
Surrender of Japan

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3200: 3354: 3177: 1549:, defining "Unconditional Surrender" and clarifying what it meant for the position of the emperor and for Hirohito personally. The American and British governments strongly disagreed on this point—the United States wanted to abolish the monarchy, or short of that force the Emperor from the throne and possibly try him as a war criminal, while the British wanted to retain the imperial family's position, perhaps with Hirohito still reigning. Furthermore, although it would not initially be a party to the declaration, the Soviet government also had to be consulted since it would be expected to endorse it upon entering the war. Assuring the retention of the emperor would change the Allied policy of unconditional surrender and necessitated consent from Stalin. The American Secretary of State James Byrnes, however, wanted to keep the Soviets out of the Pacific war as much as possible and persuaded Truman to delete any such assurances. The Potsdam Declaration went through many drafts until a version acceptable to all was found. 662: 2795:. The Japanese pilots were acting without authorization from the Japanese government. They were either opposed to the cease-fire or believed that Japanese airspace should remain inviolate until a formal surrender document was signed. They caused only minor damage and were held at bay by the B-32 gunners. The incident surprised US commanders, and prompted them to send additional reconnaissance flights. The following day, two B-32s on a reconnaissance mission over Tokyo were attacked by Japanese fighter aircraft out of Yokosuka Naval Airfield, with the pilots again acting on their own initiative, damaging one bomber. One of the bomber's crewmen was killed and two others wounded. It was the last aerial engagement of the war. The following day, as per the terms of the cease-fire agreement, the propellers were removed from all Japanese aircraft and further Allied reconnaissance flights over Japan went unchallenged. 3381: 33: 3444: 3468: 2908: 3300: 3320: 3405: 1610: 1927: 1951:
there, and then within 10 to 14 days—be prepared to invade Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan's home islands. The Japanese force tasked with defending Hokkaido, the 5th Area Army, was under strength at two divisions and two brigades, and was in fortified positions on the east side of the island. The Soviet plan of attack called for an invasion of Hokkaido from the west. The Soviet declaration of war also changed the calculation of how much time was left for maneuver. Japanese intelligence was predicting that U.S. forces might not invade for months. Soviet forces, on the other hand, could be in Japan proper in as little as 10 days. The Soviet invasion made a decision on ending the war extremely time sensitive.
3150: 4041:, the Japanese ambassador to Moscow: After Molotov has read the statement, Satō "permits himself to ask Molotov for some clarifications", saying he thinks his government expects that during that year 25 April 1945 – 25 April 1946, the Soviet government will maintain the same relations with Japan it had maintained up to present, "bearing in mind that the Pact remains in force". Molotov replies that "Factually Soviet-Japanese relations revert to the situation in which they were before conclusion of the Pact". Satō observes that in that case the Soviet and Japanese government interpret the question differently. Molotov replies that "there is some misunderstanding" and explains that " 3265: 3245: 2716:
to continue the war under the present internal and external conditions would be only to increase needlessly the ravages of war finally to the point of endangering the very foundation of the Empire's existence. With that in mind and although the fighting spirit of the Imperial Army and Navy is as high as ever, with a view to maintaining and protecting our noble national policy we are about to make peace with the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union and Chongqing. ... We trust that you officers and men of the Imperial forces will comply with our intention and will ... bear the unbearable and leave an everlasting foundation of the nation.
3424: 4682:"American officials meeting in Washington on August 10, 1945 ... decided that a useful dividing line between the U.S. and Soviet administrative occupation zones would be the 38th parallel across the midsection of the peninsula, thereby leaving Korea's central city, Seoul, within the U.S. zone. This arrangement was suggested to the Soviet side shortly after the USSR entered both the Pacific War and the Korean peninsula. The Soviets accepted that dividing line, even though their attempt to obtain a corresponding northern Japan occupation zone on the island of Hokkaido was rejected by Washington." – Edward A. Olsen. 2726: 794: 1031:, which Japan had already mostly lost control of and to which it was well known that the U.S. had long been planning to grant independence. Finally, Kido proposed that Japan disarm provided this not occur under Allied supervision and that Japan for a time be "content with minimum defense." Kido's proposal did not contemplate Allied occupation of Japan, prosecution of war criminals or substantial change in Japan's system of government, nor did Kido suggest that Japan might be willing to consider relinquishing territories acquired prior to 1937 including 63: 3222: 2438:. The cooperation of Mori, who was the commander of the 1st Imperial Guards Division, was vital. When Mori refused to side with Hatanaka, Hatanaka killed him, fearing Mori would order the Guards to stop the rebellion. Uehara killed Shiraishi. These were the only two murders of the night. Hatanaka then used General Mori's official stamp to authorize Imperial Guards Division Strategic Order No. 584, a false set of orders created by his co-conspirators, which would greatly increase the strength of the forces occupying the 2573: 1794: 961:), replied that it was premature to seek peace "unless we make one more military gain". Also in February, Japan's treaty division wrote about Allied policies towards Japan regarding "unconditional surrender, occupation, disarmament, elimination of militarism, democratic reforms, punishment of war criminals, and the status of the emperor." Allied-imposed disarmament, Allied punishment of Japanese war criminals, and especially occupation and removal of the Emperor, were not acceptable to the Japanese leadership. 12172: 2202:
on the Japanese decision-making process. It had become clear that a complete and total acceptance of Allied terms, even if it meant the dissolution of the Japanese government as it then existed, was the only possible way to secure peace. The Big Six and the cabinet debated their reply to the Allied response late into the night, but remained deadlocked. Meanwhile, the Allies grew doubtful, waiting for the Japanese to respond. The Japanese had been instructed that they could transmit an unqualified acceptance
7857: 1149:
this time it was increasingly obvious that Germany would be defeated before any bombs would be ready for use. Groves formed a committee that met in April and May 1945 to draw up a list of targets. One of the primary criteria was that the target cities must not have been damaged by conventional bombing. This would allow for an accurate assessment of the damage done by the atomic bomb. The targeting committee's list included 18 Japanese cities. At the top of the list were
1296:, believing that doing so would cause Japan to capitulate. McCloy had told Stimson that there were no more Japanese cities to be bombed and wanted to explore other options of bringing about a surrender. He suggested a political solution and asked about warning the Japanese of the atomic bomb. James Byrnes, who would become the new Secretary of State on 3 July, wanted to use it as quickly as possible without warning and without letting the Soviets know beforehand. 1903:, "I don't care what happens to me personally. We should lose no time in ending the war so as not to have another such tragedy." On the afternoon of August 8, Foreign Minister Shigenori Tōgō met with the Emperor, who, citing the atomic bomb, stated the war must come to an end. Per the Emperor's wishes, Tōgō met Prime Minister Kantarō Suzuki and proposed a meeting between the Supreme War Council. Later that night, Suzuki told the chief cabinet secretary 2322: 913: 849:
long before that time prohibited serving officers from accepting political offices without first obtaining permission from their respective service headquarters which, if and when granted, could be rescinded at any time. Thus, the Japanese Army and Navy effectively held a legal right to nominate (or refuse to nominate) their respective ministers, in addition to the effective right to order their respective ministers to resign their posts.
2450: 1027:
circumstances under which we will not attain even our supreme object of safeguarding the Imperial Household and preserving the national polity." Kido proposed that the Emperor take action, by offering to end the war on "very generous terms." Kido proposed that Japan withdraw from the formerly European colonies it had occupied provided they were granted independence and also proposed that Japan recognize the independence of the
2063: 1318:, Japan's ambassador in Moscow, to try to establish "firm and lasting relations of friendship." Satō was to discuss the status of Manchuria and "any matter the Russians would like to bring up." Well aware of the overall situation and cognizant of their promises to the Allies, the Soviets responded with delaying tactics to encourage the Japanese without promising anything. Satō finally met with Soviet Foreign Minister 1002: 3502: 1916: 2022:. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians. But that attack is only a warning of things to come. If Japan does not surrender, bombs will have to be dropped on her war industries and, unfortunately, thousands of civilian lives will be lost. I urge Japanese civilians to leave industrial cities immediately, and save themselves from destruction. 559: 2368:, Vice Chief of the Army General Staff, proposed that the senior officers present should each sign an agreement to carry out the Emperor's order of surrender—"The Army will act in accordance with the Imperial Decision to the last." An agreement was ultimately signed by each of the most important officers present, including Minister of War Anami, Chief of the Army General Staff Umezu, commander of the 2210: 3176: 2098:, the President of the Privy Council, who outlined Japan's inability to defend itself and also described the country's domestic problems, such as the shortage of food. The cabinet debated, but again no consensus emerged. At around 02:00 (10 August), Suzuki finally addressed Emperor Hirohito, asking him to decide between the two positions. The participants later recollected that the Emperor stated: 4932:, pp. 270–271. "While senior Japanese officers did not dispute the theoretical possibility of such weapons, they refused to concede that the United States had vaulted over the tremendous practical problems to create an atomic bomb." On 7 August, the Imperial Staff released a message saying that Hiroshima had been struck by a new type of bomb. A team led by Lieutenant General 2549:
result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total extinction of human civilization." When addressing the military, he did not mention the "new and most cruel bomb" but rather said that "the Soviet Union has entered the war against us, to continue the war ... would the very foundation of the Empire's existence."
Conference, that the Allies would not accept separate or conditional peace with Japan. The Japanese would have to surrender unconditionally to all the Allies. To prolong the war, the Soviets opposed any attempt to weaken this requirement. This would give the Soviets time to complete the transfer of their troops from the Western Front to the Far East, and conquer
1675:"Japan shall be permitted to maintain such industries as will sustain her economy and permit the exaction of just reparations in kind, but not those which would enable her to rearm for war. To this end, access to, as distinguished from control of, raw materials shall be permitted. Eventual Japanese participation in world trade relations shall be permitted." 1721:, Japan's ambassador to Switzerland, observed that "unconditional surrender" applied only to the military and not to the government or the people, and he pleaded that it should be understood that the careful language of Potsdam appeared "to have occasioned a great deal of thought" on the part of the signatory governments—"they seem to have taken pains to 2938:, which forced the Japanese to open the country to American trade. During the ceremony, US aircraft carriers and aircraft patrolled offshore, as there were fears of a kamikaze attack by Japanese pilots; no such attack occurred. The ceremony concluded with a flypast of over 800 US military aircraft, both from the carriers and including 462 land-based 2420:
plan, despite having little support from his superiors. Having set all the pieces into position, Hatanaka and his co-conspirators decided that the Guard would take over the palace at 02:00. The hours until then were spent in continued attempts to convince their superiors in the Army to join the coup. At about the same time, General Anami committed
1111:, were known to be willing to play a role in making peace, but they were so small they were believed unable to do more than deliver the Allies' terms of surrender and Japan's acceptance or rejection. The Japanese hoped that the Soviet Union could be persuaded to act as an agent for Japan in negotiations with the United States and Britain. 2258:, the headquarters of which had been in Hiroshima, Hata commanded all the troops defending southern Japan—the troops preparing to fight the "decisive battle". Hata said he had no confidence in defeating the invasion and did not dispute the Emperor's decision. The Emperor asked his military leaders to cooperate with him in ending the war. 1529:. The United States prioritized shortening the war and reducing American casualties—Soviet intervention seemed likely to do both, but at the cost of possibly allowing the Soviets to capture territory beyond that which had been promised to them at Tehran and Yalta, and causing a postwar division of Japan similar to that which had 5220:, p. 401. The Soviets delivered a declaration of war to Japanese ambassador Satō in Moscow two hours before the invasion of Manchuria. However, despite assurances to the contrary they did not deliver Satō's cable notifying Tokyo of the declaration, and cut the embassy phone lines. This was revenge for the Japanese 5734:
they had been guaranteed safety of movement by General MacArthur's headquarters. General Prince Yasuhiko Asaka was dispatched as envoy to the headquarters of the expeditionary forces in China, Maj. Gen. Prince Haruhiko Kanin to the Southern Army, and Lt. Col. Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda to the Kwantung Army in Manchuria.
929:, the leader of the Soviet Union, to mediate a settlement between the Allies and Japan; and the hardliners who favored fighting one last "decisive" battle that would inflict so many casualties on the Allies that they would be willing to offer more lenient terms. Both approaches were based on Japan's experience in the 695:, the only major warships in somewhat fighting order were six aircraft carriers, four cruisers, and one battleship, of which many were heavily damaged and none could be fueled adequately. Although 19 destroyers and 38 submarines were still operational, their use was also limited by the lack of fuel. 3443: 3199: 3353: 1896:, the Chief of the Naval General Staff, argued that even if the United States had made one, they could not have many more. American strategists, having anticipated a reaction like Toyoda's, planned to drop a second bomb shortly after the first, to convince the Japanese that the U.S. had a large supply. 1708:
wrought upon Germany in the closing stages of the European war. To contemporary readers on both sides who were not yet aware of the atomic bomb's existence, it was easy to interpret the conclusion of the declaration simply as a threat to bring similar destruction upon Japan using conventional weapons.
As noted in his response, Hasegawa translates and paraphrases the Sakomizu passage as " 'There was an argument advocating the quick termination of war by accepting the Potsdam Proclamation,' but in view of the army's opposition, the cabinet merely decided to send the investigation team to Hiroshima."
3467: 3380: 2674:
Moreover, the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the Japanese nation, but also it would
2520:, to be allotted airtime on NHK radio in order to explain his intentions to the Japanese people. He was refused. Colonel Haga, commander of the 2nd Regiment of the First Imperial Guards, discovered that the Army did not support this rebellion, and he ordered Hatanaka to leave the palace grounds. 2403:
Around 21:30 on 14 August, the conspirators led by Hatanaka set their plan into motion. The Second Regiment of the First Imperial Guards had entered the palace grounds, doubling the strength of the battalion already stationed there, presumably to provide extra protection against Hatanaka's rebellion.
I have listened carefully to each of the arguments presented in opposition to the view that Japan should accept the Allied reply as it stands and without further clarification or modification, but my own thoughts have not undergone any change. ... In order that the people may know my decision, I
would be ready for use against Japan in about a week. He told his cabinet that he could not stand the thought of killing "all those kids." By 14 August, however, Truman remarked "sadly" to the British ambassador that "he now had no alternative but to order an atomic bomb dropped on Tokyo," as some of
The Japanese cabinet considered the Allied response, and Suzuki argued that they must reject it and insist on an explicit guarantee for the imperial system. Anami returned to his position that there be no occupation of Japan. Afterward, Tōgō told Suzuki that there was no hope of getting better terms,
There are those who say the key to national survival lies in a decisive battle in the homeland. The experiences of the past, however, show that there has always been a discrepancy between plans and performance. I do not believe that the discrepancy in the case of Kujūkuri can be rectified. Since this
Its production and its use were not lightly undertaken by this Government. But we knew that our enemies were on the search for it. We know now how close they were to finding it. And we knew the disaster which would come to this Nation, and to all peace-loving nations, to all civilization, if they had
The British, Chinese, and United States Governments have given the Japanese people adequate warning of what is in store for them. We have laid down the general terms on which they can surrender. Our warning went unheeded; our terms were rejected. Since then the Japanese have seen what our atomic bomb
The Supreme Council met at 10:30. Suzuki, who had just come from a meeting with the Emperor, said it was impossible to continue the war. Tōgō said that they could accept the terms of the Potsdam Declaration, but they needed a guarantee of the Emperor's position. Navy Minister Yonai said that they had
On 27 July, the Japanese government considered how to respond to the Declaration. The four military members of the Big Six wanted to reject it, but Tōgō, acting under the mistaken impression that the Soviet government had no prior knowledge of its contents, persuaded the cabinet not to do so until he
In dealing with Stalin, Truman decided to give the Soviet leader vague hints about the existence of a powerful new weapon without going into details. However, the other Allies were unaware that Soviet intelligence had penetrated the Manhattan Project in its early stages, so Stalin already knew of the
With regard to unconditional surrender we are unable to consent to it under any circumstances whatever. ... It is in order to avoid such a state of affairs that we are seeking a peace, ... through the good offices of Russia. ... it would also be disadvantageous and impossible, from the
Truman played very little role in these discussions. At Potsdam, he was enthralled by the successful report of the Trinity test, and those around him noticed a positive change in his attitude, believing the bomb gave him leverage with both Japan and the Soviet Union. Other than backing Stimson's play
Japanese leaders had always envisioned a negotiated settlement to the war. Their prewar planning expected a rapid expansion and consolidation, an eventual conflict with the United States, and finally a settlement in which they would be able to retain at least some new territory they had conquered. By
Strict constitutional convention dictated (as it technically still does today) that a prospective Prime Minister could not assume the premiership, nor could an incumbent Prime Minister remain in office, if he could not fill all of the cabinet posts. Thus, the Army and Navy could prevent the formation
On the same day that the Rescript to the armed forces was issued, three Imperial Princes left Tokyo by air as personal representatives of the Emperor to urge compliance with the surrender decision upon the major overseas commands. The envoys chosen all held military rank as officers of the Army, and
After the war, the bombing raids were justified as already in progress when word of the Japanese surrender was received, but this is only partially true. Smith, 187–88 notes that though the daytime bombers had already attacked Japan, the night bombers had not yet taken off when radio notification of
used by the Emperor in the Rescript, made the recording very difficult to understand for most listeners. In addition, the Emperor did not explicitly mention surrender. To prevent confusion the recording was immediately followed by a clarification that Japan was indeed unconditionally surrendering to
The hardships and sufferings to which Our nation is to be subjected hereafter will be certainly great. We are keenly aware of the inmost feelings of all of you, Our subjects. However, it is according to the dictates of time and fate that We have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the
But now the war has lasted for nearly four years. Despite the best that has been done by everyone—the gallant fighting of the military and naval forces, the diligence and assiduity of Our servants of the State, and the devoted service of Our one hundred million people—the war situation has developed
Emperor Hirohito gave different reasons to the public and the military for the surrender: When addressing the public, he said, "the enemy has begun to employ a new and most cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is, indeed, incalculable ... . Should we continue to fight, not only would it
The Japanese people are facing an extremely important autumn. Your military leaders were presented with thirteen articles for surrender by our three-country alliance to put an end to this unprofitable war. This proposal was ignored by your army leaders... he United States has developed an atom bomb,
At the suggestion of American psychological operations experts, B-29s spent 13 August dropping leaflets over Japan, describing the Japanese offer of surrender and the Allied response. The leaflets, some of which fell upon the Imperial Palace as the Emperor and his advisors met, had a profound effect
and therefore the Japanese understood enough to know how very difficult building it would be. Therefore, many Japanese and in particular the military members of the government refused to believe the United States had built an atomic bomb, and the Japanese military ordered their own independent tests
Satō advised Tōgō that in reality, "unconditional surrender or terms closely equivalent thereto" was all that Japan could expect. Moreover, in response to Molotov's requests for specific proposals, Satō suggested that Tōgō's messages were not "clear about the views of the Government and the Military
in February 1945, the United States had made substantial concessions to the Soviets to secure a promise that they would declare war on Japan within three months of the surrender of Germany. Although the five-year Neutrality Pact did not expire until 5 April 1946, the announcement caused the Japanese
Three years and eight months have elapsed since we declared war on the United States and Britain. During this time our beloved men of the army and navy, sacrificing their lives, have fought valiantly ..., and of this we are deeply grateful. Now that the Soviet Union has entered the war against us,
Public reaction to the Emperor's speech varied—many Japanese simply listened to it, then went on with their lives as best they could, while some military officers chose suicide over surrender. A small crowd gathered in front of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo and cried, but as author John Dower notes,
The cabinet immediately convened and unanimously ratified the Emperor's wishes. They also decided to destroy vast amounts of material pertaining to war crimes and the war responsibility of the nation's highest leaders. Immediately after the conference, the Foreign Ministry transmitted orders to its
President Truman issued instructions that no further atomic weapons were to be dropped on Japan without presidential orders, but allowed military operations (including the B-29 firebombings) to continue until official word of Japanese surrender was received. However, news correspondents incorrectly
It goes without saying that it is unbearable for me to see the brave and loyal fighting men of Japan disarmed. It is equally unbearable that others who have rendered me devoted service should now be punished as instigators of the war. Nevertheless, the time has come to bear the unbearable. ...
Although the directing powers, and the government as well, are convinced that our war strength still can deliver considerable blows to the enemy, we are unable to feel absolutely secure peace of mind ... Please bear particularly in mind, however, that we are not seeking the Russians' mediation
The "prompt and utter destruction" clause has been interpreted as a veiled warning about American possession of the atomic bomb (which had been tested successfully on the first day of the conference). On the other hand, the declaration also made specific references to the devastation that had been
and other officials shared the view. Allied intentions on issues of utmost importance to the Japanese, including whether Hirohito was to be regarded as one of those who had "misled the people of Japan" or even a war criminal, or alternatively, whether the Emperor might become part of a "peacefully
As the project neared its conclusion, American planners began to consider the use of the bomb. In keeping with the Allies' overall strategy of securing final victory in Europe first, it had initially been assumed that the first atomic weapons would be allocated for use against Germany. However, by
wrote a "Draft Plan for Controlling the Crisis Situation," warning that by the end of the year Japan's ability to wage modern war would be extinguished and the government would be unable to contain civil unrest. "... We cannot be sure we will not share the fate of Germany and be reduced to adverse
In keeping with the custom of a new government declaring its purposes, following the May meetings the Army staff produced a document, "The Fundamental Policy to Be Followed Henceforth in the Conduct of the War," which stated that the Japanese people would fight to extinction rather than surrender.
Because of its very ambiguity, the plea of haragei invites the suspicion that in questions of politics and diplomacy a conscious reliance upon this 'art of bluff' may have constituted a purposeful deception predicated upon a desire to play both ends against the middle. While this judgment does not
All of these positions were nominally appointed by the Emperor and their holders were answerable directly to him. Nevertheless, Japanese civil law from 1936 required that the Army and Navy ministers had to be active duty flag officers from those respective services while Japanese military law from
and the remaining destroyers and submarines—"the last of the Navy's operating fleet"—to the beach. If the Allies had fought through this and successfully landed on Kyūshū, 3,000 planes would have been left to defend the remaining islands, although Kyūshū would be "defended to the last" regardless.
bombers based in Okinawa began flying reconnaissance missions over Japan in order to monitor Japanese compliance with the cease-fire, gather information to better enable the establishment of the occupation, and test the fidelity of the Japanese, as it was feared that the Japanese were planning to
Hatanaka, on a motorcycle, and Shiizaki, on horseback, rode through the streets, tossing leaflets that explained their motives and their actions. Within an hour before the Emperor's broadcast, sometime around 11:00, 15 August, Hatanaka placed his pistol to his forehead, and shot himself. Shiizaki
At dawn, Tanaka learned that the palace had been invaded. He went there and confronted the rebellious officers, berating them for acting contrary to the spirit of the Japanese army. He convinced them to return to their barracks. By 08:00, the rebellion was entirely dismantled, having succeeded in
On the night of 13–14 August, an Imperial Conference resulted in a decision by the government to unconditionally surrender. Shortly after the conference's conclusion, a group of senior army officers including Anami gathered in a nearby room. Those present were concerned about the possibility of a
When the Russians invaded Manchuria, they sliced through what had once been an elite army and many Russian units only stopped when they ran out of gas. The Soviet 16th Army—100,000 strong—launched an invasion of the southern half of Sakhalin Island. Their orders were to mop up Japanese resistance
His Majesty the Emperor, mindful of the fact that the present war daily brings greater evil and sacrifice upon the peoples of all the belligerent powers, desires from his heart that it may be quickly terminated. But so long as England and the United States insist upon unconditional surrender, the
For the most part, Suzuki's military-dominated cabinet favored continuing the war. For the Japanese, surrender was unthinkable—Japan had never been successfully invaded or lost a war in its history. Only Mitsumasa Yonai, the Navy minister, was known to desire an early end to the war. According to
Originally, Hatanaka hoped that simply occupying the palace and showing the beginnings of a rebellion would inspire the rest of the Army to rise up against the move to surrender. This notion guided him through much of the last days and hours and gave him the blind optimism to move ahead with the
The full Japanese cabinet met at 14:30 on 9 August, and spent most of the day debating surrender. As the Big Six had done, the cabinet split, with neither Tōgō's position nor Anami's attracting a majority. Anami told the other cabinet ministers that under torture a captured American P-51 Mustang
We are now prepared to obliterate more rapidly and completely every productive enterprise the Japanese have above ground in any city. We shall destroy their docks, their factories, and their communications. Let there be no mistake; we shall completely destroy Japan's power to make war. It was to
in Moscow, only Foreign Minister Tōgō realized that Roosevelt and Churchill might have already made concessions to Stalin to bring the Soviets into the war against Japan. Tōgō had been outspoken about ending the war quickly. As a result of these meetings, he was authorized to approach the Soviet
At a series of high-level meetings in May, the Big Six first seriously discussed ending the war, but none of them on terms that would have been acceptable to the Allies. Because anyone openly supporting Japanese surrender risked assassination by zealous army officers, the meetings were closed to
Although Suzuki might indeed have seen peace as a distant goal, he had no design to achieve it within any immediate time span or on terms acceptable to the Allies. His own comments at the conference of senior statesmen gave no hint that he favored any early cessation of the war ... Suzuki's
It is closer to the original to translate the phrase in question as, " 'There was considerable advocacy for the prompt termination of war by accepting the Potsdam Proclamation," or, more directly, "The cabinet argued at length over ending the war promptly by accepting the Potsdam Proclamation."
3319: 2603: 2156:
From the moment of surrender the authority of the Emperor and the Japanese government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Allied powers who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate the surrender terms. ... The ultimate form of government of Japan
On 30 July, Ambassador Satō wrote that Stalin was probably talking to Roosevelt and Churchill about his dealings with Japan, and he wrote: "There is no alternative but immediate unconditional surrender if we are to prevent Russia's participation in the war." On 2 August, Tōgō wrote to Satō: "it
Although the Potsdam Conference was mainly concerned with European affairs, the war against Japan was also discussed in detail. Truman learned of the successful Trinity test early in the conference and shared this information with the British delegation. The successful test caused the American
After Japan's capitulation, more than 5,400,000 Japanese soldiers and 1,800,000 Japanese sailors were taken prisoner by the Allies. The damage done to Japan's infrastructure, combined with a severe famine in 1946, further complicated the Allied efforts to feed the Japanese POWs and civilians.
2604: 2081:
In reality the United States would not have had a third bomb ready for use until around 19 August, and a fourth in September. However the Japanese leadership had no way to know the size of the United States' stockpile, and feared the United States might have the capacity not just to devastate
To this end, Stalin and Molotov strung out the negotiations with the Japanese, giving them false hope of a Soviet-mediated peace. At the same time, in their dealings with the United States and Britain, the Soviets insisted on strict adherence to the Cairo Declaration, re-affirmed at the Yalta
On 22 June, the Emperor summoned the Big Six to a meeting. Unusually, he spoke first: "I desire that concrete plans to end the war, unhampered by existing policy, be speedily studied and that efforts made to implement them." It was agreed to solicit Soviet aid in ending the war. Other neutral
Each signatory sat before an ordinary mess deck table covered with green felt and signed two unconditional Instruments of Surrender—a leather-bound version for the Allied forces and a canvas-backed version for the Japanese. Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signed on behalf of the Japanese
spare the Japanese people from utter destruction that the ultimatum of July 26 was issued at Potsdam. Their leaders promptly rejected that ultimatum. If they do not now accept our terms they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth ...
