
International Religious Freedom Act of 1998

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freedom, using both positive and negative incentives. H.R.2431 affected a handful of countries and religious groups, with mandatory sanctions if a persecution monitoring "tzar" in the White House found that persecution was "widespread and ongoing" "when such persecution includes abduction, enslavement, killing, imprisonment, forced mass resettlement, rape, or crucifixion, or other forms of torture". This definition was so extreme as to exclude most countries in which gross violations of international religious freedom take place. IRFA, in contrast, used the internationally recognized definitions of "gross violations of human rights" in the requirement to take action in persecuting countries, on behalf of any religious believers. Further, IRFA put in place a comprehensive structure headed by a high-ranking diplomat who could negotiate with other governments on behalf of the President, rather than a mid-level White House official tasked with making findings, under FRPA. IRFA also established the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, which requires US embassies all over the world to interact with their counterparts and NGO's in the process of reporting, as well as requiring the US to state what efforts it has undertaken to promote religious freedom. In addition to the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, and the Annual Report, the cornerstone of IRFA is the requirement that each year the President review and determine whether any country has met the threshold, based on international human rights law, of "Country of Particular Concern" or CPC, engaging in or tolerating "particularly severe violations of religious freedom." The CPC determinations lead to a consultation and negotiations process resulting in a range of actions and sanctions if the offenses are not addressed. Based on similar successful provisions in trade law, IRFA included a ground-breaking provision that the goal of these negotiations was to secure a "Binding Agreement" to cease the violations. In such a case, sanctions would be withheld. In a landmark first for human rights, after designating Vietnam a CPC, Ambassador
Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute. This forced several important changes to H.R. 2431, including moving the persecution "tzar" contained in H.R.2431 from the White House to the State Department, and an agreement to allow Rep. Brady to offer a floor amendment to H.R.2431 if he would withdraw his amendment in committee. Rep. Brady withdrew his amendment in committee, and added several provisions from S.1868 to H.R.2431 during the general vote on H.R. 2431, which passed the House on May 14, 1998, by a vote of 375–41, and was subsequently sent to the Senate. However, H.R. 2431 was never considered by the Senate. S.1868 was sponsored by many senators in addition to Majority Whip Don Nickles, including powerful Foreign Relations chairman Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC). Despite initial opposition from the State Department, the White House and advocates of H.R. 2431, S.1868 eventually passed the Senate 98–0. Because this vote was one of the last substantive votes of the 105th Congress, the House agreed to take the Senate version in its entirety, as there was no time for a conference. Accordingly, the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 was renumbered in the Senate as S. 3789, an Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2431, and then passed on to the House, where it was voted in on the consent calendar on October 10, 1998.
is known as the Office of International Religious Freedom, headed by the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, who wields the authority to negotiate on behalf of the President with other governments, and oversees the Annual Report and the designation of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC). Title I also details the composition of the Annual Report on International Religious Freedom. Title II creates the Commission on International Religious Freedom and Title III a special advisor to the president on international religious freedom within the National Security Council. The crux of the Act lies in Title IV. Title IV details the requirement that the President annually review and determine whether any country has met the CPC threshold, based in international human rights law, of "engaging in or tolerating particularly severe violations of religious freedom". Any designation then leads to a series of negotiations and consultations resulting in a number of possible actions available to the president, in consultation of the secretary of state, the ambassador at large, the National Security Council special advisor, and the commission, design a response to those countries. In practice this authority of the President is delegated to the Secretary of State and the Ambassador.
