
Climate of Argentina

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491:, also known as the Southern Hemisphere Annular Mode is the main factor in tropospheric circulation variability south of 20S and is characterized by pressure anomalies with one situated in the Antarctic and one situated in a band at around 40–50S around the globe. It mainly affects middle and high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere. It is characterized by the north–south displacement of the westerly wind belt that circle around Antarctica. Such variation in the position of the westerly wind belt affects the intensity and position of cold fronts and mid latitude storm systems and is partly responsible for variation in precipitation in the southern parts of Argentina. The Antarctic Oscillation is characterized by two phases: a positive and a negative phase. A positive phase is when the westerly wind belt is displaced to the south. The positive phase occurs when there is increased surface pressure over the southern parts of the South American continent and decreased pressure in Antarctica. This results in stronger westerly winds in the southern parts of the country while preventing cold fronts from penetrating inland, producing more stable conditions. Furthermore, the positive phase leads to warmer conditions south of 40S, particularly during the summer in areas between 40 and 60S. Precipitation is lower due to less frontal and orographic precipitation resulting from reduced westerly wind flow between 40 and 60S. Opposite conditions occur in the negative phase when the westerly wind belt is shifted equatorward. Cold fronts moving northwards from the south penetrate more frequently, leading to more precipitation and cooler temperatures during the negative phase. The major effect of negative phase of the Antarctic Oscillation occurs in spring when it increases precipitation over southeastern South America. 3575:
related to cereals and oilseeds. Argentina is highly dependent on water supplies originating outside its borders, making it highly vulnerable to changes in water supply due to climate change. In arid parts of the country, agricultural production is highly dependent on irrigation, making it vulnerable to droughts as they can reduce the availability of water which can negatively affect the commercial production of agricultural products or food security for smaller producers that depend on agriculture to feed their families. Droughts are frequent and devastating. Several years of droughts during the last decade have severely affected agricultural production and reduced economic growth. In 2018, a severe drought affected the country from the final months of 2017 to April 2018 was the worst in the last 50 years and one of the 10 most destructive climate related events in the world in 2018. Rainfall in some parts of the country were 50% below normal from December to February. As a result of this, yields of soybeans and maize were reduced by 31% and 20% respectively, both of which make up 37% of all of Argentina's exports. The drought lead to $ 6 billion in losses and caused the country to enter into a recession. It was labelled by some to be the most expensive disaster on record. Before the drought in 2018, a drought in 2009 was previously the worst drought in more than 50 years. Many cattle died of hunger, and huge swaths of soy, corn and wheat fields were affected. It was estimated that the country lost more than US$ 5 billion from the drought. A drought in 2011 affected farming of soy and corn, causing losses of US$ 2.5 billion.
high pressure systems in the South Pacific and an increase in cyclonic activity (more low pressure systems) in the South Atlantic. This creates conditions that are favourable for bringing cold air from the south, particularly when there is a formation of a high pressure system over Patagonia (associated with the passage of a front) that is responsible for bringing cold air from the south. Thus, invasions of cold air from the south are more common during La Niña events. In contrast, warm spells in the Pampas and northern parts of the country are more intense and frequent during El Niño events. This is due to stronger westerly winds south of 40S, leading to less frequent incursions of cold air from the south while enhancing winds from the north that bring in warm air. Although La Niña events lead to colder winters with more frequent incursions of cold air in both the north and central parts of the country, it leads to more frequent and intense warm spells in the last months of the year. In other regions, El Niño events lead to more frequent and intense warm spells in Northwest Argentina (during autumn), northeast Argentina (during spring) and central Argentina (during summer). Cold air anomalies arising from El Niño events are observed during spring and are the result of an increase in rainfall that lead to reductions in insolation. For the southern parts of the country, El Niño events are associated with more intense and frequent cold spells during the coldest months. In summer, El Niño events are associated with warmer summer temperatures in the southern parts of the country.
1200: 475:). Although the exact mechanisms are unknown, the impacts of the changes in atmospheric circulation patterns caused by the El Niño–Southern Oscillation are more clearly observed in the more humid eastern parts of the country (between Uruguay and southern Brazil). During El Niño events, precipitation is more higher than normal while during La Niña events, precipitation is lower than normal in the Pampas. In general, El Niño tends to increase precipitation during late spring and summer, particularly in the north. The impacts of La Niña in the eastern parts of the country (northeast and the Pampas) are observed in winter where precipitation is lower. In Northwest Argentina, El Niño events are associated with a strong reduction in rainfall during summer. In contrast, La Niña events increase precipitation in northwest Argentina. In the central–western parts of Patagonia, spring precipitation tends to be lower during La Niña events and higher during El Niño events. Summer precipitation exhibits an opposite pattern where La Niña years involve wetter summers while El Niño years featuring drier summers. On the Andes in central western Argentina, precipitation is higher during El Niño year. 2115: 435:. The Chaco Low brings large amounts of moisture that favour the development of convective thunderstorms during summer, reaching as far south as 35S. This movement of air from the north owing to the interaction between the Chaco Low and the South Atlantic high is the strongest in summer when the Chaco Low is at its strongest. These winds bring hot, humid tropical air from the north. Sustained and intense winds from the north are responsible for severe weather events such as heat waves and severe convection. During winter, the Chaco Low weakens as a result of lower insolation. This is partly responsible for the decrease in winter precipitation over much of Argentina (in addition to northward displacement of westerlies) due to a weaker transport of air masses from the tropics. This excludes areas south of 40S where it is dominated by westerlies. 323:, especially in mid-April. Frost arrives notably earlier in the south and later in the north. Mean temperatures can exceed 22 °C (72 °F) in the northern parts of the country, while they can touch 16 °C (61 °F) in most of the central parts of the country, and less than 6 °C (43 °F) at the higher altitudes. As autumn progresses, mean temperatures fall in all regions, with March warmer than May. In the north, mean temperatures range from 24 °C (75 °F) in March to 18 °C (64 °F) in May. In the central parts of the country, mean temperatures in March are between 18 and 22 °C (64 and 72 °F), dropping to 10 and 14 °C (50 and 57 °F) in May. The mean temperature in Tierra del Fuego Province in the extreme south is 10 °C (50 °F), and occasionally lower. 3562:
persisted for more than a year, negatively impacting the area both socially and economically. Major flooding events in the Parana River include those of 1992 and 1997 and have been more frequent since the 1980s due to higher precipitation trends. Similarly, in Buenos Aires Province, flooding occurs due to river overflows and poor water drainage; major flooding events in the province occurred in 1987, 2002/2003, 2012 and in 2014, causing damage to agriculture production. Most of the flooding events occur in El Niño years owing to higher rainfall. Flooding can also affect Patagonia and urban centers in the northwest, but the number of people affected and economic losses are lower than those in the Pampas owing to lower population densities. Flooding can jeopardize access to safe water. A
America. As it begins to move, this high pressure system strengthens the South Pacific High and is forced to move southwards to south of 40S where the Andes are shorter in height. As well, an upper-level ridge forms over the South Pacific Ocean along with an upper-level trough extending from subtropical latitudes to the South Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, a low pressure system forms over the South Atlantic Ocean which eventually strengthens. The formation a cold front associated with it moves to the northeast owing to the topographic barrier that the Andes forms. The passage of the cold front to the northeast leads to the movement of the high pressure system from the South Pacific Ocean into the southern tip of South America. All of these conditions lead to strong
372:. South of 40S, the Andes are lower in altitude, allowing much of Patagonia to be dominated by westerly winds and air masses from the Pacific Ocean. However, the north–south orientation of the Andes creates a barrier for humid air masses originating from the Pacific Ocean. This is because they force these air masses upwards, cooling adiabatically. Most of the moisture is dropped on the Chilean side, causing abundant precipitation and cloudiness while on the Argentine side, the air warms adiabatically, causing it to become drier as it descends. Thus, an extensive rain–shadow is present in much of Patagonia, causing it to receive very little precipitation. The Sierras Pampeanas influences the climate on a much smaller scale than the Andes. 511:. Similar to the Antarctic Oscillation, the Indian Ocean Dipole is characterized by two phases: a positive and a negative phase. In the positive phase, the eastern section of the tropical Indian Ocean is cooler (lower sea surface temperature) and the western section is warmer than normal (higher sea surface temperature). On the other hand, the negative phase is characterized by warmer sea surface temperatures on the eastern section and cooler sea surface temperatures on the western section of the tropical Indian Ocean. Studies have shown that the Indian Ocean Dipole is partly responsible for variations in precipitation in Argentina and South America in general. During a positive phase, precipitation is higher in the 976: 3579: 19: 1028: 530: 3760: 30: 3698:, a city located in the Andean foothills, experiences frequent hailstorms that can impact the agriculture of the region. Hailstorms have caused serious losses in both urban and rural areas. It is estimated that wine and fruit production experience yearly losses of US$ 50 million and US$ 30 million, respectively, due to hail. Most of these hailstorms occur in the summer although they can occur in winter, particularly in the east where warm and humid air from the north frequently collides with cold air from the south, leading to convective thunderstorms that can produce hail. 216: 181: 388:). The Brazil Current transports warm subtropical waters southwards while the Malvinas Current transports cold, subantarctic waters northwards. The Malvinas Current cools the coastal areas, particularly during winter when the current is stronger. Thus, coastal areas of the Pampas have cooler summers and a longer frost period owing to the cold Malvinas Current. As well, it is the main factor in making Tierra del Fuego colder than at comparable latitudes in the northern hemisphere in Europe since it is influenced by the cold Malvinas Current rather than the warm 427:
results in the coldest temperatures due to the cold masses from high latitudes being pulled northwards. A weaker cold wave occurs when the South Pacific High remains over the ocean and does not have a migratory high pressure system originating from the South Pacific High that moves east of the Andes (it builds over the Andes). Although this occurs throughout the year, during winters, it leads to cold temperatures while during summer, it leads to strong and deep convections. These convections are responsible for about 50% of summer precipitation south of 25S.
country, where agricultural production has expanded to the west by more than 100 km (62 mi) in areas that were previously too dry during middle of the 20th century. In contrast, the Andean part of Patagonia, along with the Cuyo region, has seen a decrease in precipitation, leading to a reduction in river flow in the last 100 years. These trends were observed with an increase in the river–stream flows in most of the country, excluding rivers originating from the Andes, and an increase in extreme precipitation events that led to considerable
3541: 1003:(as shown in map) also belong in this region, having similar climatic and soil characteristics to it. It has an arid or a semi-arid climate. The region's wide range in latitude, combined with altitudes ranging from 500 m (1,600 ft) to nearly 7,000 m (23,000 ft), means that it has a variety of different climate types. In general, most of the region has a temperate climate, with valleys at higher altitudes having a milder climate. At the highest altitudes (over 4,000 m (13,123 ft)), icy conditions persist year round. 1096: 3415: 348: 883: 309: 934:. The high rainfall on these first slopes creates a thick jungle that extends in a narrow strip along these ranges. The temperate valleys, the location of major cities such as Salta and Jujuy, have an average precipitation ranging between 500 and 1,000 mm (20 and 39 in), with rainfall mainly concentrated in the summer months, often falling in short but heavy bursts. Valleys in the southern parts of the region are drier than those in the north due to the greater height of the Andes and the 758: 906:, and Tucumán Province. Although Santiago del Estero Province is part of northwest Argentina, much of the province lies in the Chaco region. Northwest Argentina is predominantly dry, hot, and subtropical. Owing to its rugged and varied topography, the region is climatically diverse, depending on the altitude, temperature and distribution of precipitation. Consequently, the vegetation will also differ. Under the Köppen climate classification, the region has five different climate types: semi–arid ( 456: 444: 867: 261: 3819: 3799:. Heat waves could become more frequent and intense, negatively impacting agricultural production while placing more demand on energy needs. Intense precipitation could become more common, increasing the likelihood of suffering from events such as flooding, since most of its population lives in urban areas near a body of water (rivers, lakes and oceans). Though most of the coastal regions of Argentina will not suffer permanent flooding associated with 409:
transports moisture from the Atlantic Ocean to Argentina. This occurs throughout the year due to the atmospheric pressure being lower on land than in the ocean. Much of the north and central parts of the country are affected by the South Atlantic High, with a strong influence in the eastern parts than in the west. This is due to the eastern parts being more frequently affected by the South Atlantic High, causing precipitation to decrease westwards.
southward displacement of the South Atlantic and South Pacific High (this makes it difficult for cold fronts to enter at lower latitudes). The Chaco Low interacts with the South Atlantic High, generating a pressure gradient that draws moist air from the northeast to coastal and central regions of Argentina. It also forces easterly winds from the Amazon basin to move southward, which is reinforced by the funneling effect from both the Andes and the
3780:. This is affecting water availability to the arid areas of the country that depend on glacier meltwater. Higher temperatures can reduce winter snowfall, causing river flow to decrease, which in turn can reduce hydroelectric energy production; losses of up to 40% have been observed. There has been a decrease in the number of days with frost, and there have been increases in the frequency of hot nights and heat waves throughout the country. 3745:. These snowstorms and/or extremely cold conditions can partially or completely paralyze activities in large areas of Patagonia and the center of the country. In addition, cold conditions can lead to energy shortages during the winter months due to increased demand. The low temperatures brought by these cold waves can cause frosts that can damage plants, severely affecting agricultural production and devastating the local economy. 1007:
receive more precipitation than the western areas since they receive more summer rainfall. Precipitation is highly variable from year to year and appears to follow a cycle between dry and wet years in periods of about 2, 4–5, 6–8, and 16–22 years. In wet years, easterly winds caused by the subtropical South Atlantic High are stronger, causing moisture to flow towards this region; during dry years, these winds are weaker.
and San Luis Province, have a milder climate with mean annual temperatures ranging from 12 to 18 °C (54 to 64 °F). Throughout the region, the diurnal range is great, with very high temperatures during the day followed by cold nights. In all locations, at altitudes over 3,800 m (12,500 ft), permafrost is present; icy conditions persist year round at altitudes over 4,000 m (13,000 ft).
50 mm (2 in) – and occasionally below 25 mm (0.98 in) – much lower than other regions; Patagonia receives a monthly precipitation of 10 to 25 mm (0.4 to 1.0 in). In the central and northern parts of the country, January is usually the wettest month, with an average monthly precipitation of 100 mm (4 in) in most places, even exceeding 200 mm (8 in) in some places.
1051:. It is subdivided into two parts: the humid Pampas to the east, and the dry/semi–arid Pampas to the west. The Pampas has land that is appropriate for agriculture and raising livestock. It is a mostly flat area, interrupted only by the Tandil and Ventana sierras in its southern portion. The climate of the Pampas is characterized as temperate and humid with no dry season, featuring hot summers and mild winters ( 401: 1056:
toward the east and ranges from under 500 mm (20 in) in the south and west to 1,200 mm (47 in) in the northeast. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year in the easternmost parts of the Pampas; in the western parts, most of the precipitation is concentrated during the summer months, and winters are drier. The Pampas are influenced by the
1130:. The Patagonian climate is classified as arid to semi-arid and temperate to cool temperate. One defining characteristic are the strong winds from the west which blow year round (stronger in summer than in winter), which favors evaporation and is a factor in making the region mostly arid. There are three major factors that influence the climate of the region: the Andes, the 1212:
annual temperatures range from 5 °C (41 °F) in the far south to 25 °C (77 °F) in the north. Shown below are the mean monthly temperature and precipitation for selected places in Argentina along with the overall averages for the country (based on a 0.5 latitude/longitude grid). Year-round averages and totals are displayed along with conversions to
963:, which occurs more often during the winter months, can raise temperatures up to 35 °C (95 °F) with strong gusts, sometimes causing crop damage. Temperatures in the Puna region are much colder, with a mean annual temperature of less than 10 °C (50 °F) owing to the high altitude. The Puna region is characterized by being cold with a large 244:. Temperatures range from 20 °C (68 °F) in the north to 14 °C (57 °F) in the center, and 8 to 14 °C (46 to 57 °F) in most of Patagonia. Tierra del Fuego Province and the higher altitudes of the Andes have the coolest springs, with mean temperatures below 8 °C (46 °F). Temperatures grow warmer as spring progresses. 3791:. In both scenarios, the projected monkeying will be more pronounced during the summer months. The predicted trend for precipitation is not as clear as the one for temperature. In the northern and central regions, precipitation is predicted to increase while in most of central–western Argentina and Patagonia, precipitation is predicted to decrease. 3602:, which becomes a source of fine material that can travel large distances during periods of strong wind. Dust storms are more frequent during droughts, particularly in agricultural areas. Dust storms can effect large areas, leading to numerous impacts. These dust storms can lead to loss of crop and livestock, affecting the local economy. Productive 192:
prolonged than at comparable latitudes in the northern hemisphere. The northern parts of the country have the warmest temperatures, with an average of 14 °C (57 °F); the central parts are cooler, with an average of 10 °C (50 °F). In the extreme south, mean temperatures are below 4 °C (39 °F). At higher altitudes in the
1075:, as well as the most consistently active tornado region outside the central and southeastern US. These are usually followed a day or two of strong Pampero winds from the south, which bring cool, dry air. Precipitation in the summer is high, with monthly amounts averaging between 90 mm (4 in) and 160 mm (6 in) in most places. 327:
and 20 in). In most of the western parts of northwest Argentina, Patagonia (except for western Patagonia where precipitation is higher, averaging 100 to 200 mm (4 to 8 in)) and Cuyo regions, precipitation can average less than 50 mm (2 in). In the northwest, precipitation decreases as autumn progresses, ushering in the
north to south. Summer precipitation levels range from a low of 300 mm (12 in) to a high of 450 mm (18 in). In this season, most rain falls during convective thunderstorms. Autumn is one of the rainiest seasons, with many places receiving over 350 mm (14 in). As in summer, precipitation falls mainly during
evaporation rates. In most of Patagonia, precipitation is concentrated in the winter months, except for the northeastern and southern parts, where precipitation is more evenly distributed. Thunderstorms are infrequent, occurring only during summer. Snowfall occurs mainly in the west and south, which can result in strong snowstorms.
