
Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas

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4991:. It is a collaborative project of the lecturers and students of the faculty, and of scholars who work with the FASS. The issues that are covered are those of the social sciences, as we understand them in our tradition, covering five areas: philosophy, law, history, psico-sociological, economics. The subjects treated as the journal's editorial profile has developed have ranged from theoretical issues to reports on conferences, to reviews of important new books. Particular attention is given in every number to selecting a text from the recent or distant past, but which always has particular significance for the main theme of the number; this text, the "classic page", is always directly connected with the editorial. The editorial committee ensures only that a correct methodology has been employed by the author of contributions. It does not vet the content of the articles, for which the sole responsibility lies with the authors. 5898:
cupitis universis, commoda, cum convenit, ministramus; ut sic Ministri Christi & dispensatores Mysteriorum Dei per nostrum ministerium honorentur. Cum igitur certum hospitium non haberetis in Urbe, ubi eo forsan plus prodesse potestis, quo ibi tam indigene, quam extranei congregantur: Nos tam vobis, quam multorum utilitati consulere cupientes, Ecclesiam S. Sabine, ad celebrandum, & domos, ad inhabitandum, sicut Seculares Clerici haburerunt, de consensu Fratrum nostrorum, & specialiter dilecti filii nostri tituli eiusdem Ecclesie Presbyteri Cardinalis, vobis duximus concedendam, domo ubi est Baptisterium cum horto proximo & reclusorio pro duobus Clericis reservato, qui de Parochia, & possessionibus ipsius Ecclesie, prout expediet, curam gerent, iure Cardinalis in omnibus integre conservato. Nulli ergo &c. Datum Rome Nonis junii, Pontificatus nostri Anno Sexto."; P. Mandonnet,
69: 9560:, mentre stende la destra in atto di proteggere la scienza cristiana. Quindi non siede sulla cattedra di dottore, ma sul trono di sovrano protettore; stende il braccio a rassicurare, non a dimostrare. Ha in testa il dottorale berretto, e conservando il suo tipo tradizionale, rivela nel volto e nell'atteggiamento l'uomo profondamente dotto. L'autore non ha avuto da ispirarsi in altr'opera che esistesse sul soggetto, quindi ha dovuto, può dirsi, creare questo tipo, ed è riuscito originale e felice nella sua creazione.... Quel libro immortale che stringe: quel braccio potente, che sis stende ad affermare la scienza sacra, e ad infrenare l'audacia errore, sono veramente del grande, il quale, secondo il detto di Leone XIII, ha eguagliato il genio di tutti gli altri grandi maestri." 5902:, 1948, Ch. III, note 50: "If the installation at Santa Sabina does not date from 1220, at least it is from 1221. The official grant was made only in June, 1222 (Bullarium O.P., I, 15). But the terms of the bull show that there had been a concession earlier. Before that concession the Pope said that the friars had no hospitium in Rome. At that time St. Sixtus was no longer theirs; Conrad of Metz could not have alluded to St. Sixtus, therefore, when he said in 1221: "the Pope has conferred on them a house in Rome" (Laurent no. 136). It is possible that the Pope was waiting for the completion of the building that he was having done at Santa Sabina, before giving the title to the property, on 5 June 1222, to the new Master of the Order, elected not many days before." 3682: 6998:, Vol. 8, 1670-1721), 28 May 1694, p. 299: "Instituimus in studium generale huius provinciae ultra studium generale Perusinum collegium s. Thomae Romanum aggregatum conventui nostro s. Mariae super Minervam, ipsique collegio nostro Romano concedimus privilegia, quibus studia generalia seu universitates in ordine nostro per capitula generalia instituta potiuntur et gaudent, approbantes omnes ordinationes a magistris ordinis pro bono regimine huius studii seu collegii a tempore suae erectionis factas, ita tamen ut magistri ordinis eas innovare et immutare valeant, cum ad ratiorem studii vel observantiae regularis rigorem et studentium profectum expedire iudicaverint." 1651: 941: 6152:"Frater Iacobus Raynucii sacerdos, fuit graciosus predicator et lector arectinus et castellanus, lucanus, urbevetanus, in Tuscia provintialis vicarius, et perusinus ac etiam romanus in Sancta Sabina tempore quo curia erat in Urbe. Qui et fuit in pluribus capitulis diffinitor, postmodum prior perusinus; demum factus prior in Sancta Sabina, per papam Honorium de Sabello residentem ibidem, propter suam laudabilem vitam et celebrem opinionem que de ipso erat in romana curia, factus est episcopus florentinus" (Cr Pg 29v). "Fuit magister eximius in theologia et multum famosus in romana curia; qui actu existens lector apud Sanctam Sabinam" (Cr Ov 28) 3465: 2231: 296: 7896::AEDES SS. DOMINICI ET XISTI SANCTIMONIALIBUS ORDINIS PRAEDICATORUM EX S. PII V PONTIF. MAX. LIBERALITATE ERECTAS FR. BONAVENTURAE G. PAREDES OLIM FAMILIAE DOMINICANAE MODERATORIS SEDULA CURA REDEMPTAS FR. MARTINUS STAN. GILLET MAGISTER GENERALIS AULIS PERAMPLIS EXSTRUCTIS ET OMNI CULTV ADDITO TULLIO PASSARELLI ARCHITECTO INSTAURAVIT INGENTI ORDINIS IMPENDIO AUSPICIIS PII XI PONT. MAX. ATHAENAEVM ANGELICUM A FR. HYACINTHO M. CORMIER AD S. VITALIS AEDIFICATUM UNA CUM CORPORE VEN. FUNDATORIS HIC OPPORTUNE TRANSTULIT. XVII KAL. DEC. A D. MCMXXXII 10847:« statuta a Sede Apostolica probata » (can. 1376, § 2) saltem quoad usum validum « facultatis ab eadem Aplca. Sede concessae » (can. 1377, § 1), deferendi, extra sacras functiones, (quarum nomine ad hunc eflectum non venit ex usu sacra praedicatio), nisi aliunde amplietur eis hoc ius quoad a) annulum etiam cum gemma « ipsis a iure huius canonis concessum » (can. 136, § 2), b) et biretum doctorale, (idest: cum quatuor apicibus) utpote insigne huius gradus ac diverso colore ornatum pro Facultate. 3183:
of and dedication to interfaith issues. The award will provide one year of financial support the Russell Berrie Foundation, which carries on the values and passions of the late Russell Berrie, by promoting the continuity of the Jewish tradition, and fostering religious understanding and pluralism. Financial support is intended to cover tuition, a living stipend, examination fees, a book allowance, and travel expenses to and from the recipient's home country once a year.
589: 1749: 1915: 10817:"Glossarium novum ad scriptores Medii Aevi, cum Latinos tum Gallicos: seu supplementum ad auctiorem Glossarii Cangiani editionem : subditae sunt, ordine alphabetico, voces Gallicae usu aut significatu obsoletae, quae in glossario et supplemento explicantur; accedunt varii indices... His demum adjuncta est Cangii dissertatio De inferioris aevi aut imperii numismatibus; quam excipiunt emendationes typographicae ad postremam glossarii editionem" 1635:(1777) giving an Aristotelian interpretation of Aquinas validating the senses as a source of knowledge. While teaching at the college Roselli is considered to have laid the foundation for Neothomism in the nineteenth century. According to historian J.A. Weisheipl in the late 18th and early 19th centuries "everyone who had anything to do with the revival of Thomism in Italy, Spain and France was directly influenced by Roselli's monumental work. 12034: 4060: 860: 12879: 12852: 12491: 12248: 12840: 3304: 3605: 5920:, A.M. Walz, 1930, 214: "Conventus S. Sabinae de Urbe prae ceteris gloriam singularem ex praesentia fundatoris ordinis et primitivorum fratrum necnon ex residentia Romana magistrorum generalium, si de ea sermo esse potest, habet. In documentis quidem eius nonnisi anno 1222 nomen fit, ait certe iam antea nostris concreditus est. Florebant ibi etiam studia sacra." Accessed 9 April 2011; 7798:: "Par erit autem hanc almam Urbem, in qua Magisterium Sacri Palatii aliquandiu gessit Aquinas, ad haec agenda solemnia principem exsistere: sanctaeque laetitiae significationibus ante omnia Pontificium Collegium Angelicum, ubi Thomam tamquam domi suae habitare dixeris, tum quae praeterea Romae adsunt Clericorum Athenaea ceteris sacrorum studiorum domiciliis praestare." 4604:. Students can sign up to be "Eucharistic Guardians" for an hour giving them the opportunity to pray for a series of intentions administration, faculty, staff and students post in the intention sheet. This is organized by the university chaplaincy and the students themselves following the Dominican tradition of the Eucharist being at the center of the life of study. 10929:; "Sport athlétique", 14 mars 1891: " dans une éloquente allocution il a souhaité que ce drapeau les conduise 'souvent à la victoire, à la lutte toujours'. Il a dit qu'il leur donnait pour devise ces trois mots qui sont le fondement et la raison d'être des sports athlétiques: citius, altius, fortius, 'plus vite, plus haut, plus fort'.", cited in Hoffmane, Simone 6557:
aveva dato inizio alla fine del secolo precedente il vescovo domenicano spagnolo Alonoso de Burgos (+1499), il quale, a partire dal 1487 ed effettivamente dal 1496, a Valladolid aveva fondato il Collegio di San Gregorio, redigendone statuti che, integrati successivamente, sarebbero divenuti modello di una nuova forma di esperienza formativa."
5765:, III, 40, 1 ad 2: "Vita contemplativa simpliciter est melior quam activa quae occupatur circa corporales actus, sed vita activa secundum quam aliquis praedicando et docendo contemplata aliis tradit, est perfectior quam vita quae solum contemplatur, quia talis vita praesupponit abundantiam contemplationis. Et ideo Christus talem vitam elegit." 6245:"Frater Hugo de Bidiliomo provincie Francie, magister fuit egregius in theologia et mul<tum> famosus in romana curia; qui actu lector existens apud Sanctam Sabinam, per papam Nicolaum quartum eiusdem ecclesie factus cardinalis" ; postmodum per Celestinum papain est ordinatus in episcopum ostiensem (Cr Pg 3r). 734:. "Prior to this time the Roman Province had offered no specialized education of any sort, no arts, no philosophy; only simple convent schools, with their basic courses in theology for resident friars, were functioning in Tuscany and the meridionale during the first several decades of the order's life. But the new 746:, associate and early biographer of Aquinas, tells us that at Santa Sabina Aquinas taught the full range of philosophical subjects, "teaching in a new and special way almost the whole of philosophy, both moral and natural, but especially ethical and mathematical, as well as in writing and commentary." 11607:
article "L'hérésie du renouvellement": Puisque c'est en se separant de la scolastique et de saint Thomas que la pensée moderne s'est perdue, notre unique devoir et notre seul moyen de la sauver est de lui rendre, si elle le veut, cette meme doctrine. Pègues went far towards bringing the moral theory
of Rome. Located on near the University Library, it specializes in ecclesiastical literature, Italian and foreign language literature, and provides stationery, photo-reproduction, computer, and bindery services. Hours during the academic year are 9:00am to 1:00pm and 3:00pm to 6:00pm. It is closed
of the traditional type which reveals the face and expression of a profoundly educated person.... The immortal book that he clutches, the powerful arm that extends to affirm sacred science and to halt the audacity of error, are truly grand, and in the words of Leo XIII, have equaled the genius of all
At the dawn of the twentieth century the Dominican conception of intellectual formation at Rome was again transformed. The general chapters of 1895 (Avila) and 1901 (Ghent) had called for the expansion of the College of St. Thomas to meet the growing educational needs in the modern world. The Chapter
was instrumental in recovering the authentic tradition of Thomism from the influence of a tradition of the Jesuits' that was "strongly colored by the interpretation of their own great master Francisco Suárez (d. 1617), who had attempted to reconcile the Aristotelianism of Thomas with the Platonism of
he took up an alternative doctrine within the Thomist school, that of Juan Gonzalez d'Albeda regent at the college in 1608, that "sufficient grace not only prepares the will for a perfect act , but also gives the will an impulse towards that act. Yet due to man's defectability that impulse is always
Accessed 20 February 2013:"quasi totam Philosophiam sive Morelem, sive Naturalem exposuit, & in scriptura, seu commentum redegit; sed praecipue Ethical & Mathematical, quodam singulari & novo modo tradendi."; cf. In Gregorovius' History of the City of Rome In the Middle Ages, Vol V, part
and a convent of Dominican Friars was installed there. Today the university occupies approximately the entire ground level of the complex. The remaining portion, approximately the second and third levels around the cloister together with subterranean spaces, constitutes a convent for the community
to obtain License or Doctoral Degrees in Theology with a concentration in Inter-religious Studies. The goal of the Fellowship Program is to build bridges between Christian, Jewish, and other religious traditions by providing the next generation of religious leaders with a comprehensive understanding
nomination that was without precedent in the history of the Church. He was the protagonist of a social debate in 1943 in the "L'Osservatore Romano" entitled "Il cittadino e la società" (The Citizen and Society) which treated the social role of Catholicism. He was one of the inspirations, along with
C. Fabro, "Breve introduzione al tomismo," Roma, 1960, Ch. VII. " fece promotore, come avanguardia della missione dottrinale dell'Ordine domenicano nell'Urbe, del tomismo tradizionale nel quale si distinsero il card. T. Zigliara, A. Lepidi, T. Pègues, E. Hugon, A. Zacchi, R. Garrigou-Lagrange
Longo, op. cit.: "Quel collegio nasceva come una comunita` domenicana a numero chiuso, dedita esclusivamente allo studio e governata da un rettore, eletto dapprina annualmente e poi ogni due anni. Vi si accedeva per meriti intellettuali e, usufruendo di molte dispense, non si era distolti da altre
Carlo Longo, La formazione integrale domenicana al servizio della Chiesa e della società, Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 1996, "J. Solano O.P. (1505 ca.-1580) e la fondazione del "collegium S, Thomae de Urbe (1577)": "Si andava allora imponendo come modello di formazione teologica il progetto al quale
Accessed 13 March 2013: "Anno 1222, Die 5 Junii, Honorius Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, dilectis filiis Magistro, & Fratribus Ordinis Predicatorum, Salutem. & Apostlicam Benedictionem. Quia omnibus ex officio nostro, licet immeriti, presumus, merito vobis, qui vestro ministerio proficere
As of August 2014 the student body consisted of approximately 29% women, 71% men. Of these, approximately 24% were lay, 27% were diocesan clerical, and 49% were members of religious orders. Moreover, 30% of the student body hailed from North America, 25% from Europe, 21% from Asia, 12% from Africa,
first participated in 2011, and came in second place in 2012. During the history of the Clericus Cup, players have come from 65 countries, with the majority coming from Brazil, Italy, Mexico, and the United States. The annual tournament is organized by the Centro Sportivo Italiano. Officially, the
should be decorated according to the color of the faculty: Comment 262. Doctoratus ac Scentiae effectus canonici sic recensentur can. 1378: "doctoribus seu gradum academicum in una ex quatuor supradictis facultatibus supremum obtinentibus, rite creatis, seu promotis regulariter post examen, iuxta
Frater Nicolaus Brunatii sacerdos et predicator gratiosus, fuit lector castellanus, arectinus, perusinus, urbevetanus et romanus apud Sanctam Sabinam tempore quo papa erat in Urbe, viterbiensis et florentinus in studio generali legens ibidem annis tribus (Cr Pg 37v). Cuius sollicita procuratione
built circa 1630. The garden is planted with trees of many kinds: orange, lemon, pistachio, olive, fig, palm and laurel, as well as with grape vines, and is an oasis of calm and silence, a figure of paradise in the midst of the bustling eternal city. In 1946 in this garden the young student Karol
Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostril giorni, Gaetano Moroni, Vol XIV, Venice, 1842, Vol. XIV, p. 214: "Nel capitol generale, tenuto in Roma nell'anno 1694, sotto il generalto del p. Cloche, il Collegio di S. Tommaso d'Aquino venne dichiarato studio generale
Accessed 17 February 2013. Ferre also writes:"The exposition of certain Paris (doctors) is of no avail, who affirm that Christ only promised that the faith should not fail of the Church founded upon Peter; and not that it should not fail in the successors of Peter taken apart from (seorsum) the
The Pope John Paul II Lecture on Interreligious Understanding is delivered towards the end of each academic year and features a world religious leader or renowned expert who embodies the ideals of inter-religious understanding. The lecture is a major event at the Angelicum and attracts the Roman
The Cardinal Pavan Chair for Social Ethics: The Pavan Chair was established in honor of Italian Cardinal Pietro Pavan to promote interdisciplinary research on social issues and problems especially in the realm of ethics and development of the social teaching of the Church. Pavan was an expert on
Vincenzo Nardini (d. 1913) completed his theological and philosophical studies at the college and became lector there in 1855 teaching mathematics, experimental physics, chemistry and astronomy. Nardini reorganized the institute of science founded at the college in 1840 by Albert Gugliemotti. He
The new formation program outlined at Valenciennes featured the study of philosophy as an innovation. "In the early days there was no need to study philosophy or the arts in the Order; young men entered already trained in the humanities at the university. St. Albert received his arts training at
Accessed 10 April 2013. "Fu lo stesso Valla ad individuare il nucleo essenziale della controversia teologica circa il tomismo contemporaneo nel dibattito commeorative che si svolse, il 7 marzo 1457... per la festa di S. Tommaso. ... Il Valla, dunque, è salito sul pulpito del tempio minervitano
Compendium Historiae Ordinis Praedicatorum, A.M. Walz, Herder 1930, 214: Romanus conventus S. Mariae supra Minervam anno 1255 ex conditionibus parvis crevit. Tunc enim paenitentibus feminis in communi regulariter ibi 1252/53 viventibus ad S. Pancratium migratis fratres Praedicatores domum illam
composed a letter to all members of the Order lamenting deviations from Thomistic doctrine, and demanded a return to the teachings of Aquinas. This letter was also published in the General Chapter Acts in Rome 1777. Responding to Boxadors and to the prevailing philosophical rationalism of the
in 1960. After 1967 he was elected five times as Dean of the Philosophy Faculty. In 1974 he organized the International Congress on the VII Centenary of the Death of St. Thomas Aquinas whose theme was "Saint Thomas Aquinas and the fundamental problems of our time." In 1976 he founded, with Fr.
by Pio Tomasso Masetti:, p. 312, note 1:"Illud certum est ab an. 1307 ad 1320 docendo jugiter operam dedisse: Parisiis vero an 1316 ut ex actibus Cap. Aretini 1315 constat. Fomae vero docuisse tradunt Fontana et Altamura, aliique recentiores, eos Touron excipit, qui etiam refert praefecturam
By decree of 2 June 1928 the Italian Minister of Justice authorized the College of St. Thomas to purchase from the Italian State for the agreed price of nine million lire (L. 9,000,000) the complex of buildings constituting the former convent of Saints Dominic and Sixtus In this way Paredes
was established by the Dominican Order in 1963 as a place of residence in Rome for secular priests who come to the Rome in order to pursue higher studies at one or other of the Roman Universities. There are approximately 55 student priests. They come from five continents of the world. Three
Accessed 17 February 2013; "Fonti anche antiche affermano che l'A., entrato ancor giovane tra i domenicani nel convento romano di S. Sabina, dopo i primi studi - verosimilmente già sacerdote - fu inviato per i gradi accademici a Parigi e qui la sua presenza è accertata solo dopo il 1255."
in 1879. Between 1901 and 1902 he also founded an astronomical observatory on via di Pie' di Marmo in Rome. In 1904 as Provincial of the Order's Roman province he proposed that the college be transformed into an international university. This was accomplished in 1908 by his successors.
7852:, cit,. p. 61, nota 114. La festa liturgica di S. Tommaso è stata solennemente celebrata come "cappella cardinalizia" sino ai tempi recenti (1967), come già si usava, con ogni probabilità, fin dai tempi del Valla e anteriormente al periodo indicato da Johannes Burckhardus nel 5503: 11714:(1878-1949) Lecturer at the University of Lublin in moral theology, rector of the university from 1922 to 1924. Woroniecki was the author of more than 70 works in moral theology and pedagogy. 22 August 1929 he was appointed professor of moral theology and pedagogy at the 4803:
goal of the league is to "reinvigorate the tradition of sport in the Christian community." In other words, to provide a venue for friendly athletic competition among the thousands of seminarians and lay students, representing nearly a hundred countries, who study in Rome.
The suppression of religious orders soon hampered the mission of the college. During the French occupation of Rome, from 1797 to 1814, the college was in declined and briefly closed its doors from 1810 to 1815. The Order gained control of the convent once again in 1815.
are "usually composed of three principal ecclesiastical faculties, theology, philosophy, and canon law, and at least one other faculty". Current international quality ranking services do not have rankings for pontifical universities that are specific to their curricula.
in his native Spain. The features of this Spanish model included a fixed number of Dominican students admitted on the basis of intellectual merit, dedicated exclusively to study in virtue of numerous dispensations from other duties, and governed by an elected Rector.
Accessed 22 June 2011: "Per l'acutezza del suo ingegno, dopo aver studiato nella sua provincia, ebbe l'alto onore di accompagnare S. Tommaso a Parigi nel novembre del 1268. Rimase in quello studio fino al 1272 e di là passò a Colonia sotto la disciplina di Alberto
985:. This convent had a modest beginning in 1255 as a community for women converts, but grew rapidly in size and importance during its transfer to the Dominicans from 1265 to 1275. In 1288 the theology component of the provincial curriculum was relocated from the 9452:"...nel Maggio 1889, getto' le fondamenta di un nuovo fabbricato, per costruirvi una spaziosa e comoda sala... In questo frattempo nel Vaticano usciva compiuta dallo scapello dell'insigne artista Cesare Aureli la magnifica statua di S. Tommaso d'Aquino..." 2060:
In 1909 there were 26 professors. Beyond philosophy and theology subject included archeology, geology, paleography, Christian art, biology, mathematics, physics, and astronomy. In 1917 a professorship in ascetical and mystical theology was created at the
at the Convent of Santa Maria sopra Minerva. This library was independent of the College of St. Thomas, sponsoring its own Librarians. Casanate also endowed four chairs of learning at the college to foster the study of Greek, Hebrew and Dogmatic Theology.
It will be fitting...that the institutes where sacred studies are cultivated express their holy joy, before all the Pontifical Angelicum College where Thomas could be said to dwell in his own house, and then all the other ecclesiastial schools that are in
The Holy See's adhesion to the Bologna Process (which took place on 19 September 2003, during a meeting of the European Union Ministers of Education in Berlin) was determined by its desire to pursue and achieve certain objectives included in the Bologna
while extending his right arm in the act of protecting Christian science. Thus, he does not sit on the cathedra of a doctor but on the throne of a sovereign protector; he extends his arm to reassure, not to demonstrate. He wears on his head the doctoral
2719:(AVEPRO) was established on 19 September 2007 by the Pope Benedict XVI "to promote and develop a culture of quality within the academic institutions that depend directly on the Holy See and ensure they possess internationally valid quality criteria." 1740:
was forced to leave the Minerva. The college continued its work at various locations in Rome. Rector Zigliara, who taught at the college from 1870 to 1879, with his professors and students took refuge with the Fathers of the Holy Ghost at the
is a soccer tournament that takes place annually between the various pontifical universities of Rome. The teams are composed of seminarians, priests, and lay students studying in each of the pontifical universities. The league was started by
The J.-M. Tillard Chair of Ecumenical Studies: The Tillard Chair was dedicated 25 February 2003 in honor of Dominican Jean-Marie Tillard, one of the greatest exponents of post-conciliar ecumenical movement. Tillard studied philosophy at the
9668:, 16 October 2010: "In what had been the chapter room, and serves now as the Sala de Senato, the full-body relic of an unnamed saint rests in the armor of an imperial roman soldier under the altar, unbeknownst to even some of the faculty" 11719: 1835:
We exhort you, venerable brethren, in all earnestness to restore the golden wisdom of St. Thomas, and to spread it far and wide for the defense and beauty of the Catholic faith, for the good of society, and for the advantage of all the
occupazioni nel proprio impegno di studio e di ricerca." For a description of this system Longo refers the reader to: G. De Arriaga-M.M. Hoyos, Historia del Colegio de San Gregorio deValladolid, I, Valladolid 1928, pp 61-79, 421-449.]
that Christ said "I have prayed for thee, Peter; sufficiently showing that the infallibility was not promised to the Church as apart from (seorsum) the head, but promised to the head, that from him it should be derived to the Church."
At the Minerva the Master of the Order issued a directive to re-establish the plan of study that had been in force before the French Revolution following the manual of Salvatore Roselli (1777–83) and prescribing a 5-year study of the
Accessed 20 March 2013: "È infatti del 1867 l'invenzione dell'idrocronometro, dovuta al padre domenicano Giovanni Battista Embriaco, che attese ai suoi studi di meccanica applicata all'orologeria nella solitudine del convento della
The biretta is lay in origin and was adopted by the Church in the 14th century: "Many synods ordered the use of this cap as a substitute for the hood, and in one instance the synod of Bergamo, 1311, ordered the clergy to wear the
For those holding doctoral degrees from a pontifical university or faculty "the principal mark of a Doctor's dignity is the four horned biretta." The 1917 Code of Canon Law canon 1378 and 1922 commentary prescribe the four corned
2203:, and M. Cordovani." The notoriety of the college was further fostered by annual celebrations of the Feast of its patron St. Thomas Aquinas including a "preaching tridiuum", a pontifical Mass and an academic symposium at the 11512: 3165:, aims to build bridges between diverse religious traditions. The Center features top-level visiting faculty teaching interreligious dialogue courses, and the prestigious John Paul II Lecture on Interreligious Understanding. 3542:
bears an inscription attributed to Pope Pius XI, "Sanctus Thomas Doctor angelicus hic tamquam domi suae habitat," (Saint Thomas the Angelic Doctor dwells here as in his own house), a paraphrase of the papal encyclical
7814: 4877:
such as information about health services and insurance, information about apartment hunting, other services relating to public transportation, computers, cafeterias, and a blog that reports on student activities.
A Eucharistic Procession led by a notable Church dignitary takes place at the end of each academic year. Typically the procession departs at 1:00 p.m. from the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, continues around the
by Gaetano Moroni, 135: "ordino' la cappella Cardinalizia nella chiesa di s. Maria sopra Minerva nel giorno dedicato a celebrare la memoria di s. Tommaso d'Aquino, le cui lodi egli stesso egregiamente espose..."
on the occasion of the presentation of the Alumni Achievement Award to His Emminence John Patrick Cardinal Foley, Grand Master of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Saturday, 18 April 2009.
12680: 4471:
academic community as well as the international diplomatic community. To date the Annual Lecture has hosted an array of prominent and Internationally known academics and religious leaders as key note speakers."
1506:, the most celebrated theologian of his day in Italy, was professor of theology at the college in 1610. Gravina was made master of sacred theology by the General Chapter of the Order at Rome in 1608. He wrote 4415:
entitled "I grandi cambiamenti della politica e dell'economia mondiale: c'è un posto per l'Europa?" ("The Great Changes in Politics and the World Economy: Is there Room for Europe?). Prodi was sponsored by the
12670: 11414: 4847:
Dominicans live in the house to serve the practical and spiritual needs of the house: the Rector, the Spiritual Director, and the Bursar. The life of the house focuses on daily celebration of the Eucharist.
