
Red Jacket

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472:. Red Jacket conceived of a plan to maneuver his force of 300 Seneca warriors close enough to ambush the enemy force which consisted of British regulars, Canadian militia, and Mohawks. Peter B. Porter accompanied Red Jacket's force with a force of his own numbering 250-300 men. Porter's 250-300 man force consisted mostly of American militia and some U.S. regulars. Porter and Red Jacket headed with their combined force of 600 Senecas, militia, and regulars to ambush the British-allied force. Porter's 600 man force moved stealthily into the woods, creeping off to the south. The Americans entered the natural cover of the massive forest to stay out of sight of the enemy. The Americans came close undetected to the enemy's position. The Americans formed a formation of 3 arcs. Red Jacket's Senecas were in the 2 front arcs while Porter's men were in the third arc in the rear. Red Jacket's Senecas all wore white-hankie hats so that Porter's men could tell the difference between a British mohawk indian and a pro-American Seneca indian in the heat of battle. Once the Americans were in position enveloping the unsuspecting enemy. Each American aimed and leveled his gun at an enemy. The Americans sprang their ambush and opened heavy fire. The British-allied force was taken completely by surprise and many of them dropped dead. The Americans then charged in and engaged the enemy in close hand-to-hand combat. The Americans brutally killed many British, Canadian, and Mohawk as they were still so shocked and confused from the American ambush. The British and their allies retreated into the wilderness. Peter and his force pursued the enemy. However, the Americans ran into a fresh reserve of British regulars waiting in linear formation who fired a volley. Porter and his force retreated to safety as the British pursued them a short distance. After the battle of Chippawa ended between the main British army and the main American army, all British forces including the British main army withdrew temporarily. Porter and his men came back to their ambush site to police the scene to assess casualties of their force and of the enemy. There were at least 90 dead bodies of British, Canadian, and Mohawks. There were only a dozen dead Americans on the field. The Senecas scalped all of the dead British, Canadian, and Mohawks. After that, Porter, Red Jacket, and their forces withdrew from the field. 885: 693:
he considered less fortunate, to adopt the ways of Western society. Red Jacket noted the European Americans had tried to force their religion on the Indian peoples. Red Jacket recognized religion as a cultural right, but he explained that the Indians had inherited their belief system within their culture just as the European Americans had been given the Bible and Christianity. He said that both people came from a similar Great Spirit, yet it is up to the beholder as to how he accepts religion. The attempts of European Americans to force Christianity on the Indians violated the liberties of both people. Red Jacket said, "You have now become a great people, and we have scarcely a place left to spread our blankets. You have got our country, but are not satisfied; you want to force your religion upon us.
870: 634: 522:. In his last public speech titled ‘I am an aged tree and can stand no longer’ from 1829, Red Jacket foresaw his death. He stated that he was like an old tree whose leaves had fallen, branches withered, and that he had been shaken by every breeze. Although he was about to be joined with the spirits of his ancestors, it made him uneasy to think about the Senecas, who, as he rightfully predicted, were soon to be scattered and forgotten. On his death, his remains were buried in an Indian cemetery (now within Seneca Indian Park in South Buffalo, New York). In 1876, the politician William C. Bryant presented a plan to the Council of the Seneca Nation to reinter Red Jacket's remains in 330:. In May 2021, it was repatriated to the Seneca Nation and is currently held in the collection of the Onöhsagwë:De' Cultural Center, also known as the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum. Formal repatriation ceremony was held on May 17, 2021 at the Seneca Nation's Cultural Centre in Salamanca, since the Native Americans Graves Protection and Repatriation Act recognized Red Jacket's medal as culturaly important to the Seneca nation. The Senecas made a formal request for its return in October 2020, almost 125 years after the Buffalo Historical Society came in the possession of the medal in 1898, when the last living relative of the estate of Red Jacket sold it to the museum. 698:
all agreed, as you can all read the book?". Red Jacket distinguishes the fallacies that exist between the Americans' speech and their actions. If the Indians are being secularized for their religious beliefs, yet they believe in one ultimate Creator, just like the European Americans, how can they be viewed as a lesser body? Red Jacket says they do not understand the European Americans' mission to eradicate the Indians based on religion, but Red Jacket sees the European Americans as divided in their beliefs. However, he goes on to say that the Great Spirit is not one that can tear the two people apart but ultimately unite them in their ability to peacefully coexist.
