
Latin Church

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7024: 6596: 10700:"No doubt the leaders of the party held aloof from these vulgar practices of the more ignorant monks, but on the other hand they scattered broadcast perilous theological theories. Palamas taught that by asceticism one could attain a corporal, i.e. a sense view, or perception, of the Divinity. He also held that in God there was a real distinction between the Divine Essence and Its attributes, and he identified grace as one of the Divine propria making it something uncreated and infinite. These monstrous errors were denounced by the Calabrian Barlaam, by Nicephorus Gregoras, and by Acthyndinus. The conflict began in 1338 and ended only in 1368, with the solemn canonization of Palamas and the official recognition of his heresies. He was declared the 'holy doctor' and 'one of the greatest among the Fathers of the Church', and his writings were proclaimed 'the infallible guide of the Christian Faith'. Thirty years of incessant controversy and discordant councils ended with a resurrection of polytheism" ( 10661:"No doubt the leaders of the party held aloof from these vulgar practices of the more ignorant monks, but on the other hand they scattered broadcast perilous theological theories. Palamas taught that by asceticism one could attain a corporal, i.e. a sense view, or perception, of the Divinity. He also held that in God there was a real distinction between the Divine Essence and Its attributes, and he identified grace as one of the Divine propria making it something uncreated and infinite. These monstrous errors were denounced by the Calabrian Barlaam, by Nicephorus Gregoras, and by Acthyndinus. The conflict began in 1338 and ended only in 1368, with the solemn canonization of Palamas and the official recognition of his heresies. He was declared the 'holy doctor' and 'one of the greatest among the Fathers of the Church', and his writings were proclaimed 'the infallible guide of the Christian Faith'. Thirty years of incessant controversy and discordant councils ended with a resurrection of polytheism" 3234:"church" or "rite". Accordingly, "Rite" has been defined as "a division of the Christian Church using a distinctive liturgy", or simply as "a Christian Church". In this sense, "Rite" and "Church" are treated as synonymous, as in the glossary prepared by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and revised in 1999, which states that each "Eastern-rite (Oriental) Church ... is considered equal to the Latin rite within the Church". The Second Vatican Council likewise stated that "it is the mind of the Catholic Church that each individual Church or Rite should retain its traditions whole and entire and likewise that it should adapt its way of life to the different needs of time and place" and spoke of patriarchs and of "major archbishops, who rule the whole of some individual Church or Rite". It thus used the word "Rite" as "a technical designation of what may now be called a particular Church". "Church or rite" is also used as a single heading in the 8537: 3251: 8048: 716: 7881: 3269: 7763: 18792: 2158: 15441: 6496: 401: 8115:". But it is claimed that the doctrine is implicitly contained in the teaching of the Fathers. Their expressions on the subject of the sinlessness of Mary are, it is pointed out, so ample and so absolute that they must be taken to include original sin as well as actual. Thus in the first five centuries, such epithets as "in every respect holy", "in all things unstained", "super-innocent", and "singularly holy" are applied to her; she is compared to Eve before the fall, as ancestress of a redeemed people; she is "the earth before it was accursed". The well-known words of St. 59: 8317: 3260: 3632: 7510:" appears in the writings of Plato and Heraclides Ponticus and in many other pagan writers. This concept is distinguished from the Hades of the underworld described in the works of Homer and Hesiod. In contrast, the celestial Hades was understood as an intermediary place where souls spent an undetermined time after death before either moving on to a higher level of existence or being reincarnated back on earth. Its exact location varied from author to author. Heraclides of Pontus thought it was in the Milky Way; the Academicians, the 7710:, John E. Thiel argued that "purgatory virtually disappeared from Catholic belief and practice since Vatican II" because it has been based on "a competitive spirituality, gravitating around the religious vocation of ascetics from the late Middle Ages". "The birth of purgatory negotiated the eschatological anxiety of the laity. In a manner similar to the ascetic's lifelong lengthening of the temporal field of competition with the martyr, belief in purgatory lengthened the layperson's temporal field of competition with the ascetic." 17379: 6357: 31: 2137: 6725: 7331: 691: 361: 396: 6840: 2239: 21136: 27420: 22455: 20887: 13415: 2117: 7730:
ones or major ones repented of but without having yet borne the fruits of repentance, we believe that within reason they are purified of those faults, but not by some purifying fire and particular punishments in some place." The definition of purgatory adopted by that council excluded the two notions with which the Orthodox disagreed and mentioned only the two points that, they said, were part of their faith also. Accordingly, the agreement, known as the
6858: 8644: 8119:(d. 430) may be cited: "As regards the mother of God," he says, "I will not allow any question whatever of sin." It is true that he is here speaking directly of actual or personal sin. But his argument is that all men are sinners; that they are so through original depravity; that this original depravity may be overcome by the grace of God, and he adds that he does not know but that Mary may have had sufficient grace to overcome sin "of every sort" ( 27430: 2871: 7547: 12010: 9447: 8496: 6831: 22444: 21244: 20876: 18804: 17529: 17517: 17227: 16451: 8767: 8753: 6199: 2177: 645: 634: 7277: 7472: 2147: 2127: 8402: 6546:, which is considered as wrong translation of the word "harm" from the original Hebrew text as "form" in the Greek Septuagint and based in Aristotelian distinction "between the fetus before and after its supposed 'vivification'", and did not classify as murder the abortion of an "unformed" fetus since he thought that it could not be said with certainty that the fetus had already received a soul. 6956:. Thomas also describes the virtues as imperfect (incomplete) and perfect (complete) virtues. A perfect virtue is any virtue with charity, which completes a cardinal virtue. A non-Christian can display courage, but it would be courage with temperance. A Christian would display courage with charity. These are somewhat supernatural and are distinct from other virtues in their object, namely, God: 8509:
judgement, and lives wholly in the Age to Come. The Resurrection of the Body ... has in her case been anticipated and is already an accomplished fact. That does not mean, however, that she is dissociated from the rest of humanity and placed in a wholly different category: for we all hope to share one day in that same glory of the Resurrection of the Body which she enjoys even now.
7682: 12268:"That no one is saved except by God's mercy. Even if human nature remained in that integrity in which it was formed, it would in no way save itself without the help of its Creator; therefore, since without the grace of God it cannot guard the health which it received, how without the grace of God will it be able to recover what it has lost?" 7614:, stated that the souls of the elect immediately entered paradise unless not yet purified, in which case they passed into a state of punishment, a penal fire, which is to be conceived as a place of purification. For both Clement and Origen, the fire was neither a material thing nor a metaphor, but a "spiritual fire". The early Latin author 3374:. In the long term the Crusaders did not succeed in re-establishing political and military control of Palestine, which like former Christian North Africa and the rest of the Middle East remained under Islamic control. The names of many former Christian dioceses of this vast area are still used by the Catholic Church as the names of 6987:. The Christian should "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", meaning he should trade value for value. Aquinas believed that it was specifically immoral to raise prices because a particular buyer had an urgent need for what was being sold and could be persuaded to pay a higher price because of local conditions: 6325:(in the areas in its charge, even for the appointment of Latin bishops). The Congregations generally work from a "terna" or list of three names advanced to them by the local church, most often through the Apostolic Nuncio or the Cathedral Chapter in those places where the Chapter retains the right to nominate bishops. 8206: 8423:
which, according to Roman Catholic dogma, infallibly proclaims the doctrine of the Assumption leaves open the question of whether, in connection with her departure, Mary underwent bodily death. It does not dogmatically define the point one way or the other, as shown by the words "having completed the
In Pius XII's dogmatic statement, the phrase "having completed the course of her earthly life", leaves open the question of whether the Virgin Mary died before her assumption or not. Mary's assumption is said to have been a divine gift to her as the "Mother of God". Ludwig Ott's view is that, as Mary
By the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and by our own authority, we pronounce, declare, and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma: that the Immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body
If someone would be greatly helped by something belonging to someone else, and the seller not similarly harmed by losing it, the seller must not sell for a higher price: because the usefulness that goes to the buyer comes not from the seller, but from the buyer's needy condition: no one ought to sell
Now the object of the theological virtues is God Himself, Who is the last end of all, as surpassing the knowledge of our reason. On the other hand, the object of the intellectual and moral virtues is something comprehensible to human reason. Wherefore the theological virtues are specifically distinct
According to Aquinas "
all acts of virtue are prescribed by the natural law, since each one's reason naturally dictates to him to act virtuously. But if we speak of virtuous acts, considered in themselves, i.e., in their proper species, not all virtuous acts are prescribed by the natural law for many
In the Catholic Church, there are many other things which most justly keep me in her bosom. The consent of peoples and nations keeps me in the Church; so does her authority, inaugurated by miracles, nourished by hope, enlarged by love, established by age. The succession of priests keeps me, beginning
to children requires that they have sufficient knowledge and careful preparation so that they understand the mystery of Christ according to their capacity and are able to receive the body of Christ with faith and devotion." In the Eastern Churches these sacraments are usually administered immediately
or Jesus, and not with God the Father. Most of the eastern church fathers who comment on the passage in Daniel (7:9–10, 13–14) interpreted the elderly figure as a prophetic revelation of the son before his physical incarnation. As such, Eastern Christian art will sometimes portray Jesus Christ as an
and original sin as Latin Catholics. But since Vatican II there has been development in Catholic thinking. Some warn against taking Genesis 3 too literally. They take into account that "God had the church in mind before the foundation of the world" (as in Ephesians 1:4). as also in 2 Timothy 1:9: ".
The absence of sanctifying grace in the new-born child is also an effect of the first sin, for Adam, having received holiness and justice from God, lost it not only for himself but also for us. Baptism confers original sanctifying grace, lost through the Adam's sin, thus eliminating original sin and
The rejection of Palamism by the West and by those in the East who favoured union with the West (the "Latinophrones"), actually contributed to its acceptance in the East, according to Martin Jugie, who adds: "Very soon Latinism and Antipalamism, in the minds of many, would come to be seen as one and
Such then in number and importance are the precious ties belonging to the Christian name which keep a believer in the Catholic Church, as it is right they should. ...With you, there is none of these things to attract or keep me. ...No one shall move me from the faith which binds my mind with ties so
traditions. This scheme, tacitly at least accepted by Rome, is constructed from the viewpoint of Greek Christianity and does not take into consideration other churches of great antiquity which developed in the East outside the frontiers of the Roman Empire. The majority of Eastern Christian Churches
referred to the term "original sin" as "misleading and unprecise". Benedict does not require a literal interpretation of Genesis, or of the origin or evil, but writes: "How was this possible, how did it happen? This remains obscure. ...Evil remains mysterious. It has been presented in great images,
French scholar Victor Saxer dates the identification of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute, and as Mary of Bethany, to a sermon by Pope Gregory the Great on September 21, AD 591, where he seemed to combine the actions of three women mentioned in the New Testament and also identified an unnamed woman as
was characterized as "magic". More recently, some Roman Catholic thinkers have taken a positive view of Palamas's teachings, including the essence-energies distinction, arguing that it does not represent an insurmountable theological division between Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, and his
necessarily a member of a particular church. A person also inherits, or "is of", a particular patrimony or rite. Since the rite has liturgical, theological, spiritual and disciplinary elements, a person is also to worship, to be catechized, to pray and to be governed according to a particular rite.
Many theologians note by way of comparison that in the Catholic Church, the Assumption is dogmatically defined, while in the Eastern Orthodox tradition, the Dormition is less dogmatically than liturgically and mystically defined. Such differences spring from a larger pattern in the two traditions,
Declaramus, pronuntiamus et definimus doctrinam, quae tenet, beatissimam Virginem Mariam in primo instanti suae Conceptionis fuisse singulari omnipotentis Dei gratia et privilegio, intuitu meritorum Christi lesu Salvatoris humani generis, ab omni originalis culpae labe praeservatam immunem, esse a
says: "The sin of Adam was one thing but the sin of children at their birth is quite another, the former was the cause, the latter is the effect." In a child, original sin is distinct from the fault of Adam, it is one of its effects. The effects of Adam's sin according to the Catholic Encyclopedia
Some Catholic saints and theologians have had sometimes conflicting ideas about purgatory beyond those adopted by the Catholic Church, reflecting or contributing to the popular image, which includes the notions of purification by actual fire, in a determined place and for a precise length of time.
entered directly into eternal blessedness, whereas the rest entered a generic realm of the dead. There the wicked suffered a foretaste of their eternal punishments, whilst the good experienced various stages and places of bliss wherein "the idea of a kind of purgatory 
 is quite plainly found," an
The capital theses in the philosophy of St. Thomas are not to be placed in the category of opinions capable of being debated one way or another, but are to be considered as the foundations upon which the whole science of natural and divine things is based; if such principles are once removed or in
in its general structures, but never strictly codified and which from at least the seventh century was gradually infiltrated, and then eventually for the most part replaced, by liturgical texts and forms which had their origin in the diocese of Rome. Other former "Rites" in past times practised in
particular Church. The "Latin Rite" is the whole of the patrimony of that distinct particular church, by which it manifests its own manner of living the faith, including its own liturgy, its theology, its spiritual practices and traditions and its canon law. A Catholic, as an individual person, is
for instituting such a festival without the permission of the Holy See. In doing so, he takes occasion to repudiate altogether the view that the conception of Mary was sinless, calling it a "novelty". Some doubt, however, whether he was using the term "conception" in the same sense in which it is
argued against these notions, while declaring that they do hold that there is a cleansing after death of the souls of the saved and that these are assisted by the prayers of the living: "If souls depart from this life in faith and charity but marked with some defilements, whether unrepented minor
thought, some kind of supra-worldly concentration camp where man is forced to undergo punishment in a more or less arbitrary fashion. Rather it is the inwardly necessary process of transformation in which a person becomes capable of Christ, capable of God, and thus capable of unity with the whole
And so, lastly, does the very name of Catholic, which, not without reason, amid so many heresies, the Church has thus retained; so that, though all heretics wish to be called Catholics, yet when a stranger asks where the Catholic Church meets, no heretic will venture to point to his own chapel or
in the Latin Church. An exception is made for married clergy from other churches, who join the Catholic Church; they may continue as married priests. In the Latin Church, a married man may not be admitted even to the diaconate unless he is legitimately destined to remain a deacon and not become a
Orthodox tradition is clear and unwavering in regard to the central point : the Holy Virgin underwent, as did her Son, a physical death, but her body—like His—was afterwards raised from the dead and she was taken up into heaven, in her body as well as in her soul. She has passed beyond death and
We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved free from all
like Saint Bonaventure, argued, that from a rational point of view it was certainly as little derogatory to the merits of Christ to assert that Mary was by him preserved from all taint of sin, as to say that she first contracted it and then was delivered. Proposing a solution to the theological
During the 13th century, Saint Thomas Aquinas sought to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy with Augustinian theology, employing both reason and faith in the study of metaphysics, moral philosophy, and religion. While Aquinas accepted the existence of God on faith, he offered five proofs of God's
as a conflict between what Augustine calls the Earthly City (often colloquially referred to as the City of Man, but never by Augustine) and the City of God, a conflict that is destined to end in victory for the latter. The City of God is marked by people who forego earthly pleasure to dedicate
around the world that are not in union with Rome. Unlike the Latin Church, the pope does not exercise a direct patriarchal role over the Eastern Catholic churches and their faithful, instead encouraging their internal hierarchies, which while separate from that of the Latin Church and function
emerged in the 6th century, mostly in the Eastern Empire with elderly images, although usually not properly or specifically identified as "the Ancient of Days". The first images of the Ancient of Days, so named with an inscription, were developed by iconographers in different manuscripts, the
writes: "Not only was the structure of the Arabic language radically different from that of Latin, but some Arabic versions had been derived from earlier Syriac translations and were thus twice removed from the original Greek text. Word-for-word translations of such Arabic texts could produce
things are done virtuously to which nature does not incline at first; but that, through the inquiry of reason, have been found by men to be conducive to well living." Therefore, we must determine if we are speaking of virtuous acts as under the aspect of virtuous or as an act in its species.
of the 16th century saw a schism which was not analogous since it was not based upon the same historical factors and involved far more profound theological dissent from the teaching of the totality of previously existing historical Christian churches. Until 2005, the pope claimed the title
as though they were the same person. This led to a conflation of Mary of Bethany with Mary Magdalene as well as with another woman (besides Mary of Bethany who anointed Jesus), the woman caught in adultery. Eastern Christianity never adopted this identification. In his article in the 1910
The definition concerns original sin only, and it makes no declaration about the church's belief that the Blessed Virgin was sinless in the sense of freedom from actual or personal sin. The doctrine teaches that from her conception Mary, being always free from original sin, received the
In response to the scandal, formal procedures have been established to help prevent abuse, encourage the reporting of any abuse that occurs, and to handle such reports promptly, although groups representing victims have disputed their effectiveness. In 2014, Pope Francis instituted the
problem of reconciling the doctrine with that of universal redemption in Christ, he argued that Mary's immaculate conception did not remove her from redemption by Christ; rather it was the result of a more perfect redemption granted her because of her special role in salvation history.
Si vero aliquis multum iuvetur ex re alterius quam accepit, ille vero qui vendidit non damnificatur carendo re illa, non debet eam supervendere. Quia utilitas quae alteri accrescit non est ex vendente, sed ex conditione ementis, nullus autem debet vendere alteri quod non est suum. .
Many Catholics also believe that Mary first died before being assumed, but they believe that she was miraculously resurrected before being assumed. Others believe she was assumed bodily into Heaven without first dying. Either understanding may be legitimately held by Catholics, with
Mary Magdalene. In another sermon, Gregory specifically identified Mary Magdalene as the sister of Martha mentioned in Luke 10. But according to a view expressed more recently by theologian Jane Schaberg, Gregory only put the final touch to a legend that already existed before him.
6687:. Nevertheless, though considered to be mistaken on some points, he is still considered a saint, and has even had influence on some Eastern Church Fathers, most notably the Greek theologian Gregory Palamas. In the Orthodox Church his feast day is celebrated on 15 June. Historian 8143:)?" and stronger expressions follow, which could be interpreted to indicate that he was speaking of the mother and not of the child. Yet, Bernard also decries those who support the feast for trying to "add to the glories of Mary", which proves he was indeed talking about Mary. 8272:
Pope Pius IX explicitly affirmed that Mary was redeemed in a manner more sublime. He stated that Mary, rather than being cleansed after sin, was completely prevented from contracting original sin in view of the foreseen merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race. In
earliest of which are dated to the 11th century. The images in these manuscripts included the inscription "Jesus Christ, Ancient of Days," confirming that this was a way to identify Christ as pre-eternal with the God the Father. Indeed, later, it was declared by the
Kappes, Christiaan (2015-09-30). "Gregory Palamas' Use of Augustine's De Trinitate for Original Sin and its Application to the Theotokos & Scholarius' Palamitico-Augustinianism of the Immaculate Conception (Stockholm 28.VI.15)" (Document). Stockholm University
8589:), God the Father is shown in the representation consistently used by other artists later, namely as a patriarch, with benign, yet powerful countenance and with long white hair and a beard, a depiction largely derived from, and justified by, the description of the 7400:, accepting Catholic Christianity. The addition was confirmed by subsequent local councils in Toledo and soon spread throughout the West, not only in Spain but also in the kingdom of the Franks, who had adopted the Catholic faith in 496, and in England, where the 12573:
The manuscripts that include an image of the Ancient of Days are discussed in the unpublished dissertation by Gretchen Kreahling McKay, "Imaging the Divine: A Study of the Representations of the Ancient of Days in Byzantine Manuscripts," University of Virginia,
that "the fact of her death is almost generally accepted by the Fathers and Theologians, and is expressly affirmed in the Liturgy of the Church", to which he adds a number of helpful citations. He concludes: "for Mary, death, in consequence of her freedom from
period. Eastern Christians believe that Mary died a natural death, that her soul was received by Christ upon death, and that her body was resurrected on the third day after her death and that she was taken up into heaven bodily in anticipation of the general
7483:, about which Latin Christianity holds that "all who die in God's grace and friendship but still imperfectly purified" undergo the process of purification which the Catholic Church calls purgatory, "so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of 7999:, erases original sin and turns a man back towards God, but the consequences for nature, weakened and inclined to evil, persist in man and summon him to spiritual battle." "Weakened and diminished by Adam's fall, free will is yet not destroyed in the race." 6755:'s translations and editions of Greek philosophical texts in the middle half of the thirteenth century helped form a clearer picture of Greek philosophy, particularly of Aristotle, than was given by the Arabic versions on which they had previously relied. 8733:. The Western Catholic Church has been criticised for its handling of abuse complaints when it became known that some bishops had shielded accused priests, transferring them to other pastoral assignments where some continued to commit sexual offences. 8250:
of the Immaculate Conception, "at the first moment of Her conception, Mary was preserved free from the stain of original sin, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ." Scotus's position was hailed as "a correct expression of the faith of the Apostles."
developed in the large cities of Europe during this period, and rival clerical orders within the church began to battle for political and intellectual control over these centers of educational life. The two main orders founded in this period were the
Perhaps under the influence of Hellenistic thought, the intermediate state entered Jewish religious thought in the last centuries before Christ. In Maccabees, we find the practice of prayer for the dead with a view to their after life purification,
7092:. The ensuing school of thought, through its influence on Latin Christianity and the ethics of the Catholic school, is one of the most influential philosophies of all time, also significant due to the number of people living by its teachings. 8129:
in the 12th century raised the question of the Immaculate Conception. A feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin had already begun to be celebrated in some churches of the West. St Bernard blames the canons of the metropolitan church of
any way impaired, it must necessarily follow that students of the sacred sciences will ultimately fail to perceive so much as the meaning of the words in which the dogmas of divine revelation are proposed by the magistracy of the Church.
10652:, although that attitude has never been universally prevalent in the Catholic Church and has been even more widely criticised in the catholic theology for the last century (see section 3 of this article). Retrieved on 12 September 2014. 7831:
until this was altered in 1969, reflecting the fact that by then the common interpretation in the Catholic Church was that Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene and the sinful woman who anointed the feet of Jesus were three distinct women.
4445: 8228:
The arguments of Scotus, combined with a better acquaintance with the language of the early Fathers, gradually prevailed in the schools of the Western Church. In 1387 the university of Paris strongly condemned the opposite view.
As for certain lesser faults, we must believe that, before the Final Judgment, there is a purifying fire. He who is truth says that whoever utters blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will be pardoned neither in this age nor in the
6538:", and although he disapproved of an abortion during any stage of pregnancy, he made a distinction between early abortions and later ones. He acknowledged the distinction between "formed" and "unformed" fetuses mentioned in the 6492:
themselves to the eternal truths of God, now revealed fully in the Christian faith. The Earthly City, on the other hand, consists of people who have immersed themselves in the cares and pleasures of the present, passing world.
is that, except when in danger of death, the person to be confirmed should "have the use of reason, be suitably instructed, properly disposed, and able to renew the baptismal promises", and "the administration of the Most Holy
Historically Latin Christianity has tended to reject Palamism, especially the essence-energies distinction, some times characterizing it as a heretical introduction of an unacceptable division in the Trinity and suggestive of
The point of her bodily death has not been infallibly defined by any pope. Many Catholics believe that she did not die at all, but was assumed directly into Heaven. The dogmatic definition within the Apostolic Constitution
made the feast universal in 1708, but still did not call it the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Popular and theological support for the concept continued to grow and by the 18th century it was widely depicted in art.
wherein Catholic teachings are often dogmatically and authoritatively defined—in part because of the more centralized structure of the Catholic Church—while in Eastern Orthodoxy, many doctrines are less authoritative.
It is admitted that the doctrine as defined by Pius IX was not explicitly noted before the 12th century. It is also agreed that "no direct or categorical and stringent proof of the dogma can be brought forward from
6751:. Schools of translation grew up in Italy and Sicily, and eventually in the rest of Europe. Powerful Norman kings gathered men of knowledge from Italy and other areas into their courts as a sign of their prestige. 16488: 6795:
in with the more neoplatonist elements. Following Anselm, Bonaventure supposed that reason can only discover truth when philosophy is illuminated by religious faith. Other important Franciscan scholastics were
Several forms of the Latin rite have always existed, and were only slowly withdrawn, as a result of the coming together of the different parts of Europe. Before the Council there existed, side by side with the
6097: 7982:
and completely destroyed freedom to do good. Before 412, Augustine said that free will was weakened but not destroyed by original sin. But after 412 this changed to a loss of free will except to sin. Modern
6683:. The most controversial doctrine associated with him, the filioque, was rejected by the Orthodox Church as heretical. Other disputed teachings include his views on original sin, the doctrine of grace, and 12354: 12306: 7538:
practice of making offerings on behalf of the dead, who are said to suffer numerous trials. Among other reasons, Western Catholic teaching of purgatory is based on the pre-Christian (Judaic) practice of
The approximately 18 million Eastern Catholics represent a minority of Christians in communion with the pope, compared to well over 1 billion Latin Catholics. Additionally, there are roughly 250 million
eds. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979) 1:560 cf. 5.36.2 / 1:567; cf. George Cross, "The Differentiation of the Roman and Greek Catholic Views of the Future Life", in
8139:. Bernard would seem to have been speaking of conception in the active sense of the mother's cooperation, for in his argument he says: "How can there be absence of sin where there is concupiscence ( 7876:
As a result of original sin, human nature is weakened in its powers, subject to ignorance, suffering and the domination of death, and inclined to sin (this inclination is called "concupiscence").
13451: 10230:
Grant, Edward, and Emeritus Edward Grant. The foundations of modern science in the Middle Ages: their religious, institutional and intellectual contexts. Cambridge University Press, 1996, 23–28
16481: 3601:, which also employs in general terms forms similar to the Roman Rite, but with a number of significant divergences which have adapted it to the distinctive way of life of the Carthusians. 9189: 8010:
Death and Suffering: "One man has transmitted to the whole human race not only the death of the body, which is the punishment of sin, but even sin itself, which is the death of the soul."
notes: "Recent Catholic thought on purgatory typically preserves the essentials of the basic doctrine while also offering second-hand speculative interpretations of these elements." Thus
7011:. Increased demand caused by the destruction of existing buildings does not add to a seller's costs, so to take advantage of buyers' increased willingness to pay constituted a species of 2757: 7721:
with the pope. Some have explicitly rejected the notions of punishment by fire in a particular place that are prominent in the popular picture of purgatory. The representatives of the
19563: 19400: 8868: 6282:
priest. Marriage after ordination is not possible, and attempting it can result in canonical penalties. The Eastern Catholic Churches, unlike the Latin Church, have a married clergy.
5198: 1588: 7526:
situated it between the Moon and the Earth or around the Moon; while Numenius and the Latin Neoplatonists thought it was located between the sphere of the fixed stars and the Earth.
15153: 8609:
St Thomas Aquinas recalls that some bring forward the objection that the Ancient of Days matches the person of the Father, without necessarily agreeing with this statement himself.
8601:... the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. ( 8394:
and from personal sin, was not a consequence of punishment of sin. However, it seems fitting that Mary's body, which was by nature mortal, should be, in conformity with that of her
7572:) mentioned an abode where the souls of the dead remained until the universal judgment, a process that has been described as one which "contains the concept of ... purgatory". Both 6747:
in Europe from about 1100 to 1700, The 13th and early 14th centuries are generally seen as the high period of scholasticism. The early 13th century witnessed the culmination of the
6427:. After his baptism and conversion in 386, Augustine developed his own approach to philosophy and theology, accommodating a variety of methods and perspectives. Believing that the 16474: 15339: 8236:(being made free from sin) but, following the Dominican Thomas Aquinas' arguments, continued to insist that her sanctification could not have occurred until after her conception. 11140:
vol. 2, trans. Neil Buchanan (London, Williams & Norgate, 1995) p. 296 n. 1; George Cross, "The Differentiation of the Roman and Greek Catholic Views of the Future Life", in
18580: 673: 17262: 14982: 10392:(1317): "This man is supreme among modern teachers of philosophy and theology, and indeed in every subject. And such is the common view and opinion, so that nowadays in the 7873:
transmitted to their descendants human nature wounded by their own first sin and hence deprived of original holiness and justice; this deprivation is called "original sin".
12025: 8966: 8693:
old man, the Ancient of Days, to show symbolically that he existed from all eternity, and sometimes as a young man, or wise baby, to portray him as he was incarnate. This
The historical part of the Catholic Church in the West is called the Latin Church to distinguish itself from the Eastern Catholic Churches which are also under the pope's
13444: 7713:
The speculations and popular imaginings that, especially in late medieval times, were common in the Western or Latin Church have not necessarily found acceptance in the
There once existed what is referred to as the Gallican Rite, used in Gaulish or Frankish territories. This was a conglomeration of varying forms, not unlike the present
16214: 15693: 5910: 3613:
and have almost entirely disappeared from current use, despite limited nostalgic efforts at revival of some of them and a certain indulgence by the Roman authorities.
9632: 9582: 21655: 19155: 18469: 7169:—that is not actuality, imperfections as well as perfection. Only God is simultaneously all that He can be, infinitely real and infinitely perfect: 'I am who I am' ( 7415:) to the description of the procession of the Holy Spirit, in what many Eastern Orthodox Christians have at a later stage argued is a violation of Canon VII of the 20570: 17566: 16209: 15688: 9358: 7499:). It bases its teaching also on the practice of praying for the dead in use within the church ever since the church began and which is mentioned even earlier in 28607: 16045: 15544: 12358: 12303: 5609: 19185: 18776: 18771: 16050: 15549: 13437: 11027: 7361:, and which has been the subject of great controversy between Eastern and Western Christianity. It is not in the original text of the Creed, attributed to the 5599: 14786: 10530:
Deinde considerandum est de peccatis quae sunt circa voluntarias commutationes. Et primo, de fraudulentia quae committitur in emptionibus et venditionibus ...
20923: 8174:, a Franciscan, had tried to pacify the situation by forbidding either side to criticize the other, and placed the feast of the Immaculate Conception on the 7023: 6595: 6582:
many and so strong to the Christian religion. ...For my part, I should not believe the gospel except as moved by the authority of the Catholic Church. 
broke full communion with the Bishop of Rome and the Latin Church, following various theological and jurisdictional disputes in the centuries following the
28597: 21690: 20490: 15332: 13034: 6969: 6477:, Augustine declared its message to be spiritual rather than political. Christianity, he argued, should be concerned with the mystical, heavenly city, the 5604: 8729:
by Western Catholic clergy and other church members has become the subject of civil litigation, criminal prosecution, media coverage and public debate in
19588: 16990: 13492: 13389: 11505: 8866:
as a whole, especially in a non-Catholic context, while also occasionally used in reference to the Latin Church vis-Ă -vis the Eastern Catholic Churches.
3075:, elements of which have been practiced since the fourth century. There exist and have existed since ancient times additional Latin liturgical rites and 666: 11528: 28472: 23887: 18120: 17600: 17255: 10487:
Thomas Aquinas. Summa Theologica. "Of Cheating, Which Is Committed in Buying and Selling". Translated by The Fathers of the English Dominican Province
8738: 7105:
and continued into the 20th century to be the central point of reference for the philosophy and theology of Latin Christianity. In the 1914 encyclical
is said to be the law of our mind, because it is a habit containing the precepts of the natural law, which are the first principles of human actions."
8454: 20055: 18495: 17276: 16931: 16501: 14924: 8449:(item 39) Pius XII referred to the "struggle against the infernal foe" as in Genesis 3:15 and to "complete victory over the sin and death" as in the 4783: 4735: 4632: 3738: 3205: 2205: 2053: 1787: 377: 79: 6644:
has argued). Although he later abandoned Neoplatonism, some ideas are still visible in his early writings. His early and influential writing on the
26373: 18841: 18570: 11684: 9474: 7557:
Specific examples of belief in a purification after death and of the communion of the living with the dead through prayer are found in many of the
Thomas Aquinas wrote: " is a sin against God, just as all mortal sins, in as much as man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things."
5295: 4440: 3214:
defines the use within that code of the words "church" and "rite". In accordance with these definitions of usage within the code that governs the
26222: 20376: 15325: 7113:
cautioned that the teachings of the Catholic Church cannot be understood without the basic philosophical underpinnings of Aquinas' major theses:
4435: 3023:(though this name can also refer to the Catholic Church as a whole). One of the pope's traditional titles in some eras and contexts has been the 2747: 369: 11938: 28612: 27279: 10338: 9742: 6310: 5808: 2901: 659: 28637: 22158: 21281: 20768: 20555: 19558: 18895: 17880: 17607: 17248: 12688: 6760:
tortured readings. By contrast, the structural closeness of Latin to Greek permitted literal, but intelligible, word-for-word translations."
5141: 4562: 1593: 10760: 9832:
De immortalitate animae of Augustine: text, translation and commentary, By Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.), C. W. Wolfskeel, introduction
8876: 27982: 27231: 24584: 19438: 17559: 16545: 16433: 13148: 9952: 9453: 7630:
idea that is representative of a view widely dispersed in antiquity. Later examples, wherein further elaborations are articulated, include
6227: 4211: 1737: 400: 20107: 19850: 19388: 18153: 17646: 17481: 10898: 8438: 8382:
completed her life as a shining example to the human race, the perspective of the gift of assumption is offered to the whole human race.
of the Roman Catholic Church stated: "We shall not debate about purgatory, but we entrust ourselves to the teaching of the Holy Church".
is included, as well as how it is translated and understood, can have important implications for how one understands the doctrine of the
or that of Constantinople. This was incorporated into the liturgical practice of Rome in 1014, but was rejected by Eastern Christianity.
5833: 3458:
analogously to it, and follow the traditions shared with the corresponding Eastern Christian churches in Eastern and Oriental Orthodoxy.
2070: 1053: 495: 12034: 7659:, written in the late 6th century, evidence a development in the understanding of the afterlife distinctive of the direction that Latin 26267: 26194: 23412: 22513: 22114: 21105: 20763: 19792: 19695: 18535: 17834: 14776: 12710: 8730: 6080: 5691: 11914: 11852: 10821: 9045: 28552: 26072: 22491: 21665: 20916: 20728: 20590: 19508: 16576: 11915:"General Audience of 3 December 2008: Saint Paul (15). The Apostle's teaching on the relation between Adam and Christ | BENEDICT XVI" 11297: 8536: 7751: 4182: 3640: 3413:, but either never historically broke full communion or returned to it with the Papacy at some time. These differ from each other in 3043: 1138: 26518: 27826: 26358: 26232: 26217: 21617: 21569: 19103: 18288: 15248: 14161: 12928: 8232:
Scotus's arguments remained controversial, however, particularly among the Dominicans, who were willing enough to celebrate Mary's
5628: 5623: 5357: 5352: 5337: 5122: 5097: 5061: 4380: 2080: 1230: 12261: 11353: 10157: 8620:, had started to appear in French manuscripts and in stained glass church windows in England. In the 14th century the illustrated 27466: 20675: 19769: 17552: 16411: 15050: 14642: 11703: 7531: 4776: 4218: 1983: 11326: 10895:
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity: The Greek and the Latin Traditions regarding the Procession of the Holy Spirit
8958: 8277:, Mary proclaims: "My spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour." This is referred to as Mary's pre-redemption by Christ. Since the 3218:, the Latin Church is one such group of Christian faithful united by a hierarchy and recognized by the supreme authority of the 27914: 21547: 21537: 21301: 19003: 18998: 17982: 17924: 15256: 12998: 12626: 7276: 6679:. But other theologians and figures of the Eastern Orthodox Church have shown significant approbation of his writings, chiefly 6322: 5180: 4346: 4156: 3692: 3250: 3211: 2857: 2804: 7866:, as the first man, lost the original holiness and justice he had received from God, not only for himself but for all humans. 28492: 26378: 22126: 20707: 20655: 19287: 16586: 16581: 12527: 12390: 12156: 11610: 11464: 10852: 10748: 10307: 10257: 10215: 10190: 9937: 9908: 9885: 9808: 9778: 9726: 9127: 8997: 8938: 8264:
stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.
6512: 5777: 5396: 5072: 5019: 4162: 2198: 1029: 10639: 7672:. From this sentence we understand that certain offenses can be forgiven in this age, but certain others in the age to come. 26843: 23882: 22251: 20909: 20645: 20381: 18899: 18834: 17792: 17688: 16733: 15174: 14241: 12819: 11585:
Patte, Daniel. The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Ed. Daniel Patte. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, 892.
11539: 11516: 10794: 10582: 9399: 3806: 2779: 2060: 14236: 11652: 9147: 8209:
John Duns Scotus was one of the Scholastic philosophers that argued most for the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary.
8055: 6439:. His thoughts profoundly influenced the medieval worldview. The segment of the church that adhered to the concept of the 3386:
In the Catholic Church, in addition to the Latin Church—directly headed by the pope as Latin patriarch and notable within
26961: 26242: 25843: 22289: 20685: 20515: 19423: 19170: 18654: 18552: 18439: 16530: 15936: 15236: 15109: 13973: 13963: 13022: 13010: 12888: 8661:
Artistic depictions of God the Father were uncontroversial in Catholic art thereafter, but less common depictions of the
7594:) developed a view of purification after death; this view drew upon the notion that fire is a divine instrument from the 7263: 7237: 5117: 5042: 3586: 2742: 1732: 1260: 6980:. He argued it was immoral for sellers to raise their prices simply because buyers were in pressing need for a product. 27171: 26901: 26783: 26237: 24822: 22776: 20344: 19841: 19450: 19175: 18692: 17994: 17745: 16550: 15892: 15424: 14472: 12747: 10649: 10109: 8720: 8267:
Deo revelatam, atque idcirco ab omnibus fidelibus firmiter constanterque credendam. Quapropter si qui secus ac a Nobis.
6940:. The cardinal virtues are natural and revealed in nature, and they are binding on everyone. There are, however, three 5054: 4661: 4358: 3135: 2974: 2894: 2033: 1747: 246: 63: 10025: 9324: 8159: 7500: 3409:
with their own hierarchies. Most of these churches trace their origins to the other four patriarchates of the ancient
is predominant. The Latin liturgical rites are contrasted with the liturgical rites of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
28657: 27221: 26047: 23297: 22175: 21274: 20327: 19929: 19576: 19410: 18861: 17824: 16517: 16497: 15266: 14188: 12681: 12440: 12411: 12342: 12285: 12196: 12176: 12136: 12116: 11741: 11336: 11309: 10725: 10282: 10082: 9752: 9484: 8406: 8047: 6314: 5594: 5342: 5151: 5083: 4352: 4318: 3395: 2150: 2100: 2028: 2013: 1712: 779: 10372:
11 (29 June 1923), AAS, XV ("non modo Angelicum, sed etiam Communem seu Universalem Ecclesiae Doctorem"). The title
7625:) also articulated a view of purification after death. In Tertullian's understanding of the afterlife, the souls of 28487: 27848: 27274: 24832: 22419: 21155: 20841: 20389: 20142: 20087: 19952: 19687: 19683: 19428: 19213: 19160: 18595: 18075: 17965: 17496: 17471: 16535: 16322: 16285: 15495: 15482: 15081: 15035: 14035: 12807: 10991: 7925: 7854: 7205: 7151: 6566:, to whom the Lord, after His resurrection, gave it in charge to feed His sheep (Jn 21:15–19), down to the present 6220: 5753: 4912: 4478: 4409: 3862: 3648: 2814: 2191: 2130: 2043: 1944: 1727: 1518: 1339: 1255: 1077: 933: 890: 750: 515: 485: 10809: 7827:
Latin Christianity's identification of Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany was reflected in the arrangement of the
7434:, which is central to the majority of Christian churches. For some, the term implies a serious underestimation of 3134:, including not only Protestant offshoots of the Latin Church, but also smaller groups of 19th-century break-away 2940:, whose members constitute the vast majority of the 1.3 billion Catholics. The Latin Church is one of 24 churches 28587: 28522: 27567: 27236: 27131: 26257: 26252: 26208: 25838: 24682: 23941: 22931: 21686: 21584: 21552: 21082: 20966: 20850: 20192: 20167: 20132: 20127: 20092: 19972: 19571: 19455: 19045: 19008: 18891: 18871: 18827: 18090: 18014: 17634: 17612: 17486: 17476: 17446: 17431: 17395: 16738: 16555: 15942: 14876: 14732: 14617: 13362: 12825: 12763: 12754: 8790: 8684:
The depiction remains rare and often controversial in Eastern Orthodox art. In Eastern Orthodox Church hymns and
7735: 7438:'s role in the Trinity; for others, denial of what it expresses implies a serious underestimation of the role of 7362: 6448: 6318: 6290: 5725: 5671: 5347: 5107: 5010: 4813: 4651: 4589: 4483: 4363: 3869: 3306: 2549: 2110: 2018: 1742: 761: 545: 535: 505: 500: 490: 269: 14413: 13849: 11180: 11103: 10968: 7928: 3309:. Due to geographic and cultural considerations, the latter patriarchates developed into churches with distinct 27778: 27091: 26916: 26189: 25208: 25149: 25036: 24915: 24847: 23275: 22913: 22832: 22378: 21627: 21542: 20788: 20500: 20187: 20157: 20137: 20077: 19867: 19583: 19121: 19113: 19025: 18886: 18866: 18329: 17948: 17595: 17587: 17575: 17491: 17466: 17410: 17405: 17019: 16416: 16279: 15840: 15753: 14907: 14647: 14637: 14131: 13520: 13218: 12837: 12504: 11084: 8476: 7506:
The idea of purgatory has roots that date back into antiquity. A sort of proto-purgatory called the "celestial
6124: 6090: 5312: 3883: 3876: 3294: 2752: 2697: 2105: 1370: 1163: 846: 757: 729: 614: 525: 510: 480: 395: 25328: 25203: 21345: 10488: 8817: 27931: 27241: 26656: 26393: 26057: 25906: 25828: 25250: 24292: 23845: 22484: 22185: 21507: 20162: 20152: 19478: 19349: 19247: 18944: 18624: 18203: 18178: 17787: 17501: 17333: 15204: 15146: 13377: 12813: 8531: 6383: 6103: 5505: 5317: 5257: 5112: 4955: 4656: 4079: 3856: 3426: 2887: 2458: 2412: 2380: 1988: 1958: 1758: 1358: 530: 520: 11964:"Catechism of the Catholic Church – "Conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary"" 10415: 9029:
no doubt, by a further extension Roman Church may be used as equivalent to Latin Church for the patriarchate
7488: 6983:
Aquinas later expanded his argument to oppose any unfair earnings made in trade, basing the argument on the
3268: 28542: 28527: 28422: 27299: 27101: 24314: 23064: 22190: 21267: 20743: 20714: 20697: 20605: 20217: 20182: 20172: 19750: 19731: 19593: 19344: 19257: 18664: 18183: 18173: 17629: 17436: 16840: 16295: 16273: 16139: 15759: 15747: 15611: 14948: 14850: 12674: 7762: 6278: 5940: 5568: 5029: 4613: 4531: 2048: 2023: 1953: 1415: 913: 540: 25338: 16466: 7991:
movement, which the Catholic Church declared to be heretical, also maintained that original sin destroyed
7880: 7007:
Aquinas would therefore condemn practices such as raising the price of building supplies in the wake of a
27948: 27459: 27309: 27021: 27016: 26788: 25311: 25272: 24827: 24741: 24309: 22681: 22261: 22042: 21904: 21189: 20753: 19503: 19371: 19240: 18629: 17999: 17772: 17290: 16603: 14388: 13630: 11354:"Time, Judgment, and Competitive Spirituality: A Reading of the Development of the Doctrine of Purgatory" 11080: 11060: 6213: 6075: 5525: 5483: 5456: 5381: 5307: 5302: 5290: 5129: 5066: 4949: 3733: 3568:
employ five different families of liturgical rites. The Latin liturgical rites are used only in a single
3422: 2687: 2390: 2140: 2075: 2065: 1978: 1676: 1303: 1220: 1153: 994: 25343: 25333: 13408: 11963: 11734:
Augustine's Conversion from Traditional Free Choice to "Non-free Free Will": A Comprehensive Methodology
11681: 11076: 9800:
Caesar and Christ: a History of Roman Civilization and of Christianity from Their Beginnings to A.D. 325
condemning the decision of an Italian church council to remove all images of the Trinity from churches.
