
1973 oil crisis

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1000:, read out a list of grievances as he accused the House of Saud of being corrupt and degenerate as he listed by name a number of Saudi princes who were engaged in dubious business dealings and/or who drank alcohol. The Saudi Army recaptured the Grand Mosque and the surviving "renegades" as the rebels were labelled were executed. Likewise, the perception that that most of the wealth being generated by the now higher price of oil was being stolen by a corrupt Shah along with the unfulfilled promises of the "Great Civilization" project played a major role in causing the Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979 that toppled the Shah and led to the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran in February 1979. In Algeria, the "oil shock" led to the establishment of a welfare state where none had existed previously. The lower oil prices of the 1980s along with cutbacks and the belief that the FLN regime was corrupt helped cause the riots of October 1988 against the FLN regime that killed at least 500 people. The riots were largely caused by the fact that the low oil prices had forced the Algerian state to end many of its more generous social policies between 1986 and 1988, leading to an unemployment rate of 30% by 1988 along with the knowledge that the FLN regime had stolen millions. In the aftermath of the October riots, President Chadli Bendjedid began a transition to democracy. The first free elections in Algeria in January 1992 were won by the Islamist FIS, which led to a military coup and an outbreak of civil war that was to kill hundreds of thousands. 898:
rise of a rebellious youth culture as it was very easy to be hedonist and/or in rebellion against traditional values in a time of unprecedented affluence and prosperity. Lacey wrote about the impact of the Arab oil embargo of 1973–74 that for people in the West life suddenly become "slower, darker and chiller" as gasoline was rationed, the lights were turned off in Times Square, the "gas guzzler" automobiles suddenly stopped selling, speed limits became common and restrictions were placed on weekend driving in a bid to conserve fuel. As the American automobile industry specialized in producing heavy "gas guzzler" vehicles, there was an immediate shift on the part of consumers to the lighter and more fuel efficient vehicles produced by the Japanese and West German automobile industries, sending the American automobile industry into decline. The years from 1945 to 1973 had been a period of unprecedented prosperity in the West, a "long summer" that many believed would never end, and its abrupt end in 1973 as the oil embargo which increased the price of oil by 400% within a matter of days threw the world's economy into a sharp recession with unemployment mounting and inflation raging came as a profound shock. The end of what the French called the
by the "sanctions busters" such as Iran increased after the embargo, which threw the Rhodesian economy into recession. Despite the United Nations sanctions, Rhodesia was a major exporter of chrome, steel and tobacco with the United States exempting "strategical" Rhodesian products such as chrome from the sanctions. The global recession of 1973-1975 proved more effective than the United Nations in ending the global demand for Rhodesian products, which made the Rhodesian recession especially severe. Unlike South Africa, which had a sizable and long-standing white population, the white population of Rhodesia was much smaller and more recent. Rhodesia depended considerably more than South Africa on white immigration to provide enough soldiers for its army while most of the Rhodesian whites had only arrived in the 1950s and did not have very deep roots in the country. The "white flight" caused by the recession put the Rhodesian Army at a major disadvantage in its war against the black guerrillas. The war costed the Rhodesian government one million Rhodesian dollars per day by 1975, and the costs of the war threatened to bankrupt Rhodesia. In 1979, Rhodesia signed the Lancaster House Agreement, which led to majority rule in 1980.
only to conspicuous consumption and greed as they lost interest in Islam. Lacey wrote: "The spiritual dangers of easy affluence distressed him more. His simple gesture of piety and honor seemed to have opened a Pandora's Box that threatened to turn his realm into a parody of all he held dear". In the last two of years of his life, Faisal fell into depression over the way his subjects had been seduced into a consumerist lifestyle, becoming lost in a sense of "melancholia". Faisal's son, Crown Prince Mohammad told Lacey in 1981: "The profligacy, the greed, he felt he could not stem it. He become so bound up in his work, there was almost nothing private of him left". A sign of the changed values was that despite the total ban on alcohol in Saudi Arabia that drinking along with drug use become common with the younger members of the House of Saud. James Akins, the American ambassador in Riyadh reported; "the sky over Riyadh is black with vultures with new get-richer-quicker plans under their wings". In 1974, property prices in Riyadh doubled on a weekly basis for the entire year as the prosperity led to a real estate speculation bubble that was often compared to the Klondike gold rush of 1898–1899. At the Red Sea port of
1451: 673:, on the other hand, has said that the embargo "remade the international economy". Lacey wrote: "King Faisal's momentous oil embargo of 20 October 1973 did not achieve a single one of its stated objectives. The ceasefire which the USA and the USSR together imposed two days later upon Israel, Syria and Egypt would have been imposed in any case; Israel ended the October war, thanks to US aid, better equipped militarily than she had ever been before, and Faisal's ambition to shrink Israel back inside her pre-1949 boundaries remains unfulfilled to this day. Nor did the withholding of the 638,500 barrels of oil which the Saudi Arabia had been selling to America every day for the first 10 months of 1973 ever come, in itself, to jeopardizing the power or diverting the policies of the United States, since it accounted for less than 4 percent of America's daily 17 million barrel consumption. It was the interaction which Faisal's embargo had with other forces that made it so decisive. Arab politics had an immediate multiplier effect". 654:"The United States used to stand up to aggression-you did that in World War Two and in 1956 during the Suez War. If the United States had done the same after 1967, we would not have witnessed the this deterioration... Before the Jewish State was established, there existed nothing to harm good relations between Arabs and Jews. There were many Jews in Arab countries. When the Jews were persecuted in Spain, Arabs protected them. When the Romans drove the Jews out, Arabs protected them. At Yalta, it was Stalin who said there had to be a Jewish state...Israel is advancing Communist objectives...Among those of the Jewish faith there are those who embrace Zionism...Most of the immigration to Israel is from the Soviet Union...They want to establish a Communist base right in the Middle East...And now, all over the world, the Jews are putting themselves into positions of authority". On February 22, 1974, King Faisal chaired the second summit of Islamic states in 1118:
The other European states did not rally in defense of the Dutch who were left to fend for themselves and instead reached bilateral deals with Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran. Faced with a recession, there was a tendency within the EEC nations to turn inwards away from European integration. The price rises had a much greater impact in Europe than the embargo. The crisis retarded the movement towards European economic integration which had been gathering pace ever since the EEC (now the European Union) had been founded in 1957. The German historian Jens-Uwe Wunderlich wrote that in 1973 attempts to finish off the European common market came to a "complete standstill" in 1973 and it was not until 1977 that movement towards creating the common market resumed. As the EEC's customs union had made it impossible to raise tariffs against other EEC members, there was a tendency, especially pronounced in France and the United Kingdom, for governments to subside "
25% of the world's oil, but only 4% of the oil used in the United States in 1973 came from the kingdom. However, Saudi Arabia plays an over-sized role within the Arab world, and as a Beirut oil consultant noted in 1974: "If Saudi Arabia moves from A to B, then every other oil producer must move at least as far, if not to C." In 1973, about 25% of the oil used in the United States came from Arab countries. The mere shortage of oil caused by the Arab oil embargo within the United States forced prices to raise, which in turn led prices to rise everywhere all over the world as oil producers that had not joined the embargo such as Iran, Venezuela, Libya and Iraq demanded higher prices in Japan and Europe as an initiative to ship oil to those places instead of the United States, thus settling off a worldwide inflationary spiral. The only European nations subject to the oil embargo were the Netherlands (because the Dutch Foreign Minister
588:, visited Washington together with the foreign ministers of Algeria, Kuwait and Morocco to warn that there was a real possibility of an oil embargo being imposed. Saqqaf complained to King Faisal that Nixon seemed more interested in a dispute about "a burglary" (i.e. the Watergate scandal) than about the October War. During a press conference, an American reporter mocked the threat, contemptuously saying the Saudis "could drink their oil", leading Saqqaf to reply in anger "All right, we will!". Joined by the foreign ministers of Algeria, Kuwait and Morocco, Saqqaf met with Nixon in the Oval Office who promised him that the United States would mediate a settlement to the war that would be "peaceful, just and honorable" to both sides. Saqqaf reported to King Faisal that Nixon told him that he ended the Vietnam war on an honorable basis and now intended to end the October war in the same manner. 577:
nationalization of all the assets of all Western oil companies in the Middle East. The news about the war on October 16 was grim from the Arab viewpoint with the Syrians steadily being pushed back while Israelis had opened an counter-offensive against the Egyptians and crossed the Great Bitter Lake. The Saudi delegation led by Yemani, supported by the Algerian delegation, fought hard against the Iraqi and Libyan demands for an embargo as Yemani maintained that forcing through an increase in the price of oil was the best way to influence the United States. Hammadi and the rest of the Iraqi delegation left in a huff as Yemani had won over the majority of the delegations to the Saudi viewpoint. The statement issued after midnight at the Sheraton Hotel was handwritten and reflecting the tense talk had several paragraphs crossed out while other paragraphs were written in by different hands.
for a massive investment in the nuclear industry. Nixon seems to have assumed that nuclear energy was economical, and was encouraged by the faddish enthusiasm of many officials who more on the basis of faith than rationality saw nuclear energy as the technology of the future. By the late 1960s, a lively environmentalist movement had emerged in the United States, and the Project Independence nuclear program was the subject of much debate in both the media and Congress. The ensuing debates revealed that many of the claims made for nuclear power vast underestimated the true costs of nuclear reactors. Equally problematic was the troublesome issue of where to safety store the spent nuclear rods that emitted a toxic level of radioactivity for centuries afterward in an cost-effective manner. The issue of the spent nuclear rods was especially difficult because in a classic case of
raises as Lacey noted that "competing desperately for dwindling supplies, consumers showed themselves willing to pay unparalleled money for their oil". Saudi Arabia had 25% of the world's oil reserves and the embargo imposed on the United States led to shortages of oil in the United States, which set an inflationary spiral as the new high prices for oil in the American market led to sharp increases of the price of oil in nations not subjected to the embargo. When the Iranian state oil company held an auction on December 16, 1973, bids for some $ 17 US dollars per barrel of oil were made. In late December 1973, OPEC held a conference in Vienna when it was announced the price for a barrel of oil was to from $ 5 US dollars per barrel to $ 11.65 US dollars per barrel. Faisal was opposed to the price increase, which was largely the work of the Iranian delegation.
Saudi Arabia pumped out oil in massive quantities to lower the price as a way of hurting Iran's economy. The low price of oil also hurt Iraq's economy, which forced Iraq to borrow massive sums of money, putting Iraq deeply into debt; by contrast, Iran refused to borrow any money because of its refusal to pay interest on any loans and paid the costs of the war direct from the sale of its oil. Iran's revenue from the sale of oil went from $ 20 billion US dollars per year in 1982 to $ 5 billion US dollars per year by 1988, which pushed Iran to the verge of bankruptcy and forced Iran to finally make peace with Iraq later in 1988. During the war, the Iranian delegation at OPEC tried very hard to have the group cut production to raise prices, but were blocked by the other delegations led by the Saudi delegation, who insisted on more oil production.
States as the Americans simply imported more oil from nations that were not part of the embargo such as Iran, but the 400% increase in the price of oil caused by the embargo did damage the American economy. A number of nations such as Venezuela, Nigeria, Iran and Iraq increased their oil production during the embargo, but just sold their oil at a higher price. The leader who pushed the most for higher oil prices was the Shah of Iran, and the Italian historian Giuliano Garavini has argued that the leader most responsible for the West's economic problems during the "oil shock" was not King Faisal, but rather the Shah. Some of the nations that were classified as "friendly" to the Arab viewpoint in regards to the Arab-Israeli dispute such as France and Belgium were the ones who suffered the most from the worldwide inflation caused by the embargo.
1069:, communities proved very unwilling to accept a storage place for the inevitable by-product of nuclear power, the spent nuclear rods, with the demand being made that the government find some other community to store the rods. Many of the nuclear reactors ordered in 1973 were cancelled due to the horrendous cost overruns while over 100 nuclear plants were shut down as uneconomical over the next 10 years. Unlike nations that tried to use nuclear power as a way for "energy independence" such as France and Sweden, the United States had substantial reserves of its own oil, which weakened the case for nuclear power in the ensuring debates. By 1989, only 18% of American energy came from nuclear power plants, which was a faction of what Project Independence had envisioned in 1973. 487:, later admitted that he was so engrossed with the Paris peace talks to end the Vietnam war that he and others in Washington missed the significance of the Egyptian-Saudi alliance. At the same time that Sadat moved closer to Saudi Arabia, he also wanted a rapprochement with the United States and to move Egypt away from its alliance with the Soviet Union. In 1971, the US had information that the Arab states were willing to implement another embargo. In July 1972, Sadat expelled all 16,000 of the Soviet military personnel in Egypt in a signal that he wanted better relations with the United States. Kissinger was taken completely by surprise by Sadat's move, saying: "Why has he done me this favor? Why didn't he demand all sorts of concessions first?" 949:
nation that saw itself as the leader of all black Africa. Much of the oil wealth in Nigeria was stolen by corrupt politicians. However, at least some of Nigeria's new oil wealth went to rebuild the areas devastated by the civil war of 1967-1970 and to address the complaints that too much of Nigeria's oil wealth went to the federal government in Lagos instead of the people. In Iran, the Shah who was aware by 1974 that he had developed the cancer that was to ultimately kill him in 1980 pushed very strongly for his "Great Civilization" for rapid modernization not the least because he wanted to see the "Great Civilization" before his death, which explained his grandiose announcements. The new wealth generated by the "oil shock" allowed for Chairman
million worth of arms requested sent a request to Congress for some $ 2.2 billion worth of arms to Israel, which was promptly approved. Nixon, whose administration was being badly battered by the Watergate scandal, felt that a bold foreign policy move might resuscitate his administration. Nixon later boasted in his memoirs that the U.S. Air Force flew more sorties to Israel in October 1973 than it had during the Berlin Airlift of 1948–49, flying in a gargantuan quantity of arms, though he also admitted that by the time the arms lift had begun, the Israelis had already "turned the tide of battle" in their favor, making the arms lift irrelevant to the outcome of the war. In an interview with the British historian
worth of American weapons, and instead received an unsolicited $ 2.2 billion worth of weapons, which he perceived as a sign of the pro-Israeli slant of American foreign policy. Faisal also felt insulted that Nixon had just promised Saqqaf a "honorable" peace the day before he submitted the request to Congress for some $ 2.2 billion worth of arms for Israel, which he saw as an act of duplicity on Nixon's part. Faisal had been opposed to a total embargo and only agreed to the 5% cut on October 17 under pressure from other Arab states. Faisal felt his efforts on behalf the United States were not being appreciated in Washington, which increased his fury at Nixon.
2437: 1194:, it became common by the summer of 1974 to see ARVN soldiers and their families begging in the streets for food. In December 1974, the North Vietnamese PAVN (People's Army of Vietnam) launched an offensive in the Central Highlands, which far more successful than expected as the ARVN, which was suffering from low morale, put up a feeble resistance. On March 1, 1975, the PAVN launched a major offensive that saw them quickly overrun the Central Highlands and by March 25, 1975, Hue had fallen. Following their victory in the Central Highlands, the North Vietnamese launched the "Ho Chi Minh Campaign" that saw Saigon fall on April 30, 1975. 2393: 2425: 960:, which thus had a budget that exceeded that of many Third World nations. On November 8, 1973, Kissinger became the first Secretary of State to meet with a Saudi leader since 1953 as he met King Faisal to ask him to end the embargo. Within two week of the embargo being launched, all of the foreign ministers of the nations of the European Economic Community (now the European Union) met in a conference to issue a statement calling for Israel "to end the territorial occupation which has maintained since the conflict of 1967". On December 11, 1973, the Japanese Foreign Minister 992:, there were so many ships queuing up laden with cement for the construction boom in Saudi Arabia that construction contractors hired helicopters to fly the cement in, twenty bags per flight. A number of families engaged in the Saudi construction industry such as the Juffali, Alireza, al-Khasshoggi and the bin Laden families all become very wealthy as a result of the construction boom. The period after the oil shock of 1973-1974 is still fondly remembered in Saudi Arabia as the "age of abundance" where nearly everyone had a significant increase in their standard of living. 505:
oil embargo on Britain and France during the Suez War of 1956 was not considered an important precedent. The CEOs of four of America's oil companies had after speaking to Faisal arrived in Washington in May 1973 with the warning that Faisal was considerably tougher, more intelligent and more ruthless than his half-brother Saud whom he had deposed in 1964, and his threats were serious. Kissinger declined to meet the four CEOs. In an assessment done by Kissinger and his staff about the Middle East in the summer of 1973, the repeated statements by Sadat about waging 
companies continued to lease the oil concessions in Algeria until 1971). The low price of oil internationally compensated to a certain extent for the higher price of oil caused by the devaluation. The devalued franc ensured that the dramatic price increases caused by the "oil shock" hit the French economy especially hard in 1973. The UK, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Norway banned flying, driving and boating on Sundays. Sweden rationed gasoline and heating oil. The Netherlands imposed prison sentences for those who used more than their ration of electricity.
38: 1246: 1680:—a major turning point in Cold War geopolitics -, turning the Persian Gulf states towards the US for security guarantees against Soviet military action, also coming at a time marked by increased American weapons sales, technology, and outright military presence to various US-allied nations. Saudi Arabia and Iran became increasingly dependent on American security assurances to manage both external and internal threats, including increased military competition between them over increased oil revenues. Both states were competing for preeminence in the 1140:
was self-sufficient in) as a substitute source of energy, which gave the coal miners union immense leverage over the government to press for higher wages for the coal miners. Heath offered the coal miners a 7% wage increase, which was rejected as insufficient by the miners who went on strike. Through not subjected to the embargo, the UK nonetheless faced an energy crisis of its own—a series of strikes by coal miners and railroad workers over the winter of 1973–74 became a major factor in the defeat of Heath's Conservative government in
538:. The war began during the height of the Watergate scandal and Nixon largely let Kissinger manage foreign policy as he was distracted by the scandal. On 8 October 1973, Faisal told two Egyptian envoys: "You have made us all proud. In the past we could not lift our heads up. Now we can". Faisal promised to give to Egypt a quality of aid worth $ 200 million US dollars to assist with the war effort, and stated he was willing to use the "oil weapon" if necessary to support Egypt. Kissinger promised the Israeli Prime Minister 1153:
ordered an immediate 20% cut in oil use and electric power to Japan's major industries, and cutbacks in leisure automobile usage. Economist predicted the growth rate would plunge from 5% annually down to zero or even negative territory. Inflation hit 9%. Seeking to take advantage of the crisis, Japanese business called on the government to relax its controls on air pollution and water pollution. The government refused. Moscow tried to take advantage by promising energy assistance if Japan renounced its claim to the
1302: 50: 547:
and ammunition sent to Israel. The Arab concept of the "peace of the brave" (i.e. a victorious leader being magnanimous to his defeated opponents) meant there was a possibility that Sadat at least would make peace with Israel provided that the war ended in such a way that Egypt was not perceived to be defeated. Likewise, Kissinger regarded Meir as being rather arrogant and believed that an armistice that ended the war in a manner that was not an unambiguous Israeli victory would make her more humble.
877: 1157:. Tokyo refused. Instead it made $ 3.3 billion of dollars in loans to the Arab states and called on Israel to step back. Japan's defensive strategy was explained to Kissinger when he met with top leaders in Tokyo in November 1973. In the long run Japan never wavered in its determination to maintain very strong close ties to the United States, while in self-defense briefly providing the Arab powers with the rhetoric they demanded in return for resuming oil shipments in early 1974. 1033: 568:
the Syrian offensive in the Golan Heights and were pushing back the Syrians back towards Damascus, but along the Suez canal, there was heavy fighting with the Egyptians holding their own. Yamani stated in a 1981 interview: "The king still wanted to give America a chance to stay out of the fighting. So we agreed to cut back production by just 5 percent per month. A full embargo, we agreed, was something we would implement only if we felt that things were absolutely hopeless".
11805: 645:, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Kissinger publicly threatened "countermeasures" in a Nov 21st, 1973 press conference if the embargo was not lifted, and the Saudis responded with threatening further oil cuts and to burn their oil fields if the US military invaded. After the CIA confirmed these threats, Kissinger gave up military intervention and decided that dealing with Israel's troop withdrawals and settled on diplomatic solutions to the oil embargo. 2413: 2460: 1768: 1374:, ending the federal 55 mph speed limit which allowed states to restore their prior maximum speed limit. Year-round daylight saving time was implemented from January 6, 1974, to October 27, 1975, with a break between October 27, 1974, and February 23, 1975, when the country observed standard time. Parents complained that it forced many children to travel to school before sunrise. The prior rules were restored in 1976. 292:
with the effects of inflation considered the price of oil in real terms got progressively lower and lower throughout the decade with Americans paying less for oil in 1969 than they had in 1959. Even after a price for a barrel of oil rose to $ 2.00 in 1971, adjusted for inflation, people in the Western nations were paying less for oil in 1971 than they had in 1958. The extremely low price of oil served as the basis for the "
rapid operation to seize oilfields in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and possibly Abu Dhabi if military action was decided upon. Although the Soviet response to such an act would likely not involve force, intelligence warned "the American occupation would need to last 10 years as the West developed alternative energy sources, and would result in the 'total alienation' of the Arabs and much of the rest of the Third World."
936:, which often also distributed funds to violent Sunni extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The 400% increase in the world oil prices led to extravagant promises being made by the leaders of oil-producing nations. The Shah of Iran told his subjects in a speech in December 1973 that he was launching "Great Civilization" project that would make Iran into a First World nation by the 1990s; President 1378: 146:) to nearly US$ 12 per barrel ($ 75/m) globally. Prices in the United States were significantly higher than the global average. After it was implemented, the embargo caused an oil crisis, or "shock", with many short- and long-term effects on the global economy as well as on global politics. The 1973 embargo later came to be referred to as the "first oil shock" vis-à-vis the "second oil shock" that was the 1624:
noninvolvement policy. It received a 5% production cut in December, causing a panic. On November 22, Japan issued a statement "asserting that Israel should withdraw from all of the 1967 territories, advocating Palestinian self-determination, and threatening to reconsider its policy toward Israel if Israel refused to accept these preconditions". By December 25, Japan was considered an Arab-friendly state.
920: 658:(which, unlike the first summit that Faisal had chaired in 1969, was not boycotted by Iraq and Syria) where he was acclaimed as a conquering hero who humiliated and humbled the West by wrecking its economy. The prime minister of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, opened the conference by stating: "The armies of Pakistan are the armies of Islam. We shall enter Jerusalem as brothers-in-arms!" 604:
closest advisers, Abdullah ibn Abdul Rahman and Rashad Pharaon. The king called Yamani at about 8 pm, and told him he was needed at the Riyassa Palace immediately. Yamani told the king: "The TV news goes out at nine. If you make a decision now, we can get it announced at once". The king replied "Write this down" and announced he was placing a total embargo on the United States.
exaggerated accounts appeared in Western newspapers speaking of "one hundred flights per day". At this point, both Nixon and Kissinger began to see the October War more in terms of the Cold War rather than Middle Eastern politics, both seeing the Soviet arms lifts to Egypt and Syria as a Soviet power play that required an American answer. On October 12, 1973, US president
sappers attacked and destroyed the petroleum depot of Nha Be, further depleting fuel sources. By the summer of 1974, the U.S. embassy in Saigon reported that morale in the ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) had fallen to dangerously low levels and it was uncertain how much more longer South Vietnam would last. As inflation eroded the value of the South Vietnamese
1106:(EEC), the Netherlands faced a complete embargo. By contrast Britain and France received almost uninterrupted supplies. That was their reward for refusing to allow the US to use their airfields and stopping arms and supplies to both the Arabs and the Israelis. The other six EEC nations faced partial cutbacks. The UK had traditionally been an ally of Israel, and 907:"long summer" of prosperity in 1973-1974 played a major role in the pessimistic mood that characterized the culture of the rest of the 1970s. In 1975, a report to Congress from the Federal Energy Administration estimated that the embargo of 1973-1974 had caused about 500,000 Americans to lose their jobs and caused a GNP loss between $ 10 billion-$ 20 billion. 442:, Saudi Arabia had traditionally been the strongest supporter of separating oil from politics. The Saudis were wary of the tactic due to the availability of oil from non-Arab oil producing countries, and in the decades leading up to the crisis, the region's conservative monarchies had grown dependent on Western support to ensure their continued survival as 662:
Israel. More importantly, Saudi Arabia had billions of dollars invested in Western banks, and the massive bout of inflation set off by the oil embargo was a threat to this fortune as inflation eroded the value of the money, giving Faisal a vested interest in helping to contain the damage he himself inflicted on the economies of the West.
industries. Investment shifted to electronics. Japanese auto makers also benefited from the crisis. The jump in gasoline prices helped their small, fuel-efficient models to gain market share from the "gas-guzzling" Detroit competition. This triggered a drop in American sales of American brands that lasted into the 1980s.
483:, forming an alliance between the most populous Arab state and the wealthiest Arab state. Unlike the secularist Nasser, Sadat was a pious Muslim and he had a strong personal rapport with King Faisal, who was an equally pious Muslim. The man largely in charge of American foreign policy, the National Security Adviser, 1467:
and technology realities. He wrote that instead of providing stable rules that support basic research while leaving plenty of scope for entrepreneurship and innovation, Congresses and presidents have repeatedly backed policies which promise solutions that are politically expedient, but whose prospects are doubtful.