4046:, member of provisional parliament tasked with writing the new Italian constitution, and future Prime Minister of Italy (1972–73; 1976–79; 1989–92), "The Intellectual Mission of Italy and of a United Europe". 12675: 5522: 5061: 5037: 5024: 4448: 4155: 4140: 3751: 3194:. Each scholarship award provides no more than 40% of the total annual expense of tuition, room, board, and related fees and expenses. Annually the fund allocates 50% of its scholarships for lay students. 2548: 2216: 2176: 6267:
relictam a Summo Pontifice habendam petierunt et impetranint. Qua demum feliciter obtenda capellam hospitio circa annum 1255 adiecerunt. Huc evangelizandi causa fratres e conventu S. Sabinae descendebant.
is a series of monographs produced by the Istituto San Tommaso treating Thomistic themes including historical and contemporary hermeneutics of St. Thomas. A recent contribution to his series is the volume
3882:, described as depicting "the Church of SS Domenico e Sisto, Rome; with a sweeping double staircase to the entrance, in the foreground a man bowing to two approaching ladies". Italian born American painter 1813:. Its focus, however, is less exegetical and more concerned with carrying out the program of deploying a rigorously worked out system of Thomistic metaphysics in a wholesale critique of modern philosophy. 11697:, and was also consultor to several Oriental Congregations. An excellent pedagoque and endowed with great linguistic ability, he wrote on a wide variety of scriptural subjects. A Festschrift in his honor 1473:(1667), completed his studies at the college was professor of theology and philosophy there before 1640. "In 1640 Ciantes was appointed by Pope Urban VIII to the mission of preaching to the Jews of Rome ( 8221:
5 February 2013 "On 7 March 1963, Pope Giovanni XXIII came to the Angelicum to celebrate the passage from Ateneo Angelicum to University: Pontificia Universitas Studiorum Sancti Tomae Aquinatis in Urbe."
but completed after his death flank the cloister. Ten arches on the long sides and seven on the short are sustained by pilasters in the Tuscan style rising from high plinths. A simple frieze with smooth
In 1870 the religious community was expropriated by the Italian government. The Order was able to reacquire the complex in 1927 from the Italian government. After extensive renovation and additions the
12892: 6207:
conventus perusinus meruit habere gratiam a summo pontifice papa Benedicto XI ecclesiam scilicet et parrochiam Sancti Stephani tempore quo [maggio 13041 ipse prior actu in Perusio erat (Cr Pg 38r).
and the Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi as promotion for the degree offered in Political Science, "Scienze Politiche e del Buon Governo." A few days after his lecture Prodi was selected by
3175: 3862:
Wojtyla, future Pope John Paul II, would stroll and visit daily what he called the "miraculous tree", an ancient olive from which springs incredibly the branches of a palm, a fig, and a laurel.
within the Faculty of Theology to promote scientific and systematic study of ascetical and mystical theology, and to offer preparation for spiritual directors. The institute was approved by the
12761: 8405: 2373:. Spiazzi directed the Institute of Social Sciences until 1957 and continued teaching there until 1972. This Institute was established as the Faculty Faculty of Social Sciences (FASS) in 1974. 1967:
Romae erigatur collegium studiorum Ordinis generalissimum, auctoritate magistri generalis immediate subjectum, in quo floreat vita regularis, et ad quod mittantur fratres ex omnibus provinciis.
Abelardo Lobato, "The Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas: History and Mission," Anuario Filosófico, XXXIX/2 (2006), 309-327, 317-8 and 329-349, 229-30; Cfr. PAUL VI, Lumen Ecclesiae, 1;
in 1906. Sargent described the ensemble as "a magnificent curved staircase and balustrade, leading to a grand façade that would reduce a millionaire to a worm". The painting now hangs at the
Go to the website. Click on "School Code Search". Under the requested State look for "foreign country" and for city put in "Rome" to find the federal school code search. The
Accessed 6 October 2012. Even though his doctoral work was unanimously approved in June 1948, he was denied the degree because he could not afford to print the text of his dissertation (an
8038: 1774:
was widespread in Rome and abroad. "French, Italian, German, English, and American bishops were eager to put some of their most promising students and young professors under his tuition."
5055: 5450: 1111: 3190:
Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance for academically qualified students who live in Rome and who would otherwise lack the resources to cover their educational expenses at the
12695: 2689:. Specifically, a pontifical university addresses "Christian revelation and disciplines correlative to the evangelical mission of the Church as set out in the apostolic constitution, 11803:
Accessed 30 March 2013. (San Pedro de la Viña (Zamora), 20 January 1925 - Granada, 18 May 2012) Lobato was a Spanish priest of the Dominican Order. He obtained his doctorate at the
11516: 10538:"I panegirici in onore di s. Tommaso d'Aquino alla Minerva nel XV secolo, "Memorie Domenicane" N.S. 30 (1999), pp. 19-146 [recensito su Medioevo latino XXII (2001), n. 4538]" 10435:"I panegirici in onore di s. Tommaso d'Aquino alla Minerva nel XV secolo, "Memorie Domenicane" N.S. 30 (1999), pp. 19-146 [recensito su Medioevo latino XXII (2001), n. 4538]" 2057:. Due to its rejection of attempts to synthesize Thomism with non-Thomistic categories and assumptions neo-scholastic Thomism has sometimes been called "Strict Observance Thomism." 12956: 1939:(1833–1893), Alberto Lepidi (1838–1922), and Sadoc Szabó had brought the college to a high degree of excellence. Under the leadership of Szabó the number of subjects taught at the 1638:
After the Church's loss of the temporal power in 1870 the Italian government declared the college's vast library national property leaving the Dominicans in charge only until 1884.
940: 11266: 9719: 7224: 7091: 6427: 3499:
motif portico above which are mounted a Dominican shield bearing one of the Order's mottos "laudare, benedicere, praedicare" (to praise, bless, and preach) on the right, and the
from 1869 to 1909. Sargent made several preliminary pencil sketches of the balustrade and staircase, which are in the collection of the Harvard University art collection of the
5683: 3102: 1449:
completing there his novitiate and studies and becoming a doctor of theology, and later rector of the college in 1630. Candido also was part of the commission that concemned
12718: 12294: 12206: 9572:""Sed Contra": allocution du ... Hyasinthe-Marie Cormier aux novices étudiants du Collège Angélique pour la bénédiction d'une statue de S. Thomas d'Aquin dans leur oratoire" 4702:
graduates consists of a black toga or academic gown with trim to follow the color of the faculty, and an academic ring. In addition, for the Doctorate degree a four corned
gave a lecture "Religion as a Force in protecting Women's Human Rights" The lecture was alternatively entitled "The Church and Women's Rights: time for a fresh perspective?"
Padua, St. Thomas at Naples; they were prepared to study theology. By 1259, however, it became evident that youths entering the Order were not sufficiently trained; the new
7818: 2482:
Aula Magna as part of the International Congress of the International Society of St. Thomas Aquinas celebrated on the occasion of the seventh centenary of the death of the
expressly for Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange. This was the first of its kind in the world, and Garrigou-Lagrange initiated courses in sacred art, mysticism, and aesthetics in 1918.
11569: 8431: 6168:
Accessed 22 June 2011: "A mediados de noviembre abandonó Santo Tomás la ciudad de Viterbo en compañía de fray Reginaldo de Piperno y su discípulo fray Nicolás Brunacci."
1522:: "To the Pontiff, as one (person) and alone, it was given to be the head;" and again, "The Roman Pontiff for the time beingis one, therefore he alone has infallibility." 1626:
In the 1748 General Chapter or the Order at Bologna it was stated that the Thomistic philosophical and theological tradition needed to be revived. In 1757 Master General
from 1927 to 1932 as Rector and professor of dogmatic theology. In 1935 he became the Provincial of the Dominican Roman Province and shortly after his election was made
4486: 2712:, a series of meetings and agreements between European states designed to foster comparable quality standards in higher education, and in the "Bologna Follow-up Group". 11370: 8351: 4503:
of Divinity, Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme Director, "Jews, Christians and Muslims Meet around their Scriptures: An Inter-faith Practice for the Twenty-first Century"
Because a doctor of catholic truth ought not only to teach the proficient, but to him pertains also to instruct beginners. as the Apostle says in 1 Corinthians 3: 1-2,
12961: 3939: 6842: 5698: 12528: 11418: 10872: 10790: 4882:
At various times during the academic year one of the Faculties or the Student Association sponsors a day-long pilgrimage for students and faculty to locales such as
4166: 1745:
in Rome, where lectures continued. In 1899 the college was functioning in the Palazzo Sinibaldi, adjacent to the French College and near the Convent of the Minerva.
which had been transformed into the College of St. Thomas in 1577. Fabri's reform included a nine-year formation program consisting of two years of logic using the
11664:, of the celebrated Camaldoli Conference of July 1943, which produced an eponymous economic treatise that influenced the development of post-war democratic Italy. 4742:
in its May 2011 meeting indicated that for the Licentiate and Doctorate a black biretta may be used with colored piping and pom to follow the color of the faculty.
3742:, a raked semicircular auditorium with seating for 1100 people that was constructed during 1930s renovations by Roman engineer Vincenzo Passarelli (1904–1985). The 2578:
continues to provide students and scholars with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the authentic Dominican Thomistic philosophical and theological tradition.
12936: 11807:
under the direction of Belgian fathers Clemens Vansteenkiste (1910-1997) and Athanasius-Maria (Frans) De Vos, O.P (1909-1990) in 1952 with a dissertation entitled
9440:"Studiorum ducem, Litterae Encyclicae saeculo sexto exeunte a Sanctorum Caelitum honoribus Thomae Aquinati decretis, d. 29 m. Iunii a. 1923, Pius PP. XI - PIUS XI" 8057: 7997: 6847:
Summa divi Thomae Aquinatis ordinis praedicatorum Contra Gentiles quam Hebraicè eloquitur Iosephus Ciantes Romanus Episcopus Marsicensis ex eodem Ordine assumptus
strive to be "modern disciples of Thomas Aquinas", "accepting all the radical changes" of the modern world "but without compromise" to the ideals of their patron
in 1214 at the birth of the order, "the first order instituted by the Church with an academic mission", is succinctly expressed by another of the Order's mottos,
of Student Affairs (ASPUST). The office is located in the Palazzo dei Decanati or Deans' Building at the West end of campus, just inside the gates to the right.
2732:. On 13 July 2019, Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III was elected the 88th Master General of the Order of Preachers at the 291st General Chapter, held in Biên Hòa. 771:, our proposed intention in this work is to convey those things that pertain to the Christian religion, in a way that is fitting to the instruction of beginners. 10576: 632:
took part in establishing a program of studies for novices and lectors including two years of philosophy, two years of fundamental theology, church history and
12971: 12065: 8389: 8089: 7149: 6135:
Accessed 1 Feb. 2013; Emilio Panella, "Iacopo di Ranuccio da Castelbuono OP, testimone dell'alia lectura fratris Thome", «Memorie domenicane» 19 (1988) 369-95.
3134: 10645: 8183: 886:, may have been taken down by Jacob of Ranuccio while a student of Aquinas there from 1265 to 1268. Jacob later was lector at Santa Sabina and served in the 12986: 4510:, Islamic Scholar and Professor of Islamic Studies and Public Understanding at the University of Glasgow, "Islamic Perspectives on Judaism and Christianity" 3592:
delivered his "Sed Contra: Allocution aux novices étudiants du Collège Angélique pour la bénédiction d'une statue de S. Thomas d'Aquin dans leur oratoire."
12981: 11221: 9074: 8338: 7268: 5685:
Relazione del Rettore Magnifico circa l'Anno Accademico 2014-2015 alla PUST in Urbe Festa dell'Inaugurazione dell'Anno Accademico 2015-2016 19 ottobre 2015
4600:. On class days (Monday-Friday) from 8:00am–6:20pm Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel near the entrance of the Choir at the 4335:
Concert Talent Show is offered annually by students and professors consisting of a multicultural exhibition of music, song and dance from around the world.
10615: 8564: 7176: 6438:
1304: "Quelibet autem provincia exceptis Dacie, Grecie, Terre Sancte provideant ut semper in aliquo conventu ydoneo sit generale studium et solempne..."
International Dominican Foundation (IDF) is a non-profit organization that provides monetary support to Dominican educational programs at the Jerusalem
in the period between World War II and the Cold War. He is commonly held to have influenced the decision in 1942 to place the privately circulated book
9745: 9100: 6390: 5737: 3703:, a reception room with antique marble columns and arched ceilings bearing traces of late Renaissance style frescos, which initially housed a library. 3479:
on the left and a Dominican shield bearing one of the Dominican mottos, "laudare, benedicere, praedicare" (to praise, to bless, to preach) on the right
3464: 12353: 8409: 7736: 7681: 2227:, a trimesterly journal with articles in Italian, French, English, German, and Spanish treating theology, philosophy, canon law, and social sciences. 7848:
Accessed 8 February 2013 "Sulla festa in onore di S. Tommaso in Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, in Roma, vedi la documentaziomne riferita da Kristeller,
Accessed 17 February 2015; Marian Michèle Mulchahey, "First the bow is bent in study": Dominican education before 1350, 1998, p. 454, and note 168.
or College of St. Thomas. At the Minerva, the college occupied several existing convent structures as well as new constructions. A detail from the
12553: 9895: 8288: 6944:
Remigius Coulon, "Ferre: Vincent", in: Dictionary of Catholic Theology, ed. by A. Vacant, E. Mangenor and E. Amann, Vol 5/2, Paris 1913, 2176 -2177.
who have distinguished themselves by serving the Church's mission in exceptional ways. The award is bestowed on 7 March, the old feast day of Saint
Inaugural Lecture. In early November a "prolusione" or formal address is given by an invited speaker to mark the inauguration of the academic year:
for Dominican nuns in 1575, was expropriated by the Italian government on 9 September 1871 in virtue of the law of suppression of religious orders.
1477:) in order to promote their conversion." In the mid-1650s Ciantes wrote a "monumental bilingual edition of the first three Parts of Thomas Aquinas' 12941: 12665: 12447: 11168: 4677:
as: "The love of Truth seeks holy leisure; the necessity of love undertakes righteous action." Augustine's phrase also appears in the writings of
4482: 2868: 2653: 12657: 11479: 11352: 8249: 8035: 7467: 3934:
across from the perimeter wall of the Roman Villa Aldobrandini, a 17th-century princely villa whose gardens were truncated by the construction of
Noted philosopher and theologian Santiago Maria Ramirez y Ruiz de Dulanto (1891-1967) completed his licentiate and doctorate in philosophy at the
12795: 12624: 12196: 11702: 3158: 2336:
opened its doors at the appropriately more extensive complex of buildings comprising the ancient Dominican convent of Saints Dominic and Sixtus.
for speculative theology, and the second part for moral theology. Fabri also established a professorship for the study of Hebrew at the college.
has always been entrusted to a Friar of the Order of Preachers. In 1218 Saint Dominic was appointed as the first Master of the Sacred Palace by
12601: 11267:
9881: 9694: 9439: 9183: 8786: 8490: 7966:"Accessed 4 December 2014; "La Presse et L'apostolat: discours prononce au College Angelique le 17 Avril, 1936" Paris : Bonne Presse, 1936" 7799: 2131:, becoming lector on 27 June 1917 and teaching there from 1917 to 1920. Ramirez relates that he was fortunate during his student years to hear 5426: 2486:. The Pontif described Aquinas as a teacher of the art of thinking well and expounded his doctrine proposing Aquinas as an unsurpassed master. 7707: 7694: 7117: 1555:
In the late seventeenth century figures such as Gregorio Selleri who taught at the college were instrumental in fostering the condemnation of
12521: 10589: 7014: 3995:
Inauguration of the Academic Year takes place in October with a solemn "Mass of the Holy Spirit" and the conferral of academic degrees (see "
as the preeminent Thomistic center of learning: "ante omnia Pontificium Collegium Angelicum, ubi Thomam tamquam domi suae habitare dixeris".
9962: 7965: 7349: 1543:
was regent of the college from 1654 to 1672. Ferre was recognized by his contemporaries as one of the leading Thomists of his day. In his
of 1570 (see above), editorial and translation projects were undertaken by the college's professors, the most notable of which would be the
12370: 12214: 10334:"Laudatio s. Thomae Aquinatis," Bibliotheca historica Medii Aevi: Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des ..., p. 1601, by August Potthast 5332: 5016:
sponsors the "Angelicum University Channel," an online video channel that features news coverage of major Angelicum events and initiatives.
At the beginning of the seventeenth century several regents of the College of St. Thomas were involved in controversies over the nature of
451: 11677:(Bruges, Belgium, 3 May 1883 - Rome, 24 February 1949) Entered the Dominican Order in 1900 and was ordained in 1906. After studying under 8632: 8350:"Discorso di Giovanni Paolo II ai professori e agli alunni della pontificia universita` "San Tommaso D'Aquino" Giovedì, 24 novembre 1994, 3822:
walled garden. The collection that remains at the college today consists of approximately 400 000 volumes, about 6 000 manuscripts, 2 200
12335: 9787: 9022: 9008: 8704: 7409: 5663: 5407: 5106: 3699:(Hall of Wisdom) is the site of the university's doctoral defenses. Also located off the cloister are the administration offices and the 2069:
studied with Garrigou at the Angelicum from 1930 to 1932 before going on to have an instrumental role in liturgical art ventures such as
Accessed 9 June 2011; Thomas Pègues (1866–1936) A French priest of the Dominican Order, Pègues served as a professor of theology at the
2652:, and Robert Christian, Vice-Dean of the faculty of theology, professor of sacramental theology and ecclesiology, and Consultant to the 12777: 12632: 11505: 10488: 9921: 9227: 8832: 8320: 8281: 8029: 7220: 3292:
Generally administration offices remain open until the end of July, are closed for the month of August, and reopen in early September.
2555:, small as it was after the ravages of the Reformation, the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic occupation." While outside the order 2378: 2321:
gave the solemn inaugural lecture. Because the convent buildings required extensive renovation classes were not held there until 1932.
played the special role of frequently providing papal theologians from among its members. Since its institution in 1218 the office of
confirmed the Order's pedagogical mission by granting its members the right to preach universally, a power formerly dependent on local
9935: 8464: 7150:"The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great » "The Revival of Thomism: An Historical Survey" (James Weisheipl)" 4105:
on 7 March the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas the remission of one year and forty days of purgatory. After the offertory of the Mass the
The Non-Conventional Religions and Spiritualities Chair (RSNC) which promotes the study of modern and contemporary religious phenomena
supporters of a speculative scholasticism and the French revival Thomists who were more attentive to historical hermeneutics, such as
The college maintained the Dominican tradition of textual and linguistic activities as part of the Order's missionary dimension. Like
11819:. In: Revue Philosophique de Louvain. Quatrième série, Tome 90, N°85, 1992. pp. 106-131, 107. Lobato began teaching ontology at the 11724: 11454: 11199: 9818: 8352:
8106: 7485: 7301: 5856: 3209:(IDEO)in Cairo. The IDF made grants of approximately $ 270,000.00 for the academic year 2011–2012, the major part of which went the 1417:(1621) was regent of studies at the college. In the 1620s Juan Gonzales de Leon was regent Concerning the dispute on the nature of 8511: 7115:, New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2003, Roensch, F. J.: "...he furnished the basis for the Thomistic reconstruction of the 19th century; 6451:
In This Light Which Gives Light: A History of the College of St. Albert the Great, Christopher J. Renz, p. 42 states of the Minerva
granted to all Dominicans major houses of study the right of conferring academic degrees in theology to students outside the Order.
12642: 12514: 12077: 11956: 11849: 11825: 10085: 9993: 9271: 6843:
6647: 4822:
does not provide housing primarily intended for lay students. However, assistance finding local student housing is offered by the
4021: 3206: 2649: 1864: 1763: 1643: 3554:
The Angelicum's statue of Aquinas is Aureli's second version of this work. The first version of 1889 looms majestically over the
2003: 12614: 12586: 10667: 10258: 7095: 6424: 4770: 12230: 11772: 9613: 7034: 12931: 12824: 12348: 12222: 11634: 11440: 6137: 5614: 5420: 5233: 5091: 4036: 4010: 3818:. As the library grew space was found under the Aula Magna for a library whose large windows face out to the palm trees of the 2613: 2284:
that selling the convent to the Order would return the property to its original owners, and that it could be used to house the
was also suspected of modernism because its methodology derived more from religious experience than from syllogistic analysis.
550: 534: 10899: 10685: 8450:
Agenzia della Santa Sede per la Valutazione e la Promozione della Qualità delle Università e Facoltà Ecclesiastiche (AVEPRO),
6837:"Kabbalah and Conversion: Caramuel and Ciantes on Kabbalah as a Means for the Conversion of the Jews", by Yossef Schwartz, in 6777:
Accessed 22 March 2013; Bibliotheca sicula, sive de scriptoribus siculis, qui tum vetera, tum ... By Antonino Mongitore, 279a
2365:(1918–2002). Spiazzi, a prolific author and editor of the works of Aquinas, completed his doctorate in Sacred Theology at the 2018:, "the charity of truth." Cormier, also noted for the spiritual quality of his retreats and powerful preaching, was declared 12747: 12418: 12375: 11577: 10504: 10464: 10369:
Accessed 1Jan 2015; Storia della marina Pontificia dal secolo ottavo al decimonono, Volume 6 By Alberto Guglielmotti, p. 129
10366: 10026: 9352: 9211: 4460: 3874:, the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, and the Choir. The church has been the subject of numerous works of art. In the 18th century 3857:
On the south side of campus the walled garden is bordered by private properties. At the garden entrance stands a fountain by
A central cloister with garden and fountain forms the heart of campus. The two basins of the ancient fountain are fed by the
and famed historian and philosopher James A. Weisheipl notes that since the time of Aquinas "Thomism was always alive in the
with the aim of engaging modern thought. In response to this trend the General Chapter of 1838 again ordered the revival of
believed the doctrines of Aquinas to be the only means to reconcile science and faith. Nardini was a founding member of the
8465:"The Holy See's Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties: Who we are" 6999: 6932: 6032: 1327:
The result of Solano's initiative, which underwent further structural change shortly before Solano's death in 1580, was the
for the Roman province of the Order by the year 1426 and continued in this roll until 1539. It would again be affirmed as a
12685: 12391: 10551: 9652: 9245: 8756: 5991: 5702: 4400: 3213:
in accord with the William E. Simon Scholarship, the McCadden-McQuirk Foundation, and the Réginald de Rocquois Foundation.
2637: 11824:
Benedetto D'Amore, the International Society of Thomas Aquinas. Lobato was a member of the Directive Council of the Roman
10876: 10858: 10794: 10382: 9867: 9150: 7194: 2139:
on 28 June 1914 in which the Pontiff extolled Aquinas' doctrines above those of all others, and another talk delivered by
12976: 11066: 8864: 5833: 4429: 4128: 2581:
As of August 2014 the student body comprised approximately 1010 students coming from 95 countries. About one half of the
2397: 1759: 1481:, which includes the original Latin text and a Hebrew translation prepared by Ciantes, assisted by Jewish apostates, the 10398: 10350: 9500: 8961: 8339:
7864:, inedito presso l'Atch. Conv. della Minerva, cap. IX: "La festa di S. Tommaso e il Collegio della Minerva", ff. 61-71." 7269:
6044: 2696:
In distinction to secular or other Catholic universities, which address a broad range of disciplines, Ecclesiastical or
68: 12506: 11994: 8054: 8004: 7860:, citati da Kristeller, ivi, p. 61. Un profilo storico di questa festività minervitana si trova in A. Zucchi (+1956), 5298: 1485:. Until the present this remains the only significant translation of a major Latin scholastic work in modern Hebrew." 11029: 10481: 9409: 6531: 12809: 12757: 12708: 11845: 11076: 7662: 7531: 7075: 6761:
by Benedict M. Ashley, ch. 2, "The Professors", sections on the order's early studies of Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek.
6632: 6624: 2867:. At Vatican II, Tillard served as a "peritus" for the Canadian bishops, and subsequently became a consultant to the 701:
We assign Friar Thomas of Aquino to Rome, for the remission of his sins, there to take over the direction of studies.
10520: 9488: 8738: 8386: 8133: 8086: 7153: 6991: 6007: 4782:
in 1894 and made official in 1924. Didon completed his theological studies at the College of Saint Thomas in 1862.
should decorated according to the color of the faculty ("diverso colore ornatum pro Facultate"). The 'traditional'
during his extensive travels in Italy made an oil painting of the exterior staircase and balustrade of the campus's
2277: 388:
has its roots in the Dominican mission to study and to teach truth. This mission is reflected in the order's motto,
12966: 12423: 12385: 12285: 10254: 8190: 7682:
7560: 5951: 5604: 5472: 5253: 4628: 4180: 4170: 3826:
including 64 Greek codices, and 230 Hebrew texts including 5 Samaritan codices is open to the scholarly community.
3044: 2729: 2420: 1956: 1631:
Enlightenment, Salvatore Roselli, professor of theology at the Roman College of St. Thomas, published a six volume
1230: 10641: 7108: 3491:
was built into the existing structure in the early 1930s as part of the renovations undertaken to accommodate the
3428:. This was followed in 1575 by a convent for Dominican nuns. Among the architects who worked on the complex are 1666:
Gian Battista Embriaco (Ceriana 1829 – Rome 1903) taught at the college. Embriaco was the inventor in 1867 of the
The college cultivated the doctrines of St. Thomas Aquinas as a means of carrying out the Church's mission in the
849:. This work by Aristotle was contemporaneously being translated from the Greek by Aquinas' Dominican associate at 12571: 12475: 12358: 12191: 10287: 9854: 9381: 8898: 8589: 7037:
Accessed 18 January 2015; Anales de la sagrada religion de Santo Domingo, 1709, Joseph de Sarabia y Lezana, p. 30
6369: 6329:
Marian Michèle Mulchahey, "First the bow is bent in study": Dominican education before 1350, 1998, pp. 236-237.
6297: 5442: 4327: 3623: 2776:
offers English programs in Philosophy and Theology for the first cycle, and part of the second and third cycles.
1785:" or "Neo-Thomism," had its origins in Italy. "The direct initiator of the neo-Scholastic movement in Italy was 1679: 12263: 11626: 11225: 11006: 9762: 9078: 8909: 8665: 8235: 7677: 6862: 6812: 6791: 6731: 6543:
In This Light Which Gives Light: A History of the College of St. Albert the Great, Christopher J. Renzi, p. 42:
5854:, 1975, Ch. 1: "By requiring that each priory have a professor it laid the foundation for the Order's schools." 4981:
and obtained its current title in 1925. Articles are published in English, Italian, Spanish, French, and German.
runs from early October until the end of May. Some of the university's important annual events are as follows:
as the principal vehicle of dissemination of orthodox Thomistic thought for both Dominicans and secular clergy.
12991: 12781: 12743: 12581: 12408: 12319: 12159: 12143: 11694: 11665: 11538: 11385: 9472: 9038: 8927: 8214: 8170: 8036:
7762: 7740: 7468:
6866: 5967: 5438: 3511:
was used in 2010 as a location in the film "Manuale d'amore 3". part of a 4 movie romantic comedy, directed by
2665: 2374: 1498:
Several figures associated with the college during this period were involved in the defense of the doctrine of
1442: 11703:
10619: 8537: 3681: 2419:
Enrollment climbed from 120 in 1909 to over 1,000 during the 1960s. During the tenure of Aniceto Fernández as
12791: 12769: 12723: 12713: 12576: 12308: 11698: 11600: 11152: 9422: 7800:
6189: 5482: 5320: 5290: 5229: 5098: 4064: 3782:(Deans' Building) is located at the West edge of campus just inside the main gates. The West boundary of the 2093: 1690: 11381: 10754:, PL 180, 507 A-B: "Maneat semper intus caritas veritatis cum exire cogitur in aliena necessitas caritatis. 10447: 10295: 10238: 9104: 7710:
Accessed 10 September 2013; Y. Congar, Chrétiens désunis. Principes d'un œcuménisme catholique, Paris 1937;
7047: 6394: 6280:
Marian Michèle Mulchahey, "First the bow is bent in study": Dominican education before 1350, 1998, p. 323.
5243: 3710:(Academic Senate Room). The latter was the Chapter room of the convent and is appointed with a 14th-century 2038: 12946: 12765: 12428: 11949: 11401: 8993: 8722: 7708:'Italia)/
6525: 6505: 3722:, a 13th-century crucifix, and a full-body relic of an unidentified saint encased in Imperial Roman armor. 3655: 3566:
the Vatican version of the statue was commissioned in the name of all seminaries of the world as a gift to
2082: 2074: 1736:, the Dominicans were expropriated by the Italian government in virtue of law 1402 of 19 June 1873 and the 1009: 828: 798: 788: 568: 198: 11751: 10776: 9588: 8073: 7638: 7613: 6165: 5286: 4531:, S.T.D. Archbishop of Washington, DC, "Unifying Religious Threads that Provide a Common Ground for Peace" 2280:, Master General of the Order, seeing the opportunity to recuperate the Dominican patrimony, suggested to 2045:. The core philosophical commitments of the revival, which after Zigliara traditionally are those of the 1831:
of 4 August 1879 called for the renewal of Christian philosophy and particularly the doctrines of Aquinas:
1670:, examples of which were built in Rome, first in the college's courtyard at the Minerva, and later on the 924: 12739: 12591: 10593: 9899: 9302: 8491:"Bologna Process - European Higher Education, Holy See is "Full member of the Bologna Process since 2003" 8295: 6825: 6342:
Marian Michèle Mulchahey, "First the bow is bent in study": Dominican education before 1350, 1998, 269.
5464: 4791: 4239: 3951: 3814:
in 1870. At the convent of Saints Sixtus and Dominic the library originally housed 40,000 volumes in the
2086: 1884: 633: 11176: 9550:
Nel giubileo episcopale di Leone XIII. omaggio della Biblioteca vaticana, XIX Febbraio, Anno M DCCCXCIII
Nel giubileo episcopale di Leone XIII. omaggio della Biblioteca vaticana, XIX Febbraio, Anno M DCCCXCIII
9314: 2002:
on 2 May 1906, making its degrees equivalent to those of the world's other pontifical universities. By
and that in 1577 became the College of Saint Thomas, Cormier stated his intention to establish this new
included archeology, geology, paleography, Christian art, biology, mathematics, physics, and astronomy.
