
Air warfare of World War II

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1655:, the Japanese split a portion of their fleet toward the Aleutians in a simultaneous operation, as well as separating the majority of its surface force from the Japanese carriers. The Americans, on the other hand, had received critical details of the Midway operation due to a cryptographic breakthrough, which included dates and a complete order of battle. As such, American forces were able to ambush the Japanese carriers. On the other hand, the Japanese expected American carriers to sail from Pearl Harbor after Midway had been attacked; the unexpected presence of American carriers would lead to the early tactical mistakes the Japanese commander would make. Japan had 272 warplanes operating from four carriers; the U.S. Navy carriers had 233 aircraft, but there were also another 115 AAF and Marine land-based aircraft on Midway itself. Due to tactical errors by the Japanese commander and the lucky breaks in executing the decisive American attack (in addition to the skill of the American aviators and commanders), the Japanese lost three of their four carriers early in the battle. The decisive attack was two simultaneous (unplanned) dive bomber attacks arriving after approximately ninety minutes of constant harassment from various American land and naval air squadrons. This harassment had left the Japanese combat air patrol out of position, especially as the combat air patrol was focused on an on-going torpedo bomber attack. The harassment had also prevented the Japanese carriers from launching a strike on the American carriers, and the three Japanese carriers were sunk having only made one, ineffective attack against Midway itself. The final fourth carrier would be sunk by the end of the day. The fourth carrier, however, managed to cripple one American carrier, which would later be sunk by a submarine. Having lost all their carriers, the Japanese were forced to retreat, unable to use the rest of their surface fleet (including the battleships) without air cover. Having lost all but two of their fleet carriers (the ones damaged at Coral Sea), the Japanese never again launched a major, effective offensive in the Pacific. The successes of the Japanese naval air arm, having won stunning victories for the Japanese navy in the first-half of 1942, came to a sharp stop after the Battle of Midway. 529: 991:"Air strikes on the way; we watch from a top window as P-47s dip in and out of clouds through suddenly erupting strings of Christmas-tree lights , before one speck turns over and drops toward earth in the damnest sight of the Second World War, the dive-bomber attack, the speck snarling, screaming, dropping faster than a stone until it's clearly doomed to smash into the earth, then, past the limits of belief, an impossible flattening beyond houses and trees, an upward arch that makes the eyes hurt, and, as the speck hurtles away, WHOOM, the earth erupts five hundred feet up in swirling black smoke. More specks snarl, dive, scream, two squadrons, eight of them, leaving congealing, combining, whirling pillars of black smoke, lifting trees, houses, vehicles, and, we devoutly hope, bits of Germans. We yell and pound each other's backs. Gods from the clouds; this is how you do it! You don't attack painfully across frozen plains, you simply drop in on the enemy and blow them out of existence." 575:, because the land forces generals and the Navy were vehemently opposed. In the compromise that was reached it was understood that after the war, the aviators would get their independence. Meanwhile, the Air Corps became the Army Air Forces (AAF) in June, 1941, combining all their personnel and units under a single commanding general, an airman. In 1942 the Army reorganized into three equal components, one of which was the AAF, which then had almost complete freedom in terms of internal administration. Thus the AAF set up its own medical service independent of the Surgeon General, its own WAC units, and its own logistics system. It had full control over the design and procurement of airplanes and related electronic gear and ordnance. Its purchasing agents controlled 15% of the nation's Gross National Product. Together with naval aviation, it recruited the best young men in the nation. General 2184:(quite separate from the fighter forces) attacked Berlin, Hitler swore revenge and diverted the Luftwaffe to attacks on London. Using limited resources to attack civilians instead of airfields and radar proved a major mistake as the civilians being hit were far less critical than the airfields and radar stations that were now ignored. London was not a factory city and British aircraft production was not impeded; indeed it went up. The last German daylight raid came on September 30; the Luftwaffe realized it was taking unacceptable losses and broke off the attack; occasional blitz raids hit London and other cities from time. In all some 43,000 civilians were killed. The Luftwaffe lost 1,411 planes shot down of a grand total of 2,069 which were written off, the British lost about the same number, but could repair 289 of them. The British additionally lost 497 aircraft of Bomber and 1677: 2731:
air controllers identified a large force of approaching B-17s, and sent all the Luftwaffe's 750 fighters to attack. The bogeys were all Mustangs flying well ahead of the American bombers' combat boxes, which shot down 98 interceptors while losing 11. The actual B-17s were well behind the Mustangs, and completed their mission without a loss. In February, 1944, the Luftwaffe lost 33% of its frontline fighters and 18% of its pilots; the next month it lost 56% of its fighters and 22% of the pilots. April was just as bad, 43% and 20%, and May was worst of all, at 50% and 25%. German factories continued to produce many new planes, and inexperienced new pilots did report for duty; but their life expectancy was down to a few combat sorties. Increasingly the Luftwaffe went into hiding; with losses down to 1% per mission, the bombers now got through.
2652: 192: 819: 474: 2640: 622:, that did work in concert when necessary with the British Commonwealth's similar program within North America. The only dangerous jobs were voluntary ones as crew of fighters and bombers—or involuntary ones at jungle bases in the Southwest Pacific. Marshall, an infantryman uninterested in aviation before 1939, became a partial convert to air power and allowed the aviators more autonomy. He authorized vast spending on planes, and insisted that American forces had to have air supremacy before taking the offensive. However, he repeatedly overruled Arnold by agreeing with Roosevelt's requests in 1941–42 to send half of the new light bombers and fighters to the British and Soviets, thereby delaying the buildup of American air power. 1648:, fought between May 4–8, 1942 off the coast of Australia, the opposing fleets never saw one another; it was an air exchange. While the Americans had greater losses and arguably a tactical loss (having lost a fleet carrier while sinking a Japanese light carrier), they gained a strategic victory, as Japan cancelled a planned offensive. Most critically, the damage to one of the Japanese fleet carriers and the other carrier's airgroup would leave both carriers out of the Battle of Midway, preventing them from them bringing their 144 aircraft (at full strength) to supplement the Japanese carrier force. This would allow the American forces to be at near-parity temporarily, setting the stage for the turning point of the Pacific War. 20: 2150:. The Hurricane accounted for most of the British kills throughout the battle because it made up the majority of the RAF fighter force—however, its kill-loss ratio was inferior to that of its counterpart the Spitfire. Of the three aircraft, the Hurricane was designed much earlier and was generally considered the least capable. Despite the high numbers of Hurricanes in the RAF at that time, the Spitfire became synonymous with the Battle of Britain and was somewhat of a symbol of resistance in the minds of the British public through the battle. The Bf 109E subtype's short combat radius of 330 km (205 mi) – due to limited fuel capacity as designed — prevented it from adequately "escorting" the 2123: 939: 1598: 343: 225:. The war also led to greater emphasis on anti-air weapons and fighter aircraft due to their ability to defend against enemy bombers. Its advanced technology and rapid growth led to exaggerated fears in the 1930s that helped to persuade the British and French into appeasement. In the war the Luftwaffe performed well in 1939–41, as its Stuka dive bombers terrified enemy infantry units. But the Luftwaffe was poorly coordinated with overall German strategy, and never ramped up to the size and scope needed in a total war, partly due to a lack of military aircraft production infrastructure for both completed airframes and powerplants when compared to either the 1696:, and started to reverse the tide of Japanese conquests. As a result, Japanese and Allied forces both occupied various parts of Guadalcanal. Over the following six months, both sides fed resources into an escalating battle of attrition on the island, at sea, and in the sky, with eventual victory going to the Americans in February 1943. It was a campaign the Japanese could ill afford. A majority of Japanese aircraft from the entire South Pacific area was drained into the Japanese defence of Guadalcanal. Japanese logistics, as happened time and again, failed; only 20% of the supplies dispatched from Rabaul to Guadalcanal ever reached there. 2989: 1030: 1742:. The "Superfortress" (the B-29) represented the highest achievement of traditional (pre-jet) aeronautics. Its four 2,200 horsepower Wright R-3350 supercharged engines could lift four tons of bombs 3,500 miles at 33,000 feet (high above Japanese flak or fighters). Computerized fire-control mechanisms made its 13 guns exceptionally lethal against fighters. However, the systematic raids that began in June 1944, were unsatisfactory, because the AAF had learned too much in Europe; it overemphasised self-defence. Arnold, in personal charge of the campaign (bypassing the theatre commanders) brought in a new leader, General 760: 1946:"Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is indeed incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should We continue to fight, it would not only result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization. Such being the case, how are We to save the millions of Our subjects; or to atone Ourselves before the hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors? This is the reason why We have ordered the acceptance of the provisions of the Joint Declaration of the Powers." 3017: 373: 1325: 686: 2043:. In total, the Germans lost over 2,000 planes in the continuous air war over the Netherlands. This high number can also be attributed to the main Allied air lanes into Germany, that led directly over the Netherlands. Altogether, over 5,000 aircraft were lost over the Netherlands (Allied and German), and over 20,000 crew lost their lives in these mishaps. Most of these crew were buried locally, so that the Netherlands has some 600 places where Allied and Nazi airmen are buried. This makes the country the densest burial place for air crew in all of Europe. 2225: 772:
storage tanks, and ordnance dumps had to be built hurriedly on tiny coral islands, mud flats, featureless deserts, dense jungles, or exposed locations still under enemy artillery fire. The heavy construction gear had to be imported, along with the engineers, blueprints, steel-mesh landing mats, prefabricated hangars, aviation fuel, bombs and ammunition, and all necessary supplies. As soon as one project was finished the battalion would load up its gear and move forward to the next challenge, while headquarters inked in a new airfield on the maps.
few unarmed little "grasshoppers;" observation aircraft that reported the fall of artillery shells so the gunners could correct their aim). With one airman in overall charge, air assets could be concentrated for maximum offensive capability, not frittered away in ineffective "penny packets". Eisenhower—a tanker in 1918 who had theorized on the best way to concentrate armor—recognized the analogy. Split up among infantry in supporting roles tanks were wasted; concentrated in a powerful force they could dictate the terms of battle.
2115: 1804:
continued to the end of the war. Most of the aircraft used in kamikaze attacks were converted obsolete fighters and dive-bombers. The quality of construction was very poor, and many crashed during training or before reaching targets. Experienced pilots were used to lead a mission because they could navigate; they were not Kamikazes, and they returned to base for another mission. The Kamikaze pilots were inexperienced and had minimal training; however most were well-educated and intensely committed to the Emperor.
704:, their practice, perhaps from the warrior tradition, was to keep the pilots in action until they died. The U.S. position, at least for naval aviation, was a strict rotation between sea deployments and shore duty, the latter including training replacements, personal training, and participating in doctrinal development. The U.S. strategic bombing campaign against Europe did this in principle, but relatively few crews survived the 25 missions of a rotation. On December 27, 1938, the United States had initiated the 10833: 2961:
Lancasters hammered away at the French railroad system. Underground Resistance fighters sabotaged some 350 locomotives and 15,000 freight cars every month. Critical bridges and tunnels were cut by bombing or sabotage. Berlin responded by sending in 60,000 German railway workers, but even they took two or three days to reopen a line after heavy raids on switching yards. The system deteriorated quickly, and it proved incapable of carrying reinforcements and supplies to oppose the Normandy invasion.
1467: 2456:, and he made the establishment of forward air bases his first priority. MacArthur's leaps reflected the same doctrine. In each theatre the senior ground command post had an attached air command post. Requests from the front lines went all the way to the top, where the air commander decided whether to act, when and how. This slowed down response time—it might take 48 hours to arrange a strike—and involved rejecting numerous requests from the infantry for help or intervention at times. 1042: 2327: 2822:
strategic bombers were placed under Eisenhower's direction, where they were used tactically to support the invasion. Airmen protested vigorously against this subordination of the air war to the land campaign, but Eisenhower forced the issue and used the bombers to simultaneously strangle Germany's supply system, burn out its oil refineries, and destroy its warplanes. With this accomplished, Eisenhower relinquished control of the bombers in September.
1808: 2806:, pilots came in fast and low (under enemy radar), made a quick run, then disappeared before the gunners could respond. The main missions were to keep the Luftwaffe suppressed by shooting up airstrips, and to interdict the movement of munitions, oil, and troops by attacking at railway bridges and tunnels, oil tank farms, canal barges, trucks, and moving trains. Occasionally a choice target was discovered through intelligence. Three days after D-Day, 1998: 849:) could also play a role, but it was downgraded by most airmen. The Allies won air supremacy in the Pacific in 1943 and in Europe in 1944. That meant that Allied supplies and reinforcements would get through to the battlefront, but not the enemy's. It meant the Allies could concentrate their strike forces wherever they pleased and overwhelm the enemy with a preponderance of firepower. This was the basic Allied strategy, and it worked. 1840:
training of fighter pilots was stepped up. More combat air patrols circling the big ships, more radar picket ships (which themselves became prime targets), and more attacks on airbases and gasoline supplies eventually worked. Japan suspended Kamikaze attacks in May 1945, because it was now hoarding gasoline and hiding planes in preparation for new suicide attacks in case the Allied forces tried to invade their home islands.
number of missions that would produce transfer back to the States. Coupled with the monotonous, hot, disease-ridden environment, the result was bad morale that jaded veterans quickly passed along to newcomers. After a few months, epidemics of combat fatigue would drastically reduce the efficiency of units. The men who had been at jungle airfields longest, the flight surgeons reported, were in the worst shape:
shot up, his radar destroyed, and his supply lines cut. His infantry never had a chance. MacArthur vowed never again. His island-hopping campaign was based on the strategy of isolating Japanese strongholds while leaping past them. Each leap was determined by the range of his 5th Air Force, and the first task on securing an objective was to build an airfield to prepare for the next leap. Eisenhower's deputy at
1746:. In early 1945, LeMay ordered a radical change in tactics: remove the machine guns and gunners, fly in low at night. (Much fuel was used to get to 30,000 feet; it could now be replaced with more bombs.) The Japanese radar, fighter, and anti-aircraft systems were so ineffective that they could not hit the bombers. Fires raged through the cities, and millions of civilians fled to the mountains. 4262:格鬥中,徐吉驤發現自己的座機無論爬升、滾轉、下降還是加速均不如這種兇猛的日機,唯有盤旋半徑尚可和敵機稍比一下高低。雖然他多次占位咬上了日機,但是偏偏他座機的機槍扳機調的太緊,射擊時總是慢半拍,無法把握來之不易的戰機。雖然這樣,徐吉驤仍然沒有脫離戰場,因為他認為日機由漢口、宜昌勞師遠襲,油料必然不足支撐久戰,只要在堅持一段時間,便可以利用日機油盡返航的時機予以打擊、糾纏,那時便可以挽回一點面子。也就是這樣的想法,使得大多數的中國飛行員在空中苦苦鏖戰。不料,這次不行了!... 最後,他座機發動機的潤滑油漏光了,這架伊-152在璧山上空停車。徐吉驤迅速判斷了一下形勢,決定不跳傘,以免被兇殘的日機沖傘射擊。他躲掉日機攻擊後奇跡般的迫降在一片稻田裡,飛機被摔得七零八落。幸好燃油、滑油均已耗盡,飛機沒有燃燒。徐吉驤機智地躲在座機殘骸內,等盤旋在頭頂的兩架日機離去後,才爬出完全損壞的座機。 388:(particularly Canada) of half of British and Commonwealth aircrews, some 167,000 men in all. It was the second largest in Europe. The RAF also integrated Polish and other airmen who had escaped from Hitler's Europe. In Europe, the RAF was in operational control of Commonwealth aircrews and Commonwealth squadrons although these retained some degree of independence (such as the formation of 2970: 1835:"Rarely have the enemy attacks been so cleverly executed and made with such reckless determination. These attacks were generally by single or few aircraft making their approaches with radical changes in course and altitude, dispersing when intercepted and using cloud cover to every advantage. They tailed our friendlies home, used decoy planes, and came in at any altitude or on the water." 5807:, 98 (June 1993): 685–710. Air warfare was seen as a growing threat to Germany, and it became a means of national mobilization and redemption. Nazi Germany believed that air warfare would allow the country to rebuild itself in a racial compact. During World War II, air warfare became a means for rejuvenating authority domestically and increasing imperial influence abroad. 1289:. The Chinese Air Force equipped with a maximum of only about 300 imported operational combat aircraft at any given time, was stretched thin over a massive area of the northern, eastern, and southern fronts against approximately 1,000 operational combat aircraft of the Imperial Japanese forces supported by their own robust and rapidly developing aviation industry. 611:. Arnold, however, was officially Deputy Chief of Staff, so on committees he deferred to his boss, General Marshall. Thus Marshall made all the basic strategic decisions, which were worked out by his "War Plans Division" (WPD, later renamed the Operations Division). WPD's section leaders were infantrymen or engineers, with a handful of aviators in token positions. 2834:"They have complete mastery of the air. They bomb and strafe every movement, even single vehicles and individuals. They reconnoiter our area constantly and direct their artillery fire ... The feeling of helplessness against enemy aircraft has a paralyzing effect, and during the bombing barrage the effect on inexperienced troops is literally 'soul-shattering.'" 853: 2865:
infantry. The Luftwaffe in 1944–45 concentrated on anti-aircraft defences, especially the flak batteries that surrounded all major German cities and war plants. They consumed a large fraction of all German munitions production in the last year of the war. The flak units employed hundreds of thousands of women, who engaged in combat against the Allied bombers.
seniority in a highly rank-conscious system. The freeze intensified demands for independence, and fueled a spirit of "proving" the superiority of air power doctrine. Because of the young, pragmatic leadership at the top, and the universal glamor accorded aviators, morale in the AAF was strikingly higher than anywhere else (except perhaps Navy aviation).
materials necessary to produce durable jet engines, allied strategic bombing of jet engine production lines, and Hitler personally ordering design modifications to make the aircraft functional as a fighter-bomber) ensured that the Me 262 was delayed and produced too late and in too small numbers to stem the Allied tide. The Germans also developed
962:" or direct assistance to ground units on the battlefront, which consisted of bombing targets identified by ground forces, and strafing exposed infantry. Airmen disliked the mission because it subordinated the air war to the ground war; furthermore, slit trenches, camouflage, and flak guns usually reduced the effectiveness of close air support. " 2540:, using mathematical techniques to examine military tactics and recommend best practice. These were used to optimise the impacts of night bombing raids, which were expanded to sizes in excess of 1000 bombers attacking one objective. Defensive technologies were invented, such as rear-facing airborne radar to detect night-fighters and the use of 2628:, who fully appreciated the new reality. They provided fighter escorts all the way into Germany and back, and cleverly used B-17s as bait for Luftwaffe planes, which the escorts then shot down. Doolittle's slogan was "The First Duty of 8th AF Fighters is to Destroy German Fighters.", one aspect of modern "Offensive Counter-Air" (OCA). In one " 2378:
IXs were therefore assigned to air defense units, using the high altitude performance to intercept and pursue German bombers and reconnaissance aircraft. By 1944, the Spitfire IX was the main fighter used in this role and would remain so until 1947. Lend-Lease aircraft from the U.S. and UK accounted for nearly 12% of total Soviet air power.
2485: 1616:, February 27, 1942, the Japanese Navy destroyed the main ABDA (American, British, Dutch, and Australian) naval force. The Netherlands East Indies campaign resulted in the surrender of Allied forces on Java. Meanwhile, Japanese aircraft had all but eliminated Allied air power in South-East Asia and began attacking Australia, with a major 742:" nominally part of individual Commonwealth air forces were filled from a pool of mixed nationalities. While RAF Bomber Command let individuals form teams naturally and bomber aircrew were generally heterogeneous in origins, the Canadian government pushed for its bomber aircrew to be organised in one Group for greater recognition – 2632:" in February, 1944, American bombers protected by hundreds of fighters, flew 3,800 sorties dropping 10,000 tons of high explosives on the main German aircraft and ball-bearing factories. The US suffered 2,600 casualties, with a loss of 137 bombers and 21 fighters. Ball bearing production was unaffected, as Nazi munitions boss 2035:. No fewer than 295 Ju 52s were lost in that venture and in other parts of the country, due to varying circumstances, among which were accurate and effective Dutch anti-aircraft defences and German mistakes in using soggy airfields not able to support the heavy aircraft. Thus, almost an entire year's production was lost in 1054: 999:, emphasized the air-ground team. The airmen, in this approach, also are infantrymen who understand the needs and perspective of the ground forces. There was much more joint air-ground training, and a given air unit might have a long-term relationship with a given ground unit, improving their mutual communications. 1257:
the airwar between China and the Empire of Japan cannot be denied; it was the best opportunity for the Western air powers to learn about the might of Japanese aerial and naval military technological prowess, as the West were yet in for a dangerous realization of Japanese air prowess by the end of 1941, when the
capacity that were urgently needed to improve German radar, air defence, and jet fighters. The German Army ran the V-2 program. The rockets were a technological triumph, and bothered the British leadership even more than the V-1s. But they were so inaccurate they rarely could hit militarily significant targets.
1371:, etc., and while giving good account in their many missions against the Imperial Japanese onslaught, these were mostly lost through continued attrition as the war raged on through the end of 1937. The Chinese Air Force however would continue to fight on for years to come as they were replenished through the 2826:
120,000 tons of bombs and thousands of tanks of napalm, fired 135 million bullets and 60,000 rockets, and claimed 4,000 enemy planes destroyed. Beyond the destruction itself, the appearance of unopposed Allied fighter-bombers ruined morale, as privates and generals alike dove for the ditches. Field Marshal
2428:, used his planes as a "combat air patrol" that circled endlessly over his front lines ready to defend against Luftwaffe attackers. Like most infantrymen, Fredendall assumed that all assets should be used to assist the ground forces. More concerned with defence than attack, Fredendall was soon replaced by 1547: 3008:
and his staff were effective in improvising solutions and work-arounds, but their challenge became more difficult every week as one backup system after another broke down. By March 1945, most of Germany's factories, railroads, and telephones had stopped working; troops, tanks, trains, and trucks were
One fourth of the German war economy was neutralized because of direct bomb damage, the resulting delays, shortages, and roundabout solutions, and the spending on anti-aircraft, civil defence, repair, and removal of factories to safer locations. The raids were so large and often repeated that in city
being escorted by Bf 109Gs as high-altitude escorts for the autocannon-armed 190As when flying against the USAAF's combat box formations. However, Doolittle's new air supremacy strategy fatally disabled virtually any and all of the Luftwaffe's defensive efforts throughout 1944. On one occasion German
had sharply curtailed the training of new pilots, and most of the instructors had been themselves sent into battle. Rookie pilots were rushed into combat after only 160 flying hours in training compared to 400 hours for the AAF, 360 for the RAF, and 120 for the Japanese. The low quality German pilots
as the British aircraft looked too much like the German Bf 109. The Soviet Union was then supplied with some 1,200 Spitfire Mk. IXs from 1943. Soviet pilots liked them but they did not suit Soviet combat tactics and the rough conditions at the forward airfields close to the front lines. Spitfires Mk.
The flammability of Japan's large cities, and the concentration of munitions production there, made strategic bombing the preferred strategy of the Americans. The first efforts were made from bases in China. Massive efforts (costing $ 4.5 billion) to establish B-29 bases there had failed when in 1944
After 1942, the United States made a massive effort to build up its aviation forces in the Pacific, and began island-hopping to push its airfields closer and closer to Tokyo. Meanwhile, the Japanese were unable to upgrade their aircraft, and they fell further and further behind in numbers of aircraft
tactics), and Sir Arthur Harris' costly attempts to destroy Berlin in the winter of 1943/44, led to serious doubts as to whether Bomber Command was being used to its fullest potential. In early 1944 the UK air arm was put under Eisenhower's direct control where it played a vital role in preparing the
Germany and Japan were burned out and lost the war in large part because of strategic bombing. Targeting became more accurate in 1944, but the solution to inaccurate bombs was using more of them. The AAF dropped 3.5 million bombs (500,000 tons) against Japan, and 8 million (1.6 million tons) against
The Luftwaffe reached a maximum size of 1.9 million airmen in 1942. Grueling operations wasted it away on the Eastern Front after 1942. It lost most of its fighter aircraft to Mustangs in 1944 while trying to defend against massive American and British air raids, and many of the men were sent to the
In Europe in summer 1944 the AAF started operating out of bases in France. It had about 1,300 light bomber crews and 4,500 fighter pilots. They claimed destruction of 86,000 railroad cars, 9,000 locomotives, 68,000 trucks, and 6,000 tanks and armored artillery pieces. P-47 Thunderbolts alone dropped
In early 1943 the Allied strategic bombers were directed against U-boat pens, which were easy to reach and which represented a major strategic threat to Allied logistics. However, the pens were very solidly built—it took 7,000 flying hours to destroy one sub there, about the same effort that it took
The RAF's success convinced Eisenhower that its system maximized the effectiveness of tactical air power. The point was that air power had to be consolidated at the highest level, and had to operate almost autonomously. Brigade, division, and corps commanders lost control of air assets (except for a
in the blitzkriegs that shattered Poland in 1939 and France in 1940, gave Berlin inordinate confidence in its air force. Military professionals could not ignore the effectiveness of the Stuka, but also observed that France and Poland had minimal effective air defence. Outside Britain, the idea of an
The Japanese army, which was not based in the cities, was largely undamaged by the raids. The Army was short of food and gasoline, but, as Iwo Jima and Okinawa proved, it was capable of ferocious resistance. The Japanese also had a new tactic that it hoped would provide the bargaining power to get a
strikes, significant use of airpower in the attacks against naval assets, and much of the technological and operational transitioning from the latest biplane fighter designs to the modern monoplane fighter designs. Although largely a forgotten war by Western standards, the significance and impact of
program for such four-engined aircraft, comparable to what the United States was already pioneering, literally died with him. During the war Hitler was insistent on bombers having tactical capability, which at the time meant dive bombing, a maneuver then impossible for any heavy bomber. His aircraft
The engineers opened an entirely new airfield in North Africa every other day for seven straight months. Once when heavy rains along the coast reduced the capacity of old airfields, two companies of Airborne Engineers loaded miniaturized gear into 56 transports, flew a thousand miles to a dry Sahara
Arnold correctly anticipated that the U.S. would have to build forward airfields in inhospitable places. Working closely with the Army Corps of Engineers, he created Aviation Engineer Battalions that by 1945 included 118,000 men. Runways, hangars, radar stations, power generators, barracks, gasoline
American theatre commanders became air power enthusiasts and built their strategies around the need for tactical air supremacy. MacArthur had been badly defeated in the Philippines in 1941–42 primarily because the Japanese controlled the sky. His planes were outnumbered and outclassed, his airfields
turbojet of nearly 2,800 lb. of thrust, each of which were meant to power many advanced German airframe design proposals in the last years of the war—meant that they were introduced "too little, too late", as so many other advanced German aircraft designs (and indeed, many other German military
Cheung, 2015, pp. 76, 80-81. Hsu Chi-hsiang was shot down in his I-15bis in the air combat debut of the A6M Zero... a 20mm shell went through the I-15bis' luggage compartment, blew all the bristles off his toothbrush... he would exact some personal revenge on 04 March 1944 over the Japanese airbase
The Germans began losing one thousand planes a month on the western front (and another 400 on the eastern front). Realizing that the best way to defeat the Luftwaffe was not to stick close to the bombers but to aggressively seek out the enemy, by March 1944 Doolittle had ordered the Mustangs to "go
Foggia became the major base of the 15th Air Force. Its 2,000 heavy bombers hit Germany from the south while the 4,000 heavies of the 8th Air Force used bases in Britain, along with 1,300 RAF heavies. While bad weather in the north often cancelled raids, sunny Italian skies allowed for more action.