1122:" with selected corporations receiving grants and tax breaks as a response to the crisis. In particular, the "oil shock" increased the appeal of nuclear energy as a way to achieve "energy independence" from the turbulent Middle East. Starting in March 1974 with the "Energy Plan" introduced by the premier 2186:
all had four-cylinder engines and room for at least four passengers by the late 1970s. By 1985, the average American vehicle moved 17.4 miles per gallon, compared to 13.5 in 1970. The improvements stayed, even though the price of a barrel of oil remained constant at $ 12 from 1974 to 1979. Sales
was so worried by this prospect that he ordered a British intelligence estimate of US intentions, which concluded that America "might consider it could not tolerate a situation in which the U.S. and its allies were at the mercy of a small group of unreasonable countries", and that they would prefer a
The energy crisis led to greater interest in renewable energy, nuclear power and domestic fossil fuels. According to Peter Grossman, American energy policies since the crisis have been dominated by crisis-mentality thinking, promoting expensive quick fixes and single-shot solutions that ignore market
as the first Administrator of the Federal Energy Office, a short-term organization created to coordinate the response to the embargo. Simon allocated states the same amount of domestic oil for 1974 that each had consumed in 1972, which worked for states whose populations were not increasing. In other
Three of the nations targeted by the embargo were located in southern Africa or had colonies there. Portugal which ruled the colonies of Angola, Portuguese Guiana (modern Guinea-Bissau), and Portuguese East Africa (modern Mozambique) had fighting colonial wars in all of its African colonies since the
The effects of the embargo were immediate. OPEC forced oil companies to increase payments drastically. The price of oil quadrupled by 1974 from US$ 3 to nearly US$ 12 per 42 gallon barrel ($ 75 per cubic meter), equivalent in 2018 dollars to a price rise from $ 17 to $ 61 per barrel. Saudi Arabia had
Saudi Arabia only consented to the embargo after Nixon's promise of $ 2.2 billion in military aid to Israel. On the afternoon of October 19, 1973, Faisal was in his office when he learned about the United States sending $ 2.2 billion worth of weapons to Israel, and discussed the issue with two of his
calling for a "land for peace" deal if an armistice was signed with Egypt and Syria gaining some territory in the Sinai and the Golan Heights respectively. Nixon had ordered an arms lift to Israel on 12 October 1973, but Kissinger used the excuse of bureaucratic delays to limit the amount of weapons
Western Europe began switching from pro-Israel to more pro-Arab policies. This change strained the Western alliance. The US, which imported only 12% of its oil from the Middle East (compared with 80% for the Europeans and over 90% for Japan), remained staunchly committed to Israel. The percentage of
warned that because of the "oil shock" that the British economy was going into recession and the British people should expect economic austerity. The need to avoid importing the now more expensive oil to help manage the balance-of-payments led the Heath government to turn towards coal (which Britain
The "oil shock" provided considerable impetus to the American nuclear industry as a way to achieve "energy independence" from the Middle East. On 7 November 1973, Nixon in an address to Congress called for Project Independence to make the United States self-sufficient in energy by 1980, which called
The wealth and corruption generated by the oil shock led to a fundamentalist backlash in Saudi Arabia. On 20 November 1979, Islam's most holiest shrine, the Grand Mosque of Mecca, was seized by a group of fanatics who proclaimed themselves to be the followers of the Mahdi (a messianic figure said to
running a famous headline in late 1973 saying "The Future will be subject to Delay". Kurt Waldheim, the secretary-general of the United Nations in an address to the General Assembly complained about "the note of helplessness and fatalism creeping into world affairs". The sudden and abrupt end of the
On November 7, 1973, Kissinger flew to Riyadh to meet King Faisal and ask him to end the oil embargo in exchange for promising to be "evenhanded" with the Arab-Israeli dispute. As the plane carrying him prepared to land in Riyadh, Kissinger was clearly nervous at the prospect of negotiating with the
As both Syria and Egypt lost much equipment during the fighting, the Soviet Union began to fly new equipment in starting on October 12, and the Soviet flights to Syria and Egypt were recorded by the British radar stations in Cyprus. Though the Soviets were flying in an average of 60 flights per day,
on oil in 1971 as demand for oil was increasing and production was declining, which increased dependence on foreign oil imports as consumption was bolstered by low prices. In 1973, Nixon announced the end of the quota system. Between 1970 and 1973 US imports of crude oil had nearly doubled, reaching
and gross weights averaging 4,500 pounds (2,041 kg) were no longer made. The automakers had begun phasing out the traditional front engine/rear-wheel drive layout in compact cars in favor of lighter front engine/front-wheel drive designs. A higher percentage of cars offered more efficient
exacerbated the crisis in the US. The system limited the price of "old oil" (that which had already been discovered) while allowing newly discovered oil to be sold at a higher price to encourage investment. Predictably, old oil was withdrawn from the market, creating greater scarcity. The rule also
Even worse hit than South Africa was Rhodesia (modern Zimbabwe), where oil was already expensive as the white supremacist government of Rhodesia had been under United Nations sanctions since 1965, and thus the smugglers who sold Rhodesia oil charged a premium for their services. The premium charged
The British historian Rob Skinner wrote the embargo had a "significant impact" on the South African economy. The inflationary rise in commodity prices increased the input costs of South African manufacturing, making South African manufactured goods uncompetitive on the world market. The rise in the
The North Sea oil fields, which were discovered in 1969, did not start to be exploited until 1975, making the United Kingdom entirely dependent upon imported oil in 1973. The way that world oil prices quadrupled in late 1973 had a very adverse impact on the British economy,. In a series of speeches
Control of oil became known as the "oil weapon". It came in the form of an embargo and production cutbacks from the Arab states. The weapon was aimed at the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Japan and the Netherlands. These target governments perceived that the intent was to push them towards a
The Arab oil embargo ended the long period of prosperity in the West that had begun in 1945, throwing the world's economy into the steepest economic contraction since the Great Depression. The "long summer" of prosperity in the post-war years had made possible the "swinging sixties" and the related
on April 19, 1973, warned that King Faisal was considering an oil embargo. At the time, the general feeling in Washington was the Saudis were bluffing and nothing would come of their threat to impose an oil embargo. The fact that Faisal's ineffectual half brother King Saud had imposed a cripplingly
After 1971, OPEC was slow to readjust prices to reflect this depreciation. From 1947 to 1967, the dollar price of oil had risen by less than two percent per year. Until the oil shock, the price had also remained fairly stable versus other currencies and commodities. OPEC ministers had not developed
The oil shock disrupted the status quo relationships between Arab countries and the US and USSR. At the time, Egypt, Syria and Iraq were allied with the USSR, while Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran (plus Israel) aligned with the US. Vacillations in alignment often resulted in greater support from the
The EEC was unable to achieve a common policy during the first month of the embargo. It issued a statement on November 6, after the embargo and price rises had begun. It was widely viewed as pro-Arab, supporting the Franco-British line on the war. OPEC duly lifted its embargo from all EEC members.
that had traditionally been featured in anti-Jewish cartoons were applied to the Arab sheiks as a way to illustrate their supposed greed. American public opinion did not see the use of the "oil weapon" as due to politics, and tended to explain the embargo as only due to the excessive greed of King
Saudi Arabia experienced an upsurge of prosperity and affluence after the oil embargo whose consequences horrified King Faisal. Faisal who was devoted to a harsh puritanical strain of Sunni Islam known in the West as Wahhabism was appalled by the way that his subjects became materialistic, devoted
was strongly pro-Israeli) and Portugal (in a support of show for the independence movements in Portugal's African colonies), but the shortage of oil in the United States led to sharp price rises in all of the European nations. The embargo itself did not cause much economic difficulty in the United
Because every Arab state except for Iraq and Libya joined the oil embargo, oil exports from the Middle East to the West were down by 60%-70% by November 1973. Japan and the nations of western Europe imported some 75% of their oil from the Near East, and the embargo led to immediate and sharp price
suggested to Kissinger that the USA invade Saudi Arabia and another Arab countries and seize their oil fields. Kissinger stated in a private state department meeting that it's “ridiculous that the civilized world is held up by 8 million savages... Can’t we overthrow one of the sheikhs just to show
The arms lift enraged King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and he retaliated on October 20, 1973, by placing a total embargo on oil shipments to the United States, to be joined by all of the other oil-producing Arab states except Iraq and Libya. Faisal was angry that Israel had only asked for $ 850 million
losses, after the Soviet Union began sending arms to Syria and Egypt. The first American weapons to Israel arrived only on 15 October 1973, and despite Nixon's orders the number of American planes flying into Tel Aviv were initially limited. After the first week of the war, the Israelis had halted
Sadat expected as a reward that the United States would respond by pressuring Israel to return the Sinai to Egypt, but after his anti-Soviet move prompted no response from the United States, by November 1972 Sadat moved again closer to the Soviet Union, buying a massive amount of Soviet arms for a
In 1970, American oil production peaked and the United States began to import more and more oil as oil imports rose by 52% between 1969 and 1972. By 1972, 83% of the American oil imports came from the Middle East. Throughout the 1960s, the price for a barrel of oil remained at $ 1.80, meaning that
America had controlled the price of natural gas since the 1950s. With the inflation of the 1970s, the price was too low to encourage the search for new reserves. America's natural gas reserves dwindled from 237 trillion in 1974 to 203 trillion in 1978. The price controls were not changed, despite
The embargo was not uniform across Western Europe. In 1969, France devalued the franc. The devalued franc made exports more expensive for French consumers, which encouraged them to buy French, while making French more cheaper abroad. France was entirely dependent upon imported oil (through French
in terms of stubbornness as the king accused the United States of being biased in favor of Israel, going on in a long rant about the balefulness of "Jewish Communists" in Russia and Israel, and despite all of Kissinger's efforts to charm him, refused to end the oil embargo. Faisal told Kissinger:
The embargo was accompanied by gradual monthly production cuts—by December, production had been cut to 25% of September levels. This contributed to a global recession and increased tension between the United States and several of its European allies, who faulted the US for provoking an embargo by
At an OPEC summit at the Sheraton Hotel in Kuwait City on October 16, 1973, it was announced the price of oil would go from $ 3.01 U.S. dollars per barrel to $ 5.12 per barrel. After agreeing to the price increase, the Iranian delegation left Kuwait City as the Shah of Iran was only interested in
against Israel were dismissed as empty talk while the warnings from King Faisal were likewise regarded as inconsequential. In September 1973, Nixon fired Rogers as Secretary of State and replaced him with Kissinger. Kissinger was later to state he had not been given enough time to know the Middle
of 1980–1988, the stated war aim of Iran was to overthrow the Baath regime in Iraq and then overthrow the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia. As a consequence, Saudi Arabia and the other Arab Gulf states leaned in a very pro-Iraqi neutrality during the war. As a part of its policy of supporting Iraq,
OPEC soon lost its preeminent position, and in 1981, its production was surpassed by that of other countries. Additionally, its own member nations were divided. Saudi Arabia, trying to recover market share, increased production, pushing prices down, shrinking or eliminating profits for high-cost
to increase in value, which caused further problems for South African manufacturing. The strategy pursued by the National Party government since 1948 of sponsoring the industrialization of South Africa was derailed by the "oil shock" with what Skinner described as "important social and political
admitted in a TV interview that the government was being "overwhelmed" by the inflation caused by the oil shock, while an American businessman living in Saigon stated after the oil shock that attempting to make money in South Vietnam was "like making love to a corpse". In December 1973, Vietcong
rose 43% from 38.5¢ in May 1973 to 55.1¢ in June 1974. State governments asked citizens not to put up Christmas lights. Oregon banned Christmas and commercial lighting altogether. Politicians called for a national gasoline rationing program. Nixon asked gasoline retailers to voluntarily not sell
The embargo had a negative influence on the US economy by causing immediate demands to address the threats to U.S. energy security. On an international level, the price increases changed competitive positions in many industries, such as automobiles. Macroeconomic problems consisted of both
of Nigeria told his people that henceforward Nigeria's main problem would be "managing abundance". After the oil shock, Nigeria presented itself as the first African nation that would reach First World status and in Lagos a series of stately modernist buildings were erected as appropriate for a
Unsere Mitgliedslander werden alle notwendigen Schritte unternehmen und/oder Verhandlungen mit den Olfirmen fuhren, am Mittel und Wege zu finden, um nachteiligen Auswirkungen auf das Realeinkommen der Mitgliedslander, die sich aus den internationalen monetaren Entwicklungen per August 15, 1971
Federal safety standards, such as NHTSA Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 215 (pertaining to safety bumpers), and compacts like the 1974 Mustang I were a prelude to the DOT "downsize" revision of vehicle categories. By 1977, GM's full-sized cars reflected the crisis. By 1979, virtually all
became evident. In 2004, declassified documents revealed that the US was so distraught by the rise in oil prices and being challenged by under-developed countries that they briefly considered military action to forcibly seize Middle Eastern oilfields in late 1973. Although no explicit plan was
To assure future oil flows, Japan added suppliers outside of the Middle East; invested in nuclear power; imposed conservation measures; and provided funding for Arab governments and the Palestinians. The crisis was a major factor in the long-run shift of Japan's economy away from oil-intensive
Japan was hard hit since it imported 90% of its oil from the Middle East. It had a stockpile good for 55 days, and another 20-day supply was en route. Facing its most serious crisis since 1945 the government ordered a 10% cut in the consumption of industrial oil and electricity. In December it
Only on March 18, 1974 did the king end the oil embargo after Sadat, whom he trusted, reported to him that the United States was being more "evenhanded" and after Kissinger had promised to sell Saudi Arabia weapons that it had previously denied under the grounds that they might be used against
The embargo lasted from October 1973 to March 1974. During a summit in Cairo on November 6, Kissinger asked Sadat what Faisal was like and was told: "Well, Dr. Henry, he will probably go on with you about Communism and the Jews". King Faisal's two great hatreds were Communism and Zionism as he
Israel took heavy losses in men and material during the fighting against Egypt and Syria, and on October 18, 1973, Meir requested $ 850 million worth of American arms and equipment to replace its material losses. Nixon decided characteristically to act on an epic scale and instead of the $ 850
669:, concluded that the embargo was a failure because the countries that were targeted by the embargo did not change their policies on the Arab–Israeli conflict. Licklieder believed that any long term changes were caused by the OPEC increase in the posted price of oil, and not the OAPEC embargo. 1623:
Although lacking historical connections to the Middle East, Japan was the country most dependent on Arab oil. 71% of its imported oil came from the Middle East in 1970. On November 7, 1973, the Saudi and Kuwaiti governments declared Japan a "nonfriendly" country to encourage it to change its
demanded the "total nationalization" of all assets of American oil companies in the Middle East, the withdrawal of all Arab funds from the United States and for all Arab states to break diplomatic relations with the United States. The Libyan Oil Minister, Izz al-Din al-Mabruk, called for the
Prior to the embargo, the geo-political competition between the Soviet Union and the United States, in combination with low oil prices that hindered the necessity and feasibility of alternative energy sources, presented the Arab States with financial security, moderate economic growth, and
Some of the income was dispensed in the form of aid to other underdeveloped nations whose economies had been caught between higher oil prices and lower prices for their own export commodities, amid shrinking Western demand. Much went for arms purchases that exacerbated political tensions,
The crisis eased when the embargo was lifted in March 1974 after negotiations at the Washington Oil Summit, but the effects lingered throughout the 1970s. The dollar price of energy increased again the following year, amid the weakening competitive position of the dollar in world markets.
war he planned to launch against Israel in 1973. For Sadat, cost was no object as the money to buy Soviet arms came from Saudi Arabia. At the same time, Faisal promised Sadat that if it should come to war, Saudi Arabia would embargo oil to the West. In April 1973, the Saudi Oil Minister
Canada shifted towards a more pro-Arab position after displeasure was expressed towards Canada's mostly neutral position. "On the other hand, after the embargo the Canadian government moved quickly indeed toward the Arab position, despite its low dependence on Middle Eastern oil".
1090:(CMEA). The inability of the USSR to meet energy demand from its allies led those "East European governments to purchase oil from Middle Eastern countries at increasing world market prices, crippling their balance of payments and accentuating their other economic shortcomings." 402:
in 1976. Because oil was priced in dollars, oil producers' real income decreased when the dollar started to float free of the old link to gold. In September 1971, OPEC issued a joint communiqué stating that from then on, they would price oil in terms of a fixed amount of gold.
inflationary and deflationary impacts. The embargo left oil companies searching for new ways to increase oil supplies, even in rugged terrain such as the Arctic. Finding oil and developing new fields usually required five to 10 years before significant production.
2127:, which added passenger space and amenities such as air conditioning, power steering, AM-FM radios, and even power windows and central locking without increasing the price of the vehicle. A decade after the 1973 oil crisis, Honda, Toyota and Nissan, affected by the 1981 1011:. As other OPEC nations followed suit, the cartel's income soared. Saudi Arabia undertook a series of ambitious five-year development plans. The biggest began in 1980, funded at $ 250 billion. Other cartel members also undertook major economic development programs. 915:
This price increase had a dramatic effect on oil exporting nations, for the countries of the Middle East who had long been dominated by the industrial powers were seen to have taken control of a vital commodity. The oil-exporting nations began to accumulate vast wealth.
to avoid being targeted by the boycott. Arab oil producers linked any future policy changes to peace between the belligerents. To address this, the Nixon Administration began multilateral negotiations with the combatants. They arranged for Israel to pull back from the
institutional mechanisms to update prices in sync with changing market conditions, so their real incomes lagged. The substantial price increases of 1973–1974 largely returned their prices and corresponding incomes to former levels in terms of commodities such as gold.
a few years after the oil crisis. Mazda, Mitsubishi and Isuzu had joint partnerships with Ford, Chrysler, and GM, respectively. Later, the American makers introduced their domestic replacements (Ford Ranger, Dodge Dakota and the Chevrolet S10/GMC S-15), ending their
surprised economists and central bankers. The policy is now considered by some to have deepened and lengthened the adverse effects of the embargo. Recent research claims that in the period after 1985 the economy became more resilient to energy price increases.
2381:, whose economies had expanded in the 1970s, faced near-bankruptcy, and even Saudi Arabian economic power was significantly weakened. The divisions within OPEC made concerted action more difficult. As of 2015, OPEC has never approached its earlier dominance. 1872:
After World War II, most West European countries taxed motor fuel to limit imports, and as a result most cars made in Europe were smaller and more economical than their American counterparts. By the late 1960s, increasing incomes supported rising car sizes.
they were replacing, and attracted buyers who traditionally bought larger vehicles. Some 15 years after the oil crisis, hatchbacks dominated most European small and medium car markets, and had gained a substantial share of the large family car market.
In the US production, distribution and price disruptions "have been held responsible for recessions, periods of excessive inflation, reduced productivity, and lower economic growth." Some researchers regard the 1973 "oil price shock" and the accompanying
on September 11, 1973. The response of the Nixon administration was to propose doubling arms sales. As a consequence, an opposing Latin American bloc was organized and financed in part by Venezuelan oil revenues, which quadrupled between 1970 and 1975.
The risk that the Middle East could become another superpower confrontation with the USSR was of more concern to Washington than oil. Further, interest groups and government agencies more worried about energy were no match for Kissinger's dominance.
984:. In a role-reversal, Barber and Walker paid homage to the Shah, who promised them that his nation would sell the United Kingdom 5 million tons of oil in exchange for some £100 million of British goods to aid his plans to industrialize Iran. 2290:
at nearly $ 40 per barrel, decreased during the 1980s to less than $ 10 per barrel. Adjusted for inflation, oil briefly fell back to pre-1973 levels. This "sale" price was a windfall for oil-importing nations, both developing and developed.
to head a committee to review the Eisenhower-era quota program. Shultz's committee recommended that the quotas be abolished and replaced with tariffs but Nixon decided to keep the quotas due to vigorous political opposition. Nixon imposed a
had negotiated an Israeli troop withdrawal from parts of the Sinai Peninsula. The promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria was enough to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March 1974. and again during the
475:, a game where skill and persistence was rewarded, but was best won by sudden gambles, making an analogy between how he played backgammon and conducted his diplomacy. Under Nasser, Egypt and Saudi Arabia had engaged what was known as the 2392: 249:
By 1969, American domestic output of oil was peaking and could not keep pace with increasing demand from vehicles. The U.S. was importing 350 million barrels (56 million cubic metres) per year by the late 1950s, mostly from
visited Washington to meet Kissinger and told him that King Faisal was becoming more and more unhappy with the United States, saying he wanted America to pressure Israel to return all the lands captured in the Six Day War of 1967.
The "oil shock" led to anti-Arab feelings becoming common. Cartoons published in American newspapers during the "oil shock" depicted Arabs as disgusting, ugly, obese, corrupt and greedy. In the cartoons, the long hooked Semitic
1265:. Scarcity was addressed by rationing (as in many countries). Motorists faced long lines at gas stations beginning in summer 1972 and increasing by summer 1973. A sign of the change caused by the crisis was that in 1974 the 7183:
Silverwood, James (2021). "Competition and Credit Control, Monetary Performance, and the Perception of Macroeconomic Failure: The Heath Government and the Road to Brexit". In Roe-Crines, Andrew S.; Heppell, Timothy (eds.).
2436: 680:
Over the long term, the oil embargo changed the nature of policy in the West towards increased exploration, alternative energy research, energy conservation and more restrictive monetary policy to better fight inflation.
Western central banks decided to sharply cut interest rates to encourage growth, deciding that inflation was a secondary concern. Although this was the orthodox macroeconomic prescription at the time, the resulting
Economical imports succeeded alongside heavy, expensive vehicles. In 1976, Toyota sold 346,920 cars (average weight around 2,100 lbs), while Cadillac sold 309,139 cars (average weight around 5,000 lbs).
mechanism was created, through which OPEC surplus funds were channeled through the capital markets to the West to finance the current account deficits. The functioning of this mechanism required the relaxation of
in the early 1970s. The cheapness of oil compared with coal led to the decline of the coal industry. In 1951, 51% of America's energy came from coal, and by 1973, only 19% of America's industry was coal-based.
In a later interview, Yamani accused Kissinger of not taking his warning seriously, saying all he did was to ask him not to speak anymore of this threat. Angry at Kissinger, Yamani in an interview with the
1144:. The new Labour government told the British to heat only one room in their houses over the winter. The Labour government of Harold Wilson settled the strike by giving the coal miners a 35% pay increase. 1603:
With the embargo in place, many developed countries altered their policies regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. These included the UK, which refused to allow the United States to use British bases and
In some states, a three-color flag system was used to denote gasoline availability at service stations—green for unrationed availability, yellow for restricted/rationed sales and red for out of stock.
the United States would replace its losses in equipment after the war, but sought initially to delay arm shipments to Israel as he believed it would improve the odds of making peace along the lines of
12460: 2323:
and Siberia became profitable. Cooperation changed into a far more adversarial relationship as the USSR increased its production. By 1980, the Soviet Union had become the world's largest producer.
6008: 784:
October 17 – OAPEC oil ministers agree to use oil to influence the West's support of Israel. They recommended an embargo against non-complying states and mandated export cuts.
1656:" under which nations within the global South would receive a greater share of benefits derived from the exploitation of southern resources and greater control over their self-development. 1746:
socialist and relatively secularist republican dictatorship of Iraq, the latter of which is a majority Shiite Muslim Arab nation which was ruled by a Sunni Muslim Arab minority before the
using the tagline "Don't Be Fuelish". Many newspapers carried advertisements featuring cut-outs that could be attached to light switches, reading "Last Out, Lights Out: Don't Be Fuelish".
oil company (which had once been part of the Standard Oil company) replaced the General Motors corporation to be the largest corporation in the world as measured by gross sales revenues.
6345: 1450: 8826: 381:, signed on February 14, the posted price of oil was increased and, due to a decline in the value of the US dollar relative to gold, certain anti-inflationary measures were enacted. 11030: 343:
controlled 86% of the oil produced by OPEC countries, but by 1970 the rise of "independent oil companies" had decreased their share to 77%. The entry of three new oil producers—
258:. Because of transportation costs and tariffs, it never purchased much oil from the Middle East. In 1973, US production had declined to 16% of global output. Eisenhower imposed 2377:
When reduced demand and increased production glutted the world market in the mid-1980s, oil prices plummeted and the cartel lost its unity. Mexico (a non-member), Nigeria, and
6180: 1915:
Buyers looking for larger cars were increasingly drawn to medium-sized hatchbacks. Virtually unknown in Europe in 1973, by the end of the decade they were gradually replacing
Rationing led to violent incidents, when truck drivers chose to strike for two days in December 1973 over the limited supplies that Simon had allocated for their industry. In
10161: 6703:. Data resources series ; v. 3. Amsterdam ; New York : New York: North-Holland Pub. Co. ; distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Elsevier/North Holland. 1567:
America's Cold War policies suffered a major blow from the embargo. They had focused on China and the Soviet Union, but the latent challenge to US hegemony coming from the
particularly in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia spent over 100 billion dollars in the ensuing decades for helping spread its fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, known as
4475: 431:
in 1967, but despite continued Egyptian and Syrian enmity against Israel, the embargo lasted only a few months. Most scholars agree that the 1967 embargo was ineffective.
3618: 1061:
gasoline on Saturday nights or Sundays; 90% of gas station owners complied, which produced long lines of motorists wanting to fill up their cars while they still could.
An American at a service station reads about the gasoline rationing system in an afternoon newspaper; a sign in the background states that no gasoline is available. 1974
191: 1876:
The oil crisis pushed West European car buyers away from larger, less economical cars. The most notable result of this transition was the rise in popularity of compact
Israel was one of the few countries unaffected by the embargo, since it could extract sufficient oil from the Sinai. But to supplement Israel's over-taxed power grid,
1960s with Angola being the first to rise up in 1961. Angola is rich in oil, which protected Portugal from the worse of the embargo. But the economic stability of the
4011: 2131:, opened US assembly plants and established their luxury divisions (Acura, Lexus and Infiniti, respectively) to distinguish themselves from their mass-market brands. 6301: 2215:, and various other luxury oriented sedans became popular again in the mid-1970s. The only full-size models that did not recover were lower price models such as the 6680:
Byrne, Christopher; Randall, Nick; Theakson, Keven (2021). "Edward Heath: Leadership Competence and Capability". In Roe-Crines, Andrew S.; Heppell, Timothy (eds.).
achieved no more than 15 highway miles per gallon. In the 15 years prior to the 1973 oil crisis, gasoline prices in the U.S. had lagged well behind inflation.
Since Israeli forces did not withdraw to the 1949 Armistice Line, the majority of scholars believe that the embargo was a failure. Roy Licklieder, in his 1988 book
requested $ 2.2 billion to support Israel's war effort. Nevertheless, the embargo lasted only until January 1974, though the price of oil remained high afterwards.
471:, a man who believed in the diplomacy of surprise, in engaging in sudden moves to upset the diplomatic equilibrium. Sadat liked to say that his favourite game was 370:
joined OPEC. OPEC was generally regarded as ineffective until political turbulence in Libya and Iraq strengthened their position in 1970. Additionally, increasing
Night of October 8 – Israel goes on full nuclear alert. Kissinger is notified on the morning of October 9. United States begins to resupply Israel.
gained traction. On the other hand, Algeria, Iraq and Libya had strongly supported the use of oil as a weapon in the conflict. Arab newspapers like the Egyptian
An increase in imported cars into North America forced General Motors, Ford and Chrysler to introduce smaller and fuel-efficient models for domestic sales. The
The crisis had a major impact on international relations and created a rift within NATO. Some European nations and Japan sought to disassociate themselves from
10926: 9012: 880:
Oil prices in USD, 1861–2015 (1861–1944 averaged US crude oil, 1945–1983 Arabian Light, 1984–2015 Brent). Red line adjusted for inflation, blue not adjusted.
6116: 12695: 8443: 5639: 5954: 384:
Because of a severe drain on U.S. gold reserves, leading to higher inflation and lack of confidence in the strength of the dollar, President Nixon issued
11771: 7366: 6532: 6018: 2111:
Some buyers lamented the small size of the first Japanese compacts, and both Toyota and Nissan (then known as Datsun) introduced larger cars such as the
7106: 787:
October 19 – Nixon requests Congress to appropriate $ 2.2 billion in emergency aid to Israel, which triggers a collective Arab response.
13230: 8491: 1600:
US oil which comes from the nations bordering the Persian Gulf remained steady over the decades, with a figure of a little more than 10% in 2008.
435: 71: 5487: 956:
The oil embargo led a sudden interest in the Palestinian issue. Between 1973 and 1981, Saudi Arabia donated a sum worth $ 1 billion US dollars to the
13215: 94:
launched a large-scale surprise attack in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to recover the territories that they had lost to Israel during the 1967
in 1981, Kissinger later admitted about the arms lift to Israel: "I made a mistake. In retrospect it was not the best considered decision we made".
13192: 11151: 10449: 10146: 9673: 8423: 7107:"Öl und Geopolitik. Die Ölkrisen der 1970er Jahre und der Kalte Krieg [Oil and Geopolitics: The Oil Crises of the 1970s and the Cold War]" 5825: 2330:
to maintain high consumption, but had underestimated the extent to which conservation and other sources of supply would eventually reduce demand.
1173:, a dictatorship. The state led a push for coal as an energy source, even though there were reservations about its adverse environmental effects. 580:
On October 17, Arab oil producers cut production by 5% and instituted an oil embargo against Israel's allies: the United States, the Netherlands,
7990: 1535: 10232: 7741: 7550: 6580: 6222:"A/RES/S-6/3201 – Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order – UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements" 2326:
Part of the decline in prices and economic and geopolitical power of OPEC came from the move to alternative energy sources. OPEC had relied on
providing what many viewed as unconditional assistance to Israel. OAPEC demanded a complete Israeli withdrawal from all territories beyond the
543: 6996:
Licklider, Roy (1988). "The Power of Oil: The Arab Oil Weapon and the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, and the United States".
6341: 1211:
regime in April 1974 and led to the restoration of democracy. Portugal granted independence to all of its colonies except for Macau in 1975.
13295: 13177: 13116: 13079: 12913: 5693: 1371: 1141: 4866: 13237: 12776: 10439: 10313: 10222: 3600: 378: 288:
6.2 million barrels per day in 1973. Until 1973, an abundance of oil supply had kept the market price of oil lower than the posted price.
10921: 10916: 10901: 10896: 10444: 10196: 9083: 4356: 1355: 1078:
Faisal and the other Arab leaders, hence the use of the hooked Semitic nose in the cartoons as a sort of shorthand for insatiable greed.
more pro-Arab position. Production was eventually cut by 25%. However, the affected countries did not undertake dramatic policy changes.
Arab oil producing countries had attempted to use oil as leverage to influence political events on two prior occasions—the first was the
255: 6172: 3207: 1126:, the French state made a massive investment in nuclear energy and by the 1990s 80% of all of France's energy came from nuclear plants. 621:
believed that the Soviet Union and Israel were plotting together against Islam. When King Faisal was shown a translation into Arabic of
13342: 13161: 13021: 12920: 11841: 10866: 10186: 6033: 2579: 837:
February 12–14 – Progress in Arab-Israeli disengagement triggers discussion of oil strategy among the heads of state of
December 9 – Arab oil ministers agree to another five percent production cut for non-friendly countries in January 1974.
6510: 5883: 13028: 12871: 12504: 10275: 4113: 1351: 690: 203: 6081: 2424: 1864:
The oil crisis sent a signal to the auto industry globally, which changed many aspects of production and usage for decades to come.
flew in to Riyadh to meet King Faisal for "talks on improving bilateral relations". Shortly afterwards, the French foreign minister
13322: 13185: 13102: 13072: 12955: 12948: 12892: 12885: 12753: 12442: 10490: 10459: 10454: 10227: 8260: 2983:
Kuiken, Jonathan (March 1, 2015). "Striking the Balance: Intervention versus Non-intervention in Britain's Oil Policy, 1957–1970".
1970: 1586:
revealed Schlesinger had told him that "it was no longer obvious to him that the U.S. could not use force." British Prime Minister
293: 5937: 1684:
and using increased revenues to fund expanded militaries. By 1979, Saudi arms purchases from the US exceeded five times Israel's.
13259: 12878: 12131: 12052: 11233: 9663: 8307: 7459: 7027:
Corporate law and economic stagnation: how shareholder value and short-termism contribute to the decline of the Western economies
1580: 981: 4467: 791:
immediately proclaims an embargo on oil exports to the US. Saudi Arabia and other Arab oil-producing states follow the next day.
13065: 12969: 12934: 12791: 12629: 12124: 11107: 10931: 10156: 8428: 5981: 5723: 968:
arrived to sign an agreement that provided oil for France for the next twenty years. On January 24, 1974, as the Shah of Iran,
251: 3626: 1832: 12746: 12659: 12408: 12400: 10515: 10151: 8086: 7773: 7751: 7409: 7376: 7352: 7323: 7302: 7254: 7233: 7214: 7193: 7173: 7152: 7095: 7074: 7053: 7034: 6986: 6967: 6948: 6926: 6899: 6870: 6801: 6782: 6755: 6729: 6708: 6689: 6670: 6651: 6632: 6613: 6594: 6566: 6434: 5284: 5265: 5130: 3916:
Rüdiger Graf (2012). "Making Use of the "Oil Weapon": Western Industrialized Countries and Arab Petropolitics in 197–-1974".
3342: 3274: 3249: 3027: 2845: 2809: 2772: 2745: 2403: 510:
East as he settled into the State Department's office at Foggy Bottom as Egypt and Syria attacked Israel on October 6, 1973.
218: 9174: 6323: 1804: 13372: 11238: 10906: 10480: 8993: 8918: 8578: 8178: 2778: 1442:
four-cylinder engines. Domestic auto makers also began offering more fuel efficient diesel powered passenger cars as well.