2595: 2139:) announcing that Japan would accept the Potsdam Declaration, but would not accept any peace conditions that would "prejudice the prerogatives" of the Emperor. That effectively meant no change in Japan's form of government—that the Emperor of Japan would remain a position of real power. 1967:
These "twin shocks"—the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the Soviet entry—had immediate profound effects on Japan's leadership. Prime Minister Kantarō Suzuki and Foreign Minister Shigenori Tōgō concurred that the government must end the war at once. However, the senior leadership of the
A few hours before the Japanese surrender was announced, Truman had a discussion with the Duke of Windsor and Sir John Balfour (British ambassador to the U.S.). According to Balfour, Truman "remarked sadly that he now had no alternative but to order an atomic bomb dropped on Tokyo." –
3999:"Molotov's note was neither a declaration of war nor, necessarily, of intent to go to war. Legally, the treaty still had a year to run after the notice of cancellation. But the Foreign Commissar's tone suggested that this technicality might be brushed aside at Russia's convenience." " 2102:
I have given serious thought to the situation prevailing at home and abroad and have concluded that continuing the war can only mean destruction for the nation and prolongation of bloodshed and cruelty in the world. I cannot bear to see my innocent people suffer any longer. ...
2598: 2596: 2594: 2600: 2599: 2592: 2602: 1552:
On 26 July, the United States, Britain and China released the Potsdam Declaration announcing the terms for Japan's surrender, with the warning, "We will not deviate from them. There are no alternatives. We shall brook no delay." For Japan, the terms of the declaration specified:
The exact role of the Emperor has been a subject of much historical debate. Following PM Suzuki's orders, many key pieces of evidence were destroyed in the days between Japan's surrender and the start of the Allied occupation. Starting in 1946, following the constitution of the
3299: 2593: 2170:, that the B-29s were not flying on 11 August (because of bad weather) as a statement that a ceasefire was in effect. To avoid giving the Japanese the impression that the Allies had abandoned peace efforts and resumed bombing, Truman then ordered a halt to all further bombings. 2666:
Indeed, We declared war on America and Britain out of Our sincere desire to ensure Japan's self-preservation and the stabilization of East Asia, it being far from Our thought either to infringe upon the sovereignty of other nations or to embark upon territorial aggrandizement.
2601: 2597: 2623: 2356:. Anami refused to indicate whether he would aid in counteracting a potential decision to surrender. While the conspiring officers felt the support of Anami was necessary for their success, they decided they had no choice but to continue planning, and ultimately to attempt a 1017:
It should be clearly made known to Russia that she owes her victory over Germany to Japan, since we remained neutral, and that it would be to the advantage of the Soviets to help Japan maintain her international position, since they have the United States as an enemy in the
attack occupation forces. During the first such B-32 reconnaissance mission, the bomber was tracked by Japanese radars but completed its mission without interference. On 18 August, a group of four B-32s overflying Tokyo were attacked by Japanese naval fighter aircraft from
1817: 1698:
had advocated for retaining the emperor as a constitutional monarch. He hoped that preserving Hirohito's central role could facilitate an orderly capitulation of all Japanese troops in the Pacific theatre. Without it, securing a surrender could be difficult. Navy Secretary
3404: 1767:
should not be difficult for you to realize that ... our time to proceed with arrangements of ending the war before the enemy lands on the Japanese mainland is limited, on the other hand it is difficult to decide on concrete peace conditions here at home all at once."
1763:. Its meaning is ambiguous and can range from "refusing to comment on" to "ignoring (by keeping silence)". What was intended by Suzuki has been the subject of debate. Tōgō later said that the making of such a statement violated the cabinet's decision to withhold comment. 3264: 2884:
government followed by the uniformed General Yoshijiro Umezu, Chief of the Imperial General Staff. MacArthur signed on behalf of the Allied nations, followed by Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz as U.S. Representative. Representatives of eight other Allied nations, led by
2229:." President Truman ordered a resumption of attacks against Japan at maximum intensity "so as to impress Japanese officials that we mean business and are serious in getting them to accept our peace proposals without delay." In the largest and longest bombing raid of the 1246:, the Committee re-examined the use of the bomb, posing the question to the Scientific Panel of whether a "demonstration" of the bomb should be used before actual battlefield deployment. In a 21 June meeting, the Scientific Panel affirmed that there was no alternative. 5463:"It is not to be released over Japan without express authority from the President." – Reply written on memo from General Groves, head of the Manhattan Project, to General Marshall, USA chief of staff regarding the preparations for a third atomic strike. 10 August 1945 1678:"The occupying forces of the Allies shall be withdrawn from Japan as soon as these objectives have been accomplished and there has been established, in accordance with the freely expressed will of the Japanese people, a peacefully inclined and responsible government." 1819: 2249:
As 14 August dawned, Suzuki, Kido, and the Emperor realized the day would end with either an acceptance of the American terms or a military coup. The Emperor met with the most senior Army and Navy officers. While several spoke in favor of fighting on, Field Marshal
2233:, more than 400 B-29s attacked Japan during daylight on 14 August, and more than 300 that night. A total of 1,014 aircraft were used with no losses. B-29s from the 315 Bombardment Wing flew 6,100 km (3,800 mi) to destroy the Nippon Oil Company refinery at 2872:, accompanied by around 250 other allied vessels, including British and Australian navy vessels and a Dutch hospital ship. The surrender ceremony was carefully planned, detailing the seating positions of all Army, Navy, and Allied Representatives. The ceremony was 407:
to mediate peace on terms more favorable to the Japanese. While maintaining a sufficient level of diplomatic engagement with the Japanese to give them the impression they might be willing to mediate, the Soviets were covertly preparing to attack Japanese forces in
2591: 1816: 2678:
Such being the case, how are We to save the millions of Our subjects, or to atone Ourselves before the hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors? This is the reason why We have ordered the acceptance of the provisions of the Joint Declaration of the Powers...
At about the same time, another group of Hatanaka's rebels led by Captain Takeo Sasaki went to Prime Minister Suzuki's office, intent on killing him. When they found it empty, they machine-gunned the office and set the building on fire, then left for his home.
5651:, assistant chief of Air Staff for Plans were noted as advocating for this option. Spaatz as recently as 10 August had asked for permission to conduct an atomic strike on Tokyo as soon as another weapon became available. – Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate, 2106:
I was told by those advocating a continuation of hostilities that by June new divisions would be in place in fortified positions ready for the invader when he sought to land. It is now August and the fortifications still have not been completed. ...
1818: 1815: 2622: 1814: 1813: 1690:"We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction." 2237:
on the northern tip of Honshū. This was the last operational refinery in the Japanese Home Islands, and it produced 67% of their oil. The attacks continued right through the announcement of the Japanese surrender, and indeed for some time afterwards.
5457:"Truman said he had given orders to stop atomic bombing. He said the thought of wiping out another 100,000 was too horrible. He didn't like the idea of killing, as he said, 'all those kids.'" Diary of Commerce Secretary Henry Wallace, 10 August 1945 1250:
to remove Kyoto from the target list (as the military continued to push for it as a target), he was otherwise not involved in any decision-making regarding the bomb, contrary to later retellings of the story (including Truman's own embellishments).
3149: 1013:
This policy was adopted by the Big Six on 6 June. (Tōgō opposed it, while the other five supported it.) Documents submitted by Suzuki at the same meeting suggested that, in the diplomatic overtures to the USSR, Japan adopt the following approach:
in southwest Honshū. Throughout the day, confused reports reached Tokyo that Hiroshima had been the target of an air raid, which had leveled the city with a "blinding flash and violent blast". Later that day, they received U.S. President
had largely destroyed the Japanese merchant fleet. With few natural resources, Japan was dependent on raw materials, particularly oil, imported from Manchuria and other parts of the East Asian mainland, and from the conquered territory in the
5057: 2523:
Just before 05:00, as his rebels continued their search, Major Hatanaka went to the NHK studios, where he tried desperately to get airtime to explain his actions . A little over an hour later, after receiving a telephone call from the
and approved by the British, Chinese, and Soviet governments, although the Soviets agreed only reluctantly. The Allies sent their response (via the Swiss Foreign Affairs Department) on 12 August. On the status of the Emperor it said:
To strive for the common prosperity and happiness of all nations as well as the security and well-being of Our subjects is the solemn obligation which has been handed down by Our Imperial Ancestors and which lies close to Our heart.
called again for Japan's surrender, warning them to "expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth." Late on 8 August 1945, in accordance with the Yalta agreements, but in violation of the
5027: 2089:
The cabinet meeting adjourned at 17:30 with no consensus. A second meeting lasting from 18:00 to 22:00 also ended with no consensus. Following this second meeting, Suzuki and Tōgō met the Emperor, and Suzuki proposed an impromptu
1945, Japan's leaders were in agreement that the war was going badly, but they disagreed over the best means to negotiate its end. There were two camps: the so-called "peace" camp favored a diplomatic initiative to persuade
The text of the Imperial Rescript on surrender was finalized by 19:00 August 14, transcribed by the official court calligrapher, and brought to the cabinet for their signatures. Around 23:00, the Emperor, with help from an
request you to prepare at once an imperial rescript so that I may broadcast to the nation. Finally, I call upon each and every one of you to exert himself to the utmost so that we may meet the trying days which lie ahead.
4971: 2094:, which started just before midnight on the night of 9–10 August. Suzuki presented Anami's four-condition proposal as the consensus position of the Supreme Council. The other members of the Supreme Council spoke, as did 2655:
After pondering deeply the general trends of the world and the actual conditions obtaining in Our Empire today, We have decided to effect a settlement of the present situation by resorting to an extraordinary measure.
2984:. President Truman declared 2 September to be V-J Day, but noted that "It is not yet the day for the formal proclamation of the end of the war nor of the cessation of hostilities." In Japan, 15 August is often called 2589: 1733:
I consider the Joint Proclamation a rehash of the Declaration at the Cairo Conference. As for the Government, it does not attach any important value to it at all. The only thing to do is just kill it with silence
I think the term is inappropriate, but the atomic bombs and the Soviet entry into the war are, in a sense, divine gifts. This way we don't have to say that we have quit the war because of domestic circumstances.
2620: 2480:
in response to Allied bombings, and by the archaic organization and layout of the Imperial House Ministry. Many of the names of the rooms were unrecognizable to the rebels. The rebels did find the chamberlain
2007:, and Admiral Toyoda insisted on three further terms that modified Potsdam: that Japan handle their own disarmament, that Japan deal with any Japanese war criminals, and that there be no occupation of Japan. 3423: 1812: 908:
accord with the much-lauded character of Admiral Suzuki, the fact remains that from the moment he became Premier until the day he resigned no one could ever be quite sure of what Suzuki would do or say next.
Difficulty with senior commanders on the distant war fronts was anticipated. Three princes of the Imperial Family who held military commissions were dispatched on 14 August to deliver the news personally.
We can no longer direct the war with any hope of success. The only course left is for Japan's one hundred million people to sacrifice their lives by charging the enemy to make them lose the will to fight.
2408:, convinced the commander of the 2nd Regiment of the First Imperial Guards, Colonel Toyojirō Haga, of their cause, by telling him (falsely) that Generals Anami and Umezu, and the commanders of the 2847:
MacArthur arrived in Tokyo on 30 August, and immediately decreed several laws: No Allied personnel were to assault Japanese people. No Allied personnel were to eat the scarce Japanese food. Flying the
4045: ... Soviet-Japanese relations will obviously revert to the status quo ante conclusion of the Pact". After further discussion, Molotov states: "The period of the Pact's validity has not ended". ( 3244: 2590: 1239:. In a 1 June report, the Committee concluded that the bomb should be used as soon as possible against a war plant surrounded by workers' homes and that no warning or demonstration should be given. 1090:
from which he concluded that "it was not just the coast defense; the divisions reserved to engage in the decisive battle also did not have sufficient numbers of weapons." According to the Emperor:
We have ordered Our Government to communicate to the Governments of the United States, Great Britain, China and the Soviet Union that Our Empire accepts the provisions of their Joint Declaration.
2003:" by the United States). By the time the meeting ended, the Big Six had split 3–3. Suzuki, Tōgō, and Admiral Yonai favored Tōgō's one additional condition to Potsdam, while General Anami, General 2973:
came of age. However, at a meeting with the Emperor later in September, General MacArthur assured him he needed his help to govern Japan and so Hirohito was never tried. Legal procedures for the
to assassinate him. Hiranuma escaped through a side gate and the rebels burned his house as well. Suzuki spent the rest of August under police protection, spending each night in a different bed.
as a race and nation. Indeed, Anami expressed a desire for this outcome rather than surrender, asking if it would "not be wondrous for this whole nation to be destroyed like a beautiful flower".
1191:, was not briefed on the project by Stimson until 23 April 1945, eleven days after he became president on Roosevelt's death on 12 April 1945. On 2 May 1945, Truman approved the formation of the 893:
After the war, Suzuki and others from his government and their apologists claimed they were secretly working towards peace, and could not publicly advocate it. They cite the Japanese concept of
6376: 2621: 3119:, especially on small Pacific Islands, refused to surrender at all (believing the declaration to be propaganda or considering surrender against their code). Some may never have heard of it. 2131:
Once the Emperor had left, Suzuki pushed the cabinet to accept the Emperor's will, which it did. Early that morning (10 August), the Foreign Ministry sent telegrams to the Allies (by way of
12206: 2763:
Japan's sudden surrender after the unexpected use of atomic weapons surprised most governments outside the US and UK. The Soviet Union had some intentions of occupying Hokkaidō. Unlike the
great concern, because Japan had amassed its forces in the South to repel the inevitable US attack, thus leaving its Northern islands vulnerable to Soviet invasion. Soviet Foreign Minister
2501:, the chief secretary to Suzuki's Cabinet, had warned Suzuki, and he escaped minutes before the would-be assassins arrived. After setting fire to Suzuki's home, they went to the estate of 2430:
At some time after 01:00, Hatanaka and his men surrounded the palace. Hatanaka, Shiizaki, Ida, and Captain Shigetarō Uehara (of the Air Force Academy) went to the office of Lt. Gen.
According to General Sumihisa Ikeda and Admiral Zenshirō Hoshina, Privy Council President Hiranuma then turned to the Emperor and asked him: "Your majesty, you also bear responsibility (
Framed flag in upper left is that flown by Commodore Matthew C. Perry's flagship when she entered Tokyo Bay in 1853. It was borrowed from the U.S. Naval Academy Museum for the occasion.
1810: 1884: 630:, the Soviet Union began quietly redeploying its battle-hardened forces from the European theatre to the Far East, in addition to about forty divisions that had been stationed there 1141:
employed hundreds of thousands of American workers at dozens of secret facilities across the United States, and on 16 July 1945, the first prototype weapon was detonated during the
I was told that the iron from bomb fragments dropped by the enemy was being used to make shovels. This confirmed my opinion that we were no longer in a position to continue the war.
was sent to Hiroshima on 8 August to sort out several competing theories as to the cause of the explosion, including that Hiroshima was struck by a magnesium or liquid-oxygen bomb.
4054:"Even after Germany's exit from the war, Moscow went on saying the Pact was still operative, and that Japan had no cause for anxiety about the future of Soviet-Japanese relations." 2476:, and the recordings of the surrender speech. The two men were hiding in the "bank vault", a large chamber underneath the Imperial Palace. The search was made more difficult by a 2461:
The palace police were disarmed and all the entrances blocked. Over the course of the night, Hatanaka's rebels captured and detained eighteen people, including Ministry staff and
6594: 4459:, pp. 150–152. "Truman did not issue any order to drop the bomb. In fact, he was not involved in this decision but merely let the military proceed without his interference." 2516:
was on its way to the palace to stop him, and that he should give up. Seeing his plan collapsing around him, Hatanaka pleaded with Tatsuhiko Takashima, the Chief of Staff of the
1305: 8866: 3221: 1380:
and Japan's embassies were provided to Allied policy-makers nearly as quickly as to the intended recipients. Fearing heavy casualties, the Allies wished for Soviet entry in the
anyone except the Big Six, the Emperor, and the Privy Seal. No second or third-echelon officers could attend. At these meetings, despite the dispatches from Japanese ambassador
the surrender was received. Smith also notes that, despite substantial efforts, he has found no historical documentation relating to Spaatz's order to go ahead with the attack.
The committee's mandate did not include the use of the bomb—its use upon completion was presumed. Following a protest by scientists involved in the project, in the form of the
5492:, he ordered the strategic bombing to refocus its efforts away from firebombing Japanese cities, to concentrate on wiping out Japanese oil and transportation infrastructure. 2360:
by themselves. Hatanaka spent much of 13 August and the morning of 14 August gathering allies, seeking support from the higher-ups in the Ministry, and finalizing his plans.
899:—"the art of hidden and invisible technique"—to justify the dissonance between their public actions and alleged behind-the-scenes work. However, many historians reject this. 2352:—of whom Masahiko was also Anami's brother-in-law. Arao, who was Chief of the Military Affairs Section, asked Anami to do whatever he could to prevent the acceptance of the 8144: 8062: 1811: 10743: 2711:
Two days after Emperor Hirohito's surrender speech to civilians was broadcast, he delivered a shorter speech "To the officers and men of the imperial forces". He said,
10488: 6073: 4057:
21 May 1945: Malik (Soviet ambassador to Tokyo) tells Sukeatsu Tanakamura, representing Japanese fishing interests in Soviet waters, that the treaty continues in force.
leaving a message that, "I—with my death—humbly apologize to the Emperor for the great crime." Whether the crime involved losing the war, or the coup, remains unclear.
10096: 7703: 1355:
It goes without saying that in my earlier message calling for unconditional surrender or closely equivalent terms, I made an exception of the question of preserving .
655: 12094: 10112: 8861: 7662: 5712: 2416:, commander of the Eastern region of the army, to try to persuade him to join the coup. Tanaka refused, and ordered Hatanaka to go home. Hatanaka ignored the order. 533: 2696:
the tears they shed "reflected a multitude of sentiments ... anguish, regret, bereavement and anger at having been deceived, sudden emptiness and loss of purpose".
Japan's forces were still fighting against the Soviets as well as the Chinese on the Asian mainland, and managing their cease-fire and surrender was difficult. US
2582: 10432: 6330: 10035: 10007: 9151: 8267: 6260:
Individuals and prefectural offices could apply for permission to fly it. The restriction was partially lifted in 1948 and completely lifted the following year.
2078:, had told his interrogators that the United States possessed a stockpile of 100 atom bombs and that Tokyo and Kyoto would be destroyed "in the next few days". 12073: 10752: 10439: 9573: 3990:. Avalon Project, Yale Law School. Text from United States Department of State Bulletin Vol. XII, No. 305, 29 April 1945. Retrieved 22 February 2009. 2469: 306: 707:, and the prospect of a Soviet invasion of Manchuria—Japan's last source of natural resources—the War Journal of the Imperial Headquarters concluded in 1944: 399:
on 26 July 1945—the alternative being "prompt and utter destruction". While publicly stating their intent to fight on to the bitter end, Japan's leaders (the
11055: 10418: 9727: 9352: 2261:
At a conference with the cabinet and other councilors, Anami, Toyoda, and Umezu again made their case for continuing to fight, after which the Emperor said:
2206:, but instead they sent out coded messages on matters unrelated to the surrender parley. The Allies took this coded response as non-acceptance of the terms. 1907:, "Now that we know it was an atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, I will give my views on the termination of the war at tomorrow's cabinet meeting." 2216:
which had not been done by any nation before. It has been determined to employ this frightening bomb. One atom bomb has the destructive power of 2000 B-29s.
10068: 10014: 9200: 8297: 7804: 10525: 10021: 9637: 8750: 5309: 2613: 2271:
embassies in Switzerland and Sweden to accept the Allied terms of surrender. These orders were picked up and received in Washington at 02:49, 14 August.
intercepts, the Allies also detected increased diplomatic and military traffic, which was taken as evidence that the Japanese were preparing an "all-out
Contrary to what had been intended at its conception, the Declaration made no mention of the Emperor at all. The short-lived interim Secretary of State
9047: 6364: 2128:) for this defeat. What apology are you going to make to the heroic spirits of the imperial founder of your house and your other imperial ancestors?" 1557:
the elimination "for all time the authority and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest"
10411: 9858: 9734: 7524: 2167: 1339:
with regard to the termination of the war," thus questioning whether Tōgō's initiative was supported by the key elements of Japan's power structure.
4933: 9711: 9091: 8896: 7678: 6662:, p. 403 gives the total number of Japanese servicemen as 4,335,500 in Japan on the day of the surrender, with an additional 3,527,000 abroad. 3391: 2974: 871:
reports, "... the Japanese deliberately destroyed, hid or falsified most of their secret wartime documents before General MacArthur arrived."
and Kido conveyed the Emperor's will that Japan surrender. In a meeting with the Emperor, Yonai spoke of his concerns about growing civil unrest:
10148: 9460: 7831: 658:, had wrecked Japan's war economy. Production of coal, iron, steel, rubber, and other vital supplies was only a fraction of that before the war. 1725:
for us on various points." The next day, Japanese newspapers reported that the Declaration, the text of which had been broadcast and dropped by
9967: 9269: 6474: 5353:
and held it against his throat. The lie, which caused McDilda to be classified as a high-priority prisoner, probably saved him from beheading.
4764: 661: 436: 272: 11966: 465: 32: 10759: 10722: 10699: 10220: 9142: 9112: 4000: 3110: 1887:
convened and "argued at length over ending the war promptly by accepting the Potsdam Proclamation." The Japanese Army and Navy had their own
541: 10474: 6173:
Which day they celebrate V-J day depends on the local time at which they received word of Japan's surrender. British Commonwealth countries
10852: 10708: 10692: 10664: 9912: 9119: 8768: 2893: 1598:, after being completely disarmed, shall be permitted to return to their homes with the opportunity to lead peaceful and productive lives." 7281: 6451: 1601:
that "e do not intend that the Japanese shall be enslaved as a race or destroyed as a nation, but stern justice shall be meted out to all
11609: 10676: 10588: 10532: 10495: 9777: 8901: 8287: 8218: 6719: 3530: 2118:
I swallow my tears and give my sanction to the proposal to accept the Allied proclamation on the basis outlined by the Foreign Minister.
1653:"The Japanese Government shall remove all obstacles to the revival and strengthening of democratic tendencies among the Japanese people. 289: 98: 7499: 976:
in November–December 1943, it had been agreed that the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan once Germany was defeated. At the
12284: 10581: 9313: 6602: 4877:. The American Experience: Truman. Sourced to The Harry S. Truman Library, "Army press notes," box 4, Papers of Eben A. Ayers. 4021: 2400:, who was the as well as Torashirō's, also signed. The document would serve to seriously impede any attempt to incite a coup in Tokyo. 567: 5167: 3182:
Kaida Tatsuichi, commander of the Japanese 4th Tank Regiment, and his chief of staff Shoji Minoru listen to the terms of surrender on
12289: 12087: 10715: 9105: 9063: 8616: 8231: 8113: 7741: 3525: 3520: 1854: 1776: 277: 232: 1717:
could get a reaction from Moscow. The cabinet decided to publish the declaration without comment for the time being. In a telegram,
11936: 9755: 9529: 9292: 9158: 8969: 8014: 8004: 6299: 5644: 4860:
A Global Chronology of Conflict: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East: From the Ancient World to the Modern Middle East
3540: 989:, Soviet ambassador in Tokyo, went to great lengths to assure the Japanese that "the period of the Pact's validity has not ended". 3766:
began to argue that Hirohito was a powerless figurehead, which brought some historians to accept this point of view. Others, like
The Gyokuon-hōsō, the radio broadcast in which Hirohito read the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War, August 15, 1945.
2050:. We have used it in order to shorten the agony of war, in order to save the lives of thousands and thousands of young Americans. 715:
As a final attempt to stop the Allied advances, the Japanese Imperial High Command planned an all-out defense of Kyūshū codenamed
10831: 10628: 9665: 9165: 9077: 9013: 6814: 3124: 499: 7809: 1729:
into Japan, had been rejected. In an attempt to manage public perception, Prime Minister Suzuki met with the press, and stated:
12279: 11034: 10546: 9396: 8934: 8814: 8788: 7036:. A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press. 2833: 2803: 1406:
Security concerns dominated Soviet decisions concerning the Far East. Chief among these was gaining unrestricted access to the
861: 5345:, was lying. McDilda, who had been shot down off the coast of Japan two days after the Hiroshima bombing, knew nothing of the 3305:
Surrender ceremony of the Japanese to American forces in the Philippines at what is now the residence of the US ambassador in
for months and years afterwards, some into the 1970s. The role of the atomic bombings in Japan's unconditional surrender, and
11630: 11535: 11062: 10808: 10683: 9769: 9743: 9600: 9306: 9223: 8758: 7566: 7414: 7395: 7371: 7345: 7326: 7304: 7273: 7254: 7235: 7216: 7197: 7088: 7041: 7019: 6995: 6976: 6954: 6935: 6909: 6865: 6843: 6824: 6800: 5067: 5037: 4981: 4772: 4691: 4583: 4574:"Some messages were deciphered and translated the same day and most within a week; a few in cases of key change took longer"— 4195: 3685: 2136: 186: 933:, forty years earlier, which consisted of a series of costly but largely indecisive battles, followed by the decisive naval 743: 602:
would be the site of the decisive battle. After the Japanese loss of the Philippines, Koiso in turn was replaced by Admiral
17: 11863: 11270: 11156: 10321: 9788: 9784: 9762: 9366: 8586: 8347: 8223: 8123: 8108: 8019: 7979: 6188: 4873: 3063: 787: 771: 642: 335: 247: 226: 221: 191: 37: 6436: 5720: 3688:). Japan consistently overstated its population as 100 million, when in fact the 1944 census counted 72 million. 2907: 2053:
We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan's power to make war. Only a Japanese surrender will stop us.
12274: 11778: 11242: 10574: 10560: 9773: 8886: 8881: 8601: 8103: 3453:, commander of the Sixth War Zone of China, accepting the surrender of the Japanese troops in Central China from General 2999: 2829: 1935: 1180: 965: 453: 294: 262: 257: 242: 7268:. Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese studies series. Translated by Jukes, Geoffrey. London; New York: RoutledgeCurzon. 6174: 11987: 11856: 11734: 11312: 11027: 10978: 10736: 10291: 9543: 9382: 9230: 9084: 8458: 8453: 8352: 8292: 8083: 8073: 7764: 6372: 3535: 1988:
to "quickly control the situation" because "the Soviet Union has declared war and today began hostilities against us."
1530: 1327:
Japanese Empire has no alternative but to fight on with all its strength for the honor and existence of the Motherland.
579: 575: 252: 2860:
The formal surrender occurred on 2 September 1945, around 9 a.m. Tokyo time, when Japanese representatives signed the
2768: 2157:
shall, in accordance with the Potsdam Declaration, be established by the freely expressed will of the Japanese people.
delegation to reconsider the necessity and wisdom of Soviet participation, for which the U.S. had lobbied hard at the
201: 12299: 12103: 10985: 10957: 10774: 10356: 10075: 10042: 7774: 7769: 7592: 7503: 7435: 7062: 6888: 6033: 5754: 5489: 5094: 2885: 1331:
The Emperor proposed sending Prince Konoe as a special envoy, although he would be unable to reach Moscow before the
316: 211: 146: 9258: 3473:
The surrender ceremony of the Japanese to the British forces with General Itagaki surrendering his sword to General
1609: 12140: 11298: 11235: 10370: 10206: 9329: 8793: 8778: 8773: 8488: 8247: 8180: 7969: 7789: 7784: 7638: 6762:
Asada, Sadao (November 1998). "The Shock of the Atomic Bomb and Japan's Decision to Surrender: A Reconsideration".
