509: 15507: 15504: 15501: 15500: 15477: 15436: 15424: 15393: 15387:978-0521563543 15386: 15368: 15351:Pettit, Philip 15334: 15321:Acs, Zoltan J. 15312: 15306:978-0521563543 15305: 15299:. p. 60. 15283: 15261: 15258:. p. 262. 15239: 15220: 15202:Biddle, Jeff; 15194: 15180:978-1349951215 15179: 15138: 15107: 15089: 15071: 15057: 15038: 15020: 15003: 14984: 14970: 14955: 14935: 14929:978-0203423363 14928: 14902: 14888:978-1134173341 14887: 14862: 14848:978-1786990976 14847: 14822: 14807: 14785: 14771:978-0486846248 14770: 14749: 14723: 14697: 14679: 14657: 14627: 14601: 14577:on 26 May 2006 14561: 14531: 14517:978-1906523589 14516: 14495: 14480: 14455: 14441:978-1848136595 14440: 14415: 14400: 14378: 14372:978-0920057087 14371: 14347: 14341:978-0791410134 14340: 14313: 14289: 14263: 14240: 14204: 14198:978-0758201003 14197: 14173: 14159:978-0415864541 14158: 14142:Flood, Michael 14133: 14126:978-0786734924 14125: 14101: 14075: 14056:(68): 97–110. 14039: 14004: 13989: 13962: 13948:978-1849351034 13947: 13933:, ed. (2012). 13922: 13895: 13868: 13841: 13814: 13808:978-0754601135 13807: 13785: 13740: 13715: 13684: 13657:(2): 177–193. 13639: 13625: 13593:Leech, Kenneth 13584: 13563: 13554:Graham, Robert 13545: 13527: 13505: 13492: 13479: 13462: 13439: 13410: 13386: 13382:The Red Menace 13373: 13335: 13322: 13316:978-1902593920 13315: 13309:. p. 65. 13293: 13284: 13254: 13241: 13218: 13193: 13180: 13160: 13135: 13118: 13096: 13093:. p. 612. 13077: 13070: 13045: 13032: 13014: 12955: 12921:(1): 110–126. 12898: 12885:Our Generation 12867: 12854:10.2307/131248 12828: 12821: 12801: 12794: 12774: 12767: 12747: 12740: 12720: 12713: 12695: 12688: 12668: 12661: 12641: 12634: 12614: 12607: 12587: 12580: 12560: 12553: 12533: 12526: 12506: 12459: 12452: 12434: 12427: 12407: 12400: 12380: 12373: 12343: 12337:978-0520075436 12336: 12314: 12281: 12275:978-0389208136 12274: 12252: 12248:978-0389208136 12231: 12202: 12172: 12160: 12107: 12079: 12049: 12023: 12009:978-0511274725 12008: 11986: 11971: 11944: 11917: 11890: 11879:. p. 99. 11863: 11853:978-0719050565 11852: 11832: 11830:, p. 420. 11817: 11793: 11781: 11757: 11751:978-0521817998 11750: 11728: 11714:978-1315615141 11713: 11707:. p. 51. 11691: 11689:, p. 137. 11679: 11665:978-1118177006 11664: 11658:. p. 29. 11642: 11627: 11611: 11586: 11536: 11506: 11475: 11449: 11443:978-1582437170 11442: 11411: 11399: 11385:978-0691147741 11384: 11362: 11347: 11335: 11307: 11301:978-0230625471 11300: 11280: 11270:978-9699757006 11269: 11249: 11237: 11231:978-1855676053 11230: 11218:Eatwell, Roger 11209: 11203:978-0271014791 11202: 11196:. p. 71. 11180: 11127: 11107: 11101:978-0800623920 11100: 11082: 11078:978-0002178556 11061: 11057:978-1859731499 11040: 11038:. pp. 363–364. 11027: 11014: 10990: 10969: 10955:978-1902593906 10954: 10929: 10912: 10893: 10878: 10863: 10851: 10832: 10826:978-0631205616 10825: 10813:, p. 59; 10767:on 16 May 2007 10719: 10694: 10666: 10644: 10616: 10601: 10579: 10566: 10545: 10530: 10515: 10503: 10473: 10462:. 16 July 2009 10445: 10413: 10387: 10361: 10334: 10302: 10289:People's Daily 10276: 10250: 10233: 10214: 10201:"Introduction" 10192: 10186:978-0521085861 10185: 10163: 10150:(4): 187–194. 10130: 10126:Bockman (2011) 10118: 10108: 10090: 10050: 10016: 10012:Beckett (2007) 10004: 9982:Wollf, Richard 9973: 9963:978-1608462476 9962: 9940:Wollf, Richard 9931: 9918:(4): 187–194. 9896: 9890: 9870: 9860:978-1599862187 9859: 9840: 9829: 9805: 9779: 9755: 9729: 9718:(4): 335–350. 9698: 9676: 9663: 9635: 9625:978-0415241878 9624: 9602: 9590: 9553: 9546:978-0873482288 9545: 9539:. p. 96. 9520: 9504: 9471: 9465:978-0618261819 9464: 9446: 9416: 9404: 9392: 9386:978-0521563543 9385: 9359: 9337: 9328:|website= 9303: 9284: 9270: 9243: 9219: 9188: 9179:978-0262691826 9178: 9160: 9150:978-0415241878 9149: 9143:. p. 70. 9127: 9118:978-0618261819 9117: 9099: 9095:Bockman (2011) 9087: 9084:. 29 May 2023. 9067: 9061:Monthly Review 9043: 9024: 9005: 8994:(67): 79–120. 8974: 8967: 8947: 8940: 8922: 8915: 8895: 8868:(2): 181–193. 8848: 8841: 8821: 8808: 8790: 8783: 8763: 8732: 8698: 8669: 8650:(2): 263–270. 8632: 8606: 8582: 8567: 8561:978-0853457985 8560: 8538: 8508: 8497: 8479: 8456: 8444: 8438:978-0804723848 8437: 8419: 8412: 8390: 8383: 8365: 8342: 8308: 8296: 8284: 8282:, p. 197. 8272: 8266:. p. 40. 8251: 8239: 8205: 8174: 8144: 8132:Monthly Review 8118: 8085: 8066: 8053: 8026: 8013: 8004:978-1104238407 8003: 7985: 7981:978-0415195867 7965: 7956: 7882: 7845:(3107): 3107. 7819: 7793: 7757: 7722: 7694: 7671: 7635: 7615: 7583: 7561: 7548: 7532: 7519: 7512: 7485: 7470: 7454: 7431: 7403: 7397:978-1350150331 7396: 7374: 7371:. p. 202. 7352: 7345: 7318: 7311: 7272: 7262:978-0195204698 7261: 7231: 7219: 7209:978-0875484495 7208: 7187: 7178:978-0875484495 7177: 7159: 7149:978-0195204698 7148: 7118: 7100: 7083: 7072: 7054: 7040:978-1305445499 7039: 7014: 7003: 6976: 6947: 6941:978-1405154956 6940: 6934:. p. 83. 6918: 6898:The New Yorker 6884: 6855: 6852:. 29 May 2023. 6835: 6811: 6799: 6791:Kendall (2011) 6783:Barrett (1978) 6775: 6756: 6741: 6729: 6707: 6698:978-1931859257 6697: 6691:. p. 24. 6675: 6663: 6656: 6634: 6622: 6590: 6580:978-0230367258 6579: 6557: 6551:978-0415438209 6550: 6528: 6506: 6494: 6483: 6477:. p. 96. 6461: 6451:978-0415241878 6450: 6444:. p. 71. 6428: 6371: 6347: 6339:Arneson (1992) 6331:Bockman (2011) 6323: 6313:978-1412916523 6312: 6290: 6284:978-0810855601 6283: 6261: 6231: 6200: 6191:978-0415241878 6190: 6184:. p. 71. 6168: 6152: 6140: 6130: 6100: 6090: 6066: 6038: 6028:978-0198600244 6027: 5999: 5987: 5975: 5973: 5972: 5963:978-0198600244 5962: 5939: 5933: 5927: 5921: 5915: 5909: 5899: 5886: 5873: 5872: 5870: 5867: 5865: 5864: 5859: 5854: 5849: 5844: 5838: 5833: 5828: 5823: 5818: 5813: 5808: 5803: 5798: 5793: 5787: 5785: 5782: 5692:, or existing 5642: 5641: 5632: 5631: 5623: 5622: 5614: 5613: 5612: 5611: 5610: 5605:Main article: 5602: 5599: 5571:power networks 5552:climate change 5512: 5509: 5485:general strike 5467:Main article: 5464: 5461: 5453:green politics 5449:social justice 5439:as opposed to 5433:Barry Commoner 5425:'s first book 5382:William Morris 5342:nuclear family 5297:Fabian Society 5293:gay liberation 5240:Fabian Society 5212:Mujeres Libres 5113:Green politics 5078: 5075: 5006:Main article: 5003: 5000: 4809:Main article: 4806: 4803: 4693:administration 4655:Rosa Luxemburg 4643:Vladimir Lenin 4612: 4609: 4589:Chantal Mouffe 4581:Carlo Rosselli 4554:market economy 4488: 4485: 4461:market economy 4366: 4354: 4351: 4346:Peter Marshall 4330:Ernest Lesigne 4296:general strike 4229:Main article: 4226: 4223: 4199:social justice 4144:Socialists in 4123: 4120: 4105:private sector 4052:Czechoslovakia 4009:market economy 4001:Main article: 3998: 3995: 3952:Clement Attlee 3910:Main article: 3907: 3904: 3879:established a 3819:Michel Bauwens 3773:market economy 3752:William Morris 3728:Jaroslav Vanek 3691:Upton Sinclair 3681: 3661: 3658: 3600:Main article: 3597: 3594: 3513:commonly owned 3427:Why Socialism? 3410:Why Socialism? 3395: 3384:Main article: 3381: 3378: 3217:taught by the 3189: 3158:Counterculture 3149: 3146: 3130:Rosa Luxemburg 3065: 3062: 3008: 3005: 2935: 2932: 2913:workers' state 2819: 2814:Main article: 2811: 2808: 2771:overproduction 2719: 2716: 2677:utilitarianism 2642:Main article: 2639: 2636: 2612:climate change 2592:Bernie Sanders 2529:Pasokification 2417: 2416: 2407: 2406: 2398: 2397: 2396: 2387: 2386: 2378: 2377: 2376: 2375: 2374: 2366: 2363: 2347:Eastern Europe 2176:Main article: 2173: 2170: 2130:in France and 2102:communion rite 2099:Roman Catholic 2020:Vladimir Lenin 1951:associationist 1843: 1840: 1762:The socialist 1741:market economy 1729:social justice 1610:social systems 1589: 1588: 1586: 1585: 1578: 1571: 1563: 1560: 1559: 1558: 1557: 1545: 1533: 1513: 1512: 1509: 1508: 1503: 1498: 1493: 1488: 1482: 1479: 1478: 1475: 1474: 1471: 1470: 1465: 1460: 1455: 1450: 1445: 1440: 1435: 1430: 1425: 1420: 1418:Libertarianism 1415: 1410: 1405: 1400: 1395: 1390: 1385: 1380: 1375: 1369: 1367:Related topics 1366: 1365: 1362: 1361: 1358: 1357: 1352: 1346: 1341: 1340: 1337: 1336: 1333: 1332: 1327: 1322: 1317: 1312: 1307: 1302: 1297: 1292: 1287: 1282: 1277: 1272: 1267: 1262: 1257: 1252: 1247: 1242: 1237: 1232: 1227: 1222: 1217: 1212: 1207: 1202: 1197: 1192: 1187: 1182: 1177: 1172: 1167: 1162: 1157: 1152: 1147: 1142: 1137: 1132: 1127: 1122: 1117: 1112: 1107: 1101: 1098: 1097: 1094: 1093: 1090: 1089: 1084: 1079: 1074: 1069: 1064: 1059: 1054: 1049: 1044: 1039: 1034: 1029: 1024: 1019: 1014: 1009: 1004: 999: 994: 989: 984: 979: 974: 969: 964: 959: 954: 949: 944: 939: 934: 929: 924: 919: 914: 909: 904: 899: 894: 889: 884: 879: 874: 869: 864: 859: 854: 849: 844: 839: 834: 829: 824: 819: 814: 809: 804: 799: 794: 789: 784: 779: 774: 769: 764: 759: 754: 749: 744: 739: 734: 729: 724: 719: 714: 709: 704: 699: 694: 689: 684: 679: 673: 670: 669: 666: 665: 662: 661: 656: 651: 646: 641: 636: 631: 626: 621: 616: 611: 606: 601: 596: 591: 586: 581: 576: 571: 566: 561: 556: 551: 546: 541: 536: 531: 526: 521: 516: 511: 506: 501: 496: 491: 486: 481: 476: 471: 466: 461: 456: 451: 446: 441: 436: 431: 426: 421: 415: 410: 409: 406: 405: 402: 401: 396: 395: 394: 389: 384: 379: 369: 368: 367: 362: 357: 352: 347: 337: 331: 328: 327: 324: 323: 320: 319: 314: 309: 304: 295: 290: 285: 280: 275: 270: 265: 260: 255: 250: 245: 240: 238:Labour voucher 235: 230: 225: 220: 215: 210: 205: 200: 195: 190: 185: 180: 175: 170: 165: 159: 156: 155: 152: 151: 148: 147: 142: 137: 132: 127: 121: 118: 117: 114: 113: 111: 110: 105: 99: 96: 95: 87: 86: 80: 79: 58: 36: 30: 27: 25: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 27611: 27600: 27597: 27595: 27592: 27590: 27587: 27585: 27582: 27580: 27577: 27575: 27572: 27570: 27567: 27566: 27564: 27553:from Wikidata 27552: 27551: 27539: 27535: 27534: 27522: 27518: 27517: 27505: 27501: 27500: 27488: 27484: 27483: 27471: 27467: 27466: 27454: 27450: 27449: 27437: 27436: 27433: 27427: 27419: 27414: 27409: 27407: 27402: 27397: 27395: 27390: 27385: 27383: 27373: 27371: 27361: 27359: 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26649: 26647: 26644: 26643: 26641: 26639: 26635: 26627: 26624: 26622: 26619: 26617: 26614: 26612: 26609: 26608: 26607: 26604: 26600: 26597: 26596: 26595: 26592: 26588: 26585: 26583: 26580: 26579: 26578: 26575: 26571: 26568: 26567: 26566: 26563: 26561: 26558: 26554: 26551: 26549: 26546: 26544: 26541: 26540: 26539: 26536: 26532: 26529: 26528: 26527: 26524: 26520: 26517: 26516: 26515: 26512: 26508: 26505: 26503: 26500: 26499: 26498: 26495: 26493: 26490: 26488: 26485: 26483: 26480: 26476: 26473: 26472: 26471: 26468: 26466: 26463: 26459: 26456: 26455: 26454: 26451: 26447: 26444: 26443: 26442: 26439: 26435: 26432: 26431: 26430: 26427: 26425: 26422: 26418: 26415: 26414: 26413: 26410: 26408: 26405: 26401: 26398: 26396: 26393: 26391: 26388: 26387: 26386: 26383: 26382: 26380: 26378: 26374: 26366: 26365:War on terror 26363: 26361: 26358: 26357: 26356: 26353: 26349: 26346: 26344: 26341: 26339: 26336: 26334: 26331: 26329: 26326: 26324: 26321: 26319: 26316: 26314: 26311: 26309: 26306: 26304: 26301: 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25918: 25917: 25914: 25912: 25909: 25907: 25904: 25902: 25899: 25897: 25894: 25893: 25891: 25889: 25885: 25879: 25876: 25874: 25871: 25867: 25866:Cyrillisation 25864: 25862: 25859: 25858: 25857: 25854: 25852: 25849: 25847: 25844: 25840: 25837: 25835: 25834:Working class 25832: 25830: 25829:Soviet people 25827: 25826: 25825: 25822: 25820: 25817: 25815: 25812: 25811: 25808: 25805: 25803: 25799: 25791: 25788: 25787: 25786: 25783: 25781: 25778: 25776: 25773: 25771: 25768: 25766: 25763: 25761: 25758: 25756: 25753: 25752: 25750: 25748: 25744: 25736: 25733: 25731: 25728: 25726: 25723: 25722: 25721: 25718: 25716: 25710: 25708: 25705: 25703: 25700: 25698: 25695: 25693: 25690: 25688: 25685: 25683: 25680: 25678: 25677:Energy policy 25675: 25673: 25670: 25668: 25665: 25663: 25660: 25659: 25657: 25655: 25651: 25641: 25638: 25636: 25633: 25631: 25628: 25626: 25623: 25622: 25620: 25618: 25614: 25608: 25605: 25603: 25600: 25596: 25593: 25592: 25591: 25588: 25586: 25583: 