
John Adams

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1559:. Jefferson thought Adams should write the document, but Adams persuaded the committee to choose Jefferson. Many years later, Adams recorded his reasoning to Jefferson: "Reason first, you are a Virginian, and a Virginian ought to appear at the head of this business. Reason second, I am obnoxious, suspected, and unpopular. You are very much otherwise. Reason third, you can write ten times better than I can." The Committee left no minutes, and the drafting process itself remains uncertain. Accounts written years later by Jefferson and Adams, although frequently cited, are often contradictory. Although the first draft was written primarily by Jefferson, Adams assumed a major role. On July 1, the resolution was debated in Congress. It was expected to pass, but opponents such as Dickinson made a strong effort to oppose it. Jefferson, a poor debater, remained silent while Adams argued for its adoption. Many years later, Jefferson hailed Adams as "the pillar of support on the floor of Congress, ablest advocate and defender against the multifarious assaults it encountered." On July 2, Congress officially voted for independence. Twelve colonies voted in the affirmative, while New York abstained. Dickinson was absent. On July 3, Adams wrote to Abigail that "yesterday was decided the greatest question which was ever debated in America, and a greater perhaps never was nor will be decided among men." He predicted that "he second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America," and would be celebrated annually. Congress approved the Declaration of Independence on July 4. 2765:
Adams's character, he requested and received private documents from both the ousted cabinet secretaries and Wolcott. The letter was intended for only a few Federalist electors. Upon seeing a draft, several Federalists urged Hamilton not to send it. Wolcott wrote that "the poor old man" could do himself in without Hamilton's assistance. Hamilton did not heed their advice. On October 24, he sent a pamphlet strongly attacking Adams's policies and character. Hamilton denounced the "precipitate nomination" of Murray, the pardoning of Fries, and the firing of Pickering. He vilified the President's "disgusting egotism" and "ungovernable temper." Adams, he concluded, was "emotionally unstable, given to impulsive and irrational decisions, unable to coexist with his closest advisers, and generally unfit to be president." Strangely, it ended by saying that the electors should support Adams and Pinckney equally. Thanks to Burr, who had covertly obtained a copy, the pamphlet became public knowledge and was distributed throughout the country by Republicans. The pamphlet ended Hamilton's political career and helped ensure Adams's already likely defeat.
5337:". Jefferson said, "The natural aristocracy I consider as the most precious gift of nature for the instruction, the trusts, and government of society. And indeed it would have been inconsistent in creation to have formed man for the social state, and not to have provided virtue and wisdom enough to manage the concerns of society. May we not even say that the form of government is best which provides most effectually for a pure selection of these natural into the offices of government?" Adams wondered if it ever would be so clear who these people were, "Your distinction between natural and artificial aristocracy does not appear to me well founded. Birth and wealth are conferred on some men as imperiously by nature, as genius, strength, or beauty. ... When aristocracies are established by human laws and honour, wealth, and power are made hereditary by municipal laws and political institutions, then I acknowledge artificial aristocracy to commence." It would always be true, Adams argued, that fate would bestow influence on some men for reasons other than wisdom and virtue. A good government had to account for that reality. 2464:. Adams knew that America would be unable to win a major conflict, both because of its internal divisions and because France at the time was dominating the fight in most of Europe. He pursued a strategy whereby America harassed French ships in an effort sufficient to stem the French assaults on American interests. In May, shortly after the attack in New York, Congress created a separate Navy Department. The prospect of a French invasion led for calls to build up the army. Hamilton and other "High Federalists" were particularly adamant that a large army be called up, in spite of a common fear, particularly among Republicans, that large standing armies were subversive to liberty. In May, a provisional army of 10,000 soldiers was authorized by Congress. In July, Congress created twelve infantry regiments and provided for six cavalry companies, exceeding Adams's requests but falling short of Hamilton's. 1853:
This, and other statements, prompted Vergennes to secretly inform the British that France did not feel compelled to "sustain pretentious ambitions." Overruling Franklin and distrustful of Vergennes, Jay and Adams decided not to consult with France, instead dealing directly with the British. During these negotiations, Adams mentioned to the British that his proposed fishing terms were more generous than those offered by France in 1778 and that accepting would foster goodwill between Britain and the United States while putting pressure on France. Britain agreed, and the two sides worked out other provisions afterward. Vergennes was angered when he learned from Franklin of the American duplicity, but did not demand renegotiation. He was surprised at how much the Americans could extract. The independent negotiations also allowed the French to plead innocence to their Spanish allies, whose demands for
1482:, aimed at finding peace. Invoking the already-long list of British actions against the colonies, he wrote, "In my opinion Powder and Artillery are the most efficacious, Sure, and infallibly conciliatory Measures We can adopt." After his failure to prevent the petition from being enacted, he wrote a private letter derisively referring to Dickinson as a "piddling genius." The letter was intercepted and published in Loyalist newspapers. The well-respected Dickinson refused to greet Adams and he was for a time largely ostracized. Ferling writes, "By the fall of 1775 no one in Congress labored more ardently than Adams to hasten the day when America would be separate from Great Britain." In October 1775, Adams was appointed chief judge of the Massachusetts Superior Court, but he never served, and resigned in February 1777. In response to queries from other delegates, Adams wrote the 1776 pamphlet 3088:. After Ellsworth's retirement due to ill health in 1800, it fell to Adams to appoint the Court's fourth Chief Justice. At the time, it was not yet certain whether Jefferson or Burr would win the election. Regardless, Adams believed that the choice should be someone "in the full vigor of middle age" who could counter what might be a long line of successive Republican presidents. Adams chose his Secretary of State John Marshall. He, along with Stoddert, was one of Adams's few trusted cabinet members, and was among the first to greet him when he arrived at the White House. Adams signed his commission on January 31 and the Senate approved it immediately. Marshall's long tenure left a lasting influence on the Court. He maintained a carefully reasoned nationalistic interpretation of the Constitution and established the judicial branch as the equal of the executive and legislative branches. 3216: 1439:. Adams sought the repeal of objectionable policies, but at this stage he continued to see benefits in maintaining the ties with Britain. He renewed his push for the right to a jury trial. He complained of what he considered the pretentiousness of the other delegates, writing to Abigail, "I believe if it was moved and seconded that We should come to a Resolution that Three and two make five We should be entertained with Logick and Rhetorick, Law, History, Politicks and Mathematicks, concerning the Subject for two whole Days, and then We should pass the Resolution unanimously in the Affirmative." Adams ultimately helped engineer a compromise between the conservatives and the radicals. The Congress disbanded in October after sending the petition to the King and showing its displeasure with the Intolerable Acts by endorsing the 1998: 5324:. Adams wrote, "No party that ever existed knew itself so little or so vainly overrated its own influence and popularity as ours. None ever understood so ill the causes of its own power, or so wantonly destroyed them." Stephen G. Kurtz argues that Hamilton and his supporters were primarily responsible for the destruction of the Federalist Party. They viewed the party as a personal tool and played into the hands of the Jeffersonians by building up a large standing army and creating a feud with Adams. Chernow writes that Hamilton believed that by eliminating Adams, he could eventually pick up the pieces of the ruined Federalist Party and lead it back to dominance: "Better to purge Adams and let Jefferson govern for a while than to water down the party's ideological purity with compromises." 3380:. It supported a unicameral legislature and a weak executive elected by the legislature. According to Adams, the author had "a better hand at pulling down than building." He believed that the views expressed in the pamphlet were "so democratical, without any restraint or even an attempt at any equilibrium or counter poise, that it must produce confusion and every evil work." What Paine advocated was a radical democracy, incompatible with the system of checks and balances that conservatives like Adams would implement. At the urging of some delegates, Adams committed his views to paper in separate letters. So impressed was Richard Henry Lee that, with Adams's consent, he had the most comprehensive letter printed. Published anonymously in April 1776, it was titled 1368: 3284: 5118:
decisions made in the face of universal opposition. Adams was often combative, as he admitted: " I refused to suffer in silence. I sighed, sobbed, and groaned, and sometimes screeched and screamed. And I must confess to my shame and sorrow that I sometimes swore." Stubbornness was seen as one of his defining traits, a fact for which Adams made no apology. "Thanks to God that he gave me stubbornness when I know I am right," he wrote. His resolve to advance peace with France while maintaining a posture of defense reduced his popularity and contributed to his defeat for reelection. Most historians applaud him for avoiding an all-out war with France during his presidency. His signing of the Alien and Sedition Acts is almost always condemned.
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friend Benjamin Rush, who had been corresponding with both, encouraged them to reach out to each other. On New Year's Day, Adams sent a brief, friendly note to Jefferson to accompany a two-volume collection of lectures on rhetoric by John Quincy Adams. Jefferson replied immediately with a cordial letter, and the two revived their friendship, which they sustained by mail. Their correspondence lasted the rest of their lives, and has been hailed as among their great legacies of American literature. Their letters represent an insight into both the period and the minds of the two revolutionary leaders and presidents. The missives lasted fourteen years, and consisted of 158 letters – 109 from Adams and 49 from Jefferson.
1880:] by an Ocean and under different Governments have the Same Language, a Similar Religion and kindred Blood," and the King agreed to "receive with Pleasure, the Assurances of the friendly Dispositions of the United States." The King added that although "he had been the last to consent" to American independence, he had always done what he thought was right. He startled Adams by commenting that "There is an Opinion, among Some People, that you are not the most attached of all Your Countrymen, to the manners of France." Adams replied, "That Opinion sir, is not mistaken... I have no Attachments but to my own Country." King George responded, "An honest Man will never have any other." 867: 21039: 1727:
our chin to prevent us from drowning, but not to lift our heads out of water." In March 1780, Congress, trying to curb inflation, voted to devalue the dollar. Vergennes summoned Adams for a meeting. In a letter sent in June, he insisted that fluctuation of the dollar value without an exception for French merchants was unacceptable and requested that Adams write to Congress asking it to "retrace its steps." Adams bluntly defended the decision, not only claiming that the French merchants were doing better than Vergennes implied but voicing other grievances he had with the French. The alliance had been made over two years before. During that period, an army under the
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supported the French overthrowing their king. The French had supported Jefferson for president in 1796 and became belligerent at his loss. Adams continued Washington's policy of staying out of the war. Because of the Jay Treaty, the French saw America as Britain's junior partner and began seizing American merchant ships that were trading with the British. Most Americans were still pro-French due to France's assistance during the Revolution, the perceived humiliation of the Jay Treaty, and their desire to support a republic against the British monarchy, and would not tolerate war with France.
2321: 2519:, which many Americans hoped would make them more disposed to negotiate. In October, Adams heard from Gerry in Paris that the French wanted to make peace and would properly receive an American delegation. That December in his address to Congress, Adams relayed these statements while expressing the need to maintain adequate defenses. The speech angered both Federalists, including Hamilton, many of whom had wanted a request for a declaration of war, and Republicans. Hamilton secretly promoted a plan, already rejected by Adams, in which American and British troops would jointly seize 941:. He then attended Braintree Latin School under Joseph Cleverly, where studies included Latin, rhetoric, logic, and arithmetic. Adams's early education included incidents of truancy, a dislike for his master, and a desire to become a farmer, but his father commanded that he remain in school. Deacon Adams hired a new schoolmaster named Joseph Marsh, and his son responded positively. Adams later noted that "As a child I enjoyed perhaps the greatest of blessings that can be bestowed upon men – that of a mother who was anxious and capable to form the characters of her children." 4964: 2111:
insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived." Adams's initial behavior in the Senate made him a target for critics of the Washington administration. Toward the end of his first term, he grew accustomed to a marginal role, and rarely intervened in debate. Adams never questioned Washington's courage or patriotism, but Washington did join Franklin and others as the object of Adams's ire or envy. "The History of our Revolution will be one continued lie," Adams declared. "The essence of the whole will be that Dr. Franklin's
1266:, began on October 24 and ended in his acquittal, because it was impossible to prove that he had ordered his soldiers to fire. The remaining soldiers were tried in December when Adams made his famed argument regarding jury decisions: "Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." Adams won an acquittal for six of the soldiers. Two, who had fired directly into the crowd, were convicted of manslaughter. Adams was paid a small sum by his clients. 1809: 2988: 2423:, the Alien Friends Act, the Alien Enemies Act and the Sedition Act all came within a period of two weeks, in what Jefferson called an "unguarded passion." The first three acts targeted immigrants, specifically French, by giving the president greater deportation authority and increasing citizenship requirements. The Sedition Act made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" against the government or its officials. Adams had not promoted any of these acts, but signed them in June 1798 at the urging of his wife and cabinet. 2486:
conditions. Adams intended to give to Hamilton the lowest possible rank, while Washington and many other Federalists insisted that the order in which the names had been submitted to the Senate must determine seniority. On September 21, Adams received a letter from McHenry relaying a statement from Washington threatening to resign if Hamilton were not made second-in-command. Fearing Federalist backlash, Adams capitulated, despite bitter resentment. The illness of Abigail, whom Adams feared was near death, exacerbated his suffering.
2400: 2365:. Jefferson met four times with Joseph Letombe, the French consul in Philadelphia. Letombe wrote to Paris stating that Jefferson had told him that it was in France's best interest to treat the American ministers civilly but "then drag out the negotiations at length" to arrive at most favorable solution. According to Letombe, Jefferson called Adams "vain, suspicious, and stubborn." When the envoys arrived in October, they were kept waiting for several days, and then granted only a 15-minute meeting with French Foreign Minister 1497: 3270: 44: 1049: 20629: 2239: 981:, while pondering his permanent vocation. In the next four years, he began to seek prestige, craving "Honour or Reputation" and "more defference from fellows", and was determined to be "a great Man". He decided to become a lawyer, writing his father that he found among lawyers "noble and gallant achievements" but, among the clergy, the "pretended sanctity of some absolute dunces". He had reservations about his self-described "trumpery" and failure to share the "happiness of fellow men". 1040: 22530: 20619: 22482: 22518: 5194: 2298: 673: 2057: 22494: 2725: 2152: 22506: 4895: 22437: 20107: 15851: 15227: 13263: 12211: 1160:" in 1765, in a letter sent to the representatives of Braintree in the Massachusetts legislature. It explained that the Act should be opposed since it denied two fundamental rights guaranteed to all Englishmen (and which all free men deserved): to be taxed only by consent and to be tried by a jury of one's peers. The instructions were a succinct and forthright defense of colonial rights and liberties, and served as a model for other towns. 20127: 20117: 15871: 15237: 22575: 12130: 22592: 3521:, explaining the separation of powers established under the new Constitution. Adams believed that humans naturally wanted to further their own ambitions, and a single democratically elected house, if left unchecked, would be subject to this error; it needed to be checked by an upper house and an executive. He wrote that a strong executive would defend the people's liberties against "aristocrats" attempting to take it away. 4955:
slaves in Massachusetts, saying that the issue was presently too divisive so the legislation should "sleep for a time." He was against use of black soldiers in the Revolution due to opposition from Southerners. Slavery was abolished in Massachusetts about 1780, when it was forbidden by implication in the Declaration of Rights that John Adams wrote into the Massachusetts Constitution. Abigail Adams vocally opposed slavery.
2016:, where they were empowered to cast a tie-breaking vote. Early in his term, Adams became deeply involved in a lengthy Senate controversy over the official titles for the president and executive officers of the new government. Although the House agreed that the president should be addressed simply as "George Washington, President of the United States", the Senate debated the issue at some length. Adams favored the style of 12230: 21914: 2651:, the two sides agreed to return any captured ships and to allow for the peaceful transfer of non-military goods to an enemy of the nation. On January 23, 1801, the Senate voted 16–14 in favor of the treaty, four votes short of the necessary two thirds. Some Federalists, including Hamilton, urged that the Senate vote in favor of the treaty with reservations. A new proposal was then drawn up demanding that the 22558: 15861: 2369:. The diplomats were then met by three of Talleyrand's agents (later code-named, X, Y, and Z), who refused to conduct negotiations unless the United States paid enormous bribes to France and to Talleyrand personally. Supposedly this was to make up for offenses given to France by Adams in his speech. The Americans refused to negotiate on such terms. Marshall and Pinckney returned home, while Gerry remained. 2373:
defenses. The Republicans frustrated the President's defense measures. Suspecting that he might be hiding material favorable to France, Republicans in the House, with the support of Federalists who had heard rumors of what was contained in the messages, voted overwhelmingly to demand that Adams release the papers. Once they were released, the Republicans, according to Abigail, were "struck dumb."
1723:, and Adams and his party spent six weeks travelling overland to Paris. Constant disagreement between Lee and Franklin eventually resulted in Adams assuming the role of tie-breaker in almost all votes on commission business. He increased his usefulness by mastering French. Lee was eventually recalled. Adams closely supervised his sons' education while writing to Abigail about once every ten days. 9020: 7445: 1884: 22470: 3354: 1937:, heightened his anxiety. He asked Jay to be relieved; in 1788, he took his leave of George III, who promised to uphold his end of the treaty once America did the same. Adams then went to The Hague to take formal leave of his ambassadorship there and to secure refinancing from the Dutch, allowing the United States to meet obligations on earlier loans. 1744:. One of the few other republics at the time, Adams thought it might be sympathetic to the American cause. Securing a Dutch loan could increase American independence from France and pressure Britain into peace. At first, Adams had no official status, but in July he was formally given permission to negotiate for a loan and took up residence in 2041:. Adams said that the distinctions were necessary because the highest office of the United States must be marked with "dignity and splendor". He was widely derided for his combative nature and stubbornness, especially as he actively debated and lectured the senators. "For forty minutes he harangued us from the chair," wrote Senator 3132:, the bank holding his cash reserves of about $ 13,000, collapsed. John Quincy resolved the crisis by buying his properties in Weymouth and Quincy, including Peacefield, for $ 12,800. During his first four years of retirement, Adams made little effort to contact others, but eventually resumed contact with old acquaintances such as 1570:, charged with recording the officers in the army and their ranks, the disposition of troops throughout the colonies, and ammunition. He was referred to as a "one man war department," working up to eighteen-hour days and mastering the details of raising, equipping and fielding an army under civilian control. Adams functioned as a 2698:(later known as the White House) on November 1. Abigail arrived a few weeks later. On arrival, Adams wrote to her, "Before I end my letter, I pray Heaven to bestow the best of Blessings on this House and all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise Men ever rule under this roof." The Senate of the 2346:
speech was well received by the Federalists. Adams was depicted as an eagle holding an olive branch in one talon and the "emblems of defense" in the other. The Republicans were outraged, for Adams not only had failed to express support for the cause of the French Republic but appeared to be calling for war against it.
subject." Adams learned many years later that his name was on a list of people specifically excluded from Howe's pardon-granting authority. Adams was unimpressed with Howe and predicted American success. He was able to return home to Braintree in October before leaving in January 1777 to resume his duties in Congress.
3128:, and also began work on an autobiography. The work had numerous gaps and was eventually abandoned and left unedited. Most of Adams's attention was focused on farm work, although he mostly left manual labor to hired hands. His frugal lifestyle and presidential salary gave him a considerable fortune by 1801. In 1803, 1293:; he noted "Now my family is away, I feel no Inclination at all, no Temptation, to be any where but at my Office." After some time in the capital, he became disenchanted with the rural and "vulgar" Braintree as a home for his family – in August 1772, he moved them back to Boston. He purchased a large brick house on 3099:, which created a set of federal appeals courts between the district courts and the Supreme Court. Adams filled the vacancies created in this statute by appointing a series of judges, whom his opponents called the "Midnight Judges", just days before his term expired. Most of these judges lost their posts when the 1408:, a series of deeply unpopular measures intended to punish Massachusetts, centralize authority in Britain, and prevent rebellion in other colonies. Four delegates were chosen by the Massachusetts legislature, including John Adams, who agreed to attend, despite an emotional plea from his friend, Attorney General 2769:
required for victory. On February 17, 1801 – on the 36th ballot – Jefferson was elected by a vote of 10 to 4 (two states abstained). Hamilton's scheme, although it made the Federalists appear divided and therefore helped Jefferson win, failed in its overall attempt to woo Federalist electors away from Adams.
1309:, persistently held that while British actions against the colonies had been wrong, open insurrection was unwarranted and peaceful petition with the view of remaining part of Great Britain was preferable. His ideas began to change around 1772, as the British Crown assumed payment of the salaries of Governor 1259:. The accused soldiers were arrested on charges of murder. When no other attorneys would come to their defense, Adams was impelled to do so despite the risk to his reputation. He believed no person should be denied the right to counsel and a fair trial. The trials were delayed so that passions could cool. 5210:, in which he lauds Adams for consistency and honesty, "plays down or explains away" his more controversial actions, and criticizes Jefferson. The book sold very well and was very favorably received and, along with the Ferling biography, contributed to a rapid resurgence in Adams's reputation. In 2008, a 1732:
United States but to the West Indies to protect French interests there. France, Adams believed, needed to commit itself more fully to the alliance. Vergennes responded that he would deal only with Franklin, who sent a letter back to Congress critical of Adams. Adams then left France of his own accord.
of the Bible and the divinity of Christ, Adams always retained a respect for the religiosity of people that Jefferson never had". In his retirement years, Adams moved closer to more mainstream Enlightenment religious ideals. He blamed institutional Christianity and established churches in Britain and
On July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, Adams died of a heart attack at Peacefield at approximately 6:20 pm. His last words included an acknowledgement of his longtime friend and rival: "Thomas Jefferson survives." Adams was unaware that Jefferson had
Early on, Adams repeatedly tried to turn the correspondence to a discussion of their actions in the political arena. Jefferson refused to oblige him, saying that "nothing new can be added by you or me to what has been said by others and will be said in every age." Adams made one more attempt, writing
In early 1812, Adams reconciled with Jefferson. The previous year had been tragic for Adams; his brother-in-law and friend Richard Cranch had died along with his widow Mary, and Nabby had been diagnosed with breast cancer. These events mellowed Adams and caused him to soften his outlook. Their mutual
epidemic, after a letter arrived from Talleyrand confirming that American ministers would be received. Adams then decided to send the commissioners to France. Adams arrived in Trenton on October 10. Shortly after, Hamilton, in a breach of military protocol, arrived uninvited at the city to speak with
to replace him. Hamilton strongly criticized the decision, as did Adams's cabinet members, who maintained frequent communication with him. Adams again questioned their loyalty but did not remove them. To the annoyance of many, Adams spent March to September 1799 in Peacefield. He returned to Trenton,
The administration initiated fourteen or more indictments under the Sedition Act, as well as suits against five of the six most prominent Republican newspapers. The majority of the legal actions began in 1798 and 1799, and went to trial on the eve of the 1800 presidential election. Vocal opponents of
In late 1779, Adams was appointed as the sole minister charged with negotiations to establish a commercial treaty with Britain and end the war. Following the Massachusetts constitutional convention, he departed for France in November, accompanied by his sons John Quincy and 9-year-old Charles. A leak
made Adams hope that independence would soon become a reality. Three days after the battle, he rode into a militia camp and, while reflecting positively on the high spirits of the men, was distressed by their poor condition and lack of discipline. A month later, Adams returned to Philadelphia for the
lauds Adams for his fight against radicals whose promised reforms portended anarchy and misery. Ferling, in his 1992 biography, writes that "Adams was his own worst enemy." He criticizes him for his "pettiness ... jealousy, and vanity", and faults his frequent separations from his family. He praises
Before the war, he occasionally represented slaves in suits for their freedom. Adams generally tried to keep the issue out of national politics, because of the anticipated Southern response during a time when unity was needed to achieve independence. He spoke out in 1777 against a bill to emancipate
Adams generally stayed quiet on public matters. He did not publicly denounce Jefferson's actions as president, believing that "instead of opposing Systematically any Administration, running down their Characters and opposing all their Measures right or wrong, We ought to Support every Administration
The campaign was bitter and characterized by malicious insults by partisan presses on both sides. Federalists claimed that the Republicans were the enemies of "all who love order, peace, virtue, and religion." They were said to be libertines and dangerous radicals who favored states' rights over the
Adams won the presidency by a narrow margin, receiving 71 electoral votes to 68 for Jefferson, who became the vice president; Pinckney finished third with 59 votes, and Burr came fourth with 30. The balance of the votes were dispersed among nine other candidates. This is the only election to date in
within Britain. Adams corresponded with his sons John Quincy and Charles, both of whom were at Harvard, cautioning the former against the "smell of the midnight lamp" while admonishing the latter to devote sufficient time to study. Jefferson visited Adams in 1786 while serving as Minister to France;
with the United States on February 6. Adams was annoyed by the other two commissioners: Lee, whom he thought paranoid and cynical, and the popular and influential Franklin, whom he found lethargic and overly deferential to the French. He assumed a less visible role but helped manage the delegation's
officers concerning supplies, munitions, and tactics. Adams emphasized to them the role of discipline in keeping an army orderly. He authored the "Plan of Treaties," laying out Congress's requirements for a treaty with France. He was worn out by the rigor of his duties and longed to return home. His
to the presidency, opposition from Federalists and accusations of despotism from Jeffersonians led to Adams losing to his vice president and former friend Jefferson, and he retired to Massachusetts. He eventually resumed his friendship with Jefferson by initiating a continuing correspondence. He and
was authorized in 2001. According to McCullough, "Popular symbolism has not been very generous toward Adams. There is no memorial, no statue ... in his honor in our nation's capital, and to me that is absolutely inexcusable. It's long past time when we should recognize what he did, and who he was."
in 1806. Warren, an old friend, had written a history of the American Revolution attacking Adams for his "partiality for monarchy" and "pride of talents and much ambition." A tempestuous correspondence ensued between her and Adams. In time, their friendship healed. Adams did privately criticize the
Opposition from the Federalist Party was at times equally intense. Some, including Pickering, accused Adams of colluding with Jefferson so that he would end up either president or vice president. Hamilton was hard at work, attempting to sabotage the President's reelection. Planning an indictment of
and declared the French Revolution over. News of this event increased Adams's desire to disband the provisional army, which, with Washington now dead, was commanded only by Hamilton. His moves to end the army after the departures of McHenry and Pickering were met with little opposition. Federalists
On May 5, 1800, Adams's frustrations with the Hamilton wing of the party exploded during a meeting with McHenry, a Hamilton loyalist who was universally regarded, even by Hamilton, as an inept Secretary of War. Adams accused him of subservience to Hamilton and declared that he would rather serve as
as their candidates. The campaign was mostly confined to newspaper attacks, pamphlets, and political rallies; of the four contenders, only Burr actively campaigned. The practice of not campaigning for office would persist for decades. Adams stated that he wanted to stay out of the "silly and wicked
proved both very important and very difficult. In response to very strict restrictions proposed by the British, Adams insisted that not only should American fishermen be allowed to travel as close to shore as desired, but that they should be allowed to cure their fish on the shores of Newfoundland.
answer his petitions. His efforts stalled, and he took his cause to the people, successfully capitalizing on popular pro-American sentiment. Several provinces began recognizing American independence. On April 19, the States General formally recognized American independence and acknowledged Adams as
had been sent to assist Washington, but it had yet to do anything of significance and America was expecting French warships. These were needed, Adams wrote, to contain the British armies in the port cities and contend with the powerful British Navy. However, the French Navy had been sent not to the
In contrast to Franklin, Adams viewed the Franco-American alliance pessimistically. The French, he believed, were involved for their own self-interest, and he grew frustrated by what he saw as their sluggishness in providing substantial aid. The French, Adams wrote, meant to keep their hands "above
that these measures would destroy judicial independence and place the colonial government in closer subjugation to the Crown. After discontent among members of the legislature, Hutchinson delivered a speech warning that Parliament's powers over the colonies were absolute and that any resistance was
According to Ferling, Adams's political philosophy fell "out of step" with national trends. The country tended further away from Adams's emphasis on order and the rule of law and towards the Jeffersonian vision of liberty and weak central government. In the years following his retirement, as first
summarized what many thought of Adams, saying "He means well for his country, is always an honest man, often a wise one, but sometimes, and in some things, absolutely out of his senses." Adams strongly felt that he would be forgotten and underappreciated by history. These feelings often manifested
I have, through my whole life, held the practice of slavery in such abhorrence, that I have never owned a negro or any other slave, though I have lived for many years in times, when the practice was not disgraceful, when the best men in my vicinity thought it not inconsistent with their character,
toured the country and met with Adams, who greatly enjoyed Lafayette's visit to Peacefield. Adams was delighted by the election of John Quincy to the presidency. The results became official in February 1825 after a deadlock was decided in the House of Representatives. He remarked, "No man who ever
as second-in-command, followed by Hamilton, and then Charles Pinckney. On June 2, Hamilton wrote to Washington stating that he would not serve unless he was made Inspector General and second-in-command. Washington conceded that Hamilton, despite holding a rank lower than Knox and Pinckney, had, by
on September 11. Howe's authority was premised on the states' submission, so the parties found no common ground. When Lord Howe stated he could view the American delegates only as British subjects, Adams replied, "Your lordship may consider me in what light you please, ... except that of a British
Adams expressed controversial and shifting views regarding the virtues of monarchical and hereditary political institutions. At times he conveyed substantial support for these approaches, suggesting for example that "hereditary monarchy or aristocracy" are the "only institutions that can possibly
Adams's preoccupation with political and governmental affairs, which caused considerable separation from his wife and children, had a distinct familial context, which he articulated in 1780: "I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have the liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My
The Constitution affirmed the "duty" of the individual to worship the "Supreme Being," and the right to do so without molestation "in the manner most agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience." It established free public education for three years to the children of all citizens. Adams was a
any acts they deemed unconstitutional. Writing to Madison, he speculated that as a last resort the states might have to "sever ourselves from the union we so much value." Federalists reacted bitterly to the resolutions, and the acts energized and unified the Republican Party while doing little to
On May 16, 1797, Adams gave a speech to the House and Senate in which he called for increasing defense capabilities in case of war with France. He announced that he would send a peace commission to France but simultaneously called for a military buildup to counter any potential French threat. The
state electors heard of it and agreed not to vote for Pinckney. Adams wrote shortly after the election that Hamilton was a "proud Spirited, conceited, aspiring Mortal always pretending to Morality, with as debauched Morals as old Franklin who is more his Model than any one I know." Throughout his
As in the previous two presidential elections, no candidates were put forward for voters to choose between in 1796. The Constitution provided for the selection of electors who would then choose a president. In seven states voters chose the presidential electors. In the remaining nine states, they
began. Republicans were jubilant. Adams at first expressed cautious optimism, but soon began denouncing the revolutionaries as barbarous and tyrannical. Washington eventually consulted Adams more often, but not until near the end of his administration, by which point distinguished cabinet members
Adams's tenure in Britain was complicated by both countries failing to follow their treaty obligations. The American states had been delinquent in paying debts owed to British merchants, and in response, the British refused to vacate forts in the northwest as promised. Adams's attempts to resolve
2578:. Though Washington had maintained a balanced budget with the help of a growing economy, increased military expenditures threatened to cause major budget deficits, and the Federalists developed a taxation plan to meet the need for increased government revenue. The Direct Tax of 1798 instituted a 2268:
Historians debate the wisdom of his decision to retain Washington's cabinet given its loyalty to Hamilton. The "Hamiltonians who surround him," Jefferson remarked, "are only a little less hostile to him than to me." Although aware of Hamilton's influence, Adams was convinced that their retention
His abilities are undoubtedly equal to the mechanical parts of his business as ambassador, but this is not enough. He cannot dance, drink, game, flatter, promise, dress, swear with the gentlemen, and small talk and flirt with the ladies; in short, he has none of those essential arts or ornaments
in August. Adams was originally optimistic and greatly enjoyed the city, but soon became disappointed. The Dutch, fearing British retaliation, refused to meet Adams. Before he had arrived, the British found out about secret aid the Dutch had sent to the Americans and authorized reprisals against
invoked Adams's "inflexible integrity" and the need to have a youthful man who could counterbalance Franklin's age. On November 27, Adams accepted, wasting no time. Abigail was left in Massachusetts to manage their home, but it was agreed that 10-year-old John Quincy would go with Adams, for the
Adams's absence was hard on Abigail, who was left alone to care for the family. She still encouraged her husband in his task, writing: "You cannot be, I know, nor do I wish to see you an inactive Spectator, but if the Sword be drawn I bid adieu to all domestick felicity, and look forward to that
owners briefly retained Adams as legal counsel regarding their liability for the destroyed shipment. Adams applauded the destruction of the tea, calling it the "grandest Event" in the history of the colonial protest movement, and writing in his diary that it was an "absolutely and indispensably"
in 1772, and Elizabeth in 1777. Susanna died when she was one year old, while Elizabeth was stillborn. All three of Adams's sons became lawyers. Charles and Thomas were unsuccessful, became alcoholics, and died at a relatively young age. In contrast, John Quincy excelled and launched a political
The first President from the North, John Adams, asserted and essayed to put into practice the supremacy of the "National" power over the states and the citizens thereof. He was sustained in his attempted usurpations by all the New England states and by a powerful public sentiment in each of the
In early 1801, Adams sent Thomas Jefferson a brief note wishing him a happy and prosperous presidency. Jefferson failed to respond, and they did not speak again for nearly 12 years. In 1804, Abigail, unbeknownst to her husband, wrote to Jefferson to express her condolences upon the death of his
When the electoral votes were counted, Adams finished third with 65 votes, and Pinckney came in fourth with 64 votes. Jefferson and Burr tied for first with 73 votes each. Because of the tie, the election devolved upon the House of Representatives, with each state having one vote and a majority
Jefferson's vice president or minister at The Hague than be beholden to Hamilton for the presidency. McHenry offered to resign at once, and Adams accepted. On May 10, he asked Pickering to resign. Pickering refused and was summarily dismissed. Adams named John Marshall as Secretary of State and
Fries and two other leaders were arrested, found guilty of treason, and sentenced to hang. They appealed to Adams requesting a pardon. The cabinet unanimously advised Adams to refuse, but he instead granted the pardon, arguing the men had instigated a mere riot as opposed to a rebellion. In his
News of the disastrous peace mission arrived in a memorandum from Marshall on March 4, 1798. Adams, not wanting to incite violent impulses among the populace, announced that the mission had failed without providing details. He also sent a message to Congress asking for a renewal of the nation's
As the campaign progressed, fears grew among Hamilton and his supporters that Adams was too vain, opinionated, unpredictable and stubborn to follow their directions. Indeed, Adams did not consider himself a strong member of the Federalist Party. He had remarked that Hamilton's economic program,
on terms unfavorable to the United States, Adams urged Washington to sign it to prevent war. Washington did so, igniting protests and riots. He was accused of surrendering American honor to a tyrannical monarchy and of turning his back on the French Republic. John Adams predicted in a letter to
maintained that Adams's political philosophy had become irrelevant by the time the Federal Constitution was ratified. By then, American political thought, transformed by more than a decade of vigorous debate as well as formative experiential pressures, had abandoned the classical perception of
with slaves were used against him. Republicans accused Federalists of subverting republican principles through punitive federal laws and of favoring Britain and the other coalition countries in their war with France to promote aristocratic, anti-republican values. Jefferson was portrayed as an
argued that Adams was the most independent minded of the Founders. Though he formally aligned with the Federalists, he was somewhat a party unto himself, at times disagreeing with the Federalists as much as he did the Republicans. He was often described as prickly, but his tenacity was fed by
newspaper, refuting line-by-line Hamilton's 1800 pamphlet. The initial piece was written shortly after his return from Peacefield and "had gathered dust for eight years." Adams had decided to shelve it over fears that it could negatively impact John Quincy should he ever seek office. Although
Adams "expertly exercised his right to challenge individual jurors and contrived what amounted to a packed jury. Not only were several jurors closely tied through business arrangements to the British army, but five ultimately became Loyalist exiles." While Adams's defense was helped by a weak
Many attacks on Adams were scurrilous, including suggestions that he was planning to "crown himself king" and "grooming John Quincy as heir to the throne." The allegations were totally false, he told Jeffersonβ€”he never wanted an American monarchy. Adams felt that the great danger was that an
was that the citizenry were the sole possessors of power in the nation. Representatives in the government enjoyed mere portions of the people's power and only for a limited time. Adams was thought to have overlooked this evolution and revealed his continued attachment to the older version of
As the two grew older, the letters grew fewer and farther between. There was also important information that each man kept to himself. Jefferson said nothing about his construction of a new house, domestic turmoil, slave ownership, or poor financial situation, while Adams did not mention the
as a result of the French Revolution. Hamilton and the Federalists strongly favored the British monarchy against what they denounced as the political radicalism and anti-religious frenzy of the French Revolution. Jefferson and the Republicans, with their firm opposition to monarchy, strongly
to make the army appear bipartisan. Washington's list consisted entirely of Federalists. Adams relented and agreed to submit to the Senate the names of Hamilton, Pinckney, and Knox, in that order, although final decisions of rank would be reserved to Adams. Knox refused to serve under these
Federalists pressured Adams to appoint Hamilton, who had served as Washington's aide-de-camp during the Revolution, to command the army. Distrustful of Hamilton and fearing a plot to subvert his administration, Adams chose Washington without consulting him. As a condition of his acceptance,
was approved in 1780. It was the first constitution written by a special committee, then ratified by the people, and was the first to feature a bicameral legislature. Included were a distinct executive – though restrained by an executive council – with a qualified (two-thirds) veto, and an
Adams was in other respects quite independent of his cabinet, often making decisions despite opposition from it. Hamilton had grown accustomed to being regularly consulted by Washington. Shortly after Adams was inaugurated, Hamilton sent him a detailed letter with policy suggestions. Adams
meetings, and the President sought his counsel infrequently. While Adams brought energy and dedication to the office, by mid-1789 he had already found it "not quite adapted to my character ... too inactive, and mechanical." He wrote, "My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most
on April 19, 1781, but they did not promise any assistance. In the meantime, Adams thwarted an attempt by neutral European powers to mediate the war without consulting the United States. In July, Adams consented to the departure of both of his sons; John Quincy went with Adams's secretary
3245:, who had stayed with the Adamses in London in 1787. This initiated a brief correspondence between the two which quickly descended into political rancor. Jefferson terminated it by not replying to Abigail's fourth letter. Aside from that, by 1812 there had been no communication between 2083:, and is one of only three vice presidents who have cast more than 20 during their tenure. He voted against a bill sponsored by Maclay that would have required Senate consent for the removal of executive branch officials who had been confirmed by the Senate. In 1790, Jefferson, 1191:
to justify insurrection. While Adams strongly opposed the Act in writing, he rebuffed attempts by Samuel Adams, a leader in the popular protest movements, to involve him in mob actions and public demonstrations. In 1766, a town meeting of Braintree elected Adams as a selectman.
2173:, deep philosophical differences between the two leading figures in the administration – Hamilton and Jefferson – had caused a rift, leading to the founding of the Federalist and Republican parties. When Washington announced that he would not stand for a third term, an intense 2655:
be superseded and that France pay for its damages to American property. On February 3, the treaty with the reservations passed 22–9 and was signed by Adams. News of the peace treaty did not arrive in the United States until after the election, too late to sway the results.