The oil crisis contributed to the poor state of the Indian economy and played a role in Indira Gandhi's decision to impose
OPEC-member states raised the prospect of nationalization of oil company holdings. Most notably, Saudi Arabia nationalized
6488: 6309: 3333:
Sherbiny, Naiem A.; Tessler, Mark A. (1976). "3. Arab Oil Production Policies in the Context of International Conflicts".
2412: 1676:
Concerns over economic domination from increased Soviet oil production turned into fears of military aggression after the
13352: 13094: 12363: 10485: 10191: 8598: 7731: 4267: 2648: 1086:
The Soviet Union was not a beneficiary of the oil crisis. The crisis prompted the USSR to raise energy prices within the
226: 168: 7840: 7768: 13327: 13123: 11619: 11298: 11014: 10280: 9633: 8728: 7706: 7591: 7545: 7540: 7486: 5964: 4327:
Editorial Note: this conflicts with the 70% price increase to $ 5.11, noted by a cited reference, in the section above.
3201: 3052: 2898: 1811: 1583: 1416: 1359: 808: 649:
stern Wahhabi Faisal who had a marked dislike of Jews. Kissinger discovered that King Faisal was a worthy companion to
263: 7444:. Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, former oil minister of Saudi Arabia, gives his personal account of the 1973 energy crisis. 13317: 13252: 13058: 12710: 12577: 12327: 11766: 11070: 10823: 9365: 8928: 8198: 8139: 6229: 6108: 5323: 4038: 1851: 1526:
In the United States in 1974, seven of the 15 top Fortune 500 companies were oil companies, falling to four in 2014.
1427: 957: 419:
in 1956 when the United Kingdom, France and Israel invaded Egypt. During the conflict the Syrians sabotaged both the
of oil, but the posted price of oil remained consistently higher than the market price of oil between 1961 and 1972.
7936: 2612: 12497: 12109: 11655: 11308: 10803: 10500: 10495: 10306: 9068: 9063: 8558: 8521: 8250: 7696: 2263: 1785: 1653: 1306: 700: 8746: 8608: 8292: 392:". This action made the dollar inconvertible to gold directly, except on the open market, and was soon dubbed the 12899: 12673: 12160: 11313: 10871: 10756: 10682: 9788: 9169: 9098: 8998: 8876: 8648: 8638: 8225: 7612: 5402:
Erika Tominaga, "Japan's Middle East Policy, 1972–1974: Resources Diplomacy, Pro-American Policy, and New Left."
1818: 1751: 1652:
A year after the start of the embargo, the UN's nonaligned bloc passed a resolution demanding the creation of a "
1278: 17: 8563: 8450: 8438: 7437: 6811:
Ikenberry, G. John (1986). "The irony of state strength: comparative responses to the oil shocks in the 1970s".
5632: 3887: 1919:
as the mainstay of this sector. Between 1973 and 1980, medium-sized hatchbacks were launched across Europe: the
January 18 – Israel signs a withdrawal agreement to pull back to the east side of the Suez Canal.
13087: 13051: 12962: 12864: 11834: 11781: 11552: 11218: 10771: 10689: 10616: 9219: 8988: 8568: 8470: 8203: 7647: 7642: 2940:
Euclid A. Rose (2004). "OPEC's Dominance of the Global Oil Market: The Rise of the World's Dependency on Oil".
ended production of their full-sized luxury sedans at the end of the 1981 model year, moving instead to a full
2143: 2010: 1789: 1420: 1042: 8888: 8618: 8129: 7901: 6528: 1633: 851:
March 17 – Arab oil ministers, with the exception of Libya, announce the end of the US embargo.
and secretly negotiate an accord whereby the Arabs will use the "oil weapon" as part of the military conflict.
13288: 13223: 12927: 12798: 12739: 12592: 10989: 10886: 10876: 10798: 10166: 9181: 9134: 8898: 8821: 8553: 2443: 1228:
of 1976 was at least in part caused by anger at the high unemployment rate in black South African community.
appear at the dawn of every Muslim century to strike down the enemies of Islam). The leader of the uprising,
340: 180: 8613: 8322: 8245: 7916: 2736:
Little, Douglas (2009). "2. Opening the Door: Business, Diplomacy, and America's Stake in Middle East Oil".
1800: 13362: 12990: 12834: 12827: 12784: 12732: 12666: 12264: 11761: 11756: 11293: 11278: 10727: 9199: 9159: 9129: 9078: 8938: 8856: 8852: 8723: 8653: 8418: 8235: 8001: 7896: 7828: 6367: 5491: 4764:
Paust, Jordan J. & Blaustein, Albert P. (1974). "The Arab Oil Weapon—A Threat to International Peace".
became president of Egypt in 1970, he dismissed Soviet specialists in Egypt and reoriented towards the US.
regime was damaged by the worldwide inflation, which help cause the Carnation Revolution which toppled the
531: 1979:
was a 400-cubic inch (6.5 liter) V8. The wheelbase of this car was 121.5 inches (3,090 mm), and
Before the energy crisis, large, heavy, and powerful cars were popular. By 1971, the standard engine in a
13367: 13146: 13138: 12812: 12805: 12725: 12652: 12644: 12636: 12614: 12013: 11808: 11776: 10299: 10171: 9643: 9638: 9355: 9033: 8761: 8506: 8465: 8409: 8312: 8193: 8151: 8056: 7581: 7535: 7228:. London Oxford New York New Delhi Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. 2196: 2128: 1400:
Although not regulated by the new legislation, auto racing groups voluntarily began conserving. In 1974,
1103: 424: 6848:
A. Johnson, Ronald (1980). "The impact of rising oil prices on the major foreign industrial countries".
1295:) to buy gas only on odd-numbered days of the month, while others could buy only on even-numbered days. 1215:
price of gold as a hedge against inflation (South Africa has the world's largest gold mines) caused the
1186: 13130: 13035: 12841: 12519: 12282: 11363: 10964: 10949: 10911: 10672: 10549: 10008: 9229: 9214: 9204: 9058: 8658: 8146: 7949: 7716: 5831: 2327: 1431: 1347: 2354:
The drop in prices presented a serious problem for oil-exporting countries in northern Europe and the
May 31 – Diplomacy by Kissinger produces a disengagement agreement on the Syrian front.
13245: 13169: 12941: 12424: 11827: 11735: 11268: 11009: 10813: 10237: 10113: 10058: 9878: 8866: 8573: 8134: 7746: 7663: 6684:. Palgrave studies in political leadership. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 317–354. 3163:
Murphy, Edward E.; Perez-Lopez, Jorge F. (1975). "Trends in U.S. export prices and OPEC oil prices".
Pelletiere, Stephen C. (2001). "4. The OPEC Revolution and the Clashes Between Iraq and the Cartel".
2499: 2358:. Heavily populated, impoverished countries, whose economies were largely dependent on oil—including 1739: 1573: 1430:
to help low-income homeowners and renters reduce their demand for heating and cooling through better
of Algeria to become a global leader, courted by elites in both the First World and the Third World.
November 5 – Arab producers announce a 25% output cut. A further 5% cut is threatened.
730: 609: 439: 172: 12416: 7188:. Palgrave studies in political leadership. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 87–114. 4063: 3985: 3158:
For a discussion about the impact of inflation on the purchasing power of oil revenues in the 1970s
2690: 12906: 12569: 12541: 12378: 9863: 9430: 8693: 8583: 8337: 7881: 5474:
The Oil Kings: How the U.S., Iran, and Saudi Arabia Changed the Balance of Power in the Middle East
2571: 2077: 1691:
the Saudis were forced to deal with the prospect of internal destabilization via the radicalism of
937: 750:, a strategic airlift to provide replacement weapons and supplies to Israel. This followed similar 9603: 6264: 5701: 817:
December 25 – Arab oil ministers cancel the January output cut. Saudi oil minister
influence provided oil producing countries with alternative means of transporting oil to markets.
13281: 13199: 12703: 12606: 12207: 11786: 11660: 10717: 10709: 10660: 10611: 10531: 10416: 10411: 9093: 9038: 9023: 8963: 8771: 8751: 8511: 8188: 7793: 4913: 2575: 2541: 1778: 1381:
Gas stations abandoned during the crisis were sometimes used for other purposes. This station at
871: 650: 629:
and therefore talked to anyone who would listen about what he had learned, despite the fact that
61: 7996: 2243:"full-size" American cars had shrunk, featuring smaller engines and smaller outside dimensions. 1281:
reported that in the last week of February 1974, 20% of American gasoline stations had no fuel.
13382: 13337: 13274: 12976: 12371: 12222: 12215: 12167: 12153: 11869: 11263: 11004: 10694: 10544: 10381: 10356: 9883: 9387: 8781: 8455: 7931: 7691: 7686: 7479: 7426: 4352: 2484: 2331: 1976: 1284: 950: 933: 747: 711: 556: 480: 420: 123: 99: 10093: 3597: 2704:
David S. Painter (2014). "Oil and Geopolitics: The Oil Crises of the 1970s and the Cold War".
13206: 12599: 12453: 12116: 12098: 12025: 12004: 11640: 11082: 11065: 10999: 10761: 10628: 10581: 10554: 10396: 10348: 10118: 9402: 9397: 9164: 9053: 9008: 8968: 8903: 8847: 8766: 8548: 8362: 8240: 8158: 8066: 8031: 7941: 7886: 7783: 7624: 6586: 3588:
October 9, 1973, conversation (6:10–6:35 pm) between Israeli Ambassador to the United States
3191: 2634: 2567: 2554:
Smith, Charles D. (2006), Palestine and the Arab–Israeli Conflict, New York: Bedford, p. 329.
2514: 2398:
Graph of oil prices from 1861 to 2015, showing a sharp increase in 1973 and again during the
2228: 2112: 1825: 1677: 1548: 1511: 1486: 1170: 969: 704: 460: 7383: 6044: 3118: 739:
October 8–10 – OPEC negotiations with major oil companies to revise the 1971
13153: 12983: 12527: 12139: 12044: 12036: 11948: 11537: 11207: 10969: 10851: 10677: 10650: 10633: 10559: 10391: 9658: 9425: 9280: 9234: 9149: 9144: 8943: 8842: 8791: 8786: 8678: 8633: 8588: 8526: 8357: 8332: 8282: 8210: 8124: 7974: 7576: 7555: 6559:
The revolution before the revolution: late authoritarianism and student protest in Portugal
6514: 6265:"The Soviet-Afghan War at Forty: The "Shocks of '79" and the Coming of the Second Cold War" 4973: 2662: 2520: 2489: 2244: 2120: 1928: 1880:. The only notable small hatchbacks built in Western Europe before the oil crisis were the 1696: 1382: 1249:
Oregon gasoline dealers displayed signs explaining the flag policy in the winter of 1973–74
March 5 – Israel withdraws the last of its troops from the west side of the
831: 399: 5731: 4121: 8: 13109: 12819: 12717: 12622: 12482: 12334: 12252: 12086: 11911: 11685: 11630: 11557: 11446: 11258: 11176: 10856: 10722: 10103: 10018: 10013: 9913: 9776: 9573: 9457: 9372: 9260: 9113: 9108: 9088: 9073: 8983: 8978: 8883: 8816: 8806: 8718: 8713: 8703: 8603: 8543: 8516: 8342: 8327: 8297: 8275: 8061: 8051: 7778: 7701: 7671: 7655: 6085: 5934: 2676: 2504: 2494: 2479: 2374:—did not prepare for a market reversal that left them in sometimes desperate situations. 2252: 2208: 2093: 2089: 2085: 2081: 1708: 1409: 1405: 1394: 1363: 1245: 8958: 8871: 6746:
How we got here: the 70's, the decade that brought you modern life (for better or worse)
4977: 1519:
in oil-importing economies. It marked the beginning of an exponential growth of Western
1114:, reversed this policy in 1970, calling for Israel to withdraw to its pre-1967 borders. 139: 13347: 13332: 11992: 11532: 10954: 10564: 10464: 10322: 10257: 10053: 10038: 9963: 9943: 9938: 9923: 9770: 9518: 9270: 9154: 8908: 8811: 8796: 8708: 8698: 8673: 8668: 8433: 8387: 8302: 8287: 8230: 8046: 7969: 7845: 7736: 7726: 7085: 7013: 6905: 6836: 6627:. Economic theory, econometrics, and mathematical economics. New York: Academic Press. 5781: 5173: 4997: 4905: 4897: 4789: 4781: 3933: 3879: 3811: 3416: 3315: 3193:Österreichische Schule für Anleger: Austrian Investing zwischen Inflation und Deflation 3141: 3058: 2965: 2888: 2713: 2399: 2287: 2259: 2224: 2183: 1916: 1688: 1608: 1556: 1490: 1462:
for heat. A newspaper headline before her tells of the community's lack of heating oil.
1258: 1119: 997: 438:(OAPEC) supported the use of oil as a weapon to influence the political outcome of the 151: 10979: 9953: 9782: 7264:
Stern, Roger J. (May 9, 2016). "Oil Scarcity Ideology in US Foreign Policy, 1908–97".
961: 187:, also known as the Second Arab–Israeli war, was sparked by Israel's southern port of 37: 13377: 13357: 12078: 12061: 11962: 11680: 10808: 10783: 10586: 10571: 10270: 10123: 10068: 10043: 9998: 9928: 9903: 9868: 9858: 9827: 9714: 9598: 9568: 9305: 9295: 9209: 9103: 8948: 8663: 8460: 8317: 8270: 8168: 8119: 8093: 8071: 7911: 7891: 7835: 7823: 7637: 7472: 7405: 7372: 7348: 7336:
European and East Asian Regionalism: Critical Junctures and Historical Turning Points
7319: 7313: 7298: 7281: 7250: 7244: 7229: 7210: 7189: 7169: 7148: 7129: 7091: 7070: 7049: 7030: 6982: 6963: 6944: 6936: 6922: 6895: 6866: 6840: 6828: 6797: 6778: 6761: 6751: 6725: 6704: 6685: 6666: 6647: 6644:
American hegemony and world oil: the industry, the state system and the world economy
6628: 6609: 6590: 6562: 5960: 5177: 5165: 4989: 4964: 4889: 4793: 4293: 3929: 3871: 3803: 3420: 3408: 3338: 3307: 3270: 3245: 3197: 3172: 3133: 3096: 3048: 3023: 3000: 2957: 2894: 2841: 2832: 2805: 2768: 2741: 2248: 2216: 2159: 2155: 2057: 2053: 2046: 2014: 1727:
Muslim majority, which explains the current hostility between Saudi Arabia and Iran.
1576: 1510:
The price shock created large current account deficits in oil-importing economies. A
1386: 1008: 886: 818: 637: 573: 560: 492: 262:
on foreign oil that would stay in place between 1959 and 1973. Critics called it the
10247: 9918: 7334: 6385:"Designing Cars of the 1970s: Freedoms Lost". Collectible Automobile. February 2008. 6149:
Far Eastern Economic Review, v. 84, Apr–Jun 1974, p. 8, Review Publishing, 1974
5985: 5001: 4909: 3883: 1754:, because these two oil-rich Arab nations share a long land border with each other. 427:, which disrupted the supply of oil to Western Europe. The second instance was when 13043: 12558: 12553: 11969: 11941: 11918: 11850: 11507: 11228: 10831: 10749: 10667: 10505: 10386: 10033: 9958: 9888: 9873: 9853: 9800: 9583: 9578: 9558: 9508: 9498: 9325: 9290: 9275: 9224: 8953: 8893: 8733: 8392: 8372: 8081: 8023: 8017: 7984: 7964: 7954: 7803: 7604: 7596: 7340: 7273: 7125: 7121: 7005: 6887: 6820: 5454: 5157: 4981: 4881: 4847: 4773: 3925: 3863: 3795: 3400: 3299: 3092: 3088: 3045:
Pivotal Decade: How the United States Traded Factories for Finance in the Seventies
Alnasrawi, Abbas (2002). "1. The International Context of the Iraqi Oil Industry".
2992: 2949: 2474: 2232: 2220: 2192: 2175: 1987: 1936: 1920: 1905: 1645: 1641: 1516: 1273: 1046: 710:
August 23, 1973 – In preparation for the Yom Kippur War, Saudi King
7277: 6277:
George C. Wilson "U.S. Military Sales To Saudis 5 Times Total For Israelis",
4985: 3404: 584:, South Africa, and Portugal. On October 17–19, 1973, the Saudi Foreign Minister, 13003: 12853: 12688: 12534: 12389: 11890: 11740: 11730: 11472: 11223: 11112: 11038: 10841: 10766: 10734: 10645: 10361: 10252: 10108: 10098: 10083: 10063: 10048: 10023: 9968: 9733: 9701: 9593: 9553: 9315: 9310: 9250: 9191: 8923: 8801: 8593: 8501: 8496: 8220: 8114: 7788: 7721: 7711: 7676: 7632: 7619: 7571: 7397: 7204: 7163: 7142: 7064: 6719: 5941: 5909: 4167:"Gas Pinch Eases as Embargo Ends— 8 Arab Nations to Resume Oil Exports to U.S.". 3604: 3239: 2838:
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve: U.S. Energy Security and Oil Politics, 1975–2005
Price-Smith, Andrew T. (2015). "1. The History of Oil in International Affairs".
2762: 2212: 2116: 1944: 1892:. By the end of the decade, the market had expanded with the introduction of the 1551: 1540: 1520: 1482: 1301: 1262: 1225: 523: 484: 385: 214: 195: 147: 8215: 3388: 2307:
The embargo encouraged new venues for energy exploration, including Alaska, the
1909: 1423:(CAFE) standards that required improved fuel economy for cars and light trucks. 902:("Glorious Thirty" ) led to a mood of widespread pessimism in the West with the 12768: 12680: 12585: 11955: 11934: 11577: 11497: 11487: 11477: 11418: 11393: 11102: 11043: 10974: 10861: 10846: 10655: 10593: 10338: 10078: 10003: 9993: 9988: 9848: 9588: 9377: 9300: 9028: 8933: 8683: 8623: 8255: 8173: 8076: 8036: 8006: 7906: 7861: 6883:
Nuclear Politics: Energy and the State in the United States, Sweden, and France
Sanction dilemmas: some implications of economic sanctions against South Africa
6484: 6159: 5772:
Richardson, Julia; Nordhaus, Robert (1995). "The National Energy Act of 1978".
Daoudi, M. S.; Dajani, M. S. (January 1984). "The 1967 Oil Embargo Revisited".
2280: 2255: 2164: 1998: 1901: 1735: 1253: 1154: 1123: 977: 824:
January 7–9, 1974 – OPEC decides to freeze prices until April 1.
585: 222: 115: 83: 6824: 6663:
The fighting never stopped: a comprehensive guide to world conflict since 1945
4263: 1993:
The crisis reduced the demand for large cars. Japanese imports, primarily the
The crisis prompted a call to conserve energy, most notably a campaign by the
876: 355:—meant that by 1970, 81 oil companies were doing business in the Middle East. 49: 13311: 12431: 12356: 12349: 12342: 12320: 12304: 12296: 12289: 12275: 12245: 12238: 12231: 12189: 12182: 12175: 12146: 11985: 11978: 11904: 11876: 11645: 11602: 11567: 11196: 11077: 11050: 10984: 10376: 10242: 10088: 9983: 9948: 9933: 9893: 9435: 9265: 9003: 8913: 8776: 8756: 8643: 8404: 8382: 8347: 7926: 7921: 7876: 7798: 7758: 7507: 7362: 7285: 7133: 6832: 6744: 6665:(1. American ed.). New York: Vintage Books, a Division of Random House. 6576: 5169: 4893: 4851: 3875: 3867: 3807: 3589: 3412: 3311: 3176: 3137: 3100: 3062: 3043:
Stein, Judith (2010). "OPEC and the Trade Unionism of the Developing World".
3004: 2961: 2465: 2335: 2295: 2204: 2200: 2151: 1994: 1704: 1544: 1288: 1182: 1107: 965: 781:
raise posted prices by 17% to $ 3.65 per barrel and announce production cuts.
670: 552: 527: 476: 284: 279: 275: 238: 188: 119: 7144:
United States Foreign Oil Policy Since World War I: For Profits and Security
6765: 5811:
Ian R. Bartky, and Elizabeth Harrison, "Standard and daylight-saving time."
2663:"Interim Agreement between Israel and Egypt (Sinai II) | UN Peacemaker" 1707:
region of Saudi Arabia in December of the same year, which was known as the
extremists during November 1979, and a Shiite Muslim revolt in the oil rich
1110:'s government supported the Israelis during the Six-Day War. His successor, 944:
project intended to make Venezuela into a First World nation; and President
12760: 12511: 12312: 11883: 11705: 11635: 11527: 11517: 11512: 11502: 11492: 11378: 11358: 11303: 11087: 11055: 10994: 10891: 10793: 10699: 10576: 10510: 10028: 9978: 9908: 9898: 9752: 9740: 9727: 9533: 9360: 8861: 8109: 7959: 7818: 7813: 7808: 7514: 6909: 6013: 5443:"Late Acceleration: The Indian Emergency and the Early 1970s Energy Crisis" 5322:
Slavin, Barbara; Freudenheim, Milt; Rhoden, William C. (January 24, 1982).
4993: 4772:(#3). The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 68, No. 3: 410–439 . 3899: 3593: 3119:"Black Gold The End of Bretton Woods and the Oil-Price Shocks of the 1970s" 2509: 2355: 2147: 2139: 2135: 2026: 2022: 1951: 1743: 1731: 1712: 1681: 1607:
to airlift resupplies to Israel, along with the rest of the members of the
1587: 1367: 1314: 1292: 1136: 1111: 1032: 945: 758: 593: 519: 371: 333: 321: 259: 135: 131: 7344: 6881: 6646:(1. publ ed.). University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press. 6221: 5458: 5145: 2996: 2764:
Iraq and the International Oil System: Why America Went to War in the Gulf
1471: 13014: 12471: 12070: 11927: 11897: 11675: 11597: 11547: 11368: 11338: 11283: 11273: 10959: 10638: 10621: 10539: 10401: 10371: 10366: 10073: 9678: 9648: 9503: 9493: 9392: 9255: 9048: 8537: 8367: 8352: 8163: 8011: 7979: 7866: 7681: 7586: 7525: 6469:
Dusko Doder "Soviet Production of Gas, Oil Set Records Over 6 Months" in
Corvette Racing: The Complete Competition History from Sebring to Le Mans
5161: 2604: 2339: 2320: 2312: 2179: 2097: 2002: 1964: 1940: 1897: 1893: 1881: 1670: 1568: 1503: 1330: 1074: 867: 715: 535: 468: 428: 416: 394: 389: 312:
conference on September 14, 1960. The five founding members of OPEC were
210: 184: 176: 143: 111: 95: 75: 6891: 6513:. US Energy Information Administration. January 10, 2006. Archived from 5785: 4832: 3937: 3145: 2717: 11725: 11592: 11582: 11348: 11186: 11092: 9832: 9543: 9513: 9467: 9382: 9350: 9342: 9285: 8973: 8688: 8377: 8265: 7871: 7448: 7017: 6739: 6179:(United Arab Emirates), January 21, 2009, . Retrieved August 16, 2009. 4901: 4785: 3851:"Britain, the Transatlantic Alliance, and the Arab-Israeli War of 1973" 3815: 3319: 2969: 2802:
Oil, Illiberalism, and War: An Analysis of Energy and US Foreign Policy
2171: 2124: 2101: 2073: 2038: 2030: 2018: 2006: 1932: 1924: 1792: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1266: 973: 845: 800:
November 23 – The Arab embargo is extended to Portugal,
726: 725:
October 6 – Egypt and Syria attack Israeli positions on
539: 472: 199: 8486: 5442: 2738:
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East since 1945
11720: 11451: 11398: 11343: 11333: 11243: 11191: 11127: 11122: 11117: 11097: 10778: 10406: 10333: 10291: 10128: 9973: 9822: 9795: 9608: 9563: 9472: 9440: 9420: 9412: 8741: 8531: 3850: 3389:"The First Oil Shock? Nixon, Congress, and the 1973 Petroleum Crisis" 2378: 2308: 2105: 2065: 2061: 2034: 1885: 1877: 1459: 1455: 1438: 929: 770: 695:
For further details see the "Energy crisis" series by Facts on File.
642: 443: 363: 313: 7009: 5798:
Robert E. King, and Cass R. Sunstein, "Doing Without Speed Limits."
5272: 4885: 4867:"The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock, and the Unit Root Hypothesis" 4777: 3799: 3303: 2953: 1767: 11862: 11819: 11715: 11695: 11690: 11670: 11665: 11441: 11431: 11353: 11288: 11060: 10788: 10744: 10739: 10603: 9707: 9548: 9445: 9320: 9139: 9043: 8183: 8041: 7495: 4962:
Hirsch, Robert L. (1987). "Impending United States Energy Crisis".
2316: 2191:
products) recovered within two model years of the 1973 crisis. The
2188: 2069: 1889: 1747: 1715:
is a near-absolute monarchy, an Arabic speaking country, and has a
1692: 1322: 1066: 1057: 801: 581: 564: 454: 448: 267: 202:
belonging to French and British investors. As a result of the war,
127: 8827:
Struggle against political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union
6561:. Protest, culture and society. New York ; Oxford: Berghahn. 3079:
Peelo, Victor (October 9, 1975). "Behind the U.S.–OPEC Conflict".
These cars were considerably more economical than the traditional
and largely Sunni Muslim Saudi Arabians were somewhat wary of the
1321:, non-striking truckers were shot at by striking truckers, and in 563:
to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel in order to replace its
the Suez Canal was closed for several months between 1956 and 1957
11383: 11373: 11253: 11248: 11163: 9653: 9538: 9528: 9477: 9018: 7763: 6777:(1st ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. 2459: 2367: 2363: 2343: 2042: 1700: 1475: 1087: 838: 811:
authorizing price, production, allocation and marketing controls.
352: 344: 309: 234: 6405: 6403: 5638:. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review. November 1975. 464:
had historically been supportive of the use of oil as a weapon.
11700: 11587: 11572: 11562: 11522: 11436: 9721: 9523: 9462: 8397: 6981:(1. American ed.). New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. 6721:
Government Versus Trade Unionism in British Politics Since 1968
4468:"How Saudi Wahhabism Is the Fountainhead of Islamist Terrorism" 2442:
The price of oil during the embargo. The graph is based on the
2359: 1724: 1604: 1401: 1377: 1004: 989: 774: 751: 740: 719: 703:
commences as a result of inflation pressure and the collapsing
655: 329: 103: 79: 4812: 3335:
Arab oil: impact on the Arab countries and global implications
Taghizadegan, Rahim; Stöferle, Ronald; Stöferle, Mark (2014).
919: 857:
December 1974 – The U.S. stock market recovers.
11482: 11456: 11426: 11388: 11328: 11323: 11318: 10206: 10162:
American espionage in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation
9668: 9451: 7530: 7339:(1 ed.). Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge. 7029:. Dovenschmidt monographs. The Hague: Eleven Internat. Publ. 6400: 6324:
Saudi Arabia and Iraq: Oil, Religion, and an Enduring Rivalry
6034:"How Resilient Is the Modern Economy to Energy Price Shocks?" 5600: 5598: 5573: 5571: 5569: 5511: 5509: 4745: 2371: 1716: 1637: 788: 778: 467:
In 1970, President Nasser of Egypt died and was succeeded by
367: 359: 348: 230: 107: 91: 87: 6374:. (Oregon). Associated Press. February 24, 1974. p. 6A. 6203: 6201: 5229: 5195: 5193: 5191: 5189: 5187: 5146:"The Soviet Union, CMEA, and the Energy Crisis of the 1970s" 5120: 5118: 5116: 3189: 932:, throughout the world, via religious charities such as the 266:
policy. Some scholars believe the policy contributed to the
11710: 11650: 11403: 10881: 9746: 9628: 7520: 7464: 6396:"GM's full-sized cars". Collectible Automobile. March 2008. 4432: 4430: 4231: 4229: 3968: 3966: 3768: 3766: 3732: 3730: 3728: 3524: 3522: 3520: 2923: 2921: 2919: 2917: 1720: 1437:
By 1980, domestic luxury cars with a 130-inch (3.3 m)
1318: 766: 762: 325: 317: 305: 6062: 5595: 5583: 5566: 5556: 5554: 5552: 5550: 5548: 5521: 5506: 5253: 5050: 4709: 4495: 4493: 4393: 4391: 3112: 3110: 11542: 11408: 11181: 10201: 10181: 10176: 6886:. Vol. 1126. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 6531:. U.S. Energy Information Administration. June 14, 2016. 6424: 6422: 6420: 6418: 6198: 6186: 5910:"Residential and Low-Income Electric Customer Protection" 5533: 5217: 5184: 5113: 5040: 5038: 5008: 4943: 4931: 4800: 4685: 4661: 4649: 4378: 4376: 4374: 4330: 332:. OPEC was organized after the oil companies slashed the 308:(OPEC), was founded by five oil producing countries at a 7249:. A Facts on File publication. New York: Facts on File. 7226:
Modern South Africa in world history: beyond imperialism
Holy war: the Crusades and their impact on today's world
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Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung
producers. The world price, which had peaked during the
that were more fuel efficient than the typical American
The oil embargo was announced roughly one month after a
October 12 – The United States initiates
11171: 7186:
Policies and politics under Prime Minister Edward Heath
Oil and world power : background to the oil crisis
Masouros, Pavlos E. (2013). Masouros, Pavlos E. (ed.).
