
Nazi Germany

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3321: 4578:(Cross of Honour of the German Mother)—for giving birth to four children, silver for six, and gold for eight or more. Large families received subsidies to help with expenses. Though the measures led to increases in the birth rate, the number of families having four or more children declined by five per cent between 1935 and 1940. Removing women from the workforce did not have the intended effect of freeing up jobs for men, as women were for the most part employed as domestic servants, weavers, or in the food and drink industries—jobs that were not of interest to men. Nazi philosophy prevented large numbers of women from being hired to work in munitions factories in the build-up to the war, so foreign labourers were brought in. After the war started, slave labourers were extensively used. In January 1943, Hitler signed a decree requiring all women under the age of fifty to report for work assignments to help the war effort. Thereafter women were funnelled into agricultural and industrial jobs, and by September 1944 14.9 million women were working in munitions production. 3817: 3588: 5108: 3176: 4022: 3469:("race defilement") to justify the need for racial laws. In September 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were enacted. These laws initially prohibited sexual relations and marriages between Aryans and Jews and were later extended to include "Gypsies, Negroes or their bastard offspring". The law also forbade the employment of German women under the age of 45 as domestic servants in Jewish households. The Reich Citizenship Law stated that only those of "German or related blood" could be citizens. Thus Jews and other non-Aryans were stripped of their German citizenship. The law also permitted the Nazis to deny citizenship to anyone who was not supportive enough of the regime. A supplementary decree issued in November defined as Jewish anyone with three Jewish grandparents, or two grandparents if the Jewish faith was followed. 4647: 4509: 2204: 4997: 3599: 2044: 4430: 3431: 2618: 3495: 2215: 5233: 4586: 2508: 3894: 3723: 5032:, a book of racial theories espousing Nordic superiority. Goebbels controlled the wire services and insisted that all newspapers in Germany only publish content favourable to the regime. Under Goebbels, the Propaganda Ministry issued two dozen directives every week on exactly what news should be published and what angles to use; the typical newspaper followed the directives closely, especially regarding what to omit. Newspaper readership plummeted, partly because of the decreased quality of the content and partly because of the surge in popularity of radio. Propaganda became less effective towards the end of the war, as people were able to obtain information outside of official channels. 109: 4166: 3080: 2902: 808: 194: 5295: 781: 4662:, as pioneering research by Franz H. MĂŒller in 1939 demonstrated a causal link between smoking and lung cancer. The Reich Health Office took measures to try to limit smoking, including producing lectures and pamphlets. Smoking was banned in many workplaces, on trains, and among on-duty members of the military. Government agencies also worked to control other carcinogenic substances such as asbestos and pesticides. As part of a general public health campaign, water supplies were cleaned up, lead and mercury were removed from consumer products, and women were urged to undergo regular screenings for breast cancer. 4989:(Reich Chamber of Culture) was organised under the control of the Propaganda Ministry in September 1933. Sub-chambers were set up to control aspects of cultural life such as film, radio, newspapers, fine arts, music, theatre and literature. Members of these professions were required to join their respective organisation. Jews and people considered politically unreliable were prevented from working in the arts, and many emigrated. Books and scripts had to be approved by the Propaganda Ministry prior to publication. Standards deteriorated as the regime sought to use cultural outlets exclusively as propaganda. 3460:("People's Court"), was established in 1934 to deal with political cases. This court handed out over 5,000 death sentences until its dissolution in 1945. The death penalty could be issued for offences such as being a communist, printing seditious leaflets, or even making jokes about Hitler or other officials. The Gestapo was in charge of investigative policing to enforce Nazi ideology as they located and confined political offenders, Jews, and others deemed undesirable. Political offenders who were released from prison were often immediately re-arrested by the Gestapo and confined in a concentration camp. 93: 2334: 3560:("lightning war"), which involved using quick coordinated assaults that avoided enemy strong points. Attacks began with artillery bombardment, followed by bombing and strafing runs. Next the tanks would attack and finally the infantry would move in to secure the captured area. Victories continued through mid-1940, but the failure to defeat Britain was the first major turning point in the war. The decision to attack the Soviet Union and the decisive defeat at Stalingrad led to the retreat of the German armies and the eventual loss of the war. The total number of soldiers who served in the 4525:
changes to their lectures or syllabus during the Nazi period. This was especially true of universities located in predominantly Catholic regions. Enrolment at German universities declined from 104,000 students in 1931 to 41,000 in 1939, but enrolment in medical schools rose sharply as Jewish doctors had been forced to leave the profession, so medical graduates had good job prospects. From 1934, university students were required to attend frequent and time-consuming military training sessions run by the SA. First-year students also had to serve six months in a labour camp for the
4862:(Reich Concordat) treaty with the Vatican was signed in 1933, amid continuing harassment of the church in Germany. The treaty required the regime to honour the independence of Catholic institutions and prohibited clergy from involvement in politics. Hitler routinely disregarded the Concordat, closing all Catholic institutions whose functions were not strictly religious. Clergy, nuns and lay leaders were targeted, with thousands of arrests over the ensuing years, often on trumped-up charges of currency smuggling or immorality. Several Catholic leaders were targeted in the 1934 3946:. Germany imported and enslaved some 12 million people from 20 European countries to work in factories and on farms. Approximately 75 per cent were Eastern European. Many were casualties of Allied bombing, as they received poor air raid protection. Poor living conditions led to high rates of sickness, injury, and death, as well as sabotage and criminal activity. The wartime economy also relied upon large-scale robbery, initially through the state seizing the property of Jewish citizens and later by plundering the resources of occupied territories. 246: 2345: 822: 31443: 4825: 3401: 3753:. When the notes were presented for payment, the Reichsbank printed money. Hitler and his economic team expected that the upcoming territorial expansion would provide the means of repaying the soaring national debt. Schacht's administration achieved a rapid decline in the unemployment rate, the largest of any country during the Great Depression. Economic recovery was uneven, with reduced hours of work and erratic availability of necessities, leading to disenchantment with the regime as early as 1934. 767: 5353:. The process of denazification initiated by the Allies was only partially successful, as the need for experts in such fields as medicine and engineering was too great. However, expression of Nazi views was frowned upon, and those who expressed such views were frequently dismissed from their jobs. From the immediate post-war period through the 1950s, Germans kept quiet about their wartime experiences and felt a sense of communal guilt, even if they were not directly involved in war crimes. 4308: 864: 2966: 3536:(air force). From 2 August 1934, members of the armed forces were required to pledge an oath of unconditional obedience to Hitler personally. In contrast to the previous oath, which required allegiance to the constitution of the country and its lawful establishments, this new oath required members of the military to obey Hitler even if they were being ordered to do something illegal. Hitler decreed that the army would have to tolerate and even offer logistical support to the 2385:, who signed the Pact on 23 November, alongside the Slovak Republic. By late 1942, there were 24 divisions from Romania on the Eastern Front, 10 from Italy, and 10 from Hungary. Germany assumed full control in France in 1942, Italy in 1943, and Hungary in 1944. Although Japan was a powerful ally, the relationship was distant, with little co-ordination or co-operation. For example, Germany refused to share their formula for synthetic oil from coal until late in the war. 26674: 3968:, as well as the German transportation system, especially rail yards and canals. The armaments industry began to break down by September 1944. By November, fuel coal was no longer reaching its destinations and the production of new armaments was no longer possible. Overy argues that the bombing strained the German war economy and forced it to divert up to one-fourth of its manpower and industry into anti-aircraft resources, which very likely shortened the war. 32153: 16936: 1837: 4202:. Over half were those considered mentally deficient, which included not only people who scored poorly on intelligence tests, but those who deviated from expected standards of behaviour regarding thrift, sexual behaviour, and cleanliness. Most of the victims came from disadvantaged groups such as prostitutes, the poor, the homeless, and criminals. Other groups persecuted and murdered included Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, social misfits, and 3347:
decision-making. The government was a disorganised collection of factions led by the party elite, who struggled to amass power and gain the FĂŒhrer's favour. Hitler's leadership style was to give contradictory orders to his subordinates and to place them in positions where their duties and responsibilities overlapped. In this way he fostered distrust, competition, and infighting among his subordinates to consolidate and maximise his own power.
5410: 1325: 15067: 4634:(Fountain of Life) association, founded by Himmler in 1935, created a series of maternity homes to accommodate single mothers during their pregnancies. Both parents were examined for racial suitability before acceptance. The resulting children were often adopted into SS families. The homes were also made available to the wives of SS and Nazi Party members, who quickly filled over half the available spots. 1814:, the effect in Germany was dire. Millions were thrown out of work and several major banks collapsed. Hitler and the Nazis prepared to take advantage of the emergency to gain support for their party. They promised to strengthen the economy and provide jobs. Many voters decided the Nazi Party was capable of restoring order, quelling civil unrest, and improving Germany's international reputation. After the 1339: 1892:, imposed on 28 February 1933, rescinded most civil liberties, including rights of assembly and freedom of the press. The decree also allowed the police to detain people indefinitely without charges. The legislation was accompanied by a propaganda campaign that led to public support for the measure. Violent suppression of communists by the SA was undertaken nationwide and 4,000 members of the 4890:
to public facilities. Later Catholic protests included the 22 March 1942 pastoral letter by the German bishops on "The Struggle against Christianity and the Church". About 30 per cent of Catholic priests were disciplined by police during the Nazi era. A vast security network spied on clergy and priests were frequently denounced, arrested or sent to concentration camps – many to the dedicated
4415:, many university professors and members of the Polish intelligentsia were arrested, transported to concentration camps, or executed. During the war, Poland lost an estimated 39 to 45 per cent of its physicians and dentists, 26 to 57 per cent of its lawyers, 15 to 30 per cent of its teachers, 30 to 40 per cent of its scientists and university professors, and 18 to 28 per cent of its clergy. 2794: 3869:. Large expenditures were made on rearmament in spite of growing deficits. Plans unveiled in late 1938 for massive increases to the navy and air force were impossible to fulfil, as Germany lacked the finances and material resources to build the planned units, as well as the necessary fuel required to keep them running. With the introduction of compulsory military service in 1935, the 4482:. Teachers had to take an oath of loyalty and obedience to Hitler, and those who failed to show sufficient conformity to party ideals were often reported by students or fellow teachers and dismissed. Lack of funding for salaries led to many teachers leaving the profession. The average class size increased from 37 in 1927 to 43 in 1938 due to the resulting teacher shortage. 2267:, the Czechoslovak government offered economic concessions to the region. Hitler decided not just to incorporate the Sudetenland into the Reich, but to destroy the country of Czechoslovakia entirely. The Nazis undertook a propaganda campaign to try to generate support for an invasion. Top German military leaders opposed the plan, as Germany was not yet ready for war. 2058:, who promised peace and plenty for all in a united, Marxist-free country without the constraints of the Versailles Treaty. The Nazi Party obtained and legitimised power through its initial revolutionary activities, then through manipulation of legal mechanisms, the use of police powers, and by taking control of the state and federal institutions. The first major 1907:, passed in the Reichstag by a vote of 444 to 94. This amendment allowed Hitler and his cabinet to pass laws—even laws that violated the constitution—without the consent of the president or the Reichstag. As the bill required a two-thirds majority to pass, the Nazis used intimidation tactics as well as the provisions of the Reichstag Fire Decree to keep several 3703:(SD; Security Service) under his deputy, Heydrich. This organisation was tasked with locating and arresting communists and other political opponents. Himmler established the beginnings of a parallel economy under the auspices of the SS Economy and Administration Head Office. This holding company owned housing corporations, factories, and publishing houses. 4493:, and other agencies regarding content of lessons and acceptable textbooks for use in primary and secondary schools. Books deemed unacceptable to the regime were removed from school libraries. Indoctrination in Nazi ideology was made compulsory in January 1934. Students selected as future members of the party elite were indoctrinated from the age of 12 at 5334:" to describe Hitler and the Nazi regime. Interest in Nazi Germany continues in the media and the academic world. While Evans remarks that the era "exerts an almost universal appeal because its murderous racism stands as a warning to the whole of humanity", young neo-Nazis enjoy the shock value that Nazi symbols or slogans provide. The display or use of 4076:, the Night of Broken Glass. Further restrictions were imposed on Jews in the coming months â€“ they were forbidden to own businesses or work in retail shops, drive cars, go to the cinema, visit the library, or own weapons, and Jewish pupils were removed from schools. The Jewish community was fined one billion marks to pay for the damage caused by 3853:. Many unemployed people were forcibly drafted into this organisation, where they were given uniforms and tools and put to work. As a result, unemployed people disappeared from the streets, contributing to the perception that the Nazis were improving economic conditions. The average work week was 43 hours in 1933; by 1939 this increased to 47 hours. 4582:
enrolment in secondary schools dropping from 437,000 in 1926 to 205,000 in 1937. The number of women enrolled in post-secondary schools dropped from 128,000 in 1933 to 51,000 in 1938. However, with the requirement that men be enlisted into the armed forces during the war, women comprised half of the enrolment in the post-secondary system by 1944.
leave the workforce, a loan of up to 1,000 Reichsmarks could be accessed by young couples of Aryan descent who intended to marry, and the amount that had to be repaid was reduced by 25 per cent for each child born. The caveat that the woman had to remain unemployed outside the home was dropped by 1937 due to a shortage of skilled labourers.
2782:, Hitler ordered that anyone who was not prepared to fight should be court-martialed, and thousands of people were executed. In many areas, people surrendered to the approaching Allies in spite of exhortations of local leaders to continue to fight. Hitler ordered the destruction of transport, bridges, industries, and other infrastructure—a 2778:(16 December 1944 â€“ 25 January 1945) was the last major German offensive on the western front, and Soviet forces entered Germany on 27 January. Hitler's refusal to admit defeat and his insistence that the war be fought to the last man led to unnecessary death and destruction in the war's closing months. Through his Justice Minister 3338:("leader principle"), which called for absolute obedience by all subordinates. He viewed the government structure as a pyramid, with himself—the infallible leader—at the apex. Party rank was not determined by elections, and positions were filled through appointment by those of higher rank. The party used propaganda to develop a 2614:—was intended to destroy the Soviet Union and seize its natural resources for subsequent aggression against the Western powers. The reaction among Germans was one of surprise and trepidation as many were concerned about how much longer the war would continue or suspected that Germany could not win a war fought on two fronts. 3631:(SA; Storm Detachment), or Brownshirts, founded in 1921, was the first paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party; their initial assignment was to protect Nazi leaders at rallies and assemblies. They also took part in street battles against the forces of rival political parties and violent actions against Jews and others. Under 5318:
of 184 defendants were held between 1946 and 1949. Between 1946 and 1949, the Allies investigated 3,887 cases, of which 489 were brought to trial. The result was convictions of 1,426 people; 297 of these were sentenced to death and 279 to life in prison, with the remainder receiving lesser sentences.
were decadent became the basis for policy. Many art museum directors lost their posts in 1933 and were replaced by party members. Some 6,500 modern works of art were removed from museums and replaced with works chosen by a Nazi jury. Exhibitions of the rejected pieces, under titles such as "Decadence
1937 and read from every pulpit as it denounced the systematic hostility of the regime toward the church. In response, Goebbels renewed the regime's crackdown and propaganda against Catholics. Enrolment in denominational schools dropped sharply and by 1939 all such schools were disbanded or converted
encouraged members to attack Catholic boys in the streets. Propaganda campaigns claimed the church was corrupt, restrictions were placed on public meetings and Catholic publications faced censorship. Catholic schools were required to reduce religious instruction and crucifixes were removed from state
By 1944, over a half million women served as auxiliaries in the German armed forces. The number of women in paid employment only increased by 271,000 (1.8 per cent) from 1939 to 1944. As the production of consumer goods had been cut back, women left those industries for employment in the war economy.
by shooting civilians or committing genocide under the guise of anti-partisan operations. The party line was that the Jews were the instigators of the partisan struggle and therefore needed to be eliminated. On 8 July 1941, Heydrich announced that all Jews in the eastern conquered territories were to
from the rest of Germany. The British announced they would come to the aid of Poland if it was attacked. Hitler, believing the British would not take action, ordered an invasion plan should be readied for September 1939. On 23 May, Hitler described to his generals his overall plan of not only seizing
in violation of the Versailles Treaty. As the territory was part of Germany, the British and French governments did not feel that attempting to enforce the treaty was worth the risk of war. In the one-party election held on 29 March, the Nazis received 98.9 per cent support. In 1936, Hitler signed an
Movies were popular in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, with admissions of over a billion people in 1942, 1943, and 1944. By 1934, German regulations restricting currency exports made it impossible for US film makers to take their profits back to America, so the major film studios closed their German
under Göring enforced regulations that required foresters to plant a variety of trees to ensure suitable habitat for wildlife, and a new Reich Animal Protection Act became law in 1933. The regime enacted the Reich Nature Protection Act in 1935 to protect the natural landscape from excessive economic
The Nazi regime promoted a liberal code of conduct regarding sexual matters and was sympathetic to women who bore children out of wedlock. Promiscuity increased as the war progressed, with unmarried soldiers often intimately involved with several women simultaneously. Soldiers' wives were frequently
The regime used violence and economic pressure to encourage Jews to leave the country voluntarily. Jewish businesses were denied access to markets, forbidden to advertise, and deprived of access to government contracts. Citizens were harassed and subjected to violent attacks. Many towns posted signs
and providing funding for programmes initiated by the previous government for housing and agricultural improvements. To stimulate the construction industry, credit was offered to private businesses and subsidies were made available for home purchases and repairs. On the condition that the wife would
Existing laws banning abortion except for medical reasons were strictly enforced by the Nazi regime. The number of abortions declined from 35,000 per year at the start of the 1930s to fewer than 2,000 per year at the end of the decade, though in 1935 a law was passed allowing abortions for eugenics
political party which arose during the social and financial upheavals that occurred following the end of World War I. The Party remained small and marginalised, receiving 2.6% of the federal vote in 1928, prior to the onset of the Great Depression in 1929. By 1930 the Party won 18.3% of the federal
Popular support for Hitler almost completely disappeared as the war drew to a close. Suicide rates in Germany increased, particularly in areas where the Red Army was advancing. Among soldiers and party personnel, suicide was often deemed an honourable and heroic alternative to surrender. First-hand
On 10 May, the government seized the assets of the Social Democrats, and they were banned on 22 June. On 21 June, the SA raided the offices of the German National People's Party – their former coalition partners – which then disbanded on 29 June. The remaining major political parties followed suit.
as Minister for Church Affairs to continue efforts to control Protestantism. In 1936, a Confessing Church envoy protested to Hitler against the religious persecutions and human rights abuses. Hundreds more pastors were arrested. The church continued to resist and by early 1937 Hitler abandoned his
The Nazis captured 5.75 million Soviet prisoners of war, more than they took from all the other Allied powers combined. Of these, they killed an estimated 3.3 million, with 2.8 million of them being killed between June 1941 and January 1942. Many POWs starved to death or resorted to
the need for Germany to secure its frontiers. Schuschnigg scheduled a plebiscite regarding Austrian independence for 13 March, but Hitler sent an ultimatum to Schuschnigg on 11 March demanding that he hand over all power to the Austrian Nazi Party or face an invasion. German troops entered Austria
of 1935, which stripped them of their basic rights. The Nazis would take from the Jews their wealth, their right to intermarry with non-Jews, and their right to occupy many fields of labour (such as law, medicine, or education). Eventually the Nazis declared the Jews as undesirable to remain among
Although the Nazis won the greatest share of the popular vote in the two Reichstag general elections of 1932, they did not have a majority. Hitler refused to participate in a coalition government unless he was its leader. Under pressure from politicians, industrialists, and the business community,
in Eastern Europe. The Soviet resurgence and entry of the US into the war meant Germany lost the initiative in 1943 and by late 1944 had been pushed back to the 1939 border. Large-scale aerial bombing of Germany escalated and the Axis powers were driven back in Eastern and Southern Europe. Germany
and many people were fond of zoos and wildlife. The government took several measures to ensure the protection of animals and the environment. In 1933, the Nazis enacted a stringent animal-protection law that affected what was allowed for medical research. The law was only loosely enforced, and in
Nazi leaders endorsed the idea that rational and theoretical work was alien to a woman's nature, and as such discouraged women from seeking higher education. A law passed in April 1933 limited the number of women admitted to university to ten per cent of the number of men. This resulted in female
At universities, appointments to top posts were the subject of power struggles between the education ministry, the university boards, and the National Socialist German Students' League. In spite of pressure from the League and various government ministries, most university professors did not make
was expropriated. In concert with other aircraft manufacturers and under the direction of Aviation Minister Göring, production was ramped up. From a workforce of 3,200 people producing 100 units per year in 1932, the industry grew to employ a quarter of a million workers manufacturing over 10,000
Six million people were unemployed when the Nazis took power in 1933 and by 1937 there were fewer than a million. This was in part due to the removal of women from the workforce. Real wages dropped by 25 per cent between 1933 and 1938. After the dissolution of the trade unions in May 1933, their
Most of the judicial system and legal codes of the Weimar Republic remained in place to deal with non-political crimes. The courts issued and carried out far more death sentences than before the Nazis took power. People who were convicted of three or more offences—even petty ones—could be deemed
While top officials reported to Hitler and followed his policies, they had considerable autonomy. He expected officials to "work towards the FĂŒhrer" â€“ to take the initiative in promoting policies and actions in line with party goals and Hitler's wishes, without his involvement in day-to-day
Radio became popular in Germany during the 1930s; over 70 per cent of households owned a receiver by 1939, more than any other country. By July 1933, radio station staffs were purged of leftists and others deemed undesirable. Propaganda and speeches were typical radio fare immediately after the
Government-run health care insurance plans were available, but Jews were denied coverage starting in 1933. That same year, Jewish doctors were forbidden to treat government-insured patients. In 1937, Jewish doctors were forbidden to treat non-Jewish patients, and in 1938 their right to practice
Primary and secondary education focused on racial biology, population policy, culture, geography, and physical fitness. The curriculum in most subjects, including biology, geography, and even arithmetic, was altered to change the focus to race. Military education became the central component of
and told that any insurance settlements would be confiscated. By 1939, around 250,000 of Germany's 437,000 Jews had emigrated to the United States, Argentina, Great Britain, Palestine, and other countries. Many chose to stay in continental Europe. Emigrants to Palestine were allowed to transfer
rockets were being developed and produced, were also deemed particularly important. German aircraft production could not keep pace with losses, and without air cover the Allied bombing campaign became even more devastating. By targeting oil refineries and factories, they crippled the German war
5330:(Zero Hour). The number of civilians killed during the Second World War was unprecedented in the history of warfare. As a result, Nazi ideology and the actions taken by the regime are almost universally regarded as gravely immoral. Historians, philosophers, and politicians often use the word " 4254:, a system of classification of people deemed to be of German blood. He ordered that those of Germanic descent who refused to be classified as ethnic Germans should be deported to concentration camps, have their children taken away, or be assigned to forced labour. The plan also included the 4627:
With Hitler's approval, Himmler intended that the new society of the Nazi regime should destigmatise illegitimate births, particularly of children fathered by members of the SS, who were vetted for racial purity. His hope was that each SS family would have between four and six children. The
was needed for Germany's expansion. Hitler focused his attention on Eastern Europe, aiming to conquer Poland and the Soviet Union. Hitler's belief in the racial inferiority of Russians, as well as Slavs in general, had convinced him that a German conquest of Russia was inevitable. After the
passed on 7 April forced all non-Aryan civil servants to retire from the legal profession and civil service. Similar legislation soon deprived other Jewish professionals of their right to practise, and on 11 April a decree was promulgated that stated anyone who had even one Jewish parent or
3378:). The change was never fully implemented, as the LĂ€nder were still used as administrative divisions for some government departments such as education. This led to a bureaucratic tangle of overlapping jurisdictions and responsibilities typical of the administrative style of the Nazi regime. 5759:
According to Raeder, "Our Air Force could not be counted on to guard our transports from the British Fleets, because their operations would depend on the weather, if for no other reason. It could not be expected that even for a brief period our Air Force could make up for our lack of naval
151: 4327:
that the Jews of Europe were to be exterminated immediately. While the murder of Jewish civilians had been ongoing in the occupied territories of Poland and the Soviet Union, plans for the total eradication of the Jewish population of Europe—eleven million people—were formalised at the
on shipments to Germany affected its economy. Germany was particularly dependent on foreign supplies of oil, coal, and grain. Thanks to trade embargoes and the blockade, imports into Germany declined by 80 per cent. To safeguard Swedish iron ore shipments to Germany, Hitler ordered the
154: 5274:—pioneered techniques of camera movement and editing that influenced later films. New techniques such as telephoto lenses and cameras mounted on tracks were employed. Both films remain controversial, as their aesthetic merit is inseparable from their propagandising of Nazi ideals. 2702:
could be supplied by air, but this turned out to be infeasible. Hitler's refusal to allow a retreat led to the deaths of 200,000 German and Romanian soldiers; of the 91,000 men who surrendered in the city on 31 January 1943, only 6,000 survivors returned to Germany after the war.
Newspapers, like other media, were controlled by the state; the Reich Press Chamber shut down or bought newspapers and publishing houses. By 1939, over two-thirds of the newspapers and magazines were directly owned by the Propaganda Ministry. The Nazi Party daily newspaper, the
2800: 2798: 2795: 1948:, passed in April, removed from their jobs all teachers, professors, judges, magistrates, and government officials who were Jewish or whose commitment to the party was suspect. This meant the only non-political institutions not under control of the Nazis were the churches. 5378:
starting in the 1970s, people began researching the experiences of their family members. Study of the era and a willingness to critically examine its mistakes has led to the development of a strong democracy in Germany, but with lingering undercurrents of antisemitism and
3873:, which had been limited to 100,000 by the terms of the Versailles Treaty, expanded to 750,000 on active service at the start of World War II, with a million more in the reserve. By January 1939, unemployment was down to 301,800 and it dropped to only 77,500 by September. 153: 2799: 152: 14453: 1737:. The government printed money to make the payments and to repay the country's war debt, but the resulting hyperinflation led to inflated prices, economic chaos, and food riots. When the government defaulted on their reparations payments in January 1923, French troops 150: 149: 148: 5252:, were purchased by the Propaganda Ministry, which by 1939 was producing most German films. The productions were not always overtly propagandistic, but generally had a political subtext and followed party lines regarding themes and content. Scripts were pre-censored. 3666:(OKW). By the end of 1942, the stringent selection and racial requirements that had initially been in place were no longer followed. With recruitment and conscription based only on expansion, by 1943 the Waffen-SS could not longer claim to be an elite fighting force. 2396:
and captured the Free City of Danzig on 1 September 1939, beginning World War II in Europe. Honouring their treaty obligations, Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. Poland fell quickly, as the Soviet Union attacked from the east on 17 September.
The Nazis seized from the French thousands of locomotives and rolling stock, stockpiles of weapons, and raw materials such as copper, tin, oil, and nickel. Payments for occupation costs were levied upon France, Belgium, and Norway. Barriers to trade led to hoarding,
threatened to impose martial law if the activities of the SA were not curtailed. Therefore, less than a year and a half after seizing power, Hitler ordered the deaths of the SA leadership, including Rohm. After the purge of 1934, the SA was no longer a major force.
were subjected to persecution from the early days of the regime. The Romani were forbidden to marry people of German extraction. They were shipped to concentration camps starting in 1935 and many were murdered. Following the invasion of Poland, 2,500 Roma and
brought into Germany were put into four classifications: guest workers, military internees, civilian workers, and Eastern workers. Each group was subject to different regulations. The Nazis issued a ban on sexual relations between Germans and foreign workers.
3934:, Hitler appointed Albert Speer as his replacement. Wartime rationing of consumer goods led to an increase in personal savings, funds which were in turn lent to the government to support the war effort. By 1944, the war was consuming 75 per cent of Germany's 1799:(SA; Storm Detachment), or Brownshirts, used physical violence to advance their political position, disrupting the meetings of rival organisations and attacking their members as well as Jewish people on the streets. Such far-right armed groups were common in 3342:
around Hitler. Historians such as Kershaw emphasise the psychological impact of Hitler's skill as an orator. Roger Gill states: "His moving speeches captured the minds and hearts of a vast number of the German people: he virtually hypnotized his audiences".
If the experience of the Third Reich teaches us anything, it is that a love of great music, great art and great literature does not provide people with any kind of moral or political immunization against violence, atrocity, or subservience to dictatorship.
3776:. Any profits in excess of that amount would be turned over to the Reich. By 1936, Farben regretted making the deal, as excess profits were by then being generated. In another attempt to secure an adequate wartime supply of petroleum, Germany intimidated 2921:
estimated in 2014 that about 353,000 civilians were killed in Allied air raids. Other civilian deaths include 300,000 Germans (including Jews) who were victims of Nazi political, racial, and religious persecution and 200,000 who were murdered in the
177: 4177:
Action T4 was a programme of systematic murder of the physically and mentally handicapped and patients in psychiatric hospitals that took place mainly from 1939 to 1941, and continued until the end of the war. Initially the victims were shot by the
2797: 2672:
Food was in short supply in the conquered areas of the Soviet Union and Poland, as the retreating armies had burned the crops in some areas, and much of the remainder was sent back to the Reich. In Germany, rations were cut in 1942. In his role as
accounts and propaganda about the uncivilised behaviour of the advancing Soviet troops caused panic among civilians on the Eastern Front, especially women, who feared being raped. More than a thousand people (out of a population of around 16,000)
Germany's wartime foreign policy involved the creation of allied governments controlled directly or indirectly from Berlin. They intended to obtain soldiers from allies such as Italy and Hungary and workers and food supplies from allies such as
In 1934, Hitler told his military leaders that rearmament needed to be complete by 1942, as by then the German people would require more living space and resources, so Germany would have to start a war of conquest to obtain more territory. The
4980:(KdF; Strength Through Joy) organisation in 1933. As well as taking control of tens of thousands of privately run recreational clubs, it offered highly regimented holidays and entertainment such as cruises, vacation destinations and concerts. 3768:. The Nazis encouraged the development of synthetic replacements for materials such as oil and textiles. As the market was experiencing a glut and prices for petroleum were low, in 1933 the Nazi government made a profit-sharing agreement with 3669:
SS formations committed many war crimes against civilians and allied servicemen. From 1935 onward, the SS spearheaded the persecution of Jews, who were rounded up into ghettos and concentration camps. With the outbreak of World War II, the SS
development. It allowed for the expropriation of privately owned land to create nature preserves and aided in long-range planning. Perfunctory efforts were made to curb air pollution, but little enforcement was undertaken once the war began.
2563:, and by the end of October, Hitler realised that air superiority would not be achieved. He permanently postponed the invasion, a plan which the commanders of the German army had never taken entirely seriously. Several historians, including 2096:
As early as February 1933, Hitler announced that rearmament must begin, albeit clandestinely at first, as to do so was in violation of the Versailles Treaty. On 17 May 1933, Hitler gave a speech before the Reichstag outlining his desire for
4139:, of whom 19,000 died. Outside of Germany, the Romani people were regularly used for forced labour, though many were murdered outright. In the Baltic states and the Soviet Union, 30,000 Romani were murdered by the SS, the German Army, and 147: 2021:", which stated that upon Hindenburg's death the office of Reich President would be abolished and its powers merged with those of Reich Chancellor. Hitler thus became head of state as well as head of government and was formally named as 2278:, signed on 29 September 1938. The Czechoslovak government was forced to accept the Sudetenland's annexation into Germany. Chamberlain was greeted with cheers when he landed in London, saying the agreement brought "peace for our time". 4444:
From 1942 onward, Soviet POWs were viewed as a source of forced labour, and received better treatment so they could work. By December 1944, 750,000 Soviet POWs were working, including in German armaments factories (in violation of the
In 1939, before Germany acquired control of the last two regions which had been in its control before the Versailles Treaty—Alsace-Lorraine, Danzig and the Polish Corridor—its area was 633,786 km (244,706 sq mi). See
and Hitler's appointed cultural and educational leader for Nazi Germany, considered Catholicism to be among the Nazis' chief enemies. He planned the "extermination of the foreign Christian faiths imported into Germany", and for the
involved in extramarital relationships. Sex was sometimes used as a commodity to obtain better work from a foreign labourer. Pamphlets enjoined German women to avoid sexual relations with foreign workers as a danger to their blood.
16970: 5202:(Reich Music Chamber) on its founding in November 1933. As was the case with other art forms, the Nazis ostracised musicians who were deemed racially unacceptable and for the most part disapproved of music that was too modern or 1943:
1933, and invited many trade union delegates to Berlin for celebrations. The day after, SA stormtroopers demolished union offices around the country; all trade unions were forced to dissolve and their leaders were arrested. The
1463:(leader). Power was centralised in Hitler's person, and his word became the highest law. The government was not a coordinated, cooperating body, but rather a collection of factions struggling to amass power. In the midst of the 14462: 4974:, a national German ethnic community. The goal was to build a classless society based on racial purity and the perceived need to prepare for warfare, conquest and a struggle against Marxism. The German Labour Front founded the 4603:
and bore strong children was considered ideal, and women were praised for being athletic and tanned from working outdoors. Organisations were created for the indoctrination of Nazi values. From 25 March 1939 membership in the
first broke into a distillery and then rampaged through the town, committing mass rapes, arbitrarily executing civilians, and setting fire to buildings. High numbers of suicides took place in many other locations, including
2125:, which had been placed under League of Nations supervision for 15 years at the end of World War I, voted in January 1935 to become part of Germany. In March 1935, Hitler announced the creation of an air force, and that the 17568: 3427:
habitual offenders and jailed indefinitely. People such as prostitutes and pickpockets were judged to be inherently criminal and a threat to the community. Thousands were arrested and confined indefinitely without trial.
1923:, decreeing the Nazi Party to be the sole legal party in Germany. The founding of new parties was also made illegal, and all remaining political parties which had not already been dissolved were banned. Further elections 4517:
physical education, and education in physics was oriented toward subjects with military applications, such as ballistics and aerodynamics. Students were required to watch all films prepared by the school division of the
180: 179: 18134: 2031:
was dropped. Germany was now a totalitarian state with Hitler at its head. As head of state, Hitler became Supreme Commander of the armed forces. The new law provided an altered loyalty oath for servicemen so that they
12948: 5808:"Nevertheless, the available evidence suggests that, on the whole, ordinary Germans did not approve. Goebbel's propaganda campaigns carried out in the second half of 1941 and again in 1943 had failed to convert them". 1452:
on 30 January 1933, the Nazi Party began to eliminate political opposition and consolidate power. Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934, and Hitler became dictator by merging the powers of the chancellery and presidency. A
Losses continued to mount after Stalingrad, leading to a sharp reduction in the popularity of the Nazi Party and deteriorating morale. Soviet forces continued to push westward after the failed German offensive at the
All civilian organisations had their leadership replaced with Nazi sympathisers or party members, and either merged with the Nazi Party or faced dissolution. The Nazi government declared a "Day of National Labor" for
14974: 3416:, the concept that Hitler's word overrode all existing laws. Any acts that were sanctioned by Hitler—even murder—thus became legal. All legislation proposed by cabinet ministers had to be approved by the office of 5084:
were publicly burned. Pacifist works, and literature espousing liberal, democratic values were targeted for destruction, as well as any writings supporting the Weimar Republic or those written by Jewish authors.
the Nazis incited against the Jews two days later. Members of the SA damaged or destroyed synagogues and Jewish property throughout Germany. At least 91 German Jews were murdered during this pogrom, later called
17573: 5319:
About 65 per cent of the death sentences were carried out. Poland was more active than other nations in investigating war crimes, for example prosecuting 673 of the total 789 Auschwitz staff brought to trial.
and supported the development of an extensive military at the expense of intellectualism. Creativity and art were stifled, except where they could serve as propaganda media. The party used symbols such as the
2413:(SD; Security Service), ordered on 21 September that Polish Jews should be rounded up and concentrated into cities with good rail links. Initially the intention was to deport them further east, or possibly to 4745:
made up less than 1 per cent. According to the 1939 census, taken following the annexation of Austria, 54 per cent of the population considered themselves Protestant, 40 per cent Roman Catholic, 3.5 per cent
Jewish civil servants lost their jobs in 1933, except for those who had seen military service in World War I. Members of the Party or party supporters were appointed in their place. As part of the process of
Austrian and Czech foreign exchange reserves were seized by the Nazis, as were stockpiles of raw materials such as metals and completed goods such as weaponry and aircraft, which were shipped to Germany. The
17598: 4244:
and resettled by German colonists. About 3.8 to 4 million Poles would remain as slaves, part of a slave labour force of 14 million the Nazis intended to create using citizens of conquered nations.
Discrimination against Jews began immediately after the seizure of power. Following a month-long series of attacks by members of the SA on Jewish businesses and synagogues, on 1 April 1933 Hitler declared a
Many authors left the country and some wrote material critical of the regime while in exile. Goebbels recommended that the remaining authors concentrate on books themed on Germanic myths and the concept of
4812:, from which some clergymen opposed the Nazi regime. When in 1935 the Confessing Church synod protested the Nazi policy on religion, 700 of their pastors were arrested. MĂŒller resigned and Hitler appointed 3856:
By early 1934, the focus shifted towards rearmament. By 1935, military expenditures accounted for 73 per cent of the government's purchases of goods and services. On 18 October 1936, Hitler named Göring as
21122: 16963: 4756:. Nazi Germany extensively employed Christian imagery and instituted a variety of new Christian celebrations, such as a massive celebration marking the 1200th anniversary of the birth of Frankish emperor 4273:. Food supplies would be diverted to the German army and German civilians. Cities would be razed and the land allowed to return to forest or resettled by German colonists. Together, the Hunger Plan and 17603: 17583: 16794: 5322:
The political programme espoused by Hitler and the Nazis brought about a world war, leaving behind a devastated and impoverished Europe. Germany itself suffered wholesale destruction, characterised as
The Germans reaffirmed their alliance with Italy and signed non-aggression pacts with Denmark, Estonia, and Latvia whilst trade links were formalised with Romania, Norway, and Sweden. Foreign Minister
on 8 May 1945. Hitler's refusal to admit defeat led to massive destruction of German infrastructure and additional war-related deaths in the closing months of the war. The Allies initiated a policy of
An elaborate bureaucracy was created to regulate imports of raw materials and finished goods with the intention of eliminating foreign competition in the German marketplace and improving the nation's
2421:, some 65,000 Polish intelligentsia, noblemen, clergy, and teachers were murdered by the end of 1939 in an attempt to destroy Poland's identity as a nation. Soviet forces advanced into Finland in the 4240:, and those who were physically fit were required to perform compulsory labour. In 1941 Hitler decided to destroy the Polish nation completely; within 15 to 20 years the General Government was to be 145: 4266:
after the conquest of the Soviet Union, but when the invasion failed Hitler had to consider other options. One suggestion was a mass forced deportation of Jews to Poland, Palestine, or Madagascar.
11786: 2993:
of France under the condition that its residents would later decide by referendum which country to join, and Poland became a separate nation and was given access to the sea by the creation of the
16956: 12626:(1996). "Reviewed work(s): Vom Generalplan Ost zum Generalsiedlungsplan by Czeslaw Madajczyk. Der "Generalplan Ost". Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Planungs- und Vernichtungspolitik by 4572:
Women were encouraged to leave the workforce, and the creation of large families by racially suitable women was promoted through propaganda campaigns. Women received a bronze award—known as the
17608: 2054:
Most Germans were relieved that the conflicts and street fighting of the Weimar era had ended. They were deluged with propaganda orchestrated by Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
1487:(armed forces). The return to economic stability boosted the regime's popularity. Germany made increasingly aggressive territorial demands, threatening war if they were not met. Germany seized 3635:'s leadership the SA grew by 1934 to over half a million members—4.5 million including reserves—at a time when the regular army was still limited to 100,000 men by the Versailles Treaty. 3809:
in Berlin on 17 February 1939. With the outbreak of World War II, the factory was converted to produce military vehicles. None were sold until after the war, when the vehicle was renamed the
17686: 17563: 4551:, which coordinated groups throughout the country to promote motherhood and household activities. Courses were offered on childrearing, sewing, and cooking. Prominent feminists, including 4007:
master race and inferior races, particularly Jews, who were viewed as a mixed race that had infiltrated society and were responsible for the exploitation and repression of the Aryan race.
17593: 3861:
of the Four Year Plan, intended to speed up rearmament. In addition to calling for the rapid construction of steel mills, synthetic rubber plants, and other factories, Göring instituted
176: 146: 3658:
Heinrich Himmler from 1929, the SS had over a quarter million members by 1938. Himmler initially envisioned the SS as being an elite group of guards, Hitler's last line of defence. The
15002: 4682:, camp doctor at Auschwitz. Many of his victims died. Concentration camp inmates were made available for purchase by pharmaceutical companies for drug testing and other experiments. 4151:
were murdered. The estimates at end of the war put the total number of Romani victims at around 220,000, which equalled approximately 25 per cent of the Romani population in Europe.
3662:, the military branch of the SS, evolved into a second army. It was dependent on the regular army for heavy weaponry and equipment, and most units were under tactical control of the 2796: 24613: 15649: 3938:, compared to 60 per cent in the Soviet Union and 55 per cent in Britain. Speer improved production by centralising planning and control, reducing production of consumer goods, and 4472:
Antisemitic legislation passed in 1933 led to the removal of all Jewish teachers, professors, and officials from the education system. Most teachers were required to belong to the
Germany and the Second World War, Vol. 5. Organization and Mobilization in the German Sphere of Power. Part 2: Wartime Administration, Economy, and Manpower Resources, 1942–1944/5
12751: 4547:
society in which the German woman would recognise that her "world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home". Feminist groups were shut down or incorporated into the
deputies from attending, and the Communists had already been banned. The Enabling Act would subsequently serve as the legal foundation for the dictatorship the Nazis established.
4255: 2036:
rather than the office of supreme commander or the state. On 19 August, the merger of the presidency with the chancellorship was approved by 90 per cent of the electorate in a
22836: 18094: 17913: 17818: 12957: 2742:
in October 1942. The Allies landed in Sicily in July 1943 and were on the Italian peninsula by September. Meanwhile, American and British bomber fleets based in Britain began
units followed the army into Poland and the Soviet Union, where from 1941 to 1945 they murdered more than two million people, including 1.3 million Jews. A third of the
be regarded as partisans and gave the order for all male Jews between the ages of 15 and 45 to be shot. By August, this was extended to include the entire Jewish population.
Common English terms for the German state in the Nazi era are "Nazi Germany" and the "Third Reich", which Hitler and the Nazis also referred to as the "Thousand-Year Reich" (
18359: 4371:. German citizens had access to information about what was happening, as soldiers returning from the occupied territories reported on what they had seen and done. Historian 2606:
On 22 June 1941, contravening the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, about 3.8 million Axis troops attacked the Soviet Union. In addition to Hitler's stated purpose of acquiring
3151:) were placed under civilian administrations staffed largely by natives. Hitler intended to eventually incorporate many of these areas into the Reich. Germany occupied the 25231: 21107: 15791: 3268: 13481:"Non-Germans" under the Third Reich: The Nazi Judicial and Administrative System in Germany and Occupied Eastern Europe, with Special Regard to Occupied Poland, 1939–1945 2105:
for military disarmament, provided the other nations of Europe did the same. When the other European powers failed to accept this offer, Hitler pulled Germany out of the
30014: 21271: 4543:
Women were a cornerstone of Nazi social policy. The Nazis opposed the feminist movement, claiming that it was the creation of Jewish intellectuals, instead advocating a
4424: 3320: 2694:("Case Blue"), an offensive against the Caucasian oilfields. The Red Army launched a counter-offensive on 19 November and encircled the Axis forces, who were trapped in 29759: 29367: 2774:, Hitler survived an assassination attempt. He ordered brutal reprisals, resulting in 7,000 arrests and the execution of more than 4,900 people. The failed 31365: 29383: 18109: 13868:
Panayi, Panikos (2005). "Exploitation, Criminality, Resistance: The Everyday Life of Foreign Workers and Prisoners of War in the German Town of Osnabruck, 1939–49".
4195: 4038: 1945: 12353: 17944: 17521: 17382: 17372: 17337: 3412:
In August 1934, civil servants and members of the military were required to swear an oath of unconditional obedience to Hitler. These laws became the basis of the
29703: 29306: 29278: 28422: 3554:
In spite of efforts to prepare the country militarily, the economy could not sustain a lengthy war of attrition. A strategy was developed based on the tactic of
around Adolf Hitler to influence public opinion. The government controlled artistic expression, promoting specific art forms and banning or discouraging others.
4135:(Gypsy camps) for this purpose. Himmler ordered their deportation from Germany in December 1942, with few exceptions. A total of 23,000 Romani were deported to 2069:
Beginning in April 1933, scores of measures defining the status of Jews and their rights were instituted. These measures culminated in the establishment of the
32282: 31344: 30023: 29710: 28844: 21706: 21047: 17676: 3128: 1955:—and adopted reworked symbolism. The previous imperial black, white, and red tricolour was restored as one of Germany's two official flags; the second was the 20606: 13947: 4993:
seizure of power, but as time went on Goebbels insisted that more music be played so that listeners would not turn to foreign broadcasters for entertainment.
30326: 29689: 28998: 28623: 26280: 17979: 17362: 14693:
Uekötter, Frank (2005). "Polycentrism in Full Swing: Air Pollution Control in Nazi Germany". In BrĂŒggemeier, Franz-Josef; Cioc, Mark; Zeller, Thomas (eds.).
13357: 4518: 3272: 2524:, and uncertainty about the future. Food supplies were precarious; production dropped in most of Europe. Famine was experienced in many occupied countries. 29339: 29285: 28471: 17367: 17357: 5244:
branches. Exports of German films plummeted, as their antisemitic content made them impossible to show in other countries. The two largest film companies,
and Minister of Economics, created a scheme for deficit financing in May 1933. Capital projects were paid for with the issuance of promissory notes called
3615: 2018: 1370: 2685:
demanded increased shipments of grain from France and fish from Norway. The 1942 harvest was good, and food supplies remained adequate in Western Europe.
1974:, public works projects were undertaken beginning in 1934, creating 1.7 million new jobs by the end of that year alone. Average wages began to rise. 32287: 29796: 29292: 28908: 17347: 17342: 16026: 11795: 3939: 3882: 2688:
Germany and Europe as a whole were almost totally dependent on foreign oil imports. In an attempt to resolve the shortage, in June 1942 Germany launched
1628: 14409: 444: 28318: 19824: 2320:, signed in August 1939. The treaty also contained secret protocols dividing Poland and the Baltic states into German and Soviet spheres of influence. 26096: 5398:
attributed the country's "growing historical amnesia" in part to a failure by German film and television to reflect the country's history accurately.
178: 31654: 29682: 29129: 29005: 25743: 20038: 18053: 17332: 17211: 14538:
Stolfi, Russel (March 1982). "Barbarossa Revisited: A Critical Reappraisal of the Opening Stages of the Russo-German Campaign (June–December 1941)".
14343: 5423: 4899: 4269:
In addition, the Nazis planned to reduce the population of the conquered territories by 30 million people through starvation in an action called the
1932: 1928: 5768:
believed air superiority was not enough and admitted, "We possessed neither control of the air or the sea; nor were we in any position to gain it."
28982: 28362: 26295: 24608: 18196: 17848: 4490: 4108:
people were deported from Germany to the General Government, where they were imprisoned in labour camps. The survivors were likely exterminated at
puts the number of German military dead and missing at 5.3 million, including 900,000 men conscripted from outside of Germany's 1937 borders.
The crisis led to war preparations by Britain, Czechoslovakia, and France (Czechoslovakia's ally). Attempting to avoid war, British Prime Minister
14041: 11871: 4352:, but these methods proved impractical for an operation of this scale. By 1942 extermination camps equipped with gas chambers were established at 3111:(Reich Commissariats), quasi-colonial regimes, were established in some occupied countries. Areas placed under German administration included the 29419: 28731: 20820: 18526: 18369: 16721: 5448: 4016: 3152: 3008:
of 1938. The Munich Agreement of 1938 gave Germany control of the Sudetenland, and they seized the remainder of Czechoslovakia six months later.
1249: 709: 15878: 11814:
Biddiscombe, Perry (2001). "Dangerous Liaisons: The Anti-Fraternization Movement in the US Occupation Zones of Germany and Austria, 1945–1948".
the Polish Corridor but greatly expanding German territory eastward at the expense of Poland. He expected this time they would be met by force.
1859: 544: 31644: 29238: 28540: 25542: 20800: 16702: 5306:, held from November 1945 to October 1946, of 23 top Nazi officials. They were charged with conspiracy to commit crimes, crimes against peace, 5189:, organised by Goebbels, ran in Munich from July to November 1937. The exhibition proved wildly popular, attracting over two million visitors. 4569:, the only Nazi-approved women's magazine in Nazi Germany; despite some propaganda aspects, it was predominantly an ordinary woman's magazine. 3999:
were basic tenets of the Nazi Party and the Nazi regime. Nazi Germany's racial policy was based on their belief in the existence of a superior
on 27 September 1940. Bulgaria signed the pact on 17 November. German efforts to secure oil included negotiating a supply from their new ally,
31237: 27062: 5040:. By the end of 1933, over a thousand books—most of them by Jewish authors or featuring Jewish characters—had been banned by the Nazi regime. 4360:, Sobibor, Treblinka, and elsewhere. The total number of Jews murdered is estimated at 5.5 to six million, including over a million children. 4065:, a legation secretary at the German embassy in Paris, to protest his family's treatment in Germany. This incident provided the pretext for a 31922: 30030: 29993: 29970: 29491: 28413: 28383: 26021: 25537: 20815: 20612: 20191: 18731: 17720: 17221: 15786: 4324: 4144: 4043: 3816: 3164: 2746:. Many sorties were intentionally given civilian targets in an effort to destroy German morale. The bombing of aircraft factories as well as 108: 29745: 3243:
The regime attempted to obtain this new territory by attacking Poland and the Soviet Union, intending to mass-murder or deport the Jews and
1888:, a Dutch communist, was found guilty of starting the blaze. Hitler proclaimed that the arson marked the start of a communist uprising. The 30123: 29979: 29963: 29935: 29183: 28390: 26533: 26361: 26356: 26351: 26346: 24663: 20795: 18191: 15781: 13238: 4891: 4833: 3224:, which laid out his plan for transforming German society into one based on race. Nazi ideology brought together elements of antisemitism, 1782:("living space") for Germanic peoples, formation of a national community based on race, and racial cleansing via the active suppression of 390: 13398:. Atlanta: Emory University. 17. Radicalisation of the Persecution of the Jews by Hitler at the Turn of the Year 1941–1942. Archived from 12950:
Nauka, planowanie, wypędzenia : Generalny Plan Wschodni narodowych socjalistĂłw : katalog wystawy Niemieckiej WspóƂnoty Badawczej
3587: 30880: 29947: 29859: 29803: 29766: 29048: 25611: 24063: 22312: 22025: 20498: 16714: 4286: 3888: 2091: 1924: 12743: 3255:
conspiracy. The Nazi regime believed that only Germany could defeat the forces of Bolshevism and save humanity from world domination by
32242: 32237: 29852: 28584: 24673: 22005: 21566: 15654: 14592: 5458: 4498: 4479: 14712:
Umbreit, Hans (2003). "Hitler's Europe: The German Sphere of Power". In Kroener, Bernhard; MĂŒller, Rolf-Dieter; Umbreit, Hans (eds.).
13774: 4173:: "60 000 RM is what this person with hereditary illness costs the community in his lifetime. Fellow citizen, that is your money too." 31358: 29986: 28376: 28334: 22035: 21716: 21261: 21102: 20518: 17743: 16692: 13264:
Lambert, Peter (2007). "Heroisation and Demonisation in the Third Reich: The Consensus-building Value of a Nazi Pantheon of Heroes".
took place; nineteen such events were held on the night of 10 May 1933. Tens of thousands of books from dozens of figures, including
funds were seized and their leadership arrested, including those who attempted to co-operate with the Nazis. A new organisation, the
2567:, believe the primary reason for the failure of the invasion plan was the superiority of the Royal Navy, not the actions of the RAF. 2143: 32133: 31859: 31207: 29026: 28800: 28563: 28429: 28240: 26372: 25080: 23932: 22332: 21918: 21433: 19440: 19017: 18257: 18220: 17755: 16989: 16784: 16419: 13999:
Grand Admiral: The Personal Memoir of the Commander in Chief of the German Navy From 1935 Until His Final Break With Hitler in 1943
5438: 5210:
was considered especially inappropriate and foreign jazz musicians left the country or were expelled. Hitler favoured the music of
and Dachau. Theological universities were closed and pastors and theologians of other Protestant denominations were also arrested.
4761: 4021: 3365: 1363: 250: 20921: 14434: 12169: 5107: 4673:, were performed on concentration camp inmates beginning in 1941. The most notorious doctor to perform medical experiments was SS- 3175: 32227: 31588: 30102: 29899: 28936: 28436: 28348: 28284: 20181: 19198: 17984: 17964: 17888: 17588: 15084: 11879:, Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, archived from 2730:
in the summer of 1943. By the end of 1943, the Germans had lost most of their eastern territorial gains. In Egypt, Field Marshal
2083: 922: 17705: 14772: 4277:
would have led to the starvation of 80 million people in the Soviet Union. These partially fulfilled plans resulted in the
31943: 31593: 31552: 31496: 30305: 29817: 28667: 28205: 26377: 26332: 25878: 25763: 24729: 24633: 22070: 21791: 21766: 21621: 21556: 21212: 20790: 20775: 20373: 17959: 17954: 17833: 17663: 16799: 12864: 5014: 3386:, the Reich Local Government Law of 1935 abolished local elections, and mayors were appointed by the Ministry of the Interior. 2367: 1786:, who would be stripped of their citizenship and civil rights. The Nazis proposed national and cultural renewal based upon the 232: 21381: 17681: 12229:
Cadaverland: Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival: The Limits of Medical Knowledge and Memory in France
4646: 4508: 275: 31948: 30901: 30806: 30333: 30079: 29954: 29040: 29014: 28871: 28577: 28494: 28015: 27397: 26270: 26204: 22382: 22212: 20946: 20805: 20434: 18491: 17710: 17700: 17578: 15907: 15048: 14963: 14944: 14925: 14903: 14884: 14862: 14840: 14721: 14702: 14683: 14664: 14645: 14621: 14528: 14509: 14490: 14398: 14376: 14320: 14298: 14262: 14218: 14196: 14146: 14122: 14096: 14077: 14030: 14006: 13984: 13933: 13914: 13858: 13839: 13820: 13796: 13745: 13724: 13675: 13656: 13634: 13615: 13596: 13574: 13555: 13536: 13514: 13488: 13469: 13443: 13424: 13305: 13227: 13206: 13156: 13135: 13116: 13097: 13076: 13054: 13035: 13011: 12992: 12824: 12800: 12776: 12732: 12708: 12660: 12613: 12591: 12540: 12521: 12500: 12478: 12456: 12437: 12414: 12391: 12343: 12315: 12236: 12217: 12155: 12123: 12099: 12080: 12058: 12037: 12014: 11992: 11860: 11775: 11753: 11731: 11712: 11693: 11672: 11648: 4659: 4390: 4337: 4085:, but those moving to other countries had to leave virtually all their property behind, and it was seized by the government. 3961: 2937: 1616: 1303: 1234: 1167: 12834:
Hamblet, Wendy C. (2008). "Book Review: Götz Aly: Hitler's Beneficiaries: Plunder, Racial War, and the Nazi Welfare State".