Despite the XYZ Affair, Republican opposition persisted. Federalists accused the French and their immigrants of provoking civil unrest. In an attempt to quell the outcry, the Federalists introduced, and the Congress passed, a series of laws collectively referred to as the
In time, Adams grew close to Abigail. They were married on October 25, 1764, despite the opposition of Abigail's mother. The pair shared a love of books and proved honest in their praise and criticism of each other. After his father's death in 1761, Adams had inherited a
that "You and I ought not to die before we have explained ourselves to each other." Still, Jefferson declined to engage Adams in this sort of discussion. Adams accepted this, and the correspondence turned to other matters, particularly philosophy and their daily habits.
preserve the laws and liberties of the people." At other times he distanced himself from such ideas, calling himself "a mortal and irreconcilable enemy to Monarchy". Such denials did not assuage his critics, and Adams was often accused of being a monarchist. Historian
1981:. Adams finished well ahead of all others except Washington, but was still offended by Washington receiving more than twice as many votes. In an effort to ensure that Adams did not accidentally become president and that Washington would have an overwhelming victory, 2589:, rural German-speaking farmers protested what they saw as a threat to their liberties. They intimidated tax collectors, who often found themselves unable to go about their business. The disturbance was quickly ended with Hamilton leading the army to restore peace. 5180:
wrote in 2001 that Adams is "remembered as that guy who served a single term as president between Washington and Jefferson." He has always been seen, Ferling says, as "honest and dedicated", but despite his lengthy career in public service, is still overshadowed.
concepts. Frazer notes that while he shared many perspectives with deists and often used deistic terminology, "Adams clearly was not a deist... Adams did believe in miracles, providence, and, to a certain extent, the Bible as revelation." In 1796, Adams denounced
blamed Adams's aggression for the disaster. Among the general public however, the affair substantially weakened popular American support of France. Adams reached the height of his popularity as many in the country called for full-scale war against the French.
that was known locally as the "White House". He, Abigail, and the children lived there for a year, then moved to Cold Lane; later they moved again to a larger house in Brattle Square in the center of the city. In 1768, Adams successfully defended the merchant
Ferling attributes Adams's defeat to five factors: the stronger organization of the Republicans; Federalist disunity; the controversy surrounding the Alien and Sedition Acts; the popularity of Jefferson in the South; and the effective politicking of Burr in
To compound the agony of his defeat, Adams's son Charles, a long-time alcoholic, died on November 30. Anxious to rejoin Abigail, who had already left for Massachusetts, Adams departed the White House in the predawn hours of March 4, 1801, and did not attend
centered around banks, would "swindle" the poor and unleash the "gangrene of avarice." Desiring "a more pliant president than Adams," Hamilton maneuvered to tip the election to Pinckney. He coerced South Carolina Federalist electors, pledged to vote for "
courts. These Admiralty courts acted without juries and were greatly disliked. The Act was despised for both its monetary cost and implementation without colonial consent, and encountered violent resistance, preventing its enforcement. Adams authored the
1463:, those favoring independence, and those hesitant to take any position. He became convinced that Congress was moving in the proper direction – away from Great Britain. Publicly, Adams supported "reconciliation if practicable," but privately agreed with 3488:
and other European writers as to the viciousness of state government frameworks. He suggested that "the rich, the well-born and the able" should be set apart from other men in a senate – that would prevent them from dominating the lower house. Adams's
3180:, Adams felt the need to vindicate his character against his charges. With John Quincy having broken from the Federalist Party and joined the Republicans, he felt that he could safely do so without threatening his political career. Adams supported the 1960:
was soon to take place. Because George Washington was widely expected to win the presidency, many felt that the vice presidency should go to a northerner. Although he made no public comments on the matter, Adams was the primary contender. Each state's
refused to nominate him for a second term. After the Federalists denounced John Quincy as no longer being of their party, Adams wrote to him that he himself had long since "abdicated and disclaimed the name and character and attributes of that sect."
writes that "he Adams presidency was destined to be dominated by a single question of American policy to an extent seldom if ever encountered by any succeeding occupant of the office." That question was whether to make war with France or find peace.
their ships, which only increased their apprehension. Word had also reached Europe of American battlefield defeats. After five months of not meeting with a single Dutch official, Adams in early 1781 pronounced Amsterdam "the capital of the reign of
5048:. Strict Puritanism had profoundly shaped New England's culture, laws, and traditions, and Adams praised the historical Puritans as "bearers of freedom, a cause that still had a holy urgency". Adams recalled that his parents "held every Species of 3497:. Adams contended that social classes exist in every political society, and that a good government must accept that reality. For centuries, a mixed regime balancing monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy was required to preserve order and liberty. 2761:, a Republican propagandist secretly financed by Jefferson, degraded Adams's character and accused him of attempting to make war with France. Callender was arrested and jailed under the Sedition Act, which further inflamed Republican passions. 2435:'s attempts to deport aliens, although many left on their own, largely in response to the hostile environment. Republicans were outraged. Jefferson, disgusted by the acts, wrote nothing publicly but partnered with Madison to secretly draft the 1622:
that independence was necessary to establish trade, and conversely, trade was essential for the attainment of independence; he specifically urged negotiation of a commercial treaty with France. He was appointed, along with Franklin, Dickinson,
2053:" would be used. Privately, Adams conceded that his vice presidency had begun poorly and that perhaps he had been out of the country too long to know the sentiment of the people. Washington quietly expressed his displeasure with the fuss. 1774:. In August, shortly after being removed from his position of sole head of peace treaty negotiations, Adams had "a major nervous breakdown." That November, he learned that American and French troops had decisively defeated the British at 2777:. Including him, only five out-going presidents (having served a full term) have not attended their successors' inaugurations. The complications of the 1796 and 1800 elections prompted a modification to the Electoral College through the 1183:. He also spoke in December before the governor and council, pronouncing the Stamp Act invalid in the absence of Massachusetts representation at Parliament. He noted that many protests were sparked by a popular sermon of Boston minister 3469:
sons ought to study Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce and Agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry, and Porcelaine."
With the Federalist Party deeply split over his negotiations with France, and the opposition Republican Party enraged over the Alien and Sedition Acts and the expansion of the military, Adams faced a daunting reelection campaign in
smote the Earth and out sprung General Washington. That Franklin electrified him with his Rod – and henceforth these two conducted all the Policy, Negotiations, Legislatures and War." Adams won reelection with little difficulty in
convinced at least 7 of the 69 electors not to cast their vote for Adams. After finding out about the manipulation but not Hamilton's role in it, Adams wrote to Benjamin Rush that his election was "a curse rather than a blessing."
without consulting the American legislatures. It required payment of a direct tax by the colonies for stamped documents, and was designed to pay for the costs of Britain's war with France. Power of enforcement was given to British
on June 1, which he meticulously recorded in a letter to Foreign Minister Jay the next day. The pair's exchange was respectful; Adams promised to do all that he could to restore friendship and cordiality "between People who, tho
General Washington and captured Philadelphia. More Americans came to determine that mere commercial ties between the U.S. and France would not be enough, and that military assistance would be needed. The defeat of the British at
20130: 20585: 5175:
In the 21st century, Adams remains less well known than many of the Founders, in accordance with his predictions. McCullough argued that "he problem with Adams is that most Americans know nothing about him." Todd Leopold of
in Philadelphia, he helped push through a plan to outfit armed ships to launch raids on enemy vessels. Later in the year, he drafted the first set of regulations for the provisional navy. Adams drafted the preamble to the
1077:, his third cousin, through his friend Richard Cranch, who was courting Abigail's older sister. Adams initially was not impressed with Abigail and her two sisters, writing that they were not "fond, nor frank, nor candid". 1195:
With the repeal of the Stamp Act in early 1766, tensions with Britain temporarily eased. Putting politics aside, Adams moved his family to Boston in April 1768 to focus on his law practice. The family rented a house on
5074:, saying, "The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity and humanity, let the Blackguard Paine say what he will." 1682:. The trip was stormy and treacherous. The ship was pursued by British vessels, with Adams personally taking up arms to help capture one. A cannon malfunction wounded several sailors and killed one. On April 1, the 5407:
United States. Continental Congress; Ford, Worthington Chauncey; Hunt, Gaillard; Fitzpatrick, John Clement; Hill, Roscoe R.; Harris, Kenneth E.; Tilley, Steven D.; Library of Congress. Manuscript Division (1904).
12120: 3429:'s fear of republicanism was responsible for his refusal to support independence, and that opposition from Southern planters was rooted in fear that their aristocratic slaveholding status would be endangered. 1254:
reinforced him, and the crowd around them grew to several hundred. The soldiers were struck with snowballs, ice, and stones, and in the chaos the soldiers opened fire, killing five civilians, in the infamous
19528: 5424:
Congress proceeded to the election of a commissioner to the Court of France in the room of S. Deane, Esq. and, the ballots being taken, John Adams, a delegate in Congress from Massachusetts bay, was elected.
in the Senate objected to the monarchical sound of them all; Jefferson described them as "superlatively ridiculous." They argued that these "distinctions," as Adams called them, violated the Constitution's
22742: 12697: 1925: 1249:
in 1767 revived tensions, and an increase in mob violence led the British to dispatch more troops to the colonies. On March 5, 1770, when a lone British sentry was accosted by a mob, eight of his fellow
8934: 2481:
to convince Washington to accept the post. McHenry put forth his opinion that Washington would not serve unless permitted to choose his own officers. Adams had intended to appoint Republicans Burr and
as their presidential choices. Jefferson at first declined the nomination, but he agreed to run a few weeks later. Federalist members of Congress held an informal nominating caucus and named Adams and
5021:, "Adams was both a devout Christian, and an independent thinker, and he saw no conflict in that." He believed that regular church service was beneficial to man's moral sense. Adams was raised in the 1699:
to France while Lee was sent to Spain. Adams received no instructions. Frustrated by the apparent slight, he departed France with John Quincy on March 8, 1779. On August 2, they arrived in Braintree.
1297:, not far from his office. In 1774, Adams and Abigail returned the family to the farm due to the increasingly unstable situation in Boston, and Braintree remained their permanent Massachusetts home. 3389:
Adams advised that the form of government should be chosen to attain the desired ends – the happiness and virtue of the greatest number of people. He wrote, "There is no good government but what is
in early June 1800. Amid the "raw and unfinished" cityscape, the President found the public buildings "in a much greater forwardness of completion than expected." He moved into the nearly completed
3517:, Adams wrote that, "Power must be opposed to power, and interest to interest." This sentiment was later echoed by James Madison's statement that, "mbition must be made to counteract ambition", in 2585:
of up to 1% of a property's value. Taxpayers in eastern Pennsylvania resisted federal tax collectors, and in March 1799 the bloodless Fries's Rebellion broke out. Led by Revolutionary War veteran
22727: 9024: 7449: 20615: 2080: 2132:
Hamilton and Jefferson had resigned. The British had been raiding American trading vessels, and John Jay was sent to London to negotiate an end to hostilities. When he returned in 1795 with a
in December, arguing for French naval support in North America. Franklin toned down the letter, but Vergennes ignored it. In September 1778, Congress increased Franklin's powers by naming him
prosecution, he "performed brilliantly." Ferling surmises that Adams was encouraged to take the case in exchange for political office; one of Boston's seats opened three months later in the
began in 1754, Adams, aged nineteen, felt guilty he was the first in his family not to be a militia officer; he said "I longed more ardently to be a Soldier than I ever did to be a Lawyer".
12118: 1647:," allowing neutral nations to trade reciprocally while exempting an agreed-upon list of contraband. By late 1777, America's finances were in tatters, and that September a British army had 1841:
were appointed to collaborate with Adams, although Jefferson did not initially go to Europe and Laurens was posted to the Dutch Republic following his imprisonment in the Tower of London.
for a peace mission to France without consulting either his cabinet or Abigail, who nonetheless upon hearing of it described it as a "master stroke." To placate Republicans, he nominated
finances were unsteady, and the money that he received as a delegate failed to cover his expenses. However, the crisis caused by the defeat of the American soldiers kept him at his post.
who advocated a conciliatory policy towards the British or felt that the colonies had a duty to remain loyal to Britain, although his views at the time aligned with those of conservative
of Pennsylvania. Maclay became Adams's fiercest opponent and repeatedly expressed personal contempt for him in public and private. He likened Adams to "a monkey just put into breeches."
22757: 22752: 22747: 13833: 5009:
of the wealthy would take hold to the detriment of equality. To counter that danger, the power of the wealthy needed to be channeled by institutions, and checked by a strong executive.
19519: 16121: 15907: 5628: 1914:, but the two discovered that they had grown too far apart to renew their friendship. Adams considered Sewall one of the war's casualties, and Sewall critiqued him as an ambassador: 22852: 14443: 13853: 5310:
Jefferson, after entering office, approved a negotiated end to the 1778 alliance, freeing the United States of foreign entanglements, while excusing France from paying indemnities.
1023:"Humphrey Ploughjogger", he ridiculed the selfish thirst for power he perceived among the Massachusetts colonial elite. Adams was initially less well known than his older cousin 22150: 2269:
ensured a smoother succession. Adams maintained the economic programs of Hamilton, who regularly consulted with key cabinet members, especially the powerful Treasury Secretary,
which constitute a courtier. There are thousands who, with a tenth of his understanding and without a spark of his honesty, would distance him infinitely in any court in Europe.
345: 22812: 21796: 20172: 16240: 16083: 12309: 9248: 7783: 4950:
and when it has cost me thousands of dollars for the labor and subsistence of free men, which I might have saved by the purchase of negroes at times when they were very cheap.
1866: 22772: 14547: 13858: 12900: 8892: 5240: 12119: 11930:
Novanglus, and Massachusettensis: Or, Political Essays, Published in the Years 1774 and 1775, on the Principal Points of Controversy, Between Great Britain and Her Colonies
22712: 2552:. "I heard him with perfect good humor, though never in my life did I hear a man talk more like a fool," Adams said. On November 15, the commissioners set sail for Paris. 2431:
of Vermont, who was sentenced to four months in jail for criticizing the President. The alien acts were not stringently enforced because Adams resisted Secretary of State
1643:, which authorized a commercial agreement with France but contained no provisions for formal recognition or military assistance. The treaty adhered to the provision that " 1478:
then assembled around Boston. He praised Washington's "skill and experience" as well as his "excellent universal character." Adams opposed various attempts, including the
12829: 1345:'s tea monopoly over American merchants, took place on December 16, 1773. Protestors demolished 342 chests of tea worth about ten thousand pounds on the British schooner 21828: 20623: 20607: 14436: 12543: 12317: 3048: 3458:. He believed that people "in a State of Ignorance" were more easily enslaved while those "enlightened with knowledge" would be better able to protect their liberties. 3386:
and styled as "a Letter from a Gentleman to his Friend." Many historians agree that none of Adams's other compositions rivaled the enduring influence of this pamphlet.
determined that a strategic advantage was at hand, and requested that Congress send representatives to negotiate peace. A delegation consisting of Adams, Franklin, and
In the late 1750s, Adams fell in love with Hannah Quincy; he was poised to propose but was interrupted by friends, and the moment was lost. In 1759, he met 15-year-old
22707: 22642: 21986: 21158: 13762: 3528:
in late 1787. To Jefferson, he wrote that he read it "with great satisfaction." Adams expressed regret that the president would be unable to make appointments without
1423:. The committee soon split into conservative and radical factions. Although the Massachusetts delegation was largely passive, Adams criticized conservatives such as 11361: 21762: 21750: 21738: 14448: 13898: 3438: 3366:
During the First Continental Congress, Adams was sometimes solicited for his views on government. While recognizing its importance, Adams had privately criticized
troublesome behavior of his son Thomas, who had failed as a lawyer and become an alcoholic, resorting afterwards to living primarily as a caretaker at Peacefield.
841: 2527:, ostensibly to deter a possible French invasion. Hamilton's critics, including Abigail, saw in his military buildups the signs of an aspiring military dictator. 2265:, preferring the quietness of domestic life to business at the capital. He ignored the political patronage and office-seeking which other officeholders utilized. 1796:, Adams negotiated a loan of five million guilders. In October, he negotiated a treaty of amity and commerce. The house that Adams bought during this stay in the 13826: 12423: 3148:
affair, Adams said nothing. John Quincy was elected to the Senate in 1803. Shortly thereafter, both he and his father crossed party lines to support Jefferson's
1966: 22807: 20110: 19512: 16114: 15900: 8926: 849: 22692: 22677: 21903: 19397: 16443: 10724: 5395:
I congratulate you or rather my Country in the choice of you this day as a Commissioner to France for the united States, in lieu of Mr. Dean who is recalled.
2615: 1728: 8756:"Letter from Alexander Hamilton, Concerning the Public Conduct and Character of John Adams, Esq. President of the United States, [24 October 1800]" 3510:
politics. Yet Wood was accused of ignoring Adams's peculiar definition of the term "republic", and his support for a constitution ratified by the people.
22782: 22767: 22762: 22722: 22095: 22090: 21820: 2778: 1989:
Although his term started on March 4, 1789, Adams did not begin serving as vice president until April 21, because he did not arrive in New York in time.
22862: 22827: 21804: 20163: 13819: 10129: 1691:
finances and record-keeping. Frustrated by the perceived lack of commitment on the part of the French, Adams wrote a letter to French foreign minister
as far as We can in Justice." When a disgruntled James Callender, angry at not being appointed to an office, turned on the President by revealing the
life, Adams made highly critical statements about Hamilton. He made derogatory references to his womanizing, real or alleged, and slurred him as the "
21812: 21785: 19808: 19804: 19800: 19760: 19505: 16107: 15893: 13300: 12577: 12406: 2680: 1951: 1639:, "to prepare a plan of treaties to be proposed to foreign powers." While Jefferson was writing the Declaration of Independence, Adams worked on the 6263: 5110:
argues, "Adams was ridiculously vain, absurdly jealous, embarrassingly hungry for compliments. But no man ever served his country more selflessly."
19086: 18118: 15142: 1163:
Adams also reprised his pen name "Humphrey Ploughjogger" in opposition to the Stamp Act in August of that year. Included were four articles to the
The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States: Autobiography, continued. Diary. Essays and controversial papers of the Revolution
were chosen by the state's legislature. The clear Republican favorite was Jefferson. Adams was the Federalist frontrunner. The Republicans held a
Throughout the first half of 1776, Adams grew increasingly impatient with what he perceived to be the slow pace of declaring independence. In the
1012:, which allowed British officials to search a home without notice or reason. Otis's argument against the writs inspired Adams to the cause of the 22847: 22832: 22687: 22672: 20600: 15152: 14861: 12490: 12440: 4923: 2710:
to a joint session of Congress. This would be the last annual message any president would personally deliver to Congress for the next 113 years.
suggested that Adams be referred to as "His Rotundity," a joke which soon became popular. On May 14, 1789, the Senate decided that the title of "
1957: 720:, serving from 1789 to 1797. He was a dedicated diarist and regularly corresponded with important contemporaries, including his wife and adviser 14841: 22777: 21766: 21754: 21151: 15426: 15117: 12668: 10977: 10861: 10750: 5941: 3324: 2982: 2501:
commander. He exerted effective control over the War Department, taking over supplies for the army. Meanwhile, Adams built up the Navy, adding
On June 17, 1788, Adams returned to a triumphant welcome in Massachusetts. He returned to farming life in the months after. The nation's first
11970:(1961– ). Multivolume letterpress edition of all letters to and from major members of the Adams family, plus their diaries; still incomplete. 10165: 6115: 2473:
serving on his staff, more opportunity to comprehend the whole military scene, and should therefore outrank them. Adams sent Secretary of War
Country where there is neither wars nor rumors of War in a firm belief that thro the mercy of its King we shall both rejoice there together."
22857: 22817: 22667: 21742: 16735: 15854: 15112: 12704: 12337: 12325: 399: 9197: 6335: 2570:
of 1798. Direct taxation by the federal government was widely unpopular, and the government's revenue under Washington had mostly come from
as the nation's second president on March 4, 1797. He followed Washington's lead in using the presidency to exemplify republican values and
News of the American triumph at Yorktown convulsed Europe. In January 1782, after recovering, Adams arrived at The Hague to demand that the
20016: 17758: 16245: 16088: 15874: 15521: 15187: 15162: 15127: 15102: 14164: 13588: 12298: 12170: 8040: 5624: 1978: 8755: 5280:
1 (it had been March 25). These changes resulted in dates being moved forward 11 days and an advance of one year for those between January
with the purpose of establishing a new constitution for Massachusetts. He served on a committee of three, also including Samuel Adams and
this dispute failed, and he was often frustrated by a lack of news of progress from home. The news he received of tumult at home, such as
22652: 21878: 21717: 19780: 19720: 18800: 18155: 15864: 15406: 15107: 12658: 8297: 1778:. The victory was in large part due to the assistance of the French Navy, which vindicated Adams's stand for increased naval assistance. 215: 3184:. Having worried over the rise of sectionalism, he celebrated the growth of a "national character" that accompanied it. Adams supported 2667:" was the one thing that united the Federalist Party, and that Adams's elimination of it unwittingly contributed to the party's demise. 2169:
was the first contested American presidential election. Twice, George Washington had been elected to office unanimously but, during his
threatening independence as an alternative to tyranny. The resolution argued that the colonists had never been under the sovereignty of
20593: 20076: 20006: 19966: 19956: 19946: 19818: 19730: 18221: 16278: 15157: 15147: 15132: 14423: 14072: 14015: 5722: 1973:
votes in the election, second behind Washington, who was a unanimous choice with 69 votes. As a result, Washington became the nation's
After negotiating the loan with the Dutch, Adams was re-appointed as the American commissioner to negotiate the war-ending treaty, the
1436: 3417:
branches, and further recommended that if a continental government were to be formed then it "should sacredly be confined" to certain
and Ellsworth to accompany Murray, and the Senate immediately approved them on March 3. Henry declined the nomination and Adams chose
836:, the sixth president. John Adams died on July 4, 1826 – the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. 21144: 20988: 19996: 19740: 18150: 15197: 15137: 15122: 14020: 13842: 13224: 3473: 3401:, for "a single assembly is liable to all the vices, follies and frailties of an individual." Adams suggested that there should be a 1548: 1513: 1385: 752: 169: 20956: 9778: 7791: 5867: 3425:
was referenced in every state-constitution writing hall. Adams used the letter to attack opponents of independence. He claimed that
apostle of liberty and man of the people, while Adams was labelled a monarchist. He was accused of insanity and marital infidelity.
2406:, Adams's vice president, attempted to undermine many of his actions as president and eventually defeated him for reelection in the 2366: 2103:
to placate Southerners. In the Senate, Adams cast a tie-breaking vote against a last-minute motion to keep the capital in New York.
Adams was joined by Abigail in London. Suffering the hostility of the King's courtiers, they escaped when they could by seeking out
The prosperity of his law practice increased from this exposure, as did the demands on his time. In 1771, Adams moved his family to
22837: 22662: 22657: 22117: 22105: 20141: 19936: 19926: 19922: 19912: 19908: 19898: 19888: 19878: 19858: 19848: 19838: 19828: 19790: 19770: 19750: 19710: 19700: 19690: 19680: 19670: 19660: 19650: 19640: 19630: 19626: 19622: 19612: 19602: 19592: 19582: 19572: 19568: 19558: 19548: 18113: 16424: 16409: 16394: 16379: 16364: 16349: 16139: 16135: 16131: 15925: 15921: 15917: 15465: 15461: 15230: 15182: 15167: 12604: 12505: 12500: 12495: 5131: 3311: 3189: 2741: 2729: 2719: 2683:, which authorized the establishment of a government-operated marine hospital service. In 1800, he signed the law establishing the 2407: 2166: 2155: 2146: 2117: 1319: 824: 781: 8888: 3215: 2515:
The Quasi-War continued, but there was a decline in war fever beginning in the fall once news arrived of the French defeat at the
from Harvard, and in 1759 was admitted to the bar. He developed an early habit of diary writing; this included his impressions of
21774: 21047: 20120: 20086: 19986: 19360: 16560: 15240: 15207: 15202: 15192: 15177: 14600: 14138: 12767: 12287: 7138: 4480: 2879: 1974: 713: 2067:, 1795. Washington rarely consulted Vice President Adams, who often felt marginalized and overshadowed by Washington's prestige. 1536:
of Virginia, who had been slower to support independence but by early 1776 agreed that it was necessary. On June 7, 1776, Adams
22792: 22647: 22160: 22155: 22079: 22007: 20156: 20066: 20056: 19976: 18606: 17946: 15172: 14563: 12684: 11346: 10653: 3624: 2774: 1376: 1251: 909: 5276:
implemented in 1752 altered the official British dating method to the Gregorian calendar with the start of the year on January
1997: 1857:
might have caused significant problems. On September 3, 1783, the treaty was signed and American independence was recognized.
22352: 22062: 22032: 21981: 20046: 14277: 14133: 13907: 13863: 13403: 13293: 13150: 13088: 12777: 12760: 12353: 12034: 12006: 11957: 11913: 11882: 11861: 11794: 11770: 11747: 11723: 11693: 11670: 11561: 11540: 11519: 11493: 11472: 11440: 11332: 11313: 11271: 11202: 11146: 11125: 11104: 11080: 11056: 11032: 10996: 10907: 10883: 10845: 10821: 8087: 4987:
portrays Adams as a revolutionary conservative who sought to balance republicanism with the stability of monarchy to create "
4631: 4571: 2042: 1306: 1263: 689: 11184: 10701: 22717: 19219: 18162: 17548: 15212: 14463: 13772: 13511: 13506: 12538: 12266: 9913: 5451: 5185:, in his 1933 biography of Adams, described him as "staunch, honest, stubborn and somewhat narrow." In his 1962 biography, 4704: 2427:
the Federalists were imprisoned or fined under the Sedition Act for criticizing the government. Among them was Congressman
2374: 1562:
During the congress, Adams sat on ninety committees, chairing twenty-five, an unmatched workload among the congressmen. As
4621: 1459:
as the leader of the Massachusetts delegation. He moved cautiously at first, noting that the Congress was divided between
22637: 22632: 22546: 21883: 21116: 20646: 20026: 19868: 19497: 18496: 16687: 16659: 15530: 15323: 15303: 14941: 12772: 12301: 9029: 7236: 4916: 4774: 4400: 4091: 2960: 2829: 2502: 2242: 2107: 2009: 1692: 717: 120: 84: 21873: 11579:
Perry, James R. (1986). "Supreme Court Appointments, 1789–1801: Criteria, Presidential Style, and the Press of Events".
independent judicial branch. The judges were given lifetime appointments, to "hold their offices during good behavior."
22797: 22398: 22042: 20036: 17919: 17538: 15382: 14961: 14372: 13052: 11662:
Carnival Campaign: How the Rollicking 1840 Campaign of "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" Changed Presidential Politics Forever
11356:(Oxford University Press, 2006) ch 7, "The Religious Views of John Adams," pp 73–108; also pp 117–121 on Abigail Adams. 11157: 9222: 4791: 4601: 4061: 3394: 3390: 3077: 3029: 2995: 2202:" Pinckney, to scatter their second votes among candidates other than Adams. Hamilton's scheme was undone when several 3091:
After the Federalists lost control of both houses of Congress along with the White House in the election of 1800, the
739:. He defied anti-British sentiment and successfully defended British soldiers against murder charges arising from the 22135: 21848: 20149: 18051: 17293: 16728: 14891: 14811: 14148: 14123: 14087: 13562: 13557: 11371: 10953: 4881: 4346: 4131: 2493:
Alexander Hamilton's desire for high military rank and his push for war with France put him into conflict with Adams.
2440: 2436: 1962: 1793: 1782: 1711: 1702: 1552: 1501: 1027:, but his influence emerged from his work as a constitutional lawyer, his analysis of history, and his dedication to 764: 368: 17929: 17924: 17890: 7454: 6433: 3169:
After Jefferson's retirement in 1809, Adams became more vocal. He published a three-year marathon of letters in the
22822: 22697: 22682: 21868: 21788: 21167: 21013: 20826: 17242: 16499: 15514: 14881: 14540: 14517: 13286: 12197: 10679: 9277: 7580: 5146:
on the false allegation that he had been a supporter of John Adams. Adams was eventually subject to criticism from
5143: 4749: 4420: 2848: 2623: 2575: 1902: 1537: 1451: 1420: 301: 17914: 9691: 4661: 3161:, although John Quincy voted for it. John Quincy resigned from the Senate in 1808 after the Federalist-controlled 1969:. The person with the most votes would be president and the second would become vice president. Adams received 34 22787: 22732: 22328: 22204: 21898: 21893: 21888: 21853: 21710: 20429: 18820: 16320: 16062: 15560: 15031: 14981: 14911: 14851: 14831: 14711: 14681: 14631: 13137: 12916: 12803: 12653: 12648: 12643: 12638: 5227: 2647:
Napoleon, determining that further conflict was pointless, signaled his readiness for friendly relations. By the
pamphlet attacking Adams before the election, Hamilton wrote that "it was impossible to commit a greater error."
2182: 2170: 2121: 1970: 1672:
experience was "of inestimable value" to his maturation. On February 17, 1778, Adams set sail aboard the frigate
in their original languages. Though his father expected him to be a minister, after his 1755 graduation with an
22802: 22047: 22012: 21777: 21105: 21097: 21072: 21001: 19372: 16667: 16642: 16597: 16532: 16271: 15350: 14871: 14801: 14751: 14701: 14651: 14609: 14395: 14143: 13072: 13059: 12740: 12689: 12452: 12290: 12135: 10603:"Plain Speaking: In David McCullough's telling, the second president is reminiscent of the 33rd (Harry Truman)" 8036: 8032: 4909: 3755: 2946: 2941: 2910: 2812: 1595: 1460: 693: 65: 19081: 18636: 11285: 4676: 2548:
the President, urging him not to send the peace commissioners but instead to ally with Britain to restore the
22346: 22145: 21314: 20981: 20691: 20671: 19422: 19244: 18019: 17985: 16889: 16099: 15885: 14971: 14951: 14921: 14781: 14761: 14205: 13144: 13083: 12887: 12464: 5285: 5273: 5265: 5155: 4046: 3446: 3397:
is so because the very definition of a republic is an empire of laws, and not of men." The treatise defended
1679: 1115: 1111: 1019:
In 1763, Adams explored aspects of political theory in seven essays written for Boston newspapers. Under the
744: 604: 600: 473: 464: 259: 195: 21840: 17968: 11999:
The Adams–Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John Adams
10122: 4656: 3152:. The only major political incident involving the elder Adams during the Jefferson years was a dispute with 2249:, which was then the national capital; Adams occupied this Philadelphia mansion from March 1797 to May 1800. 22737: 22165: 22052: 21967: 20997: 18815: 18792: 16721: 16490: 15051: 14931: 14901: 14791: 14771: 14691: 14558: 13989: 13398: 13065: 12990: 12869: 12750: 5243:
in Washington D.C. He does not have an individual monument dedicated to him in the city, although a family
4997: 4942: 4871: 4834: 4754: 4714: 4616: 4611: 3533: 1310: 1096: 917: 845: 21962: 18671: 18521: 16338: 12184: 5232:
Adams is commemorated as the namesake of various counties, buildings, and other items. One example is the
20796: 19564: 19451: 18991: 18830: 18596: 17386: 17026: 16896: 16842: 16398: 16383: 16372: 16306: 16218: 16149: 16013: 15998: 15507: 15472: 15021: 14991: 14731: 14661: 14593: 14530: 14400: 12892: 12329: 10628: 10275:(Oxford UP, 2006) ch 7, "The Religious Views of John Adams," pp 73–108; also pp 117–121 on Abigail Adams. 9984: 6248: 4606: 2999: 2745: 2358: 2076: 1929:, a response to those he had met in Europe who criticized the government systems of the American states. 1587: 1566:
reported, he was acknowledged "to be the first man in the House." In June 1776, Adams became head of the
1520: 1509: 1456: 1389: 1327: 1323: 1279: 1143: 793: 534: 24: 10322: 6177: 6055: 5945: 5686: 1910:
the two toured the countryside and saw many historical sites. While in London, Adams met his old friend
1830: 920:. Adams often praised his father and recalled their close relationship. Adams's great-great-grandfather 22460: 22440: 22069: 21703: 21449: 20791: 19202: 18805: 18706: 18061: 17558: 17083: 16807: 16767: 15810: 15071: 15061: 15041: 15011: 14821: 14671: 14535: 14505: 13793: 13757: 12835: 12798: 12782: 12570: 12548: 12523: 12341: 12088: 10807: 5409: 5135: 5097: 4709: 4410: 4081: 3525: 3485: 3335: 3300: 3171: 3100: 2707: 2706:(later known as the Capitol building) on November 17, 1800. On November 22, Adams delivered his fourth 2699: 2420: 2254: 1813: 1401: 1367: 760: 709: 502: 19:
This article is about the second president of the United States. For his son, the sixth president, see
17901: 14741: 13022: 10602: 5269: 672: 22393: 22275: 22174: 21389: 21384: 20851: 20549: 20337: 19046: 18591: 18145: 18098: 17779: 17347: 17310: 17088: 16264: 15001: 14416: 14108: 13162: 12878: 12819: 12428: 12154: 11812: 5171:" of the Constitution were not slow in raising the standard of opposition against a pernicious error. 5107: 4719: 4686: 4586: 4581: 4251: 3868: 3477: 2652: 2338: 1687: 1668: 1632: 1567: 789: 20171: 17011: 10161: 8062: 2489: 1470:
In June 1775, with a view of promoting union among the colonies against Great Britain, he nominated
22313: 21574: 21264: 20974: 20741: 20721: 19367: 19056: 18066: 17895: 17252: 17103: 17098: 16999: 16822: 16772: 16327: 14721: 14641: 13707: 12895: 12515: 12259: 7876: 7663: 6119: 5034: 4744: 4739: 4734: 4636: 4211: 3614: 2619: 2539: 2301: 2224: 2038: 1696: 1419:, Adams was placed on the 23-member Grand Committee tasked with drafting a letter of grievances to 1286: 978: 901: 897: 736: 705: 697: 469: 22110: 21947: 19150: 10897: 5029:
was dominant and included Adams and his father. It was a new force in the colonies and denied the
3991: 22333: 22269: 22255: 22241: 21654: 21394: 21269: 19317: 18956: 18506: 18365: 18231: 17575: 17570: 17288: 17234: 17039: 15081: 14430: 13609: 13346: 13309: 13156: 13116: 12977: 12609: 12599: 12582: 12565: 12474: 12373: 11833: 6331: 5211: 4769: 4759: 4724: 4440: 4086: 3677: 3589: 3372: 2416: 2394: 2228: 1608: 1432: 1197: 801: 380: 18921: 17849: 17670: 17317: 17212: 12824: 11715: 10528: 5838: 5360: 5041:
faction. In 1825, the Unitarians split off as a separate denomination that included John Adams.
22842: 22251: 21863: 21639: 21569: 21484: 20666: 20479: 20474: 20262: 19796: 19756: 19646: 19417: 19016: 18810: 18746: 18726: 18551: 18476: 18430: 18189: 17994: 17807: 17734: 17722: 17660: 17460: 17401: 17150: 17120: 17057: 17049: 16934: 16832: 16817: 15590: 14707: 14586: 13100: 13027: 12982: 12589: 12469: 12388: 12363: 5168: 5139: 5123: 4779: 4764: 4296: 4231: 3780: 3770: 3707: 3406: 3382: 3358: 3234: 3200: 3177: 3129: 2606: 1906: 1826: 1619: 1484: 1157: 937: 866: 861: 829: 769: 756: 20966: 12072: 11988: 11851: 11816: 11708: 11551: 11303: 10039: 9437: 8293: 7995: 7937: 7760: 7641: 6483: 6357: 6296: 5382: 3893: 3376:, which attacked all forms of monarchy, even constitutional monarchy of the sort advocated by 2659:
As president, Adams proudly avoided war, but deeply split his party in the process. Historian
To pay for the military buildup of the Quasi-War, Adams and his Federalist allies enacted the
2460:. An increase in attacks on sea marked the beginning of the undeclared naval war known as the 2399: 2320: 2261:, and his service was free of scandal. Adams spent much of his term at his Massachusetts home 1753:." He was finally invited to present his credentials as ambassador to the Dutch government at 22702: 22217: 22002: 21920: 21858: 21589: 21559: 21289: 21249: 21224: 21136: 20946: 20901: 20866: 20459: 20362: 20322: 19382: 19264: 19066: 18761: 18400: 18199: 18088: 17825: 17715: 17653: 17329: 17093: 16984: 16942: 16802: 16797: 16777: 16462: 14937: 14525: 14246: 12998: 12851: 12745: 12560: 12188: 11872: 11784: 11737: 11483: 11411: 11066: 10469: 5732: 5298: 5190:
Adams for his willingness to acknowledge his deficiencies and for striving to overcome them.
5022: 4824: 4646: 4460: 4341: 3953: 3933: 3843: 3687: 3569: 3283: 3277: 3125: 3104: 2703: 2524: 2050: 1664: 1644: 1583: 1479: 1294: 1188: 985: 893: 874: 870: 688:(October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and 477: 18516: 13811: 12044: 11947: 11530: 11115: 10873: 10835: 3310:
on October 28, 1818, at Peacefield. 1824 was filled with excitement in America, featuring a
Washington demanded that he be permitted to appoint his own subordinates. He wished to have
22627: 22622: 22534: 22522: 22299: 22209: 21619: 21529: 21509: 21454: 21344: 20911: 20514: 20454: 20409: 20367: 19834: 19470: 19340: 19121: 17934: 17837: 17727: 17497: 17419: 17177: 16792: 16454: 15692: 15620: 15284: 14957: 14360: 13742: 13174: 12945: 12378: 12150: 11257: 10803: 9035: 7460: 5127: 4809: 4551: 4490: 3853: 3775: 3682: 3649: 3529: 3514: 3455: 3402: 3315: 3242: 3162: 2748:. The Republicans nominated Jefferson and Burr, their candidates in the previous election. 2561: 2482: 2174: 2071:
As vice president, Adams largely sided with the Washington administration and the emerging
2013: 1648: 1148: 921: 748: 408: 19527: 2675:
Adams's leadership on naval defense has sometimes led him to be called the "father of the
It quickly became apparent that due to Washington's advanced age, Hamilton was the army's
In November 1777, Adams learned that he was to be named commissioner to France, replacing
8: 22617: 22486: 22340: 22196: 22037: 21634: 21604: 21514: 21489: 21429: 21369: 21319: 21304: 20876: 20846: 20716: 20676: 20656: 20534: 20524: 20484: 20469: 20464: 20439: 20377: 20347: 19824: 19716: 19608: 19482: 19446: 19185: 19158: 19131: 18611: 18546: 18211: 18206: 18076: 18014: 17563: 17276: 16972: 16947: 16837: 16812: 16782: 15662: 15416: 14887: 14807: 14510: 14487: 14236: 13798: 13777: 13712: 13655: 13266: 13123: 13078: 12814: 12624: 12252: 12179: 9782: 5863: 5334: 5233: 4784: 4729: 4651: 4561: 4450: 3963: 3745: 3735: 3730: 3619: 3506: 3196: 3158: 3133: 3096: 2684: 2640: 2531: 2379: 2092: 1934: 1771: 1653: 1624: 1103: 1009: 701: 592: 251: 17160: 12368: 11827: 5083:
France for causing much suffering but insisted that religion was necessary for society.
1808: 22403: 21564: 21364: 21219: 21204: 21055: 20816: 20811: 20786: 20529: 20372: 20357: 19918: 19706: 19461: 19434: 19412: 19402: 19355: 19269: 19259: 19249: 19031: 18916: 18825: 18711: 18691: 18370: 18299: 18081: 18007: 18002: 17739: 17692: 17553: 17305: 17281: 16919: 16787: 16577: 16569: 16313: 15782: 15704: 15686: 15650: 15572: 15499: 14877: 14298: 13968: 13501: 13382: 13047: 12924: 12630: 12553: 12175: 11902: 11596: 11398: 11245: 11237: 11042: 10971: 10855: 9752: 7142: 5159: 4865: 4839: 4681: 4671: 4641: 4596: 4541: 4527: 4390: 4331: 4106: 4021: 3740: 3203:, but she returned to her parents' home after the failure of the marriage; she died of 3149: 3081: 3053: 2884: 2758: 2691: 2648: 2516: 2270: 2088: 1982: 1849: 1342: 957:. As an adult, Adams was a keen scholar, studying the works of ancient writers such as 809: 805: 797: 515: 19696: 19126: 17687: 8232: 7814: 5406: 5236:
of the Library of Congress, an institution whose existence Adams had signed into law.
in 1776 and was its primary advocate in Congress. As a diplomat he helped negotiate a
22233: 21726: 21624: 21579: 21414: 21404: 21349: 21334: 21299: 21184: 21124: 21021: 20916: 20906: 20871: 20806: 20776: 20761: 20731: 20686: 20651: 20519: 20504: 20494: 20419: 20352: 20242: 20012: 19786: 19656: 19636: 19377: 19254: 19190: 19106: 18986: 18966: 18936: 18906: 18896: 18871: 18866: 18681: 18666: 18651: 18621: 18526: 18456: 18343: 18216: 18103: 17797: 17504: 17429: 17115: 16967: 16847: 16696: 16614: 16524: 16478: 16432: 15794: 15758: 15728: 15674: 15656: 15392: 15343: 15027: 14977: 14907: 14847: 14827: 14817: 14677: 14627: 14475: 14410: 14241: 14226: 14118: 14082: 14046: 13640: 13635: 13542: 13465: 13240: 13129: 13017: 12969: 12961: 12619: 12614: 12594: 12411: 12206: 12060: 12030: 12002: 11953: 11934: 11909: 11888: 11878: 11857: 11790: 11766: 11743: 11719: 11689: 11666: 11640: 11618: 11608: 11567: 11557: 11536: 11515: 11489: 11468: 11446: 11436: 11417: 11367: 11328: 11309: 11267: 11249: 11229: 11198: 11168: 11142: 11121: 11100: 11076: 11052: 11028: 11002: 10992: 10959: 10949: 10927: 10917: 10903: 10879: 10841: 10817: 10791: 5206: 5151: 5147: 5114: 5102: 5070: 4975: 4876: 4849: 4626: 4566: 4546: 4430: 4201: 4111: 3863: 3760: 3548: 3518: 3445:, to draft the constitution. The writing fell primarily to John Adams. The resulting 3418: 3292: 3153: 3095:
of the 6th Congress in February 1801 approved a judiciary act, commonly known as the
3092: 2987: 2965: 2853: 2432: 2128: 2112: 1775: 1707: 1674: 1544: 1529: 1471: 1464: 1381: 1227: 1107: 1013: 833: 777: 596: 294: 100: 20: 11027:. Library of Congress in association with the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation. 10657: 7139:"Dutch American Friendship Day / Heritage Day – U.S. Embassy The Hague, Netherlands" 4146: 3604: 2744:. The Federalist congressmen caucused in the spring of 1800 and nominated Adams and 22474: 22364: 21464: 21419: 21354: 21284: 21199: 20931: 20926: 20886: 20861: 20836: 20831: 20821: 20801: 20771: 20756: 20751: 20726: 20554: 20539: 20499: 20489: 20444: 20434: 20399: 20332: 20297: 20282: 20215: 19776: 19746: 19666: 19544: 19312: 19307: 19168: 19051: 19021: 18996: 18931: 18926: 18901: 18861: 18701: 18626: 18581: 18501: 18461: 18385: 18137: 17773: 17744: 17682: 17677: 17645: 17640: 17628: 17623: 17447: 17342: 16884: 16287: 16191: 16167: 16031: 15978: 15935: 15746: 15734: 15716: 15698: 15608: 15602: 15584: 15548: 15455: 15360: 15333: 14867: 14857: 14837: 14797: 14747: 14697: 14647: 14553: 14390: 14376: 14308: 14303: 14231: 14077: 13942: 13888: 13752: 13747: 13660: 13604: 13351: 13247: 13198: 13037: 12860: 12842: 12457: 12445: 12215: 11630: 11588: 11503: 11390: 11343:
Remembering John Adams: The Second President in History, Memory and Popular Culture
11221: 10893: 5942:"Discourse Concerning Unlimited Submission and Non-resistance to the Higher Powers" 5414:. University of California Libraries. Washington: U.S. Govt. print off. p. 975 5321: 5018: 4984: 4859: 4819: 4536: 4370: 4276: 4176: 4161: 4071: 4001: 3908: 3903: 3878: 3785: 3765: 3750: 3609: 3494: 3437:
After returning from his first mission to France in 1779, Adams was elected to the
2834: 2733: 2549: 2506: 2403: 2159: 2072: 1763: 1575: 1533: 1475: 1440: 1405: 1334: 1210: 1170: 1031:. Adams often found his own irascible nature a constraint in his political career. 974: 925: 885: 785: 732: 725: 639: 622: 521: 112: 19238: 18946: 18696: 17697: 17366: 17141: 14578: 11653:
John Adams, Slavery, and Race: Ideas, Politics, and Diplomacy in an Age of Crisis.
