
Historical reliability of the Acts of the Apostles

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1601:‘Is there any truth, however, in Acts’ repeated references to a sharing of goods or is this simply an idealizing feature invented by the author? For a start it is not clear whether he envisages property being sold and the proceeds distributed to the needy (so in 2:45; 4:34–5, 37) or whether the property is retained but the use of it is shared with other members of the community (cf. 2:44, ‘all things in common’). Yet even this uncertainty is most readily intelligible if at least one of these variants is traditional; if anything is to be attributed to the author’s idealizing tendency it is the motif of ‘all things in common’, but, as we saw, the mention in 12:12 of the house of Mary, John Mark’s mother, points to a concrete example of something not sold, but held in common. If Barnabas possessed a field (4:37), on the other hand, then this is not likely to have been so immediately useful to the Jerusalem community, particularly if it was in his native Cyprus; yet it has been suggested that it was near Jerusalem (and may first have been sold when Barnabas was despatched to, or left for, Antioch—Acts 11:22).55 Some would certainly regard the whole picture of this sharing, in whatever form, as the product of the author’s imagination, but it is to be noted, not only that what he imagines is not wholly clear, but also that there are contemporary parallels which suggest that such a sharing is by no means unthinkable.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, pp. 31–33 (2004). 1547:‘Again, if communal meals had played an important part in Jesus’ ministry and had indeed served then as a demonstration of the inclusive nature of God’s kingly rule, then it is only to be expected that such meals would continue to form a prominent part of the life of his followers (Acts 2:42, 46), even if they and their symbolic and theological importance were a theme particularly dear to ‘Luke’s’ heart.47 It is equally probable that such meals took place, indeed had to take place, in private houses or in a private house (2:46) and that this community was therefore dependent, as the Pauline churches would be at a later stage, upon the generosity of at least one member or sympathizer who had a house in Jerusalem which could be placed at the disposal of the group. At the same time it might seem unnecessary to deny another feature of the account in Acts, namely that the first followers of Jesus also attended the worship of the Temple (2:46; 3:1; 5:21, 25, 42), even if they also used the opportunity of their visits to the shrine to spread their message among their fellow-worshippers. For without question they would have felt themselves to be still part of Israel.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 30 (2004). 19: 1556:"Despite what is in other respects the negative result of the historical analysis of the tradition in Acts 3–4:31, the question remains whether Luke's general knowledge of this period of the earliest community is of historical value. We should probably answer this in the affirmative, because his description of the conflict between the earliest community and the priestly nobility rests on correct historical assumptions. For the missionary activity of the earliest community in Jerusalem not long after the crucifixion of Jesus may have alarmed Sadducean circles... so that they might at least have prompted considerations about action against the Jesus community.", LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, pp. 168–169 (2004). 1574:‘At the same time it might seem unnecessary to deny another feature of the account in Acts, namely that the first followers of Jesus also attended the worship of the Temple (2:46; 3:1; 5:21, 25, 42), even if they also used the opportunity of their visits to the shrine to spread their message among their fellow-worshippers. For without question they would have felt themselves to be still part of Israel.48 The earliest community was entirely a Jewish one; even if Acts 2:5 reflects an earlier tradition which spoke of an ethnically mixed audience at Pentecost,49 it is clear that for the author of Acts only Jewish hearers come in question at this stage and on this point he was in all probability correct.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 30 (2004). 1619:‘A quarrel arose because the widows of the ‘Hellenists’ were neglected in the daily distribution of aid. This is depicted as an internal squabble which had to be settled within the Christian community and that implies that the earliest Christian community already had its own poor-relief system. Some have doubted that and therefore regard this account as anachronistic.10 Yet it is to be noted that it hangs together with the account of the pooling of resources mentioned earlier in Acts: the church had the means to offer aid and, indeed, if it did not use what was offered to it in some such way, it is difficult to see how it would otherwise have used such funds.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 44 (2004). 1055:"Hengel classifies Acts as a "historical monograph," as accurate as the work of any other ancient historian. Cadbury thinks the author is closest to being a historian, but writes on a popular level. Others compare the author to the ancient historian Thucydides, particularly in the matter of composed speeches that strive for verisimilitude. L. Donelson characterizes the author as a cult historian who travels from place to place gathering traditions, setting down the origin of the sect. Pervo observes that even scholars such as Haenchen who rate the author as highly unreliable nevertheless classify him as a historian.", Setzer, "Jewish responses to early Christians: history and polemics, 30–150 C.E." (1994). Fortress Press. 1118:'It seems probable that Luke and Josephus wrote independently of one another; for each could certainly have had access to sources and information, which he then employed according to his own perspectives. A characteristic conglomerate of details, which in part agree, in part reflect great similarity, but also in part, appear dissimilar and to stem from different provenances, accords with this analysis.', Schreckenberg & Schubert, 'Jewish Historiography and Iconography in Early and Medieval Christian Literature', Compendia Rerum Iudicarum Ad Novum Testamentum, volume 2, p. 51 (1992). Uitgeverij Van Gorcum. 1288:"British scholarship has been relatively positive about Acts' historicity, from Lightfoot and Ramsay to W.L. Knox and Bruce. German scholarship has, for the most part, evaluated negatively the historical worth of Acts, from Baur and his school to Dibelius, Conzelmann, and Haenchen. North American scholars show a range of opinion. Mattill and Gasque align with the British approach to Acts. Cadbury and Lake take a moderate line and to some degree sidestep the question of accurate historicity.", Setzer, "Jewish responses to early Christians: history and polemics, 30–150 C.E.", p. 94 (1994). Fortress Press. 1430:'Contrary to a widespread anti-Lukan scholasticism which is often relatively ignorant of ancient historiography, I regard Acts as a work that was composed soon after the Third Gospel by Luke 'the beloved physician' (Col. 4:14), who accompanied Paul on his travels from the journey with the collection to Jerusalem onwards. In other words, as at least in part an eye-witness account for the late period of the apostle, about which we no longer have any information from the letters, it is a first-hand source.', Hengel & Schwemer, 'Paul Between Damascus and Antioch: the unknown years', p. 7 (1997). 1912:"There is an increasing trend among scholars toward considering the Jerusalem Council as historical event. An overwhelming majority identifies the reference to the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 with Paul's account in Gal. 2.1–10, and this accord is not just limited to the historicity of the gathering alone but extends also to the authenticity of the arguments deriving from the Jerusalem church itself.", Philip, "The Origins of Pauline Pneumatology: the Eschatological Bestowal of the Spirit", Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament 2, Reihe, p. 205 (2005). Mohr Siebeck. 1716:"The reference to the presence in Caesarea of a centurion of the 'Italian' cohort is, however, historically suspect. If a cohors Italica civium Romanorum is meant, i.e. a cohort of Roman auxiliaries consisting chiefly of Roman citizens from Italy, then such a unit may have been in Syria shortly before 69 (cf. Hemer, Book, 164), but was one to be found in Caesarea in the time just before Herod Agrippa I's death (cf. Haenchen, Acts, 346 n. 2 and 360); Schurer, HIstory 1, 366 n. 54)?", Wedderburn, "A History of the First Christians", p. 217 (2004). Continuum Publishing Group. 1439:‘So Luke-Acts looks back on the destruction of Jerusalem, which is still relatively recent, and moreover is admirably well informed about Jewish circumstances in Palestine, in this respect comparable only to its contemporary Josephus. As Matthew and John attest, that was no longer the case around 15–25 years later; one need only compare the historical errors of the former Platonic philosopher Justin from Neapolis in Samaria, who was born around 100 CE.’, Hengel & Schwemer, 'Paul Between Damascus and Antioch: the unknown years', pp. 7–8 (1997). 1903:"Sahlin rejects the historicity of Acts completely (Der Messias und das Gottesvolk ). Haenchen’s view is that the Apostolic Council “is an imaginary construction answering to no historical reality” (The Acts of the Apostles , p. 463). Dibelius’ view (Studies in the Acts of the Apostles , pp. 93–101) is that Luke’s treatment was literary-theological and can make no claim to historical worth.", Mounce, "Apostolic Council", in Bromiley (ed.) "The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia", volume 1, p. 200 (rev. ed. 2001). Wm. B. Eerdmans. 1412:‘According to this verse Jesus seems to appear only to the apostles (for Luke, the Twelve), while the parallel in 13:31* says he appeared to all who went with him on the journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. The contradiction is not a serious one, however, nor is there any real difference between the forty days mentioned in this text and the áŒĄÎŒÎ­ÏÎ±Ï‚ Ï€Î»Î”ÎŻÎżÏ…Ï‚, “many days,” of 13:31*.’, Conzelmann, Limber (trans.), Epp, & Matthews (eds.), ‘Acts of the Apostles: A commentary on the Acts of the Apostles’, Hermeneia, p. 5 (1987). 1921:"The present writer accepts its basic historicity, i.e. that there was an event at Jerusalem concerning the matter of the entry of the Gentiles into the Christian community, but would be circumspect about going much further than that. For a robust defence of its historicity, see Bauckham, "James", and the relevant literature cited there.", Paget, "Jewish Christianity", in Horbury, et al., "The Cambridge History of Judaism: The Early Roman Period", volume 3, p. 744 (2008). Cambridge University Press. 1502:‘Although doubting that the specification "Pentecost" belongs to the tradition, LĂŒdemann supposes, on the basis of references to glossolalia in Paul's letters and the ecstatic prophecy of Philip's daughters (Acts 21:9), that "we may certainly regard a happening of the kind described by the tradition behind vv.1–4 as very possible."’, LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 166 (2004) 1751:(Dessau, ILS 9168); but we have no direct evidence of the identity of the military units in Judaea between A.D. 6 and 41. from A.D. 41 to 44, when Agrippa I reigned over Judaea (see on 12:1), one important corps consisted of troops of Caesarea and Sebaste, Kaisareis kai Sebasthnoi (Jos. Ant. 19.356, 361, 364f.), who did not take kindly to the command of a Jewish king.", Bruce, "The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary", p. 252 (1990). Eerdmans. 1738:
Caesarea nor anywhere in Judea. It is possible that the unit did not exist or was a later Syrian unit displaced to a different place and earlier time.", de Blois et al (eds.), "The Impact of the Roman Army (200 B.C. – A.D. 476): Economic, Social, Political, Religious and Cultural Aspects: Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop of the International Network Impact of Empire (Roman Empire, 200 B.C. – A.D. 476), Capri, Italy, March 29 – April 2, 2005", p. 412 (2005). Brill.