25581: 25578: 25576: 25573: 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24806: 24804: 24803:Crimea (1919) 24801: 24799: 24796: 24794: 24791: 24789: 24786: 24784: 24781: 24777: 24774: 24772: 24769: 24768: 24766: 24764: 24761: 24759: 24756: 24754: 24751: 24750: 24748: 24744: 24738: 24735: 24733: 24730: 24728: 24725: 24723: 24720: 24718: 24715: 24713: 24710: 24706: 24703: 24701: 24698: 24697: 24696: 24693: 24691: 24688: 24686: 24683: 24682: 24680: 24676: 24666: 24665:South Vietnam 24663: 24661: 24658: 24656: 24653: 24651: 24648: 24646: 24643: 24641: 24638: 24636: 24633: 24631: 24628: 24626: 24623: 24621: 24618: 24616: 24613: 24611: 24608: 24607: 24605: 24601: 24593: 24592:North Vietnam 24590: 24589: 24588: 24585: 24583: 24580: 24578: 24575: 24573: 24570: 24568: 24565: 24563: 24560: 24558: 24555: 24553: 24550: 24548: 24545: 24541: 24538: 24536: 24533: 24531: 24528: 24527: 24525: 24523: 24520: 24518: 24515: 24514: 24512: 24508: 24502: 24499: 24497: 24494: 24492: 24489: 24487: 24484: 24483: 24481: 24477: 24471: 24468: 24466: 24463: 24461: 24458: 24456: 24453: 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24093: 24088: 24087: 24084: 24072: 24069: 24068: 24065: 24059: 24058: 24054: 24052: 24049: 24047: 24044: 24042: 24039: 24037: 24034: 24032: 24029: 24027: 24024: 24022: 24019: 24015: 24012: 24010: 24007: 24005: 24002: 24001: 24000: 23997: 23995: 23992: 23990: 23987: 23985: 23982: 23980: 23977: 23975: 23974:Jurisprudence 23972: 23970: 23967: 23965: 23962: 23960: 23957: 23955: 23952: 23950: 23947: 23945: 23942: 23940: 23937: 23935: 23932: 23930: 23927: 23925: 23922: 23921: 23919: 23915: 23906: 23905: 23901: 23896: 23895: 23891: 23886: 23885: 23881: 23876: 23875: 23871: 23866: 23865: 23861: 23856: 23855: 23851: 23846: 23845: 23841: 23836: 23835: 23831: 23826: 23825: 23821: 23816: 23815: 23811: 23806: 23805: 23804:Rights of Man 23801: 23796: 23795: 23791: 23786: 23785: 23781: 23776: 23775: 23771: 23766: 23765: 23761: 23756: 23755: 23751: 23746: 23745: 23741: 23736: 23735: 23731: 23726: 23725: 23721: 23716: 23715: 23714:De re publica 23711: 23706: 23705: 23701: 23696: 23695: 23691: 23690: 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23323: 23321: 23318: 23316: 23313: 23311: 23308: 23306: 23303: 23301: 23298: 23296: 23293: 23291: 23288: 23286: 23283: 23281: 23278: 23276: 23273: 23271: 23268: 23266: 23263: 23261: 23258: 23256: 23253: 23251: 23248: 23246: 23243: 23241: 23238: 23236: 23233: 23231: 23228: 23226: 23223: 23221: 23218: 23216: 23213: 23211: 23208: 23204: 23201: 23200: 23199: 23196: 23194: 23191: 23187: 23184: 23183: 23182: 23179: 23177: 23174: 23172: 23169: 23167: 23164: 23162: 23159: 23157: 23154: 23152: 23149: 23147: 23144: 23142: 23139: 23137: 23134: 23132: 23129: 23127: 23124: 23122: 23119: 23117: 23114: 23112: 23109: 23107: 23104: 23102: 23099: 23097: 23094: 23092: 23089: 23087: 23084: 23082: 23079: 23077: 23074: 23073: 23071: 23067:18th and 19th 23065: 23059: 23056: 23054: 23051: 23049: 23046: 23044: 23041: 23039: 23036: 23034: 23031: 23029: 23026: 23024: 23021: 23019: 23016: 23014: 23011: 23009: 23006: 23002: 22999: 22998: 22997: 22994: 22992: 22989: 22987: 22984: 22982: 22979: 22977: 22974: 22972: 22969: 22967: 22964: 22962: 22959: 22957: 22954: 22953: 22951: 22945: 22939: 22936: 22934: 22931: 22929: 22926: 22924: 22923:Nizam al-Mulk 22921: 22919: 22916: 22914: 22911: 22909: 22906: 22904: 22901: 22899: 22896: 22894: 22891: 22889: 22886: 22884: 22881: 22879: 22876: 22874: 22871: 22870: 22868: 22864: 22858: 22855: 22853: 22850: 22848: 22845: 22843: 22840: 22838: 22835: 22831: 22828: 22827: 22826: 22823: 22821: 22818: 22816: 22813: 22811: 22808: 22806: 22803: 22801: 22798: 22796: 22793: 22791: 22788: 22786: 22783: 22782: 22780: 22776: 22773: 22771: 22767: 22761: 22758: 22756: 22753: 22751: 22748: 22746: 22743: 22741: 22738: 22736: 22733: 22731: 22728: 22726: 22723: 22721: 22718: 22715: 22714: 22709: 22707: 22704: 22702: 22699: 22697: 22694: 22692: 22689: 22687: 22684: 22682: 22679: 22677: 22674: 22672: 22669: 22667: 22664: 22662: 22659: 22657: 22654: 22651: 22650: 22645: 22643: 22640: 22639: 22637: 22633: 22627: 22624: 22622: 22619: 22617: 22614: 22612: 22609: 22607: 22606:Republicanism 22604: 22602: 22599: 22597: 22594: 22592: 22589: 22587: 22584: 22582: 22579: 22577: 22574: 22572: 22569: 22567: 22564: 22562: 22559: 22557: 22554: 22552: 22549: 22547: 22544: 22542: 22539: 22537: 22534: 22532: 22529: 22527: 22524: 22522: 22519: 22517: 22514: 22512: 22509: 22507: 22504: 22502: 22499: 22497: 22494: 22492: 22489: 22487: 22484: 22482: 22479: 22477: 22474: 22473: 22471: 22467: 22461: 22458: 22456: 22453: 22451: 22448: 22446: 22443: 22441: 22438: 22436: 22433: 22431: 22428: 22426: 22423: 22421: 22418: 22416: 22413: 22411: 22408: 22406: 22403: 22402: 22400: 22396: 22390: 22387: 22385: 22382: 22380: 22377: 22375: 22372: 22370: 22367: 22365: 22362: 22360: 22357: 22355: 22352: 22350: 22347: 22345: 22342: 22340: 22337: 22335: 22332: 22330: 22327: 22325: 22322: 22320: 22317: 22315: 22312: 22310: 22307: 22305: 22302: 22300: 22297: 22295: 22292: 22290: 22287: 22285: 22282: 22280: 22277: 22275: 22272: 22270: 22267: 22265: 22262: 22260: 22257: 22255: 22252: 22250: 22247: 22245: 22242: 22240: 22237: 22235: 22232: 22231: 22229: 22225: 22221: 22214: 22209: 22207: 22202: 22200: 22195: 22194: 22191: 22179: 22176: 22174: 22171: 22169: 22166: 22164: 22161: 22159: 22156: 22154: 22151: 22149: 22148:Progressivism 22146: 22144: 22141: 22139: 22136: 22134: 22131: 22129: 22126: 22124: 22121: 22119: 22116: 22114: 22111: 22109: 22108:Individualism 22106: 22104: 22101: 22099: 22096: 22094: 22091: 22089: 22086: 22082: 22079: 22077: 22074: 22072: 22069: 22068: 22067: 22064: 22062: 22059: 22057: 22054: 22050: 22047: 22046: 22045: 22042: 22041: 22039: 22035: 22029: 22026: 22024: 22021: 22019: 22016: 22014: 22011: 22007: 22004: 22002: 21999: 21998: 21997: 21996:Republicanism 21994: 21992: 21989: 21985: 21982: 21981: 21980: 21977: 21975: 21972: 21970: 21967: 21965: 21962: 21960: 21957: 21955: 21952: 21950: 21947: 21945: 21942: 21940: 21937: 21935: 21932: 21928: 21925: 21923: 21920: 21919: 21918: 21915: 21913: 21910: 21908: 21905: 21901: 21900:Social credit 21898: 21897: 21896: 21893: 21891: 21888: 21886: 21883: 21881: 21878: 21876: 21873: 21871: 21868: 21866: 21863: 21861: 21858: 21856: 21853: 21851: 21848: 21846: 21843: 21841: 21838: 21836: 21833: 21832: 21829: 21823: 21822:Revolutionary 21820: 21818: 21815: 21813: 21810: 21806: 21803: 21801: 21798: 21796: 21793: 21791: 21788: 21786: 21783: 21781: 21778: 21776: 21773: 21772: 21771: 21768: 21766: 21763: 21761: 21758: 21754: 21751: 21750: 21749: 21746: 21745: 21742: 21738: 21731: 21726: 21724: 21719: 21717: 21712: 21711: 21708: 21697: 21694: 21692: 21689: 21687: 21684: 21682: 21679: 21677: 21674: 21672: 21669: 21667: 21664: 21662: 21659: 21657: 21654: 21652: 21649: 21647: 21644: 21642: 21639: 21637: 21634: 21632: 21631:Eco-socialism 21629: 21627: 21624: 21622: 21619: 21617: 21614: 21612: 21609: 21607: 21604: 21602: 21599: 21597: 21594: 21592: 21589: 21587: 21583: 21578: 21575: 21573: 21570: 21568: 21565: 21563: 21560: 21558: 21555: 21553: 21550: 21548: 21545: 21543: 21541: 21537: 21532: 21529: 21527: 21524: 21522: 21519: 21517: 21514: 21512: 21509: 21507: 21506:Labour supply 21504: 21502: 21499: 21497: 21494: 21492: 21489: 21487: 21484: 21482: 21479: 21477: 21473: 21468: 21465: 21463: 21460: 21458: 21455: 21453: 21450: 21448: 21445: 21443: 21440: 21437: 21435: 21432: 21430: 21427: 21425: 21424:Individualism 21422: 21420: 21417: 21415: 21412: 21410: 21407: 21405: 21402: 21400: 21397: 21395: 21392: 21390: 21388: 21384: 21379: 21376: 21374: 21371: 21369: 21366: 21364: 21361: 21359: 21356: 21354: 21351: 21349: 21346: 21344: 21341: 21339: 21336: 21334: 21331: 21329: 21326: 21324: 21321: 21319: 21316: 21314: 21311: 21309: 21306: 21304: 21301: 21299: 21296: 21294: 21291: 21289: 21286: 21284: 21283: 21282:Laissez-faire 21279: 21277: 21274: 21272: 21269: 21267: 21264: 21262: 21259: 21257: 21254: 21252: 21249: 21247: 21246:Authoritarian 21244: 21242: 21239: 21237: 21233: 21227: 21224: 21222: 21219: 21217: 21214: 21212: 21209: 21207: 21204: 21202: 21199: 21197: 21196:Privatization 21194: 21192: 21189: 21187: 21184: 21182: 21179: 21177: 21174: 21172: 21169: 21167: 21166:Merchantilism 21164: 21162: 21159: 21157: 21154: 21152: 21149: 21147: 21144: 21142: 21139: 21137: 21136:Globalization 21134: 21132: 21129: 21127: 21124: 21122: 21119: 21117: 21114: 21112: 21109: 21107: 21104: 21102: 21099: 21097: 21094: 21092: 21089: 21087: 21084: 21082: 21079: 21077: 21074: 21072: 21069: 21067: 21064: 21062: 21059: 21058: 21056: 21052: 21048: 21042: 21038: 21031: 21026: 21024: 21019: 21017: 21012: 21011: 21008: 20996: 20993: 20992: 20989: 20983: 20980: 20978: 20977:United States 20975: 20973: 20970: 20968: 20965: 20963: 20960: 20958: 20955: 20953: 20950: 20948: 20945: 20943: 20940: 20938: 20935: 20933: 20930: 20928: 20925: 20924: 20922: 20918: 20912: 20909: 20907: 20904: 20902: 20899: 20895: 20892: 20890: 20887: 20886: 20885: 20882: 20880: 20877: 20875: 20872: 20870: 20867: 20865: 20862: 20860: 20857: 20853: 20850: 20848: 20845: 20844: 20843: 20840: 20838: 20837:War on Terror 20835: 20831: 20828: 20827: 20826: 20823: 20821: 20818: 20816: 20813: 20811: 20808: 20806: 20803: 20800: 20796: 20793:War of 1812 ( 20792: 20791: 20789: 20783: 20777: 20774: 20771: 20767: 20764: 20760: 20758: 20755: 20752: 20748: 20746: 20743: 20741: 20738: 20735: 20731: 20729: 20726: 20724: 20723:Peacebuilding 20721: 20719: 20716: 20714: 20711: 20709: 20706: 20704: 20701: 20698: 20694: 20692: 20689: 20687: 20684: 20682: 20679: 20677: 20674: 20672: 20669: 20667: 20664: 20662: 20661:Draft evasion 20659: 20657: 20654: 20652: 20649: 20647: 20644: 20642: 20641:De-escalation 20639: 20637: 20634: 20632: 20629: 20627: 20624: 20622: 20619: 20617: 20614: 20613: 20611: 20607: 20601: 20598: 20596: 20593: 20589: 20586: 20585: 20584: 20581: 20579: 20576: 20574: 20571: 20569: 20566: 20564: 20561: 20559: 20556: 20554: 20551: 20549: 20546: 20544: 20543:Peace One Day 20541: 20537: 20534: 20532: 20531: 20527: 20526: 20525: 20522: 20520: 20517: 20515: 20512: 20510: 20507: 20505: 20502: 20500: 20497: 20495: 20492: 20490: 20487: 20485: 20482: 20480: 20477: 20475: 20472: 20470: 20467: 20465: 20462: 20460: 20457: 20455: 20452: 20450: 20447: 20445: 20442: 20440: 20437: 20436: 20434: 20430: 20424: 20421: 20419: 20416: 20414: 20411: 20409: 20406: 20404: 20401: 20399: 20396: 20394: 20391: 20389: 20386: 20384: 20381: 20379: 20376: 20374: 20371: 20369: 20366: 20364: 20361: 20359: 20356: 20354: 20351: 20349: 20348:Direct action 20346: 20344: 20341: 20339: 20336: 20334: 20331: 20329: 20326: 20324: 20321: 20319: 20316: 20312: 20309: 20307: 20306:Anarcho-punks 20304: 20302: 20299: 20298: 20296: 20294: 20291: 20290: 20288: 20284: 20278: 20275: 20273: 20272:War resisters 20270: 20268: 20265: 20263: 20260: 20258: 20255: 20253: 20250: 20248: 20245: 20243: 20240: 20238: 20235: 20233: 20230: 20228: 20225: 20223: 20220: 20218: 20215: 20213: 20210: 20208: 20205: 20203: 20200: 20198: 20195: 20193: 20190: 20188: 20185: 20183: 20180: 20178: 20175: 20173: 20170: 20168: 20165: 20163: 20160: 20158: 20155: 20153: 20150: 20148: 20145: 20143: 20140: 20138: 20135: 20133: 20130: 20128: 20125: 20123: 20120: 20118: 20115: 20114: 20112: 20108: 20104: 20100: 20093: 20088: 20086: 20081: 20079: 20074: 20073: 20070: 20064: 20057: 20045: 20040: 20035: 20033: 20023: 20021: 20016: 20011: 20009: 20008: 19999: 19997: 19996: 19987: 19986: 19983: 19977: 19974: 19972: 19969: 19967: 19964: 19962: 19959: 19957: 19954: 19952: 19949: 19947: 19944: 19942: 19939: 19938: 19936: 19932: 19926: 19923: 19921: 19918: 19917: 19915: 19913: 19912:Organizations 19909: 19899: 19896: 19894: 19891: 19889: 19886: 19884: 19883:Lula da Silva 19881: 19879: 19876: 19874: 19871: 19869: 19866: 19864: 19861: 19859: 19856: 19854: 19851: 19850: 19848: 19841: 19835: 19832: 19830: 19827: 19825: 19822: 19820: 19817: 19815: 19812: 19810: 19807: 19805: 19802: 19800: 19797: 19795: 19792: 19790: 19787: 19785: 19782: 19780: 19777: 19775: 19772: 19770: 19767: 19765: 19762: 19760: 19757: 19755: 