2203: 32178: 31545: 31134: 30541: 30427: 29592: 29059: 29055: 29033: 28637: 26342: 25527: 25512: 25287: 23755: 22337: 21786: 21197: 21147: 18798: 17908: 17798: 17748: 16709: 15806: 15681: 15623: 14252: 5541: 4895: 4574: 4548: 4467: 4384: 4170: 1920: 27921: 20875: 19944: 19517: 17994: 16354: 14273: 12928: 12361: 4996: 32257: 31839: 31832: 31049: 30513: 29845: 29831: 29044: 26285: 26127: 26011: 25843: 25492: 24349: 22342: 22182: 22045: 22020: 21851: 21821: 21207: 21142: 20916: 20810: 20622: 18645: 18628: 18461: 18020: 17843: 17458: 14833:
Das Sonderrecht fĂŒr die Juden im NS-Staat: Eine Sammlung der gesetzlichen Maßnahmen und Rechtlinien, Inhalt und Bedeutung
13391: 11901:"Das "Dritte Reich" im Dritten Reich: Der Topos "Drittes Reich" in der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie und Staatslehre" 5522: 4817:
hope of uniting the Protestant churches. Niemöller was arrested on 1 July 1937 and spent most of the next seven years in
4434: 4042:
grandparent was considered non-Aryan. As part of the drive to remove Jewish influence from cultural life, members of the
3542:—the mobile death squads responsible for millions of murders in Eastern Europe—when it was tactically possible to do so. 3112: 2193: 2187: 1414:, meaning "Third Realm" or "Third Empire", referred to the Nazi claim that Nazi Germany was the successor to the earlier 1356: 1130: 898: 4429: 4124:
in late 1941, where half were estimated to have died. The Romani survivors of the ghetto were subsequently moved to the
3598: 3430: 2425:, and German forces saw action at sea. But little other activity occurred until May, so the period became known as the " 2214: 2010:)—were arrested and shot. Up to 200 people were killed from 30 June to 2 July 1934 in an event that became known as the 32267: 31874: 31796: 31258: 31127: 31005: 30583: 30298: 30249: 30007: 29562: 28814: 28653: 28501: 28355: 28067: 27067: 26209: 26001: 25671: 25211: 25100: 24623: 24429: 22431: 22317: 21866: 21841: 21661: 21631: 21561: 21172: 21127: 21112: 21077: 21029: 20632: 20281: 20086: 19702: 18536: 18501: 18446: 16748: 15813: 15614: 15295: 12028:: Nazi Germany's Reich Nature Protection Law of 1935". In BrĂŒggemeier, Franz-Josef; Cioc, Mark; Zeller, Thomas (eds.). 5232: 4474: 4446: 4408: 4404: 4396: 4241: 3009: 2712: 2497: 1908: 1815: 1269: 1063: 918: 26026: 17526: 17377: 13315: 13166: 3741:
The most pressing economic matter the Nazis initially faced was the 30 per cent national unemployment rate. Economist
3494: 2747: 2617: 31927: 31884: 31374: 30256: 30228: 30045: 29627: 29346: 29313: 26711: 26163: 25828: 25467: 24653: 24643: 23927: 22040: 22000: 21771: 21746: 21686: 21339: 20975: 20166: 19278: 18985: 18889: 18726: 17989: 17715: 14177: 12297: 5028: 4585: 4034: 4025: 3608: 3156: 2890: 2442: 2433: 2087: 1982:
The SA leadership continued to apply pressure for greater political and military power. In response, Hitler used the
31727: 28529: 25420: 21386: 18181: 5374:(coping with the past) to the forefront for many Germans. Once study of Nazi Germany was introduced into the school 2969:
Territorial expansion of German Reich from 1933 to 1941 as explained to Wehrmacht soldiers, a Nazi era map in German
In January 1934, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Poland. In March 1939, Hitler demanded the return of the
31732: 31411: 30569: 30506: 29641: 29477: 28600: 26587: 26229: 26122: 25833: 22255: 22030: 21751: 21329: 21162: 20870: 20830: 20617: 20543: 20538: 20043: 17898: 17012: 16062: 15719: 12790: 4818: 4289:; less than nine million of these were combat deaths. One in four of the Soviet population were killed or wounded. 3806: 3160: 2954: 1514: 913: 92: 29154: 25621: 17694: 16948: 15076: 15043:. The Canadian Foundation for Polish Studies of the Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences, Price-Patterson Ltd. 12287: 9694: 3135:, which had been part of Germany until 1919, was annexed. Part of Poland was incorporated into the Reich, and the 3095:
Some of the conquered territories were incorporated into Germany as part of Hitler's long-term goal of creating a
964: 32138: 31953: 31899: 31844: 31619: 31614: 31535: 30935: 30776: 30765: 30601: 30360: 30319: 30212: 30150: 29537: 28807: 28676: 28644: 27693: 26337: 25923: 25723: 25257: 25226: 24949: 24214: 24083: 22327: 22109: 21965: 21945: 21928: 21371: 21334: 21132: 21024: 20503: 20419: 19854: 18851: 18451: 17903: 17873: 16906: 16116: 15871: 15796: 15686: 15305: 15300: 15290: 15285: 15189: 15135: 13368: 5428: 4909: 4772:, a "figure of redemption according to the Christian model", "who would liberate the world from the Antichrist". 4237: 3638:
Röhm hoped to assume command of the army and absorb it into the ranks of the SA. Hindenburg and Defence Minister
2592:. All of Yugoslavia and parts of Greece were subsequently divided between Germany, Hungary, Italy, and Bulgaria. 2564: 2507: 1720: 1075: 940: 29324: 28892: 26855: 25462: 25457: 23765: 21376: 19756: 17195: 4620:(BDM; League of German Girls) for young women age 14 to 18. The BDM's activities focused on physical education. 31904: 31854: 31321: 31293: 31171: 30964: 30201: 29652: 29578: 29374: 28745: 28464: 28369: 28254: 26006: 25688: 25631: 25332: 25327: 24648: 24553: 24314: 24048: 23912: 23016: 22187: 21641: 21137: 20941: 20825: 20186: 18834: 18650: 18334: 18058: 17883: 17828: 17160: 15801: 4691: 4109: 3147: 2913:
Estimates of the total German war dead range from 5.5 to 6.9 million persons. A study by German historian
2853: 2720: 1662: 1467:, the Nazis restored economic stability and ended mass unemployment using heavy military spending. Financed by 944: 903: 635: 485: 21533: 19720: 3287: 3084: 2493:. The victory in France resulted in an upswing in Hitler's popularity and an upsurge in war fever in Germany. 114: 31381: 31314: 31265: 31196: 31021: 30527: 30478: 30242: 30235: 29838: 29599: 29390: 28443: 28131: 26545: 25863: 25646: 25126: 24618: 23968: 22217: 21938: 21092: 20705: 20528: 19986: 19477: 19465: 19128: 18904: 18766: 18670: 18569: 17939: 17934: 17555: 17443: 17254: 16284: 16254: 16242: 14812: 14417: 12381: 4959: 4312: 3986: 3652:(SS; Protection Squadron) grew to become one of the largest and most powerful groups in Nazi Germany. Led by 3361: 3056: 2960: 2857: 2804: 1435: 26178: 17516: 4501:
for secondary education. Detailed indoctrination of future holders of elite military rank was undertaken at
4357: 4125: 3893: 3722: 3280: 2284: 2131:
would be increased to 550,000 men. Britain agreed to Germany building a naval fleet with the signing of the
32292: 31696: 31540: 31455: 31351: 30726: 30687: 29606: 29441: 29426: 29353: 29332: 29150: 28828: 28614: 28607: 28591: 28302: 28261: 28233: 28126: 28010: 25666: 25532: 25390: 25357: 24779: 24563: 23306: 22436: 22392: 22367: 22285: 22265: 21666: 21576: 21571: 21473: 21468: 21463: 21234: 21182: 21157: 20835: 20672: 20647: 20590: 20296: 20033: 19323: 19148: 18876: 18746: 18250: 18104: 18099: 18089: 17999: 17808: 17803: 17778: 17671: 16774: 16057: 12231:. Tauber Institute for the Study of European Jewry series. Waltham, Mass: University Press of New England. 11631: 5795: 5789: 5783: 5391: 4797: 4333: 4228: 4148: 4136: 3965: 3924: 3734: 2132: 2106: 1696: 936: 31786: 25848: 25522: 24469: 24229: 23760: 23745: 22926: 22690: 19888: 13755: 10641: 5369: 2155:
with Japan and a non-aggression agreement with Mussolini, who was soon referring to a "Rome-Berlin Axis".
31864: 31418: 30742: 30694: 30312: 30284: 30137: 29752: 29731: 29252: 28915: 28821: 28311: 28136: 27173: 25783: 25656: 25651: 25367: 25050: 24759: 24588: 23872: 22290: 22197: 22134: 22082: 22010: 21781: 21711: 21391: 21187: 21002: 20755: 20368: 20176: 19729: 18943: 18856: 18308: 18063: 17974: 17274: 16553: 15430: 12550: 11683: 5315: 4782: 3920: 3489: 3141: 2933: 2450: 2317: 2256: 2122: 1819: 1596: 1502: 956: 908: 893: 888: 843: 17: 24259: 21294: 19920: 19829: 16588: 5553: 1845: 1653: 32018: 31489: 31216: 30712: 30631: 30576: 30464: 30420: 30070: 29696: 29620: 29522: 29399: 29271: 29264: 29224: 29197: 28929: 28862: 28457: 28268: 28198: 26518: 26410: 25903: 25307: 24693: 24583: 24179: 23291: 22811: 22387: 22372: 22297: 22275: 22270: 22207: 21923: 21885: 21741: 21721: 21696: 21493: 21458: 21453: 21177: 20980: 20906: 20865: 20730: 20627: 20575: 20463: 20256: 20196: 20116: 18866: 18778: 18756: 18675: 18660: 18476: 18456: 18298: 18073: 18068: 17793: 17425: 17420: 17415: 17410: 17405: 17397: 17307: 16728: 16653: 16274: 16021: 15866: 15219: 14229: 14049: 12068: 11880: 5720:– this latter term was the official name used by the Nazis to describe their expanded political state. 4849: 4841: 4399:
2.7 million ethnic Poles died. Polish civilians were subject to forced labour in German industry,
4364: 4113: 3663: 3434:
A meeting of the four jurists who imposed Nazi ideology on the legal system of Germany (left to right:
3315: 3123: 3117: 2901: 2852:. Between 4 and 8 May 1945, most of the remaining German armed forces unconditionally surrendered. The 2170:
included a range of aircraft and their crews, as well as a tank contingent. The aircraft of the Legion
2139: 1893: 1765: 1135: 1105: 878: 24479: 23735: 23624: 21087: 16072: 13702: 12553:(Spring 2014). "Allied Knowledge of Auschwitz: A (Further) Challenge to the 'Elusiveness' Narrative". 4407:
to make way for German colonists, and mass executions. The German authorities engaged in a systematic
was based on Hitler's long-standing view that Jews were the great enemy of the German people and that
Germany regained control of the Saarland through a referendum held in 1935 and annexed Austria in the
2043: 1603:, population policy, and fitness for military service. Career and educational opportunities for women 32232: 32222: 31978: 31894: 31849: 31118: 31035: 30820: 30680: 30652: 30485: 30390: 30180: 29613: 28687: 28341: 28094: 27242: 26806: 25858: 25487: 25322: 25070: 24668: 23867: 23391: 22352: 22177: 22129: 22124: 22015: 21846: 21806: 21701: 21503: 21448: 21443: 20895: 20840: 20785: 20750: 20682: 20595: 20548: 20483: 19588: 19118: 18303: 18004: 17690: 14540: 11662: 5186: 5134: 4829: 3783:
Major public works projects financed with deficit spending included the construction of a network of
3101: 3036: 2661:
with an opportunity to mobilise fresh reserves. The Moscow offensive, which resumed in October 1941,
to halt its advance to Moscow and temporarily divert its Panzer groups to aid in the encirclement of
2642: 2490: 2474: 2063: 1811: 952: 948: 883: 662: 28885: 22670: 19864: 19793: 10972: 7727: 4165: 3079: 32004: 30857: 30834: 30086: 29887: 29880: 29544: 29204: 29176: 29169: 28556: 28052: 28027: 27877: 27536: 27531: 26168: 25918: 25893: 25788: 25773: 25586: 25435: 25317: 25277: 25216: 25090: 24864: 24078: 23780: 23411: 23154: 23113: 22715: 22362: 22242: 22202: 22167: 22114: 22065: 21895: 21836: 21736: 21726: 21691: 21681: 21676: 21616: 21581: 21421: 21319: 21152: 21117: 20780: 20735: 20652: 20637: 20457: 20286: 20053: 19428: 19393: 19333: 19095: 19057: 18894: 18665: 17788: 17215: 17125: 17110: 16878: 16822: 16638: 16624: 16154: 16067: 15991: 15917: 15893: 15861: 15659: 15229: 15214: 15091: 15070: 14635: 11959: 11853:
The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 – March 1942
11766:(1999). "Germans and Poles, 1871–1945". In Bullivant, Keith; Giles, Geoffrey; Pape, Walter (eds.). 5433: 5142: 4863: 4804:
because of its Jewish origins and demanded that converted Jews be barred from their church. Pastor
4728: 4199: 2059: 2011: 1757: 1608: 1488: 960: 786: 499: 28901: 28878: 25009: 24404: 22956: 22806: 22604: 16558: 15440: 15333: 11932: 5022: 4866:
assassinations. Most Catholic youth groups refused to dissolve themselves and Hitler Youth leader
32262: 32252: 31279: 31223: 31093: 30953: 30638: 30291: 30187: 30093: 29661: 29529: 29499: 29463: 29448: 29320: 29212: 29190: 29136: 29122: 29104: 28768: 28549: 28277: 28226: 28119: 28000: 27541: 27494: 27437: 27136: 27080: 26828: 26493: 26367: 25661: 25517: 25507: 25425: 25060: 24749: 24688: 24568: 24548: 24304: 24123: 23563: 22487: 22260: 21671: 21656: 21428: 21416: 20901: 20770: 20667: 20338: 20313: 20266: 20161: 19932: 19231: 19105: 19085: 19062: 19042: 19002: 18965: 18914: 18788: 18751: 18521: 18243: 17893: 17838: 17813: 16873: 16832: 16779: 16613: 15360: 15275: 14979: 12924: 12170:"Slouching Towards Utopia?: The Economic History of the Twentieth Century. XV. Nazis and Soviets" 9794: 5350: 5311: 5294: 4785: 3862: 3712: 3520: 3214:
vote, making it the Reichstag's second largest political party. While in prison after the failed
2896: 2142:
led to only mild protests by the British and French governments, on 7 March 1936 Hitler used the
2114: 2037: 1935:
were Nazi-controlled, with only members of the Party and a small number of independents elected.
1730: 1631:
became hallmarks of the regime; the implementation of the regime's racial policies culminated in
1227: 928: 815: 801: 193: 24859: 24008: 23775: 19707: 13569:(in Polish). Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja ƚcigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu. 9459: 9457: 3805:
car), intended to be an automobile that everyone could afford. A prototype was displayed at the
3686: 3024: 2973:
As a result of their defeat in World War I and the resulting Treaty of Versailles, Germany lost
2438: 2288:
industrial conglomerate took control of steel and coal production facilities in both countries.
32098: 31889: 31827: 30971: 30864: 30666: 30617: 30520: 30413: 30383: 30166: 30054: 29780: 29571: 29162: 29143: 29113: 28660: 28630: 28141: 28042: 28037: 27725: 27673: 27593: 27526: 27430: 27415: 27308: 27075: 27029: 26870: 26757: 26199: 26031: 25813: 25703: 25502: 25472: 25450: 25415: 25405: 25400: 25292: 25142: 25019: 24819: 24189: 24068: 23917: 23271: 23108: 23057: 22961: 22322: 22307: 22097: 21880: 21816: 21626: 21606: 21586: 21518: 21508: 21478: 21411: 21396: 21299: 21266: 20926: 20860: 20760: 20692: 20585: 20533: 20470: 20390: 20348: 20291: 20201: 20141: 19981: 19817: 19573: 19522: 19032: 19007: 18970: 18829: 18761: 18590: 18481: 18471: 17544: 17145: 16498: 16359: 16187: 16036: 15776: 15540: 15535: 15280: 14366: 13248: 5496: 5362: 5283: 5153:
building in Berlin. Hitler's plans for rebuilding Berlin included a gigantic dome based on the
4926: 4615: 4591: 4478:(NSLB; National Socialist Teachers League) and university professors were required to join the 3935: 3096: 3044: 3032: 2865: 2666: 2585: 2581: 2470: 2313: 2174:
in 1937. The Nationalists were victorious in 1939 and became an informal ally of Nazi Germany.
1804: 1738: 1658: 1580: 1454: 1427: 1093: 987: 134: 37: 31675: 24419: 24264: 23725: 23598: 21861: 19741: 3793:
Envisioning widespread car ownership as part of the new Germany, Hitler arranged for designer
On 6 June 1944, American, British, and Canadian forces established a front in France with the
Germany was still in a dire economic situation, as six million people were unemployed and the
1756:), commonly known as the Nazi Party, was founded in 1920. It was the renamed successor of the 32217: 32157: 32086: 31985: 31649: 31574: 31482: 31462: 31185: 31028: 30924: 30894: 30850: 30590: 30555: 30548: 30471: 30369: 29810: 29787: 29634: 29245: 28782: 28522: 28508: 28191: 28072: 28032: 27845: 27720: 26784: 26774: 26733: 26704: 26649: 26476: 25965: 25908: 25868: 25808: 25778: 25606: 25380: 24944: 24939: 24914: 24904: 24894: 24769: 24598: 24394: 24359: 24269: 24219: 24163: 24113: 24108: 24028: 23699: 23381: 23062: 22901: 22302: 22280: 22232: 22172: 22162: 22119: 21960: 21831: 21811: 21731: 21591: 21324: 21246: 21229: 21167: 21097: 21082: 20936: 20395: 20363: 20358: 20318: 20308: 20241: 20171: 20136: 20111: 19655: 19512: 19271: 19193: 19012: 18997: 18960: 17725: 17287: 17259: 16921: 16754: 16349: 16299: 16294: 15628: 15619: 15351: 14386: 9454: 5102: 4853: 4845: 4709: 4538: 4219: 3260: 2869: 2829: 2821:
while the Red Army approached. On 30 April, when Soviet troops were within two blocks of the
2333: 2113:
in October, claiming its disarmament clauses were unfair if they applied only to Germany. In
2102: 1889: 1885: 1870: 1604: 1442: 1290: 932: 29080: 27960: 24764: 23704: 22866: 20959: 19876: 14792: 14752: 14732: 12247: 9220: 4485:
Frequent and often contradictory directives were issued by Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick,
3772:, guaranteeing them a 5 per cent return on capital invested in their synthetic oil plant at 2066:
in 1933. Hundreds of camps of varying size and function were created by the end of the war.
of the Nazi Party, which became the sole national flag in September 1935. The Party anthem "
included destruction of the Weimar Republic, rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, radical
32247: 32062: 32011: 31964: 31582: 31569: 31557: 31286: 31141: 30792: 30749: 30719: 30645: 30455: 30434: 29360: 28837: 28515: 28165: 27995: 27965: 27840: 27771: 27742: 27661: 26995: 26833: 26823: 26420: 26382: 26239: 26214: 26016: 25573: 25569: 25482: 25410: 25297: 25221: 25147: 25085: 24974: 24909: 24794: 24593: 24464: 24459: 24224: 23770: 23709: 23118: 22250: 22139: 21975: 21970: 21761: 21636: 21251: 21072: 20911: 20725: 20657: 20642: 20439: 20353: 20343: 20303: 20231: 20211: 20121: 20096: 19895: 19778: 19583: 19578: 19460: 19450: 18975: 18919: 18803: 18741: 18736: 18706: 18638: 18616: 18564: 18466: 18217: 18176: 18139: 17868: 17649: 17302: 17264: 17185: 17180: 17100: 16911: 16804: 16687: 16508: 15912: 15712: 15644: 15570: 15209: 14997: 12865:"Not a slippery slope or sudden subversion: German medicine and National Socialism in 1933" 5271: 5065: 4976: 4880: 4651: 4556: 4526: 4494: 3982: 3802: 3505: 3439: 3052: 2743: 2716: 2699: 2695: 2622: 2611: 2601: 2418: 2264: 1900: 1734: 1639: 1285: 1113: 1100: 992: 648: 557: 98: 27945: 26644: 24814: 24384: 23730: 22563: 21361: 19798: 17282: 16342: 16337: 14413: 5387: 4733:
When the Nazis seized power in 1933, roughly 67 per cent of the population of Germany was
2500:, industrial firms in the Netherlands, France, and Belgium were put to work producing war 2461:
Against the advice of many of his senior military officers, in May 1940 Hitler ordered an
1787: 8: 32068: 31971: 31958: 31686: 31404: 31178: 31056: 31012: 30534: 29668: 29434: 28961: 28791: 28775: 28724: 27857: 27737: 27703: 27605: 27425: 27420: 27232: 26951: 26887: 26762: 26747: 26244: 25591: 25477: 25342: 25337: 25282: 25105: 25095: 25035: 24849: 24844: 24344: 24158: 24023: 23816: 23740: 23694: 23674: 23629: 23456: 23426: 23296: 23139: 23083: 22700: 22660: 22573: 22553: 22451: 22060: 21995: 21955: 21256: 21241: 21219: 20931: 20745: 20712: 20580: 20570: 20328: 20206: 20101: 19964: 19939: 19373: 19358: 19158: 19052: 19027: 19022: 18899: 18844: 18783: 18689: 18420: 18354: 17949: 17476: 17387: 17292: 17080: 17065: 17055: 16851: 16677: 16128: 16097: 15932: 15565: 15520: 15315: 15199: 15128: 13320: 12133:
Davis, Richard G. (1995). "German Rail Yards and Cities: U.S. Bombing Policy 1944–1945".
11530: 5266: 5260: 5125:
Hitler took a personal interest in architecture and worked closely with state architects
5098: 4867: 4236:
occupation of Poland in 1939, all Jews living in the General Government were confined to
They also took jobs formerly held by men, especially on farms and in family-owned shops.
3846: 3825: 3765: 3730: 3639: 3443: 3395: 3339: 3256: 3099:. Several areas, such as Alsace-Lorraine, were placed under the authority of an adjacent 3020: 2998: 2779: 2297: 2271: 2171: 2152: 2007: 1904: 1866: 1612: 1449: 515: 409: 27573: 27563: 24324: 23537: 22665: 21438: 21366: 21349: 16109: 14330: 13784: 13298:
The Man Who Invented the Third Reich: The Life and Times of Arthur Moeller van den Bruck
12627: 12601: 4932:
publicly proclaiming in 1941, "National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable."
4805: 4675: 4203: 4121: 2914: 2146:
as a pretext to order the army to march 3,000 troops into the demilitarised zone in the
and other SA leaders who—along with a number of Hitler's political adversaries (such as
32025: 31997: 31397: 31230: 31155: 31109: 31079: 30987: 30827: 30492: 30376: 30270: 30221: 30159: 29915: 29866: 29675: 29299: 28954: 28752: 27970: 27950: 27933: 27884: 27749: 27558: 27509: 27442: 27360: 27301: 27296: 27291: 27247: 27217: 27109: 27007: 26875: 26850: 26466: 26219: 25440: 25347: 25252: 25121: 25045: 24959: 24954: 24879: 24739: 24709: 24683: 24678: 24603: 24578: 24489: 24319: 24249: 24143: 24138: 24133: 23958: 23654: 23149: 23047: 22583: 20997: 20985: 20261: 20246: 19976: 19959: 19788: 19670: 19547: 19497: 19224: 19217: 19072: 19037: 18924: 18909: 18839: 18817: 18793: 18721: 18655: 18585: 18496: 18415: 18384: 18293: 18270: 18036: 17633: 17468: 17352: 17297: 17105: 17045: 16901: 16643: 16578: 16374: 16259: 16237: 16232: 16227: 16182: 16006: 15764: 15342: 15027: 14567: 14111: 13893: 13885: 13458: 13281: 13146: 12892: 12851: 12810: 12722: 12570: 12352: 12271: 12177: 12165: 11912: 11839: 7733: 5526: 5138: 5041: 4985: 4450: 4368: 4329: 4316: 4058: 4047: 3691: 3136: 3107: 3016: 2978: 2775: 2739: 2536: 2482: 2446: 2403: 2393: 2382: 1831: 1761: 1510: 1080: 1040: 1012: 852: 596: 221: 31752: 24274: 23522: 22730: 20477: 17481: 16048: 12426: 11374: 4705:, the Ministry of the Interior readily handed out permits for experiments on animals. 4285:(POWs) throughout the USSR and elsewhere in Europe. During the course of the war, the 3654: 2982: 32272: 31388: 31272: 31162: 31102: 31063: 30996: 30978: 30944: 30887: 30841: 30785: 30610: 30348: 30340: 30277: 30130: 29724: 29256: 28717: 28696: 28406: 28079: 27975: 27911: 27906: 27835: 27732: 27447: 27375: 27370: 27212: 27141: 27124: 27119: 27114: 26914: 26865: 26602: 26508: 26249: 25975: 25385: 25167: 25162: 24964: 24829: 24774: 24754: 24628: 24573: 24279: 24058: 23983: 23851: 23588: 23532: 23502: 23441: 23361: 23266: 23205: 23144: 23011: 22906: 22886: 22720: 22680: 22517: 22377: 22347: 22222: 21990: 21903: 21756: 21548: 21498: 21488: 21483: 21356: 21344: 21309: 21286: 21052: 21039: 20740: 20488: 20449: 20226: 20216: 19834: 19665: 19650: 19638: 19593: 19403: 19363: 19178: 19153: 19100: 19047: 18861: 18633: 18425: 18144: 17170: 17095: 16861: 16856: 16827: 16682: 16468: 16397: 16222: 16102: 16001: 15922: 15885: 15674: 15505: 15495: 15234: 15044: 15031: 15019: 14959: 14940: 14921: 14899: 14880: 14858: 14836: 14717: 14698: 14679: 14660: 14641: 14617: 14571: 14524: 14505: 14486: 14394: 14372: 14316: 14308: 14294: 14258: 14248: 14214: 14192: 14173: 14152: 14142: 14136: 14118: 14092: 14073: 14026: 14020: 14002: 13980: 13968: 13929: 13910: 13897: 13854: 13835: 13816: 13792: 13741: 13735: 13720: 13690: 13671: 13652: 13630: 13611: 13592: 13570: 13551: 13532: 13510: 13502: 13484: 13465: 13439: 13420: 13337: 13329: 13301: 13285: 13223: 13202: 13152: 13131: 13112: 13093: 13087: 13072: 13050: 13031: 13025: 13007: 12988: 12947:
Heinemann, Isabel; Oberkrome, Willi; Schleiermacher, Sabine; Wagner, Patrick (2006).
12897: 12855: 12820: 12796: 12772: 12728: 12704: 12675: 12656: 12609: 12587: 12574: 12536: 12517: 12511: 12496: 12474: 12452: 12433: 12410: 12403: 12387: 12339: 12333: 12311: 12293: 12275: 12232: 12213: 12151: 12119: 12113: 12095: 12076: 12054: 12033: 12010: 11988: 11967: 11940: 11856: 11843: 11831: 11771: 11749: 11727: 11708: 11689: 11668: 11644: 5245: 5227: 5215: 5198: 5150: 5094: 4970: 4856:, which along with all other non-Nazi political parties ceased to exist by July. The 4809: 4614:(Young Girls League) section of the Hitler Youth was for girls age 10 to 14, and the 4147:, 1,000 to 12,000 Romani were murdered, while nearly all 25,000 Romani living in the 4131:
The Nazis intended on deporting all Romani people from Germany, and confined them to
4082: 3829: 3810: 3794: 3699: 3694:, where millions more were murdered. Up to 60,000 Waffen-SS men served in the camps. 3447: 3405: 3352: 3252: 3040: 2990: 2849: 2822: 2763: 2646: 2560: 2535:
had advised Hitler in June that air superiority was a pre-condition for a successful
2528: 2478: 2409: 2398: 2163: 2110: 1960: 1700: 1600: 1478: 1415: 1045: 968: 162: 25928: 24984: 24474: 24444: 24194: 22911: 22851: 22705: 22548: 21304: 19900: 19715: 17050: 16488: 15490: 13973: 13707:(in German), Stadtarchiv Göttingen Cordula Tollmien Projekt NS-Zwangsarbeiter, 1942. 9704: 4925:
and the swastika. Other sects of Christianity were also targeted, with Chief of the
4560: 3833: 2682: 245: 32110: 31879: 31747: 31307: 31300: 31244: 30908: 30673: 30659: 30562: 30499: 30450: 30263: 30116: 30063: 29873: 29824: 29738: 28968: 28945: 28478: 27928: 27715: 27710: 27666: 27653: 27583: 27551: 27546: 27410: 27405: 27387: 27348: 27281: 27264: 27205: 27195: 27190: 27131: 27087: 27057: 27017: 27000: 26983: 26946: 26697: 26666: 26503: 26290: 26234: 26158: 25980: 25065: 24924: 24454: 24409: 24329: 24309: 24294: 24284: 24239: 24018: 23948: 23877: 23841: 23836: 23750: 23679: 23659: 23634: 23568: 23406: 23386: 23376: 23356: 23341: 23210: 23195: 23134: 23042: 23001: 22971: 22951: 22916: 22891: 22781: 22771: 22558: 22527: 22446: 22157: 22087: 21596: 20719: 20698: 20523: 20508: 20076: 19677: 19532: 19470: 19348: 19338: 19264: 19240: 19188: 19183: 19173: 19168: 19163: 18990: 18955: 18929: 18601: 18405: 18374: 18329: 18324: 18212: 17090: 17060: 16978: 16885: 16697: 16603: 16528: 16473: 16369: 16247: 16082: 15975: 15590: 15550: 15510: 15194: 15011: 14913: 14557: 14549: 13877: 13712: 13453: 13273: 13217: 13021: 12976: 12905: 12887: 12879: 12843: 12814: 12786: 12639: 12623: 12584:
Atlas of Nazi Germany: A Political, Economic, and Social Anatomy of the Third Reich
12562: 12377: 12329: 12263: 11823: 5303: 5255: 5236: 5073: 4954: 4905: 4670: 4599:
Women were expected to be strong, healthy, and vital. The sturdy peasant woman who
4372: 4282: 3942:. The wartime economy eventually relied heavily upon the large-scale employment of 3456: 3215: 3179: 3048: 3028: 2833: 2812: 2662: 2589: 2462: 2353:(Top) Animated map showing the sequence of events in Europe throughout World War II 2275: 2248: 2159: 1971: 1967: 1691: 1670: 1544: 1468: 1464: 1007: 1002: 997: 622: 31: 31527: 28487: 25445: 23507: 22966: 22482: 20156: 16598: 16140: 14579: 14165: 13247:(in German). No. 2. Hamburg: Spiegel-Verlag. pp. 218–221. Archived from 7712: 4793: 4650:
Statues representing the ideal body were erected in the streets of Berlin for the
4610: 3417: 3334: 2158:
Hitler sent military supplies and assistance to the Nationalist forces of General
On 2 August 1934, Hindenburg died. The previous day, the cabinet had enacted the "
32277: 31742: 31330: 31042: 30957: 30915: 30813: 30756: 30624: 30406: 30397: 29926: 29508: 29484: 28738: 28146: 28114: 27987: 27955: 27938: 27894: 27889: 27867: 27862: 27820: 27813: 27788: 27648: 27643: 27484: 27365: 27259: 27254: 27222: 27047: 27037: 26931: 26924: 26919: 26904: 26860: 26742: 26728: 26678: 26498: 26183: 25698: 25395: 25375: 24889: 24834: 24558: 24414: 24254: 24209: 24093: 24053: 24033: 23998: 23907: 23801: 23689: 23639: 23558: 23461: 23451: 23421: 23416: 23401: 23321: 23301: 23281: 23240: 23230: 23200: 23180: 23175: 23093: 22991: 22846: 22821: 22776: 22357: 21985: 21528: 21523: 21406: 21401: 21062: 21057: 21019: 20991: 20881: 20251: 20131: 20126: 20106: 20063: 19913: 19849: 19844: 19773: 19660: 19557: 19542: 19482: 19318: 19143: 19138: 19133: 19080: 18506: 17878: 17496: 17486: 17115: 17004: 16939: 16894: 16658: 16573: 16568: 16548: 16518: 16483: 16386: 16379: 16264: 15965: 15705: 15580: 15485: 15470: 15455: 13460:
Did the Children Cry?: Hitler's War Against Jewish and Polish Children, 1939–1945
13387: 13293: 12981: 12466: 12325: 12048: 11955: 11763: 11517: 11515: 5744: 5729: 5713: 5698: 5618: 5214:, especially pieces based on Germanic myths and heroic stories, and attended the 5193: 5162: 5045: 4941: 4918: 4858: 4777: 4565: 4502: 4215: 4191: 3858: 3742: 3435: 3303: 3191: 2994: 2974: 2881:(1,000 dead), and Berlin, where at least 7,057 people committed suicide in 1945. 2751: 2727: 2674: 2540: 2512: 2414: 2378: 2301: 2055: 2047: 2003: 1952: 1916: 1644: 1588: 1446: 1407: 1177: 772: 609: 527: 473: 383: 330: 310: 31700: 31442: 27568: 25549: 24929: 23527: 23021: 22801: 22675: 22578: 22568: 20952: 17783: 15239: 4028:, April 1933. The posters say "Germans! Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews!" 3697:
In 1931, Himmler organised an SS intelligence service which became known as the
was established in occupied central Poland. The governments of Denmark, Norway (
2817: 31991: 31869: 31772: 31737: 31624: 31337: 30873: 30799: 28851: 28710: 28089: 28084: 28047: 28022: 28005: 27916: 27901: 27872: 27830: 27678: 27638: 27633: 27588: 27514: 27474: 27464: 27454: 27269: 27148: 27042: 26909: 26791: 26619: 26597: 26540: 26513: 26148: 25943: 25898: 25888: 25883: 25713: 25693: 25683: 25616: 25581: 25497: 25267: 25152: 25040: 24744: 24504: 24379: 24364: 24339: 24148: 24088: 24013: 23978: 23922: 23846: 23806: 23796: 23669: 23471: 23396: 23331: 23326: 23311: 23256: 23190: 23098: 23088: 23006: 22981: 22931: 22861: 22826: 22786: 22745: 22735: 22710: 22634: 22629: 22619: 22441: 22227: 21950: 21933: 21826: 21801: 21007: 20970: 20845: 20765: 20687: 20565: 20323: 20071: 20048: 19954: 19949: 19807: 19697: 19682: 19552: 19423: 19408: 19328: 19245: 19123: 19110: 18773: 18531: 17918: 17853: 17491: 17312: 16868: 16733: 16648: 16593: 16583: 16539: 16448: 16428: 16217: 16194: 16087: 15985: 15970: 15927: 15827: 15460: 15244: 15204: 15172: 15121: 15095: 14106: 14065: 13952: 13524: 13194: 12194:
Die Bevölkerung des Deutschen Reichs nach den Ergebnissen der VolkszÀhlung 1939
5415: 5357: 5335: 5289: 5211: 5158: 5154: 5118: 5069: 5037: 4929: 4886: 4824: 4738: 4600: 4552: 4302: 4062: 3949: 3866: 3837: 3785: 3672: 3627: 3573: 3564:
from 1935 to 1945 was around 18.2 million, of whom 5.3 million died.
3538: 3225: 2874: 2845: 2837: 2783: 2678: 2556: 2552: 2344: 2070: 1881: 1795: 1666: 1473: 1343: 1329: 1070: 570: 24979: 22695: 22639: 22522: 22507: 16438: 16406: 15515: 15450: 15396: 13810: 13399: 13277: 12883: 12643: 12205: 11512: 5765: 4748: 4512:
The Nazi salute in school (1934): children were indoctrinated at an early age.
3400: 2841: 433: 338: 32211: 32193: 32180: 32074: 32036: 31690: 31639: 31148: 29073: 28922: 28761: 28170: 28057: 27852: 27825: 27798: 27776: 27754: 27521: 27504: 27489: 27333: 27286: 27274: 27200: 27092: 26966: 26961: 26936: 26818: 26577: 26528: 26275: 26143: 25938: 25873: 25768: 25708: 25676: 25554: 25014: 25004: 24874: 24494: 24439: 24399: 24374: 24354: 24299: 24234: 24204: 24199: 24184: 24103: 24098: 24043: 24038: 23953: 23902: 23811: 23684: 23583: 23553: 23517: 23446: 23366: 23316: 23276: 23235: 23225: 23215: 23103: 23052: 23037: 22996: 22986: 22946: 22936: 22876: 22796: 22685: 22644: 22614: 22599: 22512: 22497: 22492: 22477: 22050: 21913: 21601: 21276: 20855: 20662: 20513: 20383: 20333: 20276: 20221: 19998: 19761: 19645: 19487: 19383: 19343: 19310: 18486: 17969: 17858: 17175: 17165: 17135: 17120: 17075: 16789: 16523: 16458: 16443: 16330: 16321: 16210: 16159: 16149: 16077: 15960: 15939: 15837: 15585: 15555: 15530: 15475: 15417: 15310: 15265: 15249: 15160: 15023: 15015: 14695:
How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich
14132: 14016: 13881: 13806: 13498: 13333: 12109: 12030:
How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich
11835: 11658: 5840: 5799:(Turkestan) were proposed in case these areas were brought under German rule. 5486: 5314:. All but three were found guilty and twelve were sentenced to death. Twelve 5177: 5061: 5049: 4801: 4697: 4679: 4486: 4298: 4262:
traits, who were presumed to be of German descent. The goal was to implement
4100: 4072: 3990: 3916: 3912: 3648: 3577: 3547: 3465: 3264: 3233: 3132: 2928: 2918: 2630: 2577: 2466: 2167: 1984: 1956: 1708: 1669:
and put many of the surviving Nazi leadership on trial for war crimes at the
1632: 1556: 1532: 1518: 1419: 1157: 364: 290: 277: 31806: 31717: 27598: 27578: 24724: 24389: 24289: 16503: 15545: 15100: 13341: 12250:[How Successful was National Socialist Control of the Daily Press?] 5081: 3632: 3012:
of invasion by sea, Lithuania surrendered the Memel district in March 1939.
2815:(16 April â€“ 2 May 1945), Hitler and his staff lived in the underground 2559:. The German Luftwaffe failed to defeat the RAF in what became known as the 1999: 32104: 32080: 32056: 32050: 31802: 31634: 31505: 31447: 31251: 29551: 29087: 28450: 28214: 28062: 27803: 27793: 27688: 27683: 27610: 27400: 27382: 27343: 27338: 27318: 27313: 27185: 27178: 27168: 27163: 27158: 27052: 26990: 26971: 26956: 26892: 26592: 26572: 26567: 26562: 26552: 26488: 26483: 26432: 26327: 26265: 25958: 25953: 25913: 25758: 25733: 25728: 25596: 25430: 25157: 24543: 24499: 24449: 24424: 24369: 24334: 24244: 24003: 23973: 23897: 23892: 23887: 23882: 23831: 23821: 23644: 23436: 23351: 23346: 23336: 23261: 23170: 23078: 22976: 22921: 22896: 22841: 22725: 22543: 22502: 22192: 22077: 20965: 20677: 20429: 20424: 20405: 20378: 20146: 19633: 19625: 19527: 19378: 18871: 18546: 18541: 18410: 18364: 17823: 17190: 17035: 16743: 16608: 16563: 16513: 16493: 16478: 16433: 16364: 16289: 16133: 16016: 15955: 15900: 15771: 15575: 15480: 15445: 15435: 15425: 15270: 15166: 14872: 14850: 14362: 14206: 14156: 13994: 13943: 13644: 13584: 13175: 12718: 12679: 12488: 12267: 11741: 5395: 5346: 5342: 5169: 5130: 5053: 4874: 4789: 4753: 4722: 4605: 4353: 4307: 4187: 3996: 3943: 3526: 3183: 2965: 2844:
as Reich President and Goebbels as Reich Chancellor. Goebbels and his wife
2787: 2771: 2731: 2572: 2548: 2532: 2521: 2374: 2305: 1951:
The Nazi regime abolished the symbols of the Weimar Republic—including the
1840: 1769: 1540: 1536: 1506: 1399: 1395: 1266: 1262: 1197: 1148: 1035: 531: 421: 200: 24919: 23497: 15387: 14070:
Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust
13694: 13529:
Legacies of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 1933-2001
12901: 12847: 11827: 10945: 5390:
survey found that just 47 per cent of 14 to 16-year-olds polled knew what
cannibalism while being held in open-air pens at Auschwitz and elsewhere.
arranged in negotiations with the Soviet Union a non-aggression pact, the
863: 32092: 31086: 31072: 30734: 29410: 29231: 29216: 28570: 27781: 27766: 27615: 27328: 27237: 27227: 27153: 26801: 26796: 26634: 26624: 26582: 26439: 26224: 26173: 26047: 25985: 25823: 25798: 25626: 25601: 25559: 25262: 25236: 25075: 24989: 24734: 24714: 24434: 24073: 23664: 23619: 23578: 23492: 23466: 23371: 23286: 23220: 23185: 22941: 22881: 22856: 22816: 22791: 22750: 22740: 22609: 22472: 21980: 21908: 21538: 21513: 21067: 20600: 20553: 20400: 20091: 19969: 19908: 19883: 19871: 19455: 19418: 19368: 18881: 18595: 18430: 18379: 18129: 17150: 17085: 16916: 16463: 16309: 16279: 16123: 15996: 15610: 15606: 15500: 15405: 15378: 15369: 14790: 13243: 13064: 12566: 12002: 10647: 8628: 5325: 5126: 5077: 5057: 4813: 4757: 4702: 4544: 4529:; an additional ten weeks service were required of second-year students. 4395:
Poles were viewed by Nazis as subhuman non-Aryans, and during the German
Around the time of the failed offensive against Moscow in December 1941,
4270: 4259: 4223: 4183: 4120:. A further 5,000 Sinti and Austrian Lalleri people were deported to the 4000: 3899: 3500: 3420: 3325: 3276: 3248: 3187: 3127:. Conquered areas of Belgium and France were placed under control of the 3064: 2260: 2234: 2228: 2098: 2033: 1726: 1649: 1624: 1592: 1564: 1548: 1525:, Germany conquered most of Europe by 1940 and threatened Great Britain. 1522: 1498: 1050: 508: 26673: 25793: 24809: 23593: 17863: 13889: 13567:
Polska 1939–1945: straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami
13174:(in German), Spitzenorganisation der Filmwirtschaft e. V, archived from 12744:"Auschwitz-Birkenau: 4 out of 10 German students don't know what it was" 11916: 11900: 11768:
Germany and Eastern Europe: Cultural Identities and Cultural Differences
removed from libraries any books considered un-German, and a nationwide
31722: 31712: 31563: 30441: 30194: 30173: 29066: 28399: 28327: 27808: 27625: 27499: 27459: 27392: 26629: 26425: 26153: 25933: 25738: 25636: 25352: 25312: 24884: 24854: 24799: 24638: 24484: 24118: 23993: 23988: 23649: 23603: 23573: 23431: 22871: 22831: 22766: 22624: 22456: 22102: 22092: 22055: 21651: 21192: 21123:
Hungarian National Socialist Agricultural Labourers' and Workers' Party
20559: 20493: 20151: 20081: 19859: 19746: 19687: 19537: 19502: 19445: 19353: 19090: 18711: 18171: 17155: 17140: 17040: 16453: 16203: 16166: 16092: 15980: 15820: 15669: 15560: 15525: 15465: 15144: 14631: 14562: 13907:
Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini: Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century
12687: 12310:(in Polish). Vol. 3. Warsaw: PaƄstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 2004. 11350: 5443: 5375: 5181: 5113: 4921:
to be replaced in all churches, cathedrals, and chapels with copies of
4734: 4630: 4400: 4367:
and Polish leadership in Warsaw, based mostly on intelligence from the
4250: 4004: 3931: 3850: 3821: 3750: 3746: 3556: 3220: 2807:
film of the aftermath of the destruction in central Berlin in July 1945
2755: 2426: 2422: 2259:
was home to a substantial minority of Germans, who lived mostly in the
2127: 1836: 1778: 1773: 1749: 1584: 1576: 1572: 1568: 1403: 1120: 737: 346: 324: 14998:"Using the Past in the Nazi Successor States from 1945 to the Present" 14461:(in German). Statistisches Bundesamt. 2006. p. 34. Archived from 13791:. BeitrĂ€ge zur MilitĂ€rgeschichte (in German). MĂŒnchen: R. Oldenbourg. 10177: 4003:. The Nazis postulated the existence of a racial conflict between the 3512:
The unified armed forces of Germany from 1935 to 1945 were called the
2669:, Hawaii. Four days later, Germany declared war on the United States. 1803:, and were tolerated by the sympathetic far-right state government of 1471:, the regime undertook extensive public works projects, including the 30:"Drittes Reich" and "The Reich" redirect here. For the 1923 book, see 32044: 31706: 30704: 30109: 29906: 29717: 29515: 29470: 27698: 27469: 27353: 27323: 27104: 26978: 26769: 26612: 26523: 26456: 26415: 25948: 25853: 25838: 25718: 25641: 25206: 24969: 24934: 24899: 24719: 24128: 23963: 23826: 23512: 21013: 20271: 20236: 19692: 19388: 18701: 18349: 17237: 17070: 17030: 16633: 16314: 15948: 15746: 14637:
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
14048:(in German). Bundesministerium fĂŒr Landesverteidigung. Archived from 13507:
Heinrich Himmler: The Sinister Life of the Head of the SS and Gestapo
Deutschland im Wandel. Geschichte der deutschen Bevolkerung seit 1815
12516:. Translated by Osers, Ewald; Dring, Alexandra. San Diego: Harcourt. 12473:. International Propaganda and Communications. New York: Arno Press. 12449:
Cosmopolitan Islanders: British Historians and the European Continent
Mitteleuropa!: deutsche PlÀne zur europÀischen Neuordnung (1918-1945)
7136: 5453: 5307: 5249: 5146: 5000:
A Nazi book burning on 10 May 1933 in Berlin, as books by Jewish and
4412: 4345: 4160: 4117: 3904: 3769: 3726: 3659: 3532: 3514: 3483: 3374: 3299: 3294: 2923: 2826: 2690: 2650: 2544: 2183: 2147: 1994: 1642:
of the Soviet Union in 1941, Nazi Germany attempted to implement the
1493: 1483: 583: 31520: 28991: 24869: 21856: 15152: 14170:
Toward the Millennium: Messianic Expectations from the Bible to Waco
2878: 2023: 1459: 28975: 28703: 27099: 26882: 26840: 26779: 26639: 26607: 26557: 26471: 26461: 26444: 26052: 25818: 25748: 25055: 24789: 23487: 21611: 19812: 19751: 19736: 19492: 19434: 19398: 18235: 18186: 17130: 16304: 16269: 16011: 14553: 14344:"Germany's Nazi Past: Why Germans Can Never Escape Hitler's Shadow" 14138:
Mobilizing Women for War: German and American Propaganda, 1939–1945
13355: 10978: 8130: 5380: 4349: 4278: 4094: 3646:
Initially a small bodyguard unit under the auspices of the SA, the
3229: 2986: 2936:
to death, and civil courts sentenced an additional 40,000 Germans.
2767: 2658: 2501: 2355:(Bottom) Germany and its allies at the height of Axis success, 1942 1620: 15003:
The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
The Green and the Brown: A History of Conservation in Nazi Germany
The World's Wasted Wealth 2: Save Our Wealth, Save Our Environment
14271: 13089:
The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation
12956:(in Polish). Bonn: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Archived from 12692:
An Honourable Defeat: A History of the German Resistance to Hitler
Plotting Hitler's Death: The German Resistance to Hitler 1933–1945
Bartrop, Paul R.; Jacobs, Leonard, eds. (2014). "Einsatzgruppen".
9734: 5846: 5302:
The Allied powers organised war crimes trials, beginning with the
technically advanced aircraft annually less than ten years later.
2238: 1860:
Adolf Hitler's rise to power § Seizure of control (1931–1933)
27012: 26941: 26897: 26752: 25970: 24839: 24804: 24784: 24614:
An Investigation of Global Policy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus
The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia
24153: 22149: 21796: 21224: 20850: 19927: 19287: 18980: 18400: 18344: 18266: 15755: 14502:
The Triumph of the Dark: European International History 1933–1939
Schreiner, Klaus (1998). "Messianism in the Weimar Republic". In
13392:"Hitler's Role in the Persecution of the Jews by the Nazi Regime" 12792:
Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust
11023: 9148: 8058: 7751: 5173: 5001: 4769: 3777: 3757: 3210: 3060: 2638: 2634: 2486: 1989: 1940: 1800: 1422:(1871–1918). The Third Reich, which the Nazis referred to as the 1215: 1017: 379: 359: 26813: 14730: 13851:
The Bombers and the Bombed: Allied Air War Over Europe 1940–1945
13757:'NS-Frauenwarte': Paper of the National Socialist Women's League 11770:. Yearbook of European Studies. Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. 11641:
Modern Genocide: The Definitive Resource and Document Collection
10345: 9809: 9800: 8640: 7956: 7954: 7952: 5185:
in Art", were launched in sixteen different cities by 1935. The
32116: 31792: 31782: 31598: 31474: 29585: 28183: 26845: 26720: 26449: 26117: 26112: 26057: 25803: 25753: 25272: 24999: 24994: 24824: 24658: 21875: 21776: 21646: 21314: 19991: 19839: 19766: 19507: 17618: 16175: 16031: 15728: 15224: 13608:
Working Towards the FĂŒhrer: Essays in Honour of Sir Ian Kershaw
13325: 12248:"Wie erfolgreich war die nationalsozlalistische Presselenkung?" 12148:
Bountiful Harvest: Technology, Food Safety, and the Environment
11545: 11134: 9670: 9196: 7262: 7201: 7199: 7124: 5830: 5828: 5203: 4765: 4311:
A wagon piled high with corpses outside the crematorium in the
4066: 3204: 3068: 1528: 1431: 375: 269: 14817:
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum—Holocaust Encyclopedia
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum—Holocaust Encyclopedia
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum—Holocaust Encyclopedia
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum—Holocaust Encyclopedia
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum—Holocaust Encyclopedia
Hitler's State Architecture: The Impact of Classical Antiquity
11230: 10001: 9833: 9574: 9208: 9160: 8938: 8890: 8866: 8676: 8580: 8484: 8154: 7775: 7690: 7688: 7531: 7529: 7358: 4885:("With Burning Concern") encyclical smuggled into Germany for 4844:
followed the Nazi takeover. Hitler moved quickly to eliminate
was installed as Reich Bishop and the pro-Nazi pressure group
was made compulsory for all children over the age of ten. The
states that most German citizens disapproved of the genocide.
4198:, enacted on 14 July 1933, over 400,000 individuals underwent 2377:. Hungary was the fourth nation to join the Axis, signing the 29773: 27479: 25302: 20887: 20414: 18360:
Chronology of warfare between the Romans and Germanic peoples
18339: 16738: 15113: 12816:
The 12-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany 1933–1945
11464: 11218: 10839: 10837: 10752: 10750: 10668: 10617: 9857: 9782: 9746: 9586: 9472: 9403: 8751: 8604: 8592: 8436: 7949: 7039: 7037: 6890: 6310: 6308: 5026:("Ethnic Observer"), was edited by Rosenberg, who also wrote 4914: 4105: 3915:
that combined a free market with central planning. Historian
3773: 3244: 3236:
and territorial expansionism with the goal of obtaining more
3088: 2906: 2856:
was signed 8 May, marking the end of the Nazi regime and the
the next day, to be greeted with enthusiasm by the populace.
1704: 1560: 25232:
National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise
14770: 14091:(in Greek). transl by Kostas Sarropoulos. Athens: Govostis. 13670:. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 13358:"The Catholic Church in Poland and the Holocaust, 1939–1945" 13222:. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 10569: 10497: 10403: 10401: 10399: 10386: 10384: 10167: 10165: 9770: 9523: 9463: 9444: 9442: 7939: 7937: 7514: 7196: 7097: 6998: 6782: 6452: 6428: 5825: 4752:(God-believing; a Nazi religious movement) and 1.5 per cent 4336:
and the rest would be murdered in the implementation of the
racial divisions used in the racial policies of Nazi Germany
by the Nazis included the mentally and physically disabled,
1822:, holding 230 seats with 37.4 per cent of the popular vote. 1599:
were oppressed and leaders imprisoned. Education focused on
31777: 21272:
Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit
19413: 14918:
Hitler's Foreign Policy 1933–1939: The Road to World War II
14810: 14025:. New York: Public Affairs, member of Perseus Books Group. 12198:
Population of the German Realm according to the 1939 census
11598: 10716: 10656: 10605: 10357: 9929: 9552: 9550: 9511: 9355: 9343: 9295: 9226: 9184: 9172: 8775: 8664: 8190: 8118: 8082: 7983: 7981: 7910: 7862: 7685: 7649: 7637: 7565: 7541: 7526: 7346: 7310: 6866: 6688: 6686: 6577: 6575: 6464: 6392: 5876: 5852: 5331: 5207: 4742: 4425:
German atrocities committed against Soviet prisoners of war
The Allies received information about the murders from the
living there, who it viewed as being inferior to the Aryan
2654: 2527:
Hitler's peace overtures to the new British Prime Minister
arranged a series of meetings, the result of which was the
In February 1938, Hitler emphasised to Austrian Chancellor
1783: 1742: 1552: 26689: 19256: 14412:[Germans want to learn from history] (in German). 13909:. European History Series. Wheeling, IL: Harlan Davidson. 13165: 11576: 11574: 11572: 11356: 11278: 11266: 11059: 10960: 10873: 10834: 10774: 10747: 10692: 10593: 10333: 10285: 9953: 9501: 9499: 8982: 8980: 8950: 8568: 8349: 7787: 7613: 7490: 7478: 7334: 7286: 7216: 7214: 7184: 7114: 7112: 7034: 7022: 7010: 6698: 6611: 6305: 6281: 2997:, which separated Prussia from the rest of Germany, while 21108:
German National Socialist Workers' Party (Czechoslovakia)
15697: 14896:
Hitler's Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: The Chetniks
Statistisches Jahrbuch fĂŒr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
13754: 11557: 11389: 11362: 11326: 11170: 11146: 11110: 11071: 11035: 11011: 10987: 10909: 10897: 10885: 10810: 10737: 10735: 10733: 10731: 10704: 10557: 10533: 10396: 10381: 10261: 10213: 10201: 10183: 10162: 10126: 10102: 10054: 9941: 9905: 9893: 9845: 9821: 9758: 9439: 9427: 9415: 9283: 9271: 9247: 9112: 9100: 9064: 9028: 8914: 8878: 8842: 8739: 8727: 8652: 8520: 8496: 8472: 8460: 8424: 8361: 8046: 8034: 7934: 7826: 7739: 7700: 7430: 7370: 7250: 7238: 7073: 6902: 6842: 6500: 6476: 6344: 6179: 6095: 6071: 6059: 6035: 6011: 5912: 4563:, felt forced to live in exile. The League published the 4196:
Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring
Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
1963:" ("Horst Wessel Song") became a second national anthem. 1946:
Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
1685:). The latter, a translation of the Nazi propaganda term 14578: 14191:. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. 12672:
Germany Reports. With an introduction by Konrad Adenauer
12360:(in German). Government of Germany. 2012. Archived from 11748:(Third ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 11536: 11476: 11440: 11406: 11404: 10369: 10020: 10018: 10016: 9610: 9547: 9367: 9004: 8967: 8965: 8717: 8715: 8448: 8390: 8388: 8289: 8022: 8010: 8000: 7998: 7996: 7978: 7874: 7816: 7814: 7661: 7274: 6962: 6854: 6722: 6683: 6671: 6623: 6572: 6512: 6380: 6208: 6206: 6155: 6083: 5999: 5989: 5987: 5972: 5948: 5936: 5924: 3966:
targeted refineries producing synthetic oil and gasoline
2117:, 95 per cent of voters supported Germany's withdrawal. 1657:
was conquered by the Soviet Union from the east and the
14835:(in German) (2nd ed.). Heidelberg: MĂŒller Verlag. 13109:
The "Hitler Myth": Image and Reality in the Third Reich
11569: 11452: 11416: 11100: 11098: 10849: 10798: 10786: 10581: 10461: 10449: 10437: 10237: 9710: 9658: 9562: 9496: 9484: 9391: 9016: 8977: 8544: 8508: 8412: 8400: 8373: 8277: 8255: 8253: 8214: 8166: 8106: 7898: 7850: 7799: 7589: 7553: 7502: 7394: 7382: 7322: 7211: 7109: 7085: 7061: 7049: 6938: 6830: 6404: 6047: 6023: 5960: 5360:
in 1961 and the broadcast of the television miniseries
gained control of the new church. They objected to the
Christianized neighbouring continental Germanic peoples
deaths of an estimated 19.3 million civilians and
To determine who should be killed, Himmler created the
The Nazis used propaganda to promulgate the concept of
2050:, Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda 1776:. They promised a strong central government, increased 28845:
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement
Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists
Hitlers Deutschland: Die MĂ€chtigen des Dritten Reiches
14452: 13417:
Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews
12176:. University of California at Berkeley. Archived from 11746:
War & Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust
11428: 11182: 11158: 11122: 11047: 10999: 10762: 10728: 10680: 10485: 10309: 10042: 10030: 9965: 9917: 9881: 9646: 9535: 9379: 9307: 8808: 8806: 8804: 8802: 8688: 7838: 7673: 7601: 7577: 6986: 6806: 6758: 6734: 6710: 6659: 6647: 6536: 6356: 6293: 6259: 6257: 5606: 4595:(League of German Girls) practising gymnastics in 1941 3849:, was created and placed under Nazi Party functionary 3423:, who could also veto top civil service appointments. 3129:
Military Administration in Belgium and Northern France
to purge the entire SA leadership. Hitler targeted SA
1793:. The party, especially its paramilitary organisation 253:
of the Greater German Reich (red line is border), 1944
Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia
McElligott, Anthony; Kirk, Tim; Kershaw, Ian (2003).