2439:, concentrated its air power and defeated the Luftwaffe. The RAF had an excellent training program (using bases in Canada), maintained very high aircrew morale, and inculcated a fighting spirit. Senior officers monitored battles by radar, and directed planes by radio to where they were most needed. 2369:. Some of these aircraft arrived in the Soviet Union in time to participate in the Battle of Moscow, and in particular with the PVO or Soviet Air Defence Forces. Soviet fliers in P-39s scored the highest individual kill totals of any ever to fly a U.S. aircraft. Two air regiments were equipped with 2278:
in its many variants during the war years with just over 34,500 Yak-1, Yak-3, Yak-7, and Yak-9 aircraft produced in total; each of which became the most produced aircraft series of all time in their respective classes, together accounting for about half the strength of the VVS for most of the Great
Many have chronic dysentery or other disease, and almost all show chronic fatigue states ... They appear listless, unkempt, careless, and apathetic with almost masklike facial expression. Speech is slow, thought content is poor, they complain of chronic headaches, insomnia, memory defect, feel
By mid-1942, the Japanese Combined Fleet found itself holding a vast area, even though it lacked the aircraft carriers, aircraft, and aircrew to defend it, and the freighters, tankers, and destroyers necessary to sustain it. Moreover, Fleet doctrine was incompetent to execute the proposed "barrier"
unpowered anti-ship ordnance was based around the same half-ton HE bomb as the Azon, but with the same bomb contained within a much more aerodynamic airframe, and used a fully autonomous onboard radar guidance system to control its flightpath, rather than an external source of control for the Azon.
The AAF had a newly created planning division, whose advice was largely ignored by WPD. Airmen were also underrepresented in the planning divisions of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and of the Combined Chiefs. Aviators were largely shut out of the decision-making and planning process because they lacked
Bomber Command participated in two areas of attack – the strategic bombing campaign against German war production, and the less well known mining of coastal waters off Germany (known as Gardening) to contain its naval operations and prevent the U-boats from freely operating against Allied shipping.
The cost of the US tactical and strategic air war against Germany was 18,400 aircraft lost in combat, 51,000 dead, 30,000 POWs, and 13,000 wounded. Against Japan, the AAF lost 4,500 planes, 16,000 dead, 6,000 POWs, and 5,000 wounded; Marine Aviation lost 1,600 killed, 1,100 wounded. Naval aviation
far outclassed the best allied piston engined fighters on an individual basis. However, its protracted development history (including such factors as, a substantial cutback in funding jet engine research during the critical 1941–42 development period, Germany's lack of access to certain exotic raw
in June 1941, the Luftwaffe destroyed 2,000 Soviet aircraft, most of them on the ground, at a loss of only 35 aircraft. The main weakness accounting for the heavy aircraft losses in 1941 was the lack of experienced generals, pilots, and ground support crews, the destruction of many aircraft on the
Britain and the United States built large quantities of four-engined long-range heavy bombers; Germany, Japan, and the Soviet Union did not. The decision was made in 1933 by the German general staff, the technical staff, and the aviation industry that there was a lack of sufficient labor, capital,
Some of the Japanese island bases, built before the war, had excellent airfields. Most new Japanese installations in the Pacific were ramshackle affairs with poor siting, poor drainage, scant protection, and narrow, bumpy runways. Engineering was a low priority for the offense-minded Japanese, who
Once it became clear that Germany was a threat, the RAF started on a large expansion, with many airfields being set up and the number of squadrons increased. From 42 squadrons with 800 aircraft in 1934, the RAF had reached 157 squadrons and 3,700 aircraft by 1939. They combined the newly developed
The third notable achievement of the bombing campaign was the degradation of the German transportation system—its railroads and canals (there was little road traffic). In the two months before and after D-Day, American B-24 Liberators, B-17 Flying Fortresses, and British heavy bombers such as the
to Murmansk started with 36 ships; only two made it through when the Admiralty, falsely thinking Germany was attacking with a battleship, ordered the convoy, and its escort, to scatter. There was no battleship, but the Luftwaffe and a pack of German submarines sank one cruiser, one destroyer, two
in Spring 1945. During the three-month battle, 4,000 kamikaze sorties sank 38 US ships and damaged 368 more, killing 4,900 sailors in the American 5th Fleet. Destroyers and destroyer escorts, doing radar picket duty, were hit hard, as the inexperienced pilots dived at the first American ship they
In late 1944, the Japanese invented an unexpected and highly effective new tactic, the Kamikaze suicide plane aimed like a guided missile at American ships. Kamikaze means 'divine wind', a reference to the hurricane that sunk an invading Mongol force in 1274. The attacks began in October 1944 and
The American airmen were well-fed and well-supplied, but they were not rotated and faced increasingly severe stress that caused their performance to deteriorate. They flew far more often in the Southwest Pacific than in Europe, and although rest time in Australia was scheduled, there was no fixed
or P-47 Thunderbolt, armed with cannon, bombs and rockets would be in the air at 10,000 ft over the battlefield. When support was required it could be quickly summoned by a ground observer. While often too inaccurate against armoured vehicles, rockets had a psychological effect on troops and
Tactical air power involves gaining control of the airspace over the battlefield, directly supporting ground units (as by attacks on enemy tanks and artillery), and attacking enemy supply lines and airfields. Typically, fighter planes are used to gain air supremacy, and light bombers are used for
One week before Christmas in 1944, nearly 200 American planes raided the Chinese city of Wuhan, dropping 500 tons of incendiary bombs. Thousands of Chinese lives were lost in this incident, which has received very little attention in the intervening decades. Here is a rare account of this tragic
Although damage to big factories was slight, approximately one-fourth of some 4,000 lesser factories, which operated hand-in-hand with the big factories, were completely destroyed by fire ... Moreover, owing to the rising fear of air attacks, workers in general were reluctant to work in the
Every raid against a V-1 or V-2 launch site was one less raid against the Third Reich. On the whole, however, the secret weapons were still another case of too little too late. The Luftwaffe ran the V-1 program, which used a jet engine, but it diverted scarce engineering talent and manufacturing
The Allies won battlefield air supremacy in the Pacific in 1943, and in Europe in 1944. That meant that Allied supplies and reinforcements would get through to the battlefront, but not the enemy's. It meant the Allies could concentrate their strike forces wherever they pleased, and overwhelm the
The Kamikaze strategy allowed the use of untrained pilots and obsolete planes, and since evasive maneuvering was dropped and there was no return trip, the scarce gasoline reserves could be stretched further. Since pilots guided their airplane like a guided missile all the way to the target, the
The Americans decided their best defense against Kamikazes was to knock them out on the ground, or else in the air long before they approached the fleet. The Navy called for more fighters and more warning. The carriers replaced a fourth of their light bombers with Marine fighters; back home the
carriers. The forward island bases were very hard to supply—often only submarines could get through—and the Japanese forces worked without replacements or rest, and often with inadequate food and medicine. Their morale and performance steadily declined. Starvation became an issue in many bases.
theater of operations beginning in December 1941. Chennault called for strategic bombing against Japanese cities, using American bombers based in China. The plan was approved by Roosevelt and top policy makers in Washington, and equipment was on the way in December 1941. It proved to be futile.
Offensive counter-air, to clear the way for strategic bombers and an eventually decisive cross-channel invasion, was a strategic mission led by escort fighters partnered with heavy bombers. The tactical mission, however, was the province of fighter-bombers, assisted by light and medium bombers.
caused an uproar in the Japanese Army and Navy commands—they had both lost face in letting the Emperor be threatened. As a consequence, the Army relocated overseas fighter groups to Japan, groups needed elsewhere. Even more significantly, the Naval command believed it had to extend its eastern
rushed his VII Corps forward; the Germans retreated in a rout; the Battle of France was won; air power seemed invincible. However, the sight of a senior colleague killed by error was unnerving, and after the completion of operation Cobra, Army generals were so reluctant to risk "friendly fire"
On D-Day itself, Allied aircraft flew 14,000 sorties, while the Luftwaffe managed a mere 260, mostly in defence of its own battered airfields. In the two weeks after D-Day, the Luftwaffe lost 600 of the 800 planes it kept in France. From April through August 1944, both the AAF's and the RAF's
led the VVS from 1942 to the end of the war, and was credited with introducing several new innovations and weapons systems. For the last year of the war German military and civilians retreating towards Berlin were hounded by constant strafing and light bombing. In one strategic operation, the
in the world, and is often credited with giving the RAF the ability to effectively counter German raids without the need for regular patrols by fighter aircraft, increasing the efficiency with which the RAF fighter force could operate. As such, the Dowding system is also often credited with a
In 1940–41, well before Pearl Harbor, the United States decided on an aggressive air campaign against Japan using Chinese bases and American pilots wearing Chinese uniforms. The United States created, funded, and provided crews and equipment for an American Volunteer Group of combat aviators,
in a theatre was gained, the second mission was interdiction of the flow of enemy supplies and reinforcements in a zone five to fifty miles behind the front. Whatever moved had to be exposed to air strikes, or else confined to moonless nights. (Radar was not good enough for nighttime tactical
in December 1941, then raging widely across the Pacific and Indian oceans to defeat elements of the British, American, Dutch, and Australian forces. Land-based airpower, coordinated efficiently with land forces, enabled Japan to overrun Malaya, Singapore, and the Philippines by spring 1942.
in December 1944, the Allies were caught by surprise by a large scale German offensive. In the first days bad weather grounded all planes. When the skies cleared, 52,000 AAF and 12,000 RAF sorties against German positions and supply lines immediately doomed Hitler's last offensive. General
Toward the end of the war, the Japanese press encouraged civilians to emulate the kamikaze pilots who willingly gave their lives to stop American naval forces. Civilians were told that the reward for such behavior was enshrinement as a warrior-god and spiritual protection in the afterlife.
issued in July 1943, became the airman's bible for the rest of the war, and taught the doctrine of equality of air and land warfare. The idea of combined arms operations (air, land, sea) strongly appealed to Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur. Eisenhower invaded only after he was certain of
3055:, burned out some 16 square miles (41 km.) of the capital city of Japan and turned out to be the single most destructive bombing raid in all of aviation history, even greater in initial loss of life (at 100,000 lives lost at minimum, and up to 1.5 million people homeless) than the 1399:, which was active from late 1937 until the end of 1939, and remained stationed in China at limited capacity until December 1940. The Chinese would remain with these increasingly obsolescent aircraft as the Japanese made tremendous advancements in aircraft and engine technologies. 2177:
significant role in the overall outcome of the battle, and comparisons with the air warfare that occurred over France in the spring and early summer of 1940, in which there was no such system and in which the allied air forces were comprehensively defeated, seem to support this.
Although Germany's allies, especially Italy and Finland, had air forces of their own, there was very little coordination with them. Not until very late in the war did Germany share its aircraft and alternative fuel blueprints and technology with its ally Japan, resulting in the
Besides knocking out the Luftwaffe, the second most striking achievement of the strategic bombing campaign was the destruction of the German oil supply. Oil was essential for U-boats and tanks, while very high-quality aviation gasoline was essential for piston-engined aircraft.
2976: 2974: 2971: 2623:
In late 1943, the AAF suddenly realized the need to revise its basic doctrine: strategic bombing against a technologically sophisticated enemy like Germany was impossible without air supremacy. General Arnold replaced Ira Eaker with Carl Spaatz and, most critically, Maj. Gen.
guided bomb, converted from a regular 453 kg (1,000 lb.) high explosive bomb with a special set of radio controlled vertical tailfins controlling the lateral path to the target. Missions were flown in both Western Europe in the summer and autumn of 1944, and in the
in February 1944, but the Luftwaffe was outnumbered 5 to 1 and so outclassed in equipment and skill that it inflicted little damage. Italian air space belonged to the Allies, and the Luftwaffe's strategic capability was nil. The Luftwaffe threw everything it had against the
shot down during that same period and hundreds of planes destroyed on the ground, lost by accidents or also written off. The successful British defense resulted from a better system that provided more concentration, better utilization of radar, and better ground control.
rockets, caused 8,000 civilian deaths and 23,000 injuries. Although they did not seriously undercut British morale or munitions production, they bothered the British government a great deal—Germany now had its own unanswered weapons system. Using proximity fuzes, British
2975: 1280:
of the National Revolutionary Army (NRA) and People's Liberation Army (PLA), engaging in massive air-battles, close-air support operations, air-interdiction strikes, facing indiscriminate terror-bombing campaigns against all manners of civilian targets inflicted by the
1193:, with just under 1,200 examples ever being built. Early in the war, the Luftwaffe had excellent tactical aviation, but when it faced Britain's integrated air defence system, the medium bombers actually designed, produced, and deployed to combat – meant to include the 3031:, Hitler's propaganda minister, was disconsolate when his beautiful ministry buildings were totally burned out: "The air war has now turned into a crazy orgy. We are totally defenceless against it. The Reich will gradually be turned into a complete desert." 1455:, which gained almost complete air-supremacy with its unheard-of performance against the Chinese Air Force the following month, and would incredibly remain largely unheard-of almost a year and a half later when the allied air powers faced the scourge of the 1172:, had tried to make some form of strategic bombing capability a priority for the newly formed Luftwaffe through 1935 and into 1936, but his untimely death in June 1936 ended any hopes of developing such a force of long-range "heavies" possible, as his 560:, with a mandate for an aviation-oriented war in the Pacific. FDR allowed King to build up land-based naval and Marine aviation, and seize control of the long-range bombers used in antisubmarine patrols in the Atlantic. Roosevelt basically agreed with 600:(b. 1906). Although a West Pointer himself, Arnold did not automatically turn to Academy men for top positions. Since he operated independent of theatre commanders, Arnold could and did move his generals around, and speedily removed underachievers. 2973: 1855:
Expecting increased resistance, including far more Kamikaze attacks once the main islands of Japan were invaded, the U.S. high command rethought its strategy and used atomic bombs to end the war, hoping it would make a costly invasion unnecessary.
An around-the-clock campaign attacked Germany, with British bombers at night and U.S. aircraft during the day. The aircraft, tactics, and doctrines were different; there is argument over how complementary they were in achieving strategic effect.
bomber was beginning to be delivered in late 1942, combining a useful bomb load with speed to evade German fighters, it was used to harass German air defences as well as challenging strikes such as that on a Gestapo headquarters or prisons as in
970:, his ground forces stymied, placed his bets on air power. 1,500 heavies, 380 medium bombers and 550 fighter bombers dropped 4,000 tons of high explosives. Bradley was horrified when 77 planes dropped their payloads short of the intended target: 712:
Other countries had other variants. In some countries, it seemed to be a matter of personal choice if one stayed in combat or helped build the next generation. Even where there was a policy of using skills outside combat, some individuals, e.g.
that destroyed nearly 270,000 buildings over a 16 square mile (41 km) area, killing at least 83,000, and estimated by some to be the single most destructive bombing raid in military history. On June 5, 51,000 buildings in four miles of
acronym adopted on the date of their formation in March 1942, would build over a hundred military airstrips and a significant degree of the military support infrastructure supplying the Pacific "island-hopping" campaign of the Allies during
took an approach that greatly emphasized strategic bombing and (to a lesser degree) tactical control of the battlefield by air as well as adequate air defenses. Both Britain and the U.S. built substantially larger strategic forces of large,
gunners learned how to shoot down the 400 mph V-1s; nothing could stop the supersonic V-2s. The British government, in near panic, demanded that upwards of 40% of bomber sorties be targeted against the launch sites, and got its way in
chronically lacked adequate equipment and imagination. On a few islands, local commanders did improve aircraft shelters and general survivability, as they correctly perceived the danger of coming raids or invasions. In the same theatre the
In the Mediterranean, the Luftwaffe tried to stop the invasions of Sicily and Italy with tactical bombing. They failed because the Allied air forces systematically destroyed most of their air fields. The Germans ferociously opposed the
841:—to totally defeat the enemy air force and obtain control of its air space. This could be done directly through dogfights and raids on airfields and radar stations or indirectly by destroying aircraft factories and fuel supplies. 2446:
The fundamental assumption of air power doctrine was that the air war was just as important as the ground war. Indeed, the main function of the sea and ground forces, insisted the air enthusiasts, was to seize forward air bases.
opened in June 1941, with striking initial German successes. In the air, many of the Soviets' aircraft were inferior, while the disparity in pilot quality may have been even greater. The purges of military leadership during the
By April 1944, Luftwaffe tactical air power had vanished, and Eisenhower decided he could go ahead with the invasion of Normandy. He guaranteed the invaders that "if you see fighting aircraft over you, they will be ours."
to vastly increase the number of ostensibly "civilian" American pilots, but this program also had the eventual effect of providing a large flight-ready force of trained pilots for future military action if the need arose.
Japan was also still recovering from Midway. It kept producing planes but made few innovations and the quality of its new pilots deteriorated steadily. Gasoline shortages limited the training and usage of the air forces.
Air superiority depended on having the fastest, most maneuverable fighters, in sufficient quantity, based on well-supplied airfields, within range. The RAF demonstrated the importance of speed and maneuverability in the
headed the AAF. One of the first military men to fly, and the youngest colonel in World War I, he selected for the most important combat commands men who were ten years younger than their Army counterparts, including
2012:, that rapidly corrected the aim of artillery, and gave commanders a literal overview of the battle. Allied analysts noted that Poland lacked an effective air defence, and was trying to protect too large an area. 2801:
As the Luftwaffe disintegrated in 1944, escorting became less necessary and fighters were increasingly assigned to tactical ground-attack missions, along with the medium bombers. To avoid the lethal fast-firing
For the last year of the war German military and civilians retreating towards Berlin were hounded by the presence of Soviet "low flying aircraft" strafing and bombing them, an activity in which even the ancient
1471: 738:(and related schemes) as well as training British crew in North America, away from the war, contributed large numbers of aircrew from outside the UK to the forces under RAF operational control. The resulting " 987:
casualties that they often passed over excellent attack opportunities that would be possible only with air support. Infantrymen, on the other hand, were ecstatic about the effectiveness of close air support:
5633: 5612: 2424:. in November, 1942, at a time when the Luftwaffe was still strong. Air operations were split – one force under US control and the other under British control. One of Eisenhower's corps commanders, General 1292:
Major air battles and skirmishes between the Chinese Air Force and the Japanese Army and Navy air forces continued over a vast range of the Chinese mainland, and beyond, even after the Battle of Shanghai,
rocket fighter, respectively based on the Me 262A and Me 163B—both of which, similarly, came far too late for Japan to improve its defensive aircraft systems, or to make alternative fuels and lubricants.
armed bomber destroyers attacking; but they too were hunted down. The same fate also faced single-engined fighters carrying pairs of the BR 21 rockets each; and the later-used, heavily autocannon-armed
By 1944, the Allies had overwhelming advantages. The Luftwaffe would have to come out and attack or see its planes destroyed at the factory. Before getting at the bombers, ideally with the twin-engined
over the UK before it had turn back for a safe return to northern France—this serious deficiency was not corrected until after the major air battles over England, through September 1940, had concluded.
268:, it was reduced to anti-aircraft flak roles, and many of its men were sent to infantry units. By 1944 it operated 39,000 flak batteries staffed with a million people in uniform, both men and women. 974:"The ground belched, shook and spewed dirt to the sky. Scores of our troops were hit, their bodies flung from slit trenches. Doughboys were dazed and frightened ... A bomb landed squarely on 257:
appeared only during the last months of the air war in Europe. The Luftwaffe could not deal with Britain's increasingly lethal defensive fighter screen after the Battle of Britain, or the faster
In some areas, such as the most intense part of the Battle of the Atlantic, the Germans enjoyed fleeting success. Grueling operations wasted the Luftwaffe away on the eastern front after 1942.
or VVS (as the Soviet Union named their air arm), while the others were transports and trainers. The critical importance of the ground attack role in defending the Soviet Union from the Axis'
443:. The production of heavy aircraft competed with resources for the Army and the Navy, and it was a source of disagreement as to whether the effort could be more profitably expended elsewhere. 2039:. These losses were never surpassed in any air battle in history. The lack of sufficient numbers of aircraft most probably heavily influenced the decision not to invade England following the 1589:
used 16 B-25 bombers (taking off from aircraft carriers) to bomb Tokyo in April 1942. Little physical damage was done, but the episode shocked and stunned the Japanese people and leadership.
hunting for Jerries. Flush them out in the air and beat them up on the ground on the way home.", as Mustangs were now ordered to fly in massive "fighter sweeps" well ahead of the American
was the first airborne ground-scanning radar system – enabling improved navigation to a target and bombing at night and through cloud if necessary. These could be used in conjunction with
brought the VVS to parity with the Luftwaffe, eventually allowing it to gain the upper hand over the Luftwaffe until in 1944, when many Luftwaffe pilots were deliberately avoiding combat.
were too vulnerable to modern British fighters. The RAF had 650 fighters, with more coming out of the factories every day. Three main fighter types were involved in the battle—the German
564:, the civilian Assistant Secretary of War for Air, who argued, "While I don't go so far as to claim that air power alone will win the war, I do claim the war will not be won without it." 528: 2164:
The Royal Air Force also had at its disposal a complex and integrated network of reporting stations and operations control rooms incorporating the new innovation of radar. Known as the
Thomas R. Searle, "'It Made a Lot of Sense to Kill Skilled Workers': The Firebombing of Tokyo in March 1945" The Journal of Military History, Vol. 66, No. 1 (Jan., 2002), pp. 103–133
4337: 1328:
The Chinese Air Force survived to fight with combat aircraft replenishments from 1937 to 1941 through treaty with the Soviets; here a Chinese Polikarpov I-16 fighter preserved at the
The AAF provided extensive technical training, promoted officers and enlisted faster, provided comfortable barracks and good food, and was safe, with an American government-sponsored
2972: 1627:, as well as two cruisers and other ships, effectively driving the British fleet out of the Indian Ocean and paving the way for Japanese conquest of Burma and a drive towards India. 982:
The Germans were stunned senseless, with tanks overturned, telephone wires severed, commanders missing, and a third of their combat troops killed or wounded. The defence line broke;
Likewise, the Luftwaffe made the mistake of dividing up its air assets, and failed to gain control of the air or to cut Allied supplies. The RAF in North Africa, under Air Marshal
reconnaissance-bomber was pioneered by the Luftwaffe, but the delayed period (1944–45) of their introduction – much of which was due to the lengthy development time for both the
5239: 2676:
C, used for bomber destroyer duties in 1942-3 as the American heavy bomber offensive got under way in August 1942, was dangerous because it could stand further off and fire its
repaired the damage in a few weeks; he even managed to double aircraft production. Sensing the danger, Speer began dispersing production into numerous small, hidden factories.
3263: 271:
The Luftwaffe lacked the bomber forces for strategic bombing, because it did not think such bombing was worthwhile, especially following the June 3, 1936, death of General
9404: 9149: 8757: 2468:
carrying a single fighter still the main defence. The Luftwaffe's first major attack on the convoys began on 25 April 1942 when the 34-ship convoy PQJ6 was attacked.
10755: 8773: 2815: 2130:
The Luftwaffe used 1,300 medium bombers guarded by 900 fighters; they made 1,500 sorties a day from bases in France, Belgium, and Norway. The Germans realized their
fighters easily riddled the clumsy Stukas as they were pulling out of dives. The race to build the fastest fighter became one of the central themes of World War II.
twin-engined fighters being decimated by the Mustangs whenever they appeared, direct attack against the bombers was carried out instead by the Luftwaffe's so-named
had risen sharply with annual Soviet production peaking at 40,000 aircraft in 1944. Some 157,000 aircraft were produced, of which 126,000 were combat types for the
2830:, for example, was seriously wounded in July, 1944, when he dared to ride around France in the daytime. The commander of the elite 2nd Panzer Division fulminated: 2020:
German air-ground coordination was also evident in the 1940 German campaign in the Low Countries and France. The continental air defences were not well-organized.
defensive formations by some 75–100 miles (120–160 km) to basically clear the skies, in the manner of a sizable "fighter sweep" air supremacy mission, of any
9093: 1620:, February 19. A raid by a powerful Japanese Navy aircraft carrier force into the Indian Ocean resulted in the Battle of Ceylon and sinking of a British carrier, 8696: 8668: 7812: 2008:
Luftwaffe aircraft closely supported the advance of the Army mechanized units, most notably with dive bombers, but also with light observation aircraft, such as
3168: 1451:
launched against the massive heavy bomber formations in August 1940, and climaxing with the introduction of the most advanced fighter aircraft of the time: the
10874: 10734: 9413: 9100: 8234: 4868: 3195: 1574:
based in the Philippines. The US sent too little too late, as the Japanese easily overwhelmed the American "Far Eastern Air Force" the day after Pearl Harbor.
During the war the Soviets employed 7500 bombers to drop 30 million bombs on German targets, with a density that sometimes reached 100–150 tons/ sq kilometer.
5691: 1554:
Japan did not have a separate air force. Its aviation units were integrated into the Army and Navy, which were not well coordinated with each other. Japanese
9716: 9079: 8388: 8013: 7150: 6447: 6015: 8729: 8675: 7861: 7199: 6629: 6554: 6297: 5844: 5637: 5616: 5568: 3250:
Tami Davis Biddle, "British and American Approaches to Strategic Bombing: Their Origins and Implementation in the World War II Combined Bomber Offensive,"
In early 1944, the Allies continued to bomb Germany, while carefully attacking targets in France that could interfere with the invasion, planned for June.