9198:"Opinion: A history lesson on presidents who snub their successors' inaugurations" 4191: 4101: 1496: 792:, and his insistence on American neutrality led to fierce criticism from both the 731:
A lawyer and political activist prior to the Revolution, Adams was devoted to the
22564: 22510: 21942: 21937: 21684: 21679: 21664: 21599: 21549: 21534: 21444: 21424: 21259: 21244: 21209: 20736: 20711: 20696: 20681: 20574: 20342: 20317: 20312: 20257: 20210: 20195: 20072: 20002: 19962: 19952: 19942: 19904: 19894: 19814: 19766: 19726: 19487: 19163: 19111: 19011: 19001: 18891: 18856: 18756: 18741: 18676: 18631: 18471: 18390: 18360: 18265: 18226: 18093: 17859: 17485: 17247: 17198: 16866: 16651: 16516: 16470: 16417: 16357: 15993: 15961: 15764: 15740: 15710: 15638: 15626: 15614: 15578: 15436: 14967: 14947: 14917: 14777: 14757: 14470: 14458: 14453: 14324: 14293: 13937: 13932: 13767: 13722: 13702: 13686: 13532: 13330: 12710: 12383: 12235: 12054: 12024: 11928: 11759: 11682: 11660: 11634: 11612: 11508: 11462: 11430: 11292: 11261: 11192: 11136: 11094: 11070: 11046: 11022: 10986: 10943: 10921: 10869: 10785: 9692:"When three presidents died on the Fourth of July, Americans saw the work of God" 7815:"How the Rivalry Between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton Changed History" 5727: 5182: 4988: 4899: 4591: 4576: 4216: 4096: 4056: 4031: 4011: 3958: 3943: 3795: 3790: 3659: 3654: 3644: 3599: 3574: 2579: 2520: 2457: 2190: 2033: 1911: 1870: 1591: 1424: 1409: 1270: 1256: 1239: 1222: 1184: 950: 740: 716:
as a senior diplomat in Europe. Adams was the first person to hold the office of
635: 392: 207: 19136: 19036: 18576: 17521: 16906: 16857: 12193: 11294:
A Bibliographical Check List of Common Sense, With an Account of Its Publication
The Ascent of George Washington: The Hidden Political Genius of an American Icon
9909: 9249:"Here is a history of presidents who refused to attend successor's inauguration" 6249:"W(h)ither the Jury? The Diminishing Role of the Jury Trial in Our Legal System" 3996: 3823: 1869:
in 1785. After arriving in London from Paris, Adams had his first audience with
22426: 22358: 22225: 22140: 21957: 21952: 21674: 21669: 21629: 21594: 21539: 21494: 21409: 21329: 21324: 21254: 21239: 20896: 20881: 20766: 20746: 20706: 20661: 20564: 20509: 20327: 20302: 19992: 19874: 19736: 19686: 19598: 19578: 19392: 19335: 19279: 19212: 19096: 19071: 19041: 19006: 18941: 18886: 18881: 18876: 18601: 18571: 18556: 18491: 18466: 18425: 18289: 17605: 17424: 17374: 17266: 17224: 17067: 16413: 16299: 15788: 15722: 15668: 15632: 15566: 15047: 14927: 14897: 14787: 14767: 14737: 14687: 14405: 14267: 14251: 14025: 13994: 13973: 13676: 13547: 13537: 13419: 13367: 13192: 13042: 12932: 12808: 12396: 12202: 12020: 11780: 11733: 9253: 6329:"The First Continental Congress,"John Adams Historical Society, accessed 2016. 5244: 5075: 4971: 4829: 4556: 4522: 4321: 4311: 4266: 4226: 4221: 4166: 4156: 4151: 4136: 4066: 4051: 4036: 4026: 3938: 3838: 3828: 3818: 3501: 3426: 2582: 2362: 2208: 2064: 1787: 1741: 1525: 1246: 1235: 1206: 1165: 1139: 1005: 1001: 881: 837: 643: 617: 18646: 16129: 15915: 12064: 10811: 10472:. Charlottesville, VA: Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia 7879:. Charlottesville, VA: Miller Center of Public Affairs, University of Virginia 6657:. Federal Edition (New York and London, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1904–05). Vol. 11. 4121: 2670: 2238: 1213:
and the mental collapse of Otis, Adams became Boston's most prominent lawyer.
22611: 22320: 22281: 21519: 21479: 21469: 21439: 21434: 21379: 21339: 21309: 21194: 21086: 21080: 21061: 21027: 20941: 20921: 20841: 20701: 20569: 20449: 20424: 20414: 20272: 19932: 19854: 19441: 19274: 19076: 19026: 18976: 18911: 18771: 18766: 18731: 18721: 18656: 18566: 18511: 18486: 18348: 18284: 17479: 17300: 16630: 16622: 16585: 16540: 15988: 15834: 15752: 15680: 15313: 15294: 15280: 15017: 14987: 14727: 14657: 14480: 14334: 14174: 14169: 14128: 14113: 14092: 14051: 14041: 14010: 13868: 13717: 13650: 13645: 13583: 13578: 13552: 13470: 13424: 13168: 13108: 13032: 12716: 11924: 11900:
Adams, John; Rush, Benjamin (1966). Schutz, John A.; Adair, Douglass (eds.).
11703: 11644: 11571: 11458: 11450: 11233: 11172: 11006: 10963: 10931: 10795: 8927:"Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance – In 1798" 5215: 4666: 4500: 4470: 4380: 4286: 4281: 4256: 4236: 4076: 3948: 3923: 3898: 3883: 3873: 3858: 3813: 3579: 3555: 3442: 3328: 3288: 3204: 3185: 3145: 3137: 3034: 2991: 2927: 2915: 2896: 2865: 2753: 2676: 2632: 2535: 2474: 2354: 2100: 2084: 2002: 1898: 1838: 1818: 1720: 1563: 1556: 1371: 1074: 1058: 1028: 954: 900:, Massachusetts. His mother was from a leading medical family of present-day 751:
and became a leader of the revolution. He assisted Jefferson in drafting the
721: 557: 444: 403: 336: 22581: 17062: 15486: 12698:
A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America
12162: 12138:
was created from a revision of this article dated 23 February 2019
11938: 11892: 11710:
An Imperfect God: George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America
11622: 11421: 4963: 1926:
A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America
and his judges instead of the Massachusetts legislature. Adams wrote in the
22419: 22293: 22263: 21659: 21644: 21614: 21584: 21544: 21524: 21504: 21499: 21374: 21294: 21274: 21229: 21214: 20856: 20559: 20544: 20307: 20277: 20247: 20205: 20082: 19982: 19844: 19407: 19387: 19345: 19175: 19116: 19061: 18981: 18961: 18951: 18736: 18716: 18686: 18586: 18541: 18536: 18481: 18435: 18410: 18274: 17842: 17791: 17633: 17337: 17189: 17016: 17005: 16924: 16879: 16744: 16675: 16548: 16057: 15644: 15251: 15067: 15057: 15037: 15007: 14667: 14364: 14272: 14221: 14200: 14195: 14190: 14056: 13958: 13915: 13681: 13619: 13614: 13516: 13496: 13480: 13475: 13372: 13216: 13210: 13186: 12435: 12418: 12016: 10831: 8961: 5272:
of enumerating years, recording his birth as October 19, 1735. The British
5193: 5065: 5026: 4336: 4316: 4301: 4261: 4246: 4206: 4141: 4126: 4016: 3918: 3584: 3398: 3367: 3319:
held the office of President would congratulate a friend on obtaining it."
3296: 3269: 3230: 3085: 3065: 2544: 2478: 2428: 2333: 2258: 2246: 2199: 2096: 1891: 1845: 1759: 1640: 1636: 1505: 1416: 1393: 1202: 1024: 17205: 13278: 11972: 759:
and secured vital governmental loans. Adams was the primary author of the
22376: 22370: 22287: 21974: 21649: 21554: 21474: 21234: 21189: 20891: 20781: 20628: 20062: 20052: 19972: 19429: 19350: 19322: 19302: 19207: 18971: 18751: 18641: 18616: 18531: 18420: 18405: 18395: 18338: 18333: 18311: 18294: 18279: 18258: 18253: 17874: 17868: 17815: 17585: 17527: 17441: 17414: 17271: 17259: 17182: 17167: 16962: 16827: 15816: 15776: 15770: 15375: 14997: 13460: 13429: 13204: 13180: 12940: 11090: 10002: 6437: 5456: 5301:, which was separated from Braintree and organized as a new town in 1792. 4814: 4351: 4291: 4241: 4186: 3981: 3913: 3639: 3634: 3414: 3353: 3181: 2695: 2660: 2215:
which a president and vice president were elected from opposing tickets.
2203: 2106:
Adams played a minor role in politics as vice president. He attended few
2056: 2046: 1797: 1660: 1428: 1330:: their charter, as well as their allegiance, was exclusive to the King. 1000:
under James Putnam, a leading lawyer in Worcester. In 1758, he earned an
997: 932: 889: 817: 282: 22505: 8294:"Epitomy, and Remarks on Actions of Ministers at Paris, 22 October 1797" 5130:
grew to dominate American politics, Adams was largely forgotten. In the
4894: 3505:
politics as a mirror of social estates. Americans' new understanding of
1488:, which laid out an influential framework for republican constitutions. 22498: 22057: 21609: 21399: 21279: 20287: 20252: 20200: 20173:
Ambassadors of the United States of America to the Court of St. James's
20042: 19884: 19676: 19618: 19588: 18846: 18561: 18415: 18380: 18321: 18238: 17939: 17820: 17354: 16914: 16606: 16428: 16402: 16387: 16175: 16040: 15828: 15800: 15596: 15554: 14717: 14329: 13450: 12755: 12533: 11600: 11241: 10939: 8233:"John Adams – Special Message to the Senate and the House; May 16 1797" 5186: 4854: 4844: 4306: 4271: 4196: 4181: 4116: 4041: 3888: 3833: 3712: 3697: 3377: 3273: 3246: 3121: 2724: 2586: 2571: 2567: 2469: 2350: 2325: 2283: 2262: 2186: 2151: 2133: 1152: 958: 913: 19529:
Unsuccessful major party candidates for President of the United States
Co-founder and second president, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Spur of Fame, The Dialogues of John Adams and Benjamin Rush, 1805–1813
11402: 6279:(quoting Thomas J. Methvin (2001) "Alabama – The Arbitration State", 2439:. Jefferson wrote for Kentucky that states had the "natural right" to 21987:
President, Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences
21459: 20936: 19456: 19091: 18440: 18375: 18194: 18108: 18071: 18029: 17957: 17705: 17595: 17580: 17492: 17468: 17391: 17219: 17125: 16874: 15822: 15077: 13445: 12528: 5049: 5038: 5006: 4326: 4006: 3702: 3594: 2752:
Union and would instigate anarchy and civil war. Jefferson's rumored
2461: 2453: 2095:
in exchange for the capital being temporarily moved from New York to
1854: 1754: 1745: 1540:, which stated that the colonies were "free and independent states." 1274: 1133: 813: 22598: 22493: 21695: 11592: 11381:
Hutson, James H. (1968). "John Adams' Title Campaign (March 1968)".
5687:"They Did What? 15 Famous People Who Actually Married Their Cousins" 3338:
in Quincy also contains the bodies of John Quincy and Louisa Adams.
arrived in France, where Adams learned that France had agreed to an
1048: 43: 21359: 20404: 20022: 19864: 19197: 19180: 18326: 18123: 18034: 17785: 17665: 17600: 17510: 17436: 17409: 17172: 17034: 16952: 16508: 16256: 15983: 13455: 12953: 12224: 11432:
The Presidency of John Adams: The Collapse of Federalism, 1795–1800
11394: 11225: 8708: 7952: 5060: 5045: 4171: 3928: 3692: 3629: 3410: 2644:
joined with Republicans in voting to disband the army in mid-1800.
2636: 1834: 1628: 1020: 12220: 9632:
John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, November 15, 1813. Cappon, p. 400.
20032: 19101: 18661: 18316: 18248: 18039: 17907: 17831: 17516: 17473: 17380: 16993: 16957: 15806: 12166: 11413:
Half Hour Talks on Character Building: By Self-made Men and Women
Fielding, Howard (1940). "John Adams: Puritan, Deist, Humanist".
Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, October 28, 1813. Cappon, p. 388.
8811: 8809: 7388: 7386: 6332:"First Continental Congress | John Adams Historical Society" 6057:
Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials
5079: 5030: 3482:
A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States
3307: 3249:, the home of Jefferson, and Peacefield since Adams left office. 2664: 1338: 970: 776:
Adams was elected to two terms as vice president under President
Founding Father, president of the United States from 1797 to 1801
21913: 10948:. Vol. I, 1735–1784. New Yorkpublisher=Doubleday & Co. 10323:"July 26. 1796. Tuesday. [from the Diary of John Adams]" 7790:. Philadelphia, PA: National Constitution Center. Archived from 7784:"Inside America's first dirty presidential campaign, 1796 style" 5806: 5804: 1039: 22743:
Candidates in the 1788–1789 United States presidential election
American lawyers admitted to the practice of law by reading law
20996: 18306: 17108: 16713: 12239: 11946:
Adams, John (1965). Wroth, L. Kinvin; Zobel, Hiller B. (eds.).
The Political Writings of John Adams: Representative Selections
9969: 9967: 8088:"The 3rd Presidential Inauguration, John Adams, March 04, 1797" 7896: 7894: 6891: 5198: 3848: 2312: 1767: 1766:
as a French interpreter, in an effort to seek recognition from
1750: 1290: 966: 905: 346:
Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court of Judicature
21166: 9709: 9505: 9503: 9488: 9476: 9452: 9073: 9061: 8806: 8770: 8732: 8696: 8672: 8660: 8624: 8575: 8573: 8447: 8312: 8247: 8155: 8153: 7741: 7717: 7610: 7598: 7549: 7513: 7486: 7422: 7383: 7359: 7287: 7275: 7263: 7251: 7181: 7119: 7107: 7059: 7023: 6927: 6879: 6867: 6855: 5833: 5831: 5496: 5494: 5106:
themselves through envy and verbal attacks on other Founders.
where the government had set up temporary quarters due to the
1467:'s confidential observation that independence was inevitable. 1138:
Adams rose to prominence leading widespread opposition to the
22540: 18353: 14548:
Memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence
13841: 12901:
Memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence
12244: 11761:
Empire of Liberty: A history of the Early Republic, 1789–1815
11514:. American Presidency. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 9602:
John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, July 15, 1813. Cappon p. 358.
Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, June 27, 1813. Cappon p. 338.
9128: 9126: 9124: 8264: 8262: 8189: 7851: 7849: 7847: 7503: 7501: 7456:
Vice President of the United States (President of the Senate)
6771: 6623: 6563: 6517: 6515: 6513: 5816: 5801: 5241:
Memorial to the 56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence
5056: 2075:. He supported Washington's policies against opposition from 962: 11305:
From colony to superpower: U.S. foreign relations since 1776
10680:"Naming the Cascade Range Volcanoes Mount Adams, Washington" 10156: 10154: 10114: 9964: 9527: 9304: 8782: 7891: 6539: 5363:. United States Department of State: Office of the Historian 1883: 1656:
was expected to help induce France to agree to an alliance.
1205:, who was accused of violating British acts of trade in the 784:. He was the only president elected under the banner of the 18243: 18024: 17590: 11072:
Fire and Light: How the Enlightenment Transformed Our World
10349: 9890: 9842: 9809: 9563: 9515: 9500: 9352: 9340: 9165: 9097: 9049: 8720: 8636: 8570: 8519: 8495: 8483: 8459: 8423: 8372: 8213: 8150: 7832: 7398: 7371: 7157: 7095: 7047: 6999: 6843: 6498: 6464: 6384: 6116:"American Experience – John & Abigail Adams – Timeline" 6023: 5987: 5977: 5975: 5921: 5828: 5747: 5700: 5625:"Obama joins list of seven presidents with Harvard degrees" 5491: 5434: 5432: 2671:
Establishing government institutions and move to Washington
struggle for control of Congress and the presidency began.
The sole constitutionally prescribed responsibility of the
1770:, and a homesick Charles returned home with Adams's friend 1216: 22758:
Candidates in the 1800 United States presidential election
Candidates in the 1796 United States presidential election
Candidates in the 1792 United States presidential election
Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress
A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents
Revolutionary Characters: What Made the Founders Different
American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence: the evolution of the text
10496: 10437: 10391:
Edmund S. Morgan, β€œJohn Adams and the Puritan Tradition.”
10290: 10216: 10192: 10102: 10020: 9854: 9839:
Papers of Adams, Vol. IV, p. 195, "Thoughts on Government"
9721: 9671: 9659: 9635: 9605: 9575: 9464: 9415: 9369: 9367: 9316: 9155: 9153: 9121: 9109: 9085: 8833: 8794: 8648: 8612: 8585: 8548: 8546: 8413: 8411: 8360: 8348: 8324: 8259: 8126: 7844: 7705: 7695: 7693: 7678: 7581:"Tie-breaking votes cast by vice presidents in the Senate" 7561: 7525: 7498: 7410: 7347: 7217: 7205: 7193: 7169: 7071: 7035: 7011: 6987: 6939: 6915: 6831: 6819: 6510: 6228: 6216: 6178:"1773. Decr. 17th. [from the Diary of John Adams]" 5887: 5885: 5214:
was released based on the McCullough biography, featuring
Fielding argues that Adams's beliefs synthesized Puritan,
Abigail that ratification would deeply divide the nation.
11832:. Philadelphia, PA: Press of J.B. Lippincott Co. p.  10991:. Vol. II, 1784–1826. New York: Doubleday & Co. 10449: 10403: 10401: 10312:. PhD dissertation. Claremont Graduate University. p. 46. 10278: 10240: 10228: 10151: 10090: 10078: 9797: 9292: 9138: 7906: 6807: 6795: 6747: 6737: 6735: 6720: 6708: 6696: 6672: 6660: 6599: 6413: 6411: 5355: 5353: 5177: 5001:
warned once again of the dangers of unbridled democracy.
2353:. The peace commission that Adams appointed consisted of 2277: 1876: 1574:
Secretary of War. He kept extensive correspondences with
with France. He was the first president to reside in the
Signers of the United States Declaration of Independence
15529: 11165:
Proceedings of the South Carolina Historical Association
10702:"56 Signers of the Declaration of Independence Memorial" 10180: 9952: 9940: 8602: 8600: 7474: 6635: 6587: 6396: 6204: 6192: 6158: 6146: 6134: 6084: 6011: 5972: 5960: 5897: 5791: 5789: 5776: 5774: 5759: 5667: 5643: 5581: 5571: 5569: 5554: 5542: 5518: 5506: 5429: 2690:
Adams made his first official visit to the nation's new
2024:) for the president. Some senators favored a variant of 1829:. Vergennes and France's minister to the United States, 1543:
Prior to independence being declared, Adams organized a
News of the opening hostilities with the British at the
and in the early years of the new nation, he served the
12001:. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press. 11282:
Household Gods: The Religious Lives of the Adams Family
Passionate Sage: The Character and Legacy of John Adams
10725:"Why doesn't John Adams have a memorial in Washington?" 10582: 10546: 10413: 10373: 10361: 10066: 9866: 9647: 9551: 9539: 9403: 9379: 9364: 9328: 9177: 9150: 9000: 8988: 8976: 8869: 8857: 8845: 8821: 8543: 8531: 8507: 8471: 8435: 8408: 8396: 8384: 8336: 8274: 8165: 8114: 8010: 7964: 7690: 7299: 7083: 6975: 6951: 6903: 6611: 5882: 5469: 5467: 5383:"To John Adams from Daniel Roberdeau, 28 November 1777" 2307:
Passionate Sage: The Character and Legacy of John Adams
In the final negotiations, securing fishing rights off
1833:, disapproved of Adams, so Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, 1396:; Adams appears in the center with his hand on his hip. 1305:
Adams, who had been among the more conservative of the
1282:, and Adams was the town's choice to fill the vacancy. 780:
and was elected as the United States' second president
11535:(3rd ed.). Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press. 10558: 10508: 10398: 10054: 9928: 9391: 8558: 8201: 8102: 7976: 7918: 7729: 7622: 7335: 7323: 7311: 6963: 6732: 6575: 6452: 6408: 6311: 5530: 5350: 5078:
writes, "Although both Jefferson and Adams denied the
and declined on principle to use slave labor, saying,
4528: 22813:
Members of the Massachusetts House of Representatives
22458: 19398:
Hispanic and Latino conservatism in the United States
My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams.
10570: 10484: 10204: 9821: 9733: 8684: 8597: 8138: 6783: 6759: 6527: 6372: 6096: 6072: 5999: 5909: 5786: 5771: 5655: 5605: 5593: 5566: 5479: 2328:
with America as a female being plundered by Frenchmen
Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
10425: 10139: 9878: 9223:"The Revolutionary Inauguration of Thomas Jefferson" 8907: 8177: 6684: 5464: 22713:
Ambassadors of the United States to the Netherlands
14608: 13854:
Physical history of the Declaration of Independence
10337: 7537: 6551: 6035: 5864:"Stamp Act and the beginning of political activism" 1800:became the first American embassy on foreign soil. 1735: 1667:in Paris to negotiate an alliance with the French. 12059:. Vol. 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University. 11901: 11758: 11707: 11681: 11507: 11435:. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 10128:. U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 3–11. 9196:Balcerski, Opinion by Thomas (November 11, 2020). 8749: 8747: 8296:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society. 6436:. Massachusetts Historical Society. Archived from 2639:took over as head of the French government in the 1786:ambassador. On June 11, with the aid of the Dutch 1551:. He chose himself, Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, 944: 22708:Ambassadors of the United States to Great Britain 22643:18th-century vice presidents of the United States 11996: 11850:Adams, John (2004). Diggins, John Patrick (ed.). 11841:Adams, John (2001). Carey, George Wescott (ed.). 10816:. The American Presidents. New York: Time Books. 10040:"From John Adams to Robert J. Evans, 8 June 1819" 9438:"From John Adams to Benjamin Rush, 18 April 1808" 7141:. U.S. Embassy. November 16, 1991. Archived from 3539: 3493:is described as an articulation of the theory of 3103:, with a solid Republican majority, approved the 2681:An Act for the relief of sick and disabled seamen 2596: 1400:In 1774, at the instigation of Samuel Adams, the 1362: 796:and from some in his own party, led by his rival 788:. Adams's term was dominated by the issue of the 22609: 21982:President, American Academy of Arts and Sciences 12043:Hogan, Margaret; Taylor, C. James, eds. (2007). 11786:Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson 11553:Notes on the history of slavery in Massachusetts 11325:Origins of American Political Parties: 1789–1803 10325:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 10260:A Companion to John Adams and John Quincy Adams. 10042:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 9910:"John Adams: Defence of the Constitutions, 1787" 9440:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 7998:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 7940:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 7763:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 7666:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 7644:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 7239:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 6486:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 6360:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 6299:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 6180:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 6060:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 5866:. John Adams Historical Society. April 3, 2012. 5841:. United States National Archives. November 2015 5385:. Adams Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society 3480:. In January 1787, he published a work entitled 3454:strong believer in education as a pillar of the 3323:died several hours before. At 90, Adams was the 3210: 935:, conducted at a teacher's home and centered on 12663: 11871:Adams, John (1954). Peek, George A. Jr. (ed.). 11181:A Companion to John Adams and John Quincy Adams 11138:Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation 11113: 11048:America's First Dynasty: The Adamses, 1735–1918 10310:The Political Theology of the American Founding 8744: 8714: 7958: 7938:"John Adams to Abigail Adams, 10 February 1796" 7870: 7868: 7866: 7864: 7664:"John Adams to Abigail Adams, 19 December 1793" 7439: 7437: 5411:Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 5284:1 and March 25. For a further explanation, see 3461: 2530:On February 18, 1799, Adams nominated diplomat 2091:guaranteeing Republican support for Hamilton's 1443:, which called for a boycott of British goods. 1122: 1119:career, eventually becoming president himself. 931:Adams's formal education began at age six at a 11141:. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 11021:Boyd, Julian Parks; Gawalt, Gerard W. (1999). 10529:"David McCullough brings 'John Adams' to life" 9432: 9430: 7642:"John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 9 July 1789" 6358:"Abigail Adams to John Adams, 16 October 1774" 5839:"Declaration of Independence: A Transcription" 3110: 3080:associate justices during his term in office: 2983:List of federal judges appointed by John Adams 1940: 1860: 1262:The week-long trial of the commander, Captain 422:September 5, 1774 β€“ November 28, 1777 22808:Members of the American Philosophical Society 21711: 21152: 20982: 20601: 20157: 19513: 17352: 16729: 16272: 16115: 15901: 15515: 15491: 14594: 13827: 13294: 12735: 12705:Letters of Mrs. Adams, the Wife of John Adams 12491:United States presidential election 1788–1789 12260: 11826:Adams, John (1892). Biddle, Alexander (ed.). 11485:John Adams and the Fear of American Oligarchy 10751:"The case of the missing John Adams monument" 7996:"John Adams to Abigail Adams, 9 January 1797" 6484:"From John Adams to Moses Gill, 10 June 1775" 6297:"John Adams to Abigail Adams, 9 October 1774" 4917: 3432: 3009:Supreme Court appointments by President Adams 1952:1788–1789 United States presidential election 1923:While in London Adams wrote his three-volume 1008:'s 1761 challenge to the legality of British 22693:19th-century presidents of the United States 22678:18th-century presidents of the United States 20624:United States Ambassadors to the Netherlands 18263: 17315: 17257: 17210: 17196: 17187: 17158: 15427:United States Minister to the United Kingdom 15256: 12751:Family home and John Quincy Adams birthplace 12015: 11158:"The Mature Religious Thought of John Adams" 11114:Elkins, Stanley M.; McKitrick, Eric (1993). 10878:. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press. 10629:"Paul Giamatti is so imperfect for the role" 9815: 9781:. United First Parish Church. Archived from 9246: 8041:National Archives and Records Administration 7861: 7806: 7761:"John Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 April 1796" 7434: 6428: 6426: 5858: 5856: 5204:In 2001, McCullough published the biography 2324:A 1798 political cartoon's depiction of the 1965:gathered on February 4, 1789, to cast their 1582:After defeating the Continental Army at the 991: 880:John Adams was born on October 30, 1735, to 314:October 13, 1775 β€“ October 28, 1779 18801:European Conservatives and Reformists Party 15458:nominee for President of the United States 13308: 12659:Presidential transition of Thomas Jefferson 12441:Chairman of the Marine Committee, 1775-1779 11973:"The Adams Family Papers Editorial Project" 11952:. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 11714:. Waterville, ME: Thorndike Press. p.  11327:. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. 9996: 9994: 9427: 8027: 8025: 5731:. June 30, 1961. p. 82. Archived from 5717: 5715: 3002:, was one of Adams's few dependable allies. 855: 22783:Hall of Fame for Great Americans inductees 22768:Fathers of presidents of the United States 22763:Continental Congressmen from Massachusetts 22723:American expatriates in the Dutch Republic 21718: 21704: 21159: 21145: 20989: 20975: 20608: 20594: 20164: 20150: 20126: 20116: 19520: 19506: 16736: 16722: 16279: 16265: 16122: 16108: 15908: 15894: 15870: 15522: 15508: 15236: 14601: 14587: 14424:Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness 13834: 13820: 13301: 13287: 12267: 12253: 12194:Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive 12052: 11922: 11810: 11041: 11020: 10976:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 10926:. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, and Company. 10892: 10860:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 10840:. New Yorkpublisher=W.W. Norton & Co. 10748: 10443: 10284: 10234: 10198: 10108: 10096: 10026: 9860: 9803: 9727: 9715: 9677: 9665: 9641: 9611: 9581: 9494: 9482: 9470: 9458: 9421: 9322: 9278:"Election of President and Vice President" 9132: 9115: 9091: 9079: 9067: 8839: 8815: 8800: 8776: 8738: 8702: 8678: 8666: 8654: 8630: 8618: 8453: 8366: 8330: 8318: 8268: 8253: 8132: 7747: 7723: 7711: 7684: 7616: 7604: 7567: 7555: 7531: 7519: 7507: 7492: 7428: 7392: 7365: 7353: 7293: 7281: 7269: 7257: 7237:"From John Adams to John Jay, 2 June 1785" 7223: 7211: 7187: 7125: 7113: 7077: 7065: 7041: 7029: 7017: 6945: 6933: 6921: 6897: 6885: 6873: 6861: 6813: 6801: 6777: 6714: 6666: 6653:Jefferson, Thomas. To William P. Gardner. 6629: 6605: 6593: 6569: 6545: 6504: 6470: 6402: 6390: 6210: 6029: 5993: 5981: 5927: 5822: 5810: 5765: 5753: 5706: 5649: 5560: 5548: 5500: 5438: 4924: 4910: 2388: 1181:A Dissertation on the Canon and Feudal Law 272:November 28, 1777 β€“ March 8, 1779 185:April 1, 1785 β€“ February 20, 1788 42: 22863:Washington administration cabinet members 22828:Politicians from Braintree, Massachusetts 22008:Massachusetts Historical Society holdings 19295: 15407:United States Minister to the Netherlands 13843:United States Declaration of Independence 12685:Massachusetts Historical Society holdings 11899: 11488:. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 11179:Fea, John. "John Adams and religion." in 10626: 9195: 6423: 5853: 5627:. The Harvard Gazette. November 6, 2008. 5068:'s deistic criticisms of Christianity in 3346: 2218: 2158:results in which Adams narrowly defeated 2120:with 77 votes. His strongest challenger, 1613: 1474:of Virginia as commander-in-chief of the 888:. He had two younger brothers, Peter and 22070:United First Parish Church and gravesite 16136:1800 United States presidential election 15922:1796 United States presidential election 12783:United First Parish Church and gravesite 12605:District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 12146:, and does not reflect subsequent edits. 12129: 12077:Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 11908:. Santa Marino, CA: Huntington Library. 11688:. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 11679: 11629: 11502: 11481: 11211: 10749:Cunningham, Lillian (January 17, 2016). 10296: 10222: 10186: 10120: 9991: 9958: 8033:"Electoral College Box Scores 1789–1996" 8022: 7900: 5712: 5192: 5091: 4962: 3352: 3282: 3268: 3214: 2986: 2976: 2730:1800 United States presidential election 2723: 2720:1800 United States presidential election 2488: 2398: 2319: 2237: 2150: 2147:1796 United States presidential election 2055: 1996: 1882: 1807: 1701: 1495: 1366: 1226: 1217:Counsel for the British: Boston Massacre 1127: 865: 577: 573: 231:April 19, 1782 β€“ March 30, 1788 16200: 16158: 11702: 11607: 11409: 11322: 11308:. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press. 11301: 11297:. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. 11256: 11190: 11155: 11120:. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press. 11089: 10868: 10802: 10783: 10722: 10588: 10576: 10564: 10552: 10526: 10514: 10490: 10455: 10419: 10407: 10379: 10367: 10355: 10246: 10135:from the original on December 19, 2012. 10072: 10060: 9896: 9872: 9848: 9653: 9569: 9557: 9545: 9521: 9509: 9409: 9373: 9358: 9346: 9334: 9257:. Cox Media Group National Content Desk 9171: 9159: 9103: 9055: 8956: 8954: 8952: 8875: 8863: 8851: 8827: 8726: 8642: 8579: 8552: 8537: 8525: 8513: 8501: 8489: 8477: 8465: 8441: 8429: 8417: 8402: 8390: 8378: 8342: 8280: 8219: 8207: 8171: 8159: 8120: 8108: 8061:Amar, Vikram David (October 22, 2008). 8016: 7970: 7924: 7912: 7838: 7812: 7699: 7404: 7377: 7305: 7163: 7101: 7089: 7053: 7005: 6981: 6957: 6909: 6849: 6825: 6581: 6521: 6458: 6417: 6317: 6234: 6222: 6198: 6164: 6152: 6140: 6102: 6090: 6078: 6017: 6005: 5966: 5915: 5903: 5795: 5780: 5723:"Private Thoughts of a Founding Father" 5673: 5661: 5611: 5599: 5587: 5575: 5536: 5524: 5512: 5485: 5473: 4481:Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch 3484:. The pamphlet repudiated the views of 3439:Massachusetts Constitutional Convention 3264: 3107:, abolishing the newly created courts. 3084:, the nephew of George Washington, and 2732:results in which Adams was defeated by 1532:. He developed a rapport with delegate 1357: 133:April 21, 1789 β€“ March 4, 1797 22848:Signers of the Continental Association 22833:Politicians from Quincy, Massachusetts 22688:19th-century Massachusetts politicians 22673:18th-century Massachusetts politicians 22610: 22156:Monroe Doctrine Centennial half dollar 12768:Massachusetts Hall, Harvard University 12053:Richardson, James Daniel, ed. (1897). 11658: 11528: 11380: 11359: 11290: 11014: 10984: 10938: 10502: 10467: 10123:"Vice Presidents of the United States" 9827: 9689: 9533: 9397: 9385: 9310: 9183: 9006: 8994: 8982: 8913: 8895:from the original on September 9, 2015 8891:. Naval History and Heritage Command. 