
Kingdom of Yugoslavia

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mid-1930s, France, internally divided, was increasingly unable to play an important role in Eastern Europe and support its allies, many of whom had suffered badly from the economic crisis of that period. By contrast, Germany was increasingly willing to get into barter agreements with the countries of south east Europe. In the process those countries felt it was against their interests to closely follow France. An additional motive to improve relations with Italy and Germany was Italy's support of the Ustase movement. As Maček intimated Italy would support Croatian secession from Yugoslavia, First Regent Prince Paul judged closer relations with Italy were inevitable. In an effort to rob the HSS from potential Italian support, a treaty of friendship was signed between the two countries in 1937. This diminished the Ustasa threat somewhat since Mussolini imprisoned some of their leaders and temporarily withdrew financial support. In 1938, Germany, annexing Austria, became a neighbour of Yugoslavia. The feeble reaction of France and Britain, later that year, during the Sudeten Crisis convinced Belgrade that a European war was inevitable and that it would be unwise to support France and Britain. Instead, Yugoslavia tried to stay aloof, this in spite of Paul's personal sympathies for Britain and Serbia's establishment's predilections for France. In the meantime, Germany and Italy tried to exploit Yugoslavia's domestic problems, and so did Maček. In the end, the regency agreed to the formation of the
Social Democrats. This government had a majority, but the quorum of the Provisional Representation was half plus one vote. The opposition then began to boycott the parliament. As the government could never guarantee that all of its supporters would turn up, it became impossible to hold a quorate meeting of the parliament. Davidović soon resigned, but as no one else could form a government he again became prime minister. As the opposition continued their boycott, the government decided it had no alternative but to rule by decree. This was denounced by the opposition who began to style themselves as the Parliamentary Community. Davidović realized that the situation was untenable and asked the King to hold immediate elections for the Constituent Assembly. When the King refused, he felt he had no alternative but to resign.
1937: 1096: 8447: 8416: 1984: 2297: 997: 6110: 250: 8610: 236: 7999: 7980: 7963: 5747: 1152: 1011: 8234: 1196: 8522: 9277: 8104: 8085: 8066: 1180: 1082: 1166: 1110: 2174: 983: 8462: 4047:"Kraljevina Jugoslavija! Novi naziv naše države. No, mi smo itak med seboj vedno dejali Jugoslavija, četudi je bilo na vseh uradnih listih Kraljevina Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev. In tudi drugi narodi, kakor Nemci in Francozi, so pisali že prej v svojih listih mnogo o Jugoslaviji. 3. oktobra, ko je kralj Aleksander podpisal "Zakon o nazivu in razdelitvi kraljevine na upravna območja", pa je bil naslov kraljevine Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev za vedno izbrisan." (Naš rod ("Our Generation", a monthly Slovene language periodical), Ljubljana 1929/30, št. 1, str. 22, letnik I.) 1124: 1025: 2039: 2578: 2564: 2094:
government in Parliament and the government was defeated. Though this meeting had not been quorate, Vesnić used this as a pretext to resign. His resignation had the intended effect: the Radical Party agreed to accept the need for centralization, and the Democratic Party agreed to drop its insistence on land reform. Vesnić again headed the new government. The Croatian Community and the Slovenian People's Party were however not happy with the Radicals' acceptance of centralization. Neither was Stojan Protić, and he withdrew from the government on this issue.
2111: 327: 8334: 2119: 3049: 1520: 1539: 8701: 3163: 9580: 8651: 2281: 8202: 1138: 1039: 8284: 8587: 1053: 2129:
them that universal might include women until the beginning of a movement for women's suffrage appeared with the creation of the new state. The Social Democrats and the Slovenian People's Party supported women's suffrage but the Radicals opposed it. The Democratic Party was open to the idea but not committed enough to make an issue of it so the proposal fell. Proportional Representation was accepted in principle but the system chosen (
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the coalition. At first the King gave Pašić a mandate to form a coalition with Pribićević's Democrats. However, Pašić offered Pribićević too little for there to be much chance that Pribićević would agree. A purely Radical government was formed with a mandate to hold elections. The Radicals made gains at the expense of the Democrats but elsewhere there were gains by Radić's Peasant's Party.
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heavily reliant on volatile world market prices. The Great Depression caused the market for them to collapse as global demand contracted heavily and the situation for export-oriented farmers further deteriorated when nations everywhere started to erect trade barriers. Italy was a major trading partner of Yugoslavia in the initial years after World War I, but ties fell off after
former Austria-Hungarian areas. That undercut the party's belief that its centralization policy represented the will of the Yugoslav people as a whole. The Radicals had done no better in that region but this presented them far less of a problem because they had campaigned openly as a Serbian party. The most dramatic gains had been made by the two anti-system parties. The
differences. After successful negotiations, Protić resigned to make way for a new government led by the neutral figure of Milenko Vesnić. The Social Democrats did not follow the Democratic Party, their former allies, into government because they were opposed to the anti-communist measures to which the new government was committed.
2062:. However, when this agreement was submitted to the approval of the regent, Alexander Karađorđević, it was rejected, producing the new state's first governmental crisis. Many regarded this rejection as a violation of parliamentary principles, but the matter was resolved when the regent suggested replacing Pašić with 2150:
Radicals were not quite strong enough to get the constitution through on their own and they made an alliance with the Yugoslav Muslim Organization (JMO). The Muslim party sought and got concessions over the preservation of Bosnia in its borders and how the land reform would affect Muslim landowners in Bosnia.
These changes satisfied neither Serbs, who were concerned with the status of the Serb minority in the new Banovina of Croatia and who wanted more of Bosnia and Herzegovina as Serbian territory, nor the Croatian nationalist Ustaše, who were also angered by any settlement short of full independence for
called the JRZ regime a "Three-Legged Chair", Stojadinović wrote in his memoirs: "I called our party the three-legged chair, on which it was possible to sit when necessary, although a chair with four legs is far more stable" - the fourth leg being the Croats, whose support was mostly behind the HSS.
which made executive power the gift of the King. Elections were to be by universal male suffrage. The provision for a secret ballot was dropped, and pressure on public employees to vote for the governing party was to be a feature of all elections held under Alexander's constitution. Further, half the
leadership had been released from prison only as the election campaign began to get underway. According to Gligorijević, this had helped them more than active campaigning. The Croatian community (that had in a timid way tried to express the discontent that Croatian Republican Peasant Party mobilized)
pushed a highly centralized agenda a number of Croatian delegates moved into opposition. However, the radicals themselves were not happy that they had only three ministers to the Democratic Party's 11 and, on 16 August 1919, Protić handed in his resignation. Davidović then formed a coalition with the
The Croatian Republican Peasant Party refused to swear allegiance to the King on the grounds that this presumed that Yugoslavia would be a monarchy, something that it contended only the Constituent Assembly could decide. The party was unable to take its seats. Most of the opposition though initially
The results left Nikola Pašić in a very strong position as the Democrats had no choice but to ally with the Radicals if they wanted to get their concept of a centralized Yugoslavia through. Pašić was always careful to keep open the option of a deal with the Croatian opposition. The Democrats and the
in August 1939. This did not put an end to the pressures from Germany and Italy, and Yugoslavia's strategic position deteriorated by the day. It was increasingly dependent on the German market, about 90% of its exports went to Germany, and in April 1939 Italy invaded and annexed Albania. In October
which sought an end to Serb hegemony and dictatorship. The government reacted by imprisoning many political opponents including the new Croatian Peasant Party leader Vladko Maček. Despite these measures, opposition to the dictatorship continued, with Croats calling for a solution to what was called
Ljubomir Davidović of the Democrats began to have doubts about the wisdom of his party's commitment to centralization and opened up negotiations with the opposition. This threatened to provoke a split in his party as his action was opposed by Svetozar Pribićević. It also gave Pašić a pretext to end
One of the few laws successfully passed by the Provisional Representation was the electoral law for the constituent assembly. During the negotiations that preceded the foundation of the new state, it had been agreed that voting would be secret and based on universal suffrage. It had not occurred to
The controversies that had divided the parties earlier were still very much live issues. The Democratic Party continued to push its agenda of centralization and still insisted on the need for radical land reform. A disagreement over electoral law finally led the Democratic Party to vote against the
ports went to waste because the nation lacked the capital or technical knowledge to operate a shipping industry. On the other hand, the mining industry was well developed due to the nation's abundance of mineral resources, but since it was primarily owned and operated by foreigners, most production
In early 1945, after the Germans had been driven out, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was formally restored, however real political power was held by Tito's Communist Partisans. On 29 November, King Peter II was deposed (and the monarchy abolished) by Yugoslavia's Communist Constituent Assembly while he
For the Parliamentary Community to thus violate the basic principle around which they had formed put them in an extremely difficult position. In April 1920, widespread worker unrest and a railway strike broke out. According to Gligorijević, this put pressure on the two main parties to settle their
From late 1940, Hitler wanted Belgrade to unequivocally choose sides. Pressure intensified, culminating in the signing of the Tripartite Pact on 25 March 1941. Two days later, Prince Paul was deposed in a coup d'état and his nephew Peter II was proclaimed of age, but the new government, headed by
Officially, the last words of King Aleksandar had been "Save Yugoslavia, and the friendship with France". His successors were well aware of the need to try and do the first, but the second, maintaining close ties with France, was increasingly difficult. There were several reasons for this. By the
The opposition now completely withdrew from parliament, declaring that they would not return to a parliament in which several of their representatives had been killed, and insisting on new elections. On 1 August, at a meeting in Zagreb, they renounced 1 December Declaration of 1920. They demanded
landowners. Nearly 40% of the rural population was surplus (i.e., excess people not needed to maintain current production levels), and despite a warm climate, Yugoslavia was also relatively dry. Internal communications were poor, damage from World War I had been extensive, and with few exceptions
served as a parliament which was formed by delegates from the various elected bodies that had existed before the creation of the state. A realignment of parties combining several members of the Serbian opposition with political parties from the former Austria-Hungary led to the creation of a new
began in 1929, the Western lenders called in their debts, which could not be paid back. Some of the money was lost to graft, although most was used by farmers to improve production and export potential. Agricultural exports, however, were always an unstable prospect as their export earnings were
The election was held on 28 November 1920. When the votes were counted the Democratic Party had won the most seats, more than the Radicals – but only just. For a party that had been so dominant in the Provisional Representation, that amounted to a defeat. Further it had done rather badly in all
The Parliamentary Community now formed a government led by Stojan Protić committed to the restoration of parliamentary norms and mitigating the centralization of the previous government. Their opposition to the former governments program of radical land reform also united them. As several small
In a multiethnic, multireligious and multilinguistic society, ethnic tensions and regional interests commonly surfaced in both politics and daily life, especially between the two largest and most influential groups who monopolized all political power in the country, the Serbs and Croats. Other
Although Yugoslavia had enacted a compulsory public education policy, it was inaccessible to many peasants in the countryside. Official literacy figures for the population stood at 50%, but it varied widely throughout the country. Less than 10% of Slovenes were illiterate, whereas over 80% of
Three-quarters of the Yugoslav workforce was engaged in agriculture. A few commercial farmers existed, but most were subsistence peasants. Those in the south were especially poor, living in a hilly, infertile region. No large estates existed except in the north, and all of those were owned by
2262:, shot five members of the Croatian Peasant Party, including their leader Stjepan Radić, after Radić refused to apologize for earlier offense in which he accused Račić of stealing from civilian population. Two died on the floor of the Assembly while the life of Radić hung in the balance. 2086:
groups and individuals switched sides, Protić now even had a small majority. However, the Democratic Party and the Social Democrats now boycotted parliament and Protić was unable to muster a quorum. Hence the Parliamentary Community, now in government, was forced to rule by decree.
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Until 1929, Serbs, Croats and Slovenes were the constitutional nations, when they were merged into a single "Yugoslav" nationality. With the language of the country being institutionalized and mandatory, ethnic minorities were expected to gradually assimilate into the Yugoslav
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1940 it attacked Greece, by when France had already been eliminated from the scene, leaving Britain as Yugoslavia's only potential ally – given that Belgrade had not recognized the Soviet Union. London however wanted to involve Yugoslavia in the war, which it rejected.
309: 313: 311: 310: 5042:(in Albanian) (1918-1921, sont tues beaucoup d'albanais ainsi que leurs maisons brulees. Dans la prefecture de Peja 1563 personnes tuees et 714 maisons brulees; a Mitrovica 1330 personnes et 42 maisons brulees ed.). Arkivi Shtetëror i Kosovës. p. 33. 315: 2884:
from regaining the territories it had lost after the First World War. The alliance lost its significance in 1937 when Yugoslavia and Romania refused to support Czechoslovakia, then threatened by Germany, in the event of military aggression.
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of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia existed successively in three different forms. From 1918 to 1922, the kingdom maintained the pre–World War I subdivisions of Yugoslavia's predecessor states. In 1922, the state was divided into thirty-three
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from Corfu city hall Quote: "The Municipal Theatre was not only an Art-monument but also a historical one. On its premises the exiled Serbian parliament, held meetings in 1916, which decided the creation of the new Unified Kingdom of
On 6 January 1929, using as a pretext the political crisis triggered by the shooting, King Alexander abolished the Constitution, prorogued the Parliament and introduced a personal dictatorship (known as the "January 6 Dictatorship",
2803:). The Allies gradually recognized Tito's forces as the stronger opposition forces to the German occupation. They began to send most of their aid to Tito's Partisans, rather than to the Royalist Chetniks. On 16 June 1944, the 308: 2257:
with Italy. In this they mobilised nationalist opposition in Serbia but provoked a violent reaction from the governing majority including death threats. On 20 June 1928, a member of the government majority, the Serb deputy
1741:), and of a substantial amount of territory that was formerly part of Austria-Hungary, the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. The main states which formed the new Kingdom were the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs; 2097:
In September 1920 a peasant revolt broke out in Croatia, the immediate cause of which was the branding of the peasants' cattle. The Croatian community blamed the centralizing policies of the government and of minister
3113:, a Slovene – were sworn in at Belgrade on 3 March 1945. They appointed the new government, to be headed by Tito as prime minister and minister of war, with Šubašić as foreign minister, on 7 March. 5713: 2492:
did not like this at first, but let him continue as long as it fixed the economy. Paul was concerned with rising tensions in Europe, especially with the Anschluss and the Munich Agreement Therefore, Paul ousted
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in Paris condemning the murder, accusing the Yugoslav government. The letter states of a "horrible brutality which is being practiced upon the Croatian People". The appeal was addressed to the Paris-based
2460:, was a minor, a regency council of three, specified in Aleksandar's will, took over the new king's royal powers and duties. The council was dominated by the 11-year-old king's first cousin once removed 4744: 1684:
appointed 28 members to start negotiation with the representatives of the government of the Kingdom of Serbia and Montenegro on creation of a new Yugoslav state, the delegation negotiated directly with
9151: 2240:(formerly the Croatian Republican Peasant Party), whose members continued to win election to the Yugoslav parliament in large numbers, but did harm the Radicals' main Serbian rivals, the Democrats. 2013:
Macedonians and Bosnians could not read or write. Approximately 10% of initial elementary school students went on to attend higher forms of education, at one of the country's three universities in
and the other major population centers, and consisted mainly of small, comparatively primitive facilities that produced strictly for the domestic market. The commercial potential of Yugoslavia's
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to reside in Italy and use training grounds in Italy to prepare for war with Yugoslavia. Hungary also permitted such Ustase training camps as well. Mussolini allowed Pavelić to reside in Rome.
9273: 4143: 1923:. Trumbić opposed the 1921 constitution and over time grew increasingly hostile towards the Yugoslav government that he saw as being centralized in the favor of Serb hegemony over Yugoslavia. 9346: 3307:
Rights of the Muslim minority were never enshrined in law but concessions were made to accommodate for religious relativism. Some regions of the country were allowed to exist as enclaves of
and Yugoslav nationalists. For the pan-Slavic movement, all of the South Slav (Yugoslav) people had united into a single state. The creation was also supported by the Allies, who sought to
10028: 5728: 4360: 2442:), an activist of IMRO, in a conspiracy with Yugoslav exiles and radical members of banned political parties in cooperation with the Croatian extreme nationalist Ustaše organisation. 10062: 3711: 5743: 9828: 2625:, they also feared that if Germany attacked Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom was not in any real position to help. Regardless of this, on 6 April 1941, the Axis powers launched the 307: 9996: 6145: 5940: 2947:
which Italy demanded as part of Italy. These hostile relations were demonstrated on 1 November 1918, when Italian forces sunk the recently captured Austro-Hungarian battleship
9265: 9163: 8830:
Free Territory was established in 1947. Its administration was divided into two areas (Zone A) and (Zone B). Free Territory was de facto taken over by Italy and SFRY in 1954.
were arrested under charges by the court. Pribićević later went into exile, whereas over the course of the 1930s Maček would become the leader of the entire opposition bloc.
6151: 5721: 10276: 10102: 10006: 9757: 9233: 3146: 2974:
In 1927, in response to the growing Italian expansionism, the royal government of Yugoslavia signed an agreement of friendship and cooperation with the United Kingdom and
was considered a dialect of the common language despite low mutual intelligibility with Serbo-Croatian. 'Serbo-Croato-Slovene' was declared the single official language (
10283: 9953: 3098: 848: 10124: 10119: 4331: 3172:
The small middle class occupied the major population centers and almost everyone else were peasants engaged in subsistence agriculture. The largest ethnic group were
had been too tainted by their participation in government and was all but eliminated. The other gainers were the communists who had done especially well in the wider
10109: 10050: 9467: 5989: 5847: 17: 2066:, a leading member of Pašić's Radical Party. The National Council and the Serbian government agreed and the new government came into existence on 20 December 1918. 10293: 10266: 10018: 9983: 3689:
The Kingdom participated at the Olympic Games from 1920 until 1936. During this time, the country won eight medals, all in gymnastics and six of these were won by
10214: 10045: 9941: 9192: 8476: 7685: 1259:. Shortly after his assumption of royal authority, Yugoslavia was occupied by the Axis and the young King went into exile. In 1944, he accepted the formation of 2823:. The new Yugoslavia covered roughly the same territory as the Kingdom had, now a federal republic ruled by the Communist Party rather than a unitary monarchy. 1945:
foreigners. Indeed, one of the first actions undertaken by the new Yugoslav state in 1919 was to break up the estates and dispose of foreign, and in particular
10566: 9978: 4736: 3706: 3318:, the Yugoslav government awarded no special treatment to non-Slavic ethnic minorities in terms of respect for their language, culture, or political autonomy. 2746:
in September 1943, the Italian governorates in Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Slovenia were occupied by the Germans and placed under direct German control.
