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economic developments of the last c. 25 years (in China, especially the so-called socialism with Chinese characteristics that started under Deng Xiaoping in 1978/1979, in India essentially during the course of the economic reform policies of the so-called New Economic Policy as of 1991"; Cartier 2001; Nissel 1999). Especially in megacities, these reforms led to enormous influx of foreign direct investments, to intensive industrialization processes through international relocation of production locations and depending upon the location, partially to considerable expansion of the services sector with increasing demand for office space as well as to a reorientation of national support policies—with a not to be mistaken influence of transnationally acting conglomerates but also considerable transfer payments from overseas communities. In turn, these processes are flanked and intensified through, at times, massive migration movements of national and international migrants into the megacities (Baur et al. 2006).
8907:. "It is now clear that the deindustrialization thesis is part myth and part fact. Robert Z. Lawrence, for example, uses aggregate economic data to show that manufacturing employment in the United States did not decline but actually increased from 16.8 million in 1960, to 20.1 million in 1973, and 20.3 million in 1980. However, manufacturing employment was in relative decline. Barry Bluestone noted that manufacturing represented a decreasing proportion of the U.S. labour force, from 26.2 per cent in 1973 to 22.1 per cent in 1980. Studies in Canada have likewise shown that manufacturing employment was only in relative decline during these years. Yet mills and factories did close, and towns and cities lost their industries. John Cumbler submitted that 'depressions do not manifest themselves only at moments of national economic collapse' such as in the 1930s, but 'also recur in scattered sites across the nation in regions, in industries, and in communities. 5387: 5247:
up to 300 minutes of exposure. The benefits are applied to men and women of all ages, as well as across different ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, and even those with long-term illnesses and disabilities. People who did not get at least two hours – even if they surpassed an hour per week – did not get the benefits. The study is the latest addition to a compelling body of evidence for the health benefits of nature. Many doctors already give nature prescriptions to their patients. The study did not count time spent in a person's own yard or garden as time in nature, but the majority of nature visits in the study took place within two miles of home. "Even visiting local urban green spaces seems to be a good thing," Dr. White said in a press release. "Two hours a week is hopefully a realistic target for many people, especially given that it can be spread over an entire week to get the benefit."
54: 11049:
government control into insurgent areas—either defensively to separate existing populations from insurgents or aggressively as a means of extending control over areas—as used by the British in South Africa (1899–1902) and Malaya (1950–3) and by the Americans in Cuba (1898) and Vietnam (1965–75). These were generally small settlements and intended as much for local security as offensive operations. / The planned settlement policy of the State of Israel, however, has been both more comprehensive and has longer-term objectives. These settlements provide a source of armed manpower, a defence in depth of a vulnerable frontier area and islands of cultural and political control in the midst of a potentially hostile population, thus continuing a tradition of the use of such settlements as part of similar policies in that area which is over 2,000 years old."
34: 2368: 5919: 103: 4707: 83: 1136: 65: 6081: 11075:, Long War Series, Occasion Paper 25; Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: Combat Studies Institute Press, US Army Combined Arms Center; pp. 45–46. "Commanding officers will also see that orders are at once given and distributed to all the inhabitants within the jurisdiction of towns over which they exercise supervision, informing them of the danger of remaining outside of these limits and that unless they move by December 25th from outlying barrios and districts with all their movable food supplies, including rice, palay, chickens, live stock, etc., to within the limits of the zone established at their own or nearest town, their property (found outside of said zone at said date) will become liable to confiscation or destruction." 3121: 45: 12826:
tentatively, stepping out of the territorial canvas and hierarchical institutional hegemony of the state. Prominent and well-known cities, and those regions with a strong sense of identity and often a quest for more autonomy, have been the most enthusiastic, as they began to be represented beyond state borders by high-profile city mayors and some regional leaders with political courage and agency. This, then, became part of the much bigger political project of the European Union (EU), which has offered a particularly supportive environment for international engagement by—and among—subnational governments as part of its inherent integrationist agenda."
7336:, p. 18: "From the simplest forms of exchange, when peasant farmers literally brought their produce from the fields into the densest point of interaction—giving us market towns—the significance of central places to surrounding territories began to be asserted. As cities grew in complexity, the major civic institutions, from seats of government to religious buildings, would also come to dominate these points of convergence. Large central squares or open spaces reflected the importance of collective gatherings in city life, such as Tiananmen Square in Beijing, the ZĂłcalo in Mexico City, the Piazza Navonae in Rome and Trafalgar Square in London." 4670: 8862:, "What Sort of a Legal Space is a City?" in Brighenti (2013), pp. 1–20. "Municipalities, within this frame, are understood as nested within the jurisdictional space of the provinces. Indeed, rather than freestanding legal sites, they are imagined as products (or 'creatures') of the provinces who may bring them into being or dissolve them as they choose. As with the provinces their powers are of a delegated form: they may only exercise jurisdiction over areas that have been expressly identified by enabling legislation. Municipal law may not conflict with provincial law, and may only be exercised within its defined territory. 2058: 10125:
right. Key terms in definitions of good governance include participation, accountability, transparency, equity, efficiency, effectiveness, responsiveness, and rule of law (e.g. Ginther and de Waart 1995; UNDP 1997; Woods 1999; Weiss 2000). At the urban level, this normative model has been articulated through the idea of good urban governance, promoted by agencies such as UN Habitat. The Colombian city of BogotĂĄ has sometimes been presented as a model city, given its rapid improvements in fiscal responsibility, provision of public services and infrastructure, public behavior, honesty of the administration, and civic pride."
13988:; Britannica Book of the Year, 1968. Chapter V: Ecumenopolis, the Real City of Man. "Ecumenopolis, which mankind will have built 150 years from now, can be the real city of man because, for the first time in history, man will have one city rather than many cities belonging to different national, racial, religious, or local groups, each ready to protect its own members but also ready to fight those from other cities, large and small, interconnected into a system of cities. Ecumenopolis, the unique city of man, will form a continuous, differentiated, but also unified texture consisting of many cells, the human communities." 4916: 74: 6167: 2914: 8617:
in the midst of a golden age as the Tang dynasty gave way—after a short period of fragmentation—to the Song dynasty. This dynasty ruled two of the most impressive cities on the planet, Xian and Hangzhou. / In contrast, poor Western Europe had not recovered from the sacking of Rome and the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire. For more than five centuries a steady process of deurbanization—whereby the population living in cities and the number of cities declined precipitously—had converted a prosperous landscape into a scary wilderness, overrun with bandits, warlords, and rude settlements."
power, it must be justified by such considerations as the protection of public health and safety, the preservation of taxable property values, and the enhancement of community welfare. Municipal powers to implement and effectuate city plans are usually ample. Among these is the power of eminent domain, which has been used effectively in connection with slum clearance and the rehabilitation of blighted areas. Also available to cities in their implementation of planning objectives are municipal powers of zoning, subdivision control and the regulation of building, housing and sanitation principles."
5723: 2222: 9707:
rational criteria for the delivery of services to citizens, even though compromises may have to be made in the establishment of these criteria. These production oriented criteria often give rise to "service deliver rules", regularized procedures for the delivery of services, which are attempts to codify the productivity goals of urban service bureaucracies. These rules have distinct, definable distributional consequences which often go unrecognized. That is, the decisions of governments to adopt rational service delivery rules can (and usually do) differentially benefit citizens."
4423: 3346: 5388: 1524:, has been dated to the third century BCE. According to Roderick and Susan McIntosh, JennĂ©-Jeno did not fit into traditional Western conceptions of urbanity as it lacked monumental architecture and a distinctive elite social class, but it should indeed be considered a city based on a functional redefinition of urban development. In particular, JennĂ©-Jeno featured settlement mounds arranged according to a horizontal, rather than vertical, power hierarchy, and served as a center of specialized production and exhibited functional interdependence with the surrounding hinterland. 5301: 670: 9669:, p. 146: "The figurehead of city leadership is, of course, the mayor. As 'first citizen', mayors are often associated with political parties, yet many of the most successful mayors are often those whoare able to speak 'for' their city. Rudy Giuliani, for example, while pursuing a neo-liberal political agenda, was often seen as being outside the mainstream of the national Republican party. Furthermore, mayors are often crucial in articulating the interests of their cities to external agents, be they national governments or major public and private investors." 94: 1590: 4688: 1000: 1578: 6148: 5708: 835: 6121: 5012: 2903: 5001: 1563: 11820:, p. 75: "By the 1960s, however, this 'integrated ideal' was being challenged, public infrastructure entering into crisis. There is now a new orthodoxy in many branches of urban planning: 'The logic is now for planners to fight for the best possible networked infrastructures for their specialized district, in partnership with (often privatised and internationalised network) operators, rather than seeking to orchestrate how networks roll out through the city as a whole" (Graham and Marvin, 2001: 113). 623: 6101: 8865:(Vaverde 2009: 150). While liberalism fears the encroachments of the state, it seems less worried about those of the municipality. Thus if a national government proposed a statute forbidding public gatherings or sporting events, a revolution would occur. Yet municipalities routinely enact sweeping by-laws directed at open ended (and ill-defined) offences such as loitering and obstruction, requiring permits for protests or requiring residents and homeowners to remove snow from the city's sidewalks." 9199:
architects knew the answer, which is as valid today as it was 2,000 years ago. Big cities were created as power images of a competitive society, conscious of its achievement potential. Those who came to live in them did so in order to participate and compete on any attainable level. Their aim was to share in public life, and they were willing to pay for this share with personal discomfort. 'Bread and games' was a cry for opportunity and entertainment still ranking foremost among urban objectives."
homogenization of ideologies, production and consumption patterns and lifestyles (Pieterse 1994; Sassen 1998). Decentralization processes have increased city-level capacities of city authorities to develop and implement local social and developmental policies. Cities as homes of the rich, and of powerful businesses, banks, stock markets, UN agencies and NGOs, are the location from which global to local decision-making occurs (e.g. New York, London, Paris, Amsterdam, Hong Kong, SĂŁo Paulo)."
558: 2756: 2484: 2593: 1606: 323: 16742: 4306: 10323:, p. 160–164: "Indeed, the design of the buildings often revolves around the consumable fantasy experience, seen most markedly in the likes of Universal CityWalk, Disneyland and Las Vegas. Architecture critic Ada Louise Huxtable (1997) names architectural structures built specifically as entertainment spaces as 'Architainment'. These places are, of course, places to make money, but they are also stages of performance for an interactive consumer." 4981: 4501: 7925:
fortifications, with walls, ramparts, towers, canals, ditches, that continued to characterize the chief historic cities, apart from certain special cases—as during the Pax Romana—down to the eighteenth century. War brought concentration of social leadership and political power in the hands of a weapons-bearing minority, abetted by a priesthood exercising sacred powers and possessing secret but valuable scientific and magical knowledge."
741: 4330: 4318: 13779:. "Irrespective of the economic outcome, the regime of structural adjustment being adopted in most developing countries today is likely to spur urbanization. If structural adjustment actually succeeds in turning around economic performance, the enhanced gross domestic product is bound to attract more migrants to the cities; if it fails, the deepening misery—especially in the rural areas—is certain to push more migrants to the city." 12074:
of fleet, accidents recorded, pollution caused, workers employed, or whatever else—show the dominance of buses among all transit modes, in this country as well as anywhere else around the world. At the global scale, there are probably 8000 to 10,000 communities and cities that provide organized bus transit. The larger places have other modes as well, but the bulk of these cities offers buses as their sole public means of mobility."
3295: 2066: 1105:, sometimes within a temple. A minority viewpoint considers that cities may have arisen without agriculture, due to alternative means of subsistence (fishing), to use as communal seasonal shelters, to their value as bases for defensive and offensive military organization, or to their inherent economic function. Cities played a crucial role in the establishment of political power over an area, and ancient leaders such as 16730: 15558: 6195: 953: 6985:
Values are embedded in these metaphors: historic continuity, stable equilibrium, productive efficiency, capable decision and management, maximum interaction, or the progress of political struggle. Certain actors become the decisive elements of transformation in each view: political leaders, families and ethnic groups, major investors, the technicians of transport, the decision elite, the revolutionary classes."
markets every morning on the computer, negotiates with product brokers in distant cities, buys food at a supermarket, watches television every night, and takes vacations half a continent away is not exactly living a traditional rural life. In most respects such a farmer is an urbanite living in the countryside, albeit an urbanite who has many good reasons for perceiving himself or herself as a rural person."
981: 16764: 11880: 2407:; as well as the city's basic infrastructure. These are provided more or less routinely, in a more or less equal fashion. Responsibility for administration usually falls on the city government, but some services may be operated by a higher level of government, while others may be privately run. Armies may assume responsibility for policing cities in states of domestic turmoil such as America's 2170:"—but the difference continues to shrink because urbanization is happening faster in the latter group. Asia is home to by far the greatest absolute number of city-dwellers: over two billion and counting. The UN predicts an additional 2.5 billion city dwellers (and 300 million fewer country dwellers) worldwide by 2050, with 90% of urban population expansion occurring in Asia and Africa. 9679:
privacy and well-being of one resident and the potential encroachments thereon by his neighbors in the form of noise, air or water pollution, absence of sanitation, or whatever. In a congested urban situation, the individual is powerless to protect himself from the "free" (i.e., inconsiderate or invasionary) acts of others without himself being guilty of a form of encroachment."
3331:- small to medium size cities (500,000 to 1 million) are rapidly increasing in number and are some of the fastest growing urbanizing areas in the world further contributing to climate change impacts. Cities have a significant influence on construction and transportation—two of the key contributors to global warming emissions. Moreover, because of processes that create 11009:
capacity to be enjoyed as a mass cultural activity gives it many advantages from the marketing point of view (S.V. Ward, 1998, pp. 231–232). In a more subtle way it also becomes a metaphor for the notion of cities having to compete in a global marketplace, a way of reconciling citizens and local institutions to the wider economic realities of the world."
2844:, helping people and firms exchange information and generate new ideas. A thicker labor market allows for better skill matching between firms and individuals. Population density enables also sharing of common infrastructure and production facilities; however, in very dense cities, increased crowding and waiting times may lead to some negative effects. 8924:
roles. The leadership involved cooperation between public and private interests. The results were efforts at downtown revitalization; inner-city gentrification; the transformation of the CBD to advanced service employment; entertainment, museums, and cultural venues; the construction of sports stadiums and sport complexes; and waterfront development."
10300:. Like the traditional working classes, it has radical chains in the sense of having little vested interest in the reproduction of private property. But it is not a socialized collectivity of labor and it lacks significant power to disrupt or seize the means of production. It does possess, however, yet unmeasured powers of subverting urban order. 1539:. Their habitation of the site spanned the period from 3rd century BCE to 13th century CE. Archaeological evidence from Jenné-Jeno, specifically the presence of non-West African glass beads dated from the third century BCE to the fourth century CE, indicates that pre-Arabic trade contacts probably existed between Jenné-Jeno and North Africa. 11006:. "All this media exposure, provided it is reasonably positive, influences many tourist decisions at the time of the Games. This tourism impact will focus on, but extend beyond, the city to the country and the wider global region. More importantly, there is also huge long term potential for both tourism and investment (Kasimati, 2003). 11146:
in consequence to defensive reactions on the part of those responsible for public security, and by individual citizens concerned for their personal safety. The authorities react with situational crime prevention as part of the armoury of urban defense, and individuals fashion their behavior according to an 'urban geography of fear'."
4794:), efficient human-powered machines for short- and medium-distance travel, enjoyed a period of popularity at the beginning of the twentieth century before the rise of automobiles. Soon after, they gained a more lasting foothold in Asian and African cities under European influence. In Western cities, industrializing, expanding, and 11808:
facilities, including electricity and telecommunications networks, gas and water pipelines, railroad terminals and networks, airports, and ports. Following these reforms, few countries embarked on a larger scale initiative than Australia to privatize delivery and management of public infrastructure at all levels of government."
9306:", Department of International Economic and Social Affairs, Population Studies No. 68; New York, United Nations, 1980; p. 15. "If the projections prove to be accurate, the next century will begin just after the world population achieves an urban majority; in 2000, the world is projected to be 51.3 per cent urban." 12233:
McQuillin (1937/1987), §1.74. "It cannot be too strongly emphasized that no city begins to be well-planned until it has solved its housing problem. The problems of living and working are of primary importance. These include sanitation, sufficient sewers, clean, well-lighted streets, rehabilitation of
Kath Wellman & Frederik Pretorius, "Urban Infrastructure: Productivity, Project Evaluation, and Finance"; in Wellman & Spiller (2012), pp. 73–74. "The NCP established a legislative regime at Federal and State levels to facilitate third-party access to provision and operation of infrastructure
Ashworth (1991), pp. 91–93. "However, some specific sorts of crime, together with those antisocial activities which may or may not be treated as crime (such as vandalism, graffiti daubing, littering and even noisy or boisterous behavior), do play various roles in the process of insurgency. This leads
Levy (2017), p. 10. "Planning is a highly political activity. It is immersed in politics and inseparable from the law. Planning decisions often involve large sums of money, both public and private. Even when little public expenditure is involved, planning decisions can deliver large benefits to some
Moholy-Nagy (1968), pp. 136–137. "Why do anonymous people—the poor, the underprivileged, the unconnected—frequently prefer life under miserable conditions in tenements to the healthy order and tranquility of small towns or the sanitary subdivisions of semirural developments? The imperial planners and
Kaplan (2004), pp. 160–165. "Entrepreneurial leadership became manifest through growth coalitions made up of builders, realtors, developers, the media, government actors such as mayors, and dominant corporations. For example, in St. Louis, Anheuser-Busch, Monsanto, and Ralston Purina played prominent
Yet we are danger missing the reach of municipal law: 'ven in highly constitutionalized regimes, it has remained possible for municipalities to micro-manage space, time, and activities through police regulations that infringe both on constitutional rights and private property in often extreme ways'
Kevin A. Lynch, "What Is the Form of a City, and How is It Made?"; in Marzluff et al. (2008), p. 678. "The city may be looked on as a story, a pattern of relations between human groups, a production and distribution space, a field of physical force, a set of linked decisions, or an arena of conflict.
Herrschel & Newman (2017), pp. 7–8. "Growing inequalities as a result of neo-liberal globalism, such as between the successful cities and the less successful, struggling, often peripheral, cities and regions, produce rising political discontent, such as we are now facing across Europe and in the
Grava (2003), 301–305. "There are a great many places where are the only public service mode offered; to the best of the author's knowledge, no city that has transit operates without a bus component. Leaving aside private cars, all indicators—passengers carried, vehicle kilometers accumulated, size
Ashworth (1991). "In more recent years, planned networks of defended settlements as part of military strategies can be found in the pacification programmes of what has become the conventional wisdom of anti-insurgency operations. Connected networks of protected settlements are inserted as islands of
This outcast proletariat—perhaps 1.5 billion people today, 2.5 billion by 2030—is the fastest-growing and most novel social class on the planet. By and large, the urban informal working class is not a labor reserve army in the nineteenth-century sense: a backlog of strikebreakers during booms; to be
Frauke Kraas & GĂŒnter Mertins, "Megacities and Global Change"; in Kraas et al. (2014), p. 2. "While seven megacities (with more than five million inhabitants) existed in 1950 and 24 in 1990, by 2010 there were 55 and by 2025 there will be—according to estimations—87 megacities (UN 2012; Fig. 1).
Kaplan et al. (2004), p. 43. "Capitals like CĂłrdoba and Cairo had populations of about 500,000; Baghdad probably had a population of more than 1 million. This urban heritage would continue despite the conquests of the Seljuk Turks and the later Crusades. China, the longest standing civilization, was
institution of organized war, its completest expression. Thus both the physical form and the institutional life of the city, from the very beginning to the urban implosion, were shaped in no small measure by the irrational and magical purposes of war. From this source sprang the elaborate system of
Carter (1995), p. 15. "In the underbound city the administratively defined area is smaller than the physical extent of settlement. In the overbound city the administrative area is greater than the physical extent. The 'truebound' city is one where the administrative bound is nearly coincidental with
foretold the coming of a mostly urban world throughout the twentieth century. The United Nations has long anticipated a half-urban world, earlier predicting the year 2000 as the turning point and in 2007 writing that it would occur in 2008. Other researchers had also estimated that the halfway point
conference of 2016 focused on implementing these goals under the banner of a "New Urban Agenda". The four mechanisms envisioned for effecting the New Urban Agenda are (1) national policies promoting integrated sustainable development, (2) stronger urban governance, (3) long-term integrated urban and
in 2019 found that people who spent at least two hours per week in nature were 23 percent more likely to be satisfied with their life and were 59 percent more likely to be in good health than those who had zero exposure. The study used data from almost 20,000 people in the UK. Benefits increased for
generally follows one or more basic patterns: geomorphic, radial, concentric, rectilinear, and curvilinear. The physical environment generally constrains the form in which a city is built. If located on a mountainside, urban structures may rely on terraces and winding roads. It may be adapted to its
396:, with a population of 1,841 as of 2011.) According to the "functional definition", a city is not distinguished by size alone, but also by the role it plays within a larger political context. Cities serve as administrative, commercial, religious, and cultural hubs for their larger surrounding areas. 12812:
Abrahamson (2004), pp. 2–4. "The linkages among cities cutting across nations became a global network. It is important to note here that the key nodes in the international system are (global) cities, not nations. Once the linkages among cities became a global network, nations became dependent upon
Adams (1981), p. 132 "Physical destruction and ensuing decline of population were certain to be particularly severe in the case of cities that joined unsuccessful rebellions, or whose ruling dynasts were overcome by others in abbtle. The traditional lamentations provide eloquently stylized literary
Kaplan et al. (2004), p. 15. "Global cities need to be distinguished from megacities, defined here as cities with more than 8 million people. Only New York and London qualified as megacities 50 years ago. By 1990, just over 10 years ago, 20 megacities existed, 15 of which were in less economically
Kaplan et al. (2004), p. 26. "Early cities also reflected these preconditions in that they served as places where agricultural surpluses were stored and distributed. Cities functioned economically as centers of extraction and redistribution from countryside to granaries to the urban population. One
High density and urban heat island effect are examples of weather changes that impact cities due to climate change. It also causes exacerbating existing problems such as air pollution, water scarcity, and heat illness in metropolitan areas. Moreover, because most cities have been built on rivers or
Leach (1993), p. 345. "The German film director Fritz Lang was inspired to 'make a film' about 'the sensations' he felt when he first saw Times Square in 1923; a place 'lit as if in full daylight by neon lights and topping them oversized luminous advertisements moving, turning, flashing on and off
Against those writers who, by emphasizing the importance of financial exchange systems, distinguish a few special cities as 'global cities'—commonly London, Paris, New York and Tokyo—we recognize the uneven global dimensions of all the cities that we study. Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood, is a
Herrschel & Newman (2017), pp. 3–4. "Instead, the picture is becoming more detailed and differentiated, with a growing number of sub-national entities, cities, city-regions and regions, becoming more visible in their own right, either individually, or collectively as networks, by, more or less
No other city marketing opportunity achieves this global exposure. At the same time, provided it is carefully managed at the local level, it also gives a tremendous opportunity to heighten and mobilize the commitment of citizens to their own city. The competitive nature of sport and its unrivalled
Beneath state-to-state dealings, a flurry of activity occurs, with interpersonal networks forming policy communities involving embassies, think tanks, academic institutions, lobbying firms, politicians, congressional staff, research centers, NGOs, and intelligence agencies. This interaction at the
Although studies of the so-called urban informal economy have shown myriad secret liaisons with outsourced multinational production systems, the larger fact is that hundreds of millions of new urbanites must further subdivide the peripheral economic niches of personal service, casual labor, street
Southern Mesopotamia was a land of cities. It became one precociously, before the end of the fourth millennium B.C. Urban traditions remained strong and virtually continuous through the vicissitudes of conquest, internal upheaval accompanied by widespread economic breakdown, and massive linguistic
Marshall (1989), p. 15. "The mutual interdependence of town and country has one consequence so obvious that it is easily overlooked: at the global scale, cities are generally confined to areas capable of supporting a permanent agricultural population. Moreover, within any area possessing a broadly
Herrschel & Newman (2017), p. "In Europe, the EU provides incentives and institutional frameworks for multiple new forms of city and regional networking and lobbying, including at the international EU level. But a growing number of cities and regions also seek to 'go it alone' by establishing
Herrschel & Newman (2017), pp. 9–10. "The merchants of the Hanseatic League, for instance, enjoyed substantial trading privileges as a result of inter-city diplomacy and collective agreements within the networks (Lloyd 2002), as well as with larger powers, such as states. That way, the League
McQuillin (1937/1987), §§1.75–179. "Zoning, a relatively recent development in the administration of local governmental units, concerns itself with the control of the use of land and structures, the size of buildings, and the use-intensity of building sites. Zoning being an exercise of the police
TIF is an increasingly popular local redevelopment policy that allows municipalities to designate a 'blighted' area for redevelopment and use the expected increase in property (and occasionally sales) taxes there to pay for initial and ongoing redevelopment expenditures, such as land acquisition,
Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 53–54. "England was clearly at the center of these changes. London became the first truly global city by placing itself within the new global economy. English colonialism in North America, the Caribbean, South Asia, and later Africa and China helped to further fatten the
Cities with world political status as meeting places for advocacy groups, non-governmental organizations, lobbyists, educational institutions, intelligence agencies, military contractors, information technology firms, and other groups with a stake in world policymaking. They are consequently also
dates to some of the earliest known cities, especially in the Indus Valley and Mesoamerican civilizations, which built their cities on grids and apparently zoned different areas for different purposes. The effects of planning, ubiquitous in today's world, can be seen most clearly in the layout of
Gupta, Verrest, and Jaffe, "Theorizing Governance", in Gupta et al. (2015), pp. 31–33. "The concept of good governance itself was developed in the 1980s, primarily to guide donors in development aid (Doonbos 2001:93). It has been used both as a condition for aid and a development goal in its own
McQuillan (1937/1987), §1.03. "The ancients fostered the spread of urban culture; their efforts were constant to bring their people within the complete influence of municipal life. The desire to create cities was the most striking characteristic of the people of antiquity, and ancient rulers and
of a notable size. The term "city" has different meanings around the world and in some places the settlement can be very small. Even where the term is limited to larger settlements, there is no universally agreed definition of the lower boundary for their size. In a narrower sense, a city can be
These apparently rather different takes on London's 'global city' status are of course not so far removed from one another as they may first appear. Holding them together is the figure of the migrant worker. The reliance of London's financial institutions and business services industries on the
And not withstanding some major world cities that do not have comparatively high levels of immigration, like Tokyo, it may in fact be the presence of such large-scale immigrant economic 'communities' (with their attendant global financial remittances and their ability to incubate small business
In the context of development theory, these 'secessionary' infrastructures physically by-pass sectors of cities unable to afford the necessary cabling, pipe-laying, or streetscaping that underpins service provision. Cities such as Manila, Lagos or Mumbai are thus increasingly characterized by a
Magnusson (2011), p. 21. "These statistics probably underestimate the degree to which the world has been urbanized, since they obscure the fact that rural areas have become so much more urban as a result of modern transportation and communication. A farmer in Europe or California who checks the
A city's credit rating not only influences its ability to sell bonds, but has become a general signal of fiscal health. Detroit's partial recovery in the early 1990s, for example, was reversed when Moody's downgraded the rating of the city's general obligation bonds, precipitating new rounds of
Frauke Kraas & GĂŒnter Mertins, "Megacities and Global Change"; in Kraas et al. (2014), pp. 2–3. "Above all, globalisation processes were and are the motors that drive these enormous changes and are also the driving forces, together with transformation and liberalisation policies, behind the
Kaplan (2004), pp. 91–95. "The United States is also dominant in providing high-quality, global engineering-design services, accounting for approximately 50 percent of the world's total exports. The disproportionate presence of these U.S.-headquartered firms is attributable to the U.S. role in
Bryan D. Jones, Saadia R. Greenbeg, Clifford Kaufman, & Joseph Drew, "Service Delivery Rules and the Distribution of Local Government Services: Three Detroit Bureaucracies"; in Hahn & Levine (1980). "Local government bureaucracies more or less explicitly accept the goal of implementing
McQuillan (1937/1987), §1.63. "The problem of achieving equitable balance between the two freedoms is infinitely greater in urban, metropolitan and megalopolitan situations than in sparsely settled districts and rural areas. / In the latter, sheer intervening space acts as a buffer between the
Large cities have a great divide between populations of both ends of the financial spectrum. Regulations on immigration promote the exploitation of low- and high-skilled immigrant workers from poor areas. During employment, migrant workers may be subject to unfair working conditions, including
Gupta et al. (2015), 5–11. "Current globalization, characterized by hyper capitalism and technological revolutions, is understood as the growing intensity of economic, demographic, social, political, cultural and environmental interactions worldwide, leading to increasing interdependence and
But with the development of industry, the proletariat not only increases in number; it becomes concentrated in greater masses, its strength grows, and it feels that strength more. The various interests and conditions of life within the ranks of the proletariat are more and more equalised, in
Gupta et al. (2015), pp. 4, 29. "We thereby understand urban governance as the multiple ways through which city governments, businesses and residents interact in managing their urban space and life, nested within the context of other government levels and actors who are managing their space,
Infrastructure in general plays a vital role in a city's capacity for economic activity and expansion, underpinning the very survival of the city's inhabitants, as well as technological, commercial, industrial, and social activities. Structurally, many infrastructure systems take the form of
Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 34–35. "In the center of the city, an elite compound or temenos was situated. Study of the very earliest cities show this compound to be largely composed of a temple and supporting structures. The temple rose some 40 feet above the ground and would have presented a
which play a vital role in long-distance trade, are cities disconnected from the countryside which feeds them. Thus, centrality within a productive region influences siting, as economic forces would, in theory, favor the creation of marketplaces in optimal mutually reachable locations.
could negotiate 'extra-territorial' legal spaces with special privileges, such as the 'German Steelyard' in the port of London (Schofield 2012). This special status was granted and guaranteed by the English king as part of an agreement between the state and a foreign city association."
in local governments worldwide, has led to a shift in perspective on urban governance, away from the "urban regime theory" in which a coalition of local interests functionally govern, toward a theory of outside economic control, widely associated in academics with the philosophy of
are another component of public space that provides the benefit of mitigating the urban heat island effect, especially in cities that are in warmer climates. These spaces prevent carbon imbalances, extreme habitat losses, electricity and water consumption, and human health risks.
Mumford (1961), pp. 563–567. "Many of the original functions of the city, once natural monopolies, demanding the physical presence of all participants, have now been transposed into forms capable of swift transportation, mechanical manifolding, electronic transmission, worldwide
3011:, and digital media. These communication networks, though still using cities as hubs, penetrate extensively into all populated areas. In the age of rapid communication and transportation, commentators have described urban culture as nearly ubiquitous or as no longer meaningful. 13681:
Garnered by its interest in the urban poor the Bank, along with other international donors, became an active and influential participant in the Habitat deliberations, confirming both Habitat I and Habitat II's focus on 'development in cities' instead of the role of 'cities in
McQuillan (1937/1987), §§1.04–1.05. "Almost by definition, cities have always provided the setting for great events and have been the focal points for social change and human development. All great cultures have been city-born. World history is basically the history of city
Sharon L. Harlan, Anthony J. Brazel, G. Darrel Jenerette, Nancy S. Jones, Larissa Larsen, Lela Prashad, & William L. Stefanov, "In the Shade of Affluence: The Inequitable Distribution of the Urban Heat Island"; in Robert C. Wilkinson & William R. Freudenburg, eds.,
of a chief.) The governments may be based on heredity, religion, military power, work systems such as canal-building, food distribution, land-ownership, agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, finance, or a combination of these. Societies that live in cities are often called
As noted above, nuclear weapons designed for countervalue or city-killing purposes tend to be of the strategic class, with known yields of deployed warheads averaging somewhere between two and three times and 1500 times the firepower of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and
is used by the government to divest citizens of their property in cases where its use is required for a project. Planning often involves tradeoffs—decisions in which some stand to gain and some to lose—and thus is closely connected to the prevailing political situation.
became a privileged elite among towns having won self-governance from their local lord or having been granted self-governance by the emperor and being placed under his immediate protection. By 1480, these cities, as far as still part of the empire, became part of the
5237:: parks, gardens, lawns, and trees. These areas improve the health and well-being of the human, animal, and plant populations of the cities. Well-maintained urban trees can provide many social, ecological, and physical benefits to the residents of the city. 870:. Decentralization and dispersal of city functions (commercial, industrial, residential, cultural, political) has transformed the very meaning of the term and has challenged geographers seeking to classify territories according to an urban-rural binary. 13166:
continuing flow of highly skilled labour from overseas is now well known (Beaverstock and Smith 1996). Less well known is the extent to which London's economy as a whole is now dependent upon the labour power of low-paid workers from across the world.
Rydin, Y.; Bleahu, A.; Davies, M.; DĂĄvila, J.D.; Friel, S.; De Grandis, G.; Groce, N.; Hallal, P.C.; Hamilton, I.; Howden-Chapman, P.; Lai, K.M.; Lim, C.J.; Martins, J.; Osrin, D.; Ridley, I.; Scott, I.; Taylor, M.; Wilkinson, P.; Wilson, J. (2012).
James Xiaohe Zhang, "Rapid urbanization in China and its impact on the world economy"; 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, "New Challenges for Global Trade in a Rapidly Changing World", Shanhai Institute of Foreign Trade, 12–14 June
9557: 1852:
During the Spanish colonization of the Americas, the old Roman city concept was extensively used. Cities were founded in the middle of the newly conquered territories and were bound to several laws regarding administration, finances, and urbanism.
S.T.A. Pickett, M.L. Cadenasso, J.M. Grove, C.H. Nilon, R.V. Pouyat, W.C. Zipperer, & R. Costanza, "Urban Ecological Systems: Linking Terrestrial Ecological, Physical, and Socioeconomic Components of Metropolitan Areas"; in Marzluff et al.
accounts of this, while in other cases the combinations of archaeological evidence with the testimony of a city's like Ur's victorious opponent as to its destruction grounds the world of metaphor in harsh reality (Brinkman 1969, pp. 311–312)."
Citing the Vancouver Declaration, the UN General Assembly in December 1977 authorized the United Nations Commission Human Settlements and the HABITAT Centre for Human Settlements, intended to coordinate UN activities related to housing and
for their layout, environment, and aesthetics. (This transformation occurred most dramatically in the US—where corporate and governmental policies favored automobile transport systems—and to a lesser extent in Europe.) The rise of personal
The diversity of water supply management systems worldwide—which operate along a continuum between fully public and fully private—bear witness to repeated shifts back and forth between private and public ownership and management of water
wallets of many of its merchants. These colonies would later provide many of the raw materials for industrial production. England's hinterland was no longer confined to a portion of the world; it effectively became a global hinterland."
level of 'technostructure'—heavily oriented toward information gathering and incremental policy modification—is too complex and voluminous to be monitored by top leadership, yet nevertheless often has important implications for policy.