The Luftwaffe operated from bases in Norway against the convoys to the Soviet Union. Long-range reconnaissance aircraft, circling the convoys out of their
1447:, the CAF improvised, continuing to inflict casualties and losses against the Japanese raiders, culminating with the well-timed deployment of experimental 6143: 5980: 5918: 411:
operated land-based fighters in defence of naval establishments and carrier-based aircraft. Later in the war the RAF's fighter force was divided into two
9186: 8682: 8298: 2985:
Germany. The RAF expended about the same tonnage against Germany. US Navy and Marine bombs against Japan are not included, nor are the two atomic bombs.
runways due to command failure to disperse them, and the rapid advance of the Wehrmacht ground troops, forcing the Soviet pilots on the defensive during
6587: 5041: 1213:
Hitler believed that new high-technology "secret weapons" would give Germany a strategic bombing capability and turn the war around. The first of 9,300
902:, each in their turn. This change in American fighter tactics began to have its most immediate effect with the loss of more and more of the Luftwaffe's 7708: 3073: 966:" in July, 1944, targeted a critical strip of 3,000 acres (1,214 ha) of German strength that held up the US breakthrough out of Normandy. General 6533: 2077:?", the RAF had been operating more effectively than other air defences in the field, meeting the German attacks before they reached the battlefield. 294:
Introduction of turbojet-powered combat aircraft, mostly with the Messerschmitt Me 262 twin-jet fighter, the Heinkel He 162 light jet fighter and the
9072: 8519: 8395: 7066:
Webster, Charles and Noble Frankland, The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany, 1939–1945 (HMSO, 1961), 4 vol. Important official British history
Webster, Charles and Noble Frankland, The Strategic Air Offensive Against Germany, 1939–1945 (HMSO, 1961), 4 vol. Important official British history
436: 6608: 4207: 8372: 7752: 6276: 6260: 5823: 5547: 1890:. This ultimatum stated if Japan did not surrender, she would face "prompt and utter destruction". The Japanese government ignored this ultimatum ( 1441:" IJA/IJN "joint-strike force" terror-bombing campaigns. Despite the general obsolescence of the Chinese fighter aircraft against the new Japanese 1335:
The Chinese Air Force was initially equipped with a mixed-bag of fighter and bomber aircraft at the beginning of the war in 1937 that included the
Libby, Justin. "The Search for a Negotiated Peace: Japanese Diplomats Attempt to Surrender Japan Prior to the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
design competition competitors—did not have the numbers or bomb load to do major damage of the sort the RAF and USAAF inflicted on German cities.
Aware of the need for engineering expertise, Arnold went outside the military and formed close liaisons with top engineers like rocket specialist
8809: 8121: 2818:
destroyed its radio gear and killed many key officers, ruining the Germans' ability to coordinate a panzer counterattack against the beachheads.
for retaliatory use should the Germans initiate the use of gas. Clouds of American mustard gas caused over 2,000 Allied and civilian casualties.
1252:, involving the first prolonged and massed-deployments of aircraft carriers in support of expeditionary forces, extensive close-air support and 365:
with communications centres to direct their fighter defences. Their medium bombers were capable of reaching the German industrial centre of the
8628: 7930: 3237:
James S. Corum, "The Luftwaffe and Its Allied Air Forces in World War II: Parallel War and the Failure of Strategic and Economic Cooperation,"
2245: 57: 10627: 7382: 1870:
The air attacks on Japan had crippled her ability to wage war but the Japanese had not surrendered. On July 26, 1945, United States President
in selecting the best available aircraft types for the task. The USAAF's Mustang squadrons were then tasked to fly well ahead of the bombers'
275:, the prime proponent of a strategic bomber force for the Luftwaffe. They did attempt some strategic bombing in the east with the problematic 9420: 9383: 9360: 8881: 7803: 7773: 7415: 1177:
had limited effect on Britain for a variety of reasons, but low payload was among them. Lacking a doctrine of strategic bombing, neither the
In North-West Europe, the Allies used the "taxi-rank" (or "Cab-rank") system for supporting the ground assault. Fighter-bombers, such as the
9135: 2727: 892: 860:
One of the most effective demonstrations of air supremacy by the Western Allies over Europe occurred in early 1944, when Lieutenant General
9513: 9369: 9353: 9325: 8573: 7780: 2672:
large-calibre air-to-air unguided rockets, but its slower speed made it easy prey for Thunderbolts and Mustangs. The big, slow twin-engine
in small numbers to accomplish such missions against U.S. Navy ships. Japan's industry was manufacturing 1,500 new planes a month in 1945.
24 hours later. Often engineers had to repair and use a captured enemy airfield. The German fields were well-built all-weather operations.
2241: 1555: 10270: 9337: 9249: 9193: 9156: 8438: 4329: 3742: 1181:
or the Luftwaffe ever ordered any suitable quantities of an appropriate heavy bomber from the German aviation industry, having only the
9242: 7974: 7515: 2752: 2296: 2198: 1273: 5231: 3004:
after city, the repair system broke down. The bombing prevented the full mobilization of German economic potential. Planning minister
The use of developments such as these contributed greatly to the success of the air bombing strategy during the remainder of the war.
1676: 1092:
medium bombers achieved two hits, exploding her powder magazines and sinking her. Both the Fritz X and the unarmored, rocket-boosted
10748: 9376: 7766: 7724: 4236:
at Chiung-Shan on Hainan island... shooting down the lead Zero in a flight of three... the flight leader or perhaps the instructor...
3056: 2926:,) and other advanced technologies of air warfare, to little strategic effect. Captured examples of these weapons, and especially of 2852:
said the cooperation of XIX TAC Air Force was "the best example of the combined use of air and ground troops that I ever witnessed."
1865: 1714:
forgotten, worry about themselves, are afraid of new assignments, have no sense of responsibility, and are hopeless about the future.
D'Ann Campbell, "Women in Combat: The World War Two Experience in the United States, Great Britain, Germany, and the Soviet Union,"
jet engine designs—as well as the failure to produce usable examples of their two long-developed higher-power aviation engines, the
10597: 8416: 8190: 7953: 7819: 7630: 6346:
Baumann, Ansbert. "Evakuierung des Wissens. Die Verlagerung luftkriegsrelevanter Forschungsinstitute nach Oberschwaben 1943–1945."
erupted. Overy estimated in 2014 that in all about 353,000 civilians were killed by British and American bombing of German cities.
2603:, in December 1943. Only 30 out of 100 bombers got through, but one hit an ammunition ship which was secretly carrying a stock of 2270:
ground assault aircraft—the single most-produced military aircraft design of all time with some 36,183 examples produced, and the
2172:, the commander of RAF Fighter Command during the battle and the man who ordered its implementation), it was the first integrated 869: 9492: 9289: 8326: 7826: 7738: 7674: 4182: 3088: 172:, with "pickle barrel" accuracy. Japanese aviation pioneers felt that they had developed the finest naval aviators in the world. 65: 7175: 7123:
Germany and the Second World War: Volume VII: The Strategic Air War in Europe and the War in the West and East Asia, 1943–1944/5
Germany and the Second World War: Volume VII: The Strategic Air War in Europe and the War in the West and East Asia, 1943–1944/5
4764: 2803: 2279:
Patriotic War. The Yak-1 was a modern 1940 design and had more room for development, unlike the relatively mature design of the
2157: 2108: 1831:
spotted instead of waiting to get at the big carriers. Task Force 58 analyzed the Japanese technique at Okinawa in April, 1945:
9695: 9207: 8057: 7595: 3128:
Jet engines ran on cheap kerosene, and rockets used plain alcohol; the railroad system used coal, which was in abundant supply.
735: 385: 7001: 2651: 2544:
to blind German radar, giving the RAF striking capability far in excess of that which the Luftwaffe had been able to achieve.
1276:, as well as overseas-Chinese volunteer aviators into the nominally Nationalist Air Force of China, and coordinating with the 10291: 10196: 9723: 9469: 9344: 8430: 8404: 8261: 7967: 7884: 6970: 6953: 6691: 6046: 5528: 3585: 3430: 3093: 357:
The British had their own very well-developed theory of strategic bombing, and built the long-range bombers to implement it.
191: 720:
insisted on returning to combat after a year. Both Gibson's successors at 617 Squadron were ordered off "ops" permanently –
10524: 9931: 9817: 8982: 8449: 8445: 8423: 8027: 978:
in a slit trench and threw his body sixty feet and mangled it beyond recognition except for the three stars on his collar."
818: 5629: 10439: 9903: 9235: 9221: 8434: 7511: 7130: 6464: 5860:
German Combat Planes: A Comprehensive Survey and History of the Development of German Military Aircraft from 1914 to 1945
A Summer Bright and Terrible: Winston Churchill, Lord Dowding, Radar, and the Impossible Triumph of the Battle of Britain
German Combat Planes: A Comprehensive Survey and History of the Development of German Military Aircraft from 1914 to 1945
641:, and the 8th Air Force bomber raids faced less and less Luftwaffe defensive fighter opposition for the rest of the war. 473: 6389: 5944:
Kipp, Jacob W. "Barbarossa, Soviet covering forces and the initial period of war: Military history and AirLand battle."
4088: 2664:
heavy fighters meant for such tasks, the Germans had to confront the more numerous American fighters. The heavily armed
10648: 10517: 10395: 9973: 9688: 9639: 9397: 8952: 8204: 8043: 7891: 7745: 7564: 7532: 5979:
Bhuvasorakul, Jessica Leigh. "Unit Cohesion Among the Three Soviet Women's Air Regiments During World War II." (2004).
Bhuvasorakul, Jessica Leigh. "Unit Cohesion Among the Three Soviet Women's Air Regiments During World War II." (2004).
3715: 2993: 2643:
Bf 110 built to shoot down heavy Allied bombers by day, but mostly achieved success as a repurposed night fighter with
and a specialist squadron to deliver it, a number of critical German infrastructure assets were destroyed, such as the
2208: 1421:
to the Japanese, the wartime capital of China had been pushed back to Chongqing, where an all-air war campaign against
1286: 1282: 1101: 877: 161: 10879: 10764: 9646: 9618: 9435: 9017: 8736: 8703: 7408: 6871: 6798:
Childers, Thomas. "'Facilis descensus averni est': The Allied Bombing of Germany and the Issue of German Suffering,"
5364: 5218: 4938: 4914: 3364: 3323: 3176: 2751:
were receiving due to the sophistication and superiority of the Red Air Force. In one strategic operation alone, the
2639: 2090: 864:, who took command of the US 8th Air Force in January 1944, only a few months later "released" the building force of 798: 674: 511:
during the war than any other military aircraft design in aviation history, with just over 36,000 examples produced.
452: 77: 7919: 4865: 1673:, but had difficulty keeping it supplied. American naval and Marine aviation made Rabaul a frequent bombing target. 673:
enemy with a preponderance of firepower. There was a specific campaign, within the overall strategic offensive, for
10801: 9959: 9896: 9031: 8867: 7990: 7232: 5800:(1948, reprint 1969), excellent official history; reprint has introduction by H. A. Probert, who was not the author 4567: 489: 8544: 3688: 10325: 10166: 10155: 9991: 9750: 9709: 9602: 9540: 8927: 8197: 8066: 8034: 7453: 6928:
Clodfelter, Mark. "Aiming to Break Will: America's World War II Bombing of German Morale and its Ramifications,"
Bonnett, John. "Jekyll and Hyde: Henry L. Stimson, Mentalite, and the Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb on Japan."
5400: 2103:, the planned German invasion of Britain. The Luftwaffe's primary task was intended to be the destruction of the 1764: 1372: 705: 657: 619: 19: 8714: 8282: 6520:
Mixon, Franklin G. "Estimating Learning Curves in Economics: Evidence from Aerial Combat over the Third Reich."
Mark Parillo, "The Pacific War: An Interpretation," in Richard Jensen, Jon Davidann, and Yoneyuki Sugita, eds.
event, by Stephen R. MacKinnon, history professor at Arizona State University and author of the book Wuhan 1938.
Increasingly heavy losses during the latter part of 1943 due to the reorganized Luftwaffe night fighter system (
10711: 10683: 10561: 10354: 9591: 9042: 8968: 8764: 8135: 7854: 7759: 7644: 7499: 6119: 2122: 1514: 1074: 846: 337: 31: 6597: 5608: 884:
single-seat fighter wings. This important change of strategy also coincidentally doomed both the twin-engined
10771: 10704: 10655: 10586: 10411: 9917: 9868: 9632: 9625: 9228: 8989: 8780: 7833: 7552: 7326:
Searle, Thomas R. "'It Made a Lot of Sense to Kill Skilled Workers': The Firebombing of Tokyo in March 1945"
5038: 4013: 2796: 2473:
patrol boats (4,000 tons), and 22 merchant ships (139,216 tons). Nevertheless, most convoys did get through.
on 10 May 1940. The first large-scale air attack with paratroops in history subsequently occurred during the
1681: 938: 523: 6474: 4790: 4669:
U.S. naval weapons: every gun, missile, mine, and torpedo used by the U.S. Navy from 1883 to the present day
1597: 342: 10845: 10741: 10116: 10077: 8996: 8831: 8816: 8743: 8722: 8540: 8218: 8004: 7997: 7981: 7692: 7651: 7623: 7489: 7401: 7126: 6852:
Lammers, Stephen E. "William Temple and the bombing of Germany: an Exploration in the Just War Tradition."
6767: 6263:* Huston, John W. "The Wartime Leadership of 'Hap' Arnold." In Alfred F. Hurley and Robert C. Erhart, eds. 3035: 2947: 2763:
Air Armys and the Black Sea Fleet Naval Aviation aircraft achieved a 3.3 to 1 superiority in aircraft over
2694: 2366: 572: 468: 420: 412: 265: 7278:(1984) (based on v. 64a, 77, and 113 of the U.S. Strategic Bombing reports on oil and chemical industry.) 1844:
proportion of hits was much higher than in ordinary bombing, and would eventually see the introduction of
burned out 8.1 square miles, including 135,000 houses; 4,000 died. The Japanese local officials reported:
were burned out by 473 B-29s; Japanese opposition was fierce, as 11 B-29s went down and 176 were damaged.
10808: 10132: 10084: 9702: 9674: 9527: 9142: 9121: 8642: 8305: 8211: 7468: 7443: 6765:
VanderMuelen, Jacob. "Planning for V-J Day by the U.S. Army Air Forces and the Atomic Bomb Controversy."
4215: 2625: 1269: 865: 165: 6655:
Bernstein, Barton. "Eclipsed by Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Early Thinking About Tactical Nuclear Weapons,"
5896:"The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Air Forces," in Alfred F. Hurley and Robert C. Erhart, eds. 5482: 2333:, a flight commander in the women's 46th Taman Guards Night Bomber Aviation Regiment, also known as the 638: 10606: 10102: 10021: 9966: 9854: 9810: 9460: 9086: 9010: 8912: 8789: 8661: 8654: 8614: 8587: 8319: 8252: 7847: 7658: 7588: 5965:
Whiting, Kenneth R. "Soviet Air Power in World War II," in Alfred F. Hurley and Robert C. Erhart, eds.
Michael Schaller, "American Air Strategy in China, 1939–1941: The Origins of Clandestine Air Warfare,"
1980: 1967:
integrated air defence system had not emerged; most militaries had a conflict between the advocates of
fighter-attack planes, racking up a strong record against the Japanese Army Air Force operating in the
1062: 996: 693: 384:
The RAF underwent rapid expansion following the outbreak of war against Germany in 1939. This included
technology except for their usable UHF and later VHF band airborne intercept radar designs such as the
of this late stage in the war never had a chance against more numerous, better trained Allied pilots.
The Anglo-American invasion of Vichy French controlled north-west Africa was under command of General
A formation of Heinkel He 111 medium bombers, the most numerous German bomber of the Battle of Britain
1029: 10508: 10425: 10210: 10070: 10042: 9875: 9780: 9570: 9003: 8077: 7731: 7341: 3099: 3043: 1739: 1531: 1522: 1125: 837:
Tactical air doctrine stated that the primary mission was to turn tactical superiority into complete
661: 416: 23: 8275: 3909: 2988: 1959:, where it was used to provide close air support for infantry units. The success of the Luftwaffe's 930:
operations against ground targets.) A large fraction of tactical air power focused on this mission.
from their intended mission to closely escort the 8th Air Force's heavy bombers, after getting help
10247: 10224: 9476: 9277: 9270: 8934: 8594: 8566: 8559: 7946: 7458: 7297:
The Collapse of the German War Economy, 1944–1945: Allied Air Power and the German National Railway
Werrell, Kenneth P. "The Strategic Bombing of Germany in World War II: Costs and Accomplishments,"
Werrell, Kenneth P. "The Strategic Bombing of Germany in World War II: Costs and Accomplishments,"
Hill, Alexander (2007). "British Lend Lease Aid and the Soviet War Effort, June 1941 – June 1942".
3068: 2780: 2768: 2588: 2312: 1730:
the Japanese Army simply moved overland and captured them. The Marianas (especially the islands of
defense. Instead, they decided on additional attacks in both the south and central Pacific. In the
1190: 1097: 759: 608: 533: 8291: 8268: 2341:
As with many Allied countries in World War II, the Soviet Union received Western aircraft through
and the Black Sea Fleet Naval Aviation aircraft achieved a 3.3:1 superiority in aircraft over the
2202: 464: 10669: 10613: 10483: 10343: 10028: 9681: 9577: 9483: 9051: 8919: 8889: 8853: 8838: 8710: 8602: 8580: 8526: 8512: 8494: 8158: 7939: 7667: 7616: 7506: 7484: 7448: 7171:
Bombing the European Axis Powers: A Historical Digest of the Combined Bomber Offensive, 1939–1945
5651: 2897: 2400: 2382: 2304: 1968: 1645: 1329: 1314: 1223: 1169: 842: 789: 272: 6983:
Koch, H. W. "The Strategic Air Offensive against Germany: the Early Phase, May–September 1940."
6239: 5729: 4689: 4630: 3422: 3315: 3306: 3016: 2747:
biplane of 1920s design, took part. However, this was but a small measure of the experience the
Japanese naval air power proved unexpectedly powerful, sinking the American battleship fleet at
10361: 10254: 10056: 10007: 9910: 9803: 9773: 9556: 9444: 9170: 8961: 8552: 8533: 8503: 8050: 8020: 6876:
Schaffer, Ronald. "American Military Ethics in World War II: The Bombing of German Civilians,"
19 (Spring 1991): 71–93. Explains how the Archbishop of Canterbury justified strategic bombing.
Davis, Richard G. "Operation 'Thunderclap': The US Army Air Forces and the Bombing of Berlin."
Hardesty, Von. "Out of the Blue: The Forgotten Story of the Soviet Air Force in World War II."
5356: 3083: 2881: 2784: 2541: 2229: 1927:. Both cities were destroyed with enormous loss of life and psychological shock. On August 15, 1754: 1613: 1578: 1460: 1395:
bombers by 1938. Fighting capacity was greatly bolstered with support from the aviators of the
1336: 545: 372: 133: 89: 6529:
Airpower and Ground Armies: Essays on the Evolution of Anglo-American Air Doctrine, 1940–1943,
5760: 5335: 1621: 1100:
following Italy's capitulation to the Allies earlier in September 1943. Both weapons used the
10852: 10575: 10418: 10314: 10284: 10240: 9980: 9945: 9938: 9861: 9759: 9200: 9177: 9024: 8635: 8172: 7912: 7898: 7581: 7494: 7438: 7157:
The Bombers: The Illustrated Story of Offensive Strategy and Tactics in the Twentieth Century
6036: 4304: 3750: 3551:
Airpower and Ground Armies: Essays on the Evolution of Anglo-American Air Doctrine, 1940–1943
armament into the tight B-17 formations, sometimes with the specialized Ju 88P heavy-calibre
2562:" to attack huge structures thought to be invulnerable to conventional bombing. Creating the 2548: 1975:
for defence, not recognizing that they could be complementary, when under a common system of
1318: 1302: 1132:
squadrons, one in each theatre, having some limited success with the device. The U.S. Navy's
701: 633:. Neither had paid much attention to aviation before the war. However the air power advocate 553: 61: 8470: 7017:
McFarland, Stephen L. "The Evolution of the American Strategic Fighter in Europe, 1942–44,"
5348: 3460:
Hap: The Story of the U.S. Air Force and the Man Who Built It, General Henry H. "Hap" Arnold
1487:", a nominally Chinese Air Force unit composed almost entirely of Americans, led by General 427:
In order to attack German industry by night the RAF developed navigational aids, tactics to
10676: 10531: 10182: 10139: 10109: 10035: 9845: 9824: 8750: 8227: 7905: 2873: 2807: 2665: 2517:, RAF Bomber Command developed a variety of devices to enable precision strategic bombing. 2421: 2370: 2354: 2280: 2257: 2252: 2213: 2147: 2139: 2032: 1664: 1527: 1518: 1488: 1422: 1408: 915: 739: 630: 537: 497: 350: 250: 196: 5078:, vol. 2. Europe: Torch to Pointblank, pp. 205–6 – via Hyperwar Foundation 4791:"Statistieken 1939–1945 / Statistics 1939–1945 « Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939 – 1945" 3771:
Edward L. Homze, "The Luftwaffe's Failure to Develop a Heavy Bomber before World War II,"
1324: 8: 10794: 10568: 10446: 10402: 9924: 9058: 8824: 8351: 8181: 8165: 8114: 7424: 7309:
Ralph, William W. "Improvised Destruction: Arnold, LeMay, and the Firebombing of Japan,"
Miles, Rufus E. Jr. "Hiroshima: The Strange Myth of a Half Million American Lives Saved"
William W. Ralph, "Improvised Destruction: Arnold, LeMay, and the Firebombing of Japan,"
3666: 2927: 2844: 2776: 2772: 2537: 2514: 2350: 2346: 2320: 2316: 2185: 1976: 1883: 1452: 1344: 1277: 845:(called "ack-ack" by the British, "flak" by the Germans, and "Archie" by the World War I 604: 549: 404: 396: 105: 5876:
Overy R. J. "The German Pre-War Aircraft Production Plans: November 1936 – April 1939,"
4118: 4038: 3988: 3960: 3935: 2710:
effort, clearing the skies well ahead of the bombers of any presence of the Luftwaffe's
produced 76,000 warplanes, of which 30,000 were fighters and 15,000 were light bombers.
685: 403:(formed 1936) which operated the bombers that would be offensive against the enemy, and 10787: 10620: 10545: 10499: 10469: 10377: 10217: 9882: 9766: 9660: 9611: 9549: 9305: 9256: 9065: 8689: 8344: 8142: 7314: 6594:
Air Power versus U-boats: Confronting Hitler's Submarine Menace in the European theatre
4976: 4968: 4163: 3415: 2644: 2567: 2358: 2224: 2181: 2173: 2100: 1992: 1935: 1924: 1897: 1887: 1845: 1724: 1265: 1228: 1178: 785: 568: 400: 238: 117: 109: 6140:
Blacks in the Army Air Forces during World War II : The Problem of Race Relations
Hamlin, John F. "No 'Safe Haven': Military Aviation in the Channel Islands 1939–1945"
Tami Davis Biddle, "Bombing By The Square Yard: Sir Arthur Harris At War, 1942–1945,"
2073:, and soldiers awaiting evacuation, while under attack, bitterly asked "Where was the 1886:, which outlined the terms of surrender for the Empire of Japan as agreed upon at the 1231:". The attacks were futile, and the diversion represented a major success for Hitler. 607:
at Caltech. Arnold was given seats on the US Joint Chiefs of Staff and the US-British
10778: 10662: 10552: 10492: 10453: 10386: 10368: 10334: 10277: 10231: 10175: 10000: 9738: 9730: 9667: 9520: 9114: 8646: 8107: 8086: 7796: 7463: 7262: 7193: 6966: 6949: 6786: 6687: 6623: 6548: 6365: 6291: 6235: 6102: 6099:
Masters of the Air: America's Bomber Boys Who Fought the Air War Against Nazi Germany
6042: 5838: 5725: 5562: 5524: 5360: 5349: 5214: 4980: 4934: 4910: 4768: 4685: 4680:
David C. Earhart, "All Ready to Die: Kamikazefication and Japan's Wartime Ideology."
4626: 4155: 3667:"Air Poewer Australia – The Dawn of The Smart Bomb – Ruhrstahl AG SD-1400X "Fritz-X"" 3581: 3426: 3360: 3319: 3078: 3042:, a series of firebombing raids, launched with the first attack by some 334 American 2917: 2912: 2690: 2669: 2583: 2563: 2553: 2522: 2464:
German air reconnaissance against North Atlantic and Russian convoys increased, with
2291: 2237: 2086: 2070: 2040: 1956: 1939: 1875: 1827: 1772: 1617: 1602: 1571: 1298: 1294: 1214: 983: 959: 911: 830: 700:
While the Japanese began the war with a superb set of naval aviators, trained at the
654: 626: 440: 288: 222: 157: 92: 7387: 6998: 6861:
The Holocaust and Strategic Bombing: Genocide and Total War in the Twentieth Century
Ideas, Concepts, Doctrines: Basic Thinking in the United States Air Force, 1907–1960
5020:, "Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe Co-operation in the War against Britain, 1939–1945." 3834: 2771:, allowing almost complete freedom from air harassment for the ground troops of the 2315:, allowing almost complete freedom from air harassment for the ground troops of the 2180:
At first the Germans focused on RAF airfields and radar stations. However, when the
available for such duties, a design plagued with many technical problems, including
218: 10697: 10690: 10634: 10298: 10063: 10049: 9952: 9889: 9840: 9653: 9506: 9453: 9263: 9214: 9128: 8358: 8335: 7868: 6650:
Code-Name Downfall: The Secret Plan to Invade Japan-And Why Truman Dropped the Bomb
Archie, Flak, AAA, and SAM: A Short Operational History of Ground-Based Air defence
Fritzsche, Peter. "Machine Dreams: Airmindedness and the Reinvention of Germany."
4960: 4713: 4568:"THE WAR: Firebombing (Germany & Japan) (13–15 February & 9–10 March 1945)" 4247: 3050: 2783:, who scored 62 victories from 6 July 1943 to 16 April 1945, the top score for any 2600: 2530: 2518: 2425: 2415: 2394: 2362: 2143: 2114: 1972: 1928: 1905: 1816: 1768: 1693: 1692:. The Americans made an amphibious landing in August 1942 to seize it, sent in the 1652: 1380: 1310: 1253: 975: 951: 919: 899: 743: 728: 721: 561: 501: 432: 389: 346: 307: 303: 280: 169: 129: 85: 27: 7877: 6584:
Air Power for Patton's Army: The 19th Tactical Air Command in the Second World War
5017: 2484: 906:
fighter pilot personnel and fewer bomber losses to the Luftwaffe as 1944 wore on.
