
16th Infantry Regiment (United States)

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battalions deployed to Saudi Arabia soon after with the rest of the 1st Infantry Division (Mechanized) as part of Operation DESERT SHIELD. Operation DESERT STORM commenced on 17 January 1991 with air raids and artillery barrages on Iraqi targets, while the two battalions continued to rehearse their impending missions to penetrate Iraqi defenses and destroy the Republican Guard in zone. Concurrently, the 4th Battalion, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division (Forward), which had deployed from Germany to the port of Dammam, Saudi Arabia, conducted the unloading and staging of coalition combat vehicles, equipment, and supplies for the ground war, and were the target of numerous SCUD missile attacks. On the morning of 24 February 1991, the Big Red One spearheaded the armored attack into Iraq, by creating a massive breach in the enemy defenses just inside Iraq. The breach was designed to allow other VII US Corps units to pass through the initial Iraqi Army forces and drive deep into Iraq. In the initial assault the 1st Infantry Division broke through the Iraqi 26th Infantry Division, destroyed it, and took over 2,500 prisoners. In the initial stages of the operation, that is just before, during, and after the breach made in the 2nd Brigade's sector, the major problem faced by the Rangers of the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry was not so much enemy fire (though that was a hindrance) as was the large number of Iraqi soldiers surrendering to the troops of the battalion. By darkness of the 24th, the Rangers had not only conducted a major breach into the Iraqi defensive zone, they had also penetrated 30 kilometers to Phase Line Colorado and captured some 600 enemy troops. The following morning, the 2nd Battalion pushed on with the 2nd Brigade and quickly battled through the Iraqi 48th Infantry Division capturing its commander and destroying its command post. By the end of that day, the brigade had cut through and destroyed the Iraqi 25th Division as well and had reached Phase Line Utah where it took up a temporary defensive position. After its breaching operations, the Big Red One's 1st Brigade, consisting in part of the 5th Battalion, 16th Infantry (known as Devil Rangers) and the 2nd Battalion 34th Armor, turned east and drove deep into enemy territory toward Phase Line Utah. En route on the 25th, the Devil Rangers also encountered a number of enemy formations, most notably the 110th Infantry Brigade. In a brief skirmish, that brigade's commander was scooped up by soldiers of the battalion. Like its brother battalion, the 5th Battalion was rounding up hundreds of enemy prisoners who had no fight left in them by this time. Ahead however, was the much vaunted Republican Guard known to be positioned at a place on the map called Objective NORFOLK. On the night of 26 February 1991, the 1st Brigade next collided with the Republican Guard's Tawalakana Division and the 37th Brigade, 12th Armored Division. The fight developed into a division-level battle and before dawn the Big Red One had destroyed both enemy formations. Enemy losses included more than 40 tanks and 40 infantry fighting vehicles. The 1st Infantry Division continued to exploit its success on the 27th by capturing and pursuing the demoralized Iraqi forces for the rest of the day. Following the Battle of Objective NORFOLK, the 5th Battalion raced ahead to assist in cutting the Iraqi lines of retreat from Kuwait City. As it approached the highway moving north out of Kuwait City and into southern Iraq, the Big Red One destroyed scores of enemy vehicles and took thousands more prisoners as the division's units advanced. About 2000, 27 February, the division's 1st Squadron, 4th Cavalry, seized the main highway leading north out of Kuwait and barred the Iraqis' escape. By the next morning, the rest of the division had taken up positions along the highway completely blocking any further movement north by the Iraqi Army. The cease fire was announced at 0800 on 28 February and the war was essentially over. While the Rangers of the 2nd Battalion were ordered to move over the ground just taken and destroy any remaining Iraqi vehicles and equipment that could be located in the rear, the 5th Battalion was ordered to the vicinity of Safwan Airfield in Iraq. There, the Devil Rangers were tasked with securing the site where on 3 March 1991 the negotiations were held between coalition forces and Iraqi leaders to finalize the cease-fire agreements. In this conflict the regiment earned 4 campaign streamers and each of the 2nd and 5th Battalions earned a Valorous Unit Award Streamer embroidered IRAQ-KUWAIT. On 10 May 1991, the division unfurled its colors at Fort Riley, Kansas, signifying its return home.
1522:. Once settled into its new location, the battalion received a warning order for the next operation, Abilene. Abilene was a division-level effort to find and destroy several enemy formations operating due east of Saigon. The major incident during this huge mission took place near the village of XĂŁ Cam My and the Courtenay Plantation. On the afternoon of Easter Sunday, 11 April 1966, C Company became engaged in one of the toughest battles of the war. Encountering the D800 Battalion set up in a well-fortified base camp, the 2nd Rangers fought fiercely, often hand to hand, for hours into the night. Although the company suffered heavy casualties, over 30 KIA, its soldiers held their own until a relief force arrived the following morning. The VC battalion, however, had paid heavy toll for its attempt to overrun C Company. With over 100 killed in action and its base camp destroyed, the remnants of the enemy unit were forced to flee to avoid complete destruction as the rest of the battalion continued the search. Throughout the rest of 1966, the 2/16th Infantry participated a series of pacification operations. The overall mission of these operations was to move into a semi-populated area and conduct extended operations to find and destroy enemy troops and support areas. These consisted of Operations El Paso I, II, and III, 1928:
responsibility for two districts and two Afghan National Army (ANA) kandaks (battalions). The battalion conducted daily combat patrols side by side with their Afghan partner units to influence and secure the local population throughout the districts. In August 2012, the 2nd Battalion underwent its first of several expansions to its AO when it assumed responsibility for a third district and a third ANA Kandak as the Surge forces in the country were being withdrawn. The new district brought new challenges, as the Rangers began patrolling the vital Highway 1 route between Kabul and Kandahar to ensure it remained open for commercial and military traffic. With reduced forces and additional ANA partners, the Rangers began to place the Afghans in the lead militarily. ANA units readily assumed responsibility for their own districts, demonstrating the sound tactical knowledge and hard-fought experience they had gained through years of fighting and US Army mentorship. With Afghans in the lead for all aspects of the fight, and local Afghans actively resisting the Taliban and other insurgent forces, the stage appeared set for the ISAF mission to soon come to a close within Afghanistan as the battalion ended its own tour. The 2nd Battalion arrived home in February 2013.
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Afghanistan. For this deployment, the battalion was attached to the Combined Joint Special Operations Command-Afghanistan (CJSOCC-A) and assigned to support a new effort known as the Village Stability Operations (VSO) program. This program required that the battalion be broken down into squads and sometimes fire teams and distributed to selected villages throughout Regional Commands East, South, West, and North. The squads and teams worked with Special Forces Teams and other special operations forces to help the villagers raise detachments of Afghan Local Police (ALP) who would then provide security to the villages. Those assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company were sent out to different NATO members Provincial Reconstruction Teams in order to assist with information sharing and liaison between the countries. The 16th Infantry established this with Germany, Norway, and Hungary. Members of the 16th were even utilized by 1st Special Forces Group and Afghan Commandoes as Forward Logistical Elements supporting CENTOM level missions. The Iron Rangers returned to Fort Riley from Afghanistan in December 2011.
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Airborne Division and took over Area of Operations (AO) Topeka on 26 September. Alpha (ATTK) Company 1-16's 1st and 2nd Platoons were attached to the 82nd Airborne's 1st of the 504th PIR in Fallujah until April 2004. Over the next year the Iron Rangers had numerous skirmishes with Sunni insurgents in and around the provincial capital city of Ramadi. Most notably, during 6–10 April 2004 when operating with elements of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Unit, the battalion fought a protracted battle with insurgents in the city. In addition to combat operations, during this tour the Iron Rangers trained elements of the new Iraqi Army as well as assisted with the implementation of numerous civil support projects. The battalion returned to Fort Riley in September 2004.
overseas contingency operations. As a result, the battalion was reorganized into three deployable line companies (A, B, and C) and six MiTT training companies (D, I, K, L, M, and N). Between 2006 and 2008, the three deployable companies were sent on GWOT missions overseas: Company A was deployed to the Horn of Africa and B and C Companies each served in Iraq. Concurrently, the MiTT training companies conducted one of the Army's most important training missions back at Fort Riley. This mission was carried on by the battalion until 2009 when the responsibility was handed over to the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) at Fort Polk, Louisiana.
1950: 1183:. Shortly before 0100 hours on 10 July 1943, the first wave of the 16th Infantry boarded landing craft for the assault on that island. After achieving a relatively bloodless hold on the beachhead in the darkness, the regiment pushed into the hills beyond. There the regiment was soon hit hard with an armored counterattack by German tanks. Despite numerous enemy tanks and reinforcements, the 16th Infantry desperately held on by receiving assistance from the heavy guns of the U.S. Navy and the timely arrival of the regiment's Cannon Company. By 14 July 1943, the regiment had moved through 1266: 22: 90: 140: 2402: 1334: 1606: 1534: 1435: 124: 1701:
was followed by Operation Shenandoah II north of Lai KhĂȘ in October which once included both Ranger battalions and culminated the major operations of both for 1967. The year 1968 was an eventful one for the 1st Battalion. Starting in late January, the battalion, along with almost the entire combat force of U.S. Army, Vietnam (USARV), engaged in the Tet Counteroffensive designed to defeat the massive Tet Offensive of 1968. After Tet, the battalion successively partook in Operations
1258:, the regimental commander, noting the small breakthrough stood to his feet and yelled at his troops, "The only men who remain on this beach are the dead and those who are about to die! Let's get moving!" Soon other troops began making their way up the bluffs along Spaulding's route while other gaps were blown through the wire and mines. By vicious fighting, some hand-to-hand, other sections, platoons, and eventually companies made it to the top and began pushing toward 1421:
units, was awarded five presidential unit citations and two distinguished unit citations from the United States, two Croix de Guerre and the MĂ©daille militaire from the government of France, and the Belgian Fourragerre and two citations from the government of Belgium. Once again, the regiment had fought with valor and courage to help win a war against the nation's enemies. It would spend the next ten years trying to win the peace in the country of its vanquished foe.
