
Norwich Market

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breadth and height that it surpasses any of the bridges in Yorkshire, over the river Wharfe or elsewhere. A little way from this castle on the opposite side of a hill, is the chief market place of this city, and this being the only place where all things are brought to be sold, for the food of this great city, they not as in London allowing markets in several places, make it vastly full of provisions, especially on Saturdays, where I saw the greatest shambles for butchers' meat I had ever yet seen, and the like also for poultry and dairy-meats, which dairy people also bring many quarters of veal with their butter and cheese, and I believe also in their seasons pork and hog-meats. These people fill a square of ground on the side of a hill twice as big as Abingdon market place. They setting their goods in ranges as near as may be one above another, only allowing room for single persons to pass between; and above these the butchers have their shambles and such kind of people as sell fish, of which there was plenty of such kinds as the seas hereabouts afford, viz. crabs, flounders, mackerel, very cheap, but lobster for sea fish and pike or jack for river fish, were dear enough. ... Their chief market house stands in the midst of this great market place, now very full of people and provisions, being circular or round in form, having chained to the several pillars thereof bushels, pecks, scales, and other things for the measuring and weighing of such goods as are brought to the market.
723: 22: 932:
restricted as stalls erected external displays and additional weatherproofing. Removable shutters used to secure the stalls overnight were stacked against the sides of the stalls during trading hours, causing further obstruction, while on those stalls fitted with doors the doors opened outwards to maximise the limited space inside the units. In addition, the floors of stalls followed the slope of the hill, a gradient of about 1:12, causing health problems for those market workers who had to stand at this angle for prolonged periods during the day. Norwich City Council decided that these problems needed to be addressed, and in December 2003 invited the public to choose between three proposals for a rebuilt market.
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Hot and cold running water and refrigeration were provided to those stalls handling food, and many of the stalls were converted into lockable units. New electrical mains cables were installed throughout the market, the site was resurfaced, and the elegant but ageing 19th century lavatories were demolished. Aside from the demolition of the Victorian toilets, the only significant visible alteration was the addition of corrugated plastic covers over the walkways between the stalls. Although competition from supermarkets was by this time affecting shopping patterns, and the decline of
mixture of stalls and booths which occupied the market itself were all removed, and replaced by 205 stalls in uniform parallel rows, topped with multi-coloured sloping roofs (known locally as "tilts"). During the rebuilding of the market square, the existing stalls were relocated to a number of temporary locations in the area to allow them to continue trading, including the courtyard and rear of the City Hall development and surrounding streets. In 1938 the coverings of the stalls were given the multi-coloured stripes for which they became famous.
691: 924: 951: 860: 332: 780: 768:, was installed in the market outside the entrance to Davey Place. Exchange Street, a new road running north from the northeast corner of the market, was completed in 1828 and a roadway was installed alongside the existing footpath. London Street, the main road connecting the market with the older areas of the city around Tombland and the Cathedral was widened in 1856. In 1860 the decrepit fish market adjacent to the Guildhall, by now over 700 years old, was replaced with a new 679:
eastern strip housing the butchers and fishmongers, known as the Upper Market, leaving only two narrow passageways as direct links between the two-halves of the market square. (Although the buildings dividing the upper and lower markets were demolished in the 1930s, one of these connecting passages survives as Pudding Lane. The name "Pudding Lane" derives from "ped", an archaic word for the large baskets from which itinerant traders sold goods in the market.)
153: 396: 226: 598:. On at least two occasions in the late 16th century people convicted of sedition were nailed to the pillory by their ears; on completion of their time on the pillory their ears were cut off. Public whippings of criminals were also conducted in the marketplace. Although not all executions in the period are recorded, it is known that public hangings also took place in the market square and around the market cross. 77:
the local council. Freed from royal control, the market was reorganised to benefit the city as much as possible. Norwich and the surrounding region were devastated by plague and famine in the latter half of the 14th century, with the population falling by over 50%. Following the plague years, Norwich came under the control of local merchants and the economy was rebuilt. In the early 15th century, a
93:. The eastern side of the market was particularly fashionable and became known as Gentleman's Walk. The area around the market had become very congested by the 19th century, but the council was unable to raise funds for improvement and few alterations were made. Because many of the market's stalls were privately owned, the council was unable to rearrange the market into a more rational layout. 562:(city officials carrying swords) marched ahead of the procession to clear a path. Behind the whifflers, the incoming and outgoing mayors rode side-by-side, preceded by trumpeters and standard-bearers carrying the banners of England and St George, and followed by the city's Sheriffs and Aldermen in ceremonial gowns of violet and red, respectively. The procession was flanked by the city's 176:. A new Norman town was built west of the Castle, in an area known as Mancroft. The new town at Mancroft included a market of its own to provide for the Norman settlers and merchants moving into the area, and possibly also to supply the castle's garrison. The exact date of the foundation of the market at Mancroft is not recorded, but it is known to have been operational by the time the 320:(meeting merchants on their way to the market either to buy their goods for resale, or to prevent them from attending the market and thus make goods of the type they were selling scarce and hence more expensive) was forbidden. Trading anywhere other than in the market was strongly discouraged and the right to re-sell goods at a profit was restricted to 985: 196:
centre for the civil administration of the city. Although the Tombland market retained its charter to host an annual horse fair, over time the market at Mancroft supplanted that at Tombland as the principal market of the area. At the end of the 11th century, the Tombland market was removed during construction work on Norwich Cathedral.
747:, and funds for improvements were limited. By the beginning of the 19th century the only significant improvement had been the paving of Gentleman's Walk. In 1805 a number of Improvement Commissions were established to propose solutions to the problems facing the area, but little action was taken. Local councils had no powers to levy 351:. The plague spread gradually over the rest of the country with devastating effect, causing a mortality estimated at between 30%–45%. In late March 1349, the outbreak reached East Anglia and, for reasons which are not understood, increased drastically in intensity. In 1349–50 alone, more than half the population of East Anglia died. 304:, were very impressed by the city and, as a token of appreciation for bearing the costs of the defensive fortifications, Edward granted the franchise of the market to the city in perpetuity. The control by the King's Clerk over trade at the market was ended and tolls and rents from the market from then on went directly to the city's 105:
radical rebuilding of the area. These proposals were extremely controversial and were abandoned in 2004 in favour of a scheme which retained the parallel rows of stalls, but replaced the old stalls with steel units of four stalls each. The rebuilt market was completed in early 2006 and is one of the largest markets in Britain.