827: 584:, to discuss their religious beliefs. After meeting with the leaders of the Seneca delegation, Red Jacket provided a thought-out response representing his people as a whole. After expressing his gratitude to the Great Spirit for the opportunity to meet, Red Jacket stated that the Senecas listened with excitement to Cram’s proposal. He responded to Cram's words: "There is but one religion, and but one way to serve God, and if you do not embrace the right way, you cannot be happy hereafter". He argued peacefully that the European Americans and Native American peoples should each have the right to worship the religion that suits them best. 604:... He had caused the earth to produce corn for bread. All this He had done for his red children, because He loved them." But that changed when Cram’s forefathers crossed the ocean and landed in the Americas to freely enjoy their religion. Red Jacket pointed out that they were greeted by the indigenous peoples who gave them corn and meat. But what they got in return was poison and liquor. The difference between the faiths involved not whether an almighty creator existed, but which faith was the truth and deserved to be followed. 851: 303: 460:, Red Jacket supported the American side. At a council of the New York indigenous nations called on July 6, 1812 by the Indian agent Erastus Granger, Red Jacket acted as a spokesman of the Senecas. When asked by Granger if the Senecas were to join the war on the British side, Red Jacket replied that his people cared more for peace than for war, and that he did not wish their Canadian brothers’ blood be spilled when there was so little occasion for it. 431: 55: 488:, asked to do mission work among the Seneca, Red Jacket responded by saying that the Seneca had suffered much at the hands of Europeans. His speech, "Religion for the White Man and the Red", expressed his profound belief that Native American religion was fitting and sufficient for Seneca and Native American culture. It has been documented and preserved as one of the best examples of North American oratory. 361:, by which they were forced to cede much of their land to the United States due to the defeat of their British ally during the war. Britain had ceded all its claims to land in the colonies without consulting the Iroquois or other Native American allies. The treaty confirmed peace with the United States, as well as the boundaries of the postwar 617:
so great a difference between us in other things, why may we not conclude that he has given us a different religion according to our understanding? The Great Spirit does right. He knows what is best for his children; we are satisfied." "We do not wish to destroy your religion, or take it from you. We only want to enjoy our own."
At the time, the Iroquois of present-day New York State were having difficulty dealing with the constant increase of European immigrants and encroachment on their remaining lands. As the numbers of European Americans grew in the Iroquois territories, the two peoples' opposing cultures became more and
Red Jacket took his name, one of several he used as an adult, from a highly favored embroidered coat given to him by the British for his wartime services. The Seneca allied with the British Crown during the American Revolution, both because of their long trading relationships and in the hope that the
But we will first look back a little, and tell you what our fathers have told us, and what we have heard from the white people". Red Jacket is referring to the history of how the white man has treated the red man on the latter's native soil. The white man commonly tried to persuade the Indians, whom
On the relations between his people and the first white settlers to come to their land, he said, "They found friends and not enemies ... they asked for a small seat. We took pity on them, granted their request; and they sat amongst us. We gave them corn and meat; they gave us poison." He argued that
Red Jacket questioned the legitimacy of the white man's beliefs. "You say that you are sent to instruct us how to worship the Great Spirit agreeably to his mind, and, if we do not take hold of the religion which you white people teach, we shall be unhappy hereafter. You say that you are right and we
and almighty creator. Their creation stories were the same. "There was a time when our forefathers owned this great island. Their seats extended from the rising to the setting sun. The Great Spirit had made it for the use of Indians. He had created the buffalo, the deer, and other animals for food .
Red Jacket continues to identify the religious continuities that exist between both people with his elaboration on the Great Spirit. He states, "You say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not
In conclusion he urged his audience to accept different forms of belief. "The Great Spirit has made us all, but He has made a great difference between his white and red children ... to you He has given the arts. To these He has not opened our eyes. We know these things to be true. Since He has made
There was a mutual dislike between Red Jacket and Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea). Each was the leading man among their own people, and rival politicians. Since the Senecas and the Mohawks were the principal nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, each sought the first place in the confederacy. Both
Yet we did not fear them. We took them to be friends. They called us brothers. We believed them and gave them a larger seat ... they wanted more land; they wanted our country. Our eyes were opened, and our minds became uneasy. You have got our country, but are not satisfied; you want to force your
belief held that there is not necessarily one true religion for all people. Red Jacket acknowledged that the European Americans' religious beliefs were based on a sacred text, but said, "If it was intended for us as well as you, why has not the Great Spirit given to us, and not only to us, but why
that distinguishes the difference in religious tolerance between the Indians and United States citizens. His emotional appeal to members of the US Senate, whom he feels are neglecting the Indians' right of religious freedom, is an example of his attempt to persuade his audience to recognize their
On another occasion, Red Jacket delivered a speech known as ‘We like our religion and do not want another’ to Reverend Alexander from New York City during a Seneca council at Buffalo Creek in May 1811. Noticing that ‘the black coats’ come with sweet voices and smiling faces, offering to teach the
In his "Speech to the U.S. Senate", Red Jacket was respectful and open-minded regarding his visitors' beliefs, hoping that his audience would respond similarly. "We have listened with attention to what you have said. You requested us to speak our minds freely. This gives us great joy; for we now
Joseph Brant was a bold and sagacious warrior. Red Jacket, on the other hand, disliked war and bloodshed. Red Jacket considered that the Senecas could only be free so long as they remained true to their culture. He believed that every art and custom of 'civilization' which they adopted increased
While Brant maintained a friendly relationship with the English throughout his life, favouring the introduction of agriculture to the Mohawks and converting to the Christian faith in early life, Red Jacket opposed the missionaries, the Christian religion, and everything that originated from the
Red Jacket became famous as an orator, speaking for the rights of his people. His language was beautiful and figurative, and delivered with the greatest ease and fluency. After the war, he played a prominent role in negotiations with the new United States federal government. In 1792 he led a
204:(1794). He helped secure some Seneca territory in New York state, although most of his people had migrated to Canada for resettlement after the Paris Treaty. Red Jacket's speech on "Religion for the White Man and the Red" (1805) has been preserved as an example of his great oratorical style. 667:
He wished his visitors well. "You have now heard our answer to your talk, and this is all we have to say at present. As we are going to part, we will come and take you by the hand, and hope the Great Spirit will protect you on your journey, and return you safe to your friends."