19752: 19750: 19747: 19745: 19742: 19740: 19737: 19735: 19732: 19730: 19727: 19725: 19724:Fred Paterson 19722: 19720: 19717: 19715: 19714:George Orwell 19712: 19710: 19707: 19705: 19702: 19700: 19697: 19695: 19692: 19690: 19687: 19685: 19684:Salama Moussa 19682: 19680: 19677: 19675: 19672: 19670: 19667: 19665: 19662: 19660: 19659:Nestor Makhno 19657: 19655: 19652: 19650: 19647: 19645: 19642: 19640: 19639:György Lukács 19637: 19635: 19632: 19630: 19629:Claude Lefort 19627: 19625: 19622: 19620: 19617: 19615: 19612: 19610: 19607: 19605: 19602: 19600: 19597: 19595: 19592: 19590: 19587: 19585: 19582: 19580: 19577: 19575: 19572: 19570: 19567: 19565: 19564:Eric Hobsbawm 19562: 19560: 19559:Safdar Hashmi 19557: 19555: 19552: 19550: 19547: 19545: 19542: 19540: 19537: 19535: 19532: 19530: 19527: 19525: 19522: 19520: 19517: 19515: 19512: 19510: 19507: 19505: 19502: 19500: 19497: 19495: 19494:Jeremy Corbyn 19492: 19490: 19489:G. D. H. Cole 19487: 19485: 19482: 19480: 19477: 19475: 19472: 19470: 19467: 19465: 19462: 19460: 19457: 19455: 19452: 19450: 19447: 19445: 19442: 19440: 19437: 19435: 19432: 19430: 19427: 19425: 19422: 19420: 19417: 19415: 19412: 19410: 19409:Deng Xiaoping 19407: 19405: 19402: 19400: 19397: 19395: 19392: 19390: 19387: 19385: 19382: 19380: 19377: 19375: 19372: 19371: 19369: 19362: 19356: 19353: 19351: 19348: 19346: 19345:Josiah Warren 19343: 19341: 19338: 19336: 19333: 19331: 19328: 19326: 19325:Pyotr Tkachev 19323: 19321: 19318: 19316: 19313: 19311: 19308: 19306: 19303: 19301: 19298: 19296: 19293: 19291: 19288: 19286: 19283: 19281: 19278: 19276: 19273: 19271: 19268: 19266: 19263: 19261: 19258: 19256: 19253: 19251: 19248: 19246: 19243: 19241: 19238: 19236: 19235:Louise Michel 19233: 19231: 19228: 19226: 19223: 19221: 19218: 19216: 19215:Pierre Leroux 19213: 19211: 19208: 19206: 19203: 19201: 19198: 19196: 19195:Paul Lafargue 19193: 19191: 19188: 19186: 19183: 19181: 19178: 19176: 19173: 19171: 19168: 19166: 19163: 19161: 19158: 19156: 19153: 19151: 19148: 19146: 19143: 19141: 19138: 19136: 19133: 19131: 19128: 19126: 19123: 19121: 19118: 19116: 19113: 19111: 19108: 19106: 19103: 19101: 19098: 19096: 19095:Étienne Cabet 19093: 19091: 19088: 19086: 19083: 19081: 19080:Georg Büchner 19078: 19076: 19073: 19071: 19068: 19066: 19063: 19061: 19058: 19056: 19053: 19051: 19048: 19046: 19045:Enrico Barone 19043: 19041: 19038: 19036: 19033: 19031: 19028: 19027: 19025: 19018: 19012: 19009: 19007: 19004: 19002: 18999: 18997: 18994: 18992: 18989: 18988: 18986: 18979: 18973: 18970: 18968: 18965: 18964: 18962: 18955: 18952: 18950: 18946: 18940: 18937: 18935: 18932: 18930: 18927: 18925: 18922: 18920: 18917: 18915: 18912: 18910: 18907: 18905: 18902: 18900: 18897: 18895: 18892: 18890: 18887: 18885: 18882: 18880: 18877: 18875: 18872: 18870: 18867: 18865: 18862: 18860: 18857: 18855: 18852: 18850: 18847: 18845: 18842: 18840: 18837: 18835: 18832: 18831: 18829: 18825: 18819: 18816: 18814: 18813:Welfare state 18811: 18809: 18806: 18804: 18801: 18799: 18796: 18794: 18791: 18789: 18786: 18784: 18781: 18779: 18776: 18774: 18771: 18769: 18766: 18764: 18761: 18759: 18756: 18754: 18751: 18749: 18748:Nanosocialism 18746: 18744: 18741: 18739: 18738:Mixed economy 18736: 18734: 18731: 18729: 18726: 18724: 18721: 18719: 18716: 18713: 18709: 18707: 18706:Impossibilism 18704: 18702: 18699: 18697: 18694: 18692: 18689: 18687: 18684: 18682: 18679: 18677: 18676:Equal liberty 18674: 18672: 18669: 18667: 18664: 18662: 18659: 18657: 18654: 18652: 18649: 18647: 18644: 18642: 18639: 18637: 18634: 18632: 18629: 18627: 18624: 18623: 18621: 18615: 18605: 18602: 18600: 18597: 18595: 18592: 18588: 18585: 18583: 18580: 18579: 18578: 18575: 18573: 18570: 18568: 18565: 18563: 18560: 18558: 18555: 18553: 18550: 18546: 18545:Eurocommunism 18543: 18542: 18541: 18538: 18532: 18529: 18528: 18527: 18524: 18522: 18519: 18518: 18517: 18514: 18512: 18509: 18507: 18504: 18502: 18499: 18497: 18494: 18493: 18491: 18487: 18481: 18478: 18476: 18473: 18469: 18466: 18464: 18461: 18460: 18459: 18456: 18454: 18451: 18450: 18448: 18446: 18442: 18434: 18431: 18430: 18429: 18426: 18422: 18419: 18413: 18412:Neo-Stalinism 18410: 18409: 18408: 18405: 18401: 18398: 18396: 18393: 18391: 18388: 18386: 18383: 18381: 18378: 18376: 18373: 18372: 18371: 18368: 18366: 18365:Khrushchevism 18363: 18361: 18358: 18356: 18355: 18351: 18349: 18346: 18344: 18341: 18339: 18336: 18334: 18331: 18329: 18326: 18324: 18321: 18319: 18316: 18315: 18314: 18311: 18309: 18306: 18305: 18304: 18301: 18299: 18296: 18292: 18289: 18288: 18287: 18284: 18283: 18281: 18278: 18273: 18272:Authoritarian 18269: 18263: 18260: 18256: 18253: 18249: 18246: 18244: 18241: 18240: 18239: 18236: 18234: 18231: 18229: 18226: 18222: 18219: 18218: 18217: 18214: 18213: 18212: 18209: 18207: 18204: 18200: 18197: 18195: 18192: 18190: 18187: 18185: 18182: 18180: 18177: 18175: 18172: 18170: 18167: 18165: 18162: 18160: 18159:Individualist 18157: 18155: 18152: 18148: 18145: 18143: 18140: 18139: 18138: 18135: 18133: 18130: 18128: 18125: 18124: 18123: 18120: 18119: 18117: 18114: 18109: 18105: 18095: 18092: 18091: 18090: 18087: 18085: 18082: 18080: 18077: 18075: 18072: 18071: 18070: 18067: 18065: 18062: 18060: 18057: 18055: 18054:Revolutionary 18052: 18050: 18047: 18045: 18042: 18040: 18037: 18035: 18032: 18030: 18027: 18023: 18020: 18018: 18015: 18014: 18013: 18010: 18008: 18005: 18003: 18000: 17998: 17995: 17993: 17990: 17988: 17985: 17983: 17980: 17978: 17975: 17974: 17972: 17970: 17964: 17960: 17956: 17951: 17946: 17938: 17933: 17931: 17926: 17924: 17919: 17918: 17915: 17907: 17906: 17900: 17895: 17891: 17887: 17886: 17880: 17874: 17870: 17869: 17863: 17858: 17854: 17850: 17846: 17845: 17839: 17833: 17830: 17826: 17823: 17819: 17818: 17813: 17809: 17807: 17803: 17798: 17794: 17793: 17788: 17783: 17781: 17780: 17775: 17772: 17771: 17760: 17754: 17750: 17749: 17743: 17739: 17733: 17729: 17725: 17721: 17717: 17713: 17709: 17705: 17701: 17695: 17691: 17688:. Princeton: 17687: 17682: 17678: 17672: 17668: 17664: 17660: 17656: 17652: 17646: 17643:. New Press. 17642: 17637: 17633: 17627: 17623: 17619: 17615: 17611: 17607: 17601: 17597: 17593: 17589: 17585: 17581: 17580: 17575: 17571: 17567: 17563: 17559: 17553: 17549: 17545: 17541: 17537: 17531: 17527: 17523: 17522: 17517: 17513: 17510: 17509: 17504: 17501: 17497: 17493: 17489: 17486: 17483: 17479: 17475: 17471: 17468: 17464: 17460: 17456: 17452: 17448: 17444: 17440: 17436: 17435: 17429: 17425: 17421: 17415: 17411: 17410: 17405: 17401: 17397: 17391: 17387: 17383: 17378: 17375: 17371: 17367: 17363: 17359: 17353: 17349: 17345: 17340: 17336: 17331: 17327: 17321: 17317: 17316: 17311: 17306: 17302: 17298: 17294: 17290: 17286: 17282: 17278: 17272: 17268: 17267: 17262: 17258: 17254: 17248: 17244: 17240: 17235: 17231: 17225: 17221: 17217: 17213: 17209: 17204: 17200: 17194: 17190: 17186: 17182: 17178: 17174: 17170: 17166: 17162: 17158: 17154: 17151:(1): 62–101. 17150: 17146: 17145: 17139: 17135: 17129: 17125: 17121: 17117: 17113: 17109: 17105: 17101: 17097: 17093: 17087: 17083: 17082:Vintage Books 17079: 17078: 17073: 17069: 17065: 17061: 17057: 17053: 17048: 17037: 17031: 17027: 17023: 17019: 17018: 17012: 17008: 17002: 16998: 16994: 16993: 16988: 16984: 16980: 16979: 16973: 16967: 16963: 16957: 16953: 16949: 16945: 16941: 16937: 16931: 16927: 16923: 16919: 16918:Cohen, Gerald 16915: 16911: 16906: 16901: 16897: 16896: 16884: 16878: 16874: 16870: 16869: 16863: 16859: 16855: 16851: 16847: 16843: 16838: 16837:2027.42/68447 16833: 16829: 16825: 16822:(3–4): 1–28. 16821: 16817: 16816: 16810: 16807: 16794: 16790: 16789: 16784: 16780: 16779:Hickel, Jason 16775: 16771: 16765: 16761: 16757: 16753: 16749: 16745: 16744: 16739: 16735: 16731: 16725: 16721: 16717: 16712: 16708: 16702: 16698: 16694: 16690: 16686: 16682: 16678: 16667: 16663: 16658: 16654: 16648: 16644: 16640: 16635: 16634: 16627: 16623: 16617: 16613: 16609: 16604: 16600: 16594: 16590: 16586: 16581: 16569: 16565: 16559: 16555: 16551: 16550: 16544: 16540: 16534: 16530: 16526: 16522: 16510: 16506: 16502: 16498: 16494: 16490: 16484: 16480: 16475: 16471: 16465: 16461: 16457: 16452: 16448: 16442: 16438: 16434: 16429: 16425: 16421: 16417: 16411: 16407: 16403: 16398: 16394: 16390: 16384: 16380: 16376: 16375: 16369: 16365: 16359: 16355: 16350: 16346: 16340: 16336: 16332: 16327: 16323: 16317: 16313: 16309: 16304: 16293: 16292: 16287: 16282: 16271: 16264: 16259: 16255: 16249: 16245: 16241: 16236: 16232: 16221: 16215: 16211: 16207: 16203: 16199: 16195: 16191: 16187: 16183: 16179: 16168: 16164: 16160: 16156: 16152: 16148: 16144: 16140: 16136: 16132: 16127: 16123: 16119: 16118: 16112: 16109: 16097: 16096: 16091: 16087: 16083: 16079: 16075: 16069: 16065: 16061: 16060: 16055: 16051: 16047: 16041: 16037: 16033: 16029: 16025: 16021: 16017: 16013: 16007: 16003: 15999: 15995: 15994: 15989: 15985: 15981: 15977: 15973: 15969: 15965: 15961: 15957: 15953: 15952: 15946: 15935: 15934: 15929: 15924: 15920: 15914: 15910: 15906: 15902: 15898: 15894: 15888: 15884: 15880: 15876: 15872: 15868: 15862: 15858: 15854: 15850: 15845: 15841: 15835: 15831: 15827: 15822: 15818: 15812: 15808: 15807:PublicAffairs 15804: 15803: 15798: 15794: 15790: 15784: 15780: 15776: 15772: 15768: 15764: 15760: 15754: 15750: 15746: 15742: 15741:Berman, Sheri 15738: 15734: 15730: 15725: 15721: 15715: 15711: 15707: 15703: 15691: 15687: 15683: 15679: 15675: 15671: 15665: 15661: 15657: 15652: 15648: 15642: 15638: 15634: 15630: 15626: 15625: 15620: 15616: 15612: 15608: 15604: 15598: 15594: 15589: 15588: 15581: 15577: 15573: 15569: 15565: 15561: 15557: 15556: 15551: 15547: 15543: 15539: 15533: 15529: 15528: 15523: 15519: 15515: 15511: 15510: 15498: 15494: 15490: 15486: 15485:Bevins (2020) 15481: 15465: 15461: 15457: 15453: 15452: 15447: 15440: 15433: 15428: 15412: 15408: 15404: 15397: 15389: 15383: 15379: 15372: 15365: 15360: 15356: 15352: 15348: 15344: 15338: 15331:. p. 47. 15330: 15326: 15322: 15316: 15308: 15302: 15298: 15294: 15287: 15271: 15265: 15257: 15253: 15249: 15248:Hahnel, Robin 15243: 15235: 15231: 15224: 15217: 15213: 15209: 15205: 15198: 15182: 15176: 15172: 15168: 15164: 15160: 15156: 15152: 15148: 15142: 15126: 15122: 15118: 15111: 15103: 15099: 15093: 15085: 15081: 15075: 15067: 15061: 15053: 15049: 15042: 15034: 15030: 15024: 15013: 15007: 14999: 14995: 14988: 14980: 14974: 14966: 14959: 14951: 14950: 14945: 14939: 14931: 14925: 14921: 14917: 14913: 14912:Eco-Socialism 14906: 14898: 14894: 14890: 14884: 14880: 14876: 14872: 14866: 14858: 14854: 14850: 14844: 14840: 14836: 14832: 14831:Salleh, Ariel 14826: 14818: 14814: 14810: 14804: 14800: 14796: 14789: 14781: 14777: 14773: 14767: 14763: 14759: 14753: 14737: 14733: 14727: 14711: 14707: 14701: 14693: 14689: 14683: 14675: 14671: 14667: 14661: 14645: 14641: 14637: 14631: 14615: 14611: 14605: 14597: 14593: 14591: 14576: 14572: 14565: 14549: 14545: 14541: 14535: 14527: 14523: 14519: 14513: 14509: 14505: 14499: 14491: 14487: 14483: 14477: 14473: 14469: 14465: 14459: 14451: 14447: 14443: 14437: 14433: 14429: 14425: 14419: 14411: 14407: 14403: 14397: 14393: 14389: 14382: 14374: 14368: 14364: 14360: 14359: 14351: 14343: 14337: 14333: 14329: 14328: 14323: 14317: 14309: 14308: 14303: 14299: 14293: 14277: 14273: 14267: 14260: 14256: 14252: 14249: 14244: 14225: 14221: 14214: 14208: 14200: 14194: 14190: 14186: 14185: 14177: 14169: 14165: 14161: 14155: 14151: 14147: 14143: 14137: 14128: 14122: 14118: 14114: 14113: 14105: 14097: 14093: 14089: 14085: 14079: 14071: 14067: 14063: 14059: 14055: 14052:(in French). 14051: 14043: 14027: 14023: 14019: 14015: 14008: 14000: 13996: 13992: 13986: 13982: 13978: 13977: 13972: 13966: 13958: 13954: 13950: 13944: 13940: 13936: 13932: 13926: 13911: 13910: 13905: 13899: 13884: 13883: 13878: 13872: 13857: 13856: 13851: 13845: 13830: 13829: 13824: 13818: 13810: 13804: 13800: 13797:. Aldershot: 13796: 13789: 13781: 13777: 13773: 13769: 13765: 13761: 13757: 13753: 13752: 13744: 13729: 13725: 13719: 13704: 13703: 13698: 13694: 13688: 13680: 13676: 13672: 13668: 13664: 13660: 13656: 13652: 13651: 13643: 13628: 13622: 13618: 13614: 13610: 13609: 13604: 13599: 13594: 13588: 13581: 13577: 13573: 13567: 13559: 13555: 13549: 13541: 13537: 13531: 13523: 13519: 13515: 13509: 13503: 13496: 13490: 13483: 13476: 13472: 13466: 13459: 13455:. p. 3. 