13605: 13483:. Baltimore; London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 13386: 13314: 11401: 11380: 11338: 11314: 11302: 11290: 11254: 11242: 11206: 11194: 11083: 10933: 10861: 10629: 10545: 10521: 10509: 10473: 10425: 10413: 10321: 10297: 10273: 10249: 10225: 10150: 10138: 10114: 10090: 10078: 10066: 10013: 9989: 9977: 9740: 9722: 9682: 9622: 9598: 9235: 9136: 9124: 9088: 9052: 9040: 8992: 8962: 8926: 8902: 8854: 8818: 8787: 8763: 8712: 8700: 8616: 8385: 8325: 8301: 8178: 8142: 8136: 8070: 7993: 7886: 7811: 7625: 7466: 7418: 7406: 7172: 7160: 6974: 6950: 6926: 6878: 6818: 6770: 6599: 6440: 6368: 6218: 6203: 6167: 6143: 6119: 5984: 5900: 4519:
Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
3690:(death's head units) ran the concentration camps and 3498:
A column of tanks and other armoured vehicles of the
decrees between 1933 and 1935 abolished the existing
Hitler ruled Germany autocratically by asserting the
to foster unity and bolster the regime's popularity.
committed suicide the next day after murdering their
unconditionally surrendered Berlin to Soviet General
were central ideological features of the regime. The
The Waffen-SS: Hitler's Elite Guard at War 1939–1945
The Reaction of the Churches in Nazi Occupied Europe
Rulers and Victims: The Russians in the Soviet Union
When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler
12053:. The Third Reich. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books. 11610: 11500: 11095: 10921: 9331: 9319: 9076: 8830: 8556: 8532: 8337: 8313: 8265: 8250: 8238: 8226: 8202: 8094: 7966: 7763: 7454: 7442: 7298: 7226: 7148: 6914: 6794: 6746: 6635: 6587: 6560: 6548: 6524: 6488: 6416: 6242: 6131: 6107: 5493:
be played right after the standing national anthem "
5405: 5141:. Speer constructed imposing structures such as the 4848:, rounding up functionaries of the Catholic-aligned 3876: 2738:
were defeated by British forces under Field Marshal
Law Concerning the Head of State of the German Reich
1595:, or murdered. Christian churches and citizens that 14678:. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. 13789:
Deutsche militÀrische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Cruel World: The Children of Europe in the Nazi Web
13531:. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. 12670:Germany (West) Presse- und Informationsamt (1961). 12451:. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. 11586: 11488: 10822: 10189: 9869: 9634: 8799: 7922: 6332: 6320: 6269: 6254: 6230: 6191: 5888: 5864: 4902:and systematic dismantling of the Catholic Church. 4292: 3883:
Forced labour under German rule during World War II
2790:prevented this order from being fully carried out. 2263:. Under pressure from separatist groups within the 2062:, initially for political prisoners, was opened at 1426:, ended in May 1945, after only 12 years, when the 14877:The Waffen-SS: Organization, Ideology and Function 14857:. New York; Toronto: NAL Caliber (Penguin Group). 14274:"Gerade auf LeMO gesehen: LeMO Kapitel: NS-Regime" 14110: 13972: 13701: 13457: 12980: 12425: 12402: 9259: 9202: 3121:(encompassing the Baltic states and Belarus), and 2629:The invasion conquered a huge area, including the 2539:, so Hitler ordered a series of aerial attacks on 1843:became Germany's head of state, with the title of 1760:(DAP) formed one year earlier, and one of several 1725:Severe setbacks to the German economy began after 17467: 14939:. Cambridge; Oxford: Cambridge University Press. 14937:A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II 14329: 14293:. Cambria, CA: Institute for Economic Democracy. 11788:Forced Labour under the Third Reich â€“ Part 1 11784: 9214: 9166: 7734:Bundesarchiv, "Euthanasie" im Nationalsozialismus 4204:members of the political and religious opposition 2368:Diplomatic history of World War II § Germany 32209: 24609:Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics 14773:"Genocide of European Roma (Gypsies), 1939–1945" 13812:The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia 13266:Totalitarian Movements & Political Religions 13071:. New York; London: W. W. Norton & Company. 12946: 9592: 5264:(1935)—documenting the 1934 Nuremberg Rally—and 4491:Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Culture 2449:by the end of the month. By early June, Germany 14141:. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. 13734:Niewyk, Donald L.; Nicosia, Francis R. (2000). 13666:Murray, Williamson; Millett, Allan R. (2001) . 13564: 13497: 13049:(in German). Stuttgart: Steiner, Franz Verlag. 13004:The History of the German Resistance, 1933–1945 12669: 12324: 12073:The Nazi Persecution of the Churches, 1933–1945 9863: 8160: 7718: 5834: 5449:Orders, decorations, and medals of Nazi Germany 5349:(the German Democratic Republic or "GDR"), and 4764:by force. Nazi propaganda stylised Hitler as a 4017:Anti-Jewish legislation in pre-war Nazi Germany 3930:In 1942, after the death of Armaments Minister 3919:describes it as being somewhere in between the 2698:on 23 November. Göring assured Hitler that the 2595: 2027:("Leader and Chancellor"), although eventually 1873:on 30 January 1933. This event is known as the 1406:controlled the country, transforming it into a 20801:National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands 16704:National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands 15041:The Devil's Playground: Poland in World War II 15039:Wrobel, Peter (1999). "Warsaw Uprising 1944". 14407: 13772: 13668:A War to be Won: Fighting the Second World War 12306: 12007:Kursk: The Greatest Battle: Eastern Front 1943 11604: 9580: 5858: 5298:Defendants in the dock at the Nuremberg trials 5239:(behind cameraman) at the 1936 Summer Olympics 5121:to be built at either end of a wide boulevard. 4418: 4287:Soviet Union lost a total of 27 million people 3780:into signing a trade agreement in March 1939. 3733:(1941). This plant was part of the complex at 2543:(RAF) airbases and radar stations, as well as 2101:and accepted an offer from American President 1754:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 197:Germany's territorial control at its greatest 32283:States and territories disestablished in 1945 31490: 28199: 26705: 20613:Finnish National Socialist Labor Organisation 19272: 18251: 16964: 15713: 15129: 15105: 14995: 14716:. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 14504:. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 14432: 13979:. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 13733: 13665: 13438:. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 13419:. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 13111:. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 13006:. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 12863:Hanauske-Abel, Hartmut M. (7 December 1996). 12862: 12771:. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press. 12655:. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 11869: 11638: 11551: 11521: 11470: 10575: 10503: 9529: 8682: 5591:on 12 March with the entry of German troops; 4378: 3971: 2706: 2177: 1364: 28162:"Empire" as a description of foreign policy 26430: 24664:Our Race Will Rule Undisputed Over The World 20821:National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark 20796:National Socialist Movement (United Kingdom) 18034: 17235: 17010: 17002: 16892: 16883: 16723:National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark 16404: 16395: 16384: 16328: 16319: 16201: 16192: 16173: 16164: 16138: 16107: 15946: 15937: 15898: 15876: 15835: 15825: 15811: 15762: 15753: 15744: 15403: 15394: 15385: 15376: 15367: 15358: 15349: 15340: 15331: 14972: 14659:(in German). WolfenbĂŒttel: Melchior Verlag. 14393:. Abingdon; New York: Taylor & Francis. 14313:Bloodlands: Europe between Hitler and Stalin 13565:Materski, Wojciech; Szarota, Tomasz (2009). 12727:. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. 11705:A Concise History of Nazi Germany: 1919–1945 11643:. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. 8733: 5667: 5643: 5494: 5367: 5345:(the Federal Republic of Germany or "FRG"), 5341:Nazi Germany was succeeded by three states: 5323: 4836:for clerical opponents of the regime in 1940 3472: 1591:, and other "undesirables" were imprisoned, 1232: 1118: 336: 172: 160: 132: 72: 58: 25612:Battle Organization of Russian Nationalists 20607:FĂ©dĂ©ration d'action nationale et europĂ©enne 18370:Roman campaigns in Germania (12 BC – AD 16) 14616:. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 13610:. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 13589:Hitler's Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe 12929:"Battle of Britain was won at sea. Discuss" 12600: 12335:Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust 11870:Busse, Reinhard; Riesberg, Annette (2004), 11813: 10363: 10351: 6458: 5674: 5650: 5626: 5536: 5534: 4532: 3889:List of companies involved in the Holocaust 3613:(Bottom) Troop inspection in Berlin of the 2092:German involvement in the Spanish Civil War 1810:When the stock market in the United States 32288:States and territories established in 1933 31497: 31483: 28206: 28192: 26712: 26698: 26097:Herero and Nama genocide and the Holocaust 26022:National Socialist German Students' League 25543:Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (girls) 24674:A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century 21567:Bulgarian National Socialist Workers Party 20816:National Socialist Workers' Party (Sweden) 20192:National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party 19279: 19265: 18258: 18244: 16971: 16957: 15720: 15706: 15655:National Political Institutes of Education 15136: 15122: 14996:WĂŒstenberg, Jenny; Art, David (May 2008). 14611: 14518: 14385: 14341: 13292: 12975: 12809: 11985:The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany 11960:"Racial Policy and the Totalitarian State" 11873:Health Care Systems in Transition: Germany 11580: 11017: 10339: 10267: 7880: 7205: 6398: 5918: 5489:, the Interior Minister, ordered that the 5459:Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany 4832:, where the Nazis established a dedicated 4499:National Political Institutes of Education 4154: 4044:National Socialist German Students' League 3976: 3729:synthetic oil plant under construction at 2531:were rejected in July 1940. Grand Admiral 1615:, and organized mass rallies; fostering a 1430:defeated Germany and entered the capital, 1371: 1357: 244: 233:Military-administered occupied territories 222:Civilian-administered occupied territories 192: 25538:Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (boys) 21717:National Socialist Patriotic Organisation 21262:United Hungarian National Socialist Party 21103:German National Movement in Liechtenstein 20519:British League of Ex-Servicemen and Women 16693:German National Movement in Liechtenstein 14750: 14561: 14435:"What the FĂŒhrer means for Germans today" 14163: 13684: 13509:. London; New York: Greenhill; Skyhorse. 13433: 13414: 12891: 12785: 12650: 12622: 12145: 12046: 11964:A History of Hitler's Empire, 2nd Edition 11702: 10951: 10674: 10563: 10407: 10390: 9947: 9899: 9788: 9752: 9517: 9478: 9433: 9421: 9409: 9373: 9361: 9349: 9301: 8757: 8745: 8658: 8598: 8586: 8490: 8478: 8466: 8442: 8430: 8367: 7987: 7960: 7943: 7832: 6908: 6896: 6053: 5966: 5517: 5515: 4340:. Initially the victims were murdered by 2144:Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance 1977: 1501:region of Czechoslovakia. Germany signed 693:823,505 km (317,957 sq mi) 685:633,786 km (244,706 sq mi) 25081:Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibal 21919:Canadian Association for Free Expression 21434:Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista 20499:Breton Social-National Workers' Movement 14934: 14912: 14793:"The German Churches and the Nazi State" 14692: 14673: 14272:Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum. 13783: 13711: 13168:Kinobesuche in Deutschland 1925 bis 2004 13130:. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 13085: 13063: 13001: 12766: 12075:. Vancouver: Regent College Publishing. 12024:Closmann, Charles (2005). "Legalizing a 12023: 11982: 11954: 11850: 11762: 11707:. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 11482: 10623: 10611: 10599: 10587: 9776: 9616: 9568: 9556: 8998: 8454: 7745: 7694: 7667: 7142: 6836: 6716: 6470: 6410: 6029: 5531: 5439:List of Nazi Party leaders and officials 5293: 5231: 5106: 4995: 4823: 4696:Nazi society had elements supportive of 4645: 4584: 4507: 4428: 4411:and national identity. During operation 4306: 4164: 4088: 4020: 3892: 3815: 3721: 3493: 3429: 3399: 3364:) of Germany and replaced them with new 3319: 3174: 3078: 2964: 2900: 2840:. Hitler was succeeded by Grand Admiral 2792: 2616: 2506: 2042: 1853: 1835: 1750:National Socialist German Workers' Party 1551:", the purest branch of the Aryan race. 1547:were considered by the Nazis to be the " 239: 27:Germany under the Nazi Party (1933–1945) 27986: 15085:United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 14893: 14711: 14654: 14590: 14499: 14410:"Deutsche wollen aus Geschichte lernen" 14331:"Sonderbehandlung erfolgt durch Strang" 14086: 14042:"Der Luftkrieg 1944/45 ĂŒber Österreich" 14039: 13967: 13942: 13740:. New York: Columbia University Press. 13687:The History and Philosophy of Education 13583: 13523: 13263: 13236: 13193: 13144: 13125: 13106: 13030:. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 13020: 12923: 12833: 12819:. New York: Holt Rinehart and Winston. 12581: 12549: 12530: 12226: 12192: 11930: 11785:Beyer, John C.; Schneider, Stephen A., 11616: 11458: 11434: 11029: 10855: 10804: 10792: 10722: 10662: 10491: 10467: 10455: 10443: 10243: 9815: 9716: 9688: 9664: 9541: 9505: 9397: 9190: 8986: 8670: 8550: 8406: 8379: 8184: 8124: 8112: 8088: 8064: 7972: 7916: 7904: 7844: 7655: 7643: 7571: 7547: 7535: 7460: 7448: 7388: 7328: 7316: 7220: 7154: 7118: 7103: 7091: 7067: 7055: 6944: 6812: 6788: 6764: 6740: 6704: 6665: 6653: 6617: 6542: 6386: 6362: 6314: 6287: 5993: 5870: 5506: 5165:in Paris. Neither structure was built. 5088: 4057:On 7 November 1938 a young Jewish man, 3074: 2610:, this large-scale offensive—codenamed 2237:to greet German soldiers as they enter 2166:, which began in July 1936. The German 1497:of 1938, and demanded and received the 14: 32210: 30053: 30031:Romanian prisoners in the Soviet Union 25764:Hungarian National Defence Association 24634:Manifesto of the Fascist Intellectuals 22071:Christian Party (United States, 1930s) 21792:Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine 21767:Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists 21622:Front of National Revolutionary Action 21557:Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights 21213:National Socialist Working Association 20791:National Socialist Movement (UK, 1962) 20776:National Socialist Dutch Workers Party 20374:Akhil Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Yojana 17626: 17451: 17247: 17023: 15038: 14871: 14593:"1943: Briten bombardieren PeenemĂŒnde" 14537: 14307: 14247: 14227: 14205: 14186: 14105: 14064: 13993: 13904: 13867: 13643: 13545: 13199:A History of Modern Germany, 1800–2000 13044: 12754:from the original on 28 September 2017 12741: 12717: 12465: 12285: 12245: 12204: 12164: 12108: 12067: 11898: 11740: 11724:Dachau 1933–1945: The Official History 11721: 11681: 11657: 11592: 11422: 11272: 11200: 11188: 11164: 11140: 11128: 11065: 11053: 11005: 10993: 10966: 10867: 10843: 10780: 10768: 10756: 10741: 10698: 10686: 10650:The German Churches and the Nazi State 10291: 10072: 10036: 9971: 9935: 9923: 9887: 9875: 9700: 9676: 9652: 9640: 9385: 9313: 9178: 8812: 8781: 8694: 8634: 8016: 7868: 7856: 7805: 7793: 7757: 7679: 7619: 7607: 7595: 7583: 7559: 7520: 7508: 7496: 7484: 7400: 7352: 7340: 7292: 7280: 7268: 7190: 7130: 7043: 7028: 7016: 7004: 6992: 6968: 6932: 6884: 6872: 6848: 6824: 6776: 6605: 6506: 6482: 6374: 6350: 6224: 6212: 6173: 6149: 6125: 6077: 6041: 5906: 5894: 5882: 5847:Stiftung Deutsches Historisches Museum 5769: 5761: 5512: 5015:List of authors banned in Nazi Germany 4788:from Germany's 28 existing Protestant 4781:process, Hitler attempted to create a 4081:property there under the terms of the 4010: 3925:capitalist system of the United States 2948: 2868:around 1 May 1945 as the 65th Army of 2496:In violation of the provisions of the 1880:On the night of 27 February 1933, the 1745:and widespread civil unrest followed. 31478: 30902:Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign 30334:Japanese invasion of French Indochina 29980:Italian prisoners in the Soviet Union 29936:Finnish prisoners in the Soviet Union 29041:Rape during the occupation of Germany 28187: 26693: 26399: 26316: 26271:Nazi crimes against the Polish nation 26205:November 1932 German federal election 26078: 25188: 24525: 22413: 22383:La Resistencia Dios, Patria y Familia 22213:National Socialist Party of Australia 20922:Parti Communautaire National-EuropĂ©en 20806:National Socialist Movement of Norway 20015: 19614: 19298: 19260: 18239: 16952: 15701: 15117: 15104: 14973:Wiederschein, Harald (21 July 2015). 14953: 14849: 14630: 14480: 14361: 14342:Sontheimer, Michael (10 March 2005). 14288: 13848: 13829: 13805: 13651:. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 13624: 13548:Japan and Germany in the Modern World 13478: 13452: 13215: 12495:. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 12446: 12423: 12400: 12376: 12354:""Euthanasie" im Nationalsozialismus" 12132: 12089: 12001: 11563: 11506: 11494: 11410: 11395: 11368: 11344: 11332: 11320: 11308: 11296: 11284: 11260: 11248: 11236: 11224: 11212: 11176: 11152: 11116: 11104: 11089: 11077: 11041: 10939: 10915: 10903: 10891: 10879: 10816: 10710: 10635: 10551: 10539: 10527: 10515: 10479: 10431: 10419: 10327: 10303: 10279: 10255: 10231: 10219: 10207: 10171: 10156: 10144: 10132: 10120: 10108: 10096: 10084: 10060: 10024: 10007: 9995: 9983: 9911: 9851: 9839: 9827: 9764: 9728: 9628: 9604: 9490: 9448: 9337: 9325: 9289: 9277: 9265: 9253: 9241: 9142: 9130: 9118: 9106: 9094: 9082: 9070: 9058: 9046: 9034: 9022: 9010: 8971: 8956: 8944: 8932: 8920: 8908: 8896: 8884: 8872: 8860: 8848: 8836: 8824: 8793: 8769: 8721: 8706: 8646: 8622: 8610: 8574: 8562: 8538: 8526: 8514: 8502: 8418: 8394: 8355: 8343: 8331: 8319: 8307: 8295: 8283: 8271: 8259: 8244: 8232: 8220: 8208: 8196: 8172: 8148: 8076: 8052: 8040: 8028: 8004: 7928: 7892: 7820: 7781: 7769: 7706: 7631: 7472: 7436: 7424: 7412: 7376: 7364: 7304: 7256: 7244: 7232: 7178: 7166: 7079: 6980: 6956: 6920: 6860: 6800: 6752: 6728: 6692: 6677: 6641: 6629: 6593: 6581: 6566: 6554: 6530: 6518: 6494: 6434: 6422: 6338: 6326: 6299: 6275: 6263: 6248: 6236: 6197: 6185: 6161: 6137: 6113: 6101: 6089: 6065: 6017: 6005: 5978: 5954: 5942: 5930: 5809: 4391:Nazi crimes against the Polish nation 4338:Final Solution to the Jewish Question 4035:national boycott of Jewish businesses 3546:troops also participated directly in 3059:in April 1941, while Mussolini ceded 3015:Between 1939 and 1941, German forces 2932:sentenced some 12,000 members of the 2485:of many British and French troops at 2456: 2034:affirmed loyalty to Hitler personally 30024:Polish prisoners in the Soviet Union 29056:Rape during the liberation of France 25513:National Youth Organisation (Greece) 25288:Francisco Franco National Foundation 22338:National Socialist Movement of Chile 21148:National Democratic Party of Germany 18265: 16710:National Socialist Movement of Chile 15682:Ranks and insignia of the Nazi Party 15624:National Democratic Party of Germany 14830: 14254:The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 14131: 14015: 13923: 13773:Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht (1941). 13704:NS-Zwangsarbeit: "Verbotener Umgang" 13550:. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books. 12987:. Boston: George Allen & Unwin. 12742:Goebel, Nicole (28 September 2017). 12698: 12686: 12674:(in German). Wiesbaden: F. Steiner. 12606:Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1933–1945 12509: 12487: 12292:(in German). Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH. 12256:Vierteljahrshefte fĂŒr Zeitgeschichte 11933:"Goebbels' 1943 Speech on Total War" 11446: 10927: 10828: 10375: 10315: 10195: 10048: 9959: 9154: 8100: 6446: 5469: 4910:Nazi Party Office of Foreign Affairs 4808:responded with the formation of the 4468:University education in Nazi Germany 3275:, and social misfits. Additionally, 3057:annexed parts of northern Yugoslavia 2884: 2077: 1921:Law Against the Formation of Parties 26128:Armenian genocide and the Holocaust 26012:Frente de Estudiantes Sindicalistas 25493:National Socialist Liberation Front 22343:National Universitary Concentration 22183:Australian National Socialist Party 22021:National Socialist Liberation Front 21852:Union of Bulgarian National Legions 21382:Falange Española de las JONS (1976) 21208:National Socialist Freedom Movement 21143:National Democratic Party (Austria) 20917:Organisation of National Socialists 20811:National Socialist Union of Finland 14591:StrĂŒber, Henning (17 August 2018). 14213:. New York; Toronto: Random House. 14211:Albert Speer: His Battle With Truth 14172:. Leiden: Brill. pp. 311–362. 13737:The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust 13649:Manstein: Hitler's Greatest General 13239:"Tief vergraben, nicht dran rĂŒhren" 11794:, Nathan Associates, archived from 8137:McElligott, Kirk & Kershaw 2003 5669:Nationalsozialistisches Deutschland 5523:Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 5338:is illegal in Germany and Austria. 5161:more than double the height of the 4968:The regime promoted the concept of 4685: 4480:National Socialist German Lecturers 4194:were used by early 1940. Under the 3921:command economy of the Soviet Union 3518:(defence force). This included the 3113:Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 2194:Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 2188:German occupation of Czechoslovakia 2084:International relations (1919–1939) 1953:black, red, and gold tricolour flag 1818:, the party was the largest in the 1764:political parties then active. The 24: 30250:German invasion of the Netherlands 28530:Weather events during World War II 26400: 26210:March 1933 German federal election 26002:Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad 25672:Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood 25212:Chamber of Fasces and Corporations 25101:Tag der Freiheit: Unsere Wehrmacht 24624:The Last Will of a Russian Fascist 22318:National Fascist Party (Argentina) 21867:Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood 21662:Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 21562:Bosnian Movement of National Pride 21128:Hungarian National Socialist Party 21078:Christian National Socialist Front 21030:World Union of National Socialists 20947:Patriotic People's Movement (1993) 20633:French National-Collectivist Party 20282:Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad 20182:Nasyonal Aktivite ve Zinde Ä°nkiƟaf 20087:Azerbaijan National Democrat Party 16749:World Union of National Socialists 15908:Adolf Hitler's cult of personality 15814:Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte 14391:Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History 14257:. New York: Simon & Schuster. 14117:. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction. 13148:The End: Hitler's Germany, 1944–45 12338:. Minneapolis: Augsberg Fortress. 12210:Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days 12092:National Socialist Cultural Policy 11987:. New York: Simon & Schuster. 8637:, pp. 307, 313, 325, 327–331. 5764:, pp. 324–325. Grand Admiral 5424:Collaboration with the Axis powers 4669:Medical experiments, many of them 4475:Nationalsozialistischer Lehrerbund 4332:on 20 January 1942. Some would be 4209: 3717: 3293:, the regime was against cultural 2713:Mass suicides in 1945 Nazi Germany 2645:in September 1941, Hitler ordered 2584:. On 6 April, Germany launched an 2491:surrendering to Germany on 22 June 2443:Denmark fell after less than a day 2388: 25: 32304: 32243:20th century in Germany by period 32238:1945 disestablishments in Germany 30881:Northern Burma and Western Yunnan 25468:Korean National Youth Association 25189: 24654:The Myth of the Twentieth Century 22041:Nationalist Front (United States) 22001:National Alliance (United States) 21772:The Other Russia of E. V. Limonov 21687:National-Christian Defense League 21198:Greater German People's Community 20976:Scottish Democratic Fascist Party 20167:Korean National Youth Association 18516: 17406:Friesland, Groningen, and Drenthe 16795:Last surviving war crime suspects 15059: 14855:Army of Evil: A History of the SS 14697:. Athens: Ohio University Press. 14040:Reisner, Markus (February 2015). 13948:"German TV Is Sanitizing History" 12701:Theory and Practice of Leadership 12535:. London: Constable and Company. 12115:Rising '44: the Battle for Warsaw 12032:. Athens: Ohio University Press. 5781:More such districts, such as the 5029:The Myth of the Twentieth Century 4549:National Socialist Women's League 4026:Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses 3877:Wartime economy and forced labour 3157:Italian governorate of Montenegro 2905:German refugees in Bedburg, near 2891:German casualties in World War II 2621:Death and destruction during the 2361: 2304:, a strip of land that separated 2088:Remilitarization of the Rhineland 1915:On 14 July 1933 Germany became a 32152: 32151: 31504: 31441: 28213: 26672: 26230:1934 Montreux Fascist conference 25834:National Socialism / White Power 22256:Argentine Anticommunist Alliance 21822:Russian Women's Fascist Movement 21752:National Socialism / White Power 21163:National Movement of Switzerland 20623:Finnish-Socialist Workers' Party 20044:Muslim Association of the Lictor 17894:Serbia (Commissioner Government) 16935: 16934: 16785:Nazi Party leaders and officials 15065: 14898:. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 14335:Documents for National Socialism 13092:(4th ed.). London: Arnold. 12653:Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany 12094:. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 11667:. London: Viking-Penguin Books. 5802: 5775: 5753: 5408: 5133:to create public buildings in a 5111:Plans for Berlin called for the 4819:Sachsenhausen concentration camp 4409:effort to destroy Polish culture 4385:Occupation of Poland (1939–1945) 4293:The Holocaust and Final Solution 3664:High Command of the Armed Forces 3597: 3586: 3328:during a military parade in 1933 3281:heavily monitored and persecuted 3083:Public execution of 54 Poles in 2955:Territorial evolution of Germany 2477:and outmanoeuvred the Allies in 2343: 2332: 2233:(Bottom) Ethnic Germans use the 2213: 2202: 1882:Reichstag building was set afire 1739:occupied German industrial areas 1337: 1323: 862: 820: 806: 779: 765: 174: 143: 107: 91: 26027:Sindicato Español Universitario 25258:Agrarian Trade Union Federation 25227:Italian Nationalist Association 22328:Nationalist Liberation Alliance 22110:Revolutionary Mexicanist Action 21966:Fascist League of North America 21929:Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform 21549:Eastern and Southeastern Europe 21335:Fasci Italiani di Combattimento 21133:Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten 20420:Syrian Social Nationalist Party 18462:German revolutions of 1848–1849 18431:Ostsiedlung (East Colonisation) 17874:Norway (Administrative Council) 16907:Political views of Adolf Hitler 15687:Samoan branch of the Nazi Party 15077:"Introduction to the Holocaust" 14733:"Children during the Holocaust" 14228:Sereny, Gitta (November 1999). 13870:Journal of Contemporary History 13760:, Heidelberg University Library 12836:Genocide Studies and Prevention 12047:Constable, George, ed. (1988). 11625: 5738: 5723: 5707: 5692: 5612: 5598: 5429:European interwar dictatorships 5366:in 1978 brought the process of 5196:was appointed president of the 4896:areas of Poland annexed in 1939 4666:medicine was removed entirely. 4575:Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter 3940:using forced labour and slavery 3865:and restricted the issuance of 3153:Italian protectorate of Albania 3091:), German-occupied Poland, 1942 2748:PeenemĂŒnde Army Research Center 2511:German soldiers march near the 2323: 1513:on 1 September 1939, launching 1131:German revolutions of 1848–1849 32228:1933 establishments in Germany 31128:Vietnamese famine of 1944–1945 28838:Territorial changes of Germany 28746:Indonesian National Revolution 26534:of Poles during the Partitions 26007:Avanguardia Giovanile Fascista 25689:Fasci di Azione Rivoluzionaria 25421:GioventĂč Italiana del Littorio 25328:National Popular Consciousness 21939:Parti national social chrĂ©tien 21642:Greek National Socialist Party 21412:National Fascist Party (Italy) 21387:Falange Española Independiente 21340:Fascio d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 21138:Liechtenstein Homeland Service 20826:National Socialists of Finland 20450:Northern / Northwestern Europe 20187:National Socialism Association 18447:Early modern period, 1500–1800 18335:List of early Germanic peoples 16800:Speeches given by Adolf Hitler 15143: 14935:Weinberg, Gerhard L. (2005) . 13685:Nakosteen, Mehdi Khan (1965). 13591:. New York; Toronto: Penguin. 12608:. New York: Harper Perennial. 12555:Holocaust and Genocide Studies 12150:. Washington: Cato Institute. 11970:. Event occurs at 12:20–12:41 11851:Browning, Christopher (2005). 11357:SPIO, Department of Statistics 5582: 5570: 5558: 5546: 5476: 4692:Animal welfare in Nazi Germany 3832:, armaments manufacturer; and 3148:Reichskommissariat Niederlande 2854:German Instrument of Surrender 2786:decree—but Armaments Minister 2721:German Instrument of Surrender 2663:ended disastrously in December 2439:invasion of Denmark and Norway 2172:destroyed the city of Guernica 13: 1: 30528:Japanese invasion of Thailand 30479:Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran 30243:German invasion of Luxembourg 28624:Mediterranean and Middle East 26123:Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 25864:Russian National Unity (2000) 25647:Combat Terrorist Organization 25528:Patriotic/Eureka Youth League 24619:Kokutairon and Pure Socialism 22218:Progressive Nationalist Party 22031:National States' Rights Party 21330:Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 20618:Finnish People's Organisation 20544:British People's Party (2005) 20539:British People's Party (1939) 20529:British National Party (1960) 20016: 18570:History of Germany since 1990 17899:Serbia (Council of Ministers) 16734:Ossewabrandwag (South Africa) 14956:Hitler: Profile of a Dictator 14640:. New York; Toronto: Viking. 14337:(in German). NS-Archiv. 1942. 13237:Lakotta, Beate (March 2005). 13151:. London; New York: Penguin. 12703:. London: SAGE Publications. 12586:. London; New York: Longman. 12383:The Coming of the Third Reich 12146:DeGregori, Thomas R. (2002). 11703:Bendersky, Joseph W. (2007). 10981:The Catholic Church in Poland 10184:Heidelberg University Library 9803:Children during the Holocaust 5623:Nationalsozialistischer Staat 5464: 5218:each year from 1933 to 1942. 5008: 4960:The Coming of the Third Reich 4313:Buchenwald concentration camp 4169:Poster from the Nazi Party's 3987:Racial policy of Nazi Germany 3616:Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler 3324:Hitler, Göring, Goebbels and 3309: 2961:Areas annexed by Nazi Germany 2858:end of World War II in Europe 2570:In February 1941, the German 2547:on British cities, including 2432:From the start of the war, a 2115:a referendum held in November 2074:German citizens and society. 1714: 1638:After the initial success of 1617:pervasive cult of personality 1579:, other political opponents, 1436:ending World War II in Europe 255:Show administrative divisions 30435:Invasion of the Soviet Union 30124:Occupation of Czechoslovakia 29442:Independent State of Croatia 26343:Fascist movements by country 25924:Ukrainian People's Militsiya 25667:Croatian National Resistance 25533:Union of Fascist Little Ones 25463:Juventudes de AcciĂłn Popular 25458:Jeunesse Populaire Française 25391:Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha 25358:Russian Fascist Organization 24950:Revue d'histoire du fascisme 22393:Tacuara Nationalist Movement 22368:Popular Representation Party 22333:National Liberation Movement 22286:Brazilian Integralist Action 22266:Argentine Nationalist Action 21946:Fascism in the United States 21667:Lithuanian Nationalist Union 21577:Croatian National Resistance 21572:Croatian Liberation Movement 21474:National Union (Italy, 1923) 21469:National Front (Spain, 2006) 21464:National Front (Spain, 1986) 21377:Falange Española de las JONS 21183:National Union (Switzerland) 21173:National Radical Camp (1993) 21158:National Front (Switzerland) 20836:National Union (Netherlands) 20673:International Third Position 20648:General Dutch Fascist League 20591:English National Association 20297:Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha 20034:Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging 19615: 19324:Aestheticization of politics 17672:Army Group Rear Area Command 16979:Administrative divisions in 16775:Bibliography of Adolf Hitler 16058:Aestheticization of politics 15852: 15190:Adolf Hitler's rise to power 13367:. Yad Vashem. Archived from 12767:Goeschel, Christian (2009). 12582:Freeman, Michael J. (1995). 12471:German Psychological Warfare 11632:Bibliography of Nazi Germany 9157:, pp. 142–144, 146–150. 7145:, pp. 301–303, 309–310. 5819: 5796:Reichskommissariat Turkestan 5790:Reichskommissariat Kaukasien 5784:Reichskommissariat Moskowien 4461: 4149:Independent State of Croatia 4137:Auschwitz concentration camp 3735:Auschwitz concentration camp 3680:members were recruited from 3567: 3477: 3372:, governed by Nazi leaders ( 2943: 2665:. On 7 December 1941, Japan 2596:Invasion of the Soviet Union 2407:(SiPo; Security Police) and 2133:Anglo-German Naval Agreement 2107:World Disarmament Conference 1970:deficit was daunting. Using 1721:Adolf Hitler's rise to power 1697:Arthur Moeller van den Bruck 1398:between 1933 and 1945, when 7: 32113:(possible illegitimate son) 31419:End of World War II in Asia 31259:Western invasion of Germany 30766:Chinese famine of 1942–1943 30743:Second Battle of El Alamein 30313:Hundred Regiments Offensive 30285:Battle of the Mediterranean 30138:Italian invasion of Albania 28312:Air warfare of World War II 26719: 26079: 25784:Jewish Defense Organization 25657:Corpul Muncitoresc Legionar 25652:Confederation of the Nation 25333:People's Party Our Slovakia 25051:The Daughter of the Samurai 24760:Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 24589:The Fourth Political Theory 24564:Did Six Million Really Die? 22291:Brazilian Integralist Front 22198:National Action (Australia) 22135:Nationalist Front of Mexico 22083:Traditionalist Worker Party 22026:National Socialist Movement 22011:Nationalist Social Club-131 21534:Unidad Falangista Montañesa 21392:Falangist Movement of Spain 21188:Nationalist Front (Germany) 20942:Patriotic People's Movement 20369:Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 20177:Liberal Party (South Korea) 19286: 18054:Belgium and Northern France 17677:Belgium and Northern France 16715:National Socialist Movement 16683:Arrow Cross Party (Hungary) 15650:Munich Documentation Centre 15431:Houston Stewart Chamberlain 14408:Staff (28 September 2017). 14072:. New York: Vintage Books. 14001:. New York: Da Capo Press. 12533:Nazi Germany: A New History 12308:Encyklopedia Powszechna PWN 12009:. London: Headline Review. 11688:. New York: Little, Brown. 9864:Materski & Szarota 2009 8161:Manvell & Fraenkel 2007 5835:Ericksen & Heschel 1999 5607:Statistisches Jahrbuch 2006 5595:on 13 March by laws passed 5401: 5316:subsequent Nuremberg trials 4716: 4433:Soviet prisoners of war in 4419:Mistreatment of Soviet POWs 3911:The Nazi war economy was a 3607:(Top) SA members enforce a 3490:Myth of the clean Wehrmacht 3209:The Nazis were a far-right 3198: 3170: 3142:Reichskommissariat Norwegen 3085:RoĆŒki, Masovian Voivodeship 2999:Danzig was made a free city 2866:committed suicide in Demmin 2580:to aid the Italians in the 2223:(Top) Hitler proclaims the 1711:(1871–1918) as the second. 1441:After Hitler was appointed 141:("The Song of the Germans") 10: 32309: 32258:Former countries in Europe 32134:Streets named after Hitler 31345:Naval bombardment of Japan 30713:First Battle of El Alamein 30632:Battle of Christmas Island 30577:Japanese invasion of Burma 30341:Italian invasion of Greece 30257:German invasion of Belgium 30229:German invasion of Denmark 30202:1939–1940 Winter Offensive 30071:Second Italo-Ethiopian War 28335:Comparative military ranks 26519:F-scale (personality test) 26411:Authoritarian conservatism 25904:Sudetendeutsches Freikorps 22414: 22373:Popular Socialist Vanguard 22298:Falangism in Latin America 22276:Bolivian Socialist Falange 22271:Argentine Patriotic League 22208:National Socialist Network 22006:National Renaissance Party 21924:Canadian Union of Fascists 21742:National Renaissance Front 21722:National Socialist Society 21697:National Fascist Community 21494:Republican Social Movement 21459:National Democracy (Spain) 21454:National Democracy (Italy) 21372:Falange Española AutĂ©ntica 21178:National Revival of Poland 21093:Free German Workers' Party 20981:Scottish Protestant League 20907:Order of Flemish Militants 20866:Nordic Resistance Movement 20731:National Alliance (Sweden) 20706:Mouvement d'Action Civique 20257:Rastriya Prajatantra Party 20197:Nationalist Movement Party 19299: 18477:North German Confederation 18457:Confederation of the Rhine 17556:Civil Administration Areas 17161:Southern Hanover–Brunswick 16729:Nordic Resistance Movement 15867:National Socialist Program 15727: 15220:National Socialist Program 15071:Wikimedia Atlas of Germany 14920:. New York: Enigma Books. 14879:. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell. 14813:"Women in the Third Reich" 14433:Staff (16 December 2015). 14187:Scobie, Alexander (1990). 14087:Richter, Heinz A. (1998). 13928:. Oxford; New York: Berg. 13905:Pauley, Bruce F. (2003) . 13689:. New York: Ronald Press. 13069:Hitler, 1936–1945: Nemesis 12651:Gellately, Robert (2001). 12630:; Sabine Schleiermacher". 12531:Fischer, Klaus P. (1995). 12447:Evans, Richard J. (2009). 12424:Evans, Richard J. (2008). 12401:Evans, Richard J. (2005). 11629: 9741:Longerich, Chapter 17 2003 8649:, pp. 75–76, 276–280. 7760:, pp. 31–32, 409–412. 5684:National Socialist Germany 5567:from 30 April until 1 May. 5287: 5281: 5225: 5092: 5012: 4939: 4935: 4842:Catholic Church in Germany 4726: 4720: 4689: 4658:Nazi Germany had a strong 4536: 4497:for primary education and 4465: 4456: 4422: 4388: 4382: 4379:Oppression of ethnic Poles 4365:Polish government-in-exile 4296: 4213: 4158: 4126:CheƂmno extermination camp 4092: 4054:forbidding entry to Jews. 4014: 3980: 3972:Racial policy and eugenics 3886: 3880: 3710: 3706: 3571: 3487: 3481: 3393: 3316:Government of Nazi Germany 3313: 3202: 3124:Reichskommissariat Ukraine 3118:Reichskommissariat Ostland 2958: 2952: 2938:Mass rapes of German women 2926:. Political courts called 2894: 2888: 2744:operations against Germany 2710: 2707:Turning point and collapse 2657:. This pause provided the 2599: 2441:, which began on 9 April. 2365: 2285:Reichswerke Hermann Göring 2257:Republic of Czechoslovakia 2191: 2181: 2178:Austria and Czechoslovakia 2081: 1894:Communist Party of Germany 1857: 1829: 1825: 1718: 1477:(motorways) and a massive 1386:, officially known as the 1136:North German Confederation 1106:Confederation of the Rhine 29: 32268:Modern history of Germany 32147: 32126: 32035: 31979:Hitler: The Last Ten Days 31936: 31913: 31820: 31787:Meldemannstraße dormitory 31765: 31674: 31665: 31607: 31512: 31434: 31266:Bratislava–Brno offensive 31206: 31197:Dutch famine of 1944–1945 30934: 30821:Allied invasion of Sicily 30775: 30681:Aleutian Islands campaign 30653:Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign 30600: 30591:Greek famine of 1941–1944 30486:Second Battle of Changsha 30391:German invasion of Greece 30359: 30236:Battle of Zaoyang–Yichang 30211: 30149: 30044: 29925: 29651: 29561: 29409: 29112: 29103: 28861: 28686: 28578:North and Central Pacific 28539: 28301: 28294: 28221: 28155: 28107: 27624: 27028: 26727: 26662: 26406: 26395: 26323: 26317: 26312: 26258: 26192: 26136: 26105: 26089: 26085: 26074: 26040: 25994: 25859:Russian Imperial Movement 25849:OstmĂ€rkische Sturmscharen 25829:National Republican Guard 25568: 25523:Österreichisches Jungvolk 25488:National League of Sweden 25366: 25323:National Policy Institute 25245: 25199: 25195: 25184: 25135: 25114: 25028: 24702: 24694:Who Are the Mind Benders? 24669:Protestantische Rompilger 24536: 24532: 24526: 24521: 24172: 23941: 23860: 23789: 23718: 23612: 23546: 23480: 23249: 23163: 23127: 23071: 23030: 22759: 22653: 22592: 22536: 22465: 22424: 22420: 22409: 22353:Patriot Front (Argentina) 22241: 22178:Australian Defence League 22148: 22130:National Synarchist Union 22125:National Pro Patria Party 22016:National Socialist Legion 21894: 21807:Russian Imperial Movement 21702:National Fascist Movement 21547: 21504:Sammarinese Fascist Party 21449:National Alliance July 18 21444:National Alliance (Spain) 21285: 21038: 20841:National Union (Portugal) 20786:National Socialist League 20751:National League of Sweden 20683:Lalli Alliance of Finland 20596:European Liberation Front 20549:British Union of Fascists 20484:Black Front (Netherlands) 20448: 20062: 20026: 20022: 20011: 19945:Syrian Social Nationalism 19621: 19610: 19566: 19309: 19305: 19294: 19211: 19071: 18951: 18942: 18825: 18816: 18697: 18688: 18624: 18615: 18578: 18557: 18439: 18393: 18317: 18286: 18277: 18205: 18164: 18157: 18122: 18082: 18046: 18033: 18013: 17927: 17771: 17764: 17736: 17662: 17642: 17617: 17554: 17543: 17509: 17442: 17426:North Brabant and Limburg 17421:South Holland and Zeeland 17416:North Holland and Utrecht 17411:Gelderland and Overijssel 17396: 17325: 17273: 17234: 17204: 17001: 16988: 16932: 16840: 16814: 16766: 16698:Nasjonal Samling (Norway) 16666: 16623: 16538: 16418: 16047: 15851: 15735: 15637: 15599: 15416: 15324: 15301:Office of Foreign Affairs 15291:Office of Military Policy 15286:Office of Colonial Policy 15258: 15182: 15151: 15111: 15106:Links to related articles 15092:German Propaganda Archive 14894:Weikart, Richard (2009). 14612:Tomasevich, Jozo (1975). 14541:Journal of Modern History 14519:Stephenson, Jill (2001). 14315:. New York: Basic Books. 13926:Education in Nazi Germany 13434:Longerich, Peter (2012). 13415:Longerich, Peter (2010). 13396:Holocaust Denial on Trial 13278:10.1080/14690760701571155 13201:. Malden, MA: Blackwell. 13002:Hoffmann, Peter (1996) . 12884:10.1136/bmj.313.7070.1453 12644:10.1017/S0008938900013170 12227:Dorland, Michael (2009). 11983:Childers, Thomas (2017). 11937:German Propaganda Archive 11931:Bytwerk, Randall (1998). 11816:Journal of Social History 11726:. London: Norfolk Press. 11664:Berlin: The Downfall 1945 11552:WĂŒstenberg & Art 2008 11471:Murray & Millett 2001 11032:, pp. 182, 203, 272. 10504:Busse & Riesberg 2004 9530:Niewyk & Nicosia 2000 9466:Genocide of European Roma 8683:Bartrop & Jacobs 2014 8067:, pp. 170, 172, 181. 5370:VergangenheitsbewĂ€ltigung 5277: 5187:Degenerate Art Exhibition 4898:, the Nazis instigated a 4830:Dachau Concentration Camp 4641: 4229:Germany's war in the East 3797:to draw up plans for the 3473:Military and paramilitary 3454:A new type of court, the 3240:for the Germanic people. 