Red Jacket's ability to distinguish this form of religious discussion was very favorable to his legacy in history. He argues the injustices of the cultural system in the time period but does not back away from recognizing their common cultural and religious beliefs.
that we should meet together this day. He orders all things, and has given us a fine day for our Council." He proceeded to count all the blessings on the day, attributing them to the Great Spirit. "For all these favors we thank the Great Spirit, and Him only."
We also have a religion, which was given to our forefathers, and has been handed down to us their children. We worship in that way. It teaches us to be thankful for all the favors we receive; to love each other, and to be united. We never quarrel about
oppressors of his people. Following some alleged land speculations against Brant in 1803, Red Jacket was successful in removing him from the chieftainship of the Confederacy. However, at a subsequent council, Brant was able to reverse this decision.
826: 1673: 452:
British could limit American encroachment on their territory. After the British were defeated, the Seneca were forced to cede much of their territory to the United States. Many of their people resettled in Canada at what is now the
presented him with a special "peace medal", a large oval of silverplate engraved with an image of Washington on the right-hand side shaking Red Jacket's hand; below was inscribed "George Washington", "Red Jacket", and "1792".
religion of the white people, Red Jacket proposed that, if they wished well to the Senecas, to keep away and not disturb them. The reason being that the Senecas loved their own religion and did not want another.
This famous speech, also known as his talk on "Religion for the White Man and the Red", is an example of his great skill as an orator. He spoke in 1805 as a response to a request by Jacob Cram, a New England
consider that we stand upright before you, and can speak what we think." He reassured his audience that he understood they were far from home, and would waste no time in giving them his answer.
884: 869: 534:(Red Jacket's nephew's grandson, known as a "clan grandson," who inherited the famous medal), and others, were published (Buffalo, 1884). A memorial to Red Jacket, sculpted by 411:
to the Seneca men and trinkets to the women to "grease" the sale. Morris had previously purchased the land from Massachusetts, subject to the Indian title, then sold it to the
1113: 273:. During the war, when most of both the Seneca and Mohawk were allies of the British, Brant contemptuously referred to Red Jacket as "cow killer". He alleged that at the 313:. Red Jacket met with presidents George Washington, and later John Adams, in the presidential mansion in Philadelphia, when that city was the temporary national capital. 498:
and deeply regretted having taken his first drink (see following quote). When asked if he had children, the chief, who had lost most of his offspring to illness, said:
near the mouth of Basswood Creek. It is known that he grew up with his family at Basswood Creek, and his mother was buried there after her death. The Iroquois had a
484:, which roughly translates as "he keeps them awake", was given by the Seneca about 1780 in recognition of his oratory skill. When in 1805 Jacob Cram, a New England 719: 1400: 1704: 655:
The white settlers' actions did not encourage belief in their religion. "How shall we know when to believe, being so often deceived by the white people?"
Red Jacket made it clear that he and his people would not change their religious beliefs based on the white man's word. He began, "It was the will of the
407:). Red Jacket had tried to prevent the sale but, unable to persuade the other chiefs, he gave up his opposition. As often occurred, Morris used gifts of 808:
There is a hand-carved portrait of Red Jacket alongside a brief quotation from his Senate speech on the Empire State Carousel at the Farmers' Museum in
1729: 306: 1284: 543: 1605:
Baym, Nina, Robert S. Levine, and Arnold Krupat. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Vol. A. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2007. Print.
1484: 1624:
McKenney, Thomas & Hall, James. History of Indian Tribes of North America, Volume two. Philadelphia: Rice, Rutter & Co., 1870. Print.
McKenney, Thomas & Hall, James. History of Indian Tribes of North America, Volume One. Philadelphia: Rice, Rutter & Co., 1870. Print.
77: 333:
He was also presented with a silver inlaid half-stock long rifle, bearing his initials and Wolf clan emblem in the stock and his later name
kinship system, with inheritance and descent figured through the maternal line. Red Jacket was considered to be born into his mother's Wolf
Red Jacket wore this medal on his chest in every portrait painted of him. The medal was held from 1895 to 2021 in the collection of the
were artful and eloquent men; while Brant had the advantage of education and travel, Red Jacket was superior in devotion to his people.
250:, and his social status was based on her family and clan. He was taught by his mother at a young age that truth was a powerful weapon. 785:
is named "Red Jacket Peninsula". On the eastern bank of the river is the plaque containing a brief bio of Red Jacket and river history.
904: 850: 876: 658:
Red Jacket also acknowledged that the white settlers' religion was beset with divisive controversies, unlike his peoples' own faith.