372:– to classify populations as urban. Typical working definitions for small-city populations start at around 100,000 people. Common population definitions for an urban area (city or town) range between 1,500 and 50,000 people, with most 583:
Town siting has varied through history according to natural, technological, economic, and military contexts. Access to water has long been a major factor in city placement and growth, and despite exceptions enabled by the advent of
Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 41–42. "Rome created an elaborate urban system. Roman colonies were organized as a means of securing Roman territory. The first thing that Romans did when they conquered new territories was to establish
7482:"The Grid and Modular Measures in The Town Planning of Mohenjodaro and Kathmandu Valley. A Study on Modular Measures in Block and Plot Divisions in the Planning of Mohenjodaro and Sirkap (Pakistan), and Thimi (Kathmandu Valley)" 2195:
Cities around the world have expanded physically as they grow in population, with increases in their surface extent, with the creation of high-rise buildings for residential and commercial use, and with development underground.
means of subsistence (e.g. agriculture or fishing). And it may be set up for optimal defense given the surrounding landscape. Beyond these "geomorphic" features, cities can develop internal patterns, due to natural growth or to
Abrahamson (2004), p. 4. "The formerly major industrial cities that were most able quickly and thoroughly to transform themselves into the new postindustrial mode became the leading global cities—the centers of the new global
2447:(packaging city assets into tradeable financial public contracts and other related rights). This situation has become acute in deindustrialized cities and in cases where businesses and wealthier citizens have moved outside of 4852:
to move people through the city, alongside cars, on the roads. The economic function itself also became more decentralized as concentration became impractical and employers relocated to more car-friendly locations (including
is the process of migration from rural to urban areas, driven by various political, economic, and cultural factors. Until the 18th century, an equilibrium existed between the rural agricultural population and towns featuring
globalizing city, though perhaps more significantly in cultural than economic terms. And so is Dili globalizing, the small and 'insignificant' capital of Timor Leste—except this time it is predominantly in political terms...
11632: 3327:. The UN projects that 68% of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050. In the year 2016, 31 mega-cities reported having at least 10 million in their population, 8 of which surpassed 20 million people. However, 2176:, cities with populations in the multi-millions, have proliferated into the dozens, arising especially in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Economic globalization fuels the growth of these cities, as new torrents of foreign 439:
is a modern metric to help define what comprises a city: "a population of at least 50,000 inhabitants in contiguous dense grid cells (>1,500 inhabitants per square kilometer)". This metric was "devised over years by the
4958:, or lack of housing, is a challenge currently faced by millions of people in countries rich and poor. Because cities generally have higher population densities than rural areas, city dwellers are more likely to reside in 10499: 9969:
demolition, construction, and project financing. Because developers require cash up-front, cities transform promises of future tax revenues into securities that far-flung buyers and sellers exchange through local markets.
9299: 2097:, the proportion of the population living in cities jumped from 17% in 1801 to 72% in 1891. In 1900, 15% of the world's population lived in cities. The cultural appeal of cities also plays a role in attracting residents. 341:, which may be conferred by a central authority. The term can also refer either to the physical streets and buildings of the city or to the collection of people who dwell there and can be used in a general sense to mean 7263:
Carter (1995), pp. 5–7. " the two main themes of study introduced at the outset: the town as a distributed feature and the town as a feature with internal structure, or in other words, the town in area and the town as
4560:, with a tendency toward government water supply in the 20th century and a tendency toward private operation at the turn of the twenty-first. The market for private water services is dominated by two French companies, 6031:. Other early cinematic representations of cities in the twentieth century generally depicted them as technologically efficient spaces with smoothly functioning systems of automobile transport. By the 1960s, however, 2471:, in which a development project is financed by loans based on future tax revenues which it is expected to yield. Under these circumstances, creditors and consequently city governments place a high importance on city 4518:(literally, useful things with general availability) include basic and essential infrastructure networks, chiefly concerned with the supply of water, electricity, and telecommunications capability to the populace. 5354:
Critics of the notion point to the different realms of power and interchange. The term "global city" is heavily influenced by economic factors and, thus, may not account for places that are otherwise significant.
8592: 13260: 4488:
require large upfront investments and thus tend to require funding from the national government or the private sector. Privatization may also extend to all levels of infrastructure construction and maintenance.
9087: 7850:
of the main functions of this central authority was to extract, store, and redistribute the grain. It is no accident that granaries—storage areas for grain—were often found within the temples of early cities."
2359:. Technologies, techniques, and laws governing these areas—developed in cities—have become ubiquitous in many areas. Municipal officials may be appointed from a higher level of government or elected locally. 5287:
around the world, effectively eliminating the distance between cities for the purposes of the international markets and other high-level elements of the world economy, as well as personal communications and
expelled during busts; then reabsorbed again in the next expansion. On the contrary, this is a mass of humanity structurally and biologically redundant to the global accumulation and the corporate matrix.
9215: 11602: 5857:, has been a primary force in promoting the Habitat conferences, and since the first Habitat conference has used their declarations as a framework for issuing loans for urban infrastructure. The bank's 4381:
as having significantly more impact than production-based emissions within cities. The report estimates that 85% of the emissions associated with goods within a city is generated outside of that city.
14008: 2574:. The concepts of governance and good governance are especially invoked in emergent megacities, where international organizations consider existing governments inadequate for their large populations. 8850:
Curtis (2016), pp. 5–6. "In the modern international system, cities were subjugated and internalized by the state, and, with industrialization, became the great growth engines of national economies."
from the mid-fourth millennium BC (ancient Iraq) is considered by most archaeologists to be the first true city, innovating many characteristics for cities to follow, with its name attributed to the
1406:. It is the oldest known civilization in the Americas, flourishing between the 30th and 18th centuries BC. Mesoamerica saw the rise of early urbanism in several cultural regions, beginning with the 2972:, providing thousands of offices or homes within a small footprint, and visible from miles away, have become iconic urban features. Cultural elites tend to live in cities, bound together by shared 7920:
Mumford (1961), pp. 39–46. "As the physical means increased, this one-sided power mythology, sterile, indeed hostile to life, pushed its way into every corner of the urban scene and found, in the
uniform level of agricultural productivity, there is a rough but definite association between the density of the rural population and the average spacing of cities above any chosen minimum size."
3365: 1869:
and the rise of new great cities, first in Europe and then in other regions, as new opportunities brought huge numbers of migrants from rural communities into urban areas. England led the way as
formidable profile to those far away. The temple contained the priestly class, scribes, and record keepers, as well as granaries, schools, crafts—almost all non-agricultural aspects of society."
by an average of 2–3 Â°C and at times 5–10 Â°C differences have been recorded. This effect varies nonlinearly with population changes (independently of the city's physical size). Aerial
Sancino, Alessandro; Stafford, Max; Braga, Alessandro; Budd, Leslie (3 July 2022). "What can city leaders do for climate change? Insights from the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group network".
distribution around the issue of urban poverty. (UN-Habitat plays an advisory role in evaluating the quality of a locality's governance.) The Bank's policies have tended to focus on bolstering
Zhao, Jiacheng; Zhao, Xiang; Wu, Donghai; Meili, Naika; Fatichi, Simone (2023). "Satellite-based evidence highlights a considerable increase of urban tree cooling benefits from 2000 to 2015".
when intersecting also with racial segregation). For example, within the urban microclimate, less-vegetated poor neighborhoods bear more of the heat (but have fewer means of coping with it).
13950:... something completely new and nearly fairly-tale-like for a European ... a luxurious cloth hung from a dark sky to dazzle, distract, and hypnotize.' The film Lang made turned out to be 13081:
overseas automobile production, the electronics and petroleum industries, and various kinds of construction, including work on the country's numerous overseas air and navy military bases."
8133: 6285:
was reached in 2007. Although the trend is undeniable, the precision of this statistic is dubious, due to reliance on national censuses and to the ambiguities of defining an area as urban.
for pedestrians. However, severe traffic jams still occur regularly in cities around the world, as private car ownership and urbanization continue to increase, overwhelming existing urban
13474: 9460: 4466:
with redundant links and multiple pathways, so that the system as a whole continue to operate even if parts of it fail. The particulars of a city's infrastructure systems have historical
9436: 11466: 8708: 637:
The vast majority of cities have a central area containing buildings with special economic, political, and religious significance. Archaeologists refer to this area by the Greek term
11624: 10079:
capital flight (Hackworth, 2007). The need to maintain a high credit rating constrains municipal actors by making it difficult to finance discretionary projects in traditional ways.
8947: 10496: 9296: 8813: 14180: 6849: 4865:
and other methods for prioritizing bus traffic over private cars. Many big American cities still operate conventional public transit by rail, as exemplified by the ever-popular
and other development projects, is a perennial problem, which cities address through appeals to higher governments, arrangements with the private sector, and techniques such as
13373: 10134:
Shipra Narang Suri & GĂŒnther Taube, "Governance in Megacities: Experiences, Challenges and Implications for International Cooperation"; in Kraas et al. (2014), pp. 197–198.
involves various physical networks and spaces necessary for transportation, water use, energy, recreation, and public functions. Infrastructure carries a high initial cost in
8324: 8058: 9510:
Shipra Narang Suri & GĂŒnther Taube, "Governance in Megacities: Experiences, Challenges and Implications for International Cooperation"; in Kraas et al. (2014), p. 196.
along ethnic, economic, and racial lines. People living relatively close together may live, work, and play in separate areas, and associate with different people, forming
9736: 6080: 18578: 13327: 8589: 7178: 306:
are often referred to as a crucial element in fighting climate change. However, this concentration can also have some significant negative consequences, such as forming
13257: 16802: 13137:
growth, rather than their complementarity to producer services employment) which partially distinguishes mega-cities from other more nationally oriented urban centres.
11316: 9080: 4389:
will be important in reducing the impacts of some of the largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions: for example, increased density allows for redistribution of
By the 13th and 14th centuries, some cities become powerful states, taking surrounding areas under their control or establishing extensive maritime empires. In Italy,
14221:. Committee on National Urban Policy, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. Washington: National Academy Press, 1984. 13816: 6120: 5888:. It has developed various city networks including the International Coalition of Cities against Racism and the Creative Cities Network. UNESCO's capacity to select 7152: 11358: 9982: 3187:, the US Army ordered local people to concentrate in cities and towns, in order to isolate committed insurgents and battle freely against them in the countryside. 2101: 12754:
White, Mathew P.; Alcock, Ian; Grellier, James; Wheeler, Benedict W.; Hartig, Terry; Warber, Sara L.; Bone, Angie; Depledge, Michael H.; Fleming, Lora E. (2019).
9415: 8433: 4492:
Urban infrastructure ideally serves all residents equally but in practice may prove uneven—with, in some cities, clear first-class and second-class alternatives.
Cities play a crucial strategic role in warfare due to their economic, demographic, symbolic, and political centrality. For the same reasons, they are targets in
The presence of a literate elite is often associated with cities because of the cultural diversities present in a city. A typical city has professional
9395: 9212: 266:, all cities are to varying degrees also connected globally beyond these regions. This increased influence means that cities also have significant influences on 5999:
Writers, painters, and filmmakers have produced innumerable works of art concerning the urban experience. Classical and medieval literature includes a genre of
18558: 15147: 9336: 14005: 7402: 6001: 195:
populated place with administratively defined boundaries whose members work primarily on non-agricultural tasks. Cities generally have extensive systems for
11584: 7028: 2427:
within the city. Local government can also collect revenue for services, or by leasing land that it owns. However, financing municipal services, as well as
Legal conflicts and issues arise more frequently in cities than elsewhere due to the bare fact of their greater density. Modern city governments thoroughly
developed regions of the world. In 2000, the number of megacities had increased to 26, again all except 6 are located in the less developed world regions."
4735:, their inhabitants must have the ability to regularly travel between home, work, commerce, and entertainment. City dwellers travel by foot or by wheel on 4361: 549:
deals both with cities in their larger context and with their internal structure. Cities are estimated to cover about 3% of the land surface of the Earth.
9828: 3112:, which bring global attention and tourism. Paris, a city known for its cultural history, was the site of the most recent Olympics in the summer of 2024. 3580: 2100:
Urbanization rapidly spread across Europe and the Americas and since the 1950s has taken hold in Asia and Africa as well. The Population Division of the
In a radial structure, main roads converge on a central point. This form could evolve from successive growth over a long time, with concentric traces of
13288: 6147: 5551:
Cities increasingly participate in world political activities independently of their enclosing nation-states. Early examples of this phenomenon are the
dominant. On the whole, urban ecosystems are less complex and productive than others, due to the diminished absolute amount of biological interactions.
131: 5854: 5369:
make their headquarters in global cities and conduct much of their business within this context. American firms dominate the international markets for
2743:. The global urban proletariat of today, however, generally lacks the status of factory workers which in the nineteenth century provided access to the 2610:, the application of forethought to city design, involves optimizing land use, transportation, utilities, and other basic systems, in order to achieve 7123: 11696: 5034:, influenced as they are by the density of human buildings and activities, differ considerably from those of their rural surroundings. Anthropogenic 2976:, and themselves play some role in governance. By virtue of their status as centers of culture and literacy, cities can be described as the locus of 2637:
Government is legally the final authority on planning but in practice, the process involves both public and private elements. The legal principle of
11459:"68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN | UN DESA | United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs" 11413:
Liang, Longwu; Wang, Zhenbo; Li, Jiaxin (2019). "The effect of urbanization on environmental pollution in rapidly developing urban agglomerations".
8163: 7091: 1845:
in the seventeenth century. Western Europe's larger capitals (London and Paris) benefited from the growth of commerce following the emergence of an
11067: 10233: 10147: 8506:
McIntosh, Roderic J., McIntosh, Susan Keech. "Early Urban Configurations on the Middle Niger: Clustered Cities and Landscapes of Power," Chapter 5.
and population replacement. The symbolic and material content of civilization obviously changed, but its cultural ambience remained tied to cities.
5835: 5219:
increase rainfall by 5–10%. Thus, urban areas experience unique climates, with earlier flowering and later leaf dropping than in nearby countries.
5140:, locally and at longer distances, due to concentrated populations and technological activities. From one perspective, cities are not ecologically 1442:
peoples drew on these earlier urban traditions. Many of their ancient cities continue to be inhabited, including major metropolitan cities such as
17166: 12732: 8670: 5662: 16574: 8125: 4378: 3765: 13471: 10634:"Toward a new concept of the 'cultural elite state': Cultural capital and the urban sculpture planning authority in elite coalition in Shanghai" 9457: 8833: 7280: 5980:
Cities can be perceived in terms of extremes or opposites: at once liberating and oppressive, wealthy and poor, organized and chaotic. The name
16795: 14404:
Marzluff, John M., Eric Schulenberger, Wilfried Endlicher, Marina Alberti, Gordon Bradley, Clre Ryan, Craig ZumBrunne, & Ute Simon (2008).
13347: 7003: 1670: 11786:
Kath Wellman & Frederik Pretorius, "Urban Infrastructure: Productivity, Project Evaluation, and Finance"; in Wellman & Spiller (2012).
9433: 7043: 17216: 16230: 8517: 6348: 5699:, a city in South Africa, had a rally where five thousand people took part in order to advocate for increasing wages to afford living costs. 4229: 1761: 11458: 11248: 8700: 6100: 5343:
or through inertia which has enabled them to maintain their dominance from the industrial era. This type of ranking exemplifies an emerging
13247:", presented at the Fifth Biennial International Conference of the European Community Studies Association, 29 May–1 June 1997, Seattle, US. 9858:
David Walker, "The New System of Intergovernmental Relations: Fiscal Relief and More Governmental Intrusions"; in Hahn & Levine (1980).
8944: 5394: 3590: 1067: 5741:
has been involved in a series of events and declarations dealing with the development of cities during this period of rapid urbanization.
5160:) that envelop them, posing a chronic threat to the health of their millions of inhabitants. Urban soil contains higher concentrations of 1897: 995:, which was rebuilt six or more times, using bricks of standard size, and adhering to the same grid layout—also in the third millennium BC 18573: 15369: 11846: 11169: 7572: 7561: 7418:"Optimizing urban greenspace spatial pattern to mitigate urban heat island effects: Extending understanding from local to the city scale" 6213: 5749:
conference in 1976 adopted the "Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements" which identifies urban management as a fundamental aspect of
3473: 1221: 11230: 11019: 8810: 8366: 3210:
and rapid urbanization, cities have become sites of long-term conflict waged both by foreign occupiers and by local governments against
is the most urban continent, with four-fifths of its population living in cities, including one-fifth of the population said to live in
16825: 13362: 11287: 9653: 9319: 7514: 5799: 3547: 13980: 9171: 8460:
Monroe, J. Cameron (2018). ""Elephants for Want of Towns": Archaeological Perspectives on West African Cities and Their Hinterlands".
6841: 5307:, characteristic features of the top global cities, are interconnected hubs for capital. Here, a delegation from Australia visits the 17947: 16788: 16521: 15362: 13500: 13370: 3448: 3252: 3125: 2367: 1236: 947: 234:
Historically, city dwellers have been a small proportion of humanity overall, but following two centuries of unprecedented and rapid
11097:; School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; January 2015. 3086:. Place brands (which include place satisfaction and place loyalty) have great economic value (comparable to the value of commodity 2790:
tends to analyze larger agglomerations, stretching beyond city limits, in order to reach a more complete understanding of the local
15802: 15594: 15017: 12419: 10471: 8794: 6384: 5984:
refers to various types of ideological opposition to cities, whether because of their culture or their political relationship with
enabled urban expansion as new residential neighborhoods sprung up along transit lines and workers rode to and from work downtown.
4390: 4354: 4279: 4057: 3522: 10342: 9719:
Robert L. Lineberry, "Mandating Urban Equality: The Distribution of Municipal Public Services"; in Hahn & Levine (1980). See:
15374: 13873: 11845:
Emanuele Lobina, David Hall, & Vladimir Popov, "List of water remunicipalisations in Asia and worldwide – As of April 2014";
1339:, meaning "gathering place" or "assembly", was the center of the athletic, artistic, spiritual, and political life of the polis. 1259:
fashion, with a minimalistic grid of rooms for the workers and increasingly more elaborate housing available for higher classes.
12516: 10844: 10792:
Ashworth, Kavaratzis, & Warnaby, "The Need to Rethink Place Branding"; in Kavaratzis, Warnaby, & Ashworth (2015), p. 15.
8103: 5918: 3356:, is a large city that has experienced multiple droughts throughout the years, which has led to decreased economic productivity. 17853: 15379: 9733: 5133:
are scarce. However, in North America, large predators such as coyotes and other large animals like white-tailed deer persist.
4553: 4179: 3864: 3715: 3551: 3542: 3537: 3237:
Although capture is the more common objective, warfare has in some cases spelled complete destruction for a city. Mesopotamian
from near and far. A deep gulf divides the rich and poor in these cities, with usually contain a super-wealthy elite living in
14832:, 1967. Pan historical/geographical essays, many images. Starts with "Athens", ends with "The Coming World City-Ecumenopolis". 13925: 7174: 6166: 4706: 3238: 16621: 14805: 14786: 14751: 14732: 14713: 14694: 14675: 14628: 14601: 14492: 14469: 14438: 14413: 14398: 14383: 14343: 14327: 14312: 14260: 14237: 14202: 14188: 14176: 14157: 14143: 14114: 14078: 13760: 13158: 12602: 12542: 11656:"Conflict in abundance and peacebuilding in scarcity: Challenges and opportunities in addressing climate change and conflict" 11124: 11003: 10777: 9165: 8977: 8638: 8537: 8397: 8360: 8318: 8267: 7881: 7554: 5623: 5606:
by various means including membership in global networks which transmit norms and regulations. At the general, global level,
4037: 3071: 2245: 1209:, but others carried out urban activities in the realms of politics or religion without having large associated populations. 720: 231:, sometimes benefiting different parties in the process, such as improving the efficiency of goods and service distribution. 13792: 11308: 10865:
Adriana Campelo, "Rethinking Sense of Place: Sense of One and Sense of Many"; in Kavaratzis, Warnaby, & Ashworth (2015).
8644: 8305: 2654:, fully designed prior to construction, often with consideration for interlocking physical, economic, and cultural systems. 18067: 17105: 16554: 7904: 6821: 5516: 4047: 3505: 1885:
reduced transportation costs, and large manufacturing centers began to emerge, fueling migration from rural to city areas.
1493:, presented characteristics suggestive of an incipient form of urbanism. The second place to show urban characteristics in 1348: 17796: 13548: 13277:
their own representations in Brussels, either individually or in shared accommodation, as the base for European lobbying."
13180:"Are world cities also world immigrant cities? An international, cross-city analysis of global centrality and immigration" 11391: 11089: 10245:
proportion as machinery obliterates all distinctions of labour, and nearly everywhere reduces wages to the same low level.
6798: 6058:. The prospect of expanding, communicating, and increasingly interdependent world cities has given rise to images such as 1135: 33: 18072: 17500: 17004: 15873: 15242: 11727: 11342: 7619: 7612: 7036: 6356: 5658: 5607: 4652: 4374: 4347: 4269: 4234: 4169: 4067: 3610: 3386: 2611: 2028: 337:
A city can be distinguished from other human settlements by its relatively great size, but also by its functions and its
13813: 10928: 10023: 9131: 5409:, the world's largest central business district, is shown with prominent buildings highlighted by number, February 2018. 1813:
in the Middle Ages multiplied the number of cities in the region, as well as making some of them very populous, notably
in the nineteenth century, through the present most of the world's urban population lives near the coast or on a river.
18614: 17999: 16018: 14547: 14280: 13747: 13040: 12967: 12938: 11579:; Hourcade, Jean-Charles; Klaus, Ian; de Kleijne, Kiane; Lwasa, Shauib; Markgraf, Claire; Newman, Peter; Revi, Aromar; 10914: 10604: 9412: 9392: 8492:
MacDonald, Kevin (2015). "The Tichitt tradition in the West African Sahel". In Barker, Graeme; Barker, Candice (eds.).
8427: 8004: 7993: 6621: 5631: 5339:
through their economic and political influence. Global cities may have reached their status due to early transition to
arises from various forms of combustion, including fireplaces, wood or coal-burning stoves, other heating systems, and
and large masses of people living in substandard housing with inadequate infrastructure and otherwise poor conditions.
53: 12445: 8774: 8210:
Pandeyl, Jhimli Mukherjee (25 February 2016). "Varanasi is as old as Indus valley civilization, finds IIT-KGP study".
techniques used to inform development strategy; attract businesses, investors, residents, and tourists; and to create
18609: 17885: 17833: 17742: 14587: 14526: 14510: 14361: 14298: 14129: 14096: 14056: 14042: 13240: 12982: 12383:
Roberto Camagni, Roberta Capello, & Peter Nijkamp, "Managing Sustainable Urban Environments"; in Paddison (2001).
12040: 9061:"United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014). World Urbanization Prospects" 8904: 8748: 8605: 8194: 6585: 5453: 4677: 4398: 4152: 3720: 3468: 2700:, areas of urban development that surround the city proper. Meanwhile, across Europe and North America, the racially 2634:
involves identifying general objectives as well as collecting data to evaluate progress and inform future decisions.
in Argentina is based on a perfect square with 5196-meter sides, and was designed in the 1880s as the new capital of
1718: 1085:, have existed for thousands of years. In the conventional view, civilization and the city were both followed by the 381: 13345:
Cities (and regions) within a city: subnational representations and the creation of European imaginaries in Brussels
Eduardo F.J. de Mulder, Jacques Besner, & Brian Marker, "Underground Cities"; in Kraas et al. (2014), pp. 26–29.
9119: 6916:"Compact city planning and development: Emerging practices and strategies for achieving the goals of sustainability" 6298:
as they are in western countries; since the systems do not exist to begin with, private contracts also entail water
5062:, bringing about interactions between species that never previously encountered each other. They introduce frequent 18022: 17962: 17922: 17828: 17806: 17590: 17245: 17240: 16911: 15624: 14903: 14855: 9343: 7592: 6344: 6158: 5803: 5619: 4940:
of residents presents one of the major challenges every city must face. Adequate housing entails not only physical
4402: 4334: 4249: 4174: 4147: 3133: 943: 13551:"; Approved at Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Vancouver, Canada; 31 May to 11 June 1976. 10734: 7369: 7070: 3202:
them to an advancing enemy in order to avoid damage and bloodshed. Urban warfare proved decisive, however, in the
1960:, contrary to the global trend of massive urban expansion. Such cities have shifted with varying success into the 18087: 17848: 17012: 16767: 16631: 16399: 16270: 15825: 15493: 13972: 13149:
Willis, Jane; Datta, Kavita; Evans, Yara; Herbert, Joanna; May, John; McIlwane, Cathy (2010). Wills, Jane (ed.).
12339:"Mammal diversity and metacommunity dynamics in urban green spaces: implications for urban wildlife conservation" 11861:"How "Water for All!" policy became hegemonic: The power of the World Bank and its transnational policy networks" 7025: 5584: 4813: 4596: 4032: 3558: 3324: 2712:
and other forms of "privatopia" around the world, allow local elites to self-segregate into secure and exclusive
as ideals for how plans should be formed. Planning tools, beyond the original design of the city itself, include
2548: 2082: 1118: 287: 11575:
Bazaz, Amir; Bertoldi, Paolo; Buckeridge, Marcos; Cartwright, Anton; de Coninck, Heleen; Engelbrecht, Francois;
As the world becomes more closely linked through economics, politics, technology, and culture (a process called
282:. Because of these major influences on global issues, the international community has prioritized investment in 102: 18529: 18082: 17331: 17262: 16626: 16514: 15896: 15675: 15092: 12212: 9808: 5666: 5208: 4406: 3904: 3315:
are deeply connected. Cities are one of the greatest contributors and likely best opportunities for addressing
2852: 2544: 1225: 893: 13924:, 2nd ed., translated from Spanish to English by Jack Read; New York: Philosophical Library, 1971; pp. 48–49 ( 13407:"Inequality in new global governance arrangements: the North–South divide in transnational municipal networks" 13131: 13046: 11731: 8772:
A comprehensive archaeological map of the world's largest preindustrial settlement complex at Angkor, Cambodia
7868:. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, and Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. pp. 29–62. 7655: 6627: 3120: 787:
are structured as a central square surrounded by concentric canals marking every expansion. In cities such as
18381: 17456: 16359: 14569:
The Earliest Cities. In Urban Life: Readings in Urban Anthropology, edited by George Gmelch and Walter Zenner
12397: 11415: 10877:
Greg Kerr & Jessica Oliver, "Rethinking Place Identities", in Kavaratzis, Warnaby, & Ashworth (2015).
9226:, 10 July 2014. Referring to: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division; 5792: 5787:
conference in 1996 called for cities to play a leading role in this program, which subsequently advanced the
due to their resource needs. From another, proper management may be able to ameliorate a city's ill effects.
4573: 3626: 2570:
places more emphasis on the state, with the purpose of assessing urban governments for their suitability for
2515: 2249: 2154:, are considered among the world's fastest-growing cities, with annual growth rates of 5–8%. In general, the 1459: 1399: 12466:
Peter Adey, "Coming up for Air: Comfort, Conflict and the Air of the Megacity"; in Brighenti (2013), p. 103.
82: 18199: 18006: 17818: 17356: 17233: 17072: 16509: 15975: 15868: 15830: 15587: 14567: 11132:. Springfield, VA: Abbott Associates, October 1989. Produced for U.S. Army Human Engineering Laboratory at 7120: 6328: 5788: 5328: 4845: 3852: 3532: 688: 12022:
Iain Borden, "Automobile Interstices: Driving and the In-Between Spaces of the City"; in Brighenti (2013).
11758:, "The Evolution of the Urban Infrastructure in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries"; in Hanson (1984). 9371: 9231: 9060: 8307:
Heartland of cities: surveys of ancient settlement and land use on the central floodplain of the Euphrates
promoting sustainable development, and has organized various conferences and reports for its furtherance.
4458:, meaning that economic logic favors control of each network by a single organization, public or private. 1398:
cultures. The Norte Chico civilization included as many as 30 major population centers in what is now the
combines a utilitarian grid pattern with diagonal avenues and a symbolic focus on monumental architecture.
states using a minimum between 1,500 and 5,000 inhabitants. Some jurisdictions set no such minima. In the
17942: 17687: 16590: 16569: 16544: 14875: 14070: 13442: 8555:"Initial Encounters: Seeking traces of ancient trade connections between West Africa and the wider world" 8155: 7646:
Paul James; Meg Holden; Mary Lewin; Lyndsay Neilson; Christine Oakley; Art Truter; David Wilmoth (2013).
7099: 5869:(based at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C.) to guide policymaking, knowledge sharing, and 5463: 5331:, status, and cosmopolitanism, rather than to its size. Following this view of cities, it is possible to 5319:, also known as a world city, is a prominent centre of trade, banking, finance, innovation, and markets. 5212: 4963: 3967: 3302: 3180: 2540: 2492: 2241: 1965: 14867: 14423:, 3rd ed. 1987 revised volume by Charles R.P. Keating, Esq. Wilmette, Illinois: Callaghan & Company. 11064: 10239: 10144: 10050:"Tax increment financing, economic development professionals and the financialization of urban politics" 5865:
by creating incentives to move to cities. The World Bank and UN-Habitat in 1999 jointly established the
18057: 17568: 17156: 16595: 16564: 15995: 15878: 15853: 15619: 15237: 12974: 12728: 11583:; Schultz, Seth; Shindell, Drew; Singh, Chandni; Solecki, William; Steg, Linda; Waisman, Henri (2018). 9931: 8678: 8301: 6340: 6138: 5827: 5149: 4322: 4259: 4192: 4062: 3641: 3394: 3340: 3206:, where Soviet forces repulsed German occupiers, with extreme casualties and destruction. In an era of 3156:. Indeed, war may have served as the social rationale and economic basis for the very earliest cities. 2921: 2786:, in exchange for which they provide money, political administration, manufactured goods, and culture. 2615: 2271: 2200: 1637:
gained independence but soon lost population and importance. The locus of power in the West shifted to
921: 12327:
Ingo Kowarik, "On the Role of Alien Species in Urban Flora and Vegetation"; in Marzluff et al. (2008).
Locations, Population and Density per Sq. km., by metropolitan area and selected localities, 2015
7515:"New Insights into Harappan Town-Planning, Proportions and Units, with Special Reference to Dholavira" 7417: 3148:. Many cities throughout history were founded under military auspices, a great many have incorporated 18257: 18229: 18047: 17811: 17563: 17176: 16757: 15726: 15629: 15614: 15458: 15232: 15142: 14664:
Triumph of the City: How Our Best Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier
Kaplan, David H.; James O. Wheeler; Steven R. Holloway; & Thomas W. Hodler, cartographer (2004).
13495: 12918: 10633: 10049: 8830: 7274: 7151:
Prokopovych, M. (13 May 2015). Literary and artistic metropolises. EGO. Retrieved 5 March 2023, from
5839: 5627: 5594:, keeping one foot each (through telecommunications if not travel) in their old and their new homes. 5402: 5362: 4386: 4382: 4264: 4022: 3837: 3463: 3421: 3416: 3405: 3320: 3312: 3287: 3280: 3105: 2646: 2519: 2452: 1993: 1882: 1821:(50,000 inhabitants in 1400 AD, and may have reached up to 140,000 inhabitants in the 18th century), 1287: 988: 799: 658: 275: 16780: 10809:"City as Ideology: Reconciling the Explosion of the City Form with the Tenacity of the City Concept" 9081:
The Urbanization and Political Development of the World System:A comparative quantitative analysis.
2057: 1799:
in the world by area, covering over 1,000 km and possibly supporting up to one million people.
characterized by a degree of economic and political independence. (In the US these are grouped into
18619: 18262: 18027: 17368: 17045: 16616: 16600: 16559: 16504: 16434: 16379: 16205: 15783: 15773: 15768: 14461: 13344: 10515: 7040: 6995: 6134: 5831: 4915: 4669: 4137: 3889: 3725: 3651: 3646: 3168: 2675: 2408: 2163: 1981: 1630: 1375: 224: 64: 14706:
How American Governments Work: A Handbook of City, County, Regional, State, and Federal Operations
13567: 12136:"Shaping cities for health: Complexity and the planning of urban environments in the 21st century" 11625:"With people crowding into urban areas, how can cities protect themselves against climate change?" 5259:), cities have come to play a leading role in transnational affairs, exceeding the limitations of 3163:
conflict have established fortified settlements as part of military strategies, as in the case of
reported in 2014 that for the first time, more than half of the world population lives in cities.
645:. These spaces historically reflect and amplify the city's centrality and importance to its wider 486:, originally meaning 'citizenship' or 'community member' and eventually coming to correspond with 17870: 17730: 17708: 17473: 17065: 16812: 16746: 16708: 16693: 16549: 16439: 16048: 15935: 15863: 15845: 15835: 15580: 15483: 15152: 14167: 13660: 11263: 11133: 9601:(December 2003). "Archipelagos and networks: urbanization and water privatization in the South". 8259: 6877: 6347:). Beyond the prominent institutions of U.S. government on the national mall, this area contains 6050:
Literature, film, and other forms of popular culture have supplied visions of future cities both
5777: 5340: 5260: 4892: 4887:) in American and Asian urban transportation planning, under the influence of such trends as the 4112: 4087: 3884: 3847: 3800: 3705: 3678: 3673: 3231: 2802: 2760: 2468: 2267: 1753: 1229: 1220:, existing from about 2600 BC, was one of the largest, with a population of 50,000 or more and a 592: 271: 18309: 14868:
Degree of urbanization (percentage of urban population in total population) by continent in 2016
5359:, for example argues that the term is "reductive and skewed" in its focus on financial systems. 3339:, city areas are expected to grow during the next several decades, stressing infrastructure and 18386: 18222: 18217: 17747: 17585: 17485: 17221: 17141: 16752: 16688: 16444: 16166: 16003: 15812: 15720: 15468: 15357: 15329: 15214: 7759: 6019: 5814:
territorial planning, and (4) effective financing frameworks. Just before this conference, the
5556: 5536: 5423: 5263:
conducted by national governments. This phenomenon, resurgent today, can be traced back to the
4097: 4072: 4017: 3924: 3919: 3894: 3827: 3458: 3207: 2965: 2732: 2631: 2571: 2090: 1929: 1796: 1757: 1674: 1642: 1239:
known physically by archaeologists are not extensive. They include (known by their Arab names)
158: 11191: 8895: 8022: 7569: 7558: 5222:
Poor and working-class people face disproportionate exposure to environmental risks (known as
2913: 1665:, was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe, with a population approaching 1 million. The 18482: 17718: 17402: 17386: 17346: 17336: 17171: 17035: 17017: 16863: 16663: 16474: 16280: 16220: 16115: 15508: 15299: 15289: 15274: 15132: 15074: 14840: 14266: 13026: 12756:"Spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is associated with good health and wellbeing" 12557: 12299:
Herbert Sukopp, "On the Early History of Urban Ecology in Europe"; in Marzluff et al. (2008).