10720: 10432: 10347: 10305: 10203: 10146: 10014: 9796: 9787: 9316: 8898: 8874: 8128: 7005: 6961: 6944: 6771:
16 (June 1993), 227–39. AAF did not expect quick surrender; bomb was military use
6681: 5871:
War from the Top: German and British Military Decision Making During World War II
5404: 5045: 4872: 4754:
Dr L. de Jong, 'Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog' (Dutch)
3406: 3039: 3028: 2892: 2811: 2740: 2559: 2411: 2152: 2107:(RAF). The warplanes on both sides were comparable. Germany had more planes, but 2104: 2074: 2036: 2009: 1963: 1879: 1871: 1384: 1376: 1306: 1258: 1093: 1061:
Both the Luftwaffe and USAAF pioneered the use of what would come to be known as
1024: 963: 861: 634: 589: 585: 576: 407:
which was to protect Allied shipping and attack enemy shipping. The Royal Navy's
311: 113: 73: 10832: 6774:
Walker, J. Samuel. "The Decision to Drop the Bomb: A Historiographical Update,"
The Rocket and the Reich: Peenemünde and the Coming of the Ballistic Missile Era
Beneficial Bombing: The Progressive Foundations of American Air Power, 1917–1945
1771:, where one-sixth of the Empire's munitions were made, was hit by 1,733 tons of 1459:
fighter as the Imperial Japanese war machine expanded into the Pacific with the
were effective against the supply-carrying trucks used to support German tanks.
resulted in the Soviet military aviation industry creating more examples of the
10727: 10263: 10189: 8241: 8100: 6394:
Neufeld, Michael J. "Hitler, the V-2, and the Battle for Priority, 1939–1943."
Atomic Tragedy: Henry L. Stimson and the Decision to Use the Bomb Against Japan
The Conduct of the Air War in the Second World War: An International Comparison
The British and American jets were in the development stage when the war ended.
2951: 2907: 2493: 2271: 2165: 2135: 1920: 1908: 1631: 1586: 1448: 1368: 1360: 1182: 1162: 1154: 1129: 1089: 1065:
during World War II. The Luftwaffe was the first to use such weapons with the
1003: 826: 724: 717: 593: 377: 324: 320: 276: 254: 208: 125: 96: 42: 7071:
Courage and air warfare: the Allied aircrew experience in the Second World War
Hopkins, George F. "Bombing and the American Conscience During World War II,"
Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan
4714:"Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender issued at Potsdam Germany" 4460:
Barrier and the Javelin: Japanese and Allied Strategies, February to June 1942
1807: 731:(DSO & 3 Bars) after 101 – reflecting the strain of prolonged operations. 168:
bomber could reach targets, protected by its own weapons, and bomb, using the
34:. The B-29 was the largest aircraft to have a significant operational role in 10868: 10538: 8463: 8312: 8151: 7547: 6836: 6819:
Strategic Bombing of Urban Areas," Historian 50 (Nov 1987) 14–39, defends AAF
Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War
4575: 4403:
Koichi Shimada, "Japanese Naval Air Operations in the Philippines Invasion,"
Daniel F. Harrington, "A Careless Hope: American Air Power and Japan, 1941,"
4159: 4096: 3473:
Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War
2849: 2760: 2707: 2673: 2453: 2436: 2429: 2374: 2334: 2330: 2264: 2024: 2001: 1759: 1538:, but the distances and the logistics made an effective campaign impossible. 1484: 1466: 1443: 1426: 1396: 1301:
were lost by the end of 1937, new frontlines were quickly being drawn at the
1195: 1150: 926: 888: 838: 505: 477: 428: 408: 246: 230: 200: 149: 116:
over the battlefields, thereby giving vital assistance to ground troops. The
100: 4447:
Empires in the Balance: Japanese and Allied Pacific Strategies to April 1942
3719: 2337:, flew 1,008 sorties in the war, more than any other member of the regiment. 1738:), captured in June 1944, gave a close, secure base for the very-long-range 1478:
fighter's debut aerial-combat engagement on 13 September 1940 over Chongqing
guided glide bomb were used successfully against Allied shipping during the
multibank 24-cylinder piston engine of some 2,500 hp, and the advanced
10837: 10641: 8941: 8846: 8477: 7840: 7604: 6272:
American Airpower Comes of Age: Gen Henry H. Arnold's World War II Diaries,
5866: 5198:
To Command the Sky: The Battle for Air Superiority Over Germany, 1942–1944
To Command the Sky: The Battle for Air Superiority Over Germany, 1942–1944
Trans-Pacific Relations: America, Europe, and Asia in the Twentieth Century
Paolo E. Coletta, "Launching the Doolittle Raid on Japan, April 18, 1942,"
3859: 3046: 3009:
immobilized. About 25,000 civilians died in Dresden on Feb. 13–14, where a
3005: 2827: 2764: 2756: 2633: 2308: 2300: 2169: 2118:
Hawker Hurricane, workhorse of the British defence in the Battle of Britain
1931: 1812: 1743: 1535: 1392: 1352: 1348: 967: 637:
succeeded Eaker as 8th Air Force commander at the start of 1944. Doolittle
597: 295: 258: 242: 226: 69: 35: 6508:
To Command the Sky: The Battle for Air Superiority over Germany, 1942–1944
We Shall Return! MacArthur's Commanders and the Defeat of Japan, 1942–1945
The Narrow Margin: The Battle of Britain and the Rise of Air Power 1930–40
5071: 4964: 2240:
had just been purged of most of its top officers and was unready. By 1945
1402: 764: 10476: 10462: 10124: 8800: 8621: 8606: 7960: 6831:
Ethics and Airpower in World War II: The British Bombing of German Cities
6762:(1994), excellent military history of the greatest non-battle of all time 6461:
Preemptive defence: Allied Air Power Versus Hitler's V-Weapons, 1943–1945
5625: 5604: 5594:
The Most Dangerous Enemy: The Definitive History of the Battle of Britain
4330:"That Time US Firebombed a Japanese-Occupied Chinese City Killing 20,000" 3410: 2668:
could kill a bomber, particularly those armed with a quartet each of the
2604: 2526: 2326: 2218: 2131: 2028: 1960: 1689: 1567: 1566:
Washington tried to deter Japanese entry into the war by threatening the
1364: 1249: 1173: 1146: 1133: 1046: 1041: 689: 664:
when Eisenhower was in charge of Allied operations in the Mediterranean.
557: 153: 145: 81: 53: 39: 7239:
Bombing 1939–45: The Air Offensive Against Land Targets in World War Two
The quest Haywood Hansell and American strategic bombing in World War II
OSPREY AIRCRAFT OF THE ACES 126: Aces of the Republic of China Air Force
5232:"Aviation History: Interview with World War II Soviet Ace Ivan Kozhedub" 4972: 4167: 4143: 4063: 3602:
Air Power at the Battlefront: Allied Close Air Support in Europe 1943–45
RAF construction workers finishing the construction of an airfield near
291:, which housed 43 new B-17 bombers and a million tons of aviation fuel. 9831: 9584: 9563: 8456: 7789: 7717: 7331: 6881: 6810:
Bombs, Cities and Civilians: American Airpower Strategy in World War II
6803: 6753: 6743: 6733: 6660: 6399: 5893: 5580: 5145: 4421: 4278: 3692: 2980:
US Air Force photographs the destruction in central Berlin in July 1945
2935: 2902: 2869: 2703: 2677: 2342: 1901: 1388: 1356: 1199:
high-speed mediums, and their intended heavier warload successors, the
1070: 1053: 943: 873: 822: 714: 392:
to put Canadian squadrons together in a nationally identifiable unit).
jet fighter did not enter service until July 1944, and the lightweight
121: 7393: 5881: 5767:
A Time for Courage: The Royal Air Force in the European War, 1939–1945
The Mediterranean Air War: Airpower and Allied Victory in World War II
5397: 5058:
The Mediterranean Air War: Airpower and Allied Victory in World War II
The Army Air Forces in World War II: v. 2. Europe: Torch to Pointblank
For the Japanese perspective see Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully,
1546: 856:
P-51 Mustangs of the 375th Fighter Squadron, Eighth Air Force mid-1944
through 1945, as well as elsewhere in the world during the war years.
10094: 9499: 9296: 9107: 8905: 8860: 6515:
Broken Wings of the Samurai: the Destruction of the Japanese Airforce
Strike From the Sky: The History of Battlefield Air Attack, 1911–1945
Most Dangerous Enemy: The Definitive History of the Battle of Britain
Strike From the Sky: The History of Battlefield Air Attack, 1911–1945
3010: 2591:, but was outgunned ten to one, and then lost the vital airfields at 2094: 1912: 1896:, "kill by silence"), and vowed to continue resisting an anticipated 1892: 1776: 581: 447: 395:
The RAF had three major combat commands based in the United Kingdom:
213: 186: 8381: 7290:
The Schweinfurt-Regensburg Mission: American Raids on 17 August 1943
A Guide to the Reports of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey
7081: 7031:
Overy. Richard. "The Means to Victory: Bombs and Bombing" in Overy,
6988: 6909:
Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations
Japan Subdued: The Atomic Bomb and the End of the War in the Pacific
The First Team: Pacific Naval Air Combat From Pearl Harbor to Midway
5669: 4738:
James S. Corum, "The Luftwaffe's Army Support Doctrine, 1918–1941,"
4610: 4379: 2373:
in early 1943 but immediately experienced unrelenting losses due to
1997: 1846:
a purpose-built, air-launched rocket-powered suicide aircraft design
American strategic bombing of Japan from Chinese bases began in 1944
using the heavy-firepower and high-speed diving of the well-armored
The airwar over China were the largest air battles fought since the
transmitter in a deploying aircraft, with the corresponding FuG 230
The third and lowest priority (from the AAF viewpoint) mission was "
Before 1939, all sides operated under largely theoretical models of
8365: 8093: 7362: 7351: 6419: 6362:
A Radar History of World War II: Technical and Military Imperatives
6340: 2931: 2629: 2465: 2275: 1798: 1493: 1201: 1158: 947: 2533:
bombers to guarantee accurate strikes on targets in all weathers.
flying bombs hit London in mid-June 1944, and together with 1,300
7542: 6014:
Services Around the World (including medical, engineering, WAC)
2886: 2385:
range, guided in attack aircraft, submarines, and surface ships.
1916: 1506: 1498: 1066: 1034: 1020: 299: 284: 6870:(2014) covers strategic bombing by and upon all major countries 6868:
The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War Over Europe 1940–1945
46 (Fall 1993) 411–19. Germans learned faster (if they survived)
B-17s Over Berlin: Personal Stories from the 95th Bomb Group (H)
Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and the American Volunteer Group
The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War Over Europe 1940–1945
3749:. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Archived from 2930:, contributed to Allied and Soviet military technologies of the 1635:
defence perimeter, and they focused on Midway as the next base.
1321:, among very many other engagements through 1938 and into 1939. 8975: 7573: 7388:"The Pacific War Online Encyclopedia" compiled by Kent G. Budge 2592: 1784:
factories, and the attendance fluctuated as much as 50 percent.
1735: 1731: 1670: 1085: 1010: 481: 152:
in the 1920s summarised the faith that airmen during and after
46: 7259:
B-17 Flying Fortress: The Symbol of Second World War Air Power
7026:"Bomber" Harris and the Strategic Bombing Offensive, 1939–1945 6327:"Bomber" Harris and the Strategic Bombing Offensive, 1939–1945 6133:
Tail-End Charlies: The Last Battles of the Bomber War, 1944–45
5743:"Bomber" Harris and the Strategic Bombing Offensive, 1939–1945 4765:"Airwar Statistics « Studiegroep Luchtoorlog 1939 – 1945" 3884: 2941: 2513:
Building on their lead in radar and their experience with the
was hit repeatedly and first suffered a serious blow with the
between the CAF and the IJAAF/IJNAF would rage for years in a
location, started blasting away, and were ready for the first
9163: 7208:
The Night Tokyo Burned: The Incendiary Campaign against Japan
6243: 6183:
General Kenney Reports: A Personal History of the Pacific War
The Flyer: British Culture and the Royal Air Force, 1939–1945
The First and the Last: German Fighter Forces in World War II
The Doolittle Raid 1942: America's first strike back at Japan
2284: 1749: 1502: 1418: 1414: 650: 362: 234: 221:, it was able to learn and test new combat techniques in the 80:
that were closely integrated with land and naval forces; the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
An Fw 190A arming-up with a BR 21 unguided rocket projectile
1859: 1375:
of 1937, and transitioning almost entirely into Soviet-made
The Army's major theatre commands were given to infantrymen
Aviation goggles and flying helmet used by famous RAF pilot
When the Luftwaffe's fuel supply ran dry in 1944 due to the
A-8 that replaced the twin-engined "destroyers". Germany's
2489: 2469: 2260:, while being confronted with more modern German aircraft. 1120: 1016: 777: 366: 7040:
The Rise of American Air Power: The Creation of Armageddon
Five Days in August: How World War II Became a Nuclear War
Okumiya, Masatake and Jiro Horikoshi, with Martin Caidin,
D Day 1944: Air Power Over the Normandy Beaches and Beyond
The Soviet Air Force in World War II: The Official History
The Soviet Air Force in World War II: The Official History
3405: 2599:
After that the Luftwaffe had only one success in Italy, a
The Luftwaffe gained significant combat experience in the
7094: 6840:
Valley of Darkness: The Japanese People and World War Two
Bernstein, Barton F. "The Atomic Bombings Reconsidered."
Blitzkrieg Unleashed: The German Invasion of Poland, 1939
Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway
3910:"World War 2 Flying Ace Arthur Chin's Amazing True Story" 3337: 3335: 2922: 1669:
The Japanese had built a major air base on the island of
As the War of Resistance-World War II broke out with the
1218: 788:'s own "construction battalions", collectively named the 639:
instituted a critical change in strategic fighter tactics
and were late in appreciating the need to defend against
4987: 4183:"Japan's World War II Zero Fighter Terrified the Allies" 3743:"Students Help Renovate a Part of WWII-and NIST-History" 3641:
The Other Side of Time: A Combat Surgeon in World War II
2015: 852: 552:
became the Army Air Forces in late June 1941, President
431:, tactics directly against German night-fighter forces, 7283:
The War machine: German weapons and manpower, 1939–1945
Fire and Fury: The Allied Bombing of Germany, 1942–1945
7125:(Oxford UP, 2006), 928pp official German history vol 7 6642: 5905:
The Divine Wind: Japan's Kamikaze Force in World War II
Poisonous inferno: World War II tragedy at Bari Harbour
The Divine Wind: Japan's Kamikaze Force in World War II
Air war stalemate at the national fortress of Chongqing
The United States Army Air Forces had come up with the
Rear view of an Azon MCLOS-guided bomb, showing details
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
Death From the Heavens: A History of Strategic Bombing
Davis, Richard G. "Bombing Strategy Shifts, 1944–45,"
Medical Support of the Army Air Forces in World War II
Soviet Air Force in World War II: The Official History
Royal Air Force, 1939–1945: The Fight at Odds – Vol. 1
AAF: A Directory, Almanac and Chronicle of Achievement
4841:. New York City: Doubleday & Company. p. 229. 4621:
Syohgo Hattori, "Kamikaze: Japan's Glorious Failure."
Medical Support of the Army Air Forces in World War II
3716:"Old China Hands, Tales & Stories – The Azon Bomb" 3580:. St. Paul, MN USA: MBI Publishing. pp. 162–163. 3332: 2779:. The greatest Soviet fighter ace of World War II was 2221:
heavily impacted command and control in all services.
Losses over the Netherlands 1939–1945 Allied – German
A Japanese airfield was spotted under construction at
Fighter Pilot: The First American Ace of World War II
Cataclysm: General Hap Arnold and the Defeat of Japan
3314:. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. p.  1878:, and Chairman of the Chinese Nationalist Government 500:
through to the final defeat of Nazi Germany with the
weapon systems) had been during the later war years.
Punishment and Denial: The Coercive Use of Air Power
American Pilots in the RAF: The WWII Eagle Squadrons
Red Phoenix: The Rise of Soviet Air Power, 1941–1945
Kamikazes, Corsairs, and Picket Ships: Okinawa, 1945
V-2: A Combat History of the First Ballistic Missile
3299: 3297: 2459: 2274:
fighter, the beginning of a family of fighters from
While German aircraft inflicted heavy losses at the
Wings of Judgment: American Bombing in World War II
Point of No Return: The Story of the 20th Air Force
Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American: An Autobiography.
A History of the United States Air Force, 1907–1957
5483:"March 9, 1945: Burning the Heart Out of the Enemy" 5469:
Final entries, 1945: the diaries of Joseph Goebbels
Guadalcanal: The Definitive Account of the Landmark
4039:"Håkans Aviation page – Sino-Japanese Air War 1940" 3989:"Håkans Aviation page – Sino-Japanese Air War 1939" 3961:"Hakans Aviation page - Sino-Japanese Air War 1938" 3936:"Håkans Aviation page – Sino-Japanese Air War 1937" 3447:
A History of the United States Air Force, 1907–1957
Red Phoenix: The Rise of Soviet Air Power 1941–1945
2099:Air superiority or supremacy was a prerequisite to 2027:transport for airborne troops in the attack on the 1601:Japanese warplanes bombing the Dutch light cruiser 1208: 620:
pilot training program in place as far back as 1938
548:and during the period within which the predecessor 136:; these played the central role in the war at sea. 6923:The Conduct of the Air War in the Second World War 6506:McFarland, Stephen L. and Wesley Phillips Newton. 6348:Zeitschrift für württembergische Landesgeschichte, 3810:Craven and Cate, 3:540 calls CROSSBOW a "failure". 3414: 3305: 3074:List of air operations during the Battle of Europe 2964: 2158:limiting it to only some ten minutes of air combat 2062:TOTAL (incl. misc.) 3,667 – 2,017 (total 5.684). 1474:with an I-15bis; the fighter he fought in the A6M 1168:and raw materials. A top-level Luftwaffe general, 279:A. Their one success was destroying an airbase at 7102:Under the Bombs: The German Home Front, 1942–1945 6038:The Tuskegee Airmen: The Men who Changed a Nation 5174:Stephen L. McFarland and Wesley Phillips Newton, 4866:A Lesson of History: The Luftwaffe and Barbarossa 3578:The Luftwaffe over Germany – defence of the Reich 3486:Fire in the Sky: The Air War in the South Pacific 3417:The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made 3294: 3200:America's pursuit of precision bombing, 1910–1945 2706:heavy bomber formations, as a determined form of 2618: 1915:, followed on August 9 by the detonation of the " 571:rejected calls for complete independence for the 517: 458: 10866: 7198:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 6628:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 6577:History of Marine Corps Aviation in World War II 6553:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 6420:Tactical aircraft, weapons, tactics & combat 6341:Technology: Jets, Rockets, Radar, Proximity Fuze 6296:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 6116:Army Air Forces Medical Services in World War II 6092:Black Eagle: General Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr. 5880:Vol. 90, No. 357 (Oct., 1975), pp. 778–797 5843:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 5724:, No. 83, September/October 1999, pp. 6–15 5567:: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown ( 5394:Army Air Forces Statistical Digest: World War II 4305:"Flying Tigers In Burma - LIFE - March 30, 1942" 3689:"458th Bombardment Group (H) – The AZON Project" 3654:History of Marine Corps Aviation in World War II 2023:The Germans deployed among others the tri-motor 1556:military aircraft production during World War II 556:gave command of the Navy to an aviator, Admiral 7383:Air Force official histories (mostly pamphlets) 5750:The Battle of Britain: The Myth and the Reality 5209:Wagner, Ray (ed.), and Leland Fetzer (trans.). 4909:. Indiana University Press. pp. 134, 143. 3669:. Air Power Australia. 26 March 2011. p. 1 3034:The Dresden raid was to be dwarfed by what was 2192: 2109:they used much of their fuel getting to Britain 1497:" supply-lifeline between the British bases in 7370:Flak: German Anti-Aircraft defences, 1914–1945 7330:Vol. 66, No. 1 (Jan., 2002), pp. 103–133 7229:Hitting Home: The Air Offensive Against Japan, 6915: 5306:Flak: German Anti-Aircraft defences, 1914–1945 4702:The invasion of Japan: alternative to the bomb 3575: 1826:Kamikaze attacks were highly effective at the 1630:The Japanese seemed unstoppable. However, the 1550:Carrier warfare in Pacific Dec 1941 – Mar 1942 1140: 10875:Aerial operations and battles of World War II 7589: 7409: 6386:Developing the Proximity Fuze, and Its Legacy 4890:Barbarossa: The Air Battle July–December 1941 4853:The German Air Force Versus Russia, 1941–1943 4836: 4750: 4748: 4716:, 26 July 1945. Retrieved on 12 October 2013. 