523: 435: 129: 1659: 1719: 399:
paid $ 100,000 to the Seneca for rights to some of their lands west of the Genesee River. (This area developed as present-day
Valley in western New York. In the later years of his life, Red Jacket moved to Canada for a short period of time. He and the
1734: 506:. He was a lofty pine among the smaller trees of the forest. But, after years of glory, he degraded himself by drinking the 815:
A Red Jacket mural painted by Kean Mahony in the late 1800s. It was above the fireplace in the former Hulett residence in
Peter B. Porter was able to successfully negotiate an alliance with Red Jacket to assist the American armed forces in the
of the white man. The Great Spirit has looked upon him in anger, and his lightning has stripped the pine of its branches.
were the first settlers in the formerly Seneca region. Despite the pillaging of the Native River-Settlement in Ah-Wa-Ga
1195: 599:
Red Jacket said that his peoples' beliefs were very like those of the missionary, differing only in the names of their
420: 1443: 1404: 1366: 1203: 926: 200:, when the Seneca as British allies were forced to cede much land following the defeat of the British; he signed the 1744: 1699: 788: 642:
it was wrong to portray his people as savages, when they had shown kindness but received in return only "poison" (
1218: 633: 526:
in Buffalo. This was carried out on October 9, 1884. The proceedings, with papers documenting speeches given by
became bitter enemies and rivals before the American Revolutionary War, although they often met together at the
1724: 388:
tribe. The Seneca Tribe made peace with settlers in the Finger Lakes region, but they suffered hardship in the
362: 1739: 613:
did he not give to our forefathers, the knowledge of that book, with the means of understanding it rightly?"
West Virginia Place Names: Their Origin and Meaning, Including the Nomenclature of the Streams and Mountains
1278: 277:
in 1779, Red Jacket killed a cow and used the blood as evidence to claim he had killed an American rebel.
Red Jacket's birthplace has long been a matter of debate. Some historians claim he was born about 1750 at
841: 404: 400: 20: 1709: 492: 197: 384:, by generals Clinton and Sullivan during the Revolutionary War, the Society made peace with the wary 1610:
Life and times of Red-Jacket, Or, Sa-go-ye-wat-ha: Being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations
798: 581: 72: 1156: 931: 1621:
Blaisdell, Bob. Great Speeches by Native Americans. New York: Dover Publications Inc., 2000. Print.
1273: 782: 772: 396: 389: 1356: 816: 373: 1435: 423:. During the negotiations, Brant was reported to have told an insulting story about Red Jacket. 1714: 1091: 792: 327: 223: 1689: 809: 768: 552: 358: 201: 1615:
Parker, Arthur Caswell. Red Jacket, Seneca Chief. University of Nebraska Press, 1952. Print.
1694: 1318:"Dispatches from the War of 1812 "Guerrillas in a Thrilla: The Battle of Chippawa, Part 2"" 764: 750: 535: 439: 412: 266: 235: 8: 1609: 676:
Red Jacket's "Speech to the U.S. Senate" expresses his ability to use a distinct form of
564: 507: 453: 1627:
Red Jacket Medal Returned to Seneca Nation. YouTube, uploaded by WGRZ-TV, May 21, 2021,
1428: 1269: 1263:
One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in the
735: 643: 469: 416: 377: 1652: 1439: 1362: 1199: 922: 837: 833: 710:
A variety of structures, ships and places were named in his honor, especially in the
519: 319: 274: 134: 68: 1277: 860: 757: 682: 592: 231: 219: 193: 1317: 971:
Maine League of Historical Societies and Museums (1970). Doris A. Isaacson (ed.).
381: 180:
as an adult because of his oratorical skills) (c. 1750 – January 20, 1830) was a
970: 778:
The Red Jacket Volunteer Fire Department, which served the Town of Seneca Falls.
556: 64: 1628: 805:, although the leader was not known to have had any connection to that region. 302: 196:. On behalf of his nation, he negotiated with the new United States after the 1683: 1264: 1087: 891: 802: 560: 548: 531: 427:
intervened and prevented the Seneca leader from attacking and killing Brant.
385: 366: 350: 258: 254: 181: 150: 1667: 1342: 1238: 763:
A public school system, Red Jacket Central, which serves the communities of
inlaid on the barrel. This rifle has been in private hands since his death.
725: 711: 600: 527: 503: 318:
delegation of 50 Native American leaders to Philadelphia. The US president
310: 262: 185: 90: 742: 731:
The Red Jacket Building, an apartment and commercial building in Buffalo.
457: 424: 346: 243: 227: 214: 1459: 609: 577: 495: 485: 239: 60: 430: 270: 1647: 677: 354: 253:
Red Jacket lived much of his adult life in Seneca territory in the
580:, to evangelize among the Seneca. On this day, the two men met in 1587:
Higgins, Joe (August 15, 1958). "Progress Threatens Red Jacket".
Pioneer Prophetess: Jemima Wilkinson the Publick Universal Friend
Red Jacket Medal Returned to Seneca Nation', 00:01:50 to 00:02:10
760:, which set the unbroken speed record from New York to Liverpool. 754: 1137:
Red Jacket Medal Returned to Seneca Nation, 00:00:35 to 00:01:00
408: 54: 1576:. Piedmont, West Virginia: The Place Name Press. p. 524. 1648:
An Account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha, or Red Jacket, and His People
1554: 738:, near Keuka Lake. The statue was sculpted by Michael Soles. 559:
did his portrait in 1828, when Red Jacket was on a visit to
High hopes : the rise and decline of Buffalo, New York
Red Jacket Yacht Club, which lies on the western shores of
247: 189: 94: 1239:"The World's Famous Orations. America: Vol I. (1761–1837)" 1358:
A Centennial Edition of the History of the United States
1088:"Fact, Fiction & Spectacle: the Trial of Red Jacket" 637:
Red Jacket by George Catlin. 1827. Watercolour on paper.