11974: 11166: 11062:'s telegraphic circular to all station commanders, 8 December 1901, in Robert D. Ramsey III, 10994:
Stephen V. Ward, "Promoting the Olympic City"; in John R. Gold & Margaret M. Gold, eds.,
8529: 8346: 7963:(2012). "Extraordinary Cities: Early 'City-ness' and the Origins of Agriculture and States". 7396: 6826: 6739: 6607: 6111: 5926: 5901: 5858: 5738: 5635: 5611: 5468: 5356: 5308: 5075: 5063: 5015: 4989: 4310: 4254: 4125: 4102: 4092: 3960: 3946: 3760: 3688: 3336: 3219: 2957: 2671: 2600: 2556: 2257: 2086: 1989: 1862: 1435: 1274:, gave rise to numerous cities, governed by kings and fostered multiple languages written in 1256: 1094: 917: 400: 44: 20: 13359: 11284: 11065:
A Masterpiece of Counterguerrilla Warfare: BG J. Franklin Bell in the Philippines, 1901–1902
9316: 8227: 7529: 5798:
In January 2002 the UN Commission on Human Settlements became an umbrella agency called the
system. Rapid transit is widely used in Europe and has increased in Latin America and Asia.
4422: 3345: 2221: 1841:
In the West, nation-states became the dominant unit of political organization following the
18449: 17341: 16901: 16225: 16215: 16161: 15945: 15888: 15820: 15498: 15473: 14896: 13977: 13698: 13622: 13179: 12993:
John Friedmann and Goetz Wolff, "World City Formation: An Agenda for Research and Action",
12769: 12611: 12492: 12350: 12196: 11497: 11424: 10946: 10820: 10545: 10445: 9999: 9610: 9150: 7690: 7429: 6886: 6748: 6533: 6468: 6243: 5750: 5560: 5531: 5526: 5418: 5223: 5137: 5079: 5071: 4900: 4866: 4537: 4002: 3941: 3929: 3755: 3740: 3438: 3247: 3203: 3199: 3042:
on display physically transmit a historical context for urban places. Some cities, such as
2864: 1662: 1415: 1178: 1155: 1086: 692: 299: 135: 13504: 12537:(Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Volume 15); Oxford: JAI Press (Elsevier); 10296:
It is ontologically both similar and dissimilar to the historical agency described in the
7862:"KLM to Corona: A Bird's Eye View of Cultural Ecology and Early Mesopotamian Urbanization" 5988:. Such opposition may result from identification of cities with oppression and the ruling 5722: 2894:, with the doubling of a city's size, salaries per capita will generally increase by 15%. 2739:
as their ranks swell with disenfranchised and disaffected people lacking all stake in the
8: 18457: 18294: 17952: 17880: 17575: 17533: 17421: 17351: 17326: 17113: 17060: 16873: 16868: 16245: 16182: 16156: 15965: 15950: 15538: 15157: 14448: 12243:
Ray Forrest & Peter Williams, "Housing in the Twentieth Century"; in Paddison (2001).
9870:"The efficiency and effectiveness of municipally owned corporations: a systematic review" 9641: 6368: 6130: 5889: 5885: 5336: 5276: 4504: 4012: 3914: 3621: 3453: 3027: 2841: 2744: 2372: 2348: 2203:, as formerly good sources of freshwater become overused and polluted, and the volume of 1925: 1893: 1842: 1810: 1729: 1589: 1427: 1283: 1182: 1106: 1012: 969: 933: 905: 561: 441: 14861: 14406:
Urban Ecology: An International Perspective on the Interaction Between Humans and Nature
13626: 12773: 12615: 12496: 12423: 12354: 12200: 11501: 11428: 10824: 10549: 10449: 10433: 10003: 9614: 8791: 7694: 7433: 7388: 6890: 6752: 6537: 6472: 4687: 2089:
revolutions urban population began its unprecedented growth, both through migration and
Additionally, other early urban centers in West Africa, dated to around 500 CE, include
669: 18568: 18289: 18277: 18212: 18207: 17927: 17713: 17597: 17480: 17363: 17296: 17188: 17146: 16986: 16464: 16146: 15685: 15437: 14642: 14106: 14064: 13898:
Gary Bridge and Sophie Watson, "City Imaginaries", in Bridge & Watson, eds. (2000).
13865: 13835:"Amartya Sen, the World Bank, and the Redress of Urban Poverty: A Brazilian Case Study" 13834: 13726: 13595: 13434: 13319: 13258:
The Role of Local Government in Shaping and Influencing International Policy Frameworks
13207: 12944: 12790: 12760: 12755: 12671: 12646: 12627: 12582: 12338: 12282: 12234:
slum areas, and health protection through provision for pure water and wholesome food."
12160: 12135: 12115: 12002: 11677: 11531: 11440: 11222: 10974: 10836: 10726: 10718: 10661: 10568: 10533: 10511: 10410: 10349: 9990: 9959: 9909: 9778: 9549: 8212: 8050: 7453: 7202: 7200:
Moore, Oliver (2 October 2021). "What makes a city a city? It's a little complicated".
6771: 6734: 6500: 6032: 5670: 5506: 5428: 5242: 5059: 4941: 4648: 4636: 4447: 4239: 4162: 3859: 3842: 3656: 3176: 3145: 3097: 3094:
process of people thinking about doing business in—"purchasing" (the brand of)—a city.
3079: 2992: 2464: 2460: 2384: 2293: 2119: 1977: 1949: 1733: 1685: 1594: 1090: 1074: 1063: 1008: 999: 823: 775:
marking older city boundaries. In more recent history, such forms were supplemented by
728: 700: 384:
and then remains permanent. (Historically, the qualifying factor was the presence of a
361: 115: 12477: 12208: 12151: 11585:
Summary for Urban Policymakers – What the IPCC Special Report on 1.5C Means for Cities
10892: 10112:
Gupta, Verrest, and Jaffe, "Theorizing Governance", in Gupta et al. (2015), pp. 30–31.
8351:. Chapter 2 – The Ideal of Citizenship since Classical Times (originally published in 7703: 7678: 5300: 5152:. Industrialized cities, and today third-world megacities, are notorious for veils of 1634: 1577: 1151: 1130: 1024: 174: 73: 18331: 18319: 17967: 17957: 17580: 17558: 17463: 17427: 17321: 17208: 17198: 17183: 17040: 16973: 16658: 16484: 16289: 16109: 15940: 15930: 15858: 15794: 15747: 15715: 15690: 15680: 15655: 15523: 15432: 15304: 15257: 15252: 15042: 14997: 14821: 14801: 14782: 14747: 14728: 14709: 14690: 14671: 14624: 14597: 14583: 14556: 14543: 14522: 14506: 14488: 14465: 14434: 14426: 14409: 14394: 14379: 14357: 14339: 14323: 14308: 14294: 14276: 14256: 14233: 14226:
Cities as International Actors: Urban and Regional Governance Beyond the Nation State
14198: 14184: 14172: 14153: 14139: 14125: 14110: 14092: 14074: 14052: 14038: 13857: 13756: 13730: 13718: 13699:"Locating planning in the New Urban Agenda of the urban sustainable development goal" 13638: 13599: 13587: 13438: 13426: 13358:
19(1), 2015. See also websites of individual city embassies cited therein, including
13323: 13311: 13211: 13199: 13178:
Sanderson, Matthew R; Derudder, Ben; Timberlake, Michael; Witlox, Frank (June 2015).
13154: 13123: 13036: 12978: 12948: 12934: 12795: 12676: 12631: 12586: 12574: 12538: 12508: 12366: 12274: 12165: 12107: 12036: 12006: 11994: 11860: 11681: 11535: 11523: 11444: 11350: 11226: 11214: 10999: 10978: 10966: 10840: 10808: 10773: 10730: 10710: 10665: 10653: 10600: 10573: 10414: 10402: 10281: 10069: 10015: 9963: 9951: 9947: 9913: 9901: 9720: 9622: 9553: 9541: 9521: 9413:
The State of Latin American and Caribbean Cities 2012: Towards a new urban transition
9269: 9161: 9042: 8973: 8900: 8744: 8634: 8601: 8533: 8393: 8356: 8314: 8263: 8190: 8095: 8054: 8042: 7980: 7976: 7877: 7861: 7741: 7720:"Socio-Material Archaeological Networks at ÇatalhöyĂŒk a Community Detection Approach" 7550: 7457: 7445: 7234: 6776: 6735:"Dramatic uneven urbanization of large cities throughout the world in recent decades" 6715: 6673: 6654: 6617: 6551: 6492: 6484: 6459: 6126: 5819: 5674: 5603: 5496: 5448: 5284: 5234: 5005: 4858: 4699: 4588: 4451: 3636: 3426: 3306: 3215: 3153: 3035: 2880: 2779: 2683: 2651: 2623: 2313:. Whatever their true degree of political authority, the mayor typically acts as the 2297: 2285: 2177: 2155: 2036: 2012: 2008: 1737: 1681: 1598: 873: 724: 569: 307: 247: 93: 13869: 13102:"Immigration and the Global City Hypothesis: Towards an Alternative Research Agenda" 12394:"National Geographic Magazine; Special report 2008: Changing Climate: Village Green" 12119: 10261: 5707: 5332: 3372:; these effects are also connected with other urban environmental problems, such as 1654: 1379: 1359:), and with them brought its principles of urban architecture, design, and society. 18376: 18174: 17737: 17643: 17396: 17280: 17151: 17131: 17095: 16968: 16939: 16878: 16683: 16369: 16080: 16033: 15980: 15731: 15543: 15488: 15442: 15412: 15349: 15319: 15099: 13849: 13710: 13676: 13672: 13630: 13579: 13418: 13303: 13191: 13113: 12930: 12926: 12897: 12887: 12785: 12777: 12707: 12666: 12658: 12619: 12566: 12500: 12358: 12266: 12204: 12155: 12147: 12097: 11986: 11876: 11872: 11672: 11667: 11655: 11592: 11513: 11505: 11432: 11206: 11059: 10958: 10828: 10702: 10645: 10596: 10563: 10553: 10461: 10453: 10394: 10273: 10229: 10061: 10007: 9943: 9891: 9881: 9820: 9770: 9618: 9533: 9261: 9032: 8859: 8562: 8525: 8469: 8034: 7972: 7869: 7731: 7698: 7493: 7437: 7384: 7226: 6937: 6927: 6894: 6766: 6756: 6705: 6696: 6663: 6541: 6524: 6476: 6372: 6336: 6332: 6324: 5893: 5716: 5646: 5413: 5272: 5192: 5011: 4756: 4664: 4616: 4525: 4455: 4244: 4214: 4199: 4082: 4007: 3909: 3899: 3869: 3775: 3750: 3695: 3631: 3573: 3443: 3377: 3332: 3260: 3227: 3023: 2973: 2902: 2818: 2810: 2444: 2233: 2216: 2020: 1957: 1749: 1725: 1714: 1613:
in the Netherlands, created around 1550, shows the city completely surrounded by a
1570: 1467: 1322: 749: 745: 673: 330: 291: 283: 239: 208: 187: 143: 123: 14334:
Latham, Alan; McCormack, Derek; McNamara, Kim; McNeill, Donald (14 January 2009).
Gupta, Joyetta, Karin Pfeffer, Hebe Verrest, & Mirjam Ros-Tonen, eds. (2015).
Sub-National Authorities and European Integration: Moving Beyond the Nation-State?
12892: 12875: 12645:
Fuller, R.A.; Irvine, K.N.; Devine-Wright, P.; Warren, P.H.; Gaston, K.J. (2007).
11890: 11509: 11436: 11121: 11030: 10880: 10649: 10206: 10094: 9886: 9869: 6504: 5992:. This and other political ideologies strongly influence narratives and themes in 1888:
Some industrialized cities were confronted with health challenges associated with
1532: 1343:
was the first city that surpassed one million inhabitants. Under the authority of
834: 262:
for employment, entertainment, and education. However, in a world of intensifying
18604: 18563: 18548:
Used by ten or more countries or having derived terms. Historical derivations in
18424: 18052: 17755: 17658: 17602: 17539: 17510: 17495: 17275: 17270: 17228: 17193: 16993: 16958: 16933: 16713: 16673: 16419: 16374: 16304: 16028: 16023: 15422: 15334: 15124: 15109: 15027: 14920: 14889: 14618: 14537: 14318:
Kraas, Frauke, Surinder Aggarwal, Martin Coy, & GĂŒnter Mertins, eds. (2014).
Rethinking Place Branding: Comprehensive Brand Development for Cities and Regions
14229: 14012: 13984: 13820: 13796: 13789: 13751: 13526: 13478: 13422: 13377: 13366: 13351: 13264: 13244: 12971: 12729:"Two Hours a Week in Nature Can Boost Your Health and Well-Being, Research Finds" 12085: 11291: 11173: 11128: 11093: 11071: 10998:, 1896–2016; London & New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2008/2011; 10932: 10918: 10503: 10383:"Global Political Cities as Actors in Twenty-First Century International Affairs" 10151: 10091:
resulting in a variety of urban governance configurations (Peyroux et al. 2014)."
9824: 9740: 9464: 9440: 9419: 9399: 9375: 9323: 9303: 9235: 9219: 9135: 9123: 9091: 8951: 8837: 8817: 8798: 8778: 8628: 8596: 8008: 7997: 7960: 7623: 7596: 7576: 7565: 7370:"The End of Public Space?People's Park, Definitions of the Public, and Democracy" 7349: 7284: 7230: 7127: 7074: 7047: 7032: 6668: 6649: 6388: 6208: 6154: 6006: 5966: 5866: 5682: 5639: 5501: 5491: 5487: 5483: 5479: 5438: 4947: 4880: 4795: 4728: 4714: 4467: 4289: 4157: 4052: 4042: 3972: 3770: 3710: 3614: 3568: 3527: 3480: 3369: 3267:" targeting: crippling an enemy by annihilating its valuable cities, rather than 3091: 2856: 2822: 2787: 2709: 2667: 2567: 2440: 2404: 2189: 2040: 2004: 1961: 1383: 1354: 1205:
of cities geared variously towards trade, politics, or religion. Some had large,
756: 573: 546: 423:
accomplishing common goals through informal agreements between neighbors, or the
389: 346: 16344: 13383: 13218: 12084:
Levinson, Herbert; Zimmerman, Samuel; Clinger, Jennifer; Rutherford, G. (2002).
12055: 10613: 7217:
Jianping, Yi (2012). ""Civilization" and "State": An Etymological Perspective".
4848:, the world's most common form of public transport, uses a network of scheduled 1562: 1027:, is a non-linear development that demonstrates the varied experiences of early 17895: 17863: 17725: 17663: 17653: 17648: 17468: 17434: 17302: 17252: 17203: 16896: 16424: 16404: 16384: 16364: 16354: 16349: 16294: 16191: 16187: 16176: 16008: 15985: 15925: 15603: 15518: 15478: 15224: 15204: 15032: 14965: 14659: 14648: 14575: 13772: 13583: 12781: 12623: 11990: 11383: 11122:
Urban Counterinsurgency: Case Studies and Implications for U.S. Military Forces
11086: 10912:
The FIFA World Cup and Social Cohesion: Bread and Circuses or Bread and Butter?
10277: 8666: 7441: 6932: 6915: 6794: 6761: 6569: 6299: 6281: 6277: 5938: 5815: 5769: 5650: 5580: 5521: 5511: 5473: 5458: 5304: 4944:
but also the physical systems necessary to sustain life and economic activity.
4838: 4798: 4760: 4640: 4592: 4515: 4463: 4435: 4410: 4284: 4224: 4204: 4132: 3879: 3817: 3795: 3595: 3585: 3563: 3361: 3328: 3319:. Cities are also one of the most vulnerable parts of the human society to the 3316: 3031: 3019: 3015: 2679: 2638: 2619: 2607: 2583: 2511: 2488: 2456: 2436: 2281: 2253: 2078: 1969: 1874: 1846: 1666: 1658: 1638: 1614: 1506: 1318: 1147: 1082: 862:
The urban-type settlement extends far beyond the traditional boundaries of the
815: 761: 622: 585: 453: 412: 377: 369: 243: 154: 18356: 13931: 13853: 11550: 11343:"Climate change and cities: a prime source of problems, yet key to a solution" 9106:
William H. Frey & Zachary Zimmer, "Defining the City"; in Paddison (2001).
8701:"Free and Imperial Cities – Dictionary definition of Free and Imperial Cities" 8473: 7616: 6303: 5933:, symbolizing the ruin of a decadent civilization. The lightning striking the 5000: 1505:, from 800 BC. Both Dhar Tichitt and Dia were founded by the same people: the 1450:; while ancient continuously inhabited Pueblos are near modern urban areas in 1015:, and the processional avenue serving as the spine of the city's street system 18599: 18593: 18077: 17917: 17679: 17528: 17391: 17161: 17136: 16979: 16734: 16703: 16698: 16668: 16479: 16429: 16334: 16265: 16255: 16240: 16171: 16125: 16104: 16065: 16038: 15778: 15737: 15562: 15533: 15503: 15427: 15417: 15407: 15402: 15247: 15199: 14975: 14667: 14443: 14322:. United Nations "International Year of Planet Earth" book series. Springer. 14162: 13997: 13861: 13777:
Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics 1991
13722: 13714: 13642: 13634: 13591: 13430: 13315: 13203: 13195: 13127: 12512: 12278: 12111: 11998: 11789: 11576: 11527: 11354: 11218: 11210: 10970: 10962: 10925: 10714: 10657: 10529: 10492: 10406: 10285: 10073: 10019: 9955: 9905: 9868:
Voorn, Bart; van Genugten, Marieke L.; van Thiel, Sandra (3 September 2017).
9545: 9537: 9273: 9128: 9116: 9046: 8232: 8046: 7984: 7899: 7745: 7736: 7719: 7645: 7449: 7238: 7173:
Dijkstra, Lewis; Hamilton, Ellen; Lall, Somik; Wahba, Sameh (10 March 2020).
6899: 6872: 6488: 6200: 6176: 6037: 6028: 5981: 5913: 5870: 5591: 5398: 5320: 5256: 5230: 5145: 5122: 5050:, create physical and chemical environments which have no equivalents in the 4975: 4920: 4809: 4744: 4644: 4604: 4524:, necessary for good health in crowded conditions, requires water supply and 4443: 4439: 4394: 4219: 4077: 3807: 3668: 3517: 3360:
coastal areas, cities are frequently vulnerable to the subsequent effects of
3149: 3109: 3067: 2985: 2981: 2891: 2868: 2848: 2830: 2528: 2524: 2472: 2432: 2428: 2392: 2328: 2324: 2276: 2107: 1997: 1973: 1953: 1878: 1826: 1387: 1291: 1206: 939: 708: 557: 524: 408: 295: 279: 267: 263: 220: 216: 192: 13908:
United States as populist accusations of self-serving metropolitan elitism."
13744: 13118: 12963: 12102: 10911: 10558: 10011: 9265: 8781:, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US, 23 August 2007. 8429:
La ciudad sagrada de Caral-Supe en los albores de la civilizaciĂłn en el PerĂș
8038: 8001: 7990: 6480: 5818:
concurrently approved an "Urban Agenda for the European Union" known as the
2755: 2539:
gain the status of governing actors—as indicated by the power they wield in
1517: 810:, and other cities on a grid pattern, using ancient principles described by 18477: 18469: 18464: 18429: 17937: 17932: 17843: 17313: 16963: 16925: 16858: 16653: 16414: 16409: 16299: 16285: 16250: 16201: 16097: 16056: 15970: 15960: 15742: 15513: 15397: 15294: 15279: 15172: 15114: 15087: 15064: 15022: 14858:, Website of the United Nations Population Division (archived 10 July 2017) 14303:
Kavaratzis, Mihalis, Gary Warnaby, & Gregory J. Ashworth, eds. (2015).
12799: 12680: 12662: 12578: 12370: 12337:
Gallo, Travis; Fidino, Mason; Lehrer, Elizabeth W.; Magle, Seth B. (2017).
12169: 11755: 11580: 10935:, May 2008 (Feature: Feature: "Mega Sport Events in Developing Countries"). 10577: 9598: 9564: 9037: 9020: 8771: 6780: 6719: 6677: 6555: 6496: 6352: 6253: 6248: 6218: 6172: 6063: 6024: 5945:
Cities figure prominently in traditional Western culture, appearing in the
5765: 5692: 5216: 5184: 5161: 5055: 4955: 4904: 4896: 4888: 4783: 4691: 4681: 4608: 4561: 4557: 4142: 4027: 3987: 3977: 3790: 3700: 3663: 3409: 3268: 3264: 3223: 3191: 3137: 3004: 2977: 2961: 2872: 2791: 2713: 2701: 2587: 2532: 2420: 2400: 2237: 2167: 2159: 2073: 2052: 2035:
to bear on cities and city dwellers. Some companies are building brand-new
2032: 1937: 1889: 1866: 1784: 1777: 1547: 1528: 1510: 1486: 1455: 1447: 1431: 1344: 1213: 1159: 1140: 1028: 984: 867: 803: 684: 470: 429: 303: 235: 18371: 13237: 11697:"Hunger stones, wrecks and bones: Europe's drought brings past to surface" 9932:"Selling City Futures: The Financialization of Urban Redevelopment Policy" 9809:"Cities on the Move Ten Years After | Biofuel | Economic Growth" 9642:"The Invention of the Municipal Corporation: A Case Study in Legal Change" 8567: 8554: 8496:. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 409–513. 7873: 6577: 2483: 723:
provide residents with relief from the hardness and regularity of typical
481: 18097: 18042: 17905: 17900: 17890: 17625: 17620: 17518: 17490: 17055: 17050: 16917: 16469: 16394: 16275: 16260: 16235: 16085: 16075: 15339: 15324: 15209: 15177: 15162: 15137: 15082: 15059: 15012: 14992: 14985: 14980: 14960: 14933: 14829: 14217: 14195:
Geographies of Urban Governance: Advanced Theories, Methods and Practices
14001: 13917: 10065: 9156:. In Spence, Michael; Annez, Patricia Clarke; Buckley, Robert M. (eds.). 6942: 6376: 6320: 6273: 6062:(New York, London, Hong Kong) and visions of a single world-encompassing 6010: 5874: 5862: 5810: 5727: 5552: 5374: 5316: 5204: 5141: 5043: 4732: 4624: 4600: 4584: 4481: 4473: 4107: 3992: 3982: 3500: 3433: 3184: 3172: 3160: 3054:
have indelible religious status and for hundreds of years have attracted
2876: 2834: 2814: 2736: 2724: 2592: 2536: 2448: 2424: 1941: 1802: 1551: 1536: 1494: 1463: 1443: 1419: 1371: 1332: 1244: 1186: 1171: 1163: 1004: 913: 909: 863: 696: 650: 646: 617: 604: 596: 338: 259: 18284: 14449:
The City in History: Its Origins, Its Transformations, and Its Prospects
Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture
Cities and Economic Development: From the Dawn of History to the Present
12902: 11518: 11026:. SyndiGate Media Inc. 25 January 2023 – via Gale General OneFile. 10466: 10398: 9252:
Brenner, Neil; Schmid, Christian (2014). "The 'Urban Age' in Question".
7589: 4556:, either local governments or private companies have administered urban 1822: 1605: 322: 17984: 17523: 17378: 17077: 16389: 16070: 15645: 15528: 15463: 15314: 15264: 15104: 15037: 15002: 14928: 14687:
Managing America's Cities: A Handbook for Local Government Productivity
14505:. London; Thousand Oaks, California; and New Delhi: Sage Publications. 14171:. Translated by Dennis Pardee. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 1970. 13527:"South Africans in nationwide strike in protest against cost of living" 12476:
Brazel, Anthony; Selover, Nancy; Vose, Russel; Heisler, Gordon (2000).
12286: 12254: 11772:
Wellman & Spiller, "Introduction", in Wellman & Spiller (2012).
11597: 10722: 10690: 10457: 9983:"Extracting Value from the City: Neoliberalism and Urban Redevelopment" 9896: 9407: 8423: 7498: 7481: 7067: 6360: 6238: 6223: 6014: 5985: 5934: 5850: 5843: 5784: 5712: 5615: 5289: 5051: 5019: 4985: 4822: 4791: 4775: 4752: 4717: 4549: 4521: 4209: 3832: 3812: 3785: 3780: 3745: 3683: 3373: 3211: 2969: 2945: 2884: 2783: 2775: 2740: 2691: 2507: 2352: 2321: 2314: 2181: 2173: 2111: 2016: 1806: 1693: 1543: 1490: 1479: 1451: 1314: 1126: 1020: 897: 712: 600: 577: 565: 508: 449: 424: 407:(food and other necessities or means to trade for them) to support the 357: 342: 251: 204: 14272:
Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability
13307: 13032:
Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability
Engel, Jerome S.; Berbegal-Mirabent, Jasmina; Piqué, Josep M. (2018).
12570: 11285:
Revealed Preference and the Minimum Requirements of Nuclear Deterrence
10382: 9782: 9758: 8355:
99, no. 1). Minneapolis, MN: The University of Minnesota. p. 31.
8093: 7092:"How NC Municipalities Work – North Carolina League of Municipalities" 6613:
Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
4980: 3108:
formation. Cities go to considerable lengths in competing to host the
has considered physical public space as the substrate of the symbolic
456:... largely for the purpose of international statistical comparison". 18403: 18361: 18336: 18194: 18149: 18037: 17979: 17801: 17550: 16810: 16678: 16308: 16151: 15284: 15192: 15054: 15049: 14970: 14955: 14835: 14484: 14103:
Urban Interstices: The Aesthetics and the Politics of the In-between.
12504: 12362: 11249:"Nuclear Weapons versus International Law: A Contextual Reassessment" 10225: 8896:
Industrial Sunset: The Making of North America's Rust Belt, 1969–1984
Institutional and Social Innovation for Sustainable Urban Development
6573: 6457:
Glaeser, Edward (2011). "Cities, Productivity, and Quality of Life".
6228: 6059: 5993: 5970: 5954: 5773: 5746: 5654: 5576: 5572: 5406: 5344: 5268: 5264: 5031: 4959: 4884: 4862: 4854: 4849: 4802: 4695: 4500: 3936: 3495: 3195: 3129: 3083: 3063: 3043: 3008: 2937: 2840:
In general, the density of cities expedites commerce and facilitates
2388: 2336: 2262: 2185: 2131: 2127: 2069:
Map showing urban areas with at least one million inhabitants in 2006
1945: 1909: 1773: 1697: 1689: 1622: 1498: 1411: 1279: 1275: 1255:
and abandoned. These sites appear planned in a highly regimented and
1252: 901: 889: 885: 851: 798:, has been used for millennia in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. The 795: 780: 776: 768: 516: 393: 385: 311: 255: 200: 170: 166: 162: 18439: 18434: 13823:"; master's thesis accepted at the University of Ottawa, April 2012. 12712: 12695: 12270: 12184: 7679:"Urban agglomeration: An evolving concept of an emerging phenomenon" 6710: 6691: 6546: 6519: 5335:. Global cities form the capstone of the global hierarchy, exerting 3014:
Today, a city's promotion of its cultural activities dovetails with
1741: 1705: 1228:
were constructed according to sacred principles to act as celestial
moving traffic around the outskirts of a town. Dutch cities such as
489: 18189: 18159: 17989: 17912: 17823: 17635: 17413: 17123: 16130: 16120: 16092: 16060: 16013: 15752: 15670: 15665: 15389: 15309: 15182: 15007: 14938: 14871: 14270: 13790:
Structural adjustment and the contemporary sub-Saharan African city
13101: 13030: 12446:"; EPA to put Fairbanks on air pollution problem list" 11721: 10832: 10706: 9774: 8187:
Middle East and Africa: International Dictionary of Historic Places
7647: 7050:), the 1988 version of which is quoted in Carter (1995), pp. 10–12. 6611: 6380: 6364: 6233: 6087: 6055: 6043: 5696: 5370: 5280: 5196: 5188: 5130: 5035: 4821:
accompanied the expansion of urban economic areas into much larger
4779: 4764: 4721: 4673: 4620: 4612: 4541: 3997: 3822: 3735: 3730: 3510: 3294: 3256: 3164: 3101: 3039: 2941: 2806: 2727:, form a growing stratum of society in the age of urbanization. In 2696: 2690:. While in the US and elsewhere poverty became associated with the 2596: 2560: 2552: 2356: 2344: 1830: 1792: 1709: 1363: 1303: 1240: 1217: 1059: 992: 904:.) Some cities are now part of a continuous urban landscape called 847: 839: 822:
exemplifies a grid plan with specialized districts used across the
811: 654: 630: 404: 365: 326: 228: 212: 18499: 18393: 18244: 12647:"Psychological benefits of green-space increase with biodiversity" 12393: 12083: 9458:
Urban population boom poses massive challenges for Africa and Asia
8677:. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks. pp. 130–131. Archived from 7866:
Settlement and Society: Essays Dedicated to Robert McCormick Adams
7786: 6996:"Population by region – Urban population by city size – OECD Data" 4950:
represents status and a modicum of economic security, compared to
systems used in communications, business, and government) and for
3323:, and likely one of the most important solutions for reducing the 2379:, Ireland, extinguishing a severe fire at a hardware store in 1970 1307: 794:
A system of rectilinear city streets and land plots, known as the
740: 18494: 18419: 18249: 18239: 18179: 18092: 18062: 17994: 17875: 17087: 16888: 16210: 15572: 14181:
Sans feu ni lieu : Signification biblique de la Grande Ville
Marks, Gary; Haesly, Richard; Mbaye, Heather A.D. (Autumn 2002).
13177: 12478:"The tale of two climates-Baltimore and Phoenix urban LTER sites" 11574: 10921:"; International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education 9759:"Privatization of Municipal Services in America's Largest Cities" 6107: 6005:
which treat of city features and history. Modern authors such as
5950: 5930: 5897: 5754: 5564: 5067: 4951: 4937: 4876: 4872: 4834: 4830: 4826: 4787: 4740: 4632: 4628: 4565: 4529: 4508: 4485: 4477: 4427: 3485: 3353: 3349: 3298: 3055: 2925: 2860: 2728: 2720: 2496: 2443:(formation of quasi-private municipally-owned corporations), and 2135: 2094: 2065: 1933: 1905: 1901: 1818: 1646: 1610: 1582: 1271: 1267: 1102: 1089:, which enabled the production of surplus food and thus a social 1047: 1035: 855: 807: 784: 772: 642: 638: 420: 196: 147: 13568:"Human Settlements and Urban Life: A United Nations Perspective" 11975:"Corporate Strategies and the Decline of Transit in U.S. Cities" 11378: 11376: 11336: 11334: 10508:
Global Woman: Nannies, Maids, and Sex Workers in the New Economy
Dilger, Robert Jay; Moffett, Randolph R.; Struyk, Linda (1997).
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Urban Pests
One important global political city, described at one time as a
has increasingly focused on cities as key sites for influencing
5058:. They provide homes not only for immigrant humans but also for 4954:
which may consume much of the income of low-wage urban workers.
and therefore beyond the reach of taxation. Cities in search of
in formerly prosperous cities. America's "Steel Belt" became a "
1825:(70,000 to 105,000 inhabitants in the 14th and 15th centuries), 952: 18524: 18514: 18509: 18444: 18398: 18314: 18184: 18169: 18164: 18154: 17838: 17445: 17027: 16313: 16196: 15660: 15269: 15167: 14945: 13814:
Supporting Learning Cities: A Case Study of the Cities Alliance
13406: 13289:"What Do Subnational Offices Think They Are Doing in Brussels?" 12696:"The Benefits of Trees for Livable and Sustainable Communities" 12644: 12420:"Indoor Air Quality â€“ American Lung Association of Alaska" 11020:"Olympics: Paris rushing to complete construction work by 2024" 9368: 9228: 9064: 6051: 5962: 5881: 5826:
UN-Habitat coordinates the U.N. urban agenda, working with the
5568: 5405:(CBDs) that serve as hubs for economic activity. A panorama of 5381:
working overtime, low wages, and lack of safety in workplaces.
in which cities, considered variations on the same ideal type,
5173: 5169: 5098: 5090: 5047: 5023: 4993: 4924: 4759:
rail. Cities also rely on long-distance transportation (truck,
4748: 4580: 4545: 4274: 3000: 2953: 2949: 2929: 2826: 2798: 2768: 2764: 2705: 2687: 2627: 2396: 2376: 2340: 2332: 2302: 2226: 2204: 2147: 2139: 2115: 1870: 1788: 1745: 1566: 1439: 1299: 1248: 1078: 1055: 1051: 1043: 1039: 980: 877: 843: 819: 788: 677: 626: 353: 150: 119: 18269: 14572:, pp. 3–19. 4th ed. Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, IL. 14333: 13937: 13389: 13224: 12923:
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies
12061: 11896: 11817: 11795: 11036: 10898: 10886: 10619: 10320: 10262:"The Urbanization of Empire: Megacities and the Laws of Chaos" 10212: 10100: 9666: 9522:"Getting off the ground: On the politics of urban verticality" 9019:
Shelton, Taylor; Zook, Matthew; Wiig, Alan (27 October 2014).
8313:. Chicago and London: University of Chicago press. p. 2. 8156:"What Science Has Learned about the Rise of Urban Mesopotamia" 8023:"Jane Jacobs' 'Cities First' Model and Archaeological Reality" 7355: 7333: 6914:
Bibri, Simon Elias; Krogstie, John; KĂ€rrholm, Mattias (2020).
about cities. In turn, cities symbolize their home societies.