12951: 12869: 12773: 12138: 11483: 11356: 8256: 7765:
Accessed 24 February 2015, De Auctoritate Doctrinali S. Thomae Aquinatis, Santiago María Ramírez, 50-51
5563: 5528: 5506: 5446: 5153: 4831: 4464: 4050: 4032: 3842: 2657: 2318: 2200: 2014:
until his death in 1916, establishing it principal guidelines, giving it his motto as Master General,
1742: 1650: 1370: 1342:, where Solano had shown "much zeal in defending the rights of the Indians", and where Dominicans like 11273:
rule). In December 1948 a revised text of his dissertation was approved by the theological faculty of
Rerum italicarum scriptores : raccolta degli storici italiani dal cinquecento al millecinquecento
9978: 9731: 6029:
Saint Thomas Aquinas of the Order of Preachers (1225-1274), A Biographical Study of the Angelic Doctor
in celebration of his episcopal jubilee in 1893. The statue has been described in the following terms:
Solemn Mass for the Ending of the Academic Year and Conferral of academic degrees. Dominican feast of
2497:. The Pontiff reaffirmed the centrality of Aquinas' thought for the Church and the unique role of the 360:, and social sciences, as well as certificates and diplomas in related areas. Courses are offered in 12470: 12413: 12343: 12185: 11837: 9842: 9698: 9516:
Nel giubileo episcopale di Leone XIII. omaggio della Biblioteca vaticana XIX febbraio anno MDCCCXCIII
9187: 8790: 7906:
Vittorio Vidotti, "Il recupero delle proprietà ecclesiastiche a Roma prima e dopo il Concordato," in
5903: 5587: 5583: 5430: 5416: 5403: 5385: 5375: 5247: 5199: 5185: 5171: 5157: 5147: 5130: 5116: 5087: 5080: 4385: 3563: 2230: 1984: 1580: 1446: 1335:
of 1748 gives some idea of the disposition of buildings when the Minerva convent housed the college.
1288: 1223: 1184: 1134: 982: 406: 31: 17: 8880: 7915: 7908:
Contribuit allo studio delle trasformazioni urbane e della proprietà immobiliare a Roma dopo il 1870
for a Paris youth gathering in 1891, and later proposed as the official Olympic motto by his friend
4549: 3706:
On the second level encircling the cloister are the living quarters of Dominican professors and the
1627: 1343: 1233:
from 1583 to 1598 would undertake a reformation of the program of studies for the Order and for the
12996: 12465: 12101: 11987: 11980: 10354: 8943: 7486:"The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great » the Age of Compromise (1800s)" 7302:"The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great » the Age of Compromise (1800s)" 7121: 6977:"The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church - Biographical Dictionary - Consistory of December 9, 1726" 5395: 5345: 5261: 5102: 4673: 4421: 4306: 4300: 4266: 2050: 1694: 1347: 863: 677:
summoned Aquinas to Rome as papal theologian. That same year in accord with the injunction of the
8218: 7599: 7138:
calls Roselli "l'un des principaux ancêtres du néo-thomisme du XIXe siècle. Accessed 28 June 2014
7011: 4738:
biretta is white to correspond to the white Dominican habit. However, the Academic Senate of the
is the only Pontifical university in Rome granted the right to offer advanced theology degrees in
and gave an address to faculty and students on the occasion of the dedication of the university's
at Vatican II for Christian–Islamic relations Georges Anawati delivered a lecture entitled at the
12814: 12455: 11942: 11274: 10044: 10012: 9959: 9553: 7972: 7353: 5381: 4624: 4404: 4214: 4177: 4017: 3858: 3635: 3609: 3589: 3281: 2509: 2452:. Thereafter it would be known as the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in the city ( 2262:
that continued into the 1960s as a forum for laity to explore contemporary philosophical issues.
1952: 1918: 1798: 1390: 1366: 1320: 1242: 1080: 784: 10913: 10829:
John Abel Nainfa, Costume of Prelates of The Catholic Church: According To Roman Etiquette, 164.
8829: 6268: 5915: 5005:
Angelicum University Press (AUP) was founded in 2002 to oversee the publication projects of the
4863:(ASPUST), or Student Association of the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas, is housed in the 1039:, the Aristotelian texts recovered in the West only in the second half of the 12th century, the 909:
after 1272, called him "the second Thomas Aquinas." Brunacci became lector at the Santa Sabina
12380: 11690: 10337: 10040: 5624: 5353: 5324: 5237: 5143: 4542: 3887: 3871: 3811: 3488: 3425: 3398:. The nature of the site before the ninth century is uncertain. One theory holds that its name 3395: 3366: 3319: 3250: 2717:
Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties
2314: 2266: 2235: 2192: 1936: 1814: 1790: 1767: 1752: 1722: 1675: 1659: 1607: 554: 193: 11800: 11250: 10816: 10735: 10420: 10259:
10223: 10211: 10191: 10176: 10163: 10134: 10107: 9805:"From the Harvard Art Museums' collections Sketch of a Balustrade, San Domenico e Sisto, Rome" 9784: 9773: 9530: 9019: 8708: 7891: 7845: 7782: 7715: 7507: 7451: 7413: 7391: 7243: 6961: 6921: 6901: 6897: 6808: 6778: 6747: 6715: 6707: 6558: 6439: 6425:
6343: 6330: 6313: 6301: 6281: 6254: 6080: 6075: 6056: 5977: 5971: 5946: 5849: 5803: 2601: 1998:
allowed diocesan seminarians to attend the college. He elevated the college to the status of
1801:. The revival emphasizes the interpretative tradition of Aquinas' great commentators such as 12537: 12022: 11870: 11323: 11303: 11254: 10762: 10747: 10275: 10150: 9514: 9453: 8370: 8154: 7940: 7932: 7719: 7654:
In This Light Which Gives Light: A History of the College of St. Albert the Great (1930-1980)
7652: 7635:
Ratzinger's Faith : The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI: The Theology of Pope Benedict XVI
7577: 7564: 7547: 7523:
In This Light Which Gives Light: A History of the College of St. Albert the Great (1930-1980)
7521: 7284: 7065: 7035:
7022: 6858: 6582: 6544: 6460: 5894: 5699:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog: The new mascot of the Angelicum/La nuova mascotte dell'Angelicum" 5460: 5112: 4678: 4593: 3899: 3675: 3500: 3472: 3350: 2697: 2686: 2449: 2187:
the "avant-garde of the doctrinal mission of the Dominican Order in Rome, and of traditional
2101: 2066: 897:
and later at Paris. In November 1268 he accompanied Aquinas and his associate and secretary
326: 166: 11844:
in recognition of his prodigious scholarly work. In 1999 he was nominated Conustant for the
11455:"Pope Francis Appoints Reverend Austin A. Vetter as Bishop of the Diocese of Helena | USCCB" 11339: 10485: 10058: 7952: 6479: 6408: 6356: 5000:
Sanctitatis causae - Motivi di santità e cause di canonizzazione di alcuni maestri medievali
Catholic social teaching. He collaborated with Pope John XXIII especially on the encyclical
2332:, amphitheaters with seating capacities of 1,100 and 350 respectively. In November 1932 the 1483:
Summa divi Thomae Aquinatis ordinis praedicatorum Contra Gentiles quam Hebraicè eloquitur...
12278: 10933:, Doctoral thesis, Université de Paris IV - Sorbonne, 1985, p. 926; cf. Michaela Lochmann, 5569: 5468: 5294: 5272: 5219: 5209: 5076: 4497: 4354: 4124: 3943: 3935: 3911: 3895: 3445: 3356: 2965: 2925: 2885: 2786: 2493:
visited his alma mater to deliver an address marking the first centenary of the encyclical
2393: 1458: 1359: 1300: 1122: 743: 596: 11728: 11397: 10505:
10119: 10027:
9682: 8110: 7489: 7305: 6112:, vol. 1, The Person and His Work, trans. Robert Royal, Catholic University, 1996, 146 ff. 5860: 3408:
or "fort of the new city" from the adjacent Byzantine military citadel which included the
on 12 December 1924 in which he reaffirmed the doctrinal authority of St. Thomas Aquinas.
alongside Aristotle's logic, three years of philosophy including the study of Aristotle's
8: 12055: 12007: 11773:"Mostra Business, Notizie Popolari, Moda, Stile e Migliori Consigli per Te., Luglio 2022" 11682: 10974: 9830: 8515: 7000:
6841:, eds. Daniele Sabaino and Paolo C. Pissavino (Pisa: Edizioni EPS 2012): 175-187, 176-7, 6293: 6033:
5389: 5349: 5257: 4961:
of the university. The journal covers the major disciplines of the university, including
4779: 4585: 4563:, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of Denver, USA, led the procession on 3 May. 4293: 4227: 3971: 3883: 3627: 3433: 3409: 3323: 2975: 2936: 2896: 2797: 2736: 2411: 2361:
In 1951 the Institute of Social Sciences was founded within the Faculty of Philosophy by
1786: 1548: 1519: 1499: 1426: 898: 853: 609: 353: 210: 12536: 9275: 6889: 6805:
Monumenta et antiquitates veteris disciplinae Ordinis Praedicatorum ab anno 1216 ad 1348
6774: 6666: 6644: 5943:
Monumenta et antiquitates veteris disciplinae Ordinis Praedicatorum ab anno 1216 ad 1348
1562, Juan Gallo, representative of Philip II at the Council of Trent gave the encomium.
by director Alessandro Blasetti, which is on the list of the 100 Italian films to save.
made a pen and ink study with grey wash and black chalk, today in the collection of the
1385:(Ribadavia 1540 - Rome 1629). was professor of theology at the college in 1610. In the 1005: 709:
at Santa Sabina, which had been founded in 1222, was transformed into the Order's first
12883: 12856: 12733: 12703: 12495: 12252: 12179: 12106: 12072: 11639: 10383:
10321: 9669: 9426: 9060: 6900:
Accessed 9 March 2013; Storia della spiritualità italiana By Costanzo Cargnoni, 375-6,
5634: 5478: 5205: 5023:
Office of Public Relations sponsors the "Angelicum Newsletter Blog" and the "Angelicum
4652: 4645: 4607:
Formal Closure of the Academic Year is celebrated with a Solemn Mass at the end of May.
4456: 4425: 3903: 3361: 3311: 2739:
was appointed rector on 10 June 2021. He is the first American to serve in this office.
2401: 2104:
on the Vatican's "Index of Forbidden Books" as the culmination of a polemic within the
1810: 1620: 1332: 1170: 1114: 1091:
established in the Roman province. Iacopo Passavanti, famed preacher and author of the
678: 546: 512: 483: 415: 295: 10671: 8618: 7192:
by Benedict M. Ashley, ch. 8, "The Age of Compromise (1800s), Revival and Expansion",
6691: 6019:"Fr. Thome de Aquino iniungimus in remissionem peccatorum quod teneat studium Rome." 4361:
Other recent lectures and events of note related to the university's mission include:
is offered, followed by an encomium honoring the "angelic doctor." This is one of the
Cloister portico with entrance to the walled garden and in the distance a fountain by
1662:, patterned after his original of 1867 in the courtyard of the College of Saint Thomas 781:
circulating it in Italy before departing for his second regency at Paris (1269–1272).
12174: 11693:
and "Nestorian" writers. In 1929 he became a member and eventually Secretary of the
11621:(25 February 1883 – 4 April 1950), Cordovani began teaching dogmatic theology at the 11573: 11499: 11105: 11072: 10756: 10399:
9915: 9617: 9501:
9492: 8314: 8275: 8023: 7892:
Accessed 3-13, 2013 See also the inscription on the left wall of the entrance to the
7658: 7527: 7255: 7198: 7071: 6628: 6620: 5610: 5596: 5486: 5412: 5302: 5213: 5195: 5064: 4581: 4517: 4366: 4276: 4201: 4028: 4006: 3947: 3875: 3838: 3834: 3755: 3647: 3512: 3307: 3225:
is listed under schools in Rome that can participate in the US Federal Loan Program.
50th anniversary celebrations and to mark the 40th anniversary of the publication of
offers the licentiate degree in theology with a specialization in ecumenical studies.
2617: 2609: 2513: 2490: 2023: 2006:
of 8 November 1908, signed on 17 November, the Pope transformed the college into the
1853: 1782: 1598: 1565:, Master General of the Dominican Order, reaffirmed the College of St. Thomas as the 1511: 1398: 1292: 948: 867: 538: 501: 471: 411: 205: 11686: 10274:
Bibliografia Romana notizie della vita e delle opere degli scrittori romani..., 22,
Un'altra modernità. Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz (1606-1682): enciclopedia e probabilismo
6246: 6208: 6153: 6134: 4663:, Otium sanctum quaerit caritas veritatis; negotium justum, scilicet vitae activae, 3898:. Sargent used the architectural features from this painting later in a portrait of 3198: 2343:
gave a lecture at the college entitled "La Presse et L'Apostolat" on 17 April 1936.
2299: 1802: 1165:(former library of the College of St. Thomas) on the second floor between cloisters. 12844: 12541: 12132: 12089: 12001: 11833: 11812: 10523:
Il Gymnasium perugino e altri studi sull'umanesimo umbro (con testi inediti e rari)
7781:; De Auctoritate Doctrinali S. Thomae Aquinatis, by Santiago María Ramírez, 1952. 6914:
De supremo Judice controv. Fidei et de Papae Infallib. in Decret. Fidei, Morum, etc
6878: 6532:
Accessed 27 October 2012; Probably Florentius de Hidinio, aka Florentius Gallicus,
5785: 5767: 5620: 5553: 4958: 4795: 4500: 4381: 4147: 4043: 3967: 3891: 3829:
Among the library's treasures is included the original copy of the doctoral thesis
3531: 3187: 2362: 2303: 2281: 1706: 1667: 1655: 1567: 1540: 1462: 1438: 1351: 1189: 1175: 776: 759: 638: 625: 563: 542: 446: 361: 55: 11043: 9356: 9208: 8772: 5191: 2404:
was director, followed by Michael Sherwin, OP, professor of Moral Theology at the
By the late eighteenth century, professors of the college had begun to follow the
Vox turturis seu de florenti usque ad nostra tempora ... sacrarum Religionum statu
De sanctissima trinitate ex antiquorum Hebraeorum testimonijs euidenter comprobata
12293: 12271: 12094: 12050: 12013: 10492: 9966: 9791: 9571: 9496: 9489:
9215: 9026: 8997: 8977: 8965: 8947: 8868: 8836: 8760: 8742: 8691: 8669: 8393: 8374: 8093: 8061: 8042: 7228: 7018: 6992:
6651: 6431: 6141: 6008:
5925: 5837: 5819:
La formation et la désignation des prédicateurs au debut de l'Ordre des Prêcheurs
5791: 5646: 5593:
Abelardo Lobato Casado, 1960–1989 Ontology, Dean of Philosophy Faculty 1967–1989.
5399: 5225: 5134: 5072: 4560: 4346: 4339: 4113: 4102: 4098: 3963: 3959: 3955: 3919: 3559: 3520: 3449: 3441: 3437: 3429: 3259: 2709: 2625: 2552: 2424: 2105: 1921:, seated in the middle. To his right sits Pio Alberto Del Corona, the Bishop of 1729: 1602: 1591: 1503: 1492: 1488: 1394: 918: 674: 629: 505: 338: 10946: 10307: 10255:
9819:"Appraise and identify makers marks for Eero Saarinen (Finnish, 1910-1961) S.S." 9289: 9249: 8753: 7561:
6976: 6824:
Galletti in Vat. Lat. 7900 f. 106; Hierarchia Catholica Medii Aevi, Vol 4, 233,
4279:, poet and orator, delivered his "Panegyricus in memoriam divi Thomae Aquinatis" 2295:
to be established at a site whose amplitude was more fitting to its new status.
dedicated to defense of Thomistic doctrine. Its publication originally entitled
1518:(1620) criticized the decadence of religious orders. Gravina, wrote concerning 12819: 12169: 11965: 11678: 10959: 10243:
Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum: recensiti notisque historicis et criticis ...
Monumenta et antiquitates veteris disciplinae Ordinis Praedicatorum ab anno ...
Accessed 8 March 2013: "S. Tommaso seduto, nella sinistra tiene il libro della
9158: 8137: 7109:
Monumenta et antiquitates veteris disciplinae Ordinis Praedicatorum ab anno ...
5754: 5557: 5371: 5361: 5310: 5181: 5167: 4987:
is the journal founded in 1999 at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FASS) of the
4974: 4895: 4659:
in comparing the active and the contemplative life: "Unde Augustinus dicit XIX
4656: 4452: 4389: 4350: 4117: 4086: 3879: 3539: 3535: 3516: 3372: 3269: 3053:
Istituto Teologico De America Central Intercongregacional, S. Jose (Costa Rica)
2597: 2541: 2494: 2453: 2432: 2180: 2151: 1931: 1914: 1893: 1848: 1827: 1806: 1794: 1562: 1382: 1378: 1118: 1019:
Following the curriculum of studies laid out in the capitular acts of 1291 the
with courses under Aquinas' direction beginning 8 September 1265 and featuring
621: 605: 522:, Herman of Germany, and Henry of Moravia were among the first to study at the 432: 322: 147: 11888: 11592: 10288:
10008: 9804: 8861: 8169:, "A colloquio con padre Joseph Agius, rettore dell'Angelicum", 9 April 2008, 6896:, Volume 2, 309, by Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger, Franz Heinrich Reusch; 6744:
God's Permission of Sin: Negative Or Conditioned Decree?: A Defense of the ...
6222: 5830: 5547:
Mariano Cordovani, 1910-1912 Theology, 1912-1921 Philosophy, 1927-1932 Rector.
List of people associated with the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
List of people associated with the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas
2353: 1465:(d. 1670), a leading Hebrew expert of his day and author of works such as the 893:
Nicholas Brunacci (1240–1322) was among Aquinas' students at the Santa Sabina
12925: 12907: 12894: 12125: 11857: 11648: 11627:
11539:"The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great » Page n…" 11291: 10994: 10509:
Capelle pontificie sacrorum rituum magistri diarium: sive Rerum urbanarum ...
8958: 8804: 8236:
7439: 7379: 7195:"The Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Albert the Great » Page n…" 6863:
6185: 5921: 5724: 5628: 5534: 5328: 5316: 4955: 4766: 4668: 4621: 4507: 4493: 4312: 3915: 3651: 3631: 3567: 3527: 3339: 3278: 2605: 2313:
For the academic year 1928-1929 Paredes celebrated the inaugural Mass in the
2274: 2196: 2171:
The reputation of the college during this period was summed up by one of the
2070: 2034: 2019: 1899: 1888: 1872: 1860: 1840: 1822: 1532: 1201: 1013: 905:
to Paris to begin the academic year. Albert the Great, Brunacci's teacher at
750: 686: 516: 474:
had invited Dominic and companions to take up residence at the ancient Roman
426: 401: 245: 73: 11929: 11828:
after 1980. In 1987 he became director of the Saint Thomas Institute of the
11307: 11109: 10935:
Les fondements pédagogiques de la devise olympique „citius, altius, fortius“
8538:"El filipino Fr. Gerard Timoner elegido maestro de la Orden de Predicadores" 8215:
Acts of the General Chapter of 1904, p. 53, reported in Renz, 43, op. cit.
6024: 5968:
tradition Aquinas has been called "Doctor Angelicus" since the 15th century.
5643:, 1996 Social Sciences, 2001–present Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. 4835:
is an international college for lay students within walking distance of the
Centro de Teologia Santo Domingo de Guzman, St. Domingo (Dominican Republic)
2471:"L'Islam a l'heure du Concile: prolegomenes a un dialogue islamo-chretien." 2092:
Garrigou-Lagrange has been called "torchbearer of orthodox Thomism" against
in 1896. The college began once again to gain status and influence. Under
Commentariorum & disputationum in primam partem Summa S. Thome de Aquino
and offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in theology, philosophy,
10819:. apud Le Breton-Saillant-Desaint. 1 January 1766 – via Google Books. 7444:
Catholic Theories of Biblical Inspiration Since 1810: A Review and Critique
Rome Across Time and Space: Cultural Transmission and the Exchange of Ideas
5640: 5454: 5434: 5342: 5306: 5275:. Miller (1923-2006) completed his doctorate with a dissertation entitled 5122: 4786: 4574: 4567: 4528: 4436: 4396: 4259: 4151: 3715: 3618: 3476: 3178:
targets members of the laity and clergy for the purpose of studying at the
3004:. The "Cardinal Pavan Chair for Social Ethics" was launched as part of the 2772:
In addition to the programs listed, which are in the Italian language, the
2661: 2621: 2568: 2475: 2437: 2150:
29 June 1923 on the occasion of the sixth centenary of the canonization of
2140: 2078: 1976: 1867:
and ordered publication of a critical edition of the complete works of the
1733: 1698: 1671: 1418: 1099:
at Santa Maria sopra Minerva after finishing his studies in Paris c. 1333.
1020: 986: 971: 967: 960: 952: 944: 859: 694: 636:, and four years of theology. Those who showed capacity were sent on to a 617: 479: 266: 11890:
Charles Morerod, new secretary of the International Theological Commission
11722:(the Congregation of Sisters Dominicans Missionaries of Jesus and Mary). 11699:
in 1909. Noted for his scholasticism in Syriac, particularly relating to
11542: 11415:"Update: Pope appoints new auxiliary bishop for San Francisco Archdiocese" 11153:
Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri
Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri
9548:, by Prof. Antonio Sacco, Assistente nella Biblioteca Vaticana, 21-22, in 9460:, by Prof. Antonio Sacco, Assistente nella Biblioteca Vaticana, 21-22, in 9423:
9145: 9143: 9141: 9139: 9137: 8817: 6762: 6190:
gave the encomium in praise of St. Thomas to the community at the Minerva.
588: 482:, which they did by early 1220. In May 1220 at Bologna the Order's first 12609: 12082: 11382:
9994:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog: Inaugurazione dell'anno accademico 2008-2009" 8735: 6492:
See J. Quétif-J. Echard, Scriptores Ordinis praedicatorum, II, pp. 265 s.
6193: 6169: 5175: 5054: 4775: 4570:, Prefect for the Congregation for Bishops, led the procession on 27 May. 4521: 4112:
by Vincenzo De Grandis (1577–1646) was sung in four voices. After Mass a
4090: 3907: 3719: 3448:. The church's double staircase was added in 1654 by sculptor architect 3421: 3400: 3390: 2270: 2132: 2113: 2054: 1995: 1922: 1748: 1402: 1308: 1219: 1035: 1029: 914: 887: 719:
as prescribed by Aquinas and others at the 1259 chapter of Valenciennes.
463: 11852:
by Pope John Paul II. In 2000 he was made director of the Roman journal
11044:"Angelicum, la rivista della Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino" 6391:"Chamber of deputies- Services to the Public- Library-Services provided" 6021:
Acta Capitulorum Provincialium, Provinciae Romanae Ordinis Praedicatorum
5572:. 1935–1939; 1945–1950 History of Spirituality and of Mystical Theology. 3762:
seats 350 people. Beyond these auditoria are the university's cafe, the
from 1952 to 1953 obtaining the doctorate degree with a thesis entitled
2505:)," in carrying on the Thomist philosophical and theological tradition. 2306:
were the first two philosophers to receive honorary doctorates from the
1110: 12647: 12566: 12060: 9936:"Treccani - la cultura italiana | Treccani, il portale del sapere" 9134: 7639:
Augustinianum systema de gratia, ab iniqua Bajani et Janseniani erroris
5781: 5137: 5105:. Art historian, lecturer and instrumental in the successful recovery 4966: 4907: 4730:
for doctorates in philosophy, theology, canon law, specifying that the
4132: 4082: 3642:
walled garden, and the fountain under the stair below the university's
1880: 1871:. Superintendence of the "leonine edition" was entrusted to Zigliara. 1844: 1355: 670:
in certain provinces corresponding to the university faculty of arts."
419: 10357:, Dionisio Andrea Sancassani, Carlo Cartari, Sebastiano Biancandi, 146 9385: 9303:
8805:"St. Mary's Priory – Website of St. Mary's Dominican Priory, Tallaght" 8662: 8387:“The Revival of Thomism: An Historical Survey," James Weisheipl, 1962. 8104:
William Hinnebusch, O. P., The Dominicans, Society of St. Paul, 1975.
Lorenzo Valla: umanesimo, riforma e controriforma : studi e testi
7147:“The Revival of Thomism: An Historical Survey,” James Weisheipl, 1962 6958:
The Vatican Council and Its Definitions: Pastoral Letter to the Clergy
Lorenzo Valla: umanesimo, riforma e controriforma : studi e testi
5693: 5691: 3388:
is recorded in history sometime before the year 1000 bearing the name
Centro de Estudio de los Dominicanos del Caribe, Bayamon (Puerto Rico)
De Sanctissima incarnatione clarissimis Hebraeorum doctrinis...defensa
After the departure of Aquinas for Paris in 1268 other lectors at the
410:, (to contemplate and to bear the fruits of contemplation to others). 12033: 11832:. In 1982 he was nominated Habitual Observer for human rights of the 11513:"Iraq's Persecution of Christians Continues to Spiral out of Control" 8881:"Escola Dominicana de Teologia, Alto do Ipiranga, São Paulo (Brazil)" 5929: 5367: 5126: 4977:, as well as other sacred disciplines. It was established in 1924 as 4970: 4489:, "Building on Nostra Aetate: 50 Years of Christian- Jewish Dialogue" 4478: 3471:
main entrance, a Palladian motif portico above which are mounted the
Solemn Inauguration of the Academic Year and Mass of the Holy Spirit
2985: 2947: 2907: 2843: 2808: 2265:
In 1927 the Italian government decided to sell the former convent of
at center left, and the former Dominican convent that now houses the
of this province...the Roman College of St. Thomas at our convent of
1556: 1450: 1339: 1296: 879: 357: 11809:
Avicena y santo Tomás escolásticas : la teoría del conocimiento
11725:"Causes for Joy: Dominican Saints and Saints-To-Be: Servants of God" 11278: 10452:
Wegweiser durch die Geschichtswerke des europäischen Mitelalters ...
Giorgio Cinelli Calvoli, Dionigi Andrea Sancassani, vol. 3, p. 413;
8680: 7092:"Hinnebusch/The Dominicans: A Short History/Chapter IX - Saint Wiki" 5451:
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
4059: 3938:
in the 19th century, and which today houses the headquarters of the
Escola Dominicana de Teologia, Alto do Ipiranga, São Paulo (Brazil)
2645: 2324:
From 1928 to 1932 the convent was renovated to house classrooms, an
1789:, (1811–1865), a canon at Naples." Other prominent figures include 500:, occurred with the legal transfer of the Santa Sabina complex from 12878: 12851: 12637: 12490: 12247: 10686:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog: Eucharistic adoration at the Angelicum" 10590:"Pro-life campaigners urge Catholic university to ban Cherie Blair" 10537: 10434: 10208:
La filosofia scolastica di San Tommaso e di Dante: ad uso dei licei
Higher Institute for Communication and Public Opinion, Rome (Italy)
5688: 5490: 5336: 5265: 4962: 4873:
ASPUST offers services to students and prospective students of the
4316: 3711: 3685: 3671: 3634:
whose birth name was Felice Peretti. It also feeds the fountain by
3496: 3115:
Higher Institute for Communication and Public Opinion, Rome (Italy)
2705: 2340: 1386: 1213: 1205: 1179:
to meet the demand of the Order's rapidly growing membership. The
557:. Annibaldi had completed his initial studies at the Santa Sabina 475: 459: 397: 236: 10086:"DE GRANDIS, Vincenzo, detto Il Romano in "Dizionario Biografico"" 9843:
7695:"Treccani - La cultura italiana - Treccani, il portale del sapere" 7177:"Treccani - La cultura italiana - Treccani, il portale del sapere" 6894:
Geschichte der Moralstreitigkeiten in der römisch-katholischen ...
Minervitani Coenobii; de his omnibus silent articult necrologici."
priest, ecumenist and victim of anti-Christian violence after the
of Poland, "A Rabbi's Reflection on the Teachings of John Paul II"
Tractatus exquisitissimus de magicis artibus ac magorum malificiis
professor of theology at the college after 1628 who was appointed
1906: 1821:
In response to the disarray of religious educational institutions
Zigliara was a member of seven Roman congregations, including the
The so-called "lectura romana" or "alia lectura fratris Thome", a
807:, which report the disputations Aquinas held at Santa Sabina, the 376:
and serves both religious and lay students from around the world.
12164: 11934: 11661: 11609: 7916:
Memorie dei più insigni pittori, scultori e architetti domenicani
6058:"First the bow is bent in study": Dominican education before 1350 5932:
they became missionaries and spread the Order in their homelands.