6796:. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies . 6682:
Policies and politics under Prime Minister Edward Heath
6389: 6162:, p. 16, Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1974 5755: 5753: 5751: 5749: 5676: 5674: 5672: 5615: 5613: 5545: 5321: 5283:
sfn error: no target: CITEREFByrneRandallTheakson2020 (
5091: 5089: 5025: 5023: 4733: 4721: 4627: 4625: 4623: 4586: 4584: 4582: 4580: 4541: 4529: 4517: 4505: 4490: 4449: 4447: 4445: 4403: 4388: 4246: 4244: 4216: 4214: 4212: 4210: 4208: 4206: 4204: 4202: 3953: 3951: 3949: 3947: 3831: 3829: 3827: 3825: 3753: 3751: 3749: 3747: 3745: 3691: 3689: 3687: 3685: 3683: 3646: 3644: 3642: 3640: 3638: 3636: 3560: 3558: 3556: 3554: 3541: 3539: 3537: 3495: 3493: 3456: 3454: 3370: 3368: 3366: 3364: 3362: 3360: 3358: 3356: 3354: 3107: 2867: 2865: 2863: 2861: 2859: 2857: 2418:
Fluctuations of OPEC net oil export revenues since 1972
1336: 296:" of prosperity and mass affluence that began in 1945. 7147:(2. ed.). Montréal: McGill-Queen's Press - MQUP. 6415: 5488:"Vietnam Casualty Resolution: Top U.S. Peace Priority" 5303: 5291: 5241: 5101: 5074: 5062: 5035: 4371: 3607:
George Washington University National Security Archive
of 55 mph (89 km/h) was imposed through the
Post-Napoleonic Irish grain price and land use shocks
Oil and gas : crises and controversies 1961-2000
The great recession, with a postscript on stagflation
6608:(2nd Anchor Books ed.). New York: Anchor Books. 6173:"Obama, Gulf Oil and the Myth of America's Addiction" 5979: 4673: 4637: 3505: 2691:"Oil Shock of 1973–74 | Federal Reserve History" 976:, he was met by the British Chancellor of Exchequer, 213:
of 1967 included an Israeli invasion of the Egyptian
International Association of Oil & Gas Producers
7371:(1. Free Press ed.). New York, NY: Free Press. 7046:
The Gulf War: its origins, history, and consequences
6921:. Global history of the present. London: Zed Books 6679: 5746: 5669: 5657: 5610: 5341: 5278: 5205: 5086: 5020: 4620: 4577: 4553: 4442: 4241: 4199: 4187: 4148: 4094: 3944: 3822: 3742: 3713: 3680: 3656: 3633: 3570: 3551: 3534: 3490: 3451: 3351: 3020:
Iraq's Burdens: Oil, Sanctions, and Underdevelopment
The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power
2854: 2455: 2446:, price of oil, and so overstates prices at the end. 1277:
states, lines at gasoline stations were common. The
October 26 – The Yom Kippur War ends.
The Prize: the epic quest for oil, money, and power
7069:. Brentwood, England : Multi-Science Pub. Co. 6342:"10 ways the 1973 oil embargo changed the industry" 6254:(New York: Pearson Longman, 2004), pp. 184–191, 197 2041:. Japanese imports became mass-market leaders with 1695:, a reality which would quickly be revealed in the 1325:, trucks of non-strikers were attacked with bombs. 1056:The average US retail price of a gallon of regular 1007:in 1980 under the leadership of Saudi oil minister 830:February 11 – Kissinger unveils the 134:. In March 1974, OAPEC lifted the embargo, but the 74:(OAPEC) announced that it was implementing a total 6775:The rise and fall of OPEC in the twentieth century 6743: 6302:"Iran and Saudi Arabia's 'Hate-Hate' Relationship" 5771: 4039:"How Henry Kissinger Bungled the Arab Oil Embargo" 3849: 3790:"A Political Evaluation of the Arab Oil Embargo". 3238:Ahrari, Mohammed E. (2015). "5. The Oil Embargo". 2831: 2562: 2560: 2346:-blended gasoline all reduced the demand for oil. 910: 436:Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries 72:Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries 7090:. Harmondsworth ; Baltimore : Penguin. 6960:1979: the year that shaped the modern Middle East 5884:"Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards" 3162: 2045:construction and front-wheel drive, which became 1665:disproportionate international bargaining power. 641:that we can do it?” They formed a plan to invade 102:, the initial countries that OAPEC targeted were 13309: 10147:List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States 6919:Algeria since 1989: between terror and democracy 5633:"Oil Price Controls: A Counterproductive Effort" 2703: 8584:North Yemen-South Yemen Border conflict of 1972 7991:On the Cult of Personality and Its Consequences 5928: 3332: 2557: 1536:United States foreign policy in the Middle East 1235: 1049:to have a persistent effect on the US economy. 625:, he instantly believed in the authenticity of 410: 7449:Why Oil Prices Go Up: The Past: We Pushed Them 6865:(2nd ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. 6582:The king of oil: the secret lives of Marc Rich 5982:"Brazil's Ethanol Program – An Insider's View" 5476:. New York: Simon & Schuster. p. 205. 4763: 2939: 2302: 544:United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 244: 233:countries cut production of oil and placed an 13296:List of stock market crashes and bear markets 11835: 10307: 7480: 7458:US Energy Information Administration (1998). 7043: 6409: 5956:U.S. Energy Policy and the Pursuit of Failure 5264:sfn error: no target: CITEREFSilverwood2020 ( 4831:Barsky, Robert B. & Kilian, Lutz (2004). 4353:"Significant Events in U.S.–Libyan Relations" 4264:"Energy Crisis (1970s) – Facts & Summary" 2887:Yergin, Daniel (1991). "29. The Oil Weapon". 2542:"Crude Oil Prices – 70 Year Historical Chart" 1445: 1358:began in 1975, and in 1977 the cabinet-level 1291:having an odd number as the last digit (or a 1081: 807:November 27 – Nixon signs the 572:higher oil prices. The Oil Minister of Iraq, 513: 306:Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 10223:Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War 7774:Incapacitation of the Allied Control Council 6138:America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945–1975 5129:sfn error: no target: CITEREFArmstrong1991 ( 4830: 4347: 4345: 3915: 3289: 3196:(in German). FinanzBuch Verlag. p. 87. 2649:"The 8 Year Long Blockage of the Suez Canal" 2134:Compact trucks were introduced, such as the 2072:were successful. Detroit responded with the 2017:(a captive import from Chrysler sold as the 1197: 821:promises a ten percent OPEC production rise. 398:, leading eventually to the collapse of the 9084:1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre 6791: 6750:(1st ed.). New York, NY: Basic Books. 6158:The New Tensions in Japan, Martin Collick, 6031: 5959:. Cambridge University Press. p. 416. 5604: 5589: 5577: 5324:"The World; British Miners Settle for Less" 4858: 3233: 3231: 3229: 3116: 2799: 1723:since 1979 is an Islamist theocracy with a 1474:" (pro-alcohol) project in 1975 that mixed 1419:was passed, leading to the creation of the 1129: 1093: 623:The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion 615: 11842: 11828: 10314: 10300: 10187:United States involvement in regime change 7742:1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine 7487: 7473: 7332: 7297:. Turning points series. London: Longman. 7182: 7161: 6935: 6847: 6483:Anderson, Patrick L. (November 13, 1997). 5440: 5259: 5235: 5223: 5199: 4833:"Oil and the Macroeconomy since the 1970s" 4355:. September 2, 2008. 4336: 3047:. Yale University Press. pp. 74–100. 2882: 2880: 2760: 1730:Before the Iranian Revolution the usually 1529: 1470:The Brazilian government implemented its " 1176: 1027: 479:, but Sadat got along very well with King 237:on oil exports to the United States after 122:. This list was later expanded to include 13117:2015–2016 Chinese stock market turbulence 7396: 6995: 6810: 6625:Economic policy and the great stagflation 6603: 6556: 6433:sfn error: no target: CITEREFBrogan1989 ( 6360: 6207: 6192: 5539: 5124: 4949: 4937: 4818: 4806: 4766:The American Journal of International Law 4751: 4342: 3393:The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 3267:Pipelines: Flowing Oil and Crude Politics 3264: 3017: 2829: 2731: 2729: 2727: 1852:Learn how and when to remove this message 1366:of 1978. On November 28, 1995, President 1352:Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act 138:had risen by nearly 300%: from US$ 3 per 7460:25th Anniversary of the 1973 Oil Embargo 7202: 7024: 6916: 6772: 6698: 6485:"Approx. PED of Various Products (U.S.)" 6482: 6068: 5952: 5855:The Transformation – A Palo Alto Dreamer 5143: 4739: 4727: 4715: 4703: 4547: 4535: 4523: 4511: 4499: 4409: 4397: 4382: 3785: 3783: 3781: 3592:, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft, and 3226: 3074: 3072: 1971:Automotive industry in the United States 1750:, and how that affected the Saudis' own 1719:Muslim majority, while Persian speaking 1449: 1376: 1300: 1261:. The rule had been intended to promote 1244: 1031: 918: 875: 162: 78:against the countries who had supported 11234:China National Offshore Oil Corporation 8313:Transition to the New Order (Indonesia) 7223: 7140: 7104: 6941:American presidents and the Middle East 6792:Hermele, Kenneth; Odén, Bertil (1988). 6717: 6641: 6622: 6232:from the original on September 28, 2011 6032:Dhawan, Rajeev; Jeske, Karsten (2006). 6006: 5980:Milton Briquet Bastos (June 20, 2007). 5973: 5560: 5309: 5297: 4012:"U.S. Mulled Seizing Oil Fields In '73" 3911: 3909: 2877: 2833:"1. The Energy Crisis Begins 1970–1975" 2697: 2187:of large sedans for most makes (except 1581:British Ambassador to the United States 1493:now used in over 90% of Israeli homes. 1404:reduced all race distances by 10%; the 1181:The oil shock destroyed the economy of 667:Political Power and the Arab Oil Weapon 633:had been exposed as a forgery in 1921. 526:and Syria launched an offensive in the 518:On October 6, 1973, Egypt attacked the 388:11615 on August 15, 1971, closing the " 14: 13310: 13022:Venezuelan banking crisis of 2009–2010 12792:South American economic crisis of 2002 12689:Black Wednesday (1992 Sterling crisis) 11108:Unconventional (oil and gas) reservoir 10867:2020 Russia–Saudi Arabia oil price war 10321: 10157:Russian espionage in the United States 8429:Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia 7436:Morgan, Oliver; Islam, Faisal (2001). 7361: 7318:. New York : St. Martin's Press. 7315:Oil diplomacy in the twentieth century 7044:Bulloch, John; Morris, Harvey (1989). 6879: 6860: 6660: 6575: 6535:from the original on December 22, 2015 6428: 6339: 6109:"The Time America Almost Invaded OPEC" 5645:from the original on December 12, 2009 5527: 5515: 5471: 5436: 5434: 5247: 5107: 5095: 5080: 5068: 5056: 5044: 5029: 4961: 4864: 4478:from the original on February 27, 2019 4036: 3847: 3841: 3237: 3210:from the original on December 30, 2016 3117:Hammes, David; Wills, Douglas (2005). 2982: 2976: 2886: 2825: 2823: 2821: 2735: 2724: 2223:. Slightly smaller models such as the 1757: 1346:To help reduce consumption, in 1974 a 1305:Gasoline ration stamps printed by the 1045:as the first discrete event since the 429:war broke out between Egypt and Israel 278:became president in 1969, he assigned 219:closing the Suez Canal for eight years 13073:2013 Chinese banking liquidity crisis 13029:2010–2014 Portuguese financial crisis 12505:Secondary banking crisis of 1973–1975 11823: 10295: 10152:Soviet espionage in the United States 8308:Indonesian mass killings of 1965–1966 8087:Consolidation of the Cuban Revolution 7752:1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight 7468: 7404:. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 7263: 7242: 7083: 7062: 6976: 6957: 6340:Treece, James B. (October 11, 2013). 6299: 6140:, p. 280, Walter LaFeber, Wiley, 1975 5694:"Gas Fever: Happiness Is a Full Tank" 4691: 4679: 4667: 4655: 4643: 4631: 4614: 4602: 4590: 4571: 4559: 4453: 4436: 4421: 4250: 4235: 4220: 4193: 4181: 4154: 4142: 4100: 4088: 3972: 3957: 3835: 3778: 3772: 3757: 3736: 3719: 3707: 3695: 3674: 3662: 3650: 3616: 3576: 3564: 3545: 3528: 3511: 3499: 3484: 3472: 3460: 3445: 3433: 3386: 3374: 3081:Challenge: The U.S. Economy in Action 3078: 3069: 3042: 2927: 2871: 2793: 2599: 2597: 2342:, home heating from natural gas, and 2096:. American Motors sold its homegrown 1627: 1135:in December 1973, the Prime Minister 1088:Council on Mutual Economic Assistance 691:1970–1979 world oil market chronology 268:decline of domestic US oil production 13103:Russian financial crisis (2014–2016) 12956:2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis 12949:2008–2009 Ukrainian financial crisis 12914:2000s U.S. housing market correction 12754:1998–2002 Argentine great depression 11849: 11239:China National Petroleum Corporation 10228:Soviet Union–United States relations 8579:1972 visit by Richard Nixon to China 7311: 7292: 6738: 6456:"World: Saudis Edge U.S. on Oil" in 6252:The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Wars 6219: 6106: 5759: 5680: 5663: 5619: 5415:S.N. Fukai, "Japan's energy policy" 5347: 5211: 5014: 4840:The Journal of Economic Perspectives 4465: 4307:The A to Z of the Petroleum Industry 4030: 3978: 3906: 2933: 2384: 1790:adding citations to reliable sources 1761: 1337:Conservation and reduction in demand 13260:2023–2024 Egyptian financial crisis 13095:Puerto Rican government-debt crisis 13088:2014–2016 Brazilian economic crisis 12461:1963–1965 Indonesian hyperinflation 12364:Shanghai rubber stock market crisis 12053:Dutch Republic stock market crashes 10192:Soviet involvement in regime change 7427:35 Years After the Arab Oil Embargo 7162:Rybczynski, T. M. (June 18, 1976). 6585:(1. paperback ed.). New York: 6348:from the original on August 4, 2019 6300:Rubin, Michael (October 11, 2011). 6119:from the original on April 11, 2016 6000: 5774:Natural Resources & Environment 5730:. February 25, 1974. Archived from 5700:. February 18, 1974. Archived from 5431: 4290:Energy crisis, 1969–1973. Volume I. 4118:Organisation of Islamic Cooperation 4056: 4004: 2818: 2781:from the original on March 19, 2013 1678:1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1478:with gasoline for automotive fuel. 972:, was coming off the ski slopes of 940:of Venezuela likewise launched his 173:conflict between Arabs and Israelis 43:Price of oil adjusted for inflation 24: 13066:2012–2013 Cypriot financial crisis 12970:2008–2014 Spanish financial crisis 12942:2008–2009 Russian financial crisis 12935:2008–2009 Belgian financial crisis 12630:1988–1992 Norwegian banking crisis 12125:British credit crisis of 1772–1773 11299:National Iranian South Oil Company 11015:Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin 10233:Soviet Union–United States summits 7707:1947 Polish parliamentary election 7592:Guerrilla war in the Baltic states 7390: 7246:Energy crisis, [1969-1979] 6962:. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. 6491:from the original on July 21, 2011 6368:"Gas prices catch up to inflation" 6220:Assembly, United Nations General. 5867: 5852: 5279:Byrne, Randall & Theakson 2020 4270:from the original on June 24, 2016 4114:"SECOND ISLAMIC SUMMIT CONFERENCE" 3617:Boyne, Walter J. (December 1998). 2840:. Texas A&M University Press. 2594: 2582:from the original on March 6, 2014 2349: 2274: 1958: 1572:mentioned, a conversation between 1562: 1417:Energy Policy and Conservation Act 1341: 1333:'s repeated requests to Congress. 1164: 1147: 809:Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act 699:January 1973 – The 25: 13394: 13343:History of the petroleum industry 13253:2023 United States banking crisis 13059:2011 Bangladesh share market scam 12747:1998–1999 Ecuador economic crisis 12711:Venezuelan banking crisis of 1994 12637:Japanese asset price bubble crash 12578:Souk Al-Manakh stock market crash 12328:Australian banking crisis of 1893 12132:Dutch Republic financial collapse 11767:Intercontinental Exchange Futures 11656:Chicago Bridge & Iron Company 11309:Oil & Gas Development Company 8994:Lord's Resistance Army insurgency 8929:United States invasion of Grenada 8199:Guinea-Bissau War of Independence 8140:Expulsion of Soviets from Albania 7419: 7206:Middle East Oil Crises Since 1973 5419:(April 1988) 87#528, pp. 169–175. 4466:Butt, Yousaf (January 20, 2015). 4359:from the original on May 22, 2013 4064:"140. Memorandum of Conversation" 3986:"247. Memorandum of Conversation" 3890:from the original on July 2, 2018 3848:Hughes, Geraint (June 11, 2008). 2615:from the original on June 9, 2007 1867: 1428:Weatherization Assistance Program 958:Palestine Liberation Organization 12110:Amsterdam banking crisis of 1763 11804: 11803: 9069:United States invasion of Panama 8919:1982 Ethiopian–Somali Border War 8559:1971 Turkish military memorandum 8522:Communist insurgency in Thailand 8492:Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 8424:Communist insurgency in Malaysia 8251:Assassination of John F. Kennedy 8179:Indonesia–Malaysia confrontation 7697:Restatement of Policy on Germany 6521: 6503: 6476: 6463: 6450: 6441: 6378: 6333: 6328:United States Institute of Peace 6316: 6293: 6284: 6271: 6257: 6244: 6213: 6165: 6152: 6143: 6131: 6107:Peck, Michael (April 10, 2014). 6100: 6074: 6025: 6007:Sandler, Neal (March 26, 2008). 5984:. Energy Tribune. Archived from 5946: 5902: 5876: 5861: 5846: 5818: 5805: 5792: 5765: 5716: 5686: 5625: 5480: 5465: 5422: 5409: 5396: 5387: 5378: 5365: 5353: 5315: 5137: 4955: 4824: 4757: 4037:Alamer, Sultan (April 8, 2024). 3930:10.1111/j.1467-7709.2011.01014.x 3244:. University Press of Kentucky. 2740:. Univ of North Carolina Press. 2458: 2435: 2423: 2411: 2391: 2264:Chrysler New Yorker Fifth Avenue 2251:lineup for 1982 (except for the 1766: 1654:New International Economic Order 1489:, developed the prototype for a 1385:, Washington, was turned into a 1372:National Highway Designation Act 1307:Bureau of Engraving and Printing 1240: 841:, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia. 834:plan for US energy independence. 636:Initially, Secretary of Defense 48: 36: 13323:1973 in international relations 12835:2007 Chinese stock bubble crash 12161:Danish state bankruptcy of 1813 11314:Oil and Natural Gas Corporation 9789:Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 9170:Dissolution of the Soviet Union 9099:Fall of the inner German border 8999:1988 Black Sea bumping incident 8649:Strategic Arms Limitation Talks 8639:Spanish transition to democracy 8599:1972–1975 Bangladesh insurgency 8226:Communist insurgency in Sarawak 7732:Indo-Pakistani War of 1947–1948 7613:Occupation of the Baltic states 7165:The Economics of the Oil Crisis 6998:International Studies Quarterly 6550: 6041:Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta 6009:"At the Zenith of Solar Energy" 5888:US Department of Transportation 4459: 4321: 4312: 4299: 4282: 4256: 4160: 4106: 3610: 3582: 3380: 3326: 3283: 3258: 3183: 3152: 3036: 3011: 2830:Beaubouef, Bruce Andre (2007). 2754: 2605:"The price of oil – in context" 2269: 1777:needs additional citations for 1496: 1279:American Automobile Association 1142:February 1974 general elections 911:Impact on oil exporting nations 98:. In an effort that was led by 13216:Chinese property sector crisis 13124:2015–2016 stock market selloff 13052:August 2011 stock markets fall 12963:2008–2011 Irish banking crisis 12660:1990s Swedish financial crisis 12409:Weimar Republic hyperinflation 11782:Society of Petroleum Engineers 11553:Port Harcourt Refining Company 11219:Abu Dhabi National Oil Company 8569:Four Power Agreement on Berlin 8204:Mozambican War of Independence 7643:Indonesian National Revolution 7126:10.12759/HSR.39.2014.4.186-208 6718:Dorfman, Gerald Allen (1979). 5830:. January 1975. Archived from 5441:Chatterjee, Elizabeth (2024). 4305:See also Marius S. Vassiliou, 4171:. March 20, 1974. p. I-5. 3093:10.1080/05775132.1975.11470142 2767:. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2683: 2669: 2655: 2641: 2627: 2548: 2534: 2430:US oil production and imports. 2235:and various others sold well. 1986:1972 road test of the similar 1659: 1426:In 1976, Congress created the 1421:Corporate Average Fuel Economy 754:moves to supply the Arab side. 379:Tehran Price Agreement of 1971 13: 1: 13289:List of sovereign debt crises 13231:2022 Russian financial crisis 12928:2008 Latvian financial crisis 12921:U.S. bear market of 2007–2009 12799:Stock market downturn of 2002 12740:1998 Russian financial crisis 12593:1983 Israel bank stock crisis 10728:Production sharing agreements 10167:CIA and the Cultural Cold War 9182:Dissolution of Czechoslovakia 9135:Min Ping Yu No. 5540 incident 8857:1984 Summer Olympics boycotts 8822:Seven Days to the River Rhine 8554:Corrective Revolution (Egypt) 7841:March 1949 Syrian coup d'état 7769:1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état 7333:Wunderlich, Jens-Uwe (2020). 7278:10.1080/09636412.2016.1171967 5827:Ad Council – Don't be Fuelish 5472:Cooper, Andrew Scott (2011). 5393:Kissinger, 1982, pp. 741–746. 4986:10.1126/science.235.4795.1467 3405:10.1080/21520844.2021.1886501 2528: 1669:respective superpowers. When 1362:was created, followed by the 1014: 684: 434:Although some members of the 169:declared independence in 1948 157: 82:at any point during the 1973 12991:Greek government-debt crisis 12828:2004 Argentine energy crisis 12785:2001 Turkish economic crisis 12674:1990s Armenian energy crisis 12667:1990s Finnish banking crisis 12528:1976 British currency crisis 12498:1973–1974 stock market crash 11762:Canadian petroleum companies 11757:American Petroleum Institute 11294:National Iranian Oil Company 11279:Kuwait Petroleum Corporation 9160:Fall of communism in Albania 9130:Mongolian Revolution of 1990 9079:Polish Round Table Agreement 8419:1968 Polish political crisis 8236:Eritrean War of Independence 8002:Hungarian Revolution of 1956 7897:East German uprising of 1953 7829:Chinese Communist Revolution 7494: 7141:Randall, Stephen J. (2005). 