8788: 8591: 8564: 8354: 8300:from the original on December 24, 2019 8063:"Vice president: a split-ticket vote?" 7982: 7874: 7855: 7781: 7735: 7628: 7480: 7416: 7341: 7329: 7317: 7199: 7175: 6993: 6969: 6837: 6789: 6765: 6753: 6726: 6702: 6678: 6533: 6378: 5939: 5891: 5297:The site of the Adams house is now in 2278:Failed peace commission and XYZ affair 2099:, and then to a permanent site on the 1300: 78:March 4, 1797 β€“ March 4, 1801 22778:Founding Fathers of the United States 21725: 21699: 21140: 20970: 20589: 20145: 19501: 16717: 16260: 16103: 15889: 15503: 15490: 15255: 14582: 13815: 13282: 12248: 11945: 11870: 11849: 11845:. Washington, D.C.: Gateway Editions. 11840: 11825: 11578: 11549: 11457: 11428: 11134: 11065: 10916: 10830: 10600: 10431: 10210: 10145: 10084: 9934: 9916:from the original on January 25, 2010 9884: 9739: 9298: 9144: 8690: 8606: 8183: 8144: 7877:"John Adams: Campaigns and Elections" 6741: 6690: 6641: 6617: 6557: 6246: 6053: 6041: 4974:completed at the request of his son, 4632:1946 Italian institutional referendum 4572:Spanish American wars of independence 3393:. That the only valuable part of the 3362:, a pamphlet written by Adams in 1776 3341: 1602: 358:October 1775 β€“ February 1777 22858:Vice presidents of the United States 22818:People of the American Enlightenment 22668:18th-century American letter writers 22547: 16286: 15860: 15531:Vice presidents of the United States 14464:Journals of the Continental Congress 13773:Journals of the Continental Congress 12539:United States Department of the Navy 12465:Constitution of Massachusetts (1780) 12049:Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 11843:The Political Writings of John Adams 11779: 11756: 11732: 11684:John Adams and the Spirit of Liberty 11617:. Richmond, VA: West & Johnson. 10520: 10468:Taylor, C. James (October 4, 2016). 10343: 9946: 9275: 8949: 8937:from the original on August 12, 2015 8753: 8195: 8060: 7875:Taylor, C. James (October 4, 2016). 7543: 5251: 3472:While in London, Adams learned of a 3188:for reelection to the presidency in 2679:." In July 1798, he signed into law 2555: 1867:American ambassador to Great Britain 1586:on August 27, 1776, British Admiral 1322:drafted a resolution adopted by the 21797:U.S. Minister to the United Kingdom 15324:Vice President of the United States 14511:Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom 13799:Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom 12578:Sick and Disabled Seamen Relief Act 12310:U.S. Minister to the United Kingdom 12302:Vice President of the United States 11993:Cambridge: Harvard University Press 11933:. Princeton, NJ: Hews & Gloss. 11765:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 11510:The Presidency of George Washington 10723:Heffner, Alexander (July 1, 2011). 10007:Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10000: 9982: 7813:Ferling, John (February 15, 2016). 6269:from the original on August 6, 2016 5631:from the original on August 1, 2016 4401:The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates 3532:approval and over the absence of a 2713: 2140: 1740:In mid-1780, Adams traveled to the 1169:. The articles were republished in 1102:John and Abigail had six children: 850:favorably ranked his administration 724:and his friend and political rival 718:vice president of the United States 121:Vice President of the United States 13: 22653:18th-century American male writers 22043:John Quincy Adams and abolitionism 12116: 12082: 11966:Butterfield, L. H., et al., eds., 11804: 11556:. New York: D. Appleton & Co. 11354:The Faiths of the Founding Fathers 11051:. New York: Simon & Schuster. 10902:. New York: Simon & Schuster. 10656:. Adams County, PA. Archived from 10627:Lieberman, Paul (April 13, 2008). 10273:The Faiths of the Founding Fathers 10168:from the original on July 30, 2013 8889:"John Adams I (Frigate) 1799–1867" 7782:Bomboy, Scott (October 22, 2012). 6338:from the original on June 24, 2016 5870:from the original on June 14, 2016 5052:in ... Contempt and horror". 5012: 3334:John and Abigail Adams's crypt at 2702:met for the first time in the new 2456:captured a merchant vessel off of 1803: 1710:over how to manage relations with 977:, he taught school temporarily in 14: 22874: 22146:Adams House at Harvard University 13018:"Adams and Liberty" campaign song 12888:Adams House at Harvard University 12401: 12093: 11263:Washington: The Indispensable Man 10790:. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co. 9247:D'Angelo, Bob (January 9, 2021). 8235:. Avalon Project, Yale Law School 5944:. Ashbrook Center. Archived from 5264:Contemporaneous records used the 5044:Adams' family was descended from 4978:, was the last portrait of Adams. 2437:Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 2039:prohibition on titles of nobility 1817:, an unfinished 1783 portrait by 1794:Joan van der Capellen tot den Pol 1349:, anchored in Boston harbor. The 1318:illegal. John Adams, Samuel, and 924:immigrated to Massachusetts from 800:. Adams signed the controversial 22590: 22573: 22556: 22528: 22516: 22504: 22492: 22480: 22468: 22436: 22435: 21919: 21912: 21889:State of the Union Address, 1825 21869:First Treaty of Prairie du Chien 21829:U.S. Minister to the Netherlands 21789:United States Secretary of State 21168:Hall of Fame for Great Americans 21037: 20955: 20627: 20617: 20125: 20115: 20106: 20105: 16743: 15869: 15859: 15850: 15849: 15316:(Continental Board of Admiralty) 15304:Chairman of the Marine Committee 15235: 15226: 15225: 13262: 13261: 12639:State of the Union Address (1797 12318:U.S. Minister to the Netherlands 12228: 12198:Massachusetts Historical Society 12128: 11877:. New York: Liberal Arts Press. 11284:(Oxford University Press, 2019) 11075:. New York: St. Martin's Press. 10742: 10716: 10694: 10672: 10646: 10620: 10594: 10461: 10385: 10315: 10302: 10265: 10252: 10032: 10003:"American Enlightenment Thought" 9976: 9902: 9833: 9771: 9745: 9690:Etehad, Melissa (July 4, 2017). 9683: 9626: 9617: 9596: 9587: 9269: 9240: 9215: 9189: 9023: This article incorporates 9018: 9012: 8919: 8881: 8286: 8225: 8080: 8054: 7988: 7930: 7775: 7753: 7656: 7634: 7573: 7448: This article incorporates 7443: 7229: 7131: 5327: 5313: 5304: 4893: 4421:Discourses Concerning Government 3115: 2624:Bureau of Engraving and Printing 2605: 2296: 1903:Newington Green Unitarian Church 1736:Ambassador to the Dutch Republic 1452:Battles of Lexington and Concord 1404:was convened in response to the 1047: 1038: 708:. During the latter part of the 704:that achieved independence from 671: 339:(Continental Board of Admiralty) 302:Chairman of the Marine Committee 22838:Presidents of the United States 22663:18th-century Congregationalists 22658:18th-century American diplomats 21884:United States Naval Observatory 21813:U.S. Senator from Massachusetts 18821:International Monarchist League 16321:Presidency of George Washington 14610:Presidents of the United States 12071:Taylor, Robert J. et al., eds. 11997:Cappon, Lester J., ed. (1959). 10771: 10601:Maier, Pauline (May 27, 2001). 10470:"John Adams: Impact and Legacy" 6647: 6476: 6350: 6323: 6289: 6240: 6170: 6108: 6047: 5933: 5679: 5617: 5228:List of memorials to John Adams 4687:Barbadian Republic Proclamation 3314:that included John Quincy. The 3299:(near), in the family crypt at 2305:interview with Joseph Ellis on 2233: 2183:congressional nominating caucus 1491: 945:College education and adulthood 848:. Historians and scholars have 840:Adams and his son are the only 757:peace treaty with Great Britain 569: 22048:Adams National Historical Park 22013:Adams Papers Editorial Project 21904:Federal judiciary appointments 21778:President of the United States 15351:President of the United States 14396:Virginia Declaration of Rights 13060:American Philosophical Society 12773:Presidents House, Philadelphia 12741:Adams National Historical Park 12690:Adams Papers Editorial Project 12669:Federal judiciary appointments 12453:Staten Island Peace Conference 12291:President of the United States 12274: 11949:The Legal Papers of John Adams 11410:Kirtley, James Samuel (1910). 11197:. New York: Bloomsbury Press. 10777: 10527:Leopold, Todd (June 7, 2006). 9031:The Senate Moves to Washington 8037:Office of the Federal Register 5940:Mayhew, Rev. Jonathan (1750). 5444: 5400: 5375: 5291: 5258: 5221: 5162:, singled out Adams, writing: 4622:1935 Greek coup d'Γ©tat attempt 4602:German Revolution of 1918–1919 3540:Political philosophy and views 2635:as Secretary of War. In 1799, 2597:Federalist divisions and peace 2339:Britain and France were at war 1865:Adams was appointed the first 1706:Adams frequently clashed with 1596:Staten Island Peace Conference 1363:Member of Continental Congress 1337:, a demonstration against the 949:At age sixteen, Adams entered 842:presidents of the first twelve 763:in 1780, which influenced the 694:president of the United States 66:President of the United States 1: 22793:18th-century American lawyers 22648:18th-century American writers 15383:United States Envoy to France 14206:Charles Carroll of Carrollton 12364:Braintree Instructions (1765) 11821:. Vol. 3. Little, Brown. 11680:Thompson, C. Bradley (1998). 11581:Journal of the Early Republic 8090:. Washington, DC: U.S. Senate 6655:The Works of Thomas Jefferson 6054:Adams, John (December 1770). 5452:"The history of the calendar" 5344: 5286:Old Style and New Style dates 5274:Calendar (New Style) Act 1750 4958: 3447:Constitution of Massachusetts 3312:four-way presidential contest 3223: 3211:Correspondence with Jefferson 3176:Hamilton had died in 1804 in 2061:Portrait of George Washington 2022:Protector of Their Liberties 1977:, and Adams became its first 1142:. The Act was imposed by the 1099:where they lived until 1783. 1095:-acre (3.8 ha) farm and 1062: 538: 525: 260:United States Envoy to France 241:Congress of the Confederation 196:Congress of the Confederation 49: 21969:United States v. The Amistad 20232:Ministers Plenipotentiary to 20180:Ministers Plenipotentiary to 18816:International Democrat Union 13066:Gazette of the United States 12424:Treaty of Amity and Commerce 12212:Works by or about John Adams 12176:John Adams: A Resource Guide 11990:Adams Family Correspondence. 5154:, a strong supporter of the 4998:Gazette of the United States 4872:Republic without republicans 4617:11 September 1922 Revolution 4612:Mongolian Revolution of 1921 3463:Defence of the Constitutions 2447: 2349:Sentiments changed with the 2001:A 1793 portrait of Adams by 1415:Shortly after he arrived in 1384:presenting its draft of the 1123:Career before the Revolution 476:, British America (now 7: 22718:American Congregationalists 20111:All presidential candidates 18831:Tradition, Family, Property 16219:Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 16150:Democratic-Republican Party 16014:Democratic-Republican Party 15999:Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 15473:Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 14401:Second Continental Congress 12893:Mount Adams (New Hampshire, 12825:Jefferson Memorial pediment 12402:Declaration of Independence 12330:Second Continental Congress 12227:(public domain audiobooks) 11655:Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger. 11467:. New York: Vintage Books. 11302:Herring, George C. (2008). 11156:Everett, Robert B. (1966). 9973:Works of John Adams, IV:557 8715:Elkins & McKitrick 1993 7959:Elkins & McKitrick 1993 4607:Turkish War of Independence 4529: 3476:being planned to amend the 3111:Post-presidency (1801–1826) 2663:writes that "the threat of 2503:six fast, powerful frigates 2359:Charles Cotesworth Pinckney 2077:anti-Federalist Republicans 1967:two votes for the president 1945: 1941:Vice presidency (1789–1797) 1861:Ambassador to Great Britain 1719:forced the ship to land in 1549:Declaration of Independence 1538:seconded the Lee Resolution 1521:Second Continental Congress 1514:Declaration of Independence 1510:Second Continental Congress 1457:Second Continental Congress 1377:Declaration of Independence 832:, which includes their son 753:Declaration of Independence 494:Quincy, Massachusetts, U.S. 25:John Adams (disambiguation) 10: 22879: 22638:1800s in the United States 22633:1790s in the United States 22053:Birthplace and family home 21450:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 19203:Traditionalist Catholicism 14554:Signers Monument (Georgia) 13859:Memorial to the 56 Signers 13758:First Continental Congress 12571:Naturalization Act of 1798 12549:United States Marine Corps 12342:First Continental Congress 12089:Bibliography of John Adams 12086: 11659:Shafer, Ronald G. (2016). 11429:Kurtz, Stephen G. (1957). 10808:Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. 10162:"John & Abigail Adams" 10121:Hatfield, Mark O. (1997). 5225: 5132:1840 presidential election 5098:Bibliography of John Adams 5095: 4936: 4662:1970 Cambodian coup d'Γ©tat 4411:The Commonwealth of Oceana 3526:United States Constitution 3433:Massachusetts Constitution 3336:United First Parish Church 3325:longest-lived US president 3301:United First Parish Church 2980: 2784: 2717: 2708:State of the Union Address 2653:Treaty of Alliance of 1778 2559: 2408:1800 presidential election 2392: 2281: 2222: 2156:1796 presidential election 2144: 1949: 1907:debate over the Revolution 1821:with Adams seated in front 1645:free ships make free goods 1606: 1402:First Continental Congress 1220: 1177:True Sentiments of America 1131: 1110:in 1767, Susanna in 1768, 916:, and a lieutenant in the 859: 765:United States Constitution 761:Massachusetts Constitution 696:from 1797 to 1801. Before 503:United First Parish Church 216:United States Minister to 170:United States Minister to 18: 22798:Massachusetts Federalists 22414: 22394:National Republican Party 22386: 22250: 22187: 22128: 22078: 22023: 21995: 21928: 21910: 21839: 21733: 21390:Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. 21385:Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. 21175: 21115: 21096: 21071: 21048:Secretary of the Treasury 21046: 21035: 21012: 20953: 20637: 20387:Ambassadors Extraordinary 20386: 20230:Envoys Extraordinary and 20229: 20179: 20101: 19539: 19535: 19479: 19288: 19228: 19149: 18839: 18791: 18784: 18449: 18182: 18175: 18136: 18050: 17993: 17984: 17883: 17858: 17806: 17766: 17757: 17616: 17537: 17459: 17400: 17365: 17348:Italian school of elitism 17328: 17233: 17149: 17140: 17076: 17048: 17025: 16983: 16933: 16905: 16865: 16856: 16760: 16751: 16686: 16641: 16596: 16559: 16498: 16489: 16442: 16337: 16294: 16232: 16189: 16147: 16075: 16050: 16022: 16011: 15971: 15944: 15933: 15845: 15537: 15497: 15492:Links to related articles 15469: 15453: 15448: 15443: 15433: 15424: 15413: 15404: 15399: 15389: 15380: 15372: 15367: 15357: 15348: 15340: 15330: 15321: 15310: 15301: 15291: 15277: 15272: 15267: 15262: 15221: 15093: 14616: 14496: 14417:All men are created equal 14383: 14347: 14317: 14286: 14260: 14214: 14183: 14157: 14101: 14065: 14034: 14003: 13982: 13951: 13925: 13906: 13897: 13881: 13877: 13849: 13786: 13735: 13695: 13669: 13628: 13597: 13571: 13525: 13489: 13438: 13412: 13391: 13360: 13339: 13323: 13316: 13235: 13099: 13010: 12957:(1997 documentary series) 12909: 12791: 12726: 12677: 12514: 12483: 12397:Lee Resolution (seconded) 12352: 12282: 11856:. London: Penguin Books. 11742:. London: Penguin Books. 11665:. Chicago: Review Press. 11614:The First Year of the War 11383:The New England Quarterly 11323:Hoadley, John F. (1986). 11266:. Boston: Little, Brown. 11135:Ellis, Joseph J. (2003). 11099:. London: Penguin Books. 10784:Chinard, Gilbert (1933). 10308:Frazer, Gregg L. (2004). 10258:David Waldstreicher, ed. 8962:"The John Adams Building" 6256:68 Wash. & Lee L. Rev 5086: 4835:The Emperor's New Clothes 4587:5 October 1910 revolution 4582:French Revolution of 1848 3605:Liberty as non-domination 3478:Articles of Confederation 3199:("Nabby") was married to 3120:Adams resumed farming at 3047: 3043: 3024: 3008: 2955: 2936: 2909: 2905: 2880:Secretary of the Treasury 2878: 2874: 2847: 2843: 2824: 2807: 2791: 2295: 2290: 2274:dismissively ignored it. 2194:game" of electioneering. 2020:(as well as the title of 1992: 1663:and joining Franklin and 1568:Board of War and Ordnance 1289:, but kept his office in 1280:Massachusetts legislature 1245:Britain's passage of the 1106:(known "Nabby") in 1765, 992:Law practice and marriage 790:French Revolutionary Wars 700:, he was a leader of the 692:who served as the second 679: 667: 650: 631: 610: 587: 551: 508: 498: 484: 459: 454: 450: 438: 426: 415: 398: 386: 374: 362: 351: 343: 330: 318: 307: 300: 288: 276: 265: 258: 245: 235: 224: 213: 201: 189: 178: 167: 157: 145: 137: 126: 118: 106: 94: 82: 71: 63: 59: 41: 34: 21821:U.S. Minister to Prussia 21575:William Tecumseh Sherman 21265:George Washington Carver 20391:the Court of St. James's 20234:the Court of St. James's 20182:the Court of St. James's 19368:Catholic social teaching 16328:Presidency of John Adams 16035:(elected Vice President) 15444:Party political offices 15257:Offices and distinctions 12736:Early life and education 12163:The Papers of John Adams 11987:Butterfield, L. H., ed. 11757:Wood, Gordon S. (2009). 11532:The U.S. Navy: A History 11291:Gimbel, Richard (1956). 11183:(2013) pp. 184–198 10682:. U.S. Geological Survey 9816:Foot & Kramnick 1987 9753:"Reagan Celebrates 90th" 8198:, pp. 174–177, 240. 6247:Elrod, Jennifer (2011). 5460:. No. January 2014. 5361:"John Adams (1735–1826)" 5268:Julian calendar and the 5239:Adams is honored on the 5037:. It was opposed by the 5035:divinity of Jesus Christ 5017:According to biographer 4677:1987 Fijian coups d'Γ©tat 4637:1952 Egyptian revolution 3615:Political representation 3524:Adams first saw the new 2775:Jefferson's inauguration 2618:An engraved portrait of 2540:William Richardson Davie 2225:Presidency of John Adams 2185:and named Jefferson and 2087:, and Hamilton struck a 1831:Anne-CΓ©sar de La Luzerne 1697:minister plenipotentiary 1547:charged with drafting a 1324:House of Representatives 1287:Braintree, Massachusetts 1269:According to biographer 953:in 1751, studying under 928:, England, around 1638. 902:Brookline, Massachusetts 856:Early life and education 794:Jeffersonian Republicans 737:presumption of innocence 22823:People of the Quasi-War 22698:19th-century Unitarians 22683:18th-century Unitarians 22205:1965 television series) 21963:Smithsonian Institution 21938:Monroe Doctrine, author 21805:U.S. Minister to Russia 21655:John Greenleaf Whittier 21270:William Ellery Channing 20389:and Plenipotentiary to 19318:Conservative liberalism 18806:European People's Party 14431:Consent of the governed 13310:Continental Association 13023:Adams' personal library 12986:(2006 documentary film) 12610:Navy Department Library 12600:Slave Trade Act of 1800 12583:Marine Hospital Service 12566:Alien and Sedition Acts 12561:Mississippi Organic Act 12544:Commerce Protection Act 12374:Continental Association 12369:Boston Massacre defense 12026:The Thomas Paine Reader 11853:The Portable John Adams 11651:Scherr, Arthur (2018). 11636:Conservatism in America 11529:Miller, Nathan (1997). 11482:Mayville, Luke (2016). 10704:. National Park Service 9985:"The Federalist No. 51" 5333:The two men discussed " 5169:strict constructionists 4657:1969 Libyan coup d'Γ©tat 4441:Discourse on Inequality 3590:Consent of the governed 3331:surpassed him in 2001. 3276:, John Adams's home in 3130:Bird, Savage & Bird 2444:unite the Federalists. 2417:Alien and Sedition Acts 2395:Alien and Sedition Acts 2389:Alien and Sedition Acts 2375:Benjamin Franklin Bache 2229:Diplomacy of John Adams 2012:is to preside over the 1678:, commanded by Captain 1609:Diplomacy of John Adams 1232:Boston Massacre of 1770 894:born on the family farm 823:In his bid in 1800 for 802:Alien and Sedition Acts 463:October 30, 1735 [ 22788:Harvard College alumni 22733:American tax resisters 22367:(paternal grandmother) 22361:(paternal grandfather) 21640:James McNeill Whistler 21570:Augustus Saint-Gaudens 21485:Matthew Fontaine Maury 20131:Third-party candidates 19757:Winfield Scott Hancock 19647:William Henry Harrison 18811:Identity and Democracy 18264: 17353: 17316: 17258: 17211: 17197: 17188: 17159: 14708:William Henry Harrison 13028:American Enlightenment 12984:John and Abigail Adams 12965:(2002 animated series) 12590:Bankruptcy Act of 1800 12390:Thoughts on Government 12185:The John Adams Library 12124: 12100:Listen to this article 11813:Adams, Charles Francis 11550:Moore, George (1866). 11360:Holton, Woody (2010). 11191:Ferling, John (2009). 11067:Burns, James MacGregor 9025:public domain material 7450:public domain material 7224:Adams & Adams 1851 6594:Boyd & Gawalt 1999 5201: 5173: 5140:William Henry Harrison 4979: 4970:, an 1823 portrait by 4952: 3423:Thoughts on Government 3383:Thoughts on Government 3363: 3359:Thoughts on Government 3348:Thoughts on Government 3303: 3287:The tombs of John and 3280: 3237: 3235:Brooklyn Museum of Art 3233:now on display at the 3201:William Stephens Smith 3178:a duel with Aaron Burr 3003: 2736: 2494: 2452:In May 1798, a French 2411: 2329: 2250: 2219:Presidency (1797–1801) 2162: 2127:On July 14, 1789, the 2068: 2005: 1921: 1905:and instigator of the 1894: 1822: 1715: 1614:Commissioner to France 1516: 1485:Thoughts on Government 1397: 1242: 1234:, an 1878 portrait by 1158:Braintree Instructions 1057:Portraits of John and 938:The New England Primer 877: 862:Adams political family 830:Adams political family 770:Thoughts on Government 467:October 19, 1735] 23:. For other uses, see 22803:Massachusetts lawyers 22353:Thomas Boylston Adams 22219:Mutiny on the Amistad 21874:Treaty of Fond du Lac 21859:Internal improvements 21590:Harriet Beecher Stowe 21560:Franklin D. Roosevelt 21290:James Fenimore Cooper 21250:William Cullen Bryant 21225:Alexander Graham Bell 21117:Secretary of the Navy 19471:Small-c conservatives 19383:Counter-revolutionary 19373:Conservative feminism 19265:Counter-Enlightenment 19220:Traditionalist School 16463:Jonathan Trumbull Jr. 14938:Franklin D. Roosevelt 14247:Francis Lightfoot Lee 13908:President of Congress 13324:President of Congress 13151:Thomas Boylston Adams 12820:John Adams Courthouse 12746:John Adams Birthplace 12529:Quasi War with France 12470:Treaty of Paris, 1783 12189:Boston Public Library 12123: 12074:Papers of John Adams. 11789:. New York: Penguin. 11363:Abigail Adams: A Life 11258:Flexner, James Thomas 11117:The Age of Federalism 10985:Smith, Page (1962b). 10393:New England Quarterly 9785:on September 11, 2015 9696:The Los Angeles Times 9536:, pp. 1107–1108. 9313:, pp. 1063–1064. 9280:. Constitution Center 9276:Levinson, Sanford V. 8964:. Library of Congress 8791:, pp. 1028–1029. 8754:Hamilton, Alexander. 6118:. PBS. Archived from 5299:Quincy, Massachusetts 5197:John Adams statue in 5196: 5164: 5092:Historical reputation 5023:Congregational church 4966: 4947: 4825:Criticism of monarchy 4647:North Yemen civil war 4461:The Federalist Papers 3756:Federal parliamentary 3356: 3286: 3278:Quincy, Massachusetts 3272: 3218: 3126:Quincy, Massachusetts 3105:Judiciary Act of 1802 2990: 2977:Judicial appointments 2961:Secretary of the Navy 2727: 2492: 2402: 2323: 2241: 2154: 2059: 2000: 1963:presidential electors 1958:presidential election 1916: 1886: 1811: 1705: 1594:met with Howe at the 1584:Battle of Long Island 1500:The Assembly Room at 1499: 1480:Olive Branch Petition 1370: 1230: 1221:Further information: 1149:vice admiralty courts 1132:Further information: 1128:Opponent of Stamp Act 996:In 1756, Adams began 986:French and Indian War 910:Congregational Church 875:Quincy, Massachusetts 869: 860:Further information: 535:Democratic-Republican 22300:John Quincy Adams II 22211:The Adams Chronicles 21620:Booker T. Washington 21530:Alice Freeman Palmer 21510:William T. G. Morton 21455:James Russell Lowell 19835:Charles Evans Hughes 19341:Anti-gender movement 19245:Bourbon Restauration 17498:National Catholicism 17213:RΓ©volution nationale 17178:Integral nationalism 16455:Frederick Muhlenberg 16237:Other 1800 elections 16080:Other 1796 elections 15693:Charles W. Fairbanks 15621:John C. Breckinridge 15285:Continental Congress 14958:Dwight D. Eisenhower 14361:Robert R. Livingston 13743:Virginia Association 13610:Thomas Johnson, Junr 12947:The Adams Chronicles 12379:Petition to the King 12155:More spoken articles 12029:. Penguin Classics. 11341:Holdzkom, Marianne. 9912:. 9036:United States Senate 8035:. College Park, MD: 7461:United States Senate 6900:, pp. 198, 209. 6122:on September 6, 2015 5167:Middle States. The " 5128:Jacksonian democracy 4993:Discourses on Davila 4941:Adams never owned a 4810:Classical radicalism 4552:Republic of Florence 4491:Democracy in America 3650:Separation of powers 3625:Public participation 3515:separation of powers 3403:separation of powers 3395:British constitution 3316:Marquis de Lafayette 3265:Last years and death 3163:Massachusetts Senate 3076:Adams appointed two 2483:Frederick Muhlenberg 2093:debt assumption plan 1553:Robert R. Livingston 1358:Continental Congress 1209:. With the death of 1172:The London Chronicle 828:Abigail started the 814:undeclared naval war 749:Continental Congress 576:; died  409:Continental Congress 22738:American Unitarians 22379:(great-grandfather) 22341:Abigail Adams Smith 22198:Profiles in Courage 22151:U.S. Postage stamps 22038:Abigail Adams Cairn 21763:U.S. Representative 21751:U.S. Representative 21739:U.S. Representative 21635:George Westinghouse 21605:Henry David Thoreau 21515:John Lothrop Motley 21490:Albert A. Michelson 21370:Nathaniel Hawthorne 21320:Ralph Waldo Emerson 21305:James Buchanan Eads 19825:William Howard Taft 19717:George B. McClellan 19609:William H. Crawford 19565:Charles C. Pinckney 19483:Conservatism portal 19447:Right-wing politics 19186:Jewish conservatism 19159:Christian democracy 18406:Social institutions 18212:Collective identity 18207:Class collaboration 18015:Clerico-nationalism 17564:Muscular liberalism 16897:Neoauthoritarianism 15663:Thomas A. Hendricks 15450:New political party 15417:Charles W. F. Dumas 15401:Office established 15274:Office established 14888:William Howard Taft 14808:Rutherford B. Hayes 14488:American Revolution 13713:Christopher Gadsden 13646:Patrick Henry, Junr 13241:← George Washington 13124:Abigail Adams Smith 13079:American Revolution 13073:The American Museum 12918:Profiles in Courage 12830:U.S. Postage stamps 12815:John Adams Building 12625:Midnight Judges Act 12595:Indiana Organic Act 12221:Works by John Adams 12203:Works by John Adams 12180:Library of Congress 11639:. New York: Knopf. 11366:. New York: Atria. 11214:Journal of Religion 11043:Brookhiser, Richard 11015:Specialized studies 10755:The Washington Post 10729:The Washington Post 10505:, pp. 128–129. 10395:34#4 (1961) p. 522. 10358:, pp. 433–434. 10087:, pp. 200–203. 9949:, pp. 173–202. 9899:, pp. 174–175. 9851:, pp. 214–216. 9718:, pp. 646–647. 9572:, pp. 431–432. 9524:, pp. 425–426. 9512:, pp. 429–430. 9497:, pp. 598–599. 9485:, pp. 594–596. 9461:, pp. 579–585. 9361:, pp. 421–423. 9349:, pp. 408–410. 9301:, pp. 371–410. 9174:, pp. 404–405. 9147:, pp. 320–321. 9106:, pp. 619–620. 9082:, pp. 536–537. 9070:, pp. 543–545. 9058:, pp. 396–397. 8818:, pp. 539–540. 8779:, pp. 538–539. 8758:. National Archives 8741:, pp. 540–541. 8729:, pp. 129–130. 8717:, pp. 696–700. 8705:, pp. 530–531. 8681:, pp. 526–529. 8669:, pp. 523–525. 8645:, pp. 592–593. 8633:, pp. 516–517. 8594:, pp. 982–983. 8582:, pp. 380–381. 8528:, pp. 376–377. 8504:, pp. 552–553. 8492:, pp. 356–357. 8468:, pp. 573–575. 8456:, pp. 520–521. 8432:, pp. 574–575. 8381:, pp. 365–368. 8357:, pp. 957–960. 8321:, pp. 495–496. 8256:, pp. 484–485. 8222:, pp. 342–345. 8162:, pp. 593–594. 7961:, pp. 513–537. 7903:, pp. 178–181. 7858:, pp. 898–899. 7841:, pp. 360–361. 7750:, pp. 456–457. 7726:, pp. 416–417. 7619:, pp. 425–426. 7607:, pp. 413–414. 7558:, pp. 408–409. 7522:, pp. 406–408. 7495:, pp. 404–405. 7431:, pp. 398–401. 7419:, pp. 742–745. 7407:, pp. 272–273. 7395:, pp. 393–394. 7380:, pp. 270–274. 7368:, pp. 389–392. 7296:, pp. 348–350. 7284:, pp. 354–357. 7272:, pp. 364–365. 7260:, pp. 343–344. 7202:, pp. 546–547. 7190:, pp. 281–284. 7178:, pp. 545–546. 7166:, pp. 185–242. 7128:, pp. 171–173. 7116:, pp. 268–270. 7104:, pp. 239–240. 7068:, pp. 254–255. 7056:, pp. 228–230. 7032:, pp. 239–241. 7008:, pp. 219–222. 6996:, pp. 452–459. 6936:, pp. 210–213. 6888:, pp. 186–187. 6876:, pp. 177–179. 6864:, pp. 174–176. 6852:, pp. 189–190. 6840:, pp. 308–312. 6828:, pp. 164–165. 6780:, pp. 153–157. 6756:, pp. 298–305. 6729:, pp. 266–267. 6705:, pp. 272–273. 6681:, pp. 270–272. 6644:, pp. 127–128. 6632:, pp. 130–135. 6572:, pp. 113–117. 6524:, pp. 155–157. 6237:, pp. 128–130. 6225:, pp. 107–108. 5825:, pp. 634–635. 5813:, pp. 171–172. 5335:natural aristocracy 5234:John Adams Building 4900:Politics portal 4705:Antigua and Barbuda 4652:Zanzibar Revolution 4562:American Revolution 4451:The Social Contract 3620:Popular sovereignty 3507:popular sovereignty 3157:President over his 3134:Benjamin Waterhouse 3097:Midnight Judges Act 2696:President's Mansion 2685:Library of Congress 2641:Coup of 18 Brumaire 2532:William Vans Murray 2505:, most notably the 2380:Philadelphia Aurora 2309:, September 5, 1993 1874:Seperated [ 1772:Benjamin Waterhouse 1729:comte de Rochambeau 1618:Adams advocated in 1301:American Revolution 1061:by Benjamin Blyth, 1010:writs of assistance 904:. His father was a 804:, and built up the 767:, as did his essay 702:American Revolution 369:Provincial Congress 252:Charles W. F. Dumas 22161:Mount Quincy Adams 22102:Presidential runs 21565:Theodore Roosevelt 21505:Samuel F. B. Morse 21365:Alexander Hamilton 21310:Thomas Alva Edison 21220:Henry Ward Beecher 21205:John James Audubon 21056:Oliver Wolcott Jr. 21014:Secretary of State 19707:Stephen A. Douglas 19403:LGBTQ conservatism 19356:Black conservatism 19270:German Romanticism 19260:Conservative Order 19250:Congress of Vienna 18826:Muslim Brotherhood 18672:CorrΓͺa de Oliveira 18371:Organized religion 18300:Complementarianism 17387:National Democracy 16578:Oliver Wolcott Jr. 16570:Alexander Hamilton 16314:First Party System 15783:Nelson Rockefeller 15705:Thomas R. Marshall 15687:Theodore Roosevelt 15651:William A. Wheeler 15591:Richard M. Johnson 15573:Daniel D. Tompkins 15268:Political offices 14878:Theodore Roosevelt 14550:(Washington, D.C.) 14541:Semiquincentennial 14444:Document's history 14299:Thomas Heyward Jr. 13969:Robert Treat Paine 13572:The Lower Counties 13502:William Livingston 13383:Robert Treat Paine 13255:Thomas Jefferson β†’ 13248:Thomas Jefferson β†’ 13048:First Party System 12926:American Primitive 12631:Marbury v. Madison 12554:Convention of 1800 12429:Treaty of Alliance 12125: 11829:Old Family Letters 11609:Pollard, Edward A. 11345:(McFarland, 2023) 11096:Alexander Hamilton 10875:John Adams: A Life 10607:The New York Times 10262:(2013) pp. 23, 39. 10001:Ralston, Shane J. 9759:. February 5, 2001 8067:The New York Times 7794:on August 21, 2017 7788:Constitution Daily 6620:, pp. 97–105. 6548:, pp. 99–100. 6334:. April 23, 2012. 5270:Annunciation Style 5202: 5160:American Civil War 4980: 4866:Primus inter pares 4682:Nepalese Civil War 4672:Iranian Revolution 4642:14 July Revolution 4597:Russian Revolution 4592:Chinese Revolution 4542:Republic of Venice 4391:Discourses on Livy 3364: 3342:Political writings 3304: 3281: 3238: 3150:Louisiana Purchase 3082:Bushrod Washington 3078:U.S. Supreme Court 3054:Bushrod Washington 3004: 3000:U.S. Supreme Court 2885:Oliver Wolcott Jr. 2849:Secretary of State 2759:James T. Callender 2737: 2692:seat of government 2649:Convention of 1800 2620:Adams as president 2517:Battle of the Nile 2495: 2421:Naturalization Act 2412: 2330: 2271:Oliver Wolcott Jr. 2251: 2163: 2081:tie-breaking votes 2069: 2006: 1983:Alexander Hamilton 1895: 1850:Cape Breton Island 1823: 1716: 1603:Diplomatic service 1517: 1398: 1354:necessary action. 