
York (explorer)

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mentioned, and who had been in company with us, advanced a few steps towards the Crows and ascended a rock from which he addressed the Crow warriors in the most earnest and impressive manner. He told them that they had been here making a great noise, as if they could kill the enemy by it — that they had talked long and loud about going into the fort, and that the white men would say the Indian had a crooked tongue, when talking about his war exploits. He told them that their hearts were small, and that they were cowardly — that they acted more like squaws than men, and were not fit to defend their hunting ground. He told them that the white men were ashamed of them and would refuse to trade with such a nation of cowards — that the Blackfeet would go home and tell their people that three thousand Crows could not take a handful of them, - that they would be laughed at, scorned, and treated with contempt by all nations wherever known — that no tribe would degrade themselves hereafter by waging war with them, and that the whole Crow nation, once so powerful, would forever after be treated as a nation of squaws. The old negro continued in this strain until they became greatly animated & told them that if the red man was afraid to go amongst his enemy, he would show them that a black man was not, and he leaped from the rock on which he had been standing, and, looking neither to the right nor to the left, made for the fort as fast as he could run. The Indians guessing his purpose, and inspired by his words and fearless example, followed close to his heels, and were in the fort dealing destruction to the right and left nearly as soon as the old man.
365:, but while we remained there having declined, they followed us with offers of females for two days. The Ricaras had been equally accommodating; we had equally withstood their temptation; but such was their desire to oblige that two very handsome young squaws were sent on board this evening, and persecuted us with civilities. The black man York participated largely in these favours; for instead of inspiring any prejudice, his colour seemed to procure him additional advantages from the Indians, who desired to preserve among them some memorial of this wonderful stranger. Among other instances of attention, a Ricara invited him into his house and presenting his wife to him, retired to the outside of the door: while there one of York’s comrades who was looking for him came to the door, but the gallant husband would permit no interruption before a reasonable time had elapsed. (Numerous other reports confirm that women of these tribes, with their husbands' encouragement, would seek to have sexual intercourse with white men.) 420:, Washington, where Clark added his name to Lewis's and carved in the tree "By Land from the U. States in 1804 & 1805". York became the first African-American man to reach the Pacific Ocean when he walked nineteen miles (30 km) from camp with Clark. In late November, all the members of a party, including York and Sacagawea, were consulted by the leaders as to where to camp for the winter. According to Martin Plamondon II, to call this a vote, as it is often called, is to create a myth; there is no implication that the vote of the majority would be followed. He calls it "polling" rather than voting. In a reply, Dayton Duncan notes that Clark wrote down the views on the question of every member of the expedition, including York and Sacagawea. This was itself very unusual. The men believed that they, not the leaders, had made the decision. According to Duncan, it was a vote. Glen Kirkpatrick disagrees. 741: 2566: 2620: 287: 669:, who left a lengthy autobiography, was a former slave who lived among the Crow much of the time between 1829 and 1836. However, Leonard refers to an "old negro", and Beckwourth was born in 1798 or 1800, so he would have been in his early 30s when Leonard came in contact with the old negro; according to Betts, this "all but rules him out". Beckwourth also would have been a small child at the time of the Lewis and Clark expedition of 1803–1806. While Beckworth claims to have led the Crows' attack on the Blackfoot described by Leonard, he was "notorious" for "just plain lying" and claiming others' deeds as his own. He was called a 2543:, "This collection of persona poems tells the story of the infamous Lewis & Clark expedition from the point of view of Clark's personal slave, York. The poems form a narrative of York's inner and outer journey, before, during and after the expedition—a journey from slavery to freedom, from the plantation to the great northwest, from servant to soul yearning to be free." The books were very well received: "Singly and together, these books are a great success: they portray the complex character of York, they enrich our understanding of an important chapter in American history", wrote William Joliff in a review article. 2470:, but, like all slaves, much in need of a white owner to run his life better than he could himself. In the Sambo tradition, York is neither manly nor heroic, qualities only whites can have. His role and contributions are systematically reduced to behavior that was considered fitting and appropriate for a negro, ignoring the positive aspects of York's character and his contributions, distorting some incidents to cast them in the most unfavorable light possible, and projecting onto York unsubstantiated qualities, such as a thick "Negro" dialect and an insatiable sexual appetite. 2636: 151: 2605: 2589: 494:
previously unknown fact that York had a wife, and that his marriage antedated the expedition, which was deliberately made up primarily of unmarried men, like Lewis and Clark themselves. All that is known of his wife is that she was from the Louisville area, where Clark and York lived before the expedition, and that she was enslaved by someone other than Clark. York's attempts to persuade Clark to let him return to the Louisville area led to a serious falling-out between them in 1808.
nor Beckwourth was. The man's success and comfort living with the Crows also supports York's identification. After his wife was taken to Natchez, York no longer had a reason to remain in Louisville, and he was quite upset at Clark's refusal to grant him his freedom, given his "immense services" during the expedition. It may be supposed that York ran away from his owner and was able to travel from St. Louis up the Missouri to Montana, some 1,500 miles (2,400 km).
202:'s father. William inherited York from his father in 1799. York was a large man; his weight has been estimated as 200 pounds (91 kg). He was about the same age as Clark, perhaps a few years older or younger, and naturally strong. His skin was dark: he was "black as a bear", said one who knew him, and his hair was short and curly. Like most of the enslaved, York was 2695:. It portrays William Clark, York, and an unnamed Native American. According to the artist, the work stands as "a visual reminder that three races contributed to the success of the Lewis and Clark Expedition—symbolic of the first integrated society in the Oregon country." In 2020, the statue of York was removed from the sculpture. 532:) in July 1809. By August Clark had decided "to hire or Sell him". This is the last mention of York in the letters written by William Clark. A 1811 letter from a Louisville relative reported that "I don't like him nor does any other person in this country", and also that the owner of York's wife was going to move to 2477:. The superhero York is the quintessential role model, a courageous, ingenious, brave, and self-sacrificing black hero who has overcome all of the obstacles that slavery and a hostile frontier threw at him. This York ultimately prevails; he is a figure not only for blacks to admire but also for them to emulate." 703:
The man described by Leonard, who is never named and presumably did not want his name known, fits York's description in size, complexion, and age. Besides the statement that he was big, the only thing known about York's appearance is that his skin was very dark. He was a Black man, which neither Rose
Clark believed that York would not provide "service" in St. Louis, and this angered him. He wrote his brother again that he would have punished York, and that if he is hired out in Kentucky, it should be with a "Severe Master" so that after "a while he may do Some Service, I do not wish him again in
I give and bequeath to my son Edmund... three slaves, to wit Peter (Vegas child), and Scipio and Darathy (Rose's children)... I give and bequeath to my son William... one black man named York, also old York and his wife Rose, and their two children, Nancy and Juba; also three old negroes, Tame, Cupid
The whole religion of the Mandans consists in the belief of one great spirit presiding over their destinies. This being must be in the nature of a good genius since it is associated with the healing art, and the great spirit is synonymous with great medicine, a name also applied to every thing which
was equal to that of the expedition's white men. He could swim, which many of the troupe could not. He was allowed to use a rifle, something the enslaved were not ordinarily permitted. When a decision had to be made, York's vote counted equally with those of the white men. The expedition apparently
York expected to be given his freedom after the successful expedition was over, in view of what he called his "immense services", but Clark refused repeatedly and became angry when York would not go back willingly to his pre-expedition role of submissive body servant. He also expressed irritation at
History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky Mountains and down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. Performed during the years 1804—5—6. By order of the President of the United States. Prepared for the press by
was a fur trapper who lived for three years among the Crow and spoke their language. He was employed by Europeans as guide and interpreter. However, in a letter that only appeared in the late 1930s, Rose was killed by Indians during the winter of 1832–33, which means he could have not have been the
Again and again did they return to the charge, but all was of no use — all their efforts were of no avail — confusion began to spread through their ranks — many appeared overwhelmed with despair — and the whole Crow nation was about to retreat from the field, when the negro, who has been heretofore
of a slave was a formal process that required documentation. No known documents exist confirming that Clark ever freed York. According to Darrell Millner, there is nothing to corroborate any of these claims, and York's alleged desire to return to slavery "lacks historical foundation". Clark's story
Contrary to the general belief that Clark freed York immediately after their return, York remained enslaved and the property of Clark for at least five more years. He accompanied Clark on the latter's celebratory visit to Washington D.C. in 1807, and when Clark moved his family to St. Louis to take
The object which appeared to astonish the Indians most, was captain Clark’s servant York, a remarkable stout strong negro. They had never seen a being of that colour, and therefore flocked round him to examine the extraordinary monster. By way of amusement he told them that he had once been a wild
A modern writer has called York indispensable to the expedition. The journals are peppered with references to York's hunting prowess: he shot buffalo, deer, and geese alike. His use of a rifle is highly unusual and shows the trust expedition members had in him. His skill in hunting with a rifle may
The wagoner was York, the hero of the Missouri expedition & adviser of the Indians. He could not get up early enough in the morning—his horses were ill kept—two died—the others grew poor. He sold them, was cheated—entered into service—fared ill. Damn this freedom, said York. I have never had a
There is no doubt from the journals written during the expedition that York played a vital role in its success. Not only did he fulfill his duties as a laborer along the expedition, the journals also suggest that the color of York's skin intrigued the Native tribes so much they seemingly gave the
That year Clark moved to St. Louis, to take up his new duties as US agent for Indian affairs. York and other household members moved with him. By November 1808, Clark was angered by York's refusal to accept the move to St. Louis and repeated requests that he be hired out in Louisville or sold to
In the course of the conversation, the chief observed that some foolish young men of his nation had told him there was a person among us who was quite black, and he wished to know if it could be true. We assured him that it was true, and sent for York: the Borgne was very much surprised at his
Historian William Gwaltney, in a study of black fur traders, asserts that the man was likely John Brazeau, a black Sioux war leader. "It was very likely that Brazeau told Zenas Leonard that he had come west with Lewis and Clark. As far as anyone can tell, Brazeau was telling a bald faced lie,
It will be recollected that I was amongst these Indians once before, when some of our horses were stolen and we followed them into the Crow village, – where we found our horses and also a negro man, in the winter of 1832–33. This man we found to be of as great advantage to us now as on former
These women are handsomer than the Sioux; both of them are however, disposed to be amorous, and our men found no difficulty in procuring companions for the night by means of the interpreters. These interviews were chiefly clandestine, and were of course to be kept a secret from the husband or
York's most spectacular contributions were with the Native American tribes the expedition came into contact with, whose assistance was sometimes very necessary. According to the journals of the expedition, York's blackness served as a passport with them; they were impressed by such a "strange
In 1988, 47 letters written by Clark to his brother Jonathan were discovered; written between 1792 and 1811, they were published as a volume in 2002. Information concerning York was one of the main surprises in the letters, according to their editor James J. Holmberg. From them we learn the
indeed, is completely reversed among the Ricaras; that the wife or the sister should submit to a stranger's embraces without the consent of her husband or brother, is a cause of great disgrace and offence, especially as for many purposes of civility or gratitude the husband and brother will
send York...and promit him to Stay a few weeks with his wife. he wishes to Stay there altogether and hire himself which I have refused. he prefers being Sold to return here, he is Serviceable to me at this place, and I am determined not to Sell him to gratify him, and have derected him to
477:"It is shown that York had gained a little freedom while on the expedition with Lewis and Clark. It is mentioned in journals that York went on scouting trips and going to trade with villages, experiencing freedom while doing that. Clark named two geographic discoveries after him; 548:
provided the only account of York's later life. By then a successful writer, Irving visited Clark at his home near St. Louis in 1832. Irving may have been the one to ask about York, as his account labels York "the hero of the expedition", which Clark is unlikely to have stated:
195:. He participated in the entire exploration and made significant contributions to its success. He was the first African American to cross the continent and see the Pacific. He has become an American icon and several monuments depicting him have been erected honoring his legacy. 673:
by one who knew him. "I knew Jim intimately and he was the biggest liar that ever lived." In addition, he was not negroid in appearance. His father was white, and the ethnicity of his mother is not known, but she may well have been no more than half or a quarter Black
occasions, as he has become thoroughly acquainted with their language, method of transacting their public and private business, and considered of great value by the Indians. He enjoys perfect peace and satisfaction, and has every thing he desires at his own command.