6521: 2897: 2861: 1888: 1071:, was ambivalent, insisting that diplomacy must wait until "after the United States has sustained heavy losses" in 514: 364: 206: 157: 44: 9883: 7479: 3046:
Many further surrender ceremonies took place across Japan's remaining holdings in the Pacific. Japanese forces in
not necessarily to Japan's advantage, while the general trends of the world have all turned against her interest.
1926: 1376:
used by the Japanese Foreign Office to encode high-level diplomatic correspondence. As a result, messages between
11664: 11505: 11494: 11330: 11089: 11048: 10941: 10879: 10266: 9536: 9405: 9373: 8481: 7609: 384: 216: 176: 91: 10053: 9621: 3786:, p. 87, "Neither of these polar positions is accurate", and the truth appears to lie somewhere in between. 2032:
That is why we felt compelled to undertake the long and uncertain and costly labor of discovery and production.
12264: 12050: 12022: 11900: 11693: 10930: 10381: 10307: 10103: 9474: 9193: 9098: 8983: 8856: 8503: 8204: 7974: 7779: 5315: 3411: 1170: 790:
General Staff. At the formation of the Suzuki government in April 1945, the council's membership consisted of:
7628: 7427:
Aggression, Crime and International Security: Moral, Political and Legal Dimensions of International Relations
6700: 5139:"THE SOVIET FACTOR IN ENDING THE PACIFIC WAR: From the Hirota-Malik Negotiations to Soviet Entry into the War" 1972:
took the news in stride, grossly underestimating the scale of the attack. With the support of Minister of War
12110: 12043: 11994: 11925: 11750: 11256: 11207: 10971: 10964: 10567: 10328: 10119: 9172: 8783: 8213: 8128: 8118: 7734: 6277: 5235: 3067: 2776: 1060: 779: 627: 321: 136: 2468:
The rebels, led by Hatanaka, spent the next several hours fruitlessly searching for Imperial House Minister
12304: 12184: 12080: 11455: 11416: 10335: 10170: 10155: 10082: 10061: 9879: 9557: 9343: 9336: 9320: 9031: 8990: 8962: 8763: 8634: 8093: 8034: 8024: 4070:
Note, however, that Malik did not know (had not been informed) that the Soviets were preparing to attack. (
2563: 1943: 1780: 484: 461: 356: 7528: 7507: 6449:"Radio Address to the American People after the Signing of the Terms of Unconditional Surrender by Japan," 6236: 2332:
Late at night on 12 August, Army Minister Anami was approached by a group of officers consisting of Major
The strategy of making a last stand at Kyūshū was based on the assumption of continued Soviet neutrality.
12254: 12147: 11471: 11423: 11041: 11013: 10866: 10481: 10460: 9981: 9644: 9550: 9040: 8443: 8262: 8133: 6424: 4998: 3329: 2783: 2700: 2688: 2443: 2377: 2255: 1726: 1722: 1289: 1087: 1052: 998:
Union, seeking to maintain its neutrality, or (despite the very remote probability) to form an alliance.
759: 739:
would be sent to attack the amphibious transports before troops and cargo were disembarked on the beach.
688: 676: 400: 368: 181: 6496: 2969:, pressured the Emperor to abdicate so that one of the Princes could serve as regent until Crown Prince 1583:
in 1943, Japan was to be reduced to her pre-1894 territory and stripped of her pre-war empire including
in Manchuria, of the navy, and of the army defending the Home Islands. The Emperor received a report by
gave Emperor Hirohito a memorandum analyzing the situation, and told him that if the war continued, the
11945: 11441: 11360: 11305: 11193: 11149: 10799: 10425: 10349: 10251: 10128: 10000: 9993: 9953: 9926: 9658: 9591: 9186: 8997: 8927: 8725: 8694: 7363: 2741: 2369: 1803: 1738:). We will do nothing but press on to the bitter end to bring about a successful completion of the war. 1431: 1364:
standpoint of foreign and domestic considerations, to make an immediate declaration of specific terms.
1028: 964:
On 5 April, the Soviet Union gave the required 12 months' notice that it would not renew the five-year
selections for the most critical cabinet posts were, with one exception, not advocates of peace either.
666: 476:
had set down in the Potsdam Declaration. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and
84: 7527:. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Leavenworth Paper No. 8, Command and General Staff College. Archived from 3414:
watching Japanese Vice Admiral Ruitako Fujita sign the document of surrender on 16 September 1945, in
2540:: "I have nothing to regret now that the dark clouds have disappeared from the reign of the Emperor." 540:
came into force on 28 April 1952. Four more years passed before Japan and the Soviet Union signed the
11847: 11764: 11549: 11409: 11381: 11214: 11119: 10909: 10342: 9416: 9070: 8684: 8679: 8606: 8566: 8357: 8044: 3515: 3341: 2873: 2837: 2788: 2284: 1846: 1463: 1040: 742:
If this did not drive the Allies away, they planned to send another 3,500 kamikazes along with 5,000
413: 9614: 8546: 7836: 5123: 4785: 798: 472:. Emperor Hirohito ordered the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War to accept the terms the 11586: 11563: 10815: 10616: 10609: 10273: 9933: 9905: 9898: 9285: 8798: 8581: 8528: 8476: 8098: 7926: 7727: 6273: 4495: 2431: 2276: 1068: 948:
might be in greater danger from an internal revolution than from defeat. According to the diary of
775: 9630: 9607: 2756:
in Sydney have come to epitomize the immediate celebrations. 14 and 15 August are commemorated as
1292:, part of a plan to invade the Japanese home islands. General Marshall supported the entry of the 1176:, who had visited the city on his honeymoon and knew of its cultural and historical significance. 853:
of undesirable governments, or by resignation bring about the collapse of an existing government.
12259: 12008: 11952: 11822: 11682: 11367: 11020: 10916: 10822: 10390: 10258: 10228: 10192: 10177: 10049: 9941: 9919: 9865: 9851: 9833: 9497: 9278: 9006: 8955: 8621: 8498: 8428: 8237: 7989: 7916: 7698: 7657: 5086:
The Japanese-Soviet neutrality pact : a diplomatic history, 1941–1945 in SearchWorks catalog
3763: 3235: 3163: 3159: 3098: 2792: 2746: 2725: 2183:
That day, Hirohito informed the imperial family of his decision to surrender. One of his uncles,
1939: 1683: 1427: 1401: 1373: 945: 767: 591: 537: 522: 457: 392: 6448: 5488:
While the ceasefire was in effect, Spaatz made a momentous decision. Based on evidence from the
began. The surrender ceremony was held on 2 September, aboard the United States Navy battleship
12269: 11700: 11593: 11395: 11346: 11249: 11142: 11112: 10895: 10783: 10509: 10300: 9891: 9872: 9842: 9389: 9359: 8338: 8302: 8278: 8175: 8160: 8009: 7921: 7576: 7100: 6525: 5349:
and simply told his interrogators what he thought they wanted to hear after one of them drew a
4859: 3333: 3271: 3055: 2935: 2764: 2757: 2039: 1992:
to make some diplomatic proposal—they could no longer afford to wait for better circumstances.
1969: 1580: 1385: 1142: 969: 930: 783: 684: 518: 473: 372: 6723: 2147:
The Allied response to Japan's qualified acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration was written by
521:, the end of the war; however, isolated soldiers and personnel from Japan's forces throughout 12191: 11914: 11757: 11653: 11623: 11579: 11319: 11284: 11277: 11200: 11098: 10539: 10516: 10363: 9974: 9511: 9251: 9237: 8920: 8362: 7824: 7425: 7052: 5221: 4018: 3086:. As late as April 1949, China still held more than 60,000 Japanese prisoners. Some, such as 2525: 2517: 2513: 2409: 2280: 2184: 1126: 55: 9809: 5138: 2977:
were issued on 19 January 1946, without any member of the imperial family being prosecuted.
1439: 12015: 11870: 11521: 11478: 11448: 11374: 11184: 11163: 10089: 9566: 9244: 8493: 8317: 8307: 7819: 6570: 5224:
40 years earlier. The Japanese found out about the attack from radio broadcast from Moscow.
4181: 3545: 3434: 3395: 3205: 3025: 2822: 2809:, and to be briefed on his plans for the occupation. On 28 August 150 US personnel flew to 2744:
at 7 p.m. on 14 August, sparking massive celebrations of the end of the war. A photograph,
and Imperial Guards Divisions were all in on the plan. Hatanaka also went to the office of
2222: 1369: 1138: 949: 646: 623: 503: 311: 299: 67: 48: 2502: 2095: 1072: 716: 8: 12294: 12133: 11907: 11785: 11741: 11263: 10397: 10163: 9690: 9520: 9504: 9453: 8720: 8667: 8640: 8630: 8576: 8571: 8556: 8433: 8257: 7936: 7931: 7814: 7667: 7623: 3231: 3183: 3082:
on 25 October. It was not until 1947 that all prisoners held by America and Britain were
2950: 2924: 2818: 2814: 2644: 2435: 2353: 2316: 1658: 1546: 1459: 1322:
on 11 July, but without result. On 12 July, Tōgō directed Satō to tell the Soviets that:
1212: 1208: 1078:
In June, the Emperor lost confidence in the chances of achieving a military victory. The
1006: 813: 510: 495: 477: 396: 8508: 7714: 4037:
Slavinskiĭ, quoting from Molotov's diary, recounts the conversation between Molotov and
3387: 2365: 793: 403:, also known as the "Big Six") were privately making entreaties to the publicly neutral 11959: 11884: 11838: 11808: 11716: 11556: 11221: 11105: 10999: 10950: 10888: 10644: 10595: 10404: 10028: 9683: 9481: 8689: 8448: 8418: 7959: 7690: 7454:
Angel, Byron F. (2004). "Question 21/03 Warships Present at Tokyo Bay on 2 Sept 1945".
7293: 7160: 7152: 7077: 7029: 6899: 6853: 6779: 6686:
contains an interview with Iitoyo Shogo about his experiences as POW of the British at
6038: 5111: 4842: 4805: 4559: 4488: 4300: 4140: 3371: 3059: 2966: 2939: 2729: 2498: 2482: 2477: 2457:
convinced the rebellious officers to go home. Tanaka committed suicide nine days later.
2389: 2349: 2300: 2193:(imperial sovereignty) could not be preserved. The Emperor simply replied "of course." 1904: 1743: 1666: 1662: 1626: 1614: 1489: 1483: 1332: 1319: 1265: 1259: 1224: 1216: 1200: 982: 934: 728: 692: 619: 607: 376: 327: 267: 237: 196: 141: 124: 6877: 2934:
on the first of his two expeditions to Japan. Perry's expeditions had resulted in the
A leaflet dropped on Japan after the bombing of Hiroshima. The leaflet says, in part:
1471: 831: 12117: 12001: 11891: 11831: 11792: 11725: 11707: 11673: 11616: 11570: 11514: 11339: 11077: 11069: 11006: 10859: 10453: 9985: 9446: 9425: 9135: 8730: 8423: 8403: 8170: 7799: 7699:"The Atomic Bombs and the Soviet Invasion: What Drove Japan's Decision to Surrender?" 7682: 7644: 7588: 7562: 7463: 7431: 7410: 7391: 7385: 7381: 7367: 7341: 7322: 7300: 7288: 7269: 7250: 7231: 7212: 7193: 7186: 7172: 7164: 7107: 7084: 7072: 7058: 7037: 7015: 7009: 7005: 6991: 6972: 6950: 6931: 6924: 6905: 6884: 6861: 6839: 6820: 6796: 5750: 5464: 5458: 5346: 5090: 5063: 5033: 4977: 4908: 4809: 4768: 4687: 4579: 4304: 4191: 4144: 3681: 3102: 2806: 2648: 2532:
holding the palace grounds for much of the night but failing to find the recordings.
2296: 1718: 1654: 1522: 1505: 1220: 1192: 1134: 1120: 1079: 973: 732: 724: 651: 611: 425: 166: 40: 7879: 6468: 2357: 2241:
Truman had ordered a halt to atomic bombings on 10 August, upon receiving news that
917: 837: 807: 603: 76: 62: 12036: 12029: 11973: 11637: 11402: 11388: 11291: 11228: 11179: 10992: 10845: 10792: 10602: 10553: 10467: 9697: 9674: 9207: 8871: 8591: 8312: 7984: 7650: 7580: 7355: 7144: 6964: 6771: 6157: 6137:, p. 558. Spector incorrectly identifies Higashikuni as the Emperor's brother. 4900: 4797: 4132: 3779: 3290: 3255: 3190: 3167: 3116: 3106: 3040: 3036: 2958: 2953:
began quickly. Many members of the imperial family, such as the emperor's brothers
2931: 2733: 2683:
generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is unsufferable.
stabbed himself with a dagger, and then shot himself. In Hatanaka's pocket was his
2454: 2413: 2393: 2043: 1634: 1526: 1389: 1273: 1195:, an advisory group that would report on the atomic bomb. It consisted of Stimson, 1184: 1173: 1166: 977: 881: 720: 587: 583: 566:
By 1945, the Japanese had suffered a string of defeats for nearly two years in the
525: 517:, ending the hostilities. Allied civilians and military personnel alike celebrated 429: 171: 152: 9216: 8846: 6747:, p. 293: The authors seem to have made an error about the year of surrender. 4801: 3386:
The Japanese Southern Armies surrender at Singapore on 12 September 1945. General
The official surrender ceremony of the Japanese to the Australian forces on board
3155: 2405: 2388:. When Umezu voiced concern about air units causing trouble, Vice Minister of War 2304: 12059: 11771: 11686: 11644: 11542: 11485: 11353: 11135: 11126: 10655: 10237: 10213: 9467: 8891: 8596: 8518: 8438: 7911: 7750: 6455: 6151: 5305: 5201: 4025: 4005: 3973: 3960: 3454: 3279: 3250:
A Japanese officer surrenders his sword to a British Lieutenant in a ceremony in
3079: 2954: 2877: 2854: 2772: 2397: 2373: 2234: 2148: 2083: 2067: 2004: 1973: 1867: 1700: 1642: 1638: 1595: 1588: 1415: 1281: 1269: 1232: 1196: 1188: 1187:, had been involved in the Manhattan Project since the beginning, his successor, 1064: 1063:, were both cautiously supportive; each wondered what the other thought. General 1056: 952: 825: 819: 672: 448: 348: 12171: 8513: 6009: 5997: 5985: 5961: 5937: 5910: 5084: 4786:"'The deadliest error': Translation, international relations and the news media" 4038: 3209: 3097:
The state of war between most of the Allies and Japan officially ended when the
2493:, Tokugawa lied and told them he did not know where the recordings or men were. 1315: 1308: 994: 562:
Allied landings in the Pacific Theatre of operations, August 1942 to August 1945
424:) in fulfillment of promises they had secretly made to the US and the UK at the 12066: 11602: 11528: 9580: 9439: 8841: 8735: 8561: 8551: 8408: 8372: 7794: 6195: 5656: 5648: 5591: 5342: 5197: 4186: 3969: 3956: 3775: 3759: 3482: 3474: 3344: 3337: 3227: 3213: 3120: 3101:
took effect on 28 April 1952. The same day, Japan formally made peace with the
3087: 3047: 2333: 2325: 2075: 1618: 1584: 1560:
the occupation of "points in Japanese territory to be designated by the Allies"
1509: 1497: 1455: 1419: 1285: 1236: 1082:
was lost, and he learned of the weakness of the Japanese army in China, of the
941: 571: 553: 529: 417: 380: 131: 108: 8876: 8851: 7671: 4136: 4064: 3002:', but the government's name for the day (which is not a national holiday) is 2651:, reading the Imperial Rescript on the Termination of the War, was broadcast: 2528:, Hatanaka finally gave up. He gathered his officers and left the NHK studio. 2473: 2132: 1985: 1900: 1023: 864: 12248: 12222: 12208: 11877: 9802: 9651: 9490: 8367: 8088: 8078: 7906: 7871: 7686: 7467: 6919: 6687: 5350: 4912: 4888: 4874:
White House Press Release Announcing the Bombing of Hiroshima, August 6, 1945
3771: 3306: 3286: 2962: 2849: 2490: 2385: 2381: 2337: 2251: 2226: 2019: 1999:, on the west coast of Kyūshū, had been hit by a second atomic bomb (called " 1934:
At 04:00 on 9 August word reached Tokyo that the Soviet Union had broken the
1630: 1602: 1501: 1407: 1243: 1204: 1083: 1044: 926: 763: 635: 595: 421: 388: 8468: 6572:
Historical and Legal Aspects of the International Status of Taiwan (Formosa)
6189:"The Australian Military Contribution to the Occupation of Japan, 1945–1952" 6161: 4308: 2750:, of an American sailor kissing a woman in New York, and a news film of the 2706: 2699:
On 17 August, Suzuki was replaced as prime minister by the Emperor's uncle,
existence of the atomic bomb but did not appear impressed by its potential.
12176: 11980: 10280: 10185: 9816: 9179: 8943: 7964: 7841: 7495: 7487: 7123:(English language ed.). Palo Alto, California: Kodansha International. 6547: 6078: 5630:, p. 327, citing Bernstein, Eclipsed by Hiroshima and Nagasaki, p 167. 4973:
140 Days to Hiroshima: The Story of Japan's Last Chance to Avert Armageddon
United States Army Corps of Engineers, Manhattan Engineer District (1946).
3507: 3478: 3360: 3109:. Japan and the Soviet Union formally made peace four years later with the 3083: 3071: 2889: 2509: 2434:
to ask him to join the coup. Mori was in a meeting with his brother-in-law
2341: 2018:
The world will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, a
Following the atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Truman issued another statement:
1893: 1850: 1669: 1622: 1493: 1228: 1108: 1051:. With the Emperor's authorization, Kido approached several members of the 900: 841: 615: 404: 352: 8538: 8155: 6720:"Two Japanese Who Fought for 40 years With Malaysian Communists Head Home" 4067:
that the Neutrality Pact ... will continue ... until it expires.
3123:, the last known holdout, emerged from his hidden retreat in what was now 2552: 703:
Faced with the prospect of an invasion of the Home Islands, starting with
11815: 11801: 11463: 10139: 9960: 9945: 9299: 8611: 8165: 7525:"August Storm: Soviet Tactical and Operational Combat in Manchuria, 1945" 7475: 6810: 6354:"Nimitz at Ease", Capt. Michael A. Lilly, USN (ret), Stairway Press, 2019 5640: 5193: 4123:
Zuberi, Matin (August 2001). "Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki".
3986: 3965: 3952: 3767: 2752: 2345: 2230: 2163: 2091: 2047: 2046:, against those who have abandoned all pretense of obeying international 2038:
Having found the bomb we have used it. We have used it against those who
1977: 1956: 1871: 1695: 1572: 1423: 1411: 1384:
at the earliest possible date. Roosevelt had secured Stalin's promise at
1381: 1277: 1130: 1100: 986: 704: 599: 440: 112: 6074:"The Emperor's Speech: 67 Years Ago, Hirohito Transformed Japan Forever" 3024:
A nearly simultaneous surrender ceremony was held on 2 September aboard
1568: 1467: 1426:, was their primary objective. Secondary objectives were leases for the 1129:
had authorized the initiation of a massive, top-secret project to build
11170: 10923: 10902: 9795: 9128: 9056: 8413: 8029: 7156: 7111: 6783: 6101: 4904: 3325: 3075: 3032: 2635: 2537: 2486: 2364:
coup being launched to prevent surrender. During this meeting, General
2321: 2242: 1858: 1831: 868: 867:
also were present at some meetings, following the Emperor's wishes. As
8322: 6427:. The American Experience: MacArthur. PBS. Retrieved 25 February 2009. 5168:"The Soviet-Japanese War: the brief conflict that created North Korea" 4212:
The Diary of Marquis Kido, 1931–45: Selected Translations into English
and such minor islands as we determine." As had been announced in the
912: 11433: 10838: 10635: 10446: 10244: 10199: 8740: 8715: 8710: 8523: 8394: 8327: 7999: 6738: 4380: 4378: 4298: 3450: 3415: 3128: 2865: 2203: 1995:
In the middle of the meeting, shortly after 11:00, news arrived that
1862: 1841: 1749: 1451: 1447: 1154: 1048: 631: 444: 409: 9720: 7266:
The Japanese-Soviet Neutrality Pact: A Diplomatic History, 1941–1945
7148: 7102:
Imperial tragedy; Japan in World War II, the first days and the last
6775: 3782:, argue that he actively ruled from behind the scenes. According to 3127:
in December 1974, while two other Japanese soldiers, who had joined
1564: 1422:. Acquiring these territories, thus guaranteeing free access to the 654:. The destruction of the Japanese merchant fleet, combined with the 9704: 9432: 8819: 8252: 7943: 7887: 6147: 3430: 3429:
The surrender ceremony of the Japanese to the Australian forces at
3132: 2980:
In addition to 14 and 15 August, 2 September 1945 is also known as
that day was the same American flag that had been flown in 1853 on
2703:, perhaps to forestall any further coup or assassination attempts. 2449: 1996: 1981: 1920: 1293: 1169:. Ultimately, Kyoto was removed from the list at the insistence of 1158: 1036: 857: 736: 735:. Instead, everything was staked on the beachhead; more than 3,000 469: 360: 7719: 7561:. Cass Series on Soviet (Russian) Military Experience. Routledge. 4390: 4375: 4280: 2062: 2042:, against those who have starved and beaten and executed American 1563:
that the "Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of
1284:, Secretary for War Henry Stimson and Assistant Secretary for War 7994: 7559:
The Soviet Strategic Offensive in Manchuria, 1945: 'August Storm'
The Last Mission: The Secret Story of World War II's Final Battle
5172: 3367: 2981: 2970: 2422: 2299:
of himself reading it. The record was given to court chamberlain
2189: 2000: 1605:, including those who have visited cruelties upon our prisoners." 1576: 1264:
On 18 June 1945, Truman met with the Chief of Army Staff General
1032: 1001: 895: 7544:
Glantz, David M. (Spring 1995). "The Soviet Invasion of Japan".
7500:"August Storm: The Soviet 1945 Strategic Offensive in Manchuria" 7118: 6015: 6003: 5991: 5967: 5943: 5916: 5059:
Culture Shock and Japanese-American Relations: Historical Essays
4268: 4060:
29 May 1945: Molotov tells Satō: "we have not torn up the pact".
1410:. The year-round ice-free areas of the Soviet Pacific coastline— 1359:
On 21 July, speaking in the name of the cabinet, Tōgō repeated:
On 6 August 1945, at 8:15 am local time, the United States
10314: 8912: 8672: 7846: 3310: 3275: 3251: 3051: 2901: 2810: 2799: 1915: 1435: 1304: 1162: 1104: 753: 7316:
Shōwa Tennō dokuhakuroku: Terasaki Hidenari, goyō-gakari nikki
7125:(also Souvenir Press Ltd, London); Japanese edition (1965) as 6331:"This footage shows the Japanese surrender from 1945 in color" 5597: 5568: 5556: 2209: 1704:
inclined and responsible government" were thus left unstated.
1055:, the "Big Six." Tōgō was very supportive. Suzuki and Admiral 920:
headed the Japanese government in the final months of the war.
687:(IJN) had ceased to be an effective fighting force. Following 558: 10502: 8039: 6548:"Japanese Surrender Of 29th Army In Kuala Lumpur (13/9/1945)" 5311:
Radio Report to the American People on the Potsdam Conference
4363: 3458: 2892:, followed Nimitz. Other notable signatories include Admiral 2841: 2775:. The Soviet Union continued to fight until early September, 2439: 2111:
is also the shape of things, how can we repel the invaders?
1377: 1150: 7011:
Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan
The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II
6629: 6497:"WW2 People's War – Operation Jurist and the end of the War" 5323: 3162:
in New Guinea, surrenders his sword to the commander of the
2771:, however, these plans were frustrated by the opposition of 6028: 6026: 6024: 4721: 4709: 4664: 4640: 3703: 2740:
News of the Japanese acceptance of the surrender terms was
to determine the cause of Hiroshima's destruction. Admiral
Soviet Union invaded the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo
4601: 3922: 2508:
Around 03:00, Hatanaka was informed by Lieutenant Colonel
In the afternoon of August 7, the Emperor reportedly told
375:(IJN) was incapable of conducting major operations and an 7405:
Wilmott, H. P.; Cross, Robin; Messenger, Charles (2004).
6665: 5396: 5320:. Delivered from the White House at 10 p.m, 9 August 1945 5286: 5265: 4630: 4628: 4341: 4339: 4337: 3691: 3578: 3212:(left), the last Japanese Governor-General of Taiwan, in 3016:, 'day for mourning of war dead and praying for peace'). 2707:
17 August 1945, surrender speech to the Japanese military
2462: 2292: 1910: 1492:
from 16 July to 2 August 1945. The participants were the
6641: 6021: 5949: 5851: 5803: 5511: 5384: 5360: 4951: 4939: 4733: 4578:
ed. I.C.B. Dear. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
4322: 3862: 3230:
signs the instrument of surrender of Japanese forces on
until 1990. One report suggests they fought until 1991.
2720: 2015:
can do. They can foresee what it will do in the future.
on the nation, to stop anyone attempting to make peace.
6406: 6116: 4438: 3208:(right) accepting the receipt of Order No. 1 signed by 2553:
15 August 1945, surrender speech to the Japanese public
2310: 2187:, then asked whether the war would be continued if the 1125:
After several years of preliminary research, President
544:, which formally brought an end to their state of war. 9574:
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
Pape, Robert A. (Fall 1993). "Why Japan Surrendered".
7126: 7014:. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 6986:
Hagen, Jerome T. (1996). "The Lie of Marcus McDilda".
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum (1 September 1945).
6300:"Original Copy of Surrender Ceremony Documents on USS 5372: 4625: 4613: 4589: 4402: 4351: 4334: 4217: 4151: 3910: 3886: 3850: 3838: 3043:
from senior Japanese military and civilian officials.
3003: 2985: 2880:, but the footage was released publicly only in 2010. 2614:
Truman announcing surrender of Japan, 1 September 1945
2123: 2025:
I realize the tragic significance of the atomic bomb.
956: 7502:. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Leavenworth Paper No. 7, 7404: 6744: 5881: 5839: 5827: 5815: 5791: 5499: 5470: 5436: 4999:""To Bear the Unbearable": Japan's Surrender, Part I" 4697: 3739: 3602: 3590: 3131:
guerrillas at the end of the war, fought in southern
to the China Expeditionary Army and China Fleet, and
1770: 1414:
in particular—could be blockaded by air and sea from
106: 7230:. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press. 6617: 6394: 6054: 5973: 5424: 4652: 4426: 4414: 4244: 3934: 3789: 3638: 3497: 3019: 2687:
The low quality of the recording, combined with the
lead to the total extinction of human civilization.
