
Carl von Rokitansky

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integral aspect of the humoral immune response,i.e. antibody-mediated immunity. Humoral factors in the blood stream participate in the body's immunological response to ward off infection. Rokitansky's doctrine of crases and dyscrases laid the groundwork for modern humoral pathology. As mentioned above, Rokitansky developed an interest in serology even as a student. In his subsequent pathological investigations, he analysed blood, blood plasma, blood serum, secretion, excretions, lymphs and exsudates. In his doctrine of crases and dyscrases he described illnesses of the protein, nowadays also known as paraproteinemia, amyloid and immune deficiencies, as well as illnesses of the fibrin, i.e. coagulopathies. He also analysed the influence of proteins on inflammation and the effect of diseased blood components (dyscrases) on human tissue. In this regard, his ideas were far ahead of those of his contemporaries, which resulted in fierce academic debates. The physician Gustav Zimmermann (1817–1866) concurred with Rokitansky and wrote in his text book that Rokitansky's studies on blood "were like an electric shock for all those who were driven by a zeal to uncover the secrets of the pathological processes themselves". However, the physiologist and chemist Carl Gotthelf Lehmann (1812–1863) described the doctrine of crases and dyscrases as a "monstrosity" of pathological anatomy. The 25-year-old physician Rudolf Virchow (1821– 1902), who later became a renowned cellular phathologist, accused Rokitansky of having fallen back into an outdated doctrine of humoral pathology, calling the illnesses of proteins and fibrin "grave ontological errors" and Rokitansky's Manual a danger to medicine. In response to the controversy, Rokitansky withdrew those aspects of his visionary humoral pathological views which could not yet be scientifically proven. However, this did not mean that he disavowed his theory and thus he petitioned for the establishment of two new faculties in Vienna, the Institute of Medical Chemistry and the Department for General and Experimental Pathology, to press ahead with research in these fields. Virchow's criticism was not just scientifically motivated: At the time, Virchow was a young protegĂ© of the influential privy councillor Joseph Hermann Schmidt (1804–1852) at the Ministry of Culture in Berlin. He had sent Virchow to Vienna to develop strategies to ensure the success of the Berlin Medical School on the Austrian model. Schmidt was discontented with the situation in Prussia, complaining that "it is unbearable that we are outstripped by the Viennese.". In December 1846, after staying just 10 days in Vienna, Virchow presented the Minister of Education Friedrich Eichhorn (1779–1856) with a programme on pathological anatomy. In his report Virchow criticised several respected Austrian scientists, but focused chiefly on Rokitansky as the founder of the New Viennese School. He hoped that this would lead to his rapid advancement to a position of associate professor – a hope that was not disappointed. As early as February 1847, Virchow's application for early habilitation was approved by the Prussian Minister of Education. This was highly unusual, as physicians were ordinarily required to demonstrate three years of medical practice before they could submit this application. The Prussian government, however, credited Virchow with having shaken one of the "pillars" of the Viennese School. Virchow had thus served both the interests of the Prussian educational bureaucracy and his own career.
and physicians from all over the world came to Vienna to learn about Rokitansky's diagnostic methods and nosology, which soon became known internationally as the Young or New Viennese School. The systematic investigation of each individual organ led to the development in Vienna of new clinical disciplines. Rokitansky also supported this development in his role as a medical advisor to the Minister of the Interior as well as the establishment of the world's first clinic for otology. As a pathologist and philosopher, Rokitansky thought about patients holistically and was vehement in his demands that patients with psychological disorders, back then called "lunatics" also had the right to a diagnosis, treatment and healing. He therefore demanded the establishment of the first University Clinic of Psychiatry in Austria. In his application, he wrote that the clinic should be headed by
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illnesses after the most conspicuous external symptom without considering the underlying internal disease of the organs (e.g. diagnosing jaundice in patients who presented with yellowish skin with no thought given to the underlying liver disease). It became clear to him that these symptomata, (which in Greek means coincidences) are not coincidences but in fact external indications of a pathological change to an internal organ. In close collaboration with the internist Joseph Ć koda he made clear the relationships between clinical symptoms that can be seen, felt or heard and pathological changes to organs, i.e. clinico-pathological correlation. Thus it was now possible for the first time to make scientifically sound diagnoses. Rokitansky thus initiated a
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and demanded modern, interdisciplinary teaching. In "Die ConformitÀt der UniversitÀten ..." (1863) he called for equality of opportunity for all students in the Habsburg Monarchy. He demanded that all universities should teach all disciplines and that examinations should be standardised. In response to his urging, the school for barber-surgeons in Graz and Innsbruck became medical faculties in 1863 and 1869, thus becoming fully-fledged universities. Moreover, he advocated opening the University of Vienna to students from the crownlands in the east and did his best to counter the emerging strains of nationalism.