1343:East India Company 1243: 1144:British Parliament 878: 871:Adams's birthplace 798:Alexander Hamilton 516:Pro-Administration 433:Office established 325:Office established 152:Office established 22456: 22455: 22450: 22449: 22276:Charles Adams Sr. 22213:(1976 miniseries) 22080:Electoral history 21948:Adams–OnΓ­s Treaty 21727:John Quincy Adams 21693: 21692: 21625:George Washington 21580:John Philip Sousa 21415:Thomas J. Jackson 21405:Washington Irving 21350:William C. Gorgas 21335:Benjamin Franklin 21300:Charlotte Cushman 21185:John Quincy Adams 21134: 21133: 21125:Benjamin Stoddert 21022:Timothy Pickering 20964: 20963: 20583: 20582: 20292:chargΓ© d'affaires 20267:chargΓ© d'affaires 20220:chargΓ© d'affaires 20139: 20138: 20097: 20096: 20013:George H. W. Bush 19787:Benjamin Harrison 19657:Hugh Lawson White 19637:John Quincy Adams 19495: 19494: 19378:Conservative wave 19331: 19330: 19255:Concert of Europe 19191:Religious Zionism 19145: 19144: 18780: 18779: 18217:Cultural heritage 18190:Ancestral worship 18171: 18170: 18132: 18131: 17980: 17979: 17798:Orthodox Peronism 17753: 17752: 17253:Historical School 17136: 17135: 16711: 16710: 16707: 16706: 16697:Benjamin Stoddert 16615:Timothy Pickering 16525:Timothy Pickering 16479:Theodore Sedgwick 16254: 16253: 16228: 16227: 16185: 16184: 16097: 16096: 16071: 16070: 16007: 16006: 15883: 15882: 15795:George H. W. Bush 15759:Lyndon B. Johnson 15657:Chester A. Arthur 15484: 15483: 15479: 15478: 15470:Succeeded by 15434:Succeeded by 15414:Succeeded by 15393:Benjamin Franklin 15390:Succeeded by 15368:Diplomatic posts 15358:Succeeded by 15344:George Washington 15331:Succeeded by 15311:Succeeded by 15292:Succeeded by 15249: 15248: 15028:George H. W. Bush 14978:Lyndon B. Johnson 14908:Warren G. Harding 14848:Benjamin Harrison 14828:Chester A. Arthur 14818:James A. Garfield 14678:John Quincy Adams 14628:George Washington 14576: 14575: 14572: 14571: 14564:Trumbull portrait 14506:National Archives 14476:Independence Hall 14411:Committee of Five 14343: 14342: 14242:Thomas Nelson Jr. 14237:Benjamin Harrison 14227:Richard Henry Lee 14119:Benjamin Franklin 14083:Francis Hopkinson 14047:Philip Livingston 14016:Samuel Huntington 13809: 13808: 13794:National Archives 13731: 13730: 13656:Benjamin Harrison 13641:George Washington 13636:Richard Henry Lee 13543:Charles Humphreys 13466:Philip Livingston 13361:Massachusetts Bay 13276: 13275: 13163:Charles Adams Sr. 13130:John Quincy Adams 13002:(2024 miniseries) 12994:(2015 miniseries) 12949:(1976 miniseries) 12804:List of memorials 12620:Treaty of Tripoli 12615:Treaty of Tellico 12412:Committee of Five 12207:Project Gutenberg 12171:National Archives 12121: 12036:978-0-14-044496-4 12008:978-0-8078-4230-0 11959:978-0-674-52250-3 11915:978-0-86597-287-2 11884:978-0-87220-699-1 11863:978-0-14-243778-0 11796:978-0-7352-2473-5 11772:978-0-19-974109-0 11749:978-1-59420-093-9 11725:978-0-7862-6129-1 11695:978-0-7006-0915-4 11672:978-1-61373-543-5 11631:Rossiter, Clinton 11563:978-0-608-41018-0 11542:978-1-61251-892-3 11521:978-0-7006-0359-6 11504:McDonald, Forrest 11495:978-1-4008-8369-1 11474:978-0-679-77908-7 11442:978-0-8122-7101-0 11352:Holmes, David L. 11334:978-0-8131-5320-9 11315:978-0-19-974377-3 11273:978-0-316-28605-3 11204:978-1-59691-465-0 11148:978-1-4000-7768-7 11127:978-0-19-506890-0 11106:978-1-101-20085-8 11082:978-1-250-02490-9 11058:978-0-7432-4209-7 11034:978-0-8444-0980-1 10998:978-0-8371-2348-6 10918:Morse, John Torey 10909:978-1-4165-7588-7 10894:McCullough, David 10885:978-0-87049-730-8 10847:978-0-393-31133-4 10823:978-0-8050-6937-2 10787:Honest John Adams 10633:Los Angeles Times 10458:, pp. 90–91. 10299:, pp. 33–46. 10271:David L. Holmes, 10249:, pp. 49–57. 10225:, pp. 11–14. 7915:, pp. 83–88. 7483:, pp. 30–39. 6744:, pp. 41–42. 6507:, pp. 95–96. 6473:, pp. 94–95. 6440:on March 24, 2009 6434:"Adams Time Line" 6393:, pp. 87–88. 6201:, pp. 95–97. 6167:, pp. 92–94. 6155:, pp. 78–80. 6143:, pp. 72–73. 6093:, pp. 67–68. 6032:, pp. 65–66. 6020:, pp. 57–59. 5996:, pp. 62–63. 5969:, pp. 47–49. 5948:on April 15, 2013 5930:, pp. 59–61. 5906:, pp. 55–56. 5894:, pp. 72–76. 5756:, pp. 55–56. 5709:, pp. 51–52. 5676:, pp. 36–39. 5590:, pp. 17–18. 5527:, pp. 12–14. 5515:, pp. 11–14. 5503:, pp. 29–30. 5252:Explanatory notes 5152:Edward A. Pollard 5115:George C. Herring 5103:Benjamin Franklin 5071:The Age of Reason 5027:Unitarian faction 5025:. In Quincy, the 4995:published in the 4934: 4933: 4877:Republican empire 4850:List of republics 4699:National variants 4627:Spanish Civil War 4567:French Revolution 4547:Republic of Genoa 4431:The Spirit of Law 4364:Theoretical works 3708:Neo-republicanism 3519:Federalist No. 51 3419:enumerated powers 3370:'s 1776 pamphlet 3195:Adams's daughter 3154:Mercy Otis Warren 3093:lame-duck session 3074: 3073: 3049:Associate Justice 2974: 2973: 2966:Benjamin Stoddert 2854:Timothy Pickering 2792:The Adams cabinet 2562:Fries's Rebellion 2556:Fries's Rebellion 2433:Timothy Pickering 2419:. Passage of the 2318: 2317: 2255:sworn into office 2243:President's House 2129:French Revolution 1971:electoral college 1708:Benjamin Franklin 1625:Benjamin Harrison 1545:Committee of Five 1530:Richard Henry Lee 1502:Independence Hall 1472:George Washington 1465:Benjamin Franklin 1382:Committee of Five 1311:Thomas Hutchinson 1014:American colonies 834:John Quincy Adams 778:George Washington 710:Revolutionary War 683: 682: 474:Massachusetts Bay 295:Benjamin Franklin 141:George Washington 101:George Washington 21:John Quincy Adams 22870: 22603: 22595: 22594: 22593: 22586: 22578: 22577: 22576: 22569: 22561: 22560: 22559: 22549: 22533: 22532: 22531: 22521: 22520: 22519: 22509: 22508: 22497: 22496: 22485: 22484: 22483: 22473: 22472: 22471: 22464: 22439: 22438: 22427:Andrew Jackson β†’ 22373:(paternal uncle) 22365:Susanna Boylston 22242:2008 miniseries) 21923: 21916: 21879:Treaty of Limits 21832: 21824: 21816: 21808: 21800: 21792: 21781: 21770: 21758: 21746: 21720: 21713: 21706: 21697: 21696: 21465:Edward MacDowell 21420:Thomas Jefferson 21355:Ulysses S. Grant 21315:Jonathan Edwards 21285:Grover Cleveland 21200:Susan B. Anthony 21161: 21154: 21147: 21138: 21137: 21098:Attorney General 21073:Secretary of War 21041: 21040: 20991: 20984: 20977: 20968: 20967: 20959: 20632: 20631: 20622: 20621: 20620: 20610: 20603: 20596: 20587: 20586: 20166: 20159: 20152: 20143: 20142: 20129: 20128: 20119: 20118: 20109: 20108: 19797:William J. Bryan 19777:Grover Cleveland 19747:Samuel J. Tilden 19667:Martin Van Buren 19545:Thomas Jefferson 19537: 19536: 19522: 19515: 19508: 19499: 19498: 19452:Authoritarianism 19313:Communitarianism 19308:Clerical fascism 19293: 19292: 19169:Theoconservatism 18789: 18788: 18592:Kuehnelt-Leddihn 18401:Social hierarchy 18386:Private property 18269: 18180: 18179: 17991: 17990: 17774:Federal Peronism 17764: 17763: 17448:Pochvennichestvo 17425:Black-hundredism 17358: 17343:Historical Right 17321: 17263: 17216: 17202: 17193: 17164: 17161:Action FranΓ§aise 17147: 17146: 16863: 16862: 16758: 16757: 16738: 16731: 16724: 16715: 16714: 16700: 16679: 16671: 16663: 16660:William Bradford 16655: 16643:Attorney General 16634: 16626: 16618: 16610: 16589: 16581: 16573: 16552: 16544: 16536: 16528: 16520: 16512: 16496: 16495: 16482: 16474: 16466: 16458: 16435: 16420: 16405: 16390: 16375: 16360: 16330: 16323: 16316: 16309: 16302: 16288:Federalist Party 16281: 16274: 16267: 16258: 16257: 16217:Vice President: 16198: 16197: 16192:Federalist Party 16174:Vice President: 16168:Thomas Jefferson 16156: 16155: 16124: 16117: 16110: 16101: 16100: 16051:Other candidates 16039:Vice President: 16032:Thomas Jefferson 16020: 16019: 15979:Oliver Ellsworth 15972:Other candidates 15960:Vice President: 15942: 15941: 15936:Federalist Party 15910: 15903: 15896: 15887: 15886: 15873: 15872: 15863: 15862: 15853: 15852: 15747:Alben W. Barkley 15735:Henry A. Wallace 15717:Charles G. Dawes 15699:James S. Sherman 15609:Millard Fillmore 15603:George M. Dallas 15585:Martin Van Buren 15549:Thomas Jefferson 15524: 15517: 15510: 15501: 15500: 15488: 15487: 15373:Preceded by 15361:Thomas Jefferson 15341:Preceded by 15334:Thomas Jefferson 15265: 15264: 15253: 15252: 15239: 15238: 15229: 15228: 14868:William McKinley 14858:Grover Cleveland 14838:Grover Cleveland 14798:Ulysses S. Grant 14748:Millard Fillmore 14698:Martin Van Buren 14648:Thomas Jefferson 14603: 14596: 14589: 14580: 14579: 14531:Sesquicentennial 14518:Independence Day 14391:Halifax Resolves 14377:Matthew Tilghman 14350:for Independence 14348:Delegates voting 14309:Arthur Middleton 14304:Thomas Lynch Jr. 14232:Thomas Jefferson 14078:John Witherspoon 14073:Richard Stockton 14021:William Williams 13943:Matthew Thornton 13904: 13903: 13889:Thomas Jefferson 13879: 13878: 13864:Founding Fathers 13836: 13829: 13822: 13813: 13812: 13778:Carpenters' Hall 13753:Suffolk Resolves 13748:Fairfax Resolves 13661:Edmund Pendleton 13605:Matthew Tilghman 13352:Nathaniel Folsom 13321: 13320: 13303: 13296: 13289: 13280: 13279: 13265: 13264: 13199:Susanna Boylston 13189:(great-grandson) 13183:(great-grandson) 13177:(great-grandson) 13089:Founding Fathers 13038:Federalist Party 12978:2008 miniseries) 12458:Conference House 12446:Continental Navy 12345: 12333: 12321: 12313: 12305: 12294: 12269: 12262: 12255: 12246: 12245: 12232: 12231: 12216:Internet Archive 12145: 12143: 12132: 12131: 12122: 12112: 12110: 12106: 12101: 12068: 12040: 12012: 11984: 11982: 11980: 11968:The Adams Papers 11963: 11942: 11919: 11907: 11896: 11867: 11846: 11837: 11822: 11800: 11776: 11764: 11753: 11729: 11713: 11699: 11687: 11676: 11648: 11626: 11604: 11575: 11546: 11525: 11513: 11499: 11478: 11454: 11425: 11406: 11377: 11338: 11319: 11298: 11280:Georgini, Sara. 11277: 11253: 11208: 11176: 11162: 11152: 11131: 11110: 11086: 11062: 11038: 11010: 10981: 10975: 10967: 10935: 10913: 10889: 10870:Ferling, John E. 10865: 10859: 10851: 10832:Ellis, Joseph J. 10827: 10804:Diggins, John P. 10799: 10766: 10765: 10763: 10761: 10746: 10740: 10739: 10737: 10735: 10720: 10714: 10713: 10711: 10709: 10698: 10692: 10691: 10689: 10687: 10676: 10670: 10669: 10667: 10665: 10660:on June 29, 2018 10650: 10644: 10643: 10641: 10639: 10624: 10618: 10617: 10615: 10613: 10598: 10592: 10586: 10580: 10574: 10568: 10562: 10556: 10550: 10544: 10543: 10541: 10539: 10524: 10518: 10512: 10506: 10500: 10494: 10488: 10482: 10481: 10479: 10477: 10465: 10459: 10453: 10447: 10441: 10435: 10429: 10423: 10417: 10411: 10405: 10396: 10389: 10383: 10377: 10371: 10365: 10359: 10353: 10347: 10341: 10335: 10334: 10332: 10330: 10319: 10313: 10306: 10300: 10294: 10288: 10282: 10276: 10269: 10263: 10256: 10250: 10244: 10238: 10232: 10226: 10220: 10214: 10208: 10202: 10196: 10190: 10184: 10178: 10177: 10175: 10173: 10158: 10149: 10143: 10137: 10136: 10134: 10127: 10118: 10112: 10106: 10100: 10094: 10088: 10082: 10076: 10070: 10064: 10058: 10052: 10051: 10049: 10047: 10036: 10030: 10024: 10018: 10017: 10015: 10013: 9998: 9989: 9988: 9983:Madison, James. 9980: 9974: 9971: 9962: 9956: 9950: 9944: 9938: 9932: 9926: 9925: 9923: 9921: 9906: 9900: 9894: 9888: 9882: 9876: 9870: 9864: 9858: 9852: 9846: 9840: 9837: 9831: 9825: 9819: 9813: 9807: 9801: 9795: 9794: 9792: 9790: 9775: 9769: 9768: 9766: 9764: 9749: 9743: 9737: 9731: 9725: 9719: 9713: 9707: 9706: 9704: 9702: 9687: 9681: 9675: 9669: 9663: 9657: 9651: 9645: 9639: 9633: 9630: 9624: 9621: 9615: 9609: 9603: 9600: 9594: 9591: 9585: 9579: 9573: 9567: 9561: 9555: 9549: 9543: 9537: 9531: 9525: 9519: 9513: 9507: 9498: 9492: 9486: 9480: 9474: 9468: 9462: 9456: 9450: 9449: 9447: 9445: 9434: 9425: 9419: 9413: 9407: 9401: 9395: 9389: 9383: 9377: 9371: 9362: 9356: 9350: 9344: 9338: 9332: 9326: 9320: 9314: 9308: 9302: 9296: 9290: 9289: 9287: 9285: 9273: 9267: 9266: 9264: 9262: 9244: 9238: 9237: 9235: 9233: 9219: 9213: 9212: 9210: 9208: 9193: 9187: 9181: 9175: 9169: 9163: 9157: 9148: 9142: 9136: 9130: 9119: 9113: 9107: 9101: 9095: 9089: 9083: 9077: 9071: 9065: 9059: 9053: 9047: 9046: 9044: 9042: 9022: 9021: 9016: 9010: 9004: 8998: 8992: 8986: 8980: 8974: 8973: 8971: 8969: 8958: 8947: 8946: 8944: 8942: 8923: 8917: 8911: 8905: 8904: 8902: 8900: 8885: 8879: 8873: 8867: 8861: 8855: 8849: 8843: 8837: 8831: 8825: 8819: 8813: 8804: 8798: 8792: 8786: 8780: 8774: 8768: 8767: 8765: 8763: 8751: 8742: 8736: 8730: 8724: 8718: 8712: 8706: 8700: 8694: 8688: 8682: 8676: 8670: 8664: 8658: 8652: 8646: 8640: 8634: 8628: 8622: 8616: 8610: 8604: 8595: 8589: 8583: 8577: 8568: 8562: 8556: 8550: 8541: 8535: 8529: 8523: 8517: 8511: 8505: 8499: 8493: 8487: 8481: 8475: 8469: 8463: 8457: 8451: 8445: 8439: 8433: 8427: 8421: 8415: 8406: 8400: 8394: 8388: 8382: 8376: 8370: 8364: 8358: 8352: 8346: 8340: 8334: 8328: 8322: 8316: 8310: 8309: 8307: 8305: 8290: 8284: 8278: 8272: 8266: 8257: 8251: 8245: 8244: 8242: 8240: 8229: 8223: 8217: 8211: 8205: 8199: 8193: 8187: 8181: 8175: 8169: 8163: 8157: 8148: 8142: 8136: 8130: 8124: 8118: 8112: 8106: 8100: 8099: 8097: 8095: 8084: 8078: 8077: 8075: 8073: 8058: 8052: 8051: 8049: 8047: 8029: 8020: 8014: 8008: 8007: 8005: 8003: 7992: 7986: 7980: 7974: 7968: 7962: 7956: 7950: 7949: 7947: 7945: 7934: 7928: 7922: 7916: 7910: 7904: 7898: 7889: 7888: 7886: 7884: 7872: 7859: 7853: 7842: 7836: 7830: 7829: 7827: 7825: 7810: 7804: 7803: 7801: 7799: 7779: 7773: 7772: 7770: 7768: 7757: 7751: 7745: 7739: 7733: 7727: 7721: 7715: 7709: 7703: 7697: 7688: 7682: 7676: 7675: 7673: 7671: 7660: 7654: 7653: 7651: 7649: 7638: 7632: 7626: 7620: 7614: 7608: 7602: 7596: 7595: 7593: 7591: 7577: 7571: 7565: 7559: 7553: 7547: 7541: 7535: 7529: 7523: 7517: 7511: 7505: 7496: 7490: 7484: 7478: 7472: 7471: 7469: 7467: 7447: 7446: 7441: 7432: 7426: 7420: 7414: 7408: 7402: 7396: 7390: 7381: 7375: 7369: 7363: 7357: 7351: 7345: 7339: 7333: 7327: 7321: 7315: 7309: 7303: 7297: 7291: 7285: 7279: 7273: 7267: 7261: 7255: 7249: 7248: 7246: 7244: 7233: 7227: 7221: 7215: 7209: 7203: 7197: 7191: 7185: 7179: 7173: 7167: 7161: 7155: 7154: 7152: 7150: 7135: 7129: 7123: 7117: 7111: 7105: 7099: 7093: 7087: 7081: 7075: 7069: 7063: 7057: 7051: 7045: 7039: 7033: 7027: 7021: 7015: 7009: 7003: 6997: 6991: 6985: 6979: 6973: 6967: 6961: 6955: 6949: 6943: 6937: 6931: 6925: 6919: 6913: 6907: 6901: 6895: 6889: 6883: 6877: 6871: 6865: 6859: 6853: 6847: 6841: 6835: 6829: 6823: 6817: 6811: 6805: 6799: 6793: 6787: 6781: 6775: 6769: 6763: 6757: 6751: 6745: 6739: 6730: 6724: 6718: 6712: 6706: 6700: 6694: 6688: 6682: 6676: 6670: 6664: 6658: 6651: 6645: 6639: 6633: 6627: 6621: 6615: 6609: 6603: 6597: 6591: 6585: 6579: 6573: 6567: 6561: 6555: 6549: 6543: 6537: 6531: 6525: 6519: 6508: 6502: 6496: 6495: 6493: 6491: 6480: 6474: 6468: 6462: 6456: 6450: 6449: 6447: 6445: 6430: 6421: 6415: 6406: 6400: 6394: 6388: 6382: 6376: 6370: 6369: 6367: 6365: 6354: 6348: 6347: 6345: 6343: 6327: 6321: 6315: 6309: 6308: 6306: 6304: 6293: 6287: 6278: 6276: 6274: 6268: 6253: 6244: 6238: 6232: 6226: 6220: 6214: 6208: 6202: 6196: 6190: 6189: 6187: 6185: 6174: 6168: 6162: 6156: 6150: 6144: 6138: 6132: 6131: 6129: 6127: 6112: 6106: 6100: 6094: 6088: 6082: 6076: 6070: 6069: 6067: 6065: 6051: 6045: 6039: 6033: 6027: 6021: 6015: 6009: 6003: 5997: 5991: 5985: 5979: 5970: 5964: 5958: 5957: 5955: 5953: 5937: 5931: 5925: 5919: 5913: 5907: 5901: 5895: 5889: 5880: 5879: 5877: 5875: 5860: 5851: 5850: 5848: 5846: 5835: 5826: 5820: 5814: 5808: 5799: 5793: 5784: 5778: 5769: 5763: 5757: 5751: 5745: 5744: 5742: 5740: 5735:on April 7, 2015 5719: 5710: 5704: 5698: 5697: 5695: 5693: 5683: 5677: 5671: 5665: 5659: 5653: 5647: 5641: 5640: 5638: 5636: 5621: 5615: 5609: 5603: 5597: 5591: 5585: 5579: 5573: 5564: 5558: 5552: 5546: 5540: 5534: 5528: 5522: 5516: 5510: 5504: 5498: 5489: 5483: 5477: 5471: 5462: 5461: 5448: 5442: 5436: 5427: 5426: 5421: 5419: 5404: 5398: 5397: 5392: 5390: 5379: 5373: 5372: 5370: 5368: 5357: 5338: 5331: 5325: 5317: 5311: 5308: 5302: 5295: 5289: 5283: 5279: 5262: 5142:was attacked by 5019:David McCullough 4985:Clinton Rossiter 4926: 4919: 4912: 4898: 4897: 4882:Republican Party 4860:Peasant republic 4820:Communitarianism 4537:Classical Athens 4532: 4506: 4496: 4486: 4476: 4466: 4456: 4446: 4436: 4426: 4416: 4406: 4396: 4386: 4376: 3610:Mixed government 3544: 3543: 3495:mixed government 3306:Abigail died of 3228: 3225: 3006: 3005: 2942:Attorney General 2911:Secretary of War 2835:Thomas Jefferson 2789: 2788: 2734:Thomas Jefferson 2714:Election of 1800 2609: 2404:Thomas Jefferson 2377:, editor of the 2300: 2299: 2288: 2287: 2160:Thomas Jefferson 2141:Election of 1796 2073:Federalist Party 2034:Anti-federalists 1935:Shays' Rebellion 1890:, a portrait by 1764:Saint Petersburg 1576:Continental Army 1534:Thomas Jefferson 1441:Suffolk Resolves 1406:Intolerable Acts 1341:and the British 1335:Boston Tea Party 1307:Founding Fathers 1211:Jeremiah Gridley 1094: 1093: 1089: 1086: 1067: 1064: 1051: 1042: 926:Braintree, Essex 886:Susanna Boylston 844:who never owned 786:Federalist Party 747:delegate to the 733:right to counsel 726:Thomas Jefferson 675: 623:Susanna Boylston 581: 579: 575: 571: 543: 540: 530: 527: 491: 455:Personal details 441: 429: 420: 411: 389: 377: 365: 356: 333: 321: 312: 291: 279: 270: 248: 238: 229: 219: 204: 192: 183: 173: 163:Thomas Jefferson 160: 148: 131: 113:Thomas Jefferson 109: 97: 90:Thomas Jefferson 87: 76: 54: 53: 1800–1815 51: 46: 32: 31: 22878: 22877: 22873: 22872: 22871: 22869: 22868: 22867: 22608: 22607: 22606: 22596: 22591: 22589: 22579: 22574: 22572: 22562: 22557: 22555: 22552: 22548:sister projects 22545:at Knowledge's 22539: 22529: 22527: 22517: 22515: 22503: 22491: 22481: 22479: 22469: 22467: 22459: 22457: 22452: 22451: 22446: 22410: 22382: 22270:George W. Adams 22254: 22246: 22189: 22183: 22168:President Adams 22124: 22111:Corrupt Bargain 22074: 22025: 22019: 21991: 21943:Treaty of Ghent 21930: 21924: 21918: 21917: 21908: 21854:American System 21835: 21827: 21819: 21811: 21803: 21795: 21784: 21773: 21761: 21749: 21737: 21729: 21724: 21694: 21689: 21665:Frances Willard 21600:Sylvanus Thayer 21550:Edgar Allan Poe 21535:Francis Parkman 21445:Abraham Lincoln 21425:John Paul Jones 21345:Josiah W. Gibbs 21260:Andrew Carnegie 21245:Phillips Brooks 21210:George Bancroft 21171: 21165: 21135: 21130: 21111: 21092: 21067: 21042: 21038: 21033: 21008: 20995: 20965: 20960: 20951: 20633: 20626: 20618: 20616: 20614: 20584: 20579: 20392: 20390: 20388: 20382: 20235: 20233: 20231: 20225: 20183: 20181: 20175: 20170: 20140: 20135: 20093: 20092: 20073:Hillary Clinton 20003:Michael Dukakis 19963:George McGovern 19953:Hubert Humphrey 19943:Barry Goldwater 19919:Adlai Stevenson 19905:Thomas E. Dewey 19895:Wendell Willkie 19815:Alton B. Parker 19767:James G. Blaine 19727:Horatio Seymour 19697:John C. FrΓ©mont 19531: 19526: 19496: 19491: 19488:Politics portal 19475: 19327: 19284: 19230: 19224: 19164:Christian right 19141: 19067:Prat de la Riba 18835: 18776: 18445: 18391:Public morality 18361:Ordered liberty 18266:Noblesse oblige 18227:Culture of life 18222:Cultural values 18167: 18128: 18053: 18046: 17976: 17879: 17854: 17802: 17749: 17612: 17540: 17533: 17486:Carlo-francoism 17455: 17396: 17361: 17324: 17311:State Socialism 17229: 17199:Nouvelle Droite 17132: 17072: 17044: 17021: 16979: 16929: 16901: 16852: 16753: 16747: 16742: 16712: 16703: 16695: 16682: 16674: 16666: 16658: 16652:Edmund Randolph 16650: 16637: 16629: 16621: 16613: 16605: 16592: 16584: 16576: 16568: 16555: 16547: 16539: 16531: 16523: 16517:Edmund Randolph 16515: 16507: 16485: 16477: 16471:Jonathan Dayton 16469: 16461: 16453: 16445: 16438: 16423: 16408: 16393: 16378: 16363: 16348: 16340: 16333: 16326: 16319: 16312: 16307:American School 16305: 16298: 16290: 16285: 16255: 16250: 16224: 16181: 16143: 16128: 16098: 16093: 16067: 16046: 16003: 15994:Samuel Johnston 15967: 15962:Thomas Pinckney 15929: 15914: 15884: 15879: 15841: 15840: 15765:Hubert Humphrey 15741:Harry S. Truman 15711:Calvin Coolidge 15675:Adlai Stevenson 15639:Schuyler Colfax 15627:Hannibal Hamlin 15615:William R. King 15579:John C. Calhoun 15533: 15528: 15493: 15485: 15480: 15475: 15460: 15439: 15437:Thomas Pinckney 15430: 15420: 15410: 15395: 15386: 15378: 15363: 15354: 15346: 15336: 15327: 15317: 15307: 15297: 15288: 15258: 15250: 15245: 15217: 15143:F. D. Roosevelt 15095: 15089: 15088: 15087: 14968:John F. Kennedy 14948:Harry S. Truman 14918:Calvin Coolidge 14778:Abraham Lincoln 14758:Franklin Pierce 14618: 14612: 14607: 14577: 14568: 14498: 14492: 14471:United Colonies 14459:Timothy Matlack 14454:Charles Thomson 14379: 14367: 14351: 14349: 14339: 14313: 14294:Edward Rutledge 14282: 14256: 14210: 14179: 14153: 14097: 14061: 14030: 13999: 13990:Stephen Hopkins 13978: 13947: 13938:William Whipple 13933:Josiah Bartlett 13921: 13918:(Massachusetts) 13893: 13873: 13845: 13840: 13810: 13805: 13782: 13768:Charles Thomson 13727: 13723:Edward Rutledge 13703:Henry Middleton 13691: 13687:Richard Caswell 13665: 13624: 13593: 13567: 13533:Joseph Galloway 13521: 13485: 13434: 13408: 13399:Stephen Hopkins 13387: 13356: 13335: 13331:Peyton Randolph 13312: 13307: 13277: 13272: 13231: 13221:daughter-in-law 13213:(second cousin) 13157:George W. Adams 13095: 13006: 12992:Sons of Liberty 12910:Popular culture 12905: 12872:President Adams 12839:(1783 painting) 12836:Treaty of Paris 12787: 12728: 12722: 12711:Founders Online 12673: 12510: 12479: 12407:May 15 preamble 12384:United Colonies 12355: 12354:Founding of the 12348: 12336: 12324: 12316: 12308: 12297: 12286: 12278: 12273: 12229: 12167:Founders Online 12159: 12158: 12147: 12141: 12139: 12136:This audio file 12133: 12126: 12117: 12114: 12108: 12104: 12103: 12099: 12096: 12091: 12085: 12083:Further reading 12080: 12037: 12023:, eds. (1987). 12021:Kramnick, Isaac 12009: 11978: 11976: 11971: 11960: 11916: 11885: 11864: 11807: 11805:Primary sources 11797: 11781:Wood, Gordon S. 11773: 11750: 11734:Wood, Gordon S. 11726: 11696: 11673: 11593:10.2307/3122645 11564: 11543: 11522: 11496: 11475: 11443: 11374: 11335: 11316: 11274: 11205: 11160: 11149: 11128: 11107: 11083: 11059: 11035: 11017: 10999: 10969: 10968: 10956: 10910: 10886: 10853: 10852: 10848: 10824: 10780: 10774: 10769: 10759: 10757: 10747: 10743: 10733: 10731: 10721: 10717: 10707: 10705: 10700: 10699: 10695: 10685: 10683: 10678: 10677: 10673: 10663: 10661: 10652: 10651: 10647: 10637: 10635: 10625: 10621: 10611: 10609: 10599: 10595: 10591:, pp. 3–4. 10587: 10583: 10575: 10571: 10563: 10559: 10555:, pp. 2–3. 10551: 10547: 10537: 10535: 10525: 10521: 10513: 10509: 10501: 10497: 10489: 10485: 10475: 10473: 10466: 10462: 10454: 10450: 10444:McCullough 2001 10442: 10438: 10430: 10426: 10418: 10414: 10406: 10399: 10390: 10386: 10378: 10374: 10366: 10362: 10354: 10350: 10342: 10338: 10328: 10326: 10321: 10320: 10316: 10307: 10303: 10295: 10291: 10285:Brookhiser 2002 10283: 10279: 10270: 10266: 10257: 10253: 10245: 10241: 10235:McCullough 2001 10233: 10229: 10221: 10217: 10209: 10205: 10199:McCullough 2001 10197: 10193: 10185: 10181: 10171: 10169: 10160: 10159: 10152: 10144: 10140: 10132: 10125: 10119: 10115: 10109:McCullough 2001 10107: 10103: 10097:McCullough 2001 10095: 10091: 10083: 10079: 10071: 10067: 10059: 10055: 10045: 10043: 10038: 10037: 10033: 10027:McCullough 2001 10025: 10021: 10011: 10009: 9999: 9992: 9981: 9977: 9972: 9965: 9957: 9953: 9945: 9941: 9937:, p. xvii. 9933: 9929: 9919: 9917: 9908: 9907: 9903: 9895: 9891: 9883: 9879: 9871: 9867: 9861:McCullough 2001 9859: 9855: 9847: 9843: 9838: 9834: 9826: 9822: 9814: 9810: 9804:McCullough 2001 9802: 9798: 9788: 9786: 9777: 9776: 9772: 9762: 9760: 9751: 9750: 9746: 9738: 9734: 9728:McCullough 2001 9726: 9722: 9716:McCullough 2001 9714: 9710: 9700: 9698: 9688: 9684: 9678:McCullough 2001 9676: 9672: 9666:McCullough 2001 9664: 9660: 9652: 9648: 9642:McCullough 2001 9640: 9636: 9631: 9627: 9622: 9618: 9612:McCullough 2001 9610: 9606: 9601: 9597: 9592: 9588: 9582:McCullough 2001 9580: 9576: 9568: 9564: 9556: 9552: 9544: 9540: 9532: 9528: 9520: 9516: 9508: 9501: 9495:McCullough 2001 9493: 9489: 9483:McCullough 2001 9481: 9477: 9471:McCullough 2001 9469: 9465: 9459:McCullough 2001 9457: 9453: 9443: 9441: 9436: 9435: 9428: 9422:McCullough 2001 9420: 9416: 9408: 9404: 9396: 9392: 9388:, p. 1075. 9384: 9380: 9372: 9365: 9357: 9353: 9345: 9341: 9333: 9329: 9323:McCullough 2001 9321: 9317: 9309: 9305: 9297: 9293: 9283: 9281: 9274: 9270: 9260: 9258: 9245: 9241: 9231: 9229: 9221: 9220: 9216: 9206: 9204: 9194: 9190: 9186:, p. 1053. 9182: 9178: 9170: 9166: 9158: 9151: 9143: 9139: 9133:McCullough 2001 9131: 9122: 9116:McCullough 2001 9114: 9110: 9102: 9098: 9092:McCullough 2001 9090: 9086: 9080:McCullough 2001 9078: 9074: 9068:McCullough 2001 9066: 9062: 9054: 9050: 9040: 9038: 9028: 9019: 9017: 9013: 9009:, p. 1050. 9005: 9001: 8997:, p. 1049. 8993: 8989: 8985:, p. 1036. 8981: 8977: 8967: 8965: 8960: 8959: 8950: 8940: 8938: 8925: 8924: 8920: 8912: 8908: 8898: 8896: 8887: 8886: 8882: 8874: 8870: 8862: 8858: 8850: 8846: 8840:McCullough 2001 8838: 8834: 8826: 8822: 8816:McCullough 2001 8814: 8807: 8801:McCullough 2001 8799: 8795: 8787: 8783: 8777:McCullough 2001 8775: 8771: 8761: 8759: 8752: 8745: 8739:McCullough 2001 8737: 8733: 8725: 8721: 8713: 8709: 8703:McCullough 2001 8701: 8697: 8689: 8685: 8679:McCullough 2001 8677: 8673: 8667:McCullough 2001 8665: 8661: 8655:McCullough 2001 8653: 8649: 8641: 8637: 8631:McCullough 2001 8629: 8625: 8619:McCullough 2001 8617: 8613: 8605: 8598: 8590: 8586: 8578: 8571: 8563: 8559: 8551: 8544: 8536: 8532: 8524: 8520: 8512: 8508: 8500: 8496: 8488: 8484: 8476: 8472: 8464: 8460: 8454:McCullough 2001 8452: 8448: 8440: 8436: 8428: 8424: 8416: 8409: 8401: 8397: 8389: 8385: 8377: 8373: 8367:McCullough 2001 8365: 8361: 8353: 8349: 8341: 8337: 8331:McCullough 2001 8329: 8325: 8319:McCullough 2001 8317: 8313: 8303: 8301: 8292: 8291: 8287: 8279: 8275: 8269:McCullough 2001 8267: 8260: 8254:McCullough 2001 8252: 8248: 8238: 8236: 8231: 8230: 8226: 8218: 8214: 8206: 8202: 8194: 8190: 8182: 8178: 8170: 8166: 8158: 8151: 8143: 8139: 8133:McCullough 2001 8131: 8127: 8119: 8115: 8107: 8103: 8093: 8091: 8086: 8085: 8081: 8071: 8069: 8059: 8055: 8045: 8043: 8031: 8030: 8023: 8015: 8011: 8001: 7999: 7994: 7993: 7989: 7981: 7977: 7969: 7965: 7957: 7953: 7943: 7941: 7936: 7935: 7931: 7923: 7919: 7911: 7907: 7899: 7892: 7882: 7880: 7873: 7862: 7854: 7845: 7837: 7833: 7823: 7821: 7811: 7807: 7797: 7795: 7780: 7776: 7766: 7764: 7759: 7758: 7754: 7748:McCullough 2001 7746: 7742: 7734: 7730: 7724:McCullough 2001 7722: 7718: 7712:McCullough 2001 7710: 7706: 7698: 7691: 7685:McCullough 2001 7683: 7679: 7669: 7667: 7662: 7661: 7657: 7647: 7645: 7640: 7639: 7635: 7627: 7623: 7617:McCullough 2001 7615: 7611: 7605:McCullough 2001 7603: 7599: 7589: 7587: 7579: 7578: 7574: 7568:McCullough 2001 7566: 7562: 7556:McCullough 2001 7554: 7550: 7542: 7538: 7532:McCullough 2001 7530: 7526: 7520:McCullough 2001 7518: 7514: 7508:McCullough 2001 7506: 7499: 7493:McCullough 2001 7491: 7487: 7479: 7475: 7465: 7463: 7453: 7444: 7442: 7435: 7429:McCullough 2001 7427: 7423: 7415: 7411: 7403: 7399: 7393:McCullough 2001 7391: 7384: 7376: 7372: 7366:McCullough 2001 7364: 7360: 7354:McCullough 2001 7352: 7348: 7340: 7336: 7328: 7324: 7316: 7312: 7304: 7300: 7294:McCullough 2001 7292: 7288: 7282:McCullough 2001 7280: 7276: 7270:McCullough 2001 7268: 7264: 7258:McCullough 2001 7256: 7252: 7242: 7240: 7235: 7234: 7230: 7222: 7218: 7212:McCullough 2001 7210: 7206: 7198: 7194: 7188:McCullough 2001 7186: 7182: 7174: 7170: 7162: 7158: 7148: 7146: 7145:on May 27, 2010 7137: 7136: 7132: 7126:McCullough 2001 7124: 7120: 7114:McCullough 2001 7112: 7108: 7100: 7096: 7088: 7084: 7078:McCullough 2001 7076: 7072: 7066:McCullough 2001 7064: 7060: 7052: 7048: 7042:McCullough 2001 7040: 7036: 7030:McCullough 2001 7028: 7024: 7018:McCullough 2001 7016: 7012: 7004: 7000: 6992: 6988: 6980: 6976: 6968: 6964: 6956: 6952: 6946:McCullough 2001 6944: 6940: 6934:McCullough 2001 6932: 6928: 6922:McCullough 2001 6920: 6916: 6908: 6904: 6898:McCullough 2001 6896: 6892: 6886:McCullough 2001 6884: 6880: 6874:McCullough 2001 6872: 6868: 6862:McCullough 2001 6860: 6856: 6848: 6844: 6836: 6832: 6824: 6820: 6814:McCullough 2001 6812: 6808: 6802:McCullough 2001 6800: 6796: 6788: 6784: 6778:McCullough 2001 6776: 6772: 6764: 6760: 6752: 6748: 6740: 6733: 6725: 6721: 6715:McCullough 2001 6713: 6709: 6701: 6697: 6689: 6685: 6677: 6673: 6667:McCullough 2001 6665: 6661: 6652: 6648: 6640: 6636: 6630:McCullough 2001 6628: 6624: 6616: 6612: 6606:McCullough 2001 6604: 6600: 6592: 6588: 6580: 6576: 6570:McCullough 2001 6568: 6564: 6556: 6552: 6546:McCullough 2001 6544: 6540: 6532: 6528: 6520: 6511: 6505:McCullough 2001 6503: 6499: 6489: 6487: 6482: 6481: 6477: 6471:McCullough 2001 6469: 6465: 6457: 6453: 6443: 6441: 6432: 6431: 6424: 6416: 6409: 6403:McCullough 2001 6401: 6397: 6391:McCullough 2001 6389: 6385: 6377: 6373: 6363: 6361: 6356: 6355: 6351: 6341: 6339: 6330: 6328: 6324: 6316: 6312: 6302: 6300: 6295: 6294: 6290: 6272: 6270: 6266: 6251: 6245: 6241: 6233: 6229: 6221: 6217: 6211:McCullough 2001 6209: 6205: 6197: 6193: 6183: 6181: 6176: 6175: 6171: 6163: 6159: 6151: 6147: 6139: 6135: 6125: 6123: 6114: 6113: 6109: 6101: 6097: 6089: 6085: 6077: 6073: 6063: 6061: 6052: 6048: 6040: 6036: 6030:McCullough 2001 6028: 6024: 6016: 6012: 6004: 6000: 5994:McCullough 2001 5992: 5988: 5982:McCullough 2001 5980: 5973: 5965: 5961: 5951: 5949: 5938: 5934: 5928:McCullough 2001 5926: 5922: 5914: 5910: 5902: 5898: 5890: 5883: 5873: 5871: 5862: 5861: 5854: 5844: 5842: 5837: 5836: 5829: 5823:McCullough 2001 5821: 5817: 5811:McCullough 2001 5809: 5802: 5794: 5787: 5779: 5772: 5766:McCullough 2001 5764: 5760: 5754:McCullough 2001 5752: 5748: 5738: 5736: 5721: 5720: 5713: 5707:McCullough 2001 5705: 5701: 5691: 5689: 5685: 5684: 5680: 5672: 5668: 5660: 5656: 5650:McCullough 2001 5648: 5644: 5634: 5632: 5623: 5622: 5618: 5610: 5606: 5598: 5594: 5586: 5582: 5574: 5567: 5561:McCullough 2001 5559: 5555: 5549:McCullough 2001 5547: 5543: 5535: 5531: 5523: 5519: 5511: 5507: 5501:McCullough 2001 5499: 5492: 5484: 5480: 5472: 5465: 5450: 5449: 5445: 5439:McCullough 2001 5437: 5430: 5417: 5415: 5405: 5401: 5388: 5386: 5381: 5380: 5376: 5366: 5364: 5359: 5358: 5351: 5347: 5342: 5341: 5332: 5328: 5318: 5314: 5309: 5305: 5296: 5292: 5281: 5277: 5263: 5259: 5254: 5230: 5224: 5183:Gilbert Chinard 5124:Jeffersonianism 5100: 5094: 5089: 5015: 5013:Religious views 4989:ordered liberty 4961: 4939: 4930: 4892: 4887: 4886: 4805: 4797: 4796: 4700: 4692: 4691: 4577:Trienio Liberal 4518: 4510: 4509: 4504: 4494: 4484: 4474: 4464: 4454: 4444: 4434: 4424: 4414: 4404: 4394: 4384: 4374: 4365: 4357: 4356: 4092:Flynn (Stephen) 3977: 3969: 3968: 3809: 3801: 3800: 3726: 3718: 3717: 3673: 3665: 3664: 3660:Social equality 3655:Social contract 3645:Self-governance 3600:Democratization 3575:Anti-corruption 3570:Anti-monarchism 3565: 3549:Politics series 3542: 3466: 3435: 3351: 3344: 3267: 3226: 3213: 3118: 3113: 3070:1800–1804 3058:1799–1829 3039:1801–1835 2985: 2979: 2970:1798–1801 2951:1797–1801 2932:1800–1801 2920:1797–1800 2889:1797–1800 2870:1800–1801 2858:1797–1800 2839:1797–1801 2820:1797–1801 2787: 2722: 2716: 2673: 2628: 2627: 2626: 2617: 2612: 2611: 2610: 2599: 2564: 2558: 2521:Spanish Florida 2458:New York Harbor 2450: 2397: 2391: 2297: 2291:External videos 2286: 2280: 2236: 2231: 2223:Main articles: 2221: 2191:Thomas Pinckney 2149: 2143: 1995: 1975:first president 1954: 1948: 1943: 1912:Jonathan Sewall 1871:King George III 1863: 1827:Treaty of Paris 1814:Treaty of Paris 1806: 1804:Treaty of Paris 1738: 1616: 1611: 1605: 1592:Edward Rutledge 1494: 1425:Joseph Galloway 1421:King George III 1410:Jonathan Sewall 1365: 1360: 1303: 1271:John E. Ferling 1257:Boston Massacre 1240:Boston Massacre 1225: 1223:Boston Massacre 1219: 1185:Jonathan Mayhew 1136: 1130: 1125: 1091: 1087: 1084: 1082: 1071: 1070: 1069: 1068: 1065: 1054: 1053: 1052: 1044: 1043: 994: 951:Harvard College 947: 873:in present-day 864: 858: 741:Boston Massacre 714:U.S. government 690:Founding Father 663: 636:Harvard College 627: 583: 567: 563: 560: 547: 541: 528: 509:Political party 493: 489: 468: 439: 427: 421: 416: 406: 393:William Cushing 387: 375: 363: 357: 352: 331: 319: 313: 308: 289: 277: 271: 266: 246: 236: 230: 225: 218:the Netherlands 217: 208:Thomas Pinckney 202: 190: 184: 179: 171: 158: 146: 132: 127: 107: 95: 83: 77: 72: 55: 52: 37: 28: 17: 12: 11: 5: 22876: 22866: 22865: 22860: 22855: 22850: 22845: 22840: 22835: 22830: 22825: 22820: 22815: 22810: 22805: 22800: 22795: 22790: 22785: 22780: 22775: 22770: 22765: 22760: 22755: 22750: 22745: 22740: 22735: 22730: 22725: 22720: 22715: 22710: 22705: 22700: 22695: 22690: 22685: 22680: 