27819: 27542: 26087: 26032: 25728: 24468: 23985: 22676: 22618: 22371: 22333: 21820: 20670: 20468: 20122: 19774: 19740: 19699: 18638: 17663: 17240: 16874: 15219: 14781: 14512: 13978: 8924: 7466: 7166: 6543: 6119: 5995: 5639: 4995: 4960: 4888: 4148: 4020: 3901: 3631: 3298: 1963: 715: 24066: 14485: 7921: 6691:
has written: " impact on Western Christian thought can hardly be overstated; only his beloved example
were launched by the West from 1095 to 1291 in order to defend Christians and their properties in the
28467: 28427: 27868: 27334: 27123: 26981: 26433: 25321: 25100: 24731: 24361: 23926: 23058: 22810: 22647: 22602: 22414: 22404: 22366: 22121: 21931: 21899: 21853: 21830: 21236: 20860: 20806: 20477: 20427: 20117: 20072: 19180: 18697: 18399: 17710: 17426: 17152: 16525: 16290: 16074: 15742: 15737: 15573: 14977: 14972: 13384: 12208: 11284: 8515: 8094: 7813: 7714: 7496: 7492: 7366: 7245: 6821: 6177: 5868: 4803: 4694: 4546: 4064: 3565: 3399: 3371: 3215: 2957: 2784: 2737: 2727: 2582: 2422: 2385: 1973: 1949: 1196: 928: 623: 439: 25439: 14338: 10049: 8013:
Concupiscence or Inclination to sin. Baptism erases original sin but the inclination to sin remains.
7809: 7173: 6898:, was immensely influential in the tradition of scholasticism, within which he is also known as the 6511:"took on flesh" in Christ, in whom the logos was present as in no other man. He strongly influenced 28567: 28295: 28057: 28017: 28007: 27955: 26838: 26798: 26753: 26543: 26533: 26338: 26092: 25917: 25853: 25823: 25713: 25478: 25387: 25355: 25316: 25228: 24135: 23392: 23328: 22798: 22783: 22477: 22394: 22299: 22294: 22109: 22074: 22000: 21956: 21951: 21748: 21574: 21419: 21316: 21311: 21194: 20890: 20826: 20748: 20719: 20339: 20334: 20212: 20112: 20097: 20082: 19924: 19745: 19635: 19553: 19377: 19354: 19305: 18978: 18530: 18105: 17622: 17441: 17364: 17359: 17159: 16327: 15967: 15913: 15805: 15225: 15134: 14047: 13957: 12881: 12831: 11056:
vol. 2, trans. Neil Buchanan (London, Williams & Norgate, 1995) p. 337; Clement of Alexandria,
Adrian Mihai, "L'HadĂšs cĂ©leste. Histoire du purgatoire dans l'AntiquitĂ©"(Garnier: 2015), pp.185–188
8570: 8429: 8278: 7939: 6306: 6286: 5822: 5710: 4850: 4843: 4838: 4688: 4468: 3438: 2852: 2799: 2120: 1868: 1671: 1583: 1558: 1480: 1308: 1235: 1043: 866: 699: 627: 563: 462: 444: 23835: 12093: 10475: 9134:
When other Christians become Catholic: the individual becomes Eastern Catholic, not Roman Catholic
When other Christians become Catholic: the individual becomes Eastern Catholic, not Roman Catholic
7102: 2238: 28345: 28253: 27552: 27547: 27289: 27226: 27176: 27136: 27081: 26716: 26711: 26601: 26548: 26438: 26368: 26164: 25975: 25890: 25095: 25073: 24872: 24694: 24219: 23877: 23804: 23488: 22859: 22659: 22568: 22079: 21813: 21718: 21607: 21557: 21414: 21331: 21306: 21135: 21097: 20811: 20443: 20404: 20371: 19817: 19797: 19665: 19543: 19493: 19272: 19073: 19013: 18148: 18004: 17731: 16919: 16262: 16199: 16189: 15879: 15869: 15731: 15678: 15661: 15416: 15406: 15164: 15045: 14956: 14895: 14806: 14208: 13842: 13692: 13132: 12801: 12758: 12627:"Comunicato della Sala Stampa: Istituzione della Pontificia Commissione per la Tutela dei Minori" 12462: 11719: 11407: 10789:. Historical series of the Reformed Church in America. Vol. 40. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. 10451: 8805: 8699: 8274: 8146:
The theological underpinnings of Immaculate Conception had been the subject of debate during the
7722: 7487:". It has formulated this doctrine by reference to biblical verses that speak of purifying fire ( 7420: 7389: 6637: 6444: 6412: 5920: 5782: 5748: 5574: 4876: 4518: 3918: 3906: 3841: 3771: 3713: 3302: 3031: 2862: 2819: 2594: 2443: 1568: 1353: 720: 13429: 10000: 9718: 9712: 6321:(for appointments that require the consent or prior notification of civil governments), and the 4177: 3046:
in 1054. From that time, but also before it, it became common to refer to Western Christians as
28517: 28507: 28096: 28027: 28012: 27493: 27452: 27156: 27051: 27011: 26991: 26848: 26823: 26728: 26701: 26651: 26621: 26611: 26528: 26493: 26478: 26463: 26418: 26353: 26027: 25958: 25863: 25858: 25599: 25522: 25284: 25166: 25090: 24887: 24877: 24736: 24704: 24642: 24613: 24130: 24125: 23822: 23782: 23567: 22908: 22903: 22883: 22879: 22399: 21990: 21848: 21790: 21681: 21660: 21425: 21121: 21040: 20880: 20821: 20816: 20450: 20256: 20177: 20102: 19982: 19660: 19548: 19488: 19165: 19053: 18619: 18505: 18218: 17338: 17320: 17231: 16947: 16455: 16400: 16227: 16204: 16194: 15864: 15701: 15683: 15673: 15377: 15277: 15271: 15060: 15055: 14718: 14652: 13797: 13394: 13372: 13144: 12963: 12958: 12781: 12772: 12299: 10620: 8827: 8795: 8726: 8575: 8444: 8418: 8363: 8350: 7963: 7888: 7828: 7817: 7652: 7484: 7208:. His teaching unfolded over the course of three major controversies, (1) with the Italo-Greek 7123: 6845: 6633: 6500: 6406: 6242: 6168: 6114: 5875: 5686: 5586: 5468: 5418: 4881: 4701: 4620: 4576: 4452: 4427: 4385: 4305: 4252: 4231: 4206: 4110: 4095: 4006: 3848: 3793: 3785: 3744: 3667: 3622: 3577:
Of other liturgical families, the main survivors are what is now referred to officially as the
3484: 3477: 3359: 3343: 3189: 3123: 3060: 2732: 2544: 2427: 2181: 1795: 1062: 609: 577: 434: 290: 236: 15440: 10787:
The Church speaks: papers of the Commission on Theology, Reformed Church in America, 1959–1984
10180: 9173: 6695:
has been more influential, and Westerners have generally seen Paul through Augustine's eyes."
certain religious orders and important cities were in truth usually partial variants upon the
1573: 28683: 28627: 28602: 28532: 28215: 27943: 27716: 27674: 27644: 27397: 27342: 27259: 27211: 27186: 26986: 26808: 26803: 26671: 26661: 26483: 26159: 26102: 25922: 25868: 25289: 25267: 25186: 25127: 24793: 24232: 24093: 23255: 22854: 22766: 22458: 22057: 21783: 21592: 21495: 21450: 21379: 20585: 20412: 19837: 19618: 19483: 19329: 19035: 18973: 18932: 18917: 18515: 18500: 18213: 18070: 17977: 17777: 17760: 17673: 17617: 16068: 15567: 15170: 14992: 14363: 14141: 13875: 13418: 12953: 12871: 12730: 12661: 11576:"In the person of the first Adam we offend God, disobeying His precept" (Haeres., V, xvi, 3). 11441: 10782: 9898: 9770: 9458: 9389: 9073:"Catholic Church, Fishers and Negotiating Development: A Study on the Vizhinjam Port Project" 8471:
The Western Feast of the Assumption is celebrated on 15 August, and the Eastern Orthodox and
8354: 8346: 8221: 8062: 7984: 7918: 7805: 7796: 7739: 7573: 7449:
phrase has been included in the Creed throughout all the Latin liturgical rites except where
7336: 7139: 7055: 6748: 6567: 6527: 6519: 6428: 5861: 5649: 5644: 5461: 5209: 4266: 4259: 3964: 3828: 3778: 3720: 3442: 3375: 3348: 3230:
Particular churches that inherit and perpetuate a particular patrimony are identified by the
3155: 3024: 3019: 2682: 2488: 2473: 2397: 2286: 2251: 2222: 1528: 1375: 1284: 1225: 1215: 1143: 1124: 1110: 851: 812: 802: 149: 137: 20: 24113: 24061: 18565: 12767: 12015:
One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the
10141: 9925: 9875: 9308: 8822: 8433:
Pope Pius XII sought the opinion of Catholic Bishops. A large number of them pointed to the
as does chapter 3 of Genesis, with the vision of two trees, of the serpent, of sinful man."
also shaped and developed the doctrine, seeing it as based on the New Testament teaching of
7287: 6495: 5705: 28622: 28377: 28290: 28268: 28191: 28187: 28116: 28032: 27977: 27972: 27795: 27639: 27528: 27387: 27377: 27362: 27269: 27196: 27166: 27141: 27106: 27066: 27061: 27036: 26906: 26828: 26778: 26758: 26748: 26636: 26583: 26558: 26408: 26403: 26383: 26348: 26333: 26277: 26052: 25985: 25953: 25833: 25768: 25634: 25512: 25365: 25245: 25144: 25056: 25024: 25019: 24867: 24599: 23894: 23478: 23238: 22849: 22793: 22744: 22729: 22582: 22279: 22229: 22214: 22091: 21800: 21700: 21650: 21645: 21602: 21562: 21490: 21177: 21165: 20953: 20932: 19989: 19958: 19855: 19736: 19650: 19530: 19433: 19150: 19145: 19068: 19018: 18949: 18927: 18747: 18742: 18737: 18732: 18727: 18722: 18717: 18712: 18707: 18674: 18601: 18444: 18404: 18223: 18125: 18100: 18039: 17844: 17819: 17755: 16914: 16835: 16755: 16647: 16625: 16540: 16351: 15800: 15305: 15293: 14587: 14358: 14171: 14124: 14001: 13987: 13948: 13697: 13590: 13367: 13127: 12908: 12898: 12866: 12021: 10995: 9965: 9072: 8837: 8832: 8800: 8780: 8126: 7584: 7462: 6984: 6460: 5985: 5946: 5771: 5720: 5580: 5540: 5185: 5049: 4938: 4932: 4919: 4771: 4765: 4646: 4462: 4416: 4294: 4130: 3938: 3896: 3387: 3315: 3170: 3131: 3092: 3048: 2508: 2281: 1722: 1696: 1578: 1395: 1363: 1245: 1100: 908: 876: 807: 226: 215: 108: 23091: 12058:
Pelbartus of Temesvar: a Franciscan Preacher and Writer of the Late Middle Ages in Hungary
10979: 8612:
By the twelfth century depictions of a figure of God the Father, essentially based on the
8457:: "then shall come to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory". 6657: 6464: 4446:
Note on the importance of the internal forum and the inviolability of the Sacramental Seal
8: 28647: 28512: 28382: 28172: 28101: 27858: 27831: 27814: 27802: 27624: 27580: 27392: 27367: 27347: 27324: 27251: 27201: 27181: 27096: 27086: 27041: 27001: 26956: 26951: 26941: 26931: 26926: 26921: 26911: 26896: 26891: 26886: 26881: 26876: 26853: 26763: 26738: 26616: 26606: 26568: 26538: 26523: 26508: 26498: 26488: 26453: 26448: 26398: 26343: 26318: 26262: 26119: 26107: 25995: 25990: 25980: 25848: 25649: 25562: 25507: 25483: 25370: 25255: 25213: 25008: 24857: 24485: 24277: 24162: 23958: 23760: 23645: 23573: 23463: 23384: 23211: 22864: 22688: 22534: 22448: 22424: 22409: 22328: 22318: 22304: 22284: 22274: 22244: 22224: 22153: 21884: 21713: 21640: 21470: 21399: 21326: 21248: 21074: 20945: 20778: 20680: 20473: 20457: 19977: 19887: 19338: 19282: 19230: 19131: 19093: 18796: 18520: 18510: 18459: 18317: 18303: 18163: 17905: 17668: 17533: 17400: 17138: 16805: 16421: 16040: 15972: 15827: 15666: 15539: 15317: 15286: 15231: 15192: 14845: 14632: 14490: 14057: 14030: 13952: 13482: 13337: 12948: 11006: 10909:ÎĄÏ‰ÎŒÎ±ÏŠÎșό ΛΔÎčÏ„ÎżÏ…ÏÎłÎčÎșό (Roman Missal), ÎŁÏ…ÎœÎżÎŽÎčÎșÎź ΕπÎčÏ„ÏÎżÏ€Îź ÎłÎčα τη ΞΔία Î›Î±Ï„ÏÎ”ÎŻÎ± 2005, I, p. 347 10393: 10353: 8785: 8772: 8629: 8541: 8175: 8066: 8021:
Eastern Catholics and Eastern Christianity, in general, do not have the same theology of
7903: 7726: 7631: 7540: 7401: 7313: 7217: 7209: 7147: 7039: 6977: 6941: 6929: 6850: 6752: 6744: 6688: 6661: 6653: 6610:
In both his philosophical and theological reasoning, Augustine was greatly influenced by
6109: 5990: 5957: 5930: 5925: 5787: 5762: 5676: 5367: 5245: 4870: 4856: 4831: 4826: 4666: 4404: 4399: 4280: 3327: 3099: 2875: 2870: 2834: 2589: 2561: 2503: 2448: 2370: 2162: 1323: 1036: 1011: 966: 649: 568: 14368: 11627: 11266:(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003) p. 36; Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia, 10865: 8316: 28367: 28283: 28273: 28106: 28069: 27999: 27938: 27921: 27875: 27785: 27699: 27513: 27372: 27352: 27319: 27216: 27206: 27151: 27146: 27076: 27056: 27046: 27031: 27026: 27006: 26976: 26971: 26946: 26936: 26868: 26833: 26818: 26723: 26696: 26686: 26646: 26631: 26626: 26578: 26573: 26513: 26468: 26428: 26323: 26310: 26097: 26022: 25895: 25718: 25392: 25350: 25191: 25159: 25134: 25061: 25041: 24862: 24810: 24798: 24776: 24368: 24326: 24199: 24034: 24029: 24024: 23855: 23639: 23615: 22994: 22918: 22666: 22612: 22323: 22269: 22180: 22170: 21961: 21876: 21825: 21435: 21150: 21059: 20798: 20615: 19473: 19465: 19208: 18909: 18876: 18808: 18585: 18354: 18278: 18246: 18065: 18034: 17871: 17859: 17720: 17658: 17521: 17307: 16760: 16428: 16368: 16333: 16312: 16301: 15961: 15782: 15776: 15765: 15489: 15364: 15030: 14987: 14936: 14918: 14826: 14796: 14430: 14270: 14066: 13997: 13929: 13868: 13194: 13104: 13092: 13069: 12933: 12843: 12785: 12547: 12258: 12077: 11598: 11384: 11376: 10832: 10332: 9736: 9100: 8812: 8758: 8500: 8338: 7959: 7778: 7646: 7416: 7393: 6784: 6387: 6371: 6203: 5828: 5425: 5372: 5156: 5005: 5000: 4753: 4557: 4457: 4421: 4238: 4124: 3931: 3706: 3331: 3323: 3290: 3259: 3115: 3053: 2614: 2607: 2498: 2493: 2478: 2363: 2291: 1763: 1636: 1503: 1293: 1158: 1133: 1115: 856: 824: 817: 784: 638: 24480: 24039: 23667: 23397: 21215: 18374: 12528:"The Eastern Christian Exegetical Tradition of Daniel's Vision of the Ancient of Days" 11700: 11481: 10525: 9415: 9178:. The Westminster Library (New ed.). London: Longmans, Green and Co. p. 167. 8673:
depiction, referring to the "Ancient of Days", but in 1786 it was still necessary for
as a scriptural basis for the dogmatic definition, Mary being assumed to heaven as in
Scotus pointed out that Mary's Immaculate Conception enhances Jesus' redemptive work.
3147: 28497: 28399: 28387: 28372: 28352: 28263: 28210: 28182: 28164: 27967: 27843: 27836: 27649: 27597: 27575: 27503: 27429: 27423: 27357: 27314: 27304: 27294: 27284: 27191: 27111: 27071: 26996: 26966: 26858: 26813: 26793: 26768: 26743: 26706: 26691: 26666: 26641: 26553: 26503: 26458: 26443: 26423: 26413: 26388: 26328: 26272: 26037: 25813: 25409: 25380: 25304: 25299: 25260: 25198: 25154: 25139: 25122: 25117: 25112: 25051: 24786: 24672: 24438: 24408: 24388: 24209: 24014: 23995: 23990: 23936: 23899: 23620: 23535: 23458: 23356: 23346: 23314: 23302: 23270: 23247: 23229: 23125: 22980: 22888: 22874: 22837: 22825: 22654: 22573: 22525: 22360: 22239: 22145: 22069: 21968: 21941: 21860: 21808: 21758: 21517: 21485: 21480: 21475: 21465: 21455: 21404: 21220: 21210: 21087: 21064: 20758: 19994: 19319: 19199: 18966: 18922: 18754: 18659: 18434: 18420: 18394: 18379: 18283: 18268: 18198: 18188: 18057: 17989: 17890: 17854: 17750: 17207: 16346: 15795: 15209: 15124: 15119: 14831: 14572: 14440: 14315: 14040: 13933: 13909: 13828: 13766: 13748: 12551: 12500: 12436: 12407: 12386: 12338: 12281: 12192: 12172: 12152: 12132: 12112: 11737: 11606: 11535: 11512: 11460: 11380: 11332: 11305: 11172: 11095: 10941: 10848: 10790: 10721: 10645: 10478:, Second Part of the Second Part, Question 118, Article 1. Retrieved 26 October 2018. 10303: 10278: 10253: 10211: 10186: 10105: 9933: 9904: 9881: 9804: 9774: 9748: 9722: 9661: 9480: 9395: 9280: 9269: 9258: 9247: 9223: 9123: 9104: 9092: 8993: 8934: 8666: 8655: 8324: 8294: 8031: 7691: 7551: 7213: 7073: 6805: 6776: 6703: 6680: 6645: 6531: 6364: 6274: 6251: 6148: 6005: 6000: 5970: 5855: 5741: 5473: 5204: 5190: 5089: 4968: 4924: 4818: 4719: 4714: 4671: 4626: 4391: 4287: 4104: 3971: 3727: 3683: 3541: 3454: 3418: 3403: 3339: 3310: 3103: 2933: 2839: 2809: 2789: 2722: 2672: 2600: 2417: 2276: 2266: 1646: 1400: 1205: 1182: 1105: 1001: 950: 767: 409: 130: 28642: 24892: 24490: 24150: 23904: 13819: 11691:– V. Sin, Original and Personal – Church of the Nazarene. Retrieved 13 October 2013. 11423: 10737: 9394:. Analecta Gregoriana. Vol. 157. Rome: Gregorian University Press. p. 73. 8162:, and general belief among Catholics, made the doctrine more acceptable so that the 7453:
is used in the liturgy, although it was never adopted by Eastern Catholic Churches.
6715: 28258: 28248: 28074: 28022: 27926: 27790: 27679: 27629: 27607: 27602: 27533: 27382: 27264: 27161: 26773: 26733: 26681: 26676: 26593: 26563: 26473: 26363: 26227: 26179: 26174: 25738: 25703: 25676: 25434: 25419: 25294: 25218: 25068: 25046: 24954: 24815: 24594: 24557: 24413: 24398: 24346: 24140: 24120: 24088: 24083: 24054: 24049: 23973: 23963: 23792: 23756: 23748: 23719: 23632: 23552: 23547: 23510: 23500: 23426: 23364: 23206: 23043: 22893: 22551: 22104: 21946: 21921: 21500: 21460: 20620: 20394: 20356: 20314: 20242: 20237: 20204: 20011: 19944: 19907: 19902: 19882: 19877: 19802: 19655: 19645: 19605: 19136: 18954: 18937: 18644: 18449: 18429: 18349: 18334: 18233: 18135: 18009: 17849: 17807: 17802: 17782: 17765: 17678: 17387: 17202: 17185: 17170: 17027: 16857: 16743: 16505: 16307: 16238: 16179: 15771: 15651: 15158: 15141: 15129: 15069: 14968: 14911: 14835: 14816: 14811: 14759: 14754: 14592: 14528: 14501: 14452: 14094: 14023: 13992: 13968: 13902: 13802: 13528: 13226: 13015: 12991: 12943: 12601: 12539: 12466: 12241: 11552: 11457:
The making of the Magdalen: preaching and popular devotion in the later Middle Ages
11368: 10929: 10918: 10542: 10385: 10245: 10244:. Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition. Vol. 48. Brill. p. 122. 9686: 9557: 9532: 9084: 9016: 8930: 8640:
artistic representations of God the Father were freely used in the Western Church.
8579: 8466: 8217: 8167: 8163: 8103: 7995:. Instead the Western Catholic Church declares: "Baptism, by imparting the life of 7914: 7695: 7097: 7061: 7047: 7008: 6997: 6953: 6921: 6825: 6692: 6356: 6247: 6154: 6134: 6085: 6058: 6042: 5975: 5401: 4709: 4681: 4340: 4333: 4059: 3913: 3750: 3699: 3676: 3593:, and much closer in form, though not specific content, to the Roman Rite; and the 3480: 3450: 3391: 3335: 3319: 3035: 2824: 2717: 2468: 2340: 2271: 1939: 1898: 1888: 1878: 1666: 1553: 1513: 1390: 1298: 1210: 1095: 918: 834: 772: 595: 554: 425: 142: 25031: 19860: 17378: 11877: 10780: 9607: 8483:, the falling asleep of the Mother of God) on the same date, preceded by a 14-day 5563: 4506: 58: 28632: 28572: 28457: 28305: 28300: 28278: 28198: 28152: 27909: 27863: 27761: 27738: 27721: 27694: 27479: 27433: 26062: 26042: 25532: 25424: 25414: 25083: 24751: 24542: 24522: 24453: 24418: 24351: 24071: 24044: 24019: 23968: 23946: 23739: 23682: 23453: 22970: 22771: 22697: 22637: 22592: 22561: 22313: 22219: 22010: 21708: 20977: 20855: 20738: 20595: 20560: 20366: 20361: 20286: 20281: 20222: 20147: 19897: 19827: 19359: 19300: 18850: 18702: 18669: 18613: 18607: 18464: 18369: 18273: 18085: 17579: 17544: 17328: 17280: 17180: 17095: 17052: 17042: 17037: 16995: 16985: 16906: 16770: 16685: 16667: 16642: 16509: 16129: 16116: 15952: 15828: 15601: 15593: 15365: 15352: 15348: 15214: 15180: 15040: 14942: 14890: 14791: 14706: 14373: 14265: 14089: 13838: 13781: 13727: 13665: 13635: 13553: 13543: 13538: 13499: 13487: 13468: 13294: 13251: 13241: 13236: 13189: 13183: 13119: 13039: 12310: 12265: 11707: 11688: 11179:
vol. 2, trans. Neil Buchanan (London: Williams & Norgate, 1905) p. 296 n. 1.
10894: 10877: 10099: 10086: 9292: 8863: 8670: 8633: 8613: 8590: 8553: 8450: 8434: 8282: 8155: 7774: 7635: 7411:
In the late 6th century, some Latin churches added the words "and from the Son" (
7193: 6895: 6884: 6869: 6772: 6554: 6550: 6473: 6436: 6400: 6347: 6184: 6161: 6139: 6032: 6022: 5535: 5530: 5217: 4973: 4373: 4223: 4135: 3891: 3594: 3549: 3545: 3521: 3513: 3434: 3414: 3219: 3151: 2986: 2937: 2662: 2571: 2038: 1883: 1815: 1810: 1701: 1475: 1405: 1175: 1086: 871: 707: 604: 418: 387: 348: 300: 10578: 10559:
Summa of Theology I, q.2, The Five Ways Philosophers Have Proven God's Existence
considered that humanity shares in Adam's sin, transmitted by human generation.
7220:, from 1348 to 1355. His theological contributions are sometimes referred to as 6277:, as a consequence of the duty to observe perfect continence, is obligatory for 28662: 28582: 28537: 28477: 28442: 28234: 28147: 28052: 27960: 27751: 27585: 27508: 26184: 26077: 26017: 25733: 25708: 25493: 25397: 25279: 25223: 25176: 24589: 24537: 24433: 24403: 24383: 24378: 24373: 24356: 24252: 24172: 24155: 24108: 24098: 23142: 22805: 22788: 22607: 22587: 22556: 22309: 22209: 22005: 21894: 21840: 21773: 21753: 21512: 21353: 21171: 21034: 20773: 20702: 20550: 20485: 20271: 20261: 20247: 20232: 19912: 19807: 19691: 19670: 19204: 19083: 19058: 19030: 18961: 18765: 18590: 18384: 18359: 18323: 18263: 18256: 18251: 18241: 18095: 18080: 18019: 17895: 17885: 17641: 17197: 17190: 17077: 17047: 17032: 16975: 16965: 16798: 16571: 16256: 16092: 16055: 15874: 15725: 15559: 15554: 15411: 15114: 15024: 14886: 14749: 14295: 14275: 14253: 14248: 14216: 14166: 14062: 13548: 13533: 13460: 13276: 13246: 13231: 13173: 13163: 13098: 13081: 12923: 11660: 11372: 10625: 9507: 8703: 8617: 8602: 8562: 8472: 8286: 8171: 8151: 8081: 8070: 7899: 7782: 7757: 7731: 7718: 7607: 7558: 7450: 7435: 7374: 7242: 7170: 7031: 6877: 6740: 6684: 6676: 6603: 6453: 6391: 6375: 6339: 6129: 6098:
Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life
6070: 5849: 5701: 5448: 5388: 5332: 5327: 5168: 4541: 4536: 4245: 4187: 4034: 3983: 3924: 3764: 3605: 3582: 3578: 3557: 3553: 3501: 3497: 3430: 3429:, but all maintain the same faith, and all see full communion with the pope as 3111: 3084: 3080: 3006: 2994: 2964: 2949: 2919: 2708: 2667: 2647: 2518: 2483: 2335: 2256: 1914: 1893: 1856: 1846: 1773: 1768: 1681: 1609: 1432: 1380: 1265: 1240: 1170: 984: 839: 471: 191: 187: 173: 115: 24145: 23407: 17958: 13833: 12776: 12227: 11251: 11227: 11220: 11200: 10078: 8643: 8300:
Eastern Catholics and Eastern Christianity, in general, believe that Mary was
given by Pope Gregory the Great in which he taught about several women in the
7534:. The same practice appears in other traditions, such as the medieval Chinese 6724: 3177:. Writers belonging to various Protestant denominations sometime use the term 28677: 28617: 28502: 28417: 28362: 28222: 28142: 28037: 27887: 27880: 27773: 27726: 27619: 27475: 26112: 25666: 25547: 24939: 24934: 24882: 24719: 24657: 24552: 24443: 24341: 24272: 24204: 24194: 24167: 24103: 24000: 23978: 23916: 23812: 23775: 23694: 23602: 23053: 23004: 22709: 22234: 22165: 22015: 21723: 21363: 21358: 20996: 20941: 20665: 20625: 20510: 20432: 20417: 20266: 20227: 20033: 19917: 19714: 19383: 19098: 18649: 18575: 18541: 18525: 18485: 18168: 18143: 17919: 17829: 17814: 17736: 17175: 17112: 16970: 16788: 16614: 16221: 16151: 16032: 16014: 15928: 15717: 15623: 15531: 15505: 15469: 15464: 15449: 15401: 15086: 15065: 14856: 14679: 14674: 14495: 14052: 14013: 14008: 13898: 13617: 13579: 13311: 13168: 13051: 12973: 12913: 12876: 12657: 12404:
Mariology: A Guide for Priests, Deacons, seminarians, and Consecrated Persons
Mariology: A Guide for Priests, Deacons, Seminarians, and Consecrated Persons
12069: 12038:. Vol. 14 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 334–335. 12029: 12016: 11983: 11838: 11810: 11757: 11437: 10810:
Dale T. Irvin, Scott Sunquist, History of the World Christian Movement (2001)
10701: 10679: 10664: 10137: 9096: 9088: 9041: 9020: 8597:, the nearest approach to a physical description of God in the Old Testament: 8594: 8546: 8214: 7975: 7967: 7932: 7790: 7685:
Dante gazes at purgatory (shown as a mountain) in this 16th-century painting.
7669: 7599: 7595: 7405: 6732: 6563: 6478: 6343: 6037: 6027: 6010: 5882: 5795: 5272: 5251: 5174: 5024: 4863: 4027: 3757: 3509: 3505: 3282: 3235: 3166: 3127: 3076: 3068: 2621: 2528: 2325: 2320: 1909: 1851: 1841: 1614: 1598: 1454: 1449: 1318: 1313: 453: 27444: 24781: 12583:
The Tome of the Great Council of Moscow (1666–1667 A.D.), Ch. 2, 43–45; tr.
vol. 2, trans. Neil Buchanan (London: Williams & Norgate, 1905) p. 377.
9861: 7192:
Later, the Eastern Orthodox ascetic and archbishop of Thessaloniki, (Saint)
6976:, normally its market price or a regulated price sufficient to cover seller 28652: 28452: 28357: 28177: 28086: 27768: 27756: 27704: 27664: 27659: 27523: 27518: 26247: 26149: 26010: 25698: 25693: 25671: 25661: 25542: 24974: 24909: 24852: 24837: 24803: 24428: 24336: 23374: 23265: 23260: 23111: 23081: 22955: 22923: 22671: 22629: 22047: 21995: 21926: 21916: 21597: 21529: 21394: 21290: 20640: 20575: 20505: 20495: 20422: 20322: 20291: 20016: 19784: 19726: 19623: 19394: 19311: 19267: 19262: 19252: 19063: 18990: 18759: 18634: 18490: 18454: 18193: 18115: 17959: 17700: 17695: 17683: 17351: 17100: 17072: 17002: 16896: 16891: 16879: 16598: 16593: 16496: 16443: 16372: 16268: 16156: 16004: 15628: 15299: 15261: 15242: 14801: 14685: 14577: 14517: 14507: 14353: 14260: 14198: 14119: 13914: 13864: 13645: 13510: 13299: 13271: 13201: 12893: 12737: 12705: 12543: 11653:"Original Sin Explained and Defended: Reply to an Assemblies of God Pastor" 9798: 9354: 9332: 8674: 8625: 8621: 8558: 8489: 8391: 8243: 8136: 8089: 7996: 7955: 7884: 7847: 7841: 7358: 7085: 7067: 6801: 6756: 6719: 6675:
In the East, his teachings are more disputed, and were notably attacked by
6641: 6619: 6432: 6424: 6351: 6258: 5980: 5889: 5499: 5262: 5224: 5162: 4898: 4498: 4273: 3813: 3561: 3537: 3352: 3088: 2350: 2230: 2008: 1825: 1820: 1691: 1686: 1508: 1486: 1385: 1329: 744: 277: 273: 166: 24475: 23162: 11119:(University of Chicago Press, 1984) pp. 55–57; cf. Clement of Alexandria, 10249: 7894:
The concept of original sin was first alluded to in the 2nd century by St
Mary of Bethany § Medieval Western identification with Mary Magdalene
6839: 690: 360: 30: 28592: 28340: 28335: 28327: 28312: 28137: 28042: 27853: 27689: 27654: 27634: 27614: 27592: 27557: 26169: 26144: 25968: 25936: 25927: 25873: 25803: 25788: 25681: 25572: 25233: 25181: 24969: 24687: 24667: 24507: 24448: 24186: 24182: 24005: 23525: 23473: 23443: 23280: 23134: 23026: 22950: 22815: 22751: 22702: 22349: 22099: 22062: 21911: 21763: 21738: 21635: 21183: 21051: 21024: 20957: 20836: 20692: 20565: 20545: 20540: 20535: 20520: 19822: 19757: 19613: 19538: 19516: 19364: 19126: 19088: 18560: 18389: 18364: 18339: 18312: 18299: 18208: 18110: 17797: 17132: 17125: 17118: 17105: 17090: 17085: 16847: 16815: 16810: 16783: 16620: 16146: 16134: 16097: 16084: 15898: 15886: 15618: 15606: 15578: 15476: 15430: 15104: 15018: 14961: 14696: 14480: 14398: 14383: 14343: 14305: 14231: 14073: 13607: 13601: 13585: 13357: 13331: 13324: 13317: 13304: 13289: 13284: 13003: 12986: 12938: 12584: 10604: 10432:
Summa Theologica, First Part of the Second Part, Question 94 Reply Obj. 2
9794: 8694: 8689: 8637: 8305: 8200: 8179: 8147: 8073: 8022: 7971: 7660: 7439: 7370: 7300: 7201: 7157: 7110: 6797: 6780: 6768: 6420: 6379: 6302: 6298: 5843: 5520: 5510: 4985: 4568: 4012: 3999: 3598: 2692: 2652: 2637: 2523: 2463: 2407: 1563: 1348: 989: 903: 861: 829: 405: 294: 199: 25488: 25429: 24532: 23953: 23787: 23336: 17270: 11482:"John Rivera, "Restoring Mary Magdalene" in "Worldwide Religious News", 11025:
vol. 2 (Philadelphia : Fortress Press, 1984) p. 503; cf. Irenaeus,
Catechism of the Catholic Church, "The Final Purification, or Purgatory"
Children's Rights and Obligations in Canon Law: The Christening Contract
8205: 7471: 6431:
was indispensable to human freedom, he helped formulate the doctrine of
28123: 28111: 28081: 28047: 27987: 27669: 26135: 26130: 26005: 26000: 25963: 25941: 25798: 25778: 25773: 25614: 25604: 25567: 25171: 24949: 24897: 24637: 24282: 24262: 23840: 23765: 23704: 23468: 23448: 23369: 23021: 22989: 22960: 22739: 22734: 22719: 22197: 21936: 21733: 21389: 21321: 21009: 20901: 20530: 20525: 20349: 20276: 19892: 19812: 19443: 18344: 17929: 16980: 16852: 16830: 16825: 16630: 16317: 16251: 16166: 16062: 16009: 15903: 15832: 15638: 15369: 15075: 14821: 14713: 14521: 14403: 14333: 14290: 14221: 13741: 13737: 13704: 13672: 13595: 13464: 13178: 13059: 11159:
A. J. Visser, "A Bird's-Eye View of Ancient Christian Eschatology", in
8678: 8289:
and was sinless, he would still require God's grace to remain sinless.
8285:, the Catholic Church has taught that even had man never sinned in the 8183: 8099: 8002: 7943: 7906: 7767: 7699: 7615: 7611: 7229: 6973: 6910: 6891: 6857: 6763: 6539: 6523: 6395: 6246:, of which there have been two codifications, the first promulgated by 6065: 5681: 5558: 5515: 5493: 5441: 5434: 5146: 5078: 4978: 4512: 3990: 3610: 3533: 3529: 3493: 3193: 3072: 3064: 3030:
The Latin Church was in full communion with what is referred to as the
2632: 1805: 1533: 1523: 1275: 1250: 1019: 207: 24979: 23860: 3063:, which since the mid-20th century are very often translated into the 28557: 28394: 28129: 28091: 27684: 27498: 26082: 25878: 25793: 25783: 25654: 25609: 25594: 25527: 25375: 24842: 24764: 24724: 24714: 24677: 24652: 24632: 24527: 24393: 24247: 24237: 24009: 23867: 23677: 23662: 23627: 23610: 23592: 23505: 23285: 23201: 23180: 23175: 23152: 23147: 23106: 23101: 23038: 22975: 22898: 22869: 22820: 22761: 22714: 22354: 22202: 22037: 22027: 22020: 21978: 21973: 21768: 21728: 21029: 21019: 21004: 20635: 20630: 20600: 20296: 20059: 20043: 20028: 19872: 19762: 19640: 19630: 19498: 19277: 17298: 17272: 17007: 16339: 16246: 16102: 15977: 15922: 15788: 15707: 15583: 15513: 15458: 15198: 15185: 14901: 14769: 14764: 14743: 14701: 14420: 14393: 14193: 14183: 14018: 13943: 13893: 13786: 13655: 13640: 13625: 13505: 13206: 8869:"Do you know differences between Roman, Byzantine Catholic Churches?" 8480: 8116: 7992: 7988: 7910: 7801: 7546: 7523: 7480: 7233: 7197: 7181: 7143: 7089: 6792: 6615: 6263: 5618: 5478: 4990: 4792: 4607: 4488: 4368: 4325: 4167: 3977: 3570: 3517: 3410: 3406: 3367: 3286: 3119: 2943: 2928: 2794: 2657: 2627: 1830: 1270: 1187: 1148: 1067: 380: 85: 23557: 23086: 12433:
The Catholicism Answer Book: The 300 Most Frequently Asked Questions
11408:"First Speech by Mark, Archbishop of Ephesus, on Purifying Fire" in 10422:(Fall 2015 ed.). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. 8495: 7377:", without additions of any kind, such as "and the Son" or "alone". 6830: 6463:
began to disintegrate, Augustine imagined the church as a spiritual
28547: 28243: 28064: 27892: 27807: 27746: 27709: 25885: 25629: 25619: 25474: 24964: 24944: 24771: 24647: 24502: 24076: 23830: 23770: 23689: 23597: 23584: 23562: 23542: 23520: 23515: 23495: 23435: 23402: 23341: 23185: 23170: 23048: 23009: 22965: 22756: 22693: 22597: 22500: 21743: 21612: 21014: 20875: 20783: 20610: 19709: 19078: 18803: 18158: 17912: 17900: 17516: 17226: 16793: 16728: 16711: 16697: 16608: 16450: 16438: 16124: 15996: 15011: 14930: 14865: 14597: 14567: 14562: 14543: 14462: 14151: 14136: 13938: 13771: 13732: 13650: 13573: 13027: 12981: 12918: 12742: 12726: 12081: 10499:
Barry Gordon (1987). "Aquinas, St Thomas (1225–1274)", v. 1, p. 100
Handboek Geschiedenis van de Wijsbegeerte I, Article by Douwe Runia
Fortescue, Adrian (1914). Ward, Bernard; Thurston, Herbert (eds.).
8752: 8369: 7895: 7562: 7535: 7519: 7397: 7385: 7353: 7221: 7135: 6972:
as an aspect of ethics and justice. He dealt with the concept of a
6925: 6881: 6864: 6623: 6611: 6535: 6198: 5488: 5267: 4493: 4300: 3467: 3363: 3278: 3231: 3107: 3039: 2969: 2963:
The Latin Church is directly headed by the pope in his role as the
2642: 2513: 2176: 1934: 1641: 1629: 1494: 1006: 898: 633: 195: 154: 98: 18819: 11939:"Pope ponders original sin, speaks about modern desire for change" 10710: 10277:. Routledge Key Guides. Routledge. pp. 93, 147–149, 164–169. 8182:, a Dominican, changed it to the feast of the Conception of Mary. 8026:. . his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus 7176:). His attributes or His operations are really identical with His 6706:
claims Augustine as one of the deepest influences in his thought.
Philosophy, theology, and fundamental theory of Catholic canon law
3417:(ceremonies, vestments, chants, language), devotional traditions, 28462: 28317: 28229: 26154: 25758: 25723: 25644: 25557: 25498: 25402: 25105: 24959: 24709: 24662: 24547: 24423: 24242: 23709: 23672: 23483: 23033: 22999: 22842: 22543: 22443: 22052: 22032: 21889: 21778: 21243: 20580: 19418: 19292: 19235: 18415: 18029: 17651: 17528: 16864: 16820: 16748: 16691: 16403:
in the universal calendar which do not normally fall on a Sunday.
14602: 14582: 14408: 14300: 14280: 14114: 13922: 13918: 13823: 13807: 13776: 13660: 13459: 13075: 13064: 12903: 8766: 8706:
in 1667 that the Ancient of Days was the Son and not the Father.
8662: 8484: 8301: 8196: 7979: 7951: 7947: 7603: 7495:) and to the mention by Jesus of forgiveness in the age to come ( 7431: 7177: 6937: 6933: 6817: 6736: 6628: 6488: 6440: 6268: 5802: 5135: 4907: 4893: 4676: 4638: 4600: 4172: 4072: 3834: 3277:
Historically, the governing entity of the Latin Church (i.e. the
2985:. The Latin Church both developed within and strongly influenced 2677: 2402: 2375: 1717: 1624: 1619: 1470: 979: 644: 211: 12423:
Bishop Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia, in: Festal Menaion , p. 64.
The complete defined dogma of the Immaculate Conception states:
7330: 28482: 26067: 25946: 25931: 25750: 25639: 25624: 25582: 25360: 25238: 24512: 24267: 24257: 23911: 23872: 23714: 23322: 23292: 23016: 21259: 20733: 20038: 20023: 19967: 19934: 18581:
Pope Pius XII 1942 consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
18024: 17934: 17839: 16886: 16869: 16778: 16703: 16655: 16174: 15853: 15646: 15390: 14669: 14533: 14348: 14285: 14226: 14178: 14156: 13854: 13812: 13086: 12666: 11722:– Psalm 51:5 – Catholic News Agency. Retrieved 13 October 2013. 9583:"Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, canons 695 §1 and 710" 9150:[Patriarch of the West? No thanks, said Benedict XVI]. 7936: 7786: 7626: 7606:, from the Gospels, and a purificatory trial after death, from 7515: 7511: 6669: 6665: 6649: 5102: 2829: 2330: 203: 24458: 12209:
Foley OFM, Leonard. "Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception",
Question Time: 150 Questions and Answers on the Catholic Faith
7978:(or "hurtful desire"), affirming that it persisted even after 7676: 7419:, since the words were not included in the text by either the 28447: 28437: 28432: 27904: 27899: 25763: 25537: 25517: 25502: 25078: 24904: 24699: 24562: 24517: 24497: 23699: 23096: 22942: 22724: 21985: 21445: 21384: 21341: 20831: 19999: 19963: 16673: 16661: 14607: 14557: 14445: 14425: 14378: 14146: 13859: 13790: 10302:. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 353–369, 494–503, 696–712. 9953:
Respect for Unborn Human Life: the Church's Constant Teaching
8651: 8401: 8395: 8247: 8112: 8085: 8077: 7808:, as a whole, distinguish the three persons: the 'sinner' of 7507: 7072:("five ways"). He also enumerated five divine qualities, all 7012: 6945: 6887: 6788: 6508: 3590: 2982: 2345: 2307: 1440: 1410: 1072: 120: 11136:(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000) p. 27; cf. Adolph Harnack, 11052:(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000) p. 27; cf. Adolph Harnack, 10358:. Friar Saints. Vol. 1. London: Longmans, Green and Co. 9391:
The Determination of Rite, an Historical and Juridical Study
8154:, a Dominican. However, supportive arguments by Franciscans 3524:
rite, and perhaps still other rites of which I am not aware.
28577: 25688: 25577: 23530: 22469: 20004: 19723: 16679: 16024: 15987: 15523: 14839: 14691: 14456: 14310: 12734: 12242:"INEFFABILIS DEUS (The Immaculate Conception) Pope Pius IX" 10781:
Reformed Church in America. Commission on Theology (2002).
10667:. Catholic Encyclopedia, New York: Robert Appleton Company. 10543:"Summa Theologiae: The existence of God (Prima Pars, Q. 2)" 8685: 8131: 7962:
formulation of original sin after AD 412 was popular among
7863: 7343:
diagram of traditional medieval Western Christian symbolism
6949: 6294: 4748: 2978: 2953: 740: 250: 161: 67: 19:"Latin Christian" redirects here. For the music genre, see 15347: 11601:; Livingstone, Elizabeth A., eds. (2005). "Original sin". 9966:"Chapter 5.—Against the Title of the Epistle of Manichéus" 8076:
free from original sin by virtue of the merits of her son
7681: 6534:, Augustine "vigorously condemned the practice of induced 3199: 25587: 25552: 24227: 23606: 18470:
Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution
14552: 14435: 10749:
Second Sunday of the Great Fast Gregory Palamas (
Hammond, Jay; Hellmann, Wayne; Goff, Jared, eds. (2014).
