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mother. Our young women were expected to be physically strong....The young women received formal instruction in traditional planting....Since the Iroquois were absolutely dependent upon the crops they grew, whoever controlled this vital activity wielded great power within our communities. It was our belief that since women were the givers of life they naturally regulated the feeding of our people....In all countries, real wealth stems from the control of land and its resources. Our Iroquois philosophers knew this as well as we knew natural law. To us it made sense for women to control the land since they were far more sensitive to the rhythms of the Mother Earth. We did not own the land but were custodians of it. Our women decided any and all issues involving territory, including where a community was to be built and how land was to be used....In our political system, we mandated full equality. Our leaders were selected by a caucus of women before the appointments were subject to popular review....Our traditional governments are composed of an equal number of men and women. The men are chiefs and the women clan-mothers....As leaders, the women closely monitor the actions of the men and retain the right to veto any law they deem inappropriate....Our women not only hold the reins of political and economic power, they also have the right to determine all issues involving the taking of human life. Declarations of war had to be approved by the women, while treaties of peace were subject to their deliberations.
1268:, a village only for women from one tribe with about 36 residents, was established under a matriarch. It was founded on an empty piece of land by women who fled their homes after being raped by British soldiers. They formed a safe-haven in rural Samburu County in northern Kenya. Men of the same tribe established a village nearby from which to observe the women's village, the men's leader objecting to the matriarch's questioning the culture and men suing to close the women's village. As of 2019, 48 women, most of whom who have fled gender-based violence like female genital mutilation, assault, rape, and abusive marriages call Umoja home, living with their children in this all female-village. Many of these women faced stigma in their communities following these attacks and had no choice but to flee. Others sought to escape from the nearby Samburu community, which practices child marriage and female genital mutilation.  In the village, the women practice "collective economic cooperation." The sons are obligated to move out when they turn eighteen. Not only has the Umoja village protected its members, the members have also done extensive work for gender equity in Kenya. The message of the village has spread outside of Kenya as member "Lolosoli's passion for gender equity in Kenya has carried her to speak on social justice at the United Nations and to participate in an international women's rights conference in South Africa." 810:, had as its "gender ideology ... one of female superiority, and it operated within a social actuality of sexual equality." According to LeBow (based on Schlegel's work), in the Hopi, "gender roles ... are egalitarian .... either sex is inferior." LeBow concluded that Hopi women "participate fully in ... political decision-making." According to Schlegel, "the Hopi no longer live as they are described here" and "the attitude of female superiority is fading". Schlegel said the Hopi "were and still are matrilineal" and "the household ... was matrilocal". Schlegel explains why there was female superiority as that the Hopi believed in "life as the highest good ... the female principle ... activated in women and in Mother Earth ... as its source" and that the Hopi had no need for an army as they did not have rivalries with neighbors. Women were central to institutions of clan and household and predominated "within the economic and social systems (in contrast to male predominance within the political and ceremonial systems)." The Clan Mother, for example, was empowered to overturn land distribution by men if she felt it was unfair since there was no "countervailing ... strongly centralized, male-centered political structure". 4889:"Women do not run for office as readily as men do, nor do most women, it seems, call on them to run. It seems that they do not have the same desire to 'run' things as men, to use the word in another political sense that like the first includes standing out in front.... Women are partisan, like men; hence they are political, like men. But not to the same degree. They will readily sail into partisan conflict, but they are not so ready to take the lead and make themselves targets of partisan hostility (though they do write provocative books)." "study .... traces the gender gap ... to 'participatory factors,' such as education and income, that give men greater advantages in civic skills, enabling them to participate politically" "n politics and in other public situations, he willingly takes responsibility when others hang back.... His wife and children ... are weaker", "manliness ... is aggression that develops an assertion, a cause it espouses"... "a woman .... may have less ambition or a different ambition, but being a political animal like a man, she too likes to rule, if in her way". See also 1287:, some women's studies scholars such as Roopleena Banerjee consider the Khasi to be matriarchal. Banerjee asserts that "to assess and account a matriarchal society through the parameters of the patriarchy would be wrong" and that "we should avoid looking at history only through the colonizer/colonized boundaries." The Khasi people consist of many clans who trace their lineage through the matriarchs of the families. A Khasi husband typically moves into his wife's home, and both wife and husband participate equally in raising their children. A Khasi woman named Passah explains that " would come to his wife's home late at night... In the morning, he's back at his mother's home to work in the fields," showing how a man's role consists of supporting his wife and family in Khasi society. Traditionally, the youngest daughter, called the Khadduh, receives and cares for ancestral property. As of 2021, the Khasi continue to practice many female-led customs, with wealth and property being passed down through the female side of the family. 3945:
unable to serve politically because of menstruation and pregnancy, public affairs are too sordid for women and would cost women their respect and femininity (apparently including fertility), superiority is not traditional, women lack the political capacity and authority men have, it is impractical because of a shortage of women with the ability to govern at that level of difficulty as well as the desire and ability to wage war, women are less aggressive, or less often so, than are men and politics is aggressive, women legislating would not serve men's interests or would serve only petty interests, it is contradicted by current science on genderal differences, it is unnatural, and, in the views of a playwright and a novelist, "women cannot govern on their own." On the other hand, another view is that "women have 'empire' over men" because of nature and "men ... are actually obeying" women.
4924:"ability to fight .... is an important claim to rule ..., and it is the culmination of the aggressive manly stereotype we are considering", "who can reasonably deny that women are not as accomplished as men in battle either in spirit or in physique? .... Conservatives say that this proves that women are not the same as men", & "manliness is best shown in war, the defense of one's country at its most difficult and dangerous" "there might come a point when ... stronger persons would have to be fought rather than merely told off.... The very great majority of women would take a pass on the opportunity to be GI Jane. In the NATO countries where women are allowed in combat units they form only 1 percent of the complement.... Whatever their belief about equality, women might reasonably decide they are needed more elsewhere than in combat" 4208:, Greece, on a limited principle of equality. In the play, according to Mansfield, Praxagora, a character, argues that women should rule because they are superior to men, not equal, and yet she declines to assert publicly her right to rule, although elected and although acting in office. The play, Mansfield wrote, also suggests that women would rule by not allowing politics, in order to prevent disappointment, and that affirmative action would be applied to heterosexual relationships. In the play, as Mansfield described it, written when Athens was a male-only democracy where women could not vote or rule, women were presented as unassertive and unrealistic, and thus not qualified to govern. The play, according to Sarah Ruden, was a fable on the theme that women should stay home. 4149:, according to Healey, "held that rule by a woman was contrary to God's law but cautioned against using that reason to oppose such rule". According to Richards, Bullinger said women were normally not to rule. Around 1560, Calvin, in disagreeing with Knox, argued that the existence of the few women who were exceptions showed that theological ground existed for their exceptionalism. Knox's view was much debated in Europe at the time, the issue considered complicated by laws such as on inheritance and since several women were already in office, including as Queens, according to de Abreu. Knox's view is not said to be widely held in modern Protestantism among leadership or laity. 4065:, according to Karma Lekshe Tsomo, some hold that "the Buddha allegedly hesitated to admit women to the Saáč…gha ...." because their inclusion would hasten the demise of the monastic community and the very teachings of Buddhism itself. "In certain Buddhist countries—Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Thailand—women are categorically denied admission to the Saáč…gha, Buddhism's most fundamental institution", according to Tsomo. Tsomo wrote, "throughout history, the support of the Saáč…gha has been actively sought as a means of legitimation by those wishing to gain and maintain positions of political power in Buddhist countries." 4957:"Mrs. Woodhull offers herself in apparent good faith as a candidate, and perhaps she has a remote impression, or rather hope, that she may be elected, but it seems that she is rather in advance of her time. The public mind is not yet educated to the pitch of universal woman's rights" ... "At present man, in his affection for and kindness toward the weaker sex, is disposed to accord her any reasonable number of privileges. Beyond that stage he pauses, because there seems to him to be something which is unnatural in permitting her to share the turmoil, the excitement, the risks of competition for the glory of governing." 29: 4496:
the edges of the herd. Apart from the mating season when they begin to compete with each other, European bison bulls serve a more active role in the herd only once a danger to the group's safety appears. In bonobos, even the highest ranking male will sometimes face aggression from females and is occasionally injured by them. Female bonobos secure feeding privileges and exude social confidence while the males generally cower on the sidelines. The only exceptions are males with influential mothers, so even the rank between the males is influenced strongly by females. Females also initiate group travels.
9620:(Boston, Mass.) (on genderal integration: "essential duty of the female is ... in choosing a father for her children" & "women will always love men", both per col. 2, & "closer union, deeper attachment between men and women", per col. 3; on freedom: " full economic independence.... freedom now allowed our girls", per col. 1, "freedom" (several references), per col. 2, & "feminism .... set free four-fifths of its labor" & "comparative freedom of action possible to women today ", both per col. 3) (microfilm (Bell & Howell)). 5567:(Boston: South End, 1984) (probably former), pp. 181–187 ("freedom came to be seen by some black militants as a liberation from the oppression caused by black women"), hooks, bell, pp. 180–181 ("many black men 'absorbed' the Moynihan ideology, and this misogyny itself became absorbed into the black freedom movement" and included this, "Moynihan's view", as a case of "American neo-Freudian revisionism where women who evidenced the slightest degree of independence were perceived as 'castrating' threats to the male identity"), and see hooks, bell, p. 79. 4018:
leaders but 75% said women could hold other high positions. In 1994, the Muslim Brotherhood said that "social circumstances and traditions" may justify gradualism in the exercise of women's right to hold office (below head of state). Whether the Muslim Brothers still support that statement is unclear. As reported in 1953, Roald reported later, "Islamic organizations held a conference in the office of the Muslim Brothers .... claim ... that it had been proven that political rights for women were contrary to religion". Some nations have specific bans. In
4398:, Mars is ruled by a female Martian known only as The Supervisor, who long ago deemed all male Martians to the trash underground and kept all females in functioning society. The film reveals The Supervisor, for an unexplained reason, changed how Martian society was being run (from children being raised by parents) to Martian children being raised by "Nannybots". The Supervisor sacrifices one Earth mother every twenty-five years for that mother's knowledge of order, discipline and control, which is transferred to the Nannybots who raise the female Martians. 1307: 4009:, the founder and last prophet of Islam. The hadith says, according to Roald, "a people which has a woman as leader will never prosper." The hadith's transmission, context, and meaning have been questioned, wrote Roald. According to Roald, the prohibition has also been attributed as an extension of a ban on women leading prayers "in mixed gatherings". Possibly, Roald noted, the hadith applies only against being head of state and not other high office. One source, wrote Roald, would allow a woman to "occupy every position except that of 749:
scholars relied on "this 'matriarchal' aspect of the myth to differentiate Vietnamese society from the pervasive spread of Chinese Confucian patriarchy," and that "resistance to China's colonization of Vietnam ... the view that Vietnam was originally a matriarchy ... women's struggles for liberation from (Chinese) patriarchy as a metaphor for the entire nation's struggle for Vietnamese independence," and therefore, a "metaphor for the struggle of the matriarchy to resist being overthrown by the patriarchy." According to
1257:. As of 2016, the sole heirs in the family are still daughters. Since 1990, when foreign tourism became permitted, tourists started visiting the Mosuo people. As pointed out by the Xinhua News Agency, "tourism has become so profitable that many Mosuo families in the area who have opened their homes have become wealthy." Although this revived their economy and lifted many out of poverty, it also altered the fabric of their society to have outsiders present who often look down on the Mosuo's cultural practices.   4461: 4089: 904:. Engels speculated that the domestication of animals increased material wealth, which was claimed by men. Engels said that men wanted to control women to use as laborers and to pass on wealth to their children, requiring monogamy; as patriarchy rose, women's status declined until they became mere objects in the exchange trade between men, causing the global defeat of the female sex and the rise of individualism and competition. According to Eller, Engels may have been influenced with respect to women's status by 1519: 390:", according to historian Paula Louise Scalingi. Gynecocracy is defined by Scalingi as "government by women", similar to dictionary definitions (one dictionary adding 'women's social supremacy' to the governing role). Scalingi reported arguments for and against the validity of gynocracy and said, "the humanists treated the question of female rule as part of the larger controversy over sexual equality." Possibly, queenship, because of the power wielded by men in leadership and assisting a queen, leads to 787: 276:, teaching about). The term matriology was used in theology and history of religion as a designation for the study of particular motherly aspects of various female deities. The term was subsequently borrowed by other social sciences and humanities and its meaning was widened in order to describe and define particular female-dominated and female-centered aspects of cultural and social life. The male alternative for matriology is patriology, with patriarchy being the male alternative to matriarchy. 682: 9755:, p. 72 ("the evidence  ... of males ruling over all societies at almost all times" & "males ... have dominated all politics we know of") & 58 ("every previous society, including our democracy up to now, has been some kind of patriarchy, permeated by stubborn, self-insistent manliness" (italics omitted)) and see p. 66 (patriarchy as "based on manliness, not merely those governments staffed by males", applicability depending on the antecedent for "here"). 825:, a constitution by which women participated in the League's political decision-making, including deciding whether to proceed to war, through what may have been a matriarchy or gyneocracy. According to Doug George-Kanentiio, in this society, mothers exercise central moral and political roles. The dates of this constitution's operation are unknown; the League was formed in approximately 1000–1450, but the constitution was oral until written in about 1880. The League still exists. 464: 4631: 4115:. According to Scalingi, the work is "perhaps the best known analysis of gynecocracy" and Knox was "the most notorious" writer on the subject. According to an 1878 edition, Knox's objection to any women reigning and having "empire" over men was theological and it was against nature for women to bear rule, superiority, dominion, or empire above any realm, nation, or city. Susan M. Felch said that Knox's argument was partly grounded on a statement of the 4655: 4619: 4643: 3527: 1041: 142: 523:. The 19th-century belief that matriarchal societies existed was due to the transmission of "economic and social power ... through kinship lines" so that "in a matrilineal society all power would be channeled through women. Women may not have retained all power and authority in such societies ..., but they would have been in a position to control and dispense power... not unlike the nagging wife or the domineering mother." 4345:(2006) introduces New Amazonia, a colony planet with a matriarchal and largely lesbian population who eschew the strict and ruthless population control and environmentalism instituted on Earth. The Amazonians are aggressive, warlike, and subjugate the few men they tolerate for reproduction and service, but they are also pragmatic and defensive of their freedom from the male-dominated Coalition that seeks to conquer them. 950:. However, other anthropologists warned that "the goddess worship or matrilocality that evidently existed in many paleolithic societies was not necessarily associated with matriarchy in the sense of women's power over men. Many societies can be found that exhibit those qualities along with female subordination." According to Eller, Gimbutas had a large part in constructing a myth of historical matriarchy by examining 3835: 3814:"interchangeably" and proposed a discourse "rooted in the purest female chauvinism" and seemed to support "a feminist counterattack stigmatizing the patriarchal present", "giv ... in to a revenge-seeking form of feminism", "build ... her case on the humiliation of men", and "asserti ... a specifically feminine nature ... morally superior." Castro criticized Elizabeth Gould Davis' 3934:, a feminist, wrote that, for feminists to achieve state power, women must democratically cooperate with men. "Women must take their place with a new generation of brothers in a struggle for the world's fortunes. Herland, whether of virtuous matrons or daring sisters, is not an option... he well-being and liberty of women cannot be separated from democracy's survival." ( 425:
intergenerational relationships (as matriarchy may), but do not distinguish between males and females insofar as they apply to specific arrangements for sons as well as daughters from the perspective of their relatives on their mother's side. Accordingly, these concepts do not represent matriarchy as 'power of women over men' but instead familial dynamics.
167:, "'matriarchy' can be thought of ... as a shorthand description for any society in which women's power is equal or superior to men's and in which the culture centers around values and life events described as 'feminine.'" Eller wrote that the idea of matriarchy mainly rests on two pillars, romanticism and modern social criticism. With respect to a 3772:. According to Kathryn Rountree, the belief in a prepatriarchal "Golden Age" of matriarchy may have been more specifically about a matrifocal society, although this was believed more in the 1970s than in the 1990s–2000s and was criticized within feminism and within archaeology, anthropology, and theological study as lacking a scholarly basis, and Prof. 855:, several generations of scholars, usually arguing from known myths or oral traditions and examination of Neolithic female cult-figures, suggested that many ancient societies might have been matriarchal, or even that there existed a wide-ranging matriarchal society prior to the ancient cultures of which we are aware. After Bachofen's three-volume 753:, "the matriarchal flavor of the time is ... attested by the fact that Trung Trac's mother's tomb and spirit temple have survived, although nothing remains of her father", and the "society of the Trung sisters" was "strongly matrilineal". According to Donald M. Seekins, an indication of "the strength of matriarchal values" was that a woman, 199:, claimed that there is a matriarchy among Black families in the United States, because a quarter of them were headed by single women; thus, families composing a substantial minority of a substantial minority could be enough for the latter to constitute a matriarchy within a larger non-matriarchal society with non-matriarchal political dynamics. 111:), matriarchy is a "form of social organization in which the mother or oldest female is the head of the family, and descent and relationship are reckoned through the female line; government or rule by a woman or women." A popular definition, according to James Peoples and Garrick Bailey, is "female dominance". Within the academic discipline of 761:, raised an army of "over 80,000 soldiers ... many of her officers were women", with which they defeated the Chinese. According to Seekins, "in 40, Trung Trac was proclaimed queen, and a capital was built for her" and modern Vietnam considers the Trung sisters to be heroines. According to Karen G. Turner, in the third century A.D., 3721:, with her description of an asserted "female State". The work was described by Rohrlich as a "fictional counterpart" to "so-called Amazon societies". Scholarly interpretations of the fictional work include that women win a war against men, "reconcil" with "those men of good will who come to join them", exercise feminist autonomy through 119:, matriarchy is a "culture or community in which such a system prevails" or a "family, society, organization, etc., dominated by a woman or women" without reference to laws that require women to dominate. In general anthropology, according to William A. Haviland, matriarchy is "rule by women". According to Lawrence A. Kuzner in 1997, 10038:"Holy Scripture inculcates for women a sphere higher than and apart from that of public life; because as women they find a full measure of duties, cares and responsibilities and are unwilling to bear additional burdens unsuited to their physical organization.", a "signed ... petition against female suffrage" (January, 1871), in 3725:, decide how to govern, and rule the men. The women confronting men are, according to Tucker Farley, diverse and thus stronger and more united and, continued Farley, permit a "few ... men, who are willing to accept a feminist society of primitive communism, ... to live." Another interpretation is that the author created an 3618:, in 1911 and 1914, argued for "a woman-centered, or better mother-centered, world" and described "government by women". She argued that a government led by either sex must be assisted by the other, both genders being "useful ... and should in our governments be alike used", because men and women have different qualities. 4128:. On the popularity of Knox's views, Patricia-Ann Lee said Knox's "fierce attack on the legitimacy of female rule ... he said ... little that was unacceptable ... to most of his contemporaries", although Judith M. Richards disagreed on whether the acceptance was quite so widespread. According to David Laing's 5555:(1965) ("In this analysis Moynihan asserted that since a fourth of black families were headed by single women, black society was a matriarchy .... his situation undermined the confidence and 'manhood' of black men, and therefore prevented their competing successfully in the white work world.") and citing 171:, according to Barbara Epstein, "matriarchy ... means a social system organized around matriliny and goddess worship in which women have positions of power." According to Adler, in the Marxist tradition, it usually refers to a pre-class society "where women and men share equally in production and power." 1155:
retribution on sinners. While not a creation of the Hebrew Bible, Shekinah appears in a slightly later Aramaic translation of the Bible in the first or second century C.E., according to Patai. Initially portrayed as the presence of God, she later becomes distinct from God, taking on more physical attributes.
1358:, and that their females observed their ancient maternal customs, "frequently hunting on horseback with their husbands; in war taking the field; and wearing the very same dress as the men". Moreover, said Herodotus, "no girl shall wed till she has killed a man in battle". Amazons came to play a role in 6421:, p. 71 (Ahu Ho Gong, Padaung chief: "no man can be chief over women. I am chief of the men. But women, well! Women only do what they themselves wish" & "it is the same with women all over the world", pp. 52–53, & "no man can rule over women. They just do what they themselves want"). 3944:
Other criticisms of matriarchy are that it could result in reverse sexism or discrimination against men, that it is opposed by most people including most feminists, or that many women do not want leadership positions. governing takes women away from family responsibilities, women are too likely to be
are a form of advocacy. According to Tineke Willemsen, "a feminist utopia would ... be the description of a place where at least women would like to live." Willemsen continues, among "type of feminist utopias ... stem from feminists who emphasize the differences between women and men. They
This mythical matriarchal conception corresponds to the conception of the Basques, clearly reflected in their mythology. The Earth is the mother of the Sun and the Moon, compared to Indo-European patriarchal conceptions, where the sun is reflected as a God, numen or male spirit. Prayers and greetings
In our society, women are the center of all things. Nature, we believe, has given women the ability to create; therefore it is only natural that women be in positions of power to protect this function....We traced our clans through women; a child born into the world assumed the clan membership of its
as the kinship structure of a social system whereby the mothers assume structural prominence. The term does not necessarily imply domination by women or mothers. In addition, some authors depart from the premise of a mother-child dyad as the core of a human group where the grandmother was the central
against women teaching or usurping authority over men. According to Maria Zina Gonçalves de Abreu, Knox argued that a woman being a national ruler was unnatural and that women were unfit and ineligible for the post. Kathryn M. Brammall said Knox "considered the rule of female monarchs to be anathema
Biology as a ground for holding either males or females superior over the other has been criticized as invalid, such as by Andrea Dworkin and by Robin Morgan. A claim that women have unique characteristics that prevent women's assimilation with men has been apparently rejected by Ti-Grace Atkinson.
Adler reported, "if feminists have diverse views on the matriarchies of the past, they also are of several minds on the goals for the future. A woman in the coven of Ursa Maior told me, 'right now I am pushing for women's power in any way I can, but I don't know whether my ultimate aim is a society
that maintains that the existence of a psychosocial structure centered or focused on the matriarchal-feminine archetype (mother / woman, which finds in the archetype of the great Basque mother Mari, her precipitate as a projection of Mother Earth / nature) that "permeates, coagulates and unites the
split Zeus's head, allowing Athena, in full battle armor, to burst forth from his forehead. Athena was thus described as being "born" from Zeus. The outcome pleased Zeus as it didn't fulfill the prophecy of Themis which (according to Aeschylus) predicted that Zeus will one day bear a son that would
herds has also been described by specialists as a matriarchy – the cows of the group lead it as the entire herd follows them to grazing areas. Though heavier and larger than the females, the older and more powerful males of the European bison usually fulfill the role of satellites that hang around
3587: 424:
Some people who sought evidence for the existence of a matriarchy often mixed matriarchy with anthropological terms and concepts describing specific arrangements in the field of family relationships and the organization of family life, such as matrilineality and matrilocality. These terms refer to
Gynecocracy, gynaecocracy, gynocracy, gyneocracy, and gynarchy generally mean 'government by women over women and men'. All of these words are synonyms in their most important definitions, and while these words all share that principal meaning, they differ a little in their additional meanings, so
in 2005, with papers published. Göttner-Abendroth argued that "matriarchies are all egalitarian at least in terms of gender—they have no gender hierarchy .... or many matriarchal societies, the social order is completely egalitarian at both local and regional levels", that, "for our own path
and her metamorphoses offers all a typical symbolism of the matriarchal-naturalistic context. According to the archetype of the Great Mother, this is usually related to fertility cults, as in the case of Mari, who is the determinant of fertility-fecundity, the maker of rain or hail, that on whose
said, according to Healey, "that government by a woman was a deviation from the original and proper order of nature, and therefore among the punishments humanity incurred for original sin". Nonetheless, Calvin would not always question a woman's right to inherit rule of a realm or principality.
was feminist utopian fiction by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1911, featuring a community entirely of women except for three men who seek it out, strong women in a matriarchal utopia expected to last for generations, demonstrated a marked era of peace and personal satisfaction, although Charlotte
According to Eller, "a deep distrust of men's ability to adhere to" future matriarchal requirements may invoke a need "to retain at least some degree of female hegemony to insure against a return to patriarchal control", "feminists ... the understanding that female dominance is better for
believed that a "matriarchal counterrevolution patriarchal revolution"] ... is the only hope for the survival of the human race." She believed that "spiritual force", "mental and spiritual gifts", and "extrasensory perception" will be more important and therefore that "woman will ...
goddess, her worship was adopted by Hebrews who intermarried with Canaanites. She was worshipped in public and was represented by carved wooden poles. Numerous small nude female figurines of clay were found all over ancient Palestine and a seventh-century Hebrew text invokes her aid for a woman
is said to be evidence of "the presence of an original 'matriarchy' in North Vietnam and led to the double kinship system, which developed there .... combined matrilineal and patrilineal patterns of family structure and assigned equal importance to both lines." Chiricosta said that other
as the "investigation and presentation of non-patriarchal societies", effectively defining matriarchy as non-patriarchy. She has also defined matriarchy as characterized by the sharing of power equally between the two genders. According to Diane LeBow, "matriarchal societies are often described
has stated that women may not be president or head of state but may hold other public offices but, "as for judiciary office, .... he majority of jurispudents ... have forbidden it completely." In a study of 82 Islamists in Europe, according to Roald, 80% said women could not be state
is a caricature of powered gender relations which have been completely reversed, with the female sex on the top and the male sex a degraded, oppressed group"; "gender inequality is expressed through power inversion" and "all gender roles are reversed and women rule over a class of intimidated,
When we hear the word "matriarchy", we are conditioned to a number of responses: that matriarchy refers to the past and that matriarchies have never existed; that matriarchy is a hopeless fantasy of female domination, of mothers dominating children, of women being cruel to men. Conditioning us
is an early feminist utopia (published 1905) based on advanced science and technology developed by women, set in a society, Ladyland, run by women, where "the power of males is taken away and given to females," and men are secluded and primarily attend to domestic duties, according to Seemin
tend to formulate their ideal world in terms of a society where women's positions are better than men's. There are various forms of matriarchy, or even a utopia that resembles the Greek myth of the Amazons.... ery few modern utopias have been developed in which women are absolute autocrats."
explains that "the ancient Vietnamese family system was most likely matriarchal, with women ruling over the clan or tribe" until the Vietnamese "adopt ... the patriarchal system introduced by the Chinese." That being said, even after adopting the patriarchal Chinese system, Vietnamese women,
is sometimes used, and, while more accurate, still does not reflect the full complexity of their social organization. In fact, it is not easy to categorize Mosuo culture within traditional Western definitions. They have aspects of a matriarchal culture: women are often the head of the house,
558:. There are some disagreements and possible exceptions. A belief that women's rule preceded men's rule was, according to Haviland, "held by many nineteenth-century intellectuals". The hypothesis survived into the 20th century and was notably advanced in the context of feminism and especially 5030:"To promote a woman to beare rule, superioritie, dominion or empire aboue any realme, nation, or citie, is repugnant to nature, contumelie to God, a thing most contrarious to his reueled will and approued ordinance, and finallie it is the subuersion of good order, of all equitie and iustice" 4013:(the leader of all Muslims)." One exception to the head-of-state prohibition was accepted without a general acceptance of women in political leadership, Roald reported. Political activism at lower levels may be more acceptable to Islamist women than top leadership positions, said Roald. The 3948:
Pursuing a future matriarchy would tend to risk sacrificing feminists' position in present social arrangements, and many feminists are not willing to take that chance, according to Eller. "Political feminists tend to regard discussions of what utopia would look like as a good way of setting
cultures that never really resembled the alleged universal matriarchy. She asserts that in "actually documented primitive societies" of recent (historical) times, paternity is never ignored and that the sacred status of goddesses does not automatically increase female social status, and she
is the name of the feminine holy spirit who embodies both divine radiance and compassion. Exemplifying various traits associated with mothers, she comforts the sick and dejected, accompanies the Jews whenever they are exiled, and intercedes with God to exercise mercy rather than to inflict
The word matriarchy, for a society politically led by females, especially mothers, who also control property, is often interpreted to mean the general opposite of patriarchy, but it is not an opposite. According to Peoples and Bailey, the view of anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday is that
5233:(Cornell University Press, 2002) ("matriarchies are not a mirror form of patriarchies but rather ... a matriarchy "emphasizes maternal meanings where 'maternal symbols are linked to social practices influencing the lives of both sexes and where women play a central role in these practices 900:, in 1884, claimed that, in the earliest stages of human social development, there was group marriage and that therefore paternity was disputable, whereas maternity was not, so that a family could be traced only through the female line. This was a materialist interpretation of Bachofen's 162:
and Elizabeth Shanklin wrote, "by 'matriarchy,' we mean a non-alienated society: a society in which women, those who produce the next generation, define motherhood, determine the conditions of motherhood, and determine the environment in which the next generation is reared." According to
4140:, who, according to Lee, "considered the woman ruler to be a monster in nature, and used ... scriptural argument to prove that females were barred ... from any political power", even if, according to Richards, the woman was "virtuous". Some views included conditionality; while 3700:
public and social institutions". She also wrote that women fare better when controlling the means of production and that equality with men should not be supported, even if female domination is no more "just" than male domination. On the other hand, in 1985, she was "probably more of a
Bamberger (1974) examines several matriarchal myths from South American cultures and concludes that portraying the women from this matriarchal period as immoral often serves to restrain contemporary women in these societies, providing reason for the overthrow by the patriarchy.