6084:. April 2014. Archived from 3292:Journal of Palestine Studies 2568:"OPEC Oil Embargo 1973–1974" 1644:toppled socialist president 1348:national maximum speed limit 1236:Price controls and rationing 1185:. A spokesman for President 757:October 16 – 701:1973–1974 stock market crash 411:Countdown to the October War 7: 13373:Presidency of Richard Nixon 13147:2017 Sri Lankan fuel crisis 12813:2003 Myanmar banking crisis 12806:2002 Uruguay banking crisis 12726:1997 Asian financial crisis 12653:1991 Indian economic crisis 12645:Rhode Island banking crisis 12615:Cameroonian economic crisis 12401:Early Soviet hyperinflation 12014:Crisis of the Third Century 11777:International Energy Agency 10762:Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) 9034:Korean Air Lines Flight 007 8762:Korean Air Lines Flight 902 8507:Corrective Movement (Syria) 8471:New People's Army rebellion 8466:Sino-Soviet border conflict 8194:Angolan War of Independence 8057:Second Taiwan Strait Crisis 7937:1954 Guatemalan coup d'état 7582:Jamaican political conflict 7438:Saudi dove in the oil slick 7203:Shwadran, Benjamin (2019). 6917:Le Sueur, James D. (2010). 6773:Garavini, Giuliano (2019). 5362:(Groiler, 1974) pp 316–320. 5150:Journal of Cold War Studies 3856:Journal of Cold War Studies 3269:. I.B. Tauris. p. 66. 2451: 2303:Oil sources diversification 2154:. Mitsubishi rebranded its 2129:voluntary export restraints 1356:Strategic Petroleum Reserve 1257:discouraged development of 1104:European Economic Community 1102:Of the nine members of the 980:, and the Trade Secretary, 245:American production decline 64:oil price history 1946–2022 10: 13399: 13353:Natural resource conflicts 13178:Sri Lankan economic crisis 13036:Energy crisis in Venezuela 13015:2009 Dubai debt standstill 12865:2007–2008 financial crisis 12520:Latin American debt crisis 12283:Paris Bourse crash of 1882 11364:PTT Public Company Limited 10965:East Midlands Oil Province 10950:List of natural gas fields 10550:Integrated asset modelling 9230:Sino-Indian border dispute 9059:First Nagorno-Karabakh War 8989:1987–1989 JVP insurrection 8747:1976 Argentine coup d'état 8659:Turkish invasion of Cyprus 8609:1973 Uruguayan coup d'état 8293:1964 Brazilian coup d'état 8261:Cyprus crisis of 1963–1964 7950:First Taiwan Strait Crisis 7717:Asian Relations Conference 7431:Journal of Energy Security 7114:Historical Social Research 7105:Painter, David S. (2014). 6813:International Organization 6724:. Stanford: Hoover Press. 6529:"OPEC Revenues Fact Sheet" 6511:"OPEC Revenues Fact Sheet" 6447:Yergin (1991) pp. 619–625. 6175:, New America Foundation, 5940:February 15, 2012, at the 5447:American Historical Review 5428:Yergin (1991) pp. 654–655. 5404:Diplomacy & Statecraft 5360:The Americana Annual: 1974 5144:De Groot, Michael (2020). 4068:US Office of the Historian 3990:US Office of the Historian 3265:Kandiyoti, Rafael (2012). 3221:ergeben, entgegenzuwirken. 2278: 2113:Toyota Corona Mark II 1968: 1962: 1446:Alternative energy sources 1082:Impact of the Soviet Union 1043:1973–74 stock market crash 865: 861: 688: 229:and opened again in 1975. 217:, which resulted in Egypt 13269: 13246:2022 stock market decline 13238:Pakistani economic crisis 13224:2021–2023 inflation surge 13170:Lebanese liquidity crisis 13139:Venezuelan hyperinflation 13131:Brexit stock market crash 13080:Venezuela economic crisis 13002: 12852: 12842:Zimbabwean hyperinflation 12552: 12470: 12441: 12425:Wall Street Crash of 1929 12388: 12265:2nd Industrial Revolution 12263: 12199: 12099:1st Industrial Revolution 12097: 12024: 12002: 11857: 11799: 11749: 11736:Weatherford International 11615: 11465: 11417: 11269:Iraq National Oil Company 11205: 11162: 11147: 11138: 11023: 10940: 10822: 10708: 10602: 10530: 10473: 10432: 10425: 10347: 10329: 10266: 10215: 10137: 10114:William Appleman Williams 10059:Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. 9841: 9813: 9762: 9694: 9687: 9621: 9486: 9411: 9341: 9334: 9243: 9190: 9122: 8835: 8574:Bangladesh Liberation War 8564:1971 Sudanese coup d'état 8479: 8451:1969 Sudanese coup d'état 8439:1968 Peruvian coup d'état 8102: 7877:Arab Cold War (1952–1979) 7854: 7564: 7502: 7243:Sobel, Lester A. (1974). 6943:. Durham: Duke Univ. Pr. 6880:Jasper, James M. (1990). 6825:10.1017/S0020818300004495 6623:Blinder, Alan S. (1979). 6604:Armstrong, Karen (2001). 6410:Bulloch & Morris 1989 2500:2022 global energy crisis 1752:relations with the Iraqis 1574:U.S. Secretary of Defense 1198:Impact on southern Africa 1036:Gas stealers beware, 1974 530:, both of which had been 13318:1973 in economic history 12907:Subprime mortgage crisis 12570:Brazilian hyperinflation 12542:Brazilian hyperinflation 12379:Financial crisis of 1914 12087:Mississippi bubble crash 8889:1980 Turkish coup d'état 8724:Cambodian–Vietnamese War 8694:1978 Somali coup attempt 8654:Second Iraqi–Kurdish War 8619:1973 Chilean coup d'état 8444:Revolutionary Government 8338:South African Border War 8130:1960 Turkish coup d'état 8047:Iraqi 14 July Revolution 7902:1953 Iranian coup d'état 7882:1952 Egyptian revolution 7447:Oppenheim, V.H. (1976). 7386:; very detailed coverage 7084:Odell, Peter R. (1974). 7063:Odell, Peter R. (2001). 6958:Lesch, David W. (2001). 6861:Karnow, Stanley (1983). 6850:Federal Reserve Bulletin 6661:Brogan, Patrick (1990). 6557:Accornero, Guya (2016). 6281:October 11, 1979, p. A24 5953:Grossman, Peter (2013). 5914:The LIHEAP Clearinghouse 5384:Licklider, 1988, p. 220. 5375:(1974) pp. 201–212, 245. 4852:10.1257/0895330042632708 4309:(Scarecrow press, 2009). 3868:10.1162/jcws.2008.10.2.3 3794:(#28): 23–25. May 1974. 2572:U.S. Department of State 1687:In the wake of the 1979 1634:right-wing military coup 1618: 1130:Impact on United Kingdom 1094:Impact on Western Europe 616:Effectiveness of embargo 13282:List of economic crises 13200:2020 stock market crash 13193:Financial market impact 13162:Turkish economic crisis 12777:9/11 stock market crash 12733:October 1997 mini-crash 12704:1994 bond market crisis 12696:Yugoslav hyperinflation 12607:Savings and loan crisis 12208:European potato failure 11787:World Petroleum Council 11661:China Oilfield Services 10718:Petroleum fiscal regime 10417:Western Canadian Select 10412:West Texas Intermediate 9094:Fall of the Berlin Wall 9039:People Power Revolution 9024:Central American crisis 8964:1986 Black Sea incident 8614:1973 Afghan coup d'état 8512:Western Sahara conflict 8323:1966 Syrian coup d'état 8246:1963 Syrian coup d'état 8189:Portuguese Colonial War 8152:First Iraqi–Kurdish War 7917:1954 Syrian coup d'état 7794:Annexation of Hyderabad 7737:1947–1949 Palestine war 6699:Eckstein, Otto (1978). 6642:Bromley, Simon (1991). 6473:August 14, 1980, p. A24 6326:", January 1, 2006, in 5935:The 1970s Energy Crisis 5605:Hermele & Odén 1988 5590:Hermele & Odén 1988 5578:Hermele & Odén 1988 4865:Perron, Pierre (1989). 4266:. The History Channel. 3241:OPEC: The Failing Giant 2576:Office of the Historian 2150:), and the Isuzu-built 1594: 1547:. By January 18, 1974, 1530:International relations 1487:Israel's solar industry 1177:Impact on South Vietnam 1028:Impact on United States 714:and Egyptian president 299: 62:West Texas Intermediate 27:OAPEC petroleum embargo 13275:List of banking crises 13044:Syrian economic crisis 12977:Blue Monday Crash 2009 12586:Chilean crisis of 1982 12417:Shōwa financial crisis 12223:Highland Potato Famine 12079:South Sea bubble crash 11870:Commodity price shocks 11264:Indian Oil Corporation 10750:Submersible pump (ESP) 10695:Underbalanced drilling 10516:of gasoline and diesel 9388:Neoclassical economics 8899:Gulf of Sidra incident 8456:1969 Libyan revolution 8147:Iraqi–Kurdish conflict 7932:1954 Geneva Conference 7692:Turkish straits crisis 7687:Corfu Channel incident 6977:Lacey, Robert (1981). 6460:January 3, 1980, p. D2 6306:CNN Security Clearance 6290:Yergin, (1991) p. 701. 4292:(Facts on File, 1974) 3603:June 17, 2014, at the 3387:Cohen, Jordan (2021). 3126:The Independent Review 2893:. Simon and Schuster. 2485:1970s commodities boom 2404:adjusted for inflation 2332:Electricity generation 1921:Chrysler/Simca Horizon 1463: 1390: 1310: 1287:allowed vehicles with 1250: 1220:consequences" for the 1037: 934:al-Haramain Foundation 924: 881: 748:Operation Nickel Grass 557:Operation Nickel Grass 481:Faisal of Saudi Arabia 421:Trans-Arabian Pipeline 192:being blocked by Egypt 150:, brought upon by the 100:Faisal of Saudi Arabia 55:Price of oil (nominal) 13328:Arab–Israeli conflict 12600:Black Saturday (1983) 12454:Kennedy Slide of 1962 12026:Commercial revolution 11641:Cameron International 11083:Petrodollar recycling 11066:fossil fuel phase-out 10629:Differential sticking 10582:Reflection seismology 10555:Petroleum engineering 10397:OPEC Reference Basket 10238:Russia–NATO relations 10119:Jonathan Reed Winkler 9403:Democratic capitalism 9398:Supply-side economics 9366:American conservatism 9165:Breakup of Yugoslavia 9054:Bougainville conflict 8969:South Yemen civil war 8904:Martial law in Poland 8767:Nicaraguan Revolution 8742:Dirty War (Argentina) 8549:1971 JVP insurrection 8363:Years of Lead (Italy) 8241:North Yemen civil war 8159:Berlin Crisis of 1961 8135:Albanian–Soviet split 8067:1959 Tibetan uprising 8032:Syrian Crisis of 1957 7887:Iraqi Intifada (1952) 7747:1948 Arab–Israeli War 7345:10.4324/9781003096719 7224:Skinner, Rob (2017). 7209:. London: Routledge. 6372:Eugene Register-Guard 6312:on February 10, 2017. 6113:The National Interest 5724:"Spotty Local Starts" 5704:on September 22, 2010 5406:28.4 (2017): 674–701. 4972:(#4795): 1467–1473 . 4318:Yergin (1991) p. 597. 2997:10.3366/brw.2015.0165 2985:Britain and the World 2515:Petrodollar recycling 2402:. The orange line is 2319:. Exploration in the 2279:Further information: 2229:Chevrolet Monte Carlo 2031:four cylinder engines 1549:US Secretary of State 1512:petrodollar recycling 1453: 1412:race were cancelled. 1380: 1354:. Development of the 1309:in 1974, but not used 1304: 1272:In 1973, Nixon named 1248: 1035: 970:Mohammad Reza Pahlavi 922: 879: 866:Further information: 743:price agreement fail. 731:1973 Arab–Israeli War 689:Further information: 610:1949 Armistice border 440:Arab–Israeli conflict 425:Iraq–Baniyas pipeline 264:"drain America first" 163:Arab-Israeli conflict 70:In October 1973, the 13154:Ghana banking crisis 12984:European debt crisis 12769:Dot-com bubble crash 12681:Cuban Special Period 12140:Copper Panic of 1789 12045:The Great Debasement 12037:Great Bullion Famine 11538:Occidental Petroleum 10852:1990 oil price shock 10678:Shale oil extraction 10651:Drilling engineering 10634:Directional drilling 10560:Reservoir simulation 9659:Non-Aligned Movement 9281:Peaceful coexistence 9235:North Borneo dispute 9150:German reunification 9145:Min Ping Yu No. 5202 8843:Salvadoran Civil War 8792:Grand Mosque seizure 8787:Yemenite War of 1979 8679:Mozambican Civil War 8634:Carnation Revolution 8589:Yemenite War of 1972 8527:1970 Polish protests 8358:1967 Hong Kong riots 8333:Argentine Revolution 8283:Guatemalan Civil War 8211:Cuban Missile Crisis 8125:Bay of Pigs Invasion 7997:1956 Poznań protests 7975:Geneva Summit (1955) 7577:Hukbalahap Rebellion 7556:Non-Aligned Movement 7312:Venn, Fiona (1986). 7293:Venn, Fiona (2002). 6267:. December 23, 2019. 5834:on February 11, 2010 5815:240.5 (1979): 46–53. 5162:10.1162/jcws_a_00964 5017:, pp. 313, 318. 4821:, pp. 217, 219. 3165:Monthly Labor Review 2490:1990 oil price shock 2039:six cylinder engines 1927:(Strada in the UK), 1786:improve this article 1740:pro-Soviet relations 1697:Grand Mosque seizure 1360:Department of Energy 1293:vanity license plate 1259:alternative energies 832:Project Independence 400:Bretton Woods system 86:, which began after 13363:Petroleum economics 13110:2015 Nepal blockade 12820:2000s energy crisis 12718:Mexican peso crisis 12623:Black Monday (1987) 12483:1970s energy crisis 12443:Post–WWII expansion 12117:Bengal bubble crash 11912:Financial contagion 11686:Naftiran Intertrade 11631:Amec Foster Wheeler 11558:Reliance Industries 11447:Naftiran Intertrade 11259:Hindustan Petroleum 10857:2000s energy crisis 10104:Alex von Tunzelmann 10094:Vladimir Tismăneanu 10019:Thomas J. McCormick 10014:Jack F. Matlock Jr. 9914:Robert Hugh Ferrell 9777:Crusade for Freedom 9574:Illiberal democracy 9458:Ho Chi Minh Thought 9261:Eisenhower Doctrine 9114:Peaceful Revolution 9109:Romanian Revolution 9089:Revolutions of 1989 9074:1988 Polish strikes 8984:Operation INFEKTION 8979:1987 Lieyu massacre 8884:Eritrean Civil Wars 8867:Peruvian Revolution 8817:1979 Herat uprising 8807:Sino-Vietnamese War 8772:Uganda–Tanzania War 8752:Egyptian–Libyan War 8719:Third Indochina War 8714:Sino-Albanian split 8704:Ethiopian Civil War 8604:Eritrean Civil Wars 8544:Ping-pong diplomacy 8517:Cambodian Civil War 8343:Korean DMZ Conflict 8328:Cultural Revolution 8298:Dominican Civil War 8276:Tlatelolco massacre 8062:1959 Mosul uprising 8052:1958 Lebanon crisis 7779:Al-Wathbah uprising 7702:First Indochina War 7672:Iran crisis of 1946 7425:Hakes, Jay (2008). 7048:. London: Methuen. 6892:10.2307/j.ctt7zv8c6 6517:on January 7, 2008. 6050:on October 19, 2012 6021:on January 1, 2009. 5813:Scientific American 5734:on February 4, 2013 5530:, pp. 664–665. 5518:, pp. 660–661. 5459:10.1093/ahr/rhae068 4978:1987Sci...235.1467H 4919:on October 15, 2012 4754:, pp. 205–226. 4694:, pp. 485–490. 4670:, pp. 478–479. 4658:, pp. 481–482. 4617:, pp. 425–426. 4605:, pp. 423–424. 4574:, pp. 415–416. 4439:, pp. 416–417. 4424:, pp. 414–416. 4238:, pp. 413–414. 4184:, pp. 420–421. 4145:, pp. 419–420. 4124:on October 14, 2006 4091:, pp. 418–419. 4070:. 3992:. 3975:, pp. 385–386. 3775:, pp. 411–412. 3739:, pp. 410–411. 3710:, pp. 406=407. 3677:, pp. 405–406. 3531:, pp. 408–409. 3487:, pp. 401–402. 3475:, pp. 400–401. 3448:, pp. 398–399. 3436:, pp. 393–394. 3022:. Greenwood Press. 2942:Middle East Journal 2930:, pp. 414–415. 2635:"The 1956 Suez War" 2505:Hubbert peak theory 2495:2000s energy crisis 2480:1970s energy crisis 2209:Lincoln Continental 2178:from Chrysler, the 2058:Volkswagen Fastback 1904:in Great Britain), 1758:Automobile industry 1709:1979 Qatif Uprising 1410:12 Hours of Sebring 1406:24 Hours of Daytona 1395:Advertising Council 1364:National Energy Act 938:Carlos Andrés Pérez 872:1973–1975 recession 358:In the early 1960s 13368:Petroleum politics 12372:Panic of 1910–1911 12216:Great Irish Famine 12154:Panic of 1796–1797 11993:Stock market crash 11533:Marathon Petroleum 10955:List of oil fields 10565:Reservoir modeling 10323:Petroleum industry 10258:Russian Revolution 10054:Mary Elise Sarotte 10039:William B. Pickett 9964:Patrick J. Hearden 9944:Gabriel Gorodetsky 9939:Timothy Garton Ash 9924:Anneli Ute Gabanyi 9519:Ethnic nationalism 9271:Hallstein Doctrine 9155:Yemeni unification 8944:1985 Geneva Summit 8909:Casamance conflict 8812:New Jewel Movement 8797:Iranian Revolution 8782:Chadian–Libyan War 8729:Cambodian conflict 8709:Lebanese Civil War 8699:Western Sahara War 8674:June 1976 protests 8669:Cambodian genocide 8434:17 July Revolution 8388:Nigerian Civil War 8303:Rhodesian Bush War 8288:Colombian conflict 8231:Ramadan Revolution 7970:Bandung Conference 7846:Operation Valuable 7727:Partition of India 6937:Lenczowski, George 6863:Vietnam: a history 6587:St. Martin's Press 6322:Joseph McMillan, " 6250:Ritchie Ovendale, 6082:"2014 Fortune 500" 5916:. February 2, 1998 5328:The New York Times 5059:, p. 107-109. 4043:New Lines Magazine 4018:. January 26, 2024 3918:Diplomatic History 3629:on March 31, 2012. 3623:Air Force Magazine 2400:1979 energy crisis 2328:price inelasticity 2288:1979 energy crisis 2260:Plymouth Gran Fury 2225:Oldsmobile Cutlass 2184:Chevrolet Chevette 2142:, followed by the 2047:de facto standards 1689:Iranian Revolution 1628:Nonaligned nations 1609:European Community 1557:1979 energy crisis 1491:solar water heater 1464: 1391: 1311: 1285:Odd–even rationing 1251: 1120:national champions 1038: 998:Juhayman al-Otaybi 925: 882: 532:occupied by Israel 167:Ever since Israel 152:Iranian Revolution 13305: 13304: 13186:COVID-19 pandemic 12071:Tulip mania crash 12062:Kipper und Wipper 12039:(c. 1400–c. 1500) 11817: 11816: 11795: 11794: 11681:Nabors Industries 11611: 11610: 10809:Well intervention 10784:Petroleum product 10683:Ljungström method 10587:Seismic inversion 10572:Petroleum geology 10526: 10525: 10289: 10288: 10276:List of conflicts 10124:Rudolph Winnacker 10069:Giles Scott-Smith 10044:Ronald E. Powaski 9999:Melvyn P. Leffler 9929:John Lewis Gaddis 9904:Robert D. English 9869:Warren H. Carroll 9859:Michael Beschloss 9828:Nuclear arms race 9809: 9808: 9715:Neues Deutschland 9617: 9616: 9599:White nationalism 9569:Liberal democracy 9306:Ulbricht Doctrine 9296:Brezhnev Doctrine 9104:Velvet Revolution 8848:Soviet–Afghan War 8664:Angolan Civil War 8461:Goulash Communism 8318:ASEAN Declaration 8271:Mexican Dirty War 8169:Annexation of Goa 8120:1960 U-2 incident 8094:Sino-Soviet split 8072:Laotian Civil War 7912:Bricker Amendment 7892:Mau Mau rebellion 7836:Malayan Emergency 7824:Chinese Civil War 7784:Tito–Stalin split 7638:Division of Korea 7411:978-0-7181-2115-0 7402:Years of upheaval 7378:978-0-671-79932-8 7354:978-1-003-09671-9 7325:978-0-312-58307-1 7304:978-0-582-30809-1 7256:978-0-87196-278-2 7235:978-1-4411-6476-6 7216:978-0-429-71787-1 7195:978-3-030-53673-2 7175:978-1-349-02810-8 7154:978-0-7735-2922-9 7097:978-0-14-021169-6 7076:978-0-906522-13-4 7055:978-0-413-61370-7 7036:978-94-90947-82-8 6988:978-0-15-147260-4 6969:978-0-8133-3942-9 6950:978-0-8223-0972-7 6928:978-1-84277-725-1 6901:978-1-4008-6143-9 6872:978-0-14-026547-7 6803:978-91-7106-286-4 6784:978-0-19-883283-6 6757:978-0-465-04195-4 6731:978-0-8179-7243-1 6710:978-0-444-85204-5 6691:978-3-030-53673-2 6672:978-0-679-72033-1 6653:978-0-271-00746-5 6634:978-0-12-106160-9 6615:978-0-385-72140-0 6596:978-0-312-57074-3 6568:978-1-78533-114-5 6071:, pp. 60–62. 4288:Lester A. Sobel, 4169:Los Angeles Times 3344:978-0-275-55810-9 3276:978-1-84885-839-8 3251:978-0-8131-5665-1 3029:978-0-313-32459-8 2847:978-1-60344-464-4 2811:978-0-262-02906-3 2804:. The MIT Press. 2774:978-0-275-94562-6 2747:978-0-8078-7761-6 2521:Energy Crisis '74 2444:nominal, not real 2385:Graphs and charts 2249:front-wheel drive 2217:Chevrolet Bel Air 2054:Volkswagen Beetle 2052:From Europe, the 2015:Mitsubishi Galant 1977:Chevrolet Caprice 1862: 1861: 1854: 1836: 1801:"1973 oil crisis" 1577:James Schlesinger 1009:Ahmed Zaki Yamani 951:Houari Boumédiène 942:Le Gran Venezuela 900:Trente Glorieuses 887:Max van der Stoel 819:Ahmed Zaki Yamani 804:and South Africa. 638:James Schlesinger 561:strategic airlift 493:Ahmed Zaki Yamani 16:(Redirected from 13390: 13298: 13291: 13284: 13277: 13262: 13255: 13248: 13241: 13233: 13226: 13219: 13209: 13202: 13195: 13188: 13181: 13173: 13165: 13157: 13149: 13142: 13134: 13126: 13119: 13112: 13105: 13098: 13090: 13083: 13075: 13068: 13061: 13054: 13047: 13039: 13031: 13024: 13017: 12993: 12986: 12979: 12972: 12965: 12958: 12951: 12944: 12937: 12930: 12923: 12916: 12909: 12902: 12895: 12888: 12881: 12874: 12867: 12845: 12837: 12830: 12823: 12815: 12808: 12801: 12794: 12787: 12780: 12772: 12764: 12756: 12749: 12742: 12735: 12728: 12721: 12713: 12706: 12699: 12691: 12684: 12676: 12669: 12662: 12655: 12648: 12640: 12632: 12625: 12618: 12610: 12602: 12595: 12588: 12581: 12573: 12559:Great Regression 12554:Great Moderation 12545: 12537: 12530: 12523: 12515: 12507: 12500: 12493: 12486: 12463: 12456: 12434: 12427: 12420: 12412: 12404: 12381: 12374: 12367: 12359: 12352: 12345: 12338: 12330: 12323: 12316: 12308: 12300: 12292: 12285: 12278: 12256: 12248: 12241: 12234: 12225: 12218: 12211: 12192: 12185: 12178: 12171: 12163: 12156: 12149: 12142: 12135: 12127: 12120: 12112: 12090: 12082: 12074: 12066: 12056: 12048: 12040: 12017: 11995: 11988: 11981: 11972: 11965: 11958: 11951: 11944: 11942:Liquidity crisis 11937: 11930: 11921: 11919:Social contagion 11914: 11907: 11900: 11893: 11886: 11879: 11872: 11865: 11851:Financial crises 11844: 11837: 11830: 11821: 11820: 11807: 11806: 11508:Hess Corporation 11229:Bharat Petroleum 11160: 11159: 11145: 11144: 10832:1967 Oil Embargo 10668:Lost circulation 10506:Posted oil price 10430: 10429: 10387:Isthmus-34 Light 10316: 10309: 10302: 10293: 10292: 10034:David S. Painter 9959:John Earl Haynes 9889:Nicholas J. Cull 9874:Adrian Cioroianu 9854:Thomas A. Bailey 9801:Voice of America 9692: 9691: 9604:White separatism 9584:Social democracy 9579:Guided democracy 9559:Authoritarianism 9509:Ultranationalism 9499:Anti-imperialism 9426:Marxism–Leninism 9339: 9338: 9326:Kinmen Agreement 9291:Johnson Doctrine 9276:Kennedy Doctrine 9192:Frozen conflicts 9175:1991 August Coup 9064:Afghan Civil War 8959:Reykjavík Summit 8954:Somali Rebellion 8894:Ugandan Bush War 8872:Gdańsk Agreement 8393:Protests of 1968 8373:War of Attrition 8082:Cuban Revolution 8018:We will bury you 7985:Cyprus Emergency 7965:Kashmir Princess 7955:Jebel Akhdar War 7804:Western betrayal 7489: 7482: 7475: 7466: 7465: 7415: 7398:Kissinger, Henry 7382: 7358: 7329: 7308: 7289: 7266:Security Studies 7260: 7239: 7220: 7199: 7179: 7158: 7137: 7111: 7101: 7080: 7059: 7040: 7021: 6992: 6973: 6954: 6932: 6913: 6876: 6857: 6844: 6807: 6788: 6769: 6749: 6735: 6714: 6695: 6676: 6657: 6638: 6619: 6600: 6572: 6545: 6544: 6542: 6540: 6525: 6519: 6518: 6507: 6501: 6500: 6498: 6496: 6487:. 6480: 6474: 6467: 6461: 6454: 6448: 6445: 6439: 6438: 6426: 6413: 6407: 6398: 6397: 6393: 6387: 6386: 6382: 6376: 6375: 6364: 6358: 6357: 6355: 6353: 6337: 6331: 6320: 6314: 6313: 6308:. Archived from 6297: 6291: 6288: 6282: 6275: 6269: 6268: 6261: 6255: 6248: 6242: 6241: 6239: 6237: 6217: 6211: 6205: 6196: 6190: 6184: 6183:August 21, 2009. 