24: 563:. The IRF office has the mission of promoting religious freedom as a core objective of US foreign policy. The Office Director and the staff monitor religious persecution and discrimination worldwide, and assist in recommending and implementing policies in respective regions or countries. The Ambassador oversees the IRF office and is the highest-ranking US advocate for international religious freedom, serving as primary adviser advisor on this issue to the President and the Secretary of State. In negotiations abroad dealing with religious freedom, the Ambassador outranks the country ambassador. 454: 335:(appointed by George W. Bush as IRF Ambassador from 2002 to 2009) secured a Binding Agreement under IRFA with Vietnam. Reversing the violations that had led to CPC designation, Vietnam issued a decree ordering the cessation of its practice of forced renunciations of faith, released all known religious prisoners, and allowed hundreds of churches it had shut down to re-open. To date this is the only Binding Agreement secured under IRFA, but it demonstrates the IRFA policy goal of securing systemic change rather than mere punishment. 202:
structure to address religious freedom issues in depth all over the world. On October 8, 1998, the Senate passed IRFA by a vote of 98–0. IRFA was renumbered as Amendment S. 3789 to H.R.2431, so that the Senate version could be adopted in its entirety as an amendment in the nature of a substitute to H.R.2431, including its title, the "International Religious Freedom Act." IRFA was passed in full by the House on the consent calendar on October 10, 1998.
744: 659:
and monitoring authority, including the authority to hold hearings. While the Department of State report contains a detailed country-by-country analysis of religious freedom, the commission's report covers few countries, but makes policy recommendations to the executive and legislative branches of the government. The Commission report also reviews and analyzes the work of Department of State.
religious persecution, or to choose from remedies outlined in Sec. 405 of the Act. This section offers the president fifteen options to exercise against countries engaging in religious persecution, ranging from private negotiations to sanctions, or a "commensurate action" not listed in IRFA but which would serve the purpose of advancing religious freedom. These include
763:. Meng said that "this legislation would be a new and important tool in our fight against the desecration of cemeteries" because it would "combat religiously-motivated vandalism of cemeteries and also prevent developers from building over cemeteries, a new and emerging threat in places where there are no Jewish communities left to protect burial grounds." 714:(ICCPR), religious freedom is one of the most fundamental human rights outlined. This right explicitly includes the freedom to change religious faith or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance. All the members of the 175:, who is the highest-ranking US diplomat on international religious freedom, and who is tasked with carrying out the provisions of IRFA: the Annual Report, negotiations with foreign governments to bring about greater religious freedom, and the determination of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC's) under IRFA, which entails further actions. 693:. The First Amendment explicitly guarantees the fundamental right of religious freedom and liberty to practice any faith as according to one's choice. Their contention made, to this is that the United States has the duty to uphold this fundamental right. During a speech about the Act, on October 9, 1998, IRFA co-sponsor Senator 731:
intervention as means to uphold these rights abroad. The rejoinder would be that the US can prioritize those rights it holds most dear in its interaction with other states, and that IRFA is a means to help other nations secure freedoms to which they have already committed themselves, but may not in fact uphold.
awards for working to promote human rights. Title VI requires appropriate training for asylum officers (domestic), refugee officers (abroad) and judges. The final provision of the Act, Title VII contains miscellaneous provisions, including 701, which urges transnational corporations to adopt codes of
and Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) on May 27, 1997 and then reintroduced as H.R. 2431 on September 9, 1997. During consideration of H.R. 2431 in the House International Relations Committee (HIRC) on April 1, 1998, Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) proposed the text of S.1868, just introduced in the Senate, as an
As per the Act, the Congress and the President are obligated to take into account the various issues of religious freedom while developing the country's foreign policy. Under Title I of the Act, a permanent infrastructure within the State Department is created for dealing with religious issues. This
officials, compiling and analyzing information on the facts and circumstances of violations of religious freedom and formulating possible US reactions to religious persecution in the light of US national security interests. The position of the director shall be comparable to that of director within