Some theologies and theocracies limit or forbid women from being in civil government or public leadership or forbid them from voting, effectively criticizing and forbidding matriarchy. Within none of the following religions is the respective view necessarily universally held:
matriarchies are not a mirror or inverted form of patriarchies but rather that a matriarchy "emphasizes maternal meanings where 'maternal symbols are linked to social practices influencing the lives of both sexes and where women play a central role in these practices
According to Adler, "a number of feminists note that few definitions of the word , despite its literal meaning, include any concept of power, and they suggest that centuries of oppression have made it impossible for women to conceive of themselves with such power."
to good government" and that Knox "also attacked those who obeyed or supported female leaders", including men. Robert M. Healey said that Knox objected to women's rule even if men accepted it. On whether Knox personally endorsed what he wrote, according to Felch,
3674:, Veronica A. Ouma reviewed the book and argued her view that while Dworkin "pays lip service to the egalitarian nature of ... societies , she envisions a state whereby women either impose gender equality or a state where females rule supreme above males." 923:(1930), the first work to focus on women's cultural history, a classic of feminist matriarchal study. Her view is that all past human societies were originally matriarchal, while most later shifted to patriarchy and degenerated. The controversy intensified with 308:. All these terms meant the same: the rule by females (mother or wife). Although Bachofen and Lewis Morgan confined the "mother-right" inside households, it was the basis of female influence upon the whole society. The authors of the classics did not think that 385:
Some question whether a queen ruling without a king is sufficient to constitute female government, given the amount of participation of other men in most such governments. One view is that it is sufficient. "By the end of Elizabeth's reign, gynecocracy was a
4050:, according to Marsha Freeman, it reserved nonenforcement for any religious communities that forbid women from sitting on religious courts. According to Freeman, "the tribunals that adjudicate marital issues are by religious law and by custom entirely male." 1346:, "in Amazon societies, women were ... mothers and their society's only political and religious leaders", as well as the only warriors and hunters; "queens were elected" and apparently "any woman could aspire to and achieve full human expression." 702:
inheritance is through the female line, and women make business decisions. However, unlike in a true matriarchy, political power tends to be in the hands of males, and the current culture of the Mosuo has been heavily shaped by their minority status.
10796:"There were occasionally women so endowed, that the singular good qualities which shone forth in them made it evident that they were raised up by Divine authority". Calvin, letter to William Cecil (on or after January 29, 1559 (probably 1560)), in 3635:
sometimes means "the political rule of women", that meaning is often rejected, on the ground that matriarchy is not a mirroring of patriarchy. Patriarchy is held to be about power over others while matriarchy is held to be about power from within,
1448:'s studies of Celtic societies show that the power of women was reflected not only in myth and legend but in legal codes pertaining to marriage, divorce, property ownership, and the right to rule...although this was overthrown by the patriarchy." 3905:
society—and better for men—than the present world order", as is equalitarianism. On the other hand, Eller continued, if men can be trusted to accept equality, probably most feminists seeking future matriarchy would accept an equalitarian model.
having written on that distinction and Adler having argued that matriarchal power is not possessive and not controlling, but is harmonious with nature, arguing that women are uniquely capable of using power without exploitative purposes.
933:(1948) and his later analysis of classical Greek mythology, focusing on the reconstruction of earlier myths that had conjecturally been rewritten after a transition from matriarchal to patriarchal religion in very early historical times. 4030:
of 35 nations having 90% of the world's Muslims, "substantial majorities of both sexes in all the major Muslim countries say that women should be allowed to vote without influence from men ... and to serve in the highest levels of
542:, Olga Soffer, and Jake Page, no true matriarchy is known to have actually existed. Anthropologist Joan Bamberger argued that the historical record contains no primary sources on any society in which women dominated. Anthropologist 6319:"The view of matriarchy as constituting a stage of cultural development now is generally discredited. Furthermore, the consensus among modern anthropologists and sociologists is that a strictly matriarchal society never existed." 4915:" Aristotle .... s women do not have the authority, the political capacity, of men, they are, as it were, elbowed out of politics and ushered into the household.... Meanwhile, the male rules because of his greater authority". 1093:
According to Rohrlich, "many scholars are convinced that Crete was a matriarchy, ruled by a queen-priestess" and the "Cretan civilization" was "matriarchal" before "1500 BC," when it was overrun and colonized by the patriarchy.
4176:'gynocentric,' life-loving values" will return to prominence. This, according to Eller, produces "a virtually infinite number of years of female equality or superiority coming both at the beginning and end of historical time". 8762: 718:, India, "has a matriarchal society", but this may not be scholarly. In Kerala, Nairs, Thiyyas, Brahmins of Payyannoor village and Muslims of North Malabar and in Karnataka, Bunts and Billavas follow the matrilineal system. 10830:
An Harborowe for Faithfull and Trewe Subiects agaynst the late blowne Blast, concerninge the Gouernment of Wemen wherin be confuted all such reasons as a straunger of late made in that behalfe, with a briefe exhortation to
9374:(N.Y.: Links, 1974 (SBN (not ISBN) 0-8256-3023-1)) (may preclude female nationalism (relevant herein insofar as female nationalism is matriarchal)); also there exists (not read by this Knowledge editor) Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 4179:
Among criticisms is that a future matriarchy, according to Eller, as a reflection of spirituality, is conceived as ahistorical, and thus may be unrealistic, unreachable, or even meaningless as a goal to secular feminists.
According to William S. Turley, "the role of women in traditional Vietnamese culture was determined by ... indigenous customs bearing traces of matriarchy", affecting "different social classes" to "varying degrees".
8189:] in her article three large classes of utopias: ... 2) feminists who emphasize the difference ; in these utopias women have a better position than men or feminine qualities are more valued than masculine ones"). 4447:, published between 2004 and 2020, follows an alternate history of Japan in which most of the male population is killed by a disease, resulting in a matriarchal society. It is best known in the United States by its 2023 3806:
predominate", and that it is "about ... the next civilization will ... revolve", as in the kind of past that she believed existed. According to critic Prof. Ginette Castro, Elizabeth Gould Davis used the words
envisioned a "return to the former glory and wise equanimity of the matriarchies" in the future and "imagined lesbians as constituting an imaginary radical state, and invoked 'the return to the harmony of statehood and
9357: 405:
as "an extreme, feminist wing" of humanity and that North African women "ruled the country politically" before being overthrown by forms of patriarchy and, according to Adler, Diner "envision a dominance matriarchy".
Diversity within a proposed community can, according to Becki L. Ross, make it especially challenging to complete forming the community. However, some advocacy includes diversity, in the views of Dworkin and Farley.
4333:(2005) is set in a world where, according to Page Traynor, "women are in charge", "boys are rare and valued but not free", and "boys are kept at home to do the cooking and child caring until the time they marry". 4076:, "India's most extensive all-male Hindu nationalist organization," has debated whether women can ever be Hindu nationalist political leaders but without coming to a conclusion, according to Paola Bacchetta. The 183:
negatively to matriarchy is, of course, in the interests of patriarchs. We are made to feel that patriarchy is natural; we are less likely to question it, and less likely to direct our energies to ending it.
3908:"Demographic", "feminist matriarchalists run the gamut" but primarily are "in white, well-educated, middle-class circles"; many of the adherents are "religiously inclined" while others are "quite secular". 3825:
was interested in matriarchy and was one of the largest of the radical feminist women's liberation groups of the 1960s. Two members wanted "the restoration of female rule", but the organization's founder,
4377:, which is a collaborative online horror fiction website, the Daevites are an ancient society in which women took the roles of both religious and political leaders, and men often take the place of slaves 3739:, when published). She considered equal rights as tokenism that works against sisterhood, even as she supported abortion being legal and other reforms. She considered her book pro-female and anti-male. 4047: 3919:
is that the best qualified people should be chosen, regardless of gender or sex. On the other hand, Mansfield considered merit insufficient for office, because a legal right granted by a sovereign (
indicates that Brittonnic society permitted explicit female autocracy or a form of gender equality which contrasted strongly with the patriarchal Mediterranean civilisation that later overthrew it.
Bamberger, Joan, The Myth of Matriarchy: Why Men Rule in Primitive Society, in M. Rosaldo & L. Lamphere, Women, Culture, and Society (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1974), p. 279.
3614:, in 1871, called for men to open the U.S. government to women or a new constitution and government would be formed in a year; and, on a basis of equality, she ran to be elected president in 1872. 4227:
is an early feminist utopian novel (published 1889), which is matriarchal in that all political leadership roles in New Amazonia are required to be held by women, according to Duangrudi Suksang.
Some fiction caricatured the current gender hierarchy by describing an inverted matriarchal alternative without necessarily advocating for it. According to Karin Schönpflug, "Gerd Brantenberg's
4111: 1298:
and elsewhere have highlighted the central role of women in their societies, referring to them as matriarchies, in danger of being overthrown by the patriarchy, or as matriarchal in character.
at times, according to Elaheh Rostami Povey, women have been forbidden to fill some political office roles because of law or because of judgments made under the Islamic religion. According to
to personify the matriarchal culture that mitigated Confucianized patriarchal norms .... she is also painted as something of a freak ... with her ... savage, violent streak."
6652:, p. 12 and see pp. 13 & 32 (the "three persons" apparently being the sisters Trung Trac and Trung Nhi in A.D. 40, per p. 12, & Trieu Au in A.D. 248, per p. 13). 4995:
Another translation is, "a people which has a woman as a leader will not succeed." The 2001 author's paraphrase of the hadith, "the people who have a female leader will not succeed", is at
in pre-Hellenic societies. The concept was further investigated by Lewis Morgan. According to Uwe Wesel, Bachofen's myth interpretations have proved to be untenable. According to historian
9897:, p. 50 ("our science rather clumsily confirms the stereotype about manliness, the stereotype that stands stubbornly in the way of the gender-neutral society") and see pp. 43–49. 9712:(N.Y.: Burt Franklin, 1970 (1838)), p. 81 (objecting to women "participating in government", "reflecting perhaps the Victorian notion that public affairs were too sordid for women"). 1714: 554:, features shared by nearly all current human societies) includes men being the "dominant element" in public political affairs, which he asserts is the contemporary opinion of mainstream 4042:
leaders, a position, beginning before Israel became a modern state, has been that for women to hold public office in Israel would threaten the state's existence, according to educator
1626: 4819:
Adler wrote a matriarchy is "a realm where female things are valued and where power is exerted in non-possessive, non-controlling, and organic ways that are harmonious with nature."
Goettner-Abendroth, Heide (2009b). "The deep structure of matriarchal society: findings and political relevance of modern matriarchal studies". In Heide Goettner-Abendroth (ed.).
Societies of Peace: Matriarchies Past, Present and Future: Selected Papers: First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies, 2003 / Second World Congress on Matriarchal Studies, 2005
Societies of Peace: Matriarchies Past, Present and Future: Selected Papers: First World Congress on Matriarchal Studies, 2003 / Second World Congress on Matriarchal Studies, 2005
Suionibus Sithonum gentes continuantur, cetera similes uno differunt, quod femina dominatur: in tantum non modo a libertate, sed etiam a servitute degenerant. Hic Suebiae finis.
Matriarchy has often been presented as negative, in contrast to patriarchy as natural and inevitable for society, and thus that matriarchy is hopeless. Love and Shanklin wrote:
6405: 3780:
would generously include "a place for men ... in which they can be happy and productive, if not necessarily powerful and in control" and might have social power as well.
9370:, December, 1979 (interview) (mentioning "female nationalism" (relevant herein insofar as the female nationalism is matriarchal) & women as nation); Atkinson, Ti-Grace, 4966:"Koranic verse 4: 34 ... has been used to denounce female leadership" ("4: 34" spaced so in original), but the verse may apply to family life rather than to politics. 7125:
Das Mutterrecht. Eine Untersuchung ĂŒber die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiösen und rechtlichen Natur. Eine Auswahl herausgegeben von Hans-JĂŒrgen Heinrichs
11185: 7817:)), p. 9 ("women must organize against patriarchy as a class") but see p. 11 ("some radical feminists ... opt ... for anarchistic, violent methods"). 1158:
Meanwhile, the Indo-Europeans were known to have practiced multiple succession systems, and there is much better evidence of matrilineal customs among the Indo-European
10370:(1919) ("In the Torah, in the Prophets and in the Writings, in the Halacha and in the Aggadah, we hear ... that the duty of fixed public service falls upon men."). 10245:, as accessed March 5, 2011 (search for "Role of Women in Islamic Society" without quotation marks yielding no results), but a document with similar relevant effect is 1253:
people are an ethnic group in southwest China. They are considered one of the most well-known matriarchal societies, although many scholars assert that they are rather
meant 'female government' in politics. They were aware of the fact that the sexual structure of government had no relation to domestic rule and to roles of both sexes.
depicts a world (Barbieland) ruled entirely by Barbies in positions such as doctors, scientists, lawyers, and politicians while the Kens spend their time at the beach.
3830:, would have objected had she remained in the organization, because, according to a historian, " had always doubted that women would wield power differently from men." 3709:
particular institutions and can use them to serve women's interests. Reproduction is a case in point." Spender wrote Chesler "remarks ... women will be superior".
777: 1709: 1401:
suggested that a myth displaced earlier myths that had to change when a major cultural change brought patriarchy to replace a matriarchy. According to this myth, in
4124:, in 1968, argued that even Knox may not have personally believed his stated position but may have merely pandered to popular sentiment, itself a point disputed by 3776:
wrote that "the evidence  ... of males ruling over all societies at almost all times". Eller said that, other than a few separatist radical lesbian feminists,
1641: 3854:
where all human beings are equal, regardless of the bodies they were born into, or whether I would rather see a society where women had institutional authority.
wrote that Chesler "takes a ... stand  .... quality is a spurious goal, and of no use to women: the only way women can protect themselves is if they
515:, in which descent is traced through the female line, is sometimes conflated with historical matriarchy. Sanday favors redefining and reintroducing the word 416:, and "invert ... the privilege of the ... binary ... arguing for 'the superiority of values embodied in traditionally female experience'". 93:
societies. While some may consider any non-patriarchal system to be matriarchal, most academics exclude those systems from matriarchies as strictly defined.
5021:"I am assured that God hath reueled to some in this our age, that it is more then a monstre in nature, that a woman shall reigne and haue empire aboue man." 1631: 714:
as Scheduled Tribes, "some ... matriarchal and matrilineal" "and thus have been known to be more egalitarian". According to interviewer Anuj Kumar,
argued in 1924 that the definitions of matriarchy and patriarchy had "logical and empirical failings (...) were too vague to be scientifically useful".
6358: 4172:
conceptualized humanity as beginning with "female-ruled or equalitarian societies", until displaced by patriarchies, and that in the millennial future
3991: 3670:
stated that she wanted women to have their own country, "Womenland," which, comparable to Israel, would serve as a "place of potential refuge". In the
1748: 130:, a reluctance to accept the existence of matriarchies might be based on a specific culturally biased notion of how to define matriarchy: because in a 3701:
feminist-anarchist ... more mistrustful of the organisation of power into large bureaucratic states ". Between Chesler's 1972 and 2005 editions,
1181:"You Spartan women are the only women that lord it over your men", to which Gorgo replied: "Yes, for we are the only women that are mothers of men!" 1139:
that the Jewish religion, far from being pure monotheism, contained from earliest times strong polytheistic elements, chief of which was the cult of
as "the last matriarchal society in Europe" because "the older women here take care of almost everything on land as their husbands travel the seas".
581:(1975) stated that "the predominance of a supreme goddess is probably a reflection from the practice of matriarchy which at all times characterized 11022: 8306:, p. 347 (italics so in original) and see pp. 296, 335–336, 337–338, 340, 341, 345, 346, 347, & 348–349 and see also pp. 294–295 3768:, "an ancient matriarchy ... the lost object of women's freedom." Prof. Cynthia Eller found widespread acceptance of matriarchal myth during 3644:
For radical feminists, the importance of matriarchy is that "veneration for the female principle ... somewhat lightens an oppressive system."
3056: 7360: 3758: 3745:
has also long advocated for a return to matriarchy, a restoration of its status before its overthrow by patriarchy, along with associated author
4902:"Athenians were extreme, but almost no Greeks or Romans thought women should participate in government. There was no approved public forum for 3658:, have argued that women should govern societies of women and men. In all of these advocacies, the governing women are not limited to mothers: 2887: 7485: 3897:
toward new egalitarian societies, we can gain ... insight from ... matriarchal patterns", and that "matriarchies are not abstract
2440: 192:
as ... egalitarian ...", although anthropologist Ruby Rohrlich has written of "the centrality of women in an egalitarian society."
The Matriarchal Studies school led by Göttner-Abendroth calls for an even more inclusive redefinition of the term: Göttner-Abendroth defines
Poldervaart, Saskia (1997). "Utopianism and feminism: some conclusions". In Alkeline van Lenning; Marrie Bekker; Ine Vanwesenbeeck (eds.).
781: 8111: 437: 12639:
Willemsen, Tineke M. (1997). "Feminism and utopias: an introduction". In Alkeline van Lenning; Marrie Bekker; Ine Vanwesenbeeck (eds.).
5520: 744:
especially peasant women, still held a higher position than women in most patriarchal societies. According to Chiricosta, the legend of
men rule over women, a matriarchy has frequently been conceptualized as women ruling over men, while she believed that matriarchies are
Rountree, Kathryn (2001). "The past is a foreigners' country: goddess feminists, archaeologists, and the appropriation of prehistory".
11113: 7879:
Woman, Church and State: A Historical Account of the Status of Women through the Christian Ages; with Reminiscences of the Matriarchate
3555: 7390: 4080:, a counterpart organization composed of women, believes that women can be Hindu nationalist political leaders and has trained two in 11418:
Bacchetta, Paola (2002). "Hindu nationalist women: on the use of the feminine symbolic to (temporarily) displace male authority". In
11203: 1731: 1726: 509:
states that she uses "the term matristic simply to avoid the term matriarchy with the understanding that it incorporates matriliny."
452:. Matrifocal societies are those in which women, especially mothers, occupy a central position. Anthropologist R. T. Smith refers to 4471:
Matriarchy may also refer to non-human animal species in which females hold higher status and hierarchical positions, such as among
12922: 12576:
Tsomo, Karma Lekshe (1999). "Mahāprajāpatī's legacy: the Buddhist women's movement: an introduction". In Karma Lekshe Tsomo (ed.).
5634: 2385: 1743: 12198:
The Celebration of the Fantastic: Selected Papers from the Tenth Anniversary International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
7456: 5615: 5212: 4358:(2016), women develop the ability to release electrical jolts from their fingers, thus leading them to become the dominant gender. 442:
Anthropologists have begun to use the term matrifocality. There is some debate concerning the terminological delineation between
11332: 9066: 7417:"Mosuo People Maintain Rare Matriarchal Society (2)." Xinhua News Agency – CEIS, Jun 11 2000, p. 1. ProQuest. Web. 18 Apr. 2021. 6940:
The Social and Political Position of Women Among the Huron-Iroquois Tribes, Report of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology
4291:(1988), the only men who live in Women's Country are the "servitors," who are servants to the women, according to Peter Fitting. 3949:
themselves up for disappointment", according to Eller, and argue that immediate political issues must get the highest priority.
perspective, they hint at a possible earlier era when female power predominated. The first-century historical British figure of
1143:, the mother goddess. A story in the Biblical Book of Judges places the worship of Asherah in the 12th century BC. Originally a 8807:
McCoy, Sherry; Hicks, Maureen (1979). "A Psychological Retrospective on Power in the Contemporary Lesbian-Feminist Community".
6451: 6071: 2865: 1558: 851:. Several generations of ethnologists were inspired by his pseudo-evolutionary theory of archaic matriarchy. Following him and 9885:, p. 80 n. 51 ("successful ambition in women makes them more womanish in the sense of representing women's views"). 7174:
Die Frau und der Sozialismus. Als Beitrag zur Emanzipation unserer Gesellschaft, bearbeitet und kommentiert von Monika Seifert
7009: 12690: 12671: 12648: 12629: 12610: 12585: 12566: 12539: 12516: 12495: 12417: 12395: 12343: 12324: 12224: 12205: 12182: 12163: 12142: 12109: 12089: 12030: 11967: 11919: 11893: 11874: 11855: 11833: 11812: 11756: 11737: 11689: 11665: 11611: 11588: 11538: 11514: 11485: 11431: 11408: 10339: 10026: 9544: 9447: 9353: 9129: 8749: 8040: 7639: 7262: 7097: 6257: 6199: 5470: 3504: 3350: 2552: 1553: 1229:) contain ambiguous episodes of primal female power which have been interpreted as folk evidence of matriarchal attitudes in 11747:
Farley, Tucker (1984). "Realities and fictions: lesbian visions of Utopia". In Ruby Rohrlich; Elaine Hoffman Baruch (eds.).
Brammall, Kathryn M. (1996). "Monstrous metamorphosis: nature, morality, and the rhetoric of monstrosity in Tudor England".
9146: 6538:
Mukherjee, Sucharita Sinha (2013). "Women's Empowerment and Gender Bias in the Birth and Survival of Girls in Urban India".
Sinha Mukherjee, Sucharita (2013). "Women's Empowerment and Gender Bias in the Birth and Survival of Girls in Urban India".
12874: 12826:
Sukumar, R. (July 2006). "A brief review of the status, distribution and biology of wild Asian elephants Elephas maximus".
10314: 9110: 3579:
has mostly fallen out of use for the anthropological description of existing societies, it remains current as a concept in
3473: 3403: 2713: 1696: 7513: 1097:
Also according to Rohrlich, "in the early Sumerian city-states 'matriarchy seems to have left something more than a trace.
10406:, p. 65 (the tribunals are discussed in the context of "the marital law regime in each religion", including Judaism) 5256: 3483: 3478: 3173: 2897: 2498: 7631:
Latino and Latina Writers: Cuban and Cuban American authors; Dominican and other authors; Puerto Rican authors. Volume 2
7429: 4046:, who reports the view has "wide consensus". When Israel ratified the international women's equality agreement known as 1370:
and the Amazons. Although Strabo was sceptical about their historicity, the Amazons were taken as historical throughout
wrote, "literally, ... means government by mothers, or more broadly, government and power in the hands of women."
11679: 7753:(Abhandlungen der philosophisch-philologischen Classe der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1849), 63. 6057: 2698: 1721: 1701: 1016: 11978: 3888:'s International Academy for Modern Matriarchal Studies and Matriarchal Spirituality (HAGIA) organized conferences in 1866: 1108:
were matriarchal while the Indo-Europeans practiced a patriarchal system. An example of this view is found in Stone's
12908: 12889: 12819: 12804: 12789: 12774: 12755: 12305: 12278: 11268: 9931: 9833: 9568: 9439: 9345: 9324: 9316: 8991: 8934: 8452: 8431: 8259: 8232: 8120: 7935: 7838: 7814: 7233: 6801: 6776: 6439: 6389: 6220: 5853: 5818: 5663: 5192: 5171: 4853: 3509: 3488: 3423: 3391: 2378: 2206: 1080: 565:
Matriarchs, according to Peoples and Bailey, do exist; there are "individual matriarchs of families and kin groups."
society defines a society in which a couple resides close to the bride's family rather than the bridegroom's family.
Matriarchy is also the public formation in which the woman occupies the ruling position in a family. Some, including
9087: 6156: 2163: 1378:
spoke of the Amazons as a real people. Medieval authors continued a tradition of locating the Amazons in the North,
11979:"Iroquois Great Law of Peace and the United States Constitution: How the Founding Fathers Ignored the Clan Mothers" 7578: 7185: 6477: 6336: 2828: 2395: 1666: 1105: 885:
is a recent non-academic author advocating an "anthropology of landscape" based on allegedly matriarchal traces in
7841:)), p. 52 ("radical feminist theory .... could, indeed, be said to point in the direction of 'matriarchy 1444:
plenty of evidence of ancient societies where women held greater power than in many societies today. For example,
People, in 1901; with her mother, White Corn; her eldest daughter, Annie Healing holding her granddaughter, Rachel
12965: 3792: 1676: 1621: 1000: 4299: 3686:(1993), fiction, wrote of "a utopia where women are leading societies but are doing so with the consent of men." 256:
Terms with similar etymology are also used in various social sciences and humanities to describe matriarchal or
Most academics exclude egalitarian nonpatriarchal systems from matriarchies more strictly defined. According to
9103: 7629: 5326:, pp. 161–162 & 184 & n. 84 (p. 184 n. 84 probably citing Spretnak, Charlene, ed., 4287: 3873:
is not a typical example of gender inequality in the sense that a vision of a desirable matriarchy is created;
3548: 3340: 2995: 2961: 2870: 2348: 1661: 1062: 847:
The controversy surrounding prehistoric or "primal" matriarchy began in reaction to the 1861 book by Bachofen,
7277:, p. 36 and see p. 37 ("Minoan matriarchate" (subquoting, at p. 37 n. 7, Thomson, George, 12236: 11768: 11443: 4810:, elder matriarchs of certain Native American clans, who were typically in charge of appointing tribal chiefs 3453: 3443: 3345: 2875: 2693: 1790: 1691: 1671: 1456:
The hypothesis of Basque matriarchism or theory of Basque matriarchism is a theoretical proposal launched by
543: 538:
Most anthropologists hold that there are no known societies that are unambiguously matriarchal. According to
Scalingi, Paula Louise (1978). "The Scepter or the Distaff: The Question of Female Sovereignty, 1516–1607".
LeBow, Diane (1984). "Rethinking matriliny among the Hopi". In Ruby Rohrlich; Elaine Hoffman Baruch (eds.).
Der Ursprung der Familie, des Privateigenthums und des Staates. Im Anschluss an Lewis H. Morgans Forschungen
9386:(unpublished), was held by author) (relevant herein insofar as female nationalism is matriarchal) (cited by 7012:
Ancient Society Or Researches in the Lines of Human Progress from Savagery through Barbarism to Civilization
6351: 6052:. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press. p. 137 and see pp. 136–137 & 143. 5720:
Leeuwe, Jules de, untitled comment (November 18, 1977) (emphases so in original), as a response to and with
5452: 5042:, in Christianity, a state of sin, or violation of God's will, due to Adam's rebellion in the Garden of Eden 4136:
saying, " views were in harmony with those of his colleagues ... ". Writing in agreement with Knox was
1959: 1800: 1104:
One common misconception among historians of the Bronze Age such as Stone and Eisler is the notion that the
11398: 9942:
I.1254b) ("the male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject").
7710: 7026:
Der Mythos vom Matriarchat. Über Bachofens Mutterrecht und die Stellung von Frauen in frĂŒhen Gesellschaften
Perkins Gilman was herself a feminist advocate of society being gender-integrated and of women's freedom.)
is more a caricature of male hegemony by twisting gender hierarchy but not really offering a 'better world.
3433: 3408: 3233: 2502: 2457: 2450: 1736: 1686: 1681: 51: 12234:
Richards, Judith M. (1997). ""To promote a woman to beare rule": talking of queens in mid-Tudor England".
11285: 11139: 1942: 849:
Mother Right: An Investigation of the Religious and Juridical Character of Matriarchy in the Ancient World
Fitting, Peter (1992). "Reconsiderations of the Separatist Paradigm in Recent Feminist Science Fiction".
5582: 4419: 4073: 3628: 3438: 3428: 3398: 3280: 3265: 3255: 2843: 2708: 2703: 2400: 1978: 1568: 1058: 374:
also means 'government by one woman', 'female dominance', and, derogatorily, 'petticoat government', and
8271: 4444: 4054:'Men's superiority' is a fundamental tenet in Judaism", according to Irit Umanit. According to Freeman, 1461:
traditional Basque social group in a way that is different from the patriarchal Indo-European peoples".
was an Indo-European invention superimposed on an ancient matriarchal Semitic nation. Evidence from the
12707: 4609: 4566: 4517: 4354: 4218: 3990:, some Muslim scholars hold a view that female political leadership should be restricted, according to 3381: 2968: 2266: 1563: 1465:
were dedicated to these two sisters at dawn and dusk, when they returned to the bosom of Mother Earth.
20: 8753:(N.Y.: Simon & Schuster, 1973 (SBN (not ISBN) 671-21433-0)), p. 248 and see pp. 248–249. 6572: 5251: 5208: 3885: 3606:(it is unclear who was first) introduced the concept of matriarchy and the discourse was joined in by 1768: 1435: 942:
in Neolithic Europe with matriarchal traits, which had been replaced by the patriarchal system of the
222: 127: 12955: 12460: 4807: 3541: 3193: 2973: 2415: 2224: 2170: 962:
From the 1970s, ideas of matriarchy were taken up by popular writers of second-wave feminism such as
231: 103: 70:, and control of property. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to 12040:
Lee, Patricia-Ann (1990). "A bodye politique to governe: Aylmer, Knox and the debate on queenship".