489:, who had congregated in the marketplace during their brief capture of Norwich. In 1574, a local law was enacted demanding that all unemployed men were to assemble at the market cross each morning at 5.00 am, along with the tools of their trade, and remain there for an hour in the hope that they would be offered work; a 520:. Following the counting of the vote, the winning candidate would be carried three times around the market, followed by torch-bearers and trumpeters. By this time, the crowds would generally be extremely drunk on the liquor provided by the candidates, and elections would often degenerate into drunken revelry or fighting. 240:
churchyard.) The marketplace sloped downwards from west to east. A long straight passageway called the Nethererowe or Nether Row (later renamed Gentleman's Walk) marked the eastern boundary. Another passage called the Overerowe, or Over Row (later renamed St Peter's Street, and since 1938 occupied by
immediately in front of it and Norwich Market in front of the war memorial; Guildhall. The Sir Garnet Wolseley pub (with pyramid-shaped roof) is immediately in front of the section of St Peter Mancroft's churchyard which was the cloth market prior to 1369; while the building in its current form dates
Innes's design retained the market's layout of parallel rows of stalls with striped coloured roofs. The new stalls were built as steel and aluminium prefabricated units consisting of four stalls each, each stall having a level floor accessed by a step. These "pods" were arranged in rows, with 2-metre
Although the civic authorities initially resisted installing tramways in the city centre owing to concerns about nuisance and disruption, they eventually relented; by the end of the 19th century Norwich had a total of 16 miles (26 km) of tram routes, including a route along Gentleman's Walk
In 1813 the yard of the King's Head coaching inn was widened to create Davey Place, a new street between the market and Back of the Inns, at that time a narrow passageway which ran parallel to Gentleman's Walk behind the coaching inns. (Although the inns no longer remain, Back of the Inns survives as
Meanwhile, the livestock market south of St Peter Mancroft was becoming overwhelmingly crowded on market days. Eventually part of the eastern side of the castle mound was levelled, and in 1738 the livestock sales were moved to this new site. The old hay market remained on the old site for more than a
Built around long narrow yards, as well as serving food and drink and providing lodgings, these coaching inns also served as temporary warehouses, auction rooms and gambling halls for travellers doing business in the market. The best known was the Angel, parts of which dated to the 15th century.
South of St Peter Mancroft was a second marketplace dealing in wheat, poultry, cattle and sheep. Pigs, horses, timber and dye were not traded in the main market, but had dedicated markets elsewhere in the city. (The modern Norwich place names of Timberhill, St John Maddermarket and Rampant Horse
roughly at the centre of the region. The City, meanwhile, had industrialised, its growth based on textiles, leather and metalworking, as well as being the administrative centre of the region. By 1300, Norwich had a population of between 6,000–10,000, with a total of around 20,000 people living in the
Supermarkets continued to affect shopping patterns. In 1979 fruit and vegetable stalls occupied 70 of the market's 205 stalls; by 1988 greengrocers occupied only 28 stalls, and by 2010 there were only seven remaining fruit and vegetable stalls on the market. A wide variety of other stalls have taken
To allow the market to continue trading while the rebuilding took place, a set of temporary stalls were built in Gentleman's Walk and surrounding streets. A third of the market's stalls at a time traded from these temporary stalls while their stalls in the main market were replaced, a process taking
While the 1976 renovations prolonged the life of the 1930s market, by the 1990s the market was once more becoming decrepit. The covers erected in 1976 over the walkways blocked sunlight, leaving much of the market dingy and poorly lit. The walkways themselves, already narrow, were becoming even more
Here also remains the ruins of a very stately castle, built on the top of an eminent hill in the midst of the town, over-topping all the rest of the city, and to this castle, surrounded with deep dikes, there is an entrance by one bridge having only one great and entire arch under it, of such a vast
elections. Candidates would bring large crowds of voters in by cart from the surrounding countryside and ply them with large quantities of free alcohol to ensure their support. Candidates would pay for lodgings for the voters, but, in closely fought elections, more voters than usual would be shipped
With the powers of the King's Clerk abolished, the bailiffs of Norwich set about regulating the operation of the market for what they felt was the greatest benefit to the city. To encourage fair competition among the market's traders, it was forbidden to sell foodstuffs before the Cathedral bell had
By the 14th century, Norwich was one of the largest and most prosperous cities in England, and Norwich Market was a major trading hub. Control of, and income from, the market was ceded by the monarchy to the city of Norwich in 1341, from which time it provided a significant source of income for
Meanwhile, in November 2004 engineers identified cracks in the terrace supporting the Memorial Gardens, and they were closed to the public as a potential hazard. Eventually in 2009 work began on renovating the gardens. Lutyens's memorial was dismantled and cleaned, and reassembled at a higher level
organised a campaign against the perceived unattractiveness of the designs, the proposed reduction in the number of stalls which would mean stallholders losing their jobs and the remaining stallholders facing rent increases to cover the difference, and the change to the character of central Norwich
meant a virtual end to stall-holders selling their own produce, the market survived competitive pressures. Many stalls diversified into specialist foods, clothing and other goods and the high number of stalls allowed the market to sell a range of goods as great as that provided by the supermarkets.
Although superficially the market remained little changed in the decades following the 1930s redevelopment, by the 1960s it was falling into disrepair, and it no longer met modern hygiene regulations. A lack of funds delayed improvement works, and renovation works did not begin until February 1976.
the council's Markets Committee began a programme of gradually buying back all the privately owned stalls, with the intention of encouraging demobilised servicemen to work on the market. Within a few years the market was entirely publicly owned, and the council took responsibility for the upkeep of
had opened in 1844. Although many Norwich residents were reluctant to use the railway, and goods carriers initially found it more convenient to continue to collect goods from the coaching inns, as railway usage gradually increased the number of coaches and carts calling at the inns slowly dwindled,
The relocation of the livestock market had done little to resolve the problems of congestion in and around the market. Many of the mediaeval access routes to the market were too narrow for wheeled transport, and the narrow alleys were also dark, dangerous and mostly unpaved. Although the market had
By the end of the 17th century many of the strict regulations regarding trade in Norwich were lifted or relaxed, and Norwich became a fashionable shopping town. Shops catering for the growing wealthy classes, such as booksellers, vintners and gunsmiths, grew around the market plain, especially
selling medicines and demonstrating miracle cures were often erected near the Guildhall, prompting regular complaints from fishmongers that the crowds were blocking access to their stalls; on at least one occasion one of these travelling doctors had his licence withdrawn 'because of possible damage
By the 17th century, the market had also become the venue for many travelling entertainments. Exotic animals were displayed, including lions, tigers, camels and jackals, and displays by conjurers, puppeteers, singers, acrobats and other entertainers also regularly took place. Displays of human
Although social order was maintained throughout the plague years, the economy of the region was devastated. However, the surviving merchant community were very influential in the city and, in the wake of the catastrophe, set about increasing the council's influence around the market, buying many of
was built nearby, which served as a collection point for taxes on trade. Although the precise location of the tollhouse is not recorded, it was immediately north of the market on part of the site now occupied by the Guildhall. At some point soon after its construction, the tollhouse also became the
Following a public meeting on 26 January 2004 the council backed down, and Hereward Cooke, deputy leader of the council, said that "We are finding out what the stall-holders and people of Norwich want and we will try our best to fulfill their wishes". Architect Michael Innes proposed a new design,
In 1932, despite concerns from some local residents and businesses about the huge expense at a time of recession, a new building was envisaged to replace the demolished civic buildings, spanning the entire length of the western edge of the now unified marketplace. From over 140 entries a design by
which were easily dislodged and trapped refuse. William Chase, editor of the first Norwich Directory, lobbied in the late 18th century for civic improvements and a rationalisation of the streets around the market. However, the economy of Norwich depended heavily on the textile industry, which
As well as providing the other functions of the Norwich inns, its yard also served as a popular theatre and venue for other performers. (Despite its significance as a city, Norwich did not have a dedicated theatre until 1758.) However, in 1699 part of the building collapsed during a performance by