846: 294:. His father Prokop Rokitansky (1771–1813) was a civil servant in Leitmeritz. His mother Theresia (1772–1827) was the daughter of VĂĄclav Lodgman Ritter von Auen, the first regional commissioner of Hradec KrĂĄlovĂ©. Carl was the eldest of four children (Prokop, Marie, Theresie). Due to the early death of his father († 1812), Carl and his siblings grew up in straitened circumstances. Despite this, his mother made sure that he attended grammar school in Hradec KrĂĄlovĂ© and made it possible for him to study at the 529:
liberal attitudes, the construction of a new building was repeatedly delayed by the government to spite him. As a consequence, Rokitansky spent 35 years working in the old building which he described as being in such a state that it would "cause lasting harm to even the most robust health". In his legendary address "Freedom for Science!" , delivered at the inauguration of the new Pathological Anatomical Institute in 1862, Rokitansky demanded that science should be free from political interference.
409:. In this autopsy the question of the composer's deafness was of particular interest and the pathologists did far more than produce the customary description as they sought to find an explanation for Beethoven's deafness in anatomical changes. This was to have a lasting impression on Rokitansky's approach to research, which was driven by a desire to explain the origins of illness with the help of anatomy, an intellectual approach that had first been initiated by the Italian pathologist 619: 555:
lecture "Ueber einige der wichtigsten Krankheiten der Arterien", one of the first occasions on which arteriosclerosis was discussed in public. In 1866 he became vice-president, and from 1869 to 1878 served as President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna, which he described as the "greatest honour that I enjoy". From 1870 Rokitansky served as first President of the Supreme Sanitary Council and as president of the newly founded Anthropological Society in Vienna.
1801: 25: 451:
histopathological specimens at 550-times magnification. An order of the Emperor in 1846 made it compulsory for all medical students in the Habsburg Monarchy to study Rokitansky's manual. In response to the stream of physicians and students from abroad who came to Austria to study Rokitansky's methods, the manual was translated into a number of languages to worldwide acclaim. It was published in countries including
397:, compiled autopsy reports containing descriptions of illnesses they did not make any diagnoses or connect their findings with the clinician who Bad treated the patient when alive. They believed that the origins of an illness were to be found in the "dynamic moment", an imbalance of the four humours as postulated by Hippocrates. 1988:
Rokitansky-Tilscher U. Beethoven's influence on Rokitansky's methodology : "The facial nerves were of considerable thickness; the auditory nerves, on the other hand, were shrunk and marrowless". Wien Med Wochenschr. 2021 Nov;171(15-16):373-380. English. doi: 10.1007/s10354-021-00832-y. Epub 2021
as medical adviser to the Ministry of the Interior. In this capacity, he had great influence on university organisation, the content of medical teaching and appointments. In his pamphlet "Zeitfragen betreffend die UniversitÀt 
" (1863) he addressed among other things, freedom of teaching and learning
as an unpaid assistant, as can be seen from some of his early autopsy protocols. 1832 he was appointed interim director of the Pathological-Anatomical Prosecture and in 1834 became Extraordinary Professor for Pathological Anatomy at the University of Vienna and Curator of the Pathological-Anatomical
Rokitansky-Tilscher U. Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky's Manual and Rudolf Virchow's criticism: The controversial subject of Rokitansky's doctrine of crases and dyscrases and the groundwork for modern humoral pathology. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2020 Sep;170(11-12):284-289. doi: 10.1007/s10354-020-00760-3.