5758: 5161: 4899: 4707: 4703: 4194: 4069: 3666: 3507:
opened its doors in 1932, on the left. The main entrance of the
Center for Catholic Studies, University of St. Thomas (Minnesota)
St. Mary's Priory, Dominican House of Studies, Tallaght (Ireland)
2564: 2556: 2464: 2188: 2042: 1948: 1856: 1778: 1771: 1702: 1678:. Embriaco had presented two prototypes of his invention at the 1587: 1526: 1264:
In 1570 the first edition of Aquinas' opera omnia, the so-called
in honor of the "angelic doctor." The Dominicans of the Minerva
978: 906: 902: 850: 519: 455: 391: 342: 10842:, 1922, Liber III, Pars IV, Tit. XXII, which clarifies that the 8990: 7394:
Accessed 18 January 2015, Revue du clergé français, 1899, p. 365
Giornale storico della letteratura italiana, 1906, vol. 47, 9.
following its theft in 1984 from St. John's Co-Cathedral, Malta.
ASPUST holds elections for its offers in mid November each year.
Eleven classrooms encircle the cloister, the last of which, the
2656:. Dr. Donna Orsuto, professor of spirituality, is rector of the 2458:
Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a Sancto Thoma Aquinate in Urbe
Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a Sancto Thoma Aquinate in Urbe
12839: 11222:"The Venerable Fulton J. Sheen: a model of virtue for our time" 11151:
Medieval Scholarship: Philosophy and the arts By Helen Damico.
11099: 10100:
Osservazioni per ben regolare il coro della Cappella Pontificia
8723:"Papa's Places in Cardinal Ratzinger / Pope Benedict XVI Forum" 8219:
For a characterization of Thomism of the strict observance see
5808:. A. Duggan, J. Greatrex, B. Bolton, L. E. Boyle, 2005, p. 202. 4891: 4887: 4883: 4210: 3526:
Under the entrance portico are two statues c. 1910 by sculptor
3303: 2563:
has played a central role throughout its history in preserving
was refurbished, and a new era of Thomism was initiated led by
1304: 1275: 1269: 682: 467: 441: 369: 11767: 11765: 11625:
in 1910, and was a professor of philosophy from 1912 to 1921:
10552:"Buttiglione: "Thus Amoris laetitia is founded on St. Thomas"" 9554:
9512: 7405:
The Revival of Scholastic Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century
6006:, by P. Conway, 1911, "Part III: Evening"], Chapter VI, p. 62 5805:
Omnia disce: medieval studies in memory of Leonard Boyle, O.P.
sponsors a "Karol Wojtyla Discussion Group" that meets weekly.
is offered by no Pontifical University in Rome other than the
central courtyard, through the main corridors and ends in the
library consists of that part of the textual patrimony of the
3161:, a partnership between The Russell Berrie Foundation and the 3103:
Superior Institute of Religious Sciences of St. Thomas Aquinas
Some comparatively recent notable figures associated with the
1381:, was professor of theology at the college from 1596 to 1606. 1377:
and famous apologist for the Thomistic doctrines of grace and
1257:, and four years of theology using the third part of Aquinas' 1000:. During this period lectors at the Santa Maria sopra Minerva 12340:
Universidad Fraternidad de Agrupaciones Santo Tomás de Aquino
International Council of Universities of Saint Thomas Aquinas
11915: 11637:
by Pope Pius XI. He contributed especially to the encyclical
11338:, by Elmar J. Kremer, Bloomsbury, New York, London, 2005, 5. 11163: 11161: 10263:
Bibliothèque sacrée, ou dictionnaire universel historique ...
8650:"Benvenuti sul sito della facoltà di Diritto Canonico - PUST" 6269:
5502: 4903: 4750:
on their heads after the manner of laymen'." Herbert Norris,
4636: 4514: 4455:, patron of the university. Past recipients include Cardinal 4249: 4106: 3344: 2423:(1962–1974) and the rectorate of Raymond Sigmond (1961–1964) 2158:
singled out the Pontifical Angelicum College as the official
at the convent of the Minerva on the model of the College of
1312: 444:
focused on study and preaching that became the Order's first
373: 48: 11836:, Directive Committee for Human Rights. In 1986 he was made 11570:
Dictionnaire du monde religieux dans la France contemporaine
10859:"The New Beginning: Some info on academic birettas and such" 10525:, ed. V. Licitra, Rome 1984, pp. 112-125; cf. 16-36, 97-214. 10465:"INGHIRAMI, Tommaso, detto Fedra in "Dizionario Biografico"" 10338:
9127: 4706:
is to be worn, and for the Licentiate degree a three corned
3604: 3047:(Ireland), Dominican House of Studies - Studium, since 2000. 2431:
on 7 March 1963, the feast of the university's patron Saint
directly under his authority for the entire Dominican Order:
In response to the call for a renewal of Thomism sounded by
At this time, the college became an international centre of
the Dominican Pope who commissioned it, was produced there.
286: 12545: 11801:
11762: 11251:
10642:"Fr. Philip's comments on Cherie Blair's Angelicum lecture" 10421:
Colección de documentos inéditos papa la historia de España
9882:"Ecco i cento film italiani da salvare Corriere della Sera" 9410:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog: Cinecittà visits the Angelicum" 8991:
AngelicumSTOQ (Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest)
8848: 8604: 7846:
See Acta Sanctae Sedis, Ephemerides Romanae, vol. 39, 1906
by Benedict M. Ashley, Chapter 9, "The Age of Compromise"
Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
student or invited speaker recites an encomium in honor of
4039:. "The International Workers Movement and a United Europe". 3865: 3335: 1590:
specialization open to members of various provinces of the
of 1304 mandated each of the Order's provinces establish a
as to infants in Christ, I gave you milk to drink, not meat
in December 1216 and January 1217. On 21 January 1217 the
330: 229: 11324:
11158: 11130: 10763:
from the original on 21 December 2021 – via YouTube.
from the original on 21 December 2021 – via YouTube.
Hotels, mansions, Aix en Provence history - Tourism France
8649: 8155:
8107:"Wm. A. Hinnebusch, O.P.: The Dominicans, A Short History" 7941:
6956:, quaest. xii, apud Rocaberti, tom. xx, p. 388, quoted in 6859:
5649:, 1996 Dogmatic Theology, 2004-2009 Philosophy, 2009–2011 4861:
Associazione Studentesca Pontificia Università San Tommaso
1634, Joseph Maria Avila, "Laudatio Divi Thomae Aquinatis"
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
Religions and Non-conventional Spiritualities Chair (RNCS)
pressed Valla not only to praise Aquinas but to voice his
Pontifical university located in the center of Rome, Italy
Zgromadzenie Sióstr Dominikanek Misjonarek Jezusa i Maryi
from 1909 to 1921. He was one of the prime movers of the
11353:"The Guild of Catholic Lawyers of New York - Fordham Law" 11340:
9953: 9499:
with the original version of the statue can be found at:
8884: 7953:
Allocutio ad Professores et alumnos Instituti "Angelicum"
6455:: "For a period of time (1426-1539) it was recorded as a 6409:
for Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
4377:: St. Thomas and a recent controversy in moral theology". 4357:
is given on or near 15 November, feast day of St. Albert.
Il genio della Scienza. Panegirico di S. Tommaso d'Aquino
4024:, "La natura dell'attività' del Legislatore nella Chiesa" 3986: 1594:
and to other ecclesiastical students, local and foreign.
funded a scholarship for Polish students at the college.
1413:(1676). In 1608 Juan Gonzalez de Albelda, author of the 1291:
undergo further transformation during the pontificate of
intended to offer courses of advanced logic covering the
at Santa Maria sopra Minerva which was redesignated as a
Educational institutions established in the 13th century
11924: 9519:(in Italian). Tip. poliglotta della S. C. de prop. fide. 8940: 8922: 8920: 8451: 6849:, ex typographia Iacobi Phaei Andreae filii, Romae 1657. 6712:
God's permission of sin: negative or conditioned decree?
6580: 4710:
is to be worn. Traditionally the ceremony at which the
3769: 738:
at Santa Sabina was to be a school for the province," a
573:, which he wrote during his regency at the Santa Sabina 11030:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog: Libreria Leonina alla PUST" 10071:
M. H. Laurent, "Autour de la fete de Saint Thomas", in
9228:"Russell Berrie, 69, Founder Of a Toy and Gift Company" 6935:
Accessed 17 January 2015; Il Rosario, Volume 12, p. 663
pressed Valla to voice criticism of scholastic thomism.
On the occasion of the blessing of this statue in 1914
2010:, located on Via San Vitale 15. Cormier developed the 1389:
between Dominicans and Jesuits the papal commission or
1362:, theorist of international law, were already engaged. 970:. Eventually some of the pedagogical activities of the 12414:
Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomás, Manila
11572:(in French). Paris: Éditions Beauchesne. p. 520. 11200:"First-hand account of recovery of stolen masterpiece" 8367: 6294:
Informatiche</, Brunacci - Consulenza e Soluzioni.
6159: 6087:, v. 5, part 2, 617, note2. Accessed 31 December 2012. 6010:- His Writings: Second Period, Accessed 2, Sept. 2015 5701:. Archived from 4616:
In 1908, when the college was transformed it into the
oldest traditions dating back to 6 February 1344 when
Le bonheur selon la conception de saint Thomas d'Aquin
De auxiliis divinae gratiae et humani arbitrii viribus
763:, conceived of as a work suited to beginning students: 12867: 12313:
Ethiopian Catholic University of Saint Thomas Aquinas
11007:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog: Join the Angelicum Choir" 9184:"The John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue" 9101:"Management of the Organizations of the Third Sector" 8917: 8605:"Benvenuti sul sito della facoltà di Teologia - PUST" 7407:, "Chapter IX: The Neo-Scholastic Revival in Italy", 6890:
Time Magazine World's Most Influential People in 2012
In November 2011 Minerva the Owl was voted in as the
3918:. The Church and stair also feature in the 1950 film 3495:
at its new site. A wide flight of stairs leads to a
3216: 2381:
in Poland, received a doctorate in theology from the
deliver a talk to the professors and students at the
of the Order more centrally located at the Church of
character of the Dominican apostolate as intended by
Analysis of Existing: Barry Miller's Approach to God
10759:: The Sources, Content, and Sequels of His Mysticism 9670:
9653:"LIPPO VANNI in "Enciclopedia dell' Arte Medievale"" 9427:
8849:" - Construction Advice for Home Owners" 8599: 8597: 7067:
An Image of God: The Catholic Struggle with Eugenics
presider, Secretary-General of the Governatorate of
3970:, known as "Jules Mazarin" was chief minister under 3872:
the university's Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus
not expropriated by the Italian government with the
Management of the Organizations of the Third Sector
1315:, Peru, generously funded the reorganization of the 811:, which were held during the academic year 1265–66, 624:
together with masters Bonushomo Britto, Florentius,
9376: 9374: 8334:Discorso di Giovanni Paolo II al Pontificio Ateneo 6692:
6589:. Vol. V. D. Appleton and Company. p. 604 6478:, 2002, by Salvatore Ignazio Camporeale, 150-152. 6471: 6469: 5994:, J. A. Weisheipl, 1960. Accessed 2 September 2015 5877:, Vol. 10, 701. "In each convent there was also a 4380:2014, 7 May, Symposium in honor of Dominican Friar 4282:1491, Bernardo Basin (c. 1445–1510), author of the 3176:
Russell Berrie Fellowship in Interreligious Studies
1295:. Aquinas, who had been canonized in 1323 by Pope 1200:On 7 March 1457, the feast of St. Thomas, humanist 813:
Expositio et lectura super epistolas Pauli Apostoli
526:of Santa Sabina where "sacred studies flourished". 486:mandated that each convent of the Order maintain a 11874: 10931:La carrière du père Didon, Dominicain. 1840 - 1900 10919:. International Olympic Committee. 2002. p. 3 10521:Accessed 15 May 2013; Reprinted in G. Zappacosta, 9546:Le nuove sale della Biblioteca Leonina in Vaticano 9458:Le nuove sale della Biblioteca Leonina in Vaticano 9178: 9176: 8565:"First American rector of Angelicum in Rome named" 7929:Grandi amicizie: i Maritain e i loro contemporanei 7350:"Ashley/Dominicans: 8 the Age of Compromise 1800s" 5723:Walz, Xenia Thomistica, III, p. 164 n. 4. In the 5544:, 1919, which was translated into English in 1922, 5090:. Philosopher, social and political theorist and 2585:students are enrolled in the faculty of theology. 2179:and faculty members in the mid-twentieth century, 1971:Building on the legacy of the Order's first Roman 1445:. Candido had entered the Order at the convent of 1393:summoned Lemos and Diego Alvarez to represent the 1137:and former College of St. Thomas, including (843) 890:being made bishop in 1286, the year of his death. 757:Aquinas began to compose his monumental work, the 12962:Educational institutions established in the 1570s 12762:Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon 11320:Dios y Audacia: Mi Juventud Junto a San Josemaría 8830:St. Joseph's Seminary (Dunwoodie), New York (USA) 8594: 8512:"Bologna Process; European Higher Education Area" 6483:dietro pressante richiesta dei frati domenicani." 6247: 6209: 6154: 5976:, Volume 19, p. 104, Accessed 27 October 2012; 5540:Thomas Pègues, 1909–1921 Theology. His 21-volume 5083:. Historian of medieval theology and philosophy. 4924:Choir meets for practice each week in the chapel. 4855:The following is a sample of student activities: 3978:beyond which is the Markets and Forum of Trajan. 3050:St. Joseph's Seminary (Dunwoodie), New York (USA) 1539:(1691) as well as of several commentaries on the 1407:Acta omnium congregationum ac disputationum, etc. 839:Quaestiones disputatae de spiritualibus creaturis 12923: 11813: 10900:"Münster - Startseite - Johannes Hospiz Münster" 9371: 9342:is listed as "PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITA SAN TOMMASO" 9075:"Management and Corporate Social Responsibility" 9061:"Leadership in Politics & Economics Program" 7374: 7372: 7335:, 1981, The Center For Thomistic Studies, 14-15. 7327:"A Remembrance of Pope Leo XIII: The Encyclical 6466: 5992:"The Place of Study In the Ideal of St. Dominic" 5924:Accessed 17 February 2013. After receiving the 5497: 4483:Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity 4193:1893, Cardinal Sebastiano Galeati Archbishop of 3942:(UNIDROIT). Behind the campus intersecting with 3461:of Dominican Friars that serves the university. 3118:Institut Marie-Dominique Chenu, Berlin (Germany) 2869:Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity 2654:Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity 2508:On 24 November 1994, four days after beatifying 12937:13th-century establishments in the Papal States 12354:Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra 10777:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog: Angelicum Hymn (?)" 10041:"Università "pro Deo": inaugurazione dei corsi" 9173: 7862:Il Collegio di S. Tommaso d'Aquino alla Minerva 6609:Pontifical University of St. Thomas "Angelicum" 6370:"GUIDETTI, Guidetto in "Dizionario Biografico"" 5133:. Philosopher, theologian, media personality, 3505:Pontificium Institutum Internationale Angelicum 3159:John Paul II Center for Interreligious Dialogue 3145:Management and Corporate Social Responsibility 2567:since the time of Aquinas' own activity at the 2489:On 17 November 1979, one year into his papacy, 2252:Pontificium Institutum Internationale Angelicum 2250:become an institute with its change of name to 2127:from 1913 to 1917 with a dissertation entitled 1429:translations of Aristotle in the 1260s and the 787:during this period at Santa Sabina include the 128:Pontificium Institutum Internationale Angelicum 11893:. Rome: Rome Reports, via YouTube. 9 July 2009 11292:" - Fr. Abelardo Lobato Casado O.P." 11197: 10616:"Speech on Human Rights, Women and the Church" 10353:2 January 2015; Biblioteca volante, Volume 2, 9638:N. Cardano, "La mostra dell'Acqua Felice", in 9583: 9581: 7290: 6792:"CANDIDO, Vincenzo in "Dizionario Biografico"" 6667:"Gravina, Domenico nell'Enciclopedia Treccani" 6661: 6659: 6085:History of the city of Rome in the Middle Ages 6023:, Anagni, 1265, n. 12, in Corpus Thomisticum, 5973:Histoire littéraire de la France: XIIIe siècle 5964:Histoire littéraire de la France: XIIIe siècle 5757:' teaching on the perfection of the Dominican 5513:professor of Philosophy and Theology 1909–1960 5164:philosopher and member of the "Cracow Circle". 4752:Church Vestments: Their Origin and Development 4618:Collegium Pontificium Internationale Angelicum 3841:, Karol Józef Wojtyła, under the direction of 3065:Studio Filosofico Domenicano, Bologna (Italy) 2350:changed names once again in 1942 becoming the 2008:Collegium Pontificium Internationale Angelicum 1852:of 1879 was a great impetus to the revival of 1307:in 1567. To honor this great doctor, in 1577 567:at Paris. Aquinas dedicated to Annibaldi the 134:Pontificium Athenaeum Internationale Angelicum 122:Pontificium Collegium Internationale Angelicum 32:Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas 12972:Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas 12522: 12461:Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas 12433:Universitas Katolik St. Thomas Sumatera Utara 12279: 11950: 11916:Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas ( 11797:Hombres y documentos de la filosofía española 11647:treating the Church's position on communism. 11281:, and Wojtyła was finally awarded the degree. 10577:it:Università degli Studi "Guglielmo Marconi" 10038: 10006: 9574:. Collegio Angelico – via Google Books. 9315:"Fundingyoureducation - Lay Students in Rome" 9186:. Archived from 8862:Studio Filosofico Domenicano, Bologna (Italy) 8446: 8444: 8406:"Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas" 7712:The HarperCollins Encyclopedia of Catholicism 7611: 7369: 6241: 6239: 6220: 5002:, eds Margherita Maria Rossi e Teodora Rossi. 3574:St. Thomas seated, in his left arm holds the 3289:A summer session runs for the month of June. 3249:Solemnity of the Dedication of the Church of 2589:11% from Latin America, and 1% from Oceania. 2269:. The convent, which had been established by 1491:(1574–1648), one of the principal critics of 306:Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas 12987:Seminaries and theological colleges in Italy 11799:: H-LL. Vol. IV, ed. by Gonzalo Diaz Diaz. 11629:Accessed 27 May 2012. Cordovani served the 10379:El sacrosanto y ecuménico Concilio de Trento 9491:Accessed 9 September 2012. A photograph of 7912:Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica, 7873:Renz, 48-49, op. cit. Accessed 24 April 2012 7867: 5928:from St. Dominic in 1220 and an abbreviated 4296:, Renaissance chronicler, gave the encomium. 3334:campus is located in the historic center of 1495:, was baccalaureaus at the college in 1615. 1051:of Aristotle. This was an advance over the 580: 12982:Catholic universities and colleges in Italy 12371:Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino 11593: 9928: 9868:"Cento film e un'Italia da non dimenticare" 9578: 9570:Cormier, Hyacinthe-Marie (1 January 1914). 8425: 7840:Renz, 44, op. cit. Accessed 24 April 2012; 7812:(n. nel 1877), M. Cordovani (1883-1950). " 7563:Accessed 9 June 2011; Renzi, op. cit. 43: 6996:Acta capituli generalis provincialium Romae 6656: 6587:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography 6527:Ordinationes ... pro studiorum reformatione 5857:"Hinnebusch: 1 the Foundation of the Order" 5664:List of early modern universities in Europe 5613:1994–present Moral Theology. 2005–present 4447:Alumni Achievement Award is conferred upon 4424:parliamentarians to be their candidate for 3318:campus in distance at center including the 3128:Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest 2029:In the first half of the twentieth century 775:At Santa Sabina Thomas composed the entire 490:. The official foundation of the Dominican 12529: 12515: 12286: 12272: 11957: 11943: 11858: 11247:Encyclopedia of American Religious History 10181:. Archevêché de Lyon. 1881. pp. 447–. 9759:Twentieth C. Paintings in Ashmolean Museum 9290:"The International Dominican Foundation -" 9272:"The International Dominican Foundation -" 8736:Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit (USA) 8441: 7935:Accessed 28 February 2016. Jean Leclercq, 7834: 7440: 7380: 6613:Pontifical Universities and Roman Athenaea 6574: 6236: 6004:A Biographical Study of the Angelic Doctor 5922: 5917:Compendium Historiae Ordinis Praedicatorum 5893:, Tomus Primus, Ab Anno 1215 ad 1280, 15; 5099:Lectorate ad Licentiate in Sacred Theology 5046:notables from the relatively recent past. 4798:who is an unapologetic football fan. The 4774:(Faster, Higher, Stronger) was coined by 4584:, Prefect for the Supreme Tribunal of the 4101:granted to those visiting a church of the 4081:patron: Traditionally on 7 March, the pre 3725: 3503:of Pope Pius XI who was reigning when the 3487:immediately to the right of the Church of 3109: 3026: 3022:Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit (USA) 3016: 2463:On 29 November 1963, Egyptian scholar and 1770:fame as a scholar at the forefront of the 1229:in the mid-1550s. In 1585 Fabri, who was 294: 60:Pontificia Università San Tommaso D'Aquino 11655:Theologian of the Secretary of State, an 11563: 11308: 11104:. Pontificia Universitas a Sancto Thoma. 10582: 8619:"Jean-Marie Roger Tillard OP (1927-2000)" 7882:Renz, 49, op. cit. Accessed 24 April 2012 7876: 7794:Renz, 44, op. cit. Accessed 9 June 2011; 7788: 7118:"Roselli, Salvatore Maria - Scholasticon" 6581:Wilson, James; Fiske, John, eds. (1887). 6506:"FABRI, Sisto in "Dizionario Biografico"" 6061:, 1998, p. 278-279. Accessed 30 June 2011 6027:Accessed 8 April 2011; English trans. in 6025: 5982:, Volume 10, p. 701. Accessed 9 June 2011 5277:Knowledge Through Affective Connaturality 4945: 4289:1487, Martin de Nimira, Croatian Latinist 3870:Along the north side of campus are found 3654:to its terminus at the Moses fountain or 3595: 3538:on the right. The base of the statue of 3415: 2640:, Alejandro Crosthwaite, OP, Dean of the 2392:Institute of Spirituality was founded by 2339:Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli the future Pope 1909:Pontificium Collegium Divi Thomae de Urbe 1102: 921:during the latter's exile from Florence. 433:Medieval origin (1222): the Santa Sabina 116:Pontificium Collegium Divi Thomae de Urbe 12448:Institut catholique d’études supérieures 12349:Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú 12078:Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium 11850:Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas 11826:Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas 11603:of his day, as is expressed in his 1907 10856: 10025:"Movimento operaio e unità dell'Europa" 8910:Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose 8820:St. Saviour's Church and Priory, Dublin. 7651:Renz, Christopher J. (8 February 2017). 7520:Renz, Christopher J. (8 February 2017). 7442:Accessed 24 May 2011; James Burtchaell, 6500: 6498: 5560:, 1929–1933 Moral Theology and Pedagogy. 5550:Jacques Marie Vosté, 1911–1949 Theology. 5501: 5266:Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei 5053: 4629:Master General of the Order of Preachers 4611: 4286:(1483) gave the encomium at the Minerva. 4058: 4022:Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts 4013:, "Why There Are So Few Thomist Saints?" 