A History of Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years
Notes of the Episcopal Polity of the Holy Catholic Church
7870: 7162: 7126:
described Aquinas' system as the "Perennial Philosophy".
in 1054 the Latin Church is sometimes referred to as the
12651: 12396: 11155: 11153: 10210:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 70–72. 8959:"The beautiful witness of the Eastern Catholic Churches" 28562: 9148:"Patriarca d'Occidente? No grazie, disse Benedetto XVI" 8688:, the Ancient of Days is most properly identified with 8632:
included depictions of God the Father in human form or
uncreated character of the light of the Transfiguration
7187: 6779:
in 1209. Their leader in the middle of the century was
6467:, distinct from the material Earthly City. in his book 5610:
List of cardinals excommunicated by the Catholic Church
3378:, irrespective of the question of liturgical families. 22512: 12355:"Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus, no 44" 12213:, (revised by Pat McCloskey OFM), 11605:(3rd rev. ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 11506:
Erwin Fahlbusch, Geoffrey William Bromiley (editors),
Michael J. Christensen, Jeffery A. Wittung (editors),
6652:, would become a focus for later philosophers such as 5600:
List of excommunicable offences in the Catholic Church
Today, the most common Latin liturgical rites are the
as essential to being Catholic as well as part of the
2960:, and have approximately 18 million members combined. 18501:
Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
Encyclopedia of theology: a concise Sacramentum mundi
11853:"The Holy Spirit and the Trinity (Part One) (Sermon)" 11833: 11831: 11150: 10400:
because of the outstanding clarity of his teaching."
Gracia, Jorge J. E.; Noone, Timothy B., eds. (2005).
The Place of Blessed Augustine in the Orthodox Church
and made seminal contributions to the development of
10870: 9476:
Ratzinger's Faith: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI
8748: 7267: 7216:
between 1341 and 1347, and (3) with the philosopher
Against the Epistle of Manichaeus called Fundamental
In the Latin Church, the norm for administration of
List of people excommunicated by the Catholic Church
Conference of the Latin Bishops of the Arab Regions
11736:. TĂŒbingen: Mohr Siebeck. pp. 16–18, 157–187. 11710:– Topical Bible Studies. Retrieved 13 October 2013. 10783:"The Nicene Creed and the Procession of the Spirit" 10239: 10178: 8297:that would normally come with baptism after birth. 2956:; the other 23 are collectively referred to as the 17574: 12050:Some Hungarian Theologians in the Late Renaissance 11828: 10684:, vol. VII, New York: Robert Appleton Company 9416:"Library of Congress Classification – KBS Table 2" 8739:Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors 8360:On 1 November 1950, in the Apostolic Constitution 8150:with opposition provided by figures such as Saint 7165:. According to Scholasticism, created beings have 6240:Canon law for the Latin Church is codified in the 14925:Historical roots of Catholic Eucharistic theology 11295: 10845:The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity 10079:"Saint Augustine in the Greek Orthodox Tradition" 9880:. Facts on File Encyclopedia of World Religions. 8088:defined in the Catholic Church only in 1854 when 8080:. Although the belief has been widely held since 4633:Matrimonial Nullity Trial Reforms of Pope Francis 3739:Matrimonial nullity trial reforms of Pope Francis 3206:Catholic liturgical rites and particular churches 3130:breaking away, resulting in the fragmentation of 28675: 18571:Persecutions of the Catholic Church and Pius XII 12347: 11758:"CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Jansenius and Jansenism" 11597: 11324: 10101:The Filioque: History of a Doctrinal Controversy 9919: 9917: 7887:'s painting of the sin of Adam and Eve from the 6783:, a traditionalist who defended the theology of 5296:Formal act of defection from the Catholic Church 3560:; and variations of the Roman Rite (such as the 11264:Catholicism: the story of Catholic Christianity 11075:(University of Chicago Press, 1984) p. 53; cf. 8901: 3102:and subsequently, the Latin Church carried out 2748:The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 11984:Frederick Holweck, "Immaculate Conception" in 11553:"Catechism of the Catholic Church – IntraText" 10843:Plested, "Filioque" in John Anthony McGuckin, 10172: 7206:distinction between God's essence and energies 6311:Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples 5809:Beatification and canonization process in 1914 27474: 27460: 22485: 22159:Architecture of cathedrals and great churches 21858: 21275: 20917: 18835: 17560: 17256: 16482: 15333: 13445: 12682: 12131:by AndrĂ© Vauchez, Richard Barrie Dobson 2001 11603:The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church 11187:(University of Chicago Press, 1984) pp. 58–59 9914: 9874:Flinn, Frank K. and Melton, J. Gordon (2007) 9441: 9439: 9070: 8709: 8492:. Her tomb was found empty on the third day. 6390:, and is viewed as one of the most important 6221: 3238:Library of Congress classification of works. 2895: 2199: 667: 16:Largest autonomous particular Catholic church 13616: 12599: 12463:Three Sermons on the Dormition of the Virgin 12385:by Mark Miravalle (1993) Queenship Pub. Co. 12378: 12376: 12068:, The Franciscan Institute St. Bonaventure, 11803: 11262:2.27; Gerald O' Collins and Mario Farrugia, 10822:Dix, The Shape of the Liturgy (2005), p, 487 10738:The Search For Sacred Quietude ( 10662: 10300:A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages 10224: 9992: 9923: 9353: 9297:, Merriam Webster Dictionary, 3 October 2023 9071:Ashni, A. L.; Santhosh, R. (December 2019). 8372:declared the Assumption of Mary as a dogma: 7745: 7475:Impression of purgatory by Peter Paul Rubens 7101:is one of the most influential documents in 6394:in the Latin Church for his writings in the 4212:Ranking of liturgical days in the Roman Rite 12619: 11979: 11977: 11230:; Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia, 11203:; Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia, 10878:"Greek and Latin Traditions on Holy Spirit" 10632: 10376:dates to the fourteenth century; the title 10325:The Life and Labours of St. Thomas of Aquin 10297: 10104:. Oxford University Press. pp. 53–67. 10073: 10071: 10069: 10026:"Some Underlying Positions of This Website" 9930:Augustine Through the Ages: An Encyclopedia 8818:Paul the Apostle#Journey from Rome to Spain 8741:for the safeguarding of minors from abuse. 8460: 8442: 8416: 8361: 7677:Speculations and imaginings about purgatory 7241:feast day as a saint is celebrated by some 7065: 7053: 7045: 5677:Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura 2941: 83: 44: 42: 27467: 27453: 22492: 22478: 21282: 21268: 21106:List of Independent Catholic denominations 20924: 20910: 20764:International Alliance of Catholic Knights 18842: 18828: 18586:Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 18536:Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart 17567: 17553: 17263: 17249: 16489: 16475: 15340: 15326: 14777:Communion and the developmentally disabled 13452: 13438: 12689: 12675: 12337:, Ludwig Ott, Book III, Pt. 3, Ch. 2, §6, 12096:First letter to the Very Rev. J. H. Newman 12003: 12001: 11999: 11997: 11995: 11850: 11791:Council of Trent (Sess. VI, cap. i and v). 10903: 10380:dates to the fifteenth century, see Walz, 10337:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 10097: 9844: 9741:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 9436: 8441:) as scriptural support for the dogma. In 8304:but they do not have the same theology of 8166:supported it in the 15th century, but the 8098:, i.e., using papal infallibility, in his 7479:Another doctrine of Latin Christianity is 7060:, Aquinas laid out five arguments for the 6728:14th-century image of a university lecture 6668:(known for his teaching on language), and 6590:, chapter 4: Proofs of the Catholic Faith. 6328: 6228: 6214: 6081:Canonical erection of a house of religious 5692:Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith 2902: 2888: 2237: 2206: 2192: 714: 674: 660: 16577:Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts 12435:by John Trigilio, Kenneth Brighenti 2007 12373: 12129:Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, Volume 2 11132:Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia, 11048:Gerald O'Collins and Edward G. Farrugia, 10706:(New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909) 10677: 10671: 10136: 9998: 9451: 9171: 9015: 8952: 8950: 8624:had a depiction of God the Father in the 7212:between 1336 and 1341, (2) with the monk 6664:. He was also influenced by the works of 4183:Ordinariate for Eastern Catholic faithful 3616: 25007: 21235:*The Catholic Church also comprises the 20956:, further diversified starting from the 20931: 14162:Extraordinary minister of Holy Communion 12222: 12220: 11974: 11625: 11593: 11591: 11304:. Oxford University Press. p. 436. 10761:"Martin Jugie, The Palamite Controversy" 10413: 10205: 10066: 9859: 8956: 8922: 8907: 8642: 8535: 8494: 8400: 8398:, subject to the general law of death". 8315: 8204: 8046: 8042: 7879: 7761: 7680: 7598:, and understood this in the context of 7545: 7470: 7084:Aquinas shifted Scholasticism away from 7022: 6961:from the moral and intellectual virtues. 6856: 6838: 6829: 6723: 6594: 6494: 6355: 6297:after hearing the advice of the various 5123:Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts 3581:, still in restricted use in Spain; the 3483:(later Pope Benedict XVI) described the 1221:Outside the Church there is no salvation 26299: 15051:General Instruction of the Roman Missal 14643:General Roman Calendar of Pope Pius XII 11992: 11013:(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000) p. 27. 10837: 10694: 10420:The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10322: 10005:The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 9900:Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood 9710: 9472: 9387: 9145: 8254: 7734:, that formalized the admission of the 7408:. However, it was not adopted in Rome. 4219:General Instruction of the Roman Missal 3472: 28676: 19223: 16958: 12629:. Holy See Press Office. 22 March 2014 12228:"The Life of Blessed John Duns Scotus" 12020: 11875: 11731: 11479: 11454: 11270:(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000) p. 27 11234:(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000) p. 27 11207:(Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2000) p. 27 10655: 10351: 10124: 9823:Augustine, Confessions, Book 7.9.13–14 9793: 9764: 9175:The Mass: A Study of the Roman Liturgy 9117: 8987: 8969:from the original on 29 September 2019 8947: 8518:observing the Feast as the Dormition. 7532:a practice accepted by some Christians 7357:is a Latin term added to the original 7309: 7232:. Further, the associated practice of 6992:something that doesn't belong to him. 6672:(known for his teaching on argument). 6323:Congregation for the Oriental Churches 4157:Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches 3693:Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches 3318:in AD 451. These included notably the 3212:Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches 1054:Realms beyond the States of the Church 27448: 26298: 25456: 25006: 22511: 22473: 21263: 20905: 18823: 17548: 17244: 16587:Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 16582:Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 16470: 15826: 15363: 15321: 13433: 12670: 12525: 12487:Summa Theologica III.59.1 obj 2, ad 2 12328: 12217: 12056:. Issue: 1, 1988. Z. J. Kosztolnyik, 11811:"Catholic Encyclopedia: Original Sin" 11782:Catechism of the Catholic Church 405. 11588: 11430: 11351: 10912: 10888: 10414:Langston, Douglas (5 February 2015). 10272: 9968:. Christian Classics Ethereal Library 9955:. U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 9767:The Spirit of Early Christian Thought 9120:When other Christians become Catholic 9040: 8990:When other Christians become Catholic 8912:. London: Levey, Rossen and Franklin. 8714: 8311: 8308:and original sin as Latin Catholics. 7296: 6481:, rather than with earthly politics. 6469:On the city of God against the pagans 5778:Congregation for the Causes of Saints 5073:Delegata potestas non potest delegari 5020:Association of the Christian faithful 4163:Eastern Canonical Reforms of Pius XII 3281:) has been viewed as one of the five 16734:Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 12589:Canadian Orthodox Missionary Journal 12498:Signs & symbols in Christian art 12064:, 5/1967. Kenan B. Osborne, O.F.M., 11851:Ritenbaugh, John W. (May 31, 1998). 11444:. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 11256:Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Charity 10720:(Associated University Presses 2007 9462:. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 7812:; the sister of Martha and Lazarus, 7283: 7188:Lack of essence-energies distinction 6632:, probably through the mediation of 6451:closely identified with Augustine's 5936:Journals and Professional Societies 5668:(tribunals & ministers/parties) 3181:as an implicit claim to legitimacy. 3169:. In historical context, before the 2126: 18849: 18440:Suppression of the Society of Jesus 15237:Liturgical reforms of Pope Pius XII 15110:Anaphora of the Apostolic Tradition 12414:edited by M. Miravalle, pp. 328–350 12072:, 1994. Franklin H. Littell (ed.), 11882:The Institute for Creation Research 11628:"The Original View of Original Sin" 11328:Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life 10973: 10866:Excursus on the Words Ï€ÎŻÏƒÏ„ÎčÎœ ጑τέραΜ 10815: 10585:from the original on 31 August 2009 10345: 10316: 10098:Siecienski, Anthony Edward (2010). 7785:perhaps in large part because of a 7773:In the medieval Western tradition, 7404:imposed it in 680 as a response to 7264:History of the Filioque controversy 7180:, and His essence necessitates His 6863:Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas over 6835:existence to support such a belief. 6743:("scholastics", or "schoolmen") of 6513:Early Medieval Christian Philosophy 2989:; as such, it is also known as the 2743:Members Church of God International 2146: 417:Particular churches are grouped by 13: 26268:Religions and spiritual traditions 22514:Religious groups and denominations 17995:Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran 16340:All Saints' Eve / All Hallows' Eve 16334:All Saints' Day / All Hallows' Day 15789:All Saints' Eve / All Hallows' Eve 15783:All Saints' Day / All Hallows' Day 12748:Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran 12532:Journal of Early Christian Studies 12148:Burke, Raymond L.; et al. (2008). 12098:(J. Parker & Co. 1869), p. 379 12066:The History of Franciscan Theology 11302:The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology 9903:. University of California Press. 9787: 9224:"Code of Canon Law, canons 383 §2" 8721:Catholic Church sexual abuse cases 8545:, watercolor etching from 1794 by 8525: 8427:Before the dogmatic definition in 7388:interpolation in the Creed at the 7224:, and his followers as Palamites. 6775:. The Franciscans were founded by 6518:Like other Church Fathers such as 6289:in the Latin Church are generally 4760:Supra-diocesan/eparchal structures 3293:, along with the patriarchates of 3136:Independent Catholic denominations 2975:Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran 247:Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran 64:Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran 14: 28695: 28658:Western European and Others Group 15267:Sacraments of the Catholic Church 12645: 12602:"Vatican 'speeds up' abuse cases" 11455:Jansen, Katherine Ludwig (2001). 10416:"Medieval Theories of Conscience" 10160:from the original on 10 July 2007 9999:Mendelson, Michael (2000-03-24). 9608:"Code of Canon Law, canon 277 §1" 9558:"Code of Canon Law, canon 913 §1" 9533:"Code of Canon Law, canon 889 §2" 9456:". In Herbermann, Charles (ed.). 9122:. Liturgical Press. p. 141. 9009: 8992:. Liturgical Press. p. 141. 8908:Marshall, Thomas William (1844). 8056:Juan Antonio de FrĂ­as y Escalante 7248:churches in communion with Rome. 6791:, incorporating only a little of 6333: 6315:Section for Relations with States 6313:(for countries in its care), the 3520:rite, and best known of all, the 27428: 27419: 27418: 27232:Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 26374:Democratic Republic of the Congo 22454: 22453: 22442: 21570:State church of the Roman Empire 21289: 21242: 21156:State church of the Roman Empire 21134: 20886: 20885: 20874: 20842:Society of Saint Vincent de Paul 20390:Criticism of the Catholic Church 18802: 18790: 18121:Fourth Council of Constantinople 18076:Second Council of Constantinople 17527: 17515: 17377: 17225: 16449: 15439: 13493:After the Second Vatican Council 13414: 13413: 12696: 12593: 12577: 12567: 12558: 12519: 12510: 12490: 12481: 12472: 12455: 12446: 12426: 12417: 12315: 12291: 12271: 12252: 12234: 12202: 12182: 12162: 12142: 12122: 12102: 12087: 12042: 12008: 11956: 11931: 11907: 11894: 11876:Morris, Henry M. (Dec 6, 2018). 11869: 11844: 11794: 11785: 11776: 11750: 11725: 11713: 11694: 11675: 11645: 11619: 11579: 11570: 11545: 11533:(Taylor Trade Publications, 2010 11522: 11508:The Encyclopedia of Christianity 11499: 11473: 11447: 11416: 11401: 11345: 11318: 11289: 11273: 11268:A Concise Dictionary of Theology 11237: 11232:A Concise Dictionary of Theology 11210: 11205:A Concise Dictionary of Theology 11190: 11166: 11134:A Concise Dictionary of Theology 11126: 11109: 11089: 11065: 11050:A Concise Dictionary of Theology 11042: 11016: 11011:A Concise Dictionary of Theology 11000: 10992:Catechism of the Catholic Church 10985: 10961: 10952: 10934: 10919:Article 1 of the Treaty of Brest 10702:Simon VailhĂ©, "Greek Church" in 10273:Evans, Gillian Rosemary (2002). 9928:. In Fitzgerald, Allan D (ed.). 9445: 9077:Review of Development and Change 8765: 8751: 8636:imagery, and by the time of the 8357:at the end of her earthly life. 8341:into Heaven (often shortened to 7974:, who equated original sin with 7902:in his controversy with certain 7855:Catechism of the Catholic Church 7329: 7275: 6853:(c. 1400) showing Thomas Aquinas 6739:which dominated teaching by the 6709: 6557:" church from heretical groups: 6197: 5157:Resignation of the Roman Pontiff 4410:Approbation (Catholic canon law) 3863:Collectiones canonum Dionysianae 3630: 3599:strict Carthusian monastic Order 3585:, centred geographically on the 3552:(the "Extraordinary Form"); the 3267: 3258: 3249: 3126:in the 16th century resulted in 3083:in restricted use in Spain, the 2869: 2175: 2156: 2145: 2136: 2135: 2125: 2116: 2115: 1519:Catechism of the Catholic Church 689: 643: 632: 399: 394: 359: 57: 29: 25839:Evolutionary origin of religion 21553:First seven ecumenical councils 19009:First seven ecumenical councils 18091:Third Council of Constantinople 18015:First Council of Constantinople 13865:Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed 13363:Latin Church in the Middle East 12304:item 44 at the Vatican web site 12259:Council of Orange II, Canon 19 12109:Mary in the Christian tradition 10923: 10864:For a different view, see e.g. 10858: 10826: 10803: 10774: 10753: 10742: 10731: 10614: 10598: 10571: 10562: 10553: 10535: 10514: 10502: 10493: 10481: 10469: 10444: 10435: 10426: 10407: 10362: 10291: 10266: 10233: 10199: 10130: 10118: 10091: 10042: 10018: 9980: 9958: 9946: 9891: 9868: 9853: 9835: 9826: 9817: 9758: 9704: 9687:"Code of Canon Law, canon 1087" 9679: 9662:"Code of Canon Law, canon 1042" 9654: 9625: 9600: 9575: 9550: 9525: 9500: 9466: 9408: 9381: 9369: 9347: 9317: 9301: 9285: 9274: 9263: 9252: 9241: 9216: 9207: 9182: 9165: 9139: 8791:Latin Church in the Middle East 8160:Pelbartus Ladislaus of TemesvĂĄr 7909:. Other church fathers such as 7835: 7736:Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church 7363:First Council of Constantinople 5348:Incardination and excardination 5011:Types of membership of Opus Dei 4744:Supreme authority of the Church 4364:Impediment (Catholic canon law) 3870:Collectio canonum quadripartita 3461: 3079:, including the currently used 26190:Separation of church and state 24848:Polytheistic reconstructionism 22420:Relations with other religions 21826:Church of the East (Nestorian) 21821:Oriental Orthodox (Miaphysite) 19584:Separation of church and state 18330:Dissolution of the monasteries 17596:History of the Catholic Church 14648:General Roman Calendar of 1960 14638:General Roman Calendar of 1954 12469:, from the Medieval Sourcebook 12335:Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma 12323:Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma 11682:Preamble and Articles of Faith 11459:. Princeton University Press. 10718:Partakers of the Divine Nature 10644:, p. xi. Paulist Press, 1983, 10185:. Penguin Books. p. 319. 9508:"Codes of Canon Law – Archive" 9111: 9064: 9034: 8981: 8957:Anderson, Jon (7 March 2019). 8916: 8852: 8823:Saint Peter#Connection to Rome 8477:Dormition of the Mother of God 8387:Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma 8385:Ludwig Ott writes in his book 8190: 7550:Image of a fiery purgatory by 7161:is the absolute perfection of 7129: 6622:, particularly by the work of 6549:Augustine also used the term " 5905:Legal practice and scholarship 5814:Election of the Roman Pontiff 5640:Lifetime of prayer and penance 4596:Canonical form (Latin Church) 3884:Collectio canonum Wigorniensis 3877:Collectio canonum Quesnelliana 3141: 3017:, and in some contexts as the 2973:as a bishop is located in the 2753:The New Church (Swedenborgian) 2698:Nondenominational Christianity 847:History of the Catholic Church 1: 23846:Traditional Sabahan religions 18204:Fourth Council of the Lateran 18179:Second Council of the Lateran 17788:Apostles in the New Testament 17388:Major archiepiscopal churches 15205:Fourth Council of the Lateran 12600:David Willey (15 July 2010). 12280:by Francis Joseph Sheed 1958 11900:"Cardinal" Joseph Ratzinger, 10942:"Pius IV Council of Trent-25" 10899:same document on another site 10847:(Wiley, John & Sons 2011 10418:. In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). 9924:Bauerschmidt, John C (1999). 9146:Mancini, Marco (2017-08-11). 8894: 8862:is also used to refer to the 8725:From the 1990s, the issue of 8650:, a 14th-century fresco from 8583: 8532:God the Father in Western art 8424:course of her earthly life". 8377:and soul into heavenly glory. 8328: 8242:Scotus's argument appears in 7698:wrote: "Purgatory is not, as 7639: 7619: 7610:. Origen, in arguing against 7588: 7577: 7566: 6698:In his autobiographical book 6419:In his youth he was drawn to 6384:bishop in the Catholic Church 6104:Institute of consecrated life 4080:Apostolicae Sedis moderationi 4049: 3953: 3857:Collections of ancient canons 3819: 3381: 3059:The Latin Church employs the 2926:) is the largest autonomous ( 22499: 18318:Catholic Counter-Reformation 18184:Third Council of the Lateran 18174:First Council of the Lateran 17630:Catholic ecumenical councils 16841:Divine Worship: Daily Office 15748:Nativity of John the Baptist 15154:Dicastery for Divine Worship 14851:Thanksgiving after Communion 12858: 12564:Cartlidge and Elliott, 69–72 12357:. Archived from 11800:De conceptu virginali, xxvi. 11424:"Treaty of Brest, Article 5" 10641:Gregory Palamas – The Triads 10323:Vaughan, Roger Bede (1871). 10179:Diarmaid MacCulloch (2010). 9932:. Wm B Eerdmans. p. 1. 9388:Bassett, William W. (1967). 9359:"Decree on the Eastern Rite 9313:, Collins English Dictionary 8875:. 2011-11-30. Archived from 8568:In an early Venetian school 7456: 7152:Essence–energies distinction 7018: 6968:Aquinas also contributed to 6749:recovery of Greek philosophy 5941:Canon Law Society of America 5834:Reforms of Pope Benedict XVI 5569:Censure (Catholic canon law) 5397:Associations of the faithful 5382:Juridic and physical persons 5030:Quinquennial visit ad limina 4386:Nullity of Sacred Ordination 2758:Unitarians and Universalists 7: 26048:National religiosity levels 25273:Nauruan Indigenous religion 24828:Hellenism (modern religion) 22127:Views on poverty and wealth 17291:ecclesiastical jurisdiction 13631:Chapter and Conventual Mass 12526:McKay, Gretchen K. (1999). 12171:by Michael A. Mullett 1999 11480:Rivera, John (2003-04-18). 11300:. In Jerry L. Walls (ed.). 11218:Homily on First Corinthians 10785:. In Cook, James I. (ed.). 10275:Fifty key medieval thinkers 10206:Lindberg, David C. (1978). 9986: 9877:Encyclopedia of Catholicism 9862:"A Plea for the Christians" 9860:the Athenian, Athenagoras. 9479:. Oxford University Press. 9452:Fortescue, Adrian (1910). " 8744: 8628:. By the 15th century, the 8246:'s 1854 declaration of the 7987:holds this later view. The 7717:, of which there are 23 in 7255: 6586:— St. Augustine (354–430): 6076:Manifestation of Conscience 5911:List of legal abbreviations 5291:Person (Catholic canon law) 4441:Internal and external forum 3919:Lay investiture controversy 3842:The Apostolic Constitutions 3548:), or the 1962 form of the 3188:refers to followers of the 3148:Catholic Church § Name 3087:in parts of Italy, and the 3001:). It is also known as the 1304:Infallibility of the Church 10: 28700: 25457: 22372:World Evangelical Alliance 22334:Traditionalist Catholicism 20881:Catholic Church portal 17664:History of the Roman Curia 17232:Catholic Church portal 16875:Divine Worship: The Missal 16456:Catholic Church portal 15220:History of the Roman Canon 14782:Communion under both kinds 14513:Divine Worship: The Missal 12054:Church History. Volume: 57 12026:Immaculate Conception, The 11373:10.1177/004056390806900401 11331:. CUA Press. p. 230. 11296:Paul J. Griffiths (2010). 10982:in EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 10678:Fortescue, Adrian (1910), 10638:John Meyendorff (editor), 10242:A companion to Bonaventure 10208:Science in the Middle Ages 9765:Wilken, Robert L. (2003). 9325:"Glossary of Church Terms" 9154:(in Italian). Vatican City 8731:countries around the world 8718: 8710:Social and cultural issues 8529: 8464: 8194: 8170:sidestepped the question. 8135:used in the definition of 7845: 7839: 7766:The Penitent Magdalene by 7755: 7749: 7467:Three states of the Church 7460: 7261: 7133: 7037: 6815: 6811: 6713: 6562:from the very seat of the 6337: 6250:in 1917 and the second by 6019:Modern & Contemporary 5682:Tribunal of the Roman Rota 5353:Laicization (dispensation) 5142:Obreption & subreption 5055:Canonically crowned images 4740:, and canonical structures 3902:Pseudo-Isidorian Decretals 3620: 3465: 3241: 3203: 3145: 2182:Catholic Church portal 18: 28428:Anglo-Portuguese Alliance 28408: 28326: 28163: 27998: 27869:Standard Average European 27737: 27566: 27486: 27414: 27333: 27250: 27122: 26867: 26592: 26309: 26305: 26294: 26203: 26128: 25904: 25812: 25749: 25467: 25463: 25452: 25015: 25002: 24927: 24750: 24732:Transcendental Meditation 24625: 24612: 24577: 24325: 24302: 24291: 24218: 24181: 23925: 23821: 23803: 23747: 23738: 23655: 23583: 23434: 23425: 23383: 23355: 23313: 23246: 23237: 23228: 23194: 23161: 23133: 23124: 23074: 22941: 22628: 22542: 22533: 22524: 22520: 22507: 22437: 22387: 22367:World Council of Churches 22342: 22260: 22144: 22135: 22090: 21875: 21859: 21854:Latter Day Saint movement 21839: 21799: 21699: 21680: 21626: 21583: 21528: 21434: 21413: 21372: 21340: 21297: 21237:Eastern Catholic Churches 21231: 21203: 21143: 21132: 21114: 21096: 21073: 21050: 20995: 20976: 20965: 20939: 20869: 20807:Aid to the Church in Need 20797: 20654: 20467: 20428:Vatican Television Center 20403: 20313: 20203: 20073:Eastern Catholic Churches 20054: 19943: 19836: 19783: 19708: 19679: 19604: 19529: 19464: 19409: 19328: 19198: 19112: 19044: 18989: 18908: 18885: 18857: 18785: 18685: 18551: 18478: 18413: 18400:European wars of religion 18297: 18232: 18134: 18056: 17947: 17870: 17730: 17719: 17711:Eastern Catholic Churches 17586: 17510: 17455: 17419: 17386: 17375: 17349: 17306: 17297: 17287: 17222: 17151: 17065: 17018: 16941: 16930: 16905: 16769: 16722:Other liturgical services 16721: 16641: 16564: 16516: 16389: 16360: 16237: 16165: 16140:Mass of the Lord's Supper 16115: 16083: 16023: 15995: 15986: 15951: 15912: 15852: 15848: 15822: 15716: 15637: 15612:Mass of the Lord's Supper 15592: 15522: 15504: 15448: 15437: 15389: 15385: 15359: 15097: 15001: 14978:Priesthood of Melchizedek 14875: 14731: 14662: 14625: 14616: 14542: 14471: 14324: 14207: 14107: 14082: 13884: 13757: 13720: 13713: 13685: 13566: 13519: 13475: 13403: 13385:Eastern Catholic Churches 13350: 13264: 13217: 13156: 13143: 13118: 13050: 12972: 12857: 12794: 12719: 12704: 11986:The Catholic Encyclopedia 11701:Are Babies Born with Sin? 11510:, Volume 3 (Eerdmans 2003 11325:Joseph Ratzinger (2007). 10077:Papademetriou, George C. 8669:explicitly supported the 8499:Icon of the Dormition by 7746:Mary Magdalene of Bethany 7715:Eastern Catholic Churches 7649:(354–430), among others. 7384:first appears as an anti- 7367:second ecumenical council 7079: 6909:Aquinas emphasized that " 6822:Thought of Thomas Aquinas 6499:Portrait of Augustine by 6449:Council of Constantinople 6178:Society of apostolic life 5869:Romano Pontifici eligendo 5343:Clerics and public office 5240:Temporal goods (property) 4810:Local particular churches 4804:Eastern Catholic Churches 4695:Ratum sed non consummatum 3566:Eastern Catholic Churches 3400:Eastern Catholic Churches 3216:Eastern Catholic Churches 2958:Eastern Catholic Churches 624:Eastern Catholic Churches 344: 318: 310: 283: 265: 257: 242: 232: 222: 182: 172: 160: 148: 136: 126: 114: 104: 94: 75: 56: 39: 28: 28568:Lancaster House Treaties 28058:Christian existentialism 28018:Ancient Roman philosophy 28008:Ancient Greek philosophy 26359:Central African Republic 23393:Vietnamese folk religion 22784:Charismatic Christianity 22395:Anti-Christian sentiment 21575:Christian biblical canon 21195:History of Protestantism 20749:Communion and Liberation 20213:Eastern Catholic liturgy 19378:Mystici Corporis Christi 19306:Sixto-Clementine Vulgate 18531:Mary of the Divine Heart 18154:Clash against the empire 18106:Second Council of Nicaea 18000:Old St. Peter's Basilica 16670:(first hour of daylight) 15514:Presentation of the Lord 15252:(apostolic constitution) 15226:Lex orandi, lex credendi 15135:Eastern Catholic liturgy 14237:Candles and candlesticks 12309:4 September 2013 at the 12169:The Catholic Reformation 11878:"Before the World Began" 11732:Wilson, Kenneth (2018). 11009:and Edward G. Farrugia, 10833:The Conversion of Clovis 10595:Accessed 25 October 2012 9714:Augustine the Theologian 9711:TeSelle, Eugene (1970). 9473:Rowland, Tracey (2008). 9089:10.1177/0972266119883165 8845: 8665:were condemned. In 1745 8571:Coronation of the Virgin 8461:Assumption vs. Dormition 8430:Deiparae Virginis Mariae 8279:Second Council of Orange 7028:Saint Augustine of Hippo 6920:Thomas defined the four 6735:is a method of critical 6600:Saint Augustine of Hippo 6307:Congregation for Bishops 5823:Universi Dominici gregis 4839:Apostolic administration 4689:Matrimonial dispensation 4563:Fast days and abstinence 4469:Sacramentum Poenitentiae 4436:Seal of the Confessional 3439:Four Marks of the Church 1869:Eastern Catholic liturgy 1672:Eastern Catholic liturgy 1481:Sixto-Clementine Vulgate 867:Four Marks of the Church 628:Eastern Catholic liturgy 28346:Equality before the law 27553:Romano-Germanic culture 26253:New religious movements 25891:Theories about religion 25844:Evolutionary psychology 24873:Modern Finnish paganism 22860:Independent Catholicism 22449:Christianity portal 21608:Investiture Controversy 21249:Christianity portal 21190:Independent Catholicism 21098:Independent Catholicism 19564:Philosophy of canon law 19494:Mariology of the saints 19074:Investiture Controversy 18797:Vatican City portal 18149:Investiture Controversy 18005:First Council of Nicaea 17534:Christianity portal 16920:Liturgical use of Latin 16401:holy days of obligation 16313:Exaltation of the Cross 15937:Octave Day of Christmas 15777:Exaltation of the Cross 15165:Ecclesia de Eucharistia 14957:Origin of the Eucharist 13693:Liturgical use of Latin 13133:Liturgical use of Latin 12759:Pierbattista Pizzaballa 12297:Apostolic Constitution 12111:by Kathleen Coyle 1996 12094:Edward Bouverie Pusey, 12035:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 11706:21 October 2013 at the 11687:20 October 2013 at the 11352:Thiel, John E. (2008). 11283:4, 39: PL 77, 396; cf. 11183:; cf. Jacques Le Goff, 11033:The Ante-Nicene Fathers 10352:Conway, Placid (1911). 10085:5 November 2010 at the 9803:. New York: MJF Books. 9376:Orientalium Ecclesiarum 9361:Orientalium Ecclesiarum 8923:McAleese, Mary (2019). 