Although it was popular with travelling vendors, particularly of small fancy goods, the maintenance of the market cross was costly and unpopular with Norwich's citizens. In 1732 the cross was demolished, and the stone was sold for £125. In 2005 the base of the cross was rediscovered in excavations
The Keeper of the Cross was obliged to sweep the market weekly, with the threat of dismissal should any muck or refuse from the Saturday market still be in place on Tuesday. He was also responsible for the bi-weekly sweeping of Norwich's four bridges and of waste grounds in the city. With horses
and opened in 1927 outside the Guildhall, was moved to a long narrow memorial garden on a raised terrace between City Hall and the enlarged market shortly after the opening of City Hall. The Guildhall remained in use as a law court until 1985, and its basement remained in use as cells until that
The council opted for a radical redevelopment of the area around the upper market. The row of buildings from St Peter Mancroft to the Guildhall, which divided the upper and lower markets, were demolished, opening up the marketplace, as were the buildings along the western side of the market. The
were collected. The southern section of the main market place, north of St Peter Mancroft, housed a bread market and a number of stalls associated with Norwich's significant cloth and leather industries. A broad space between the main marketplace and the Nethererowe was kept clear for the use of
were set at a prominent position at the eastern end of the Guildhall. The stocks were used for the punishment of relatively minor offences such as breaching the regulations on the price of bread, public brawling or incivility to the Mayor; wrongdoers would on occasion also be paraded around the
As well as the mayoral inaugurations, the marketplace was also the setting for other public events, particularly mourning processions on the deaths of monarchs, coronation celebrations, royal birthdays and celebrations of military victories. Firework displays and bonfires would be held on these
Not to scale. The tavern northwest of St Peter Mancroft (called the Sir Garnet Wolseley from 1874) was also flanked by shoemakers' stalls (not marked) in the mediaeval period. The tollhouse was smaller than the Guildhall which replaced it and stood roughly halfway along the northern end of the
By this time, a row of stalls bordering on St Peter Mancroft's churchyard had developed into a row of three- and four-storey houses running east to west, and a second row of buildings running north to south ran through the main market square. This row of houses cut off the main market from the
634:, 1788. This shows the southern tip of the main market (centre), with Gentleman's Walk running south towards the former livestock market site to the left. The buildings to the right divided the upper and main markets; Pudding Lane, the alley between these buildings and the church, still exists. 239:
marking the southern end. (St Peter Mancroft was built in 1430–55 incorporating an earlier church built in 1075 and was financed by the market's merchants. It retains its association with the market; all stallholders retain the right to hold their weddings in the church and to be buried in the
was built along the entire western side of the marketplace to replace the by then inadequate Guildhall. This new arrangement survived with few significant changes for the rest of the 20th century. By the 1990s, the market was becoming decrepit and, in 2003, proposals were made for another
The livestock market was eventually relocated out of the city altogether in the 1960s. The locations of both the old and new former livestock market sites survive in the place names Haymarket, on the site of the original livestock market, and Cattle Market Street, the approach road to the new
In 1369, East Anglia, whose farming economy had collapsed in the wake of the plague, was struck by famine. Although the market continued to operate, in the immediate aftermath of the plague it was at a much reduced level and many stalls were left empty for some years after. The famine of 1369
Meanwhile, the Guildhall, designed to serve the post-plague city with a population of around 6,000, was hopelessly inadequate as the administrative centre of a major modern city. As an interim solution the row of buildings dividing the upper and main markets had mostly been taken into public
The mediaeval market was divided into sections, each dealing with a particular trade. The stalls of the market were arranged in rows. They varied in width from 2 feet (60 cm) to 15 feet (460 cm). Highly valuable, in the early years of the market they were generally owned by major
Between 1501 and 1503, Mayor John Rightwise had the original market cross demolished and replaced with an elaborate new cross. This was octagonal in shape, stood on a plinth 30 feet (9 m) wide, and rose to a height of 60 to 70 feet (18 to 21 m). The central structure contained an
Norwich market and surrounding buildings immediately after the 2005 reconstruction, looking west from Norwich Castle. Although some buildings have been replaced or renovated, the mediaeval layout remains almost unchanged. From left to right (south to north), significant landmarks are:
The market soon began to recover from the plague years to become a major trading hub again. Records of 1565 show 37 butchers' stalls alone in the market, and Norwich also became a major centre for the import of exotic foods. Sugar, figs and prunes were traded in the market in the
The economy and infrastructure of Norfolk took centuries to recover from the plague and subsequent famine. Almost 400 years after the epidemic, a historian recorded that in 1349 "Norwich was in the most flourishing state she ever saw, and more populous than she hath been ever
With few fixed structures in the main marketplace, the plain traditionally served as a public open space on days when the market was not operational. Before the Reformation in the 1530s, its main use was as a venue for religious festivals, particularly the annual procession of the
427:, modern equivalents of the building costs are virtually meaningless. The annual income of the city council at the time the Guildhall was built was around £120.) The eastern face of the Guildhall was built in a distinctive black and white checked design, representing the 776:, and in 1874 the cobbles of the marketplace were replaced by timber blocks. Although by this time the market operated on all working days, Sunday trading laws meant it was closed on Sundays. The market space on Sundays was used for public assemblies and gatherings. 642:
system made Norwich an increasingly popular destination with travellers. Norwich was recovering from the plague years and was a major city, with attractions and social events second only to London itself. The increasingly prosperous country landowners of Norfolk and
These plans were extremely controversial. All three envisaged reducing the number of stalls from 205 to 140–160 to increase space, and all three involved splitting the market into isolated clusters of stalls, significantly altering its character and appearance. The
710:'s troupe of players, killing a woman and injuring many of the audience. The reputation of the Angel was severely damaged, and although still used for small-scale entertainments such as puppet shows, it was never again used for full-scale theatrical performances. 714:
century, until it was also moved to the new livestock market site in the early 19th century. The new livestock market was one of the last significant livestock markets in a British city centre, and developed a reputation as "the cruellest in the country".
554:. Most public religious festivals were abandoned following the Reformation and the subsequent dissolution of many of the mediaeval guilds, and the leading event on Norwich's civic calendar became the annual inauguration of the mayor, which took place each May. 578:
occasions, accompanied by the local militia firing volleys and the ringing of the bells of the surrounding churches, while local residents and shopkeepers would illuminate their windows with lit candles. Often, particularly in the 18th century, temporary
423:. In keeping with Norwich's status, it was one of the largest civic buildings in England outside London and housed all aspects of local government and justice for the new council. The Guildhall cost between £400–£500 to build. (As it was built primarily using 81:
was built next to the market to serve as a centre for local government and law enforcement. The largest surviving mediaeval civic building in Britain outside London, it remained the seat of local government until 1938 and in use as a law court until 1985.
Other than the replacement of the tollhouse with the Guildhall in 1413, the 1938 building of City Hall and the closure of the livestock market and wells, the layout of Norwich Market and the surrounding streets has changed little since the early 14th
in the large buildings along the eastern side of the market, the Nethererowe, which became so popular with the gentry it became known as Gentleman's Walk. Gentleman's Walk acquired a number of luxury shops, including John Toll's drapers from which
to fund general civic improvements and as a consequence funds for improvement works had to be raised either through tolls and rents, via public appeals, or through long term borrowing, and the city was initially unable to raise sufficient funds.
701:, 1799. This view is of the northern end of the main (lower) market, looking north towards the Guildhall and Cockey Lane (now London Street). A coach is visible emerging from the narrow entrance to a Gentleman's Walk coaching inn on the right. 217:, the majority of all goods produced in or imported to the region passed through the market at Mancroft. While there is some evidence that the market operated daily for a period around 1300, it generally operated on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 686:
opened along Gentleman's Walk. By the latter half of the 18th century, stagecoaches were leaving one or other of the inns almost daily to London, and the inns also served as the hub of a network of frequent services throughout East Anglia.