The establishment of a high-ranking Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom is a foundational provision of IRFA, investing all the authority of the United States government in the Ambassador's negotiations with governments around the world, in the promotion of religious freedom. The
Under Title IV, the president may waive punitive measures against the concerned country if he or she determines that national security is at risk or if the proposed action would harm rather than benefit the individuals and communities the Act is designed to help. Title V of the act seeks to promote
which amends the 1998 Act by specifically extending protection to non-theists as well as those who do not claim any particular religion. The Frank Wolf Act does not materially change IRFA, but it does spell out certain authorities and provisions in greater clarity, such as the ability to designate
The Commission monitors the effect of other countries' policies on religious groups, and may hold hearings to educate Congress and the public about religious persecution around the world. The Commission may not implement sanctions on countries that violate religious freedom as it only has advisory
throughout the world. There had been instances of toleration on the part of the governments when the religious rights of their citizens and others had been violated. There are governments around the world which openly sponsor and tolerate restrictions on their citizens' right to practice, observe,
on May 27, 1997, as H.R.1685/S.772, and subsequently reintroduced on September 8, 1997, as H.R. 2431, the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act. H.R. 2431 affected only a handful of countries, with a narrow range of measures; IRFA based its measures on international human rights law and created a
and in principles of international law. Critics of this Act would probably contend that while the US Constitution does prohibit Federal and State governments from infringing on the religious liberties of people living within the US, it does not obligate or permit the US to use embargo or military
Countries that are severe violators of religious freedom are categorized as CPC's under Sec 402 of the Act and this subjects them to punitive sanctions which are listed in Sec. 405. Under this section, the president must either enter into a binding agreement with the concerned country to end the
and are pledged to uphold its provisions. The Article 18(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights was ratified with reservations in April 1992, also includes a freedom of religion clause similar to that of the UDHR's. The principles in the above-mentioned international law
The differences between H.R. 2431, the "Freedom from Religious Persecution Act" and S. 1868, the "International Religious Freedom Act", were comprehensive, but can be summarized as a narrow focus in FRPA on punishing worst violators, compared with IRFA's worldwide focus on promoting religious
An Act to express United States foreign policy with respect to, and to strengthen United States advocacy on behalf of, individuals persecuted in foreign countries on account of religion; to authorize United States actions in response to violations of religious freedom in foreign countries; to
317:...this is an important aspect of the bill. If the definition of religious persecution were limited to only torture, imprisonment, or death, ... the Act would only cover about a few countries, and would not include about 80 to 85% of the religious persecution that takes place in the world ... 1377:
Examining the Government's Record on Implementing the International Religious Freedom Act: Hearing before the Subcommittee on National Security of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session, June 13,
774:. The bill would amend the findings of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 by including prohibitions against homeschooling, religious methods of meat production, circumcision, and wearing religious garb, among the various violations of the right to religious freedom. 268:. There are suspect cases of minority oppression in Europe as well. Russia's new religion law seeks to make restraints and inhibit new religious communities' ability to own property, publish literature or operate schools. This Act tries to recognize such kind of blatant forms of 280:
lives under regimes that have strict policies against basic religious freedoms. Title VII of the Act has noted that some regimes engage in persecution that includes subjection of those people who engage in practice of religious faiths that are not state sponsored, to
156:, to promote greater religious freedom in countries which engage in or tolerate violations of religious freedom, and to advocate on the behalf of individuals persecuted for their religious beliefs and activities in foreign countries. The Act was signed into law by 35:
establish an Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom with the Department of State, a Commission on International Religious Freedom, and a Special Adviser on International Religious Freedom with the National Security Council; and for other purposes.
documents, according to the Act, create a sense of responsibility in its governments to protect the freedom of religion, which the Act does by exercising the United States' ability to choose its limit in dealing with countries that violate religious freedom.