2541: 169:, is often considered to have developed after the Western and Alexandrian types. While differing from both of the other types, the Byzantine type has more similarity to the Alexandrian than to the Western type. The extant manuscripts of this type date from the 5th century or later; however, papyrus fragments show that this text-type may date as early as the Alexandrian or Western text-types. The Byzantine text-type served as the basis for the 16th century 1484:‘A local tradition about the meeting place can still be detected. The upper room is the place for prayer and conversation (20:8*; cf. Dan 6:11*), and for seclusion (Mart. Pol. 7.1). The list of names agrees with Luke 6:13–16*.’, Conzelmann, Limber (trans.), Epp, & Matthews (eds.), ‘Acts of the Apostles: A commentary on the Acts of the Apostles’, Hermeneia, pp. 8–9 (1987); he nevertheless believes the waiting for the spirit is a fiction by Luke. 1145:'After examining the texts myself, I must conclude with the majority of scholars that it is impossible to establish the dependence of Luke-Acts on the Antiquitates. What is clear is that Luke-Acts and Josephus shared some common traditions about the recent history of Palestine.', Sterling, 'Historiography and Self-Definition: Josephus, Luke-Acts, and Apologetic Historiography', Supplements to Novum Testamentum, pp. 365–366 (1992). Brill. 455:, LĂŒdemann considers the Pentecost gathering as very possible, and the apostolic instruction to be historically credible. Wedderburn acknowledges the possibility of a ‘mass ecstatic experience’, and notes it is difficult to explain why early Christians later adopted this Jewish festival if there had not been an original Pentecost event as described in Acts. He also holds the description of the early community in Acts 2 to be reliable. 1511:‘"The instruction by the apostles is also to be accepted as historical, since in the early period of the Jerusalem community the apostles had a leading role. So Paul can speak of those who were apostles before him (in Jerusalem!, Gal. 1.17)" (40.)’, LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 166 (2004). 1073:'Clearly Luke makes significant use of the LXX in both the gospels and Acts. In addition it is often alleged that he made use of the writings of Josephus and the letters of Paul. The use of the LXX is not debatable, but the influence of Josephus and Paul has been and is subjected to considerable debate.', Tyson, 'Marcion and Luke-Acts: a defining struggle', p. 14 (2006).University of California Press. 1894:"However, numerous scholars have challenged the historicity of the Jerusalem Council as related by Acts, Paul's presence there in the manner that Luke described, the issue of idol-food being thrust on Paul's Gentile mission, and the historical reliability of Acts in general.", Fotopolous, "Food Offered to Idols in Roman Corinth: a socio-rhetorical reconsideration", pp. 181–182 (2003). Mohr Siebeck. 1154:'When we consider both the differences and the agreement in many details of the information in the two accounts, it is surely better to suppose the existence of a common source on which Luke and Josephus independently drew.', Klauck & McNeil, 'Magic and Paganism in Early Christianity: the world of the Acts of the Apostles', p. 43 (2003). Continuum International Publishing Group. 615:, is considered by some scholars to be contradictory to the Galatians account. The historicity of Luke's account has been challenged, and was rejected completely by some scholars in the mid to late 20th century. However, more recent scholarship inclines towards treating the Jerusalem Council and its rulings as a historical event, though this is sometimes expressed with caution. 1403:‘Whatever one believes about the resurrection of Jesus,5 it is undeniable that his followers came to believe that he had been raised by God from the dead, that the one who had apparently died an ignominious death, forsaken and even accursed by his God, had subsequently been vindicated by that same God., ’ Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 17 (2004). 1109:'Sterling concludes that, while it is impossible to establish a literary dependence of Luke-Acts on the writings of Josephus, it is reasonable to affirm that both authors not only had access to similar historical traditions but also shared the same historiographical techniques and perspectives.', Verheyden, 'The Unity of Luke-Acts', p. 678 (1990). Peeters Publishing. 1457:‘"One is... inclined to challenge the historicity of the election of Matthias... This does not mean, though, that the Jerusalem Christians Matthias and Joseph were not historical figures" (ibid., 37).’, LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 166 (2004) 1797:"Others date the incident either before Herod's reign (so Bruce, History, 261, following Acts' sequence) or more likely after it, unless one supposes that this officer had been seconded to Caesarea without the rest of his unit (cf. also Hengel, 'Geography', 203-4 n. 111).", Wedderburn, "A History of the First Christians", p. 217 (2004). Continuum Publishing Group. 448:, LĂŒdemann is skeptical with regard to the appointment of Matthias, but not with regard to his historical existence. Wedderburn rejects the theory that denies the historicity of the disciples, Conzelmann considers the upper room meeting a historical event Luke knew from tradition, and Hengel considers ‘the Field of Blood’ to be an authentic historical name. 1421:'That makes it all the more striking that Acts says nothing of Paul the letter-writer. In my view this presupposes a relatively early date for Acts, when there was still a vivid memory of Paul the missionary, but the letter-writer was not known in the same way.', Hengel & Schwemer, 'Paul Between Damascus and Antioch: the unknown years', p. 3 (1997). 1565:‘The presence of such idealizing features does not mean, however, that these accounts are worthless or offer no information about the earliest Christian community in Jerusalem.46 Many features of them are too intrinsically probable to be lightly dismissed as the invention of the author.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 30 (2004). 1394:‘"The disciple Iscariot is without doubt a historical person... made a decisive contribution to delivering Jesus into the hands of the Jewish authorities" (ibid., 35–36).’, LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 165 (2004) 1136:'Arguments for the dependence of passages in Acts on Josephus (especially the reference to Theudas in Acts v. 37) are equally unconvincing. The fact is, as Schurer has said: "Either Luke had not read Josephus, or he had forgotten all about what he had read"', Geldenhuys, 'Commentary on the Gospel of Luke', p. 31 (1950).Tyndale Press. 1127:'The relationship between Luke and Josephus has produced an abundant literature, which has attempted to show the literary dependence of one on the other. I do not believe that any such dependence can be proved.', Marguerat, 'The First Christian Historian: writing the "Acts of the Apostles"', p. 79 (2002). Cambridge University Press. 1867:"Paul's account of the Jerusalem Council in Galatians 2 and the account of it recorded in Acts have been considered by some scholars as being in open contradiction.", Paget, "Jewish Christianity", in Horbury, et al., "The Cambridge History of Judaism: The Early Roman Period", volume 3, p. 744 (2008). Cambridge University Press. 1091:'After examining the texts myself, I must conclude with the majority of scholars that it is impossible to establish the dependence of Luke-Acts on the Antiquitates.', Sterling, 'Historiography and Self-Definition: Josephus, Luke-Acts, and Apologetic Historiography', Supplements to Novum Testamentum, pp. 365–366 (1992). Brill. 1367:‘"There were in fact appearances of the heavenly Jesus in Jerusalem (after those in Galilee)" (ibid., 29–30)”’, LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 164 (2004); he attributes the appearances to hallucination. 1610:‘Behind this account lies a piece of tradition which Luke must have had in written form; note the manner in which the “Hellenists” and “Hebrews” are introduced.’, Conzelmann, Limber (trans.), Epp, & Matthews (eds.), ‘Acts of the Apostles: A commentary on the Acts of the Apostles’, Hermeneia, p. 44 (1987). 1538:‘Many features of them are too intrinsically probable to be lightly dismissed as the invention of the author. It is, for instance, highly probable that the earliest community was taught by the apostles (2:42)—at least by them among others.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 30 (2004). 416:
Charles H. Talbert concludes that the historical inaccuracies within Acts "are few and insignificant compared to the overwhelming congruence of Acts and its time and place ". Talbert cautions nevertheless that "an exact description of the milieu does not prove the historicity of the event narrated".