8806:Liturgical use of Latin 8700:Russian Orthodox Church 7723:Eastern Orthodox Church 7421:First Council of Nicaea 7390:Third Council of Toledo 6329:Theology and philosophy 5953:Faculties of canon law 5921:Licentiate of Canon Law 5783:Maiorem hac dilectionem 5749:Appeal as from an abuse 5575:De delictis gravioribus 4844:Apostolic administrator 4652:Impediments to Marriage 4519:Indulgentiarum doctrina 4007:Decretals of Gregory IX 3907:Donation of Constantine 3772:Orientalium ecclesiarum 3714:Indulgentiarum Doctrina 3597:, practised within the 3540:in 1969 and revised by 3160: 3032:Eastern Orthodox Church 2163:Vatican City portal 1589:Philosophy of canon law 1309:Mystical Body of Christ 650:Christianity portal 303:(Utrecht, 19th century) 28508:Eastern European Group 28097:Continental philosophy 28028:Judeo-Christian ethics 28013:Hellenistic philosophy 27494:Cradle of civilization 26902:Bosnia and Herzegovina 24888:Erzyan native religion 24737:Unitarian Universalism 24126:Native American Church 22904:Oneness Pentecostalism 22400:Christian universalism 21791:Western Rite Orthodoxy 21636:Protestant Reformation 21184:Protestant Reformation 21122:Western Rite Orthodoxy 20958:Protestant Reformation 20948:that developed in the 20817:Catholic Charities USA 20451:Acta Apostolicae Sedis 20439:Vatican Polyglot Press 19489:Mariology of the popes 19127:Protestant Reformation 18809:Catholicism portal 18620:Second Vatican Council 18506:Our Lady of La Salette 18313:Protestant Reformation 18300:Protestant Reformation 18219:Second Council of Lyon 17608:Ecclesiastical history 17522:Catholicism portal 16700:(Anglican Use Vespers) 16274:Saint John the Baptist 15278:Sacrosanctum concilium 15272:Second Vatican Council 15061:Intercession of saints 15056:Holy day of obligation 14653:General Roman Calendar 13395:Western Rite Orthodoxy 13035:Santiago de Compostela 12964:1983 Code of Canon Law 12939:Protestant Reformation 12882:Historical development 12544:10.1353/earl.1999.0019 12496:George Ferguson, 1996 12452:Shoemaker 2006, p. 201 12300:Munificentissimus Deus 12278:Theology for Beginners 11185:The Birth of Purgatory 11117:The Birth of Purgatory 11073:The Birth of Purgatory 10621:Second Vatican Council 10490:Retrieved 19 June 2012 10441:Summa Question 94, A.3 10390:Historia Ecclesiastica 10327:. Vol. 1. London. 9897:Kristin, Luker (1985) 8828:General Roman Calendar 8796:Latin liturgical rites 8727:sexual abuse of minors 8658: 8607: 8549: 8511: 8504: 8445:Munificentissimus Deus 8443: 8419:Munificentissimus Deus 8417: 8411: 8379: 8364:Munificentissimus Deus 8362: 8334: 8321:The Assumption of Mary 8270: 8210: 8058: 8030:the world began." And 7891: 7889:Sistine Chapel ceiling 7878: 7829:General Roman Calendar 7770: 7703:communion of saints." 7686: 7674: 7653:Pope Gregory the Great 7554: 7476: 7369:, which says that the 7124:Second Vatican Council 7120: 7066: 7054: 7046: 7035: 6963: 6873: 6854: 6846:Valle Romita Polyptych 6836: 6787:and the philosophy of 6729: 6607: 6593: 6578: 6572: 6553:" to distinguish the " 6504: 6501:Philippe de Champaigne 6407:De doctrina Christiana 6398:. Among his works are 6368: 6271:, even for an infant. 6204:Catholicism portal 6169:Provida Mater Ecclesia 5876:Ingravescentem aetatem 5687:Apostolic Penitentiary 5587:Crimen sollicitationis 5469:Apostolic constitution 5419:Acta Apostolicae Sedis 5338:Obligation of celibacy 4882:Moderator of the Curia 4814:Appointment of bishops 4621:Declaration of Nullity 4577:Holy day of obligation 4484:Eucharistic discipline 4453:Apostolic Penitentiary 4428:Paenitentiale Theodori 4405:Episcopal consecrators 4381:Obligation of celibacy 4327:Communicatio in sacris 4306:Holy day of obligation 4253:Scripturarum thesaurus 4232:Sacrosanctum Concilium 4207:General Roman Calendar 3849:Canons of the Apostles 3794:Precepts of the Church 3786:Sacrosanctum concilium 3745:Second Vatican Council 3623:1983 Code of Canon Law 3617:Disciplinary patrimony 3606:Hispano-Mozarabic Rite 3579:Hispano-Mozarabic Rite 3526: 3485:Latin liturgical rites 3355:set aside this title. 3344:Protestant Reformation 3190:Latin liturgical rites 3124:Protestant Reformation 3061:Latin liturgical rites 3010: 2998: 2942: 2923: 639:Catholicism portal 578:Latin liturgical rites 291:Protestant Reformation 237:Latin liturgical rites 84: 45: 43: 28628:Three Seas Initiative 28603:Pacific Islands Forum 28468:British–Irish Council 28216:Greek Orthodox Church 27675:Industrial Revolution 27645:Scientific Revolution 27222:Saint Kitts and Nevis 26519:SĂŁo TomĂ© and PrĂ­ncipe 26379:Republic of the Congo 24585:Aboriginal Australian 23256:Chinese folk religion 22058:Anointing of the Sick 20571:Good Shepherd Sisters 20413:Holy See Press Office 19651:Doctors of the Church 19484:Immaculate Conception 19439:Anointing of the Sick 18974:History of the papacy 18516:First Vatican Council 18214:First Council of Lyon 17978:Constantine the Great 17674:Christian monasticism 17420:Metropolitan churches 17308:Ancient patriarchates 16771:Liturgical literature 16706:(West Syriac Vespers) 16565:Eucharistic liturgies 16546:Anointing of the Sick 16280:Saints Peter and Paul 16186:Sundays after Easter 15893:Immaculate Conception 15754:Saints Peter and Paul 15425:Immaculate Conception 15171:Eucharistic adoration 14993:Year of the Eucharist 14486:Ceremonial of Bishops 13903:prayer over the gifts 13409:Doctors of the Church 12872:History of the papacy 12731:Patriarch of the West 12662:Catholic Encyclopedia 11841:", From East to West. 11442:Catholic Encyclopedia 11410:Patrologia Orientalis 11225:Homily on Philippians 10704:Catholic Encyclopedia 10663:Simon VailhĂ© (1909). 10629:(28 October 1965) 15. 10250:10.1163/9789004260733 9989:, Book II, Chapter IV 9771:Yale University Press 9635:Anglicanorum coetibus 9459:Catholic Encyclopedia 9118:Turner, Paul (2007). 9025:Catholic Encyclopedia 8988:Turner, Paul (2007). 8860:Roman Catholic Church 8813:James the Great#Spain 8704:Great Synod of Moscow 8646: 8599: 8539: 8506: 8498: 8479:(or Dormition of the 8404: 8374: 8319: 8261: 8208: 8063:Immaculate Conception 8052:Inmaculada ConcepciĂłn 8050: 8043:Immaculate Conception 7985:Augustinian Calvinism 7883: 7860: 7840:Further information: 7820:; and Mary Magdalen. 7797:Catholic Encyclopedia 7765: 7750:Further information: 7684: 7665: 7574:Clement of Alexandria 7549: 7474: 7461:Further information: 7337:Shield of the Trinity 7262:Further information: 7196:argued in defense of 7140:Hesychast controversy 7134:Further information: 7115: 7056:Summa contra Gentiles 7038:Further information: 7026: 6958: 6860: 6842: 6833: 6816:Further information: 6745:medieval universities 6727: 6648:, a central topic in 6598: 6579: 6573: 6559: 6528:Clement of Alexandria 6498: 6359: 6285:At the present time, 5862:Aeterni Patris Filius 5698:Ministers of Justice 5650:Ecclesiastical prison 5645:Canonical admonitions 5462:Protonotary apostolic 4939:Anglicanorum Coetibus 4772:Conference of bishops 4267:Quattuor abhinc annos 4260:Liturgiam authenticam 3965:Corpus Juris Canonici 3829:Ancient Church Orders 3779:Presbyterorum ordinis 3721:Praedicate evangelium 3489: 3466:Further information: 3443:Catholic ecclesiology 3376:Catholic titular sees 3349:patriarch of the West 3204:Further information: 3156:Roman Catholic (term) 3104:evangelizing missions 3093:personal ordinariates 3025:Patriarch of the West 3020:Roman Catholic Church 3015:Latin Catholic Church 2999:Ecclesia Occidentalis 1738:Anointing of the Sick 1529:Apostolic exhortation 1226:Infused righteousness 1144:Immaculate Conception 852:History of the papacy 331:Latin Catholic Church 216:episcopal conferences 21:Latin Christian music 28623:Special Relationship 28033:Christian philosophy 27978:Western Christianity 27640:Age of Enlightenment 27514:Hellenistic Kingdoms 26844:United Arab Emirates 25635:Religious experience 25009:Historical religions 23413:ĐáșĄo Bá»­u SÆĄn Kỳ HÆ°ÆĄng 22745:Schwenkfelder Church 22379:Nondenominationalism 22252:Role in civilization 21719:Independent Catholic 21661:Relations with Islam 21641:Catholic Reformation 21178:Bohemian Reformation 20954:Western Roman Empire 20946:Christian traditions 20933:Western Christianity 20444:L'Osservatore Romano 20382:Role in civilisation 20108:Croatian and Serbian 19856:Episcopal conference 19818:St. Peter's Basilica 19176:Sexual abuse scandal 19132:Catholic Reformation 18693:Sexual abuse scandal 18602:Mit brennender Sorge 18445:Age of Enlightenment 18224:Bernard of Clairvaux 18101:Byzantine Iconoclasm 18040:Council of Chalcedon 17820:Council of Jerusalem 17689:Role in civilization 17669:Religious institutes 17601:By country or region 17299:Patriarchal churches 16915:Ecclesiastical Latin 16836:Liturgy of the Hours 16756:Liturgy of the Hours 16626:Pontifical High Mass 16352:Presentation of Mary 15978:Purification of Mary 15801:Presentation of Mary 15306:Tra le sollecitudini 15294:Traditionis custodes 14172:Eucharistic Congress 13988:Memorial Acclamation 13949:Words of Institution 13698:Ecclesiastical Latin 13591:Pontifical High Mass 13128:Ecclesiastical Latin 12899:Early African church 12867:Apostolic succession 12383:Introduction to Mary 12191:by Karl Rahner 2004 11943:Catholic News Agency 11412:, vol. 15, pp. 40–41 11085:1Corinthians 3:10–15 10969:2 Maccabees 12:42–44 10384:, III, p. 164 n. 4. 10355:Saint Thomas Aquinas 8838:Eastern Christianity 8801:Ecclesiastical Latin 8781:Early African church 8561:that appears in the 8255:Dogmatically defined 8127:Bernard of Clairvaux 8036:In the Beginning ... 7964:Protestant reformers 7585:Origen of Alexandria 7541:prayers for the dead 7463:History of purgatory 7001:, 2-2, q. 77, art. 1 6461:Western Roman Empire 6319:Secretariat of State 5986:Raymond of Penyafort 5745:(matrimonial causes) 5721:Defender of the Bond 5581:Complicit absolution 5541:Ecclesiastical Latin 5181:Validity and liceity 5050:Canonical coronation 4933:Personal ordinariate 4920:Military ordinariate 4766:College of Cardinals 4647:Defender of the Bond 4463:Complicit absolution 4347:Validity and liceity 4295:Traditionis custodes 4131:Papal judge-delegate 3939:Plenitudo potestatis 3897:Symmachian forgeries 3587:Archdiocese of Milan 3536:Mass promulgated by 3487:on 24 October 1998: 3473:Liturgical patrimony 3388:Western Christianity 3316:Council of Chalcedon 3132:Western Christianity 3054:Byzantines or Greeks 2595:Independent Catholic 2081:the Age of Discovery 2071:Sex and gender roles 2061:Role in civilization 2054:in the United States 1697:Liturgy of the Hours 1231:Invincible ignorance 1101:Crucifixion of Jesus 909:College of Cardinals 877:Apostolic succession 721:St. Peter's Basilica 496:Croatian and Serbian 227:Ecclesiastical Latin 109:Western Christianity 28648:West Nordic Council 28513:Eastern Partnership 28102:Analytic philosophy 27803:Classical tradition 27625:Early modern period 27581:Classical antiquity 27576:European Bronze Age 27237:Trinidad and Tobago 27132:Antigua and Barbuda 26300:Religion by country 25361:Cult of Magna Mater 23883:Philippine Dayawism 23464:Nimbarka Sampradaya 23212:Chinese Manichaeism 22884:Jehovah's Witnesses 22689:Proto-Protestantism 22425:Unlimited atonement 22410:Cultural Christians 21849:Jehovah's Witnesses 21471:Sermon on the Mount 21400:Christian tradition 21327:Lists of Christians 21216:Protestant theology 21075:Old Catholic Church 20960:in the 16th century 20779:Neocatechumenal Way 20744:Charismatic Renewal 20458:Annuario Pontificio 20056:Particular churches 19732:Ecumenical councils 19504:Perpetual virginity 19339:Communitas perfecta 19283:Sermon on the Mount 18521:Papal infallibility 18511:Our Lady of Lourdes 18460:Shimabara Rebellion 18304:Counter-Reformation 17277:particular churches 17139:Pre-Tridentine Mass 16907:Liturgical language 16369:Ordinary Procession 15973:Baptism of the Lord 15667:Divine Mercy Sunday 15496:Baptism of the Lord 15483:Mary, Mother of God 15287:Summorum Pontificum 15232:Liturgical Movement 15193:Eucharistic miracle 14846:Spiritual communion 14633:Tridentine calendar 13483:Pre-Tridentine Mass 13338:Pre-Tridentine Mass 12949:Counter-Reformation 12711:order of precedence 12361:on 4 September 2013 12076:, John Knox Press, 12074:Reformation Studies 12048:Z. J. Kosztolnyik, 11599:Cross, Frank Leslie 11361:Theological Studies 11279:Gregory the Great, 11144:(1912); Tertullian 11023:Christian Dogmatics 10579:"Doctoris Angelici" 10568:Kreeft, pp. 74–112. 10394:University of Paris 9717:. London. pp.  8786:Counter-Reformation 8773:Christianity portal 8648:The Ancient of Days 8630:Rohan Book of Hours 8576:Giovanni d'Alemagna 8542:The Ancient of Days 8455:1 Corinthians 15:54 8407:Titian's Assumption 8084:, the doctrine was 7727:Council of Florence 7708:Theological Studies 7636:St. John Chrysostom 7524:Hermetical writings 7402:Council of Hatfield 7373:proceeds "from the 7148:Barlaam of Seminara 7074:framed as negatives 7040:Five Ways (Aquinas) 7015:in Aquinas's view. 6978:costs of production 6942:theological virtues 6851:Gentile da Fabriano 6753:William of Moerbeke 6689:Diarmaid MacCulloch 6507:For Augustine, the 6305:, specifically the 6110:Religious institute 5996:Johannes Teutonicus 5958:School of Canon Law 5931:Doctor of both laws 5926:Doctor of Canon Law 5763:Vos estis lux mundi 5634:ferendae sententiae 5624:Laicization (penal) 5412:Canonical documents 5368:Canonical provision 5358:Canonical faculties 5062:Computation of time 4871:In persona episcopi 4857:Aeque principaliter 4851:Diocese/Archdiocese 4827:Apostolic vicariate 4784:Particular churches 4734:Supreme authority, 4667:Impediment of crime 4400:Dimissorial letters 4281:Summorum Pontificum 3574:particular church. 3404:particular churches 3328:Chalcedonian Schism 3200:"Church" and "rite" 3100:early modern period 2876:Christianity portal 2733:Jehovah's Witnesses 2413:History of theology 2094:Links and resources 1154:Perpetual virginity 1125:Blessed Virgin Mary 1012:Divinum illud munus 914:Ecumenical councils 857:Ecumenical councils 378:Particular churches 28107:Post-structuralism 28070:Christian humanism 27700:Universal suffrage 27172:Dominican Republic 26218:Abrahamic prophets 25312:Proto-Indo-Iranian 23856:Aliran Kepercayaan 23059:Non-denominational 22981:Modernist Salafism 22667:Oriental Orthodoxy 22270:Crusading movement 21538:Ante-Nicene period 21151:Early Christianity 21060:Anglican Communion 20616:Premonstratensians 18999:Ante-Nicene period 18877:Lists of Catholics 18566:Our Lady of FĂĄtima 18355:Ignatius of Loyola 18279:Catherine of Siena 18247:Pope Boniface VIII 18066:Benedict of Nursia 18035:Council of Ephesus 17872:Ante-Nicene period 17825:Split with Judaism 17659:Crusading movement 16991:Extraordinary Form 16429:Liturgical colours 15943:Holy Name of Jesus 15031:Calendar of saints 14988:Transubstantiation 14937:Liturgical colours 14919:In persona Christi 14827:Reserved sacrament 14797:Frequent Communion 14431:Processional cross 14242:Triple candlestick 14067:Benedicamus Domino 14041:Communion antiphon 13930:Eucharistic Prayer 13820:Responsorial Psalm 13195:Extraordinary form 13105:Isidore of Seville 13093:Augustine of Hippo 13070:Hilary of Poitiers 12786:Francesco Moraglia 12768:Filipe Neri FerrĂŁo 12264:2009-01-13 at the 11142:The Biblical World 11037:The Biblical World 10812:, Volume 1, p. 340 10396:they call him the 10156:(3&4): 40–43. 10150:Orthodox Tradition 10050:"Limits of Church" 9046:"The Latin Church 8759:Catholicism portal 8715:Sexual abuse cases 8659: 8550: 8505: 8501:Theophan the Greek 8412: 8339:Assumption of Mary 8335: 8312:Assumption of Mary 8211: 8059: 7892: 7781:was identified as 7771: 7687: 7602:teachings such as 7555: 7489:1 Corinthians 3:15 7477: 7426:Whether that term 7417:Council of Ephesus 7200:spirituality, the 7036: 6874: 6855: 6837: 6730: 6608: 6505: 6443:as defined by the 6388:Latin Christianity 6386:. He helped shape 6372:Augustine of Hippo 6369: 5829:Papal renunciation 5736:(trial procedure) 5426:Acta Sanctae Sedis 5373:Canonical election 5006:Personal prelature 5001:Pontifical council 4754:College of Bishops 4458:Canon penitentiary 4422:Penitential canons 4239:Mysterii Paschalis 4125:Contractum trinius 3932:Libertas ecclesiae 3707:Ex corde Ecclesiae 3437:as defined by the 3332:Oriental Orthodoxy 3324:Church of the East 3291:early Christianity 3116:Sub-Saharan Africa 3112:late modern period 3067:. The predominant 2615:Church of the East 2479:Early Christianity 1637:Christian humanism 1534:Epistula Encyclica 1294:College of Bishops 1002:Consubstantialitas 825:Early Christianity 314:1.2 billion (2015) 28671: 28670: 28498:Council of Europe 28400:International law 28353:Constitutionalism 28211:Eastern Orthodoxy 27717:Post–Cold War era 27650:Age of Revolution 27504:Greco-Roman world 27442: 27441: 27410: 27409: 27406: 27405: 26394:Equatorial Guinea 26290: 26289: 26286: 26285: 25829:Cognitive science 25448: 25447: 25381:Mysteries of Isis 25155:Frankish paganism 24998: 24997: 24994: 24993: 24990: 24989: 24742:White Brotherhood 24608: 24607: 24573: 24572: 23917:Sundanese Wiwitan 23734: 23733: 23730: 23729: 23459:Brahma Sampradaya 23421: 23420: 23224: 23223: 23220: 23219: 23202:Assianism/Uatsdin 23120: 23119: 22889:British Israelism 22875:Nontrinitarianism 22838:Plymouth Brethren 22833:Nondenominational 22767:Congregationalism 22655:Eastern Orthodoxy 22603:Reconstructionist 22467: 22466: 22433: 22432: 22361:Charta Oecumenica 21871: 21870: 21861:Iglesia ni Cristo 21676: 21675: 21656:French Revolution 21646:Thirty Years' War 21518:Apostolic fathers 21486:Great Commandment 21257: 21256: 21221:Anglican theology 21211:Catholic theology 21130: 21129: 21088:Union of Scranton 21065:Anglo-Catholicism 20899: 20898: 20309: 20308: 19702: 19525: 19524: 19217: 19194: 19193: 19186:COVID-19 pandemic 19156:French Revolution 19146:Thirty Years' War 19054:Islamic conquests 18967:Apostolic fathers 18902: 18817: 18816: 18777:COVID-19 pandemic 18755:Pope Benedict XVI 18660:Pope John Paul II 18435:Pope Benedict XIV 18421:French Revolution 18405:Thirty Years' War 18395:Robert Bellarmine 18380:John of the Cross 18284:Pope Alexander VI 18269:Council of Vienne 18199:Francis of Assisi 18189:Pope Innocent III 18058:Early Middle Ages 18052: 18051: 18048: 18047: 17990:Arian controversy 17943: 17942: 17891:Apostolic Fathers 17542: 17541: 17482:Croat and Serbian 17373: 17372: 17238: 17237: 17218: 17217: 17147: 17146: 17061: 17060: 16694:(sunset/evening) 16464: 16463: 16385: 16384: 16381: 16380: 16371:according to the 16323:Maternity of Mary 16318:Autumn Ember Days 16252:Summer Ember Days 16111: 16110: 16063:Spring Ember Days 15904:Winter Ember Days 15818: 15817: 15814: 15813: 15431:December 17 to 23 15315: 15314: 15210:Gelineau psalmody 15147:effects of prayer 15125:Christian liturgy 15120:Catholic theology 14832:Sacramental bread 14727: 14726: 14573:Episcopal sandals 14441:Sacramental bread 14369:Collection basket 14103: 14102: 13964:texts and rubrics 13934:Canon of the Mass 13777:Entrance Antiphon 13767:Sign of the Cross 13749:Processional hymn 13681: 13680: 13562: 13561: 13427: 13426: 13346: 13345: 13260: 13259: 13114: 13113: 12853: 12852: 12391:978-1-882972-06-7 12157:978-1-57918-355-4 11612:978-0-19-280290-3 11486:, April 18, 2003" 11484:The Baltimore Sun 11466:978-0-691-08987-4 11438:St. Mary Magdalen 11436:Pope, H. (1910). 11216:John Chrysostom, 11115:Jacques Le Goff, 11081:Deuteronomy 32:22 11071:Jacques Le Goff, 10855:), vol. 1, p. 251 10853:978-1-4051-8539-4 10609:Doctoris Angelici 10309:978-0-631-21673-5 10259:978-90-04-26072-6 10217:978-0-226-48232-3 10192:978-0-14-102189-8 10001:"Saint Augustine" 9939:978-0-8028-3843-8 9909:978-0-5209-0792-8 9886:978-0-8160-5455-8 9810:978-1-56731-014-6 9780:978-0-300-10598-8 9728:978-0-223-97728-0 9213:CCEO, canon 28 §1 9129:978-0-8146-6216-8 9017:Fortescue, Adrian 8999:978-0-8146-6216-8 8940:978-90-04-41117-3 8667:Pope Benedict XIV 8516:Eastern Catholics 8325:Peter Paul Rubens 8295:sanctifying grace 8032:Pope Benedict XVI 8017:any personal sin. 7692:Paul J. Griffiths 7552:Ludovico Carracci 7350: 7349: 7252:the same thing". 7214:Gregory Akindynos 7107:Doctoris Angelici 7103:medieval theology 7095:In theology, his 6806:William of Ockham 6777:Francis of Assisi 6704:Pope Benedict XVI 6681:Georges Florovsky 6532:Basil of Caesarea 6445:Council of Nicaea 6365:Peter Paul Rubens 6252:Pope John Paul II 6243:Code of Canon Law 6238: 6237: 6149:Secular institute 6006:Burchard of Worms 6001:Geoffrey of Trani 5916:Academic degrees 5856:Papal appointment 5789:Advocatus Diaboli 5742:Dignitas connubii 5191:Apostolic visitor 5090:Taxa Innocentiana 4969:Collegiate church 4720:Petrine privilege 4715:Pauline privilege 4702:Sanatio in radice 4672:Disparity of cult 4627:Dignitas connubii 4614:Banns of marriage 4392:Apostolicae curae 4288:Magnum principium 4113:Code of Canon Law 4105:Ecclesiae Sanctae 4098:Code of Canon Law 3972:Decretum Gratiani 3743:Documents of the 3728:Veritatis gaudium 3684:Magnum principium 3670:Code of Canon Law 3542:Pope John Paul II 3532:—either the post- 3455:Oriental Orthodox 3402:, self-governing 3360:Islamic conquests 3340:Eastern Orthodoxy 3311:Eastern Christian 2934:particular church 2912: 2911: 2765: 2764: 2738:Latter Day Saints 2723:Iglesia ni Cristo 2688:United Protestant 2673:Plymouth Brethren 2608:Oriental Orthodox 2216: 2215: 2057: 1647:Neo-scholasticism 1423: 1422: 1401:Seven deadly sins 1324:Perfect community 1206:Baptism of desire 1106:Harrowing of Hell 684: 683: 410:Patriarchal cross 354: 353: 131:Catholic theology 80:Particular church 28691: 28543:EU Customs Union 28075:Secular humanism 28023:Christian ethics 27973:East–West Schism 27956:Physical culture 27680:Great Divergence 27630:Age of Discovery 27469: 27462: 27455: 27446: 27445: 27432: 27422: 27421: 27300:Papua New Guinea 27275:Marshall Islands 27102:Northern Ireland 26307: 26306: 26296: 26295: 26180:Secular theology 26175:Secular humanism 25465: 25464: 25454: 25453: 25329:Ancestral Pueblo 25004: 25003: 24623: 24622: 24300: 24299: 23745: 23744: 23501:Shaiva Siddhanta 23432: 23431: 23365:Korean shamanism 23244: 23243: 23235: 23234: 23131: 23130: 23044:Mahdawi movement 22914:Swedenborgianism 22894:Christadelphians 22540: 22539: 22531: 22530: 22522: 22521: 22509: 22508: 22494: 22487: 22480: 22471: 22470: 22457: 22456: 22447: 22446: 22290:Environmentalism 22240:Church buildings 22142: 22141: 21957:Eastern Orthodox 21952:Eastern Catholic 21864: 21863: 21831:Eastern Catholic 21809:Eastern Orthodox 21697: 21696: 21618:Age of Discovery 21603:East–West Schism 21501:Great Commission 21432: 21431: 21284: 21277: 21270: 21261: 21260: 21247: 21246: 21166:East–West Schism 21138: 21083:Union of Utrecht 20974: 20973: 20926: 20919: 20912: 20903: 20902: 20889: 20888: 20879: 20878: 20621:Redemptoristines 20469:Religious orders 20395:Anti-Catholicism 20345:Church buildings 20205:Catholic liturgy 19945:Consecrated life 19803:Apostolic Palace 19770:Synod of Bishops 19706: 19705: 19682: 19288:Ten Commandments 19221: 19220: 19203: 19104:Age of Discovery 18938:Great Commission 18906: 18905: 18890: 18844: 18837: 18830: 18821: 18820: 18807: 18806: 18795: 18794: 18793: 18772:Patriarch Kirill 18645:Pope John Paul I 18450:Anti-clericalism 18430:Pope Innocent XI 18350:Society of Jesus 18335:Council of Trent 18289:Age of Discovery 18234:Late Middle Ages 18136:High Middle Ages 18126:East–West Schism 18010:Pope Sylvester I 17956: 17955: 17945: 17944: 17855:General epistles 17850:Pauline epistles 17783:John the Baptist 17766:Great Commission 17728: 17727: 17679:Catholic culture 17569: 17562: 17555: 17546: 17545: 17532: 17531: 17520: 17519: 17381: 17304: 17303: 17265: 17258: 17251: 17242: 17241: 17230: 17229: 17203:East Syriac Rite 17171:Alexandrian Rite 17160:Eastern Catholic 17153:Eastern Catholic 17028:Benedictine Rite 17016: 17015: 16956: 16955: 16950:liturgical rites 16939: 16938: 16858:Roman Pontifical 16714:(end of the day) 16648:Liturgical hours 16491: 16484: 16477: 16468: 16467: 16454: 16453: 16408:Older calendars 16308:Nativity of Mary 16239:Pentecost Season 15993: 15992: 15914:Christmas Season 15850: 15849: 15824: 15823: 15772:Nativity of Mary 15450:Christmas Season 15443: 15387: 15386: 15361: 15360: 15342: 15335: 15328: 15319: 15318: 15159:Council of Trent 15142:Christian prayer 15130:Catholic liturgy 14969:Passion of Jesus 14912:ex opere operato 14817:Infant communion 14812:Host desecration 14787:Eucharistic fast 14760:Closed communion 14755:Church etiquette 14623: 14622: 14529:Roman Pontifical 14502:Graduale Simplex 14473:Liturgical books 14453:Sacramental wine 14095:Recessional hymn 14024:Dona nobis pacem 13969:Canonical digits 13876:Universal Prayer 13803:Dominus vobiscum 13718: 13717: 13614: 13613: 13529:Benedictine Rite 13517: 13516: 13454: 13447: 13440: 13431: 13430: 13417: 13416: 13227:Benedictine Rite 13215: 13214: 13154: 13153: 13145:Liturgical rites 12970: 12969: 12944:Council of Trent 12929:Age of Discovery 12909:East–West Schism 12717: 12716: 12691: 12684: 12677: 12668: 12667: 12652:Official website 12639: 12638: 12636: 12634: 12623: 12617: 12616: 12614: 12612: 12597: 12591: 12581: 12575: 12571: 12565: 12562: 12556: 12555: 12523: 12517: 12514: 12508: 12494: 12488: 12485: 12479: 12478:Bigham Chapter 7 12476: 12470: 12467:John of Damascus 12459: 12453: 12450: 12444: 12430: 12424: 12421: 12415: 12402:Paul Haffner in 12400: 12394: 12380: 12371: 12370: 12368: 12366: 12351: 12345: 12332: 12326: 12319: 12313: 12295: 12289: 12275: 12269: 12256: 12250: 12249: 12238: 12232: 12231: 12224: 12215: 12211:Saint of the Day 12206: 12200: 12186: 12180: 12166: 12160: 12146: 12140: 12126: 12120: 12106: 12100: 12091: 12085: 12046: 12040: 12039: 12014: 12012: 12011: 12005: 11990: 11981: 11972: 11971: 11960: 11954: 11953: 11951: 11950: 11935: 11929: 11928: 11926: 11925: 11911: 11905: 11902:In the Beginning 11898: 11892: 11891: 11889: 11888: 11873: 11867: 11866: 11864: 11863: 11848: 11842: 11835: 11826: 11825: 11823: 11821: 11807: 11801: 11798: 11792: 11789: 11783: 11780: 11774: 11773: 11771: 11769: 11764:. 1 October 1910 11754: 11748: 11747: 11729: 11723: 11717: 11711: 11698: 11692: 11679: 11673: 11672: 11670: 11668: 11659:. Archived from 11649: 11643: 11642: 11640: 11638: 11623: 11617: 11616: 11595: 11586: 11583: 11577: 11574: 11568: 11567: 11565: 11563: 11549: 11543: 11540:978-1-58979594-5 11526: 11520: 11517:978-90-0412654-1 11503: 11497: 11496: 11494: 11493: 11477: 11471: 11470: 11451: 11445: 11434: 11428: 11427: 11420: 11414: 11405: 11399: 11398: 11396: 11395: 11389: 11383:. Archived from 11358: 11349: 11343: 11342: 11322: 11316: 11315: 11293: 11287: 11277: 11271: 11241: 11235: 11214: 11208: 11194: 11188: 11177:History of Dogma 11170: 11164: 11157: 11148: 11138:History of Dogma 11130: 11124: 11113: 11107: 11100:History of Dogma 11093: 11087: 11077:Leviticus 10:1–2 11069: 11063: 11054:History of Dogma 11046: 11040: 11028:Against Heresies 11020: 11014: 11007:Gerald O'Collins 11004: 10998: 10989: 10983: 10977: 10971: 10965: 10959: 10956: 10950: 10949: 10938: 10932: 10927: 10921: 10916: 10910: 10907: 10901: 10892: 10886: 10885: 10874: 10868: 10862: 10856: 10841: 10835: 10830: 10824: 10819: 10813: 10807: 10801: 10800: 10796:978-0-80280980-3 10778: 10772: 10771: 10769: 10768: 10757: 10751: 10746: 10740: 10735: 10729: 10714: 10708: 10698: 10692: 10691: 10690: 10689: 10675: 10669: 10668: 10659: 10653: 10636: 10630: 10618: 10612: 10602: 10596: 10594: 10592: 10590: 10575: 10569: 10566: 10560: 10557: 10551: 10550: 10539: 10533: 10526:2ÂȘ-2ae q. 77 pr. 10522:Summa Theologica 10518: 10512: 10506: 10500: 10497: 10491: 10485: 10479: 10476:Summa Theologica 10473: 10467: 10466: 10464: 10463: 10448: 10442: 10439: 10433: 10430: 10424: 10423: 10411: 10405: 10402:Historia Eccles. 10386:Tolomeo da Lucca 10382:Xenia Thomistica 10378:Doctor Angelicus 10366: 10360: 10359: 10349: 10343: 10342: 10336: 10328: 10320: 10314: 10313: 10295: 10289: 10288: 10270: 10264: 10263: 10237: 10231: 10228: 10222: 10221: 10203: 10197: 10196: 10176: 10170: 10169: 10167: 10165: 10134: 10128: 10127: 10122: 10116: 10115: 10095: 10089: 10075: 10064: 10063: 10061: 10060: 10046: 10040: 10039: 10037: 10036: 10022: 10016: 10015: 10013: 10011: 9996: 9990: 9984: 9978: 9977: 9975: 9973: 9962: 9956: 9950: 9944: 9943: 9921: 9912: 9895: 9889: 9872: 9866: 9865: 9857: 9851: 9848: 9842: 9839: 9833: 9830: 9824: 9821: 9815: 9814: 9791: 9785: 9784: 9762: 9756: 9746: 9740: 9732: 9708: 9702: 9701: 9699: 9697: 9683: 9677: 9676: 9674: 9672: 9658: 9652: 9651: 9649: 9647: 9629: 9623: 9622: 9620: 9618: 9604: 9598: 9597: 9595: 9593: 9579: 9573: 9572: 9570: 9568: 9554: 9548: 9547: 9545: 9543: 9529: 9523: 9522: 9520: 9518: 9504: 9498: 9497: 9495: 9493: 9470: 9464: 9463: 9449: 9448: 9443: 9434: 9433: 9431: 9429: 9420: 9412: 9406: 9405: 9401:978-88-7652129-4 9385: 9379: 9373: 9367: 9366: 9351: 9345: 9344: 9342: 9340: 9331:. Archived from 9321: 9315: 9314: 9305: 9299: 9298: 9289: 9283: 9278: 9272: 9267: 9261: 9256: 9250: 9245: 9239: 9238: 9236: 9234: 9220: 9214: 9211: 9205: 9204: 9202: 9200: 9190:"CCEO, canon 27" 9186: 9180: 9179: 9169: 9163: 9162: 9160: 9159: 9143: 9137: 9136: 9115: 9109: 9108: 9068: 9062: 9061: 9038: 9032: 9031: 9013: 9007: 9006: 8985: 8979: 8978: 8976: 8974: 8954: 8945: 8944: 8931:Brill Publishers 8920: 8914: 8913: 8905: 8888: 8887: 8885: 8884: 8856: 8833:East–West Schism 8775: 8770: 8769: 8761: 8756: 8755: 8588: 8585: 8580:Antonio Vivarini 8467:John of Damascus 8448: 8422: 8367: 8347:bodily taking up 8333: 8330: 8283:semi-pelagianism 8218:John Duns Scotus 8168:Council of Trent 8164:Council of Basel 8104:Ineffabilis Deus 7915:Paul the Apostle 7696:Joseph Ratzinger 7644: 7641: 7624: 7621: 7593: 7590: 7583:) and his pupil 7582: 7579: 7571: 7568: 7442:in the Trinity. 7394:Visigothic Spain 7392:(589), at which 7333: 7332: 7322: 7307: 7294: 7279: 7268: 7236:used to achieve 7098:Summa Theologica 7071: 7062:existence of God 7059: 7051: 7048:Summa Theologica 7009:natural disaster 6998:Summa Theologiae 6970:economic thought 6922:cardinal virtues 6900:Doctor Angelicus 6826:Summa Theologica 6626:, author of the 6396:Patristic Period 6248:Pope Benedict XV 6230: 6223: 6216: 6202: 6201: 6155:Cum Sanctissimus 6135:Mendicant orders 6086:Pontifical right 6059:consecrated life 6043:Edward N. Peters 5758:Penal procedure 5630:Latae sententiae 5402:Consecrated life 4961:Team of priests 4777:Synod of Bishops 4710:Natural marriage 4682:Public propriety 4341:Omnium in mentem 4334:Ex opere operato 4060:Council of Trent 4054: 4051: 3958: 3955: 3914:Gregorian Reform 3824: 3821: 3751:Christus Dominus 3700:Ad tuendam fidem 3677:Omnium in mentem 3649:Canon law of the 3634: 3627: 3626: 3481:Joseph Ratzinger 3451:Eastern Orthodox 3396:seven sacraments 3392:sacred tradition 3336:East-West Schism 3320:Nestorian Schism 3271: 3262: 3253: 3171:East–West Schism 3036:East-West schism 2947: 2904: 2897: 2890: 2873: 2718:Christadelphians 2648:Free Evangelical 2601:Eastern Orthodox 2558: 2557: 2509:East–West Schism 2241: 2218: 2217: 2208: 2201: 2194: 2180: 2179: 2161: 2160: 2159: 2149: 2148: 2139: 2138: 2129: 2128: 2119: 2118: 2051: 1969:Relations with: 1940:Anti-Catholicism 1554:Cardinal Virtues 1514:Athanasian Creed 1391:Hypostatic union 1299:Deposit of faith 1211:Baptism of blood 1096:Passion of Jesus 962: 961: 929:Eastern Churches 919:Episcopal polity 747: 718: 693: 686: 685: 676: 669: 662: 648: 647: 637: 636: 596:West Syriac Rite 555:East Syriac Rite 426:Alexandrian Rite 403: 398: 363: 356: 355: 345:Official website 218:around the world 89: 61: 52: 50: 48: 33: 26: 25: 28699: 28698: 28694: 28693: 28692: 28690: 28689: 28688: 28674: 28673: 28672: 28667: 28633:UKUSA Agreement 28573:Lublin Triangle 28458:Baltic Assembly 28410: 28404: 28322: 28159: 27994: 27864:Eurolinguistics 27733: 27722:Information age 27695:Interwar period 27562: 27482: 27473: 27443: 27438: 27402: 27329: 27310:Solomon Islands 27246: 27118: 27022:North Macedonia 26863: 26588: 26301: 26282: 26243:Mass gatherings 26211: 26206: 26199: 26138: 26133: 26124: 26063:Religiocentrism 26043:National church 25911: 25908: 25900: 25815: 25808: 25745: 25667:Bodies of water 25459: 25444: 25229:Jamaican Maroon 25011: 24986: 24923: 24753: 24746: 24617: 24615: 24604: 24569: 24543:Trinidad Orisha 24328: 24321: 24294: 24287: 24214: 24177: 23928: 23921: 23817: 23799: 23726: 23700:Srilankan Vedda 23651: 23579: 23454:Sri Vaishnavism 23417: 23379: 23351: 23309: 23216: 23190: 23157: 23116: 23070: 22995:Twelver Shi'ism 22937: 22799:Neo-charismatic 22772:Presbyterianism 22624: 22516: 22503: 22498: 22468: 22463: 22441: 22429: 22383: 22338: 22256: 22137: 22131: 22086: 22011:One true church 21867: 21835: 21795: 21684: 21672: 21622: 21579: 21524: 21451:in Christianity 21437: 21423: 21417: 21409: 21368: 21344: 21336: 21293: 21288: 21258: 21253: 21241: 21227: 21199: 21139: 21126: 21110: 21092: 21069: 21046: 20991: 20978:Catholic Church 20968: 20961: 20942:Cultural sphere 20935: 20930: 20900: 20895: 20873: 20865: 20844: 20827:Relief Services 20793: 20739:Catholic Action 20729:Military orders 20666:Confraternities 20658:of the faithful 20657: 20650: 20472: 20463: 20399: 20305: 20199: 20058: 20050: 19983:Prior, Prioress 19939: 19832: 19828:Vatican Museums 19779: 19712: 19698: 19694: 19690: 19686: 19681: 19675: 19600: 19554:Social teaching 19521: 19460: 19405: 19360:One true church 19324: 19301:Sixtine Vulgate 19297:Official Bible 19211: 19207: 19202: 19190: 19108: 19040: 18985: 18955:Petrine primacy 18898: 18894: 18889: 18881: 18853: 18851:Catholic Church 18848: 18818: 18813: 18801: 18791: 18789: 18781: 18703:World Youth Day 18681: 18670:World Youth Day 18614:Pacem in terris 18608:Pope John XXIII 18547: 18474: 18465:Edict of Nantes 18423: 18419: 18409: 18375:Teresa of Ávila 18370:Tridentine Mass 18306: 18302: 18293: 18274:Knights Templar 18228: 18130: 18086:Gregorian chant 18044: 17970: 17967: 17964: 17962: 17951: 17939: 17866: 17735: 17723: 17715: 17582: 17580:Catholic Church 17573: 17543: 17538: 17526: 17514: 17506: 17451: 17415: 17382: 17369: 17345: 17293: 17283: 17281:Catholic Church 17269: 17239: 17234: 17224: 17214: 17181:Antiochene Rite 17161: 17157: 17154: 17143: 17133:Missa Venatoria 17057: 17053:Norbertine Rite 17043:Cistercian Rite 17038:Carthusian Rite 17014: 16996:Tridentine Mass 16986:Mass of Paul VI 16949: 16945: 16933: 16926: 16901: 16765: 16717: 16664:(early morning) 16646: 16643:Canonical hours 16637: 16560: 16512: 16510:Catholic Church 16495: 16465: 16460: 16448: 16377: 16356: 16328:Christ the King 16296:Transfiguration 16233: 16161: 16117:Paschal Triduum 16107: 16079: 16019: 15982: 15953:Epiphany Season 15947: 15908: 15844: 15829:Tridentine Mass 15810: 15806:Christ the King 15760:Transfiguration 15712: 15633: 15594:Paschal Triduum 15588: 15518: 15500: 15444: 15435: 15381: 15355: 15353:Catholic Church 15349:Liturgical year 15346: 15316: 15311: 15250:Missale Romanum 15215:Gregorian chant 15181:Dominicae Cenae 15093: 15041:Code of Rubrics 15003: 14997: 14973:salvific nature 14950:Mysterium fidei 14943:Mirae caritatis 14891:Blood of Christ 14878: 14871: 14792:First Communion 14734: 14723: 14707:Paschal Triduum 14658: 14618:Liturgical year 14612: 14546: 14538: 14467: 14374:Communion-plate 14326: 14320: 14266:Communion bench 14203: 14099: 14090:Leonine Prayers 14078: 13886: 13880: 13869:Apostles' Creed 13782:Penitential Act 13759: 13753: 13728:Vesting prayers 13709: 13677: 13636:Coronation Mass 13612: 13558: 13554:Norbertine Rite 13544:Cistercian Rite 13539:Carthusian Rite 13515: 13502:(Ordinary Form) 13500:Mass of Paul VI 13488:Tridentine Mass 13471: 13469:Catholic Church 13458: 13428: 13423: 13399: 13342: 13332:Missa Venatoria 13256: 13252:Norbertine Rite 13242:Cistercian Rite 13237:Carthusian Rite 13213: 13190:Tridentine Mass 13186:(Ordinary form) 13184:Mass of Paul VI 13149:Liturgical days 13147: 13139: 13110: 13046: 12968: 12849: 12790: 12751: 12708: 12700: 12695: 12654:of the Holy See 12648: 12643: 12642: 12632: 12630: 12625: 12624: 12620: 12610: 12608: 12598: 12594: 12582: 12578: 12572: 12568: 12563: 12559: 12524: 12520: 12515: 12511: 12495: 12491: 12486: 12482: 12477: 12473: 12460: 12456: 12451: 12447: 12431: 12427: 12422: 12418: 12401: 12397: 12381: 12374: 12364: 12362: 12353: 12352: 12348: 12333: 12329: 12320: 12316: 12311:Wayback Machine 12296: 12292: 12276: 12272: 12266:Wayback Machine 12257: 12253: 12240: 12239: 12235: 12226: 12225: 12218: 12207: 12203: 12187: 12183: 12167: 12163: 12147: 12143: 12127: 12123: 12107: 12103: 12092: 12088: 12047: 12043: 12009: 12007: 12006: 11993: 11982: 11975: 11962: 11961: 11957: 11948: 11946: 11937: 11936: 11932: 11923: 11921: 11913: 11912: 11908: 11899: 11895: 11886: 11884: 11874: 11870: 11861: 11859: 11849: 11845: 11836: 11829: 11819: 11817: 11809: 11808: 11804: 11799: 11795: 11790: 11786: 11781: 11777: 11767: 11765: 11756: 11755: 11751: 11744: 11730: 11726: 11718: 11714: 11708:Wayback Machine 11699: 11695: 11689:Wayback Machine 11680: 11676: 11666: 11664: 11663:on 29 July 2019 11651: 11650: 11646: 11636: 11634: 11624: 11620: 11613: 11596: 11589: 11584: 11580: 11575: 11571: 11561: 11559: 11551: 11550: 11546: 11527: 11523: 11504: 11500: 11491: 11489: 11478: 11474: 11467: 11452: 11448: 11435: 11431: 11422: 11421: 11417: 11406: 11402: 11393: 11391: 11387: 11356: 11350: 11346: 11339: 11323: 11319: 11312: 11294: 11290: 11278: 11274: 11258:18:69, 29:109; 11242: 11238: 11215: 11211: 11195: 11191: 11171: 11167: 11158: 11151: 11131: 11127: 11114: 11110: 11094: 11090: 11070: 11066: 11047: 11043: 11021: 11017: 11005: 11001: 10990: 10986: 10978: 10974: 10966: 10962: 10957: 10953: 10940: 10939: 10935: 10928: 10924: 10917: 10913: 10908: 10904: 10893: 10889: 10876: 10875: 10871: 10863: 10859: 10842: 10838: 10831: 10827: 10820: 10816: 10808: 10804: 10797: 10779: 10775: 10766: 10764: 10759: 10758: 10754: 10747: 10743: 10736: 10732: 10715: 10711: 10699: 10695: 10687: 10685: 10676: 10672: 10660: 10656: 10637: 10633: 10619: 10615: 10611:, 29 June 1914. 