2198:(provinces) ruled from the center were instituted. During this time, King Peter I died (16 August 1921), and the prince-regent succeeded to the throne as King 2000:
came to power in 1922. In the grim economic situation of the 1930s, Yugoslavia followed the lead of its neighbors in allowing itself to become a dependent of
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taking their seats declared boycotts as time went so that there were few votes against. However, the constitution decided against 1918 agreement between the
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upper house was directly appointed by the King, and legislation could become law with the approval of one of the houses alone if also approved by the King.
9444: 9438: 3073:. On 6 April 1941, Belgrade was bombed; on 10 April, the Independent State of Croatia was proclaimed; and on 17 April, the weak Yugoslav Army capitulated. 2194: 2162:, which stated that a 66% majority that 50% plus one vote would be needed to pass, irrespective of how many voted against. Only last minute concessions to 2122: 5882: 5852: 1225:, highly mutually intelligible standard languages, were officially considered eastern and western varieties of a common language, contemporarily known as 10561: 5837: 5787: 5751: 9258: 5802: 5792: 5410: 2146:
region. The remainder of the seats were taken up by smaller parties that were at best skeptical of the centralizing platform of the Democratic Party.
1391:, who had been regent for his father. He was known as "Alexander the Unifier" and he renamed the kingdom "Yugoslavia" in 1929. He was assassinated in 10514: 5862: 5832: 5357:
Nielsen, Christian Axboe (2009). "Policing Yugoslavism: Surveillance, Denunciations, and Ideology during King Aleksandar's Dictatorship, 1929–1934".
Similarly, the 1921 Constitution declared Serbocroatoslovenian as the official and national language of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenians.
5902: 5857: 3110: 2359:. A Court for the Protection of the State was soon established to act as the new regime's tool for putting down any dissent. Opposition politicians 10646: 9713: 8738: 8091: 5907: 5867: 3268:
quarrels were those between Serbs and Macedonians, as the Yugoslav government had as its official position that the latter were ethnic Serbs from "
1673:, on which they decided on the creation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, declaring the joint Corfu Declaration in 1917, the meetings were held at the 9750: 9046: 8571: 5912: 5817: 5812: 5797: 3660:
was founded in Zagreb in 1919. It was based in Zagreb until the 6 January Dictatorship, when the association was moved to Belgrade. From 1923, a
3393: 1159: 496: 8072: 5822: 2504:
In the late 1930s, internal tensions continued to increase with Serbs and Croats seeking to establish ethnic federal subdivisions. Serbs wanted
living in the former Austria-Hungary to be included within the borders of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Nevertheless, with the
9228: 8259: 5897: 5887: 5872: 3944:
Now, however, the official language of the new state, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, bore the unwieldy name Serbo-Croato-Slovene (
2781:. For a long time, the Chetniks were supported by the British, the United States, and the Yugoslav royal government in exile of King Peter II. 2379: 2246:, the head of the Croatian Peasant Party, was imprisoned many times for political reasons. He was released in 1925 and returned to parliament. 2055: 1400: 10601: 10581: 9718: 9251: 9133: 8537: 8402: 7793: 4524: 4498: 4472: 4237:
Budisavljević Srđan, Stvaranje Države Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (Creating the State of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes), Zagreb, 1958, pp. 170–175.
3679: 1075: 4353: 10477: 9364: 8139: 6733: 6561: 6476: 6215: 6095: 5328:
Grgić, Stipica (2018). "Pantheon on a tablecloth: Yugoslav dictatorship and the confrontation of national symbols in Croatia (1929–1935)".
4389: 2728: 2416:(Human Rights League). In their letter Einstein and Mann held the Yugoslav king Aleksandar explicitly responsible for these circumstances. 295: 8110: 3372:
to change its ethnic character. There were a number of massacres that took place in Kosovo and Montenegro, some of which were reported by
9902: 9740: 8865: 3931: 3863: 1869:
was difficult to determine, since it had been an integral part of Austria for 400 years. The Vojvodina region was disputed with Hungary,
3762: 2512:, Montenegro united with the Serb lands, and Croatia wanted Dalmatia and some of Vojvodina. Both sides claimed territory in present-day 1987:
Bond of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes for the liquidation of the agro-debts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, issued 18 June 1921
10596: 10576: 9958: 9370: 8159: 2820: 861: 349: 249: 4302: 10611: 10591: 10097: 9620: 3600: 3140: 2699: 2695: 2595: 1776: 1555: 791: 255: 2349:. He changed the name of the country to "Kingdom of Yugoslavia", and changed the internal divisions from the 33 oblasts to nine new 1991:
Yugoslavia was typical of Eastern European nations in that it borrowed large sums of money from the West during the 1920s. When the
114: 10636: 9963: 9329: 9323: 9276: 8954: 8815:
North Macedonia's official and constitutional name was the Republic of Macedonia until 2019. It was known in the United Nations as
8103: 8084: 8065: 6630: 6109: 3081:
After the invasion, the Yugoslav royal government went into exile and local Yugoslav forces rose up in resistance to the occupying
on 3 October. This decision was made following a proposal by the British ambassador to better decentralize the country, modeled on
from the remaining three-quarters of Slovenes living in the Kingdom of SCS, Trumbić successfully vouched for the inclusion of most
2483:. The JRZ had majority support from Slovenes, Bosniaks, and Serbs. The only part missing was the support from Croats. This is why 86: 9791: 9708: 9654: 9305: 8163: 6948: 3288:, the Allies sanctioned the Serbian control of Vardar Macedonia and its view, that Macedonian Slavs were in fact Southern Serbs. 10606: 10586: 9681: 9615: 9461: 9293: 8437: 6220: 5703: 4414:
Education in Yugoslavia and the New Reform: The Legal Basis, Organization, Administration, and Program of the Secondary Schools
2351: 2285: 1936: 1760: 67: 5147: 4978: 10227: 9299: 9075: 7000: 6555: 5755: 5563: 5541: 5519: 5497: 5454: 5251: 5230: 5191: 5157: 5099: 5047: 5013: 4943: 4883: 4849: 4813: 4646: 4115: 4017: 3975: 3925: 3857: 3814: 3756: 93: 6965: 5680: 5619: 5464:
Hadži-Jovančić, Perica (2020). "Losing the Periphery: The British Foreign Office and Policy Towards Yugoslavia, 1935–1938".
5257: 4949: 4760: 4674: 4652: 4418: 4121: 4023: 3981: 1689:. The negotiations would end, with the delegation of the National Council of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs led by 10422: 9735: 9473: 9317: 9311: 8986: 8812:
Annexed by Italy (1941–1943) and Germany (1943–1944). Smaller part annexed by the Independent State of Croatia (1941–1944).
8354: 6185: 4327: 2406: 1455: 4912:
Nationalism and Territory: Constructing Group Identity in Southeastern Europe, Geographical perspectives on the human past
4780: 10621: 9691: 9376: 9039: 7968: 7453: 2940: 2935:
had territorial ambitions against the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Relations between Italy and the kingdom's predecessors, the
2735: 2155: 1792: 1681: 1606: 1559: 1512: 1353: 1329: 1016: 1002: 38: 9352: 5312: 2528:
as prime minister, with the goal of reaching an agreement with the Croatian opposition. Accordingly, on 26 August 1939,
1470: 9796: 9104: 8763: 8759: 8430: 8272: 7458: 5980: 5599:
Radojević, Mira (2012). "On the problem of democracy and parliamentarianism in Yugoslavia between the two world wars".
4199: 3721: 3657: 3569: 2881: 2738:, Tomislav II abdicated from his Croatian throne and Pavelić assumed direct control over the NDH, annexing the Italian 2649: 1846: 1318:) was its colloquial name due to its origins. The official name of the state was changed to "Kingdom of Yugoslavia" by 1145: 772: 100: 4057: 3094: 10631: 9703: 8637: 7786: 6723: 5663: 5644: 4919: 3377: 3280:). In the early 20th century the international community viewed the Macedonians predominantly as regional variety of 3035: 2669: 2070: 1089: 637: 241: 133: 4962:
Some countries, notably the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, had preserved enclaves of Islamic law (relating to personal...)..
3017: 1854: 1666: 235: 9927: 9555: 8721: 8169: 7268: 2943:
became sour and hostile during World War I, as Italian and Yugoslav politicians were in dispute over the region of
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territory became a military administration of Germany run by military governors and a Serb civil government led by
left for exile from the country. The following years Pavelić worked to establish a revolutionary organization, the
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used police pressure over voters and ethnic minorities, confiscation of opposition pamphlets and other measure to
over a unified Yugoslav state. However, both Pašić and Trumbić agreed to a compromise, which was delivered at the
82: 10616: 10038: 9909: 9698: 8858: 8176: 6666: 6210: 4273: 3369: 3335: 3240:, then recognized as a southern dialect of Serbian), the most widely spoken languages by number of speakers were 3127:. The Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia was internationally recognized as Yugoslavia and Peter II became a 2832: 1690: 1547: 10556: 10326: 10076: 9820: 9730: 9584: 9426: 9032: 8976: 8125: 7245: 6748: 5089: 3627: 3285: 3002: 2412: 1816: 1753: 71: 4720: 10129: 9803: 8132: 7082: 3352:
in Yugoslavia were subject to persecution. The discrimination faced by the Albanians existed in the forms of
2789: 1804: 1466: 1260: 5387: 5122: 1659: 9686: 9408: 9358: 9180: 8296: 8239: 8233: 8147: 7779: 7736: 6718: 6706: 6225: 5070: 2690: 2685: 2047: 1834: 1439: 1387:) onward. Peter I became the first king of Yugoslavia until his death in 1921. He was succeeded by his son 1187: 1103: 835: 592: 1376: 10114: 10001: 8746: 7930: 7599: 7513: 7408: 7323: 7240: 6738: 6610: 6465: 3823: 3185: 3157: 2819:
was still in exile. On 2 December, the Communist authorities claimed the entire territory as part of the
1920: 1904:, by Italy, which had also been promised the Dalmatian coast during World War I, and Yugoslavia claiming 8025: 2209:
Serb politicians around Radic regarded Serbia as the standard bearer of Yugoslav unity, as the state of
1983: 1349: 10571: 10260: 10232: 10092: 10013: 9762: 9668: 9661: 9647: 9640: 9627: 8922: 8851: 8767: 7843: 7746: 7661: 7250: 7148: 3345: 3193: 2419:
Croat opposition to the new régime was strong and, in late 1932, the Croatian Peasant Party issued the
2386: 2296: 1912:
which had been annexed to Italy, but which contained a considerable population of Croats and Slovenes.
1877: 1674: 1435: 891: 743: 7438: 2629:
and quickly conquered it. The royal family, including Prince Paul, escaped abroad and were kept under
2606: 1256: 809: 10651: 10641: 10310: 9843: 9456: 8188: 7716: 7403: 7338: 7328: 7313: 6648: 6595: 6505: 5958: 3427: 3414: 2489: 2461: 2199: 1686: 1412: 1388: 1322: 581: 569: 527: 7538: 10626: 10442: 10401: 9883: 9769: 9745: 8820: 7158: 7138: 7103: 7056: 7010: 6362: 6178: 3102: 2900: 2757:, who had escaped into exile, was still recognized as King of the whole state of Yugoslavia by the 2665: 2598:
on 25 March 1941, pledging cooperation with the Axis. Massive anti-Axis demonstrations followed in
2364: 2250: 2099: 2058:
and the Serbian government resulted in agreement over the new government which was to be headed by
1784: 1636: 643: 550: 107: 4535: 4509: 4483: 1896:
and a few of the Dalmatian islands were given to Italy. The city of Rijeka was declared to be the
10161: 10023: 9676: 9545: 9198: 9116: 7036: 6728: 6711: 6701: 6676: 6520: 6246: 5438: 3967:
Nationalisms across the globe: an overview of nationalisms in state-endowed and stateless nations
3273: 3221: 3013: 2846:. This was especially the case between 1920 and 1934 with Yugoslavia's traditional supporters of 2739: 2657: 2524:
in 1938 gave new momentum to efforts to solve these problems and, in 1939, Prince Paul appointed
that the negotiations for unification should begin from scratch. On 8 August Stjepan Radić died.
2018: 1858: 1842: 1764: 1701: 1531: 876: 484: 455: 60: 4385: 4225: 3101:, with the status of the monarchy to be decided at a later date. Three regents – 2133:
with very small constituencies) favored large parties and parties with strong regional support.
This article is about the form of Yugoslavia from 1918 to 1943. For the country as a whole, see
10502: 10457: 10303: 10254: 10247: 9850: 9540: 9515: 8927: 8910: 8900: 8895: 8339: 7827: 7803: 7756: 7671: 7518: 7230: 7163: 7031: 6980: 6912: 6812: 6802: 6600: 6535: 6342: 6271: 5973: 5183:
Nation Failure, Ethnic Elites, and Balance of Power: The International Administration of Kosova
3615: 3538: 3490: 3420: 3120: 3070: 3053: 3009: 2792: 2758: 2754: 2724: 2720: 2626: 2610: 2553: 2525: 2513: 2498: 2457: 2275: 2237: 2138: 2074:
party, The Democratic Party, that dominated the Provisional Representation and the government.
2014: 1632: 1494: 1447: 1424: 1408: 1337: 1252: 822: 730: 702: 539: 471: 441: 5181: 3913: 3847: 3508: 3196:
were not recognized as distinctive ethnic groups; further historical minority groups included
as the legitimate government. This was established on 2 November following the signing of the
10509: 10437: 10406: 9916: 9633: 9560: 9098: 9069: 9055: 9020: 8959: 8775: 8615: 8609: 8453: 8422: 8396: 8018: 7998: 7979: 7962: 7873: 7741: 7721: 7701: 7564: 7483: 7428: 7220: 7215: 6990: 6937: 6762: 6671: 6640: 6580: 6530: 6312: 6302: 5746: 3833: 3746: 3716: 3661: 3197: 3086: 3069:
General Simović, assured Germany it would adhere to the Pact. Hitler nonetheless ordered the
2975: 2877: 2851: 2843: 2778: 2673: 2185: 2178: 1916: 1901: 1628: 1602: 1404: 1361: 716: 515: 6892: 5615:
Kraljevina Jugoslavija s ilustrovanom geografskom čitankom: za četvrti razred srednjih škola
5037: 4552:"War Veterans, Fascism, and Para-Fascist Departures in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1918–1941" 4295: 3563: 3532: 3472: 3448: 2494: 2484: 2471:
as prime minister in 1935. His solution to solving the economic problems left over from the
2468: 2173: 2078: 10492: 10432: 10242: 10189: 9535: 9525: 8998: 8771: 8742: 7726: 7645: 7609: 7559: 7418: 7343: 7128: 7005: 6797: 6572: 6550: 6545: 6510: 6452: 5529: 5507: 5485: 3665: 3653: 3233: 3124: 2225:". Over the following years, Croatian resistance against a Serbo-centric policy increased. 2192:
monarchy. The pre–World War I traditional regions were abolished and 33 new administrative
2022: 1967:
was exported. Yugoslavia was the third least industrialized nation in Eastern Europe after
The new kingdom was made up of the formerly independent kingdoms of Serbia and Montenegro (
481: 452: 8806: 5585: 5573: 5551: 3885: 3581: 2259: 2038: 1474: 8: 10535: 10427: 10355: 10298: 10288: 10271: 10169: 10139: 9864: 9836: 9550: 9530: 9121: 8730: 8687: 8480: 8153: 8032: 7939: 7751: 7696: 7533: 7523: 7508: 7498: 7463: 7393: 7308: 7278: 7225: 6942: 6696: 6691: 6590: 6585: 6352: 6307: 6266: 6171: 6079: 4805:"'Leader' or 'Devil'? Milan Stojadinović, Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, and his Ideology" 3918:
Entangled Histories of the Balkans: Volume One: National Ideologies and Language Policies
3669: 3647: 3631: 3606: 3502: 3301: 3289: 3237: 3201: 3061: 2774: 2653: 2533: 2301: 2289: 1968: 1897: 1889: 1772: 1582: 1131: 1044: 776: 410: 4417:. U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. p. 102. 4090: 2577: 2563: 10497: 10452: 10447: 10343: 10149: 10144: 9890: 9003: 8969: 8947: 8932: 8591: 7650: 7473: 7468: 7433: 7413: 7388: 7383: 7378: 7373: 7368: 7353: 7348: 7293: 7200: 7046: 6917: 6807: 6787: 6743: 6686: 6681: 6658: 6625: 6615: 6605: 6487: 6127: 5374: 5345: 5304: 3575: 3557: 3544: 3361: 3249: 3117: 2948: 2916: 2904: 2873: 2614: 2439: 2254: 2143: 1881: 1850: 1738: 1624: 1523: 1482: 1462: 1396: 1319: 1245:; also translated "Serbocroatoslovenian"). In practice it functioned as Serbo-Croatian. 1058: 623: 406: 398: 3526: 3520: 3484: 3048: 1787:
a population of half a million South Slavs, mostly Slovenes, were subjected to forced
10379: 10237: 10184: 10055: 9723: 9186: 9145: 8964: 8675: 8559: 8527: 8521: 8461: 7676: 7666: 7629: 7503: 7488: 7363: 7333: 7303: 7298: 7273: 7210: 7205: 7195: 7066: 7015: 6902: 6897: 6620: 6256: 6241: 6058: 5966: 5946: 5659: 5640: 5559: 5537: 5515: 5493: 5450: 5402: 5378: 5349: 5308: 5247: 5226: 5187: 5153: 5095: 5043: 5009: 4939: 4915: 4879: 4809: 4642: 4551: 4456: 4280:(How the Friendsjip Treaty between Italy and the Kingdom of SHS Came About in 1924), 4221: 4111: 4013: 3971: 3921: 3853: 3810: 3752: 3514: 3478: 3466: 3404: 3241: 3225: 3166: 2936: 2313: 2305: 2229: 2159: 2130: 2110: 2059: 2043: 1909: 1799:
was willing to modify the Rapallo borders in order to annex the independent state of
1694: 1647: 1639: 1574: 1458: 1384: 1380: 1357: 1222: 988: 467: 418: 402: 8364: 3622:(regions) was implemented by royal decree. In 1939, as an accommodation to Yugoslav 3460: 3162: 2911:. The alliance was formalized and entrenched on 9 February 1934 when it became the " 10360: 10331: 10222: 10201: 10194: 10179: 9808: 9500: 9450: 9403: 9222: 8915: 8787: 8666: 8359: 8268: 8053: 7692: 7656: 7574: 7398: 7168: 7113: 7076: 7051: 7041: 6975: 6927: 6857: 6852: 6847: 6842: 6837: 6827: 6822: 6515: 6261: 5473: 5366: 5337: 5294: 5286: 4638: 4563: 3245: 2955: 2932: 2908: 2777:, which was both anti-German and anti-communist, was commanded by Royalist General 2773:, or JVUO) resisted the Axis occupation of Yugoslavia and supported Peter II. This 2645: 2472: 2451: 2210: 2167: 2118: 1997: 1992: 1946: 1870: 1865:
to the west. Almost immediately, it ran into disputes with most of its neighbours.