13454: 13450: 13443: 13436: 13424: 13420: 13414: 13407: 13402: 13401: 13396: 13395:Goldman, Emma 13390: 13383: 13377: 13370: 13366: 13362: 13358: 13354: 13350: 13346: 13339: 13332: 13326: 13318: 13312: 13308: 13304: 13297: 13288: 13281: 13277: 13273: 13269: 13264: 13258: 13251: 13245: 13238: 13234: 13231: 13225: 13223: 13215: 13211: 13207: 13203: 13197: 13190: 13184: 13177: 13173: 13170: 13164: 13157: 13153: 13149: 13145: 13139: 13132: 13128: 13122: 13115:. p. 21. 13114: 13110: 13106: 13100: 13092: 13088: 13081: 13073: 13067: 13063: 13059: 13055: 13049: 13042: 13036: 13028: 13024: 13018: 13002: 12998: 12997: 12992: 12988: 12974: 12970: 12966: 12959: 12940: 12936: 12932: 12928: 12924: 12920: 12916: 12909: 12902: 12887: 12886: 12881: 12877: 12876:Chomsky, Noam 12871: 12863: 12859: 12855: 12851: 12848:(1): 84–102. 12847: 12843: 12839: 12832: 12824: 12818: 12814: 12813: 12805: 12797: 12791: 12787: 12786: 12778: 12770: 12764: 12760: 12759: 12751: 12743: 12737: 12733: 12732: 12724: 12716: 12710: 12706: 12699: 12691: 12685: 12681: 12680: 12672: 12664: 12658: 12654: 12653: 12645: 12637: 12631: 12627: 12626: 12618: 12610: 12604: 12600: 12599: 12591: 12583: 12577: 12573: 12572: 12564: 12556: 12550: 12546: 12545: 12537: 12529: 12523: 12519: 12518: 12510: 12502: 12498: 12494: 12490: 12486: 12482: 12478: 12474: 12470: 12463: 12455: 12449: 12445: 12438: 12430: 12424: 12420: 12419: 12411: 12403: 12397: 12393: 12392: 12384: 12376: 12370: 12366: 12362: 12358: 12354: 12347: 12339: 12333: 12330:. p. 1. 12329: 12325: 12318: 12311: 12298: 12294: 12293: 12285: 12277: 12271: 12267: 12263: 12256: 12249: 12245: 12241: 12235: 12219: 12215: 12214: 12206: 12190: 12186: 12184: 12176: 12169: 12164: 12157: 12153: 12150: 12146: 12142: 12139: 12138: 12132: 12131:direct action 12127: 12123: 12119: 12118: 12111: 12103: 12099: 12098: 12093: 12089: 12083: 12067: 12063: 12059: 12053: 12037: 12033: 12027: 12019: 12015: 12011: 12005: 12001: 11997: 11990: 11982: 11978: 11974: 11968: 11964: 11960: 11953: 11951: 11949: 11941: 11936: 11932: 11928: 11921: 11913: 11909: 11905: 11901: 11894: 11886: 11882: 11878: 11874: 11867: 11859: 11855: 11849: 11845: 11844: 11836: 11829: 11824: 11822: 11812: 11806: 11802: 11797: 11790: 11785: 11776: 11772: 11768: 11761: 11753: 11747: 11743: 11739: 11732: 11724: 11720: 11716: 11710: 11706: 11702: 11695: 11688: 11683: 11675: 11671: 11667: 11661: 11657: 11653: 11646: 11640:, p. 91. 11639: 11634: 11632: 11624: 11620: 11619:Newman (2005) 11615: 11600: 11596: 11590: 11583: 11579: 11575: 11570: 11565: 11561: 11557: 11556: 11551: 11547: 11546:Hickel, Jason 11540: 11524: 11520: 11519:Common Dreams 11516: 11510: 11495: 11494: 11489: 11485: 11479: 11464: 11460: 11453: 11445: 11439: 11435: 11431: 11427: 11426: 11421: 11420:Mander, Jerry 11415: 11408: 11403: 11395: 11391: 11387: 11381: 11377: 11373: 11366: 11359: 11354: 11352: 11344: 11339: 11324: 11323: 11318: 11311: 11303: 11297: 11293: 11292: 11284: 11276: 11272: 11266: 11262: 11261: 11253: 11246: 11245:Newman (2005) 11241: 11233: 11227: 11223: 11219: 11213: 11205: 11199: 11195: 11191: 11184: 11177: 11173: 11167: 11163: 11159: 11155: 11152:(2): 145–63. 11151: 11147: 11141: 11137: 11131: 11124: 11122: 11117: 11111: 11103: 11097: 11093: 11086: 11079: 11075: 11071: 11065: 11058: 11054: 11050: 11044: 11037: 11031: 11024: 11018: 11011: 11007: 11003: 11000: 10994: 10987: 10983: 10979: 10973: 10965: 10961: 10957: 10951: 10947: 10943: 10936: 10934: 10926: 10922: 10916: 10910: 10909: 10904: 10897: 10890: 10885: 10883: 10874: 10867: 10860: 10855: 10847: 10843: 10836: 10828: 10822: 10818: 10812: 10807: 10803: 10800:"Anarchism". 10788: 10784: 10780: 10766: 10762: 10761: 10756: 10749: 10745: 10741: 10737: 10733: 10729: 10723: 10716: 10712: 10708: 10704: 10698: 10691: 10686: 10682: 10681: 10676: 10670: 10663: 10660:. p. 7. 10659: 10655: 10648: 10641: 10637: 10633: 10629: 10623: 10621: 10612: 10605: 10598: 10594: 10590: 10587:"Anarchism". 10583: 10576: 10570: 10563: 10559: 10555: 10549: 10542: 10537: 10535: 10527: 10522: 10520: 10512: 10507: 10491: 10487: 10483: 10477: 10461: 10460: 10455: 10449: 10430: 10423: 10417: 10401: 10397: 10391: 10376:. 8 July 2008 10375: 10371: 10365: 10349: 10345: 10342:Talent, Jim. 10338: 10319: 10312: 10306: 10290: 10286: 10280: 10264: 10260: 10254: 10246: 10245: 10237: 10230:. p. 11. 10229: 10225: 10218: 10202: 10196: 10188: 10182: 10178: 10174: 10167: 10158: 10153: 10149: 10145: 10141: 10134: 10127: 10122: 10115: 10111: 10105: 10101: 10094: 10086: 10074: 10070: 10069: 10064: 10060: 10054: 10035: 10028: 10027: 10020: 10013: 10008: 9993: 9992: 9987: 9983: 9977: 9970: 9965: 9959: 9955: 9951: 9947: 9946: 9941: 9935: 9926: 9921: 9917: 9913: 9912: 9907: 9900: 9893: 9887: 9883: 9882: 9874: 9866: 9862: 9856: 9852: 9851: 9844: 9836: 9832: 9826: 9822: 9818: 9817: 9809: 9793: 9789: 9783: 9765: 9759: 9751: 9747: 9743: 9742:Hahnel, Robin 9739: 9733: 9725: 9721: 9717: 9713: 9709: 9702: 9687:. 9686: 9680: 9673: 9667: 9652: 9648: 9642: 9640: 9632: 9627: 9621: 9617: 9613: 9606: 9599: 9594: 9586: 9582: 9578: 9571: 9567: 9563: 9557: 9548: 9542: 9538: 9534: 9530: 9529:Trotsky, Leon 9524: 9517: 9513: 9508: 9489: 9482: 9475: 9467: 9461: 9457: 9450: 9443: 9438: 9434: 9430: 9426: 9425:Trotsky, Leon 9420: 9413: 9412:Horvat (1982) 9408: 9401: 9400:Horvat (1982) 9396: 9388: 9382: 9378: 9373: 9372: 9363: 9347: 9341: 9333: 9321: 9306: 9300: 9296: 9295: 9288: 9273: 9267: 9263: 9259: 9258: 9253: 9247: 9239: 9235: 9234: 9229: 9223: 9216: 9212: 9208: 9203: 9199: 9192: 9185: 9181: 9175: 9171: 9164: 9157: 9152: 9146: 9142: 9138: 9131: 9124: 9120: 9114: 9110: 9103: 9096: 9091: 9083: 9082: 9077: 9071: 9063: 9062: 9057: 9053: 9047: 9039: 9038:New Statesman 9035: 9028: 9020: 9016: 9009: 9001: 8997: 8993: 8989: 8985: 8978: 8970: 8964: 8960: 8959: 8951: 8943: 8937: 8933: 8926: 8918: 8912: 8908: 8907: 8899: 8891: 8887: 8883: 8879: 8875: 8871: 8867: 8863: 8859: 8852: 8844: 8838: 8834: 8833: 8825: 8818: 8812: 8804: 8800: 8794: 8786: 8780: 8776: 8775: 8767: 8751: 8747: 8743: 8736: 8728: 8717: 8713: 8709: 8702: 8687: 8683: 8676: 8674: 8665: 8661: 8657: 8653: 8649: 8645: 8644: 8636: 8628: 8617: 8610: 8602: 8601: 8596: 8592: 8586: 8579: 8578:Newman (2005) 8574: 8572: 8563: 8557: 8553: 8549: 8542: 8526: 8522: 8518: 8512: 8505: 8500: 8494: 8490: 8483: 8476: 8471: 8467: 8460: 8454:, p. 21. 8453: 8452:Berlau (1949) 8448: 8440: 8434: 8430: 8423: 8415: 8409: 8405: 8401: 8394: 8386: 8380: 8376: 8369: 8361: 8360: 8355: 8349: 8347: 8339: 8326: 8322: 8318: 8312: 8305: 8300: 8293: 8292:Horvat (1982) 8288: 8281: 8280:Horvat (1982) 8276: 8269: 8265: 8258: 8256: 8248: 8247:Horvat (1982) 8243: 8236: 8232: 8221: 8220: 8215: 8209: 8201: 8197: 8193: 8189: 8185: 8178: 8162: 8158: 8154: 8148: 8133: 8129: 8122: 8106: 8102: 8098: 8092: 8090: 8082: 8077: 8070: 8063: 8057: 8041: 8037: 8030: 8023: 8017: 8010: 8006: 8000: 7996: 7989: 7982: 7978: 7974: 7969: 7960: 7952: 7948: 7944: 7940: 7935: 7930: 7926: 7922: 7918: 7914: 7913: 7908: 7904: 7900: 7896: 7892: 7891:Hickel, Jason 7886: 7878: 7874: 7869: 7864: 7860: 7856: 7852: 7848: 7844: 7840: 7839: 7834: 7830: 7823: 7808: 7804: 7797: 7782: 7778: 7774: 7773: 7768: 7761: 7746: 7742: 7738: 7737: 7736:The Economist 7732: 7726: 7711: 7710: 7705: 7698: 7690: 7689: 7683: 7675: 7660: 7656: 7652: 7651: 7646: 7643:Henley, Jon. 7639: 7631: 7630: 7629:The Economist 7625: 7619: 7600: 7593: 7587: 7571: 7565: 7558: 7552: 7545: 7541: 7536: 7529: 7523: 7515: 7509: 7505: 7501: 7500: 7495: 7489: 7481: 7474: 7467: 7463: 7458: 7451: 7446: 7443:. Cambridge: 7442: 7435: 7420: 7419: 7414: 7407: 7399: 7393: 7389: 7385: 7378: 7370: 7369:Penguin Books 7366: 7362: 7356: 7348: 7342: 7338: 7337:Fontana Books 7334: 7333: 7328: 7322: 7314: 7308: 7304: 7300: 7296: 7292: 7291: 7286: 7279: 7277: 7269: 7264: 7258: 7254: 7250: 7246: 7242: 7235: 7228: 7223: 7216: 7211: 7205: 7201: 7194: 7192: 7184: 7180: 7174: 7170: 7163: 7156: 7151: 7145: 7141: 7137: 7133: 7129: 7122: 7114: 7110: 7104: 7096: 7095: 7087: 7080: 7075: 7069: 7065: 7058: 7050: 7046: 7042: 7036: 7032: 7028: 7021: 7019: 7010: 7006: 7000: 6996: 6992: 6991: 6986: 6980: 6965: 6961: 6957: 6951: 6943: 6937: 6933: 6929: 6922: 6907: 6903: 6899: 6895: 6888: 6873: 6869: 6862: 6860: 6851: 6850: 6845: 6839: 6832: 6828: 6824: 6820: 6815: 6808: 6803: 6796: 6792: 6788: 6784: 6779: 6771: 6767: 6760: 6752: 6745: 6738: 6737:Newman (2005) 6733: 6726:. p. 71. 6725: 6721: 6717: 6711: 6704: 6700: 6694: 6690: 6686: 6679: 6672: 6667: 6659: 6653: 6649: 6645: 6638: 6631: 6626: 6620:, p. 415 6619: 6615: 6611: 6610:Bailey (2009) 6607: 6603: 6602:Berman (1998) 6599: 6598:Roemer (1994) 6594: 6587: 6582: 6576: 6572: 6568: 6561: 6553: 6547: 6543: 6539: 6532: 6525: 6520: 6516: 6510: 6503: 6502:Newman (2005) 6498: 6491: 6486: 6480: 6476: 6472: 6465: 6458: 6453: 6447: 6443: 6439: 6432: 6424: 6420: 6416: 6412: 6408: 6404: 6400: 6396: 6392: 6388: 6384: 6383: 6375: 6368: 6364: 6360: 6356: 6351: 6344: 6340: 6336: 6335:Steele (1999) 6332: 6327: 6320: 6315: 6309: 6305: 6301: 6294: 6286: 6280: 6276: 6272: 6265: 6258: 6253: 6249: 6245: 6241: 6235: 6228: 6216: 6215: 6210: 6204: 6197: 6193: 6187: 6183: 6179: 6172: 6165: 6161: 6160:Horvat (2000) 6156: 6149: 6144: 6137: 6133: 6127: 6123: 6119: 6114: 6113: 6104: 6097: 6093: 6087: 6083: 6079: 6078: 6070: 6063: 6052: 6048: 6042: 6035: 6030: 6024: 6020: 6016: 6012: 6011: 6003: 5996: 5995:Arnold (1994) 5991: 5984: 5983:Horvat (2000) 5979: 5970: 5965: 5959: 5955: 5951: 5947: 5946: 5940: 5937: 5934: 5931: 5928: 5925: 5922: 5919: 5916: 5913: 5912:Horvat (2000) 5910: 5907: 5903: 5902:Arnold (1994) 5900: 5897: 5894: 5893: 5890: 5883: 5878: 5874: 5863: 5860: 5858: 5855: 5853: 5850: 5848: 5845: 5842: 5839: 5837: 5834: 5832: 5829: 5827: 5826:Paris Commune 5824: 5822: 5819: 5817: 5814: 5812: 5809: 5807: 5804: 5802: 5799: 5797: 5794: 5792: 5789: 5788: 5781: 5779: 5775: 5771: 5766: 5763: 5759: 5755: 5751: 5749: 5745: 5741: 5737: 5733: 5729: 5725: 5721: 5718: 5714: 5710: 5706: 5702: 5697: 5695: 5691: 5687: 5683: 5678: 5676: 5672: 5669:According to 5662: 5658: 5654: 5650: 5646: 5636: 5627: 5618: 5608: 5598: 5595: 5592:In 2023, the 5590: 5587: 5583: 5578: 5576: 5572: 5568: 5564: 5559: 5557: 5553: 5549: 5545: 5541: 5537: 5533: 5529: 5524: 5521: 5516: 5508: 5506: 5502: 5498: 5494: 5490: 5486: 5482: 5476: 5470: 5460: 5458: 5454: 5450: 5446: 5442: 5438: 5434: 5430: 5429: 5424: 5420: 5416: 5411: 5409: 5408:Élisée Reclus 5405: 5404: 5400:and his book 5399: 5395: 5391: 5387: 5383: 5378: 5374: 5370: 5366: 5362: 5358: 5357:globalisation 5354: 5349: 5347: 5343: 5339: 5335: 5331: 5327: 5322: 5318: 5314: 5310: 5306: 5302: 5298: 5294: 5290: 5288: 5283: 5279: 5275: 5274: 5269: 5265: 5261: 5257: 5249: 5245: 5241: 5237: 5233: 5229: 5227: 5222: 5221: 5214: 5213: 5207: 5203: 5199: 5195: 5190: 5186: 5182: 5178: 5174: 5170: 5166: 5162: 5161: 5156: 5152: 5148: 5144: 5140: 5132: 5127: 5122: 5118: 5117:Progressivism 5114: 5110: 5106: 5102: 5098: 5092: 5088: 5084: 5083:Eco-socialism 5074: 5072: 5068: 5064: 5060: 5056: 5052: 5048: 5044: 5040: 5036: 5032: 5025: 5020: 5016: 5014: 5009: 4999: 4997: 4993: 4989: 4985: 4981: 4977: 4973: 4969: 4965: 4961: 4957: 4953: 4949: 4945: 4939: 4937: 4934: 4930: 4924: 4919: 4917: 4912: 4910: 4906: 4902: 4898: 4894: 4890: 4885: 4884:decentralised 4881: 4877: 4873: 4869: 4865: 4861: 4857: 4853: 4849: 4842: 4838: 4835: 4831: 4829: 4828:Le Libertaire 4824: 4823: 4817: 4812: 4802: 4800: 4795: 4793: 4789: 4785: 4781: 4777: 4773: 4769: 4765: 4762: 4758: 4757:decentralised 4754: 4750: 4746: 4743: 4739: 4734: 4732: 4728: 4724: 4719: 4714: 4710: 4706: 4702: 4698: 4694: 4690: 4686: 4682: 4680: 4676: 4672: 4668: 4664: 4660: 4656: 4652: 4644: 4639: 4634: 4630: 4626: 4622: 4618: 4608: 4606: 4602: 4598: 4594: 4593:Piero Gobetti 4590: 4586: 4582: 4578: 4574: 4570: 4565: 4563: 4559: 4555: 4551: 4547: 4543: 4539: 4535: 4531: 4527: 4523: 4522:mixed economy 4519: 4514: 4507: 4503: 4498: 4494: 4484: 4480: 4478: 4472: 4470: 4466: 4462: 4458: 4457:mixed economy 4454: 4450: 4446: 4442: 4435: 4431: 4427: 4425: 4420: 