1895: 948:. The verve and vigor of that drive demonstrated the regiment lived up to the division's new motto, "No mission too difficult, no sacrifice too great—Duty First!" During the Great War, the 16th Infantry suffered its greatest number of wartime casualties to date, all in a single year of combat. It sustained 1,037 soldiers killed in action or mortally wounded, and 3,389 wounded. In addition to the 7 campaign streamers earned by the regiment and the 2 1788: 1573:. These were pacification operations designed to consolidate gains made during Tet as well as start moving U.S. Army efforts more toward working with ARVN units to provide local security for key hamlets in villages in the hinterlands. In September while conducting pacification efforts near "Claymore Corners," the 2nd Battalion was suddenly redeployed by air to the vicinity of Loc Ninh to help hunt for the 1597:. Known as the "Thunder Run," the route was so-named due to the many mortars, rockets, and mines the enemy used to interdict US and ARVN traffic along the road. The battalion remained engaged in that mission until September 1969 when it was transferred permanently to Lai Khe where it joined the 1st Battalion under the 3rd Brigade, an assignment which remained constant for the remainder of the war. 1758:
Bronze Star Medals. The regiment was awarded 11 campaign streamers, as well as 2 Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry (with Palm) Streamers for 1965-1968 and 1969 and the Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal (First Class) Streamer for 1965–1970. In addition, C Company, 2nd Battalion was awarded the Valorous Unit Award Streamer for its actions at the battle of Courtenay Plantation.
2925: 2875: 3060:, Gregory H. Murry, No End to Publishing, LLC. A fascinating account of Murry's service with A Company, 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry during the Vietnam War. Murry relates the way he saw the war during 1966–67, especially the Battle of Xom Bo II (LZ X-Ray) in June 1967. It is a well-written, very readable account of life as a grunt in the relatively early stages of the conflict. 1242:. As landing craft dropped their ramps, men were killed and wounded as they attempted to get out of the boats. Others were hit as they struggled through the surf or tried to run across the sand weighted down with water-logged equipment. Many were shot down, but others made it in close to the base of the bluff where they found the area mined and crisscrossed with 3054:, George C. Wilson, Collier Books. Wilson followed the troops of C Company, 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry through basic training and its initial reception, integration and training as a COHORT unit at Fort Riley in the early 1990s. He begins the book with a vivid account of the Vietnam era's C Company at the Battle of Courtney Plantation in April 1966. 1937: 3006:, A.A. Hoehling, Little, Brown and Company. An account of America going to war in the spring and fall of 1917. Hoehling provides a detailed description of the German trench raid against F Company, 16th Infantry near the French town of BathelĂ©mont on 3 November 1917, which resulted in the first American ground casualties of World War I. 1238:, preparatory to their third—and most important—amphibious assault mission. Late on the afternoon of 5 June 1944, the troop-laden ships slipped out of Weymouth harbor and headed for the beaches of Normandy. The long-awaited assault on "Fortress Europe" began in the early hours of 6 June 1944 as the 16th Infantry Regiment moved toward 1915:
Infantry Division as well as with the local Iraqi Police forces which supported the local governments in its area of operations. After a more calm, though still dangerous tour this time around, the battalion returned to Fort Riley in late April and early May 2010, with the exception of A Company, which remained until that August.
3066:, David Finkel, Sarah Cichton Books. Finkel followed the men of the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry through much of its tour in southeast Baghdad in 2007–2008. Finkel describes the thoughts, fears, opinions, and experiences of these men as they attempt to stem the tide of sectarian violence during the Iraq War "Surge". 1565:, the VC effort to overrun and win the war in South Vietnam. Both battalions of the regiment were intimately involved in the US Army's own counteroffensive operations during this period. Flush on the heels of what was a significant South Vietnamese-U.S. victory, the 2nd Rangers took part in Operations 1906:
In January 2006, the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry was reactivated at Fort Riley as a part of the newly organized 4th Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 1st Infantry Division. The 2nd Rangers reformed as a light infantry battalion under the Army's new modular concept. Just over a year later, in February 2007,
to a number of the regiment's officers and men. After D-Day, the 16th Infantry became the division reserve, and after a brief rest, continued moving inland. In late July, the regiment was still in division reserve when it was ordered to be prepared to assist in a breakout through the German line near
Reorganized 14 April 1869, under the act of 3 March 1869, the present 16th Infantry was formed by the consolidation of the Eleventh (11th) and Thirty-fourth (34th) Regiments of Infantry. The 34th Infantry was organized by direction of the president 4 May 1861 as the Third Battalion, 16th Infantry and
Within a few months after the initial invasion of Iraq, the 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry made its first deployment in the Global War on Terrorism. In August 2003, the Iron Rangers,deployed with the 1st Brigade to Ramadi, Anbar Province, in western Iraq. The brigade was initially attached to the 82nd
and there the battalion immediately began building a base camp named Camp Ranger. In the many ensuing operations, the elusive enemy had to be found before he could be destroyed and to find him the troops had to remain almost constantly in the field on search missions. "Search and Destroy" operations
north of Phuoc Vinh in June. These were the battles of Landing Zone (LZ) Rufe and LZ X-Ray. During the latter action, the Reconnaissance Platoon of the 1st Battalion withstood an attack by a battalion of the Viet Cong 271st Regiment and prevented the battalion perimeter from being overrun. Billings
to eliminate a German force cut off there by the rapid advance of the First and Ninth US Armies. For a week the regiment conducted several attacks against die-hard enemy troops. On 22 April, the Big Red One finished clearing the Harz and soon received orders to once again head south. This time, the
141st Regiment. In a classic meeting engagement on 12 September, the battalion battled and pursued the 141st Regiment over the next two days inflicting hundreds of casualties and over fifty known KIA. After the operations around Loc Ninh, the battalion was assigned to the "Accelerated Pacification
The 2nd Battalion was assigned the mission of providing security in the southern area of the Tisa Nissan Qada (district) in southeastern Baghdad- a notoriously violent area which had been lawless even under the reign of Saddam Hussein. The Rangers succeeded in significantly reducing the insurgent
The two battalions of the 16th Infantry fought in almost every campaign of the Vietnam War. During the almost five years of combat the regiment lost over 560 men, the regiment's soldiers were awarded 2 Medals of Honor (both posthumous), 10 Distinguished Service Crosses, and hundreds of Silver and
and in an afternoon of hot fighting, accounted for 29 enemy KIA and an unknown number of wounded. During the year, the battalion accounted for an additional 426 enemy soldiers killed or captured even though the ARVN were supposed to take the lead for operations. The last months in Vietnam saw the
The 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry arrived at Vung Tau, Vietnam, on 10 October 1965 with the 3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division. The battalion was initially moved to Camp Ben Cat in Phuoc Vinh Province north of Saigon. The division wasted no time getting this newly arrived brigade into the fight in
in Maryland, it was returned to the Army of the Potomac to perform duties as part of the Army of the Potomac's Provost Guard in February 1865. By the spring of 1865, only a few of those soldiers sworn in at Fort Independence in 1861 were still present to participate in the regiment's last wartime
In 443 days of combat, the 16th Infantry had sustained 1,250 officers and men killed in combat. An additional 6,278 were wounded or missing in action. Its men had earned four Medals of Honor, 87 Distinguished Service Crosses, and 1,926 Silver Stars. Additionally, the regiment, or its subordinate
On 1 September 2009, the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry returned to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2009–2011. This time the battalion operated in the vicinity of Bayji in north central Iraq. At Bayji, the battalion was assigned an advise and assist role with elements of the Iraqi 4th
In 2006, as part of the 1st Brigade, the 1st Battalion was given a new mission to train Military Transition Teams ("MiTTs") which would deploy to Iraq to advise and assist the units of the fledgling Iraqi Army. The battalion, however, was still required to maintain its ability to participate in
and El Valle, the 16th Infantry finally settled in the latter place in June. There the soldiers built mud brick huts for quarters and returned to a garrison routine, except for occasional patrols into the nearby mountains and valleys to hunt for rumored Villistas. Though the cavalry had several
Even as the 1st Battalion was returning home, the 2nd Battalion was deploying on its third overseas tour of the GWOT. As with its brother battalion, the 2nd Rangers were sent to Afghanistan for this tour, this time to the eastern sections of Ghazni Province. In April 2012, the Rangers assumed
After performing the MiTT training mission for three years, the 1st Battalion began the process of reorganizing and training as one of the Army's new Combined Arms Battalions (CAB) in 2009. In January 2011, however, the 1st Battalion was deployed once again, this time on a unique mission to
On 2 August 1990, Iraq invaded the sovereign country of Kuwait. This act precipitated U.S. military involvement in the Persian Gulf. As part of the general mobilization for this conflict that fall, the 2nd and 5th Battalions, 16th Infantry were alerted for deployment on 8 November 1990. The
1709:. These operations held the battalion's attention most of the year until late 1968, when the 1st Rangers underwent a major change. On Friday, 13 September 1968, the "straight leg Infantry" 1st/16th of the 1st Infantry Division at Lai KhĂȘ, "swapped" colors and divisions, with the 1318:. Meanwhile, in an effort to keep up with the retreating Germans, the men of the 16th Infantry piled on trucks, tanks, and anything else they could find to move eastward as quickly as possible. After motoring south past Paris, the regiment caught up with the enemy again near 1044:
into the “Composite Regiment” and went to Washington, D.C., to act as an honor guard for the unveiling of the 1st Division War Memorial on 4 October 1924. The 3rd Battalion was transferred on 18 March 1933 to Fort Jay. Due to the regiment's popularity in New York City, mayor
2988:, J. P. Ray, ed. Eastern Acorn Press, 1981. The unedited diary and letters of Private Ira S. Pettit, F Company, 11th US Infantry. Pettit, who died at Andersonville Prison in 1864, left a fascinating account of the private soldier's life in the Regiment during the Civil War. 1634:
in February 1966 and the division-level Operation Abilene to find and destroy the Viet Cong 5th Division. Abilene was followed in rapid succession by Operations Birmingham and El Paso I, II, and III. On 9 July during El Paso II, the 1st Rangers participated in the
562:. The regiment that actually fought during the Civil War was organized by order of the president 4 May 1861 and confirmed by the act of 29 July 1861 as the 16th Infantry Regiment. On 21 September 1866 under the act of 28 July 1866 the Second Battalion became the 907:, the 16th Infantry became the first U.S. regiment to fight and suffer casualties in the trenches during World War I when it repelled a German night raid. In the months that followed, the 16th Infantry would sustain even more casualties in defensive battles at 725:
designated Thirty-fourth Infantry on 21 September 1866 under the act of 28 July 1866.The honors and battle history earned by the 11th Infantry during the Civil War became the 16th Infantry's with the 1869 consolidation and are displaying on its colors.