Politics of Women's Spirituality: Essays on the Rise of Spiritual Power Within the Feminist Movement
Amazon feminism, feminism that emphasizes female physical prowess toward the goal of gender equality
while the men were often away fighting, or when both kings were incapacitated or too young to rule.
civilization to a greater or lesser degree, before this practice was overthrown by the patriarchy".
12960: 12851: 11843: 11766:
Felch, Susan M. (1995). "The rhetoric of Biblical authority: John Knox and the question of women".
5103: 4948:, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which provides collective military defense for member nations 4434: 4307:) is set in a matriarchal society where, due to a genetic mutation, women outnumber men by 70 to 1. 3615: 3468: 3463: 3458: 3415: 3295: 3091: 2853: 2507: 2309: 2185: 2158: 2071: 1971: 750: 12863:
Il matriarcato. Ricerca sulla ginecocrazia del mondo antico nei suoi aspetti religiosi e giuridici
10962: 10253:, as accessed March 5, 2011 ("social circumstances and traditions" as justifying gradualism, per 10246: 10181: 5475:(review of Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronika, Cornelia Giebeler, Brigitte Holzer, & Marina Meneses, 4576: 1481:
telluric forces depend the crops, in space and time, life and death, luck (grace) and misfortune.
argued that the archetypal background of Basque mythology had to be inscribed in the context of a
12715: 12429: 12042: 11624:(1991). "Relativizing the patriarchy: the sacred history of the feminist spirituality movement". 9430:(N.Y.: Paragon House, 1993), pp. 373–418) & by Weiss, Penny A., & Marilyn Friedman, 4865: 4389: 4230: 4077: 3300: 3260: 2951: 2944: 2902: 2141: 1883: 1233:
European Iron Age societies. Often transcribed from a retrospective, patriarchal, Romanised, and
1051: 196: 9280: 6994: 5741: 5230: 1126:, however, indicates that the primitive Semitic family was in fact patriarchal and patrilineal. 12297: 12289: 11567: 10511: 4714: 3682: 3599: 3448: 3108: 3015: 2838: 2799: 2688: 2678: 2654: 2632: 2622: 2597: 2587: 2256: 2012: 1900: 1824: 1457: 1174: 916: 398: 120: 6283: 4294: 3735:
wrote of hag-ocracy, "the place we govern", and of reversing phallocratic rule in the 1990s (
562:, but the hypothesis is mostly discredited today, most experts saying that it was never true. 239:, meaning 'rule of women', has been in use since the 17th century, building on the Greek word 28: 12866: 11248: 9990: 8957:, pp. 388, 383 & 382. See also p. 253 ("moved toward ... matriarchalism"). 7807:
Applications of Feminist Legal Theory to Women's Lives: Sex, Violence, Work, and Reproduction
7085: 5513: 4678: 4341: 4256: 4243: 3864: 3802: 3746: 3198: 3158: 3148: 3103: 2934: 2909: 2818: 2683: 2445: 2405: 1890: 1807: 967: 711: 351: 285: 112: 6690:
Following the Trail of the Fairy-Bird: The Search For a Uniquely Vietnamese Women's Movement
6194:(Smithsonian Books & Collins (HarperCollinsPublishers), 1st Smithsonian Books ed. 2007 ( 5734:
Inquiry and Debate in the Human Sciences: Contributions from Current Anthropology, 1960–1990
4693:, the cultural phenomenon of many Black families being headed by mothers with fathers absent 7187:
Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art: The Dinner Party: Heritage Floor: Helen Diner
5528: 4868:(ESP), perception sensed by the mind but not originating through recognized physical senses 4317:(2004) is set in a "closed matriarchal world where men have no legal rights", according to 4274: 4106: 3769: 3717: 3320: 3275: 3245: 3228: 3218: 3066: 2978: 2956: 2848: 2823: 2758: 2602: 2582: 2532: 2390: 2331: 2304: 2044: 1878: 1603: 1593: 1359: 1110: 943: 938: 872: 666: 609: 559: 527: 86: 11729:
Political Protest and Cultural Revolution: Nonviolent Direct Action in the 1970s and 1980s
11088: 8204: 4265:(1983), Avalon is an island with a matriarchal culture, according to Ruben Valdes-Miyares. 401:
as "a strong gynocracy" and "women monopolizing government" and she described matriarchal
8: 12950: 12940: 11474: 10993: 8084:, p. 12 (quoting also Mary Daly ("matriarchy 'was not patriarchy spelled with an "m. 5600: 5534: 4581: 4556: 4522: 4366: 4261: 4137: 4081: 3996: 3607: 3595: 3569: 3138: 3128: 3098: 3086: 3081: 2983: 2929: 2924: 2919: 2577: 2512: 2492: 2430: 2373: 2336: 2314: 2280: 2214: 1966: 1871: 1650: 1598: 1588: 1543: 1222: 1214: 1198: 1021: 852: 650: 457:
ancestor with her children and grandchildren clustered around her in an extended family.
324: 12011: 11400:
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America
describes this view as "consensus", listing matriarchy as a hypothetical social system:
4491:. Such animal hierarchies have not been replaced by patriarchy. The social structure of 12737: 12597: 12528: 12442: 12384: 12370: 12315:
Rohrlich, Ruby (1984). "Introduction". In Ruby Rohrlich; Elaine Hoffman Baruch (eds.).
12267: 12253: 12123: 12055: 11998: 11946: 11908: 11799: 11785: 11641: 11600: 11460: 11385: 11290: 11260: 11047: 10959:
Behind the Veil: Representation of Muslim Woman in Indian Writings in English 1950–2000
10355: 9532: 9413: 9405: 8824: 7554: 7081: 7063: 7055: 6632: 6555: 6511: 5700: 5596: 5273: 5216: 4235: 4146: 4035: 4014: 3931: 3912:
On the other hand, not all advocates based their arguments on biology or essentialism.
3325: 3315: 3305: 3290: 3285: 3270: 3223: 3203: 3178: 3143: 3133: 3113: 3010: 2892: 2882: 2783: 2537: 2368: 2239: 2121: 1834: 1795: 1548: 1325:, as an allegory for a possible real life shift from matriarchy to patriarchy in early 1310: 1306: 1291: 1135: 1123: 1027:
J.F. del Giorgio insists on a matrifocal, matrilocal, matrilineal Paleolithic society.
822: 727: 547: 520: 391: 9126: 8793:, esp. pp. 8 & 15–16 & also pp. 19, 71, 111, 204, 205, 212, 219 & 231 5577: 4511: 4426:; in which only women vote & "Stinky & Dumb" men are relegated to house tasks. 4058:-led "governments have been less than hospitable to women's high-level participation." 12904: 12885: 12870: 12839: 12815: 12800: 12785: 12770: 12751: 12686: 12667: 12644: 12625: 12606: 12581: 12562: 12545: 12535: 12512: 12491: 12413: 12391: 12374: 12339: 12320: 12301: 12274: 12220: 12201: 12192:
Porter, Laurence M. (1992). "Feminist fantasy and open structure in Monique Wittig's
12178: 12159: 12153: 12138: 12105: 12099: 12085: 12026: 11963: 11915: 11889: 11870: 11851: 11829: 11823: 11808: 11752: 11733: 11727: 11685: 11661: 11645: 11607: 11584: 11555: 11534: 11528: 11510: 11481: 11427: 11404: 11389: 11350: 11264: 10507: 10335: 10022: 9927: 9829: 9564: 9540: 9443: 9435: 9417: 9349: 9341: 9320: 9312: 8987: 8930: 8448: 8427: 8228: 8116: 8036: 7931: 7834: 7810: 7635: 7258: 7229: 7093: 7067: 6797: 6772: 6615:
Turley, William S. (September 1972). "Women in the Communist Revolution in Vietnam".
6559: 6515: 6435: 6385: 6253: 6216: 6195: 6084: 6066: 6053: 5849: 5814: 5737: 5692: 5659: 5277: 5188: 5167: 4849: 4601: 4319: 4248: 3827: 3777: 3631:, matriarchy and patriarchy are not conceived as simple mirrors of each other. While 3621: 3611: 3386: 3250: 3213: 3208: 3188: 3183: 3153: 3118: 3071: 3061: 3025: 3020: 3005: 3000: 2914: 2649: 2642: 2617: 2607: 2592: 2462: 2435: 2326: 2285: 2261: 2136: 2116: 2103: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2027: 1927: 1502: 1410: 991: 925: 539: 444: 394:, contributing to the difficulty of other women in becoming heads of the government. 332: 90: 12066:; Shanklin, Elizabeth (1983). "The answer is matriarchy". In Joyce Trebilcot (ed.). 11480:. Translated by Elizabeth Loverde-Bagwell. New York, NY: New York University Press. 11368:
de Abreu, Maria (2003). "John Knox: Gynaecocracy, 'The Monstrous Empire of Women'".
11073: 9362:, as accessed December 4, 2010 (no source cited for Ti-Grace Atkinson's statement); 7765:, p. 196 (italics so in original; p. 196 n. 20 citing Markale, Jean, 7237: 6587:, as accessed September 29, 2012 (whether statement was by Kumar or Kom is unknown). 4506: 4278:(1986) and its sequels, the alien pequenino species in every forest are matriarchal. 3901:, constructed according to philosophical concepts that could never be implemented." 1322: 12835: 12451: 12438: 12362: 12245: 12075: 12051: 11990: 11938: 11929:
Healey, Robert M. (1994). "Waiting for Deborah: John Knox and Four Ruling Queens".
11777: 11711: 11633: 11504: 11452: 11419: 11377: 9397: 9388:
Ringelheim, Joan (1985). "Women and the Holocaust: A Reconsideration of Research".
9019: 8816: 8033:
Pinks, Pansies, and Punks: The Rhetoric of Masculinity in American Literary Culture
7897:, speech to Woman's Suffrage Convention, New York, May 11, 1871, excerpt quoted in 7047: 6624: 6547: 6503: 6080: 5265: 4828: 4690: 4591: 4586: 4423: 4269: 4163: 4125: 4116: 4039: 4027: 4019: 3961: 3773: 3763: 3655: 3335: 3330: 3240: 3168: 3163: 3123: 3076: 3051: 2988: 2860: 2788: 2637: 2522: 2410: 2321: 2275: 2251: 2175: 2148: 2111: 1954: 1947: 1937: 1917: 1861: 1844: 1785: 1538: 983: 897: 799: 495: 67: 55: 11681:
The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory: Why an Invented Past Won't Give Women a Future
11186:"ƌoku: The Inner Chambers Anime's English-Subtitled Trailer Reveals June 29 Debut" 5514:
Office of Policy Planning and Review (Daniel Patrick Moynihan, principal author),
5269: 4750:, a Germanic or Finnic people who lived in Northern Europe in the first century AD 4596: 758: 754: 460:
The term matricentric means 'having a mother as head of the family or household'.
is rarely used in modern times. None of these definitions are limited to mothers.
236: 12945: 12766: 12743: 12660: 12405: 11723: 11500: 10358:, or Rabbi Abraham Isaac Hacohen Kook; "a significant spiritual leader of the ", 10318: 9490:(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), ch. 6, & Tarcov, Nathan, 9133: 9114: 9091: 8263: 7951:
The dates are those of two original editions of the same work, both cited herein.
6979: 6551: 6507: 6481: 6362: 6160: 6133: 5721: 5524: 4659: 4647: 4635: 4460: 4394: 4282: 4252:(1978), is, according to Batya Weinbaum, set within a "female supremacist world". 4084:, but considers women only as exceptions, the norm for such leadership being men. 3935: 3742: 3689: 3647: 3603: 3531: 2939: 2748: 2736: 2542: 2487: 2467: 2425: 2290: 2180: 2126: 2084: 2022: 2017: 1983: 1895: 1849: 1402: 1387: 1343: 1318: 1276: 1202: 975: 646: 598: 506: 475: 468: 289: 235:, the earliest known attestation of the word matriarchy is in 1885. By contrast, 63: 12797:
The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy
11496:(Paris, France: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1984) 11259:. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of California Press. p.  10307: 9705: 9107: 7486:"In Kenya's Umoja Village, a sisterhood preserves the past, prepares the future" 1314: 12386:
Paul Among the People: The Apostle Reinterpreted and Reimagined in his Own Time
Living in the Lap of the Goddess: The Feminist Spirituality Movement in America
11381: 11109: 10190:
The Woman's Right to Vote, Be Elected and Occupy Public and Governmental Posts.
Mann, Susan (November 2000). "Presidential Address: Myths of Asian Womanhood".
Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged
Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged
5330:(Garden City, New York: Anchor Books, 1982), p. xiii (Spretnak, Charlene, 4771: 4623: 4542: 4492: 4484: 4472: 4464: 4440: 4374: 4349: 4336: 4088: 3712: 3667: 3310: 2753: 2718: 2527: 2343: 2295: 2089: 2049: 1932: 1477: 1379: 1375: 1371: 1295: 1284: 1254: 987: 951: 868: 864: 807: 786: 762: 698: 512: 487: 82: 12506: 12079: 11253: 5187:(Walnut Creek, Calif.: AltaMira Press (div. of Sage Publications), pbk. 1997 ( 4132:
to Knox's work, Knox's views were agreed with by some people at the time, the
12934: 12726: 12549: 12119: 11699: 11675: 11653: 11621: 11549: 11335:[Ć»ubr got a basket, so he escaped from the Pszczyna nature reserve]. 9483: 5696: 4759: 4404: 4200: 4121: 4098: 4023: 3965: 3916: 3822: 3783: 2612: 2572: 2567: 2482: 2229: 2192: 1817: 1812: 1398: 1363: 1130: 930: 876: 818: 740: 681: 413: 214: 164: 47: 4974:(Indianapolis: American Trust Publications, 1995), p. 38 & perhaps 1518: 519:, especially in reference to contemporary matrilineal societies such as the 12366: 12063: 11903: 11159: 10979:
Sex-Role Reversal in the Thirties: Leslie F. Stone's 'The Conquest of Gola,
10061: 7545:
Banerjee, Roopleena (2015). "'Matriarchy' and Contemporary Khasi Society".
5039: 4783: 4537: 4527: 4361: 4223: 4195: 4043: 3957: 3843: 3815: 3753:
Some such advocacies are informed by work on the matriarchies of the past:
3702: 2833: 2763: 2627: 2562: 2557: 2517: 2472: 2234: 2153: 2131: 2032: 1907: 1780: 1445: 1272: 1265: 1006: 971: 963: 956: 905: 882: 860: 638: 555: 483: 479: 409: 159: 155: 71: 11800:"Women, law, religion, and politics in Israel: a human rights perspective" 11574:. Edited and translated by John Philip Lundin. New York, NY: Julian Press. 9145:
For a review of the conferences, esp. that of 2005, by a participant, see
8244: 4681:, an approach to anthropology that tries to reduces male bias in the field 463: 350:
society, although these terms do not definitionally emphasize motherhood.
9971: 9967: 9127:
Societies of Peace: 2nd World Congress on Matriarchal Studies (home page)
9081: 8115:(Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 15th Anniversary ed. 1997 (original 1982) ( 7746: 6153: 4795: 4532: 4326: 4310: 4141: 3796: 2246: 2037: 1473: 1469: 1194: 998:
Age, it has been denounced as feminist wishful thinking in works such as
795: 642: 491: 346: 135: 12002: 11226: 10994: alternative availability
The Role of Women in Islamic Society According to the Muslim Brotherhood
7558: 7293:, p. 207 ("matriarchal societies, particularly Minoan Crete"), and 6759: 6757: 6755: 6753: 6751: 6470: 5726:
Women's Status in Egalitarian Society: Implications for Social Evolution
5704: 5680: 5313:(Subscription may be required or content may be available in libraries.) 5143: 5141: 4630: 1210: 12782:
Mysteries of the Snake Goddess: Art, Desire, and the Forging of History
The Living Elephants: Evolutionary Ecology, Behaviour, and Conservation
12257: 12013:
The First Blast of the Trumpet against the monstruous regiment of Women
11950: 11789: 11464: 11114:"Environmental Fascists Fight Gun-Loving Lesbians for Alien Technology" 11051: 10503: 10242: 9409: 8828: 7059: 6636: 5556: 5133:(subscription may be required or content may be available in libraries) 4877: 4702: 4571: 4550: 3953: 3889: 2793: 2477: 1422: 1383: 1351: 1065: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 979: 947: 745: 670: 654: 131: 12475:
Quarterly Journal of Ideology: "A Critique of the Conventional Wisdom"
Schlegel, Alice (1984). "Hopi gender ideology of female superiority".
10688: 10686: 10088: 9478:, pp. 173–174 & nn. 14, 16–17, & 19, citing Hobbes, 8949:, p. 184, quoting Barbara Mehrhof and Pam Kearon. Full names per 8773:, as accessed (at a prior URL) October 21, 2010 (citing in n. 45 4880:, partisanship that is extreme and unreasoning and in favor of a group 4112:
The First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women
3834: 12900: 11994: 11910:
Feminism Encounters Traditional Judaism: Resistance and Accommodation
11524: 11144: 6950: 6948: 6748: 5138: 4906:
kind of women's self-expression, not even in the arts and religion ."
4561: 4102: 3732: 3722: 2773: 2768: 1856: 1367: 1355: 1347: 1280: 1163: 1129:
However, not all scholars agree. Anthropologist and Biblical scholar
995: 909: 246: 36: 12249: 11942: 11781: 11704:
Gentlemen and Amazons: The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory, 1861–1900
11456: 8820: 7928:
The Woman Who Ran for President: The Many Lives of Victoria Woodhull
7281:(N.Y.: Citadel Press, 1965), p. 450)), Baruch, Elaine Hoffman, 7051: 6628: 6109: 6107: 3586: 1040: 141: 11637: 10988:, vol. 24, no. 3 (November, 1997), pp. 471–482 (available via 10683: 10615: 10613: 10368:
Open Letter to the Honorable Committee of the "Mizrahi" Association
9934:)), pp. 238–239 (probably from SchĂŒssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, 9836:)), vol. 1, p. 892, col. 2 (earliest example dated 1944). 9401: 7509: 7507: 7425: 7423: 6192:
The Invisible Sex: Uncovering the True Roles of Women in Prehistory
Websters' First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language
4654: 4476: 4430: 4169: 4159: 4062: 4006: 3677: 3637: 3580: 2547: 2420: 1988: 1510: 1238: 1234: 1230: 1218: 1190: 1151: 1119: 886: 879:, as of 2000, "few scholars these days find ... persuasive." 814: 665:
Possible matriarchies in Burma are, according to Jorgen Bisch, the
621: 250: 75: 9539:(1st ed.). N.Y.: Modern Library (Random House). p. 394. 9283:
Biological Superiority: The World's Most Dangerous and Deadly Idea
9243: 9241: 9239: 7628:
West-Duran, Alan; Herrera-Sobek, MarĂ­a; Salgado, CĂ©sar A. (2004).
6945: 4618: 12488:
Feminism, Economics and Utopia: Time Travelling Through Paradigms
11559: 6104: 5254:(2017). "Matriarchal studies: Past debates and new foundations". 4747: 4448: 3624:
includes "matriarchal worship", according to Prof. James Penner.
2219: 1339: 1226: 1140: 803: 715: 613: 603: 593: 402: 32: 10647:(N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1968), p. 267, as cited in 10610: 7504: 7457:"She grew up in a community where women rule and men are banned" 7420: 6432:
The Trouser People: A Story of Burma in the Shadow of the Empire
6231: 6229: 6119:
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Although India is majority Hindu, it is officially secular, per
is said to have swallowed his pregnant lover, the titan goddess
aspects of social, cultural, and political processes. Adjective
Women's Movements in Asia: Feminisms and Transnational Activism
12196:". In Donald E. Morse; Marshall B. Tymn; Csilla Bertha (eds.). 11424:
Jewels of Authority: Women and Textual Tradition in Hindu India
10867: 10865: 10863: 10066: 10064: 9938:(Crossroad Publishing, 1983) & edited), quoting Aristotle ( 9236: 9226: 9224: 9222: 8053: 8051: 8049: 7857:, p. 55 & n. 15, citing Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 7734: 6610: 6608: 6606: 5979: 5977: 5975: 5973: 4488: 4205: 4002: 1418: 1414: 1326: 1178: 1170: 1144: 1115: 821:
nations or tribes before the U.S. became a nation, operated by
10727:(N.Y.: reprint, 1931, originally 1558) (chap. on gynecocracy). 10019:
Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild
7881:(Watertown, Mass.: Persephone Press, 1980 (1893)), p. 21. 7627: 7189:(Brooklyn, N.Y.: Brooklyn Museum, last updated March 27, 2007) 6982:
Goddesses and the Divine Feminine: A Western Religious History
Goddesses and the Divine Feminine: A Western Religious History
5158: 5156: 4980:
Lyssna pÄ mÀnnen: att leva i en patriarkalisk muslimsk kontext
4774:, belonging to the father's lineage, generally for inheritance 3915:
A criticism by Mansfield of choosing who governs according to
Notorious Victoria: The Life of Victoria Woodhull, Uncensored
Overtaking Patriarchy: Corbett's and Dixie's Visions of Women
10907:(N.Y.: Basic Books, 1966), ch. 9, and Saxonhouse, Arlene W., 9924:
Paul and Empire: Religion and Power in Roman Imperial Society
8636: 7801: 7799: 6961: 6524:(Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989), & Agarwal, Bina, 6442:), p. 213 ("Kayaw societies are strictly matriarchal."). 6406:
Where women rule: the last matriarchy in Europe – in pictures
6226: 6186: 6184: 5166:(Ft. Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 8th ed. 1997 ( 4480: 4069: 4055: 3987: 3893: 3869:
effeminate men" compelled into that submissive gender role. "
1261: 1250: 1206: 1159: 817:
Confederacy or League, combining five to six Native American
694: 690: 617: 486:
label their notion of a "woman-centered" society surrounding
is the 'dominant or exclusive focus on women', is opposed to
240: 203: 59: 12508:
For the Record: The Making and Meaning of Feminist Knowledge
10860: 10277:) (Cairo: n.p., 1953) (bibliographic information partly per 9776:
Athenians discussed in the context of play by Aristophanes,
9724: 9722: 9720: 9718: 9219: 8199: 8197: 8195: 8046: 7616:
Six Nations Women's Traditional Council Fire Report to CEDAW
6696:, pp. 125, 126 (single quotation marks so in original). 6603: 5970: 994:
and "encouraged" by Stone and Eisler, but, at least for the
990:. "A Golden Age of matriarchy" was prominently presented by 12624:. Translated by Jane Brierley. New York, NY: Bantam Books. 11888:. Translated by Karen Smith. Toronto: Inanna Publications. 10526:, p. 168 & n. 76, citing Kelkar, Kakshmibai, 9710:
Letters on Equality of the Sexes and the Condition of Woman
8348:, p. 214 (reply from Phyllis Chesler to Dale Spender). 7297:, p. 6 ("the Minoan matriarchy" & "Minoan Crete"). 6958:(New Mexico: Clear Light Publishers, 2000), pp. 53–55. 6307:(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1991), p. 137. 6252:. Canada: McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 33–34. 5994: 5992: 5153: 4945: 4735: 1406: 582: 96: 11572:
Mothers and Amazons: The First Feminine History of Culture
11333:"Ć»ubr dostaƂ kosza, więc uciekƂ z pszczyƄskiego rezerwatu" 10955:
Feminism and Feminist Utopia in Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain's
10450: 10448: 10332:
The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined
10312:(Arab Insight (World Security Institute), January 8, 2008) 9264: 9262: 9260: 9258: 9256: 8328: 8326: 8324: 8183:, p. 182 ("Tineke Willemsen distinghuishes [ 7796: 7176:(Stuttgart: Dietz, 1974 (1st published 1879)), p. 63. 6526:
A Field of One's Own: Gender and Land Rights in South Asia
Sanctifying Misandry: Goddess Ideology and the Fall of Man
6181: 5806: 5804: 4437:, the crew land on a planet ruled by giant muscular women. 955:
interprets utopian matriarchy as an invented inversion of
Gender roles among the indigenous peoples of North America
11117: 10001: 9999: 9715: 9494:(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1984), p. 38. 8192: 8185: 6286:
The Myth of Matriarchy: Why Men Rule in primitive society
6069:(1985). "Humanism, gynocentrism, and feminist politics". 5292:
Fruit of the Motherland: Gender in an Egalitarian Society
5203: 5201: 4762:, sovereign state until merged with South Vietnam in 1976 1417:. The mother and child created havoc inside Zeus. Either 936:
From the 1950s, Marija Gimbutas developed a theory of an
Native Americans in the United States § Gender roles
12666:. Translated by David Le Vay. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. 12336:
The House That Jill Built: A Lesbian Nation in Formation
9926:(Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press Intntl., 1997 ( 9382:
6–7, Spring 1984, pp. 35–54 (French) (Eng. trans.,
The Civilization of the Goddess: The World of Old Europe
5989: 5841: 5839: 5811:
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language
has been interpreted by some feminist scholars, such as
Jules de Leeuwe argued that some societies were "mainly
12104:(4th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1993. 11602:
Daring to Be Bad: Radical Feminism in America 1967–1975
10545: 10483: 10481: 10479: 10477: 10475: 10445: 10292:
Feminist Contestations of Institutional Domains in Iran
9327:))), p. 27 (pagination per edition at 9271:, p. 10 (whether author's data global unspecified) 9253: 8562:, p. 80, purportedly quoting within the quotation 8467: 8465: 8463: 8461: 8321: 5801: 5786:(G. & C. Merriam (Merriam-Webster), 1966), entries 5425: 5423: 4970:, pp. 189–190 cites, respectively, Badawi, Jamal, 4705:, form of government ruled by males, especially fathers 3846:
wrote of women fighting for and creating a "gynocratic
and assertion of superiority as "sexist" and "treason".
Matristic: Feminist scholars and archeologists such as
The Serengeti lion: A study of predator–prey relations
12128:(3rd ed.). Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 10896: 10894: 10892: 10528:
Stri-Ek Urja Kendra: Strivishayak Vicharon Ka Sankalan
official English-language website advanced search page
9996: 8892:, p. 35 and see pp. 26, 27, 32–36, & 42. 8743: 8741: 7778: 6708:, p. 125 (single quotation marks so in original). 6660: 6658: 6101:(Minneapolis: West Publishing Co., 1992), p. 360. 5198: 4204:, about women gaining legislative power and governing 1338:
A legendary matriarchy related by several writers was
912:, while patriarchy was characterized by exploitation. 11013:(Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2007). 10249:
Muslim Brotherhood on Muslim women in Islamic Society
Muslim Brotherhood on Muslim women in Islamic Society
9426:) (also in Rittner, Carol, & John K. Roth, eds., 7825: 7823: 6792:, in Young, Marilyn B., & Robert Buzzanco, eds., 6771:(Santa Barbara California: ABC-Clio, hardcover 2002 ( 6522:
The Cohesive Role of Sanskritization and Other Essays
5879:(G. & C. Merriam (Merriam-Webster), 1966), entry 5836: 5536:
History at the Department of Labor: In-Depth Research
4738:, an ancient civilization in part of what is now Iran 4607: 3791:" Her work inspired efforts at implementation by the 1476:
dominated by the Great Mother, in which the cycle of
908:, according to whom matriarchy naturally resulted in 726:
Anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday has said that the
221:, "to rule". The notion of matriarchy was defined by 10911:(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), ch. 1. 10472: 9826:
Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang
9612:, vol. CXL, no. 65, September 3, 1916 (Extra ed.), 9294:, as accessed December 25, 2010 (first published in 8458: 8035:(Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 2011 ( 6461:(Toronto, Ontario, Canada), August 15, 2011, 11:55p. 5420: 4467:
social structure has been described as a matriarchy.
1317:. The myth surrounding Coyolxāuhqui and her brother 653:
regions are two of the top matriarchal societies of
Women in Search of Utopia: Mavericks and Mythmakers
12200:. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. pp. 261–270. 12023:
Women in Search of Utopia: Mavericks and Mythmakers
11883: 11864: 11749:
Women in Search of Utopia: Mavericks and Mythmakers
10889: 10275:
The White Paper on the Rights of the Egyptian Woman
9213: 9197: 9193: 9181: 9166: 8984:
Going Too Far: The Personal Chronicle of a Feminist
Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction
8738: 8274:
Do Arabs and Jews Realize How Much They Look Alike?
Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, and Women's Liberation
7191:, as accessed March, 2008, & November 15, 2013. 6655: 6292:(Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1974) 5343: 4798:, set of norms for a gender in social relationships 4717:, queen regnant of England and Ireland in 1533–1603 3664:
Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel, and Women's Liberation
697:, is frequently described as matriarchal. The term 397:Some matriarchies have been described by historian 168: 12712:Aboriginal Siberia, a Study in Social Anthropology 12659: 12596: 12580:. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. 12527: 12383: 12266: 12135:Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 11907: 11798: 11606:. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. 11599: 11473: 11252: 11201: 11011:Avalon Revisited: Reworkings of the Arthurian Myth 10723:, pp. 250, 249, citing Goodman, Christopher, 10124: 9982: 9980: 9153:, as accessed February 6, 2011 (also published in 8885: 8883: 8881: 8879: 8877: 8875: 8873: 7930:(Bridgehampton, N.Y.: Bridge Works, 1st ed. 1995 ( 7820: 6796:(Malden, Massachusetts: Blackwell, hardback 2002 ( 6471:Lugu Lake Mosuo Cultural Development Association, 6097:Ferraro, Gary, Wenda Trevathan, & Janet Levy, 6064:(brackets in title so in original) & quoting: 5716: 5714: 842: 419: 10940:, vol. 4, no. 2 (1993), pp. 74–93 (available via 10664:(N.Y.: Scribner, 1974), p. 145, as cited in 10271:al-Kitab al-abiyad lil-huquq al-mar'a al-misriyya 10241:The document stating it was not available at its 8929:(Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 2d ed. 1998 ( 8424:Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory 8388:and see pp. 114–115, 127, 131, & 134–135 7861:(Washington Woman's Rights Convention, 1869), in 7845:") and see pp. 52–53 (political separatism). 7711:"History of Iran: Histories of Herodotus, Book 4" 6848: 6846: 5872: 5870: 5250: 1114:, wherein she makes the case that the worship of 892: 733: 498:) and in ancient civilizations by using the term 323:"Gynecocracy" redirects here. For the novel, see 12932: 12848:Women at the Center: Life in a Modern Matriarchy 12763:The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles 12605:. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. 12561:. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 11848:The Man-Made World; or, Our Androcentric Culture 11807:. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. 11732:. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 11312:Marta Kądziela (Director) (September 24, 2014). 11227:"Social and reproductive behaviour in elephants" 10232:(London: International Islamic Forum, 1994), 14. 8447:(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978 ( 7579:"Khasis: India's indigenous matrilineal society" 6598:Women at the Center: Life in a Modern Matriarchy 6213:Woman at the Center: Life in a Modern Matriarchy 5231:Women at the Center: Life in a Modern Matriarchy 5120: 5118: 5116: 5114: 5112: 5100:Women at the Center: Life in a Modern Matriarchy 4844:by Mary Daly, see Daly, Mary, with Jane Caputi, 1366:spoke of the conquest of large parts of Asia by 19:"Matriarch" redirects here. For other uses, see 12292:. In Renate Bridenthal; Claudia Koontz (eds.). 12025:. New York, NY: Schocken Books. pp. 8–20. 11706:. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. 11530:Gyn/Ecology: the Metaethics of Radical Feminism 10228:, p. 197, quoting The Muslim Brotherhood, 9977: 8940: 8870: 8860: 8858: 8856: 8854: 8852: 8850: 8235:)), p. 246 and see pp. 248 & 336. 6895: 6893: 6880: 6878: 6876: 6863: 6861: 6493: 6190:Adovasio, J. M., Olga Soffer, & Jake Page, 5813:(Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 3d ed. 1992 ( 5711: 4831:, a philosophy combining anarchism and feminism 3952:"Matriarchists", as typified by male-conceived 12865:(Turin, Italy: Giulio Einaudi editore, 2016) ( 12265:Roces, Mina; Edwards, Louise P., eds. (2010). 12177:. Tilburg University Press. pp. 177–194. 10903:, pp. 73–74 & n. 37, citing Strauss, Leo, 10554:(italicization and boldface, if any, removed). 10460: 10342:)), pp. 366–367 and see pp. 414–415. 10298:, no. 69, pp. 49 & 53 (Winter, 2001). 9668:, p. 49 and see also pp. 170–171 & 204–206 9563:(Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989 ( 9309:The Demon Lover: On the Sexuality of Terrorism 8526:, p. 238 and see Baruch, Elaine Hoffman, 7809:(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996 ( 6843: 6528:(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). 5867: 5553:The Negro Family: The Case for National Action 5516:The Negro Family: The Case For National Action 4978:, and Roald, Anne Sofie, & Pernilla Ouis, 4786:, ethics and philosophy derived from Confucius 428: 12132: 11962:. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 11277: 11247: 10812:(sometime in 1551–1559) (approximate title)). 10588: 10586: 10562: 10560: 10530:(Nagpur: Sevika Prakashan, n.d.), ch. 2. 9046: 9044: 7179: 6769:Ground Warfare: An International Encyclopedia 6050:Breaking up totality: A rhetoric of laughter 5681:"'Matriarchy' and Contemporary Khasi Society" 5355: 5207: 5147: 5109: 4848:(London, Great Britain: Women's Press, 1988 ( 3549: 12685:. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 12601:. In Kalpana Misra; Melanie S. Rich (eds.). 12578:Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations 12264: 12062: 11803:. In Kalpana Misra; Melanie S. Rich (eds.). 11581:Feminist Theory: The Intellectual Traditions 11224: 10857:, p. 281 and see pp. 282 & 287 10321:, p. 46, as accessed December 28, 2010. 8847: 8765:Lesbians, Legal Theory and Other Superheroes 8614:, p. 375 & fnn. and see p. 384 7080: 6938:, pp. 505 & 506, quoting Carr, L., 6890: 6873: 6858: 6717: 6705: 6693: 5846:Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary 5458:Second World Congress on Matriarchal Studies 5441: 5379: 5213:"Matriarchal Society: Definition and Theory" 3568:For groups and communities without men, see 315: 12643:. Tilburg University Press. pp. 1–10. 12294:Becoming Visible: Women in European History 12172: 11077:(book review (reviewed September 27, 2004)) 11007:Morgan's Queendom: The Other Arthurian Myth 10354:, p. 105, attributing the argument to 9518:, p. 238 (respecting Wittig, Monique, 9336:Badinter, Elisabeth, trans. Julia Borossa, 9287:Letters From a War Zone: Writings 1976–1989 8280:, Jun. 10, 2009, 11:43 p.m. (op-ed opinion) 8180: 8123:)), ch. 1 (original 1982 ed. cited in 8112:Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex, and Politics 7877:, p. 57, citing Gage, Matilda Joslyn, 7361:"Plutarch ‱ Sayings of Spartans — Lycurgus" 7086:"Constructing Femininity – the Lilith Case" 6720:, p. 125 (parentheses so in original). 6520:, citing Srinivas, Mysore Narasimhachar, 5779: 5777: 5635:Liddell, Henry George, & Robert Scott, 5616:Liddell, Henry George, & Robert Scott, 4001:. The restriction has been attributed to a 710:In India, of communities recognized in the 533: 438:list of matrilineal or matrilocal societies 62:. In a broader sense it can also extend to 12485: 11914:. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press. 11554:. New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 10662:Trumpeter of God: A Biography of John Knox 10583: 10557: 10310:Saudi Women's Rights: Stuck at a Red Light 9592: 9387: 9050: 9041: 9035: 9015: 8953:, pp. 407, 409 & memberships per 8806: 8291: 7547:Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 6473:The Mosuo: Matriarchal/Matrilineal Culture 5685:Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 3923:, a king), was more important than merit. 3696:(2005 and 1972) that feminist women must " 3556: 3542: 2441:African-American women's suffrage movement 1451: 1429: 1184: 12638: 12619: 12296:. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. pp.  12101:The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary 12074: 12016:. English Scholar's Library. Vol. 2. 11583:(3rd ed.). New York, NY: Continuum. 11476:American Feminism: a Contemporary History 11426:. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 11417: 11330: 11197: 11195: 10900: 10523: 10499: 10487: 10466: 10194:Thirdly, Women's Holding of Public Office 9986: 9963: 9906: 9894: 9882: 9857: 9845: 9813: 9801: 9789: 9752: 9677: 9665: 9653: 9641: 9629: 9537:The Feminist Promise: 1792 to the Present 9475: 9459: 9428:Different Voices: Women and the Holocaust 9104:1st World Congress on Matriarchal Studies 8994:)), p. 187 (italics so in original). 8708: 8176: 8164: 7833:(London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1986 ( 7391:"The Place In China Where The Women Lead" 7326:(N.Y.: Citadel Press, 1965), p. 160. 6537: 6365:, as accessed June 8, 2013, paragraph 45. 5561:Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism 5009: 4422:, Blossom wanted society to based on the 4101:, considered only historically, in 1558, 1081:Learn how and when to remove this message 12814:(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986 ( 12799:(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993 ( 12748:Why Men Rule: A Theory of Male Dominance 12472: 12426: 12412:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 12352: 12338:. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 12314: 12287: 12233: 12133:Peoples, James; Bailey, Garrick (2012). 12084:. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 12010:Knox, John (1878) . Edward Arber (ed.). 11865:Goettner-Abendroth, Heide, ed. (2009a). 11440: 11367: 11318:Saved World – Episode 2 – Forest Majesty 10842: 10821: 10808:(2d ser.), p. 35) (Calvin reviser, 10784: 10736: 10692: 10619: 10604: 10592: 10539: 9743:, p. 120, but see pp. 120–121. 9740: 9531: 9196:, p. 25 and see p. 24 and, in 8693: 8681: 8535: 8445:Communities of Women: An Idea in Fiction 8410: 8096:, p. 12 n. 3 – in Daly, Mary, 7634:. Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 354. 7544: 7319: 7307: 7294: 7290: 7274: 6899: 6884: 6867: 6852: 6813: 6379: 6172: 5983: 5961: 5949: 5937: 5774: 5678: 5551:, p. 171, citing Moynihan, Daniel, 5501: 5294:(U.S.: Columbia University Press, 1993). 4972:Gender Equity in Islam: Basic Principles 4459: 4087: 3833: 3585: 2386:Discrimination against transgender women 1305: 1166:than among any ancient Semitic peoples. 974:, and expanded with the speculations of 785: 680: 568: 462: 378:also means 'women as the ruling class'. 330:A matriarchy is also sometimes called a 140: 97:Definitions, connotations, and etymology 27: 12825: 12680: 12525: 12504: 11960:Poisoning the Minds of the Lower Orders 11902: 11821: 11796: 11722: 11578: 11499: 11314:Ocalony ƚwiat – odc. 2 – Leƛny majestat 11202:MirosƂaw Androsiuk (January 26, 2012). 11184:Pineda, Rafael Antonio (May 22, 2023). 11037: 10957:Sultana's Dream, in Kidwai, A.R., ed., 10427: 10403: 10391: 10379: 10363: 10359: 10351: 10039: 9701: 9580: 9216:, p. 25 (emphasis so in original). 9026:(Norwegian original published in 1977). 8657: 8559: 8495: 8369: 8357: 8345: 8332: 8315: 8303: 8223:Other than quotation: Dworkin, Andrea, 7979: 7960: 7910: 7898: 7874: 7854: 7697: 7685: 7673: 7661: 7385: 7383: 7381: 7322:, p. 39, quoting Thomson, George, 7212: 7200: 6804:)), pp. 95–96 but see p. 107. 6340:(reprinted 2000, © 1975), vol. 2, pt. 2 6202:)), pp. 251–255, esp. p. 255. 5658:. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 5653: 5548: 5414: 4224:New Amazonia: A Foretaste of the Future 3971: 1313:depicting the vanquished Aztec goddess 1189:Arising in the period ranging from the 669:and, according to Andrew Marshall, the 370:also means 'women's social supremacy', 81:Matriarchies may also be confused with 12933: 12657: 12594: 12556: 12449: 12290:"Women in transition: Crete and Sumer" 12217:Women in Islam: The Western Experience 12191: 12137:(9th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth. 11976: 11957: 11928: 11842: 11746: 11710: 11597: 11471: 11284:Angier, Natalie (September 10, 2016). 11283: 11255:The Behaviour Guide to African Mammals 11192: 11183: 11138:Steele, Francesca (October 15, 2016). 11137: 11108: 10772: 10760: 10748: 10631: 10415: 10269:, p. 34, citing Shafiq, Duriyya, 10208:, p. 198 (for study details, see 9951: 9728: 9515: 9006:, p. 198 ("Maior" so in original) 8970: 8966: 8954: 8950: 8946: 8913: 8901: 8889: 8563: 8547: 8523: 8511: 8499: 8483: 8471: 8397: 8381: 8270:was challenged on its reliability, in 8152: 8019: 8007: 7995: 7983: 7964: 7576: 7572: 7570: 7568: 7540: 7538: 7536: 7534: 7532: 7530: 7480: 7478: 7476: 7474: 7472: 7470: 7454: 7450: 7448: 7446: 7413: 7411: 7148: 7136: 7112: 6967: 6935: 6923: 6911: 6742: 6729: 6614: 6380:Gjelstad, Anne Helene (January 2020). 6238:, p. 152 and see pp. 158–161 5744:& E-ISSN 1537-5382)), p. 241. 5565:Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center 5370:, p. 193 (italics so in original) 4890: 1493: 1436:Ancient Celtic women § Matriarchy 1244: 12641:Feminist Utopias: In a Postmodern Era 12575: 12526:Sukumar, Raman (September 11, 2003). 12381: 12214: 12175:Feminist Utopias: In a Postmodern Era 12118: 12070:. New Jersey: Rowman & Allenheld. 12020: 11765: 11698: 11674: 11652: 11620: 11566: 11547: 11396: 11177: 11009:, in Alvarez Faedo, Maria Jose, ed., 10920: 10883: 10871: 10854: 10725:How Superior Powers Ought to be Obeyd 10665: 10648: 10577: 10454: 10439: 10278: 10266: 10225: 10209: 10205: 10166: 10154: 10142: 10130: 10118: 10106: 10094: 10082: 10070: 10055: 10005: 9869: 9777: 9764: 9689: 9268: 9247: 9230: 9003: 8864: 8841: 8809:Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 8763:Franklin, Kris, & Sara E. Chinn, 8750:Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution 8732: 8720: 8669: 8360:, p. 151 (emphasis in original). 8140: 8136: 8124: 8093: 8081: 8069: 8057: 7762: 7664:, pp. 335–336 (italics omitted). 7347: 7335: 7160: 7088:. In Platzner, Robert Leonard (ed.). 6837: 6825: 6315: 6313: 6272: 6247: 6235: 6065: 6047: 6034: 6022: 6010: 5998: 5618:An Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon 5490: 5429: 5403: 5391: 5367: 5323: 4996: 4967: 4183: 12333: 12151: 12068:Mothering: Essays in Feminist Theory 12009: 11828:. Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books. 11523: 11509:. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 11286:"Beware the Bonds of Female Bonobos" 10797: 10709: 10566: 10551: 9503: 9296:Heresies No. 6 on Women and Violence 9117:, both as accessed January 29, 2011. 8969:, pp. 183–184; foundership per 8802: 8786: 8623: 8611: 8599: 8587: 8575: 7891:A Lecture on Constitutional Equality 7829:Dale, Jennifer, & Peggy Foster, 7378: 7037: 6676: 6664: 6649: 6099:Anthropology: An Applied Perspective 5311:, both as accessed November 3, 2013. 5307:(online), entry patriarchy to entry 5185:Reclaiming a Scientific Anthropology 5075: 5073: 5059: 5057: 4577:Patriarchs (Bible) § Matriarchs 3715:authored, as fiction (not as fact), 1063:adding citations to reliable sources 1034: 573: 12924:Early Human Kinship was Matrilineal 12098: 12039: 11331:PluciƄska, Sylwia (April 6, 2010). 11225:Vidya; Sukumar (October 10, 2005). 10720: 10677: 10514:(BJP)), all according to Bacchetta. 9970:(playwright, per p. 126), and 9828:(N.Y.: Random House, 1st ed. 1994 ( 9767:, p. 80 (emphasis in original) 9595:, p. 21 and see p. 20–21. 8986:(N.Y.: Random House, 1st ed. 1977 ( 7565: 7527: 7467: 7443: 7408: 6816:, p. 44 and see pp. 44–52 6765:Trung Sisters, Rebellion of (39–43) 6732:, p. 39 (n. 176 omitted). 6454:In China, a Matriarchy Under Threat 6288:, in M. Rosaldo & L. Lamphere, 6072:Women's Studies International Forum 5922: 5907: 5892: 5753: 5539:, all as accessed November 2, 2013. 5530:Chapter IV. The Tangle of Pathology 4936:is 'a female member of a military'. 4303:(1992) (translated into English as 3654:A minority of feminists, generally 1413:, who was carrying their daughter, 771: 292:used such terms and expressions as 279: 13: 12701: 12681:Zerilli, Linda M. G. (2005). 12443:10.1111/j.1540-6563.1978.tb01228.x 12056:10.1111/j.1540-6563.1990.tb00780.x 11494:Radioscopie du fĂ©minisme amĂ©ricain 11370:Reformation and Renaissance Review 11320:] (Documentary). Poland: TVP1. 9920:The Praxis of Coequal Discipleship 9881:Not absolutely but relatively so: 9462:, pp. 241–242, citing Plato, 9149:Khasi Matriliny Has Many Parallels 8771:, vol. XXV, 1999, pp. 310–311 8426:(London: Routledge, 2d ed., 2002 ( 7998:, p. 177 and see p. 153. 7769:(London: Gordon Cremonesi, 1975)). 7522:, July 9, 2005, p. 2 (online) 7455:Karimi, Faith (January 30, 2019). 7438:, July 9, 2005, p. 1 (online) 6310: 5848:(N.Y.: Random House, 2d ed. 2001 ( 5732:, vol. 33, no. 1, supp. 5479:(Mexico: Consejo Editorial, 1994)) 4188: 1017:The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory 169:prehistoric matriarchal Golden Age 14: 12977: 12915: 12683:Feminism and the Abyss of Freedom 10216:, quantity of 82 per p. 64). 10021:(N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 ( 8769:Review of Law & Social Change 8639:. University of Mother God Church 8318:, p. 337 and see p. 340 6956:Iroquois Culture & Commentary 6600:(Cornell University Press, 2002). 6215:(Cornell University Press, 2004 ( 6117:, in Smelser & Baltes, eds., 6025:, p. 123 and see p. 122 5417:, p. 173 and see p. 172 5070: 5067:(William Morrow & Co., 1973). 5054: 12884:(Oxford University Press, 2007 ( 12882:The Biology of African Savannahs 12840:10.1111/j.1748-1090.2006.00001.x 12534:. Oxford University Press, USA. 12390:. New York, NY: Pantheon Books. 12355:Journal of Contemporary Religion 12319:. New York, NY: Schocken Books. 11869:. Toronto: Inanna Publications. 11751:. New York, NY: Schocken Books. 11343: 11324: 11305: 11241: 11218: 11152: 11131: 11102: 11082: 11067: 11058: 11031: 11016: 10999: 10971: 10947: 10926: 10914: 10877: 10848: 10836: 10828:, citing Aylmer (AElmer), John, 10815: 10790: 10778: 10766: 10754: 10742: 10730: 10714: 10698: 10671: 10654: 10637: 10625: 10598: 10571: 10533: 10517: 10493: 10433: 10421: 10409: 10397: 10385: 10373: 10345: 10324: 10301: 10284: 10260: 10235: 10219: 10199: 10175: 10169:, p. 186 & ch. 8, 10160: 10148: 10136: 10112: 10100: 10076: 10049: 10032: 10011: 9957: 9945: 9912: 9900: 9888: 9875: 9863: 9851: 9839: 9819: 9807: 9795: 9783: 9770: 9758: 9746: 9734: 9695: 9683: 9671: 9659: 9647: 9635: 9623: 9598: 9586: 9574: 9553: 9525: 9509: 9497: 9482:, ch. 10, 14–15, & 21, 9469: 9453: 9434:(Temple University Press, 1995 ( 9330: 9301: 9274: 9207: 9187: 9175: 9160: 9139: 9120: 9097: 9075: 9056: 9029: 9009: 8997: 8976: 8960: 8919: 8907: 8895: 8835: 8796: 8780: 8756: 8726: 8714: 8702: 8687: 8675: 8663: 8651: 8629: 8617: 8605: 8593: 8581: 8569: 8553: 8541: 8517: 8505: 8489: 8477: 8437: 8416: 8403: 8391: 8375: 8363: 8351: 8338: 8309: 8297: 8285: 8238: 8217: 8170: 8158: 8146: 8130: 8103: 8075: 8063: 8025: 8013: 8001: 7989: 7973: 7954: 7945: 7920: 7904: 7884: 7868: 7848: 7787: 7772: 7756: 7740: 7728: 7703: 7691: 7679: 7667: 7655: 7621: 7609: 7596: 7353: 7341: 7329: 7313: 7300: 7268: 7247: 7228:(N.Y.: Spence Publishing, 1998 ( 7218: 7206: 7194: 7166: 7154: 7142: 7130: 7127:(Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1975 ). 7117: 7106: 7074: 7031: 7018: 7003: 6997:Myth, Religion, and Mother Right 6988: 6973: 6929: 6917: 6905: 6831: 5518:(U.S. Department of Labor, 1965) 5257:Asian Journal of Women's Studies 5033: 5024: 5015: 5002: 4989: 4960: 4951: 4939: 4927: 4918: 4909: 4896: 4883: 4871: 4859: 4834: 4822: 4813: 4801: 4789: 4653: 4641: 4629: 4617: 4455: 3821:One organization that was named 3525: 3057:Democratic Republic of the Congo 2396:Diversity, equity, and inclusion 1517: 1484: 1354:were descendants of Amazons and 1039: 1020:. The idea is not emphasized in 859:, classicists such as Harrison, 857:Myth, Religion, and Mother Right 837: 693:culture, which is in China near 225:(1681–1746), who first named it 11850:. Amherst, NY: Humanity Books. 11548:Davis, Elizabeth Gould (1971). 11403:. New York, NY: Penguin Books. 11360: 11204:"Leƛnicy woƂają ĆŒubry na siano" 10366:, pp. 101–102, Kook, Rav, 9922:, in Horsley, Richard A., ed., 9918:SchĂŒssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, 9298:, vol. 2, no. 2 (Summer 1978)). 9136:, as accessed January 29, 2011. 9094:, as accessed January 30, 2011. 7783:. Gipuzkoako Kutxa. p. 63. 7700:, p. 336 (italics omitted) 7606:, vols. 1–2, no. 4, p. 46. 7524:, as accessed October 13, 2013. 7440:, as accessed October 13, 2013. 7028:(Frankfurt/M.: Suhrkamp, 1980). 6819: 6807: 6782: 6735: 6723: 6711: 6699: 6682: 6670: 6643: 6590: 6566: 6531: 6487: 6464: 6445: 6424: 6411: 6398: 6373: 6345: 6330: 6297: 6277: 6266: 6241: 6205: 6166: 6142: 6127: 6091: 6040: 6028: 6016: 6004: 5955: 5943: 5931: 5916: 5901: 5886: 5747: 5672: 5647: 5628: 5609: 5590: 5570: 5542: 5507: 5495: 5484: 5464: 5446: 5435: 5408: 5397: 5385: 5373: 5361: 5349: 5337: 5317: 5297: 5284: 5065:The Inevitability of Patriarchy 4777: 4765: 4753: 4741: 4729: 4720: 4708: 4696: 4684: 4672: 4153: 3976: 3793:Lesbian Organization of Toronto 1050:needs additional citations for 1001:The Inevitability of Patriarchy 843:Earliest prehistory and undated 420:Intergenerational relationships 272:(mother) and Greek word Î»ÎżÎłÎżÏ‚ ( 11160:"Daevite Hub – SCP Foundation" 10961:(APH Publishing Corp., 2007). 