4767:) for economic connections with other cities and rural areas. 2527:. In the neoliberal model of governance, public utilities are 1877:
and cities across the country grew in locations strategic for
1780:, which enjoyed considerable autonomy in late medieval Japan. 1143:, the first city in the world to reach one million inhabitants 302:
per inhabitant than more sparsely populated areas. Therefore,
18519: 18504: 18489: 18366: 18351: 18341: 18326: 18304: 18299: 18234: 18032: 17974: 17858: 15955: 14950: 14269:; with Magee, Liam; Scerri, Andy; Steger, Manfred B. (2015). 14000:
was incorporated as a single municipality in 1976 and gained
13267:", PhD thesis accepted at De Montfort University, April 2014. 13029:; with Magee, Liam; Scerri, Andy; Steger, Manfred B. (2015). 12813:
their major cities for connections to the rest of the world."
12185:"Greenways: Multiplying and diversifying in the 21st century" 11568: 11451: 11373: 11331: 10534:"Growth, innovation, scaling, and the pace of life in cities" 10527: 6610:; with Magee, Liam; Scerri, Andy; Steger, Manfred B. (2015). 6091: 5989: 5946: 5731: 5678: 5443: 5433: 5126: 5102: 5086: 5039: 4771: 4710: 4569: 4533: 4470:
because new development must build from what exists already.
3874: 3490: 3242: 3087: 3075: 3047: 2917: 2906: 2310: 2151: 2143: 2123: 1985: 1769: 1765: 1701: 1650: 1423: 1407: 1391: 1367: 1336: 1327: 1295: 1263: 1202: 1198: 1194: 1190: 1122: 1098: 961: 881: 704: 533: 527: 519:
terminology, names of individual cities and towns are called
501: 475: 416: 242:
now lives in cities, which has had profound consequences for
139: 127: 13954:, an unremittingly dark vision of a modern industrial city." 11106:
Ashworth (1991), p. 3. Citing L.C. Peltier and G.E. Pearcy,
Olympic Cities: City Agendas, Planning and the World's Games
9423:; Nairobi: United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2012. 8390:
International Dictionary of Historic Places: Southern Europe
Toward a New Conceptualization of Settlements for Demography
6822:"How megacities could lead the fight against climate change" 6013:
are famous for evocative descriptions of their home cities.
and maintain branches in the biggest foreign global cities.
among other forms of cultural appeal, attract and entertain
18346: 17612: 15187: 14431:
Matrix of Man: An Illustrated History of Urban Environment.
14265: 13411:
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research
13025: 12873: 10528:
Bettencourt, L. M. A.; Lobo, J.; Helbing, D.; Kuhnert, C.;
statesmen vied with one another in satisfying that desire."
6606: 6294:
Water resources in rapidly urbanizing areas are not merely
5974: 5958: 5366: 5200: 5165: 5157: 5153: 5110: 4736: 3194:, national governments on occasion declared certain cities 3104:. Sports also play a major role in city branding and local 3059: 3051: 2996: 2500: 1913: 1752:
for collective defense and commerce. Their power was later
1618: 1554:, a center located on a trade route between Egypt and Gao. 1521: 1502: 1475: 1471: 1403: 1395: 1340: 1185:, complex civilizations flourished in the river valleys of 1167: 973: 957: 866:
in a form of development sometimes described critically as
716: 445: 373: 12753: 9867: 8455: 8453: 8451: 7273:
Bataille, L., "From passive to energy generating assets",
Networks have become especially prevalent in the arena of
play similar roles. UCLG took responsibility for creating
Since the mid-20th century, cities have relied heavily on
of cities takes different forms including prominently the
290:. Due to the efficiency of transportation and the smaller 18144: 14881: 14639:
Four Thousand Years of Urban Growth: An Historical Census
14179:; French original (written earlier, published later as): 10947:"Assessing the sociology of sport: On sport and the city" 10224: 10175: 10173: 7172: 6306:. Also, there is a countervailing trend: 100 cities have 5753:
and establishes various principles for maintaining urban
5118: 5114: 5106: 5094: 4879:("non-motorized transport") enjoy increasing favor (more 4818: 2024: 1814: 1776:. Similar phenomena existed elsewhere, as in the case of 1374:. In the Andes, the first urban centers developed in the 13466: 13464: 12876:"The renaissance of the city as a cluster of innovation" 12475: 12255:"Urban Ecology and Special Features of Urban Ecosystems" 11782: 11780: 11778: 11487: 11341:
Zenghelis, Dimitri; Stern, Nicholas (19 November 2015).
Population Isolation in the Philippine War: A Case Study
Latin America struggles to cope with record urban growth
8487: 8485: 8483: 7648:"Managing Metropolises by Negotiating Mega-Urban Growth" 5772:
resulted in a set of international agreements including
compete with each other globally to achieve prosperity.
2614:. Urban planners and scholars have proposed overlapping 2102:
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
506:—another common root appearing in English words such as 356:
use a variety of definitions – invoking factors such as
223:. Their density facilitates interaction between people, 13148: 12829: 12132: 11924:
Tom Hart, "Transport and the City"; in Paddison (2001).
10238:(in German). Translated by Samuel Moore. Archived from 9315:
Edouart Glissant (Editor-in-Chief), UNESCO "Courier" ("
China's Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million Into Cities
8448: 8381: 8094:
Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art (October 2003).
Smith, Michael E.; Ur, Jason; Feinman, Gary M. (2014).
Nick Compton, "What is the oldest city in the world?",
Sun, Liqun; Chen, Ji; Li, Qinglan; Huang, Dian (2020).
5177: 4403:
largely due to cement's outsized role in climate change
According to a scientific model of cities by Professor
965: 329:
represents the city's symbolic role of devotion to the
14371:. 11th ed. New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis). 13483:
The Ashgate Research Companion to Planning and Culture
Global cities at work: new migrant divisions of labour
12336: 11768: 11766: 11764: 10170: 9194: 9192: 7486:
Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
Graeme Hugo, Anthony Champion, & Alfredo Lattes, "
has one of the highest rate of protests in the world.
4576:), said to hold 70% of all water contracts worldwide. 2499:, is one of the oldest city governing corporations in 2061:
Graph showing urbanization from 1950 projected to 2050
411:. (This arrangement contrasts with the more typically 14725:
Town and Gown Relations: A Handbook of Best Practices
An Alphabetical Guide to the Language of Name Studies
Urban Transportation Systems: Choices for Communities
13461: 13369:(Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein) and City of London " 11775: 11384:"Cities: a 'cause of and solution to' climate change" 11167:
Rome et la destruction de Carthage: un crime gratuit?
10376: 10374: 10372: 10370: 9247: 9245: 8480: 6913: 6873:"Why does everyone think cities can save the planet?" 6842:"Sustainable cities must be compact and high-density" 6795:"Cities: a 'cause of and solution to' climate change" 3034:
within the metropolitan area. Physical inscriptions,
The traditional basis for municipal finance is local
494:, meaning 'city' in a more physical sense. The Roman 246:. Present-day cities usually form the core of larger 13613:
Satterthwaite, David (2016). "A new urban agenda?".
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
12693: 12600:
Simpkins, Graham (2023). "City cooling from trees".
Baltimore police under state control for good reason
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
7787:"UNESCO World Heritage Centre – World Heritage List" 6190: 3245:
attest to such destruction, as does the Latin motto
2547:, and in the expectation of self-regulation through 2510:
includes government but refers to a wider domain of
arrange for rapid industrialization, as well as the
emerged as regular features of the urban landscape.
1657:. From the 9th through the end of the 12th century, 314:, and stressing water supplies and other resources. 13400: 13398: 12313: 12311: 12309: 12307: 12305: 11761: 9756: 9189: 9149:Annez, Patricia Clarke; Buckley, Robert M. (2009). 8996:, 3rd edn, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press 7590:
The 1925 Master Plan for Tel-Aviv by Patrick Geddes
2704:majority is empirically the most segregated group. 1282:trading empire, flourishing around the turn of the 18127: 14481:The City: Critical Concepts in The Social Sciences 10873: 10871: 10367: 9242: 9207: 9205: 9102: 9100: 8919: 8917: 8459: 8388:Ring, Trudy; Salkin, Robert; Boda, Sharon (1996). 7933: 7931: 7316: 7314: 7245: 7175:"How do we define cities, towns, and rural areas?" 6310:-municipalized their water supply since the 1990s. 5892:gives the organization significant influence over 5195:, and other artificial surfaces, which heat up in 1717:governing the empire with the emperor through the 603:that sustains them. Only in special cases such as 14592:Wellman, Kath & Marcus Spiller, eds. (2012). 11968: 11966: 10802: 10800: 10798: 9563:from the original on 10 October 2017 – via 9337:"World Urbanization Prospects: The 2007 Revision" 9025:Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 8970:The network society: a cross-cultural perspective 7916: 7914: 7401:: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2024 ( 7377:Annals of the Association of American Geographers 7304: 7302: 6343:and the various federal agencies found along the 6017:conceived the idea for his influential 1927 film 5877:markets through credit and technical assistance. 4907:have been introduced to limit urban car traffic. 4829:issues with the accompanying construction of new 4647:also traverse cities, forming dense networks for 3341:concentrating more impoverished peoples in cities 1865:from the late 18th century onward led to massive 1621:, with its square shape inspired by the shape of 1243:, a workers' town associated with the pyramid of 972:, can be seen at present-day Tell el-Mukayyar in 18591: 14744:The American City: A Social and Cultural History 14356:. New York: Vintage Books (Random House), 1994. 14338:. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Limited. 14183:; Paris: Gallimard, 1975. Republished 2003 with 13755:, Habitat III Secretariat, 2017; A/RES/71/256*; 13395: 13286: 12302: 11723:The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5 C World 10380: 10120: 10118: 9802: 9800: 9798: 9796: 9794: 9792: 9139:, ed. K.B. Wildey and William H. Robinson, 1993. 7329: 7327: 6980: 6978: 5929:, depicts chaos with the Persian army occupying 5836:Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 3132:on 6 August 1945 devastated the city and led to 2932:, an example of the cultural diversity of a city 2851:fueled the growth of cities, many now rely on a 2797:As hubs of trade, cities have long been home to 2309:The chief official of the city has the title of 2019:paradigm, supported by institutions such as the 1976:, and selective cultural development. Under the 1527:More recently, scholars have concluded that the 1216:of the Indus Valley civilization in present-day 13501:"Global Covenant of Mayors – Compact of Mayors" 12554: 11973:Whitt, J. Allen; Yago, Glenn (September 1985). 10951:International Review for the Sociology of Sport 10868: 10767: 10538:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 9520:Graham, Stephen; Hewitt, Lucy (February 2013). 9434:Where is the fastest growing city in the world? 9202: 9097: 9018: 8914: 8811:Metropolis: Angkor, the world's first mega-city 8256:Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization 7928: 7311: 7062: 7060: 7058: 7056: 6870: 6517: 5183:Modern cities are known for creating their own 2833:encouraging self-expression and escape through 2686:enclaves or, in areas of concentrated poverty, 2674:. Spatially, cities are formally or informally 2514:functions implemented by many actors including 1531:of Djenne-Djenno was likely established by the 14620:The City: Urban Communities and Their Problems 14519:Sovereign City: The City-state Through History 14455: 14224:Herrschel, Tassilo & Peter Newman (2017). 14136:The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History 14087:Bridge, Gary, and Sophie Watson, eds. (2000). 13692: 13690: 13561: 13559: 13557: 13184:International Journal of Comparative Sociology 11963: 11548: 11340: 10795: 10688: 9700: 9593: 9591: 9589: 9587: 9585: 9583: 9369:World Population Becomes More Urban Than Rural 9151:"Urbanization and Growth: Setting the Context" 8741:Sovereign City: The City-state Through History 8387: 8020: 7940: 7911: 7299: 6732: 6420: 5663:United Nations Global Compact Cities Programme 5323:used the term "global city" in her 1991 work, 2694:, in France it has become associated with the 2518:. The impact of globalization and the role of 2011:enable select cities to become centers of the 1881:. In the United States from 1860 to 1910, the 1422:in central Mexico. Later cultures such as the 392:, with a population of 12,000 as of 2018, and 388:, resulting in some very small cities such as 16796: 15588: 14897: 14408:. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. 13612: 13454: 13452: 12726: 10813:Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 10768:Theall, Donald F.; Carpenter, Edmund (2001). 10255: 10253: 10115: 9925: 9923: 9789: 9715: 9713: 9297:Patterns of Urban and Rural Population Growth 9251: 9109: 8784: 8762: 8760: 8590:History of African Cities South of the Sahara 7324: 7138: 7136: 6975: 5559:within the European Union as a technique for 4770:City streets historically were the domain of 4727:Because cities rely on specialization and an 4355: 2964:ranging from small to enormous and ornate to 2909:is one of the best-known cities in the world. 2897: 14594:Urban Infrastructure: Finance and Management 14561:City Life: Urban Expectations in a New World 13661:"Defining a Global Urban Development Agenda" 12917:Jacobs, Andrew J.; Orum, Anthony M. (2023). 11920: 11918: 11916: 11914: 10990: 10988: 10689:Redfield, Robert; Singer, Milton B. 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Excavations in these areas have found the 846:, showing the geometrically planned city of 298:cities hold the potential to have a smaller 18574:List of administrative divisions by country 14210:Urban Politics: Past, Present, & Future 14208:Hahn, Harlan, & Charles Levine (1980). 13687: 13654: 13652: 13572:Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 13554: 13404: 13356:International Journal of the Urban Sciences 11847:Public Services International Research Unit 11412: 9580: 9471:(Development data: Datablog), 10 July 2014. 9456:Mark Anderson & Achilleas Galatsidas, " 9229:World Urbanization Prospects: 2014 Revision 8853: 8671:"Writing the Economic History of Byzantium" 8522:Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics 8422: 7860:Pournelle, Jennifer R. (31 December 2007). 6214:List of adjectivals and demonyms for cities 5949:in both evil and holy forms, symbolized by 5776:which establishes principles and plans for 1849:trade. However, most towns remained small. 1352: 1335:who collectively constituted the city. The 499: 487: 479: 16803: 16789: 15595: 15581: 14904: 14890: 14542:. Lanham and London: The Scarecrow Press. 14378:. London & New York: Routledge, 2011. 14051:. London & New York: Routledge, 1991. 13775:, "A New Paradigm for Urban Development"; 13449: 12916: 12821: 12819: 12018: 12016: 10431: 10291:vending, rag picking, begging, and crime. 10250: 9920: 9710: 8757: 7547:The Ancient Indus Valley: New Perspectives 7133: 6871:Angelo, Hillary; Wachsmuth, David (2020). 6518:Bettencourt, Luis; West, Geoffrey (2010). 6426: 5800:United Nations Human Settlements Programme 5657:. Environmental city networks include the 4362: 4348: 4329: 4317: 3301:was listed as the most vulnerable city to 3218:, involves techniques of surveillance and 2731:doctrine, the proletariat will inevitably 2467:. City governments have also begun to use 2184:from Europe and North America, attracting 1386:cultures, followed by major cities in the 1366:, early urban traditions developed in the 452:and others, and endorsed in March by the 14776: 13117: 12964:The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo. 12901: 12891: 12789: 12711: 12670: 12460: 12159: 12101: 11972: 11911: 11671: 11596: 11517: 11309:"Climate change: the cities most at risk" 10985: 10806: 10567: 10557: 10518:; New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2002. 10465: 9895: 9885: 9213:U.N. Finds Most People Now Live in Cities 9036: 8566: 8552: 8546: 8491: 8416: 7890: 7859: 7735: 7717: 7702: 7497: 7106: 6941: 6931: 6898: 6819: 6770: 6760: 6709: 6667: 6545: 6414:The Penguin Dictionary of Human Geography 5546: 5275:and other alliances of cities. Today the 5271:, and the Greek city-states, through the 5229:One of the main methods of improving the 4454:, these networks have been classified as 3449:Effects of climate change on human health 3253:atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 2199:Urbanization can create rapid demand for 1896:of industry, contaminated water and air, 948:List of largest cities throughout history 791:, this pattern is still clearly visible. 689:privately owned spaces open to the public 16841: 15803:Regional Planning Association of America 14452:. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. 14376:Politics of Urbanism: Seeing like a city 13832: 13649: 12987: 12599: 12182: 11751: 11749: 11653: 10944: 10772:. Montreal: McGill-Queen's Univ. Press. 10695:Economic Development and Cultural Change 10047: 9806: 9639: 9160:. 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With the 2064: 2056: 1924:In the second half of the 20th century, 1604: 1588: 1576: 1561: 1313:In the following centuries, independent 1134: 998: 979: 951: 833: 739: 691:as well as forms of public land such as 668: 621: 556: 321: 17779: 14658: 14478: 14062: 13658: 13470:Nancy Duxbury & Sharon Jeannotte, " 12816: 12694:Turner-Skoff, J.; Cavender, N. (2019). 12638: 12259:Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 12013: 11886:from the original on 18 September 2017. 11858: 11189: 10201:Urban Planning in Pre-Columbian America 8626: 8600:By Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. 2005. 8338: 8330:from the original on 13 November 2018. 8253: 8209: 7837: 7824: 7650:. In Harald Mieg; Klaus Töpfer (eds.). 6456: 6411: 5614:for cities; regionally and nationally, 3269:aiming primarily at its military forces 1740:. 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The ancient Greek city of 703:since the time of the Greek 576:rivers, which flow into the 541: 459: 7: 17688:Autonomous territorial unit 14876:Population Reference Bureau 14460:. Cambridge Massachusetts: 14369:Contemporary Urban Planning 14152:. Oxford University Press. 14138:. Oxford University Press. 14134:Clark, Peter (ed.) (2013). 14071:University of Chicago Press 14037:. Oxford University Press. 13405:Bouteligier, Sofie (2013). 12864:Kaplan (2004), pp. 115–133. 11296:Strategic Studies Quarterly 10632:Zheng, Jane (19 May 2017). 9930:Weber, Rachel (July 2010). 9526:Progress in Human Geography 8524:. Oxford University Press. 8494:The Cambridge World History 8282:Southall (1998), pp. 38–43. 7937:Ashworth (1991), pp. 12–13. 7296:Marshall (1989), pp. 11–14. 7142:Marshall (1989), pp. 14–15. 6186: 5464:The New York Times Building 5397:Modern global cities, like 5150:internal combustion engines 4812:transportation, with major 4379:consumption based emissions 3058:. Patriotic tourists visit 2759:Clusters of skyscrapers in 2541:public-private partnerships 2493:Greater Chennai Corporation 2455:increasingly resort to the 2435:(selling services into the 2027:, is bringing computerized 1966:public-private partnerships 1809:, but the consolidation of 1474:are located nearby ancient 721:natural sites within cities 500: 191:defined as a permanent and 10: 18636: 17569:National capital territory 17290:Indian reserve/reservation 17157:Indian government district 16811:Designations for types of 16522:Professional organizations 15879:Urban freight distribution 15854:Transportation forecasting 15238:Theories of urban planning 14911: 14580:The City in Time and Space 14521:. London: Reaktion Books. 14389:Marshall, John U. (1989). 14124:. 4th ed. London: Arnold. 14004:in 2015. See: Royce Tan, " 13584:10.1179/105307805807066329 13529:. 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Routledge. p. 66. 6970:Oxford English Dictionary 5908:Representation in culture 5840:World Health Organization 5628:National League of Cities 5213:nearby rural temperatures 4778:, who only sometimes had 4383:Climate change adaptation 3838:Extreme event attribution 3417:Climate change mitigation 3321:effects of climate change 3313:Climate change and cities 3288:Climate change and cities 3281:Climate change and cities 3214:. Such warfare, known as 3082:to pay their respects at 2805:through the interface of 2647:history of urban planning 2383:Cities typically provide 1883:introduction of railroads 1402:of north-central coastal 1247:, and the religious city 1158:, are among the earliest 1073:Cities, characterized by 989:Indus Valley civilization 854:to the east, and some of 824:Hellenistic Mediterranean 800:Indus Valley Civilization 659:central business district 611: 368:, economic function, and 18610:Populated places by type 17369:Specialized municipality 17046:Consolidated city-county 16694:Marine spatial planning 16206:Healthy community design 15784:Village design statement 15774:Preservation development 15769:Conservation development 14773:, (3d ed., 2 vol., 1972) 14462:Harvard University Press 13795:13 November 2018 at the 13715:10.1177/1473095216660786 13635:10.1177/0956247816637501 13485:; London: Ashgate, 2013. 13350:16 November 2018 at the 13196:10.1177/0020715215604350 11933:Grava (2003), pp. 15–18. 11211:10.1177/0392192104043648 11070:16 February 2017 at the 10963:10.1177/1012690214539484 10638:Journal of Urban Affairs 10516:Arlie Russell Hochschild 9874:Local Government Studies 9603:The Geographical Journal 9538:10.1177/0309132512443147 9432:Helen Massy-Beresford, " 9418:13 November 2018 at the 9009:. London: Little, Brown. 8836:17 February 2022 at the 8627:Cameron, Averil (2009). 8424:Shady SolĂ­s, Ruth Martha 8007:13 November 2017 at the 7996:11 November 2017 at the 7737:10.3389/fdigh.2019.00008 7513:Danino, Matthew (2008). 7283:12 February 2022 at the 7219:Social Sciences in China 6900:10.1177/0042098020919081 6446:. Routledge. p. 99. 6444:Encyclopedia of the City 6259: 5969:. In Sumerian mythology 5832:UN Development Programme 5683:Transition Towns network 5610:(UCLG) is a significant 4891:movement, the drive for 4801:systems, and especially 4450:. Because of the higher 4391:land use for agriculture 3726:Corporate sustainability 3652:Greenhouse gas inventory 3647:Global warming potential 3169:Strategic Hamlet Program 2813:using new techniques of 2409:King assassination riots 2164:less developed countries 2156:more developed countries 1873:became the capital of a 1797:preindustrial settlement 1671:control over many cities 1635:cities of late antiquity 1376:Norte Chico civilization 238:, more than half of the 225:government organizations 17731:Military exclusion zone 17709:Exclusive economic zone 17474:National capital region 17066:Non-metropolitan county 16813:administrative division 16709:Real estate development 16440:List of urban theorists 15936:City Beautiful movement 15864:Rational planning model 15846:Transportation planning 15836:Sustainable development 15484:Million Tree Initiative 14685:Kemp, Roger L. (2007). 14352:Leach, William (1993). 14255:. McGraw Hill, e-book. 14168:The Meaning of the City 14120:Carter, Harold (1995). 14089:A Companion to the City 13983:10 October 2017 at the 13922:A Dictionary of Symbols 13812:Claire Wanjiru Ngare, " 13659:Parnell, Susan (2015). 13371:City Office in Brussels 13243:3 November 2018 at the 13119:10.1111/1468-2427.00386 12961:Sassen, Saskia (1991). 12343:Ecological Applications 12103:10.5038/2375-0901.5.2.1 11979:Urban Affairs Quarterly 11832:"public, adj. and n.", 11549:United Nations (2018). 11134:Aberdeen Proving Ground 10917:10 October 2017 at the 10901:, pp. 41, 189–192. 10559:10.1073/pnas.0610172104 10502:10 October 2017 at the 10012:10.1111/1467-8330.00253 9739:10 October 2017 at the 9721:Hawkins v. Town of Shaw 9463:10 October 2017 at the 9266:10.1111/1468-2427.12115 9158:Urbanization and Growth 9134:10 October 2017 at the 8797:28 October 2007 at the 8348:The Citizenship Debates 8345:Pocock, J.G.A. (1998). 8302:Adams, Robert McCormick 8260:Oxford University Press 8084:Southall (1998), p. 23. 8039:10.1111/1468-2427.12138 6704:(7318): 900–901. 2010. 6662:(6288): 906–907. 2016. 6481:10.1126/science.1209264 6086:Hillside housing and a 5778:sustainable development 5261:international relations 4893:sustainable development 4639:infrastructure such as 4088:Social ecology (ethics) 3801:Green building and wood 3706:Climate change scenario 3679:Carbon fee and dividend 3674:Carbon emission trading 2809:. In the 20th century, 2761:Xinyi Planning District 2566:The related concept of 2469:tax increment financing 2229:meets in September 2015 2039:cities from scratch on 1347:, Rome transformed and 1237:Ancient Egyptian cities 1021:proto-urban settlements 814:, and aligned with the 552: 339:special symbolic status 272:sustainable development 112:From top, left to right 17748:Self-administered zone 17586:Incorporated territory 17453:Administrative region 17222:Local service district 17142:Congressional district 16753:List of planned cities 16689:Landscape architecture 16445:List of urban planners 16167:Conservation community 16004:Collaborative planning 15813:Environmental planning 15721:Comprehensive planning 15469:Ecological engineering 15358:World's largest cities 15330:Cycling infrastructure 15215:Peri-urban agriculture 14367:Levy, John M. (2017). 14251:Grava, Sigurd (2003). 14228:. Palgrave Macmillan ( 14148:Curtis, Simon (2016). 14063:Bairoch, Paul (1988). 13365:1 January 2017 at the 13071:Kaplan (2004), 99–106. 12997:, 6, no. 3 (1982): 319 12700:Plants, People, Planet 12663:10.1098/rsbl.2007.0149 12253:Rebele, Franz (1994). 11960:Smethurst pp. 105–171. 11908:Grava (2003), pp. 1–2. 11629:University of Helsinki 11058:See Brigadier General 10343:"Knowledge Spillovers" 10158:4(1), 1988, pp. 59–79. 9981:Weber, Rachel (2002). 9117:Trends in urbanization 8950:29 August 2017 at the 8096:"Uruk: The First City" 7595:15 August 2018 at the 7368:Mitchell, Don (1995). 