noted that there were many accounts in circulation at the time of his writing, saying that these were eyewitness testimonies. He stated that he had investigated "everything from the beginning" and was editing the material into one account from the birth of Jesus to his own time. Like other historians
1858:"In spite of the presence of discrepancies between these two accounts, most scholars agree that they do in fact refer to the same event.", Paget, "Jewish Christianity", in Horbury, et al., "The Cambridge History of Judaism: The Early Roman Period", volume 3, p. 744 (2008). Cambridge University Press. 1848:
were prestigious regiments. Their operation in Judaea cannot be placed before AD 40 on the evidence available, but it is of course possible that they had been sent there before that, even under the first prefect after the fall of Archelaus.", Saddington, "Military and Administrative Personnel in the
says "Luke evidently regarded himself as a historian, but many questions can be raised in regard to the reliability of his history His ‘statistics’ are impossible; Peter could not have addressed three thousand hearers without a microphone, and since the population of Jerusalem was about 25–30,000,
in 44–46. Assuming Acts refers to the same Theudas as Josephus, two problems emerge. First, the order of Judas and Theudas is reversed in Acts 5. Second, Theudas's movement may come after the time when Gamaliel is speaking. It is possible that Theudas in Josephus is not the same one as in Acts, or
Several scholars have criticised the author's use of his source materials. For example, Richard Heard has written that, "in his narrative in the early part of Acts he seems to be stringing together, as best he may, a number of different stories and narratives, some of which appear, by the time they
76:. Acts is considered a historical narrative and second volume to Luke while Paul's letters are considered as epistolary on doctrine and ethics mainly. Scholars generally prefer Paul's account over that in Acts. However, Roman historians have generally taken the basic historicity of Acts as granted. 1276:
Further study 
 showed that the book could bear the most minute scrutiny as an authority for the facts of the Aegean world, and that it was written with such judgment, skill, art and perception of truth as to be a model of historical statement. . . . I set out to look for truth on the borderland
observes that the events described from Acts 9:32 to chapter 11 may not be in chronological order with the rest of the chapter but actually take place after Agrippa's death in chapter 12, and that the "Italian regiment" may have been introduced to Caesarea as early as AD 44. Wedderburn notes this
that was in Syria as early as AD 63, though it moved to Noricum before the Jewish war. As he argues, this unit could be the one called the speire tes kaloumenes Italike in the New Testament's Acts of the Apostles. The unit is not mentioned by Josephus nor is there epigraphical evidence for it at
Wedderburn maintains the historicity of communal ownership among the early followers of Christ (Acts 4:32–37). Conzelmann, though sceptical, believes Luke took his account of Acts 6:1–15 from a written record; more positively, Wedderburn defends the historicity of the account against scepticism.
1628:‘The tradition of the presence in Jerusalem of the groups named in v. 9 has a good deal to be said for it historically...', LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 171 (2004). 458:
LĂŒdemann views Acts 3:1–4:31 as historical. Wedderburn notes what he sees as features of an idealized description, but nevertheless cautions against dismissing the record as unhistorical. Hengel likewise insists that Luke described genuine historical events, even if he has idealized them.
1385:‘The existence of women disciples as members of the earliest Jerusalem community is also a historical fact" (ibid., 31).’, LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 164 (2004) 1592:‘Luke's ideal, stained-glass depiction in Acts 2–5 thus has a very real background, in which events followed one another rapidly and certainly were much more turbulent than Acts portrays them.’, Hengel & Schwemer, 'Paul Between Damascus and Antioch: the unknown years', p. 29 (1997). 1493:'The Aramaic designation Akeldamakc for 'field of blood' has been correctly handed down in Acts 1:19; this is a place name which is also known by Matthew 27:8', Hengel, ‘The Geography of Palestine in Acts’, in Bauckham (ed.), ‘The Book of Acts in its Palestinian Setting’, p. 47 (1995). 488:
Christians cannot have numbered five thousand ." However, as Professor I. Howard Marshall shows, the believers could have possibly come from other countries (see Acts 2: 9-10). In regards to being heard, recent history suggests that a crowd of thousands can be addressed; for instance,
LĂŒdemann acknowledges the historicity of Christ's post-resurrection appearances, the names of the early disciples, women disciples, and Judas Iscariot. Wedderburn says the disciples indisputably believed Christ was truly raised. Conzelmann dismisses an alleged contradiction between
Like most New Testament books, there are significant differences among the earliest surviving manuscripts of Acts. In the case of Acts, the differences between the surviving manuscripts are especially substantial. Arguably the two earliest versions of manuscripts are the
1448:‘The term 'a sabbath day's journey', which appears only here in the New Testament, presupposes an amazingly intimate knowledge — for a Greek — of Jewish customs.’, Hengel, ‘Between Jesus and Paul: studies in the earliest history of Christianity’, p. 107 (1983). 1583:‘There is a historical occasion behind the description of the story of Pentecost in Acts and Peter's preaching, even if Luke has depicted them with relative freedom.’, Hengel & Schwemer, 'Paul Between Damascus and Antioch: the unknown years', p. 28 (1997). 1529:‘At any rate, as Weiser and Jervell point out,39 it needs to be explained why early Christians adopted Pentecost as one of their festivals, assuming that the Acts account was not reason enough.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 27 (2004). 1885:"The historicity of Luke's account in Acts 15 has been questioned on a number of grounds.", Paget, "Jewish Christianity", in Horbury, et al., "The Cambridge History of Judaism: The Early Roman Period", volume 3, p. 744 (2008). Cambridge University Press. 1064:‘This theory was maintained by F. C. Burkitt (The Gospel History and its Transmission, 1911, pp. 105–110), following the arguments of Krenkel’s Josephus und Lucas (1894).’, Guthrie, ‘New Testament Introduction’, p. 363 (4th rev. ed. 1996). Tyndale Press. 1376:‘"The names of the disciples of Jesus are for the most part certainly historical.’, LĂŒdemann quoted by Matthews, ‘Acts and the History of the Earliest Jerusalem Church’, in Cameron & Miller (eds.), ‘Redescribing Christian origins’, p. 164 (2004) 1100:'Most scholars today deny any dependence one way or the other, and we think this judgment is correct.', Heyler, 'Exploring Jewish literature of the Second Temple Period: A Guide for New Testament Students', p. 362 (2002). InterVarsity Press. 1876:"There is a very strong case against the historicity of Luke's account of the Apostolic Council", Esler, "Community and Gospel in Luke-Acts: The Social and Political Motivations of Lucan Theology", p. 97 (1989). Cambridge University Press. 1466:‘Yet is such a theory not an act of desperation?21 Is it not in every way simpler to accept that the Twelve existed during Jesus’ lifetime and that Judas was one of them?’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 22 (2004). 1247:"In the period approximately 1895–1915 there was a far reaching, multi-facted, high-level debate over the historicity of Acts.", Hemer & Gempf, "The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History", p.3 (1990). Mohr Siebeck. 197:
in particular was known for being very critical of the accuracy of Acts, though his allegations of its inaccuracies have been described as "exaggerated hypercriticism" by some. Leading scholar and archaeologist of the time period,
1082:‘Neither position has much of a following today, because of the significant differences between the two works in their accounts of the same events.’, Mason, ‘Josephus and the New Testament’, p. 185 (1992). Baker Publishing Group. 589:
suggestion of chronological re-arrangement, along with the suggestion that Cornelius lived in Caesarea away from his unit. Historians such as Bond, Speidel, and Saddington, see no difficulty in the record of Acts 10:1.