3866:The University Church, Chapel, and Choir 3831:Doctrina de fide apud S. Ioannem a Cruce 3793: 3766:Bookshop, and the university's library. 3680: 3603: 3463: 3302: 3207:Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies 3142:Ethical Leadership International Program 3093:Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose 2767: 2730:Master General of the Order of Preachers 2650:Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace 2501:, where Aquinas is "as in his own home ( 2229: 1957:Master General of the Order of Preachers 1913: 1891:Zigliara contributed to the encyclicals 1865:Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas 1747: 1649: 1109: 939: 917:. He was a correspondent by letter with 882:dictated by Aquinas at the Santa Sabina 858: 587: 407:contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere 12942:1577 establishments in the Papal States 11848:. In 1999 he was made President of the 11660:Giovanni Battista Montini, future Pope 11065:Renz, Christopher J. (September 2009). 9569: 9513:Biblioteca apostolica vaticana (1893). 9382:"New Catholic Dictionary: Pope Pius XI" 9125: 7242:, Vol. 2 By V. Fortunato Marchese,513, 6763: 4687:does not currently have a school song. 4627:bestowed upon it his personal motto as 3848: 3354:. It is situated near the beginning of 3268:Feast of the university's patron Saint 3084: 2722: 2191:whose distinguished exponents included 2041:and others carried on Leo's call for a 1717:for all degree candidates. The Minerva 1561:At the general chapter of Rome in 1694 1222:served as professor of theology at the 726:was an intermediate school between the 14: 12924: 12223:The Apotheosis of Saint Thomas Aquinas 11504:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 11027: 11009:. 10906: 10875:. 17 May 2014. Archived from 10774: 10688:. 9991: 9920:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 9407: 8787:"St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur (India)" 8319:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 8280:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 8028:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 7605: 6194: 6170: 5615:Theologian of the Pontifical Household 5421:Theologian of the Pontifical Household 5234:Theologian of the Pontifical Household 5160:. Historian of logic, neo-scholastic 5092:Theologian of the Pontifical Household 4757: 4011:Theologian of the Pontifical Household 3981: 3974:. The East edge of campus is bound by 3910:. The Church as also been depicted by 3746:was recently renamed after one of the 3523:who were on campus shooting the film. 2676: 2614:Theologian of the Pontifical Household 2536:Today the faculty and students of the 2527: 2371:"Il cristianesimo perfezione dell'uomo 1537:Commentaria scholastica in Div. Thomam 1133:including (844) Church and Convent of 955:before 1288 when he was made Cardinal. 951:, 1352. Aycelin served as a lector at 12510: 12267: 12207:International Council of Universities 11938: 10648:from the original on 19 November 2011 9552:, by Biblioteca apostolica vaticana, 8754:Blackfriars Studium, Oxford (England) 6960:, Henry Edward Manning (1871), 105. 6495: 5049: 4850: 4556:Rector, led the procession on 15 May. 3930:The northern flank of campus borders 3080:Saint John Seminary, Boston, MA (USA) 3059:Dominican Institute, Ibadan (Nigeria) 3032:Blackfriars Studium, Oxford (England) 2369:in 1947 with a dissertation entitled 841:, and at least the first book of the 805:Quaestiones disputate de potentia Dei 12316:Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique 11643:(1937), and afterward published his 11064: 10897: 10059:"Buenaventura García Paredes, Beato" 7650: 7519: 7410:"Jacques Maritain Center: Revival 9" 7063: 6223:" - Le famiglie Brunacci" 5979:Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics 5875:Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics 5599:, 1992–2001 Grand Chancellor of the 5531:, 1909–1960 Philosophy and Theology. 5517:For a more complete list of notable 4690: 4594:Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration 4401:President of the European Commission 4035:, Italian Prime Minister 1945–1953, 3946:is the "Via Mazzarino", named after 3228: 3056:Sacred Heart Institute, Gozo (Malta) 3038:St. Charles Seminary, Nagpur (India) 2970:Scientiarum Socialium Baccalaureatus 2638:International Theological Commission 2258:professor Mariano Cordovani began a 2098:Une école de théologie: le Saulchoir 1693:and Eclecticism of Austrian Jesuit, 1682:in 1867 winning prizes and acclaim. 1443:translation of the Bible into Arabic 529:From its beginning the Santa Sabina 341:and is the order's central locus of 51:: Pontificia Studiorum Universitas a 12753:Dicastery for Culture and Education 11198:Times of Malta (11 November 2004). 10840:Commentarium Codicis Iuris Canonici 10535: 10454:, Volume 2, August Potthas, p. 1602 10432: 10322:"Prefecture of the Papal Household" 9802: 6974: 6706:II, 1721, by Jacques Quetif, 427. 5891:Bullarium Ordinis FF. Praedicatorum 5521:faculty throughout its history see 5333:U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops 4942:Saturdays and the month of August. 4910:, birthplace of St. Thomas Aquinas. 4543:Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus 4129:Congregation for Catholic Education 4085:feast day and death anniversary of 3925: 3888:Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus 3678:separates lower from upper levels. 3426:Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus 3320:Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus 3295: 3122: 3035:Collegio Alberoni, Piacenza (Italy) 2398:Congregation for Catholic Education 2315:Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus 2254:. During the academic year 1927-28 2236:Church of Saints Dominic and Sixtus 1983:that had sprung from it by 1426 at 1571:of the Roman province of the Order. 1283:The late sixteenth century saw the 496:at Rome, which would grow into the 470:before his death in 1221. By 1219 235:Italy (but extraterritorial of the 24: 12367:Universidad Santo Tomás (Honduras) 11995:Quaestiones Disputatae de Veritate 11964: 10752:Expositio super Cantico canticorum 8189:. pp. 205–208. Archived from 8184:"Acta Apostolicae Sedis 55 (1963)" 7614:"The Thomistic tradition (Part 1)" 5744:, 1913. Accessed 31 December 2012. 5542:Catéchisme de la Somme théologique 5097:Marius J. Zerafa O.P., 1929-2022, 4813: 4248:1571, Cornelio Firmano, Bishop of 3326:can be seen to the left of campus. 3217:United States Federal Loan Program 1603:Librarian of the Holy Roman Church 329:located in the historic center of 25: 13008: 12419:University of Santo Tomas–Legazpi 11909: 11871:"Welcome to Angelicum University" 11846:Pontifical Council for the Family 11564:Laplanche, François, ed. (1996). 10761:ed. P. Mommaers, N. De Paepe, 84 9487:association of students, ASPUST. 8434:Accessed 10 April 2020; See also 7612:Feser, Edward (15 October 2009). 6861:Accessed 2 July 2011. See also: 6811:Accessed 20 June 2011; See also 6530:, G. Marescotti: Florence 1585. 5031: 3638:(c. 1630) at the entrance to the 3233:The regular academic year at the 2980:Scientiarum Socialium Licentiatus 2291:activated Cormier's plan for the 1762:and was a founding member of the 1409:and author of the much discussed 1216:criticism of scholastic thomism. 1026:was redesignated as one of three 642:to complete this course becoming 12877: 12850: 12838: 12489: 12246: 12032: 11881: 11863: 11790: 11744: 11708: 11671: 11615: 11586: 11557: 11531: 11472: 11447: 11433: 11407: 11391: 11375: 11345: 11329: 11313: 11297: 11284: 11260: 11240: 11214: 11191: 11145: 11123: 11092: 11058: 11036: 11021: 10999: 10988: 10967: 10953: 10939: 10891: 10865: 10850: 10832: 10823: 10809: 10783: 10768: 10741: 10725: 10713: 10700: 10678: 10660: 10634: 10608: 10570: 10544: 10529: 10514: 10498: 10471: 10457: 10441: 10426: 10404: 10388: 10372: 10360: 10344: 10328: 10314: 10300: 10281: 10268: 10248: 10232: 10217: 10201: 10185: 10169: 10156: 10144: 10128: 10113: 10092: 10078: 10065: 10051: 10032: 10019: 10000: 9985: 9971: 9888: 9874: 9860: 9848: 9836: 9824: 9811: 9796: 9778: 9767: 9752: 9738: 9724: 9713: 9687: 9675: 9659: 9645: 9632: 9606: 9563: 9539: 9523: 9506: 9475:Accessed 9 September 2012. The 9466: 9446: 9432: 9416: 9401: 9345: 9332: 9307: 9296: 9282: 9264: 9238: 9220: 9202: 9119: 9093: 9067: 9053: 9031: 9013: 9002: 8984: 8970: 8952: 8934: 8903: 8897:Handbook of Studies, 2012-2013: 8891: 8873: 8855: 8841: 8823: 8811: 8797: 8779: 8765: 8747: 8729: 8715: 8697: 8685: 8674: 8656: 8642: 8625: 8611: 8588:Handbook of Studies, 2012-2013: 8582: 8556: 8530: 8504: 8483: 8457: 8398: 8380: 8357: 8344: 8328: 8241: 8224: 8208: 8176: 8160: 8144: 8126: 8098: 8080: 8066: 8048: 7990: 7958: 7946: 7921: 7900: 7885: 7805: 7768: 7756: 7725: 7701: 7687: 7671: 7644: 7627: 6730:, 51, by Giovanni Lorenzo Berti 6704:Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum 6436:Acta capitulorum generalium O.P. 5529:Réginald Marie Garrigou-Lagrange 4375:De singularibus non est scientia 4319:. The Dominicans of the Minerva 4223:1650, Antonio Francesco Fracassi 4181:Master of the Order of Preachers 4171:Master of the Order of Preachers 4077:Encomium of St. Thomas Aquinas, 4051:Réginald Marie Garrigou-Lagrange 3626:, and the first new aqueduct of 3424:ordered the construction of the 2990:Scientiarum Socialium Doctoratus 2791:Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureatus 2421:Master of the Order of Preachers 1959:, to develop the college into a 1777:The mid-19th-century revival of 1231:Master of the Order of Preachers 878:of the second commentary on the 67: 12476:CEU Cardinal Herrera University 12364:Universidad Santo Tomás (Chile) 12309:Universidade Católica de Angola 12215:Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas 12192:List of works by Thomas Aquinas 11873:. 10 April 2011. Archived from 11417:. 28 March 2018. Archived from 11322:by Julián Herranz Casado, 44. 11068:In This Light Which Gives Light 10381:, Ignacio López de Ayala, 429. 9855:it:100 film italiani da salvare 9479:statue appears on the cover of 8562: 7583: 7570: 7553: 7540: 7513: 7473: 7457: 7429: 7397: 7385: 7338: 7321: 7281:In This Light Which Gives Light 7274: 7261: 7249: 7233: 7214: 7183: 7169: 7141: 7102: 7084: 7070:. University of Chicago Press. 7064:Leon, Sharon M. (5 June 2013). 7057: 7040: 7028: 7005: 6983: 6968: 6947: 6938: 6926: 6907: 6883: 6872: 6865:Caccini Accessed 2 July 2011. 6852: 6831: 6818: 6798: 6784: 6768: 6752: 6737: 6721: 6697: 6684: 6638: 6601: 6564: 6550: 6537: 6519: 6486: 6445: 6421:The Dominicans: A Short History 6413: 6383: 6362: 6349: 6336: 6323: 6307: 6287: 6274: 6260: 6214: 6200: 6175: 6146: 6128: 6115: 6102: 6090: 6064: 6049: 6038: 6013: 5997: 5985: 5957: 5935: 5909: 5884: 5851:The Dominicans: A Short History 5842: 5443:Pontifical Gregorian University 5388:. Theologian and President of 5279:, which was later published as 4639:phrase literally translated as 3169: 2478:delivered an allocution in the 2223:would continue under the title 1764:Accademia Romana di San Tommaso 1644:Accademia Romana di San Tommaso 1437:of Aquinas' works (see below). 998:studium particularis theologiae 927:studium particularis theologiae 845:, a commentary on Aristotle's 785:Other works composed by Aquinas 673:In February 1265 newly elected 452:Parisian convent of St. Jacques 12409:Australian Catholic University 12336:Universidad Católica Argentina 12320:Catholic University of Nigeria 12160:Canonization of Thomas Aquinas 11695:Pontifical Biblical Commission 10039:CinecittaLuce (15 June 2012). 10007:CinecittaLuce (16 June 2012). 6249:Accessed 9 May 2011; See also 5824: 5811: 5797: 5774: 5753:This motto is a paraphrase of 5747: 5730: 5717: 5676: 5575:Fabio Giardini, 1956–2006 (an 5439:Order of St. Gregory the Great 5222:. Philosopher and theologian. 5188:. Philosopher and theologian. 4037:European Union founding member 3833:(The Doctrine of Faith in St. 3558:or main reference room of the 2666:Order of St. Gregory the Great 2559:has had varying fortunes, the 2278:Buenaventura García de Paredes 2085:, and the Dominican priory of 1709:at the College of St. Thomas. 1441:(1573-1654) presided over the 1373:(1550 c.-1635), author of the 1117:, 1748, detail showing: (837) 825:Quaestiones disputatae de malo 809:Quaestiones disputate de anima 13: 1: 12932:1222 establishments in Europe 12452:Facultà di Teología di Lugano 11645:Appunti sul comunismo moderno 10009:"Colpi d'obiettivo sul mondo" 9761:by Katharine Eustace, 17-19. 8978:"Institut M.-Dominique Chenu" 7914:a XVII, n. 1. 2005, 107-161. 7589:Address of Fr. Joseph Agius, 7483:, 9 "The Age of Compromise," 7347:, Benedict M. Ashley, O. P., 6918:Bibliotheca Maxima Pontificia 6916:, quaest. 1, apud Rocaberti, 6845:Accessed 16 March 2012. See 6182:History of Italian Philosophy 5605:Master of the Dominican Order 5498:Some recent faculty and staff 5483:Licentiate of Sacred Theology 5321:Licentiate of Sacred Theology 5305:nominee known for defense of 5291:Licentiate of Sacred Theology 5230:Licentiate of Sacred Theology 5218:Abelardo Lobato Casado, 1952 5202:. Philosopher and theologian. 4665:suscipit necessitas caritatis 4065:Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami 3845:and defended on 19 June 1948 3562:. At the instigation of the 3348:of the eternal city known as 3090:The Institute of Spirituality 2890:Juris Canonici Baccalaureatus 2802:Sacrae Theologiae Licentiatus 1738:Collegium Divi Thomae de Urbe 1299:, was proclaimed fifth Latin 1149:c. 1565 (nearest to Church), 110:Collegium Divi Thomae de Urbe 53:Sancto Thoma Aquinate in Urbe 11685:at Louvain, he attended the 11175:(in Italian). Archived from 7937:Di grazia in grazia: memorie 6746:, by Michael D. Torre, 131. 5584:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5441:, Professor of Spirituality 5431:Doctorate of Sacred Theology 5417:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5408:Archdiocese of San Francisco 5404:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5386:Doctorate of Sacred Theology 5376:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5248:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5200:Doctorate of Sacred Theology 5186:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5172:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5158:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5148:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5131:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5117:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5103:Doctorate in Social Sciences 5088:Doctorate in Sacred Theology 5081:Doctorate of Sacred Theology 4928: 4206:1880, Girolamo Pio Saccheri. 3990:traditions and annual events 3740:Aula Magna Giovanni Paolo II 3665:Arched porticos designed by 3412:Rome's oldest extant tower. 3404:derives from the expression 3045:St. Saviour’s Priory, Dublin 2813:Sacrae Theologiae Doctoratus 2704:Since 19 September 2003 the 2671: 2636:and former Secretary of the 2234:An 18th-century view of the 2083:Chapel of Notre Dame du Haut 2051:Twenty-Four Thomistic Theses 2049:, were later summarized in " 1619:dated 26 May 1727 Dominican 1457:(1643) was later accused of 1145:of the Italian government), 199:Gerard Francisco Timoner III 178:; 802 years ago 7: 11635:Master of the Sacred Palace 11306:Accessed 19 February 2013; 10308:"TREVI - Famiglia Lucarini" 10228:Pio Tomasso Masetti, p. 149 10198:, Volume 117 p. 209, p. 523 10162:Il Rosario, Volume 10, 192 9979:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog" 9732:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog" 9425:Accessed 8 September 2012; 9151:"Angelicum Newsletter Blog" 8234:41, 1964, 145-68; See also 8123:. Accessed on 22 April 2011 7718:Accessed 13 November 2012; 6994:Accessed 2 September 2011; 6920:, 1695-99, tom viii, 392. 6892:Accessed 9 March 2013; Cf. 5657: 5465:Bachelor of Sacred Theology 5254:Javier Echevarría Rodríguez 4792:Cardinal Secretary of State 4240:Master of the Sacred Palace 3958:in 1642, and Archbishop of 3952:Master of the Sacred Palace 3650:before coursing across the 3630:Rome, completed in 1585 by 3394:with a church dedicated to 2930:Philosophiae Baccalaureatus 2660:and was recently created a 2379:Lublin School of Philosophy 2129:De quidditate Incarnationis 2087:Sainte Marie de La Tourette 1955:(1832–1916), newly elected 1883:in 1882 and its Faculty of 1547:Ferre writes in defense of 1405:. Lemos was editor of the 1187:was raised to the level of 1010:Bartolomeo da San Concordio 551:Master of the Sacred Palace 535:Master of the Sacred Palace 318:in honor of its patron the 10: 13013: 12977:Properties of the Holy See 12392:University of Saint Thomas 12386:University of Saint Thomas 12139:Principle of double effect 11028:Angepr (14 October 2008). 10857:Papabear (26 April 2008). 10775:Angepr (26 January 2012). 10261:Accessed 15 January 2015; 10257:Accessed 15 January 2015; 10029:Accessed 21 September 2012 9992:Angepr (5 November 2008). 9408:Angepr (21 October 2010). 8818:Studium (House of Studies) 8286:Accessed 4 December 2013; 8217:Accessed 5 February 2013, 8074:"Istituto di Spiritualità" 7722:Accessed 10 September 2013 7680:Accessed 4 December 2014; 6617:Libreria Editrice Vaticana 5507:Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange 5447:Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas 5406:. auxiliary bishop of the 5281:The Range of the Intellect 5244:Servais-Théodore Pinckaers 5035: 4832:Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas 4714:is imposed is called the " 4430:2013 presidential election 4328:Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo 4238:1622, Reginaldo Lucarini, 4235:1633, Latino Pagano Orsini 4033:Christian Democratic Party 3843:Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange 2901:Iuris Canonici Licentiatus 2658:Lay Centre at Foyer Unitas 2600:, Jordan Aumann, Cardinal 2377:, leading exponent of the 2319:Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange 2207:8 June 1923 Szabó founded 2039:Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange 1680:Paris Universal Exposition 1455:Disquisitionibus moralibus 1093:Specchio di vera penitenza 1049:First and Second Analytics 977:were transferred to a new 880:Sentences of Peter Lombard 821:Responsio de 108 articulis 685:, Aquinas was assigned as 616:At the general chapter of 561:and was later sent to the 440:Saint Dominic established 379: 29: 12833: 12802: 12732: 12694: 12656: 12623: 12600: 12552: 12484: 12471:CEU Abat Oliba University 12440: 12401: 12344:Ohio Dominican University 12328: 12301: 12241: 12186:Thomas Aquinas Dictionary 12152: 12117: 12041: 12030: 11972: 11838:Master of Sacred Theology 11718:. He was the founder of 11342:Accessed 12 February 2014 10511:, Johann Burchard, p. 243 10507:Accessed 1 January 2015; 10480:, 548, 15 November 1949. 10290:Accessed 1 January 2015; 10278:Accessed 14 December 2014 10245:By Jacques Quetif, p. 691 10241:Accessed 1 January 2014; 10194:Accessed 3 January 2015; 10137:Accessed 2 January 2015, 9785:Accessed 24 February 2013 9774:Accessed 24 February 2013 9503:Accessed 9 September 2012 9429:Accessed 9 September 2012 9398:Accessed 8 September 2012 9209:Russell Berrie Foundation 8454:Accessed 1 November. 2012 8392:27 September 2013 at the 8157:\ Accessed 23 August 2013 8151:My Journal of the Council 7943:Accessed 28 February 2016 7667:– via Google Books. 7536:– via Google Books. 7080:– via Google Books. 7021:; Renz, op. cit. p. 43: 7002:Accessed November 1, 2012 6879:Accessed 15 February 2013 6869:Accessed 18 February 2013 6828:Accessed 21 February 2013 6463:Accessed 25 February 2013 6359:Accessed 20 February 2015 6304:Accessed 17 February 2015 6083:Accessed 20 February 2013 6045:Accessed 16 February 2013 5588:Master of Sacred Theology 4386:Dachau concentration camp 4242:(1643), gave the encomium 4220:1661, Angelo Paciucchelli 4186:1903, Domenico Toncelli. 3656:Fontana dell'Acqua Felice 3564:Pontifical Roman Seminary 3489:Saints Dominic and Sixtus 3483:The main entrance of the 3251:Saints Dominic and Sixtus 2912:Iuris Canonici Doctoratus 2375:Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec 1985:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 1581:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 1447:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 1321:St. Gregory at Valladolid 1289:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 1224:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 1185:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 1135:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 983:Santa Maria sopra Minerva 705:With this assignment the 681:of the Roman province at 547:Annibaldo degli Annibaldi 364:and some in English. The 345:theology and philosophy. 281: 273: 260: 244: 224: 216: 204: 192: 172: 162: 156: 143: 94: 81: 66: 46: 12666:Arab and Islamic Studies 12466:CEU San Pablo University 12231:Temptation of St. Thomas 12102:Verbum supernum prodiens 11988:De regno, ad regem Cypri 11981:Contra Errores Graecorum 11930:Angelicum Alumni website 11925:OPAC - Library Catalogue 11815:Accessed 12 March 2013, 11705:Accessed 7 February 2013 11701:Accessed 30 March 2013; 11566:Les sciences religieuses 11384:Accessed 29 March 2013; 11369:Accessed 29 April 2012; 10732:The Perennial Philosophy 10668:"WOMEN AND HUMAN RIGHTS" 10355:Giovanni Cinelli Calvoli 10106:by Gaetano Moroni, 135. 9720:Accessed 6 October 2012. 9535:. Paulist Fathers. 1898. 8694:, Accessed 15 March 2013 8668:17 February 2015 at the 8438:, Section VI, Article 39 8325:Accessed 4 December 2013 8060:13 December 2013 at the 8041:22 February 2014 at the 7684:Accessed 4 December 2014 7470:Accessed August 29, 2012 7450:, Cambridge 1969, 130. 7113:Roselli, Salvatore Maria 7048:"Accessed 26, May, 2014" 6990:della provincia romana" 6714:Michael D. Torre, 131, 6442:Accessed 7 November 2012 5900:St. Dominic and His Work 5836:29 December 2010 at the 5669: 5637:, 1994–present Theology. 5579:record) Theology. 1955 5396:Robert Francis Christian 5350:Licentiate in Philosophy 5262:Bishop (Catholic Church) 5086:Mariano Cordovani, 1909 4674:The Perennial Philosophy 4307:Giovanni Antonio Campani 4301:Aurelio Lippo Brandolini 3837:) written by the future 3360:just above the ruins of 2941:Philosophiae Licentiatus 2757:Public Relations Officer 2648:, and Consultant to the 2400:on 1 May 1958. The poet 2356:Internationale Angelicum 2195:, A. Lepidi, T. Pègues, 1979:founded in 1222 and the 1695:Sigismund von Storchenau 1348:Protector of the Indians 913:and later served in the 864:Latino Malabranca Orsini 843:Sententia Libri De anima 553:after Saint Dominic and 40:Pontifical University of 30:Not to be confused with 12967:Pontifical universities 12815:Pastorale Universitaria 12538:Pontifical universities 12456:Mary Immaculate College 12376:Saint Thomas University 12359:Universidad Santo Tomás 12197:Institutional namesakes 11601:anti-modernist movement 11400:Accessed 8 April 2013; 11275:Jagiellonian University 11253:Accessed 3 March 2013; 10484:Accessed 25 June 2014; 10120:Accessed 14 Jan. 2015, 9672:Accessed 20 August 2012 9589:"Google Sites: Sign-in" 9456:Accessed 8 March 2013, 9246:"Accessed May 27, 2012" 9009:Accessed 5 October 2012 8946:7 November 2007 at the 8941:Accessed 5 October 2012 8835:15 October 2007 at the 8741:29 October 2007 at the 8377:Accessed 20 August 2013 8354:Accessed 19 August 2013 8341:Accessed 21 August 2013 8238:Accessed 29 August 2013 7785:Accessed 12 August 2013 7378:Catholic Encyclopedia, 7318:Accessed 14 August 2013 7287:Accessed 24 April 2011. 