6169: 6163: 6156: 6150: 6147: 6141: 6135: 6129: 6128: 6126: 6124: 6104: 6098: 6097: 6095: 6093: 6078: 6072: 6066: 6060: 6059: 6057: 6055: 6049: 6043:. Archived from 6038: 6029: 6023: 6022: 6017:. Archived from 6004: 5998: 5997: 5995: 5993: 5988:on July 10, 2011 5977: 5971: 5970: 5950: 5944: 5932: 5926: 5925: 5923: 5921: 5906: 5900: 5899: 5897: 5895: 5880: 5874: 5873: 5865: 5859: 5858: 5850: 5844: 5843: 5841: 5839: 5822: 5816: 5809: 5803: 5796: 5790: 5789: 5769: 5763: 5757: 5744: 5743: 5741: 5739: 5720: 5714: 5713: 5711: 5709: 5690: 5684: 5678: 5667: 5661: 5655: 5654: 5652: 5650: 5644: 5637: 5629: 5623: 5617: 5608: 5602: 5593: 5587: 5581: 5575: 5564: 5558: 5543: 5537: 5531: 5525: 5519: 5513: 5504: 5503: 5501: 5499: 5494:on July 25, 2022 5490:. Archived from 5484: 5478: 5477: 5469: 5463: 5462: 5438: 5429: 5426: 5420: 5413: 5407: 5400: 5394: 5391: 5385: 5382: 5376: 5369: 5363: 5357: 5351: 5345: 5339: 5338: 5336: 5334: 5319: 5313: 5307: 5301: 5295: 5289: 5288: 5276: 5270: 5269: 5257: 5251: 5245: 5239: 5238:, p. 93-94. 5233: 5227: 5221: 5215: 5209: 5203: 5197: 5182: 5181: 5141: 5135: 5134: 5122: 5111: 5105: 5099: 5093: 5084: 5078: 5072: 5066: 5060: 5054: 5048: 5042: 5033: 5027: 5018: 5012: 5006: 5005: 4959: 4953: 4947: 4941: 4935: 4929: 4928: 4926: 4924: 4918: 4912:. Archived from 4880:(6): 1361–1401. 4871: 4862: 4856: 4855: 4846:(#4): 115–134 . 4837: 4828: 4822: 4816: 4810: 4804: 4798: 4797: 4761: 4755: 4749: 4743: 4737: 4731: 4725: 4719: 4718:, p. 31-32. 4713: 4707: 4701: 4695: 4689: 4683: 4677: 4671: 4665: 4659: 4653: 4647: 4641: 4635: 4629: 4618: 4612: 4606: 4600: 4594: 4588: 4575: 4569: 4563: 4557: 4551: 4545: 4539: 4533: 4527: 4521: 4515: 4509: 4503: 4497: 4488: 4487: 4485: 4483: 4463: 4457: 4451: 4440: 4434: 4425: 4419: 4413: 4407: 4401: 4395: 4386: 4380: 4369: 4368: 4366: 4364: 4349: 4340: 4334: 4328: 4325: 4319: 4316: 4310: 4303: 4297: 4286: 4280: 4279: 4277: 4275: 4260: 4254: 4248: 4239: 4233: 4224: 4218: 4197: 4191: 4185: 4179: 4173: 4172: 4164: 4158: 4152: 4146: 4140: 4134: 4133: 4131: 4129: 4120:. Archived from 4110: 4104: 4098: 4092: 4086: 4080: 4079: 4077: 4075: 4060: 4054: 4053: 4051: 4049: 4034: 4028: 4027: 4025: 4023: 4008: 4002: 4001: 3999: 3997: 3982: 3976: 3970: 3961: 3955: 3942: 3941: 3913: 3904: 3903: 3897: 3895: 3853: 3845: 3839: 3833: 3820: 3819: 3787: 3776: 3770: 3761: 3755: 3740: 3734: 3723: 3717: 3711: 3705: 3699: 3693: 3678: 3672: 3666: 3660: 3654: 3648: 3631: 3630: 3625:. Archived from 3614: 3608: 3586: 3580: 3574: 3568: 3562: 3549: 3543: 3532: 3526: 3515: 3509: 3503: 3497: 3488: 3482: 3476: 3470: 3464: 3458: 3449: 3443: 3437: 3431: 3425: 3424: 3384: 3378: 3372: 3349: 3348: 3330: 3324: 3323: 3287: 3281: 3280: 3262: 3256: 3255: 3235: 3224: 3223: 3217: 3215: 3187: 3181: 3180: 3156: 3150: 3149: 3123: 3114: 3105: 3104: 3076: 3067: 3066: 3040: 3034: 3033: 3015: 3009: 3008: 2980: 2974: 2973: 2937: 2931: 2925: 2912: 2911: 2909: 2907: 2884: 2875: 2869: 2852: 2851: 2835: 2827: 2816: 2815: 2797: 2791: 2790: 2788: 2786: 2758: 2752: 2751: 2733: 2722: 2721: 2701: 2695: 2694: 2687: 2681: 2680: 2673: 2667: 2666: 2659: 2653: 2652: 2651:. April 7, 2021. 2645: 2639: 2638: 2631: 2625: 2624: 2622: 2620: 2601: 2592: 2591: 2589: 2587: 2564: 2555: 2552: 2546: 2545: 2538: 2475:1967 Oil Embargo 2468: 2463: 2462: 2439: 2427: 2415: 2395: 2233:Ford Thunderbird 2221:Ford Galaxie 500 2193:Cadillac DeVille 2176:Plymouth Horizon 2090:Plymouth Valiant 2025:, and later the 1988:Chevrolet Impala 1985: 1906:Chrysler Sunbeam 1882:Peugeot 104 1857: 1850: 1846: 1843: 1837: 1835: 1794: 1770: 1762: 1646:Salvador Allende 1642:Augusto Pinochet 1517:capital controls 1485:, the father of 1274:William E. Simon 1187:Nguyễn Văn Thiệu 1047:Great Depression 534:during the 1967 514:The "oil weapon" 225:, the canal was 221:. Following the 52: 40: 21: 13398: 13397: 13393: 13392: 13391: 13389: 13388: 13387: 13308: 13307: 13306: 13301: 13294: 13287: 13280: 13273: 13265: 13258: 13251: 13244: 13236: 13229: 13222: 13214: 13205: 13198: 13191: 13184: 13176: 13168: 13160: 13152: 13145: 13137: 13129: 13122: 13115: 13108: 13101: 13093: 13086: 13078: 13071: 13064: 13057: 13050: 13042: 13034: 13027: 13020: 13013: 13006: 13004:Information Age 12998: 12989: 12982: 12975: 12968: 12961: 12954: 12947: 12940: 12933: 12926: 12919: 12912: 12905: 12898: 12891: 12884: 12877: 12870: 12863: 12856: 12854:Great Recession 12848: 12840: 12833: 12826: 12818: 12811: 12804: 12797: 12790: 12783: 12775: 12767: 12759: 12752: 12745: 12738: 12731: 12724: 12716: 12709: 12702: 12694: 12687: 12679: 12672: 12665: 12658: 12651: 12643: 12635: 12628: 12621: 12613: 12605: 12598: 12591: 12584: 12576: 12568: 12561: 12557: 12548: 12540: 12535:1979 oil crisis 12533: 12526: 12518: 12510: 12503: 12496: 12491:1973 oil crisis 12489: 12481: 12474: 12472:Great Inflation 12466: 12459: 12452: 12445: 12437: 12430: 12423: 12415: 12407: 12399: 12392: 12390:Interwar period 12384: 12377: 12370: 12362: 12355: 12348: 12341: 12333: 12326: 12319: 12311: 12303: 12295: 12288: 12281: 12274: 12267: 12259: 12251: 12244: 12237: 12230: 12221: 12214: 12206: 12195: 12188: 12181: 12174: 12166: 12159: 12152: 12145: 12138: 12130: 12123: 12115: 12108: 12101: 12093: 12085: 12077: 12069: 12059: 12051: 12043: 12035: 12028: 12020: 12012: 11998: 11991: 11984: 11977: 11968: 11961: 11954: 11947: 11940: 11933: 11926: 11917: 11910: 11903: 11896: 11891:Currency crisis 11889: 11882: 11875: 11868: 11861: 11853: 11848: 11818: 11813: 11791: 11745: 11741:John Wood Group 11731:Valaris Limited 11624: 11621: 11618: 11607: 11473:APA Corporation 11461: 11413: 11212: 11209: 11201: 11156: 11153: 11150: 11140: 11134: 11035:Classification 11019: 10942: 10936: 10872:Nationalization 10842:1979 oil crisis 10837:1973 oil crisis 10818: 10804:Water injection 10772:Steam injection 10767:Gas reinjection 10735:Artificial lift 10704: 10646:Drill stem test 10598: 10522: 10469: 10421: 10343: 10325: 10320: 10290: 10285: 10262: 10253:Second Cold War 10211: 10139: 10133: 10109:Odd Arne Westad 10099:Patrick Vaughan 10084:Athan Theoharis 10064:Ellen Schrecker 10049:Yakov M. Rabkin 10024:Timothy Naftali 9969:Tvrtko Jakovina 9954:Jussi Hanhimäki 9837: 9815: 9805: 9783:Paix et Liberté 9758: 9702:Active measures 9683: 9613: 9594:White supremacy 9554:Totalitarianism 9482: 9407: 9330: 9316:Reagan Doctrine 9311:Carter Doctrine 9251:Truman Doctrine 9239: 9186: 9118: 9013:Soviet reaction 8924:Ndogboyosoi War 8831: 8802:Saur Revolution 8629:1973 oil crisis 8594:Munich massacre 8502:Alcora Exercise 8497:Black September 8475: 8221:Sino-Indian War 8115:Simba rebellion 8098: 7942:Capture of the 7850: 7789:Berlin Blockade 7722:May 1947 crises 7712:Truman Doctrine 7677:Greek Civil War 7666:Blacklist Forty 7633:Gouzenko Affair 7620:Cursed soldiers 7572:Morgenthau Plan 7560: 7498: 7493: 7422: 7412: 7393: 7391:Primary sources 7379: 7355: 7326: 7305: 7257: 7236: 7217: 7196: 7176: 7155: 7109: 7098: 7077: 7056: 7037: 7010:10.2307/2600627 6989: 6970: 6951: 6929: 6902: 6873: 6804: 6785: 6758: 6732: 6711: 6692: 6673: 6654: 6635: 6616: 6597: 6569: 6553: 6548: 6538: 6536: 6527: 6526: 6522: 6509: 6508: 6504: 6494: 6492: 6481: 6477: 6471:Washington Post 6468: 6464: 6458:Washington Post 6455: 6451: 6446: 6442: 6432: 6427: 6416: 6408: 6401: 6395: 6394: 6390: 6384: 6383: 6379: 6366: 6365: 6361: 6351: 6349: 6338: 6334: 6321: 6317: 6298: 6294: 6289: 6285: 6279:Washington Post 6276: 6272: 6263: 6262: 6258: 6249: 6245: 6235: 6233: 6218: 6214: 6206: 6199: 6191: 6187: 6171:Afshin Molavi, 6170: 6166: 6157: 6153: 6148: 6144: 6136: 6132: 6122: 6120: 6105: 6101: 6091: 6089: 6080: 6079: 6075: 6067: 6063: 6053: 6051: 6047: 6036: 6030: 6026: 6005: 6001: 5991: 5989: 5978: 5974: 5967: 5951: 5947: 5942:Wayback Machine 5933: 5929: 5919: 5917: 5908: 5907: 5903: 5893: 5891: 5882: 5881: 5877: 5868:Kimble, David. 5866: 5862: 5851: 5847: 5837: 5835: 5824: 5823: 5819: 5810: 5806: 5802:79 (1999): 155. 5797: 5793: 5770: 5766: 5758: 5747: 5737: 5735: 5722: 5721: 5717: 5707: 5705: 5692: 5691: 5687: 5679: 5670: 5662: 5658: 5648: 5646: 5642: 5635: 5631: 5630: 5626: 5618: 5611: 5603: 5596: 5588: 5584: 5576: 5567: 5559: 5546: 5538: 5534: 5526: 5522: 5514: 5507: 5497: 5495: 5486: 5485: 5481: 5470: 5466: 5439: 5432: 5427: 5423: 5417:Current History 5414: 5410: 5401: 5397: 5392: 5388: 5383: 5379: 5370: 5366: 5358: 5354: 5346: 5342: 5332: 5330: 5320: 5316: 5308: 5304: 5296: 5292: 5282: 5277: 5273: 5263: 5260:Silverwood 2020 5258: 5254: 5246: 5242: 5236:Wunderlich 2020 5234: 5230: 5224:Wunderlich 2020 5222: 5218: 5210: 5206: 5200:Wunderlich 2020 5198: 5185: 5142: 5138: 5128: 5123: 5114: 5106: 5102: 5094: 5087: 5079: 5075: 5067: 5063: 5055: 5051: 5043: 5036: 5028: 5021: 5013: 5009: 4960: 4956: 4948: 4944: 4936: 4932: 4922: 4920: 4916: 4886:10.2307/1913712 4869: 4863: 4859: 4835: 4829: 4825: 4817: 4813: 4805: 4801: 4778:10.2307/2200513 4762: 4758: 4750: 4746: 4738: 4734: 4726: 4722: 4714: 4710: 4702: 4698: 4690: 4686: 4678: 4674: 4666: 4662: 4654: 4650: 4642: 4638: 4630: 4621: 4613: 4609: 4601: 4597: 4589: 4578: 4570: 4566: 4558: 4554: 4546: 4542: 4534: 4530: 4522: 4518: 4510: 4506: 4498: 4491: 4481: 4479: 4472:Huffington Post 4464: 4460: 4452: 4443: 4435: 4428: 4420: 4416: 4408: 4404: 4396: 4389: 4381: 4372: 4362: 4360: 4351: 4350: 4343: 4337:Lenczowski 1990 4335: 4331: 4326: 4322: 4317: 4313: 4304: 4300: 4287: 4283: 4273: 4271: 4262: 4261: 4257: 4249: 4242: 4234: 4227: 4219: 4200: 4192: 4188: 4180: 4176: 4166: 4165: 4161: 4153: 4149: 4141: 4137: 4127: 4125: 4112: 4111: 4107: 4099: 4095: 4087: 4083: 4073: 4071: 4062: 4061: 4057: 4047: 4045: 4035: 4031: 4021: 4019: 4016:Washington Post 4010: 4009: 4005: 3995: 3993: 3984: 3983: 3979: 3971: 3964: 3956: 3945: 3924:(#1): 185–208. 3914: 3907: 3893: 3891: 3846: 3842: 3834: 3823: 3800:10.2307/3011294 3789: 3788: 3779: 3771: 3764: 3756: 3743: 3735: 3726: 3718: 3714: 3706: 3702: 3694: 3681: 3673: 3669: 3661: 3657: 3649: 3634: 3615: 3611: 3605:Wayback Machine 3587: 3583: 3575: 3571: 3563: 3552: 3544: 3535: 3527: 3518: 3514:, p. 4021. 3510: 3506: 3498: 3491: 3483: 3479: 3471: 3467: 3459: 3452: 3444: 3440: 3432: 3428: 3385: 3381: 3373: 3352: 3345: 3331: 3327: 3304:10.2307/2536897 3288: 3284: 3277: 3263: 3259: 3252: 3236: 3227: 3213: 3211: 3204: 3188: 3184: 3157: 3153: 3121: 3115: 3108: 3077: 3070: 3055: 3041: 3037: 3030: 3016: 3012: 2981: 2977: 2954:10.3751/58.3.15 2948:(#3): 424–443. 2938: 2934: 2926: 2915: 2905: 2903: 2901: 2885: 2878: 2870: 2855: 2848: 2828: 2819: 2812: 2798: 2794: 2784: 2782: 2775: 2759: 2755: 2748: 2734: 2725: 2712:(#4): 186–208. 2702: 2698: 2689: 2688: 2684: 2679:. June 5, 2023. 2675: 2674: 2670: 2661: 2660: 2656: 2647: 2646: 2642: 2633: 2632: 2628: 2618: 2616: 2603: 2602: 2595: 2585: 2583: 2566: 2565: 2558: 2553: 2549: 2540: 2539: 2535: 2531: 2526: 2464: 2457: 2454: 2447: 2440: 2431: 2428: 2419: 2416: 2407: 2396: 2387: 2352: 2350:Economic impact 2305: 2283: 2277: 2275:Decline of OPEC 2272: 2213:Mercury Marquis 2117:Toyota Cressida 2094:Plymouth Volaré 2007:Datsun 510 1983: 1973: 1967: 1961: 1945:Volkswagen Golf 1937:Volvo 340 / 360 1933:Renault 14 1929:Ford Escort MK3 1870: 1858: 1847: 1841: 1838: 1795: 1793: 1783: 1771: 1760: 1662: 1640:led by General 1630: 1621: 1597: 1565: 1552:Henry Kissinger 1541:Sinai Peninsula 1532: 1521:capital markets 1499: 1483:Harry Zvi Tabor 1448: 1344: 1339: 1263:oil exploration 1243: 1238: 1226:Soweto uprising 1200: 1179: 1167: 1165:Impact on India 1150: 1148:Impact on Japan 1132: 1096: 1084: 1030: 1017: 962:Masayoshi Ōhira 913: 904:Financial Times 874: 864: 729:, starting the 705:monetary system 693: 687: 618: 524:Sinai Peninsula 516: 502:Washington Post 485:Henry Kissinger 413: 386:Executive Order 302: 247: 227:cleared in 1974 215:Sinai Peninsula 165: 160: 148:1979 oil crisis 68: 67: 66: 65: 58: 57: 56: 53: 45: 44: 41: 28: 23: 22: 18:First oil shock 15: 12: 11: 5: 13396: 13386: 13385: 13380: 13375: 13370: 13365: 13360: 13355: 13350: 13345: 13340: 13335: 13330: 13325: 13320: 13303: 13302: 13300: 13299: 13292: 13285: 13278: 13270: 13267: 13266: 13264: 13263: 13256: 13249: 13242: 13240:(2022–present) 13234: 13227: 13220: 13218:(2020–present) 13212: 13211: 13210: 13203: 13196: 13182: 13180:(2019–present) 13174: 13172:(2019–present) 13166: 13164:(2018–present) 13158: 13150: 13143: 13135: 13127: 13120: 13113: 13106: 13099: 13091: 13084: 13082:(2013–present) 13076: 13069: 13062: 13055: 13048: 13046:(2011–present) 13040: 13038:(2010–present) 13032: 13025: 13018: 13010: 13008: 13007:(2009–present) 13000: 12999: 12997: 12996: 12995: 12994: 12987: 12980: 12973: 12966: 12959: 12952: 12945: 12938: 12931: 12924: 12917: 12910: 12903: 12896: 12889: 12882: 12875: 12872:September 2008 12860: 12858: 12850: 12849: 12847: 12846: 12844:(2007–present) 12838: 12831: 12824: 12816: 12809: 12802: 12795: 12788: 12781: 12773: 12765: 12757: 12750: 12743: 12736: 12729: 12722: 12714: 12707: 12700: 12692: 12685: 12677: 12670: 12663: 12656: 12649: 12641: 12633: 12626: 12619: 12611: 12603: 12596: 12589: 12582: 12574: 12565: 12563: 12550: 12549: 12547: 12546: 12538: 12531: 12524: 12516: 12508: 12501: 12494: 12487: 12478: 12476: 12468: 12467: 12465: 12464: 12457: 12449: 12447: 12439: 12438: 12436: 12435: 12428: 12421: 12413: 12405: 12396: 12394: 12386: 12385: 12383: 12382: 12375: 12368: 12360: 12353: 12346: 12339: 12331: 12324: 12317: 12309: 12301: 12293: 12286: 12279: 12271: 12269: 12261: 12260: 12258: 12257: 12249: 12242: 12235: 12228: 12227: 12226: 12219: 12203: 12201: 12197: 12196: 12194: 12193: 12186: 12179: 12172: 12164: 12157: 12150: 12143: 12136: 12134:(c. 1780–1795) 12128: 12121: 12113: 12105: 12103: 12095: 12094: 12092: 12091: 12083: 12075: 12067: 12057: 12055:(c. 1600–1760) 12049: 12041: 12032: 12030: 12022: 12021: 12019: 12018: 12009: 12007: 12000: 11999: 11997: 11996: 11989: 11982: 11975: 11974: 11973: 11966: 11959: 11952: 11938: 11935:Hyperinflation 11931: 11924: 11923: 11922: 11908: 11901: 11894: 11887: 11880: 11873: 11866: 11858: 11855: 11854: 11847: 11846: 11839: 11832: 11824: 11815: 11814: 11812: 11811: 11800: 11797: 11796: 11793: 11792: 11790: 11789: 11784: 11779: 11774: 11769: 11764: 11759: 11753: 11751: 11747: 11746: 11744: 11743: 11738: 11733: 11728: 11723: 11718: 11713: 11708: 11703: 11698: 11693: 11688: 11683: 11678: 11673: 11668: 11663: 11658: 11653: 11648: 11643: 11638: 11633: 11627: 11625: 11616: 11613: 11612: 11609: 11608: 11606: 11605: 11600: 11595: 11590: 11585: 11580: 11578:Surgutneftegas 11575: 11570: 11565: 11560: 11555: 11550: 11545: 11540: 11535: 11530: 11525: 11520: 11515: 11510: 11505: 11500: 11498:Eneos Holdings 11495: 11490: 11488:ConocoPhillips 11485: 11480: 11478:Cenovus Energy 11475: 11469: 11467: 11463: 11462: 11460: 11459: 11454: 11449: 11444: 11439: 11434: 11429: 11423: 11421: 11419:Energy trading 11415: 11414: 11412: 11411: 11406: 11401: 11396: 11391: 11386: 11381: 11376: 11371: 11366: 11361: 11356: 11351: 11346: 11341: 11336: 11331: 11326: 11321: 11316: 11311: 11306: 11301: 11296: 11291: 11286: 11281: 11276: 11271: 11266: 11261: 11256: 11251: 11246: 11241: 11236: 11231: 11226: 11221: 11215: 11213: 11206: 11203: 11202: 11200: 11199: 11194: 11189: 11184: 11179: 11174: 11168: 11166: 11157: 11148: 11142: 11136: 11135: 11133: 11132: 11131: 11130: 11125: 11120: 11115: 11105: 11103:Swing producer 11100: 11095: 11090: 11085: 11080: 11075: 11074: 11073: 11068: 11058: 11053: 11048: 11047: 11046: 11041: 11033: 11027: 11025: 11021: 11020: 11018: 11017: 11012: 11007: 11002: 10997: 10992: 10987: 10982: 10977: 10975:Gulf of Mexico 10972: 10967: 10962: 10957: 10952: 10946: 10944: 10938: 10937: 10935: 10934: 10929: 10924: 10919: 10914: 10909: 10904: 10899: 10894: 10889: 10884: 10879: 10874: 10869: 10864: 10862:2010s oil glut 10859: 10854: 10849: 10847:1980s oil glut 10844: 10839: 10834: 10828: 10826: 10820: 10819: 10817: 10816: 10811: 10806: 10801: 10796: 10791: 10786: 10781: 10776: 10775: 10774: 10769: 10759: 10754: 10753: 10752: 10747: 10742: 10732: 10731: 10730: 10725: 10714: 10712: 10706: 10705: 10703: 10702: 10697: 10692: 10687: 10686: 10685: 10675: 10670: 10665: 10664: 10663: 10656:Drilling fluid 10653: 10648: 10643: 10642: 10641: 10631: 10626: 10625: 10624: 10614: 10608: 10606: 10600: 10599: 10597: 10596: 10594:Seismic source 10591: 10590: 10589: 10579: 10574: 10569: 10568: 10567: 10562: 10552: 10547: 10542: 10536: 10534: 10528: 10527: 10524: 10523: 10521: 10520: 10519: 10518: 10508: 10503: 10498: 10493: 10488: 10483: 10477: 10475: 10471: 10470: 10468: 10467: 10462: 10457: 10452: 10447: 10442: 10436: 10434: 10427: 10423: 10422: 10420: 10419: 10414: 10409: 10404: 10399: 10394: 10392:Japan Cocktail 10389: 10384: 10379: 10374: 10369: 10364: 10359: 10353: 10351: 10345: 10344: 10342: 10341: 10339:Primary energy 10336: 10330: 10327: 10326: 10319: 10318: 10311: 10304: 10296: 10287: 10286: 10284: 10283: 10278: 10273: 10267: 10264: 10263: 10261: 10260: 10255: 10250: 10245: 10240: 10235: 10230: 10225: 10219: 10217: 10213: 10212: 10210: 10209: 10204: 10199: 10194: 10189: 10184: 10179: 10174: 10169: 10164: 10159: 10154: 10149: 10143: 10141: 10135: 10134: 10132: 10131: 10126: 10121: 10116: 10111: 10106: 10101: 10096: 10091: 10086: 10081: 10079:Timothy Snyder 10076: 10071: 10066: 10061: 10056: 10051: 10046: 10041: 10036: 10031: 10026: 10021: 10016: 10011: 10009:Vojtech Mastny 10006: 10004:Geir Lundestad 10001: 9996: 9994:Walter Laqueur 9991: 9989:Walter LaFeber 9986: 9981: 9976: 9971: 9966: 9961: 9956: 9951: 9946: 9941: 9936: 9931: 9926: 9921: 9919:André Fontaine 9916: 9911: 9906: 9901: 9896: 9891: 9886: 9881: 9876: 9871: 9866: 9861: 9856: 9851: 9849:Gar Alperovitz 9845: 9843: 9839: 9838: 9836: 9835: 9830: 9825: 9819: 9817: 9811: 9810: 9807: 9806: 9804: 9803: 9798: 9792: 9791: 9786: 9779: 9774: 9766: 9764: 9760: 9759: 9757: 9756: 9749: 9744: 9737: 9730: 9725: 9718: 9711: 9704: 9698: 9696: 9689: 9685: 9684: 9682: 9681: 9676: 9671: 9666: 9661: 9656: 9651: 9646: 9641: 9636: 9631: 9625: 9623: 9619: 9618: 9615: 9614: 9612: 9611: 9606: 9601: 9596: 9591: 9589:Third-Worldism 9586: 9581: 9576: 9571: 9566: 9561: 9556: 9551: 9546: 9541: 9536: 9531: 9526: 9521: 9516: 9511: 9506: 9501: 9496: 9490: 9488: 9484: 9483: 9481: 9480: 9475: 9470: 9465: 9460: 9455: 9448: 9443: 9438: 9433: 9428: 9423: 9417: 9415: 9409: 9408: 9406: 9405: 9400: 9395: 9390: 9385: 9380: 9378:Libertarianism 9375: 9370: 9369: 9368: 9358: 9356:Chicago school 9353: 9347: 9345: 9336: 9332: 9331: 9329: 9328: 9323: 9318: 9313: 9308: 9303: 9301:Nixon Doctrine 9298: 9293: 9288: 9283: 9278: 9273: 9268: 9263: 9258: 9253: 9247: 9245: 9244:Foreign policy 9241: 9240: 9238: 9237: 9232: 9227: 9222: 9217: 9212: 9207: 9202: 9196: 9194: 9188: 9187: 9185: 9184: 9179: 9178: 9177: 9167: 9162: 9157: 9152: 9147: 9142: 9137: 9132: 9126: 9124: 9120: 9119: 9117: 9116: 9111: 9106: 9101: 9096: 9091: 9086: 9081: 9076: 9071: 9066: 9061: 9056: 9051: 9046: 9041: 9036: 9031: 9029:Operation RYAN 9026: 9021: 9016: 9006: 9001: 8996: 8991: 8986: 8981: 8976: 8971: 8966: 8961: 8956: 8951: 8946: 8941: 8936: 8934:Able Archer 83 8931: 8926: 8921: 8916: 8911: 8906: 8901: 8896: 8891: 8886: 8881: 8880: 8879: 8869: 8864: 8859: 8850: 8845: 8839: 8837: 8833: 8832: 8830: 8829: 8824: 8819: 8814: 8809: 8804: 8799: 8794: 8789: 8784: 8779: 8774: 8769: 8764: 8759: 8754: 8749: 8744: 8739: 8731: 8726: 8721: 8716: 8711: 8706: 8701: 8696: 8691: 8686: 8684:Oromo conflict 8681: 8676: 8671: 8666: 8661: 8656: 8651: 8646: 8641: 8636: 8631: 8626: 8624:Yom Kippur War 8621: 8616: 8611: 8606: 8601: 8596: 8591: 8586: 8581: 8576: 8571: 8566: 8561: 8556: 8551: 8546: 8541: 8534: 8529: 8524: 8519: 8514: 8509: 8504: 8499: 8494: 8489: 8483: 8481: 8477: 8476: 8474: 8473: 8468: 8463: 8458: 8453: 8448: 8447: 8446: 8436: 8431: 8426: 8421: 8416: 8407: 8402: 8401: 8400: 8390: 8385: 8380: 8375: 8370: 8365: 8360: 8355: 8350: 8345: 8340: 8335: 8330: 8325: 8320: 8315: 8310: 8305: 8300: 8295: 8290: 8285: 8280: 8279: 8278: 8268: 8263: 8258: 8256:Aden Emergency 8253: 8248: 8243: 8238: 8233: 8228: 8223: 8218: 8213: 8208: 8207: 8206: 8201: 8196: 8186: 8181: 8176: 8174:Papua conflict 8171: 8166: 8161: 8156: 8155: 8154: 8144: 8143: 8142: 8132: 8127: 8122: 8117: 8112: 8106: 8104: 8100: 8099: 8097: 8096: 8091: 8090: 8089: 8079: 8077:Kitchen Debate 8074: 8069: 8064: 8059: 8054: 8049: 8044: 8039: 8037:Sputnik crisis 8034: 8029: 8021: 8014: 8009: 8007:Polish October 8004: 7999: 7994: 7987: 7982: 7977: 7972: 7967: 7962: 7957: 7952: 7947: 7939: 7934: 7929: 7924: 7919: 7914: 7909: 7907:Pact of Madrid 7904: 7899: 7894: 7889: 7884: 7879: 7874: 7869: 7864: 7862:Bamboo Curtain 7858: 7856: 7852: 7851: 7849: 7848: 7843: 7838: 7833: 7832: 7831: 7821: 7816: 7811: 7806: 7801: 7796: 7791: 7786: 7781: 7776: 7771: 7766: 7761: 7756: 7755: 7754: 7749: 7744: 7734: 7729: 7724: 7719: 7714: 7709: 7704: 7699: 7694: 7689: 7684: 7679: 7674: 7669: 7661: 7653: 7645: 7640: 7635: 7630: 7622: 7617: 7616: 7615: 7610: 7602: 7589: 7584: 7579: 7574: 7568: 7566: 7562: 7561: 7559: 7558: 7553: 7548: 7543: 7538: 7533: 7528: 7523: 7518: 7511: 7503: 7500: 7499: 7492: 7491: 7484: 7477: 7469: 7463: 7462: 7456: 7453:Foreign Policy 7445: 7434: 7421: 7420:External links 7418: 7417: 7416: 7410: 7392: 7389: 7388: 7387: 7377: 7363:Yergin, Daniel 7359: 7353: 7330: 7324: 7309: 7303: 7295:The oil crisis 7290: 7272:(2): 214–257. 7261: 7255: 7240: 7234: 7221: 7215: 7200: 7194: 7180: 7174: 7159: 7153: 7138: 7102: 7096: 7081: 7075: 7060: 7054: 7041: 7035: 7022: 7004:(2): 205–226. 6993: 6987: 6974: 6968: 6955: 6949: 6933: 6927: 6914: 6900: 6877: 6871: 6858: 6856:(10): 817–824. 6845: 6819:(1): 105–137. 6808: 6802: 6789: 6783: 6770: 6756: 6736: 6730: 6715: 6709: 6696: 6690: 6677: 6671: 6658: 6652: 6639: 6633: 6620: 6614: 6601: 6595: 6577:Ammann, Daniel 6573: 6567: 6552: 6549: 6547: 6546: 6520: 6502: 6475: 6462: 6449: 6440: 6431:, p. 252. 6414: 6412:, p. 163. 6399: 6388: 6377: 6359: 6332: 6315: 6292: 6283: 6270: 6256: 6243: 6212: 6210:, p. 214. 6208:Licklider 1988 6197: 6195:, p. 216. 6193:Licklider 1988 6185: 6164: 6160:Richard Storry 6151: 6142: 6130: 6099: 6088:on May 3, 2016 6073: 6061: 6024: 5999: 5972: 5966:978-1107005174 5965: 5945: 5927: 5901: 5890:. May 21, 2010 5875: 5860: 5853:Horton, Jane. 5845: 5817: 5804: 5791: 5764: 5762:, p. 321. 5745: 5715: 5685: 5683:, p. 320. 5668: 5666:, p. 312. 5656: 5624: 5622:, p. 313. 5609: 5594: 5582: 5565: 5563:, p. 117. 5544: 5542:, p. 120. 5540:Accornero 2016 5532: 5520: 5505: 5479: 5464: 5453:(2): 429–466. 