2666: 1104:. The regiment arrived at Fort Benning on 9 November 1939, and conducted training in preparation for the 1940 Louisiana Maneuvers. After maneuvers in Louisiana in May 1940, the regiment returned to Fort Jay, and was transferred on 20 February 1941 to 3048:, Kenneth G. Cassels, E. O. Painter Printing. "Duty–Honor–Country" expresses high ideals to live by. Cassels relates such ideals here from the standpoint of the 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry's combat operations in the latter stages of the Vietnam war. 967: 1721:, in the Mekong River Delta. The 1st Battalion became a mechanized infantry unit which it has remained ever since. Because of this change, the battalion soon adopted the nickname "Iron Rangers." Throughout 1969, the Iron Rangers were involved the 1281:
The evening of D-Day plus 1 found all of the units of the regiment ashore, many of them well inland by that time, but some were combat ineffective due to casualties. A few weeks later, at an awards ceremony on 2 July 1944, Generals Eisenhower,
from B Company was mortally wounded while demonstrating indomitable courage and superb leadership. For his actions he was awarded the regiment's tenth Medal of Honor. The battalion next experienced two additional significant firefights during
879:, near the end of June 1917. As such, it was among the first four American regiments to arrive on French soil in World War I. Soon after the regiment's arrival, the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry was selected to show the flag and parade through 2781:
On 4 October 1918, 16th Infantry was the only regiment in the entire First Army to take its regimental objectives in the U. S. Army's opening attacks of the Meuse-Argonne campaign. The day is still celebrated as the regiment's Organization
944:. To this day that action is celebrated annually during the 16th Infantry Regiment's Organization Day. The 16th Infantry also participated in the 1st Division's final drive of the war when the division attacked to seize the city of 3042:, Ronald W. Mackendanz, Lake Kasota Productions. An account of the author's experiences as a draftee during the Vietnam War. Mankendanz vividly describes the 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry's fight at Binh Long in August 1969. 1911:
threat by focusing on heavy local patrolling using small teams and unconventional tactics. By the time the battalion departed in 2008, its areas of the Tisa Nissan Qada had become one of the most secure areas in Baghdad.
On 18 April 1869 Headquarters, Staff, Band and the remaining companies of the 16th Infantry Regiment were consolidated with the 2d Regiment of Infantry, and the consolidated unit designated as the 2nd Infantry Regiment.
3024:, Blythe Foot Finke, ed., Cantigny Military History Series. An anthology of stories and wartime experiences related by 14 World War II veterans of the 1st Infantry Division. Eight of the 14 were former 16th Infantrymen. 3030:, Cole C. Kingseed, ed., Naval Institute Press. The focus is Dawson and G Company's experiences in North Africa, Sicily, D-Day and especially the brutal fighting around Aachen, Germany, in September and October 1944. 1368:. After sustaining very heavy casualties from enemy artillery fire and the cold dreary weather, the entire division was sent to a rest camp on 12 December 1944. The stay was short, because Hitler launched Operation 3000:, Thomas T. Smith, ed., University of Nebraska Press. A memoir based on the diary of a German immigrant who enlisted in the 16th Infantry in 1877 for a period of 5 years during the latter stages of the Indian Wars. 3036:, Ches Schneider, Ballantine Books 1999. An interesting and very readable personal memoir of life as a soldier in D Company, 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry, during the very late stages of the Vietnam War in 1969–70. 923:
in late July 1918. Along with the rest of the Big Red One, it relentlessly attacked until a key German rail line was severed forcing a major withdrawal of the enemy's forces. The regiment also participated in the
divisions. All of this was conducted in heavy snows during one of the coldest European winters on record. On 15 January 1945, the Big Red One launched its part of the Allied counteroffensive to reduce the Bulge.
3160: 895:, hero of the American Revolution, and declare, "Lafayette, we are here!" Prior to being committed to battle, the 16th Infantry Regiment, began training in July 1917 in the Gondrecourt area with the French 903:, nicknamed the "Blue Devils." Throughout the summer and fall the training went apace and soon it was time for exposure to actual combat. On 3 November 1917, while occupying a section of trenches near 1992: 2370: 3012:, 1st Lt. Earl H. Weed, Regimental Chaplain, Martin Flock Publishing. An excellent and comprehensive description of the regiment's training and combat experiences in France during World War I. 1310:
where it established battle positions on 29 July. By this time, the Germans were in headlong retreat and attempting to establish a new line well to the east. Their efforts would fail and the
800: 1506:. The sites of these missions included many areas that were to become well known to many U.S. infantrymen during the Vietnam years: the impenetrable jungles of Tay Ninh near Cambodia; 3170: 1518:; the Trapezoid, and War Zones C and D. In all these places, the 2nd Rangers inflicted heavy losses on enemy manpower and supplies. In March, the 2nd Battalion moved to a new home at 2994:, Bing G. Spitler, Burd Street Press, 2001. A biography of Captain James M. Cutts, Acting Field Officer of the 11th US Infantry, and third Regimental recipient of the Medal of Honor. 896: 3018:, Reprint printed by Cricket Press, 1st Lt. John Baumgartner, et al. A detailed and comprehensive description of the regiment's training and combat experiences during World War II. 1475: 1207:
in eastern Sicily. At Troina the regiment experienced some of the most bitter fighting it would see during the war. After a four-day brawl with the battle-hardened troops of the
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on 4 October 1918. This feat was significant in that the 16th Infantry was the only regiment in the entire First Army to seize its main objective on the first day of the
2696:, served as a follow on installment from his first book that chronicles the struggles of soldiers transitioning back to civilian life from the battlefields portrayed in 1734: 1725:
process which was designed to start turning over the planning and conduct of the war to the ARVN. Even so, the battalion joined in a number of combat operations such as
1262:. By noon of that bloody day, the 16th Infantry had broken through the beach defenses and established a foothold that allowed follow-on units to land and move through. 3175: 1549:
area and Operation Junction City, the largest single mission of the war. During most of the rest of 1967, the battalion continued to conduct pacification efforts with
3081: 831:. For the next two years, in addition to the normal garrison duties, the troops conducted foot patrols along the dusty Mexican border. In March 1916, Villa raided 1809: 1738: 1702: 1084:
in June 1939 during their visit to New York City. The regiment departed the New York Port of Embarkation on 1 November 1939 on the USAT Republic and debarked at
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Bridgehead in late 1918 to perform occupation duty there for the next 9 months. In August 1919, the division received orders to come home and boarded ships at
1770:, Kansas. The division's 3rd Brigade, which included the 1st/16th, was moved to Germany to replace the forward deployed brigade of the recently deactivated 3155: 1726: 1523: 574:. The following campaign participation honors were actually earned by the 16th Infantry in the Civil War but went to the 2d Infantry with the consolidation; 851:
clashes with Villista and federal forces, the infantry had an uneventful eight months. In February 1917, Wilson recalled Pershing's expedition from Mexico.
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In 1965, the 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment and the 2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment became the first elements of the Division to deploy to
996:, where emergency period personnel were discharged from the service. The regiment participated in the 1st Division Victory Parades in New York City and 2753: 1121: 1766:
In April 1970, the 1st/16th was withdrawn from Vietnam along with the rest of the 1st Infantry Division and the bulk of the division was relocated to
1148:(whom the regiment was assigned to during World War II) established a permanent presence for the US Army in North Africa. During the remainder of the 3165: 1648: 1401: 1377: 1195:. Fighting against snipers and well-fortified positions, the regiment moved forward by a series of flanking movements and by 29 July had taken the 617:'s 2nd Division, V Army Corps in the spring of 1862, the regiment fully participated in most of the key battles of that campaign to include the 1384:. For the next month, the men of the 16th Infantry held defensive positions there, conducted heavy patrolling toward the German positions near 780:, Georgia. It returned to Fort McKinley in the Philippines to serves as part of the Philippine Division under the command of Brigadier General 661:'s breakthrough of the Union Third Army Corps at the Peach Orchard. During the spring and summer of 1864, the regiment participated in General 2805: 1222:. On 1 June 1944, the men of the 16th Infantry departed their D-Camps in southwestern England and embarked on amphibious assault ships at the 3140: 3106: 2933: 2809: 846:, the 16th and 6th Infantry Regiments. The long march into the interior of Mexico was hot and dusty. After several weeks of movement between 453: 447: 441: 435: 1413:, at the Czechoslovakian border, and began advancing east. For the next ten days the 16th Infantry pushed into that country arriving near 1291: 953: 1663:
once again saw the regiment's two battalions operating on the same mission to find and destroy the 9th Division, this time northwest of
Campaign" in November and continued on this effort into the new year as part of the Lam Son mission in the Phu Loi area north of Di An.
1st Battalion, 16th Infantry ("Iron Rangers") currently assigned as part of the 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team on Ft. Riley's web site
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Throughout 1969, the 2nd Rangers performed numerous and varied missions in support of the pacification campaign. In April it joined in
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For the next three months, the men of the 16th Infantry would experience some of the most grueling fighting of the war in the infamous
1173: 1691:. The 1st Rangers participated in two major fights during Junction City: Prek Klok and Ap Gu. In the former battle, Platoon Sergeant 1208: 649:
in May 1863. A month later, the 1st Battalion, 11th U.S. Infantry fought what was arguably its most significant action of the war at
in Military Region 4, known as the "Iron Triangle" and the Thanh Dien Forest. Cedar Falls was followed by the enormous and extended
1218:, and from there entrained on 16 October 1943 for Dorchester, to carry out seven months of grueling training in preparation for the 1358: 1128:, the invasion of North Africa. In its first amphibious assault under combat conditions, the 16th Infantry landed on a beach near 1754:
battalion working closely with its ARVN counterparts as it concurrently prepared to end its mission and redeploy to Fort Riley.
1124:, the regiment departed for England in August 1942, where it joined a large contingent of US troops slated for participation in 808:
From July 1910 through July 1912, the 16th Infantry was assigned to a variety of posts in Alaska, then returned for duty at the
2443: 2438: 1870: 1771: 1710: 1676: 1041: 567: 563: 559: 555: 497: 492: 430: 425: 420: 1306:
Two days later the 16th Infantry was launched on an attack through a break in the lines near Marigny and drove on the city of
2903: 2135: 2095: 2025: 2003: 1714: 1454: 1323: 1145: 571: 518: 403: 316: 1326:
destroyed six German divisions in August and early September. From Mons, the regiment pushed on with the Big Red One toward
1877:. They were assigned primarily to Camp Dobol but also had elements assigned to Camp McGovern, Camp Demi and Camp Comanche. 459: 2835: 867:
As part of the new 1st Expeditionary Division, soon to become known as the "Big Red One," the 16th Infantry, commanded by
370: 2893: 1537:
Men of Company "A", 2nd Battalion, 16th Infantry, check a wagon loaded with grain for hidden weapons and ammunition near
2853: 1417:
by 7 May. At 0800 that day, a net call went out to the entire regiment to cease all forward movement. The war was over.