1236: 1114:"Red Jacket Medal's long journey ends at Seneca museum" 975:. Rockland, ME: Courier-Gazette, Inc. pp. 260–261. 685:, who he believes oversees both the red and white man. 502:
Red Jacket was once a great man, and in favor with the
1668:"Red Jacket on Religion for the White Man and the Red" 1343:"Red Jacket on Religion for the White Man and the Red" 297: 1674:"Red Jacket, noted Indian orator, colorful character" 832:
Red Jacket wearing the "Peace Medal" given to him by
1460:"Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805" 985:
John Niles Hubbard, "An Account of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha"
218:, also known as the Old Seneca Castle. Present-day 1663:, Audio from Greatest Speeches in History Podcast 1427: 280: 1681: 1661:Red Jacket on Religion for the White Man and Red 345:In 1794, Red Jacket was a signatory, along with 1059:McKenney & Hall, Volume Two, 1870, Pg. 283. 1041:McKenney & Hall, Volume Two, 1870, Pg. 282. 290:their dependency on the Euro-American society. 1068:McKenney & Hall, Volume Two, 1870, Pg. 282 1050:McKenney & Hall, Volume Two, 1870, Pg. 282 463: 415:for speculative development. He retained only 365:(1788) of most of the Seneca land east of the 234:. Others say he was born south of present-day 1571: 954: 952: 734:A memorial statue and Red Jacket Park are in 78:History of the Indian Tribes of North America 1259: 1257: 1255: 1105: 1705:Native Americans in the American Revolution 1629: 1285:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography 1268: 932:Robert G. Koch, "Red Jacket: Seneca Orator" 544:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography 1612:. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1841. Print. 1345:, Bartleby Website, accessed May 22, 2011. 949: 538:, still stands within Seneca Indian Park. 53: 1730:Burials at Forest Lawn Cemetery (Buffalo) 1425: 1252: 419:, an estate near the present-day city of 890:Chief Red Jacket, with Two Warriors, by 718:A complex of dormitory buildings at the 632: 429: 301: 1586: 1354: 1348: 1189: 966: 964: 919:The Iroquois in the American Revolution 681:fallacies. He repeatedly refers to the 547:, "Several portraits were made of him. 340: 1682: 1403:. Archived from 570: 1237:William Jennings Bryant, ed. (1906). 1080: 392:and other parts of Western New York. 222:, developed near here, at the top of 1361:. Hartford: T. Belknap. p. 26. 1157:"The Canandaigua Treaty of the 1794" 1112:McCarthy, Robert J. (May 16, 2021). 961: 705: 395:In 1797, by the Treaty of Big Tree, 1430:Warrior in Two Camps: Ely S. Parker 298:Silver Medal from George Washington 13: 1196:State University of New York Press 911: 226:. Others believe he was born near 14: 1756: 1634: 1111: 875:Portrait by Thomas Hicks (1868), 1485:"Great Native American Speeches" 1434:. Syracuse Univ. Press. p.  1176:Wisbey, Herbert A., Jr. (2009). 1077:McKenney & Hall 1870, p. 17. 883: 868: 849: 825: 1670:, Bartleby Website, text online 1580: 1565: 1547: 1538: 1529: 1520: 1511: 1502: 1477: 1452: 1419: 1393: 1384: 1375: 1336: 1310: 1301: 1292: 1230: 1212: 1183: 1170: 1149: 1140: 1131: 1071: 1062: 1053: 1426:Armstrong, William H. (1978). 1044: 1035: 1026: 1019:Stafford C. Cleveland (1873), 1013: 1000: 994:Col. William L. Stone (1838), 988: 979: 958:Parker 1952, Preface p. xxiii. 446: 363:the Phelps and Gorham Purchase 281:Relationship with Joseph Brant 1: 1720:People from Buffalo, New York 1599: 567:has celebrated him in song." 475: 1735:People from Geneva, New York 942: 7: 1517:Blaisdell, 2000. Pg. 41-42. 1355:Lossing, Benson J. (1876). 