7031:11 August 2017 at the 6272:Intellectuals such as 5942: 5925:, an 1831 portrait by 5734: 5719: 5602:Cities participate in 5557:multi-level governance 5547:Transnational activity 5537:One World Trade Center 5424:220 Central Park South 5401:, often include large 5312: 5027: 5008: 4997: 4934: 4724: 4703: 4684: 4528:as well as individual 4512: 4431: 4426:Traffic congestion in 4098:Stewardship (theology) 4073:Public interest design 4058:Mitigation co-benefits 4018:Fossil fuel divestment 3581:Small island countries 3474:Impacts of agriculture 3357: 3310: 3208:low-intensity conflict 3154:influence urban design 3141: 2933: 2910: 2771: 2632:comprehensive planning 2604: 2572:development assistance 2557:real estate developers 2504: 2491:, the headquarters of 2380: 2230: 2070: 2062: 1974:revitalization efforts 1932:") in the West led to 1930:economic restructuring 1675:Constantinople in 1453 1645:with its major cities 1626: 1602: 1586: 1574: 1516:Another ancient site, 1353: 1226:China's planned cities 1144: 1139:A modern depiction of 1016: 996: 977: 859: 753: 683:Cities typically have 680: 649:. Today cities have a 634: 593:produce their own food 580: 488: 480: 437:degree of urbanization 334: 17719:Special economic zone 17403:Praetorian prefecture 17387:Autonomous prefecture 17347:Regional municipality 17337:District municipality 17172:Metropolitan district 17036:Administrative county 17018:Residential community 16864:Local government area 16664:Development economics 16515:Real estate education 16475:James Howard Kunstler 16400:Konstantinos Doxiadis 16281:Urban growth boundary 16221:Mixed-use development 16116:Intentional community 15509:Urban forest inequity 15300:Multiple nuclei model 15290:Concentric zone model 15275:Mixed-use development 15148:Most expensive cities 15133:World's cities by GDP 14761:Reader, John (2005). 14617:Berger, A.S. (1978). 14536:Room, Adrian (1996). 14275:. London: Routledge. 14245:The Economy of Cities 14243:Jacobs, Jane (1969). 14215:Hanson, Royce (ed.). 13750:28 April 2021 at the 13477:29 April 2021 at the 12970:16 March 2015 at the 12558:Global Change Biology 11390:. 18 September 2019. 11262:: 577. Archived from 10591:Nathan, Emma (2002). 10150:16 April 2021 at the 10054:Socio-Economic Review 9391:Paulo A. Paranagua, " 9115:Christopher Watson, " 8777:22 April 2017 at the 8568:10.4000/afriques.1145 7874:10.2307/j.ctvdjrqjp.8 7636:the physical extent." 6827:MIT Technology Review 6740:Nature Communications 6616:. London: Routledge. 6442:Caves, R. W. (2004). 6329:its metropolitan area 6157:with 85% of the city 5921: 5912:Further information: 5902:historic preservation 5859:structural adjustment 5739:United Nations System 5725: 5710: 5703:United Nations System 5636:Agenda 21 for culture 5612:umbrella organization 5469:Empire State Building 5454:Bank of America Tower 5327:to refer to a city's 5309:London Stock Exchange 5303: 5240:A study published in 5138:ecological footprints 5014: 5003: 4983: 4918: 4899:. Techniques such as 4784:special walking areas 4774:and their riders and 4709: 4690: 4672: 4587:for the operation of 4503: 4425: 4103:Urban forest inequity 4093:Social responsibility 3947:Zero heating building 3761:Environmental finance 3689:Social cost of carbon 3348: 3297: 3220:psychological warfare 3123: 2958:cultural institutions 2916: 2905: 2758: 2601:Buenos Aires Province 2595: 2486: 2370: 2258:municipal corporation 2224: 2215:Further information: 2120:poblaciones callampas 2091:demographic expansion 2068: 2060: 2031:, data analysis, and 1948:" and cities such as 1661:, the capital of the 1608: 1592: 1580: 1565: 1410:and spreading to the 1138: 1117:Further information: 1095:social stratification 1002: 983: 955: 938:Further information: 842:metropolitan area in 837: 743: 672: 641:or if fortified as a 625: 560: 325: 244:global sustainability 21:City (disambiguation) 18310:NjĂ«si administrative 17342:Neutral municipality 17281:Subdivision of India 17013:Autonomous community 16902:Metropolitan borough 16842:Common English terms 16216:Leapfrog development 16162:Complete Communities 16019:Intelligent urbanism 15946:Garden city movement 15889:Economic development 15821:Environmental design 15499:Sustainable urbanism 15474:Green infrastructure 14765:. New York: Vintage. 14011:29 June 2017 at the 13819:4 March 2016 at the 12855:Curtis (2016), p. 5. 11951:Smethurst pp. 67–71. 11315:. 2 September 2021. 11269:on 10 October 2017. 11127:29 June 2017 at the 10029:on 26 September 2022 9374:28 June 2017 at the 9322:12 June 2017 at the 9038:10.1093/cjres/rsu026 8972:. London: E. Elgar. 8185:Ring, Trudy (2014). 7575:29 July 2020 at the 7564:29 July 2020 at the 7126:29 June 2010 at the 7073:29 July 2020 at the 6412:Goodall, B. (1987). 6244:Settlement hierarchy 5890:World Heritage Sites 5561:European integration 5532:4 World Trade Center 5527:3 World Trade Center 5419:Deutsche Bank Center 5279:based on high-speed 5224:environmental racism 4901:road space rationing 4895:, and the idea of a 4867:New York City Subway 4702:system in the world. 4627:for transportation, 4583:transmitted through 4538:water supply network 4405:and improvements in 4170:Psychology of denial 4003:Environmental racism 3942:Zero-energy building 3865:Mitigation economics 3756:Environmental design 3741:Ecological economics 3439:Ecological footprint 3248:Carthago delenda est 3204:Battle of Stalingrad 3179:in Palestine. While 2995:and transmission of 2842:knowledge spillovers 2246:in the United States 2234:The local government 2225:The city council of 1894:occupational hazards 1756:and eclipsed by the 1686:free imperial cities 1663:Eastern Roman Empire 1595:Free imperial cities 1470:; while others like 1428:Andean civilizations 1156:eighth millennium BC 916:(exemplified by the 300:ecological footprint 136:Boulevard Montmartre 19:For other uses, see 17953:Autonomous republic 17881:Enclave and exclave 17780:Other English terms 17576:Dependent territory 17422:Autonomous province 17352:Resort municipality 17327:County municipality 17114:Overseas department 17061:Metropolitan county 16874:Unincorporated area 16622:Communist countries 16246:Planning Permission 16183:Filtering (housing) 16157:Cluster development 15966:Settlement movement 15951:Indigenous planning 15539:Urban reforestation 15158:Most livable cities 14800:. London: Penguin. 14419:McQuillan, Eugene. 14374:Magnusson, Warren. 14019:, 18 December 2014. 13627:2016EnUrb..28....3S 12774:2019NatSR...9.7730W 12616:2023NRvEE...4..516S 12497:2000ClRes..15..123B 12426:on 11 February 2009 12355:2017EcoAp..27.2330G 12201:2006LUrbP..76..252W 12146:(9831): 2079–2108. 11899:, pp. 169–170. 11502:2022RegSt..56.1224S 11429:2019JCPro.23717649L 11172:2 June 2018 at the 11092:8 June 2017 at the 11039:, pp. 127–128. 10931:6 July 2017 at the 10825:2014EnPlD..32...75W 10593:Cities: Eye Openers 10550:2007PNAS..104.7301B 10450:2015PRegS..94..443B 10399:10.1353/sais.0.0036 10298:Communist Manifesto 10215:, pp. 131–140. 10103:, pp. 142–143. 10004:2002Antip..34..519W 9615:2003GeogJ.169..328B 9447:, 18 November 2015. 9439:15 May 2017 at the 9398:17 May 2016 at the 9317:The Urban Explosion 9234:6 July 2018 at the 9218:5 July 2017 at the 9090:18 May 2019 at the 9005:Harford, T. (2008) 8681:on 18 February 2012 7814:, 16 February 2015. 7695:2017LUrbP.162..126F 7588:Volker M. Welter, " 7522:Man and Environment 7434:2019UFUG...41..255L 7358:, pp. 177–179. 7046:8 July 2018 at the 6891:2020UrbSt..57.2201A 6753:2020NatCo..11.5366S 6538:2010Natur.467..912B 6473:2011Sci...333..592G 6369:Booz Allen Hamilton 5973:built the walls of 5935:Babylonian ziggurat 5923:The Fall of Babylon 5886:cultural governance 5563:. Cities including 5337:command and control 5277:information economy 4919:Horbury Terrace, a 4597:industrial machines 4505:Aqueduct of Segovia 4250:Conspiracy theories 4013:Ethical consumerism 3622:Autonomous building 3543:Infectious diseases 3469:Effects of aviation 3261:nuclear strategists 3255:and throughout the 3177:Israeli settlements 2784:yield surplus crops 2745:means of production 2652:planned communities 2373:Dublin Fire Brigade 1968:, with concomitant 1926:deindustrialization 1920:Post-industrial age 1843:Peace of Westphalia 1811:Trans-Saharan trade 1535:progenitors of the 1520:, in what is today 1284:first millennium BC 1183:third millennium BC 1107:Alexander the Great 1013:Pyramid of the Moon 970:third millennium BC 934:History of the city 906:urban agglomeration 838:Aerial view of the 757:The urban structure 647:sphere of influence 629:, a city centre in 562:Downtown Pittsburgh 532:'city or town' and 442:European Commission 415:relationships in a 254:—creating numerous 217:production of goods 18569:Electoral district 17886:Federal dependency 17714:Free economic zone 17598:Overseas territory 17481:Development region 17364:Rural municipality 17297:Indian reservation 17189:Municipal district 17147:Electoral district 16987:Free imperial city 16505:Planning education 16465:Elizabeth Farrelly 16309:High-rise urbanism 16147:Affordable housing 15686:World Urbanism Day 15438:Urban homesteading 15363:throughout history 14844:, 1921. (tr. 1958) 14822:Toynbee, Arnold J. 14643:Edwin Mellen Press 14427:Moholy-Nagy, Sibyl 14197:. Springer, 2015. 14107:Ashgate Publishing 13938:Latham et al. 2009 13507:on 14 October 2016 13390:Latham et al. 2009 13376:2017-08-16 at the 13263:2017-10-10 at the 13236:Charlie Jeffery, " 13225:Latham et al. 2009 12761:Scientific Reports 12062:Latham et al. 2009 11897:Latham et al. 2009 11818:Latham et al. 2009 11796:Latham et al. 2009 11598:10.24943/scpm.2018 11290:2017-01-31 at the 11256:McGill Law Journal 11165:Fabien Limonier, " 11108:Military Geography 11037:Latham et al. 2009 10899:Latham et al. 2009 10889:, p. 186–189. 10887:Latham et al. 2009 10620:Latham et al. 2009 10512:Barbara Ehrenreich 10458:10.1111/pirs.12078 10321:Latham et al. 2009 10213:Latham et al. 2009 10101:Latham et al. 2009 10066:10.1093/ser/mws019 9936:Economic Geography 9667:Latham et al. 2009 9302:2018-11-13 at the 9224:The New York Times 9211:Somini Sengupta, " 9122:2016-03-05 at the 8956:The New York Times 8667:Laiou, Angeliki E. 8595:2008-01-24 at the 8213:The Times of India 7766:. 22 February 2019 7622:2016-10-02 at the 7549:; ABC-CLIO, 2008; 7499:10.3130/jaabe.4.51 7356:Latham et al. 2009 7334:Latham et al. 2009 7203:The Globe and Mail 6650:"Rise of the City" 6416:. London: Penguin. 6033:traffic congestion 5943: 5855:specialized agency 5735: 5720: 5671:Covenant of Mayors 5507:Woolworth Building 5429:Central Park Tower 5341:post-industrialism 5313: 5243:Scientific Reports 5235:urban green spaces 5080:r-selected species 5074:and thus favoring 5028: 5016:St Stephen's Green 5009: 4998: 4996:behind some houses 4984:An urban scene in 4964:single-family home 4935: 4725: 4704: 4685: 4637:Telecommunications 4599:to now-ubiquitous 4513: 4456:natural monopolies 4448:economies of scale 4446:and thus positive 4432: 4270:Individual actions 4240:Climate governance 4038:Indigenous peoples 3905:Consumer behaviour 3860:Low-carbon economy 3657:Net zero emissions 3395:Climate change and 3358: 3311: 3159:Powers engaged in 3146:asymmetric warfare 3142: 3098:Bread and circuses 3072:World Trade Center 2993:mass communication 2934: 2911: 2772: 2612:certain objectives 2605: 2559:act as the city's 2531:, the industry is 2505: 2385:municipal services 2381: 2363:Municipal services 2274:, and, along with 2231: 2071: 2063: 2007:and instantaneous 1984:continuing today, 1978:Great Leap Forward 1734:Republic of Venice 1627: 1603: 1587: 1575: 1400:Norte Chico region 1145: 1093:(with concomitant 1075:population density 1017: 1009:Pyramid of the Sun 997: 978: 874:Metropolitan areas 860: 754: 736:Internal structure 729:Urban green spaces 725:built environments 701:Western philosophy 681: 635: 581: 409:government workers 362:population density 335: 308:urban heat islands 284:sustainable cities 248:metropolitan areas 165:; spice market in 116:Westminster Palace 18587: 18586: 18542: 18541: 18538: 18537: 18118: 18117: 18114: 18113: 18110: 18109: 18106: 18105: 17770: 17769: 17766: 17765: 17684:Territorial unit 17581:Federal territory 17559:Capital territory 17464:Autonomous region 17428:Overseas province 17322:City municipality 17213:Service district 17209:Sanitary district 17199:Regional district 17184:Military district 17041:Autonomous county 16974:Incorporated city 16778: 16777: 16735:Cities portal 16659:Civil engineering 16640: 16639: 16493: 16492: 16322: 16321: 16290:Peri-urbanisation 16110:Planned community 15941:Dark-sky movement 15931:Car-free movement 15905: 15904: 15859:Trip distribution 15795:Regional planning 15748:Urban green space 15716:Land-use planning 15691:Labor market area 15681:Growth management 15656:Metropolitan area 15570: 15569: 15563:Cities portal 15524:Urban heat island 15433:Urban exploration 15305:Linear settlement 15253:Public open space 15093:direct-controlled 15043:Abandoned village 14998:Metropolitan area 14826:Cities of Destiny 14807:978-0-7352-2368-4 14788:978-1-137-49951-6 14753:978-1-55786-918-0 14734:978-0-7864-6399-2 14715:978-0-7864-3152-6 14696:978-0-7864-3151-9 14677:978-1-59420-277-3 14630:978-0-697-07555-0 14602:978-0-470-67218-1 14494:978-0-415-25270-6 14471:978-0-674-01918-8 14439:978-1-315-61940-8 14414:978-0-387-73412-5 14399:978-0-8020-6735-7 14384:978-0-203-80889-4 14345:978-1-4129-3041-3 14328:978-90-481-3417-5 14313:978-3-319-12424-7 14261:978-0-07-147679-9 14238:978-1-137-39617-4 14203:978-3-319-21272-2 14189:978-2-7103-2582-6 14177:978-0-8028-1555-2 14158:978-0-19-874401-6 14144:978-0-19-175036-6 14115:978-1-4724-1002-3 14080:978-0-226-03465-2 13773:Akin L. Mabogunje 13761:978-92-1-132731-1 13665:World Development 13481:"; Chapter 21 in 13392:, pp. 45–47. 13308:10.1080/714004755 13227:, pp. 49–50. 13160:978-0-7453-2799-0 12925:. pp. 1–10. 12571:10.1111/gcb.16667 12565:(11): 3085–3097. 12543:978-0-7623-1417-1 11836:, September 2007. 11660:World Development 11247:Westou, Burns H. 11004:978-0-203-84074-0 10779:978-0-7735-2119-3 10622:, pp. 84–85. 10544:(17): 7301–7306. 10242:on 24 July 2018. 10232:(February 1848). 9747:28 February 2017. 9349:on 13 August 2011 9167:978-0-8213-7573-0 9085:2 (2006): 115–153 9007:The Logic of Life 8992:Flew, T. (2008). 8979:978-1-84376-505-9 8640:978-1-4051-9833-2 8539:978-0-19-938465-5 8518:"Mande Languages" 8399:978-1-884964-02-2 8362:978-0-8166-2880-3 8353:Queen's Quarterly 8320:978-0-226-00544-7 8269:978-0-19-577940-0 7883:978-1-938770-97-5 7603:14(3), Fall 2009. 7555:978-1-57607-907-2 7081:29(2), June 2003. 6885:(11): 2201–2221. 6582:Our World in Data 6532:(7318): 912–913. 6467:(6042): 592–594. 6300:industrialization 5820:Pact of Amsterdam 5675:Compact of Mayors 5649:and specifically 5640:cultural policies 5604:global governance 5598:Global governance 5497:56 Leonard Street 5449:Chrysler Building 5285:telecommunication 5251:World city system 5205:underground ducts 5006:urban heat island 4859:bus rapid transit 4747:systems based on 4743:, or use special 4700:bus rapid transit 4617:hydrocarbon fuels 4589:electric machines 4452:barriers to entry 4372: 4371: 4235:Political economy 3637:Carbon accounting 3506:Tropical cyclones 3427:Urban heat island 3378:aquifer depletion 3307:Verisk Maplecroft 3216:counterinsurgency 3167:towns, America's 2811:department stores 2780:intensive farming 2767:, the capital of 2723:and known as the 2710:gated communities 2624:land-use controls 2288:empires) and the 2190:gated communities 2013:knowledge economy 2009:telecommunication 1994:industrialization 1738:Republic of Genoa 1726:medieval communes 1682:Holy Roman Empire 1669:gradually gained 1599:Holy Roman Empire 1501:, in present-day 1207:dense populations 1091:division of labor 960:from the ancient 258:traveling toward 18627: 18175:Regierungsbezirk 18135: 18134: 18124: 18123: 17787: 17786: 17776: 17775: 17738:Free speech zone 17644:Charter township 17397:Super-prefecture 17241:Special district 17152:Federal district 17132:Capital district 17096:Overseas country 16969:Independent city 16940:Imperial capital 16879:Unorganized area 16849: 16848: 16838: 16837: 16834: 16833: 16821: 16820: 16805: 16798: 16791: 16782: 16781: 16766: 16765: 16744: 16743: 16733: 16732: 16731: 16684:Land development 16535: 16534: 16370:Donald Appleyard 16331: 16330: 16081:Mining community 16034:Radical planning 15981:Transition towns 15916: 15915: 15732:Spatial planning 15706: 15705: 15597: 15590: 15583: 15574: 15573: 15561: 15560: 15559: 15544:Zero-carbon city 15489:Sustainable city 15443:Unitary urbanism 15413:Urban morphology 15350:Urban population 15320:Bicycle-friendly 15100:Independent city 15075:Urban government 15033:Shrinking cities 14906: 14899: 14892: 14883: 14882: 14811: 14792: 14766: 14757: 14738: 14719: 14700: 14681: 14653:City Development 14641:. Lewiston, NY: 14634: 14553: 14532: 14498: 14475: 14349: 14286: 14248: 14084: 14049:War and the City 14020: 13995: 13989: 13970: 13964: 13961: 13955: 13947: 13941: 13935: 13929: 13915: 13909: 13905: 13899: 13896: 13890: 13887: 13881: 13880: 13878: 13839: 13830: 13824: 13810: 13804: 13786: 13780: 13770: 13764: 13745:New Urban Agenda 13741: 13735: 13734: 13694: 13685: 13684: 13656: 13647: 13646: 13610: 13604: 13603: 13563: 13552: 13545: 13539: 13538: 13536: 13534: 13523: 13517: 13516: 13514: 13512: 13503:. Archived from 13492: 13486: 13468: 13459: 13456: 13447: 13446: 13402: 13393: 13387: 13381: 13341: 13335: 13334: 13332: 13293: 13284: 13278: 13274: 13268: 13254: 13248: 13234: 13228: 13222: 13216: 13215: 13190:(3–4): 173–197. 13175: 13169: 13168: 13146: 13140: 13139: 13121: 13097: 13091: 13088: 13082: 13078: 13072: 13069: 13063: 13062: 13056: 13054: 13023: 13017: 13014: 13008: 13004: 12998: 12991: 12985: 12959: 12953: 12952: 12914: 12908: 12907: 12905: 12895: 12871: 12865: 12862: 12856: 12853: 12847: 12843: 12837: 12833: 12827: 12823: 12814: 12810: 12804: 12803: 12793: 12751: 12745: 12744: 12742: 12740: 12724: 12718: 12717: 12715: 12691: 12685: 12684: 12674: 12642: 12636: 12635: 12597: 12591: 12590: 12552: 12546: 12530: 12524: 12523: 12521: 12505:10.3354/cr015123 12485:Climate Research 12482: 12473: 12467: 12464: 12458: 12457: 12455: 12453: 12442: 12436: 12435: 12433: 12431: 12416: 12410: 12409: 12407: 12405: 12390: 12384: 12381: 12375: 12374: 12363:10.1002/eap.1611 12349:(8): 2330–2341. 12334: 12328: 12325: 12319: 12315: 12300: 12297: 12291: 12290: 12250: 12244: 12241: 12235: 12231: 12225: 12224: 12222: 12220: 12195:(1–4): 252–290. 12180: 12174: 12173: 12163: 12130: 12124: 12123: 12105: 12081: 12075: 12071: 12065: 12064:, p. 30–32. 12059: 12053: 12050: 12044: 12029: 12023: 12020: 12011: 12010: 11970: 11961: 11958: 11952: 11949: 11943: 11940: 11934: 11931: 11925: 11922: 11909: 11906: 11900: 11894: 11888: 11887: 11885: 11856: 11850: 11843: 11837: 11830: 11824: 11815: 11809: 11805: 11799: 11793: 11787: 11784: 11773: 11770: 11759: 11753: 11744: 11743: 11741: 11739: 11718: 11712: 11711: 11709: 11707: 11692: 11686: 11685: 11675: 11651: 11645: 11644: 11642: 11640: 11621: 11615: 11614: 11612: 11610: 11600: 11572: 11566: 11565: 11563: 11561: 11546: 11540: 11539: 11521: 11496:(7): 1224–1233. 11490:Regional Studies 11485: 11479: 11478: 11476: 11474: 11455: 11449: 11448: 11410: 11404: 11403: 11401: 11399: 11380: 11371: 11370: 11368: 11366: 11338: 11329: 11328: 11326: 11324: 11305: 11299: 11281: 11275: 11274: 11268: 11253: 11244: 11238: 11237: 11235: 11196: 11187: 11181: 11163: 11157: 11153: 11147: 11143: 11137: 11117: 11111: 11104: 11098: 11082: 11076: 11060:J. Franklin Bell 11056: 11050: 11046: 11040: 11034: 11028: 11027: 11016: 11010: 10992: 10983: 10982: 10957:(4–5): 591–595. 10942: 10936: 10908: 10902: 10896: 10890: 10884: 10878: 10875: 10866: 10863: 10857: 10856: 10854: 10852: 10804: 10793: 10790: 10784: 10783: 10765: 10759: 10755: 10749: 10745: 10739: 10738: 10686: 10680: 10676: 10670: 10669: 10629: 10623: 10617: 10611: 10610: 10597:Blackbirch Press 10588: 10582: 10581: 10571: 10561: 10525: 10519: 10490: 10484: 10483: 10481: 10479: 10469: 10429: 10423: 10422: 10378: 10365: 10364: 10362: 10360: 10354: 10348:. Archived from 10347: 10339: 10333: 10330: 10324: 10318: 10312: 10309: 10303: 10302: 10257: 10248: 10247: 10230:Frederick Engels 10222: 10216: 10210: 10204: 10197: 10191: 10187: 10181: 10177: 10168: 10165: 10159: 10143:Alain Garnier, " 10141: 10135: 10132: 10126: 10122: 10113: 10110: 10104: 10098: 10092: 10088: 10082: 10081: 10045: 10039: 10038: 10036: 10034: 10028: 10022:. Archived from 9987: 9978: 9972: 9971: 9927: 9918: 9917: 9899: 9889: 9865: 9859: 9856: 9850: 9847: 9841: 9840: 9838: 9836: 9804: 9787: 9786: 9754: 9748: 9732:George Nilson, " 9730: 9724: 9717: 9708: 9704: 9698: 9695: 9689: 9686: 9680: 9676: 9670: 9664: 9658: 9657: 9637: 9631: 9630: 9595: 9578: 9575: 9569: 9568: 9562: 9517: 9511: 9508: 9502: 9498: 9492: 9488: 9482: 9478: 9472: 9454: 9448: 9430: 9424: 9389: 9383: 9365: 9359: 9358: 9356: 9354: 9348: 9342:. Archived from 9341: 9333: 9327: 9313: 9307: 9293: 9287: 9284: 9278: 9277: 9249: 9240: 9209: 9200: 9196: 9187: 9186: 9184: 9182: 9176: 9155: 9146: 9140: 9113: 9107: 9104: 9095: 9078: 9072: 9071: 9069: 9063:. Archived from 9057: 9051: 9050: 9040: 9016: 9010: 9003: 8997: 8990: 8984: 8983: 8965: 8959: 8941: 8935: 8931: 8925: 8921: 8912: 8910: 8891: 8885: 8882: 8876: 8872: 8866: 8860:Nicholas Blomley 8857: 8851: 8848: 8842: 8827: 8821: 8808: 8802: 8788: 8782: 8764: 8755: 8754: 8736: 8730: 8727: 8721: 8720: 8718: 8716: 8697: 8691: 8690: 8688: 8686: 8663: 8657: 8656: 8654: 8652: 8624: 8618: 8614: 8608: 8586: 8580: 8579: 8577: 8575: 8570: 8550: 8544: 8543: 8513: 8507: 8504: 8498: 8497: 8489: 8478: 8477: 8457: 8446: 8445: 8443: 8441: 8420: 8414: 8410: 8404: 8403: 8385: 8379: 8378: 8376: 8374: 8342: 8336: 8335: 8329: 8312: 8298: 8292: 8289: 8283: 8280: 8274: 8273: 8251: 8245: 8244: 8242: 8240: 8224: 8218: 8217: 8207: 8201: 8200: 8182: 8176: 8175: 8173: 8171: 8152: 8146: 8145: 8143: 8141: 8126:"Uruk (article)" 8122: 8116: 8115: 8113: 8111: 8091: 8085: 8082: 8076: 8072: 8066: 8065: 8063: 8033:(4): 1525–1535. 8018: 8012: 7988: 7961:Taylor, Peter J. 7957: 7951: 7944: 7938: 7935: 7926: 7918: 7909: 7897: 7888: 7887: 7857: 7851: 7847: 7841: 7834: 7828: 7821: 7815: 7808: 7802: 7801: 7799: 7797: 7782: 7776: 7775: 7773: 7771: 7756: 7750: 7749: 7739: 7715: 7709: 7708: 7706: 7674: 7668: 7667: 7665: 7663: 7643: 7637: 7633: 7627: 7610: 7604: 7586: 7580: 7543: 7537: 7536: 7534: 7519: 7510: 7504: 7503: 7501: 7477: 7471: 7468: 7462: 7461: 7413: 7407: 7406: 7400: 7392: 7374: 7365: 7359: 7353: 7347: 7343: 7337: 7331: 7322: 7318: 7309: 7306: 7297: 7294: 7288: 7271: 7265: 7261: 7255: 7249: 7243: 7242: 7214: 7208: 7207: 7197: 7191: 7190: 7188: 7186: 7170: 7164: 7161: 7155: 7149: 7143: 7140: 7131: 7117: 7104: 7103: 7098:. Archived from 7088: 7082: 7064: 7051: 7022: 7016: 7015: 7013: 7011: 6992: 6986: 6982: 6973: 6966: 6957: 6954: 6948: 6947: 6945: 6935: 6911: 6905: 6904: 6902: 6868: 6862: 6861: 6859: 6857: 6848:. 30 June 2011. 6838: 6832: 6831: 6817: 6811: 6810: 6808: 6806: 6791: 6785: 6784: 6774: 6764: 6730: 6724: 6723: 6713: 6688: 6682: 6681: 6671: 6646: 6640: 6639: 6637: 6635: 6604: 6598: 6597: 6595: 6593: 6576:(13 June 2018). 6566: 6560: 6559: 6549: 6515: 6509: 6508: 6454: 6448: 6447: 6439: 6433: 6432: 6424: 6418: 6417: 6409: 6392: 6373:General Dynamics 6325:Washington, D.C. 6317: 6311: 6292: 6286: 6270: 6203: 6198: 6197: 6196: 6169: 6150: 6123: 6103: 6083: 5894:cultural capital 5717:Washington, D.C. 5715:headquarters in 5647:environmentalism 5638:, a program for 5414:Riverside Church 5390: 5273:Hanseatic League 5176:) and has lower 5076:young ecosystems 5060:immigrant plants 4933: 4930: 4905:road use charges 4881:pedestrian zones 4665:Public transport 4655:communications. 4591:(from household 4526:waste management 4516:Public utilities 4373:A report by the 4364: 4357: 4350: 4332: 4331: 4320: 4319: 4313: 4309: 4308: 4307: 4245:Climate movement 4215:Green liberalism 4200:Climate movement 4008:Environmentalism 3959:Social issues · 3870:Natural building 3776:Green accounting 3751:Energy economics 3696:Circular economy 3632:Carbon footprint 3574:Coastal flooding 3444:Ecological grief 3382: 3381: 3337:climate refugees 3333:climate conflict 3329:secondary cities 3232:defensible space 3228:crime prevention 3024:public diplomacy 2974:cultural capital 2819:public relations 2663:Social structure 2563:urban planners. 2445:financialization 2405:fire departments 2254:British colonies 2217:Local government 2021:RAND Corporation 1952:, Michigan, and 1750:Hanseatic League 1715:Imperial Estates 1571:Leningrad Oblast 1358: 1325:, developed the 987:, a city of the 920:corridor of the 896:for purposes of 888:, and sometimes 750:Washington, D.C. 674:Trafalgar Square 537: 536: 531: 530: 505: 493: 485: 468:and the related 310:, concentrating 292:land consumption 240:world population 188:human settlement 144:Camille Pissarro 124:Shibuya Crossing 105: 96: 85: 76: 67: 56: 47: 36: 18635: 18634: 18630: 18629: 18628: 18626: 18625: 18624: 18620:Urban geography 18590: 18589: 18588: 18583: 18564:Census division 18534: 18408: 18129: 18102: 18053:Imperial Circle 18011: 17781: 17762: 17756:Free-trade zone 17694: 17668: 17659:Survey township 17630: 17607: 17603:Union territory 17545: 17540:Sovereign state 17505: 17496:Overseas region 17440: 17408: 17373: 17308: 17299:(United States) 17285: 17276:Police division 17271:Census division 17257: 17229:School district 17194:Police district 17118: 17100: 17082: 17022: 16999: 16994:Royal free city 16959:Autonomous city 16945: 16934:Federal capital 16920: 16906: 16883: 16843: 16828: 16815: 16809: 16779: 16774: 16729: 16727: 16718: 16714:Social sciences 16674:Urban economics 16646: 16636: 16605: 16579: 16526: 16489: 16453: 16420:Peter Calthorpe 16375:Ebenezer Howard 16336: 16318: 16305:Verticalization 16135: 16043: 16029:Market urbanism 16024:Livable streets 15990: 15911: 15901: 15883: 15840: 15807: 15789: 15757: 15701: 15695: 15634: 15606: 15601: 15571: 15566: 15557: 15555: 15548: 15447: 15423:Urban sociology 15384: 15344: 15335:Pedestrian zone 15219: 15153:Cheapest cities 15125:Urban economics 15119: 15110:Autonomous city 15069: 15028:Suburbanization 14921:Urban geography 14915: 14910: 14852: 14847: 14808: 14789: 14754: 14735: 14716: 14697: 14678: 14660:Glaeser, Edward 14649:Geddes, Patrick 14631: 14612: 14610:Further reading 14607: 14576:Southall, Aidan 14550: 14529: 14495: 14472: 14346: 14291:Urban Geography 14283: 14230:Springer Nature 14081: 14047:Ashworth, G.J. 14029: 14024: 14023: 14013:Wayback Machine 13996: 13992: 13985:Wayback Machine 13971: 13967: 13962: 13958: 13948: 13944: 13936: 13932: 13916: 13912: 13906: 13902: 13897: 13893: 13888: 13884: 13876: 13837: 13831: 13827: 13821:Wayback Machine 13811: 13807: 13797:Wayback Machine 13787: 13783: 13771: 13767: 13752:Wayback Machine 13742: 13738: 13703:Planning Theory 13695: 13688: 13657: 13650: 13611: 13607: 13564: 13555: 13546: 13542: 13532: 13530: 13525: 13524: 13520: 13510: 13508: 13499: 13493: 13489: 13479:Wayback Machine 13469: 13462: 13457: 13450: 13403: 13396: 13388: 13384: 13378:Wayback Machine 13367:Wayback Machine 13352:Wayback Machine 13342: 13338: 13330: 13291: 13285: 13281: 13275: 13271: 13265:Wayback Machine 13255: 13251: 13245:Wayback Machine 13235: 13231: 13223: 13219: 13176: 13172: 13161: 13147: 13143: 13112:(2): 389–3402. 13098: 13094: 13089: 13085: 13079: 13075: 13070: 13066: 13052: 13050: 13043: 13024: 13020: 13015: 13011: 13005: 13001: 12992: 12988: 12972:Wayback Machine 12960: 12956: 12941: 12915: 12911: 12872: 12868: 12863: 12859: 12854: 12850: 12844: 12840: 12834: 12830: 12824: 12817: 12811: 12807: 12752: 12748: 12738: 12736: 12725: 12721: 12713:10.1002/ppp3.39 12692: 12688: 12651:Biology Letters 12643: 12639: 12598: 12594: 12553: 12549: 12531: 12527: 12519: 12480: 12474: 12470: 12465: 12461: 12451: 12449: 12444: 12443: 12439: 12429: 12427: 12418: 12417: 12413: 12403: 12401: 12392: 12391: 12387: 12382: 12378: 12335: 12331: 12326: 12322: 12316: 12303: 12298: 12294: 12271:10.2307/2997649 12251: 12247: 12242: 12238: 12232: 12228: 12218: 12216: 12181: 12177: 12131: 12127: 12082: 12078: 12072: 12068: 12060: 12056: 12051: 12047: 12030: 12026: 12021: 12014: 11971: 11964: 11959: 11955: 11950: 11946: 11941: 11937: 11932: 11928: 11923: 11912: 11907: 11903: 11895: 11891: 11883: 11857: 11853: 11844: 11840: 11831: 11827: 11821: 11816: 11812: 11806: 11802: 11794: 11790: 11785: 11776: 11771: 11762: 11754: 11747: 11737: 11735: 11720: 11719: 11715: 11705: 11703: 11693: 11689: 11652: 11648: 11638: 11636: 11631:. 