673:, the climate is arid with mean annual precipitation around 200 mm (8 in). Temperatures in Patagonia exceed 0 °C (32 °F) during winter months and owing to the maritime influences of the surrounding Pacific and Atlantic oceans, the thermal amplitude is smaller than at similar latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. 53:, where it is the driest season. The climate is warm in the north, cool in the center, and cold in the southern parts, that experience frequent frost and snow. Because the southern parts of the country are moderated by the surrounding oceans, the cold is less intense and prolonged than areas at similar latitudes in the 665:
temperate climate with annual precipitation between 800 and 1,200 mm (31 and 47 in) and mean annual temperatures between 15 and 20 °C (59 and 68 °F). The climate in the center of the country becomes more arid towards the west. In the south (Patagonia), most precipitation falls in the
The influence of the Pacific Ocean, general circulation patterns, and the topographic barrier caused by the Andes results in one of the strongest precipitation gradients in the world. Precipitation steeply decreases from west to east, ranging from 4,000 mm (160 in) in the west on the Andean
oceans. These valleys receive less than 200 mm (8 in) of precipitation per year and are characterized by sparse vegetation adapted to the arid climate. The area further west in the Puna region, with an average altitude of 3,900 m (12,800 ft), is mostly a desert due to the blocking
to a low of 450 to 500 mm (18 to 20 in) in the west and southwest. Summer witnesses the maximum precipitation. Summer rains are intense, and torrential rain is common, occasionally causing floods and soil erosion. During the winter months, precipitation is sparse. Eastern areas receive more
The South Atlantic High and the South Pacific High both influence the pattern of winds and precipitations in Argentina. Owing to the greater height of the Andes at latitudes north of 40S, much of Argentina is dominated by wind circulation patterns from the South Atlantic High. The South Atlantic High
have been recorded along the coastal areas. These storm surges are formed from strong winds that blow towards the land. They are formed due to the interaction between the semi-permanent South Pacific High and a low pressure system over the Atlantic, southeast of Argentina, creating strong winds from
and sudestada, which bring long periods of precipitation, cloudiness and cooler temperatures, particularly in the southern and eastern parts. Dull, gray and damp weather characterize winters in the Pampas. Occasionally, tropical air masses from the north may move southward, providing relief from the
and Sierras Pampeanas affect the climate of Argentina, leading to differences in temperature, pressure, and spatial distribution of precipitation depending on the topography and altitude. Here, the Andes exert an important influence on the climate. Owing to the higher altitudes of the Andes north of
Precipitation is highest in northeast Argentina and lowest in the Patagonia and Cuyo regions. In northeast Argentina, mean precipitation can exceed 400 mm (16 in) while in most of Buenos Aires Province and northwest Argentina, mean autumn precipitation ranges between 200 and 500 mm (8
Scientists predict that glaciers will continue to recede and melt or, in some areas, disappear. It is also predicted that the Cuyo region could face a potential water crisis due to an increase in water demand caused by a reduction in river streamflows. In the north and central parts of the country,
Summers in the region are hot and generally sunny; winters are dry and cold. Since this region has a wide range of altitudes, ranging from 500 m (1,600 ft) to nearly 7,000 m (23,000 ft), temperatures can vary widely. The Sierras Pampeanas, which cross into both San Juan Province
Average annual precipitation ranges from 100 to 500 mm (4 to 20 in), though it is generally unpredictable. More than 85% of annual rainfall occurs from October to March, which constitutes the warm season. In contrast, the winter months are dry. Eastern and southeastern areas of the region
The Chaco region is the hottest in Argentina, with a mean annual temperature of 23 °C (73 °F). With mean summer temperatures occasionally reaching 28 °C (82 °F), the region has the hottest summers in the country. Winters are mild and brief, with mean temperatures in July ranging
Distance from the sea is another important geographic factor. Owing to the shape of the country, the close proximity to the ocean means that most of the country, excluding the north is moderated by the surrounding oceans, leading to lower thermal amplitudes than comparable latitudes in the northern
331:. For example, in Tucuman Province, March averages more than 200 mm (8 in) of precipitation while May averages less than 50 mm (2 in). In contrast, precipitation increases in Patagonia, particularly in the western parts where May precipitation can exceed 100 mm (4 in). 3594:. These include areas west of Buenos Aires, which can average more than eight dust storms per year, and parts of Patagonia, owing to its aridity and windy climate. Certain areas in the Altiplano are also highly prone to dust storms owing to extensive areas of closed depressions and the presence of 3561:
basins have a flat landscape and are thus highly susceptible to flooding due to river overflows following high rainfall. These floods can last for months, particularly in the Parana River, owing to its large basin. In the most extreme case, during the year 1982–1983, the floods in the Parana River
characterized by warm, dry air, can cause temperatures to exceed 30 °C (86 °F) and occasionally 45 °C (113 °F), as occurred in 2003. However, cold waves are also common, caused by the channeling by the Andes of cold air from the south, making for frequent cold fronts during the
valley, mean annual temperatures range from 12.0 to 14.1 °C (53.6 to 57.4 °F), depending on altitude. In the Calchaquí Valleys in Salta Province, the climate is temperate and arid with large thermal amplitudes, long summers, and a long frost-free period. In the valleys in the south in La
from the south can push temperatures below freezing, resulting in frost. However, such cold fronts are brief and are less intense than areas further south or at higher altitudes. Snowfall is extremely rare and mainly confined to the uplands of Misiones Province, where the last significant snowfall
Average annual precipitation ranges from less than 1,000 mm (39 in) in the southern parts of the Province to approximately 1,800 mm (71 in) in the eastern parts. Precipitation is slightly higher in the summer than in the winter and generally decreases from east to west and from
regions, temperate plains in the Pampas, and cold subantarctic in the south. However, despite the diversity of biomes, about two-thirds of Argentina is arid or semi-arid. Argentina is best divided into six distinct regions reflecting the climatic conditions of the country as a whole. From north to
In winter (June–August), the northern parts of Argentina are generally warm, the central parts mild, and the southern parts cold with frequent frost and snow. The climate of the southern parts of the country is moderated by the surrounding oceans, resulting in cold weather that is less intense and
Droughts are the most harmful natural disasters that are difficult to monitor, identify, analyse, and to manage. Events of droughts have considerable and serious negative impacts socially and economically. In the case of Argentina, it is highly dependent on rainfall in order to sustain production
Argentina's geomorphic characteristics make the country highly vulnerable to floods. These floods can damage infrastructure, cause loss of life, increase the risk of diseases, and negatively impact agricultural productivity, which is one of the main economic activities of the country. Many of the
On a national scale, the wettest year on record is 1985 when annual precipitation in the country was 29.6% higher than the mean annual precipitation (based on a reference period of 1981–2010). The driest year on record in the country is 1988 when annual precipitation was 29.9% lower than the mean
Temperatures are the highest in the northern parts, averaging around 30 °C (86 °F) during summer. Precipitation ranges from 700 mm (28 in) in driest and western parts of the Chaco to around 2,000 mm (79 in) in the extreme east. The center and east of Argentina have a
In general, Argentina has four main climate types: warm, moderate, arid, and cold, all determined by the expanse across latitude, range in altitude, and relief features. The arid and cold climates predominate in the west and south while the warm and moderate climates predominate in the center and
In general, La Niña events are associated with lower temperatures (particularly colder winters) in the Pampas. During winter, frosts are more common during La Niña events compared to El Niño events. This is due to a stronger southerly flow during La Niña events caused by a higher concentration of
caused by accumulation of cold air on the eastern side of the Andes) that draw this cold air northwards, which is driven by this pressure gradient. Cold air can move northwards until 18S when the blocking effect of the Andes is smaller due to a change in its orientation. Overall, these conditions
near the border with Chile to over 2,000 millimetres (79 in) in the northeast and along the eastern slopes of the Andes in the northern parts of the country. The Andean foothills of Patagonia in the western parts of the region can receive up to 3,500 millimetres (138 in) per year. Mean
according to the Köppen climate classification). The weather in the Pampas is variable due to the contrasting air masses and frontal storms that impact the region. Annual temperatures range from 17 °C (63 °F) in the north to 14 °C (57 °F) in the south. Precipitation increases
Autumn arrives in March and brings periods of very rainy weather followed by dry, mild stretches and cool nights. Some places in the east receive rainfall throughout autumn whereas in the west, after the rains, the weather quickly becomes very dry. Generally, frost arrives in early April in the
The most important geographical factors that influence the climate of Argentina are latitude, elevation, and distance from the sea. With Argentina extending from 22S to 55S, there are differences in the amount of incoming solar radiation and the amount of daylight received in each season, which
are the wettest, receiving more than 400 mm (16 in) of precipitation during the season. Most of the Littoral region and Buenos Aires Province, average between 200 and 300 mm (8 and 12 in). On the other hand, the Patagonia region is dry, with precipitation averaging less than
and Tierra del Fuego Province, where mean temperatures range from 5 to 8 °C (41 to 46 °F). At higher altitudes in the Andes stretching from Neuquén Province to Tierra del Fuego Province, mean annual temperatures are below 5 °C (41 °F). Strong westerly winds can decrease the
and allowing forests to thrive on the Atlantic coast. Patagonia is located between the subtropical high pressure belt and the subpolar low pressure zone, meaning it is exposed to westerly winds that are strong, since south of 40°S there is little land to block these winds. Because Patagonia is
to the east of the Andes and thus, the high pressure system intensifies as it enters southern Argentina. When both the high pressure system (over southern Argentina) and low pressure system strengthen, it creates a very strong pressure gradient that draws cold air from the south, strengthening
According to the national government and scientists, climate change is predicted to have a significant effect on the climate of Argentina. There has been an increase in annual precipitation in almost all of Argentina during the 20th century, particularly in the northeast and the center of the
The Chaco Low is a semi–permanent low pressure system situated east of the Andes that is approximately located between 20S and 30S during summer (displaced to the north in winter). It is stronger in the summer than in winter due to a combination of high insolation, dry surface conditions, and
Throughout the year, the South Pacific High influences the climate by bringing cold, moist air masses originating from Patagonia. During the most intense cold waves, they form when a transient high pressure system located in the South Pacific Ocean moves eastwards to the southern tip of South
Precipitation is highly seasonal and mostly concentrated in the summer months. It is distributed irregularly due to the country's topography although it generally decreases from east to west. The eastern slopes of the mountains receives between 1,000 and 1,500 mm (39 and 59 in) of
as well as glaciers and permanent snowfields. Most of the region receives less than 200 mm (8 in) of precipitation per year. The aridity of the region is due to the combination of low precipitation, strong winds, and high temperatures in the summer months, all of which cause high
In summer (December–February), temperatures range from an average of 26 °C (79 °F) in the north to a mean of 20 °C (68 °F) in the center of the country except for the southeastern parts of Buenos Aires Province, where temperatures are cooler in summer due to the
may be lost during dust storms, leading to loss in soil productivity, which can increase soil erosion and negatively affect crop productivity in the long term. In addition to the impact on agriculture, dust storms can damage cars and buildings, lower visibility on roads, affect
1067:. Afternoon thunderstorms, which can bring intense amounts of precipitation, are common, as are heat waves that can bring temperatures in the 36 to 40 °C (97 to 104 °F) range for a few days. These thunderstorms are known to have the most frequent lightning and highest 96:
and thunderstorms, and cool, dry winters. Patagonia, in the southern parts of the country has a dry climate with warm summers and cold winters characterized by strong winds throughout the year and one of the strongest precipitation gradients in the world. High elevations at all
152:. Temperatures have increased in the last century while the observed changes in precipitation are variable, with some areas receiving more and other areas less. These changes have impacted river flow, increased the frequency of extreme weather events, and led to the retreat of 3661:
that can produce tornadoes. With a larger number of convective storms, there is a higher chance that some of these storms will produce tornadoes. Most tornadoes are relatively weak and rarely cause deaths. The strongest tornado recorded in Argentina occurred in 1973 when a
Mean temperatures have increased by 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) between 1901 and 2012, slightly lower than the global average. Temperatures in the Andean part of Patagonia have increased by more than 1 °C (1.8 °F), which has caused the retreat of almost all of the
3435:, Salta Province on 11 December 1905. Since 1961 when nationwide temperature monitoring began, the warmest year on record is 2017 when mean temperatures nationally were 0.68 °C (1 °F) above the mean national temperatures based on the 1981–2010 reference period. 3476:
in Neuquén Province, the validity of the data is dubious owing to fewer years of data. Lago Frías also has the record for wettest monthly precipitation in Argentina: 1,147 mm (45.2 in) of precipitation was recorded in May 1951. In contrast, the driest place is
precipitation than western areas since they are more influenced by moist air from the Atlantic Ocean, which penetrates the eastern areas more than the west, bringing in more precipitation. As a result, the vegetation differs: eastern areas are covered by forests,
Patagonia and the Puna region register the lowest temperatures in Argentina where temperatures lower than −20 °C (−4 °F) have been recorded. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Argentina and South America was −32.8 °C (−27.0 °F) in
of the easterly winds by the Andes and the northwest extension of the Sierras Pampeanas. Precipitation in the Puna region averages less than 200 mm (8 in) a year while high isolation, strong winds, and low humidity exacerbate the dry conditions.
characteristics of Argentina tend to create extreme weather conditions, often leading to natural disasters that negatively impact the country both economically and socially. The Pampas, where many of the large cities are located, has a flat
955:, which is part of the arid Chaco ecoregion, temperatures during the summer are very high, averaging 26 °C (79 °F) in January while winters are mild, averaging 12 °C (54 °F). Cold fronts from the south bringing cold 1191:), particularly in summer. The annual range of temperatures in Patagonia is lower than at similar latitudes in the northern hemisphere owing to the narrowness of the region at higher latitudes and the stronger maritime influence. 247:
During spring, precipitation in the country varies, with the greatest amounts being in northern Buenos Aires Province and the Littoral region, where the average precipitation exceeds 250 mm (10 in). Arid regions
3485:, which has received as low as only a 0.4 mm (0.016 in) of precipitation in a year. The highest recorded one-day rainfall total occurred on 2 April 2013, when 392.2 mm (15.44 in) of rain fell in 1079:
southernmost areas, in late May in the north, and ends by mid-September, although the dates of the first and last frosts can vary from year to year. Frost is rarely intense or prolonged and may not occur each year.
9460: 615:
traverses the country from the northwest to the southeast. The vast size, and wide range of altitudes, contribute to Argentina's diverse climate. Argentina possesses a wide variety of climatic regions ranging from
lies within the region. This region, located in the center-north has a subtropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild, dry winters. Under the Köppen climate classification, the west has a semi-arid climate
4918: 3710:
and southern Brazil, causing strong winds from the southeast. Storm surges have caused flooding of coastal areas, leading to extensive property loss and other damage. It is also the main natural factor in the
Severe storms impact large cities more often and can damage cars, houses and disrupt public services such as transportation and collection and disposal of urban solid waste. The foothills of the Andes and the
3553:. This is because these plains, which cover 35% of the land area in the country (including the Chaco and Pampean areas), are characterized by a flat landscape, which can impede proper water drainage. Both the 3706:
the south or southwest. The sudestada, which brings the worst storm surges, occurs when there is a high pressure system over southern Argentina in the Atlantic Ocean that interacts with a low pressure over
721:. Winter is the driest season, with precipitation ranging from less than 40 mm (2 in) in the west to over 340 mm (13 in) in the east. Most of the precipitation during winter comes from 3456:. On a national scale, the coldest year on record is 1975 when mean temperatures nationally were −0.76 °C (−1 °F) below the mean national temperatures based on the 1981–2010 reference period. 196:, average winter temperatures are below 0 °C (32 °F). June and July temperatures are normally similar to each other; however, in August temperatures see a rise of about 2 °C (4 °F). 3549:
large Argentinean cities and agriculturally productive areas lie near rivers. The plains are at highest risk for flooding, particularly in the northeastern and central parts of the country, including
for strong southeasterly winds), bringing long periods of rain, cloudiness, cooler temperatures, and strong winds. Spring is similar to autumn, with a mean precipitation of 340 mm (13 in).
8849: 6411: 4845:"Revisiting wintertime cold air intrusions at the east of the Andes: propagating features from subtropical Argentina to Peruvian Amazon and relationship with large-scale circulation patterns" 1082:
Winters are mild with frequent frosts and cold spells. Temperatures are usually mild during the day and cold during the night. Most precipitation results from frontal systems associated with
6321: 76:
region, which is the warmest region in Argentina. Precipitation in the Chaco region decreases westwards, resulting in the vegetation changing from forests in the east to shrubs in the west.
In general, the highest temperatures in Argentina are recorded in the northern Chaco region where temperatures of 45 to 50 °C (113 to 122 °F) have been recorded. According to the
8392: 854:
from 16 °C (61 °F) in the northern parts to 14 °C (57 °F) in the southernmost parts. Temperatures can reach as high has 49 °C (120 °F) in summer, and during
7371: 3919:, the temperate valleys include the Lerma Valley, Siancas Valley in Salta Province and the Pericos Valley and the temperate valleys of Jujuy, which includes the two provincial capitals 8496: 8162: 8562: 4775:
Seluchi, Marcelo; Marengo, José (2000). "Tropical–Midlatitude Exchange of Air Masses During Summer and Winter in South America: Climatic Aspects and Examples of Intense Events".
129:, and high winds, causing extensive damage to houses and infrastructure, displacing thousands of people and causing significant loss of life. Extreme temperature events such as 10636: 946:
Temperatures in northwest Argentina vary by altitude. The temperate valleys have a temperate climate, with mild summers and dry and cool winters with regular frosts.In the
4605: 10061: 10046: 7991: 3509:
The longest duration for a single lightning flash globally was recorded in Argentina on 18 June 2020 along the Argentina–Uruguay border, when it lasted for 17.1 seconds.
5294: 3620: 1060:, which is responsible for variation in annual precipitation. An El Niño year leads to higher precipitation while a La Niña year leads to lower precipitation. 280:
influence. In the extreme south of the country, the temperature averages 12 °C (54 °F); at very high altitudes, the average is below 10 °C (50 °F).
4933: 6071: 4501: 3737:
Argentina regularly receives cold air from the south that can reach low latitudes owing to the influence of the Andes. Cold waves are usually accompanied with severe
southerly winds. Owing to the topographic barrier of the Andes, it forces and channels the cold air to accumulate on the eastern side of the Andes. This generates an
8786: 3783:
Within the next two or three decades (2016–2035), mean temperatures are predicted to increase by 0.5 to 1.0 °C (0.9 to 1.8 °F) under the two scenarios (
10937: 9142: 9213: 8615: 6448: 8812: 8614:
Federico Bert; María de Estrada; Gustavo Naumann; Ricardo Negri; Guillermo Podestá; María de los Milagros Skansi; Pablo Spennemann; Mariano Quesada (2021).
72:, in the northeast is characterized by high temperatures and abundant precipitation throughout the year with droughts being uncommon. West of this lies the 9177: 5295:"Climatic change and quasi-oscillations in central-west Argentina summer precipitation: main features and coherent behaviour with southern African region" 4919:"Cold Waves in South America and Freezing Temperatures in São Paulo: Historical Background (1888–2003) and case studies of cyclone and anticyclone tracks" 207:, averages between 75 and 200 mm (3 and 8 in) while in the north, in areas bordering the Andes, it averages less than 10 mm (0.4 in). 8329: 1019:
winter months and bringing temperatures that can fall below freezing, and occasionally below −10 to −30 °C (14 to −22 °F) at higher altitudes.
8045:"A comprehensive set of high-resolution grids of monthly climate for Europe and the globe: the observed record (1901–2000) and 16 scenarios (2001–2100)" 5991: 5709: 5185:
Lupo, Anthony; Nocera, Joseph; Bosart, Lance; Hoffman, Eric; Knight, David (2001). "South American Cold Surges: Types, Composites, and Case Studies".
8588: 6418: 6146: 4080: 3653:. Tornadoes occur between November and April. In this region, which occupies most of the Pampas, cold air from Patagonia meets warm, humid air from 7965: 6328: 3472:
is considered to be the wettest place in Argentina. Although an average annual precipitation of 6,251 mm (246.1 in) has been recorded in
south, these regions are Northwest, Chaco, Northeast, Cuyo/Monte, Pampas, and Patagonia. Each climatic region has distinctive types of vegetation.
5358: 3649:. However, there is no exact number of tornado occurrences per year, owing to the lack of data. These regions have the most frequent and intense 3478: 3007: 9091: 3795:
the higher temperatures and lower precipitation projected for this region will lead to higher evaporation, intensifying droughts and leading to
3465: 7378: 5684: 1151: 4263: 3837: 10824: 4843:
Espinoza, Jhan; Ronchail, Josyane; Lengaigne, Matthieu; Quispe, Nelson; Silva, Yamina; Bettolli, Maria; Avalos, Grinia; Llacza, Alan (2013).
3473: 938:
on the eastern slopes than the northern mountains, presenting a significant orographic barrier that blocks moist winds from the Atlantic and
8169: 156:. Based on the projections for both precipitation and temperatures, these climatic events are likely to increase in severity and create new 8566: 7820: 8231: 5685:"Tercer Informed Bienal de Actualización de la Repúblic Argentina a la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas Sobre el Cambio Climático" 1199: 9240: 8232:"En el comienzo de abril de 2013 se registraron precipitaciones significativamente altas en provincia de Buenos Aires y Capital Federal" 8133: 10169: 4844: 1170:(also called the Falkland(s) Current) and the high altitude. A characteristic of the temperature pattern is the NW–SE distribution of 339:
Different meteorological factors affect the Argentine climate. Some of these factors are local while others come from other countries.
10088: 7037:
Eduardo, Agosta; Compagnucci, Rosa (2012). "Central-West Argentina Summer Precipitation Variability and Atmospheric Teleconnections".
6177: 5735: 10360: 6269: 6564: 4527: 3950: 1137:
The north–south orientation of the Andes creates a barrier for humid air masses coming from the Pacific Ocean, forming an extensive
10668: 8264: 7345: 4438: 8931: 8492: 705:). The main features of the climate are high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year; this abundant rainfall makes 10073: 8017: 6029:. 8th International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography Society; 2006. Foz de Iguazu. pp. 333–341 3535: 1154:
at around 60°S, the movement of the high and low pressure systems along with ocean currents determine the precipitation pattern.