10334:(N.Y.: Viking, hardback 2011 ( 10188:, as accessed March 5, 2011, 10046:, January 14, 1871, p. 8. 9285:(1977), from Dworkin, Andrea, 9072:, as accessed August 29, 2012. 7092:. Peter Lang. pp. 67–92. 6794:A Companion to the Vietnam War 6121:(2002), vol. 14, p. 9416 5244: 5177: 5131:, as accessed November 3, 2013 5093: 3489:Women's suffrage organizations 1283:. Although largely considered 893:Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages 823:The Great Binding Law of Peace 734:Ancient Vietnam (before 43 CE) 490:worship during prehistory (in 16:Social system with female rule 1: 12620:Vonarburg, Elisabeth (1992). 12557:Taylor, Keith Weller (1983). 12511:. London: The Women's Press. 12404: 12237:The Sixteenth Century Journal 12158:. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. 12155:Vietnamese-American Catholics 11931:The Sixteenth Century Journal 11769:The Sixteenth Century Journal 11444:The Sixteenth Century Journal 11140:"The Power by Naomi Alderman" 9492:Locke's Education for Liberty 9380:Nouvelle Questions Feministes 9085:(International Academy HAGIA) 8266:, as accessed Oct. 21, 2010 ( 7090:Gender, Tradition and Renewal 6338:The Cambridge Ancient History 5602:The History of Human Marriage 5563:(Boston: South End, 1981) or 5270:10.1080/12259276.2017.1283843 5048: 4412: 4212: 4168:According to Eller, feminist 3729:'open structure' of freedom". 1030: 730:society may be a matriarchy. 579:The Cambridge Ancient History 11684:. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. 11660:. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. 11533:. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. 9974:(novelist, per p. 127). 8282:, as accessed May 15, 2011.) 8139:, p. 187, as quoted in 7779:JosĂ© Miguel de BarandiarĂĄn. 7040:The Journal of Asian Studies 6767:, in Sandler, Stanley, ed., 6552:10.1080/13545701.2012.752312 6508:10.1080/13545701.2012.752312 6163:, as accessed Jan. 26, 2011. 6085:10.1016/0277-5395(85)90040-8 5679:Banerjee, Roopleena (2015). 5606:, London: Macmillan, p. 108. 4984:Kvinnovetenskaplig Tidskrift 4451:adaptation of the same name. 4300:Chroniques du Pays des MĂšres 3474:Suffragists and suffragettes 3404:American feminist literature 1301: 790:Girl in the Hopi Reservation 721: 602:that in "the nations of the 7: 12734:The Language of the Goddess 12708:Czaplicka, Marie Antoinette 11718:(in German). Berlin: Dietz. 11579:Donovan, Josephine (2000). 11351:"The Other Sister, Bonobos" 10966:( 10510:, both associated with the 10502:, p. 168 (the 2 being 10251:(October 29, 2005) (trans.) 10186:(October 29, 2005) (trans.) 9604:Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 9157:(India), October 15, 2005). 8251:Palestine Solidarity Review 8214:, as accessed Sep. 6, 2010. 7865:, vol. 2, pp. 351–353. 7831:Feminists and State Welfare 6980:Ruether, Rosemary Radford, 6290:Women, Culture, and Society 6134:Ruether, Rosemary Radford, 6048:Davis, Debra Diane (2000). 5583:Online Etymology Dictionary 5481:, as accessed Feb. 6, 2011. 5356:Peoples & Bailey (2012) 5148:Peoples & Bailey (2012) 4499: 4420:The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!! 4288:The Gate to Women's Country 4074:Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 3884:On egalitarian matriarchy, 3795:(LOOT) in 1976–1980 and in 3672:Palestine Solidarity Review 2714:Views on transgender topics 2704:Views on sexual orientation 1440:According to Adler, "there 828:George-Kanentiio explains: 612:describes the women on the 268:that comes from Latin word 202:Etymologically, it is from 10: 12982: 12828:International Zoo Yearbook 12812:The Creation of Patriarchy 12486:Schönpflug, Karin (2008). 12452:"Man's field: a review of 12215:Roald, Anne Sofie (2001). 11983:American Indian Law Review 11382:10.1558/rarr. 10362:, p. 101, citing, at 9214:Goettner-Abendroth (2009b) 9198:Goettner-Abendroth (2009a) 9194:Goettner-Abendroth (2009b) 9182:Goettner-Abendroth (2009b) 9167:Goettner-Abendroth (2009a) 9132:December 18, 2014, at the 9113:February 17, 2011, at the 7895:The Great Secession Speech 6790:"Vietnam" as a Women's War 6718:Roces & Edwards (2010) 6706:Roces & Edwards (2010) 6694:Roces & Edwards (2010) 6484:, retrieved July 10, 2011. 6361:September 7, 2013, at the 5442:Love & Shanklin (1983) 5380:Love & Shanklin (1983) 5344:Goettner-Abendroth (2009a) 4840:For another definition of 4567:Matriarch (disambiguation) 4518:Female cosmetic coalitions 4219:Elizabeth Burgoyne Corbett 4157: 3567: 1433: 1390:in the heart of Germania. 1333: 1290:Spokespersons for various 1264:, according to Emily Wax, 1221:), and the Germanic (e.g. 1177:, was asked by a woman in 871:looked at the evidence of 775: 757:, with her younger sister 606:woman is the ruling sex." 435: 322: 241: 189:Modern Matriarchal Studies 21:Matriarch (disambiguation) 18: 12658:Wittig, Monique (1985) . 12603:Jewish Feminism in Israel 12461:Claremont Review of Books 12456:, by Harvey C. Mansfield" 12076:Mansfield, Harvey Claflin 11977:Jacobs, RenĂ©e E. (1991). 11844:Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 11805:Jewish Feminism in Israel 10905:Socrates and Aristophanes 10824:, pp. 168, 170–171, 10804:, n. 1, for letter, 8262:December 8, 2010, at the 8227:(N.Y.: Free Press, 2000 ( 7863:History of Woman Suffrage 7805:Weisberg, D. Kelly, ed., 6480:January 12, 2018, at the 6248:Young, Katherine (2010). 6173:Gimbutas, Marija (1991). 6159:February 2, 2010, at the 6150:The Chalice and the Blade 5654:Grafton, Anthony (2013). 5305:Oxford English Dictionary 5125:Oxford English Dictionary 4986:, pp. 91–108 (1997). 3505:Women's rights by country 2416:Female genital mutilation 1393: 588: 548:human cultural universals 264:is derived from the noun 104:Oxford English Dictionary 78:differ in some respects. 12852:Cornell University Press 12598:"Violence against women" 11797:Freeman, Marsha (2003). 11472:Castro, Ginette (1990). 10281:, p. 25 n. 27) 9432:Feminism & Community 9364:Amazon Continues Odyssey 8925:Tong, Rosemarie Putnam, 7926:Underhill, Lois Beachy, 7516:A Place Where Women Rule 7432:A Place Where Women Rule 7123:Bachofen, Johann Jakob, 6995:Bachofen, Johann Jakob, 6954:George-Kanentiio, Doug, 6688:Chiricosta, Alessandra, 5252:Göttner-Abendroth, Heide 5209:Göttner-Abendroth, Heide 5104:Cornell University Press 4666: 4445:ƌoku: The Inner Chambers 4435:Amazon Women in the Mood 4194:As criticism in 390 BC, 3616:Charlotte Perkins Gilman 3510:Feminists by nationality 3484:Women's studies journals 3479:Women's rights activists 2207:Movements and ideologies 919:(or Helen Diner), wrote 705: 676: 660: 534:History and distribution 467:Venus von Willendorf, a 358:" (others being "mainly 12897:Gender in World History 12334:Ross, Becki L. (1995). 12288:Rohrlich, Ruby (1977). 12273:. Abingdon: Routledge. 12152:Phan, Peter C. (2005). 11397:Adler, Margot (2006) . 11040:Science Fiction Studies 11005:Valdes-Miyares, Ruben, 10986:Science Fiction Studies 10290:Rostami Povey, Elaheh, 9993:, per pp. 194–195. 9488:Natural Rights Theories 9376:Le Nationalisme Feminin 9204:& pts. I & VIII 6382:Big heart, strong hands 6321:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 5656:The Classical Tradition 5637:A Greek–English Lexicon 5523:April 28, 2014, at the 5477:JuchitĂĄn, City of Women 5084:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 5080:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 4866:Extrasensory perception 4514:(denials of matriarchy) 4381: 4231:Roquia Sakhawat Hussain 4099:Protestant Christianity 4078:Rashtriya Sevika Samiti 3886:Heide Göttner-Abendroth 2898:International relations 1769:Intersectional variants 1452:Basque myth and society 1430:Celtic myth and society 1185:Iron Age to Middle Ages 645:people residing in the 627: 352:Cultural anthropologist 223:Joseph-François Lafitau 128:Heide Göttner-Abendroth 12966:Political anthropology 12846:Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 12505:Spender, Dale (1985). 12450:Schaub, Diana (2006). 12367:10.1080/13537900123321 11822:Gabriel, Mary (1998). 11598:Echols, Alice (1989). 11249:Despard Estes, Richard 10810:Commentaries on Isaiah 10512:Bharatiya Janata Party 10394:, pp. 59 & 65 10044:The Press—Philadelphia 9989:, p. 195, citing 9966:, p. 131, citing 9090:July 19, 2011, at the 9018:, p. 108, citing 8805:, p. 204, citing 8498:, p. 80, quoting 8247:Dworkin's Scapegoating 8179:, p. 6. See also 7324:The Prehistoric Aegean 7279:The Prehistoric Aegean 6855:, p. 44 n. 1 6596:Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 6211:Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 6177:. Harper. p. 324. 5229:Sanday, Peggy Reeves, 5162:Haviland, William A., 4468: 4093: 3839: 3770:feminism's second wave 3683:The Fifth Sacred Thing 3600:Elizabeth Cady Stanton 3591: 3424:Conservative feminisms 2679:Bicycling and feminism 2655:Women in the workforce 2623:Violence against women 2598:Sexual objectification 2558:Opposition to feminism 1825:Vegetarian ecofeminism 1468:Franz-Karl Mayr, this 1342:society. According to 1330: 1175:Gorgo, Queen of Sparta 835: 791: 686: 471: 316:Words beginning with 185: 146: 50:in which positions of 40: 12867:Johann Jakob Bachofen 12723:The World of Odysseus 12595:Umanit, Irit (2003). 12490:. London: Routledge. 12382:Ruden, Sarah (2010). 12219:. London: Routledge. 11188:. Anime News Network. 10317:July 4, 2008, at the 10042:, p. 83, citing 9991:Jean-Jacques Rousseau 9704:, p. 30, citing 9559:Bartkowski, Frances, 9311:(N.Y.: Norton, 1989 ( 8696:, pp. 5–9 & 8344:Chesler, Phyllis, in 8098:Beyond God the Father 7982:, p. 62, citing 7963:, p. 61, citing 7917:, esp. pp. 54–57 7781:Euskal Herriko Mitoak 6942:, p. 223 (1884). 5183:Kuznar, Lawrence A., 4679:Feminist anthropology 4463: 4257:Marion Zimmer Bradley 4244:Marion Zimmer Bradley 4091: 3960:, were criticized by 3837: 3803:Elizabeth Gould Davis 3589: 3454:Feminist rhetoricians 3444:Feminist philosophers 2996:Revisionist mythology 2699:Views on prostitution 2684:Criticism of marriage 2379:Children's literature 1309: 1201:mythologies from the 1199:northwestern European 968:Elizabeth Gould Davis 830: 789: 712:national Constitution 684: 569:By region and culture 466: 436:Further information: 429:Words beginning with 286:Johann Jakob Bachofen 180: 144: 121:A. R. Radcliffe-Brown 113:cultural anthropology 31: 12859:Bachofen in-attuale? 12622:In the mother's land 12559:The Birth of Vietnam 11958:Herzog, Don (1998). 11626:History of Religions 11024:Bright Hub Education 10932:Suksang, Duangrudi, 9108:Societies in Balance 8272:Frantzman, Seth J., 7577:Rathnayake, Zinara. 7255:The Oldest Europeans 6763:Seekins, Donald M., 6352:Tacitus, Cornelius, 5730:Current Anthropology 4736:Elamite civilization 4305:In the Mothers' Land 4275:Speaker for the Dead 3972:In religious thought 3434:Feminist art critics 3409:Feminist comic books 3366:Lists and categories 3045:By continent/country 2876:Pathways perspective 2759:Gender mainstreaming 2694:Views on pornography 2603:Substantive equality 2583:Reproductive justice 2533:Matriarchal religion 2391:Diversity (politics) 2332:Political lesbianism 1642:Other women's rights 1382:placing them at the 1360:Roman historiography 1111:When God Was a Woman 1059:improve this article 944:Proto-Indo-Europeans 939:Old European culture 873:matriarchal religion 798:(in what is now the 610:Anne Helene Gjelstad 596:claimed in his book 560:second-wave feminism 12895:Stearns, Peter N., 12857:Schiavoni, Giulio, 12738:Thames & Hudson 12406:Schaller, George B. 10751:, pp. 372, 373 10708:(from extract), in 10660:Reid, W. Stanford, 10308:Al-Mohamed, Asmaa, 9606:What is "Feminism"? 9533:Stansell, Christine 9356:)), p. 32, in 9083:Matriarchal Studies 8637:"Embodiment of God" 8245:Ouma, Veronica A., 8022:, pp. 153, 177 7520:The Washington Post 7492:. September 9, 2016 7436:The Washington Post 7253:del Giorgio, J.F., 7082:von Stuckrad, Kocku 6970:, p. 498 & n. 6 6779:)), vol. 3, p. 898. 5964:, p. 60 & 5641:ÎłÏ…^ΜαÎčÎșÎż-Îșρα^Ï„Î­ÎżÎŒÎ±Îč 4582:Other World Kingdom 4557:Menstrual synchrony 4523:Feminist separatism 4295:Élisabeth Vonarburg 4262:The Mists of Avalon 4138:Christopher Goodman 3968:, and some others. 3778:spiritual feminists 3774:Harvey C. Mansfield 3757:According to Prof. 3629:feminist literature 3608:Matilda Joslyn Gage 3596:first-wave feminist 3570:Feminist separatism 3532:Feminism portal 3439:Feminist economists 3429:Ecofeminist authors 3234:Trinidad and Tobago 3174:Republic of Ireland 2866:Composition studies 2633:Women's empowerment 2588:Sex workers' rights 2513:Feminist capitalism 2493:Internalized sexism 2431:Feminism in culture 1544:History of feminism 1494:In feminist thought 1245:20th–21st centuries 1022:third-wave feminism 921:Mothers and Amazons 853:Jane Ellen Harrison 751:Keith Weller Taylor 325:Gynecocracy (novel) 229:. According to the 145:Margot Adler (2004) 115:, according to the 12880:Shorrocks, Bryan, 12780:Lapatin, Kenneth, 12732:Gimbutas, Marija, 12125:The Hebrew Goddess 11492:– translated from 11291:The New York Times 11164:The SCP Foundation 10763:, pp. 372–373 10157:, pp. 185–186 10145:, pp. 196–197 10121:, pp. 186–189 10085:, pp. 189–190 10073:, pp. 186–187 9909:, pp. 205–206 9731:, pp. 424–425 9384:Female Nationalism 9319:) (rev. ed. 2000 ( 9151:, October 15, 2005 9147:Mukhim, Patricia, 9063:Egalia's Daughters 9024:Egalia's Daughters 8916:, pp. 183–184 8723:, pp. 183–184 8514:, pp. 237–238 8400:, pp. 114–115 8278:The Jerusalem Post 8181:Poldervaart (1997) 7942:, esp. ch. 8. 7767:Women of the Celts 7676:, pp. 335–336 7604:Indigenous Affairs 7306:Three quotations: 7257:(A.J.Place, 2006 ( 7240:Skeptical Inquirer 7224:Davis, Philip G., 7215:, pp. 172–173 6926:, pp. 506–507 6914:, pp. 498–509 6788:Turner, Karen G., 6540:Feminist Economics 6496:Feminist Economics 6459:The Globe and Mail 6430:Marshall, Andrew, 6303:Brown, Donald E., 6152:, as cited at the 6067:Young, Iris Marion 6046:Latter quotation: 5597:Edvard Westermarck 5358:, pp. 258–259 5219:on April 19, 2013. 5063:Goldberg, Steven, 4469: 4184:In popular culture 4147:Heinrich Bullinger 4109:'s subject) wrote 4094: 4036:Rabbinical Judaism 4015:Muslim Brotherhood 3932:Christine Stansell 3865:Egalia's Daughters 3840: 3598:discourse, either 3592: 2844:Literary criticism 2709:Views on sexuality 2401:Effects on society 2369:Complementarianism 2349:Women's liberation 2104:Religious variants 2078:trans-exclusionary 1796:Radical lesbianism 1350:reported that the 1331: 1292:indigenous peoples 1136:The Hebrew Goddess 792: 687: 472: 392:queen bee syndrome 147: 41: 12692:978-0-226-98133-8 12673:978-0-8070-6301-9 12650:978-90-361-9747-2 12631:978-0-5532-9962-5 12612:978-1-58465-325-7 12587:978-0-7914-4138-1 12568:978-0-520-04428-9 12541:978-0-19-510778-4 12518:978-0-7043-2862-4 12497:978-0-415-41784-6 12419:978-0-226-73639-6 12397:978-0-375-42501-1 12345:978-0-8020-7479-9 12326:978-0-8052-0762-0 12226:978-0-415-24896-9 12207:978-0-313-27814-3 12184:978-90-361-9747-2 12165:978-0-8091-4352-8 12144:978-1-111-30152-1 12111:978-0-19-861271-1 12091:978-0-300-10664-0 12032:978-0-8052-0762-0 11969:978-0-691-04831-4 11921:978-1-58465-659-3 11895:978-0-9782233-5-9 11876:978-0-9782233-5-9 11857:978-1-57392-959-2 11835:978-1-56512-132-4 11814:978-1-58465-325-7 11758:978-0-8052-0762-0 11739:978-0-520-07010-3 11712:Engels, Friedrich 11691:978-0-8070-6792-5 11667:978-0-8070-6507-5 11613:978-0-8166-1787-6 11590:978-0-8264-1248-5 11540:978-0-8070-1413-4 11516:978-1-4039-6897-5 11506:Women and Madness 11487:978-0-8147-1448-5 11433:978-0-19-513478-0 11410:978-0-14-303819-1 11337:Dziennik Zachodni 11091:A Brother's Price 11075:Publishers Weekly 10977:Weinbaum, Batya, 10909:Fear of Diversity 10508:Sadhvi Rithambara 10340:978-0-670-02295-3 10027:978-1-4039-8204-9 10017:Siegel, Deborah, 9618:The Boston Herald 9610:The Sunday Herald 9593:Schönpflug (2008) 9546:978-0-679-64314-2 9450:))), p. 330. 9448:978-1-56639-277-8 9354:978-0-7456-3381-7 9338:Dead End Feminism 9291:Take Back the Day 9281:Dworkin, Andrea, 9051:Schönpflug (2008) 9036:Schönpflug (2008) 9016:Schönpflug (2008) 8532:Visions of Utopia 8409:Both quotations: 8292:Schönpflug (2008) 8206:Take No Prisoners 8092:, probably – per 8041:978-0-253-22251-0 7901:, pp. 86–87. 7641:978-0-684-31294-1 7350:, pp. 96–111 7287:Visions of Utopia 7263:978-980-6898-00-4 7099:978-3-906769-64-6 6741:Both quotations: 6452:MacKinnon, Mark, 6419:Why Buddha Smiles 6284:Bamberger, Joan, 6259:978-0-7735-3615-9 6200:978-0-06-117091-1 5736:(February, 1992 ( 5533:, authorship per 5290:Lepowsky, M. A., 4715:Queen Elizabeth I 4602:Women in the EZLN 4331:A Brother's Price 4320:Publishers Weekly 4249:The Ruins of Isis 4026:, in a 2001–2007 3828:Ti-Grace Atkinson 3694:Women and Madness 3622:Cultural feminism 3612:Victoria Woodhull 3590:Elizabeth Stanton 3566: 3565: 3517: 3516: 3036: 3035: 3026:womanist theology 2969:Political ecology 2800:Écriture fĂ©minine 2727: 2726: 2618:Triple oppression 2608:Toxic masculinity 2593:Sexual harassment 2458:Feminist stripper 2436:Feminist movement 1997: 1996: 1928:Africana womanism 1759: 1758: 1458:AndrĂ©s Ortiz-OsĂ©s 1124:pre-Islamic Arabs 1091: 1090: 1083: 992:Charlene Spretnak 926:The White Goddess 574:Ancient Near East 101:According to the 12973: 12956:Mother goddesses 12875:978-88-06-229375 12843: 12761:Hutton, Ronald, 12750:(rev. ed. 1993 ( 12744:Goldberg, Steven 12696: 12677: 12665: 12654: 12635: 12616: 12600: 12591: 12572: 12553: 12533: 12522: 12501: 12482: 12469: 12446: 12423: 12401: 12389: 12378: 12349: 12330: 12311: 12284: 12272: 12261: 12230: 12211: 12188: 12169: 12148: 12129: 12115: 12095: 12071: 12059: 12036: 12017: 12006: 11995:10.2307/20068706 11973: 11954: 11925: 11913: 11899: 11880: 11861: 11839: 11818: 11802: 11793: 11762: 11743: 11724:Epstein, Barbara 11719: 11707: 11695: 11671: 11649: 11617: 11605: 11594: 11575: 11563: 11544: 11520: 11501:Chesler, Phyllis 11491: 11479: 11468: 11437: 11420:Laurie L. Patton 11414: 11393: 11355: 11354: 11347: 11341: 11340: 11328: 11322: 11321: 11309: 11303: 11302: 11300: 11298: 11281: 11275: 11274: 11258: 11245: 11239: 11238: 11222: 11216: 11215: 11213: 11211: 11199: 11190: 11189: 11181: 11175: 11174: 11172: 11170: 11156: 11150: 11149: 11135: 11129: 11128: 11126: 11124: 11106: 11100: 11086: 11080: 11071: 11065: 11064:Vonarburg (1992) 11062: 11056: 11055: 11035: 11029: 11020: 11014: 11003: 10997: 10982: 10975: 10969: 10951: 10945: 10930: 10924: 10918: 10912: 10901:Mansfield (2006) 10898: 10887: 10881: 10875: 10869: 10858: 10852: 10846: 10840: 10834: 10819: 10813: 10794: 10788: 10782: 10776: 10770: 10764: 10758: 10752: 10746: 10740: 10734: 10728: 10718: 10712: 10702: 10696: 10690: 10681: 10675: 10669: 10658: 10652: 10643:Ridley, Jasper, 10641: 10635: 10629: 10623: 10617: 10608: 10602: 10596: 10590: 10581: 10575: 10569: 10564: 10555: 10549: 10543: 10537: 10531: 10524:Bacchetta (2002) 10521: 10515: 10500:Bacchetta (2002) 10497: 10491: 10488:Bacchetta (2002) 10485: 10470: 10467:Bacchetta (2002) 10464: 10458: 10452: 10443: 10437: 10431: 10425: 10419: 10413: 10407: 10401: 10395: 10389: 10383: 10377: 10371: 10349: 10343: 10330:Pinker, Steven, 10328: 10322: 10305: 10299: 10288: 10282: 10264: 10258: 10255:A General Remark 10239: 10233: 10223: 10217: 10203: 10197: 10179: 10173: 10164: 10158: 10152: 10146: 10140: 10134: 10128: 10122: 10116: 10110: 10104: 10098: 10092: 10086: 10080: 10074: 10068: 10059: 10053: 10047: 10036: 10030: 10015: 10009: 10003: 9994: 9987:Mansfield (2006) 9984: 9975: 9964:Mansfield (2006) 9961: 9955: 9949: 9943: 9936:In Memory of Her 9916: 9910: 9907:Mansfield (2006) 9904: 9898: 9895:Mansfield (2006) 9892: 9886: 9883:Mansfield (2006) 9879: 9873: 9867: 9861: 9858:Mansfield (2006) 9855: 9849: 9848:, pp. 63–64 9846:Mansfield (2006) 9843: 9837: 9823: 9817: 9814:Mansfield (2006) 9811: 9805: 9802:Mansfield (2006) 9799: 9793: 9790:Mansfield (2006) 9787: 9781: 9780:, pp. 78–80 9774: 9768: 9762: 9756: 9753:Mansfield (2006) 9750: 9744: 9738: 9732: 9726: 9713: 9706:GrimkĂ©, Sarah M. 9699: 9693: 9687: 9681: 9678:Mansfield (2006) 9675: 9669: 9666:Mansfield (2006) 9663: 9657: 9654:Mansfield (2006) 9651: 9645: 9644:, pp. 79–80 9642:Mansfield (2006) 9639: 9633: 9632:, pp. 80–81 9630:Mansfield (2006) 9627: 9621: 9616:, p.  , of 9602: 9596: 9590: 9584: 9578: 9572: 9561:Feminist Utopias 9557: 9551: 9550: 9529: 9523: 9513: 9507: 9501: 9495: 9476:Mansfield (2006) 9473: 9467: 9460:Mansfield (2006) 9457: 9451: 9421: 9334: 9328: 9305: 9299: 9278: 9272: 9266: 9251: 9245: 9234: 9228: 9217: 9211: 9205: 9191: 9185: 9179: 9173: 9164: 9158: 9143: 9137: 9124: 9118: 9106:, also known as 9101: 9095: 9079: 9073: 9060: 9054: 9048: 9039: 9033: 9027: 9020:Gerd Brantenberg 9013: 9007: 9001: 8995: 8980: 8974: 8964: 8958: 8944: 8938: 8923: 8917: 8911: 8905: 8899: 8893: 8887: 8868: 8862: 8845: 8839: 8833: 8832: 8800: 8794: 8784: 8778: 8760: 8754: 8747:Johnston, Jill, 8745: 8736: 8730: 8724: 8718: 8712: 8709:Mansfield (2006) 8706: 8700: 8691: 8685: 8679: 8673: 8667: 8661: 8655: 8649: 8648: 8646: 8644: 8633: 8627: 8621: 8615: 8609: 8603: 8602:, p. xxxiii 8597: 8591: 8585: 8579: 8573: 8567: 8557: 8551: 8545: 8539: 8521: 8515: 8509: 8503: 8493: 8487: 8481: 8475: 8469: 8456: 8455:)), p. 186. 