1475:‘The presence of some names in the list is, in view of their relative obscurity, most easily explained by their having indeed been members of this group.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 22 (2004). 158:
which was not seen in Europe until 1859). The version of Acts preserved in the Western manuscripts contains about 6.2–8.5% more content than the Alexandrian version of Acts (depending on the definition of a variant).
569:, 41–44, no Roman troops were stationed in his territory. Wedderburn likewise finds the narrative "historically suspect", and in view of the lack of inscriptional and literary evidence corroborating Acts, historian 408:
with the responsibility of watching for and suppressing any disturbances at the festivals of the Jews; to reach the affected area they would have to come down a flight of steps into temple precincts, as noted by
125:) as a historical source. The majority of scholars reject both this claim and the claim that Josephus borrowed from Acts, arguing instead that Luke and Josephus drew on common traditions and historical sources. 1676:: "Bibliography: Josephus, Ant. xx. 5, § 1; Eusebius, Hist. Eccl. II. ii.; Schmidt, in Herzog-Plitt, Real-Encyc. xv. 553–557; Klein, in Schenkel, Bibel-Lexikon, v. 510–513; SchĂŒrer, Gesch. i. 566, and note 6." 213:
Acts contains some accurate details of 1st century society, specifically with regard to titles of officials, administrative divisions, town assemblies, and rules of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, including:
may have come in with the reconstitution of the province in 44 (below, p. 256).", Smallwood, "The Jews Under Roman Rule: From Pompey to Diocletian: a study in political relations" p.147 (2001). Brill.
Sebastenorum of the same provincial army, yet for the time of the procurators there is no reason to doubt the accuracy of Acts 10.", Speidel, "Roman Army Studies', volume 2, p. 228 (1992). JC Bieben.
1520:‘It is also possible that at some point of time, though not necessarily on this day, some mass ecstatic experience took place.’, Wedderburn, ‘A History of the First Christians’, p. 26 (2004). 647:
which has nothing to do with the inclusion of gentiles. This is the vital element in the citation and rules out the possibility that the historical James (who would not have cited the
Modern scholars contend that the shorter Alexandrian text is closer to the original, and the longer Western text is the result of later insertion of additional material into the text.
57:. Historical reliability is not dependent on a source being inerrant or void of agendas since there are sources that are considered generally reliable despite having such traits (e.g. 1277:
where Greece and Asia meet, and found it . You may press the words of Luke in a degree beyond any other historian's and they stand the keenest scrutiny and the hardest treatment.
202:, considered Acts to be remarkably reliable as a historical document. Attitudes towards the historicity of Acts have ranged widely across scholarship in different countries. 181:. Today, the Byzantine text-type is the subject of renewed interest as the possible original form of the text from which the Western and Alexandrian text-types were derived. 444:. Hengel believes Acts was written early by Luke as a partial eyewitness, praising Luke's knowledge of Palestine, and of Jewish customs in Acts 1:12. With regard to 1260:
pp. 203–31), but most of the entries are bizarrely trivial:", Hemer & Gempf, "The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History", p. 7 (1990). Mohr Siebeck.
sometimes give potential insights into how early Christian communities formed and functioned, the kind of issues they faced and what sort of beliefs they developed.
177:, the first Greek-language printed edition of the New Testament. The Textus Receptus, in turn, served as the basis for the New Testament in the English-language 3372: 3377: 1810:
referred to in Acts 10; see Hengel, Between, p. 203, n. 111.", Bond, "Pontius Pilate in History and Interpretation", p. 13 (1998). Cambridge University Press.
690:. Richard Pervo believes that this demonstrates that Luke used Josephus as a source and mistakenly thought that the sicarii were followers of The Egyptian. 799: 280: 719:. Josephus and Luke-Acts are thought to be approximately contemporaneous, around AD 90, and Eusebius wrote some two and a quarter centuries later. 639:). Some believe this is incongruous with the portrait of James as a Jew, who would presumably have spoken Aramaic rather than Greek. For instance, 103:
of his time, he defined his actions by stating that the reader can rely on the "certainty" of the facts given. However, most scholars understand
2577: 1016: 3211: 722:
More indirect evidence can be obtained from other New Testament writings, early Christian apocrypha, and non-Christian sources such as the
686:, Josephus talks about Jewish nationalist rebels called sicarii directly prior to talking about the Egyptian leading some followers to the 2074: 1974:
Steve Mason, Josephus and Luke-Acts, Josephus and the New Testament (Hendrickson Publishers: Peabody, Massachusetts, 1992), pp. 185–229.
18: 2012: 2777: 64:
Archaeological inscriptions and other independent sources show that Acts of the Apostles (“Acts”) contains some accurate details of
1256:"It is difficult to acquit Harnack here of an exaggerated hypercriticism. He constructed a lengthy list of inaccuracies (Harnack, 3206: 483:
addressing an audience, resulting in the number of Christian converts rising to 5,000 people. A Professor of the New Testament
38: 2271: 2101: 1346: 1182: 999: 972: 945: 918: 888: 744: 2903: 2873: 2357: 2454: 205:
According to Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons, "Acts must be carefully sifted and mined for historical information."
2432: 2301: 2206: 1784:
V, 467-9, argue that the events of Acts ix, 32-xi are misplaced and belong after Agrippa I's death (ch. xii). If so, the
referred to a Theudas active before the birth of Jesus, although it is possible that this simply draws on the account in
2570: 829: 573:
suggests that the unit either did not exist or was a later unit which the author of Acts projected to an earlier time.
Heard, Richard: An Introduction to the New Testament Chapter 13: The Acts of the Apostles, Harper & Brothers, 1950
3440: 3430: 2288: 2228: 1232: 1207: 863: 782: 2597: 1673: 496:
notes that crowds of thousands could be addressed by a single speaker without the aid of technological implements.
723: 2928: 2772: 2352: 1323: 363: 3435: 2563: 1042: 667: 624: 437: 410: 399: 389: 357: 334: 330: 240: 636: 550: 510: 445: 353: 225: 68:
society with regard to the titles of officials, administrative divisions, town assemblies, and rules of the
3179: 654:
A possible explanation is that the Septuagint translation better made James's point about the inclusion of
562: 484: 476: 441: 2317: 631:, the leader of the Christian Jews in Jerusalem, gives a speech where he quotes scriptures from the Greek 420:
Whilst treating its description of the history of the early church skeptically, critical scholars such as
3425: 3189: 3158: 2997: 2888: 2858: 298: 1819:"Certainly after Titus' Jewish war the Flavian emperors revamped the Judaean army, and at the same time 2444: 2364: 2216: 2211: 1300: 1020: 598: 385: 193:
viewed it as unreliable, and mostly an effort to reconcile Gentile and Jewish forms of Christianity.
3002: 2222: 2094: 713: 2893: 2813: 2459: 2293: 2261: 190: 54: 432:
still view Acts as containing valuable historically accurate accounts of the earliest Christians.
3216: 3062: 2938: 2883: 2838: 2797: 2384: 2183: 2138: 1637:
Grant, Robert M., "A Historical Introduction to the New Testament", p. 145 (Harper and Row, 1963)
754: 704: 699: 628: 581: 554: 398:
The function of town assemblies in the operation of a city's business is described accurately in
314: 199: 121: 108: 1337: 3402: 2427: 2055: 1707:
Grant, Robert M., A Historical Introduction to the New Testament, p. 145 (Harper and Row, 1963)
2409: 1849:
NT", in "Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt", pp. 2417–2418 (1996). Walter de Gruyter.