4302: 4141: 3747:NIST Tech Beat – February 2001 – Preservation 3169:"Reflections on Douhet: the classic approach" 3036:to hit Japan starting less than a month later 2536:The British also developed the techniques of 2508: 2492:ground-attack planes attack an enemy column, 1718: 369:, and larger bombers were under development. 7217:(2009), says AAF was more effective than RAF 7045:Smith, Malcolm. "The Allied Air Offensive," 6413:Technical History of the Beginnings of Radar 5624:This article incorporates material from the 5603:This article incorporates material from the 4473:The Coral Sea 1942: The first carrier battle 3615:Operation Cobra 1944: Breakout from Normandy 3499:World War II in the Pacific: an encyclopedia 3049:on the night of March 9–10, 1945, codenamed 1530:, including the firebombing of Wuhan, using 1505:, and the wartime port-of-entry into China, 1011:Pioneering use of precision-guided munitions 429:overwhelm the German defences control system 6995:The Strategic Bombing of Germany, 1940–1945 6904:(1970), memoir of top Nazi economic planner 6154: 5523:. Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2015. 5351:The Strategic Bombing of Germany, 1940–1945 5340: 5213:. Melbourne: Wren Publishing, 1973, p.301. 4933:. Melbourne: Wren Publishing, 1973, p.301. 4392:The Defence and Fall of Singapore 1940–1942 4208:"Pearl Harbor Scourge: Mitsubishi A6M Zero" 3860:"Chinese Air Force vs. the Empire of Japan" 3359:(in Polish). Gdansk: AJ-Press. p. 27. 2942:Destroying Germany's oil and transportation 2525:were beam-riding blind bombing aids, while 2111:, and so had more limited time for combat. 1561: 1238: 331: 7596: 7582: 7416: 7402: 7269:The United States Strategic Bombing Survey 7181:. Archived from the original on 2009-03-05 6711:(GPO, 1985), official construction history 6611:. Archived from the original on 2003-03-07 6536:. Archived from the original on 2003-04-07 6279:. Archived from the original on 2003-03-06 6250:Hap: General of the Air Force Henry Arnold 6211:Master of Airpower: General Carl A. Spaatz 5826:. Archived from the original on 2003-03-07 5550:. Archived from the original on 2003-03-07 5355:. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. p.  4900: 4898: 4745: 3885:"Shanghai 1937 – Where World War II Began" 3576:Caldwell, Donald; Muller, Richard (2007). 2199:Aerial warfare during Operation Barbarossa 667: 386:the training in other Commonwealth nations 7276:German war economy: the motorization myth 6792: 6728:Pape, Robert A. "Why Japan Surrendered." 6217: 6204:Hoyt S. Vandenberg: The Life of a General 5819:Luftwaffe: Strategy for Defeat, 1933–1945 5543:Luftwaffe: Strategy for Defeat, 1933–1945 4327: 3799:Master of Airpower: General Carl A. Spatz 3213:Luftwaffe: Strategy for Defeat, 1933–1945 3167:Shiner, John F. (January–February 1986), 2388: 1866:Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1860:Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 164:". The Americans were confident that the 160:. Many said it alone could win wars, as " 38:and remains the only aircraft in history 7357:United States Strategic Bombing Survey. 7346:United States Strategic Bombing Survey. 7336:United States Strategic Bombing Survey. 7252:Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War II 7080:73 (1986) 702–713; good place to start. 6494:Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War II 6319: 6169:Carl A. Spaatz and the Air War in Europe 5903:Inoguchi, Rikihei and Tadashi Nakajima, 4993: 4277:Vol. 28, No. 1 (Spring, 1976), pp. 3–19 3982: 3980: 3354: 3303: 3015: 2987: 2968: 2810:intelligence pinpointed the location of 2714:fighter pilots. By early 1944, with the 2650: 2638: 2576: 2483: 2325: 2223: 2121: 2113: 1996: 1806: 1758:raid on the night of March 9/10 1945, a 1675: 1596: 1545: 1465: 1323: 1268:in 1937, the centralized command of the 1052: 1040: 1028: 937: 851: 817: 758: 754: 684: 677:, or, specifically, Luftwaffe fighters. 527: 472: 371: 341: 190: 18: 7423: 6802:Vol. 38, No. 1 (2005), pp. 75–105 6488:Anti-Aircraft: A History of Air Defence 6379:Hitler's Rockets: The Story of the V-2s 6083:Link, Mae Mills and Hubert A. Coleman. 6034: 5090:The Second World War: A World in Flames 5033:Wesley Frank Craven and James L. Cate, 4904: 4895: 4641:Rikihei Inoguchi and Tadashi Nakajima, 4420:Vol. 62, No. 1 (Feb., 1993), pp. 73–86 4205: 4181:Network, Warfare History (2019-05-08). 4180: 3089:Military production during World War II 2855: 2405: 1638: 1116:receiver in the ordnance for guidance. 878:defensive presence over the Third Reich 660:, who had been commander of the Allied 10867: 9443: 9421:Romanian prisoners in the Soviet Union 7095:Strategic bombing: aircraft and target 6932:June 2010, Vol. 33 Issue 3, pp 401–435 6679: 6427:Fighter: A History of Fighter Aircraft 6372:The Origins of the Turbojet Revolution 6257:HAP: Henry H. Arnold, Military Aviator 6059:(2009), culture and ideology of flying 5989:(1987) 451 pp., the standard biography 5346: 5264:183, 207, 211; Craven & Cate, 3:47 5069: 4553:Mae Mills Link and Hubert A. Coleman, 4378:Feb 1979, Vol. 48 Issue 1, pp 217–238 4061: 4036: 3986: 3958: 3933: 3907: 3882: 3564:World War II in Europe: the final year 3383:(Moscow, 1970; USAF translation) p. 8 3254:March 1995, Vol. 18 Issue 1, pp 91–144 3166: 2838: 736:British Commonwealth Air Training Plan 596:(b. 1904), and, youngest of them all, 441:supporting electronic warfare aircraft 353:of the RAF flying in formation in 1940 84:downplayed the advantage of fleets of 10292:Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign 9724:Japanese invasion of French Indochina 9370:Italian prisoners in the Soviet Union 9326:Finnish prisoners in the Soviet Union 8431:Rape during the occupation of Germany 7577: 7397: 7271:(10 v, 1976) reprints of some reports 7142:Craven, Wesley Frank and J. L. Cate. 6439:Craven, Wesley Frank and J. L. Cate. 6308:(1987), chapters on Arnold and LeMay. 6199:(1965), autobiography, primary source 6176:Makers of the United States Air Force 6126:Target Ploesti: View from a Bombsight 6006:Craven, Wesley Frank and J. L. Cate. 5941:(Smithsonian Institution Press, 1982) 5934:(2012) 13#4 pp: 23–25. historiography 5798:Rise and Fall of the German Air Force 5697:Official Guide to the Army Air Forces 5575:Craven, Wesley Frank and J. L. Cate. 5293:Rise and Fall of the German Air Force 5242:from the original on 1 September 2016 4527:(Praeger, 2003) pp 93–103; Bergerud, 3977: 3630:(1983) p. 280; Craven and Cate 3:234 3160: 3094:Strategic bombing during World War II 2276:Alexander S. Yakovlev's design bureau 2203:Soviet Air Forces § World War II 2056:Sea planes; recce 88 – 85 2016:France and the Low Countries; Dunkirk 1986: 891:and their replacement, heavily armed 702:Misty Lagoon experimental air station 465:Soviet Air Forces § World War II 437:electronic aids in defence and attack 415:(ADGB) for protecting the UK and the 180: 9414:Polish prisoners in the Soviet Union 8446:Rape during the liberation of France 6778:14 (1990) 97–114. Especially useful. 6648:Allen, Thomas B. and Norman Polmar. 6643:Atomic bomb & surrender of Japan 6637: 6454:Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War 6162:Chennault: Giving Wings to the Tiger 5987:Chennault: Giving Wings to the Tiger 5782:Wood, Derek, and Derek D. Dempster. 5480: 4950: 4837:Wagner, Ray; Nowarra, Heinz (1971). 4328:MacKinnon, Stephen R. (2019-05-24). 4291:Chennault: Giving Wings to the Tiger 4116: 4011: 3832: 3786:Aircraft of the Luftwaffe, 1935–1945 3734: 3307:"Barbarossa to Berlin: A Summing Up" 2156:wings' medium bombers over England, 2080: 1950: 933: 108:bombers. Simultaneously, they built 30:releasing their payloads during the 7144:The Army Air Forces in World War II 7042:(1987), important study 1930s–1960s 6441:The Army Air Forces in World War II 6008:The Army Air Forces in World War II 5734:Hough, Richard and Denis Richards. 5577:The Army Air Forces in World War II 5076:The Army Air Forces in World War II 3857: 3357:Ił-2 Ił-10. Monografie Lotnicze #22 2558:The RAF also developed the use of " 1243: 680: 540:of the U.S. Army Air Forces in 1943 139: 64:, consumed a large fraction of the 13: 9640:German invasion of the Netherlands 7920:Weather events during World War II 7533:Claims to the first powered flight 7338:The Campaigns of the Pacific War. 7054:Soviet Air Force Theory, 1918–1945 7012:Strategic Bombing in World War Two 6425:Batchelor, John and Bryan Cooper. 5953:Soviet Air Force Theory, 1918–1945 5946:Journal of Slavic Military Studies 5645: 4407:Jan 1955, Vol. 81 Issue 1, pp 1–17 3883:Sun, Lianggang; Vlasova, Evgenia. 3740: 3713: 3628:A general's life: an autobiography 3394:Soviet Air Force theory, 1918–1945 2753:Yassy-Kishinev Strategic Offensive 2743:, a much produced flight training 2297:Yassy-Kishinev Strategic Offensive 2248:; 157,000 aircraft were produced. 2209:Western Allied Campaign in Romania 2066:(*: 274 of these on May 10, 1940) 2059:Transports 132 – 286* 1789:satisfactory peace, the Kamikaze. 1541: 1515:dissimilar hit-and-run air-tactics 1287:Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service 1283:Imperial Japanese Army Air Service 1274:warlord air force men and machines 1191:an unending series of engine fires 1102:Kehl-Strasbourg radio control link 1073:on September 9, 1943, against the 946:photo of a Wehrmacht convoy being 162:the bomber will always get through 16:Role of aerial warfare during WWII 14: 10891: 10271:Northern Burma and Western Yunnan 7376: 7319:Read, Anthony, and David Fisher. 7313:, Vol. 13, No. 4, 495–522 (2006) 6962:The Air Plan that Defeated Hitler 4907:Air Power in the Age of Total War 4432:Clayton Chun and Howard Gerrard, 4405:U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, 3549:(1989); Daniel R. ed. Mortensen, 2718:-flown heavy Bf 110G and Me 410A 2601:raid on the American port at Bari 2538:Operational Research and Analysis 2501:to destroy one-third of Cologne. 2460:Operations against Allied convoys 2242:Soviet annual aircraft production 2091:Aircraft of the Battle of Britain 1128:in early 1945, with two separate 675:suppression of enemy air defences 490:Soviet annual aircraft production 233:. The Luftwaffe was deficient in 10831: 7603: 7328:The Journal of Military History, 6859:Markusen, Eric, and David Kopf. 6854:The Journal of Religious Ethics, 6709:Manhattan: The Army and the Bomb 6396:The Journal of Military History, 5937:Hardesty, Von, and V. Hardesty. 5858:Wagner, Ray and Nowarra, Heinz. 5707: 5680: 5474: 5461: 5448: 5435: 5422: 5409: 5386: 5373: 5324: 5311: 5298: 5285: 5276: 5267: 5254: 5224: 5203: 5190: 5181: 5168: 5155: 5139: 5130: 5117: 5108: 5095: 5082: 5072:"I. The North African Campaigns" 5063: 5050: 5027: 5011: 4999: 4944: 4923: 4144:"Dealing with the Japanese Zero" 4119:"日军轰炸重庆的"战果":让中国军民的意志更加坚强_手机网易网" 4086: 3122: 3113: 2816:A quick raid by British aircraft 2695:severe shortage of aviation fuel 1874:, United Kingdom Prime Minister 1209:Failure of German secret weapons 813: 419:for ground offensive support in 399:charged with defence of the UK, 7254:(1989), reprint of 1945 edition 6570:Development of Aircraft Engines 6432:Cooling, Benjamin Franklin ed. 6178:(USAF, 1987), short biographies 5925:Soviet Air Power in World War 2 5759:(HMSO 1953), official history; 5632:", which is licensed under the 5611:", which is licensed under the 5430:Inside the Third Reich: Memoirs 5392:Office of Statistical Control, 4953:The Journal of Military History 4882: 4858: 4845: 4830: 4817: 4804: 4783: 4757: 4732: 4719: 4707: 4694: 4674: 4661: 4648: 4635: 4615: 4603: 4590: 4560: 4547: 4534: 4517: 4504: 4491: 4478: 4465: 4452: 4439: 4426: 4410: 4397: 4384: 4368: 4355: 4340:from the original on 2020-05-03 4321: 4296: 4283: 4267: 4239: 4229: 4199: 4174: 4135: 4110: 4080: 4055: 4030: 4005: 3952: 3927: 3901: 3876: 3851: 3826: 3813: 3804: 3791: 3778: 3775:1977, Vol. 24 Issue 1, pp 20–26 3765: 3718:. oldchinahands. Archived from 3707: 3691:. Archived from 3681: 3659: 3646: 3633: 3620: 3607: 3594: 3569: 3556: 3539: 3526: 3517: 3504: 3491: 3478: 3465: 3452: 3439: 3399: 3386: 3373: 3348: 3281: 3059:, each taken as single events. 2965:Effect of the strategic bombing 2804:German quadruple 20mm flak guns 2787:fighter pilot of World War II. 2689:bomber destroyer models of the 2283:, itself dating from 1935. The 1373:Sino-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact 706:Civilian Pilot Training Program 10518:Vietnamese famine of 1944–1945 8228:Territorial changes of Germany 8136:Indonesian National Revolution 7348:Summary Report: (European War) 7137:The German Home Front, 1939–45 6978:A History of Strategic Bombing 6911:(1977), philosophical approach 6686:. Princeton University Press. 4600:Vol. 13, No. 4, 495–522 (2006) 3908:Little, Michael (2015-10-07). 3421:. Simon and Schuster. p.  3268: 3257: 3244: 3231: 3218: 3205: 3189: 3147: 2619:Destroying the Luftwaffe, 1944 2263:The Soviets relied heavily on 1684:, Guadalcanal in October, 1942 1680:Cactus Air Force warplanes on 1658: 1570:of Japanese cities using B-17 1491:. Tasked with the defense of " 1272:had integrated various former- 518:United States: Army Air Forces 480:of the Soviet Air Forces near 459:Soviet Union: Soviet Air Force 421:the North West Europe campaign 338:History of the Royal Air Force 1: 9918:Japanese invasion of Thailand 9869:Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran 9633:German invasion of Luxembourg 8014:Mediterranean and Middle East 7359:Summary Report: (Pacific War) 6987:, 34 (March 1991) pp 117–41. 6930:Journal of Strategic Studies, 6740:The Making of the Atomic Bomb 6149: 6064:The American Airman in Europe 6024:(1991), prominent black flier 5878:The English Historical Review 5675: 5273:Craven & Cate 3:227, 235 4245: 3835:"The Shanghai Incident, 1932" 3289:International History Review, 3252:Journal of Strategic Studies, 3135: 3057:August 6 & 9 atomic raids 2797:RAF Second Tactical Air Force 2367:North American B-25 Mitchells 1608:during the Battle of Java Sea 1534:under the command of General 1483:commonly referred to as the " 524:United States Army Air Forces 175: 156:developed in the efficacy of 9825:Invasion of the Soviet Union 9514:Occupation of Czechoslovakia 8832:Independent State of Croatia 7047:Journal of Strategic Studies 7019:Journal of Strategic Studies 6824:Journal of Strategic Studies 6768:Journal of Strategic Studies 6094:(1985), leading black pilot. 6035:Francis, Charles E. (1997). 5862:. New York: Doubleday (1971) 5690:(1989) influential overview 5481:Long, Tony (March 9, 2011). 5114:Webster & Franklin, 4:24 4471:Mark Stille and John White, 4303:LIFE MAGAZINE (1942-03-30). 4206:LoProto, Mark (2018-04-09). 4043:Biplane Fighter Aces - China 3993:Biplane Fighter Aces - China 3965:Biplane Fighter Aces - China 3940:Biplane Fighter Aces - China 3140: 3000:lost several thousand dead. 2948:Oil Campaign of World War II 2564:largest bomb used in the war 2236:At the outbreak of the war, 2193:Invasion of the Soviet Union 1699: 995:Some forces, especially the 749: 469:Eastern Front (World War II) 413:Air Defence of Great Britain 266:oil campaign of World War II 261:escort fighters after 1943. 58:all theaters of World War II 7: 10809:End of World War II in Asia 10649:Western invasion of Germany 10156:Chinese famine of 1942–1943 10133:Second Battle of El Alamein 9703:Hundred Regiments Offensive 9675:Battle of the Mediterranean 9528:Italian invasion of Albania 7702:Air warfare of World War II 7538:Air warfare of World War II 7078:Journal of American History 6916:Strategic bombing: doctrine 6878:Journal of American History 6750:Hiroshima: The World's Bomb 6718:, 156 (Summer 1993): 35–45. 6702:Hiroshima After Forty Years 6680:Gordin, Michael D. (2009). 6669:, 74 (Jan–Feb 1995) 135–52. 5666:Journal of American History 5630:Air warfare of World War II 5332:Journal of Military History 4740:Journal of Military History 4667:quoted in Norman Friedman, 4142:O'Connell, John F. (2016). 4062:Goebel, Greg (2020-11-01). 4012:红岩春秋, 编辑 杨文钊 (2020-08-15). 3916:. with Andy Chan, John Gong 3523:Craven and Cate, 2:250, 253 3062: 2790: 1983:of the battle in progress. 1911:was dropped on the city of 1792: 1423:targets in Sichuan province 1270:Republic of China Air Force 1261:expanded into the Pacific. 1141:German bombers and missiles 1049:, with its development team 804: 166:Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress 10: 10896: 10735:Naval bombardment of Japan 10103:First Battle of El Alamein 10022:Battle of Christmas Island 9967:Japanese invasion of Burma 9731:Italian invasion of Greece 9647:German invasion of Belgium 9619:German invasion of Denmark 9592:1939–1940 Winter Offensive 9461:Second Italo-Ethiopian War 7725:Comparative military ranks 7210:(1988), Japanese viewpoint 6527:Mortensen. Daniel R. ed. 6012:6: Men and Planes; vol 7. 5805:American Historical Review 5790: 5505: 5136:Craven & Cate, 3:43–6 5074:, in Craven; Cate (eds.), 5070:Mayock, Thomas J. (1949), 4376:Pacific Historical Review, 3833:Matt, P. E. (2015-02-07). 2945: 2794: 2610: 2509:British technical advances 2409: 2398: 2392: 2290:Chief Marshal of Aviation 2206: 2196: 2084: 1990: 1981:common operational picture 1900:. On August 6, 1945, the " 1863: 1815:in a suicide dive against 1796: 1722: 1719:Strategic bombing of Japan 1662: 1406: 1330:Datangshan Aviation Museum 1144: 1063:precision-guided munitions 1014: 997:United States Marine Corps 694:Royal Australian Air Force 521: 462: 335: 217:. Under the leadership of 184: 10824: 10656:Bratislava–Brno offensive 10596: 10587:Dutch famine of 1944–1945 10324: 10211:Allied invasion of Sicily 10165: 10071:Aleutian Islands campaign 10043:Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign 9990: 9981:Greek famine of 1941–1944 9876:Second Battle of Changsha 9781:German invasion of Greece 9749: 9626:Battle of Zaoyang–Yichang 9601: 9539: 9434: 9315: 9041: 8951: 8799: 8502: 8493: 8251: 8076: 7968:North and Central Pacific 7929: 7691: 7684: 7611: 7565:Aviation timelines navbox 7561: 7525: 7477: 7431: 6265:Air Power and Air Warfare 5973: 5967:Air Power and Air Warfare 5898:Air Power and Air Warfare 5755:Richards, Dennis, et al. 5334:(April 1993), 57:301–323 4812:The air battle of Dunkirk 4418:Pacific Historical Review 4064:"The Mitsubishi A6M Zero" 3355:Michulec, Robert (1999). 3100:Victory Through Air Power 3038:—as initiated by General 2251:In the first few days of 1532:Boeing B-29 Superfortress 1126:China-Burma-India theatre 1069:armor-piercing anti-ship 662:Mediterranean Air Command 433:target marking techniques 417:Second Tactical Air Force 56:was a major component in 24:Boeing B-29 Superfortress 10880:Aviation in World War II 10248:Allied invasion of Italy 10225:Solomon Islands campaign 9974:Third Battle of Changsha 9571:First Battle of Changsha 9477:Second Sino-Japanese War 8417:German military brothels 8283:United States war crimes 7512:Unmanned aerial vehicles 7295:Mierzejewski, Alfred C. 6895:Air Power and War Rights 6800:Central European History 6732:18 (Fall 1993): 154–201 6155:Air Commanders: American 5887: 5821:(1985), standard history 5652:Citizendium bibliography 5445:(2011) pp. 148, 174, 178 5347:Levine, Alan J. (1992). 5024:(2003) 10#4 pp: 448–463. 4864:Lonnie O. Ratley, III, " 4117:网易历史, 张世东 (2018-10-20). 3291:vol 9#1 1999, pp 626–664 3106: 3069:Aviation in World War II 2781:Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub 2769:Royal Romanian Air Force 2313:Royal Romanian Air Force 2244:outstripped that of the 2050:Fighters 1,273 – 1,175 1898:Allied invasion of Japan 1775:dropped by 247 B-29s. A 1562:Japanese air war 1941–42 1239:Second Sino-Japanese War 1098:Allied invasion of Italy 1047:Bat anti-ship glide bomb 609:Combined Chiefs of Staff 534:Consolidated Liberator I 332:Britain: Royal Air Force 203:of the Luftwaffe in 1941 10670:Second Guangxi campaign 10525:Philippines (1944–1945) 10029:Battle of the Coral Sea 9932:Fall of the Philippines 9578:Battle of South Guangxi 9484:Battles of Khalkhin Gol 8890:Italian Social Republic 7257:Johnsen, Frederick A. 7127:excerpt and text search 7109:B-29: The Superfortress 6872:excerpt and text search 6826:(March 1991) 14:90–111. 6754:excerpt and text search 6744:excerpt and text search 6725:10 (Fall 1985): 121–40. 6370:Constant II, Edward W. 6355:Scientists Against Time 6353:Baxter, James Phinney. 6274:(2002), primary source; 5948:(1988) 1#2 pp: 188–212. 5911: 5686:Futtrel, Robert Frank. 5467:Hugh Trevor-Roper, ed. 5308:(2005) pp. 257–84. 5282:Craven & Cate 3:272 3304:Hardesty, Von (1991) . 