7271:Accessed 20 March. 2013 7227:5 December 2014 at the 7166:Accessed 30 August 2013 7134:Accessed 28 June 2014; 7012:The Casanatense Library 6710:Accessed 22 June 2011; 6690:Enciclopedia Treccani, 6534:Accessed 10 August 2013 6434:Accessed 19 July 2012; 6430:8 December 2015 at the 6314:Accessed 6 March 2013, 6192:Accessed 29 June 2011; 5906:Accessed=13 August 2013 5881:." Accessed 9 June 2011 5537:, 1909–1929 Philosophy. 5283:, Chapman, London 1961. 5273:Doctorate in Philosophy 5220:Doctorate in Philosophy 5210:Doctorate in Philosophy 5107:Caravaggio's St. Jerome 5077:Doctorate in Philosophy 5042:The following are some 4771:Citius, Altius, Fortius 4655:, and is quoted by St. 4625:Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier 4496:, Anglican theologian, 4465:Edwin Frederick O'Brien 4405:Prime Minister of Italy 4215:Giovanni Maria Cornoldi 4178:Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier 4167:Martin Stanislas Gillet 4018:Francesco Coccopalmerio 3859:Giovanni Battista Soria 3774:administration building 3760:Aula Minor San Raimondo 3636:Giovanni Battista Soria 3610:Giovanni Battista Soria 3590:Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier 3396:the Blessed Virgin Mary 3379: 3282:Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier 3131:Bridge Builder Project 3110:Associated institutions 3027:Affiliated institutions 3017:Aggregated institutions 2952:Philosophiae Doctoratus 2748:Heads of the Institutes 2698:Pontifical universities 2687:Pontifical universities 2510:Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier 1953:Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier 1919:Hyacinthe-Marie Cormier 1760:Congregation of Studies 1732:, the final act of the 1535:(+1682), author of the 1510:(1625) in polemic with 1475:Predicatore degli Ebrei 1391:Congregatio de Auxiliis 1276:Modern history (1577): 1129:(Island of Wisdom) aka 1083:. In 1305 the Minerva 1045:Sophistical Refutations 835:De regno ad regem Cypri 830:Catena aurea in Ioannem 549:(c. 1220 – 1272) third 402:Saint Dominic de Guzman 337:is administered by the 12857:Catholicism portal 12681:Sacred Ambrosian Music 12496:Catholicism portal 12381:Thomas Aquinas College 12253:Catholicism portal 12144:View on the Sacraments 11752:"PIERRE PAUL PHILIPPE" 11691:Theodore of Mopsuestia 11404:Accessed 8 April 2013. 11388:Accessed 12 March 2013 11372:Accessed 30 March 2013 10995:Accessed 14 April 2013 10975:"Convitto San Tommaso" 10873:"Angelicum University" 10791:"Angelicum University" 10765:Accessed 19 March 2013 10738:Accessed 19 March 2013 10734:, Aldous Huxley, 300, 10722:IIa, IIae, 182, 1 ad 3 10491:4 January 2015 at the 10423:Accessed 15 April 2013 10224:Accessed 2 Jan. 2005; 10166:Accessed 16 April 2013 10153:Accessed 16 April 2013 10110:Accessed 15 April 2013 9695:"Angelicum University" 9681:Enciclopedia Treccani 9041:. 17 May 2014 9039:"Angelicum University" 8928:"Angelicum University" 8867:2 October 2011 at the 8663:Accessed=18 March 2015 8591:Accessed 15 March 2013 8173:Accessed 11 March 2013 8034:Accessed 25 May 2012; 7918:Retrieved 23 July 2013 7831:Accessed 27 April 2012 7815:"Scolastica e tomismo" 7802:Accessed 24 April 2012 7753:Accessed 2 August 2013 7602:Accessed 24 April 2011 7580:Accessed 24 April 2011 7567:Accessed 24 April 2011 7510:Accessed 26 April 2011 7426:Accessed 1 August 2013 7403:Joseph Louis Perrier, 7366:Accessed 26 April 2011 7267:"Storia del Progetto" 7258:Accessed 20 March 2013 7246:Accessed 20 March 2013 7025:Accessed 24 April 2011 6781:Accessed 22 March 2013 6765:Accessed 22 March 2013 6611:in: Grzegorz Gałązka, 6607:Cf. Edward Kaczyński, 6561:Accessed 21 April 2011 6547:Accessed 24 April 2011 6296:Accessed 4 July 2011; 6072:Historia Ecclesiastica 6035:Accessed 20 March 2013 5966:, Volume 19, p. 103, 5873:Accessed 9 June 2011; 5514: 5144:Joseph Clifford Fenton 5068: 4946:Publications and media 4573:In 2010 it was led by 4550:Miroslav Konštanc Adam 4388:in 1945, beatified at 4272:1496, Martin de Viana. 4073: 3966:. Mazzarino's brother 3812:Biblioteca Casanatense 3692: 3613: 3586: 3480: 3416:Architectonic features 3367:via dei Fori Imperiali 3327: 3260:Saint Albert the Great 2760:Prefect of the Library 2745:Deans of the Faculties 2728:Grand Chancellor, the 2708:has taken part in the 2685:is one of the world's 2457: 2267:Santi Domenico e Sisto 2246:The year 1926 saw the 2243: 2169: 1989:studium generalissimum 1969: 1961:studium generalissimum 1937:Tommaso Maria Zigliara 1926: 1859:. On 15 October 1879 1838: 1755: 1753:Tommaso Maria Zigliara 1723:Tommaso Maria Zigliara 1676:Villa Borghese gardens 1663: 1660:Villa Borghese gardens 1628:Juan Tomás de Boxadors 1608:Biblioteca Casanatense 1584: 1344:Bartolomé de las Casas 1166: 1159:Sale dell'Inquisizione 1143:Bibliotecca del Senato 1075:of Aristotle, and the 956: 871: 790:Catena aurea in Marcum 773: 703: 613: 555:Bartolomeo di Breganze 151: 59: 12992:Universities in Italy 12908:41.89583°N 12.48750°E 12796:Immaculate Conception 12696:Autonomous institutes 12671:Christian Archaeology 12202:Pontifical University 12023:Summa contra Gentiles 11741:Accessed 1 April 2013 11612:to a wider audience." 11326:Accessed 4 April 2013 11310:Accessed 12 July 2011 10947:"" 10748:William of St-Thierry 10495:Accessed 25 June 2014 10401:Accessed 25 June 2014 10385:Accessed 25 June 2014 10151:it:Sebastiano Galeati 9857:Accessed 4 April 2013 9845:Accessed 7 April 2013 9833:Accessed 7 April 2013 9640:Il Trionfo dell'acqua 9614:"Ss.Domenico e Sisto" 9483:, publication of the 9020:Accessed 5 April 2013 8996:12 March 2008 at the 8900:Accessed 15 July 2013 8452: 8373:14 March 2018 at the 8055:Accessed 11 June 2012 7955:Accessed 26 May 2012 7641:Accessed 5 April 2013 7637:, by Tracey Rowland, 7504:Catholic Encyclopedia 7454:Accessed 8 March 2013 6904:Accessed 9 March 2013 6815:Accessed 22 June 2011 6807:vol. II, 1864, 140. 6734:Accessed 22 June 2011 6718:Accessed 22 June 2011 6650:16 March 2012 at the 6346:Accessed 29 June 2011 6333:Accessed 30 June 2011 6257:Accessed 10 July 2011 6172:Accessed 22 June 2011 5954:Accessed 22 June 2011 5941:Pio Tomasso Masetti, 5742:Catholic Encyclopedia 5564:Józef Maria Bocheński 5505: 5461:Austin Anthony Vetter 5453:(Jan. 2017, named by 5264:, former head of the 5154:Józef Maria Bocheński 5113:Marie-Dominique Chenu 5057: 5036:Further information: 4726:and doctoral ring or 4679:William of St-Thierry 4612:School motto and hymn 4588:, led the procession. 4463:(2011), and Cardinal 4062: 3900:Charles William Eliot 3802:The main part of the 3684: 3622:aqueduct, one of the 3607: 3584:other great teachers. 3572: 3556:Sala di Consultazione 3547:that singles out the 3467: 3306: 2768:Faculties and degrees 2450:pontifical university 2233: 2164: 2154:Pius XI's encyclical 2102:Marie-Dominique Chenu 2067:Marie Alain Couturier 2026:on 20 November 1994. 1965: 1917: 1833: 1751: 1653: 1573: 1479:Summa contra Gentiles 1329:Collegium Divi Thomae 1278:Collegium Divi Thomae 1204:delivered the annual 1197:in 1694 (see below). 1139:Palazzo della Minerva 1113: 943: 862: 817:Compendium theologiae 800:Catena aurea in Lucam 765: 699: 591: 327:pontifical university 312:), also known as the 262:Sporting affiliations 188:(reformed 1577, 1963) 167:Pontifical university 104:Collegium Divi Thomae 12845:Education portal 12540:and institutions of 12424:Sei Katarina Daigaku 12066:Ecce panis angelorum 11860:Accessed 9 June 2011 11668:Accessed 9 June 2011 11257:Accessed 4 July 2011 11179:on 30 September 2011 11155:Accessed 9 June 2011 11071:. Dominican School. 10706:Augustine of Hippo, 10644:. 18 December 2008. 10410:Giuseppe de Novaes, 10397:, 1846, Madrid, 33. 10214:Accessed 13 May 2013 10196:La Scienza e la fede 10141:vol 20, 1903, p. 288 9902:on 23 September 2015 9790:14 June 2012 at the 9701:on 27 September 2013 9278:on 23 February 2012. 8964:24 June 2008 at the 8887:on 24 February 2011. 8569:Catholic News Agency 8436:Sapientia Christiana 8422:Accessed 21 May 2015 8167:L'osservatore Romano 8134:"Ecumenists (1900s)" 8092:14 June 2013 at the 8087:Accessed 30 May 2012 8045:Accessed 25 May 2012 7657:. Dominican School. 7550:Accessed 9 June 2011 7526:. Dominican School. 7382:Accessed 24 May 2011 7333:100 Years of Thomism 7156:on 27 September 2013 6694:Accessed 25 May 2012 6645:Accessed 1 July 2011 6419:William Hinnebusch, 6284:Accessed 26 May 2011 6271:Accessed 17 May 2011 6110:Saint Thomas Aquinas 6070:Ptolomaei Lucensis, 6031:, by P. Conway, 63, 5831:Accessed 2 June 2012 5623:1994–2001 Theology. 5570:Paul-Pierre Philippe 5382:Timothy T. O'Donnell 5287:José Raúl Vera López 4844:Convitto San Tommaso 4641:the charity of truth 4498:Cambridge University 4355:Doctor of the Church 4347:St. Albert the Great 4245:1615, Ignazio Cianti 4125:Angelo Vincenzo Zani 3912:Ettore Roesler Franz 3780:Palazzo dei Decanati 3534:on the left and St. 3446:Vincenzo della Greca 3099:Istituto San Tommaso 3085:Sponsored institutes 2995:Chairs of Learning: 2988:in Social Sciences, 2978:in Social Sciences, 2968:in Social Sciences, 2854:Chairs of Learning: 2811:in Sacred Theology, 2800:in Sacred Theology, 2789:in Sacred Theology, 2723:Academic authorities 2691:Sapientia christiana 2394:Paul-Pierre Philippe 2211:, an association of 1781:, sometimes called " 1615:With the papal bull 1387:Molinist controversy 1360:Francisco de Vitoria 1301:Doctor of the Church 1123:Piazza della Minerva 1095:, was lector at the 1055:, which treated the 753:at the Santa Sabina 666:of 1259 established 396:. The distinctively 157:The charity of truth 42:Saint Thomas Aquinas 12947:Dominican education 12904: /  12820:Pontifical Colleges 12056:Creator ineffabilis 11731:on 10 December 2011 11683:Albin van Hoonacker 11169:"Stelle Domenicane" 11101:Library of Congress 10414:, tom VII, 137, in 9965:7 June 2007 at the 9831:Alessandro Blasetti 9642:(Rome, 1986:250-54) 9353:"Largo Magnanapoli" 9234:. 27 December 2002. 9214:18 May 2006 at the 9190:on 18 February 2015 9126:Interactive, Lift. 9107:on 23 December 2008 9081:on 23 December 2008 9025:17 May 2013 at the 8773:"Collegio Alberoni" 8759:9 July 2013 at the 8725:. 14 November 2006. 8368: 7743:on 10 December 2007 7576:Renz, op. cit. 44: 7502:Accessed 19, 2013; 7492:on 13 December 2013 7308:on 13 December 2013 7283:, by C. Renz, 43. 7017:6 June 2007 at the 6975:Miranda, Salvador. 6423:, 1975, Chapter 2, 6211:Accessed 9 May 2011 6184:, Volume 1, 85, by 6156:Accessed 9 May 2011 6140:23 May 2013 at the 5879:studium particulare 5625:Cardinal Archbishop 5449:, Consultor of the 5390:Christendom College 5325:Cardinal Archbishop 5271:Barry Miller, 1959 5258:Doctor of Canon Law 4937:Bookshop is run by 4867:of Student Affairs. 4780:Pierre de Coubertin 4698:Academic dress for 4586:Apostolic Signatura 4459:(2009), Archbishop 4435:2008, 12 December, 4294:Francesco Matarazzo 4228:Raimondo Capizucchi 4213:priest and scholar 4020:, President of the 3982:General information 3972:Louis XIV of France 3884:John Singer Sargent 3734:To the east of the 3697:Aula della Sapienza 3434:Giacomo della Porta 3410:Torre delle Milizie 3324:Torre delle Milizie 2763:University Chaplain 2737:Thomas Joseph White 2735:Rector Magnificus. 2677:Quality and ranking 2602:Christoph Schönborn 2572:studium provinciale 2503:tamquam in domo sua 2100:(Étiolles 1937) by 1787:Gaetano Sanseverino 1772:Neo-Thomist revival 1705:and the use of the 1549:Papal infallibility 1520:Papal infallibility 1500:Papal infallibility 1311:, former bishop of 1163:Sala delle Capriate 1155:Sala del Refettorio 1087:became one of four 1057:Isagoge of Porphyry 994:studium conventuale 990:studium provinciale 931:studium nove logice 899:Reginald of Piperno 895:studium provinciale 884:studium provinciale 854:William of Moerbeke 795:De rationibus fidei 755:studium provinciale 740:studium provinciale 728:studium conventuale 717:studia philosophiae 712:studium provinciale 668:studia philosophiae 656:magister theologiae 648:magister studentium 610:Gentile da Fabriano 583:studium provinciale 577:beginning in 1265. 559:studium conventuale 493:studium conventuale 435:studium conventuale 211:Thomas Joseph White 43: 12913:41.89583; 12.48750 12778:St. Thomas Aquinas 12615:Regina Apostolorum 12429:Sei Tomasu Daigaku 12180:Analytical Thomism 12107:O salutaris hostia 12073:O sacrum convivium 11817:Chronique générale 11756:The New York Times 11640:Divini Redemptoris 11519:on 8 December 2015 11486:on 9 December 2008 11441:"Rinunce e nomine" 10963:of Student Affairs 10914:"Opening Ceremony" 10622:on 7 December 2014 10596:on 1 December 2014 10536:Cinelli, Luciano. 10433:Cinelli, Luciano. 10292:Biblioteca Volante 10265:, Volume 6, p. 49. 10075:XI, 1935, 257-263. 9232:The New York Times 8153:, by Yves Congar, 8140:on 16 August 2013. 6099:, I, 1, prooemium: 5738:Order of Preachers 5566:, 1934–1940 Logic. 5515: 5206:John T. Richardson 5174:. Theologian and 5069: 5050:Some recent alumni 4913:Chaplaincy of the 4851:Student activities 4653:Augustine of Hippo 4426:President of Italy 4409:lectio magistralis 4351:St. Thomas Aquinas 4343:lectio magistralis 4217:gave the encomium. 4197:gave the encomium. 4162:Canon Law Faculty. 4133:Titular Archbishop 4087:St. Thomas Aquinas 4074: 3904:Harvard University 3816:Sala delle Colonne 3736:Sala delle Colonne 3701:Sala delle Colonne 3693: 3614: 3530:(1843-1923) of St 3481: 3420:In 1569 Dominican 3342:in the section or 3328: 2668:by Pope Benedict. 2244: 1927: 1825:in his encyclical 1811:John of St. Thomas 1756: 1664: 1633:Summa philosophica 1621:Pope Benedict XIII 1605:, established the 1597:In 1698, Cardinal 1575:We institute as a 1516:De gemitu columbae 1397:in debates before 1239:Summulae logicales 1167: 957: 872: 614: 513:Hyacinth of Poland 506:Order of Preachers 416:Order of Preachers 39: 12952:Education in Rome 12865: 12864: 12504: 12503: 12261: 12260: 12175:Neo-scholasticism 11877:on 10 April 2011. 11579:978-2-7010-1341-1 10757:Jan Van Ruusbroec 10579:Accessed 17, 2013 10210:, by, 1889, 107, 9493:Pope Benedict XVI 9359:on 26 August 2012 8301:on 8 January 2014 8262:on 8 January 2014 7844:, 132-3, note 11 7591:Rector Magnificus 7479:Benedict Ashley, 7435:Benedict Ashley, 7416:on 9 October 2015 7256:it:Idrocronometro 7124:on 24 August 2011 6253:, 2011, p. 275. 6079:II, 617, note 2. 6055:M. M. Mulchahey, 5821:, Freiburg, 1977. 5771:, II, II, 188, 6. 5651:Rector Magnificus 5611:Wojciech Giertych 5597:Timothy Radcliffe 5487:Chaldean Catholic 5413:Wojciech Giertych 5303:Nobel Peace Prize 5214:DePaul University 5196:Pope John Paul II 5065:Pope John Paul II 4939:Libreria Leoniana 4728:annulum doctorale 4724:biretum doctorale 4633:caritas veritatis 4582:Raymond Leo Burke 4566:In 2011 Cardinal 4518:Michael Schudrich 4392:on 26 April 2014. 4367:Rocco Buttiglione 4277:Tommaso Inghirami 4202:Francesco Satolli 4139:Theology Faculty 4029:Alcide De Gasperi 4007:Wojciech Giertych 3976:Salita del Grillo 3948:Michele Mazzarino 3896:Oxford University 3876:Antonio Canaletto 3839:Pope John Paul II 3835:John of the Cross 3788:Salita del Grillo 3786:is formed by the 3756:Pope John Paul II 3750:most illustrious 3660:Via del Quirinale 3624:aqueducts of Rome 3513:Giovanni Veronesi 3229:Academic calendar 3205:in Rome, and the 2754:Secretary General 2630:Rector Magnificus 2618:Pope Benedict XVI 2610:Wojciech Giertych 2514:Pope John Paul II 2491:Pope John Paul II 2474:On 19 April 1974 2260:Philosophy Circle 2201:Garrigou-Lagrange 2183:, who called the 2175:most illustrious 2118:Chrétiens désunis 2024:Pope John Paul II 2016:caritas veritatis 1975:at the priory of 1875:also founded the 1799:Giovanni Cornoldi 1783:Neo-Scholasticism 1654:G. B. Embriaco's 1599:Girolamo Casanata 1512:Robert Bellarmine 1399:Pope Clement VIII 1293:Pope Gregory XIII 1151:Cisterna Cloister 1147:Guidetti Cloister 1131:Insula Dominicana 1127:Insula Sapientiae 1077:Summule logicales 1073:On Interpretation 1067:of Boethius, the 949:Tommaso da Modena 935:studium naturarum 868:Tommaso da Modena 539:Pope Honorius III 502:Pope Honorius III 472:Pope Honorius III 412:Pope Honorius III 302: 301: 152:Caritas veritatis 76:of the university 16:(Redirected from 13004: 12919: 12918: 12916: 12915: 12914: 12909: 12905: 12902: 12901: 12900: 12897: 12882: 12881: 12873: 12855: 12854: 12843: 12842: 12542:higher education 12531: 12524: 12517: 12508: 12507: 12494: 12493: 12288: 12281: 12274: 12265: 12264: 12251: 12250: 12133:Homo unius libri 12090:Sacris solemniis 12036: 12002:Summa Theologiae 11959: 11952: 11945: 11936: 11935: 11903: 11902: 11900: 11898: 11885: 11879: 11878: 11867: 11861: 11834:European Council 11794: 11788: 11787: 11785: 11783: 11769: 11760: 11759: 11758:. 10 April 1984. 11748: 11742: 11740: 11738: 11736: 11727:. Archived from 11712: 11706: 11675: 11669: 11619: 11613: 11590: 11584: 11583: 11561: 11555: 11554: 11552: 11550: 11545:on 14 April 2013 11541:. Archived from 11535: 11529: 11528: 11526: 11524: 11515:. Archived from 11509: 11503: 11495: 11493: 11491: 11482:. Archived from 11476: 11470: 11469: 11467: 11465: 11451: 11445: 11444: 11437: 11431: 11430: 11428: 11426: 11411: 11405: 11395: 11389: 11379: 11373: 11368: 11366: 11364: 11359:on 21 March 2013 11355:. Archived from 11349: 11343: 11333: 11327: 11317: 11311: 11301: 11295: 11294: 11288: 11282: 11264: 11258: 11244: 11238: 11237: 11235: 11233: 11224:. Archived from 11218: 11212: 11211: 11209: 11207: 11195: 11189: 11188: 11186: 11184: 11165: 11156: 11149: 11143: 11142: 11140: 11138: 11127: 11121: 11120: 11118: 11116: 11096: 11090: 11089: 11087: 11085: 11062: 11056: 11055: 11053: 11051: 11040: 11034: 11033: 11025: 11019: 11018: 11016: 11014: 11003: 10997: 10992: 10986: 10985: 10983: 10981: 10971: 10965: 10961:Angelicum Office 10957: 10951: 10950: 10943: 10937: 10928: 10926: 10924: 10918: 10910: 10904: 10903: 10895: 10889: 10888: 10886: 10884: 10869: 10863: 10862: 10854: 10848: 10836: 10830: 10827: 10821: 10820: 10813: 10807: 10806: 10804: 10802: 10793:. Archived from 10787: 10781: 10780: 10772: 10766: 10745: 10739: 10729: 10723: 10720:Summa theologiae 10717: 10711: 10704: 10698: 10697: 10695: 10693: 10682: 10676: 10675: 10674:on 4 March 2016. 10670:. Archived from 10664: 10658: 10657: 10655: 10653: 10638: 10632: 10631: 10629: 10627: 10618:. Archived from 10612: 10606: 10605: 10603: 10601: 10592:. Archived from 10586: 10580: 10574: 10568: 10567: 10565: 10563: 10548: 10542: 10541: 10533: 10527: 10518: 10512: 10502: 10496: 10475: 10469: 10468: 10461: 10455: 10450:2 January 2014; 10445: 10439: 10438: 10430: 10424: 10412:Vita di Paolo IV 10408: 10402: 10392: 10386: 10376: 10370: 10364: 10358: 10348: 10342: 10332: 10326: 10325: 10318: 10312: 10311: 10304: 10298: 10285: 10279: 10272: 10266: 10252: 10246: 10236: 10230: 10221: 10215: 10205: 10199: 10189: 10183: 10182: 10173: 10167: 10160: 10154: 10148: 10142: 10132: 10126: 10117: 10111: 10096: 10090: 10089: 10082: 10076: 10069: 10063: 10062: 10055: 10049: 10048: 10036: 10030: 10023: 10017: 10016: 10004: 9998: 9997: 9989: 9983: 9982: 9975: 9969: 9957: 9951: 9950: 9948: 9946: 9932: 9926: 9925: 9919: 9911: 9909: 9907: 9898:. Archived from 9892: 9886: 9885: 9878: 9872: 9871: 9864: 9858: 9852: 9846: 9840: 9834: 9828: 9822: 9821: 9815: 9809: 9808: 9800: 9794: 9782: 9776: 9771: 9765: 9756: 9750: 9749: 9742: 9736: 9735: 9728: 9722: 9717: 9711: 9710: 9708: 9706: 9697:. Archived from 9691: 9685: 9679: 9673: 9663: 9657: 9656: 9649: 9643: 9636: 9630: 9629: 9627: 9625: 9616:. Archived from 9610: 9604: 9603: 9601: 9599: 9585: 9576: 9575: 9567: 9561: 9558:Summa theologica 9543: 9537: 9536: 9527: 9521: 9520: 9510: 9504: 9470: 9464: 9450: 9444: 9443: 9436: 9430: 9420: 9414: 9413: 9405: 9399: 9397: 9395: 9393: 9384:. Archived from 9378: 9369: 9368: 9366: 9364: 9355:. Archived from 9349: 9343: 9336: 9330: 9329: 9327: 9325: 9311: 9305: 9300: 9294: 9293: 9286: 9280: 9279: 9274:. Archived from 9268: 9262: 9261: 9259: 9257: 9248:. Archived from 9242: 9236: 9235: 9224: 9218: 9206: 9200: 9199: 9197: 9195: 9180: 9171: 9170: 9168: 9166: 9157:. Archived from 9147: 9132: 9131: 9123: 9117: 9116: 9114: 9112: 9103:. Archived from 9097: 9091: 9090: 9088: 9086: 9077:. Archived from 9071: 9065: 9064: 9057: 9051: 9050: 9048: 9046: 9035: 9029: 9017: 9011: 9006: 9000: 8988: 8982: 8981: 8974: 8968: 8956: 8950: 8938: 8932: 8931: 8924: 8915: 8907: 8901: 8895: 8889: 8888: 8883:. Archived from 8877: 8871: 8859: 8853: 8852: 8845: 8839: 8827: 8821: 8815: 8809: 8808: 8801: 8795: 8794: 8789:. Archived from 8783: 8777: 8776: 8769: 8763: 8751: 8745: 8733: 8727: 8726: 8719: 8713: 8712: 8711:on 4 March 2016. 8707:. Archived from 8705:"Cattedra Pavan" 8701: 8695: 8689: 8683: 8678: 8672: 8660: 8654: 8653: 8646: 8640: 8639: 8637: 8629: 8623: 8622: 8615: 8609: 8608: 8601: 8592: 8586: 8580: 8579: 8577: 8575: 8560: 8554: 8553: 8551: 8549: 8534: 8528: 8527: 8525: 8523: 8514:. Archived from 8508: 8502: 8501: 8499: 8497: 8487: 8481: 8480: 8474: 8472: 8461: 8455: 8448: 8439: 8429: 8423: 8421: 8419: 8417: 8408:. Archived from 8402: 8396: 8384: 8378: 8361: 8355: 8348: 8342: 8332: 8326: 8324: 8318: 8310: 8308: 8306: 8300: 8294:. Archived from 8293: 8285: 8279: 8271: 8269: 8267: 8261: 8255:. Archived from 8254: 8245: 8239: 8228: 8222: 8212: 8206: 8205: 8203: 8201: 8196:on 27 March 2010 8195: 8188: 8180: 8174: 8164: 8158: 8148: 8142: 8141: 8136:. Archived from 8130: 8124: 8122: 8120: 8118: 8109:. Archived from 8102: 8096: 8084: 8078: 8077: 8070: 8064: 8052: 8046: 8033: 8027: 8019: 8017: 8015: 8009: 8003:. Archived from 8002: 7994: 7988: 7987: 7985: 7983: 7977: 7971:. Archived from 7970: 7962: 7956: 7950: 7944: 7925: 7919: 7904: 7898: 7889: 7883: 7880: 7874: 7871: 7865: 7850:Medieval Aspects 7838: 7832: 7830: 7828: 7826: 7817:. Archived from 7809: 7803: 7792: 7786: 7777:, III, 599-600, 7775:Xenia thomistica 7772: 7766: 7760: 7754: 7752: 7750: 7748: 7739:. Archived from 7732:Enciclopedia GER 7729: 7723: 7705: 7699: 7698: 7691: 7685: 7675: 7669: 7668: 7648: 7642: 7631: 7625: 7624: 7622: 7620: 7609: 7603: 7587: 7581: 7574: 7568: 7557: 7551: 7544: 7538: 7537: 7517: 7511: 7501: 7499: 7497: 7488:. Archived from 7477: 7471: 7461: 7455: 7433: 7427: 7425: 7423: 7421: 7412:. Archived from 7401: 7395: 7389: 7383: 7376: 7367: 7365: 7363: 7361: 7356:on 21 March 2012 7352:. Archived from 7342: 7336: 7325: 7319: 7317: 7315: 7313: 7304:. Archived from 7294: 7288: 7278: 7272: 7265: 7259: 7253: 7247: 7237: 7231: 7218: 7212: 7210: 7208: 7206: 7201:on 14 April 2013 7197:. Archived from 7187: 7181: 7180: 7173: 7167: 7165: 7163: 7161: 7152:. Archived from 7145: 7139: 7133: 7131: 7129: 7120:. Archived from 7106: 7100: 7099: 7094:. Archived from 7088: 7082: 7081: 7061: 7055: 7054: 7052: 7044: 7038: 7032: 7026: 7009: 7003: 6987: 6981: 6980: 6972: 6966: 6951: 6945: 6942: 6936: 6930: 6924: 6911: 6905: 6887: 6881: 6876: 6870: 6856: 6850: 6835: 6829: 6822: 6816: 6802: 6796: 6795: 6788: 6782: 6772: 6766: 6756: 6750: 6741: 6735: 6725: 6719: 6701: 6695: 6688: 6682: 6681: 6679: 6677: 6663: 6654: 6642: 6636: 6619:, 2000, p. 52. 6615:, Vatican City: 6605: 6599: 6598: 6596: 6594: 6578: 6572: 6568: 6562: 6554: 6548: 6541: 6535: 6523: 6517: 6516: 6514: 6512: 6502: 6493: 6490: 6484: 6473: 6464: 6459:of the Order." 