Summers are very hot while winters are mild to warm. The northern parts of the region are warmer than the southern parts. During
4616: 236:(September–November) is similar to autumn, with mild days and cool nights. During mid-October a large variety of wild and urban 10460: 10450: 10058: 10043: 7995: 4796: 1141:
and causing most of the region to be arid. South of 52°S, the Andes are lower in elevation, reducing the rain shadow effect in
10012: 8098: 8069: 7162: 6850: 5872: 5333: 64:. In general, the northern parts of the country are characterized by hot, humid, rainy summers and mild winters with periodic 10386: 10233: 9883: 9864: 9843: 9807: 9786: 9743: 9722: 9701: 9652: 9615: 9550: 9527: 9504: 9483: 9449: 9428: 9407: 9377: 9342: 9321: 9300: 9277: 4220: 3784: 10213: 10208: 7245: 2114: 10477: 10411: 6480: 6078: 3904: 1142: 1123: 7189:"The severe zonda wind event of 11 July 2006 east of the Andes Cordillera (Argentine): a case study using the BRAMS model" 4505: 203:
region and northwestern parts of Patagonia, where mean winter precipitation exceeds 250 mm (10 in). Most of the
10777: 10555: 10470: 10345: 10320: 10182: 6779: 8653: 6965: 6738: 3657:
with dry air coming from the Andes. When these air masses collide, they can produce intense storms, frequently becoming
468: 9910: 9580: 6737:
Bravo, Gonzalo; Bianchi, Alberto; Volante, José; Salas, Susana; Sempronii, Guillermo; Vicini, Luis; Fernandez, Miguel.
5926: 10102: 10092: 8761: 80:
is predominantly dry and hot although the rugged topography makes it climatically diverse, ranging from the cold, dry
varies from region to region, as the vast size of the country and wide variation in altitude make for a wide range of
10817: 9149: 6382: 3852: 3763:
High temperatures reached during the December 2013 heat wave, the longest and most severe ever recorded in Argentina.
3490: 3428: 1099:
The Patagonian climate is characterized by strong, persistent winds from the west year round, forming characteristic
In Argentina, the climate is divided into four, well defined seasons, those being winter, spring, summer and autumn.
9217: 8622: 4323:
Barros, Vicente; Boninsegna, José; Camilloni, Inés; Chidiak, Martina; Magrín, Graciela; Rusticucci, Matilde (2014).
10310: 10278: 6810: 6455: 4615:(in Spanish). Oficina Regional de Ciencia y Tecnologia de la UNESCO para America Latina y el Caribe. Archived from 3893: 3732: 6937: 1182:, where mean annual temperatures range from 13 to 15 °C (55 to 59 °F), while the coldest are in western 625: 364:
40S, they completely block the normal westerly flow, preventing low pressure systems containing moisture from the
22: 10927: 10726: 10532: 10433: 10263: 10238: 10198: 8816: 6877: 9188: 6614: 5269: 5206: 5157: 5132: 4995: 4970: 4656:
Vera, C.; Baez, J.; Douglas, M.; Emmanuel, C.; Marengo, J.; Meitin, J.; Nicolini, M.; Nogues-Paegle, J. (2006).
4042: 1087:
cool, damp temperatures. Snowfall is extremely rare. When it does snow, it usually lasts for only a day or two.
1057: 10455: 10401: 10340: 10162: 9143:"Comunicación Nacional de la República Argentina a la Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio Climatico" 5995: 4153: 4113: 1183: 1119: 746: 624:
in the far south. Lying between those is the Pampas region, which features a mild and humid climate. Under the
184: 7137: 3690:
are vulnerable to hail. This is because the Andes force humid air from the Atlantic upwards, intensifying the
1040: 786: 268: 10960: 10721: 10589: 10537: 10248: 10218: 10098: 9602: 6531: 6150: 6116: 1225: 1158:
foothills at 41°S to 150 mm (6 in) in the central plateaus. The high precipitation in the Andes in
964: 761:
Western parts of Chaco are characterized by shrubs and low to medium forest cover due to lower precipitation.
524: 385: 3803:, it is predicted that storm surges will become more frequent in coastal areas, affecting locations such as 359:
Although the centre and the eastern parts of the country are mostly flat, the west is mountainous. Both the
10810: 10736: 10445: 10423: 10350: 10335: 6021: 5713: 4186: 4010: 3788: 3625:
Argentina experiences frequent tornadoes each year. Tornadoes occur in the South American "tornado alley" (
3431:, the highest temperature ever recorded in Argentina and South America was 48.9 °C (120.0 °F) in 992: 952: 899: 794: 641: 252:) have the lowest spring precipitation, with an average precipitation of less than 50 mm (2 in). 8592: 6811:"Olive Growing in the arid valleys of Northwest Argentina (provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja and San Juan)" 3715:. The flooding as a result of storm surges are particularly destructive in flat coastal areas such as the 356:
affects temperature. Thus, temperatures decrease from north to south due to the differences in latitudes.
10965: 10560: 10527: 10355: 10330: 10325: 10300: 9520:
Developments in Earth Surface Processes: Natural Hazards and Human–Exacerbated Disasters in Latin America
Developments in Earth Surface Processes: Natural Hazards and Human–Exacerbated Disasters in Latin America
8563:"Efectos del cambio climático La sequía argentina, uno de los 10 desastres climáticos mundiales del 2018" 5092:"Atmospheric Circulation Associated with Persistent Generalized Frosts in Central–Southern South America" 4084: 3754: 3650: 959:
air can cause severe frosts in the valleys of La Rioja Province and Catamarca Province. In contrast, the
Autumn (March–May) is generally mild. Some southern natives forests and vineyards display red and orange
Precipitation varies a lot during the winter months. The highest are in the extreme northern part of the
161: 121:
and poor water drainage, making it vulnerable to flooding. Severe storms can lead to tornadoes, damaging
7969: 1159: 666: 368:
from coming in. Thus, much of Argentina north of 40S is dominated by wind circulation patterns from the
10651: 10542: 10482: 10135: 7732: 7477:"Late Pleistocene and early Holocene hunter-gatherers of the Pampas and Patagonia, Argentina and Chile" 5594: 5362: 5245:"Linkages between Summer Rainfall Variability over South America and Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies" 9754: 5766: 3418:
Lago Frías in Río Negro Province during winter. It is considered to be the wettest place in Argentina.
10691: 10658: 10646: 10519: 10418: 10391: 10155: 9561: 9098: 7188: 740:, temperatures can exceed 40 °C (104 °F) in the summer months, while in the winter months, 698: 697:. It has a subtropical climate with no dry season. Under the Köppen climate classification, it has a 157: 9682: 8163:"Informe sobre la Temperatura y Precipitación a nivel Nacional y Provincial en Argentina (AÑO 2017)" 4813: 930:
precipitation a year, though some places receive up to 2,500 mm (98 in) annually owing to
Weather map showing the usual position of weather systems around the southern part of South America.
10932: 10841: 10833: 10621: 10616: 10508: 10428: 10315: 10035: 8719:"Impacts of Sand and Dust Storms on Agriculture and Potential Agricultural Applications of a SDSWS" 5647: 5569: 5387: 3857: 3832: 3720: 931: 871: 138: 512: 10751: 10601: 10406: 8044: 6908: 3842: 3409: 1134:
and South Atlantic High, and an isolation that is more pronounced in eastern than western areas.
504: 10125:
Daily weather data in the last 365 days for stations operated by Servicio Meteorológico Nacional
9598: 7831: 6907:
Paoli, Héctor; Volante, José; Ganam, Enrique; Bianchi, Alberto; Fernandez, Daniel; Noé, Yanina.
6356: 5409: 3578: 1071:
cloud tops in the world. The severe thunderstorms produce intense hailstorms, floods, including
241: 10626: 10611: 10575: 10465: 10396: 10288: 9902: 9894: 8194: 6691:
Trauth, Martin; Alonso, Ricardo; Haselton, Kirk; Hermanns, Reginald; Strecker, Manfred (2000).
6661: 6181: 3847: 3702: 1068: 682: 557: 389: 69: 10133:
Agrometeorological data for stations operated by Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
9854: 9797: 9776: 9712: 9494: 9439: 9397: 9332: 9311: 9288: 8238: 3630: 690: 10663: 10565: 10374: 9418: 9267: 6995: 6878:"Diagnostico del Manejo del Agua en Cuencas Tabacaleras del Valle de Lerma, Salta, Argentina" 4437:
Paruelo, José; Beltrán, Adriana; Jobbágy, Esteban; Sala, Osvaldo; Golluscio, Roberto (1998).
3862: 3544:
The Pampas are vulnerable to flooding owing to their flat topography and poor water drainage.
3531: 3527: 3494: 3394: 1036: 947: 850:
and grasses. In all parts of the region, precipitation is highly variable from year to year.
645: 488: 9626: 8734: 7992:"Normals Data: USHUAIA AERO - ARGENTINA Latitude: 54.80°S Longitude: 68.32°W Height: 28 (m)" 7940: 6708: 6506: 5477: 3583: 3469: 1115: 975: 10904: 10770: 10711: 10683: 10570: 10513: 10496: 10228: 10223: 10190: 9632: 9034: 8887: 8730: 7636: 7578: 7537: 7349: 7317: 7203: 7046: 6704: 5820: 5739: 5309: 5256: 5194: 5144: 5103: 5038: 4982: 4859: 4784: 4729: 4669: 4657: 4336: 3885: 3742: 3550: 1174:
due to the presence of the Andes. The warmest parts of the region are in northern parts of
and temperate latitudes that is not a desert. Precipitation and temperature are relatively
602: 9796:
Vogt, Kristiina; Patel–Weynard, Toral; Shelton, Maura; Vogt, Daniel; Gordon, John (2010).
7859: 7247:
Synoptic and Thermodynamic Analysis of an Extreme Heat Wave over Subtropical South America
6909:"Aprovechamiento de Los Recursos Hídricos y Tecnologia de Riego en el Altiplano Argentino" 6273: 6239: 4530:(in Spanish). Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación. Archived from 1207:
The average annual precipitation ranges from less than 100 millimetres (4 in) in the
8: 10915: 10894: 10884: 10869: 10696: 10273: 9062: 8613: 7253:. International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology and Oceanography (ICSHMO). 6809:
Goméz del Campo, Maria; Morales–Sillero, A.; Vita Serman, F.; Rousseaux, M.; Searles, P.
6579: 4531: 3667: 3523: 834:
and subtropical wet forest, and western areas are dominated by medium and low forests of
Mean annual precipitation ranges from 1,200 mm (47 in) in the eastern parts of
694: 593: 539: 500: 369: 77: 54: 9799:
Sustainability Unpacked: Food, Energy and Water for Resilient Environments and Societies
9636: 9038: 8891: 7640: 7582: 7541: 7321: 7306:"Influence of the Subtropical Andes on Baroclinic Disturbances: A Cold Front Case Study" 7207: 7050: 5824: 5313: 5260: 5198: 5148: 5107: 5042: 4986: 4863: 4788: 4733: 4673: 4453: 4340: 1179: 1111: 782: 292: 10899: 10874: 10854: 10786: 10746: 10741: 10731: 10716: 10673: 10606: 10203: 9670: 9658: 8935: 8743: 8718: 8462: 8437: 8289: 7596: 7285:. Conference on The Role of Topography in Modelling Weather and Climate. Trieste, Italy 7277: 7219: 5325: 5220: 4883: 4362: 3695: 3687: 3595: 2118:
Mean annual precipitation in millimetres in Argentina (including the Falkland Islands).
1175: 1131: 988: 895: 351:
The Andes is an important topographical factor in influencing the climate of Argentina.
200: 9475: 9369: 8021: 7109: 7092: 6716: 1203:
Mean temperatures in Argentina (including the British territory, the Falkland Islands)
Summers in the Pampas are hot and humid with coastal areas being modified by the cold
During summer, mean precipitation varies throughout the country: the eastern parts of
10879: 10859: 10701: 10631: 9924: 9906: 9879: 9860: 9839: 9803: 9782: 9760: 9739: 9718: 9697: 9662: 9648: 9611: 9567: 9546: 9538: 9523: 9515: 9500: 9479: 9445: 9424: 9403: 9373: 9353: 9338: 9317: 9296: 9273: 8879: 8467: 7223: 6692: 5838: 5329: 5224: 5027:"Observed and simulated variability of extreme temperature events over South America" 5026: 4717: 4366: 4324: 3663: 3638: 3634: 3445: 1048: 1044: 1000: 996: 935: 790: 686: 670: 629: 432: 320: 296: 9733: 7600: 4887: 3641:
and Greater Buenos Aires. The frequency of tornadoes is similar to the one found in
10864: 10791: 10706: 10440: 9831: 9772: 9640: 9471: 9365: 9042: 8903: 8899: 8895: 8738: 8457: 8449: 8105: 8073: 7644: 7586: 7545: 7325: 7211: 7114: 7104: 7062: 7054: 6854: 6712: 6208: 5879: 5828: 5528: 5506: 5317: 5264: 5210: 5202: 5162: 5152: 5111: 5054: 5050: 5046: 4990: 4875: 4867: 4792: 4737: 4677: 4352: 4344: 3897: 3889: 3824: 3453: 3432: 1167: 1064: 984: 822: 770: 730: 584: 414: 381: 277: 89: 9352:
Coronato, Andrea; Coronato, Fernando; Mazzoni, Elizabeth; Vázquez, Mirian (2008).
7254: 1027: 137:
impact rural and urban areas by negatively impacting agriculture, one of the main
10889: 10243: 10139: 10124: 10065: 10050: 9691: 9594: 8134:"World Meteorological Organization Global Weather & Climate Extremes Archive" 7244:
Seluchi, Marcelo; Norte, Federico; Gomes, Jorge; Simonelli, Silvia (April 2006).
7093:"Multi Hazard Scenarios in the Mendoza/San Juan Provinces, Cuyo Region Argentina" 4971:"Cold Air Incursions over Subtropical South America: Mean Structure and Dynamics" 4741: 3796: 3716: 3712: 3599: 3449: 1107: 633: 566: 529: 233: 142: 29: 8654:"Pride of Argentina Falls on Hard Times – Drought Kills Off Cattle by Thousands" 7279:
The Andes & Associated Circulations over Central & Eastern South America
6484: 3985: 57:. Spring and autumn are transition seasons that generally feature mild weather. 18: 10547: 9644: 7564: 7476: 3800: 3674:, with winds > 418 km/h (260 mph), making it the worst tornado in 3558: 3540: 3482: 1213: 1208: 923: 903: 807: 778: 774: 766: 722: 706: 472: 423: 377: 376:
hemisphere. The two main currents that impact the climate of Argentina are the
288: 284: 223: 215: 149: 81: 10099:
WMO climate normals of various stations in Argentina from the period 1961–1990
WMO climate normals of various stations in Argentina from the period 1981–2010
9835: 7591: 7566: 7058: 6808: 5833: 5808: 4871: 1166:
Patagonia's temperatures are relatively cold for its latitude due to the cold
180: 10954: 10268: 9357: 9187:(in Spanish). Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable. Archived from 9148:(in Spanish). Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable. Archived from 9097:(in Spanish). Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable. Archived from 8400:
Improving the Assessment of Disaster Risks to Strengthen Financial Resilience
6969: 6785:(in Spanish). Dirección Provincial de Estadística y Censos–Provincia de Jujuy 6454:(in Spanish). Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable. Archived from 5992:"Sintesis Abarcativas–Comparativas Fisico Ambientales y Macroscoioeconomicas" 5842: 4439:"The Climate of Patagonia: general patterns and controls on biotic processes" 3916: 3769: 3675: 3646: 3642: 3563: 3276: 939: 890:
is characterized by a cold, arid but sunny climate with large diurnal ranges.