Karl Sablik: Der Beginn der Zweiten Wiener Medizinischen Schule: Ein philosophisch-medizinischer Paradigmenwechsel. In: VerdrĂ€ngter Humanismus. Verzögerte AufklĂ€rung 3: Bildung und Einbildung vom verfehlten BĂŒrgerlichen zum Liberalismus. Philosophie in Österreich (1820–1880), edd. Benedikt Michael,
Das Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie und seine Auswirkung auf Carl Freiherr von Rokitanskys internationale Verbindungen. In: Angetter et al. (Hrsg.): Strukturen und Netzwerke, Medizin und Wissenschaft in Wien 1848–1955. 650 Jahre UniversitĂ€t Wien – Aufbruch ins neue Jahrhundert. Band 5. V&R
Under his presidency (1850–1878) the College of Physicians in Vienna campaigned for the construction of water supply lines that would bring mountain water from the Alps to Vienna. On 17 July 1848, Rokitansky became a Full Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, where on 26 June 1851 he gave his
Ancient humoral pathology based on the theory of the four humours espoused by Hippocrates was concerned with the balance of the four bodily fluids, blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm and considered that illness was the result of an imbalance of these fluids. Nowadays, humoral pathology is an
Rokitansky-Tilscher U. The influence of neighbouring countries and sciences and the international spread of Viennese medicine: Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky's international relations. Wien Med Wochenschr. 2020 Sep;170(11-12):274-283. doi: 10.1007/s10354-019-00725-1. Epub 2020 Jan 29. PMID 31997034.
from speculative, natural-philosophical medicine to systematic, science-based medicine. By classifying illnesses according to their stage of progression, it became possible to diagnose how far a pathological condition had advanced and to deliver a prognosis. From the 1830s onwards medical students
described themselves until well into the 20th century as students of the New Viennese School and regarded Rokitansky as a father figure, calling him "Vater Roki". The New Viennese School sought to introduce a new system of science-based medicine. Until then, pathology had been a purely descriptive
Felicitas Seebacher: "Freiheit der Naturforschung!" Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky und die Wiener Medizinische Schule: Wissenschaft und Politik im Konflikt. Mit einem Vorwort von Helmut Denk und einer EinfĂŒhrung von GĂŒnther Hödl. Bildteil: Karl Sablik (=Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Volume 7. Wien: BraumĂŒller, 1857; p 95., see also: Erna Lesky: Carl von Rokitansky Selbstbiographie und Antrittsrede. Eingeleitet, Hrsg.: Veröff. d. Kommission f. Geschichte d. Erziehung u. d. Unterrichtes, H. 4 = Sitzungsberichte d. Österr.
in the 18th century. Rokitansky's approach differed from that of his contemporaries as he no longer looked for the "dynamic moment", but for the "anatomical seat" of the illness. The inscription on the Pathological-Anatomical Institute subsequently erected in Spitalgasse in the ninth district of
Carl von Rokitansky, Selbstbiographie und Antrittsrede. Eingeleitet, hrsg. und mit ErlĂ€uterungen versehen von Erna Lesky. Wien: Böhlau 1960 (Veröff. d. Kommission f. Geschichte d. Erziehung u. d. Unterrichtes, H. 4 = Sitzungsberichte d. Österr. Akad. d. Wiss., Phil.-hist. Klasse, Bd. 234, Abh.
as a philosophical world view. In his commemorative speech on the occasion of the opening of the Institute of Pathological Anatomy at the General Hospital of Vienna, he warned against the abuse of "natural science liberties". Scientists should first regard humans as "conscious and free-willing
The old prosecture also played an important role in the March Revolution of 1848. What became known as the "Doctors' Revolution" was prepared by 40 physicians in Rokitansky's pathology department, as that location was not under police surveillance during the Metternich era. Due to Rokitansky's
Hermann Chiari: Carl von Rokitanskys Bedeutung fĂŒr die pathologische Anatomie. Vortrag, gehalten am 19. Februar 1954 in der Sitzung der Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien anlĂ€sslich der 150. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages Carl Frh. V. Rokitanskys. In: Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 66, 8, 1954, S.
published in 1842–46 by BraumĂŒller & Seidel. He systematically described pathological changes to each and every organ and explained how to arrive at a diagnosis on the basis of the respective symptoms. The third edition (1855–1861) contains woodcut prints of his hand-drawn sketches of his
Rokitansky developed pathology from a descriptive discipline into an explanatory science. Over the course of his life he performed almost 60,000 autopsies in which he compared the patients' medical history and clinical symptoms with their autopsy protocols. He recognised that physicians named
In 1844 he was appointed to the first chair for pathological anatomy in the German-speaking world and in the years 1849/50, 1856/57, 1859/60, and 1862/63 served as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. In 1852/53 academic year he was the first freely-elected rector of the University of Vienna.