678:). He never described himself as Black, and he "resembled an Indian so much as to pass for one." Three people who saw him mistook him for a white man. "On the basis of both age and appearance, Beckwourth having been Leonard's 'old negro' simply does not stand up." 2516:, on April 29, 2005, directed by Susan Hardie and performed (with African drumming) by Casteal. According to author Harnetiaux, "One element you see is the affinity between York’s African drumming experience and the Native American drumming". There were 391:
appearance, examined him closely, and spit on his finger and rubbed the skin in order to wash off the paint; nor was it until the negro uncovered his head, and showed his short hair, that the Borgne could be persuaded that he was not a painted white man.
2239: 485:, indicating that Clark may have respected him. When a poll was taken to decide where the group should stay over one winter, York's vote was recorded. He was also able to swim, unlike some of the men who were with them on their expedition." 295: 229:. However, according to Clark as reported by Irving, York was lazy, would not get up in the morning, did not take good care of his horses, longed to return to slavery, and died of cholera. However, the credibility of this report is dubious. 267:) and Daphny (also spelled Dafney, Daphney, and Daphne) were Rose's children not by Old York, and that Nancy and Juba were Old York and Rose's biological children. This would make Scipio, Daphney, Juba, and Nancy the half-siblings of York. 314:
York "participated fully in the journey and contributed in significant ways to its success." The records of the well-documented trip do not reveal any racial bias against him. For all intents and purposes, York's role in Lewis and Clark's
2727: 553:
His slaves—set them free—one he placed at a ferry—another on a farm, giving him land, horses, &c.—a third he gave a large wagon & team of 6 horses to ply between Nashville and Richmond. They all repented & wanted to come
was a fur trader who in 1839 published a memoir of his travels over several years throughout the upper West. Modern scholars consider it highly reliable. (He was the first to see and publish a description of the huge trees we call
607:] a trader on the Missouri river, and has remained here ever since—which is about ten or twelve years. He has acquired a correct knowledge of their manner of living, and speaks their language fluently. He has rose [ 558:
happy day since I got it. He determined to go back to his old master—set off for S Louis, but was taken with the cholera in Tennessee & died. Some of the traders think they have met traces of York's crowd, on the Missouri.
2918:. Since we do not know what York looked like, the artist focused instead on the statue's back, making it a focal point. The back is "scarred" with sections of William Clark's maps. The project was begun by four law students. 567:
is self-serving and reflects pro-slavery arguments that Africans were happy to be slaves and could not lead successful lives as free people. Millner further states that it is "much more likely" that York was never freed.
In this village we found a negro man, who informed us that he first came to this country with Lewis & Clark—with whom he also returned to the State of Missouri, and in a few years returned again with a Mr. Mackinney
611:] to be quite a considerable character, or chief, in their village; at least he assumes all the dignities of a chief, for he has four wives, with whom he lives alternately. This is the custom of many of the chiefs. 396:
They had indeed abundant sources of suspiscion in all they saw: the appearance of the men, their arms, their clothing, the canoes, the strange looks of the negro, and the sagacity of our dog, all in turn shared their
The most plausible family tree based on this description and others is that York was the son of Old York, not by Rose, that Scipio (also spelled Sippo, Seppo, Sep, and Pipo, likely named the same as the Roman general
Historian Robert Betts said the freedom York had during the Lewis and Clark expedition made resuming enslavement unbearable. York asked Clark for his freedom based upon his good services during the expedition.
Early fur trade on the Northern Plains : Canadian traders among the Mandan and Hidatsa Indians, 1738–1818. The Narratives of John Macdonell, David Thompson, François–Antoine Laroque, and Charles McKenzie
of what is today north-central Wyoming. The identity of the Black man, who purportedly said he had returned from St. Louis after first visiting the area with Lewis and Clark, has been subject to speculation.
he fair sex received our men with more than hospitality. York was here again an object of astonishment; the children would follow him constantly, and if he chanced to turn towards them, run with great terror.
3771: 3043: 465:
All the men of the expedition except York received double pay according to rank, $ 5 to $ 30 per month, and each enlisted man was granted 320 acres (130 ha) of land. York, as a slave, received nothing.
I did wish to do well by him, but as he has got Such a notion about freedom and his emence Services, that I do not expect he will be of much Service to me again; I do not think with him, that his Services
In the mean while we entertained our visitors by showing them what was new to them in the boat; all which, as well our black servant, they called Great Medicine, the meaning of which we afterwards learnt.
Narrative of the Adventures of Zenas Leonard. A native of Clearfield County, Pa. who spent five years in trapping for furs, trading with the Indians, &c., &c., of the Rocky Mountains. Written by
There is a single, unsupported oral report, from 1965, that York also had the name Ben. The name never appears in any of the many records of the Lewis and Clark expedition, nor in any other document.
2234: 526:
York was forced to return to St. Louis, where Clark found him "insolent and sulky". To "mend" this, Clark whipped York ("gave him a Severe trouncing"). He put him in jail ("Caleboos", slang Spanish
2933:, Portland, Oregon, Attached to the pedestal was a paper plaque describing York's role in the Lewis and Clark expedition. The artist at first was unknown, but he subsequently revealed that he was 3434: 713:
expedition a pass through the land as well as commencing with trade. The journals also suggest that York had gained the respect of many of the men who were part of the expedition as well.
In September 1804 it was noted that while on a hunting party York had killed an elk. There is no record of York having trained to use a firearm, which was not generally allowed for slaves.
5607: 5641: 2801:
were called by Clark "York's 8 Islands", but have since become known as "York's Islands" or simply "Yorks Islands". A small tributary of the Yellowstone River was also named for York.
536:. York was hired out as a wagoner, making deliveries in Louisville; the last reference to him is from 1815. Another report has him transporting goods between Nashville and Richmond. 2486:
In 1972, one of the six sections of Peter Michaelson's poem/essay "Bestride the Mighty and Heretofore Deemed Endless Missouri: An Essay on the Corps of Discovery", deals with York.
have antedated the expedition. He also kept his eye out for new species, for which the expedition was searching. He played a major role in the heavy work of paddling upstream,
37: 2455:
Darrell Millner has studied how York has been shaped and presented over 200 years. He classifies scholarly treatment of York into what he calls two broad categories: the
animal, and caught and tamed by his master, and to convince them, showed them feats of strength, which added to his looks made him more terrible than we wished him to be.
The life and adventures of James P. Beckwourth, mountaineer, scout, and pioneer, and chief of the Crow Nation of Indians. Written from his own dictation by T. D. Bonner
2360: 2473:
In contrast, the superhero presentation of York has elevated him "to near superhuman status and his contributions to the expedition were unsurpassed by others in the
5983: 5845: 2805: 3761: 3033: 3990: 523:
this Country until he applies himself to Come and give over that wife of his—I wished him to Stay with his family four or five weeks only, and not 4 or 5 months."
4989: 4074: 3681: 4476: 3712:
The men of the Lewis and Clark Expedition : a biographical roster of the fifty-one members and a composite diary of their activities from all known sources
453:. Clark said that "York was nearly exhausted by the heat, thirst and fatigue". Clark said this was because York was too fat and unaccustomed to walking quickly. 3908: 2848:
The City Council of Portland in 2002, voted to affirm that "York Street", the origins of which name are unknown, is to be understood as referring to this York.
2688: 2224: 1755: 4840: 482: 320:
held none of the enslaved's usual restrictions on movement, and while opportunities to escape may have appeared, York remained with the Corps of Discovery.
5943: 3338: 2109: 1481: 1218: 5502: 5953: 2677: 1845: 1486: 5465: 2887: 2866:
Also in Louisville in 2003, the Kentucky Historical Society and the Kentucky Department of Highways erected a historical marker along the Ohio River.
2000: Eugene Daub, Lewis and Clark Statue, at Clark's Point, in Case Park on Kansas City, Missouri. Depics Lewis, Clark, York, Sacajawea, and Seaman.
2895: 2760: 2498: 357: 5167: 2494: 1178: 4909: 3998: 432:
York is first mentioned in Clark's journal on December 26, 1803, when Clark mentions that York and Corporal Whitehouse had been working with the
None of the information in Clark's letters was known to the general public in the 19th and 20th centuries. During that long period, a report by
5968: 5597: 5040: 1533: 5222: 5630: 3663: 245:. His skin was dark colored. He and several members of his family were enslaved by the Clark family. The will of John Clark III (father of 5978: 5062: 4536: 2894:. Group depicts, left to right, York, Lewis, Seaman, Clark, and interpreter George Druillard. Funding problems had delayed it since 2002. 2229: 2079: 5948: 4672: 2838: 1560: 446:
Clark and another man said that, on June 20, 1804, York almost lost his eye during an assault/altercation when he had sand thrown at him.
5329: 5963: 5301: 5262: 5131: 5095: 4289: 4249: 3359: 2306: 1058: 350:...after this the airgun was exhibited, very much to their astonishment, nor were they less surprised at the colour and manner of York. 5894: 4329: 337:
creature". According to Richard Betts, he was "the main attraction in Lewis and Clark's travelling magic show." York was a sensation.
5973: 1508: 4361: 4809: 2467: 2279: 2099: 1272: 507:
York was sent to work for a strict Louisville nephew, John H. Clark. A few weeks later, Clark mentions York again to his brother:
York's insistence on remaining in Louisville, where his wife and possibly children were. He whipped York and eventually sold him.
2437: 5905: 2673:, 1908, no European Americans are present. York meets with Native Americans, who are curious about him, examining his dark skin. 5428: 2820:
In 2000, York was mentioned on a historical marker at the former location of Mulberry Hill, Clark's family home in Louisville.