383: 3097: 2975: 2956: 2110: 2063: 1680: 674: 294: 932:
in September. Arguably the regiment's most gallant action was the grueling drive that liberated the little village of
2692: 2390: 1835: 1354: 689:. In November the regiment was sent to New York for a short period, then after short stints at Lafayette Barracks in 595: 65: 43: 3136: 3102: 1817: 1409:
division was reassigned to the Third Army for its drive into Czechoslovakia. On 28 April, the regiment arrived near
570:. In actuality the present 16th Infantry was not involved in the Civil War, that regiment was consolidated into the 36: 2014: 1136:
at 0100 hours, on 8 November 1942. Over the next three days, the regiment battled relatively light resistance from
1081: 1746: 1578: 1550: 1065: 2239: 1813: 543: 653:
under the leadership of Major Floyd-Jones. In heavy fighting in the Rose Wood and Plum Run Valley between the
2613: 2602: 2558: 2554: 2524: 2509: 2453: 2448: 1684: 1609:
Men of Company "C", 1st Battalion, 16th Infantry on a sweep operation in Dinh Tuong Province, 14 October 1968
603: 2869:
U.S. Army Order of Battle, 1919-1941, Volume 1. The Arms: Major Commands and Infantry Organizations, 1919-41
Over the next seven weeks, the regiment conducted numerous operations in western Germany culminating in the
1774:. For the next 20 years the 16th Infantry was prepared for a potential Soviet invasion of Western Europe. 1554: 1120:
Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941, found the 16th Infantry back at Fort Devens, but not for long. Commanded by
1009: 707: 764:. It fought 27 engagements with the greater part of its activities concentrated against the rebels in the 3082:
Innovation in Integration: Task Force Iron Ranger and Village Stability Operations in Afghanistan 2010-11
2648: 1718: 1619: 1574: 1057: 937: 868: 761: 239: 2664:
The 16th is the regiment where the exiled cherubim Denyel enlists in World War II in the Brazilian book
Men of Company "C", 16th Infantry draw sniper fire while on a search and destroy mission, 4 October 1965
1346: 2655:
The 1st Battle Group, 16th Infantry, was the unit filmed in the beach landing scenes in the 1961 movie
1664: 1627: 1593:. Later in July the battalion was assigned the road security mission along a section of the highway to 1515: 1089: 646: 2478: 2473: 2037: 2029: 1745:. During Kentucky Cougar in August, the Iron Rangers ran into a battalion of the 272nd Regiment near 1636: 1503: 1219: 1180: 1050: 809: 630: 1060:
District (New Jersey), Second Corps Area. Elements served as an honor guard and escort to President
823:, to the Mexican Border to help secure it from Mexican bandits and paramilitary forces commanded by 2813: 2382: 2074: 2033: 1798: 1589:
in the "Trapezoid" and in numerous search and destroy missions in June and July around Ben Cat and
1447: 1211:, the men of the 16th Infantry finally captured the town and soon after the Sicily campaign ended. 1157: 993: 925: 670: 642: 618: 234: 30: 1949: 1254:
managed to cross a minefield, breach the enemy wire, and struggle their way to the bluff. Colonel
The 1st Battalion, 11th U.S. Infantry (today's 16th Infantry Regiment) was initially organized at
2721: 2366: 2164: 2099: 1907:
the battalion deployed to eastern Baghdad as part of President's George W. Bush's Surge in Iraq.
1802: 1742: 1688: 1615: 1511: 1499: 843: 753: 749: 715: 638: 551: 542:
and organized by Major DeLancey Floyd-Jones. The 11th Infantry was organized by direction of the
284: 244: 2727:
The 16th Infantry Regiment is a playable squad in the Invasion of Normandy campaign of the 2021
1623: 1303:
on 25 July, the Big Red One closely followed the 9th Infantry Division in the breakout attempt.
Blood and Sacrifice: A History of the 16th Infantry Regiment from the Civil War to the Gulf War
A Machine Gunner's War: From Normandy to Victory with the 1st Infantry Division in World War II
2657: 1858: 1706: 1656: 1570: 1073: 1046: 941: 929: 657:
and the Wheatfield, the regiment lost about 50 percent of its strength as it fought to contain
47: 842:
Assembling a largely cavalry force, Pershing selected two infantry regiments to accompany the
in August. This clash was quickly followed in succession by the regiment's involvement at the
2738: 2386: 2337: 2081: 1672: 1594: 1566: 1495: 1069: 989: 985: 981: 883:
on 4 July 1917. The battalion conducted a five-mile march through the streets of the city to
682: 2130:
Major General Albert H. Smith Jr., S-3, 3rd Battalion 16th Infantry Regiment, World War II,
1750: 1296: 1020:, New Jersey. The 16th Infantry was transferred on 10 June 1922, less the 3rd Battalion, to 2735: 2150: 1652: 1483: 1311: 1300: 1265: 1161: 1101: 1025: 892: 832: 789: 678: 650: 599: 579: 546:
4 May 1861 and confirmed by the act on 29 July 1861. The regiment was organized into three
American Patriots: The Story of Blacks in the Military from the Revolution to Desert Storm
732:, including the occupation of the Confederate capital of Richmond, and then served on the 8: 2713: 2580: 2569: 2550: 2546: 2535: 2513: 2498: 2494: 2483: 2389:
was also awarded the Medal of Honor. This action is the subject of the 2019 feature film
2378: 2091: 1977: 1970: 1660: 1491: 1479: 1393: 1373: 1001: 872: 785: 757: 698: 686: 614: 606: 554:
each. On 21 September 1866 under the act of 28 July 1866 the Second Battalion became the
388: 289: 194: 2070: 980:
The 16th Infantry arrived at the port of New York on 3 September 1919 on the troopships
721:, 16th Infantry, took command of the consolidated 2d Infantry because of his seniority. 2706: 2281: 2267: 2253: 2171: 1697: 1640: 1558: 1545:
During the first part of 1967 the 2nd Rangers participated in Operation Lam Son in the
1259: 1085: 729: 718: 634: 610: 535: 514: 279: 274: 224: 145: 1290:
came to praise the troops of the regiment for their heroic efforts and to present the
784:. It returned to the United States in 1907, where the First Battalion was assigned to 89: 3022:
No Mission Too Difficult! Old Buddies of the 1st Division Tell All About World War II
2971: 2952: 2899: 2705:
The 16th Infantry Regiment is the regiment of the protagonist of the 2017 video game
2698: 2679: 2309: 2052: 1963: 1631: 1546: 1527: 1487: 1471: 1274: 1149: 773: 733: 666: 575: 354: 2167:, Battalion Task Force Fire Support Officer for 2d Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment 1338: 919:. The regiment's first major attack was made during the bloody three-day drive near 847: 3123: 2630: 2401: 2157: 2117: 1984: 1350: 1333: 1287: 1255: 1247: 1223: 1204: 1153: 997: 900: 888: 863:
Officers of the 16th Infantry with French interpreters and instructor, Summer 1917.
820: 819:. Two years later, the regiment was transferred with the 8th Brigade, commanded by 781: 662: 658: 622: 583: 539: 350: 264: 3117: 2982:
A detailed, comprehensive history of the 16th Infantry Regiment from 1861 to 1991.
French MĂ©daille militaire, Streamer embroidered FRANCE French MĂ©daille militaire,
1605: 1000:, on 10 and 17 September 1919, respectively. It was transferred 4 October 1919 to 2639: 2351: 2323: 2295: 2211: 2177: 2146: 2106: 2046: 2021: 1692: 1538: 1533: 1502:
usually found the battalion operating far from its base camp area throughout the
1434: 1376:
was on. The division was sent to bolster the northern shoulder of the bulge near
1251: 1243: 1169: 1125: 1029: 949: 945: 912: 884: 269: 259: 1655:
in October and November. The latter mission was designed to bring the Viet Cong
and the actions Leetown that fall. In December 1862, the regiment fought at the
598:, in the summer and fall of 1861. That October, the regiment was transferred to 2406: 2374: 2225: 2190: 2045:, Corporal, I Company in World War II; Screenwriter and director of the movie, 1995:(MACV-SOG), Chief of Staff US Forces Korea, Key supporter of Nicaraguan Contras 1722: 1462: 1405: 1315: 1133: 1093: 1077: 1056:
In April 1933, the regiment assumed command and control of portions of the 1st
1033: 956:. The 16th Infantry, along with the rest of the 1st Division, marched into the 836: 828: 777: 765: 654: 190: 904: 3149: 2879: 2471:
Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action at Eupen-Malmedy
2059: 2042: 1562: 1443: 1337:
A 1st Infantry Division half-track plows its way through a muddy road in the
1319: 1109: 1061: 1037: 961: 876: 813: 788:
in North Little Rock, Arkansas and the remainder of the regiment assigned to
703: 3028:
From Omaha Beach to Dawson's Ridge: The Combat Journal of Captain Joe Dawson
2464: 2459: 1671:
near Lai KhĂȘ in December. In January 1967, the 1st Battalion next joined in
582:, Chattanooga, Georgia 1864, Kentucky 1862, Mississippi 1862, Murfreesboro, 3016:
16th Infantry Regiment 1861–1946, Featuring the 8 Campaigns of World War II
2854:"Regimental Commanders 1861-1957 | 16th Infantry Regiment Association" 2732: 2687: 2674: 2124: 2010: 1866: 1519: 1283: 1200: 1184: 1137: 1097: 824: 626: 254: 827:. On arrival in April 1914, the regiment was posted to Camp Cotton in the 2131: 2085: 1507: 1385: 1270: 1239: 1196: 1105: 1016:
and transferred on 16 September 1920 in a permanent change of station to
916: 737: 694: 301: 249: 229: 3040:
Drafted: Greetings, You Have Been Selected By Your Friends and Neighbors
2970:. Cantigny Military History Series, Cantigny First Division Foundation. 2929: 2871:. Fort Leavenworth, KS: Combat Studies Institute Press. p. 371-372. 1561:
missions near Ben Cat. The end of January 1968 saw the beginning of the
granted by the French government, its soldiers were awarded at least 97
933: 2625: 1999: 1991:
Team JAMES, Head of CIA operations in post WW2 Manchuria, Commander of
1862: 1767: 1013: 908: 1894: 1861:
in August 1999 through March 2000 along with supporting elements from
1644: 1590: 3161:
Military units and formations of the United States in the Indian Wars
1363: 1307: 1246:. Eventually, an assault section of E Company under First Lieutenant 1215: 1192: 891:
and the other Americans in attendance paid homage at the tomb of the
690: 547: 2469:
Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action at Mons
Military Assistance Command, Vietnam - Studies and Observation Group
1936: 1787: 1988: 1458: 1414: 1168:. For its actions at Kasserine the regiment was decorated with the 1021: 1017: 1005: 920: 839:
to order Pershing to take an expedition into Mexico to find Villa.