3232:, and combined them with 3105:(regional district). The 2469:. They quickly conquered 2419:lists prepared in advance 2291: 1729:ended, partly because of 1629:large-scale forced labour 1479:secret rearmament program 1457:confirmed Hitler as sole 1408:totalitarian dictatorship 744: 733: 729: 719: 706: 702: 697: 689: 681: 676: 672: 659: 645: 632: 619: 606: 593: 580: 567: 554: 541: 537: 523: 505: 495: 491: 479: 467: 457: 453: 443: 439: 427: 415: 403: 399: 389: 384:totalitarian dictatorship 370: 358: 316: 306: 262: 189: 169:("The Horst Wessel Song") 125: 87: 82: 49: 32005:Hitler: The Rise of Evil 30858:Allied invasion of Italy 30835:Solomon Islands campaign 30584:Third Battle of Changsha 30181:First Battle of Changsha 30087:Second Sino-Japanese War 29027:German military brothels 28893:United States war crimes 26588:Red–green–brown alliance 26169:Italian economic battles 25919:Ukrainian Insurgent Army 25789:Kataeb Regulatory Forces 25587:Albanian Fascist Militia 25436:Faith and Beauty Society 25318:National Party of Europe 25278:European Social Movement 25217:Grand Council of Fascism 25091:The Siege of the Alcazar 22363:Popular Freedom Alliance 22203:National Democrats Party 22168:Australia First Movement 22115:Mexican Democratic Party 22066:Silver Legion of America 21747:National Salvation Front 21737:National Romanian Fascio 21727:National Social Movement 21692:National Christian Party 21682:National Bolshevik Party 21677:National Bolshevik Front 21617:For the Native Language! 21582:Croatian Party of Rights 21422:Republican Fascist Party 21320:Democratic Fascist Party 21153:National Front (Hungary) 21118:Hungarian National Front 20876:Norwegian Defence League 20781:National Socialist Front 20736:National Corporate Party 20653:Greater Britain Movement 20638:French Nationalist Party 20504:British Democratic Party 20458:Academic Karelia Society 20287:Bharatiya Gau Raksha Dal 20054:Young Egypt Party (1933) 19394:Economic interventionism 18629:Administrative divisions 17664:Military administrations 17196:WĂŒrttemberg-Hohenzollern 16639:Nazi concentration camps 16155:Economic interventionism 16117:Jewish conspiracy theory 15918:Night of the Long Knives 15894:Religion in Nazi Germany 15660:Nazi concentration camps 15230:Night of the Long Knives 15016:10.1177/0002716207312762 14674:Uekötter, Frank (2006). 14655:TĂŒmmler, Holger (2010). 14022:Auschwitz: A New History 13882:10.1177/0022009405054568 13834:. London: Random House. 13830:Overy, Richard (2006) . 13464:. New York: Hippocrene. 13436:Heinrich Himmler: A Life 13045:Hubert, Michael (1998). 12632:Central European History 12513:Speer: The Final Verdict 12405:The Third Reich in Power 12090:Cuomo, Glenn R. (1995). 11899:Butzer, Hermann (2003). 11239:, pp. 115–116, 190. 11143:, pp. 545, 555–557. 10010:, pp. 263–264, 270. 9842:, pp. 555–556, 560. 9818:, pp. 31–32, 35–36. 9679:, pp. 162–163, 416. 9229:Women in the Third Reich 8947:, pp. 327–328, 338. 8899:, pp. 322–326, 329. 8875:, pp. 106, 117–118. 7784:, pp. 623, 646–652. 7367:, pp. 413, 416–417. 7271:, pp. 32–34, 36–38. 7133:, pp. 753, 774–782. 5636:National Socialist State 5579:from 2 May until 23 May. 5554:FĂŒhrer und Reichskanzler 5434:Glossary of Nazi Germany 5143:Nazi party rally grounds 4864:Night of the Long Knives 4729:Religion in Nazi Germany 4533:Role of women and family 4200:compulsory sterilisation 3807:International Motor Show 3609:boycott of Jewish stores 3366:administrative divisions 3302:and rituals such as the 3145:), and the Netherlands ( 2231:, Vienna, 15 March 1938. 2024:FĂŒhrer und Reichskanzler 2012:Night of the Long Knives 1919:with the passage of the 1846:FĂŒhrer und Reichskanzler 1816:federal election of 1932 1733:required under the 1919 1703:(962–1806) as the first 1609:Nazi Propaganda Ministry 1445:by the President of the 251:administrative divisions 32019:Shigeru Mizuki's Hitler 31589:Last will and testament 31280:Second Guangxi campaign 31135:Philippines (1944–1945) 30639:Battle of the Coral Sea 30542:Fall of the Philippines 30188:Battle of South Guangxi 30094:Battles of Khalkhin Gol 29500:Italian Social Republic 26494:Conservative Revolution 26338:British fascist parties 26179:28 May 1926 coup d'Ă©tat 25879:Serbian Volunteer Corps 25662:Croatian Defence Forces 25518:Opera Nazionale Balilla 25508:National Youth Alliance 25498:National Youth (Sweden) 25426:Great Japan Youth Party 25061:Europa: The Last Battle 24750:La Conquista del Estado 24689:A Warning to the Hindus 24569:The Doctrine of Fascism 24554:The Culture of Critique 24549:La Conquista del Estado 22261:Argentine Fascist Party 21712:National Party – Greeks 21672:National Agrarian Party 21429:Italian Social Movement 21417:Italian Social Republic 21088:Eidgenössische Sammlung 20902:Official National Front 20771:National Socialist Bloc 20668:Imperial Fascist League 20576:Clerical People's Party 20339:Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh 20314:Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh 20267:Religious Zionist Party 20162:Korea Nationalist Party 16744:Tsagaan Khas (Mongolia) 15361:Innviertler Heimatblatt 15296:Office of Racial Policy 14580:"Strafgesetzbuch, StGB" 14485:. Cerberus Publishing. 14481:Stein, George (2002) . 13849:Overy, Richard (2014). 13629:. London: Amber Books. 13546:Martin, Bernd (2005) . 13216:Koonz, Claudia (2003). 12769:Suicide in Nazi Germany 12286:Elvert, JĂŒrgen (1999). 12281:(subscription required) 12246:Dussel, Konrad (2010). 11682:Beevor, Antony (2012). 11227:, pp. 92, 150–151. 9203:Nazi forced labour 1942 8613:, pp. 18, 23, 287. 5312:crimes against humanity 5221: 4850:Bavarian People's Party 4786:Protestant Reich Church 4346:stationary gas chambers 4344:firing squads, then by 4242:cleared of ethnic Poles 4171:Office of Racial Policy 4155:Other persecuted groups 3977:Racism and antisemitism 3863:wage and price controls 3713:Economy of Nazi Germany 2924:Nazi euthanasia program 2897:World War II casualties 2641:. After the successful 2515:in Paris, 14 June 1940. 2489:. France fell as well, 2447:most of Norway followed 2318:Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact 2060:Nazi concentration camp 1699:. The book counted the 1676: 816:Allied-occupied Austria 802:Allied-occupied Germany 32099:William Stuart-Houston 31645:Assassination attempts 30865:Armistice of Cassibile 30667:Battle of Dutch Harbor 30618:Battle of the Java Sea 30521:Attack on Pearl Harbor 30421:Syria–Lebanon campaign 30414:Battle of South Shanxi 30384:Invasion of Yugoslavia 30167:Battle of the Atlantic 29781:Korean Liberation Army 29494:(until September 1943) 29451:(until September 1944) 29429:(until September 1944) 26431: 26200:March of the Iron Will 25503:National Youth (Italy) 25451:League of German Girls 25406:Fascist Union of Youth 25401:Ethiopian Lictor Youth 25293:Friends of New Germany 25143:Art of the Third Reich 25020:Wochenspruch der NSDAP 22323:National Fascist Union 22308:Iron Guard (Argentina) 22098:White Aryan Resistance 21881:Yugoslav Radical Union 21817:Russian National Unity 21587:Crusade of Romanianism 21514:Struggle of the People 21509:Spanish Military Union 21479:National Union (Spain) 21300:Albanian Fascist Party 21267:Volksdeutsche Bewegung 21025:White Aryan Resistance 20927:Party of Finnish Labor 20861:The Nordic Realm Party 20761:National Popular Rally 20693:League of Saint George 20628:Flemish National Union 20586:English Defence League 20534:British National Party 20471:Autonome Nationalisten 20391:Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram 20349:Muslim Rashtriya Manch 20292:Bharatiya Janata Party 20202:Nationalist Task Party 19818:Revisionist Maximalism 19523:Social interventionism 18890:Science and technology 18591:History of Brandenburg 18482:Unification of Germany 18472:Frankfurt Constitution 18035: 17765:Puppet administrations 17569:Carinthia and Carniola 17236: 17011: 17003: 16983:and German occupations 16893: 16884: 16405: 16396: 16385: 16360:Social interventionism 16329: 16320: 16202: 16193: 16188:Greater Germanic Reich 16174: 16165: 16139: 16108: 15947: 15938: 15899: 15877: 15872:Hitler's rise to power 15836: 15826: 15812: 15777:League of German Girls 15763: 15754: 15745: 15541:Joachim von Ribbentrop 15536:Konstantin von Neurath 15404: 15395: 15386: 15377: 15368: 15359: 15350: 15341: 15332: 15281:Nazi Party Chancellery 15081:Holocaust Encyclopedia 14500:Steiner, Zara (2011). 14387:Spielvogel, Jackson J. 14368:Inside the Third Reich 14168:; Cohen, Mark (eds.). 14089:Greece in World War II 13975:The Nazi War on Cancer 13479:Majer, Diemut (2003). 13107:Kershaw, Ian (2001) . 13086:Kershaw, Ian (2000a). 12510:Fest, Joachim (1999). 12428:The Third Reich at War 12268:10.1524/vfzg.2010.0026 9215:Special treatment 1942 5748: 5733: 5717: 5702: 5668: 5644: 5622: 5503:Deutschland Über Alles 5497:Das Lied der Deutschen 5495: 5368: 5324: 5299: 5284:Consequences of Nazism 5240: 5122: 5117:(People's Hall) and a 5005: 4951: 4927:Nazi Party Chancellery 4837: 4655: 4596: 4513: 4437: 4320: 4256:kidnapping of children 4174: 4029: 3936:gross domestic product 3908: 3841: 3758:Junkers Aircraft Works 3738: 3509: 3451: 3409: 3389: 3329: 3259:. Other people deemed 3218:of 1923, Hitler wrote 3195: 3159:in 1943 and installed 3097:Greater Germanic Reich 3092: 2970: 2910: 2825:, Hitler and his wife 2808: 2626: 2586:invasion of Yugoslavia 2582:North African Campaign 2516: 2483:forcing the evacuation 2451:occupied all of Norway 2394:Germany invaded Poland 2314:Joachim von Ribbentrop 2051: 2006:and former chancellor 1978:Consolidation of power 1903:, an amendment to the 1899:On 23 March 1933, the 1877:("seizure of power"). 1850: 1805:Gustav Ritter von Kahr 1515:World War II in Europe 1455:1934 German referendum 1233: 1119: 988:Linear Pottery culture 337: 173: 161: 135:Das Lied der Deutschen 133: 73: 59: 36:. For other uses, see 32087:Leo Rudolf Raubal Jr. 31986:The Meaning of Hitler 31905:German naturalization 31797:16 Prinzregentenplatz 31029:Second Battle of Guam 30925:Bengal famine of 1943 30895:Second Battle of Kiev 30851:Battle of the Dnieper 30556:Battle of Wake Island 30428:East African campaign 30370:Battle of South Henan 30015:atrocities by Germans 29788:Korean Volunteer Army 28769:Occupation of Germany 28523:Music in World War II 28132:Medieval great powers 26650:Women in Nazi Germany 26477:Identitarian movement 25966:Weerbaarheidsafdeling 25909:Terror Against Terror 25779:Jewish Defense League 25739:Greenshirts (Romania) 25381:Albanian Lictor Youth 25086:Der Sieg des Glaubens 25010:Völkischer Beobachter 24905:Norsk-Tysk Tidsskrift 24895:Norsk-Tysk Tidsskrift 24770:La Difesa della Razza 22303:Female Peronist Party 22281:Brazilian Integralism 22233:United Patriots Front 22173:Australia First Party 22163:Antipodean Resistance 22120:Mexican Fascist Party 21837:Slovak People's Party 21832:Serbian Radical Party 21812:Russian Fascist Party 21732:National Radical Camp 21632:German People's Party 21592:Ethnic National Union 21325:European Nation State 21247:Socialist Reich Party 21230:Positive Christianity 21168:National Radical Camp 21098:German Faith Movement 21083:Deutsche Reichspartei 21068:Black Front (Germany) 20937:Patriotic Alternative 20831:National Syndicalists 20464:AiltirĂ­ na hAisĂ©irghe 20396:Vishva Hindu Parishad 20364:Rashtriya Sikh Sangat 20359:Rashtra Sevika Samiti 20319:Bharat Vikas Parishad 20309:Bharatiya Kisan Sangh 20242:Progress Party (Iran) 20137:Jewish National Front 20112:Concordia Association 19513:Reactionary modernism 18527:Flight and expulsions 17216:Reichsfestung Belgrad 16654:Human experimentation 16350:Reactionary modernism 16295:Anti-Slavic sentiment 16022:Human experimentation 15756:Geheime Staatspolizei 15629:Socialist Reich Party 15620:Deutsche Reichspartei 15441:Richard Walther DarrĂ© 15334:Völkischer Beobachter 15215:German Workers' Party 14958:. London: Routledge. 14954:Welch, David (2001). 14831:Walk, Joseph (1996). 14521:Women in Nazi Germany 14289:Smith, J. W. (1994). 13815:. UK: Penguin Group. 13719:. New York: Vintage. 13625:McNab, Chris (2009). 13328:. 10 September 2003. 13145:Kershaw, Ian (2011). 13126:Kershaw, Ian (2008). 12848:10.1353/gsp.2011.0076 12432:. New York: Penguin. 12409:. New York: Penguin. 12386:. New York: Penguin. 12212:. London: Frontline. 11828:10.1353/jsh.2001.0002 11722:Berben, Paul (1975). 9962:, pp. 14–15, 27. 9593:Heinemann et al. 2006 9167:Beyer & Schneider 8199:, pp. 14–15, 49. 7523:, pp. 1090–1097. 7007:, pp. 70–71, 79. 6875:, pp. 22, 27–28. 5749:TausendjĂ€hriges Reich 5297: 5235: 5168:Hitler's belief that 5110: 5103:Music in Nazi Germany 5023:Völkischer Beobachter 4999: 4946: 4854:Catholic Centre Party 4846:political Catholicism 4828:Prisoner barracks at 4827: 4710:Reich Forestry Office 4690:Further information: 4660:anti-tobacco movement 4649: 4588: 4539:Women in Nazi Germany 4537:Further information: 4511: 4466:Further information: 4453:), mines, and farms. 4432: 4383:Further information: 4310: 4258:deemed to have Aryan- 4220:Anti-Slavic sentiment 4168: 4089:Persecution of Romani 4024: 4015:Further information: 3896: 3881:Further information: 3819: 3756:In October 1933, the 3725: 3497: 3433: 3403: 3323: 3261:life unworthy of life 3178: 3082: 2968: 2904: 2895:Further information: 2870:2nd Belorussian Front 2803: 2759:effort by late 1944. 2667:attacked Pearl Harbor 2620: 2510: 2366:Further information: 2192:Further information: 2103:Franklin D. Roosevelt 2046: 1890:Reichstag Fire Decree 1886:Marinus van der Lubbe 1871:Chancellor of Germany 1854:Nazi seizure of power 1839: 1830:Further information: 1758:German Workers' Party 1719:Further information: 1683:TausendjĂ€hriges Reich 1597:opposed Hitler's rule 1503:a non-aggression pact 1443:Chancellor of Germany 914:Territorial evolution 307:Common languages 291:52.51111°N 13.37972°E 32139:Mannerheim recording 32063:Johann Georg Hiedler 31965:The Victory of Faith 31541:Political directives 31315:Surrender of Germany 30793:Battle of West Hubei 30750:Guadalcanal campaign 30720:Battle of Stalingrad 30646:Battle of Madagascar 29420:Albania protectorate 29207:(formerly Swaziland) 28916:Wehrmacht war crimes 28732:Expulsion of Germans 28516:Art and World War II 28414:British contribution 28363:Governments in exile 28142:European colonialism 28127:Ancient great powers 26240:4th of August Regime 26017:German Student Union 25637:Blueshirts (Ireland) 25483:Nationale Jeugdstorm 25411:Frente de Juventudes 25298:German American Bund 25222:Imperial Way Faction 25148:Fascist architecture 24860:MĂŒnchener Beobachter 24795:La France au travail 24594:Hitlers Zweites Buch 22251:Agrarian Labor Party 22140:Order of Nine Angles 21976:Goyim Defense League 21971:German American Bund 21762:Order of Nine Angles 21295:ADÑ–Spanish Identity 21252:Sudeten German Party 21073:Bund Deutscher Osten 20912:Order of Nine Angles 20726:National Action (UK) 20658:Groupe Collaboration 20643:French Popular Party 20440:White Shirts Society 20354:Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas 20344:Jammu Praja Parishad 20304:Bharatiya Jana Sangh 20232:Palestine Arab Party 20212:Nation Party of Iran 20097:Black Dragon Society 19789:Reform bureaucratism 19584:Fascism and ideology 19451:National syndicalism 19334:Anti-intellectualism 19199:World Heritage Sites 18877:German states by GDP 18467:German Confederation 18218:Strength Through Joy 18177:Weather Station Kurt 17879:Norway (Quisling II) 17126:Munich–Upper Bavaria 17111:March of Brandenburg 16688:German American Bund 16068:Anti-intellectualism 15913:Enabling Act of 1933 15645:Adolf Hitler Schools 15571:Arthur Seyss-Inquart 15276:Hitler's Chancellery 15210:Enabling Act of 1933 14914:Weinberg, Gerhard L. 14468:on 26 September 2007 13924:Pine, Lisa (2011) . 13853:. New York: Viking. 13022:Hosking, Geoffrey A. 12699:Gill, Roger (2006). 12694:. London: Heinemann. 12118:. New York: Viking. 11685:The Second World War 11287:, pp. 171, 173. 10882:, pp. 226, 237. 10626:, pp. 113, 118. 10354:, pp. 612, 633. 9938:, pp. 951, 954. 9181:, pp. 490, 495. 8959:, pp. 328, 333. 8784:, pp. 323, 329. 8589:, pp. 113, 255. 8577:, pp. 1, 26–29. 8493:, pp. 139, 154. 8358:, pp. 539, 551. 7871:, pp. 824, 841. 7355:, pp. 282, 285. 7106:, pp. 272, 279. 6188:, pp. 109, 637. 6104:, pp. 354, 359. 6068:, pp. 293, 302. 6020:, pp. 181, 189. 5885:, p. 295 fn430. 5394:was. The journalist 5272:1936 Summer Olympics 5270:(1938)—covering the 5089:Architecture and art 5066:Erich Maria Remarque 4881:Mit brennender Sorge 4652:1936 Summer Olympics 4617:Bund Deutscher MĂ€del 4592:Bund Deutscher MĂ€del 4557:Lida Gustava Heymann 4527:Reich Labour Service 4495:Adolf Hitler Schools 4405:wholesale expulsions 4397:occupation of Poland 4050:was held on 10 May. 3983:Nazi racial theories 3820:(from left) Hitler; 3803:Strength Through Joy 3687:SS-TotenkopfverbĂ€nde 3440:Franz Schlegelberger 3075:Occupied territories 3071:to Germany in 1943. 2832:. On 2 May, General 2717:Flensburg Government 2623:Battle of Stalingrad 2612:Operation Barbarossa 2602:Operation Barbarossa 2265:Sudeten German Party 2140:invasion of Ethiopia 1869:appointed Hitler as 1735:Treaty of Versailles 1731:reparations payments 1689:, was first used in 1654:war of extermination 1611:disseminated films, 1392:Greater German Reich 1250:Expulsion of Germans 1216:Contemporary Germany 1114:German Confederation 649:Flensburg Government 65:Greater German Reich 32293:Totalitarian states 32190: /  32069:Maria Schicklgruber 31972:Triumph of the Will 31959:Killing baby Hitler 31949:Cult of personality 31890:Hitler's Table Talk 31833:possible monorchism 31766:Civilian residences 31655:conspiracy theories 31405:Potsdam Declaration 31294:Italy (Spring 1945) 31057:Liberation of Paris 30514:Siege of Sevastopol 29532:(until August 1944) 29435:Wang Jingwei regime 29257:from September 1943 29217:from September 1944 29155:from September 1944 29015:Romanian war crimes 29006:Persecution of Jews 28992:Croatian war crimes 28962:Japanese war crimes 28776:Occupation of Japan 28725:First Indochina War 28437:Military production 28349:Declarations of war 28137:Modern great powers 26679:Politics portal 26245:Anti-Comintern Pact 25632:Blueshirts (Canada) 25592:Atomwaffen Division 25478:Mocidade Portuguesa 25343:Republic (Slovakia) 25338:Popular Force Party 25283:Finnish Realm Union 25106:Triumph of the Will 25096:Lo squadrone bianco 24845:Kansallissosialisti 24730:The American Review 22388:Revolutionary Union 22061:Rise Above Movement 21996:League of the South 21956:American Nazi Party 21862:UstaĆĄe in Australia 21397:Freethinkers' Party 21242:The Right (Germany) 21113:German Social Union 20932:Party of the Swedes 20746:National Front (UK) 20713:Mouvement Franciste 20581:Dutch Fascist Union 20435:Turkish Union Party 20329:Hindu Makkal Katchi 20207:National Will Party 20102:Blue Shirts Society 19965:National Bolshevism 19921:Romanianism/Stelism 19374:Cult of personality 19359:Class collaboration 18835:Automobile industry 18421:Carolingian dynasty 18355:History of the Huns 18037:Reichskommissariats 17869:Norway (Quisling I) 17799:Chechnya-Ingushetia 17459:Bohemia and Moravia 17444:Partial annexations 17255:Danzig–West Prussia 16815:Role and impact in 16678:American Nazi Party 16129:Cult of personality 16098:Class collaboration 16007:Extermination camps 15992:Concentration camps 15933:Anti-Comintern Pact 15615:German Social Union 15566:Baldur von Schirach 15521:Ernst Kaltenbrunner 15316:SS Education Office 15200:Brown House, Munich 14586:, 13 November 1998. 14523:. London: Longman. 14113:Death by Government 14052:on 17 November 2021 13356:Libionka, Dariusz. 13321:The Daily Telegraph 13219:The Nazi Conscience 13128:Hitler: A Biography 12878:(7070): 1453–1463. 12811:Grunberger, Richard 12795:. New York: Knopf. 12326:Ericksen, Robert P. 12166:DeLong, J. Bradford 11911:(4/2003): 600–627. 11764:Berghahn, Volker R. 11605:Körber-Siftung 2017 11566:, pp. 748–749. 11449:, pp. 295–296. 11398:, pp. 125–126. 11382:The Daily Telegraph 11371:, pp. 130–132. 11335:, pp. 199–200. 11275:, pp. 243–244. 11179:, pp. 152–159. 11155:, pp. 146–147. 11119:, pp. 143–144. 11080:, pp. 133–135. 11068:, pp. 241–242. 11044:, pp. 465–467. 10969:, pp. 141–142. 10918:, pp. 245–246. 10906:, pp. 241–243. 10894:, pp. 239–240. 10846:, pp. 234–235. 10819:, pp. 234–235. 10783:, pp. 276–277. 10759:, pp. 238–239. 10725:, pp. 295–297. 10713:, pp. 220–230. 10701:, pp. 234–238. 10677:, pp. 345–346. 10542:, pp. 609–661. 10378:, pp. 124–125. 10294:, pp. 119–137. 10222:, pp. 332–333. 10210:, pp. 518–519. 10174:, pp. 516–517. 10135:, pp. 295–297. 10111:, pp. 302–303. 10063:, pp. 263–265. 9914:, pp. 295–296. 9854:, pp. 560–561. 9830:, pp. 559–560. 9791:, pp. 279–280. 9779:, pp. 188–190. 9767:, pp. 256–257. 9755:, pp. 555–556. 9581:Powszechna PWN 2004 9481:, pp. 138–141. 9451:, pp. 555–558. 9412:, pp. 112–113. 9292:, pp. 128–130. 9280:, pp. 524–527. 9256:, pp. 358–359. 9193:, pp. 267–268. 9121:, pp. 354–356. 9109:, pp. 263–264. 9073:, pp. 141–142. 9037:, pp. 357–360. 8923:, pp. 330–331. 8887:, pp. 308–309. 8851:, pp. 125–127. 8760:, pp. 212–213. 8673:, pp. 518–519. 8601:, pp. 122–123. 8529:, pp. 70, 166. 8505:, pp. 760–761. 8445:, pp. 242–247. 8127:, pp. 320–321. 8091:, pp. 105–106. 8055:, pp. 121–122. 8043:, pp. 210–211. 7963:, pp. 270–274. 7919:, pp. 146–147. 7796:, pp. 461–462. 7709:, pp. 306–307. 7658:, pp. 218–221. 7646:, pp. 355–357. 7622:, pp. 400–403. 7574:, pp. 954–955. 7550:, pp. 224–225. 7538:, pp. 910–912. 7499:, pp. 604–605. 7487:, pp. 576–578. 7439:, pp. 438–441. 7379:, pp. 419–420. 7343:, pp. 108–110. 7319:, pp. 284–287. 7295:, pp. 900–901. 7259:, pp. 189–190. 7247:, pp. 160–161. 7193:, pp. 815–816. 7082:, pp. 333–334. 7046:, pp. 696–730. 7031:, pp. 731–738. 7019:, pp. 715–719. 6899:, pp. 148–149. 6863:, pp. 699–701. 6851:, pp. 279–280. 6731:, pp. 689–690. 6707:, pp. 264–265. 6695:, pp. 671–674. 6680:, pp. 668–669. 6632:, pp. 646–652. 6620:, pp. 181–251. 6584:, pp. 632–637. 6521:, pp. 338–339. 6509:, pp. 210–212. 6485:, pp. 209–210. 6473:, pp. 351–356. 6353:, pp. 226–227. 6317:, pp. 306–313. 6290:, pp. 309–314. 6164:, pp. 358–359. 6092:, pp. 329–334. 6080:, pp. 183–184. 6044:, pp. 136–137. 6008:, pp. 180–181. 5981:, pp. 179–180. 5957:, pp. 170–171. 5945:, pp. 186–187. 5933:, pp. 103–108. 5859:Soldaten-Atlas 1941 5718:Großdeutsches Reich 5501:", better known as 5484:Reichsinnenminister 5261:Triumph of the Will 5099:Art in Nazi Germany 4868:Baldur von Schirach 4840:Persecution of the 4589:Young women of the 4099:Like the Jews, the 4011:Persecution of Jews 3847:German Labour Front 3826:German Labour Front 3766:balance of payments 3745:, President of the 3692:extermination camps 3640:Werner von Blomberg 3444:Otto Georg Thierack 3396:Law in Nazi Germany 3340:cult of personality 3273:Jehovah's Witnesses 3257:International Jewry 3161:a puppet government 3108:Reichskommissariate 2949:Territorial changes 2805:U.S. Army Air Force 2780:Otto Georg Thierack 2537:invasion of Britain 2298:Free City of Danzig 2272:Neville Chamberlain 2153:Anti-Comintern Pact 2008:Kurt von Schleicher 1905:Weimar Constitution 1867:Paul von Hindenburg 1766:Nazi Party platform 1661:from the west, and 1613:antisemitic canards 1581:Jehovah’s Witnesses 1517:. In alliance with 1450:Paul von Hindenburg 1424:Thousand-Year Reich 1064:Early Modern period 1051:Eastward settlement 410:Paul von Hindenburg 287: /  212: German Reich 74:Großdeutsches Reich 32026:Apocalypse: Hitler 31954:In popular culture 31398:Surrender of Japan 31231:Battle of Iwo Jima 31080:Belgrade offensive 30493:Siege of Leningrad 30377:Battle of Shanggao 30306:British Somaliland 30271:Dunkirk evacuation 30222:Norwegian campaign 30160:Invasion of Poland 29987:Japanese prisoners 28955:Italian war crimes 28886:British war crimes 28801:Soviet occupations 28585:South-West Pacific 28472:Allied cooperation 28430:Military equipment 26467:Alt-right pipeline 26378:Speeches by Hitler 26333:Books about Hitler 26220:Austrian Civil War 26164:Aventine Secession 25441:Deutsches Jungvolk 25348:Resistance Records 25253:Adelaide Institute 24955:Das Schwarze Korps 24940:Il Popolo d'Italia 24880:Neue Anthropologie 24765:Das Deutsche MĂ€del 24684:The Turner Diaries 24604:Impeachment of Man 24579:For My Legionaries 24430:Riva-AgĂŒero y Osma 23292:Torrente Ballester 21797:Ratniks (Bulgaria) 21782:Patriotic Alliance 20998:Third Way (France) 20960:Phalange Française 20489:Blood & Honour 20262:Reform bureaucrats 20247:Philippine Falange 19960:National-anarchism 19671:Christian Identity 19498:Proletarian nation 18905:Telecommunications 18586:History of Prussia 18502:Revolution of 1918 18497:War guilt question 18416:Carolingian Empire 18385:Sack of Rome (410) 18294:History of Germany 17469:General Government 17146:Schleswig-Holstein 16902:German Romanticism 16790:Nazi Party members 16644:Extermination camp 16037:Racial segregation 15765:Deutsches Jungvolk 15343:Das Schwarze Korps 14975:"Mythos Waffen-SS" 14584:German Law Archive 14420:on 12 January 2022 14371:. New York: Avon. 14249:Shirer, William L. 13969:Proctor, Robert N. 13832:Why The Allies Won 13503:Fraenkel, Heinrich 13316:"Leni Riefenstahl" 13300:. Stroud: Sutton. 13181:on 4 February 2012 12927:(23 August 2006). 12567:10.1093/hgs/dcu014 12364:on 21 October 2013 10996:, pp. 86, 92. 10665:, p. 534–538. 10614:, pp. 18, 30. 10576:Hanauske-Abel 1996 9013:, pp. 54, 71. 8298:, pp. 68, 70. 8031:, pp. 7, 443. 5665:) for short; also 5527:General Government 5300: 5241: 5139:Roman architecture 5123: 5042:Nazi book burnings 5006: 5004:authors are burned 4986:Reichskulturkammer 4977:Kraft durch Freude 4900:brutal suppression 4894:at Dachau. In the 4838: 4737:, 33 per cent was 4701:spite of a ban on 4656: 4597: 4514: 4451:Geneva conventions 4438: 4369:Polish underground 4330:Wannsee Conference 4321: 4175: 4061:, shot and killed 4059:Herschel Grynszpan 4030: 3909: 3907:plant in Auschwitz 3842: 3739: 3510: 3452: 3410: 3404:Chart showing the 3362:constituent states 3330: 3304:Nazi Party rallies 3286:Influenced by the 3196: 3137:General Government 3093: 2979:Northern Schleswig 2971: 2911: 2909:, 19 February 1945 2809: 2776:Ardennes Offensive 2740:Bernard Montgomery 2643:Battle of Smolensk 2627: 2517: 2457:Conquest of Europe 2404:Sicherheitspolizei 2052: 1851: 1832:History of Germany 1344:History portal 1330:Germany portal 1081:Kingdom of Prussia 1041:Kingdom of Germany 1013:Barbarian kingdoms 663:Berlin Declaration 597:Invasion of Poland 530: • 296:52.51111; 13.37972 240:Show map of Europe 32173: 32172: 32167: 32166: 31885:Psychopathography 31875:Stefanie Rabatsch 31840:Wealth and income 31816: 31815: 31697:Reich Chancellery 31472: 31471: 31430: 31429: 31273:Battle of Okinawa 31172:Burma (1944–1945) 31006:Mariana and Palau 30786:Tunisian campaign 30611:Fall of Singapore 30535:Fall of Hong Kong 30278:Battle of Britain 30131:Operation Himmler 30040: 30039: 29704:Dutch East Indies 29347:Southern Rhodesia 29099: 29098: 28999:Genocide of Serbs 28902:German war crimes 28879:Soviet war crimes 28872:Allied war crimes 28718:Division of Korea 28697:Chinese Civil War 28495:Strategic bombing 28407:Manhattan Project 28181: 28180: 28103: 28102: 28068:Polish–Lithuanian 27243:Gurjara-Pratihara 26687: 26686: 26658: 26657: 26645:Völkisch movement 26603:Scientific racism 26568:Para/semi-fascism 26509:Fascist mysticism 26504:Fascist (epithet) 26391: 26390: 26308: 26307: 26304: 26303: 26250:Spanish Civil War 26070: 26069: 26066: 26065: 25976:Westland New Post 25386:Arab Lictor Youth 25180: 25179: 25176: 25175: 25168:Nazism and cinema 25163:Nazi architecture 24830:Hrvatski Domobran 24815:GioventĂč Fascista 24775:Eleftheros Kosmos 24755:The Daily Stormer 24629:Manifesto of Race 24574:Fascist Manifesto 24517: 24516: 24513: 24512: 23761:GimĂ©nez Caballero 22992:Strasser (Gregor) 22437:Campbell (Graeme) 22405: 22404: 22401: 22400: 22378:Republican League 22348:New Triumph Party 22223:Reclaim Australia 22036:National Vanguard 21991:LaRouche movement 21904:Fascism in Canada 21757:Occupy Pedophilia 21499:The Right (Italy) 21489:New Force (Spain) 21484:New Force (Italy) 21362:Falange AutĂ©ntica 21357:La Falange (1999) 21310:Brothers of Italy 21235:German Christians 21053:Arrow Cross Party 20896:L'ƒuvre Française 20756:Nationalist Party 20741:National Fascisti 20227:Pan-Iranist Party 20217:New Life Movement 20007: 20006: 19955:Third Positionism 19721:L'ƒuvre Française 19639:Orthodox Peronism 19606: 19605: 19602: 19601: 19589:Fascism worldwide 19404:Heroic capitalism 19254: 19253: 19207: 19206: 18938: 18937: 18852:Chemical Triangle 18812: 18811: 18799:Political parties 18747:Foreign relations 18684: 18683: 18611: 18610: 18522:Allied occupation 18426:Holy Roman Empire 18233: 18232: 18229: 18228: 18153: 18152: 18123:Other occupations 18118: 18117: 18029: 18028: 17744:Adriatic Littoral 17737:Operational Zones 17658: 17657: 17539: 17538: 17535: 17534: 17505: 17504: 17438: 17437: 17434: 17433: 17321: 17320: 17230: 17229: 16946: 16945: 16519:Strasser (Gregor) 16398:Volksgemeinschaft 16343:Völkisch movement 16338:Völkisch equality 15923:Nuremberg rallies 15886:German rearmament 15695: 15694: 15675:Horst-Wessel-Lied 15506:Reinhard Heydrich 15496:Ernst Hanfstaengl 15235:Nuremberg rallies 15050:978-0-96927-841-2 14965:978-0-415-25075-7 14946:978-0-521-85316-3 14927:978-1-929631-91-9 14905:978-1-349-38073-2 14886:978-0-631-14073-3 14864:978-0-451-23791-0 14842:978-3-82521-889-8 14723:978-0-19-820873-0 14704:978-0-82144-196-1 14685:978-0-521-84819-0 14666:978-3-941555-88-4 14647:978-0-670-03826-8 14623:978-0-8047-0857-9 14530:978-0-582-41836-3 14511:978-0-19-921200-2 14492:978-1-84145-100-8 14414:Körber Foundation 14400:978-0-205-84678-8 14378:978-0-380-00071-5 14322:978-0-465-00239-9 14300:978-0-9624423-2-2 14264:978-0-671-62420-0 14230:"Stolen Children" 14220:978-0-679-76812-8 14198:978-0-271-00691-8 14148:978-0-691-04649-5 14124:978-1-56000-145-4 14098:978-960-270-789-0 14079:978-0-375-70822-0 14032:978-1-58648-303-6 14008:978-0-306-80962-0 13986:978-0-691-07051-3 13935:978-1-84520-265-1 13916:978-0-88295-993-1 13860:978-0-698-15138-3 13841:978-1-84595-065-1 13822:978-0-393-02030-4 13798:978-3-486-56531-7 13785:Overmans, RĂŒdiger 13747:978-0-231-11200-0 13726:978-0-679-77663-5 13713:Nicholas, Lynn H. 13677:978-0-674-00680-5 13658:978-0-297-84561-4 13636:978-1-906626-51-8 13617:978-0-7190-6732-7 13598:978-1-59420-188-2 13576:978-83-7629-067-6 13557:978-1-84545-047-2 13538:978-0-521-55204-2 13516:978-1-60239-178-9 13490:978-0-8018-6493-3 13471:978-0-7818-0870-5 13454:Lukas, Richard C. 13445:978-0-19-959232-6 13426:978-0-19-280436-5 13307:978-0-7509-1866-4 13229:978-0-674-01172-4 13208:978-1-4051-0040-3 13158:978-1-59420-314-5 13137:978-0-393-06757-6 13118:978-0-19-280206-4 13099:978-0-340-76028-4 13078:978-0-393-32252-1 13056:978-3-515-07392-9 13037:978-0-674-02178-5 13013:978-0-7735-1531-4 12994:978-0-04-943032-7 12977:Hildebrand, Klaus 12826:978-0-03-076435-6 12802:978-0-679-44695-8 12787:Goldhagen, Daniel 12778:978-0-19-953256-8 12734:978-0-7006-0899-7 12710:978-0-7619-7176-4 12662:978-0-691-08684-2 12624:Gellately, Robert 12615:978-0-06-135027-6 12602:FriedlĂ€nder, Saul 12593:978-0-582-23924-1 12542:978-0-09-474910-8 12523:978-0-15-100556-7 12502:978-0-297-81774-1 12480:978-0-405-04747-3 12458:978-0-521-19998-8 12439:978-0-14-311671-4 12416:978-0-14-303790-3 12393:978-0-14-303469-8 12378:Evans, Richard J. 12345:978-0-8006-2931-1 12330:Heschel, Susannah 12317:978-83-01-14179-0 12238:978-1-58465-784-2 12219:978-1-84832-644-6 12168:(February 1997). 12157:978-1-930865-31-0 12135:Air Power History 12125:978-0-670-03284-6 12101:978-0-312-09094-4 12082:978-1-57383-080-5 12060:978-0-8094-6966-6 12039:978-0-8214-1646-4 12026:Volksgemeinschaft 12016:978-0-7553-3639-5 11994:978-1-45165-113-3 11968:The Great Courses 11941:Calvin University 11862:978-0-8032-5979-9 11777:978-90-420-0688-1 11755:978-1-44224-228-9 11733:978-0-85211-009-6 11714:978-0-7425-5363-7 11695:978-0-316-02374-0 11674:978-0-670-03041-5 11650:978-1-61069-363-9 11554:, pp. 74–80. 10602:, pp. 30–32. 10318:, pp. 45–46. 10051:, pp. 13–40. 9520:, pp. 47–48. 9493:, pp. 75–76. 9364:, pp. 67–69. 9352:, pp. 38–39. 9304:, pp. 30–32. 9025:, pp. 61–62. 8734:Wiederschein 2015 8517:, pp. 15–16. 8421:, pp. 43–45. 8286:, pp. 79–80. 8223:, pp. 43–44. 8175:, pp. 48–49. 8019:, pp. 36–37. 7697:, p. Bd. 46. 7283:, pp. 45–46. 7208:, pp. 52–53. 6971:, pp. 73–76. 6461:, pp. 44–53. 6449:, pp. 1–128. 6401:, pp. 20–21. 6389:, pp. 50–59. 6302:, pp. 31–34. 5491:Horst-Wessel-Lied 5482:On 12 July 1933, 5470:Explanatory notes 5388:Körber Foundation 5246:Universum Film AG 5228:Nazism and cinema 5216:Bayreuth Festival 5199:Reichsmusikkammer 5151:Reich Chancellery 5095:Nazi architecture 4971:Volksgemeinschaft 4810:Confessing Church 4798:German Christians 4315:liberated by the 4083:Haavara Agreement 3962:strategic bombing 3830:Ferdinand Porsche 3795:Ferdinand Porsche 3700:Sicherheitsdienst 3448:Curt Rothenberger 3406:pseudo-scientific 3353:Reichsstatthalter 3194:, September 1934. 2940:also took place. 2934:German resistance 2885:German casualties 2830:committed suicide 2823:Reich Chancellery 2801: 2647:Army Group Centre 2561:Battle of Britain 2545:nightly air raids 2529:Winston Churchill 2410:Sicherheitsdienst 2399:Reinhard Heydrich 2164:Spanish Civil War 2138:When the Italian 2135:on 18 June 1935. 2111:League of Nations 2078:Military build-up 1998:(Chief of Staff) 1961:Horst-Wessel-Lied 1909:Social Democratic 1701:Holy Roman Empire 1695:, a 1923 book by 1652:, as part of its 1539:, and especially 1416:Holy Roman Empire 1381: 1380: 1312: 1311: 1206: 1205: 1046:Holy Roman Empire 923:Holy Roman Empire 836: 835: 832: 831: 828: 827: 794: 793: 576:15 September 1935 459:‱ 1933–1945 417:‱ 1934–1945 405:‱ 1933–1934 181: 163:Horst-Wessel-Lied 155: 16:(Redirected from 32300: 32233:1940s in Germany 32223:1930s in Germany 32205: 32204: 32202: 32201: 32200: 32195: 32191: 32188: 32187: 32186: 32183: 32155: 32154: 32111:Jean-Marie Loret 31880:Reinhold Hanisch 31748:Wolfsschlucht II 31672: 31671: 31499: 31492: 31485: 31476: 31475: 31465: 31458: 31451: 31448:World portal 31446: 31445: 31421: 31414: 31407: 31400: 31391: 31384: 31377: 31368: 31361: 31354: 31347: 31340: 31333: 31324: 31317: 31310: 31308:Prague offensive 31303: 31301:Battle of Berlin 31296: 31289: 31282: 31275: 31268: 31261: 31254: 31247: 31245:Vienna offensive 31240: 31233: 31226: 31224:Battle of Manila 31219: 31199: 31190: 31181: 31174: 31165: 31158: 31151: 31144: 31137: 31130: 31123: 31114: 31105: 31098: 31089: 31082: 31075: 31068: 31059: 31052: 31045: 31038: 31031: 31024: 31017: 31008: 31001: 30992: 30983: 30974: 30967: 30965:Korsun–Cherkassy 30960: 30949: 30927: 30918: 30911: 30904: 30897: 30890: 30883: 30876: 30867: 30860: 30853: 30846: 30837: 30830: 30823: 30816: 30809: 30807:Bombing of Gorky 30802: 30795: 30788: 30768: 30761: 30752: 30745: 30738: 30729: 30722: 30715: 30708: 30697: 30690: 30683: 30676: 30674:Battle of Midway 30669: 30662: 30660:Battle of Gazala 30655: 30648: 30641: 30634: 30627: 30620: 30613: 30593: 30586: 30579: 30572: 30570:Battle of Borneo 30565: 30563:Malayan campaign 30558: 30551: 30544: 30537: 30530: 30523: 30516: 30509: 30507:Bombing of Gorky 30502: 30500:Battle of Moscow 30495: 30488: 30481: 30474: 30467: 30460: 30444: 30437: 30430: 30423: 30416: 30409: 30400: 30393: 30386: 30379: 30372: 30352: 30343: 30336: 30329: 30322: 30315: 30308: 30301: 30294: 30287: 30280: 30273: 30266: 30264:Battle of France 30259: 30252: 30245: 30238: 30231: 30224: 30204: 30197: 30190: 30183: 30176: 30169: 30162: 30140: 30133: 30126: 30119: 30117:Munich Agreement 30112: 30105: 30096: 30089: 30082: 30073: 30066: 30051: 30050: 30033: 30026: 30017: 30010: 30003: 30002:Soviet prisoners 29996: 29989: 29982: 29973: 29966: 29957: 29950: 29943: 29942:German prisoners 29938: 29918: 29909: 29902: 29895: 29890: 29883: 29876: 29869: 29862: 29855: 29848: 29841: 29834: 29827: 29820: 29813: 29806: 29799: 29790: 29783: 29776: 29769: 29762: 29755: 29748: 29741: 29734: 29727: 29720: 29713: 29706: 29699: 29692: 29685: 29678: 29671: 29664: 29644: 29637: 29630: 29623: 29616: 29609: 29602: 29595: 29588: 29581: 29574: 29554: 29547: 29540: 29533: 29525: 29518: 29511: 29502: 29495: 29487: 29480: 29478:French Indochina 29473: 29466: 29459: 29452: 29444: 29437: 29430: 29422: 29402: 29393: 29386: 29377: 29370: 29363: 29356: 29349: 29342: 29335: 29328: 29325:from August 1944 29316: 29309: 29302: 29295: 29288: 29281: 29274: 29267: 29260: 29248: 29241: 29234: 29227: 29220: 29208: 29200: 29193: 29186: 29179: 29172: 29165: 29158: 29146: 29139: 29132: 29125: 29110: 29109: 29090: 29083: 29076: 29069: 29062: 29051: 29036: 29029: 29022: 29017: 29008: 29001: 28994: 28985: 28978: 28971: 28969:Nanjing Massacre 28964: 28957: 28948: 28946:Nuremberg trials 28939: 28932: 28925: 28918: 28911: 28904: 28895: 28888: 28881: 28874: 28854: 28847: 28840: 28831: 28824: 28817: 28810: 28803: 28796: 28787: 28778: 28771: 28764: 28757: 28748: 28741: 28734: 28727: 28720: 28713: 28706: 28699: 28679: 28670: 28663: 28656: 28647: 28640: 28633: 28626: 28617: 28610: 28603: 28594: 28587: 28580: 28573: 28566: 28559: 28552: 28550:Asia and Pacific 28532: 28525: 28518: 28511: 28504: 28497: 28490: 28481: 28479:Mulberry harbour 28474: 28467: 28460: 28453: 28446: 28439: 28432: 28425: 28416: 28409: 28402: 28393: 28386: 28379: 28372: 28365: 28358: 28351: 28344: 28337: 28330: 28321: 28314: 28299: 28298: 28287: 28280: 28271: 28264: 28257: 28250: 28243: 28236: 28229: 28208: 28201: 28194: 28185: 28184: 27984: 27983: 27649:Austro-Hungarian 27349:Chagatai Khanate 26714: 26707: 26700: 26691: 26690: 26677: 26676: 26436: 26397: 26396: 26314: 26313: 26291:Nuremberg Trials 26235:Romani Holocaust 26159:Beer Hall Putsch 26087: 26086: 26076: 26075: 25981:Yokusan Sonendan 25197: 25196: 25186: 25185: 25127:Ethnic Cleansing 25066:The Great Appeal 25036:L'Armata Azzurra 24925:Parole der Woche 24644:My Autobiography 24534: 24533: 24523: 24522: 23746:FernĂĄndez-Cuesta 23332:Ciano (Galeazzo) 23327:Ciano (Costanzo) 22422: 22421: 22411: 22410: 22158:Action Zealandia 22088:Vanguard America 21597:Eurasia Movement 21439:Juntas Españolas 21367:Falange Española 21350:SecciĂłn Femenina 20720:Nasjonal Samling 20699:Les Identitaires 20571:Centre Party '86 20524:British Movement 20509:British Fascists 20077:Al-Muthanna Club 20024: 20023: 20013: 20012: 19612: 19611: 19533:State capitalism 19518:Social Darwinism 19349:Authoritarianism 19339:Anti-materialism 19307: 19306: 19296: 19295: 19281: 19274: 19267: 19258: 19257: 19234: 19227: 19220: 19184:Prussian virtues 18949: 18948: 18857:Economic history 18823: 18822: 18717: 18695: 18694: 18646:Cities and towns 18622: 18621: 18602:Baden Revolution 18406:Treaty of Verdun 18375:Marcomannic Wars 18330:Migration Period 18325:Germanic peoples 18309:Military history 18284: 18283: 18260: 18253: 18246: 18237: 18236: 18162: 18161: 18044: 18043: 18040: 17769: 17768: 17756:Alpine Foothills 17624: 17623: 17574:Gebiet Bialystok 17552: 17551: 17465: 17464: 17449: 17448: 17394: 17393: 17308:Tyrol–Vorarlberg 17271: 17270: 17245: 17244: 17241: 17186:Westphalia-South 17181:Westphalia-North 17101:Magdeburg-Anhalt 17021: 17020: 17016: 17008: 16999: 16998: 16973: 16966: 16959: 16950: 16949: 16938: 16937: 16898: 16889: 16886:Drang nach Osten 16724: 16705: 16614:von Sebottendorf 16410: 16401: 16390: 16370:State capitalism 16355:Social Darwinism 16334: 16325: 16207: 16198: 16179: 16170: 16144: 16113: 16110:Dolchstoßlegende 16083:Authoritarianism 15976:Nuremberg trials 15952: 15943: 15904: 15882: 15841: 15831: 15817: 15768: 15759: 15750: 15722: 15715: 15708: 15699: 15698: 15638:Related articles 15591:Julius Streicher 15551:Alfred Rosenberg 15511:Heinrich Himmler 15409: 15400: 15391: 15382: 15373: 15364: 15355: 15346: 15337: 15195:Beer Hall Putsch 15138: 15131: 15124: 15115: 15114: 15102: 15101: 15088: 15069: 15068: 15054: 15035: 14992: 14990: 14988: 14969: 14950: 14931: 14909: 14890: 14868: 14846: 14827: 14825: 14823: 14807: 14805: 14803: 14787: 14785: 14783: 14767: 14765: 14763: 14747: 14745: 14743: 14727: 14708: 14689: 14670: 14651: 14627: 14608: 14606: 14604: 14587: 14575: 14565: 14534: 14515: 14496: 14477: 14475: 14473: 14467: 14460: 14449: 14447: 14445: 14429: 14427: 14425: 14416:. Archived from 14404: 14382: 14358: 14356: 14354: 14338: 14326: 14304: 14285: 14283: 14281: 14268: 14244: 14242: 14240: 14224: 14202: 14183: 14160: 14128: 14116: 14102: 14083: 14061: 14059: 14057: 14036: 14012: 13990: 13978: 13964: 13962: 13960: 13946:(9 April 2018). 13939: 13920: 13901: 13864: 13845: 13826: 13802: 13780: 13769: 13767: 13765: 13751: 13730: 13708: 13698: 13681: 13662: 13640: 13621: 13602: 13580: 13561: 13542: 13520: 13494: 13475: 13463: 13449: 13430: 13411: 13409: 13407: 13388:Longerich, Peter 13383: 13381: 13379: 13374:on 17 April 2020 13373: 13362: 13352: 13350: 13348: 13311: 13294:Lauryssens, Stan 13289: 13272:(3–4): 523–546. 