10603: 10599: 10588: 10586: 10577: 10576: 10572: 10567: 10563: 10558: 10554: 10541: 10540: 10536: 10519: 10515: 10507: 10503: 10498: 10494: 10486: 10482: 10474: 10470: 10461: 10459: 10450: 10449: 10445: 10440: 10436: 10431: 10427: 10412: 10408: 10398:Doctor Communis 10374:Doctor Communis 10370:Studiorum Ducem 10367: 10363: 10350: 10346: 10330: 10329: 10321: 10317: 10310: 10296: 10292: 10285: 10271: 10267: 10260: 10238: 10234: 10229: 10225: 10218: 10204: 10200: 10193: 10177: 10173: 10163: 10161: 10135: 10131: 10123: 10119: 10112: 10096: 10092: 10087:Wayback Machine 10076: 10067: 10058: 10056: 10048: 10047: 10043: 10034: 10032: 10024: 10023: 10019: 10009: 10007: 9997: 9993: 9985: 9981: 9971: 9969: 9964: 9963: 9959: 9951: 9947: 9940: 9922: 9915: 9896: 9892: 9873: 9869: 9858: 9854: 9849: 9845: 9840: 9836: 9831: 9827: 9822: 9818: 9811: 9792: 9788: 9781: 9773:. p. 291. 9763: 9759: 9734: 9733: 9729: 9709: 9705: 9695: 9693: 9685: 9684: 9680: 9670: 9668: 9660: 9659: 9655: 9645: 9643: 9631: 9630: 9626: 9616: 9614: 9606: 9605: 9601: 9591: 9589: 9581: 9580: 9576: 9566: 9564: 9556: 9555: 9551: 9541: 9539: 9531: 9530: 9526: 9516: 9514: 9506: 9505: 9501: 9491: 9489: 9487: 9471: 9467: 9446: 9444: 9437: 9427: 9425: 9418: 9414: 9413: 9409: 9402: 9386: 9382: 9374: 9370: 9352: 9348: 9338: 9336: 9323: 9322: 9318: 9307: 9306: 9302: 9291: 9290: 9286: 9279: 9275: 9268: 9264: 9257: 9253: 9246: 9242: 9232: 9230: 9222: 9221: 9217: 9212: 9208: 9198: 9196: 9188: 9187: 9183: 9170: 9166: 9157: 9155: 9144: 9140: 9130: 9116: 9112: 9069: 9065: 9039: 9035: 9021:"Latin Church"" 9014: 9010: 9000: 8986: 8982: 8972: 8970: 8963:Catholic Herald 8955: 8948: 8941: 8921: 8917: 8906: 8902: 8897: 8892: 8891: 8882: 8880: 8867: 8864:Catholic Church 8857: 8853: 8848: 8771: 8764: 8757: 8750: 8747: 8723: 8717: 8712: 8671:Throne of Mercy 8634:anthropomorphic 8614:Ancient of Days 8591:Ancient of Days 8586: 8554:Ancient of Days 8534: 8528: 8526:Ancient of Days 8473:Greek Catholics 8469: 8463: 8451:Letters of Paul 8435:Book of Genesis 8331: 8314: 8257: 8203: 8193: 8156:William of Ware 8045: 7993:freedom of will 7850: 7844: 7838: 7775:Mary of Bethany 7760: 7754: 7748: 7679: 7642: 7622: 7604:baptism by fire 7591: 7580: 7569: 7469: 7459: 7346: 7345: 7344: 7334: 7326: 7325: 7324: 7323: 7320: 7317: 7315: 7310: 7308: 7305: 7302: 7297: 7295: 7292: 7289: 7284: 7280: 7266: 7260: 7194:Gregory Palamas 7190: 7154: 7132: 7082: 7064:, known as the 7042: 7021: 6904:Doctor Communis 6870:Benozzo Gozzoli 6828: 6814: 6722: 6712: 6544:Exodus 21:22–23 6542:translation of 6487:presents human 6485:The City of God 6474:The City of God 6471:, often called 6437:just war theory 6429:grace of Christ 6401:The City of God 6354: 6348:The City of God 6336: 6331: 6234: 6196: 6191: 6190: 6185:Decretum laudis 6162:Primo Feliciter 6140:Clerics regular 6061: 6050: 6049: 6033:Pietro Gasparri 6023:Eugenio Corecco 5906: 5898: 5897: 5663: 5655: 5654: 5595:Excommunication 5554: 5546: 5545: 5536:Parish register 5435:Censor librorum 5413: 5405: 5404: 5400: 5395: 5380: 5286: 5278: 5277: 5241: 5233: 5232: 5218:Treatise on Law 5045: 5035: 5034: 4974:Parish register 4950:Juridic persons 4832:Apostolic vicar 4768: 4741: 4737: 4727: 4726: 4592: 4590:Matrimonial law 4582: 4581: 4374:Defect of birth 4321: 4319:Sacramental law 4311: 4310: 4224:Code of Rubrics 4201: 4193: 4192: 4151: 4141: 4140: 4136:Right of option 4091:(1918-present) 4066:Benedictus Deus 4052: 3956: 3892:Gelasian Decree 3822: 3809: 3799: 3798: 3663: 3651:Catholic Church 3650: 3625: 3619: 3595:Carthusian Rite 3550:Tridentine Mass 3546:"Ordinary Form" 3514:Carthusian rite 3475: 3470: 3464: 3453:and 86 million 3435:one true church 3415:liturgical rite 3398:— there are 23 3384: 3275: 3272: 3263: 3254: 3244: 3220:Catholic Church 3208: 3202: 3192:, of which the 3163: 3158: 3152:Catholic (term) 3144: 3110:, and from the 3069:liturgical rite 3052:in contrast to 3011:Ecclesia Romana 2987:Western culture 2938:Catholic Church 2924:Ecclesia Latina 2908: 2845: 2844: 2815:Other religions 2775: 2767: 2766: 2555: 2554: 2534: 2533: 2454: 2453: 2433: 2432: 2366: 2356: 2355: 2316: 2315: 2297: 2296: 2262: 2261: 2212: 2174: 2169: 2168: 2167: 2157: 2155: 2095: 2087: 2086: 2085: 2003: 2002:Societal issues 1995: 1994: 1993: 1929: 1921: 1920: 1919: 1905: 1874: 1864: 1863: 1837: 1811:Post-Vatican II 1801: 1790: 1780: 1779: 1778: 1754: 1708: 1702:Liturgical year 1661: 1653: 1652: 1651: 1604: 1584:Social teaching 1569:Catholic ethics 1548: 1540: 1539: 1538: 1504:Apostles' Creed 1476:Sixtine Vulgate 1435: 1425: 1424: 1406:Beatific vision 1340:Other teachings 1261:Moral influence 1087:Paschal mystery 959: 958: 940: 939: 938: 893: 883: 882: 881: 872:One true church 797: 789: 739: 724: 708:Catholic Church 680: 642: 641: 631: 630: 626: 419:liturgical rite 412: 388:Catholic Church 385: 340: 306: 301:Old Catholicism 297:, 16th century) 272: 214:, with several 178:Catholic Church 71: 46:Ecclesia Latina 40: 34: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 28697: 28687: 28686: 28669: 28668: 28666: 28665: 28663:Westernization 28660: 28655: 28650: 28645: 28643:VisegrĂĄd Group 28640: 28635: 28630: 28625: 28620: 28615: 28610: 28605: 28600: 28595: 28590: 28585: 28583:Nordic Council 28580: 28575: 28570: 28565: 28560: 28555: 28550: 28545: 28540: 28535: 28530: 28525: 28520: 28515: 28510: 28505: 28500: 28495: 28490: 28485: 28480: 28478:Bucharest Nine 28475: 28470: 28465: 28460: 28455: 28450: 28445: 28443:Arctic Council 28440: 28435: 28430: 28425: 28420: 28414: 28412: 28406: 28405: 28403: 28402: 28397: 28392: 28391: 28390: 28385: 28380: 28375: 28370: 28365: 28355: 28350: 28349: 28348: 28338: 28332: 28330: 28324: 28323: 28321: 28320: 28315: 28310: 28309: 28308: 28303: 28298: 28293: 28288: 28287: 28286: 28281: 28276: 28271: 28261: 28256: 28251: 28241: 28240: 28239: 28238: 28237: 28227: 28226: 28225: 28220: 28219: 28218: 28208: 28207: 28206: 28196: 28195: 28194: 28169: 28167: 28161: 28160: 28158: 28157: 28156: 28155: 28145: 28140: 28135: 28134: 28133: 28121: 28120: 28119: 28109: 28104: 28099: 28094: 28089: 28084: 28079: 28078: 28077: 28072: 28062: 28061: 28060: 28053:Existentialism 28050: 28045: 28040: 28035: 28030: 28025: 28020: 28015: 28010: 28004: 28002: 27996: 27995: 27993: 27992: 27991: 27990: 27985: 27980: 27975: 27965: 27964: 27963: 27953: 27952: 27951: 27946: 27936: 27935: 27934: 27924: 27919: 27918: 27917: 27912: 27907: 27897: 27896: 27895: 27885: 27884: 27883: 27873: 27872: 27871: 27866: 27856: 27851: 27846: 27841: 27840: 27839: 27829: 27824: 27823: 27822: 27812: 27811: 27810: 27800: 27799: 27798: 27788: 27783: 27782: 27781: 27771: 27766: 27765: 27764: 27759: 27754: 27743: 27741: 27735: 27734: 27732: 27731: 27730: 27729: 27724: 27714: 27713: 27712: 27707: 27702: 27697: 27692: 27687: 27682: 27677: 27672: 27667: 27662: 27657: 27652: 27647: 27642: 27637: 27632: 27627: 27617: 27612: 27611: 27610: 27605: 27600: 27590: 27589: 27588: 27586:Late antiquity 27578: 27572: 27570: 27564: 27563: 27561: 27560: 27555: 27550: 27545: 27540: 27539: 27538: 27537: 27536: 27531: 27521: 27516: 27511: 27501: 27496: 27490: 27488: 27484: 27483: 27472: 27471: 27464: 27457: 27449: 27440: 27439: 27437: 27436: 27426: 27415: 27412: 27411: 27408: 27407: 27404: 27403: 27401: 27400: 27395: 27390: 27385: 27380: 27375: 27370: 27365: 27360: 27355: 27350: 27345: 27339: 27337: 27331: 27330: 27328: 27327: 27322: 27317: 27312: 27307: 27302: 27297: 27292: 27287: 27282: 27277: 27272: 27267: 27262: 27256: 27254: 27248: 27247: 27245: 27244: 27239: 27234: 27229: 27224: 27219: 27214: 27209: 27204: 27199: 27194: 27189: 27184: 27179: 27174: 27169: 27164: 27159: 27154: 27149: 27144: 27139: 27134: 27128: 27126: 27120: 27119: 27117: 27116: 27115: 27114: 27109: 27104: 27099: 27092:United Kingdom 27089: 27084: 27079: 27074: 27069: 27064: 27059: 27054: 27049: 27044: 27039: 27034: 27029: 27024: 27019: 27014: 27009: 27004: 26999: 26994: 26989: 26984: 26979: 26974: 26969: 26964: 26959: 26954: 26949: 26944: 26939: 26934: 26929: 26924: 26919: 26914: 26909: 26904: 26899: 26894: 26889: 26884: 26879: 26873: 26871: 26865: 26864: 26862: 26861: 26856: 26851: 26846: 26841: 26836: 26831: 26826: 26821: 26816: 26811: 26806: 26801: 26796: 26791: 26786: 26781: 26776: 26771: 26766: 26761: 26756: 26751: 26746: 26741: 26736: 26731: 26726: 26721: 26720: 26719: 26714: 26704: 26699: 26694: 26689: 26684: 26679: 26674: 26669: 26664: 26659: 26654: 26649: 26644: 26639: 26634: 26629: 26624: 26619: 26614: 26609: 26604: 26598: 26596: 26590: 26589: 26587: 26586: 26581: 26576: 26571: 26566: 26561: 26556: 26551: 26546: 26541: 26536: 26531: 26526: 26521: 26516: 26511: 26506: 26501: 26496: 26491: 26486: 26481: 26476: 26471: 26466: 26461: 26456: 26451: 26446: 26441: 26436: 26431: 26426: 26421: 26416: 26411: 26406: 26401: 26396: 26391: 26386: 26381: 26376: 26371: 26366: 26361: 26356: 26351: 26346: 26341: 26336: 26331: 26326: 26321: 26315: 26313: 26303: 26302: 26292: 26291: 26288: 26287: 26284: 26283: 26281: 26280: 26275: 26270: 26265: 26260: 26255: 26250: 26245: 26240: 26235: 26230: 26225: 26220: 26214: 26212: 26204: 26201: 26200: 26198: 26197: 26192: 26187: 26185:Secularization 26182: 26177: 26172: 26167: 26165:Deconstruction 26162: 26157: 26152: 26147: 26141: 26139: 26129: 26126: 26125: 26123: 26122: 26117: 26116: 26115: 26110: 26105: 26095: 26090: 26085: 26080: 26075: 26070: 26065: 26060: 26055: 26050: 26045: 26040: 26035: 26030: 26025: 26020: 26018:Fundamentalism 26015: 26014: 26013: 26008: 26003: 25998: 25988: 25983: 25978: 25973: 25972: 25971: 25966: 25961: 25951: 25950: 25949: 25944: 25939: 25925: 25920: 25914: 25912: 25905: 25902: 25901: 25899: 25898: 25893: 25888: 25883: 25882: 25881: 25871: 25866: 25861: 25856: 25851: 25846: 25841: 25836: 25831: 25826: 25820: 25818: 25810: 25809: 25807: 25806: 25801: 25796: 25791: 25786: 25781: 25776: 25771: 25766: 25761: 25755: 25753: 25747: 25746: 25744: 25743: 25742: 25741: 25736: 25731: 25721: 25716: 25711: 25706: 25701: 25696: 25691: 25686: 25685: 25684: 25679: 25674: 25669: 25659: 25658: 25657: 25652: 25647: 25637: 25632: 25627: 25622: 25617: 25612: 25607: 25602: 25597: 25592: 25591: 25590: 25585: 25580: 25570: 25565: 25560: 25555: 25550: 25545: 25540: 25535: 25530: 25525: 25520: 25515: 25510: 25505: 25496: 25494:Call to prayer 25491: 25486: 25481: 25479:Disaffiliation 25471: 25469: 25461: 25460: 25450: 25449: 25446: 25445: 25443: 25442: 25437: 25432: 25427: 25422: 25417: 25412: 25407: 25406: 25405: 25400: 25395: 25385: 25384: 25383: 25378: 25373: 25368: 25363: 25353: 25348: 25347: 25346: 25341: 25336: 25326: 25325: 25324: 25319: 25309: 25308: 25307: 25302: 25297: 25292: 25282: 25277: 25276: 25275: 25265: 25264: 25263: 25258: 25248: 25243: 25242: 25241: 25231: 25226: 25221: 25216: 25211: 25206: 25201: 25196: 25195: 25194: 25189: 25184: 25179: 25177:Greco-Buddhism 25174: 25164: 25163: 25162: 25157: 25152: 25147: 25137: 25132: 25131: 25130: 25120: 25115: 25110: 25109: 25108: 25098: 25093: 25088: 25087: 25086: 25081: 25071: 25066: 25065: 25064: 25059: 25054: 25044: 25039: 25034: 25029: 25028: 25027: 25016: 25013: 25012: 25000: 24999: 24996: 24995: 24992: 24991: 24988: 24987: 24985: 24984: 24983: 24982: 24972: 24967: 24962: 24957: 24952: 24947: 24942: 24937: 24931: 24929: 24925: 24924: 24922: 24921: 24920: 24919: 24907: 24902: 24901: 24900: 24895: 24890: 24885: 24880: 24875: 24870: 24860: 24855: 24850: 24845: 24840: 24835: 24830: 24825: 24820: 24819: 24818: 24808: 24807: 24806: 24801: 24791: 24790: 24789: 24784: 24774: 24769: 24768: 24767: 24758: 24756: 24748: 24747: 24745: 24744: 24739: 24734: 24729: 24728: 24727: 24722: 24712: 24707: 24702: 24697: 24692: 24691: 24690: 24680: 24675: 24670: 24665: 24660: 24655: 24650: 24645: 24640: 24635: 24629: 24627: 24620: 24610: 24609: 24606: 24605: 24603: 24602: 24597: 24592: 24587: 24581: 24579: 24575: 24574: 24571: 24570: 24568: 24567: 24566: 24565: 24560: 24555: 24550: 24545: 24540: 24538:Tambor de Mina 24535: 24530: 24525: 24520: 24515: 24510: 24505: 24500: 24495: 24494: 24493: 24488: 24483: 24464: 24463: 24462: 24461: 24451: 24446: 24441: 24436: 24431: 24426: 24421: 24416: 24411: 24406: 24401: 24396: 24391: 24386: 24381: 24376: 24371: 24366: 24365: 24364: 24359: 24349: 24344: 24339: 24333: 24331: 24323: 24322: 24320: 24319: 24318: 24317: 24315:Guanche church 24306: 24304: 24297: 24289: 24288: 24286: 24285: 24280: 24275: 24270: 24265: 24260: 24255: 24250: 24245: 24240: 24235: 24230: 24224: 24222: 24220:Tibeto-Burmese 24216: 24215: 24213: 24212: 24207: 24202: 24197: 24191: 24189: 24179: 24178: 24176: 24175: 24170: 24165: 24160: 24159: 24158: 24153: 24143: 24138: 24136:Nuu-chah-nulth 24133: 24128: 24123: 24118: 24117: 24116: 24111: 24106: 24101: 24091: 24086: 24081: 24080: 24079: 24069: 24064: 24059: 24058: 24057: 24052: 24047: 24045:Muscogee Creek 24042: 24037: 24027: 24022: 24017: 24012: 24003: 23998: 23993: 23988: 23983: 23982: 23981: 23976: 23971: 23961: 23956: 23951: 23950: 23949: 23939: 23933: 23931: 23923: 23922: 23920: 23919: 23914: 23912:Sumbese Marapu 23909: 23908: 23907: 23902: 23892: 23891: 23890: 23880: 23875: 23870: 23865: 23864: 23863: 23858: 23850: 23849: 23848: 23843: 23833: 23831:Batak Parmalim 23827: 23825: 23819: 23818: 23816: 23815: 23809: 23807: 23801: 23800: 23798: 23797: 23796: 23795: 23790: 23780: 23779: 23778: 23773: 23768: 23753: 23751: 23742: 23736: 23735: 23732: 23731: 23728: 23727: 23725: 23724: 23723: 23722: 23717: 23707: 23702: 23697: 23692: 23687: 23686: 23685: 23680: 23670: 23665: 23659: 23657: 23653: 23652: 23650: 23649: 23642: 23637: 23636: 23635: 23625: 23624: 23623: 23618: 23613: 23595: 23589: 23587: 23581: 23580: 23578: 23577: 23570: 23565: 23560: 23555: 23550: 23545: 23540: 23539: 23538: 23533: 23528: 23523: 23518: 23513: 23508: 23503: 23493: 23492: 23491: 23486: 23481: 23476: 23471: 23466: 23461: 23456: 23451: 23440: 23438: 23429: 23423: 23422: 23419: 23418: 23416: 23415: 23410: 23405: 23400: 23395: 23389: 23387: 23381: 23380: 23378: 23377: 23372: 23367: 23361: 23359: 23353: 23352: 23350: 23349: 23344: 23339: 23334: 23333: 23332: 23319: 23317: 23311: 23310: 23308: 23307: 23306: 23305: 23300: 23290: 23289: 23288: 23283: 23273: 23268: 23263: 23258: 23252: 23250: 23241: 23232: 23226: 23225: 23222: 23221: 23218: 23217: 23215: 23214: 23209: 23204: 23198: 23196: 23192: 23191: 23189: 23188: 23183: 23178: 23173: 23167: 23165: 23159: 23158: 23156: 23155: 23150: 23145: 23143:Ilm-e-Khshnoom 23139: 23137: 23128: 23122: 23121: 23118: 23117: 23115: 23114: 23109: 23104: 23099: 23094: 23089: 23084: 23078: 23076: 23072: 23071: 23069: 23068: 23061: 23056: 23051: 23046: 23041: 23036: 23031: 23030: 23029: 23019: 23014: 23013: 23012: 23007: 23002: 22997: 22987: 22986: 22985: 22984: 22983: 22978: 22968: 22963: 22958: 22947: 22945: 22939: 22938: 22936: 22935: 22928: 22927: 22926: 22921: 22916: 22911: 22906: 22901: 22896: 22891: 22886: 22880:Bible Students 22872: 22867: 22862: 22857: 22852: 22850:Restorationism 22847: 22846: 22845: 22840: 22835: 22830: 22829: 22828: 22818: 22813: 22808: 22806:Evangelicalism 22803: 22802: 22801: 22796: 22791: 22781: 22780: 22779: 22774: 22769: 22759: 22754: 22749: 22748: 22747: 22742: 22737: 22732: 22727: 22717: 22707: 22706: 22705: 22700: 22686: 22685: 22684: 22679: 22669: 22664: 22663: 22662: 22652: 22651: 22650: 22645: 22634: 22632: 22626: 22625: 22623: 22622: 22615: 22610: 22605: 22600: 22595: 22590: 22585: 22580: 22579: 22578: 22577: 22576: 22566: 22565: 22564: 22548: 22546: 22537: 22528: 22518: 22517: 22505: 22504: 22497: 22496: 22489: 22482: 22474: 22465: 22464: 22462: 22461: 22451: 22438: 22435: 22434: 22431: 22430: 22428: 22427: 22422: 22417: 22412: 22407: 22402: 22397: 22391: 22389: 22385: 22384: 22382: 22381: 22376: 22375: 22374: 22369: 22364: 22352: 22346: 22344: 22340: 22339: 22337: 22336: 22331: 22326: 22321: 22316: 22307: 22302: 22300:Fundamentalism 22297: 22295:Existentialism 22292: 22287: 22282: 22277: 22272: 22266: 22264: 22258: 22257: 22255: 22254: 22249: 22248: 22247: 22237: 22232: 22227: 22222: 22217: 22212: 22207: 22206: 22205: 22195: 22194: 22193: 22188: 22186:God the Father 22183: 22178: 22173: 22163: 22162: 22161: 22150: 22148: 22139: 22133: 22132: 22130: 22129: 22124: 22119: 22118: 22117: 22107: 22102: 22096: 22094: 22088: 22087: 22085: 22084: 22083: 22082: 22072: 22067: 22066: 22065: 22060: 22055: 22050: 22045: 22040: 22035: 22025: 22024: 22023: 22018: 22013: 22008: 22006:Body of Christ 22003: 21993: 21988: 21983: 21982: 21981: 21971: 21966: 21965: 21964: 21959: 21954: 21949: 21939: 21934: 21929: 21924: 21919: 21914: 21909: 21908: 21907: 21902: 21897: 21892: 21881: 21879: 21873: 21872: 21869: 21868: 21866: 21865: 21856: 21851: 21845: 21843: 21841:Restorationist 21837: 21836: 21834: 21833: 21828: 21823: 21818: 21817: 21816: 21805: 21803: 21797: 21796: 21794: 21793: 21788: 21787: 21786: 21781: 21776: 21771: 21766: 21761: 21756: 21751: 21746: 21741: 21736: 21731: 21721: 21716: 21711: 21705: 21703: 21694: 21678: 21677: 21674: 21673: 21671: 21670: 21669: 21668: 21658: 21653: 21648: 21643: 21638: 21632: 21630: 21624: 21623: 21621: 21620: 21615: 21610: 21605: 21600: 21595: 21589: 21587: 21581: 21580: 21578: 21577: 21572: 21567: 21566: 21565: 21560: 21550: 21545: 21543:Late antiquity 21540: 21534: 21532: 21526: 21525: 21523: 21522: 21521: 21520: 21513:Church fathers 21510: 21505: 21504: 21503: 21498: 21493: 21488: 21483: 21478: 21473: 21468: 21463: 21458: 21453: 21442: 21440: 21429: 21411: 21410: 21408: 21407: 21402: 21397: 21392: 21387: 21382: 21376: 21374: 21370: 21369: 21367: 21366: 21361: 21356: 21350: 21348: 21338: 21337: 21335: 21334: 21329: 21324: 21319: 21314: 21309: 21304: 21298: 21295: 21294: 21287: 21286: 21279: 21272: 21264: 21255: 21254: 21252: 21251: 21239: 21232: 21229: 21228: 21226: 21225: 21224: 21223: 21213: 21207: 21205: 21201: 21200: 21198: 21197: 21192: 21187: 21186:(16th century) 21181: 21180:(15th century) 21175: 21172:Western Schism 21169: 21163: 21158: 21153: 21147: 21145: 21141: 21140: 21133: 21131: 21128: 21127: 21125: 21124: 21118: 21116: 21112: 21111: 21109: 21108: 21102: 21100: 21094: 21093: 21091: 21090: 21085: 21079: 21077: 21071: 21070: 21068: 21067: 21062: 21056: 21054: 21048: 21047: 21045: 21044: 21037: 21035:Pentecostalism 21032: 21027: 21022: 21017: 21012: 21007: 21001: 20999: 20993: 20992: 20990: 20989: 20983: 20981: 20971: 20963: 20962: 20940: 20937: 20936: 20929: 20928: 20921: 20914: 20906: 20897: 20896: 20894: 20893: 20883: 20870: 20867: 20866: 20864: 20863: 20858: 20853: 20848: 20845: 20839: 20834: 20829: 20824: 20819: 20814: 20809: 20803: 20801: 20795: 20794: 20792: 20791: 20786: 20781: 20776: 20774:Legion of Mary 20771: 20766: 20761: 20756: 20751: 20746: 20741: 20736: 20731: 20726: 20725: 20724: 20723: 20722: 20712: 20711: 20710: 20703:Lay Carmelites 20700: 20690: 20689: 20688: 20683: 20678: 20673: 20662: 20660: 20652: 20651: 20649: 20648: 20643: 20638: 20633: 20628: 20623: 20618: 20613: 20608: 20603: 20598: 20593: 20588: 20583: 20578: 20573: 20568: 20563: 20558: 20553: 20551:Conceptionists 20548: 20543: 20538: 20533: 20528: 20523: 20518: 20513: 20508: 20503: 20498: 20493: 20488: 20486:Assumptionists 20482: 20480: 20465: 20464: 20462: 20461: 20454: 20447: 20440: 20437: 20436: 20435: 20430: 20425: 20415: 20409: 20407: 20401: 20400: 20398: 20397: 20392: 20387: 20384: 20379: 20374: 20369: 20364: 20359: 20354: 20353: 20352: 20342: 20337: 20332: 20331: 20330: 20319: 20317: 20311: 20310: 20307: 20306: 20304: 20303: 20302: 20301: 20300: 20299: 20294: 20289: 20284: 20274: 20269: 20264: 20254: 20253: 20252: 20251: 20250: 20240: 20235: 20230: 20225: 20220: 20209: 20207: 20201: 20200: 20198: 20197: 20196: 20195: 20190: 20188:Syro-Malankara 20185: 20180: 20175: 20170: 20165: 20160: 20155: 20150: 20145: 20140: 20138:Italo-Albanian 20135: 20130: 20125: 20120: 20115: 20110: 20105: 20100: 20095: 20090: 20085: 20080: 20070: 20064: 20062: 20052: 20051: 20049: 20048: 20047: 20046: 20041: 20036: 20026: 20021: 20020: 20019: 20009: 20008: 20007: 20002: 19992: 19987: 19986: 19985: 19980: 19975: 19970: 19956: 19949: 19947: 19941: 19940: 19938: 19937: 19932: 19927: 19922: 19921: 19920: 19915: 19910: 19905: 19900: 19895: 19890: 19885: 19880: 19875: 19865: 19864: 19863: 19858: 19847: 19845: 19834: 19833: 19831: 19830: 19825: 19820: 19815: 19810: 19808:Lateran Treaty 19805: 19800: 19795: 19789: 19787: 19781: 19780: 19778: 19777: 19772: 19767: 19766: 19765: 19755: 19754: 19753: 19748: 19734: 19729: 19720: 19718: 19703: 19677: 19676: 19674: 19673: 19668: 19663: 19658: 19653: 19648: 19643: 19638: 19633: 19628: 19627: 19626: 19621: 19610: 19608: 19602: 19601: 19599: 19598: 19597: 19596: 19591: 19581: 19580: 19579: 19569: 19566: 19561: 19556: 19551: 19546: 19544:Moral theology 19541: 19535: 19533: 19527: 19526: 19523: 19522: 19520: 19519: 19514: 19511: 19506: 19501: 19496: 19491: 19486: 19481: 19476: 19470: 19468: 19462: 19461: 19459: 19458: 19453: 19448: 19447: 19446: 19436: 19431: 19426: 19421: 19415: 19413: 19407: 19406: 19404: 19403: 19398: 19391: 19386: 19381: 19374: 19369: 19368: 19367: 19362: 19352: 19347: 19342: 19334: 19332: 19326: 19325: 19323: 19322: 19317: 19316: 19315: 19308: 19303: 19295: 19290: 19285: 19280: 19275: 19270: 19265: 19260: 19255: 19250: 19245: 19244: 19243: 19238: 19227: 19225: 19218: 19196: 19195: 19192: 19191: 19189: 19188: 19183: 19178: 19173: 19168: 19163: 19158: 19153: 19148: 19143: 19142: 19141: 19140: 19139: 19129: 19118: 19116: 19110: 19109: 19107: 19106: 19101: 19096: 19091: 19086: 19081: 19076: 19071: 19066: 19061: 19059:Pope Gregory I 19056: 19050: 19048: 19042: 19041: 19039: 19038: 19033: 19031:Biblical canon 19028: 19026:Late antiquity 19023: 19022: 19021: 19016: 19006: 19001: 18995: 18993: 18987: 18986: 18984: 18983: 18982: 18981: 18971: 18970: 18969: 18962:Church fathers 18959: 18958: 18957: 18952: 18942: 18941: 18940: 18935: 18930: 18925: 18914: 18912: 18903: 18896:Ecclesiastical 18883: 18882: 18880: 18879: 18874: 18869: 18864: 18858: 18855: 18854: 18847: 18846: 18839: 18832: 18824: 18815: 18814: 18812: 18811: 18799: 18786: 18783: 18782: 18780: 18779: 18774: 18769: 18762: 18757: 18752: 18751: 18750: 18745: 18740: 18735: 18730: 18725: 18720: 18715: 18710: 18700: 18695: 18689: 18687: 18683: 18682: 18680: 18679: 18678: 18677: 18667: 18662: 18657: 18652: 18647: 18642: 18632: 18627: 18622: 18617: 18610: 18605: 18598: 18593: 18591:Lateran Treaty 18588: 18583: 18578: 18573: 18568: 18563: 18557: 18555: 18549: 18548: 18546: 18545: 18538: 18533: 18528: 18523: 18518: 18513: 18508: 18503: 18498: 18493: 18488: 18482: 18480: 18476: 18475: 18473: 18472: 18467: 18462: 18457: 18452: 18447: 18442: 18437: 18432: 18426: 18424: 18416:Baroque period 18414: 18411: 18410: 18408: 18407: 18402: 18397: 18392: 18387: 18385:Peter Canisius 18382: 18377: 18372: 18367: 18362: 18360:Francis Xavier 18357: 18352: 18347: 18342: 18337: 18332: 18327: 18324:Exsurge Domine 18320: 18315: 18309: 18307: 18298: 18295: 18294: 18292: 18291: 18286: 18281: 18276: 18271: 18266: 18264:Pope Clement V 18261: 18260: 18259: 18257:Avignon Papacy 18252:Western Schism 18249: 18244: 18242:Thomas Aquinas 18238: 18236: 18230: 18229: 18227: 18226: 18221: 18216: 18211: 18206: 18201: 18196: 18191: 18186: 18181: 18176: 18171: 18166: 18161: 18156: 18151: 18146: 18140: 18138: 18132: 18131: 18129: 18128: 18123: 18118: 18113: 18108: 18103: 18098: 18096:Saint Boniface 18093: 18088: 18083: 18081:Pope Gregory I 18078: 18073: 18068: 18062: 18060: 18054: 18053: 18050: 18049: 18046: 18045: 18043: 18042: 18037: 18032: 18027: 18022: 18020:Biblical canon 18017: 18012: 18007: 18002: 17997: 17992: 17987: 17986: 17985: 17974: 17972: 17953: 17949:Late antiquity 17941: 17940: 17938: 17937: 17932: 17927: 17922: 17917: 17916: 17915: 17910: 17909: 17908: 17903: 17898: 17896:Pope Clement I 17886:Church Fathers 17883: 17877: 17875: 17868: 17867: 17865: 17864: 17863: 17862: 17857: 17852: 17847: 17842: 17837: 17827: 17822: 17817: 17812: 17811: 17810: 17805: 17800: 17795: 17785: 17780: 17775: 17770: 17769: 17768: 17763: 17758: 17753: 17742: 17740: 17725: 17717: 17716: 17714: 17713: 17708: 17703: 17698: 17693: 17692: 17691: 17686: 17676: 17671: 17666: 17661: 17656: 17655: 17654: 17649: 17647:Biblical canon 17642:Catholic Bible 17639: 17638: 17637: 17627: 17626: 17625: 17615: 17610: 17605: 17604: 17603: 17592: 17590: 17584: 17583: 17572: 17571: 17564: 17557: 17549: 17540: 17539: 17537: 17536: 17524: 17511: 17508: 17507: 17505: 17504: 17499: 17494: 17492:Italo-Albanian 17489: 17484: 17479: 17474: 17469: 17463: 17461: 17453: 17452: 17450: 17449: 17444: 17439: 17434: 17429: 17423: 17421: 17417: 17416: 17414: 17413: 17408: 17406:Syro-Malankara 17403: 17398: 17392: 17390: 17384: 17383: 17376: 17374: 17371: 17370: 17368: 17367: 17362: 17356: 17354: 17347: 17346: 17344: 17343: 17342: 17341: 17336: 17331: 17323: 17318: 17312: 17310: 17301: 17295: 17294: 17288: 17285: 17284: 17268: 17267: 17260: 17253: 17245: 17236: 17235: 17223: 17220: 17219: 17216: 17215: 17213: 17212: 17211: 17210: 17200: 17198:Byzantine Rite 17195: 17194: 17193: 17188: 17178: 17173: 17167: 17165: 17149: 17148: 17145: 17144: 17142: 17141: 17136: 17129: 17122: 17115: 17110: 17109: 17108: 17103: 17098: 17093: 17088: 17080: 17078:Aquileian Rite 17075: 17069: 17067: 17063: 17062: 17059: 17058: 17056: 17055: 17050: 17048:Dominican Rite 17045: 17040: 17035: 17033:Carmelite Rite 17030: 17024: 17022: 17013: 17012: 17011: 17010: 17005: 17000: 16999: 16998: 16988: 16978: 16976:Mozarabic Rite 16973: 16968: 16966:Ambrosian Rite 16962: 16960: 16953: 16936: 16928: 16927: 16925: 16924: 16923: 16922: 16911: 16909: 16903: 16902: 16900: 16899: 16894: 16889: 16884: 16883: 16882: 16877: 16867: 16862: 16861: 16860: 16850: 16845: 16844: 16843: 16833: 16828: 16823: 16818: 16813: 16808: 16803: 16802: 16801: 16799:Roman Breviary 16791: 16786: 16781: 16775: 16773: 16767: 16766: 16764: 16763: 16758: 16753: 16752: 16751: 16741: 16736: 16731: 16725: 16723: 16719: 16718: 16716: 16715: 16709: 16708: 16707: 16701: 16689: 16683: 16677: 16671: 16665: 16659: 16652: 16650: 16639: 16638: 16636: 16635: 16634: 16633: 16628: 16623: 16618: 16611: 16601: 16596: 16591: 16590: 16589: 16584: 16579: 16572:Divine Liturgy 16568: 16566: 16562: 16561: 16559: 16558: 16553: 16548: 16543: 16538: 16533: 16528: 16522: 16520: 16514: 16513: 16494: 16493: 16486: 16479: 16471: 16462: 16461: 16459: 16458: 16446: 16441: 16436: 16431: 16426: 16425: 16424: 16419: 16414: 16405: 16404: 16394: 16390: 16387: 16386: 16383: 16382: 16379: 16378: 16376: 16375: 16365: 16361: 16358: 16357: 16355: 16354: 16349: 16347:All Souls' Day 16344: 16343: 16342: 16330: 16325: 16320: 16315: 16310: 16305: 16298: 16293: 16288: 16286:Precious Blood 16283: 16276: 16271: 16266: 16263:Corpus Christi 16259: 16257:Trinity Sunday 16254: 16249: 16243: 16241: 16235: 16234: 16232: 16231: 16224: 16219: 16218: 16217: 16212: 16207: 16202: 16197: 16192: 16184: 16183: 16182: 16171: 16169: 16163: 16162: 16160: 16159: 16154: 16149: 16144: 16143: 16142: 16137: 16127: 16121: 16119: 16113: 16112: 16109: 16108: 16106: 16105: 16100: 16095: 16093:Passion Sunday 16089: 16087: 16081: 16080: 16078: 16077: 16072: 16065: 16060: 16059: 16058: 16053: 16048: 16043: 16035: 16029: 16027: 16021: 16020: 16018: 16017: 16012: 16007: 16001: 15999: 15990: 15984: 15983: 15981: 15980: 15975: 15970: 15965: 15957: 15955: 15949: 15948: 15946: 15945: 15940: 15933: 15932: 15931: 15918: 15916: 15910: 15909: 15907: 15906: 15901: 15899:Greater Ferias 15896: 15889: 15884: 15883: 15882: 15877: 15872: 15867: 15858: 15856: 15846: 15845: 15820: 15819: 15816: 15815: 15812: 15811: 15809: 15808: 15803: 15798: 15796:All Souls' Day 15793: 15792: 15791: 15779: 15774: 15769: 15762: 15757: 15750: 15745: 15740: 15735: 15732:Corpus Christi 15728: 15726:Trinity Sunday 15722: 15720: 15714: 15713: 15711: 15710: 15705: 15698: 15697: 15696: 15691: 15686: 15681: 15676: 15671: 15670: 15669: 15656: 15655: 15654: 15643: 15641: 15635: 15634: 15632: 15631: 15626: 15621: 15616: 15615: 15614: 15609: 15598: 15596: 15590: 15589: 15587: 15586: 15581: 15576: 15571: 15564: 15563: 15562: 15557: 15552: 15547: 15542: 15534: 15528: 15526: 15520: 15519: 15517: 15516: 15510: 15508: 15502: 15501: 15499: 15498: 15493: 15486: 15479: 15474: 15473: 15472: 15467: 15454: 15452: 15446: 15445: 15438: 15436: 15434: 15433: 15428: 15421: 15420: 15419: 15414: 15409: 15404: 15395: 15393: 15383: 15382: 15357: 15356: 15345: 15344: 15337: 15330: 15322: 15313: 15312: 15310: 15309: 15302: 15297: 15290: 15283: 15282: 15281: 15269: 15264: 15259: 15254: 15246: 15239: 15234: 15229: 15222: 15217: 15212: 15207: 15202: 15195: 15190: 15189: 15188: 15168: 15161: 15156: 15151: 15150: 15149: 15139: 15138: 15137: 15127: 15122: 15117: 15115:Ambrosian Rite 15112: 15107: 15101: 15099: 15095: 15094: 15092: 15091: 15090: 15089: 15079: 15072: 15063: 15058: 15053: 15048: 15043: 15038: 15033: 15028: 15025:versus populum 15015: 15007: 15005: 14999: 14998: 14996: 14995: 14990: 14985: 14980: 14975: 14966: 14965: 14964: 14954: 14946: 14939: 14934: 14927: 14922: 14915: 14905: 14898: 14896:Corpus Christi 14893: 14883: 14881: 14873: 14872: 14870: 14869: 14862: 14861: 14860: 14848: 14843: 14829: 14824: 14819: 14814: 14809: 14804: 14799: 14794: 14789: 14784: 14779: 14774: 14773: 14772: 14767: 14757: 14752: 14750:Concelebration 14747: 14739: 14737: 14729: 14728: 14725: 14724: 14722: 14721: 14716: 14711: 14710: 14709: 14699: 14694: 14689: 14682: 14677: 14672: 14666: 14664: 14660: 14659: 14657: 14656: 14650: 14645: 14640: 14635: 14629: 14627: 14620: 14614: 14613: 14611: 14610: 14605: 14600: 14595: 14590: 14585: 14580: 14575: 14570: 14565: 14560: 14555: 14549: 14547: 14540: 14539: 14537: 14536: 14531: 14526: 14525: 14524: 14515: 14505: 14498: 14493: 14488: 14483: 14477: 14475: 14469: 14468: 14466: 14465: 14460: 14450: 14449: 14448: 14438: 14433: 14428: 14423: 14418: 14417: 14416: 14406: 14401: 14396: 14391: 14386: 14381: 14376: 14371: 14366: 14361: 14356: 14351: 14346: 14341: 14336: 14330: 14328: 14322: 14321: 14319: 14318: 14313: 14308: 14303: 14298: 14293: 14288: 14283: 14278: 14276:Credence table 14273: 14268: 14263: 14258: 14257: 14256: 14254:Sanctuary lamp 14251: 14249:Paschal candle 14246: 14245: 14244: 14229: 14224: 14219: 14217:Altar crucifix 14213: 14211: 14205: 14204: 14202: 14201: 14196: 14191: 14186: 14181: 14176: 14175: 14174: 14164: 14159: 14154: 14149: 14144: 14139: 14134: 14129: 14128: 14127: 14117: 14111: 14109: 14105: 14104: 14101: 14100: 14098: 14097: 14092: 14086: 14084: 14080: 14079: 14077: 14076: 14071: 14070: 14069: 14063:Ite, missa est 14055: 14050: 14045: 14044: 14043: 14036:Holy Communion 14033: 14028: 14027: 14026: 14016: 14011: 14006: 14005: 14004: 13990: 13985: 13984: 13983: 13982: 13981: 13971: 13966: 13961: 13927: 13926: 13925: 13907: 13906: 13905: 13890: 13888: 13882: 13881: 13879: 13878: 13873: 13872: 13871: 13857: 13852: 13847: 13846: 13845: 13831: 13826: 13817: 13816: 13815: 13805: 13800: 13795: 13794: 13793: 13779: 13774: 13769: 13763: 13761: 13755: 13754: 13752: 13751: 13746: 13745: 13744: 13730: 13724: 13722: 13715: 13711: 13710: 13708: 13707: 13702: 13701: 13700: 13689: 13687: 13683: 13682: 13679: 13678: 13676: 13675: 13670: 13669: 13668: 13658: 13653: 13648: 13643: 13638: 13633: 13628: 13622: 13620: 13611: 13610: 13605: 13598: 13593: 13588: 13583: 13576: 13570: 13568: 13564: 13563: 13560: 13559: 13557: 13556: 13551: 13549:Dominican Rite 13546: 13541: 13536: 13534:Carmelite Rite 13531: 13525: 13523: 13514: 13513: 13508: 13503: 13497: 13496: 13495: 13485: 13479: 13477: 13476:Forms and uses 13473: 13472: 13457: 13456: 13449: 13442: 13434: 13425: 13424: 13422: 13421: 13411: 13404: 13401: 13400: 13398: 13397: 13392: 13387: 13382: 13381: 13380: 13375: 13370: 13360: 13354: 13352: 13348: 13347: 13344: 13343: 13341: 13340: 13335: 13328: 13321: 13314: 13309: 13308: 13307: 13302: 13297: 13292: 13287: 13279: 13277:Aquileian Rite 13274: 13268: 13266: 13262: 13261: 13258: 13257: 13255: 13254: 13249: 13247:Dominican Rite 13244: 13239: 13234: 13232:Carmelite Rite 13229: 13223: 13221: 13212: 13211: 13210: 13209: 13204: 13199: 13198: 13197: 13187: 13176: 13174:Mozarabic Rite 13171: 13166: 13164:Ambrosian Rite 13160: 13158: 13151: 13141: 13140: 13138: 13137: 13136: 13135: 13124: 13122: 13116: 13115: 13112: 13111: 13109: 13108: 13102: 13099:Pope Gregory I 13096: 13090: 13084: 13082:Pope Damasus I 13079: 13073: 13067: 13062: 13056: 13054: 13052:Church Fathers 13048: 13047: 13045: 13044: 13043: 13042: 13032: 13031: 13030: 13020: 13019: 13018: 13008: 13007: 13006: 12996: 12995: 12994: 12989: 12978: 12976: 12974:Apostolic sees 12967: 12966: 12961: 12956: 12951: 12946: 12941: 12936: 12931: 12926: 12924:Western Schism 12921: 12916: 12911: 12906: 12901: 12896: 12891: 12886: 12885: 12884: 12879: 12869: 12863: 12861: 12855: 12854: 12851: 12850: 12848: 12847: 12841: 12835: 12829: 12823: 12820:Constantinople 12817: 12811: 12805: 12798: 12796: 12792: 12791: 12789: 12788: 12779: 12770: 12761: 12752: 12723: 12721: 12714: 12702: 12701: 12694: 12693: 12686: 12679: 12671: 12665: 12664: 12655: 12647: 12646:External links 12644: 12641: 12640: 12618: 12592: 12576: 12566: 12557: 12518: 12509: 12489: 12480: 12471: 12454: 12445: 12425: 12416: 12395: 12372: 12346: 12327: 12314: 12290: 12270: 12251: 12233: 12216: 12201: 12181: 12161: 12141: 12121: 12101: 12086: 12041: 12030:Chisholm, Hugh 11991: 11973: 11955: 11930: 11906: 11904:, 1986, p. 72. 