6457:studium generale 6449: 6443: 6417: 6411: 6406: 6404: 6402: 6393:. Archived from 6387: 6381: 6380: 6378: 6376: 6366: 6360: 6353: 6347: 6340: 6334: 6327: 6321: 6311: 6305: 6291: 6285: 6278: 6272: 6264: 6258: 6243: 6234: 6233: 6231: 6229: 6218: 6212: 6204: 6198: 6179: 6173: 6163: 6157: 6150: 6144: 6132: 6126: 6119: 6113: 6106: 6100: 6097:Summa theologiae 6094: 6088: 6068: 6062: 6053: 6047: 6042: 6036: 6017: 6011: 6001: 5995: 5989: 5983: 5961: 5955: 5939: 5933: 5913: 5907: 5888: 5882: 5872: 5870: 5868: 5859:. Archived from 5846: 5840: 5828: 5822: 5815: 5809: 5801: 5795: 5786:Religiosam vitam 5778: 5772: 5768:Summa Theologica 5763:Summa theologiae 5751: 5745: 5734: 5728: 5721: 5715: 5714: 5712: 5710: 5695: 5686: 5680: 5554:Jacek Woroniecki 5360:during the 2013 5299:Saltillo, Mexico 4959:academic journal 4954:is the official 4865:Angelicum Office 4824:Angelicum Office 4796:Tarcisio Bertone 4501:Regius Professor 4395:2013, 16 April, 4382:Giuseppe Girotti 4321:studium generale 4148:Giuseppe Sciacca 4044:Giulio Andreotti 3999:regalia" below). 3968:Giulio Mazzarino 3926:Surrounding area 3892:Ashmolean Museum 3576:Summa theologica 3532:Albert the Great 3406:Bannum Nea Polis 3384:The site of the 3338:, Italy, on the 3188:William E. Simon 3154: 3148: 3123:Related programs 3105:, Kiev (Ukraine) 3074: 3068: 2484:Doctor Angelicus 2442:Dominicanus Ordo 2363:Raimondo Spiazzi 2304:Jacques Maritain 2282:Benito Mussolini 2199:, A. Zacchi, R. 2004:Apostolic Letter 1869:doctor angelicus 1719:studium generale 1715:Summa theologica 1707:Summa Theologica 1668:hydrochronometer 1656:hydrochronometer 1577:studium generale 1568:studium generale 1541:Summa Theologica 1463:Giuseppe Ciantes 1439:Vincenzo Candido 1411:Panoplia gratiae 1354:, critic of the 1352:Pedro de Cordova 1210:studium generale 1195:studium generale 1190:studium generale 1176:studium generale 1105:studium generale 1089:studia naturarum 1006:Niccolò da Prato 760:Summa theologiae 744:Tolomeo da Lucca 732:studium generale 639:studium generale 564:studium generale 543:Pope Innocent IV 508:on 5 June 1222. 466:in 1220, and at 447:studia generalia 423:Gratiarum omnium 320:Doctor Angelicus 298: 293: 290: 288: 255: 252: 220:1007 (2014–2015) 186: 184: 179: 158: 71: 44: 38: 21: 13012: 13011: 13007: 13006: 13005: 13003: 13002: 13001: 12997:Rome R. I Monti 12922: 12921: 12912: 12910: 12906: 12903: 12898: 12895: 12893: 12891: 12890: 12888: 12876: 12868: 12866: 12861: 12849: 12837: 12829: 12798: 12784: 12750: 12748:Social Sciences 12728: 12690: 12652: 12619: 12596: 12548: 12535: 12505: 12500: 12488: 12480: 12436: 12397: 12324: 12297: 12292: 12262: 12257: 12245: 12237: 12234:(1632 painting) 12226:(1631 painting) 12218:(1323 painting) 12148: 12113: 12095:Panis angelicus 12051:Adoro te devote 12043: 12037: 12028: 12014:Treatise on Law 11968: 11963: 11912: 11907: 11906: 11896: 11894: 11887: 11886: 11882: 11869: 11868: 11864: 11854:Doctor Communis 11795: 11791: 11781: 11779: 11771: 11770: 11763: 11750: 11749: 11745: 11734: 11732: 11723: 11713: 11709: 11676: 11672: 11620: 11616: 11591: 11587: 11580: 11562: 11558: 11548: 11546: 11537: 11536: 11532: 11522: 11520: 11511: 11497: 11496: 11489: 11487: 11480:"Archived copy" 11478: 11477: 11473: 11463: 11461: 11453: 11452: 11448: 11439: 11438: 11434: 11424: 11422: 11421:on 12 June 2018 11413: 11412: 11408: 11396: 11392: 11380: 11376: 11362: 11360: 11351: 11350: 11346: 11334: 11330: 11318: 11314: 11302: 11298: 11290: 11289: 11285: 11265: 11261: 11245: 11241: 11231: 11229: 11220: 11219: 11215: 11205: 11203: 11196: 11192: 11182: 11180: 11167: 11166: 11159: 11150: 11146: 11136: 11134: 11129: 11128: 11124: 11114: 11112: 11098: 11097: 11093: 11083: 11081: 11079: 11063: 11059: 11049: 11047: 11046:. 29 April 2008 11042: 11041: 11037: 11026: 11022: 11012: 11010: 11005: 11004: 11000: 10993: 10989: 10979: 10977: 10973: 10972: 10968: 10958: 10954: 10945: 10944: 10940: 10922: 10920: 10916: 10912: 10911: 10907: 10896: 10892: 10882: 10880: 10879:on 28 July 2013 10871: 10870: 10866: 10855: 10851: 10837: 10833: 10828: 10824: 10815: 10814: 10810: 10800: 10798: 10797:on 28 July 2013 10789: 10788: 10784: 10773: 10769: 10746: 10742: 10730: 10726: 10718: 10714: 10708:The City of God 10705: 10701: 10691: 10689: 10684: 10683: 10679: 10666: 10665: 10661: 10651: 10649: 10640: 10639: 10635: 10625: 10623: 10614: 10613: 10609: 10599: 10597: 10588: 10587: 10583: 10575: 10571: 10561: 10559: 10550: 10549: 10545: 10534: 10530: 10519: 10515: 10503: 10499: 10493:Wayback Machine 10476: 10472: 10463: 10462: 10458: 10446: 10442: 10431: 10427: 10409: 10405: 10393: 10389: 10377: 10373: 10365: 10361: 10349: 10345: 10333: 10329: 10320: 10319: 10315: 10306: 10305: 10301: 10286: 10282: 10273: 10269: 10253: 10249: 10237: 10233: 10222: 10218: 10206: 10202: 10190: 10186: 10175: 10174: 10170: 10161: 10157: 10149: 10145: 10133: 10129: 10118: 10114: 10097: 10093: 10084: 10083: 10079: 10070: 10066: 10057: 10056: 10052: 10037: 10033: 10024: 10020: 10005: 10001: 9990: 9986: 9977: 9976: 9972: 9967:Wayback Machine 9958: 9954: 9944: 9942: 9934: 9933: 9929: 9913: 9912: 9905: 9903: 9896:"Archived copy" 9894: 9893: 9889: 9880: 9879: 9875: 9866: 9865: 9861: 9853: 9849: 9841: 9837: 9829: 9825: 9817: 9816: 9812: 9801: 9797: 9792:Wayback Machine 9783: 9779: 9772: 9768: 9757: 9753: 9744: 9743: 9739: 9730: 9729: 9725: 9718: 9714: 9704: 9702: 9693: 9692: 9688: 9680: 9676: 9664: 9660: 9651: 9650: 9646: 9637: 9633: 9623: 9621: 9620:on 30 July 2012 9612: 9611: 9607: 9597: 9595: 9587: 9586: 9579: 9568: 9564: 9544: 9540: 9529: 9528: 9524: 9511: 9507: 9497:Vatican Library 9471: 9467: 9451: 9447: 9438: 9437: 9433: 9421: 9417: 9406: 9402: 9391: 9389: 9380: 9379: 9372: 9362: 9360: 9351: 9350: 9346: 9337: 9333: 9323: 9321: 9313: 9312: 9308: 9301: 9297: 9288: 9287: 9283: 9270: 9269: 9265: 9255: 9253: 9244: 9243: 9239: 9226: 9225: 9221: 9216:Wayback Machine 9207: 9203: 9193: 9191: 9182: 9181: 9174: 9164: 9162: 9161:on 2 April 2012 9149: 9148: 9135: 9124: 9120: 9110: 9108: 9099: 9098: 9094: 9084: 9082: 9073: 9072: 9068: 9059: 9058: 9054: 9044: 9042: 9037: 9036: 9032: 9027:Wayback Machine 9018: 9014: 9007: 9003: 8998:Wayback Machine 8989: 8985: 8976: 8975: 8971: 8966:Wayback Machine 8957: 8953: 8948:Wayback Machine 8939: 8935: 8926: 8925: 8918: 8912:Mater Ecclesiae 8908: 8904: 8896: 8892: 8879: 8878: 8874: 8869:Wayback Machine 8860: 8856: 8847: 8846: 8842: 8837:Wayback Machine 8828: 8824: 8816: 8812: 8803: 8802: 8798: 8793:on 6 July 2008. 8785: 8784: 8780: 8771: 8770: 8766: 8761:Wayback Machine 8752: 8748: 8743:Wayback Machine 8734: 8730: 8721: 8720: 8716: 8703: 8702: 8698: 8692:it:Pietro Pavan 8690: 8686: 8681:Social Sciences 8679: 8675: 8670:Wayback Machine 8661: 8657: 8648: 8647: 8643: 8635: 8631: 8630: 8626: 8617: 8616: 8612: 8603: 8602: 8595: 8587: 8583: 8573: 8571: 8561: 8557: 8547: 8545: 8536: 8535: 8531: 8521: 8519: 8510: 8509: 8505: 8495: 8493: 8489: 8488: 8484: 8470: 8468: 8463: 8462: 8458: 8449: 8442: 8430: 8426: 8415: 8413: 8404: 8403: 8399: 8394:Wayback Machine 8385: 8381: 8375:Wayback Machine 8362: 8358: 8349: 8345: 8333: 8329: 8312: 8311: 8304: 8302: 8298: 8291: 8289:"Archived copy" 8287: 8273: 8272: 8265: 8263: 8259: 8252: 8250:"Archived copy" 8248: 8246: 8242: 8229: 8225: 8213: 8209: 8199: 8197: 8193: 8186: 8182: 8181: 8177: 8165: 8161: 8149: 8145: 8132: 8131: 8127: 8116: 8114: 8113:on 22 July 2011 8105: 8103: 8099: 8094:Wayback Machine 8085: 8081: 8072: 8071: 8067: 8062:Wayback Machine 8053: 8049: 8043:Wayback Machine 8021: 8020: 8013: 8011: 8010:on 17 July 2014 8007: 8000: 7998:"Archived copy" 7996: 7995: 7991: 7981: 7979: 7978:on 4 March 2016 7975: 7968: 7964: 7963: 7959: 7951: 7947: 7926: 7922: 7905: 7901: 7890: 7886: 7881: 7877: 7872: 7868: 7839: 7835: 7824: 7822: 7821:on 18 July 2013 7813: 7810: 7806: 7796:Studiorum Ducem 7793: 7789: 7773: 7769: 7761: 7757: 7746: 7744: 7735: 7730: 7726: 7706: 7702: 7693: 7692: 7688: 7676: 7672: 7665: 7649: 7645: 7632: 7628: 7618: 7616: 7610: 7606: 7588: 7584: 7575: 7571: 7558: 7554: 7545: 7541: 7534: 7518: 7514: 7495: 7493: 7484: 7478: 7474: 7462: 7458: 7434: 7430: 7419: 7417: 7408: 7402: 7398: 7390: 7386: 7377: 7370: 7359: 7357: 7348: 7343: 7339: 7326: 7322: 7311: 7309: 7300: 7295: 7291: 7279: 7275: 7266: 7262: 7254: 7250: 7238: 7234: 7229:Wayback Machine 7219: 7215: 7204: 7202: 7193: 7188: 7184: 7175: 7174: 7170: 7159: 7157: 7148: 7146: 7142: 7127: 7125: 7116: 7107: 7103: 7098:on 17 May 2014. 7090: 7089: 7085: 7078: 7062: 7058: 7050: 7046: 7045: 7041: 7033: 7029: 7019:Wayback Machine 7010: 7006: 6988: 6984: 6973: 6969: 6952: 6948: 6943: 6939: 6931: 6927: 6912: 6908: 6888: 6884: 6877: 6873: 6857: 6853: 6836: 6832: 6823: 6819: 6803: 6799: 6790: 6789: 6785: 6773: 6769: 6757: 6753: 6742: 6738: 6726: 6722: 6702: 6698: 6689: 6685: 6675: 6673: 6665: 6664: 6657: 6652:Wayback Machine 6643: 6639: 6627:(casebound) or 6606: 6602: 6592: 6590: 6579: 6575: 6569: 6565: 6555: 6551: 6542: 6538: 6524: 6520: 6510: 6508: 6504: 6503: 6496: 6491: 6487: 6474: 6467: 6450: 6446: 6432:Wayback Machine 6418: 6414: 6400: 6398: 6397:on 16 July 2012 6389: 6388: 6384: 6374: 6372: 6368: 6367: 6363: 6354: 6350: 6341: 6337: 6328: 6324: 6312: 6308: 6292: 6288: 6279: 6275: 6265: 6261: 6244: 6237: 6227: 6225: 6219: 6215: 6205: 6201: 6180: 6176: 6164: 6160: 6151: 6147: 6142:Wayback Machine 6133: 6129: 6120: 6116: 6108:J.-P. Torrell, 6107: 6103: 6095: 6091: 6069: 6065: 6054: 6050: 6043: 6039: 6018: 6014: 6002: 5998: 5990: 5986: 5962: 5958: 5940: 5936: 5926:religious habit 5914: 5910: 5889: 5885: 5866: 5864: 5863:on 18 June 2012 5855: 5848:W. Hinnebusch, 5847: 5843: 5838:Wayback Machine 5829: 5825: 5816: 5812: 5802: 5798: 5792:Nos attendentes 5779: 5775: 5752: 5748: 5736:P. Mandonnet, " 5735: 5731: 5722: 5718: 5708: 5706: 5705:on 4 March 2016 5697: 5696: 5689: 5681: 5677: 5672: 5660: 5647:Charles Morerod 5500: 5473:Helena, MT, USA 5226:Georges Cottier 5212:. President of 5073:Martin Grabmann 5052: 5040: 5034: 4979:Unio Thomistica 4948: 4931: 4872: 4853: 4816: 4814:Student housing 4763: 4696: 4647:The City of God 4614: 4561:James D. Conley 4492:2011 Professor 4365:2018, 7 March, 4340:Albertus Magnus 4110:O Doctor optime 4103:Dominican Order 4099:Pope Clement VI 3992: 3984: 3964:Pope Innocent X 3960:Aix-en-Provence 3956:Pope Urban VIII 3928: 3920:Prima comunione 3902:, President of 3868: 3855: 3800: 3776: 3758:. The adjacent 3732: 3708:Sala del Senato 3602: 3560:Vatican Library 3545:Studiorum ducem 3521:Monica Bellucci 3450:Orazio Torriani 3442:Orazio Torriani 3418: 3382: 3362:Trajan's Market 3301: 3231: 3219: 3172: 3152: 3146: 3125: 3112: 3095:Mater Ecclesiae 3087: 3073:(in Portuguese) 3072: 3066: 3029: 3019: 3010:Pacem in Terris 3002:Pacem in Terris 2959:Social Sciences 2950:in Philosophy, 2939:in Philosophy, 2928:in Philosophy, 2838:Ecumenism: The 2770: 2725: 2715:The Holy See's 2710:Bologna Process 2679: 2674: 2646:Social Sciences 2626:Charles Morerod 2553:Dominican Order 2534: 2448:to the rank of 2425:Pope John XXIII 2417: 2242:at center right 2221:Unio thomistica 2209:Unio thomistica 2156:Studiorum ducem 2106:Dominican Order 2043:Thomist revival 1981:studium general 1912: 1730:Capture of Rome 1592:Dominican Order 1527:Abraham Bzovius 1504:Dominic Gravina 1493:Galileo Galilei 1489:Tommaso Caccini 1435:leonine edition 1395:Dominican Order 1281: 1171:General Chapter 1108: 938: 919:Dante Alighieri 675:Pope Clement IV 664:ratio studiorum 586: 515:and companions 484:General Chapter 438: 429:authorization. 382: 339:Dominican Order 285: 277:Minerva the Owl 263: 256:Black and white 253: 250: 240: 232: 187: 182: 180: 177: 154: 139: 97: 84: 77: 62: 54: 52: 41: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 13010: 13000: 12999: 12994: 12989: 12984: 12979: 12974: 12969: 12964: 12959: 12954: 12949: 12944: 12939: 12934: 12887: 12886: 12863: 12862: 12860: 12859: 12847: 12834: 12831: 12830: 12828: 12827: 12825:Sacred Liturgy 12822: 12817: 12812: 12810:Ecclesiastical 12806: 12804: 12800: 12799: 12738: 12736: 12730: 12729: 12727: 12726: 12721: 12716: 12711: 12706: 12700: 12698: 12692: 12691: 12689: 12688: 12683: 12678: 12673: 12668: 12662: 12660: 12654: 12653: 12651: 12650: 12645: 12640: 12635: 12629: 12627: 12621: 12620: 12618: 12617: 12612: 12606: 12604: 12598: 12597: 12595: 12594: 12589: 12584: 12579: 12574: 12569: 12564: 12558: 12556: 12550: 12549: 12534: 12533: 12526: 12519: 12511: 12502: 12501: 12499: 12498: 12485: 12482: 12481: 12479: 12478: 12473: 12468: 12463: 12458: 12453: 12450: 12444: 12442: 12438: 12437: 12435: 12434: 12431: 12426: 12421: 12416: 12411: 12405: 12403: 12399: 12398: 12396: 12395: 12389: 12383: 12378: 12373: 12368: 12365: 12362: 12356: 12351: 12346: 12341: 12338: 12332: 12330: 12326: 12325: 12323: 12322: 12317: 12314: 12311: 12305: 12303: 12299: 12298: 12291: 12290: 12283: 12276: 12268: 12259: 12258: 12256: 12255: 12242: 12239: 12238: 12236: 12235: 12227: 12219: 12211: 12210: 12209: 12204: 12194: 12189: 12182: 12177: 12172: 12170:Editio Leonina 12167: 12162: 12156: 12154: 12150: 12149: 12147: 12146: 12141: 12136: 12129: 12121: 12119: 12115: 12114: 12112: 12111: 12110: 12109: 12099: 12098: 12097: 12087: 12086: 12085: 12075: 12070: 12069: 12068: 12058: 12053: 12047: 12045: 12039: 12038: 12031: 12029: 12027: 12026: 12019: 12018: 12017: 12010: 11998: 11991: 11984: 11976: 11974: 11970: 11969: 11966:Thomas Aquinas 11962: 11961: 11954: 11947: 11939: 11933: 11932: 11927: 11922: 11911: 11910:External links 11908: 11905: 11904: 11880: 11862: 11789: 11761: 11743: 11707: 11687:École Biblique 11679:Paulin Ladeuze 11670: 11614: 11605:Revue Thomiste 11585: 11578: 11556: 11530: 11471: 11446: 11432: 11406: 11390: 11374: 11344: 11328: 11312: 11296: 11283: 11259: 11239: 11228:on 7 July 2012 11213: 11190: 11157: 11144: 11133:. 11122: 11091: 11077: 11057: 11035: 11020: 10998: 10987: 10966: 10952: 10938: 10905: 10890: 10864: 10849: 10831: 10822: 10808: 10782: 10767: 10740: 10724: 10712: 10699: 10677: 10659: 10633: 10607: 10581: 10569: 10558:. 9 March 2018 10543: 10528: 10513: 10497: 10470: 10456: 10440: 10425: 10403: 10387: 10371: 10359: 10343: 10341: 10340: 10327: 10313: 10299: 10280: 10267: 10247: 10231: 10216: 10200: 10184: 10168: 10155: 10143: 10127: 10112: 10091: 10077: 10073:Revue thomiste 10064: 10050: 10031: 10018: 9999: 9984: 9970: 9952: 9927: 9887: 9873: 9859: 9847: 9835: 9823: 9810: 9795: 9777: 9766: 9751: 9737: 9723: 9712: 9686: 9674: 9658: 9644: 9631: 9605: 9577: 9562: 9538: 9532:Catholic World 9522: 9505: 9465: 9445: 9431: 9415: 9400: 9388:on 24 May 2013 9370: 9344: 9331: 9306: 9295: 9281: 9263: 9252:on 6 July 2012 9237: 9219: 9201: 9172: 9133: 9118: 9092: 9066: 9052: 9030: 9012: 9001: 8983: 8969: 8951: 8933: 8916: 8902: 8890: 8872: 8854: 8840: 8822: 8810: 8796: 8778: 8764: 8746: 8728: 8714: 8696: 8684: 8673: 8655: 8641: 8624: 8610: 8593: 8581: 8555: 8544:. 13 July 2019 8529: 8518:on 8 June 2012 8503: 8482: 8456: 8440: 8424: 8397: 8379: 8356: 8343: 8327: 8240: 8223: 8207: 8175: 8159: 8143: 8125: 8097: 8079: 8065: 8047: 7989: 7957: 7945: 7927:Piero Viotto, 7920: 7899: 7884: 7875: 7866: 7833: 7804: 7787: 7767: 7755: 7724: 7700: 7686: 7670: 7663: 7643: 7626: 7604: 7582: 7569: 7552: 7539: 7532: 7512: 7481:The Dominicans 7472: 7466:, section 31, 7464:Aeterni Patris 7456: 7437:The Dominicans 7428: 7396: 7384: 7368: 7345:The Dominicans 7337: 7329:Aeterni Patris 7320: 7297:The Dominicans 7289: 7273: 7260: 7248: 7232: 7213: 7190:The Dominicans 7182: 7168: 7140: 7101: 7083: 7076: 7056: 7039: 7027: 7004: 6982: 6967: 6946: 6937: 6925: 6906: 6882: 6871: 6851: 6830: 6817: 6797: 6783: 6767: 6759:The Dominicans 6751: 6736: 6720: 6696: 6683: 6655: 6637: 6600: 6583:"Solano, Juan" 6573: 6563: 6549: 6536: 6518: 6494: 6485: 6465: 6444: 6412: 6382: 6361: 6348: 6335: 6322: 6306: 6286: 6273: 6259: 6235: 6213: 6199: 6174: 6158: 6145: 6127: 6114: 6101: 6089: 6063: 6048: 6037: 6012: 5996: 5984: 5956: 5934: 5908: 5883: 5841: 5823: 5817:J.-P. Renard, 5810: 5796: 5773: 5755:Thomas Aquinas 5746: 5729: 5716: 5687: 5674: 5673: 5671: 5668: 5667: 5666: 5659: 5656: 5655: 5654: 5644: 5638: 5632: 5618: 5608: 5594: 5591: 5573: 5567: 5561: 5558:Servant of God 5551: 5548: 5545: 5538: 5532: 5499: 5496: 5495: 5494: 5476: 5458: 5424: 5410: 5393: 5379: 5378:. Theologian. 5372:Servant of God 5365: 5340: 5314: 5311:social justice 5284: 5269: 5251: 5250:. Theologian. 5241: 5223: 5216: 5203: 5189: 5182:Cornelio Fabro 5179: 5176:Nobel Laureate 5168:Dominique Pire 5165: 5151: 5150:. Theologian. 5141: 5135:Roman Catholic 5120: 5119:. Theologian. 5110: 5095: 5084: 5051: 5048: 5033: 5032:Notable alumni 5030: 5029: 5028: 5017: 5010: 5003: 4992: 4982: 4975:social science 4947: 4944: 4930: 4927: 4926: 4925: 4918: 4911: 4869: 4868: 4852: 4849: 4815: 4812: 4762: 4756: 4754:, 1950, 161). 4695: 4689: 4671:translates in 4657:Thomas Aquinas 4613: 4610: 4609: 4608: 4605: 4591: 4590: 4589: 4578: 4571: 4564: 4557: 4534: 4533: 4532: 4525: 4511: 4504: 4490: 4477:2012 Cardinal 4453:Thomas Aquinas 4441: 4440: 4433: 4393: 4390:Alba, Piedmont 4378: 4359: 4358: 4336: 4333: 4332: 4331: 4324: 4309: 4303: 4297: 4290: 4287: 4280: 4273: 4270: 4263: 4256: 4253: 4246: 4243: 4236: 4233: 4230: 4224: 4221: 4218: 4207: 4204: 4198: 4191: 4184: 4174: 4163: 4144: 4135:of Volturnum, 4068:(ca. 1509) by 4057: 4056: 4055: 4054: 4047: 4040: 4025: 4014: 4000: 3991: 3985: 3983: 3980: 3932:via Panisperna 3927: 3924: 3880:British Museum 3867: 3864: 3854: 3847: 3799: 3792: 3775: 3768: 3731: 3724: 3648:porter's lodge 3601: 3594: 3536:Thomas Aquinas 3517:Robert De Niro 3417: 3414: 3381: 3378: 3373:Piazza Venezia 3308:Trajan's Forum 3300: 3294: 3270:Thomas Aquinas 3230: 3227: 3218: 3215: 3199:École Biblique 3171: 3168: 3167: 3166: 3155: 3149: 3143: 3140: 3137: 3132: 3129: 3124: 3121: 3120: 3119: 3116: 3111: 3108: 3107: 3106: 3100: 3097: 3091: 3086: 3083: 3082: 3081: 3078: 3075: 3069: 3063: 3060: 3057: 3054: 3051: 3048: 3042: 3039: 3036: 3033: 3028: 3025: 3024: 3023: 3018: 3015: 3014: 3013: 2993: 2992: 2982: 2974:Second Cycle: 2972: 2956: 2955: 2944: 2935:Second Cycle: 2933: 2916: 2915: 2910:in Canon Law, 2904: 2899:in Canon Law, 2895:Second Cycle: 2893: 2888:in Canon Law, 2876: 2875: 2872: 2852: 2851: 2836: 2833: 2830: 2827: 2824: 2817: 2816: 2805: 2796:Second Cycle: 2794: 2769: 2766: 2765: 2764: 2761: 2758: 2755: 2752: 2749: 2746: 2743: 2740: 2733: 2724: 2721: 2678: 2675: 2673: 2670: 2598:Cornelio Fabro 2542:Thomas Aquinas 2533: 2526: 2524:in his honor. 2495:Aeterni Patris 2433:Thomas Aquinas 2416: 2410: 2300:Étienne Gilson 2181:Cornelio Fabro 2152:Thomas Aquinas 2053:" approved by 1932:Aeterni Patris 1911: 1905: 1894:Aeterni Patris 1854:neo scholastic 1849:Aeterni Patris 1828:Aeterni Patris 1795:Josef Kleutgen 1743:French College 1563:Antonin Cloche 1383:Tomas de Lemos 1379:predestination 1280: 1274: 1243:Peter of Spain 1107: 1101: 1081:Peter of Spain 1053:logica antiqua 937: 923: 823:, part of the 622:Thomas Aquinas 606:Thomas Aquinas 585: 579: 437: 431: 381: 378: 368:is staffed by 323:Thomas Aquinas 300: 299: 283: 279: 278: 275: 271: 270: 264: 261: 258: 257: 248: 242: 241: 234: 228: 226: 222: 221: 218: 214: 213: 208: 202: 201: 196: 190: 189: 174: 170: 169: 164: 160: 159: 145: 141: 140: 138: 137: 131: 125: 119: 113: 107: 100: 98: 95: 92: 91: 85: 82: 79: 78: 72: 64: 63: 47: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 13009: 12998: 12995: 12993: 12990: 12988: 12985: 12983: 12980: 12978: 12975: 12973: 12970: 12968: 12965: 12963: 12960: 12958: 12955: 12953: 12950: 12948: 12945: 12943: 12940: 12938: 12935: 12933: 12930: 12929: 12927: 12920: 12917: 12885: 12880: 12875: 12874: 12871: 12858: 12853: 12848: 12846: 12841: 12836: 12835: 12832: 12826: 12823: 12821: 12818: 12816: 12813: 12811: 12808: 12807: 12805: 12801: 12797: 12793: 12790: 12788: 12783: 12779: 12775: 12771: 12767: 12763: 12759: 12756: 12754: 12749: 12745: 12741: 12737: 12735: 12731: 12725: 12722: 12720: 12717: 12715: 12712: 12710: 12709:Augustinianum 12707: 12705: 12702: 12701: 12699: 12697: 12693: 12687: 12684: 12682: 12679: 12677: 12674: 12672: 12669: 12667: 12664: 12663: 12661: 12659: 12655: 12649: 12646: 12644: 12641: 12639: 12636: 12634: 12631: 12630: 12628: 12626: 12622: 12616: 12613: 12611: 12608: 12607: 12605: 12603: 12599: 12593: 12590: 12588: 12585: 12583: 12580: 12578: 12575: 12573: 12570: 12568: 12565: 12563: 12560: 12559: 12557: 12555: 12551: 12547: 12543: 12539: 12532: 12527: 12525: 12520: 12518: 12513: 12512: 12509: 12497: 12492: 12487: 12486: 12483: 12477: 12474: 12472: 12469: 12467: 12464: 12462: 12459: 12457: 12454: 12451: 12449: 12446: 12445: 12443: 12439: 12432: 12430: 12427: 12425: 12422: 12420: 12417: 12415: 12412: 12410: 12407: 12406: 12404: 12400: 12393: 12390: 12387: 12384: 12382: 12379: 12377: 12374: 12372: 12369: 12366: 12363: 12360: 12357: 12355: 12352: 12350: 12347: 12345: 12342: 12339: 12337: 12334: 12333: 12331: 12327: 12321: 12318: 12315: 12312: 12310: 12307: 12306: 12304: 12300: 12296: 12289: 12284: 12282: 12277: 12275: 12270: 12269: 12266: 12254: 12249: 12244: 12243: 12240: 12233: 12232: 12228: 12225: 12224: 12220: 12217: 12216: 12212: 12208: 12205: 12203: 12200: 12199: 12198: 12195: 12193: 12190: 12188: 12187: 12183: 12181: 12178: 12176: 12173: 12171: 12168: 12166: 12163: 12161: 12158: 12157: 12155: 12151: 12145: 12142: 12140: 12137: 12135: 12134: 12130: 12128: 12127: 12126:Actus Essendi 12123: 12122: 12120: 12116: 12108: 12105: 12104: 12103: 12100: 12096: 12093: 12092: 12091: 12088: 12084: 12081: 12080: 12079: 12076: 12074: 12071: 12067: 12064: 12063: 12062: 12059: 12057: 12054: 12052: 12049: 12048: 12046: 12040: 12035: 12025: 12024: 12020: 12016: 12015: 12011: 12009: 12006: 12005: 12004: 12003: 11999: 11997: 11996: 11992: 11990: 11989: 11985: 11983: 11982: 11978: 11977: 11975: 11971: 11967: 11960: 11955: 11953: 11948: 11946: 11941: 11940: 11937: 11931: 11928: 11926: 11923: 11921: 11919: 11914: 11913: 11892: 11891: 11884: 11876: 11872: 11866: 11859: 11855: 11851: 11847: 11843: 11839: 11835: 11831: 11827: 11822: 11818: 11814: 11810: 11806: 11802: 11798: 11793: 11778: 11774: 11768: 11766: 11757: 11753: 11747: 11730: 11726: 11721: 11717: 11711: 11704: 11700: 11696: 11692: 11688: 11684: 11680: 11674: 11667: 11663: 11658: 11654: 11650: 11649:Pope Pius XII 11646: 11642: 11641: 11636: 11632: 11628: 11624: 11618: 11611: 11606: 11602: 11598: 11594: 11589: 11581: 11575: 11571: 11567: 11560: 11544: 11540: 11534: 11518: 11514: 11507: 11501: 11485: 11481: 11475: 11460: 11456: 11450: 11442: 11436: 11420: 11416: 11410: 11403: 11399: 11394: 11387: 11383: 11378: 11371: 11358: 11354: 11348: 11341: 11337: 11332: 11325: 11321: 11316: 11309: 11305: 11300: 11293: 11287: 11280: 11276: 11272: 11268: 11263: 11256: 11252: 11248: 11243: 11227: 11223: 11217: 11201: 11194: 11178: 11174: 11170: 11164: 11162: 11154: 11148: 11132: 11126: 11111: 11107: 11103: 11102: 11095: 11080: 11078:9781883734183 11074: 11070: 11069: 11061: 11045: 11039: 11031: 11024: 11008: 11002: 10996: 10991: 10976: 10970: 10964: 10962: 10956: 10948: 10942: 10936: 10932: 10915: 10909: 10901: 10894: 10878: 10874: 10868: 10860: 10853: 10845: 10841: 10835: 10826: 10818: 10812: 10796: 10792: 10786: 10778: 10771: 10764: 10760: 10758: 10753: 10749: 10744: 10737: 10733: 10728: 10721: 10716: 10709: 10703: 10687: 10681: 10673: 10669: 10663: 10647: 10643: 10637: 10621: 10617: 10611: 10595: 10591: 10585: 10578: 10573: 10557: 10553: 10547: 10539: 10532: 10526: 10524: 10517: 10510: 10506: 10501: 10494: 10490: 10487: 10483: 10479: 10474: 10466: 10460: 10453: 10449: 10444: 10436: 10429: 10422: 10417: 10413: 10407: 10400: 10396: 10391: 10384: 10380: 10375: 10368: 10363: 10356: 10352: 10347: 10339: 10336: 10335: 10331: 10323: 10317: 10309: 10303: 10297: 10293: 10289: 10284: 10277: 10271: 10264: 10260: 10256: 10251: 10244: 10240: 10235: 10229: 10227: 10220: 10213: 10209: 10204: 10197: 10193: 10188: 10180: 10179: 10178:Eglise