100:, the local authority began to systematically buy up all the stalls on the market, eventually bringing the entire market into public ownership. It was radically redesigned in the 1930s: stalls were arranged into parallel rows and a new 213:
area. (One 19th century historian estimated Norwich's population pre-1349 at as high as 70,000.) It was one of the largest and most prosperous cities in the country, and was considered the second city of England. Aside from occasional
The market had by this time taken on roughly the layout it retains today. It was a long rectangular open space aligned north–south, with the tollhouse (the Guildhall after 1413) marking the northern end and the very large church of
324:. The prices of bread and beer were fixed, and a set of standardised weights and measures was introduced, against which measures used by merchants would regularly be checked. Shortly after the transfer of the market to the city a 446:
The murage loft in the market, redundant since the completion of the city walls, took over the functions of the old tollhouse and became the offices of the market supervisor and the collection office for market tolls and taxes.
Norwich Market, 2009. The paved area in front of the market, now known as Gentleman's Walk, was formerly reserved for smallholders selling from temporary stalls. Since 1938 the market square has been dominated by the Art Deco
By this time, the tollhouse was proving inadequate as the seat of local government and between 1407 and 1413 it was demolished, along with an adjoining site which had housed a vegetable market, and was replaced by a new
Freemen of the city paid increased taxes. As a consequence, they were permitted to engage in some business practices forbidden to the general public, as it was felt that increasing their income benefited the city as a
The inauguration ceremony was conducted by the civic authorities and by the surviving, and still powerful, Guild of St George, and combined elements of a public festival and a religious carnival. Four
only to 1861, a tavern has stood on this site since the earliest days of the market. The pedestrian precinct running from the castle to the market is Davey Place, the former yard of the King's Head inn.
their place, and the market remains active. One of the largest markets in Britain, it is a tourist attraction as well as remaining heavily used by local residents, and is a focal point of the city.
itself. While schemes to rationalise the layout of the market's stalls had been proposed since the 18th century, they had foundered on the fact that so many of the stalls were privately owned.
deformities were also popular; records exist from the 1670s and 1680s of the Mayor granting exhibition licences to, among others, "a monstrous man with 2 bodies brought from the Indies by Sir
733:, 1806. The view is south from the Guildhall; Gentleman's Walk is on the left. The buildings (right) dividing the upper and main markets were by this time substantial four-storey structures. 1049:
marketplace. Prior to its replacement by the Guildhall, a vegetable market was located between the tollhouse and the Overerowe on the site now occupied by the western end of the Guildhall.
to be visible from the street; it was also rotated 180° to face City Hall, rather than the market. The terrace was strengthened, and the gardens were landscaped around a new sculpture by
2134: 963:
four months for each third of the market. The rebuilding was officially completed on 25 March 2006. Although generally popular with traders and shoppers, the redesign was criticised by
252:. The marketplace was surrounded by retail buildings, construction of which began in about 1300. These were fixed, permanent structures, some of which had multiple storeys and cellars. 1874: 1854: 500:; a set of approved measures were chained to the pillars for public use. The archaic title of "Keeper of the Cross" was bestowed on the man appointed to sweep the marketplace weekly. 379:
in 1397 and decreed that all goods entering Norwich by water be unloaded there. This ensured almost complete control of Norwich trade by the merchants who now dominated the council.
89:, Norwich became an increasingly popular destination with travellers and developed into a fashionable shopping town. Buildings around the market were developed into luxury shops and 1752: 1095:
Norwich's Guildhall is the largest surviving mediaeval civic building—i.e., other than religious buildings and military fortifications—in the United Kingdom outside London.
347:(later referred to as the Black Death), which had swept across Europe during the past year, reached England for the first time with an outbreak in the south coast port of 367:
merchants, were removed to clear space for an enlarged churchyard. By 1377, the population of Norwich had fallen from at least 20,000 before the outbreak to below 6,000.
institutions such as trade guilds and religious bodies, and generated a high income from rents. They also provided a steady income for the King, and later the city, from
2495: 1072:, which regulated the prices of bread and beer, was frequently disregarded in Norwich. Bakers and brewers breaching the Assize were regularly fined or sentenced to the 1105:
heavily used by traders and shoppers to transport goods to and from the market, the build-up of horse manure was a problem faced by the market until the 20th century.
959:(6 ft 7 in) wide walkways between the "pods". Transparent retractable canopies were installed above the aisles, which could be opened and closed centrally. 208:
was at this time one of the most densely populated areas in England, producing large amounts of grain, sheep, cattle and poultry. Much of this produce was traded in
had greatly increased the role of local government in public health and welfare, and by the 1930s Norwich council was suffering from a severe lack of office space.
With increased numbers of people visiting Norwich, trade boomed in the inns around the marketplace. In addition to the existing taverns, at least four very large
would be erected beside the Guildhall. Free beer would traditionally be distributed at these events, which would on occasion degenerate into drunken disorder.
372: 1131:
to signify the supposed wisdom of the new king, and a mermaid whose symbolic significance is not recorded. Free beer was given to those attending the parade.
969:, who described it as "an anaemic shopping mall for health and safety inspectors: straight lines, wipe-clean boxy cubicles, all life and love drained out." 927:
Supermarket competition has reduced the number of greengrocers' stalls, but the market remains a significant retailer of food, clothing and specialist goods
2313: 146: 1175:
The Sir Garnet Wolseley was built in 1861 on the site of the Baron of Beef tavern. It incorporates parts of the mediaeval building in its structure.
that such a radical redesign of the market would entail. A petition of over 12,000 signatories rejecting all three proposed designs was gathered.
granting it autonomy as "The County of the City of Norwich". The local council was restructured into a body headed by a Mayor and administered by
2547: 191:
Almost no records survive of the Norman market in the 11th to 13th centuries. It is known that shortly after the market's establishment, a
the market. The city also bought out and closed many of the 30 or more inns in the area, transferring their licences to the growing suburbs.
744: 844:
ownership and converted into civic offices, and in January 1914 the 1860 fish market had also been enlarged and converted into offices. The
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during renovation of the market area, but has since been re-covered. Its site is now outlined in red stones embedded in the market floor.
described the voters around the market cross as "like flocks of sheep" during the unusually close elections of 1678, at the height of the
571: 481:
was pulled down and the oratory became a storeroom. The octagonal plinth became a shopping arcade of small stalls. In 1549, a temporary
was erected near the centre of the main market (opposite the present day entrance to Davey Place), the design of which is not recorded.
559: 663:
who in company with other local shopkeepers founded a mutual association to provide fire insurance for the area's shops which became
By the 17th century, the building was known as the Market House, and was used for the sale of grain and other goods sold by the
415:; the Mayor also formally became Clerk of the Markets, but in practice the running of the markets was always delegated to deputies. 149:, a large open space at the point where the roads into Norwich converged. The plain of Tombland was the site of Norwich's market. 2557: 1002: 2492: 2401: 73:, it replaced an earlier market a short distance away. It has been in operation on the present site for over 900 years. 574:(clowns carrying wands and wearing red and yellow gowns adorned with bells and cats' tails) and a man costumed as a dragon. 493:
was hired to treat any men who claimed they were unfit for work through injury. The success of this scheme is not recorded.
was selected. Heavily influenced by Scandinavian architecture, the design attracted negative criticism at the time, with
668: 184:
and, as with most fairs and markets of the period, the market at Mancroft was operated under licence from the King. The
was built immediately to the east of Tombland and much of the old town to the southwest of Tombland was cleared for the
2562: 606:", "a girl of sixteen with no bones", "a monstrous hayrie child", and "a monstrous man taken from amongst the hills of 2466: 2443: 2424: 2383: 594:
market wearing paper hats bearing details of their offence. The pillory was used for more serious offences such as
had jurisdiction over all trade conducted at the market, and tolls and rents were collected on behalf of the King.