IRFA was introduced on March 26, 1998, by Senator Don Nickles (R-OK), Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) and others, as a far-reaching policy response to the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act of 1997, introduced by Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) and Senator
The United States seeks to conform with international covenants that guarantee the inalienable right of religious freedom to every human being. The Act is committed to the promotion of freedom of religion and conscience throughout the world as a fundamental
586:, which is submitted to the Congress annually by the Department of State in compliance with Section 102(b) of the Act. This report supplements the most recent Human Rights Reports. It includes individual country chapters on the status of religious freedom. 321:
This Act was first introduced as S.1868 by Senator Don Nickles on March 26, 1998. It provided an alternative to H.R. 2431, "the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act of 1997", originally H.R.1685/S.772 introduced by Representative
705:... because of a belief that no government has the right to tell the people how to worship and certainly not the right to discriminate against them or persecute them for the way they chose to express their faith in God. 667:
The President is assigned a special advisor on international religious freedom within the National Security Council by Title III of the Act. Under the Act, the special advisor is designated to serve as a resource for
Office of International Religious Freedom, supporting the Ambassador, was formed under Title I of the International Religious Freedom Act, until June 2019 the office was housed in but not under the authority of the
The principles of international law were made inherent in the act so as to clarify its commitment to promote international religious freedom. As per the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the
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on October 10, 1998 (Resolving differences -- House actions: On motion that the House suspend the rules and agree to the Senate amendments Agreed to by voice vote.(consideration: CR H10434-10447))
1220: 745:
To amend the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 to include the desecration of cemeteries among the many forms of violations of the right to religious freedom (H.R. 4028; 113th Congress)
Meetings are organized with foreign government officials at all levels, as well as religious and human rights groups in the United States and abroad, to address the problem of religious freedom.
are sought to promote religious freedom. Furthermore, the U.S. seeks to identify and denounce regimes that are severe persecutors of their citizens or others on the basis of religious beliefs.
Sponsorship of reconciliation programs in disputes that divide groups along lines of religious beliefs. The office seeks to support NGOs that are promoting reconciliation in such disputes.
223: 578:
The Office is responsible for the monitoring of religious persecution and discrimination worldwide, and for advocating for greater religious freedom. Its specific activities include:
announced that the Office of International Religious Freedom, along with the Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, were elevated to report directly to the
530: 571:
and a source of stability for all countries. It further seeks to assist newly formed democracies in implementing freedom of religion and conscience. Religious and human rights
On the basis of these annual reports, the Secretary of State will designate any country that commits "systematic, ongoing and egregious violations of religious freedom" as a
principles. Several of the sponsors of the bill spoke of the United States as being born out of the need for religious freedom, and that this principle was codified in the
International Religious Freedom Act: State Department and Commission are Implementing Responsibilities but Need to Improve Interaction: Report to Congressional Committees
1072: 795: 632: 626: 607: 182: 1415: 168: 674: 978: 711: 1276: 1228: 1390: 786:
non-state actors under IRFA (this authority exists already in IRFA under Section 404 (2) and others, but is further clarified by the Frank Wolf Act.)
1435: 1430: 1410: 1405: 1195: 782: 690: 148:
105–292, as amended by Public Law 106–55, Public Law 106–113, Public Law 107–228, Public Law 108–332, and Public Law 108–458) was passed to promote
246: 544: 1045: 639:
agency that was created to provide independent recommendations to the State Department and the President, and to monitor the status of
1302: 810: 920: 636: 234:
of religious freedom. There is a civil war ensuing in Sudan because of the ruling party's intolerance of opposing religions. The
189: 771: 748: 644: 490: 841: 423:
and sanctions prohibiting the US government from entering into import or export agreements with the designated governments.
893: 979:
153: 436: 655:. This commission is funded entirely by the federal government on an annual basis and staffed by government employees. 1371: 520: 172: 1325: 1445: 1391:
1385: 648: 560: 163:
on October 27, 1998. Three cooperative entities have been maintained by this act to monitor religious persecution.
98: 1073:"Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo at the Release of the 2018 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom" 548: 1440: 157: 1425: 815: 805: 590: 572: 719: 647:
and related international instruments and to give independent policy recommendations to the President, the
44: 71: 880: 751:. The bill would amend the findings of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 by including the 90: 727: 59: 1420: 437:
Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom and Office of International Religious Freedom
989: 967: 1050: 540: 282: 269: 1221:"House Passes Meng Legislation to Make Desecration of Cemeteries a Violation of Religious Freedom" 68: 1357: 323: 1253: 603:
Providing testimony to the United States Congress, on issues of international religious freedom.