13260: 13258: 13256: 13251:on 17 April 2020 13233: 13212: 13190: 13188: 13186: 13180: 13173: 13162: 13141: 13122: 13103: 13082: 13060: 13041: 13017: 12998: 12986: 12972: 12970: 12968: 12962: 12955: 12943: 12941: 12939: 12920: 12918: 12916: 12911:on 17 April 2020 12910: 12904:. Archived from 12895: 12869: 12859: 12830: 12806: 12782: 12763: 12761: 12759: 12738: 12719:Glantz, David M. 12714: 12695: 12683: 12666: 12647: 12628:Mechtild Rössler 12619: 12597: 12578: 12551:Fleming, Michael 12546: 12527: 12506: 12484: 12467:Farago, Ladislas 12462: 12443: 12431: 12420: 12408: 12397: 12373: 12371: 12369: 12358:Das Bundesarchiv 12349: 12321: 12303: 12282: 12279: 12253: 12242: 12223: 12201: 12189: 12187: 12185: 12161: 12142: 12129: 12105: 12086: 12064: 12043: 12020: 11998: 11979: 11977: 11975: 11956:Childers, Thomas 11951: 11949: 11947: 11927: 11925: 11923: 11895: 11893: 11891: 11886:on 21 March 2020 11885: 11878: 11866: 11847: 11810: 11808: 11806: 11800: 11793: 11781: 11759: 11737: 11718: 11699: 11678: 11654: 11620: 11614: 11608: 11602: 11596: 11590: 11584: 11578: 11567: 11561: 11555: 11549: 11543: 11534: 11528: 11519: 11510: 11504: 11498: 11492: 11486: 11480: 11474: 11468: 11462: 11456: 11450: 11444: 11438: 11432: 11426: 11420: 11414: 11408: 11399: 11393: 11387: 11378: 11372: 11366: 11360: 11354: 11348: 11342: 11336: 11330: 11324: 11318: 11312: 11306: 11300: 11294: 11288: 11282: 11276: 11270: 11264: 11258: 11252: 11246: 11240: 11234: 11228: 11222: 11216: 11210: 11204: 11198: 11192: 11186: 11180: 11174: 11168: 11162: 11156: 11150: 11144: 11138: 11132: 11126: 11120: 11114: 11108: 11102: 11093: 11087: 11081: 11075: 11069: 11063: 11057: 11051: 11045: 11039: 11033: 11027: 11021: 11015: 11009: 11003: 10997: 10991: 10985: 10976: 10970: 10964: 10958: 10949: 10943: 10937: 10931: 10925: 10919: 10913: 10907: 10901: 10895: 10889: 10883: 10877: 10871: 10865: 10859: 10853: 10847: 10841: 10832: 10826: 10820: 10814: 10808: 10802: 10796: 10790: 10784: 10778: 10772: 10766: 10760: 10754: 10745: 10739: 10726: 10720: 10714: 10708: 10702: 10696: 10690: 10684: 10678: 10672: 10666: 10660: 10654: 10645: 10639: 10633: 10627: 10621: 10615: 10609: 10603: 10597: 10591: 10585: 10579: 10573: 10567: 10561: 10555: 10549: 10543: 10537: 10531: 10525: 10519: 10513: 10507: 10501: 10495: 10489: 10483: 10477: 10471: 10465: 10459: 10453: 10447: 10441: 10435: 10429: 10423: 10417: 10411: 10405: 10394: 10388: 10379: 10373: 10367: 10364:Biddiscombe 2001 10361: 10355: 10352:Biddiscombe 2001 10349: 10343: 10337: 10331: 10325: 10319: 10313: 10307: 10301: 10295: 10289: 10283: 10277: 10271: 10265: 10259: 10253: 10247: 10241: 10235: 10229: 10223: 10217: 10211: 10205: 10199: 10193: 10187: 10181: 10175: 10169: 10160: 10154: 10148: 10142: 10136: 10130: 10124: 10118: 10112: 10106: 10100: 10094: 10088: 10082: 10076: 10070: 10064: 10058: 10052: 10046: 10040: 10034: 10028: 10022: 10011: 10005: 9999: 9993: 9987: 9981: 9975: 9969: 9963: 9957: 9951: 9945: 9939: 9933: 9927: 9921: 9915: 9909: 9903: 9897: 9891: 9885: 9879: 9873: 9867: 9861: 9855: 9849: 9843: 9837: 9831: 9825: 9819: 9813: 9807: 9798: 9792: 9786: 9780: 9774: 9768: 9762: 9756: 9750: 9744: 9738: 9732: 9726: 9720: 9714: 9708: 9698: 9692: 9686: 9680: 9674: 9668: 9662: 9656: 9650: 9644: 9638: 9632: 9626: 9620: 9614: 9608: 9602: 9596: 9590: 9584: 9578: 9572: 9566: 9560: 9554: 9545: 9539: 9533: 9527: 9521: 9515: 9509: 9503: 9494: 9488: 9482: 9476: 9470: 9461: 9452: 9446: 9437: 9431: 9425: 9419: 9413: 9407: 9401: 9395: 9389: 9383: 9377: 9371: 9365: 9359: 9353: 9347: 9341: 9335: 9329: 9323: 9317: 9311: 9305: 9299: 9293: 9287: 9281: 9275: 9269: 9263: 9257: 9251: 9245: 9239: 9233: 9224: 9218: 9212: 9206: 9200: 9194: 9188: 9182: 9176: 9170: 9164: 9158: 9152: 9146: 9140: 9134: 9128: 9122: 9116: 9110: 9104: 9098: 9092: 9086: 9080: 9074: 9068: 9062: 9056: 9050: 9044: 9038: 9032: 9026: 9020: 9014: 9008: 9002: 8996: 8990: 8984: 8975: 8969: 8960: 8954: 8948: 8942: 8936: 8930: 8924: 8918: 8912: 8906: 8900: 8894: 8888: 8882: 8876: 8870: 8864: 8858: 8852: 8846: 8840: 8834: 8828: 8822: 8816: 8810: 8797: 8791: 8785: 8779: 8773: 8767: 8761: 8755: 8749: 8743: 8737: 8731: 8725: 8719: 8710: 8704: 8698: 8692: 8686: 8680: 8674: 8668: 8662: 8656: 8650: 8644: 8638: 8632: 8626: 8620: 8614: 8608: 8602: 8596: 8590: 8584: 8578: 8572: 8566: 8560: 8554: 8548: 8542: 8536: 8530: 8524: 8518: 8512: 8506: 8500: 8494: 8488: 8482: 8476: 8470: 8464: 8458: 8452: 8446: 8440: 8434: 8428: 8422: 8416: 8410: 8404: 8398: 8392: 8383: 8377: 8371: 8365: 8359: 8353: 8347: 8341: 8335: 8329: 8323: 8317: 8311: 8305: 8299: 8293: 8287: 8281: 8275: 8269: 8263: 8257: 8248: 8242: 8236: 8230: 8224: 8218: 8212: 8206: 8200: 8194: 8188: 8182: 8176: 8170: 8164: 8158: 8152: 8146: 8140: 8134: 8128: 8122: 8116: 8110: 8104: 8098: 8092: 8086: 8080: 8074: 8068: 8062: 8056: 8050: 8044: 8038: 8032: 8026: 8020: 8014: 8008: 8002: 7991: 7985: 7976: 7970: 7964: 7958: 7947: 7941: 7932: 7926: 7920: 7914: 7908: 7902: 7896: 7890: 7884: 7878: 7872: 7866: 7860: 7854: 7848: 7842: 7836: 7830: 7824: 7818: 7809: 7803: 7797: 7791: 7785: 7779: 7773: 7767: 7761: 7755: 7749: 7743: 7737: 7731: 7725: 7716: 7710: 7704: 7698: 7692: 7683: 7677: 7671: 7665: 7659: 7653: 7647: 7641: 7635: 7629: 7623: 7617: 7611: 7605: 7599: 7593: 7587: 7581: 7575: 7569: 7563: 7557: 7551: 7545: 7539: 7533: 7524: 7518: 7512: 7506: 7500: 7494: 7488: 7482: 7476: 7470: 7464: 7458: 7452: 7446: 7440: 7434: 7428: 7422: 7416: 7410: 7404: 7398: 7392: 7386: 7380: 7374: 7368: 7362: 7356: 7350: 7344: 7338: 7332: 7326: 7320: 7314: 7308: 7302: 7296: 7290: 7284: 7278: 7272: 7266: 7260: 7254: 7248: 7242: 7236: 7230: 7224: 7218: 7209: 7203: 7194: 7188: 7182: 7176: 7170: 7164: 7158: 7152: 7146: 7140: 7134: 7128: 7122: 7116: 7107: 7101: 7095: 7089: 7083: 7077: 7071: 7065: 7059: 7053: 7047: 7041: 7032: 7026: 7020: 7014: 7008: 7002: 6996: 6990: 6984: 6978: 6972: 6966: 6960: 6954: 6948: 6942: 6936: 6930: 6924: 6918: 6912: 6906: 6900: 6894: 6888: 6882: 6876: 6870: 6864: 6858: 6852: 6846: 6840: 6834: 6828: 6822: 6816: 6810: 6804: 6798: 6792: 6786: 6780: 6774: 6768: 6762: 6756: 6750: 6744: 6738: 6732: 6726: 6720: 6714: 6708: 6702: 6696: 6690: 6681: 6675: 6669: 6663: 6657: 6651: 6645: 6639: 6633: 6627: 6621: 6615: 6609: 6603: 6597: 6591: 6585: 6579: 6570: 6564: 6558: 6552: 6546: 6540: 6534: 6528: 6522: 6516: 6510: 6504: 6498: 6492: 6486: 6480: 6474: 6468: 6462: 6459:FriedlĂ€nder 2009 6456: 6450: 6444: 6438: 6432: 6426: 6420: 6414: 6408: 6402: 6396: 6390: 6384: 6378: 6372: 6366: 6360: 6354: 6348: 6342: 6336: 6330: 6324: 6318: 6312: 6303: 6297: 6291: 6285: 6279: 6273: 6267: 6261: 6252: 6246: 6240: 6234: 6228: 6222: 6216: 6210: 6201: 6195: 6189: 6183: 6177: 6171: 6165: 6159: 6153: 6147: 6141: 6135: 6129: 6123: 6117: 6111: 6105: 6099: 6093: 6087: 6081: 6075: 6069: 6063: 6057: 6051: 6045: 6039: 6033: 6027: 6021: 6015: 6009: 6003: 5997: 5991: 5982: 5976: 5970: 5964: 5958: 5952: 5946: 5940: 5934: 5928: 5922: 5916: 5910: 5904: 5898: 5892: 5886: 5880: 5874: 5868: 5862: 5856: 5850: 5844: 5838: 5832: 5813: 5806: 5800: 5779: 5773: 5757: 5751: 5742: 5736: 5727: 5721: 5711: 5705: 5696: 5690: 5688: 5685: 5682: 5679: 5676: 5671: 5664: 5661: 5658: 5655: 5652: 5647: 5640: 5637: 5634: 5631: 5628: 5616: 5610: 5602: 5596: 5586: 5580: 5574: 5568: 5562: 5556: 5550: 5544: 5538: 5529: 5519: 5510: 5500: 5480: 5418: 5413: 5412: 5411: 5373: 5329: 5304:Nuremberg trials 5256:Leni Riefenstahl 5237:Leni Riefenstahl 5074:Jakob Wassermann 4964: 4955:Richard J. Evans 4906:Alfred Rosenberg 4806:Martin Niemöller 4686:Environmentalism 4676:HauptsturmfĂŒhrer 4671:pseudoscientific 4373:Richard J. Evans 4283:prisoners of war 3813:(people's car). 3601: 3590: 3530:(navy), and the 3457:Volksgerichtshof 3253:Jewish-Bolshevik 3216:Beer Hall Putsch 3180:Heinrich Himmler 3053:the Soviet Union 2915:RĂŒdiger Overmans 2879:Stolp in Pommern 2834:Helmuth Weidling 2813:Battle of Berlin 2802: 2498:Hague Convention 2463:attack on France 2434:British blockade 2347: 2336: 2276:Munich Agreement 2249:Kurt Schuschnigg 2217: 2206: 2160:Francisco Franco 1972:deficit spending 1968:balance of trade 1925:in November 1933 1692:Das Dritte Reich 1671:Nuremberg trials 1545:Germanic peoples 1469:deficit spending 1465:Great Depression 1373: 1366: 1359: 1346: 1342: 1341: 1340: 1332: 1328: 1327: 1326: 1238: 1221: 1220: 1154: 1153: 1124: 1008:Migration Period 1003:Germanic peoples 998:Urnfield culture 866: 856: 838: 837: 824: 823: 810: 809: 798: 797: 783: 782: 769: 768: 762: 761: 746: 745: 602:1 September 1939 589:12/13 March 1938 545:Seizure of power 519: 518:(dissolved 1934) 486:Lutz von Krosigk 342: 302: 301: 299: 298: 297: 292: 288: 285: 284: 283: 280: 265:and largest city 256: 248: 241: 235: 230: 224: 219: 213: 211: 204: 196: 185: 183: 182: 166: 157: 156: 138: 111: 95: 77: 76: 70: 63: 62: 56: 47: 46: 33:Das Dritte Reich 21: 32308: 32307: 32303: 32302: 32301: 32299: 32298: 32297: 32208: 32207: 32198: 32196: 32194:52.52°N 13.37°E 32192: 32189: 32184: 32181: 32179: 32177: 32176: 32174: 32169: 32168: 32163: 32143: 32122: 32031: 31932: 31928:Private library 31915: 31909: 31845:Religious views 31812: 31761: 31755:FĂŒhrersonderzug 31753:Special train ( 31743:Wolfsschlucht I 31667: 31661: 31615:Military career 31603: 31536:Political views 31508: 31503: 31473: 31468: 31461: 31454: 31440: 31438: 31426: 31417: 31410: 31403: 31396: 31387: 31380: 31373: 31364: 31359:Atomic bombings 31357: 31350: 31343: 31336: 31329: 31320: 31313: 31306: 31299: 31292: 31285: 31278: 31271: 31264: 31257: 31250: 31243: 31236: 31229: 31222: 31215: 31202: 31195: 31184: 31177: 31170: 31161: 31154: 31147: 31140: 31133: 31126: 31117: 31108: 31101: 31092: 31085: 31078: 31071: 31062: 31055: 31050:Eastern Romania 31048: 31043:Warsaw Uprising 31041: 31036:Tannenberg Line 31034: 31027: 31022:Western Ukraine 31020: 31011: 31004: 30995: 30986: 30977: 30970: 30963: 30952: 30943: 30930: 30923: 30914: 30907: 30900: 30893: 30886: 30879: 30872: 30863: 30856: 30849: 30840: 30833: 30826: 30819: 30814:Battle of Kursk 30812: 30805: 30798: 30791: 30784: 30771: 30764: 30755: 30748: 30741: 30732: 30725: 30718: 30711: 30702: 30693: 30686: 30679: 30672: 30665: 30658: 30651: 30644: 30637: 30630: 30625:St Nazaire Raid 30623: 30616: 30609: 30596: 30589: 30582: 30575: 30568: 30561: 30554: 30547: 30540: 30533: 30526: 30519: 30512: 30505: 30498: 30491: 30484: 30477: 30470: 30463: 30449: 30440: 30433: 30426: 30419: 30412: 30407:Anglo-Iraqi War 30405: 30398:Battle of Crete 30396: 30389: 30382: 30375: 30368: 30355: 30346: 30339: 30332: 30327:Eastern Romania 30325: 30318: 30311: 30304: 30297: 30290: 30283: 30276: 30269: 30262: 30255: 30248: 30241: 30234: 30227: 30220: 30207: 30200: 30193: 30186: 30179: 30172: 30165: 30158: 30145: 30136: 30129: 30122: 30115: 30108: 30101: 30092: 30085: 30078: 30069: 30062: 30036: 30029: 30022: 30013: 30006: 30001: 29992: 29985: 29978: 29969: 29962: 29953: 29946: 29941: 29934: 29921: 29914: 29905: 29898: 29893: 29888:Western Ukraine 29886: 29879: 29872: 29865: 29858: 29851: 29844: 29837: 29832:Northeast China 29830: 29823: 29816: 29809: 29802: 29795: 29786: 29779: 29772: 29765: 29758: 29751: 29744: 29737: 29730: 29723: 29716: 29709: 29702: 29695: 29688: 29681: 29674: 29667: 29660: 29647: 29640: 29633: 29626: 29619: 29612: 29605: 29598: 29591: 29584: 29577: 29570: 29557: 29550: 29543: 29538:Slovak Republic 29536: 29528: 29521: 29514: 29509:Empire of Japan 29507: 29498: 29490: 29483: 29476: 29469: 29462: 29455: 29447: 29440: 29433: 29425: 29418: 29405: 29398: 29389: 29382: 29373: 29366: 29359: 29352: 29345: 29338: 29331: 29319: 29312: 29305: 29298: 29291: 29284: 29277: 29270: 29263: 29251: 29244: 29237: 29230: 29223: 29211: 29203: 29196: 29189: 29182: 29175: 29168: 29161: 29149: 29142: 29135: 29128: 29121: 29095: 29086: 29079: 29072: 29065: 29054: 29039: 29032: 29025: 29021:Sexual violence 29020: 29013: 29004: 28997: 28990: 28981: 28974: 28967: 28960: 28953: 28944: 28935: 28928: 28921: 28914: 28907: 28900: 28891: 28884: 28877: 28870: 28857: 28850: 28843: 28836: 28827: 28820: 28813: 28806: 28799: 28790: 28781: 28774: 28767: 28760: 28751: 28744: 28739:Greek Civil War 28737: 28730: 28723: 28716: 28709: 28702: 28695: 28682: 28675: 28666: 28659: 28652: 28643: 28636: 28629: 28622: 28613: 28606: 28599: 28590: 28583: 28576: 28569: 28564:South-East Asia 28562: 28555: 28548: 28535: 28528: 28521: 28514: 28507: 28500: 28493: 28486: 28477: 28470: 28463: 28456: 28449: 28442: 28435: 28428: 28423:Military awards 28421: 28412: 28405: 28398: 28389: 28382: 28375: 28368: 28361: 28354: 28347: 28340: 28333: 28326: 28317: 28310: 28290: 28283: 28276: 28267: 28260: 28253: 28248: 28239: 28232: 28225: 28217: 28212: 28182: 28177: 28166:American Empire 28151: 28147:African empires 28099: 27982: 27674:Central African 27620: 27438:Romano-Germanic 27024: 26758:Middle Assyrian 26731: 26723: 26718: 26688: 26683: 26671: 26654: 26499:Europe a Nation 26402: 26387: 26368:Nazi ideologues 26319: 26300: 26254: 26188: 26184:Libyan genocide 26132: 26101: 26081: 26062: 26036: 25990: 25699:Falange Militia 25564: 25396:Blue-and-Blacks 25376:Adler und Falke 25362: 25241: 25191: 25172: 25131: 25110: 25024: 24890:Het Nieuwe Volk 24835:Je suis partout 24698: 24528: 24509: 24395:Phibunsongkhram 24168: 23937: 23903:Mosley (Oswald) 23856: 23785: 23766:Primo de Rivera 23714: 23608: 23542: 23476: 23245: 23159: 23123: 23067: 23026: 22997:Strasser (Otto) 22755: 22649: 22588: 22532: 22461: 22432:Campbell (Eric) 22416: 22397: 22358:Popular Dignity 22237: 22144: 21986:Identity Evropa 21890: 21543: 21529:Tricolour Flame 21524:Terza Posizione 21407:Italian fascism 21402:Imperium Europa 21287:Southern Europe 21281: 21063:Austrian Nazism 21058:Artgemeinschaft 21034: 20992:Terre et Peuple 20882:Nouvelle Droite 20871:Northern League 20478:Bases AutĂłnomas 20444: 20252:Rastakhiz Party 20132:Iran-e-No Party 20127:Hindu Mahasabha 20107:Brit HaBirionim 20058: 20018: 20003: 19933:Neo-Eurasianism 19914:Neo-Legionarism 19617: 19598: 19562: 19558:Totalitarianism 19543:Supercapitalism 19483:One-party state 19319:Actual idealism 19301: 19290: 19285: 19255: 19250: 19237: 19230: 19223: 19216: 19203: 19067: 19018:Life expectancy 18934: 18808: 18779:Law enforcement 18715: 18680: 18607: 18574: 18553: 18537:Divided Germany 18507:Weimar Republic 18435: 18401:Frankish Empire 18389: 18313: 18279: 18273: 18264: 18234: 18225: 18221:holiday resorts 18201: 18149: 18114: 18078: 18025: 18009: 17923: 17760: 17732: 17654: 17638: 17613: 17546: 17531: 17501: 17463: 17430: 17392: 17317: 17269: 17226: 17200: 17081:Halle-Merseburg 17066:Electoral Hesse 17056:Eastern Hanover 16993: 16991: 16984: 16977: 16947: 16942: 16928: 16927: 16926: 16912:Racial theories 16895:Generalplan Ost 16842: 16836: 16816: 16810: 16809: 16808: 16780:Nazi ideologues 16762: 16761: 16760: 16722: 16717:(United States) 16716: 16703: 16668: 16662: 16659:Romani genocide 16626: 16619: 16618: 16617: 16534: 16533: 16532: 16524:Strasser (Otto) 16414: 16413: 16412: 16387:Gleichschaltung 16380:Totalitarianism 16265:One-party state 16073:Anti-liberalism 16043: 16042: 16041: 15966:Tripartite Pact 15879:Machtergreifung 15847: 15846: 15845: 15731: 15726: 15696: 15691: 15633: 15595: 15581:Gregor Strasser 15486:Joseph Goebbels 15471:Roland Freisler 15456:Dietrich Eckart 15418:Notable members 15412: 15320: 15254: 15178: 15147: 15142: 15107: 15075: 15066: 15062: 15057: 15051: 14986: 14984: 14966: 14947: 14928: 14906: 14887: 14865: 14843: 14821: 14819: 14801: 14799: 14781: 14779: 14761: 14759: 14741: 14739: 14724: 14705: 14686: 14667: 14648: 14624: 14602: 14600: 14531: 14512: 14493: 14471: 14469: 14465: 14458: 14443: 14441: 14423: 14421: 14401: 14379: 14352: 14350: 14323: 14309:Snyder, Timothy 14301: 14279: 14277: 14265: 14238: 14236: 14221: 14199: 14180: 14149: 14125: 14107:Rummel, Rudolph 14099: 14080: 14066:Rhodes, Richard 14055: 14053: 14033: 14009: 13987: 13958: 13956: 13936: 13917: 13861: 13842: 13823: 13799: 13763: 13761: 13748: 13727: 13678: 13659: 13637: 13627:The Third Reich 13618: 13599: 13577: 13558: 13539: 13525:Marcuse, Harold 13517: 13491: 13472: 13446: 13427: 13405: 13403: 13377: 13375: 13371: 13360: 13346: 13344: 13308: 13254: 13252: 13230: 13209: 13195:Kitchen, Martin 13184: 13182: 13178: 13171: 13159: 13138: 13119: 13100: 13079: 13057: 13038: 13014: 12995: 12983:The Third Reich 12966: 12964: 12963:on 2 April 2019 12960: 12953: 12937: 12935: 12925:Harding, Thomas 12914: 12912: 12908: 12867: 12827: 12803: 12779: 12757: 12755: 12735: 12711: 12663: 12616: 12594: 12543: 12524: 12503: 12481: 12459: 12440: 12417: 12394: 12367: 12365: 12346: 12318: 12300: 12280: 12251: 12239: 12220: 12183: 12181: 12158: 12126: 12102: 12083: 12061: 12040: 12017: 11995: 11973: 11971: 11945: 11943: 11921: 11919: 11889: 11887: 11883: 11876: 11863: 11804: 11802: 11798: 11791: 11778: 11756: 11734: 11715: 11696: 11675: 11651: 11634: 11628: 11623: 11615: 11611: 11603: 11599: 11591: 11587: 11581:Sontheimer 2005 11579: 11570: 11562: 11558: 11550: 11546: 11538:Strafgesetzbuch 11535: 11531: 11520: 11513: 11505: 11501: 11493: 11489: 11485:, pp. 1–6. 11481: 11477: 11469: 11465: 11457: 11453: 11445: 11441: 11433: 11429: 11425:, p. 1143. 11421: 11417: 11409: 11402: 11394: 11390: 11379: 11375: 11367: 11363: 11355: 11351: 11343: 11339: 11331: 11327: 11319: 11315: 11307: 11303: 11295: 11291: 11283: 11279: 11271: 11267: 11259: 11255: 11247: 11243: 11235: 11231: 11223: 11219: 11211: 11207: 11199: 11195: 11187: 11183: 11175: 11171: 11167:, pp. 561. 11163: 11159: 11151: 11147: 11139: 11135: 11127: 11123: 11115: 11111: 11103: 11096: 11088: 11084: 11076: 11072: 11064: 11060: 11052: 11048: 11040: 11036: 11028: 11024: 11018:Grunberger 1971 11016: 11012: 11004: 11000: 10992: 10988: 10977: 10973: 10965: 10961: 10950: 10946: 10938: 10934: 10926: 10922: 10914: 10910: 10902: 10898: 10890: 10886: 10878: 10874: 10866: 10862: 10854: 10850: 10842: 10835: 10827: 10823: 10815: 10811: 10803: 10799: 10791: 10787: 10779: 10775: 10767: 10763: 10755: 10748: 10740: 10729: 10721: 10717: 10709: 10705: 10697: 10693: 10685: 10681: 10673: 10669: 10661: 10657: 10646: 10642: 10634: 10630: 10622: 10618: 10610: 10606: 10598: 10594: 10586: 10582: 10574: 10570: 10562: 10558: 10550: 10546: 10538: 10534: 10526: 10522: 10514: 10510: 10502: 10498: 10490: 10486: 10478: 10474: 10466: 10462: 10454: 10450: 10442: 10438: 10430: 10426: 10418: 10414: 10406: 10397: 10389: 10382: 10374: 10370: 10362: 10358: 10350: 10346: 10340:Grunberger 1971 10338: 10334: 10326: 10322: 10314: 10310: 10302: 10298: 10290: 10286: 10278: 10274: 10268:Stephenson 2001 10266: 10262: 10254: 10250: 10242: 10238: 10230: 10226: 10218: 10214: 10206: 10202: 10194: 10190: 10182: 10178: 10170: 10163: 10155: 10151: 10143: 10139: 10131: 10127: 10119: 10115: 10107: 10103: 10095: 10091: 10083: 10079: 10071: 10067: 10059: 10055: 10047: 10043: 10035: 10031: 10023: 10014: 10006: 10002: 9994: 9990: 9982: 9978: 9970: 9966: 9958: 9954: 9946: 9942: 9934: 9930: 9922: 9918: 9910: 9906: 9898: 9894: 9886: 9882: 9874: 9870: 9862: 9858: 9850: 9846: 9838: 9834: 9826: 9822: 9814: 9810: 9799: 9795: 9787: 9783: 9775: 9771: 9763: 9759: 9751: 9747: 9739: 9735: 9727: 9723: 9715: 9711: 9699: 9695: 9687: 9683: 9675: 9671: 9663: 9659: 9651: 9647: 9639: 9635: 9627: 9623: 9615: 9611: 9603: 9599: 9591: 9587: 9579: 9575: 9567: 9563: 9555: 9548: 9540: 9536: 9528: 9524: 9516: 9512: 9504: 9497: 9489: 9485: 9477: 9473: 9462: 9455: 9447: 9440: 9432: 9428: 9420: 9416: 9408: 9404: 9396: 9392: 9384: 9380: 9372: 9368: 9360: 9356: 9348: 9344: 9336: 9332: 9324: 9320: 9312: 9308: 9300: 9296: 9288: 9284: 9276: 9272: 9264: 9260: 9252: 9248: 9240: 9236: 9225: 9221: 9213: 9209: 9201: 9197: 9189: 9185: 9177: 9173: 9165: 9161: 9153: 9149: 9141: 9137: 9129: 9125: 9117: 9113: 9105: 9101: 9093: 9089: 9081: 9077: 9069: 9065: 9057: 9053: 9045: 9041: 9033: 9029: 9021: 9017: 9009: 9005: 8997: 8993: 8985: 8978: 8970: 8963: 8955: 8951: 8943: 8939: 8931: 8927: 8919: 8915: 8907: 8903: 8895: 8891: 8883: 8879: 8871: 8867: 8859: 8855: 8847: 8843: 8835: 8831: 8823: 8819: 8811: 8800: 8792: 8788: 8780: 8776: 8768: 8764: 8756: 8752: 8744: 8740: 8732: 8728: 8720: 8713: 8705: 8701: 8693: 8689: 8685:, p. 1424. 8681: 8677: 8669: 8665: 8657: 8653: 8645: 8641: 8633: 8629: 8621: 8617: 8609: 8605: 8597: 8593: 8585: 8581: 8573: 8569: 8561: 8557: 8549: 8545: 8537: 8533: 8525: 8521: 8513: 8509: 8501: 8497: 8489: 8485: 8477: 8473: 8465: 8461: 8453: 8449: 8441: 8437: 8429: 8425: 8417: 8413: 8405: 8401: 8393: 8386: 8378: 8374: 8366: 8362: 8354: 8350: 8342: 8338: 8330: 8326: 8318: 8314: 8306: 8302: 8294: 8290: 8282: 8278: 8270: 8266: 8258: 8251: 8243: 8239: 8231: 8227: 8219: 8215: 8207: 8203: 8195: 8191: 8183: 8179: 8171: 8167: 8159: 8155: 8147: 8143: 8135: 8131: 8123: 8119: 8111: 8107: 8099: 8095: 8087: 8083: 8075: 8071: 8063: 8059: 8051: 8047: 8039: 8035: 8027: 8023: 8015: 8011: 8003: 7994: 7986: 7979: 7971: 7967: 7959: 7950: 7942: 7935: 7927: 7923: 7915: 7911: 7903: 7899: 7895:, pp. 6–9. 7891: 7887: 7881:Spielvogel 2016 7879: 7875: 7867: 7863: 7859:, p. 1006. 7855: 7851: 7843: 7839: 7831: 7827: 7819: 7812: 7808:, p. 1005. 7804: 7800: 7792: 7788: 7780: 7776: 7768: 7764: 7756: 7752: 7748:, p. xiii. 7744: 7740: 7732: 7728: 7720:Germany Reports 7717: 7713: 7705: 7701: 7693: 7686: 7678: 7674: 7666: 7662: 7654: 7650: 7642: 7638: 7630: 7626: 7618: 7614: 7606: 7602: 7598:, p. 1126. 7594: 7590: 7582: 7578: 7570: 7566: 7562:, p. 1108. 7558: 7554: 7546: 7542: 7534: 7527: 7519: 7515: 7511:, p. 1072. 7507: 7503: 7495: 7491: 7483: 7479: 7471: 7467: 7459: 7455: 7447: 7443: 7435: 7431: 7423: 7419: 7411: 7407: 7403:, p. 1007. 7399: 7395: 7387: 7383: 7375: 7371: 7363: 7359: 7351: 7347: 7339: 7335: 7327: 7323: 7315: 7311: 7303: 7299: 7291: 7287: 7279: 7275: 7267: 7263: 7255: 7251: 7243: 7239: 7231: 7227: 7219: 7212: 7206:Tomasevich 1975 7204: 7197: 7189: 7185: 7177: 7173: 7165: 7161: 7153: 7149: 7141: 7137: 7129: 7125: 7117: 7110: 7102: 7098: 7090: 7086: 7078: 7074: 7066: 7062: 7054: 7050: 7042: 7035: 7027: 7023: 7015: 7011: 7003: 6999: 6991: 6987: 6979: 6975: 6967: 6963: 6955: 6951: 6943: 6939: 6931: 6927: 6919: 6915: 6907: 6903: 6895: 6891: 6883: 6879: 6871: 6867: 6859: 6855: 6847: 6843: 6835: 6831: 6823: 6819: 6811: 6807: 6799: 6795: 6787: 6783: 6775: 6771: 6763: 6759: 6751: 6747: 6739: 6735: 6727: 6723: 6715: 6711: 6703: 6699: 6691: 6684: 6676: 6672: 6664: 6660: 6652: 6648: 6640: 6636: 6628: 6624: 6616: 6612: 6604: 6600: 6592: 6588: 6580: 6573: 6565: 6561: 6553: 6549: 6541: 6537: 6529: 6525: 6517: 6513: 6505: 6501: 6493: 6489: 6481: 6477: 6469: 6465: 6457: 6453: 6445: 6441: 6433: 6429: 6421: 6417: 6409: 6405: 6399:Hildebrand 1984 6397: 6393: 6385: 6381: 6373: 6369: 6361: 6357: 6349: 6345: 6337: 6333: 6325: 6321: 6313: 6306: 6298: 6294: 6286: 6282: 6274: 6270: 6262: 6255: 6247: 6243: 6235: 6231: 6223: 6219: 6211: 6204: 6196: 6192: 6184: 6180: 6172: 6168: 6160: 6156: 6148: 6144: 6136: 6132: 6124: 6120: 6112: 6108: 6100: 6096: 6088: 6084: 6076: 6072: 6064: 6060: 6052: 6048: 6040: 6036: 6028: 6024: 6016: 6012: 6004: 6000: 5992: 5985: 5977: 5973: 5965: 5961: 5953: 5949: 5941: 5937: 5929: 5925: 5919:Lauryssens 1999 5917: 5913: 5905: 5901: 5893: 5889: 5881: 5877: 5869: 5865: 5857: 5853: 5845: 5841: 5833: 5826: 5822: 5817: 5816: 5807: 5803: 5793:(Caucasus) and 5780: 5776: 5758: 5754: 5743: 5739: 5728: 5724: 5712: 5708: 5703:Deutsches Reich 5697: 5693: 5686: 5683: 5680: 5677: 5662: 5659: 5656: 5653: 5638: 5635: 5632: 5629: 5617: 5613: 5603: 5599: 5587: 5583: 5575: 5571: 5563: 5559: 5551: 5547: 5539: 5532: 5520: 5513: 5481: 5477: 5472: 5467: 5414: 5409: 5407: 5404: 5292: 5286: 5280: 5230: 5224: 5194:Richard Strauss 5163:Arc de Triomphe 5137:style based on 5105: 5093:Main articles: 5091: 5046:Albert Einstein 5017: 5011: 4966: 4953: 4944: 4942:Nazi propaganda 4938: 4919:Christian cross 4892:clergy barracks 4859:Reichskonkordat 4834:clergy barracks 4778:Gleichschaltung 4731: 4725: 4719: 4694: 4688: 4644: 4601:worked the land 4566:NS-Frauen-Warte 4541: 4535: 4470: 4464: 4459: 4427: 4421: 4393: 4387: 4381: 4334:worked to death 4325:Hitler resolved 4305: 4297:Main articles: 4295: 4275:Generalplan Ost 4264:Generalplan Ost 4226: 4216:Generalplan Ost 4214:Main articles: 4212: 4210:Generalplan Ost 4192:carbon monoxide 4163: 4157: 4145:occupied Serbia 4128:in early 1942. 4097: 4091: 4019: 4013: 3993: 3981:Main articles: 3979: 3974: 3950:Foreign workers 3891: 3885: 3879: 3867:stock dividends 3859:Plenipotentiary 3743:Hjalmar Schacht 3720: 3718:Reich economics 3715: 3709: 3684:personnel. The 3655:ReichsfĂŒhrer-SS 3623: 3622: 3621: 3620: 3612: 3611:, 1 April 1933. 3604: 3603: 3602: 3593: 3592: 3591: 3580: 3572:Main articles: 3570: 3492: 3486: 3480: 3475: 3436:Roland Freisler 3398: 3392: 3384:Gleichschaltung 3318: 3312: 3207: 3201: 3192:Nuremberg Rally 3173: 3165:occupied Serbia 3077: 3037:the Netherlands 2995:Polish Corridor 2975:Alsace-Lorraine 2963: 2957: 2951: 2946: 2899: 2893: 2887: 2793: 2728:Battle of Kursk 2723: 2709: 2675:Plenipotentiary 2604: 2598: 2541:Royal Air Force 2513:Arc de Triomphe 2459: 2401:, chief of the 2391: 2389:Outbreak of war 2379:Tripartite Pact 2370: 2364: 2359: 2358: 2357: 2356: 2354: 2350: 2349: 2348: 2339: 2338: 2337: 2326: 2302:Polish Corridor 2294: 2245: 2244: 2243: 2242: 2232: 2220: 2219: 2218: 2209: 2208: 2207: 2196: 2190: 2182:Main articles: 2180: 2094: 2080: 2056:Joseph Goebbels 2048:Joseph Goebbels 2004:Gregor Strasser 1980: 1917:one-party state 1896:were arrested. 1875:Machtergreifung 1862: 1856: 1834: 1828: 1812:crashed in 1929 1723: 1717: 1679: 1645:Generalplan Ost 1640:German invasion 1589:refused to work 1447:Weimar Republic 1418:(800–1806) and 1377: 1338: 1336: 1335: 1324: 1322: 1321: 1314: 1313: 1295: 1274: 1241: 1218: 1208: 1207: 1178:Weimar Republic 1151: 1141: 1140: 1127: 1096: 1086: 1085: 1066: 1056: 1055: 1031: 1023: 1022: 1018:Frankish Empire 993:Únětice culture 983: 975: 974: 919:Historic states 874: 854: 847: 821: 807: 788: 780: 773:Weimar Republic 766: 722: 712: 665: 652: 638: 625: 612: 610:Death of Hitler 599: 586: 573: 560: 550:30 January 1933 547: 514: 511: 482: 474:Joseph Goebbels 470: 460: 430: 418: 406: 354: 295: 293: 289: 286: 281: 278: 276: 274: 273: 272: 266: 258: 257: 254: 242: 238: 228: 227: 217: 216: 209: 208: 198: 175: 171: 170: 168: 158: 144: 140: 130: 121: 120: 119: 117: 112: 104: 103: 101: 96: 78: 71: 68: 67: 66: 64: 60:Deutsches Reich 57: 54: 53: 52: 43: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 32306: 32296: 32295: 32290: 32285: 32280: 32275: 32270: 32265: 32263:Former empires 32260: 32255: 32253:Fascist states 32250: 32245: 32240: 32235: 32230: 32225: 32220: 32171: 32170: 32165: 32164: 32162: 32161: 32148: 32145: 32144: 32142: 32141: 32136: 32130: 32128: 32124: 32123: 32121: 32120: 32114: 32108: 32102: 32096: 32090: 32084: 32078: 32072: 32066: 32060: 32054: 32048: 32041: 32039: 32033: 32032: 32030: 32029: 32022: 32015: 32008: 32001: 31994: 31992:Hitler Diaries 31989: 31982: 31975: 31968: 31961: 31956: 31951: 31946: 31940: 31938: 31934: 31933: 31931: 31930: 31925: 31923:Hitler's Globe 31919: 31917: 31911: 31910: 31908: 31907: 31902: 31897: 31892: 31887: 31882: 31877: 31872: 31870:August Kubizek 31867: 31862: 31857: 31852: 31847: 31842: 31837: 31836: 31835: 31824: 31822: 31818: 31817: 31814: 31813: 31811: 31810: 31800: 31790: 31780: 31775: 31773:Braunau am Inn 31769: 31767: 31763: 31762: 31760: 31759: 31750: 31745: 31740: 31735: 31730: 31725: 31720: 31715: 31710: 31694: 31683: 31681: 31669: 31663: 31662: 31660: 31659: 31658: 31657: 31647: 31642: 31637: 31632: 31627: 31625:Hitler cabinet 31622: 31617: 31611: 31609: 31605: 31604: 31602: 31601: 31596: 31591: 31586: 31579: 31578: 31577: 31572: 31560: 31555: 31550: 31549: 31548: 31538: 31533: 31532: 31531: 31516: 31514: 31510: 31509: 31502: 31501: 31494: 31487: 31479: 31470: 31469: 31467: 31466: 31459: 31452: 31435: 31432: 31431: 31428: 31427: 31425: 31424: 31423: 31422: 31415: 31408: 31394: 31393: 31392: 31378: 31375:South Sakhalin 31371: 31370: 31369: 31355: 31348: 31341: 31334: 31327: 31326: 31325: 31311: 31304: 31297: 31290: 31283: 31276: 31269: 31262: 31255: 31248: 31241: 31234: 31227: 31220: 31212: 31210: 31204: 31203: 31201: 31200: 31193: 31192: 31191: 31175: 31168: 31167: 31166: 31152: 31145: 31138: 31131: 31124: 31115: 31106: 31099: 31090: 31083: 31076: 31069: 31060: 31053: 31046: 31039: 31032: 31025: 31018: 31009: 31002: 30993: 30984: 30975: 30968: 30961: 30950: 30940: 30938: 30932: 30931: 30929: 30928: 30921: 30920: 30919: 30912: 30898: 30891: 30884: 30877: 30870: 30869: 30868: 30854: 30847: 30838: 30831: 30824: 30817: 30810: 30803: 30800:Battle of Attu 30796: 30789: 30781: 30779: 30773: 30772: 30770: 30769: 30762: 30753: 30746: 30739: 30730: 30723: 30716: 30709: 30700: 30699: 30698: 30691: 30677: 30670: 30663: 30656: 30649: 30642: 30635: 30628: 30621: 30614: 30606: 30604: 30598: 30597: 30595: 30594: 30587: 30580: 30573: 30566: 30559: 30552: 30549:Battle of Guam 30545: 30538: 30531: 30524: 30517: 30510: 30503: 30496: 30489: 30482: 30475: 30472:Battle of Kiev 30468: 30461: 30447: 30446: 30445: 30431: 30424: 30417: 30410: 30403: 30402: 30401: 30387: 30380: 30373: 30365: 30363: 30357: 30356: 30354: 30353: 30344: 30337: 30330: 30323: 30316: 30309: 30302: 30295: 30288: 30281: 30274: 30267: 30260: 30253: 30246: 30239: 30232: 30225: 30217: 30215: 30209: 30208: 30206: 30205: 30198: 30191: 30184: 30177: 30170: 30163: 30155: 30153: 30147: 30146: 30144: 30143: 30142: 30141: 30134: 30127: 30120: 30113: 30099: 30098: 30097: 30090: 30076: 30075: 30074: 30059: 30057: 30048: 30042: 30041: 30038: 30037: 30035: 30034: 30027: 30020: 30019: 30018: 30011: 29999: 29998: 29997: 29983: 29976: 29975: 29974: 29971:United Kingdom 29967: 29960: 29959: 29958: 29939: 29931: 29929: 29923: 29922: 29920: 29919: 29912: 29911: 29910: 29903: 29891: 29884: 29877: 29870: 29863: 29856: 29849: 29842: 29835: 29828: 29821: 29814: 29807: 29800: 29793: 29792: 29791: 29784: 29770: 29763: 29756: 29749: 29742: 29735: 29728: 29721: 29714: 29707: 29700: 29693: 29686: 29679: 29672: 29665: 29657: 29655: 29649: 29648: 29646: 29645: 29638: 29631: 29624: 29617: 29610: 29603: 29596: 29589: 29582: 29575: 29567: 29565: 29559: 29558: 29556: 29555: 29548: 29541: 29534: 29526: 29519: 29512: 29505: 29504: 29503: 29488: 29481: 29474: 29467: 29460: 29453: 29445: 29438: 29431: 29423: 29415: 29413: 29407: 29406: 29404: 29403: 29396: 29395: 29394: 29380: 29379: 29378: 29375:British Empire 29368:United Kingdom 29364: 29357: 29350: 29343: 29336: 29329: 29317: 29310: 29303: 29296: 29289: 29282: 29275: 29268: 29261: 29249: 29242: 29235: 29228: 29221: 29209: 29201: 29194: 29187: 29184:Czechoslovakia 29180: 29173: 29166: 29159: 29147: 29140: 29133: 29126: 29118: 29116: 29107: 29101: 29100: 29097: 29096: 29094: 29093: 29092: 29091: 29084: 29081:Rape of Manila 29077: 29070: 29063: 29052: 29037: 29030: 29018: 29011: 29010: 29009: 29002: 28988: 28987: 28986: 28979: 28972: 28958: 28951: 28950: 28949: 28942: 28941: 28940: 28933: 28919: 28912: 28898: 28897: 28896: 28889: 28882: 28867: 28865: 28859: 28858: 28856: 28855: 28852:United Nations 28848: 28841: 28834: 28833: 28832: 28825: 28818: 28811: 28797: 28788: 28779: 28772: 28765: 28758: 28749: 28742: 28735: 28728: 28721: 28714: 28711:Decolonization 28707: 28700: 28692: 28690: 28684: 28683: 28681: 28680: 28673: 28672: 28671: 28657: 28650: 28649: 28648: 28641: 28634: 28620: 28619: 28618: 28611: 28597: 28596: 28595: 28588: 28581: 28574: 28567: 28560: 28545: 28543: 28537: 28536: 28534: 28533: 28526: 28519: 28512: 28505: 28498: 28491: 28484: 28483: 28482: 28475: 28461: 28454: 28447: 28440: 28433: 28426: 28419: 28418: 28417: 28403: 28396: 28395: 28394: 28387: 28384:United Kingdom 28380: 28366: 28359: 28352: 28345: 28338: 28331: 28324: 28323: 28322: 28307: 28305: 28296: 28292: 28291: 28289: 28288: 28281: 28274: 28273: 28272: 28265: 28258: 28246: 28245: 28244: 28230: 28222: 28219: 28218: 28211: 28210: 28203: 28196: 28188: 28179: 28178: 28176: 28175: 28174: 28173: 28168: 28159: 28157: 28153: 28152: 28150: 28149: 28144: 28139: 28134: 28129: 28124: 28123: 28122: 28111: 28109: 28105: 28104: 28101: 28100: 28098: 28097: 28092: 28087: 28082: 28077: 28076: 28075: 28065: 28060: 28055: 28050: 28045: 28040: 28035: 28030: 28025: 28020: 28019: 28018: 28013: 28003: 27998: 27992: 27990: 27981: 27980: 27979: 27978: 27973: 27968: 27963: 27958: 27948: 27943: 27942: 27941: 27931: 27926: 27925: 27924: 27919: 27914: 27904: 27899: 27898: 27897: 27892: 27882: 27881: 27880: 27875: 27870: 27865: 27860: 27850: 27849: 27848: 27843: 27833: 27828: 27823: 27818: 27817: 27816: 27811: 27806: 27801: 27796: 27786: 27785: 27784: 27779: 27769: 27764: 27763: 27762: 27757: 27747: 27746: 27745: 27740: 27730: 27729: 27728: 27723: 27713: 27708: 27707: 27706: 27701: 27696: 27691: 27686: 27676: 27671: 27670: 27669: 27664: 27656: 27651: 27646: 27641: 27636: 27630: 27628: 27622: 27621: 27619: 27618: 27613: 27608: 27603: 27602: 27601: 27596: 27591: 27586: 27581: 27576: 27571: 27561: 27556: 27555: 27554: 27549: 27544: 27539: 27534: 27529: 27519: 27518: 27517: 27512: 27507: 27502: 27492: 27487: 27482: 27477: 27472: 27467: 27462: 27457: 27452: 27451: 27450: 27445: 27435: 27434: 27433: 27428: 27423: 27418: 27413: 27408: 27395: 27390: 27385: 27380: 27379: 27378: 27373: 27368: 27358: 27357: 27356: 27351: 27346: 27341: 27331: 27326: 27321: 27316: 27311: 27306: 27305: 27304: 27299: 27294: 27289: 27279: 27278: 27277: 27272: 27267: 27262: 27252: 27251: 27250: 27245: 27240: 27230: 27225: 27220: 27215: 27210: 27209: 27208: 27203: 27198: 27188: 27183: 27182: 27181: 27176: 27171: 27166: 27161: 27156: 27146: 27145: 27144: 27139: 27129: 27128: 27127: 27122: 27117: 27112: 27102: 27097: 27096: 27095: 27085: 27084: 27083: 27078: 27070: 27065: 27060: 27055: 27050: 27045: 27040: 27034: 27032: 27030:Post-classical 27026: 27025: 27023: 27022: 27021: 27020: 27010: 27005: 27004: 27003: 26998: 26988: 26987: 26986: 26976: 26975: 26974: 26969: 26964: 26959: 26954: 26949: 26939: 26934: 26929: 26928: 26927: 26922: 26917: 26912: 26902: 26901: 26900: 26895: 26885: 26880: 26879: 26878: 26873: 26868: 26863: 26858: 26848: 26843: 26838: 26837: 26836: 26831: 26829:Middle Kingdom 26826: 26816: 26811: 26810: 26809: 26804: 26799: 26789: 26788: 26787: 26785:Neo-Babylonian 26782: 26777: 26775:Old Babylonian 26767: 26766: 26765: 26760: 26750: 26745: 26739: 26737: 26725: 26724: 26717: 26716: 26709: 26702: 26694: 26685: 26684: 26682: 26681: 26669: 26663: 26660: 26659: 26656: 26655: 26653: 26652: 26647: 26642: 26637: 26632: 26627: 26622: 26620:Social fascism 26617: 26616: 26615: 26610: 26600: 26598:Sansepolcrismo 26595: 26590: 26585: 26580: 26575: 26570: 26565: 26560: 26555: 26550: 26549: 26548: 26546:of South Tyrol 26541:Italianization 26538: 26537: 26536: 26526: 26521: 26516: 26514:Feudal fascism 26511: 26506: 26501: 26496: 26491: 26486: 26481: 26480: 26479: 26474: 26469: 26464: 26454: 26453: 26452: 26447: 26442: 26437: 26428: 26423: 26418: 26407: 26404: 26403: 26401:Related topics 26393: 26392: 26389: 26388: 26386: 26385: 26380: 26375: 26370: 26365: 26359: 26354: 26349: 26340: 26335: 26330: 26324: 26321: 26320: 26310: 26309: 26306: 26305: 26302: 26301: 26299: 26298: 26293: 26288: 26283: 26278: 26273: 26268: 26262: 26260: 26256: 26255: 26253: 26252: 26247: 26242: 26237: 26232: 26227: 26222: 26217: 26212: 26207: 26202: 26196: 26194: 26190: 26189: 26187: 26186: 26181: 26176: 26171: 26166: 26161: 26156: 26151: 26149:Corfu incident 26146: 26140: 26138: 26134: 26133: 26131: 26130: 26125: 26120: 26115: 26109: 26107: 26103: 26102: 26100: 26099: 26093: 26091: 26083: 26082: 26072: 26071: 26068: 26067: 26064: 26063: 26061: 26060: 26055: 26050: 26044: 26042: 26038: 26037: 26035: 26034: 26032:Student Action 26029: 26024: 26019: 26014: 26009: 26004: 25998: 25996: 25992: 25991: 25989: 25988: 25983: 25978: 25973: 25968: 25963: 25962: 25961: 25951: 25946: 25944:Walloon Legion 25941: 25936: 25931: 25929:UstaĆĄe Militia 25926: 25921: 25916: 25911: 25906: 25901: 25899:Sturmabteilung 25896: 25891: 25889:Sich Battalion 25886: 25881: 25876: 25871: 25866: 25861: 25856: 25851: 25846: 25841: 25836: 25831: 25826: 25821: 25816: 25811: 25806: 25801: 25796: 25791: 25786: 25781: 25776: 25771: 25766: 25761: 25756: 25751: 25746: 25741: 25736: 25731: 25726: 25721: 25716: 25714:Flemish Legion 25711: 25706: 25701: 25696: 25694:Falange Armata 25691: 25686: 25684:Einsatzgruppen 25681: 25680: 25679: 25669: 25664: 25659: 25654: 25649: 25644: 25639: 25634: 25629: 25624: 25619: 25617:Black Brigades 25614: 25609: 25604: 25599: 25594: 25589: 25584: 25582:Abhinav Bharat 25578: 25576: 25566: 25565: 25563: 25562: 25557: 25552: 25547: 25546: 25545: 25540: 25530: 25525: 25520: 25515: 25510: 25505: 25500: 25495: 25490: 25485: 25480: 25475: 25470: 25465: 25460: 25455: 25454: 25453: 25448: 25443: 25438: 25428: 25423: 25418: 25413: 25408: 25403: 25398: 25393: 25388: 25383: 25378: 25372: 25370: 25364: 25363: 25361: 25360: 25355: 25350: 25345: 25340: 25335: 25330: 25325: 25320: 25315: 25310: 25305: 25300: 25295: 25290: 25285: 25280: 25275: 25270: 25268:Casuals United 25265: 25260: 25255: 25249: 25247: 25243: 25242: 25240: 25239: 25234: 25229: 25224: 25219: 25214: 25209: 25203: 25201: 25193: 25192: 25182: 25181: 25178: 25177: 25174: 25173: 25171: 25170: 25165: 25160: 25155: 25153:Heroic realism 25150: 25145: 25139: 25137: 25136:Related topics 25133: 25132: 25130: 25129: 25124: 25118: 25116: 25112: 25111: 25109: 25108: 25103: 25098: 25093: 25088: 25083: 25078: 25073: 25068: 25063: 25058: 25053: 25048: 25043: 25038: 25032: 25030: 25026: 25025: 25023: 25022: 25017: 25012: 25007: 25002: 24997: 24992: 24987: 24985:TĂŒrkische Post 24982: 24977: 24972: 24967: 24962: 24957: 24952: 24947: 24942: 24937: 24932: 24927: 24922: 24917: 24912: 24907: 24902: 24897: 24892: 24887: 24882: 24877: 24872: 24867: 24862: 24857: 24852: 24847: 24842: 24837: 24832: 24827: 24822: 24817: 24812: 24807: 24802: 24797: 24792: 24787: 24782: 24777: 24772: 24767: 24762: 24757: 24752: 24747: 24745:The Blackshirt 24742: 24737: 24732: 24727: 24722: 24717: 24712: 24706: 24704: 24700: 24699: 24697: 24696: 24691: 24686: 24681: 24676: 24671: 24666: 24661: 24656: 24651: 24646: 24641: 24636: 24631: 24626: 24621: 24616: 24611: 24606: 24601: 24596: 24591: 24586: 24581: 24576: 24571: 24566: 24561: 24556: 24551: 24546: 24540: 24538: 24530: 24529: 24519: 24518: 24515: 24514: 24511: 24510: 24508: 24507: 24502: 24497: 24492: 24487: 24482: 24477: 24472: 24467: 24462: 24457: 24452: 24447: 24442: 24437: 24432: 24427: 24422: 24417: 24412: 24407: 24402: 24397: 24392: 24387: 24382: 24377: 24372: 24367: 24362: 24357: 24352: 24347: 24342: 24337: 24332: 24327: 24322: 24317: 24312: 24307: 24302: 24297: 24292: 24287: 24282: 24277: 24272: 24267: 24262: 24257: 24252: 24247: 24242: 24237: 24232: 24227: 24222: 24220:Castillo Armas 24217: 24212: 24207: 24202: 24197: 24192: 24187: 24182: 24176: 24174: 24170: 24169: 24167: 24166: 24161: 24156: 24151: 24146: 24141: 24136: 24131: 24126: 24121: 24116: 24111: 24106: 24101: 24096: 24091: 24086: 24081: 24076: 24071: 24066: 24061: 24056: 24051: 24046: 24041: 24036: 24031: 24026: 24021: 24016: 24011: 24006: 24001: 23996: 23991: 23986: 23981: 23976: 23971: 23966: 23961: 23956: 23951: 23945: 23943: 23939: 23938: 23936: 23935: 23930: 23925: 23920: 23915: 23910: 23905: 23900: 23898:Mosley (Diana) 23895: 23890: 23885: 23880: 23875: 23870: 23864: 23862: 23861:United Kingdom 23858: 23857: 23855: 23854: 23849: 23844: 23839: 23834: 23829: 23824: 23819: 23814: 23809: 23804: 23799: 23793: 23791: 23787: 23786: 23784: 23783: 23778: 23773: 23768: 23763: 23758: 23753: 23748: 23743: 23741:Carrero Blanco 23738: 23733: 23728: 23722: 23720: 23716: 23715: 23713: 23712: 23707: 23702: 23697: 23692: 23687: 23682: 23677: 23672: 23667: 23662: 23657: 23652: 23647: 23642: 23637: 23632: 23627: 23622: 23616: 23614: 23610: 23609: 23607: 23606: 23601: 23596: 23591: 23586: 23581: 23576: 23571: 23566: 23561: 23556: 23550: 23548: 23544: 23543: 23541: 23540: 23535: 23530: 23525: 23520: 23515: 23510: 23505: 23500: 23495: 23490: 23484: 23482: 23478: 23477: 23475: 23474: 23469: 23464: 23459: 23454: 23449: 23444: 23439: 23434: 23429: 23424: 23419: 23414: 23409: 23404: 23399: 23394: 23389: 23384: 23379: 23374: 23369: 23364: 23359: 23354: 23349: 23344: 23339: 23334: 23329: 23324: 23319: 23314: 23309: 23304: 23299: 23294: 23289: 23284: 23279: 23274: 23269: 23264: 23259: 23253: 23251: 23247: 23246: 23244: 23243: 23238: 23233: 23228: 23223: 23218: 23213: 23208: 23203: 23198: 23193: 23188: 23183: 23178: 23173: 23167: 23165: 23161: 23160: 23158: 23157: 23152: 23147: 23142: 23137: 23131: 23129: 23125: 23124: 23122: 23121: 23116: 23111: 23106: 23101: 23096: 23091: 23086: 23081: 23075: 23073: 23069: 23068: 23066: 23065: 23060: 23055: 23050: 23045: 23040: 23034: 23032: 23028: 23027: 23025: 23024: 23019: 23014: 23009: 23004: 22999: 22994: 22989: 22984: 22979: 22974: 22969: 22964: 22959: 22954: 22949: 22944: 22939: 22934: 22929: 22924: 22919: 22914: 22909: 22904: 22899: 22894: 22889: 22884: 22879: 22874: 22869: 22864: 22859: 22854: 22849: 22844: 22839: 22834: 22829: 22824: 22819: 22814: 22809: 22804: 22799: 22794: 22789: 22784: 22779: 22774: 22769: 22763: 22761: 22757: 22756: 22754: 22753: 22748: 22743: 22738: 22733: 22728: 22723: 22718: 22713: 22708: 22703: 22698: 22693: 22688: 22683: 22678: 22673: 22671:Benoist-MĂ©chin 22668: 22663: 22657: 22655: 22651: 22650: 22648: 22647: 22642: 22637: 22632: 22627: 22622: 22617: 22612: 22607: 22602: 22596: 22594: 22590: 22589: 22587: 22586: 22581: 22576: 22571: 22566: 22561: 22556: 22551: 22546: 22540: 22538: 22534: 22533: 22531: 22530: 22525: 22520: 22515: 22510: 22505: 22500: 22495: 22490: 22485: 22480: 22475: 22469: 22467: 22463: 22462: 22460: 22459: 22454: 22449: 22444: 22439: 22434: 22428: 22426: 22418: 22417: 22407: 22406: 22403: 22402: 22399: 22398: 22396: 22395: 22390: 22385: 22380: 22375: 22370: 22365: 22360: 22355: 22350: 22345: 22340: 22335: 22330: 22325: 22320: 22315: 22310: 22305: 22300: 22295: 22294: 22293: 22288: 22278: 22273: 22268: 22263: 22258: 22253: 22247: 22245: 22239: 22238: 22236: 22235: 22230: 22228:True Blue Crew 22225: 22220: 22215: 22210: 22205: 22200: 22195: 22190: 22185: 22180: 22175: 22170: 22165: 22160: 22154: 22152: 22146: 22145: 22143: 22142: 22137: 22132: 22127: 22122: 22117: 22112: 22107: 22106: 22105: 22100: 22095: 22090: 22085: 22080: 22075: 22074: 22073: 22063: 22058: 22053: 22048: 22043: 22038: 22033: 22028: 22023: 22018: 22013: 22008: 22003: 21998: 21993: 21988: 21983: 21978: 21973: 21968: 21963: 21958: 21953: 21951:American Front 21943: 21942: 21941: 21936: 21934:Heritage Front 21931: 21926: 21921: 21916: 21911: 21900: 21898: 21892: 21891: 21889: 21888: 21883: 21878: 21873: 21872: 21871: 21870: 21869: 21854: 21849: 21844: 21839: 21834: 21829: 21827:Serbian Action 21824: 21819: 21814: 21809: 21804: 21802:Romanian Front 21799: 21794: 21789: 21787:People's Party 21784: 21779: 21774: 21769: 21764: 21759: 21754: 21749: 21744: 21739: 21734: 21729: 21724: 21719: 21714: 21709: 21704: 21699: 21694: 21689: 21684: 21679: 21674: 21669: 21664: 21659: 21654: 21649: 21644: 21639: 21634: 21629: 21624: 21619: 21614: 21609: 21604: 21599: 21594: 21589: 21584: 21579: 21574: 21569: 21564: 21559: 21553: 21551: 21545: 21544: 21542: 21541: 21536: 21531: 21526: 21521: 21519:Student Action 21516: 21511: 21506: 21501: 21496: 21491: 21486: 21481: 21476: 21471: 21466: 21461: 21456: 21451: 21446: 21441: 21436: 21431: 21426: 21425: 21424: 21419: 21414: 21404: 21399: 21394: 21389: 21384: 21379: 21374: 21369: 21364: 21359: 21354: 21353: 21352: 21342: 21337: 21332: 21327: 21322: 21317: 21312: 21307: 21305:Balli KombĂ«tar 21302: 21297: 21291: 21289: 21283: 21282: 21280: 21279: 21274: 21269: 21264: 21259: 21257:The Third Path 21254: 21249: 21244: 21239: 21238: 21237: 21227: 21222: 21217: 21216: 21215: 21210: 21205: 21200: 21190: 21185: 21180: 21175: 21170: 21165: 21160: 21155: 21150: 21145: 21140: 21135: 21130: 21125: 21120: 21115: 21110: 21105: 21100: 21095: 21090: 21085: 21080: 21075: 21070: 21065: 21060: 21055: 21050: 21044: 21042: 21040:Central Europe 21036: 21035: 21033: 21032: 21027: 21022: 21017: 21010: 21008:Union Movement 21005: 21003:Third Way (UK) 21000: 20995: 20988: 20983: 20978: 20973: 20971:Rising Finland 20968: 20963: 20956: 20949: 20944: 20939: 20934: 20929: 20924: 20919: 20914: 20909: 20904: 20899: 20892: 20891: 20890: 20878: 20873: 20868: 20863: 20858: 20853: 20848: 20843: 20838: 20833: 20828: 20823: 20818: 20813: 20808: 20803: 20798: 20793: 20788: 20783: 20778: 20773: 20768: 20766:National Rally 20763: 20758: 20753: 20748: 20743: 20738: 20733: 20728: 20723: 20716: 20709: 20702: 20695: 20690: 20688:Lapua Movement 20685: 20680: 20675: 20670: 20665: 20660: 20655: 20650: 20645: 20640: 20635: 20630: 20625: 20620: 20615: 20610: 20603: 20598: 20593: 20588: 20583: 20578: 20573: 20568: 20566:Casuals United 20563: 20556: 20551: 20546: 20541: 20536: 20531: 20526: 20521: 20516: 20511: 20506: 20501: 20496: 20491: 20486: 20481: 20474: 20467: 20460: 20454: 20452: 20446: 20445: 20443: 20442: 20437: 20432: 20427: 20422: 20417: 20412: 20411: 20410: 20409: 20408: 20403: 20393: 20388: 20387: 20386: 20381: 20376: 20366: 20361: 20356: 20351: 20346: 20341: 20336: 20331: 20326: 20324:Ekal Vidyalaya 20321: 20316: 20311: 20306: 20301: 20300: 20299: 20289: 20284: 20274: 20269: 20264: 20259: 20254: 20249: 20244: 20239: 20234: 20229: 20224: 20219: 20214: 20209: 20204: 20199: 20194: 20189: 20184: 20179: 20174: 20169: 20164: 20159: 20154: 20149: 20144: 20139: 20134: 20129: 20124: 20119: 20114: 20109: 20104: 20099: 20094: 20089: 20084: 20079: 20074: 20072:Abhinav Bharat 20068: 20066: 20060: 20059: 20057: 20056: 20051: 20049:Ossewabrandwag 20046: 20041: 20036: 20030: 20028: 20020: 20019: 20009: 20008: 20005: 20004: 20002: 20001: 19996: 19995: 19994: 19989: 19984: 19974: 19973: 19972: 19967: 19962: 19952: 19947: 19942: 19937: 19936: 19935: 19925: 19924: 19923: 19918: 19917: 19916: 19903: 19898: 19893: 19892: 19891: 19881: 19880: 19879: 19874: 19869: 19868: 19867: 19857: 19852: 19847: 19837: 19832: 19827: 19822: 19821: 19820: 19815: 19805: 19804: 19803: 19802: 19801: 19791: 19783: 19782: 19781: 19771: 19770: 19769: 19759: 19754: 19749: 19744: 19739: 19734: 19733: 19732: 19727: 19726: 19725: 19724: 19723: 19718: 19712:Neo-PĂ©tainism 19705: 19695: 19690: 19685: 19680: 19675: 19674: 19673: 19663: 19658: 19653: 19648: 19643: 19642: 19641: 19636: 19628: 19622: 19619: 19618: 19608: 19607: 19604: 19603: 19600: 19599: 19597: 19596: 19591: 19586: 19581: 19576: 19570: 19568: 19564: 19563: 19561: 19560: 19555: 19553:Third Position 19550: 19545: 19540: 19535: 19530: 19525: 19520: 19515: 19510: 19505: 19500: 19495: 19490: 19485: 19480: 19475: 19474: 19473: 19468: 19463: 19453: 19448: 19443: 19438: 19431: 19426: 19424:Indoctrination 19421: 19416: 19411: 19409:Heroic realism 19406: 19401: 19396: 19391: 19386: 19381: 19376: 19371: 19366: 19361: 19356: 19351: 19346: 19341: 19336: 19331: 19329:Anti-communism 19326: 19321: 19315: 19313: 19303: 19302: 19292: 19291: 19284: 19283: 19276: 19269: 19261: 19252: 19251: 19249: 19248: 19243: 19236: 19235: 19228: 19221: 19213: 19212: 19209: 19208: 19205: 19204: 19202: 19201: 19196: 19191: 19186: 19181: 19176: 19171: 19166: 19161: 19156: 19151: 19146: 19141: 19136: 19131: 19126: 19121: 19116: 19115:Cultural icons 19113: 19108: 19103: 19098: 19093: 19088: 19083: 19077: 19075: 19069: 19068: 19066: 19065: 19060: 19055: 19050: 19045: 19040: 19035: 19030: 19025: 19020: 19015: 19010: 19005: 19000: 18995: 18994: 18993: 18988: 18978: 18973: 18968: 18963: 18958: 18952: 18946: 18940: 18939: 18936: 18935: 18933: 18932: 18927: 18922: 18917: 18912: 18907: 18902: 18897: 18895:Stock exchange 18892: 18887: 18879: 18874: 18869: 18864: 18859: 18854: 18849: 18848: 18847: 18837: 18832: 18826: 18820: 18814: 18813: 18810: 18809: 18807: 18806: 18801: 18796: 18791: 18786: 18781: 18776: 18771: 18770: 18769: 18764: 18759: 18749: 18744: 18739: 18734: 18729: 18724: 18719: 18709: 18704: 18698: 18692: 18686: 18685: 18682: 18681: 18679: 18678: 