1796: 1768: 1715: 1693:
reading the address in front of regent Alexander, who represented his father, King
1578: 1369: 1291:
that existed from 1918 until 1941. From 1918 to 1929, it was officially called the
1284: 1230: 1218: 1117: 1030: 478: 187: 5477: 5341: 4836: 3496: 3454: 3442: 2394: 2243: 2063: 611: 10391: 10367: 10348: 9510: 9495: 9490: 9127: 9110: 9092: 8783: 8706: 8323: 8314: 7914: 7771: 7569: 7318: 7288: 7283: 7143: 7133: 7098: 7088: 7071: 6907: 6862: 6777: 6495: 6470: 6317: 6032: 6027: 6012: 5772: 5707: 5674: 5613: 5241: 5003: 4933: 4803: 4764: 4757: 4724: 4708: 4681: 4632: 4412: 4277: 4254: 4203: 4105: 4007: 3965: 3587: 3381: 3257: 3253: 3189: 2785: 2743: 2702:, but in reality the King was merely a figurehead and the real power was held by 2621:
without formally renouncing the Tripartite Pact. Although the new rulers opposed
2541: 2517: 2505: 2398: 2325: 2233: 1566: 1478: 1365: 1333: 685: 414: 394: 8751:
UN Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium
5777: 5767: 3690: 2963: 2708: 2529: 2371: 2360: 1759:
The newly established Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes participated in the
1620: 37:"Kingdom of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs" redirects here. Not to be confused with 10396: 10384: 10174: 9988: 9970: 9505: 9432: 9204: 9139: 9010: 8512: 8041: 7711: 7493: 7478: 7443: 7183: 7178: 7061: 6995: 6867: 6525: 6500: 6405: 6322: 6276: 6132: 6037: 6022: 6017: 5892: 5807: 4776: 4713: 3672: 3293: 3261: 2912: 2869: 2864: 2847: 2677: 2356: 2317: 2222: 1788: 1643: 1443: 1288: 1226: 949: 942: 422: 384: 173: 9784: 5290: 4568: 3106: 2716: 1700:
The name of the new Yugoslav state was Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (
10550: 10336: 9871: 9397: 8390: 7358: 7123: 7118: 6540: 6398: 6357: 6337: 6063: 6042: 5922: 5877: 5827: 5782: 5406: 5370: 5274: 4529: 4503: 4477: 3408: 3373: 2804: 2784:
However, over the course of the war, effective power changed to the hands of
2476: 2436: 2402: 2321: 2309: 2218: 2189: 1892:
did vote for Carinthia to become part of Austria. The Dalmatian port city of
1866: 1826: 1586: 1538: 1519: 1416: 464: 449: 364: 351: 6887: 4196: 1328:
The preliminary kingdom was formed in 1918 by the merger of the provisional
10372: 9520: 8779: 8253: 8249: 8057: 7920: 7448: 6970: 6932: 6832: 6415: 5917: 3365: 3357: 2641: 2634: 2630: 2622: 2521: 2480: 2001: 1963: 1862: 1563: 1173: 689: 9152:
8th Session of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Serbia
8264: 5299: 3964:
Wojciechowski, Sebastian; Burszta, Wojciech J.; Kamusella, Tomasz (2006).
agriculture was devoid of machinery or other modern farming technologies.
had formed a majority in this region although numbers reflected that some
9565: 9420: 9414: 8993: 8734: 8374: 8346: 8214: 7680: 7189: 6985: 6877: 6872: 6792: 6383: 6367: 5927: 4876:
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945: Occupation and Collaboration
3423:(9 October 1934 – 29 November 1945; in exile from 13/14 April 1941) 3353: 3341: 3308: 3297: 3229: 3082: 2895: 2591: 2342: 1833:
physicist and physical chemist. He influenced the final decisions of the
1749: 1598: 1594: 1590: 1570: 1428: 1311: 795: 669: 654: 9779: 4460: 4248:
A Low Dishonest Decade: Italy, the Powers and Eastern Europe, 1918–1939.
politicians later interpreted the decision as punishment for it being a
3220:. Religion followed the same pattern with half the population following 2617:
became his Prime Minister. Yugoslavia withdrew its support for the Axis
2163: 1815:
were effectively undermined by the regent Alexander who preferred "good
10486: 9603: 9157: 8981: 8883: 8874: 8656: 8631: 7235: 7173: 7092: 6332: 6297: 4634:
The Racial Idea in the Independent State of Croatia: Origins and Theory
3281: 3269: 3205: 2712: 1296: 31: 10657:
Countries and territories where Serbo-Croatian is an official language
8843: 5988: 4185:
Encyclopedia of World War I: A Political, Social, and Military History
3384:, between 90,000 and 300,000 Albanians were deported from Yugoslavia. 2280: 10134: 8717: 8503: 8472: 8383: 7594: 7584: 7153: 6460: 6347: 5225:(2nd printing ed.). Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press. 5218: 4844: 4270: 3349: 3323: 3128: 2920: 2704: 2509: 2428: 2393:
That same year, Croatian historian and anti-Yugoslavist intellectual
2346: 1885: 1742: 1392: 434: 8942: 4271:
Kako je prišlo do prijateljskega pakta med Italijo in kraljevino SHS
Perspectives of Multiculturalism: Western and Transitional Countries
3020:. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. 2923:
and the shifting of Yugoslav foreign policy, the alliance crumbled.
2375: 2253:
waged a bitter parliamentary battle against the ratification of the
Immediately after 1 December proclamation, negotiations between the
also proclaimed its unification with Serbia, whereas the regions of
49: 9216: 8937: 8600: 8305: 8223: 8207: 7905: 7731: 7614: 7604: 7423: 6922: 6194: 5149:
Kosovo, A Documentary History: From the Balkan Wars to World War II
4717: 3694: 3664:
was held annually. The national team played its first match at the
3181: 3090: 2944: 2766: 2661: 2599: 2432: 2370:
Immediately after the dictatorship was proclaimed, Croatian deputy
1959: 1808: 1655: 1613: 1499: 1345: 343: 8793: 5656:
Yugoslavia Through Documents: From Its Creation to Its Dissolution
3999: 2069:
In this period before the election of the Constituent Assembly, a
became a prominent South Slavic leader during the war and led the
9774: 8488: 8289: 7624: 7579: 7554: 7108: 6817: 6435: 6388: 6327: 6251: 6205: 5637:
The Three Yugoslavias: State-building and Legitimation, 1918–2005
5589: 4976: 4009:
The politics of language and nationalism in modern Central Europe
the official language of the Kingdom was 'Serbo-Croato-Slovenian'
1923 Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes parliamentary election
List of heads of state of Yugoslavia § Kingdom of Yugoslavia
3209: 2681: 2214: 1972: 1650:
on 20 July 1917 that advocated the creation of a united state of
reading the address in front of regent Alexander, 1 December 1918
1341: 429: 4190: 3970:. Vol. 2. School of Humanities and Journalism. p. 79. 3748:
Language, Discourse and Borders in the Yugoslav Successor States
1822: 1419:
until 1941, when Peter II came of age. The royal family flew to
8824: 8797: 8586: 8550: 8496: 8493: 8465: 7706: 7619: 6882: 6782: 6425: 6281: 5223:
The National Question in Yugoslavia. Origins, History, Politics
When and how was the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs formed
a triple-named language, called officially Serbo-Croato-Slovene
3683: 3623: 3315: 3217: 3177: 2959: 2640:
Yugoslavia was soon divided by the Axis into several entities.
1905: 1812: 1800: 1616: 1527: 1504: 1451: 1420: 9164:
Hyperinflation in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
The Improbable Survivor: Yugoslavia and its Problems 1918–1988
on linguistic basis and cultural similarities, but during the
2288:. This became eight in 1939, when two were merged to form the 2228:
In the early 1920s, the Yugoslav government of prime minister
Montenegro having been absorbed into Serbia the previous month
In 1916, the Yugoslav Committee started negotiations with the
6163: 4980:
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States
4675:"Realite sur l'attentat de Marseille contre le roi Alexandre" 3963: 3173: 2762: 1893: 1830: 1780: 1670: 1651: 9234:
Arbitration Commission of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia
was annexed by the Independent State of Croatia (1941–1944).
Demographics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
1745:; and the Kingdom of Serbia with the Kingdom of Montenegro. 7589: 6430: 6420: 6410: 6393: 3213: 2605:
On 27 March, the regime of Prince Paul was overthrown by a
5388:"Jugoslovenska kraljevina prva evropska regionalna država" 4455:
Institut za savremenu istoriju, Narodna knjiga, Belgrade,
4240: 2915:". In 1934, with the assassination of King Alexander I by 10033: 9468:
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
along with western Macedonia and south-eastern Montenegro
Hitler's New Disorder: The Second World War in Yugoslavia
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: The Chetniks
8330: 5676:
Kraljevina Jugoslavija: geografski i etnografski pregled
Elsie, Robert; Destani, Bejtullah D. (30 January 2018).
Der Terror der Besatzungsmacht Serbien gegen die Albaner
with Trumbić as the country's representative. Since the
14th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia
Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia
The Yugoslav Experience of Serbian National Integration
4612: 2951:
being used by the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs.
2907:, and Turkey that was intent on keeping balance on the 2613:
was declared to be of age and placed in power. General
In 1929, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was subdivided into
2105: 4702:
Einstein accuses Yugoslavian rulers in savant's murder
Parliament i političke stranke u Jugoslaviji 1919–1929
4328:"Farming as a Way of Life: Yugoslav Peasant Attitudes" 4179: 4177: 4175: 4173: 4171: 4169: 3707:
List of Finance Ministers of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
3682:, which was dominated nationally by the Croatian side 3184:, as three constitutive peoples of the Kingdom, while 2672:, southerly part of Croatia, and more than a third of 1356:
within Austria-Hungary) with the formerly independent
1255:, still underage, was declared an adult by a military 5005:
Endgame in the Balkans: Regime Change, European Style
4187:. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2005. p. 1189. 3887:Израчунат број становника Југославије за 1941. и 1945 3614:(provinces). In 1929, after the establishment of the 3551: 2508:(later known within Yugoslavia as Vardar Macedonia), 1379:, which previously ruled the Kingdom of Serbia under 1372:
had become parts of Serbia prior to the unification.
Hyperinflation in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Sanctions against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
4837:"Prince Paul of Yugoslavia exonerated of war crimes" 4433: 2862:
From 1920, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia had formed the
The Kingdom nourished a close relationship with the
became vice premier of Yugoslavia and an autonomous
Prince Paul decided to appoint well-known economist
Oblasts of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
1729: 1723: 1709: 1589:
force on 6 October 1915. This saw the escalation of
1263:. He was deposed by the Yugoslav parliament in 1945. 1240: 1234: 277: 268: 211: 201: 165: 159: 4983:. U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 740–741 4914:, George W. White, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000, 4600: 4166: 3914:"Language and Identity: The Fate of Serbo-Croatian" 1697:, by which acceptance the kingdom was established. 74:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 8111:Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 7801: 5490:Unconventional Perceptions of Yugoslavia 1940–1945 4534: 4508: 4482: 1407:in 1934. The crown passed to his 11-year-old son, 10515:Orders, decorations, and medals of SFR Yugoslavia 8697: 8092:Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia 4588: 4576: 3744: 3697:who was the most nominated gymnast of that time. 2880:. The primary aim of the alliance was to prevent 2583:Occupation and partition of Yugoslavia, 1943–1944 2569:Occupation and partition of Yugoslavia, 1941–1943 10548: 8739:SAO Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Syrmia 8624:Metohija controlled by Austria-Hungary 1915–1918 5243:Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country 3916:. In Daskalov, Rumen; Marinov, Tchavdar (eds.). 3852:. U.S. Government Printing Office. p. 152. 3097:recognised the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia as 2719:. Nedić attempted to gain German recognition of 2694:, NDH). On paper, the NDH was a kingdom and the 2427:On 9 October 1934, the king was assassinated in 4925: 2795:. In 1943, Tito proclaimed the creation of the 2723:as a successor state to Yugoslavia and claimed 2435:Veličko Kerin (also known by his revolutionary 1919:in 1921 sparked tensions between the different 9229:Role of the media in the breakup of Yugoslavia 5463: 4696: 4694: 2380:Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization 2056:National Council of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 1680:In November 1918, the National Council of the 1401:Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization 1332:(itself formed from territories of the former 301:"National Anthem of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia" 10567:States and territories disestablished in 1941 9259: 9134:Contributions to the Slovene National Program 9040: 8859: 7787: 6179: 5974: 5729: 5035: 4777:"Nevada Labor. Yesterday, today and tomorrow" 4088: 3845: 3745:Busch, Birgitta; Kelly-Holmes, Helen (2004). 3368:, etc. The Yugoslav authorities attempted to 1807:, Pašić's attempts to correct the borders at 179: 8796:was reannexed by Hungary (1941–1944), while 8786:(1991–1992), which all combined to form the 8647: 5679:. Štamparija "Davidović" Pavlovića i druga. 5449:] (in French). Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme. 5145: 5008:. Brookings Institution Press. p. 101. 4729: 3893:(in Serbian). Државни статистички уред. 1945 3846:Myers, Paul F.; Campbell, Arthur A. (1954). 3436: 2893:In 1934, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia formed a 1597:for the independence and unification of the 1434:In April 1941, the country was occupied and 5653: 5611: 5386:Pavlović, Marko (2012). Časlav Ocić (ed.). 4931: 4691: 4144:"Austria's Archduke Ferdinand assassinated" 4107:Tito, Mihailović, and the Allies, 1941–1945 3329: 3116:On 29 November 1945, while still in exile, 3052:1939 Yugoslav postage stamp featuring King 2397:was assassinated in Zagreb. As a response, 1837:when the borders of the Kingdom were drawn. 