1543: 961: 2524:, the play was again presented in Spokane on February 27–28, 2016, again with David Casteal. It was repeated February 2, 2018. 213:
Documentation concerning York is lacking for the years immediately following the expedition. About 20 years later, Clark told
5933: 3878: 3428: 3243: 3220: 3197: 3151: 3086: 2508:, was created by playwright Bryan Harnetiaux in collaboration with actor and African drummer David Casteal, and premiered at 2121: 1798: 1570: 405:, Indians brought their women to market "for a fishinghook or a string of beads", resulting in cases of "venereal disease". 5988: 4179: 2958:
York, as he was illiterate. The bitterness between him and Clark prevented him from telling his story for publication as a
2313: 2274: 1917: 5870: 5820: 5795: 5770: 5745: 5720: 5695: 5536: 2355: 1992: 1652: 1503: 1299: 1208: 695:. Frank Grouard, an interpreter, was said to have been "the son of an American Fur Company employee named John Brazeau." 5670: 4982: 5018: 4983:"Historic Haas Mural in SW Portland to Undergo Restoration Following Critical Building Repairs [press release]" 4064: 3685: 2746: 2628: 2375: 2069: 1823: 4728: 4698: 4623: 4565: 4504: 4468: 4157: 4044: 3974: 3842: 3806: 3727: 3641: 3610: 3174: 3132: 3109: 2979: 2197: 2074: 1498: 1267: 1134: 3898: 3489:"York of the Corps of Discovery: Interpretations of York's Character and His Role in the Lewis and Clark Expedition" 2991:"York of the Corps of Discovery: Interpretations of York's Character and His Role in the Lewis and Clark Expedition" 2855:, with plaques commemorating the Lewis and Clark Expedition and his participation in it, was placed on Louisville's 4887: 4834: 4773: 2749:, which at the time it owned. One mural depicts the people of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, including York and 2328: 1538: 1523: 1469: 1154: 1144: 1139: 968: 824: 470:
up his new position as brigadier general of the militia and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in the new territory.
4212: 2044: 5201: 2974:. Includes an "Afterwards" by James J. Holberg (Revised ed.). Denver: Colorado Associated University Press. 2323: 2094: 900: 361:
themselves present to a stranger these females, and be gratified by attentions to them. The Sioux had offered us
5403: 5372: 5491: 5014: 3353: 2774: 1793: 1781: 1361: 1173: 819: 417: 4443: 4065:"An enslaved man was crucial to the Lewis and Clark expedition's success. Clark refused to free him afterward" 5450: 4627: 2365: 2148: 1009: 604: 450: 5574: 2565: 5938: 4453: 4149: 4036: 3904: 3719: 3602: 3420: 2731: 2540: 2370: 2214: 2084: 1745: 1513: 1493: 1053: 1021: 654:
black man Leonard saw in 1834. In addition, Rose's father was white and his mother was half Black and half
583:.) He reported meeting twice, once outbound and again when returning, "a negro man" living well among the 439:
Clark mentions York again in his journal on June 5, 1804, noting that York had swum to a sand bar from the
740: 5455: 5223:"President Clinton: Celebrating the Legacy of Lewis and Clark and Preserving America's Natural Treasures" 4870: 3864: 3493: 2995: 2430: 2380: 2104: 2022: 1149: 930: 750: 5156: 2619: 5399: 5368: 5197: 3994: 2856: 2794: 2289: 2141: 2126: 2017: 1213: 883: 192: 103: 42: 217:
that he had freed York and set him up in business, giving him six horses and a large wagon to start a
4978: 2738: 2680:(1983) "transfers York from the periphery to the center of the dramatic story of which he is a part." 2643: 2385: 2284: 1815: 1803: 1393: 1366: 871: 650: 443:
in order to collect some greens for dinner. The majority of the men on the expedition could not swim.
238: 64: 5226: 5044: 3931:
Conquest of the Country Northwest of the River Ohio, 1778–1783, and Life of Gen. George Rogers Clark
York proceeded on : the Lewis & Clark Expedition through the eyes of their forgotten member
performances in New York City in July 2006, and a short production run in 2008. In commemoration of
4399: 3235: 2891: 2554: 2165: 2034: 1587: 1376: 861: 762: 250: 3667: 1041: 5532: 5496: 5038: 3799:
Undaunted courage : Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the opening of the American West
3343: 3166: 2911: 2842: 2770: 2350: 2089: 2039: 1967: 1740: 1518: 1462: 1445: 876: 5066: 4588:"Bestride the Mighty and Heretofore Deemed Endless Missouri: An Essay on the Corps of Discovery" 4526: 3762:"York Explored the West With Lewis and Clark, But His Freedom Wouldn't Come Until Decades Later" 3121:
York's adventures with Lewis and Clark : an African-American's part in the great expedition
3034:"York Explored the West With Lewis and Clark, But His Freedom Wouldn't Come Until Decades Later" 2930: 286: 4424: 3966: 3870: 2692: 2655: 2612: 2597: 2592:
York is in the canoe on the right, which is quite different from the Indian canoe on the left.
2577: 2549: 2423: 2392: 1897: 1638: 1550: 1398: 1122: 1088: 1083: 198:
York was born enslaved, the son of Old York and Rose, who had been enslaved by John Clark III,
4653: 5928: 5459: 5325: 4357: 3460: 3386: 2902: 2509: 2259: 2114: 2027: 2012: 1694: 1682: 1428: 1413: 1198: 973: 895: 866: 449:
York was mentioned again in Clark's journal after a small party including York descended the
3456: 3414: 5161: 4662: 4123: 3766: 3038: 2703: 2397: 2301: 2264: 2192: 2136: 2005: 1962: 1776: 1706: 1381: 1161: 1063: 947: 854: 688: 533: 299: 222: 46: 8: 5958: 5286: 5247: 5120: 5080: 4756: 4666: 4353: 4274: 4234: 4119: 3265:. 16:34. Produced for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial by Executive Productions, Seattle. 2521: 2513: 2456: 1885: 1865: 1750: 1735: 1604: 1575: 1565: 1455: 1403: 1371: 1168: 1026: 994: 989: 942: 799: 246: 242: 60: 4794: 4314: 4879: 4765: 4605: 4392: 4204: 4196: 3518: 3510: 3303:
2021: Lewis & Clark State Historic Site, Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
3020: 3012: 2831: 2808:
in 2000 produced "Proud Hunter", an illustration of York alone, carrying a small deer.
2474: 2131: 1977: 1952: 1942: 1907: 1902: 1870: 1835: 1828: 1769: 1762: 1619: 1438: 1433: 1423: 1193: 1046: 1004: 999: 952: 920: 910: 847: 316: 226: 156: 4963:
Oliver, Myrna (February 2, 1999). "Bob Scriver, Sculptor of Bronzes on the Old West".
1068: 1014: 4208: 4153: 4111: 4040: 3970: 3894: 3874: 3866:
The Lewis and Clark companion : an encyclopedic guide to the voyage of discovery
3812: 3802: 3733: 3723: 3715: 3606: 3522: 3424: 3239: 3216: 3193: 3170: 3147: 3128: 3105: 3082: 3024: 2975: 2938: 2873: 2786: 2219: 1937: 1932: 1875: 1860: 1840: 1662: 1657: 1592: 1555: 1388: 1354: 1183: 1036: 925: 804: 692: 545: 214: 187:(1770–75 – after 1815) was an American explorer and historic figure, being the only 5598:"Bust of Black hero of Lewis & Clark trip mysteriously appears in Portland park" 5424: 3356:, another accomplished African-American slave from Kentucky, renowned as an explorer 2877: 2872:
York has a prominent place in the 2005 mural of the expedition by David McClain, in
2867: 2821: 2815: 2635: 5767:"A Conversation with Hasan Davis: York, Equity, Race and the Lewis and Clark Story" 5635: 5568: 5039:
Crimson Bluffs Chapter, Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation (July 28, 2001).
4597: 4449: 4416: 4188: 4145: 3502: 3212: 3004: 2915: 2647: 2409: 1987: 1982: 1972: 1947: 1912: 1880: 1850: 1723: 1711: 1689: 1667: 1614: 1450: 1418: 720: 666: 264: 188: 4192: 4428: 4069: 3291:
A Conversation with Hasan Davis: York, Equity, Race and the Lewis and Clark Story
3101: 2959: 2926: 2925:
on a pedestal, which formerly contained a statue of anti-Native American pioneer
2318: 2209: 2204: 1957: 1927: 1922: 1645: 1609: 1408: 1326: 1031: 777: 5792:"York: The African American Man Traveling with the Lewis & Clark Expedition" 4866:"Picturing the Corps of Discovery: The Lewis and Clark Expedition in Oregon Art" 498:
someone there. As Clark wrote his brother when finally giving in, he decided to
5514: 5477: 5179: 4684: 4592: 4531: 2782: 2711: 2699: 2661: 2571: 2557:
mentions York as having possibly been the father of some dark-skinned Indians.
2528: 2402: 2296: 1188: 829: 787: 402: 291: 5866: 5841: 5816: 5791: 5766: 5741: 5716: 5691: 5528: 3298:
York: The African American Man Traveling with the Lewis & Clark Expedition
2604: 436:, indicating that he was already working with the other men on the expedition. 408:
The memory of York persisted in Indian oral tradition until the 20th century.
5922: 5899: 5662: 5564: 5058: 4388: 4115: 3958: 3629: 3348: 3124: 2942: 2588: 2340: 2269: 1716: 1699: 1474: 1304: 1294: 1078: 728: 575: 478: 199: 92: 3816: 3737: 2489:
As part of the Lewis and Clark bicentennial celebrations of 2003, the opera
Juba (brother), Nancy (sister), Scipio (half-brother), Daphney (half-sister)
4724: 4702: 4631: 4498: 3163:
American slave, American hero : York of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
2934: 2922: 2827: 2742: 2707: 2639: 2624: 2517: 2345: 2182: 2158: 2064: 2057: 1788: 1316: 1289: 1252: 1230: 1117: 834: 814: 792: 782: 772: 767: 757: 303: 20: 4910:"University of Portland takes down statue of Lewis & Clark slave York" 4559: 3838: 3633: 3506: 3008: 2809: 2764: 1597: 4752:"Revisioning the Journey of Lewis and Clark: Frank X Walker's York Poems" 4033:
In Search of York: The Slave Who Went to the Pacific with Lewis and Clark
In Search of York: The Slave Who Went to the Pacific with Lewis and Clark
In Search of York: The Slave Who Went to the Pacific With Lewis and Clark
3189: 2972:
In Search of York: The Slave Who Went to the Pacific with Lewis and Clark
2907: 2852: 2778: 2669:
1905, he is seen from the back, working, and in plain slave clothing. In
2187: 2175: 1528: 1331: 1321: 1279: 1093: 584: 563: 270:
William Clark called York his "playmate". He was Clark's "body servant".
5350: 4883: 4865: 4769: 4751: 4609: 4527:"Great Plains—II. Notes from a six-thousand-mile ramble through America" 3514: 3488: 3390: 3293:. 58:28. Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail, National Park Service. 3016: 2990: 4587: 4200: 4174: 3333: 2860: 2335: 1632: 1336: 1203: 401:
York is not mentioned by name, but at their 1805–06 winter camp on the
203: 5193: 3144:
I Am Sacajawea, I Am York : Our Journey West with Lewis and Clark
The name York is mentioned in the Lewis and Clark journals 135 times.