Rokitansky-Tilscher U. Beethoven's death as the starting point for Rokitansky's family ties to the art world "We were there when they buried him and when he died we wept.". Wien Med Wochenschr. 2021 Nov;171(15-16):363-372. English. doi: 10.1007/s10354-021-00842-w. Epub 2021 Apr 30. PMID
and liberal politician, founder of the Viennese School of Medicine of the 19th century. He was the founder of science-based diagnostics, connecting clinical with pathological results in a feedback loop that is standard practice today but was daring in Rokitansky's day.
322:(1771–1848), who was to have a lasting influence on his political and social ideas. However, in 1821 he decided to study medicine in Prague. In 1824 he moved to Vienna to live with his uncle Lodgman von Auen and to continue his medical studies at the 1922:
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift. The middle European journal of medicine, ed. W. Druml, H. Sinzinger. Special issue: Carolus Rokitansky – conditor pathologicae anatomiae: on the occasion of his 200th anniversary, guest editor Roland Sedivy, 116,23,
Ursula Rokitansky-Tilscher: Rokitansky, Carl Frh. von (1804–1878), Pathologe, Anatom und Politiker, in: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon ab 1815 (2. ĂŒberarbeitete Auflage) - ÖBL Online-Edition, Lfg. 9 (15.12.2020) DOI:10.1553/0x002842bf,
Oscar Wildes Vater ĂŒber Metternichs Österreich. William Wilde – ein irischer Augenarzt ĂŒber Biedermeier und VormĂ€rz in Wien, ed. Montjoye Irene (= Studien zur Geschichte SĂŒdosteuropas 5), ed. Hering Gunnar. Frankfurt am Main / Bern / New York
302:. Rokitansky described his upbringing as very liberal. Rokitansky remembered his father, as having been very widely read and erudite. For this reason, Rokitansky originally intended to study classical philology at the University of Prague. 584:: "if we preserve and practice compassion", he explained "we are able to alleviate part of the load of suffering" of patients. Human generosity will be shown by our capability to accept the greatest sufferings by voluntarily renouncing 1883:
H. Wyklicky: Rokitansky Karl Frh. von. In: Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Band 9, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 1988, ISBN 3-7001-1483-4, S. 221 f. (Direktlinks auf S. 221, S.
Zur Orientierung ĂŒber Medizin und deren Praxis. Vortrag gehalten bei der feierlichen Sitzung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 31. Mai 1858. In: Almanach der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 9, Wien 1859, pp
Helmut Rumpler, Helmut Denk (Hrsg.), Christine Ottner (Redaktion): Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky 1804–1878. Pathologe, Politiker, Philosoph, GrĂŒnder der Wiener Medizinischen Schule des 19. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Böhlau 2005, ISBN
Felicitas Seebacher: "Freiheit der Naturforschung!" Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky und die Wiener medizinische Schule. Wissenschaft und Politik im Konflikt. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften , Wien 2006, p
Felicitas Seebacher: "Freiheit der Naturforschung!" Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky und die Wiener medizinische Schule. Wissenschaft und Politik im Konflikt. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften , Wien 2006, p
Helmut Rumpler, Helmut Denk (Hrsg.), Christine Ottner (Redaktion): Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky 1804–1878. Pathologe, Politiker, Philosoph, GrĂŒnder der Wiener Medizinischen Schule des 19. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Böhlau 2005, ISBN
Die SolidaritÀt alles Thierlebens. Vortrag gehalten bei der feierlichen Sitzung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 31. Mai 1869. In: Almanach der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 19, Wien 1869, pp
For Rokitansky, however, such an approach no longer sufficed; he wanted to find explanations, to reach science-based diagnoses. One of his first autopsies that he performed as a young man together with his superior
Helmut Rumpler, Helmut Denk, Christine Ottner: Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky 1804–1878. Pathologe, Politiker, Philosoph, GrĂŒnder der Wiener Medizinischen Schule des 19. Jahrhunderts. Wien, Böhlau 2005, p 9. ISBN
from the University of Vienna on 6 March 1828. His doctoral thesis was entitled "De Varioloide Vaccinica", and was a study of the smallpox vaccination, as he had very early on developed an interest in serology.
Der selbststÀndige Werth des Wissens. Vortrag gehalten in der Sitzung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 31. Mai 1867. 2., von der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften genehmigte Auflage, Wien
Rokitansky-Tilscher, Ursula (29 January 2020). "The influence of neighbouring countries and sciences and the international spread of Viennese medicine: Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky's international relations".