962: 218:
Inscriptions confirm that the city authorities in Thessalonica in the 1st century were called
3112: 3042: 2943: 2061: 2038: 991:
In Praise of Christian Origins: Stephen and the Hellenists in Lukan Apologetic Historiography
989: 935: 908: 393: 147: 3067: 3047: 2853: 2843: 2787: 2586: 2544: 2525: 2342: 2283: 2278: 2087: 2007: 604: 33: 1014:
Grant, Robert M., "A Historical Introduction to the New Testament" (Harper and Row, 1963)
8: 3194: 2973: 2833: 2782: 2327: 2168: 964:
Luke-Acts and the Rhetoric of History: An Investigation of Early Christian Historiography
526: 388:
speak about the prohibition against the Gentiles in the inner areas of the Temple (as in
349: 166: 95: 119:
It has been claimed that the author of Acts used the writings of Josephus (specifically
3052: 3012: 2762: 2494: 2347: 2129: 1747:"There is inscriptional evidence for the presence in Syria in A.D. 69 of the auxiliary 1730: 671: 522: 517:(d. ~50ad), in which he refers to two first century movements. One of these was led by 371: 288: 254: 178: 50: 3394: 2978: 2504: 2178: 2153: 2124: 1646:
Marshall, I. Howard., "Tyndale New Testament Commentaries: Acts", p. 75-76, and 87-88
1342: 1319: 1228: 1203: 1178: 995: 968: 941: 914: 884: 859: 825: 778: 739: 585: 558: 505: 493: 489: 194: 139: 1301:
Talbert, "Reading Luke-Acts in its Mediterranean Milieu", pp. 198–200 (2003). Brill.
3307: 3027: 2968: 2963: 2953: 2908: 2828: 2792: 2439: 2399: 2394: 2337: 817: 405: 326: 155: 42: 421: 189:
The debate on the historicity of Acts became most vehement between 1895 and 1915.
3302: 2983: 2958: 2449: 2016: 687: 425: 322: 258: 170: 151: 3032: 3007: 2923: 2918: 2499: 2487: 2133: 1311: 727: 644: 303: 250: 246: 3419: 3184: 3174: 3122: 3102: 3077: 3057: 2823: 2602: 2404: 640: 566: 530: 429: 375: 90: 69: 3087: 2389: 2173: 2158: 2148: 2054: 1272:
The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament
The Cradle, the Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament
3367: 3362: 3357: 3352: 3347: 3342: 3337: 3332: 3327: 3297: 3292: 3127: 3092: 3037: 2514: 2379: 2369: 2110: 612: 480: 293: 143: 65: 534:
that it is Josephus who has his dates confused. The 3rd-century writer
3322: 3317: 3312: 3287: 3282: 3277: 3272: 3267: 3262: 3257: 3252: 3247: 3242: 3237: 3153: 2555: 2190: 1947:, Cook Communications Ministries, Colorado Springs Colorado, 2004, 102. 1358:
Talbert, "Reading Luke-Acts in its Mediterranean Milieu", p. 201 (2003)
904: 648: 632: 3232: 3132: 3107: 3017: 2993: 2767: 2519: 2482: 2332: 2233: 2163: 749: 341: 318: 276: 272: 220: 208: 73: 46: 23: 1040:
Phillips, Thomas E. "The Genre of Acts: Moving Toward a Consensus?"
3137: 3022: 2933: 2913: 2868: 2374: 709: 570: 514: 381: 268: 58: 1202:. New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents. Vol. 9. Brill. 3117: 3097: 2988: 2878: 2848: 2746: 2741: 2736: 2731: 2726: 2721: 2716: 2711: 2706: 2701: 2696: 2691: 2686: 2681: 2676: 2671: 2666: 2661: 2656: 2322: 937:
The First Christian Historian: Writing the 'Acts of the Apostles'
675: 655: 608: 518: 236: 174: 1200:
Studies in methodology in textual criticism of the New Testament
2898: 2863: 2818: 2651: 2646: 2641: 2636: 2631: 2626: 2621: 2616: 2611: 2509: 535: 452: 367: 129:
reached him, to have been seriously distorted in the telling."
2079: 2026:. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1999. 576:
Noting that the 'Italian regiment' is generally identified as
3082: 3072: 2948: 2594: 773:
Ehrman, Bart D.; Evans, Craig A.; Stewart, Robert B. (2020).
Jewish Encyclopedia: New Testament: The Acts of the Apostles
The New Testament in the original Greek: Byzantine textform
The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach
777:(1 ed.). Westminster John Knox Press. pp. 12–18. 661: 466: 463:
LĂŒdemann considers the account to have a historical basis.
264: 98:, who was believed to be a follower of Paul. The author of 94:
is a two-part historical account traditionally ascribed to
notes: "The scriptural citation strongly differs from the
Roman soldiers were permanently stationed in the tower of
seems to have been transferred north into Syria, as were
693: 1725:"As for the Italian cohort, Speidel claims that it is a 471: 22:
Papyrus manuscript of part of the Acts of the Apostles (
Dating Acts: between the evangelists and the apologists
gives an account of speech by the 1st century Pharisee
The Book of Acts in the Setting of Hellenistic History
1806:"One of these infantry cohorts may well have been the 545: 1177:. New York: Die Deutsche Bibliothek. pp. 32–33. 678:' (literally: 'dagger-men') into the desert. In both 557:
belonging to the "Italian regiment" and stationed in
The passing remark of the expulsion of the Jews from
824:(2 ed.). Mayfield Publishing Companylocation=. 592: 2003:. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press 1970. 1296: 1294: 1223:Robinson, Maurice A.; Pierpont, William G. (2005). 960: 611:, generally considered the same event described in 772: 209:Passages consistent with the historical background 1274:. London: Hodder and Stoughton. pp. 85, 89. 348:) is correctly used for the governors of the two 235:is the correct title for the chief magistrate in 3417: 1808:cohors II Italica civium romanorum voluntariorum 1764:x, 1, speirh Italikh, generally identified with 1291: 1222: 1017:"A Historical Introduction to the New Testament" 933: 822:Understanding the Bible: A Reader's Introduction 1934:, Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2009, p. 375-376 775:Can we trust the Bible on the Historical Jesus? 618: 529:of the year 6 and Theudas under the procurator 856:The Acts of the Apostles through the centuries 2571: 2095: 954: 910:The New Testament in Its Literary Environment 854:Hornik, Heidi J.; Parsons, Mikeal C. (2017). 853: 584:is attested no earlier than AD 69, historian 940:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 63–. 927: 849: 847: 845: 843: 841: 1768:which was probably in Syria by 69 – Gabba, 1314:"Pauline Chronology" in Stephen Westerholm 987: 165:A third class of manuscripts, known as the 2578: 2564: 2102: 2088: 2052: 1335:Andreas J. Köstenberger, L. Scott Kellum, 858:(1 ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 37:, the principal historical source for the 2036:J. Wenham, "The Identification of Luke", 2009:The Speeches in the Acts of the Apostles. 