1299: 66:
Representatives of the Empire of Japan stand aboard
Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of World War II
6860:. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 6793:
Absolute War: Soviet Russia in the Second World War
5692: 5523: 4256: 4163: 4089: 4077: 4051:Slavinskiĭ further summarizes the chain of events: 3898: 3874: 3826: 3814: 3727: 3715: 3140:
Surrender ceremonies throughout the Pacific theater
2287:to Shanghai, South China, Indochina and Singapore. 7649:is available for free viewing and download at the 7292: 7211:. Wilmington, Delaware: Rowman & Littlefield. 7185: 7099: 7079:Japan's War: The Great Pacific Conflict, 1853–1952 7076: 6923: 6876: 6568: 3614: 2911:Part of the mass flypast on 2 September, over the 2035:We won the race of discovery against the Germans. 1488:The leaders of the major Allied powers met at the 7360:A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II 7179:. New York, Toronto, London, Sydney: McGraw-Hill. 6969:Downfall: the End of the Imperial Japanese Empire 6575:. World United Formosans for Independence (Tokyo) 6365:"Surrender of Japan, Tokyo Bay, 2 September 1945" 6218: 6216: 5704: 5253: 3285:on 2 September 1945. Penang was liberated by the 2945:After the formal surrender on 2 September aboard 12246: 8897:International Military Tribunal for the Far East 7658:"Footage of the Moment the Japanese Surrendered" 6177:, whereas the United States celebrates the 14th. 5927: 5925: 5187: 2975:International Military Tribunal for the Far East 1649:On the other hand, the declaration stated that: 874: 460:, and soon after midnight on 9 August 1945, the 73:prior to signing of the Instrument of Surrender. 8867:German pre–World War II industrial co-operation 7387:The Last Great Victory: The End of World War II 7028: 6234: 5766: 5764: 5762: 5713:"Reports of General MacArthur Vol II – Part II" 5032:. University of Washington Press. p. 164. 4396: 4384: 4369: 4301:"The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" 4286: 4274: 3626: 1747: 683:As a result of the losses it had suffered, the 614:in the first half of 1945. Okinawa was to be a 7856: 7244: 7228:The Invasion of Japan: Alternative to the Bomb 6595:"Taiwan's retrocession procedurally clear: Ma" 6213: 6153:To the officers and men of the imperial forces 5603: 5574: 5562: 3678:The Age of Hirohito: In Search of Modern Japan 3010: 3005:Senbotsusha o tsuitō shi heiwa o kinen suru hi 2992: 1756: 1347:for anything like an unconditional surrender. 955:, the Emperor, looking for a decisive battle ( 719:. This was to be a radical departure from the 487:across the Empire on 15 August announcing the 8928: 7735: 7177:The Fast Carriers; The Forging of an Air Navy 6947:The Battle of Okinawa: The Blood and the Bomb 6898:Cook, Haruko Taya; Cook, Theodore F. (1992). 5922: 5062:. University of Missouri Press. p. 183. 4118: 4116: 4114: 4112: 4110: 4108: 4106: 4104: 3657: 3655: 3653: 3090:, were not repatriated until the late 1950s. 2465:workers sent to record the surrender speech. 968:(which had been signed in 1941 following the 92: 6988:War in the Pacific: America at War, Volume I 6268: 6266: 5759: 5682: 5680: 5667: 5665: 5546: 5544: 5542: 5540: 5538: 4292: 3979: 2896:for the United Kingdom, and Général d'armée 1942:, subscribed to the Potsdam Declaration and 1870:'s broadcast announcing the first use of an 1392:. That outcome was greatly feared in Japan. 1223:, advised by a Scientific Panel composed of 760:Supreme Council for the Direction of the War 754:Supreme Council for the Direction of the War 634:, as a counterbalance to the million-strong 606:. The Allies captured the nearby islands of 401:Supreme Council for the Direction of the War 8219:Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Office 7575: 7245:Smith, John B.; McConnell, Malcolm (2002). 6690:—known to prisoners as "Starvation Island". 6437:"1945: Japan signs unconditional surrender" 5900: 5898: 5896: 5781: 5779: 5453: 5451: 5146:University Center for International Studies 5082: 4765:Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary 4234: 4232: 3807:For more details on what was destroyed see 3568: 3566: 3531:Political dissidence in the Empire of Japan 2649:the Emperor's recorded speech to the nation 2384:and Inspector-General of Military Training 2057: 2040:attacked us without warning at Pearl Harbor 1804:Truman talks about the bombing of Hiroshima 1022:On 9 June, the Emperor's confidant Marquis 762:(created in 1944 by earlier Prime Minister 536:. The state of war formally ended when the 8935: 8921: 7742: 7728: 7263: 7119:The Pacific War Research Society (1968) . 6949:. Guilford, Connecticut: The Lyons Press. 6717: 5236:"The Bomb Didn't Beat Japan... Stalin Did" 5165: 4101: 4071: 4046: 4028:, declassified CIA report from April 1945. 3987:Soviet Denunciation of the Pact with Japan 3650: 3390:surrendered to the British represented by 2742:announced to the American public via radio 2303:, who hid it in a locker in the office of 1540: 671:sank at her moorings in the naval base of 447:. Sixteen hours later, American President 99: 85: 8617:Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 8232:Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors 7380: 7335: 6263: 5931: 5677: 5662: 5535: 4739: 4241:, p. 100, quoting Terasaki, 136–137. 3526:Japanese American service in World War II 3521:Hypothetical Axis victory in World War II 3111:Soviet–Japanese Joint Declaration of 1956 2732:at surrender ceremony. The flag flown by 1777:Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1746:had advised Suzuki to use the expression 1545:It was decided to issue a statement, the 836:Chief of the Navy General Staff: Admiral 830:Chief of the Army General Staff: General 542:Soviet–Japanese Joint Declaration of 1956 8005:National Spiritual Mobilization Movement 7480:"The Last Raid: How World War Two Ended" 7354: 7313: 7171: 7004: 6897: 6836:Lost: Journeys through a Vanishing Japan 6683: 6659: 6647: 6635: 6228: 6222: 6180: 6146: 5955: 5893: 5776: 5770: 5645:U.S. Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific 5517: 5448: 5390: 5366: 5329: 5025: 4783: 4777: 4745: 4727: 4715: 4670: 4646: 4634: 4619: 4607: 4595: 4456: 4444: 4408: 4345: 4229: 3928: 3916: 3709: 3661: 3563: 2906: 2828:, whose accompanying vessels landed the 2724: 2448: 2320: 2246:his military staff had been advocating. 2208: 2168:U.S. Strategic Air Forces in the Pacific 2061: 1925: 1914: 1608: 1303: 1000: 911: 792: 660: 557: 61: 31: 7287: 7206: 6816:Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan 6790: 6425:The Tokyo War Crimes Trials (1946–1948) 6328: 6194:. Australian War Museum. Archived from 6186: 6134: 6066: 5655:, Vol. 5, pp. 730 and Ch. 23 ref. 85. ( 4969: 4357: 3993: 3868: 3745: 3676:, p. 89, citing Daikichi Irokawa, 3596: 2832:on the southern coast of Kanagawa. The 2404:But Hatanaka, along with Lt. Col. 2082:individual cities, but to wipe out the 1839:On 6 August at 8:15 am local time, the 1137:, under the authority of Major General 758:Japanese policy-making centered on the 698: 500:Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers 14: 12247: 10782: 10760:Romanian prisoners in the Soviet Union 8815:Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere 7556: 7543: 7522: 7494: 7423: 7264:Slavinskiĭ, Boris Nikolaevich (2004). 7225: 7183: 7097: 6944: 6601:. CNA. 26 October 2010. Archived from 6475:Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare 6369:Photographic Collections – NARA Series 5878:The Pacific War Research Society, 309. 5869:The Pacific War Research Society, 227. 5378: 5304: 5233: 5003:The National WWII Museum | New Orleans 4703: 4122: 3808: 3697: 3644: 3584: 2804:Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers 1911:9 August: Soviet invasion and Nagasaki 1785: 1686:" came at the end of the declaration: 1591:, as well as all her recent conquests. 656:strategic bombing of Japanese industry 622:, the Allied invasion of the Japanese 11631:Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign 11063:Japanese invasion of French Indochina 10709:Italian prisoners in the Soviet Union 10665:Finnish prisoners in the Soviet Union 9770:Rape during the occupation of Germany 8916: 7723: 7546:Quarterly Journal of Military History 7453: 7321:(in Japanese). Tokyo: Bungei Shunjū. 7050: 6985: 6963: 6918: 6874: 6852: 6833: 6761: 6718:Brunnstrom, David (11 January 1990). 6671: 6623: 6400: 6122: 6060: 6016:The Pacific War Research Society 1968 6004:The Pacific War Research Society 1968 5992:The Pacific War Research Society 1968 5968:The Pacific War Research Society 1968 5944:The Pacific War Research Society 1968 5917:The Pacific War Research Society 1968 5887: 5845: 5833: 5821: 5797: 5710: 5686: 5671: 5627: 5550: 5505: 5493: 5476: 5442: 5402: 5354: 5292: 5271: 5259: 5213: 5055: 5051: 5049: 5021: 5019: 4996: 4957: 4945: 4929: 4838: 4822: 4751: 4658: 4555: 4539: 4523: 4507: 4484: 4468: 4432: 4420: 4328: 4262: 4250: 4238: 4223: 4207: 4169: 4157: 4095: 4083: 3940: 3904: 3880: 3856: 3844: 3832: 3820: 3795: 3783: 3733: 3721: 3673: 3620: 3608: 3572: 2765:Soviet occupations of eastern Germany 2721:Occupation and the surrender ceremony 1372:most of Japan's codes, including the 80: 27:End of World War II, 2 September 1945 10753:Polish prisoners in the Soviet Union 9785:Rape during the liberation of France 8224:Imperial Japanese Navy General Staff 7980:Imperial Rule Assistance Association 7697:Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi (1 August 2007). 7474: 7338:The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb 7209:Henry L. Stimson: The First Wise Man 7134: 7071: 6705:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan 6430: 5979: 5904: 5857: 5809: 5785: 5586:Wesley F. Craven and James L. Cate, 5430: 5283:Diary of Kōichi Kido, 1966, p. 1223. 5217: 5166:Tertitskiy, Fyodor (8 August 2018). 5136: 5029:Emperor Hirohito and the Pacific War 5026:Kawamura, Noriko (2 November 2015). 4997:Frank, Richard B. (18 August 2020). 4970:Barrett, David Dean (7 April 2020). 3946: 3632: 3541:Post–World War II economic expansion 3050:surrendered on 2 September 1945, in 2392:took the agreement next door to the 2311:Attempted coup d'état (12–15 August) 1711: 1477: 1395: 1253: 1114: 8887:Taiwanese Imperial Japan Serviceman 8134:East Asia Development Board (Kōain) 7749: 7051:Hogan, Michael J. (29 March 1996). 6809: 6745:Wilmott, Cross & Messenger 2004 6489: 6412: 6034:"Text of Hirohito's Radio Rescript" 5698: 5653:The Army Air Forces in World War II 5588:The Army Air Forces in World War II 5529: 5414: 4886: 4757: 3892: 3000:memorial day for the end of the war 2844:. Other Allied personnel followed. 1976:, they started preparing to impose 972:). Unknown to the Japanese, at the 483:, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded 24: 10979:German invasion of the Netherlands 9259:Weather events during World War II 7446: 6550:. Colonial Film. 13 September 1945 6373:Naval History and Heritage Command 5717:US Army Center of Military History 5194:Soviet Declaration of War on Japan 5046: 5016: 4686:Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. 3536:Japanese post-war economic miracle 2634:Problems playing these files? See 2571: 2485:. Although Hatanaka threatened to 1930:Soviet infantry entering Manchuria 1792: 1771:Hiroshima, Manchuria, and Nagasaki 458:Soviet Union declared war on Japan 25: 12316: 11610:Northern Burma and Western Yunnan 7639:Japanese Instruments of Surrender 7603: 7504:Command and General Staff College 7106:. New York: World Publishing Co. 7083:. New York: Cooper Square Press. 6522:"The Japanese Formally Surrender" 6235:Stephen Harding (November 2008). 5490:European Strategic Bombing Survey 4576:The Oxford Guide to World War II, 4043:on expiry of the five year period 3274:officer signing the surrender of 3020:Further surrenders and resistance 2162:interpreted a comment by General 1944:launched an invasion of Manchuria 1300:Soviet Union negotiation attempts 647:mining of Japanese coastal waters 464:. Hours later, the United States 12170: 8942: 8587:Soviet–Japanese border conflicts 7855: 7486:. pp. 74–81. Archived from 6711: 6693: 6677: 6653: 6587: 6562: 6540: 6514: 6461: 6442: 6418: 6379:from the original on 23 May 2021 6357: 6348: 6322: 6308:World War 2 Surrender Collection 6292: 6274:"Celebrating the End of the War" 6254: 6167: 6140: 6128: 6094: 5872: 5863: 5739: 5633: 5619: 5609: 5580: 5482: 5408: 5335: 5298: 5277: 3500: 3466: 3442: 3422: 3403: 3379: 3352: 3332:signs the surrender document in 3318: 3298: 3263: 3243: 3220: 3198: 3175: 3148: 3078:took over the administration of 2898:Philippe Leclerc de Hauteclocque 2862:Japanese Instrument of Surrender 2618: 2587: 2446:, and "protecting" the Emperor. 1889:independent atomic-bomb programs 1830:Problems playing this file? See 1808: 1047:islands in the Pacific and even 786:General Staff, and Chief of the 515:Japanese Instrument of Surrender 379:was imminent. Together with the 45:Japanese Instrument of Surrender 12234:World War II Surrender of Japan 8602:Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact 7681:between British Prime Minister 7054:Hiroshima in History and Memory 5417:, p. 517, citing Yoshida, 5227: 5207: 5159: 5130: 5076: 4990: 4963: 4923: 4893:The Journal of Japanese Studies 4880: 4866: 4851: 4832: 4816: 4676: 4568: 4549: 4533: 4517: 4501: 4478: 4462: 4450: 4201: 4175: 4031: 4012: 3953:Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact 3801: 3751: 2840:, 50 km (30 mi) from 2196: 1883:The day after the bombing, the 1515: 966:Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact 766:), the so-called "Big Six"—the 723:plans used in the invasions of 454:Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact 371:. By the end of July 1945, the 11857:Vietnamese famine of 1944–1945 9567:Territorial changes of Germany 9475:Indonesian National Revolution 8857:Japanese settlers in Manchuria 7975:Imperial Rescript on Education 7523:Glantz, David M. (June 1983). 7340:. Greenwood Publishing Group. 7057:. Cambridge University Press. 6754: 6528:, Singapore. 12 September 1945 6439:On This Day: 2 September, BBC. 3966:Declaration Regarding Mongolia 3667: 3412:Cecil Halliday Jepson Harcourt 3039:accepted the surrender of the 2998:), which literally means the ' 2836:was airlifted from Okinawa to 1761:, lit. "killing with silence") 824:Minister of the Navy: Admiral 818:Minister of the Army: General 582:. In July 1944, following the 509:, at which officials from the 13: 1: 12285:Japan–United States relations 12280:September 1945 events in Asia 11257:Japanese invasion of Thailand 11208:Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran 10972:German invasion of Luxembourg 9353:Mediterranean and Middle East 8308:Imperial Way Faction (Kōdōha) 8214:Imperial General Headquarters 7805:Foreign commerce and shipping 7670:. 4 June 2015. Archived from 7646:Japanese Sign Final Surrender 7188:The Making of the Atomic Bomb 7032:; Anderson, Oscar E. (1962). 6990:. Hawaii Pacific University. 6901:Japan at War: An Oral History 6858:Japan's Decision to Surrender 6764:The Pacific Historical Review 6329:Patrick, Neil (10 May 2016). 6278:National Air and Space Museum 5137:Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi Hasegawa. 4802:10.1080/13556509.2016.1149754 3680:(New York: Free Press, 1995; 3551: 2821:began. They were followed by 2736:is visible in the background. 2279:went to Korea and Manchuria, 2254:did not. As commander of the 2137:Department of Foreign Affairs 1665:, as well as respect for the 875:Japanese leadership divisions 862:Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal 812:Minister of Foreign Affairs: 547: 12290:Japan–Soviet Union relations 11164:Invasion of the Soviet Union 10853:Occupation of Czechoslovakia 10171:Independent State of Croatia 8635:Hirohito surrender broadcast 8035:Greater East Asia Conference 7629:Resources in other libraries 7249:. New York: Broadway Books. 6156:, Taiwan Documents Project, 5234:Wilson, Ward (30 May 2013). 4889:"Reply to Tsuyoshi Hasegawa" 3556: 3328:, Lieutenant General of the 2798:Japanese officials left for 2564:Hirohito surrender broadcast 2543: 2142: 1861:by the U.S.) on the city of 1781:Soviet invasion of Manchuria 1512:), and Truman respectively. 1470:(starting with a landing at 1342:On 17 July, Tōgō responded: 466:dropped a second atomic bomb 7: 12148:End of World War II in Asia 11988:Western invasion of Germany 11495:Chinese famine of 1942–1943 11472:Second Battle of El Alamein 11042:Hundred Regiments Offensive 11014:Battle of the Mediterranean 10867:Italian invasion of Albania 9041:Air warfare of World War II 8020:Supreme Court of Judicature 7484:Air & Space Smithsonian 7314:Terasaki, Hidenari (1991). 7127: 6569:Ng Yuzin Chiautong (1972). 6042:. 15 August 1945. p. 3 5465:National Security Archives. 5459:National Security Archives. 5222:sneak attack on Port Arthur 5083:Nikolaevich, Boris (2004). 4863:, p. 2086 (ABC-CLIO, 2009). 4784:Zanettin, Federico (2016). 4487:, pp. 222–223, citing 4397:Hewlett & Anderson 1962 4385:Hewlett & Anderson 1962 4370:Hewlett & Anderson 1962 4287:Hewlett & Anderson 1962 4275:Hewlett & Anderson 1962 3493: 3347:and other Australian units. 3289:on the following day under 3004: 2986: 2689:Classical Japanese language 2444:Imperial Household Ministry 2328:, leader of the coup d'état 2124: 1748: 1388:, which was re-affirmed at 957: 916:As prime minister, Admiral 840:(later replaced by Admiral 772:Minister of Foreign Affairs 10: 12321: 12275:August 1945 events in Asia 12074:Naval bombardment of Japan 11442:First Battle of El Alamein 11361:Battle of Christmas Island 11306:Japanese invasion of Burma 11070:Italian invasion of Greece 10986:German invasion of Belgium 10958:German invasion of Denmark 10931:1939–1940 Winter Offensive 10800:Second Italo-Ethiopian War 9064:Comparative military ranks 8726:Second Philippine Republic 8504:Manchuria–Mongolia problem 7587:. New York: Pocket Books. 7364:Cambridge University Press 7336:Wainstock, Dennis (1996). 7207:Schmitz, David F. (2001). 7098:Coffey, Thomas M. (1970). 5747:Shokan: Hirohito's Samurai 5604:Smith & McConnell 2002 5575:Smith & McConnell 2002 5563:Smith & McConnell 2002 5467:Retrieved 5 December 2017. 5461:Retrieved 5 December 2017. 4684:Korea, the Divided Nation. 4063:24 June 1945: Malik tells 2760:in many Allied countries. 2561: 2340:, and lieutenant colonels 2314: 1774: 1682:The only use of the term " 1481: 1432:Southern Manchuria Railway 1399: 1351:In reply, Satō clarified: 1257: 1118: 665:The rebuilt battlecruiser 551: 468:, on the Japanese city of 443:over the Japanese city of 363:on 15 August and formally 295:Volcano and Ryukyu Islands 58:watches, 2 September 1945. 12163: 11995:Bratislava–Brno offensive 11935: 11926:Dutch famine of 1944–1945 11663: 11550:Allied invasion of Sicily 11504: 11410:Aleutian Islands campaign 11382:Zhejiang-Jiangxi campaign 11329: 11320:Greek famine of 1941–1944 11215:Second Battle of Changsha 11120:German invasion of Greece 11088: 10965:Battle of Zaoyang–Yichang 10940: 10878: 10773: 10654: 10380: 10290: 10138: 9841: 9832: 9590: 9415: 9307:North and Central Pacific 9268: 9030: 9023: 8950: 8834: 8807: 8749: 8703: 8660: 8653: 8607:Japan during World War II 8567:Pacification of Manchukuo 8537: 8467: 8459:Invasion of Taiwan (1895) 8454:Invasion of Taiwan (1874) 8392: 8385: 8336: 8323:Control Faction (Tōseiha) 8276: 8202: 8195: 8142: 8060: 8053: 8045:Imperial Japanese Airways 7952: 7899: 7864: 7853: 7757: 7624:Resources in your library 7557:Glantz, David M. (2003). 7226:Skates, John Ray (1994). 7128:Nihon no Ichiban Nagai Hi 6722:. AP NEWS. Archived from 4137:10.1080/09700160108458986 4024:13 September 2011 at the 3516:Aftermath of World War II 3410:British Rear Admiral Sir 3396:Municipal Hall, Singapore 3011: 2993: 2857:was severely restricted. 