1172: 669: 652: 310: 800: 211: 23: 1040: 946: 8: 760: 453: 149: 924: 640: 594: 429: 918:
The data for this report could not be retrieved at this time, please try again later
The justification for this Act lies on the guarantee of freedom of religion found in
686: 231: 698: 694: 277: 1015: 290: 145: 862: 897: 767: 715: 503: 428:
religious freedom abroad through the way of international media, exchanges and
179: 718:
have adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the virtue of their
direction to public and private international institutions to deny assistance;
185:, designed to provide independent policy recommendations and fact-finding, and 1399: 1148:"United States Commission on International Religious Freedom: Washington, DC" 820: 227: 198: 1125: 778: 332: 298: 160: 128: 1368: 1362: 752: 568: 552: 411: 306: 302: 235: 94: 1103: 343:
The Act has seven titles, each containing numerous sections. These are:
740: 685:
IRFA was enacted by the US Congress on the basis of constitutional and
or CPC. States so designated are subject to further actions, including
Daniel Nadel, Director of the Office of International Religious Freedom
273: 265: 242: 1382: 1376: 662: 417:
the withdrawing, limitation, or suspension of some forms of U.S. aid;
on October 8, 1998 (S.Amdt.3789 — 105th Congress (1997–1998)
756: 398: 258: 254: 238: 224:
Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
102: 1196:"Next week: Appropriations, VA reform, intelligence authorization" 557:
under secretary for civilian security, democracy, and human rights
286: 863:
Public Law 105–292 - International Religious Freedom Act of 1998
620: 188:
A Special Adviser on International Religious Freedom within the
643:, conscience, and religion or belief abroad, as defined in the 261: 1303:"New International Religious Freedom Act a first for atheists" 407:
the delay or cancellation of scientific or cultural exchanges;
842:"United States Commission on International Religious Freedom" 250: 216: 947:"Russia: New Religion Law Fraught with Potential for Abuses" 1353:
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
921:"People's Republic of China: Religious repression in China" 796:
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
introduced the European Union Religious Freedom Act in the
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
the denial, delay, or cancellation of working, official or
294: 183:
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
1352: 1147: 559:
and the Ambassador at Large would report directly to the
506:, Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom 1277:"European Union's assault on religious freedom must end" 249:
tightly regulates religious practices in the regions of
conduct sensitive to the right to freedom of religion.
Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom
1041:"Office of International Religious Freedom Fact Sheet" 353:
Title II—Commission on International Religious Freedom
230:, cited specific countries that fail to recognize the 606:
Maintaining a close cooperation with the independent
United States government agency for religious freedom
This Act was a response to the growing concern about
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Outreach programs to American religious communities.
305:, mass resettlement and death. IRFA Sponsor Senator 91:
S.1868 - International Religious Freedom Act of 1998
Text of International Religious Freedom Act of 1998
663:Special Advisor on International Religious Freedom 547:. On June 21, 2019, along with the release of the 264:minority are forced to take refuge in neighboring 60: 783:Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act 691:First Amendment to the United States Constitution 383: 1397: 896:. Indiana University Press. 2003. Archived from 881:International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 text 680: 215:study, or associate with other members of their 1416:United States federal civil rights legislation 1213: 823:is the only person ever banned under this law. 373:Title VI—Refugee, Asylum, and Consular Matters 923:. Amnesty International. 