1220:The Cornplanter Chronicles, 907:, Native American influence 898: 842:Colby College Museum of Art 688:At the beginning, he says, 671: 624: 464:Ambush at South of Chippawa 21:Red Jacket (disambiguation) 10: 1761: 1401:"The Graves of Red Jacket" 973:Maine: A Guide 'Down East' 724:Red Jacket Dining Hall at 198:American Revolutionary War 18: 877:National Portrait Gallery 781:A section of land on the 156: 146: 141: 125: 117: 109: 104: 100: 89: 85: 73:Charles Joseph Hullmandel 52: 37: 30: 1535:Blaisdell, 2000. Pg. 44. 1390:Blaisdell, 2000. Pg. 48. 1288:. New York: D. Appleton. 857:The Trial of Red Jacket, 773:Ontario County, New York 59:Red Jacket from an 1835 1745:Wolf Clan of the Seneca 1700:Native American leaders 1544:Blaisdell, 2000. Pg. 44 1526:Blaisdell, 2000. Pg. 42 1508:Blaisdell 2000. Pg. 41. 1381:Blaisdell, 2000. Pg. 48 1021:History of Yates County 1006:Miles A. Davis (1912), 582:Buffalo Creek, New York 491:Red Jacket developed a 374:Public Universal Friend 207: 1572:Kenny, Hamill (1945). 1226:Mountain Laurel Review 1190:Goldman, Mark (1983). 1092:Buffalo History Museum 695: 665: 653: 638: 512: 480:His later adult name, 443: 328:Buffalo History Museum 314: 67:, after a painting by 16:Seneca chief (d. 1830) 1725:University at Buffalo 1656:by John Niles Hubbard 1589:Niagara Falls Gazette 1307:Parker 1952, Pg. 154. 1298:Parker 1952, Pg. 153. 810:Cooperstown, New York 720:University at Buffalo 690: 660: 648: 636: 500: 433: 376:and the Philadelphia 369:in western New York. 359:Treaty of Canandaigua 305: 202:Treaty of Canandaigua 1740:Religious apologists 1008:History of Jerusalem 714:region and Buffalo: 608:are lost." Iroquois 536:James G. C. Hamilton 524:Forest Lawn Cemetery 514:In his later years, 440:James G. C. Hamilton 436:Forest Lawn Cemetery 413:Holland Land Company 341:A Skilled Negotiator 267:Iroquois Confederacy 130:Forest Lawn Cemetery 19:For other uses, see 1676:, Wisconsin History 936:Crooked Lake Review 917:Graymont, Barbara, 571:Speech to Rev. Cram 565:Fitz-Greene Halleck 551:painted him twice, 456:in Ontario. In the 454:Six Nations Reserve 75:, and published in 1608:Stone, William L. 1322:History Of Buffalo 1279:"Red-Jacket"  996:Life of Red Jacket 789:Red Jacket Parkway 736:Penn Yan, New York 639: 470:Battle of Chippawa 444: 417:the Morris Reserve 378:Society of Friends 353:, and fifty other 315: 1710:American animists 1653:Project Gutenberg 1032:Graymont, p. 216. 905:U.S. Constitution 838:Charles Bird King 834:George Washington 797:The community of 706:Honors and legacy 651:religion upon us. 520:Buffalo, New York 405:Livingston County 320:George Washington 307:President's House 275:Battle of Newtown 171:in his youth and 160: 159: 135:Buffalo, New York 69:Charles Bird King 1752: 1655: 1593: 1592: 1584: 1578: 1577: 1569: 1563: 1562: 1551: 1545: 1542: 1536: 1533: 1527: 1524: 1518: 1515: 1509: 1506: 1500: 1499: 1497: 1495: 1481: 1475: 1474: 1472: 1470: 1456: 1450: 1449: 1433: 1423: 1417: 1416: 1414: 1412: 1407:on July 27, 2011 1397: 1391: 1388: 1382: 1379: 1373: 1372: 1352: 1346: 1340: 1334: 1333: 1331: 1329: 1314: 1308: 1305: 1299: 1296: 1290: 1289: 1281: 1261: 1250: 1249: 1247: 1245: 1234: 1228: 1216: 1210: 1209: 1187: 1181: 1180:. Cornell Press. 1174: 1168: 1167: 1165: 1163: 1153: 1147: 1144: 1138: 1135: 1129: 1128: 1126: 1124: 1109: 1103: 1102: 1100: 1098: 1084: 1078: 1075: 1069: 1066: 1060: 1057: 1051: 1048: 1042: 1039: 1033: 1030: 1024: 1017: 1011: 1004: 998: 992: 986: 983: 977: 976: 968: 959: 956: 887: 872: 861:John Mix Stanley 853: 829: 357:leaders, of the 230:and present-day 220:Geneva, New York 194:Western New York 142:Military service 121:January 20, 1830 105:Personal details 57: 28: 27: 1760: 1759: 1755: 1754: 1753: 1751: 1750: 1749: 1680: 1679: 1645: 1637: 1602: 1597: 1596: 1585: 1581: 1570: 1566: 1553: 1552: 1548: 1543: 1539: 1534: 1530: 1525: 1521: 1516: 1512: 1507: 1503: 1493: 1491: 1483: 1482: 1478: 1468: 1466: 1458: 1457: 1453: 1446: 1424: 1420: 1410: 1408: 1399: 1398: 1394: 1389: 1385: 1380: 1376: 1369: 1353: 1349: 1341: 1337: 1327: 1325: 1324:. June 26, 2022 1316: 1315: 1311: 1306: 1302: 1297: 1293: 1276:, eds. (1900). 