2992:Typical bomb damage in 2898:surface-to-air missiles 2882:air-to-surface missiles 2584:Allied landing at Anzio 2476: 2401:Western Desert Campaign 2383:anti-aircraft artillery 2355:Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawks 2053:Bombers 2,164 – 454 1969:anti-aircraft artillery 1646:Battle of the Coral Sea 1592: 1315:Battle of South Guangxi 1224:anti-aircraft artillery 843:Anti-aircraft artillery 668:Doctrine and technology 494:Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily 488:By the end of the war, 10255:Armistice of Cassibile 10057:Battle of Dutch Harbor 10008:Battle of the Java Sea 9911:Attack on Pearl Harbor 9811:Syria–Lebanon campaign 9804:Battle of South Shanxi 9774:Invasion of Yugoslavia 9557:Battle of the Atlantic 9171:Korean Liberation Army 8884:(until September 1943) 8841:(until September 1944) 8819:(until September 1944) 7454:Between the World Wars 7368:Westermann, Edward B. 7267:MacIsaac, David, ed. 7148:vol. 6: Men and Planes 7028:(1984), defends Harris 6985:The Historical Journal 6902:Inside the Third Reich 6793:Ethics & civilians 6742:(1986), good overview 6730:International Security 6723:International Security 6659:(Spring 1991) 149–173 6657:International Security 6445:vol. 6: Men and Planes 6398:57 (July 1993): 5–38. 6329:(1984), defends Harris 6227:(1949), autobiography. 6218:HAP Arnold and Stimson 6202:Meilinger, Phillip S. 6185:(1949), primary source 6174:Frisbee, John L., ed. 5796:British Air Ministry. 5745:(1984), defends Harris 5657:Ehlers, Robert S. Jr. 5536:The Air War, 1939–1945 5417:The Air War: 1939–1945 5304:Edward B. Westermann, 5291:British Air Ministry, 5196:McFarland and Newton, 5056:Ehlers, Robert S. Jr. 4905:Buckley, John (1999). 4742:(1995) 59#1 pp: 53–76. 4682:Critical Asian Studies 3343:The Air War: 1939–1945 3276:The Air War, 1939–1945 3226:The Third Reich at War 3155:The Air War: 1939–1945 3084:Battle of the Atlantic 3052:Operation Meetinghouse 3025: 2996: 2981: 2728:heavily armed Fw 190As 2656: 2648: 2568:Möhne and Edersee Dams 2497: 2389:North Africa 1940–1943 2338: 2233: 2127: 2119: 2005: 1979:; a system that had a 1948: 1823: 1755:Operation Meetinghouse 1685: 1614:Battle of the Java Sea 1609: 1551: 1479: 1461:attack on Pearl Harbor 1397:Soviet Volunteer Group 1332: 1104:: a joystick-equipped 1058: 1050: 1038: 955: 914:(1940), when its fast 857: 834: 768: 727:after 102 operations, 697: 546:attack on Pearl Harbor 541: 485: 381: 354: 207:The Luftwaffe was the 204: 134:Imperial Japanese Navy 124:also built a powerful 50: 32:Burma campaign in 1945 10419:Second Battle of Guam 10315:Bengal famine of 1943 10285:Second Battle of Kiev 10241:Battle of the Dnieper 9946:Battle of Wake Island 9818:East African campaign 9760:Battle of South Henan 9405:atrocities by Germans 9178:Korean Volunteer Army 8159:Occupation of Germany 7913:Music in World War II 7439:Early flying machines 7390:, 4000 short articles 7288:Middlebrook, Martin. 6849:28 (May 1966): 451–73 6829:Garrett, Stephen A., 6760:The Invasion of Japan 6592:Warnock, A. Timothy. 6320:Air Commanders: Other 5932:Historically Speaking 5736:The Battle of Britain 5699:(1944), reprinted as 5609:World War II, air war 5187:Craven and Cate 3:664 5008:, p. 253 (Appendixes) 4965:10.1353/jmh.2007.0206 4877:Air University Review 4684:2005 37(4): 569–596. 4574:. PBS. Archived from 4187:The National Interest 3545:Richard P. Hallion, 3196:Stephen Lee McFarland 3173:Air University Review 3019: 2994:Hamburg, Germany 1945 2991: 2979: 2654: 2642: 2577:Mediterranean theatre 2549:de Havilland Mosquito 2487: 2329: 2227: 2140:Messerschmitt Bf 109E 2125: 2117: 2000: 1944: 1810: 1679: 1600: 1549: 1469: 1453:Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" 1429:under the codenames " 1327: 1303:Battle of Taierzhuang 1056: 1044: 1032: 941: 870:from British aviators 855: 821: 762: 755:Airfield construction 688: 594:Elwood "Pete" Queseda 554:Franklin D. Roosevelt 538:Curtiss P-40 Warhawks 531: 476: 375: 351:Supermarine Spitfires 345: 194: 68:of the major powers. 62:anti-aircraft warfare 22: 10705:Surrender of Germany 10183:Battle of West Hubei 10140:Guadalcanal campaign 10110:Battle of Stalingrad 10036:Battle of Madagascar 8810:Albania protectorate 8597:(formerly Swaziland) 8306:Wehrmacht war crimes 8122:Expulsion of Germans 7906:Art and World War II 7804:British contribution 7753:Governments in exile 7162:Daniels, Gordon ed. 7116:Fire and the Air War 7086:Werrell, Kenneth P. 7061:The Bomber Offensive 7024:Messenger, Charles, 6965:. Arno Press; 1980. 6959:Haywood S. Hansell. 6837:Havens, Thomas R. H. 6602:Werrell, Kenneth P. 6479:Hallion, Richard P. 6469:Hallion, Richard P. 6404:Neufeld, Michael J. 6325:Messenger, Charles. 6234:1997 4(2): 174–212. 6107:Morrison, Wilbur H. 5817:Murray, Williamson. 5774:The Bomber Offensive 5761:vol 3 online edition 5741:Messenger, Charles, 5585:Golberg, Alfred ed. 5541:Murray, Williamson. 5489:. Condé Nast Digital 5419:(1980) p 122–25 5103:Fighters Over Russia 4888:Christer Bergström, 4810:Norman L.R. Franks, 4725:Richard Hargreaves, 4037:Gustavsson, Hakans. 3987:Gustavsson, Hakans. 3959:Gustavsson, Hakans. 3934:Gustavsson, Hakans. 3858:Hui, Samuel (2019). 3773:Aerospace Historian, 3652:Robert Lee Sherrod, 3241:Volume: 51#2 (2004). 2874:Messerschmitt Me 262 2856:Strategic operations 2777:3rd Ukrainian Fronts 2666:Messerschmitt Bf 110 2449:Field Manual 100–20, 2422:Dwight D. Eisenhower 2406:North Africa 1942–43 2351:Bell P-63 Kingcobras 2347:Bell P-39 Airacobras 2321:3rd Ukrainian Fronts 2281:Messerschmitt Bf 109 2258:Operation Barbarossa 2253:Operation Barbarossa 2214:Operation Barbarossa 2148:Supermarine Spitfire 2033:Battle for The Hague 1665:Guadalcanal Campaign 1639:Coral Sea and Midway 1489:Claire Lee Chennault 1409:Bombing of Chongqing 1387:fighters as well as 1345:Curtiss A-12 Shrikes 954:P-51 Mustang in 1945 740:Article XV squadrons 631:Dwight D. Eisenhower 567:Army Chief of Staff 498:Operation Barbarossa 323:jet fighter and the 251:Messerschmitt Me 262 197:Messerschmitt Bf 109 10795:Potsdam Declaration 10684:Italy (Spring 1945) 10447:Liberation of Paris 9904:Siege of Sevastopol 8922:(until August 1944) 8825:Wang Jingwei regime 8647:from September 1943 8607:from September 1944 8545:from September 1944 8405:Romanian war crimes 8396:Persecution of Jews 8382:Croatian war crimes 8352:Japanese war crimes 8166:Occupation of Japan 8115:First Indochina War 7827:Military production 7739:Declarations of war 7425:History of aviation 7281:Madej, Victor. ed. 7274:Madej, Victor. ed. 7244:Jablonsky, Edward. 7227:Haulman, Daniel L. 7114:Bond, Horatio, ed. 7049:13 (Mar 1990) 67–83 6942:Griffith, Charles. 6817:"Evolution of U.S. 6781:Walker, J. Samuel. 6700:Holley, I. B., ed. 6568:Schlaifer, Robert. 6499:Lundstrom, John B. 6350:67 (2008): 461–496. 6188:Leary, William ed. 6090:McGovern, James R. 6020:Davis, Benjamin O. 5163:Strategy for Defeat 4879:(March–April 1983). 4625:1996 43(1): 14–27. 3914:Disciples of Flight 3784:Jean-Denis Lepage, 3741:Newman, Michael E. 3562:Charles F. Brower, 3211:Williamson Murray, 2845:Battle of the Bulge 2839:Battle of the Bulge 2716:Zerstörergeschwader 2515:Battle of the Beams 2359:Douglas A-20 Havocs 2228:A destroyed Soviet 2186:RAF Coastal Command 1977:command and control 1884:Potsdam Declaration 1278:Second United Front 1075:Italian battleship 893:Focke-Wulf Fw 190A 880:of the Luftwaffe's 605:Theodore von Karmen 550:U.S. Army Air Corps 405:RAF Coastal Command 397:RAF Fighter Command 148:. Italian theorist 128:component based on 110:tactical air forces 60:and, together with 40:to have ever used a 10788:Surrender of Japan 10621:Battle of Iwo Jima 10470:Belgrade offensive 9883:Siege of Leningrad 9767:Battle of Shanggao 9696:British Somaliland 9661:Dunkirk evacuation 9612:Norwegian campaign 9550:Invasion of Poland 9377:Japanese prisoners 8345:Italian war crimes 8276:British war crimes 8191:Soviet occupations 7975:South-West Pacific 7862:Allied cooperation 7820:Military equipment 7365:key primary source 7354:key primary source 7321:The Fall of Berlin 7169:Davis, Richard G. 7059:Verrier, Anthony. 7033:Why the Allies Won 7004:2012-07-16 at the 6886:Schaffer, Ronald. 6776:Diplomatic History 6748:Rotter, Andrew J. 6707:Jones, Vincent C. 6513:Mikesh, Robert C. 6452:Francillon, R. J. 6377:Longmate, Norman. 6270:Huston, John W., 6255:Davis, Richard G. 6197:Mission with LeMay 6181:Kenney, George C. 6167:Davis, Richard G. 6097:Miller, Donald L. 6071:The British Airman 5772:Verrier, Anthony. 5668:73 (1986) 702–713 5636:but not under the 5615:but not under the 5534:Overy, Richard J. 5403:2012-03-26 at the 5381:Why the Allies Won 5044:2009-03-25 at the 4871:2014-09-25 at the 4578:on 13 October 2007 4510:Richard B. Frank, 4484:Gordon W. Prange, 4390:Brian P. Farrell, 4275:American Quarterly 4212:Visit Pearl Harbor 3695:on January 6, 2020 3613:Steven J. Zaloga, 3484:Eric M. Bergerud, 3458:Thomas M. Coffey, 3274:Richard J. Overy, 3264:Expansion at Last" 3224:Richard J. Evans, 3044:B-29 Superfortress 3026: 2997: 2982: 2934:, and also of the 2918:ballistic missiles 2657: 2649: 2645:Lichtenstein radar 2498: 2339: 2234: 2174:air defence system 2142:, and the British 2128: 2120: 2101:Operation Sea Lion 2006: 1993:Invasion of Poland 1987:Invasion of Poland 1936:surrender of Japan 1888:Potsdam Conference 1824: 1725:Air raids on Japan 1686: 1610: 1552: 1480: 1470:Xu Jixiang of the 1427:cat and mouse game 1333: 1266:Battle of Shanghai 1229:Operation Crossbow 1059: 1051: 1039: 956: 858: 835: 810:support missions. 786:United States Navy 769: 698: 569:George C. Marshall 542: 486: 401:RAF Bomber Command 382: 355: 287:during the Allied 245:systems for their 205: 181:Germany: Luftwaffe 51: 10862: 10861: 10820: 10819: 10663:Battle of Okinawa 10562:Burma (1944–1945) 10396:Mariana and Palau 10176:Tunisian campaign 10001:Fall of Singapore 9925:Fall of Hong Kong 9668:Battle of Britain 9521:Operation Himmler 9430: 9429: 9094:Dutch East Indies 8737:Southern Rhodesia 8489: 8488: 8389:Genocide of Serbs 8292:German war crimes 8269:Soviet war crimes 8262:Allied war crimes 8108:Division of Korea 8087:Chinese Civil War 7885:Strategic bombing 7797:Manhattan Project 7571: 7570: 7553:Women in aviation 7490:Aviation medicine 7464:Post-World War II 7213:Hansen, Randall. 7121:Boog, Horst, ed. 7056:(Routledge, 2007) 7052:Sterrett, James. 7038:Sherry, Michael. 7035:(1995), pp 101–33 7021:10 (1987) 189–208 7010:MacIsaac, David. 6971:978-0-405-12178-4 6954:978-1-4289-9131-6 6937:Air Power History 6921:Boog, Horst, ed. 6907:Walzer, Michael. 6880:67 (1980) 318–34 6815:Crane, Conrad C. 6808:Crane, Conrad C. 6738:Rhodes, Richard. 6693:978-1-4008-2410-6 6638:Strategic bombing 6575:Sherrod, Robert. 6434:Close Air Support 6384:Moye, William T. 6223:Arnold, Henry H. 6114:Nanney, James S. 6076:Hawkins, Ian ed. 6055:Francis, Martin. 6048:978-0-8283-2029-0 6041:. Branden Books. 6027:Dunn, William R. 5999:Caine, Philip D. 5958:Wagner, Ray, ed. 5955:(Routledge, 2007) 5951:Sterrett, James. 5713:Fisher, David E, 5592:Bungay, Stephen. 5519:Cheung, Raymond. 5512:Boog, Horst, ed. 5441:Mark Clodfelter, 5152:(2006) pp 159–256 5123:George Southern, 5037:(1949) pp 41–165 4929:Ray Wagner, ed., 4851:Hermann Plocher, 4700:John Ray Skates, 4654:Robin L. Rielly, 4623:Air Power History 4486:Miracle at Midway 4148:Air Power History 3587:978-1-85367-712-0 3497:Stanley Sandler, 3445:Alfred Goldberg. 3432:978-0-684-83771-0 3379:A. A. Sidorenko, 3239:Air Power History 3079:Battle of Britain 2977: 2812:Panzer Group West 2691:Focke-Wulf Fw 190 2589:Salerno beachhead 2554:Operation Jericho 2363:Hawker Hurricanes 2292:Alexander Novikov 2238:Soviet Air Forces 2182:RAF bomber forces 2087:Battle of Britain 2081:Battle of Britain 2071:Battle of Dunkirk 2041:Battle of Britain 1957:Spanish Civil War 1951:Europe, 1939–1941 1923:atomic bomb over 1876:Winston Churchill 1828:Battle of Okinawa 1572:strategic bombers 1413:With the fall of 1299:Battle of Taiyuan 1295:Battle of Nanking 984:J. Lawton Collins 960:close air support 934:Close air support 912:Battle of Britain 900:bomber destroyers 831:Focke-Wulf Fw 190 655:Air Chief Marshal 627:Douglas MacArthur 453:Overlord Invasion 347:Hawker Hurricanes 325:Mitsubishi Shusui 289:Operation Frantic 223:Spanish Civil War 158:strategic bombing 130:aircraft carriers 93:strategic bombing 86:strategic bombers 66:industrial output 28:strategic bombers 10887: 10855: 10848: 10841: 10838:World portal 10836: 10835: 10811: 10804: 10797: 10790: 10781: 10774: 10767: 10758: 10751: 10744: 10737: 10730: 10723: 10714: 10707: 10700: 10698:Prague offensive 10693: 10691:Battle of Berlin 10686: 10679: 10672: 10665: 10658: 10651: 10644: 10637: 10635:Vienna offensive 10630: 10623: 10616: 10614:Battle of Manila 10609: 10589: 10580: 10571: 10564: 10555: 10548: 10541: 10534: 10527: 10520: 10513: 10504: 10495: 10488: 10479: 10472: 10465: 10458: 10449: 10442: 10435: 10428: 10421: 10414: 10407: 10398: 10391: 10382: 10373: 10364: 10357: 10355:Korsun–Cherkassy 10350: 10339: 10317: 10308: 10301: 10294: 10287: 10280: 10273: 10266: 10257: 10250: 10243: 10236: 10227: 10220: 10213: 10206: 10199: 10197:Bombing of Gorky 10192: 10185: 10178: 10158: 10151: 10142: 10135: 10128: 10119: 10112: 10105: 10098: 10087: 10080: 10073: 10066: 10064:Battle of Midway 10059: 10052: 10050:Battle of Gazala 10045: 10038: 10031: 10024: 10017: 10010: 10003: 9983: 9976: 9969: 9962: 9960:Battle of Borneo 9955: 9953:Malayan campaign 9948: 9941: 9934: 9927: 9920: 9913: 9906: 9899: 9897:Bombing of Gorky 9892: 9890:Battle of Moscow 9885: 9878: 9871: 9864: 9857: 9850: 9834: 9827: 9820: 9813: 9806: 9799: 9790: 9783: 9776: 9769: 9762: 9742: 9733: 9726: 9719: 9712: 9705: 9698: 9691: 9684: 9677: 9670: 9663: 9656: 9654:Battle of France 9649: 9642: 9635: 9628: 9621: 9614: 9594: 9587: 9580: 9573: 9566: 9559: 9552: 9530: 9523: 9516: 9509: 9507:Munich Agreement 9502: 9495: 9486: 9479: 9472: 9463: 9456: 9441: 9440: 9423: 9416: 9407: 9400: 9393: 9392:Soviet prisoners 9386: 9379: 9372: 9363: 9356: 9347: 9340: 9333: 9332:German prisoners 9328: 9308: 9299: 9292: 9285: 9280: 9273: 9266: 9259: 9252: 9245: 9238: 9231: 9224: 9217: 9210: 9203: 9196: 9189: 9180: 9173: 9166: 9159: 9152: 9145: 9138: 9131: 9124: 9117: 9110: 9103: 9096: 9089: 9082: 9075: 9068: 9061: 9054: 9034: 9027: 9020: 9013: 9006: 8999: 8992: 8985: 8978: 8971: 8964: 8944: 8937: 8930: 8923: 8915: 8908: 8901: 8892: 8885: 8877: 8870: 8868:French Indochina 8863: 8856: 8849: 8842: 8834: 8827: 8820: 8812: 8792: 8783: 8776: 8767: 8760: 8753: 8746: 8739: 8732: 8725: 8718: 8715:from August 1944 8706: 8699: 8692: 8685: 8678: 8671: 8664: 8657: 8650: 8638: 8631: 8624: 8617: 8610: 8598: 8590: 8583: 8576: 8569: 8562: 8555: 8548: 8536: 8529: 8522: 8515: 8500: 8499: 8480: 8473: 8466: 8459: 8452: 8441: 8426: 8419: 8412: 8407: 8398: 8391: 8384: 8375: 8368: 8361: 8359:Nanjing Massacre 8354: 8347: 8338: 8336:Nuremberg trials 8329: 8322: 8315: 8308: 8301: 8294: 8285: 8278: 8271: 8264: 8244: 8237: 8230: 8221: 8214: 8207: 8200: 8193: 8186: 8177: 8168: 8161: 8154: 8147: 8138: 8131: 8124: 8117: 8110: 8103: 8096: 8089: 8069: 8060: 8053: 8046: 8037: 8030: 8023: 8016: 8007: 8000: 7993: 7984: 7977: 7970: 7963: 7956: 7949: 7942: 7940:Asia and Pacific 7922: 7915: 7908: 7901: 7894: 7887: 7880: 7871: 7869:Mulberry harbour 7864: 7857: 7850: 7843: 7836: 7829: 7822: 7815: 7806: 7799: 7792: 7783: 7776: 7769: 7762: 7755: 7748: 7741: 7734: 7727: 7720: 7711: 7704: 7689: 7688: 7677: 7670: 7661: 7654: 7647: 7640: 7633: 7626: 7619: 7598: 7591: 7584: 7575: 7574: 7418: 7411: 7404: 7395: 7394: 7302:Pape, Robert A. 7203: 7197: 7189: 7187: 7186: 7180: 7176:"online edition" 6993:Levine, Alan J. 6976:Kennett, Lee B. 6866:Overy, Richard. 6697: 6633: 6627: 6619: 6617: 6616: 6609:"online edition" 6582:Spire, David N. 6558: 6552: 6544: 6542: 6541: 6534:"online edition" 6411:Swords, Seán S. 6332:Overy, Richard. 6311:Malloy, Sean L. 6304:Larrabee, Eric. 6301: 6295: 6287: 6285: 6284: 6248:Coffey, Thomas. 6124:Newby, Leroy W. 6069:Freeman, Roger. 6062:Freeman, Roger. 6052: 5851:Overy, Richard. 5848: 5842: 5834: 5832: 5831: 5824:"online edition" 5810:Galland, Adolf. 5765:Terraine, John. 5752:(2001) 192 pages 5748:Overy, Richard. 5572: 5566: 5558: 5556: 5555: 5548:"online edition" 5499: 5498: 5496: 5494: 5478: 5472: 5465: 5459: 5454:Richard Overy, 5452: 5446: 5439: 5433: 5432:(1970) pp 278–91 5426: 5420: 5413: 5407: 5396:(1945) table 34 5390: 5384: 5377: 5371: 5370: 5354: 5344: 5338: 5328: 5322: 5315: 5309: 5302: 5296: 5289: 5283: 5280: 5274: 5271: 5265: 5258: 5252: 5251: 5249: 5247: 5238:. 12 June 2006. 5228: 5222: 5207: 5201: 5194: 5188: 5185: 5179: 5172: 5166: 5159: 5153: 5143: 5137: 5134: 5128: 5121: 5115: 5112: 5106: 5101:Manfred Griehl, 5099: 5093: 5086: 5080: 5079: 5067: 5061: 5054: 5048: 5031: 5025: 5015: 5009: 5003: 4997: 4991: 4985: 4984: 4948: 4942: 4927: 4921: 4920: 4902: 4893: 4886: 4880: 4862: 4856: 4849: 4843: 4842: 4834: 4828: 4823:Stephen Bungay, 4821: 4815: 4808: 4802: 4801: 4799: 4797: 4787: 4781: 4780: 4778: 4776: 4767:. Archived from 4761: 4755: 4752: 4743: 4736: 4730: 4723: 4717: 4711: 4705: 4698: 4692: 4678: 4672: 4665: 4659: 4652: 4646: 4639: 4633: 4619: 4613: 4607: 4601: 4594: 4588: 4587: 4585: 4583: 4564: 4558: 4551: 4545: 4538: 4532: 4521: 4515: 4508: 4502: 4495: 4489: 4482: 4476: 4469: 4463: 4458:H. P. Willmott, 4456: 4450: 4445:H. P. Willmott, 4443: 4437: 4430: 4424: 4414: 4408: 4401: 4395: 4388: 4382: 4372: 4366: 4361:Herman S. Wolk, 4359: 4353: 4352: 4346: 4345: 4325: 4319: 4318: 4316: 4315: 4300: 4294: 4287: 4281: 4271: 4265: 4264: 4259: 4258: 4243: 4237: 4233: 4227: 4226: 4224: 4223: 4214:. Archived from 4203: 4197: 4196: 4194: 4193: 4178: 4172: 4171: 4139: 4133: 4132: 4130: 4129: 4114: 4108: 4107: 4105: 4104: 4095:. Archived from 4084: 4078: 4077: 4075: 4074: 4059: 4053: 4052: 4050: 4049: 4034: 4028: 4027: 4025: 4024: 4009: 4003: 4002: 4000: 3999: 3984: 3975: 3974: 3972: 3971: 3956: 3950: 3949: 3947: 3946: 3931: 3925: 3924: 3922: 3921: 3905: 3899: 3898: 3896: 3895: 3880: 3874: 3873: 3871: 3870: 3855: 3849: 3848: 3846: 3845: 3830: 3824: 3817: 3811: 3808: 3802: 3795: 3789: 3782: 3776: 3769: 3763: 3762: 3760: 3758: 3753:on April 2, 2015 3738: 3732: 3731: 3729: 3727: 3722:on March 6, 2012 3711: 3705: 3704: 3702: 3700: 3685: 3679: 3678: 3676: 3674: 3663: 3657: 3650: 3644: 3639:Brendan Phibbs, 3637: 3631: 3624: 3618: 3611: 3605: 3598: 3592: 3591: 3573: 3567: 3560: 3554: 3543: 3537: 3530: 3524: 3521: 3515: 3508: 3502: 3495: 3489: 3482: 3476: 3475:(2004) pp 206–55 3469: 3463: 3456: 3450: 3443: 3437: 3436: 3420: 3403: 3397: 3396:(2007) pp 86–131 3392:James Sterrett, 3390: 3384: 3377: 3371: 3370: 3352: 3346: 3339: 3330: 3329: 3309: 3301: 3292: 3285: 3279: 3272: 3266: 3261: 3255: 3248: 3242: 3235: 3229: 3222: 3216: 3209: 3203: 3193: 3187: 3186: 3185: 3184: 3175:, archived from 3164: 3158: 3151: 3129: 3126: 3120: 3117: 2978: 2726:formations with 2560:earthquake bombs 2426:Lloyd Fredendall 2416:Tunisia Campaign 2395:Desert Air Force 2144:Hawker Hurricane 2004:diving procedure 1973:fighter aircraft 1929:Emperor Hirohito 1906:enriched uranium 1694:Cactus Air Force 1653:Battle of Midway 1349:Curtiss Hawk IIs 1337:Boeing Model 281 1311:Battle of Canton 1254:air-interdiction 1244:China, 1937–1944 952:Balkan Air Force 920:Hawker Hurricane 829:shooting down a 744:No. 6 Group RCAF 722:Leonard Cheshire 692:trainers of the 681:Aircrew training 562:Robert A. Lovett 502:Battle of Berlin 390:No. 6 Group RCAF 308:Junkers Jumo 222 304:Junkers Jumo 004 281:Poltava Air Base 170:Norden bombsight 140:Pre-war planning 10895: 10894: 10890: 10889: 10888: 10886: 10885: 10884: 10865: 10864: 10863: 10858: 10851: 10844: 10830: 10828: 10816: 10807: 10800: 10793: 10786: 10777: 10770: 10763: 10754: 10749:Atomic bombings 10747: 10740: 10733: 10726: 10719: 10710: 10703: 10696: 10689: 10682: 10675: 10668: 10661: 10654: 10647: 10640: 10633: 10626: 10619: 10612: 10605: 10592: 10585: 10574: 10567: 10560: 10551: 10544: 10537: 10530: 10523: 10516: 10507: 10498: 10491: 10482: 10475: 10468: 10461: 10452: 10445: 10440:Eastern Romania 10438: 10433:Warsaw Uprising 10431: 10426:Tannenberg Line 10424: 10417: 10412:Western Ukraine 10410: 10401: 10394: 10385: 10376: 10367: 10360: 10353: 10342: 10333: 10320: 10313: 10304: 10297: 10290: 10283: 10276: 10269: 10262: 10253: 10246: 10239: 10230: 10223: 10216: 10209: 10204:Battle of Kursk 10202: 10195: 10188: 10181: 10174: 10161: 10154: 10145: 10138: 10131: 10122: 10115: 10108: 10101: 10092: 10083: 10076: 10069: 10062: 10055: 10048: 10041: 10034: 10027: 10020: 10015:St Nazaire Raid 10013: 10006: 9999: 9986: 9979: 9972: 9965: 9958: 9951: 9944: 9937: 9930: 9923: 9916: 9909: 9902: 9895: 9888: 9881: 9874: 9867: 9860: 9853: 9839: 9830: 9823: 9816: 9809: 9802: 9797:Anglo-Iraqi War 9795: 9788:Battle of Crete 9786: 9779: 9772: 9765: 9758: 9745: 9736: 9729: 9722: 9717:Eastern Romania 9715: 9708: 9701: 9694: 9687: 9680: 9673: 9666: 9659: 9652: 9645: 9638: 9631: 9624: 9617: 9610: 9597: 9590: 9583: 9576: 9569: 9562: 9555: 9548: 9535: 9526: 9519: 9512: 9505: 9498: 9491: 9482: 9475: 9468: 9459: 9452: 9426: 9419: 9412: 9403: 9396: 9391: 9382: 9375: 9368: 9359: 9352: 9343: 9336: 9331: 9324: 9311: 9304: 9295: 9288: 9283: 9278:Western Ukraine 9276: 9269: 9262: 9255: 9248: 9241: 9234: 9227: 9222:Northeast China 9220: 9213: 9206: 9199: 9192: 9185: 9176: 9169: 9162: 9155: 9148: 9141: 9134: 9127: 9120: 9113: 9106: 9099: 9092: 9085: 9078: 9071: 9064: 9057: 9050: 9037: 9030: 9023: 9016: 9009: 9002: 8995: 8988: 8981: 8974: 8967: 8960: 8947: 8940: 8933: 8928:Slovak Republic 8926: 8918: 8911: 8904: 8899:Empire of Japan 8897: 8888: 8880: 8873: 8866: 8859: 8852: 8845: 8837: 8830: 8823: 8815: 8808: 8795: 8788: 8779: 8772: 8763: 8756: 8749: 8742: 8735: 8728: 8721: 8709: 8702: 8695: 8688: 8681: 8674: 8667: 8660: 8653: 8641: 8634: 8627: 8620: 8613: 8601: 8593: 8586: 8579: 8572: 8565: 8558: 8551: 8539: 8532: 8525: 8518: 8511: 8485: 8476: 8469: 8462: 8455: 8444: 8429: 8422: 8415: 8411:Sexual violence 8410: 8403: 8394: 8387: 8380: 8371: 8364: 8357: 8350: 8343: 8334: 8325: 8318: 8311: 8304: 8297: 8290: 8281: 8274: 8267: 8260: 8247: 8240: 8233: 8226: 8217: 8210: 8203: 8196: 8189: 8180: 8171: 8164: 8157: 8150: 8141: 8134: 8129:Greek Civil War 8127: 8120: 8113: 8106: 8099: 8092: 8085: 8072: 8065: 8056: 8049: 8042: 8033: 8026: 8019: 8012: 8003: 7996: 7989: 7980: 7973: 7966: 7959: 7954:South-East Asia 7952: 7945: 7938: 7925: 7918: 7911: 7904: 7897: 7890: 7883: 7876: 7867: 7860: 7853: 7846: 7839: 7832: 7825: 7818: 7813:Military awards 7811: 7802: 7795: 7788: 7779: 7772: 7765: 7758: 7751: 7744: 7737: 7730: 7723: 7716: 7707: 7700: 7680: 7673: 7666: 7657: 7650: 7643: 7638: 7629: 7622: 7615: 7607: 7602: 7572: 7567: 7557: 7521: 7478:Topic histories 7473: 7427: 7422: 7379: 7246:Flying Fortress 7220:Hastings, Max. 7191: 7190: 7184: 7182: 7178: 7174: 7135:Charman, T. C. 7097: 7069:Wells, Mark K. 7063:(1968), British 7006:Wayback Machine 6989:online at JSTOR 6939:39 (1989) 33–45 6918: 6900:Speer, Alfred. 