1945:The Bible Knowledge Background Commentary 1329: 1305: 981: 838: 2585: 662:Acts 21:38: The sicarii and the Egyptian 499: 467:Passages of disputed historical accuracy 17: 3207:Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles 2199: 1227:(1 ed.). Chilton Book Publishers. 1197: 1172: 913:. James Clarke & Co. pp. 77–. 724:correspondence between Pliny and Trajan 599:Council of Jerusalem § Historicity 3418: 1269: 878: 816: 694:Other sources for early Church history 2559: 2083: 994:. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 45–. 934:Daniel Marguerat (5 September 2002). 810: 745:Historical reliability of the Gospels 472:Acts 2:41 and 4:4 – Peter's addresses 132: 2065:. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 903: 2069:Objections against the authenticity 1987:(Polebridge Press, 2006), p. 161-66 791: 698:Two early sources that mention the 553:speaks of a Roman Centurion called 546:Acts 10:1: Roman troops in Caesarea 302:and fifth-century Christian author 13: 1993: 1749:cohors II Italica civium Romanorum 1175:The Book of Acts as Church History 883:. InterVarsity Press. p. 18. 578:cohors II Italica civium Romanorum 506:Theudas § The Theudas problem 14: 3452: 2053:Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). 2046: 1687:A History of the First Christians 593:Acts 15: The Council of Jerusalem 114: 2540: 2539: 2019:London: The Tyndale Press, 1942. 797: 565:claims that during the reign of 521:. Afterwards another was led by 2109: 2033:. TĂŒbingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1989. 1977: 1968: 1959: 1950: 1937: 1924: 1915: 1906: 1897: 1888: 1879: 1870: 1861: 1852: 1834: 1813: 1800: 1791: 1754: 1741: 1719: 1710: 1701: 1692: 1679: 1667: 1658: 1649: 1640: 1631: 1622: 1613: 1604: 1595: 1586: 1577: 1568: 1559: 1550: 1541: 1532: 1523: 1514: 1505: 1496: 1487: 1478: 1469: 1460: 1451: 1442: 1433: 1424: 1415: 1406: 1397: 1388: 1379: 1370: 1361: 1352: 1316:The Blackwell Companion to Paul 1282: 1263: 1250: 1241: 1216: 1191: 1166: 1157: 1148: 1139: 1130: 1121: 1112: 1103: 1094: 1085: 1076: 1067: 1058: 1049: 1034: 1008: 967:. Mohr Siebeck. pp. 216–. 670:, a Roman asks Paul if he was ' 525:. Josephus placed Judas at the 275:) is independently attested by 53:as part of the debate over the 2001:Luke: Historian and Theologian 897: 872: 804:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica Online 766: 708:by the Roman-Jewish historian 364:Lucius Junius Gallio Annaeanus 184: 79: 32:historical reliability of the 1: 1965:Jewish Antiquities 20.169–171 1043:Currents in Biblical Research 760: 3180:Acts of the Apostles (genre) 2056:"Acts of the Apostles"  1776:XI, 6117); c.f. P.-W., s.v. 1674:Jewish Encyclopedia: Theudas 961:Clare K. Rothschild (2004). 619:Acts 15:16–18: James' speech 84: 7: 3159:Synagogue of the Libertines 1198:Colwell, Ernest C. (1969). 879:Licona, Michael R. (2010). 798:Cain, Seymour; et al. 733: 580:, a unit whose presence in 231:According to inscriptions, 10: 3457: 2445:Hanging Gardens of Babylon 596: 503: 386:Temple Warning inscription 366:'s tenure as proconsul of 308:History Against the Pagans 107:to be in the tradition of 3386: 3225: 3167: 3146: 2806: 2755: 2593: 2535: 2475: 2455:Massacre of the Innocents 2418: 2310: 2254: 2247: 2223:Lectio difficilior potior 2117: 2024:Ancient Christian Gospels 1780:, 304. Jackson and Lake, 726:(AD 112). Even Christian 651:) utilized the passage." 313:Acts correctly refers to 3441:Historicity of the Bible 3431:1st-century Christianity 3003:Mary mother of John Mark 1844:and, possibly also, the 1766:cohors II Italica c. R., 1689:, Continuum, 2004, p.14. 1270:Ramsay, William (1915). 1173:Nicklas, Tobias (2003). 603:The description of the ' 424:, Alexander Wedderburn, 191:Ferdinand Christian Baur 55:historicity of the Bible 2798:Book burning at Ephesus 2184:Comparative linguistics 1727:cohors civium Romanorum 755:Authorship of Luke-Acts 705:Antiquities of the Jews 700:origins of Christianity 684:Antiquities of the Jews 200:William Mitchell Ramsay 150:(as represented by the 142:(as represented by the 122:Antiquities of the Jews 109:Hellenic historiography 3403:The Visual Bible: Acts 3202:Historical reliability 2207:Contextual credibility 1735:cohors II Italica c.R. 1733:actually identifies a 658:as the people of God. 27: 2839:Ananias (High Priest) 2433:Sources and parallels 2062:Catholic Encyclopedia 2039:Evangelical Quarterly 1685:A. J. M. Wedderburn, 800:"Biblical literature" 674:' who led a band of ' 500:Acts 5:33–39: Theudas 394:Court of the Gentiles 253:are correctly called 247:Marcus Antonius Felix 148:Alexandrian text-type 41:, is of interest for 21: 3436:Acts of the Apostles 3378:Mihanović's fragment 3217:Gamaliel's principle 2788:Council of Jerusalem 2587:Acts of the Apostles 2526:Vaticinium ex eventu 2267:Acts of the Apostles 2229:Multiple attestation 1999:I. Howard Marshall. 1956:Jewish War 2.259–263 988:Todd Penner (2004). 370:is confirmed by the 350:senatorial provinces 34:Acts of the Apostles 3373:GrĆĄković's fragment 3195:Luke the Evangelist 2169:Cognitive philology 2067:See section titled 1932:Acts – a commentary 1930:Pervo, Richard I., 527:Census of Quirinius 167:Byzantine text-type 96:Luke the Evangelist 3426:Biblical criticism 3387:In popular culture 3093:Simon the Sorcerer 2998:cousin of Barnabas 2834:Ananias (Damascus) 2783:Peter's liberation 2773:Conversion of Paul 2495:Hadith terminology 2130:Biblical criticism 2015:2012-05-31 at the 1698:Contra Celsum 1.57 523:Judas the Galilean 372:Delphi Inscription 289:The Twelve Caesars 133:Textual traditions 51:Early Christianity 28: 3413: 3412: 3398:(1985 miniseries) 2553: 2552: 2505:Religious studies 2471: 2470: 2460:Geography of the 2323:Bardiya / Smerdis 2243: 2242: 2179:Textual criticism 2154:Demythologization 1943:Evans, Craig A., 1821:cohors II Italica 1772:25-6 (=ILS 9168; 1347:978-0-8054-4365-3 1184:978-3-11-017717-6 1001:978-0-567-02620-0 974:978-3-16-148203-8 947:978-1-139-43630-4 920:978-0-227-67910-4 890:978-0-8308-2719-0 740:Historical method 605:Apostolic Council 586:E. Mary Smallwood 494:George Whitefield 492:'s account about 490:Benjamin Franklin 195:Adolf von Harnack 140:Western text-type 43:biblical scholars 26:, 4th century AD) 3448: 3308:Codex Mutinensis 3212:Textual variants 2964:Judas of Galilee 2954:Joseph Barsabbas 2909:Ethiopian eunuch 2793:Areopagus sermon 2580: 2573: 2566: 2557: 2556: 2543: 2542: 2520:Myth § Mythology 2440:Founding of Rome 2333:Caligula's horse 2252: 2251: 2197: 2196: 2104: 2097: 2090: 2081: 2080: 2066: 2058: 2029:Colin J. Hemer. 