4415: 4411: 4407: 4403: 4399: 4394: 4392: 4387: 4381: 4378: 4371: 4364: 4360: 4350: 4347: 4343: 4338: 4336: 4331: 4327: 4323: 4319: 4316: 4312: 4308: 4304: 4299: 4297: 4293: 4292:direct action 4289: 4285: 4281: 4277: 4273: 4269: 4265: 4261: 4257: 4253: 4249: 4246: 4242: 4241:self-governed 4238: 4232: 4222: 4219: 4215: 4211: 4210:Bhikhu Parekh 4207: 4202: 4200: 4196: 4192: 4188: 4183: 4179: 4174: 4171: 4167: 4163: 4159: 4151: 4147: 4142: 4137: 4133: 4129: 4119: 4116: 4111: 4106: 4102: 4097: 4094: 4090: 4086: 4082: 4078: 4074: 4067: 4063: 4059: 4055: 4053: 4049: 4045: 4041: 4040:Prague Spring 4037: 4033: 4030: 4026: 4022: 4018: 4014: 4010: 4004: 3994: 3992: 3988: 3984: 3980: 3979:Cammell Laird 3976: 3972: 3968: 3964: 3959: 3957: 3953: 3947: 3945: 3941: 3935: 3931: 3927: 3923: 3919: 3913: 3903: 3901: 3897: 3893: 3890: 3885: 3882: 3878: 3873: 3871: 3867: 3863: 3859: 3855: 3851: 3847: 3843: 3839: 3835: 3831: 3828: 3824: 3820: 3816: 3814: 3810: 3806: 3802: 3798: 3794: 3790: 3786: 3782: 3778: 3774: 3767: 3763: 3759: 3755: 3753: 3749: 3748:G. D. H. Cole 3745: 3741: 3737: 3733: 3729: 3725: 3721: 3712: 3708: 3704: 3699: 3694: 3692: 3685: 3679: 3675: 3671: 3667: 3657: 3655: 3651: 3646: 3642: 3637: 3634: 3630: 3625: 3621: 3616: 3613: 3612:Enrico Barone 3609: 3603: 3593: 3590: 3586: 3582: 3578: 3574: 3570: 3566: 3561: 3557: 3555: 3551: 3546: 3542: 3538: 3534: 3530: 3526: 3522: 3518: 3514: 3510: 3506: 3501: 3499: 3495: 3491: 3487: 3483: 3479: 3475: 3471: 3467: 3462: 3458: 3456: 3452: 3448: 3444: 3440: 3435: 3428: 3424: 3419: 3414: 3411: 3407: 3400: 3393: 3387: 3377: 3375: 3371: 3367: 3363: 3359: 3355: 3351: 3347: 3343: 3339: 3335: 3331: 3327: 3322: 3320: 3316: 3312: 3308: 3304: 3303:Stalinist era 3300: 3299:Soviet Russia 3296: 3291: 3289: 3285: 3281: 3277: 3276: 3271: 3270: 3262: 3258: 3254: 3250: 3248: 3244: 3243: 3238: 3234: 3233: 3228: 3224: 3220: 3216: 3215: 3209: 3203: 3200: 3193: 3187: 3183: 3179: 3175: 3171: 3167: 3163: 3159: 3155: 3145: 3143: 3139: 3135: 3131: 3125: 3122: 3118: 3114: 3111: 3107: 3102: 3099: 3095: 3091: 3086: 3085:impossibilist 3082: 3075: 3071: 3061: 3059: 3058: 3052: 3048: 3044: 3039: 3036: 3032: 3028: 3024: 3018: 3014: 3004: 3001: 2997: 2992: 2988: 2986: 2981: 2977: 2973: 2969: 2964: 2962: 2957: 2955: 2949: 2945: 2941: 2931: 2929: 2925: 2921: 2916: 2914: 2910: 2906: 2905:Paris Commune 2901: 2899: 2894: 2892: 2889:in which the 2888: 2883: 2879: 2871: 2867: 2863: 2858: 2854: 2852: 2848: 2844: 2840: 2835: 2833: 2832: 2824: 2817: 2807: 2805: 2801: 2797: 2792: 2788: 2784: 2780: 2779:minimum wages 2774: 2772: 2767: 2763: 2759: 2755: 2751: 2747: 2742: 2740: 2736: 2729: 2725: 2715: 2711: 2709: 2705: 2696: 2692: 2688: 2686: 2682: 2678: 2674: 2670: 2666: 2662: 2658: 2655: 2654:Enlightenment 2651: 2650:republicanism 2645: 2635: 2633: 2632:eco-anarchism 2629: 2628:eco-socialism 2625: 2621: 2617: 2616:Mark J. Perry 2613: 2609: 2608: 2603: 2599: 2597: 2593: 2589: 2588:Jeremy Corbyn 2585: 2581: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2565: 2561: 2557: 2553: 2549: 2544: 2542: 2538: 2534: 2530: 2526: 2522: 2518: 2514: 2510: 2506: 2502: 2497: 2495: 2491: 2487: 2483: 2479: 2475: 2474:PAIS Alliance 2471: 2467: 2463: 2459: 2456:In 1990, the 2449: 2445: 2439: 2433: 2427: 2424:found by the 2423: 2411: 2402: 2391: 2382: 2372: 2362: 2360: 2359:progressivism 2356: 2352: 2348: 2344: 2340: 2336: 2332: 2328: 2325: 2324:decentralised 2321: 2317: 2313: 2309: 2304: 2302: 2299:with partial 2298: 2297:mixed economy 2293: 2292:Aneurin Bevan 2289: 2285: 2282:. In the UK, 2281: 2277: 2273: 2269: 2265: 2261: 2257: 2253: 2249: 2245: 2238: 2233: 2229: 2227: 2223: 2219: 2215: 2211: 2207: 2203: 2199: 2195: 2194: 2189: 2186:and the 1789 2185: 2179: 2169: 2167: 2163: 2159: 2155: 2151: 2147: 2143: 2142: 2137: 2133: 2129: 2128:Étienne Cabet 2125: 2121: 2117: 2113: 2112: 2107: 2103: 2100: 2096: 2092: 2088: 2083: 2081: 2077: 2073: 2069: 2065: 2061: 2057: 2053: 2049: 2045: 2041: 2037: 2033: 2029: 2025: 2021: 2017: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2001: 1997: 1993: 1989: 1985: 1981: 1980: 1975: 1971: 1970: 1965: 1964: 1959: 1958: 1953: 1952: 1947: 1943: 1938: 1936: 1932: 1928: 1924: 1920: 1916: 1912: 1908: 1903: 1902:individualism 1899: 1895: 1890: 1889: 1883: 1882:Pierre Leroux 1879: 1872: 1868: 1865:19th century 1863: 1859: 1856: 1850: 1839: 1837: 1833: 1829: 1825: 1821: 1817: 1813: 1809: 1804: 1802: 1801:progressivism 1798: 1794: 1789: 1785: 1781: 1777: 1773: 1769: 1765: 1760: 1758: 1757:welfare state 1754: 1750: 1746: 1742: 1738: 1734: 1733:mixed economy 1730: 1726: 1722: 1718: 1714: 1710: 1706: 1702: 1701:profit motive 1698: 1694: 1690: 1686: 1682: 1678: 1674: 1669: 1667: 1663: 1659: 1655: 1651: 1647: 1643: 1639: 1636:theories and 1635: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1611: 1607: 1603: 1599: 1595: 1584: 1579: 1577: 1572: 1570: 1565: 1564: 1562: 1561: 1556: 1551: 1546: 1544: 1534: 1531: 1527: 1522: 1517: 1516: 1515: 1514: 1507: 1504: 1502: 1499: 1497: 1494: 1492: 1489: 1487: 1486:Related lists 1484: 1483: 1477: 1476: 1469: 1466: 1464: 1461: 1459: 1456: 1454: 1451: 1449: 1446: 1444: 1443:Progressivism 1441: 1439: 1438:Nanosocialism 1436: 1434: 1431: 1429: 1426: 1424: 1421: 1419: 1416: 1414: 1411: 1409: 1406: 1404: 1401: 1399: 1396: 1394: 1391: 1389: 1386: 1384: 1381: 1379: 1376: 1374: 1371: 1370: 1364: 1363: 1356: 1353: 1351: 1348: 1347: 1344: 1343:Organizations 1339: 1338: 1331: 1330:Ocasio-Cortez 1328: 1326: 1323: 1321: 1318: 1316: 1313: 1311: 1308: 1306: 1303: 1301: 1298: 1296: 1293: 1291: 1288: 1286: 1283: 1281: 1278: 1276: 1273: 1271: 1268: 1266: 1263: 1261: 1258: 1256: 1253: 1251: 1250:van der Lubbe 1248: 1246: 1243: 1241: 1238: 1236: 1233: 1231: 1228: 1226: 1223: 1221: 1218: 1216: 1213: 1211: 1208: 1206: 1203: 1201: 1198: 1196: 1193: 1191: 1188: 1186: 1183: 1181: 1178: 1176: 1173: 1171: 1168: 1166: 1163: 1161: 1158: 1156: 1153: 1151: 1148: 1146: 1143: 1141: 1138: 1136: 1133: 1131: 1128: 1126: 1123: 1121: 1118: 1116: 1113: 1111: 1108: 1106: 1103: 1102: 1096: 1095: 1088: 1085: 1083: 1080: 1078: 1075: 1073: 1070: 1068: 1065: 1063: 1060: 1058: 1055: 1053: 1050: 1048: 1045: 1043: 1040: 1038: 1035: 1033: 1030: 1028: 1025: 1023: 1020: 1018: 1015: 1013: 1010: 1008: 1005: 1003: 1000: 998: 995: 993: 990: 988: 985: 983: 980: 978: 975: 973: 970: 968: 965: 963: 960: 958: 955: 953: 950: 948: 945: 943: 940: 938: 935: 933: 930: 928: 925: 923: 920: 918: 915: 913: 910: 908: 905: 903: 900: 898: 895: 893: 890: 888: 885: 883: 880: 878: 875: 873: 870: 868: 865: 863: 860: 858: 855: 853: 850: 848: 845: 843: 840: 838: 835: 833: 830: 828: 825: 823: 820: 818: 815: 813: 810: 808: 805: 803: 800: 798: 795: 793: 790: 788: 787:Chernyshevsky 785: 783: 780: 778: 775: 773: 770: 768: 765: 763: 760: 758: 755: 753: 750: 748: 745: 743: 740: 738: 735: 733: 730: 728: 725: 723: 720: 718: 715: 713: 710: 708: 705: 703: 700: 698: 695: 693: 690: 688: 685: 683: 680: 678: 675: 674: 671:Intellectuals 668: 667: 660: 657: 655: 652: 650: 647: 645: 642: 640: 637: 635: 632: 630: 627: 625: 622: 620: 617: 615: 612: 610: 607: 605: 604:Revolutionary 602: 600: 597: 595: 592: 590: 587: 585: 582: 580: 577: 575: 572: 570: 567: 565: 562: 560: 557: 555: 552: 550: 547: 545: 542: 540: 539:Laissez-faire 537: 535: 532: 530: 527: 525: 522: 520: 517: 515: 512: 510: 507: 505: 502: 500: 497: 495: 492: 490: 487: 485: 482: 480: 477: 475: 472: 470: 467: 465: 462: 460: 457: 455: 452: 450: 447: 445: 444:Authoritarian 442: 440: 437: 435: 432: 430: 427: 425: 422: 420: 417: 416: 413: 408: 407: 400: 397: 393: 390: 388: 385: 383: 380: 378: 375: 374: 373: 370: 366: 363: 361: 358: 356: 353: 351: 348: 346: 343: 342: 341: 338: 336: 333: 332: 326: 325: 318: 315: 313: 310: 308: 305: 303: 299: 296: 294: 293:Strike action 291: 289: 286: 284: 281: 279: 276: 274: 271: 269: 266: 264: 261: 259: 256: 254: 251: 249: 246: 244: 241: 239: 236: 234: 231: 229: 226: 224: 221: 219: 216: 214: 211: 209: 206: 204: 201: 199: 198:Equal liberty 196: 194: 191: 189: 186: 184: 181: 179: 176: 174: 171: 169: 166: 164: 161: 160: 154: 153: 146: 143: 141: 138: 136: 133: 131: 128: 126: 123: 122: 116: 115: 109: 106: 104: 101: 100: 98: 97: 93: 89: 88: 85: 82: 81: 77: 73: 72: 69: 65: 48: 44: 40: 33: 28: 19: 27584:Anti-fascism 27548: 27531: 27514: 27497: 27480: 27468:from Commons 27463: 27446: 27425: 27291:Western Bloc 27091:AUSCANNZUKUS 27047:Contemporary 26996:Human rights 26842:Latin Church 26816:Christianity 26766: 26729: 26725:Conservatism 26570:contemporary 26407:Architecture 26343:World War II 26303:Emancipation 26298:Abolitionism 26186:Romanization 26181:Roman legacy 26162:Roman Empire 26052: 25824:Demographics 25814:Antisemitism 25667:Central Bank 25585:Forced labor 25533:Spetsnaz GRU 25353:organisation 25261:Human rights 25210:Constitution 25093:Subdivisions 24971:Russian SFSR 24927:Soviet Union 24763:Baranya–Baja 24732:Soviet Union 24712:East Germany 24410:Burkina Faso 24112: 24055: 23954:Elite theory 23902: 23892: 23882: 23872: 23862: 23852: 23842: 23832: 23822: 23812: 23802: 23792: 23782: 23772: 23762: 23752: 23742: 23732: 23722: 23712: 23702: 23692: 22991:Guicciardini 22947:Early modern 22770:Philosophers 22720:Open society 22656:Body politic 22620: 22526:Distributism 22516:Conservatism 22511:Confucianism 22430:Gerontocracy 22420:Dictatorship 22374:Sovereignty‎ 22364:Ruling class 22254:Emancipation 22239:Citizenship‎ 22056:Collectivism 22017: 21895:Distributism 21880:Conservatism 21875:Confucianism 21795:Centre-right 21690: 21577:Wage slavery 21531:Unemployment 21511:Productivity 21442:Philanthropy 21303:Mercantilist 21280: 21251:Conservative 21086:Deregulation 21047:perspectives 21045:Aspects and 20820:World War II 20676:Flower power 20528: 20368:Isolationism 20242:Peace treaty 20005: 19993: 19824:Clara Zetkin 19804:Leon Trotsky 19799:Ernst Toller 19789:R. H. Tawney 19729:Karl Polanyi 19609:James Larkin 19479:Noam Chomsky 19205:Pyotr Lavrov 19185:Karl Kautsky 19180:Mother Jones 19160:Charles Hall 19150:Emma Goldman 19120:Claire Démar 19050:August Bebel 18844:Basic income 18352: 18228:Luxemburgism 18179:Neozapatismo 18127:Collectivist 17977:21st century 17944: 17903: 17883: 17866: 17842: 17815: 17790: 17777: 17747: 17723: 17708:Webb, Sidney 17685: 17662: 17640: 17621: 17610:Google Books 17608:– via 17578: 17547: 17520: 17506: 17491: 17473: 17438: 17432: 17424:the original 17408: 17386:Policy Press 17381: 17365: 17343: 17334: 17313: 17288: 17285:Oskar, Lange 17265: 17238: 17207: 17189:Liberty Fund 17184: 17148: 17142: 17123: 17103: 17075: 17051: 17041:16 September 17039:. Retrieved 17016: 16991: 16976: 16947: 16921: 16909: 16867: 16857: 16819: 16813: 16804: 16797:. Retrieved 16793:the original 16786: 16759: 16748:Google Books 16746:– via 16742: 16715: 16692: 16669:. Retrieved 16665: 16632: 16607: 16584: 16572:. Retrieved 16548: 16528: 16513:. Retrieved 16509:the original 16500: 16478: 16455: 16432: 16401: 16393:Google Books 16391:– via 16373: 16356:. Springer. 16353: 16330: 16307: 16295:. Retrieved 16289: 16273:. Retrieved 16239: 16231:Google Books 16229:– via 16223:. Retrieved 16205: 16185: 16170:. Retrieved 16166: 16151:the original 16138: 16134: 16122:Google Books 16116: 16106: 16101:26 September 16099:. Retrieved 16093: 16086:Sehon, Scott 16058: 16035: 15996:. New York: 15992: 15955: 15949: 15937:. Retrieved 15931: 15904: 15878: 15852: 15825: 15800: 15774: 15767:Best, Steven 15744: 15731:. New York: 15728: 15712:. Politico. 15709: 15694:. Retrieved 15690:the original 15685: 15655: 15622: 15586: 15559: 15553: 15542:the original 15526: 15514:Aarons, Mark 15506:Bibliography 15480: 15468:. Retrieved 15464:the original 15449: 15439: 15427: 15415:. Retrieved 15411:the original 15406: 15396: 15377: 15371: 15362: 15354: 15337: 15324: 15315: 15292: 15286: 15274:. Retrieved 15272:. 