311: 306: 155: 1659:
to battle in War Zone C, but the enemy declined to take the bait.
reorganized the Army, the 1st Division was allotted to the Second
3111: 2998:
A Dose of Frontier Soldiering: The Memoirs of Corporal E. A. Bode
This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the
2139: 2084:, Commander, 3rd Battalion 16th Infantry Regiment, World War II, 1152:
the 16th Infantry fought in a number of locations to include the
957: 776:
actions. The regiment was relieved in March 1902 and returned to
Filhos do Éden - Anjos da Morte (Sons of Eden - Angels of Death)
1466: 1327: 1165: 2637:
The 16th Infantry was the featured unit in the motion picture
1639:. After the El Paso missions, the battalion next took part in 2728: 1954: 1341:. 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division. 15 Feb 1945. 1314:
would be largely destroyed as it attempted to escape via the
1129: 880: 1404:
8 March 1945. From there the Big Red One moved north to the
1874: 1410: 1388:, and engaged in a number of firefights with troops of the 1188: 1141: 3076: 2446:
with Palm, World War I, Streamer embroidered MEUSE-ARGONNE
for actions in support of C Company, 2/16 Infantry in the
United States Regular Army Civil War units and formations
From Classrooms to Claymores: A Teacher at War in Vietnam
Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class
for actions while serving in the 16th Infantry Regiment.
The U.S. Army's only officially Named Company C 1–16 INF
about the award of the Medal of Honor to Air Force SSGT
2616:, Streamer embroidered NORMANDY 6 June – 11 August 1944 2605:, Streamer embroidered NORMANDY 6 June – 11 August 1944 2441:
with Palm, World War I, Streamer embroidered AISNE-MARNE
16th Infantry Regiment soldiers in Baghdad in March 2007
with Palm, World War II, Streamer embroidered KASSERINE
1600: 1429: 2646:
The 16th is also the regiment Fox Company of the game
2594:, Streamer embroidered GELA, SICILY 11 – 13 July 1943 2516:(Army), Streamer embroidered AFGHANISTAN APR-DEC 2011 2456:
with Palm, World War II, Streamer embroidered NORMANDY
2538:, Streamer embroidered AFGHANISTAN Apr 2011-Dec 2011 2120:, Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Readiness Command, 1973–74 1032:; the 3rd Battalion transferred in September 1922 to 2527:(Army), Streamer embroidered IRAQ Oct 2006-Jun 2007 2512:(Army), Streamer embroidered IRAQ Sep 2006-Aug 2007 1203:. In early August, the regiment reached the town of 752:
as part of the First Brigade, First Division of the
2686:The 2-16th is again the subject of another book by 2561:(Army), Streamer embroidered AFGHANISTAN 2012-2013 1172:by the French Government and it received its first 3122:is available for free viewing and download at the 2891: 2754:List of United States Regular Army Civil War units 2634:(1925), served with the 16th at Meuse and Argonne. 1667:. The last mission for the battalion for 1966 was 1040:. The regiment was organized with elements of the 728:Following the Civil War the 16th took part in the 181:"New York's Own" 1924–1941; "Rangers" 1948–present 3176:Military units and formations established in 1861 2476:with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1965–1968 1980:, first commander of the 16th Infantry, 1869-1883 1973:, Quartermaster General of the US Army, 1862-1882 1557:partner units and conduct patrols, ambushes, and 3147: 1049:later nicknamed the unit "New York's Own" and '' 971:Regimental barracks for 16th at Governors Island 756:, in the brigade commanded by Brigadier General 3052:Mud Soldiers: Life Inside the New American Army 2002:, Regimental Commander 1914–1915, Commander of 930:huge offensive to reduce the St. Mihiel salient 2497:, Streamer embroidered AL ANBAR PROVINCE Army 2174:, Commander, Continental Army Command, 1967–70 1453:on 14 July 1965 as a part of the 2nd Brigade, 3107:United States Army Center of Military History 3010:The Story of the Sixteenth Infantry in France 2934:United States Army Center of Military History 2810:United States Army Center of Military History 2153:, Ambassador to Belgium, historian and author 2142:, Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, 1983–1990 1630:. The Bushmaster operations were followed by 1380:. The regiment was ordered to positions near 3156:Infantry regiments of the United States Army 2572:, Streamer embroidered COURTENAY PLANTATION 2557:(Army), Streamer embroidered IRAQ 2009-2010 2481:with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1969 2947:Andrews, Ernest A.; Hurt, David B. (2022). 2946: 1816:. Unsourced material may be challenged and 538:on 4 May 1861 under the command of Colonel 1880: 1675:, a major effort conducted by the 1st and 1470:such as those conducted during Operations 795: 2553:, Streamer embroidered BAGHDAD 2007-2008 2486:, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1965–1970 2385:. This was the same action for which SGT 2230:The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Petersburg 1869:operations. They were assigned under the 1852: 1836:Learn how and when to remove this message 1761: 1226:. Units of the 16th Infantry boarded USS 1209:15th Panzergrenadier Division (Wehrmacht) 534:The 16th Infantry was constituted as the 517:and has traditionally been a part of the 66:Learn how and when to remove this message 3166:1861 establishments in the United States 2836:"Transport Sheridan Is Held By Icebergs" 2712:The actions of C/2/16th Infantry at the 2583:, Streamer embroidered IRAQ-KUWAIT 1991 2549:, Streamer embroidered IRAQ-KUWAIT 1991 2400: 2189:The following soldiers were awarded the 1948: 1935: 1893: 1604: 1532: 1433: 1332: 1264: 966: 858: 799: 748:The 16th participated in the capture of 513:("Semper Paratus") is a regiment in the 29:This article includes a list of general 2951:. Philadelphia & Oxford: Casemate. 1966:, Commander, US Army Pacific, 2013–2016 1068:on 24 February 1937; to U.S. president 743: 3148: 3141:States Army Center of Military History 2479:Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry 2474:Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry 2436:, Streamer embroidered HAMICH, GERMANY 2416:, Streamer embroidered MATEUR, TUNISIA 2127:, Commander, Hawaiian Department, 1941 1626:in Phouc Vinh Province and around the 1299:. After the saturation bombing of the 3046:My Journey: And the Journey Continues 2800: 2798: 2619: 2431:, Streamer embroidered HURTGEN FOREST 2371:38th Air Rescue and Recovery Squadron 2096:1st Infantry Division (United States) 1918: 1455:1st Infantry Division (United States) 1214:Subsequently, the regiment sailed to 992:, and Marica, and was transferred to 387: 3077:16th Infantry Regimental Association 2965: 2866: 2772:2nd Battalion inactivated 1 May 2015 2609:Additional Honors Medical Detachment 2342:Near Courtenay Plantation, Viet Nam 2055:, Regimental Commander, World War II 1931: 1814:adding citations to reliable sources 1781: 1601:The 1st Battalion in the Vietnam War 1461:. The troops were initially sent to 1430:The 2nd Battalion in the Vietnam War 1072:in October 1937 during his visit to 15: 2565:Company C additionally entitled to: 2531:Company D additionally entitled to: 2520:Company C additionally entitled to: 2505:Company B additionally entitled to: 2396: 1777: 1330:, just across the German frontier. 835:, which, in turn, caused President 629:. The regiment participated in the 566:and the Third Battalion became the 13: 2940: 2932:from websites or documents of the 2795: 2184: 2160:Regimental Commander, World War II 2111:Chief of Staff, United States Army 2064:Chief of Staff, United States Army 1944: 975: 611:campaign on the Virginia Peninsula 369: 295:Western Allied invasion of Germany 35:it lacks sufficient corresponding 14: 3187: 3070: 2598:Additional Honors Service Company 2501:, Streamer embroidered 2006-2009 2434:Presidential Unit Citation (Army) 2429:Presidential Unit Citation (Army) 2424:Presidential Unit Citation (Army) 2419:Presidential Unit Citation (Army) 2414:Presidential Unit Citation (Army) 669:and fought at the battles of the 589: 3137:2nd Battalion Lineage and Honors 3130: 3091: 2928: This article incorporates 2923: 2873: 2587:Additional Honors Cannon Company 2015:Supreme Allied Commander, Europe 1786: 596:Fort Independence, Massachusetts 138: 122: 88: 20: 2812:. 