2789:Naval Air Facility Atsugi 2472:, Lord of the Privy Seal 2453:The coup collapsed after 1885:Japanese Imperial Cabinet 1847:Boeing B-29 Superfortress 1757: 1617:– those pictured include 1504:, represented by Stalin, 1272:, Chief of Staff Admiral 940:In February 1945, Prince 693:Japanese shipyard at Kure 643:Allied submarine campaign 120: 12300:1945 in military history 11587:Allied invasion of Italy 11564:Solomon Islands campaign 11313:Third Battle of Changsha 10910:First Battle of Changsha 10816:Second Sino-Japanese War 9756:German military brothels 9622:United States war crimes 8582:Second Sino-Japanese War 8529:Racial Equality Proposal 8109:Agriculture and Commerce 7704:The Asia-Pacific Journal 7430:. Taylor & Francis. 7318: 7184:Rhodes, Richard (1986). 7131:by Bungei Shunju, Tokyo. 7034:The New World, 1939–1946 6883:. New York: BasicBooks. 6469: 6454:11 February 2012 at the 6241:Air & Space Magazine 5314:(Speech). Archived from 4844:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4827:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4561:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4544:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4528:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4512:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4490:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4473:Magic Diplomatic Summary 4190:. Modern Library, 2003. 3342:Australian Major General 3105:with the signing of the 2777:taking the Kuril Islands 2277:Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda 2058:Discussions of surrender 1742:Chief Cabinet Secretary 1368:American cryptographers 806:Prime Minister: Admiral 598:, who declared that the 377:Allied invasion of Japan 38:foreign affairs minister 12009:Second Guangxi campaign 11864:Philippines (1944–1945) 11368:Battle of the Coral Sea 11271:Fall of the Philippines 10917:Battle of South Guangxi 10823:Battles of Khalkhin Gol 10229:Italian Social Republic 8499:Washington Naval Treaty 8444:Anglo–Japanese Alliance 8429:First Sino-Japanese War 8248:Nuclear weapons program 7990:Great Japan Youth Party 7917:National seals of Japan 7679:Minutes of private talk 7663:Fall of Japan: In Color 6945:Feifer, George (2001). 6819:. New York: Perennial. 6791:Bellamy, Chris (2007). 5590:, Vol. 5, pp. 732–33. ( 3164:Australian 6th Division 3158:, the commander of the 3099:Treaty of San Francisco 2888:representative General 2793:Yokosuka Naval Airfield 2747:V-J Day in Times Square 2295:recording crew, made a 1684:unconditional surrender 1541:The Potsdam Declaration 1428:Chinese Eastern Railway 538:Treaty of San Francisco 532:of the two attacks, is 393:unconditional surrender 12223:35.35472°N 139.76000°E 11594:Armistice of Cassibile 11396:Battle of Dutch Harbor 11347:Battle of the Java Sea 11250:Attack on Pearl Harbor 11150:Syria–Lebanon campaign 11143:Battle of South Shanxi 11113:Invasion of Yugoslavia 10896:Battle of the Atlantic 10510:Korean Liberation Army 10223:(until September 1943) 10180:(until September 1944) 10158:(until September 1944) 8547:Shōwa financial crisis 8339:Imperial Japanese Navy 8279:Imperial Japanese Army 8010:Peace Preservation Law 7409:. Dorling Kindersley. 7192:. Simon and Schuster. 7137:International Security 6526:National Library Board 5639:Specifically, General 4887:Orr, James J. (2009). 4841:, p. 236, citing 4825:, p. 236, citing 4558:, p. 230, citing 4542:, p. 229, citing 4526:, p. 227, citing 4510:, p. 226, citing 4471:, p. 221, citing 4210:, p. 97, quoting 3485:, on 22 February 1946. 3437:, on 17 September 1945 3374:, on 11 September 1945 3058:, 11 September in the 2949:, investigations into 2936:Convention of Kanagawa 2916: 2834:11th Airborne Division 2758:Victory over Japan Day 2737: 2718: 2685: 2576: 2458: 2329: 2285:Prince Kan'in Haruhito 2268: 2218: 2181: 2159: 2120: 2070: 2055: 1965: 1931: 1923: 1881: 1855:dropped an atomic bomb 1797: 1740: 1672:shall be established." 1646: 1366: 1357: 1349: 1329: 1314:On 30 June, Tōgō told 1311: 1179:Although the previous 1096: 1020: 1009: 921: 910: 891: 802: 799:Kantarō Suzuki Cabinet 713: 685:Imperial Japanese Navy 680: 563: 373:Imperial Japanese Navy 278:Hiroshima and Nagasaki 74: 59: 18:Japan's surrender 12265:Japan in World War II 11758:Second Battle of Guam 11654:Bengal famine of 1943 11624:Second Battle of Kiev 11580:Battle of the Dnieper 11285:Battle of Wake Island 11157:East African campaign 11099:Battle of South Henan 10744:atrocities by Germans 10517:Korean Volunteer Army 9498:Occupation of Germany 9252:Music in World War II 8489:Siberian Intervention 8298:Railways and Shipping 8114:Commerce and Industry 7810:Industrial production 7456:Warship International 7424:Wilson, Page (2009). 7295:Eagle against the Sun 6971:. New York: Penguin. 5056:Asada, Sadao (2007). 4514:No. 1208, 10–12. 3125:independent Indonesia 3035:, where Vice Admiral 2910: 2802:on 19 August to meet 2728: 2713: 2653: 2575: 2526:Eastern District Army 2518:Eastern District Army 2514:Eastern District Army 2452: 2410:Eastern District Army 2324: 2281:Prince Yasuhiko Asaka 2263: 2212: 2176: 2154: 2100: 2065: 2012: 1948: 1929: 1918: 1876: 1796: 1731: 1612: 1361: 1353: 1344: 1324: 1307: 1127:Franklin D. Roosevelt 1092: 1015: 1004: 915: 905: 886: 796: 709: 664: 561: 367:on 2 September 1945, 347:The surrender of the 65: 56:Richard K. Sutherland 35: 12044:Surrender of Germany 11522:Battle of West Hubei 11479:Guadalcanal campaign 11449:Battle of Stalingrad 11375:Battle of Madagascar 10149:Albania protectorate 9936:(formerly Swaziland) 9645:Wehrmacht war crimes 9461:Expulsion of Germans 9245:Art and World War II 9143:British contribution 9092:Governments in exile 8902:Political dissidence 8751:Occupied territories 8494:General Election Law 8318:Taiwan Army of Japan 7713:– Article ID 2501 – 7356:Weinberg, Gerhard L. 6875:Chang, Iris (1997). 6834:Booth, Alan (1996). 6684:Cook & Cook 1992 6660:Cook & Cook 1992 6636:Cook & Cook 1992 6605:on 24 September 2015 5711:MacArthur, Douglas. 5419:Nihonjin no sensôkan 5216:, pp. 154–164; 5089:. Psychology Press. 4049:, pp. 153–154.) 3587:, pp. 158, 195. 3546:Surrender of Germany 3461:, 18 September 1945. 3435:British North Borneo 2940:B-29 Superfortresses 1268:, Air Force General 1143:Trinity nuclear test 1139:Leslie R. Groves Jr. 780:Minister of the Navy 776:Minister of the Army 699:Defense preparations 675:on 24 July during a 580:Philippines campaign 526:refused to surrender 523:Asia and the Pacific 336:Hokkaido (cancelled) 54:as American General 12305:End of World War II 12228:35.35472; 139.76000 12218: /  12134:Potsdam Declaration 12023:Italy (Spring 1945) 11786:Liberation of Paris 11243:Siege of Sevastopol 10261:(until August 1944) 10164:Wang Jingwei regime 9986:from September 1943 9946:from September 1944 9884:from September 1944 9744:Romanian war crimes 9735:Persecution of Jews 9721:Croatian war crimes 9691:Japanese war crimes 9505:Occupation of Japan 9454:First Indochina War 9166:Military production 9078:Declarations of war 8721:Wang Jingwei regime 8631:Potsdam Declaration 8622:Soviet–Japanese War 8577:Anti-Comintern Pact 8572:January 28 incident 8557:London Naval Treaty 8434:Triple Intervention 8263:Supreme War Council 8147:deliberative bodies 7674:on 30 October 2021. 7668:Smithsonian Channel 7121:Japan's Longest Day 7030:Hewlett, Richard G. 6854:Butow, Robert J. C. 6795:. Alfred A. Knopf. 6674:, pp. 350–352. 6638:, pp. 40, 468. 6415:, pp. 571–573. 5860:, pp. 409–410. 5812:, pp. 407–408. 5496:, pp. 303–307. 5405:, pp. 295–296. 5357:, pp. 159–162. 5332:, pp. 207–208. 5318:on 15 October 2016. 5295:, pp. 290–291. 5274:, pp. 288–289. 4976:. Diversion Books. 4960:, pp. 283–284. 4948:, pp. 270–271. 4730:, pp. 118–119. 4718:, pp. 145–148. 4673:, pp. 152–153. 4649:, pp. 115–116. 4399:, pp. 344–345. 4387:, pp. 340–342. 4331:, pp. 254–255. 4289:, pp. 376–380. 3895:, pp. 488–489. 3712:, pp. 295–296. 3700:, pp. 100–115. 3340:, being watched by 3313:on 3 September 1945 3232:Bougainville Island 2951:Japanese war crimes 2819:occupation of Japan 2815:Kanagawa Prefecture 2645:Japan Standard Time 2436:Michinori Shiraishi 2396:headquarters where 2376:, commander of the 2354:Potsdam Declaration 2256:Second General Army 2166:, commander of the 2092:Imperial conference 1849:piloted by Colonel 1786:6 August: Hiroshima 1547:Potsdam Declaration 1531:occurred in Germany 1402:Soviet–Japanese War 1213:Karl Taylor Compton 1209:James Bryant Conant 511:Japanese government 496:occupation of Japan 397:Potsdam Declaration 12255:Surrender of Japan 12127:Surrender of Japan 11960:Battle of Iwo Jima 11809:Belgrade offensive 11222:Siege of Leningrad 11106:Battle of Shanggao 11035:British Somaliland 11000:Dunkirk evacuation 10951:Norwegian campaign 10889:Invasion of Poland 10716:Japanese prisoners 9684:Italian war crimes 9615:British war crimes 9530:Soviet occupations 9314:South-West Pacific 9201:Allied cooperation 9159:Military equipment 8449:Russo-Japanese War 8419:Two Lords Incident 8074:Imperial Household 7691:Potsdam Conference 7615:Surrender of Japan 7490:on 10 August 2004. 7478:(September 1995). 7382:Weintraub, Stanley 7319:昭和天皇独白録 寺崎英成・御用掛日記 7289:Spector, Ronald H. 7173:Reynolds, Clark G. 7006:Hasegawa, Tsuyoshi 6838:. Kodansha Globe. 6726:on 3 November 2020 6470:厚生労働省:全国戦没者追悼式について 6280:. 2 September 2020 6201:on 4 November 2009 6175:celebrate the 15th 6150:(17 August 1945), 6104:. The 1945 Project 6039:The New York Times 5723:on 31 January 2017 5196:, 8 August 1945. ( 4905:10.1353/jjs.0.0109 4610:, pp. 19, 25. 4563:No. 1214, 2–3 4125:Strategic Analysis 4001:So Sorry, Mr. Sato 3968:, 13 April 1941. ( 3955:, 13 April 1941. ( 3931:, pp. 39, 68. 3449:Statue of General 3372:Kingdom of Sarawak 3330:Japanese 37th Army 3160:Japanese 18th Army 3062:, 12 September in 3060:Kingdom of Sarawak 3054:, 10 September in 2967:Prince Higashikuni 2917: 2738: 2701:Prince Higashikuni 2577: 2499:Hisatsune Sakomizu 2483:Yoshihiro Tokugawa 2459: 2390:Tadaichi Wakamatsu 2350:Masahiko Takeshita 2330: 2301:Yoshihiro Tokugawa 2219: 2071: 1932: 1924: 1919:Atomic bombing of 1905:Hisatsune Sakomizu 1798: 1744:Hisatsune Sakomizu 1647: 1627:Vyacheslav Molotov 1615:Potsdam Conference 1594:that "he Japanese 1490:Potsdam Conference 1484:Potsdam Conference 1333:Potsdam Conference 1320:Vyacheslav Molotov 1312: 1260:Operation Downfall 1225:Robert Oppenheimer 1217:William L. Clayton 1201:George L. Harrison 1088:Prince Higashikuni 1010: 983:Vyacheslav Molotov 935:Battle of Tsushima 931:Russo–Japanese War 922: 901:Robert J. C. Butow 803: 747:suicide motorboats 681: 677:series of bombings 620:Operation Downfall 568:South West Pacific 564: 494:On 28 August, the 489:surrender of Japan 307:Naval bombardments 75: 60: 12201: 12200: 12159: 12158: 12002:Battle of Okinawa 11901:Burma (1944–1945) 11735:Mariana and Palau 11515:Tunisian campaign 11340:Fall of Singapore 11264:Fall of Hong Kong 11007:Battle of Britain 10860:Operation Himmler 10769: 10768: 10433:Dutch East Indies 10076:Southern Rhodesia 9828: 9827: 9728:Genocide of Serbs 9631:German war crimes 9608:Soviet war crimes 9601:Allied war crimes 9447:Division of Korea 9426:Chinese Civil War 9224:Strategic bombing 9136:Manhattan Project 8910: 8909: 8882:Socialist thought 8830: 8829: 8769:Dutch East Indies 8731:Empire of Vietnam 8649: 8648: 8424:Satsuma Rebellion 8404:Meiji Restoration 8381: 8380: 8191: 8190: 8129:Greater East Asia 8015:Political parties 7970:Foreign relations 7683:Winston Churchill 7610:Library resources 7581:Witts, Max Morgan 7568:978-0-7146-5279-5 7498:(February 1983). 7416:978-0-7566-0521-6 7397:978-0-525-93687-9 7373:978-0-521-55879-2 7347:978-0-275-95475-8 7328:978-4-16-345050-6 7306:978-0-394-74101-7 7275:978-0-415-32292-8 7256:978-0-7679-0778-1 7237:978-0-87249-972-0 7218:978-0-8420-2632-1 7199:978-0-671-44133-3 7090:978-0-8154-1118-5 7043:978-0-520-07186-5 7021:978-0-674-01693-4 6997:978-0-9762669-0-7 6978:978-0-14-100146-3 6965:Frank, Richard B. 6956:978-1-58574-215-8 6937:978-0-393-04686-1 6911:978-1-56584-039-3 6867:978-0-8047-0460-1 6845:978-1-56836-148-2 6826:978-0-06-093130-8 6802:978-0-375-41086-4 6310:. 8 December 2011 6237:"The Last to die" 6125:, pp. 38–39. 5347:Manhattan Project 5308:(9 August 1945). 5069:978-0-8262-6569-2 5039:978-0-295-80631-0 4983:978-1-63576-580-9 4857:Tucker, Spencer. 4773:978-4-7674-2016-5 4763:Kenkyusha. 2004. 4692:978-0-275-98307-9 4584:978-0-19-534096-9 4277:, pp. 81–83. 4226:, pp. 97–99. 4196:978-0-8129-6858-3 4160:, pp. 93–94. 3871:, pp. 44–45. 3859:, pp. 70–71. 3847:, pp. 91–92. 3686:978-0-02-915665-0 3611:, pp. 87–88. 3117:Japanese holdouts 3103:Republic of China 2855:"Rising Sun" flag 2807:Douglas MacArthur 2624: 2605: 2503:Kiichirō Hiranuma 2297:gramophone record 2096:Kiichirō Hiranuma 1874:, and promising: 1820: 1712:Japanese reaction 1655:Freedom of speech 1613:A session of the 1581:Cairo Declaration 1527:Yalta Conferences 1506:Winston Churchill 1478:Events at Potsdam 1396:Soviet intentions 1290:Operation Olympic 1280:, Navy Secretary 1254:Proposed invasion 1221:Ralph Austin Bard 1193:Interim Committee 1135:Manhattan Project 1121:Manhattan Project 1115:Manhattan Project 1099:nations, such as 1080:Battle of Okinawa 1073:Operation Ketsugō 1005:Foreign Minister 985:, in Moscow, and 974:Tehran Conference 970:Nomonhan Incident 950:Grand Chamberlain 717:Operation Ketsugō 689:a series of raids 652:Dutch East Indies 576:Marianas campaign 430:Yalta Conferences 344: 343: 41:Mamoru Shigemitsu 16:(Redirected from 12312: 12242: 12241: 12239: 12238: 12237: 12235: 12230: 12229: 12224: 12219: 12216: 12215: 12214: 12211: 12194: 12187: 12180: 12177:World portal 12175: 12174: 12150: 12143: 12136: 12129: 12120: 12113: 12106: 12097: 12090: 12083: 12076: 12069: 12062: 12053: 12046: 12039: 12037:Prague offensive 12032: 12030:Battle of Berlin 12025: 12018: 12011: 12004: 11997: 11990: 11983: 11976: 11974:Vienna offensive 11969: 11962: 11955: 11953:Battle of Manila 11948: 11928: 11919: 11910: 11903: 11894: 11887: 11880: 11873: 11866: 11859: 11852: 11843: 11834: 11827: 11818: 11811: 11804: 11797: 11788: 11781: 11774: 11767: 11760: 11753: 11746: 11737: 11730: 11721: 11712: 11703: 11696: 11694:Korsun–Cherkassy 11689: 11678: 11656: 11647: 11640: 11633: 11626: 11619: 11612: 11605: 11596: 11589: 11582: 11575: 11566: 11559: 11552: 11545: 11538: 11536:Bombing of Gorky 11531: 11524: 11517: 11497: 11490: 11481: 11474: 11467: 11458: 11451: 11444: 11437: 11426: 11419: 11412: 11405: 11403:Battle of Midway 11398: 11391: 11389:Battle of Gazala 11384: 11377: 11370: 11363: 11356: 11349: 11342: 11322: 11315: 11308: 11301: 11299:Battle of Borneo 11294: 11292:Malayan campaign 11287: 11280: 11273: 11266: 11259: 11252: 11245: 11238: 11236:Bombing of Gorky 11231: 11229:Battle of Moscow 11224: 11217: 11210: 11203: 11196: 11189: 11173: 11166: 11159: 11152: 11145: 11138: 11129: 11122: 11115: 11108: 11101: 11081: 11072: 11065: 11058: 11051: 11044: 11037: 11030: 11023: 11016: 11009: 11002: 10995: 10993:Battle of France 10988: 10981: 10974: 10967: 10960: 10953: 10933: 10926: 10919: 10912: 10905: 10898: 10891: 10869: 10862: 10855: 10848: 10846:Munich Agreement 10841: 10834: 10825: 10818: 10811: 10802: 10795: 10780: 10779: 10762: 10755: 10746: 10739: 10732: 10731:Soviet prisoners 10725: 10718: 10711: 10702: 10695: 10686: 10679: 10672: 10671:German prisoners 10667: 10647: 10638: 10631: 10624: 10619: 10612: 10605: 10598: 10591: 10584: 10577: 10570: 10563: 10556: 10549: 10542: 10535: 10528: 10519: 10512: 10505: 10498: 10491: 10484: 10477: 10470: 10463: 10456: 10449: 10442: 10435: 10428: 10421: 10414: 10407: 10400: 10393: 10373: 10366: 10359: 10352: 10345: 10338: 10331: 10324: 10317: 10310: 10303: 10283: 10276: 10269: 10262: 10254: 10247: 10240: 10231: 10224: 10216: 10209: 10207:French Indochina 10202: 10195: 10188: 10181: 10173: 10166: 10159: 10151: 10131: 10122: 10115: 10106: 10099: 10092: 10085: 10078: 10071: 10064: 10057: 10054:from August 1944 10045: 10038: 10031: 10024: 10017: 10010: 10003: 9996: 9989: 9977: 9970: 9963: 9956: 9949: 9937: 9929: 9922: 9915: 9908: 9901: 9894: 9887: 9875: 9868: 9861: 9854: 9839: 9838: 9819: 9812: 9805: 9798: 9791: 9780: 9765: 9758: 9751: 9746: 9737: 9730: 9723: 9714: 9707: 9700: 9698:Nanjing Massacre 9693: 9686: 9677: 9675:Nuremberg trials 9668: 9661: 9654: 9647: 9640: 9633: 9624: 9617: 9610: 9603: 9583: 9576: 9569: 9560: 9553: 9546: 9539: 9532: 9525: 9516: 9507: 9500: 9493: 9486: 9477: 9470: 9463: 9456: 9449: 9442: 9435: 9428: 9408: 9399: 9392: 9385: 9376: 9369: 9362: 9355: 9346: 9339: 9332: 9323: 9316: 9309: 9302: 9295: 9288: 9281: 9279:Asia and Pacific 9261: 9254: 9247: 9240: 9233: 9226: 9219: 9210: 9208:Mulberry harbour 9203: 9196: 9189: 9182: 9175: 9168: 9161: 9154: 9145: 9138: 9131: 9122: 9115: 9108: 9101: 9094: 9087: 9080: 9073: 9066: 9059: 9050: 9043: 9028: 9027: 9016: 9009: 9000: 8993: 8986: 8979: 8972: 8965: 8958: 8937: 8930: 8923: 8914: 8913: 8872:Shinmin no Michi 8862:Internment camps 8774:French Indochina 8658: 8657: 8509:Taishō Democracy 8390: 8389: 8313:Japanese holdout 8200: 8199: 8124:Colonial Affairs 8058: 8057: 7985:Yokusan Sonendan 7891: 7883: 7875: 7859: 7858: 7785:Economic history 7744: 7737: 7730: 7721: 7720: 7712: 7675: 7651:Internet Archive 7598: 7572: 7553: 7540: 7538: 7536: 7531:on 16 March 2003 7519: 7517: 7515: 7506:. Archived from 7496:Glantz, David M. 7491: 7471: 7441: 7420: 7401: 7390:. Dutton Adult. 7377: 7351: 7332: 7310: 7298: 7282:Extracts on-line 7279: 7260: 7241: 7222: 7203: 7191: 7180: 7168: 7130: 7124: 7115: 7105: 7094: 7082: 7068: 7047: 7025: 7001: 6982: 6960: 6941: 6929: 6915: 6894: 6882: 6871: 6849: 6830: 6806: 6787: 6748: 6742: 6736: 6735: 6733: 6731: 6715: 6709: 6708: 6697: 6691: 6681: 6675: 6669: 6663: 6657: 6651: 6645: 6639: 6633: 6627: 6621: 6615: 6614: 6612: 6610: 6591: 6585: 6584: 6582: 6580: 6566: 6560: 6559: 6557: 6555: 6544: 6538: 6537: 6535: 6533: 6518: 6512: 6511: 6509: 6507: 6493: 6487: 6486: 6484: 6482: 6465: 6459: 6446: 6440: 6434: 6428: 6422: 6416: 6410: 6404: 6398: 6392: 6391: 6386: 6384: 6361: 6355: 6352: 6346: 6345: 6343: 6341: 6335:The Vintage News 6326: 6320: 6319: 6317: 6315: 6296: 6290: 6289: 6287: 6285: 6270: 6261: 6258: 6252: 6251: 6249: 6247: 6232: 6226: 6225:, p. 271ff. 6220: 6211: 6210: 6208: 6206: 6200: 6193: 6184: 6178: 6171: 6165: 6164: 6144: 6138: 6132: 6126: 6120: 6114: 6113: 6111: 6109: 6102:"History – 1945" 6098: 6092: 6091: 6089: 6087: 6082:. 15 August 2012 6070: 6064: 6058: 6052: 6051: 6049: 6047: 6030: 6019: 6013: 6007: 6001: 5995: 5989: 5983: 5977: 5971: 5965: 5959: 5953: 5947: 5941: 5935: 5929: 5920: 5914: 5908: 5902: 5891: 5885: 5879: 5876: 5870: 5867: 5861: 5855: 5849: 5843: 5837: 5831: 5825: 5819: 5813: 5807: 5801: 5795: 5789: 5783: 5774: 5768: 5757: 5745:Fuller, Richard 5743: 5737: 5736: 5730: 5728: 5719:. Archived from 5708: 5702: 5696: 5690: 5684: 5675: 5669: 5660: 5659:, U Washington.) 5637: 5631: 5623: 5617: 5613: 5607: 5601: 5595: 5594:, U Washington.) 5584: 5578: 5572: 5566: 5560: 5554: 5548: 5533: 5527: 5521: 5515: 5509: 5503: 5497: 5486: 5480: 5474: 5468: 5455: 5446: 5440: 5434: 5428: 5422: 5412: 5406: 5400: 5394: 5388: 5382: 5376: 5370: 5364: 5358: 5339: 5333: 5327: 5321: 5319: 5306:Truman, Harry S. 5302: 5296: 5290: 5284: 5281: 5275: 5269: 5263: 5257: 5251: 5250: 5248: 5246: 5231: 5225: 5211: 5205: 5191: 5185: 5184: 5182: 5180: 5163: 5157: 5156: 5154: 5152: 5143: 5134: 5128: 5127: 5121: 5117: 5115: 5107: 5105: 5103: 5080: 5074: 5073: 5053: 5044: 5043: 5023: 5014: 5013: 5011: 5009: 4994: 4988: 4987: 4967: 4961: 4955: 4949: 4943: 4937: 4927: 4921: 4920: 4884: 4878: 4870: 4864: 4855: 4849: 4846:No. 1225, 2 4836: 4830: 4820: 4814: 4813: 4781: 4775: 4761: 4755: 4749: 4743: 4737: 4731: 4725: 4719: 4713: 4707: 4701: 4695: 4680: 4674: 4668: 4662: 4656: 4650: 4644: 4638: 4632: 4623: 4617: 4611: 4605: 4599: 4593: 4587: 4572: 4566: 4553: 4547: 4537: 4531: 4521: 4515: 4505: 4499: 4492:No. 1205, 2 4482: 4476: 4466: 4460: 4454: 4448: 4442: 4436: 4430: 4424: 4418: 4412: 4406: 4400: 4394: 4388: 4382: 4373: 4367: 4361: 4355: 4349: 4343: 4332: 4326: 4320: 4319: 4317: 4315: 4296: 4290: 4284: 4278: 4272: 4266: 4260: 4254: 4248: 4242: 4236: 4227: 4221: 4215: 4205: 4199: 4179: 4173: 4167: 4161: 4155: 4149: 4148: 4120: 4099: 4093: 4087: 4081: 4075: 4035: 4029: 4019:Russia and Japan 4016: 4010: 4009:, 16 April 1945. 