2022:Helmut Koester. 1988: 1983:Pervo, Richard, 1981: 1975: 1972: 1966: 1963: 1957: 1954: 1948: 1941: 1935: 1928: 1922: 1919: 1913: 1910: 1904: 1901: 1895: 1892: 1886: 1883: 1877: 1874: 1868: 1865: 1859: 1856: 1850: 1838: 1832: 1817: 1811: 1804: 1798: 1795: 1789: 1758: 1752: 1745: 1739: 1723: 1717: 1714: 1708: 1705: 1699: 1696: 1690: 1683: 1677: 1671: 1665: 1662: 1656: 1653: 1647: 1644: 1638: 1635: 1629: 1626: 1620: 1617: 1611: 1608: 1602: 1599: 1593: 1590: 1584: 1581: 1575: 1572: 1566: 1563: 1557: 1554: 1548: 1545: 1539: 1536: 1530: 1527: 1521: 1518: 1512: 1509: 1503: 1500: 1494: 1491: 1485: 1482: 1476: 1473: 1467: 1464: 1458: 1455: 1449: 1446: 1440: 1437: 1431: 1428: 1422: 1419: 1413: 1410: 1404: 1401: 1395: 1392: 1386: 1383: 1377: 1374: 1368: 1365: 1359: 1356: 1350: 1333: 1327: 1309: 1303: 1298: 1289: 1286: 1280: 1279: 1267: 1261: 1254: 1248: 1245: 1239: 1238: 1220: 1214: 1213: 1195: 1189: 1188: 1170: 1164: 1161: 1155: 1152: 1146: 1143: 1137: 1134: 1128: 1125: 1119: 1116: 1110: 1107: 1101: 1098: 1092: 1089: 1083: 1080: 1074: 1071: 1065: 1062: 1056: 1053: 1047: 1038: 1032: 1031: 1029: 1028: 1019:. Archived from 1012: 1006: 1005: 985: 979: 978: 958: 952: 951: 931: 925: 924: 901: 895: 894: 876: 870: 869: 851: 836: 835: 814: 808: 807: 795: 789: 788: 770: 179:King James Bible 156:Codex Sinaiticus 3456: 3455: 3451: 3450: 3449: 3447: 3446: 3445: 3416: 3415: 3414: 3409: 3382: 3303:Codex Laudianus 3221: 3163: 3142: 2959:Judas Barsabbas 2844:Ananias (Judea) 2802: 2751: 2600: 2589: 2584: 2554: 2549: 2531: 2467: 2450:Kurukshetra War 2420: 2414: 2306: 2239: 2195: 2113: 2108: 2049: 2042:63 (1991), 3–44 2017:Wayback Machine 1996: 1994:Further reading 1991: 1982: 1978: 1973: 1969: 1964: 1960: 1955: 1951: 1942: 1938: 1929: 1925: 1920: 1916: 1911: 1907: 1902: 1898: 1893: 1889: 1884: 1880: 1875: 1871: 1866: 1862: 1857: 1853: 1839: 1835: 1818: 1814: 1805: 1801: 1796: 1792: 1759: 1755: 1746: 1742: 1724: 1720: 1715: 1711: 1706: 1702: 1697: 1693: 1684: 1680: 1672: 1668: 1663: 1659: 1654: 1650: 1645: 1641: 1636: 1632: 1627: 1623: 1618: 1614: 1609: 1605: 1600: 1596: 1591: 1587: 1582: 1578: 1573: 1569: 1564: 1560: 1555: 1551: 1546: 1542: 1537: 1533: 1528: 1524: 1519: 1515: 1510: 1506: 1501: 1497: 1492: 1488: 1483: 1479: 1474: 1470: 1465: 1461: 1456: 1452: 1447: 1443: 1438: 1434: 1429: 1425: 1420: 1416: 1411: 1407: 1402: 1398: 1393: 1389: 1384: 1380: 1375: 1371: 1366: 1362: 1357: 1353: 1334: 1330: 1318:(May 16, 2011) 1310: 1306: 1299: 1292: 1287: 1283: 1268: 1264: 1255: 1251: 1246: 1242: 1235: 1221: 1217: 1210: 1196: 1192: 1185: 1171: 1167: 1162: 1158: 1153: 1149: 1144: 1140: 1135: 1131: 1126: 1122: 1117: 1113: 1108: 1104: 1099: 1095: 1090: 1086: 1081: 1077: 1072: 1068: 1063: 1059: 1054: 1050: 1039: 1035: 1026: 1024: 1015: 1013: 1009: 1002: 986: 982: 975: 959: 955: 948: 932: 928: 921: 902: 898: 891: 877: 873: 866: 852: 839: 832: 818:Harris, Stephen 815: 811: 796: 792: 785: 771: 767: 763: 736: 696: 688:Mount of Olives 680:The Jewish Wars 664: 621: 601: 595: 563:Robert M. Grant 548: 508: 502: 485:Robert M. Grant 474: 469: 426:Hans Conzelmann 352:named in Acts ( 323:Claudius Lysias 211: 187: 171:Textus Receptus 152:Codex Vaticanus 135: 117: 87: 82: 12: 11: 5: 3454: 3444: 3443: 3438: 3433: 3428: 3411: 3410: 3408: 3407: 3399: 3390: 3388: 3384: 3383: 3381: 3380: 3375: 3370: 3365: 3360: 3355: 3350: 3345: 3340: 3335: 3330: 3325: 3320: 3315: 3310: 3305: 3300: 3295: 3290: 3285: 3280: 3275: 3270: 3265: 3260: 3255: 3250: 3245: 3240: 3235: 3229: 3227: 3223: 3222: 3220: 3219: 3214: 3209: 3204: 3199: 3198: 3197: 3192: 3182: 3177: 3171: 3169: 3165: 3164: 3162: 3161: 3156: 3150: 3148: 3144: 3143: 3141: 3140: 3135: 3130: 3125: 3120: 3115: 3110: 3105: 3100: 3095: 3090: 3085: 3080: 3075: 3070: 3065: 3060: 3055: 3050: 3045: 3040: 3035: 3030: 3025: 3020: 3015: 3010: 3005: 3000: 2991: 2986: 2981: 2976: 2971: 2966: 2961: 2956: 2951: 2946: 2941: 2939:James the Just 2936: 2931: 2926: 2921: 2916: 2911: 2906: 2901: 2896: 2891: 2886: 2881: 2876: 2871: 2866: 2861: 2856: 2851: 2846: 2841: 2836: 2831: 2826: 2821: 2816: 2810: 2808: 2804: 2803: 2801: 2800: 2795: 2790: 2785: 2780: 2778:Peter's vision 2775: 2770: 2765: 2759: 2757: 2753: 2752: 2750: 2749: 2744: 2739: 2734: 2729: 2724: 2719: 2714: 2709: 2704: 2699: 2694: 2689: 2684: 2679: 2674: 2669: 2664: 2659: 2654: 2649: 2644: 2639: 2634: 2629: 2624: 2619: 2614: 2608: 2606: 2591: 2590: 2583: 2582: 2575: 2568: 2560: 2551: 2550: 2548: 2547: 2536: 2533: 2532: 2530: 2529: 2522: 2517: 2512: 2507: 2502: 2500:Historiography 2497: 2492: 2491: 2490: 2488:Pseudepigrapha 2479: 2477: 2473: 2472: 2469: 2468: 2466: 2465: 2457: 2452: 2447: 2442: 2437: 2436: 2435: 2424: 2422: 2416: 2415: 2413: 2412: 2407: 2402: 2397: 2392: 2387: 2382: 2377: 2372: 2367: 2362: 2361: 2360: 2355: 2350: 2340: 2335: 2330: 2325: 2320: 2314: 2312: 2308: 2307: 2305: 2304: 2299: 2291: 2289:Book of Mormon 2286: 2284:Book of Joshua 2281: 2279:Book of Esther 2276: 2275: 2274: 2269: 2258: 2256: 2249: 2245: 2244: 2241: 2240: 2238: 2237: 2226: 2219: 2214: 2209: 2203: 2201: 2194: 2193: 2188: 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600: 590: 587: 583: 579: 574: 572: 568: 567:Herod Agrippa 564: 561:about 37 AD. 560: 556: 552: 543: 541: 537: 532: 528: 524: 520: 516: 512: 507: 497: 495: 491: 486: 482: 478: 464: 460: 456: 454: 449: 447: 443: 439: 433: 431: 430:Martin Hengel 427: 423: 422:Gerd LĂŒdemann 418: 412: 411:Acts 21:31–37 407: 403: 401: 400:Acts 19:29–41 397: 395: 391: 390:Acts 21:27–36 387: 383: 380: 377: 376:Acts 18:12-17 373: 369: 365: 362: 359: 355: 351: 347: 343: 339: 336: 332: 328: 324: 320: 316: 312: 309: 305: 301: 300: 299:Roman History 295: 291: 290: 285: 283: 278: 274: 270: 266: 262: 260: 256: 252: 248: 245: 242: 238: 234: 230: 227: 223: 222: 217: 216: 215: 206: 203: 201: 196: 192: 182: 180: 176: 172: 168: 163: 160: 157: 153: 149: 145: 141: 130: 126: 124: 123: 112: 110: 106: 101: 97: 93: 92: 77: 75: 71: 70:Second Temple 67: 62: 60: 56: 52: 48: 44: 40: 39:Apostolic Age 36: 35: 25: 20: 16: 3401: 3393: 3201: 3088:Simeon Niger 2524: 2461: 2410:William Tell 2390:Prester John 2295: 2266: 2232: 2231: / 2221: 2174:Decipherment 2159:Palaeography 2149:Bibliography 2141:Ilm al-rijāl 2140: 2132: / 2068: 2060: 2037: 2030: 2023: 2008: 2006:F.F. Bruce. 