14 May 2019. 11623: 11622: 11618: 11608: 11606: 11573: 11569: 11559: 11557: 11547: 11543: 11486: 11482: 11472: 11470: 11457: 11456: 11452: 11411: 11407: 11397: 11395: 11382: 11381: 11374: 11364: 11362: 11339: 11332: 11322: 11320: 11307: 11306: 11302: 11292:Wayback Machine 11282: 11278: 11266: 11251: 11245: 11241: 11233: 11194: 11188: 11184: 11174:Wayback Machine 11164: 11160: 11154: 11150: 11144: 11140: 11129:Wayback Machine 11118: 11114: 11105: 11101: 11094:Wayback Machine 11083: 11079: 11072:Wayback Machine 11057: 11053: 11047: 11043: 11035: 11031: 11018: 11017: 11013: 11007: 10993: 10986: 10943: 10939: 10933:Wayback Machine 10919:Wayback Machine 10910:Fred Coalter, " 10909: 10905: 10897: 10893: 10885: 10881: 10876: 10869: 10864: 10860: 10850: 10848: 10805: 10796: 10791: 10787: 10780: 10766: 10762: 10756: 10752: 10746: 10742: 10687: 10683: 10677: 10673: 10630: 10626: 10618: 10614: 10607: 10589: 10585: 10526: 10522: 10504:Wayback Machine 10491: 10487: 10477: 10475: 10430: 10426: 10379: 10368: 10358: 10356: 10352: 10345: 10341: 10340: 10336: 10331: 10327: 10319: 10315: 10310: 10306: 10295: 10292: 10258: 10251: 10223: 10219: 10211: 10207: 10198: 10194: 10188: 10184: 10178: 10171: 10166: 10162: 10152:Wayback Machine 10142: 10138: 10133: 10129: 10123: 10116: 10111: 10107: 10099: 10095: 10089: 10085: 10046: 10042: 10032: 10030: 10026: 9985: 9979: 9975: 9928: 9921: 9866: 9862: 9857: 9853: 9848: 9844: 9834: 9832: 9805: 9790: 9755: 9751: 9741:Wayback Machine 9731: 9727: 9718: 9711: 9705: 9701: 9696: 9692: 9687: 9683: 9677: 9673: 9665: 9661: 9638: 9634: 9596: 9581: 9576: 9572: 9560: 9518: 9514: 9509: 9505: 9499: 9495: 9489: 9485: 9479: 9475: 9465:Wayback Machine 9455: 9451: 9441:Wayback Machine 9431: 9427: 9420:Wayback Machine 9400:Wayback Machine 9390: 9386: 9376:Wayback Machine 9366: 9362: 9352: 9350: 9346: 9339: 9335: 9334: 9330: 9326:"), March 1985. 9324:Wayback Machine 9314: 9310: 9304:Wayback Machine 9294: 9290: 9285: 9281: 9250: 9243: 9236:Wayback Machine 9220:Wayback Machine 9210: 9203: 9197: 9190: 9180: 9178: 9174: 9168: 9153: 9147: 9143: 9136:Wayback Machine 9124:Wayback Machine 9114: 9110: 9105: 9098: 9092:Wayback Machine 9079: 9075: 9070:on 6 July 2018. 9067: 9059: 9058: 9054: 9017: 9013: 9004: 9000: 8991: 8987: 8980: 8966: 8962: 8958:, 15 June 2013. 8952:Wayback Machine 8942: 8938: 8932: 8928: 8922: 8915: 8908: 8892: 8888: 8883: 8879: 8873: 8869: 8863: 8858: 8854: 8849: 8845: 8838:Wayback Machine 8828: 8824: 8818:Wayback Machine 8809: 8805: 8799:Wayback Machine 8789: 8785: 8779:Wayback Machine 8765: 8758: 8751: 8737: 8733: 8728: 8724: 8714: 8712: 8699: 8698: 8694: 8684: 8682: 8664: 8660: 8650: 8648: 8641: 8625: 8621: 8615: 8611: 8597:Wayback Machine 8587: 8583: 8573: 8571: 8551: 8547: 8540: 8514: 8510: 8505: 8501: 8490: 8481: 8458: 8449: 8439: 8437: 8421: 8417: 8411: 8407: 8400: 8386: 8382: 8372: 8370: 8363: 8343: 8339: 8327: 8321: 8310: 8299: 8295: 8290: 8286: 8281: 8277: 8270: 8252: 8248: 8238: 8236: 8226: 8225: 8221: 8208: 8204: 8197: 8183: 8179: 8169: 8167: 8154: 8153: 8149: 8139: 8137: 8124: 8123: 8119: 8109: 8107: 8092: 8088: 8083: 8079: 8073: 8069: 8061: 8019: 8015: 8009:Wayback Machine 7998:Wayback Machine 7958: 7954: 7945: 7941: 7936: 7929: 7919: 7912: 7898: 7891: 7884: 7858: 7854: 7848: 7844: 7835: 7831: 7827:, pp. 3–4) 7822: 7818: 7809: 7805: 7795: 7793: 7783: 7779: 7769: 7767: 7758: 7757: 7753: 7716: 7712: 7675: 7671: 7661: 7659: 7644: 7640: 7634: 7630: 7624:Wayback Machine 7611: 7607: 7597:Wayback Machine 7587: 7583: 7577:Wayback Machine 7566:Wayback Machine 7545:Jane McIntosh, 7544: 7540: 7535:on 25 May 2017. 7532: 7517: 7511: 7507: 7478: 7474: 7469: 7465: 7414: 7410: 7394: 7393: 7372: 7366: 7362: 7354: 7350: 7344: 7340: 7332: 7325: 7319: 7312: 7307: 7300: 7295: 7291: 7285:Wayback Machine 7272: 7268: 7262: 7258: 7250: 7246: 7215: 7211: 7198: 7194: 7184: 7182: 7171: 7167: 7162: 7158: 7150: 7146: 7141: 7134: 7128:Wayback Machine 7121:Earliest Cities 7118: 7107: 7102:on 16 May 2010. 7090: 7089: 7085: 7075:Wayback Machine 7065: 7054: 7048:Wayback Machine 7033:Wayback Machine 7023: 7019: 7009: 7007: 6994: 6993: 6989: 6983: 6976: 6967: 6960: 6955: 6951: 6912: 6908: 6869: 6865: 6855: 6853: 6840: 6839: 6835: 6818: 6814: 6804: 6802: 6793: 6792: 6788: 6731: 6727: 6711:10.1038/467900a 6690: 6689: 6685: 6648: 6647: 6643: 6633: 6631: 6624: 6605: 6601: 6591: 6589: 6570:Ritchie, Hannah 6567: 6563: 6547:10.1038/467912a 6516: 6512: 6455: 6451: 6440: 6436: 6425: 6421: 6410: 6406: 6401: 6396: 6395: 6389:Gannett Company 6365:lobbying groups 6318: 6314: 6293: 6289: 6271: 6267: 6262: 6209:Lists of cities 6199: 6194: 6192: 6189: 6184: 6183: 6182: 6179: 6170: 6161: 6155:Warsaw uprising 6151: 6142: 6124: 6115: 6104: 6095: 6084: 6072: 6023:while visiting 6007:Charles Dickens 5967:Book of Genesis 5937:represents the 5916: 5910: 5867:Cities Alliance 5705: 5600: 5549: 5544: 5543: 5542: 5541: 5502:8 Spruce Street 5492:15 Hudson Yards 5488:10 Hudson Yards 5484:35 Hudson Yards 5480:55 Hudson Yards 5439:432 Park Avenue 5396: 5391: 5305:Stock exchanges 5298: 5253: 4978: 4972: 4931: 4921:terrace housing 4913: 4839:street networks 4729:economic system 4698:is the longest 4667: 4661: 4641:telephone lines 4542:sewerage system 4540:and a network ( 4498: 4468:path dependence 4420: 4415: 4414: 4368: 4305: 4303: 4302: 4295: 4294: 4290:Paris Agreement 4195: 4185: 4184: 4153:Popular culture 4128: 4118: 4117: 4043:Just transition 3973:Climate justice 3963: 3952: 3951: 3848:Risk management 3771:Ethical banking 3711:Climate finance 3617: 3603: 3602: 3569:Coastal erosion 3528:Desertification 3481:Extreme weather 3412: 3396: 3291: 3283: 3277: 3136:and the end of 3118: 3092:decision-making 3028:shared identity 2900: 2857:service economy 2788:Urban economics 2753: 2665: 2660: 2590: 2582:Main articles: 2580: 2568:good governance 2481: 2441:corporatization 2417: 2365: 2256:; legally, the 2219: 2213: 2055: 2049: 2005:high technology 1982:five-year plans 1980:and subsequent 1962:service economy 1922: 1898:poor sanitation 1859: 1839: 1728:developed into 1619:defensive canal 1560: 1418:of Oaxaca, and 1412:Preclassic Maya 1362:In the ancient 1290:extending from 1288:numerous cities 1154:, dated to the 1133: 1115: 950: 936: 930: 832: 738: 667: 620: 614: 555: 547:Urban geography 544: 462: 347:rural territory 320: 180: 179: 178: 177: 175:SĂŁo Paulo Metro 108: 107: 106: 98: 97: 88: 87: 86: 78: 77: 69: 68: 59: 58: 57: 49: 48: 39: 38: 37: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 18633: 18623: 18622: 18617: 18612: 18607: 18602: 18585: 18584: 18582: 18581: 18576: 18571: 18566: 18561: 18556: 18547: 18544: 18543: 18540: 18539: 18536: 18535: 18533: 18532: 18527: 18522: 18517: 18512: 18507: 18502: 18497: 18492: 18487: 18486: 18485: 18480: 18472: 18467: 18462: 18461: 18460: 18452: 18447: 18442: 18437: 18432: 18427: 18422: 18416: 18414: 18410: 18409: 18407: 18406: 18401: 18396: 18391: 18390: 18389: 18379: 18374: 18369: 18364: 18359: 18354: 18349: 18344: 18339: 18334: 18329: 18324: 18323: 18322: 18312: 18307: 18302: 18297: 18292: 18287: 18282: 18281: 18280: 18272: 18267: 18266: 18265: 18260: 18252: 18247: 18242: 18237: 18232: 18227: 18226: 18225: 18220: 18215: 18210: 18202: 18197: 18192: 18187: 18182: 18177: 18172: 18167: 18162: 18157: 18152: 18147: 18141: 18139: 18131: 18130: 18120: 18119: 18116: 18115: 18112: 18111: 18108: 18107: 18104: 18103: 18101: 18100: 18095: 18090: 18085: 18080: 18075: 18070: 18065: 18060: 18055: 18050: 18045: 18040: 18035: 18030: 18025: 18019: 18017: 18013: 18012: 18010: 18009: 18004: 18003: 18002: 17992: 17987: 17982: 17977: 17972: 17971: 17970: 17960: 17955: 17950: 17945: 17940: 17935: 17930: 17925: 17920: 17915: 17910: 17909: 17908: 17898: 17893: 17888: 17883: 17878: 17873: 17868: 17867: 17866: 17856: 17851: 17846: 17841: 17836: 17831: 17826: 17821: 17816: 17815: 17814: 17804: 17799: 17793: 17791: 17783: 17782: 17772: 17771: 17768: 17767: 17764: 17763: 17761: 17760: 17759: 17758: 17750: 17745: 17740: 17735: 17734: 17733: 17726:Exclusion zone 17723: 17722: 17721: 17716: 17711: 17705:Economic zone 17702: 17700: 17696: 17695: 17693: 17692: 17691: 17690: 17682: 17676: 17674: 17670: 17669: 17667: 17666: 17664:Urban township 17661: 17656: 17654:Paper township 17651: 17649:Civil township 17646: 17640: 17638: 17632: 17631: 17629: 17628: 17623: 17617: 17615: 17609: 17608: 17606: 17605: 17600: 17595: 17594: 17593: 17583: 17578: 17573: 17572: 17571: 17566: 17555: 17553: 17547: 17546: 17544: 17543: 17536: 17531: 17526: 17521: 17515: 17513: 17507: 17506: 17504: 17503: 17498: 17493: 17488: 17483: 17478: 17477: 17476: 17469:Capital region 17466: 17461: 17460: 17459: 17450: 17448: 17442: 17441: 17439: 17438: 17435:Roman province 17431: 17424: 17418: 17416: 17410: 17409: 17407: 17406: 17399: 17394: 17389: 17383: 17381: 17375: 17374: 17372: 17371: 17366: 17361: 17360: 17359: 17349: 17344: 17339: 17334: 17329: 17324: 17318: 17316: 17310: 17309: 17307: 17306: 17303:Indian reserve 17300: 17293: 17291: 17287: 17286: 17284: 17283: 17278: 17273: 17267: 17265: 17259: 17258: 17256: 17255: 17253:Urban district 17250: 17249: 17248: 17238: 17237: 17236: 17226: 17225: 17224: 17219: 17211: 17206: 17204:Rural district 17201: 17196: 17191: 17186: 17181: 17180: 17179: 17169: 17164: 17159: 17154: 17149: 17144: 17139: 17134: 17128: 17126: 17120: 17119: 17117: 17116: 17110: 17108: 17102: 17101: 17099: 17098: 17092: 17090: 17084: 17083: 17081: 17080: 17075: 17070: 17069: 17068: 17058: 17053: 17048: 17043: 17038: 17032: 17030: 17024: 17023: 17021: 17020: 17015: 17009: 17007: 17001: 17000: 16998: 16997: 16990: 16983: 16976: 16971: 16966: 16961: 16955: 16953: 16947: 16946: 16944: 16943: 16936: 16930: 16928: 16922: 16921: 16916: 16914: 16908: 16907: 16905: 16904: 16899: 16897:County borough 16893: 16891: 16885: 16884: 16882: 16881: 16876: 16871: 16866: 16861: 16855: 16853: 16845: 16844: 16830: 16829: 16817: 16816: 16808: 16807: 16800: 16793: 16785: 16776: 16775: 16773: 16772: 16760: 16755: 16750: 16738: 16723: 16720: 16719: 16717: 16716: 16711: 16706: 16701: 16696: 16691: 16686: 16681: 16676: 16671: 16666: 16661: 16656: 16650: 16648: 16642: 16641: 16638: 16637: 16635: 16634: 16629: 16624: 16619: 16613: 16611: 16607: 16606: 16604: 16603: 16598: 16593: 16587: 16585: 16581: 16580: 16578: 16577: 16575:United Kingdom 16572: 16567: 16562: 16557: 16555:Czech Republic 16552: 16547: 16541: 16539: 16532: 16528: 16527: 16525: 16524: 16519: 16518: 16517: 16512: 16501: 16499: 16495: 16494: 16491: 16490: 16488: 16487: 16485:Randal O'Toole 16482: 16477: 16472: 16467: 16461: 16459: 16455: 16454: 16452: 16451: 16448: 16447: 16442: 16437: 16432: 16427: 16425:Patrick Geddes 16422: 16417: 16412: 16407: 16405:Kevin A. Lynch 16402: 16397: 16392: 16387: 16385:Guy Benveniste 16382: 16377: 16372: 16367: 16365:Daniel Burnham 16362: 16360:Colin Buchanan 16357: 16355:Clarence Stein 16352: 16350:Clarence Perry 16347: 16341: 16339: 16328: 16324: 16323: 16320: 16319: 16317: 16316: 16311: 16302: 16297: 16295:Urban vitality 16292: 16283: 16278: 16273: 16268: 16263: 16258: 16253: 16248: 16243: 16238: 16233: 16228: 16223: 16218: 16213: 16208: 16202:Healthy cities 16199: 16194: 16192:Brusselization 16188:Gentrification 16185: 16180: 16177:Eminent domain 16174: 16169: 16164: 16159: 16154: 16149: 16143: 16141: 16137: 16136: 16134: 16133: 16128: 16123: 16118: 16113: 16107: 16102: 16101: 16100: 16090: 16089: 16088: 16078: 16073: 16068: 16063: 16053: 16051: 16049:Cities by type 16045: 16044: 16042: 16041: 16036: 16031: 16026: 16021: 16016: 16011: 16009:Context theory 16006: 16000: 15998: 15992: 15991: 15989: 15988: 15983: 15978: 15973: 15968: 15963: 15958: 15953: 15948: 15943: 15938: 15933: 15928: 15926:Athens Charter 15922: 15920: 15913: 15907: 15906: 15903: 15902: 15900: 15899: 15893: 15891: 15885: 15884: 15882: 15881: 15876: 15871: 15866: 15861: 15856: 15850: 15848: 15842: 15841: 15839: 15838: 15833: 15828: 15823: 15817: 15815: 15809: 15808: 15806: 15805: 15799: 15797: 15791: 15790: 15788: 15787: 15781: 15776: 15771: 15765: 15763: 15759: 15758: 15756: 15755: 15750: 15745: 15740: 15735: 15729: 15724: 15718: 15712: 15710: 15703: 15697: 15696: 15694: 15693: 15688: 15683: 15678: 15673: 15668: 15663: 15658: 15653: 15648: 15642: 15640: 15636: 15635: 15633: 15632: 15627: 15622: 15617: 15611: 15608: 15607: 15604:Urban planning 15600: 15599: 15592: 15585: 15577: 15568: 15567: 15553: 15550: 15549: 15547: 15546: 15541: 15536: 15531: 15526: 15521: 15519:Urban forestry 15516: 15511: 15506: 15501: 15496: 15491: 15486: 15481: 15479:Green urbanism 15476: 15471: 15466: 15461: 15459:Climate change 15455: 15453: 15449: 15448: 15446: 15445: 15440: 15435: 15430: 15425: 15420: 15415: 15410: 15405: 15400: 15394: 15392: 15386: 15385: 15383: 15382: 15377: 15372: 15367: 15366: 15365: 15354: 15352: 15346: 15345: 15343: 15342: 15337: 15332: 15327: 15322: 15317: 15312: 15307: 15302: 15297: 15292: 15287: 15282: 15277: 15272: 15267: 15262: 15261: 15260: 15250: 15248:Urban planners 15245: 15240: 15235: 15229: 15227: 15225:Urban planning 15221: 15220: 15218: 15217: 15212: 15207: 15205:Municipal bond 15202: 15197: 15196: 15195: 15190: 15185: 15180: 15175: 15170: 15160: 15155: 15150: 15145: 15140: 15135: 15129: 15127: 15121: 15120: 15118: 15117: 15112: 15107: 15102: 15097: 15096: 15095: 15085: 15079: 15077: 15071: 15070: 15068: 15067: 15062: 15057: 15052: 15047: 15046: 15045: 15035: 15030: 15025: 15020: 15015: 15010: 15005: 15000: 14995: 14990: 14989: 14988: 14978: 14973: 14968: 14966:Satellite city 14963: 14958: 14953: 14948: 14943: 14942: 14941: 14931: 14925: 14923: 14917: 14916: 14909: 14908: 14901: 14894: 14886: 14880: 14879: 14865: 14859: 14851: 14850:External links 14848: 14846: 14845: 14833: 14819: 14812: 14806: 14793: 14787: 14774: 14767: 14758: 14752: 14739: 14733: 14720: 14714: 14701: 14695: 14682: 14676: 14656: 14646: 14635: 14629: 14613: 14611: 14608: 14606: 14605: 14590: 14573: 14564: 14557:Rybczynski, W. 14554: 14549:978-0810831698 14548: 14533: 14527: 14514: 14499: 14493: 14476: 14470: 14458:City Economics 14453: 14444:Mumford, Lewis 14441: 14424: 14417: 14402: 14387: 14372: 14365: 14350: 14344: 14331: 14316: 14301: 14287: 14282:978-1315765747 14281: 14263: 14249: 14240: 14222: 14213: 14206: 14191: 14163:Ellul, Jacques 14160: 14146: 14132: 14118: 14099: 14085: 14079: 14060: 14045: 14030: 14028: 14025: 14022: 14021: 13990: 13965: 13956: 13952:The Metropolis 13942: 13940:, p. 115. 13930: 13910: 13900: 13891: 13882: 13848:(1): 133–152. 13825: 13805: 13781: 13765: 13736: 13709:(4): 435–448. 13686: 13648: 13605: 13578:(1–2): 65–71. 13553: 13540: 13518: 13487: 13460: 13448: 13417:(3): 251–267. 13394: 13382: 13343:Carola Hein, " 13336: 13279: 13269: 13249: 13229: 13217: 13170: 13159: 13141: 13092: 13083: 13073: 13064: 13042:978-1315765747 13041: 13018: 13009: 12999: 12986: 12954: 12940:978-1118568453 12939: 12909: 12886:(1): 1532777. 12866: 12857: 12848: 12838: 12828: 12815: 12805: 12746: 12719: 12706:(4): 323–335. 12686: 12657:(4): 390–394. 12637: 12592: 12547: 12525: 12468: 12459: 12437: 12411: 12385: 12376: 12329: 12320: 12301: 12292: 12265:(6): 173–187. 12245: 12236: 12226: 12175: 12125: 12076: 12066: 12054: 12045: 12024: 12012: 11962: 11953: 11944: 11935: 11926: 11910: 11901: 11889: 11871:(5): 786–800. 11851: 11838: 11825: 11810: 11800: 11788: 11774: 11760: 11745: 11713: 11687: 11646: 11616: 11577:Jacob, Daniela 11567: 11541: 11480: 11450: 11405: 11372: 11330: 11300: 11298:, Spring 2016. 11283:Dallas Boyd, " 11276: 11239: 11182: 11158: 11148: 11138: 11112: 11099: 11077: 11051: 11041: 11029: 11011: 10984: 10937: 10903: 10891: 10879: 10867: 10858: 10833:10.1068/d21911 10794: 10785: 10778: 10760: 10758:distribution." 10750: 10740: 10707:10.1086/449678 10681: 10671: 10644:(4): 506–527. 10624: 10612: 10606:978-1567115963 10605: 10583: 10520: 10485: 10444:(3): 443–468. 10424: 10366: 10334: 10325: 10313: 10304: 10249: 10217: 10205: 10199:Jorge Hardoy, 10192: 10182: 10169: 10160: 10136: 10127: 10114: 10105: 10093: 10083: 10060:(3): 413–440. 10040: 9998:(3): 519–540. 9973: 9942:(3): 251–274. 9919: 9880:(5): 820–841. 9860: 9851: 9842: 9788: 9775:10.2307/976688 9749: 9725: 9709: 9699: 9690: 9681: 9671: 9659: 9632: 9609:(4): 328–341. 9579: 9570: 9512: 9503: 9493: 9483: 9473: 9449: 9425: 9384: 9382:, 28 May 2007. 9367:Mike Hanlon, " 9360: 9328: 9308: 9288: 9279: 9260:(3): 731–755. 9241: 9201: 9188: 9166: 9141: 9108: 9096: 9073: 9052: 9011: 8998: 8985: 8978: 8960: 8943:Ian Johnson, " 8936: 8926: 8913: 8886: 8877: 8867: 8852: 8843: 8822: 8803: 8783: 8756: 8749: 8731: 8722: 8692: 8658: 8639: 8630:The Byzantines 8619: 8609: 8581: 8545: 8538: 8508: 8499: 8479: 8468:(4): 387–446. 8447: 8415: 8405: 8398: 8380: 8361: 8337: 8319: 8293: 8284: 8275: 8268: 8246: 8219: 8202: 8195: 8177: 8147: 8117: 8086: 8077: 8067: 8013: 7971:(3): 415–447. 7952: 7939: 7927: 7910: 7889: 7882: 7852: 7842: 7829: 7816: 7803: 7777: 7764:EducationWorld 7751: 7710: 7669: 7638: 7628: 7605: 7601:Israel Studies 7581: 7538: 7505: 7472: 7463: 7408: 7383:(1): 108–133. 7360: 7348: 7338: 7323: 7310: 7298: 7289: 7278:, October 2021 7266: 7256: 7244: 7225:(2): 181–197. 7209: 7206:. p. A11. 7192: 7165: 7156: 7144: 7132: 7105: 7083: 7052: 7017: 6987: 6974: 6958: 6949: 6906: 6863: 6833: 6812: 6786: 6725: 6683: 6641: 6623:978-1315765747 6622: 6599: 6578:"Urbanization" 6561: 6510: 6449: 6434: 6419: 6403: 6402: 6400: 6397: 6394: 6393: 6312: 6287: 6282:Kingsley Davis 6278:Patrick Geddes 6264: 6263: 6261: 6258: 6257: 6256: 6251: 6246: 6241: 6236: 6231: 6226: 6221: 6216: 6211: 6205: 6204: 6188: 6185: 6181: 6180: 6171: 6164: 6162: 6152: 6145: 6143: 6125: 6118: 6116: 6105: 6098: 6096: 6085: 6078: 6075: 6074: 6073: 6071: 6068: 5939:Tower of Babel 5909: 5906: 5824: 5823: 5816:European Union 5807: 5796: 5781: 5770:Rio de Janeiro 5762: 5758: 5730:conference in 5704: 5701: 5651:climate change 5599: 5596: 5581:City of London 5548: 5545: 5540: 5539: 5534: 5529: 5524: 5522:40 Wall Street 5519: 5514: 5512:70 Pine Street 5509: 5504: 5499: 5494: 5476: 5474:Manhattan West 5471: 5466: 5461: 5459:4 Times Square 5456: 5451: 5446: 5441: 5436: 5431: 5426: 5421: 5416: 5410: 5393: 5392: 5385: 5384: 5383: 5297: 5294: 5252: 5249: 5085:Typical urban 5072:recolonization 4974:Main article: 4971: 4968: 4912: 4909: 4889:Healthy Cities 4799:public transit 4660: 4659:Transportation 4657: 4653:point-to-point 4645:coaxial cables 4605:traffic lights 4497: 4494: 4444:marginal costs 4436:infrastructure 4419: 4418:Infrastructure 4416: 4411:weatherization 4370: 4369: 4367: 4366: 4359: 4352: 4344: 4341: 4340: 4339: 4338: 4326: 4314: 4297: 4296: 4293: 4292: 4287: 4285:Kyoto Protocol 4282: 4280:UN conferences 4277: 4272: 4267: 4262: 4257: 4252: 4247: 4242: 4237: 4232: 4227: 4225:Green politics 4222: 4217: 4212: 4207: 4205:Eco-capitalism 4202: 4196: 4191: 4190: 4187: 4186: 4183: 4182: 4177: 4175:Public opinion 4172: 4167: 4166: 4165: 4160: 4150: 4148:Media coverage 4145: 4140: 4135: 4133:Climate crisis 4129: 4124: 4123: 4120: 4119: 4116: 4115: 4110: 4105: 4100: 4095: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4075: 4070: 4065: 4060: 4055: 4050: 4045: 4040: 4035: 4030: 4025: 4020: 4015: 4010: 4005: 4000: 3995: 3990: 3985: 3980: 3975: 3970: 3964: 3958: 3957: 3954: 3953: 3950: 3949: 3944: 3939: 3934: 3933: 3932: 3927: 3922: 3917: 3912: 3907: 3902: 3897: 3892: 3887: 3877: 3872: 3867: 3862: 3857: 3856: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3840: 3835: 3825: 3820: 3818:Green recovery 3815: 3810: 3805: 3804: 3803: 3796:Green building 3793: 3788: 3783: 3778: 3773: 3768: 3763: 3758: 3753: 3748: 3743: 3738: 3733: 3728: 3723: 3718: 3713: 3708: 3703: 3698: 3693: 3692: 3691: 3686: 3681: 3676: 3671: 3661: 3660: 3659: 3654: 3649: 3644: 3639: 3629: 3624: 3618: 3609: 3608: 3605: 3604: 3601: 3600: 3599: 3598: 3596:Water scarcity 3593: 3586:Water security 3583: 3578: 3577: 3576: 3571: 3564:Sea level rise 3561: 3556: 3555: 3554: 3545: 3540: 3535: 3530: 3525: 3515: 3514: 3513: 3508: 3503: 3498: 3493: 3488: 3478: 3477: 3476: 3471: 3466: 3461: 3451: 3446: 3441: 3436: 3431: 3430: 3429: 3419: 3413: 3404: 3403: 3400: 3399: 3391: 3390: 3364:, which cause 3362:sea level rise 3317:climate change 3303:climate change 3292: 3284: 3279:Main article: 3276: 3275:Climate change 3273: 3198:, effectively 3150:fortifications 3126:atomic bombing 3117: 3114: 3032:sense of place 3020:city marketing 3016:place branding 2899: 2896: 2885:administration 2831:fantasy worlds 2752: 2749: 2664: 2661: 2659: 2656: 2639:eminent domain 2620:public capital 2608:Urban planning 2584:Urban planning 2579: 2578:Urban planning 2576: 2551:. The biggest 2512:social control 2489:Ripon Building 2480: 2477: 2473:credit ratings 2465:repayment date 2457:municipal bond 2437:private sector 2416: 2413: 2393:school systems 2364: 2361: 2212: 2209: 2051:Main article: 2048: 2045: 2037:master-planned 1970:gentrification 1921: 1918: 1858: 1857:Industrial age 1855: 1838: 1835: 1732:including the 1667:Ottoman Empire 1659:Constantinople 1639:Constantinople 1559: 1556: 1485:From 1600 BC, 1478:sites such as 1436:Mississippians 1286:, encompassed 1266:, followed by 1114: 1111: 1083:urban planning 1081:function, and 1034:The cities of 932:Main article: 929: 926: 850:(upper left), 831: 828: 816:compass points 737: 734: 666: 663: 616:Main article: 613: 610: 586:rail transport 554: 551: 543: 540: 474:come from the 461: 458: 454:United Nations 401:administrators 378:United Kingdom 370:infrastructure 319: 316: 304:compact cities 276:climate change 201:transportation 155:Rio de Janeiro 110: 109: 100: 99: 91: 90: 89: 80: 79: 71: 70: 62: 61: 60: 51: 50: 42: 41: 40: 31: 30: 29: 28: 27: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 18632: 18621: 18618: 18616: 18613: 18611: 18608: 18606: 18603: 18601: 18598: 18597: 18595: 18580: 18577: 18575: 18572: 18570: 18567: 18565: 18562: 18560: 18557: 18554: 18553: 18551: 18545: 18531: 18528: 18526: 18523: 18521: 18518: 18516: 18513: 18511: 18508: 18506: 18503: 18501: 18498: 18496: 18493: 18491: 18488: 18484: 18481: 18479: 18476: 18475: 18473: 18471: 18468: 18466: 18463: 18459: 18456: 18455: 18453: 18451: 18448: 18446: 18443: 18441: 18438: 18436: 18433: 18431: 18428: 18426: 18423: 18421: 18418: 18417: 18415: 18411: 18405: 18402: 18400: 18397: 18395: 18392: 18388: 18385: 18384: 18383: 18380: 18378: 18375: 18373: 18370: 18368: 18365: 18363: 18360: 18358: 18355: 18353: 18350: 18348: 18345: 18343: 18340: 18338: 18335: 18333: 18330: 18328: 18325: 18321: 18318: 18317: 18316: 18313: 18311: 18308: 18306: 18303: 18301: 18298: 18296: 18293: 18291: 18288: 18286: 18283: 18279: 18276: 18275: 18273: 18271: 18268: 18264: 18261: 18259: 18256: 18255: 18254:Kommun/Kunta 18253: 18251: 18248: 18246: 18243: 18241: 18238: 18236: 18233: 18231: 18228: 18224: 18221: 18219: 18216: 18214: 18211: 18209: 18206: 18205: 18203: 18201: 18198: 18196: 18193: 18191: 18188: 18186: 18183: 18181: 18178: 18176: 18173: 18171: 18168: 18166: 18163: 18161: 18158: 18156: 18153: 18151: 18148: 18146: 18143: 18142: 18140: 18136: 18132: 18125: 18121: 18099: 18096: 18094: 18091: 18089: 18086: 18084: 18081: 18079: 18078:Roman diocese 18076: 18074: 18071: 18069: 18066: 18064: 18061: 18059: 18056: 18054: 18051: 18049: 18046: 18044: 18041: 18039: 18036: 18034: 18031: 18029: 18026: 18024: 18021: 18020: 18018: 18014: 18008: 18005: 18001: 17998: 17997: 17996: 17993: 17991: 17988: 17986: 17983: 17981: 17978: 17976: 17973: 17969: 17966: 17965: 17964: 17961: 17959: 17956: 17954: 17951: 17949: 17946: 17944: 17941: 17939: 17936: 17934: 17931: 17929: 17926: 17924: 17921: 17919: 17918:Neighbourhood 17916: 17914: 17911: 17907: 17904: 17903: 17902: 17899: 17897: 17894: 17892: 17889: 17887: 17884: 17882: 17879: 17877: 17874: 17872: 17869: 17865: 17862: 17861: 17860: 17857: 17855: 17852: 17850: 17847: 17845: 17842: 17840: 17837: 17835: 17832: 17830: 17827: 17825: 17822: 17820: 17817: 17813: 17810: 17809: 17808: 17805: 17803: 17800: 17798: 17797:Alpine resort 17795: 17794: 17792: 17788: 17784: 17777: 17773: 17757: 17754: 17753: 17751: 17749: 17746: 17744: 17741: 17739: 17736: 17732: 17729: 17728: 17727: 17724: 17720: 17717: 17715: 17712: 17710: 17707: 17706: 17704: 17703: 17701: 17697: 17689: 17686: 17685: 17683: 17681: 17680:Regional unit 17678: 17677: 17675: 17671: 17665: 17662: 17660: 17657: 17655: 17652: 17650: 17647: 17645: 17642: 17641: 17639: 17637: 17633: 17627: 17624: 17622: 17619: 17618: 17616: 17614: 17610: 17604: 17601: 17599: 17596: 17592: 17589: 17588: 17587: 17584: 17582: 17579: 17577: 17574: 17570: 17567: 17565: 17562: 17561: 17560: 17557: 17556: 17554: 17552: 17548: 17542: 17541: 17537: 17535: 17532: 17530: 17529:Federal state 17527: 17525: 17522: 17520: 17517: 17516: 17514: 17512: 17508: 17502: 17499: 17497: 17494: 17492: 17489: 17487: 17484: 17482: 17479: 17475: 17472: 17471: 17470: 17467: 17465: 17462: 17458: 17455: 17454: 17452: 17451: 17449: 17447: 17443: 17437: 17436: 17432: 17430: 17429: 17425: 17423: 17420: 17419: 17417: 17415: 17411: 17405: 17404: 17400: 17398: 17395: 17393: 17392:Subprefecture 17390: 17388: 17385: 17384: 17382: 17380: 17376: 17370: 17367: 17365: 17362: 17358: 17355: 17354: 17353: 17350: 17348: 17345: 17343: 17340: 17338: 17335: 17333: 17330: 17328: 17325: 17323: 17320: 17319: 17317: 17315: 17311: 17304: 17301: 17298: 17295: 17294: 17292: 17288: 17282: 17279: 17277: 17274: 17272: 17269: 17268: 17266: 17264: 17260: 17254: 17251: 17247: 17244: 17243: 17242: 17239: 17235: 17232: 17231: 17230: 17227: 17223: 17220: 17218: 17215: 17214: 17212: 17210: 17207: 17205: 17202: 17200: 17197: 17195: 17192: 17190: 17187: 17185: 17182: 17178: 17175: 17174: 17173: 17170: 17168: 17165: 17163: 17162:Land district 17160: 17158: 17155: 17153: 17150: 17148: 17145: 17143: 17140: 17138: 17137:City district 17135: 17133: 17130: 17129: 17127: 17125: 17121: 17115: 17112: 17111: 17109: 17107: 17103: 17097: 17094: 17093: 17091: 17089: 17085: 17079: 17076: 17074: 17071: 17067: 17064: 17063: 17062: 17059: 17057: 17054: 17052: 17049: 17047: 17044: 17042: 17039: 17037: 17034: 17033: 17031: 17029: 17025: 17019: 17016: 17014: 17011: 17010: 17008: 17006: 17002: 16996: 16995: 16991: 16989: 16988: 16984: 16982: 16981: 16980:Imperial city 16977: 16975: 16972: 16970: 16967: 16965: 16962: 16960: 16957: 16956: 16954: 16952: 16948: 16942: 16941: 16937: 16935: 16932: 16931: 16929: 16927: 16923: 16919: 16915: 16913: 16909: 16903: 16900: 16898: 16895: 16894: 16892: 16890: 16886: 16880: 16877: 16875: 16872: 16870: 16867: 16865: 16862: 16860: 16857: 16856: 16854: 16850: 16846: 16839: 16835: 16831: 16827: 16826:English terms 16822: 16818: 16814: 16806: 16801: 16799: 16794: 16792: 16787: 16786: 16783: 16771: 16770: 16761: 16759: 16756: 16754: 16751: 16749: 16748: 16739: 16737: 16736: 16725: 16724: 16721: 16715: 16712: 16710: 16707: 16705: 16704:Public policy 16702: 16700: 16699:Public health 16697: 16695: 16692: 16690: 16687: 16685: 16682: 16680: 16677: 16675: 16672: 16670: 16669:Urban ecology 16667: 16665: 16662: 16660: 16657: 16655: 16652: 16651: 16649: 16643: 16633: 16632:Ancient Egypt 16630: 16628: 16625: 16623: 16620: 16618: 16615: 16614: 16612: 16608: 16602: 16599: 16597: 16594: 16592: 16589: 16588: 16586: 16582: 16576: 16573: 16571: 16568: 16566: 16563: 16561: 16558: 16556: 16553: 16551: 16548: 16546: 16543: 16542: 16540: 