11893: 11868: 11843: 11827: 11802: 11793: 11784: 11775: 11749: 11742: 11724: 11712: 11693: 11674: 11644: 11626:Peter Nathan. 11618: 11611: 11587: 11578: 11569: 11544: 11521: 11498: 11472: 11465: 11453:referenced in 11446: 11429: 11415: 11400: 11367:(4): 741–785. 11344: 11337: 11317: 11310: 11288: 11272: 11247:159:1, 172:2; 11236: 11209: 11189: 11173:Adolph Harnack 11165: 11149: 11125: 11108: 11096:Adolph Harnack 11088: 11064: 11041: 11015: 10999: 10984: 10972: 10960: 10951: 10933: 10922: 10911: 10902: 10887: 10869: 10857: 10836: 10825: 10814: 10802: 10795: 10773: 10763:. 13 June 2009 10752: 10741: 10730: 10728:), pp. 243–244 10709: 10693: 10670: 10665:"Greek Church" 10654: 10650:978-0809124473 10631: 10626:Optatam Totius 10613: 10597: 10570: 10561: 10552: 10534: 10513: 10501: 10492: 10480: 10468: 10443: 10434: 10425: 10406: 10361: 10344: 10315: 10308: 10290: 10283: 10265: 10258: 10232: 10223: 10216: 10198: 10191: 10171: 10142:"Book Review: 10129: 10117: 10111:978-0195372045 10110: 10090: 10065: 10041: 10017: 9991: 9979: 9957: 9945: 9938: 9913: 9890: 9867: 9852: 9843: 9834: 9825: 9816: 9809: 9786: 9779: 9757: 9727: 9703: 9678: 9653: 9624: 9599: 9574: 9549: 9524: 9499: 9485: 9465: 9435: 9407: 9400: 9380: 9368: 9357:(1964-11-21). 9346: 9335:on 6 July 2013 9316: 9300: 9284: 9273: 9262: 9251: 9240: 9215: 9206: 9181: 9164: 9138: 9128: 9110: 9083:(2): 187–204. 9063: 9042:Faris, John D. 9033: 9008: 8998: 8980: 8946: 8939: 8915: 8899: 8898: 8896: 8893: 8890: 8889: 8850: 8849: 8847: 8844: 8843: 8842: 8841: 8840: 8830: 8825: 8820: 8815: 8810: 8809: 8808: 8803: 8793: 8788: 8783: 8777: 8776: 8762: 8746: 8743: 8719:Main article: 8716: 8713: 8711: 8708: 8618:Book of Daniel 8563:Book of Daniel 8527: 8524: 8475:celebrate the 8462: 8459: 8343:the Assumption 8313: 8310: 8287:Garden of Eden 8256: 8253: 8192: 8189: 8176:Roman Calendar 8172:Pope Sixtus IV 8152:Thomas Aquinas 8082:Late Antiquity 8044: 8041: 8019: 8018: 8014: 8011: 7997:Christ's grace 7900:Bishop of Lyon 7837: 7834: 7783:Mary Magdalene 7777:the sister of 7758:Mary Magdalene 7747: 7744: 7738:into the full 7732:Union of Brest 7719:full communion 7678: 7675: 7643: 347–407 7623: 160–225 7592: 185–254 7581: 150–215 7570: 130–202 7559:Church Fathers 7458: 7455: 7436:God the Father 7348: 7347: 7328: 7327: 7312: 7299: 7286: 7282: 7281: 7274: 7273: 7272: 7271: 7259: 7254: 7189: 7186: 7131: 7128: 7081: 7078: 7032:Gerard Seghers 7020: 7017: 7005: 7004: 7003: 7002: 6878:Thomas Aquinas 6813: 6810: 6716:RenĂ© Descartes 6711: 6708: 6693:Paul of Tarsus 6685:predestination 6677:John Romanides 6604:Gerard Seghers 6592: 6591: 6503:, 17th century 6454:On the Trinity 6392:Church Fathers 6340:Augustinianism 6335: 6334:Augustinianism 6332: 6330: 6327: 6236: 6235: 6233: 6232: 6225: 6218: 6210: 6207: 6206: 6193: 6192: 6189: 6188: 6175: 6174: 6173: 6172: 6165: 6158: 6146: 6145: 6144: 6143: 6142: 6137: 6132: 6130:Canons regular 6127: 6117: 6101: 6100: 6095: 6094: 6093: 6091:Diocesan right 6088: 6078: 6073: 6071:Exclaustration 6068: 6062: 6056: 6055: 6052: 6051: 6048: 6047: 6046: 6045: 6040: 6035: 6030: 6025: 6017: 6016: 6015: 6014: 6013: 6003: 5998: 5993: 5988: 5983: 5978: 5973: 5961: 5960: 5951: 5950: 5943: 5934: 5933: 5928: 5923: 5914: 5913: 5907: 5904: 5903: 5900: 5899: 5896: 5895: 5894: 5893: 5886: 5879: 5872: 5865: 5858: 5853: 5850:Jus exclusivae 5846: 5838: 5837: 5836: 5831: 5826: 5812: 5811: 5806: 5799: 5792: 5785: 5780: 5769: 5768: 5767: 5766: 5756: 5751: 5746: 5731: 5730: 5729: 5728: 5723: 5715: 5714: 5713: 5708: 5702:Judicial Vicar 5696: 5695: 5694: 5689: 5684: 5679: 5664: 5662:Procedural law 5661: 5660: 5657: 5656: 5653: 5652: 5647: 5642: 5637: 5626: 5621: 5616: 5615: 5614: 5613: 5612: 5602: 5592: 5591: 5590: 5583: 5571: 5566: 5561: 5555: 5552: 5551: 5548: 5547: 5544: 5543: 5538: 5533: 5528: 5523: 5518: 5513: 5508: 5503: 5496: 5491: 5486: 5481: 5476: 5471: 5466: 5465: 5464: 5454: 5453: 5452: 5449:Imprimi potest 5445: 5431: 5430: 5429: 5414: 5411: 5410: 5407: 5406: 5393: 5392: 5389:Jus patronatus 5378: 5377: 5376: 5375: 5361: 5360: 5355: 5350: 5345: 5340: 5335: 5333:Regular clergy 5330: 5328:Secular clergy 5321: 5320: 5315: 5310: 5305: 5300: 5299: 5298: 5287: 5285:Law of persons 5284: 5283: 5280: 5279: 5276: 5275: 5270: 5265: 5260: 5255: 5248: 5242: 5239: 5238: 5235: 5234: 5231: 5230: 5229: 5228: 5214: 5213: 5212: 5196: 5195: 5194: 5193: 5183: 5178: 5171: 5166: 5159: 5154: 5149: 5144: 5139: 5132: 5127: 5126: 5125: 5118:Interpretation 5115: 5110: 5105: 5100: 5095: 5094: 5093: 5081: 5076: 5069: 5064: 5059: 5058: 5057: 5046: 5041: 5040: 5037: 5036: 5033: 5032: 5027: 5022: 5017: 5016: 5015: 5014: 5013: 5003: 4998: 4993: 4983: 4982: 4981: 4979:Lay trusteeism 4976: 4971: 4966: 4947: 4946: 4945: 4944: 4943: 4942: 4930: 4922: 4917: 4916: 4915: 4913:Eparchal curia 4905: 4904: 4903: 4902: 4901: 4891: 4886: 4885: 4884: 4877:Diocesan Curia 4874: 4867: 4860: 4848: 4847: 4846: 4836: 4835: 4834: 4824: 4811: 4808: 4807: 4806: 4801: 4780: 4779: 4774: 4769: 4757: 4756: 4751: 4742: 4733: 4732: 4729: 4728: 4725: 4724: 4723: 4722: 4717: 4707: 4706: 4705: 4698: 4686: 4685: 4684: 4679: 4674: 4669: 4664: 4659: 4649: 4644: 4643: 4642: 4635: 4630: 4618: 4617: 4616: 4611: 4604: 4593: 4588: 4587: 4584: 4583: 4580: 4579: 4574: 4573: 4572: 4560: 4551: 4550: 4544: 4542:Minor basilica 4539: 4537:Major basilica 4534: 4527:Sacred places 4525: 4524: 4523: 4522: 4504: 4503: 4502: 4501: 4496: 4491: 4486: 4476: 4475: 4474: 4473: 4472: 4460: 4455: 4450: 4449: 4448: 4438: 4433: 4432: 4431: 4414: 4413: 4412: 4407: 4402: 4397: 4396: 4395: 4383: 4378: 4377: 4376: 4371: 4350: 4349: 4344: 4337: 4330: 4322: 4317: 4316: 4313: 4312: 4309: 4308: 4303: 4298: 4291: 4284: 4277: 4270: 4263: 4256: 4249: 4246:Musicam sacram 4242: 4235: 4228: 4227: 4226: 4216: 4215: 4214: 4202: 4200:Liturgical law 4199: 4198: 4195: 4194: 4191: 4190: 4188:Protosyncellus 4185: 4180: 4175: 4170: 4165: 4160: 4152: 4147: 4146: 4143: 4142: 4139: 4138: 4133: 4128: 4117: 4116: 4108: 4101: 4084: 4083: 4076: 4069: 4062: 4045:Jus novissimum 4041: 4040: 4039: 4038: 4035:Liber Septimus 4031: 4024: 4017: 4016: 4015: 4003: 3996: 3995: 3994: 3987: 3984:Canon Episcopi 3980: 3945: 3944: 3943: 3942: 3935: 3928: 3925:Dictatus papae 3921: 3911: 3910: 3909: 3899: 3894: 3889: 3888: 3887: 3880: 3873: 3866: 3854: 3853: 3852: 3845: 3838: 3810: 3805: 3804: 3801: 3800: 3797: 3796: 3791: 3790: 3789: 3782: 3775: 3768: 3765:Optatam totius 3761: 3754: 3741: 3736: 3731: 3724: 3717: 3710: 3703: 3696: 3689: 3688: 3687: 3680: 3664: 3658: 3657: 3654: 3653: 3645: 3644: 3636: 3635: 3621:Main article: 3618: 3615: 3583:Ambrosian Rite 3558:Mozarabic Rite 3554:Ambrosian Rite 3502:Mozarabic rite 3498:Ambrosian rite 3474: 3471: 3463: 3460: 3431:bishop of Rome 3383: 3380: 3358:Following the 3295:Constantinople 3274: 3273: 3266: 3264: 3257: 3255: 3248: 3245: 3243: 3240: 3201: 3198: 3186:Latin Catholic 3179:Western Church 3175:Western Church 3162: 3159: 3143: 3140: 3085:Ambrosian Rite 3081:Mozarabic Rite 3044:Constantinople 2991:Western Church 2965:bishop of Rome 2950:full communion 2910: 2909: 2907: 2906: 2899: 2892: 2884: 2881: 2880: 2879: 2878: 2866: 2865: 2860: 2855: 2847: 2846: 2843: 2842: 2837: 2832: 2827: 2822: 2817: 2812: 2807: 2802: 2797: 2792: 2787: 2782: 2776: 2774:Related topics 2773: 2772: 2769: 2768: 2763: 2762: 2761: 2760: 2755: 2750: 2745: 2740: 2735: 2730: 2725: 2720: 2712: 2711: 2709:Restorationist 2705: 2704: 2703: 2702: 2701: 2700: 2695: 2690: 2685: 2680: 2675: 2670: 2665: 2660: 2655: 2650: 2645: 2640: 2635: 2630: 2618: 2611: 2604: 2597: 2592: 2587: 2586: 2585: 2580: 2565: 2564: 2556: 2553: 2552: 2547: 2541: 2540: 2539: 2536: 2535: 2532: 2531: 2526: 2521: 2516: 2511: 2506: 2501: 2496: 2491: 2486: 2484:Church Fathers 2481: 2476: 2471: 2466: 2461: 2455: 2452: 2451: 2446: 2440: 2439: 2438: 2435: 2434: 2431: 2430: 2425: 2420: 2415: 2410: 2405: 2400: 2395: 2394: 2393: 2388: 2383: 2373: 2367: 2362: 2361: 2358: 2357: 2354: 2353: 2348: 2343: 2338: 2333: 2328: 2323: 2317: 2314: 2313: 2310: 2304: 2303: 2302: 2299: 2298: 2295: 2294: 2289: 2284: 2279: 2274: 2269: 2263: 2260: 2259: 2254: 2248: 2247: 2246: 2243: 2242: 2234: 2233: 2227: 2226: 2214: 2213: 2211: 2210: 2203: 2196: 2188: 2185: 2184: 2171: 2170: 2166: 2165: 2153: 2143: 2133: 2123: 2113: 2108: 2103: 2097: 2096: 2093: 2092: 2089: 2088: 2084: 2083: 2078: 2073: 2068: 2063: 2058: 2046: 2041: 2036: 2031: 2026: 2021: 2016: 2011: 2005: 2004: 2001: 2000: 1997: 1996: 1992: 1991: 1986: 1981: 1976: 1967: 1966: 1961: 1956: 1947: 1942: 1937: 1931: 1930: 1927: 1926: 1923: 1922: 1918: 1917: 1912: 1906: 1904: 1903: 1902: 1901: 1896: 1891: 1881: 1875: 1873: 1872: 1865: 1862: 1861: 1860: 1859: 1854: 1849: 1838: 1836: 1835: 1834: 1833: 1828: 1823: 1818: 1813: 1802: 1800: 1799: 1792: 1791: 1786: 1785: 1782: 1781: 1777: 1776: 1774:Biblical canon 1771: 1766: 1761: 1755: 1753: 1752: 1751: 1750: 1745: 1740: 1735: 1730: 1725: 1720: 1709: 1707: 1706: 1705: 1704: 1699: 1694: 1689: 1684: 1682:Divine Liturgy 1679: 1674: 1663: 1662: 1659: 1658: 1655: 1654: 1650: 1649: 1644: 1639: 1634: 1633: 1632: 1627: 1622: 1612: 1610:Augustinianism 1602: 1601: 1596: 1591: 1586: 1581: 1576: 1571: 1566: 1561: 1556: 1550: 1549: 1546: 1545: 1542: 1541: 1537: 1536: 1531: 1526: 1521: 1516: 1511: 1506: 1500: 1499: 1498: 1497: 1492: 1491: 1490: 1483: 1478: 1465: 1464: 1463:Official Bible 1460: 1459: 1458: 1457: 1452: 1444: 1443: 1437: 1436: 1431: 1430: 1427: 1426: 1421: 1420: 1419: 1418: 1413: 1408: 1403: 1398: 1396:Predestination 1393: 1388: 1383: 1381:Amillennialism 1378: 1373: 1368: 1367: 1366: 1356: 1351: 1343: 1342: 1336: 1335: 1334: 1333: 1326: 1321: 1316: 1311: 1306: 1301: 1296: 1288: 1287: 1281: 1280: 1279: 1278: 1273: 1268: 1266:Sanctification 1263: 1258: 1253: 1248: 1243: 1241:Means of grace 1238: 1233: 1228: 1223: 1218: 1213: 1208: 1200: 1199: 1193: 1192: 1191: 1190: 1185: 1180: 1179: 1178: 1168: 1167: 1166: 1156: 1151: 1146: 1141: 1136: 1128: 1127: 1121: 1120: 1119: 1118: 1113: 1108: 1103: 1098: 1090: 1089: 1083: 1082: 1081: 1080: 1075: 1070: 1065: 1057: 1056: 1050: 1049: 1048: 1047: 1040: 1033: 1023: 1022: 1016: 1015: 1014: 1009: 1004: 999: 998: 997: 992: 987: 975: 974: 973: 972: 960: 957: 956: 953: 947: 946: 945: 942: 941: 937: 936: 931: 926: 921: 916: 911: 906: 901: 895: 894: 889: 888: 885: 884: 880: 879: 874: 869: 864: 859: 854: 849: 844: 843: 842: 837: 832: 822: 821: 820: 815: 810: 799: 798: 795: 794: 791: 790: 788: 787: 782: 776: 775: 770: 765: 754: 753: 748: 736: 733: 732: 726: 725: 723:, Vatican City 719: 711: 710: 704: 703: 695: 694: 682: 681: 679: 678: 671: 664: 656: 653: 652: 620: 619: 618: 617: 615:Syro-Malankara 612: 607: 599: 598: 592: 591: 590: 589: 581: 580: 574: 573: 572: 571: 566: 558: 557: 551: 550: 549: 548: 543: 538: 533: 528: 523: 518: 513: 511:Italo-Albanian 508: 503: 498: 493: 488: 483: 475: 474: 472:Byzantine Rite 468: 467: 466: 465: 457: 456: 450: 449: 448: 447: 442: 437: 429: 428: 422: 421: 414: 413: 408:and Byzantine 404: 391: 390: 374: 373: 365: 364: 352: 351: 346: 342: 341: 339: 338: 333: 328: 326:Western Church 322: 320: 316: 315: 312: 308: 307: 305: 304: 298: 287: 285: 281: 280: 267: 263: 262: 259: 255: 254: 244: 240: 239: 234: 230: 229: 224: 220: 219: 192:Central Europe 188:Western Europe 184: 180: 179: 176: 174:Full communion 170: 169: 164: 158: 157: 152: 146: 145: 140: 134: 133: 128: 124: 123: 118: 112: 111: 106: 102: 101: 96: 95:Classification 92: 91: 77: 73: 72: 62: 54: 53: 37: 36: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 28696: 28685: 28682: 28681: 28679: 28664: 28661: 28659: 28656: 28654: 28651: 28649: 28646: 28644: 28641: 28639: 28636: 28634: 28631: 28629: 28626: 28624: 28621: 28619: 28616: 28614: 28611: 28609: 28608:PROSUR/PROSUL 28606: 28604: 28601: 28599: 28596: 28594: 28591: 28589: 28586: 28584: 28581: 28579: 28576: 28574: 28571: 28569: 28566: 28564: 28561: 28559: 28556: 28554: 28551: 28549: 28546: 28544: 28541: 28539: 28536: 28534: 28531: 28529: 28526: 28524: 28521: 28519: 28516: 28514: 28511: 28509: 28506: 28504: 28503:Craiova Group 28501: 28499: 28496: 28494: 28491: 28489: 28486: 28484: 28481: 28479: 28476: 28474: 28471: 28469: 28466: 28464: 28461: 28459: 28456: 28454: 28451: 28449: 28446: 28444: 28441: 28439: 28436: 28434: 28431: 28429: 28426: 28424: 28421: 28419: 28418:ABCANZ Armies 28416: 28415: 28413: 28407: 28401: 28398: 28396: 28393: 28389: 28386: 28384: 28381: 28379: 28376: 28374: 28371: 28369: 28366: 28364: 28361: 28360: 28359: 28356: 28354: 28351: 28347: 28344: 28343: 28342: 28339: 28337: 28334: 28333: 28331: 28329: 28325: 28319: 28316: 28314: 28311: 28307: 28304: 28302: 28299: 28297: 28294: 28292: 28289: 28285: 28282: 28280: 28277: 28275: 28272: 28270: 28267: 28266: 28265: 28262: 28260: 28257: 28255: 28252: 28250: 28247: 28246: 28245: 28242: 28236: 28233: 28232: 28231: 28228: 28224: 28223:Protestantism 28221: 28217: 28214: 28213: 28212: 28209: 28205: 28202: 28201: 28200: 28197: 28193: 28189: 28186: 28185: 28184: 28181: 28180: 28179: 28176: 28175: 28174: 28171: 28170: 28168: 28166: 28162: 28154: 28151: 28150: 28149: 28146: 28144: 28143:Sovereigntism 28141: 28139: 28136: 28132: 28131: 28127: 28126: 28125: 28122: 28118: 28115: 28114: 28113: 28110: 28108: 28105: 28103: 28100: 28098: 28095: 28093: 28090: 28088: 28085: 28083: 28080: 28076: 28073: 28071: 28068: 28067: 28066: 28063: 28059: 28056: 28055: 28054: 28051: 28049: 28046: 28044: 28041: 28039: 28038:Scholasticism 28036: 28034: 28031: 28029: 28026: 28024: 28021: 28019: 28016: 28014: 28011: 28009: 28006: 28005: 28003: 28001: 27997: 27989: 27986: 27984: 27981: 27979: 27976: 27974: 27971: 27970: 27969: 27966: 27962: 27959: 27958: 27957: 27954: 27950: 27947: 27945: 27942: 27941: 27940: 27937: 27933: 27930: 27929: 27928: 27925: 27923: 27920: 27916: 27913: 27911: 27908: 27906: 27903: 27902: 27901: 27898: 27894: 27891: 27890: 27889: 27886: 27882: 27879: 27878: 27877: 27874: 27870: 27867: 27865: 27862: 27861: 27860: 27857: 27855: 27852: 27850: 27847: 27845: 27842: 27838: 27835: 27834: 27833: 27830: 27828: 27825: 27821: 27818: 27817: 27816: 27813: 27809: 27806: 27805: 27804: 27801: 27797: 27794: 27793: 27792: 27789: 27787: 27784: 27780: 27777: 27776: 27775: 27772: 27770: 27767: 27763: 27760: 27758: 27755: 27753: 27750: 27749: 27748: 27745: 27744: 27742: 27740: 27736: 27728: 27727:War on terror 27725: 27723: 27720: 27719: 27718: 27715: 27711: 27708: 27706: 27703: 27701: 27698: 27696: 27693: 27691: 27688: 27686: 27683: 27681: 27678: 27676: 27673: 27671: 27668: 27666: 27663: 27661: 27658: 27656: 27653: 27651: 27648: 27646: 27643: 27641: 27638: 27636: 27633: 27631: 27628: 27626: 27623: 27622: 27621: 27620:Modern period 27618: 27616: 27613: 27609: 27606: 27604: 27601: 27599: 27596: 27595: 27594: 27591: 27587: 27584: 27583: 27582: 27579: 27577: 27574: 27573: 27571: 27569: 27565: 27559: 27556: 27554: 27551: 27549: 27546: 27544: 27541: 27535: 27532: 27530: 27527: 27526: 27525: 27522: 27520: 27517: 27515: 27512: 27510: 27507: 27506: 27505: 27502: 27500: 27497: 27495: 27492: 27491: 27489: 27485: 27481: 27477: 27476:Western world 27470: 27465: 27463: 27458: 27456: 27451: 27450: 27447: 27435: 27431: 27427: 27425: 27417: 27416: 27413: 27399: 27396: 27394: 27391: 27389: 27386: 27384: 27381: 27379: 27376: 27374: 27371: 27369: 27366: 27364: 27361: 27359: 27356: 27354: 27351: 27349: 27346: 27344: 27341: 27340: 27338: 27336: 27335:South America 27332: 27326: 27323: 27321: 27318: 27316: 27313: 27311: 27308: 27306: 27303: 27301: 27298: 27296: 27293: 27291: 27288: 27286: 27283: 27281: 27278: 27276: 27273: 27271: 27268: 27266: 27263: 27261: 27258: 27257: 27255: 27253: 27249: 27243: 27242:United States 27240: 27238: 27235: 27233: 27230: 27228: 27225: 27223: 27220: 27218: 27215: 27213: 27210: 27208: 27205: 27203: 27200: 27198: 27195: 27193: 27190: 27188: 27185: 27183: 27180: 27178: 27175: 27173: 27170: 27168: 27165: 27163: 27160: 27158: 27155: 27153: 27150: 27148: 27145: 27143: 27140: 27138: 27135: 27133: 27130: 27129: 27127: 27125: 27124:North America 27121: 27113: 27110: 27108: 27105: 27103: 27100: 27098: 27095: 27094: 27093: 27090: 27088: 27085: 27083: 27080: 27078: 27075: 27073: 27070: 27068: 27065: 27063: 27060: 27058: 27055: 27053: 27050: 27048: 27045: 27043: 27040: 27038: 27035: 27033: 27030: 27028: 27025: 27023: 27020: 27018: 27015: 27013: 27010: 27008: 27005: 27003: 27000: 26998: 26995: 26993: 26990: 26988: 26985: 26983: 26982:Liechtenstein 26980: 26978: 26975: 26973: 26970: 26968: 26965: 26963: 26960: 26958: 26955: 26953: 26950: 26948: 26945: 26943: 26940: 26938: 26935: 26933: 26930: 26928: 26925: 26923: 26920: 26918: 26915: 26913: 26910: 26908: 26905: 26903: 26900: 26898: 26895: 26893: 26890: 26888: 26885: 26883: 26880: 26878: 26875: 26874: 26872: 26870: 26866: 26860: 26857: 26855: 26852: 26850: 26847: 26845: 26842: 26840: 26837: 26835: 26832: 26830: 26827: 26825: 26822: 26820: 26817: 26815: 26812: 26810: 26807: 26805: 26802: 26800: 26797: 26795: 26792: 26790: 26787: 26785: 26782: 26780: 26777: 26775: 26772: 26770: 26767: 26765: 26762: 26760: 26757: 26755: 26752: 26750: 26747: 26745: 26742: 26740: 26737: 26735: 26732: 26730: 26727: 26725: 26722: 26718: 26715: 26713: 26710: 26709: 26708: 26705: 26703: 26700: 26698: 26695: 26693: 26690: 26688: 26685: 26683: 26680: 26678: 26675: 26673: 26670: 26668: 26665: 26663: 26660: 26658: 26655: 26653: 26650: 26648: 26645: 26643: 26640: 26638: 26635: 26633: 26630: 26628: 26625: 26623: 26620: 26618: 26615: 26613: 26610: 26608: 26605: 26603: 26600: 26599: 26597: 26595: 26591: 26585: 26582: 26580: 26577: 26575: 26572: 26570: 26567: 26565: 26562: 26560: 26557: 26555: 26552: 26550: 26547: 26545: 26542: 26540: 26537: 26535: 26532: 26530: 26527: 26525: 26522: 26520: 26517: 26515: 26512: 26510: 26507: 26505: 26502: 26500: 26497: 26495: 26492: 26490: 26487: 26485: 26482: 26480: 26477: 26475: 26472: 26470: 26467: 26465: 26462: 26460: 26457: 26455: 26452: 26450: 26447: 26445: 26442: 26440: 26437: 26435: 26434:Guinea-Bissau 26432: 26430: 26427: 26425: 26422: 26420: 26417: 26415: 26412: 26410: 26407: 26405: 26402: 26400: 26397: 26395: 26392: 26390: 26387: 26385: 26382: 26380: 26377: 26375: 26372: 26370: 26367: 26365: 26362: 26360: 26357: 26355: 26352: 26350: 26347: 26345: 26342: 26340: 26337: 26335: 26332: 26330: 26327: 26325: 26322: 26320: 26317: 26316: 26314: 26312: 26308: 26304: 26297: 26293: 26279: 26276: 26274: 26271: 26269: 26266: 26264: 26261: 26259: 26258:Organizations 26256: 26254: 26251: 26249: 26246: 26244: 26241: 26239: 26236: 26234: 26231: 26229: 26226: 26224: 26221: 26219: 26216: 26215: 26213: 26210: 26202: 26196: 26193: 26191: 26188: 26186: 26183: 26181: 26178: 26176: 26173: 26171: 26168: 26166: 26163: 26161: 26158: 26156: 26153: 26151: 26148: 26146: 26143: 26142: 26140: 26137: 26132: 26127: 26121: 26118: 26114: 26111: 26109: 26106: 26104: 26101: 26100: 26099: 26096: 26094: 26091: 26089: 26088:Vegetarianism 26086: 26084: 26081: 26079: 26076: 26074: 26071: 26069: 26066: 26064: 26061: 26059: 26056: 26054: 26051: 26049: 26046: 26044: 26041: 26039: 26036: 26034: 26033:Homosexuality 26031: 26029: 26026: 26024: 26021: 26019: 26016: 26012: 26009: 26007: 26004: 26002: 25999: 25997: 25994: 25993: 25992: 25989: 25987: 25984: 25982: 25979: 25977: 25974: 25970: 25967: 25965: 25962: 25960: 25957: 25956: 25955: 25952: 25948: 25945: 25943: 25940: 25938: 25935: 25934: 25933: 25929: 25926: 25924: 25921: 25919: 25916: 25915: 25913: 25910: 25903: 25897: 25894: 25892: 25889: 25887: 25884: 25880: 25877: 25876: 25875: 25872: 25870: 25867: 25865: 25862: 25860: 25857: 25855: 25854:Neurotheology 25852: 25850: 25847: 25845: 25842: 25840: 25837: 25835: 25832: 25830: 25827: 25825: 25822: 25821: 25819: 25817: 25811: 25805: 25802: 25800: 25797: 25795: 25792: 25790: 25787: 25785: 25782: 25780: 25777: 25775: 25772: 25770: 25767: 25765: 25762: 25760: 25757: 25756: 25754: 25752: 25748: 25740: 25737: 25735: 25732: 25730: 25727: 25726: 25725: 25722: 25720: 25717: 25715: 25712: 25710: 25707: 25705: 25702: 25700: 25697: 25695: 25692: 25690: 25687: 25683: 25680: 25678: 25675: 25673: 25670: 25668: 25665: 25664: 25663: 25660: 25656: 25653: 25651: 25648: 25646: 25643: 25642: 25641: 25638: 25636: 25633: 25631: 25628: 25626: 25623: 25621: 25618: 25616: 25613: 25611: 25608: 25606: 25603: 25601: 25598: 25596: 25593: 25589: 25586: 25584: 25581: 25579: 25576: 25575: 25574: 25571: 25569: 25566: 25564: 25561: 25559: 25556: 25554: 25551: 25549: 25548:Folk religion 25546: 25544: 25541: 25539: 25536: 25534: 25531: 25529: 25526: 25524: 25521: 25519: 25516: 25514: 25511: 25509: 25506: 25504: 25500: 25497: 25495: 25492: 25490: 25487: 25485: 25482: 25480: 25476: 25473: 25472: 25470: 25466: 25462: 25455: 25451: 25441: 25438: 25436: 25433: 25431: 25428: 25426: 25423: 25421: 25418: 25416: 25413: 25411: 25408: 25404: 25401: 25399: 25396: 25394: 25391: 25390: 25389: 25386: 25382: 25379: 25377: 25374: 25372: 25371:Imperial cult 25369: 25367: 25364: 25362: 25359: 25358: 25357: 25354: 25352: 25349: 25345: 25342: 25340: 25337: 25335: 25332: 25331: 25330: 25327: 25323: 25320: 25318: 25315: 25314: 25313: 25310: 25306: 25303: 25301: 25298: 25296: 25293: 25291: 25288: 25287: 25286: 25283: 25281: 25278: 25274: 25271: 25270: 25269: 25266: 25262: 25259: 25257: 25254: 25253: 25252: 25249: 25247: 25244: 25240: 25237: 25236: 25235: 25232: 25230: 25227: 25225: 25222: 25220: 25217: 25215: 25212: 25210: 25207: 25205: 25202: 25200: 25197: 25193: 25190: 25188: 25185: 25183: 25180: 25178: 25175: 25173: 25170: 25169: 25168: 25165: 25161: 25158: 25156: 25153: 25151: 25148: 25146: 25143: 25142: 25141: 25138: 25136: 25133: 25129: 25126: 25125: 25124: 25121: 25119: 25116: 25114: 25111: 25107: 25104: 25103: 25102: 25099: 25097: 25094: 25092: 25089: 25085: 25082: 25080: 25077: 25076: 25075: 25072: 25070: 25067: 25063: 25060: 25058: 25055: 25053: 25050: 25049: 25048: 25045: 25043: 25040: 25038: 25035: 25033: 25030: 25026: 25023: 25022: 25021: 25018: 25017: 25014: 25010: 25005: 25001: 24981: 24978: 24977: 24976: 24973: 24971: 24968: 24966: 24963: 24961: 24958: 24956: 24953: 24951: 24948: 24946: 24943: 24941: 24940:Discordianism 24938: 24936: 24935:Anthroposophy 24933: 24932: 24930: 24926: 24918: 24917: 24913: 24912: 24911: 24908: 24906: 24903: 24899: 24896: 24894: 24891: 24889: 24886: 24884: 24883:Mari religion 24881: 24879: 24876: 24874: 24871: 24869: 24866: 24865: 24864: 24861: 24859: 24856: 24854: 24851: 24849: 24846: 24844: 24841: 24839: 24836: 24834: 24831: 24829: 24826: 24824: 24821: 24817: 24814: 24813: 24812: 24809: 24805: 24802: 24800: 24797: 24796: 24795: 24792: 24788: 24785: 24783: 24780: 24779: 24778: 24775: 24773: 24770: 24766: 24763: 24762: 24760: 24759: 24757: 24755: 24749: 24743: 24740: 24738: 24735: 24733: 24730: 24726: 24723: 24721: 24720:Neo-Theosophy 24718: 24717: 24716: 24713: 24711: 24708: 24706: 24703: 24701: 24698: 24696: 24693: 24689: 24686: 24685: 24684: 24681: 24679: 24676: 24674: 24671: 24669: 24666: 24664: 24661: 24659: 24658:New Acropolis 24656: 24654: 24651: 24649: 24646: 24644: 24641: 24639: 24636: 24634: 24631: 24630: 24628: 24624: 24621: 24619: 24611: 24601: 24598: 24596: 24593: 24591: 24588: 24586: 24583: 24582: 24580: 24576: 24564: 24561: 24559: 24556: 24554: 24551: 24549: 24546: 24544: 24541: 24539: 24536: 24534: 24531: 24529: 24526: 24524: 24521: 24519: 24516: 24514: 24511: 24509: 24506: 24504: 24501: 24499: 24496: 24492: 24489: 24487: 24484: 24482: 24479: 24478: 24477: 24474: 24473: 24472: 24470: 24466: 24465: 24460: 24457: 24456: 24455: 24452: 24450: 24447: 24445: 24442: 24440: 24437: 24435: 24432: 24430: 24427: 24425: 24422: 24420: 24417: 24415: 24412: 24410: 24407: 24405: 24402: 24400: 24397: 24395: 24392: 24390: 24387: 24385: 24382: 24380: 24377: 24375: 24372: 24370: 24367: 24363: 24360: 24358: 24355: 24354: 24353: 24350: 24348: 24345: 24343: 24340: 24338: 24335: 24334: 24332: 24330: 24324: 24316: 24313: 24312: 24311: 24308: 24307: 24305: 24303:North African 24301: 24298: 24296: 24290: 24284: 24281: 24279: 24276: 24274: 24271: 24269: 24266: 24264: 24261: 24259: 24256: 24254: 24251: 24249: 24246: 24244: 24241: 24239: 24236: 24234: 24231: 24229: 24226: 24225: 24223: 24221: 24217: 24211: 24208: 24206: 24203: 24201: 24198: 24196: 24193: 24192: 24190: 24188: 24184: 24180: 24174: 24171: 24169: 24166: 24164: 24161: 24157: 24154: 24152: 24149: 24148: 24147: 24144: 24142: 24139: 24137: 24134: 24132: 24129: 24127: 24124: 24122: 24119: 24115: 24112: 24110: 24107: 24105: 24102: 24100: 24097: 24096: 24095: 24092: 24090: 24087: 24085: 24082: 24078: 24075: 24074: 24073: 24070: 24068: 24067:KwakwakaÊŒwakw 24065: 24063: 24060: 24056: 24053: 24051: 24048: 24046: 24043: 24041: 24038: 24036: 24033: 24032: 24031: 24028: 24026: 24023: 24021: 24018: 24016: 24013: 24011: 24007: 24004: 24002: 23999: 23997: 23994: 23992: 23989: 23987: 23984: 23980: 23977: 23975: 23972: 23970: 23967: 23966: 23965: 23962: 23960: 23957: 23955: 23952: 23948: 23945: 23944: 23943: 23940: 23938: 23935: 23934: 23932: 23930: 23924: 23918: 23915: 23913: 23910: 23906: 23903: 23901: 23898: 23897: 23896: 23893: 23889: 23886: 23885: 23884: 23881: 23879: 23876: 23874: 23871: 23869: 23866: 23862: 23859: 23857: 23854: 23853: 23851: 23847: 23844: 23842: 23839: 23838: 23837: 23834: 23832: 23829: 23828: 23826: 23824: 23820: 23814: 23811: 23810: 23808: 23806: 23805:Austroasiatic 23802: 23794: 23791: 23789: 23786: 23785: 23784: 23781: 23777: 23776:Vattisen Yaly 23774: 23772: 23769: 23767: 23764: 23763: 23762: 23758: 23755: 23754: 23752: 23750: 23746: 23743: 23741: 23737: 23721: 23718: 23716: 23713: 23712: 23711: 23708: 23706: 23703: 23701: 23698: 23696: 23695:Kirat Mundhum 23693: 23691: 23688: 23684: 23681: 23679: 23676: 23675: 23674: 23671: 23669: 23666: 23664: 23661: 23660: 23658: 23654: 23648: 23647: 23643: 23641: 23638: 23634: 23631: 23630: 23629: 23626: 23622: 23619: 23617: 23614: 23612: 23608: 23604: 23601: 23600: 23599: 23596: 23594: 23591: 23590: 23588: 23586: 23582: 23576: 23575: 23571: 23569: 23566: 23564: 23561: 23559: 23556: 23554: 23551: 23549: 23546: 23544: 23541: 23537: 23534: 23532: 23529: 23527: 23524: 23522: 23519: 23517: 23514: 23512: 23509: 23507: 23504: 23502: 23499: 23498: 23497: 23494: 23490: 23487: 23485: 23482: 23480: 23477: 23475: 23472: 23470: 23467: 23465: 23462: 23460: 23457: 23455: 23452: 23450: 23447: 23446: 23445: 23442: 23441: 23439: 23437: 23433: 23430: 23428: 23424: 23414: 23411: 23409: 23406: 23404: 23401: 23399: 23396: 23394: 23391: 23390: 23388: 23386: 23382: 23376: 23373: 23371: 23368: 23366: 23363: 23362: 23360: 23358: 23354: 23348: 23345: 23343: 23340: 23338: 23335: 23331: 23330: 23326: 23325: 23324: 23321: 23320: 23318: 23316: 23312: 23304: 23301: 23299: 23296: 23295: 23294: 23291: 23287: 23284: 23282: 23279: 23278: 23277: 23274: 23272: 23269: 23267: 23264: 23262: 23259: 23257: 23254: 23253: 23251: 23249: 23245: 23242: 23240: 23236: 23233: 23231: 23227: 23213: 23210: 23208: 23205: 23203: 23200: 23199: 23197: 23193: 23187: 23184: 23182: 23179: 23177: 23174: 23172: 23169: 23168: 23166: 23164: 23160: 23154: 23151: 23149: 23146: 23144: 23141: 23140: 23138: 23136: 23132: 23129: 23127: 23123: 23113: 23110: 23108: 23105: 23103: 23100: 23098: 23095: 23093: 23090: 23088: 23085: 23083: 23080: 23079: 23077: 23073: 23067: 23066: 23062: 23060: 23057: 23055: 23054:Milah Abraham 23052: 23050: 23047: 23045: 23042: 23040: 23037: 23035: 23032: 23028: 23025: 23024: 23023: 23020: 23018: 23015: 23011: 23008: 23006: 23003: 23001: 22998: 22996: 22993: 22992: 22991: 22988: 22982: 22979: 22977: 22974: 22973: 22972: 22969: 22967: 22964: 22962: 22959: 22957: 22954: 22953: 22952: 22949: 22948: 22946: 22944: 22940: 22934: 22933: 22929: 22925: 22922: 22920: 22917: 22915: 22912: 22910: 22907: 22905: 22902: 22900: 22897: 22895: 22892: 22890: 22887: 22885: 22881: 22878: 22877: 22876: 22873: 22871: 22868: 22866: 22863: 22861: 22858: 22856: 22853: 22851: 22848: 22844: 22841: 22839: 22836: 22834: 22831: 22827: 22824: 22823: 22822: 22819: 22817: 22814: 22812: 22809: 22807: 22804: 22800: 22797: 22795: 22792: 22790: 22787: 22786: 22785: 22782: 22778: 22775: 22773: 22770: 22768: 22765: 22764: 22763: 22760: 22758: 22755: 22753: 22750: 22746: 22743: 22741: 22738: 22736: 22733: 22731: 22728: 22726: 22723: 22722: 22721: 22718: 22716: 22713: 22712: 22711: 22710:Protestantism 22708: 22704: 22701: 22699: 22695: 22692: 22691: 22690: 22687: 22683: 22680: 22678: 22675: 22674: 22673: 22670: 22668: 22665: 22661: 22658: 22657: 22656: 22653: 22649: 22646: 22644: 22641: 22640: 22639: 22636: 22635: 22633: 22631: 22627: 22621: 22620: 22616: 22614: 22611: 22609: 22606: 22604: 22601: 22599: 22596: 22594: 22591: 22589: 22586: 22584: 22581: 22575: 22572: 22571: 22570: 22567: 22563: 22560: 22559: 22558: 22555: 22554: 22553: 22550: 22549: 22547: 22545: 22541: 22538: 22536: 22532: 22529: 22527: 22523: 22519: 22515: 22510: 22506: 22502: 22495: 22490: 22488: 22483: 22481: 22476: 22475: 22472: 22460: 22452: 22450: 22445: 22440: 22439: 22436: 22426: 22423: 22421: 22418: 22416: 22413: 22411: 22408: 22406: 22403: 22401: 22398: 22396: 22393: 22392: 22390: 22386: 22380: 22377: 22373: 22370: 22368: 22365: 22363: 22362: 22358: 22357: 22356: 22353: 22351: 22348: 22347: 22345: 22341: 22335: 22332: 22330: 22327: 22325: 22322: 22320: 22317: 22315: 22311: 22308: 22306: 22303: 22301: 22298: 22296: 22293: 22291: 22288: 22286: 22283: 22281: 22278: 22276: 22273: 22271: 22268: 22267: 22265: 22263: 22259: 22253: 22250: 22246: 22243: 22242: 22241: 22238: 22236: 22235:Popular piety 22233: 22231: 22228: 22226: 22223: 22221: 22218: 22216: 22213: 22211: 22208: 22204: 22201: 22200: 22199: 22196: 22192: 22189: 22187: 22184: 22182: 22179: 22177: 22174: 22172: 22169: 22168: 22167: 22164: 22160: 22157: 22156: 22155: 22152: 22151: 22149: 22147: 22143: 22140: 22134: 22128: 22125: 22123: 22120: 22116: 22113: 22112: 22111: 22108: 22106: 22103: 22101: 22098: 22097: 22095: 22093: 22089: 22081: 22078: 22077: 22076: 22073: 22071: 22068: 22064: 22061: 22059: 22056: 22054: 22051: 22049: 22046: 22044: 22041: 22039: 22036: 22034: 22031: 22030: 22029: 22026: 22022: 22019: 22017: 22016:People of God 22014: 22012: 22009: 22007: 22004: 22002: 21999: 21998: 21997: 21994: 21992: 21989: 21987: 21984: 21980: 21977: 21976: 21975: 21972: 21970: 21967: 21963: 21960: 21958: 21955: 21953: 21950: 21948: 21945: 21944: 21943: 21940: 21938: 21935: 21933: 21930: 21928: 21925: 21923: 21920: 21918: 21915: 21913: 21910: 21906: 21903: 21901: 21898: 21896: 21893: 21891: 21888: 21887: 21886: 21883: 21882: 21880: 21878: 21874: 21862: 21857: 21855: 21852: 21850: 21847: 21846: 21844: 21842: 21838: 21832: 21829: 21827: 21824: 21822: 21819: 21815: 21812: 21811: 21810: 21807: 21806: 21804: 21802: 21798: 21792: 21789: 21785: 21782: 21780: 21777: 21775: 21772: 21770: 21767: 21765: 21762: 21760: 21757: 21755: 21752: 21750: 21747: 21745: 21742: 21740: 21737: 21735: 21732: 21730: 21727: 21726: 21725: 21722: 21720: 21717: 21715: 21712: 21710: 21707: 21706: 21704: 21702: 21698: 21695: 21692: 21688: 21683: 21682:Denominations 21679: 21667: 21664: 21663: 21662: 21659: 21657: 21654: 21652: 21651:Enlightenment 21649: 21647: 21644: 21642: 21639: 21637: 21634: 21633: 21631: 21629: 21625: 21619: 21616: 21614: 21611: 21609: 21606: 21604: 21601: 21599: 21596: 21594: 21591: 21590: 21588: 21586: 21582: 21576: 21573: 21571: 21568: 21564: 21561: 21559: 21556: 21555: 21554: 21551: 21549: 21546: 21544: 21541: 21539: 21536: 21535: 21533: 21531: 21527: 21519: 21516: 21515: 21514: 21511: 21509: 21506: 21502: 21499: 21497: 21494: 21492: 21489: 21487: 21484: 21482: 21479: 21477: 21474: 21472: 21469: 21467: 21464: 21462: 21459: 21457: 21454: 21452: 21449: 21448: 21447: 21444: 21443: 21441: 21439: 21433: 21430: 21427: 21421: 21416: 21412: 21406: 21403: 21401: 21398: 21396: 21393: 21391: 21388: 21386: 21383: 21381: 21378: 21377: 21375: 21371: 21365: 21364:New Testament 21362: 21360: 21359:Old Testament 21357: 21355: 21352: 21351: 21349: 21347: 21343: 21339: 21333: 21330: 21328: 21325: 21323: 21320: 21318: 21315: 21313: 21310: 21308: 21305: 21303: 21300: 21299: 21296: 21292: 21285: 21280: 21278: 21273: 21271: 21266: 