21 April 2010. Archived from 2716:are portrayed in the 2019 film 2576:Additional Honors 5th Battalion 2542:Additional Honors 2nd Battalion 2490:Additional Honors 1st Battalion 1551:Army of the Republic of Vietnam 1446:. The battalion arrived on the 1115: 760:. The 16th later fought in the 2986:Diary of a Dead Man, 1862–1864 2885: 2860: 2846: 2828: 2775: 2766: 2381:on April 11–12, 1966, part of 1424: 1053:" became the regimental song. 854: 454:33rd Field Artillery Battalion 448:32nd Field Artillery Battalion 329:Presidential Unit Citation (5) 1: 3119:STAFF FILM REPORT 66-1 (1966) 2898:. Random House Digital, Inc. 2789: 2614:Meritorious Unit Commendation 2603:Meritorious Unit Commendation 2559:Meritorious Unit Commendation 2555:Meritorious Unit Commendation 2525:Meritorious Unit Commendation 2510:Meritorious Unit Commendation 2426:Streamer embroidered NORMANDY 2421:, Streamer embroidered SICILY 1685:11th Armored Cavalry Regiment 1614:Operation Bushmaster I & 1587:Operation Plainsfield Warrior 1176:for its actions near Mateur. 1140:forces and helped to capture 954:Distinguished Service Crosses 770:Manila & Dagupan Railroad 442:7th Field Artillery Battalion 436:5th Field Artillery Battalion 431:1st Engineer Combat Battalion 3103:1st Battalion Lineage Honors 2365:In addition, Air Force SSGT 1010:National Defense Act of 1920 702:task—to help disarm General 558:and the Third Battalion the 529: 105:; 163 years ago 7: 2892:Gail Lumet Buckley (2002). 2806:"Special Unit Designations" 2747: 2673:The 2-16 is the subject of 2649:Call of Duty 2: Big Red One 2373:was posthumously awarded a 2286:Colleville-sur-Mer, France 2272:Colleville-sur-Mer, France 1885: 1292:Distinguished Service Cross 1058:Civilian Conservation Corps 1008:. After the passage of the 869:William Herbert Allaire Jr. 730:reconstruction of the south 10: 3192: 2842:. 23 July 1912. p. 7. 2693:Thank You for Your Service 2592:Presidential Unit Citation 2258:Carig, Philippine Islands 1857:1st Battalion deployed to 1628:Michelin Rubber Plantation 1516:Michelin Rubber Plantation 1174:Presidential Unit Citation 647:Battle of Chancellorsville 524: 335:French Croix de Guerre (4) 2216:Wilson's Creek, Missouri 2180:, African American judge. 2038:Second United States Army 1637:Battle of Minh Thanh Road 1220:Allied invasion of Europe 1181:Allied invasion of Sicily 1051:The Sidewalks of New York 810:Presidio of San Francisco 706:'s weary Confederates at 631:Second Battle of Bull Run 486: 483: 410: 398: 366:Distinctive unit insignia 365: 360: 344: 339: 325: 217: 209: 201: 185: 177: 169: 161: 151: 133: 117: 99: 87: 82: 2966:Clay, Steven E. (2001). 2867:Clay, Steven E. (2010). 2759: 2628:, antihero of the novel 2075:First United States Army 1679:Infantry Divisions, the 1575:People's Army of Vietnam 1372:four days later and the 994:Camp Merritt, New Jersey 825:Francisco "Pancho" Villa 643:Battle of Fredericksburg 619:Siege of Yorktown (1862) 333:Army Superior Unit Award 2840:San Francisco Chronicle 2722:William H. Pitsenbarger 2367:William H. Pitsenbarger 2100:V Corps (United States) 1881:Global War on Terrorism 1689:Operation Junction City 1504:III Corps Tactical Zone 844:Pancho Villa expedition 796:Pancho Villa Expedition 762:Philippine–American War 639:Battle of Shepherdstown 475:U.S. Infantry Regiments 245:Pancho Villa Expedition 240:Philippine–American War 205:"Sidewalks of New York" 50:more precise citations. 3084:, by Craig Whiteside, 2930:public domain material 2454:French Croix de Guerre 2449:French Croix de Guerre 2444:French Croix de Guerre 2439:French Croix de Guerre 2410: 1958: 1941: 1899: 1871:10th Mountain Division 1853:Bosnia and Herzegovina 1772:24th Infantry Division 1762:Interim (1970 to 1990) 1681:173rd Airborne Brigade 1610: 1542: 1439: 1342: 1322:, where it helped the 1278: 1074:Poughkeepsie, New York 1047:Fiorello H. La Guardia 972: 942:Meuse-Argonne Campaign 864: 805: 568:Thirty-fourth Infantry 511:16th Infantry Regiment 498:17th Infantry Regiment 493:15th Infantry Regiment 462:(June 1944 – May 1945) 426:26th Infantry Regiment 421:18th Infantry Regiment 417:16th Infantry Regiment 389:1st Infantry Division 374: 260:Algeria-French Morocco 83:16th Infantry Regiment 3058:Content with My Wages 2718:The Last Full Measure 2404: 2391:The Last Full Measure 2387:James W. Robinson Jr. 2338:James W. Robinson Jr. 2136:1st Infantry Division 2082:Charles T. Horner Jr. 2026:1st Infantry Division 1952: 1939: 1897: 1715:9th Infantry Division 1711:5th/60th (Mechanized) 1673:Operation Cedar Falls 1608: 1536: 1437: 1336: 1324:1st Infantry Division 1268: 1146:1st Infantry Division 1070:Franklin D. Roosevelt 970: 938:Argonne Forest region 862: 821:"Black Jack" Pershing 803: 685:, and finally in the 564:Twenty-fifth Infantry 560:Twenty-ninth Infantry 519:1st Infantry Division 404:1st Infantry Division 373: 2992:Hero of the Republic 2736:first-person shooter 2163:Congressman (R, FL) 2151:Dwight D. Eisenhower 2105:General of the Army 1957:river in April 1945. 1810:improve this section 1669:Operation Healdsburg 1622:between Lai KhĂȘ and 1450:General W. H. Gordon 1301:Panzer Lehr Division 964:, later that month. 893:Marquis de Lafayette 833:Columbus, New Mexico 804:16th in San Geronimo 744:Spanish–American War 600:Perryville, Maryland 586:and Tennessee 1863. 460:745th Tank Battalion 235:Spanish–American War 2714:Battle of Xa Cam My 2690:. The second book, 2581:Valorous Unit Award 2570:Valorous Unit Award 2551:Valorous Unit Award 2547:Valorous Unit Award 2536:Valorous Unit Award 2514:Valorous Unit Award 2499:Superior Unit Award 2495:Valorous Unit Award 2379:Battle of Xa Cam My 2369:of the Air Force's 2149:, son of President 2123:Lieutenant General 2092:Clarence R. Huebner 2090:Lieutenant General 2069:Lieutenant General 2024:, Commander of the 1978:Galusha Pennypacker 1971:Montgomery C. Meigs 1661:Operation Attleboro 1394:3rd Fallshirmjaeger 1374:Battle of the Bulge 1312:German Seventh Army 1250:and Staff Sergeant 1144:. In doing so, the 1002:Camp Zachary Taylor 877:St. Nazaire, France 873:Hoboken, New Jersey 786:Fort Logan H. Roots 758:Hamilton S. Hawkins 687:Siege of Petersburg 615:Army of the Potomac 609:'s upcoming spring 607:George B. McClellan 331:Valorous Unit Award 195:special designation 3086:Small Wars Journal 2707:Call of Duty: WWII 2620:In popular culture 2411: 2356:Soui Da, Viet Nam 2314:Heistern, Germany 2282:John J. Pinder Jr. 2268:Jimmie W. Monteith 2254:Henry F. Schroeder 2172:James K. Woolnough 2156:Brigadier General 2145:Brigadier General 1959: 1942: 1919:War in Afghanistan 1900: 1751:BĂŹnh Long Province 1719:Đồng TĂąm Base Camp 1698:Operation Billings 1665:Dáș§u Tiáșżng District 1641:Operation Amarillo 1611: 1559:search and destroy 1543: 1440: 1343: 1279: 1260:Colleville-sur-Mer 1216:Liverpool, England 973: 865: 806: 719:Samuel W. Crawford 635:Battle of Antietam 613:. Assigned to the 556:Twentieth Infantry 536:11th U.S. Infantry 515:United States Army 375: 317:War in Afghanistan 275:Operation Overlord 225:American Civil War 173:Fort Riley, Kansas 146:United States Army 3064:The Good Soldiers 2905:978-0-375-76009-9 2699:The Good Soldiers 2680:The Good Soldiers 2383:Operation Abilene 2363: 2362: 2310:Alfred B. Nietzel 2240:John H. Patterson 2053:Frederick W. Gibb 1964:Vincent K. Brooks 1940:Current structure 1932:Current structure 1846: 1845: 1838: 1647:, and Operations 1150:Tunisian campaign 1082:Queen Elizabeth I 1076:; and to English 1026:Governor's Island 774:counterinsurgency 693:and Camp Parole ( 667:Overland Campaign 602:, to prepare for 507: 506: 503: 502: 469: 468: 391:"The Big Red One" 379: 378: 355:Frederick W. Gibb 76: 75: 68: 3183: 3124:Internet Archive 