1748:The creation of the state was supported by 1300: 10562:States and territories established in 1918 9266: 9252: 9047: 9033: 8866: 8852: 8788:Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 8198: 7794: 7780: 6186: 6172: 5981: 5967: 5736: 5722: 5584: 5572: 5550: 5528: 5506: 5484: 5275:"The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity" 4977:United States Department of State (1947). 4873: 4058:"Yugoslavia from a Historical Perspective" 4043: 4041: 3804: 3652:The most popular sport in the Kingdom was 2958:accepted the extreme Croatian nationalist 2475:was to make trade deals and get closer to 1722:) or its abbreviated form Kingdom of SCS ( 1542:Delegation of the National Council of the 1423:the same year, prior to the country being 325: 9054: 8817:the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 8280: 5598: 5514:. Columbus: Ohio State University Press. 5437: 5298: 5127:(in French). L'Institut. 1981. p. 74 4878:. Stanford University Press. p. 33. 4567: 4110:. Rutgers University Press. p. 288. 4012:. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 228, 297. 4005: 3911: 3809:. Stanford University Press. p. 93. 3601:Subdivisions of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 3141:Demographics of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 3036:Learn how and when to remove this message 2544:including all of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2536:was established with its own parliament. 2269: 1773:substantial territorial gains in exchange 1601:of Austria-Hungary along with Serbia and 134:Learn how and when to remove this message 18:Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 7969:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 5395:Zbornik Matice srpske za društvene nauke 5385: 5330:The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 4630: 4618: 4293: 4259:Mussolini, Prisoner of the Mediterranean 3738: 3411:Alexander ruled in the name of the King) 3161: 3047: 2837: 2295: 2279: 2172: 2117: 2109: 2037: 1982: 1935: 1900:, but it was soon occupied, and in 1924 1845:to the northwest at the Rapallo border, 1841:The Yugoslav kingdom bordered Italy and 1821: 1537: 1518: 1498: 886:247,542 km (95,577 sq mi) 10647:Former countries of the interwar period 8873: 8749: (1990–1995), all replaced by the 5672: 5536:. New York: Columbia University Press. 5492:. New York: Columbia University Press. 5356: 5087: 4935:Comparative law: cases, text, materials 4902:(University of Denver Press, 1951), 22. 4606: 4228:, volume 26, issue 1, 1993, pp. 187–198 4103: 4038: 2969: 2821:Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia 1940:Slovene farmers threshing wheat (1930s) 1635:. Trumbić faced initial hostility from 27:Country in Southeast Europe (1918–1941) 14: 10549: 9462:Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control 9281:Independence referendums in Yugoslavia 8062: 7957: 6221:List of current non-sovereign monarchs 5036:Pllana, Nusret; Kabashi, Emin (2001). 4801: 4549: 4410: 3866:from the original on 30 September 2021 2926: 2656:annexed some border areas outright. A 2609:with British support. The 17-year-old 1720:Kraljevina Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev 1293:Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes 270:Jedan narod, jedan kralj, jedna država 181:Kraljevina Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev 9247: 9076:Timeline of the breakup of Yugoslavia 9028: 8847: 8471:Included the autonomous provinces of 8328: 8278: 7775: 6451: 6167: 5962: 5756:Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 5717: 5634: 5558:. Boulder: East European Monographs. 5327: 5272: 5239: 5217: 4972: 4970: 4783:from the original on 16 February 2012 4594: 4582: 4439: 4421:from the original on 28 February 2022 4124:from the original on 11 December 2021 3920:. Koninklijke Brill NV. p. 371. 3829: 3786: 3430:(9 October 1934 – 27 March 1941) 3167:Passport of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 2114:Provinces of the Kingdom in 1920–1922 1633:creation of an independent Yugoslavia 279:Један народ, један краљ, једна држава 152:Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 10602:1945 disestablishments in Yugoslavia 10582:1941 disestablishments in Yugoslavia 9211:Milošević–Tuđman Karađorđevo meeting 8502:Includes the autonomous province of 8454:State Union of Serbia and Montenegro 8355:Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 5416:from the original on 15 October 2020 5401:. Novi Sad: Matica srpska: 503–521. 5359:East European Politics and Societies 5173: 5001: 4747:from the original on 19 October 2012 4737:"Raditch left tale of Yugoslav plot" 4392:from the original on 27 October 2020 4366:from the original on 27 October 2020 4308:from the original on 21 January 2022 3751:. Multilingual Matters. p. 26. 2985: 2769:("Yugoslav Army of the Fatherland", 2749: 2744:invasion of Italy by the Axis powers 2407:International League of Human Rights 2106:Constituent assembly to dictatorship 2077:Because the Democratic Party led by 2028: 1884:, which opted to remain in Austria. 1853:to the north, Bulgaria to the east, 1754:break up the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1045:Tsardom of Bulgaria (small portions) 72:adding citations to reliable sources 43: 5260:from the original on 1 October 2020 5071:"Statistics of the Rugova Massacre" 4296:"Serbian-Bulgarian Historical Ties" 3407:(1 December 1918 – 16 August 1921; 3085:. Initially the monarchy preferred 2941:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 2888: 2801:Demokratska federativna Jugoslavija 2736:fall of the Fascist regime in Italy 2445: 2341:) with the aim of establishing the 2304:was founded, aimed at solving the " 2236:. This was ineffective against the 2156:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 2139:Croatian Republican Peasant Party's 1777:quarter of Slovene ethnic territory 1706:Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca 1682:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 1607:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 1560:Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria 1544:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 1513:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 1454:. In 1944, after pressure from the 1375:The state was ruled by the Serbian 1330:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 1003:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 161:Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca 39:State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs 24: 9105:League of Communists of Yugoslavia 8764:Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia 8760:Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 8073:Democratic Federal Yugoslavia 6216:List of current sovereign monarchs 6108: 5704:Full text of the 1931 Constitution 5430: 5315:from the original on 3 August 2020 5029: 4967: 4952:from the original on 4 August 2020 4855:from the original on 17 March 2016 4507:. 23 February 1925. Archived from 4294:Stiftung, Friedrich Ebert (2013). 4070:from the original on 31 March 2022 3765:from the original on 26 April 2016 3722:Slovene March (Kingdom of Hungary) 3552:Prime Ministers-in-exile 1941–1945 3387: 3093:resistance. However, in 1944, the 2684:was recognized by the Axis as the 2316:, with small parts ceded from the 1873:with Bulgaria, Rijeka with Italy. 1711:Краљевина Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца 1031:Kingdom of Italy (Istria, Trieste) 167:Краљевина Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца 25: 10668: 10597:1945 establishments in Yugoslavia 10577:1918 establishments in Yugoslavia 8768:Serbian Autonomous Oblasts (SAOs) 6113:Flag of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia 5697: 5683:from the original on 17 June 2016 4938:. Foundation Press. p. 328. 4874:Tomasevich, Jozo (October 2002). 4655:from the original on 27 July 2020 4334:from the original on 25 June 2021 4220:, Institute of Croatian History, 3791:. Zagreb: FF Press. p. 322. 3417:(16 August 1921 – 9 October 1934) 3378:United States Department of State 2857: 2826: 2729:occupied several northern regions 2456:Because Aleksandar's eldest son, 2249:In the spring of 1928, Radić and 2033: 1090:Italian governorate of Montenegro 286:"One People, One King, One State" 10612:1945 disestablishments in Europe 10592:1941 disestablishments in Europe 9579: 9578: 9275: 8699: 8649: 8608: 8585: 8520: 8487: 8460: 8445: 8414: 8332: 8282: 8232: 8200: 8102: 8083: 8064: 7997: 7978: 7961: 6734:Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5745: 4197:History of the municipal theatre 4154:from the original on 7 June 2022 4091:"Yugoslavia in Crisis 1934–1941" 4026:from the original on 18 May 2016 3984:from the original on 11 May 2016 3934:from the original on 15 May 2016 3151: 2990: 2797:Democratic Federative Yugoslavia 2771:Jugoslovenska vojska u otadžbini 2761:. From 13 May 1941, the largely 2668:, part of Macedonia and Kosovo, 2660:was expanded to include most of 2576: 2562: 1953: 1248: 1214: 1194: 1178: 1164: 1150: 1136: 1122: 1108: 1094: 1080: 1051: 1037: 1023: 1009: 995: 981: 304: 248: 234: 48: 10637:Yugoslav Bosnia and Herzegovina 9474:Overthrow of Slobodan Milošević 8987:Overthrow of Slobodan Milošević 6211:Imperial, royal and noble ranks 5710: (archived 21 October 2009) 5658:. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. 5622:from the original on 3 May 2016 5139: 5115: 5081: 5063: 4995: 4932:Schlesinger, Rudolf B. (1988). 4905: 4892: 4867: 4829: 4802:Haynes, Rebecca (27 May 2011). 4795: 4769: 4667: 4624: 4543: 4517: 4491: 4481:. 31 March 1923. Archived from 4465: 4451:Gligorijević, Branislav (1979) 4445: 4404: 4378: 4346: 4320: 4287: 4263: 4231: 4210: 4150:. A&E Television Networks. 4136: 4097: 4082: 4050: 3638:(and from sections of others). 3594: 3336:Yugoslav colonization of Kosovo 3134: 2833:Foreign relations of Yugoslavia 1771:into the war with a promise of 1477:(on behalf of the Kingdom) and 1160:Italian protectorate of Albania 59:needs additional citations for 9427:Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 8423:Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 6193: 5594:. Vol. 1. Beograd: Nolit. 5591:Istorija Jugoslavije 1918–1988 5578:Istorija Jugoslavije 1918–1978 5246:. Cambridge University Press. 5210: 4743:. 23 August 1931. p. N2. 4533:. 6 April 1925. Archived from 3957: 3905: 3878: 3839: 3798: 3780: 3678:Other popular sports included 3668:. It also participated in the 3286:Paris Peace Conference of 1919 1730: 1436:partitioned by the Axis powers 1266: 1017:Kingdom of Hungary (Vojvodina) 278: 212: 166: 13: 1: 10607:1945 establishments in Europe 10587:1918 establishments in Europe 8393: region of Hungary 8033:Free State of Fiume 8026:Banat, Bačka and Baranja 5654:Trifunovska, Snežana (1994). 5478:10.1080/09592296.2020.1721060 5447:History of the Serbian People 5342:10.1080/00905992.2017.1357029 4473:"Yugoslavia: Balkan Politics" 3732: 3658:Yugoslav Football Association 3634:was formed from two of these 2727:as Serbia's monarch. Hungary 1958:Manufacturing was limited to 1687:regent Alexander Karađorđević 1467:Democratic Federal Yugoslavia 1465:recognized the government of 1261:Democratic Federal Yugoslavia 1063:Kingdom of Romania (villages) 331:Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1930 9556:Serbian–Montenegrin unionism 9409:Croatian War of Independence 9181:Anti-bureaucratic revolution 8297:Croatian War of Independence 8240:Independent State of Croatia 6226:List of monarchy referendums 6096:Belgrade City Administration 5639:. Indiana University Press. 4525:"Yugoslavia: The Opposition" 4093:. Columbia University Press. 3849:The Population of Yugoslavia 3076: 2981: 2807:was signed which merged the 2686:Independent State of Croatia 2048:Prime Minister of Yugoslavia 2007: 1507:during the formation of the 1488: 1403:(IMRO), during his visit to 1104:Independent State of Croatia 296:Himna Kraljevine Jugoslavije 208:(Serbo-Croatian and Slovene) 7: 8747:Republic of Serbian Krajina 8707:Republic of North Macedonia 8140:Bosnia and Herzegovina 5612:Radivojević, Todor (1935). 4104:Roberts, Walter R. (1973). 3912:Alexander, Ronelle (2013). 3700: 3277: 3158:Ethnic groups in Yugoslavia 3016:the claims made and adding 2700:King Tomislav II of Croatia 2590:Fearing an invasion by the 2547: 2413:Ligue des droits de l'homme 2385:In 1931, Alexander decreed 2188:was passed, establishing a 1724: 1352:(that had been part of the 299:Химна Краљевине Југославије 269: 202: 160: 10: 10673: 10622:20th century in Montenegro 10261:Encyclopedia of Yugoslavia 8745: (1990–1991) and the 8714: 8638:Protectorate of Montenegro 8005:Kingdom of Yugoslavia 5635:Ramet, Sabrina P. (2006). 5466:Diplomacy & Statecraft 4631:Bartulin, Nevenko (2013). 4550:Newman, John Paul (2017). 4006:Kamusella, Tomasz (2009). 3946:srbsko-hrvatsko-slovenački 3645: 3598: 3391: 3346:World War II in Yugoslavia 3333: 3155: 3144: 3138: 2830: 2815:government of Yugoslavia. 2742:in the process. After the 2596:signed the Tripartite Pact 2551: 2501:for being a Germanophile. 2449: 2424:the "Croatian question". 2382:(IMRO) against the state. 2335:Šestosiječanjska diktatura 2308:". It was formed from the 2273: 2166:, a group of Muslims from 2071:Provisional Representation 1931: 1926: 1675:Municipal Theatre of Corfu 1599:South Slavic nationalities 1492: 1236:srbsko-hrvatsko-slovenački 638:Provisional Representation 36: 29: 10531: 10470: 10415: 10319: 10311:Yugoslav Radio Television 10213: 10160: 10088: 10084: 10075: 9949: 9940: 9819: 9682:Federal Executive Council 9611: 9602: 9574: 9483: 9457:Joint Criminal Enterprise 9390: 9339: 9286: 9243: 9173: 9085: 9062: 9019: 8891: 8882: 8695: 8645: 8605: 8582: 8567: 8485: 8458: 8443: 8412: 8228: 8196: 8189:Free Territory of Trieste 8042:Italian province of Zadar 7910: 7810: 7638: 7547: 7261: 7024: 6958: 6770: 6761: 6657: 6639: 6571: 6486: 6444: 6376: 6290: 6234: 6201: 6141: 6120: 6106: 6088: 6072: 6051: 6008: 6001: 5936: 5763: 5291:10.1080/00905990903517819 5186:. Springer. p. 107. 5179: 5152:. Bloomsbury Publishing. 5094:. Sandstone. p. 35. 5088:Sherifi, Remzije (2007). 4569:10.1163/22116257-00601003 4253:15 September 2015 at the 3950:srbsko-hrvatsko-slovenski 3805:Tomasevich, Jozo (1975). 