6893:Spaight, J. M. 6795: 6694: 6672:Feis, Herbert. 6667:Foreign Affairs 6645: 6640: 6621: 6620: 6614: 6612: 6607: 6546: 6545: 6539: 6537: 6532: 6459:Gruen, Adam L. 6422: 6343: 6322: 6289: 6288: 6282: 6280: 6277:"vol. 1 online" 6275: 6220: 6209:Mets, David R. 6195:LeMay, Curtis. 6157: 6152: 6049: 5976: 5923:Gordon, Yefim. 5914: 5890: 5865:Wilt, Alan F. ( 5836: 5835: 5829: 5827: 5822: 5793: 5776:(1969), British 5710: 5683: 5678: 5648: 5646:Further reading 5599: 5596:(2nd ed., 2010) 5560: 5559: 5553: 5551: 5546: 5529:978 14728 05614 5508: 5503: 5502: 5492: 5490: 5479: 5475: 5466: 5462: 5458:(2014) pp 306–7 5453: 5449: 5440: 5436: 5427: 5423: 5414: 5410: 5405:Wayback Machine 5391: 5387: 5383:(1997) pp 2, 20 5379:Richard Overy, 5378: 5374: 5367: 5345: 5341: 5329: 5325: 5316: 5312: 5303: 5299: 5290: 5286: 5281: 5277: 5272: 5268: 5259: 5255: 5245: 5243: 5230: 5229: 5225: 5208: 5204: 5195: 5191: 5186: 5182: 5173: 5169: 5160: 5156: 5144: 5140: 5135: 5131: 5122: 5118: 5113: 5109: 5100: 5096: 5087: 5083: 5068: 5064: 5055: 5051: 5046:Wayback Machine 5032: 5028: 5016: 5012: 5004: 5000: 4992: 4988: 4949: 4945: 4928: 4924: 4917: 4903: 4896: 4887: 4883: 4873:Wayback Machine 4863: 4859: 4850: 4846: 4835: 4831: 4822: 4818: 4809: 4805: 4795: 4793: 4789: 4788: 4784: 4774: 4772: 4763: 4762: 4758: 4753: 4746: 4737: 4733: 4724: 4720: 4712: 4708: 4699: 4695: 4679: 4675: 4666: 4662: 4653: 4649: 4640: 4636: 4620: 4616: 4608: 4604: 4595: 4591: 4581: 4579: 4566: 4565: 4561: 4552: 4548: 4542:Fire in the Sky 4539: 4535: 4529:Fire in the Sky 4522: 4518: 4509: 4505: 4496: 4492: 4483: 4479: 4470: 4466: 4457: 4453: 4444: 4440: 4431: 4427: 4415: 4411: 4402: 4398: 4389: 4385: 4373: 4369: 4360: 4356: 4343: 4341: 4326: 4322: 4313: 4311: 4301: 4297: 4288: 4284: 4272: 4268: 4256: 4254: 4244: 4240: 4234: 4230: 4221: 4219: 4204: 4200: 4191: 4189: 4179: 4175: 4140: 4136: 4127: 4125: 4115: 4111: 4102: 4100: 4085: 4081: 4072: 4070: 4060: 4056: 4047: 4045: 4035: 4031: 4022: 4020: 4010: 4006: 3997: 3995: 3985: 3978: 3969: 3967: 3957: 3953: 3944: 3942: 3932: 3928: 3919: 3917: 3906: 3902: 3893: 3891: 3881: 3877: 3868: 3866: 3856: 3852: 3843: 3841: 3831: 3827: 3818: 3814: 3809: 3805: 3796: 3792: 3783: 3779: 3770: 3766: 3756: 3754: 3739: 3735: 3725: 3723: 3712: 3708: 3698: 3696: 3687: 3686: 3682: 3672: 3670: 3665: 3664: 3660: 3651: 3647: 3638: 3634: 3625: 3621: 3612: 3608: 3600:Ian Gooderson, 3599: 3595: 3588: 3574: 3570: 3561: 3557: 3544: 3540: 3534:Fire in the Sky 3531: 3527: 3522: 3518: 3512:Fire in the Sky 3509: 3505: 3496: 3492: 3483: 3479: 3471:Eric Larrabee, 3470: 3466: 3457: 3453: 3444: 3440: 3433: 3407:Walter Isaacson 3404: 3400: 3391: 3387: 3378: 3374: 3367: 3353: 3349: 3340: 3333: 3326: 3302: 3295: 3286: 3282: 3273: 3269: 3262: 3258: 3249: 3245: 3236: 3232: 3223: 3219: 3210: 3206: 3194: 3190: 3182: 3180: 3165: 3161: 3152: 3148: 3143: 3138: 3133: 3132: 3127: 3123: 3118: 3114: 3109: 3065: 3040:Curtis E. LeMay 3029:Joseph Goebbels 3020:Results of the 2969: 2967: 2954: 2944: 2928:their designers 2908:cruise missiles 2858: 2841: 2799: 2793: 2741:Polikarpov Po-2 2724:Gefechtsverband 2626:Jimmy Doolittle 2621: 2613: 2579: 2511: 2479: 2462: 2418: 2412:Operation Torch 2408: 2403: 2397: 2391: 2371:Spitfire Mk.Vbs 2211: 2205: 2197:Main articles: 2195: 2153:Kampfgeschwader 2136:Heinkel He 111s 2105:Royal Air Force 2097: 2085:Main articles: 2083: 2075:Royal Air Force 2037:the Netherlands 2018: 2010:Fieseler Storch 1995: 1989: 1953: 1880:Chiang Kai-shek 1872:Harry S. Truman 1868: 1862: 1801: 1795: 1727: 1721: 1702: 1682:Henderson Field 1667: 1661: 1641: 1595: 1564: 1544: 1542:Pacific air war 1472:17th PS, 5th PG 1449:air-burst bombs 1411: 1405: 1377:Polikarpov I-15 1369:Northrop Gammas 1361:Heinkel He 111s 1307:Battle of Wuhan 1259:Empire of Japan 1246: 1241: 1211: 1165: 1145:Main articles: 1143: 1094:Henschel Hs 293 1027: 1025:Henschel Hs 293 1015:Main articles: 1013: 964:Operation Cobra 936: 898:forces used as 862:Jimmy Doolittle 816: 807: 799:the Pacific war 757: 752: 683: 670: 635:Jimmy Doolittle 590:Hoyt Vandenberg 586:Jimmy Doolittle 577:Henry H. Arnold 526: 520: 471: 463:Main articles: 461: 340: 334: 312:Heinkel HeS 011 189: 183: 178: 142: 114:air superiority 112:that could win 95:. By contrast, 17: 12: 11: 5: 10893: 10883: 10882: 10877: 10860: 10859: 10857: 10856: 10849: 10842: 10825: 10822: 10821: 10818: 10817: 10815: 10814: 10813: 10812: 10805: 10798: 10784: 10783: 10782: 10768: 10765:South Sakhalin 10761: 10760: 10759: 10745: 10738: 10731: 10724: 10717: 10716: 10715: 10701: 10694: 10687: 10680: 10673: 10666: 10659: 10652: 10645: 10638: 10631: 10624: 10617: 10610: 10602: 10600: 10594: 10593: 10591: 10590: 10583: 10582: 10581: 10565: 10558: 10557: 10556: 10542: 10535: 10528: 10521: 10514: 10505: 10496: 10489: 10480: 10473: 10466: 10459: 10450: 10443: 10436: 10429: 10422: 10415: 10408: 10399: 10392: 10383: 10374: 10365: 10358: 10351: 10340: 10330: 10328: 10322: 10321: 10319: 10318: 10311: 10310: 10309: 10302: 10288: 10281: 10274: 10267: 10260: 10259: 10258: 10244: 10237: 10228: 10221: 10214: 10207: 10200: 10193: 10190:Battle of Attu 10186: 10179: 10171: 10169: 10163: 10162: 10160: 10159: 10152: 10143: 10136: 10129: 10120: 10113: 10106: 10099: 10090: 10089: 10088: 10081: 10067: 10060: 10053: 10046: 10039: 10032: 10025: 10018: 10011: 10004: 9996: 9994: 9988: 9987: 9985: 9984: 9977: 9970: 9963: 9956: 9949: 9942: 9939:Battle of Guam 9935: 9928: 9921: 9914: 9907: 9900: 9893: 9886: 9879: 9872: 9865: 9862:Battle of Kiev 9858: 9851: 9837: 9836: 9835: 9821: 9814: 9807: 9800: 9793: 9792: 9791: 9777: 9770: 9763: 9755: 9753: 9747: 9746: 9744: 9743: 9734: 9727: 9720: 9713: 9706: 9699: 9692: 9685: 9678: 9671: 9664: 9657: 9650: 9643: 9636: 9629: 9622: 9615: 9607: 9605: 9599: 9598: 9596: 9595: 9588: 9581: 9574: 9567: 9560: 9553: 9545: 9543: 9537: 9536: 9534: 9533: 9532: 9531: 9524: 9517: 9510: 9503: 9489: 9488: 9487: 9480: 9466: 9465: 9464: 9449: 9447: 9438: 9432: 9431: 9428: 9427: 9425: 9424: 9417: 9410: 9409: 9408: 9401: 9389: 9388: 9387: 9373: 9366: 9365: 9364: 9361:United Kingdom 9357: 9350: 9349: 9348: 9329: 9321: 9319: 9313: 9312: 9310: 9309: 9302: 9301: 9300: 9293: 9281: 9274: 9267: 9260: 9253: 9246: 9239: 9232: 9225: 9218: 9211: 9204: 9197: 9190: 9183: 9182: 9181: 9174: 9160: 9153: 9146: 9139: 9132: 9125: 9118: 9111: 9104: 9097: 9090: 9083: 9076: 9069: 9062: 9055: 9047: 9045: 9039: 9038: 9036: 9035: 9028: 9021: 9014: 9007: 9000: 8993: 8986: 8979: 8972: 8965: 8957: 8955: 8949: 8948: 8946: 8945: 8938: 8931: 8924: 8916: 8909: 8902: 8895: 8894: 8893: 8878: 8871: 8864: 8857: 8850: 8843: 8835: 8828: 8821: 8813: 8805: 8803: 8797: 8796: 8794: 8793: 8786: 8785: 8784: 8770: 8769: 8768: 8765:British Empire 8758:United Kingdom 8754: 8747: 8740: 8733: 8726: 8719: 8707: 8700: 8693: 8686: 8679: 8672: 8665: 8658: 8651: 8639: 8632: 8625: 8618: 8611: 8599: 8591: 8584: 8577: 8574:Czechoslovakia 8570: 8563: 8556: 8549: 8537: 8530: 8523: 8516: 8508: 8506: 8497: 8491: 8490: 8487: 8486: 8484: 8483: 8482: 8481: 8474: 8471:Rape of Manila 8467: 8460: 8453: 8442: 8427: 8420: 8408: 8401: 8400: 8399: 8392: 8378: 8377: 8376: 8369: 8362: 8348: 8341: 8340: 8339: 8332: 8331: 8330: 8323: 8309: 8302: 8288: 8287: 8286: 8279: 8272: 8257: 8255: 8249: 8248: 8246: 8245: 8242:United Nations 8238: 8231: 8224: 8223: 8222: 8215: 8208: 8201: 8187: 8178: 8169: 8162: 8155: 8148: 8139: 8132: 8125: 8118: 8111: 8104: 8101:Decolonization 8097: 8090: 8082: 8080: 8074: 8073: 8071: 8070: 8063: 8062: 8061: 8047: 8040: 8039: 8038: 8031: 8024: 8010: 8009: 8008: 8001: 7987: 7986: 7985: 7978: 7971: 7964: 7957: 7950: 7935: 7933: 7927: 7926: 7924: 7923: 7916: 7909: 7902: 7895: 7888: 7881: 7874: 7873: 7872: 7865: 7851: 7844: 7837: 7830: 7823: 7816: 7809: 7808: 7807: 7793: 7786: 7785: 7784: 7777: 7774:United Kingdom 7770: 7756: 7749: 7742: 7735: 7728: 7721: 7714: 7713: 7712: 7697: 7695: 7686: 7682: 7681: 7679: 7678: 7671: 7664: 7663: 7662: 7655: 7648: 7636: 7635: 7634: 7620: 7612: 7609: 7608: 7601: 7600: 7593: 7586: 7578: 7569: 7568: 7562: 7559: 7558: 7556: 7555: 7550: 7545: 7540: 7535: 7529: 7527: 7523: 7522: 7520: 7519: 7509: 7504: 7503: 7502: 7492: 7487: 7481: 7479: 7475: 7474: 7472: 7471: 7466: 7461: 7456: 7451: 7446: 7441: 7435: 7433: 7429: 7428: 7421: 7420: 7413: 7406: 7398: 7392: 7391: 7385: 7378: 7377:External links 7375: 7374: 7373: 7366: 7363:online edition 7355: 7352:online edition 7344: 7342:Online edition 7334: 7324: 7317: 7315:online at Sage 7311:War in History 7307: 7300: 7293: 7286: 7279: 7272: 7265: 7255: 7249: 7242: 7235: 7233:online edition 7225: 7222:Bomber Command 7218: 7211: 7206:Edoin, Hoito. 7204: 7167: 7160: 7155:Cross, Robin. 7153: 7151:online edition 7140: 7133: 7131:online edition 7119: 7112: 7107:Berger, Carl. 7105: 7100:Beck, Earl R. 7096: 7093: 7092: 7091: 7084: 7074: 7067: 7064: 7057: 7050: 7043: 7036: 7029: 7022: 7015: 7008: 6999:online edition 6991: 6981: 6974: 6957: 6940: 6933: 6926: 6917: 6914: 6913: 6912: 6905: 6898: 6891: 6884: 6874: 6864: 6857: 6850: 6843: 6834: 6827: 6820: 6813: 6806: 6794: 6791: 6790: 6789: 6787:online excerpt 6779: 6772: 6763: 6758:Skates, John. 6756: 6746: 6736: 6726: 6719: 6712: 6705: 6698: 6692: 6677: 6670: 6663: 6653: 6644: 6641: 6639: 6636: 6635: 6634: 6600: 6598:online edition 6590: 6588:online edition 6580: 6573: 6566: 6559: 6525: 6518: 6511: 6504: 6497: 6491: 6484: 6477: 6475:online edition 6467: 6465:online edition 6457: 6450: 6448:online edition 6437: 6430: 6421: 6418: 6417: 6416: 6409: 6402: 6392: 6390:online version 6382: 6375: 6368: 6366:online excerpt 6360:Brown, Louis. 6358: 6351: 6342: 6339: 6338: 6337: 6330: 6321: 6318: 6317: 6316: 6309: 6302: 6268: 6267:(1979) 168–85. 6261:online edition 6253: 6246: 6232:War in History 6228: 6225:Global Mission 6219: 6216: 6215: 6214: 6207: 6200: 6193: 6186: 6179: 6172: 6165: 6164:(1987) 451 pp. 6160:Byrd, Martha. 6156: 6153: 6151: 6148: 6147: 6146: 6144:online edition 6138:Osur, Alan M. 6136: 6131:Nichol, John. 6129: 6122: 6120:online edition 6112: 6105: 6095: 6088: 6081: 6074: 6067: 6060: 6053: 6047: 6032: 6025: 6018: 6016:online edition 6004: 5997: 5992:Ford, Daniel. 5990: 5985:Byrd, Martha. 5983: 5975: 5972: 5971: 5970: 5963: 5956: 5949: 5942: 5935: 5928: 5921: 5913: 5910: 5909: 5908: 5901: 5894:Coox, Alvin D. 5889: 5886: 5885: 5884: 5874: 5863: 5856: 5849: 5815: 5808: 5801: 5792: 5789: 5788: 5787: 5780: 5777: 5770: 5763: 5753: 5746: 5739: 5732: 5722:Air Enthusiast 5718: 5709: 5706: 5705: 5704: 5694: 5692:online edition 5682: 5679: 5677: 5674: 5673: 5672: 5662: 5647: 5644: 5643: 5642: 5621: 5598: 5597: 5590: 5583: 5581:online edition 5573: 5539: 5532: 5517: 5509: 5507: 5504: 5501: 5500: 5473: 5460: 5447: 5434: 5428:Albert Speer, 5421: 5408: 5385: 5372: 5365: 5339: 5323: 5310: 5297: 5284: 5275: 5266: 5253: 5223: 5202: 5189: 5180: 5167: 5154: 5138: 5129: 5116: 5107: 5094: 5088:Max Hastings, 5081: 5062: 5049: 5026: 5022:War in History 5010: 4998: 4996:, p. 135. 4986: 4959:(3): 773–808. 4943: 4922: 4915: 4894: 4881: 4857: 4844: 4829: 4816: 4814:(Kimber, 1983) 4803: 4782: 4756: 4744: 4731: 4718: 4706: 4693: 4673: 4660: 4647: 4634: 4614: 4602: 4598:War in History 4589: 4559: 4546: 4544:p 344–49. 4533: 4516: 4503: 4490: 4477: 4464: 4451: 4438: 4425: 4409: 4396: 4383: 4367: 4354: 4320: 4295: 4282: 4266: 4238: 4228: 4198: 4173: 4134: 4109: 4087:Chai, George. 4079: 4054: 4029: 4018:上游新闻 - 汇聚向上的力量 4004: 3976: 3951: 3926: 3900: 3875: 3850: 3839:Pacific Eagles 3825: 3819:T. D. Dungan, 3812: 3803: 3790: 3777: 3764: 3733: 3706: 3680: 3658: 3645: 3632: 3626:Omar Bradley, 3619: 3606: 3593: 3586: 3568: 3555: 3538: 3525: 3516: 3503: 3490: 3477: 3464: 3451: 3438: 3431: 3398: 3385: 3372: 3365: 3347: 3331: 3324: 3293: 3280: 3267: 3256: 3243: 3230: 3217: 3204: 3188: 3159: 3145: 3144: 3142: 3139: 3137: 3134: 3131: 3130: 3121: 3111: 3110: 3108: 3105: 3104: 3103: 3096: 3091: 3086: 3081: 3076: 3071: 3064: 3061: 2966: 2963: 2952:Transport Plan 2943: 2940: 2857: 2854: 2840: 2837: 2836: 2835: 2814:headquarters. 2792: 2789: 2620: 2617: 2612: 2609: 2578: 2575: 2510: 2507: 2494:Voronezh Front 2478: 2475: 2461: 2458: 2407: 2404: 2393:Main article: 2390: 2387: 2272:Yakovlev Yak-1 2194: 2191: 2166:Dowding system 2082: 2079: 2064: 2063: 2060: 2057: 2054: 2051: 2017: 2014: 1991:Main article: 1988: 1985: 1952: 1949: 1921:plutonium core 1864:Main article: 1861: 1858: 1837: 1836: 1797:Main article: 1794: 1791: 1786: 1785: 1723:Main article: 1720: 1717: 1716: 1715: 1701: 1698: 1663:Main article: 1660: 1657: 1640: 1637: 1632:Doolittle Raid 1618:raid on Darwin 1594: 1591: 1587:Doolittle Raid 1563: 1560: 1543: 1540: 1501:(Myanmar) and 1444:Schnellbombers 1419:Hubei province 1407:Main article: 1404: 1401: 1245: 1242: 1240: 1237: 1210: 1207: 1183:Heinkel He 177 1163:Amerika Bomber 1155:Heinkel He 177 1142: 1139: 1130:B-24 Liberator 1090:Dornier Do 217 1012: 1009: 1004:Hawker Typhoon 993: 992: 980: 979: 935: 932: 889:heavy fighters 882:Jagdgeschwader 827:Hawker Typhoon 815: 812: 806: 803: 756: 753: 751: 748: 682: 679: 669: 666: 522:Main article: 519: 516: 478:Ilyushin Il-2s 460: 457: 378:Billy Strachan 336:Main article: 333: 330: 321:Nakajima Kikka 277:Heinkel He 177 255:Heinkel He 162 247:night fighters 219:Hermann Göring 211:branch of the 209:aerial warfare 185:Main article: 182: 179: 177: 174: 141: 138: 43:nuclear weapon 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10892: 10881: 10878: 10876: 10873: 10872: 10870: 10854: 10850: 10847: 10843: 10840: 10839: 10834: 10827: 10826: 10823: 10810: 10806: 10803: 10799: 10796: 10792: 10791: 10789: 10785: 10780: 10776: 10775: 10773: 10772:Kuril Islands 10769: 10766: 10762: 10757: 10753: 10752: 10750: 10746: 10743: 10739: 10736: 10732: 10729: 10725: 10722: 10718: 10713: 10709: 10708: 10706: 10702: 10699: 10695: 10692: 10688: 10685: 10681: 10678: 10674: 10671: 10667: 10664: 10660: 10657: 10653: 10650: 10646: 10643: 10639: 10636: 10632: 10629: 10625: 10622: 10618: 10615: 10611: 10608: 10604: 10603: 10601: 10599: 10595: 10588: 10584: 10579: 10578: 10573: 10572: 10570: 10566: 10563: 10559: 10554: 10550: 10549: 10547: 10543: 10540: 10539:Syrmian Front 10536: 10533: 10529: 10526: 10522: 10519: 10515: 10512: 10511: 10506: 10503: 10502: 10497: 10494: 10490: 10487: 10486: 10485:Market Garden 10481: 10478: 10474: 10471: 10467: 10464: 10460: 10457: 10456: 10451: 10448: 10444: 10441: 10437: 10434: 10430: 10427: 10423: 10420: 10416: 10413: 10409: 10406: 10405: 10400: 10397: 10393: 10390: 10389: 10384: 10381: 10380: 10375: 10372: 10371: 10366: 10363: 10359: 10356: 10352: 10349: 10345: 10344:Monte Cassino 10341: 10338: 10337: 10332: 10331: 10329: 10327: 10323: 10316: 10312: 10307: 10303: 10300: 10296: 10295: 10293: 10289: 10286: 10282: 10279: 10275: 10272: 10268: 10265: 10261: 10256: 10252: 10251: 10249: 10245: 10242: 10238: 10235: 10234: 10229: 10226: 10222: 10219: 10215: 10212: 10208: 10205: 10201: 10198: 10194: 10191: 10187: 10184: 10180: 10177: 10173: 10172: 10170: 10168: 10164: 10157: 10153: 10150: 10149: 10144: 10141: 10137: 10134: 10130: 10127: 10126: 10121: 10118: 10114: 10111: 10107: 10104: 10100: 10097: 10096: 10091: 10086: 10082: 10079: 10075: 10074: 10072: 10068: 10065: 10061: 10058: 10054: 10051: 10047: 10044: 10040: 10037: 10033: 10030: 10026: 10023: 10019: 10016: 10012: 10009: 10005: 10002: 9998: 9997: 9995: 9993: 9989: 9982: 9978: 9975: 9971: 9968: 9964: 9961: 9957: 9954: 9950: 9947: 9943: 9940: 9936: 9933: 9929: 9926: 9922: 9919: 9915: 9912: 9908: 9905: 9901: 9898: 9894: 9891: 9887: 9884: 9880: 9877: 9873: 9870: 9866: 9863: 9859: 9856: 9852: 9848: 9847: 9842: 9838: 9833: 9829: 9828: 9826: 9822: 9819: 9815: 9812: 9808: 9805: 9801: 9798: 9794: 9789: 9785: 9784: 9782: 9778: 9775: 9771: 9768: 9764: 9761: 9757: 9756: 9754: 9752: 9748: 9741: 9740: 9735: 9732: 9728: 9725: 9721: 9718: 9714: 9711: 9710:Baltic states 9707: 9704: 9700: 9697: 9693: 9690: 9686: 9683: 9679: 9676: 9672: 9669: 9665: 9662: 9658: 9655: 9651: 9648: 9644: 9641: 9637: 9634: 9630: 9627: 9623: 9620: 9616: 9613: 9609: 9608: 9606: 9604: 9600: 9593: 9589: 9586: 9582: 9579: 9575: 9572: 9568: 9565: 9561: 9558: 9554: 9551: 9547: 9546: 9544: 9542: 9538: 9529: 9525: 9522: 9518: 9515: 9511: 9508: 9504: 9501: 9497: 9496: 9494: 9490: 9485: 9481: 9478: 9474: 9473: 9471: 9467: 9462: 9458: 9457: 9455: 9451: 9450: 9448: 9446: 9442: 9439: 9437: 9433: 9422: 9418: 9415: 9411: 9406: 9402: 9399: 9395: 9394: 9390: 9385: 9381: 9380: 9378: 9374: 9371: 9367: 9362: 9358: 9355: 9354:United States 9351: 9346: 9342: 9341: 9339: 9335: 9334: 9330: 9327: 9323: 9322: 9320: 9318: 9314: 9307: 9303: 9298: 9294: 9291: 9290:Quốc dân Đảng 9287: 9286: 9282: 9279: 9275: 9272: 9268: 9265: 9261: 9258: 9254: 9251: 9247: 9244: 9240: 9237: 9233: 9230: 9226: 9223: 9219: 9216: 9212: 9209: 9205: 9202: 9198: 9195: 9191: 9188: 9184: 9179: 9175: 9172: 9168: 9167: 9165: 9161: 9158: 9154: 9151: 9147: 9144: 9140: 9137: 9133: 9130: 9126: 9123: 9119: 9116: 9112: 9109: 9105: 9102: 9098: 9095: 9091: 9088: 9084: 9081: 9077: 9074: 9070: 9067: 9063: 9060: 9056: 9053: 9049: 9048: 9046: 9044: 9040: 9033: 9029: 9026: 9022: 9019: 9015: 9012: 9008: 9005: 9001: 8998: 8994: 8991: 8990:Liechtenstein 8987: 8984: 8980: 8977: 8973: 8970: 8966: 8963: 8959: 8958: 8956: 8954: 8950: 8943: 8939: 8936: 8932: 8929: 8925: 8921: 8917: 8914: 8910: 8907: 8903: 8900: 8896: 8891: 8887: 8886: 8883: 8879: 8876: 8872: 8869: 8865: 8862: 8858: 8855: 8851: 8848: 8844: 8840: 8836: 8833: 8829: 8826: 8822: 8818: 8814: 8811: 8807: 8806: 8804: 8802: 8798: 8791: 8787: 8782: 8778: 8777: 8775: 8774:United States 8771: 8766: 8762: 8761: 8759: 8755: 8752: 8748: 8745: 8741: 8738: 8734: 8731: 8727: 8724: 8720: 8716: 8712: 8708: 8705: 8701: 8698: 8694: 8691: 8687: 8684: 8680: 8677: 8673: 8670: 8666: 8663: 8659: 8656: 8652: 8648: 8644: 8640: 8637: 8633: 8630: 8626: 8623: 8619: 8616: 8612: 8608: 8604: 8600: 8596: 8592: 8589: 8585: 8582: 8578: 8575: 8571: 8568: 8564: 8561: 8557: 8554: 8550: 8546: 8542: 8538: 8535: 8531: 8528: 8524: 8521: 8517: 8514: 8510: 8509: 8507: 8505: 8501: 8498: 8496: 8492: 8479: 8475: 8472: 8468: 8465: 8464:Comfort women 8461: 8458: 8454: 8451: 8448: / 8447: 8443: 8440: 8437: / 8436: 8433: / 8432: 8428: 8425: 8424:Camp brothels 8421: 8418: 8414: 8413: 8409: 8406: 8402: 8397: 8393: 8390: 8386: 8385: 8383: 8379: 8374: 8370: 8367: 8363: 8360: 8356: 8355: 8353: 8349: 8346: 8342: 8337: 8333: 8328: 8324: 8321: 8317: 8316: 8314: 8313:The Holocaust 8310: 8307: 8303: 8300: 8299:forced labour 8296: 8295: 8293: 8289: 8284: 8280: 8277: 8273: 8270: 8266: 8265: 8263: 8259: 8258: 8256: 8254: 8250: 8243: 8239: 8236: 8232: 8229: 8225: 8220: 8216: 8213: 8209: 8206: 8202: 8199: 8195: 8194: 8192: 8188: 8185: 8184: 8179: 8176: 8175: 8170: 8167: 8163: 8160: 8156: 8153: 8152:Marshall Plan 8149: 8146: 8145: 8140: 8137: 8133: 8130: 8126: 8123: 