328:, and building shelters. He aided in navigating trails and waterways. 5393: 5364: 4601: 4398:. More legible at 2750: 2719: 2715: 2581: 2460: 1580: 1245: 1107: 325: 307: 3682:"Overlook Park in Great Falls, Montana on the Lewis and Clark Trail" 2837:
In 2001, York was inducted into the Hall of Great Westerners at the
1262: 640: 518:] been so great/or my Situation would promit me to liberate him. 4445:
Jim Beckwourth : Black Mountain man and war chief of the Crows
school, which has been the main trend until very recently, and the
2170: 1728: 1672: 1624: 1284: 1129: 984: 890: 675: 655: 580: 440: 3232:
The Journey of York: Unsung Hero of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
The following excerpts are from the expedition's official report:
Lewis and Clark Journals, Members of the Expedition (U. Nebraska)
5602: 5559: 2798: 2790: 2153: 1235: 915: 732: 433: 218: 2665:, 1897, York is well and distinctively dressed. In the painting 5121:"All in the Family. The In-House Honorifics of Lewis and Clark" 4658:
revived to celebrate Black History Month [part 1 of 2]"
posthumously granted York the rank of honorary sergeant in the
1855: 1677: 1257: 1240: 1102: 937: 905: 670: 5631:"Portland's York statue toppled amid 'intimidating' vandalism" 2702:, "Explorers at the Portage", was erected in Overlook Park in 36: 5015:"U.S. Board on Geographic Names, listing for "York's Island"" 3413:
Holmberg, James J. (2001). "York". In Klebee, John E. (ed.).
2937:. The bust was toppled and seriously damaged in July 2021. A 1112: 1098: 1073: 570: 362: 296:
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretative Center
was presented at the Penn State Opera Theater. Composer was
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretive Center
979: 809: 4469:"Beyond The Pale. African-Americans in the Fur Trade West" 2763:, 1998, shows the stripes of York's whipping on his back. 416:
On November 18, 1805, York accompanied Clark to a tree at
4977: 4035:. Revised ed., with a new epilogue by James J. Holmberg. 3664:"Final Years of York's Life (U.S. National Park Service)" 3601:. Revised ed., with a new epilogue by James J. Holmberg. 687:
probably for fun." A John Brazeau was an employee of the
514: 488: 3963:
Dear Brother. Letters of William Clark to Jonathan Clark
Dear Brother: Letters of William Clark to Jonathan Clark
2706:. It depicts Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, York, and 2584:
and her child are seen from the back, in the foreground.
On the return, Leonard met the same man again, in 1834:
4175:"The Blond Mandan: A Critical Review of an Old Problem" 3375:. University Press of Colorado, 2000 (revised edition). 2718:
rivers. Scriver donated a copy of the work, now with
Sergeant (honorary posthumous – Presidential citation)
5842:"Building the Team- Part VII: York on the Expedition" 4933:"Great Falls Offers Other Attractions for Visitors". 4836:
Charlie Russell's Paintings of the Corps of Discovery
3385: 3062: 411: 4907: 3339:
List of people from the Louisville metropolitan area
2730:, located near the city on the Crooked Falls of the 2654:
York appears in several paintings by Western artist
Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery
and founded Braseau's Houses, a trading post on the
591: 562:
Historians have been unable to verify these claims.
4908:Oregonian/OregonLive, K. Rambo | The (2020-06-18). 3796: 3063:Ferraro & Stewart, Thomas E. & Jon (2019). 4129:. Vol. 1. Philadelphia: Bradford and Inskeep. 3863:Tubbs, Stephenie Ambrose; Jenkinson, Clay (2003). 3709: 2560: 3989: 3279:. 6:56. Lewis and Clark National Historical Park. 2745:to create eight-story-high murals for the former 641:Proposed identities for the Black man Leonard met 5984:African-American history in Louisville, Kentucky 5920: 3098:York : the slave who helped explore America 2225:13th Amendment to the United States Constitution 4564:, Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, 2580:, 1897. Left to right, Lewis, Clark, and York. 2480: 4140:Wood, W. Raymond; Thiessen, Thomas D. (1985). 3862: 3624: 3622: 2450: 423: 5464:. Associated Press. 29 Oct 2006. p. 14. 5451:"Couple donates funds for memorial sculpture" 5194:"Lewis and Clark in Kentucky — Mulberry Hill" 4387: 3841:. Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. 3313:Building the Team VII: York On the Expedition 2431: 539: 527: 5557: 5041:"Yorks Islands Fishing Access Commemoration" 4750:Jolliff, William (Fall 2008 – Winter 2009). 4749: 4232: 4139: 4030: 3186:York: A Slave's Journey With Lewis and Clark 2531:has written two books of poetry about York: 2466:The Sambo version of York presents him as a 2230:Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom 331: 5944:African-American history in Omaha, Nebraska 5560:"On the Lewis & Clark & York Trail" 4312: 4058: 4056: 3933:. Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill, 1896, p. 49. 3619: 2839:National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum 273: 5954:African Americans in the American Old West 4415: 4110: 3900:Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition 3360:Timeline of the Lewis and Clark Expedition 2438: 2424: 571:The Black man living with the Crow Indians 35: 5900:Recognizing York: A Community Initiative. 4859: 4857: 4585: 4557: 4496: 4423:. Preface to the new English edition, by 4411: 4409: 4106: 4104: 4102: 4100: 4098: 4096: 4094: 4092: 3592: 3590: 3588: 3586: 3584: 3582: 3580: 3578: 3576: 3574: 3572: 3570: 3568: 3566: 3564: 3562: 3560: 3558: 3556: 3554: 3552: 3482: 3480: 3478: 3476: 3474: 3472: 3470: 3095: 2906:, a 6 feet (1.8 m) bronze statue by 2698:In July 1989, a statue group by sculptor 5628: 5157:"Monument to Explorers Will Be Unveiled" 4466: 4383: 4381: 4379: 4062: 4053: 4026: 4024: 4022: 4020: 4018: 4016: 3832: 3830: 3828: 3826: 3797:Ambrose, Stephen E. (15 February 1996). 3550: 3548: 3546: 3544: 3542: 3540: 3538: 3536: 3534: 3532: 3412: 3183: 3118: 3076: 2634: 2618: 2603: 2587: 2564: 2539:(2008). According to the publisher, the 2235:Abolition of slave trade in Persian gulf 2100:Advisory Committee of Experts on Slavery 2080:Brussels Anti-Slavery Conference 1889–90 302:. Left to right, York with a rifle, dog 285: 5558:Hannah-Jones, Nikole (March 29, 2007). 5248:"Kareem Honors York at 'Cowboy Oscars'" 4948:"Area Has Treasure Trove of Scrivers". 4795:"Lewis and Clark on the Lower Columbia" 4524: 3953: 3951: 3949: 3947: 3945: 3943: 3941: 3939: 3923: 3755: 3753: 3751: 3749: 3747: 3486: 3160: 2988: 2851:In 2003, a statue of York, by sculptor 2537:When Winter Come: The Ascension of York 460: 5921: 5692:"Searching for York: full documentary" 5610:from the original on February 26, 2021 5595: 5521: 5154: 4962: 4863: 4854: 4832: 4441: 4435: 4406: 4272: 4172: 4089: 3467: 3454: 3141: 2949: 2723: 2667:Louis and Clark on the Lower Columbia, 489:William Clark's letters to his brother 206:, and information about him is scant. 5969:People from Caroline County, Virginia 5906:Vote 4 York Black Heritage Stamp 2013 5118: 4616: 4376: 4013: 3983: 3957: 3893: 3836: 3823: 3792: 3790: 3788: 3759: 3628: 3596: 3529: 3448: 3229: 3206: 3031: 2969: 2594:Louis and Clark on the Lower Columbia 2122:Anglo-Egyptian Slave Trade Convention 1799:Human trafficking in Papua New Guinea 5622: 5596:Selsky, Andrew (February 24, 2021). 5577:from the original on August 24, 2021 5492:"Lewis and Clark monument dedicated" 5431:from the original on August 31, 2021 5365:"Lewis and Clark in Kentucky / York" 4952:. January 30, 1999. pp. A1, A3. 4833:Hunter, Frances (December 9, 2009), 4691: 4568:from the original on August 20, 2021 4558:Mussulman, Joseph A. (4 June 2021), 4507:from the original on August 30, 2021 4180:Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 4077:from the original on 12 January 2020 4063:Natanson, Hannah (12 January 2020). 3936: 3744: 3705: 3703: 3701: 3699: 3697: 3695: 3644:from the original on August 18, 2021 3284:York: American's Forgotten Explorer. 2658:. In the painting commonly known as 2642:, placed on the base of the toppled 2314:Slave marriages in the United States 1918:Human trafficking in the Middle East 281: 5979:African-American history of Wyoming 5539:from the original on April 18, 2021 5505:from the original on 30 August 2021 5468:from the original on 30 August 2021 5351:"York (U.S. National Park Service)" 5170:from the original on 30 August 2021 5081:"Missouri islands renamed for York" 4995:from the original on March 17, 2017 4675:from the original on 30 August 2021 4313:Kirkpatrick, Glen (February 2002). 4173:Newman, Marshall T. (Autumn 1950). 