1996. Archived from 759:among the various violations of the right to 621:Commission on International Religious Freedom 458:Seal of the United States Department of State 245:groups battle government repression, and the 1326:"Why Narendra Modi Was Banned From the U.S." 1187: 1005:Human Rights Brief Volume VI, Issue 2, p. 18 545:Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor 1046:Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor 549:2018 International Religious Freedom Report 142:International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 17:International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 1248: 1246: 1167: 1165: 1033: 894:"The Root Causes of the Sudan's Civil War" 875: 873: 871: 635:is an independent nine-member, bipartisan 1363:Office of International Religious Freedom 1098: 1096: 1094: 1092: 1001: 999: 997: 584:Report on International Religious Freedom 447:Office of International Religious Freedom 1436:Acts of the 105th United States Congress 1431:United States legislation about religion 1411:Freedom of religion in the United States 1406:Christianity and law in the 20th century 1126:"International Religious Freedom Report" 811:Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights 113:Purpose: In the nature of a substitute. 1300: 1243: 1162: 868: 1398: 1369:International Religious Freedom Report 1301:Winston, Kimberly (19 December 2016). 1274: 1256:. United States Congress. 10 June 2014 1193: 1089: 994: 855: 772:United States House of Representatives 749:United States House of Representatives 734: 697:(D-CT), gave the reason as to why the 368:Title V—Promotion of Religious Freedom 645:Universal Declaration of Human Rights 491:Executive branch of the United States 276:. It finds that over one-half of the 1323: 348:Title I—Department of State Activity 358:Title III—National Security Council 154:foreign policy of the United States 13: 1275:Leshin, Zachary (August 4, 2014). 378:Title VII—Miscellaneous Provisions 65:Tooltip Public Law (United States) 14: 1457: 1372:United States Department of State 1346: 1225:Jewish Political News and Updates 1104:"International Religious Freedom" 1077:United States Department of State 1053:, Washington, DC. August 17, 2011 1020:United States Department of State 675:executive office of the President 404:a private or public condemnation; 1386:Government Accountability Office 1194:Marcos, Cristina (23 May 2014). 452: 22: 1317: 1294: 1268: 1140: 1118: 1065: 1008: 338: 1128:. US Department of State. 2005 1106:. US Department of State. 2005 983: 972: 961: 939: 912: 886: 834: 573:non-governmental organizations 384:Scope and substance of the Act 1: 1227:. 29 May 2014. Archived from 949:. 1997 827: 816:Religion in the United States 806:Country of Particular Concern 681:Justification and legal basis 591:Country of Particular Concern 363:Title IV—Presidential Actions 309:(R-OK), in his speech to the 313:on October 2, 1998, stated: 115:Sponsor: Sen. Nickles, Don ) 45:105th United States Congress 7: 789: 739:On February 10, 2014, Rep. 474:; 26 years ago 10: 1462: 1324:Mann, James (2 May 2014). 883:Page accessed June 3, 2016 865:Page accessed June 3, 2016 624: 205: 1049:. U.S. State Department, 526: 516: 496: 486: 468: 463: 451: 190:National Security Council 82: 77: 55: 50: 39: 30: 21: 1175:. United States Congress 1051:Bureau of Public Affairs 541:U.S. Department of State 521:U.S. Department of State 270:religious discrimination 1446:United States sanctions 1305:. Religion News Service 701:were drawn to America, 278:population of the world 777:On December 16, 2016, 707: 653:United States Congress 397:a private or a public 319: 1441:Sanctions legislation 1254:"H.R. 4650 - Summary" 1173:"H.R. 4028 - Summary" 927:on September 24, 2003 801:Religious intolerance 766:On May 9, 2014, Rep. 703: 597:by the United States. 