3004:The Fierce Lambs 2981: 2962: 2927: 2926: 2917: 2916: 2914: 2912: 2889: 2883: 2877: 2876: 2872: 2864: 2858: 2857: 2850: 2844: 2843: 2832: 2826: 2825: 2823: 2821: 2802: 2783: 2779: 2773: 2770: 2631:The Great Gatsby 2397:Unit decorations 2328:Luchem, Germany 2300:Hamich, Germany 2196: 2195: 2158:George A. Taylor 2118:Bruce Palmer Jr. 2071:Russel L. HonorĂ© 1987:, Commander OSS 1985:John K. Singlaub 1841: 1834: 1830: 1827: 1821: 1790: 1782: 1778:Persian Gulf War 1624:Báșżn CĂĄt District 1595:SĂŽng BĂ© Province 1457:and debarked at 1367: 1256:George A. Taylor 1248:John M. Spalding 1224:port of Weymouth 1154:Ousseltia Valley 1122:Henry B. Cheadle 998:Washington, D.C. 901:Chasseurs Alpins 889:John J. Pershing 875:, and landed at 782:John J. Pershing 768:, defending the 663:Ulysses S. Grant 659:James Longstreet 540:Erasmus D. Keyes 481: 480: 472: 471: 385: 384: 351:George A. Taylor 307:Persian Gulf War 265:Tunisia Campaign 144: 142: 141: 128: 126: 125: 113: 111: 106: 92: 80: 79: 71: 64: 60: 57: 51: 46:this article by 37:inline citations 24: 23: 16: 3191: 3190: 3186: 3185: 3184: 3182: 3181: 3180: 3146: 3145: 3133: 3116:The short film 3094: 3073: 2978: 2959: 2943: 2941:Further reading 2924: 2920: 2910: 2908: 2906: 2890: 2886: 2874: 2865: 2861: 2852: 2851: 2847: 2834: 2833: 2829: 2819: 2817: 2804: 2803: 2796: 2792: 2787: 2786: 2780: 2776: 2771: 2767: 2762: 2750: 2658:The Longest Day 2640:The Big Red One 2622: 2482: 2477: 2472: 2470: 2468: 2462: 2457: 2452: 2447: 2442: 2437: 2432: 2427: 2422: 2417: 2409:, February 1945 2399: 2352:Matthew Leonard 2324:Robert T. Henry 2296:Jake W. Lindsey 2244:The Wilderness 2212:Henry Clay Wood 2187: 2185:Medals of Honor 2178:Bruce M. Wright 2147:John Eisenhower 2107:George Marshall 2047:The Big Red One 2022:Stanley H. Ford 1947: 1945:Notable members 1934: 1921: 1888: 1883: 1855: 1842: 1831: 1825: 1822: 1807: 1791: 1780: 1764: 1735:Kentucky Cougar 1693:Matthew Leonard 1643:in August near 1603: 1539:Di An Base Camp 1512:"Iron Triangle" 1432: 1427: 1402:capture of Bonn 1361: 1328:Aachen, Germany 1252:Philip Streczyk 1244:concertina wire 1170:Croix de Guerre 1126:Operation Torch 1118: 1030:New York Harbor 978: 976:Interwar period 950:Croix de Guerre 926:First U.S. Army 885:Picpus Cemetery 857: 829:city of El Paso 798: 772:in a series of 746: 592: 532: 527: 470: 465: 406: 394: 382: 353: 346: 334: 332: 330: 321: 290:Ardennes-Alsace 280:Northern France 270:Operation Husky 139: 137: 123: 121: 109: 107: 104: 95: 72: 61: 55: 52: 42:Please help to 41: 25: 21: 12: 11: 5: 3189: 3179: 3178: 3173: 3168: 3163: 3158: 3144: 3143: 3132: 3129: 3128: 3127: 3114: 3109: 3100: 3093: 3090: 3089: 3088: 3079: 3072: 3071:External links 3069: 3068: 3067: 3061: 3055: 3049: 3043: 3037: 3031: 3025: 3019: 3013: 3007: 3001: 2995: 2989: 2983: 2977:978-1890093112 2976: 2963: 2958:978-1636241043 2957: 2942: 2939: 2938: 2937: 2919: 2918: 2904: 2884: 2859: 2845: 2827: 2816:on 9 June 2010 2793: 2791: 2788: 2785: 2784: 2774: 2764: 2763: 2761: 2758: 2757: 2756: 2749: 2746: 2745: 2744: 2725: 2710: 2703: 2684: 2671: 2662: 2653: 2644: 2635: 2621: 2618: 2611: 2610: 2600: 2599: 2589: 2588: 2578: 2577: 2567: 2566: 2544: 2543: 2533: 2532: 2522: 2521: 2507: 2506: 2492: 2491: 2407:Hurtgen Forest 2398: 2395: 2375:Medal of Honor 2361: 2360: 2357: 2354: 2347: 2346: 2343: 2340: 2333: 2332: 2329: 2326: 2319: 2318: 2315: 2312: 2305: 2304: 2301: 2298: 2291: 2290: 2287: 2284: 2277: 2276: 2273: 2270: 2263: 2262: 2259: 2256: 2249: 2248: 2245: 2242: 2235: 2234: 2231: 2228: 2226:James M. Cutts 2221: 2220: 2217: 2214: 2207: 2206: 2203: 2200: 2191:Medal of Honor 2186: 2183: 2182: 2181: 2175: 2168: 2161: 2154: 2143: 2128: 2121: 2114: 2103: 2102:, World War II 2088: 2080:Major General 2078: 2067: 2056: 2051:Major General 2049: 2040: 2020:Major General 2018: 2007: 2006:in World War I 1998:Major General 1996: 1983:Major General 1981: 1976:Major General 1974: 1969:Major General 1967: 1946: 1943: 1933: 1930: 1920: 1917: 1887: 1884: 1882: 1879: 1854: 1851: 1844: 1843: 1794: 1792: 1785: 1779: 1776: 1763: 1760: 1723:Vietnamization 1602: 1599: 1579:7th Division's 1541:, 6 April 1969 1463:Long Binh Post 1431: 1428: 1426: 1423: 1406:Harz Mountains 1378:Camp Elsenborn 1370:Wacht am Rhein 1347:HĂŒrtgen Forest 1339:HĂŒrtgen Forest 1179:Next came the 1158:Kasserine Pass 1134:French Morocco 1117: 1114: 1096:, en route to 1094:South Carolina 1078:King George VI 1034:Fort Wadsworth 977: 974: 887:where General 871:, sailed from 856: 853: 848:Colonia DublĂĄn 837:Woodrow Wilson 797: 794: 778:Fort McPherson 766:Cagayan Valley 745: 742: 591: 590:U.S. Civil War 588: 531: 528: 526: 523: 505: 504: 501: 500: 495: 489: 488: 485: 477: 476: 467: 466: 464: 463: 457: 451: 445: 439: 433: 428: 423: 418: 414: 412: 408: 407: 402: 400: 396: 395: 380: 377: 376: 367: 363: 362: 358: 357: 348: 342: 341: 337: 336: 327: 323: 322: 320: 319: 314: 309: 304: 299: 298: 297: 292: 287: 282: 277: 272: 267: 262: 252: 247: 242: 237: 232: 227: 221: 219: 215: 214: 211: 207: 206: 203: 199: 198: 191:Semper Paratus 187: 183: 182: 179: 175: 174: 171: 167: 166: 163: 159: 158: 153: 149: 148: 135: 131: 130: 119: 115: 114: 101: 97: 96: 93: 85: 84: 74: 73: 28: 26: 19: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3188: 3177: 3174: 3172: 3169: 3167: 3164: 3162: 3159: 3157: 3154: 3153: 3151: 3142: 3138: 3135: 3134: 3131:2nd Battalion 3125: 3121: 3120: 3115: 3113: 3110: 3108: 3104: 3101: 3099: 3096: 3095: 3092:1st Battalion 3087: 3083: 3080: 3078: 3075: 3074: 3065: 3062: 3059: 3056: 3053: 3050: 3047: 3044: 3041: 3038: 3035: 3032: 3029: 3026: 3023: 3020: 3017: 3014: 3011: 3008: 3005: 3002: 2999: 2996: 2993: 2990: 2987: 2984: 2979: 2973: 2969: 2964: 2960: 2954: 2950: 2945: 2944: 2935: 2931: 2922: 2921: 2907: 2901: 2897: 2896: 2888: 2881: 2880:public domain 2870: 2863: 2855: 2849: 2841: 2837: 2831: 2815: 2811: 2807: 2801: 2799: 2794: 2778: 2769: 2765: 2755: 2752: 2751: 2742: 2741: 2737: 2734: 2731:-based (MMO) 2730: 2726: 2723: 2719: 2715: 2711: 2708: 2704: 2701: 2700: 2695: 2694: 2689: 2685: 2682: 2681: 2676: 2672: 2669: 2668: 2663: 2661: 2659: 2654: 2652: 2650: 2645: 2643: 2641: 2636: 2633: 2632: 2627: 2624: 2623: 2617: 2615: 2608: 2607: 2606: 2604: 2597: 2596: 2595: 2593: 2586: 2585: 2584: 2582: 2575: 2574: 2573: 2571: 2564: 2563: 2562: 2560: 2556: 2552: 2548: 2541: 2540: 2539: 2537: 2530: 2529: 2528: 2526: 2519: 2518: 2517: 2515: 2511: 2504: 2503: 2502: 2500: 2496: 2489: 2488: 2487: 2485: 2480: 2475: 2466: 2461: 2455: 2450: 2445: 2440: 2435: 2430: 2425: 2420: 2415: 2408: 2403: 2394: 2392: 2388: 2384: 2380: 2376: 2372: 2368: 2358: 2355: 2353: 2349: 2348: 2344: 2341: 2339: 2335: 2334: 2330: 2327: 2325: 2321: 2320: 2316: 2313: 2311: 2307: 2306: 2302: 2299: 2297: 2293: 2292: 2288: 2285: 2283: 2279: 2278: 2274: 2271: 2269: 2265: 2264: 2260: 2257: 2255: 2251: 2250: 2246: 2243: 2241: 2237: 2236: 2233:May–Oct 1864 2232: 2229: 2227: 2223: 2222: 2218: 2215: 2213: 2209: 2208: 2204: 2201: 2198: 2197: 2194: 2192: 2179: 2176: 2173: 2169: 2166: 2162: 2159: 2155: 2152: 2148: 2144: 2141: 2137: 2133: 2129: 2126: 2122: 2119: 2115: 2112: 2108: 2104: 2101: 2097: 2094:, Commander, 2093: 2089: 2087: 2083: 2079: 2076: 2073:, Commander, 2072: 2068: 2065: 2061: 2060:John L. Hines 2057: 2054: 2050: 2048: 2044: 2043:Samuel Fuller 2041: 2039: 2035: 2031: 2027: 2023: 2019: 2016: 2012: 2008: 2005: 2001: 1997: 1994: 1990: 1986: 1982: 1979: 1975: 1972: 1968: 1965: 1961: 1960: 1956: 1951: 1938: 1929: 1925: 1916: 1912: 1908: 1904: 1896: 1892: 1878: 1876: 1872: 1868: 1864: 1860: 1850: 1840: 1837: 1829: 1819: 1815: 1811: 1805: 1804: 1800: 1795:This section 1793: 1789: 1784: 1783: 1775: 1773: 1769: 1759: 1755: 1752: 1748: 1744: 1743:Toan Thang IV 1740: 1736: 1732: 1728: 1724: 1720: 1716: 1712: 1708: 1704: 1699: 1694: 1690: 1686: 1682: 1678: 1674: 1670: 1666: 1662: 1658: 1654: 1650: 1646: 1642: 1638: 1633: 1629: 1625: 1621: 1617: 1607: 1598: 1596: 1592: 1588: 1583: 1580: 1576: 1572: 1568: 1564: 1563:Tet Offensive 1560: 1556: 1552: 1548: 1540: 1535: 