8119: 8116: 8112: 8109: 8105: 8102: 8098: 8095: 8091: 8088: 8084: 8083: 8081: 8079: 8075: 8068: 8064: 8059: 8055: 8054: 8052: 8048: 8045: 8041: 8036: 8032: 8029: 8025: 8022: 8018: 8017: 8015: 8011: 8006: 8005:Eastern Front 8002: 7999: 7998:Western Front 7995: 7994: 7992: 7988: 7983: 7979: 7976: 7972: 7969: 7965: 7962: 7958: 7955: 7951: 7948: 7944: 7943: 7941: 7937: 7936: 7934: 7932: 7928: 7921: 7917: 7914: 7910: 7907: 7903: 7900: 7896: 7893: 7892:Puppet states 7889: 7886: 7882: 7879: 7875: 7870: 7866: 7863: 7859: 7858: 7856: 7852: 7849: 7845: 7842: 7838: 7835: 7834:Naval history 7831: 7828: 7824: 7821: 7817: 7814: 7810: 7805: 7801: 7800: 7798: 7794: 7791: 7787: 7782: 7781:United States 7778: 7775: 7771: 7768: 7764: 7763: 7761: 7757: 7754: 7750: 7747: 7743: 7740: 7736: 7733: 7729: 7726: 7722: 7719: 7715: 7710: 7706: 7705: 7703: 7699: 7698: 7696: 7694: 7690: 7687: 7683: 7676: 7672: 7669: 7665: 7660: 7656: 7653: 7649: 7646: 7642: 7641: 7637: 7632: 7628: 7627: 7625: 7621: 7618: 7614: 7613: 7610: 7606: 7599: 7594: 7592: 7587: 7585: 7580: 7579: 7576: 7566: 7560: 7554: 7551: 7549: 7548:Mars aircraft 7546: 7544: 7541: 7539: 7536: 7534: 7531: 7530: 7528: 7524: 7517: 7513: 7510: 7508: 7505: 7501: 7498: 7497: 7496: 7493: 7491: 7488: 7486: 7483: 7482: 7480: 7476: 7470: 7467: 7465: 7462: 7460: 7457: 7455: 7452: 7450: 7447: 7445: 7442: 7440: 7437: 7436: 7434: 7432:Chronological 7430: 7426: 7419: 7414: 7412: 7407: 7405: 7400: 7399: 7396: 7389: 7386: 7384: 7381: 7380: 7371: 7367: 7364: 7360: 7356: 7353: 7349: 7345: 7343: 7339: 7335: 7333: 7329: 7325: 7322: 7318: 7316: 7312: 7308: 7305: 7301: 7298: 7294: 7291: 7287: 7284: 7280: 7277: 7273: 7270: 7266: 7264: 7260: 7256: 7253: 7250: 7247: 7243: 7240: 7237:Hecks, Karl. 7236: 7234: 7230: 7226: 7223: 7219: 7216: 7212: 7209: 7205: 7201: 7195: 7177: 7172: 7168: 7165: 7161: 7158: 7154: 7152: 7149: 7145: 7141: 7138: 7134: 7132: 7128: 7124: 7120: 7117: 7113: 7110: 7106: 7103: 7099: 7098: 7089: 7085: 7083: 7079: 7075: 7072: 7068: 7065: 7062: 7058: 7055: 7051: 7048: 7044: 7041: 7037: 7034: 7030: 7027: 7023: 7020: 7016: 7013: 7009: 7007: 7003: 7000: 6996: 6992: 6990: 6986: 6982: 6979: 6975: 6972: 6968: 6964: 6963: 6958: 6955: 6951: 6947: 6946: 6941: 6938: 6934: 6931: 6927: 6924: 6920: 6919: 6910: 6906: 6903: 6899: 6897:(1947), legal 6896: 6892: 6889: 6885: 6883: 6879: 6875: 6873: 6869: 6865: 6862: 6858: 6855: 6851: 6848: 6847:The Historian 6844: 6841: 6838: 6835: 6832: 6828: 6825: 6821: 6818: 6814: 6811: 6807: 6805: 6801: 6797: 6796: 6788: 6784: 6780: 6777: 6773: 6770: 6769: 6764: 6761: 6757: 6755: 6751: 6747: 6745: 6741: 6737: 6735: 6731: 6727: 6724: 6720: 6717: 6716:World Affairs 6713: 6710: 6706: 6703: 6699: 6695: 6689: 6685: 6684: 6678: 6675: 6671: 6668: 6664: 6662: 6658: 6654: 6651: 6647: 6646: 6631: 6625: 6610: 6605: 6601: 6599: 6595: 6591: 6589: 6585: 6581: 6578: 6574: 6571: 6567: 6564: 6560: 6556: 6550: 6535: 6530: 6526: 6523: 6519: 6516: 6512: 6509: 6505: 6502: 6498: 6495: 6492: 6489: 6485: 6482: 6478: 6476: 6472: 6468: 6466: 6462: 6458: 6455: 6451: 6449: 6446: 6442: 6438: 6435: 6431: 6428: 6424: 6423: 6414: 6410: 6407: 6403: 6401: 6397: 6393: 6391: 6387: 6383: 6380: 6376: 6373: 6369: 6367: 6363: 6359: 6356: 6352: 6349: 6345: 6344: 6335: 6331: 6328: 6324: 6323: 6314: 6310: 6307: 6303: 6299: 6293: 6278: 6273: 6269: 6266: 6262: 6259:(1997) 38 pp 6258: 6254: 6251: 6247: 6245: 6241: 6237: 6233: 6229: 6226: 6222: 6221: 6212: 6208: 6205: 6201: 6198: 6194: 6191: 6187: 6184: 6180: 6177: 6173: 6170: 6166: 6163: 6159: 6158: 6145: 6141: 6137: 6134: 6130: 6127: 6123: 6121: 6117: 6113: 6110: 6106: 6104: 6100: 6096: 6093: 6089: 6086: 6082: 6079: 6075: 6072: 6068: 6065: 6061: 6058: 6054: 6050: 6044: 6040: 6039: 6033: 6030: 6026: 6023: 6019: 6017: 6013: 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2805: 2798: 2788: 2786: 2782: 2778: 2774: 2770: 2766: 2762: 2758: 2754: 2750: 2746: 2742: 2736: 2732: 2729: 2725: 2721: 2717: 2713: 2709: 2708:air supremacy 2705: 2699: 2696: 2692: 2688: 2683: 2679: 2675: 2674:Junkers Ju 88 2671: 2667: 2663: 2653: 2646: 2641: 2637: 2635: 2631: 2627: 2616: 2608: 2606: 2602: 2596: 2594: 2590: 2585: 2574: 2571: 2569: 2565: 2561: 2556: 2555: 2550: 2545: 2543: 2539: 2534: 2532: 2528: 2524: 2520: 2516: 2506: 2502: 2496:, 1 July 1943 2495: 2491: 2486: 2482: 2474: 2471: 2467: 2457: 2455: 2454:air supremacy 2450: 2444: 2440: 2438: 2437:Arthur Tedder 2433: 2431: 2430:George Patton 2427: 2423: 2417: 2413: 2402: 2396: 2386: 2384: 2379: 2376: 2375:friendly fire 2372: 2368: 2364: 2360: 2356: 2352: 2348: 2344: 2336: 2335:Night Witches 2332: 2331:Irina Sebrova 2328: 2324: 2322: 2318: 2314: 2310: 2306: 2302: 2298: 2293: 2288: 2286: 2282: 2277: 2273: 2269: 2266: 2265:Ilyushin Il-2 2261: 2259: 2254: 2249: 2247: 2243: 2239: 2231: 2226: 2222: 2220: 2215: 2210: 2204: 2200: 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839:air supremacy 832: 828: 824: 820: 814:Air supremacy 811: 802: 800: 795: 791: 787: 781: 779: 773: 766: 761: 747: 745: 741: 737: 732: 730: 729:"Willie" Tait 726: 723: 719: 716: 710: 707: 703: 695: 691: 687: 678: 676: 665: 663: 659: 658:Arthur Tedder 656: 652: 646: 642: 640: 636: 632: 628: 623: 621: 616: 612: 610: 606: 601: 599: 595: 591: 587: 583: 578: 574: 570: 565: 563: 559: 555: 551: 547: 539: 535: 530: 525: 515: 512: 510: 507: 506:Ilyushin Il-2 503: 499: 495: 491: 483: 479: 475: 470: 466: 456: 454: 449: 444: 442: 438: 434: 430: 424: 422: 418: 414: 410: 409:Fleet Air Arm 406: 402: 398: 393: 391: 387: 379: 374: 370: 368: 364: 358: 352: 348: 344: 339: 329: 326: 322: 316: 313: 309: 305: 301: 297: 292: 290: 286: 282: 278: 274: 273:Walther Wever 269: 267: 262: 260: 256: 252: 248: 244: 240: 236: 232: 231:United States 228: 224: 220: 216: 215: 210: 202: 201:Junkers Ju 87 198: 193: 188: 173: 171: 167: 163: 159: 155: 151: 150:Giulio Douhet 147: 137: 135: 132:, as did the 131: 127: 123: 119: 115: 111: 107: 102: 101:United States 98: 94: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 71: 67: 63: 59: 55: 48: 44: 41: 37: 33: 29: 25: 21: 10846:Bibliography 10829: 10642:Project Hula 10607:Vistula–Oder 10576: 10509: 10500: 10484: 10454: 10403: 10387: 10378: 10369: 10335: 10232: 10147: 10123: 10093: 9844: 9737: 9682:North Africa 9384:Soviet Union 9338:Soviet Union 9264:Soviet Union 9032:Vatican City 8942:Vichy France 8847:German Reich 8744:Soviet Union 8730:South Africa 8723:Sierra Leone 8676:Newfoundland 8495:Participants 8478:Marocchinate 8182: 8173: 8143: 8021:North Africa 7982:Indian Ocean 7841:Nazi plunder 7732:Cryptography 7701: 7605:World War II 7537: 7526:Other topics 7507:Hang gliding 7485:Aerodynamics 7459:World War II 7369: 7358: 7347: 7337: 7327: 7320: 7310: 7303: 7296: 7289: 7282: 7275: 7268: 7258: 7251: 7245: 7238: 7228: 7221: 7214: 7207: 7183:. 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Retrieved 4769:the original 4759: 4739: 4734: 4726: 4721: 4709: 4701: 4696: 4681: 4676: 4668: 4663: 4655: 4650: 4642: 4637: 4622: 4617: 4605: 4597: 4592: 4580:. Retrieved 4576:the original 4571: 4562: 4554: 4549: 4541: 4536: 4531:pp 341, 347. 4528: 4524: 4519: 4511: 4506: 4498: 4493: 4485: 4480: 4472: 4467: 4459: 4454: 4446: 4441: 4433: 4428: 4417: 4412: 4404: 4399: 4391: 4386: 4375: 4370: 4365:(2010) p. 88 4362: 4357: 4348: 4342:. Retrieved 4333: 4323: 4312:. Retrieved 4308: 4298: 4290: 4285: 4274: 4269: 4261: 4255:. Retrieved 4251: 4241: 4231: 4220:. Retrieved 4216:the original 4211: 4201: 4190:. Retrieved 4186: 4176: 4154:(3): 25–30. 4151: 4147: 4137: 4126:. Retrieved 4122: 4112: 4101:. Retrieved 4097:the original 4092: 4082: 4071:. Retrieved 4067: 4057: 4046:. Retrieved 4042: 4032: 4021:. Retrieved 4017: 4007: 3996:. Retrieved 3992: 3968:. Retrieved 3964: 3954: 3943:. Retrieved 3939: 3929: 3918:. Retrieved 3913: 3903: 3892:. Retrieved 3888: 3878: 3867:. Retrieved 3863: 3853: 3842:. Retrieved 3838: 3828: 3820: 3815: 3806: 3798: 3797:David Mets, 3793: 3788:(2009) p 162 3785: 3780: 3772: 3767: 3755:. Retrieved 3751:the original 3746: 3736: 3724:. Retrieved 3720:the original 3709: 3697:. Retrieved 3693:the original 3683: 3671:. Retrieved 3661: 3653: 3648: 3643:(1987) p 149 3640: 3635: 3627: 3622: 3614: 3609: 3601: 3596: 3577: 3571: 3563: 3558: 3550: 3546: 3541: 3533: 3528: 3519: 3511: 3506: 3498: 3493: 3485: 3480: 3472: 3467: 3459: 3454: 3446: 3441: 3416: 3401: 3393: 3388: 3380: 3375: 3356: 3350: 3345:(1980) p 150 3342: 3341:R.J. Overy, 3311: 3288: 3283: 3275: 3270: 3259: 3251: 3246: 3238: 3233: 3228:(2009) 436–7 3225: 3220: 3212: 3207: 3199: 3191: 3181:, retrieved 3177:the original 3172: 3162: 3154: 3153:R.J. Overy, 3149: 3124: 3115: 3098: 3051: 3033: 3027: 3022:Meetinghouse 3021: 3006:Albert Speer 3002: 2998: 2983: 2959: 2955: 2921: 2911: 2901: 2891: 2885: 2876: 2867: 2863: 2859: 2842: 2828:Erwin Rommel 2824: 2820: 2800: 2765:Luftflotte 4 2748: 2744: 2737: 2733: 2723: 2719: 2715: 2711: 2700: 2686: 2681: 2661: 2658: 2634:Albert Speer 2622: 2614: 2597: 2580: 2572: 2557: 2546: 2535: 2512: 2503: 2499: 2480: 2463: 2448: 2445: 2441: 2434: 2419: 2380: 2340: 2309:Luftflotte 4 2289: 2267: 2262: 2250: 2246:German Reich 2235: 2219:Great Terror 2212: 2179: 2170:Hugh Dowding 2163: 2151: 2132:Ju 87 Stukas 2129: 2098: 2068: 2065: 2045: 2022: 2019: 2007: 1964:dive bombers 1954: 1945: 1891: 1869: 1854: 1850: 1842: 1838: 1825: 1818: 1813:Yokosuka D4Y 1802: 1787: 1773:incendiaries 1753: 1748: 1744:Curtis LeMay 1728: 1707: 1703: 1687: 1668: 1650: 1642: 1629: 1623: 1611: 1604: 1584: 1579:Pearl Harbor 1576: 1565: 1553: 1536:Curtis Lemay 1519:P-40 Warhawk 1510: 1492: 1481: 1475: 1456: 1442: 1438: 1434: 1430: 1412: 1389:Tupolev SB-2 1365:Martin B-10s 1340: 1334: 1291: 1263: 1247: 1233: 1212: 1200: 1194: 1186: 1166: 1118: 1113: 1109: 1105: 1081: 1076: 1060: 1045:An American 1001: 994: 981: 968:Omar Bradley 957: 924: 908: 903: 894: 885: 881: 859: 836: 825:photos of a 808: 793: 782: 774: 770: 733: 711: 699: 671: 647: 643: 624: 617: 613: 602: 598:Curtis LeMay 566: 543: 536:flying over 513: 508: 493: 487: 451:way for the 445: 425: 394: 383: 359: 356: 317: 296:Arado Ar 234 293: 270: 263: 259:P-51 Mustang 243:Neptun radar 239:Lichtenstein 227:Soviet Union 212: 206: 199:escorting a 143: 76:depended on 52: 36:World War II 10577:Bodenplatte 10463:Gothic Line 9689:West Africa 9236:Philippines 9215:Netherlands 9080:Czech lands 9018:Switzerland 8962:Afghanistan 8913:Philippines 8781:Puerto Rico 8697:Philippines 8683:New Zealand 8669:Netherlands 8622:Free France 8373:Prosecution 8174:Osoaviakhim 8044:West Africa 8028:East Africa 7675:Conferences 7469:Digital Age 7449:World War I 7444:Pioneer era 6486:Hogg, I.V. 6087:(GPO, 1955) 5626:Citizendium 5605:Citizendium 5006:Red Phoenix 4671:(1982) p 93 4334:Anti-Empire 4089:"敌"102"号作战" 3699:December 9, 3673:December 9, 3411:Evan Thomas 3202:(1995) p 68 3157:(1980) ch 1 2870:jet-powered 2712:Jagdflieger 2605:mustard gas 2029:Netherlands 1961:Ju 87 Stuka 1909:atomic bomb 1882:issued the 1811:A stricken 1690:Guadalcanal 1659:Guadalcanal 1603:HNLMS  1568:firebombing 1357:Fiat CR.32s 1319:Kunlun Pass 1174:Ural bomber 1147:Ural bomber 1037:glide bomb 925:Once total 904:Jagdflieger 690:CAC Wackett 592:(b. 1899), 588:(b. 1896), 584:(b. 1896), 558:Ernest King 544:Before the 380:(1921-1998) 154:World War I 146:air warfare 82:Axis powers 54:Air warfare 26:long-range 10869:Categories 10677:West Hunan 10510:Pointblank 9846:Silver Fox 9832:Summer War 9585:Winter War 9564:Phoney War 9345:Azerbaijan 9306:Yugoslavia 9201:Luxembourg 9043:Resistance 8790:Yugoslavia 8655:Luxembourg 8457:Sook Ching 8253:War crimes 7855:Technology 7848:Opposition 7790:Lend-Lease 7767:Australian 7760:Home front 7718:Blitzkrieg 7668:Casualties 7659:Commanders 7631:Operations 7563:See also: 7495:Ballooning 7185:2011-10-03 6615:2009-11-25 6606:(GPO 1988) 6540:2009-11-25 6436:(1990) GPO 6283:2009-11-25 6242:Fulltext: 6150:Commanders 5830:2009-11-25 5676:By country 5554:2009-11-25 5236:HistoryNet 5146:Horst Boog 4540:Bergerud, 4344:2021-04-25 4314:2021-01-31 4257:2021-01-31 4222:2021-01-07 4192:2021-01-04 4128:2021-01-07 4103:2021-01-07 4073:2021-01-04 4048:2021-01-04 4023:2021-01-05 3998:2021-01-05 3970:2021-01-05 3945:2021-01-07 3920:2021-01-05 3894:2021-01-04 3869:2021-01-04 3844:2021-01-04 3532:Bergerud, 3510:Bergerud, 3183:2009-11-25 3136:References 2946:See also: 2936:space race 2903:Wasserfall 2795:See also: 2745:(uchebnyy) 2704:combat box 2682:Bordkanone 2678:autocannon 2531:Pathfinder 2410:See also: 2399:See also: 2343:Lend-Lease 2305:Air Armies 2268:Shturmovik 2207:See also: 1902:Little Boy 1509:city, the 1341:Peashooter 1071:glide bomb 944:gun camera 874:combat box 823:Gun camera 715:Guy Gibson 509:Shturmovik 176:Air forces 122:Royal Navy 78:air forces 10742:Manchuria 10628:Indochina 10404:Bagration 9855:Lithuania 9500:Anschluss 9297:Viet Minh 9194:Lithuania 9136:Hong Kong 8906:Manchukuo 8861:Azad Hind 8520:Australia 8320:Aftermath 8183:Paperclip 8078:Aftermath 7878:Total war 7746:Diplomacy 7709:In Europe 6948:. (1999) 6240:0968-3445 5730:0143-5450 5650:Based on 5628:article " 5607:article " 5579:(1949), 5262:Luftwaffe 5246:19 August 4981:159715267 4690:1467-2715 4631:1044-016X 4248:"九一三壁山空戰" 4160:1044-016X 3757:March 19, 3726:March 20, 3141:Citations 3011:firestorm 2749:Wehrmacht 2687:Sturmbock 2662:Zerstörer 2466:CAM ships 2345:, mostly 2303:and 17th 2095:The Blitz 1932:announced 1913:Hiroshima 1893:Mokusatsu 1817:USS  1777:firestorm 1700:1943–1945 1513:employed 1353:Hawk IIIs 1250:Great War 1114:Straßburg 1106:Funkgerät 1033:A German 895:Sturmbock 886:Zerstörer 792:from the 790:"Seabees" 765:Lingèvres 750:Logistics 582:Ira Eaker 573:Air Corps 448:Wilde Sau 214:Wehrmacht 187:Luftwaffe 126:naval-air 118:U.S. Navy 10853:Category 10802:document 10712:document 10569:Ardennes 10553:Budapest 10501:Crossbow 10379:Overlord 10218:Smolensk 9436:Timeline 9271:Slovakia 9257:Thailand 9108:Ethiopia 9073:Bulgaria 8997:Portugal 8935:Thailand 8817:Bulgaria 8595:Eswatini 8588:Ethiopia 8541:Bulgaria 8366:Unit 731 8327:Response 8144:Keelhaul 8094:Cold War 8067:Americas 8058:timeline 8051:Atlantic 7931:Theaters 7500:military 7332:in JSTOR 7194:cite web 7146:(1949), 7082:in JSTOR 7002:Archived 6882:in JSTOR 6804:in JSTOR 6734:in JSTOR 6661:in JSTOR 6624:cite web 6549:cite web 6443:(1949), 6400:in JSTOR 6292:cite web 5882:in JSTOR 5839:cite web 5670:in JSTOR 5563:cite web 5545:(1985), 5401:Archived 5260:Murray, 5240:Archived 5161:Murray, 5042:Archived 4973:30052890 4869:Archived 4611:in JSTOR 4582:June 25, 4422:in JSTOR 4380:in JSTOR 4338:Archived 4279:in JSTOR 4168:26276773 3714:Marion. 3514:pp 49–93 3413:(1997). 3063:See also 2932:Cold War 2877:Schwalbe 2791:Normandy 2767:and the 2720:Hornisse 2630:Big Week 2311:and the 1925:Nagasaki 1799:kamikaze 1793:Kamikaze 1494:The Hump 1285:and the 1202:Bomber B 1159:Bomber B 1108:FuG 203 916:Spitfire 805:Tactical 99:and the 10779:Shumshu 10546:Hungary 10493:Estonia 10477:Lapland 10455:Dragoon 10388:Neptune 10370:Ichi-Go 10336:Tempest 10278:Changde 10233:Cottage 10125:Jubilee 9841:Finland 9739:Compass 9445:Prelude 9398:Finland 9284:Vietnam 9250:Romania 9122:Germany 9101:Estonia 9087:Denmark 9066:Belgium 9059:Austria 9052:Albania 8983:Ireland 8969:Andorra 8953:Neutral 8920:Romania 8854:Hungary 8839:Finland 8711:Romania 8603:Finland 8581:Denmark 8527:Belgium 8513:Algeria 8219:Romania 8205:Hungary 7961:Pacific 7685:General 7639:Leaders 7624:Battles 7617:Outline 7543:Jet Age 7514: ( 7361:(1946) 7350:(1945) 7340:(1946) 7263:excerpt 7261:(2000) 7231:(1998) 6997:(1992) 6785:(2004) 6752:(2008) 6596:(1999) 6586:(2002) 6473:(1998) 6463:(1999) 6388:(2003) 6381:(1985). 6364:(1999) 6334:Goering 6142:(1986) 6118:(1998) 6103:excerpt 6101:(2006) 5996:(1991). 5853:Goering 5791:Germany 5538:(1981), 5506:Sources 5319:Air War 5317:Overy, 5060:(2015) 4246:蔡, 乔治. 3536:pp 5–48 3462:(1982). 2887:Fritz X 2872:German 2843:At the 2647:fitted. 2611:1944–45 2488:Soviet 2232:, 1941. 2168:(after 1940:stating 1917:Fat Man 1822:in 1944 1651:In the 1612:At the 1507:Kunming 1437:" and " 1067:Fritz X 1035:Fritz-X 1021:Fritz X 948:strafed 833:in 1943 767:in 1944 696:in 1942 484:in 1943 435:, many 300:BMW 003 285:Ukraine 229:or the 97:Britain 70:Germany 10756:Debate 10728:Taipei 10721:Borneo 10299:Tarawa 9493:Europe 9454:Africa 9243:Poland 9229:Norway 9208:Malaya 9187:Latvia 9129:Greece 9115:France 9011:Sweden 8976:Bhutan 8704:Poland 8690:Norway 8662:Mexico 8629:Greece 8615:France 8553:Canada 8534:Brazil 8504:Allies 8450:Serbia 8439:Poland 8212:Poland 8198:Baltic 7991:Europe 7693:Topics 7645:Allied 7516:combat 7372:(2005) 7323:(1993) 7306:(1995) 7299:(1988) 7292:(1983) 7285:(1984) 7248:(1965) 7241:(1990) 7224:(1979) 7173:(2006) 7166:(1981) 7159:(1987) 7139:(1989) 7118:(1974) 7111:(1970) 7104:(1986) 7090:(2009) 7073:(1995) 7014:(1976) 6980:(1982) 6969:  6952:  6925:(1992) 6890:(1985) 6863:(1995) 6842:(1978) 6833:(1993) 6812:(1993) 6704:(1992) 6690:  6676:(1961) 6652:(1995) 6579:(1952) 6572:(1950) 6565:(1956) 6531:(1998) 6522:KYKLOS 6517:(1993) 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3278:(1981) 3215:(1985) 2916:) and 2893:Hs 293 2785:Allied 2755:, the 2593:Foggia 2542:Window 2365:, and 2299:, the 2093:, and 1736:Tinian 1732:Saipan 1671:Rabaul 1624:Hermes 1313:, the 1309:, the 1305:, the 1161:, and 1086:KG 100 1082:Gruppe 1080:. 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The 90:Allied 47:combat 10532:Leyte 10362:Narva 10348:Anzio 10306:Makin 10264:Burma 10148:Torch 10117:Rzhev 10078:Kiska 9164:Korea 9150:Japan 9143:Italy 9025:Tibet 9004:Spain 8882:Italy 8643:Italy 8636:India 8560:China 8435:Japan 8035:Italy 7947:China 7899:Women 7179:(PDF) 6563:Zero! 6244:Ebsco 5888:Japan 4977:S2CID 4969:JSTOR 4164:JSTOR 3107:Notes 2808:Ultra 2670:BR 21 2285:Yak-9 2230:MiG 3 2025:Ju 52 2002:Ju 87 1819:Essex 1769:Osaka 1750:Tokyo 1503:India 1499:Burma 1415:Wuhan 1381:I-153 1187:Greif 1134:"Bat" 950:by a 847:USAAS 651:SHAEF 363:radar 235:radar 106:range 104:long- 74:Japan 10598:1945 10326:1944 10167:1943 10095:Blue 10085:Attu 9992:1942 9751:1941 9603:1940 9541:1939 9470:Asia 9317:POWs 9157:Jews 8875:Iraq 8801:Axis 8751:Tuva 8567:Cuba 7652:Axis 7200:link 6967:ISBN 6950:ISBN 6688:ISBN 6630:link 6555:link 6298:link 6236:ISSN 6043:ISBN 5912:USSR 5845:link 5726:ISSN 5638:GFDL 5617:GFDL 5569:link 5525:ISBN 5495:2015 5361:ISBN 5248:2016 5215:ISBN 4935:ISBN 4911:ISBN 4798:2016 4777:2016 4686:ISSN 4627:ISSN 4584:2013 4156:ISSN 3759:2015 3728:2012 3701:2012 3675:2012 3582:ISBN 3427:ISBN 3361:ISBN 3320:ISBN 2950:and 2868:The 2775:and 2761:17th 2759:and 2547:The 2523:Oboe 2521:and 2490:Il-2 2477:1943 2470:PQ17 2414:and 2319:and 2201:and 2146:and 2134:and 1971:and 1934:the 1765:Kobe 1740:B-29 1734:and 1622:HMS 1605:Java 1593:1942 1585:The 1476:Zero 1457:Zero 1433:", " 1393:TB-3 1391:and 1385:I-16 1383:and 1297:and 1121:Azon 1110:Kehl 1077:Roma 1017:Azon 918:and 778:B-17 734:The 653:was 629:and 367:Ruhr 349:and 302:and 241:and 120:and 72:and 5357:143 4961:doi 4875:". 3423:203 3316:225 2923:V-2 2913:V-1 2906:,) 2896:,) 2773:2nd 2757:5th 2527:H2S 2519:Gee 2317:2nd 2301:5th 1523:CBI 1439:102 1435:101 1343:), 1219:V-2 1215:V-1 1179:RLM 1088:'s 45:in 10871:: 10346:/ 7196:}} 7192:{{ 7129:; 6626:}} 6622:{{ 6551:}} 6547:{{ 6294:}} 6290:{{ 5869:) 5841:}} 5837:{{ 5565:}} 5561:{{ 5485:. 5359:. 5234:. 4975:. 4967:. 4957:71 4955:. 4897:^ 4747:^ 4570:. 4347:. 4336:. 4332:. 4307:. 4260:. 4250:. 4210:. 4185:. 4162:. 4152:63 4150:. 4146:. 4121:. 4091:. 4066:. 4041:. 4016:. 3991:. 3979:^ 3963:. 3938:. 3912:. 3887:. 3862:. 3837:. 3745:. 3425:. 3409:; 3334:^ 3318:. 3310:. 3296:^ 3198:, 3171:, 2938:. 2890:, 2595:. 2570:. 2432:. 2361:, 2357:, 2353:, 2349:, 2323:. 2089:, 1942:: 1938:, 1919:" 1904:" 1463:. 1379:, 1367:, 1363:, 1359:, 1355:, 1347:, 1185:A 1157:, 1153:, 1149:, 1019:, 942:A 794:CB 746:. 725:VC 718:VC 532:A 455:. 423:. 283:, 195:A 9849:) 9843:( 8717:) 8713:( 8649:) 8645:( 8609:) 8605:( 8547:) 8543:( 7597:e 7590:t 7583:v 7518:) 7417:e 7410:t 7403:v 7202:) 7188:. 6973:. 6956:. 6696:. 6632:) 6618:. 6557:) 6543:. 6300:) 6286:. 6051:. 5847:) 5833:. 5640:. 5619:. 5571:) 5557:. 5531:. 5497:. 5369:. 5250:. 5221:. 4983:. 4963:: 4941:. 4919:. 4800:. 4779:. 4586:. 4317:. 4225:. 4195:. 4170:. 4131:. 4106:. 4076:. 4051:. 4026:. 4001:. 3973:. 3948:. 3923:. 3897:. 3872:. 3847:. 3761:. 3730:. 3703:. 3677:. 3590:. 3435:. 3369:. 3328:. 2920:( 2910:( 2900:( 2884:( 1417:/ 1351:/ 1339:( 1317:/ 1227:" 1084:/ 49:.


Boeing B-29 Superfortress
strategic bombers
Burma campaign in 1945
World War II
to have ever used a
nuclear weapon
Air warfare
all theaters of World War II
anti-aircraft warfare
industrial output
air forces
Axis powers
strategic bombers
strategic bombing
United States
tactical air forces
air superiority
U.S. Navy
Royal Navy
aircraft carriers
Imperial Japanese Navy
air warfare

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