710: 612: 365: 249: 9764: 9399:
Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Agricultural Production Systems
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The Late Cenozoic of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego
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Oxford University Press. 9027:Atmospheric Science Letters 3810: 3755:Climate change in Argentina 3403: 3349:Average precipitation days 3205:Mean daily minimum °C (°F) 3065:Mean daily maximum °C (°F) 1187:perception of temperature ( 1035:The Pampas includes all of 806:). Chaco is one of the few 10: 10982: 9645:10.1029/EO064i016p00146-03 9579:Morris, Grenville (1990). 8136:. Arizona State University 3752: 3730: 3618: 3521: 3407: 3392: 3015: 3005: 2955: 2911: 2867: 2823: 2779: 2735: 2691: 2647: 2603: 2559: 2515: 2471: 2427: 2383: 2339: 2295: 2251: 2063: 2019: 1975: 1931: 1887: 1843: 1799: 1755: 1711: 1667: 1623: 1579: 1535: 1491: 1447: 1403: 1359: 1223: 987:includes the provinces of 685:includes the provinces of 605:and South Atlantic islands 522: 167: 88:to the east and the drier 10913: 10840: 10834:Climate of South America 10764: 10682: 10597: 10588: 10504: 10495: 10382: 10373: 10296: 10287: 10189: 9836:10.1007/978-3-7643-8838-6 8762:"U.S Tornado Climatology" 7592:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00082.1 7059:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00206.1 6766:Carrillo Castellanos 1998 5834:10.5194/hess-11-1633-2007 4872:10.1007/s00382-012-1639-y 3727:Snowstorms and cold waves 3517: 3348: 3274: 3204: 3134: 3064: 3059: 3056: 3053: 3050: 3047: 3044: 3041: 3038: 3035: 3032: 3029: 3026: 3023: 3020: 1143:Tierra del Fuego Province 1022: 699:humid subtropical climate 303: 255: 210: 175: 10387:Administrative divisions 9541:. In Rabassa, J. (ed.). 9239:Marcelo (15 June 2014). 9063:"Chapter 1-Introduction" 6410:Gorleri, Máximo (2005). 4452:: 85–101. Archived from 3868: 3858:Environment of Argentina 3833:Agriculture in Argentina 3570:Droughts and dust storms 2237:     2233:     2228:     2224:     2219:     2215:     2201:     2197:     2192:     2188:     2183:     2179:     2174:     2170:     2165:     2161:     2156:     2152:     2147:     2143:     2138:     2134:     1345:     1341:     1336:     1332:     1327:     1323:     1309:     1305:     1300:     1296:     1291:     1287:     1282:     1278:     1273:     1269:     1264:     1260:     1255:     1251:     1246:     1242:     932:orographic precipitation 872:orographic precipitation 785:, and northern parts of 752: 719:convective thunderstorms 667:Bosque Andino Patagónico 515:due to teleconnections. 505:sea surface temperatures 9735:Grasslands of the World 9438:Goudie, Andrew (2013). 8735:2009E&ES....7a2016S 8047:. Climate Research Unit 7862:. 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Clarín 8884:Atmospheric Research 8819:on 27 September 2015 7650:10.1002/2014GL061767 7257:. pp. 2009–2010 6876:Altobelli, Fabiana. 6487:on 16 September 2015 6117:"Región del Noreste" 5927:"Argentina in Brief" 5885:on 24 September 2015 5742:on 27 September 2015 5031:Atmospheric Research 4683:10.1175/BAMS-87-1-63 3951:"Argentine Republic" 3633:, Córdoba Province, 3551:Greater Buenos Aires 3505:Other severe weather 2384:Santiago del Estero 1492:Santiago del Estero 747:Bernardo de Irigoyen 745:occurred in 1975 in 39:climate of Argentina 10279:December 2001 riots 10274:Trial of the Juntas 10219:War of Independence 9637:1983EOSTr..64..146F 9625:Péwé, Troy (1981). 9039:2010AtScL..11..249P 8892:2012AtmRe.114...70M 8628:on 4 September 2021 8595:on 13 February 2019 8569:on 13 February 2019 8111:on 20 November 2016 7641:2014GeoRL..41.7359R 7583:2013BAMS...94.1381V 7542:2006BAMS...87.1057Z 7322:2006MWRv..134.3317S 7208:2002ClDy...18..421C 7051:2012JCli...25.1657A 6334:on 11 December 2015 5825:2007HESS...11.1633P 5314:2002ClDy...18..421C 5261:2002JCli...15.1389P 5199:2001MWRv..129.1021L 5149:2002MWRv..130..684V 5108:2007MWRv..135.1268M 5043:2012AtmRe.106....1R 4987:2000MWRv..128.2544G 4864:2013ClDy...41.1983E 4789:2000IJCli..20.1167S 4734:2009PPP...281..180G 4674:2006BAMS...87...63V 4341:2014WIRCC...5...23B 4087:on 20 December 2010 3668:San Justo, Santa Fe 3524:2003 Santa Fe flood 3497:and power outages. 3454:standard conditions 3135:Daily mean °C (°F) 2912:Comodoro Rivadavia 2126: 2020:Comodoro Rivadavia 1234: 1184:Santa Cruz Province 999:. Western parts of 773:. Eastern parts of 725:, particularly the 501:Indian Ocean Dipole 495:Indian Ocean Dipole 439:El Niño and La Niña 370:South Atlantic High 78:Northwest Argentina 55:northern hemisphere 10966:Climate by country 10533:Electricity sector 10204:Colonial Argentina 10083:Climate statistics 9828:Trees in Patagonia 9717:. Academic Press. 8175:on 24 October 2018 7998:on 13 January 2019 7837:on 20 January 2021 7629:Geophys. Res. Lett 7039:Journal of Climate 6240:"Climate Overview" 5249:Journal of Climate 4939:on 13 October 2016 3886:part of Antarctica 3765: 3688:Sierras de Cordoba 3588: 3546: 3493:, causing massive 3470:Río Negro Province 3420: 2210:    2206:    2122: 2120: 1318:    1314:    1230: 1205: 1176:Rio Negro Province 1132:South Pacific High 1105: 1033: 981: 892: 880: 842:trees and a dense 763: 608: 465: 453: 406: 353: 343:Geographic factors 317: 273: 231: 189: 35: 27: 10948: 10947: 10920:other territories 10800: 10799: 10760: 10759: 10584: 10583: 10491: 10490: 10461:Political parties 10456:National Congress 10402:Foreign relations 10369: 10368: 10229:Generation of '80 10199:First inhabitants 9885:978-987-9390-66-5 9866:978-1-84407-470-9 9845:978-3-7643-8837-9 9809:978-1-84407-901-8 9788:978-0-19-531341-3 9745:978-92-5-105337-9 9724:978-0-12-391851-2 9703:978-3-319-76853-3 9654:978-0-8137-2186-6 9617:978-3-540-24329-8 9552:978-0-444-52954-1 9529:978-0-444-53117-9 9506:978-1-4822-5806-6 9485:978-0-444-53117-9 9451:978-1-107-00554-9 9430:978-94-011-9731-1 9409:978-1-4020-7028-0 9379:978-0-444-52954-1 9344:978-980-237-177-8 9323:978-0-19-516234-9 9302:978-0-470-38773-3 9279:978-1-84593-680-8 9220:on 6 October 2015 9194:on 30 August 2015 7331:10.1175/MWR3247.1 7316:(11): 3317–3335. 6383:"Región Chaqueña" 5255:(12): 1389–1407. 5117:10.1175/MWR3344.1 4783:(10): 1167–1190. 4508:on 30 August 2015 4459:on 30 August 2015 3513:Natural disasters 3400: 3399: 2999: 2998: 2107: 2106: 1049:Santa Fe Province 1045:La Pampa Province 1001:La Pampa Province 936:Sierras Pampeanas 791:Santa Fe Province 671:Patagonian Steppe 630:Humid Subtropical 433:Brazilian Plateau 297:Misiones Province 10973: 10940: 10928:Falkland Islands 10842:Sovereign states 10827: 10820: 10813: 10804: 10803: 10780: 10773: 10722:National symbols 10595: 10594: 10551: 10538:Economic history 10522: 10502: 10501: 10380: 10379: 10294: 10293: 10172: 10165: 10158: 10149: 10148: 10144: 10129: 10121: 10113: 10103:list of stations 10093:list of stations 10078: 10070: 10055: 10040: 10030:Maps and imagery 10025: 10017: 10009: 9999:General overview 9988: 9980: 9972: 9964: 9956: 9948: 9940: 9932: 9916: 9889: 9870: 9849: 9813: 9792: 9768: 9749: 9728: 9707: 9686: 9680: 9676: 9674: 9666: 9621: 9609: 9595:Chong, Guillermo 9589: 9587: 9575: 9556: 9533: 9510: 9489: 9465: 9455: 9434: 9413: 9392: 9383: 9348: 9327: 9306: 9283: 9253: 9252: 9250: 9248: 9236: 9230: 9229: 9227: 9225: 9210: 9204: 9203: 9201: 9199: 9193: 9182: 9174: 9165: 9164: 9162: 9160: 9154: 9147: 9139: 9114: 9113: 9111: 9109: 9103: 9096: 9088: 9079: 9078: 9076: 9074: 9059: 9053: 9052: 9050: 9018: 9007: 9001: 8992: 8986: 8975: 8969: 8963: 8957: 8948: 8947: 8945: 8943: 8927: 8921: 8920: 8918: 8916: 8911: 8875: 8862: 8861: 8859: 8857: 8846: 8829: 8828: 8826: 8824: 8808: 8799: 8798: 8796: 8794: 8783: 8774: 8773: 8771: 8769: 8758: 8749: 8748: 8746: 8714: 8701: 8695: 8686: 8680: 8669: 8668: 8666: 8664: 8649: 8638: 8637: 8635: 8633: 8627: 8620: 8611: 8605: 8604: 8602: 8600: 8585: 8579: 8578: 8576: 8574: 8559: 8548: 8542: 8536: 8530: 8524: 8518: 8509: 8508: 8506: 8504: 8489: 8476: 8475: 8465: 8433: 8424: 8418: 8412: 8411: 8409: 8407: 8397: 8389: 8378: 8372: 8366: 8360: 8354: 8348: 8342: 8341: 8339: 8337: 8326: 8317: 8311: 8302: 8301: 8299: 8297: 8286: 8280: 8279: 8277: 8275: 8260: 8254: 8253: 8251: 8249: 8243: 8236: 8228: 8222: 8216: 8207: 8206: 8204: 8202: 8191: 8185: 8184: 8182: 8180: 8174: 8167: 8159: 8146: 8145: 8143: 8141: 8130: 8121: 8120: 8118: 8116: 8110: 8103: 8095: 8086: 8085: 8083: 8081: 8076:on 3 August 2018 8066: 8057: 8056: 8054: 8052: 8040: 8034: 8033: 8031: 8029: 8024:on 23 March 2017 8014: 8008: 8007: 8005: 8003: 7988: 7982: 7981: 7979: 7977: 7962: 7953: 7952: 7950: 7948: 7937: 7872: 7871: 7869: 7867: 7856: 7847: 7846: 7844: 7842: 7836: 7825: 7816: 7805: 7799: 7793: 7787: 7781: 7775: 7769: 7763: 7752: 7751: 7749: 7747: 7737: 7729: 7723: 7717: 7711: 7705: 7694: 7688: 7679: 7673: 7667: 7661: 7655: 7654: 7652: 7620: 7605: 7604: 7594: 7562: 7556: 7555: 7553: 7521: 7515: 7509: 7488: 7487: 7485: 7483: 7473: 7464: 7458: 7447: 7441: 7432: 7426: 7415: 7409: 7394: 7393: 7391: 7389: 7384:on 10 March 2016 7383: 7376: 7368: 7362: 7361: 7359: 7357: 7342: 7336: 7335: 7333: 7301: 7295: 7294: 7292: 7290: 7284: 7273: 7267: 7266: 7264: 7262: 7252: 7241: 7235: 7234: 7232: 7230: 7196:Climate Dynamics 7193: 7184: 7178: 7177: 7175: 7173: 7167: 7159: 7153: 7152: 7150: 7148: 7142: 7138:"Región de Cuyo" 7134: 7125: 7124: 7122: 7112: 7088: 7073: 7072: 7070: 7045:(5): 1657–1677. 7034: 7019: 7018: 7016: 7014: 7000: 6991: 6982: 6981: 6979: 6977: 6962: 6953: 6952: 6950: 6948: 6942: 6933: 6924: 6923: 6921: 6919: 6913: 6904: 6893: 6892: 6890: 6888: 6882: 6873: 6867: 6866: 6864: 6862: 6853:. Archived from 6847: 6838: 6832: 6826: 6825: 6823: 6821: 6815: 6806: 6795: 6794: 6792: 6790: 6784: 6778:Buitrago, Luis. 6775: 6769: 6763: 6754: 6753: 6751: 6749: 6743: 6734: 6728: 6727: 6725: 6723: 6688: 6677: 6676: 6674: 6672: 6666: 6657: 6646: 6640: 6634: 6633: 6631: 6629: 6610: 6595: 6594: 6592: 6590: 6584: 6569: 6560: 6547: 6546: 6544: 6542: 6536: 6528: 6522: 6521: 6519: 6517: 6511: 6503: 6497: 6496: 6494: 6492: 6477: 6471: 6470: 6468: 6466: 6460: 6453: 6445: 6434: 6433: 6431: 6429: 6423: 6417:. Archived from 6416: 6407: 6398: 6397: 6395: 6393: 6387: 6379: 6373: 6372: 6370: 6368: 6353: 6344: 6343: 6341: 6339: 6333: 6326: 6318: 6309: 6303: 6286: 6285: 6283: 6281: 6266: 6255: 6254: 6252: 6250: 6244: 6236: 6221: 6220: 6218: 6216: 6205: 6194: 6193: 6191: 6189: 6174: 6163: 6162: 6160: 6158: 6143: 6132: 6131: 6129: 6127: 6121: 6113: 6094: 6093: 6091: 6089: 6083: 6076: 6068: 6039: 6038: 6036: 6034: 6028: 6017: 6008: 6007: 6005: 6003: 5988: 5955: 5949: 5943: 5942: 5940: 5938: 5933:on 20 March 2008 5923: 5912: 5906: 5895: 5894: 5892: 5890: 5884: 5877: 5868: 5847: 5846: 5836: 5819:(5): 1633–1644. 5804: 5798: 5792: 5783: 5782: 5780: 5778: 5763: 5752: 5751: 5749: 5747: 5732: 5726: 5725: 5723: 5721: 5706: 5700: 5699: 5697: 5695: 5689: 5681: 5660: 5659: 5657: 5655: 5644: 5629: 5628: 5626: 5624: 5613: 5607: 5606: 5604: 5602: 5591: 5582: 5581: 5579: 5577: 5566: 5541: 5540: 5538: 5536: 5525: 5519: 5518: 5516: 5514: 5503: 5497: 5496: 5494: 5492: 5482: 5473: 5452: 5451: 5449: 5447: 5437: 5428: 5422: 5421: 5419: 5417: 5406: 5400: 5399: 5397: 5395: 5384: 5375: 5374: 5372: 5370: 5355: 5349: 5348: 5346: 5344: 5338: 5332:. Archived from 5302:Climate Dynamics 5299: 5290: 5275: 5274: 5272: 5240: 5229: 5228: 5218: 5193:(5): 1021–1041. 5182: 5173: 5172: 5170: 5160: 5128: 5122: 5121: 5119: 5102:(4): 1268–1289. 5087: 5072: 5071: 5069: 5067: 5062: 5022: 5001: 5000: 4998: 4981:(7): 2544–2559. 4966: 4949: 4948: 4946: 4944: 4938: 4923: 4914: 4899: 4898: 4896: 4894: 4880:20.500.12542/278 4858:(7): 1983–2002. 4852:Climate Dynamics 4849: 4840: 4829: 4828: 4826: 4824: 4818: 4810: 4801: 4800: 4772: 4753: 4752: 4750: 4748: 4728:(3–4): 180–195. 