1531: 1529: 1525: 1521: 1517: 1513: 1509: 1505: 1501: 1500:Junction City 1497: 1493: 1489: 1485: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1468: 1464: 1460: 1456: 1452: 1451: 1445: 1444:South Vietnam 1436: 1422: 1418: 1416: 1412: 1407: 1403: 1398: 1395: 1391: 1390:1st SS Panzer 1387: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1371: 1365: 1360: 1356: 1352: 1348: 1340: 1335: 1331: 1329: 1325: 1321: 1320:Mons, Belgium 1317: 1313: 1309: 1304: 1302: 1298: 1293: 1289: 1285: 1276: 1272: 1267: 1263: 1261: 1257: 1253: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1237: 1233: 1229: 1225: 1221: 1217: 1212: 1210: 1206: 1202: 1198: 1194: 1190: 1186: 1182: 1177: 1175: 1171: 1167: 1163: 1159: 1155: 1151: 1147: 1143: 1139: 1135: 1131: 1127: 1123: 1113: 1111: 1110:Massachusetts 1107: 1103: 1099: 1095: 1091: 1087: 1083: 1079: 1075: 1071: 1067: 1063: 1062:Manuel Quezon 1059: 1054: 1052: 1048: 1043: 1042:18th Infantry 1039: 1038:Staten Island 1035: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1015: 1011: 1007: 1003: 999: 995: 991: 987: 983: 969: 965: 963: 962:Brest, France 959: 955: 951: 947: 943: 939: 935: 931: 927: 922: 918: 914: 910: 906: 902: 898: 897:47th Division 894: 890: 886: 882: 878: 874: 870: 861: 852: 849: 845: 840: 838: 834: 830: 826: 822: 818: 817: 811: 802: 793: 791: 787: 783: 779: 775: 771: 767: 763: 759: 755: 751: 750:San Juan Hill 741: 739: 735: 731: 726: 722: 720: 717: 711: 709: 705: 704:Robert E. Lee 700: 696: 692: 688: 684: 680: 679:Jericho Mills 676: 672: 668: 664: 660: 656: 652: 648: 644: 640: 636: 632: 628: 624: 623:Gaines's Mill 620: 616: 612: 608: 605: 604:Major General 601: 597: 587: 585: 581: 577: 573: 569: 565: 561: 557: 553: 549: 545: 541: 537: 522: 520: 516: 512: 499: 496: 494: 491: 490: 482: 479: 478: 474: 473: 461: 458: 455: 452: 449: 446: 443: 440: 437: 434: 432: 429: 427: 424: 422: 419: 416: 415: 413: 409: 405: 401: 397: 392: 386: 381:Military unit 372: 368: 364: 359: 356: 352: 349: 343: 338: 328: 324: 318: 315: 313: 310: 308: 305: 303: 300: 296: 293: 291: 288: 286: 283: 281: 278: 276: 273: 271: 268: 266: 263: 261: 258: 257: 256: 253: 251: 248: 246: 243: 241: 238: 236: 233: 231: 228: 226: 223: 222: 220: 216: 212: 210:Anniversaries 208: 204: 200: 196: 192: 188: 184: 180: 176: 172: 168: 164: 160: 157: 154: 150: 147: 136: 132: 129:United States 120: 116: 102: 98: 91: 86: 81: 78: 70: 67: 59: 49: 45: 39: 38: 32: 27: 18: 17: 3118: 3085: 3063: 3057: 3051: 3045: 3039: 3033: 3027: 3021: 3015: 3009: 3003: 2997: 2991: 2985: 2967: 2948: 2909:. Retrieved 2894: 2887: 2868: 2862: 2848: 2839: 2830: 2818:. Retrieved 2814:the original 2777: 2768: 2739: 2733:World War II 2717: 2697: 2691: 2688:David Finkel 2678: 2675:David Finkel 2665: 2656: 2647: 2638: 2629: 2612: 2601: 2590: 2579: 2568: 2545: 2534: 2523: 2508: 2493: 2412: 2364: 2359:28 Feb 1968 2345:11 Apr 1966 2317:18 Nov 1944 2303:16 Nov 1944 2289:6 June 1944 2275:6 June 1944 2261:14 Sep 1900 2219:10 Aug 1861 2188: 2125:Walter Short 2011:Wesley Clark 2004:2nd Division 1926: 1922: 1913: 1909: 1905: 1901: 1889: 1867:peacekeeping 1856: 1847: 1832: 1823: 1808:Please help 1796: 1765: 1756: 1657:9th Division 1612: 1584: 1555:5th Division 1544: 1520:Camp Bearcat 1449: 1441: 1419: 1399: 1369: 1344: 1305: 1280: 1236:Empire Anvil 1235: 1231: 1228:Samuel Chase 1227: 1213: 1201:Cerami River 1199:west of the 1185:Pietraperzia 1178: 1138:Vichy French 1119: 1116:World War II 1098:Fort Benning 1055: 979: 866: 841: 815: 807: 747: 727: 723: 712: 710:that April. 675:Spotsylvania 627:Malvern Hill 593: 533: 510: 508: 390: 255:World War II 94:Coat of arms 77: 62: 53: 34: 2911:26 November 2331:3 Dec 1944 2247:5 May 1864 2132:Omaha Beach 2086:Omaha Beach 2017:, 1997-2000 1873:as part of 1739:Iron Danger 1703:Quyet Thang 1567:Quyet Thang 1508:Ho Bo Woods 1496:Cedar Falls 1425:Vietnam War 1386:Faymonville 1362: [ 1316:Falaise Gap 1277:, June 1944 1271:Omaha Beach 1240:Omaha Beach 1197:high ground 1106:Fort Devens 1066:Philippines 917:Coullemelle 905:BathelĂ©mont 855:World War I 738:Indian Wars 695:Parole Camp 683:Cold Harbor 655:Devil's Den 645:and at the 580:Chickamauga 572:2d Infantry 399:Parent unit 393:(1942–1945) 326:Decorations 302:Vietnam War 250:World War I 230:Indian Wars 218:Engagements 178:Nickname(s) 170:Garrison/HQ 165:1 battalion 48:introducing 3150:Categories 2790:References 2626:Jay Gatsby 2465:FourragĂšre 2460:FourragĂšre 2165:Allen West 2000:Omar Bundy 1863:Fort Riley 1768:Fort Riley 1731:Friendship 1707:Toan Thang 1653:Shenandoah 1620:Highway 13 1571:Toan Thang 1484:Birmingham 1476:Bushmaster 1234:, and HMS 1162:El Guettar 1090:Charleston 1014:Corps Area 909:Ansauville 790:Fort Crook 708:Appomattox 671:Wilderness 651:Gettysburg 548:battalions 411:Components 347:commanders 340:Commanders 31:references 2202:Location 2113:, 1939–45 2077:, 2004–08 2066:, 1924–26 2030:VII Corps 1953:Crossing 1797:does not 1727:Bear Trap 1524:Allentown 1492:Attleboro 1465:north of 1448:USS  1308:Coutances 1193:Villarosa 736:, in the 699:Annapolis 691:Baltimore 552:companies 550:of eight 544:president 530:Formation 285:Rhineland 213:4 October 2748:See also 2740:Enlisted 2677:'s book 2463:Belgian 2170:General 2116:General 2058:General 2034:VI Corps 2009:General 1989:Jedburgh 1962:General 1886:Iraq War 1826:May 2015 1683:and the 1459:Vung Tau 1415:Falkenau 1382:Waywertz 1355:Stolberg 1297:Saint-LĂŽ 1086:the port 1022:Fort Jay 1018:Camp Dix 1006:Kentucky 934:FlĂ©ville 921:Soissons 913:Cantigny 816:Sheridan 734:frontier 484:Previous 361:Insignia 312:Iraq War 186:Motto(s) 156:Infantry 56:May 2018 3105:at the 2820:24 June 2140:Vietnam 2134:, ADC, 1818:removed 1803:sources 1713:of the 1645:Lai KhĂȘ 1632:Mastiff 1591:Lai KhĂȘ 1577:(PAVN) 1553:(ARVN) 1547:Phu Loi 1528:Fairfax 1488:El Paso 1480:Abilene 1472:Mastiff 1284:Bradley 1232:Henrico 1102:Georgia 1064:of the 990:Suwanee 986:Freedom 982:Amphion 958:Coblenz 936:in the 812:aboard 754:V Corps 716:Colonel 576:Atlanta 525:History 456:(155mm) 450:(105mm) 444:(105mm) 438:(105mm) 345:Notable 118:Country 108: ( 100:Founded 44:improve 2974:  2955:  2902:  2280:Tech5 2098:& 2036:, and 1875:SFOR 6 1859:Bosnia 1747:An Lộc 1618:along 1514:; the 1510:; the 1467:Saigon 1359:Hamich 1357:, and 1351:Aachen 1286:, and 1230:, USS 1205:Troina 1191:, and 1166:Mateur 1164:, and 915:, and 637:, the 625:, and 584:Shiloh 143:  134:Branch 127:  33:, but 2760:Notes 2729:squad 2294:TSGT 2205:Date 2199:Name 1955:Weser 1649:Tulsa 1366:] 1349:near 1288:Gerow 1275:D-Day 1130:Arzew 1036:, on 1024:, on 946:Sedan 881:Paris 814:USAT 697:) at 202:March 2972:ISBN 2953:ISBN 2913:2011 2900:ISBN 2822:2010 2782:Day. 2467:1940 2350:SFC 2336:SGT 2322:PVT 2308:SGT 2266:1LT 2252:SGT 2238:1LT 2224:CPT 2210:1LT 1865:for 1801:any 1799:cite 1741:and 1705:and 1677:25th 1569:and 1526:and 1498:and 1411:Selb 1392:and 1189:Enna 1142:Oran 1080:and 509:The 487:Next 162:Size 152:Type 110:1861 103:1861 3139:at 2405:In 1812:by 1749:in 1717:at 1530:. 1273:on 1269:At 1088:of 1028:in 928:'s 665:'s 193:" ( 3152:: 2838:. 2808:. 2797:^ 2393:. 2138:, 2109:, 2062:, 2032:, 2028:, 2013:, 1737:, 1733:, 1729:, 1616:II 1494:, 1490:, 1486:, 1482:, 1478:, 1474:, 1364:de 1353:, 1187:, 1160:, 1156:, 1132:, 1112:. 1108:, 1100:, 1092:, 1004:, 988:, 984:, 911:, 899:, 792:. 740:. 681:, 677:, 673:, 621:, 578:, 521:. 3126:. 2980:. 2961:. 2936:. 2915:. 2882:. 2856:. 2824:. 2743:. 2724:. 2709:. 2702:. 2683:. 2670:. 2660:. 2651:. 2642:. 1839:) 1833:( 1828:) 1824:( 1820:. 1806:. 1651:/ 197:) 189:" 112:) 69:) 63:( 58:) 54:( 40:.


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United States Army
Semper Paratus
special designation
American Civil War
Indian Wars
Spanish–American War
Philippine–American War
Pancho Villa Expedition
World War I
World War II
Algeria-French Morocco
Tunisia Campaign
Operation Husky
Operation Overlord
Northern France
Western Allied invasion of Germany
Vietnam War
Persian Gulf War
Iraq War
War in Afghanistan
George A. Taylor

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