3997: 3991: 3983: 3977: 3950: 3944: 3938: 3932: 3926: 3920: 3914: 3908: 3902: 3896: 3890: 3884: 3878: 3872: 3866: 3860: 3854: 3848: 3842: 3836: 3830: 3824: 3818: 3812: 3805: 3799: 3793: 3787: 3780:Yoshiaki Yoshimi 3755: 3749: 3743: 3737: 3731: 3725: 3719: 3713: 3707: 3701: 3695: 3689: 3671: 3665: 3659: 3648: 3642: 3636: 3630: 3624: 3618: 3612: 3606: 3600: 3594: 3588: 3582: 3576: 3570: 3510: 3505: 3504: 3503: 3470: 3446: 3426: 3407: 3392:Lord Mountbatten 3383: 3356: 3322: 3302: 3291:Operation Jurist 3267: 3256:French Indochina 3247: 3224: 3214:Taipei City Hall 3202: 3179: 3168:Horace Robertson 3152: 3107:Treaty of Taipei 3041:Caroline Islands 3037:George D. Murray 3015: 3014: 3013: 3007: 2997: 2996: 2995: 2989: 2965:, and his uncle 2959:Prince Takamatsu 2932:Matthew C. Perry 2773:President Truman 2626: 2625: 2607: 2606: 2574: 2455:Shizuichi Tanaka 2414:Shizuichi Tanaka 2394:Air General Army 2378:2nd General Army 2370:1st General Army 2366:Torashirō Kawabe 2127: 2044:prisoners of war 2029:found it first. 1963: 1822: 1821: 1795: 1762: 1760: 1759: 1753: 1635:William D. Leahy 1185:Henry A. Wallace 1174:Henry L. Stimson 1171:Secretary of War 978:Yalta Conference 960: 882:Richard B. Frank 721:defense in depth 628:Germany's defeat 590:was replaced as 416:(in addition to 395:of Japan in the 115: 101: 94: 87: 78: 77: 21: 12320: 12319: 12315: 12314: 12313: 12311: 12310: 12309: 12245: 12244: 12233: 12231: 12227: 12225: 12221: 12220: 12217: 12212: 12209: 12207: 12205: 12204: 12202: 12197: 12190: 12183: 12169: 12167: 12155: 12146: 12139: 12132: 12125: 12116: 12109: 12102: 12093: 12088:Atomic bombings 12086: 12079: 12072: 12065: 12058: 12049: 12042: 12035: 12028: 12021: 12014: 12007: 12000: 11993: 11986: 11979: 11972: 11965: 11958: 11951: 11944: 11931: 11924: 11913: 11906: 11899: 11890: 11883: 11876: 11869: 11862: 11855: 11846: 11837: 11830: 11821: 11814: 11807: 11800: 11791: 11784: 11779:Eastern Romania 11777: 11772:Warsaw Uprising 11770: 11765:Tannenberg Line 11763: 11756: 11751:Western Ukraine 11749: 11740: 11733: 11724: 11715: 11706: 11699: 11692: 11681: 11672: 11659: 11652: 11643: 11636: 11629: 11622: 11615: 11608: 11601: 11592: 11585: 11578: 11569: 11562: 11555: 11548: 11543:Battle of Kursk 11541: 11534: 11527: 11520: 11513: 11500: 11493: 11484: 11477: 11470: 11461: 11454: 11447: 11440: 11431: 11422: 11415: 11408: 11401: 11394: 11387: 11380: 11373: 11366: 11359: 11354:St Nazaire Raid 11352: 11345: 11338: 11325: 11318: 11311: 11304: 11297: 11290: 11283: 11276: 11269: 11262: 11255: 11248: 11241: 11234: 11227: 11220: 11213: 11206: 11199: 11192: 11178: 11169: 11162: 11155: 11148: 11141: 11136:Anglo-Iraqi War 11134: 11127:Battle of Crete 11125: 11118: 11111: 11104: 11097: 11084: 11075: 11068: 11061: 11056:Eastern Romania 11054: 11047: 11040: 11033: 11026: 11019: 11012: 11005: 10998: 10991: 10984: 10977: 10970: 10963: 10956: 10949: 10936: 10929: 10922: 10915: 10908: 10901: 10894: 10887: 10874: 10865: 10858: 10851: 10844: 10837: 10830: 10821: 10814: 10807: 10798: 10791: 10765: 10758: 10751: 10742: 10735: 10730: 10721: 10714: 10707: 10698: 10691: 10682: 10675: 10670: 10663: 10650: 10643: 10634: 10627: 10622: 10617:Western Ukraine 10615: 10608: 10601: 10594: 10587: 10580: 10573: 10566: 10561:Northeast China 10559: 10552: 10545: 10538: 10531: 10524: 10515: 10508: 10501: 10494: 10487: 10480: 10473: 10466: 10459: 10452: 10445: 10438: 10431: 10424: 10417: 10410: 10403: 10396: 10389: 10376: 10369: 10362: 10355: 10348: 10341: 10334: 10327: 10320: 10313: 10306: 10299: 10286: 10279: 10272: 10267:Slovak Republic 10265: 10257: 10250: 10243: 10238:Empire of Japan 10236: 10227: 10219: 10212: 10205: 10198: 10191: 10184: 10176: 10169: 10162: 10154: 10147: 10134: 10127: 10118: 10111: 10102: 10095: 10088: 10081: 10074: 10067: 10060: 10048: 10041: 10034: 10027: 10020: 10013: 10006: 9999: 9992: 9980: 9973: 9966: 9959: 9952: 9940: 9932: 9925: 9918: 9911: 9904: 9897: 9890: 9878: 9871: 9864: 9857: 9850: 9824: 9815: 9808: 9801: 9794: 9783: 9768: 9761: 9754: 9750:Sexual violence 9749: 9742: 9733: 9726: 9719: 9710: 9703: 9696: 9689: 9682: 9673: 9664: 9657: 9650: 9643: 9636: 9629: 9620: 9613: 9606: 9599: 9586: 9579: 9572: 9565: 9556: 9549: 9542: 9535: 9528: 9519: 9510: 9503: 9496: 9489: 9480: 9473: 9468:Greek Civil War 9466: 9459: 9452: 9445: 9438: 9431: 9424: 9411: 9404: 9395: 9388: 9381: 9372: 9365: 9358: 9351: 9342: 9335: 9328: 9319: 9312: 9305: 9298: 9293:South-East Asia 9291: 9284: 9277: 9264: 9257: 9250: 9243: 9236: 9229: 9222: 9215: 9206: 9199: 9192: 9185: 9178: 9171: 9164: 9157: 9152:Military awards 9150: 9141: 9134: 9127: 9118: 9111: 9104: 9097: 9090: 9083: 9076: 9069: 9062: 9055: 9046: 9039: 9019: 9012: 9005: 8996: 8989: 8982: 8977: 8968: 8961: 8954: 8946: 8941: 8911: 8906: 8892:Yasukuni Shrine 8826: 8803: 8745: 8699: 8645: 8597:Tripartite Pact 8592:Rape of Nanking 8533: 8519:Tapani incident 8463: 8439:Boxer Rebellion 8397: 8377: 8341: 8332: 8281: 8272: 8207: 8187: 8181:Representatives 8149: 8146: 8145:Legislative and 8138: 8104:Foreign Affairs 8067: 8064: 8049: 7948: 7927:Government Seal 7912:Rising Sun Flag 7895: 7889: 7881: 7873: 7860: 7851: 7753: 7751:Empire of Japan 7748: 7696: 7693:on 17 July 1945 7656: 7643:The short film 7635: 7634: 7633: 7618: 7617: 7613: 7606: 7601: 7595: 7569: 7534: 7532: 7513: 7511: 7510:on 23 July 2011 7449: 7447:Further reading 7444: 7438: 7417: 7398: 7374: 7348: 7329: 7320: 7307: 7276: 7257: 7238: 7219: 7200: 7149:10.2307/2539100 7091: 7065: 7044: 7022: 6998: 6979: 6957: 6938: 6930:. W.W. Norton. 6912: 6891: 6868: 6846: 6827: 6803: 6776:10.2307/3641184 6757: 6752: 6751: 6743: 6739: 6729: 6727: 6716: 6712: 6699: 6698: 6694: 6682: 6678: 6670: 6666: 6658: 6654: 6646: 6642: 6634: 6630: 6622: 6618: 6608: 6606: 6593: 6592: 6588: 6578: 6576: 6567: 6563: 6553: 6551: 6546: 6545: 6541: 6531: 6529: 6520: 6519: 6515: 6505: 6503: 6495: 6494: 6490: 6480: 6478: 6477:. 8 August 2007 6473:(in Japanese). 6471: 6467: 6466: 6462: 6456:Wayback Machine 6447: 6443: 6435: 6431: 6423: 6419: 6411: 6407: 6399: 6395: 6382: 6380: 6363: 6362: 6358: 6353: 6349: 6339: 6337: 6327: 6323: 6313: 6311: 6298: 6297: 6293: 6283: 6281: 6272: 6271: 6264: 6259: 6255: 6245: 6243: 6233: 6229: 6221: 6214: 6204: 6202: 6198: 6191: 6185: 6181: 6172: 6168: 6145: 6141: 6133: 6129: 6121: 6117: 6107: 6105: 6100: 6099: 6095: 6085: 6083: 6072: 6071: 6067: 6059: 6055: 6045: 6043: 6032: 6031: 6022: 6014: 6010: 6002: 5998: 5990: 5986: 5978: 5974: 5966: 5962: 5954: 5950: 5942: 5938: 5930: 5923: 5915: 5911: 5903: 5894: 5886: 5882: 5877: 5873: 5868: 5864: 5856: 5852: 5844: 5840: 5832: 5828: 5820: 5816: 5808: 5804: 5796: 5792: 5784: 5777: 5769: 5760: 5744: 5740: 5726: 5724: 5709: 5705: 5697: 5693: 5685: 5678: 5670: 5663: 5638: 5634: 5624: 5620: 5614: 5610: 5602: 5598: 5585: 5581: 5573: 5569: 5561: 5557: 5549: 5536: 5528: 5524: 5516: 5512: 5504: 5500: 5487: 5483: 5475: 5471: 5462: 5456: 5449: 5441: 5437: 5429: 5425: 5413: 5409: 5401: 5397: 5389: 5385: 5377: 5373: 5365: 5361: 5340: 5336: 5328: 5324: 5303: 5299: 5291: 5287: 5282: 5278: 5270: 5266: 5258: 5254: 5244: 5242: 5232: 5228: 5212: 5208: 5202:Yale University 5192: 5188: 5178: 5176: 5164: 5160: 5150: 5148: 5141: 5135: 5131: 5119: 5118: 5109: 5108: 5101: 5099: 5097: 5081: 5077: 5070: 5054: 5047: 5040: 5024: 5017: 5007: 5005: 4995: 4991: 4984: 4968: 4964: 4956: 4952: 4944: 4940: 4928: 4924: 4885: 4881: 4871: 4867: 4856: 4852: 4837: 4833: 4821: 4817: 4782: 4778: 4762: 4758: 4750: 4746: 4738: 4734: 4726: 4722: 4714: 4710: 4702: 4698: 4681: 4677: 4669: 4665: 4657: 4653: 4645: 4641: 4633: 4626: 4618: 4614: 4606: 4602: 4594: 4590: 4573: 4569: 4554: 4550: 4538: 4534: 4522: 4518: 4506: 4502: 4483: 4479: 4467: 4463: 4455: 4451: 4443: 4439: 4431: 4427: 4419: 4415: 4407: 4403: 4395: 4391: 4383: 4376: 4368: 4364: 4356: 4352: 4344: 4335: 4327: 4323: 4313: 4311: 4297: 4293: 4285: 4281: 4273: 4269: 4261: 4257: 4249: 4245: 4237: 4230: 4222: 4218: 4206: 4202: 4180: 4176: 4168: 4164: 4156: 4152: 4121: 4102: 4094: 4090: 4082: 4078: 4074:, p. 184.) 4072:Slavinskiĭ 2004 4050: 4047:Slavinskiĭ 2004 4036: 4032: 4026:Wayback Machine 4017: 4013: 3998: 3994: 3984: 3980: 3974:Yale University 3964: 3961:Yale University 3951: 3947: 3939: 3935: 3927: 3923: 3915: 3911: 3903: 3899: 3891: 3887: 3879: 3875: 3867: 3863: 3855: 3851: 3843: 3839: 3831: 3827: 3819: 3815: 3806: 3802: 3794: 3790: 3764:imperial family 3756: 3752: 3744: 3740: 3732: 3728: 3720: 3716: 3708: 3704: 3696: 3692: 3672: 3668: 3660: 3651: 3643: 3639: 3631: 3627: 3619: 3615: 3607: 3603: 3595: 3591: 3583: 3579: 3571: 3564: 3559: 3554: 3506: 3501: 3499: 3496: 3491: 3490: 3489: 3486: 3471: 3462: 3455:Naozaburo Okabe 3447: 3438: 3427: 3418: 3408: 3399: 3384: 3375: 3357: 3348: 3323: 3314: 3303: 3294: 3268: 3259: 3248: 3239: 3225: 3216: 3203: 3194: 3180: 3171: 3153: 3142: 3141: 3022: 3012:戦没者を追悼し平和を祈念する日 3009: 2991: 2955:Prince Chichibu 2878:George F. Kosco 2874:filmed in color 2838:Atsugi Airdrome 2723: 2709: 2641: 2640: 2632: 2630: 2629: 2628: 2627: 2619: 2616: 2610: 2609: 2608: 2588: 2585: 2578: 2572: 2566: 2555: 2546: 2470:Sōtarō Ishiwata 2440:Imperial Palace 2398:Masakazu Kawabe 2374:Hajime Sugiyama 2319: 2313: 2199: 2149:James F. Byrnes 2145: 2084:Japanese people 2074:fighter pilot, 2068:Korechika Anami 2060: 2048:laws of warfare 1964: 1955: 1936:Neutrality Pact 1913: 1837: 1836: 1828: 1826: 1825: 1824: 1823: 1809: 1806: 1799: 1793: 1788: 1783: 1775:Main articles: 1773: 1754: 1714: 1701:James Forrestal 1643:Harry S. Truman 1639:James F. Byrnes 1596:military forces 1543: 1518: 1486: 1480: 1466:, and possibly 1416:Sakhalin island 1404: 1398: 1302: 1282:James Forrestal 1266:George Marshall 1262: 1256: 1233:Ernest Lawrence 1197:James F. Byrnes 1189:Harry S. Truman 1123: 1117: 1065:Korechika Anami 1057:Mitsumasa Yonai 1053:Supreme Council 1043:, the formerly 953:Hisanori Fujita 946:imperial family 877: 832:Yoshijirō Umezu 826:Mitsumasa Yonai 820:Korechika Anami 782:, Chief of the 756: 701: 556: 550: 491:to the Allies. 449:Harry S. Truman 391:called for the 349:Empire of Japan 345: 340: 326: 290:Mariana Islands 231: 151: 116: 107: 105: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 12318: 12308: 12307: 12302: 12297: 12292: 12287: 12282: 12277: 12272: 12267: 12262: 12260:Occupied Japan 12257: 12199: 12198: 12196: 12195: 12188: 12181: 12164: 12161: 12160: 12157: 12156: 12154: 12153: 12152: 12151: 12144: 12137: 12123: 12122: 12121: 12107: 12104:South Sakhalin 12100: 12099: 12098: 12084: 12077: 12070: 12063: 12056: 12055: 12054: 12040: 12033: 12026: 12019: 12012: 12005: 11998: 11991: 11984: 11977: 11970: 11963: 11956: 11949: 11941: 11939: 11933: 11932: 11930: 11929: 11922: 11921: 11920: 11904: 11897: 11896: 11895: 11881: 11874: 11867: 11860: 11853: 11844: 11835: 11828: 11819: 11812: 11805: 11798: 11789: 11782: 11775: 11768: 11761: 11754: 11747: 11738: 11731: 11722: 11713: 11704: 11697: 11690: 11679: 11669: 11667: 11661: 11660: 11658: 11657: 11650: 11649: 11648: 11641: 11627: 11620: 11613: 11606: 11599: 11598: 11597: 11583: 11576: 11567: 11560: 11553: 11546: 11539: 11532: 11529:Battle of Attu 11525: 11518: 11510: 11508: 11502: 11501: 11499: 11498: 11491: 11482: 11475: 11468: 11459: 11452: 11445: 11438: 11429: 11428: 11427: 11420: 11406: 11399: 11392: 11385: 11378: 11371: 11364: 11357: 11350: 11343: 11335: 11333: 11327: 11326: 11324: 11323: 11316: 11309: 11302: 11295: 11288: 11281: 11278:Battle of Guam 11274: 11267: 11260: 11253: 11246: 11239: 11232: 11225: 11218: 11211: 11204: 11201:Battle of Kiev 11197: 11190: 11176: 11175: 11174: 11160: 11153: 11146: 11139: 11132: 11131: 11130: 11116: 11109: 11102: 11094: 11092: 11086: 11085: 11083: 11082: 11073: 11066: 11059: 11052: 11045: 11038: 11031: 11024: 11017: 11010: 11003: 10996: 10989: 10982: 10975: 10968: 10961: 10954: 10946: 10944: 10938: 10937: 10935: 10934: 10927: 10920: 10913: 10906: 10899: 10892: 10884: 10882: 10876: 10875: 10873: 10872: 10871: 10870: 10863: 10856: 10849: 10842: 10828: 10827: 10826: 10819: 10805: 10804: 10803: 10788: 10786: 10777: 10771: 10770: 10767: 10766: 10764: 10763: 10756: 10749: 10748: 10747: 10740: 10728: 10727: 10726: 10712: 10705: 10704: 10703: 10700:United Kingdom 10696: 10689: 10688: 10687: 10668: 10660: 10658: 10652: 10651: 10649: 10648: 10641: 10640: 10639: 10632: 10620: 10613: 10606: 10599: 10592: 10585: 10578: 10571: 10564: 10557: 10550: 10543: 10536: 10529: 10522: 10521: 10520: 10513: 10499: 10492: 10485: 10478: 10471: 10464: 10457: 10450: 10443: 10436: 10429: 10422: 10415: 10408: 10401: 10394: 10386: 10384: 10378: 10377: 10375: 10374: 10367: 10360: 10353: 10346: 10339: 10332: 10325: 10318: 10311: 10304: 10296: 10294: 10288: 10287: 10285: 10284: 10277: 10270: 10263: 10255: 10248: 10241: 10234: 10233: 10232: 10217: 10210: 10203: 10196: 10189: 10182: 10174: 10167: 10160: 10152: 10144: 10142: 10136: 10135: 10133: 10132: 10125: 10124: 10123: 10109: 10108: 10107: 10104:British Empire 10097:United Kingdom 10093: 10086: 10079: 10072: 10065: 10058: 10046: 10039: 10032: 10025: 10018: 10011: 10004: 9997: 9990: 9978: 9971: 9964: 9957: 9950: 9938: 9930: 9923: 9916: 9913:Czechoslovakia 9909: 9902: 9895: 9888: 9876: 9869: 9862: 9855: 9847: 9845: 9836: 9830: 9829: 9826: 9825: 9823: 9822: 9821: 9820: 9813: 9810:Rape of Manila 9806: 9799: 9792: 9781: 9766: 9759: 9747: 9740: 9739: 9738: 9731: 9717: 9716: 9715: 9708: 9701: 9687: 9680: 9679: 9678: 9671: 9670: 9669: 9662: 9648: 9641: 9627: 9626: 9625: 9618: 9611: 9596: 9594: 9588: 9587: 9585: 9584: 9581:United Nations 9577: 9570: 9563: 9562: 9561: 9554: 9547: 9540: 9526: 9517: 9508: 9501: 9494: 9487: 9478: 9471: 9464: 9457: 9450: 9443: 9440:Decolonization 9436: 9429: 9421: 9419: 9413: 9412: 9410: 9409: 9402: 9401: 9400: 9386: 9379: 9378: 9377: 9370: 9363: 9349: 9348: 9347: 9340: 9326: 9325: 9324: 9317: 9310: 9303: 9296: 9289: 9274: 9272: 9266: 9265: 9263: 9262: 9255: 9248: 9241: 9234: 9227: 9220: 9213: 9212: 9211: 9204: 9190: 9183: 9176: 9169: 9162: 9155: 9148: 9147: 9146: 9132: 9125: 9124: 9123: 9116: 9113:United Kingdom 9109: 9095: 9088: 9081: 9074: 9067: 9060: 9053: 9052: 9051: 9036: 9034: 9025: 9021: 9020: 9018: 9017: 9010: 9003: 9002: 9001: 8994: 8987: 8975: 8974: 8973: 8959: 8951: 8948: 8947: 8940: 8939: 8932: 8925: 8917: 8908: 8907: 8905: 8904: 8899: 8894: 8889: 8884: 8879: 8874: 8869: 8864: 8859: 8854: 8849: 8844: 8838: 8836: 8832: 8831: 8828: 8827: 8825: 8824: 8823: 8822: 8811: 8809: 8805: 8804: 8802: 8801: 8796: 8791: 8786: 8781: 8776: 8771: 8766: 8761: 8755: 8753: 8747: 8746: 8744: 8743: 8738: 8736:State of Burma 8733: 8728: 8723: 8718: 8713: 8707: 8705: 8701: 8700: 8698: 8697: 8692: 8687: 8682: 8677: 8664: 8662: 8655: 8651: 8650: 8647: 8646: 8644: 8643: 8638: 8624: 8619: 8614: 8609: 8604: 8599: 8594: 8589: 8584: 8579: 8574: 8569: 8564: 8562:Musha Incident 8559: 8554: 8552:Jinan incident 8549: 8543: 8541: 8535: 8534: 8532: 8531: 8526: 8521: 8516: 8511: 8506: 8501: 8496: 8491: 8486: 8485: 8484: 8473: 8471: 8465: 8464: 8462: 8461: 8456: 8451: 8446: 8441: 8436: 8431: 8426: 8421: 8416: 8411: 8409:Beipu uprising 8406: 8400: 8398: 8393: 8387: 8383: 8382: 8379: 8378: 8376: 8375: 8373:Treaty Faction 8370: 8365: 8360: 8355: 8350: 8344: 8342: 8337: 8334: 8333: 8331: 8330: 8325: 8320: 8315: 8310: 8305: 8303:Imperial Guard 8300: 8295: 8290: 8284: 8282: 8277: 8274: 8273: 8271: 8270: 8265: 8260: 8255: 8250: 8245: 8244: 8243: 8228: 8227: 8226: 8221: 8210: 8208: 8203: 8197: 8193: 8192: 8189: 8188: 8186: 8185: 8184: 8183: 8178: 8168: 8163: 8158: 8152: 8150: 8143: 8140: 8139: 8137: 8136: 8131: 8126: 8121: 8116: 8111: 8106: 8101: 8096: 8091: 8086: 8081: 8076: 8070: 8068: 8063:Administration 8061: 8055: 8051: 8050: 8048: 8047: 8042: 8037: 8032: 8027: 8022: 8017: 8012: 8007: 8002: 7997: 7992: 7987: 7982: 7977: 7972: 7967: 7962: 7956: 7954: 7950: 7949: 7947: 7946: 7941: 7940: 7939: 7934: 7929: 7924: 7914: 7909: 7903: 7901: 7897: 7896: 7894: 7893: 7885: 7877: 7868: 7866: 7862: 7861: 7854: 7852: 7850: 7849: 7844: 7839: 7834: 7829: 7828: 7827: 7817: 7812: 7807: 7802: 7797: 7792: 7787: 7782: 7777: 7772: 7767: 7761: 7759: 7755: 7754: 7747: 7746: 7739: 7732: 7724: 7718: 7717: 7694: 7676: 7654: 7641: 7632: 7631: 7626: 7620: 7619: 7608: 7607: 7605: 7604:External links 7602: 7600: 7599: 7593: 7577:Thomas, Gordon 7573: 7567: 7554: 7541: 7520: 7492: 7472: 7462:(3): 229–231. 7450: 7448: 7445: 7443: 7442: 7436: 7421: 7415: 7402: 7396: 7378: 7372: 7352: 7346: 7333: 7327: 7311: 7305: 7285: 7274: 7261: 7255: 7242: 7236: 7223: 7217: 7204: 7198: 7181: 7169: 7143:(2): 154–201. 7132: 7116: 7095: 7089: 7073:Hoyt, Edwin P. 7069: 7063: 7048: 7042: 7026: 7020: 7002: 6996: 6983: 6977: 6961: 6955: 6942: 6936: 6916: 6910: 6895: 6889: 6872: 6866: 6850: 6844: 6831: 6825: 6807: 6801: 6788: 6770:(4): 477–512. 6758: 6756: 6753: 6750: 6749: 6737: 6710: 6692: 6676: 6664: 6652: 6650:, p. 892. 6640: 6628: 6616: 6599:The China Post 6586: 6561: 6539: 6513: 6488: 6460: 6441: 6429: 6417: 6405: 6393: 6375:. USA C-2716. 6371:(Photograph). 6356: 6347: 6321: 6291: 6262: 6253: 6227: 6212: 6179: 6166: 6139: 6127: 6115: 6093: 6065: 6053: 6020: 6018:, p. 311. 6008: 6006:, p. 290. 5996: 5994:, p. 303. 5984: 5982:, p. 411. 5972: 5970:, p. 283. 5960: 5958:, p. 247. 5948: 5946:, p. 246. 5936: 5934:, p. 115. 5932:Wainstock 1996 5921: 5919:, p. 279. 5909: 5907:, p. 410. 5892: 5890:, p. 216. 5880: 5871: 5862: 5850: 5848:, p. 220. 5838: 5836:, p. 319. 5826: 5824:, p. 317. 5814: 5802: 5800:, p. 318. 5790: 5788:, p. 409. 5775: 5773:, p. 244. 5758: 5738: 5703: 5701:, p. 558. 5691: 5689:, p. 315. 5676: 5674:, p. 314. 5661: 5649:Lauris Norstad 5632: 5618: 5608: 5606:, p. 187. 5596: 5579: 5577:, p. 188. 5567: 5565:, p. 183. 5555: 5553:, p. 313. 5534: 5532:, p. 129. 5522: 5520:, p. 129. 5510: 5508:, p. 310. 5498: 5481: 5479:, p. 303. 5469: 5447: 5445:, p. 302. 5435: 5433:, p. 405. 5423: 5407: 5395: 5393:, p. 209. 5383: 5381:, p. 349. 5371: 5369:, p. 298. 5359: 5343:Marcus McDilda 5334: 5322: 5297: 5285: 5276: 5264: 5252: 5226: 5206: 5198:Avalon Project 5186: 5158: 5129: 5120:|website= 5095: 5075: 5068: 5045: 5038: 5015: 4989: 4982: 4962: 4950: 4938: 4922: 4899:(2): 503–504. 4879: 4865: 4850: 4831: 4829:No. 1224. 4815: 4796:(3): 303–318. 4790:The Translator 4776: 4756: 4754:, p. 234. 4744: 4742:, p. 288. 4740:Weintraub 1995 4732: 4720: 4708: 4706:, p. 690. 4696: 4675: 4663: 4661:, p. 279. 4651: 4639: 4624: 4612: 4600: 4588: 4567: 4548: 4546:No. 1212. 4532: 4530:No. 1209. 4516: 4500: 4477: 4475:No. 1201. 4461: 4449: 4447:, p. 149. 4437: 4435:, p. 260. 4425: 4423:, p. 256. 4413: 4401: 4389: 4374: 4362: 4360:, p. 182. 4350: 4333: 4321: 4291: 4279: 4267: 4255: 4253:, p. 102. 4243: 4228: 4216: 4214:, pp. 435–436. 4200: 4187:The Rising Sun 4174: 4162: 4150: 4131:(5): 623–662. 4100: 4088: 4076: 4069: 4068: 4061: 4058: 4055: 4044: 4030: 4011: 3992: 3978: 3970:Avalon Project 3957:Avalon Project 3945: 3943:, p. 291. 3933: 3921: 3909: 3897: 3885: 3873: 3861: 3849: 3837: 3825: 3813: 3800: 3798:, p. 177. 3788: 3776:Akira Fujiwara 3760:Tokyo tribunal 3750: 3738: 3726: 3714: 3702: 3690: 3666: 3664:, p. 363. 3649: 3647:, p. 418. 3637: 3625: 3613: 3601: 3599:, p. 676. 3589: 3577: 3561: 3560: 3558: 3555: 3553: 3550: 3549: 3548: 3543: 3538: 3533: 3528: 3523: 3518: 3512: 3511: 3495: 3492: 3488: 3487: 3483:British Malaya 3475:Frank Messervy 3472: 3465: 3463: 3448: 3441: 3439: 3428: 3421: 3419: 3409: 3402: 3400: 3385: 3378: 3376: 3358: 3351: 3349: 3345:George Wootten 3338:British Borneo 3324: 3317: 3315: 3304: 3297: 3295: 3269: 3262: 3260: 3249: 3242: 3240: 3228:Masatane Kanda 3226: 3219: 3217: 3204: 3197: 3195: 3181: 3174: 3172: 3154: 3147: 3144: 3143: 3139: 3138: 3137: 3121:Teruo Nakamura 3088:Shozo Tominaga 3048:Southeast Asia 3021: 3018: 2987:Shūsen-kinenbi 2784:B-32 Dominator 2769:northern Korea 2722: 2719: 2708: 2705: 2647:on 15 August, 2643:At 12:00 noon 2631: 2617: 2612: 2611: 2586: 2581: 2580: 2579: 2570: 2569: 2568: 2562:Main article: 2554: 2551: 2545: 2542: 2380:Field Marshal 2372:Field Marshal 2334:Kenji Hatanaka 2326:Kenji Hatanaka 2317:Kyūjō incident 2315:Main article: 2312: 2309: 2307:'s secretary. 