4713: 4688: 4687: 4685: 4653: 4647: 4641: 4632: 4631: 4629: 4627: 4621: 4610: 4601: 4595: 4589: 4583: 4577: 4571: 4565: 4559: 4553: 4544: 4543: 4541: 4539: 4534:on 28 April 2016 4524: 4518: 4517: 4515: 4513: 4498: 4469: 4468: 4466: 4464: 4458: 4446:Ecologia Austral 4443: 4434: 4401: 4395: 4378: 4377: 4375: 4373: 4360: 4320: 4271: 4270: 4268: 4259: 4240: 4239: 4237: 4235: 4225: 4217: 4206: 4205: 4203: 4201: 4191: 4183: 4170: 4169: 4167: 4165: 4150: 4133: 4132: 4130: 4128: 4118: 4110: 4097: 4096: 4094: 4092: 4077: 4062: 4061: 4059: 4057: 4047: 4039: 4030: 4029: 4027: 4025: 4015: 4007: 3998: 3997: 3995: 3993: 3982: 3967: 3966: 3964: 3962: 3947: 3920: 3913: 3907: 3898:Antarctic Treaty 3890:Falkland Islands 3882: 3827: 3825:Argentina portal 3822: 3821: 3820: 3719:shores, and the 3582:A dust storm in 3013: 3012: 3002:Overall averages 2731:1,236.3 (48.67) 2648:Puente del Inca 2511:1,867.2 (73.51) 2467:1,436.8 (56.57) 2247: 2243: 2238: 2234: 2229: 2225: 2220: 2216: 2211: 2207: 2202: 2198: 2193: 2189: 2184: 2180: 2175: 2171: 2166: 2162: 2157: 2153: 2148: 2144: 2139: 2135: 2127: 1756:Puente del Inca 1355: 1351: 1346: 1342: 1337: 1333: 1328: 1324: 1319: 1315: 1310: 1306: 1301: 1297: 1292: 1288: 1283: 1279: 1274: 1270: 1265: 1261: 1256: 1252: 1247: 1243: 1235: 1180:Neuquén Province 1168:Malvinas Current 1124:Tierra del Fuego 1065:Malvinas Current 1041:Córdoba Province 1031:Pampas landscape 823:Formosa Province 787:Córdoba Province 783:Tucumán Province 620:in the north to 600: 591: 582: 573: 564: 555: 546: 537: 519:Regional climate 415:anticyclogenesis 382:Malvinas Current 293:Tucumán Province 269:Córdoba Province 143:energy shortages 25:map of Argentina 10981: 10980: 10976: 10975: 10974: 10972: 10971: 10970: 10951: 10950: 10949: 10944: 10938: 10921: 10919: 10909: 10836: 10831: 10801: 10796: 10783: 10776: 10769: 10756: 10737:Public holidays 10678: 10637:Life expectancy 10580: 10549: 10518: 10487: 10446:Law enforcement 10365: 10283: 10244:Infamous Decade 10185: 10176: 10142: 10140:Wayback Machine 10127: 10119: 10111: 10085: 10076: 10068: 10066:Wayback Machine 10053: 10051:Wayback Machine 10038: 10032: 10023: 10015: 10007: 10001: 9996: 9991: 9983: 9975: 9967: 9959: 9951: 9943: 9935: 9919: 9913: 9886: 9867: 9846: 9821: 9819:Further reading 9816: 9810: 9789: 9746: 9725: 9704: 9678: 9677: 9668: 9667: 9655: 9618: 9607: 9585: 9553: 9530: 9507: 9486: 9463: 9452: 9431: 9410: 9380: 9345: 9324: 9303: 9280: 9261: 9256: 9246: 9244: 9237: 9233: 9223: 9221: 9212: 9211: 9207: 9197: 9195: 9191: 9180: 9176: 9175: 9168: 9158: 9156: 9155:on 4 March 2016 9152: 9145: 9141: 9140: 9117: 9107: 9105: 9104:on 4 March 2016 9101: 9094: 9090: 9089: 9082: 9072: 9070: 9061: 9060: 9056: 9048:10.1002/asl.283 9019: 9010: 9002: 8995: 8987: 8978: 8970: 8966: 8958: 8951: 8941: 8939: 8938:on 21 June 2009 8928: 8924: 8914: 8912: 8876: 8865: 8855: 8853: 8848: 8847: 8832: 8822: 8820: 8809: 8802: 8792: 8790: 8785: 8784: 8777: 8767: 8765: 8760: 8759: 8752: 8715: 8704: 8696: 8689: 8681: 8672: 8662: 8660: 8658:Washington Post 8650: 8641: 8631: 8629: 8625: 8618: 8612: 8608: 8598: 8596: 8587: 8586: 8582: 8572: 8570: 8561: 8560: 8551: 8543: 8539: 8531: 8527: 8519: 8512: 8502: 8500: 8491: 8490: 8479: 8434: 8427: 8421:Latrubesse 2009 8419: 8415: 8405: 8403: 8395: 8391: 8390: 8381: 8375:Latrubesse 2009 8373: 8369: 8363:Latrubesse 2009 8361: 8357: 8351:Latrubesse 2009 8349: 8345: 8335: 8333: 8328: 8327: 8320: 8314:Latrubesse 2009 8312: 8305: 8295: 8293: 8288: 8287: 8283: 8273: 8271: 8261: 8257: 8247: 8245: 8241: 8234: 8230: 8229: 8225: 8217: 8210: 8200: 8198: 8193: 8192: 8188: 8178: 8176: 8172: 8165: 8161: 8160: 8149: 8139: 8137: 8132: 8131: 8124: 8114: 8112: 8108: 8101: 8097: 8096: 8089: 8079: 8077: 8068: 8067: 8060: 8050: 8048: 8041: 8037: 8027: 8025: 8016: 8015: 8011: 8001: 7999: 7990: 7989: 7985: 7975: 7973: 7972:on 23 June 2015 7964: 7963: 7956: 7946: 7944: 7939: 7938: 7875: 7865: 7863: 7858: 7857: 7850: 7840: 7838: 7834: 7823: 7817: 7808: 7800: 7796: 7788: 7784: 7776: 7772: 7764: 7755: 7745: 7743: 7735: 7731: 7730: 7726: 7718: 7714: 7706: 7697: 7689: 7682: 7674: 7670: 7662: 7658: 7635:(20): 7359–66. 7621: 7608: 7563: 7559: 7522: 7518: 7510: 7491: 7481: 7479: 7475: 7474: 7467: 7459: 7450: 7442: 7435: 7427: 7418: 7410: 7397: 7387: 7385: 7381: 7374: 7370: 7369: 7365: 7355: 7353: 7352:on 23 June 2015 7344: 7343: 7339: 7302: 7298: 7288: 7286: 7282: 7274: 7270: 7260: 7258: 7250: 7242: 7238: 7228: 7226: 7191: 7185: 7181: 7171: 7169: 7165: 7161: 7160: 7156: 7146: 7144: 7140: 7136: 7135: 7128: 7089: 7076: 7035: 7022: 7012: 7010: 6998: 6992: 6985: 6975: 6973: 6972:on 13 June 2015 6964: 6963: 6956: 6946: 6944: 6940: 6934: 6927: 6917: 6915: 6911: 6905: 6896: 6886: 6884: 6880: 6874: 6870: 6860: 6858: 6857:on 9 March 2016 6849: 6848: 6841: 6833: 6829: 6819: 6817: 6813: 6807: 6798: 6788: 6786: 6782: 6776: 6772: 6764: 6757: 6747: 6745: 6741: 6735: 6731: 6721: 6719: 6689: 6680: 6670: 6668: 6664: 6658: 6649: 6641: 6637: 6627: 6625: 6611: 6598: 6588: 6586: 6582: 6567: 6561: 6550: 6540: 6538: 6534: 6530: 6529: 6525: 6515: 6513: 6509: 6505: 6504: 6500: 6490: 6488: 6479: 6478: 6474: 6464: 6462: 6461:on 4 March 2016 6458: 6451: 6447: 6446: 6437: 6427: 6425: 6424:on 4 March 2016 6421: 6414: 6408: 6401: 6391: 6389: 6385: 6381: 6380: 6376: 6366: 6364: 6355: 6354: 6347: 6337: 6335: 6331: 6324: 6320: 6319: 6312: 6304: 6289: 6279: 6277: 6268: 6267: 6258: 6248: 6246: 6242: 6238: 6237: 6224: 6214: 6212: 6207: 6206: 6197: 6187: 6185: 6176: 6175: 6166: 6156: 6154: 6145: 6144: 6135: 6125: 6123: 6119: 6115: 6114: 6097: 6087: 6085: 6084:on 30 June 2015 6081: 6074: 6070: 6069: 6042: 6032: 6030: 6026: 6018: 6011: 6001: 5999: 5998:on 30 June 2015 5990: 5989: 5958: 5950: 5946: 5936: 5934: 5925: 5924: 5915: 5907: 5898: 5888: 5886: 5882: 5875: 5869: 5850: 5805: 5801: 5793: 5786: 5776: 5774: 5765: 5764: 5755: 5745: 5743: 5734: 5733: 5729: 5719: 5717: 5708: 5707: 5703: 5693: 5691: 5687: 5683: 5682: 5663: 5653: 5651: 5646: 5645: 5632: 5622: 5620: 5615: 5614: 5610: 5600: 5598: 5593: 5592: 5585: 5575: 5573: 5568: 5567: 5544: 5534: 5532: 5527: 5526: 5522: 5512: 5510: 5505: 5504: 5500: 5490: 5488: 5480: 5474: 5455: 5445: 5443: 5435: 5429: 5425: 5415: 5413: 5408: 5407: 5403: 5393: 5391: 5386: 5385: 5378: 5368: 5366: 5357: 5356: 5352: 5342: 5340: 5339:on 23 June 2015 5336: 5297: 5291: 5278: 5241: 5232: 5183: 5176: 5129: 5125: 5088: 5075: 5065: 5063: 5023: 5004: 4967: 4952: 4942: 4940: 4936: 4921: 4915: 4902: 4892: 4890: 4847: 4841: 4832: 4822: 4820: 4816: 4812: 4811: 4804: 4773: 4756: 4746: 4744: 4714: 4691: 4654: 4650: 4642: 4635: 4625: 4623: 4622:on 4 March 2016 4619: 4608: 4602: 4598: 4590: 4586: 4580:Latrubesse 2009 4578: 4574: 4568:Latrubesse 2009 4566: 4562: 4554: 4547: 4537: 4535: 4528:"Mar Argentino" 4526: 4525: 4521: 4511: 4509: 4500: 4499: 4472: 4462: 4460: 4456: 4441: 4435: 4404: 4396: 4381: 4371: 4369: 4349:10.1002/wcc.316 4321: 4274: 4266: 4260: 4243: 4233: 4231: 4223: 4219: 4218: 4209: 4199: 4197: 4189: 4185: 4184: 4173: 4163: 4161: 4152: 4151: 4136: 4126: 4124: 4116: 4112: 4111: 4100: 4090: 4088: 4079: 4078: 4065: 4055: 4053: 4045: 4041: 4040: 4033: 4023: 4021: 4013: 4009: 4008: 4001: 3991: 3989: 3984: 3983: 3970: 3960: 3958: 3949: 3948: 3933: 3929: 3924: 3923: 3914: 3910: 3883: 3876: 3871: 3823: 3818: 3816: 3813: 3797:desertification 3757: 3751: 3735: 3729: 3717:Rio de La Plata 3623: 3617: 3572: 3538: 3520: 3515: 3507: 3462: 3450:Chubut Province 3441: 3425: 3412: 3406: 3401: 3343: 3338: 3333: 3328: 3323: 3318: 3313: 3308: 3303: 3298: 3293: 3288: 3283: 3269: 3264: 3259: 3254: 3249: 3244: 3239: 3234: 3229: 3224: 3219: 3214: 3209: 3199: 3194: 3189: 3184: 3179: 3174: 3169: 3164: 3159: 3154: 3149: 3144: 3139: 3129: 3124: 3119: 3114: 3109: 3104: 3099: 3094: 3089: 3084: 3079: 3074: 3069: 3010: 3004: 2245: 2241: 2236: 2232: 2227: 2223: 2218: 2214: 2209: 2205: 2200: 2196: 2191: 2187: 2182: 2178: 2173: 2169: 2164: 2160: 2155: 2151: 2146: 2142: 2137: 2133: 2112: 1353: 1349: 1344: 1340: 1335: 1331: 1326: 1322: 1317: 1313: 1308: 1304: 1299: 1295: 1290: 1286: 1281: 1277: 1272: 1268: 1263: 1259: 1254: 1250: 1245: 1241: 1228: 1222: 1197: 1093: 1047:, and southern 1025: 973: 864: 808:natural regions 755: 742:cold air masses 723:frontal systems 679: 606: 598: 596: 589: 587: 580: 578: 571: 569: 562: 560: 553: 551: 544: 542: 535: 527: 521: 497: 485: 473:teleconnections 441: 398: 345: 337: 306: 258: 213: 178: 170: 12: 11: 5: 10979: 10969: 10968: 10963: 10946: 10945: 10943: 10942: 10935: 10930: 10924: 10922: 10914: 10911: 10910: 10908: 10907: 10902: 10897: 10892: 10887: 10882: 10877: 10872: 10867: 10862: 10857: 10852: 10846: 10844: 10838: 10837: 10830: 10829: 10822: 10815: 10807: 10798: 10797: 10795: 10794: 10789: 10782: 10781: 10774: 10766: 10765: 10762: 10761: 10758: 10757: 10755: 10754: 10749: 10744: 10739: 10734: 10729: 10724: 10719: 10714: 10709: 10704: 10699: 10694: 10688: 10686: 10680: 10679: 10677: 10676: 10671: 10666: 10661: 10656: 10655: 10654: 10649: 10639: 10634: 10629: 10624: 10619: 10614: 10609: 10604: 10598: 10592: 10586: 10585: 10582: 10581: 10579: 10578: 10573: 10568: 10563: 10561:Stock Exchange 10558: 10553: 10545: 10540: 10535: 10530: 10528:Communications 10525: 10524: 10523: 10511: 10505: 10499: 10493: 10492: 10489: 10488: 10486: 10485: 10480: 10478:Vice President 10475: 10474: 10473: 10463: 10458: 10453: 10448: 10443: 10438: 10437: 10436: 10431: 10426: 10416: 10415: 10414: 10404: 10399: 10394: 10389: 10383: 10377: 10371: 10370: 10367: 10366: 10364: 10363: 10358: 10353: 10348: 10346:National Parks 10343: 10338: 10333: 10328: 10323: 10321:Extreme points 10318: 10313: 10308: 10303: 10297: 10291: 10285: 10284: 10282: 10281: 10276: 10271: 10266: 10261: 10256: 10251: 10246: 10241: 10236: 10231: 10226: 10221: 10216: 10211: 10206: 10201: 10195: 10193: 10187: 10186: 10175: 10174: 10167: 10160: 10152: 10146: 10145: 10130: 10122: 10114: 10106: 10096: 10084: 10081: 10080: 10079: 10071: 10056: 10041: 10031: 10028: 10027: 10026: 10018: 10010: 10000: 9997: 9995: 9994:External links 9992: 9990: 9989: 9981: 9973: 9965: 9957: 9949: 9941: 9933: 9917: 9912:978-0444412713 9911: 9890: 9884: 9871: 9865: 9850: 9844: 9822: 9820: 9817: 9815: 9814: 9808: 9793: 9787: 9773:Veblen, Thomas 9769: 9750: 9744: 9729: 9723: 9708: 9702: 9687: 9679:|journal= 9653: 9622: 9616: 9593:Oncken, Onno; 9590: 9576: 9557: 9551: 9534: 9528: 9511: 9505: 9490: 9484: 9456: 9450: 9435: 9429: 9414: 9408: 9393: 9384: 9378: 9349: 9343: 9337:. Equinoccio. 9328: 9322: 9307: 9301: 9284: 9278: 9262: 9260: 9257: 9255: 9254: 9231: 9205: 9166: 9115: 9080: 9054: 9033:(4): 249–254. 9008: 8993: 8976: 8964: 8949: 8922: 8863: 8830: 8811:Abate, Jenna. 8800: 8775: 8750: 8702: 8700:, p. 124. 8687: 8670: 8639: 8606: 8580: 8549: 8547:, p. 158. 8537: 8525: 8523:, p. 134. 8510: 8477: 8425: 8413: 8379: 8377:, p. 346. 8367: 8365:, p. 338. 8355: 8353:, p. 333. 8343: 8330:"Inundaciones" 8318: 8316:, p. 349. 8303: 8281: 8269:New York Times 8255: 8244:on 2 July 2015 8223: 8221:, p. 427. 8208: 8186: 8147: 8122: 8087: 8058: 8035: 8009: 7983: 7954: 7873: 7848: 7806: 7794: 7782: 7770: 7768:, p. 124. 7753: 7724: 7722:, p. 121. 7712: 7695: 7693:, p. 125. 7680: 7678:, p. 234. 7668: 7666:, p. 233. 7656: 7606: 7577:(9): 1381–91. 7557: 7536:(8): 1057–71. 7516: 7514:, p. 151. 7489: 7465: 7463:, p. 391. 7448: 7433: 7431:, p. 195. 7416: 7395: 7363: 7337: 7296: 7268: 7236: 7202:(5): 421–435. 7179: 7154: 7126: 7074: 7020: 6983: 6954: 6925: 6894: 6868: 6839: 6837:, p. 267. 6827: 6796: 6770: 6768:, p. 129. 6755: 6729: 6703:(2): 243–256. 6678: 6647: 6645:, p. 268. 6635: 6596: 6548: 6523: 6498: 6472: 6435: 6399: 6374: 6345: 6310: 6287: 6276:on 3 July 2015 6256: 6222: 6195: 6184:on 3 July 2015 6164: 6153:on 3 July 2015 6133: 6095: 6040: 6009: 5956: 5944: 5913: 5896: 5848: 5799: 5784: 5753: 5727: 5716:on 29 May 2016 5701: 5661: 5630: 5608: 5583: 5542: 5520: 5498: 5453: 5423: 5401: 5376: 5350: 5308:(5): 421–435. 5276: 5230: 5174: 5143:(3): 684–699. 5123: 5073: 5002: 4950: 4900: 4830: 4802: 4754: 4689: 4648: 4633: 4596: 4584: 4572: 4560: 4558:, p. 316. 4545: 4519: 4470: 4402: 4400:, p. 351. 4379: 4335:(2): 151–169. 4272: 4241: 4207: 4171: 4134: 4098: 4063: 4031: 3999: 3968: 3930: 3928: 3925: 3922: 3921: 3908: 3873: 3872: 3870: 3867: 3866: 3865: 3860: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3840: 3835: 3829: 3828: 3812: 3809: 3801:sea level rise 3753:Main article: 3750: 3749:Climate change 3747: 3728: 3725: 3616: 3613: 3600:erode the rock 3571: 3568: 3519: 3516: 3514: 3511: 3506: 3503: 3483:Salta Province 3461: 3458: 3440: 3437: 3424: 3421: 3405: 3402: 3398: 3397: 3390: 3389: 3386: 3383: 3380: 3377: 3374: 3371: 3368: 3365: 3362: 3359: 3356: 3353: 3350: 3346: 3345: 3340: 3335: 3330: 3325: 3320: 3315: 3310: 3305: 3300: 3295: 3290: 3285: 3280: 3272: 3271: 3266: 3261: 3256: 3251: 3246: 3241: 3236: 3231: 3226: 3221: 3216: 3211: 3206: 3202: 3201: 3196: 3191: 3186: 3181: 3176: 3171: 3166: 3161: 3156: 3151: 3146: 3141: 3136: 3132: 3131: 3126: 3121: 3116: 3111: 3106: 3101: 3096: 3091: 3086: 3081: 3076: 3071: 3066: 3062: 3061: 3058: 3055: 3052: 3049: 3046: 3043: 3040: 3037: 3034: 3031: 3028: 3025: 3022: 3018: 3017: 3011: 3003: 3000: 2997: 2996: 2995:537.0 (21.14) 2993: 2990: 2987: 2984: 2981: 2978: 2975: 2972: 2969: 2966: 2963: 2960: 2957: 2953: 2952: 2949: 2946: 2943: 2940: 2937: 2934: 2931: 2928: 2925: 2922: 2919: 2916: 2913: 2909: 2908: 2907:801.7 (31.56) 2905: 2902: 2899: 2896: 2893: 2890: 2887: 2884: 2881: 2878: 2875: 2872: 2869: 2865: 2864: 2863:926.1 (36.46) 2861: 2858: 2855: 2852: 2849: 2846: 2843: 2840: 2837: 2834: 2831: 2828: 2825: 2824:Mar del Plata 2821: 2820: 2819:745.5 (29.35) 2817: 2814: 2811: 2808: 2805: 2802: 2799: 2796: 2793: 2790: 2787: 2784: 2781: 2777: 2776: 2775:814.0 (32.05) 2773: 2770: 2767: 2764: 2761: 2758: 2755: 2752: 2749: 2746: 2743: 2740: 2737: 2733: 2732: 2729: 2726: 2723: 2720: 2717: 2714: 2711: 2708: 2705: 2702: 2699: 2696: 2693: 2689: 2688: 2687:302.8 (11.92) 2685: 2682: 2679: 2676: 2673: 2670: 2667: 2664: 2661: 2658: 2655: 2652: 2649: 2645: 2644: 2643:333.0 (13.11) 2641: 2638: 2635: 2632: 2629: 2626: 2623: 2620: 2617: 2614: 2611: 2608: 2605: 2601: 2600: 2599:657.9 (25.90) 2597: 2594: 2591: 2588: 2585: 2582: 2579: 2576: 2573: 2570: 2567: 2564: 2561: 2557: 2556: 2553: 2550: 2547: 2544: 2541: 2538: 2535: 2532: 2529: 2526: 2523: 2520: 2517: 2513: 2512: 2509: 2506: 2503: 2500: 2497: 2494: 2491: 2488: 2485: 2482: 2479: 2476: 2473: 2469: 2468: 2465: 2462: 2459: 2456: 2453: 2450: 2447: 2444: 2441: 2438: 2435: 2432: 2429: 2425: 2424: 2423:629.1 (24.77) 2421: 2418: 2415: 2412: 2409: 2406: 2403: 2400: 2397: 2394: 2391: 2388: 2385: 2381: 2380: 2379:412.0 (16.22) 2377: 2374: 2371: 2368: 2365: 2362: 2359: 2356: 2353: 2350: 2347: 2344: 2341: 2337: 2336: 2335:351.6 (13.84) 2333: 2330: 2327: 2324: 2321: 2318: 2315: 2312: 2309: 2306: 2303: 2300: 2297: 2293: 2292: 2291:748.1 (29.45) 2289: 2286: 2283: 2280: 2277: 2274: 2271: 2268: 2265: 2262: 2259: 2256: 2253: 2249: 2248: 2239: 2230: 2221: 2212: 2203: 2194: 2185: 2176: 2167: 2158: 2149: 2140: 2131: 2111: 2108: 2105: 2104: 2101: 2098: 2095: 2092: 2089: 2086: 2083: 2080: 2077: 2074: 2071: 2068: 2065: 2061: 2060: 2057: 2054: 2051: 2048: 2045: 2042: 2039: 2036: 2033: 2030: 2027: 2024: 2021: 2017: 2016: 2013: 2010: 2007: 2004: 2001: 1998: 1995: 1992: 1989: 1986: 1983: 1980: 1977: 1973: 1972: 1969: 1966: 1963: 1960: 1957: 1954: 1951: 1948: 1945: 1942: 1939: 1936: 1933: 1932:Mar del Plata 1929: 1928: 1925: 1922: 1919: 1916: 1913: 1910: 1907: 1904: 1901: 1898: 1895: 1892: 1889: 1885: 1884: 1881: 1878: 1875: 1872: 1869: 1866: 1863: 1860: 1857: 1854: 1851: 1848: 1845: 1841: 1840: 1837: 1834: 1831: 1828: 1825: 1822: 1819: 1816: 1813: 1810: 1807: 1804: 1801: 1797: 1796: 1793: 1790: 1787: 1784: 1781: 1778: 1775: 1772: 1769: 1766: 1763: 