18673: 18668: 18663: 18658: 18653: 18648: 18643: 18642: 18641: 18636: 18625: 18619: 18613: 18612: 18609: 18608: 18606: 18605: 18599: 18593: 18588: 18582: 18580: 18576: 18575: 18573: 18572: 18567: 18561: 18559: 18555: 18554: 18552: 18551: 18550: 18549: 18544: 18534: 18532:Denazification 18529: 18524: 18519: 18514: 18509: 18504: 18499: 18494: 18489: 18484: 18479: 18474: 18469: 18464: 18459: 18454: 18449: 18443: 18441: 18437: 18436: 18434: 18433: 18428: 18423: 18418: 18413: 18408: 18403: 18397: 18395: 18391: 18390: 18388: 18387: 18382: 18377: 18372: 18367: 18362: 18357: 18352: 18347: 18342: 18337: 18332: 18327: 18321: 18319: 18315: 18314: 18312: 18311: 18306: 18304:Historiography 18301: 18296: 18290: 18288: 18281: 18275: 18274: 18263: 18262: 18255: 18248: 18240: 18231: 18230: 18227: 18226: 18224: 18223: 18215: 18209: 18207: 18203: 18202: 18200: 18199: 18194: 18189: 18184: 18179: 18174: 18168: 18166: 18159: 18155: 18154: 18151: 18150: 18148: 18147: 18142: 18137: 18132: 18126: 18124: 18120: 18119: 18116: 18115: 18113: 18112: 18107: 18102: 18097: 18092: 18086: 18084: 18080: 18079: 18077: 18076: 18071: 18066: 18061: 18056: 18050: 18048: 18041: 18031: 18030: 18027: 18026: 18024: 18023: 18017: 18015: 18011: 18010: 18008: 18007: 18002: 17997: 17992: 17987: 17982: 17977: 17972: 17967: 17962: 17957: 17952: 17947: 17942: 17937: 17931: 17929: 17925: 17924: 17922: 17921: 17919:Zuyev Republic 17916: 17911: 17906: 17901: 17896: 17891: 17886: 17881: 17876: 17871: 17866: 17861: 17856: 17851: 17846: 17841: 17836: 17831: 17826: 17821: 17816: 17811: 17809:Czechoslovakia 17806: 17801: 17796: 17791: 17786: 17781: 17775: 17773: 17766: 17762: 17761: 17759: 17758: 17753: 17752: 17751: 17740: 17738: 17734: 17733: 17731: 17730: 17729: 17728: 17718: 17713: 17708: 17703: 17698: 17684: 17679: 17674: 17668: 17666: 17660: 17659: 17656: 17655: 17653: 17652: 17646: 17644: 17640: 17639: 17637: 17636: 17630: 17628: 17621: 17615: 17614: 17612: 17611: 17606: 17601: 17596: 17591: 17586: 17581: 17576: 17571: 17566: 17560: 17558: 17549: 17541: 17540: 17537: 17536: 17533: 17532: 17530: 17529: 17524: 17519: 17513: 17511: 17507: 17506: 17503: 17502: 17500: 17499: 17494: 17489: 17484: 17479: 17473: 17471: 17462: 17461: 17455: 17453: 17446: 17440: 17439: 17436: 17435: 17432: 17431: 17429: 17428: 17423: 17418: 17413: 17408: 17402: 17400: 17391: 17390: 17385: 17380: 17375: 17370: 17365: 17360: 17355: 17350: 17345: 17340: 17335: 17329: 17327: 17323: 17322: 17319: 17318: 17316: 17315: 17310: 17305: 17300: 17295: 17290: 17285: 17279: 17277: 17268: 17267: 17262: 17257: 17251: 17249: 17242: 17232: 17231: 17228: 17227: 17225: 17224: 17219: 17208: 17206: 17202: 17201: 17199: 17198: 17193: 17188: 17183: 17178: 17173: 17168: 17163: 17158: 17153: 17148: 17143: 17138: 17133: 17128: 17123: 17118: 17113: 17108: 17106:Main Franconia 17103: 17098: 17093: 17088: 17083: 17078: 17073: 17068: 17063: 17058: 17053: 17048: 17046:Cologne–Aachen 17043: 17038: 17033: 17027: 17025: 17018: 16996: 16990:Administrative 16986: 16985: 16976: 16975: 16968: 16961: 16953: 16944: 16943: 16933: 16930: 16929: 16925: 16924: 16919: 16914: 16909: 16904: 16899: 16890: 16881: 16876: 16871: 16869:Beefsteak Nazi 16866: 16865: 16864: 16859: 16848: 16847: 16846: 16844: 16838: 16837: 16835: 16830: 16825: 16820: 16818: 16817:German society 16812: 16811: 16807: 16802: 16797: 16792: 16787: 16782: 16777: 16772: 16771: 16770: 16768: 16764: 16763: 16759: 16758: 16751: 16746: 16741: 16736: 16731: 16726: 16719: 16712: 16707: 16700: 16695: 16690: 16685: 16680: 16674: 16673: 16672: 16670: 16664: 16663: 16661: 16656: 16651: 16649:Final Solution 16646: 16641: 16636: 16631: 16629: 16627:and war crimes 16621: 16620: 16616: 16611: 16606: 16601: 16596: 16591: 16589:von Liebenfels 16586: 16581: 16576: 16571: 16566: 16561: 16556: 16551: 16546: 16545: 16544: 16542: 16536: 16535: 16531: 16526: 16521: 16516: 16511: 16506: 16501: 16499:von Ribbentrop 16496: 16491: 16486: 16481: 16476: 16471: 16466: 16461: 16456: 16451: 16446: 16441: 16436: 16431: 16426: 16425: 16424: 16422: 16416: 16415: 16411: 16402: 16393: 16392: 16391: 16377: 16372: 16367: 16362: 16357: 16352: 16347: 16346: 16345: 16340: 16335: 16326: 16317: 16312: 16307: 16302: 16297: 16292: 16282: 16277: 16272: 16267: 16262: 16257: 16252: 16251: 16250: 16245: 16240: 16235: 16225: 16220: 16218:Indoctrination 16215: 16214: 16213: 16208: 16199: 16195:Heim ins Reich 16190: 16180: 16171: 16162: 16157: 16152: 16147: 16146: 16145: 16131: 16126: 16121: 16120: 16119: 16114: 16100: 16095: 16090: 16088:Blood and soil 16085: 16080: 16075: 16070: 16065: 16063:Anti-communism 16060: 16055: 16054: 16053: 16051: 16045: 16044: 16040: 16039: 16034: 16029: 16024: 16019: 16014: 16009: 16004: 16002:Doctors' Trial 15999: 15994: 15986:Final solution 15983: 15978: 15973: 15971:Denazification 15968: 15963: 15958: 15953: 15944: 15935: 15930: 15928:Nuremberg Laws 15925: 15920: 15915: 15910: 15905: 15896: 15891: 15888: 15883: 15874: 15869: 15864: 15862:Early timeline 15859: 15858: 15857: 15855: 15849: 15848: 15844: 15843: 15833: 15828:Sturmabteilung 15823: 15818: 15809: 15804: 15799: 15794: 15789: 15784: 15779: 15774: 15769: 15760: 15751: 15741: 15740: 15739: 15737: 15733: 15732: 15725: 15724: 15717: 15710: 15702: 15693: 15692: 15690: 15689: 15684: 15679: 15678: 15677: 15667: 15662: 15657: 15652: 15647: 15641: 15639: 15635: 15634: 15632: 15631: 15626: 15617: 15603: 15601: 15597: 15596: 15594: 15593: 15588: 15583: 15578: 15573: 15568: 15563: 15558: 15553: 15548: 15543: 15538: 15533: 15528: 15523: 15518: 15513: 15508: 15503: 15498: 15493: 15491:Hermann Göring 15488: 15483: 15478: 15473: 15468: 15463: 15461:Adolf Eichmann 15458: 15453: 15448: 15443: 15438: 15433: 15428: 15422: 15420: 15414: 15413: 15411: 15410: 15401: 15392: 15383: 15374: 15365: 15356: 15347: 15338: 15328: 15326: 15322: 15321: 15319: 15318: 15313: 15308: 15303: 15298: 15293: 15288: 15283: 15278: 15273: 15268: 15262: 15260: 15256: 15255: 15253: 15252: 15247: 15242: 15237: 15232: 15227: 15222: 15217: 15212: 15207: 15205:Denazification 15202: 15197: 15192: 15186: 15184: 15180: 15179: 15177: 15176: 15173:Martin Bormann 15170: 15164: 15157: 15155: 15149: 15148: 15141: 15140: 15133: 15126: 15118: 15112: 15109: 15108: 15099: 15098: 15096:Calvin College 15089: 15073: 15061: 15060:External links 15058: 15056: 15055: 15049: 15036: 14993: 14970: 14964: 14951: 14945: 14932: 14926: 14910: 14904: 14891: 14885: 14869: 14863: 14847: 14841: 14828: 14808: 14788: 14768: 14748: 14728: 14722: 14709: 14703: 14690: 14684: 14671: 14665: 14652: 14646: 14628: 14622: 14609: 14588: 14576: 14554:10.1086/244076 14535: 14529: 14516: 14510: 14497: 14491: 14478: 14450: 14430: 14405: 14399: 14383: 14377: 14359: 14348:Spiegel Online 14339: 14327: 14321: 14305: 14299: 14286: 14269: 14263: 14245: 14225: 14219: 14203: 14197: 14184: 14178: 14166:SchĂ€fer, Peter 14161: 14147: 14133:Rupp, Leila J. 14129: 14123: 14103: 14097: 14084: 14078: 14062: 14037: 14031: 14017:Rees, Laurence 14013: 14007: 13991: 13985: 13965: 13953:Foreign Policy 13940: 13934: 13921: 13915: 13902: 13876:(3): 483–502. 13865: 13859: 13846: 13840: 13827: 13821: 13807:Overy, Richard 13803: 13797: 13781: 13776:Soldaten Atlas 13770: 13752: 13746: 13731: 13725: 13709: 13699: 13682: 13676: 13663: 13657: 13641: 13635: 13622: 13616: 13603: 13597: 13581: 13575: 13562: 13556: 13543: 13537: 13521: 13515: 13499:Manvell, Roger 13495: 13489: 13476: 13470: 13450: 13444: 13431: 13425: 13412: 13402:on 9 July 2009 13384: 13353: 13312: 13306: 13290: 13261: 13234: 13228: 13213: 13207: 13191: 13163: 13157: 13142: 13136: 13123: 13117: 13104: 13098: 13083: 13077: 13061: 13055: 13042: 13036: 13018: 13012: 12999: 12993: 12973: 12944: 12921: 12860: 12842:(2): 267–268. 12831: 12825: 12807: 12801: 12783: 12777: 12764: 12748:Deutsche Welle 12739: 12733: 12715: 12709: 12696: 12684: 12667: 12661: 12648: 12638:(2): 270–274. 12620: 12614: 12598: 12592: 12579: 12547: 12541: 12528: 12522: 12507: 12501: 12485: 12479: 12463: 12457: 12444: 12438: 12421: 12415: 12398: 12392: 12374: 12350: 12344: 12322: 12316: 12304: 12298: 12283: 12262:(4): 543–561. 12243: 12237: 12224: 12218: 12202: 12190: 12180:on 11 May 2008 12162: 12156: 12143: 12130: 12124: 12110:Davies, Norman 12106: 12100: 12087: 12081: 12069:Conway, John S 12065: 12059: 12050:Fists of Steel 12044: 12038: 12021: 12015: 11999: 11993: 11980: 11952: 11928: 11896: 11867: 11861: 11848: 11822:(3): 611–647. 11811: 11782: 11776: 11760: 11754: 11738: 11732: 11719: 11713: 11700: 11694: 11679: 11673: 11659:Beevor, Antony 11655: 11649: 11635: 11630:Main article: 11627: 11624: 11622: 11621: 11609: 11597: 11585: 11568: 11556: 11544: 11529: 11511: 11499: 11487: 11475: 11473:, p. 554. 11463: 11461:, p. 569. 11451: 11439: 11427: 11415: 11413:, p. 741. 11400: 11388: 11373: 11361: 11349: 11347:, p. 130. 11337: 11325: 11323:, p. 204. 11313: 11311:, p. 199. 11301: 11299:, p. 187. 11289: 11277: 11265: 11263:, p. 169. 11253: 11251:, p. 168. 11241: 11229: 11217: 11215:, p. 181. 11205: 11193: 11191:, p. 241. 11181: 11169: 11157: 11145: 11133: 11131:, p. 149. 11121: 11109: 11094: 11092:, p. 136. 11082: 11070: 11058: 11056:, p. 265. 11046: 11034: 11022: 11010: 11008:, p. 240. 10998: 10986: 10971: 10959: 10944: 10942:, p. 244. 10932: 10930:, p. 377. 10920: 10908: 10896: 10884: 10872: 10860: 10858:, p. 315. 10848: 10833: 10821: 10809: 10807:, p. 290. 10797: 10795:, p. 332. 10785: 10773: 10771:, p. 239. 10761: 10746: 10744:, p. 140. 10727: 10715: 10703: 10691: 10689:, p. 237. 10679: 10675:Schreiner 1998 10667: 10655: 10640: 10638:, p. 222. 10628: 10616: 10604: 10592: 10580: 10568: 10566:, p. 153. 10564:DeGregori 2002 10556: 10554:, p. 612. 10544: 10532: 10530:, p. 608. 10520: 10518:, p. 611. 10508: 10496: 10484: 10482:, p. 319. 10472: 10470:, p. 203. 10460: 10458:, p. 198. 10448: 10446:, p. 196. 10436: 10434:, p. 515. 10424: 10422:, p. 521. 10412: 10410:, p. 371. 10408:Longerich 2012 10395: 10393:, p. 370. 10391:Longerich 2012 10380: 10368: 10366:, p. 612. 10356: 10344: 10342:, p. 278. 10332: 10330:, p. 272. 10320: 10308: 10306:, p. 248. 10296: 10284: 10282:, p. 297. 10272: 10260: 10258:, p. 164. 10248: 10246:, p. 749. 10236: 10234:, p. 369. 10224: 10212: 10200: 10188: 10176: 10161: 10159:, p. 299. 10149: 10147:, p. 293. 10137: 10125: 10123:, p. 305. 10113: 10101: 10099:, p. 292. 10089: 10087:, p. 265. 10077: 10065: 10053: 10041: 10039:, p. 255. 10029: 10027:, p. 264. 10012: 10000: 9998:, p. 269. 9988: 9986:, p. 270. 9976: 9974:, p. 249. 9964: 9952: 9950:, p. 386. 9948:Nakosteen 1965 9940: 9928: 9926:, p. 954. 9916: 9904: 9902:, p. 290. 9900:Goldhagen 1996 9892: 9890:, p. 952. 9880: 9868: 9856: 9844: 9832: 9820: 9808: 9793: 9789:Longerich 2010 9781: 9769: 9757: 9753:Longerich 2012 9745: 9733: 9731:, p. 204. 9721: 9719:, p. 242. 9709: 9693: 9681: 9669: 9667:, p. 683. 9657: 9655:, p. 416. 9645: 9633: 9631:, p. 113. 9621: 9619:, p. 247. 9609: 9607:, p. 544. 9597: 9585: 9583:, p. 267. 9573: 9561: 9559:, p. 111. 9546: 9534: 9522: 9518:Longerich 2010 9510: 9508:, p. 295. 9495: 9483: 9479:Longerich 2010 9471: 9453: 9438: 9436:, p. 127. 9434:Longerich 2010 9426: 9424:, p. 117. 9422:Longerich 2010 9414: 9410:Longerich 2010 9402: 9400:, p. 273. 9390: 9388:, p. 233. 9378: 9374:Longerich 2010 9366: 9362:Longerich 2010 9354: 9350:Longerich 2010 9342: 9330: 9318: 9316:, p. 203. 9306: 9302:Longerich 2010 9294: 9282: 9270: 9258: 9246: 9244:, p. 361. 9234: 9219: 9207: 9195: 9183: 9171: 9159: 9147: 9145:, p. 337. 9135: 9133:, p. 333. 9123: 9111: 9099: 9097:, p. 252. 9087: 9075: 9063: 9061:, p. 294. 9051: 9049:, p. 360. 9039: 9027: 9015: 9003: 8991: 8989:, p. 289. 8976: 8974:, p. 331. 8961: 8949: 8937: 8935:, p. 166. 8925: 8913: 8911:, p. 320. 8901: 8889: 8877: 8865: 8863:, p. 131. 8853: 8841: 8829: 8827:, p. 345. 8817: 8798: 8796:, p. 343. 8786: 8774: 8772:, p. 411. 8762: 8758:Longerich 2012 8750: 8748:, p. 125. 8746:Longerich 2012 8738: 8726: 8724:, p. 318. 8711: 8709:, p. 116. 8699: 8697:, p. 257. 8687: 8675: 8663: 8661:, p. 215. 8659:Longerich 2012 8651: 8639: 8627: 8625:, p. 195. 8615: 8603: 8599:Longerich 2012 8591: 8587:Longerich 2012 8579: 8567: 8555: 8553:, p. 306. 8543: 8531: 8519: 8507: 8495: 8491:Constable 1988 8483: 8481:, p. 207. 8479:Longerich 2010 8471: 8469:, p. 198. 8467:Longerich 2010 8459: 8457:, p. 467. 8447: 8443:Longerich 2010 8435: 8433:, p. 146. 8431:Longerich 2010 8423: 8411: 8409:, p. 347. 8399: 8397:, p. 544. 8384: 8382:, p. 346. 8372: 8370:, p. 216. 8368:Gellately 2001 8360: 8348: 8336: 8334:, p. 154. 8324: 8312: 8310:, p. 514. 8300: 8288: 8276: 8264: 8249: 8237: 8225: 8213: 8201: 8189: 8177: 8165: 8153: 8151:, p. 281. 8141: 8129: 8117: 8115:, p. 253. 8105: 8103:, p. 259. 8093: 8081: 8079:, p. 400. 8069: 8057: 8045: 8033: 8021: 8009: 8007:, p. 759. 7992: 7988:Longerich 2010 7977: 7965: 7961:Gellately 1996 7948: 7946:, p. 161. 7944:Bendersky 2007 7933: 7921: 7909: 7907:, p. 204. 7897: 7885: 7873: 7861: 7849: 7837: 7835:, p. 147. 7833:Longerich 2010 7825: 7823:, p. 373. 7810: 7798: 7786: 7774: 7762: 7750: 7738: 7726: 7711: 7699: 7684: 7682:, p. 272. 7672: 7670:, p. 165. 7660: 7648: 7636: 7634:, p. 714. 7624: 7612: 7610:, p. 381. 7600: 7588: 7586:, p. 386. 7576: 7564: 7552: 7540: 7525: 7513: 7501: 7489: 7477: 7475:, p. 461. 7465: 7453: 7441: 7429: 7427:, p. 471. 7417: 7415:, p. 467. 7405: 7393: 7391:, p. 208. 7381: 7369: 7357: 7345: 7333: 7331:, p. 290. 7321: 7309: 7297: 7285: 7273: 7261: 7249: 7237: 7225: 7223:, p. 616. 7210: 7195: 7183: 7181:, p. 153. 7171: 7169:, p. 149. 7159: 7147: 7135: 7123: 7121:, p. 262. 7108: 7096: 7094:, p. 271. 7084: 7072: 7070:, p. 265. 7060: 7058:, p. 562. 7048: 7033: 7021: 7009: 6997: 6995:, p. 709. 6985: 6983:, p. 120. 6973: 6961: 6959:, p. 332. 6949: 6947:, p. 260. 6937: 6925: 6913: 6911:, p. 144. 6909:Longerich 2010 6901: 6897:Longerich 2010 6889: 6877: 6865: 6853: 6841: 6839:, p. 414. 6829: 6827:, p. 803. 6817: 6815:, p. 584. 6805: 6803:, p. 151. 6793: 6781: 6779:, p. 116. 6769: 6767:, p. 496. 6757: 6755:, p. 691. 6745: 6743:, p. 486. 6733: 6721: 6709: 6697: 6682: 6670: 6668:, p. 419. 6658: 6656:, p. 417. 6646: 6644:, p. 667. 6634: 6622: 6610: 6608:, p. 297. 6598: 6596:, p. 641. 6586: 6571: 6569:, p. 633. 6559: 6557:, p. 629. 6547: 6545:, p. 271. 6535: 6533:, p. 623. 6523: 6511: 6499: 6497:, p. 618. 6487: 6475: 6463: 6451: 6439: 6437:, map, p. 366. 6427: 6425:, p. 344. 6415: 6413:, p. 248. 6403: 6391: 6379: 6377:, p. 230. 6367: 6365:, p. 317. 6355: 6343: 6331: 6319: 6304: 6292: 6280: 6268: 6253: 6251:, p. 231. 6241: 6229: 6227:, p. 268. 6217: 6215:, p. 202. 6202: 6190: 6178: 6176:, p. 201. 6166: 6154: 6152:, p. 199. 6142: 6140:, p. 336. 6130: 6128:, p. 196. 6118: 6116:, p. 351. 6106: 6094: 6082: 6070: 6058: 6054:Goldhagen 1996 6046: 6034: 6032:, p. 103. 6022: 6010: 5998: 5983: 5971: 5967:Goldhagen 1996 5959: 5947: 5935: 5923: 5921:, p. 102. 5911: 5909:, p. 601. 5899: 5887: 5875: 5863: 5851: 5839: 5823: 5821: 5818: 5815: 5814: 5812:, p. 561. 5801: 5774: 5772:, p. 114. 5752: 5737: 5722: 5706: 5691: 5611: 5597: 5581: 5569: 5557: 5545: 5530: 5521:Including the 5511: 5474: 5473: 5471: 5468: 5466: 5463: 5462: 5461: 5456: 5451: 5446: 5441: 5436: 5431: 5426: 5420: 5419: 5416:Germany portal 5403: 5400: 5358:Adolf Eichmann 5336:Nazi symbolism 5290:Denazification 5282:Main article: 5279: 5276: 5226:Main article: 5223: 5220: 5212:Richard Wagner 5159:triumphal arch 5157:in Rome and a 5119:triumphal arch 5090: 5087: 5070:Upton Sinclair 5038:blood and soil 5010: 5007: 4945: 4937: 4934: 4930:Martin Bormann 4908:, head of the 4887:Passion Sunday 4790:state churches 4739:Roman Catholic 4721:Main article: 4718: 4715: 4687: 4684: 4643: 4640: 4561:Helene Stöcker 4553:Anita Augspurg 4534: 4531: 4463: 4460: 4458: 4455: 4423:Main article: 4420: 4417: 4389:Main article: 4380: 4377: 4342:Einsatzgruppen 4303:Final Solution 4294: 4291: 4211: 4208: 4180:Einsatzgruppen 4159:Main article: 4156: 4153: 4141:Einsatzgruppen 4093:Main article: 4090: 4087: 4063:Ernst vom Rath 4012: 4009: 3978: 3975: 3973: 3970: 3964:by the Allies 3878: 3875: 3838:Four Year Plan 3836:, head of the 3834:Hermann Göring 3824:, head of the 3719: 3716: 3711:Main article: 3708: 3705: 3678:Einsatzgruppen 3673:Einsatzgruppen 3628:Sturmabteilung 3606: 3605: 3596: 3595: 3594: 3585: 3584: 3583: 3582: 3581: 3574:Sturmabteilung 3569: 3566: 3539:Einsatzgruppen 3482:Main article: 3479: 3476: 3474: 3471: 3394:Main article: 3391: 3388: 3314:Main article: 3311: 3308: 3251:and part of a 3226:racial hygiene 3203:Main article: 3200: 3197: 3172: 3169: 3076: 3073: 3017:invaded Poland 2991:a protectorate 2953:Main article: 2950: 2947: 2945: 2942: 2929:Sondergerichte 2889:Main article: 2886: 2883: 2875:Neubrandenburg 2838:Vasily Chuikov 2784:scorched earth 2708: 2705: 2683:Hermann Göring 2679:Four Year Plan 2625:, October 1942 2600:Main article: 2597: 2594: 2458: 2455: 2390: 2387: 2363: 2362:Foreign policy 2360: 2352: 2351: 2342: 2341: 2340: 2331: 2330: 2329: 2328: 2327: 2325: 2322: 2293: 2290: 2222: 2221: 2212: 2211: 2210: 2201: 2200: 2199: 2198: 2197: 2179: 2176: 2079: 2076: 2071:Nuremberg Laws 1979: 1976: 1858:Main article: 1855: 1852: 1827: 1824: 1796:Sturmabteilung 1716: 1713: 1678: 1675: 1667:denazification 1605:were curtailed 1601:racial biology 1511:invaded Poland 1481:, forming the 1390:and later the 1379: 1378: 1376: 1375: 1368: 1361: 1353: 1350: 1349: 1348: 1347: 1333: 1316: 1315: 1310: 1309: 1306: 1304:Modern history 1300: 1299: 1296: 1294: 1293: 1288: 1282: 1279: 1278: 1275: 1273: 1272: 1259: 1256: 1255: 1252: 1246: 1245: 1244:1945–1949/1952 1242: 1240: 1239: 1230: 1224: 1219: 1214: 1213: 1210: 1209: 1204: 1203: 1200: 1194: 1193: 1190: 1184: 1183: 1180: 1174: 1173: 1170: 1164: 1163: 1160: 1152: 1147: 1146: 1143: 1142: 1139: 1138: 1133: 1128: 1126: 1125: 1116: 1110: 1108: 1103: 1097: 1092: 1091: 1088: 1087: 1084: 1083: 1078: 1073: 1067: 1062: 1061: 1058: 1057: 1054: 1053: 1048: 1043: 1038: 1032: 1029: 1028: 1025: 1024: 1021: 1020: 1015: 1010: 1005: 1000: 995: 990: 984: 981: 980: 977: 976: 973: 972: 926: 916: 911: 906: 901: 896: 891: 886: 884:Historiography 881: 875: 872: 871: 868: 867: 859: 858: 849: 848: 841: 834: 833: 830: 829: 826: 825: 818: 812: 811: 804: 795: 792: 791: 784: 776: 775: 770: 758: 757: 752: 742: 741: 735: 731: 730: 727: 726: 723: 720: 717: 716: 713: 707: 704: 703: 700: 699: 695: 694: 691: 687: 686: 683: 679: 678: 674: 673: 670: 669: 666: 660: 657: 656: 653: 646: 643: 642: 639: 633: 630: 629: 626: 623:Fall of Berlin 620: 617: 616: 613: 607: 604: 603: 600: 594: 591: 590: 587: 581: 578: 577: 574: 571:Nuremberg Laws 568: 565: 564: 561: 555: 552: 551: 548: 542: 539: 538: 535: 534: 525: 524:Historical era 521: 520: 512: 506: 503: 502: 497: 493: 492: 489: 488: 483: 480: 477: 476: 471: 468: 465: 464: 461: 458: 455: 454: 451: 450: 447: 441: 440: 437: 436: 431: 428: 425: 424: 419: 416: 413: 412: 407: 404: 401: 400: 397: 396: 393: 387: 386: 372: 368: 367: 362: 356: 355: 353: 352: 349: 343: 333: 327: 320: 318: 314: 313: 308: 304: 303: 267: 264: 260: 259: 243: 237: 236: 225: 214: 205: 199:extent during 191: 190: 187: 186: 142: 123: 122: 113: 106: 105: 97: 90: 89: 88: 85: 84: 80: 79: 50: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 32305: 32294: 32291: 32289: 32286: 32284: 32281: 32279: 32276: 32274: 32271: 32269: 32266: 32264: 32261: 32259: 32256: 32254: 32251: 32249: 32246: 32244: 32241: 32239: 32236: 32234: 32231: 32229: 32226: 32224: 32221: 32219: 32216: 32215: 32213: 32206: 32203: 32160: 32159: 32150: 32149: 32146: 32140: 32137: 32135: 32132: 32131: 32129: 32125: 32118: 32115: 32112: 32109: 32107:(half-nephew) 32106: 32103: 32101:(half-nephew) 32100: 32097: 32094: 32091: 32089:(half-nephew) 32088: 32085: 32082: 32079: 32077:(half-sister) 32076: 32075:Angela Hitler 32073: 32071:(grandmother) 32070: 32067: 32065:(grandfather) 32064: 32061: 32058: 32055: 32052: 32049: 32046: 32043: 32042: 32040: 32038: 32034: 32028: 32027: 32023: 32021: 32020: 32016: 32014: 32013: 32009: 32007: 32006: 32002: 32000: 31999: 31995: 31993: 31990: 31988: 31987: 31983: 31981: 31980: 31976: 31974: 31973: 31969: 31967: 31966: 31962: 31960: 31957: 31955: 31952: 31950: 31947: 31945: 31942: 31941: 31939: 31935: 31929: 31926: 31924: 31921: 31920: 31918: 31912: 31906: 31903: 31901: 31900:50th birthday 31898: 31896: 31893: 31891: 31888: 31886: 31883: 31881: 31878: 31876: 31873: 31871: 31868: 31866: 31863: 31861: 31858: 31856: 31855:Vegetarianism 31853: 31851: 31848: 31846: 31843: 31841: 31838: 31834: 31831: 31830: 31829: 31826: 31825: 31823: 31821:Personal life 31819: 31808: 31804: 31801: 31798: 31794: 31791: 31788: 31784: 31781: 31779: 31776: 31774: 31771: 31770: 31768: 31764: 31758: 31756: 31751: 31749: 31746: 31744: 31741: 31739: 31736: 31734: 31731: 31729: 31726: 31724: 31721: 31719: 31716: 31714: 31711: 31708: 31704: 31703: 31698: 31695: 31692: 31691:Kehlsteinhaus 31688: 31685: 31684: 31682: 31680: 31678: 31673: 31670: 31664: 31656: 31653: 31652: 31651: 31648: 31646: 31643: 31641: 31640:The Holocaust 31638: 31636: 31633: 31631: 31628: 31626: 31623: 31621: 31620:Rise to power 31618: 31616: 31613: 31612: 31610: 31606: 31600: 31597: 31595: 31592: 31590: 31587: 31585: 31584: 31580: 31576: 31573: 31571: 31568: 31567: 31566: 31565: 31561: 31559: 31556: 31554: 31551: 31547: 31544: 31543: 31542: 31539: 31537: 31534: 31530: 31529: 31528:FĂŒhrerprinzip 31525: 31524: 31523: 31522: 31518: 31517: 31515: 31511: 31507: 31500: 31495: 31493: 31488: 31486: 31481: 31480: 31477: 31464: 31460: 31457: 31453: 31450: 31449: 31444: 31437: 31436: 31433: 31420: 31416: 31413: 31409: 31406: 31402: 31401: 31399: 31395: 31390: 31386: 31385: 31383: 31382:Kuril Islands 31379: 31376: 31372: 31367: 31363: 31362: 31360: 31356: 31353: 31349: 31346: 31342: 31339: 31335: 31332: 31328: 31323: 31319: 31318: 31316: 31312: 31309: 31305: 31302: 31298: 31295: 31291: 31288: 31284: 31281: 31277: 31274: 31270: 31267: 31263: 31260: 31256: 31253: 31249: 31246: 31242: 31239: 31235: 31232: 31228: 31225: 31221: 31218: 31214: 31213: 31211: 31209: 31205: 31198: 31194: 31189: 31188: 31183: 31182: 31180: 31176: 31173: 31169: 31164: 31160: 31159: 31157: 31153: 31150: 31149:Syrmian Front 31146: 31143: 31139: 31136: 31132: 31129: 31125: 31122: 31121: 31116: 31113: 31112: 31107: 31104: 31100: 31097: 31096: 31095:Market Garden 31091: 31088: 31084: 31081: 31077: 31074: 31070: 31067: 31066: 31061: 31058: 31054: 31051: 31047: 31044: 31040: 31037: 31033: 31030: 31026: 31023: 31019: 31016: 31015: 31010: 31007: 31003: 31000: 30999: 30994: 30991: 30990: 30985: 30982: 30981: 30976: 30973: 30969: 30966: 30962: 30959: 30955: 30954:Monte Cassino 30951: 30948: 30947: 30942: 30941: 30939: 30937: 30933: 30926: 30922: 30917: 30913: 30910: 30906: 30905: 30903: 30899: 30896: 30892: 30889: 30885: 30882: 30878: 30875: 30871: 30866: 30862: 30861: 30859: 30855: 30852: 30848: 30845: 30844: 30839: 30836: 30832: 30829: 30825: 30822: 30818: 30815: 30811: 30808: 30804: 30801: 30797: 30794: 30790: 30787: 30783: 30782: 30780: 30778: 30774: 30767: 30763: 30760: 30759: 30754: 30751: 30747: 30744: 30740: 30737: 30736: 30731: 30728: 30724: 30721: 30717: 30714: 30710: 30707: 30706: 30701: 30696: 30692: 30689: 30685: 30684: 30682: 30678: 30675: 30671: 30668: 30664: 30661: 30657: 30654: 30650: 30647: 30643: 30640: 30636: 30633: 30629: 30626: 30622: 30619: 30615: 30612: 30608: 30607: 30605: 30603: 30599: 30592: 30588: 30585: 30581: 30578: 30574: 30571: 30567: 30564: 30560: 30557: 30553: 30550: 30546: 30543: 30539: 30536: 30532: 30529: 30525: 30522: 30518: 30515: 30511: 30508: 30504: 30501: 30497: 30494: 30490: 30487: 30483: 30480: 30476: 30473: 30469: 30466: 30462: 30458: 30457: 30452: 30448: 30443: 30439: 30438: 30436: 30432: 30429: 30425: 30422: 30418: 30415: 30411: 30408: 30404: 30399: 30395: 30394: 30392: 30388: 30385: 30381: 30378: 30374: 30371: 30367: 30366: 30364: 30362: 30358: 30351: 30350: 30345: 30342: 30338: 30335: 30331: 30328: 30324: 30321: 30320:Baltic states 30317: 30314: 30310: 30307: 30303: 30300: 30296: 30293: 30289: 30286: 30282: 30279: 30275: 30272: 30268: 30265: 30261: 30258: 30254: 30251: 30247: 30244: 30240: 30237: 30233: 30230: 30226: 30223: 30219: 30218: 30216: 30214: 30210: 30203: 30199: 30196: 30192: 30189: 30185: 30182: 30178: 30175: 30171: 30168: 30164: 30161: 30157: 30156: 30154: 30152: 30148: 30139: 30135: 30132: 30128: 30125: 30121: 30118: 30114: 30111: 30107: 30106: 30104: 30100: 30095: 30091: 30088: 30084: 30083: 30081: 30077: 30072: 30068: 30067: 30065: 30061: 30060: 30058: 30056: 30052: 30049: 30047: 30043: 30032: 30028: 30025: 30021: 30016: 30012: 30009: 30005: 30004: 30000: 29995: 29991: 29990: 29988: 29984: 29981: 29977: 29972: 29968: 29965: 29964:United States 29961: 29956: 29952: 29951: 29949: 29945: 29944: 29940: 29937: 29933: 29932: 29930: 29928: 29924: 29917: 29913: 29908: 29904: 29901: 29900:Quốc dĂąn ĐáșŁng 29897: 29896: 29892: 29889: 29885: 29882: 29878: 29875: 29871: 29868: 29864: 29861: 29857: 29854: 29850: 29847: 29843: 29840: 29836: 29833: 29829: 29826: 29822: 29819: 29815: 29812: 29808: 29805: 29801: 29798: 29794: 29789: 29785: 29782: 29778: 29777: 29775: 29771: 29768: 29764: 29761: 29757: 29754: 29750: 29747: 29743: 29740: 29736: 29733: 29729: 29726: 29722: 29719: 29715: 29712: 29708: 29705: 29701: 29698: 29694: 29691: 29687: 29684: 29680: 29677: 29673: 29670: 29666: 29663: 29659: 29658: 29656: 29654: 29650: 29643: 29639: 29636: 29632: 29629: 29625: 29622: 29618: 29615: 29611: 29608: 29604: 29601: 29600:Liechtenstein 29597: 29594: 29590: 29587: 29583: 29580: 29576: 29573: 29569: 29568: 29566: 29564: 29560: 29553: 29549: 29546: 29542: 29539: 29535: 29531: 29527: 29524: 29520: 29517: 29513: 29510: 29506: 29501: 29497: 29496: 29493: 29489: 29486: 29482: 29479: 29475: 29472: 29468: 29465: 29461: 29458: 29454: 29450: 29446: 29443: 29439: 29436: 29432: 29428: 29424: 29421: 29417: 29416: 29414: 29412: 29408: 29401: 29397: 29392: 29388: 29387: 29385: 29384:United States 29381: 29376: 29372: 29371: 29369: 29365: 29362: 29358: 29355: 29351: 29348: 29344: 29341: 29337: 29334: 29330: 29326: 29322: 29318: 29315: 29311: 29308: 29304: 29301: 29297: 29294: 29290: 29287: 29283: 29280: 29276: 29273: 29269: 29266: 29262: 29258: 29254: 29250: 29247: 29243: 29240: 29236: 29233: 29229: 29226: 29222: 29218: 29214: 29210: 29206: 29202: 29199: 29195: 29192: 29188: 29185: 29181: 29178: 29174: 29171: 29167: 29164: 29160: 29156: 29152: 29148: 29145: 29141: 29138: 29134: 29131: 29127: 29124: 29120: 29119: 29117: 29115: 29111: 29108: 29106: 29102: 29089: 29085: 29082: 29078: 29075: 29074:Comfort women 29071: 29068: 29064: 29061: 29058: / 29057: 29053: 29050: 29047: / 29046: 29043: / 29042: 29038: 29035: 29034:Camp brothels 29031: 29028: 29024: 29023: 29019: 29016: 29012: 29007: 29003: 29000: 28996: 28995: 28993: 28989: 28984: 28980: 28977: 28973: 28970: 28966: 28965: 28963: 28959: 28956: 28952: 28947: 28943: 28938: 28934: 28931: 28927: 28926: 28924: 28923:The Holocaust 28920: 28917: 28913: 28910: 28909:forced labour 28906: 28905: 28903: 28899: 28894: 28890: 28887: 28883: 28880: 28876: 28875: 28873: 28869: 28868: 28866: 28864: 28860: 28853: 28849: 28846: 28842: 28839: 28835: 28830: 28826: 28823: 28819: 28816: 28812: 28809: 28805: 28804: 28802: 28798: 28795: 28794: 28789: 28786: 28785: 28780: 28777: 28773: 28770: 28766: 28763: 28762:Marshall Plan 28759: 28756: 28755: 28750: 28747: 28743: 28740: 28736: 28733: 28729: 28726: 28722: 28719: 28715: 28712: 28708: 28705: 28701: 28698: 28694: 28693: 28691: 28689: 28685: 28678: 28674: 28669: 28665: 28664: 28662: 28658: 28655: 28651: 28646: 28642: 28639: 28635: 28632: 28628: 28627: 28625: 28621: 28616: 28615:Eastern Front 28612: 28609: 28608:Western Front 28605: 28604: 28602: 28598: 28593: 28589: 28586: 28582: 28579: 28575: 28572: 28568: 28565: 28561: 28558: 28554: 28553: 28551: 28547: 28546: 28544: 28542: 28538: 28531: 28527: 28524: 28520: 28517: 28513: 28510: 28506: 28503: 28502:Puppet states 28499: 28496: 28492: 28489: 28485: 28480: 28476: 28473: 28469: 28468: 28466: 28462: 28459: 28455: 28452: 28448: 28445: 28444:Naval history 28441: 28438: 28434: 28431: 28427: 28424: 28420: 28415: 28411: 28410: 28408: 28404: 28401: 28397: 28392: 28391:United States 28388: 28385: 28381: 28378: 28374: 28373: 28371: 28367: 28364: 28360: 28357: 28353: 28350: 28346: 28343: 28339: 28336: 28332: 28329: 28325: 28320: 28316: 28315: 28313: 28309: 28308: 28306: 28304: 28300: 28297: 28293: 28286: 28282: 28279: 28275: 28270: 28266: 28263: 28259: 28256: 28252: 28251: 28247: 28242: 28238: 28237: 28235: 28231: 28228: 28224: 28223: 28220: 28216: 28209: 28204: 28202: 28197: 28195: 28190: 28189: 28186: 28172: 28171:Soviet empire 28169: 28167: 28164: 28163: 28161: 28160: 28158: 28156:Miscellaneous 28154: 28148: 28145: 28143: 28140: 28138: 28135: 28133: 28130: 28128: 28125: 28121: 28118: 28117: 28116: 28113: 28112: 28110: 28106: 28096: 28093: 28091: 28088: 28086: 28083: 28081: 28078: 28074: 28071: 28070: 28069: 28066: 28064: 28061: 28059: 28056: 28054: 28051: 28049: 28046: 28044: 28041: 28039: 28036: 28034: 28031: 28029: 28026: 28024: 28021: 28017: 28014: 28012: 28009: 28008: 28007: 28004: 28002: 27999: 27997: 27994: 27993: 27991: 27989: 27985: 27977: 27974: 27972: 27969: 27967: 27964: 27962: 27959: 27957: 27954: 27953: 27952: 27949: 27947: 27944: 27940: 27937: 27936: 27935: 27932: 27930: 27927: 27923: 27920: 27918: 27915: 27913: 27910: 27909: 27908: 27905: 27903: 27900: 27896: 27893: 27891: 27888: 27887: 27886: 27883: 27879: 27876: 27874: 27871: 27869: 27866: 27864: 27861: 27859: 27856: 27855: 27854: 27851: 27847: 27844: 27842: 27839: 27838: 27837: 27834: 27832: 27829: 27827: 27824: 27822: 27819: 27815: 27812: 27810: 27807: 27805: 27802: 27800: 27797: 27795: 27792: 27791: 27790: 27787: 27783: 27780: 27778: 27775: 27774: 27773: 27770: 27768: 27765: 27761: 27758: 27756: 27755:German Empire 27753: 27752: 27751: 27748: 27744: 27741: 27739: 27736: 27735: 27734: 27731: 27727: 27724: 27722: 27719: 27718: 27717: 27714: 27712: 27709: 27705: 27702: 27700: 27697: 27695: 27692: 27690: 27687: 27685: 27682: 27681: 27680: 27677: 27675: 27672: 27668: 27665: 27663: 27660: 27659: 27657: 27655: 27652: 27650: 27647: 27645: 27642: 27640: 27637: 27635: 27632: 27631: 27629: 27627: 27623: 27617: 27614: 27612: 27609: 27607: 27604: 27600: 27597: 27595: 27592: 27590: 27587: 27585: 27582: 27580: 27577: 27575: 27572: 27570: 27567: 27566: 27565: 27562: 27560: 27557: 27553: 27550: 27548: 27545: 27543: 27540: 27538: 27535: 27533: 27530: 27528: 27525: 27524: 27523: 27520: 27516: 27513: 27511: 27508: 27506: 27503: 27501: 27498: 27497: 27496: 27495:Turco-Persian 27493: 27491: 27488: 27486: 27483: 27481: 27478: 27476: 27473: 27471: 27468: 27466: 27463: 27461: 27458: 27456: 27453: 27449: 27446: 27444: 27441: 27440: 27439: 27436: 27432: 27429: 27427: 27424: 27422: 27419: 27417: 27414: 27412: 27409: 27407: 27404: 27403: 27402: 27399: 27396: 27394: 27391: 27389: 27386: 27384: 27381: 27377: 27374: 27372: 27369: 27367: 27364: 27363: 27362: 27359: 27355: 27352: 27350: 27347: 27345: 27342: 27340: 27337: 27336: 27335: 27332: 27330: 27327: 27325: 27322: 27320: 27317: 27315: 27312: 27310: 27307: 27303: 27300: 27298: 27295: 27293: 27290: 27288: 27285: 27284: 27283: 27280: 27276: 27273: 27271: 27268: 27266: 27263: 27261: 27258: 27257: 27256: 27253: 27249: 27246: 27244: 27241: 27239: 27236: 27235: 27234: 27231: 27229: 27226: 27224: 27221: 27219: 27216: 27214: 27211: 27207: 27204: 27202: 27199: 27197: 27194: 27193: 27192: 27189: 27187: 27184: 27180: 27177: 27175: 27172: 27170: 27167: 27165: 27162: 27160: 27157: 27155: 27152: 27151: 27150: 27147: 27143: 27140: 27138: 27135: 27134: 27133: 27130: 27126: 27123: 27121: 27118: 27116: 27113: 27111: 27108: 27107: 27106: 27103: 27101: 27098: 27094: 27091: 27090: 27089: 27086: 27082: 27079: 27077: 27074: 27073: 27071: 27069: 27066: 27064: 27061: 27059: 27056: 27054: 27051: 27049: 27046: 27044: 27041: 27039: 27036: 27035: 27033: 27031: 27027: 27019: 27016: 27015: 27014: 27011: 27009: 27006: 27002: 26999: 26997: 26994: 26993: 26992: 26989: 26985: 26982: 26981: 26980: 26977: 26973: 26970: 26968: 26965: 26963: 26960: 26958: 26955: 26953: 26950: 26948: 26945: 26944: 26943: 26940: 26938: 26935: 26933: 26930: 26926: 26923: 26921: 26918: 26916: 26913: 26911: 26908: 26907: 26906: 26903: 26899: 26896: 26894: 26891: 26890: 26889: 26886: 26884: 26881: 26877: 26874: 26872: 26869: 26867: 26864: 26862: 26859: 26857: 26854: 26853: 26852: 26849: 26847: 26844: 26842: 26839: 26835: 26832: 26830: 26827: 26825: 26822: 26821: 26820: 26817: 26815: 26812: 26808: 26805: 26803: 26800: 26798: 26795: 26794: 26793: 26790: 26786: 26783: 26781: 26778: 26776: 26773: 26772: 26771: 26768: 26764: 26761: 26759: 26756: 26755: 26754: 26751: 26749: 26746: 26744: 26741: 26740: 26738: 26735: 26730: 26726: 26722: 26715: 26710: 26708: 26703: 26701: 26696: 26695: 26692: 26680: 26675: 26670: 26668: 26665: 26664: 26661: 26651: 26648: 26646: 26643: 26641: 26638: 26636: 26633: 26631: 26628: 26626: 26623: 26621: 26618: 26614: 26611: 26609: 26606: 26605: 26604: 26601: 26599: 26596: 26594: 26591: 26589: 26586: 26584: 26581: 26579: 26578:Proto-fascism 26576: 26574: 26571: 26569: 26566: 26564: 26561: 26559: 26556: 26554: 26551: 26547: 26544: 26543: 26542: 26539: 26535: 26532: 26531: 26530: 26529:Germanisation 26527: 26525: 26522: 26520: 26517: 26515: 26512: 26510: 26507: 26505: 26502: 26500: 26497: 26495: 26492: 26490: 26487: 26485: 26482: 26478: 26475: 26473: 26470: 26468: 26465: 26463: 26460: 26459: 26458: 26455: 26451: 26448: 26446: 26443: 26441: 26438: 26435: 26434: 26429: 26427: 26424: 26422: 26419: 26417: 26414: 26413: 26412: 26409: 26408: 26405: 26398: 26394: 26384: 26381: 26379: 26376: 26374: 26371: 26369: 26366: 26363: 26360: 26358: 26355: 26353: 26350: 26348: 26344: 26341: 26339: 26336: 26334: 26331: 26329: 26328:Anti-fascists 26326: 26325: 26322: 26315: 26311: 26297: 26294: 26292: 26289: 26287: 26284: 26282: 26279: 26277: 26276:The Holocaust 26274: 26272: 26269: 26267: 26264: 26263: 26261: 26257: 26251: 26248: 26246: 26243: 26241: 26238: 26236: 26233: 26231: 26228: 26226: 26223: 26221: 26218: 26216: 26213: 26211: 26208: 26206: 26203: 26201: 26198: 26197: 26195: 26191: 26185: 26182: 26180: 26177: 26175: 26172: 26170: 26167: 26165: 26162: 26160: 26157: 26155: 26152: 26150: 26147: 26145: 26144:March on Rome 26142: 26141: 26139: 26135: 26129: 26126: 26124: 26121: 26119: 26116: 26114: 26111: 26110: 26108: 26104: 26098: 26095: 26094: 26092: 26088: 26084: 26077: 26073: 26059: 26056: 26054: 26051: 26049: 26046: 26045: 26043: 26041:International 26039: 26033: 26030: 26028: 26025: 26023: 26020: 26018: 26015: 26013: 26010: 26008: 26005: 26003: 26000: 25999: 25997: 25993: 25987: 25984: 25982: 25979: 25977: 25974: 25972: 25969: 25967: 25964: 25960: 25957: 25956: 25955: 25952: 25950: 25947: 25945: 25942: 25940: 25939:Walloon Guard 25937: 25935: 25932: 25930: 25927: 25925: 25922: 25920: 25917: 25915: 25912: 25910: 25907: 25905: 25902: 25900: 25897: 25895: 25894:Silver Shirts 25892: 25890: 25887: 25885: 25882: 25880: 25877: 25875: 25874:Schutzstaffel 25872: 25870: 25867: 25865: 25862: 25860: 25857: 25855: 25852: 25850: 25847: 25845: 25842: 25840: 25837: 25835: 25832: 25830: 25827: 25825: 25822: 25820: 25817: 25815: 25812: 25810: 25807: 25805: 25802: 25800: 25797: 25795: 25792: 25790: 25787: 25785: 25782: 25780: 25777: 25775: 25772: 25770: 25769:Interbrigades 25767: 25765: 25762: 25760: 25757: 25755: 25752: 25750: 25747: 25745: 25742: 25740: 25737: 25735: 25732: 25730: 25727: 25725: 25722: 25720: 25717: 25715: 25712: 25710: 25709:Flemish Guard 25707: 25705: 25702: 25700: 25697: 25695: 25692: 25690: 25687: 25685: 25682: 25678: 25677:Bugojno group 25675: 25674: 25673: 25670: 25668: 25665: 25663: 25660: 25658: 25655: 25653: 25650: 25648: 25645: 25643: 25640: 25638: 25635: 25633: 25630: 25628: 25625: 25623: 25620: 25618: 25615: 25613: 25610: 25608: 25605: 25603: 25600: 25598: 25595: 25593: 25590: 25588: 25585: 25583: 25580: 25579: 25577: 25575: 25571: 25567: 25561: 25558: 25556: 25555:Wiking-Jugend 25553: 25551: 25548: 25544: 25541: 25539: 25536: 25535: 25534: 25531: 25529: 25526: 25524: 25521: 25519: 25516: 25514: 25511: 25509: 25506: 25504: 25501: 25499: 25496: 25494: 25491: 25489: 25486: 25484: 25481: 25479: 25476: 25474: 25471: 25469: 25466: 25464: 25461: 25459: 25456: 25452: 25449: 25447: 25446:JungmĂ€delbund 25444: 25442: 25439: 25437: 25434: 25433: 25432: 25429: 25427: 25424: 25422: 25419: 25417: 25414: 25412: 25409: 25407: 25404: 25402: 25399: 25397: 25394: 25392: 25389: 25387: 25384: 25382: 25379: 25377: 25374: 25373: 25371: 25369: 25365: 25359: 25356: 25354: 25351: 25349: 25346: 25344: 25341: 25339: 25336: 25334: 25331: 25329: 25326: 25324: 25321: 25319: 25316: 25314: 25311: 25309: 25306: 25304: 25301: 25299: 25296: 25294: 25291: 25289: 25286: 25284: 25281: 25279: 25276: 25274: 25271: 25269: 25266: 25264: 25261: 25259: 25256: 25254: 25251: 25250: 25248: 25244: 25238: 25235: 25233: 25230: 25228: 25225: 25223: 25220: 25218: 25215: 25213: 25210: 25208: 25205: 25204: 25202: 25200:Institutional 25198: 25194: 25190:Organizations 25187: 25183: 25169: 25166: 25164: 25161: 25159: 25156: 25154: 25151: 25149: 25146: 25144: 25141: 25140: 25138: 25134: 25128: 25125: 25123: 25120: 25119: 25117: 25113: 25107: 25104: 25102: 25099: 25097: 25094: 25092: 25089: 25087: 25084: 25082: 25079: 25077: 25074: 25072: 25071:The Old Guard 25069: 25067: 25064: 25062: 25059: 25057: 25054: 25052: 25049: 25047: 25044: 25042: 25039: 25037: 25034: 25033: 25031: 25027: 25021: 25018: 25016: 25015:Die Wehrmacht 25013: 25011: 25008: 25006: 25005:Volk en Staat 25003: 25001: 24998: 24996: 24993: 24991: 24988: 24986: 24983: 24981: 24978: 24976: 24973: 24971: 24968: 24966: 24963: 24961: 24960:Sfarmă-Piatră 24958: 24956: 24953: 24951: 24948: 24946: 24943: 24941: 24938: 24936: 24933: 24931: 24928: 24926: 24923: 24921: 24918: 24916: 24913: 24911: 24908: 24906: 24903: 24901: 24898: 24896: 24893: 24891: 24888: 24886: 24883: 24881: 24878: 24876: 24875:Nation Europa 24873: 24871: 24868: 24866: 24863: 24861: 24858: 24856: 24853: 24851: 24848: 24846: 24843: 24841: 24838: 24836: 24833: 24831: 24828: 24826: 24823: 24821: 24818: 24816: 24813: 24811: 24808: 24806: 24803: 24801: 24798: 24796: 24793: 24791: 24788: 24786: 24783: 24781: 24778: 24776: 24773: 24771: 24768: 24766: 24763: 24761: 24758: 24756: 24753: 24751: 24748: 24746: 24743: 24741: 24738: 24736: 24733: 24731: 24728: 24726: 24723: 24721: 24718: 24716: 24713: 24711: 24708: 24707: 24705: 24701: 24695: 24692: 24690: 24687: 24685: 24682: 24680: 24677: 24675: 24672: 24670: 24667: 24665: 24662: 24660: 24657: 24655: 24652: 24650: 24647: 24645: 24642: 24640: 24637: 24635: 24632: 24630: 24627: 24625: 24622: 24620: 24617: 24615: 24612: 24610: 24607: 24605: 24602: 24600: 24597: 24595: 24592: 24590: 24587: 24585: 24582: 24580: 24577: 24575: 24572: 24570: 24567: 24565: 24562: 24560: 24557: 24555: 24552: 24550: 24547: 24545: 24542: 24541: 24539: 24535: 24531: 24524: 24520: 24506: 24503: 24501: 24498: 24496: 24493: 24491: 24488: 24486: 24483: 24481: 24480:Terre'Blanche 24478: 24476: 24473: 24471: 24468: 24466: 24465:Seyss-Inquart 24463: 24461: 24458: 24456: 24453: 24451: 24448: 24446: 24443: 24441: 24438: 24436: 24433: 24431: 24428: 24426: 24423: 24421: 24418: 24416: 24413: 24411: 24408: 24406: 24403: 24401: 24398: 24396: 24393: 24391: 24388: 24386: 24383: 24381: 24378: 24376: 24373: 24371: 24368: 24366: 24363: 24361: 24360:Merlika-Kruja 24358: 24356: 24353: 24351: 24348: 24346: 24343: 24341: 24338: 24336: 24333: 24331: 24328: 24326: 24323: 24321: 24318: 24316: 24313: 24311: 24308: 24306: 24303: 24301: 24298: 24296: 24293: 24291: 24288: 24286: 24283: 24281: 24278: 24276: 24273: 24271: 24268: 24266: 24263: 24261: 24258: 24256: 24253: 24251: 24248: 24246: 24243: 24241: 24238: 24236: 24233: 24231: 24228: 24226: 24223: 24221: 24218: 24216: 24213: 24211: 24208: 24206: 24203: 24201: 24198: 24196: 24193: 24191: 24188: 24186: 24183: 24181: 24178: 24177: 24175: 24171: 24165: 24162: 24160: 24157: 24155: 24152: 24150: 24147: 24145: 24142: 24140: 24137: 24135: 24132: 24130: 24127: 24125: 24122: 24120: 24117: 24115: 24112: 24110: 24107: 24105: 24102: 24100: 24097: 24095: 24092: 24090: 24087: 24085: 24082: 24080: 24077: 24075: 24072: 24070: 24067: 24065: 24062: 24060: 24057: 24055: 24052: 24050: 24047: 24045: 24042: 24040: 24037: 24035: 24032: 24030: 24027: 24025: 24022: 24020: 24017: 24015: 24012: 24010: 24007: 24005: 24002: 24000: 23997: 23995: 23992: 23990: 23987: 23985: 23982: 23980: 23977: 23975: 23972: 23970: 23967: 23965: 23962: 23960: 23957: 23955: 23952: 23950: 23947: 23946: 23944: 23942:United States 23940: 23934: 23931: 23929: 23926: 23924: 23921: 23919: 23916: 23914: 23911: 23909: 23906: 23904: 23901: 23899: 23896: 23894: 23891: 23889: 23886: 23884: 23881: 23879: 23876: 23874: 23871: 23869: 23866: 23865: 23863: 23859: 23853: 23850: 23848: 23845: 23843: 23840: 23838: 23835: 23833: 23830: 23828: 23825: 23823: 23820: 23818: 23815: 23813: 23810: 23808: 23805: 23803: 23800: 23798: 23795: 23794: 23792: 23788: 23782: 23781:Serrano Suñer 23779: 23777: 23776:SĂĄnchez Mazas 23774: 23772: 23769: 23767: 23764: 23762: 23759: 23757: 23756:Franco y Polo 23754: 23752: 23749: 23747: 23744: 23742: 23739: 23737: 23734: 23732: 23729: 23727: 23724: 23723: 23721: 23717: 23711: 23708: 23706: 23703: 23701: 23698: 23696: 23693: 23691: 23688: 23686: 23683: 23681: 23678: 23676: 23675:Martsinkevich 23673: 23671: 23668: 23666: 23663: 23661: 23658: 23656: 23653: 23651: 23648: 23646: 23643: 23641: 23638: 23636: 23633: 23631: 23628: 23626: 23623: 23621: 23618: 23617: 23615: 23611: 23605: 23602: 23600: 23597: 23595: 23592: 23590: 23587: 23585: 23582: 23580: 23577: 23575: 23572: 23570: 23567: 23565: 23562: 23560: 23557: 23555: 23552: 23551: 23549: 23545: 23539: 23536: 23534: 23531: 23529: 23526: 23524: 23521: 23519: 23516: 23514: 23511: 23509: 23506: 23504: 23501: 23499: 23496: 23494: 23491: 23489: 23486: 23485: 23483: 23479: 23473: 23470: 23468: 23465: 23463: 23460: 23458: 23455: 23453: 23450: 23448: 23445: 23443: 23440: 23438: 23435: 23433: 23430: 23428: 23425: 23423: 23420: 23418: 23415: 23413: 23410: 23408: 23405: 23403: 23400: 23398: 23395: 23393: 23390: 23388: 23385: 23383: 23380: 23378: 23375: 23373: 23370: 23368: 23365: 23363: 23360: 23358: 23355: 23353: 23350: 23348: 23345: 23343: 23340: 23338: 23335: 23333: 23330: 23328: 23325: 23323: 23320: 23318: 23315: 23313: 23310: 23308: 23305: 23303: 23300: 23298: 23295: 23293: 23290: 23288: 23285: 23283: 23280: 23278: 23275: 23273: 23270: 23268: 23265: 23263: 23260: 23258: 23255: 23254: 23252: 23248: 23242: 23239: 23237: 23234: 23232: 23229: 23227: 23224: 23222: 23219: 23217: 23214: 23212: 23209: 23207: 23204: 23202: 23199: 23197: 23194: 23192: 23189: 23187: 23184: 23182: 23179: 23177: 23174: 23172: 23169: 23168: 23166: 23162: 23156: 23153: 23151: 23148: 23146: 23143: 23141: 23138: 23136: 23133: 23132: 23130: 23126: 23120: 23117: 23115: 23112: 23110: 23107: 23105: 23102: 23100: 23097: 23095: 23092: 23090: 23087: 23085: 23082: 23080: 23077: 23076: 23074: 23070: 23064: 23061: 23059: 23058:Michaloliakos 23056: 23054: 23051: 23049: 23046: 23044: 23041: 23039: 23036: 23035: 23033: 23029: 23023: 23020: 23018: 23015: 23013: 23010: 23008: 23005: 23003: 23000: 22998: 22995: 22993: 22990: 22988: 22985: 22983: 22980: 22978: 22975: 22973: 22970: 22968: 22965: 22963: 22960: 22958: 22955: 22953: 22950: 22948: 22945: 22943: 22940: 22938: 22935: 22933: 22930: 22928: 22925: 22923: 22920: 22918: 22915: 22913: 22910: 22908: 22905: 22903: 22900: 22898: 22895: 22893: 22890: 22888: 22885: 22883: 22880: 22878: 22875: 22873: 22870: 22868: 22865: 22863: 22860: 22858: 22855: 22853: 22850: 22848: 22845: 22843: 22840: 22838: 22835: 22833: 22830: 22828: 22825: 22823: 22820: 22818: 22815: 22813: 22810: 22808: 22805: 22803: 22800: 22798: 22795: 22793: 22790: 22788: 22785: 22783: 22780: 22778: 22775: 22773: 22770: 22768: 22765: 22764: 22762: 22758: 22752: 22749: 22747: 22744: 22742: 22739: 22737: 22734: 22732: 22729: 22727: 22724: 22722: 22719: 22717: 22714: 22712: 22709: 22707: 22704: 22702: 22699: 22697: 22694: 22692: 22691:ChĂąteaubriant 22689: 22687: 22684: 22682: 22679: 22677: 22674: 22672: 22669: 22667: 22664: 22662: 22659: 22658: 22656: 22652: 22646: 22643: 22641: 22638: 22636: 22633: 22631: 22628: 22626: 22623: 22621: 22618: 22616: 