1262: 1253: 1243: 1241: 1235: 1231: 1217: 1213: 1206: 1188: 1184: 1175: 1171: 1161: 1159: 1155: 1154: 1150: 1145: 1141: 1136: 1132: 1122: 1120: 1110: 1106: 1096: 1094: 1086: 1085: 1081: 1076: 1072: 1067: 1063: 1058: 1054: 1049: 1045: 1040: 1036: 1031: 1027: 1018: 1014: 1005: 1001: 993: 989: 984: 980: 969: 962: 957: 950: 945: 914: 912:Further reading 901: 894: 888: 879: 873: 864: 854: 845: 830: 708: 674: 627: 588:more apparent. 573: 478: 466: 449: 382:Owego, New York 343: 300: 283: 210: 178:Sa-go-ye-wa-tha 133: 81: 33: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 1758: 1748: 1747: 1742: 1737: 1732: 1727: 1722: 1717: 1712: 1707: 1702: 1697: 1692: 1678: 1677: 1671: 1665: 1657: 1643: 1636: 1635:External links 1633: 1632: 1631: 1625: 1622: 1619: 1616: 1613: 1606: 1601: 1598: 1595: 1594: 1579: 1564: 1546: 1537: 1528: 1519: 1510: 1501: 1476: 1451: 1444: 1418: 1392: 1383: 1374: 1367: 1347: 1335: 1309: 1300: 1291: 1251: 1229: 1222:Vol. 4, part 7 1211: 1204: 1198:. p. 28. 1182: 1169: 1148: 1139: 1130: 1104: 1079: 1070: 1061: 1052: 1043: 1034: 1025: 1012: 999: 987: 978: 960: 947: 946: 944: 941: 940: 939: 929: 913: 910: 909: 908: 900: 897: 896: 895: 889: 882: 880: 874: 867: 865: 855: 848: 846: 836:. Portrait by 831: 824: 821: 820: 813: 806: 795: 786: 779: 776: 761: 746: 739: 732: 729: 722: 707: 704: 673: 670: 626: 623: 572: 569: 557:Robert W. Weir 477: 474: 465: 462: 448: 445: 438:; sculpted by 390:Genesee Region 342: 339: 299: 296: 282: 279: 209: 206: 158: 157: 154: 153: 148: 144: 143: 139: 138: 127: 123: 122: 119: 115: 114: 111: 107: 106: 102: 101: 98: 97: 87: 86: 83: 82: 65:Henry Corbould 58: 50: 49: 35: 34: 31: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1757: 1746: 1743: 1741: 1738: 1736: 1733: 1731: 1728: 1726: 1723: 1721: 1718: 1716: 1715:Seneca people 1713: 1711: 1708: 1706: 1703: 1701: 1698: 1696: 1693: 1691: 1688: 1687: 1685: 1675: 1672: 1669: 1666: 1664: 1662: 1658: 1654: 1650: 1649: 1644: 1642: 1641: 1640: 1630: 1626: 1623: 1620: 1617: 1614: 1611: 1607: 1604: 1603: 1590: 1583: 1575: 1568: 1560: 1556: 1550: 1541: 1532: 1523: 1514: 1505: 1490: 1486: 1480: 1465: 1461: 1455: 1447: 1445:0-8156-2495-6 1441: 1437: 1432: 1431: 1422: 1406: 1402: 1396: 1387: 1378: 1370: 1368:9781177937429 1364: 1360: 1359: 1351: 1344: 1339: 1323: 1319: 1313: 1304: 1295: 1287: 1286: 1280: 1275: 1271: 1270:Wilson, J. G. 1266: 1265:public domain 1260: 1258: 1256: 1244:September 19, 1240: 1233: 1227: 1223: 1221: 1215: 1207: 1205:9780873957342 1201: 1197: 1193: 1186: 1179: 1173: 1158: 1152: 1143: 1134: 1119: 1115: 1108: 1093: 1089: 1083: 1074: 1065: 1056: 1047: 1038: 1029: 1022: 1016: 1009: 1003: 997: 991: 982: 974: 967: 965: 955: 953: 948: 937: 933: 930: 928: 927:0-8156-0083-6 924: 920: 916: 915: 906: 903: 902: 893: 892:George Catlin 886: 881: 878: 871: 866: 862: 858: 852: 847: 843: 839: 835: 828: 823: 822: 818: 817:Niagara Falls 814: 811: 807: 804: 803:West Virginia 800: 796: 794: 793:South Buffalo 790: 787: 784: 783:Buffalo River 780: 777: 774: 770: 766: 762: 759: 756: 753: 752: 747: 744: 740: 737: 733: 730: 727: 723: 721: 717: 716: 715: 713: 703: 699: 694: 689: 686: 684: 679: 669: 664: 659: 656: 652: 647: 645: 635: 631: 622: 618: 614: 611: 605: 602: 597: 594: 589: 585: 583: 579: 568: 566: 562: 561:New York City 558: 554: 550: 549:George Catlin 546: 545: 541:According to 539: 537: 533: 532:Ely S. Parker 529: 525: 521: 517: 511: 509: 505: 499: 497: 494: 489: 487: 483: 473: 471: 461: 459: 455: 441: 437: 432: 428: 426: 422: 418: 414: 410: 406: 402: 398: 397:Robert Morris 393: 391: 387: 383: 