1163: 881: 672: 722: 383:
16th century, and it is recorded that 20,000 oranges and 1,000 lemons were provided for the 1581
656: 284:
Street derive from their origins as the sites of the mediaeval timber, dye and horse markets respectively.)
2567: 1166:, the first time a reigning British monarch had attended a league football match. Norwich City lost 2–0. 161: 70: 849: 769: 1069: 845: 788: 384: 300:
tournament, coinciding with the completion of the city's defensive walls. Edward and his mother,
2182: 873: 869: 837: 551: 463: 792:
reducing congestion. In 1899 the Angel inn—renamed the Royal Hotel in 1840 on the occasion of
816: 504: 469:
Rightwise's new market cross only survived in its original form for a short time. During the
293: 1358: 755: 1124: 1114:
The great procession of Corpus Christi had taken place in late May or early June each year.
1006: 954:
The 2005 redevelopment replaced the existing rows of stalls with "pods" of four stalls each
893: 376: 38: 623: 255:
The northern section of the main market place, immediately south of the tollhouse, housed
8: 2010: 1630: 938: 877: 832: 570:) (a mediaeval double reed wind instrument with conical wooden body), and accompanied by 486: 470: 321: 355:
overwhelmed Norwich's burial grounds, necessitating an expansion of St Peter Mancroft's
The Urban Experience: A Sourcebook : English, Scottish, and Welsh towns, 1450–1700
2455: 1350: 998: 994: 885: 301: 241: 101: 27: 690: 458: 359:. The southernmost rows of stalls in the main marketplace, which had been occupied by 180:
was compiled in 1086. Granting the right to trade in Norman England was a part of the
21: 2462: 2439: 2420: 2413: 2397: 2379: 1155: 990: 631: 452: 420: 236: 181: 165: 156:
Tombland, site of Norwich's market until the 11th century, remains an open space
78: 31: 984: 974: 889: 730: 517: 2499: 825: 603: 563: 440: 344: 209: 185: 138: 130: 97: 923: 647:
began visiting Norwich more frequently and staying for longer when they did so.
1354: 1032: 797: 793: 707: 698: 660: 579: 348: 340: 173: 1838:
Shrapnel, Norman (30 May 1957). "Where the pigs have plenty to squeal about".
been resurfaced during the 18th century, this had been with flint pebble
527: 2541: 2523: 2510: 1159: 911: 897: 664: 652: 513: 485:
was erected at the cross for the mass execution of 60 of the participants in
424: 404: 177: 54: 947:
which was accepted by the council. The new design was put in place in 2005.
By the start of the 14th century, Norwich was one of Europe's major cities.
137:(924–939) the city was a major trading centre and one of the most important 683: 615:
to the city's economy by the distraction of "idle minds" from their work'.
325: 317: 126: 90: 86: 58: 950: 585:
The market was also the location for public punishment of wrongdoers, and
134: 1151: 801: 748: 739: 638:
Improvements in Norfolk's road infrastructure and the development of the
547: 512:
in the city would fill, forcing voters to sleep in and around the cross.
277: 249: 205: 142: 114: 65:, England. Founded in the latter part of the 11th century to supply 773: 639: 490: 432: 356: 272: 260: 256: 192: 2438:. Norwich: Centre of East Anglian Studies, University of East Anglia. 371:
the surrounding shops. The council also bought a set of wharves along
965: 859: 611: 607: 428: 313: 331: 765: 595: 478: 412: 297: 280:, who would set up temporary booths and tents to sell their wares. 779: 1363:
An Essay Towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk
1128: 888:, the building proved extremely successful, and was described by 644: 590: 482: 436: 408: 305: 225: 122: 118: 66: 62: 1645: 1073: 586: 497: 395: 360: 271:
loft after 1294, where tolls to fund the building of Norwich's
268: 2094:
Becket, Fiona (26 June 1993). "Tastes and tales of the east".
had suffered badly from the loss of export markets during the
2485: 1760:. No. 10515. London. 16 November 1818. col C, p. 3. 1717: 567: 503:
The market cross also served as the focal point of Norfolk's
364: 169: 892:
as "the foremost English public building between the Wars".
1444: 1442: 772:
building. In 1863 Gentleman's Walk was paved properly with
Other uses of the market square in Tudor and Stuart England
474: 264: 214: 152: 2074: 2072: 2070: 2068: 2055: 2053: 2051: 2049: 1976: 1974: 1972: 1970: 1968: 1966: 1964: 1939: 1937: 1935: 1920: 1910: 1908: 1895: 1893: 1891: 1889: 1821: 1819: 1817: 1815: 1802: 1800: 1775: 1773: 1771: 1769: 1767: 1707: 1705: 1690: 1680: 1678: 1676: 1674: 1672: 1657: 1613: 1611: 1609: 1607: 1605: 1603: 1590: 1588: 1586: 1584: 1582: 1569: 1567: 1565: 1563: 1484: 1482: 1480: 1478: 1476: 1474: 1472: 1417: 1415: 1413: 1411: 1123:
A parade to celebrate the coronation of the nine-year-old
Buildings at the southern end of Norwich Market, 1879, by
2142:. No. 61473. London. 5 March 1983. col C, p. 4. 1862:. No. 54809. London. 28 June 1960. col g, p. 5. 1386: 1384: 1382: 1380: 1378: 1376: 1303: 1301: 1253: 1251: 1249: 1247: 1245: 1243: 1241: 1239: 1237: 1235: 1210: 610:, he feeds on the roots of trees etc". Stages erected by 509: 1882:. No. 54814. London. 4 July 1960. col F, p. 3. 1439: 1299: 1297: 1295: 1293: 1291: 1289: 1287: 1285: 1283: 1281: 1208: 1206: 1204: 1202: 1200: 1198: 1196: 1194: 1192: 1190: 69:
merchants and settlers moving to the area following the
2065: 2046: 1986: 1961: 1932: 1905: 1886: 1812: 1797: 1764: 1702: 1669: 1600: 1579: 1560: 1469: 1459: 1457: 1408: 1150:
Following the opening of City Hall, George VI attended
1373: 1330: 1328: 1232: 764:
a street name.) In 1820 the Gasolier, Norwich's first