15264: 15251: 15242: 15229: 15223: 15215: 15207: 15197: 15184:. Retrieved 15158: 15141: 15131:27 September 15129:. Retrieved 15125:the original 15120: 15110: 15101: 15092: 15084:SurveyMonkey 15083: 15074: 15060: 15051: 15041: 15032: 15023: 15006: 14997: 14987: 14973: 14964: 14958: 14947: 14944:Dolgoff, Sam 14938: 14911: 14905: 14874: 14865: 14834: 14825: 14799:Virago Press 14794: 14788: 14761: 14752: 14740:. Retrieved 14726: 14714:. Retrieved 14706:Biehl, Janet 14700: 14692:the original 14682: 14674:the original 14669: 14660: 14648:. Retrieved 14644:the original 14639: 14630: 14618:. Retrieved 14614:the original 14604: 14586: 14579:. Retrieved 14575:the original 14564: 14552:. Retrieved 14548:the original 14543: 14540:"Green Left" 14534: 14507: 14498: 14467: 14458: 14427: 14418: 14387: 14381: 14357: 14350: 14326: 14316: 14306: 14292: 14280:. Retrieved 14276:the original 14266: 14243: 14231:. Retrieved 14224:the original 14219: 14207: 14183: 14176: 14145: 14136: 14111: 14104: 14091: 14087: 14078: 14053: 14049: 14042: 14030:. Retrieved 14026:the original 14017: 14007: 13974: 13965: 13934: 13925: 13913:. Retrieved 13907: 13898: 13886:. Retrieved 13880: 13871: 13859:. Retrieved 13853: 13844: 13832:. Retrieved 13826: 13817: 13794: 13788: 13755: 13749: 13743: 13731:. Retrieved 13727: 13718: 13706:. Retrieved 13700: 13687: 13654: 13648: 13642: 13630:. Retrieved 13607: 13587: 13579: 13571: 13566: 13557: 13548: 13539: 13530: 13522:the original 13517: 13508: 13495: 13482: 13474: 13465: 13456: 13448: 13442: 13433: 13426:. Retrieved 13422: 13413: 13404: 13398: 13389: 13381: 13376: 13368: 13348: 13344: 13338: 13325: 13302: 13296: 13287: 13262: 13257: 13249: 13244: 13213: 13196: 13188: 13183: 13163: 13143: 13138: 13126: 13121: 13108: 13099: 13086: 13080: 13061: 13058:Biehl, Janet 13048: 13035: 13026: 13017: 13005:. Retrieved 13001:the original 12994: 12978:22 September 12976:. Retrieved 12968: 12958: 12946:. Retrieved 12939:the original 12918: 12914: 12901: 12889:. Retrieved 12883: 12870: 12845: 12841: 12831: 12811: 12804: 12784: 12777: 12757: 12750: 12730: 12723: 12704: 12698: 12678: 12671: 12651: 12644: 12624: 12617: 12597: 12590: 12570: 12563: 12543: 12536: 12516: 12509: 12476: 12472: 12462: 12443: 12437: 12417: 12410: 12390: 12383: 12356: 12346: 12323: 12317: 12308: 12301:. Retrieved 12297:the original 12291: 12284: 12261: 12255: 12239: 12234: 12222:. Retrieved 12218:the original 12212: 12205: 12193:. Retrieved 12189:the original 12182: 12175: 12167: 12163: 12136: 12121: 12115: 12110: 12100:– via 12095: 12082: 12070:. Retrieved 12066:the original 12061: 12052: 12040:. Retrieved 12036:the original 12026: 11995: 11989: 11958: 11938: 11926: 11920: 11899: 11893: 11872: 11866: 11858:Google Books 11856:– via 11842: 11835: 11807:, p. 97 11801:Orlow (2000) 11796: 11784: 11775:the original 11770: 11760: 11737: 11731: 11700: 11694: 11687:Meyer (2013) 11682: 11651: 11645: 11638:Meyer (2013) 11614: 11602:. Retrieved 11598: 11589: 11581: 11559: 11553: 11539: 11527:. Retrieved 11523:the original 11518: 11509: 11497:. Retrieved 11491: 11478: 11466:. Retrieved 11462: 11452: 11430:Counterpoint 11424: 11414: 11406: 11402: 11371: 11365: 11360:, p. 8. 11358:Busky (2000) 11345:, p. 7. 11338: 11328:17 September 11326:. Retrieved 11320: 11310: 11290: 11283: 11275:Google Books 11273:– via 11259: 11252: 11247:, p. 5. 11240: 11221: 11212: 11189: 11183: 11175: 11171: 11149: 11145: 11130: 11119: 11110: 11091: 11085: 11069: 11064: 11048: 11043: 11035: 11030: 11022: 11017: 11009: 10993: 10977: 10972: 10941: 10915: 10907: 10896: 10872: 10866: 10854: 10841: 10835: 10816: 10805: 10804:: 14. 2005. 10801: 10791:. Retrieved 10787:the original 10782: 10769:. Retrieved 10765:the original 10758: 10735: 10722: 10714: 10711:the original 10706: 10697: 10688: 10685:the original 10679: 10669: 10661: 10656:. New York: 10653: 10647: 10639: 10636:the original 10610: 10604: 10596: 10588: 10582: 10569: 10561: 10557: 10548: 10543:, p. 2. 10506: 10494:. Retrieved 10490:the original 10485: 10476: 10464:. Retrieved 10457: 10448: 10436:. Retrieved 10429:the original 10416: 10404:. Retrieved 10400:the original 10390: 10378:. Retrieved 10373: 10364: 10352:. Retrieved 10348:the original 10337: 10325:. Retrieved 10318:the original 10305: 10293:. Retrieved 10279: 10267:. Retrieved 10262: 10253: 10242: 10236: 10223: 10217: 10205:. Retrieved 10195: 10172: 10166: 10147: 10143: 10133: 10121: 10113: 10099: 10093: 10083:– via 10077:. Retrieved 10072: 10066: 10053: 10041:. Retrieved 10034:the original 10025: 10019: 10007: 9995:. Retrieved 9991:The Guardian 9989: 9976: 9967: 9944: 9934: 9915: 9909: 9899: 9880: 9873: 9865:Google Books 9863:– via 9849: 9843: 9835:Google Books 9833:– via 9815: 9808: 9796:. Retrieved 9792:the original 9782: 9770:. Retrieved 9758: 9745: 9732: 9715: 9711: 9701: 9689:. Retrieved 9679: 9671: 9666: 9654:. Retrieved 9650: 9629: 9611: 9605: 9593: 9584: 9581:Hayek, F. A. 9577:Hayek, F. A. 9569: 9566:Hayek, F. A. 9562:Hayek, F. A. 9556: 9532: 9523: 9507: 9495:. Retrieved 9488:the original 9474: 9455: 9449: 9440: 9435:– via 9432: 9419: 9407: 9395: 9370: 9362: 9350:. Retrieved 9348:. 9340: 9308:. Retrieved 9293: 9287: 9275:. Retrieved 9256: 9246: 9237: 9231: 9222: 9197: 9191: 9183: 9169: 9163: 9154: 9136: 9130: 9122: 9108: 9102: 9090: 9079: 9070: 9059: 9054:(May 1949). 9046: 9037: 9027: 9018: 9008: 8991: 8987: 8977: 8957: 8950: 8931: 8925: 8905: 8898: 8865: 8861: 8851: 8831: 8824: 8816: 8811: 8802: 8793: 8773: 8766: 8754:. Retrieved 8750:the original 8745: 8735: 8725:– via 8719:. Retrieved 8711: 8701: 8689:. Retrieved 8685: 8647: 8641: 8635: 8625:– via 8619:. Retrieved 8609: 8598: 8585: 8550:. New York: 8547: 8541: 8529:. Retrieved 8525:the original 8511: 8502: 8488: 8482: 8473: 8465: 8459: 8447: 8428: 8422: 8399: 8393: 8374: 8368: 8357: 8336: 8329:. Retrieved 8324: 8320: 8311: 8299: 8287: 8275: 8267: 8263: 8242: 8234: 8229:– via 8223:. Retrieved 8218: 8208: 8191: 8187: 8177: 8165:. Retrieved 8161:the original 8147: 8135:. Retrieved 8131: 8121: 8109:. Retrieved 8105:the original 8079: 8069: 8061: 8056: 8044:. Retrieved 8040:the original 8029: 8021: 8016: 8008: 7994: 7988: 7972: 7968: 7959: 7916: 7910: 7899:Jackson, Tim 7885: 7842: 7836: 7822: 7810:. Retrieved 7806: 7796: 7784:. Retrieved 7772:The Guardian 7770: 7760: 7748:. Retrieved 7734: 7725: 7713:. Retrieved 7707: 7697: 7688:The Guardian 7686: 7674: 7662:. Retrieved 7650:The Guardian 7648: 7638: 7627: 7618: 7606:. Retrieved 7599:the original 7586: 7574:. Retrieved 7564: 7556: 7551: 7543: 7535: 7527: 7522: 7498: 7488: 7479: 7473: 7465: 7461: 7457: 7448: 7440: 7434: 7422:. Retrieved 7416: 7406: 7383: 7377: 7364: 7355: 7331: 7321: 7289: 7266: 7244: 7234: 7227:Busky (2000) 7222: 7213: 7199: 7182: 7168: 7162: 7153: 7131: 7121: 7112: 7103: 7092: 7086: 7077: 7063: 7057: 7026: 7009:Google Books 7007:– via 6989: 6979: 6967:. Retrieved 6959: 6950: 6927: 6921: 6909:. Retrieved 6897: 6887: 6875:. Retrieved 6871: 6847: 6838: 6814: 6802: 6778: 6772:p. 280. 6765: 6759: 6750: 6744: 6732: 6724:Polity Press 6719: 6710: 6702: 6684: 6678: 6673:, p. 1. 6666: 6643: 6637: 6625: 6613: 6606:Busky (2000) 6593: 6584: 6566: 6560: 6537: 6531: 6522: 6518: 6509: 6497: 6488: 6470: 6464: 6455: 6437: 6431: 6386: 6380: 6374: 6350: 6326: 6317: 6299: 6293: 6270: 6264: 6255: 6247: 6234: 6226: 6219:. Retrieved 6212: 6203: 6195: 6177: 6171: 6155: 6143: 6135: 6111: 6103: 6095: 6076: 6069: 6061: 6054:. Retrieved 6050: 6041: 6032: 6009: 6002: 5990: 5978: 5967: 5944: 5896:Busky (2000) 5889: 5882:Busky (2000) 5877: 5767: 5760: 5756: 5752: 5722: 5717:Robin Hahnel 5698: 5679: 5673:sociologist 5668: 5591: 5579: 5560: 5525: 5517: 5514: 5511:Public views 5478: 5445:Ariel Salleh 5426: 5412: 5401: 5377:productivist 5350: 5346:gender roles 5320: 5303:. After the 5301:Labour Party 5285: 5271: 5263: 5253: 5244:Labour Party 5185:demonisation 5181:Eleanor Marx 5177:Clara Zetkin 5168: 5165:August Bebel 5158: 5136: 5131:Clara Zetkin 5029: 5011: 4984:Luxemburgism 4940: 4926: 4921: 4916:Gaston Leval 4913: 4876:wage slavery 4864:anti-statist 4845: 4841:libertarian. 4840: 4826: 4820: 4796: 4776:united front 4738:bureaucratic 4735: 4683: 4648: 4605:R. H. Tawney 4566: 4515: 4511: 4506:R. H. Tawney 4481: 4477:Sheri Berman 4473: 4438: 4419:Jerry Mander 4401: 4395: 4390: 4383: 4373: 4368: 4341: 4339: 4300: 4284:gift economy 4245:hierarchical 4234: 4213: 4205: 4203: 4191:distribution 4177: 4175: 4165: 4161: 4155: 4146:Union Square 4110:corporatised 4098: 4071: 4006: 3973:and others. 3960: 3948: 3937: 3886: 3874: 3832: 3817: 3770: 3716: 3687: 3683: 3638: 3633:Eastern Bloc 3617: 3605: 3589:Leon Trotsky 3562: 3558: 3550:cooperatives 3502: 3490:Mancur Olson 3478:neoclassical 3459: 3453:, interest, 3447:law of value 3436: 3432: 3402: 3397: 3352:of advanced 3330:intellectual 3323: 3292: 3284:Diego Rivera 3280:Andre Breton 3273: 3267: 3265: 3261:Diego Rivera 3240: 3230: 3223:exploitation 3213: 3205: 3198: 3195: 3191: 3126: 3120: 3103: 3097: 3080: 3077: 3055: 3040: 3020: 2989: 2965: 2958: 2951: 2940:Anti-statism 2917: 2902: 2895: 2882:emancipation 2878:wage slavery 2875: 2837: 2829: 2828:—Karl Marx, 2826: 2821: 2775: 2753: 2743: 2731: 2712: 2700: 2647: 2606: 2600: 2545: 2498: 2476:in Ecuador, 2455: 2331:cooperatives 2305: 2268:World War II 2244:Soviet Union 2241: 2191: 2181: 2139: 2123: 2109: 2105: 2094: 2084: 2067: 2047: 2035: 2031: 2015: 2007: 2003: 2002:in place of 1999: 1983: 1977: 1973: 1969:collectivist 1967: 1961: 1957:co-operative 1955: 1949: 1945: 1941: 1939: 1926: 1923:cooperatives 1877: 1875: 1869:pamphlet by 1845: 1808:Soviet Union 1805: 1761: 1737:Keynesianism 1670: 1593: 1592: 499:Evolutionary 419:21st-century 213:Freed market 83: 68: 46: 37:This is the 31: 27448:Definitions 27231:Open Balkan 27049:integration 26979:Rule of law 26974:Natural law 26951:Agnosticism 26929:Hellenistic 26907:Anglo-Saxon 26837:Catholicism 26776:Atlanticism 26681:Rationalism 26487:Immigration 26470:Esotericism 26328:World War I 26293:Romanticism 26273:Reformation 26253:Renaissance 26231:Middle Ages 26196:Christendom 26125:Foundations 25928:Phraseology 25873:Prohibition 25861:Linguistics 25846:Drug policy 25839:1989 census 25760:Cybernetics 25662:Agriculture 25575:Great Purge 25537:Soviet Navy 25529:Soviet Army 25401:(1989–1991) 25395:(1938–1991) 25389:(1922–1936) 25373:Secretariat 25244:Gun control 25151:Caspian Sea 25135:Closed city 25064:Dissolution 25049:Perestroika 24991:Great Purge 24746:Short-lived 24603:Short-lived 24572:South Yemen 24557:North Korea 24517:Afghanistan 24234:New Zealand 24229:Netherlands 23828:(1835–1840) 23708:(c. 350 BC) 23698:(c. 375 BC) 23315:Tocqueville 23280:Saint-Simon 23245:Montesquieu 23096:Bolingbroke 23028:Machiavelli 22908:Ibn Khaldun 22873:Alpharabius 22866:Middle Ages 22691:Natural law 22666:Common good 22591:Nationalism 22551:Imperialism 22521:Corporatism 22496:Colonialism 22476:Agrarianism 22455:Technocracy 22435:Meritocracy 22415:Bureaucracy 22405:Aristocracy 22158:Regionalism 22103:Imperialism 22066:Culturalism 22061:Colonialism 21991:Nationalism 21912:Familialism 21890:Corporatism 21860:Communalism 21840:Agrarianism 21817:Reactionary 21785:Centre-left 21696:Syndicalism 21616:Communalism 21481:Corporatism 21457:Rule of law 21404:Consumerism 21394:Advertising 21293:Libertarian 21271:Free-market 21241:Anglo-Saxon 21221:Wage labour 21171:Meritocracy 21121:Externality 21076:Competition 20967:Switzerland 20952:Netherlands 20825:Vietnam War 20815:World War I 20686:Human Be-In 20423:World peace 20388:Nonviolence 20353:Finvenkismo 20333:Appeasement 20247:Peaceworker 19888:Evo Morales 19878:Kim Jong Un 19858:Hugo Chávez 19829:Howard Zinn 19819:Cornel West 19814:H. G. Wells 19784:Sun Yat-sen 19619:Jack Layton 19594:Kim Jong-il 19549:Maxim Gorky 19499:Marcel Déat 19414:Jiang Zemin 19355:Oscar Wilde 19295:George Sand 19250:Robert Owen 19175:Jean Jaurès 19065:Louis Blanc 18972:Thomas More 18934:Technocracy 18808:Trade union 18778:Revisionism 18728:Land reform 18599:Third World 18526:Nationalist 18318:Brezhnevism 18291:Nechayevism 18233:Mao-Spontex 18199:Syndicalist 18189:Communalism 18184:Platformism 18137:Free-market 18108:Libertarian 18094:Technocracy 18044:Nationalist 18022:Syndicalism 17812:"Socialism" 17785:‹ The 17667:Verso Books 17570:"Socialism" 17550:. Vintage. 17488:Leo Panitch 17269:. Meuthen. 17177:"Socialism" 16641:. pp.  16275:19 February 15958:(1): 1–17. 15710:Clem Attlee 15343:Peter, Self 15256:Pluto Press 14596:John Zerzan 14590:John Zerzan 14504:Wall, Derek 14424:Kovel, Joel 14117:Basic Books 14032:25 November 13708:21 November 13615:. pp.  13598:"Socialism" 13428:22 November 13150:. p. 1007. 