22675: 22670: 22665: 22660: 22655: 22650: 22645: 22640: 22635: 22630: 22625: 22620: 22605: 22604: 22587: 22585:from Wikiquote 22570: 22541: 22538: 22537: 22525: 22513: 22501: 22489: 22477: 22454: 22453: 22448: 22447: 22445: 22444: 22431: 22430: 22423: 22420:← James Monroe 22415: 22412: 22411: 22409: 22408: 22405:Quincy Patriot 22401: 22396: 22390: 22388: 22384: 22383: 22381: 22380: 22374: 22368: 22362: 22359:John Adams Sr. 22356: 22350: 22344: 22338: 22337: 22336: 22331: 22326: 22318: 22317: 22316: 22311: 22303: 22297: 22291: 22285: 22279: 22273: 22267: 22260: 22258: 22248: 22247: 22245: 22244: 22239: 22231: 22223: 22215: 22207: 22202: 22193: 22191: 22185: 22184: 22182: 22181: 22172: 22163: 22158: 22153: 22148: 22143: 22141:Adams Memorial 22138: 22132: 22130: 22126: 22125: 22123: 22122: 22121: 22120: 22115: 22114: 22113: 22100: 22099: 22098: 22093: 22084: 22082: 22076: 22075: 22073: 22072: 22067: 22066: 22065: 22060: 22055: 22045: 22040: 22035: 22029: 22027: 22021: 22020: 22018: 22017: 22016: 22015: 22005: 22003:Lifelong diary 21999: 21997: 21993: 21992: 21990: 21989: 21984: 21979: 21978: 21977: 21965: 21960: 21958:Tariff of 1832 21955: 21953:Treaty of 1818 21950: 21945: 21940: 21934: 21932: 21926: 21925: 21911: 21909: 21907: 21906: 21901: 21896: 21891: 21886: 21881: 21876: 21871: 21866: 21864:Tariff of 1828 21861: 21856: 21851: 21845: 21843: 21837: 21836: 21834: 21833: 21825: 21817: 21809: 21801: 21793: 21782: 21771: 21759: 21747: 21734: 21731: 21730: 21723: 21722: 21715: 21708: 21700: 21691: 21690: 21688: 21687: 21682: 21680:Orville Wright 21677: 21675:Woodrow Wilson 21672: 21670:Roger Williams 21667: 21662: 21657: 21652: 21647: 21642: 21637: 21632: 21630:Daniel Webster 21627: 21622: 21617: 21612: 21607: 21602: 21597: 21595:Gilbert Stuart 21592: 21587: 21582: 21577: 21572: 21567: 21562: 21557: 21552: 21547: 21542: 21540:George Peabody 21537: 21532: 21527: 21522: 21517: 21512: 21507: 21502: 21497: 21495:Maria Mitchell 21492: 21487: 21482: 21477: 21472: 21467: 21462: 21457: 21452: 21447: 21442: 21437: 21432: 21427: 21422: 21417: 21412: 21410:Andrew Jackson 21407: 21402: 21397: 21392: 21387: 21382: 21377: 21372: 21367: 21362: 21357: 21352: 21347: 21342: 21337: 21332: 21330:Stephen Foster 21327: 21325:David Farragut 21322: 21317: 21312: 21307: 21302: 21297: 21292: 21287: 21282: 21277: 21272: 21267: 21262: 21257: 21255:Luther Burbank 21252: 21247: 21242: 21240:Louis Brandeis 21237: 21232: 21227: 21222: 21217: 21212: 21207: 21202: 21197: 21192: 21187: 21182: 21176: 21173: 21172: 21164: 21163: 21156: 21149: 21141: 21132: 21131: 21129: 21128: 21121: 21119: 21113: 21112: 21110: 21109: 21102: 21100: 21094: 21093: 21091: 21090: 21084: 21077: 21075: 21069: 21068: 21066: 21065: 21059: 21052: 21050: 21044: 21043: 21036: 21034: 21032: 21031: 21025: 21018: 21016: 21010: 21009: 20994: 20993: 20986: 20979: 20971: 20962: 20961: 20954: 20952: 20950: 20949: 20944: 20939: 20934: 20929: 20924: 20919: 20914: 20909: 20904: 20899: 20894: 20889: 20884: 20879: 20874: 20869: 20864: 20859: 20854: 20849: 20844: 20839: 20834: 20829: 20824: 20819: 20814: 20809: 20804: 20799: 20794: 20789: 20784: 20779: 20774: 20769: 20764: 20759: 20754: 20749: 20744: 20739: 20734: 20729: 20724: 20719: 20714: 20709: 20704: 20699: 20694: 20689: 20684: 20679: 20674: 20669: 20664: 20659: 20654: 20649: 20644: 20638: 20635: 20634: 20613: 20612: 20605: 20598: 20590: 20581: 20580: 20578: 20577: 20572: 20567: 20562: 20557: 20552: 20547: 20542: 20537: 20532: 20527: 20522: 20517: 20512: 20507: 20502: 20497: 20492: 20487: 20482: 20477: 20472: 20467: 20462: 20457: 20452: 20447: 20442: 20437: 20432: 20427: 20422: 20417: 20412: 20407: 20402: 20396: 20394: 20393:(1893–present) 20384: 20383: 20381: 20380: 20375: 20370: 20365: 20360: 20355: 20350: 20345: 20340: 20335: 20330: 20325: 20320: 20315: 20310: 20305: 20300: 20295: 20285: 20280: 20275: 20270: 20260: 20255: 20250: 20245: 20239: 20237: 20227: 20226: 20224: 20223: 20213: 20208: 20203: 20198: 20193: 20187: 20185: 20177: 20176: 20169: 20168: 20161: 20154: 20146: 20137: 20136: 20134: 20133: 20123: 20113: 20102: 20099: 20098: 20095: 20094: 20091: 20090: 20080: 20070: 20060: 20050: 20040: 20030: 20020: 20010: 20000: 19993:Walter Mondale 19990: 19980: 19970: 19960: 19950: 19940: 19930: 19916: 19902: 19892: 19882: 19875:Herbert Hoover 19872: 19862: 19852: 19842: 19832: 19822: 19812: 19794: 19784: 19774: 19764: 19754: 19744: 19737:Horace Greeley 19734: 19724: 19714: 19704: 19694: 19687:Winfield Scott 19684: 19674: 19664: 19654: 19644: 19634: 19616: 19606: 19599:Andrew Jackson 19596: 19586: 19579:DeWitt Clinton 19576: 19562: 19552: 19541: 19540: 19533: 19532: 19525: 19524: 19517: 19510: 19502: 19493: 19492: 19490: 19485: 19480: 19477: 19476: 19474: 19473: 19468: 19467: 19466: 19465: 19464: 19454: 19444: 19439: 19438: 19437: 19427: 19426: 19425: 19420: 19410: 19405: 19400: 19395: 19393:Ethnopluralism 19390: 19385: 19380: 19375: 19370: 19365: 19364: 19363: 19353: 19348: 19343: 19338: 19336:Anti-communism 19332: 19329: 19328: 19326: 19325: 19320: 19315: 19310: 19305: 19299: 19297: 19290: 19286: 19285: 19283: 19282: 19280:Ultra-royalism 19277: 19272: 19267: 19262: 19257: 19252: 19247: 19242: 19234: 19232: 19226: 19225: 19223: 19222: 19217: 19216: 19215: 19213:Ultramontanism 19210: 19200: 19195: 19194: 19193: 19183: 19178: 19173: 19172: 19171: 19161: 19155: 19153: 19147: 19146: 19143: 19142: 19140: 19139: 19134: 19129: 19124: 19119: 19114: 19109: 19104: 19099: 19094: 19089: 19084: 19079: 19074: 19069: 19064: 19059: 19054: 19049: 19044: 19039: 19034: 19029: 19024: 19019: 19014: 19009: 19004: 18999: 18994: 18989: 18984: 18979: 18974: 18969: 18964: 18959: 18954: 18949: 18944: 18939: 18934: 18929: 18924: 18919: 18914: 18909: 18904: 18899: 18894: 18889: 18884: 18879: 18874: 18869: 18864: 18859: 18854: 18849: 18843: 18841: 18837: 18836: 18834: 18833: 18828: 18823: 18818: 18813: 18808: 18803: 18797: 18795: 18786: 18782: 18781: 18778: 18777: 18775: 18774: 18769: 18764: 18759: 18754: 18749: 18744: 18739: 18734: 18729: 18724: 18719: 18714: 18709: 18704: 18699: 18694: 18689: 18684: 18679: 18674: 18669: 18664: 18659: 18654: 18649: 18644: 18639: 18634: 18629: 18624: 18619: 18614: 18609: 18604: 18599: 18594: 18589: 18584: 18579: 18574: 18569: 18564: 18559: 18554: 18549: 18544: 18539: 18534: 18529: 18524: 18519: 18514: 18509: 18504: 18499: 18494: 18489: 18484: 18479: 18474: 18469: 18464: 18459: 18453: 18451: 18447: 18446: 18444: 18443: 18438: 18433: 18428: 18426:State religion 18423: 18418: 18413: 18408: 18403: 18398: 18393: 18388: 18383: 18378: 18373: 18368: 18363: 18358: 18357: 18356: 18351: 18346: 18336: 18331: 18330: 18329: 18319: 18314: 18309: 18304: 18303: 18302: 18292: 18290:Fundamentalism 18287: 18282: 18277: 18272: 18271: 18270: 18261: 18256: 18246: 18241: 18236: 18235: 18234: 18224: 18219: 18214: 18209: 18204: 18203: 18202: 18192: 18186: 18184: 18177: 18173: 18172: 18169: 18168: 18166: 18165: 18160: 18159: 18158: 18156:National Right 18153: 18142: 18140: 18134: 18133: 18130: 18129: 18127: 18126: 18121: 18119:Traditionalist 18116: 18111: 18106: 18101: 18096: 18091: 18086: 18085: 18084: 18079: 18074: 18064: 18058: 18056: 18048: 18047: 18045: 18044: 18043: 18042: 18037: 18032: 18022: 18017: 18012: 18011: 18010: 17999: 17997: 17988: 17982: 17981: 17978: 17977: 17975: 17974: 17973: 17972: 17969:Perezjimenismo 17962: 17961: 17960: 17952: 17951: 17950: 17942: 17932: 17927: 17922: 17917: 17912: 17911: 17910: 17905: 17893: 17887: 17885: 17881: 17880: 17878: 17877: 17872: 17864: 17862: 17856: 17855: 17853: 17852: 17847: 17846: 17845: 17835: 17828: 17823: 17818: 17812: 17810: 17804: 17803: 17801: 17800: 17795: 17788: 17783: 17776: 17770: 17768: 17761: 17755: 17754: 17751: 17750: 17748: 17747: 17742: 17737: 17732: 17731: 17730: 17720: 17719: 17718: 17710: 17709: 17708: 17700: 17695: 17690: 17685: 17680: 17675: 17674: 17673: 17668: 17658: 17657: 17656: 17648: 17643: 17638: 17637: 17636: 17626: 17620: 17618: 17614: 17613: 17611: 17610: 17609: 17608: 17603: 17598: 17588: 17583: 17578: 17573: 17568: 17567: 17566: 17556: 17551: 17545: 17543: 17535: 17534: 17532: 17531: 17524: 17522:Neocatholicism 17519: 17514: 17507: 17502: 17501: 17500: 17490: 17489: 17488: 17483: 17471: 17465: 17463: 17457: 17456: 17454: 17453: 17452: 17451: 17439: 17434: 17433: 17432: 17427: 17417: 17412: 17406: 17404: 17398: 17397: 17395: 17394: 17389: 17384: 17377: 17375:Golden Liberty 17371: 17369: 17363: 17362: 17360: 17359: 17350: 17345: 17340: 17334: 17332: 17326: 17325: 17323: 17322: 17313: 17308: 17303: 17298: 17297: 17296: 17286: 17285: 17284: 17279: 17269: 17267:Ordoliberalism 17264: 17255: 17250: 17245: 17239: 17237: 17231: 17230: 17228: 17227: 17225:Ultra-royalism 17222: 17217: 17208: 17203: 17194: 17185: 17180: 17175: 17170: 17165: 17155: 17153: 17144: 17138: 17137: 17134: 17133: 17131: 17130: 17129: 17128: 17118: 17113: 17112: 17111: 17101: 17096: 17091: 17086: 17080: 17078: 17074: 17073: 17071: 17070: 17068:Neo-Ottomanism 17065: 17060: 17054: 17052: 17046: 17045: 17043: 17042: 17037: 17031: 17029: 17023: 17022: 17020: 17019: 17014: 17009: 17002: 16997: 16989: 16987: 16981: 16980: 16978: 16977: 16976: 16975: 16970: 16965: 16955: 16950: 16945: 16943:Fundamentalist 16939: 16937: 16931: 16930: 16928: 16927: 16922: 16917: 16911: 16909: 16903: 16902: 16900: 16899: 16894: 16893: 16892: 16887: 16877: 16871: 16869: 16860: 16854: 16853: 16851: 16850: 16845: 16843:Traditionalist 16840: 16835: 16830: 16825: 16820: 16815: 16810: 16805: 16800: 16795: 16790: 16785: 16780: 16775: 16770: 16764: 16762: 16755: 16749: 16748: 16741: 16740: 16733: 16726: 16718: 16709: 16708: 16705: 16704: 16702: 16701: 16692: 16690: 16684: 16683: 16681: 16680: 16672: 16664: 16656: 16647: 16645: 16639: 16638: 16636: 16635: 16627: 16619: 16611: 16602: 16600: 16594: 16593: 16591: 16590: 16582: 16574: 16565: 16563: 16557: 16556: 16554: 16553: 16545: 16537: 16529: 16521: 16513: 16504: 16502: 16493: 16487: 16486: 16484: 16483: 16475: 16467: 16459: 16450: 16448: 16440: 16439: 16437: 16436: 16421: 16406: 16391: 16376: 16361: 16345: 16343: 16335: 16334: 16332: 16331: 16324: 16317: 16310: 16303: 16300:Federalist Era 16295: 16292: 16291: 16284: 16283: 16276: 16269: 16261: 16252: 16251: 16249: 16248: 16243: 16233: 16230: 16229: 16226: 16225: 16223: 16222: 16214: 16204: 16202: 16195: 16187: 16186: 16183: 16182: 16180: 16179: 16171: 16162: 16160: 16153: 16145: 16144: 16127: 16126: 16119: 16112: 16104: 16095: 16094: 16092: 16091: 16086: 16076: 16073: 16072: 16069: 16068: 16066: 16065: 16063:George Clinton 16060: 16054: 16052: 16048: 16047: 16045: 16044: 16036: 16026: 16024: 16017: 16009: 16008: 16005: 16004: 16002: 16001: 15996: 15991: 15986: 15981: 15975: 15973: 15969: 15968: 15966: 15965: 15957: 15948: 15946: 15939: 15931: 15930: 15913: 15912: 15905: 15898: 15890: 15881: 15880: 15878: 15877: 15867: 15857: 15846: 15843: 15842: 15839: 15838: 15837:(2021–present) 15832: 15826: 15820: 15814: 15804: 15798: 15792: 15789:Walter Mondale 15786: 15780: 15774: 15768: 15762: 15756: 15750: 15744: 15738: 15732: 15729:John N. Garner 15726: 15723:Charles Curtis 15720: 15714: 15708: 15702: 15696: 15690: 15684: 15678: 15672: 15669:Levi P. Morton 15666: 15660: 15654: 15648: 15642: 15636: 15633:Andrew Johnson 15630: 15624: 15618: 15612: 15606: 15600: 15594: 15588: 15582: 15576: 15570: 15567:Elbridge Gerry 15564: 15561:George Clinton 15558: 15552: 15546: 15539: 15538: 15535: 15534: 15527: 15526: 15519: 15512: 15504: 15498: 15495: 15494: 15482: 15481: 15477: 15476: 15471: 15468: 15452: 15446: 15445: 15441: 15440: 15435: 15432: 15422: 15421: 15415: 15412: 15403: 15397: 15396: 15391: 15388: 15379: 15374: 15370: 15369: 15365: 15364: 15359: 15356: 15347: 15342: 15338: 15337: 15332: 15329: 15319: 15318: 15312: 15309: 15299: 15298: 15293: 15290: 15279:Delegate from 15276: 15270: 15269: 15263: 15260: 15259: 15247: 15246: 15244: 15243: 15233: 15222: 15219: 15218: 15216: 15215: 15210: 15205: 15200: 15195: 15190: 15185: 15180: 15175: 15170: 15165: 15160: 15155: 15150: 15145: 15140: 15135: 15130: 15125: 15120: 15115: 15110: 15105: 15099: 15097: 15091: 15090: 15086: 15085: 15075: 15065: 15055: 15048:George W. Bush 15045: 15035: 15025: 15015: 15005: 14995: 14985: 14975: 14965: 14955: 14945: 14935: 14928:Herbert Hoover 14925: 14915: 14905: 14898:Woodrow Wilson 14895: 14885: 14875: 14865: 14855: 14845: 14835: 14825: 14815: 14805: 14795: 14788:Andrew Johnson 14785: 14775: 14768:James Buchanan 14765: 14755: 14745: 14738:Zachary Taylor 14735: 14725: 14715: 14705: 14695: 14688:Andrew Jackson 14685: 14675: 14665: 14655: 14645: 14635: 14624: 14623: 14622: 14620: 14617:Presidents and 14614: 14613: 14606: 14605: 14598: 14591: 14583: 14574: 14573: 14570: 14569: 14567: 14566: 14561: 14556: 14551: 14545: 14544: 14543: 14538: 14533: 14528: 14522:Anniversaries 14520: 14515: 14514: 14513: 14502: 14500: 14494: 14493: 14491: 14490: 14485: 14484: 14483: 14473: 14468: 14467: 14466: 14461: 14456: 14451: 14441: 14440: 14439: 14434: 14427: 14420: 14408: 14406:Lee Resolution 14403: 14398: 14393: 14387: 14385: 14381: 14380: 14355: 14353: 14352:(did not sign) 14345: 14344: 14341: 14340: 14338: 14337: 14332: 14327: 14325:Button Gwinett 14321: 14319: 14315: 14314: 14312: 14311: 14306: 14301: 14296: 14290: 14288: 14287:South Carolina 14284: 14283: 14281: 14280: 14275: 14270: 14268:William Hooper 14264: 14262: 14261:North Carolina 14258: 14257: 14255: 14254: 14252:Carter Braxton 14249: 14244: 14239: 14234: 14229: 14224: 14218: 14216: 14212: 14211: 14209: 14208: 14203: 14198: 14193: 14187: 14185: 14181: 14180: 14178: 14177: 14172: 14167: 14161: 14159: 14155: 14154: 14152: 14151: 14146: 14141: 14136: 14131: 14126: 14121: 14116: 14111: 14105: 14103: 14099: 14098: 14096: 14095: 14090: 14085: 14080: 14075: 14069: 14067: 14063: 14062: 14060: 14059: 14054: 14049: 14044: 14038: 14036: 14032: 14031: 14029: 14028: 14026:Oliver Wolcott 14023: 14018: 14013: 14007: 14005: 14001: 14000: 13998: 13997: 13995:William Ellery 13992: 13986: 13984: 13980: 13979: 13977: 13976: 13974:Elbridge Gerry 13971: 13966: 13961: 13955: 13953: 13949: 13948: 13946: 13945: 13940: 13935: 13929: 13927: 13923: 13922: 13920: 13919: 13912: 13910: 13901: 13895: 13894: 13892: 13891: 13885: 13883: 13882:Primary author 13875: 13874: 13872: 13871: 13866: 13861: 13856: 13850: 13847: 13846: 13839: 13838: 13831: 13824: 13816: 13807: 13806: 13804: 13803: 13802: 13801: 13790: 13788: 13784: 13783: 13781: 13780: 13775: 13770: 13765: 13760: 13755: 13750: 13745: 13739: 13737: 13733: 13732: 13729: 13728: 13726: 13725: 13720: 13715: 13710: 13705: 13699: 13697: 13696:South Carolina 13693: 13692: 13690: 13689: 13684: 13679: 13677:William Hooper 13673: 13671: 13670:North Carolina 13667: 13666: 13664: 13663: 13658: 13653: 13648: 13643: 13638: 13632: 13630: 13626: 13625: 13623: 13622: 13617: 13612: 13607: 13601: 13599: 13595: 13594: 13592: 13591: 13586: 13581: 13575: 13573: 13569: 13568: 13566: 13565: 13560: 13555: 13550: 13548:Thomas Mifflin 13545: 13540: 13538:John Dickinson 13535: 13529: 13527: 13523: 13522: 13520: 13519: 13514: 13509: 13504: 13499: 13493: 13491: 13487: 13486: 13484: 13483: 13478: 13473: 13468: 13463: 13458: 13453: 13448: 13442: 13440: 13436: 13435: 13433: 13432: 13427: 13422: 13420:Eliphalet Dyer 13416: 13414: 13410: 13409: 13407: 13406: 13401: 13395: 13393: 13389: 13388: 13386: 13385: 13380: 13375: 13370: 13368:Thomas Cushing 13364: 13362: 13358: 13357: 13355: 13354: 13349: 13343: 13341: 13337: 13336: 13334: 13333: 13327: 13325: 13318: 13314: 13313: 13306: 13305: 13298: 13291: 13283: 13274: 13273: 13271: 13270: 13257: 13256: 13252: 13251: 13244: 13236: 13233: 13232: 13230: 13229: 13228: 13227: 13222: 13214: 13208: 13202: 13196: 13193:John Adams Sr. 13190: 13184: 13178: 13172: 13166: 13160: 13154: 13148: 13142: 13141: 13140: 13135: 13127: 13121: 13120: 13119: 13114: 13105: 13103: 13097: 13096: 13094: 13093: 13092: 13091: 13086: 13076: 13069: 13062: 13057: 13056: 13055: 13050: 13045: 13043:Federalist Era 13035: 13030: 13025: 13020: 13014: 13012: 13008: 13007: 13005: 13004: 12996: 12988: 12980: 12975: 12967: 12963:Liberty's Kids 12959: 12951: 12943: 12938: 12930: 12922: 12913: 12911: 12907: 12906: 12904: 12903: 12898: 12890: 12885: 12876: 12867: 12858: 12849: 12840: 12832: 12827: 12822: 12817: 12812: 12809:Adams Memorial 12806: 12801: 12795: 12793: 12789: 12788: 12786: 12785: 12780: 12775: 12770: 12765: 12764: 12763: 12758: 12753: 12748: 12738: 12732: 12730: 12724: 12723: 12721: 12720: 12713: 12708: 12701: 12694: 12693: 12692: 12681: 12679: 12678:Other writings 12675: 12674: 12672: 12671: 12666: 12661: 12656: 12651: 12646: 12641: 12636: 12635: 12634: 12622: 12617: 12612: 12607: 12602: 12597: 12592: 12587: 12586: 12585: 12575: 12574: 12573: 12563: 12558: 12557: 12556: 12551: 12546: 12541: 12536: 12526: 12520: 12518: 12512: 12511: 12509: 12508: 12503: 12498: 12493: 12487: 12485: 12481: 12480: 12478: 12477: 12472: 12467: 12462: 12461: 12460: 12450: 12449: 12448: 12438: 12433: 12432: 12431: 12426: 12416: 12415: 12414: 12409: 12399: 12394: 12386: 12381: 12376: 12371: 12366: 12360: 12358: 12350: 12349: 12347: 12346: 12334: 12322: 12314: 12306: 12295: 12283: 12280: 12279: 12272: 12271: 12264: 12257: 12249: 12243: 12242: 12233: 12218: 12209: 12200: 12191: 12182: 12173: 12148: 12134: 12127: 12115: 12098: 12097: 12095: 12094:External links 12092: 12087:Main article: 12084: 12081: 12079: 12078: 12069: 12050: 12041: 12035: 12013: 12007: 11994: 11985: 11975:. 11964: 11958: 11943: 11925:Tudor, William 11920: 11914: 11897: 11883: 11868: 11862: 11847: 11838: 11823: 11806: 11803: 11802: 11801: 11795: 11777: 11771: 11754: 11748: 11730: 11724: 11704:Wiencek, Henry 11700: 11694: 11677: 11671: 11656: 11649: 11627: 11605: 11587:(4): 371–410. 11576: 11562: 11547: 11541: 11526: 11520: 11500: 11494: 11479: 11473: 11459:Maier, Pauline 11455: 11441: 11426: 11416:. A. Hamming. 11407: 11395:10.2307/363331 11378: 11372: 11357: 11350: 11339: 11333: 11320: 11314: 11299: 11288: 11278: 11272: 11254: 11226:10.1086/482479 11209: 11203: 11188: 11177: 11153: 11147: 11132: 11126: 11111: 11105: 11087: 11081: 11063: 11057: 11039: 11033: 11016: 11013: 11012: 11011: 10997: 10982: 10954: 10936: 10914: 10908: 10890: 10884: 10866: 10846: 10828: 10822: 10800: 10779: 10776: 10775: 10773: 10770: 10768: 10767: 10741: 10715: 10693: 10671: 10654:"County Facts" 10645: 10619: 10593: 10581: 10569: 10557: 10545: 10519: 10507: 10495: 10483: 10460: 10448: 10446:, p. 272. 10436: 10424: 10422:, p. 647. 10412: 10397: 10384: 10382:, p. 520. 10372: 10370:, p. 518. 10360: 10348: 10336: 10314: 10301: 10289: 10277: 10264: 10251: 10239: 10227: 10215: 10213:, p. 466. 10203: 10201:, p. 421. 10191: 10189:, p. 114. 10179: 10164:. PBS online. 10150: 10138: 10113: 10111:, p. 638. 10101: 10089: 10077: 10075:, p. 215. 10065: 10053: 10031: 10029:, p. 379. 10019: 9990: 9975: 9963: 9961:, p. 317. 9951: 9939: 9927: 9901: 9889: 9877: 9875:, p. 272. 9865: 9863:, p. 222. 9853: 9841: 9832: 9820: 9808: 9796: 9770: 9744: 9742:, p. 248. 9732: 9730:, p. 646. 9720: 9708: 9682: 9680:, p. 639. 9670: 9668:, p. 637. 9658: 9656:, p. 437. 9646: 9644:, p. 634. 9634: 9625: 9616: 9614:, p. 608. 9604: 9595: 9586: 9584:, p. 607. 9574: 9562: 9560:, p. 431. 9550: 9548:, p. 430. 9538: 9526: 9514: 9499: 9487: 9475: 9473:, p. 586. 9463: 9451: 9426: 9424:, p. 595. 9414: 9412:, p. 426. 9402: 9400:, p. 340. 9390: 9378: 9376:, p. 435. 9363: 9351: 9339: 9337:, p. 411. 9327: 9325:, p. 560. 9315: 9303: 9291: 9268: 9254:Boston 25 News 9239: 9214: 9188: 9176: 9164: 9162:, p. 626. 9149: 9137: 9135:, p. 550. 9120: 9118:, p. 549. 9108: 9096: 9094:, p. 544. 9084: 9072: 9060: 9048: 9011: 8999: 8987: 8975: 8948: 8918: 8906: 8880: 8878:, p. 594. 8868: 8866:, p. 631. 8856: 8854:, p. 423. 8844: 8842:, p. 150. 8832: 8830:, p. 395. 8820: 8805: 8803:, p. 534. 8793: 8781: 8769: 8743: 8731: 8719: 8707: 8695: 8693:, p. 304. 8683: 8671: 8659: 8657:, p. 518. 8647: 8635: 8623: 8621:, p. 507. 8611: 8609:, p. 331. 8596: 8584: 8569: 8567:, p. 978. 8557: 8555:, p. 378. 8542: 8540:, p. 555. 8530: 8518: 8516:, p. 376. 8506: 8494: 8482: 8480:, p. 553. 8470: 8458: 8446: 8444:, p. 575. 8434: 8422: 8420:, p. 367. 8407: 8405:, p. 366. 8395: 8393:, p. 365. 8383: 8371: 8369:, p. 498. 8359: 8347: 8345:, p. 550. 8335: 8333:, p. 502. 8323: 8311: 8285: 8283:, p. 547. 8273: 8271:, p. 495. 8258: 8246: 8224: 8212: 8200: 8188: 8176: 8174:, p. 524. 8164: 8149: 8147:, p. 272. 8137: 8135:, p. 471. 8125: 8123:, p. 333. 8113: 8101: 8079: 8053: 8021: 8019:, p. 522. 8009: 7987: 7985:, p. 902. 7975: 7973:, p. 521. 7963: 7951: 7929: 7917: 7905: 7890: 7860: 7843: 7831: 7805: 7774: 7752: 7740: 7738:, p. 878. 7728: 7716: 7714:, p. 439. 7704: 7702:, p. 310. 7689: 7687:, p. 434. 7677: 7655: 7633: 7631:, p. 769. 7621: 7609: 7597: 7572: 7570:, p. 460. 7560: 7548: 7536: 7534:, p. 408. 7524: 7512: 7510:, p. 410. 7497: 7485: 7473: 7433: 7421: 7409: 7397: 7382: 7370: 7358: 7356:, p. 382. 7346: 7344:, p. 729. 7334: 7332:, p. 702. 7322: 7320:, p. 655. 7310: 7308:, p. 203. 7298: 7286: 7274: 7262: 7250: 7228: 7226:, p. 392. 7216: 7214:, p. 285. 7204: 7192: 7180: 7168: 7156: 7130: 7118: 7106: 7094: 7092:, p. 236. 7082: 7080:, p. 262. 7070: 7058: 7046: 7044:, p. 242. 7034: 7022: 7020:, p. 233. 7010: 6998: 6986: 6984:, p. 218. 6974: 6972:, p. 451. 6962: 6960:, p. 221. 6950: 6948:, p. 218. 6938: 6926: 6924:, p. 210. 6914: 6912:, p. 199. 6902: 6890: 6878: 6866: 6854: 6842: 6830: 6818: 6816:, p. 158. 6806: 6804:, p. 157. 6794: 6792:, p. 301. 6782: 6770: 6768:, p. 298. 6758: 6746: 6731: 6719: 6717:, p. 163. 6707: 6695: 6693:, p. 128. 6683: 6671: 6669:, p. 136. 6659: 6646: 6634: 6622: 6610: 6608:, p. 119. 6598: 6586: 6584:, p. 146. 6574: 6562: 6550: 6538: 6536:, p. 263. 6526: 6509: 6497: 6475: 6463: 6461:, p. 124. 6451: 6422: 6420:, p. 136. 6407: 6395: 6383: 6381:, p. 196. 6371: 6349: 6322: 6320:, p. 112. 6310: 6288: 6239: 6227: 6215: 6203: 6191: 6169: 6157: 6145: 6133: 6107: 6095: 6083: 6071: 6046: 6034: 6022: 6010: 5998: 5986: 5971: 5959: 5932: 5920: 5908: 5896: 5881: 5852: 5827: 5815: 5800: 5785: 5770: 5758: 5746: 5711: 5699: 5678: 5666: 5654: 5642: 5616: 5604: 5592: 5580: 5565: 5553: 5541: 5539:, p. 366. 5529: 5517: 5505: 5490: 5488:, p. 317. 5478: 5463: 5443: 5441:, p. 599. 5428: 5399: 5374: 5348: 5346: 5343: 5340: 5339: 5326: 5312: 5303: 5290: 5256: 5255: 5253: 5250: 5245:Adams Memorial 5226:Main article: 5223: 5220: 5148:states' rights 5093: 5090: 5088: 5085: 5076:Gordon S. Wood 5014: 5011: 4972:Gilbert Stuart 4960: 4957: 4938: 4935: 4932: 4931: 4929: 4928: 4921: 4914: 4906: 4903: 4902: 4889: 4888: 4885: 4884: 4879: 4874: 4869: 4862: 4857: 4852: 4847: 4842: 4837: 4832: 4830:Egalitarianism 4827: 4822: 4817: 4812: 4806: 4804:Related topics 4803: 4802: 4799: 4798: 4795: 4794: 4789: 4788: 4787: 4782: 4775:United Kingdom 4772: 4767: 4762: 4757: 4752: 4747: 4742: 4737: 4732: 4727: 4722: 4717: 4712: 4707: 4701: 4698: 4697: 4694: 4693: 4690: 4689: 4684: 4679: 4674: 4669: 4664: 4659: 4654: 4649: 4644: 4639: 4634: 4629: 4624: 4619: 4614: 4609: 4604: 4599: 4594: 4589: 4584: 4579: 4574: 4569: 4564: 4559: 4557:Dutch Republic 4554: 4549: 4544: 4539: 4534: 4525: 4523:Roman Republic 4519: 4516: 4515: 4512: 4511: 4508: 4507: 4497: 4487: 4477: 4467: 4457: 4447: 4437: 4427: 4417: 4407: 4397: 4387: 4377: 4366: 4363: 4362: 4359: 4358: 4355: 4354: 4349: 4344: 4339: 4334: 4329: 4324: 4319: 4314: 4309: 4304: 4299: 4294: 4289: 4284: 4279: 4274: 4269: 4264: 4259: 4254: 4249: 4244: 4239: 4234: 4229: 4224: 4219: 4214: 4209: 4204: 4199: 4194: 4189: 4184: 4179: 4174: 4169: 4164: 4159: 4154: 4149: 4144: 4139: 4134: 4129: 4124: 4119: 4114: 4109: 4104: 4099: 4094: 4089: 4084: 4079: 4074: 4069: 4064: 4059: 4054: 4049: 4044: 4039: 4034: 4029: 4024: 4019: 4014: 4009: 4004: 3999: 3994: 3989: 3984: 3978: 3975: 3974: 3971: 3970: 3967: 3966: 3964:Wollstonecraft 3961: 3956: 3951: 3946: 3941: 3936: 3931: 3926: 3921: 3916: 3911: 3906: 3901: 3896: 3891: 3886: 3881: 3876: 3871: 3866: 3861: 3856: 3851: 3846: 3841: 3836: 3831: 3826: 3821: 3816: 3810: 3807: 3806: 3803: 3802: 3799: 3798: 3793: 3788: 3783: 3778: 3773: 3768: 3763: 3758: 3753: 3748: 3743: 3738: 3733: 3727: 3724: 3723: 3720: 3719: 3716: 3715: 3710: 3705: 3700: 3695: 3690: 3685: 3680: 3674: 3671: 3670: 3667: 3666: 3663: 3662: 3657: 3652: 3647: 3642: 3637: 3632: 3627: 3622: 3617: 3612: 3607: 3602: 3597: 3592: 3587: 3582: 3577: 3572: 3566: 3563: 3562: 3559: 3558: 3552: 3551: 3541: 3538: 3534:Bill of Rights 3502:Gordon S. Wood 3465: 3460: 3434: 3431: 3427:John Dickinson 3350: 3345: 3343: 3340: 3266: 3263: 3212: 3209: 3172:Boston Patriot 3117: 3114: 3112: 3109: 3072: 3071: 3068: 3062: 3060: 3059: 3056: 3051: 3045: 3044: 3041: 3040: 3037: 3032: 3026: 3025: 3022: 3021: 3018: 3015: 3011: 3010: 2981:Main article: 2978: 2975: 2972: 2971: 2968: 2963: 2957: 2956: 2953: 2952: 2949: 2944: 2938: 2937: 2934: 2933: 2930: 2924: 2922: 2921: 2918: 2913: 2907: 2906: 2903: 2902: 2899: 2893: 2891: 2890: 2887: 2882: 2876: 2875: 2872: 2871: 2868: 2862: 2860: 2859: 2856: 2851: 2845: 2844: 2841: 2840: 2837: 2832: 2830:Vice President 2826: 2825: 2822: 2821: 2818: 2815: 2809: 2808: 2805: 2804: 2801: 2798: 2794: 2793: 2786: 2783: 2779:12th Amendment 2718:Main article: 2715: 2712: 2704:Congress House 2672: 2669: 2614: 2613: 2604: 2603: 2602: 2601: 2600: 2598: 2595: 2583:land value tax 2560:Main article: 2557: 2554: 2449: 2446: 2393:Main article: 2390: 2387: 2363:Elbridge Gerry 2316: 2315: 2293: 2292: 2282:Main article: 2279: 2276: 2235: 2232: 2220: 2217: 2145:Main article: 2142: 2139: 2122:George Clinton 2113:electrical Rod 2065:Gilbert Stuart 2043:William Maclay 2028:or the lesser 2010:vice president 1994: 1991: 1979:vice president 1950:Main article: 1947: 1944: 1942: 1939: 1901:, minister of 1862: 1859: 1805: 1802: 1783:States General 1742:Dutch Republic 1737: 1734: 1615: 1612: 1607:Main article: 1604: 1601: 1526:Lee Resolution 1493: 1490: 1437:John Dickinson 1380:depicting the 1364: 1361: 1359: 1356: 1302: 1299: 1275:jury selection 1264:Thomas Preston 1247:Townshend Acts 1238:depicting the 1236:Alonzo Chappel 1218: 1215: 1207:Liberty Affair 1198:Brattle Street 1166:Boston Gazette 1151:, rather than 1129: 1126: 1124: 1121: 1056: 1055: 1046: 1045: 1037: 1036: 1035: 1034: 1033: 1006:James Otis Jr. 993: 990: 946: 943: 912:, a farmer, a 882:John Adams Sr. 857: 854: 838:New Englanders 743:. Adams was a 698:his presidency 681: 680: 677: 676: 669: 665: 664: 662: 661: 658: 654: 652: 648: 647: 633: 629: 628: 626: 625: 620: 618:John Adams Sr. 614: 612: 608: 607: 589: 585: 584: 565: 561: 556: 555: 553: 549: 548: 546: 545: 532: 519: 512: 510: 506: 505: 500: 496: 495: 492:(aged 90) 486: 482: 481: 461: 457: 456: 452: 451: 448: 447: 442: 436: 435: 430: 424: 423: 413: 412: 396: 395: 390: 384: 383: 378: 372: 371: 366: 360: 359: 349: 348: 341: 340: 334: 328: 327: 322: 316: 315: 305: 304: 298: 297: 292: 286: 285: 280: 274: 273: 263: 262: 256: 255: 249: 243: 242: 239: 233: 232: 222: 221: 211: 210: 205: 199: 198: 193: 187: 186: 176: 175: 165: 164: 161: 155: 154: 149: 143: 142: 139: 135: 134: 124: 123: 116: 115: 110: 104: 103: 98: 92: 91: 88: 85:Vice President 80: 79: 69: 68: 61: 60: 57: 56: 47: 39: 38: 35: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 22875: 22864: 22861: 22859: 22856: 22854: 22851: 22849: 22846: 22844: 22843:Quincy family 22841: 22839: 22836: 22834: 22831: 22829: 22826: 22824: 22821: 22819: 22816: 22814: 22811: 22809: 22806: 22804: 22801: 22799: 22796: 22794: 22791: 22789: 22786: 22784: 22781: 22779: 22776: 22774: 22771: 22769: 22766: 22764: 22761: 22759: 22756: 22754: 22751: 22749: 22746: 22744: 22741: 22739: 22736: 22734: 22731: 22729: 22726: 22724: 22721: 22719: 22716: 22714: 22711: 22709: 22706: 22704: 22701: 22699: 22696: 22694: 22691: 22689: 22686: 22684: 22681: 22679: 22676: 22674: 22671: 22669: 22666: 22664: 22661: 22659: 22656: 22654: 22651: 22649: 22646: 22644: 22641: 22639: 22636: 22634: 22631: 22629: 22626: 22624: 22621: 22619: 22616: 22615: 22613: 22602:from Wikidata 22601: 22600: 22588: 22584: 22583: 22571: 22567: 22566: 22554: 22553: 22550: 22544: 22536: 22535:United States 22526: 22524: 22523:Massachusetts 22514: 22512: 22507: 22502: 22500: 22495: 22490: 22488: 22478: 22476: 22466: 22465: 22462: 22443: 22442: 22433: 22432: 22429: 22428: 22424: 22422: 22421: 22417: 22416: 22413: 22407: 22406: 22402: 22400: 22399:Republicanism 22397: 22395: 22392: 22391: 22389: 22385: 22378: 22375: 22372: 22369: 22366: 22363: 22360: 22357: 22354: 22351: 22348: 22347:Charles Adams 22345: 22342: 22339: 22335: 22334:Quincy family 22332: 22330: 22327: 22324: 22323: 22322: 22321:Abigail Adams 22319: 22315: 22312: 22309: 22308: 22307: 22304: 22301: 22298: 22295: 22292: 22289: 22286: 22283: 22282:John Adams II 22280: 22277: 22274: 22271: 22268: 22265: 22262: 22261: 22259: 22257: 22256:Quincy family 22253: 22249: 22243: 22240: 22238: 22236: 22232: 22230: 22228: 22224: 22222: 22220: 22216: 22214: 22212: 22208: 22206: 22203: 22201: 22199: 22195: 22194: 22192: 22186: 22179: 22178: 22173: 22170: 22169: 22164: 22162: 22159: 22157: 22154: 22152: 22149: 22147: 22144: 22142: 22139: 22137: 22134: 22133: 22131: 22127: 22119: 22116: 22112: 22109: 22108: 22107: 22104: 22103: 22101: 22097: 22094: 22092: 22089: 22088: 22086: 22085: 22083: 22081: 22077: 22071: 22068: 22064: 22063:Stone Library 22061: 22059: 22056: 22054: 22051: 22050: 22049: 22046: 22044: 22041: 22039: 22036: 22034: 22031: 22030: 22028: 22022: 22014: 22011: 22010: 22009: 22006: 22004: 22001: 22000: 21998: 21994: 21988: 21985: 21983: 21980: 21976: 21973: 21972: 21971: 21970: 21966: 21964: 21961: 21959: 21956: 21954: 21951: 21949: 21946: 21944: 21941: 21939: 21936: 21935: 21933: 21927: 21922: 21915: 21905: 21902: 21900: 21897: 21895: 21892: 21890: 21887: 21885: 21882: 21880: 21877: 21875: 21872: 21870: 21867: 21865: 21862: 21860: 21857: 21855: 21852: 21850: 21847: 21846: 21844: 21842: 21838: 21830: 21826: 21822: 21818: 21814: 21810: 21806: 21802: 21798: 21794: 21790: 21787: 21783: 21779: 21776: 21772: 21768: 21764: 21760: 21756: 21752: 21748: 21744: 21740: 21736: 21735: 21732: 21728: 21721: 21716: 21714: 21709: 21707: 21702: 21701: 21698: 21686: 21685:Wilbur Wright 21683: 21681: 21678: 21676: 21673: 21671: 21668: 21666: 21663: 21661: 21658: 21656: 21653: 21651: 21648: 21646: 21643: 21641: 21638: 21636: 21633: 21631: 21628: 21626: 21623: 21621: 21618: 21616: 21613: 21611: 21608: 21606: 21603: 21601: 21598: 21596: 21593: 21591: 21588: 21586: 21583: 21581: 21578: 21576: 21573: 21571: 21568: 21566: 21563: 21561: 21558: 21556: 21553: 21551: 21548: 21546: 21543: 21541: 21538: 21536: 21533: 21531: 21528: 21526: 21523: 21521: 21520:Simon Newcomb 21518: 21516: 21513: 21511: 21508: 21506: 21503: 21501: 21498: 21496: 21493: 21491: 21488: 21486: 21483: 21481: 21480:John Marshall 21478: 21476: 21473: 21471: 21470:James Madison 21468: 21466: 21463: 21461: 21458: 21456: 21453: 21451: 21448: 21446: 21443: 21441: 21440:Robert E. Lee 21438: 21436: 21435:Sidney Lanier 21433: 21431: 21428: 21426: 21423: 21421: 21418: 21416: 21413: 21411: 21408: 21406: 21403: 21401: 21398: 21396: 21393: 21391: 21388: 21386: 21383: 21381: 21380:Patrick Henry 21378: 21376: 21373: 21371: 21368: 21366: 21363: 21361: 21358: 21356: 21353: 21351: 21348: 21346: 21343: 21341: 21340:Robert Fulton 21338: 21336: 21333: 21331: 21328: 21326: 21323: 21321: 21318: 21316: 21313: 21311: 21308: 21306: 21303: 21301: 21298: 21296: 21293: 21291: 21288: 21286: 21283: 21281: 21278: 21276: 21273: 21271: 21268: 21266: 21263: 21261: 21258: 21256: 21253: 21251: 21248: 21246: 21243: 21241: 21238: 21236: 21233: 21231: 21228: 21226: 21223: 21221: 21218: 21216: 21213: 21211: 21208: 21206: 21203: 21201: 21198: 21196: 21195:Louis Agassiz 21193: 21191: 21188: 21186: 21183: 21181: 21178: 21177: 21174: 21169: 21162: 21157: 21155: 21150: 21148: 21143: 21142: 21139: 21126: 21123: 21122: 21120: 21118: 21114: 21107: 21104: 21103: 21101: 21099: 21095: 21088: 21087:Samuel Dexter 21085: 21082: 21081:James McHenry 21079: 21078: 21076: 21074: 21070: 21063: 21062:Samuel Dexter 21060: 21057: 21054: 21053: 21051: 21049: 21045: 21029: 21028:John Marshall 21026: 21023: 21020: 21019: 21017: 21015: 21011: 21006: 21003: 20999: 20992: 20987: 20985: 20980: 20978: 20973: 20972: 20969: 20958: 20948: 20945: 20943: 20940: 20938: 20935: 20933: 20930: 20928: 20925: 