4001:from the original on March 11, 2008 2884:Lewis and Clark Trailhead Monument, 2793:, which were named for York by the 2691:, was erected on the campus of the 1653:Human trafficking in Southeast Asia 661: 615: 596: 16:African American slave and explorer 13: 5949:African-American history of Oregon 5326:"Streets of the Alphabet District" 5225:. January 17, 2001. Archived from 4843:from the original on June 10, 2021 4731:from the original on March 6, 2016 4539:from the original on April 1, 2021 4525:Frazier, Ian (February 19, 1989). 4364:from the original on June 15, 2020 3961:(2002). Holmberg, James J. (ed.). 3801:. New York: Simon & Schuster. 3785: 3365: 3272:29:01. Oregon Public Broadcasting. 2629:Sovereign Hotel (Portland, Oregon) 2533:Buffalo Dance: The Journey of York 2307:last survivors of American slavery 412:Arriving at the Pacific and voting 14: 6000: 5964:Lewis and Clark Expedition people 5902:Lewis and Clark College, Portland 5888: 5422: 5119:Large, Arlen J. (November 1999). 5057: 4233:Plamondon II, Martin (May 2001). 3692: 3487:Millner, Darrell M. (Fall 2003). 2989:Millner, Darrell M. (Fall 2003). 2910:, was installed on the campus of 2732:Great Falls of the Missouri River 1268:Field slaves in the United States 1135:Slavery in the Rashidun Caliphate 592:Passages talking of the Black man 83:Body servant (enslaved), explorer 5974:People from Louisville, Kentucky 5629:Sparling, Zane (July 28, 2021). 3263:York, the slave of William Clark 3215:: Creative Learning Connection. 3207:Jaime, Catherine McGrew (2011). 2710:, surveying the junction of the 1145:Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate 1140:Slavery in the Umayyad Caliphate 969:Slavery in the Abbasid Caliphate 739: 149: 5873:from the original on 2021-08-30 5859: 5848:from the original on 2021-08-30 5834: 5823:from the original on 2021-08-30 5809: 5798:from the original on 2021-08-30 5784: 5773:from the original on 2021-08-30 5759: 5748:from the original on 2021-08-30 5734: 5723:from the original on 2021-08-30 5709: 5698:from the original on 2021-08-27 5684: 5673:from the original on 2021-09-25 5655: 5644:from the original on 2021-07-29 5589: 5551: 5484: 5443: 5416: 5406:from the original on 2020-10-19 5386: 5375:from the original on 2021-05-06 5357: 5343: 5332:from the original on 2019-02-15 5318: 5307:from the original on 2015-09-06 5279: 5268:from the original on 2018-02-18 5240: 5215: 5204:from the original on 2021-02-26 5186: 5148: 5137:from the original on 2015-09-06 5112: 5101:from the original on 2018-02-18 5073: 5051: 5032: 5021:from the original on 2021-08-20 5007: 4971: 4956: 4941: 4926: 4901: 4890:from the original on 2021-09-01 4826: 4815:from the original on 2021-08-26 4787: 4776:from the original on 2021-08-24 4743: 4717: 4646: 4579: 4551: 4518: 4490: 4479:from the original on 2021-03-16 4460: 4346: 4335:from the original on 2015-09-06 4306: 4295:from the original on 2018-02-18 4266: 4255:from the original on 2019-02-15 4226: 4215:from the original on 2020-11-12 4166: 4133: 3911:from the original on 2021-09-05 3887: 3856: 3845:from the original on 2021-09-01 3774:from the original on 2020-05-20 3760:Parks, Shoshi (March 8, 2018). 3437:from the original on 2021-09-06 3046:from the original on 2020-05-20 3032:Parks, Shoshi (March 8, 2018). 2921:In 2021, a 4 feet (1.2 m) 2561:Honors (in chronological order) 2095:Committee of Experts on Slavery 1646:East, Southeast, and South Asia 681: 658:, so he was not "a negro man". 290:"Explorers at the Portage", by 5155:Wilson, Calvin (24 Apr 2000). 4864:Uecker, Jeffry (Winter 2002). 4315:"Lewis's bones; Chinook Point" 4273:Duncan, Dayton (August 2001). 3674: 3656: 3406: 3354:Stephen Bishop (cave explorer) 3142:Murphy, Claire Rudolf (2005). 2775:U.S. Board of Geographic Names 1794:Slave raiding in Easter Island 645: 418:Cape Disappointment State Park 221:business moving goods between 1: 4628:Pennsylvania State University 4467:Gwaltney, William W. (1995). 4419:(1892). Bonner, T. D. (ed.). 4193:10.1086/soutjanth.6.3.3628461 3839:"Enslaved Afrikan Adventurer" 3399: 3382:. Yale University Press, 2002 3067:. Chicago, IL: Red Dock, Inc. 451:Spirit Mound Historic Prairie 232: 5934:19th-century American slaves 5880:– via 5855:– via 5830:– via 5817:"York Before the Expedition" 5805:– via 5780:– via 5755:– via 5730:– via 5705:– via 5501:. 6 Jun 2008. p. C003. 4937:. July 16, 1989. p. 23. 4624:"York: The Voice of Freedom" 4454:University of Oklahoma Press 4150:University of Oklahoma Press 4037:University Press of Colorado 3905:University of Nebraska Press 3720:University of Nebraska Press 3603:University Press of Colorado 3421:University Press of Kentucky 3077:Steenwyk, Elizabeth (2000). 2929:, was secretly installed in 2708:the expedition's dog, Seaman 2660:Lewis and Clark meeting the 2570:Lewis and Clark meeting the 2541:University of Kentucky Press 2481:Creative works based on York 2085:Temporary Slavery Commission 1746:Slavery in the Mongol Empire 629: 7: 5989:People enslaved in Virginia 5867:"York After the Expedition" 5456:The Springfield News-Leader 4871:Oregon Historical Quarterly 4275:"Decision at Chinook Point" 4235:"Decision at Chinook Point" 3837:Toure, Ahati N. N. (2021). 3710:Clarke, Charles G. (2002). 3494:Oregon Historical Quarterly 3327: 3300:. 8:16. BrightRoad2Success. 2996:Oregon Historical Quarterly 2859:, next to the wharf on the 2685:The Naming of Mt. Jefferson 2451:The Sambo and the superhero 2105:Ad Hoc Committee on Slavery 1150:Volga Bulgarian slave trade 424:Mentions in Clark's journal 10: 6005: 5425:"The Making of a Monument" 5400:Historical Marker Database 5369:Historical Marker Database 5198:Historical Marker Database 4671:. 2 Feb 2018. p. e5. 4497:Musselman, Joseph (2013), 3416:Encyclopedia of Louisville 3307:York Before the Expedition 3161:Pringle, Laurence (2006). 2857:Riverfront Plaza/Belvedere 2795:Lewis and Clark Expedition 2631:. York is at bottom right. 2627:, west face of the former 2290:Great Dismal Swamp maroons 2127:Anti-Slavery International 1892:North Africa and West Asia 540:Washington Irving's report 193:Lewis and Clark Expedition 104:Lewis and Clark Expedition 43:Riverfront Plaza/Belvedere 18: 4979:Oregon Historical Society 4586:Michelson, Peter (1972). 4417:Beckwourth, James Pierson 3969:: Yale University Press. 3457:"York: The American Hero" 3455:Carole (March 12, 2019). 3319:York After the Expedition 3255: 3096:Gustafson, R. W. (2000). 2739:Oregon Historical Society 2644:statue of Harvey W. Scott 2386:Emancipation Proclamation 2058:Opposition and resistance 1816:Sex trafficking in Europe 1804:Blackbirding in Polynesia 1367:Trans-Saharan slave trade 707: 332:York and Native Americans 178: 170: 162: 142: 137: 133: 125: 117: 109: 98: 87: 79: 71: 65:Caroline County, Virginia 53: 34: 27: 4400:Clearfield, Pennsylvania 3236:North Mankato, Minnesota 3146:. Walker & Company. 3119:Blumberg, Rhoda (2004). 3081:. Northland Publishing. 2892:Jefferson City, Missouri 2166:Compensated emancipation 1377:Indian Ocean slave trade 5717:"York: One Man's Story" 5533:Lewis and Clark College 5497:St. Louis Post-Dispatch 5287:"Street named for York" 5164:(Kansas City, Missouri) 4500:Mapping the Yellowstone 4442:Wilson, Elinor (1972). 3997:. Lewis and 3344:List of enslaved people 3238:: Capstone Publishing. 3184:Phillips, Brad (2006). 3169:: Calkins Creek Books. 3167:Honesdale, Pennsylvania 2970:Betts, Robert (2000) . 2912:Lewis and Clark College 2843:Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 2683:In 1988, the sculpture 2676:"Bilalian Odyssey", by 2090:1926 Slavery Convention 1846:Germany in World War II 1463:North and South America 985:Contract of manumission 698: 383:they do not comprehend. 5300:(3): 40. August 2002. 5261:(3): 32. August 2001. 4701:. 2016. Archived from 4596:. 23/24 (4/1): 16–29. 4425:Charles Godfrey Leland 3995:"Fallout over Freedom" 3967:New Haven, Connecticut 3634:"York in the Journals" 3597:Betts, Robert (2000). 2954:There are no writings 2797:. The privately owned 2777:as designation for an 2693:University of Portland 2656:Charles Marion Russell 2650: 2632: 2616: 2613:Charles Marion Russell 2601: 2598:Charles Marion Russell 2585: 2578:Charles Marion Russell 1571:British Virgin Islands 1123:Circassian slave trade 1089:Safavid imperial harem 1084:Ottoman Imperial Harem 638: 627: 613: 560: 528: 520: 505: 399: 393: 385: 377: 372: 367: 352: 347: 311: 260: 5499:(St. Louis, Missouri) 5460:Springfield, Missouri 5395:Lewis and Clark Mural 4808:(2): 1, 3. May 1986. 4358:National Park Service 4031:Robert Betts (2000). 3688:on December 25, 2021. 3507:10.1353/ohq.2003.0005 3461:Denver Public Library 3387:National Park Service 3277:York: One Man's Story 3230:Davis, Hasan (2019). 