379: 375: 370: 368: 367:Genesee River 364: 360: 356: 352: 351:Handsome Lake 348: 338: 336: 331: 329: 324: 321: 312: 308: 304: 295: 291: 287: 278: 276: 272: 268: 264: 260: 256: 255:Genesee River 251: 249: 245: 241: 237: 233: 229: 225: 221: 217: 216: 205: 203: 199: 195: 191: 187: 183: 179: 176: 175: 170: 169: 164: 155: 152: 151:Seneca nation 149: 145: 140: 136: 131: 128: 126:Resting place 124: 120: 116: 112: 108: 103: 99: 96: 92: 88: 84: 80: 79: 74: 71:, printed by 70: 66: 62: 56: 51: 48: 47: 42: 41: 36: 29: 26: 22: 1690:1750s births 1660: 1646: 1638: 1588: 1582: 1573: 1567: 1558: 1549: 1540: 1531: 1522: 1513: 1504: 1492:. Retrieved 1488: 1479: 1467:. Retrieved 1463: 1454: 1429: 1421: 1409:. Retrieved 1405:the original 1395: 1386: 1377: 1357: 1350: 1338: 1326:. Retrieved 1321: 1312: 1303: 1294: 1283: 1242:. Retrieved 1232: 1225: 1219: 1214: 1191: 1185: 1177: 1172: 1160:. Retrieved 1151: 1142: 1133: 1121:. Retrieved 1118:Buffalo News 1117: 1107: 1095:. Retrieved 1082: 1073: 1064: 1055: 1046: 1037: 1028: 1020: 1015: 1007: 1002: 995: 990: 981: 972: 938:, March 1992 935: 918: 856: 840:, ca. 1828, 801:in southern 749: 726:SUNY Geneseo 712:Finger Lakes 709: 700: 696: 691: 687: 683:Great Spirit 675: 666: 661: 657: 654: 649: 646:). Further, 640: 628: 619: 615: 610:"separatist" 606: 598: 593:Great Spirit 590: 586: 574: 542: 540: 528:Horatio Hale 515: 513: 504:Great Spirit 501: 493:problem with 490: 481: 479: 467: 450: 434:Monument at 394: 372:In 1790 the 371: 344: 334: 332: 325: 316: 311:Philadelphia 292: 288: 284: 263:Joseph Brant 252: 213: 211: 188:of the Wolf 177: 173: 172: 167: 166: 162: 161: 93:of the Wolf 91:Tribal chief 76: 45: 44: 39: 38: 25: 1695:1830 deaths 1639:Red Jacket 1494:November 8, 1469:November 8, 769:Shortsville 743:Cayuga Lake 644:hard liquor 601:omnipresent 553:Henry Inman 516:Sagoyewatha 482:Sagoyewatha 458:War of 1812 447:War of 1812 425:Cornplanter 347:Cornplanter 335:Sagoyewatha 244:matrilineal 228:Cayuga Lake 224:Seneca Lake 215:Kanadaseaga 192:, based in 184:orator and 174:Sagoyewatha 46:Sagoyewatha 1684:Categories 1600:References 1194:. Albany: 1162:January 8, 799:Red Jacket 765:Manchester 751:Red Jacket 578:missionary 555:once, and 530:, General 486:missionary 476:Later life 240:Keuka Lake 236:Branchport 165:(known as 163:Red Jacket 147:Allegiance 61:lithograph 32:Red Jacket 1274:Fiske, J. 1023:, p. 450. 943:Footnotes 663:religion. 518:lived in 508:firewater 421:Rochester 271:Longhouse 1411:June 21, 1328:June 26, 1010:, p. 38. 921:, 1972, 899:See also 678:rhetoric 672:Rhetoric 625:Civility 355:Iroquois 168:Otetiani 43:, later 40:Otetiani 1267::  1123:May 16, 1097:July 6, 863:, 1869. 755:clipper 496:alcohol 401:Geneseo 1555:"Home" 1442:  1365:  1202:  925:  409:liquor 386:Seneca 261:chief 259:Mohawk 232:Canoga 182:Seneca 137:, U.S. 238:, at 186:chief 1496:2018 1471:2018 1440:ISBN 1413:2011 1363:ISBN 1330:2022 1246:2009 1200:ISBN 1164:2008 1125:2021 1099:2013 923:ISBN 767:and 758:ship 748:The 248:Clan 208:Life 190:clan 118:Died 113:1750 110:Born 95:clan 1651:at 1436:204 859:by 819:NY. 791:in 771:in 403:in 269:'s 63:by 1686:: 1557:. 1487:. 1462:. 1438:. 1320:. 1282:. 1272:; 1254:^ 1224:, 1116:. 1090:. 963:^ 951:^ 934:, 563:. 349:, 309:, 1591:. 1561:. 1498:. 1473:. 1448:. 1415:. 1371:. 1332:. 1248:. 1208:. 1166:. 1127:. 1101:. 844:. 812:. 775:. 745:. 728:. 442:. 132:, 23:.


Red Jacket (disambiguation)

Henry Corbould
Charles Bird King
Charles Joseph Hullmandel
History of the Indian Tribes of North America
Tribal chief
Forest Lawn Cemetery
Buffalo, New York
Seneca nation
Western New York
American Revolutionary War
Treaty of Canandaigua
Geneva, New York
Seneca Lake
Cayuga Lake
Keuka Lake
Genesee River
Joseph Brant

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