20923: 20920: 20918: 20915: 20913: 20910: 20908: 20905: 20903: 20900: 20898: 20895: 20893: 20890: 20888: 20885: 20883: 20880: 20878: 20875: 20873: 20870: 20868: 20865: 20863: 20860: 20858: 20855: 20853: 20850: 20848: 20845: 20843: 20840: 20838: 20835: 20833: 20830: 20828: 20825: 20823: 20820: 20818: 20815: 20813: 20810: 20808: 20805: 20803: 20800: 20798: 20795: 20793: 20790: 20788: 20785: 20783: 20780: 20778: 20775: 20773: 20770: 20768: 20765: 20763: 20760: 20758: 20755: 20753: 20750: 20748: 20745: 20743: 20740: 20738: 20735: 20733: 20730: 20728: 20725: 20723: 20720: 20718: 20715: 20713: 20710: 20708: 20705: 20703: 20700: 20698: 20695: 20693: 20690: 20688: 20685: 20683: 20680: 20678: 20675: 20673: 20670: 20668: 20665: 20663: 20660: 20658: 20655: 20653: 20650: 20648: 20645: 20643: 20640: 20639: 20636: 20630: 20625: 20611: 20606: 20604: 20599: 20597: 20592: 20591: 20588: 20576: 20573: 20571: 20568: 20566: 20563: 20561: 20558: 20556: 20553: 20551: 20548: 20546: 20543: 20541: 20538: 20536: 20533: 20531: 20528: 20526: 20523: 20521: 20518: 20516: 20513: 20511: 20508: 20506: 20503: 20501: 20498: 20496: 20493: 20491: 20488: 20486: 20483: 20481: 20478: 20476: 20473: 20471: 20468: 20466: 20463: 20461: 20458: 20456: 20453: 20451: 20448: 20446: 20443: 20441: 20438: 20436: 20433: 20431: 20428: 20426: 20423: 20421: 20418: 20416: 20413: 20411: 20408: 20406: 20403: 20401: 20398: 20397: 20395: 20385: 20379: 20376: 20374: 20371: 20369: 20366: 20364: 20361: 20359: 20356: 20354: 20351: 20349: 20346: 20344: 20341: 20339: 20336: 20334: 20331: 20329: 20326: 20324: 20321: 20319: 20316: 20314: 20311: 20309: 20306: 20304: 20301: 20299: 20296: 20293: 20289: 20286: 20284: 20281: 20279: 20276: 20274: 20271: 20268: 20264: 20261: 20259: 20256: 20254: 20251: 20249: 20246: 20244: 20241: 20240: 20238: 20228: 20221: 20217: 20214: 20212: 20209: 20207: 20204: 20202: 20199: 20197: 20194: 20192: 20189: 20188: 20186: 20178: 20174: 20167: 20162: 20160: 20155: 20153: 20148: 20147: 20144: 20132: 20124: 20122: 20114: 20112: 20104: 20103: 20100: 20088: 20084: 20081: 20078: 20074: 20071: 20068: 20064: 20061: 20058: 20054: 20051: 20048: 20044: 20041: 20038: 20034: 20031: 20028: 20024: 20021: 20018: 20014: 20011: 20008: 20004: 20001: 19998: 19994: 19991: 19988: 19984: 19981: 19978: 19974: 19971: 19968: 19964: 19961: 19958: 19954: 19951: 19948: 19944: 19941: 19938: 19934: 19933:Richard Nixon 19931: 19928: 19924: 19920: 19917: 19914: 19910: 19906: 19903: 19900: 19896: 19893: 19890: 19886: 19883: 19880: 19876: 19873: 19870: 19866: 19863: 19860: 19856: 19855:John W. Davis 19853: 19850: 19846: 19843: 19840: 19836: 19833: 19830: 19826: 19823: 19820: 19816: 19813: 19810: 19806: 19802: 19798: 19795: 19792: 19788: 19785: 19782: 19778: 19775: 19772: 19768: 19765: 19762: 19758: 19755: 19752: 19748: 19745: 19742: 19738: 19735: 19732: 19728: 19725: 19722: 19718: 19715: 19712: 19708: 19705: 19702: 19698: 19695: 19692: 19688: 19685: 19682: 19678: 19675: 19672: 19668: 19665: 19662: 19658: 19655: 19652: 19648: 19645: 19642: 19638: 19635: 19632: 19628: 19624: 19620: 19617: 19614: 19610: 19607: 19604: 19600: 19597: 19594: 19590: 19587: 19584: 19580: 19577: 19574: 19570: 19566: 19563: 19560: 19556: 19553: 19550: 19546: 19543: 19542: 19538: 19534: 19530: 19523: 19518: 19516: 19511: 19509: 19504: 19503: 19500: 19489: 19486: 19484: 19481: 19478: 19472: 19469: 19463: 19460: 19459: 19458: 19455: 19453: 19450: 19449: 19448: 19445: 19443: 19442:Right realism 19440: 19436: 19433: 19432: 19431: 19428: 19424: 19423:United States 19421: 19419: 19416: 19415: 19414: 19413:Radical right 19411: 19409: 19406: 19404: 19401: 19399: 19396: 19394: 19391: 19389: 19386: 19384: 19381: 19379: 19376: 19374: 19371: 19369: 19366: 19362: 19361:United States 19359: 19358: 19357: 19354: 19352: 19349: 19347: 19344: 19342: 19339: 19337: 19334: 19333: 19324: 19321: 19319: 19316: 19314: 19311: 19309: 19306: 19304: 19301: 19300: 19298: 19294: 19291: 19287: 19281: 19278: 19276: 19275:Holy Alliance 19273: 19271: 19268: 19266: 19263: 19261: 19258: 19256: 19253: 19251: 19248: 19246: 19243: 19241: 19240: 19239:Ancien rΓ©gime 19236: 19235: 19233: 19227: 19221: 19218: 19214: 19211: 19209: 19206: 19205: 19204: 19201: 19199: 19196: 19192: 19189: 19188: 19187: 19184: 19182: 19179: 19177: 19174: 19170: 19167: 19166: 19165: 19162: 19160: 19157: 19156: 19154: 19152: 19148: 19138: 19135: 19133: 19130: 19128: 19125: 19123: 19120: 19118: 19115: 19113: 19110: 19108: 19105: 19103: 19100: 19098: 19095: 19093: 19090: 19088: 19085: 19083: 19080: 19078: 19075: 19073: 19070: 19068: 19065: 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15580: 15577: 15574: 15571: 15568: 15565: 15562: 15559: 15556: 15553: 15550: 15547: 15544: 15541: 15540: 15536: 15532: 15525: 15520: 15518: 15513: 15511: 15506: 15505: 15502: 15496: 15489: 15474: 15467: 15463: 15459: 15457: 15451: 15447: 15442: 15438: 15429: 15428: 15423: 15418: 15409: 15408: 15402: 15398: 15394: 15385: 15384: 15377: 15371: 15366: 15362: 15353: 15352: 15345: 15339: 15335: 15326: 15325: 15320: 15315: 15314:Francis Lewis 15306: 15305: 15300: 15296: 15295:Samuel Holten 15287: 15286: 15282: 15281:Massachusetts 15275: 15271: 15266: 15261: 15254: 15242: 15234: 15232: 15224: 15223: 15220: 15214: 15211: 15209: 15206: 15204: 15201: 15199: 15196: 15194: 15191: 15189: 15188:G. H. W. Bush 15186: 15184: 15181: 15179: 15176: 15174: 15171: 15169: 15166: 15164: 15163:L. B. Johnson 15161: 15159: 15156: 15154: 15151: 15149: 15146: 15144: 15141: 15139: 15136: 15134: 15131: 15129: 15126: 15124: 15121: 15119: 15116: 15114: 15111: 15109: 15106: 15104: 15101: 15100: 15098: 15092: 15083: 15079: 15076: 15073: 15069: 15066: 15063: 15059: 15056: 15053: 15049: 15046: 15043: 15039: 15036: 15033: 15029: 15026: 15023: 15019: 15018:Ronald Reagan 15016: 15013: 15009: 15006: 15003: 14999: 14996: 14993: 14989: 14988:Richard Nixon 14986: 14983: 14979: 14976: 14973: 14969: 14966: 14963: 14959: 14956: 14953: 14949: 14946: 14943: 14939: 14936: 14933: 14929: 14926: 14923: 14919: 14916: 14913: 14909: 14906: 14903: 14899: 14896: 14893: 14889: 14886: 14883: 14879: 14876: 14873: 14869: 14866: 14863: 14859: 14856: 14853: 14849: 14846: 14843: 14839: 14836: 14833: 14829: 14826: 14823: 14819: 14816: 14813: 14809: 14806: 14803: 14799: 14796: 14793: 14789: 14786: 14783: 14779: 14776: 14773: 14769: 14766: 14763: 14759: 14756: 14753: 14749: 14746: 14743: 14739: 14736: 14733: 14729: 14728:James K. Polk 14726: 14723: 14719: 14716: 14713: 14709: 14706: 14703: 14699: 14696: 14693: 14689: 14686: 14683: 14679: 14676: 14673: 14669: 14666: 14663: 14659: 14658:James Madison 14656: 14653: 14649: 14646: 14643: 14639: 14636: 14633: 14629: 14626: 14625: 14621: 14615: 14611: 14604: 14599: 14597: 14592: 14590: 14585: 14584: 14581: 14565: 14562: 14560: 14559:Pine portrait 14557: 14555: 14552: 14549: 14546: 14542: 14539: 14537: 14534: 14532: 14529: 14527: 14524: 14523: 14521: 14519: 14516: 14512: 14509: 14508: 14507: 14504: 14503: 14501: 14495: 14489: 14486: 14482: 14481:Syng inkstand 14479: 14478: 14477: 14474: 14472: 14469: 14465: 14462: 14460: 14457: 14455: 14452: 14450: 14447: 14446: 14445: 14442: 14438: 14437:27 grievances 14435: 14432: 14428: 14425: 14421: 14418: 14414: 14413: 14412: 14409: 14407: 14404: 14402: 14399: 14397: 14394: 14392: 14389: 14388: 14386: 14382: 14378: 14374: 14370: 14366: 14362: 14358: 14354: 14346: 14336: 14335:George Walton 14333: 14331: 14328: 14326: 14323: 14322: 14320: 14316: 14310: 14307: 14305: 14302: 14300: 14297: 14295: 14292: 14291: 14289: 14285: 14279: 14276: 14274: 14271: 14269: 14266: 14265: 14263: 14259: 14253: 14250: 14248: 14245: 14243: 14240: 14238: 14235: 14233: 14230: 14228: 14225: 14223: 14220: 14219: 14217: 14213: 14207: 14204: 14202: 14199: 14197: 14194: 14192: 14189: 14188: 14186: 14182: 14176: 14175:Thomas McKean 14173: 14171: 14170:Caesar Rodney 14168: 14166: 14163: 14162: 14160: 14156: 14150: 14147: 14145: 14142: 14140: 14139:George Taylor 14137: 14135: 14132: 14130: 14129:George Clymer 14127: 14125: 14122: 14120: 14117: 14115: 14114:Benjamin Rush 14112: 14110: 14109:Robert Morris 14107: 14106: 14104: 14100: 14094: 14093:Abraham Clark 14091: 14089: 14086: 14084: 14081: 14079: 14076: 14074: 14071: 14070: 14068: 14064: 14058: 14055: 14053: 14052:Francis Lewis 14050: 14048: 14045: 14043: 14042:William Floyd 14040: 14039: 14037: 14033: 14027: 14024: 14022: 14019: 14017: 14014: 14012: 14011:Roger Sherman 14009: 14008: 14006: 14002: 13996: 13993: 13991: 13988: 13987: 13985: 13981: 13975: 13972: 13970: 13967: 13965: 13962: 13960: 13957: 13956: 13954: 13952:Massachusetts 13950: 13944: 13941: 13939: 13936: 13934: 13931: 13930: 13928: 13926:New Hampshire 13924: 13917: 13914: 13913: 13911: 13909: 13905: 13902: 13900: 13896: 13890: 13887: 13886: 13884: 13880: 13876: 13870: 13869:Syng inkstand 13867: 13865: 13862: 13860: 13857: 13855: 13852: 13851: 13848: 13844: 13837: 13832: 13830: 13825: 13823: 13818: 13817: 13814: 13800: 13797: 13796: 13795: 13792: 13791: 13789: 13785: 13779: 13776: 13774: 13771: 13769: 13766: 13764: 13761: 13759: 13756: 13754: 13751: 13749: 13746: 13744: 13741: 13740: 13738: 13734: 13724: 13721: 13719: 13718:John Rutledge 13716: 13714: 13711: 13709: 13706: 13704: 13701: 13700: 13698: 13694: 13688: 13685: 13683: 13680: 13678: 13675: 13674: 13672: 13668: 13662: 13659: 13657: 13654: 13652: 13651:Richard Bland 13649: 13647: 13644: 13642: 13639: 13637: 13634: 13633: 13631: 13627: 13621: 13618: 13616: 13613: 13611: 13608: 13606: 13603: 13602: 13600: 13596: 13590: 13587: 13585: 13584:Thomas McKean 13582: 13580: 13579:Caesar Rodney 13577: 13576: 13574: 13570: 13564: 13561: 13559: 13556: 13554: 13553:Edward Biddle 13551: 13549: 13546: 13544: 13541: 13539: 13536: 13534: 13531: 13530: 13528: 13524: 13518: 13515: 13513: 13512:Richard Smith 13510: 13508: 13507:Stephen Crane 13505: 13503: 13500: 13498: 13495: 13494: 13492: 13488: 13482: 13479: 13477: 13474: 13472: 13471:William Floyd 13469: 13467: 13464: 13462: 13459: 13457: 13454: 13452: 13449: 13447: 13444: 13443: 13441: 13437: 13431: 13428: 13426: 13425:Roger Sherman 13423: 13421: 13418: 13417: 13415: 13411: 13405: 13402: 13400: 13397: 13396: 13394: 13390: 13384: 13381: 13379: 13376: 13374: 13371: 13369: 13366: 13365: 13363: 13359: 13353: 13350: 13348: 13347:John Sullivan 13345: 13344: 13342: 13340:New Hampshire 13338: 13332: 13329: 13328: 13326: 13322: 13319: 13315: 13311: 13304: 13299: 13297: 13292: 13290: 13285: 13284: 13281: 13269: 13268: 13259: 13258: 13254: 13253: 13250: 13249: 13245: 13243: 13242: 13238: 13237: 13234: 13226: 13223: 13220: 13219: 13218: 13215: 13212: 13209: 13206: 13203: 13200: 13197: 13194: 13191: 13188: 13185: 13182: 13179: 13176: 13175:John Q. Adams 13173: 13170: 13169:John Adams II 13167: 13164: 13161: 13158: 13155: 13152: 13149: 13146: 13145:Charles Adams 13143: 13139: 13136: 13133: 13132: 13131: 13128: 13125: 13122: 13118: 13117:Quincy family 13115: 13112: 13111: 13110: 13109:Abigail Adams 13107: 13106: 13104: 13102: 13098: 13090: 13087: 13085: 13082: 13081: 13080: 13077: 13075: 13074: 13070: 13068: 13067: 13063: 13061: 13058: 13054: 13053:republicanism 13051: 13049: 13046: 13044: 13041: 13040: 13039: 13036: 13034: 13033:Congress Hall 13031: 13029: 13026: 13024: 13021: 13019: 13016: 13015: 13013: 13009: 13003: 13001: 12997: 12995: 12993: 12989: 12987: 12985: 12981: 12979: 12976: 12974: 12972: 12968: 12966: 12964: 12960: 12958: 12956: 12952: 12950: 12948: 12944: 12942: 12939: 12937: 12936:(1969 musical 12935: 12931: 12929: 12927: 12923: 12921: 12920:(1964 series) 12919: 12915: 12914: 12912: 12908: 12902: 12899: 12897: 12894: 12891: 12889: 12886: 12883: 12882: 12877: 12874: 12873: 12868: 12865: 12864: 12859: 12856: 12855: 12850: 12847: 12846: 12841: 12838: 12837: 12833: 12831: 12828: 12826: 12823: 12821: 12818: 12816: 12813: 12810: 12807: 12805: 12802: 12800: 12797: 12796: 12794: 12790: 12784: 12781: 12779: 12776: 12774: 12771: 12769: 12766: 12762: 12761:Stone Library 12759: 12757: 12754: 12752: 12749: 12747: 12744: 12743: 12742: 12739: 12737: 12734: 12733: 12731: 12725: 12719: 12718: 12717:Gray v. Pitts 12714: 12712: 12709: 12707: 12706: 12702: 12700: 12699: 12695: 12691: 12688: 12687: 12686: 12683: 12682: 12680: 12676: 12670: 12667: 12665: 12662: 12660: 12657: 12655: 12652: 12650: 12647: 12645: 12642: 12640: 12637: 12633: 12632: 12628: 12627: 12626: 12623: 12621: 12618: 12616: 12613: 12611: 12608: 12606: 12603: 12601: 12598: 12596: 12593: 12591: 12588: 12584: 12581: 12580: 12579: 12576: 12572: 12569: 12568: 12567: 12564: 12562: 12559: 12555: 12552: 12550: 12547: 12545: 12542: 12540: 12537: 12535: 12532: 12531: 12530: 12527: 12525: 12522: 12521: 12519: 12517: 12513: 12507: 12504: 12502: 12499: 12497: 12494: 12492: 12489: 12488: 12486: 12482: 12476: 12473: 12471: 12468: 12466: 12463: 12459: 12456: 12455: 12454: 12451: 12447: 12444: 12443: 12442: 12439: 12437: 12434: 12430: 12427: 12425: 12422: 12421: 12420: 12417: 12413: 12410: 12408: 12405: 12404: 12403: 12400: 12398: 12395: 12393: 12391: 12387: 12385: 12382: 12380: 12377: 12375: 12372: 12370: 12367: 12365: 12362: 12361: 12359: 12357: 12356:United States 12351: 12343: 12339: 12335: 12331: 12327: 12323: 12319: 12315: 12311: 12307: 12303: 12300: 12296: 12292: 12289: 12285: 12284: 12281: 12277: 12270: 12265: 12263: 12258: 12256: 12251: 12250: 12247: 12241: 12237: 12234: 12226: 12222: 12219: 12217: 12213: 12210: 12208: 12204: 12201: 12199: 12195: 12192: 12190: 12186: 12183: 12181: 12177: 12174: 12172: 12168: 12164: 12161: 12160: 12156: 12152: 12137: 12090: 12076: 12075: 12070: 12066: 12062: 12058: 12057: 12051: 12048: 12047: 12042: 12038: 12032: 12028: 12027: 12022: 12018: 12017:Foot, Michael 12014: 12010: 12004: 12000: 11995: 11992: 11991: 11986: 11974: 11969: 11965: 11961: 11955: 11951: 11950: 11944: 11940: 11936: 11932: 11931: 11926: 11923:Adams, John; 11921: 11917: 11911: 11906: 11905: 11898: 11894: 11890: 11886: 11880: 11876: 11875: 11869: 11865: 11859: 11855: 11854: 11848: 11844: 11839: 11835: 11831: 11830: 11824: 11820: 11819: 11814: 11811:Adams, John; 11809: 11808: 11798: 11792: 11788: 11787: 11782: 11778: 11774: 11768: 11763: 11762: 11755: 11751: 11745: 11741: 11740: 11735: 11731: 11727: 11721: 11717: 11712: 11711: 11705: 11701: 11697: 11691: 11686: 11685: 11678: 11674: 11668: 11664: 11663: 11657: 11654: 11650: 11646: 11642: 11638: 11637: 11632: 11628: 11624: 11620: 11616: 11615: 11610: 11606: 11602: 11598: 11594: 11590: 11586: 11582: 11577: 11573: 11569: 11565: 11559: 11555: 11554: 11548: 11544: 11538: 11534: 11533: 11527: 11523: 11517: 11512: 11511: 11505: 11501: 11497: 11491: 11487: 11486: 11480: 11476: 11470: 11466: 11465: 11460: 11456: 11452: 11448: 11444: 11438: 11434: 11433: 11427: 11423: 11419: 11415: 11414: 11408: 11404: 11400: 11396: 11392: 11388: 11384: 11379: 11375: 11373:9781451607369 11369: 11365: 11364: 11358: 11355: 11351: 11348: 11344: 11340: 11336: 11330: 11326: 11321: 11317: 11311: 11307: 11306: 11300: 11296: 11295: 11289: 11287: 11283: 11279: 11275: 11269: 11265: 11264: 11259: 11255: 11251: 11247: 11243: 11239: 11235: 11231: 11227: 11223: 11219: 11215: 11210: 11206: 11200: 11196: 11195: 11189: 11186: 11182: 11178: 11174: 11170: 11166: 11159: 11154: 11150: 11144: 11140: 11139: 11133: 11129: 11123: 11119: 11118: 11112: 11108: 11102: 11098: 11097: 11092: 11088: 11084: 11078: 11074: 11073: 11068: 11064: 11060: 11054: 11050: 11049: 11044: 11040: 11036: 11030: 11026: 11025: 11019: 11018: 11008: 11004: 11000: 10994: 10990: 10989: 10983: 10979: 10973: 10965: 10961: 10957: 10955:9780837123486 10951: 10947: 10946: 10941: 10937: 10933: 10929: 10925: 10924: 10919: 10915: 10911: 10905: 10901: 10900: 10895: 10891: 10887: 10881: 10877: 10876: 10871: 10867: 10863: 10857: 10849: 10843: 10839: 10838: 10833: 10829: 10825: 10819: 10815: 10814: 10809: 10805: 10801: 10797: 10793: 10789: 10788: 10782: 10781: 10756: 10752: 10745: 10730: 10726: 10719: 10703: 10697: 10681: 10675: 10659: 10655: 10649: 10634: 10630: 10623: 10608: 10604: 10597: 10590: 10585: 10578: 10573: 10567:, p. vi. 10566: 10561: 10554: 10549: 10534: 10530: 10523: 10517:, p. 12. 10516: 10511: 10504: 10499: 10492: 10487: 10471: 10464: 10457: 10452: 10445: 10440: 10434:, p. 57. 10433: 10428: 10421: 10416: 10410:, p. 89. 10409: 10404: 10402: 10394: 10388: 10381: 10376: 10369: 10364: 10357: 10352: 10346:, p. 16. 10345: 10340: 10329:September 29, 10324: 10318: 10311: 10305: 10298: 10297:Fielding 1940 10293: 10287:, p. 13. 10286: 10281: 10274: 10268: 10261: 10255: 10248: 10243: 10237:, p. 18. 10236: 10231: 10224: 10223:Mayville 2016 10219: 10212: 10207: 10200: 10195: 10188: 10187:Rossiter 1955 10183: 10167: 10163: 10157: 10155: 10148:, p. 38. 10147: 10142: 10131: 10124: 10117: 10110: 10105: 10099:, p. 26. 10098: 10093: 10086: 10081: 10074: 10069: 10063:, p. 77. 10062: 10057: 10041: 10035: 10028: 10023: 10008: 10004: 9997: 9995: 9986: 9979: 9970: 9968: 9960: 9959:Thompson 1998 9955: 9948: 9943: 9936: 9931: 9915: 9911: 9905: 9898: 9893: 9887:, p. 76. 9886: 9881: 9874: 9869: 9862: 9857: 9850: 9845: 9836: 9830:, p. 21. 9829: 9824: 9818:, p. 11. 9817: 9812: 9806:, p. 97. 9805: 9800: 9789:September 25, 9784: 9780: 9774: 9758: 9754: 9748: 9741: 9736: 9729: 9724: 9717: 9712: 9697: 9693: 9686: 9679: 9674: 9667: 9662: 9655: 9650: 9643: 9638: 9629: 9620: 9613: 9608: 9599: 9590: 9583: 9578: 9571: 9566: 9559: 9554: 9547: 9542: 9535: 9530: 9523: 9518: 9511: 9506: 9504: 9496: 9491: 9484: 9479: 9472: 9467: 9460: 9455: 9439: 9433: 9431: 9423: 9418: 9411: 9406: 9399: 9394: 9387: 9382: 9375: 9370: 9368: 9360: 9355: 9348: 9343: 9336: 9331: 9324: 9319: 9312: 9307: 9300: 9295: 9284:September 26, 9279: 9272: 9256: 9255: 9250: 9243: 9228: 9224: 9218: 9203: 9199: 9192: 9185: 9180: 9173: 9168: 9161: 9156: 9154: 9146: 9141: 9134: 9129: 9127: 9125: 9117: 9112: 9105: 9100: 9093: 9088: 9081: 9076: 9069: 9064: 9057: 9052: 9037: 9033: 9032: 9026: 9015: 9008: 9003: 8996: 8991: 8984: 8979: 8963: 8957: 8955: 8953: 8936: 8932: 8928: 8922: 8915: 8910: 8894: 8890: 8884: 8877: 8872: 8865: 8860: 8853: 8848: 8841: 8836: 8829: 8824: 8817: 8812: 8810: 8802: 8797: 8790: 8785: 8778: 8773: 8757: 8750: 8748: 8740: 8735: 8728: 8723: 8716: 8711: 8704: 8699: 8692: 8687: 8680: 8675: 8668: 8663: 8656: 8651: 8644: 8639: 8632: 8627: 8620: 8615: 8608: 8603: 8601: 8593: 8588: 8581: 8576: 8574: 8566: 8561: 8554: 8549: 8547: 8539: 8534: 8527: 8522: 8515: 8510: 8503: 8498: 8491: 8486: 8479: 8474: 8467: 8462: 8455: 8450: 8443: 8438: 8431: 8426: 8419: 8414: 8412: 8404: 8399: 8392: 8387: 8380: 8375: 8368: 8363: 8356: 8351: 8344: 8339: 8332: 8327: 8320: 8315: 8299: 8295: 8289: 8282: 8277: 8270: 8265: 8263: 8255: 8250: 8239:September 22, 8234: 8228: 8221: 8216: 8210:, p. 82. 8209: 8204: 8197: 8192: 8186:, p. 28. 8185: 8180: 8173: 8168: 8161: 8156: 8154: 8146: 8141: 8134: 8129: 8122: 8117: 8111:, p. 91. 8110: 8105: 8089: 8083: 8068: 8064: 8057: 8042: 8038: 8034: 8028: 8026: 8018: 8013: 8002:September 26, 7997: 7991: 7984: 7979: 7972: 7967: 7960: 7955: 7939: 7933: 7927:, p. 54. 7926: 7921: 7914: 7909: 7902: 7901:McDonald 1974 7897: 7895: 7878: 7871: 7869: 7867: 7865: 7857: 7852: 7850: 7848: 7840: 7835: 7820: 7819:Time Magazine 7816: 7809: 7793: 7789: 7785: 7778: 7762: 7756: 7749: 7744: 7737: 7732: 7725: 7720: 7713: 7708: 7701: 7696: 7694: 7686: 7681: 7665: 7659: 7643: 7637: 7630: 7625: 7618: 7613: 7606: 7601: 7586: 7582: 7576: 7569: 7564: 7557: 7552: 7546:, p. 54. 7545: 7540: 7533: 7528: 7521: 7516: 7509: 7504: 7502: 7494: 7489: 7482: 7477: 7462: 7458: 7457: 7451: 7440: 7438: 7430: 7425: 7418: 7413: 7406: 7401: 7394: 7389: 7387: 7379: 7374: 7367: 7362: 7355: 7350: 7343: 7338: 7331: 7326: 7319: 7314: 7307: 7302: 7295: 7290: 7283: 7278: 7271: 7266: 7259: 7254: 7243:September 18, 7238: 7232: 7225: 7220: 7213: 7208: 7201: 7196: 7189: 7184: 7177: 7172: 7165: 7160: 7144: 7140: 7134: 7127: 7122: 7115: 7110: 7103: 7098: 7091: 7086: 7079: 7074: 7067: 7062: 7055: 7050: 7043: 7038: 7031: 7026: 7019: 7014: 7007: 7002: 6995: 6990: 6983: 6978: 6971: 6966: 6959: 6954: 6947: 6942: 6935: 6930: 6923: 6918: 6911: 6906: 6899: 6894: 6887: 6882: 6875: 6870: 6863: 6858: 6851: 6846: 6839: 6834: 6827: 6822: 6815: 6810: 6803: 6798: 6791: 6786: 6779: 6774: 6767: 6762: 6755: 6750: 6743: 6738: 6736: 6728: 6723: 6716: 6711: 6704: 6699: 6692: 6687: 6680: 6675: 6668: 6663: 6656: 6650: 6643: 6638: 6631: 6626: 6619: 6614: 6607: 6602: 6596:, p. 21. 6595: 6590: 6583: 6578: 6571: 6566: 6560:, p. 37. 6559: 6554: 6547: 6542: 6535: 6530: 6523: 6518: 6516: 6514: 6506: 6501: 6485: 6479: 6472: 6467: 6460: 6455: 6439: 6435: 6429: 6427: 6419: 6414: 6412: 6405:, p. 90. 6404: 6399: 6392: 6387: 6380: 6375: 6364:September 22, 6359: 6353: 6337: 6333: 6326: 6319: 6314: 6298: 6292: 6285: 6282: 6265: 6261: 6257: 6250: 6243: 6236: 6231: 6224: 6219: 6213:, p. 71. 6212: 6207: 6200: 6195: 6179: 6173: 6166: 6161: 6154: 6149: 6142: 6137: 6121: 6117: 6111: 6105:, p. 74. 6104: 6099: 6092: 6087: 6081:, p. 69. 6080: 6075: 6059: 6058: 6050: 6044:, p. 39. 6043: 6038: 6031: 6026: 6019: 6014: 6008:, p. 59. 6007: 6002: 5995: 5990: 5984:, p. 63. 5983: 5978: 5976: 5968: 5963: 5947: 5943: 5936: 5929: 5924: 5918:, p. 39. 5917: 5912: 5905: 5900: 5893: 5888: 5886: 5869: 5865: 5859: 5857: 5840: 5834: 5832: 5824: 5819: 5812: 5807: 5805: 5798:, p. 71. 5797: 5792: 5790: 5783:, p. 57. 5782: 5777: 5775: 5768:, p. 58. 5767: 5762: 5755: 5750: 5734: 5730: 5729: 5724: 5718: 5716: 5708: 5703: 5688: 5682: 5675: 5670: 5664:, p. 46. 5663: 5658: 5652:, p. 44. 5651: 5646: 5630: 5626: 5620: 5614:, p. 19. 5613: 5608: 5602:, p. 21. 5601: 5596: 5589: 5584: 5578:, p. 16. 5577: 5572: 5570: 5563:, p. 13. 5562: 5557: 5551:, p. 35. 5550: 5545: 5538: 5533: 5526: 5521: 5514: 5509: 5502: 5497: 5495: 5487: 5482: 5476:, p. 11. 5475: 5470: 5468: 5459: 5458: 5453: 5447: 5440: 5435: 5433: 5425: 5413: 5412: 5403: 5396: 5384: 5378: 5367:September 30, 5362: 5356: 5354: 5349: 5336: 5330: 5323: 5316: 5307: 5300: 5294: 5287: 5275: 5271: 5267: 5261: 5257: 5249: 5246: 5242: 5237: 5235: 5229: 5219: 5217: 5216:Paul Giamatti 5213: 5209: 5208: 5200: 5195: 5191: 5188: 5184: 5179: 5172: 5170: 5163: 5161: 5157: 5153: 5149: 5145: 5141: 5137: 5133: 5129: 5125: 5119: 5116: 5111: 5109: 5108:Edmund Morgan 5104: 5099: 5084: 5081: 5077: 5073: 5072: 5067: 5062: 5058: 5053: 5051: 5047: 5042: 5040: 5036: 5032: 5028: 5024: 5020: 5010: 5008: 5002: 5000: 4999: 4994: 4990: 4986: 4977: 4973: 4969: 4965: 4956: 4951: 4946: 4944: 4927: 4922: 4920: 4915: 4913: 4908: 4907: 4905: 4904: 4901: 4896: 4891: 4890: 4883: 4880: 4878: 4875: 4873: 4870: 4868: 4867: 4863: 4861: 4858: 4856: 4853: 4851: 4848: 4846: 4843: 4841: 4838: 4836: 4833: 4831: 4828: 4826: 4823: 4821: 4818: 4816: 4813: 4811: 4808: 4807: 4801: 4800: 4793: 4792:United States 4790: 4786: 4783: 4781: 4778: 4777: 4776: 4773: 4771: 4768: 4766: 4763: 4761: 4758: 4756: 4753: 4751: 4748: 4746: 4743: 4741: 4738: 4736: 4733: 4731: 4728: 4726: 4723: 4721: 4718: 4716: 4713: 4711: 4708: 4706: 4703: 4702: 4696: 4695: 4688: 4685: 4683: 4680: 4678: 4675: 4673: 4670: 4668: 4667:Metapolitefsi 4665: 4663: 4660: 4658: 4655: 4653: 4650: 4648: 4645: 4643: 4640: 4638: 4635: 4633: 4630: 4628: 4625: 4623: 4620: 4618: 4615: 4613: 4610: 4608: 4605: 4603: 4600: 4598: 4595: 4593: 4590: 4588: 4585: 4583: 4580: 4578: 4575: 4573: 4570: 4568: 4565: 4563: 4560: 4558: 4555: 4553: 4550: 4548: 4545: 4543: 4540: 4538: 4535: 4533: 4531: 4526: 4524: 4521: 4520: 4514: 4513: 4503: 4502: 4501:On Revolution 4498: 4493: 4492: 4488: 4483: 4482: 4478: 4473: 4472: 4471:Rights of Man 4468: 4463: 4462: 4458: 4453: 4452: 4448: 4443: 4442: 4438: 4433: 4432: 4428: 4423: 4422: 4418: 4413: 4412: 4408: 4403: 4402: 4398: 4393: 4392: 4388: 4383: 4382: 4381:De re publica 4378: 4373: 4372: 4368: 4367: 4361: 4360: 4353: 4350: 4348: 4345: 4343: 4340: 4338: 4335: 4333: 4330: 4328: 4325: 4323: 4320: 4318: 4315: 4313: 4310: 4308: 4305: 4303: 4300: 4298: 4295: 4293: 4290: 4288: 4285: 4283: 4280: 4278: 4275: 4273: 4270: 4268: 4265: 4263: 4260: 4258: 4255: 4253: 4250: 4248: 4245: 4243: 4240: 4238: 4235: 4233: 4230: 4228: 4225: 4223: 4220: 4218: 4215: 4213: 4210: 4208: 4205: 4203: 4200: 4198: 4195: 4193: 4190: 4188: 4187:Jones (Lynne) 4185: 4183: 4180: 4178: 4175: 4173: 4170: 4168: 4165: 4163: 4160: 4158: 4155: 4153: 4150: 4148: 4145: 4143: 4140: 4138: 4135: 4133: 4130: 4128: 4125: 4123: 4120: 4118: 4115: 4113: 4110: 4108: 4105: 4103: 4100: 4098: 4095: 4093: 4090: 4088: 4085: 4083: 4080: 4078: 4075: 4073: 4070: 4068: 4065: 4063: 4060: 4058: 4055: 4053: 4050: 4048: 4045: 4043: 4040: 4038: 4035: 4033: 4030: 4028: 4025: 4023: 4020: 4018: 4015: 4013: 4010: 4008: 4005: 4003: 4000: 3998: 3995: 3993: 3990: 3988: 3985: 3983: 3982:Adams (Gerry) 3980: 3979: 3973: 3972: 3965: 3962: 3960: 3957: 3955: 3952: 3950: 3947: 3945: 3942: 3940: 3937: 3935: 3932: 3930: 3927: 3925: 3922: 3920: 3917: 3915: 3912: 3910: 3907: 3905: 3902: 3900: 3897: 3895: 3892: 3890: 3887: 3885: 3882: 3880: 3877: 3875: 3872: 3870: 3867: 3865: 3862: 3860: 3857: 3855: 3852: 3850: 3847: 3845: 3842: 3840: 3837: 3835: 3832: 3830: 3827: 3825: 3822: 3820: 3817: 3815: 3812: 3811: 3805: 3804: 3797: 3794: 3792: 3789: 3787: 3784: 3782: 3781:Revolutionary 3779: 3777: 3774: 3772: 3771:Parliamentary 3769: 3767: 3764: 3762: 3759: 3757: 3754: 3752: 3749: 3747: 3744: 3742: 3739: 3737: 3734: 3732: 3729: 3728: 3722: 3721: 3714: 3711: 3709: 3706: 3704: 3701: 3699: 3696: 3694: 3691: 3689: 3686: 3684: 3681: 3679: 3676: 3675: 3669: 3668: 3661: 3658: 3656: 3653: 3651: 3648: 3646: 3643: 3641: 3638: 3636: 3633: 3631: 3628: 3626: 3623: 3621: 3618: 3616: 3613: 3611: 3608: 3606: 3603: 3601: 3598: 3596: 3593: 3591: 3588: 3586: 3583: 3581: 3580:Civil society 3578: 3576: 3573: 3571: 3568: 3567: 3561: 3560: 3557: 3556:Republicanism 3554: 3553: 3550: 3546: 3545: 3537: 3535: 3531: 3527: 3522: 3520: 3516: 3511: 3508: 3503: 3498: 3496: 3492: 3487: 3483: 3479: 3475: 3470: 3464: 3459: 3457: 3456:Enlightenment 3451: 3448: 3444: 3443:James Bowdoin 3440: 3430: 3428: 3424: 3420: 3416: 3412: 3408: 3404: 3400: 3396: 3392: 3387: 3385: 3384: 3379: 3375: 3374: 3369: 3361: 3360: 3355: 3349: 3339: 3337: 3332: 3330: 3329:Ronald Reagan 3326: 3320: 3317: 3313: 3309: 3302: 3298: 3294: 3290: 3289:Abigail Adams 3285: 3279: 3275: 3271: 3262: 3258: 3254: 3250: 3248: 3244: 3236: 3232: 3221: 3217: 3208: 3206: 3205:breast cancer 3202: 3198: 3193: 3191: 3187: 3186:James Madison 3183: 3179: 3174: 3173: 3167: 3164: 3160: 3155: 3151: 3147: 3146:Sally Hemings 3141: 3139: 3138:Benjamin Rush 3135: 3131: 3127: 3123: 3116:Initial years 3108: 3106: 3102: 3098: 3094: 3089: 3087: 3083: 3079: 3069: 3067: 3064: 3063: 3061: 3057: 3055: 3052: 3050: 3046: 3042: 3038: 3036: 3035:John Marshall 3033: 3031: 3030:Chief Justice 3028: 3027: 3023: 3019: 3016: 3013: 3012: 3007: 3001: 2997: 2996:Chief Justice 2994:, the fourth 2993: 2992:John Marshall 2989: 2984: 2969: 2967: 2964: 2962: 2959: 2958: 2954: 2950: 2948: 2945: 2943: 2940: 2939: 2935: 2931: 2929: 2928:Samuel Dexter 2926: 2925: 2923: 2919: 2917: 2916:James McHenry 2914: 2912: 2908: 2904: 2900: 2898: 2897:Samuel Dexter 2895: 2894: 2892: 2888: 2886: 2883: 2881: 2877: 2873: 2869: 2867: 2866:John Marshall 2864: 2863: 2861: 2857: 2855: 2852: 2850: 2846: 2842: 2838: 2836: 2833: 2831: 2828: 2827: 2823: 2819: 2816: 2814: 2811: 2810: 2806: 2802: 2799: 2796: 2795: 2790: 2782: 2780: 2776: 2770: 2766: 2762: 2760: 2755: 2749: 2747: 2743: 2735: 2731: 2726: 2721: 2711: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2697: 2693: 2688: 2686: 2682: 2678: 2677:American Navy 2668: 2666: 2662: 2657: 2654: 2650: 2645: 2642: 2638: 2634: 2633:Samuel Dexter 2625: 2621: 2616: 2608: 2594: 2590: 2588: 2584: 2581: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2563: 2553: 2551: 2546: 2541: 2537: 2536:Patrick Henry 2533: 2528: 2526: 2522: 2518: 2513: 2511: 2510: 2504: 2500: 2491: 2487: 2484: 2480: 2476: 2475:James McHenry 2471: 2465: 2463: 2459: 2455: 2445: 2442: 2438: 2434: 2430: 2424: 2422: 2418: 2409: 2405: 2401: 2396: 2386: 2383: 2381: 2376: 2370: 2368: 2364: 2360: 2356: 2355:John Marshall 2352: 2347: 2343: 2340: 2335: 2327: 2322: 2314: 2310: 2308: 2304: 2294: 2289: 2285: 2275: 2272: 2266: 2264: 2260: 2256: 2248: 2244: 2240: 2230: 2226: 2216: 2212: 2210: 2205: 2201: 2195: 2192: 2188: 2184: 2178: 2176: 2172: 2168: 2167:1796 election 2161: 2157: 2153: 2148: 2138: 2135: 2130: 2125: 2123: 2119: 2114: 2109: 2104: 2102: 2101:Potomac River 2098: 2094: 2090: 2086: 2085:James Madison 2082: 2079:. He cast 29 2078: 2074: 2066: 2062: 2058: 2054: 2052: 2051:Mr. President 2048: 2044: 2040: 2035: 2031: 2027: 2023: 2019: 2015: 2011: 2004: 2003:John Trumbull 1999: 1990: 1987: 1984: 1980: 1976: 1972: 1968: 1964: 1959: 1953: 1938: 1936: 1930: 1928: 1927: 1920: 1915: 1913: 1908: 1904: 1900: 1899:Richard Price 1893: 1889: 1885: 1881: 1879: 1878: 1872: 1868: 1858: 1856: 1851: 1847: 1842: 1840: 1839:Henry Laurens 1836: 1832: 1828: 1820: 1819:Benjamin West 1816: 1815: 1810: 1801: 1799: 1795: 1791: 1790: 1784: 1779: 1777: 1773: 1769: 1765: 1761: 1756: 1752: 1747: 1743: 1733: 1730: 1724: 1722: 1721:Ferrol, Spain 1713: 1709: 1704: 1700: 1698: 1694: 1689: 1685: 1681: 1680:Samuel Tucker 1677: 1676: 1670: 1666: 1662: 1657: 1655: 1650: 1646: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1633:Robert Morris 1630: 1626: 1621: 1610: 1600: 1597: 1593: 1589: 1585: 1580: 1577: 1573: 1569: 1565: 1564:Benjamin Rush 1560: 1558: 1557:Roger Sherman 1554: 1550: 1546: 1541: 1539: 1535: 1531: 1528:of colleague 1527: 1522: 1515: 1511: 1507: 1503: 1498: 1489: 1487: 1486: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1468: 1466: 1462: 1458: 1453: 1448: 1444: 1442: 1438: 1434: 1430: 1426: 1422: 1418: 1413: 1411: 1407: 1403: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1379: 1378: 1373: 1372:John Trumbull 1369: 1355: 1352: 1348: 1344: 1340: 1336: 1331: 1329: 1325: 1321: 1320:Joseph Hawley 1316: 1312: 1308: 1298: 1296: 1292: 1288: 1283: 1281: 1276: 1272: 1267: 1265: 1260: 1258: 1253: 1248: 1241: 1237: 1233: 1229: 1224: 1214: 1212: 1208: 1204: 1199: 1193: 1190: 1186: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1173: 1168: 1167: 1161: 1159: 1154: 1150: 1145: 1141: 1135: 1120: 1117: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1100: 1098: 1078: 1076: 1075:Abigail Smith 1060: 1059:Abigail Adams 1050: 1041: 1032: 1030: 1029:republicanism 1026: 1022: 1017: 1015: 1011: 1007: 1003: 999: 989: 987: 982: 980: 976: 972: 968: 964: 960: 956: 955:Joseph Mayhew 952: 942: 940: 939: 934: 929: 927: 923: 919: 915: 911: 907: 903: 899: 895: 891: 887: 883: 876: 872: 868: 863: 853: 851: 847: 843: 839: 835: 831: 826: 821: 819: 815: 811: 807: 803: 799: 795: 791: 787: 783: 779: 774: 772: 771: 766: 762: 758: 754: 750: 746: 745:Massachusetts 742: 738: 734: 729: 727: 723: 722:Abigail Adams 719: 715: 711: 707: 706:Great Britain 703: 699: 695: 691: 687: 678: 674: 670: 666: 659: 656: 655: 653: 649: 645: 641: 637: 634: 630: 624: 621: 619: 616: 615: 613: 609: 606: 602: 598: 594: 591:6, including 590: 586: 559: 558:Abigail Smith 554: 550: 536: 533: 523: 520: 518:(before 1795) 517: 514: 513: 511: 507: 504: 501: 499:Resting place 497: 487: 483: 479: 475: 471: 466: 462: 458: 453: 449: 446: 445:Samuel Holten 443: 437: 434: 431: 425: 419: 414: 410: 405: 404:Massachusetts 401: 397: 394: 391: 385: 382: 379: 373: 370: 367: 361: 355: 350: 347: 342: 338: 337:Francis Lewis 335: 329: 326: 323: 317: 311: 306: 303: 299: 296: 293: 287: 284: 281: 275: 269: 264: 261: 257: 253: 250: 244: 240: 234: 228: 223: 220: 212: 209: 206: 200: 197: 194: 188: 182: 177: 174: 172:Great Britain 166: 162: 156: 153: 150: 144: 140: 136: 130: 125: 122: 117: 114: 111: 105: 102: 99: 93: 89: 86: 81: 75: 70: 67: 62: 58: 45: 40: 33: 30: 26: 22: 22703:Adams family 22597: 22580: 22568:from Commons 22563: 22542: 22487:Conservatism 22434: 22425: 22418: 22404: 22305: 22294:Brooks Adams 22264:Louisa Adams 22252:Adams family 22234: 22229:(1997 film) 22226: 22218: 22210: 22197: 22176: 22167: 22136:Bibliography 21968: 21849:Inauguration 21660:Emma Willard 21645:Walt Whitman 21615:Lillian Wald 21585:Joseph Story 21545:William Penn 21525:Thomas Paine 21500:James Monroe 21395:Mark Hopkins 21375:Joseph Henry 21295:Peter Cooper 21275:Rufus Choate 21230:Daniel Boone 21215:Clara Barton 21179: 21004: 20932:Hartog-Levin 20641: 20291: 20266: 20219: 20190: 20083:Donald Trump 19983:Jimmy Carter 19845:James M. Cox 19554: 19408:Para-fascism 19388:Elite theory 19346:Anti-Masonry 19237: 19176:Confucianism 18952:John Paul II 18851: 18727:Solzhenitsyn 18436:Subsidiarity 18411:Social order 18151:Centre Right 17967: 17945: 17900: 17867: 17843:Patrianovism 17830: 17792:Nacionalismo 17790: 17778: 17526: 17509: 17478: 17446: 17379: 17338:Berlusconism 17277:Cameralistic 17190:Maurrassisme 17017:State Shinto 17006:Nippon Kaigi 17004: 16992: 16880:Confucianism 16745:Conservatism 16676:Richard Rush 16549:Richard Rush 16491:U.S. Cabinet 16368: 16353: 16339:Presidential 16236: 16216: 16209: 16207: 16190: 16173: 16165: 16148: 16140:1804 → 16132:← 1796 16079: 16058:Samuel Adams 16038: 16029: 16012: 15959: 15953: 15951: 15934: 15926:1800 → 15918:← 1792 15645:Henry Wilson 15542: 15454: 15449: 15425: 15405: 15400: 15381: 15349: 15322: 15302: 15278: 15273: 15113:T. Roosevelt 15082:2021–present 15068:Donald Trump 15058:Barack Obama 15038:Bill Clinton 15008:Jimmy Carter 14668:James Monroe 14637: 14619:presidencies 14536:Bicentennial 14368: 14365:Henry Wisner 14356: 14273:Joseph Hewes 14222:George Wythe 14201:Thomas Stone 14196:William Paca 14191:Samuel Chase 14144:James Wilson 14102:Pennsylvania 14057:Lewis Morris 13983:Rhode Island 13963: 13959:Samuel Adams 13916:John Hancock 13708:Thomas Lynch 13682:Joseph Hewes 13620:Samuel Chase 13615:William Paca 13526:Pennsylvania 13517:John De Hart 13497:James Kinsey 13481:Simon Boerum 13476:Henry Wisner 13392:Rhode Island 13377: 13373:Samuel Adams 13260: 13246: 13239: 13217:Louisa Adams 13211:Samuel Adams 13187:Brooks Adams 13101:Adams family 13071: 13064: 12999: 12991: 12983: 12970: 12962: 12954: 12946: 12933: 12925: 12917: 12880: 12871: 12862: 12853: 12844: 12834: 12799:Bibliography 12715: 12703: 12696: 12629: 12524:Inauguration 12436:Board of War 12419:Model Treaty 12389: 12275: 12165:, subset of 12073: 12055: 12045: 12025: 11998: 11989: 11977:. Retrieved 11967: 11948: 11929: 11903: 11873: 11852: 11842: 11828: 11817: 11785: 11760: 11738: 11709: 11683: 11661: 11652: 11635: 11613: 11584: 11580: 11552: 11531: 11509: 11484: 11463: 11431: 11412: 11389:(1): 30–39. 