551:, Secretary of State 315: 212:religious persecution 1426:1998 in American law 781:signed into law the 743:introduced the bill 582:It makes the Annual 1329:Wall Street Journal 735:Related legislation 728:the US Constitution 448: 173:Department of State 131:on October 27, 1998 105:) on March 26, 1998 78:Legislative history 18: 900:on August 30, 2006 649:Secretary of State 641:freedom of thought 595:economic sanctions 561:Secretary of State 446: 247:Chinese government 16: 761:religious freedom 687:international law 536: 535: 517:Parent department 497:Agency executives 257:. Members of the 232:fundamental right 150:religious freedom 138: 137: 109:Passed the Senate 89:in the Senate as 1453: 1421:1998 in religion 1365:official website 1340: 1339: 1337: 1335: 1321: 1315: 1314: 1312: 1310: 1298: 1292: 1291: 1289: 1287: 1272: 1266: 1265: 1263: 1261: 1250: 1241: 1240: 1238: 1236: 1217: 1211: 1210: 1208: 1206: 1191: 1185: 1184: 1182: 1180: 1169: 1160: 1159: 1157: 1155: 1144: 1138: 1137: 1135: 1133: 1122: 1116: 1115: 1113: 1111: 1100: 1087: 1086: 1084: 1083: 1069: 1063: 1062: 1060: 1058: 1037: 1031: 1030: 1028: 1026: 1012: 1006: 1003: 992: 987: 981: 976: 970: 965: 959: 958: 956: 954: 943: 937: 936: 934: 932: 916: 910: 909: 907: 905: 890: 884: 877: 866: 859: 853: 852: 850: 848: 838: 699:founding fathers 695:Joseph Lieberman 670:executive branch 531:Official website 482: 480: 475: 456: 449: 445: 119:Passed the House 66: 62: 26: 19: 15: 1461: 1460: 1456: 1455: 1454: 1452: 1451: 1450: 1396: 1395: 1349: 1344: 1343: 1333: 1331: 1322: 1318: 1308: 1306: 1299: 1295: 1285: 1283: 1273: 1269: 1259: 1257: 1252: 1251: 1244: 1234: 1232: 1219: 1218: 1214: 1204: 1202: 1192: 1188: 1178: 1176: 1171: 1170: 1163: 1153: 1151: 1146: 1145: 1141: 1131: 1129: 1124: 1123: 1119: 1109: 1107: 1102: 1101: 1090: 1081: 1079: 1071: 1070: 1066: 1056: 1054: 1039: 1038: 1034: 1024: 1022: 1014: 1013: 1009: 1004: 995: 988: 984: 977: 973: 966: 962: 952: 950: 945: 944: 940: 930: 928: 919: 917: 913: 903: 901: 892: 891: 887: 878: 869: 860: 856: 846: 844: 840: 839: 835: 830: 792: 737: 683: 665: 637:U.S. government 629: 623: 512: 478: 476: 473: 464:Agency overview 459: 442: 439: 430:foreign service 386: 341: 291:forced marriage 217:religious faith 208: 134: 125:Signed into law 64: 40:Enacted by 12: 11: 5: 1459: 1449: 1448: 1443: 1438: 1433: 1428: 1423: 1418: 1413: 1408: 1394: 1393: 1388: 1380: 1374: 1366: 1360: 1355: 1348: 1347:External links 1345: 1342: 1341: 1316: 1293: 1267: 1242: 1231:on 29 May 2014 1212: 1186: 1161: 1150:. 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Retrieved 836: 779:Barack Obama 776: 765: 738: 725: 708: 704: 684: 666: 657: 630: 583: 577: 565: 537: 487:Jurisdiction 443: 426: 412:state visits 391: 387: 377: 372: 367: 362: 357: 352: 347: 342: 339:Organization 333:John Hanford 329: 320: 316: 299:imprisonment 289:, beatings, 241:and Chinese 221: 209: 195: 161:Bill Clinton 141: 139: 129:Bill Clinton 124: 118: 112: 108: 86: 753:desecration 569:human right 553:Mike Pompeo 307:Don Nickles 303:enslavement 222:The former 171:within the 95:Don Nickles 1400:Categories 1082:2019-08-02 828:References 757:cemeteries 741:Grace Meng 633:commission 324:Frank Wolf 274:oppression 266:Bangladesh 243:Protestant 180:bipartisan 146:Public Law 87:Introduced 56:Public law 31:Long title 1309:2 January 1286:August 4, 1260:August 4, 1154:April 27, 1132:April 27, 1110:April 27, 1057:March 15, 953:April 28, 931:April 28, 904:April 28, 847:August 1, 283:detention 239:Catholics 158:President 51:Citations 1281:The Hill 1200:The Hill 790:See also 651:and the 399:demarche 311:Congress 259:Rohingya 255:Xinjiang 1334:8 March 747:in the 527:Website 477: ( 287:torture 236:Chinese 206:History 61:Pub. 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Great Seal of the United States
105th United States Congress
Pub. L.
105–292 (text)
S.1868 - International Religious Freedom Act of 1998
Don Nickles
Bill Clinton
Public Law
religious freedom
foreign policy of the United States
Bill Clinton
Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom
Department of State
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
National Security Council
Arlen Specter
religious persecution
religious faith
Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
John Shattuck
fundamental right
Chinese government

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