3628:Cvetković-Maček Agreement 3437:Prime Ministers 1918–1941 2954:Italian Fascist dictator 2691:Nezavisna Država Hrvatska 1710: 1658:to be led by the Serbian 1242:srbsko-hrvatsko-slovenski 1210: 960: 935: 931: 921: 911: 901: 897: 890: 882: 875: 871: 858: 845: 832: 819: 806: 787: 768: 755: 740: 727: 712: 699: 695: 681: 666: 651: 633: 629: 617: 607:• 1918–1919 (first) 605: 601: 591: 587: 575: 563: 559: 549: 545: 533: 521: 509: 505: 495: 440: 428: 390: 380: 336: 324: 290: 264: 230: 225: 150: 10632:20th century in Slovenia 9616:Administrative divisions 6363:Self-proclaimed monarchy 5618:. T. Jovanović i Vujić. 5443:Histoire du peuple serbe 5371:10.1177/0888325408326789 5002:Pond, Elizabeth (2007). 4284:, 1–4, p. 195, Ljubljana 3727: 3641: 3398: 3380:in May 1919. During the 3330:Persecution of Albanians 3099:a provisional government 2734:Following the July 1943 2666:Governorship of Dalmatia 2339:Šestojanuarska diktatura 1793:fall of Fascism in Italy 1591:South Slavic nationalism 1360:. In the same year, the 1350:Banat, Bačka and Baranja 9546:Montenegrin nationalism 9287:Republics and provinces 9199:Independence of Croatia 9117:1981 protests in Kosovo 8737: (1990–1991); and 8466:Republic of Serbia 8122:Socialist Republics of: 6631:Vatican City (Holy See) 5673:Vujević, Pavle (1930). 5240:Lampe, John R. (2000). 4808:. Bloomsbury Academic. 4763:14 January 2017 at the 4499:"Yugoslavia: Elections" 4359:. European Commission. 3618:, a new system of nine 3089:and his Serb-dominated 2740:Governorate of Dalmatia 2213:had been for Italy, or 2042:Between 1918 and 1926, 1978: 1908:, a part of the former 1446:and, later, by all the 1377:dynasty of Karađorđević 1336:, encompassing today's 1265: 1247: 1213: 485:constitutional monarchy 456:constitutional monarchy 381:Official languages 83:"Kingdom of Yugoslavia" 10617:20th century in Kosovo 9541:Macedonian nationalism 9516:Anti-Serbian sentiment 9318:Bosnia and Herzegovina 8911:6 January Dictatorship 8569:Mostly annexed by 8438:Republic of Montenegro 8340:Bosnia and Herzegovina 7986:Kingdom of Serbs, 6913:Islands of Refreshment 6343:Legitimacy (political) 6114: 5273:Troch, Pieter (2017). 5180:Rama, Shinasi (2019). 4386:"The Great Depression" 4089:J. B. Hoptner (1963). 3616:January 6 Dictatorship 3169: 3095:Tito–Šubašić agreement 3071:invasion of Yugoslavia 3056: 2876:, with the support of 2805:Tito–Šubašić agreement 2627:invasion of Yugoslavia 2554:Invasion of Yugoslavia 2514:Bosnia and Herzegovina 2405:sent an appeal to the 2329: 2293: 2276:6 January Dictatorship 2270:6 January dictatorship 2238:Croatian Peasant Party 2181: 2170:and Kosovo, saved it. 2125: 2115: 2051: 1988: 1941: 1921:Yugoslav ethnic groups 1861:to the south, and the 1838: 1835:Paris Peace Conference 1761:Paris Peace Conference 1719: 1705: 1637:Serbian Prime Minister 1551: 1535: 1516: 1495:Creation of Yugoslavia 1456:British Prime Minister 1338:Bosnia and Herzegovina 1270:Unicameral until 1931. 1241: 1235: 1076:German-occupied Serbia 849:Provisional Government 460:(1918–1929, 1931–1939) 203:Kraljevina Jugoslavija 180: 10557:Kingdom of Yugoslavia 9741:Deputy heads of state 9692:Deputy Prime Minister 9561:Slovenian nationalism 9099:Brotherhood and unity 9070:Breakup of Yugoslavia 9056:Breakup of Yugoslavia 8616:Kingdom of Montenegro 8019:Republic of Prekmurje 6724:Saint Kitts and Nevis 6313:Criticism of monarchy 6303:Abolition of monarchy 6112: 5994:Kingdom of Yugoslavia 5530:Pavlowitch, Stevan K. 5508:Pavlowitch, Stevan K. 5486:Pavlowitch, Stevan K. 5091:Shadow Behind the Sun 4411:Tomich, Vera (1963). 4246:Hehn, Paul N. (2005) 3787:Mesić, Milan (2004). 3717:Republic of Prekmurje 3662:national championship 3228:and most of the rest 3222:Orthodox Christianity 3165: 3051: 2844:Allies of World War I 2838:Pro-Allied government 2299: 2283: 2186:Vidovdan Constitution 2184:On 28 June 1921, the 2179:Vidovdan Constitution 2176: 2121: 2113: 2046:held the position of 2041: 1986: 1939: 1917:Vidovdan Constitution 1915:The formation of the 1882:Province of Carinthia 1880:was also held in the 1825: 1660:House of Karađorđević 1541: 1522: 1502: 1450:, was established in 1411:. Alexander's cousin 1383:from 1903 (after the 1362:Kingdom of Montenegro 1281:Kingdom of Yugoslavia 717:Vidovdan Constitution 391:Common languages 365:44.80972°N 20.46306°E 213:Краљевина Југославија 194:Kingdom of Yugoslavia 10150:in the United States 9797:League of Communists 9536:Croatian nationalism 9526:Albanian nationalism 8999:Yugoslav irredentism 8743:SAO Western Slavonia 8208:Republic of Slovenia 6556:United Arab Emirates 4707:13 July 2018 at the 4539:on 20 February 2008. 4487:on 20 February 2008. 4269:Čermelj, L. (1955). 4202:23 June 2007 at the 3675:, finishing fourth. 3666:1920 Summer Olympics 3654:association football 3344:to the beginning of 3234:Serbo-Croato-Slovene 3125:constituent assembly 2970:Friendship agreement 2607:military coup d'état 1579:invaded and occupied 1569:and the outbreak of 1442:, recognized by the 1340:and most of today's 744:Octroic Constitution 385:Serbo-Croato-Slovene 256:Greater coat of arms 68:improve this article 9928:Territorial Defense 9809:counterintelligence 9551:Serbian nationalism 9531:Bosniak nationalism 9122:Islamic Declaration 8741: (1990–1991), 8731:SAO Kninska Krajina 8688:Kingdom of Bulgaria 8481:Kosovo and Metohija 8400:(part of the German 8290:Republic of Croatia 7988:Croats and Slovenes 7940:Kingdom of Dalmatia 7752:Trinidad and Tobago 7639:Commonwealth realms 7524:United Baltic Duchy 6667:Antigua and Barbuda 6659:Commonwealth realms 6353:Order of succession 5439:Bataković, Dušan T. 4848:. 24 January 2012. 4779:. 4723:8 July 2011 at the 4513:on 12 January 2008. 4282:Zgodovinski časopis 3648:Sport in Yugoslavia 3632:Banovina of Croatia 3509:Vojislav Marinković 3302:Serbian irredentism 3123:was deposed by the 3103:Srđan Budisavljević 3062:Banovina of Croatia 2927:Tensions with Italy 2775:resistance movement 2721:Territory of Serbia 2534:Banovina of Croatia 2520:. The expansion of 2497:replacing him with 2365:Svetozar Pribićević 2302:Banovina of Croatia 2290:Banovina of Croatia 2251:Svetozar Pribićević 2100:Svetozar Pribićević 1898:Free State of Fiume 1795:. At the time when 1642:, who preferred an 1595:Slavic nationalists 1440:government-in-exile 1325:on 3 October 1929. 1132:Kingdom of Bulgaria 836:Government-in-exile 731:6 Jan. Dictatorship 675:Chamber of Deputies 619:• 1941 (last) 411:Macedonian dialects 361: /  10498:Flag of Yugoslavia 10029:Telecommunications 9004:Yugoslav Committee 8948:Belgrade offensive 8753: (1996–1998). 8592:Republic of Kosovo 8431:Republic of Serbia 8405:Military Commander 7804:Yugoslav statehood 6115: 5586:Petranović, Branko 5574:Petranović, Branko 5552:Petranović, Branko 4354:"The Adriatic Sea" 4276:6 May 2022 at the 3564:Slobodan Jovanović 3533:Milan Stojadinović 3473:Ljubomir Davidović 3449:Ljubomir Davidović 3426:Regency headed by 3300:and as sanctioned 3236:" (which includes 3170: 3057: 3001:possibly contains 2949:SMS Viribus Unitis 2917:Vlado Chernozemski 2664:. Italy added the 2516:populated also by 2495:Milan Stojadinović 2485:Milan Stojadinović 2469:Milan Stojadinović 2440:Vlado Chernozemski 2387:a new Constitution 2378:, allied with the 2330: 2294: 2255:Nettuno Convention 2182: 2126: 2116: 2079:Ljubomir Davidović 2052: 1989: 1942: 1839: 1775:, which cut off a 1667:Serbian Government 1625:Yugoslav Committee 1552: 1536: 1532:Ban Jelačić Square 1517: 1483:Yugoslav Partisans 1481:(on behalf of the 1399:, a member of the 1397:Vlado Chernozemski 1354:Kingdom of Hungary 1146:Kingdom of Hungary 862:Monarchy abolished 688: • 472:royal dictatorship 370:44.80972; 20.46306 10572:Former monarchies 10544: 10543: 10527: 10526: 10523: 10522: 10466: 10465: 10071: 10070: 10063:List of companies 10039:Telephone numbers 9936: 9935: 9792:Political parties 9699:Foreign relations 9598: 9597: 9594: 9593: 9386: 9385: 9187:Gazimestan speech 9174:Events and actors 9146:Agrokomerc Affair 8965:Informbiro period 8960:Tito–Stalin split 8841: 8840: 8836: 8835: 8807:Republic of Užice 8776:North-East Bosnia 8676:Kingdom of Serbia 8560:Kingdom of Serbia 8528:Kingdom of Serbia 8477:UN administration 8362:(since 1995), and 8258:Parts annexed by 7769: 7768: 7765: 7764: 7454:Piedmont-Sardinia 7206:Sip Song Chau Tai 7016:Thirteen Colonies 6757: 6756: 6161: 6160: 6104: 6103: 5956: 5955: 5758:(1922–1929) 5601:Историјски записи 5580:. Beograd: Nolit. 5565:978-0-8803-3484-6 5543:978-0-2317-0050-4 5521:978-0-8142-9486-4 5499:978-0-8803-3081-7 5456:978-2-8251-1958-7 5253:978-0-5217-7401-7 5232:978-0-8014-9493-2 5193:978-3-0300-5192-1 5159:978-1-7867-2354-3 5101:978-1-9052-0713-8 5049:978-9-9514-0400-6 5015:978-0-8157-7161-6 4945:978-0-8827-7615-6 4885:978-0-8047-7924-1 4815:978-1-8451-1697-2 4687:on 26 March 2009. 4648:978-9-0042-6282-9 4117:978-0-8135-0740-8 4019:978-0-2305-5070-4 3977:978-8-3876-5346-0 3927:978-9-0042-5076-5 3859:978-0-5986-7845-4 3816:978-0-8047-0857-9 3758:978-1-8535-9732-9 3539:Dragiša Cvetković 3491:Velimir Vukićević 3226:Roman Catholicism 3046: 3045: 3038: 3003:original research 2937:Kingdom of Serbia 2750:Exile of the king 2696:4th Duke of Aosta 2526:Dragiša Cvetković 2499:Dragiša Cvetković 2343:Yugoslav ideology 2314:Littoral Banovina 2306:Croatian question 2160:Kingdom of Serbia 2029:Political history 1910:Austrian Littoral 1785:Treaty of Rapallo 1695:Peter I of Serbia 1648:Corfu Declaration 1627:that lobbied the 1459:Winston Churchill 1358:Kingdom of Serbia 1283:was a country in 1277: 1276: 1206: 1205: 1202: 1201: 1068: 1067: 989:Kingdom of Serbia 759:King assassinated 644:National Assembly 577:• 1934–1941 565:• 1918–1921 535:• 1934–1941 523:• 1921–1934 511:• 1918–1921 468:absolute monarchy 317: 144: 143: 136: 118: 16:(Redirected from 10664: 10652:Former countries 10642:Yugoslav Croatia 10489: 10487:1945–1992) 10481: 10480:(1918–1945 10402:Central European 10317: 10316: 10284:National costume 10223:Yugoslav studies 10205: 10086: 10085: 10082: 10081: 9992: 9974: 9959:Computer systems 9947: 9946: 9919: 9912: 9905: 9893: 9886: 9874: 9867: 9853: 9846: 9839: 9671: 9664: 9657: 9650: 9643: 9636: 9609: 9608: 9582: 9581: 9501:United Macedonia 9451:Dayton Agreement 9404:Ethnic cleansing 9371:Eastern Slavonia 9280: 9279: 9268: 9261: 9254: 9245: 9244: 9223:Brioni Agreement 9049: 9042: 9035: 9026: 9025: 8916:Yugoslav regency 8889: 8888: 8868: 8861: 8854: 8845: 8844: 8772:Bosanska Krajina 8709: 8705: 8703: 8702: 8693: 8686: 8681: 8674: 8667:Vardar Macedonia 8659: 8655: 8653: 8652: 8643: 8622: 8613: 8612: 8590: 8589: 8577: 8570: 8565: 8558: 8543: 8534: 8525: 8524: 8491: 8464: 8450: 8449: 8448: 8428:Consisted of the 8419: 8418: 8417: 8403:Territory of the 8397:Autonomous Banat 8360:Republika Srpska 8349: 8342: 8338: 8336: 8335: 8299: 8292: 8288: 8286: 8285: 8246: 8237: 8236: 8217: 8210: 8206: 8204: 8203: 8193: 8181: 8174: 8144: 8137: 8130: 8120:Consisted of the 8117: 8107: 8106: 8098: 8088: 8087: 8079: 8069: 8068: 8051: 8002: 8001: 7983: 7982: 7966: 7965: 7933:Croatia-Slavonia 7813: 7812: 7796: 7789: 7782: 7773: 7772: 7693:Irish Free State 7459:Poland–Lithuania 6768: 6767: 6719:Papua New Guinea 6449: 6448: 6188: 6181: 6174: 6165: 6164: 6006: 6005: 5983: 5976: 5969: 5960: 5959: 5848:Primorje-Krajina 5750: 5749: 5738: 5731: 5724: 5715: 5714: 5692: 5690: 5688: 5669: 5650: 5631: 5629: 5627: 5608: 5595: 5581: 5569: 5547: 5525: 5503: 5481: 5460: 5425: 5423: 5421: 5415: 5392: 5382: 5353: 5324: 5322: 5320: 5302: 5269: 5267: 5265: 5236: 5205: 5204: 5202: 5200: 5177: 5171: 5170: 5168: 5166: 5143: 5137: 5136: 5134: 5132: 5119: 5113: 5112: 5110: 5108: 5085: 5079: 5078: 5067: 5061: 5060: 5058: 5056: 5033: 5027: 5026: 5024: 5022: 4999: 4993: 4992: 4990: 4988: 4974: 4965: 4964: 4959: 4957: 4929: 4923: 4909: 4903: 4900:Tito's Communism 4896: 4890: 4889: 4871: 4865: 4864: 4862: 4860: 4854: 4841: 4833: 4827: 4826: 4824: 4822: 4799: 4793: 4792: 4790: 4788: 4773: 4767: 4756: 4754: 4752: 4733: 4727: 4698: 4689: 4688: 4686: 4680:. Archived from 4679: 4671: 4665: 4664: 4662: 4660: 4639:Brill Publishers 4628: 4622: 4616: 4610: 4604: 4598: 4592: 4586: 4580: 4574: 4573: 4571: 4547: 4541: 4540: 4538: 4521: 4515: 4514: 4512: 4495: 4489: 4488: 4486: 4469: 4463: 4449: 4443: 4437: 4431: 4430: 4428: 4426: 4408: 4402: 4401: 4399: 4397: 4382: 4376: 4375: 4373: 4371: 4365: 4358: 4350: 4344: 4343: 4341: 4339: 4324: 4318: 4317: 4315: 4313: 4307: 4300: 4291: 4285: 4267: 4261: 4244: 4238: 4235: 4229: 4214: 4208: 4194: 4188: 4183:Spencer Tucker. 4181: 4164: 4163: 4161: 4159: 4140: 4134: 4133: 4131: 4129: 4101: 4095: 4094: 4086: 4080: 4079: 4077: 4075: 4069: 4063:. YU Historija. 