2198: 2195: 2144: 2141: 2076:Marcus McDilda 2059: 2056: 1961:Foreign Policy 1953: 1912: 1909: 1827: 1807: 1802: 1801: 1800: 1791: 1790: 1789: 1787: 1784: 1772: 1769: 1719:Shun'ichi Kase 1713: 1710: 1692: 1691: 1680: 1679: 1676: 1673: 1619:Clement Attlee 1607: 1606: 1599: 1592: 1561: 1558: 1542: 1539: 1517: 1514: 1510:Clement Attlee 1498:United Kingdom 1482:Main article: 1479: 1476: 1460:South Sakhalin 1452:Inner Mongolia 1420:Kurile Islands 1400:Main article: 1397: 1394: 1301: 1298: 1258:Main article: 1255: 1252: 1237:Arthur Compton 1181:Vice President 1119:Main article: 1116: 1113: 1007:Shigenori Tōgō 942:Fumimaro Konoe 918:Kantarō Suzuki 876: 873: 846: 845: 838:Koshirō Oikawa 834: 828: 822: 816: 814:Shigenori Tōgō 810: 808:Kantarō Suzuki 768:Prime Minister 755: 752: 700: 697: 604:Kantarō Suzuki 592:prime minister 584:loss of Saipan 554:Japan campaign 552:Main article: 549: 546: 418:South Sakhalin 381:United Kingdom 369:ending the war 342: 341: 339: 338: 333: 324: 319: 317:South Sakhalin 314: 309: 304: 297: 292: 286: 285: 281: 280: 275: 270: 265: 260: 255: 250: 245: 240: 235: 229: 224: 219: 214: 209: 204: 199: 194: 189: 184: 179: 174: 169: 164: 163: 162: 149: 144: 139: 134: 132:Doolittle Raid 128: 127: 121: 118: 117: 109:Japan campaign 104: 103: 96: 89: 81: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12317: 12306: 12303: 12301: 12298: 12296: 12293: 12291: 12288: 12286: 12283: 12281: 12278: 12276: 12273: 12271: 12270:1945 in Japan 12268: 12266: 12263: 12261: 12258: 12256: 12253: 12252: 12250: 12243: 12240: 12193: 12189: 12186: 12182: 12179: 12178: 12173: 12166: 12165: 12162: 12149: 12145: 12142: 12138: 12135: 12131: 12130: 12128: 12124: 12119: 12115: 12114: 12112: 12111:Kuril Islands 12108: 12105: 12101: 12096: 12092: 12091: 12089: 12085: 12082: 12078: 12075: 12071: 12068: 12064: 12061: 12057: 12052: 12048: 12047: 12045: 12041: 12038: 12034: 12031: 12027: 12024: 12020: 12017: 12013: 12010: 12006: 12003: 11999: 11996: 11992: 11989: 11985: 11982: 11978: 11975: 11971: 11968: 11964: 11961: 11957: 11954: 11950: 11947: 11943: 11942: 11940: 11938: 11934: 11927: 11923: 11918: 11917: 11912: 11911: 11909: 11905: 11902: 11898: 11893: 11889: 11888: 11886: 11882: 11879: 11878:Syrmian Front 11875: 11872: 11868: 11865: 11861: 11858: 11854: 11851: 11850: 11845: 11842: 11841: 11836: 11833: 11829: 11826: 11825: 11824:Market Garden 11820: 11817: 11813: 11810: 11806: 11803: 11799: 11796: 11795: 11790: 11787: 11783: 11780: 11776: 11773: 11769: 11766: 11762: 11759: 11755: 11752: 11748: 11745: 11744: 11739: 11736: 11732: 11729: 11728: 11723: 11720: 11719: 11714: 11711: 11710: 11705: 11702: 11698: 11695: 11691: 11688: 11684: 11683:Monte Cassino 11680: 11677: 11676: 11671: 11670: 11668: 11666: 11662: 11655: 11651: 11646: 11642: 11639: 11635: 11634: 11632: 11628: 11625: 11621: 11618: 11614: 11611: 11607: 11604: 11600: 11595: 11591: 11590: 11588: 11584: 11581: 11577: 11574: 11573: 11568: 11565: 11561: 11558: 11554: 11551: 11547: 11544: 11540: 11537: 11533: 11530: 11526: 11523: 11519: 11516: 11512: 11511: 11509: 11507: 11503: 11496: 11492: 11489: 11488: 11483: 11480: 11476: 11473: 11469: 11466: 11465: 11460: 11457: 11453: 11450: 11446: 11443: 11439: 11436: 11435: 11430: 11425: 11421: 11418: 11414: 11413: 11411: 11407: 11404: 11400: 11397: 11393: 11390: 11386: 11383: 11379: 11376: 11372: 11369: 11365: 11362: 11358: 11355: 11351: 11348: 11344: 11341: 11337: 11336: 11334: 11332: 11328: 11321: 11317: 11314: 11310: 11307: 11303: 11300: 11296: 11293: 11289: 11286: 11282: 11279: 11275: 11272: 11268: 11265: 11261: 11258: 11254: 11251: 11247: 11244: 11240: 11237: 11233: 11230: 11226: 11223: 11219: 11216: 11212: 11209: 11205: 11202: 11198: 11195: 11191: 11187: 11186: 11181: 11177: 11172: 11168: 11167: 11165: 11161: 11158: 11154: 11151: 11147: 11144: 11140: 11137: 11133: 11128: 11124: 11123: 11121: 11117: 11114: 11110: 11107: 11103: 11100: 11096: 11095: 11093: 11091: 11087: 11080: 11079: 11074: 11071: 11067: 11064: 11060: 11057: 11053: 11050: 11049:Baltic states 11046: 11043: 11039: 11036: 11032: 11029: 11025: 11022: 11018: 11015: 11011: 11008: 11004: 11001: 10997: 10994: 10990: 10987: 10983: 10980: 10976: 10973: 10969: 10966: 10962: 10959: 10955: 10952: 10948: 10947: 10945: 10943: 10939: 10932: 10928: 10925: 10921: 10918: 10914: 10911: 10907: 10904: 10900: 10897: 10893: 10890: 10886: 10885: 10883: 10881: 10877: 10868: 10864: 10861: 10857: 10854: 10850: 10847: 10843: 10840: 10836: 10835: 10833: 10829: 10824: 10820: 10817: 10813: 10812: 10810: 10806: 10801: 10797: 10796: 10794: 10790: 10789: 10787: 10785: 10781: 10778: 10776: 10772: 10761: 10757: 10754: 10750: 10745: 10741: 10738: 10734: 10733: 10729: 10724: 10720: 10719: 10717: 10713: 10710: 10706: 10701: 10697: 10694: 10693:United States 10690: 10685: 10681: 10680: 10678: 10674: 10673: 10669: 10666: 10662: 10661: 10659: 10657: 10653: 10646: 10642: 10637: 10633: 10630: 10629:Quốc dân Đảng 10626: 10625: 10621: 10618: 10614: 10611: 10607: 10604: 10600: 10597: 10593: 10590: 10586: 10583: 10579: 10576: 10572: 10569: 10565: 10562: 10558: 10555: 10551: 10548: 10544: 10541: 10537: 10534: 10530: 10527: 10523: 10518: 10514: 10511: 10507: 10506: 10504: 10500: 10497: 10493: 10490: 10486: 10483: 10479: 10476: 10472: 10469: 10465: 10462: 10458: 10455: 10451: 10448: 10444: 10441: 10437: 10434: 10430: 10427: 10423: 10420: 10416: 10413: 10409: 10406: 10402: 10399: 10395: 10392: 10388: 10387: 10385: 10383: 10379: 10372: 10368: 10365: 10361: 10358: 10354: 10351: 10347: 10344: 10340: 10337: 10333: 10330: 10329:Liechtenstein 10326: 10323: 10319: 10316: 10312: 10309: 10305: 10302: 10298: 10297: 10295: 10293: 10289: 10282: 10278: 10275: 10271: 10268: 10264: 10260: 10256: 10253: 10249: 10246: 10242: 10239: 10235: 10230: 10226: 10225: 10222: 10218: 10215: 10211: 10208: 10204: 10201: 10197: 10194: 10190: 10187: 10183: 10179: 10175: 10172: 10168: 10165: 10161: 10157: 10153: 10150: 10146: 10145: 10143: 10141: 10137: 10130: 10126: 10121: 10117: 10116: 10114: 10113:United States 10110: 10105: 10101: 10100: 10098: 10094: 10091: 10087: 10084: 10080: 10077: 10073: 10070: 10066: 10063: 10059: 10055: 10051: 10047: 10044: 10040: 10037: 10033: 10030: 10026: 10023: 10019: 10016: 10012: 10009: 10005: 10002: 9998: 9995: 9991: 9987: 9983: 9979: 9976: 9972: 9969: 9965: 9962: 9958: 9955: 9951: 9947: 9943: 9939: 9935: 9931: 9928: 9924: 9921: 9917: 9914: 9910: 9907: 9903: 9900: 9896: 9893: 9889: 9885: 9881: 9877: 9874: 9870: 9867: 9863: 9860: 9856: 9853: 9849: 9848: 9846: 9844: 9840: 9837: 9835: 9831: 9818: 9814: 9811: 9807: 9804: 9803:Comfort women 9800: 9797: 9793: 9790: 9787: / 9786: 9782: 9779: 9776: / 9775: 9772: / 9771: 9767: 9764: 9763:Camp brothels 9760: 9757: 9753: 9752: 9748: 9745: 9741: 9736: 9732: 9729: 9725: 9724: 9722: 9718: 9713: 9709: 9706: 9702: 9699: 9695: 9694: 9692: 9688: 9685: 9681: 9676: 9672: 9667: 9663: 9660: 9656: 9655: 9653: 9652:The Holocaust 9649: 9646: 9642: 9639: 9638:forced labour 9635: 9634: 9632: 9628: 9623: 9619: 9616: 9612: 9609: 9605: 9604: 9602: 9598: 9597: 9595: 9593: 9589: 9582: 9578: 9575: 9571: 9568: 9564: 9559: 9555: 9552: 9548: 9545: 9541: 9538: 9534: 9533: 9531: 9527: 9524: 9523: 9518: 9515: 9514: 9509: 9506: 9502: 9499: 9495: 9492: 9491:Marshall Plan 9488: 9485: 9484: 9479: 9476: 9472: 9469: 9465: 9462: 9458: 9455: 9451: 9448: 9444: 9441: 9437: 9434: 9430: 9427: 9423: 9422: 9420: 9418: 9414: 9407: 9403: 9398: 9394: 9393: 9391: 9387: 9384: 9380: 9375: 9371: 9368: 9364: 9361: 9357: 9356: 9354: 9350: 9345: 9344:Eastern Front 9341: 9338: 9337:Western Front 9334: 9333: 9331: 9327: 9322: 9318: 9315: 9311: 9308: 9304: 9301: 9297: 9294: 9290: 9287: 9283: 9282: 9280: 9276: 9275: 9273: 9271: 9267: 9260: 9256: 9253: 9249: 9246: 9242: 9239: 9235: 9232: 9231:Puppet states 9228: 9225: 9221: 9218: 9214: 9209: 9205: 9202: 9198: 9197: 9195: 9191: 9188: 9184: 9181: 9177: 9174: 9173:Naval history 9170: 9167: 9163: 9160: 9156: 9153: 9149: 9144: 9140: 9139: 9137: 9133: 9130: 9126: 9121: 9120:United States 9117: 9114: 9110: 9107: 9103: 9102: 9100: 9096: 9093: 9089: 9086: 9082: 9079: 9075: 9072: 9068: 9065: 9061: 9058: 9054: 9049: 9045: 9044: 9042: 9038: 9037: 9035: 9033: 9029: 9026: 9022: 9015: 9011: 9008: 9004: 8999: 8995: 8992: 8988: 8985: 8981: 8980: 8976: 8971: 8967: 8966: 8964: 8960: 8957: 8953: 8952: 8949: 8945: 8938: 8933: 8931: 8926: 8924: 8919: 8918: 8915: 8903: 8900: 8898: 8895: 8893: 8890: 8888: 8885: 8883: 8880: 8878: 8875: 8873: 8870: 8868: 8865: 8863: 8860: 8858: 8855: 8853: 8850: 8848: 8847:Fukoku kyōhei 8845: 8843: 8840: 8839: 8837: 8833: 8821: 8818: 8817: 8816: 8813: 8812: 8810: 8806: 8800: 8797: 8795: 8792: 8790: 8787: 8785: 8782: 8780: 8777: 8775: 8772: 8770: 8767: 8765: 8762: 8760: 8757: 8756: 8754: 8752: 8748: 8742: 8739: 8737: 8734: 8732: 8729: 8727: 8724: 8722: 8719: 8717: 8714: 8712: 8709: 8708: 8706: 8704:Puppet states 8702: 8696: 8693: 8691: 8688: 8686: 8683: 8681: 8678: 8675: 8674: 8669: 8666: 8665: 8663: 8659: 8656: 8652: 8642: 8639: 8636: 8632: 8628: 8625: 8623: 8620: 8618: 8615: 8613: 8610: 8608: 8605: 8603: 8600: 8598: 8595: 8593: 8590: 8588: 8585: 8583: 8580: 8578: 8575: 8573: 8570: 8568: 8565: 8563: 8560: 8558: 8555: 8553: 8550: 8548: 8545: 8544: 8542: 8540: 8536: 8530: 8527: 8525: 8522: 8520: 8517: 8515: 8512: 8510: 8507: 8505: 8502: 8500: 8497: 8495: 8492: 8490: 8487: 8483: 8480: 8479: 8478: 8475: 8474: 8472: 8470: 8466: 8460: 8457: 8455: 8452: 8450: 8447: 8445: 8442: 8440: 8437: 8435: 8432: 8430: 8427: 8425: 8422: 8420: 8417: 8415: 8412: 8410: 8407: 8405: 8402: 8401: 8399: 8396: 8391: 8388: 8384: 8374: 8371: 8369: 8368:Fleet Faction 8366: 8364: 8361: 8359: 8356: 8354: 8351: 8349: 8348:General Staff 8346: 8345: 8343: 8340: 8335: 8329: 8326: 8324: 8321: 8319: 8316: 8314: 8311: 8309: 8306: 8304: 8301: 8299: 8296: 8294: 8291: 8289: 8288:General Staff 8286: 8285: 8283: 8280: 8275: 8269: 8266: 8264: 8261: 8259: 8256: 8254: 8251: 8249: 8246: 8242: 8241:military code 8240: 8236: 8235: 8234: 8233: 8229: 8225: 8222: 8220: 8217: 8216: 8215: 8212: 8211: 8209: 8206: 8201: 8198: 8194: 8182: 8179: 8177: 8174: 8173: 8172: 8171:Imperial Diet 8169: 8167: 8164: 8162: 8161:Privy Council 8159: 8157: 8154: 8153: 8151: 8148: 8141: 8135: 8132: 8130: 8127: 8125: 8122: 8120: 8117: 8115: 8112: 8110: 8107: 8105: 8102: 8100: 8097: 8095: 8092: 8090: 8087: 8085: 8082: 8080: 8079:Home Ministry 8077: 8075: 8072: 8071: 8069: 8066: 8059: 8056: 8052: 8046: 8043: 8041: 8038: 8036: 8033: 8031: 8028: 8026: 8023: 8021: 8018: 8016: 8013: 8011: 8008: 8006: 8003: 8001: 7998: 7996: 7993: 7991: 7988: 7986: 7983: 7981: 7978: 7976: 7973: 7971: 7968: 7966: 7963: 7961: 7958: 7957: 7955: 7951: 7945: 7942: 7938: 7935: 7933: 7930: 7928: 7925: 7923: 7922:Imperial Seal 7920: 7919: 7918: 7915: 7913: 7910: 7908: 7907:Flag of Japan 7905: 7904: 7902: 7898: 7892: 7886: 7884: 7878: 7876: 7870: 7869: 7867: 7863: 7848: 7845: 7843: 7840: 7838: 7835: 7833: 7830: 7826: 7823: 7822: 7821: 7818: 7816: 7813: 7811: 7808: 7806: 7803: 7801: 7798: 7796: 7793: 7791: 7788: 7786: 7783: 7781: 7778: 7776: 7773: 7771: 7768: 7766: 7763: 7762: 7760: 7756: 7752: 7745: 7740: 7738: 7733: 7731: 7726: 7725: 7722: 7716: 7710: 7706: 7705: 7700: 7695: 7692: 7688: 7687:Joseph Stalin 7684: 7680: 7677: 7673: 7669: 7665: 7664: 7659: 7655: 7652: 7648: 7647: 7642: 7640: 7637: 7636: 7630: 7627: 7625: 7622: 7621: 7616: 7611: 7596: 7594:0-671-81499-0 7590: 7586: 7582: 7578: 7574: 7570: 7564: 7560: 7555: 7551: 7547: 7542: 7530: 7526: 7521: 7509: 7505: 7501: 7497: 7493: 7489: 7485: 7481: 7477: 7473: 7469: 7465: 7461: 7457: 7452: 7451: 7439: 7437:9780203877371 7433: 7429: 7428: 7422: 7418: 7412: 7408: 7403: 7399: 7393: 7389: 7388: 7383: 7379: 7375: 7369: 7365: 7361: 7357: 7353: 7349: 7343: 7339: 7334: 7330: 7324: 7317: 7312: 7308: 7302: 7297: 7296: 7290: 7286: 7283: 7277: 7271: 7267: 7262: 7258: 7252: 7248: 7243: 7239: 7233: 7229: 7224: 7220: 7214: 7210: 7205: 7201: 7195: 7190: 7189: 7182: 7178: 7174: 7170: 7166: 7162: 7158: 7154: 7150: 7146: 7142: 7138: 7133: 7129: 7122: 7117: 7113: 7109: 7104: 7103: 7096: 7092: 7086: 7081: 7080: 7074: 7070: 7066: 7064:9780521566827 7060: 7056: 7055: 7049: 7045: 7039: 7035: 7031: 7027: 7023: 7017: 7013: 7012: 7007: 7003: 6999: 6993: 6989: 6984: 6980: 6974: 6970: 6966: 6962: 6958: 6952: 6948: 6943: 6939: 6933: 6928: 6927: 6921: 6917: 6913: 6907: 6904:. New Press. 6903: 6902: 6896: 6892: 6890:0-465-06835-9 6886: 6881: 6880: 6873: 6869: 6863: 6859: 6855: 6851: 6847: 6841: 6837: 6832: 6828: 6822: 6818: 6817: 6812: 6808: 6804: 6798: 6794: 6789: 6785: 6781: 6777: 6773: 6769: 6765: 6760: 6759: 6746: 6741: 6725: 6721: 6714: 6706: 6702: 6696: 6689: 6688:Galang Island 6685: 6680: 6673: 6668: 6661: 6656: 6649: 6648:Weinberg 1999 6644: 6637: 6632: 6626:, p. 51. 6625: 6620: 6604: 6600: 6596: 6590: 6574: 6573: 6565: 6549: 6543: 6527: 6523: 6517: 6502: 6498: 6492: 6476: 6472: 6464: 6457: 6453: 6450: 6445: 6438: 6433: 6426: 6421: 6414: 6409: 6403:, p. 41. 6402: 6397: 6390: 6378: 6374: 6370: 6366: 6360: 6351: 6336: 6332: 6325: 6309: 6305: 6303: 6295: 6279: 6275: 6269: 6267: 6257: 6242: 6238: 6231: 6224: 6223:Hasegawa 2005 6219: 6217: 6197: 6190: 6187:Wood, James. 6183: 6176: 6170: 6163: 6159: 6155: 6154: 6149: 6143: 6136: 6131: 6124: 6119: 6103: 6097: 6081: 6080: 6075: 6069: 6063:, p. 34. 6062: 6057: 6041: 6040: 6035: 6029: 6027: 6025: 6017: 6012: 6005: 6000: 5993: 5988: 5981: 5976: 5969: 5964: 5957: 5956:Hasegawa 2005 5952: 5945: 5940: 5933: 5928: 5926: 5918: 5913: 5906: 5901: 5899: 5897: 5889: 5884: 5875: 5866: 5859: 5854: 5847: 5842: 5835: 5830: 5823: 5818: 5811: 5806: 5799: 5794: 5787: 5782: 5780: 5772: 5771:Hasegawa 2005 5767: 5765: 5763: 5756: 5755:1-85409-151-4 5752: 5748: 5742: 5735: 5722: 5718: 5714: 5707: 5700: 5695: 5688: 5683: 5681: 5673: 5668: 5666: 5658: 5657:Catalog entry 5654: 5650: 5646: 5642: 5636: 5629: 5622: 5612: 5605: 5600: 5593: 5592:Catalog entry 5589: 5583: 5576: 5571: 5564: 5559: 5552: 5547: 5545: 5543: 5541: 5539: 5531: 5526: 5519: 5518:Terasaki 1991 5514: 5507: 5502: 5495: 5491: 5485: 5478: 5473: 5466: 5460: 5454: 5452: 5444: 5439: 5432: 5427: 5420: 5416: 5411: 5404: 5399: 5392: 5391:Hasegawa 2005 5387: 5380: 5375: 5368: 5367:Hasegawa 2005 5363: 5356: 5352: 5351:samurai sword 5348: 5344: 5338: 5331: 5330:Hasegawa 2005 5326: 5317: 5313: 5312: 5307: 5301: 5294: 5289: 5280: 5273: 5268: 5261: 5256: 5241: 5237: 5230: 5223: 5219: 5215: 5210: 5203: 5199: 5195: 5190: 5175: 5174: 5169: 5162: 5147: 5140: 5133: 5125: 5113: 5098: 5096:9780415322928 5092: 5088: 5087: 5079: 5071: 5065: 5061: 5060: 5052: 5050: 5041: 5035: 5031: 5030: 5022: 5020: 5004: 5000: 4993: 4985: 4979: 4975: 4974: 4966: 4959: 4954: 4947: 4942: 4935: 4931: 4926: 4919: 4914: 4910: 4906: 4902: 4898: 4894: 4890: 4883: 4876: 4875: 4869: 4862: 4861: 4854: 4847: 4845: 4840: 4835: 4828: 4824: 4819: 4811: 4807: 4803: 4799: 4795: 4791: 4787: 4780: 4774: 4770: 4766: 4760: 4753: 4748: 4741: 4736: 4729: 4728:Hasegawa 2005 4724: 4717: 4716:Hasegawa 2005 4712: 4705: 4700: 4693: 4689: 4685: 4679: 4672: 4671:Hasegawa 2005 4667: 4660: 4655: 4648: 4647:Hasegawa 2005 4643: 4637:, p. 86. 4636: 4635:Hasegawa 2005 4631: 4629: 4622:, p. 32. 4621: 4620:Hasegawa 2005 4616: 4609: 4608:Hasegawa 2005 4604: 4598:, p. 60. 4597: 4596:Hasegawa 2005 4592: 4586:S.v. "MAGIC". 4585: 4581: 4577: 4571: 4564: 4562: 4557: 4552: 4545: 4541: 4536: 4529: 4525: 4520: 4513: 4509: 4504: 4497: 4493: 4491: 4486: 4481: 4474: 4470: 4465: 4458: 4457:Hasegawa 2005 4453: 4446: 4445:Hasegawa 2005 4441: 4434: 4429: 4422: 4417: 4411:, p. 90. 4410: 4409:Hasegawa 2005 4405: 4398: 4393: 4386: 4381: 4379: 4372:, p. 19. 4371: 4366: 4359: 4354: 4348:, p. 67. 4347: 4346:Hasegawa 2005 4342: 4340: 4338: 4330: 4325: 4310: 4306: 4302: 4295: 4288: 4283: 4276: 4271: 4265:, p. 94. 4264: 4259: 4252: 4247: 4240: 4235: 4233: 4225: 4220: 4213: 4209: 4204: 4197: 4193: 4189: 4188: 4183: 4178: 4172:, p. 96. 4171: 4166: 4159: 4154: 4146: 4142: 4138: 4134: 4130: 4126: 4119: 4117: 4115: 4113: 4111: 4109: 4107: 4105: 4098:, p. 95. 4097: 4092: 4086:, p. 93. 4085: 4080: 4073: 4066: 4062: 4059: 4056: 4053: 4052: 4048: 4042: 4040: 4034: 4027: 4023: 4020: 4015: 4008: 4007: 4002: 3996: 3989: 3988: 3982: 3975: 3971: 3967: 3962: 3958: 3954: 3949: 3942: 3937: 3930: 3929:Hasegawa 2005 3925: 3919:, p. 39. 3918: 3917:Hasegawa 2005 3913: 3907:, p. 86. 3906: 3901: 3894: 3889: 3883:, p. 89. 3882: 3877: 3870: 3865: 3858: 3853: 3846: 3841: 3835:, p. 92. 3834: 3829: 3823:, p. 67. 3822: 3817: 3811:, p. 63. 3810: 3804: 3797: 3792: 3785: 3781: 3777: 3773: 3772:John W. Dower 3769: 3765: 3761: 3754: 3748:, p. 33. 3747: 3742: 3736:, p. 86. 3735: 3730: 3724:, p. 87. 3723: 3718: 3711: 3710:Hasegawa 2005 3706: 3699: 3694: 3687: 3683: 3679: 3675: 3670: 3663: 3662:Reynolds 1968 3658: 3656: 3654: 3646: 3641: 3634: 3629: 3623:, p. 81. 3622: 3617: 3610: 3605: 3598: 3593: 3586: 3581: 3574: 3569: 3567: 3562: 3547: 3544: 3542: 3539: 3537: 3534: 3532: 3529: 3527: 3524: 3522: 3519: 3517: 3514: 3513: 3509: 3498: 3484: 3480: 3476: 3469: 3464: 3460: 3456: 3452: 3445: 3440: 3436: 3432: 3425: 3420: 3417: 3413: 3406: 3401: 3397: 3393: 3389: 3382: 3377: 3373: 3369: 3365: 3364: 3355: 3350: 3346: 3343: 3339: 3335: 3331: 3327: 3321: 3316: 3312: 3308: 3307:Camp John Hay 3301: 3296: 3292: 3288: 3287:Royal Marines 3284: 3283: 3277: 3273: 3272:Japanese Navy 3266: 3261: 3257: 3253: 3246: 3241: 3237: 3233: 3229: 3223: 3218: 3215: 3211: 3207: 3201: 3196: 3192: 3188: 3187: 3178: 3173: 3169: 3165: 3161: 3157: 3156:Hatazō Adachi 3151: 3146: 3145: 3136: 3134: 3130: 3126: 3122: 3118: 3114: 3112: 3108: 3104: 3100: 3095: 3091: 3089: 3085: 3081: 3077: 3073: 3069: 3065: 3061: 3057: 3053: 3049: 3044: 3042: 3038: 3034: 3030: 3029: 3017: 3006: 3001: 2988: 2983: 2978: 2976: 2972: 2968: 2964: 2963:Prince Mikasa 2960: 2956: 2952: 2948: 2943: 2941: 2937: 2933: 2930:by Commodore 2929: 2928: 2922: 2914: 2909: 2905: 2903: 2899: 2895: 2891: 2887: 2881: 2879: 2875: 2871: 2867: 2863: 2858: 2856: 2852: 2851: 2845: 2843: 2839: 2835: 2831: 2827: 2826: 2820: 2816: 2812: 2808: 2805: 2801: 2796: 2794: 2790: 2785: 2780: 2778: 2774: 2770: 2766: 2761: 2759: 2755: 2754: 2749: 2748: 2743: 2735: 2731: 2727: 2717: 2712: 2704: 2702: 2697: 2693: 2690: 2684: 2680: 2676: 2672: 2668: 2664: 2660: 2657: 2652: 2650: 2646: 2639: 2637: 2615: 2584: 2567: 2565: 2559: 2558: 2550: 2541: 2539: 2533: 2529: 2527: 2521: 2519: 2515: 2511: 2506: 2504: 2500: 2494: 2492: 2491:samurai sword 2488: 2484: 2479: 2475: 2471: 2466: 2464: 2456: 2451: 2447: 2445: 2441: 2437: 2433: 2428: 2426: 2424: 2417: 2415: 2411: 2407: 2406:Jirō Shiizaki 2401: 2399: 2395: 2391: 2387: 2386:Kenji Doihara 2383: 2382:Shunroku Hata 2379: 2375: 2371: 2367: 2361: 2359: 2355: 2351: 2347: 2343: 2339: 2338:Okikatsu Arao 2335: 2327: 2323: 2318: 2308: 2306: 2305:Empress Kōjun 2302: 2298: 2294: 2288: 2286: 2282: 2278: 2272: 2267: 2262: 2259: 2257: 2253: 2252:Shunroku Hata 2247: 2244: 2239: 2236: 2232: 2228: 2227:banzai attack 2224: 2217: 2211: 2207: 2205: 2194: 2192: 2191: 2186: 2180: 2175: 2171: 2169: 2165: 2158: 2153: 2150: 2140: 2138: 2135:at the Swiss 2134: 2129: 2126: 2119: 2116: 2112: 2108: 2104: 2099: 2097: 2093: 2087: 2085: 2079: 2077: 2069: 2066:War Minister 2064: 2054: 2051: 2049: 2045: 2041: 2036: 2033: 2030: 2026: 2023: 2021: 2020:military base 2016: 2011: 2008: 2006: 2002: 1998: 1993: 1989: 1987: 1983: 1979: 1975: 1971: 1970:Japanese Army 1962: 1958: 1952: 1947: 1945: 1941: 1937: 1928: 1922: 1917: 1908: 1906: 1902: 1897: 1895: 1890: 1886: 1880: 1875: 1873: 1869: 1864: 1860: 1856: 1852: 1848: 1844: 1843: 1835: 1833: 1805: 1782: 1778: 1768: 1764: 1752: 1751: 1745: 1739: 1737: 1730: 1728: 1724: 1720: 1709: 1705: 1702: 1697: 1689: 1688: 1687: 1685: 1677: 1674: 1671: 1668: 1664: 1660: 1656: 1652: 1651: 1650: 1644: 1640: 1636: 1632: 1631:Joseph Stalin 1628: 1624: 1620: 1616: 1611: 1604: 1603:war criminals 1600: 1597: 1593: 1590: 1586: 1582: 1578: 1574: 1570: 1566: 1562: 1559: 1556: 1555: 1554: 1550: 1548: 1538: 1534: 1532: 1528: 1524: 1513: 1511: 1507: 1503: 1502:United States 1499: 1495: 1491: 1485: 1475: 1473: 1469: 1465: 1461: 1457: 1453: 1449: 1443: 1441: 1437: 1433: 1429: 1425: 1421: 1417: 1413: 1409: 1408:Pacific Ocean 1403: 1393: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1371: 1365: 1360: 1356: 1352: 1348: 1343: 1340: 1336: 1334: 1328: 1323: 1321: 1317: 1310: 1306: 1297: 1295: 1291: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1275: 1274:William Leahy 1271: 1267: 1261: 1251: 1247: 1245: 1244:Franck Report 1240: 1238: 1234: 1230: 1226: 1222: 1218: 1214: 1210: 1206: 1205:Vannevar Bush 1202: 1198: 1194: 1190: 1186: 1182: 1177: 1175: 1172: 1168: 1164: 1160: 1156: 1152: 1146: 1144: 1140: 1136: 