2000: 1984: 1979: 1970: 1961: 1952: 1944: 1939: 1931: 1926: 1917: 1908: 1899: 1890: 1881: 1872: 1863: 1854: 1846:Coh. Augusta 1845: 1842:Coh. Italica 1841: 1836: 1828: 1824: 1820: 1815: 1807: 1802: 1793: 1785: 1781: 1777: 1773: 1770:Iscr. Bibbia 1769: 1765: 1761: 1756: 1748: 1743: 1734: 1726: 1721: 1712: 1703: 1694: 1686: 1681: 1669: 1660: 1651: 1642: 1633: 1624: 1615: 1606: 1597: 1588: 1579: 1570: 1561: 1552: 1543: 1534: 1525: 1516: 1507: 1498: 1489: 1480: 1471: 1462: 1453: 1444: 1435: 1426: 1417: 1408: 1399: 1390: 1381: 1372: 1363: 1354: 1336: 1331: 1315: 1307: 1284: 1275: 1271: 1265: 1257: 1252: 1243: 1224: 1218: 1199: 1193: 1174: 1168: 1159: 1150: 1141: 1132: 1123: 1114: 1105: 1096: 1087: 1078: 1069: 1060: 1051: 1041: 1036: 1025:. Retrieved 1021:the original 1010: 990: 983: 963: 956: 936: 929: 909: 899: 880: 874: 855: 821: 812: 803: 793: 774: 768: 721: 714: 703: 697: 683: 679: 672:the Egyptian 665: 653: 637:Amos 9:11–12 622: 602: 577: 575: 549: 539: 511:Acts 5:33–39 509: 475: 461: 457: 450: 446:Acts 1:15–26 434: 419: 415: 392:); see also 345: 307: 297: 287: 281: 232: 219: 212: 204: 188: 164: 161: 136: 127: 120: 118: 104: 99: 89: 88: 63: 31: 29: 15: 3406:(1994 film) 3226:Manuscripts 2994:(John) Mark 2859:Aristarchus 2515:Linguistics 2365:King Arthur 2348:myth theory 2118:Methodology 2111:Historicity 1349:p. 110, 400 905:Aune, David 717:of Eusebius 613:Galatians 2 451:Concerning 354:Acts 13:7–8 346:anthypathos 294:Cassius Dio 255:procurators 226:Acts 17:6–8 185:Historicity 144:Codex Bezae 80:Composition 66:1st century 3420:Categories 3313:Uncial 095 3190:Authorship 3154:Christians 3113:Theophilus 2829:Agrippa II 2428:The Exodus 2419:Events and 2395:Robin Hood 2370:King David 2328:The Buddha 2191:Provenance 1782:Beginnings 1655:Acts, 5:36 1324:1405188448 1027:2009-11-24 761:References 712:, and the 668:Acts 21:38 633:Septuagint 479:speaks of 438:Acts 13:31 358:Acts 18:12 340:The title 335:Acts 23:26 331:Acts 21:31 241:Acts 19:35 233:grammateus 221:politarchs 146:) and the 47:historians 3233:Papyrus 8 3185:Luke–Acts 3133:Trophimus 3108:Tertullus 3053:Prochorus 3048:Priscilla 2894:Dionysius 2889:Demetrius 2884:Cornelius 2864:Bar-jesus 2768:Pentecost 2763:Ascension 2483:Apocrypha 2234:Mutawatir 2164:Philology 1664:Acts 5:37 750:Luke-Acts 555:Cornelius 551:Acts 10:1 342:proconsul 319:centurion 315:Cornelius 277:Suetonius 273:Acts 18:2 105:Luke–Acts 100:Luke–Acts 91:Luke–Acts 85:Narrative 74:Jerusalem 24:Papyrus 8 3138:Tychicus 3068:Sapphira 3023:Parmenas 3018:Nicholas 3008:Matthias 2934:Gamaliel 2914:Eutychus 2904:Drusilla 2874:Berenice 2869:Barnabas 2598:chapters 2545:Category 2400:Socrates 2385:Muhammad 2375:Lei Feng 2200:Criteria 2013:Archived 1829:cohors I 1326:pp.13-14 907:(1988). 820:(1985). 734:See also 710:Josephus 702:are the 656:gentiles 571:de Blois 559:Caesarea 515:Gamaliel 477:Acts 4:4 442:Acts 1:3 384:and the 382:Josephus 282:Claudius 269:Claudius 154:and the 59:Josephus 3168:Related 3147:Phrases 3123:Timothy 3118:Theudas 3103:Stephen 3098:Sopater 3058:Publius 3033:Paullus 3013:Nicanor 2879:Blastus 2849:Apollos 2824:Agrippa 2510:Legends 2476:Related 2462:Odyssey 2405:Sun Tzu 2358:Sources 2318:Abraham 2272:Gospels 1731:Speidel 1341:(2009) 676:sicarii 609:Acts 15 519:Theudas 406:Antonia 327:tribune 321:and to 306:in his 237:Ephesus 175:Erasmus 3043:Philip 2989:Manaen 2984:Lysias 2969:Lucius 2929:Gallio 2924:Festus 2899:Dorcas 2854:Aquila 2819:Agabus 2814:Aeneas 2807:People 2756:Events 2612:Acts 1 2421:places 2311:People 2248:Topics 1778:cohors 1345:  1322:  1231:  1206:  1181:  998:  971:  944:  917:  887:  862:  828:  781:  536:Origen 453:Acts 2 428:, and 368:Achaea 3128:Titus 3083:Silas 3073:Sceva 3063:Rhoda 3038:Peter 2979:Lydia 2949:Jesus 2944:Jason 2919:Felix 2595:Bible 2380:Moses 2353:Quest 2343:Jesus 2338:Homer 2302:Quran 2296:Iliad 2262:Bible 2255:Texts 1840:"The 629:James 607:' in 582:Judea 531:Fadus 481:Peter 325:as a 286:from 259:Judea 3395:A.D. 3368:0304 3363:0294 3358:0244 3353:0236 3348:0189 3343:0175 3338:0165 3333:0140 3328:0120 3028:Paul 2974:Luke 2294:The 1827:and 1762:Acts 1343:ISBN 1320:ISBN 1258:Acts 1229:ISBN 1204:ISBN 1179:ISBN 996:ISBN 969:ISBN 942:ISBN 915:ISBN 885:ISBN 860:ISBN 826:ISBN 779:ISBN 682:and 540:Acts 440:and 356:and 333:and 265:Rome 249:and 45:and 30:The 3323:097 3318:096 3298:127 3293:112 1825:ala 1774:CIL 666:In 649:LXX 623:In 317:as 296:in 279:in 267:by 257:of 72:in 61:). 49:of 3422:: 3288:91 3283:74 3278:57 3273:56 3268:53 3263:50 3258:48 3253:45 3248:38 3243:33 3238:29 2996:, 2747:28 2742:27 2737:26 2732:25 2727:24 2722:23 2717:22 2712:21 2707:20 2702:19 2697:18 2692:17 2687:16 2682:15 2677:14 2672:13 2667:12 2662:11 2657:10 2059:. 1729:. 1293:^ 840:^ 802:. 645:MT 627:, 542:. 292:, 284:25 111:. 2652:9 2647:8 2642:7 2637:6 2632:5 2627:4 2622:3 2617:2 2605:) 2601:( 2579:e 2572:t 2565:v 2139:' 2103:e 2096:t 2089:v 2071:. 1760:" 1237:. 1212:. 1187:. 1030:. 1004:. 977:. 950:. 923:. 893:. 868:. 834:. 806:. 787:. 635:( 378:) 374:( 360:) 344:( 337:) 329:( 310:. 271:( 243:) 239:( 228:) 224:(


Papyrus 8
Acts of the Apostles
Apostolic Age
biblical scholars
Early Christianity
historicity of the Bible
1st century
Second Temple
Luke the Evangelist
Hellenic historiography
Antiquities of the Jews
Western text-type
Codex Bezae
Alexandrian text-type
Codex Vaticanus
Codex Sinaiticus
Byzantine text-type
Textus Receptus
King James Bible
Ferdinand Christian Baur
Adolf von Harnack
William Mitchell Ramsay
Acts 17:6–8

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