4062: 4054: 4048: 4045: 4036: 4035: 4033: 4031: 4003: 3997: 3996: 3991: 3989: 3961: 3955: 3954: 3941: 3939: 3909: 3903: 3902: 3900: 3898: 3892: 3882: 3876: 3875: 3873: 3871: 3843: 3837: 3827: 3821: 3820: 3802: 3796: 3795: 3784: 3778: 3777: 3772: 3770: 3742: 3570:Miloš Trifunović 3340:From the end of 3087:Draža Mihailović 3041: 3034: 3030: 3027: 3021: 3018:inline citations 2994: 2993: 2986: 2956:Benito Mussolini 2933:Kingdom of Italy 2909:Balkan peninsula 2889:Balkan alliances 2779:Draža Mihailović 2765:guerilla force, 2674:western Slovenia 2580: 2566: 2473:Great Depression 2452:Yugoslav regency 2446:Yugoslav regency 2421:Zagreb Manifesto 1998:Benito Mussolini 1993:Great Depression 1797:Benito Mussolini 1765:Allies had lured 1733: 1732: 1727: 1713: 1712: 1509:National Council 1503:Celebrations in 1370:Vardar Macedonia 1317: 1314: 1308: 1305: 1302: 1295:, but the term " 1269: 1251: 1244: 1238: 1217: 1198: 1197: 1182: 1181: 1168: 1167: 1154: 1153: 1140: 1139: 1126: 1125: 1118:Kingdom of Italy 1112: 1111: 1098: 1097: 1084: 1083: 1072: 1071: 1055: 1054: 1041: 1040: 1027: 1026: 1013: 1012: 999: 998: 985: 984: 978: 977: 962: 961: 867:29 November 1945 798: 779: 751: 750:3 September 1931 719: 570:Prince Alexander 461: 376: 375: 373: 372: 371: 366: 362: 359: 358: 357: 354: 339:and largest city 329: 319: 318: 284: 281: 280: 275: 272: 252: 238: 220: 219: 218:(Serbo-Croatian) 215: 214: 209: 205: 199: 192: 191: 183: 177: 169: 168: 163: 157: 148: 147: 139: 132: 128: 125: 119: 117: 76: 52: 44: 21: 10672: 10671: 10667: 10666: 10665: 10663: 10662: 10661: 10627:Yugoslav Serbia 10547: 10546: 10545: 10540: 10519: 10485: 10479: 10462: 10411: 10315: 10209: 10203: 10156: 10130:Public holidays 10067: 10034:Internet domain 9990: 9972: 9932: 9917: 9911:1945–1992 9910: 9904:1918–1945 9903: 9892:1945–1992 9891: 9885:1918–1945 9884: 9873:1945–1992 9872: 9866:1918–1945 9865: 9851: 9845:1945–1992 9844: 9838:1918–1945 9837: 9815: 9667: 9660: 9653: 9646: 9639: 9632: 9590: 9570: 9511:United Slovenia 9496:Greater Croatia 9491:Greater Albania 9479: 9382: 9335: 9282: 9274: 9272: 9239: 9169: 9128:SANU Memorandum 9111:Croatian Spring 9093:Josip Broz Tito 9081: 9058: 9053: 9015: 8878: 8872: 8842: 8837: 8700: 8698: 8691: 8690: 8684: 8679: 8678: 8672: 8650: 8648: 8641: 8640: 8625: 8620: 8619: 8614: 8607: 8584: 8580: 8575: 8574: 8572:Italian Albania 8568: 8563: 8562: 8556: 8541: 8540: 8532: 8531: 8526: 8519: 8506: 8501: 8492: 8483: 8470: 8451: 8446: 8444: 8441: 8436: 8434: 8429: 8427: 8420: 8415: 8413: 8410: 8406: 8404: 8401: 8368: 8363: 8358: 8353: 8352:Consists of the 8351: 8345: 8344: 8333: 8331: 8295: 8294: 8283: 8281: 8276: 8263: 8257: 8247: 8244: 8243: 8238: 8231: 8213: 8212: 8201: 8199: 8194: 8191: 8187: 8183: 8179: 8175: 8172: 8167: 8155: 8151: 8145: 8142: 8138: 8135: 8131: 8128: 8123: 8121: 8119: 8115: 8114: 8108: 8101: 8100: 8099: 8096: 8095: 8089: 8082: 8081: 8080: 8077: 8076: 8070: 8063: 8052: 8049: 8046: 8044: 8039: 8037: 8035: 8030: 8028: 8023: 8021: 8016: 8011: 8010: 8008: 8003: 7996: 7994: 7993: 7991: 7987: 7984: 7977: 7975: 7974: 7972: 7967: 7960: 7955: 7953: 7950: 7948: 7944: 7942: 7937: 7935: 7932: 7928: 7923: 7919: 7917: 7915:Austria-Hungary 7897: 7890: 7883: 7875: 7867: 7860: 7853: 7845: 7837: 7829: 7821: 7806: 7800: 7770: 7761: 7686:princely states 7634: 7570:Kingdom of Fiji 7543: 7289:Austria-Hungary 7257: 7020: 6954: 6753: 6739:Solomon Islands 6653: 6635: 6567: 6482: 6440: 6372: 6318:Democratization 6286: 6230: 6197: 6192: 6162: 6157: 6137: 6116: 6100: 6084: 6068: 6047: 5997: 5987: 5957: 5952: 5932: 5759: 5744: 5742: 5708:Wayback Machine 5700: 5695: 5686: 5684: 5666: 5647: 5625: 5623: 5566: 5544: 5522: 5500: 5457: 5433: 5431:Further reading 5428: 5419: 5417: 5413: 5390: 5318: 5316: 5263: 5261: 5254: 5233: 5213: 5208: 5198: 5196: 5194: 5178: 5174: 5164: 5162: 5160: 5144: 5140: 5130: 5128: 5124:Studia Albanica 5121: 5120: 5116: 5106: 5104: 5102: 5086: 5082: 5069: 5068: 5064: 5054: 5052: 5050: 5034: 5030: 5020: 5018: 5016: 5000: 4996: 4986: 4984: 4975: 4968: 4955: 4953: 4946: 4930: 4926: 4910: 4906: 4897: 4893: 4886: 4872: 4868: 4858: 4856: 4852: 4839: 4835: 4834: 4830: 4820: 4818: 4816: 4800: 4796: 4786: 4784: 4775: 4774: 4770: 4765:Wayback Machine 4750: 4748: 4735: 4734: 4730: 4725:Wayback Machine 4709:Wayback Machine 4699: 4692: 4684: 4677: 4673: 4672: 4668: 4658: 4656: 4649: 4641:. p. 124. 4629: 4625: 4617: 4613: 4605: 4601: 4593: 4589: 4581: 4577: 4548: 4544: 4523: 4522: 4518: 4497: 4496: 4492: 4471: 4470: 4466: 4450: 4446: 4438: 4434: 4424: 4422: 4409: 4405: 4395: 4393: 4384: 4383: 4379: 4369: 4367: 4363: 4356: 4352: 4351: 4347: 4337: 4335: 4326: 4325: 4321: 4311: 4309: 4305: 4298: 4292: 4288: 4278:Wayback Machine 4268: 4264: 4255:Wayback Machine 4245: 4241: 4236: 4232: 4215: 4211: 4204:Wayback Machine 4195: 4191: 4182: 4167: 4157: 4155: 4142: 4141: 4137: 4127: 4125: 4118: 4102: 4098: 4087: 4083: 4073: 4071: 4067: 4060: 4056: 4055: 4051: 4046: 4039: 4029: 4027: 4020: 4004: 4000: 3987: 3985: 3978: 3962: 3958: 3937: 3935: 3928: 3910: 3906: 3896: 3894: 3890: 3884: 3883: 3879: 3869: 3867: 3860: 3844: 3840: 3828: 3824: 3817: 3803: 3799: 3785: 3781: 3768: 3766: 3759: 3743: 3739: 3735: 3730: 3703: 3650: 3644: 3603: 3597: 3588:Josip Broz Tito 3554: 3527:Bogoljub Jevtić 3521:Nikola Uzunović 3485:Nikola Uzunović 3439: 3401: 3396: 3390: 3388:Lists of rulers 3382:interwar period 3370:colonize Kosovo 3338: 3332: 3190:Bosnian Muslims 3160: 3154: 3149: 3143: 3137: 3109:, a Croat; and 3079: 3042: 3031: 3025: 3022: 3007: 2995: 2991: 2984: 2972: 2929: 2891: 2860: 2840: 2835: 2829: 2786:Josip Broz Tito 2752: 2698:was crowned as 2658:Greater Germany 2588: 2587: 2586: 2585: 2584: 2581: 2572: 2571: 2570: 2567: 2556: 2550: 2542:Greater Croatia 2518:Bosnian Muslims 2506:Vardar Banovina 2454: 2448: 2399:Albert Einstein 2347:Yugoslav nation 2278: 2272: 2108: 2102:in particular. 2036: 2031: 2010: 1981: 1956: 1934: 1929: 1644:enlarged Serbia 1631:to support the 1585:, Austrian and 1567:Gavrilo Princip 1497: 1491: 1479:Josip Broz Tito 1334:Austria-Hungary 1315: 1309: 1306: 1303: 1273: 1195: 1189: 1179: 1165: 1151: 1137: 1123: 1109: 1095: 1081: 1062: 1052: 1038: 1024: 1010: 996: 982: 956: 952: 945: 924: 914: 904: 864: 851: 838: 825: 812: 799: 790: 780: 771: 761: 749: 746: 733: 720: 715: 708:1 December 1918 705: 686:Interwar period 676: 672: 661: 657: 646: 642: 640: 620: 608: 578: 566: 536: 524: 512: 491: 487: 474: 459: 458: 369: 367: 363: 360: 355: 352: 350: 348: 347: 346: 340: 332: 320: 305: 302: 300: 298: 285: 282: 276: 273: 260: 259: 258: 253: 245: 244: 239: 221: 217: 216: 210: 207: 206: 200: 197: 196: 195: 193: 185: 184: 178: 171: 170: 164: 158: 155: 154: 153: 140: 129: 123: 120: 77: 75: 65: 53: 42: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 10670: 10660: 10659: 10654: 10649: 10644: 10639: 10634: 10629: 10624: 10619: 10614: 10609: 10604: 10599: 10594: 10589: 10584: 10579: 10574: 10569: 10564: 10559: 10542: 10541: 10539: 10538: 10532: 10529: 10528: 10525: 10524: 10521: 10520: 10518: 10517: 10512: 10507: 10506: 10505: 10495: 10490: 10483: 10474: 10472: 10468: 10467: 10464: 10463: 10461: 10460: 10455: 10450: 10445: 10440: 10435: 10430: 10425: 10419: 10417: 10413: 10412: 10410: 10409: 10404: 10399: 10394: 10389: 10388: 10387: 10377: 10376: 10375: 10365: 10364: 10363: 10353: 10352: 10351: 10341: 10340: 10339: 10329: 10323: 10321: 10314: 10313: 10308: 10307: 10306: 10296: 10291: 10286: 10281: 10280: 10279: 10269: 10264: 10257: 10252: 10251: 10250: 10240: 10235: 10230: 10225: 10219: 10217: 10211: 10210: 10208: 10207: 10199: 10198: 10197: 10192: 10187: 10182: 10175:Serbo-Croatian 10172: 10166: 10164: 10158: 10157: 10155: 10154: 10153: 10152: 10147: 10142: 10132: 10127: 10122: 10117: 10112: 10107: 10106: 10105: 10100: 10089: 10079: 10073: 10072: 10069: 10068: 10066: 10065: 10060: 10059: 10058: 10048: 10043: 10042: 10041: 10036: 10026: 10024:Stock Exchange 10021: 10016: 10011: 10010: 10009: 9999: 9994: 9986: 9981: 9976: 9968: 9967: 9966: 9956: 9950: 9944: 9938: 9937: 9934: 9933: 9931: 9930: 9925: 9924: 9923: 9922: 9921: 9907: 9897: 9896: 9895: 9888: 9878: 9877: 9876: 9869: 9859: 9858: 9857: 9856: 9855: 9841: 9831: 9825: 9823: 9817: 9816: 9814: 9813: 9812: 9811: 9801: 9800: 9799: 9789: 9788: 9787: 9782: 9777: 9767: 9766: 9765: 9755: 9754: 9753: 9743: 9738: 9736:Heads of state 9733: 9728: 9727: 9726: 9721: 9716: 9711: 9706: 9696: 9695: 9694: 9689: 9687:Prime Minister 9679: 9674: 9673: 9672: 9665: 9658: 9651: 9644: 9637: 9625: 9624: 9623: 9612: 9606: 9600: 9599: 9596: 9595: 9592: 9591: 9589: 9588: 9575: 9572: 9571: 9569: 9568: 9563: 9558: 9553: 9548: 9543: 9538: 9533: 9528: 9523: 9518: 9513: 9508: 9506:Greater Serbia 9503: 9498: 9493: 9487: 9485: 9481: 9480: 9478: 9477: 9471: 9465: 9459: 9454: 9448: 9442: 9436: 9433:Graz agreement 9430: 9424: 9418: 9412: 9406: 9401: 9394: 9392: 9388: 9387: 9384: 9383: 9381: 9380: 9374: 9368: 9362: 9356: 9350: 9343: 9341: 9337: 9336: 9334: 9333: 9327: 9321: 9315: 9309: 9303: 9297: 9290: 9288: 9284: 9283: 9271: 9270: 9263: 9256: 9248: 9241: 9240: 9238: 9237: 9231: 9226: 9220: 9214: 9208: 9205:Log Revolution 9202: 9196: 9190: 9184: 9177: 9175: 9171: 9170: 9168: 9167: 9161: 9155: 9149: 9143: 9140:Slovene Spring 9137: 9131: 9125: 9119: 9114: 9108: 9102: 9096: 9089: 9087: 9083: 9082: 9080: 9079: 9073: 9066: 9064: 9060: 9059: 9052: 9051: 9044: 9037: 9029: 9023: 9017: 9016: 9014: 9013: 9011:Yugo-nostalgia 9008: 9007: 9006: 9001: 8991: 8990: 8989: 8984: 8974: 8973: 8972: 8967: 8962: 8955:SFR Yugoslavia 8952: 8951: 8950: 8945: 8940: 8935: 8930: 8920: 8919: 8918: 8913: 8903: 8898: 8892: 8886: 8880: 8879: 8877: articles 8871: 8870: 8863: 8856: 8848: 8839: 8838: 8834: 8833: 8832: 8831: 8828: 8821:naming dispute 8813: 8810: 8801: 8791: 8754: 8725: 8712: 8711: 8694: 8685:Annexed by the 8682: 8670: 8662: 8661: 8644: 8635: 8627: 8626: 8623: 8604: 8596: 8595: 8581: 8578: 8566: 8554: 8546: 8545: 8535: 8516: 8508: 8507: 8500: 8484: 8469: 8457: 8442: 8426: 8411: 8399: 8394: 8387: 8379: 8378: 8370: 8369: 8365:Brčko District 8350: 8327: 8319: 8318: 8310: 8309: 8301: 8300: 8277: 8248: 8229: 8227: 8219: 8218: 8195: 8182: 8168: 8152:(included the 8146: 8124: 8118: 8061: 8060:, and Hungary 8047: 8040: 8031: 8024: 8017: 8012: 7958: 7956: 7947:Condominium of 7945: 7938: 7929: 7924: 7913: 7911: 7909: 7901: 7900: 7893: 7886: 7879: 7870: 7863: 7856: 7849: 7840: 7833: 7824: 7817: 7811: 7808: 7807: 7799: 7798: 7791: 7784: 7776: 7767: 7766: 7763: 7762: 7760: 7759: 7754: 7749: 7744: 7739: 7734: 7729: 7724: 7719: 7714: 7709: 7704: 7699: 7690: 7674: 7669: 7664: 7659: 7654: 7648: 7642: 7640: 7636: 7635: 7633: 7632: 7627: 7622: 7617: 7612: 7607: 7602: 7597: 7592: 7587: 7582: 7577: 7572: 7567: 7562: 7557: 7551: 7549: 7545: 7544: 7542: 7541: 7536: 7531: 7526: 7521: 7516: 7511: 7506: 7501: 7496: 7491: 7486: 7481: 7476: 7471: 7466: 7461: 7456: 7451: 7446: 7444:Ottoman Empire 7441: 7436: 7431: 7426: 7421: 7416: 7411: 7406: 7404:Kartli-Kakheti 7401: 7396: 7391: 7386: 7381: 7376: 7371: 7366: 7361: 7356: 7351: 7346: 7341: 7336: 7331: 7326: 7321: 7316: 7311: 7306: 7301: 7296: 7291: 7286: 7281: 7276: 7271: 7265: 7263: 7259: 7258: 7256: 7255: 7243: 7238: 7233: 7228: 7223: 7218: 7213: 7208: 7203: 7198: 7193: 7186: 7181: 7176: 7171: 7166: 7161: 7156: 7151: 7146: 7141: 7136: 7131: 7126: 7121: 7116: 7111: 7106: 7101: 7096: 7086: 7079: 7074: 7069: 7064: 7059: 7054: 7049: 7044: 7039: 7034: 7028: 7026: 7022: 7021: 7019: 7018: 7013: 7008: 7003: 6998: 6993: 6988: 6983: 6978: 6973: 6968: 6962: 6960: 6956: 6955: 6953: 6952: 6945: 6940: 6935: 6930: 6925: 6920: 6915: 6910: 6905: 6900: 6895: 6890: 6885: 6880: 6875: 6870: 6865: 6860: 6855: 6850: 6845: 6840: 6835: 6830: 6825: 6820: 6815: 6813:Central Africa 6810: 6805: 6800: 6795: 6790: 6785: 6780: 6774: 6772: 6765: 6759: 6758: 6755: 6754: 6752: 6751: 6749:United Kingdom 6746: 6741: 6736: 6731: 6726: 6721: 6716: 6715: 6714: 6709: 6699: 6694: 6689: 6684: 6679: 6674: 6669: 6663: 6661: 6655: 6654: 6652: 6651: 6645: 6643: 6637: 6636: 6634: 6633: 6628: 6623: 6618: 6613: 6608: 6603: 6598: 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An expanded 2678:Italian Empire 2582: 2575: 2574: 2573: 2568: 2561: 2560: 2559: 2558: 2557: 2552:Main article: 2549: 2546: 2450:Main article: 2447: 2444: 2357:Czechoslovakia 2286:nine banovinas 2274:Main article: 2271: 2268: 2223:Greater Serbia 2107: 2104: 2035: 2034:Early politics 2032: 2030: 2027: 2009: 2006: 1980: 1977: 1955: 1952: 1933: 1930: 1928: 1925: 1819:" with Italy. 1789:Italianization 1725:Kraljevina SHS 1702:Serbo-Croatian 1654:, Croats, and 1605:into a single 1581:by a combined 1554:Following the 1515:, October 1918 1493:Main article: 1490: 1487: 1444:United Kingdom 1289:Central Europe 1275: 1274: 1272: 1271: 1264: 1246: 1227:Serbo-Croatian 1211: 1208: 1207: 1204: 1203: 1200: 1199: 1192: 1190:govt.-in-exile 1184: 1183: 1176: 1170: 1169: 1162: 1156: 1155: 1148: 1142: 1141: 1134: 1128: 1127: 1120: 1114: 1113: 1106: 1100: 1099: 1092: 1086: 1085: 1078: 1069: 1066: 1065: 1056: 1048: 1047: 1042: 1034: 1033: 1028: 1020: 1019: 1014: 1006: 1005: 1000: 992: 991: 986: 974: 973: 968: 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8975: 8971: 8968: 8966: 8963: 8961: 8958: 8957: 8956: 8953: 8949: 8946: 8944: 8941: 8939: 8936: 8934: 8931: 8929: 8926: 8925: 8924: 8921: 8917: 8914: 8912: 8909: 8908: 8907: 8904: 8902: 8899: 8897: 8894: 8893: 8890: 8887: 8885: 8881: 8876: 8869: 8864: 8862: 8857: 8855: 8850: 8849: 8846: 8829: 8826: 8822: 8819:because of a 8818: 8814: 8811: 8808: 8805: 8802: 8799: 8795: 8792: 8789: 8785: 8781: 8777: 8773: 8769: 8765: 8761: 8758: 8755: 8752: 8748: 8744: 8740: 8736: 8732: 8729: 8726: 8723: 8719: 8716: 8715: 8713: 8710: 8708: 8689: 8683: 8677: 8671: 8669: 8668: 8664: 8663: 8660: 8658: 8639: 8636: 8634: 8633: 8629: 8628: 8618: 8617: 8611: 8603: 8602: 8598: 8597: 8594: 8593: 8588: 8573: 8561: 8555: 8553: 8552: 8548: 8547: 8539: 8536: 8530: 8529: 8523: 8517: 8515: 8514: 8510: 8509: 8505: 8499: 8498: 8495: 8490: 8482: 8478: 8474: 8468: 8467: 8463: 8456: 8455: 8439: 8432: 8425: 8424: 8408: 8398: 8395: 8392: 8388: 8386: 8385: 8381: 8380: 8377: 8376: 8372: 8371: 8367:(since 2000). 