16536: 16533: 16529: 16523: 16520: 16516: 16513: 16511: 16508: 16507: 16506: 16503: 16502: 16500: 16496: 16486: 16483: 16481: 16480:Lewis Mumford 16478: 16476: 16473: 16471: 16468: 16466: 16463: 16462: 16460: 16456: 16450: 16449: 16446: 16443: 16441: 16438: 16436: 16433: 16431: 16430:Raymond Unwin 16428: 16426: 16423: 16421: 16418: 16416: 16413: 16411: 16408: 16406: 16403: 16401: 16398: 16396: 16393: 16391: 16388: 16386: 16383: 16381: 16378: 16376: 16373: 16371: 16368: 16366: 16363: 16361: 16358: 16356: 16353: 16351: 16348: 16346: 16343: 16342: 16340: 16338: 16337:practitioners 16332: 16329: 16325: 16315: 16312: 16310: 16306: 16303: 16301: 16298: 16296: 16293: 16291: 16287: 16284: 16282: 16279: 16277: 16274: 16272: 16269: 16267: 16266:Tract housing 16264: 16262: 16259: 16257: 16256:Temporary use 16254: 16252: 16249: 16247: 16244: 16242: 16241:Planning gain 16239: 16237: 16234: 16232: 16229: 16227: 16224: 16222: 16219: 16217: 16214: 16212: 16209: 16207: 16203: 16200: 16198: 16195: 16193: 16189: 16186: 16184: 16181: 16178: 16175: 16173: 16172:Creative city 16170: 16168: 16165: 16163: 16160: 16158: 16155: 16153: 16150: 16148: 16145: 16144: 16142: 16138: 16132: 16129: 16127: 16126:Urban village 16124: 16122: 16119: 16117: 16114: 16111: 16108: 16106: 16105:Model village 16103: 16099: 16096: 16095: 16094: 16091: 16087: 16084: 16083: 16082: 16079: 16077: 16074: 16072: 16069: 16067: 16066:Commuter town 16064: 16062: 16058: 16055: 16054: 16052: 16050: 16046: 16040: 16039:Urban renewal 16037: 16035: 16032: 16030: 16027: 16025: 16022: 16020: 16017: 16015: 16012: 16010: 16007: 16005: 16002: 16001: 15999: 15997: 15993: 15987: 15984: 15982: 15979: 15977: 15976:Structuralism 15974: 15972: 15969: 15967: 15964: 15962: 15959: 15957: 15954: 15952: 15949: 15947: 15944: 15942: 15939: 15937: 15934: 15932: 15929: 15927: 15924: 15923: 15921: 15917: 15914: 15908: 15898: 15895: 15894: 15892: 15890: 15886: 15880: 15877: 15875: 15872: 15870: 15867: 15865: 15862: 15860: 15857: 15855: 15852: 15851: 15849: 15847: 15843: 15837: 15834: 15832: 15829: 15827: 15824: 15822: 15819: 15818: 15816: 15814: 15810: 15804: 15801: 15800: 15798: 15796: 15792: 15785: 15782: 15780: 15779:Rural housing 15777: 15775: 15772: 15770: 15767: 15766: 15764: 15760: 15754: 15751: 15749: 15746: 15744: 15741: 15739: 15738:Redevelopment 15736: 15733: 15730: 15728: 15725: 15722: 15719: 15717: 15714: 15713: 15711: 15707: 15704: 15698: 15692: 15689: 15687: 15684: 15682: 15679: 15677: 15674: 15672: 15669: 15667: 15664: 15662: 15659: 15657: 15654: 15652: 15649: 15647: 15644: 15643: 15641: 15637: 15631: 15628: 15626: 15623: 15621: 15618: 15616: 15613: 15612: 15609: 15605: 15598: 15593: 15591: 15586: 15584: 15579: 15578: 15575: 15565: 15564: 15551: 15545: 15542: 15540: 15537: 15535: 15534:Urban prairie 15532: 15530: 15527: 15525: 15522: 15520: 15517: 15515: 15512: 15510: 15507: 15505: 15504:Urban ecology 15502: 15500: 15497: 15495: 15492: 15490: 15487: 15485: 15482: 15480: 15477: 15475: 15472: 15470: 15467: 15465: 15462: 15460: 15457: 15456: 15454: 15450: 15444: 15441: 15439: 15436: 15434: 15431: 15429: 15428:Anti-urbanism 15426: 15424: 15421: 15419: 15418:Urban culture 15416: 15414: 15411: 15409: 15408:Urban studies 15406: 15404: 15403:Urban warfare 15401: 15399: 15396: 15395: 15393: 15391: 15387: 15381: 15378: 15376: 15373: 15371: 15368: 15364: 15361: 15360: 15359: 15356: 15355: 15353: 15351: 15347: 15341: 15338: 15336: 15333: 15331: 15328: 15326: 15323: 15321: 15318: 15316: 15313: 15311: 15308: 15306: 15303: 15301: 15298: 15296: 15293: 15291: 15288: 15286: 15283: 15281: 15278: 15276: 15273: 15271: 15268: 15266: 15263: 15259: 15256: 15255: 15254: 15251: 15249: 15246: 15244: 15241: 15239: 15236: 15234: 15231: 15230: 15228: 15226: 15222: 15216: 15213: 15211: 15208: 15206: 15203: 15201: 15200:Urban renewal 15198: 15194: 15191: 15189: 15186: 15184: 15181: 15179: 15176: 15174: 15171: 15169: 15166: 15165: 15164: 15161: 15159: 15156: 15154: 15151: 15149: 15146: 15144: 15141: 15139: 15136: 15134: 15131: 15130: 15128: 15126: 15122: 15116: 15113: 15111: 15108: 15106: 15103: 15101: 15098: 15094: 15091: 15090: 15089: 15086: 15084: 15081: 15080: 15078: 15076: 15072: 15066: 15063: 15061: 15058: 15056: 15053: 15051: 15048: 15044: 15041: 15040: 15039: 15036: 15034: 15031: 15029: 15026: 15024: 15021: 15019: 15016: 15014: 15011: 15009: 15006: 15004: 15001: 14999: 14996: 14994: 14991: 14987: 14984: 14983: 14982: 14979: 14977: 14976:Commuter town 14974: 14972: 14969: 14967: 14964: 14962: 14959: 14957: 14954: 14952: 14949: 14947: 14944: 14940: 14937: 14936: 14935: 14932: 14930: 14927: 14926: 14924: 14922: 14918: 14914: 14907: 14902: 14900: 14895: 14893: 14888: 14887: 14884: 14877: 14873: 14869: 14866: 14863: 14860: 14857: 14854: 14853: 14843: 14842: 14837: 14834: 14831: 14827: 14823: 14820: 14817: 14813: 14809: 14803: 14799: 14794: 14790: 14784: 14780: 14775: 14772: 14768: 14764: 14759: 14755: 14749: 14745: 14740: 14736: 14730: 14726: 14721: 14717: 14711: 14708:. McFarland. 14707: 14702: 14698: 14692: 14689:. McFarland. 14688: 14683: 14679: 14673: 14669: 14668:Penguin Press 14665: 14661: 14657: 14654: 14650: 14647: 14644: 14640: 14637:Chandler, T. 14636: 14632: 14626: 14622: 14621: 14615: 14614: 14603: 14599: 14595: 14591: 14589: 14588:0-521-46211-8 14585: 14581: 14577: 14574: 14571: 14570: 14565: 14562: 14558: 14555: 14551: 14545: 14541: 14540: 14534: 14530: 14528:9781861892195 14524: 14520: 14515: 14512: 14511:0-8039-7695-X 14508: 14504: 14500: 14496: 14490: 14486: 14482: 14477: 14473: 14467: 14463: 14459: 14454: 14451: 14450: 14445: 14442: 14440: 14436: 14432: 14428: 14425: 14422: 14418: 14415: 14411: 14407: 14403: 14400: 14396: 14392: 14388: 14385: 14381: 14377: 14373: 14370: 14366: 14363: 14362:0-679-75411-3 14359: 14355: 14351: 14347: 14341: 14337: 14332: 14329: 14325: 14321: 14317: 14314: 14310: 14306: 14302: 14300: 14299:0-471-35998-X 14296: 14292: 14288: 14284: 14278: 14274: 14273: 14268: 14264: 14262: 14258: 14254: 14250: 14246: 14241: 14239: 14235: 14231: 14227: 14223: 14220: 14219: 14214: 14211: 14207: 14204: 14200: 14196: 14192: 14190: 14186: 14182: 14178: 14174: 14170: 14169: 14164: 14161: 14159: 14155: 14151: 14147: 14145: 14141: 14137: 14133: 14131: 14130:0-7131-6589-8 14127: 14123: 14119: 14116: 14112: 14108: 14104: 14100: 14098: 14097:0-631-21052-0 14094: 14090: 14086: 14082: 14076: 14072: 14068: 14067: 14061: 14058: 14057:0-203-40963-9 14054: 14050: 14046: 14044: 14043:0-19-514204-7 14040: 14036: 14035:Global Cities 14032: 14031: 14018: 14014: 14010: 14007: 14003: 13999: 13998:Penang Island 13994: 13987: 13986: 13982: 13979: 13974: 13969: 13960: 13953: 13946: 13939: 13934: 13927: 13923: 13919: 13914: 13904: 13895: 13889:Ellul (1970). 13886: 13875: 13871: 13867: 13863: 13859: 13855: 13851: 13847: 13843: 13836: 13829: 13822: 13818: 13815: 13809: 13802: 13798: 13794: 13791: 13785: 13778: 13774: 13769: 13762: 13758: 13754: 13753: 13749: 13746: 13740: 13732: 13728: 13724: 13720: 13716: 13712: 13708: 13704: 13700: 13693: 13691: 13683: 13682:development'. 13678: 13674: 13670: 13666: 13662: 13655: 13653: 13644: 13640: 13636: 13632: 13628: 13624: 13620: 13616: 13609: 13601: 13597: 13593: 13589: 13585: 13581: 13577: 13573: 13569: 13562: 13560: 13558: 13550: 13544: 13528: 13522: 13506: 13502: 13497: 13491: 13484: 13480: 13476: 13473: 13467: 13465: 13455: 13453: 13444: 13440: 13436: 13432: 13428: 13424: 13420: 13416: 13412: 13408: 13401: 13399: 13391: 13386: 13379: 13375: 13372: 13368: 13364: 13361: 13357: 13353: 13349: 13346: 13340: 13329: 13325: 13321: 13317: 13313: 13309: 13305: 13301: 13297: 13290: 13283: 13273: 13266: 13262: 13259: 13253: 13246: 13242: 13239: 13233: 13226: 13221: 13213: 13209: 13205: 13201: 13197: 13193: 13189: 13185: 13181: 13174: 13167: 13162: 13156: 13152: 13145: 13138: 13133: 13129: 13125: 13120: 13115: 13111: 13107: 13103: 13096: 13087: 13077: 13068: 13061: 13048: 13044: 13038: 13034: 13033: 13028: 13022: 13013: 13003: 12996: 12990: 12984: 12983:0-691-07063-6 12980: 12976: 12973: 12969: 12966: 12965: 12958: 12950: 12946: 12942: 12936: 12932: 12928: 12924: 12920: 12919:"Global City" 12913: 12904: 12899: 12894: 12889: 12885: 12881: 12877: 12870: 12861: 12852: 12842: 12832: 12822: 12820: 12809: 12801: 12797: 12792: 12787: 12783: 12779: 12775: 12771: 12767: 12763: 12762: 12757: 12750: 12734: 12730: 12723: 12714: 12709: 12705: 12701: 12697: 12690: 12682: 12678: 12673: 12668: 12664: 12660: 12656: 12652: 12648: 12641: 12633: 12629: 12625: 12621: 12617: 12613: 12609: 12605: 12604: 12596: 12588: 12584: 12580: 12576: 12572: 12568: 12564: 12560: 12559: 12551: 12544: 12540: 12536: 12529: 12518: 12514: 12510: 12506: 12502: 12498: 12494: 12490: 12486: 12479: 12472: 12463: 12447: 12441: 12425: 12421: 12415: 12399: 12395: 12389: 12380: 12372: 12368: 12364: 12360: 12356: 12352: 12348: 12344: 12340: 12333: 12324: 12314: 12312: 12310: 12308: 12306: 12296: 12288: 12284: 12280: 12276: 12272: 12268: 12264: 12260: 12256: 12249: 12240: 12230: 12214: 12210: 12206: 12202: 12198: 12194: 12190: 12186: 12179: 12171: 12167: 12162: 12157: 12153: 12149: 12145: 12141: 12137: 12129: 12121: 12117: 12113: 12109: 12104: 12099: 12095: 12091: 12087: 12080: 12070: 12063: 12058: 12049: 12042: 12041:0-465-09836-3 12038: 12034: 12028: 12019: 12017: 12008: 12004: 12000: 11996: 11992: 11988: 11984: 11980: 11976: 11969: 11967: 11957: 11948: 11942:Grava (2003), 11939: 11930: 11921: 11919: 11917: 11915: 11905: 11898: 11893: 11882: 11878: 11874: 11870: 11866: 11862: 11855: 11848: 11842: 11835: 11829: 11819: 11814: 11804: 11798:, p. 70. 11797: 11792: 11783: 11781: 11779: 11769: 11767: 11765: 11757: 11752: 11750: 11733: 11730:. June 2019. 11729: 11725: 11724: 11717: 11702: 11698: 11691: 11683: 11679: 11674: 11669: 11665: 11661: 11657: 11650: 11634: 11630: 11626: 11620: 11604: 11599: 11594: 11590: 11586: 11582: 11581:Rogelj, Joeri 11578: 11571: 11556: 11552: 11545: 11537: 11533: 11529: 11525: 11520: 11515: 11511: 11507: 11503: 11499: 11495: 11491: 11484: 11468: 11464: 11460: 11454: 11446: 11442: 11438: 11434: 11430: 11426: 11422: 11418: 11417: 11409: 11393: 11389: 11385: 11379: 11377: 11360: 11356: 11352: 11348: 11344: 11337: 11335: 11318: 11314: 11310: 11304: 11297: 11293: 11289: 11286: 11280: 11273: 11265: 11261: 11257: 11250: 11243: 11232: 11228: 11224: 11220: 11216: 11212: 11208: 11204: 11200: 11193: 11186: 11179: 11175: 11171: 11168: 11162: 11152: 11142: 11135: 11131: 11130: 11126: 11123: 11116: 11109: 11103: 11096: 11095: 11091: 11088: 11081: 11074: 11073: 11069: 11066: 11061: 11055: 11045: 11038: 11033: 11025: 11021: 11015: 11005: 11001: 10997: 10991: 10989: 10980: 10976: 10972: 10968: 10964: 10960: 10956: 10952: 10948: 10941: 10934: 10930: 10927: 10924: 10920: 10916: 10913: 10907: 10900: 10895: 10888: 10883: 10874: 10872: 10862: 10846: 10842: 10838: 10834: 10830: 10826: 10822: 10818: 10814: 10810: 10803: 10801: 10799: 10789: 10781: 10775: 10771: 10764: 10754: 10744: 10736: 10732: 10728: 10724: 10720: 10716: 10712: 10708: 10704: 10700: 10696: 10692: 10685: 10675: 10667: 10663: 10659: 10655: 10651: 10647: 10643: 10639: 10635: 10628: 10621: 10616: 10608: 10602: 10599:. p. 2. 10598: 10594: 10587: 10579: 10575: 10570: 10565: 10560: 10555: 10551: 10547: 10543: 10539: 10535: 10531: 10524: 10517: 10513: 10509: 10505: 10501: 10498: 10494: 10493:Saskia Sassen 10489: 10473: 10468: 10463: 10459: 10455: 10451: 10447: 10443: 10439: 10435: 10428: 10421: 10416: 10412: 10408: 10404: 10400: 10396: 10392: 10388: 10384: 10377: 10375: 10373: 10371: 10355:on 1 May 2014 10351: 10344: 10338: 10329: 10322: 10317: 10308: 10301: 10299: 10287: 10283: 10279: 10275: 10271: 10267: 10263: 10256: 10254: 10246: 10241: 10237: 10236: 10231: 10227: 10221: 10214: 10209: 10202: 10196: 10186: 10176: 10174: 10164: 10157: 10153: 10149: 10146: 10140: 10131: 10121: 10119: 10109: 10102: 10097: 10087: 10080: 10075: 10071: 10067: 10063: 10059: 10055: 10051: 10044: 10025: 10021: 10017: 10013: 10009: 10005: 10001: 9997: 9993: 9992: 9984: 9977: 9970: 9965: 9961: 9957: 9953: 9949: 9945: 9941: 9937: 9933: 9926: 9924: 9915: 9911: 9907: 9903: 9898: 9893: 9888: 9883: 9879: 9875: 9871: 9864: 9855: 9846: 9830: 9826: 9822: 9818: 9814: 9810: 9803: 9801: 9799: 9797: 9795: 9793: 9784: 9780: 9776: 9772: 9768: 9764: 9760: 9753: 9746: 9745:Baltimore Sun 9742: 9738: 9735: 9729: 9722: 9716: 9714: 9703: 9694: 9685: 9675: 9668: 9663: 9655: 9651: 9647: 9643: 9636: 9629: 9624: 9620: 9616: 9612: 9608: 9604: 9600: 9599:Bakker, Karen 9594: 9592: 9590: 9588: 9586: 9584: 9574: 9566: 9559: 9555: 9551: 9547: 9543: 9539: 9535: 9531: 9527: 9523: 9516: 9507: 9497: 9487: 9477: 9470: 9466: 9462: 9459: 9453: 9446: 9442: 9438: 9435: 9429: 9422: 9421: 9417: 9414: 9409: 9405: 9401: 9397: 9394: 9388: 9381: 9377: 9373: 9370: 9364: 9345: 9338: 9332: 9325: 9321: 9318: 9312: 9305: 9301: 9298: 9292: 9283: 9275: 9271: 9267: 9263: 9259: 9255: 9248: 9246: 9238: 9237: 9233: 9230: 9225: 9221: 9217: 9214: 9208: 9206: 9195: 9193: 9173: 9169: 9163: 9159: 9152: 9145: 9138: 9137: 9133: 9130: 9125: 9121: 9118: 9112: 9103: 9101: 9093: 9089: 9086: 9084: 9077: 9066: 9062: 9056: 9048: 9044: 9039: 9034: 9030: 9026: 9022: 9015: 9008: 9002: 8995: 8989: 8981: 8975: 8971: 8964: 8957: 8953: 8949: 8946: 8940: 8930: 8920: 8918: 8906: 8905:0-8020-8528-8 8902: 8898: 8897: 8893:Steven High, 8890: 8881: 8871: 8861: 8856: 8847: 8840: 8839: 8835: 8832: 8826: 8819: 8815: 8812: 8807: 8800: 8796: 8793: 8787: 8780: 8776: 8773: 8769: 8763: 8761: 8752: 8750:9781861892195 8746: 8742: 8735: 8726: 8710: 8706: 8702: 8696: 8680: 8676: 8672: 8668: 8662: 8646: 8642: 8636: 8632: 8631: 8623: 8613: 8607: 8606:1-55876-303-1 8603: 8599: 8598: 8594: 8591: 8585: 8569: 8564: 8560: 8556: 8549: 8541: 8535: 8531: 8527: 8523: 8519: 8512: 8503: 8495: 8488: 8486: 8484: 8475: 8471: 8467: 8463: 8456: 8454: 8452: 8435: 8431: 8430: 8425: 8419: 8409: 8401: 8395: 8391: 8384: 8368: 8364: 8358: 8354: 8350: 8349: 8341: 8334: 8326: 8322: 8316: 8309: 8308: 8303: 8297: 8288: 8279: 8271: 8265: 8261: 8257: 8250: 8235: 8234: 8233:New Scientist 8229: 8223: 8215: 8214: 8206: 8198: 8196:9781134259861 8192: 8188: 8181: 8165: 8161: 8157: 8151: 8135: 8131: 8127: 8121: 8105: 8101: 8097: 8090: 8081: 8071: 8060: 8056: 8052: 8048: 8044: 8040: 8036: 8032: 8028: 8024: 8017: 8010: 8006: 8003: 7999: 7995: 7992: 7986: 7982: 7978: 7974: 7970: 7966: 7962: 7956: 7950:, p. 23) 7949: 7943: 7934: 7932: 7923: 7917: 7915: 7907: 7906: 7901: 7900:Fredy Perlman 7896: 7894: 7885: 7879: 7875: 7871: 7867: 7863: 7856: 7846: 7840:, p. 16) 7839: 7833: 7826: 7820: 7813: 7807: 7792: 7788: 7781: 7765: 7761: 7755: 7747: 7743: 7738: 7733: 7729: 7725: 7721: 7714: 7705: 7700: 7696: 7692: 7688: 7684: 7680: 7673: 7657: 7654:. Routledge. 7653: 7649: 7642: 7632: 7625: 7621: 7618: 7614: 7609: 7602: 7598: 7594: 7591: 7585: 7578: 7574: 7571: 7567: 7563: 7560: 7556: 7552: 7548: 7542: 7531: 7527: 7523: 7516: 7509: 7500: 7495: 7491: 7487: 7483: 7476: 7467: 7459: 7455: 7451: 7447: 7443: 7439: 7435: 7431: 7427: 7423: 7419: 7412: 7404: 7398: 7390: 7386: 7382: 7378: 7371: 7364: 7357: 7352: 7342: 7335: 7330: 7328: 7317: 7315: 7305: 7303: 7293: 7286: 7282: 7279: 7277: 7270: 7260: 7254:, p. 13. 7253: 7248: 7240: 7236: 7232: 7228: 7224: 7220: 7213: 7205: 7204: 7196: 7180: 7176: 7169: 7160: 7154: 7148: 7139: 7137: 7129: 7125: 7122: 7116: 7114: 7112: 7110: 7101: 7097: 7093: 7087: 7080: 7076: 7072: 7069: 7063: 7061: 7059: 7057: 7049: 7045: 7042: 7038: 7034: 7030: 7027: 7021: 7005: 7001: 6997: 6991: 6981: 6979: 6971: 6965: 6963: 6953: 6944: 6943:11250/2995024 6939: 6934: 6929: 6925: 6921: 6917: 6910: 6901: 6896: 6892: 6888: 6884: 6880: 6879: 6878:Urban Studies 6874: 6867: 6851: 6847: 6843: 6837: 6829: 6828: 6823: 6816: 6800: 6796: 6790: 6782: 6778: 6773: 6768: 6763: 6758: 6754: 6750: 6746: 6742: 6741: 6736: 6729: 6721: 6717: 6712: 6707: 6703: 6699: 6698: 6693: 6687: 6679: 6675: 6670: 6665: 6661: 6657: 6656: 6651: 6645: 6629: 6625: 6619: 6615: 6614: 6609: 6603: 6587: 6583: 6579: 6575: 6571: 6565: 6557: 6553: 6548: 6543: 6539: 6535: 6531: 6527: 6526: 6521: 6514: 6506: 6502: 6498: 6494: 6490: 6486: 6482: 6478: 6474: 6470: 6466: 6462: 6461: 6453: 6445: 6438: 6430: 6423: 6415: 6408: 6404: 6390: 6386: 6382: 6378: 6374: 6370: 6366: 6362: 6358: 6354: 6350: 6349:177 embassies 6346: 6342: 6338: 6334: 6330: 6326: 6322: 6321:world capital 6316: 6309: 6305: 6301: 6297: 6291: 6283: 6279: 6275: 6269: 6265: 6255: 6252: 6250: 6247: 6245: 6242: 6240: 6237: 6235: 6232: 6230: 6227: 6225: 6222: 6220: 6217: 6215: 6212: 6210: 6207: 6206: 6202: 6201:Cities portal 6191: 6178: 6177:New York City 6174: 6168: 6163: 6160: 6156: 6149: 6144: 6140: 6136: 6132: 6128: 6127:The city hall 6122: 6117: 6113: 6109: 6102: 6097: 6094:, Afghanistan 6093: 6089: 6082: 6077: 6076: 6067: 6065: 6061: 6057: 6053: 6048: 6046: 6045: 6040: 6039: 6038:The Fast Lady 6034: 6030: 6029:neon lighting 6026: 6022: 6021: 6016: 6012: 6008: 6004: 6003: 6002:descriptiones 5997: 5995: 5991: 5987: 5983: 5982:anti-urbanism 5978: 5976: 5972: 5968: 5964: 5960: 5956: 5952: 5948: 5940: 5936: 5932: 5928: 5924: 5920: 5915: 5914:Urban fiction 5905: 5903: 5899: 5895: 5891: 5887: 5883: 5878: 5876: 5872: 5868: 5864: 5860: 5856: 5852: 5847: 5845: 5841: 5837: 5833: 5829: 5821: 5817: 5812: 5808: 5805: 5801: 5797: 5794: 5790: 5786: 5782: 5779: 5775: 5771: 5767: 5763: 5759: 5756: 5752: 5748: 5744: 5743: 5742: 5740: 5733: 5729: 5724: 5718: 5714: 5709: 5700: 5698: 5694: 5690: 5686: 5684: 5680: 5676: 5672: 5668: 5664: 5660: 5656: 5652: 5648: 5643: 5641: 5637: 5633: 5629: 5625: 5621: 5617: 5613: 5609: 5605: 5595: 5593: 5592:transmigrants 5588: 5586: 5582: 5578: 5574: 5570: 5566: 5562: 5558: 5554: 5538: 5535: 5533: 5530: 5528: 5525: 5523: 5520: 5518: 5515: 5513: 5510: 5508: 5505: 5503: 5500: 5498: 5495: 5493: 5489: 5485: 5481: 5477: 5475: 5472: 5470: 5467: 5465: 5462: 5460: 5457: 5455: 5452: 5450: 5447: 5445: 5442: 5440: 5437: 5435: 5432: 5430: 5427: 5425: 5422: 5420: 5417: 5415: 5412: 5411: 5408: 5404: 5400: 5399:New York City 5395: 5389: 5382: 5378: 5376: 5372: 5368: 5364: 5360: 5358: 5352: 5350: 5346: 5342: 5338: 5334: 5330: 5326: 5322: 5321:Saskia Sassen 5318: 5310: 5306: 5302: 5293: 5291: 5286: 5282: 5278: 5274: 5270: 5266: 5262: 5258: 5257:globalization 5248: 5245: 5244: 5238: 5236: 5232: 5231:urban ecology 5227: 5225: 5220: 5218: 5214: 5210: 5206: 5202: 5198: 5194: 5190: 5186: 5185:microclimates 5181: 5179: 5175: 5171: 5167: 5163: 5159: 5155: 5151: 5147: 5146:Air pollution 5143: 5139: 5134: 5132: 5128: 5124: 5120: 5116: 5113:, as well as 5112: 5108: 5104: 5100: 5096: 5092: 5088: 5083: 5081: 5077: 5073: 5069: 5065: 5061: 5057: 5053: 5049: 5045: 5042:, as well as 5041: 5037: 5033: 5025: 5021: 5017: 5013: 5007: 5002: 4995: 4991: 4987: 4982: 4977: 4976:Urban ecology 4967: 4965: 4961: 4957: 4953: 4949: 4948:Homeownership 4945: 4943: 4939: 4926: 4922: 4917: 4908: 4906: 4902: 4898: 4894: 4890: 4886: 4882: 4878: 4874: 4870: 4868: 4864: 4860: 4856: 4851: 4847: 4842: 4840: 4836: 4832: 4828: 4824: 4820: 4815: 4811: 4810:motor vehicle 4806: 4804: 4800: 4797: 4793: 4789: 4785: 4781: 4777: 4773: 4768: 4766: 4762: 4758: 4754: 4750: 4746: 4745:rapid transit 4742: 4738: 4734: 4730: 4723: 4719: 4716: 4712: 4708: 4701: 4697: 4693: 4689: 4683: 4679: 4675: 4671: 4666: 4656: 4654: 4650: 4646: 4642: 4638: 4634: 4630: 4626: 4622: 4618: 4614: 4611:, and indoor 4610: 4609:street lights 4606: 4602: 4598: 4594: 4590: 4586: 4582: 4577: 4575: 4571: 4567: 4563: 4559: 4555: 4551: 4547: 4543: 4539: 4535: 4531: 4527: 4523: 4519: 4517: 4510: 4506: 4502: 4493: 4490: 4487: 4483: 4479: 4475: 4471: 4469: 4465: 4459: 4457: 4453: 4449: 4445: 4441: 4440:fixed capital 4437: 4429: 4424: 4412: 4408: 4404: 4400: 4396: 4395:reforestation 4392: 4388: 4384: 4380: 4376: 4365: 4360: 4358: 4353: 4351: 4346: 4345: 4343: 4342: 4337: 4336: 4327: 4325: 4324: 4315: 4312: 4301: 4300: 4299: 4298: 4291: 4288: 4286: 4283: 4281: 4278: 4276: 4273: 4271: 4268: 4266: 4263: 4261: 4258: 4256: 4253: 4251: 4248: 4246: 4243: 4241: 4238: 4236: 4233: 4231: 4228: 4226: 4223: 4221: 4220:Eco-socialism 4218: 4216: 4213: 4211: 4208: 4206: 4203: 4201: 4198: 4197: 4194: 4189: 4188: 4181: 4178: 4176: 4173: 4171: 4168: 4164: 4161: 4159: 4156: 4155: 4154: 4151: 4149: 4146: 4144: 4141: 4139: 4136: 4134: 4131: 4130: 4127: 4126:Communication 4122: 4121: 4114: 4111: 4109: 4106: 4104: 4101: 4099: 4096: 4094: 4091: 4089: 4086: 4084: 4081: 4079: 4078:Queer ecology 4076: 4074: 4071: 4069: 4066: 4064: 4061: 4059: 4056: 4054: 4051: 4049: 4046: 4044: 4041: 4039: 4036: 4034: 4031: 4029: 4026: 4024: 4021: 4019: 4016: 4014: 4011: 4009: 4006: 4004: 4001: 3999: 3996: 3994: 3991: 3989: 3986: 3984: 3981: 3979: 3976: 3974: 3971: 3969: 3966: 3965: 3962: 3956: 3955: 3948: 3945: 3943: 3940: 3938: 3935: 3931: 3928: 3926: 3923: 3921: 3918: 3916: 3913: 3911: 3908: 3906: 3903: 3901: 3898: 3896: 3893: 3891: 3888: 3886: 3883: 3882: 3881: 3878: 3876: 3873: 3871: 3868: 3866: 3863: 3861: 3858: 3854: 3853:Vulnerability 3851: 3849: 3846: 3844: 3841: 3839: 3836: 3834: 3831: 3830: 3829: 3826: 3824: 3821: 3819: 3816: 3814: 3811: 3809: 3808:Green economy 3806: 3802: 3799: 3798: 3797: 3794: 3792: 3789: 3787: 3784: 3782: 3779: 3777: 3774: 3772: 3769: 3767: 3764: 3762: 3759: 3757: 3754: 3752: 3749: 3747: 3744: 3742: 3739: 3737: 3734: 3732: 3729: 3727: 3724: 3722: 3719: 3717: 3714: 3712: 3709: 3707: 3704: 3702: 3699: 3697: 3694: 3690: 3687: 3685: 3682: 3680: 3677: 3675: 3672: 3670: 3669:Carbon bubble 3667: 3666: 3665: 3662: 3658: 3655: 3653: 3650: 3648: 3645: 3643: 3640: 3638: 3635: 3634: 3633: 3630: 3628: 3625: 3623: 3620: 3619: 3616: 3612: 3607: 3606: 3597: 3594: 3592: 3589: 3588: 3587: 3584: 3582: 3579: 3575: 3572: 3570: 3567: 3566: 3565: 3562: 3560: 3557: 3553: 3549: 3548:Mental health 3546: 3544: 3541: 3539: 3536: 3534: 3531: 3529: 3526: 3524: 3521: 3520: 3519: 3518:Food security 3516: 3512: 3509: 3507: 3504: 3502: 3499: 3497: 3494: 3492: 3489: 3487: 3484: 3483: 3482: 3479: 3475: 3472: 3470: 3467: 3465: 3462: 3460: 3457: 3456: 3455: 3454:Environmental 3452: 3450: 3447: 3445: 3442: 3440: 3437: 3435: 3432: 3428: 3425: 3424: 3423: 3420: 3418: 3415: 3414: 3411: 3407: 3402: 3401: 3398: 3393: 3392: 3388: 3384: 3383: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3367: 3363: 3355: 3351: 3347: 3342: 3338: 3334: 3330: 3326: 3322: 3318: 3314: 3308: 3304: 3300: 3296: 3289: 3282: 3272: 3270: 3266: 3265:counter-value 3262: 3258: 3254: 3250: 3249: 3244: 3240: 3235: 3233: 3229: 3225: 3221: 3217: 3213: 3209: 3205: 3201: 3197: 3193: 3188: 3186: 3182: 3178: 3174: 3170: 3166: 3162: 3157: 3155: 3151: 3147: 3139: 3135: 3131: 3127: 3122: 3113: 3111: 3110:Olympic Games 3107: 3103: 3099: 3095: 3093: 3089: 3085: 3081: 3078:lovers visit 3077: 3073: 3070:to visit the 3069: 3068:New York City 3065: 3061: 3057: 3053: 3049: 3045: 3041: 3037: 3033: 3029: 3025: 3021: 3017: 3012: 3010: 3006: 3005:proclamations 3002: 2998: 2994: 2989: 2987: 2986:social change 2983: 2982:human history 2979: 2975: 2971: 2967: 2963: 2959: 2955: 2951: 2947: 2944:, supporting 2943: 2939: 2931: 2927: 2923: 2919: 2915: 2908: 2904: 2895: 2893: 2892:Geoffrey West 2888: 2886: 2882: 2878: 2874: 2870: 2869:entertainment 2866: 2862: 2858: 2854: 2850: 2849:manufacturing 2845: 2843: 2838: 2836: 2832: 2828: 2824: 2820: 2816: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2801:commerce and 2800: 2795: 2793: 2789: 2785: 2781: 2777: 2770: 2766: 2762: 2757: 2748: 2746: 2742: 2738: 2734: 2730: 2726: 2722: 2717: 2715: 2714:neighborhoods 2711: 2707: 2703: 2699: 2698: 2693: 2689: 2685: 2681: 2677: 2673: 2670:is typically 2669: 2668:Urban society 2655: 2653: 2648: 2643: 2640: 2635: 2633: 2629: 2625: 2621: 2617: 2613: 2609: 2602: 2598: 2594: 2589: 2585: 2575: 2573: 2569: 2564: 2562: 2558: 2554: 2550: 2546: 2542: 2538: 2534: 2530: 2526: 2525:neoliberalism 2521: 2517: 2513: 2509: 2502: 2498: 2494: 2490: 2485: 2476: 2474: 2470: 2466: 2462: 2458: 2454: 2450: 2446: 2442: 2438: 2434: 2433:privatization 2430: 2429:urban renewal 2426: 2422: 2412: 2410: 2406: 2402: 2398: 2394: 2390: 2386: 2378: 2374: 2369: 2360: 2358: 2354: 2350: 2346: 2342: 2338: 2334: 2331:and personal 2330: 2326: 2325:everyday life 2323: 2318: 2316: 2312: 2307: 2305: 2304: 2299: 2295: 2291: 2287: 2283: 2279: 2278: 2277:municipalidad 2273: 2269: 2265: 2264: 2259: 2255: 2251: 2247: 2243: 2239: 2235: 2228: 2223: 2218: 2208: 2206: 2202: 2197: 2193: 2191: 2187: 2183: 2179: 2175: 2171: 2169: 2165: 2161: 2157: 2153: 2149: 2145: 2141: 2137: 2133: 2129: 2125: 2121: 2117: 2113: 2109: 2108:Latin America 2105: 2103: 2098: 2096: 2092: 2088: 2084: 2080: 2075: 2067: 2059: 2054: 2044: 2042: 2038: 2034: 2030: 2026: 2022: 2018: 2014: 2010: 2006: 2001: 1999: 1995: 1991: 1987: 1983: 1979: 1975: 1971: 1967: 1963: 1959: 1955: 1954:Gary, Indiana 1951: 1947: 1943: 1939: 1935: 1931: 1927: 1917: 1915: 1911: 1907: 1903: 1899: 1895: 1891: 1886: 1884: 1880: 1879:manufacturing 1876: 1872: 1868: 1864: 1854: 1850: 1848: 1844: 1834: 1832: 1828: 1824: 1820: 1816: 1812: 1808: 1804: 1800: 1798: 1794: 1790: 1786: 1781: 1779: 1775: 1771: 1767: 1763: 1759: 1755: 1751: 1747: 1743: 1739: 1735: 1731: 1727: 1722: 1720: 1719:Imperial Diet 1716: 1711: 1707: 1703: 1699: 1695: 1691: 1687: 1683: 1678: 1676: 1672: 1668: 1664: 1660: 1656: 1652: 1648: 1644: 1640: 1636: 1632: 1624: 1620: 1616: 1612: 1607: 1600: 1596: 1591: 1585:, Netherlands 1584: 1579: 1572: 1568: 1564: 1555: 1553: 1549: 1545: 1540: 1538: 1534: 1530: 1525: 1523: 1519: 1514: 1512: 1508: 1504: 1500: 1496: 1492: 1488: 1483: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1469: 1465: 1461: 1457: 1453: 1449: 1445: 1441: 1437: 1433: 1429: 1425: 1421: 1417: 1413: 1409: 1405: 1401: 1397: 1393: 1389: 1385: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1369: 1365: 1360: 1357: 1356: 1351:many cities ( 1350: 1346: 1342: 1338: 1334: 1330: 1329: 1324: 1321:, especially 1320: 1316: 1311: 1309: 1305: 1301: 1297: 1293: 1289: 1285: 1281: 1277: 1273: 1269: 1265: 1260: 1258: 1254: 1250: 1246: 1242: 1238: 1233: 1231: 1227: 1223: 1219: 1215: 1210: 1208: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1188: 1184: 1180: 1175: 1173: 1169: 1165: 1161: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1142: 1137: 1132: 1128: 1124: 1120: 1113:Ancient times 1110: 1108: 1104: 1100: 1096: 1092: 1088: 1084: 1080: 1076: 1071: 1069: 1065: 1061: 1057: 1053: 1049: 1045: 1041: 1037: 1032: 1030: 1026: 1022: 1014: 1010: 1006: 1001: 994: 990: 986: 982: 975: 971: 967: 963: 959: 954: 949: 945: 941: 940:Urban history 935: 925: 923: 919: 915: 911: 907: 903: 899: 895: 891: 887: 883: 879: 875: 871: 869: 865: 857: 853: 849: 845: 841: 836: 827: 825: 821: 817: 813: 809: 805: 801: 797: 792: 790: 786: 782: 778: 774: 770: 765: 763: 762:city planning 758: 751: 747: 746:L'Enfant Plan 742: 733: 730: 726: 722: 718: 714: 710: 709:public sphere 706: 702: 698: 694: 693:public domain 690: 686: 685:public spaces 679: 675: 671: 662: 660: 656: 652: 648: 644: 640: 632: 628: 624: 619: 609: 606: 602: 598: 594: 589: 587: 579: 575: 571: 567: 563: 559: 550: 548: 539: 526: 525:Ancient Greek 522: 518: 513: 511: 510: 504: 503: 497: 492: 491: 484: 483: 477: 473: 472: 467: 457: 455: 451: 447: 443: 438: 433: 431: 430:civilizations 426: 422: 418: 414: 410: 406: 402: 397: 395: 391: 387: 383: 379: 375: 371: 367: 363: 359: 355: 350: 348: 344: 340: 332: 328: 324: 315: 313: 309: 305: 301: 297: 293: 289: 285: 281: 280:global health 277: 273: 269: 268:global issues 265: 264:globalization 261: 257: 253: 249: 245: 241: 237: 232: 230: 226: 222: 221:communication 218: 214: 210: 206: 202: 198: 194: 189: 185: 176: 172: 168: 164: 160: 156: 152: 149: 145: 141: 137: 133: 129: 125: 121: 117: 113: 104: 95: 84: 75: 66: 55: 46: 35: 26: 22: 18549: 18470:Maalaiskunta 18430:Heerlijkheid 18270:LĂ€n (Sweden) 17938:Protectorate 17933:Principality 17854:Constituency 17743:Neutral zone 17538: 17433: 17426: 17401: 17314:Municipality 16992: 16985: 16978: 16964:Charter city 16950: 16938: 16869:Special area 16859:Insular area 16768: 16745: 16726: 16654:Architecture 16627:Nazi Germany 16435:Thomas Adams 16415:Loretta Lees 16410:Le Corbusier 16380:Edmund Bacon 16345:AndrĂ©s Duany 16300:Urbanization 16286:Urban sprawl 16251:Rural flight 16231:Permeability 16226:Model cities 16098:Logging camp 16057:Company town 15971:Smart growth 15961:New Urbanism 15743:Urban design 15650: 15554: 15514:Urban forest 15398:New Urbanism 15295:Sector model 15280:Urban design 15173:Modern ruins 15115:Capital city 15088:Municipality 15065:College town 15023:Urbanization 14912: 14839: 14828:, New York: 14825: 14815: 14797: 14781:. Springer. 