13043:(in French) 12948:17 December 12195:30 November 11940:capitalism. 11432:. pp.  10779:"Anarchism" 10438:18 November 10263:China Daily 9952:. pp.  9631:alienation. 9512:Nove (1991) 9310:30 November 9240:(1): 30–65. 9207:Description 9076:"Socialism" 8756:26 December 8721:26 December 8691:26 December 8531:15 December 8317:"Socialism" 8167:23 February 8137:23 February 8046:30 November 7464:, IV.7.21. 7450:conditions. 7241:"Socialism" 7128:"Socialism" 6844:"socialism" 6646:. Radford: 6618:Lamb (2015) 6359:Kotz (2006) 6355:Nove (1991) 6244:"Socialism" 6162:, pp.  6047:"Socialism" 5936:Brus (2015) 5904:, pp.  5774:colonialism 5730:argue that 5586:millennials 5567:electricity 5546:along with 5469:Syndicalism 5463:Syndicalism 5406:as well as 5361:imperialism 5278:egalitarian 5268:Oscar Wilde 5264:androgénité 5256:LGBT rights 5189:proletariat 4972:Communalism 4929:libertarian 4918:explained: 4872:wage labour 4868:libertarian 4822:libertarian 4745:alternative 4695:to run the 4675:vanguardism 4463:or a fully 4441:progressive 4303:libertarian 4136:Trade union 4089:free market 4032:Léon Walras 3987:Swan Hunter 3870:Sam Dolgoff 3785:cybernetics 3777:cooperative 3569:Robert Owen 3494:John Roemer 3482:Lange model 3470:libertarian 3338:anti-racism 3317:along with 3219:bourgeoisie 3031:Robert Owen 2909:proletariat 2683:during the 2669:natural law 2665:materialism 2663:, forms of 2661:romanticism 2657:rationalism 2574:, Greece's 2509:progressive 2490:Hugo Chávez 2308:Vietnam War 2237:Robert Owen 2166:proletariat 2162:bourgeoisie 2120:Fourierists 2062:, although 1992:consumption 1919:Robert Owen 1727:to promote 1713:nationalist 1654:cooperative 1530:WikiProject 1408:French Left 1200:Spiridonova 1099:Politicians 1012:Castoriadis 692:Saint-Simon 644:Third World 639:Syndicalism 574:Nationalist 549:Libertarian 514:Free-market 377:Lange model 365:Soviet-type 335:Communalism 307:Vanguardism 263:Spontaneism 173:Cooperative 119:Development 27563:Categories 27482:Quotations 27251:Rio Treaty 26762:Relativism 26720:Liberalism 26686:Empiricism 26638:Philosophy 26626:Secularism 26577:Philosophy 26514:Literature 26308:Capitalism 25968:Opposition 25958:Television 25938:Propaganda 25911:Literature 25785:Naukograds 25780:Sharashkas 25714:(currency) 25692:Inventions 25635:Censorship 25565:Red Terror 25249:Government 25123:Autonomous 25106:Autonomous 25039:Stagnation 25002:Evacuation 24858:Tarnobrzeg 24783:Bessarabia 24737:Yugoslavia 24460:Seychelles 24455:Mozambique 24450:Madagascar 24373:Vietnamese 24368:Venezuelan 24358:Nicaraguan 24353:Melanesian 24270:Venezuela 24182:Kuomintang 24175:since 1978 24145:Bangladesh 24121:By country 24115:by country 24036:Separatism 23844:On Liberty 23744:The Prince 23473:Huntington 22976:Campanella 22903:al-Ghazali 22852:Thucydides 22810:Lactantius 22755:Statolatry 22581:Monarchism 22561:Liberalism 22486:Capitalism 22469:Ideologies 22450:Plutocracy 22398:Government 22354:Revolution 22339:Propaganda 22289:Legitimacy 22264:Government 22173:Syncretism 22163:Separatism 22123:Militarism 22093:Federalism 21979:Monarchism 21959:Liberalism 21850:Capitalism 21800:Right-wing 21585:Antithesis 21516:Prosperity 21491:Employment 21438:Mainstream 21429:Liberalism 21353:Regulatory 21328:Neoliberal 21276:Humanistic 21261:Democratic 21216:Regulation 21081:Depression 21037:Capitalism 20932:Costa Rica 20718:Peace walk 20530:Peace News 20408:Satyagraha 20393:Pacificism 20383:Nonkilling 20297:Anarchism 20286:Ideologies 20202:Peace camp 19995:Categories 19898:Xi Jinping 19834:J. Posadas 19514:John Dewey 19504:Guy Debord 19424:Jyoti Basu 19305:Eugène Sue 18619:and issues 18617:Key topics 18594:Sri Lankan 18567:Melanesian 18562:Indonesian 18511:Bolivarian 18433:Lassallism 18421:Tkachevism 18303:Bolshevism 18277:from above 18262:Third camp 18238:Trotskyism 18113:from below 18079:Icarianism 18074:Fourierism 18059:Scientific 17992:Democratic 17967:Schools of 17758:1904519024 17737:0813341043 17699:069101132X 17650:1565844866 17631:0312005245 17557:0375704477 17500:0813398215 17482:0415919673 17419:1893554457 17325:1583671455 17252:0333553373 17241:. London: 16961:140390264X 16799:8 February 16788:Al Jazeera 16515:23 January 16225:15 October 16000:. p.  15686:Commentary 15470:22 October 15417:22 October 15276:30 October 15186:2 February 14808:1853812005 14780:1141422712 14620:11 October 14481:0140221166 14464:Marx, Karl 14401:1572301198 14332:SUNY Press 14050:Romantisme 13990:1902593960 13611:. Oxford: 13351:(2): 305. 13156:1412988764 13071:0304338737 13007:29 January 12303:20 January 12264:. Totowa: 12224:20 January 11972:0748615601 11885:1029276342 11621:, p.  11604:12 October 11562:: 106026. 11025:. Fifield. 11010:Le Radical 10986:0415933447 10923:report of 10109:0618261818 9772:30 October 9691:30 October 9656:11 October 9514:, p.  9352:30 October 9260:. Oxford: 8621:9 December 8591:Marx, Karl 8384:0618261818 8354:Marx, Karl 8331:14 October 8325:Britannica 8225:30 October 8060:Bhargava. 7251:. p.  7138:. p.  7049:1289795802 6960:etymonline 6657:1933567015 6240:Nove, Alec 6120:. p.  6056:27 January 6017:. p.  5952:. p.  5869:References 5843:(category) 5740:capitalism 5556:capitalist 5489:De Leonism 5473:See also: 5151:oppression 5143:liberation 5095:See also: 5033:is a more 4996:Fourierism 4968:autonomism 4897:confederal 4742:democratic 4727:Bellamyism 4721:despotic ' 4685:Hal Draper 4629:Trotskyism 4577:John Dewey 4550:capitalism 4424:neoliberal 4410:gradualist 4398:Tony Blair 4264:Mutualists 4126:See also: 4036:Yugoslavia 3916:See also: 3813:Pat Devine 3732:alienation 3390:See also: 3232:Proletkult 3214:status quo 3197:—Trotsky, 3170:Surrealism 3152:See also: 3138:André Gorz 3110:gradualist 3098:Revolution 3081:revolution 3043:Hutterites 2968:reformists 2938:See also: 2735:use-values 2681:positivism 2566:, and the 2543:measures. 2513:democratic 2369:See also: 2124:communists 2074:—positive 2052:Bolshevism 2024:capitalism 1988:production 1948:replacing 1832:neoliberal 1753:regulation 1673:non-market 1650:collective 1501:Socialists 1496:By country 1378:Capitalism 1260:Mitterrand 1225:Gerhardsen 1170:Liebknecht 1155:Markievicz 1082:Varoufakis 1032:Fotopoulos 702:Saint-Just 697:Buonarroti 682:Campanella 619:Scientific 554:Marhaenism 509:Fourierism 494:Ecological 474:Democratic 27569:Socialism 27533:Resources 27516:Textbooks 27426:Socialism 27418:Economics 27370:Anarchism 27346:Communism 27334:Socialism 27196:Five Eyes 27191:EU–UK TCA 27033:Democracy 26922:Old Norse 26811:Abrahamic 26768:Peritrope 26750:Tolerance 26730:Socialism 26560:Mythology 26548:Classical 26497:Languages 26475:Astrology 26323:Modernism 26137:Old World 26029:Republics 26017:Republics 26005:Republics 25856:Languages 25720:Transport 25602:Holodomor 25495:Militsiya 25433:President 25325:Stalinism 25227:Elections 25101:Republics 25084:Geography 25074:Nostalgia 24986:Stalinism 24816:1939–1940 24771:1918–1919 24540:1982–1992 24535:1979–1992 24530:1975–1979 24526:Cambodia 24501:Nicaragua 24433:1987–1991 24428:1974–1987 24424:Ethiopia 24363:Tanzanian 24244:Sri Lanka 24187:Hong Kong 24170:Communist 24133:Australia 24128:Argentina 24113:Socialism 23754:Leviathan 23734:Monarchia 23728:(c. 1274) 23563:Oakeshott 23508:Mansfield 23503:Luxemburg 23488:Kropotkin 23383:Bernstein 23336:centuries 23250:Nietzsche 23193:Jefferson 23121:Condorcet 23069:centuries 23048:Pufendorf 22913:Marsilius 22800:Confucius 22785:Aristotle 22778:Antiquity 22706:Noble lie 22626:Third Way 22621:Socialism 22546:Feudalism 22501:Communism 22481:Anarchism 22460:Theocracy 22445:Oligarchy 22425:Democracy 22410:Autocracy 22324:Pluralism 22309:Obedience 22274:Hierarchy 22234:Authority 22153:Reformism 22138:Pluralism 22098:Globalism 22088:Extremism 22023:Third Way 22018:Socialism 22001:Classical 21974:Masculism 21865:Communism 21845:Anarchism 21805:Far-right 21780:Left-wing 21691:Socialism 21666:Mutualism 21621:Communism 21591:Anarchism 21540:Criticism 21521:Syndicate 21256:Corporate 21211:Recession 21186:Oligopoly 21151:Invention 20920:Countries 20901:Landmines 20889:in Russia 20847:Criticism 20656:Desertion 20142:Code Pink 19946:Communism 19941:Anarchism 19868:Hu Jintao 19694:Imre Nagy 19484:M. N. Roy 19444:Léon Blum 19439:Tony Benn 19374:Tariq Ali 19230:Karl Marx 18834:Adhocracy 18773:Reformism 18661:Democracy 18531:Chiangist 18521:Communist 18468:communism 18463:anarchism 18458:Christian 18445:Religious 18407:Stalinism 18333:Guevarism 18323:Castroism 18298:Blanquism 18174:Mutualism 18132:Communist 18122:Anarchism 18049:Reformist 18017:Labourism 17987:Communist 17945:Socialism 17827:from the 17802:Socialism 17774:Socialism 17243:Macmillan 17104:Socialism 16946:(2003) . 16697:Routledge 16639:MIT Press 16460:Routledge 16424:843638352 16210:Routledge 16167:Dissident 15980:233745505 15972:1045-5752 15883:Routledge 15660:Routledge 15576:154502214 15460:0099-9660 14967:(33): 10. 14897:964049036 14857:951936453 14839:Zed Books 14817:728578769 14526:776590485 14450:960164995 14432:Zed Books 14410:468837567 14298:Kovel, J. 14168:897581763 14150:Routledge 14086:(1967) . 14070:0048-8593 13999:884001264 13957:835894204 13780:216113584 13772:0091-8369 13679:161942887 13453:Routledge 13365:145150666 13280:authority 12984:See also 12493:0039-3797 12018:252535635 11981:899035345 11935:878037469 11912:300363066 11904:Routledge 11723:948604973 11705:Routledge 11674:827894277 11578:252315733 11394:762965992 11166:144916176 10964:182529204 10793:29 August 10658:Routledge 10611:Anarchism 10593:Routledge 9997:12 August 9616:Routledge 9330:ignored ( 9320:cite book 9141:Routledge 8890:207809829 8882:1573-0948 8200:1327-7723 8111:18 August 7951:254614532 7781:0261-3077 7750:2 January 7745:0013-0613 7664:2 January 7659:0261-3077 7363:(2002) . 6906:0028-792X 6795:Li (2015) 6718:(1998) . 6614:long-term 6542:Routledge 6442:Routledge 6423:153267388 6407:0891-1916 6393:: 20–40. 6182:Routledge 6164:1515–1516 6118:MIT Press 5601:Criticism 5563:utilities 5558:problem. 5369:Karl Marx 5309:Harry Hay 5204:. In the 5035:spiritual 4964:mutualism 4944:anarchism 4933:voluntary 4731:Stalinism 4723:new class 4709:Karl Marx 4621:Blanquism 4406:reformist 4256:authority 4231:Anarchism 4225:Anarchism 4166:Socialist 4162:socialist 4073:Mutualism 4066:mutualism 3918:Dirigisme 3900:Mondragon 3862:Catalonia 3838:anarchism 3645:Stalinism 3565:Karl Marx 3474:mutualism 3439:classical 3380:Economics 3237:education 3212:cultural 3121:reformism 3090:Leninists 3070:Reformism 3035:Karl Marx 2996:feudalism 2898:communism 2862:Karl Marx 2839:Karl Marx 2580:Die Linke 2541:austerity 2482:Peru Wins 2466:Pink tide 2422:red flags 2339:communism 2198:Karl Marx 2106:socialist 2095:communism 2048:communism 2036:socialism 2032:communism 2016:socialism 2008:socialism 2004:communism 2000:socialism 1998:employed 1984:socialism 1979:communism 1974:communism 1963:mutualist 1946:socialist 1942:socialism 1927:Socialism 1878:socialism 1842:Etymology 1836:Third Way 1788:communism 1772:Karl Marx 1735:based on 1666:left wing 1646:community 1638:movements 1630:political 1594:Socialism 1373:Anarchism 1295:Gorbachev 1145:Malatesta 1140:Bernstein 917:Pankhurst 897:Pannekoek 887:Luxemburg 842:Plekhanov 817:Carpenter 812:Kropotkin 609:Ricardian 599:Religious 594:Reformism 579:Nkrumaism 569:Municipal 469:Communism 464:Christian 449:Blanquism 439:Anarchism 382:Mutualism 84:Socialism 18:Socialist 27406:Politics 27256:Schengen 27186:Eurozone 27026:Property 27021:Religion 26912:Frankish 26902:Germanic 26882:Paganism 26803:Religion 26791:European 26703:Humanism 26606:Religion 26565:Painting 26531:Internet 26482:Folklore 26453:Clothing 26424:Calendar 26400:Cyrillic 26385:Alphabet 26348:Cold War 26072:Category 25625:Religion 25512:Chairmen 25358:Congress 25320:Leninism 25300:Propiska 25195:Politics 25054:Glasnost 25014:Cold War 24954:February 24868:Würzburg 24843:Naissaar 24807:Finland 24767:Bavaria 24705:Slovakia 24690:Bulgaria 24620:Far East 24567:Mongolia 24479:Americas 24343:European 24274:Chavismo 24239:Pakistan 24009:Centrism 23704:Politics 23694:Republic 23663:Voegelin 23643:Spengler 23628:Shariati 23603:Rothbard 23558:Nussbaum 23458:Habermas 23433:Fukuyama 23423:Foucault 23348:Ambedkar 23325:Voltaire 23295:de Staël 23270:Rousseau 23151:Franklin 23126:Constant 23086:Beccaria 22918:Muhammad 22898:Gelasius 22883:Averroes 22857:Xenophon 22837:Polybius 22790:Chanakya 22635:Concepts 22601:Populism 22571:Localism 22556:Islamism 22541:Feminism 22440:Monarchy 22344:Property 22334:Progress 22299:Monopoly 22269:Hegemony 22143:Populism 22133:Pacifism 22128:Nihilism 22118:Localism 22037:See also 21984:Royalism 21954:Islamism 21949:Hindutva 21934:Feminism 21790:Centrism 21775:Far-left 21765:Moderate 21760:Hardline 21318:National 21313:Monopoly 21266:Dirigist 21235:Ideology 20995:Category 20852:Protests 20842:Iraq War 20745:Teach-in 20398:Pacifism 20099:Anti-war 19966:Old Left 19961:New Left 19934:See also 19863:Bob Crow 19399:Aung San 18827:Concepts 18604:Yugoslav 18540:European 18453:Buddhist 18360:Kadarism 18348:Husakism 18343:Hoxhaism 18328:Ceaușism 18308:Leninism 18286:Barracks 18248:Posadism 18243:Pabloism 18169:Magonism 18002:Feminist 17982:Agrarian 17896:(1922). 