8366: 8361: 8357:(since 1995), 8356: 8348: 8343: 8341: 8326: 8325: 8321: 8320: 8317: 8316: 8312: 8311: 8308: 8307: 8303: 8302: 8298: 8293: 8291: 8274: 8270: 8266: 8261: 8255: 8251: 8242: 8241: 8235: 8226: 8225: 8221: 8220: 8216: 8211: 8209: 8190: 8186: 8178: 8171: 8165: 8161: 8157: 8149: 8141: 8134: 8127: 8113: 8112: 8105: 8094: 8093: 8086: 8075: 8074: 8067: 8059: 8055: 8048: 8043: 8034: 8027: 8020: 8015: 8007: 8006: 8000: 7990: 7989: 7981: 7971: 7970: 7964: 7952: 7941: 7934: 7927: 7922: 7918:including the 7916: 7908: 7907: 7903: 7902: 7899: 7894: 7892: 7887: 7885: 7880: 7878: 7877: 7871: 7869: 7864: 7862: 7857: 7855: 7850: 7848: 7847: 7841: 7839: 7834: 7832: 7831: 7825: 7823: 7818: 7815: 7814: 7809: 7805: 7797: 7792: 7790: 7785: 7783: 7778: 7777: 7774: 7758: 7755: 7753: 7750: 7748: 7745: 7743: 7740: 7738: 7735: 7733: 7730: 7728: 7725: 7723: 7720: 7718: 7715: 7713: 7710: 7708: 7705: 7703: 7700: 7698: 7694: 7691: 7688: 7687: 7682: 7678: 7675: 7673: 7670: 7668: 7665: 7663: 7660: 7658: 7655: 7652: 7649: 7647: 7644: 7643: 7641: 7637: 7631: 7628: 7626: 7623: 7621: 7618: 7616: 7613: 7611: 7608: 7606: 7603: 7601: 7598: 7596: 7593: 7591: 7588: 7586: 7583: 7581: 7578: 7576: 7573: 7571: 7568: 7566: 7565:Easter Island 7563: 7561: 7558: 7556: 7553: 7552: 7550: 7546: 7540: 7537: 7535: 7532: 7530: 7527: 7525: 7522: 7520: 7517: 7515: 7512: 7510: 7507: 7505: 7502: 7500: 7497: 7495: 7492: 7490: 7487: 7485: 7482: 7480: 7477: 7475: 7472: 7470: 7467: 7465: 7462: 7460: 7457: 7455: 7452: 7450: 7447: 7445: 7442: 7440: 7437: 7435: 7432: 7430: 7427: 7425: 7422: 7420: 7417: 7415: 7412: 7410: 7407: 7405: 7402: 7400: 7397: 7395: 7392: 7390: 7387: 7385: 7382: 7380: 7377: 7375: 7372: 7370: 7367: 7365: 7362: 7360: 7357: 7355: 7352: 7350: 7347: 7345: 7342: 7340: 7337: 7335: 7332: 7330: 7327: 7325: 7322: 7320: 7317: 7315: 7312: 7310: 7307: 7305: 7302: 7300: 7297: 7295: 7292: 7290: 7287: 7285: 7282: 7280: 7277: 7275: 7272: 7270: 7267: 7266: 7264: 7260: 7253: 7252: 7247: 7244: 7242: 7239: 7237: 7234: 7232: 7229: 7227: 7224: 7222: 7219: 7217: 7214: 7212: 7209: 7207: 7204: 7202: 7199: 7197: 7194: 7192: 7191: 7187: 7185: 7182: 7180: 7177: 7175: 7172: 7170: 7167: 7165: 7162: 7160: 7157: 7155: 7152: 7150: 7147: 7145: 7142: 7140: 7137: 7135: 7132: 7130: 7127: 7125: 7122: 7120: 7117: 7115: 7112: 7110: 7107: 7105: 7104:Jabal Shammar 7102: 7100: 7097: 7094: 7090: 7087: 7085: 7084: 7080: 7078: 7075: 7073: 7070: 7068: 7065: 7063: 7060: 7058: 7055: 7053: 7050: 7048: 7045: 7043: 7040: 7038: 7035: 7033: 7030: 7029: 7027: 7023: 7017: 7014: 7012: 7009: 7007: 7004: 7002: 6999: 6997: 6994: 6992: 6989: 6987: 6984: 6982: 6979: 6977: 6974: 6972: 6969: 6967: 6964: 6963: 6961: 6957: 6951: 6950: 6946: 6944: 6941: 6939: 6936: 6934: 6931: 6929: 6926: 6924: 6921: 6919: 6916: 6914: 6911: 6909: 6906: 6904: 6901: 6899: 6896: 6894: 6891: 6889: 6886: 6884: 6881: 6879: 6876: 6874: 6871: 6869: 6866: 6864: 6861: 6859: 6856: 6854: 6851: 6849: 6846: 6844: 6841: 6839: 6836: 6834: 6831: 6829: 6826: 6824: 6821: 6819: 6816: 6814: 6811: 6809: 6806: 6804: 6801: 6799: 6796: 6794: 6791: 6789: 6786: 6784: 6781: 6779: 6776: 6775: 6773: 6769: 6766: 6764: 6760: 6750: 6747: 6745: 6742: 6740: 6737: 6735: 6732: 6730: 6727: 6725: 6722: 6720: 6717: 6713: 6710: 6708: 6705: 6704: 6703: 6700: 6698: 6695: 6693: 6690: 6688: 6685: 6683: 6680: 6678: 6675: 6673: 6670: 6668: 6665: 6664: 6662: 6660: 6656: 6650: 6647: 6646: 6644: 6642: 6638: 6632: 6629: 6627: 6624: 6622: 6619: 6617: 6614: 6612: 6609: 6607: 6604: 6602: 6599: 6597: 6596:Liechtenstein 6594: 6592: 6589: 6587: 6584: 6582: 6579: 6578: 6576: 6574: 6570: 6564: 6563: 6559: 6557: 6554: 6552: 6549: 6547: 6544: 6542: 6539: 6537: 6534: 6532: 6529: 6527: 6524: 6522: 6519: 6517: 6514: 6512: 6509: 6507: 6504: 6502: 6499: 6497: 6494: 6493: 6491: 6489: 6485: 6479: 6478: 6474: 6472: 6469: 6467: 6464: 6462: 6459: 6458: 6456: 6454: 6450: 6447: 6443: 6437: 6434: 6432: 6429: 6427: 6424: 6422: 6419: 6417: 6414: 6412: 6409: 6407: 6404: 6400: 6399:Queen regnant 6397: 6396: 6395: 6392: 6390: 6387: 6385: 6382: 6381: 6379: 6375: 6369: 6366: 6364: 6361: 6359: 6358:Republicanism 6356: 6354: 6351: 6349: 6346: 6344: 6341: 6339: 6338:Head of state 6336: 6334: 6331: 6329: 6326: 6324: 6321: 6319: 6316: 6314: 6311: 6309: 6306: 6304: 6301: 6299: 6296: 6295: 6293: 6289: 6283: 6280: 6278: 6275: 6273: 6272:Non-sovereign 6270: 6268: 6265: 6263: 6260: 6258: 6255: 6253: 6250: 6248: 6245: 6243: 6240: 6239: 6237: 6233: 6227: 6224: 6222: 6219: 6217: 6214: 6212: 6209: 6207: 6204: 6203: 6200: 6196: 6189: 6184: 6182: 6177: 6175: 6170: 6169: 6166: 6153: 6150: 6147: 6144: 6143: 6140: 6134: 6131: 6129: 6126: 6125: 6123: 6119: 6111: 6097: 6094: 6093: 6091: 6087: 6081: 6078: 6077: 6075: 6071: 6065: 6062: 6060: 6057: 6056: 6054: 6050: 6044: 6041: 6039: 6036: 6034: 6031: 6029: 6026: 6024: 6021: 6019: 6016: 6014: 6011: 6010: 6007: 6004: 6000: 5995: 5991: 5984: 5979: 5977: 5972: 5970: 5965: 5964: 5961: 5948: 5945: 5942: 5939: 5938: 5935: 5929: 5926: 5924: 5921: 5919: 5916: 5914: 5911: 5909: 5906: 5904: 5901: 5899: 5896: 5894: 5891: 5889: 5886: 5884: 5881: 5879: 5876: 5874: 5871: 5869: 5866: 5864: 5861: 5859: 5856: 5854: 5851: 5849: 5846: 5844: 5841: 5839: 5836: 5834: 5831: 5829: 5826: 5824: 5821: 5819: 5816: 5814: 5811: 5809: 5806: 5804: 5801: 5799: 5796: 5794: 5791: 5789: 5786: 5784: 5781: 5779: 5776: 5774: 5771: 5769: 5766: 5765: 5762: 5757: 5753: 5748: 5739: 5734: 5732: 5727: 5725: 5720: 5719: 5716: 5709: 5705: 5702: 5701: 5682: 5678: 5677: 5671: 5667: 5665:0-7923-2670-9 5661: 5657: 5652: 5648: 5646:0-2533-4656-8 5642: 5638: 5633: 5621: 5617: 5616: 5610: 5606: 5602: 5597: 5593: 5592: 5587: 5583: 5579: 5575: 5571: 5567: 5561: 5557: 5553: 5549: 5545: 5539: 5535: 5531: 5527: 5523: 5517: 5513: 5509: 5505: 5501: 5495: 5491: 5487: 5483: 5479: 5475: 5471: 5467: 5462: 5458: 5452: 5448: 5444: 5440: 5436: 5435: 5412: 5408: 5404: 5400: 5396: 5389: 5384: 5380: 5376: 5372: 5368: 5364: 5360: 5355: 5351: 5347: 5343: 5339: 5335: 5331: 5326: 5314: 5310: 5306: 5301: 5296: 5292: 5288: 5284: 5280: 5276: 5271: 5259: 5255: 5249: 5245: 5244: 5238: 5234: 5228: 5224: 5220: 5216: 5215: 5195: 5189: 5185: 5184: 5176: 5161: 5155: 5151: 5150: 5142: 5126: 5125: 5118: 5103: 5097: 5093: 5092: 5084: 5076: 5072: 5066: 5051: 5045: 5041: 5040: 5032: 5017: 5011: 5007: 5006: 4998: 4982: 4981: 4973: 4971: 4963: 4951: 4947: 4941: 4937: 4936: 4928: 4921: 4920:0-8476-9809-2 4917: 4913: 4908: 4901: 4895: 4887: 4881: 4877: 4870: 4851: 4847: 4846: 4838: 4832: 4817: 4811: 4807: 4806: 4798: 4782: 4778: 4772: 4766: 4762: 4759: 4746: 4742: 4738: 4732: 4726: 4722: 4719: 4715: 4711: 4710: 4706: 4703: 4697: 4695: 4683: 4676: 4670: 4654: 4650: 4644: 4640: 4636: 4635: 4627: 4620: 4619:Pavlović 2012 4615: 4608: 4603: 4596: 4591: 4584: 4579: 4570: 4565: 4561: 4557: 4553: 4546: 4537: 4532: 4531: 4530:Time Magazine 4526: 4520: 4511: 4506: 4505: 4504:Time Magazine 4500: 4494: 4485: 4480: 4479: 4478:Time Magazine 4474: 4468: 4462: 4458: 4454: 4448: 4441: 4436: 4420: 4416: 4415: 4407: 4391: 4387: 4381: 4362: 4355: 4349: 4333: 4329: 4323: 4304: 4301:. 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a kind of " 2220: 2219:German Empire 2216: 2212: 2207: 2203: 2201: 2197: 2196: 2191: 2187: 2180: 2175: 2171: 2169: 2165: 2161: 2157: 2151: 2147: 2145: 2140: 2134: 2132: 2124: 2120: 2112: 2103: 2101: 2095: 2091: 2087: 2083: 2080: 2075: 2072: 2067: 2065: 2064:Stojan Protić 2061: 2057: 2049: 2045: 2040: 2026: 2024: 2020: 2016: 2005: 2003: 1999: 1994: 1985: 1976: 1974: 1970: 1965: 1961: 1954:Manufacturing 1951: 1948: 1938: 1924: 1922: 1918: 1913: 1911: 1907: 1903: 1899: 1895: 1891: 1887: 1883: 1879: 1874: 1872: 1868: 1864: 1860: 1856: 1852: 1848: 1844: 1836: 1832: 1828: 1827:Mihajlo Pupin 1824: 1820: 1818: 1814: 1810: 1806: 1802: 1798: 1794: 1790: 1786: 1782: 1778: 1774: 1770: 1766: 1762: 1757: 1755: 1751: 1746: 1744: 1740: 1735: 1731:Краљевина СХС 1726: 1721: 1717: 1707: 1703: 1698: 1696: 1692: 1688: 1683: 1678: 1676: 1672: 1668: 1663: 1661: 1657: 1653: 1649: 1645: 1641: 1638: 1634: 1630: 1626: 1622: 1618: 1615: 1610: 1608: 1604: 1600: 1596: 1593:and calls by 1592: 1588: 1584: 1580: 1576: 1572: 1568: 1565: 1561: 1557: 1556:assassination 1549: 1545: 1540: 1533: 1529: 1525: 1521: 1514: 1510: 1506: 1501: 1496: 1486: 1484: 1480: 1476: 1472: 1471:Treaty of Vis 1468: 1464: 1460: 1457: 1453: 1449: 1445: 1441: 1437: 1432: 1430: 1426: 1422: 1418: 1417:Prince regent 1414: 1410: 1406: 1402: 1398: 1394: 1390: 1386: 1382: 1378: 1373: 1371: 1367: 1363: 1359: 1355: 1351: 1347: 1343: 1339: 1335: 1331: 1326: 1324: 1321: 1313: 1298: 1294: 1290: 1286: 1282: 1268: 1262: 1258: 1254: 1250: 1243: 1237: 1232: 1228: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1212: 1209: 1193: 1191: 1186: 1185: 1177: 1175: 1172: 1171: 1163: 1161: 1158: 1157: 1149: 1147: 1144: 1143: 1135: 1133: 1130: 1129: 1121: 1119: 1116: 1115: 1107: 1105: 1102: 1101: 1093: 1091: 1088: 1087: 1079: 1077: 1074: 1073: 1070: 1064: 1061: 1057: 1050: 1049: 1046: 1043: 1036: 1035: 1032: 1029: 1022: 1021: 1018: 1015: 1008: 1007: 1004: 1001: 994: 993: 990: 987: 980: 979: 976: 975: 972: 969: 967: 964: 963: 959: 951: 948: 944: 941: 940: 938: 934: 930: 926: 920: 916: 910: 906: 900: 896: 893: 889: 885: 881: 878: 874: 870: 866: 863: 857: 853: 850: 844: 840: 837: 831: 827: 824: 823:Axis invasion 818: 815:27 March 1941 814: 811: 805: 802:25 March 1941 801: 797: 793: 786: 782: 778: 774: 767: 763: 760: 754: 748: 745: 739: 735: 732: 726: 722: 718: 711: 707: 704: 698: 694: 691: 687: 684: 680: 674: 671: 665: 659: 656: 650: 645: 639: 636: 632: 628: 625: 624:Dušan Simović 622: 616: 613: 612:Stojan Protić 610: 604: 600: 596: 594: 590: 586: 583: 580: 574: 571: 568: 562: 558: 554: 552: 551:Prince Regent 548: 544: 541: 538: 532: 529: 526: 520: 517: 514: 508: 504: 500: 498: 494: 486: 483: 482:parliamentary 480: 477: 473: 469: 466: 463: 457: 454: 453:parliamentary 451: 448: 447: 445: 443: 439: 436: 433: 431: 427: 424: 420: 416: 412: 408: 404: 400: 396: 393: 389: 386: 383: 379: 374: 345: 342: 335: 328: 323: 297: 293: 289: 271: 267: 263: 257: 251: 243: 237: 229: 224: 204: 189: 182: 175: 162: 149: 146: 138: 135: 127: 116: 113: 109: 106: 102: 99: 95: 92: 88: 85: –  84: 80: 79:Find sources: 73: 69: 63: 62: 57:This article 55: 51: 46: 45: 40: 33: 19: 10259: 10233:Architecture 10093:Demographics 10014:Postal codes 9758:Human rights 9628:Constitution 9583: 9521:Islamophobia 9391:Consequences 9107:(until 1990) 9101:(until 1990) 9095:(until 1980) 8923:World War II 8905: 8816: 8803: 8790:(1992–1995). 8756: 8727: 8696: 8665: 8646: 8630: 8606: 8599: 8583: 8549: 8518: 8511: 8486: 8459: 8452: 8421: 8389:Part of the 8382: 8373: 8329: 8322: 8313: 8304: 8279: 8250:Puppet state 8230: 8222: 8197: 8184: 8109: 8090: 8071: 8013: 8004: 7995: 7985: 7976: 7959: 7925: 7921:Bay of Kotor 7904: 7895: 7888: 7881: 7872: 7865: 7858: 7851: 7842: 7835: 7826: 7819: 7802:Timeline of 7742:South Africa 7737:Sierra Leone 7684: 7528: 7514:Two Sicilies 7449:Papal States 7249: 7188: 7081: 6947: 6707:Cook Islands 6560: 6546:Saudi Arabia 6475: 6154:(until 1929) 6148:(until 1922) 5993: 5943:(until 1922) 5685:. Retrieved 5675: 5655: 5636: 5624:. Retrieved 5614: 5604: 5600: 5590: 5577: 5555: 5533: 5511: 5489: 5472:(1): 65–90. 5469: 5465: 5446: 5442: 5418:. Retrieved 5398: 5394: 5365:(1): 34–62. 5362: 5358: 5333: 5329: 5317:. Retrieved 5282: 5278: 5262:. Retrieved 5242: 5222: 5197:. Retrieved 5182: 5175: 5163:. Retrieved 5148: 5141: 5129:. Retrieved 5123: 5117: 5105:. Retrieved 5090: 5083: 5074: 5065: 5053:. Retrieved 5038: 5031: 5019:. Retrieved 5004: 4997: 4985:. Retrieved 4979: 4961: 4954:. Retrieved 4934: 4927: 4911: 4907: 4899: 4894: 4875: 4869: 4859:14 September 4857:. Retrieved 4843: 4831: 4819:. Retrieved 4804: 4797: 4785:. Retrieved 4771: 4749:. Retrieved 4740: 4731: 4700: 4682:the original 4669: 4657:. Retrieved 4633: 4626: 4614: 4607:Nielsen 2009 4602: 4590: 4578: 4559: 4555: 4545: 4536:the original 4528: 4519: 4510:the original 4502: 4493: 4484:the original 4476: 4467: 4452: 4447: 4435: 4423:. Retrieved 4413: 4406: 4394:. Retrieved 4380: 4368:. Retrieved 4348: 4336:. Retrieved 4322: 4310:. Retrieved 4289: 4281: 4265: 4258: 4242: 4233: 4217: 4212: 4207:Yugoslavia." 4192: 4184: 4156:. Retrieved 4147: 4138: 4126:. Retrieved 4106: 4099: 4084: 4072:. Retrieved 4052: 4028:. Retrieved 4008: 4001: 3993: 3986:. Retrieved 3966: 3959: 3949: 3945: 3943: 3936:. Retrieved 3917: 3907: 3897:30 September 3895:. Retrieved 3886: 3880: 3870:30 September 3868:. Retrieved 3848: 3841: 3825: 3806: 3800: 3792: 3788: 3782: 3774: 3767:. Retrieved 3747: 3740: 3691:Leon Štukelj 3688: 3677: 3651: 3635: 3619: 3611: 3607:subdivisions 3604: 3595:Subdivisions 3582:Ivan Šubašić 3515:Milan Srškić 3479:Nikola Pašić 3467:Nikola Pašić 3366:imprisonment 3354:deportations 3339: 3320: 3313: 3306: 3278:Stara Srbija 3266: 3186:Montenegrins 3176:followed by 3171: 3135:Demographics 3115: 3111:Dušan Sernec 3080: 3067: 3058: 3032: 3023: 3000: 2973: 2964:Ante Pavelić 2962:movement of 2953: 2930: 2894: 2892: 2863: 2861: 2841: 2817: 2812: 2808: 2800: 2783: 2770: 2753: 2733: 2709:Ante Pavelić 2703: 2689: 2639: 2631:house arrest 2623:Nazi Germany 2618: 2604: 2589: 2538: 2530:Vladko Maček 2522:Nazi Germany 2503: 2481:Nazi Germany 2466: 2455: 2426: 2420: 2418: 2411: 2392: 2384: 2372:Ante Pavelić 2369: 2361:Vladko Maček 2350: 2338: 2334: 2331: 2264: 2260:Puniša Račić 2248: 2242: 2230:Nikola Pašić 2227: 2208: 2204: 2193: 2183: 2152: 2148: 2135: 2127: 2096: 2092: 2088: 2084: 2076: 2068: 2060:Nikola Pašić 2053: 2050:three times. 2044:Nikola Pašić 2011: 2002:Nazi Germany 1990: 1957: 1943: 1914: 1875: 1863:Adriatic Sea 1840: 1758: 1750:pan-Slavists 1747: 1736: 1699: 1691:Ante Pavelić 1679: 1664: 1640:Nikola Pašić 1621:Ante Trumbić 1611: 1564:Bosnian Serb 1553: 1548:Ante Pavelić 1543: 1524:Serbian Army 1508: 1475:Ivan Šubašić 1433: 1374: 1327: 1310:Land of the 1292: 1280: 1278: 1267: 1249: 1215: 1174:Nazi Germany 1059: 971:Succeeded by 970: 965: 923:• 1941 913:• 1931 903:• 1918 854:7 March 1945 828:6 April 1941 723:28 June 1921 690:World War II 677:(since 1931) 662:(since 1931) 291: 283:   274:   266:Motto:  265: 145: 130: 121: 111: 104: 97: 90: 78: 66:Please help 61:verification 58: 10443:Montenegrin 10356:Montenegrin 10204:(Slovenian) 10190:Montenegrin 9954:Agriculture 9785:Rankovićism 9731:Governments 9566:Yugoslavism 9484:Nationalism 9470:(1993–2017) 9447:(1992–1994) 9441:(1992–2001) 9423:(1992–1995) 9421:Bosnian War 9415:Ten-Day War 9411:(1991–1995) 9400:(1991-2001) 9347:SAO Krajina 9236:(1991–1993) 9207:(1990–1991) 9201:(1989–1992) 9183:(1988–1989) 9142:(1987–1988) 9113:(1967–1971) 9078:(1980–2008) 9072:(1991–1992) 8994:Yugoslavism 8970:Balkan Pact 8784:Herzegovina 8735:SAO Krajina 8720:annexed by 8692:(1941–1944) 8680:(1912–1918) 8673:Part of the 8642:(1941–1944) 8621:(1910–1918) 8576:(1941–1944) 8564:(1912–1918) 8557:Part of the 8542:(1941–1944) 8533:(1882–1918) 8475:and, under 8440:(1992–2006) 8433:(1992–2006) 8375:Herzegovina 8347:Bosnian War 8271:annexed by 8245:(1941–1945) 8215:Ten-Day War 8192:(1947–1954) 8180:(1945–1991) 8173:(1945–1992) 8150:(1945–1992) 8143:(1945–1992) 8136:(1945–1991) 8129:(1945–1991) 8116:(1963–1992) 8097:(1946–1963) 8078:(1945–1946) 8045:(1920–1947) 8038:(1924–1945) 8036:(1920–1924) 8029:(1918–1919) 8009:(1929–1945) 7992:(1918–1929) 7954:(1878–1918) 7951:Herzegovina 7943:(1815–1918) 7936:(1868–1918) 7681:British Raj 7653:(Sri Lanka) 7539:Württemberg 7251:South Yemen 7139:Maguindanao 7032:Afghanistan 6793:Barotseland 6729:Saint Lucia 6702:New Zealand 6611:Netherlands 6384:Chhatrapati 6368:Sovereignty 6308:Aristocracy 5996:(1929–1941) 5949:(from 1929) 5211:Works cited 4787:3 September 3630:, a single 3584:: 1944–1945 3578:: 1943–1944 3566:: 1942–1943 3560:: 1941–1942 3541:: 1939–1941 3535:: 1935–1939 3529:: 1934–1935 3517:: 1932–1934 3505:: 1929–1932 3499:: 1928–1929 3493:: 1927–1928 3487:: 1926–1927 3481:: 1924–1926 3469:: 1921–1924 3463:: 1920–1921 3451:: 1919–1920 3445:: 1918–1919 3428:Prince Paul 3415:Alexander I 3342:World War I 3314:Aside from 3309:Islamic law 3298:World War I 3230:Sunni Islam 3194:Macedonians 3107:Ante Mandić 3083:Axis powers 2896:Balkan Bloc 2717:Milan Nedić 2592:Axis powers 2490:Prince Paul 2462:Prince Paul 2345:and single 2200:Alexander I 1619:politician 1571:World War I 1429:Axis powers 1389:Alexander I 1323:Alexander I 1312:South Slavs 966:Preceded by 953:(1920–1941) 946:(1918–1920) 810:Coup d'état 703:Established 670:Lower house 655:Upper house 647:(1920–1941) 641:(1919–1920) 634:Legislature 582:Prince Paul 528:Alexander I 488:(1939–1941) 475:(1929–1931) 368: / 198:(1929–1941) 156:(1918–1929) 10551:Categories 10438:Macedonian 10416:Literature 10344:Macedonian 10289:Philosophy 10170:Macedonian 10125:Minorities 10120:Healthcare 9991:(currency) 9973:(currency) 9880:Air Force 9770:Parliament 9746:Presidency 9330:Montenegro 9324:Montenegro 9158:JBTZ trial 9086:Background 8982:Kosovo War 8875:Yugoslavia 8766:; and the 8657:Montenegro 8632:Montenegro 8170:Montenegro 8154:autonomous 8050:Annexed by 7949:Bosnia and 7931:Kingdom of 7747:Tanganyika 7662:The Gambia 7590:Niuē-Fekai 7529:Yugoslavia 7429:Montenegro 7236:Upper Yafa 7231:Upper Asir 6868:Madagascar 6601:Luxembourg 6333:Government 6298:Abdication 6267:Hereditary 6195:Monarchies 5838:Podunavlje 5788:Bregalnica 5687:25 October 5626:25 October 5264:25 October 5219:Banac, Ivo 4956:25 October 4751:6 December 4595:Grgić 2018 4583:Troch 2017 4440:Lampe 2000 4425:7 December 4396:7 December 4370:7 December 4338:7 December 4312:7 December 4158:7 December 4128:25 October 4074:7 December 4030:25 October 3988:25 October 3938:25 October 3832:, p.  3830:Banac 1992 3769:25 October 3733:References 3680:water polo 3362:executions 3326:identity. 