22613: 22611: 22608: 22606: 22603: 22601: 22598: 22597: 22595: 22591: 22585: 22582: 22580: 22577: 22575: 22572: 22570: 22567: 22565: 22562: 22560: 22557: 22555: 22552: 22550: 22547: 22545: 22542: 22541: 22539: 22535: 22529: 22526: 22524: 22521: 22519: 22516: 22514: 22511: 22509: 22506: 22504: 22501: 22499: 22496: 22494: 22491: 22489: 22486: 22484: 22481: 22479: 22476: 22474: 22471: 22470: 22468: 22464: 22458: 22455: 22453: 22450: 22448: 22445: 22443: 22440: 22438: 22435: 22433: 22430: 22429: 22427: 22423: 22419: 22412: 22408: 22394: 22391: 22389: 22386: 22384: 22381: 22379: 22376: 22374: 22371: 22369: 22366: 22364: 22361: 22359: 22356: 22354: 22351: 22349: 22346: 22344: 22341: 22339: 22336: 22334: 22331: 22329: 22326: 22324: 22321: 22319: 22316: 22314: 22311: 22309: 22306: 22304: 22301: 22299: 22296: 22292: 22289: 22287: 22284: 22283: 22282: 22279: 22277: 22274: 22272: 22269: 22267: 22264: 22262: 22259: 22257: 22254: 22252: 22249: 22248: 22246: 22244: 22243:South America 22240: 22234: 22231: 22229: 22226: 22224: 22221: 22219: 22216: 22214: 22211: 22209: 22206: 22204: 22201: 22199: 22196: 22194: 22191: 22189: 22186: 22184: 22181: 22179: 22176: 22174: 22171: 22169: 22166: 22164: 22161: 22159: 22156: 22155: 22153: 22151: 22147: 22141: 22138: 22136: 22133: 22131: 22128: 22126: 22123: 22121: 22118: 22116: 22113: 22111: 22108: 22104: 22101: 22099: 22096: 22094: 22091: 22089: 22086: 22084: 22081: 22079: 22076: 22072: 22069: 22068: 22067: 22064: 22062: 22059: 22057: 22054: 22052: 22051:Patriot Front 22049: 22047: 22044: 22042: 22039: 22037: 22034: 22032: 22029: 22027: 22024: 22022: 22019: 22017: 22014: 22012: 22009: 22007: 22004: 22002: 21999: 21997: 21994: 21992: 21989: 21987: 21984: 21982: 21979: 21977: 21974: 21972: 21969: 21967: 21964: 21962: 21959: 21957: 21954: 21952: 21949: 21948: 21947: 21944: 21940: 21937: 21935: 21932: 21930: 21927: 21925: 21922: 21920: 21917: 21915: 21914:Aryan Nations 21912: 21910: 21907: 21906: 21905: 21902: 21901: 21899: 21897: 21896:North America 21893: 21887: 21884: 21882: 21879: 21877: 21874: 21868: 21865: 21864: 21863: 21860: 21859: 21858: 21855: 21853: 21850: 21848: 21845: 21843: 21840: 21838: 21835: 21833: 21830: 21828: 21825: 21823: 21820: 21818: 21815: 21813: 21810: 21808: 21805: 21803: 21800: 21798: 21795: 21793: 21790: 21788: 21785: 21783: 21780: 21778: 21775: 21773: 21770: 21768: 21765: 21763: 21760: 21758: 21755: 21753: 21750: 21748: 21745: 21743: 21740: 21738: 21735: 21733: 21730: 21728: 21725: 21723: 21720: 21718: 21715: 21713: 21710: 21708: 21705: 21703: 21700: 21698: 21695: 21693: 21690: 21688: 21685: 21683: 21680: 21678: 21675: 21673: 21670: 21668: 21665: 21663: 21660: 21658: 21655: 21653: 21650: 21648: 21645: 21643: 21640: 21638: 21635: 21633: 21630: 21628: 21625: 21623: 21620: 21618: 21615: 21613: 21610: 21608: 21605: 21603: 21602:Eurasia Party 21600: 21598: 21595: 21593: 21590: 21588: 21585: 21583: 21580: 21578: 21575: 21573: 21570: 21568: 21565: 21563: 21560: 21558: 21555: 21554: 21552: 21550: 21546: 21540: 21537: 21535: 21532: 21530: 21527: 21525: 21522: 21520: 21517: 21515: 21512: 21510: 21507: 21505: 21502: 21500: 21497: 21495: 21492: 21490: 21487: 21485: 21482: 21480: 21477: 21475: 21472: 21470: 21467: 21465: 21462: 21460: 21457: 21455: 21452: 21450: 21447: 21445: 21442: 21440: 21437: 21435: 21432: 21430: 21427: 21423: 21420: 21418: 21415: 21413: 21410: 21409: 21408: 21405: 21403: 21400: 21398: 21395: 21393: 21390: 21388: 21385: 21383: 21380: 21378: 21375: 21373: 21370: 21368: 21365: 21363: 21360: 21358: 21355: 21351: 21348: 21347: 21346: 21343: 21341: 21338: 21336: 21333: 21331: 21328: 21326: 21323: 21321: 21318: 21316: 21313: 21311: 21308: 21306: 21303: 21301: 21298: 21296: 21293: 21292: 21290: 21288: 21284: 21278: 21277:Wiking-Jugend 21275: 21273: 21270: 21268: 21265: 21263: 21260: 21258: 21255: 21253: 21250: 21248: 21245: 21243: 21240: 21236: 21233: 21232: 21231: 21228: 21226: 21223: 21221: 21218: 21214: 21211: 21209: 21206: 21204: 21201: 21199: 21196: 21195: 21194: 21191: 21189: 21186: 21184: 21181: 21179: 21176: 21174: 21171: 21169: 21166: 21164: 21161: 21159: 21156: 21154: 21151: 21149: 21146: 21144: 21141: 21139: 21136: 21134: 21131: 21129: 21126: 21124: 21121: 21119: 21116: 21114: 21111: 21109: 21106: 21104: 21101: 21099: 21096: 21094: 21091: 21089: 21086: 21084: 21081: 21079: 21076: 21074: 21071: 21069: 21066: 21064: 21061: 21059: 21056: 21054: 21051: 21049: 21046: 21045: 21043: 21041: 21037: 21031: 21028: 21026: 21023: 21021: 21018: 21016: 21015: 21011: 21009: 21006: 21004: 21001: 20999: 20996: 20994: 20993: 20989: 20987: 20984: 20982: 20979: 20977: 20974: 20972: 20969: 20967: 20964: 20962: 20961: 20957: 20955: 20954: 20950: 20948: 20945: 20943: 20940: 20938: 20935: 20933: 20930: 20928: 20925: 20923: 20920: 20918: 20915: 20913: 20910: 20908: 20905: 20903: 20900: 20898: 20897: 20893: 20889: 20886: 20885: 20884: 20883: 20879: 20877: 20874: 20872: 20869: 20867: 20864: 20862: 20859: 20857: 20856:Nordic League 20854: 20852: 20849: 20847: 20844: 20842: 20839: 20837: 20834: 20832: 20829: 20827: 20824: 20822: 20819: 20817: 20814: 20812: 20809: 20807: 20804: 20802: 20799: 20797: 20794: 20792: 20789: 20787: 20784: 20782: 20779: 20777: 20774: 20772: 20769: 20767: 20764: 20762: 20759: 20757: 20754: 20752: 20749: 20747: 20744: 20742: 20739: 20737: 20734: 20732: 20729: 20727: 20724: 20722: 20721: 20717: 20715: 20714: 20710: 20708: 20707: 20703: 20701: 20700: 20696: 20694: 20691: 20689: 20686: 20684: 20681: 20679: 20676: 20674: 20671: 20669: 20666: 20664: 20663:Heathen Front 20661: 20659: 20656: 20654: 20651: 20649: 20646: 20644: 20641: 20639: 20636: 20634: 20631: 20629: 20626: 20624: 20621: 20619: 20616: 20614: 20611: 20609: 20608: 20604: 20602: 20599: 20597: 20594: 20592: 20589: 20587: 20584: 20582: 20579: 20577: 20574: 20572: 20569: 20567: 20564: 20562: 20561: 20557: 20555: 20552: 20550: 20547: 20545: 20542: 20540: 20537: 20535: 20532: 20530: 20527: 20525: 20522: 20520: 20517: 20515: 20514:Britain First 20512: 20510: 20507: 20505: 20502: 20500: 20497: 20495: 20492: 20490: 20487: 20485: 20482: 20480: 20479: 20475: 20473: 20472: 20468: 20466: 20465: 20461: 20459: 20456: 20455: 20453: 20451: 20447: 20441: 20438: 20436: 20433: 20431: 20428: 20426: 20423: 20421: 20418: 20416: 20413: 20407: 20404: 20402: 20399: 20398: 20397: 20394: 20392: 20389: 20385: 20384:Vidya Bharati 20382: 20380: 20377: 20375: 20372: 20371: 20370: 20367: 20365: 20362: 20360: 20357: 20355: 20352: 20350: 20347: 20345: 20342: 20340: 20337: 20335: 20334:Hindu Munnani 20332: 20330: 20327: 20325: 20322: 20320: 20317: 20315: 20312: 20310: 20307: 20305: 20302: 20298: 20295: 20294: 20293: 20290: 20288: 20285: 20283: 20280: 20279: 20278: 20277:Sangh Parivar 20275: 20273: 20270: 20268: 20265: 20263: 20260: 20258: 20255: 20253: 20250: 20248: 20245: 20243: 20240: 20238: 20235: 20233: 20230: 20228: 20225: 20223: 20222:Otzma Yehudit 20220: 20218: 20215: 20213: 20210: 20208: 20205: 20203: 20200: 20198: 20195: 20193: 20190: 20188: 20185: 20183: 20180: 20178: 20175: 20173: 20170: 20168: 20165: 20163: 20160: 20158: 20157:Kokumin Dƍmei 20155: 20153: 20150: 20148: 20145: 20143: 20140: 20138: 20135: 20133: 20130: 20128: 20125: 20123: 20122:Golden Square 20120: 20118: 20115: 20113: 20110: 20108: 20105: 20103: 20100: 20098: 20095: 20093: 20090: 20088: 20085: 20083: 20080: 20078: 20075: 20073: 20070: 20069: 20067: 20065: 20061: 20055: 20052: 20050: 20047: 20045: 20042: 20040: 20037: 20035: 20032: 20031: 20029: 20025: 20021: 20014: 20010: 20000: 19997: 19993: 19990: 19988: 19985: 19983: 19980: 19979: 19978: 19975: 19971: 19968: 19966: 19963: 19961: 19958: 19957: 19956: 19953: 19951: 19948: 19946: 19943: 19941: 19938: 19934: 19931: 19930: 19929: 19926: 19922: 19919: 19915: 19912: 19911: 19910: 19907: 19906: 19904: 19902: 19899: 19897: 19894: 19890: 19887: 19886: 19885: 19882: 19878: 19875: 19873: 19870: 19866: 19863: 19862: 19861: 19858: 19856: 19853: 19851: 19848: 19846: 19843: 19842: 19841: 19838: 19836: 19833: 19831: 19828: 19826: 19823: 19819: 19816: 19814: 19811: 19810: 19809: 19806: 19800: 19797: 19796: 19795: 19792: 19790: 19787: 19786: 19784: 19780: 19777: 19776: 19775: 19772: 19768: 19765: 19764: 19763: 19760: 19758: 19755: 19753: 19750: 19748: 19745: 19743: 19740: 19738: 19735: 19731: 19728: 19722: 19719: 19717: 19714: 19713: 19711: 19710: 19709: 19706: 19704: 19701: 19700: 19699: 19696: 19694: 19691: 19689: 19686: 19684: 19681: 19679: 19676: 19672: 19669: 19668: 19667: 19664: 19662: 19659: 19657: 19654: 19652: 19649: 19647: 19644: 19640: 19637: 19635: 19632: 19631: 19629: 19627: 19624: 19623: 19620: 19613: 19609: 19595: 19592: 19590: 19587: 19585: 19582: 19580: 19577: 19575: 19572: 19571: 19569: 19565: 19559: 19556: 19554: 19551: 19549: 19546: 19544: 19541: 19539: 19536: 19534: 19531: 19529: 19526: 19524: 19521: 19519: 19516: 19514: 19511: 19509: 19506: 19504: 19501: 19499: 19496: 19494: 19491: 19489: 19488:Perpetual war 19486: 19484: 19481: 19479: 19476: 19472: 19469: 19467: 19464: 19462: 19459: 19458: 19457: 19454: 19452: 19449: 19447: 19444: 19442: 19439: 19437: 19436: 19432: 19430: 19429:Irrationalism 19427: 19425: 19422: 19420: 19417: 19415: 19412: 19410: 19407: 19405: 19402: 19400: 19397: 19395: 19392: 19390: 19387: 19385: 19384:Direct action 19382: 19380: 19377: 19375: 19372: 19370: 19367: 19365: 19362: 19360: 19357: 19355: 19352: 19350: 19347: 19345: 19344:Anti-pacifism 19342: 19340: 19337: 19335: 19332: 19330: 19327: 19325: 19322: 19320: 19317: 19316: 19314: 19312: 19308: 19304: 19297: 19293: 19289: 19282: 19277: 19275: 19270: 19268: 19263: 19262: 19259: 19247: 19244: 19242: 19239: 19238: 19233: 19229: 19226: 19222: 19219: 19215: 19214: 19210: 19200: 19197: 19195: 19192: 19190: 19187: 19185: 19182: 19180: 19177: 19175: 19172: 19170: 19167: 19165: 19162: 19160: 19157: 19155: 19152: 19150: 19147: 19145: 19142: 19140: 19137: 19135: 19132: 19130: 19127: 19125: 19122: 19120: 19117: 19114: 19112: 19109: 19107: 19104: 19102: 19099: 19097: 19094: 19092: 19089: 19087: 19084: 19082: 19079: 19078: 19076: 19074: 19070: 19064: 19061: 19059: 19058:Social issues 19056: 19054: 19051: 19049: 19046: 19044: 19041: 19039: 19036: 19034: 19031: 19029: 19026: 19024: 19021: 19019: 19016: 19014: 19011: 19009: 19006: 19004: 19001: 18999: 18996: 18992: 18989: 18987: 18986:Ethnic groups 18984: 18983: 18982: 18979: 18977: 18974: 18972: 18969: 18967: 18964: 18962: 18959: 18957: 18954: 18953: 18950: 18947: 18945: 18941: 18931: 18928: 18926: 18923: 18921: 18918: 18916: 18913: 18911: 18908: 18906: 18903: 18901: 18898: 18896: 18893: 18891: 18888: 18886: 18884: 18880: 18878: 18875: 18873: 18870: 18868: 18865: 18863: 18860: 18858: 18855: 18853: 18850: 18846: 18843: 18842: 18841: 18838: 18836: 18833: 18831: 18828: 18827: 18824: 18821: 18819: 18815: 18805: 18802: 18800: 18797: 18795: 18792: 18790: 18787: 18785: 18782: 18780: 18777: 18775: 18772: 18768: 18765: 18763: 18760: 18758: 18755: 18754: 18753: 18750: 18748: 18745: 18743: 18740: 18738: 18735: 18733: 18730: 18728: 18725: 18723: 18720: 18718: 18714: 18710: 18708: 18705: 18703: 18700: 18699: 18696: 18693: 18691: 18687: 18677: 18674: 18672: 18669: 18667: 18664: 18662: 18659: 18657: 18654: 18652: 18649: 18647: 18644: 18640: 18637: 18635: 18632: 18631: 18630: 18627: 18626: 18623: 18620: 18618: 18614: 18603: 18600: 18597: 18594: 18592: 18589: 18587: 18584: 18583: 18581: 18577: 18571: 18568: 18566: 18565:Reunification 18563: 18562: 18560: 18556: 18548: 18545: 18543: 18540: 18539: 18538: 18535: 18533: 18530: 18528: 18525: 18523: 18520: 18518: 18515: 18513: 18510: 18508: 18505: 18503: 18500: 18498: 18495: 18493: 18490: 18488: 18487:German Empire 18485: 18483: 18480: 18478: 18475: 18473: 18470: 18468: 18465: 18463: 18460: 18458: 18455: 18453: 18450: 18448: 18445: 18444: 18442: 18438: 18432: 18429: 18427: 18424: 18422: 18419: 18417: 18414: 18412: 18409: 18407: 18404: 18402: 18399: 18398: 18396: 18392: 18386: 18383: 18381: 18378: 18376: 18373: 18371: 18368: 18366: 18363: 18361: 18358: 18356: 18353: 18351: 18348: 18346: 18343: 18341: 18338: 18336: 18333: 18331: 18328: 18326: 18323: 18322: 18320: 18316: 18310: 18307: 18305: 18302: 18300: 18297: 18295: 18292: 18291: 18289: 18285: 18282: 18276: 18272: 18268: 18261: 18256: 18254: 18249: 18247: 18242: 18241: 18238: 18222: 18219: 18216: 18214: 18211: 18210: 18208: 18204: 18198: 18195: 18193: 18190: 18188: 18185: 18183: 18180: 18178: 18175: 18173: 18170: 18169: 18167: 18163: 18160: 18156: 18146: 18143: 18141: 18138: 18136: 18133: 18131: 18128: 18127: 18125: 18121: 18111: 18108: 18106: 18103: 18101: 18098: 18096: 18093: 18091: 18088: 18087: 18085: 18081: 18075: 18072: 18070: 18067: 18065: 18062: 18060: 18057: 18055: 18052: 18051: 18049: 18045: 18042: 18039: 18038: 18032: 18022: 18019: 18018: 18016: 18012: 18006: 18003: 18001: 17998: 17996: 17993: 17991: 17988: 17986: 17983: 17981: 17980:Russia (KONR) 17978: 17976: 17975:Russia (ODNR) 17973: 17971: 17968: 17966: 17963: 17961: 17958: 17956: 17953: 17951: 17948: 17946: 17943: 17941: 17938: 17936: 17933: 17932: 17930: 17926: 17920: 17917: 17915: 17912: 17910: 17907: 17905: 17902: 17900: 17897: 17895: 17892: 17890: 17887: 17885: 17882: 17880: 17877: 17875: 17872: 17870: 17867: 17865: 17862: 17860: 17857: 17855: 17852: 17850: 17847: 17845: 17842: 17840: 17837: 17835: 17832: 17830: 17827: 17825: 17822: 17820: 17817: 17815: 17812: 17810: 17807: 17805: 17802: 17800: 17797: 17795: 17792: 17790: 17787: 17785: 17782: 17780: 17777: 17776: 17774: 17770: 17767: 17763: 17757: 17754: 17750: 17747: 17746: 17745: 17742: 17741: 17739: 17735: 17727: 17724: 17723: 17722: 17719: 17717: 17714: 17712: 17709: 17707: 17704: 17702: 17699: 17696: 17695:zone rĂ©servĂ©e 17692: 17691:Atlantic Wall 17688: 17685: 17683: 17680: 17678: 17675: 17673: 17670: 17669: 17667: 17665: 17661: 17651: 17648: 17647: 17645: 17641: 17635: 17632: 17631: 17629: 17625: 17622: 17620: 17616: 17610: 17607: 17605: 17602: 17600: 17597: 17595: 17592: 17590: 17587: 17585: 17582: 17580: 17577: 17575: 17572: 17570: 17567: 17565: 17562: 17561: 17559: 17557: 17553: 17550: 17548: 17542: 17528: 17525: 17523: 17520: 17518: 17517:Burgundy (SS) 17515: 17514: 17512: 17508: 17498: 17495: 17493: 17490: 17488: 17485: 17483: 17480: 17478: 17475: 17474: 17472: 17470: 17466: 17460: 17457: 17456: 17454: 17450: 17447: 17445: 17441: 17427: 17424: 17422: 17419: 17417: 17414: 17412: 17409: 17407: 17404: 17403: 17401: 17399: 17395: 17389: 17386: 17384: 17381: 17379: 17376: 17374: 17371: 17369: 17366: 17364: 17361: 17359: 17356: 17354: 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16955: 16954: 16951: 16941: 16931: 16923: 16920: 16918: 16915: 16913: 16910: 16908: 16905: 16903: 16900: 16897: 16896: 16891: 16888: 16887: 16882: 16880: 16877: 16875: 16872: 16870: 16867: 16863: 16860: 16858: 16855: 16854: 16853: 16850: 16849: 16845: 16839: 16834: 16831: 16829: 16826: 16824: 16823:The Wehrmacht 16821: 16819: 16813: 16806: 16803: 16801: 16798: 16796: 16793: 16791: 16788: 16786: 16783: 16781: 16778: 16776: 16773: 16769: 16765: 16757: 16756: 16752: 16750: 16747: 16745: 16742: 16740: 16737: 16735: 16732: 16730: 16727: 16725: 16720: 16718: 16713: 16711: 16708: 16706: 16701: 16699: 16696: 16694: 16691: 16689: 16686: 16684: 16681: 16679: 16676: 16675: 16671: 16665: 16660: 16657: 16655: 16652: 16650: 16647: 16645: 16642: 16640: 16637: 16635: 16632: 16630: 16628: 16622: 16615: 16612: 16610: 16607: 16605: 16602: 16600: 16597: 16595: 16592: 16590: 16587: 16585: 16582: 16580: 16577: 16575: 16572: 16570: 16567: 16565: 16562: 16560: 16557: 16555: 16552: 16550: 16547: 16543: 16541: 16537: 16530: 16527: 16525: 16522: 16520: 16517: 16515: 16512: 16510: 16509:Seyss-Inquart 16507: 16505: 16502: 16500: 16497: 16495: 16492: 16490: 16487: 16485: 16482: 16480: 16477: 16475: 16472: 16470: 16467: 16465: 16462: 16460: 16457: 16455: 16452: 16450: 16447: 16445: 16442: 16440: 16437: 16435: 16432: 16430: 16427: 16423: 16421: 16417: 16409: 16408: 16403: 16400: 16399: 16394: 16389: 16388: 16383: 16382: 16381: 16378: 16376: 16373: 16371: 16368: 16366: 16363: 16361: 16358: 16356: 16353: 16351: 16348: 16344: 16341: 16339: 16336: 16333: 16332: 16331:Untermenschen 16327: 16324: 16323: 16322:Rassenschande 16318: 16316: 16313: 16311: 16308: 16306: 16303: 16301: 16298: 16296: 16293: 16291: 16288: 16287: 16286: 16283: 16281: 16278: 16276: 16273: 16271: 16268: 16266: 16263: 16261: 16258: 16256: 16253: 16249: 16246: 16244: 16241: 16239: 16236: 16234: 16231: 16230: 16229: 16226: 16224: 16221: 16219: 16216: 16212: 16211:Pan-Germanism 16209: 16206: 16205: 16200: 16197: 16196: 16191: 16189: 16186: 16185: 16184: 16181: 16178: 16177: 16172: 16169: 16168: 16163: 16161: 16158: 16156: 16153: 16151: 16150:Direct action 16148: 16143: 16142: 16141:FĂŒhrerprinzip 16137: 16136: 16135: 16132: 16130: 16127: 16125: 16122: 16118: 16115: 16112: 16111: 16106: 16105: 16104: 16101: 16099: 16096: 16094: 16091: 16089: 16086: 16084: 16081: 16079: 16078:Anti-pacifism 16076: 16074: 16071: 16069: 16066: 16064: 16061: 16059: 16056: 16052: 16050: 16046: 16038: 16035: 16033: 16030: 16028: 16025: 16023: 16020: 16018: 16015: 16013: 16010: 16008: 16005: 16003: 16000: 15998: 15995: 15993: 15990: 15989: 15988: 15987: 15982: 15979: 15977: 15974: 15972: 15969: 15967: 15964: 15962: 15961:The Holocaust 15959: 15957: 15954: 15951: 15950: 15945: 15942: 15941: 15940:Kristallnacht 15936: 15934: 15931: 15929: 15926: 15924: 15921: 15919: 15916: 15914: 15911: 15909: 15906: 15903: 15902: 15897: 15895: 15892: 15889: 15887: 15884: 15881: 15880: 15875: 15873: 15870: 15868: 15865: 15863: 15860: 15856: 15854: 15850: 15840: 15839: 15838:Schutzstaffel 15834: 15830: 15829: 15824: 15822: 15819: 15816: 15815: 15810: 15808: 15805: 15803: 15800: 15798: 15795: 15793: 15790: 15788: 15785: 15783: 15780: 15778: 15775: 15773: 15770: 15767: 15766: 15761: 15758: 15757: 15752: 15749: 15748: 15743: 15742: 15738: 15734: 15730: 15723: 15718: 15716: 15711: 15709: 15704: 15703: 15700: 15688: 15685: 15683: 15680: 15676: 15673: 15672: 15671: 15668: 15666: 15663: 15661: 15658: 15656: 15653: 15651: 15648: 15646: 15643: 15642: 15640: 15636: 15630: 15627: 15625: 15621: 15618: 15616: 15612: 15608: 15605: 15604: 15602: 15598: 15592: 15589: 15587: 15586:Otto Strasser 15584: 15582: 15579: 15577: 15574: 15572: 15569: 15567: 15564: 15562: 15559: 15557: 15556:Bernhard Rust 15554: 15552: 15549: 15547: 15544: 15542: 15539: 15537: 15534: 15532: 15531:Josef Mengele 15529: 15527: 15524: 15522: 15519: 15517: 15514: 15512: 15509: 15507: 15504: 15502: 15499: 15497: 15494: 15492: 15489: 15487: 15484: 15482: 15479: 15477: 15476:Wilhelm Frick 15474: 15472: 15469: 15467: 15464: 15462: 15459: 15457: 15454: 15452: 15449: 15447: 15444: 15442: 15439: 15437: 15434: 15432: 15429: 15427: 15424: 15423: 15421: 15419: 15415: 15408: 15407: 15402: 15399: 15398: 15393: 15390: 15389: 15384: 15381: 15380: 15375: 15372: 15371: 15366: 15363: 15362: 15357: 15354: 15353: 15348: 15345: 15344: 15339: 15336: 15335: 15330: 15329: 15327: 15323: 15317: 15314: 15312: 15309: 15307: 15304: 15302: 15299: 15297: 15294: 15292: 15289: 15287: 15284: 15282: 15279: 15277: 15274: 15272: 15269: 15267: 15266:Amt Rosenberg 15264: 15263: 15261: 15259:Party offices 15257: 15251: 15250:Thule Society 15248: 15246: 15243: 15241: 15238: 15236: 15233: 15231: 15228: 15226: 15223: 15221: 15218: 15216: 15213: 15211: 15208: 15206: 15203: 15201: 15198: 15196: 15193: 15191: 15188: 15187: 15185: 15181: 15174: 15171: 15168: 15165: 15162: 15161:Anton Drexler 15159: 15158: 15156: 15154: 15150: 15146: 15139: 15134: 15132: 15127: 15125: 15120: 15119: 15116: 15110: 15103: 15097: 15093: 15090: 15086: 15082: 15078: 15074: 15072: 15064: 15063: 15052: 15046: 15042: 15037: 15033: 15029: 15025: 15021: 15017: 15013: 15009: 15005: 15004: 14999: 14994: 14982: 14981: 14976: 14971: 14967: 14961: 14957: 14952: 14948: 14942: 14938: 14933: 14929: 14923: 14919: 14915: 14911: 14907: 14901: 14897: 14892: 14888: 14882: 14878: 14874: 14873:Wegner, Bernd 14870: 14866: 14860: 14856: 14852: 14851:Weale, Adrian 14848: 14844: 14838: 14834: 14829: 14818: 14814: 14809: 14798: 14794: 14789: 14778: 14774: 14769: 14758: 14754: 14749: 14738: 14734: 14729: 14725: 14719: 14715: 14710: 14706: 14700: 14696: 14691: 14687: 14681: 14677: 14672: 14668: 14662: 14658: 14653: 14649: 14643: 14639: 14638: 14633: 14629: 14625: 14619: 14615: 14610: 14598: 14594: 14589: 14585: 14581: 14577: 14573: 14569: 14564: 14559: 14555: 14551: 14547: 14543: 14542: 14536: 14532: 14526: 14522: 14517: 14513: 14507: 14503: 14498: 14494: 14488: 14484: 14479: 14464: 14457: 14456: 14451: 14440: 14439:The Economist 14436: 14431: 14419: 14415: 14411: 14406: 14402: 14396: 14392: 14388: 14384: 14380: 14374: 14370: 14369: 14364: 14363:Speer, Albert 14360: 14349: 14345: 14340: 14336: 14332: 14328: 14324: 14318: 14314: 14310: 14306: 14302: 14296: 14292: 14287: 14275: 14270: 14266: 14260: 14256: 14255: 14250: 14246: 14235: 14231: 14226: 14222: 14216: 14212: 14208: 14207:Sereny, Gitta 14204: 14200: 14194: 14190: 14185: 14181: 14179:90-04-11037-2 14175: 14171: 14167: 14162: 14158: 14154: 14150: 14144: 14140: 14139: 14134: 14130: 14126: 14120: 14115: 14114: 14108: 14104: 14100: 14094: 14090: 14085: 14081: 14075: 14071: 14067: 14063: 14051: 14047: 14043: 14038: 14034: 14028: 14024: 14023: 14018: 14014: 14010: 14004: 14000: 13996: 13995:Raeder, Erich 13992: 13988: 13982: 13977: 13976: 13970: 13966: 13955: 13954: 13949: 13945: 13944:Posener, Alan 13941: 13937: 13931: 13927: 13922: 13918: 13912: 13908: 13903: 13899: 13895: 13891: 13887: 13883: 13879: 13875: 13871: 13866: 13862: 13856: 13852: 13847: 13843: 13837: 13833: 13828: 13824: 13818: 13814: 13813: 13808: 13804: 13800: 13794: 13790: 13786: 13782: 13778: 13777: 13771: 13759: 13758: 13753: 13749: 13743: 13739: 13738: 13732: 13728: 13722: 13718: 13714: 13710: 13706: 13705: 13700: 13696: 13692: 13688: 13683: 13679: 13673: 13669: 13664: 13660: 13654: 13650: 13646: 13645:Melvin, Mungo 13642: 13638: 13632: 13628: 13623: 13619: 13613: 13609: 13604: 13600: 13594: 13590: 13586: 13585:Mazower, Mark 13582: 13578: 13572: 13568: 13563: 13559: 13553: 13549: 13544: 13540: 13534: 13530: 13526: 13522: 13518: 13512: 13508: 13504: 13500: 13496: 13492: 13486: 13482: 13477: 13473: 13467: 13462: 13461: 13455: 13451: 13447: 13441: 13437: 13432: 13428: 13422: 13418: 13413: 13401: 13397: 13393: 13389: 13385: 13370: 13366: 13359: 13354: 13343: 13339: 13335: 13331: 13327: 13323: 13322: 13317: 13313: 13309: 13303: 13299: 13295: 13291: 13287: 13283: 13279: 13275: 13271: 13267: 13262: 13250: 13246: 13245: 13240: 13235: 13231: 13225: 13221: 13220: 13214: 13210: 13204: 13200: 13196: 13192: 13177: 13170: 13169: 13164: 13160: 13154: 13150: 13149: 13143: 13139: 13133: 13129: 13124: 13120: 13114: 13110: 13105: 13101: 13095: 13091: 13090: 13084: 13080: 13074: 13070: 13066: 13062: 13058: 13052: 13048: 13043: 13039: 13033: 13029: 13028: 13023: 13019: 13015: 13009: 13005: 13000: 12996: 12990: 12985: 12984: 12978: 12974: 12959: 12952: 12951: 12945: 12934: 12933:The Telegraph 12930: 12926: 12922: 12907: 12903: 12899: 12894: 12889: 12885: 12881: 12877: 12873: 12866: 12861: 12857: 12853: 12849: 12845: 12841: 12837: 12832: 12828: 12822: 12818: 12817: 12812: 12808: 12804: 12798: 12794: 12793: 12788: 12784: 12780: 12774: 12770: 12765: 12753: 12749: 12745: 12740: 12736: 12730: 12726: 12725: 12720: 12716: 12712: 12706: 12702: 12697: 12693: 12689: 12685: 12681: 12677: 12673: 12668: 12664: 12658: 12654: 12649: 12645: 12641: 12637: 12633: 12629: 12625: 12621: 12617: 12611: 12607: 12603: 12599: 12595: 12589: 12585: 12580: 12576: 12572: 12568: 12564: 12560: 12556: 12552: 12548: 12544: 12538: 12534: 12529: 12525: 12519: 12515: 12514: 12508: 12504: 12498: 12494: 12490: 12489:Fest, Joachim 12486: 12482: 12476: 12472: 12468: 12464: 12460: 12454: 12450: 12445: 12441: 12435: 12430: 12429: 12422: 12418: 12412: 12407: 12406: 12399: 12395: 12389: 12385: 12384: 12379: 12375: 12363: 12359: 12355: 12351: 12347: 12341: 12337: 12336: 12331: 12327: 12323: 12319: 12313: 12309: 12305: 12301: 12299:3-515-07641-7 12295: 12291: 12290: 12284: 12277: 12273: 12269: 12265: 12261: 12258:(in German). 12257: 12249: 12244: 12240: 12234: 12230: 12225: 12221: 12215: 12211: 12207: 12203: 12199: 12195: 12191: 12179: 12175: 12171: 12167: 12163: 12159: 12153: 12149: 12144: 12140: 12136: 12131: 12127: 12121: 12117: 12116: 12111: 12107: 12103: 12097: 12093: 12088: 12084: 12078: 12074: 12070: 12066: 12062: 12056: 12052: 12051: 12045: 12041: 12035: 12031: 12027: 12022: 12018: 12012: 12008: 12004: 12000: 11996: 11990: 11986: 11981: 11969: 11966:. Episode 7. 11965: 11961: 11957: 11953: 11942: 11938: 11934: 11929: 11918: 11914: 11910: 11907:(in German). 11906: 11902: 11897: 11882: 11875: 11874: 11868: 11864: 11858: 11855:. UK: Arrow. 11854: 11849: 11845: 11841: 11837: 11833: 11829: 11825: 11821: 11817: 11812: 11801:on 9 May 2013 11797: 11790: 11789: 11783: 11779: 11773: 11769: 11765: 11761: 11757: 11751: 11747: 11743: 11742:Bergen, Doris 11739: 11735: 11729: 11725: 11720: 11716: 11710: 11706: 11701: 11697: 11691: 11687: 11686: 11680: 11676: 11670: 11666: 11665: 11660: 11656: 11652: 11646: 11642: 11637: 11636: 11633: 11618: 11613: 11606: 11601: 11594: 11589: 11582: 11577: 11575: 11573: 11565: 11560: 11553: 11548: 11541: 11540:, section 86a 11539: 11533: 11526: 11524: 11523:The Economist 11518: 11516: 11509:, p. 56. 11508: 11503: 11496: 11491: 11484: 11483:Kershaw 2000a 11479: 11472: 11467: 11460: 11455: 11448: 11443: 11437:, p. 98. 11436: 11431: 11424: 11419: 11412: 11407: 11405: 11397: 11392: 11385: 11383: 11377: 11370: 11365: 11358: 11353: 11346: 11341: 11334: 11329: 11322: 11317: 11310: 11305: 11298: 11293: 11286: 11281: 11274: 11269: 11262: 11257: 11250: 11245: 11238: 11233: 11226: 11221: 11214: 11209: 11203:, p. 92. 11202: 11197: 11190: 11185: 11178: 11173: 11166: 11161: 11154: 11149: 11142: 11137: 11130: 11125: 11118: 11113: 11107:, p. 16. 11106: 11101: 11099: 11091: 11086: 11079: 11074: 11067: 11062: 11055: 11050: 11043: 11038: 11031: 11026: 11020:, p. 18. 11019: 11014: 11007: 11002: 10995: 10990: 10983: 10982: 10975: 10968: 10963: 10956: 10955: 10948: 10941: 10936: 10929: 10924: 10917: 10912: 10905: 10900: 10893: 10888: 10881: 10876: 10870:, p. 92. 10869: 10864: 10857: 10852: 10845: 10840: 10838: 10831:, p. 57. 10830: 10825: 10818: 10813: 10806: 10801: 10794: 10789: 10782: 10777: 10770: 10765: 10758: 10753: 10751: 10743: 10738: 10736: 10734: 10732: 10724: 10719: 10712: 10707: 10700: 10695: 10688: 10683: 10676: 10671: 10664: 10659: 10652: 10651: 10644: 10637: 10632: 10625: 10624:Uekötter 2005 10620: 10613: 10612:Closmann 2005 10608: 10601: 10600:Closmann 2005 10596: 10590:, p. 56. 10589: 10588:Uekötter 2006 10584: 10578:, p. 10. 10577: 10572: 10565: 10560: 10553: 10548: 10541: 10536: 10529: 10524: 10517: 10512: 10506:, p. 20. 10505: 10500: 10494:, p. 40. 10493: 10488: 10481: 10476: 10469: 10464: 10457: 10452: 10445: 10440: 10433: 10428: 10421: 10416: 10409: 10404: 10402: 10400: 10392: 10387: 10385: 10377: 10372: 10365: 10360: 10353: 10348: 10341: 10336: 10329: 10324: 10317: 10312: 10305: 10300: 10293: 10288: 10281: 10276: 10270:, p. 70. 10269: 10264: 10257: 10252: 10245: 10240: 10233: 10228: 10221: 10216: 10209: 10204: 10198:, p. 45. 10197: 10192: 10185: 10180: 10173: 10168: 10166: 10158: 10153: 10146: 10141: 10134: 10129: 10122: 10117: 10110: 10105: 10098: 10093: 10086: 10081: 10075:, p. 65. 10074: 10069: 10062: 10057: 10050: 10045: 10038: 10033: 10026: 10021: 10019: 10017: 10009: 10004: 9997: 9992: 9985: 9980: 9973: 9968: 9961: 9956: 9949: 9944: 9937: 9932: 9925: 9920: 9913: 9908: 9901: 9896: 9889: 9884: 9877: 9872: 9865: 9860: 9853: 9848: 9841: 9836: 9829: 9824: 9817: 9812: 9805: 9804: 9797: 9790: 9785: 9778: 9777:Browning 2005 9773: 9766: 9761: 9754: 9749: 9742: 9737: 9730: 9725: 9718: 9713: 9706: 9705:table, p. 112 9702: 9697: 9690: 9685: 9678: 9673: 9666: 9661: 9654: 9649: 9642: 9637: 9630: 9625: 9618: 9617:Nicholas 2006 9613: 9606: 9601: 9594: 9589: 9582: 9577: 9571:, p. 32. 9570: 9569:Berghahn 1999 9565: 9558: 9557:Kershaw 2000a 9553: 9551: 9544:, p. 74. 9543: 9538: 9532:, p. 45. 9531: 9526: 9519: 9514: 9507: 9502: 9500: 9492: 9487: 9480: 9475: 9468: 9467: 9460: 9458: 9450: 9445: 9443: 9435: 9430: 9423: 9418: 9411: 9406: 9399: 9394: 9387: 9382: 9376:, p. 41. 9375: 9370: 9363: 9358: 9351: 9346: 9340:, p. 60. 9339: 9334: 9328:, p. 92. 9327: 9322: 9315: 9310: 9303: 9298: 9291: 9286: 9279: 9274: 9267: 9262: 9255: 9250: 9243: 9238: 9231: 9230: 9223: 9216: 9211: 9204: 9199: 9192: 9187: 9180: 9175: 9168: 9163: 9156: 9151: 9144: 9139: 9132: 9127: 9120: 9115: 9108: 9103: 9096: 9091: 9085:, p. 59. 9084: 9079: 9072: 9067: 9060: 9055: 9048: 9043: 9036: 9031: 9024: 9019: 9012: 9007: 9000: 8999:Childers 2001 8995: 8988: 8983: 8981: 8973: 8968: 8966: 8958: 8953: 8946: 8941: 8934: 8929: 8922: 8917: 8910: 8905: 8898: 8893: 8886: 8881: 8874: 8869: 8862: 8857: 8850: 8845: 8839:, p. 97. 8838: 8833: 8826: 8821: 8814: 8809: 8807: 8805: 8803: 8795: 8790: 8783: 8778: 8771: 8766: 8759: 8754: 8747: 8742: 8735: 8730: 8723: 8718: 8716: 8708: 8703: 8696: 8691: 8684: 8679: 8672: 8667: 8660: 8655: 8648: 8643: 8636: 8631: 8624: 8619: 8612: 8607: 8600: 8595: 8588: 8583: 8576: 8571: 8565:, p. 67. 8564: 8559: 8552: 8547: 8541:, p. 88. 8540: 8535: 8528: 8523: 8516: 8511: 8504: 8499: 8492: 8487: 8480: 8475: 8468: 8463: 8456: 8455:Kershaw 2000b 8451: 8444: 8439: 8432: 8427: 8420: 8415: 8408: 8403: 8396: 8391: 8389: 8381: 8376: 8369: 8364: 8357: 8352: 8346:, p. 73. 8345: 8340: 8333: 8328: 8322:, p. 72. 8321: 8316: 8309: 8304: 8297: 8292: 8285: 8280: 8274:, p. 76. 8273: 8268: 8262:, p. 75. 8261: 8256: 8254: 8247:, p. 46. 8246: 8241: 8235:, p. 45. 8234: 8229: 8222: 8217: 8211:, p. 49. 8210: 8205: 8198: 8193: 8186: 8181: 8174: 8169: 8163:, p. 29. 8162: 8157: 8150: 8145: 8138: 8133: 8126: 8121: 8114: 8109: 8102: 8097: 8090: 8085: 8078: 8073: 8066: 8061: 8054: 8049: 8042: 8037: 8030: 8025: 8018: 8013: 8006: 8001: 7999: 7997: 7990:, p. 49. 7989: 7984: 7982: 7974: 7969: 7962: 7957: 7955: 7953: 7945: 7940: 7938: 7930: 7925: 7918: 7913: 7906: 7901: 7894: 7889: 7882: 7877: 7870: 7865: 7858: 7853: 7847:, p. 26. 7846: 7841: 7834: 7829: 7822: 7817: 7815: 7807: 7802: 7795: 7790: 7783: 7778: 7772:, p. 62. 7771: 7766: 7759: 7754: 7747: 7746:Hoffmann 1996 7742: 7735: 7730: 7724:, p. 62. 7723: 7721: 7715: 7708: 7703: 7696: 7695:Overmans 2000 7691: 7689: 7681: 7676: 7669: 7668:Goeschel 2009 7664: 7657: 7652: 7645: 7640: 7633: 7628: 7621: 7616: 7609: 7604: 7597: 7592: 7585: 7580: 7573: 7568: 7561: 7556: 7549: 7544: 7537: 7532: 7530: 7522: 7517: 7510: 7505: 7498: 7493: 7486: 7481: 7474: 7469: 7462: 7457: 7450: 7445: 7438: 7433: 7426: 7421: 7414: 7409: 7402: 7397: 7390: 7385: 7378: 7373: 7366: 7361: 7354: 7349: 7342: 7337: 7330: 7325: 7318: 7313: 7307:, p. 43. 7306: 7301: 7294: 7289: 7282: 7277: 7270: 7265: 7258: 7253: 7246: 7241: 7235:, p. 73. 7234: 7229: 7222: 7217: 7215: 7207: 7202: 7200: 7192: 7187: 7180: 7175: 7168: 7163: 7156: 7151: 7144: 7143:Kershaw 2000b 7139: 7132: 7127: 7120: 7115: 7113: 7105: 7100: 7093: 7088: 7081: 7076: 7069: 7064: 7057: 7052: 7045: 7040: 7038: 7030: 7025: 7018: 7013: 7006: 7001: 6994: 6989: 6982: 6977: 6970: 6965: 6958: 6953: 6946: 6941: 6935:, p. 40. 6934: 6929: 6923:, p. 15. 6922: 6917: 6910: 6905: 6898: 6893: 6887:, p. 32. 6886: 6881: 6874: 6869: 6862: 6857: 6850: 6845: 6838: 6837:Weinberg 2005 6833: 6826: 6821: 6814: 6809: 6802: 6797: 6790: 6785: 6778: 6773: 6766: 6761: 6754: 6749: 6742: 6737: 6730: 6725: 6719:, p. 60. 6718: 6717:Weinberg 2010 6713: 6706: 6701: 6694: 6689: 6687: 6679: 6674: 6667: 6662: 6655: 6650: 6643: 6638: 6631: 6626: 6619: 6614: 6607: 6602: 6595: 6590: 6583: 6578: 6576: 6568: 6563: 6556: 6551: 6544: 6539: 6532: 6527: 6520: 6515: 6508: 6503: 6496: 6491: 6484: 6479: 6472: 6471:Childers 2017 6467: 6460: 6455: 6448: 6443: 6436: 6431: 6424: 6419: 6412: 6411:Childers 2017 6407: 6400: 6395: 6388: 6383: 6376: 6371: 6364: 6359: 6352: 6347: 6341:, p. 44. 6340: 6335: 6329:, p. 63. 6328: 6323: 6316: 6311: 6309: 6301: 6296: 6289: 6284: 6278:, p. 56. 6277: 6272: 6266:, p. 54. 6265: 6260: 6258: 6250: 6245: 6239:, p. 14. 6238: 6233: 6226: 6221: 6214: 6209: 6207: 6200:, p. 73. 6199: 6194: 6187: 6182: 6175: 6170: 6163: 6158: 6151: 6146: 6139: 6134: 6127: 6122: 6115: 6110: 6103: 6098: 6091: 6086: 6079: 6074: 6067: 6062: 6056:, p. 87. 6055: 6050: 6043: 6038: 6031: 6030:Childers 2017 6026: 6019: 6014: 6007: 6002: 5996:, p. 81. 5995: 5990: 5988: 5980: 5975: 5969:, p. 85. 5968: 5963: 5956: 5951: 5944: 5939: 5932: 5927: 5920: 5915: 5908: 5903: 5896: 5891: 5884: 5879: 5872: 5867: 5860: 5855: 5848: 5843: 5837:, p. 10. 5836: 5831: 5829: 5824: 5811: 5805: 5798: 5797: 5792: 5791: 5786: 5785: 5778: 5771: 5767: 5763: 5756: 5750: 5746: 5741: 5735: 5734:Drittes Reich 5731: 5726: 5719: 5715: 5710: 5704: 5700: 5695: 5672: 5670: 5648: 5646: 5624: 5620: 5615: 5608: 5601: 5594: 5590: 5585: 5578: 5573: 5566: 5561: 5555: 5549: 5543: 5537: 5535: 5528: 5524: 5518: 5516: 5509:, p. 63. 5508: 5504: 5499: 5498: 5492: 5488: 5487:Wilhelm Frick 5485: 5479: 5475: 5460: 5457: 5455: 5452: 5450: 5447: 5445: 5442: 5440: 5437: 5435: 5432: 5430: 5427: 5425: 5422: 5421: 5417: 5406: 5399: 5397: 5393: 5389: 5384: 5382: 5377: 5372: 5371: 5365: 5364: 5359: 5356:The trial of 5354: 5352: 5348: 5344: 5339: 5337: 5333: 5328: 5327: 5320: 5317: 5313: 5309: 5305: 5296: 5291: 5285: 5275: 5273: 5269: 5268: 5263: 5262: 5257: 5253: 5251: 5247: 5238: 5234: 5229: 5219: 5217: 5213: 5209: 5205: 5201: 5200: 5195: 5190: 5188: 5183: 5179: 5178:expressionist 5175: 5171: 5166: 5164: 5160: 5156: 5152: 5148: 5144: 5140: 5136: 5132: 5128: 5120: 5116: 5115: 5109: 5104: 5100: 5096: 5086: 5083: 5079: 5075: 5071: 5067: 5063: 5062:Marcel Proust 5059: 5055: 5051: 5050:Sigmund Freud 5047: 5043: 5039: 5033: 5031: 5030: 5025: 5024: 5016: 5003: 4998: 4994: 4990: 4988: 4987: 4981: 4979: 4978: 4973: 4972: 4965: 4962: 4961: 4956: 4950: 4943: 4933: 4931: 4928: 4924: 4920: 4916: 4911: 4907: 4903: 4901: 4897: 4893: 4888: 4884: 4882: 4876: 4872: 4869: 4865: 4861: 4860: 4855: 4851: 4847: 4843: 4835: 4831: 4826: 4822: 4820: 4815: 4811: 4807: 4803: 4802:Old Testament 4799: 4795: 4794:Ludwig MĂŒller 4791: 4787: 4784: 4780: 4779: 4773: 4771: 4767: 4763: 4759: 4755: 4751: 4750: 4744: 4740: 4736: 4730: 4724: 4714: 4711: 4706: 4704: 4699: 4698:animal rights 4693: 4683: 4681: 4680:Josef Mengele 4678: 4677: 4672: 4667: 4663: 4661: 4653: 4648: 4639: 4635: 4633: 4632: 4625: 4621: 4619: 4618: 4613: 4612: 4611:JungmĂ€delbund 4607: 4602: 4594: 4593: 4587: 4583: 4579: 4577: 4576: 4570: 4568: 4567: 4562: 4558: 4554: 4550: 4546: 4540: 4530: 4528: 4522: 4520: 4510: 4506: 4504: 4503:Order Castles 4500: 4496: 4492: 4488: 4487:Bernhard Rust 4483: 4481: 4477: 4476: 4469: 4454: 4452: 4448: 4442: 4436: 4431: 4426: 4416: 4414: 4410: 4406: 4402: 4398: 4392: 4386: 4376: 4374: 4370: 4366: 4361: 4359: 4355: 4351: 4347: 4343: 4339: 4335: 4331: 4326: 4318: 4314: 4309: 4304: 4300: 4299:The Holocaust 4290: 4288: 4284: 4280: 4276: 4272: 4267: 4265: 4261: 4257: 4253: 4252: 4246: 4243: 4239: 4234: 4230: 4225: 4221: 4217: 4207: 4205: 4201: 4197: 4193: 4189: 4185: 4181: 4172: 4167: 4162: 4152: 4150: 4146: 4142: 4138: 4134: 4133:Zigeunerlager 4129: 4127: 4123: 4119: 4115: 4111: 4107: 4102: 4096: 4086: 4084: 4079: 4078:Kristallnacht 4075: 4074: 4073:Kristallnacht 4068: 4064: 4060: 4055: 4051: 4049: 4045: 4040: 4036: 4027: 4023: 4018: 4008: 4006: 4002: 3998: 3992: 3991:Nazi eugenics 3988: 3984: 3969: 3967: 3963: 3958: 3954: 3951: 3947: 3945: 3941: 3937: 3933: 3928: 3926: 3922: 3918: 3917:Richard Overy 3914: 3913:mixed economy 3906: 3903:badge at the 3902: 3901: 3895: 3890: 3884: 3874: 3872: 3868: 3864: 3860: 3854: 3852: 3848: 3839: 3835: 3831: 3827: 3823: 3818: 3814: 3812: 3808: 3804: 3800: 3796: 3791: 3788: 3787: 3781: 3779: 3775: 3771: 3767: 3762: 3759: 3754: 3752: 3748: 3744: 3736: 3732: 3728: 3724: 3714: 3704: 3702: 3701: 3695: 3693: 3689: 3688: 3683: 3679: 3675: 3674: 3667: 3665: 3661: 3657: 3656: 3651: 3650: 3649:Schutzstaffel 3644: 3641: 3636: 3634: 3630: 3629: 3618: 3617: 3610: 3600: 3589: 3579: 3578:Schutzstaffel 3575: 3565: 3563: 3559: 3558: 3552: 3549: 3548:the Holocaust 3545: 3541: 3540: 3535: 3534: 3529: 3528: 3523: 3522: 3517: 3516: 3507: 3503: 3502: 3496: 3491: 3485: 3470: 3468: 3467: 3466:Rassenschande 3461: 3459: 3458: 3449: 3445: 3441: 3437: 3432: 3428: 3424: 3422: 3419: 3418:Deputy FĂŒhrer 3415: 3414:FĂŒhrerprinzip 3407: 3402: 3397: 3387: 3385: 3379: 3377: 3376: 3371: 3367: 3363: 3359: 3355: 3354: 3348: 3344: 3341: 3337: 3336: 3335:FĂŒhrerprinzip 3327: 3322: 3317: 3307: 3305: 3301: 3296: 3292: 3290: 3284: 3282: 3278: 3274: 3270: 3266: 3265:Romani people 3262: 3258: 3254: 3250: 3246: 3241: 3239: 3235: 3234:pan-Germanism 3231: 3227: 3223: 3222: 3217: 3212: 3206: 3193: 3189: 3185: 3182:, Hitler and 3181: 3177: 3168: 3166: 3162: 3158: 3154: 3150: 3149: 3144: 3143: 3138: 3134: 3133:Eupen-Malmedy 3130: 3126: 3125: 3120: 3119: 3114: 3110: 3109: 3104: 3103: 3098: 3090: 3086: 3081: 3072: 3070: 3066: 3062: 3058: 3054: 3050: 3046: 3042: 3038: 3034: 3030: 3026: 3022: 3018: 3013: 3011: 3007: 3002: 3000: 2996: 2992: 2988: 2984: 2980: 2976: 2967: 2962: 2956: 2941: 2939: 2935: 2931: 2930: 2925: 2920: 2919:Richard Overy 2916: 2908: 2903: 2898: 2892: 2882: 2880: 2876: 2871: 2867: 2861: 2859: 2855: 2851: 2847: 2843: 2839: 2835: 2831: 2828: 2824: 2820: 2819: 2814: 2806: 2791: 2789: 2785: 2781: 2777: 2773: 2769: 2765: 2760: 2757: 2753: 2749: 2745: 2741: 2737: 2733: 2729: 2722: 2718: 2714: 2704: 2701: 2697: 2693: 2692: 2686: 2684: 2680: 2676: 2670: 2668: 2664: 2660: 2656: 2652: 2648: 2644: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2624: 2619: 2615: 2613: 2609: 2603: 2593: 2591: 2587: 2583: 2579: 2575: 2574: 2568: 2566: 2565:Andrew Gordon 2562: 2558: 2554: 2550: 2546: 2542: 2538: 2534: 2530: 2525: 2523: 2522:black markets 2514: 2509: 2505: 2504:for Germany. 2503: 2499: 2494: 2492: 2488: 2484: 2480: 2476: 2472: 2468: 2467:Low Countries 2464: 2454: 2452: 2448: 2444: 2440: 2435: 2430: 2428: 2424: 2420: 2416: 2412: 2411: 2406: 2405: 2400: 2395: 2386: 2384: 2380: 2376: 2369: 2346: 2335: 2321: 2319: 2315: 2310: 2307: 2303: 2299: 2289: 2287: 2286: 2279: 2277: 2273: 2268: 2266: 2262: 2258: 2253: 2250: 2240: 2236: 2230: 2226: 2216: 2205: 2195: 2189: 2185: 2175: 2173: 2169: 2168:Condor Legion 2165: 2161: 2156: 2154: 2149: 2145: 2141: 2136: 2134: 2130: 2129: 2124: 2118: 2116: 2112: 2108: 2104: 2100: 2093: 2089: 2085: 2075: 2072: 2067: 2065: 2061: 2057: 2049: 2045: 2041: 2039: 2035: 2030: 2029:Reichskanzler 2026: 2025: 2020: 2015: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2001: 1997: 1996: 1991: 1987: 1986: 1985:Schutzstaffel 1975: 1973: 1969: 1964: 1962: 1958: 1957:swastika flag 1954: 1949: 1947: 1942: 1936: 1934: 1930: 1926: 1922: 1918: 1912: 1910: 1906: 1902: 1897: 1895: 1891: 1887: 1883: 1878: 1876: 1872: 1868: 1861: 1848: 1847: 1842: 1838: 1833: 1823: 1821: 1817: 1813: 1808: 1806: 1802: 1798: 1797: 1792: 1790: 1785: 1781: 1780: 1775: 1771: 1767: 1763: 1759: 1755: 1751: 1746: 1744: 1740: 1736: 1732: 1728: 1722: 1712: 1710: 1709:German Empire 1706: 1702: 1698: 1694: 1693: 1688: 1687:Drittes Reich 1684: 1674: 1672: 1668: 1664: 1660: 1655: 1651: 1647: 1646: 1641: 1636: 1634: 1633:the Holocaust 1630: 1626: 1622: 1618: 1614: 1610: 1606: 1602: 1598: 1594: 1590: 1586: 1582: 1578: 1574: 1570: 1566: 1562: 1558: 1557:Romani people 1554: 1550: 1546: 1542: 1538: 1534: 1533:Nazi eugenics 1530: 1526: 1524: 1520: 1516: 1512: 1508: 1504: 1500: 1496: 1495: 1490: 1486: 1485: 1480: 1476: 1475: 1470: 1466: 1462: 1461: 1456: 1451: 1448: 1444: 1439: 1437: 1433: 1429: 1425: 1421: 1420:German Empire 1417: 1413: 1409: 1405: 1401: 1397: 1393: 1389: 1385: 1374: 1369: 1367: 1362: 1360: 1355: 1354: 1352: 1351: 1345: 1334: 1331: 1320: 1319: 1318: 1317: 1307: 1305: 1302: 1301: 1297: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1286:Reunification 1284: 1283: 1281: 1280: 1276: 1271: 1268: 1264: 1261: 1260: 1258: 1257: 1253: 1251: 1248: 1247: 1243: 1237: 1236: 1231: 1229: 1226: 1225: 1223: 1222: 1217: 1212: 1211: 1201: 1199: 1196: 1195: 1191: 1189: 1186: 1185: 1181: 1179: 1176: 1175: 1171: 1169: 1166: 1165: 1161: 1159: 1158:German Empire 1156: 1155: 1150: 1145: 1144: 1137: 1134: 1132: 1129: 1123: 1122: 1117: 1115: 1112: 1111: 1109: 1107: 1104: 1102: 1101:Mediatisation 1099: 1098: 1095: 1090: 1089: 1082: 1079: 1077: 1074: 1072: 1069: 1068: 1065: 1060: 1059: 1052: 1049: 1047: 1044: 1042: 1039: 1037: 1034: 1033: 1027: 1026: 1019: 1016: 1014: 1011: 1009: 1006: 1004: 1001: 999: 996: 994: 991: 989: 986: 985: 982:Early history 979: 978: 970: 966: 962: 958: 954: 950: 946: 942: 938: 934: 930: 927: 924: 920: 917: 915: 912: 910: 907: 905: 902: 900: 897: 895: 892: 890: 887: 885: 882: 880: 877: 876: 870: 869: 865: 861: 860: 857: 851: 850: 845: 840: 839: 819: 817: 814: 813: 805: 803: 800: 799: 796: 790: 787:Federal State 785: 778: 777: 774: 771: 764: 763: 760: 759: 756: 753: 751: 748: 747: 743: 739: 736: 732: 728: 724: 718: 714: 711: 705: 701: 696: 692: 688: 684: 680: 675: 671: 667: 664: 658: 654: 650: 644: 640: 637: 631: 627: 624: 618: 615:30 April 1945 614: 611: 605: 601: 598: 592: 588: 585: 579: 575: 572: 566: 563:23 March 1933 562: 559: 553: 549: 546: 540: 536: 533: 529: 526: 522: 517: 513: 510: 504: 501: 498: 494: 490: 487: 484: 478: 475: 472: 466: 462: 456: 452: 448: 446: 442: 438: 435: 432: 426: 423: 420: 414: 411: 408: 402: 398: 394: 392: 391:Head of state 388: 385: 381: 380:fascist state 377: 373: 369: 366: 363: 361: 357: 350: 348: 344: 341: 340: 334: 332: 328: 326: 322: 321: 319: 315: 312: 309: 305: 300: 271: 268: 261: 252: 247: 234: 226: 223: 215: 207: 206: 202: 195: 188: 184: 165: 164: 137: 136: 128: 124: 116: 110: 100: 94: 86: 81: 75: 61: 48: 45: 41: 40: 35: 34: 19: 32218:Nazi Germany 32199:52.52; 13.37 32175: 32156: 32105:Heinz Hitler 32095:(half-niece) 32081:Paula Hitler 32057:Klara Hitler 32051:Alois Hitler 32024: 32017: 32010: 32003: 31996: 31984: 31977: 31970: 31963: 31803:Obersalzberg 31754: 31702:FĂŒhrerbunker 31701: 31679:Headquarters 31676: 31635:World War II 31630:Nazi Germany 31629: 31583:Zweites Buch 31581: 31562: 31526: 31519: 31506:Adolf Hitler 31456:Bibliography 31439: 31252:Project Hula 31217:Vistula–Oder 31186: 31119: 31110: 31094: 31064: 31013: 30997: 30988: 30979: 30945: 30842: 30757: 30733: 30703: 30454: 30347: 30292:North Africa 29994:Soviet Union 29948:Soviet Union 29874:Soviet Union 29642:Vatican City 29552:Vichy France 29457:German Reich 29456: 29354:Soviet Union 29340:South Africa 29333:Sierra Leone 29286:Newfoundland 29105:Participants 29088:Marocchinate 28792: 28783: 28753: 28631:North Africa 28592:Indian Ocean 28451:Nazi plunder 28342:Cryptography 28215:World War II 27922:Contemporary 27772:Indo-Persian 27760:Nazi Germany 27759: 27704:Contemporary 27606:Vijayanagara 27505:Great Seljuk 27416:Thessalonica 27344:Golden Horde 26984:Carthaginian 26763:Neo-Assyrian 26748:Neo-Sumerian 26593:Roman salute 26573:Post-fascism 26563:Neosocialism 26553:Japanization 26489:Berlusconism 26484:Anti-fascism 26433:Maurrassisme 26383:SS personnel 26373:Nazi leaders 26296:Tokyo Trials 26286:End in Italy 26266:World War II 26215:Enabling Act 25959:Rusich Group 25954:Wagner Group 25759:Hlinka Guard 25734:Hitler Youth 25729:Hilfspolizei 25622:Black Legion 25597:Azov Brigade 25570:Paramilitary 25550:UstaĆĄe Youth 25431:Hitler Youth 25158:Hindutva pop 24930:Le Pays RĂ©el 24780:The European 24544:1776 Returns 24180:Arana Osorio 23817:Klyachkivsky 23736:Bilbao EguĂ­a 23705:Stojadinović 23063:Papadopoulos 22812:Falkenhausen 22528:van de Wiele 22313:Nacionalismo 22193:Lads Society 22188:Centre Party 21842:Steel Shield 21627:German Party 21203:Nazi Germany 21202: 21012: 20990: 20966:Rexist Party 20958: 20953:Pērkonkrusts 20951: 20894: 20880: 20718: 20711: 20704: 20697: 20678:Jeune Nation 20605: 20558: 20476: 20469: 20462: 20430:Tsagaan Khas 20406:Durga Vahini 20379:Seva Bharati 20147:Kataeb Party 19779:Intransigent 19716:Jeune Nation 19634:Nacionalismo 19528:Social order 19466:Palingenetic 19433: 19379:Dictatorship 19364:Conspiracism 19232:Bibliography 19106:Coat of arms 19086:Architecture 19063:Trade unions 19043:Prostitution 19003:Homelessness 18966:Demographics 18915:Trade unions 18882: 18872:German model 18845:Central bank 18789:Conservatism 18752:Human rights 18737:Court system 18732:Constitution 18712: 18558:Contemporary 18547:West Germany 18542:East Germany 18517:World War II 18512:Nazi Germany 18511: 18452:18th-century 18411:East Francia 18365:Cimbrian War 18182:SchatzgrĂ€ber 17604:West Prussia 17584:Lower Styria 17522:Holland (SS) 17293:Upper Danube 17288:Lower Danube 17091:Hesse-Nassau 17061:East Prussia 17031:Baden-Alsace 16994:Nazi Germany 16992:divisions of 16981:Nazi Germany 16980: 16857:Architecture 16805:SS personnel 16753: 16739:SUMKA (Iran) 16365:Social order 16290:Antisemitism 16243:Palingenetic 16134:Dictatorship 16103:Conspiracism 16027:Labour camps 15997:Deportations 15984: 15956:World War II 15901:Kirchenkampf 15890:Nazi Germany 15772:Hitler Youth 15736:Organisation 15665:Nazi Germany 15664: 15576:Albert Speer 15481:Walther Funk 15446:Rudolf Diels 15436:Kurt Daluege 15426:Artur Axmann 15325:Publications 15271:Hitler Youth 15240:Röhm scandal 15167:Adolf Hitler 15080: 15040: 15010:(1): 72–87. 