3009:10.1353/ohq.2003.0005 2903:York: Terra Incognita 2638: 2622: 2607: 2591: 2568: 2510:Spokane Civic Theatre 1810:Europe and North Asia 1770:Australia and Oceania 1470:Pre-Columbian America 1042:Slave raid of SuĂ°uroy 974:Slavery in al-Andalus 896:Black Sea slave trade 825:21st-century jihadism 633: 622: 600: 551: 509: 500: 394: 388: 380: 373: 368: 353: 348: 342: 289: 255: 163:Years of service 102:Participating in the 5162:The Kansas City Star 4981:(January 22, 2016). 4663:The Spokesman-Review 4561:Fallout over Freedom 3767:Smithsonian Magazine 3039:Smithsonian Magazine 2773:was accepted by the 2704:Great Falls, Montana 2689:Michael Florin Dente 2265:Indentured servitude 2193:Underground Railroad 1993:United Arab Emirates 1382:Zanzibar slave trade 1349:By country or region 1162:Atlantic slave trade 1064:Ma malakat aymanukum 948:Venetian slave trade 689:American Fur Company 534:Natchez, Mississippi 479:York's Eight Islands 461:After the expedition 300:Great Falls, Montana 47:Louisville, Kentucky 5939:19th-century deaths 5423:Meyer, Sabra Tull. 5094:(2): 30. May 2000. 4950:Great Falls Tribune 4935:Great Falls Tribune 4757:Appalachian Journal 4667:Spokane, Washington 4126:Pail Allen, Esquire 3897:(August 16, 1805). 3670:on August 15, 2022. 3286:18:48. Stefan Milo. 3270:Searching for York. 2950:Writings about York 2826:In 2001, President 2522:Black History Month 2514:Spokane, Washington 2497:and librettist was 2351:Slave Route Project 1482:Americas indigenous 1372:Red Sea slave trade 1362:Contemporary Africa 1225:Topics and practice 995:Crimean slave trade 990:Bukhara slave trade 943:Genoese slave trade 820:Contemporary Africa 800:Forced prostitution 243:Ladysmith, Virginia 5638:(Portland, Oregon) 5529:"Recognizing York" 5063:"Clark's 1805 map" 4152:. pp. 68–69. 3929:*William English, 3895:Lewis, Meriweather 2832:United States Army 2781:of islands in the 2651: 2633: 2617: 2602: 2586: 2475:Corps of Discovery 2132:Blockade of Africa 1439:Somali slave trade 1355:Sub-Saharan Africa 1047:Turkish Abductions 1005:Khivan slave trade 1000:Khazar slave trade 953:Balkan slave trade 911:Prague slave trade 317:Corps of Discovery 312: 157:United States Army 5908:, Jackson Davis V 5229:on 26 August 2006 5069:on July 23, 2011. 4965:Los Angeles Times 4112:Lewis, Meriwether 3991:Áhati N. N. TourĂ© 3880:978-0-8050-6725-5 3716:Lincoln, Nebraska 3430:978-0-8131-2100-0 3245:978-1-5435-1290-8 3222:978-1-4565-8936-3 3199:978-1-885027-36-8 3192:: Apricot Press. 3153:978-0-8027-8919-8 3088:978-0-87358-758-7 3073:Children's books 2939:white supremacist 2874:Liberty, Missouri 2787:Broadwater County 2678:Isaka Shamsud-din 2448: 2447: 2398:Freedmen's Bureau 2220:Third Servile War 2215:International law 1782:Human trafficking 1544:Human trafficking 1219:Thirteen colonies 1037:Sack of Baltimore 805:Human trafficking 693:Yellowstone River 546:Washington Irving 282:On the expedition 237:York was born in 215:Washington Irving 182: 181: 5996: 5882: 5881: 5879: 5878: 5863: 5857: 5856: 5854: 5853: 5838: 5832: 5831: 5829: 5828: 5813: 5807: 5806: 5804: 5803: 5788: 5782: 5781: 5779: 5778: 5763: 5757: 5756: 5754: 5753: 5738: 5732: 5731: 5729: 5728: 5713: 5707: 5706: 5704: 5703: 5688: 5682: 5681: 5679: 5678: 5659: 5653: 5652: 5650: 5649: 5636:Portland Tribune 5626: 5620: 5619: 5617: 5615: 5593: 5587: 5586: 5584: 5582: 5569:Portland, Oregon 5555: 5549: 5548: 5546: 5544: 5525: 5519: 5518: 5512: 5510: 5488: 5482: 5481: 5475: 5473: 5447: 5441: 5440: 5438: 5436: 5420: 5414: 5413: 5412: 5411: 5390: 5384: 5383: 5381: 5380: 5361: 5355: 5354: 5347: 5341: 5340: 5338: 5337: 5322: 5316: 5315: 5313: 5312: 5306: 5291: 5283: 5277: 5276: 5274: 5273: 5267: 5252: 5244: 5238: 5237: 5235: 5234: 5219: 5213: 5212: 5210: 5209: 5190: 5184: 5183: 5177: 5175: 5152: 5146: 5145: 5143: 5142: 5136: 5125: 5116: 5110: 5109: 5107: 5106: 5100: 5085: 5077: 5071: 5070: 5065:. Archived from 5055: 5049: 5048: 5043:. Archived from 5036: 5030: 5029: 5027: 5026: 5011: 5005: 5004: 5002: 5000: 4994: 4987: 4975: 4969: 4968: 4960: 4954: 4953: 4945: 4939: 4938: 4930: 4924: 4923: 4921: 4920: 4905: 4899: 4898: 4896: 4895: 4861: 4852: 4851: 4850: 4848: 4830: 4824: 4823: 4821: 4820: 4814: 4799: 4791: 4785: 4784: 4782: 4781: 4747: 4741: 4740: 4738: 4736: 4721: 4715: 4714: 4712: 4710: 4705:on March 6, 2016 4695: 4689: 4688: 4682: 4680: 4650: 4644: 4643: 4641: 4639: 4634:on March 5, 2004 4630:. Archived from 4620: 4614: 4613: 4602:10.2307/25294631 4583: 4577: 4576: 4575: 4573: 4555: 4549: 4548: 4546: 4544: 4522: 4516: 4515: 4514: 4512: 4494: 4488: 4487: 4485: 4484: 4464: 4458: 4457: 4450:Norman, Oklahoma 4439: 4433: 4432: 4413: 4404: 4403: 4385: 4374: 4373: 4371: 4369: 4350: 4344: 4343: 4341: 4340: 4334: 4319: 4310: 4304: 4303: 4301: 4300: 4294: 4279: 4270: 4264: 4263: 4261: 4260: 4254: 4239: 4230: 4224: 4223: 4221: 4220: 4170: 4164: 4163: 4146:Norman, Oklahoma 4137: 4131: 4130: 4108: 4087: 4086: 4084: 4082: 4060: 4051: 4050: 4028: 4011: 4010: 4008: 4006: 3987: 3981: 3980: 3955: 3934: 3927: 3921: 3920: 3918: 3916: 3891: 3885: 3884: 3860: 3854: 3853: 3851: 3850: 3834: 3821: 3820: 3794: 3783: 3782: 3780: 3779: 3757: 3742: 3741: 3707: 3690: 3689: 3684:. Archived from 3678: 3672: 3671: 3666:. Archived from 3660: 3654: 3653: 3651: 3649: 3626: 3617: 3616: 3594: 3527: 3526: 3484: 3465: 3464: 3452: 3446: 3445: 3443: 3442: 3410: 3395: 3378:James Holmberg, 3249: 3226: 3213:Madison, Alabama 3203: 3180: 3157: 3138: 3115: 3092: 3068: 3054: 3052: 3051: 3028: 2985: 2931:Mount Tabor Park 2916:Portland, Oregon 2888:Sabra Tull Meyer 2648:Portland, Oregon 2504:A one-man play, 2440: 2433: 2426: 2410:Emancipation Day 2243: 2210:Slave Trade Acts 901:Byzantine Empire 743: 716: 715: 667:James Beckwourth 662:James Beckwourth 616:Passage 2 (1834) 605:Kenneth McKenzie 597:Passage 1 (1832) 531: 483:York's Dry Creek 306:, Lewis, Clark, 265:Scipio Africanus 189:African-American 155: 153: 152: 144: 39: 25: 24: 6004: 6003: 5999: 5998: 5997: 5995: 5994: 5993: 5919: 5918: 5912: 5891: 5886: 5885: 5876: 5874: 5865: 5864: 5860: 5851: 5849: 5840: 5839: 5835: 5826: 5824: 5815: 5814: 5810: 5801: 5799: 5790: 5789: 5785: 5776: 5774: 5765: 5764: 5760: 5751: 5749: 5742:"Who Was York?" 5740: 5739: 5735: 5726: 5724: 5715: 5714: 5710: 5701: 5699: 5690: 5689: 5685: 5676: 5674: 5661: 5660: 5656: 5647: 5645: 5627: 5623: 5613: 5611: 5594: 5590: 5580: 5578: 5556: 5552: 5542: 5540: 5527: 5526: 5522: 5508: 5506: 5490: 5489: 5485: 5471: 5469: 5449: 5448: 5444: 5434: 5432: 5421: 5417: 5409: 5407: 5392: 5391: 5387: 5378: 5376: 5363: 5362: 5358: 5349: 5348: 5344: 5335: 5333: 5324: 5323: 5319: 5310: 5308: 5304: 5294:We Proceeded On 5289: 5285: 5284: 5280: 5271: 5269: 5265: 5255:We Proceeded On 5250: 5246: 5245: 5241: 5232: 5230: 5221: 5220: 5216: 5207: 5205: 5192: 5191: 5187: 5173: 5171: 5153: 5149: 5140: 5138: 5134: 5128:We Proceeded On 5123: 5117: 5113: 5104: 5102: 5098: 5088:We Proceeded On 5083: 5079: 5078: 5074: 5056: 5052: 5047:on May 7, 2011. 5037: 5033: 5024: 5022: 5013: 5012: 5008: 4998: 4996: 4992: 4985: 4976: 4972: 4961: 4957: 4947: 4946: 4942: 4932: 4931: 4927: 4918: 4916: 4906: 4902: 4893: 4891: 4862: 4855: 4846: 4844: 4831: 4827: 4818: 4816: 4812: 4802:We Proceeded On 4797: 4793: 4792: 4788: 4779: 4777: 4748: 4744: 4734: 4732: 4723: 4722: 4718: 4708: 4706: 4697: 4696: 4692: 4678: 4676: 4652: 4651: 4647: 4637: 4635: 4622: 4621: 4617: 4584: 4580: 4571: 4569: 4556: 4552: 4542: 4540: 4523: 4519: 4510: 4508: 4495: 4491: 4482: 4480: 4465: 4461: 4440: 4436: 4429:T. Fisher Unwin 4414: 4407: 4386: 4377: 4367: 4365: 4352: 4351: 4347: 4338: 4336: 4332: 4322:We Proceeded On 4317: 4311: 4307: 4298: 4296: 4292: 4282:We Proceeded On 4277: 4271: 4267: 4258: 4256: 4252: 4242:We Proceeded On 4237: 4231: 4227: 4218: 4216: 4171: 4167: 4160: 4138: 4134: 4109: 4090: 4080: 4078: 4070:Washington Post 4061: 4054: 4047: 4029: 4014: 4004: 4002: 3988: 3984: 3977: 3956: 3937: 3928: 3924: 3914: 3912: 3892: 3888: 3881: 3873:. p. 321. 3861: 3857: 3848: 3846: 3835: 3824: 3809: 3795: 3786: 3777: 3775: 3758: 3745: 3730: 3708: 3693: 3680: 3679: 3675: 3662: 3661: 3657: 3647: 3645: 3632:(4 June 2021). 3627: 3620: 3613: 3595: 3530: 3485: 3468: 3453: 3449: 3440: 3438: 3431: 3423:. p. 962. 3411: 3407: 3402: 3368: 3366:Further reading 3330: 3258: 3246: 3223: 3200: 3177: 3154: 3135: 3112: 3102:Conrad, Montana 3089: 3079:My Name is York 3049: 3047: 2982: 2960:slave narrative 2952: 2945:, is suspected. 2927:Harvey W. Scott 2804:Western artist 2761:Porter Williams 2747:Sovereign Hotel 2563: 2499:Jason Charnesky 2483: 2453: 2444: 2415: 2414: 2319:Slave narrative 2275:Fugitive slaves 2255: 2247: 2246: 2237: 2205:Slave rebellion 2060: 2050: 2049: 2008: 1998: 1997: 1820:United Kingdom 1756:Yankee princess 1350: 1342: 1341: 1069:Avret Pazarları 1015:Avret Pazarları 884:Medieval Europe 850: 840: 839: 778:Forced marriage 753: 710: 701: 684: 664: 648: 643: 632: 618: 599: 594: 573: 556: 555: 542: 491: 463: 426: 414: 358:point of honour 356:relations. The 334: 310:and her infant. 