5430: 5421: 5408: 5395: 5386: 5377: 5364: 5352: 5350:, p. 319. 5340: 5314: 5302: 5290: 5281:, p. 335. 5271: 5262:, p. 106. 5252: 5250:, p. 3-4. 5240: 5228: 5216: 5214:, p. 318. 5204: 5183: 5136: 5127:, p. 525. 5125:Armstrong 1991 5112: 5110:, p. 101. 5100: 5085: 5083:, p. 219. 5073: 5071:, p. 108. 5061: 5049: 5047:, p. 115. 5034: 5019: 5007: 4954: 4952:, p. 109. 4950:Ikenberry 1986 4942: 4940:, p. 107. 4938:Ikenberry 1986 4930: 4857: 4823: 4819:Licklider 1988 4811: 4809:, p. 217. 4807:Licklider 1988 4799: 4756: 4752:Licklider 1988 4744: 4732: 4720: 4708: 4706:, p. 287. 4696: 4684: 4682:, p. 482. 4672: 4660: 4648: 4646:, p. 507. 4636: 4634:, p. 422. 4619: 4607: 4595: 4593:, p. 423. 4576: 4564: 4562:, p. 446. 4552: 4550:, p. 250. 4540: 4538:, p. 225. 4528: 4526:, p. 168. 4516: 4514:, p. 187. 4504: 4502:, p. 281. 4489: 4458: 4456:, p. 416. 4441: 4426: 4414: 4412:, p. 221. 4402: 4400:, p. 219. 4387: 4370: 4341: 4339:, p. 130. 4329: 4320: 4311: 4298: 4281: 4255: 4253:, p. 414. 4240: 4225: 4223:, p. 413. 4198: 4196:, p. 421. 4186: 4174: 4159: 4157:, p. 419. 4147: 4135: 4105: 4103:, p. 418. 4093: 4081: 4055: 4029: 4003: 3977: 3962: 3960:, p. 417. 3943: 3905: 3840: 3838:, p. 412. 3821: 3777: 3762: 3760:, p. 411. 3741: 3724: 3722:, p. 407. 3712: 3700: 3698:, p. 406. 3679: 3667: 3665:, p. 405. 3655: 3653:, p. 410. 3632: 3619:"Nickel Grass" 3609: 3581: 3579:, p. 409. 3569: 3567:, p. 408. 3550: 3548:, p. 404. 3533: 3516: 3504: 3502:, p. 402. 3489: 3477: 3465: 3463:, p. 399. 3450: 3438: 3426: 3379: 3377:, p. 393. 3350: 3343: 3325: 3282: 3275: 3257: 3250: 3225: 3203:978-3862485949 3202: 3182: 3151: 3132:(4): 501–511. 3106: 3068: 3054:978-0300118186 3053: 3035: 3028: 3010: 2975: 2932: 2913: 2900:978-0671502485 2899: 2876: 2874:, p. 415. 2853: 2846: 2817: 2810: 2792: 2773: 2753: 2746: 2723: 2696: 2682: 2668: 2654: 2640: 2626: 2593: 2556: 2547: 2532: 2530: 2527: 2525: 2524: 2517: 2512: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2492: 2487: 2482: 2477: 2471: 2470: 2469: 2453: 2450: 2449: 2448: 2441: 2434: 2432: 2429: 2422: 2420: 2417: 2410: 2408: 2397: 2390: 2386: 2383: 2351: 2348: 2304: 2301: 2281:1980s oil glut 2276: 2273: 2271: 2268: 2256:Dodge Diplomat 2165:captive import 2121:Mazda 616 2086:Chevrolet Nova 2082:Chevrolet Vega 2062:Renault 8 1999:Toyota Corolla 1960: 1957: 1902:Vauxhall Astra 1886:Renault 5 1869: 1868:Western Europe 1866: 1860: 1859: 1774: 1772: 1765: 1759: 1756: 1736:anti-communist 1661: 1658: 1629: 1626: 1620: 1617: 1596: 1593: 1564: 1561: 1531: 1528: 1498: 1495: 1447: 1444: 1343: 1340: 1338: 1335: 1289:license plates 1254:Price controls 1242: 1239: 1237: 1234: 1199: 1196: 1178: 1175: 1166: 1163: 1155:Kurile Islands 1149: 1146: 1131: 1128: 1124:Pierre Messmer 1095: 1092: 1083: 1080: 1029: 1026: 1016: 1013: 978:Anthony Barber 912: 909: 863: 860: 859: 858: 855: 852: 849: 842: 835: 828: 825: 822: 815: 812: 805: 798: 795: 792: 785: 782: 755: 744: 737: 734: 723: 708: 686: 683: 617: 614: 586:Omar Al Saqqaf 574:Sa'dun Hammadi 515: 512: 412: 409: 301: 298: 246: 243: 223:Yom Kippur War 164: 161: 159: 156: 116:United Kingdom 84:Yom Kippur War 60: 59: 54: 47: 46: 42: 35: 34: 33: 32: 31: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 13395: 13384: 13383:Energy crises 13381: 13379: 13376: 13374: 13371: 13369: 13366: 13364: 13361: 13359: 13356: 13354: 13351: 13349: 13346: 13344: 13341: 13339: 13338:Gold standard 13336: 13334: 13331: 13329: 13326: 13324: 13321: 13319: 13316: 13315: 13313: 13297: 13293: 13290: 13286: 13283: 13279: 13276: 13272: 13271: 13268: 13261: 13257: 13254: 13250: 13247: 13243: 13239: 13235: 13232: 13228: 13225: 13221: 13217: 13213: 13208: 13204: 13201: 13197: 13194: 13190: 13189: 13187: 13183: 13179: 13175: 13171: 13167: 13163: 13159: 13155: 13151: 13148: 13144: 13140: 13136: 13132: 13128: 13125: 13121: 13118: 13114: 13111: 13107: 13104: 13100: 13096: 13092: 13089: 13085: 13081: 13077: 13074: 13070: 13067: 13063: 13060: 13056: 13053: 13049: 13045: 13041: 13037: 13033: 13030: 13026: 13023: 13019: 13016: 13012: 13011: 13009: 13005: 13001: 12992: 12988: 12985: 12981: 12978: 12974: 12971: 12967: 12964: 12960: 12957: 12953: 12950: 12946: 12943: 12939: 12936: 12932: 12929: 12925: 12922: 12918: 12915: 12911: 12908: 12904: 12901: 12897: 12894: 12893:December 2008 12890: 12887: 12886:November 2008 12883: 12880: 12876: 12873: 12869: 12868: 12866: 12862: 12861: 12859: 12855: 12851: 12843: 12839: 12836: 12832: 12829: 12825: 12821: 12817: 12814: 12810: 12807: 12803: 12800: 12796: 12793: 12789: 12786: 12782: 12778: 12774: 12770: 12766: 12762: 12758: 12755: 12751: 12748: 12744: 12741: 12737: 12734: 12730: 12727: 12723: 12719: 12715: 12712: 12708: 12705: 12701: 12697: 12693: 12690: 12686: 12682: 12678: 12675: 12671: 12668: 12664: 12661: 12657: 12654: 12650: 12646: 12642: 12638: 12634: 12631: 12627: 12624: 12620: 12616: 12612: 12608: 12604: 12601: 12597: 12594: 12590: 12587: 12583: 12579: 12575: 12571: 12567: 12566: 12564: 12560: 12555: 12551: 12543: 12539: 12536: 12532: 12529: 12525: 12521: 12517: 12513: 12509: 12506: 12502: 12499: 12495: 12492: 12488: 12484: 12480: 12479: 12477: 12473: 12469: 12462: 12458: 12455: 12451: 12450: 12448: 12444: 12440: 12433: 12432:Panic of 1930 12429: 12426: 12422: 12418: 12414: 12410: 12406: 12402: 12398: 12397: 12395: 12391: 12387: 12380: 12376: 12373: 12369: 12365: 12361: 12358: 12357:Panic of 1907 12354: 12351: 12350:Panic of 1901 12347: 12344: 12343:Panic of 1896 12340: 12336: 12332: 12329: 12325: 12322: 12321:Panic of 1893 12318: 12314: 12310: 12306: 12305:Baring crisis 12302: 12298: 12297:Arendal crash 12294: 12291: 12290:Panic of 1884 12287: 12284: 12280: 12277: 12276:Panic of 1873 12273: 12272: 12270: 12266: 12262: 12254: 12250: 12247: 12246:Panic of 1866 12243: 12240: 12239:Panic of 1857 12236: 12233: 12232:Panic of 1847 12229: 12224: 12220: 12217: 12213: 12212: 12209: 12205: 12204: 12202: 12198: 12191: 12190:Panic of 1837 12187: 12184: 12183:Panic of 1825 12180: 12177: 12176:Panic of 1819 12173: 12169: 12165: 12162: 12158: 12155: 12151: 12148: 12147:Panic of 1792 12144: 12141: 12137: 12133: 12129: 12126: 12122: 12118: 12114: 12111: 12107: 12106: 12104: 12100: 12096: 12088: 12084: 12080: 12076: 12072: 12068: 12064: 12063: 12058: 12054: 12050: 12046: 12042: 12038: 12034: 12033: 12031: 12027: 12023: 12015: 12011: 12010: 12008: 12006: 12001: 11994: 11990: 11987: 11986:Social crisis 11983: 11980: 11979:Minsky moment 11976: 11971: 11967: 11964: 11960: 11957: 11953: 11950: 11946: 11945: 11943: 11939: 11936: 11932: 11929: 11925: 11920: 11916: 11915: 11913: 11909: 11906: 11905:Energy crisis 11902: 11899: 11895: 11892: 11888: 11885: 11881: 11878: 11877:Credit crunch 11874: 11871: 11867: 11864: 11860: 11859: 11856: 11852: 11845: 11840: 11838: 11833: 11831: 11826: 11825: 11822: 11810: 11802: 11801: 11798: 11788: 11785: 11783: 11780: 11778: 11775: 11773: 11770: 11768: 11765: 11763: 11760: 11758: 11755: 11754: 11752: 11748: 11742: 11739: 11737: 11734: 11732: 11729: 11727: 11724: 11722: 11719: 11717: 11714: 11712: 11709: 11707: 11704: 11702: 11699: 11697: 11694: 11692: 11689: 11687: 11684: 11682: 11679: 11677: 11674: 11672: 11669: 11667: 11664: 11662: 11659: 11657: 11654: 11652: 11649: 11647: 11644: 11642: 11639: 11637: 11634: 11632: 11629: 11628: 11626: 11623: 11614: 11604: 11603:Valero Energy 11601: 11599: 11596: 11594: 11591: 11589: 11586: 11584: 11581: 11579: 11576: 11574: 11571: 11569: 11568:Suncor Energy 11566: 11564: 11561: 11559: 11556: 11554: 11551: 11549: 11546: 11544: 11541: 11539: 11536: 11534: 11531: 11529: 11526: 11524: 11521: 11519: 11516: 11514: 11511: 11509: 11506: 11504: 11501: 11499: 11496: 11494: 11491: 11489: 11486: 11484: 11481: 11479: 11476: 11474: 11471: 11470: 11468: 11464: 11458: 11455: 11453: 11450: 11448: 11445: 11443: 11440: 11438: 11435: 11433: 11430: 11428: 11425: 11424: 11422: 11420: 11416: 11410: 11407: 11405: 11402: 11400: 11397: 11395: 11392: 11390: 11387: 11385: 11382: 11380: 11377: 11375: 11372: 11370: 11367: 11365: 11362: 11360: 11357: 11355: 11352: 11350: 11347: 11345: 11342: 11340: 11337: 11335: 11332: 11330: 11327: 11325: 11322: 11320: 11317: 11315: 11312: 11310: 11307: 11305: 11302: 11300: 11297: 11295: 11292: 11290: 11287: 11285: 11282: 11280: 11277: 11275: 11272: 11270: 11267: 11265: 11262: 11260: 11257: 11255: 11252: 11250: 11247: 11245: 11242: 11240: 11237: 11235: 11232: 11230: 11227: 11225: 11222: 11220: 11217: 11216: 11214: 11211: 11204: 11198: 11197:TotalEnergies 11195: 11193: 11190: 11188: 11185: 11183: 11180: 11178: 11175: 11173: 11170: 11169: 11167: 11165: 11161: 11158: 11155: 11146: 11143: 11141:organisations 11139:Companies and 11137: 11129: 11126: 11124: 11121: 11119: 11116: 11114: 11111: 11110: 11109: 11106: 11104: 11101: 11099: 11096: 11094: 11091: 11089: 11086: 11084: 11081: 11079: 11078:Petrocurrency 11076: 11072: 11069: 11067: 11064: 11063: 11062: 11059: 11057: 11054: 11052: 11051:Oil shale gas 11049: 11045: 11042: 11040: 11037: 11036: 11034: 11032: 11031:Abbreviations 11029: 11028: 11026: 11022: 11016: 11013: 11011: 11008: 11006: 11003: 11001: 10998: 10996: 10993: 10991: 10990:Permian Basin 10988: 10986: 10983: 10981: 10978: 10976: 10973: 10971: 10968: 10966: 10963: 10961: 10958: 10956: 10953: 10951: 10948: 10947: 10945: 10939: 10933: 10930: 10928: 10927:United States 10925: 10923: 10920: 10918: 10915: 10913: 10910: 10908: 10905: 10903: 10900: 10898: 10895: 10893: 10890: 10888: 10887:Seven Sisters 10885: 10883: 10880: 10878: 10875: 10873: 10870: 10868: 10865: 10863: 10860: 10858: 10855: 10853: 10850: 10848: 10845: 10843: 10840: 10838: 10835: 10833: 10830: 10829: 10827: 10825: 10821: 10815: 10812: 10810: 10807: 10805: 10802: 10800: 10797: 10795: 10792: 10790: 10787: 10785: 10782: 10780: 10777: 10773: 10770: 10768: 10765: 10764: 10763: 10760: 10758: 10755: 10751: 10748: 10746: 10743: 10741: 10738: 10737: 10736: 10733: 10729: 10726: 10724: 10721: 10720: 10719: 10716: 10715: 10713: 10711: 10707: 10701: 10698: 10696: 10693: 10691: 10688: 10684: 10681: 10680: 10679: 10676: 10674: 10671: 10669: 10666: 10662: 10659: 10658: 10657: 10654: 10652: 10649: 10647: 10644: 10640: 10637: 10636: 10635: 10632: 10630: 10627: 10623: 10620: 10619: 10618: 10615: 10613: 10610: 10609: 10607: 10605: 10601: 10595: 10592: 10588: 10585: 10584: 10583: 10580: 10578: 10575: 10573: 10570: 10566: 10563: 10561: 10558: 10557: 10556: 10553: 10551: 10548: 10546: 10543: 10541: 10540:Core sampling 10538: 10537: 10535: 10533: 10529: 10517: 10514: 10513: 10512: 10509: 10507: 10504: 10502: 10499: 10497: 10494: 10492: 10489: 10487: 10484: 10482: 10479: 10478: 10476: 10472: 10466: 10463: 10461: 10458: 10456: 10453: 10451: 10448: 10446: 10443: 10441: 10438: 10437: 10435: 10431: 10428: 10424: 10418: 10415: 10413: 10410: 10408: 10405: 10403: 10400: 10398: 10395: 10393: 10390: 10388: 10385: 10383: 10380: 10378: 10377:Indian Basket 10375: 10373: 10370: 10368: 10365: 10363: 10360: 10358: 10355: 10354: 10352: 10350: 10346: 10340: 10337: 10335: 10332: 10331: 10328: 10324: 10317: 10312: 10310: 10305: 10303: 10298: 10297: 10294: 10282: 10279: 10277: 10274: 10272: 10269: 10268: 10265: 10259: 10256: 10254: 10251: 10249: 10246: 10244: 10243:War on terror 10241: 10239: 10236: 10234: 10231: 10229: 10226: 10224: 10221: 10220: 10218: 10214: 10208: 10205: 10203: 10200: 10198: 10195: 10193: 10190: 10188: 10185: 10183: 10180: 10178: 10175: 10173: 10170: 10168: 10165: 10163: 10160: 10158: 10155: 10153: 10150: 10148: 10145: 10144: 10142: 10138:Espionage and 10136: 10130: 10127: 10125: 10122: 10120: 10117: 10115: 10112: 10110: 10107: 10105: 10102: 10100: 10097: 10095: 10092: 10090: 10089:Andrew Thorpe 10087: 10085: 10082: 10080: 10077: 10075: 10072: 10070: 10067: 10065: 10062: 10060: 10057: 10055: 10052: 10050: 10047: 10045: 10042: 10040: 10037: 10035: 10032: 10030: 10027: 10025: 10022: 10020: 10017: 10015: 10012: 10010: 10007: 10005: 10002: 10000: 9997: 9995: 9992: 9990: 9987: 9985: 9984:Gabriel Kolko 9982: 9980: 9977: 9975: 9972: 9970: 9967: 9965: 9962: 9960: 9957: 9955: 9952: 9950: 9949:Fred Halliday 9947: 9945: 9942: 9940: 9937: 9935: 9934:Lloyd Gardner 9932: 9930: 9927: 9925: 9922: 9920: 9917: 9915: 9912: 9910: 9907: 9905: 9902: 9900: 9897: 9895: 9894:Norman Davies 9892: 9890: 9887: 9885: 9882: 9880: 9879:John Costello 9877: 9875: 9872: 9870: 9867: 9865: 9862: 9860: 9857: 9855: 9852: 9850: 9847: 9846: 9844: 9840: 9834: 9831: 9829: 9826: 9824: 9821: 9820: 9818: 9814:Technological 9812: 9802: 9799: 9797: 9794: 9793: 9790: 9787: 9785: 9784: 9780: 9778: 9775: 9773: 9772: 9768: 9767: 9765: 9761: 9755: 9754: 9750: 9748: 9745: 9743: 9742: 9738: 9736: 9735: 9731: 9729: 9726: 9724: 9723: 9719: 9717: 9716: 9712: 9710: 9709: 9705: 9703: 9700: 9699: 9697: 9695:Pro-communist 9693: 9690: 9686: 9680: 9677: 9675: 9672: 9670: 9667: 9665: 9662: 9660: 9657: 9655: 9652: 9650: 9647: 9645: 9642: 9640: 9637: 9635: 9632: 9630: 9627: 9626: 9624: 9622:Organizations 9620: 9610: 9607: 9605: 9602: 9600: 9597: 9595: 9592: 9590: 9587: 9585: 9582: 9580: 9577: 9575: 9572: 9570: 9567: 9565: 9562: 9560: 9557: 9555: 9552: 9550: 9547: 9545: 9542: 9540: 9537: 9535: 9532: 9530: 9527: 9525: 9522: 9520: 9517: 9515: 9512: 9510: 9507: 9505: 9502: 9500: 9497: 9495: 9492: 9491: 9489: 9485: 9479: 9476: 9474: 9471: 9469: 9466: 9464: 9461: 9459: 9456: 9454: 9453: 9449: 9447: 9444: 9442: 9439: 9437: 9436:Eurocommunism 9434: 9432: 9429: 9427: 9424: 9422: 9419: 9418: 9416: 9414: 9410: 9404: 9401: 9399: 9396: 9394: 9391: 9389: 9386: 9384: 9381: 9379: 9376: 9374: 9371: 9367: 9364: 9363: 9362: 9359: 9357: 9354: 9352: 9349: 9348: 9346: 9344: 9340: 9337: 9333: 9327: 9324: 9322: 9319: 9317: 9314: 9312: 9309: 9307: 9304: 9302: 9299: 9297: 9294: 9292: 9289: 9287: 9284: 9282: 9279: 9277: 9274: 9272: 9269: 9267: 9266:Domino theory 9264: 9262: 9259: 9257: 9254: 9252: 9249: 9248: 9246: 9242: 9236: 9233: 9231: 9228: 9226: 9223: 9221: 9220:South Ossetia 9218: 9216: 9213: 9211: 9208: 9206: 9203: 9201: 9198: 9197: 9195: 9193: 9189: 9183: 9180: 9176: 9173: 9172: 9171: 9168: 9166: 9163: 9161: 9158: 9156: 9153: 9151: 9148: 9146: 9143: 9141: 9138: 9136: 9133: 9131: 9128: 9127: 9125: 9121: 9115: 9112: 9110: 9107: 9105: 9102: 9100: 9097: 9095: 9092: 9090: 9087: 9085: 9082: 9080: 9077: 9075: 9072: 9070: 9067: 9065: 9062: 9060: 9057: 9055: 9052: 9050: 9047: 9045: 9042: 9040: 9037: 9035: 9032: 9030: 9027: 9025: 9022: 9020: 9017: 9014: 9010: 9007: 9005: 9004:8888 Uprising 9002: 9000: 8997: 8995: 8992: 8990: 8987: 8985: 8982: 8980: 8977: 8975: 8972: 8970: 8967: 8965: 8962: 8960: 8957: 8955: 8952: 8950: 8949:Iran–Iraq War 8947: 8945: 8942: 8940: 8937: 8935: 8932: 8930: 8927: 8925: 8922: 8920: 8917: 8915: 8914:Falklands War 8912: 8910: 8907: 8905: 8902: 8900: 8897: 8895: 8892: 8890: 8887: 8885: 8882: 8878: 8875: 8874: 8873: 8870: 8868: 8865: 8863: 8860: 8858: 8854: 8851: 8849: 8846: 8844: 8841: 8840: 8838: 8834: 8828: 8825: 8823: 8820: 8818: 8815: 8813: 8810: 8808: 8805: 8803: 8800: 8798: 8795: 8793: 8790: 8788: 8785: 8783: 8780: 8778: 8777:NDF Rebellion 8775: 8773: 8770: 8768: 8765: 8763: 8760: 8758: 8757:German Autumn 8755: 8753: 8750: 8748: 8745: 8743: 8740: 8738: 8737: 8732: 8730: 8727: 8725: 8722: 8720: 8717: 8715: 8712: 8710: 8707: 8705: 8702: 8700: 8697: 8695: 8692: 8690: 8687: 8685: 8682: 8680: 8677: 8675: 8672: 8670: 8667: 8665: 8662: 8660: 8657: 8655: 8652: 8650: 8647: 8645: 8644:Metapolitefsi 8642: 8640: 8637: 8635: 8632: 8630: 8627: 8625: 8622: 8620: 8617: 8615: 8612: 8610: 8607: 8605: 8602: 8600: 8597: 8595: 8592: 8590: 8587: 8585: 8582: 8580: 8577: 8575: 8572: 8570: 8567: 8565: 8562: 8560: 8557: 8555: 8552: 8550: 8547: 8545: 8542: 8540: 8539: 8535: 8533: 8530: 8528: 8525: 8523: 8520: 8518: 8515: 8513: 8510: 8508: 8505: 8503: 8500: 8498: 8495: 8493: 8490: 8488: 8485: 8484: 8482: 8478: 8472: 8469: 8467: 8464: 8462: 8459: 8457: 8454: 8452: 8449: 8445: 8442: 8441: 8440: 8437: 8435: 8432: 8430: 8427: 8425: 8422: 8420: 8417: 8415: 8413: 8408: 8406: 8405:Prague Spring 8403: 8399: 8396: 8395: 8394: 8391: 8389: 8386: 8384: 8383:Al-Wadiah War 8381: 8379: 8376: 8374: 8371: 8369: 8366: 8364: 8361: 8359: 8356: 8354: 8351: 8349: 8348:12-3 incident 8346: 8344: 8341: 8339: 8336: 8334: 8331: 8329: 8326: 8324: 8321: 8319: 8316: 8314: 8311: 8309: 8306: 8304: 8301: 8299: 8296: 8294: 8291: 8289: 8286: 8284: 8281: 8277: 8274: 8273: 8272: 8269: 8267: 8264: 8262: 8259: 8257: 8254: 8252: 8249: 8247: 8244: 8242: 8239: 8237: 8234: 8232: 8229: 8227: 8224: 8222: 8219: 8217: 8214: 8212: 8209: 8205: 8202: 8200: 8197: 8195: 8192: 8191: 8190: 8187: 8185: 8182: 8180: 8177: 8175: 8172: 8170: 8167: 8165: 8162: 8160: 8157: 8153: 8150: 8149: 8148: 8145: 8141: 8138: 8137: 8136: 8133: 8131: 8128: 8126: 8123: 8121: 8118: 8116: 8113: 8111: 8108: 8107: 8105: 8101: 8095: 8092: 8088: 8085: 8084: 8083: 8080: 8078: 8075: 8073: 8070: 8068: 8065: 8063: 8060: 8058: 8055: 8053: 8050: 8048: 8045: 8043: 8040: 8038: 8035: 8033: 8030: 8028: 8027: 8022: 8019: 8015: 8013: 8010: 8008: 8005: 8003: 8000: 7998: 7995: 7992: 7988: 7986: 7983: 7981: 7978: 7976: 7973: 7971: 7968: 7966: 7963: 7961: 7958: 7956: 7953: 7951: 7948: 7946: 7945: 7940: 7938: 7935: 7933: 7930: 7928: 7927:Domino theory 7925: 7923: 7922:Petrov Affair 7920: 7918: 7915: 7913: 7910: 7908: 7905: 7903: 7900: 7898: 7895: 7893: 7890: 7888: 7885: 7883: 7880: 7878: 7875: 7873: 7870: 7868: 7865: 7863: 7860: 7859: 7857: 7853: 7847: 7844: 7842: 7839: 7837: 7834: 7830: 7827: 7826: 7825: 7822: 7820: 7817: 7815: 7812: 7810: 7807: 7805: 7802: 7800: 7799:Madiun Affair 7797: 7795: 7792: 7790: 7787: 7785: 7782: 7780: 7777: 7775: 7772: 7770: 7767: 7765: 7762: 7760: 7759:Marshall Plan 7757: 7753: 7750: 7748: 7745: 7743: 7740: 7739: 7738: 7735: 7733: 7730: 7728: 7725: 7723: 7720: 7718: 7715: 7713: 7710: 7708: 7705: 7703: 7700: 7698: 7695: 7693: 7690: 7688: 7685: 7683: 7680: 7678: 7675: 7673: 7670: 7668: 7667: 7662: 7660: 7659: 7654: 7652: 7651: 7646: 7644: 7641: 7639: 7636: 7634: 7631: 7629: 7628: 7623: 7621: 7618: 7614: 7611: 7609: 7608: 7603: 7601: 7600: 7595: 7594: 7593: 7590: 7588: 7585: 7583: 7580: 7578: 7575: 7573: 7570: 7569: 7567: 7563: 7557: 7554: 7552: 7549: 7547: 7544: 7542: 7539: 7537: 7534: 7532: 7529: 7527: 7524: 7522: 7519: 7517: 7516: 7512: 7510: 7509: 7508:United States 7505: 7504: 7501: 7497: 7490: 7485: 7483: 7478: 7476: 7471: 7470: 7467: 7461: 7457: 7454: 7450: 7446: 7443: 7439: 7435: 7432: 7428: 7424: 7423: 7413: 7407: 7403: 7399: 7395: 7394: 7385: 7380: 7374: 7370: 7369: 7364: 7360: 7356: 7350: 7346: 7342: 7338: 7337: 7331: 7327: 7321: 7317: 7316: 7310: 7306: 7300: 7296: 7291: 7287: 7283: 7279: 7275: 7271: 7267: 7262: 7258: 7252: 7248: 7247: 7241: 7237: 7231: 7227: 7222: 7218: 7212: 7208: 7207: 7201: 7197: 7191: 7187: 7181: 7177: 7171: 7167: 7166: 7160: 7156: 7150: 7146: 7145: 7139: 7135: 7131: 7127: 7123: 7120:(4): 186208. 7119: 7115: 7108: 7103: 7099: 7093: 7089: 7088: 7082: 7078: 7072: 7068: 7067: 7061: 7057: 7051: 7047: 7042: 7038: 7032: 7028: 7023: 7019: 7015: 7011: 7007: 7003: 6999: 6994: 6990: 6984: 6980: 6975: 6971: 6965: 6961: 6956: 6952: 6946: 6942: 6938: 6934: 6930: 6924: 6920: 6915: 6911: 6907: 6903: 6897: 6893: 6889: 6885: 6884: 6878: 6874: 6868: 6864: 6859: 6855: 6851: 6846: 6842: 6838: 6834: 6830: 6826: 6822: 6818: 6814: 6809: 6805: 6799: 6795: 6790: 6786: 6780: 6776: 6771: 6767: 6763: 6759: 6753: 6748: 6747: 6741: 6737: 6733: 6727: 6723: 6722: 6716: 6712: 6706: 6702: 6697: 6693: 6687: 6683: 6678: 6674: 6668: 6664: 6659: 6655: 6649: 6645: 6640: 6636: 6630: 6626: 6621: 6617: 6611: 6607: 6602: 6598: 6592: 6588: 6584: 6583: 6578: 6574: 6570: 6564: 6560: 6555: 6554: 6534: 6530: 6524: 6516: 6512: 6506: 6490: 6486: 6479: 6472: 6466: 6459: 6453: 6444: 6436: 6430: 6425: 6423: 6421: 6419: 6411: 6406: 6404: 6392: 6381: 6373: 6369: 6363: 6347: 6343: 6336: 6329: 6325: 6319: 6311: 6307: 6303: 6296: 6287: 6280: 6274: 6266: 6260: 6253: 6247: 6231: 6227: 6223: 6216: 6209: 6204: 6202: 6194: 6189: 6182: 6178: 6174: 6168: 6161: 6155: 6146: 6139: 6134: 6118: 6114: 6110: 6103: 6087: 6083: 6077: 6070: 6069:Masouros 2013 6065: 6054:September 17, 6046: 6042: 6035: 6028: 6020: 6016: 6015: 6010: 6003: 5987: 5983: 5976: 5968: 5962: 5958: 5957: 5949: 5943: 5939: 5936: 5931: 5915: 5911: 5905: 5889: 5885: 5879: 5871: 5864: 5856: 5849: 5833: 5829: 5828: 5821: 5814: 5808: 5801: 5795: 5787: 5783: 5780:(#1): 62–88. 5779: 5775: 5768: 5761: 5756: 5754: 5752: 5750: 5733: 5729: 5728:Time Magazine 5725: 5719: 5703: 5699: 5698:Time Magazine 5695: 5689: 5682: 5677: 5675: 5673: 5665: 5660: 5641: 5634: 5628: 5621: 5616: 5614: 5607:, p. 19. 5606: 5601: 5599: 5592:, p. 17. 5591: 5586: 5580:, p. 18. 5579: 5574: 5572: 5570: 5562: 5557: 5555: 5553: 5551: 5549: 5541: 5536: 5529: 5524: 5517: 5512: 5510: 5493: 5489: 5483: 5475: 5468: 5460: 5456: 5452: 5448: 5444: 5437: 5435: 5425: 5418: 5412: 5405: 5399: 5390: 5381: 5374: 5373:Energy Crisis 5368: 5361: 5356: 5349: 5344: 5329: 5325: 5318: 5312:, p. 95. 5311: 5306: 5300:, p. 93. 5299: 5294: 5286: 5280: 5275: 5267: 5261: 5256: 5249: 5244: 5237: 5232: 5226:, p. 94. 5225: 5220: 5213: 5208: 5202:, p. 93. 5201: 5196: 5194: 5192: 5190: 5188: 5179: 5175: 5171: 5167: 5163: 5159: 5155: 5151: 5147: 5140: 5132: 5126: 5121: 5119: 5117: 5109: 5104: 5097: 5092: 5090: 5082: 5077: 5070: 5065: 5058: 5053: 5046: 5041: 5039: 5031: 5026: 5024: 5016: 5011: 5003: 4999: 4995: 4991: 4987: 4983: 4979: 4975: 4971: 4967: 4966: 4958: 4951: 4946: 4939: 4934: 4915: 4911: 4907: 4903: 4899: 4895: 4891: 4887: 4883: 4879: 4875: 4868: 4861: 4853: 4849: 4845: 4841: 4834: 4827: 4820: 4815: 4808: 4803: 4795: 4791: 4787: 4783: 4779: 4775: 4771: 4767: 4760: 4753: 4748: 4742:, p. 53. 4741: 4740:Le Sueur 2010 4736: 4730:, p. 32. 4729: 4728:Le Sueur 2010 4724: 4717: 4716:Le Sueur 2010 4712: 4705: 4704:Garavini 2019 4700: 4693: 4688: 4681: 4676: 4669: 4664: 4657: 4652: 4645: 4640: 4633: 4628: 4626: 4624: 4616: 4611: 4604: 4599: 4592: 4587: 4585: 4583: 4581: 4573: 4568: 4561: 4556: 4549: 4548:Garavini 2019 4544: 4537: 4536:Garavini 2019 4532: 4525: 4524:Garavini 2019 4520: 4513: 4512:Garavini 2019 4508: 4501: 4500:Garavini 2019 4496: 4494: 4477: 4473: 4469: 4462: 4455: 4450: 4448: 4446: 4438: 4433: 4431: 4423: 4418: 4411: 4410:Garavini 2019 4406: 4399: 4398:Garavini 2019 4394: 4392: 4385:, p. 58. 