17859:(1905). 17787:template 17722:(2003). 17710:(1889). 17568:(2008). 17546:(2000). 17518:(2021). 17463:44945095 17406:(2002). 17301:38012882 17287:(1938). 17263:(1983). 17175:(2008). 17122:(2011). 17112:76154260 17102:(1972). 17074:(2018). 17064:64011312 16989:(2014). 16920:(2009). 16902:(1902). 16856:(1962). 16846:20456552 16758:(1999). 16740:(1918). 16671:20 April 16574:1 August 16568:Archived 16527:(2002). 16297:20 April 16196:(2000). 16184:(1982). 16172:17 April 16161:(1991). 16056:(2017). 16038:. Sage. 16034:(2004). 16020:94030758 15990:(1995). 15939:20 April 15933:POLITICO 15903:(2000). 15877:(2015). 15799:(2020). 15743:(1998). 15708:(2007). 15516:(2007). 15353:(eds.). 15250:(2002). 14998:Truthout 14946:(1974). 14873:(2013). 14833:(2017). 14760:(2020). 14650:10 March 14581:20 April 14506:(2010). 14490:24235898 14466:(1981). 14426:(2013). 14324:(1992). 14304:(2001). 14302:Löwy, M. 14282:27 March 14251:Archived 14233:10 March 14144:(2013). 13981:AK Press 13973:(2005). 13939:AK Press 13915:20 April 13888:20 April 13861:20 April 13834:20 April 13733:20 April 13632:8 August 13595:(2000). 13307:AK Press 13233:Archived 13206:Archived 13172:Archived 13133:. p. 739 13131:AK Press 13060:(1997). 12996:Truthout 12935:42809979 12501:20100543 12152:Archived 12141:Archived 12090:(1917). 12072:25 April 12042:25 April 11548:(2023). 11529:20 April 11499:20 April 11468:20 April 11422:(2012). 11140:Marxists 11002:Archived 10946:AK Press 10771:14 April 10748:Archived 10459:BBC News 10207:29 April 10079:28 April 10061:(1947). 10043:28 April 9942:(2012). 9744:(1991). 9551:Trotsky. 9531:(1972). 9427:(1936). 9254:(2023). 8338:society. 7943:36510013 7877:32561753 7831:(2020). 7709:BBC News 7496:(2000). 7424:2 August 7329:(1976). 7111:(1972). 6987:(2005). 6517:(1883). 6415:40470892 6242:(2008). 5862:Zenitism 5784:See also 5661:Austrian 5548:railways 5415:naturist 5336:took an 5299:and the 5242:and the 5163:(1884). 5147:cultural 5139:feminism 5047:equality 5043:Muhammad 4858:, is an 4780:cultural 4687:defined 4625:Leninism 4294:and the 4216:(1996), 4208:(1975), 4195:exchange 4122:Politics 3781:usufruct 3334:New Left 3166:New Left 3094:vanguard 3000:property 2624:degrowth 2428:, China. 2355:feminism 2312:New Left 2246:and the 2116:Owenites 2104:, hence 2076:humanism 2056:Leninism 1996:Marxists 1888:Le Globe 1855:societas 1793:feminism 1755:, and a 1721:economic 1695:system. 1691:and the 1658:employee 1626:economic 1606:economic 1598:economic 1491:Category 1230:Erlander 1190:Kerensky 1160:Connolly 1017:Thompson 1002:Bookchin 992:Montseny 942:Vanzetti 907:Einstein 877:Landauer 782:Saltykov 777:Lassalle 737:Proudhon 519:Gandhian 504:Feminist 454:Buddhist 434:Agrarian 412:Variants 76:a series 74:Part of 43:reviewed 27394:Society 27320:Portals 27101:Benelux 27006:Thought 26956:Atheism 26897:Finnish 26873:Culture 26868:Judaism 26830:Eastern 26826:Western 26821:Culture 26755:Paradox 26621:Decline 26582:Science 26458:History 26446:Studies 26429:Cuisine 26417:Periods 26377:Culture 26206:History 26172:Eastern 26167:Western 26118:culture 25993:Symbols 25906:Fashion 25888:Culture 25802:Society 25747:Science 25712:Rouble 25654:Economy 25630:Science 25440:Premier 25421:Offices 25283:Leaders 25203:General 25171:Siberia 25144:Regions 25118:Oblasts 24959:October 24936:History 24838:Ireland 24828:Galicia 24727:Romania 24685:Albania 24640:Jiangxi 24587:Vietnam 24491:Grenada 24465:Somalia 24348:Israeli 24338:Chinese 24333:Burmese 24328:British 24318:African 24290:History 24281:Vietnam 24249:Tunisia 24199:Finland 24194:Estonia 24046:Statism 23959:Elitism 23917:Related 23718:(51 BC) 23648:Strauss 23623:Scruton 23618:Schmitt 23608:Russell 23528:Michels 23523:Maurras 23518:Marcuse 23478:Kautsky 23448:Gramsci 23443:Gentile 23413:Dworkin 23403:Du Bois 23398:Dmowski 23393:Chomsky 23388:Burnham 23373:Benoist 23343:Agamben 23310:Thoreau 23300:Stirner 23290:Spencer 23235:Mazzini 23225:Maistre 23220:Madison 23215:Le Play 23146:Fourier 23111:Carlyle 23091:Bentham 23081:Bastiat 23076:Bakunin 23053:Spinoza 23043:Müntzer 23013:Leibniz 22986:Grotius 22966:Bossuet 22933:Plethon 22878:Aquinas 22847:Sun Tzu 22815:Mencius 22805:Han Fei 22576:Marxism 22536:Fascism 22369:Society 22294:Liberty 22279:Justice 22259:Freedom 22168:Statism 22028:Zionism 21969:Marxism 21917:Fascism 21812:Radical 21572:Marxism 21434:Liberty 21378:Welfare 21338:Private 21288:Liberal 21054:General 20937:Germany 20568:Symbols 20514:Museums 19779:Sukarno 19679:Mao Dun 18572:Mexican 18557:Israeli 18516:Chinese 18496:African 18475:Islamic 18375:Dengism 18084:Owenism 18069:Utopian 18039:Marxian 18029:Liberal 17997:Ethical 17969:thought 17959:Outline 17955:History 17789:below ( 17576:(ed.). 17472:, ed., 17455:1399170 17183:(ed.). 17165:1837686 16204:(ed.). 15909:Praeger 15696:14 June 14554:3 April 14472:Penguin 13617:676–678 13276:liberty 12891:10 June 11434:213–217 10744:3930443 10466:7 April 9583:(ed.). 9568:(ed.). 9497:9 March 9442:needed. 9277:9 March 9215:preview 8664:2708729 8194:(2/3). 7921:Bibcode 7868:7305220 7847:Bibcode 7812:20 June 7786:15 June 7715:20 June 6911:26 June 6877:26 June 6319:market. 5734:of the 5690:parties 5657:Chicago 5518:A 2018 5071:mandate 4893:federal 4705:Marxist 4645:in 1920 4558:liberty 4544:of the 4270:favour 4176:In his 4150:May Day 4115:Doi Moi 3942:by the 3852:of the 3707:soviets 3585:capital 3412:", 1949 3148:Culture 2866:Marxist 2816:Marxism 2810:Marxism 2607:Jacobin 2572:Podemos 2345:across 2250:of the 2218:Marxism 2172:History 2091:atheism 1849:sociare 1616:of the 1325:Sánchez 1310:Sankara 1270:Mandela 1255:Kreisky 1245:Allende 1240:Senghor 1235:Douglas 1220:Durruti 1185:Trotsky 1077:Graeber 1057:Hampton 1027:Chomsky 972:Marcuse 957:Gramsci 947:Bordiga 937:Polanyi 892:Russell 882:Berkman 872:Goldman 862:Du Bois 832:Kautsky 827:Bellamy 792:Tolstoy 767:Wallace 752:Bakunin 742:Greeley 732:Blanqui 712:Fourier 659:Zionist 649:Utopian 589:Popular 584:Owenism 564:Marxism 544:Liberal 529:Islamic 489:Ethical 484:Digital 459:Chinese 424:African 108:Outline 103:History 27121:CANZUK 27011:Speech 26939:Slavic 26917:Gothic 26892:Celtic 26887:Baltic 26786:Values 26587:Values 26147:Greece 26012:Emblem 26000:Anthem 25948:Sports 25901:Cinema 25896:Ballet 25878:Racism 25851:Family 25341:Bodies 24929:topics 24848:Saxony 24793:Bremen 24722:Poland 24678:Europe 24645:Kuwait 24625:Fujian 24440:Guinea 24400:Angola 24393:Africa 24209:Greece 24204:France 24166:China 24162:Canada 24155:Lulism 24150:Brazil 23908:(1992) 23898:(1971) 23888:(1951) 23878:(1945) 23868:(1944) 23858:(1929) 23848:(1859) 23838:(1848) 23818:(1820) 23808:(1791) 23798:(1790) 23788:(1762) 23778:(1748) 23768:(1689) 23758:(1651) 23748:(1532) 23738:(1313) 23668:Walzer 23658:Taylor 23613:Sartre 23578:Popper 23573:Pareto 23568:Ortega 23553:Nozick 23543:Mouffe 23493:Laclau 23453:Guénon 23438:Gandhi 23378:Berlin 23368:Bauman 23363:Badiou 23353:Arendt 23320:Tucker 23210:Le Bon 23171:Herder 23161:Haller 23156:Godwin 23141:Fichte 23136:Engels 23131:Cortés 23101:Bonald 23058:Suárez 23033:Milton 23023:Luther 22996:Hobbes 22981:Filmer 22971:Calvin 22956:Boétie 22949:period 22928:Ockham 22795:Cicero 22596:Nazism 22384:Utopia 22359:Rights 22349:Regime 22319:People 22304:Nation 22006:Modern 21922:Nazism 21363:Social 21333:Nordic 21298:Market 21226:Wealth 21201:Profit 20942:Israel 20927:Canada 20666:Die-in 20616:Bed-in 20363:Hippie 20293:Ahimsa 19709:Ne Win 19649:Lu Xun 18949:People 18577:Soviet 18552:Indian 18480:Jewish 18370:Maoism 18194:Social 18034:Market 17806:Curlie 17792:Curlie 17755:  17734:  17696:  17673:  17647:  17628:  17602:  17554:  17532:  17498:  17480:  17461:  17453:  17416:  17392:  17372:  17354:  17322:  17299:  17273:  17249:  17226:  17195:  17163:  17130:  17110:  17088:  17062:  17032:  17003:  16958:  16932:  16879:  16844:  16766:  16726:  16703:  16649:  16618:  16595:  16560:  16535:  16485:  16466:  16443:  16422:  16412:  16385:  16360:  16341:  16318:  16250:  16216:  16070:  16042:  16018:  16008:  15978:  15970:  15915:  15889:  15863:  15836:  15813:  15785:  15755:  15716:  15666:  15643:  15599:  15574:  15555:Ethics 15534:  15458:  15384:  15303:  15177:  14926:  14895:  14885:  14855:  14845:  14815:  14805:  14778:  14768:  14742:11 May 14716:11 May 14524:  14514:  14488:  14478:  14448:  14438:  14408:  14398:  14369:  14338:  14195:  14166:  14156:  14123:  14068:  13997:  13987:  13955:  13945:  13805:  13778:  13770:  13677:  13671:162588 13669:  13623:  13363:  13313:  13274:) and 13154:  13068:  12933:  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6904:  6695:  6654:  6577:  6548:  6481:  6448:  6421:  6413:  6405:  6310:  6281:  6221:22 May 6209:"Left" 6188:  6128:  6088:  6025:  5960:  5694:states 5540:energy 5503:. The 5403:Walden 5365:states 5119:, and 5089:, and 5024:Turkey 4761:soviet 4631:, and 4587:, and 4426:ones. 4379:, 1966 4282:and a 4134:, and 4075:is an 4048:leader 4046:, the 3932:, and 3881:system 3744:guilds 3676:, and 3455:profit 3319:sports 3201:, 1924 3184:, and 2946:, and 2576:Syriza 2288:Labour 2220:. The 1799:, and 1693:profit 1685:crises 1683:, and 1677:market 1642:public 1634:social 1632:, and 1596:is an 1320:Marcos 1315:Chávez 1305:Corbyn 1280:Manley 1275:Dubček 1265:Nasser 1205:Makhno 1195:Attlee 1180:Martov 1165:Gandhi 1120:Babeuf 1110:Mazdak 1072:Hedges 1052:Öcalan 1037:Newton 997:Sartre 987:Guérin 982:Orwell 932:Korsch 927:Lukács 912:Keller 902:Rocker 847:Ferrer 802:Morris 797:Michel 772:Lavrov 762:Engels 747:Herzen 722:Leroux 654:Yellow 559:Market 534:Jewish 329:Models 27499:Texts 27465:Media 27276:USMCA 27131:CEFTA 27086:AUKUS 27076:ANZUS 27071:ANZUK 27016:Press 26934:Roman 26599:Sport 26543:Chant 26538:Music 26526:Media 26519:Canon 26465:Dance 26395:Latin 26390:Greek 26236:early 25943:Radio 25921:Opera 25916:Music 25819:Crime 25590:Gulag 25468:Cheka 25113:Krais 24863:Užice 24798:Bihać 24758:Banat 24630:Gilan 24577:Syria 24547:China 24522:Burma 24496:Chile 24470:Sudan 24445:Libya 24420:Egypt 24405:Benin 24224:Italy 24214:India 24057:Index 23686:Works 23673:Weber 23638:Spann 23633:Sorel 23598:Röpke 23593:Rawls 23548:Negri 23538:Mosca 23533:Mises 23498:Lenin 23468:Hoppe 23463:Hayek 23428:Fromm 23418:Evola 23408:Dugin 23305:Taine 23285:Smith 23265:Renan 23260:Paine 23181:Iqbal 23166:Hegel 23116:Comte 23106:Burke 23018:Locke 23008:James 22961:Bodin 22893:Dante 22888:Bruni 22842:Shang 22825:Plato 22379:State 22329:Power 22314:Peace 22249:Elite 22227:Terms 22081:Multi 22071:Inter 21944:Green 21368:State 21358:Rhine 21308:Mixed 20962:Sudan 20957:Spain 20947:Japan 20563:Songs 20548:Plays 20464:Films 20444:Books 20403:Peace 20262:Unity 19843:21st 19364:20th 19020:19th 18981:18th 18957:16th 18428:State 18354:Juche 18154:Green 18012:Guild 18007:Green 17572:. In 17459:S2CID 17179:. In 17161:JSTOR 16842:S2CID 16406:Wiley 16266:(PDF) 16200:. In 15976:S2CID 15572:S2CID 15520:. In 15015:(PDF) 14227:(PDF) 14216:(PDF) 14090:[ 13776:S2CID 13675:S2CID 13667:JSTOR 13601:. In 13361:S2CID 13212:. 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