21265: 21262: 21250: 21245: 21240: 21238: 21234: 21233: 21230: 21222: 21219: 21218: 21217: 21214: 21212: 21209: 21208: 21206: 21202: 21196: 21193: 21191: 21188: 21185: 21182: 21179: 21176: 21173: 21170: 21167: 21164: 21162: 21159: 21157: 21154: 21152: 21149: 21148: 21146: 21142: 21137: 21123: 21120: 21119: 21117: 21113: 21107: 21104: 21103: 21101: 21099: 21095: 21089: 21086: 21084: 21081: 21080: 21078: 21076: 21072: 21066: 21063: 21061: 21058: 21057: 21055: 21053: 21049: 21043: 21042: 21038: 21036: 21033: 21031: 21028: 21026: 21023: 21021: 21018: 21016: 21013: 21011: 21008: 21006: 21003: 21002: 21000: 20998: 20997:Protestantism 20994: 20988: 20985: 20984: 20982: 20979: 20975: 20972: 20970: 20964: 20959: 20955: 20951: 20947: 20943: 20938: 20934: 20927: 20922: 20920: 20915: 20913: 20908: 20907: 20904: 20892: 20884: 20882: 20877: 20872: 20871: 20868: 20862: 20859: 20857: 20854: 20852: 20849: 20846: 20843: 20840: 20838: 20835: 20833: 20830: 20828: 20825: 20823: 20822:Home Missions 20820: 20818: 20815: 20813: 20810: 20808: 20805: 20804: 20802: 20800: 20796: 20790: 20787: 20785: 20782: 20780: 20777: 20775: 20772: 20770: 20767: 20765: 20762: 20760: 20757: 20755: 20752: 20750: 20747: 20745: 20742: 20740: 20737: 20735: 20732: 20730: 20727: 20721: 20718: 20717: 20716: 20715:Saint Francis 20713: 20709: 20706: 20705: 20704: 20701: 20699: 20698:Saint Dominic 20696: 20695: 20694: 20691: 20687: 20684: 20682: 20679: 20677: 20674: 20672: 20669: 20668: 20667: 20664: 20663: 20661: 20659: 20653: 20647: 20644: 20642: 20639: 20637: 20634: 20632: 20629: 20627: 20624: 20622: 20619: 20617: 20614: 20612: 20609: 20607: 20604: 20602: 20599: 20597: 20594: 20592: 20589: 20587: 20584: 20582: 20579: 20577: 20574: 20572: 20569: 20567: 20564: 20562: 20559: 20557: 20554: 20552: 20549: 20547: 20544: 20542: 20539: 20537: 20534: 20532: 20529: 20527: 20524: 20522: 20519: 20517: 20514: 20512: 20511:Bethlehemites 20509: 20507: 20504: 20502: 20499: 20497: 20494: 20492: 20489: 20487: 20484: 20483: 20481: 20479: 20475: 20470: 20466: 20460: 20459: 20455: 20453: 20452: 20448: 20446: 20445: 20441: 20438: 20434: 20433:Vatican Radio 20431: 20429: 20426: 20424: 20421: 20420: 20419: 20418:Vatican Media 20416: 20414: 20411: 20410: 20408: 20406: 20402: 20396: 20393: 20391: 20388: 20385: 20383: 20380: 20378: 20375: 20373: 20370: 20368: 20365: 20363: 20360: 20358: 20355: 20351: 20348: 20347: 20346: 20343: 20341: 20338: 20336: 20333: 20329: 20326: 20325: 20324: 20321: 20320: 20318: 20316: 20312: 20298: 20295: 20293: 20290: 20288: 20285: 20283: 20280: 20279: 20278: 20275: 20273: 20270: 20268: 20265: 20263: 20260: 20259: 20258: 20255: 20249: 20246: 20245: 20244: 20241: 20239: 20236: 20234: 20231: 20229: 20226: 20224: 20221: 20219: 20216: 20215: 20214: 20211: 20210: 20208: 20206: 20202: 20194: 20191: 20189: 20186: 20184: 20181: 20179: 20176: 20174: 20171: 20169: 20166: 20164: 20161: 20159: 20156: 20154: 20151: 20149: 20146: 20144: 20141: 20139: 20136: 20134: 20131: 20129: 20126: 20124: 20121: 20119: 20116: 20114: 20111: 20109: 20106: 20104: 20101: 20099: 20096: 20094: 20091: 20089: 20086: 20084: 20081: 20079: 20076: 20075: 20074: 20071: 20069: 20066: 20065: 20063: 20061: 20057: 20053: 20045: 20042: 20040: 20037: 20035: 20032: 20031: 20030: 20027: 20025: 20022: 20018: 20015: 20014: 20013: 20010: 20006: 20003: 20001: 19998: 19997: 19996: 19993: 19991: 19988: 19984: 19981: 19979: 19976: 19974: 19971: 19969: 19965: 19962: 19961: 19960: 19957: 19954: 19951: 19950: 19948: 19946: 19942: 19936: 19933: 19931: 19928: 19926: 19923: 19919: 19916: 19914: 19911: 19909: 19906: 19904: 19901: 19899: 19896: 19894: 19891: 19889: 19886: 19884: 19881: 19879: 19876: 19874: 19871: 19870: 19869: 19866: 19862: 19859: 19857: 19854: 19853: 19852: 19849: 19848: 19846: 19843: 19839: 19835: 19829: 19826: 19824: 19821: 19819: 19816: 19814: 19811: 19809: 19806: 19804: 19801: 19799: 19796: 19794: 19791: 19790: 19788: 19786: 19782: 19776: 19773: 19771: 19768: 19764: 19761: 19760: 19759: 19756: 19752: 19749: 19747: 19744: 19743: 19742: 19738: 19735: 19733: 19730: 19728: 19725: 19722: 19721: 19719: 19716: 19715:List of popes 19711: 19707: 19704: 19701: 19697: 19693: 19689: 19685: 19678: 19672: 19669: 19667: 19664: 19662: 19659: 19657: 19654: 19652: 19649: 19647: 19644: 19642: 19639: 19637: 19634: 19632: 19629: 19625: 19622: 19620: 19617: 19616: 19615: 19612: 19611: 19609: 19607: 19603: 19595: 19592: 19590: 19587: 19586: 19585: 19582: 19578: 19575: 19574: 19573: 19570: 19567: 19565: 19562: 19560: 19557: 19555: 19552: 19550: 19547: 19545: 19542: 19540: 19537: 19536: 19534: 19532: 19528: 19518: 19515: 19512: 19510: 19507: 19505: 19502: 19500: 19499:Mother of God 19497: 19495: 19492: 19490: 19487: 19485: 19482: 19480: 19477: 19475: 19472: 19471: 19469: 19467: 19463: 19457: 19454: 19452: 19449: 19445: 19442: 19441: 19440: 19437: 19435: 19432: 19430: 19427: 19425: 19422: 19420: 19417: 19416: 19414: 19412: 19408: 19402: 19399: 19397: 19396: 19392: 19390: 19387: 19385: 19384:People of God 19382: 19380: 19379: 19375: 19373: 19372:Infallibility 19370: 19366: 19363: 19361: 19358: 19357: 19356: 19353: 19351: 19348: 19346: 19343: 19341: 19340: 19336: 19335: 19333: 19331: 19327: 19321: 19318: 19314: 19313: 19309: 19307: 19304: 19302: 19299: 19298: 19296: 19294: 19291: 19289: 19286: 19284: 19281: 19279: 19276: 19274: 19271: 19269: 19266: 19264: 19261: 19259: 19256: 19254: 19251: 19249: 19248:Body and soul 19246: 19242: 19239: 19237: 19234: 19233: 19232: 19229: 19228: 19226: 19222: 19219: 19216: 19215: 19210: 19206: 19201: 19197: 19187: 19184: 19182: 19179: 19177: 19174: 19172: 19169: 19167: 19164: 19162: 19159: 19157: 19154: 19152: 19151:Enlightenment 19149: 19147: 19144: 19138: 19135: 19134: 19133: 19130: 19128: 19125: 19124: 19123: 19122:Protestantism 19120: 19119: 19117: 19115: 19111: 19105: 19102: 19100: 19099:Scholasticism 19097: 19095: 19092: 19090: 19087: 19085: 19084:Schism (1378) 19082: 19080: 19077: 19075: 19072: 19070: 19069:Schism (1054) 19067: 19065: 19062: 19060: 19057: 19055: 19052: 19051: 19049: 19047: 19043: 19037: 19034: 19032: 19029: 19027: 19024: 19020: 19017: 19015: 19012: 19011: 19010: 19007: 19005: 19002: 19000: 18997: 18996: 18994: 18992: 18988: 18980: 18977: 18976: 18975: 18972: 18968: 18965: 18964: 18963: 18960: 18956: 18953: 18951: 18948: 18947: 18946: 18943: 18939: 18936: 18934: 18931: 18929: 18926: 18924: 18921: 18920: 18919: 18916: 18915: 18913: 18911: 18907: 18904: 18901: 18897: 18893: 18888: 18884: 18878: 18875: 18873: 18870: 18868: 18865: 18863: 18860: 18859: 18856: 18852: 18845: 18840: 18838: 18833: 18831: 18826: 18825: 18822: 18810: 18805: 18800: 18798: 18788: 18787: 18784: 18778: 18775: 18773: 18770: 18768: 18767: 18763: 18761: 18758: 18756: 18753: 18749: 18746: 18744: 18741: 18739: 18736: 18734: 18731: 18729: 18726: 18724: 18721: 18719: 18716: 18714: 18711: 18709: 18706: 18705: 18704: 18701: 18699: 18696: 18694: 18691: 18690: 18688: 18684: 18676: 18673: 18672: 18671: 18668: 18666: 18663: 18661: 18658: 18656: 18653: 18651: 18650:Mother Teresa 18648: 18646: 18643: 18640: 18636: 18633: 18631: 18628: 18626: 18623: 18621: 18618: 18616: 18615: 18611: 18609: 18606: 18604: 18603: 18599: 18597: 18594: 18592: 18589: 18587: 18584: 18582: 18579: 18577: 18576:Pope Pius XII 18574: 18572: 18569: 18567: 18564: 18562: 18559: 18558: 18556: 18554: 18550: 18544: 18543: 18542:Rerum novarum 18539: 18537: 18534: 18532: 18529: 18527: 18526:Pope Leo XIII 18524: 18522: 18519: 18517: 18514: 18512: 18509: 18507: 18504: 18502: 18499: 18497: 18496:United States 18494: 18492: 18489: 18487: 18486:Pope Pius VII 18484: 18483: 18481: 18477: 18471: 18468: 18466: 18463: 18461: 18458: 18456: 18453: 18451: 18448: 18446: 18443: 18441: 18438: 18436: 18433: 18431: 18428: 18427: 18425: 18422: 18417: 18412: 18406: 18403: 18401: 18398: 18396: 18393: 18391: 18388: 18386: 18383: 18381: 18378: 18376: 18373: 18371: 18368: 18366: 18363: 18361: 18358: 18356: 18353: 18351: 18348: 18346: 18343: 18341: 18338: 18336: 18333: 18331: 18328: 18326: 18325: 18321: 18319: 18316: 18314: 18311: 18310: 18308: 18305: 18301: 18296: 18290: 18287: 18285: 18282: 18280: 18277: 18275: 18272: 18270: 18267: 18265: 18262: 18258: 18255: 18254: 18253: 18250: 18248: 18245: 18243: 18240: 18239: 18237: 18235: 18231: 18225: 18222: 18220: 18217: 18215: 18212: 18210: 18207: 18205: 18202: 18200: 18197: 18195: 18192: 18190: 18187: 18185: 18182: 18180: 18177: 18175: 18172: 18170: 18169:Scholasticism 18167: 18165: 18162: 18160: 18157: 18155: 18152: 18150: 18147: 18145: 18144:Pope Urban II 18142: 18141: 18139: 18137: 18133: 18127: 18124: 18122: 18119: 18117: 18114: 18112: 18109: 18107: 18104: 18102: 18099: 18097: 18094: 18092: 18089: 18087: 18084: 18082: 18079: 18077: 18074: 18072: 18069: 18067: 18064: 18063: 18061: 18059: 18055: 18041: 18038: 18036: 18033: 18031: 18028: 18026: 18023: 18021: 18018: 18016: 18013: 18011: 18008: 18006: 18003: 18001: 17998: 17996: 17993: 17991: 17988: 17984: 17981: 17980: 17979: 17976: 17975: 17973: 17969: 17961: 17957: 17954: 17950: 17946: 17936: 17933: 17931: 17928: 17926: 17923: 17921: 17920:Justin Martyr 17918: 17914: 17911: 17907: 17904: 17902: 17899: 17897: 17894: 17893: 17892: 17889: 17888: 17887: 17884: 17882: 17879: 17878: 17876: 17873: 17869: 17861: 17858: 17856: 17853: 17851: 17848: 17846: 17843: 17841: 17838: 17836: 17833: 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15954: 15950: 15944: 15941: 15939: 15938: 15934: 15930: 15929:Christmas Eve 15927: 15926: 15925: 15924: 15920: 15919: 15917: 15915: 15911: 15905: 15902: 15900: 15897: 15895: 15894: 15890: 15888: 15885: 15881: 15878: 15876: 15873: 15871: 15868: 15866: 15863: 15862: 15860: 15859: 15857: 15855: 15851: 15847: 15842: 15841:1960 Calendar 15838: 15834: 15830: 15825: 15821: 15807: 15804: 15802: 15799: 15797: 15794: 15790: 15787: 15786: 15785: 15784: 15780: 15778: 15775: 15773: 15770: 15768: 15767: 15763: 15761: 15758: 15756: 15755: 15751: 15749: 15746: 15744: 15741: 15739: 15736: 15734: 15733: 15729: 15727: 15724: 15723: 15721: 15719: 15718:Ordinary Time 15715: 15709: 15706: 15704: 15703: 15699: 15695: 15692: 15690: 15687: 15685: 15682: 15680: 15677: 15675: 15672: 15668: 15665: 15664: 15663: 15660: 15659: 15657: 15653: 15650: 15649: 15648: 15647:Easter Sunday 15645: 15644: 15642: 15640: 15639:Easter Season 15636: 15630: 15627: 15625: 15624:Holy Saturday 15622: 15620: 15617: 15613: 15610: 15608: 15605: 15604: 15603: 15602:Holy Thursday 15600: 15599: 15597: 15595: 15591: 15585: 15582: 15580: 15577: 15575: 15572: 15570: 15569: 15565: 15561: 15558: 15556: 15553: 15551: 15548: 15546: 15543: 15541: 15538: 15537: 15535: 15533: 15532:Ash Wednesday 15530: 15529: 15527: 15525: 15521: 15515: 15512: 15511: 15509: 15507: 15506:Ordinary Time 15503: 15497: 15494: 15492: 15491: 15487: 15485: 15484: 15480: 15478: 15475: 15471: 15470:Midnight Mass 15468: 15466: 15465:Christmas Eve 15463: 15462: 15461: 15460: 15456: 15455: 15453: 15451: 15447: 15442: 15432: 15429: 15427: 15426: 15422: 15418: 15415: 15413: 15410: 15408: 15405: 15403: 15400: 15399: 15397: 15396: 15394: 15392: 15388: 15384: 15379: 15378:1969 Calendar 15375: 15371: 15367: 15366:Ordinary Form 15362: 15358: 15354: 15350: 15343: 15338: 15336: 15331: 15329: 15324: 15323: 15320: 15308: 15307: 15303: 15301: 15298: 15296: 15295: 15291: 15289: 15288: 15284: 15280: 15279: 15275: 15274: 15273: 15270: 15268: 15265: 15263: 15260: 15258: 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14185: 14182: 14180: 14177: 14173: 14170: 14169: 14168: 14165: 14163: 14160: 14158: 14155: 14153: 14150: 14148: 14145: 14143: 14140: 14138: 14135: 14133: 14130: 14126: 14123: 14122: 14121: 14118: 14116: 14113: 14112: 14110: 14106: 14096: 14093: 14091: 14088: 14087: 14085: 14081: 14075: 14072: 14068: 14064: 14061: 14060: 14059: 14056: 14054: 14053:Postcommunion 14051: 14049: 14046: 14042: 14039: 14038: 14037: 14034: 14032: 14029: 14025: 14022: 14021: 14020: 14017: 14015: 14014:Sign of peace 14012: 14010: 14007: 14003: 13999: 13996: 13995: 13994: 13993:Lord's Prayer 13991: 13989: 13986: 13980: 13977: 13976: 13975: 13972: 13970: 13967: 13965: 13962: 13960: 13959: 13954: 13950: 13946: 13945: 13940: 13937: 13936: 13935: 13931: 13928: 13924: 13920: 13916: 13913: 13912: 13911: 13908: 13904: 13900: 13899:Orate fratres 13897: 13896: 13895: 13892: 13891: 13889: 13887:the Eucharist 13883: 13877: 13874: 13870: 13866: 13863: 13862: 13861: 13858: 13856: 13853: 13851: 13848: 13844: 13840: 13837: 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13466: 13462: 13455: 13450: 13448: 13443: 13441: 13436: 13435: 13432: 13420: 13412: 13410: 13406: 13405: 13402: 13396: 13393: 13391: 13388: 13386: 13383: 13379: 13376: 13374: 13371: 13369: 13366: 13365: 13364: 13361: 13359: 13356: 13355: 13353: 13349: 13339: 13336: 13334: 13333: 13329: 13327: 13326: 13322: 13320: 13319: 13318:Missa Nautica 13315: 13313: 13312:Gallican Rite 13310: 13306: 13303: 13301: 13298: 13296: 13293: 13291: 13288: 13286: 13283: 13282: 13280: 13278: 13275: 13273: 13270: 13269: 13267: 13263: 13253: 13250: 13248: 13245: 13243: 13240: 13238: 13235: 13233: 13230: 13228: 13225: 13224: 13222: 13220: 13216: 13208: 13205: 13203: 13200: 13196: 13193: 13192: 13191: 13188: 13185: 13182: 13181: 13180: 13177: 13175: 13172: 13170: 13169:Rite of Braga 13167: 13165: 13162: 13161: 13159: 13155: 13152: 13150: 13146: 13142: 13134: 13131: 13130: 13129: 13126: 13125: 13123: 13121: 13117: 13106: 13103: 13100: 13097: 13094: 13091: 13088: 13085: 13083: 13080: 13077: 13074: 13071: 13068: 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4036: 4032: 4030: 4029: 4028:Extravagantes 4025: 4023: 4022: 4018: 4014: 4011: 4010: 4009: 4008: 4004: 4002: 4001: 3997: 3993: 3992: 3988: 3986: 3985: 3981: 3979: 3976: 3975: 3974: 3973: 3969: 3968: 3967: 3966: 3962: 3961: 3960: 3951: 3950: 3941: 3940: 3936: 3934: 3933: 3929: 3927: 3926: 3922: 3920: 3917: 3916: 3915: 3912: 3908: 3905: 3904: 3903: 3900: 3898: 3895: 3893: 3890: 3886: 3885: 3881: 3879: 3878: 3874: 3872: 3871: 3867: 3865: 3864: 3860: 3859: 3858: 3855: 3851: 3850: 3846: 3844: 3843: 3839: 3837: 3836: 3832: 3831: 3830: 3827: 3826: 3817: 3816: 3815: 3808: 3807:Legal history 3803: 3802: 3795: 3792: 3788: 3787: 3783: 3781: 3780: 3776: 3774: 3773: 3769: 3767: 3766: 3762: 3760: 3759: 3758:Lumen gentium 3755: 3753: 3752: 3748: 3747: 3746: 3742: 3740: 3737: 3735: 3732: 3730: 3729: 3725: 3723: 3722: 3718: 3716: 3715: 3711: 3709: 3708: 3704: 3702: 3701: 3697: 3695: 3694: 3690: 3686: 3685: 3681: 3679: 3678: 3674: 3673: 3672: 3671: 3666: 3665: 3662:(current law) 3661: 3656: 3655: 3652: 3647: 3646: 3642: 3638: 3637: 3633: 3629: 3628: 3624: 3614: 3612: 3607: 3602: 3600: 3596: 3592: 3588: 3584: 3580: 3575: 3573: 3572: 3567: 3563: 3559: 3555: 3551: 3547: 3544:in 2002 (the 3543: 3539: 3535: 3531: 3525: 3523: 3519: 3515: 3511: 3510:rite of Braga 3507: 3503: 3499: 3495: 3488: 3486: 3482: 3479: 3469: 3459: 3456: 3452: 3446: 3444: 3440: 3436: 3432: 3428: 3424: 3420: 3416: 3412: 3408: 3405: 3401: 3397: 3393: 3389: 3379: 3377: 3373: 3369: 3365: 3361: 3356: 3354: 3350: 3345: 3341: 3337: 3333: 3329: 3325: 3321: 3317: 3312: 3308: 3304: 3300: 3296: 3292: 3288: 3284: 3283:patriarchates 3280: 3270: 3265: 3261: 3256: 3252: 3247: 3246: 3239: 3237: 3236:United States 3233: 3228: 3225: 3221: 3217: 3213: 3207: 3197: 3195: 3191: 3187: 3182: 3180: 3176: 3172: 3168: 3157: 3153: 3149: 3139: 3137: 3133: 3129: 3128:Protestantism 3125: 3121: 3117: 3113: 3109: 3105: 3101: 3096: 3094: 3090: 3086: 3082: 3078: 3074: 3070: 3066: 3062: 3057: 3055: 3051: 3050: 3045: 3041: 3037: 3033: 3028: 3026: 3022: 3021: 3016: 3012: 3008: 3004: 3000: 2996: 2992: 2988: 2984: 2980: 2976: 2972: 2971: 2966: 2961: 2959: 2955: 2951: 2946: 2945: 2939: 2935: 2931: 2930: 2925: 2921: 2917: 2905: 2900: 2898: 2893: 2891: 2886: 2885: 2883: 2882: 2877: 2872: 2868: 2867: 2864: 2861: 2859: 2856: 2854: 2851: 2850: 2849: 2848: 2841: 2838: 2836: 2833: 2831: 2828: 2826: 2823: 2821: 2818: 2816: 2813: 2811: 2808: 2806: 2803: 2801: 2798: 2796: 2793: 2791: 2788: 2786: 2783: 2781: 2778: 2777: 2771: 2770: 2759: 2756: 2754: 2751: 2749: 2746: 2744: 2741: 2739: 2736: 2734: 2731: 2729: 2726: 2724: 2721: 2719: 2716: 2715: 2714: 2713: 2710: 2707: 2706: 2699: 2696: 2694: 2691: 2689: 2686: 2684: 2681: 2679: 2676: 2674: 2671: 2669: 2666: 2664: 2661: 2659: 2656: 2654: 2651: 2649: 2646: 2644: 2641: 2639: 2636: 2634: 2631: 2629: 2626: 2625: 2624: 2623: 2619: 2617: 2616: 2612: 2610: 2609: 2605: 2603: 2602: 2598: 2596: 2593: 2591: 2588: 2584: 2581: 2579: 2576: 2575: 2574: 2573: 2569: 2568: 2567: 2566: 2563: 2560: 2559: 2551: 2548: 2546: 2545:Denominations 2543: 2542: 2538: 2537: 2530: 2527: 2525: 2522: 2520: 2517: 2515: 2512: 2510: 2507: 2505: 2502: 2500: 2497: 2495: 2492: 2490: 2487: 2485: 2482: 2480: 2477: 2475: 2472: 2470: 2467: 2465: 2462: 2460: 2457: 2456: 2450: 2447: 2445: 2442: 2441: 2437: 2436: 2429: 2426: 2424: 2421: 2419: 2416: 2414: 2411: 2409: 2406: 2404: 2401: 2399: 2396: 2392: 2389: 2387: 2384: 2382: 2379: 2378: 2377: 2374: 2372: 2369: 2368: 2365: 2360: 2359: 2352: 2349: 2347: 2344: 2342: 2339: 2337: 2334: 2332: 2329: 2327: 2326:New Testament 2324: 2322: 2321:Old Testament 2319: 2318: 2311: 2309: 2306: 2305: 2301: 2300: 2293: 2290: 2288: 2285: 2283: 2280: 2278: 2275: 2273: 2270: 2268: 2265: 2264: 2258: 2255: 2253: 2250: 2249: 2245: 2244: 2240: 2236: 2235: 2232: 2229: 2228: 2224: 2220: 2219: 2209: 2204: 2202: 2197: 2195: 2190: 2189: 2187: 2186: 2183: 2178: 2173: 2172: 2164: 2154: 2152: 2144: 2142: 2134: 2132: 2124: 2122: 2114: 2112: 2109: 2107: 2104: 2102: 2099: 2098: 2091: 2090: 2082: 2079: 2077: 2074: 2072: 2069: 2067: 2064: 2062: 2059: 2055: 2050: 2047: 2045: 2042: 2040: 2037: 2035: 2032: 2030: 2029:Homosexuality 2027: 2025: 2022: 2020: 2017: 2015: 2012: 2010: 2007: 2006: 1999: 1998: 1990: 1989:Protestantism 1987: 1985: 1982: 1980: 1977: 1975: 1972: 1971: 1970: 1965: 1962: 1960: 1957: 1955: 1951: 1948: 1946: 1943: 1941: 1938: 1936: 1933: 1932: 1928:Miscellaneous 1925: 1924: 1916: 1913: 1911: 1908: 1907: 1900: 1897: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1887: 1886: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1876: 1870: 1867: 1866: 1858: 1855: 1853: 1850: 1848: 1845: 1844: 1843: 1840: 1839: 1832: 1829: 1827: 1824: 1822: 1819: 1817: 1814: 1812: 1809: 1808: 1807: 1804: 1803: 1797: 1796:Latin liturgy 1794: 1793: 1789: 1784: 1783: 1775: 1772: 1770: 1767: 1765: 1762: 1760: 1757: 1756: 1749: 1746: 1744: 1741: 1739: 1736: 1734: 1731: 1729: 1726: 1724: 1721: 1719: 1716: 1715: 1714: 1711: 1710: 1703: 1700: 1698: 1695: 1693: 1690: 1688: 1685: 1683: 1680: 1678: 1675: 1673: 1670: 1669: 1668: 1665: 1664: 1657: 1656: 1648: 1645: 1643: 1640: 1638: 1635: 1631: 1628: 1626: 1623: 1621: 1618: 1617: 1616: 1615:Scholasticism 1613: 1611: 1608: 1607: 1606: 1600: 1599:Virtue ethics 1597: 1595: 1592: 1590: 1587: 1585: 1582: 1580: 1577: 1575: 1572: 1570: 1567: 1565: 1562: 1560: 1557: 1555: 1552: 1551: 1544: 1543: 1535: 1532: 1530: 1527: 1525: 1522: 1520: 1517: 1515: 1512: 1510: 1507: 1505: 1502: 1501: 1496: 1493: 1489: 1488: 1484: 1482: 1479: 1477: 1474: 1473: 1472: 1469: 1468: 1467: 1466: 1462: 1461: 1456: 1455:New Testament 1453: 1451: 1450:Old Testament 1448: 1447: 1446: 1445: 1442: 1439: 1438: 1434: 1429: 1428: 1417: 1414: 1412: 1409: 1407: 1404: 1402: 1399: 1397: 1394: 1392: 1389: 1387: 1384: 1382: 1379: 1377: 1374: 1372: 1369: 1365: 1362: 1361: 1360: 1357: 1355: 1352: 1350: 1347: 1346: 1345: 1344: 1341: 1338: 1337: 1332: 1331: 1327: 1325: 1322: 1320: 1319:People of God 1317: 1315: 1314:Papal primacy 1312: 1310: 1307: 1305: 1302: 1300: 1297: 1295: 1292: 1291: 1290: 1289: 1286: 1283: 1282: 1277: 1274: 1272: 1269: 1267: 1264: 1262: 1259: 1257: 1254: 1252: 1249: 1247: 1244: 1242: 1239: 1237: 1236:Justification 1234: 1232: 1229: 1227: 1224: 1222: 1219: 1217: 1214: 1212: 1209: 1207: 1204: 1203: 1202: 1201: 1198: 1195: 1194: 1189: 1186: 1184: 1181: 1177: 1174: 1173: 1172: 1169: 1165: 1162: 1161: 1160: 1157: 1155: 1152: 1150: 1147: 1145: 1142: 1140: 1137: 1135: 1132: 1131: 1130: 1129: 1126: 1123: 1122: 1117: 1114: 1112: 1109: 1107: 1104: 1102: 1099: 1097: 1094: 1093: 1092: 1091: 1088: 1085: 1084: 1079: 1076: 1074: 1071: 1069: 1066: 1064: 1061: 1060: 1059: 1058: 1055: 1052: 1051: 1046: 1045: 1041: 1039: 1038: 1034: 1032: 1031: 1027: 1026: 1025: 1024: 1021: 1018: 1017: 1013: 1010: 1008: 1005: 1003: 1000: 996: 993: 991: 988: 986: 983: 982: 981: 978: 977: 976: 971: 970: 969: 968: 964: 963: 954: 952: 949: 948: 944: 943: 935: 932: 930: 927: 925: 922: 920: 917: 915: 912: 910: 907: 905: 902: 900: 897: 896: 892: 887: 886: 878: 875: 873: 870: 868: 865: 863: 860: 858: 855: 853: 850: 848: 845: 841: 838: 836: 833: 831: 828: 827: 826: 823: 819: 816: 814: 811: 809: 806: 805: 804: 801: 800: 793: 792: 786: 783: 781: 778: 777: 774: 771: 769: 766: 763: 759: 756: 755: 752: 749: 746: 742: 738: 737: 735: 734: 731: 728: 727: 722: 717: 713: 712: 709: 706: 705: 701: 697: 696: 692: 688: 687: 677: 672: 670: 665: 663: 658: 657: 655: 654: 651: 646: 640: 635: 629: 625: 622: 621: 616: 613: 611: 608: 606: 603: 602: 601: 600: 597: 594: 593: 588: 585: 584: 583: 582: 579: 576: 575: 570: 567: 565: 562: 561: 560: 559: 556: 553: 552: 547: 544: 542: 539: 537: 534: 532: 529: 527: 524: 522: 519: 517: 514: 512: 509: 507: 504: 502: 499: 497: 494: 492: 489: 487: 484: 482: 479: 478: 477: 476: 473: 470: 469: 464: 461: 460: 459: 458: 455: 454:Armenian Rite 452: 451: 446: 443: 441: 438: 436: 433: 432: 431: 430: 427: 424: 423: 420: 416: 415: 411: 407: 402: 397: 393: 392: 389: 384: 383: 379: 376: 375: 371: 367: 366: 362: 358: 357: 350: 347: 343: 337: 334: 332: 329: 327: 324: 323: 321: 319:Other name(s) 317: 313: 309: 302: 299: 296: 292: 289: 288: 286: 282: 279: 275: 271: 268: 264: 260: 256: 252: 248: 245: 241: 238: 235: 231: 228: 225: 221: 217: 213: 209: 205: 202:, pockets of 201: 197: 193: 189: 185: 181: 177: 175: 171: 168: 165: 163: 159: 156: 153: 151: 147: 144: 141: 139: 135: 132: 129: 125: 122: 119: 117: 113: 110: 107: 103: 100: 97: 93: 88: 87: 81: 78: 74: 69: 65: 60: 55: 51: 49: 47: 38: 32: 27: 22: 28684:Latin Church 28653:Western Bloc 28453:AUSCANNZUKUS 28409:Contemporary 28358:Human rights 28204:Latin Church 28203: 28178:Christianity 28128: 28087:Conservatism 27932:contemporary 27769:Architecture 27705:World War II 27665:Emancipation 27660:Abolitionism 27548:Romanization 27543:Roman legacy 27524:Roman Empire 26839:Turkmenistan 26799:Saudi Arabia 26544:South Africa 26534:Sierra Leone 26339:Burkina Faso 26248:Names of God 26195:Unaffiliated 26150:Antireligion 26011:Universalism 25959:Assimilation 25824:Anthropology 25699:Supernatural 25694:Spirituality 25662:Sacred space 25650:Purification 25523:Denomination 25477: / 25285:Paleo-Balkan 25251:Mesopotamian 25091:Cook Islands 25062:Old Prussian 24975:UFO religion 24914: 24910:Zalmoxianism 24838:Neoshamanism 24695:Spiritualism 24578:Other ethnic 24467: 24293:Traditional 24253:Bongthingism 24151:Acoma Pueblo 24094:Mesoamerican 23823:Austronesian 23644: 23640:Neo-Buddhism 23572: 23568:Neo-Hinduism 23489:Swaminarayan 23327: 23276:Salvationist 23261:Confucianism 23112:Samaritanism 23082:Ali-Illahism 23063: 22930: 22924:Unitarianism 22865:Old Catholic 22672:Nestorianism 22642: 22630:Christianity 22617: 22583:Conservative 22359: 22154:Architecture 22048:Confirmation 21996:Ecclesiology 21927:Original sin 21917:Nicene Creed 21714:Old Catholic 21598:Papal States 21530:Great Church 21496:Resurrection 21438:Christianity 21395:New Covenant 21346:(Scriptures) 21291:Christianity 21161:Latin Church 21160: 21039: 20987:Latin Church 20986: 20950:Latin Church 20949: 20861:Universities 20693:Third orders 20656:Associations 20646:Visitandines 20641:Trinitarians 20591:Mercedarians 20576:Hieronymites 20521:Camaldoleses 20506:Benedictines 20496:Augustinians 20456: 20449: 20442: 20423:Vatican News 20377:Distinctions 20183:Syro-Malabar 20068:Latin Church 20067: 19990:Grand master 19888:Metropolitan 19785:Vatican City 19680:Organisation 19559:Philosophers 19424:Confirmation 19401:In canon law 19395:Subsistit in 19393: 19389:Three states 19376: 19337: 19330:Ecclesiology 19312:Nova Vulgata 19310: 19268:Original sin 19263:Nicene Creed 19253:Divine grace 19212: 19094:Universities 19064:Papal States 18991:Great Church 18933:Resurrection 18910:Early Church 18764: 18760:Pope Francis 18686:21st century 18635:Pope Paul VI 18612: 18600: 18553:20th century 18540: 18491:Pope Pius IX 18479:19th century 18455:Pope Pius VI 18322: 18194:Latin Empire 18164:Universities 18116:Pope Leo III 17983:Christianity 17968:state church 17960:Great Church 17761:Resurrection 17724:(30–325/476) 17721:Early Church 17706:Latin Church 17705: 17701:Papal States 17696:Vatican City 17457: 17401:Syro-Malabar 17315: 17271: 17131: 17124: 17117: 17096:Hereford Use 17073:African Rite 17003:Anglican Use 16943:Latin Church 16942: 16897:Sacramentary 16892:Roman Ritual 16880:Roman Missal 16688:(ninth hour) 16676:(third hour) 16613: 16599:Holy Qurbono 16594:Holy Qurbana 16531:Confirmation 16444:Easter cycle 16396: 16373:Roman Ritual 16332: 16300: 16278: 16269:Sacred Heart 16261: 16226: 16157:Easter Vigil 16075:Annunciation 16069:Saint Joseph 16067: 16005:Septuagesima 15960: 15935: 15921: 15891: 15837:Latin Church 15836: 15781: 15764: 15752: 15738:Sacred Heart 15730: 15700: 15629:Easter Vigil 15574:Annunciation 15568:Saint Joseph 15566: 15488: 15481: 15457: 15423: 15374:Latin Church 15373: 15304: 15300:Stercoranism 15292: 15285: 15276: 15262:Pope Paul VI 15249: 15243:Mediator Dei 15241: 15224: 15197: 15179: 15163: 15074: 15023: 15017: 15010: 15004:and concepts 14952:(encyclical) 14949: 14941: 14929: 14917: 14910: 14900: 14864: 14855: 14802:Genuflection 14742: 14686:Septuagesima 14684: 14578:Humeral veil 14518:Sacramentary 14508:Roman Missal 14500: 14261:Chalice veil 14120:Altar server 14108:Participants 13956: 13942: 13915:Sursum corda 13666:Month's mind 13661:Requiem Mass 13646:Nuptial Mass 13600: 13578: 13511:Anglican Use 13378:Titular sees 13330: 13323: 13316: 13295:Hereford Use 13272:African Rite 13202:Anglican Use 12894:Great Church 12741: 12698:Latin Church 12697: 12658:Latin Church 12631:. Retrieved 12621: 12609:. Retrieved 12605: 12595: 12588: 12587:Lev Puhalo, 12579: 12569: 12560: 12535: 12531: 12521: 12512: 12497: 12492: 12483: 12474: 12457: 12448: 12432: 12428: 12419: 12403: 12398: 12382: 12363:. Retrieved 12359:the original 12349: 12334: 12330: 12322: 12317: 12298: 12293: 12277: 12273: 12254: 12245: 12236: 12210: 12204: 12188: 12184: 12168: 12164: 12149: 12144: 12128: 12124: 12108: 12104: 12095: 12089: 12073: 12065: 12061: 12057: 12053: 12049: 12044: 12033: 12022:Hedley, John 11985: 11968:The Holy See 11967: 11958: 11947:. Retrieved 11942: 11933: 11922:. Retrieved 11919:The Holy See 11918: 11909: 11901: 11896: 11885:. Retrieved 11881: 11871: 11860:. Retrieved 11856: 11846: 11839:Original Sin 11818:. Retrieved 11814: 11805: 11796: 11787: 11778: 11766:. Retrieved 11761: 11752: 11733: 11727: 11720:Original Sin 11715: 11696: 11677: 11665:. Retrieved 11661:the original 11656: 11647: 11635:. Retrieved 11631: 11621: 11602: 11581: 11572: 11560:. Retrieved 11556: 11547: 11542:), pp. 79–81 11530: 11524: 11507: 11501: 11490:. Retrieved 11483: 11475: 11456: 11449: 11432: 11418: 11409: 11403: 11392:. Retrieved 11385:the original 11364: 11360: 11347: 11327: 11320: 11301: 11291: 11280: 11275: 11267: 11263: 11259: 11255: 11248: 11244: 11239: 11231: 11224: 11217: 11212: 11204: 11197: 11192: 11184: 11176: 11168: 11163:(1967) p. 13 11160: 11145: 11141: 11137: 11133: 11128: 11123:7:6 and 5:14 11120: 11116: 11111: 11099: 11091: 11072: 11067: 11057: 11053: 11049: 11044: 11036: 11032: 11026: 11022: 11018: 11010: 11002: 10987: 10975: 10963: 10954: 10945: 10936: 10925: 10914: 10905: 10890: 10881: 10872: 10860: 10844: 10839: 10828: 10817: 10805: 10786: 10776: 10765:. Retrieved 10755: 10744: 10733: 10717: 10712: 10703: 10696: 10686:, retrieved 10680: 10673: 10657: 10640: 10634: 10624: 10616: 10608: 10600: 10587:. Retrieved 10573: 10564: 10555: 10546: 10537: 10529: 10521: 10516: 10508: 10504: 10495: 10483: 10471: 10460:. Retrieved 10453: 10446: 10437: 10428: 10419: 10409: 10404:xxiii, c. 9. 10401: 10397: 10389: 10381: 10377: 10373: 10369: 10364: 10354: 10347: 10324: 10318: 10299: 10293: 10274: 10268: 10241: 10235: 10226: 10207: 10201: 10181: 10174: 10162:. Retrieved 10153: 10149: 10143: 10132: 10120: 10100: 10093: 10057:. Retrieved 10053: 10044: 10033:. Retrieved 10029: 10020: 10008:. Retrieved 10004: 9994: 9982: 9970:. Retrieved 9960: 9948: 9929: 9899: 9893: 9876: 9870: 9855: 9846: 9837: 9828: 9819: 9799: 9795:Durant, Will 9789: 9766: 9760: 9713: 9706: 9694:. Retrieved 9691:The Holy See 9690: 9681: 9669:. Retrieved 9666:The Holy See 9665: 9656: 9644:. Retrieved 9640: 9634: 9627: 9615:. Retrieved 9612:The Holy See 9611: 9602: 9590:. Retrieved 9586: 9577: 9565:. Retrieved 9562:The Holy See 9561: 9552: 9540:. Retrieved 9537:The Holy See 9536: 9527: 9515:. Retrieved 9512:The Holy See 9511: 9502: 9490:. Retrieved 9475: 9468: 9457: 9454:Latin Church 9426:. Retrieved 9422: 9410: 9390: 9383: 9375: 9371: 9360: 9355:Pope Paul VI 9349: 9337:. Retrieved 9333:the original 9328: 9319: 9309: 9303: 9293: 9287: 9276: 9265: 9254: 9243: 9231:. Retrieved 9228:The Holy See 9227: 9218: 9209: 9197:. Retrieved 9193: 9184: 9174: 9167: 9156:. Retrieved 9151: 9141: 9133: 9119: 9113: 9080: 9076: 9066: 9057: 9053: 9047: 9036: 9028: 9024: 9011: 9003: 8989: 8983: 8973:29 September 8971:. Retrieved 8962: 8925: 8918: 8909: 8903: 8881:. Retrieved 8877:the original 8872: 8859: 8854: 8735: 8724: 8683: 8675:Pope Pius VI 8660: 8647: 8626:Burning bush 8622:Naples Bible 8611: 8608: 8600: 8569: 8567: 8559:name for God 8552: 8551: 8540: 8520: 8512: 8507: 8490:resurrection 8470: 8428: 8426: 8413: 8405: 8392:original sin 8386: 8384: 8380: 8375: 8359: 8342: 8336: 8320: 8299: 8291: 8271: 8265: 8262: 8258: 8244:Pope Pius IX 8241: 8238: 8233: 8231: 8227: 8212: 8145: 8140: 8137:Pope Pius IX 8125: 8120: 8109: 8102: 8093: 8092:declared it 8090:Pope Pius IX 8086:dogmatically 8060: 8051: 8035: 8034:in his book 8027: 8020: 8001: 7956:Ambrosiaster 7893: 7885:Michelangelo 7875: 7868: 7861: 7853: 7851: 7848:Hamartiology 7842:Original sin 7836:Original sin 7826: 7822: 7810:Luke 7:36–50 7795: 7772: 7712: 7707: 7705: 7688: 7666: 7663:would take: 7656: 7651: 7556: 7528: 7505: 7501:2 Macc 12:46 7478: 7446: 7444: 7427: 7425: 7412: 7410: 7381: 7379: 7359:Nicene Creed 7352: 7351: 7341:Scutum Fidei 7340: 7311: 7298: 7285: 7256: 7250: 7226: 7191: 7167:potentiality 7156: 7155: 7121: 7116: 7106: 7096: 7094: 7088:and towards 7086:neoplatonism 7083: 7068:quinque viae 7043: 7034:(attributed) 7027: 7006: 6996: 6982: 6967: 6964: 6959: 6919: 6915: 6908: 6903: 6899: 6875: 6862: 6861:Detail from 6844: 6843:Detail from 6802:Peter Auriol 6764:Universities 6762: 6757:Edward Grant 6731: 6720:Cartesianism 6699: 6697: 6674: 6654:Schopenhauer 6642:Pierre Hadot 6627: 6620:Neoplatonism 6609: 6606:(attributed) 6599: 6587: 6580: 6574: 6560: 6548: 6517: 6506: 6484: 6483: 6472: 6468: 6458: 6452: 6433:original sin 6425:neoplatonism 6418: 6411: 6405: 6399: 6370: 6360: 6352:Neoplatonism 6284: 6273: 6259:confirmation 6256: 6241: 6239: 6183: 6176: 6167: 6160: 6153: 6115:Congregation 6102: 5981:Jean Lemoine 5962: 5952: 5945: 5935: 5915: 5890:Quia propter 5888: 5881: 5874: 5867: 5860: 5848: 5821: 5818:Current law 5813: 5801: 5794: 5788: 5772:Canonization 5770: 5761: 5740: 5733: 5732: 5666:Pars statica 5665: 5633: 5629: 5585: 5573: 5526:Positive law 5500:Motu proprio 5498: 5447: 5440: 5433: 5424: 5417: 5394: 5387: 5379: 5362: 5322: 5308:Emancipation 5263:Mass stipend 5258:Contract law 5250: 5225:Determinatio 5223: 5216: 5210:Ecclesiology 5197: 5173: 5163:Sede vacante 5161: 5152:Promulgation 5134: 5130:Jurisdiction 5088: 5084:Dispensation 5071: 4996:Congregation 4962: 4948: 4937: 4926: 4899:Vicar forane 4869: 4862: 4855: 4820: 4799:Latin Church 4798: 4791: 4782: 4781: 4759: 4758: 4743: 4700: 4693: 4637: 4625: 4606: 4599: 4567: 4552: 4526: 4517: 4507:Sacramentals 4505: 4499:Mass stipend 4467: 4426: 4390: 4351: 4339: 4332: 4326: 4293: 4286: 4279: 4274:Ecclesia Dei 4272: 4265: 4258: 4251: 4244: 4237: 4230: 4155: 4123: 4118: 4112: 4103: 4097: 4087: 4086: 4085: 4078: 4071: 4065: 4044: 4043: 4042: 4033: 4026: 4021:RegulĂŠ Juris 4019: 4005: 3998: 3989: 3982: 3970: 3963: 3948: 3947: 3946: 3937: 3930: 3923: 3882: 3875: 3868: 3861: 3847: 3840: 3833: 3814:Jus antiquum 3812: 3811: 3784: 3777: 3770: 3763: 3756: 3749: 3726: 3719: 3712: 3705: 3698: 3691: 3682: 3675: 3669: 3659: 3603: 3576: 3569: 3562:Anglican Use 3538:Pope Paul VI 3527: 3490: 3476: 3462:Organisation 3447: 3385: 3357: 3353:Benedict XVI 3276: 3229: 3223: 3209: 3185: 3183: 3178: 3174: 3164: 3097: 3089:Anglican Use 3058: 3047: 3029: 3018: 3014: 3003:Roman Church 3002: 2990: 2968: 2962: 2927: 2916:Latin Church 2915: 2913: 2780:Civilization 2620: 2613: 2606: 2599: 2590:Old Catholic 2577: 2570: 2428:Universalism 2351:New Covenant 2287:Resurrection 2231:Christianity 2044:Nazi Germany 2034:Sexual abuse 1968: 1826:Anglican Use 1821:Use of Sarum 1733:Confirmation 1692:Holy Qurbono 1687:Holy Qurbana 1603: 1594:Philosophers 1509:Nicene Creed 1487:Nova Vulgata 1485: 1386:Original sin 1330:Subsistit in 1328: 1285:Ecclesiology 1256:Satisfaction 1216:Divine grace 1111:Resurrection 1042: 1035: 1028: 965: 924:Latin Church 923: 891:Organisation 813:Resurrection 586: 569:Syro-Malabar 381: 336:Roman Church 335: 330: 325: 278:Roman Empire 243:Headquarters 41: 35:Latin Church 28593:Open Balkan 28411:integration 28341:Rule of law 28336:Natural law 28313:Agnosticism 28291:Hellenistic 28269:Anglo-Saxon 28199:Catholicism 28138:Atlanticism 28043:Rationalism 27849:Immigration 27832:Esotericism 27690:World War I 27655:Romanticism 27635:Reformation 27615:Renaissance 27593:Middle Ages 27558:Christendom 27487:Foundations 27290:New Zealand 27227:Saint Lucia 27177:El Salvador 27082:Switzerland 27017:Netherlands 26789:Philippines 26717:South Korea 26712:North Korea 26602:Afghanistan 26549:South Sudan 26439:Ivory Coast 26223:Deification 26170:Objectivism 26145:Agnosticism 26103:Persecution 26093:Video games 26058:Populations 25969:Proselytism 25937:Monasticism 25928:Clericalism 25918:Agriculture 25909:and society 25874:Soteriology 25834:Comparative 25804:Transtheism 25789:Panentheism 25573:Monasticism 25366:Gallo-Roman 25268:Micronesian 25234:Manichaeism 25182:Hermeticism 25150:Continental 25145:Anglo-Saxon 25025:Paleolithic 25020:Prehistoric 24970:Scientology 24833:Italo-Roman 24688:Radha Soami 24668:New Thought 24508:Espiritismo 24449:Waaqeffanna 24389:Fon and Ewe 24327:Sub-Saharan 24210:Satsana Phi 24006:Ghost Dance 23964:Californian 23942:Anishinaabe 23873:Karo Pemena 23852:Indonesian 23526:Lingayatism 23474:Mahanubhava 23444:Vaishnavism 23375:Jeungsanism 23298:Folk Taoism 23281:Xiantiandao 23135:Zoroastrian 22794:Charismatic 22789:Pentecostal 22752:Anglicanism 22703:Waldensians 22638:Catholicism 22415:Persecution 22350:Christendom 22343:Cooperation 22280:Charismatic 22191:Holy Spirit 22100:Natural law 22063:Holy orders 21912:Christology 21905:Holy Spirit 21774:Pentecostal 21754:Evangelical 21749:Charismatic 21593:Monasticism 21585:Middle Ages 21548:Constantine 21491:Crucifixion 21373:Foundations 21174:(1378-1417) 21052:Anglicanism 21025:Lutheranism 20851:Health care 20837:Pax Christi 20789:Schoenstatt 20754:Sant'Egidio 20586:Legionaries 20566:Franciscans 20541:Cistercians 20536:Carthusians 20491:Annonciades 20350:Altarpieces 20243:West Syriac 20238:East Syriac 20218:Alexandrian 19842:Holy orders 19823:Swiss Guard 19763:Dicasteries 19758:Roman Curia 19656:Evangelists 19614:Holy Family 19549:Personalism 19539:Natural law 19517:Josephology 19451:Holy orders 19089:Inquisition 19046:Middle Ages 19036:Monasticism 19004:Constantine 18928:Crucifixion 18766:Laudato si' 18561:Pope Pius X 18390:Philip Neri 18365:Pope Pius V 18340:Thomas More 18209:Inquisition 18111:Charlemagne 18071:Monasticism 17881:Persecution 17773:Holy Spirit 17756:Crucifixion 17635:First seven 17325:Antiochian 17186:West Syriac 17126:Missa sicca 17091:Durham Rite 17086:Celtic Rite 16848:Martyrology 16816:Gospel Book 16811:Euchologion 16784:Antiphonary 16658:(nighttime) 16621:Solemn Mass 16551:Holy Orders 16397:Italic font 16147:Good Friday 16135:Chrism Mass 16098:Palm Sunday 16085:Passiontide 15968:Holy Family 15887:Rorate Mass 15619:Good Friday 15607:Chrism Mass 15579:Palm Sunday 15477:Holy Family 15175:benediction 15105:Agape feast 15019:Ad orientem 15002:Regulations 14962:Last Supper 14877:Eucharistic 14733:Eucharistic 14697:Passiontide 14481:Antiphonary 14399:Funghellino 14384:Evangeliary 14344:Aspergillum 14306:Purificator 14232:Antependium 14222:Altar rails 14074:Last Gospel 13974:Roman Canon 13733:Asperges me 13608:Votive Mass 13602:sine populo 13586:Solemn Mass 13358:Latin cross 13325:Missa sicca 13290:Durham Rite 13285:Celtic Rite 12840:(1555–1663) 12828:(1524–1963) 12826:West Indies 12822:(1204–1964) 12816:(1098–1964) 12810:(1276–1964) 12777:Rui ValĂ©rio 12764:East Indies 12585:Hierodeacon 12538:: 139–161. 