284: 276: 239:Caroline County 235: 150: 148: 138:Military career 67: 58: 49: 41:York statue at 30: 23: 17: 12: 11: 5: 6002: 5992: 5991: 5986: 5981: 5976: 5971: 5966: 5961: 5956: 5951: 5946: 5941: 5936: 5931: 5917: 5916: 5910: 5909: 5903: 5897: 5890: 5889:External links 5887: 5884: 5883: 5858: 5833: 5808: 5783: 5758: 5733: 5708: 5683: 5654: 5621: 5588: 5550: 5520: 5483: 5442: 5415: 5385: 5356: 5342: 5317: 5278: 5239: 5214: 5185: 5166:. p. 12. 5147: 5111: 5072: 5059:Clark, William 5050: 5031: 5006: 4970: 4967:. p. A16. 4955: 4940: 4925: 4900: 4878:(4): 452–479. 4853: 4825: 4786: 4764:(1/2): 90–96. 4742: 4716: 4690: 4645: 4615: 4593:Chicago Review 4578: 4550: 4532:The New Yorker 4517: 4489: 4473:Lest We Forget 4459: 4434: 4405: 4375: 4345: 4305: 4265: 4225: 4187:(3): 255–272. 4165: 4158: 4132: 4116:Clark, William 4088: 4052: 4045: 4012: 3993:(April 2006). 3982: 3975: 3959:Clark, William 3935: 3922: 3886: 3879: 3855: 3822: 3807: 3784: 3743: 3728: 3691: 3673: 3655: 3630:Clark, William 3618: 3611: 3528: 3501:(3): 302–333. 3466: 3447: 3429: 3404: 3403: 3401: 3398: 3397: 3396: 3383: 3376: 3371:Robert Betts, 3367: 3364: 3363: 3362: 3357: 3351: 3346: 3341: 3336: 3329: 3326: 3325: 3324: 3323: 3322: 3316: 3310: 3301: 3294: 3287: 3280: 3273: 3266: 3257: 3254: 3253: 3252: 3251: 3250: 3244: 3227: 3221: 3204: 3198: 3181: 3175: 3158: 3152: 3139: 3133: 3116: 3110: 3104:: The author. 3093: 3087: 3071: 3070: 3069: 3057: 3056: 3055: 3029: 3003:(3): 302–333. 2986: 2980: 2951: 2948: 2947: 2946: 2919: 2898: 2880: 2870: 2864: 2849: 2846: 2835: 2824: 2818: 2812: 2806:Michael Haynes 2802: 2783:Missouri River 2767: 2757:York's Stripes 2754: 2735: 2696: 2681: 2674: 2662:Mandan Indians 2572:Mandan Indians 2562: 2559: 2550:Little Big Man 2545: 2544: 2529:Frank X Walker 2527:Kentucky poet 2525: 2502: 2495:Bruce Trinkley 2487: 2482: 2479: 2452: 2449: 2446: 2445: 2443: 2442: 2435: 2428: 2420: 2417: 2416: 2413: 2412: 2407: 2406: 2405: 2400: 2395: 2390: 2389: 2388: 2378: 2373: 2368: 2363: 2358: 2348: 2343: 2338: 2333: 2332: 2331: 2326: 2316: 2311: 2310: 2309: 2304: 2297:List of slaves 2294: 2293: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2256: 2253: 2252: 2249: 2248: 2245: 2244: 2232: 2227: 2222: 2217: 2212: 2207: 2202: 2201: 2200: 2190: 2185: 2180: 2179: 2178: 2168: 2163: 2162: 2161: 2156: 2146: 2145: 2144: 2139: 2129: 2124: 2119: 2118: 2117: 2112: 2107: 2102: 2097: 2092: 2087: 2082: 2077: 2072: 2061: 2056: 2055: 2052: 2051: 2048: 2047: 2042: 2037: 2032: 2031: 2030: 2025: 2015: 2009: 2004: 2003: 2000: 1999: 1996: 1995: 1990: 1985: 1980: 1975: 1970: 1965: 1960: 1955: 1950: 1945: 1940: 1935: 1930: 1925: 1920: 1915: 1910: 1905: 1900: 1894: 1893: 1889: 1888: 1883: 1878: 1873: 1868: 1863: 1858: 1853: 1848: 1843: 1841:Dutch Republic 1838: 1833: 1832: 1831: 1826: 1818: 1812: 1811: 1807: 1806: 1801: 1796: 1791: 1786: 1785: 1784: 1773: 1772: 1766: 1765: 1760: 1759: 1758: 1748: 1743: 1738: 1733: 1732: 1731: 1721: 1720: 1719: 1709: 1704: 1703: 1702: 1697: 1687: 1686: 1685: 1680: 1675: 1665: 1660: 1655: 1649: 1648: 1642: 1641: 1636: 1629: 1628: 1627: 1622: 1612: 1607: 1602: 1601: 1600: 1590: 1585: 1584: 1583: 1578: 1573: 1568: 1558: 1553: 1548: 1547: 1546: 1541: 1536: 1531: 1526: 1521: 1516: 1511: 1506: 1501: 1491: 1490: 1489: 1479: 1478: 1477: 1466: 1465: 1459: 1458: 1453: 1448: 1443: 1442: 1441: 1431: 1426: 1421: 1416: 1411: 1406: 1401: 1396: 1391: 1386: 1385: 1384: 1374: 1369: 1364: 1358: 1357: 1351: 1348: 1347: 1344: 1343: 1340: 1339: 1334: 1329: 1324: 1319: 1313: 1312: 1308: 1307: 1302: 1300:Child soldiers 1297: 1292: 1287: 1282: 1277: 1276: 1275: 1265: 1260: 1255: 1250: 1249: 1248: 1243: 1238: 1227: 1226: 1222: 1221: 1216: 1211: 1209:Spanish Empire 1206: 1201: 1196: 1191: 1189:Middle Passage 1186: 1181: 1176: 1171: 1165: 1164: 1158: 1157: 1152: 1147: 1142: 1137: 1132: 1127: 1126: 1125: 1120: 1115: 1110: 1105: 1096: 1091: 1086: 1081: 1076: 1071: 1066: 1061: 1051: 1050: 1049: 1044: 1039: 1034: 1029: 1019: 1018: 1017: 1010:Ottoman Empire 1007: 1002: 997: 992: 987: 982: 977: 971: 965: 964: 958: 957: 956: 955: 945: 940: 935: 934: 933: 928: 923: 913: 908: 903: 898: 893: 887: 886: 880: 879: 874: 869: 864: 858: 857: 851: 846: 845: 842: 841: 838: 837: 832: 830:Sexual slavery 827: 822: 817: 812: 807: 802: 797: 796: 795: 790: 788:Child marriage 785: 775: 770: 765: 763:Child soldiers 760: 754: 749: 748: 745: 744: 736: 735: 725: 724: 709: 706: 700: 697: 683: 680: 663: 660: 647: 644: 642: 639: 631: 628: 617: 614: 598: 595: 593: 590: 572: 569: 541: 538: 490: 487: 462: 459: 458: 457: 454: 447: 444: 437: 425: 422: 413: 410: 403:Columbia River 387: 386: 333: 330: 292:Robert Scriver 283: 280: 275: 274:The name "Ben" 272: 234: 231: 191:member of the 180: 179: 176: 175: 172: 168: 167: 164: 160: 159: 146: 140: 139: 135: 134: 131: 130: 127: 123: 122: 121:Old York, Rose 119: 115: 114: 111: 107: 106: 100: 99:Known for 96: 95: 89: 85: 84: 81: 77: 76: 73: 69: 68: 59: 55: 51: 50: 40: 32: 31: 28: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6001: 5990: 5987: 5985: 5982: 5980: 5977: 5975: 5972: 5970: 5967: 5965: 5962: 5960: 5957: 5955: 5952: 5950: 5947: 5945: 5942: 5940: 5937: 5935: 5932: 5930: 5927: 5926: 5924: 5915: 5914: 5913: 5907: 5904: 5901: 5898: 5896: 5893: 5892: 5872: 5868: 5862: 5847: 5843: 5837: 5822: 5818: 5812: 5797: 5793: 5787: 5772: 5768: 5762: 5747: 5743: 5737: 5722: 5718: 5712: 5697: 5693: 5687: 5672: 5668: 5664: 5658: 5643: 5639: 5637: 5632: 5625: 5609: 5605: 5604: 5599: 5592: 5576: 5572: 5570: 5566: 5565:The Oregonian 5561: 5554: 5538: 5534: 5530: 5524: 5516: 5504: 5500: 5498: 5493: 5487: 5479: 5467: 5463: 5461: 5457: 5452: 5446: 5430: 5426: 5419: 5405: 5401: 5397: 5396: 5389: 5374: 5370: 5366: 5360: 5352: 5346: 5331: 5327: 5321: 5303: 5299: 5295: 5288: 5282: 5264: 5260: 5256: 5249: 5243: 5228: 5224: 5218: 5203: 5199: 5195: 5189: 5181: 5169: 5165: 5163: 5158: 5151: 5133: 5129: 5122: 5115: 5097: 5093: 5089: 5082: 5076: 5068: 5064: 5060: 5054: 5046: 5042: 5035: 5020: 5016: 5010: 4991: 4984: 4980: 4974: 4966: 4959: 4951: 4944: 4936: 4929: 4915: 4911: 4904: 4889: 4885: 4881: 4877: 4873: 4872: 4867: 4860: 4858: 4842: 4838: 4837: 4829: 4811: 4807: 4803: 4796: 4790: 4775: 4771: 4767: 4763: 4759: 4758: 4753: 4746: 4730: 4726: 4720: 4704: 4700: 4694: 4686: 4674: 4670: 4668: 4664: 4659: 4657: 4649: 4633: 4629: 4625: 4619: 4611: 4607: 4603: 4599: 4595: 4594: 4589: 4582: 4567: 4563: 4562: 4554: 4538: 4534: 4533: 4528: 4521: 4506: 4502: 4501: 4493: 4478: 4474: 4470: 4463: 4455: 4451: 4447: 4446: 4438: 4430: 4426: 4422: 4418: 4412: 4410: 4401: 4397: 4396: 4390: 4389:Zenas Leonard 4384: 4382: 4380: 4363: 4359: 4355: 4349: 4331: 4327: 4323: 4316: 4309: 4291: 4287: 4283: 4276: 4269: 4251: 4247: 4243: 4236: 4229: 4214: 4210: 4206: 4202: 4198: 4194: 4190: 4186: 4182: 4181: 4176: 4169: 4161: 4159:0-8061-1899-7 4155: 4151: 4147: 4143: 4136: 4128: 4127: 4121: 4117: 4113: 4107: 4105: 4103: 4101: 4099: 4097: 4095: 4093: 4076: 4072: 4071: 4066: 4059: 4057: 4048: 4046:0-87081-618-7 4042: 4038: 4034: 4027: 4025: 4023: 4021: 4019: 4017: 4000: 3996: 3992: 3986: 3978: 3976:0-300-09010-2 3972: 3968: 3964: 3960: 3954: 3952: 3950: 3948: 3946: 3944: 3942: 3940: 3932: 3926: 3910: 3906: 3902: 3901: 3896: 3890: 3882: 3876: 3872: 3868: 3867: 3859: 3844: 3840: 3833: 3831: 3829: 3827: 3818: 3814: 3810: 3808:0-684-81107-3 3804: 3800: 3793: 3791: 3789: 3773: 3769: 3768: 3763: 3756: 3754: 3752: 3750: 3748: 3739: 3735: 3731: 3729:0-8032-6419-4 3725: 3721: 3717: 3713: 3706: 3704: 3702: 3700: 3698: 3696: 3687: 3683: 3677: 3669: 3665: 3659: 3643: 3639: 3635: 3631: 3625: 3623: 3614: 3612:0-87081-618-7 3608: 3604: 3600: 3593: 3591: 3589: 3587: 3585: 3583: 3581: 3579: 3577: 3575: 3573: 3571: 3569: 3567: 3565: 3563: 3561: 3559: 3557: 3555: 3553: 3551: 3549: 3547: 3545: 3543: 3541: 3539: 3537: 3535: 3533: 3524: 3520: 3516: 3512: 3508: 3504: 3500: 3496: 3495: 3490: 3483: 3481: 3479: 3477: 3475: 3473: 3471: 3462: 3458: 3451: 3436: 3432: 3426: 3422: 3418: 3417: 3409: 3405: 3394: 3393: 3388: 3384: 3381: 3377: 3374: 3370: 3369: 3361: 3358: 3355: 3352: 3350: 3349:Shields Green 3347: 3345: 3342: 3340: 3337: 3335: 3332: 3331: 3320: 3317: 3314: 3311: 3308: 3305: 3304: 3302: 3299: 3295: 3292: 3288: 3285: 3281: 3278: 3274: 3271: 3267: 3264: 3260: 3259: 3247: 3241: 3237: 3233: 3228: 3224: 3218: 3214: 3210: 3205: 3201: 3195: 3191: 3187: 3182: 3178: 3176:1-59078-282-8 3172: 3168: 3164: 3159: 3155: 3149: 3145: 3140: 3136: 3134:0-06-009113-4 3130: 3126: 3122: 3117: 3113: 3111:1-84197-076-X 3107: 3103: 3099: 3094: 3090: 3084: 3080: 3075: 3074: 3072: 3066: 3061: 3060: 3058: 3045: 3041: 3040: 3035: 