618: 566:(musicians playing loud wind instruments, usually the 2183:"Results & Matches on: Saturday, 29 October 1938" 1278: 1187: 667:, and Saunders Coffee House, patronised by the young 2353: 2351: 2295: 2293: 2268: 2266: 2253: 2251: 2236: 2214: 2212: 2165: 2163: 2161: 1734: 1732: 1550: 1548: 1546: 1544: 1531: 1529: 1527: 1525: 1523: 1521: 1494: 1454: 1427: 199: 2089: 2087: 1325: 443:from the opening of the Guildhall until the 1980s. 2454: 2412: 2133: 1873: 1853: 1751: 1268: 1266: 2373: 2348: 2336: 2324: 2290: 2278: 2263: 2248: 2224: 2209: 2197: 2158: 2146: 2114: 2102: 2034: 2022: 2016: 1998: 1949: 1729: 1541: 1518: 1506: 1396: 796:'s wedding—finally closed, and was replaced with 390: 2539: 2084: 1785: 2452: 2135:"Streetwise guides to the best barrows in town" 1723: 1651: 1313: 1263: 1220: 164:(1066–1071), Norwich was radically redesigned. 133:. Its origins are unclear, but by the reign of 2374:Adderson, Richard; Kenworthy, Graham (1998). 267:. This section of the market also housed the 2396:. Norwich: Norwich Heritage Projects. 2010. 1345: 1343: 1003:St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Cathedral 717: 2461:. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 880:saying that "fog is its friend". Opened by 435:of the tollhouse was retained for use as a 287: 1349: 800:'s Royal Arcade, a shopping centre in the 16:Outdoor market in central Norwich, England 2433: 2078: 2059: 1992: 1980: 1943: 1926: 1914: 1899: 1825: 1806: 1779: 1711: 1696: 1684: 1663: 1617: 1594: 1573: 1488: 1421: 1390: 1340: 1307: 1257: 1214: 2453:Richardson, R. C.; James, T. B. (1983). 2311: 1837: 1359:"Of the City in Edward the Third's Time" 983: 949: 922: 858: 831: 815: 778: 754: 721: 689: 622: 457: 394: 330: 224: 151: 37: 20: 1014: 848:of the early 20th century and the 2548:11th-century establishments in England 2540: 2093: 1753:"Norwich Union Fire Assurance Society" 977:on the original site of the memorial. 811: 2410: 1500: 1463: 1448: 1433: 1334: 659:, the wine and spirit dealership of 2553:Buildings and structures in Norwich 2392: 2357: 2342: 2330: 2299: 2284: 2272: 2257: 2242: 2230: 2218: 2203: 2169: 2152: 2120: 2108: 2040: 2028: 2004: 1955: 1875:"Children damage new cattle market" 1791: 1738: 1631:"Dig uncovers market cross remains" 1554: 1535: 1512: 1402: 1319: 1272: 1226: 1127:in 1547 featured a giant effigy of 993:, with the high glass structure of 619:Developments in the Georgian period 439:, while a new basement served as a 13: 918: 904: 655:(later Elizabeth Fry) watched the 14: 2579: 2477: 1369:. British History Online: 79–101. 200:Norwich Market in the Middle Ages 316:(6.00 am). The practice of 244:), marked the western boundary. 2366: 2312:Dyckhoff, Tom (7 August 2007). 2305: 2175: 2126: 2019:, unnumbered, 3rd page of text. 1866: 1846: 1831: 1744: 1623: 1169: 1164:Football League Second Division 1144: 1134: 1117: 1108: 1098: 1089: 1079: 1062: 1052: 1042: 2558:Tourist attractions in Norwich 1025: 391:Guildhall and new market cross 145:settlement was centred around 57:consisting of around 200  30:(centre) and the 15th-century 1: 2378:. Midhurst: Middleton Press. 2017:Adderson & Kenworthy 1998 1181: 339:In mid-1348, the outbreak of 108: 2419:. London: Harper Perennial. 7: 1724:Richardson & James 1983 1652:Richardson & James 1983 820:Norwich Market in the 1850s 403:In 1404, Norwich secured a 42:Norwich market from the air 10: 2584: 2502:overlooking Norwich Market 2434:Priestley, Ursula (1987). 2376:Branch Lines Around Cromer 308:(the rulers of the city). 162:Norman conquest of England 71:Norman conquest of England 2563:Retail markets in England 2314:"The ugliest of them all" 850:Local Government Act 1929 718:19th century improvements 462:Norwich Market Cross, by 220: 2498:28 November 2010 at the 2185:. London: 1842:. Manchester. p. 5. 1633:. BBC News. 2 March 2005 1019: 540:Thomas Baskerville, 1681 455:, occupied by a priest. 288:Transfer to city control 51:Norwich Provision Market 1070:Assize of Bread and Ale 997:immediately behind it; 846:Liberal welfare reforms 789:Norwich railway station 210:Norwich, an inland port 2394:A Market For Our Times 2098:. London. p. A39. 1036: 1011: 955: 928: 894:Norwich's war memorial 874:Stephen Rowland Pierce 870:Charles Holloway James 864: 840: 821: 784: 760: 734: 702: 635: 537: 466: 400: 336: 296:visited Norwich for a 231: 157: 43: 35: 2320:. London. p. 12. 1005:behind it, Lutyens's 987: 953: 926: 862: 835: 819: 782: 758: 725: 693: 626: 532: 461: 398: 334: 228: 155: 41: 24: 2411:Kelly, John (2006). 1015:Notes and references 759:Norwich Market, 1842 727:Norwich Market Place 695:Norwich Market Place 628:Norwich Market Place 385:St Bartholomew's Day 2520: /  2415:The Great Mortality 1840:Manchester Guardian 1451:, pp. 218–219. 1351:Blomefield, Francis 939:Eastern Daily Press 824:In the wake of the 812:1930s redevelopment 471:English Reformation 322:Freemen of the city 2568:Squares in England 2524:52.6285°N 1.2929°E 1012: 956: 929: 865: 841: 822: 785: 761: 735: 703: 636: 473:of the 1530s, the 467: 401: 337: 302:Isabella of France 232: 158: 44: 36: 2403:978-0-9566272-0-9 2245:, pp. 52–53. 1929:, pp. 23–24. 1878:. News in Brief. 1858:. News in Brief. 1855:"Animal hospital" 1699:, pp. 14–15. 1666:, pp. 13–14. 1654:, pp. 26–27. 