8443:Auerbach, Nina, 8441: 8435: 8420: 8414: 8407: 8401: 8395: 8389: 8379: 8373: 8367: 8361: 8355: 8349: 8342: 8336: 8330: 8319: 8313: 8307: 8301: 8295: 8289: 8283: 8242: 8236: 8221: 8215: 8201: 8190: 8177:Willemsen (1997) 8174: 8168: 8165:Willemsen (1997) 8162: 8156: 8150: 8144: 8134: 8128: 8107: 8101: 8091: 8087: 8079: 8073: 8067: 8061: 8055: 8044: 8043:)), p. 235. 8029: 8023: 8017: 8011: 8005: 7999: 7993: 7987: 7977: 7971: 7958: 7952: 7949: 7943: 7924: 7918: 7908: 7902: 7893:, also known as 7888: 7882: 7872: 7866: 7852: 7846: 7844: 7827: 7818: 7803: 7794: 7791: 7785: 7784: 7776: 7770: 7760: 7754: 7744: 7738: 7732: 7726: 7725: 7723: 7721: 7707: 7701: 7695: 7689: 7683: 7677: 7671: 7665: 7659: 7653: 7652: 7650: 7648: 7625: 7619: 7613: 7607: 7602:Tamang, Stella, 7600: 7594: 7593: 7591: 7589: 7574: 7563: 7562: 7542: 7525: 7511: 7502: 7501: 7499: 7497: 7482: 7465: 7464: 7452: 7441: 7427: 7418: 7415: 7406: 7405: 7403: 7401: 7387: 7376: 7375: 7373: 7371: 7357: 7351: 7345: 7339: 7338:, pp. 38–39 7333: 7327: 7317: 7311: 7304: 7298: 7272: 7266: 7251: 7245: 7226:Goddess Unmasked 7222: 7216: 7210: 7204: 7198: 7192: 7183: 7177: 7170: 7164: 7158: 7152: 7146: 7140: 7134: 7128: 7121: 7115: 7110: 7104: 7103: 7078: 7072: 7071: 7035: 7029: 7022: 7016: 7007: 7001: 6992: 6986: 6977: 6971: 6965: 6959: 6952: 6943: 6933: 6927: 6921: 6915: 6909: 6903: 6897: 6888: 6882: 6871: 6865: 6856: 6850: 6841: 6835: 6829: 6823: 6817: 6811: 6805: 6786: 6780: 6761: 6746: 6739: 6733: 6727: 6721: 6715: 6709: 6703: 6697: 6686: 6680: 6674: 6668: 6662: 6653: 6647: 6641: 6640: 6612: 6601: 6594: 6588: 6575:Let's Anger Her! 6570: 6564: 6563: 6535: 6529: 6519: 6491: 6485: 6468: 6462: 6449: 6443: 6428: 6422: 6415: 6409: 6402: 6396: 6395: 6377: 6371: 6367:Paragraph 45:6: 6349: 6343: 6334: 6328: 6317: 6308: 6305:Human Universals 6301: 6295: 6281: 6275: 6270: 6264: 6263: 6245: 6239: 6233: 6224: 6209: 6203: 6188: 6179: 6178: 6170: 6164: 6154:author's website 6146: 6140: 6131: 6125: 6111: 6102: 6095: 6089: 6088: 6063: 6044: 6038: 6032: 6026: 6020: 6014: 6008: 6002: 5996: 5987: 5981: 5968: 5959: 5953: 5947: 5941: 5935: 5929: 5920: 5914: 5905: 5899: 5890: 5884: 5874: 5865: 5843: 5834: 5808: 5799: 5781: 5772: 5751: 5745: 5722:Leacock, Eleanor 5718: 5709: 5708: 5676: 5670: 5669: 5651: 5645: 5632: 5626: 5613: 5607: 5594: 5588: 5587: 5574: 5568: 5546: 5540: 5511: 5505: 5499: 5493: 5488: 5482: 5473:The Investigator 5468: 5462: 5450: 5444: 5439: 5433: 5427: 5418: 5412: 5406: 5401: 5395: 5394:, pp. 12–13 5389: 5383: 5377: 5371: 5365: 5359: 5353: 5347: 5341: 5335: 5321: 5315: 5314: 5301: 5295: 5288: 5282: 5281: 5248: 5242: 5236: 5220: 5215:. Archived from 5205: 5196: 5181: 5175: 5174:)), p. 579. 5160: 5151: 5145: 5136: 5134: 5127:(online), entry 5122: 5107: 5097: 5091: 5077: 5068: 5061: 5043: 5037: 5031: 5028: 5022: 5019: 5013: 5010:Bacchetta (2002) 5006: 5000: 4993: 4987: 4964: 4958: 4955: 4949: 4943: 4937: 4931: 4925: 4922: 4916: 4913: 4907: 4900: 4894: 4887: 4881: 4875: 4869: 4863: 4857: 4856:)), p. 137. 4838: 4832: 4829:Anarcha-feminism 4826: 4820: 4817: 4811: 4805: 4799: 4793: 4787: 4781: 4775: 4769: 4763: 4757: 4751: 4745: 4739: 4733: 4727: 4724: 4718: 4712: 4706: 4700: 4694: 4691:Black matriarchy 4688: 4682: 4676: 4658: 4657: 4646: 4645: 4644: 4634: 4633: 4622: 4621: 4613: 4592:Radical feminism 4587:Bissagos Islands 4424:African Elephant 4367:Earth's Children 4270:Orson Scott Card 4175: 4164:Goddess movement 4126:W. Stanford Reid 4053: 4000: 3992:Anne Sofie Roald 3962:Kathie Sarachild 3880: 3857: 3790: 3767: 3728: 3648:Feminist utopias 3558: 3551: 3544: 3530: 3529: 3528: 3469:Feminist parties 3464:Muslim feminists 3459:Jewish feminists 3370: 3369: 3351:History of women 2974:Political theory 2742: 2741: 2672: 2671: 2645: 2638:Women-only space 2523:Likeability trap 2411:Female education 2225:Anti-pornography 2080: 2079: 2075: 1791:Lesbian of color 1774: 1773: 1651:Women's suffrage 1627:Muslim countries 1622:Women's suffrage 1539:Feminist history 1532: 1531: 1521: 1498: 1497: 1426:overthrow him. 1311:Large stone disk 1279:in the state of 1223:Grendel's mother 1100: 1086: 1079: 1075: 1072: 1066: 1043: 1035: 1012:Goddess Unmasked 984:Goddess movement 952:Eastern European 915:Austrian writer 898:Friedrich Engels 806:), according to 802:in northeastern 800:Hopi Reservation 772:Native Americans 767: 496:Neolithic Europe 306:female authority 284:In their works, 280:Related concepts 244: 243: 213:), "mother" and 153: 68:social privilege 12981: 12980: 12976: 12975: 12974: 12972: 12971: 12970: 12961:Feminist theory 12931: 12930: 12921:Knight, Chris. 12918: 12810:Lerner, Gerda, 12795:Lerner, Gerda, 12767:Wiley-Blackwell 12765:(Hoboken, NJ: 12716:Clarendon Press 12704: 12702:Further reading 12699: 12693: 12674: 12662:Les GuĂ©rillĂšres 12651: 12632: 12613: 12588: 12569: 12542: 12519: 12498: 12420: 12398: 12346: 12327: 12308: 12281: 12250:10.2307/2543225 12227: 12208: 12194:Les GuĂ©rillĂšres 12185: 12166: 12145: 12112: 12092: 12033: 11970: 11943:10.2307/2542887 11922: 11896: 11877: 11858: 11836: 11815: 11782:10.2307/2543787 11759: 11740: 11692: 11668: 11614: 11591: 11541: 11517: 11488: 11457:10.2307/2544266 11434: 11411: 11363: 11358: 11349: 11348: 11344: 11329: 11325: 11311: 11310: 11306: 11296: 11294: 11282: 11278: 11271: 11246: 11242: 11237:(7): 1200–1207. 11231:Current Science 11223: 11219: 11209: 11207: 11200: 11193: 11182: 11178: 11168: 11166: 11158: 11157: 11153: 11136: 11132: 11122: 11120: 11112:(May 6, 2008). 11110:Newitz, Annalee 11107: 11103: 11095:RT Book Reviews 11089:Traynor, Page, 11087: 11083: 11072: 11068: 11063: 11059: 11036: 11032: 11021: 11017: 11004: 11000: 10980: 10976: 10972: 10964:Sultana's Dream 10953:Hasan, Seemin, 10952: 10948: 10938:Utopian Studies 10931: 10927: 10919: 10915: 10899: 10890: 10882: 10878: 10870: 10861: 10853: 10849: 10843:de Abreu (2003) 10841: 10837: 10822:de Abreu (2003) 10820: 10816: 10795: 10791: 10785:Richards (1997) 10783: 10779: 10771: 10767: 10759: 10755: 10747: 10743: 10737:Richards (1997) 10735: 10731: 10719: 10715: 10703: 10699: 10693:Richards (1997) 10691: 10684: 10676: 10672: 10659: 10655: 10642: 10638: 10630: 10626: 10620:Brammall (1996) 10618: 10611: 10605:Brammall (1996) 10603: 10599: 10593:de Abreu (2003) 10591: 10584: 10576: 10572: 10565: 10558: 10550: 10546: 10540:de Abreu (2003) 10538: 10534: 10522: 10518: 10498: 10494: 10486: 10473: 10465: 10461: 10453: 10446: 10438: 10434: 10426: 10422: 10414: 10410: 10402: 10398: 10390: 10386: 10378: 10374: 10350: 10346: 10329: 10325: 10319:Wayback Machine 10306: 10302: 10296:Feminist Review 10289: 10285: 10265: 10261: 10240: 10236: 10224: 10220: 10204: 10200: 10180: 10176: 10165: 10161: 10153: 10149: 10141: 10137: 10129: 10125: 10117: 10113: 10105: 10101: 10093: 10089: 10081: 10077: 10069: 10062: 10054: 10050: 10037: 10033: 10029:)), p. 65. 10016: 10012: 10004: 9997: 9985: 9978: 9962: 9958: 9950: 9946: 9917: 9913: 9905: 9901: 9893: 9889: 9880: 9876: 9868: 9864: 9856: 9852: 9844: 9840: 9824: 9820: 9812: 9808: 9800: 9796: 9788: 9784: 9775: 9771: 9763: 9759: 9751: 9747: 9741:Richards (1997) 9739: 9735: 9727: 9716: 9700: 9696: 9688: 9684: 9676: 9672: 9664: 9660: 9652: 9648: 9640: 9636: 9628: 9624: 9603: 9599: 9591: 9587: 9579: 9575: 9571:)), ch. 1. 9558: 9554: 9547: 9530: 9526: 9520:Les GuĂ©rillĂšres 9514: 9510: 9502: 9498: 9474: 9470: 9458: 9454: 9340:(Polity, 2006 ( 9335: 9331: 9307:Morgan, Robin, 9306: 9302: 9279: 9275: 9267: 9254: 9246: 9237: 9229: 9220: 9212: 9208: 9192: 9188: 9180: 9176: 9165: 9161: 9144: 9140: 9134:Wayback Machine 9125: 9121: 9115:Wayback Machine 9102: 9098: 9092:Wayback Machine 9080: 9076: 9061: 9057: 9049: 9042: 9034: 9030: 9014: 9010: 9002: 8998: 8982:Morgan, Robin, 8981: 8977: 8965: 8961: 8945: 8941: 8937:)), p. 23. 8924: 8920: 8912: 8908: 8900: 8896: 8888: 8871: 8863: 8848: 8840: 8836: 8821:10.2307/3346152 8801: 8797: 8785: 8781: 8761: 8757: 8746: 8739: 8731: 8727: 8719: 8715: 8707: 8703: 8694:Rountree (2001) 8692: 8688: 8682:Rountree (2001) 8680: 8676: 8668: 8664: 8656: 8652: 8642: 8640: 8635: 8634: 8630: 8622: 8618: 8610: 8606: 8598: 8594: 8586: 8582: 8574: 8570: 8558: 8554: 8546: 8542: 8536:Rohrlich (1984) 8530:, in Pt. Four ( 8522: 8518: 8510: 8506: 8494: 8490: 8482: 8478: 8470: 8459: 8442: 8438: 8434:)), p. 78. 8421: 8417: 8413:, p. xvii. 8411:Rohrlich (1984) 8408: 8404: 8396: 8392: 8380: 8376: 8368: 8364: 8356: 8352: 8343: 8339: 8331: 8322: 8314: 8310: 8302: 8298: 8290: 8286: 8264:Wayback Machine 8243: 8239: 8222: 8218: 8202: 8193: 8175: 8171: 8163: 8159: 8151: 8147: 8135: 8131: 8127:, p. 287). 8108: 8104: 8100:, p. 94)). 8089: 8085: 8080: 8076: 8068: 8064: 8056: 8047: 8031:Penner, James, 8030: 8026: 8018: 8014: 8006: 8002: 7994: 7990: 7978: 7974: 7959: 7955: 7950: 7946: 7925: 7921: 7909: 7905: 7889: 7885: 7873: 7869: 7853: 7849: 7842: 7828: 7821: 7804: 7797: 7792: 7788: 7777: 7773: 7761: 7757: 7745: 7741: 7733: 7729: 7719: 7717: 7709: 7708: 7704: 7696: 7692: 7684: 7680: 7672: 7668: 7660: 7656: 7646: 7644: 7642: 7626: 7622: 7614: 7610: 7601: 7597: 7587: 7585: 7575: 7566: 7543: 7528: 7512: 7505: 7495: 7493: 7484: 7483: 7468: 7453: 7444: 7428: 7421: 7416: 7409: 7399: 7397: 7389: 7388: 7379: 7369: 7367: 7359: 7358: 7354: 7346: 7342: 7334: 7330: 7320:Rohrlich (1977) 7318: 7314: 7308:Rohrlich (1977) 7305: 7301: 7295:Rohrlich (1984) 7291:Rohrlich (1984) 7285:, in Pt. Four ( 7275:Rohrlich (1977) 7273: 7269: 7252: 7248: 7242:(1999) (review) 7223: 7219: 7211: 7207: 7199: 7195: 7184: 7180: 7172:Bebel, August, 7171: 7167: 7159: 7155: 7147: 7143: 7135: 7131: 7122: 7118: 7111: 7107: 7100: 7079: 7075: 7052:10.2307/2659214 7036: 7032: 7023: 7019: 7008: 7004: 6993: 6989: 6978: 6974: 6966: 6962: 6953: 6946: 6934: 6930: 6922: 6918: 6910: 6906: 6900:Schlegel (1984) 6898: 6891: 6885:Schlegel (1984) 6883: 6874: 6868:Schlegel (1984) 6866: 6859: 6853:Schlegel (1984) 6851: 6844: 6836: 6832: 6824: 6820: 6814:Schlegel (1984) 6812: 6808: 6787: 6783: 6762: 6749: 6740: 6736: 6728: 6724: 6716: 6712: 6704: 6700: 6687: 6683: 6675: 6671: 6663: 6656: 6648: 6644: 6629:10.2307/2642829 6613: 6604: 6595: 6591: 6585:, July 25, 2012 6571: 6567: 6536: 6532: 6492: 6488: 6482:Wayback Machine 6469: 6465: 6450: 6446: 6429: 6425: 6417:Bisch, Jorgen, 6416: 6412: 6403: 6399: 6392: 6378: 6374: 6366: 6363:Wayback Machine 6350: 6346: 6335: 6331: 6318: 6311: 6302: 6298: 6282: 6278: 6271: 6267: 6260: 6246: 6242: 6234: 6227: 6210: 6206: 6189: 6182: 6171: 6167: 6161:Wayback Machine 6148:Eisler, Riane, 6147: 6143: 6132: 6128: 6112: 6105: 6096: 6092: 6060: 6045: 6041: 6033: 6029: 6021: 6017: 6009: 6005: 5997: 5990: 5984:Scalingi (1978) 5982: 5971: 5962:Scalingi (1978) 5960: 5956: 5950:Scalingi (1978) 5948: 5944: 5938:Scalingi (1978) 5936: 5932: 5921: 5917: 5906: 5902: 5891: 5887: 5875: 5868: 5844: 5837: 5809: 5802: 5782: 5775: 5752: 5748: 5719: 5712: 5677: 5673: 5666: 5652: 5648: 5633: 5629: 5614: 5610: 5595: 5591: 5576: 5575: 5571: 5547: 5543: 5525:Wayback Machine 5512: 5508: 5502:Rohrlich (1977) 5500: 5496: 5489: 5485: 5469: 5465: 5451: 5447: 5440: 5436: 5428: 5421: 5413: 5409: 5402: 5398: 5390: 5386: 5378: 5374: 5366: 5362: 5354: 5350: 5342: 5338: 5322: 5318: 5312: 5302: 5298: 5289: 5285: 5249: 5245: 5234: 5221: 5206: 5199: 5182: 5178: 5161: 5154: 5146: 5139: 5132: 5123: 5110: 5098: 5094: 5078: 5071: 5062: 5055: 5051: 5046: 5038: 5034: 5029: 5025: 5020: 5016: 5007: 5003: 4994: 4990: 4965: 4961: 4956: 4952: 4944: 4940: 4932: 4928: 4923: 4919: 4914: 4910: 4901: 4897: 4888: 4884: 4876: 4872: 4864: 4860: 4839: 4835: 4827: 4823: 4818: 4814: 4806: 4802: 4794: 4790: 4782: 4778: 4770: 4766: 4758: 4754: 4746: 4742: 4734: 4730: 4725: 4721: 4713: 4709: 4701: 4697: 4689: 4685: 4677: 4673: 4669: 4664: 4652: 4642: 4640: 4628: 4616: 4608: 4606: 4502: 4485:naked mole rats 4458: 4418:In the special 4415: 4395:Mars Needs Moms 4384: 4283:Sheri S. Tepper 4236:Sultana's Dream 4215: 4191: 4189:Ancient theatre 4186: 4173: 4166: 4158:Main articles: 4156: 4051: 3994: 3979: 3974: 3878: 3855: 3788: 3761: 3743:Rasa von Werder 3726: 3718:Les GuĂ©rillĂšres 3690:Phyllis Chesler 3604:Margaret Fuller 3573: 3562: 3526: 3524: 3519: 3518: 3420: 3367: 3359: 3358: 3357: 3266:Northern Cyprus 3046: 3038: 3037: 3032: 2854:Science fiction 2805: 2784:Women's studies 2749:Feminist method 2739: 2729: 2728: 2723: 2669: 2661: 2660: 2659: 2643: 2553:Oedipus complex 2543:Men in feminism 2508:Language reform 2488:Ideal womanhood 2468:Gender equality 2463:Formal equality 2426:Feminationalism 2363: 2355: 2354: 2353: 2310:Post-structural 2209: 2199: 2198: 2197: 2106: 2096: 2095: 2094: 2077: 2074:Gender-critical 2073: 2072: 2023:Femonationalism 2007: 1999: 1998: 1993: 1972:Native American 1912: 1867:Critical theory 1829: 1771: 1761: 1760: 1755: 1710:Second Republic 1638: 1608: 1575: 1549:Women's history 1529: 1496: 1487: 1454: 1438: 1432: 1403:Greek mythology 1396: 1388:Paulus Diaconus 1344:Phyllis Chesler 1336: 1319:Huitzilopochtli 1304: 1277:Northeast India 1275:people live in 1247: 1187: 1098: 1087: 1076: 1070: 1067: 1056: 1044: 1033: 976:Margaret Murray 895: 845: 840: 784: 776:Main articles: 774: 765: 736: 724: 708: 679: 663: 630: 591: 576: 571: 536: 507:Marija Gimbutas 476:Marija Gimbutas 440: 434: 422: 328: 321: 282: 197:Daniel Moynihan 151: 99: 64:moral authority 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 12979: 12969: 12968: 12963: 12958: 12953: 12948: 12943: 12929: 12928: 12917: 12916:External links 12914: 12913: 12912: 12893: 12878: 12861:(chapter), in 12855: 12844: 12823: 12808: 12793: 12778: 12759: 12741: 12730: 12721:Finley, M.I., 12719: 12703: 12700: 12698: 12697: 12691: 12678: 12672: 12655: 12649: 12636: 12630: 12617: 12611: 12592: 12586: 12573: 12567: 12554: 12540: 12523: 12517: 12502: 12496: 12483: 12470: 12447: 12424: 12418: 12402: 12396: 12379: 12350: 12344: 12331: 12325: 12312: 12306: 12285: 12279: 12262: 12244:(1): 101–121. 12231: 12225: 12212: 12206: 12189: 12183: 12170: 12164: 12149: 12143: 12130: 12120:Patai, Raphael 12116: 12110: 12096: 12090: 12072: 12060: 12050:(2): 242–261. 12037: 12031: 12018: 12007: 11989:(2): 497–531. 11974: 11968: 11955: 11937:(2): 371–386. 11926: 11920: 11900: 11894: 11881: 11875: 11862: 11856: 11840: 11834: 11819: 11813: 11794: 11776:(4): 805–822. 11763: 11757: 11744: 11738: 11720: 11708: 11700:Eller, Cynthia 11696: 11690: 11676:Eller, Cynthia 11672: 11666: 11654:Eller, Cynthia 11650: 11638:10.1086/463229 11632:(3): 279–295. 11622:Eller, Cynthia 11618: 11612: 11595: 11589: 11576: 11564: 11545: 11539: 11521: 11515: 11497: 11486: 11469: 11438: 11432: 11415: 11409: 11394: 11376:(2): 166–187. 11364: 11362: 11359: 11357: 11356: 11342: 11323: 11304: 11276: 11269: 11240: 11217: 11191: 11176: 11151: 11130: 11101: 11081: 11066: 11057: 11030: 11026:(book summary) 11015: 10998: 10970: 10946: 10925: 10913: 10888: 10876: 10859: 10847: 10835: 10814: 10806:Zurich Letters 10789: 10777: 10765: 10753: 10741: 10729: 10713: 10704:Laing, David, 10697: 10682: 10670: 10653: 10636: 10624: 10609: 10597: 10582: 10570: 10556: 10544: 10532: 10516: 10492: 10471: 10459: 10444: 10442:, pp. 6–7 10432: 10428:Freeman (2003) 10420: 10408: 10404:Freeman (2003) 10396: 10392:Freeman (2003) 10384: 10380:Hartman (2007) 10372: 10364:Hartman (2007) 10360:Hartman (2007) 10352:Hartman (2007) 10344: 10323: 10300: 10283: 10259: 10234: 10218: 10212:, ch. 3, 10198: 10174: 10159: 10147: 10135: 10123: 10111: 10099: 10087: 10075: 10060: 10048: 10040:Gabriel (1998) 10031: 10010: 9995: 9976: 9956: 9944: 9911: 9899: 9887: 9874: 9862: 9850: 9838: 9818: 9806: 9794: 9782: 9769: 9757: 9745: 9733: 9714: 9702:Donovan (2000) 9694: 9682: 9670: 9658: 9646: 9634: 9622: 9597: 9585: 9581:Donovan (2000) 9573: 9552: 9545: 9524: 9508: 9496: 9468: 9452: 9402:10.1086/494181 9396:(4): 741–761. 9372:Amazon Odyssey 9329: 9300: 9273: 9252: 9235: 9218: 9206: 9186: 9174: 9159: 9138: 9119: 9096: 9074: 9055: 9040: 9028: 9008: 8996: 8975: 8959: 8939: 8918: 8906: 8894: 8869: 8846: 8834: 8795: 8779: 8777:, p. 15). 8775:Lesbian Nation 8755: 8737: 8725: 8713: 8701: 8686: 8674: 8662: 8658:Zerilli (2005) 8650: 8628: 8616: 8604: 8592: 8590:, p. xxvi 8580: 8568: 8566:, p. 261. 8560:Zerilli (2005) 8552: 8540: 8538:, p. 205. 8516: 8504: 8496:Zerilli (2005) 8488: 8476: 8457: 8436: 8415: 8402: 8390: 8374: 8370:Spender (1985) 8362: 8358:Spender (1985) 8350: 8346:Spender (1985) 8337: 8333:Chesler (2005) 8320: 8316:Chesler (2005) 8308: 8304:Chesler (2005) 8296: 8284: 8237: 8216: 8212:, May 13, 2000 8191: 8169: 8157: 8145: 8143:, p. 287. 8129: 8102: 8074: 8062: 8045: 8024: 8012: 8000: 7988: 7980:Donovan (2000) 7972: 7961:Donovan (2000) 7953: 7944: 7919: 7911:Gabriel (1998) 7903: 7899:Gabriel (1998) 7883: 7875:Donovan (2000) 7867: 7855:Donovan (2000) 7847: 7819: 7795: 7786: 7771: 7755: 7739: 7727: 7702: 7698:Chesler (2005) 7690: 7686:Chesler (2005) 7678: 7674:Chesler (2005) 7666: 7662:Chesler (2005) 7654: 7640: 7620: 7608: 7595: 7564: 7526: 7503: 7466: 7442: 7419: 7407: 7377: 7352: 7340: 7328: 7312: 7299: 7267: 7246: 7238:Sheaffer, R., 7217: 7213:Epstein (1991) 7205: 7201:Epstein (1991) 7193: 7178: 7165: 7153: 7141: 7129: 7116: 7105: 7098: 7073: 7046:(4): 835–862. 7030: 7017: 7002: 6987: 6972: 6960: 6944: 6928: 6916: 6904: 6889: 6872: 6857: 6842: 6830: 6818: 6806: 6781: 6747: 6734: 6722: 6710: 6698: 6681: 6669: 6654: 6642: 6623:(9): 793–805. 6602: 6589: 6565: 6530: 6486: 6463: 6444: 6423: 6410: 6404:The Guardian, 6397: 6390: 6372: 6344: 6342:, p. 400. 6329: 6323:(2007), entry 6309: 6296: 6294:, p. 263. 6276: 6265: 6258: 6240: 6225: 6204: 6180: 6165: 6141: 6126: 6103: 6090: 6079:(3): 173–183. 6059:978-0809322282 6058: 6039: 6027: 6015: 6003: 5988: 5969: 5954: 5942: 5930: 5915: 5900: 5885: 5866: 5835: 5800: 5773: 5746: 5710: 5671: 5664: 5646: 5627: 5608: 5589: 5569: 5549:Donovan (2000) 5541: 5506: 5494: 5483: 5463: 5445: 5434: 5419: 5415:Epstein (1991) 5407: 5396: 5384: 5372: 5360: 5348: 5346:, pp. 1–2 5336: 5316: 5296: 5283: 5243: 5241: 5240: 5239: 5238: 5197: 5176: 5152: 5137: 5108: 5092: 5086:(2007), entry 5069: 5052: 5050: 5047: 5045: 5044: 5032: 5023: 5014: 5012:, p. 157. 5001: 4999:, p. 185. 4988: 4959: 4950: 4938: 4926: 4917: 4908: 4895: 4882: 4870: 4858: 4833: 4821: 4812: 4800: 4788: 4776: 4764: 4752: 4740: 4728: 4719: 4707: 4695: 4683: 4670: 4668: 4665: 4663: 4662: 4650: 4638: 4626: 4605: 4604: 4599: 4594: 4589: 4584: 4579: 4574: 4569: 4564: 4559: 4554: 4547: 4546: 4545: 4543:Alice Lenshina 4535: 4530: 4525: 4520: 4515: 4509: 4507:Alain DaniĂ©lou 4503: 4501: 4498: 4493:European bison 4473:spotted hyenas 4465:European bison 4457: 4454: 4453: 4452: 4441:Fumi Yoshinaga 4438: 4427: 4414: 4411: 4410: 4409: 4402:The 2023 film 4400: 4393:animated film 4383: 4380: 4379: 4378: 4375:SCP Foundation 4371: 4359: 4350:Naomi Alderman 4346: 4337:Elizabeth Bear 4334: 4324: 4315:Master of None 4308: 4292: 4279: 4266: 4253: 4241: 4228: 4214: 4211: 4210: 4209: 4198:wrote a play, 4190: 4187: 4185: 4182: 4155: 4152: 4151: 4150: 4086: 4085: 4072:in India, the 4066: 4059: 4032: 3978: 3975: 3973: 3970: 3860: 3859: 3851: 3832: 3831: 3819: 3800: 3781: 3751: 3750: 3740: 3730: 3713:Monique Wittig 3710: 3687: 3675: 3668:Andrea Dworkin 3564: 3563: 3561: 3560: 3553: 3546: 3538: 3535: 3534: 3521: 3520: 3515: 3514: 3513: 3512: 3507: 3499: 3498: 3494: 3493: 3492: 3491: 3486: 3481: 3476: 3471: 3466: 3461: 3456: 3451: 3449:Feminist poets 3446: 3441: 3436: 3431: 3426: 3419: 3418: 3416:Feminist songs 3413: 3412: 3411: 3406: 3396: 3395: 3394: 3392:by nationality 3384: 3378: 3375: 3374: 3368: 3365: 3364: 3361: 3360: 3356: 3355: 3354: 3353: 3343: 3341:United Kingdom 3338: 3333: 3328: 3323: 3318: 3313: 3308: 3303: 3298: 3293: 3288: 3283: 3278: 3273: 3268: 3263: 3258: 3253: 3248: 3243: 3238: 3237: 3236: 3231: 3226: 3221: 3216: 3211: 3206: 3201: 3191: 3186: 3181: 3176: 3171: 3166: 3161: 3156: 3151: 3146: 3141: 3136: 3131: 3126: 3121: 3116: 3111: 3106: 3101: 3096: 3095: 3094: 3089: 3084: 3079: 3074: 3069: 3064: 3059: 3048: 3047: 3044: 3043: 3040: 3039: 3034: 3033: 3031: 3030: 3029: 3028: 3018: 3013: 3008: 3003: 2998: 2993: 2992: 2991: 2981: 2976: 2971: 2966: 2965: 2964: 2959: 2954: 2952:Existentialism 2949: 2948: 2947: 2945:Justice ethics 2937: 2932: 2927: 2917: 2912: 2907: 2906: 2905: 2903:Constructivism 2895: 2890: 2885: 2880: 2879: 2878: 2868: 2863: 2858: 2857: 2856: 2851: 2846: 2841: 2831: 2826: 2821: 2815: 2812: 2811: 2810:Areas of study 2807: 2806: 2804: 2803: 2796: 2791: 2786: 2781: 2776: 2771: 2766: 2761: 2756: 2754:Gender studies 2751: 2745: 2740: 2735: 2734: 2731: 2730: 2725: 2724: 2722: 2721: 2719:SCUM Manifesto 2716: 2711: 2706: 2701: 2696: 2691: 2686: 2681: 2675: 2670: 2667: 2666: 2663: 2662: 2658: 2657: 2652: 2650:Women's rights 2647: 2644:Women's health 2640: 2635: 2630: 2625: 2620: 2615: 2610: 2605: 2600: 2595: 2590: 2585: 2580: 2575: 2570: 2565: 2560: 2555: 2550: 2545: 2540: 2535: 2530: 2528:Male privilege 2525: 2520: 2515: 2510: 2505: 2497:International 2495: 2490: 2485: 2480: 2475: 2470: 2465: 2460: 2455: 2454: 2453: 2448: 2443: 2433: 2428: 2423: 2418: 2413: 2408: 2403: 2398: 2393: 2388: 2383: 2382: 2381: 2371: 2365: 2364: 2361: 2360: 2357: 2356: 2352: 2351: 2346: 2344:Technofeminism 2341: 2340: 2339: 2334: 2329: 2319: 2318: 2317: 2307: 2302: 2301: 2300: 2299: 2298: 2288: 2283: 2273: 2272: 2271: 2270: 2269: 2254: 2249: 2244: 2243: 2242: 2237: 2227: 2222: 2217: 2211: 2210: 2205: 2204: 2201: 2200: 2196: 2195: 2190: 2189: 2188: 2178: 2173: 2168: 2167: 2166: 2161: 2156: 2146: 2145: 2144: 2139: 2134: 2129: 2119: 2114: 2108: 2107: 2102: 2101: 2098: 2097: 2093: 2092: 2087: 2082: 2069: 2068: 2067: 2062: 2057: 2047: 2042: 2041: 2040: 2030: 2025: 2020: 2015: 2009: 2008: 2006:Other variants 2005: 2004: 2001: 2000: 1995: 1994: 1992: 1991: 1986: 1981: 1976: 1975: 1974: 1964: 1963: 1962: 1952: 1951: 1950: 1945: 1940: 1930: 1924: 1921: 1920: 1914: 1913: 1911: 1910: 1905: 1904: 1903: 1898: 1888: 1887: 1886: 1876: 1875: 1874: 1869: 1859: 1854: 1853: 1852: 1841: 1838: 1837: 1831: 1830: 1828: 1827: 1822: 1821: 1820: 1810: 1805: 1804: 1803: 1798: 1793: 1783: 1777: 1772: 1767: 1766: 1763: 1762: 1757: 1756: 1754: 1753: 1752: 1751: 1741: 1740: 1739: 1734: 1732:Cayman Islands 1727:United Kingdom 1724: 1719: 1718: 1717: 1712: 1704: 1699: 1694: 1689: 1684: 1679: 1674: 1669: 1664: 1658: 1655: 1654: 1647: 1646: 1645: 1644: 1637: 1636: 1635: 1634: 1629: 1618: 1615: 1614: 1610: 1609: 1607: 1606: 1601: 1596: 1591: 1585: 1582: 1581: 1577: 1576: 1574: 1573: 1572: 1571: 1566: 1561: 1556: 1546: 1541: 1535: 1530: 1527: 1526: 1523: 1522: 1514: 1513: 1507: 1506: 1495: 1492: 1486: 1483: 1478:Mari (goddess) 1453: 1450: 1434:Main article: 1431: 1428: 1395: 1392: 1380:Adam of Bremen 1376:Church Fathers 1372:late Antiquity 1335: 1332: 1323:CherrĂ­e Moraga 1303: 1300: 1296:United Nations 1246: 1243: 1186: 1183: 1148:giving birth. 