11386: 11382: 11362: 11353: 11342: 11324: 11304: 11293: 11281: 11262: 11220:(1): 33–46. 11217: 11213: 11193: 11180: 11164: 11137: 11116: 11095: 11091:Chernow, Ron 11071: 11047: 11023: 10987: 10944: 10922: 10898: 10874: 10836: 10812: 10786: 10772:Bibliography 10758:. Retrieved 10754: 10744: 10732:. Retrieved 10728: 10718: 10706:. Retrieved 10696: 10684:. Retrieved 10674: 10662:. Retrieved 10658:the original 10648: 10636:. Retrieved 10632: 10622: 10610:. Retrieved 10606: 10596: 10589:Ferling 1992 10584: 10579:, p. 3. 10577:Ferling 1992 10572: 10565:Chinard 1933 10560: 10553:Ferling 1992 10548: 10536:. Retrieved 10532: 10522: 10515:Pollard 1862 10510: 10498: 10493:, p. 4. 10491:Ferling 1992 10486: 10474:. Retrieved 10463: 10456:Herring 2008 10451: 10439: 10427: 10420:Chernow 2004 10415: 10408:Herring 2008 10392: 10387: 10380:Chernow 2004 10375: 10368:Chernow 2004 10363: 10356:Ferling 1992 10351: 10339: 10327:. Retrieved 10317: 10309: 10304: 10292: 10280: 10272: 10267: 10259: 10254: 10247:Everett 1966 10242: 10230: 10218: 10206: 10194: 10182: 10170:. Retrieved 10141: 10116: 10104: 10092: 10080: 10073:Wiencek 2004 10068: 10061:Ferling 1992 10056: 10044:. Retrieved 10034: 10022: 10010:. Retrieved 10006: 9978: 9954: 9942: 9930: 9918:. Retrieved 9904: 9897:Ferling 1992 9892: 9880: 9873:Ferling 1992 9868: 9856: 9849:Ferling 1992 9844: 9835: 9823: 9811: 9799: 9787:. Retrieved 9783:the original 9773: 9761:. Retrieved 9756: 9747: 9735: 9723: 9711: 9699:. Retrieved 9695: 9685: 9673: 9661: 9654:Ferling 1992 9649: 9637: 9628: 9619: 9607: 9598: 9589: 9577: 9570:Ferling 1992 9565: 9558:Ferling 1992 9553: 9546:Ferling 1992 9541: 9529: 9522:Ferling 1992 9517: 9510:Ferling 1992 9490: 9478: 9466: 9454: 9442:. Retrieved 9417: 9410:Ferling 1992 9405: 9393: 9381: 9374:Ferling 1992 9359:Ferling 1992 9354: 9347:Ferling 1992 9342: 9335:Ferling 1992 9330: 9318: 9306: 9294: 9282:. Retrieved 9271: 9259:. Retrieved 9252: 9242: 9232:November 12, 9230:. Retrieved 9227:WHHA (en-US) 9226: 9217: 9207:November 12, 9205:. Retrieved 9201: 9191: 9179: 9172:Ferling 1992 9167: 9160:Chernow 2004 9140: 9111: 9104:Chernow 2004 9099: 9087: 9075: 9063: 9056:Ferling 1992 9051: 9039:. Retrieved 9030: 9014: 9002: 8990: 8978: 8966:. Retrieved 8939:. Retrieved 8930: 8921: 8916:, p. 9. 8909: 8897:. Retrieved 8883: 8876:Chernow 2004 8871: 8864:Chernow 2004 8859: 8852:Ferling 1992 8847: 8835: 8828:Ferling 1992 8823: 8796: 8784: 8772: 8760:. Retrieved 8734: 8727:Diggins 2003 8722: 8710: 8698: 8686: 8674: 8662: 8650: 8643:Chernow 2004 8638: 8626: 8614: 8587: 8580:Flexner 1974 8560: 8553:Flexner 1974 8538:Chernow 2004 8533: 8526:Flexner 1974 8521: 8514:Flexner 1974 8509: 8502:Chernow 2004 8497: 8490:Ferling 1992 8485: 8478:Chernow 2004 8473: 8466:Chernow 2004 8461: 8449: 8442:Chernow 2004 8437: 8430:Chernow 2004 8425: 8418:Ferling 1992 8403:Ferling 1992 8398: 8391:Ferling 1992 8386: 8379:Ferling 1992 8374: 8362: 8350: 8343:Chernow 2004 8338: 8326: 8314: 8304:December 24, 8302:. Retrieved 8288: 8281:Chernow 2004 8276: 8249: 8237:. Retrieved 8227: 8220:Ferling 1992 8215: 8208:Herring 2008 8203: 8191: 8179: 8172:Chernow 2004 8167: 8160:Chernow 2004 8140: 8128: 8121:Ferling 1992 8116: 8109:Herring 2008 8104: 8092:. Retrieved 8082: 8070:. Retrieved 8066: 8056: 8044:. Retrieved 8017:Chernow 2004 8012: 8000:. Retrieved 7990: 7978: 7971:Chernow 2004 7966: 7954: 7944:November 13, 7942:. Retrieved 7932: 7925:Hoadley 1986 7920: 7913:Diggins 2003 7908: 7881:. Retrieved 7839:Flexner 1974 7834: 7822:. Retrieved 7818: 7808: 7796:. Retrieved 7792:the original 7787: 7777: 7765:. Retrieved 7755: 7743: 7731: 7719: 7707: 7700:Ferling 1992 7680: 7670:September 1, 7668:. Retrieved 7658: 7648:December 24, 7646:. Retrieved 7636: 7624: 7612: 7600: 7588:. Retrieved 7584: 7575: 7563: 7551: 7539: 7527: 7515: 7488: 7476: 7464:. Retrieved 7455: 7424: 7412: 7405:Chernow 2004 7400: 7378:Ferling 2009 7373: 7361: 7349: 7337: 7325: 7313: 7306:Chinard 1933 7301: 7289: 7277: 7265: 7253: 7241:. Retrieved 7231: 7219: 7207: 7195: 7183: 7171: 7164:Ferling 1992 7159: 7147:. Retrieved 7143:the original 7133: 7121: 7109: 7102:Ferling 1992 7097: 7090:Ferling 1992 7085: 7073: 7061: 7054:Ferling 1992 7049: 7037: 7025: 7013: 7006:Ferling 1992 7001: 6989: 6982:Ferling 1992 6977: 6965: 6958:Ferling 1992 6953: 6941: 6929: 6917: 6910:Ferling 1992 6905: 6893: 6881: 6869: 6857: 6850:Ferling 1992 6845: 6833: 6826:Ferling 1992 6821: 6809: 6797: 6785: 6773: 6761: 6749: 6722: 6710: 6698: 6686: 6674: 6662: 6654: 6649: 6637: 6625: 6613: 6601: 6589: 6582:Ferling 1992 6577: 6565: 6553: 6541: 6529: 6522:Ferling 1992 6500: 6488:. Retrieved 6478: 6466: 6459:Ferling 1992 6454: 6442:. Retrieved 6438:the original 6418:Ferling 1992 6398: 6386: 6374: 6362:. Retrieved 6352: 6340:. Retrieved 6325: 6318:Ferling 1992 6313: 6301:. Retrieved 6291: 6283: 6281:62 Ala. Law. 6280: 6271:. Retrieved 6259: 6255: 6242: 6235:Ferling 1992 6230: 6223:Ferling 1992 6218: 6206: 6199:Ferling 1992 6194: 6184:November 15, 6182:. Retrieved 6172: 6165:Ferling 1992 6160: 6153:Ferling 1992 6148: 6141:Ferling 1992 6136: 6126:September 7, 6124:. Retrieved 6120:the original 6110: 6103:Ferling 1992 6098: 6091:Ferling 1992 6086: 6079:Ferling 1992 6074: 6062:. Retrieved 6056: 6049: 6037: 6025: 6018:Ferling 1992 6013: 6006:Ferling 1992 6001: 5989: 5967:Ferling 1992 5962: 5950:. Retrieved 5946:the original 5935: 5923: 5916:Ferling 1992 5911: 5904:Ferling 1992 5899: 5872:. Retrieved 5843:. Retrieved 5818: 5796:Ferling 1992 5781:Ferling 1992 5761: 5749: 5737:. Retrieved 5733:the original 5726: 5702: 5690:. Retrieved 5681: 5674:Ferling 1992 5669: 5662:Ferling 1992 5657: 5645: 5633:. Retrieved 5619: 5612:Ferling 1992 5607: 5600:Ferling 1992 5595: 5588:Ferling 1992 5583: 5576:Ferling 1992 5556: 5544: 5537:Kirtley 1910 5532: 5525:Ferling 1992 5520: 5513:Ferling 1992 5508: 5486:Ferling 1992 5481: 5474:Ferling 1992 5455: 5446: 5423: 5416:. Retrieved 5410: 5402: 5394: 5387:. Retrieved 5377: 5365:. Retrieved 5329: 5315: 5306: 5293: 5260: 5238: 5231: 5205: 5203: 5174: 5165: 5120: 5112: 5101: 5069: 5066:Thomas Paine 5054: 5043: 5016: 5003: 4996: 4992: 4991:." His 1790 4981: 4967: 4953: 4948: 4940: 4864: 4499: 4489: 4479: 4469: 4459: 4449: 4439: 4429: 4419: 4409: 4399: 4389: 4379: 4369: 4182:Jones (Elin) 4087:Flynn (Paul) 4047:Clarke (Tom) 4042:Clark (Katy) 3987:Adams (John) 3986: 3808:Philosophers 3585:Civic virtue 3547:Part of the 3523: 3512: 3499: 3490: 3481: 3471: 3467: 3462: 3452: 3436: 3422: 3405:between the 3399:bicameralism 3388: 3381: 3373:Common Sense 3371: 3368:Thomas Paine 3365: 3357: 3347: 3333: 3321: 3305: 3297:Louisa Adams 3259: 3255: 3251: 3239: 3231:Samuel Morse 3229:portrait by 3219: 3194: 3170: 3168: 3142: 3119: 3101:7th Congress 3090: 3086:Alfred Moore 3075: 3066:Alfred Moore 2771: 2767: 2763: 2750: 2738: 2700:7th Congress 2689: 2674: 2658: 2646: 2629: 2591: 2572:excise taxes 2565: 2545:yellow fever 2529: 2514: 2509:Constitution 2508: 2498: 2496: 2479:Mount Vernon 2466: 2451: 2429:Matthew Lyon 2425: 2413: 2378: 2371: 2348: 2344: 2334:Joseph Ellis 2331: 2306: 2302: 2267: 2259:civic virtue 2252: 2247:Philadelphia 2234:Inauguration 2213: 2200:favorite son 2196: 2179: 2164: 2134:peace treaty 2126: 2105: 2097:Philadelphia 2070: 2060: 2029: 2025: 2021: 2017: 2007: 1988: 1955: 1931: 1924: 1922: 1917: 1896: 1892:Mather Brown 1888:Adams – 1785 1887: 1875: 1864: 1846:Newfoundland 1843: 1824: 1812: 1788: 1780: 1760:Francis Dana 1739: 1725: 1717: 1683: 1673: 1669:James Lovell 1658: 1641:Model Treaty 1637:Pennsylvania 1617: 1588:Richard Howe 1581: 1571: 1561: 1542: 1518: 1512:adopted the 1508:, where the 1506:Philadelphia 1492:Independence 1483: 1469: 1449: 1445: 1433:Peter Oliver 1417:Philadelphia 1414: 1399: 1394:Philadelphia 1375: 1350: 1346: 1332: 1314: 1304: 1295:Queen Street 1284: 1268: 1261: 1244: 1231: 1203:John Hancock 1194: 1180: 1176: 1171: 1164: 1162: 1137: 1101: 1079: 1072: 1025:Samuel Adams 1018: 995: 983: 948: 936: 930: 892:. Adams was 879: 822: 775: 768: 730: 685: 684: 490:(1826-07-04) 488:July 4, 1826 440:Succeeded by 432: 417: 388:Succeeded by 381:Peter Oliver 364:Appointed by 353: 332:Succeeded by 324: 309: 290:Succeeded by 267: 247:Succeeded by 237:Appointed by 226: 203:Succeeded by 191:Appointed by 180: 159:Succeeded by 151: 128: 108:Succeeded by 73: 29: 22628:1826 deaths 22623:1735 births 22377:John Quincy 22371:Elihu Adams 22288:Henry Adams 22221:(1987 book) 22200:(1957 book) 21975:Mendi Bible 21831:(1794–1797) 21823:(1797–1801) 21815:(1803–1808) 21807:(1809–1814) 21799:(1814–1817) 21791:(1817–1825) 21780:(1825–1829) 21769:(1831–1833) 21757:(1833–1843) 21745:(1843–1848) 21650:Eli Whitney 21555:Walter Reed 21475:Horace Mann 21235:Edwin Booth 21190:Jane Addams 21127:(1798–1801) 21108:(1797–1801) 21106:Charles Lee 21089:(1800–1801) 21083:(1797–1800) 21058:(1797–1800) 21030:(1800–1801) 21024:(1797–1800) 21007:(1797–1801) 20657:Vans Murray 20652:J. Q. Adams 20243:J. Q. Adams 20236:(1815–1893) 20184:(1785–1811) 20063:Mitt Romney 20053:John McCain 19973:Gerald Ford 19430:Reactionary 19351:Aristocracy 19323:Corporatism 19303:Agrarianism 19208:Integralism 18902:Diefenbaker 18840:Politicians 18762:Tocqueville 18477:Buckley Jr. 18431:Stewardship 18421:Sovereignty 18396:Rule of law 18344:Conventions 18334:Nationalism 18312:Imperialism 18295:Gender role 18280:Familialism 18259:Meritocracy 18254:Aristocracy 18200:Traditional 18163:New Zealand 18067:Libertarian 17875:Pinochetism 17869:Gremialismo 17826:Integralism 17816:Bolsonarism 17780:Maurrasismo 17740:Switzerland 17693:Netherlands 17586:Thatcherism 17528:Noucentisme 17442:Slavophilia 17415:Eurasianism 17306:Romanticism 17272:Prussianism 17260:Neue Rechte 17168:Bonapartism 17027:South Korea 16973:Revisionist 16925:Principlist 16828:Reactionary 16823:Progressive 16773:Corporatist 16699:(1798–1801) 16678:(1814–1817) 16670:(1795–1801) 16668:Charles Lee 16662:(1794–1795) 16654:(1789–1794) 16633:(1800–1801) 16625:(1796–1800) 16609:(1789–1795) 16580:(1795–1801) 16572:(1789–1795) 16543:(1800–1801) 16533:Charles Lee 16527:(1795–1800) 16519:(1794–1795) 16511:(1789–1790) 16481:(1799–1801) 16473:(1795–1799) 16465:(1791–1793) 16457:(1789–1791) 16399:C. Pinckney 16384:C. Pinckney 16373:C. Pinckney 16358:T. Pinckney 16213:(incumbent) 16208:President: 16166:President: 16030:President: 15952:President: 15831:(2017–2021) 15825:(2009–2017) 15819:(2001–2009) 15817:Dick Cheney 15803:(1989–1993) 15797:(1981–1989) 15791:(1977–1981) 15785:(1974–1977) 15779:(1973–1974) 15777:Gerald Ford 15773:(1969–1973) 15771:Spiro Agnew 15767:(1965–1969) 15761:(1961–1963) 15755:(1953–1961) 15749:(1949–1953) 15737:(1941–1945) 15731:(1933–1941) 15725:(1929–1933) 15719:(1925–1929) 15713:(1921–1923) 15707:(1913–1921) 15701:(1909–1912) 15695:(1905–1909) 15683:(1897–1899) 15677:(1893–1897) 15671:(1889–1893) 15653:(1877–1881) 15647:(1873–1875) 15641:(1869–1873) 15629:(1861–1865) 15623:(1857–1861) 15611:(1849–1850) 15605:(1845–1849) 15593:(1837–1841) 15587:(1833–1837) 15581:(1825–1832) 15575:(1817–1825) 15569:(1813–1814) 15563:(1805–1812) 15557:(1801–1805) 15551:(1797–1801) 15545:(1789–1797) 15376:Silas Deane 14998:Gerald Ford 14373:John Rogers 14165:George Read 14149:George Ross 14134:James Smith 14124:John Morton 14004:Connecticut 13899:Signatories 13589:George Read 13563:George Ross 13558:John Morton 13461:James Duane 13430:Silas Deane 13413:Connecticut 13404:Samuel Ward 13317:Signatories 13205:Elihu Adams 13181:Henry Adams 12928:(1969 play) 12896:Washington) 12332:(1775–1778) 12320:(1782–1788) 12312:(1785–1788) 12304:(1789–1797) 12293:(1797–1801) 10940:Smith, Page 10778:Biographies 10760:November 7, 10734:November 7, 10638:January 10, 10612:November 7, 10538:October 30, 10503:Shafer 2016 10476:October 30, 9828:Gimbel 1956 9763:January 29, 9534:Smith 1962b 9398:Holton 2010 9386:Smith 1962b 9311:Smith 1962b 9184:Smith 1962b 9007:Smith 1962b 8995:Smith 1962b 8983:Smith 1962b 8914:Miller 1997 8789:Smith 1962b 8592:Smith 1962b 8565:Smith 1962b 8355:Smith 1962b 8072:October 17, 7983:Smith 1962b 7856:Smith 1962b 7736:Smith 1962b 7629:Smith 1962b 7481:Hutson 1968 7417:Smith 1962b 7342:Smith 1962b 7330:Smith 1962b 7318:Smith 1962b 7200:Smith 1962a 7176:Smith 1962a 6994:Smith 1962a 6970:Smith 1962a 6838:Smith 1962a 6790:Smith 1962a 6766:Smith 1962a 6754:Smith 1962a 6727:Smith 1962a 6703:Smith 1962a 6679:Smith 1962a 6534:Smith 1962a 6490:October 11, 6379:Smith 1962a 5892:Smith 1962a 5635:December 5, 5457:BBC History 5222:In memoriam 5158:during the 5156:Confederacy 5150:advocates. 5050:Libertinage 4976:John Quincy 4815:Common good 4755:New Zealand 4750:Netherlands 4495:(1835–1840) 4465:(1787–1788) 4375:(c. 375 BC) 4297:Robespierre 4072:Etherington 4007:Benn (Tony) 3976:Politicians 3954:Tocqueville 3914:Montesquieu 3894:Machiavelli 3640:Rule of law 3635:Res publica 3415:legislative 3293:John Quincy 3227: 1816 3182:War of 1812 3159:Embargo Act 2947:Charles Lee 2661:Ron Chernow 2580:progressive 2204:New England 2047:Ralph Izard 2014:U.S. Senate 1798:Netherlands 1661:Silas Deane 1429:James Duane 1386:Declaration 1187:, invoking 1175:in 1768 as 1108:John Quincy 1066: 1766 998:reading law 975:A.B. degree 933:dame school 922:Henry Adams 818:White House 597:John Quincy 542: 1808 529: 1808 428:Preceded by 376:Preceded by 320:Preceded by 283:Silas Deane 278:Preceded by 147:Preceded by 96:Preceded by 22618:John Adams 22612:Categories 22582:Quotations 22543:John Adams 22329:First Lady 22314:presidency 22306:John Adams 22302:(grandson) 22296:(grandson) 22290:(grandson) 22237:(2001 book 22235:John Adams 22177:John Adams 22058:Peacefield 22033:Early life 21841:Presidency 21610:Mark Twain 21430:James Kent 21400:Elias Howe 21280:Henry Clay 21180:John Adams 21005:John Adams 20927:Culbertson 20867:Middendorf 20570:W. Johnson 20505:Richardson 20358:Pierrepont 20343:R. Johnson 20121:Presidents 20043:John Kerry 19885:Alf Landon 19677:Lewis Cass 19619:Henry Clay 19589:Rufus King 19555:John Adams 19296:Ideologies 19231:background 19229:Historical 19017:Metternich 18992:Mannerheim 18867:Berlusconi 18597:La Mennais 18527:Dostoevsky 18502:Chesterton 18416:Solidarity 18381:Patriotism 18366:Organicism 18322:Monarchism 18239:Discipline 18183:Principles 18176:Philosophy 17964:Venezuela 17940:Fujimorism 17838:Monarchist 17821:Coronelism 17728:Monarchist 17716:Monarchist 17688:Luxembourg 17654:Monarchist 17549:Cameronism 17420:Monarchist 17355:Sanfedismo 17183:Legitimism 17084:Bangladesh 17063:Erdoğanism 17058:Democratic 16920:Monarchist 16915:Khomeinism 16607:Henry Knox 16444:U.S. House 16210:John Adams 16176:Aaron Burr 16041:Aaron Burr 15954:John Adams 15829:Mike Pence 15801:Dan Quayle 15597:John Tyler 15555:Aaron Burr 15543:John Adams 15456:Federalist 15431:1785–1788 15411:1782–1788 15387:1777–1779 15355:1797–1801 15328:1789–1797 15308:1775–1779 15289:1774–1777 15198:G. W. Bush 15153:Eisenhower 15103:Washington 15094:Presidency 14718:John Tyler 14638:John Adams 14526:Centennial 14499:and legacy 14330:Lyman Hall 14066:New Jersey 13964:John Adams 13490:New Jersey 13451:John Alsop 13378:John Adams 13225:first lady 13171:(grandson) 13165:(grandson) 13159:(grandson) 13138:presidency 13126:(daughter) 12973:(2001 book 12971:John Adams 12941:1972 film) 12881:John Adams 12854:John Adams 12811:(proposed) 12756:Peacefield 12534:XYZ Affair 12516:Presidency 12276:John Adams 12236:John Adams 12151:Audio help 12142:2019-02-23 12107:hours and 12065:3144460227 10988:John Adams 10945:John Adams 10923:John Adams 10899:John Adams 10813:John Adams 10432:Ellis 1993 10211:Adams 2004 10146:Adams 1892 10085:Moore 1866 9935:Adams 1954 9885:Burns 2013 9740:Ellis 2003 9444:October 7, 9299:Perry 1986 9145:Morse 1884 9041:August 15, 8941:August 23, 8899:August 22, 8691:Morse 1884 8607:Kurtz 1957 8184:Ellis 1993 8145:Kurtz 1957 8094:August 23, 8046:August 20, 7798:August 18, 6742:Ellis 1993 6691:Morse 1884 6642:Morse 1884 6618:Maier 1998 6558:Maier 1998 6444:August 22, 6303:October 8, 6042:Morse 1884 5952:August 22, 5845:October 1, 5692:August 24, 5345:References 5218:as Adams. 5212:miniseries 5207:John Adams 5187:Page Smith 5138:candidate 5113:Historian 5096:See also: 4968:John Adams 4959:Monarchism 4855:Monarchism 4845:Liberalism 4840:Jacobinism 4530:GaαΉ‡asaαΉ…gha 4385:(54–51 BC) 3869:Harrington 3746:Democratic 3736:Capitalist 3731:Autonomous 3713:Venizelism 3698:Khomeinism 3500:Historian 3474:convention 3391:republican 3378:John Locke 3291:(far) and 3274:Peacefield 3247:Monticello 3220:John Adams 3122:Peacefield 2817:John Adams 2665:Jacobinism 2587:John Fries 2568:Direct Tax 2470:Henry Knox 2367:Talleyrand 2351:XYZ Affair 2332:Historian 2326:XYZ Affair 2284:XYZ Affair 2263:Peacefield 2253:Adams was 2211:bastard." 2187:Aaron Burr 2171:presidency 2124:, had 50. 2030:Excellency 1789:Patriotten 1665:Arthur Lee 1412:, not to. 1328:Parliament 1153:common law 959:Thucydides 914:cordwainer 825:reelection 686:John Adams 657:Politician 651:Occupation 522:Federalist 36:John Adams 22475:Biography 22355:(brother) 22349:(brother) 21460:Mary Lyon 21170:inductees 21002:President 20912:Schneider 20877:McCloskey 20752:Roosevelt 20510:Armstrong 20500:Annenberg 20323:Ingersoll 20298:Stevenson 20283:Van Buren 19127:de Valera 19087:Salisbury 19032:Netanyahu 18987:Macdonald 18957:KaczyΕ„ski 18937:de Gaulle 18897:Churchill 18877:Bolsonaro 18862:Andreotti 18702:Santayana 18667:Oakeshott 18627:Mansfield 18507:Coleridge 18457:Bainville 18441:Tradition 18376:Orthodoxy 18195:Authority 18146:Australia 18109:Reaganism 18099:Old Right 18082:Tea Party 18072:Fusionism 17958:Herrerism 17920:Guatemala 17767:Argentina 17706:Miguelist 17702:Portugal 17581:Powellism 17505:Integrism 17493:Francoism 17469:Alfonsism 17392:Sarmatism 17282:Socialist 17220:Sarkozysm 17206:OrlΓ©anism 17126:Chiangism 17116:Singapore 17089:Hong Kong 17040:New Right 16968:Religious 16875:Chiangism 16833:Religious 16818:Pragmatic 16754:by region 16418:Ingersoll 15823:Joe Biden 15811:1993–2001 15096:timelines 15078:Joe Biden 15072:2017–2021 15062:2009–2017 15052:2001–2009 15042:1993–2001 15032:1989–1993 15022:1981–1989 15012:1977–1981 15002:1974–1977 14992:1969–1974 14982:1963–1969 14972:1961–1963 14962:1953–1961 14952:1945–1953 14942:1933–1945 14932:1929–1933 14922:1923–1929 14912:1921–1923 14902:1913–1921 14892:1909–1913 14882:1901–1909 14872:1897–1901 14862:1893–1897 14852:1889–1893 14842:1885–1889 14832:1881–1885 14812:1877–1881 14802:1869–1877 14792:1865–1869 14782:1861–1865 14772:1857–1861 14762:1853–1857 14752:1850–1853 14742:1849–1850 14732:1845–1849 14722:1841–1845 14702:1837–1841 14692:1829–1837 14682:1825–1829 14672:1817–1825 14662:1809–1817 14652:1801–1809 14642:1797–1801 14632:1789–1797 14278:John Penn 14088:John Hart 13446:Isaac Low 13207:(brother) 12484:Elections 12475:Diplomacy 12169:from the 11645:440025153 11572:419266287 11451:979781538 11250:170183234 11234:0022-4189 11173:0361-6207 11007:852986620 10972:cite book 10964:852986601 10942:(1962a). 10932:926779205 10856:cite book 10796:988108386 10344:Wood 2017 9947:Wood 2006 9779:"History" 8196:Wood 2009 7883:August 3, 7824:March 11, 7590:April 25, 7544:Wood 2006 5266:Old Style 5144:Democrats 5126:and then 5039:Calvinist 5007:oligarchy 4710:Australia 4342:Venizelos 4332:Spadolini 4322:Slaughter 4267:McDonnell 4232:Mackenzie 4177:Jefferson 4132:Griffiths 4112:de Gaulle 4107:Garibaldi 4067:Drakeford 3959:Warburton 3879:Jefferson 3874:Honderich 3854:Condorcet 3741:Christian 3703:Nasserism 3678:Classical 3595:Democracy 3407:executive 3241:daughter 3207:in 1813. 2813:President 2525:Louisiana 2462:Quasi-War 2454:privateer 2448:Quasi-War 2303:Booknotes 1855:Gibraltar 1755:The Hague 1746:Amsterdam 1693:Vergennes 1461:Loyalists 1351:Dartmouth 1347:Dartmouth 1273:, during 1189:Romans 13 1140:Stamp Act 1134:Stamp Act 1114:in 1770, 984:When the 979:Worcester 898:Braintree 668:Signature 632:Education 470:Braintree 418:In office 354:In office 344:12th 310:In office 268:In office 227:In office 181:In office 138:President 129:In office 74:In office 48:Portrait 22511:Politics 22441:Category 22343:(sister) 22024:Life and 21996:Writings 21360:Asa Gray 20942:Hoekstra 20907:Dornbush 20847:Matthews 20832:Hornbeck 20797:Phillips 20787:Van Dyke 20687:Bleecker 20642:J. Adams 20515:Brewster 20470:Harriman 20440:Houghton 20338:C. Adams 20328:Buchanan 20318:Lawrence 20313:Bancroft 20263:Lawrence 20258:Gallatin 20191:J. Adams 20023:Bob Dole 19865:Al Smith 19462:European 19198:Islamism 19181:Hindutva 19151:Religion 19122:Vajpayee 19112:Trujillo 19107:Thatcher 19097:Stolypin 19052:Pinochet 18967:Khomeini 18962:Khamenei 18932:Fujimori 18917:Dollfuss 18907:Disraeli 18872:Bismarck 18857:Adenauer 18785:Politics 18772:Voegelin 18742:Spengler 18712:Schlegel 18677:Peterson 18637:MenΓ©ndez 18612:Leontiev 18582:Karamzin 18557:Hitchens 18327:Royalism 18232:Pro-Life 18124:Trumpism 18089:Movement 18008:Trumpism 18003:Populism 17954:Uruguay 17947:Odriismo 17896:Colombia 17850:Populism 17786:Menemism 17712:Romania 17671:Populist 17666:Metaxism 17650:Georgia 17511:Mellismo 17437:Putinism 17410:Duginism 17318:VΓΆlkisch 17248:Hegelian 17243:Agrarian 17173:Gaullism 17104:Pakistan 17099:Malaysia 17035:Ilminism 16953:Kahanism 16813:Populist 16803:National 16798:Moderate 16778:Cultural 16561:Treasury 16509:John Jay 16446:speakers 16201:Nominees 16159:Nominees 16023:Nominees 15984:John Jay 15945:Nominees 15855:Category 15419:(acting) 15231:Category 15133:Coolidge 15108:McKinley 14369:Maryland 14357:New York 14215:Virginia 14184:Maryland 14158:Delaware 14035:New York 13629:Virginia 13598:Maryland 13456:John Jay 13439:New York 13267:Category 13201:(mother) 13195:(father) 13084:patriots 13000:Franklin 12955:Liberty! 12727:Life and 12338:Delegate 12326:Delegate 12225:LibriVox 12153: Β· 11979:March 2, 11939:33610833 11927:(1819). 11893:52727656 11815:(1851). 11783:(2017). 11736:(2006). 11706:(2004). 11633:(1955). 11623:79953002 11611:(1862). 11506:(1974). 11461:(1998). 11422:13927429 11260:(1974). 11093:(2004). 11069:(2013). 11045:(2002). 10920:(1884). 10896:(2001). 10872:(1992). 10834:(1993). 10806:(2003). 10708:March 3, 10686:June 29, 10664:June 29, 10172:July 17, 10166:Archived 10130:Archived 9920:March 2, 9914:Archived 9757:CBS News 9261:March 1, 8968:June 29, 8935:Archived 8893:Archived 8298:Archived 7466:July 23, 7149:March 2, 6336:Archived 6264:Archived 6064:July 29, 5868:Archived 5629:Archived 5322:New York 5080:miracles 5061:humanist 5046:Puritans 5033:and the 4780:Scotland 4720:Barbados 4371:Republic 4287:Prescott 4257:Naysmith 4247:McKechin 4207:La Malfa 4202:Khomeini 4162:Iorwerth 4127:Griffith 4102:Gambetta 4097:Galloway 4082:Ferguson 4062:Davidson 4057:Cromwell 4052:Connolly 4032:Campbell 3949:Sunstein 3934:Rousseau 3929:Polybius 3864:Franklin 3844:Chappell 3839:Cattaneo 3776:People's 3761:Imperial 3693:Kemalism 3630:Republic 3564:Concepts 3413:and the 3411:judicial 3014:Position 2746:Pinckney 2637:Napoleon 2550:Bourbons 2499:de facto 2175:partisan 2026:Highness 2018:Highness 1946:Election 1835:John Jay 1776:Yorktown 1688:alliance 1654:Saratoga 1649:defeated 1629:Virginia 1620:Congress 1572:de facto 1390:Congress 1252:soldiers 1021:pen name 588:Children 400:Delegate 254:(acting) 119:1st 64:2nd 22461:Portals 22387:Related 22227:Amistad 22190:culture 22188:Popular 22087:Senate 20998:Cabinet 20902:Wilkins 20812:Swenson 20807:Diekema 20792:Garrett 20777:Beaupre 20707:Belmont 20697:Davezac 20682:Davezac 20667:Everett 20575:Hartley 20490:Whitney 20485:Aldrich 20480:Gifford 20475:Douglas 20460:Kennedy 20455:Bingham 20435:Kellogg 20378:Lincoln 20353:Schenck 20303:Everett 20273:Barbour 20216:Russell 20211:Pinkney 20196:Pickney 20033:Al Gore 19289:Related 19137:Zemmour 19102:Suharto 19082:Salazar 19012:Metaxas 19007:Menzies 19002:Maurras 18922:Erdoğan 18912:Dmowski 18887:Canning 18882:GW Bush 18752:Strauss 18722:Scruton 18717:Schmitt 18707:Savigny 18692:Rivarol 18662:Novalis 18632:Maurras 18622:Maistre 18607:Le Play 18572:Johnson 18492:Carlyle 18487:Burnham 18462:Barruel 18349:Customs 18317:Loyalty 18249:Elitism 18138:Oceania 18025:Toryism 17935:Peruvia 17908:Uribism 17902:Rojismo 17832:Janismo 17745:Ukraine 17683:Iceland 17678:Hungary 17646:Finland 17641:Denmark 17629:Belgium 17624:Austria 17591:Toryism 17541:Kingdom 17517:Maurism 17474:Carlism 17430:Tsarism 17381:Kaczyzm 17235:Germany 16994:Minzoku 16958:Zionism 16793:Liberal 16752:Schools 16414:Clinton 16341:tickets 15865:Commons 15807:Al Gore 15283:to the 15193:Clinton 15158:Kennedy 15128:Harding 14497:Display 14449:signing 14384:Related 14318:Georgia 13787:Display 13736:Related 13011:Related 12664:Cabinet 12340:to the 12328:to the 12214:at the 12196:at the 12187:at the 12178:at the 12140: ( 12111:minutes 11601:3122645 11286:excerpt 11242:1198647 10810:(ed.). 10046:May 17, 10012:July 6, 8762:June 5, 7767:July 5, 6342:July 5, 6273:July 5, 5874:July 5, 5739:June 7, 5418:May 10, 5389:May 10, 5031:Trinity 4937:Slavery 4745:Morocco 4735:Jamaica 4730:Ireland 4715:Bahamas 4517:History 4337:Taverne 4312:Skinner 4292:Ritchie 4237:Madison 4217:Lincoln 4167:Jackson 4157:Huppert 4152:Hopkins 4077:Fabiani 4037:Chapman 4022:BolΓ­var 4012:Bennett 4002:Bartley 3992:AtatΓΌrk 3904:Mazzini 3899:Madison 3829:Bentham 3819:Baggini 3786:Secular 3766:Islamic 3751:Federal 3688:Federal 3672:Schools 3491:Defence 3308:typhoid 3197:Abigail 2998:of the 2785:Cabinet 2754:affairs 2622:by the 2576:tariffs 2441:nullify 2108:cabinet 2089:bargain 1792:leader 1388:to the 1339:Tea Act 1315:Gazette 1112:Charles 1104:Abigail 1097:a house 1090:⁄ 971:Tacitus 918:militia 908:in the 812:in the 782:in 1796 611:Parents 601:Charles 593:Abigail 582:​ 566:​ 562:​ 407:to the 22325:mother 22310:father 22266:(wife) 22180:(1963) 22171:(1941) 22129:Legacy 21931:events 21064:(1801) 20947:Duggal 20922:Arnall 20892:Bremer 20882:Joseph 20842:Chapin 20837:Baruch 20827:Biddle 20822:Gordon 20762:Quinby 20757:Thayer 20742:Dayton 20737:Birney 20732:Gorham 20722:Rhodes 20712:Murphy 20702:Folsom 20692:Hughes 20677:Preble 20672:Hughes 20662:Eustis 20565:Barzun 20560:Susman 20555:Tuttle 20550:Farish 20465:Winant 20450:Mellon 20430:Harvey 20410:Choate 20400:Bayard 20373:Phelps 20368:Lowell 20348:Motley 20333:Dallas 20308:McLane 20278:McLane 20206:Monroe 19418:Europe 19077:Reagan 19062:Powell 19022:Mobutu 18997:Marcos 18977:Le Pen 18947:Horthy 18942:Harper 18927:Franco 18892:Chiang 18767:Uvarov 18732:Sowell 18657:Nisbet 18652:Newman 18647:MΓΌller 18602:Le Bon 18577:JΓΌnger 18552:Haller 18542:Fardid 18522:DΓ‘vila 18517:CortΓ©s 18472:Bonald 18467:Belloc 18307:Honour 18114:Social 18054:States 18052:United 18020:Social 17995:Canada 17944:  17930:Panama 17925:Mexico 17891:Belize 17808:Brazil 17735:Sweden 17723:Serbia 17698:Norway 17661:Greece 17634:Rexism 17606:Social 17539:United 17402:Russia 17367:Poland 17151:France 17142:Europe 17121:Taiwan 17109:Ziaism 17050:Turkey 16948:Jewish 16935:Israel 16838:Social 16783:Fiscal 16617:(1795) 16588:(1801) 16551:(1817) 16535:(1800) 16433:Howard 16246:Senate 16089:Senate 15743:(1945) 15689:(1901) 15665:(1885) 15659:(1881) 15635:(1865) 15617:(1853) 15599:(1841) 15183:Reagan 15178:Carter 15148:Truman 15138:Hoover 15123:Wilson 12884:(1963) 12875:(1941) 12866:(1874) 12857:(1799) 12848:(1799) 12792:Legacy 12392:(1776) 12344:(1774) 12240:C-SPAN 12063:  12033:  12005:  11956:  11937:  11912:  11891:  11881:  11860:  11793:  11769:  11746:  11722:  11692:  11669:  11643:  11621:  11599:  11570:  11560:  11539:  11518:  11492:  11471:  11449:  11439:  11420:  11403:363331 11401:  11370:  11347:online 11331:  11312:  11270:  11248:  11240:  11232:  11201:  11185:online 11171:  11145:  11124:  11103:  11079:  11055:  11031:  11005:  10995:  10962:  10952:  10930:  10906:  10882:  10844:  10820:  10794:  9701:May 1, 8931:Forbes 6286:: 49). 5282:  5278:  5199:Bilbao 5087:Legacy 5059:, and 4770:Sweden 4760:Norway 4725:Canada 4505:(1963) 4485:(1794) 4475:(1791) 4455:(1762) 4445:(1755) 4435:(1748) 4425:(1698) 4415:(1656) 4405:(1649) 4395:(1531) 4347:Wilson 4317:Slater 4307:Skates 4262:Mannin 4252:Mullin 4227:Mackay 4192:JuΓ‘rez 4147:HΓ©bert 4142:Hatton 4137:Harvie 4027:Burgon 3944:Sidney 3939:Sandel 3924:Pettit 3849:Cicero 3814:Arendt 3796:Soviet 3791:Sister 3683:Modern 3530:Senate 3486:Turgot 3409:, the 3327:until 2797:Office 2313:C-SPAN 2209:Creole 1993:Tenure 1837:, and 1768:Russia 1751:Mammon 1712:France 1684:Boston 1675:Boston 1631:, and 1431:, and 1291:Boston 1116:Thomas 969:, and 967:Cicero 906:deacon 846:slaves 660:lawyer 605:Thomas 603:, and 572:  552:Spouse 537:(from 524:(1795– 478:Quincy 22565:Media 22284:(son) 22278:(son) 22272:(son) 22026:homes 21929:Other 21767:MA–11 21755:MA–12 20937:Broas 20917:Sobel 20887:Dyess 20872:Gould 20862:Tyler 20852:Young 20817:Emmet 20802:Tobin 20782:Bryce 20767:Newel 20727:Ewing 20647:Short 20545:Lader 20540:Crowe 20535:Seitz 20530:Catto 20525:Price 20520:Louis 20495:Bruce 20445:Dawes 20425:Davis 20363:Welsh 19117:Trump 19092:Smith 19072:Putin 19037:OrbΓ‘n 18852:Adams 18757:Taine 18747:Stahl 18737:Spann 18697:RΓΆpke 18687:Renan 18682:Ranke 18617:Lewis 18567:Iorga 18547:Gentz 18537:Evola 18532:Eliot 18512:Comte 18482:Burke 18354:Mores 18339:Norms 18104:Paleo 18077:Paleo 17884:Other 17860:Chile 17617:Other 17554:Civic 17461:Spain 17330:Italy 17294:Young 17094:India 17077:Other 16985:Japan 16867:China 16848:Ultra 16788:Green 16500:State 16369:Adams 16354:Adams 16241:House 16084:House 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John Quincy Adams
John Adams (disambiguation)
Stout elderly Adams in his 60s with long white hair, facing partway leftward
President of the United States
Vice President
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Vice President of the United States
United States Minister to Great Britain
Congress of the Confederation
Thomas Pinckney
United States Minister to the Netherlands
Charles W. F. Dumas
United States Envoy to France
Silas Deane
Benjamin Franklin
Chairman of the Marine Committee
Francis Lewis
Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Superior Court of Judicature
Provincial Congress
Peter Oliver
William Cushing
Continental Congress
Samuel Holten
Massachusetts Bay

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