1133:in 1942. The 1132: 1128: 1122: 1112: 1110: 1106: 1102: 1095: 1091: 1089: 1085: 1084:Kwantung Army 1081: 1076: 1074: 1070: 1069:Army minister 1066: 1062: 1061:Navy minister 1058: 1054: 1050: 1046: 1042: 1038: 1034: 1030: 1025: 1019: 1014: 1008: 1003: 999: 996: 990: 988: 984: 979: 975: 971: 967: 962: 959: 954: 951: 947: 943: 938: 936: 932: 928: 927:Joseph Stalin 919: 914: 909: 904: 902: 898: 897: 890: 885: 883: 872: 870: 866: 863: 859: 854: 850: 843: 839: 835: 833: 829: 827: 823: 821: 817: 815: 811: 809: 805: 804: 800: 795: 791: 789: 785: 781: 777: 773: 769: 765: 764:Kuniaki Koiso 761: 751: 748: 746: 740: 738: 734: 730: 726: 722: 718: 712: 708: 706: 696: 694: 690: 686: 678: 674: 670: 669: 663: 659: 657: 653: 648: 644: 639: 637: 636:Kwantung Army 633: 629: 625: 621: 617: 613: 609: 605: 601: 597: 596:Kuniaki Koiso 593: 589: 585: 581: 577: 573: 569: 560: 555: 545: 543: 539: 535: 531: 527: 524: 520: 516: 512: 508: 507: 501: 497: 492: 490: 486: 485:radio address 482: 481: 475: 471: 467: 463: 459: 455: 450: 446: 442: 438: 433: 431: 427: 423: 422:Kuril Islands 419: 415: 411: 406: 402: 398: 394: 390: 389:United States 386: 382: 378: 374: 370: 366: 362: 358: 354: 350: 337: 334: 332: 330: 325: 323: 322:Kuril Islands 320: 318: 315: 313: 310: 308: 305: 303: 302: 298: 296: 293: 291: 288: 287: 283: 282: 279: 276: 274: 271: 269: 266: 264: 261: 259: 256: 254: 251: 249: 246: 244: 241: 239: 236: 234: 230: 228: 225: 223: 220: 218: 215: 213: 210: 208: 205: 203: 200: 198: 195: 193: 190: 188: 185: 183: 180: 178: 175: 173: 170: 168: 165: 161: 160: 156: 155: 154: 150: 148: 145: 143: 140: 138: 135: 133: 130: 129: 126: 123: 122: 119: 114: 110: 102: 97: 95: 90: 88: 83: 82: 79: 72: 71: 64: 57: 53: 52: 46: 42: 39: 34: 30: 19: 12203: 12185:Bibliography 12168: 12126: 11981:Project Hula 11946:Vistula–Oder 11915: 11848: 11839: 11823: 11793: 11742: 11726: 11717: 11708: 11674: 11571: 11486: 11462: 11432: 11183: 11076: 11021:North Africa 10723:Soviet Union 10677:Soviet Union 10603:Soviet Union 10371:Vatican City 10281:Vichy France 10186:German Reich 10083:Soviet Union 10069:South Africa 10062:Sierra Leone 10015:Newfoundland 9834:Participants 9817:Marocchinate 9521: 9512: 9482: 9360:North Africa 9321:Indian Ocean 9180:Nazi plunder 9071:Cryptography 8944:World War II 8835:Other topics 8671: 8626: 8514:Taishō Roman 8268:Conscription 8238: 8230: 8205:Armed Forces 8065:(ministries) 7965:Charter Oath 7960:Constitution 7842:State Shinto 7825:Essentialism 7775:Demographics 7708: 7702: 7685:and Marshal 7672:the original 7661: 7645: 7614: 7584: 7558: 7549: 7545: 7533:. Retrieved 7529:the original 7512:. Retrieved 7508:the original 7488:the original 7483: 7476:Ford, Daniel 7459: 7455: 7426: 7407:World War II 7406: 7386: 7359: 7337: 7315: 7294: 7265: 7246: 7227: 7208: 7187: 7176: 7140: 7136: 7120: 7101: 7078: 7053: 7033: 7010: 6987: 6968: 6946: 6925: 6900: 6878: 6857: 6835: 6815: 6811:Bix, Herbert 6792: 6767: 6763: 6740: 6728:. Retrieved 6724:the original 6713: 6704: 6695: 6679: 6667: 6655: 6643: 6631: 6619: 6607:. Retrieved 6603:the original 6598: 6589: 6577:. Retrieved 6571: 6564: 6554:13 September 6552:. Retrieved 6542: 6530:. Retrieved 6516: 6504:. Retrieved 6500: 6491: 6479:. Retrieved 6463: 6444: 6432: 6420: 6408: 6396: 6388: 6381:. Retrieved 6368: 6359: 6350: 6338:. Retrieved 6334: 6324: 6312:. Retrieved 6307: 6301: 6294: 6282:. Retrieved 6256: 6244:. Retrieved 6240: 6230: 6203:. Retrieved 6196:the original 6182: 6169: 6152: 6142: 6135:Spector 1985 6130: 6118: 6106:. Retrieved 6096: 6084:. Retrieved 6079:The Atlantic 6077: 6068: 6056: 6044:. Retrieved 6037: 6011: 5999: 5987: 5975: 5963: 5951: 5939: 5912: 5883: 5874: 5865: 5853: 5841: 5829: 5817: 5805: 5793: 5746: 5741: 5732: 5725:. Retrieved 5721:the original 5716: 5706: 5694: 5652: 5647:and General 5635: 5621: 5611: 5599: 5587: 5582: 5570: 5558: 5525: 5513: 5501: 5484: 5472: 5438: 5426: 5418: 5410: 5398: 5386: 5374: 5362: 5337: 5325: 5316:the original 5310: 5300: 5288: 5279: 5267: 5255: 5243:. Retrieved 5239: 5229: 5209: 5189: 5177:. Retrieved 5171: 5161: 5149:. Retrieved 5145: 5132: 5100:. Retrieved 5085: 5078: 5058: 5028: 5006:. Retrieved 5002: 4992: 4972: 4965: 4953: 4941: 4934:Seizō Arisue 4925: 4916: 4896: 4892: 4882: 4872: 4868: 4858: 4853: 4843: 4834: 4826: 4818: 4793: 4789: 4779: 4759: 4747: 4735: 4723: 4711: 4699: 4683: 4678: 4666: 4654: 4642: 4615: 4603: 4591: 4575: 4570: 4560: 4551: 4543: 4535: 4527: 4519: 4511: 4503: 4489: 4480: 4472: 4464: 4452: 4440: 4428: 4416: 4404: 4392: 4365: 4358:Schmitz 2001 4353: 4324: 4312:. Retrieved 4294: 4282: 4270: 4258: 4246: 4219: 4211: 4203: 4185: 4182:Toland, John 4177: 4165: 4153: 4128: 4124: 4091: 4079: 4033: 4014: 4004: 3995: 3985: 3981: 3948: 3936: 3924: 3912: 3900: 3888: 3876: 3869:Spector 1985 3864: 3852: 3840: 3828: 3816: 3803: 3791: 3753: 3746:Spector 1985 3741: 3729: 3717: 3705: 3693: 3677: 3669: 3640: 3628: 3616: 3604: 3597:Bellamy 2007 3592: 3580: 3575:, p. 90 3508:Japan portal 3479:Kuala Lumpur 3362: 3281: 3210:Rikichi Andō 3185: 3115: 3096: 3092: 3072:Kuala Lumpur 3068:13 September 3045: 3027: 3023: 2979: 2946: 2944: 2926: 2920: 2918: 2912: 2894:Bruce Fraser 2890:Xu Yongchang 2882: 2869: 2859: 2848: 2846: 2824: 2797: 2781: 2762: 2751: 2745: 2739: 2714: 2710: 2698: 2694: 2692:the Allies. 2686: 2681: 2677: 2673: 2669: 2665: 2661: 2658: 2654: 2642: 2633: 2560: 2557: 2556: 2547: 2534: 2530: 2522: 2510:Masataka Ida 2507: 2495: 2467: 2460: 2432:Takeshi Mori 2429: 2421: 2418: 2402: 2362: 2342:Masataka Ida 2331: 2289: 2273: 2269: 2264: 2260: 2248: 2243:another bomb 2240: 2220: 2214: 2204:in the clear 2200: 2197:13–14 August 2188: 2185:Prince Asaka 2182: 2177: 2172: 2160: 2155: 2146: 2130: 2121: 2117: 2113: 2109: 2105: 2101: 2088: 2080: 2072: 2052: 2037: 2034: 2031: 2027: 2024: 2017: 2013: 2009: 1994: 1990: 1966: 1960: 1949: 1940:war on Japan 1933: 1898: 1894:Soemu Toyoda 1882: 1877: 1857:(code-named 1851:Paul Tibbets 1840: 1838: 1829: 1765: 1741: 1735: 1732: 1715: 1706: 1693: 1681: 1670:human rights 1648: 1623:Ernest Bevin 1551: 1544: 1535: 1519: 1516:Negotiations 1494:Soviet Union 1487: 1444: 1405: 1367: 1362: 1358: 1354: 1350: 1345: 1341: 1337: 1330: 1325: 1316:Naotake Satō 1313: 1309:Naotake Satō 1276:and Admiral 1270:Henry Arnold 1263: 1248: 1241: 1229:Enrico Fermi 1178: 1147: 1131:atomic bombs 1124: 1109:Vatican City 1097: 1093: 1077: 1021: 1016: 1011: 991: 963: 939: 923: 906: 894: 892: 887: 878: 855: 851: 847: 842:Soemu Toyoda 801:in June 1945 757: 744: 741: 714: 710: 702: 682: 667: 640: 626:. Following 624:Home Islands 616:staging area 565: 505: 493: 488: 479: 434: 405:Soviet Union 353:World War II 346: 328: 300: 159:Meetinghouse 158: 69: 50: 29: 12226: / 12213:139°45′36″E 11916:Bodenplatte 11802:Gothic Line 11028:West Africa 10575:Philippines 10554:Netherlands 10419:Czech lands 10357:Switzerland 10301:Afghanistan 10252:Philippines 10120:Puerto Rico 10036:Philippines 10022:New Zealand 10008:Netherlands 9961:Free France 9712:Prosecution 9513:Osoaviakhim 9383:West Africa 9367:East Africa 9014:Conferences 8877:Shōwa Modan 8852:Hakkō ichiu 8789:Philippines 8676:after 1943) 8654:Territories 8612:Pacific War 8477:World War I 8353:Air Service 8293:Air Service 8166:Gozen Kaigi 7882:(Yoshihito) 7874:(Mutsuhito) 7820:Nationalism 7765:Agriculture 7299:. Vintage. 6920:Dower, John 6755:Works cited 6579:25 February 6481:16 February 6340:5 September 6284:3 September 5749:1992 p.290 5727:16 February 5641:Carl Spaatz 5379:Coffey 1970 5341:The pilot, 4704:Rhodes 1986 4065:Kōki Hirota 3809:Wilson 2009 3768:Herbert Bix 3698:Skates 1994 3645:Feifer 2001 3585:Skates 1994 3084:repatriated 2868:aboard USS 2830:4th Marines 2753:Dancing Man 2489:him with a 2474:Kōichi Kido 2358:coup d'état 2346:Inaba Masao 2231:Pacific War 2164:Carl Spaatz 2133:Max Grässli 1978:martial law 1957:Ward Wilson 1938:, declared 1872:atomic bomb 1696:Joseph Grew 1667:fundamental 1659:of religion 1454:, northern 1440:Port Arthur 1424:Soya Strait 1412:Vladivostok 1382:Pacific War 1374:Purple code 1288:to discuss 1286:John McCloy 1278:Ernest King 1101:Switzerland 1029:Philippines 1024:Kōichi Kido 987:Yakov Malik 865:Kōichi Kido 600:Philippines 594:by General 588:Hideki Tōjō 513:signed the 498:led by the 480:coup d'état 441:atomic bomb 359:by Emperor 331:(cancelled) 113:Pacific War 47:aboard the 12295:Surrenders 12249:Categories 12232: ( 12210:35°21′17″N 12016:West Hunan 11849:Pointblank 11185:Silver Fox 11171:Summer War 10924:Winter War 10903:Phoney War 10684:Azerbaijan 10645:Yugoslavia 10540:Luxembourg 10382:Resistance 10129:Yugoslavia 9994:Luxembourg 9796:Sook Ching 9592:War crimes 9194:Technology 9187:Opposition 9129:Lend-Lease 9106:Australian 9099:Home front 9057:Blitzkrieg 9007:Casualties 8998:Commanders 8970:Operations 8641:Occupation 8469:Taishō era 8414:Boshin War 8258:War crimes 8054:Government 8030:Tonarigumi 7937:Privy Seal 7932:State Seal 7890:(Hirohito) 7815:Militarism 7770:Censorship 7112:B0006CAM7I 6672:Frank 1999 6624:Dower 1999 6532:18 October 6401:Dower 1999 6162:Q108108292 6123:Dower 1999 6061:Dower 1999 5888:Butow 1954 5846:Butow 1954 5834:Frank 1999 5822:Frank 1999 5798:Frank 1999 5687:Frank 1999 5672:Frank 1999 5643:, head of 5628:Frank 1999 5551:Frank 1999 5506:Frank 1999 5494:Frank 1999 5477:Frank 1999 5443:Frank 1999 5403:Frank 1999 5355:Hagen 1996 5293:Frank 1999 5272:Frank 1999 5260:Asada 1998 5214:Butow 1954 4958:Frank 1999 4946:Frank 1999 4930:Frank 1999 4839:Frank 1999 4823:Frank 1999 4752:Frank 1999 4659:Frank 1999 4556:Frank 1999 4540:Frank 1999 4524:Frank 1999 4508:Frank 1999 4485:Frank 1999 4469:Frank 1999 4433:Frank 1999 4421:Frank 1999 4329:Frank 1999 4314:23 January 4263:Frank 1999 4251:Frank 1999 4239:Frank 1999 4224:Frank 1999 4208:Frank 1999 4170:Frank 1999 4158:Frank 1999 4096:Frank 1999 4084:Frank 1999 3941:Frank 1999 3905:Hogan 1996 3881:Frank 1999 3857:Butow 1954 3845:Frank 1999 3833:Frank 1999 3821:Booth 1996 3796:Chang 1997 3784:Frank 1999 3734:Frank 1999 3722:Frank 1999 3674:Frank 1999 3621:Frank 1999 3609:Frank 1999 3573:Frank 1999 3552:References 3361:HMAS  3326:Masao Baba 3236:New Guinea 3184:HMAS  3076:Kuomintang 3033:Truk Atoll 2817:, and the 2636:media help 2538:death poem 2487:disembowel 2336:, Colonel 2235:Tsuchizaki 1859:Little Boy 1832:media help 1663:of thought 1500:, and the 1370:had broken 1107:, and the 880:historian 869:Iris Chang 632:since 1941 586:, General 578:, and the 548:Background 530:the ethics 312:Sagami Bay 301:Starvation 233:Utsunomiya 43:signs the 12081:Manchuria 11967:Indochina 11743:Bagration 11194:Lithuania 10839:Anschluss 10636:Viet Minh 10533:Lithuania 10475:Hong Kong 10245:Manchukuo 10200:Azad Hind 9859:Australia 9659:Aftermath 9522:Paperclip 9417:Aftermath 9217:Total war 9085:Diplomacy 9048:In Europe 8842:Sonnō jōi 8794:Singapore 8779:Hong Kong 8741:Azad Hind 8716:Mengjiang 8711:Manchukuo 8685:Kantō-shū 8627:Surrender 8539:Shōwa era 8524:Truku War 8395:Meiji era 8363:Tokkeitai 8328:Kempeitai 8239:Senjinkun 8156:Daijō-kan 8119:Munitions 8000:Mokusatsu 7790:Education 7585:Enola Gay 7583:(1978) . 7468:0043-0374 7165:153741180 6701:"Preface" 6609:14 August 6383:27 August 6205:12 August 6108:11 August 5980:Hoyt 1986 5905:Hoyt 1986 5858:Hoyt 1986 5810:Hoyt 1986 5786:Hoyt 1986 5431:Hoyt 1986 5218:Hoyt 1986 5179:28 August 5151:28 August 5122:ignored ( 5112:cite book 5102:28 August 4913:1549-4721 4810:148299383 4198:. p. 923. 4145:154800868 3633:Pape 1993 3557:Footnotes 3451:Sun Weiru 3416:Hong Kong 3280:HMS  3129:Communist 3064:Singapore 3026:USS  2925:USS  2866:Tokyo Bay 2823:USS  2730:MacArthur 2544:Surrender 2512:that the 2143:12 August 1863:Hiroshima 1842:Enola Gay 1750:mokusatsu 1736:mokusatsu 1723:save face 1448:Manchuria 1155:Hiroshima 1049:Manchukuo 737:kamikazes 504:USS  478:a failed 445:Hiroshima 437:detonated 410:Manchuria 357:announced 248:Yokkaichi 238:Toyohashi 227:Hiratsuka 222:Hamamatsu 125:Air raids 68:USS  49:USS  36:Japanese 12192:Category 12141:document 12051:document 11908:Ardennes 11892:Budapest 11840:Crossbow 11718:Overlord 11557:Smolensk 10775:Timeline 10610:Slovakia 10596:Thailand 10447:Ethiopia 10412:Bulgaria 10336:Portugal 10274:Thailand 10156:Bulgaria 9934:Eswatini 9927:Ethiopia 9880:Bulgaria 9705:Unit 731 9666:Response 9483:Keelhaul 9433:Cold War 9406:Americas 9397:timeline 9390:Atlantic 9270:Theaters 8820:Yen bloc 8808:Ideology 8799:Thailand 8668:Karafuto 8661:Colonies 8253:Kamikaze 8196:Military 8099:Treasury 7953:Policies 7944:Kimigayo 7865:Emperors 7832:Politics 7800:Eugenics 7758:Overview 7384:(1995). 7358:(1999). 7291:(1985). 7175:(1968). 7075:(1986). 7008:(2005). 6967:(1999). 6922:(1999). 6856:(1954). 6813:(2001). 6730:2 August 6506:11 March 6452:Archived 6413:Bix 2001 6377:Archived 6302:Missouri 6158:Wikidata 6148:Hirohito 6046:8 August 5699:Bix 2001 5530:Bix 2001 5421:, 42–43. 5415:Bix 2001 4767:5th ed. 4694:. p. 62. 4309:77648098 4022:Archived 3893:Bix 2001 3494:See also 3431:Keningau 3133:Thailand 3028:Portland 2947:Missouri 2927:Powhatan 2921:Missouri 2913:Missouri 2870:Missouri 2850:Hinomaru 2825:Missouri 2478:blackout 1997:Nagasaki 1982:Hirohito 1954:—  1921:Nagasaki 1569:Hokkaidō 1468:Hokkaidō 1418:and the 1294:Red Army 1159:Yokohama 1037:Karafuto 958:tennōzan 858:Hirohito 856:Emperor 729:Iwo Jima 645:and the 608:Iwo Jima 506:Missouri 470:Nagasaki 420:and the 361:Hirohito 329:Downfall 273:2nd Kure 268:Yokosuka 263:Kumagaya 258:Shizuoka 243:Toyokawa 182:1st Kure 70:Missouri 51:Missouri 12118:Shumshu 11885:Hungary 11832:Estonia 11816:Lapland 11794:Dragoon 11727:Neptune 11709:Ichi-Go 11675:Tempest 11617:Changde 11572:Cottage 11464:Jubilee 11180:Finland 11078:Compass 10784:Prelude 10737:Finland 10623:Vietnam 10589:Romania 10461:Germany 10440:Estonia 10426:Denmark 10405:Belgium 10398:Austria 10391:Albania 10322:Ireland 10308:Andorra 10292:Neutral 10259:Romania 10193:Hungary 10178:Finland 10050:Romania 9942:Finland 9920:Denmark 9866:Belgium 9852:Algeria 9558:Romania 9544:Hungary 9300:Pacific 9024:General 8978:Leaders 8963:Battles 8956:Outline 8386:History 8358:Marines 7995:Kokutai 7900:Symbols 7880:Taishō 7837:Statism 7780:Economy 7689:at the 7157:2539100 6784:3641184 6314:9 March 6246:8 April 5245:18 June 5173:NK News 3388:Itagaki 3368:Kuching 3363:Kapunda 3278:aboard 3206:Chen Yi 3186:Moresby 2982:V-J Day 2971:Akihito 2886:Chinese 2423:seppuku 2190:kokutai 2125:sekinin 2001:Fat Man 1727:leaflet 1577:Shikoku 1508:(later 1464:Kuriles 1167:Niigata 1033:Formosa 1018:future. 903:wrote: 896:haragei 745:Shin'yō 733:Okinawa 725:Peleliu 691:on the 612:Okinawa 534:debated 519:V-J Day 284:Battles 253:Okazaki 197:Fukuoka 142:Nagaoka 111:of the 12095:Debate 12067:Taipei 12060:Borneo 11638:Tarawa 10832:Europe 10793:Africa 10582:Poland 10568:Norway 10547:Malaya 10526:Latvia 10468:Greece 10454:France 10350:Sweden 10315:Bhutan 10043:Poland 10029:Norway 10001:Mexico 9968:Greece 9954:France 9892:Canada 9873:Brazil 9843:Allies 9789:Serbia 9778:Poland 9551:Poland 9537:Baltic 9330:Europe 9032:Topics 8984:Allied 8784:Malaya 8759:Borneo 8695:Taiwan 8690:Nan'yō 8680:Chōsen 8673:naichi 7888:Shōwa 7872:Meiji 7847:Kazoku 7795:System 7612:about 7591:  7565:  7535:31 May 7514:31 May 7466:  7434:  7413:  7394:  7370:  7344:  7325:  7303:  7272:  7253:  7234:  7215:  7196:  7163:  7155:  7110:  7087:  7061:  7040:  7018:  6994:  6975:  6953:  6934:  6908:  6887:  6864:  6842:  6823:  6799:  6782:  6160:  6086:23 May 5753:  5093:  5066:  5036:  5008:23 May 4980:  4911:  4848:(PDF). 4808:  4771:  4690:  4582:  4565:(PDF). 4307:  4194:  4143:  3778:, and 3762:, the 3684:  3334:Labuan 3311:Baguio 3282:Nelson 3276:Penang 3252:Saigon 3080:Taiwan 3074:. The 3066:, and 3056:Labuan 3052:Penang 2915:(left) 2902:France 2811:Atsugi 2800:Manila 2348:, and 1868:Truman 1661:, and 1641:, and 1589:Taiwan 1573:Kyūshū 1565:Honshū 1523:Tehran 1496:, the 1462:, the 1438:, and 1436:Dairen 1235:, and 1219:, and 1165:, and 1163:Kokura 1105:Sweden 1067:, the 1059:, the 1045:German 731:, and 705:Kyūshū 668:Haruna 574:, the 474:Allies 456:, the 426:Tehran 387:, the 365:signed 212:Aomori 187:Sendai 167:Nagoya 147:Numazu 137:Yawata 11871:Leyte 11701:Narva 11687:Anzio 11645:Makin 11603:Burma 11487:Torch 11456:Rzhev 11417:Kiska 10503:Korea 10489:Japan 10482:Italy 10364:Tibet 10343:Spain 10221:Italy 9982:Italy 9975:India 9899:China 9774:Japan 9374:Italy 9286:China 9238:Women 8764:Burma 8482:Entry 8176:Peers 8040:Senbu 8025:Tokkō 7161:S2CID 7153:JSTOR 6780:JSTOR 6199:(PDF) 6192:(PDF) 5142:(PDF) 4806:S2CID 4141:S2CID 3459:Wuhan 3191:Timor 2994:終戦記念日 2842:Tokyo 2734:Perry 2223:Ultra 2005:Umezu 1984:told 1974:Anami 1585:Korea 1472:Rumoi 1456:Korea 1390:Yalta 1386:Cairo 1378:Tokyo 1151:Kyoto 1041:Korea 572:India 414:Korea 385:China 207:Akita 192:Fukui 172:Osaka 153:Tokyo 11937:1945 11665:1944 11506:1943 11434:Blue 11424:Attu 11331:1942 11090:1941 10942:1940 10880:1939 10809:Asia 10656:POWs 10496:Jews 10214:Iraq 10140:Axis 10090:Tuva 9906:Cuba 8991:Axis 8094:Navy 8089:Army 7711:(8). 7589:ISBN 7563:ISBN 7552:(3). 7537:2012 7516:2012 7464:ISSN 7432:ISBN 7411:ISBN 7392:ISBN 7368:ISBN 7342:ISBN 7323:ISBN 7301:ISBN 7270:ISBN 7251:ISBN 7232:ISBN 7213:ISBN 7194:ISBN 7108:ASIN 7085:ISBN 7059:ISBN 7038:ISBN 7016:ISBN 6992:ISBN 6973:ISBN 6951:ISBN 6932:ISBN 6906:ISBN 6885:ISBN 6862:ISBN 6840:ISBN 6821:ISBN 6797:ISBN 6732:2023 6611:2015 6581:2010 6556:2024 6534:2016 6508:2017 6483:2008 6385:2021 6342:2022 6316:2018 6286:2023 6248:2024 6207:2012 6110:2020 6088:2013 6048:2015 5751:ISBN 5729:2016 5247:2016 5181:2018 5153:2018 5124:help 5104:2018 5091:ISBN 5064:ISBN 5034:ISBN 5010:2024 4978:ISBN 4909:ISSN 4769:ISBN 4688:ISBN 4580:ISBN 4316:2011 4305:OCLC 4192:ISBN 4039:Satō 4006:Time 3682:ISBN 2961:and 2900:for 2791:and 2767:and 2442:and 2221:Via 1986:Kido 1901:Kido 1845:, a 1779:and 1587:and 1525:and 995:Satō 860:and 797:The 788:Navy 784:Army 673:Kure 641:The 618:for 610:and 428:and 412:and 383:and 355:was 217:Gifu 202:Kōfu 177:Kobe 8084:War 7715:PDF 7460:XLI 7145:doi 6772:doi 5200:at 4901:doi 4798:doi 4496:PDF 4133:doi 4003:". 3972:at 3959:at 3477:at 3394:at 3366:at 3189:at 3070:in 3031:at 2919:On 2876:by 2864:in 2853:or 2463:NHK 2293:NHK 1474:). 1183:, 439:an 351:in 12251:: 11685:/ 8633:, 7707:. 7701:. 7666:. 7660:. 7579:; 7548:. 7482:. 7458:. 7366:. 7362:. 7159:. 7151:. 7141:18 7139:. 6778:. 6768:67 6766:. 6703:. 6597:. 6524:. 6499:. 6387:. 6367:. 6333:. 6306:. 6276:. 6265:^ 6239:. 6215:^ 6076:. 6036:. 6023:^ 5924:^ 5895:^ 5778:^ 5761:^ 5731:. 5715:. 5679:^ 5664:^ 5537:^ 5450:^ 5238:. 5170:. 5144:. 5116:: 5114:}} 5110:{{ 5048:^ 5018:^ 5001:. 4915:. 4907:. 4897:35 4895:. 4891:. 4804:. 4794:22 4792:. 4788:. 4627:^ 4498:). 4377:^ 4336:^ 4303:. 4231:^ 4184:. 4139:. 4129:25 4127:. 4103:^ 3774:, 3770:, 3652:^ 3565:^ 3481:, 3457:, 3433:, 3370:, 3336:, 3309:, 3270:A 3254:, 3234:, 3166:, 3113:. 2957:, 2942:. 2904:. 2813:, 2779:. 2344:, 1959:, 1946:. 1853:, 1758:黙殺 1657:, 1637:, 1633:, 1629:, 1625:, 1621:, 1575:, 1571:, 1567:, 1533:. 1458:, 1450:, 1442:. 1434:, 1430:, 1335:. 1231:, 1227:, 1215:, 1211:, 1207:, 1203:, 1199:, 1161:, 1157:, 1153:, 1145:. 1103:, 1075:. 1039:, 1035:, 937:. 884:: 778:, 774:, 770:, 727:, 638:. 570:, 432:. 12236:) 11188:) 11182:( 10056:) 10052:( 9988:) 9984:( 9948:) 9944:( 9886:) 9882:( 8936:e 8929:t 8922:v 8670:( 8637:) 8629:( 7743:e 7736:t 7729:v 7709:5 7653:. 7597:. 7571:. 7550:7 7539:. 7518:. 7470:. 7440:. 7419:. 7400:. 7376:. 7350:. 7331:. 7309:. 7284:) 7280:( 7278:. 7259:. 7240:. 7221:. 7202:. 7167:. 7147:: 7114:. 7093:. 7067:. 7046:. 7024:. 7000:. 6981:. 6959:. 6940:. 6914:. 6893:. 6870:. 6848:. 6829:. 6805:. 6786:. 6774:: 6734:. 6707:. 6613:. 6583:. 6558:. 6536:. 6510:. 6485:. 6344:. 6318:. 6304:" 6288:. 6250:. 6209:. 6112:. 6090:. 6050:. 5262:. 5249:. 5204:) 5183:. 5155:. 5126:) 5106:. 5072:. 5042:. 5012:. 4986:. 4903:: 4812:. 4800:: 4494:( 4318:. 4147:. 4135:: 3976:) 3963:) 3635:. 3398:. 3293:. 3258:. 3238:. 3193:. 3170:. 3008:( 2990:( 2638:. 2425:, 1834:. 1755:( 1734:( 1645:. 844:) 679:. 100:e 93:t 86:v 20:)


Japan's surrender

foreign affairs minister
Mamoru Shigemitsu
Japanese Instrument of Surrender
USS Missouri
Richard K. Sutherland

USS Missouri
Japan campaign
Pacific War
Air raids
Doolittle Raid
1st Kure

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.