991:St Peter Mancroft 632:Thomas Rowlandson 514:Sir Thomas Browne 399:Norwich Guildhall 335:St Peter Mancroft 237:St Peter Mancroft 182:Royal Prerogative 166:Norwich Cathedral 125:is a city on the 2575: 2535: 2534: 2532: 2531: 2530: 2525: 2521: 2518: 2517: 2516: 2513: 2489: 2488: 2486:Official website 2472: 2460: 2449: 2436:The Great Market 2430: 2418: 2407: 2389: 2361: 2355: 2346: 2340: 2334: 2328: 2322: 2321: 2309: 2303: 2297: 2288: 2282: 2276: 2270: 2261: 2255: 2246: 2240: 2234: 2228: 2222: 2216: 2207: 2201: 2195: 2194: 2192: 2190: 2179: 2173: 2167: 2156: 2150: 2144: 2143: 2137: 2130: 2124: 2118: 2112: 2106: 2100: 2099: 2091: 2082: 2076: 2063: 2057: 2044: 2038: 2032: 2026: 2020: 2014: 2008: 2002: 1996: 1990: 1984: 1978: 1959: 1953: 1947: 1941: 1930: 1924: 1918: 1912: 1903: 1897: 1884: 1883: 1877: 1870: 1864: 1863: 1857: 1850: 1844: 1843: 1835: 1829: 1823: 1810: 1804: 1795: 1789: 1783: 1777: 1762: 1761: 1755: 1748: 1742: 1736: 1727: 1721: 1715: 1709: 1700: 1694: 1688: 1682: 1667: 1661: 1655: 1649: 1643: 1642: 1640: 1638: 1627: 1621: 1615: 1598: 1592: 1577: 1571: 1558: 1552: 1539: 1533: 1516: 1510: 1504: 1498: 1492: 1486: 1467: 1461: 1452: 1446: 1437: 1431: 1425: 1419: 1406: 1400: 1394: 1388: 1371: 1370: 1347: 1338: 1332: 1323: 1317: 1311: 1305: 1276: 1270: 1261: 1255: 1230: 1224: 1218: 1212: 1176: 1173: 1167: 1148: 1142: 1138: 1132: 1121: 1115: 1112: 1106: 1102: 1096: 1093: 1087: 1083: 1077: 1066: 1060: 1056: 1050: 1046: 1040: 1039:, "large field". 1029: 975:Paul de Monchaux 912:market gardening 890:Nikolaus Pevsner 783:The Royal Arcade 731:John Sell Cotman 657:election of 1796 653:Elizabeth Gurney 580:triumphal arches 541: 518:Exclusion Crisis 487:Kett's Rebellion 141:in England. The 2583: 2582: 2578: 2577: 2576: 2574: 2573: 2572: 2538: 2537: 2529:52.6285; 1.2929 2528: 2526: 2522: 2519: 2514: 2511: 2509: 2507: 2506: 2500:Wayback Machine 2484: 2483: 2480: 2475: 2469: 2446: 2427: 2404: 2386: 2369: 2364: 2356: 2349: 2341: 2337: 2329: 2325: 2310: 2306: 2298: 2291: 2283: 2279: 2271: 2264: 2256: 2249: 2241: 2237: 2229: 2225: 2217: 2210: 2202: 2198: 2188: 2186: 2181: 2180: 2176: 2168: 2159: 2151: 2147: 2132: 2131: 2127: 2119: 2115: 2107: 2103: 2092: 2085: 2077: 2066: 2058: 2047: 2039: 2035: 2027: 2023: 2015: 2011: 2003: 1999: 1991: 1987: 1979: 1962: 1954: 1950: 1942: 1933: 1925: 1921: 1913: 1906: 1898: 1887: 1872: 1871: 1867: 1852: 1851: 1847: 1836: 1832: 1824: 1813: 1805: 1798: 1790: 1786: 1778: 1765: 1750: 1749: 1745: 1737: 1730: 1722: 1718: 1710: 1703: 1695: 1691: 1683: 1670: 1662: 1658: 1650: 1646: 1636: 1634: 1629: 1628: 1624: 1616: 1601: 1593: 1580: 1572: 1561: 1553: 1542: 1534: 1519: 1511: 1507: 1499: 1495: 1487: 1470: 1462: 1455: 1447: 1440: 1432: 1428: 1420: 1409: 1401: 1397: 1389: 1374: 1348: 1341: 1333: 1326: 1318: 1314: 1306: 1279: 1271: 1264: 1256: 1233: 1225: 1221: 1213: 1188: 1184: 1179: 1174: 1170: 1149: 1145: 1139: 1135: 1122: 1118: 1113: 1109: 1103: 1099: 1094: 1090: 1084: 1080: 1067: 1063: 1057: 1053: 1047: 1043: 1030: 1026: 1022: 1017: 921: 919:2005 rebuilding 907: 905:1976 renovation 826:First World War 814: 720: 621: 604:Thomas Grantham 543: 539: 530: 393: 345:Great Mortality 294:King Edward III 290: 250:perpetual rents 223: 202: 131:East of England 111: 98:First World War 49:(also known as 17: 12: 11: 5: 2581: 2571: 2570: 2565: 2560: 2555: 2550: 2504: 2503: 2490: 2479: 2478:External links 2476: 2474: 2473: 2467: 2450: 2444: 2431: 2425: 2408: 2402: 2390: 2384: 2370: 2368: 2365: 2363: 2362: 2347: 2335: 2323: 2304: 2289: 2277: 2262: 2247: 2235: 2223: 2208: 2196: 2174: 2157: 2145: 2125: 2113: 2101: 2083: 2079:Priestley 1987 2064: 2060:Priestley 1987 2045: 2033: 2021: 2009: 1997: 1993:Priestley 1987 1985: 1981:Priestley 1987 1960: 1948: 1944:Priestley 1987 1931: 1927:Priestley 1987 1919: 1915:Priestley 1987 1904: 1900:Priestley 1987 1885: 1865: 1845: 1830: 1826:Priestley 1987 1811: 1807:Priestley 1987 1796: 1784: 1780:Priestley 1987 1763: 1743: 1728: 1716: 1712:Priestley 1987 1701: 1697:Priestley 1987 1689: 1685:Priestley 1987 1668: 1664:Priestley 1987 1656: 1644: 1622: 1618:Priestley 1987 1599: 1595:Priestley 1987 1578: 1574:Priestley 1987 1559: 1540: 1517: 1505: 1503:, p. 221. 1493: 1489:Priestley 1987 1468: 1466:, p. 219. 1453: 1438: 1436:, p. 187. 1426: 1422:Priestley 1987 1407: 1395: 1391:Priestley 1987 1372: 1355:Charles Parkin 1339: 1337:, p. 218. 1324: 1312: 1308:Priestley 1987 1277: 1262: 1258:Priestley 1987 1231: 1219: 1215:Priestley 1987 1185: 1183: 1180: 1178: 1177: 1168: 1143: 1133: 1125:King Edward VI 1116: 1107: 1097: 1088: 1078: 1061: 1051: 1041: 1023: 1021: 1018: 1016: 1013: 920: 917: 906: 903: 896:, designed by 882:King George VI 813: 810: 798:George Skipper 794:Queen Victoria 719: 716: 708:Thomas Doggett 699:Robert Dighton 673:William Nelson 661:Thomas Bignold 620: 617: 552:Corpus Christi 531: 529: 526: 425:pressed labour 392: 389: 341:bubonic plague 289: 286: 222: 219: 201: 198: 174:Norwich Castle 160:Following the 135:King Æthelstan 110: 107: 96:Following the 55:outdoor market 47:Norwich Market 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2580: 2569: 2566: 2564: 2561: 2559: 2556: 2554: 2551: 2549: 2546: 2545: 2543: 2536: 2533: 2501: 2497: 2494: 2491: 2487: 2482: 2481: 2470: 2468:0-7190-0900-6 2464: 2459: 2458: 2451: 2447: 2445:0-906219-25-6 2441: 2437: 2432: 2428: 2426:0-00-715070-9 2422: 2417: 2416: 2409: 2405: 2399: 2395: 2391: 2387: 2385:1-901706-26-5 2381: 2377: 2372: 2371: 2360:, p. 18. 2359: 2354: 2352: 2345:, p. 63. 2344: 2339: 2333:, p. 48. 2332: 2327: 2319: 2315: 2308: 2302:, p. 56. 2301: 2296: 2294: 2287:, p. 54. 2286: 2281: 2275:, p. 55. 2274: 2269: 2267: 2260:, p. 53. 2259: 2254: 2252: 2244: 2239: 2233:, p. 51. 2232: 2227: 2221:, p. 49. 2220: 2215: 2213: 2206:, p. 45. 