3030: 3026: 3022: 3018: 3014: 3010: 3006: 3002: 2998: 2997: 2992: 2987: 2983: 2981:0-87081-714-0 2977: 2973: 2968: 2967: 2965: 2964: 2963: 2961: 2957: 2944: 2943:Patriot Front 2940: 2936: 2932: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2917: 2913: 2909: 2905: 2904: 2899: 2897: 2893: 2889: 2885: 2881: 2879: 2875: 2871: 2869: 2865: 2862: 2858: 2854: 2850: 2847: 2844: 2840: 2836: 2833: 2829: 2825: 2823: 2819: 2817: 2813: 2811: 2807: 2803: 2800: 2796: 2792: 2788: 2784: 2780: 2776: 2772: 2771:Yorks Islands 2768: 2766: 2762: 2758: 2755: 2752: 2748: 2744: 2741:commissioned 2740: 2737:In 1989, the 2736: 2733: 2729: 2725: 2722:added (photo 2721: 2717: 2713: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2697: 2694: 2690: 2686: 2682: 2679: 2675: 2672: 2668: 2664: 2663: 2657: 2653: 2652: 2649: 2645: 2641: 2637: 2630: 2626: 2621: 2614: 2610: 2606: 2599: 2595: 2590: 2583: 2579: 2575: 2573: 2567: 2558: 2556: 2555:Thomas Berger 2552: 2551: 2547:In his novel 2542: 2538: 2534: 2530: 2526: 2523: 2519: 2515: 2511: 2507: 2503: 2500: 2496: 2492: 2488: 2485: 2484: 2478: 2476: 2471: 2469: 2464: 2462: 2458: 2441: 2436: 2434: 2429: 2427: 2422: 2421: 2419: 2418: 2411: 2408: 2404: 2401: 2399: 2396: 2394: 2391: 2387: 2384: 2383: 2382: 2379: 2377: 2374: 2372: 2369: 2367: 2364: 2362: 2359: 2357: 2354: 2353: 2352: 2349: 2347: 2344: 2342: 2341:Slave catcher 2339: 2337: 2334: 2330: 2327: 2325: 2322: 2321: 2320: 2317: 2315: 2312: 2308: 2305: 2303: 2300: 2299: 2298: 2295: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2278: 2277: 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Retrieved 4805: 4801: 4789: 4778:. Retrieved 4761: 4755: 4745: 4733:. Retrieved 4719: 4707:. Retrieved 4703:the original 4693: 4683:– via 4677:. Retrieved 4661: 4655: 4648: 4636:. Retrieved 4632:the original 4618: 4591: 4581: 4570:, retrieved 4560: 4553: 4543:September 2, 4541:. Retrieved 4530: 4520: 4509:, retrieved 4499: 4492: 4481:. Retrieved 4472: 4462: 4456:. p. 7. 4444: 4437: 4420: 4393: 4366:. Retrieved 4348: 4337:. Retrieved 4325: 4321: 4308: 4297:. Retrieved 4285: 4281: 4268: 4257:. Retrieved 4248:(2): 13–19. 4245: 4241: 4228: 4217:. Retrieved 4184: 4178: 4168: 4141: 4135: 4124: 4079:. Retrieved 4068: 4032: 4003:. Retrieved 3985: 3962: 3930: 3925: 3915:September 2, 3913:. Retrieved 3899: 3889: 3869:. New York: 3865: 3858: 3847:. Retrieved 3798: 3776:. Retrieved 3765: 3711: 3686:the original 3676: 3668:the original 3658: 3646:. Retrieved 3637: 3598: 3498: 3492: 3450: 3439:. Retrieved 3415: 3408: 3391: 3379: 3372: 3318: 3312: 3306: 3297: 3290: 3283: 3276: 3269: 3262: 3231: 3208: 3185: 3162: 3143: 3123:. New York: 3120: 3097: 3078: 3064: 3048:. Retrieved 3037: 3000: 2994: 2971: 2955: 2953: 2935:Todd McGrain 2923:bust of York 2901: 2883: 2828:Bill Clinton 2756: 2743:Richard Haas 2684: 2670: 2666: 2659: 2640:Bust of York 2625:Richard Haas 2608: 2593: 2569: 2548: 2546: 2536: 2535:(2004), and 2532: 2518:off-Broadway 2505: 2490: 2472: 2465: 2454: 2346:Slave patrol 2183:Freedom suit 2159:Sierra Leone 2149:Colonization 2065:Abolitionism 2045:BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ Faith 2018:Christianity 1968:Saudi Arabia 1824:Penal Labour 1789:Blackbirding 1695:Debt bondage 1683:penal system 1509:Contemporary 1499:Field slaves 1487:U.S. Natives 1446:South Africa 1317:Galley slave 1290:Slave market 1280:House slaves 1253:Blackbirding 1231:Conscription 1155:21st century 1118:Umm al-walad 962:Muslim world 931:Emancipation 835:Wage slavery 815:Penal labour 793:Wife selling 783:Bride buying 768:Conscription 758:Child Labour 751:Contemporary 711: 702: 685: 682:John Brazeau 665: 649: 634: 623: 619: 608: 601: 574: 561: 552: 543: 525: 521: 513: 510: 506: 501: 496: 492: 476: 472: 468: 464: 427: 415: 407: 400: 395: 389: 381: 374: 369: 354: 349: 343: 339: 335: 322: 313: 277: 269: 261: 256: 236: 212: 208: 197: 184: 183: 91:Enslaved by 21:Bust of York 5663:"- YouTube" 4120:Allen, Paul 3190:Nephi, Utah 3059:Screenplay 2908:Alison Saar 2853:Ed Hamilton 2779:archipelago 2700:Bob Scriver 2468:happy slave 2361:court cases 2238: [ 2188:Slave Power 2176:Manumission 2023:Catholicism 1898:Afghanistan 1639:Puerto Rico 1551:The Bahamas 1529:Slave codes 1332:Shanghaiing 1322:Impressment 1214:Slave Coast 1094:Qajar harem 1054:Concubinage 1027:slave trade 651:Edward Rose 646:Edward Rose 564:Manumission 397:admiration. 5959:Crow tribe 5923:Categories 5877:2021-08-30 5852:2021-08-30 5827:2021-08-30 5802:2021-08-30 5777:2021-08-30 5752:2021-08-30 5727:2021-08-30 5702:2021-08-30 5677:2021-08-30 5648:2021-07-29 5581:August 24, 5410:2021-08-30 5379:2021-08-30 5336:2019-02-15 5311:2021-08-24 5272:2021-08-25 5233:2010-12-19 5208:2021-08-30 5141:2021-09-06 5105:2021-08-24 5025:2011-01-14 4999:August 20, 4919:2023-01-02 4914:oregonlive 4894:2021-09-01 4819:2021-08-26 4780:2021-08-24 4735:August 20, 4572:August 21, 4511:August 22, 4483:2021-08-30 4427:. London: 4368:August 20, 4339:2021-08-25 4328:(1): 2–3. 4299:2021-08-25 4288:(3): 2–3. 4259:2021-08-24 4219:2021-09-25 4081:12 January 3871:Henry Holt 3849:2021-09-01 3778:2020-04-21 3648:August 20, 3441:2021-08-31 3400:References 3334:Estevanico 3050:2020-04-21 2861:Ohio River 2726:), to the 2376:J.Q. Adams 2366:Washington 2336:Slave name 2285:convention 2260:Common law 1633:Encomienda 1429:Seychelles 1414:Mauritania 1337:Slave ship 1204:Panyarring 1199:New France 848:Historical 258:and Harry. 233:Early life 204:illiterate 75:After 1815 19:See also: 5509:30 August 5472:30 August 5435:August 1, 5371:. 2021 . 5174:30 August 5130:: 12–15. 4847:August 1, 4679:30 August 4209:163656454 3523:165692798 3025:165692798 2769:In 2000, 2751:Sacagawea 2720:Sacagawea 2623:Mural by 2582:Sacajawea 2461:superhero 2371:Jefferson 2028:Mormonism 1963:Palestine 1777:Australia 1707:Indonesia 1598:Lei Áurea 1581:Code Noir 1561:Caribbean 1534:Treatment 1273:Treatment 1246:Devshirme 1108:Odalisque 926:In Russia 867:Babylonia 855:Antiquity 630:Passage 3 326:portaging 308:Sacagawea 294:, in the 253:) states: 223:Nashville 166:1803–1806 126:Relatives 118:Parent(s) 61:Ladysmith 5871:Archived 5846:Archived 5821:Archived 5796:Archived 5771:Archived 5746:Archived 5721:Archived 5696:Archived 5671:Archived 5642:Archived 5608:Archived 5575:Archived 5537:Archived 5503:Archived 5466:Archived 5429:Archived 5404:archived 5402:, 2013, 5373:Archived 5330:Archived 5302:Archived 5263:Archived 5202:Archived 5200:. 2020. 5168:Archived 5132:Archived 5096:Archived 5019:Archived 4990:Archived 4888:Archived 4884:20615278 4841:archived 4810:Archived 4774:Archived 4770:40934720 4729:Archived 4727:. 2018. 4709:March 2, 4673:Archived 4638:March 6, 4610:25294631 4566:archived 4537:Archived 4505:archived 4477:Archived 4391:(1839). 4362:Archived 4360:. 2021. 4330:Archived 4290:Archived 4250:Archived 4213:Archived 4118:(1814). 4075:Archived 4005:March 6, 3999:Archived 3909:Archived 3843:Archived 3817:33044492 3772:Archived 3738:48870926 3642:Archived 3515:20615343 3435:Archived 3389:(2018), 3328:See also 3309:. 9:16. 3044:Archived 3017:20615343 2966:General 2712:Missouri 2463:school. 2403:Iron bit 2393:40 acres 2356:breeding 2171:Freedman 2006:Religion 1866:Portugal 1751:Thailand 1741:Maldives 1736:Malaysia 1729:Kwalliso 1673:Booi Aha 1625:Restavek 1605:Colombia 1576:Trinidad 1566:Barbados 1456:Zanzibar 1404:Ethiopia 1285:Saqaliba 1179:Database 1130:Saqaliba 891:Ancillae 721:a series 719:Part of 676:quadroon 656:Cherokee 581:redwoods 529:calabozo 441:keelboat 434:whipsaws 227:Richmond 143:Service/ 88:Employer 5603:KOMO-TV 4395:himself 4201:3628461 4122:(ed.). 3315:. 8:30. 3125:Collins 2941:group, 2799:islands 2791:Montana 2600:, 1905. 2381:Lincoln 2254:Related 2154:Liberia 2040:Judaism 1978:Tunisia 1953:Morocco 1943:Lebanon 1908:Bahrain 1903:Algeria 1871:Romania 1836:Denmark 1829:Slavery 1763:Vietnam 1434:Somalia 1424:Nigeria 1399:Comoros 1327:Pirates 1236:Ghilman 1169:Bristol 1059:history 1032:pirates 921:History 810:Peonage 733:slavery 503:return. 219:drayage 57:1770–75 5543:May 7, 4882:  4768:  4725:"York" 4699:"York" 4608:  4354:"York" 4207:  4199:  4156:  4043:  3973:  3877:  3815:  3805:  3736:  3726:  3609:  3521:  3513:  3427:  3321:10:40. 3296:2020: 3289:2020: 3282:2018: 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Bust of York

Riverfront Plaza/Belvedere
Louisville, Kentucky
Caroline County, Virginia
William Clark
Lewis and Clark Expedition
United States Army
Lewis and Clark Expedition
William Clark
Washington Irving
Caroline County
Ladysmith, Virginia
George Rogers
William Clark
Scipio Africanus

Robert Scriver
Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail Interpretative Center
Great Falls, Montana
Corps of Discovery

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