4384: 4383:Shwadran 2019 4379: 4377: 4375: 4358: 4354: 4348: 4346: 4338: 4333: 4324: 4315: 4308: 4302: 4295: 4291: 4285: 4269: 4265: 4259: 4252: 4247: 4245: 4237: 4232: 4230: 4222: 4217: 4215: 4213: 4211: 4209: 4207: 4205: 4203: 4195: 4190: 4183: 4178: 4170: 4163: 4156: 4151: 4144: 4139: 4123: 4119: 4115: 4109: 4102: 4097: 4090: 4085: 4069: 4065: 4059: 4044: 4040: 4033: 4017: 4013: 4007: 3991: 3987: 3981: 3974: 3969: 3967: 3959: 3954: 3952: 3950: 3948: 3939: 3935: 3931: 3927: 3923: 3919: 3912: 3910: 3901: 3889: 3885: 3881: 3877: 3873: 3869: 3865: 3861: 3857: 3852: 3844: 3837: 3832: 3830: 3828: 3826: 3817: 3813: 3809: 3805: 3801: 3797: 3793: 3792:MERIP Reports 3786: 3784: 3782: 3774: 3769: 3767: 3759: 3754: 3752: 3750: 3748: 3746: 3738: 3733: 3731: 3729: 3721: 3716: 3709: 3704: 3697: 3692: 3690: 3688: 3686: 3684: 3676: 3671: 3664: 3659: 3652: 3647: 3645: 3643: 3641: 3639: 3637: 3628: 3624: 3620: 3613: 3606: 3602: 3599: 3595: 3591: 3590:Simcha Dinitz 3585: 3578: 3573: 3566: 3561: 3559: 3557: 3555: 3547: 3542: 3540: 3538: 3530: 3525: 3523: 3521: 3513: 3508: 3501: 3496: 3494: 3486: 3481: 3474: 3469: 3462: 3457: 3455: 3447: 3442: 3435: 3430: 3422: 3418: 3414: 3410: 3406: 3402: 3398: 3394: 3390: 3383: 3376: 3371: 3369: 3367: 3365: 3363: 3361: 3359: 3357: 3355: 3346: 3340: 3336: 3329: 3321: 3317: 3313: 3309: 3305: 3301: 3298:(#2): 65–90. 3297: 3293: 3286: 3278: 3272: 3268: 3261: 3253: 3247: 3243: 3242: 3234: 3232: 3230: 3222: 3209: 3205: 3199: 3195: 3194: 3186: 3178: 3174: 3170: 3166: 3161: 3155: 3147: 3143: 3139: 3135: 3131: 3127: 3120: 3113: 3111: 3102: 3098: 3094: 3090: 3087:(#4): 49–54. 3086: 3082: 3075: 3073: 3064: 3063:j.ctt5vkxqd.8 3060: 3056: 3050: 3046: 3039: 3031: 3025: 3021: 3014: 3006: 3002: 2998: 2994: 2990: 2986: 2979: 2971: 2967: 2963: 2959: 2955: 2951: 2947: 2943: 2936: 2929: 2924: 2922: 2920: 2918: 2902: 2896: 2892: 2891: 2883: 2881: 2873: 2868: 2866: 2864: 2862: 2860: 2858: 2849: 2843: 2839: 2834: 2826: 2824: 2822: 2813: 2807: 2803: 2796: 2780: 2776: 2770: 2766: 2765: 2757: 2749: 2743: 2739: 2732: 2730: 2728: 2719: 2715: 2711: 2707: 2700: 2692: 2686: 2678: 2677:"Six-Day War" 2672: 2664: 2658: 2650: 2644: 2636: 2630: 2614: 2610: 2606: 2600: 2598: 2581: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2563: 2561: 2551: 2543: 2537: 2533: 2522: 2518: 2516: 2513: 2511: 2508: 2506: 2503: 2501: 2498: 2496: 2493: 2491: 2488: 2486: 2483: 2481: 2478: 2476: 2473: 2472: 2467: 2466:Energy portal 2461: 2456: 2445: 2438: 2433: 2426: 2421: 2414: 2409: 2405: 2401: 2394: 2389: 2388: 2382: 2380: 2375: 2373: 2369: 2365: 2361: 2357: 2347: 2345: 2341: 2337: 2336:nuclear power 2333: 2329: 2324: 2322: 2321:Caspian Basin 2318: 2314: 2310: 2300: 2297: 2296:Iran-Iraq war 2292: 2289: 2282: 2267: 2265: 2261: 2257: 2254: 2250: 2246: 2240: 2236: 2234: 2230: 2226: 2222: 2218: 2214: 2210: 2206: 2205:Oldsmobile 98 2202: 2201:Buick Electra 2198: 2194: 2190: 2185: 2181: 2177: 2173: 2168: 2166: 2161: 2157: 2153: 2152:Chevrolet LUV 2149: 2146:(sold as the 2145: 2141: 2137: 2132: 2130: 2126: 2122: 2118: 2114: 2109: 2107: 2103: 2099: 2095: 2091: 2087: 2083: 2079: 2078:Ford Maverick 2075: 2071: 2067: 2066:Renault LeCar 2063: 2059: 2055: 2050: 2048: 2044: 2040: 2036: 2032: 2028: 2024: 2020: 2016: 2012: 2008: 2004: 2000: 1996: 1995:Toyota Corona 1991: 1989: 1982: 1978: 1972: 1966: 1959:United States 1956: 1953: 1948: 1946: 1942: 1938: 1934: 1930: 1926: 1922: 1918: 1913: 1911: 1907: 1903: 1900:(sold as the 1899: 1895: 1891: 1890:Fiat 127 1887: 1883: 1879: 1874: 1865: 1856: 1853: 1845: 1834: 1831: 1827: 1824: 1820: 1817: 1813: 1810: 1806: 1803: –  1802: 1798: 1797:Find sources: 1791: 1787: 1781: 1780: 1775:This section 1773: 1769: 1764: 1763: 1755: 1753: 1749: 1745: 1741: 1737: 1733: 1728: 1726: 1722: 1718: 1714: 1710: 1706: 1702: 1698: 1694: 1690: 1685: 1683: 1679: 1674: 1672: 1666: 1657: 1655: 1650: 1647: 1643: 1639: 1635: 1625: 1616: 1612: 1610: 1606: 1601: 1592: 1589: 1585: 1582: 1578: 1575: 1570: 1563:United States 1560: 1558: 1553: 1550: 1546: 1545:Golan Heights 1542: 1537: 1527: 1524: 1522: 1518: 1513: 1508: 1505: 1494: 1492: 1488: 1484: 1479: 1477: 1473: 1468: 1461: 1457: 1454:A woman uses 1452: 1443: 1440: 1435: 1433: 1429: 1424: 1422: 1418: 1415:In 1975, the 1413: 1411: 1407: 1403: 1398: 1396: 1388: 1384: 1379: 1375: 1373: 1369: 1365: 1361: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1342:United States 1334: 1332: 1326: 1324: 1320: 1316: 1308: 1303: 1299: 1296: 1294: 1290: 1286: 1282: 1280: 1275: 1270: 1268: 1264: 1260: 1255: 1247: 1241:United States 1233: 1229: 1227: 1223: 1218: 1212: 1210: 1206: 1195: 1193: 1188: 1184: 1183:South Vietnam 1174: 1172: 1171:The Emergency 1162: 1158: 1156: 1145: 1143: 1138: 1127: 1125: 1121: 1115: 1113: 1109: 1108:Harold Wilson 1105: 1100: 1091: 1089: 1079: 1076: 1070: 1068: 1062: 1059: 1054: 1050: 1048: 1044: 1034: 1025: 1021: 1012: 1010: 1006: 1001: 999: 993: 991: 985: 983: 979: 975: 971: 967: 966:Michel Jobert 963: 959: 954: 952: 947: 943: 939: 935: 931: 921: 917: 908: 905: 901: 895: 891: 888: 878: 873: 869: 856: 853: 850: 847: 843: 840: 836: 833: 829: 826: 823: 820: 816: 813: 810: 806: 803: 799: 796: 793: 790: 786: 783: 780: 776: 772: 768: 764: 760: 756: 753: 749: 745: 742: 738: 735: 732: 728: 724: 721: 717: 713: 709: 706: 702: 698: 697: 696: 692: 682: 678: 674: 672: 671:Daniel Yergin 668: 663: 659: 657: 652: 646: 644: 639: 634: 632: 631:The Protocols 628: 627:The Protocols 624: 613: 611: 605: 601: 597: 595: 589: 587: 583: 578: 575: 569: 566: 562: 558: 554: 553:Richard Nixon 548: 545: 541: 537: 533: 529: 528:Golan Heights 525: 521: 511: 508: 503: 497: 494: 488: 486: 482: 478: 477:Arab Cold War 474: 470: 465: 463: 462: 457: 456: 451: 450: 445: 441: 437: 432: 430: 426: 422: 418: 408: 404: 401: 397: 396: 391: 387: 382: 380: 375: 373: 369: 365: 361: 356: 354: 350: 346: 342: 341:Seven Sisters 339:In 1963, the 337: 335: 331: 327: 323: 319: 315: 311: 307: 297: 295: 289: 286: 285:price ceiling 281: 280:George Shultz 277: 276:Richard Nixon 272: 269: 265: 261: 257: 253: 242: 240: 239:Richard Nixon 236: 232: 228: 224: 220: 216: 212: 207: 205: 201: 197: 194:, which also 193: 190: 186: 182: 178: 174: 170: 155: 153: 149: 145: 141: 137: 133: 129: 125: 121: 120:United States 117: 113: 109: 105: 101: 97: 93: 89: 85: 81: 77: 73: 63: 51: 39: 30: 19: 12879:October 2008 12761:Samba effect 12617:(1987–2000s) 12512:Steel crisis 12490: 12335:Black Monday 12313:Encilhamento 12253:Black Friday 12060: 12016:(235–284 CE) 11884:Credit cycle 11706:Schlumberger 11636:Baker Hughes 11528:Marathon Oil 11518:Imperial Oil 11513:Husky Energy 11503:Galp Energia 11493:Devon Energy 11379:Saudi Aramco 11359:Petrovietnam 11304:NNPC Limited 11208:National oil 11088:Petrofiction 11056:Orphan wells 11024:Other topics 10995:Persian Gulf 10922:Saudi Arabia 10892:Standard Oil 10836: 10700:Well logging 10577:Petrophysics 10248:Brinkmanship 10140:intelligence 10029:Marius Oprea 9979:Harvey Klehr 9909:Herbert Feis 9899:Willem Drees 9864:Archie Brown 9781: 9769: 9751: 9741:Trybuna Ludu 9739: 9732: 9728:Radio Moscow 9720: 9713: 9706: 9534:Anti-Zionism 9450: 9373:Keynesianism 9361:Conservatism 9225:Transnistria 9205:China-Taiwan 8862:Gera Demands 8735: 8628: 8536: 8411: 8216:El Porteñazo 8110:Congo Crisis 8025: 7960:Algerian War 7943: 7819:Western Bloc 7814:Eastern Bloc 7809:Iron Curtain 7665: 7657: 7649: 7626: 7606: 7598: 7515:Soviet Union 7513: 7506: 7452: 7442:The Guardian 7441: 7430: 7401: 7367: 7335: 7314: 7294: 7269: 7265: 7245: 7225: 7205: 7185: 7168:. Springer. 7164: 7143: 7117: 7113: 7086: 7065: 7045: 7026: 7001: 6997: 6978: 6959: 6940: 6918: 6882: 6862: 6853: 6849: 6816: 6812: 6793: 6774: 6745: 6720: 6700: 6681: 6662: 6643: 6624: 6605: 6581: 6558: 6551:Bibliography 6537:. Retrieved 6523: 6515:the original 6505: 6495:September 3, 6493:. Retrieved 6478: 6470: 6465: 6457: 6452: 6443: 6391: 6380: 6371: 6362: 6350:. Retrieved 6335: 6327: 6318: 6310:the original 6305: 6295: 6286: 6278: 6273: 6259: 6251: 6246: 6234:. Retrieved 6225: 6215: 6188: 6177:The National 6176: 6167: 6154: 6145: 6137: 6133: 6121:. Retrieved 6112: 6102: 6090:. Retrieved 6086:the original 6076: 6064: 6052:. Retrieved 6045:the original 6040: 6027: 6019:the original 6014:BusinessWeek 6012: 6002: 5990:. Retrieved 5986:the original 5975: 5955: 5948: 5930: 5918:. Retrieved 5913: 5904: 5892:. Retrieved 5887: 5878: 5869: 5863: 5854: 5848: 5836:. Retrieved 5832:the original 5826: 5820: 5812: 5807: 5799: 5794: 5777: 5773: 5767: 5736:. Retrieved 5732:the original 5727: 5718: 5706:. Retrieved 5702:the original 5697: 5688: 5659: 5647:. Retrieved 5627: 5585: 5561:Skinner 2017 5535: 5523: 5496:. Retrieved 5492:the original 5482: 5473: 5467: 5450: 5446: 5424: 5416: 5411: 5403: 5398: 5389: 5380: 5372: 5367: 5359: 5355: 5343: 5331:. Retrieved 5327: 5317: 5310:Dorfman 1979 5305: 5298:Dorfman 1979 5293: 5274: 5255: 5243: 5231: 5219: 5207: 5153: 5149: 5139: 5103: 5098:, p. 4. 5076: 5064: 5052: 5032:, p. 3. 5010: 4969: 4963: 4957: 4945: 4933: 4921:. Retrieved 4914:the original 4877: 4874:Econometrica 4873: 4860: 4843: 4839: 4826: 4814: 4802: 4769: 4765: 4759: 4747: 4735: 4723: 4711: 4699: 4687: 4675: 4663: 4651: 4639: 4610: 4598: 4567: 4555: 4543: 4531: 4519: 4507: 4480:. Retrieved 4471: 4461: 4417: 4405: 4361:. Retrieved 4332: 4323: 4314: 4306: 4301: 4289: 4284: 4272:. Retrieved 4258: 4189: 4177: 4168: 4162: 4150: 4138: 4126:. Retrieved 4122:the original 4117: 4108: 4096: 4084: 4072:. Retrieved 4067: 4058: 4046:. Retrieved 4042: 4032: 4020:. Retrieved 4015: 4006: 3994:. Retrieved 3989: 3980: 3921: 3917: 3900:Project MUSE 3898:– via 3892:. Retrieved 3862:(#2): 3–40. 3859: 3855: 3843: 3791: 3715: 3703: 3670: 3658: 3627:the original 3622: 3612: 3594:Peter Rodman 3584: 3572: 3507: 3480: 3468: 3441: 3429: 3396: 3392: 3382: 3334: 3328: 3295: 3291: 3285: 3266: 3260: 3240: 3219: 3212:. Retrieved 3192: 3185: 3168: 3164: 3159: 3154: 3129: 3125: 3084: 3080: 3044: 3038: 3019: 3013: 2991:(#1): 5–26. 2988: 2984: 2978: 2945: 2941: 2935: 2906:September 6, 2904:. Retrieved 2889: 2837: 2801: 2795: 2783:. Retrieved 2763: 2756: 2737: 2709: 2705: 2699: 2685: 2671: 2657: 2643: 2629: 2617:. Retrieved 2608: 2584:. Retrieved 2550: 2536: 2510:Supply shock 2376: 2356:Persian Gulf 2353: 2325: 2306: 2293: 2284: 2270:Consequences 2241: 2237: 2169: 2148:Ford Courier 2140:Datsun Truck 2136:Toyota Hilux 2133: 2110: 2051: 2027:Honda Accord 1992: 1980: 1974: 1949: 1914: 1910:Citroën Visa 1875: 1871: 1863: 1848: 1842:October 2017 1839: 1829: 1822: 1815: 1808: 1796: 1784:Please help 1779:verification 1776: 1742:held by the 1732:pro-American 1729: 1713:Saudi Arabia 1699:in Mecca by 1686: 1682:Persian Gulf 1675: 1667: 1663: 1651: 1631: 1622: 1613: 1602: 1598: 1588:Edward Heath 1566: 1533: 1525: 1509: 1500: 1497:Macroeconomy 1480: 1469: 1465: 1436: 1425: 1414: 1399: 1392: 1368:Bill Clinton 1345: 1327: 1315:Pennsylvania 1312: 1297: 1283: 1271: 1252: 1230: 1224:regime. The 1221: 1216: 1213: 1208: 1204: 1201: 1191: 1180: 1168: 1159: 1151: 1137:Edward Heath 1133: 1116: 1101: 1097: 1085: 1071: 1063: 1055: 1051: 1039: 1022: 1018: 1002: 994: 986: 982:Peter Walker 955: 946:Yakubu Gowon 941: 926: 914: 903: 899: 896: 892: 883: 759:Saudi Arabia 694: 679: 675: 666: 664: 660: 647: 635: 630: 626: 622: 619: 606: 602: 598: 594:Robert Lacey 590: 579: 570: 549: 520:Bar Lev Line 517: 506: 501: 498: 489: 466: 459: 453: 447: 433: 414: 405: 393: 383: 376: 357: 338: 334:posted price 322:Saudi Arabia 303: 290: 273: 248: 208: 196:nationalized 181:several wars 179:, including 166: 136:price of oil 132:South Africa 69: 29: 13156:(2017–2018) 13141:(2016–2022) 13097:(2014–2022) 12857:(2007–2009) 12822:(2003–2008) 12771:(2000–2004) 12720:(1994–1996) 12698:(1992–1994) 12683:(1991–2000) 12647:(1990–1992) 12639:(1990–1992) 12609:(1986–1995) 12572:(1982–1994) 12562:(1982–2007) 12544:(1980–1982) 12522:(1975–1982) 12514:(1973–1982) 12485:(1973–1980) 12475:(1973–1982) 12446:(1945–1973) 12411:(1921–1923) 12403:(1917–1924) 12393:(1918–1939) 12315:(1890–1893) 12268:(1870–1914) 12210:(1845–1856) 12170:(1815–1816) 12119:(1769–1784) 12102:(1760–1840) 12065:(1621–1623) 12047:(1544–1551) 12029:(1000–1760) 11928:Flash crash 11898:Debt crisis 11676:Halliburton 11548:Phillips 66 11369:QatarEnergy 11339:Petrobangla 11274:KazMunayGas 11164:Supermajors 11113:heavy crude 11000:Prudhoe Bay 10980:Niger Delta 10960:Caspian Sea 10723:Concessions 10673:Measurement 10639:Geosteering 10622:Squeeze job 10532:Exploration 10481:Consumption 10440:Consumption 10433:Natural gas 10362:Bonny Light 10074:Shen Zhihua 9884:Michael Cox 9816:competition 9763:Pro-Western 9753:Soviet Life 9679:Safari Club 9649:Warsaw Pact 9504:Nationalism 9494:Imperialism 9393:Reaganomics 9256:Containment 9049:Perestroika 8538:Realpolitik 8368:Six-Day War 8353:Greek junta 8164:Berlin Wall 8012:Suez Crisis 7980:Vietnam War 7867:McCarthyism 7682:Baruch Plan 7627:Unthinkable 7587:Dekemvriana 7526:Warsaw Pact 6979:The Kingdom 6910:j.ctt7zv8c6 6740:Frum, David 6429:Brogan 1989 5528:Karnow 1983 5516:Karnow 1983 5248:Jasper 1990 5156:(4): 4–30. 5108:Jasper 1990 5096:Jasper 1990 5081:Jasper 1990 5069:Jasper 1990 5057:Jasper 1990 5045:Jasper 1990 5030:Jasper 1990 4923:February 3, 4128:October 31, 3337:. Praeger. 2340:natural gas 2313:Caspian Sea 2294:During the 2180:Ford Fiesta 2144:Mazda Truck 2011:Honda Civic 2003:Datsun B210 1981:Motor Trend 1965:Malaise era 1941:Opel Kadett 1898:Opel Kadett 1894:Ford Fiesta 1671:Anwar Sadat 1660:Arab states 1584:Lord Cromer 1569:Third World 1504:stagflation 1370:signed the 1331:Gerald Ford 1209:Estado Novo 1205:Estado Novo 868:Nixon shock 716:Anwar Sadat 555:authorized 536:Six-Day War 469:Anwar Sadat 452:, Lebanese 417:Suez Crisis 395:Nixon Shock 390:gold window 294:long summer 211:Six-Day War 185:Suez Crisis 177:Middle East 112:Netherlands 96:Six-Day War 76:oil embargo 13312:Categories 11949:Accounting 11726:Transocean 11593:Tullow Oil 11583:TechnipFMC 11349:PetroChina 11187:ExxonMobil 11093:Shale band 10970:East Texas 10943:and fields 10757:Downstream 10710:Production 10617:Completion 10545:Geophysics 10486:Production 10445:Production 10382:Indonesian 10357:Argus Sour 10349:Benchmarks 9842:Historians 9833:Space Race 9734:Rudé právo 9688:Propaganda 9544:Neo-Nazism 9514:Chauvinism 9468:Trotskyism 9383:Monetarism 9351:Liberalism 9343:Capitalism 9335:Ideologies 9286:Ostpolitik 9009:Solidarity 8974:Toyota War 8877:Solidarity 8734:Operation 8689:Ogaden War 8378:Dhofar War 8266:Shifta War 8024:Operation 7872:Korean War 7664:Operation 7656:Operation 7648:Operation 7625:Operation 7605:Operation 7597:Operation 6539:August 25, 6092:August 25, 5992:August 14, 5838:August 23, 5800:BUL Review 4692:Lacey 1981 4680:Lacey 1981 4668:Lacey 1981 4656:Lacey 1981 4644:Lacey 1981 4632:Lacey 1981 4615:Lacey 1981 4603:Lacey 1981 4591:Lacey 1981 4572:Lacey 1981 4560:Lacey 1981 4454:Lacey 1981 4437:Lacey 1981 4422:Lacey 1981 4251:Lacey 1981 4236:Lacey 1981 4221:Lacey 1981 4194:Lacey 1981 4182:Lacey 1981 4155:Lacey 1981 4143:Lacey 1981 4101:Lacey 1981 4089:Lacey 1981 3973:Lacey 1981 3958:Lacey 1981 3836:Lacey 1981 3773:Lacey 1981 3758:Lacey 1981 3737:Lacey 1981 3720:Lacey 1981 3708:Lacey 1981 3696:Lacey 1981 3675:Lacey 1981 3663:Lacey 1981 3651:Lacey 1981 3598:Transcript 3577:Lacey 1981 3565:Lacey 1981 3546:Lacey 1981 3529:Lacey 1981 3512:Lacey 1981 3500:Lacey 1981 3485:Lacey 1981 3473:Lacey 1981 3461:Lacey 1981 3446:Lacey 1981 3434:Lacey 1981 3375:Lacey 1981 3171:(11): 36. 2928:Lacey 1981 2872:Lacey 1981 2586:August 30, 2529:References 2315:, and the 2172:Dodge Omni 2160:Dodge D-50 2125:Datsun 810 2074:Ford Pinto 2070:Fiat Brava 2068:, and the 2019:Dodge Colt 1969:See also: 1963:See also: 1925:Fiat Ritmo 1878:hatchbacks 1812:newspapers 1432:insulation 1329:president 1015:Oil weapon 974:St. Moritz 846:Suez Canal 727:Yom Kippur 685:Chronology 651:Lê Đức Thọ 540:Golda Meir 473:backgammon 458:and Iraqi 377:Under the 200:Suez Canal 171:there was 158:Background 118:, and the 13348:Inflation 13333:Embargoes 13207:Recession 12200:1840–1870 11721:TC Energy 11622:companies 11452:Trafigura 11399:Sonatrach 11344:Petrobras 11334:Pertamina 11244:Ecopetrol 11210:companies 11154:companies 11152:petroleum 11128:tight oil 11123:oil shale 11118:oil sands 11098:Shale gas 11039:sweet oil 11010:Venezuela 10985:North Sea 10941:Provinces 10932:Venezuela 10779:Midstream 10474:Petroleum 10334:Petroleum 10129:Ken Young 9974:Tony Judt 9823:Arms race 9796:Red Scare 9664:NN States 9609:Apartheid 9564:Autocracy 9473:Stalinism 9441:Guevarism 9431:Castroism 9421:Communism 9413:Socialism 8939:Star Wars 8532:Koza riot 7658:Beleaguer 7650:Masterdom 7286:0963-6412 7134:0172-6404 6841:154574932 6833:0020-8183 6123:April 10, 5760:Frum 2000 5681:Frum 2000 5664:Frum 2000 5620:Frum 2000 5348:Frum 2000 5333:April 20, 5212:Frum 2000 5178:229320279 5170:1520-3972 5015:Frum 2000 4894:0012-9682 4794:143275445 4363:August 7, 3876:1531-3298 3808:0047-7265 3421:232272500 3413:2152-0844 3399:: 49–68. 3312:0377-919X 3177:0098-1818 3138:1086-1653 3101:0577-5132 3005:2043-8567 2962:0026-3141 2379:Venezuela 2309:North Sea 2266:sedans). 2197:Fleetwood 2023:Subaru DL 1744:Ba'athist 1472:Proálcool 1460:fireplace 1439:wheelbase 1222:apartheid 1112:Ted Heath 930:Wahhabism 771:Abu Dhabi 643:Abu Dhabi 461:Al-Thawra 444:Nasserism 364:Indonesia 314:Venezuela 252:Venezuela 13378:Scarcity 13358:Peak oil 11863:Bank run 11809:Category 11716:Subsea 7 11696:Petrofac 11691:NOV Inc. 11671:GE Power 11666:Enbridge 11620:services 11442:Mercuria 11432:Glencore 11394:Sonangol 11354:Petronas 11289:Naftogaz 11061:Peak oil 11044:sour oil 10799:Upstream 10794:Refining 10789:Pipeline 10745:Pumpjack 10740:Gas lift 10661:invasion 10604:Drilling 10491:Reserves 10450:Reserves 10281:Timeline 10271:Category 10216:See also 9708:Izvestia 9549:Islamism 9446:Hoxhaism 9321:Rollback 9200:Abkhazia 9140:Gulf War 9044:Glasnost 8414:incident 8184:Sand War 8042:Ifni War 7551:Rio Pact 7496:Cold War 7400:(1982). 7365:(1991). 6939:(1990). 6766:42792139 6742:(2000). 6579:(2009). 6533:Archived 6489:Archived 6352:June 25, 6346:Archived 6230:Archived 6181:Archived 6117:Archived 5938:Archived 5920:March 1, 5894:March 1, 5786:40923435 5640:Archived 5498:July 25, 5002:32464021 4994:17775008 4910:59443781 4482:June 25, 4476:Archived 4357:Archived 4274:June 25, 4268:Archived 3938:44376141 3888:Archived 3884:57566713 3601:Archived 3214:June 20, 3208:Archived 3146:24562081 2785:June 21, 2779:Archived 2718:24145533 2613:Archived 2609:CBC News 2580:Archived 2452:See also 2317:Caucasus 2245:Chrysler 2189:Chrysler 2182:and the 2167:policy. 2138:and the 2108:models. 2092:and the 2029:all had 1748:Iraq War 1693:Islamism 1543:and the 1408:and the 1383:Potlatch 1323:Arkansas 1067:NIMBYism 1058:gasoline 802:Rhodesia 718:meet in 582:Rhodesia 565:materiel 455:An-Nahar 449:Al-Ahram 423:and the 128:Rhodesia 124:Portugal 11963:Funding 11956:Capital 11384:Sinopec 11374:Rosneft 11254:Gazprom 11249:Equinor 11177:Chevron 10824:History 10690:Tracers 10612:Blowout 10501:Exports 10496:Imports 10460:Exports 10455:Imports 9771:Amerika 9654:Comecon 9539:Fascism 9529:Zionism 9478:Titoism 9019:Contras 8487:Détente 7764:Comecon 7018:2600627 6236:May 29, 5738:June 7, 5708:June 7, 5649:June 7, 5371:Sobel, 4974:Bibcode 4965:Science 4902:1913712 4786:2200513 4074:May 22, 4048:May 22, 4022:May 22, 3996:May 22, 3894:July 2, 3816:3011294 3320:2536897 2970:4330033 2619:May 29, 2368:Algeria 2364:Nigeria 2344:ethanol 2158:as the 2098:Gremlin 2043:unibody 2021:), the 1952:saloons 1826:scholar 1705:Al-Hasa 1701:Wahhabi 1476:ethanol 1387:revival 862:Effects 839:Algeria 522:in the 353:Nigeria 345:Algeria 310:Baghdad 235:embargo 175:in the 13133:(2016) 12779:(2001) 12763:(1999) 12580:(1982) 12419:(1927) 12366:(1910) 12337:(1894) 12307:(1890) 12299:(1886) 12255:(1869) 12089:(1720) 12081:(1720) 12073:(1637) 11970:Market 11750:Others 11701:Saipem 11598:Tüpraş 11588:TNK-BP 11573:Sunoco 11563:Repsol 11523:Lukoil 11466:Others 11437:Gunvor 11071:timing 11005:Russia 10917:Norway 10902:France 10897:Canada 9722:Pravda 9524:Racism 9463:Maoism 9215:Kosovo 8736:Condor 8412:Pueblo 8398:May 68 8026:Gladio 7944:Tuapse 7607:Jungle 7599:Priboi 7408:  7384:online 7375:  7351:  7322:  7301:  7284:  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The 142:($ 19/ 140:barrel 130:, and 114:, the 110:, the 104:Canada 80:Israel 11617:Major 11483:Cepsa 11457:Vitol 11427:Enron 11389:SOCAR 11329:Pemex 11324:PDVSA 11319:Orlen 11284:Lotos 11224:ANCAP 11192:Shell 11149:Major 10907:India 10511:Price 10465:Price 10407:Urals 10402:Tapis 10372:Dubai 10367:Brent 10207:Stasi 9674:SAARC 9669:ASEAN 9634:SEATO 9487:Other 9452:Juche 9210:Korea 9123:1990s 8836:1980s 8480:1970s 8103:1960s 7855:1950s 7565:1940s 7546:NEATO 7541:SEATO 7531:ANZUS 7110:(PDF) 7014:JSTOR 6906:JSTOR 6837:S2CID 6048:(PDF) 6037:(PDF) 5782:JSTOR 5643:(PDF) 5636:(PDF) 5174:S2CID 4998:S2CID 4917:(PDF) 4906:S2CID 4898:JSTOR 4870:(PDF) 4836:(PDF) 4790:S2CID 4782:JSTOR 3934:JSTOR 3880:S2CID 3812:JSTOR 3417:S2CID 3316:JSTOR 3142:JSTOR 3122:(PDF) 3059:JSTOR 2966:JSTOR 2714:JSTOR 2372:Libya 2334:from 2156:Forte 2106:Pacer 1833:JSTOR 1819:books 1717:Sunni 1638:Chile 1619:Japan 1458:in a 1389:hall. 1267:Exxon 1075:noses 789:Libya 779:Qatar 507:jihad 368:Qatar 360:Libya 349:Libya 274:When 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First oil shock

West Texas Intermediate
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
oil embargo
Yom Kippur War
Six-Day War
Faisal of Saudi Arabia
United Kingdom
United States
South Africa
price of oil
1979 oil crisis
Iranian Revolution
declared independence in 1948
conflict between Arabs and Israelis
Middle East
several wars
Suez Crisis

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.