à Lyon 10172: 10165: 10159: 10152: 10147: 10140: 10136: 10131: 10125: 10123: 10116: 10109: 10105: 10101: 10095: 10087: 10081: 10074: 10068: 10060: 10054: 10046: 10042: 10035: 10028: 10022: 10014: 10010: 10003: 9995: 9988: 9980: 9974: 9968: 9964: 9961: 9956: 9941: 9937: 9931: 9923: 9917: 9901: 9897: 9891: 9883: 9877: 9869: 9863: 9856: 9851: 9844: 9839: 9832: 9827: 9820: 9814: 9806: 9799: 9793: 9789: 9786: 9781: 9775: 9770: 9764: 9760: 9755: 9747: 9741: 9733: 9727: 9721: 9716: 9700: 9696: 9690: 9684: 9678: 9671: 9667: 9662: 9654: 9648: 9641: 9635: 9619: 9615: 9609: 9594: 9590: 9584: 9582: 9573: 9566: 9559: 9555: 9551: 9547: 9542: 9534: 9533: 9526: 9518: 9517: 9509: 9502: 9498: 9494: 9490: 9486: 9482: 9478: 9474: 9469: 9463: 9459: 9455: 9449: 9441: 9435: 9428: 9424: 9419: 9411: 9404: 9387: 9383: 9377: 9375: 9358: 9354: 9348: 9341: 9335: 9320: 9316: 9310: 9304: 9299: 9291: 9285: 9277: 9273: 9267: 9251: 9247: 9241: 9233: 9229: 9223: 9217: 9213: 9210: 9205: 9189: 9185: 9179: 9177: 9160: 9156: 9152: 9146: 9144: 9142: 9140: 9138: 9129: 9122: 9106: 9102: 9096: 9080: 9076: 9070: 9062: 9056: 9040: 9034: 9028: 9024: 9021: 9016: 9010: 9005: 8999: 8995: 8992: 8987: 8979: 8973: 8967: 8963: 8960: 8955: 8949: 8945: 8942: 8937: 8929: 8923: 8921: 8914: 8913: 8906: 8899: 8894: 8886: 8882: 8876: 8870: 8866: 8863: 8858: 8850: 8844: 8838: 8834: 8831: 8826: 8819: 8814: 8806: 8800: 8792: 8788: 8782: 8774: 8768: 8762: 8758: 8755: 8750: 8744: 8740: 8737: 8732: 8724: 8718: 8710: 8706: 8700: 8693: 8688: 8682: 8677: 8671: 8667: 8664: 8659: 8651: 8645: 8634: 8628: 8620: 8614: 8606: 8600: 8598: 8590: 8585: 8570: 8566: 8559: 8543: 8539: 8533: 8517: 8513: 8507: 8492: 8486: 8479: 8466: 8460: 8453: 8447: 8445: 8437: 8433: 8428: 8412:on 6 May 2015 8411: 8407: 8401: 8395: 8391: 8388: 8383: 8376: 8372: 8369: 8365: 8360: 8353: 8347: 8340: 8337: 8331: 8322: 8316: 8297: 8290: 8283: 8277: 8258: 8251: 8244: 8237: 8233: 8227: 8220: 8216: 8211: 8192: 8185: 8179: 8172: 8168: 8163: 8156: 8152: 8147: 8139: 8135: 8129: 8112: 8108: 8101: 8095: 8091: 8088: 8083: 8075: 8069: 8063: 8059: 8056: 8051: 8044: 8040: 8037: 8031: 8025: 8006: 7999: 7993: 7974: 7967: 7961: 7954: 7949: 7942: 7938: 7934: 7930: 7924: 7917: 7913: 7909: 7903: 7897: 7895: 7888: 7879: 7870: 7863: 7859: 7855: 7854:Liber notarum 7851: 7847: 7843: 7837: 7820: 7816: 7808: 7801: 7797: 7791: 7784: 7780: 7776: 7771: 7764: 7759: 7742: 7738: 7733: 7728: 7721: 7717: 7713: 7709: 7704: 7696: 7690: 7683: 7679: 7674: 7666: 7664:9781883734183 7660: 7656: 7655: 7647: 7640: 7636: 7630: 7615: 7608: 7601: 7596: 7592: 7586: 7579: 7573: 7566: 7562: 7556: 7549: 7543: 7535: 7533:9781883734183 7529: 7525: 7524: 7516: 7509: 7505: 7491: 7487: 7482: 7476: 7469: 7465: 7460: 7453: 7449: 7445: 7441: 7438: 7432: 7415: 7411: 7406: 7400: 7393: 7388: 7381: 7375: 7373: 7355: 7351: 7346: 7341: 7334: 7330: 7324: 7307: 7303: 7298: 7293: 7286: 7282: 7277: 7270: 7264: 7257: 7252: 7245: 7241: 7236: 7230: 7226: 7223: 7217: 7211:20 March 2013 7200: 7196: 7191: 7186: 7178: 7172: 7155: 7151: 7144: 7137: 7123: 7119: 7114: 7110: 7105: 7097: 7093: 7087: 7079: 7077:9780226038988 7073: 7069: 7068: 7060: 7049: 7043: 7036: 7031: 7024: 7020: 7016: 7013: 7008: 7001: 6997: 6993: 6986: 6978: 6971: 6963: 6959: 6955: 6950: 6941: 6934: 6929: 6923: 6919: 6915: 6910: 6903: 6899: 6895: 6891: 6886: 6880: 6875: 6868: 6864: 6860: 6855: 6848: 6844: 6840: 6834: 6827: 6821: 6814: 6810: 6806: 6801: 6793: 6787: 6780: 6776: 6771: 6764: 6760: 6755: 6749: 6745: 6740: 6733: 6729: 6724: 6717: 6713: 6709: 6705: 6700: 6693: 6687: 6672: 6668: 6662: 6660: 6653: 6649: 6646: 6641: 6634: 6633:88-209-2966-X 6630: 6626: 6625:88-209-2967-8 6622: 6618: 6614: 6610: 6604: 6588: 6584: 6577: 6567: 6560: 6553: 6546: 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5645: 5642: 5639: 5636: 5633: 5630: 5629:New York City 5626: 5622: 5621:Timothy Dolan 5619: 5616: 5612: 5609: 5606: 5602: 5598: 5595: 5592: 5589: 5585: 5582: 5578: 5574: 5571: 5568: 5565: 5562: 5559: 5555: 5552: 5549: 5546: 5543: 5539: 5536: 5535:Edouard Hugon 5533: 5530: 5527: 5526: 5525: 5524: 5520: 5512: 5508: 5504: 5492: 5488: 5484: 5480: 5479:Ragheed Ganni 5477: 5474: 5470: 5466: 5462: 5459: 5456: 5452: 5448: 5445:, co-founder 5444: 5440: 5436: 5432: 5428: 5425: 5422: 5418: 5414: 5411: 5409: 5405: 5401: 5397: 5394: 5391: 5387: 5383: 5380: 5377: 5373: 5369: 5366: 5363: 5359: 5355: 5351: 5347: 5344: 5341: 5338: 5334: 5331:, President, 5330: 5326: 5322: 5318: 5317:Timothy Dolan 5315: 5312: 5308: 5304: 5300: 5296: 5292: 5288: 5285: 5282: 5278: 5274: 5270: 5267: 5263: 5259: 5255: 5252: 5249: 5245: 5242: 5239: 5235: 5231: 5227: 5224: 5221: 5217: 5215: 5211: 5207: 5204: 5201: 5197: 5193: 5192:Karol Wojtyła 5190: 5187: 5183: 5180: 5177: 5173: 5169: 5166: 5163: 5159: 5155: 5152: 5149: 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Retrieved 10636: 10624:. Retrieved 10620:the original 10610: 10598:. Retrieved 10594:the original 10584: 10572: 10560:. Retrieved 10555: 10546: 10531: 10522: 10516: 10508: 10500: 10477: 10473: 10459: 10451: 10443: 10428: 10415: 10411: 10406: 10394: 10390: 10378: 10374: 10362: 10346: 10330: 10316: 10302: 10291: 10283: 10270: 10262: 10250: 10242: 10234: 10225: 10219: 10207: 10203: 10195: 10187: 10177: 10171: 10158: 10146: 10138: 10130: 10124:, 1880-1968. 10121: 10115: 10103: 10099: 10094: 10080: 10072: 10067: 10053: 10034: 10021: 10002: 9987: 9973: 9955: 9943:. Retrieved 9939: 9930: 9904:. Retrieved 9900:the original 9890: 9876: 9862: 9850: 9838: 9826: 9813: 9798: 9780: 9769: 9758: 9754: 9740: 9726: 9715: 9703:. Retrieved 9699:the original 9689: 9677: 9665: 9661: 9647: 9639: 9634: 9622:. Retrieved 9618:the original 9608: 9596:. Retrieved 9592: 9565: 9557: 9549: 9545: 9541: 9531: 9525: 9515: 9508: 9484: 9480: 9476: 9468: 9461: 9457: 9448: 9434: 9418: 9403: 9390:. Retrieved 9386:the original 9363:17 September 9361:. Retrieved 9357:the original 9347: 9339: 9334: 9322:. Retrieved 9318: 9309: 9298: 9284: 9276:the original 9266: 9254:. Retrieved 9250:the original 9240: 9231: 9222: 9204: 9192:. Retrieved 9188:the original 9163:. Retrieved 9159:the original 9154: 9121: 9109:. Retrieved 9105:the original 9095: 9083:. Retrieved 9079:the original 9069: 9055: 9043:. Retrieved 9033: 9015: 9004: 8986: 8972: 8954: 8936: 8911: 8905: 8893: 8885:the original 8875: 8857: 8843: 8825: 8813: 8799: 8791:the original 8781: 8767: 8749: 8731: 8717: 8709:the original 8699: 8687: 8676: 8658: 8644: 8627: 8613: 8584: 8572:. Retrieved 8568: 8558: 8546:. Retrieved 8541: 8532: 8520:. Retrieved 8516:the original 8506: 8494:. Retrieved 8485: 8476: 8469:. Retrieved 8467:. 1 May 2010 8459: 8435: 8427: 8414:. Retrieved 8410:the original 8400: 8382: 8363: 8359: 8346: 8335: 8330: 8303:. Retrieved 8296:the original 8264:. Retrieved 8257:the original 8243: 8231: 8226: 8210: 8198:. Retrieved 8191:the original 8178: 8166: 8162: 8150: 8146: 8138:the original 8128: 8115:. Retrieved 8111:the original 8100: 8082: 8068: 8050: 8012:. Retrieved 8005:the original 7992: 7980:. Retrieved 7973:the original 7960: 7948: 7936: 7928: 7923: 7911: 7907: 7902: 7893: 7887: 7878: 7869: 7861: 7857: 7853: 7849: 7841: 7836: 7823:. Retrieved 7819:the original 7807: 7795: 7790: 7778: 7774: 7770: 7758: 7745:. Retrieved 7741:the original 7731: 7727: 7711: 7703: 7689: 7673: 7653: 7646: 7634: 7629: 7617:. Retrieved 7607: 7594: 7590: 7585: 7572: 7555: 7542: 7522: 7515: 7503: 7494:. Retrieved 7490:the original 7480: 7475: 7463: 7459: 7447: 7443: 7436: 7431: 7418:. Retrieved 7414:the original 7404: 7399: 7387: 7358:. Retrieved 7354:the original 7344: 7340: 7332: 7328: 7323: 7310:. Retrieved 7306:the original 7296: 7292: 7280: 7276: 7263: 7251: 7239: 7235: 7216: 7203:. Retrieved 7199:the original 7189: 7185: 7171: 7158:. Retrieved 7154:the original 7143: 7136:Scholasticon 7135: 7126:. Retrieved 7122:the original 7112: 7104: 7096:the original 7086: 7066: 7059: 7042: 7030: 7007: 6995: 6985: 6970: 6957: 6953: 6949: 6940: 6928: 6917: 6913: 6909: 6893: 6885: 6874: 6854: 6846: 6838: 6833: 6820: 6804: 6800: 6786: 6770: 6758: 6754: 6743: 6739: 6727: 6723: 6711: 6703: 6699: 6686: 6674:. Retrieved 6670: 6640: 6635:(paperbound) 6616: 6612: 6608: 6603: 6591:. Retrieved 6586: 6576: 6566: 6552: 6539: 6526: 6521: 6509:. Retrieved 6488: 6475: 6456: 6452: 6447: 6435: 6420: 6415: 6399:. Retrieved 6395:the original 6385: 6373:. Retrieved 6364: 6351: 6338: 6325: 6315: 6309: 6289: 6276: 6262: 6250: 6226:. Retrieved 6216: 6202: 6181: 6177: 6161: 6148: 6130: 6122: 6117: 6109: 6104: 6096: 6092: 6084: 6074:xxii, c. 24 6071: 6066: 6057: 6051: 6040: 6028: 6020: 6015: 6003: 5999: 5987: 5978: 5972: 5963: 5959: 5942: 5937: 5916: 5911: 5899: 5890: 5886: 5878: 5874: 5865:. Retrieved 5861:the original 5850: 5844: 5826: 5818: 5813: 5804: 5799: 5790: 5784: 5776: 5766: 5762: 5749: 5741: 5732: 5719: 5707:. Retrieved 5703:the original 5678: 5650: 5641:Helen Alford 5600: 5580: 5576: 5541: 5518: 5516: 5510: 5455:Pope Francis 5427:Donna Orsuto 5357: 5343:Marc Ouellet 5307:human rights 5280: 5276: 5232:. Emeritus 5123:Fulton Sheen 5058: 5043: 5041: 5020: 5013: 5006: 4999: 4994: 4988: 4984: 4978: 4951: 4938: 4934: 4932: 4921: 4914: 4874: 4870: 4864: 4860: 4854: 4843: 4841: 4836: 4830: 4828: 4823: 4819: 4817: 4807: 4805: 4799: 4787:Clericus Cup 4784: 4769: 4764: 4758: 4751: 4747: 4744: 4739: 4735: 4731: 4727: 4723: 4720: 4715: 4711: 4699: 4697: 4691: 4684: 4682: 4672: 4664: 4660: 4646: 4644: 4640: 4632: 4617: 4615: 4601: 4597: 4575:Piero Marini 4568:Marc Ouellet 4553: 4538: 4529:Donald Wuerl 4469: 4444: 4442: 4437:Cherie Blair 4417: 4412: 4408: 4397:Romano Prodi 4384:, martyr at 4374: 4370: 4360: 4345:in honor of 4342: 4320: 4283: 4260:Pope Paul IV 4187: 4159: 4152:Vatican City 4136: 4109: 4094: 4078: 4072:(1483-1520). 4063: 3996: 3987: 3975: 3931: 3929: 3869: 3856: 3850: 3830: 3828: 3823: 3819: 3815: 3807: 3803: 3801: 3795: 3787: 3783: 3779: 3777: 3771: 3763: 3759: 3747: 3743: 3739: 3735: 3733: 3727: 3716:Saint Andrew 3707: 3705: 3700: 3696: 3694: 3689: 3664: 3659: 3643: 3639: 3628:early modern 3619:Acqua Felice 3617: 3615: 3597: 3587: 3580: 3575: 3573: 3555: 3553: 3548: 3544: 3525: 3508: 3504: 3492: 3484: 3482: 3477:Pope Pius XI 3468: 3457: 3454: 3419: 3405: 3399: 3389: 3385: 3383: 3371: 3365: 3355: 3349: 3343: 3331: 3329: 3315: 3296: 3291: 3286: 3285: 3274: 3273: 3265: 3264: 3255: 3254: 3246: 3245: 3240: 3239: 3234: 3232: 3222: 3220: 3210: 3202: 3196: 3191: 3185: 3179: 3173: 3170:Scholarships 3162: 3153:(in Italian) 3147:(in Italian) 3094: 3067:(in Italian) 3009: 3005: 3001: 2994: 2989: 2979: 2969: 2958: 2957: 2951: 2940: 2929: 2918: 2917: 2911: 2900: 2889: 2878: 2877: 2864: 2860: 2853: 2847: 2839: 2835:Spirituality 2818: 2812: 2801: 2790: 2779: 2778: 2773: 2771: 2716: 2714: 2703: 2695: 2690: 2682: 2680: 2641: 2633: 2629: 2622:Pope Francis 2593: 2591: 2587: 2582: 2580: 2576:sedes Thomae 2575: 2574:. Today the 2571: 2569:Santa Sabina 2560: 2545: 2537: 2535: 2529: 2521: 2517: 2516:visited the 2507: 2502: 2498: 2488: 2483: 2479: 2476:Pope Paul VI 2473: 2468: 2462: 2445: 2441: 2438:motu proprio 2436: 2428: 2427:visited the 2418: 2413: 2405: 2389: 2388:In 1950 the 2387: 2382: 2370: 2366: 2360: 2352:Pontificium 2351: 2347: 2345: 2338: 2333: 2329: 2325: 2323: 2312: 2307: 2297: 2292: 2289: 2285: 2264: 2259: 2255: 2251: 2247: 2245: 2239: 2224: 2220: 2212: 2208: 2204: 2184: 2172: 2170: 2165: 2160:sedes Thomae 2159: 2155: 2149: 2144: 2141:Pope Pius XI 2136: 2128: 2124: 2122: 2117: 2109: 2108:between the 2097: 2091: 2079:Le Corbusier 2075:Vence Chapel 2062: 2059: 2046: 2030: 2028: 2015: 2011: 2007: 1999: 1993: 1988: 1980: 1977:Santa Sabina 1972: 1970: 1966: 1960: 1945: 1940: 1930: 1928: 1908: 1898: 1892: 1876: 1868: 1863:created the 1847: 1839: 1834: 1826: 1820: 1776: 1757: 1737: 1734:Risorgimento 1727: 1725:and others. 1718: 1714: 1711: 1699:Jaime Balmes 1688: 1684: 1672:Pincian Hill 1665: 1640: 1637: 1632: 1625: 1616: 1614: 1606: 1596: 1585: 1576: 1574: 1566: 1560: 1554: 1544: 1536: 1531: 1524: 1515: 1507: 1497: 1487: 1482: 1478: 1474: 1470: 1466: 1454: 1434: 1431:editio piana 1430: 1424: 1419:divine grace 1414: 1410: 1406: 1374: 1367:divine grace 1364: 1358:system, and 1337: 1328: 1326: 1316: 1284: 1282: 1277: 1266:editio piana 1265: 1263: 1258: 1254: 1250: 1246: 1238: 1234: 1226: 1218: 1209: 1199: 1194: 1188: 1180: 1174: 1168: 1162: 1158: 1154: 1150: 1146: 1142: 1138: 1130: 1126: 1104: 1096: 1092: 1088: 1084: 1076: 1072: 1068: 1064: 1060: 1056: 1052: 1048: 1044: 1040: 1034: 1027: 1023: 1021:Santa Sabina 1018: 1001: 997: 993: 989: 987:Santa Sabina 974: 972:Santa Sabina 968:Hugh Aycelin 963: 961:Santa Sabina 958: 953:Santa Sabina 945:Hugh Aycelin 934: 930: 926: 910: 894: 892: 883: 875: 873: 846: 842: 838: 834: 829: 824: 820: 816: 812: 808: 804: 799: 794: 789: 783: 777: 774: 768: 766: 758: 754: 748: 739: 735: 731: 727: 723: 721: 716: 711: 710: 706: 704: 700: 695:Santa Sabina 690: 672: 667: 663: 660: 655: 652:baccalaureus 651: 647: 643: 637: 618:Valenciennes 615: 601: 597: 595:patron, the 592: 582: 574: 570:Catena aurea 569: 562: 558: 530: 528: 523: 510: 497: 492: 491: 487: 480:Santa Sabina 458:in 1218, at 454:in 1217, at 445: 439: 434: 422: 405: 389: 385: 383: 365: 349: 347: 334: 319: 314: 313: 309: 305: 303: 267:Clericus Cup 133: 127: 121: 115: 109: 103: 96:Former names 87: 36: 12911: / 12884:Catholicism 12758:Archaeology 12724:Orientalium 12719:Claretianum 12610:Anselmianum 12587:Santa Croce 12394:(Minnesota) 12083:Tantum ergo 12044:and prayers 11657:ad personam 10652:13 December 10626:13 December 10600:13 December 10562:9 September 9945:15 February 9392:8 September 9194:13 December 9111:13 November 9085:13 November 8230:Printed in 8200:13 December 6401:1 September 5867:3 September 5782:papal bulls 5635:Paul Murray 5423:since 2005. 5356:considered 4776:Henri Didon 4661:De civ. Dei 4643:appears in 4539:Angelicum's 4522:Chief Rabbi 4461:Peter Smith 4428:during the 4403:and former 4252:(1574-1588) 4173:(1929–1946) 4131:Secretary, 4095:Angelicum's 4091:Solemn Mass 3962:in 1645 by 3908:Fogg Museum 3748:Angelicum's 3720:Lippo Vanni 3640:Angelicum's 3501:escutcheons 3473:escutcheons 3422:Pope Pius V 3401:Magnanapoli 3391:Magnanapoli 3256:15 November 2742:Vice-Rector 2644:Faculty of 2583:Angelicum's 2480:Angelicum's 2402:Paul Murray 2390:Angelicum's 2271:Pope Pius V 2193:T. Zigliara 2173:Angelicum's 2133:Pope Pius X 2116:. Congar's 2114:Yves Congar 2055:Pope Pius X 2033:professors 2000:Pontificium 1996:Pope Pius X 1951:) directed 1923:San Miniato 1879:Faculty of 1877:Angelicum's 1691:Wolffianism 1674:and in the 1469:(1667) and 1422:resisted." 1403:Pope Paul V 1309:Juan Solano 1255:Metaphysica 1220:Sisto Fabri 1036:logica nova 1030:nove logice 915:papal curia 888:Roman Curia 464:Montpellier 398:pedagogical 173:Established 136:(1942–1963) 130:(1926–1942) 124:(1908–1926) 118:(1906–1908) 112:(1580–1906) 106:(1577–1580) 12926:Categories 12899:12°29′15″E 12896:41°53′45″N 12658:Institutes 12648:Teresianum 12643:Seraphicum 12582:Salesianum 12572:Gregoriana 12567:Antonianum 12061:Lauda Sion 11523:7 February 11206:23 January 10898:Kovalenz. 10139:Il rosario 10102:, 156, in 9906:6 December 9666:Pro Unione 9324:6 February 8633:"Montréal" 8305:4 December 8266:4 December 7982:8 December 7737:"Cabecera" 7360:1 February 7205:8 February 5725:scholastic 5138:Archbishop 5044:Angeliocum 4967:philosophy 4908:Roccasecca 4716:birretatio 4457:John Foley 4373:entitled " 4127:presider, 4118:St. Thomas 4083:Vatican II 4031:, Founder 3824:incunabula 3744:Aula Magna 3644:portineria 3247:22 October 2976:Licentiate 2937:Licentiate 2919:Philosophy 2897:Licentiate 2819:Sections: 2798:Licentiate 2522:Aula Magna 2330:aula minor 2326:aula magna 1881:Philosophy 1845:encyclical 1768:Zigliara's 1728:After the 1453:. His own 1427:Moerbeke's 1356:Encomienda 1125:, and the 1069:Categories 1047:, and the 876:reportatio 778:Prima Pars 545:appointed 541:. In 1246 420:papal bull 289:.angelicum 194:Chancellor 83:Other name 12787:Abolished 12734:Academies 12625:Faculties 12592:Urbaniana 12562:Angelicum 11918:Angelicum 11842:Angelicum 11830:Angelicum 11821:Angelicum 11805:Angelicum 11716:Angelicum 11631:Angelicum 11623:Angelicum 11597:Angelicum 11490:9 January 11271:Angelicum 10923:23 August 9803:Harvard. 9746:"drawing" 9705:21 August 9624:27 August 9598:27 August 9485:Angelicum 9477:Angelicum 9340:Angelicum 8366:webpage. 8364:Angelicum 8336:Angelicum 8232:Angelicum 7894:Angelicum 7619:2 January 7595:Angelicum 7496:20 August 7312:20 August 7222:Minerva." 7160:21 August 6593:2 January 6511:10 August 6375:30 August 6228:22 August 6121:Torrell, 5930:novitiate 5601:Angelicum 5581:Angelicum 5577:Angelicum 5519:Angelicum 5511:Angelicum 5368:Tomas Tyn 5127:Venerable 5059:Angelicum 5027:Website". 5021:Angelicum 5014:Angelicum 5007:Angelicum 4989:Angelicum 4985:Oikonomia 4971:canon law 4952:Angelicum 4935:Angelicum 4929:Bookstore 4922:Angelicum 4915:Angelicum 4875:Angelicum 4837:Angelicum 4820:Angelicum 4808:Angelicum 4800:Angelicum 4761:athletics 4759:Angelicum 4740:Angelicum 4736:Angelicum 4700:Angelicum 4692:Angelicum 4685:Angelicum 4667:," which 4602:Angelicum 4598:Angelicum 4554:Angelicum 4479:Kurt Koch 4445:Angelicum 4418:Angelicum 4413:Angelicum 4399:, former 4299:1483 c., 4226:1635 c., 4160:Angelicum 4137:Angelicum 4114:Dominican 4079:Angelicum 3997:Angelicum 3988:Angelicum 3851:Angelicum 3820:Angelicum 3808:Angelicum 3804:Angelicum 3796:Angelicum 3784:Angelicum 3772:Angelicum 3764:Angelicum 3730:auditoria 3728:Angelicum 3690:Angelicum 3672:triglyphs 3598:Angelicum 3549:Angelicum 3509:Angelicum 3497:Palladian 3493:Angelicum 3485:Angelicum 3469:Angelicum 3458:Angelicum 3386:Angelicum 3332:Angelicum 3316:Angelicum 3314:with the 3297:Angelicum 3258:Feast of 3235:Angelicum 3223:Angelicum 3211:Angelicum 3203:Angelicum 3192:Angelicum 3180:Angelicum 3163:Angelicum 3006:Angelicum 2986:Doctorate 2948:Doctorate 2908:Doctorate 2879:Canon Law 2861:Angelicum 2848:Angelicum 2844:ecumenism 2840:Angelicum 2832:Thomistic 2809:Doctorate 2774:Angelicum 2683:Angelicum 2672:Academics 2642:Angelicum 2634:Angelicum 2594:Angelicum 2561:Angelicum 2546:Angelicum 2538:Angelicum 2530:Angelicum 2518:Angelicum 2499:Angelicum 2469:Angelicum 2446:Angelicum 2429:Angelicum 2406:Angelicum 2385:in 1948. 2383:Angelicum 2367:Angelicum 2354:Athenaeum 2348:Angelicum 2334:Angelicum 2308:Angelicum 2293:Angelicum 2286:Angelicum 2256:Angelicum 2248:Angelicum 2240:Angelicum 2225:Angelicum 2213:Angelicum 2205:Angelicum 2185:Angelicum 2145:Angelicum 2137:Angelicum 2125:Angelicum 2110:Angelicum 2094:Modernism 2063:Angelicum 2047:Angelicum 2031:Angelicum 2012:Angelicum 1947:of 1904 ( 1941:Angelicum 1885:Canon Law 1836:sciences. 1818:Scotus" 1803:Capréolus 1766:in 1879. 1617:Pretiosus 1588:Thomistic 1557:Jansenism 1451:Jansenism 1340:New World 1333:Nolli Map 1297:John XXII 1115:Nolli Map 1061:Divisions 1004:included 856:in 1267. 634:canon law 602:Angelicus 593:Angelicum 498:Angelicum 450:, at the 427:episcopal 386:Angelicum 366:Angelicum 358:canon law 350:Angelicum 335:Angelicum 315:Angelicum 155:English: 88:Angelicum 18:Angelicum 12782:Theology 12744:Sciences 12714:Biblicum 12638:Marianum 12633:Auxilium 12602:Athenaea 12361:(Bogotá) 12329:Americas 11500:cite web 11137:25 April 11110:05663388 11013:25 April 10980:25 April 10883:25 April 10692:25 April 10646:Archived 10489:Archived 10122:La Croix 10045:Archived 10013:Archived 9963:Archived 9916:cite web 9788:Archived 9212:Archived 9045:25 April 9023:Archived 8994:Archived 8962:Archived 8944:Archived 8865:Archived 8833:Archived 8757:Archived 8739:Archived 8666:Archived 8522:14 March 8496:14 March 8471:14 March 8390:Archived 8371:Archived 8315:cite web 8276:cite web 8117:23 April 8090:Archived 8058:Archived 8039:Archived 8024:cite web 7858:Diatrium 7825:27 April 7747:2 August 7448:Theology 7420:1 August 7225:Archived 7015:Archived 6648:Archived 6428:Archived 6138:Archived 6125:, 161-3. 6123:op. cit. 5945:, 1864, 5834:Archived 5780:See the 5709:25 April 5658:See also 5493:of 2003. 5491:Iraq War 5362:conclave 5358:papabile 5354:Cardinal 5329:New York 5256:, 1954, 5238:Cardinal 5198:), 1948 4963:theology 4810:mascot. 4635:. This 4580:In 2009 4559:In 2012 4548:In 2013 4467:(2012). 4317:humanist 3712:triptych 3686:Cloister 3612:c. 1630. 3600:cloister 3581:birettum 2914:(J.C.D.) 2903:(J.C.L.) 2892:(J.C.B.) 2826:Dogmatic 2823:Biblical 2815:(S.T.D.) 2804:(S.T.L.) 2793:(S.T.B.) 2780:Theology 2706:Holy See 2596:include 2341:Pius XII 2298:In 1930 2197:E. Hugon 1994:In 1904 1935:rectors 1815:Zigliara 1791:Zigliara 1525:In 1630 1247:De anima 1214:humanist 1206:encomium 1121:, (842) 1119:Pantheon 966:include 847:De anima 730:and the 620:in 1259 604:, Saint 476:basilica 460:Palencia 442:priories 237:Holy See 225:Location 217:Students 12792:Arcadia 12770:Martyrs 12388:(Texas) 12165:Thomism 12153:Related 12118:Thought 11897:29 June 11840:at the 11782:8 April 11735:4 April 11662:Paul VI 11610:Thomism 11608:of Neo- 11549:4 April 11363:4 April 11249:, 921; 11202:. Malta 11183:22 June 11115:3 April 11084:3 April 11050:3 April 10844:biretum 10801:3 April 10098:Adami, 9495:in the 8574:10 June 8548:23 July 8478:Process 7714:, 304, 7593:of the 7128:29 June 6965:Church" 6954:De Fide 6453:studium 6197:Magno." 5759:charism 5586:, 1987 5481:, 2003 5463:, 1992 5429:, 1990 5415:, 1989 5402:, 1984 5384:, 1981 5374:, 1978 5348:, 1976 5319:, 1976 5301:. 2012 5289:, 1975 5246:, 1954 5228:, 1952 5208:, 1951 5184:, 1937 5170:, 1936 5162:Thomist 5156:, 1934 5146:, 1931 5129:, 1924 5115:, 1920 5079:, 1902 5075:, 1901 5067:in 1993 5062:alumnus 4900:Orvieto 4896:Subiaco 4732:biretum 4712:biretum 4708:biretta 4704:biretta 4694:regalia 4651:by St. 4622:Blessed 4411:at the 4407:gave a 4369:gave a 4195:Ravenna 4158:of the 4156:alumnus 4141:alumnus 4089:a high 4070:Raphael 3798:library 3738:is the 3688:of the 3676:metopes 3667:Vignola 3658:on the 3540:Aquinas 3430:Vignola 3266:7 March 3241:October 2954:(Ph.D.) 2943:(Ph.L.) 2932:(Ph.B.) 2664:of the 2632:of the 2628:, past 2565:Thomism 2557:Thomism 2549:alumnus 2465:peritus 2328:and an 2275:Blessed 2189:Thomism 2143:at the 2020:Blessed 1973:studium 1949:Viterbo 1857:Thomism 1807:Cajetan 1779:Thomism 1703:Thomism 1658:in the 1545:De Fide 1317:studium 1285:studium 1251:Physica 1235:studium 1227:studium 1181:studium 1097:studium 1085:studium 1028:studia 1024:studium 1002:studium 992:to the 979:convent 975:studium 964:studium 933:, 1305 929:, 1291 911:studium 907:Cologne 903:Viterbo 851:Viterbo 827:, the 736:studium 724:studium 707:studium 691:studium 689:at the 679:Chapter 628:, and 612:c. 1400 575:studium 531:studium 524:studium 520:Ceslaus 504:to the 488:studium 456:Bologna 392:Veritas 380:History 362:Italian 343:Thomist 325:, is a 282:Website 181: ( 56:Italian 12870:Portal 12441:Europe 12302:Africa 11811:, See 11576:  11425:9 June 11279:Kraków 11232:9 June 11131:"Home" 11108:  11075:  9481:Parola 9256:28 May 9165:15 May 9128:"Home" 8416:21 May 8014:26 May 7939:, 60. 7931:, 38, 7856:e nel 7661:  7530:  7331:", in 7074:  6676:25 May 6631:  6623:  5469:Bishop 5346:P.S.S. 5295:Bishop 5101:and a 5025:Alumni 4973:, and 4892:Cascia 4888:Norcia 4884:Assisi 4748:bireta 4449:alumni 4371:lectio 4326:1450, 4315:famed 4311:1457, 4305:1469, 4292:1485, 4275:1495, 4265:1510, 4258:1555, 4211:Jesuit 4209:1874, 4200:1882, 4176:1914, 4165:1932, 4146:2012, 4123:2013, 3954:under 3853:garden 3752:alumni 3519:, and 3444:; and 3438:Nicola 3370:, and 3364:, the 3322:. The 3312:Market 3299:campus 3275:21 May 3201:, the 2846:. 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