1089: 1088: 1047: 1045: 1038: 1032: 1029: 988:feminist Wicca 894: 891: 889:and folklore. 869:James Mellaart 865:Walter Burkert 844: 841: 839: 836: 808:Alice Schlegel 773: 770: 766:"seem ... 735: 732: 723: 720: 707: 704: 678: 675: 662: 659: 629: 626: 590: 587: 575: 572: 570: 567: 540:J. M. Adovasio 535: 532: 513:Matrilineality 488:Mother Goddess 469:Venus figurine 433: 427: 421: 418: 320: 314: 281: 278: 154:". Journalist 98: 95: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12978: 12967: 12964: 12962: 12959: 12957: 12954: 12952: 12949: 12947: 12944: 12942: 12939: 12938: 12936: 12926: 12925: 12920: 12919: 12910: 12909:0-415-22310-5 12906: 12902: 12898: 12894: 12891: 12890:0-19-857066-X 12887: 12883: 12879: 12876: 12872: 12868: 12864: 12860: 12856: 12853: 12849: 12845: 12841: 12837: 12833: 12829: 12824: 12821: 12820:0-19-505185-8 12817: 12813: 12809: 12806: 12805:0-19-509060-8 12802: 12798: 12794: 12791: 12790:0-306-81328-9 12787: 12783: 12779: 12776: 12775:0-631-18946-7 12772: 12768: 12764: 12760: 12757: 12756:0-8126-9237-3 12753: 12749: 12745: 12742: 12739: 12735: 12731: 12728: 12727:Pelican Books 12724: 12720: 12717: 12713: 12709: 12706: 12705: 12694: 12688: 12684: 12679: 12675: 12669: 12664: 12663: 12656: 12652: 12646: 12642: 12637: 12633: 12627: 12623: 12618: 12614: 12608: 12604: 12599: 12593: 12589: 12583: 12579: 12574: 12570: 12564: 12560: 12555: 12551: 12547: 12543: 12537: 12532: 12531: 12524: 12520: 12514: 12510: 12509: 12503: 12499: 12493: 12489: 12484: 12480: 12476: 12471: 12467: 12463: 12462: 12457: 12455: 12448: 12444: 12440: 12436: 12432: 12431: 12430:The Historian 12425: 12421: 12415: 12411: 12407: 12403: 12399: 12393: 12388: 12387: 12380: 12376: 12372: 12368: 12364: 12360: 12356: 12351: 12347: 12341: 12337: 12332: 12328: 12322: 12318: 12313: 12309: 12307:9780395244777 12303: 12299: 12295: 12291: 12286: 12282: 12280:9780415487030 12276: 12271: 12270: 12263: 12259: 12255: 12251: 12247: 12243: 12239: 12238: 12232: 12228: 12222: 12218: 12213: 12209: 12203: 12199: 12195: 12190: 12186: 12180: 12176: 12171: 12167: 12161: 12157: 12156: 12150: 12146: 12140: 12136: 12131: 12127: 12126: 12121: 12117: 12113: 12107: 12103: 12102: 12097: 12093: 12087: 12083: 12082: 12077: 12073: 12069: 12065: 12064:Love, Barbara 12061: 12057: 12053: 12049: 12045: 12044: 12043:The Historian 12038: 12034: 12028: 12024: 12019: 12015: 12014: 12008: 12004: 12000: 11996: 11992: 11988: 11984: 11980: 11975: 11971: 11965: 11961: 11956: 11952: 11948: 11944: 11940: 11936: 11932: 11927: 11923: 11917: 11912: 11911: 11905: 11904:Hartman, Tova 11901: 11897: 11891: 11887: 11882: 11878: 11872: 11868: 11863: 11859: 11853: 11849: 11845: 11841: 11837: 11831: 11827: 11826: 11820: 11816: 11810: 11806: 11801: 11795: 11791: 11787: 11783: 11779: 11775: 11771: 11770: 11764: 11760: 11754: 11750: 11745: 11741: 11735: 11731: 11730: 11725: 11721: 11717: 11713: 11709: 11705: 11701: 11697: 11693: 11687: 11683: 11682: 11677: 11673: 11669: 11663: 11659: 11655: 11651: 11647: 11643: 11639: 11635: 11631: 11627: 11623: 11619: 11615: 11609: 11604: 11603: 11596: 11592: 11586: 11582: 11577: 11573: 11569: 11565: 11561: 11557: 11553: 11552: 11551:The First Sex 11546: 11542: 11536: 11532: 11531: 11526: 11522: 11518: 11512: 11508: 11507: 11502: 11498: 11495: 11489: 11483: 11478: 11477: 11470: 11466: 11462: 11458: 11454: 11450: 11446: 11445: 11439: 11435: 11429: 11425: 11421: 11416: 11412: 11406: 11402: 11401: 11395: 11391: 11387: 11383: 11379: 11375: 11371: 11366: 11365: 11352: 11346: 11338: 11334: 11327: 11319: 11315: 11308: 11297:September 10, 11293: 11292: 11287: 11280: 11272: 11270:0-520-08085-8 11266: 11262: 11257: 11256: 11250: 11244: 11236: 11232: 11228: 11221: 11205: 11198: 11196: 11187: 11180: 11165: 11161: 11155: 11147: 11146: 11141: 11134: 11119: 11115: 11111: 11105: 11098: 11096: 11092: 11085: 11078: 11076: 11070: 11061: 11053: 11049: 11045: 11041: 11034: 11027: 11025: 11019: 11012: 11008: 11002: 10995: 10991: 10987: 10983: 10974: 10967: 10965: 10960: 10956: 10950: 10943: 10939: 10935: 10929: 10922: 10917: 10910: 10906: 10902: 10897: 10895: 10893: 10886:, p. 282 10885: 10880: 10874:, p. 281 10873: 10868: 10866: 10864: 10856: 10851: 10845:, p. 170 10844: 10839: 10832: 10827: 10823: 10818: 10811: 10807: 10803: 10799: 10793: 10787:, p. 115 10786: 10781: 10775:, p. 373 10774: 10773:Healey (1994) 10769: 10762: 10761:Healey (1994) 10757: 10750: 10749:Healey (1994) 10745: 10739:, p. 117 10738: 10733: 10726: 10722: 10717: 10711: 10707: 10701: 10695:, p. 116 10694: 10689: 10687: 10680:, p. 242 10679: 10674: 10668:, p. 805 10667: 10663: 10657: 10651:, p. 805 10650: 10646: 10640: 10634:, p. 376 10633: 10632:Healey (1994) 10628: 10621: 10616: 10614: 10606: 10601: 10595:, p. 169 10594: 10589: 10587: 10580:, p. 806 10579: 10574: 10568: 10563: 10561: 10553: 10548: 10542:, p. 167 10541: 10536: 10529: 10525: 10520: 10513: 10509: 10505: 10501: 10496: 10490:, p. 168 10489: 10484: 10482: 10480: 10478: 10476: 10469:, p. 157 10468: 10463: 10456: 10451: 10449: 10441: 10436: 10429: 10424: 10418:, p. 133 10417: 10416:Umanit (2003) 10412: 10405: 10400: 10393: 10388: 10382:, p. 106 10381: 10376: 10369: 10365: 10361: 10357: 10353: 10348: 10341: 10337: 10333: 10327: 10320: 10316: 10313: 10311: 10304: 10297: 10293: 10287: 10280: 10276: 10272: 10268: 10263: 10256: 10252: 10250: 10244: 10238: 10231: 10227: 10222: 10215: 10211: 10207: 10202: 10195: 10191: 10187: 10185: 10178: 10172: 10168: 10163: 10156: 10151: 10144: 10139: 10133:, p. 196 10132: 10127: 10120: 10115: 10109:, p. 188 10108: 10103: 10097:, p. 190 10096: 10091: 10084: 10079: 10072: 10067: 10065: 10058:, p. 185 10057: 10052: 10045: 10041: 10035: 10028: 10024: 10020: 10014: 10008:, p. 207 10007: 10002: 10000: 9992: 9988: 9983: 9981: 9973: 9969: 9965: 9960: 9954:, p. 440 9953: 9952:Herzog (1998) 9948: 9941: 9937: 9933: 9932:1-56338-217-2 9929: 9925: 9921: 9915: 9908: 9903: 9896: 9891: 9884: 9878: 9872:, p. 269 9871: 9866: 9859: 9854: 9847: 9842: 9835: 9834:0-394-54427-7 9831: 9827: 9822: 9815: 9810: 9803: 9798: 9792:, p. 210 9791: 9786: 9779: 9773: 9766: 9761: 9754: 9749: 9742: 9737: 9730: 9729:Herzog (1998) 9725: 9723: 9721: 9719: 9711: 9707: 9703: 9698: 9692:, p. 195 9691: 9686: 9680:, p. 161 9679: 9674: 9667: 9662: 9655: 9650: 9643: 9638: 9631: 9626: 9619: 9615: 9611: 9607: 9601: 9594: 9589: 9582: 9577: 9570: 9569:0-8032-1205-4 9566: 9562: 9556: 9548: 9542: 9538: 9534: 9528: 9521: 9517: 9516:Farley (1984) 9512: 9506:, p. 208 9505: 9500: 9493: 9489: 9485: 9484:Tuck, Richard 9481: 9477: 9472: 9465: 9461: 9456: 9449: 9445: 9441: 9440:1-56639-277-2 9437: 9433: 9429: 9425: 9419: 9415: 9411: 9407: 9403: 9399: 9395: 9391: 9385: 9381: 9377: 9373: 9369: 9368:off our backs 9365: 9361: 9360: 9355: 9351: 9347: 9346:0-7456-3381-1 9343: 9339: 9333: 9326: 9325:0-7434-5293-3 9322: 9318: 9317:0-393-30677-1 9314: 9310: 9304: 9297: 9293: 9292: 9288: 9284: 9277: 9270: 9265: 9263: 9261: 9259: 9257: 9250:, p. 291 9249: 9244: 9242: 9240: 9233:, p. 290 9232: 9227: 9225: 9223: 9215: 9210: 9203: 9199: 9195: 9190: 9183: 9178: 9172: 9168: 9163: 9156: 9155:The Statesman 9152: 9150: 9142: 9135: 9131: 9128: 9123: 9116: 9112: 9109: 9105: 9100: 9093: 9089: 9086: 9084: 9078: 9071: 9069: 9064: 9059: 9052: 9047: 9045: 9037: 9032: 9025: 9021: 9017: 9012: 9005: 9000: 8993: 8992:0-394-48227-1 8989: 8985: 8979: 8973:, p. 388 8972: 8971:Echols (1989) 8968: 8967:Echols (1989) 8963: 8956: 8955:Echols (1989) 8952: 8951:Echols (1989) 8948: 8947:Echols (1989) 8943: 8936: 8935:0-8133-3295-8 8932: 8928: 8922: 8915: 8914:Echols (1989) 8910: 8903: 8902:Castro (1990) 8898: 8891: 8890:Castro (1990) 8886: 8884: 8882: 8880: 8878: 8876: 8874: 8867:, p. 339 8866: 8861: 8859: 8857: 8855: 8853: 8851: 8843: 8838: 8830: 8826: 8822: 8818: 8814: 8810: 8804: 8799: 8792: 8788: 8783: 8776: 8772: 8770: 8766: 8759: 8752: 8751: 8744: 8742: 8735:, p. 184 8734: 8729: 8722: 8717: 8710: 8705: 8699: 8695: 8690: 8683: 8678: 8671: 8666: 8660:, p. 101 8659: 8654: 8638: 8632: 8625: 8620: 8613: 8608: 8601: 8596: 8589: 8584: 8577: 8572: 8565: 8564:Porter (1992) 8561: 8556: 8550:, p. 238 8549: 8548:Farley (1984) 8544: 8537: 8533: 8529: 8525: 8524:Farley (1984) 8520: 8513: 8512:Farley (1984) 8508: 8502:, p. 261 8501: 8500:Porter (1992) 8497: 8492: 8486:, p. 112 8485: 8484:Wittig (1985) 8480: 8474:, p. 267 8473: 8472:Porter (1992) 8468: 8466: 8464: 8462: 8454: 8453:0-674-15168-2 8450: 8446: 8440: 8433: 8432:0-415-28012-5 8429: 8425: 8419: 8412: 8406: 8399: 8398:Wittig (1985) 8394: 8387: 8383: 8382:Wittig (1985) 8378: 8372:, p. 151 8371: 8366: 8359: 8354: 8347: 8341: 8335:, p. 338 8334: 8329: 8327: 8325: 8317: 8312: 8305: 8300: 8293: 8288: 8281: 8279: 8275: 8269: 8265: 8261: 8258: 8256: 8252: 8248: 8241: 8234: 8233:0-684-83612-2 8230: 8226: 8220: 8213: 8211: 8207: 8200: 8198: 8196: 8188: 8187: 8182: 8178: 8173: 8166: 8161: 8154: 8153:Castro (1990) 8149: 8142: 8138: 8133: 8126: 8122: 8121:0-8070-1037-5 8118: 8114: 8113: 8106: 8099: 8095: 8083: 8078: 8071: 8066: 8060:, p. 287 8059: 8054: 8052: 8050: 8042: 8038: 8034: 8028: 8021: 8020:Gilman (2001) 8016: 8010:, p. 153 8009: 8008:Gilman (2001) 8004: 7997: 7996:Gilman (2001) 7992: 7986:, p. 190 7985: 7984:Gilman (2001) 7981: 7976: 7970: 7966: 7965:Gilman (2001) 7962: 7957: 7948: 7941: 7937: 7936:1-882593-10-3 7933: 7929: 7923: 7916: 7912: 7907: 7900: 7896: 7892: 7887: 7880: 7876: 7871: 7864: 7860: 7856: 7851: 7840: 7839:0-7102-0278-4 7836: 7832: 7826: 7824: 7816: 7815:1-56639-423-6 7812: 7808: 7802: 7800: 7790: 7782: 7775: 7768: 7764: 7759: 7752: 7748: 7743: 7736: 7731: 7716: 7712: 7706: 7699: 7694: 7688:, p. 336 7687: 7682: 7675: 7670: 7663: 7658: 7643: 7637: 7633: 7632: 7624: 7617: 7612: 7605: 7599: 7584: 7580: 7573: 7571: 7569: 7560: 7556: 7552: 7548: 7541: 7539: 7537: 7535: 7533: 7531: 7523: 7521: 7517: 7510: 7508: 7491: 7487: 7481: 7479: 7477: 7475: 7473: 7471: 7462: 7458: 7451: 7449: 7447: 7439: 7437: 7433: 7426: 7424: 7414: 7412: 7396: 7392: 7386: 7384: 7382: 7366: 7362: 7356: 7349: 7344: 7337: 7332: 7325: 7321: 7316: 7309: 7303: 7296: 7292: 7288: 7284: 7280: 7276: 7271: 7264: 7260: 7256: 7250: 7243: 7241: 7235: 7234:0-9653208-9-8 7231: 7227: 7221: 7214: 7209: 7203:, p. 173 7202: 7197: 7190: 7188: 7182: 7175: 7169: 7163:, p. 115 7162: 7157: 7151:, p. 204 7150: 7149:Engels (1984) 7145: 7138: 7137:Engels (1984) 7133: 7126: 7120: 7114: 7113:Engels (1984) 7109: 7101: 7095: 7091: 7087: 7083: 7077: 7069: 7065: 7061: 7057: 7053: 7049: 7045: 7041: 7034: 7027: 7021: 7014: 7013: 7006: 6999: 6998: 6991: 6985:, p. 15. 6984: 6983: 6976: 6969: 6968:Jacobs (1991) 6964: 6957: 6951: 6949: 6941: 6937: 6936:Jacobs (1991) 6932: 6925: 6924:Jacobs (1991) 6920: 6913: 6912:Jacobs (1991) 6908: 6901: 6896: 6894: 6886: 6881: 6879: 6877: 6869: 6864: 6862: 6854: 6849: 6847: 6839: 6834: 6827: 6822: 6815: 6810: 6803: 6802:0-631-21013-X 6799: 6795: 6791: 6785: 6778: 6777:1-57607-344-0 6774: 6770: 6766: 6760: 6758: 6756: 6754: 6752: 6745:, p. 338 6744: 6743:Taylor (1983) 6738: 6731: 6730:Taylor (1983) 6726: 6719: 6714: 6707: 6702: 6695: 6691: 6685: 6678: 6673: 6666: 6661: 6659: 6651: 6646: 6638: 6634: 6630: 6626: 6622: 6618: 6611: 6609: 6607: 6599: 6593: 6586: 6584: 6580: 6576: 6573:Kumar, Anuj, 6569: 6561: 6557: 6553: 6549: 6545: 6541: 6534: 6527: 6523: 6517: 6513: 6509: 6505: 6501: 6497: 6490: 6483: 6479: 6476: 6474: 6467: 6460: 6456: 6455: 6448: 6441: 6440:1-58243-120-5 6437: 6433: 6427: 6420: 6414: 6407: 6401: 6393: 6391:9781911306566 6387: 6383: 6376: 6370: 6364: 6360: 6357: 6355: 6348: 6341: 6339: 6333: 6326: 6322: 6316: 6314: 6306: 6300: 6293: 6291: 6287: 6280: 6274: 6269: 6261: 6255: 6251: 6244: 6237: 6232: 6230: 6222: 6221:0-8014-8906-7 6218: 6214: 6208: 6201: 6197: 6193: 6187: 6185: 6176: 6169: 6162: 6158: 6155: 6151: 6145: 6139:, p. 18. 6138: 6137: 6130: 6124: 6120: 6116: 6115:Matrifocality 6113:Smith, R.T., 6110: 6108: 6100: 6094: 6086: 6082: 6078: 6074: 6073: 6068: 6061: 6055: 6051: 6043: 6037:, p. 195 6036: 6031: 6024: 6019: 6013:, p. 136 6012: 6007: 6001:, p. 173 6000: 5995: 5993: 5985: 5980: 5978: 5976: 5974: 5967: 5963: 5958: 5951: 5946: 5939: 5934: 5928: 5924: 5919: 5913: 5909: 5904: 5898: 5894: 5889: 5882: 5878: 5873: 5871: 5863: 5859: 5855: 5854:0-375-42566-7 5851: 5847: 5842: 5840: 5832: 5828: 5824: 5820: 5819:0-395-44895-6 5816: 5812: 5807: 5805: 5797: 5793: 5789: 5785: 5780: 5778: 5771: 5767: 5763: 5759: 5755: 5750: 5743: 5739: 5735: 5731: 5727: 5723: 5717: 5715: 5706: 5702: 5698: 5694: 5690: 5686: 5682: 5675: 5667: 5665:9781782684039 5661: 5657: 5650: 5643: 5642: 5638: 5631: 5624: 5623: 5622:ÎłÏ…ÎœÎ±ÎčÎșÎżÎșÏÎ±Ï„ÎŻÎ± 5619: 5612: 5605: 5603: 5598: 5593: 5585: 5584: 5579: 5573: 5566: 5562: 5558: 5554: 5550: 5545: 5538: 5537: 5532: 5531: 5526: 5522: 5519: 5517: 5510: 5503: 5498: 5492: 5487: 5480: 5478: 5474: 5471:DeMott, Tom, 5467: 5460: 5459: 5455: 5449: 5443: 5438: 5432:, p. 194 5431: 5426: 5424: 5416: 5411: 5405: 5400: 5393: 5388: 5382:, p. 275 5381: 5376: 5369: 5364: 5357: 5352: 5345: 5340: 5333: 5329: 5325: 5320: 5310: 5306: 5300: 5293: 5287: 5279: 5275: 5271: 5267: 5263: 5259: 5258: 5253: 5247: 5232: 5228: 5225: 5224: 5223: 5222: 5218: 5214: 5210: 5204: 5202: 5194: 5193:0-7619-9114-X 5190: 5186: 5180: 5173: 5172:0-15-503578-9 5169: 5165: 5159: 5157: 5150:, p. 259 5149: 5144: 5142: 5130: 5126: 5121: 5119: 5117: 5115: 5113: 5105: 5101: 5096: 5089: 5085: 5081: 5076: 5074: 5066: 5060: 5058: 5053: 5041: 5036: 5027: 5018: 5011: 5005: 4998: 4992: 4985: 4981: 4977: 4973: 4969: 4963: 4954: 4947: 4942: 4935: 4930: 4921: 4912: 4905: 4899: 4892: 4891:Schaub (2006) 4886: 4879: 4874: 4867: 4862: 4855: 4854:0-7043-4114-X 4851: 4847: 4843: 4837: 4830: 4825: 4816: 4809: 4804: 4797: 4792: 4785: 4780: 4773: 4768: 4761: 4760:North Vietnam 4756: 4749: 4744: 4737: 4732: 4723: 4716: 4711: 4704: 4699: 4692: 4687: 4680: 4675: 4671: 4661: 4656: 4651: 4649: 4639: 4637: 4632: 4627: 4625: 4620: 4615: 4614: 4611: 4603: 4600: 4598: 4597:TrÆ°ng sisters 4595: 4593: 4590: 4588: 4585: 4583: 4580: 4578: 4575: 4573: 4570: 4568: 4565: 4563: 4560: 4558: 4555: 4553: 4552: 4548: 4544: 4541: 4540: 4539: 4536: 4534: 4531: 4529: 4526: 4524: 4521: 4519: 4516: 4513: 4510: 4508: 4505: 4504: 4497: 4494: 4490: 4486: 4482: 4478: 4474: 4466: 4462: 4456:Other animals 4450: 4446: 4442: 4439: 4436: 4432: 4428: 4425: 4421: 4417: 4416: 4407: 4406: 4401: 4399: 4396: 4392: 4391: 4386: 4385: 4376: 4372: 4369: 4368: 4363: 4360: 4357: 4356: 4351: 4347: 4344: 4343: 4338: 4335: 4332: 4328: 4325: 4322: 4321: 4316: 4312: 4309: 4306: 4302: 4301: 4296: 4293: 4290: 4289: 4284: 4280: 4277: 4276: 4271: 4267: 4264: 4263: 4258: 4254: 4251: 4250: 4245: 4242: 4238: 4237: 4232: 4229: 4226: 4225: 4220: 4217: 4216: 4207: 4203: 4202: 4201:Ecclesiazusae 4197: 4193: 4192: 4181: 4177: 4171: 4165: 4161: 4148: 4143: 4139: 4135: 4131: 4127: 4123: 4122:Jasper Ridley 4118: 4114: 4113: 4108: 4104: 4100: 4096: 4095: 4090: 4083: 4079: 4075: 4071: 4067: 4064: 4060: 4057: 4049: 4045: 4041: 4037: 4033: 4029: 4025: 4024:Steven Pinker 4021: 4016: 4012: 4008: 4004: 3998: 3993: 3989: 3985: 3984: 3983: 3969: 3967: 3966:Carol Hanisch 3963: 3959: 3955: 3950: 3946: 3942: 3939: 3938: 3933: 3928: 3924: 3922: 3918: 3917:gender or sex 3913: 3909: 3906: 3902: 3900: 3895: 3891: 3887: 3882: 3876: 3872: 3867: 3866: 3852: 3849: 3845: 3842: 3841: 3836: 3829: 3824: 3823:The Feminists 3820: 3817: 3813: 3809: 3804: 3801: 3798: 3794: 3785: 3784:Jill Johnston 3782: 3779: 3775: 3771: 3765: 3760: 3759:Linda Zerilli 3756: 3755: 3754: 3748: 3744: 3741: 3738: 3734: 3731: 3724: 3720: 3719: 3714: 3711: 3708: 3704: 3699: 3695: 3691: 3688: 3685: 3684: 3679: 3676: 3673: 3669: 3665: 3661: 3660: 3659: 3657: 3652: 3649: 3645: 3642: 3639: 3634: 3630: 3625: 3623: 3619: 3617: 3613: 3609: 3605: 3601: 3597: 3588: 3584: 3582: 3578: 3571: 3559: 3554: 3552: 3547: 3545: 3540: 3539: 3537: 3536: 3533: 3523: 3522: 3511: 3508: 3506: 3503: 3502: 3501: 3500: 3496: 3495: 3490: 3487: 3485: 3482: 3480: 3477: 3475: 3472: 3470: 3467: 3465: 3462: 3460: 3457: 3455: 3452: 3450: 3447: 3445: 3442: 3440: 3437: 3435: 3432: 3430: 3427: 3425: 3422: 3421: 3417: 3414: 3410: 3407: 3405: 3402: 3401: 3400: 3397: 3393: 3390: 3389: 3388: 3385: 3383: 3380: 3379: 3377: 3376: 3372: 3371: 3363: 3362: 3352: 3349: 3348: 3347: 3346:United States 3344: 3342: 3339: 3337: 3334: 3332: 3329: 3327: 3324: 3322: 3319: 3317: 3314: 3312: 3309: 3307: 3304: 3302: 3299: 3297: 3294: 3292: 3289: 3287: 3284: 3282: 3279: 3277: 3274: 3272: 3269: 3267: 3264: 3262: 3259: 3257: 3254: 3252: 3249: 3247: 3244: 3242: 3239: 3235: 3232: 3230: 3227: 3225: 3222: 3220: 3217: 3215: 3212: 3210: 3207: 3205: 3202: 3200: 3197: 3196: 3195: 3194:Latin America 3192: 3190: 3187: 3185: 3182: 3180: 3177: 3175: 3172: 3170: 3167: 3165: 3162: 3160: 3157: 3155: 3152: 3150: 3147: 3145: 3142: 3140: 3137: 3135: 3132: 3130: 3127: 3125: 3122: 3120: 3117: 3115: 3112: 3110: 3107: 3105: 3102: 3100: 3097: 3093: 3090: 3088: 3085: 3083: 3080: 3078: 3075: 3073: 3070: 3068: 3065: 3063: 3060: 3058: 3055: 3054: 3053: 3050: 3049: 3042: 3041: 3027: 3024: 3023: 3022: 3019: 3017: 3016:Technoscience 3014: 3012: 3009: 3007: 3004: 3002: 2999: 2997: 2994: 2990: 2987: 2986: 2985: 2982: 2980: 2977: 2975: 2972: 2970: 2967: 2963: 2960: 2958: 2955: 2953: 2950: 2946: 2943: 2942: 2941: 2938: 2936: 2933: 2931: 2928: 2926: 2923: 2922: 2921: 2918: 2916: 2913: 2911: 2908: 2904: 2901: 2900: 2899: 2896: 2894: 2891: 2889: 2886: 2884: 2881: 2877: 2874: 2873: 2872: 2869: 2867: 2864: 2862: 2859: 2855: 2852: 2850: 2847: 2845: 2842: 2840: 2839:Art criticism 2837: 2836: 2835: 2832: 2830: 2827: 2825: 2822: 2820: 2817: 2816: 2814: 2813: 2809: 2808: 2802: 2801: 2797: 2795: 2792: 2790: 2789:Men's studies 2787: 2785: 2782: 2780: 2777: 2775: 2772: 2770: 2767: 2765: 2762: 2760: 2757: 2755: 2752: 2750: 2747: 2746: 2744: 2743: 2738: 2733: 2732: 2720: 2717: 2715: 2712: 2710: 2707: 2705: 2702: 2700: 2697: 2695: 2692: 2690: 2689:Views on BDSM 2687: 2685: 2682: 2680: 2677: 2676: 2674: 2673: 2665: 2664: 2656: 2653: 2651: 2648: 2646: 2641: 2639: 2636: 2634: 2631: 2629: 2626: 2624: 2621: 2619: 2616: 2614: 2613:Transmisogyny 2611: 2609: 2606: 2604: 2601: 2599: 2596: 2594: 2591: 2589: 2586: 2584: 2581: 2579: 2576: 2574: 2573:Purplewashing 2571: 2569: 2568:Protofeminism 2566: 2564: 2561: 2559: 2556: 2554: 2551: 2549: 2546: 2544: 2541: 2539: 2536: 2534: 2531: 2529: 2526: 2524: 2521: 2519: 2516: 2514: 2511: 2509: 2506: 2504: 2500: 2496: 2494: 2491: 2489: 2486: 2484: 2483:Honor killing 2481: 2479: 2476: 2474: 2471: 2469: 2466: 2464: 2461: 2459: 2456: 2452: 2449: 2447: 2444: 2442: 2439: 2438: 2437: 2434: 2432: 2429: 2427: 2424: 2422: 2419: 2417: 2414: 2412: 2409: 2407: 2404: 2402: 2399: 2397: 2394: 2392: 2389: 2387: 2384: 2380: 2377: 2376: 2375: 2372: 2370: 2367: 2366: 2359: 2358: 2350: 2347: 2345: 2342: 2338: 2335: 2333: 2330: 2328: 2325: 2324: 2323: 2320: 2316: 2313: 2312: 2311: 2308: 2306: 2303: 2297: 2294: 2293: 2292: 2289: 2287: 2284: 2282: 2279: 2278: 2277: 2274: 2268: 2265: 2264: 2263: 2260: 2259: 2258: 2257:Individualist 2255: 2253: 2250: 2248: 2245: 2241: 2238: 2236: 2233: 2232: 2231: 2230:Cyberfeminism 2228: 2226: 2223: 2221: 2218: 2216: 2213: 2212: 2208: 2203: 2202: 2194: 2191: 2187: 2184: 2183: 2182: 2179: 2177: 2174: 2172: 2169: 2165: 2162: 2160: 2157: 2155: 2152: 2151: 2150: 2147: 2143: 2140: 2138: 2135: 2133: 2130: 2128: 2125: 2124: 2123: 2120: 2118: 2115: 2113: 2110: 2109: 2105: 2100: 2099: 2091: 2088: 2086: 2083: 2081: 2070: 2066: 2063: 2061: 2058: 2056: 2053: 2052: 2051: 2048: 2046: 2043: 2039: 2036: 2035: 2034: 2031: 2029: 2026: 2024: 2021: 2019: 2016: 2014: 2013:Anti-abortion 2011: 2010: 2003: 2002: 1990: 1987: 1985: 1982: 1980: 1977: 1973: 1970: 1969: 1968: 1965: 1961: 1958: 1957: 1956: 1953: 1949: 1946: 1944: 1941: 1939: 1936: 1935: 1934: 1931: 1929: 1926: 1925: 1923: 1922: 1919: 1918:Multicultural 1916: 1915: 1909: 1906: 1902: 1901:Transnational 1899: 1897: 1894: 1893: 1892: 1889: 1885: 1882: 1881: 1880: 1877: 1873: 1870: 1868: 1865: 1864: 1863: 1860: 1858: 