11857:Bible Tools 11298:"Purgatory" 11260:Confessions 11249:City of God 11243:Augustine, 11181:read online 11104:read online 11031:5.31.2, in 10605:Pope Pius X 10010:21 December 9972:21 November 9841:1 John 1:14 9637:, VI §§1–2" 9492:24 November 8873:The Compass 8695:iconography 8690:God the Son 8677:to issue a 8638:Renaissance 8587: 1443 8410:(1516–1518) 8351:Virgin Mary 8332: 1626 8222:Friar Minor 8201:Duns Scotus 8191:Duns Scotus 8180:Pope Pius V 8148:Middle Ages 8095:ex cathedra 8074:Virgin Mary 7972:John Calvin 7960:Augustine's 7862:By his sin 7670:age to come 7661:Christendom 7632:St. Cyprian 7493:1 Peter 1:7 7440:God the Son 7380:The phrase 7371:Holy Spirit 7365:(381), the 7158:Actus purus 7130:Actus purus 7111:Pope Pius X 6985:Golden Rule 6892:philosopher 6798:Duns Scotus 6781:Bonaventure 6769:Franciscans 6658:Kierkegaard 6520:Athenagoras 6465:City of God 6421:Manichaeism 6413:Confessions 6380:philosopher 6367:, 1636–1638 6303:Roman Curia 6299:dicasteries 6125:Monasticism 5844:Cum proxime 5840:Historical 5754:Presumption 5521:Penitential 5511:Papal brief 4986:Roman Curia 4569:Paenitemini 4359:Holy Orders 4149:Eastern law 4088:Jus codicis 4053: 1563 4013:Decretalist 4000:Jus commune 3957: 1140 3372:persecution 3334:), and the 3322:(431–544) ( 3142:Terminology 2936:within the 2668:Pentecostal 2550:(full list) 2524:Reformation 2489:Constantine 2408:Christology 2398:Apologetics 2391:Holy Spirit 2312:Foundations 2282:Crucifixion 2151:WikiProject 2019:Health care 1964:Monasticism 1899:East Syriac 1889:West Syriac 1879:Alexandrian 1748:Holy orders 1579:Probabilism 1574:Personalism 1564:Natural law 1376:Apologetics 1349:Josephology 1037:Ex Cathedra 904:Roman Curia 862:Magisterium 808:Crucifixion 406:Latin cross 295:Lutheranism 293:(initially 284:Separations 270:1st century 200:Philippines 105:Orientation 28613:Rio Treaty 28124:Relativism 28082:Liberalism 28048:Empiricism 28000:Philosophy 27988:Secularism 27939:Philosophy 27876:Literature 27670:Capitalism 27280:Micronesia 27157:Costa Rica 27052:San Marino 27012:Montenegro 26992:Luxembourg 26849:Uzbekistan 26824:Tajikistan 26729:Kyrgyzstan 26702:Kazakhstan 26652:East Timor 26622:Bangladesh 26612:Azerbaijan 26529:Seychelles 26494:Mozambique 26479:Mauritania 26464:Madagascar 26354:Cape Verde 26136:irreligion 26131:Secularism 26038:Minorities 26006:Toleration 26001:Syncretism 25986:Fanaticism 25976:Disability 25964:Missionary 25954:Conversion 25942:Ordination 25864:Psychology 25859:Philosophy 25799:Polytheism 25779:Monotheism 25774:Henotheism 25615:Orthopraxy 25605:Ordination 25568:Meditation 25563:Indigenous 25528:Entheogens 25513:Conversion 25339:Pueblo III 25256:Babylonian 25246:Melanesian 25172:Gnosticism 25057:Lithuanian 24950:Fourth Way 24804:Circassian 24782:DievturÄ«ba 24705:Tensegrity 24638:Falun Gong 24283:Sanamahism 24263:Donyi-Polo 23895:Polynesian 23841:Kaharingan 23766:Burkhanism 23705:Ravidassia 23683:ƚvetāmbara 23469:Pushtimarg 23449:Krishnaism 23385:Vietnamese 23370:Cheondoism 23303:Yao Taoism 23239:East Asian 23005:Isma'ilism 22961:Maturidism 22740:Mennonites 22735:Hutterites 22720:Anabaptism 22613:Humanistic 22329:Prosperity 22305:Liberation 22245:Cathedrals 22230:Pilgrimage 22215:Literature 22092:Philosophy 22028:Sacraments 22001:Four marks 21962:Protestant 21937:Born again 21734:Anabaptist 21724:Protestant 21666:Influences 21628:Modern era 21332:By country 21010:Anabaptism 20606:Oratorians 20561:Dominicans 20531:Carmelites 20526:Camillians 20474:institutes 20287:Tridentine 20223:Antiochian 20143:Macedonian 20088:Belarusian 19978:Provincial 19893:Archbishop 19813:Roman Rota 19775:Properties 19700:By country 19696:Precedence 19661:Confessors 19641:Archangels 19631:Patriarchs 19531:Philosophy 19509:Veneration 19474:Assumption 19444:Last rites 19411:Sacraments 19355:Four marks 19166:Vatican II 19114:Modern era 18950:Succession 18639:coronation 18345:Pope Leo X 17930:Tertullian 17860:Revelation 17835:Background 17497:Macedonian 17472:Belarusian 16981:Roman Rite 16932:Liturgical 16853:Pontifical 16831:Lectionary 16826:Horologion 16761:Procession 16631:Papal Mass 16518:Sacraments 16498:Sacraments 16422:Tridentine 16302:Assumption 16291:Visitation 16010:Sexagesima 15833:Roman Rite 15766:Assumption 15743:Visitation 15370:Roman Rite 15087:Lord's Day 15076:Pro multis 14822:Intinction 14807:Head cover 14735:discipline 14714:Eastertide 14588:Pontifical 14522:Lectionary 14404:Holy water 14334:Altar bell 14325:Liturgical 14316:Tabernacle 14291:Misericord 13885:Liturgy of 13758:Liturgy of 13742:Eastertide 13738:Vidi aquam 13705:Vernacular 13673:White Mass 13596:Papal Mass 13465:Roman Rite 13179:Roman Rite 13060:Tertullian 12959:Vatican II 12846:(560–1451) 12834:(560–1751) 12808:Alexandria 12611:28 October 12505:0195014324 12365:3 November 11949:2020-05-06 11924:2020-05-06 11887:2020-05-06 11862:2020-05-06 11815:New Advent 11768:24 January 11667:24 January 11637:24 January 11562:24 January 11492:2018-04-05 11488:. 11394:2020-07-05 10767:2010-12-27 10688:2008-02-03 10589:4 November 10547:New Advent 10462:2012-02-02 10458:. 10388:writes in 10059:2015-09-30 10035:2015-09-30 9926:"Abortion" 9158:2023-11-28 9152:ACI Stampa 8895:References 8883:2021-04-08 8679:papal bull 8530:See also: 8465:See also: 8396:Divine Son 8195:See also: 8184:Clement XI 8100:papal bull 8067:conception 8003:St. Anselm 7966:, such as 7944:Tertullian 7931:) and the 7846:See also: 7768:Guido Reni 7756:See also: 7700:Tertullian 7634:(d. 258), 7616:Tertullian 7612:soul sleep 7514:, Cicero, 7396:renounced 7230:polytheism 7204:, and the 6974:just price 6930:temperance 6911:Synderesis 6773:Dominicans 6714:See also: 6700:Milestones 6646:human will 6638:Victorinus 6568:episcopate 6540:Septuagint 6524:Tertullian 6338:See also: 6066:Solemn vow 5976:Hostiensis 5963:Canonists 5947:The Jurist 5726:Procurator 5706:Officialis 5559:Canon 1324 5516:Papal bull 5494:Encyclical 5442:Imprimatur 5186:Visitation 5147:Obrogation 5108:Impediment 5079:Derogation 4963:in solidum 4736:particular 4558:Feast days 4513:Indulgence 4417:Confession 4353:Sacraments 3991:Margaritae 3660:Ius vigens 3611:Roman Rite 3564:). The 23 3534:Vatican II 3530:Roman Rite 3494:Roman rite 3382:Membership 3299:Alexandria 3194:Roman Rite 3146:See also: 3073:Roman Rite 3065:vernacular 3034:until the 2728:Irvingians 2693:Waldensian 2633:Anabaptist 2622:Protestant 1884:Antiochene 1816:Tridentine 1713:Sacraments 1547:Philosophy 1524:Papal bull 1276:Venial sin 1251:Mortal sin 1183:Apparition 1159:Assumption 1139:Veneration 1044:Deificatio 1020:Divine law 995:Holy Ghost 951:Theologies 796:Background 780:Sacraments 516:Macedonian 486:Belarusian 208:Madagascar 186:Mainly in 150:Governance 28558:Five Eyes 28553:EU–UK TCA 28395:Democracy 28284:Old Norse 28173:Abrahamic 28130:Peritrope 28112:Tolerance 28092:Socialism 27922:Mythology 27910:Classical 27859:Languages 27837:Astrology 27685:Modernism 27499:Old World 27398:Venezuela 27343:Argentina 27260:Australia 27212:Nicaragua 27187:Guatemala 26987:Lithuania 26809:Sri Lanka 26804:Singapore 26784:Palestine 26672:Indonesia 26662:Hong Kong 26484:Mauritius 26205:Overviews 26160:Criticism 26108:Terrorism 26083:Theocracy 26028:Happiness 25996:Pluralism 25981:Education 25907:Religion 25879:Salvation 25869:Sociology 25814:Religious 25794:Pantheism 25784:Nontheism 25677:Mountains 25655:Sacrifice 25610:Orthodoxy 25600:Mythology 25595:Mysticism 25484:Behaviour 25393:Canaanite 25376:Mithraism 25344:Pueblo IV 25334:Pueblo II 25239:Mazdakism 25214:Hungarian 25187:Mysteries 25096:Dravidian 24878:Hungarian 24794:Caucasian 24765:Godianism 24725:Agni Yoga 24715:Theosophy 24678:Rastafari 24653:Modekngei 24633:Brahmoism 24626:Syncretic 24618:movements 24616:religious 24528:Quimbanda 24476:CandomblĂ© 24469:Diasporic 24248:Bathouism 24238:Benzhuism 24163:Tsimshian 24114:PurĂ©pecha 24035:Longhouse 24010:Sun Dance 23959:Blackfoot 23878:Malaysian 23868:Kapitayan 23678:Digambara 23663:Ayyavazhi 23628:Vajrayana 23593:Theravada 23506:Ganapatya 23479:Ramanandi 23408:Hoahaoism 23286:Yiguandao 23181:Yarsanism 23176:Shabakism 23163:YazdĂąnism 23153:Zurvanism 23148:Mazdaznan 23107:Rastafari 23102:Mandaeism 22976:Wahhabism 22956:Ash'arism 22919:Tolstoyan 22909:Spiritual 22899:Mormonism 22870:Judaizers 22843:Quakerism 22821:Methodist 22811:Irvingism 22762:Calvinism 22715:Adventism 22698:Moravians 22535:Abrahamic 22405:Criticism 22355:Ecumenism 22319:Mysticism 22285:Democracy 22275:Anarchism 22262:Movements 22225:Mythology 22203:Catechism 22198:Education 22115:Evolution 22038:Eucharist 22021:Canon law 21979:Theotokos 21974:Mariology 21932:Salvation 21922:Tradition 21769:Methodist 21729:Adventist 21563:Chalcedon 21030:Methodism 21020:Calvinism 21005:Adventism 20969:divisions 20847:See also: 20799:Charities 20708:Discalced 20636:Trappists 20631:Theatines 20601:Olivetans 20546:Clarisses 20516:Blue nuns 20501:Basilians 20478:societies 20386:See also: 20272:Mozarabic 20262:Ambrosian 20248:Malankara 20233:Byzantine 20193:Ukrainian 20168:Ruthenian 20133:Hungarian 20118:Ethiopian 20093:Bulgarian 20060:sui iuris 20044:Postulant 19953:Religious 19908:Auxiliary 19903:Coadjutor 19873:Patriarch 19741:Cardinals 19688:Canon law 19684:Hierarchy 19666:Disciples 19589:Relations 19577:Evolution 19568:See also: 19513:See also: 19466:Mariology 19456:Matrimony 19429:Eucharist 19350:Ecumenism 19278:Salvation 19214:Catechism 19209:Tradition 19171:Communism 19019:Chalcedon 18655:Communism 18625:Ecumenism 17971:(380–451) 17963:(180–451) 17952:(313–476) 17874:(100–325) 17477:Bulgarian 17458:sui iuris 17447:Hungarian 17432:Ruthenian 17427:Ethiopian 17396:Ukrainian 17273:Sui iuris 17191:Malankara 17101:Sarum Use 17008:Zaire Use 16806:Customary 16556:Matrimony 16536:Eucharist 16506:liturgies 16247:Pentecost 16228:Ascension 16103:Holy Week 15923:Christmas 15708:Pentecost 15702:Ascension 15584:Holy Week 15459:Christmas 15199:Fermentum 15186:Holy Hour 15036:Canon law 14902:Epiousion 14770:Canon 915 14765:Canon 844 14744:Abstemius 14702:Holy Week 14655:(current) 14626:Calendars 14544:Vestments 14491:Customary 14421:Manuterge 14394:Flabellum 14194:Subdeacon 14083:Post-Mass 14058:Dismissal 14048:Ablutions 14019:Agnus Dei 13958:anamnesis 13953:elevation 13944:epiclesis 13894:Offertory 13787:Confiteor 13656:Rose Mass 13641:Gold Mass 13626:Blue Mass 13506:Zaire Use 13300:Sarum Use 13207:Zaire Use 12954:Vatican I 12755:Jerusalem 12552:170245894 12393:pp. 75–78 12024:(1911). " 11820:1 January 11519:), p. 447 11440:, in The 11381:170574571 11281:Dialogues 11196:Cyprian, 10980:Purgatory 10681:Hesychasm 10520:Aquinas, 10333:cite book 9737:cite book 9105:213671195 9097:0972-2661 9048:Sui Iuris 8858:The term 8481:Theotokos 8345:) is the 8275:Luke 1:47 8117:Augustine 8113:Scripture 7989:Jansenist 7935:verse of 7911:Augustine 7869:Adam and 7802:Hugh Pope 7740:communion 7657:Dialogues 7481:purgatory 7457:Purgatory 7243:Byzantine 7234:hesychasm 7198:hesychast 7182:existence 7144:Hesychasm 7090:Aristotle 7019:Five Ways 6938:fortitude 6885:Dominican 6872:(1420–97) 6793:Aristotle 6785:Augustine 6741:academics 6662:Nietzsche 6616:Platonism 6459:When the 6291:appointed 6264:Eucharist 6254:in 1983. 5967:Medieval 5672:Tribunals 5619:Interdict 5553:Penal law 5506:Ordinance 5479:Concordat 5313:Exemption 5268:Stole fee 4991:Dicastery 4927:sui juris 4793:sui juris 4790:Churches 4608:Ne Temere 4489:Canon 915 4479:Eucharist 4369:Abstemius 4178:Exarchate 4168:Nomocanon 3978:Decretist 3949:Jus novum 3823: 33 3571:sui iuris 3522:Dominican 3518:Carmelite 3423:canon law 3411:pentarchy 3407:sui iuris 3368:Holy Land 3307:Jerusalem 3287:Pentarchy 3224:sui iuris 3210:The 1990 3184:The term 3120:East Asia 2952:with the 2944:sui iuris 2929:sui iuris 2835:Symbolism 2795:Ecumenism 2785:Criticism 2663:Moravian 2658:Methodist 2628:Adventist 2499:Augustine 2449:Tradition 2423:Salvation 2292:Ascension 2141:Templates 2014:Evolution 1984:Orthodoxy 1959:Ecumenism 1945:Criticism 1935:Antipopes 1915:Byzantine 1894:Malankara 1857:Mozarabic 1847:Ambrosian 1831:Zaire Use 1764:Devotions 1743:Matrimony 1728:Eucharist 1371:Sexuality 1271:Synergism 1197:Salvation 1188:Mediatrix 1164:Dormition 1149:Mater Dei 1134:Mariology 1116:Ascension 1068:Purgatory 1030:Decalogus 934:Canon law 818:Ascension 751:Hierarchy 546:Ukrainian 536:Ruthenian 506:Hungarian 491:Bulgarian 440:Ethiopian 382:sui iuris 261:Worldwide 258:Territory 143:Episcopal 116:Scripture 86:sui iuris 28678:Category 28618:Schengen 28548:Eurozone 28388:Property 28383:Religion 28274:Frankish 28264:Germanic 28244:Paganism 28165:Religion 28153:European 28065:Humanism 27968:Religion 27927:Painting 27893:Internet 27844:Folklore 27815:Clothing 27786:Calendar 27762:Cyrillic 27747:Alphabet 27710:Cold War 27424:Category 27388:Suriname 27378:Paraguay 27363:Colombia 27270:Kiribati 27197:Honduras 27167:Dominica 27142:Barbados 27107:Scotland 27067:Slovenia 27062:Slovakia 27037:Portugal 26907:Bulgaria 26829:Thailand 26779:Pakistan 26759:Mongolia 26754:Maldives 26749:Malaysia 26637:Cambodia 26584:Zimbabwe 26559:Tanzania 26409:Ethiopia 26404:Eswatini 26384:Djibouti 26349:Cameroon 26334:Botswana 26278:Timeline 26273:Scholars 26233:Founders 26098:Violence 26053:Politics 25923:Business 25886:Theology 25630:Prophecy 25620:Paganism 25508:Covenant 25475:Apostasy 25410:Scythian 25351:Rapa Nui 25305:Thracian 25300:Illyrian 25290:Albanian 25261:Sumerian 25204:Harappan 25140:Germanic 25135:Georgian 25128:Selk'nam 25113:Etruscan 25101:Egyptian 25079:Druidism 25042:Armenian 24965:Satanism 24945:Eckankar 24868:Estonian 24853:Romanian 24843:Ossetian 24823:Germanic 24772:Armenian 24761:African 24754:paganism 24683:Sant Mat 24673:Rajneesh 24648:Meivazhi 24643:Japanese 24600:Siberian 24533:SanterĂ­a 24503:Convince 24369:Bushongo 24273:Kiratism 24200:Hmongism 24077:Wocekiye 24062:Jivaroan 24030:Iroquois 24025:Ho-Chunk 23986:Cherokee 23929:American 23900:Hawaiian 23813:Sarnaism 23783:Tungusic 23771:Tengrism 23761:Mongolic 23690:Sarnaism 23621:Nichiren 23598:Mahayana 23585:Buddhism 23563:Sant Mat 23553:Sauraism 23548:Smartism 23543:Shaktism 23536:Balinese 23521:Kaumaram 23516:Kapalika 23511:Kashmiri 23496:Shaivism 23436:Hinduism 23403:Caodaism 23347:Ryukyuan 23342:Tenrikyo 23337:Shugendƍ 23315:Japanese 23186:Yazidism 23171:Ishikism 23049:Quranism 23022:Khawarij 22971:Salafism 22966:Atharism 22855:Esoteric 22826:Holiness 22816:Lutheran 22777:Reformed 22757:Baptists 22730:Brethren 22694:Hussites 22682:Assyrian 22598:Haymanot 22552:Orthodox 22501:Religion 22459:Category 22324:Pacifism 22138:features 22122:Politics 22075:Ablution 22043:Marriage 21947:Catholic 21877:Theology 21784:Reformed 21764:Lutheran 21759:Holiness 21739:Anglican 21709:Catholic 21613:Crusades 21558:Nicaea I 21508:Apostles 21481:Miracles 21476:Parables 21466:Ministry 21456:Nativity 21420:timeline 21317:Prophets 21312:Glossary 21204:Theology 21015:Baptists 20891:Category 20784:Opus Dei 20769:Scouting 20759:Focolare 20626:Servites 20611:Piarists 20556:Crosiers 20292:Anglican 20228:Armenian 20158:Romanian 20148:Maronite 20123:Georgian 20113:Eritrean 20098:Chaldean 20083:Armenian 20078:Albanian 19959:Superior 19918:Emeritus 19898:Diocesan 19751:Advisers 19710:Holy See 19636:Prophets 19594:Politics 19365:Catholic 19345:Councils 19200:Theology 19079:Crusades 19014:Nicaea I 18945:Apostles 18923:Ministry 18892:Timeline 18872:Glossary 18665:HIV/AIDS 18159:Crusades 17913:Irenaeus 17906:Ignatius 17901:Polycarp 17751:Ministry 17739:(30–100) 17613:Timeline 17467:Albanian 17460:churches 17442:Eritrean 17365:Armenian 17360:Chaldean 17329:Maronite 17155:Churches 17106:York Use 17082:British 16794:Breviary 16739:Exorcism 16729:Asperges 16712:Compline 16698:Evensong 16609:Low Mass 16439:Computus 16417:pre-1955 16125:Tenebrae 16037:Sundays 15997:Pre-Lent 15962:Epiphany 15861:Sundays 15658:Sundays 15536:Sundays 15490:Epiphany 15398:Sundays 15066:Ordinary 15012:Accentus 14971:and its 14931:Koinonia 14879:theology 14866:Viaticum 14598:Surplice 14568:Dalmatic 14563:Chasuble 14463:Thurible 14364:Crotalus 14359:Ciborium 14271:Corporal 14152:Crucifer 14137:Boat boy 14031:Fraction 14002:doxology 13998:embolism 13939:oblation 13843:sequence 13834:Alleluia 13772:Psalm 43 13760:the Word 13721:Pre-Mass 13686:Language 13651:Red Mass 13574:Low Mass 13419:Category 13351:See also 13305:York Use 13281:British 13120:Language 13028:Barnabas 12999:Syracuse 12934:Humanism 12919:Crusades 12838:Ethiopia 12832:Aquileia 12804:(?−1964) 12802:Carthage 12743:cathedra 12633:30 March 12606:BBC News 12307:Archived 12262:Archived 12139:page 348 12082:Virginia 12078:Richmond 12070:New York 12062:Vivarium 11704:Archived 11685:Archived 11146:De Anima 11121:Stromata 11058:Stromata 10583:Archived 10456:, Q62a2" 10158:Archived 10083:Archived 9911:), p. 12 9797:(1992). 9044:(2002). 9019:(1910). 8967:Archived 8745:See also 8370:Pius XII 8306:the Fall 8281:against 8023:the Fall 7929:15:21–22 7907:Gnostics 7896:Irenaeus 7608:St. Paul 7563:Irenaeus 7536:Buddhist 7520:Plutarch 7447:Filioque 7428:Filioque 7413:Filioque 7398:Arianism 7382:Filioque 7354:Filioque 7257:Filioque 7246:Catholic 7222:Palamism 7218:Gregoras 7136:Palamism 6926:prudence 6902:and the 6865:Averroes 6771:and the 6634:Porphyry 6624:Plotinus 6612:Stoicism 6551:Catholic 6536:abortion 6447:and the 6275:Celibacy 5717:Parties 5531:Rescript 5489:Decretal 5323:Clerics 5246:Benefice 5205:Theology 5113:Donation 4925:Mission 4889:Chancery 4738:churches 4657:Affinity 4549:(chapel) 4494:Celebret 4301:Red Mass 3641:a series 3639:Part of 3478:Cardinal 3468:Holy See 3419:theology 3390:for its 3370:against 3364:Crusades 3338:(1054) ( 3279:Holy See 3232:metonymy 3108:Americas 2970:cathedra 2967:, whose 2853:Glossary 2800:Glossary 2683:Reformed 2653:Lutheran 2638:Anglican 2572:Catholic 2514:Crusades 2504:Ignatius 2494:Councils 2459:Apostles 2364:Theology 2277:Ministry 2267:Nativity 2223:a series 2221:Part of 2121:Category 2111:Glossary 2049:Politics 2024:HIV/AIDS 1954:Pandeism 1910:Armenian 1842:Gallican 1642:Molinism 1630:Occamism 1605:Schools 1559:Just war 1495:Peshitta 1364:Lectures 1354:Morality 1007:Filioque 955:Doctrine 899:Holy See 768:Theology 762:timeline 730:Overview 700:a series 698:Part of 605:Maronite 564:Chaldean 526:Romanian 481:Albanian 463:Armenian 445:Eritrean 370:a series 368:Part of 349:Holy See 223:Language 196:Americas 155:Holy See 127:Theology 99:Catholic 28463:Benelux 28368:Thought 28318:Atheism 28259:Finnish 28235:Culture 28230:Judaism 28192:Eastern 28188:Western 28183:Culture 28117:Paradox 27983:Decline 27944:Science 27820:History 27808:Studies 27791:Cuisine 27779:Periods 27739:Culture 27568:History 27534:Eastern 27529:Western 27480:culture 27393:Uruguay 27368:Ecuador 27348:Bolivia 27325:Vanuatu 27252:Oceania 27202:Jamaica 27182:Grenada 27137:Bahamas 27097:England 27087:Ukraine 27042:Romania 27002:Moldova 26962:Ireland 26957:Iceland 26952:Hungary 26942:Germany 26932:Finland 26927:Estonia 26922:Denmark 26917:Czechia 26912:Croatia 26897:Belgium 26892:Belarus 26887:Austria 26882:Andorra 26877:Albania 26854:Vietnam 26764:Myanmar 26739:Lebanon 26657:Georgia 26617:Bahrain 26607:Armenia 26569:Tunisia 26539:Somalia 26524:Senegal 26509:Nigeria 26499:Namibia 26489:Morocco 26454:Liberia 26449:Lesotho 26399:Eritrea 26369:Comoros 26344:Burundi 26319:Algeria 26263:Outline 26228:Deities 26155:Atheism 26073:Science 25991:Freedom 25849:History 25816:studies 25769:Dualism 25759:Animism 25724:Worship 25704:Symbols 25645:Liturgy 25558:Goddess 25518:Deities 25499:Laicism 25489:Beliefs 25468:Aspects 25440:Zapotec 25435:Vainakh 25403:Yahwism 25388:Semitic 25317:Iranian 25219:Hurrian 25209:Hittite 25199:Guanche 25192:Orphism 25123:Fuegian 25118:Finnish 25106:Atenism 25052:Latvian 25037:Arabian 24980:RaĂ«lism 24960:Jediism 24955:Goddess 24928:De novo 24816:Druidry 24710:Thelema 24663:New Age 24548:Umbanda 24439:Tumbuka 24424:Odinala 24409:Lugbara 24329:African 24295:African 24243:Bimoism 24233:Burmese 24089:Mapuche 24055:Wyandot 24015:Guarani 23996:Choctaw 23991:Chilote 23937:Abenaki 23888:Tagalog 23861:KejawĂšn 23710:Sikhism 23673:Jainism 23633:Tibetan 23616:Amidism 23484:Warkari 23398:ĐáșĄo Máș«u 23248:Chinese 23230:Eastern 23207:Roshani 23126:Iranian 23034:Alevism 23027:Ibadism 23000:Zaydism 22677:Ancient 22648:Eastern 22608:Renewal 22593:Karaite 22574:Zionist 22562:Hasidic 22544:Judaism 22526:Western 22388:Related 22181:Trinity 22146:Culture 22110:Science 22080:Hygiene 22070:Mission 22053:Penance 22033:Baptism 21969:Worship 21942:Liturgy 21890:Trinity 21801:Eastern 21779:Quakers 21744:Baptist 21701:Western 21691:members 21461:Baptism 21415:History 21405:Worship 21307:Outline 21144:History 20952:in the 20856:Schools 20812:Caritas 20720:Secular 20686:Workers 20581:Jesuits 20367:Museums 20362:Library 20340:Writers 20335:Artists 20315:Culture 20282:Paul VI 20163:Russian 20153:Melkite 19995:Brother 19973:General 19913:Titular 19883:Primate 19861:Eparchy 19851:Diocese 19798:Outline 19737:College 19727:Francis 19671:Virgins 19646:Martyrs 19572:Science 19479:History 19434:Penance 19419:Baptism 19320:Worship 19293:Vulgate 19241:Kingdom 19236:Trinity 19224:General 18979:Primacy 18887:History 18867:Outline 18630:Judaism 18030:Vulgate 17840:Gospels 17815:Stephen 17732:Origins 17652:Vulgate 17588:General 17578:of the 17576:History 17502:Russian 17411:Romania 17350:Junior 17334:Melkite 17279:of the 17208:Malabar 17162:liturgy 17066:Defunct 16959:Current 16865:Psalter 16821:Gradual 16749:Requiem 16744:Funeral 16692:Vespers 16541:Penance 16526:Baptism 16508:of the 16434:Ranking 15835:of the 15831:of the 15372:of the 15368:of the 15351:of the 15098:Related 15070:Propers 14663:Periods 14603:Tunicle 14583:Pallium 14409:Incense 14389:Fistula 14354:Chalice 14327:objects 14301:Piscina 14281:Kneeler 14115:Acolyte 13979:history 13923:Hosanna 13919:Sanctus 13910:Preface 13829:Epistle 13824:Gradual 13808:Collect 13467:of the 13463:of the 13407:* also 13265:Defunct 13157:Current 13076:Ambrose 13065:Cyprian 12904:Vulgate 12859:History 12814:Antioch 12795:Defunct 12738:Francis 12720:Current 12660:in the 12406:(2008) 12230:. EWTN. 12119:page 38 12084:, 1962. 12032:(ed.). 12019::  11245:Sermons 11198:Letters 10164:28 June 9987:Russell 9888:), p. 4 9719:347–349 9696:1 April 9671:1 April 9646:1 April 9617:1 April 9592:1 April 9567:1 April 9542:1 April 9517:1 April 9428:1 April 9365:. Rome. 9339:1 April 9233:1 April 9199:1 April 8702:at the 8663:Trinity 8656:Georgia 8616:in the 8593:in the 8368:, Pope 8349:of the 8302:sinless 8215:Blessed 8197:Scotism 8071:Blessed 8069:of the 8065:is the 7980:baptism 7952:Ambrose 7948:Cyprian 7922:5:12–21 7904:dualist 7818:John 11 7779:Lazarus 7725:at the 7645:), and 7627:martyrs 7432:Trinity 7238:theosis 7210:Barlaam 7178:essence 7044:In his 6954:charity 6934:justice 6882:Italian 6818:Thomism 6812:Thomism 6737:thought 6629:Enneads 6489:history 6441:Trinity 6317:of the 6301:of the 6293:by the 6287:Bishops 6279:priests 6269:baptism 6057:Law of 6011:Brocard 5991:Rufinus 5971:Gratian 5803:Positio 5711:Auditor 5363:Office 5136:Peritus 5098:Faculty 4908:Eparchy 4894:Deanery 4821:nullius 4819:Abbacy 4677:Ligamen 4639:Vetitum 4601:Tametsi 4547:Oratory 4173:Eparchy 4073:Tametsi 4055:-1918) 3959:-1563) 3835:Didache 3825:-1140) 3342:). The 3330:(451) ( 3303:Antioch 3285:of the 3242:History 3167:primacy 3106:to the 3098:In the 3091:in the 3071:is the 3013:), the 2863:Outline 2840:Worship 2820:Outline 2810:Liturgy 2790:Culture 2643:Baptist 2583:Eastern 2519:Aquinas 2444:History 2418:Mission 2403:Baptism 2376:Trinity 2272:Baptism 2106:Outline 2076:Slavery 2066:Science 1979:Judaism 1723:Penance 1718:Baptism 1667:Liturgy 1660:Worship 1625:Scotism 1620:Thomism 1471:Vulgate 980:Trinity 840:Fathers 773:Liturgy 758:History 745:Francis 531:Russian 521:Melkite 386:of the 311:Members 253:, Italy 233:Liturgy 212:Oceania 167:Francis 70:, Italy 28483:CANZUK 28373:Speech 28301:Slavic 28279:Gothic 28254:Celtic 28249:Baltic 28148:Values 27949:Values 27509:Greece 27434:Portal 27373:Guyana 27353:Brazil 27320:Tuvalu 27217:Panama 27207:Mexico 27152:Canada 27147:Belize 27077:Sweden 27057:Serbia 27047:Russia 27032:Poland 27027:Norway 27007:Monaco 26977:Latvia 26972:Kosovo 26947:Greece 26937:France 26869:Europe 26834:Turkey 26819:Taiwan 26724:Kuwait 26697:Jordan 26687:Israel 26647:Cyprus 26632:Brunei 26627:Bhutan 26579:Zambia 26574:Uganda 26514:Rwanda 26469:Malawi 26429:Guinea 26419:Gambia 26324:Angola 26311:Africa 26120:Wealth 26068:Schism 26023:Growth 25947:Priest 25932:Clergy 25751:Theism 25734:Nature 25729:Astral 25672:Groves 25640:Ritual 25625:Prayer 25583:Novice 25533:Ethnic 25458:Topics 25430:Urartu 25425:Tongan 25420:Somali 25415:Slavic 25295:Dacian 25074:Celtic 25069:Basque 25047:Baltic 24898:Udmurt 24863:Uralic 24858:Slavic 24811:Celtic 24799:Abkhaz 24787:Romuva 24777:Baltic 24752:Modern 24595:Papuan 24558:Voodoo 24513:Kumina 24454:Yoruba 24444:Urhobo 24414:Maasai 24399:Lotuko 24347:Baluba 24337:Akamba 24310:Berber 24268:Heraka 24258:Dongba 24146:Pueblo 24141:Pawnee 24131:Navajo 24121:Muisca 24084:Lenape 24072:Lakota 24050:Seneca 24040:Mohawk 23974:Ohlone 23954:Apache 23947:Ojibwe 23927:Native 23793:Manchu 23788:Evenki 23749:Altaic 23740:Ethnic 23715:Khalsa 23668:Kalash 23558:ƚrauta 23427:Indian 23357:Korean 23323:Shinto 23293:Taoism 23266:Luoism 23092:BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ 23087:BĂĄbism 23039:Ahmadi 23017:Sufism 23010:Alawis 22660:Church 22588:Reform 22569:Modern 22557:Haredi 22105:Ethics 21986:Saints 21895:Father 21814:Church 21426:spread 21390:Gospel 21380:Church 21322:People 21168:(1054) 21115:Others 20734:Fimcap 20676:Marian 20596:Minims 20328:Marian 20178:Syriac 20173:Slovak 20103:Coptic 20039:Oblate 20034:Master 20029:Novice 20024:Hermit 20012:Sister 19968:Abbess 19935:Deacon 19930:Priest 19925:Parish 19868:Bishop 19838:Polity 19624:Joseph 19606:Saints 19273:Saints 19161:Nazism 18596:Nazism 18418:to the 18025:Jerome 17935:Origen 17618:Papacy 17456:Other 17437:Slovak 17339:Syriac 17321:Coptic 17020:Orders 16887:Tonary 16870:Missal 16779:Agpeya 16704:Ramsha 16682:(noon) 16656:Matins 16504:, and 16393:Legend 16364:Legend 16180:Octave 15854:Advent 15652:Octave 15391:Advent 15082:Sunday 14670:Advent 14534:Tonary 14349:Censer 14286:Lavabo 14189:Priest 14184:Porter 14179:Lector 14157:Deacon 14142:Cantor 14132:Bishop 14125:female 13855:Homily 13850:Gospel 13813:Oremus 13798:Gloria 13521:Orders 13373:Turkey 13368:Latins 13219:Orders 13087:Jerome 12782:Venice 12773:Lisbon 12740:(with 12550:  12503:  12439:  12410:  12389:  12341:  12284:  12195:  12179:, p. 5 12175:  12155:  12135:  12115:  12028:". In 12013:  11740:  11609:  11538:  11515:  11463:  11379:  11335:  11308:  11228:3:9–10 10851:  10793:  10724:  10648:  10306:  10281:  10256:  10214:  10189:  10126:Press. 10108:  9936:  9907:  9884:  9807:  9777:  9751:  9747:2002: 9725:  9483:  9450:  9398:  9270:479 §2 9248:450 §1 9126:  9103:  9095:  9060:: 280. 9054:Jurist 8996:  8937:  8603:Daniel 8503:, 1392 8355:Heaven 8141:libido 8028:before 7919:Romans 7858:says: 7787:homily 7522:, the 7516:Virgil 7512:Stoics 7485:heaven 7375:Father 7318:Spirit 7290:Father 7171:Exodus 7150:, and 7080:Impact 6952:, and 6936:, and 6896:priest 6876:Saint 6824:, and 6670:Cicero 6666:Virgil 6660:, and 6650:ethics 6576:house. 6410:, and 6374:was a 6350:, and 6309:, the 6267:after 5484:Decree 5457:Notary 5318:Heresy 5169:Simony 5103:Indult 5067:Custom 4956:Parish 4532:Altars 4119:Other 3734:Custom 3643:on the 3556:; the 3516:, the 3512:, the 3508:, the 3506:Toledo 3500:, the 3496:, the 3427:clergy 3425:, and 3362:, the 3305:, and 3154:, and 3122:. The 3049:Latins 2874:  2830:Sermon 2825:Prayer 2678:Quaker 2562:Nicene 2529:Luther 2381:Father 2341:Church 2331:Gospel 2257:Christ 1759:Prayer 1411:Saints 1171:Titles 1063:Heaven 985:Father 702:on the 610:Syriac 541:Slovak 435:Coptic 266:Origin 204:Africa 198:, the 194:, the 183:Region 138:Polity 28638:USMCA 28493:CEFTA 28448:AUKUS 28438:ANZUS 28433:ANZUK 28378:Press 28296:Roman 27961:Sport 27905:Chant 27900:Music 27888:Media 27881:Canon 27827:Dance 27757:Latin 27752:Greek 27598:early 27358:Chile 27315:Tonga 27305:Samoa 27295:Palau 27285:Nauru 27192:Haiti 27112:Wales 27072:Spain 26997:Malta 26967:Italy 26859:Yemen 26814:Syria 26794:Qatar 26769:Nepal 26744:Macau 26707:Korea 26692:Japan 26667:India 26642:China 26554:Sudan 26504:Niger 26459:Libya 26444:Kenya 26424:Ghana 26414:Gabon 26389:Egypt 26329:Benin 26238:Index 26209:lists 26078:State 25896:Women 25764:Deism 25739:Place 25719:Water 25714:Truth 25682:Trees 25538:Faith 25503:Laity 25398:Punic 25356:Roman 25322:Vedic 25280:Olmec 25167:Greek 25160:Norse 25084:Irish 24905:Wicca 24700:Subud 24590:Inuit 24563:Winti 24553:Vodou 24518:Obeah 24498:Comfa 24481:Bantu 24434:Serer 24419:Mbuti 24379:Dogon 24374:Dinka 24357:Kongo 24352:Bantu 24278:Qiang 24109:Olmec 24099:Aztec 24020:Haida 23969:Miwok 23905:Māori 23836:Dayak 23757:Turko 23720:Sects 23656:Other 23611:Thiền 23195:Other 23097:Druze 23075:Other 22951:Sunni 22943:Islam 22725:Amish 22643:Latin 22314:Right 22220:Music 22171:Jesus 22136:Other 21991:Angel 21446:Jesus 21436:Early 21385:Creed 21354:Canon 21342:Bible 21302:Index 20832:CIDSE 20681:Youth 20405:Media 20372:Music 20297:Zaire 20277:Roman 20267:Braga 20257:Latin 20128:Greek 20000:Friar 19964:Abbot 19878:Major 19793:Index 19692:Laity 19258:Dogma 19205:Bible 19181:Islam 19137:Trent 18918:Jesus 18900:Legal 18862:Index 18698:Islam 17966:Roman 17925:Canon 17798:Peter 17746:Jesus 17487:Greek 17316:Latin 16948:Latin 16934:rites 16686:Nones 16674:Terce 16668:Prime 16662:Lauds 16502:rites 15257:Music 14908:Grace 14608:Vimpa 14593:Stole 14558:Amice 14446:wafer 14426:Paten 14379:Cruet 14339:Ashes 14209:Altar 14199:Usher 14167:Laity 14147:Choir 13860:Credo 13839:Tract 13791:Kyrie 13567:Types 13040:James 13023:Milan 13011:Malta 13004:Peter 12987:Peter 12844:Grado 12574:1997. 12548:S2CID 12507:p. 92 12465:" by 12461:See " 12443:p. 64 11388:(PDF) 11377:S2CID 11357:(PDF) 11252:21:13 11201:51:20 11161:Numen 10454:Summa 9419:(PDF) 9101:S2CID 8846:Notes 8686:icons 8652:Ubisi 8605:7:9) 8557:is a 8353:into 8248:dogma 8078:Jesus 8006:are: 7937:Psalm 7508:Hades 7451:Greek 7386:Arian 7339:" or 7335:The " 7013:fraud 6946:faith 6888:friar 6880:, an 6789:Plato 6509:Logos 6120:Order 5474:Canon 4111:1983 4096:1917 3668:1983 3591:Italy 3589:, in 3222:as a 3007:Latin 2995:Latin 2983:Italy 2920:Latin 2858:Index 2805:Index 2578:Latin 2464:Peter 2346:Creed 2336:Canon 2308:Bible 2252:Jesus 2131:Media 2101:Index 2039:Music 1974:Islam 1950:Deism 1852:Braga 1806:Roman 1788:Rites 1769:Bible 1441:Bible 1433:Texts 1416:Dogma 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Latin Christian music
Emblem of the Holy See
Façade of the Archbasilica of St. John in Lateran
Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran
Particular church
sui iuris
Western Christianity
Catholic theology
Holy See
Full communion
Western Europe
Central Europe
episcopal conferences
Ecclesiastical Latin
Latin liturgical rites
Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran

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