3282:Bulgarians 3270:Old Serbia 3238:Macedonian 3232:. Beside " 3206:Hungarians 3145:See also: 3105:, a Serb; 3010:improve it 2670:Montenegro 2328:banovinas. 1878:plebiscite 1791:until the 1603:Montenegro 1438:. A royal 1297:Yugoslavia 927:15,839,364 917:13,934,000 907:12,017,323 892:Population 841:April 1941 442:Government 430:Demonym(s) 356:20°27′47″E 353:44°48′35″N 94:newspapers 32:Yugoslavia 10380:Slovenian 10277:composers 10162:Languages 10145:in Canada 10140:in Serbia 10135:Yugoslavs 10110:Education 10051:Transport 10007:governors 9677:Elections 9377:Macedonia 9306:Macedonia 8933:Partisans 8804:See also: 8757:See also: 8733:(1990) → 8728:See also: 8718:Prekmurje 8504:Vojvodina 8497:of Serbia 8473:Vojvodina 8407:in Serbia 8384:Vojvodina 8265:Međimurje 8185:See also: 8177:Macedonia 8160:Vojvodina 8156:provinces 8014:See also: 7926:See also: 7717:Mauritius 7610:Rarotonga 7595:Nuku Hiva 7585:Mangareva 7560:Bora Bora 7439:Neuchâtel 7409:Lithuania 7314:Catalonia 7201:Sri Lanka 7154:Manchukuo 7129:Kurdistan 7083:Indonesia 7006:Talamanca 6966:Araucanía 6949:and other 6928:Wassoulou 6672:Australia 6348:Oligarchy 6073:1939–1941 6052:1929–1939 6002:1929–1941 5990:Banovinas 5941:Provinces 5843:Požarevac 5803:Ljubljana 5793:Dubrovnik 5407:0352-5732 5379:145765948 5350:158362422 5309:153840603 5165:19 August 5131:19 August 5107:19 August 5055:19 August 5021:1 January 4987:19 August 4922:, p. 236. 4845:The Times 4226:0353-295X 3670:inaugural 3636:banovinas 3620:banovinas 3350:Albanians 3348:, ethnic 3324:panethnic 3290:Bulgarian 3250:Hungarian 3129:pretender 3077:1941–1945 3014:verifying 2982:1935–1941 2921:Marseille 2793:Partisans 2790:Communist 2705:Poglavnik 2510:Vojvodina 2437:pseudonym 2433:Bulgarian 2429:Marseille 2352:banovinas 2168:Macedonia 2144:Macedonia 2019:Ljubljana 2008:Education 1947:Hungarian 1886:Austrians 1871:Macedonia 1817:relations 1743:Vojvodina 1614:Dalmatian 1583:Bulgarian 1489:Formation 1415:ruled as 1393:Marseille 1285:Southeast 407:Bulgarian 399:Hungarian 226:1918–1941 10536:Category 10428:Croatian 10332:Croatian 10304:football 10294:Religion 10267:Folklore 10202:Slovene 10185:Croatian 10056:Railways 10019:Services 9984:Industry 9821:Military 9804:Security 9780:Đilasism 9724:Passport 9604:Politics 9585:Category 9340:Autonomy 9294:Slovenia 9217:RAM Plan 9063:Overview 8938:Chetniks 8928:Invasion 8901:Creation 8896:Timeline 8780:Romanija 8601:Metohija 8494:Republic 8391:Délvidék 8306:Slavonia 8224:Dalmatia 8126:Slovenia 7912:Part of 7906:Slovenia 7732:Rhodesia 7727:Pakistan 7646:Barbados 7615:Rimatara 7605:Rapa Iti 7534:Valencia 7509:Tavolara 7499:Scotland 7464:Portugal 7424:Moldavia 7309:Bulgaria 7304:Brittany 7279:Asturias 7159:Mongolia 7149:Maldives 7011:Trinidad 7001:Suriname 6959:Americas 6943:Zimbabwe 6938:Zanzibar 6923:Wituland 6898:Ngazidja 6893:Ndzuwani 6828:Ethiopia 6551:Thailand 6531:Malaysia 6511:Cambodia 6461:Eswatini 6257:Elective 6242:Absolute 6146:Banovine 6133:Slovenia 6121:Proposed 6089:District 6059:Littoral 5947:Banovine 5883:Šumadija 5863:Sarajevo 5853:Kruševac 5833:Podrinje 5773:Belgrade 5681:Archived 5620:Archived 5588:(1988). 5576:(1980). 5554:(2002). 5532:(2008). 5510:(1988). 5488:(1985). 5420:27 April 5411:Archived 5313:Archived 5258:Archived 5221:(1992). 5199:27 March 4950:Archived 4850:Archived 4821:17 April 4781:Archived 4761:Archived 4745:Archived 4721:Archived 4705:Archived 4653:Archived 4419:Archived 4390:Archived 4361:Archived 4332:Archived 4303:Archived 4274:Archived 4251:Archived 4200:Archived 4152:Archived 4122:Archived 4065:Archived 4024:Archived 3982:Archived 3932:Archived 3864:Archived 3763:Archived 3701:See also 3421:Peter II 3242:Albanian 3202:Italians 3182:Slovenes 3121:Peter II 3054:Peter II 2945:Dalmatia 2939:and the 2811:and the 2809:de facto 2767:Chetniks 2662:Slovenia 2654:Bulgaria 2619:de facto 2611:Peter II 2600:Belgrade 2548:Downfall 2458:Peter II 2217:for the 2211:Piedmont 2164:Džemijet 2158:and the 2015:Belgrade 1969:Bulgaria 1964:Adriatic 1960:Belgrade 1890:Slovenes 1867:Slovenia 1809:Postojna 1769:Italians 1656:Slovenes 1385:May Coup 1346:Slovenia 1253:Peter II 1223:Croatian 1188:Yugoslav 936:Currency 773:Sporazum 540:Peter II 435:Yugoslav 419:Romanian 403:Albanian 344:Belgrade 124:May 2024 10478:Anthem 10471:Symbols 10453:Slovene 10448:Serbian 10433:Kosovan 10423:Bosnian 10392:Kosovan 10368:Serbian 10327:Bosnian 10320:Cuisine 10228:Academy 10215:Culture 10195:Serbian 10180:Bosnian 10098:Kingdom 10077:Society 10046:Tourism 9942:Economy 9918:Marshal 9829:History 9775:Titoism 9751:members 9621:Kingdom 9429:(1992–) 9365:Ilirida 9353:Sandžak 9300:Croatia 9166:(1980s) 9021:Breakup 8906:Kingdom 8884:History 8722:Hungary 8544:  8315:Croatia 8273:Hungary 8269:Baranja 8254:Germany 8133:Croatia 8058:Germany 7816:Region 7722:Nigeria 7697:Ireland 7625:Tahuata 7600:Raiatea 7580:Huahine 7555:Abemama 7548:Oceania 7519:Tuscany 7474:Romania 7469:Prussia 7434:Navarre 7414:Majorca 7394:Ireland 7389:Imereti 7384:Iceland 7379:Hungary 7374:Hanover 7369:Granada 7359:Germany 7354:Georgia 7349:Galicia 7339:Finland 7329:Corsica 7324:Cilicia 7294:Bavaria 7284:Austria 7269:Albania 7241:Vietnam 7184:Sarawak 7174:Qu'aiti 7109:Kathiri 7072:Dapitan 7047:Bukhara 6996:Miskito 6918:Tunisia 6908:Shilluk 6818:Dahomey 6808:Burundi 6798:Bagirmi 6778:Adamawa 6697:Jamaica 6692:Grenada 6677:Bahamas 6641:Oceania 6591:Denmark 6586:Belgium 6581:Andorra 6496:Bahrain 6471:Morocco 6466:Lesotho 6445:Current 6436:Pharaoh 6389:Emperor 6328:Dynasty 6282:Regency 6262:Federal 6252:Diarchy 6206:Monarch 6152:Oblasts 6080:Croatia 5992:of the 5908:Valjevo 5893:Travnik 5868:Skoplje 5808:Maribor 5754:of the 5752:Oblasts 5706:at the 5279:Fascism 4556:Fascism 4461:6420325 4148:History 3695:Slovene 3626:in the 3612:oblasts 3405:Peter I 3376:to the 3296:during 3246:Italian 3210:Slovaks 3198:Germans 3008:Please 2905:Romania 2882:Hungary 2874:Romania 2848:Britain 2813:de jure 2682:Croatia 2676:to the 2650:Hungary 2642:Germany 2215:Prussia 2195:oblasts 2190:unitary 2131:d'Hondt 1973:Albania 1932:Farming 1927:Economy 1902:annexed 1859:Albania 1851:Romania 1847:Hungary 1843:Austria 1831:Serbian 1716:Slovene 1562:by the 1546:led by 1534:in 1918 1511:of the 1427:by the 1425:invaded 1381:Peter I 1342:Croatia 1304:  1231:Slovene 1219:Serbian 860:•  847:•  834:•  821:•  808:•  789:•  777:Croatia 770:•  757:•  742:•  729:•  714:•  701:•  668:•  653:•  516:Peter I 479:Federal 465:Unitary 450:Unitary 337:Capital 292:Anthem: 188:Slovene 108:scholar 10493:Emblem 10397:Balkan 10243:Cinema 9997:Mining 9989:Krone 9979:Energy 9971:Dinar 9899:Ranks 9852:Ground 9476:(2000) 9464:(1996) 9453:(1996) 9435:(1992) 9417:(1991) 9379:(2004) 9373:(1997) 9367:(1992) 9361:(1991) 9359:Srpska 9355:(1991) 9349:(1990) 9332:(2006) 9326:(1992) 9320:(1992) 9314:(1991) 9312:Kosovo 9308:(1991) 9302:(1991) 9296:(1990) 9225:(1991) 9219:(1991) 9213:(1991) 9195:(1990) 9189:(1989) 9160:(1988) 9154:(1987) 9148:(1987) 9136:(1987) 9130:(1986) 9124:(1983) 8943:Ustaše 8825:Greece 8798:Syrmia 8704:  8654:  8551:Kosovo 8513:Serbia 8337:  8324:Bosnia 8287:  8205:  8164:Kosovo 8148:Serbia 8022:(1919) 7973:(1918) 7757:Uganda 7707:Malawi 7672:Guyana 7651:Ceylon 7630:Tahiti 7620:Rurutu 7575:Hawaii 7504:Serbia 7489:Saxony 7479:Russia 7364:Greece 7344:France 7334:Cyprus 7319:Crimea 7299:Bosnia 7274:Aragon 7262:Europe 7226:Taiwan 7196:Sikkim 7179:Ryukyu 7164:Najran 7062:Chehab 7042:Bengal 6991:Mexico 6976:Brazil 6903:Rwanda 6883:Maravi 6783:Ankole 6771:Africa 6763:Former 6744:Tuvalu 6687:Canada 6682:Belize 6626:Sweden 6616:Norway 6606:Monaco 6573:Europe 6526:Kuwait 6521:Jordan 6506:Brunei 6501:Bhutan 6453:Africa 6426:Sultan 6377:Titles 6291:Topics 6128:Serbia 6033:Vardar 6028:Morava 6013:Danube 5923:Zagreb 5913:Vranje 5878:Syrmia 5828:Osijek 5818:Mostar 5813:Morava 5798:Kosovo 5783:Bitola 5662:  5643:  5562:  5540:  5518:  5496:  5453:  5405:  5377:  5348:  5319:25 May 5307:  5250:  5229:  5190:  5156:  5098:  5046:  5012:  4942:  4918:  4882:  4812:  4758:mirror 4718:mirror 4645:  4562:: 63. 4459:  4224:  4114:  4016:  3974:  3924:  3856:  3813:  3755:  3684:VK Jug 3656:. The 3624:Croats 3590:: 1945 3572:: 1943 3547:: 1941 3523:: 1934 3511:: 1932 3475:: 1924 3457:: 1920 3316:Vlachs 3258:Slovak 3254:German 3218:Rusyns 3178:Croats 3091:Četnik 2976:France 2960:Ustase 2901:Greece 2878:France 2852:France 2759:Allies 2711:. The 2652:, and 2376:Ustaše 2326:Danube 2324:, and 2023:Zagreb 2021:, and 1906:Istria 1855:Greece 1813:Idrija 1801:Rijeka 1629:Allies 1587:German 1575:Serbia 1528:Zagreb 1505:Zagreb 1461:, the 1452:London 1448:Allies 1421:London 1405:France 1366:Kosovo 1348:) and 792:Joined 660:Senate 597:  555:  501:  470:under 423:Ladino 415:Romani 395:German 294:  110:  103:  96:  89:  81:  10510:Motto 10458:Poets 10299:Sport 10272:Music 10255:Drama 10248:films 9861:Navy 9833:Army 8823:with 8794:Bačka 8260:Italy 8054:Italy 7896:since 7889:2006– 7882:2003– 7874:1992– 7866:1963– 7859:1946– 7852:1945– 7844:1941– 7836:1929– 7828:1918– 7820:until 7712:Malta 7702:Kenya 7677:India 7667:Ghana 7494:Savoy 7484:Samos 7399:Italy 7246:Yemen 7221:Tibet 7216:Syria 7169:Nepal 7144:Mahra 7124:Kumul 7119:Korea 7114:Khiva 7093:Qajar 7077:Hejaz 7067:China 7052:Burma 6981:Haiti 6971:Aztec 6888:Mwali 6878:Maore 6858:Libya 6853:Kongo 6848:Kaffa 6843:Gumma 6838:Gomma 6833:Ghana 6823:Egypt 6803:Bornu 6788:Aussa 6649:Tonga 6621:Spain 6541:Qatar 6516:Japan 6038:Vrbas 6023:Drina 6018:Drava 5918:Vrbas 5903:Užice 5898:Tuzla 5888:Timok 5873:Split 5858:Raška 5778:Bihać 5768:Bačka 5445:[ 5414:(PDF) 5391:(PDF) 5375:S2CID 5346:S2CID 5305:S2CID 4853:(PDF) 4840:(PDF) 4685:(PDF) 4678:(PDF) 4659:8 May 4364:(PDF) 4357:(PDF) 4306:(PDF) 4299:(PDF) 4068:(PDF) 4061:(PDF) 3891:(PDF) 3728:Notes 3642:Sport 3399:Kings 3262:Rusyn 3174:Serbs 2899:with 2868:with 2646:Italy 2318:Drina 1894:Zadar 1805:Italy 1781:Slavs 1671:exile 1652:Serbs 1617:Croat 1409:Peter 1060:1924: 877:Area 115:JSTOR 101:books 10503:list 10385:wine 10373:wine 10361:wine 10349:wine 10337:wine 10103:SFRY 9964:list 9763:LGBT 9669:1974 9662:1963 9655:1953 9648:1946 9641:1931 9634:1921 8782:and 8267:and 8162:and 7898:2008 7891:2008 7884:2006 7876:2003 7868:1992 7861:1963 7854:1946 7846:1945 7838:1945 7830:1929 7822:1918 7657:Fiji 7211:Sulu 7190:Shan 7134:Laos 7099:Iraq 7089:Iran 7057:Cebu 7037:Asir 7025:Asia 6986:Inca 6933:Yeke 6873:Mali 6863:Luba 6712:Niue 6562:list 6536:Oman 6488:Asia 6477:list 6431:Shah 6421:Tsar 6416:khan 6411:Raja 6394:King 6235:Type 6064:Sava 6043:Zeta 5928:Zeta 5689:2015 5660:ISBN 5641:ISBN 5628:2015 5560:ISBN 5538:ISBN 5516:ISBN 5494:ISBN 5451:ISBN 5422:2020 5403:ISSN 5321:2020 5266:2015 5248:ISBN 5227:ISBN 5201:2020 5188:ISBN 5167:2023 5154:ISBN 5133:2023 5109:2023 5096:ISBN 5057:2023 5044:ISBN 5023:2020 5010:ISBN 4989:2023 4958:2015 4940:ISBN 4916:ISBN 4880:ISBN 4861:2012 4823:2024 4810:ISBN 4789:2012 4753:2008 4661:2020 4643:ISBN 4457:OCLC 4427:2020 4398:2020 4372:2020 4340:2020 4314:2020 4222:ISSN 4160:2020 4130:2015 4112:ISBN 4076:2020 4032:2015 4014:ISBN 3990:2015 3972:ISBN 3940:2015 3922:ISBN 3899:2021 3872:2021 3854:ISBN 3811:ISBN 3771:2015 3753:ISBN 3693:, a 3605:The 3260:and 3216:and 3214:Jews 3192:and 3180:and 3118:King 2931:The 2872:and 2850:and 2763:Serb 2713:rump 2479:and 2401:and 2363:and 2322:Zeta 2312:and 2177:The 1979:Debt 1971:and 1857:and 1849:and 1811:and 1767:the 1612:The 1577:was 1463:King 1413:Paul 1368:and 1344:and 1320:King 1301:lit. 1287:and 1279:The 1257:coup 1221:and 883:1941 796:Axis 794:the 497:King 242:Flag 87:news 10238:Art 9719:EEC 9714:OAU 9709:NAM 8770:of 8435:and 8252:of 8158:of 7419:Man 5823:Niš 5474:doi 5399:141 5367:doi 5338:doi 5295:hdl 5287:doi 4564:doi 3948:or 3272:" ( 3012:by 2919:in 2788:'s 2633:in 1803:to 1734:). 1669:in 1558:of 1530:'s 1526:in 1485:). 1473:by 1395:by 1299:" ( 1239:or 775:in 409:, 70:by 10553:: 9704:UN 8778:, 8774:, 8762:; 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Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs

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"Kingdom of Yugoslavia"
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Flag of Yugoslavia
Greater coat of arms of Yugoslavia
Greater coat of arms
Himna Kraljevine Jugoslavije
Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1930
44°48′35″N 20°27′47″E / 44.80972°N 20.46306°E / 44.80972; 20.46306
Macedonian dialects

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