2205: 2200: 2184: 2178: 2172:, p. 44. 2171: 2166: 2164: 2162: 2155:, p. 36. 2154: 2149: 2141: 2136: 2129: 2123:, p. 38. 2122: 2117: 2111:, p. 40. 2110: 2105: 2097: 2090: 2088: 2081:, p. 30. 2080: 2075: 2073: 2071: 2069: 2062:, p. 29. 2061: 2056: 2054: 2052: 2050: 2043:, p. 20. 2042: 2037: 2031:, p. 19. 2030: 2025: 2018: 2013: 2007:, p. 47. 2006: 2001: 1995:, p. 26. 1994: 1989: 1983:, p. 27. 1982: 1977: 1975: 1973: 1971: 1969: 1967: 1965: 1958:, p. 30. 1957: 1952: 1946:, p. 25. 1945: 1940: 1938: 1936: 1928: 1923: 1917:, p. 23. 1916: 1911: 1909: 1902:, p. 24. 1901: 1896: 1894: 1892: 1890: 1881: 1876: 1869: 1861: 1856: 1849: 1841: 1834: 1828:, p. 21. 1827: 1822: 1820: 1818: 1816: 1809:, p. 22. 1808: 1803: 1801: 1793: 1788: 1782:, p. 19. 1781: 1776: 1774: 1772: 1770: 1768: 1759: 1754: 1747: 1741:, p. 17. 1740: 1735: 1733: 1726:, p. 27. 1725: 1720: 1714:, p. 17. 1713: 1708: 1706: 1698: 1693: 1687:, p. 14. 1686: 1681: 1679: 1677: 1675: 1673: 1665: 1660: 1653: 1648: 1632: 1626: 1620:, p. 15. 1619: 1614: 1612: 1610: 1608: 1606: 1604: 1597:, p. 13. 1596: 1591: 1589: 1587: 1585: 1583: 1576:, p. 16. 1575: 1570: 1568: 1566: 1564: 1557:, p. 15. 1556: 1551: 1549: 1547: 1545: 1538:, p. 12. 1537: 1532: 1530: 1528: 1526: 1524: 1522: 1515:, p. 14. 1514: 1509: 1502: 1497: 1491:, p. 11. 1490: 1485: 1483: 1481: 1479: 1477: 1475: 1473: 1465: 1460: 1458: 1450: 1445: 1443: 1435: 1430: 1424:, p. 12. 1423: 1418: 1416: 1414: 1412: 1405:, p. 13. 1404: 1399: 1392: 1387: 1385: 1383: 1381: 1379: 1377: 1368: 1364: 1360: 1356: 1352: 1346: 1344: 1336: 1331: 1329: 1321: 1316: 1309: 1304: 1302: 1300: 1298: 1296: 1294: 1292: 1290: 1288: 1286: 1284: 1282: 1274: 1269: 1267: 1260:, p. 10. 1259: 1254: 1252: 1250: 1248: 1246: 1244: 1242: 1240: 1238: 1236: 1228: 1223: 1216: 1211: 1209: 1207: 1205: 1203: 1201: 1199: 1197: 1195: 1193: 1191: 1186: 1172: 1165: 1161: 1157: 1153: 1147: 1137: 1130: 1126: 1120: 1111: 1101: 1092: 1082: 1075: 1071: 1065: 1055: 1045: 1038: 1034: 1028: 1024: 1008: 1004: 1000: 996: 992: 986: 982: 978: 976: 970: 968: 967: 960: 952: 948: 944: 941: 940: 933: 925: 916: 913: 902: 899: 898:Edwin Lutyens 895: 891: 887: 883: 879: 875: 871: 861: 857: 853: 851: 847: 839: 838:Edwin Edwards 834: 830: 827: 818: 809: 805: 803: 799: 795: 790: 781: 777: 775: 771: 767: 757: 753: 750: 746: 741: 732: 728: 724: 715: 711: 709: 700: 696: 692: 688: 685: 684:coaching inns 680: 676: 674: 670: 666: 665:Norwich Union 662: 658: 654: 648: 646: 641: 633: 629: 625: 616: 613: 609: 605: 599: 597: 592: 588: 583: 581: 575: 573: 569: 565: 561: 555: 553: 549: 542: 536: 525: 521: 519: 515: 511: 508:in and every 506: 505:parliamentary 501: 499: 494: 492: 488: 484: 480: 476: 472: 465: 464:Thomas Hearne 460: 456: 454: 448: 444: 442: 438: 434: 430: 426: 422: 416: 414: 410: 406: 405:royal charter 397: 388: 386: 380: 378: 374: 368: 366: 362: 358: 352: 350: 346: 343:known as the 342: 333: 329: 327: 323: 319: 315: 309: 307: 303: 299: 295: 285: 281: 279: 274: 270: 266: 262: 258: 253: 251: 245: 243: 238: 227: 218: 216: 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Retrieved 1625: 1508: 1496: 1429: 1398: 1393:, p. 8. 1366: 1362: 1322:, p. 5. 1315: 1310:, p. 9. 1275:, p. 2. 1229:, p. 4. 1222: 1217:, p. 7. 1171: 1156:Norwich City 1146: 1136: 1129:King Solomon 1119: 1110: 1100: 1091: 1081: 1064: 1054: 1044: 1037:Magna Crofta 1027: 1007:war memorial 979: 971: 964: 961: 957: 945: 937: 934: 930: 908: 866: 854: 842: 823: 806: 786: 770:neoclassical 762: 740:cobblestones 736: 726: 712: 704: 694: 681: 677: 649: 637: 627: 600: 584: 576: 556: 548:Craft Guilds 544: 538: 533: 522: 502: 495: 468: 449: 445: 417: 402: 381: 369: 353: 338: 326:market cross 318:forestalling 310: 291: 282: 278:smallholders 259:, butchers, 254: 246: 233: 203: 190: 186:King's Clerk 159: 127:River Wensum 112: 95: 87:Georgian era 84: 75: 50: 46: 45: 18: 2527: / 1152:Carrow Road 884:in 1938 as 802:Art Nouveau 787:Meanwhile, 745:French Wars 377:Dragon Hall 373:King Street 312:tolled for 265:woolsellers 261:ironmongers 257:fishmongers 206:East Anglia 143:Anglo-Saxon 115:county town 61:in central 2542:Categories 2512:52°37′43″N 2493:BBC webcam 2189:8 December 1637:31 October 1501:Kelly 2006 1464:Kelly 2006 1449:Kelly 2006 1434:Kelly 2006 1335:Kelly 2006 1182:References 878:John Piper 774:York stone 640:stagecoach 612:charlatans 572:dick fools 491:bonesetter 433:undercroft 357:churchyard 273:city walls 109:Foundation 2515:1°17′34″E 2318:The Times 2140:The Times 1880:The Times 1860:The Times 1758:The Times 1154:to watch 999:City Hall 995:The Forum 966:The Times 886:City Hall 863:City Hall 608:Corinthia 560:whifflers 429:exchequer 421:Guildhall 314:Lady Mass 292:In 1341, 242:City Hall 193:tollhouse 102:City Hall 79:Guildhall 32:Guildhall 28:City Hall 2496:Archived 2358:NHP 2010 2343:NHP 2010 2331:NHP 2010 2300:NHP 2010 2285:NHP 2010 2273:NHP 2010 2258:NHP 2010 2243:NHP 2010 2231:NHP 2010 2219:NHP 2010 2204:NHP 2010 2170:NHP 2010 2153:NHP 2010 2138:. 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Row of brightly coloured market stalls. Behind the market stalls is a very large red brick building with a tall clock tower. Next to it is a long low dark stone building.
City Hall

outdoor market
Norman conquest of England
Georgian era
coaching inns
First World War
City Hall
county town
River Wensum
East of England
King Æthelstan
Broad open space with a narrow street running through it
Norman conquest of England
Norwich Cathedral
Norwich Castle
Domesday Book
Royal Prerogative

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