15007: 15001: 14985:. Retrieved 14978: 14955: 14936: 14917: 14895: 14876: 14854: 14832: 14820:. Retrieved 14816: 14802:25 September 14800:. Retrieved 14796: 14782:16 September 14780:. Retrieved 14776: 14760:. Retrieved 14756: 14740:. Retrieved 14736: 14713: 14694: 14675: 14656: 14636: 14613: 14601:. Retrieved 14596: 14583: 14548:(1): 27–46. 14545: 14539: 14520: 14501: 14482: 14470:. Retrieved 14463:the original 14454: 14444:24 September 14442:. Retrieved 14438: 14422:. Retrieved 14418:the original 14390: 14367: 14351:. Retrieved 14347: 14334: 14312: 14290: 14278:. Retrieved 14253: 14237:. Retrieved 14233: 14210: 14188: 14169: 14137: 14112: 14088: 14069: 14054:. Retrieved 14050:the original 14045: 14021: 13998: 13974: 13957:. Retrieved 13951: 13925: 13906: 13873: 13869: 13850: 13831: 13811: 13788: 13779:(in German). 13775: 13762:, retrieved 13756: 13736: 13716: 13703: 13686: 13667: 13648: 13626: 13607: 13588: 13566: 13547: 13528: 13506: 13480: 13459: 13435: 13416: 13404:. Retrieved 13400:the original 13395: 13376:. Retrieved 13369:the original 13364: 13345:. Retrieved 13319: 13297: 13269: 13265: 13253:. Retrieved 13249:the original 13242: 13218: 13198: 13183:, retrieved 13176:the original 13167: 13147: 13127: 13108: 13088: 13068: 13065:Kershaw, Ian 13046: 13026: 13003: 12982: 12965:. Retrieved 12958:the original 12949: 12936:. Retrieved 12932: 12913:. Retrieved 12906:the original 12875: 12871: 12839: 12835: 12815: 12791: 12768: 12756:. Retrieved 12747: 12723: 12700: 12691: 12671: 12652: 12635: 12631: 12605: 12583: 12561:(1): 31–57. 12558: 12554: 12532: 12512: 12492: 12470: 12448: 12427: 12404: 12382: 12366:. Retrieved 12362:the original 12357: 12334: 12307: 12288: 12259: 12255: 12228: 12209: 12206:Dönitz, Karl 12200:], 1941. 12197: 12193: 12182:. Retrieved 12178:the original 12173: 12147: 12138: 12134: 12114: 12091: 12072: 12049: 12029: 12025: 12006: 12003:Clark, Lloyd 11984: 11972:. Retrieved 11963: 11944:. Retrieved 11936: 11920:. Retrieved 11908: 11904: 11888:, retrieved 11881:the original 11872: 11852: 11819: 11815: 11803:, retrieved 11796:the original 11787: 11767: 11745: 11723: 11704: 11684: 11663: 11640: 11626:Bibliography 11617:Posener 2018 11612: 11600: 11588: 11559: 11547: 11537: 11532: 11522: 11502: 11497:, p. 2. 11490: 11478: 11466: 11459:Fischer 1995 11454: 11442: 11435:Marcuse 2001 11430: 11418: 11391: 11381: 11376: 11364: 11352: 11340: 11328: 11316: 11304: 11292: 11280: 11268: 11256: 11244: 11232: 11220: 11208: 11196: 11184: 11172: 11160: 11148: 11136: 11124: 11112: 11085: 11073: 11061: 11049: 11037: 11030:Kershaw 2008 11025: 11013: 11001: 10989: 10980: 10974: 10962: 10953: 10947: 10935: 10923: 10911: 10899: 10887: 10875: 10863: 10856:Kershaw 2008 10851: 10824: 10812: 10805:Kershaw 2008 10800: 10793:Kershaw 2008 10788: 10776: 10764: 10723:Kershaw 2008 10718: 10706: 10694: 10682: 10670: 10663:Lambert 2007 10658: 10649: 10643: 10631: 10619: 10607: 10595: 10583: 10571: 10559: 10547: 10535: 10523: 10511: 10499: 10492:Proctor 1999 10487: 10475: 10468:Proctor 1999 10463: 10456:Proctor 1999 10451: 10444:Proctor 1999 10439: 10427: 10415: 10371: 10359: 10347: 10335: 10323: 10311: 10299: 10287: 10275: 10263: 10251: 10244:Kershaw 2008 10239: 10227: 10215: 10203: 10191: 10179: 10152: 10140: 10128: 10116: 10104: 10092: 10080: 10068: 10056: 10044: 10032: 10003: 9991: 9979: 9967: 9955: 9943: 9931: 9919: 9907: 9895: 9883: 9871: 9866:, p. 9. 9859: 9847: 9835: 9823: 9816:Fleming 2014 9811: 9802: 9796: 9784: 9772: 9760: 9748: 9736: 9724: 9717:Hosking 2006 9712: 9696: 9691:, p. 6. 9689:Dorland 2009 9684: 9672: 9665:Kershaw 2008 9660: 9648: 9636: 9624: 9612: 9600: 9588: 9576: 9564: 9542:Weikart 2009 9537: 9525: 9513: 9506:Kershaw 2008 9486: 9474: 9465: 9429: 9417: 9405: 9398:Kitchen 2006 9393: 9381: 9369: 9357: 9345: 9333: 9321: 9309: 9297: 9285: 9273: 9261: 9249: 9237: 9228: 9222: 9210: 9198: 9191:Hamblet 2008 9186: 9174: 9162: 9150: 9138: 9126: 9114: 9102: 9090: 9078: 9066: 9054: 9042: 9030: 9018: 9006: 8994: 8987:Kershaw 2008 8952: 8940: 8928: 8916: 8904: 8892: 8880: 8868: 8856: 8844: 8832: 8820: 8789: 8777: 8765: 8753: 8741: 8729: 8702: 8690: 8678: 8671:Kershaw 2008 8666: 8654: 8642: 8630: 8618: 8606: 8594: 8582: 8570: 8558: 8551:Kershaw 2008 8546: 8534: 8522: 8510: 8498: 8486: 8474: 8462: 8450: 8438: 8426: 8414: 8407:Kershaw 2008 8402: 8380:Kershaw 2008 8375: 8363: 8351: 8339: 8327: 8315: 8303: 8291: 8279: 8267: 8240: 8228: 8216: 8204: 8192: 8187:, p. 6. 8185:Freeman 1995 8180: 8168: 8156: 8144: 8139:, p. 6. 8132: 8125:Kershaw 2008 8120: 8113:Kershaw 2001 8108: 8096: 8089:Kershaw 2008 8084: 8072: 8065:Kershaw 2008 8060: 8048: 8036: 8024: 8012: 7973:Bytwerk 1998 7968: 7931:, p. 7. 7924: 7917:Kershaw 2008 7912: 7905:Kershaw 2008 7900: 7888: 7883:, p. 1. 7876: 7864: 7852: 7845:Umbreit 2003 7840: 7828: 7801: 7789: 7777: 7765: 7753: 7741: 7729: 7719: 7714: 7702: 7675: 7663: 7656:Lakotta 2005 7651: 7644:Kershaw 2011 7639: 7627: 7615: 7603: 7591: 7579: 7572:Kershaw 2008 7567: 7555: 7548:Kershaw 2011 7543: 7536:Kershaw 2008 7516: 7504: 7492: 7480: 7468: 7461:StrĂŒber 2018 7456: 7449:Reisner 2015 7444: 7432: 7420: 7408: 7396: 7389:Kershaw 2011 7384: 7372: 7360: 7348: 7336: 7329:Mazower 2008 7324: 7317:Mazower 2008 7312: 7300: 7288: 7276: 7264: 7252: 7240: 7228: 7221:Richter 1998 7186: 7174: 7162: 7155:Harding 2006 7150: 7138: 7126: 7119:Mazower 2008 7104:Mazower 2008 7099: 7092:Mazower 2008 7087: 7075: 7068:Mazower 2008 7063: 7056:Kershaw 2008 7051: 7024: 7012: 7000: 6988: 6976: 6964: 6952: 6945:Mazower 2008 6940: 6928: 6916: 6904: 6892: 6880: 6868: 6856: 6844: 6832: 6820: 6813:Kershaw 2008 6808: 6796: 6791:, chapter 9. 6789:Mazower 2008 6784: 6772: 6765:Kershaw 2008 6760: 6748: 6741:Kershaw 2008 6736: 6724: 6712: 6705:Mazower 2008 6700: 6673: 6666:Kershaw 2008 6661: 6654:Kershaw 2008 6649: 6637: 6625: 6618:Steiner 2011 6613: 6601: 6589: 6562: 6550: 6543:Kitchen 2006 6538: 6526: 6514: 6502: 6490: 6478: 6466: 6454: 6442: 6430: 6418: 6406: 6394: 6387:Kershaw 2001 6382: 6370: 6363:Kershaw 2008 6358: 6346: 6334: 6322: 6315:Kershaw 2008 6295: 6288:Kershaw 2008 6283: 6271: 6244: 6232: 6220: 6193: 6181: 6169: 6157: 6145: 6133: 6121: 6109: 6097: 6085: 6073: 6061: 6049: 6037: 6025: 6013: 6001: 5994:Kershaw 2008 5974: 5962: 5950: 5938: 5926: 5914: 5902: 5897:, p. 5. 5890: 5878: 5866: 5861:, p. 8. 5854: 5842: 5804: 5794: 5788: 5782: 5777: 5760:supremacy." 5755: 5740: 5725: 5709: 5694: 5666: 5642: 5614: 5600: 5592: 5588: 5584: 5576: 5572: 5564: 5560: 5548: 5507:TĂŒmmler 2010 5502: 5490: 5483: 5478: 5396:Alan Posener 5385: 5361: 5355: 5347:East Germany 5343:West Germany 5340: 5321: 5301: 5265: 5259: 5254: 5242: 5197: 5191: 5167: 5135:neoclassical 5131:Albert Speer 5124: 5112: 5054:Helen Keller 5034: 5027: 5021: 5018: 4991: 4984: 4982: 4975: 4969: 4967: 4958: 4952: 4947: 4922: 4904: 4878: 4875:Pope Pius XI 4873: 4857: 4839: 4776: 4774: 4754:nonreligious 4747: 4732: 4723:Kirchenkampf 4707: 4695: 4674: 4668: 4664: 4657: 4636: 4629: 4626: 4622: 4616: 4609: 4606:Hitler Youth 4598: 4590: 4580: 4573: 4571: 4564: 4542: 4523: 4515: 4484: 4473: 4471: 4443: 4439: 4394: 4362: 4341: 4322: 4274: 4268: 4263: 4249: 4247: 4232: 4227: 4184:gas chambers 4182:and others; 4179: 4176: 4140: 4132: 4130: 4098: 4077: 4071: 4056: 4052: 4048:book burning 4031: 3997:antisemitism 3994: 3959: 3955: 3948: 3944:slave labour 3929: 3910: 3898: 3870: 3855: 3843: 3798: 3792: 3784: 3782: 3763: 3755: 3740: 3698: 3696: 3685: 3681: 3677: 3671: 3668: 3653: 3647: 3645: 3637: 3626: 3624: 3614: 3561: 3555: 3553: 3543: 3537: 3531: 3527:Kriegsmarine 3525: 3519: 3513: 3511: 3499: 3464: 3462: 3455: 3453: 3425: 3413: 3411: 3383: 3380: 3373: 3369: 3357: 3351: 3349: 3345: 3333: 3331: 3288: 3285: 3242: 3237: 3219: 3208: 3186:perform the 3184:Viktor Lutze 3146: 3140: 3122: 3116: 3106: 3100: 3094: 3014: 3010:Under threat 3005: 3003: 2972: 2927: 2912: 2877:(600 dead), 2862: 2850:six children 2818:FĂŒhrerbunker 2816: 2810: 2788:Albert Speer 2772:20 July 1944 2766:landings in 2761: 2736:Afrika Korps 2735: 2732:Erwin Rommel 2724: 2689: 2687: 2671: 2628: 2607: 2605: 2573:Afrika Korps 2571: 2569: 2533:Erich Raeder 2526: 2518: 2495: 2460: 2431: 2408: 2402: 2392: 2375:Vichy France 2371: 2324:World War II 2311: 2306:East Prussia 2295: 2283: 2280: 2269: 2254: 2246: 2224: 2157: 2137: 2126: 2119: 2095: 2068: 2053: 2028: 2022: 2016: 1993: 1983: 1981: 1965: 1950: 1937: 1913: 1901:Enabling Act 1898: 1879: 1874: 1863: 1844: 1841:Adolf Hitler 1809: 1794: 1788: 1777: 1770:antisemitism 1753: 1747: 1724: 1690: 1686: 1682: 1680: 1659:other Allies 1643: 1637: 1587:, those who 1541:antisemitism 1537:anti-Slavism 1527: 1507:Soviet Union 1492: 1482: 1472: 1458: 1440: 1423: 1411: 1400:Adolf Hitler 1396:German state 1391: 1388:German Reich 1387: 1384:Nazi Germany 1383: 1382: 1198:World War II 1188:Nazi Germany 1187: 1149:German Reich 1076:18th century 1071:Sectionalism 1036:East Francia 755:Succeeded by 754: 749: 721:‱ 1940 558:Enabling Act 532:World War II 481:‱ 1945 469:‱ 1945 463:Adolf Hitler 429:‱ 1945 422:Adolf Hitler 339:GottglĂ€ubige 203:(late 1942): 201:World War II 126: 51:German Reich 44: 38: 32: 32248:Axis powers 32197: / 32093:Geli Raubal 31937:Perceptions 31738:Wolf's Lair 31187:Bodenplatte 31073:Gothic Line 30299:West Africa 29846:Philippines 29825:Netherlands 29690:Czech lands 29628:Switzerland 29572:Afghanistan 29523:Philippines 29391:Puerto Rico 29307:Philippines 29293:New Zealand 29279:Netherlands 29232:Free France 28983:Prosecution 28784:Osoaviakhim 28654:West Africa 28638:East Africa 28285:Conferences 27510:Khwarezmian 27443:Carolingian 27248:Rashtrakuta 26952:Shaishunaga 26851:Hellenistic 26834:New Kingdom 26824:Old Kingdom 26635:Szeged Idea 26625:Sorelianism 26583:Red fascism 26440:Pinochetism 26225:July Putsch 26174:Le Faisceau 26048:Axis powers 25986:Youth Front 25824:Mano Blanca 25799:Legion Wasa 25724:Gold Shirts 25627:Blackshirts 25602:Bajrang Dal 25560:Youth Front 25263:The Britons 25237:Quadrumvirs 25046:Condottieri 24990:Der Umbruch 24980:Der StĂŒrmer 24820:Golden Dawn 24735:Der Angriff 24715:Ajan Suunta 24703:Periodicals 24470:Starhemberg 24455:Schuschnigg 24310:al-Husseini 24190:D'Aubuisson 23999:Frankhouser 23959:Auernheimer 23873:Chamberlain 23710:Zhirinovsky 23155:Teymourtash 23150:Pezeshkpour 23145:Monshizadeh 22957:Renthe-Fink 22716:La Rochelle 21981:Hammerskins 21909:Aryan Guard 21637:Golden Dawn 21539:Youth Front 20601:Le Faisceau 20554:The Britons 20401:Bajrang Dal 20117:Grey Wolves 20092:Azure Party 19987:Revisionism 19970:Nazi-Maoism 19940:Syndicalist 19909:Legionarism 19872:Strasserism 19825:LaRoucheism 19799:Restoration 19574:Definitions 19456:Nationalism 19441:Masculinity 19419:Imperialism 19369:Corporatism 19311:Core tenets 19033:Pornography 19008:Immigration 18971:Drug policy 18883:Mittelstand 18830:Agriculture 18794:Nationalism 18767:Transgender 18651:Earthquakes 18598:, 1583-1588 18596:Cologne War 18492:World War I 18394:Middle Ages 18380:Gothic Wars 18059:Netherlands 17859:Netherlands 17599:Sudetenland 17547:occupations 17383:Vistulaland 17260:Sudetenland 17212:Prinz-Eugen 17116:Mecklenburg 16917:Strasserism 16579:de Gobineau 16554:Chamberlain 16420:Politicians 16407:Volkskörper 16310:Master race 16280:Prussianism 16228:Nationalism 16183:Imperialism 16124:Corporatism 15611:Strasserism 15607:Black Front 15600:Derivatives 15516:Rudolf Höss 15501:Rudolf Hess 15451:Karl Dönitz 15406:Kampfverlag 15397:Der StĂŒrmer 15379:Der Angriff 15370:Arbeitertum 15169:(1921–1945) 15163:(1919–1921) 14983:(in German) 14632:Tooze, Adam 14599:(in German) 14563:10945/44218 14276:(in German) 13959:16 February 13244:Der Spiegel 13185:4 September 12938:22 December 12758:16 February 12688:Gill, Anton 12141:(2): 46–63. 11890:4 September 11593:Goebel 2017 11423:Shirer 1960 11273:Shirer 1960 11201:Scobie 1990 11189:Shirer 1960 11165:Dussel 2010 11141:Dussel 2010 11129:Shirer 1960 11066:Shirer 1960 11054:Shirer 1960 11006:Shirer 1960 10994:Davies 2003 10967:Berben 1975 10868:Conway 2001 10844:Shirer 1960 10781:Berben 1975 10769:Shirer 1960 10757:Shirer 1960 10742:Berben 1975 10699:Shirer 1960 10687:Shirer 1960 10292:Pauley 2003 10073:Farago 1972 10037:Shirer 1960 9972:Shirer 1960 9936:Shirer 1960 9924:Shirer 1960 9888:Shirer 1960 9876:Wrobel 1999 9701:Rummel 1994 9677:Snyder 2010 9653:Snyder 2010 9641:Sereny 1999 9386:Shirer 1960 9314:Shirer 1960 9179:Panayi 2005 8813:DeLong 1997 8782:Sereny 1996 8695:Rhodes 2002 8635:Wegner 1990 8017:Bergen 2016 7869:Shirer 1960 7857:Shirer 1960 7806:Shirer 1960 7794:Shirer 1960 7758:Beevor 2002 7680:Hubert 1998 7620:Beevor 2002 7608:Beevor 2002 7596:Shirer 1960 7584:Beevor 2002 7560:Shirer 1960 7521:Shirer 1960 7509:Shirer 1960 7497:Beevor 2012 7485:Beevor 2012 7401:Shirer 1960 7353:Melvin 2010 7341:Glantz 1995 7293:Shirer 1960 7281:Stolfi 1982 7269:Stolfi 1982 7191:Shirer 1960 7131:Shirer 1960 7044:Shirer 1960 7029:Shirer 1960 7017:Shirer 1960 7005:Beevor 2012 6993:Shirer 1960 6969:Beevor 2012 6933:Beevor 2012 6885:Beevor 2012 6873:Beevor 2012 6849:Martin 2005 6825:Shirer 1960 6777:Snyder 2010 6606:Shirer 1960 6507:Shirer 1960 6483:Shirer 1960 6375:Shirer 1960 6351:Shirer 1960 6225:Shirer 1960 6213:Shirer 1960 6174:Shirer 1960 6150:Shirer 1960 6126:Shirer 1960 6078:Shirer 1960 6042:Shirer 1960 5907:Butzer 2003 5895:Shirer 1960 5883:Elvert 1999 5871:1939 Census 5770:Dönitz 2012 5766:Karl Dönitz 5762:Raeder 2001 5386:In 2017, a 5326:Stunde Null 5127:Paul Troost 5078:H. G. Wells 5058:Alfred Kerr 4871:buildings. 4814:Hanns Kerrl 4792:. Pro-Nazi 4758:Charlemagne 4749:GottglĂ€ubig 4703:vivisection 4545:patriarchal 4271:Hunger Plan 4224:Hunger Plan 4122:ƁódĆș Ghetto 4001:master race 3995:Racism and 3960:Very heavy 3900:Ostarbeiter 3897:Woman with 3501:Panzerwaffe 3421:Rudolf Hess 3350:Successive 3326:Rudolf Hess 3269:homosexuals 3249:master race 3188:Nazi salute 3065:South Tyrol 2842:Karl Dönitz 2811:During the 2637:, and west 2576:arrived in 2475:Netherlands 2261:Sudetenland 2235:Nazi salute 2229:Heldenplatz 2099:world peace 1772:, and anti- 1727:World War I 1663:capitulated 1650:Hunger Plan 1625:mass murder 1565:homosexuals 1549:master race 1523:Axis powers 1499:Sudetenland 1412:Third Reich 1168:World War I 1094:Unification 1030:Middle Ages 965:WĂŒrttemberg 945:Family tree 853:History of 750:Preceded by 725:109,518,183 668:5 June 1945 655:23 May 1945 509:Upper house 496:Legislature 434:Karl Dönitz 347:irreligious 294: / 249:Nazi Party 118:(1935–1945) 102:(1935–1945) 69:(1943–1945) 55:(1933–1943) 18:Nazi regime 32212:Categories 31916:belongings 31807:KampfhĂ€usl 31728:Tannenberg 31723:Felsennest 31718:Anlage SĂŒd 31713:Adlerhorst 31666:Places of 31575:in English 31564:Mein Kampf 31287:West Hunan 31120:Pointblank 30456:Silver Fox 30442:Summer War 30195:Winter War 30174:Phoney War 29955:Azerbaijan 29916:Yugoslavia 29811:Luxembourg 29653:Resistance 29400:Yugoslavia 29265:Luxembourg 29067:Sook Ching 28863:War crimes 28465:Technology 28458:Opposition 28400:Lend-Lease 28377:Australian 28370:Home front 28328:Blitzkrieg 28278:Casualties 28269:Commanders 28241:Operations 28080:Portuguese 27961:Revival Le 27951:Vietnamese 27594:Later Tran 27564:Vietnamese 27460:Singhasari 27448:Holy Roman 27072:Bulgarian 27008:Satavahana 26979:Phoenician 26915:Achaemenid 26876:Indo-Greek 26856:Macedonian 26770:Babylonian 26630:Synarchism 26426:Khomeinism 26154:Acerbo Law 25934:Volkssport 25914:Third Klan 25744:Greyshirts 25416:Al-Futuwwa 25353:Right Club 25313:Mladorossi 24915:Panchjanya 24885:Neues Volk 24855:Masada2000 24800:Fritt Folk 24725:El AlcĂĄzar 24639:Mein Kampf 24537:Literature 24305:al-Husayni 24270:al-Gaylani 24159:Vonsyatsky 23878:Chesterton 23837:Shukhevych 23700:Rodzaevsky 23589:Manoilescu 23297:Bastianini 23272:D'Annunzio 23231:Natan-Zada 23043:Kasidiaris 22962:Ribbentrop 22917:Ludendorff 22721:Lagardelle 22681:Brasillach 22103:Wotansvolk 22093:Volksfront 22078:Third Klan 22056:Proud Boys 21961:Creativity 21652:Iron Guard 21193:Nazi Party 20560:La Cagoule 20494:Blueshirts 20152:Kenkokukai 20082:Aria Party 20039:Greyshirts 19896:Pan-Turkic 19860:Neo-Nazism 19630:Argentine 19548:Syncretism 19538:Statolatry 19503:Propaganda 19446:Militarism 19354:Chauvinism 19194:Television 19179:Philosophy 19154:Literature 19013:Irreligion 18998:Healthcare 18961:Corruption 18727:Chancellor 18716:(military) 18713:Bundeswehr 18192:Bassgeiger 18172:New Swabia 18140:San Marino 17965:Montenegro 17889:Montenegro 17711:Luxembourg 17589:Luxembourg 17373:Vandalland 17338:Beskidland 17265:Wartheland 17238:Reichsgaus 17051:DĂŒsseldorf 16625:Atrocities 16540:Ideologues 16375:Syncretism 16300:Aryan race 16275:Propaganda 16223:Militarism 16204:Lebensraum 16167:Geopolitik 16093:Chauvinism 15981:Neo-Nazism 15821:Nazi Party 15670:Nazi songs 15561:Fritz Todt 15546:Ernst Röhm 15526:Robert Ley 15466:Hans Frank 15145:Nazi Party 15094:hosted by 14603:7 February 14056:7 February 11564:Evans 2008 11507:Evans 2009 11495:Welch 2001 11411:Evans 2008 11396:Evans 2005 11369:Evans 2005 11345:Evans 2005 11333:Evans 2005 11321:Evans 2005 11309:Evans 2005 11297:Evans 2005 11285:Evans 2005 11261:Evans 2005 11249:Evans 2005 11237:Speer 1971 11225:Speer 1971 11213:Evans 2005 11177:Evans 2005 11153:Evans 2005 11117:Evans 2005 11105:Evans 2005 11090:Evans 2005 11078:Evans 2005 11042:Evans 2005 10979:Libionka, 10940:Evans 2005 10916:Evans 2005 10904:Evans 2005 10892:Evans 2005 10880:Evans 2005 10817:Evans 2005 10711:Evans 2005 10636:Evans 2005 10552:Evans 2008 10540:Evans 2008 10528:Evans 2008 10516:Evans 2008 10480:Evans 2005 10432:Evans 2005 10420:Evans 2005 10328:Evans 2005 10304:Overy 2005 10280:Evans 2005 10256:McNab 2009 10232:Evans 2005 10220:Evans 2005 10208:Evans 2005 10172:Evans 2005 10157:Evans 2005 10145:Evans 2005 10133:Evans 2005 10121:Evans 2005 10109:Evans 2005 10097:Evans 2005 10085:Evans 2005 10061:Evans 2005 10025:Evans 2005 10008:Evans 2005 9996:Evans 2005 9984:Evans 2005 9912:Evans 2008 9852:Evans 2008 9840:Evans 2008 9828:Evans 2008 9765:Evans 2008 9729:Smith 1994 9629:Lukas 2001 9605:Overy 2005 9491:Evans 2008 9449:Evans 2005 9338:Majer 2003 9326:Majer 2003 9290:Overy 2006 9278:Speer 1971 9266:Davis 1995 9254:Evans 2008 9242:Evans 2008 9143:Speer 1971 9131:Evans 2008 9119:Tooze 2006 9107:Speer 1971 9095:Overy 2006 9083:McNab 2009 9071:Evans 2005 9059:Tooze 2006 9047:Evans 2005 9035:Evans 2005 9023:Tooze 2006 9011:McNab 2009 8972:Evans 2005 8957:Evans 2005 8945:Evans 2005 8933:Evans 2005 8921:Evans 2005 8909:Evans 2005 8897:Evans 2005 8885:Tooze 2006 8873:Tooze 2006 8861:Tooze 2006 8849:Tooze 2006 8837:Tooze 2006 8825:Evans 2005 8794:Evans 2008 8770:Weale 2012 8722:Evans 2008 8707:Weale 2012 8647:Stein 2002 8623:Weale 2012 8611:Stein 2002 8575:Weale 2012 8563:Tooze 2006 8539:Weale 2012 8527:Weale 2012 8515:Weale 2012 8503:Evans 2008 8419:Evans 2005 8395:Evans 2005 8356:Evans 2005 8344:Evans 2005 8332:Weale 2012 8320:Evans 2005 8308:Evans 2008 8296:Evans 2005 8284:Evans 2005 8272:Evans 2005 8260:Evans 2005 8245:Evans 2005 8233:Evans 2005 8221:Evans 2005 8209:Evans 2005 8197:Evans 2005 8173:Evans 2005 8149:Speer 1971 8077:Evans 2005 8053:Evans 2005 8041:Evans 2005 8029:Evans 2005 8005:Evans 2008 7929:Evans 2008 7893:Evans 2005 7821:Evans 2008 7782:Evans 2005 7770:Evans 2003 7707:Overy 2014 7632:Evans 2008 7473:Evans 2008 7437:Evans 2008 7425:Evans 2008 7413:Evans 2008 7377:Evans 2008 7365:Evans 2008 7305:Evans 2008 7257:Evans 2008 7245:Evans 2008 7233:Clark 2012 7179:Evans 2008 7167:Evans 2008 7080:Evans 2008 6981:Evans 2005 6957:Tooze 2006 6921:Evans 2008 6861:Evans 2005 6801:Evans 2008 6753:Evans 2005 6729:Evans 2005 6693:Evans 2005 6678:Evans 2005 6642:Evans 2005 6630:Evans 2005 6594:Evans 2005 6582:Evans 2005 6567:Evans 2005 6555:Evans 2005 6531:Evans 2005 6519:Evans 2005 6495:Evans 2005 6435:Evans 2008 6423:Evans 2003 6339:Evans 2005 6327:Overy 2005 6300:Evans 2005 6276:McNab 2009 6264:McNab 2009 6249:Cuomo 1995 6237:Evans 2005 6198:Koonz 2003 6186:Evans 2005 6162:Evans 2003 6138:Evans 2003 6114:Evans 2003 6102:Evans 2003 6090:Evans 2003 6066:Evans 2003 6018:Evans 2003 6006:Evans 2003 5979:Evans 2003 5955:Evans 2003 5943:Evans 2003 5931:Evans 2003 5810:Evans 2008 5787:(Moscow), 5660:Nazi State 5465:References 5444:Nazi songs 5376:curriculum 5308:war crimes 5288:See also: 5182:modern art 5149:and a new 5114:Volkshalle 5082:Émile Zola 5013:See also: 5009:Censorship 4940:See also: 4923:Mein Kampf 4775:Under the 4735:Protestant 4727:See also: 4631:Lebensborn 4435:Mauthausen 4401:internment 4251:Volksliste 4233:Lebensraum 3932:Fritz Todt 3887:See also: 3871:Reichswehr 3851:Robert Ley 3822:Robert Ley 3811:Volkswagen 3786:Autobahnen 3751:Mefo bills 3747:Reichsbank 3731:Buna Werke 3633:Ernst Röhm 3557:Blitzkrieg 3506:Stalingrad 3488:See also: 3375:Gauleiters 3310:Government 3300:Blood Flag 3277:Freemasons 3238:Lebensraum 3221:Mein Kampf 3131:. Belgian 3055:. Germany 3045:Yugoslavia 3033:Luxembourg 2959:See also: 2711:See also: 2696:Stalingrad 2608:Lebensraum 2471:Luxembourg 2427:Phoney War 2423:Winter War 2415:Madagascar 2128:Reichswehr 2082:See also: 2038:plebiscite 2000:Ernst Röhm 1865:President 1849:, in 1934. 1779:Lebensraum 1774:Bolshevism 1741:along the 1715:Background 1585:Freemasons 1577:communists 1573:socialists 1521:and other 1474:Autobahnen 1404:Nazi Party 1394:, was the 1308:since 1990 1291:New states 1235:Ostgebiete 1228:Occupation 1121:Zollverein 969:Mediatised 879:Chronology 789:of Austria 738:Reichsmark 715:79,375,281 698:Population 641:8 May 1945 628:2 May 1945 445:Chancellor 378:one-party 371:Government 360:Demonym(s) 325:Protestant 282:13°22â€Č47″E 279:52°30â€Č40″N 32045:Eva Braun 31914:Personal 31895:Paintings 31865:Bodyguard 31850:Sexuality 31707:Vorbunker 31668:residence 31570:in Arabic 31352:Manchuria 31238:Indochina 31014:Bagration 30465:Lithuania 30110:Anschluss 29907:Viet Minh 29804:Lithuania 29746:Hong Kong 29516:Manchukuo 29471:Azad Hind 29130:Australia 28930:Aftermath 28793:Paperclip 28688:Aftermath 28488:Total war 28356:Diplomacy 28319:In Europe 28073:Couronian 27711:Ethiopian 27699:Manchukuo 27654:Brazilian 27500:Ghaznavid 27470:Srivijaya 27421:Trebizond 27406:Byzantine 27388:North Sea 27383:Norwegian 27371:Almoravid 27354:Ilkhanate 27324:Majapahit 27297:Muromachi 27206:Solomonic 27191:Ethiopian 27105:Caliphate 27038:Aragonese 26866:Ptolemaic 26613:Nordicism 26524:Garveyism 26457:Alt-right 26421:Francoism 26416:Chiangism 25949:Waffen-SS 25854:Rodobrana 25844:The Order 25839:New Guard 25774:Iron Wolf 25719:Frontbann 25642:Column 88 25574:terrorist 25207:Ahnenerbe 24975:Spearhead 24970:Siniristi 24945:Das Reich 24935:Der Pimpf 24920:PanzerbĂ€r 24910:Organiser 24900:Novopress 24865:Nash Put' 24505:Weinstein 24320:Linderman 24260:ĎurčanskĂœ 24064:MacDonald 24059:Lindbergh 23933:Wellesley 23923:Southgate 23908:Pankhurst 23847:Tyahnybok 23731:Bau Nolla 23695:Prokhanov 23680:Milchakov 23660:Kuryokhin 23635:Borovikov 23630:Barkashov 23625:AstroĆ­ski 23559:Bacaloglu 23554:Antonescu 23503:Hashimoto 23407:Mussolini 23392:Marinetti 23387:Malaparte 23342:Corradini 23206:Greenberg 23196:Goldstein 23109:Mukherjee 23094:Golwalkar 23038:Dragoumis 23002:Streicher 22972:Rosenberg 22902:Klintzsch 22782:Berchtold 22701:DĂ©roulĂšde 22635:Somersalo 22559:Kvaternik 22554:Kraljević 22549:Francetić 22425:Australia 22046:The Order 21220:New Order 21014:Verdinaso 20846:New Party 20272:Sakurakai 20237:Patrol 36 20017:Movements 19977:Uruguayan 19905:Romanian 19855:Hitlerism 19785:Japanese 19742:Hungarism 19730:Valoisism 19708:PĂ©tainism 19703:Doriotism 19693:Falangism 19666:Christian 19656:Brazilian 19651:Banderism 19594:Symbolism 19579:Economics 19389:Dirigisme 19149:Libraries 19129:Festivals 18976:Education 18920:Transport 18885:companies 18804:President 18742:Elections 18707:Bundesrat 18702:Bundestag 18671:Mountains 18639:Districts 18617:Geography 18350:Visigoths 18287:Overviews 18213:Nordstern 18197:Edelweiss 18105:Turkestan 18095:Don-Volga 17995:Turkestan 17945:Cossackia 17884:Macedonia 17844:Lithuania 17749:Ljubljana 17634:Bialystok 17619:Districts 17283:Carinthia 17176:Weser-Ems 17166:Thuringia 17136:Pomerania 17121:Moselland 17076:Franconia 16634:Action T4 16604:Rosenberg 16584:Haushofer 16529:Streicher 16315:Nordicism 16260:New Order 15949:Anschluss 15747:Ahnenerbe 15388:PanzerbĂ€r 15352:Das Reich 15032:145313351 15024:0002-7162 14987:3 October 14916:(2010) . 14853:(2012) . 14822:19 August 14572:143690841 14389:(2016) . 14365:(1971) . 14209:(1996) . 13997:(2001) . 13898:159846665 13809:(2005) . 13787:(2000) . 13505:(2007) . 13456:(2001) . 13378:26 August 13334:0307-1235 13286:144769526 13067:(2000b). 12856:143661188 12575:143736579 12469:(1972) . 12276:147376008 12208:(2012) . 11905:Der Staat 11844:145470893 11836:0022-4529 11447:Rees 2005 10928:Fest 1996 10829:Gill 1994 10376:Rupp 1978 10316:Rupp 1978 10196:Rupp 1978 10049:Pine 2011 9960:Pine 2011 9155:Fest 1999 8101:Gill 2006 6447:Walk 1996 5820:Citations 5542:President 5454:Sonderweg 5392:Auschwitz 5383:thought. 5363:Holocaust 5192:Composer 5147:Nuremberg 4638:reasons. 4462:Education 4413:AB-Aktion 4354:Auschwitz 4317:U.S. Army 4279:democidal 4161:Aktion T4 4118:Treblinka 3905:IG Farben 3799:KdF-wagen 3770:IG Farben 3727:IG Farben 3682:Waffen-SS 3660:Waffen-SS 3568:SA and SS 3562:Wehrmacht 3544:Wehrmacht 3533:Luftwaffe 3515:Wehrmacht 3484:Wehrmacht 3478:Wehrmacht 3295:modernism 3167:in 1941. 3006:Anschluss 2944:Geography 2827:Eva Braun 2691:Fall Blau 2651:Leningrad 2225:Anschluss 2184:Anschluss 2148:Rhineland 1995:Stabschef 1988:(SS) and 1820:Reichstag 1762:far-right 1505:with the 1494:Anschluss 1484:Wehrmacht 1277:1949–1990 1254:1944–1950 1202:1939–1945 1192:1933–1945 1182:1918–1933 1172:1914–1918 1162:1871–1918 937:Empresses 651:arrested 636:Surrender 584:Anschluss 516:Reichsrat 500:Reichstag 317:Religion 83:1933–1945 32273:Natalism 32158:Category 32083:(sister) 32059:(mother) 32053:(father) 32012:Downfall 31558:Prophecy 31553:Speeches 31513:Politics 31463:Category 31412:document 31322:document 31179:Ardennes 31163:Budapest 31111:Crossbow 30989:Overlord 30828:Smolensk 30046:Timeline 29881:Slovakia 29867:Thailand 29718:Ethiopia 29683:Bulgaria 29607:Portugal 29545:Thailand 29427:Bulgaria 29205:Eswatini 29198:Ethiopia 29151:Bulgaria 28976:Unit 731 28937:Response 28754:Keelhaul 28704:Cold War 28677:Americas 28668:timeline 28661:Atlantic 28541:Theaters 28053:Japanese 28016:Scottish 27996:American 27988:Colonial 27917:Imperial 27885:Moroccan 27821:Japanese 27799:Afsharid 27658:Burmese 27644:Austrian 27599:Later Le 27574:Early Le 27559:Venetian 27485:Tiwanaku 27398:Hellenic 27361:Moroccan 27292:Kamakura 27282:Japanese 27265:Saffarid 27218:Georgian 27132:Chalukya 27110:Rashidun 27100:Calakmul 27068:Bruneian 26947:Haryanka 26925:Sasanian 26920:Parthian 26871:Bactrian 26861:Seleucid 26841:Goguryeo 26819:Egyptian 26753:Assyrian 26743:Akkadian 26734:Colonies 26667:Category 26640:Trumpism 26608:Aryanism 26558:Morenazi 26472:Alt-tech 26462:Alt-lite 26445:Putinism 26053:NSDAP/AO 25819:Makapili 25794:Lăncieri 25749:Heimwehr 25607:The Base 25308:The Link 25246:Activist 25056:Erbkrank 24810:GĂąndirea 24790:Fashizmi 24559:Defiance 24495:Vikernes 24415:Quisling 24400:Planetta 24385:Piasecki 24350:MartĂ­nez 24285:Gustloff 24265:FrashĂ«ri 24250:Dollfuss 24240:Coughlin 24215:Carrasco 24124:Rockwell 24104:Patsalos 24054:LaRouche 24029:Invictus 24019:Heimbach 23852:Vitrenko 23802:Biletsky 23690:Prilepin 23655:Kaminski 23564:Codreanu 23538:Sasakawa 23523:Matsuoka 23457:Sarfatti 23442:Ridruejo 23427:Pavolini 23417:Panunzio 23412:Olivetti 23402:Morgagni 23377:Graziani 23362:Giuriati 23282:Badoglio 23201:Gopstein 23181:Ben-Gvir 23135:Forouhar 23119:Vajpayee 23114:Savarkar 23099:Hedgewar 23007:Terboven 22987:Skorzeny 22932:Niekisch 22887:Heydrich 22847:Goebbels 22777:Baeumler 22666:BardĂšche 22645:Varjonen 22630:Simojoki 22584:Servatzy 22498:Eriksson 22483:Degrelle 22478:Declercq 22442:Cottrell 21612:Format18 21225:Nipsters 20986:Stormers 20851:Nipsters 19999:UstaĆĄism 19850:Esoteric 19845:Austrian 19835:Mystical 19813:Kahanism 19752:Ilminism 19737:Hindutva 19678:Clerical 19646:Austrian 19616:Variants 19493:Populism 19461:Integral 19435:Machismo 19399:Eugenics 19241:Category 19159:Internet 19144:Language 19134:Folklore 19053:Religion 19028:Pensions 19023:Naturism 18900:Taxation 18784:Lobbying 18757:Intersex 18690:Politics 18299:Timeline 18278:General 18271:articles 18206:Proposed 18187:Holzauge 18090:Caucasia 18083:Proposed 18021:Brittany 18014:Proposed 18005:Wallonia 17990:Slovakia 17940:Bulgaria 17914:Wallonia 17904:Slovakia 17819:Flanders 17701:Slovakia 17650:Brussels 17643:Proposed 17609:Zichenau 17579:Lorraine 17527:Lombardy 17510:Proposed 17398:Westland 17388:Wallonia 17368:Nordmark 17363:Gothland 17353:Flanders 17348:Burgundy 17326:Proposed 17298:Salzburg 17205:Proposed 17191:Westmark 17131:NSDAP/AO 17036:Bayreuth 17013:Altreich 16940:Category 16879:Glossary 16594:von List 16549:Baeumler 16484:Goebbels 16469:Heydrich 16449:Eichmann 16305:Aryanism 16270:Populism 16160:Eugenics 16049:Ideology 16012:Genocide 15306:NSDAP/AO 14875:(1990). 14753:"Dachau" 14742:24 April 14634:(2006). 14472:17 March 14311:(2010). 14251:(1960). 14135:(1978). 14109:(1994). 14068:(2002). 14019:(2005). 13971:(1999). 13890:30036339 13715:(2006). 13647:(2010). 13587:(2008). 13527:(2001). 13390:(2003). 13342:49632006 13296:(1999). 13197:(2006). 13024:(2006). 12979:(1984). 12813:(1971). 12789:(1996). 12752:Archived 12721:(1995). 12690:(1994). 12604:(2009). 12491:(1996). 12380:(2003). 12332:(1999). 12184:21 April 12112:(2003). 12071:(2001). 12005:(2012). 11974:28 March 11958:(2001). 11917:43643554 11744:(2016). 11661:(2002). 5645:NS-Staat 5589:De facto 5525:and the 5402:See also 5381:neo-Nazi 5170:abstract 5155:Pantheon 4877:had the 4741:, while 4717:Religion 4350:gas vans 4188:gas vans 4095:Porajmos 3923:and the 3524:(army), 3291:movement 3289:Völkisch 3230:eugenics 3199:Ideology 3171:Politics 3155:and the 2987:Saarland 2768:Normandy 2750:, where 2700:6th Army 2659:Red Army 2633:states, 2557:Coventry 2553:Plymouth 2502:materiel 2473:and the 2465:and the 2445:, while 2417:. Using 2300:and the 2123:Saarland 2109:and the 1791:movement 1789:Völkisch 1707:and the 1621:Genocide 1593:deported 1569:liberals 1402:and the 1270:division 929:Monarchs 889:Military 844:a series 842:Part of 734:Currency 528:Interwar 382:under a 374:Unitary 351:1% other 331:Catholic 167:"  127:Anthems: 32185:13°22â€ČE 32182:52°31â€ČN 31733:Werwolf 31687:Berghof 31389:Shumshu 31156:Hungary 31103:Estonia 31087:Lapland 31065:Dragoon 30998:Neptune 30980:Ichi-Go 30946:Tempest 30888:Changde 30843:Cottage 30735:Jubilee 30451:Finland 30349:Compass 30055:Prelude 30008:Finland 29894:Vietnam 29860:Romania 29732:Germany 29711:Estonia 29697:Denmark 29676:Belgium 29669:Austria 29662:Albania 29593:Ireland 29579:Andorra 29563:Neutral 29530:Romania 29464:Hungary 29449:Finland 29321:Romania 29213:Finland 29191:Denmark 29137:Belgium 29123:Algeria 28829:Romania 28815:Hungary 28571:Pacific 28295:General 28249:Leaders 28234:Battles 28227:Outline 28120:largest 28115:Empires 28095:Swedish 28090:Spanish 28085:Russian 28048:Italian 28023:Chinese 28011:English 28006:British 28001:Belgian 27976:Vietnam 27966:Tay son 27912:Tsarist 27907:Russian 27902:Ottoman 27868:Dzungar 27863:Khoshut 27836:Mexican 27831:Maratha 27814:Pahlavi 27794:Safavid 27789:Iranian 27716:Haitian 27679:Chinese 27639:Ashanti 27611:Wagadou 27537:Eastern 27532:Western 27515:Timurid 27475:Tibetan 27465:Songhai 27455:Serbian 27376:Almohad 27366:Idrisid 27270:Samanid 27260:Tahirid 27255:Iranian 27233:Kannauj 27213:Genoese 27149:Chinese 27142:Eastern 27137:Western 27125:Fatimid 27120:Abbasid 27115:Umayyad 27088:Burmese 27048:Ayyubid 27043:Angevin 27013:Xianbei 27001:Eastern 26996:Western 26942:Magadha 26905:Iranian 26898:Xiongnu 26883:Hittite 26792:Chinese 26780:Kassite 26729:Ancient 26721:Empires 26345: ( 26080:History 25995:Student 25971:Werwolf 25884:Sicarii 25814:Levente 25473:Levente 25041:Bengasi 24850:Limonka 24840:Kangura 24805:Fronten 24785:Fashist 24649:My Life 24490:Tsankov 24475:SzĂĄlasi 24445:Salgado 24420:RamĂ­rez 24380:Pfrimer 24375:Noreika 24355:McInnes 24330:Lugones 24295:Hamidov 24255:O'Duffy 24235:Clausen 24225:CelmiƆơ 24210:Caetano 24205:Bushati 24195:Bahçeli 24139:Spencer 24099:Nordean 24094:Mullins 24089:Minadeo 24074:Metzger 24044:Kessler 24004:Fuentes 23984:Dilling 23979:Collins 23949:Abascal 23928:Tyndall 23913:Pearson 23883:Griffin 23868:Beckett 23842:Stetsko 23832:Samchuk 23812:Gubarev 23807:Dontsov 23797:Bandera 23790:Ukraine 23670:Limonov 23599:Ogoranu 23579:Gigurtu 23569:Crainic 23547:Romania 23467:Spirito 23462:Soffici 23452:Rossoni 23397:Michels 23357:Gentile 23317:Boselli 23302:Bianchi 23262:Alfieri 23211:Ha'ivri 23191:Eliyahu 23176:Ben-Ari 23171:Ahimeir 23140:Kashani 23048:Koryzis 23017:Krosigk 23012:Thadden 22982:Schreck 22977:Schmitt 22947:Reitsch 22922:Maurice 22892:Himmler 22867:GĂŒnther 22862:Greiser 22837:Franz V 22827:Forster 22797:Brunner 22760:Germany 22736:Rebatet 22605:Isotalo 22600:Helanen 22593:Finland 22574:Pavičić 22569:Pavelić 22564:Luburić 22537:Croatia 22518:Severen 22503:Hermans 22466:Belgium 22150:Oceania 21847:Svoboda 21607:Falanga 21345:Falange 20425:Tƍhƍkai 19982:Marzism 19928:Russian 19889:Finnish 19877:Swedish 19865:Russian 19830:Latvian 19794:Statism 19774:Italian 19762:Islamic 19661:British 19478:New Man 19414:Heroism 19288:Fascism 19218:Outline 19124:Fashion 19111:Cuisine 19073:Culture 19038:Poverty 18981:Germans 18944:Society 18925:Welfare 18910:Tourism 18867:Exports 18840:Banking 18818:Economy 18722:Cabinet 18661:Islands 18656:Geology 18579:Regions 18345:Teutons 18318:Ancient 18280:History 18267:Germany 18165:Founded 18145:Tunisia 18130:Finland 18100:Muscovy 18074:Ukraine 18069:Ostland 18047:Founded 18000:Ukraine 17970:Romania 17960:Hungary 17935:Belarus 17909:Ukraine 17834:Hungary 17814:Denmark 17804:Croatia 17794:Belarus 17789:Austria 17779:Albania 17772:Founded 17682:Croatia 17627:Founded 17477:Galicia 17452:Founded 17358:Galicia 17343:Brabant 17275:Austria 17248:Founded 17222:Holland 17151:Silesia 17086:Hamburg 17024:Founded 16874:Economy 16841:Related 16833:Economy 16669:Germany 16667:Outside 16609:Schmitt 16494:Lammers 16474:Himmler 16444:Drexler 16434:Daluege 16429:Bormann 16255:New Man 16032:Pogroms 16017:Ghettos 15853:History 15183:History 14811:USHMM. 14791:USHMM. 14771:USHMM. 14762:14 July 14751:USHMM. 14731:USHMM. 14424:25 July 14280:11 July 14157:3379930 13406:31 July 12902:8973235 12893:2352969 12680:5092689 11946:3 March 10952:USHMM, 10648:USHMM, 9801:USHMM, 9464:USHMM, 9227:USHMM, 5678:  5654:  5630:  5593:de jure 5577:De jure 5565:De jure 5351:Austria 5267:Olympia 5174:Dadaist 5002:leftist 4936:Culture 4783:unified 4770:messiah 4489:of the 4457:Society 4358:CheƂmno 4238:ghettos 4114:Sobibor 3778:Romania 3707:Economy 3211:fascist 3190:at the 3061:Trieste 3041:Belgium 3021:Denmark 2989:became 2677:of the 2639:Ukraine 2635:Belarus 2487:Dunkirk 2479:Belgium 2383:Romania 2241:, 1938. 2227:on the 2162:in the 1990:Gestapo 1941:May Day 1826:History 1801:Bavaria 1491:in the 1489:Austria 957:Prussia 953:Bavaria 949:Austria 904:Judaism 894:Economy 855:Germany 708:‱  661:‱  647:‱  634:‱  621:‱  608:‱  595:‱  582:‱  569:‱  556:‱  543:‱  507:‱  263:Capital 32278:Nazism 32117:Blondi 32047:(wife) 32037:Family 31998:Moloch 31828:Health 31793:Munich 31783:Vienna 31677:FĂŒhrer 31608:Events 31599:Nazism 31521:FĂŒhrer 31366:Debate 31338:Taipei 31331:Borneo 30909:Tarawa 30103:Europe 30064:Africa 29853:Poland 29839:Norway 29818:Malaya 29797:Latvia 29739:Greece 29725:France 29621:Sweden 29586:Bhutan 29314:Poland 29300:Norway 29272:Mexico 29239:Greece 29225:France 29163:Canada 29144:Brazil 29114:Allies 29060:Serbia 29049:Poland 28822:Poland 28808:Baltic 28601:Europe 28303:Topics 28255:Allied 28058:Mongol 28043:German 28038:French 28028:Danish 27971:Dainam 27946:Tongan 27934:Somali 27929:Sokoto 27895:'Alawi 27873:Kalmyk 27853:Mongol 27846:Second 27826:Korean 27777:Mughal 27767:Indian 27750:German 27743:Second 27733:French 27726:Second 27662:Second 27634:Afghan 27626:Modern 27552:Kyrgyz 27547:Uighur 27542:Second 27522:Turkic 27490:Toltec 27426:Epirus 27411:Nicaea 27334:Mongol 27287:Yamato 27223:Huetar 27081:Second 27018:Rouran 26967:Shunga 26962:Maurya 26937:Kushan 26910:Median 26888:Hunnic 26846:Harsha 26450:Ziaism 26118:Fascio 26113:Arditi 26058:ODESSA 25804:Lehava 25754:Hirden 25273:DeVlag 25122:Allach 25000:Vlajka 24995:Vairas 24965:Signal 24870:NĂĄstup 24825:Hamaas 24740:Arriba 24720:L'Alba 24710:Action 24659:OPROP! 24599:Hunter 24460:Ć eĆĄelj 24450:Sayigh 24440:Saadeh 24435:Rupnik 24370:Mohler 24365:Miklas 24345:Madero 24325:Ljotić 24300:Hlinka 24280:Gömbös 24275:Genoud 24200:Blythe 24185:Arcand 24164:Yockey 24149:Tarrio 24114:Pierce 24109:Pelley 24079:Miller 24014:Graves 23954:Anglin 23918:Ramsay 23888:Jordan 23751:Franco 23726:Arrese 23645:Dugina 23613:Russia 23528:Nonaka 23518:Kodama 23422:Papini 23372:Grandi 23322:Bottai 23267:Ambris 23257:Acerbo 23241:Yeivin 23226:Marzel 23221:Kahane 23216:Heruti 23164:Israel 23079:Advani 23031:Greece 23022:ZĂŒndel 22967:Rieger 22937:Ploetz 22927:MĂŒller 22912:KĂŒhnen 22897:Hitler 22877:Heiden 22852:Göring 22842:Gesche 22802:BĂŒhler 22787:Berger 22772:Andrae 22746:Valois 22731:PĂ©tain 22711:Doriot 22686:Bucard 22676:BĂ©raud 22661:Augier 22654:France 22620:Kosola 22615:Konkka 22610:Kalsta 22523:Streel 22513:Poulet 22508:Lagrou 22457:Saleam 22415:People 21876:Vlajka 21857:UstaĆĄe 21777:Pamyat 21647:Hosank 21315:CEDADE 21020:Vigrid 20027:Africa 19992:Sosism 19950:Techno 19901:Rexism 19840:Nazism 19808:Jewish 19767:Ziaism 19698:French 19683:Crypto 19567:Topics 19508:Racism 19300:Themes 19246:Portal 19101:Cinema 19081:Anthem 19048:Racism 18862:Energy 18676:Rivers 18634:States 18604:, 1848 18440:Modern 18269:  18135:Monaco 18064:Norway 17985:Serbia 17955:Greece 17950:France 17928:Exiled 17829:Greece 17824:France 17721:Serbia 17716:Poland 17706:Greece 17687:France 17564:Alsace 17545:German 17497:Warsaw 17487:Lublin 17482:KrakĂłw 17378:Venice 17313:Vienna 17303:Styria 17156:Swabia 17141:Saxony 17041:Berlin 16862:Cinema 16843:topics 16828:Cinema 16599:MĂŒller 16569:Eckart 16489:Göring 16479:Hitler 16439:Dönitz 16285:Racism 16238:Racial 16176:Heimat 15787:NSDStB 15729:Nazism 15225:Nazism 15175:(1945) 15153:Leader 15047:  15030:  15022:  14962:  14943:  14924:  14902:  14883:  14861:  14839:  14720:  14701:  14682:  14663:  14644:  14620:  14570:  14527:  14508:  14489:  14397:  14375:  14353:11 May 14319:  14297:  14261:  14239:1 July 14217:  14195:  14176:  14155:  14145:  14121:  14095:  14076:  14029:  14005:  13983:  13932:  13913:  13896:  13888:  13857:  13838:  13819:  13795:  13744:  13723:  13695:175403 13693:  13674:  13655:  13633:  13614:  13595:  13573:  13554:  13535:  13513:  13487:  13468:  13442:  13423:  13347:10 May 13340:  13332:  13326:London 13304:  13284:  13255:26 May 13226:  13205:  13155:  13134:  13115:  13096:  13075:  13053:  13034:  13010:  12991:  12967:4 June 12900:  12890:  12854:  12823:  12799:  12775:  12731:  12707:  12678:  12659:  12612:  12590:  12573:  12539:  12520:  12499:  12477:  12455:  12436:  12413:  12390:  12368:19 May 12342:  12314:  12296:  12274:  12235:  12216:  12154:  12122:  12098:  12079:  12057:  12036:  12013:  11991:  11922:5 June 11915:  11859:  11842:  11834:  11805:12 May 11774:  11752:  11730:  11711:  11692:  11671:  11647:  11384:, 2003 10954:Dachau 5745:German 5730:German 5714:German 5699:German 5619:German 5278:Legacy 5204:atonal 5101:, and 5080:, and 4963:(2003) 4957:, 4768:-like 4766:Christ 4760:, who 4642:Health 4559:, and 4348:or by 4319:, 1945 4260:Nordic 4222:, and 4190:using 4110:BeĆ‚ĆŒec 4101:Romani 4067:pogrom 4037:. The 3989:, and 3840:(1942) 3619:, 1938 3508:, 1942 3446:, and 3368:, the 3358:LĂ€nder 3228:, and 3205:Nazism 3087:(near 3069:Istria 3067:, and 3051:, and 3049:Greece 3029:France 3025:Norway 2985:. The 2981:, and 2719:, and 2631:Baltic 2590:Greece 2555:, and 2549:London 2292:Poland 2090:, and 2064:Dachau 1931:, and 1627:, and 1529:Racism 1460:FĂŒhrer 1432:Berlin 1428:Allies 1410:. The 961:Saxony 933:Queens 873:Topics 846:on the 449:  395:  365:German 311:German 270:Berlin 231:  229:  220:  218:  210:  129:  115:Emblem 32127:Other 32119:(dog) 31944:Books 31860:Staff 31650:Death 31594:Books 31142:Leyte 30972:Narva 30958:Anzio 30916:Makin 30874:Burma 30758:Torch 30727:Rzhev 30688:Kiska 29774:Korea 29760:Japan 29753:Italy 29635:Tibet 29614:Spain 29492:Italy 29253:Italy 29246:India 29170:China 29045:Japan 28645:Italy 28557:China 28509:Women 28108:Lists 28063:Omani 28033:Dutch 27939:Isaaq 27890:Saadi 27858:Oirat 27841:First 27809:Qajar 27738:First 27721:First 27694:China 27667:Third 27527:First 27480:Tikal 27431:Morea 27401:Roman 27319:Latin 27314:Khmer 27309:Kanem 27275:Buyid 27201:Zagwe 27196:Aksum 27186:Chola 27093:First 27076:First 27063:Bornu 27058:Benin 27053:Aztec 26991:Roman 26972:Gupta 26957:Nanda 26893:White 26318:Lists 26259:1940s 26193:1930s 26137:1920s 26106:1910s 26090:1900s 25368:Youth 25303:GRECE 25115:Other 24679:Siege 24527:Works 24405:Preto 24390:PerĂłn 24335:Lukov 24290:HĂĄcha 24230:Cerro 24173:Other 24144:Strom 24134:Smith 24129:Rubin 24119:Pound 24084:Mills 24069:Mason 24039:Joyce 24034:Jones 24009:Garza 23994:Enoch 23974:Carto 23969:Black 23964:Biggs 23893:Leese 23827:Rebet 23822:Lebed 23771:Ramos 23719:Spain 23685:Oktan 23665:Letov 23650:Ilyin 23640:Dugin 23533:ƌkawa 23508:Honjƍ 23493:Araki 23481:Japan 23472:Volpi 23447:Rocco 23437:Ricci 23432:Rauti 23382:Guidi 23352:Freda 23347:Evola 23337:Cogni 23287:Balbo 23277:Azara 23250:Italy 23236:Stern 23186:Eldad 23089:Godse 23072:India 23053:Lagos 22952:Remer 22872:Hanke 22832:Frank 22822:Feder 22817:Hocke 22807:DarrĂ© 22767:Abetz 22741:Myatt 22726:Laval 22640:Törni 22579:Rover 22544:Boban 22493:Elias 22488:Denis 22452:Mills 22447:Groot 21657:LEPEN 20888:GRECE 20415:SUMKA 19757:Irish 19471:Ultra 19225:Index 19189:Sport 19174:Names 19169:Music 19164:Media 19119:Dance 18991:Women 18956:Crime 18930:Women 18666:Lakes 18340:Goths 18158:Other 17854:Lokot 17849:Lepel 17839:Italy 17726:Banat 17594:Posen 17492:Radom 17333:Banat 17071:Essen 16922:Women 16767:Lists 16755:More
 16574:Feder 16559:DarrĂ© 16514:Speer 16459:Frick 16454:Frank 16248:Ultra 16233:Ethno 15782:NSDÄB 15028:S2CID 14980:Focus 14568:S2CID 14466:(PDF) 14459:(PDF) 13894:S2CID 13886:JSTOR 13764:8 May 13372:(PDF) 13361:(PDF) 13282:S2CID 13179:(PDF) 13172:(PDF) 12961:(PDF) 12954:(PDF) 12915:9 May 12909:(PDF) 12868:(PDF) 12852:S2CID 12571:S2CID 12272:S2CID 12252:(PDF) 12196:[ 11913:JSTOR 11884:(PDF) 11877:(PDF) 11840:S2CID 11799:(PDF) 11792:(PDF) 5250:Tobis 4915:Bible 4447:Hague 4143:. In 4116:, or 4106:Sinti 4005:Aryan 3774:Leuna 3504:near 3279:were 3245:Slavs 3089:Radom 2983:Memel 2907:Kleve 2846:Magda 2770:. 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Nazi regime
Das Dritte Reich
Flag of Nazi Germany
Emblem (1935–1945) of Nazi Germany
Das Lied der Deutschen

World War II
Civilian-administered occupied territories
Military-administered occupied territories

administrative divisions
52°30â€Č40″N 13°22â€Č47″E / 52.51111°N 13.37972°E / 52.51111; 13.37972
fascist state
totalitarian dictatorship
Head of state
Paul von Hindenburg
Adolf Hitler

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