14778: 14770: 14762: 14743: 14724: 14705: 14686: 14666:. New York: 14663: 14652: 14638: 14619: 14593: 14579: 14568: 14560: 14538: 14518: 14502: 14483:. New York: 14480: 14457: 14447: 14430: 14420: 14405: 14390: 14375: 14368: 14353: 14335: 14319: 14307:. Springer. 14304: 14290: 14271: 14252: 14244: 14225: 14216: 14209: 14194: 14166: 14149: 14135: 14121: 14102: 14088: 14065: 14048: 14034: 14027:Bibliography 14016: 13993: 13976: 13968: 13959: 13951: 13945: 13933: 13921: 13913: 13903: 13894: 13885: 13845: 13841: 13828: 13808: 13803:33(1), 2001. 13800: 13784: 13776: 13768: 13743: 13739: 13706: 13702: 13680: 13668: 13664: 13618: 13614: 13608: 13575: 13571: 13543: 13531:. Retrieved 13521: 13509:. Retrieved 13505:the original 13490: 13482: 13414: 13410: 13385: 13360:Hanse Office 13355: 13339: 13299: 13295: 13282: 13272: 13252: 13232: 13220: 13187: 13183: 13173: 13164: 13150: 13144: 13135: 13109: 13105: 13095: 13086: 13076: 13067: 13058: 13051:. Retrieved 13031: 13021: 13012: 13002: 12994: 12989: 12962: 12957: 12922: 12912: 12903:10419/206125 12883: 12879: 12869: 12860: 12851: 12841: 12831: 12808: 12765: 12759: 12749: 12737:. Retrieved 12731:. Ecowatch. 12722: 12703: 12699: 12689: 12654: 12650: 12640: 12607: 12601: 12595: 12562: 12556: 12550: 12534: 12528: 12488: 12484: 12471: 12462: 12450:. Retrieved 12440: 12428:. Retrieved 12424:the original 12414: 12402:. Retrieved 12388: 12379: 12346: 12342: 12332: 12323: 12295: 12262: 12258: 12248: 12239: 12229: 12217:. Retrieved 12192: 12188: 12178: 12143: 12139: 12128: 12093: 12089: 12079: 12069: 12057: 12048: 12032: 12027: 11985:(1): 37–65. 11982: 11978: 11956: 11947: 11938: 11929: 11904: 11892: 11868: 11864: 11854: 11841: 11833: 11828: 11813: 11803: 11791: 11756:Joel A. Tarr 11736:. Retrieved 11722: 11716: 11704:. Retrieved 11701:The Guardian 11700: 11690: 11663: 11659: 11649: 11637:. Retrieved 11628: 11619: 11607:. Retrieved 11588: 11570: 11558:. Retrieved 11554: 11544: 11519:10281/458819 11493: 11489: 11483: 11471:. Retrieved 11462: 11453: 11420: 11414: 11408: 11396:. Retrieved 11387: 11363:. Retrieved 11347:The Guardian 11346: 11321:. Retrieved 11312: 11303: 11295: 11279: 11270: 11264:the original 11259: 11255: 11242: 11205:(3): 27–39. 11202: 11198: 11185: 11177: 11161: 11151: 11141: 11120: 11115: 11107: 11102: 11085: 11080: 11063: 11054: 11044: 11032: 11023: 11014: 10995: 10954: 10950: 10940: 10922: 10906: 10894: 10882: 10861: 10849:. Retrieved 10819:(1): 75–90. 10816: 10812: 10788: 10769: 10763: 10753: 10743: 10701:(1): 53–73. 10698: 10694: 10684: 10674: 10641: 10637: 10627: 10615: 10592: 10586: 10541: 10537: 10523: 10507: 10488: 10476:. Retrieved 10467:10419/246978 10441: 10437: 10427: 10418: 10393:(1): 79–96. 10390: 10386: 10357:. Retrieved 10350:the original 10337: 10328: 10316: 10307: 10297: 10289: 10269: 10265: 10243: 10240:the original 10234: 10220: 10208: 10200: 10195: 10185: 10163: 10155: 10139: 10130: 10108: 10096: 10086: 10077: 10057: 10053: 10043: 10033:26 September 10031:. Retrieved 10024:the original 9995: 9989: 9976: 9967: 9939: 9935: 9877: 9873: 9863: 9854: 9845: 9833:. Retrieved 9816: 9812: 9766: 9762: 9752: 9744: 9728: 9702: 9693: 9684: 9674: 9662: 9649: 9645: 9635: 9626: 9606: 9602: 9573: 9565:ResearchGate 9532:(1): 72–92. 9529: 9525: 9515: 9506: 9496: 9486: 9476: 9469:The Guardian 9468: 9452: 9445:The Guardian 9444: 9428: 9411: 9404:The Guardian 9403: 9387: 9379: 9363: 9351:. Retrieved 9344:the original 9331: 9311: 9291: 9282: 9257: 9253: 9227: 9223: 9179:. Retrieved 9157: 9144: 9127: 9111: 9082: 9076: 9065:the original 9055: 9031:(1): 13–25. 9028: 9024: 9014: 9006: 9001: 8993: 8988: 8969: 8963: 8955: 8939: 8929: 8894: 8889: 8880: 8870: 8855: 8846: 8829: 8825: 8806: 8786: 8767: 8740: 8734: 8725: 8713:. Retrieved 8704: 8695: 8683:. Retrieved 8679:the original 8674: 8661: 8649:. Retrieved 8629: 8622: 8612: 8588: 8584: 8572:. Retrieved 8558: 8548: 8521: 8511: 8502: 8493: 8465: 8461: 8438:. Retrieved 8428: 8418: 8408: 8389: 8383: 8371:. Retrieved 8352: 8347: 8340: 8331: 8306: 8296: 8287: 8278: 8255: 8249: 8237:. Retrieved 8231: 8222: 8211: 8205: 8186: 8180: 8168:. Retrieved 8159: 8150: 8138:. Retrieved 8130:Khan Academy 8129: 8120: 8108:. Retrieved 8099: 8089: 8080: 8070: 8030: 8026: 8016: 7968: 7964: 7955: 7942: 7921: 7903: 7865: 7855: 7845: 7838:Pacione 2001 7832: 7825:Bairoch 1988 7819: 7812:The Guardian 7811: 7806: 7794:. Retrieved 7790: 7780: 7768:. Retrieved 7763: 7754: 7727: 7723: 7713: 7686: 7682: 7672: 7660:. Retrieved 7651: 7641: 7631: 7608: 7600: 7584: 7546: 7541: 7530:the original 7525: 7521: 7508: 7492:(4): 51–59. 7489: 7485: 7475: 7466: 7425: 7421: 7411: 7397:cite journal 7380: 7376: 7363: 7351: 7341: 7292: 7275: 7269: 7259: 7247: 7222: 7218: 7212: 7201: 7195: 7183:. Retrieved 7168: 7159: 7147: 7100:the original 7095: 7086: 7078: 7020: 7008:. Retrieved 6999: 6990: 6972:, June 2014. 6969: 6968:"city, n.", 6952: 6923: 6919: 6909: 6882: 6876: 6866: 6854:. Retrieved 6846:The Guardian 6845: 6836: 6825: 6815: 6803:. Retrieved 6789: 6744: 6738: 6728: 6701: 6695: 6686: 6659: 6653: 6644: 6632:. Retrieved 6612: 6602: 6590:. Retrieved 6581: 6564: 6529: 6523: 6513: 6464: 6458: 6452: 6443: 6437: 6428: 6422: 6413: 6407: 6353:The Pentagon 6331:, including 6315: 6307: 6295: 6290: 6268: 6254:Walking city 6249:Urbanization 6219:Compact city 6173:Central Park 6112:Hippodameian 6064:ecumenopolis 6049: 6042: 6036: 6025:Times Square 6018: 6000: 5998: 5979: 5944: 5922: 5879: 5848: 5825: 5766:Earth Summit 5761:settlements. 5736: 5693:South Africa 5691: 5687: 5669:(CNCA), the 5644: 5601: 5589: 5550: 5379: 5361: 5353: 5348: 5324: 5314: 5254: 5241: 5239: 5228: 5221: 5217:particulates 5199:and channel 5182: 5164:(especially 5162:heavy metals 5156:(industrial 5135: 5123:domesticated 5093:(especially 5084: 5064:disturbances 5056:biodiversity 5029: 4956:Homelessness 4946: 4936: 4897:carfree city 4871: 4843: 4823:metropolises 4814:implications 4807: 4796:electrifying 4769: 4726: 4692:TransJakarta 4682:Johannesburg 4578: 4562:Veolia Water 4558:water supply 4554:Historically 4520: 4514: 4491: 4482:power plants 4474:Megaprojects 4472: 4460: 4433: 4430:in Indonesia 4333: 4321: 4143:Greenwashing 4033:Human rights 4028:Greenwashing 3988:Deep ecology 3890:Architecture 3791:Green bubble 3701:Clean growth 3664:Carbon price 3251:. Since the 3246: 3236: 3224:close combat 3200:surrendering 3192:World War II 3189: 3161:geopolitical 3158: 3143: 3138:World War II 3096: 3013: 2990: 2978:civilization 2962:architecture 2956:, and other 2946:universities 2935: 2889: 2873:housekeeping 2846: 2839: 2796: 2792:labor market 2773: 2735:against the 2718: 2695: 2666: 2644: 2636: 2606: 2588:Urban design 2565: 2537:corporations 2506: 2421:property tax 2418: 2401:firefighting 2382: 2319: 2308: 2301: 2289: 2275: 2261: 2252:, and other 2240:(especially 2238:municipality 2232: 2198: 2194: 2172: 2168:Global South 2160:Global North 2106: 2099: 2083:agricultural 2074:Urbanization 2072: 2053:Urbanization 2047:Urbanization 2029:surveillance 2002: 1998:manufacturer 1990:urbanization 1938:homelessness 1923: 1890:overcrowding 1887: 1875:world empire 1867:urbanization 1860: 1851: 1840: 1837:Early modern 1801: 1782: 1723: 1679: 1628: 1581:Old city of 1541: 1529:civilization 1526: 1515: 1511:Ghana Empire 1487:Dhar Tichitt 1484: 1456:Acoma Pueblo 1448:Tenochtitlan 1361: 1326: 1312: 1261: 1234: 1214:Mohenjo-daro 1211: 1176: 1164:Mesopotamian 1160:proto-cities 1146: 1141:Ancient Rome 1072: 1033: 1029:urbanization 1018: 1007:showing the 985:Mohenjo-daro 872: 868:urban sprawl 861: 858:to the south 804:Mohenjo-Daro 793: 766: 755: 682: 665:Public space 636: 605:mining towns 597:relationship 590: 582: 545: 520: 514: 507: 495: 471:civilization 469: 465: 463: 436: 434: 398: 364:, number of 351: 345:rather than 336: 331:Jain temples 260:city centres 236:urbanization 233: 183: 181: 111: 25: 18465:Landskommun 18357:Savivaldybė 18223:Switzerland 18218:South Tyrol 18098:Viceroyalty 17891:Governorate 17849:Condominium 17752:Trade zone 17626:Market town 17621:Census town 17519:Proto-state 17491:Microregion 17056:County town 17051:County seat 16918:Half-canton 16647:disciplines 16470:Jane Jacobs 16395:James Rouse 16276:Urban decay 16261:Third place 16236:Placemaking 16086:Pit village 16076:Global city 15452:Environment 15340:Walkability 15325:Cyclability 15258:Green space 15210:Habitat III 15178:Shanty town 15163:Urban decay 15138:Global city 15083:City status 15060:Closed city 15013:Megalopolis 14993:Conurbation 14981:City proper 14961:Twin cities 14934:City centre 14874:, based on 14830:McGraw-Hill 14267:James, Paul 14069:. Chicago: 14002:city status 13918:J.E. Cirlot 13671:: 531–532. 13621:(1): 3–12. 13302:(3): 1–23. 13256:Jing Pan, " 13053:20 December 13027:James, Paul 12768:(1): 7730. 12491:: 123–135. 12219:20 December 12096:(2): 1–30. 11738:11 November 11706:20 February 11639:11 November 11609:11 November 11398:11 November 11365:11 November 11323:9 September 11313:The Week UK 10530:West, G. B. 10478:11 November 10266:Social Text 9897:2066/176125 8574:13 December 8373:11 November 7948:Jacobs 1969 7689:: 126–136. 7662:20 December 7428:: 255–263. 6747:(1): 5366. 6634:20 December 6608:James, Paul 6592:14 February 6377:Capital One 6361:think tanks 6274:H. G. Wells 6131:George Town 6041:(1962) and 6011:James Joyce 5986:the country 5927:John Martin 5875:real estate 5863:Third World 5811:Habitat III 5751:development 5728:Habitat III 5553:sister city 5375:engineering 5317:global city 5296:Global city 5142:sustainable 5044:cultivation 4990:solid waste 4938:The housing 4932: 1836 4855:edge cities 4792:velocipedes 4776:pedestrians 4749:underground 4715:shared-path 4625:natural gas 4585:electricity 4108:Walkability 3993:Dirty hands 3983:Cyclability 3885:Agriculture 3880:Sustainable 3591:Water cycle 3523:Agriculture 3501:Storm surge 3464:Degradation 3434:Eco-anxiety 3222:as well as 3185:Philippines 3173:Vietnam War 3171:during the 3062:to see the 2970:skyscrapers 2920:dancers at 2877:grey-collar 2865:hospitality 2835:consumerism 2815:advertising 2803:consumption 2776:rural areas 2737:bourgeoisie 2725:proletariat 2533:deregulated 2449:city limits 2425:real estate 2306:in Italy). 2112:shantytowns 1942:urban decay 1803:West Africa 1787:capital of 1760:commercial 1748:formed the 1730:city-states 1641:and to the 1558:Middle Ages 1548:Kumbi Saleh 1537:Bozo people 1495:West Africa 1464:Taos Pueblo 1444:Mexico City 1420:Teotihuacan 1372:Mesoamerica 1315:city-states 1245:Senusret II 1187:Mesopotamia 1172:Uruk period 1005:Teotihuacan 914:megalopolis 910:conurbation 890:edge cities 864:city proper 830:Urban areas 651:city center 618:City centre 570:Monongahela 252:urban areas 18594:Categories 18413:Historical 18377:Shahrestān 18320:Autonomous 18068:Presidency 18016:Historical 17985:Suzerainty 17968:Autonomous 17812:Autonomous 17534:Free state 17524:City-state 17486:Mesoregion 17379:Prefecture 17106:Department 16390:Ian McHarg 16335:Theorists/ 16112:(New town) 16071:Ghost town 15910:Concepts/ 15646:Urban area 15529:Urban park 15464:Eco-cities 15315:Smart city 15265:Urban wild 15105:City-state 15038:Ghost town 15003:Metropolis 14929:Urban area 14836:Weber, Max 13920:, "City"; 13511:13 October 12610:(8): 516. 12452:7 February 12430:7 February 12404:7 February 12043:; pp. 3–6. 11666:: 104998. 11591:(Report). 11423:: 117649. 10679:dwellers." 9408:UN-Habitat 8651:24 January 7796:26 October 7770:26 October 6926:: 100021. 6574:Roser, Max 6399:References 6296:privatized 6239:Metropolis 6224:Eco-cities 6020:Metropolis 6015:Fritz Lang 5851:World Bank 5844:World Bank 5842:, and the 5785:Habitat II 5713:World Bank 5681:, and the 5630:, and the 5616:Eurocities 5357:Paul James 5290:mass media 5052:wilderness 5032:ecosystems 5020:urban park 4986:Paramaribo 4960:apartments 4885:bike lanes 4846:bus system 4844:The urban 4803:streetcars 4753:overground 4733:wage labor 4718:rail trail 4663:See also: 4601:electronic 4593:appliances 4572:(formerly 4564:(formerly 4550:stormwater 4522:Sanitation 4442:but lower 4377:described 4265:Litigation 4210:Green left 3925:Livelihood 3920:Industries 3895:Capitalism 3843:Resilience 3833:Act of God 3813:Green home 3786:Green bond 3781:Green bank 3746:Ecovillage 3684:Carbon tax 3552:Psychology 3374:subsidence 3305:in a 2021 3212:insurgency 3102:the masses 3009:newspapers 3003:, printed 2999:, through 2823:decoration 2741:status quo 2692:inner city 2676:segregated 2672:stratified 2529:privatized 2508:Governance 2479:Governance 2453:ready cash 2423:levied on 2403:, through 2391:, through 2353:recreation 2349:extraction 2315:figurehead 2286:Portuguese 2242:in England 2211:Government 2186:immigrants 2174:Megacities 2087:industrial 2041:greenfield 2033:governance 2017:smart city 1807:Common Era 1754:challenged 1694:Strasbourg 1518:JennĂ©-Jeno 1491:Mauritania 1480:Pachacamac 1454:, such as 1452:New Mexico 1345:its empire 1280:Phoenician 1257:stratified 1230:microcosms 1152:ÇatalhöyĂŒk 1127:City-state 1025:ÇatalhöyĂŒk 1023:, such as 898:demography 777:ring roads 769:town walls 719:and other 713:Public art 601:hinterland 578:Ohio River 566:confluence 509:metropolis 450:World Bank 425:leadership 413:horizontal 358:population 270:, such as 229:businesses 205:sanitation 173:; and the 159:6th Avenue 18454:Landskap 18450:LĂ€n/LÀÀni 18404:Vingtaine 18372:SeniĆ«nija 18362:Selsoviet 18337:Poblacion 18274:Landskap 18204:Gemeinde 18195:Freguesia 18150:Apskritis 18073:Residency 18038:Exarchate 17980:Sultanate 17871:Eldership 17802:Bailiwick 17551:Territory 17501:Subregion 17246:in the US 17078:Viscounty 17005:Community 16679:Geography 16591:Barcelona 16570:Singapore 16545:Australia 16538:Countries 16152:Cityscape 15919:Movements 15285:Grid plan 15193:Squatting 15055:Tent city 15050:Lost city 14971:Edge city 14956:Core city 14623:. Brown. 14485:Routledge 14105:Farnham: 13862:1464-9888 13731:151556078 13723:1473-0952 13643:0956-2478 13600:145470124 13592:1053-0789 13533:16 August 13439:143765511 13431:1351-1610 13324:154556467 13316:1359-7566 13212:153828266 13204:0020-7152 13128:0309-1317 12949:240985764 12632:260403104 12587:257363670 12513:0936-577X 12279:0960-7447 12112:1077-291X 12007:153704300 11999:0042-0816 11682:218966713 11536:245371599 11528:0034-3404 11473:7 October 11445:200054369 11355:0261-3077 11272:Nagasaki. 11227:143199778 11219:0392-1921 10979:142777232 10971:1012-6902 10841:144077154 10731:154664764 10715:0013-0079 10666:149125180 10658:0735-2166 10415:154230409 10407:1945-4724 10286:1527-1951 10226:Karl Marx 10074:1475-1461 10020:0066-4812 9964:153912312 9956:0013-0095 9914:157153401 9906:0300-3930 9769:(1): 21. 9554:129435992 9546:0309-1325 9380:New Atlas 9274:0309-1317 9047:1752-1378 8160:ThoughtCo 8055:143207540 8047:0309-1317 7985:0309-1317 7746:2297-2668 7458:149962822 7450:1618-8667 7252:Room 1996 7239:0252-9203 7185:2 October 6489:0036-8075 6304:enclosure 6229:Lost city 6159:destroyed 6114:grid plan 6060:Nylonkong 6056:dystopian 5994:discourse 5971:Gilgamesh 5955:Jerusalem 5904:funding. 5853:, a U.N. 5774:Agenda 21 5764:The 1992 5747:Habitat I 5655:Agenda 21 5577:The Hague 5573:Amsterdam 5407:Manhattan 5345:discourse 5269:Phoenicia 5265:Silk Road 5201:rainwater 5187:, due to 5131:predators 5129:). Large 5089:includes 5036:buildings 5026:, Ireland 4863:bus lanes 4780:sidewalks 4731:based on 4696:Indonesia 4496:Utilities 4138:Education 4053:Migration 3937:Used good 3828:Insurance 3611:Economics 3538:Livestock 3533:Fisheries 3496:Heat wave 3181:occupying 3130:Hiroshima 3084:Graceland 3064:Taj Mahal 3044:Jerusalem 3040:monuments 2938:education 2847:Although 2751:Economics 2697:banlieues 2684:lifestyle 2553:investors 2543:and over 2411:of 1968. 2389:education 2357:buildings 2337:transport 2294:in France 2263:municipio 2132:Mogadishu 2128:Indonesia 2122:, etc.). 1972:, uneven 1956:began to 1946:Rust Belt 1910:Factories 1774:Amsterdam 1698:Frankfurt 1690:Nuremberg 1623:Jerusalem 1615:city wall 1609:A map of 1544:Awdaghust 1458:near the 1276:cuneiform 1253:Akhenaten 1251:built by 1103:granaries 902:marketing 886:commuters 852:Givatayim 796:grid plan 781:Amsterdam 633:, Finland 574:Allegheny 542:Geography 538:'name'). 521:astionyms 517:toponymic 464:The word 460:Etymology 394:St Davids 386:cathedral 366:dwellings 352:National 312:pollution 256:commuters 209:utilities 171:Hong Kong 167:Old Delhi 163:Manhattan 18555:See also 18290:Maakunta 18285:LocalitĂ  18230:Gemeente 18190:Frazione 18160:Barangay 17990:Townland 17928:Precinct 17913:Muftiate 17864:District 17824:Cadastre 17636:Township 17414:Province 17305:(Canada) 17263:Division 17124:District 16747:Category 16596:Shanghai 16498:Training 16140:Concepts 16131:Boomtown 16121:Arcology 16093:Man camp 16061:Monotown 16014:Ekistics 15996:Theories 15912:theories 15753:Urbanism 15702:branches 15671:Planning 15666:Land use 15620:Theories 15390:Urbanism 15310:Land use 15183:Skid row 15008:Megacity 14939:Downtown 14872:Statista 14841:The City 14662:(2011). 14578:(1998). 14563:, (1995) 14446:(1961). 14429:(1968). 14165:(1970). 14017:The Star 14009:Archived 13981:Archived 13874:Archived 13870:14934410 13817:Archived 13793:Archived 13763:; p. 15. 13748:Archived 13494:Now the 13475:Archived 13443:Archived 13374:Archived 13363:Archived 13348:Archived 13328:Archived 13261:Archived 13241:Archived 13132:Archived 13047:Archived 13007:system." 12968:Archived 12800:31197192 12733:Archived 12681:17504734 12579:36876991 12517:Archived 12398:Archived 12371:28833978 12213:Archived 12170:22651973 12120:17621150 11881:Archived 11865:Geoforum 11732:Archived 11633:Archived 11603:Archived 11467:Archived 11392:Archived 11359:Archived 11317:Archived 11288:Archived 11231:Archived 11199:Diogenes 11170:Archived 11125:Archived 11090:Archived 11068:Archived 10929:Archived 10923:Bulletin 10915:Archived 10845:Archived 10735:Archived 10578:17438298 10532:(2007). 10500:Archived 10472:Archived 10148:Archived 9991:Antipode 9829:Archived 9819:: 3–18. 9737:Archived 9654:Archived 9628:systems. 9558:Archived 9461:Archived 9437:Archived 9416:Archived 9396:Archived 9372:Archived 9320:Archived 9300:Archived 9232:Archived 9216:Archived 9172:Archived 9132:Archived 9120:Archived 9088:Archived 9068:(CD-ROM) 8948:Archived 8834:Archived 8814:Archived 8795:Archived 8775:Archived 8709:Archived 8669:(2002). 8645:Archived 8593:Archived 8559:Afriques 8434:Archived 8426:(1997). 8413:cities." 8367:Archived 8325:Archived 8304:(1981). 8164:Archived 8134:Archived 8104:Archived 8059:Archived 8005:Archived 7994:Archived 7656:Archived 7620:Archived 7593:Archived 7573:Archived 7562:Archived 7281:Archived 7179:Archived 7124:Archived 7119:Smith, " 7071:Archived 7044:Archived 7029:Archived 7004:Archived 6856:20 March 6850:Archived 6805:20 March 6799:Archived 6781:33097712 6720:20962819 6678:27199408 6628:Archived 6586:Archived 6556:20962823 6497:21798941 6381:Verisign 6234:Megacity 6187:See also 6088:cemetery 6047:(1967). 6044:Playtime 5755:habitats 5697:Pretoria 5673:and the 5281:internet 5211:exceeds 5197:sunlight 5189:concrete 5068:habitats 4942:shelters 4835:walkways 4831:highways 4788:bicycles 4765:airplane 4757:elevated 4741:walkways 4722:Helsinki 4674:Gautrain 4621:gasoline 4619:such as 4613:lighting 4532:. Urban 4486:railways 4478:airports 4464:networks 4323:Glossary 4193:Politics 4083:Security 3998:Ecosophy 3968:Children 3930:Sourcing 3823:Greening 3736:Eco-city 3731:Degrowth 3511:Wildfire 3459:Conflict 3387:a series 3385:Part of 3366:flooding 3257:Cold War 3165:garrison 3106:identity 3056:pilgrims 2942:the arts 2918:Nepalese 2879:work in 2853:tertiary 2807:shopping 2721:peasants 2688:ghettoes 2626:such as 2616:theories 2597:La Plata 2561:de facto 2461:interest 2397:policing 2387:such as 2347:use and 2345:resource 2322:regulate 2272:Portugal 2166:of the " 2158:of the " 2015:. A new 1847:Atlantic 1831:Timbuktu 1823:Ile-Ifáșč̀ 1793:Cambodia 1736:and the 1710:Nijmegen 1688:such as 1476:Peruvian 1364:Americas 1333:citizens 1304:Carthage 1241:El Lahun 1218:Pakistan 1166:city of 1079:symbolic 1060:Damascus 993:Pakistan 962:Sumerian 876:include 848:Tel Aviv 840:Gush Dan 812:Kautilya 773:citadels 695:and the 655:downtown 631:Helsinki 405:taxation 354:censuses 327:Palitana 286:through 213:land use 132:painting 18550:italics 18510:Satrapy 18495:Pargana 18420:Commote 18278:Finland 18258:Finland 18250:Kampong 18240:Hromada 18213:Germany 18208:Austria 18180:Comarca 18138:Current 18093:Tithing 18063:Monthon 18048:Hundred 17995:Village 17948:Regency 17943:Quarter 17876:Emirate 17844:Commune 17834:Circuit 17790:Current 17088:Country 16926:Capital 16889:Borough 16769:Commons 16645:Related 16458:Critics 16211:LEED-ND 15709:General 15639:General 15630:Outline 15615:History 14645:, 1987. 13623:Bibcode 13498:; see: 12791:6565732 12770:Bibcode 12739:23 June 12672:2390667 12612:Bibcode 12493:Bibcode 12351:Bibcode 12318:(2008). 12287:2997649 12197:Bibcode 12161:3428861 11498:Bibcode 11425:Bibcode 11388:UN News 11180:101(3). 11110:(1966). 10851:30 June 10821:Bibcode 10723:1151661 10569:1852329 10546:Bibcode 10446:Bibcode 10000:Bibcode 9835:30 June 9723:(1971). 9652:: 369. 9611:Bibcode 9353:29 June 8440:3 March 8170:5 March 8140:5 March 8110:5 March 7691:Bibcode 7430:Bibcode 7026:Table 6 7000:theOECD 6887:Bibcode 6772:7584620 6749:Bibcode 6655:Science 6534:Bibcode 6469:Bibcode 6460:Science 6339:in the 6108:Piraeus 6106:Map of 6070:Gallery 6052:utopian 5951:Babylon 5931:Babylon 5898:tourism 5565:Hamburg 5193:asphalt 5109:), and 5099:rodents 5091:insects 5048:gardens 4970:Ecology 4952:renting 4911:Housing 4877:cycling 4873:Walking 4827:traffic 4633:cooking 4629:heating 4566:Vivendi 4530:hygiene 4511:, Spain 4509:Segovia 4428:Bandung 4230:History 4158:fiction 4063:Poverty 3915:Finance 3615:Finance 3486:Drought 3406:Effects 3397:society 3370:erosion 3354:Germany 3350:Hamburg 3299:Jakarta 3239:tablets 3190:During 3116:Warfare 3080:Memphis 3036:plaques 3001:heralds 2954:temples 2950:museums 2926:Alberta 2861:tourism 2729:Marxist 2706:Suburbs 2658:Society 2497:Chennai 2415:Finance 2290:commune 2282:Spanish 2178:capital 2136:Somalia 2116:favelas 2095:England 2079:markets 2043:sites. 1950:Detroit 1934:poverty 1906:cholera 1902:typhoid 1819:Oyo-Ile 1680:In the 1655:CĂłrdoba 1647:Baghdad 1629:In the 1611:Haarlem 1601:in 1648 1597:of the 1583:Utrecht 1552:Maranda 1507:Soninke 1416:Zapotec 1355:Colonia 1349:founded 1272:Babylon 1268:Assyria 1177:In the 1148:Jericho 1048:Yerevan 1036:Jericho 928:History 918:BosWash 878:suburbs 856:Bat Yam 808:Harappa 785:Haarlem 697:commons 643:citadel 639:temenos 599:with a 568:of the 564:at the 496:civitas 482:civitas 421:village 318:Meaning 197:housing 193:densely 148:Rocinha 18605:Cities 18525:Syssel 18515:Socken 18483:Greece 18458:Sweden 18445:Korale 18440:Köping 18435:KomunĂ« 18399:Tehsil 18315:Oblast 18263:Sweden 18185:Comune 18170:Bezirk 18165:Bashki 18155:Bakhsh 18028:Barony 18023:Agency 18000:Summer 17963:Sector 17958:Riding 17923:Parish 17896:Hamlet 17839:Colony 17829:Circle 17807:Banner 17446:Region 17028:County 16912:Canton 16617:Africa 16601:Sydney 16584:Cities 16565:Serbia 16560:Russia 16531:Places 16327:People 16314:Zoning 16197:Infill 15661:Suburb 15270:Zoning 15168:Ghetto 14986:limits 14946:Suburb 14913:Cities 14824:(ed), 14818:(1969) 14804:  14785:  14763:Cities 14750:  14731:  14712:  14693:  14674:  14655:(1904) 14627:  14600:  14586:  14546:  14525:  14509:  14491:  14468:  14437:  14412:  14397:  14382:  14360:  14342:  14326:  14311:  14297:  14279:  14259:  14236:  14201:  14187:  14175:  14156:  14142:  14128:  14113:  14095:  14077:  14055:  14041:  13926:online 13868:  13860:  13759:  13729:  13721:  13641:  13598:  13590:  13437:  13429:  13322:  13314:  13210:  13202:  13157:  13126:  13039:  12981:  12947:  12937:  12798:  12788:  12679:  12669:  12630:  12585:  12577:  12541:  12511:  12369:  12285:  12277:  12168:  12158:  12140:Lancet 12118:  12110:  12039:  12005:  11997:  11680:  11560:19 May 11534:  11526:  11443:  11353:  11225:  11217:  11002:  10977:  10969:  10839:  10776:  10729:  10721:  10713:  10664:  10656:  10603:  10576:  10566:  10506:"; in 10413:  10405:  10359:16 May 10284:  10072:  10018:  9962:  9954:  9912:  9904:  9783:976688 9781:  9552:  9544:  9402:" (), 9272:  9181:20 May 9164:  9045:  8976:  8903:  8768:et al. 8766:Evans 8747:  8715:29 May 8685:6 June 8637:  8604:  8536:  8396:  8359:  8317:  8266:  8239:22 May 8193:  8053:  8045:  7983:  7880:  7744:  7553:  7456:  7448:  7264:area." 7237:  7010:3 June 6779:  6769:  6718:  6697:Nature 6676:  6620:  6554:  6525:Nature 6505:998870 6503:  6495:  6487:  6387:, and 6355:, the 6337:Reston 6333:Tysons 5963:Nimrod 5900:, and 5882:UNESCO 5838:, the 5834:, the 5830:, the 5665:, the 5661:, the 5622:, the 5579:, and 5569:Prague 5207:. The 5174:nickel 5172:, and 5170:copper 5030:Urban 5024:Dublin 4994:rubble 4925:Sydney 4850:routes 4772:horses 4763:, and 4755:, and 4631:, and 4581:energy 4568:) and 4546:sewage 4544:) for 4484:, and 4434:Urban 4311:Portal 4275:UNFCCC 4255:Denial 4023:Gender 3961:Ethics 3422:Cities 3309:study. 3175:, and 3088:brands 3050:, and 3038:, and 2984:, and 2966:brutal 2930:Canada 2871:, and 2827:design 2825:, and 2799:retail 2769:Taiwan 2765:Taipei 2733:revolt 2680:ethnic 2628:zoning 2535:, and 2463:and a 2377:Dublin 2341:burial 2333:health 2329:public 2303:comune 2227:Tehran 2205:sewage 2148:Niamey 2146:, and 2140:Xiamen 1958:shrink 1940:, and 1871:London 1789:Angkor 1772:, and 1762:cities 1746:Bruges 1742:LĂŒbeck 1708:, and 1706:ZĂŒrich 1653:, and 1567:Vyborg 1440:Pueblo 1438:, and 1414:, the 1394:, and 1380:Chavin 1323:Athens 1319:Greece 1300:Byblos 1298:, and 1278:. 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City (disambiguation)
London skyline with Palace of Westminster in midground
People cross busy Shibuya intersection lined with electronic billboards at dusk
Impressionist painting of wide tree-lined Boulevard Montmartre with horse-drawn carts in the 1890s
Informal settlements built into the hillside in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at dusk
Skyscrapers line a busy sidewalk along 6th Avenue in New York City
Vendors and signs along a busy dirt street in Old Delhi
Hong Kong skyline
An underground train in the SĂŁo Paulo Metro
Westminster Palace
Shibuya Crossing
Boulevard Montmartre
Camille Pissarro
Rio de Janeiro
6th Avenue
Old Delhi
Hong Kong
SĂŁo Paulo Metro
human settlement

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