1855: 1851: 1848: 1847: 1846: 1843: 1842: 1840: 1839: 1836: 1833: 1832: 1826: 1823: 1819: 1818:Postgenderism 1816: 1815: 1814: 1813:Transfeminism 1811: 1809: 1806: 1802: 1799: 1797: 1794: 1792: 1789: 1788: 1787: 1784: 1782: 1779: 1778: 1776: 1775: 1770: 1765: 1764: 1750: 1747: 1746: 1745: 1744:United States 1742: 1738: 1735: 1733: 1730: 1729: 1728: 1725: 1723: 1720: 1716: 1713: 1711: 1708: 1707: 1705: 1703: 1700: 1698: 1697:Liechtenstein 1695: 1693: 1690: 1688: 1685: 1683: 1680: 1678: 1675: 1673: 1670: 1668: 1665: 1663: 1660: 1659: 1657: 1656: 1652: 1649: 1648: 1643: 1640: 1639: 1633: 1630: 1628: 1625: 1624: 1623: 1620: 1619: 1617: 1616: 1612: 1611: 1605: 1602: 1600: 1597: 1595: 1592: 1590: 1587: 1586: 1584: 1583: 1579: 1578: 1570: 1567: 1565: 1562: 1560: 1557: 1555: 1552: 1551: 1550: 1547: 1545: 1542: 1540: 1537: 1536: 1534: 1533: 1525: 1524: 1520: 1516: 1515: 1512: 1509: 1508: 1504: 1500: 1499: 1491: 1485:South America 1482: 1479: 1475: 1471: 1466: 1462: 1459: 1449: 1447: 1443: 1437: 1427: 1424: 1420: 1416: 1412: 1408: 1404: 1400: 1399:Robert Graves 1391: 1389: 1385: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1369: 1365: 1364:Julius Caesar 1361: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1345: 1341: 1328: 1324: 1320: 1316: 1312: 1308: 1299: 1297: 1293: 1288: 1286: 1282: 1278: 1274: 1269: 1267: 1263: 1258: 1256: 1252: 1242: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1231:pre-Christian 1228: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1212: 1208: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1182: 1180: 1176: 1172: 1167: 1165: 1161: 1156: 1153: 1149: 1146: 1142: 1138: 1137: 1132: 1131:Raphael Patai 1127: 1125: 1121: 1117: 1113: 1112: 1107: 1102: 1095: 1085: 1082: 1074: 1064: 1060: 1054: 1053: 1048:This section 1046: 1042: 1037: 1036: 1028: 1025: 1023: 1019: 1018: 1013: 1009: 1008: 1003: 1002: 997: 993: 989: 985: 981: 977: 973: 969: 965: 960: 958: 953: 949: 945: 941: 940: 934: 932: 931:Robert Graves 928: 927: 922: 918: 917:Bertha Diener 913: 911: 907: 903: 899: 890: 888: 884: 880: 878: 874: 870: 866: 862: 858: 854: 850: 838:By chronology 834: 829: 826: 824: 820: 819:Haudenosaunee 816: 811: 809: 805: 801: 797: 788: 783: 779: 769: 764: 760: 756: 752: 747: 742: 741:Peter C. Phan 731: 729: 719: 717: 713: 703: 700: 696: 692: 683: 674: 672: 668: 658: 656: 652: 648: 644: 640: 635: 634: 625: 623: 619: 615: 611: 607: 605: 601: 600: 595: 586: 584: 580: 566: 563: 561: 557: 553: 549: 545: 541: 531: 529: 524: 522: 518: 514: 510: 508: 505: 501: 497: 493: 489: 485: 481: 477: 470: 465: 461: 458: 455: 454:matrifocality 451: 447: 446: 445:matrifocality 439: 432: 426: 417: 415: 414:androcentrism 411: 407: 404: 400: 395: 393: 389: 388:fait accompli 383: 381: 377: 373: 369: 363: 361: 357: 353: 349: 348: 343: 339: 335: 334: 326: 319: 313: 311: 307: 303: 299: 295: 291: 287: 277: 275: 271: 267: 263: 262:matriological 259: 258:matriological 254: 252: 248: 242:ÎłÏ…ÎœÎ±ÎčÎșÎżÎșÏÎ±Ï„ÎŻÎ± 238: 234: 233: 228: 224: 220: 216: 212: 208: 205: 200: 198: 193: 190: 184: 179: 176: 172: 170: 166: 165:Cynthia Eller 161: 157: 143: 139: 137: 133: 129: 124: 122: 118: 114: 110: 106: 105: 94: 92: 88: 84: 79: 77: 73: 69: 65: 61: 57: 53: 49: 48:social system 45: 38: 34: 30: 26: 22: 12923: 12896: 12881: 12862: 12858: 12847: 12831: 12827: 12811: 12796: 12781: 12762: 12747: 12733: 12722: 12711: 12682: 12661: 12640: 12621: 12602: 12577: 12558: 12529: 12507: 12487: 12478: 12474: 12465: 12459: 12453: 12437:(1): 59–75. 12434: 12428: 12409: 12385: 12358: 12354: 12335: 12316: 12293: 12268: 12241: 12235: 12216: 12197: 12193: 12174: 12154: 12134: 12124: 12100: 12080: 12067: 12047: 12041: 12022: 12012: 11986: 11982: 11959: 11934: 11930: 11909: 11885: 11866: 11847: 11824: 11804: 11773: 11767: 11748: 11728: 11715: 11703: 11680: 11657: 11629: 11625: 11601: 11580: 11571: 11568:Diner, Helen 11550: 11529: 11505: 11493: 11475: 11448: 11442: 11423: 11399: 11373: 11369: 11361:Bibliography 11345: 11339:(in Polish). 11336: 11326: 11317: 11313: 11307: 11295:. Retrieved 11289: 11279: 11254: 11243: 11234: 11230: 11220: 11208:. Retrieved 11179: 11167:. Retrieved 11163: 11154: 11143: 11133: 11121:. Retrieved 11104: 11094: 11090: 11084: 11074: 11069: 11060: 11046:(1): 32–48. 11043: 11039: 11033: 11023: 11018: 11010: 11006: 11001: 10989: 10985: 10978: 10973: 10963: 10958: 10954: 10949: 10941: 10937: 10933: 10928: 10923:, p. 79 10921:Ruden (2010) 10916: 10908: 10904: 10884:Eller (1991) 10879: 10872:Eller (1991) 10855:Eller (1991) 10850: 10838: 10829: 10825: 10817: 10809: 10805: 10801: 10800:(citing, at 10792: 10780: 10768: 10756: 10744: 10732: 10724: 10716: 10705: 10700: 10673: 10666:Felch (1995) 10661: 10656: 10649:Felch (1995) 10644: 10639: 10627: 10622:, p. 20 10607:, p. 19 10600: 10578:Felch (1995) 10573: 10547: 10535: 10527: 10519: 10495: 10462: 10455:Tsomo (1999) 10440:Tsomo (1999) 10435: 10430:, p. 60 10423: 10411: 10399: 10387: 10375: 10367: 10347: 10331: 10326: 10309: 10303: 10295: 10291: 10286: 10279:Roald (2001) 10274: 10270: 10267:Roald (2001) 10262: 10254: 10248: 10247:Ikhwan web, 10237: 10229: 10226:Roald (2001) 10221: 10213: 10210:Roald (2001) 10206:Roald (2001) 10201: 10193: 10189: 10183: 10182:Ikhwan web, 10177: 10170: 10167:Roald (2001) 10162: 10155:Roald (2001) 10150: 10143:Roald (2001) 10138: 10131:Roald (2001) 10126: 10119:Roald (2001) 10114: 10107:Roald (2001) 10102: 10095:Roald (2001) 10090: 10083:Roald (2001) 10078: 10071:Roald (2001) 10056:Roald (2001) 10051: 10043: 10034: 10018: 10013: 10006:Eller (1995) 9959: 9947: 9939: 9935: 9923: 9919: 9914: 9902: 9890: 9877: 9870:Roald (2001) 9865: 9860:, p. 62 9853: 9841: 9825: 9821: 9816:, p. 76 9809: 9804:, p. 75 9797: 9785: 9778:Ruden (2010) 9772: 9765:Ruden (2010) 9760: 9748: 9736: 9709: 9697: 9690:Roald (2001) 9685: 9673: 9661: 9656:, p. 17 9649: 9637: 9625: 9617: 9613: 9609: 9605: 9600: 9588: 9583:, p. 48 9576: 9560: 9555: 9536: 9527: 9519: 9511: 9499: 9491: 9487: 9479: 9471: 9463: 9455: 9431: 9427: 9423: 9393: 9389: 9383: 9379: 9375: 9371: 9367: 9363: 9359:Google Books 9358: 9337: 9332: 9308: 9303: 9295: 9290: 9286: 9282: 9276: 9269:Eller (2000) 9248:Eller (1991) 9231:Eller (1991) 9209: 9202:Introduction 9201: 9189: 9184:, p. 23 9177: 9170: 9162: 9154: 9148: 9141: 9122: 9099: 9082: 9077: 9067: 9065:as fiction: 9062: 9058: 9053:, p. 20 9038:, p. 19 9031: 9023: 9011: 9004:Adler (2006) 8999: 8983: 8978: 8962: 8942: 8926: 8921: 8909: 8904:, p. 36 8897: 8865:Davis (1971) 8844:, p. 18 8842:Davis (1971) 8837: 8815:(3): 65–69. 8812: 8808: 8798: 8790: 8782: 8774: 8768: 8764: 8758: 8748: 8733:Eller (1995) 8728: 8721:Eller (1995) 8716: 8711:, p. 72 8704: 8697: 8689: 8677: 8670:Eller (2000) 8665: 8653: 8641:. Retrieved 8631: 8626:, p. 29 8619: 8607: 8595: 8583: 8578:, p. 15 8571: 8555: 8543: 8531: 8528:Introduction 8527: 8519: 8507: 8491: 8479: 8444: 8439: 8423: 8422:Moi, Toril, 8418: 8405: 8393: 8385: 8377: 8365: 8353: 8340: 8311: 8299: 8294:, p. 22 8287: 8277: 8273: 8267: 8257:), Fall 2005 8254: 8250: 8246: 8240: 8224: 8219: 8210:The Guardian 8209: 8205: 8184: 8172: 8160: 8155:, p. 42 8148: 8141:Eller (1991) 8137:Adler (2006) 8132: 8125:Eller (1991) 8110: 8105: 8097: 8094:Eller (2000) 8082:Eller (2000) 8077: 8072:, p. 12 8070:Eller (2000) 8065: 8058:Eller (1991) 8032: 8027: 8015: 8003: 7991: 7975: 7968: 7956: 7947: 7939: 7927: 7922: 7914: 7906: 7894: 7890: 7886: 7878: 7870: 7862: 7858: 7850: 7830: 7806: 7789: 7780: 7774: 7766: 7763:Adler (2006) 7758: 7751:Die Amazonen 7750: 7747:Ukert, F. A. 7742: 7730: 7718:. Retrieved 7714: 7705: 7693: 7681: 7669: 7657: 7645:. Retrieved 7630: 7623: 7618:, p. 2. 7615: 7611: 7603: 7598: 7586:. Retrieved 7582: 7550: 7546: 7519: 7515: 7514:Wax, Emily, 7494:. Retrieved 7489: 7460: 7435: 7431: 7430:Wax, Emily, 7398:. Retrieved 7394: 7370:February 21, 7368:. Retrieved 7364: 7355: 7348:Patai (1990) 7343: 7336:Patai (1990) 7331: 7323: 7315: 7310:, p. 37 7302: 7286: 7283:Introduction 7282: 7278: 7270: 7254: 7249: 7239: 7225: 7220: 7208: 7196: 7186: 7181: 7173: 7168: 7161:Eller (2011) 7156: 7144: 7139:, p. 70 7132: 7124: 7119: 7108: 7089: 7076: 7043: 7039: 7033: 7025: 7024:Wesel, Uwe, 7020: 7011: 7010:Morgan, L., 7005: 6996: 6990: 6981: 6975: 6963: 6955: 6939: 6931: 6919: 6907: 6902:, p. 49 6887:, p. 50 6870:, p. 45 6840:, p. 18 6838:LeBow (1984) 6833: 6826:LeBow (1984) 6821: 6809: 6793: 6789: 6784: 6768: 6764: 6737: 6725: 6713: 6701: 6689: 6684: 6679:, p. 33 6672: 6667:, p. 32 6645: 6620: 6617:Asian Survey 6616: 6597: 6592: 6582: 6578: 6574: 6568: 6543: 6539: 6533: 6525: 6521: 6499: 6495: 6489: 6472: 6466: 6458: 6453: 6447: 6431: 6426: 6418: 6413: 6408:(2020-02-26) 6400: 6381: 6375: 6368: 6353: 6347: 6337: 6332: 6324: 6320: 6304: 6299: 6289: 6285: 6279: 6273:Eller (2000) 6268: 6249: 6243: 6236:Eller (1995) 6212: 6207: 6191: 6174: 6168: 6149: 6144: 6135: 6129: 6122: 6118: 6114: 6098: 6093: 6076: 6070: 6049: 6042: 6035:Adler (2006) 6030: 6023:Diner (1965) 6018: 6011:Diner (1965) 6006: 5999:Diner (1965) 5986:, p. 60 5965: 5957: 5952:, p. 59 5945: 5940:, p. 72 5933: 5926: 5918: 5911: 5903: 5897:gynaecocracy 5896: 5888: 5880: 5876: 5861: 5857: 5856:)), entries 5845: 5830: 5826: 5822: 5821:)), entries 5810: 5795: 5791: 5787: 5783: 5769: 5765: 5761: 5758:gynaecocracy 5757: 5749: 5733: 5729: 5725: 5688: 5684: 5674: 5655: 5649: 5640: 5636: 5630: 5621: 5617: 5611: 5601: 5592: 5581: 5578:"matriarchy" 5572: 5564: 5560: 5552: 5544: 5535: 5529: 5515: 5509: 5504:, p. 37 5497: 5491:LeBow (1984) 5486: 5476: 5472: 5466: 5457: 5454:Introduction 5453: 5448: 5437: 5430:Adler (2006) 5410: 5404:Eller (2011) 5399: 5392:Eller (2000) 5387: 5375: 5368:Adler (2006) 5363: 5351: 5339: 5332:Introduction 5331: 5327: 5324:Eller (1995) 5319: 5308: 5304: 5303:Compare, in 5299: 5291: 5286: 5261: 5255: 5246: 5226: 5217:the original 5184: 5179: 5164:Anthropology 5163: 5128: 5124: 5099: 5095: 5087: 5083: 5079: 5064: 5040:Original sin 5035: 5026: 5017: 5004: 4997:Roald (2001) 4991: 4983: 4979: 4975: 4971: 4968:Roald (2001) 4962: 4953: 4941: 4933: 4929: 4920: 4911: 4903: 4898: 4885: 4873: 4861: 4845: 4841: 4836: 4824: 4815: 4808:Clan Mothers 4803: 4791: 4784:Confucianism 4779: 4767: 4755: 4743: 4731: 4722: 4710: 4698: 4686: 4674: 4549: 4538:Lumpa Church 4528:Gynocentrism 4470: 4403: 4397: 4388: 4387:In the 2011 4370:(1980–2011). 4365: 4362:Jean M. Auel 4353: 4340: 4330: 4318: 4314: 4304: 4298: 4286: 4273: 4260: 4247: 4234: 4222: 4199: 4196:Aristophanes 4178: 4167: 4154:Inclusionary 4133: 4129: 4117:apostle Paul 4110: 4107:Maria Stuart 4044:Tova Hartman 4031:government." 4010: 3980: 3977:Exclusionary 3958:Wonder Woman 3951: 3947: 3943: 3936: 3929: 3925: 3920: 3914: 3910: 3907: 3903: 3898: 3892:in 2003 and 3883: 3874: 3870: 3863: 3861: 3847: 3844:Robin Morgan 3838:Robin Morgan 3816:essentialism 3811: 3807: 3752: 3747:William Bond 3736: 3716: 3706: 3703:Dale Spender 3697: 3693: 3681: 3671: 3663: 3662:In her book 3653: 3646: 3643: 3632: 3626: 3620: 3593: 3576: 3574: 3296:Saudi Arabia 3092:South Africa 2935:Epistemology 2910:Legal theory 2829:Architecture 2819:Anthropology 2798: 2778: 2764:Gynocentrism 2628:War on women 2563:Pro-feminism 2518:Gender-blind 2473:Gender quota 2446:Art movement 2220:Anti-fascist 2154:Dianic Wicca 2033:Postfeminism 1908:Xenofeminism 1891:Postcolonial 1808:Sex-positive 1488: 1467: 1463: 1455: 1446:Jean Markale 1441: 1439: 1397: 1337: 1315:Coyolxāuhqui 1289: 1270: 1260:In 1995, in 1259: 1248: 1188: 1169:Women ruled 1168: 1157: 1150: 1134: 1128: 1109: 1103: 1096: 1092: 1077: 1071:October 2013 1068: 1057:Please help 1052:verification 1049: 1026: 1015: 1011: 1007:Why Men Rule 1005: 999: 972:Merlin Stone 964:Riane Eisler 961: 957:antifeminism 937: 935: 924: 920: 914: 906:August Bebel 901: 896: 883:Kurt Derungs 881: 861:Arthur Evans 856: 848: 846: 831: 827: 812: 793: 737: 725: 709: 688: 664: 636: 632: 631: 608: 597: 592: 578: 577: 564: 556:anthropology 551: 544:Donald Brown 537: 525: 516: 511: 504:matriarchal. 503: 502:rather than 499: 484:Riane Eisler 480:Gerda Lerner 473: 459: 453: 449: 443: 441: 430: 423: 410:Gynocentrism 408: 396: 387: 384: 379: 375: 372:gynaecocracy 371: 367: 364: 359: 356:gynecocratic 355: 345: 341: 337: 331: 329: 317: 309: 305: 301: 297: 294:mother-right 293: 290:Lewis Morgan 283: 273: 269: 265: 261: 257: 255: 230: 227:ginĂ©cocratie 226: 218: 210: 206: 201: 194: 188: 186: 181: 177: 173: 160:Barbara Love 156:Margot Adler 148: 125: 116: 108: 102: 100: 80: 72:anthropology 58:are held by 43: 42: 25: 12869:, editor) ( 12361:(1): 5–27. 11451:(1): 3–21. 11210:December 2, 11206:. TVN Meteo 11123:January 19, 10798:Knox (1878) 10710:Knox (1878) 10567:Knox (1878) 10552:Knox (1878) 10504:Uma Bharati 10457:, p. 5 9972:Henry James 9968:Oscar Wilde 9504:Ross (1995) 9289:, Pt. III, 8803:Ross (1995) 8787:Ross (1995) 8684:, p. 6 8672:, p. 3 8624:Daly (1990) 8612:Daly (1990) 8600:Daly (1990) 8588:Daly (1990) 8576:Daly (1990) 8203:Quotation: 8167:, p. 5 7553:: 918–930. 6828:, p. 8 6677:Phan (2005) 6665:Phan (2005) 6650:Phan (2005) 5881:gynecocracy 5858:gynecocracy 5823:gynecocracy 5788:gynecocracy 5691:: 918–930. 5557:hooks, bell 4796:Gender role 4772:Patrilineal 4533:Gender role 4327:Wen Spencer 4311:N. Lee Wood 4142:John Calvin 4056:Likud party 4028:Gallup poll 3995: [ 3797:Los Angeles 3787:biology.... 3762: [ 3301:South Korea 3281:Philippines 3261:New Zealand 3256:Netherlands 2979:Pornography 2957:Metaphysics 2871:Criminology 2849:Film theory 2824:Archaeology 2503:Women's Day 2305:Libertarian 2247:Ecofeminism 2164:Ecofeminist 2045:Reactionary 2038:Neofeminism 1979:Multiracial 1884:Ecofeminist 1879:Materialist 1722:Switzerland 1702:New Zealand 1474:Paleolithic 1470:philosopher 1285:matrilineal 1255:matrilineal 1195:Middle Ages 902:Mutterrecht 728:Minangkabau 699:matrilineal 685:Mosuo woman 546:'s list of 521:Minangkabau 492:Paleolithic 399:Helen Diner 368:gynecocracy 360:androcratic 347:gynocentric 342:gynecocracy 298:female rule 237:gynĂŠcocracy 136:egalitarian 83:matrilineal 12951:Motherhood 12941:Matriarchy 12935:Categories 12834:(1): 1–8. 12736:(London: 11525:Daly, Mary 10721:Lee (1990) 10678:Lee (1990) 8109:Starhawk, 7720:August 30, 7647:October 8, 6325:Matriarchy 5927:gyneocracy 5923:OED (1993) 5908:OED (1993) 5893:OED (1993) 5770:gyneocracy 5756:, entries 5754:OED (1993) 5309:matriarchy 5264:(1): 2–6. 5129:matriarchy 5088:Matriarchy 5049:References 4878:Chauvinism 4703:Androcracy 4572:Patriarchy 4551:Marianismo 4512:ÇatalhöyĂŒk 4413:Television 4213:Literature 4082:Parliament 3956:character 3954:comic book 3890:Luxembourg 3808:matriarchy 3633:matriarchy 3577:matriarchy 3497:Categories 3399:Literature 3109:Bangladesh 2984:Psychology 2930:Empiricism 2925:Aesthetics 2920:Philosophy 2794:Patriarchy 2779:Matriarchy 2499:Girl's Day 2478:Girl power 2451:In hip hop 2374:Literature 2337:Separatist 2315:Postmodern 2281:Difference 2215:Analytical 2159:Reclaiming 1967:Indigenous 1872:Standpoint 1801:Separatist 1653:by country 1423:Hephaestus 1384:Baltic Sea 1374:. Several 1352:Sarmatians 1197:, several 1133:writes in 1031:Bronze Age 980:witchcraft 948:Bronze Age 877:Susan Mann 763:Lady Triệu 755:TrÆ°ng TráșŻc 655:Bangladesh 651:Mymensingh 633:Bangladesh 528:matrilocal 517:matriarchy 450:matriarchy 380:Gyneocracy 310:gyneocracy 302:gyneocracy 266:matriology 209:(genitive 132:patriarchy 91:matrifocal 87:matrilocal 44:Matriarchy 12901:Routledge 12725:(London: 12714:(Oxford: 12550:935260783 12454:Manliness 12375:144309885 12081:Manliness 11846:(2001) . 11646:162395492 11560:79-150582 11527:(1990) . 11390:218621630 11169:April 29, 11145:The Times 10831:obedience 10645:John Knox 9480:Leviathan 9424:Viewpoint 9418:144580658 8643:April 25, 7068:161399752 6583:The Hindu 6560:155056803 6516:155056803 6356:(A.D. 98) 5912:gynocracy 5827:gynocracy 5792:gynocracy 5762:gynocracy 5742:0011-3204 5697:2249-1937 5559:, either 5278:218768965 4562:Masculism 4477:elephants 4443:'s manga 4355:The Power 4352:'s book, 4297:'s book, 4285:'s book, 4259:'s book, 4246:'s book, 4103:John Knox 4092:John Knox 3812:gynocracy 3733:Mary Daly 3723:polyandry 3692:wrote in 3387:Feminists 3199:Argentina 3159:Indonesia 3149:Hong Kong 3104:Australia 3011:Sociology 2893:Geography 2883:Economics 2774:Male gaze 2769:Kyriarchy 2240:Networked 2122:Christian 1857:Jineology 1845:Anarchist 1835:Socialist 1715:Francoist 1667:Australia 1613:Timelines 1368:Semiramis 1356:Scythians 1348:Herodotus 1329:society. 1302:Mythology 1281:Meghalaya 1215:Brittonic 1164:Germanics 1145:Canaanite 996:Neolithic 986:, and in 982:, by the 910:communism 759:TrÆ°ng Nhị 722:Indonesia 500:matristic 376:gynocracy 338:gynocracy 247:Aristotle 245:found in 56:privilege 52:dominance 37:Hopi-Tewa 35:, of the 12903:, 2000 ( 12769:, 1993 ( 12408:(1972). 12122:(1990). 12078:(2006). 12003:20068706 11906:(2007). 11726:(1991). 11714:(1984). 11702:(2011). 11678:(2000). 11656:(1995). 11570:(1965). 11503:(2005). 11251:(1991). 11097:(review) 10356:Rav Kook 10315:Archived 9940:Politics 9614:Magazine 9535:(2010). 9464:Republic 9130:Archived 9111:Archived 9088:Archived 9068:WorldCat 8260:Archived 7737:, 5.504. 7559:44156662 7490:NBC News 7084:(2005). 6546:: 1–28. 6502:: 1–28. 6478:Archived 6359:Archived 6354:Germania 6157:Archived 5862:gynarchy 5831:gynarchy 5829:, & 5796:gynarchy 5794:, & 5766:gynarchy 5705:44156662 5604:, Vol. 3 5599:(1921), 5521:Archived 5227:See also 4660:Religion 4648:Feminism 4636:Politics 4500:See also 4433:episode 4431:Futurama 4342:Carnival 4329:'s book 4313:'s book 4170:thealogy 4160:thealogy 4063:Buddhism 4040:orthodox 4038:, among 4007:Muhammad 3749:as well. 3707:dominate 3698:dominate 3678:Starhawk 3638:Starhawk 3581:feminism 3382:Articles 3321:Thailand 3276:Pakistan 3246:Malaysia 3229:Paraguay 3219:Honduras 3067:Ethiopia 3021:Theology 3006:Sexology 3001:Sex wars 2915:Pedagogy 2668:Outlooks 2548:Misogyny 2421:Femicide 2406:Equality 2362:Concepts 2327:Cultural 2286:Equality 2267:Stiletto 2262:Lipstick 2186:Orthodox 2149:Neopagan 2137:Womanist 2117:Buddhist 2065:Embedded 2060:Imperial 2055:Carceral 2028:Maternal 1989:Womanism 1677:Colombia 1564:Canadian 1554:American 1511:Feminism 1503:a series 1501:Part of 1239:Boudicca 1235:Catholic 1219:Rhiannon 1211:ScĂĄthach 1191:Iron Age 1152:Shekinah 1120:Amorites 887:toponymy 815:Iroquois 667:Padaungs 641:and the 616:islands 614:Estonian 599:Germania 333:gynarchy 251:Plutarch 76:feminism 12927:(2008). 12899:(N.Y.: 12854:, 2002) 12784:(2002 ( 12740:, 1991) 12729:, 1962) 12718:, 1914) 12258:2543225 11951:2542887 11790:2543787 11465:2544266 11422:(ed.). 11052:4240119 10833:(1559). 10802:Preface 10706:Preface 9410:3174312 8829:3346152 7859:Address 7588:May 17, 7496:May 11, 7400:May 11, 7060:2659214 6637:2642829 5527:, esp. 5106:, 2002. 4934:GI Jane 4748:Sitones 4624:Society 4610:Portals 4489:bonobos 4449:Netflix 4429:In the 4373:In the 4134:Preface 4130:Preface 4011:khalÄ«fa 3937:Herland 3899:utopias 3656:radical 3336:Ukraine 3331:Vietnam 3241:Lebanon 3139:Germany 3129:Finland 3124:Denmark 3099:Albania 3087:Senegal 3082:Nigeria 2989:Therapy 2962:science 2861:Biology 2322:Radical 2276:Liberal 2252:Eugenic 2176:Islamic 2112:Atheist 1960:Lesbian 1955:Chicana 1948:Ratchet 1943:Lesbian 1938:Hip hop 1862:Marxist 1786:Lesbian 1662:Austria 1559:British 1528:History 1334:Amazons 1294:at the 1227:Nerthus 1213:), the 1193:to the 1141:Asherah 1106:Semites 946:in the 804:Arizona 716:Manipur 604:Sitones 594:Tacitus 583:Elamite 403:Amazons 344:, or a 219:arkhein 217:ጄρχΔÎčÎœ 33:Nampeyo 12946:Family 12907:  12888:  12873:  12818:  12803:  12788:  12773:  12754:  12689:  12670:  12647:  12628:  12609:  12584:  12565:  12548:  12538:  12515:  12494:  12416:  12394:  12373:  12342:  12323:  12304:  12277:  12256:  12223:  12204:  12181:  12162:  12141:  12108:  12088:  12029:  12001:  11966:  11949:  11918:  11892:  11873:  11854:  11832:  11811:  11788:  11755:  11736:  11688:  11664:  11644:  11610:  11587:  11558:  11537:  11513:  11484:  11463:  11430:  11407:  11388:  11267:  11050:  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2018:Equity 1984:Romani 1896:Global 1749:states 1706:Spain 1692:Kuwait 1672:Canada 1604:Fourth 1594:Second 1569:German 1419:Hermes 1415:Athena 1394:Greece 1340:Amazon 1327:Mexica 1217:(e.g. 1205:(e.g. 1179:Attica 1171:Sparta 1116:Yahweh 1014:, and 970:, and 867:, and 647:Sylhet 622:Manija 589:Europe 482:, and 431:matri- 304:, and 211:mātris 89:, and 12371:S2CID 12298:36–59 12254:JSTOR 11999:JSTOR 11947:JSTOR 11786:JSTOR 11642:S2CID 11461:JSTOR 11386:S2CID 11316:[ 11093:, in 11048:JSTOR 10990:JStor 10981:' 10942:JStor 10936:, in 10294:, in 9608:, in 9414:S2CID 9406:JSTOR 9390:Signs 9378:, in 9366:, in 9070:entry 8825:JSTOR 8767:, in 8276:, in 8249:, in 8208:, in 7555:JSTOR 7518:, in 7434:, in 7064:S2CID 7056:JSTOR 6692:, in 6633:JSTOR 6556:S2CID 6512:S2CID 6457:, in 5728:, in 5701:JSTOR 5456:, in 5274:S2CID 4982:, in 4667:Notes 4048:CEDAW 3999:] 3988:Islam 3894:Texas 3848:world 3766:] 3680:, in 3373:Lists 3311:Syria 3251:Nepal 3214:Haiti 3209:Chile 3189:Japan 3184:Italy 3154:India 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Matriarch (disambiguation)

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social privilege
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cultural anthropology
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