1760: 1757: 1753: 1752: 1749: 1746: 1743: 1740: 1737: 1734: 1731: 1728: 1725: 1722: 1719: 1716: 1713: 1709: 1708: 1705: 1702: 1699: 1696: 1693: 1690: 1687: 1684: 1681: 1678: 1675: 1672: 1669: 1665: 1664: 1661: 1658: 1655: 1652: 1649: 1646: 1643: 1640: 1637: 1634: 1631: 1628: 1625: 1621: 1620: 1617: 1614: 1611: 1608: 1605: 1602: 1599: 1596: 1593: 1590: 1587: 1584: 1581: 1577: 1576: 1573: 1570: 1567: 1564: 1561: 1558: 1555: 1552: 1549: 1546: 1543: 1540: 1537: 1533: 1532: 1529: 1526: 1523: 1520: 1517: 1514: 1511: 1508: 1505: 1502: 1499: 1496: 1493: 1489: 1488: 1485: 1482: 1479: 1476: 1473: 1470: 1467: 1464: 1461: 1458: 1455: 1452: 1449: 1445: 1444: 1441: 1438: 1435: 1432: 1429: 1426: 1423: 1420: 1417: 1414: 1411: 1408: 1405: 1401: 1400: 1397: 1394: 1391: 1388: 1385: 1382: 1379: 1376: 1373: 1370: 1367: 1364: 1361: 1357: 1356: 1347: 1338: 1329: 1320: 1311: 1302: 1293: 1284: 1275: 1266: 1257: 1248: 1239: 1221: 1218: 1214:imperial units 1209:Atacama Desert 1196: 1193: 1092: 1089: 1024: 1021: 972: 969: 904:Salta Province 863: 860: 779:Salta Province 775:Jujuy Province 754: 751: 707:water scarcity 681:The region of 678: 675: 597: 588: 579: 570: 561: 552: 543: 534: 523:Main article: 520: 517: 496: 493: 484: 481: 440: 437: 424:Coriolis force 397: 394: 378:Brazil Current 344: 341: 336: 333: 321:autumn foliage 305: 302: 289:Jujuy Province 285:Salta Province 257: 254: 224:Plaza Miserere 212: 209: 177: 174: 169: 166: 150:climate change 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10978: 10967: 10964: 10962: 10959: 10958: 10956: 10941: 10936: 10934: 10933:French Guiana 10931: 10929: 10926: 10925: 10923: 10917: 10912: 10906: 10903: 10901: 10898: 10896: 10893: 10891: 10888: 10886: 10883: 10881: 10878: 10876: 10873: 10871: 10868: 10866: 10863: 10861: 10858: 10856: 10853: 10851: 10848: 10847: 10845: 10843: 10839: 10835: 10828: 10823: 10821: 10816: 10814: 10809: 10808: 10805: 10793: 10790: 10788: 10785: 10784: 10779: 10775: 10772: 10768: 10767: 10763: 10753: 10750: 10748: 10745: 10743: 10740: 10738: 10735: 10733: 10730: 10728: 10725: 10723: 10720: 10718: 10715: 10713: 10710: 10708: 10705: 10703: 10700: 10698: 10695: 10693: 10690: 10689: 10687: 10685: 10681: 10675: 10672: 10670: 10667: 10665: 10662: 10660: 10657: 10653: 10652:Ethnic groups 10650: 10648: 10645: 10644: 10643: 10640: 10638: 10635: 10633: 10630: 10628: 10625: 10623: 10620: 10618: 10615: 10613: 10610: 10608: 10605: 10603: 10600: 10599: 10596: 10593: 10591: 10587: 10577: 10574: 10572: 10569: 10567: 10564: 10562: 10559: 10557: 10554: 10552: 10546: 10544: 10543:Foreign trade 10541: 10539: 10536: 10534: 10531: 10529: 10526: 10521: 10517: 10516: 10515: 10512: 10510: 10507: 10506: 10503: 10500: 10498: 10494: 10484: 10483:Supreme Court 10481: 10479: 10476: 10472: 10469: 10468: 10467: 10464: 10462: 10459: 10457: 10454: 10452: 10449: 10447: 10444: 10442: 10439: 10435: 10432: 10430: 10427: 10425: 10422: 10421: 10420: 10417: 10413: 10410: 10409: 10408: 10405: 10403: 10400: 10398: 10395: 10393: 10390: 10388: 10385: 10384: 10381: 10378: 10376: 10372: 10362: 10359: 10357: 10354: 10352: 10349: 10347: 10344: 10342: 10339: 10337: 10334: 10332: 10329: 10327: 10324: 10322: 10319: 10317: 10314: 10312: 10309: 10307: 10304: 10302: 10299: 10298: 10295: 10292: 10290: 10286: 10280: 10277: 10275: 10272: 10270: 10269:Falklands War 10267: 10265: 10262: 10260: 10257: 10255: 10252: 10250: 10247: 10245: 10242: 10240: 10237: 10235: 10232: 10230: 10227: 10225: 10222: 10220: 10217: 10215: 10212: 10210: 10207: 10205: 10202: 10200: 10197: 10196: 10194: 10192: 10188: 10184: 10180: 10173: 10168: 10166: 10161: 10159: 10154: 10153: 10150: 10141: 10137: 10134: 10131: 10126: 10123: 10118: 10115: 10110: 10107: 10104: 10100: 10097: 10094: 10090: 10087: 10086: 10075: 10072: 10067: 10063: 10060: 10057: 10052: 10048: 10045: 10042: 10037: 10034: 10033: 10022: 10019: 10014: 10011: 10006: 10003: 10002: 9986: 9982: 9978: 9974: 9970: 9966: 9962: 9958: 9954: 9950: 9946: 9942: 9938: 9934: 9930: 9926: 9922: 9918: 9914: 9908: 9904: 9900: 9896: 9891: 9887: 9881: 9877: 9872: 9868: 9862: 9859:. Earthscan. 9858: 9857: 9851: 9847: 9841: 9837: 9833: 9829: 9824: 9823: 9811: 9805: 9802:. Routledge. 9801: 9800: 9794: 9790: 9784: 9780: 9779: 9774: 9770: 9766: 9762: 9758: 9757: 9751: 9747: 9741: 9737: 9736: 9730: 9726: 9720: 9716: 9715: 9709: 9705: 9699: 9695: 9694: 9688: 9684: 9672: 9664: 9660: 9656: 9650: 9646: 9642: 9638: 9634: 9630: 9629: 9623: 9619: 9613: 9606: 9605: 9600: 9599:Ramos, Victor 9596: 9591: 9584: 9583: 9577: 9573: 9569: 9565: 9564: 9558: 9554: 9548: 9544: 9540: 9535: 9531: 9525: 9521: 9517: 9512: 9508: 9502: 9499:. CRC Press. 9498: 9497: 9491: 9487: 9481: 9477: 9473: 9469: 9462: 9457: 9453: 9447: 9443: 9442: 9436: 9432: 9426: 9422: 9421: 9415: 9411: 9405: 9401: 9400: 9394: 9390: 9385: 9381: 9375: 9371: 9367: 9363: 9359: 9355: 9350: 9346: 9340: 9336: 9335: 9329: 9325: 9319: 9315: 9314: 9308: 9304: 9298: 9294: 9290: 9285: 9281: 9275: 9271: 9270: 9264: 9263: 9242: 9235: 9219: 9215: 9209: 9190: 9186: 9179: 9173: 9171: 9151: 9144: 9138: 9136: 9134: 9132: 9130: 9128: 9126: 9124: 9122: 9120: 9100: 9093: 9087: 9085: 9068: 9064: 9058: 9049: 9044: 9040: 9036: 9032: 9028: 9024: 9017: 9015: 9013: 9006:, p. 58. 9005: 9000: 8998: 8991:, p. 57. 8990: 8985: 8983: 8981: 8974:, p. 54. 8973: 8968: 8962:, p. 56. 8961: 8956: 8954: 8937: 8933: 8926: 8910: 8905: 8901: 8897: 8893: 8889: 8885: 8881: 8874: 8872: 8870: 8868: 8851: 8845: 8843: 8841: 8839: 8837: 8835: 8818: 8814: 8807: 8805: 8788: 8782: 8780: 8763: 8757: 8755: 8745: 8740: 8736: 8732: 8729:(1): 012016. 8728: 8724: 8720: 8713: 8711: 8709: 8707: 8699: 8694: 8692: 8684: 8679: 8677: 8675: 8659: 8655: 8648: 8646: 8644: 8624: 8617: 8610: 8594: 8590: 8584: 8568: 8564: 8558: 8556: 8554: 8546: 8541: 8534: 8529: 8522: 8517: 8515: 8498: 8494: 8488: 8486: 8484: 8482: 8473: 8469: 8464: 8459: 8455: 8451: 8447: 8443: 8439: 8432: 8430: 8422: 8417: 8401: 8394: 8388: 8386: 8384: 8376: 8371: 8364: 8359: 8352: 8347: 8331: 8325: 8323: 8315: 8310: 8308: 8291: 8285: 8270: 8266: 8259: 8240: 8233: 8227: 8220: 8215: 8213: 8196: 8190: 8171: 8164: 8158: 8156: 8154: 8152: 8135: 8129: 8127: 8107: 8100: 8094: 8092: 8075: 8071: 8065: 8063: 8046: 8039: 8023: 8019: 8013: 7997: 7993: 7987: 7971: 7967: 7961: 7959: 7942: 7936: 7934: 7932: 7930: 7928: 7926: 7924: 7922: 7920: 7918: 7916: 7914: 7912: 7910: 7908: 7906: 7904: 7902: 7900: 7898: 7896: 7894: 7892: 7890: 7888: 7886: 7884: 7882: 7880: 7878: 7861: 7855: 7853: 7833: 7829: 7822: 7815: 7813: 7811: 7804:, p. 21. 7803: 7802:Coronato 2008 7798: 7792:, p. 22. 7791: 7790:Coronato 2008 7786: 7780:, p. 16. 7779: 7774: 7767: 7762: 7760: 7758: 7741: 7734: 7728: 7721: 7716: 7710:, p. 20. 7709: 7708:Coronato 2008 7704: 7702: 7700: 7692: 7687: 7685: 7677: 7672: 7665: 7660: 7651: 7646: 7642: 7638: 7634: 7630: 7626: 7619: 7617: 7615: 7613: 7611: 7602: 7598: 7593: 7588: 7584: 7580: 7576: 7572: 7568: 7561: 7552: 7547: 7543: 7539: 7535: 7531: 7527: 7520: 7513: 7508: 7506: 7504: 7502: 7500: 7498: 7496: 7494: 7478: 7472: 7470: 7462: 7457: 7455: 7453: 7446:, p. 72. 7445: 7440: 7438: 7430: 7425: 7423: 7421: 7414:, p. 47. 7413: 7408: 7406: 7404: 7402: 7400: 7380: 7373: 7367: 7351: 7347: 7341: 7332: 7327: 7323: 7319: 7315: 7311: 7307: 7300: 7281: 7280: 7272: 7256: 7255:Foz do Iguaçu 7249: 7248: 7240: 7225: 7221: 7217: 7213: 7209: 7205: 7201: 7197: 7190: 7183: 7164: 7158: 7139: 7133: 7131: 7121: 7116: 7111: 7106: 7102: 7098: 7094: 7087: 7085: 7083: 7081: 7079: 7069: 7064: 7060: 7056: 7052: 7048: 7044: 7040: 7033: 7031: 7029: 7027: 7025: 7008: 7004: 6997: 6990: 6988: 6971: 6967: 6961: 6959: 6939: 6932: 6930: 6910: 6903: 6901: 6899: 6879: 6872: 6856: 6852: 6846: 6844: 6836: 6831: 6812: 6805: 6803: 6801: 6781: 6774: 6767: 6762: 6760: 6740: 6733: 6718: 6714: 6710: 6706: 6702: 6698: 6694: 6687: 6685: 6683: 6663: 6656: 6654: 6652: 6644: 6639: 6624: 6620: 6616: 6609: 6607: 6605: 6603: 6601: 6585:on 4 May 2013 6581: 6577: 6573: 6566: 6559: 6557: 6555: 6553: 6533: 6527: 6508: 6502: 6486: 6482: 6476: 6457: 6450: 6444: 6442: 6440: 6420: 6413: 6406: 6404: 6384: 6378: 6362: 6358: 6352: 6350: 6330: 6323: 6317: 6315: 6308:, p. 73. 6307: 6302: 6300: 6298: 6296: 6294: 6292: 6275: 6271: 6265: 6263: 6261: 6241: 6235: 6233: 6231: 6229: 6227: 6210: 6204: 6202: 6200: 6183: 6179: 6173: 6171: 6169: 6152: 6148: 6142: 6140: 6138: 6118: 6112: 6110: 6108: 6106: 6104: 6102: 6100: 6080: 6073: 6067: 6065: 6063: 6061: 6059: 6057: 6055: 6053: 6051: 6049: 6047: 6045: 6025: 6024: 6016: 6014: 5997: 5993: 5987: 5985: 5983: 5981: 5979: 5977: 5975: 5973: 5971: 5969: 5967: 5965: 5963: 5961: 5954:, p. 14. 5953: 5948: 5932: 5928: 5922: 5920: 5918: 5910: 5905: 5903: 5901: 5881: 5874: 5867: 5865: 5863: 5861: 5859: 5857: 5855: 5853: 5844: 5840: 5835: 5830: 5826: 5822: 5818: 5814: 5810: 5803: 5797:, p. 28. 5796: 5791: 5789: 5772: 5768: 5762: 5760: 5758: 5741: 5737: 5731: 5715: 5711: 5705: 5686: 5680: 5678: 5676: 5674: 5672: 5670: 5668: 5666: 5649: 5643: 5641: 5639: 5637: 5635: 5618: 5612: 5596: 5590: 5588: 5571: 5565: 5563: 5561: 5559: 5557: 5555: 5553: 5551: 5549: 5547: 5530: 5524: 5508: 5502: 5486: 5479: 5472: 5470: 5468: 5466: 5464: 5462: 5460: 5458: 5441: 5434: 5427: 5411: 5405: 5389: 5383: 5381: 5365:on 2 May 2016 5364: 5360: 5354: 5335: 5331: 5327: 5323: 5319: 5315: 5311: 5307: 5303: 5296: 5289: 5287: 5285: 5283: 5281: 5271: 5266: 5262: 5258: 5254: 5250: 5246: 5239: 5237: 5235: 5226: 5222: 5217: 5212: 5208: 5204: 5200: 5196: 5192: 5188: 5181: 5179: 5169: 5164: 5159: 5154: 5150: 5146: 5142: 5138: 5134: 5127: 5118: 5113: 5109: 5105: 5101: 5097: 5093: 5086: 5084: 5082: 5080: 5078: 5061: 5056: 5052: 5048: 5044: 5040: 5036: 5032: 5028: 5021: 5019: 5017: 5015: 5013: 5011: 5009: 5007: 4997: 4992: 4988: 4984: 4980: 4976: 4972: 4965: 4963: 4961: 4959: 4957: 4955: 4935: 4931: 4927: 4920: 4913: 4911: 4909: 4907: 4905: 4889: 4885: 4881: 4877: 4873: 4869: 4865: 4861: 4857: 4853: 4846: 4839: 4837: 4835: 4815: 4809: 4807: 4798: 4794: 4790: 4786: 4782: 4778: 4771: 4769: 4767: 4765: 4763: 4761: 4759: 4743: 4739: 4735: 4731: 4727: 4723: 4719: 4712: 4710: 4708: 4706: 4704: 4702: 4700: 4698: 4696: 4694: 4684: 4679: 4675: 4671: 4667: 4663: 4659: 4652: 4646:, p. 27. 4645: 4640: 4638: 4618: 4614: 4607: 4600: 4594:, p. 10. 4593: 4588: 4581: 4576: 4569: 4564: 4557: 4552: 4550: 4533: 4529: 4523: 4507: 4503: 4497: 4495: 4493: 4491: 4489: 4487: 4485: 4483: 4481: 4479: 4477: 4475: 4455: 4451: 4447: 4440: 4433: 4431: 4429: 4427: 4425: 4423: 4421: 4419: 4417: 4415: 4413: 4411: 4409: 4407: 4399: 4394: 4392: 4390: 4388: 4386: 4384: 4368: 4364: 4359: 4354: 4350: 4346: 4342: 4338: 4334: 4330: 4326: 4319: 4317: 4315: 4313: 4311: 4309: 4307: 4305: 4303: 4301: 4299: 4297: 4295: 4293: 4291: 4289: 4287: 4285: 4283: 4281: 4279: 4277: 4265: 4258: 4256: 4254: 4252: 4250: 4248: 4246: 4229: 4222: 4216: 4214: 4212: 4195: 4188: 4182: 4180: 4178: 4176: 4159: 4155: 4149: 4147: 4145: 4143: 4141: 4139: 4122: 4115: 4109: 4107: 4105: 4103: 4086: 4082: 4076: 4074: 4072: 4070: 4068: 4051: 4044: 4038: 4036: 4019: 4012: 4006: 4004: 3988:. BBC Weather 3987: 3981: 3979: 3977: 3975: 3973: 3956: 3952: 3946: 3944: 3942: 3940: 3938: 3936: 3931: 3918: 3915:According to 3912: 3906: 3903: 3899: 3895: 3891: 3887: 3881: 3879: 3874: 3864: 3861: 3859: 3856: 3854: 3851: 3849: 3846: 3844: 3841: 3839: 3836: 3834: 3831: 3830: 3826: 3815: 3808: 3806: 3802: 3798: 3792: 3790: 3786: 3781: 3779: 3773: 3771: 3770:socioeconomic 3761: 3756: 3746: 3744: 3740: 3734: 3724: 3722: 3718: 3714: 3709: 3704: 3699: 3697: 3693: 3689: 3683: 3681: 3677: 3676:Latin America 3673: 3669: 3665: 3660: 3656: 3652: 3648: 3647:North America 3644: 3643:Tornado Alley 3640: 3636: 3632: 3628: 3622: 3612: 3610: 3605: 3601: 3597: 3593: 3585: 3580: 3576: 3567: 3565: 3564:leptospirosis 3560: 3556: 3552: 3542: 3537: 3533: 3529: 3525: 3510: 3502: 3498: 3496: 3492: 3488: 3484: 3480: 3479:La Casualidad 3475: 3471: 3467: 3460:Precipitation 3457: 3455: 3451: 3447: 3436: 3434: 3430: 3416: 3411: 3396: 3391: 3387: 3384: 3381: 3378: 3375: 3372: 3369: 3366: 3363: 3360: 3357: 3354: 3351: 3347: 3341: 3336: 3331: 3326: 3321: 3316: 3311: 3306: 3301: 3296: 3291: 3286: 3281: 3278: 3277:precipitation 3273: 3267: 3262: 3257: 3252: 3247: 3242: 3237: 3232: 3227: 3222: 3217: 3212: 3207: 3203: 3197: 3192: 3187: 3182: 3177: 3172: 3167: 3162: 3157: 3152: 3147: 3142: 3137: 3133: 3127: 3122: 3117: 3112: 3107: 3102: 3097: 3092: 3087: 3082: 3077: 3072: 3067: 3063: 3019: 3014: 3009: 2994: 2991: 2988: 2985: 2982: 2979: 2976: 2973: 2970: 2967: 2964: 2961: 2958: 2951:247.5 (9.74) 2950: 2947: 2944: 2941: 2938: 2935: 2932: 2929: 2926: 2923: 2920: 2917: 2914: 2906: 2903: 2900: 2897: 2894: 2892:101.4 (3.99) 2891: 2889:122.1 (4.81) 2888: 2886:170.1 (6.70) 2885: 2883:130.1 (5.12) 2882: 2879: 2876: 2873: 2870: 2862: 2859: 2856: 2853: 2850: 2847: 2844: 2841: 2838: 2835: 2832: 2829: 2826: 2818: 2816:104.3 (4.11) 2815: 2812: 2809: 2806: 2803: 2800: 2797: 2794: 2791: 2789:102.3 (4.03) 2788: 2785: 2782: 2774: 2772:154.6 (6.09) 2771: 2769:112.2 (4.42) 2768: 2765: 2762: 2759: 2756: 2753: 2750: 2747: 2745:112.1 (4.41) 2744: 2741: 2739:126.3 (4.97) 2738: 2730: 2728:118.9 (4.68) 2727: 2725:117.3 (4.62) 2724: 2722:127.2 (5.01) 2721: 2718: 2715: 2712: 2709: 2706: 2704:119.0 (4.69) 2703: 2701:140.1 (5.52) 2700: 2698:127.1 (5.00) 2697: 2695:138.8 (5.46) 2694: 2692:Buenos Aires 2686: 2683: 2680: 2677: 2674: 2671: 2668: 2665: 2662: 2659: 2656: 2653: 2650: 2642: 2639: 2636: 2633: 2630: 2627: 2624: 2621: 2618: 2615: 2612: 2609: 2606: 2598: 2596:110.1 (4.33) 2595: 2592: 2589: 2586: 2583: 2580: 2577: 2574: 2571: 2568: 2565: 2563:119.5 (4.70) 2562: 2554: 2551: 2548: 2545: 2542: 2539: 2536: 2533: 2530: 2527: 2524: 2521: 2518: 2510: 2508:179.9 (7.08) 2507: 2505:181.0 (7.13) 2504: 2502:226.0 (8.90) 2501: 2499:145.1 (5.71) 2498: 2495: 2493:103.3 (4.07) 2492: 2490:139.8 (5.50) 2489: 2487:138.2 (5.44) 2486: 2484:193.8 (7.63) 2483: 2481:144.1 (5.67) 2480: 2478:154.9 (6.10) 2477: 2475:167.2 (6.58) 2474: 2466: 2464:163.4 (6.43) 2463: 2461:166.5 (6.56) 2460: 2458:142.0 (5.59) 2457: 2454: 2451: 2448: 2445: 2442: 2440:175.0 (6.89) 2439: 2437:144.8 (5.70) 2436: 2434:128.7 (5.07) 2433: 2431:165.7 (6.52) 2430: 2422: 2420:114.2 (4.50) 2419: 2416: 2413: 2410: 2407: 2404: 2401: 2398: 2395: 2392: 2390:100.6 (3.96) 2389: 2387:134.8 (5.31) 2386: 2378: 2375: 2372: 2369: 2366: 2363: 2360: 2357: 2354: 2351: 2348: 2345: 2342: 2334: 2331: 2328: 2325: 2322: 2319: 2316: 2313: 2310: 2307: 2304: 2301: 2298: 2290: 2288:145.6 (5.73) 2287: 2284: 2281: 2278: 2275: 2272: 2269: 2266: 2263: 2261:110.6 (4.35) 2260: 2258:154.2 (6.07) 2257: 2255:192.6 (7.58) 2254: 2240: 2231: 2222: 2213: 2204: 2195: 2186: 2177: 2168: 2159: 2150: 2141: 2132: 2129: 2125: 2116: 2110:Precipitation 2102: 2099: 2096: 2093: 2090: 2087: 2084: 2081: 2078: 2075: 2072: 2069: 2066: 2058: 2055: 2052: 2049: 2046: 2043: 2040: 2037: 2034: 2031: 2028: 2025: 2022: 2014: 2011: 2008: 2005: 2002: 1999: 1996: 1993: 1990: 1987: 1984: 1981: 1978: 1970: 1967: 1964: 1961: 1958: 1955: 1952: 1949: 1946: 1943: 1940: 1937: 1934: 1926: 1923: 1920: 1917: 1914: 1911: 1908: 1905: 1902: 1899: 1896: 1893: 1890: 1882: 1879: 1876: 1873: 1870: 1867: 1864: 1861: 1858: 1855: 1852: 1849: 1846: 1838: 1835: 1832: 1829: 1826: 1823: 1820: 1817: 1814: 1811: 1808: 1805: 1802: 1800:Buenos Aires 1794: 1791: 1788: 1785: 1782: 1779: 1776: 1773: 1770: 1767: 1764: 1761: 1758: 1750: 1747: 1744: 1741: 1738: 1735: 1732: 1729: 1726: 1723: 1720: 1717: 1714: 1706: 1703: 1700: 1698:18.9 (66.0)) 1697: 1695:14.7 (58.5)) 1694: 1691: 1688: 1685: 1682: 1679: 1676: 1673: 1670: 1662: 1659: 1656: 1653: 1650: 1647: 1644: 1641: 1638: 1635: 1632: 1629: 1626: 1618: 1615: 1613:24.2 (75.6)) 1612: 1609: 1606: 1603: 1600: 1597: 1594: 1591: 1588: 1585: 1582: 1574: 1571: 1568: 1565: 1562: 1559: 1556: 1553: 1550: 1547: 1544: 1541: 1538: 1530: 1527: 1524: 1521: 1518: 1515: 1512: 1509: 1506: 1503: 1500: 1497: 1494: 1486: 1483: 1480: 1477: 1474: 1471: 1468: 1465: 1462: 1459: 1456: 1453: 1450: 1442: 1439: 1436: 1433: 1430: 1427: 1424: 1421: 1418: 1415: 1412: 1409: 1406: 1398: 1395: 1392: 1389: 1386: 1383: 1380: 1377: 1374: 1371: 1368: 1365: 1362: 1348: 1339: 1330: 1321: 1312: 1303: 1294: 1285: 1276: 1267: 1258: 1249: 1240: 1237: 1233: 1227: 1217: 1215: 1210: 1201: 1192: 1190: 1185: 1181: 1177: 1173: 1169: 1164: 1161: 1155: 1153: 1149: 1144: 1140: 1135: 1133: 1129: 1125: 1121: 1117: 1113: 1109: 1102: 1097: 1088: 1085: 1080: 1076: 1074: 1070: 1066: 1061: 1059: 1054: 1050: 1046: 1042: 1038: 1029: 1020: 1017: 1014:The Zonda, a 1012: 1008: 1004: 1002: 998: 994: 990: 986: 977: 968: 966: 962: 958: 954: 949: 944: 941: 937: 933: 927: 925: 921: 917: 913: 909: 905: 901: 897: 889: 884: 877: 873: 868: 859: 857: 851: 849: 845: 841: 837: 833: 829: 824: 819: 817: 813: 809: 805: 801: 796: 792: 788: 784: 780: 776: 772: 768: 759: 750: 748: 743: 739: 734: 732: 728: 724: 720: 714: 712: 708: 704: 700: 696: 692: 688: 684: 674: 672: 668: 662: 659: 655: 651: 647: 646:Mediterranean 643: 639: 635: 631: 627: 623: 619: 614: 613:Arid Diagonal 604: 595: 586: 577: 568: 559: 550: 541: 531: 526: 516: 514: 510: 506: 502: 492: 490: 480: 476: 474: 470: 462: 457: 450: 445: 436: 434: 428: 425: 421: 416: 410: 402: 393: 391: 387: 383: 379: 373: 371: 367: 366:Pacific Ocean 362: 357: 349: 340: 332: 330: 324: 322: 315: 310: 301: 298: 294: 290: 286: 281: 279: 271:during summer 270: 266: 262: 253: 251: 250:Arid Diagonal 245: 243: 239: 235: 229: 225: 221: 217: 208: 206: 202: 197: 195: 187:during winter 186: 182: 173: 165: 163: 159: 155: 151: 146: 144: 140: 136: 132: 128: 124: 120: 115: 111: 106: 104: 100: 95: 91: 87: 83: 79: 75: 71: 67: 63: 62:microclimates 58: 56: 52: 48: 44: 40: 31: 24: 20: 16: 10916:Dependencies 10849: 10692:Architecture 10659:Prostitution 10647:Demographics 10520:Central Bank 10419:Human rights 10392:Constitution 10305: 10249:World War II 10143:(in Spanish) 10128:(in Spanish) 10120:(in Spanish) 10112:(in Spanish) 10077:(in Spanish) 10069:(in Spanish) 10054:(in Spanish) 10039:(in Spanish) 10024:(in Spanish) 10016:(in Spanish) 10008:(in Spanish) 9984: 9976: 9968: 9960: 9952: 9944: 9936: 9920: 9898: 9875: 9855: 9830:. Springer. 9827: 9798: 9777: 9755: 9734: 9713: 9692: 9627: 9610:. Springer. 9603: 9581: 9562: 9542: 9519: 9495: 9467: 9440: 9423:. Springer. 9419: 9402:. Springer. 9398: 9388: 9361: 9333: 9312: 9292: 9268: 9245:. Retrieved 9234: 9222:. Retrieved 9218:the original 9208: 9196:. Retrieved 9189:the original 9184: 9157:. Retrieved 9150:the original 9106:. Retrieved 9099:the original 9073:25 September 9071:. Retrieved 9066: 9057: 9030: 9026: 8967: 8942:20 September 8940:. Retrieved 8936:the original 8925: 8915:19 September 8913:. Retrieved 8883: 8856:19 September 8854:. Retrieved 8823:19 September 8821:. Retrieved 8817:the original 8793:12 September 8791:. Retrieved 8768:12 September 8766:. Retrieved 8726: 8722: 8685:, p. 2. 8661:. Retrieved 8657: 8630:. Retrieved 8623:the original 8609: 8597:. Retrieved 8593:the original 8583: 8571:. Retrieved 8567:the original 8540: 8528: 8501:. Retrieved 8445: 8441: 8416: 8404:. Retrieved 8402:. World Bank 8399: 8370: 8358: 8346: 8334:. Retrieved 8294:. Retrieved 8284: 8272:. Retrieved 8268: 8258: 8246:. Retrieved 8239:the original 8226: 8219:De Fina 1992 8199:. Retrieved 8189: 8177:. Retrieved 8170:the original 8138:. Retrieved 8113:. Retrieved 8106:the original 8078:. Retrieved 8074:the original 8049:. Retrieved 8038: 8026:. Retrieved 8022:the original 8012: 8000:. Retrieved 7996:the original 7986: 7974:. Retrieved 7970:the original 7945:. Retrieved 7864:. Retrieved 7839:. Retrieved 7832:the original 7827: 7797: 7785: 7773: 7744:. Retrieved 7739: 7727: 7715: 7671: 7659: 7632: 7628: 7574: 7570: 7560: 7533: 7529: 7519: 7512:Krishna 2015 7480:. Retrieved 7444:Fittkau 1969 7429:Doering 2002 7386:. Retrieved 7379:the original 7366: 7354:. Retrieved 7350:the original 7340: 7313: 7309: 7299: 7287:. Retrieved 7278: 7271: 7259:. Retrieved 7246: 7239: 7227:. Retrieved 7199: 7195: 7182: 7170:. Retrieved 7168:(in Spanish) 7157: 7145:. Retrieved 7100: 7096: 7042: 7038: 7011:. Retrieved 7006: 7002: 6974:. Retrieved 6970:the original 6945:. Retrieved 6916:. Retrieved 6885:. Retrieved 6871: 6859:. Retrieved 6855:the original 6830: 6818:. Retrieved 6787:. Retrieved 6773: 6746:. Retrieved 6732: 6720:. Retrieved 6700: 6696: 6669:. Retrieved 6638: 6626:. Retrieved 6622: 6618: 6587:. Retrieved 6580:the original 6575: 6571: 6539:. Retrieved 6526: 6514:. Retrieved 6512:(in Spanish) 6501: 6489:. Retrieved 6485:the original 6481:"Gran Chaco" 6475: 6463:. Retrieved 6456:the original 6426:. Retrieved 6419:the original 6390:. Retrieved 6388:(in Spanish) 6377: 6365:. Retrieved 6363:(in Spanish) 6360: 6336:. Retrieved 6329:the original 6306:Fittkau 1969 6278:. Retrieved 6274:the original 6247:. Retrieved 6245:. Met Office 6213:. Retrieved 6186:. Retrieved 6182:the original 6155:. Retrieved 6151:the original 6124:. Retrieved 6086:. Retrieved 6079:the original 6031:. Retrieved 6022: 6000:. Retrieved 5996:the original 5947: 5935:. Retrieved 5931:the original 5911:, p. 4. 5887:. Retrieved 5880:the original 5816: 5812: 5802: 5775:. Retrieved 5770: 5744:. Retrieved 5740:the original 5730: 5718:. Retrieved 5714:the original 5704: 5692:. Retrieved 5652:. Retrieved 5621:. Retrieved 5611: 5599:. Retrieved 5574:. Retrieved 5533:. Retrieved 5523: 5513:28 September 5511:. Retrieved 5501: 5489:. Retrieved 5484: 5444:. Retrieved 5439: 5426: 5416:28 September 5414:. Retrieved 5404: 5394:28 September 5392:. Retrieved 5367:. Retrieved 5363:the original 5353: 5341:. Retrieved 5334:the original 5305: 5301: 5252: 5248: 5190: 5186: 5168:11336/147368 5140: 5136: 5126: 5099: 5095: 5064:. Retrieved 5060:11336/113570 5034: 5030: 4978: 4974: 4941:. Retrieved 4934:the original 4929: 4925: 4891:. Retrieved 4855: 4851: 4821:. Retrieved 4780: 4776: 4745:. Retrieved 4725: 4721: 4668:(1): 63–77. 4665: 4661: 4651: 4624:. Retrieved 4617:the original 4612: 4599: 4587: 4582:, p. 5. 4575: 4570:, p. 4. 4563: 4556:Siedler 2013 4536:. Retrieved 4532:the original 4522: 4510:. Retrieved 4506:the original 4461:. Retrieved 4454:the original 4449: 4445: 4398:Manzini 2008 4370:. Retrieved 4332: 4328: 4232:. Retrieved 4227: 4198:. Retrieved 4193: 4162:. Retrieved 4157: 4125:. Retrieved 4120: 4089:. Retrieved 4085:the original 4054:. Retrieved 4049: 4022:. Retrieved 4017: 3990:. Retrieved 3959:. Retrieved 3954: 3911: 3901: 3805:Buenos Aires 3793: 3782: 3774: 3766: 3736: 3721:Salado Basin 3700: 3684: 3672:Fujita scale 3626: 3624: 3589: 3573: 3547: 3508: 3499: 3463: 3442: 3426: 3279:mm (inches) 2992:50.7 (2.00) 2989:41.3 (1.63) 2986:36.1 (1.42) 2983:34.5 (1.36) 2980:36.0 (1.42) 2977:40.1 (1.58) 2974:56.4 (2.22) 2971:47.6 (1.87) 2968:55.9 (2.20) 2965:46.8 (1.84) 2962:42.1 (1.66) 2959:49.6 (1.95) 2948:10.1 (0.40) 2945:14.5 (0.57) 2942:16.4 (0.65) 2939:20.1 (0.79) 2936:20.1 (0.79) 2933:23.4 (0.92) 2930:35.9 (1.41) 2927:37.4 (1.47) 2924:25.4 (1.00) 2921:18.2 (0.72) 2918:14.4 (0.57) 2915:11.6 (0.46) 2904:23.4 (0.92) 2901:29.3 (1.15) 2898:49.4 (1.94) 2895:56.5 (2.22) 2880:58.9 (2.32) 2877:35.2 (1.39) 2874:15.3 (0.60) 2871:10.0 (0.39) 2860:92.8 (3.65) 2857:81.3 (3.20) 2854:89.3 (3.52) 2851:57.3 (2.26) 2848:55.9 (2.20) 2845:55.7 (2.19) 2842:57.4 (2.26) 2839:66.4 (2.61) 2836:85.5 (3.37) 2833:96.7 (3.81) 2830:93.9 (3.70) 2827:94.9 (3.74) 2813:81.7 (3.22) 2810:74.7 (2.94) 2807:50.9 (2.00) 2804:28.1 (1.11) 2801:21.5 (0.85) 2798:15.5 (0.61) 2795:32.9 (1.30) 2792:58.0 (2.28) 2786:81.0 (3.19) 2783:94.6 (3.72) 2766:69.8 (2.75) 2763:35.2 (1.39) 2757:13.3 (0.52) 2751:18.8 (0.74) 2748:61.3 (2.41) 2742:97.0 (3.82) 2719:72.0 (2.83) 2716:64.2 (2.53) 2713:60.6 (2.39) 2710:58.8 (2.31) 2707:92.3 (3.63) 2684:1.2 (0.047) 2681:10.9 (0.43) 2678:18.1 (0.71) 2675:16.6 (0.65) 2672:47.9 (1.89) 2669:49.6 (1.95) 2666:64.9 (2.56) 2663:68.5 (2.70) 2660:10.5 (0.41) 2640:29.6 (1.17) 2637:22.3 (0.88) 2634:19.6 (0.77) 2631:23.9 (0.94) 2628:30.1 (1.19) 2625:34.1 (1.34) 2622:38.7 (1.52) 2619:26.9 (1.06) 2616:22.9 (0.90) 2613:33.5 (1.32) 2610:26.4 (1.04) 2607:25.0 (0.98) 2593:80.4 (3.17) 2590:40.5 (1.59) 2587:24.3 (0.96) 2581:11.2 (0.44) 2575:19.8 (0.78) 2572:41.4 (1.63) 2569:98.9 (3.89) 2566:97.5 (3.84) 2555:90.7 (3.57) 2552:11.6 (0.46) 2534:1.6 (0.063) 2525:11.2 (0.44) 2522:18.9 (0.74) 2519:15.7 (0.62) 2496:93.9 (3.70) 2455:90.8 (3.57) 2452:44.2 (1.74) 2449:47.5 (1.87) 2446:68.9 (2.71) 2443:99.3 (3.91) 2417:66.7 (2.63) 2414:44.7 (1.76) 2411:12.3 (0.48) 2408:2.0 (0.079) 2399:17.2 (0.68) 2396:35.9 (1.41) 2393:91.1 (3.59) 2376:65.0 (2.56) 2373:35.9 (1.41) 2370:17.6 (0.69) 2352:29.3 (1.15) 2349:65.0 (2.56) 2346:73.6 (2.90) 2343:96.3 (3.79) 2332:71.9 (2.83) 2329:27.3 (1.07) 2326:16.0 (0.63) 2320:1.4 (0.055) 2314:0.5 (0.020) 2311:1.0 (0.039) 2305:55.9 (2.20) 2302:68.4 (2.69) 2299:97.5 (3.84) 2285:62.2 (2.45) 2282:25.1 (0.99) 2270:1.5 (0.059) 2264:33.0 (1.30) 2246:   2242:   2123: 2059:13.0 (55.4) 2056:18.2 (64.8) 2053:15.9 (60.6) 2050:13.0 (55.4) 2047:10.1 (50.2) 2032:13.1 (55.6) 2029:16.3 (61.3) 2026:18.8 (65.8) 2023:19.7 (67.5) 2012:13.5 (56.3) 2009:10.8 (51.4) 1985:11.9 (53.4) 1982:14.8 (58.6) 1979:15.0 (59.0) 1971:13.9 (57.0) 1968:18.5 (65.3) 1965:15.9 (60.6) 1962:13.3 (55.9) 1959:10.4 (50.7) 1947:11.2 (52.2) 1944:14.5 (58.1) 1941:18.2 (64.8) 1938:19.8 (67.6) 1935:20.4 (68.7) 1927:15.5 (59.9) 1924:22.5 (72.5) 1921:19.4 (66.9) 1918:15.9 (60.6) 1915:12.1 (53.8) 1903:11.0 (51.8) 1900:14.9 (58.8) 1897:19.5 (67.1) 1894:22.1 (71.8) 1891:23.6 (74.5) 1883:18.2 (64.8) 1880:23.7 (74.7) 1877:21.8 (71.2) 1874:19.5 (67.1) 1871:15.7 (60.3) 1868:13.3 (55.9) 1865:10.8 (51.4) 1862:11.4 (52.5) 1859:14.5 (58.1) 1856:18.0 (64.4) 1853:21.7 (71.1) 1850:23.1 (73.6) 1847:24.3 (75.7) 1839:17.9 (64.2) 1836:23.3 (73.9) 1833:20.7 (69.3) 1830:17.8 (64.0) 1827:14.6 (58.3) 1824:12.8 (55.0) 1821:11.0 (51.8) 1818:11.7 (53.1) 1815:14.5 (58.1) 1812:17.9 (64.2) 1809:21.9 (71.4) 1806:23.6 (74.5) 1803:24.9 (76.8) 1792:13.1 (55.6) 1789:10.1 (50.2) 1777:−0.1 (31.8) 1765:11.7 (53.1) 1762:13.8 (56.8) 1759:14.2 (57.6) 1751:11.9 (53.4) 1748:19.0 (66.2) 1745:16.0 (60.8) 1742:12.6 (54.7) 1724:11.3 (52.3) 1721:16.2 (61.2) 1718:18.7 (65.7) 1715:20.0 (68.0) 1707:17.4 (63.3) 1704:23.8 (74.8) 1701:21.6 (70.9) 1692:11.9 (53.4) 1686:10.0 (50.0) 1683:12.9 (55.2) 1680:16.6 (61.9) 1677:20.8 (69.4) 1674:23.2 (73.8) 1671:24.4 (75.9) 1663:17.8 (64.0) 1660:26.3 (79.3) 1657:23.4 (74.1) 1654:19.8 (67.6) 1651:14.4 (57.9) 1648:10.6 (51.1) 1639:12.2 (54.0) 1636:17.2 (63.0) 1633:22.8 (73.0) 1630:25.5 (77.9) 1627:27.1 (80.8) 1619:21.8 (71.2) 1616:26.3 (79.3) 1610:22.3 (72.1) 1607:19.2 (66.6) 1604:17.9 (64.2) 1601:16.1 (61.0) 1598:16.5 (61.7) 1595:18.3 (64.9) 1592:21.9 (71.4) 1589:25.1 (77.2) 1586:26.2 (79.2) 1583:27.0 (80.6) 1575:22.3 (72.1) 1572:26.7 (80.1) 1569:24.7 (76.5) 1566:23.0 (73.4) 1563:19.8 (67.6) 1560:18.1 (64.6) 1557:16.3 (61.3) 1554:17.0 (62.6) 1551:18.9 (66.0) 1548:22.5 (72.5) 1545:25.7 (78.3) 1542:26.8 (80.2) 1539:27.6 (81.7) 1531:20.4 (68.7) 1528:26.5 (79.7) 1525:24.8 (76.6) 1522:22.7 (72.9) 1519:18.5 (65.3) 1516:15.3 (59.5) 1513:12.2 (54.0) 1510:12.7 (54.9) 1507:16.1 (61.0) 1504:19.8 (67.6) 1501:23.8 (74.8) 1498:25.5 (77.9) 1495:26.7 (80.1) 1487:20.2 (68.4) 1484:27.4 (81.3) 1481:25.5 (77.9) 1478:22.9 (73.2) 1475:17.9 (64.2) 1472:14.2 (57.6) 1469:10.8 (51.4) 1466:11.4 (52.5) 1463:15.1 (59.2) 1460:19.7 (67.5) 1457:23.9 (75.0) 1454:25.8 (78.4) 1451:27.2 (81.0) 1440:13.4 (56.1) 1437:12.8 (55.0) 1434:11.7 (53.1) 1416:10.9 (51.6) 1413:12.4 (54.3) 1410:12.5 (54.5) 1407:12.8 (55.0) 1399:16.7 (62.1) 1396:21.5 (70.7) 1393:20.5 (68.9) 1390:19.1 (66.4) 1387:15.1 (59.2) 1384:12.7 (54.9) 1381:10.1 (50.2) 1378:10.6 (51.1) 1375:13.1 (55.6) 1372:16.6 (61.9) 1369:19.5 (67.1) 1366:20.3 (68.5) 1363:21.4 (70.5) 1354:   1350:   1231: 1206: 1165: 1156: 1152:Subpolar Low 1148:anticyclones 1136: 1106: 1084:cyclogenesis 1081: 1077: 1073:flash floods 1062: 1052: 1034: 1013: 1009: 1005: 982: 945: 928: 919: 915: 911: 907: 893: 876:thick jungle 852: 820: 803: 799: 764: 735: 715: 702: 680: 663: 636:(Cfb), warm 622:subantarctic 609: 576:Humid Pampas 549:Chaco Region 509:Indian Ocean 498: 486: 477: 466: 429: 420:ageostrophic 411: 407: 374: 358: 354: 338: 325: 318: 282: 274: 265:Thunderstorm 246: 232: 228:Buenos Aires 222:in bloom at 205:humid Pampas 198: 190: 171: 147: 127:storm surges 107: 59: 38: 36: 15: 10622:Immigration 10509:Agriculture 10434:Transgender 10316:Environment 10311:Earthquakes 10214:Viceroyalty 10209:Governorate 9358:Rabassa, J. 9259:Works cited 8909:11336/68858 8698:Goudie 2013 8663:9 September 8632:4 September 8599:13 February 8573:13 February 8503:13 February 8406:9 September 8336:8 September 8115:20 November 7778:Morris 1990 7766:Suttie 2005 7720:Suttie 2005 7691:Suttie 2005 7676:Veblen 2007 7664:Veblen 2007 7461:Blouet 2010 7120:11336/32034 7103:: 560–567. 7068:11336/68178 6835:Oncken 2006 6643:Oncken 2006 6209:"Sudestada" 5767:"Argentina" 3986:"Argentina" 3892:. However, 3609:air quality 3592:dust storms 3474:Lago Tromen 2780:Santa Rosa 2760:8.9 (0.35) 2754:4.5 (0.18) 2657:4.2 (0.17) 2654:5.8 (0.23) 2651:4.9 (0.19) 2584:8.6 (0.34) 2578:5.7 (0.22) 2549:7.0 (0.28) 2546:3.6 (0.14) 2543:5.6 (0.22) 2540:3.2 (0.13) 2537:3.5 (0.14) 2531:4.4 (0.17) 2528:4.4 (0.17) 2405:3.0 (0.12) 2402:6.6 (0.26) 2367:9.4 (0.37) 2364:4.2 (0.17) 2361:3.8 (0.15) 2358:2.9 (0.11) 2355:9.0 (0.35) 2323:3.5 (0.14) 2308:8.2 (0.32) 2279:7.6 (0.30) 2276:3.8 (0.15) 2273:3.9 (0.15) 2267:8.0 (0.31) 2103:5.9 (42.6) 2100:8.8 (47.8) 2097:7.7 (45.9) 2094:6.3 (43.3) 2091:4.2 (39.6) 2088:2.9 (37.2) 2085:2.4 (36.3) 2082:1.7 (35.1) 2079:3.8 (38.8) 2076:6.0 (42.8) 2073:8.0 (46.4) 2070:9.5 (49.1) 2067:9.7 (49.5) 2044:7.9 (46.2) 2041:6.6 (43.9) 2038:6.9 (44.4) 2035:9.6 (49.3) 2015:8.3 (46.9) 2006:8.0 (46.4) 2003:5.1 (41.2) 2000:3.0 (37.4) 1997:2.1 (35.8) 1994:2.8 (37.0) 1991:4.9 (40.8) 1988:7.9 (46.2) 1956:8.8 (47.8) 1953:7.5 (45.5) 1950:8.4 (47.1) 1912:9.5 (49.1) 1909:7.2 (45.0) 1906:7.9 (46.2) 1888:Santa Rosa 1795:7.4 (45.3) 1786:6.6 (43.9) 1783:4.0 (39.2) 1780:1.2 (34.2) 1774:0.9 (33.6) 1771:4.2 (39.6) 1768:8.4 (47.1) 1739:8.2 (46.8) 1736:5.5 (41.9) 1733:3.6 (38.5) 1730:4.6 (40.3) 1727:7.1 (44.8) 1689:9.4 (48.9) 1645:7.7 (45.9) 1642:8.3 (46.9) 1443:9.8 (49.6) 1431:9.3 (48.7) 1428:6.7 (44.1) 1425:4.1 (39.4) 1422:4.4 (39.9) 1419:6.9 (44.4) 1220:Temperature 1139:rain shadow 985:Cuyo region 816:homogeneous 683:Mesopotamia 677:Mesopotamia 618:subtropical 611:north. The 558:Mesopotamia 459:Impacts of 447:Impacts of 295:and all of 291:, northern 90:Cuyo region 70:Mesopotamia 10955:Categories 10752:Television 10727:Newspapers 10712:Literature 10617:Healthcare 10602:Corruption 10550:(currency) 10412:ministries 10407:Government 10224:Civil Wars 9696:. Spring. 8533:Boken 2005 8448:(1): 1–5. 8296:3 February 8179:23 October 8002:13 January 7841:22 January 7746:28 October 7412:Araus 2015 6367:7 February 6338:8 February 5952:Moore 1948 5795:Rubio 2018 5694:5 November 5654:10 October 5623:10 October 5601:10 October 5576:10 October 5216:10355/2373 4644:Rubio 2018 4592:Moore 1948 4358:11336/7386 3927:References 3739:snowstorms 3731:See also: 3659:supercells 3631:Entre Ríos 3619:See also: 3596:salt flats 3522:See also: 3466:Lago Frías 3408:See also: 3006:See also: 2868:Bariloche 2296:La Quiaca 1976:Bariloche 1404:La Quiaca 1224:See also: 1195:Statistics 1189:wind chill 1120:Santa Cruz 1101:Flag trees 1069:convective 1043:, eastern 1016:Foehn wind 961:Zonda wind 856:cold waves 844:understory 840:xerophytic 836:mesophytic 738:heat waves 695:Corrientes 691:Entre Ríos 603:Antarctica 585:Dry Pampas 463:by region. 451:by region. 329:dry season 312:Autumn in 220:Jacarandas 135:cold waves 131:heat waves 119:topography 114:geomorphic 110:geographic 10905:Venezuela 10850:Argentina 10627:Languages 10612:Education 10576:Transport 10466:President 10397:Elections 10341:Mountains 10289:Geography 10259:Dirty War 10179:Argentina 9681:ignored ( 9671:cite book 9663:128577375 9604:The Andes 9247:21 August 9224:21 August 9198:27 August 9159:21 August 9108:20 August 9004:Isla 2009 8989:Isla 2009 8972:Isla 2009 8960:Isla 2009 8683:Pewe 1981 8545:Vogt 2010 8521:Vogt 2010 8201:10 August 7224:128568839 5909:USDA 1968 5843:1027-5606 5746:21 August 5535:8 October 5529:"La Niña" 5507:"El Niño" 5491:9 October 5446:9 October 5330:128568839 5225:120366935 4626:14 August 4512:13 August 4463:11 August 4372:28 August 4367:130819014 4091:28 August 3680:Caribbean 3446:Sarmiento 3433:Rivadavia 2604:Malargüe 2560:San Luis 2516:San Juan 2340:La Rioja 1712:Malargüe 1668:San Luis 1624:San Juan 1448:La Rioja 1172:isotherms 1128:Patagonia 1116:Río Negro 1091:Patagonia 957:Antarctic 910:), arid ( 898:, Jujuy, 896:Catamarca 888:Altiplano 870:Owing to 862:Northwest 727:sudestada 638:semi-arid 594:Patagonia 540:Northwest 314:Bariloche 99:latitudes 94:tornadoes 51:Patagonia 47:Argentina 10895:Suriname 10885:Paraguay 10870:Colombia 10787:Category 10732:Painting 10664:Religion 10566:Taxation 10451:Military 10424:Intersex 10375:Politics 10254:Peronism 10183:articles 10136:Archived 10062:Archived 10047:Archived 9765:77356786 8497:Archived 8472:17370508 8051:23 April 8028:23 March 7947:18 March 7866:23 April 7601:73647974 6887:1 August 6789:1 August 6748:1 August 5359:"Viento" 5037:: 1–17. 4888:54578278 3961:8 August 3902:de facto 3888:and the 3811:See also 3778:glaciers 3772:losses. 3692:updrafts 3678:and the 3639:La Pampa 3635:Santa Fe 3559:Paraguay 3495:flooding 3487:La Plata 3404:Extremes 3393:Source: 3275:Average 2956:Ushuaia 2736:Córdoba 2472:Posadas 2428:Formosa 2317:0.0 (0) 2130:Location 2064:Ushuaia 1844:Córdoba 1580:Posadas 1536:Formosa 1238:Location 997:San Luis 993:San Juan 900:La Rioja 828:savannas 812:tropical 687:Misiones 278:maritime 201:Littoral 154:glaciers 103:snowfall 66:droughts 10900:Uruguay 10875:Ecuador 10855:Bolivia 10771:Outline 10702:Cuisine 10684:Culture 10590:Society 10571:Tourism 10514:Banking 10497:Economy 10351:Regions 10336:Islands 10306:Climate 10191:History 9929:4440863 9633:Bibcode 9572:3455870 9360:(ed.). 9035:Bibcode 8888:Bibcode 8731:Bibcode 8463:2725828 8274:4 April 8080:19 June 7976:26 June 7637:Bibcode 7579:Bibcode 7538:Bibcode 7388:1 March 7356:22 June 7318:Bibcode 7289:23 June 7261:23 June 7229:23 June 7204:Bibcode 7172:23 June 7147:17 June 7047:Bibcode 7013:31 July 6976:11 June 6947:18 June 6918:31 July 6861:31 July 6820:31 July 6722:27 July 6705:Bibcode 6671:27 July 6628:26 July 6589:26 July 6541:24 July 6516:23 July 6491:23 July 6465:23 July 6428:10 July 6215:11 June 6126:28 June 6088:29 June 6033:30 June 6002:29 June 5889:23 July 5821:Bibcode 5369:4 April 5343:17 June 5310:Bibcode 5257:Bibcode 5195:Bibcode 5145:Bibcode 5104:Bibcode 5039:Bibcode 4983:Bibcode 4860:Bibcode 4823:23 July 4785:Bibcode 4730:Bibcode 4670:Bibcode 4337:Bibcode 3708:Uruguay 3696:Mendoza 3666:struck 3664:tornado 3604:topsoil 3584:Córdoba 3489:at the 3344:(23.2) 3270:(46.9) 3265:(56.1) 3260:(52.0) 3255:(47.1) 3250:(41.5) 3245:(37.4) 3240:(35.6) 3235:(36.7) 3230:(41.5) 3225:(46.9) 3220:(52.9) 3215:(56.7) 3210:(57.9) 3200:(58.6) 3195:(68.7) 3190:(64.6) 3185:(59.5) 3180:(53.8) 3175:(49.3) 3170:(46.4) 3165:(46.8) 3160:(52.2) 3155:(58.3) 3150:(64.6) 3145:(68.9) 3140:(70.5) 3130:(70.5) 3125:(81.5) 3120:(77.4) 3115:(72.0) 3110:(66.2) 3105:(61.3) 3100:(57.2) 3095:(57.0) 3090:(63.0) 3085:(69.8) 3080:(76.5) 3075:(81.3) 3070:(83.1) 1112:Neuquén 1053:Cfa/Cfb 989:Mendoza 965:diurnal 940:Pacific 832:marshes 771:Formosa 731:Spanish 640:(BSh), 634:oceanic 461:La Niña 449:El Niño 240:are in 168:Seasons 162:country 160:in the 43:climate 10880:Guyana 10860:Brazil 10792:Portal 10747:Sports 10697:Cinema 10642:People 10356:Rivers 10301:Cities 10181:  9927:  9909:  9903:13–112 9882:  9863:  9842:  9806:  9785:  9763:  9742:  9721:  9700:  9661:  9651:  9614:  9570:  9549:  9526:  9503:  9482:  9448:  9427:  9406:  9376:  9341:  9320:  9299:  9276:  8470:  8460:  8248:1 July 8140:7 June 7599:  7482:7 June 7222:  7009:: 3–16 6392:6 July 6280:2 July 6249:7 June 6188:2 July 6157:2 July 5937:2 June 5841:  5777:7 June 5720:2 June 5328:  5223:  4886:  4365:  4234:8 July 4200:8 July 4164:8 July 4127:8 July 4056:8 July 4024:8 July 3992:7 June 3655:Brazil 3555:Parana 3534:, and 3518:Floods 3339:(2.6) 3334:(2.3) 3329:(2.0) 3324:(1.3) 3319:(0.9) 3314:(1.0) 3309:(1.1) 3304:(1.5) 3299:(2.0) 3294:(2.9) 3289:(2.7) 3284:(2.9) 3021:Month 2252:Salta 2244:Annual 1360:Salta 1352:Annual 1122:, and 1108:Chubut 1023:Pampas 995:, and 924:alpine 848:shrubs 781:, and 769:, and 654:biomes 650:tundra 601:  599:  592:  590:  583:  581:  574:  572:  565:  563:  556:  554:  547:  545:  538:  536:  304:Autumn 256:Summer 234:Spring 211:Spring 176:Winter 86:Pampas 10865:Chile 10778:Index 10742:Radio 10717:Music 10707:Humor 10674:Women 10632:LGBT+ 10607:Crime 10548:Peso 10331:Flora 10326:Fauna 9659:S2CID 9608:(PDF) 9586:(PDF) 9464:(PDF) 9356:. In 9192:(PDF) 9181:(PDF) 9153:(PDF) 9146:(PDF) 9102:(PDF) 9095:(PDF) 8626:(PDF) 8619:(PDF) 8396:(PDF) 8242:(PDF) 8235:(PDF) 8173:(PDF) 8166:(PDF) 8109:(PDF) 8102:(PDF) 7835:(PDF) 7824:(PDF) 7736:(PDF) 7597:S2CID 7382:(PDF) 7375:(PDF) 7283:(PDF) 7251:(PDF) 7220:S2CID 7192:(PDF) 7166:(PDF) 7141:(PDF) 6999:(PDF) 6941:(PDF) 6912:(PDF) 6881:(PDF) 6814:(PDF) 6783:(PDF) 6742:(PDF) 6665:(PDF) 6583:(PDF) 6568:(PDF) 6535:(PDF) 6510:(PDF) 6459:(PDF) 6452:(PDF) 6422:(PDF) 6415:(PDF) 6386:(PDF) 6332:(PDF) 6325:(PDF) 6243:(PDF) 6120:(PDF) 6082:(PDF) 6075:(PDF) 6027:(PDF) 5883:(PDF) 5876:(PDF) 5688:(PDF) 5481:(PDF) 5436:(PDF) 5337:(PDF) 5326:S2CID 5298:(PDF) 5221:S2CID 5066:8 May 4943:8 May 4937:(PDF) 4922:(PDF) 4893:8 May 4884:S2CID 4848:(PDF) 4817:(PDF) 4747:5 May 4620:(PDF) 4609:(PDF) 4538:5 May 4457:(PDF) 4442:(PDF) 4363:S2CID 4267:(PDF) 4224:(PDF) 4190:(PDF) 4117:(PDF) 4046:(PDF) 4014:(PDF) 3869:Notes 3598:that 3388:73.7 3060:Year 767:Chaco 753:Chaco 361:Andes 242:bloom 238:flora 194:Andes 74:Chaco 10890:Peru 10471:list 10429:LGBT 9925:OCLC 9907:ISBN 9880:ISBN 9861:ISBN 9840:ISBN 9804:ISBN 9783:ISBN 9761:OCLC 9740:ISBN 9719:ISBN 9698:ISBN 9683:help 9649:ISBN 9612:ISBN 9568:OCLC 9547:ISBN 9524:ISBN 9501:ISBN 9480:ISBN 9446:ISBN 9425:ISBN 9404:ISBN 9374:ISBN 9339:ISBN 9318:ISBN 9297:ISBN 9274:ISBN 9249:2015 9226:2015 9200:2015 9161:2015 9110:2015 9075:2015 8944:2015 8917:2015 8858:2015 8825:2015 8795:2015 8770:2015 8665:2015 8634:2021 8601:2019 8575:2019 8505:2019 8468:PMID 8408:2015 8338:2015 8298:2022 8276:2013 8250:2015 8203:2016 8181:2018 8142:2015 8117:2016 8082:2015 8053:2016 8030:2017 8004:2019 7978:2015 7949:2018 7868:2016 7843:2021 7748:2015 7484:2015 7390:2016 7358:2015 7291:2015 7263:2015 7231:2015 7174:2015 7149:2015 7015:2015 6978:2015 6949:2015 6920:2015 6889:2015 6863:2015 6822:2015 6791:2015 6750:2015 6724:2015 6673:2015 6630:2015 6591:2015 6543:2015 6518:2015 6493:2015 6467:2015 6430:2015 6394:2015 6369:2016 6340:2016 6282:2015 6251:2015 6217:2015 6190:2015 6159:2015 6128:2015 6090:2015 6035:2015 6004:2015 5939:2016 5891:2015 5839:ISSN 5779:2015 5748:2015 5722:2016 5696:2021 5656:2016 5625:2016 5603:2016 5578:2016 5537:2016 5515:2016 5493:2016 5448:2016 5418:2016 5396:2016 5371:2016 5345:2015 5068:2016 4945:2016 4895:2016 4825:2015 4749:2016 4628:2015 4540:2016 4514:2015 4465:2015 4374:2015 4236:2015 4202:2015 4166:2015 4129:2015 4093:2015 4058:2015 4026:2015 3994:2015 3963:2016 3917:INTA 3557:and 3423:High 3385:8.0 3382:6.8 3379:6.2 3376:4.7 3373:4.3 3370:4.8 3367:4.9 3364:5.3 3361:5.9 3358:7.4 3355:7.3 3352:8.1 3263:13.4 3258:11.1 3218:11.6 3213:13.7 3208:14.4 3198:14.8 3193:20.4 3188:18.1 3183:15.3 3178:12.1 3158:11.2 3153:14.6 3148:18.1 3143:20.5 3138:21.4 3128:21.4 3123:27.5 3118:25.2 3113:22.2 3108:19.0 3103:16.3 3098:14.0 3093:13.9 3088:17.2 3083:21.0 3078:24.7 3073:27.4 3068:28.4 3057:Dec 3054:Nov 3051:Oct 3048:Sep 3045:Aug 3042:Jul 3039:Jun 3036:May 3033:Apr 3030:Mar 3027:Feb 3024:Jan 2208:Sept 1316:Sept 1178:and 983:The 971:Cuyo 918:and 886:The 838:and 789:and 693:and 658:arid 567:Cuyo 499:The 487:The 467:The 133:and 123:hail 112:and 108:The 82:Puna 37:The 10918:and 10441:Law 9832:doi 9641:doi 9472:doi 9366:doi 9043:doi 8904:hdl 8896:doi 8739:doi 8458:PMC 8450:doi 7645:doi 7587:doi 7546:doi 7326:doi 7314:134 7212:doi 7115:hdl 7105:doi 7063:hdl 7055:doi 6713:doi 6701:179 5829:doi 5318:doi 5265:doi 5211:hdl 5203:doi 5191:129 5163:hdl 5153:doi 5141:130 5112:doi 5100:135 5055:hdl 5047:doi 5035:106 4991:doi 4979:128 4876:hdl 4868:doi 4793:doi 4738:doi 4726:281 4678:doi 4353:hdl 4345:doi 3785:RCP 3645:in 3468:in 3439:Low 3342:590 3268:8.3 3253:8.4 3248:5.3 3243:3.0 3238:2.0 3233:2.6 3228:5.3 3223:8.3 3173:9.6 3168:8.0 3163:8.2 2235:Dec 2226:Nov 2217:Oct 2199:Aug 2190:Jul 2181:Jun 2172:May 2163:Apr 2154:Mar 2145:Feb 2136:Jan 1343:Dec 1334:Nov 1325:Oct 1307:Aug 1298:Jul 1289:Jun 1280:May 1271:Apr 1262:Mar 1253:Feb 1244:Jan 846:of 804:Cfa 703:Cfa 267:in 10957:: 9905:. 9838:. 9675:: 9673:}} 9669:{{ 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Map showing the different climate zones found within Argentina based on the Köppen climate classification
Köppen climate classification
Map showing the different climate zones found within Argentina
northern hemisphere
Northwest Argentina
Cuyo region
storm surges
heat waves
cold waves
economic activities of the country
energy shortages
climate change
problems associated with climate change

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.