Ottokar Rokitansky: Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky. In: Tausend Jahre Österreich. Eine biographische Chronik 2: Vom Biedermeier bis zur GrĂŒndung der modernen Parteien, ed. Pollack Walter. Wien/MĂŒnchen 1973.
Kletter G. Hic locus est ubi mors gaudet succurrere vitae, Die Geschichte der Entwicklung der pathologischen Anatomie im 19. Jahrhundert. p 21. unpublished manuscript Narrenturm, Naturhistorisches Museum
340: 1913:
Anton Schaller: Reflexionen des Frauenarztes der Gegenwart auf das pathologisch-anatomische Lebenswerk Carl Freiherr v. Rokitanskys. In: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 154, 19/20, 2004, S. 477–481.
327: 1669:
Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. In: Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften (Hrsg.): Almanach der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Band 7. BraumĂŒller, Wien 1857, S. 95.
Rokitansky-Tilscher, Ursula (November 2021). "Beethoven's death as the starting point for Rokitansky's family ties to the art world "We were there when they buried him and when he died we wept."".
326:. In 1827 he began his research at the Pathological-Anatomical Prosecture at the Vienna General Hospital. His first complete autopsy report is dated 23 October 1827. He obtained his doctorate in 1384:
Carl Rokitansky, translated by William Edward Swaine, Edward H Sieveking, Charles Hewitt Moore, George Edward Day: A manual of pathological anatomy. Printed for the Sydenham Society, London 1849
Constantin von Wurzbach: Rokitansky, Karl. In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich. 26. Theil. Kaiserlich-königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, Wien 1874, S. 288–295 (Digitalisat).
in : Angetter et al. Strukturen und Netzwerke, Medizin und Wissenschaft in Wien 1848–1955. 650 Jahre UniversitĂ€t Wien – Aufbruch ins neue Jahrhundert, Vol. 5. Wien: V&R unipress; 2018.
Christian Fastl, Monika Kornberger. Institut fĂŒr kunst-und musikhistorische Forschungen: Weis (ab 1872 Weis-Ostborn, eig. Weis Ritter von Ostborn), Familie Maria. 2002, accessed 3 April 2021.
L. J. Rather: A Commentary on the Medical Writings of Rudolf Virchow: Based on Schwalbe's Virchow-Bibliographie, 1843-1901. Norman Publishing, 1990, ISBN 978-0-930405-19-9, S. 7 ( ).
By virtue of the key positions he held in various academic and political bodies, Rokitansky also had a significant influence on Liberalism in Austria. In 1863, Rokitansky was appointed by
Meinrad Peterlik, "Indagandis sedibus et causis morborum" – die Entwicklung der Pathophysiologie als Desiderat Rokitanskys, in: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 154 (2004) 19/20, 467–471.
1688: 1445:
Gustav Zimmermann: Ueber die Analyse des Blutes und die pathologischen Krasenlehren, nebst BeitrĂ€gen zur Physiologie der dyskrasischen Processe. G. Reimer, G. Reimer 1847, S. 170–171.
961:Über einige der wichtigsten Krankheiten der Arterien (= Denkschriften der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Band 4). Wien 1851. 1950:, see also: In the fertile field between natural sciences and humanities – a first study on the personality of Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky from a family biographical point of view, 545: 1816: 1508:
Rudolf Virchow: Brief an seinen Vater, CharitĂ©, 25. Mai 1846. In: Marie Rabl (Hrsg.): Rudolf Virchow, Briefe an seine Eltern 1839 bis 1864. Engelmann, Leipzig 1907, p 109–113, 110.
Felicitas Seebacher: "Primum humanitas, alterum scientia". Die Wiener Medizinische Schule im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Politik. Dissertation UniversitÀt Klagenfurt, 2000.
Ursula Rokitansky-Tilscher, Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und biographische Dokumentation: Rokitansky, Prokop Lothar (Prokopp) Frh. von. 2003, Accessed: 3 April 2021.
Mark Luprecht: "What people call pessimism": Sigmund Freud, Arthur Schnitzler and Nineteenth-Century Controversy at the University of Vienna Medical School. Riverside CA 1991.
402: 394: 602:. On 17 July 1848 Rokitansky was elected as an effective member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. In 1866, he became its vice-president and from 1869 until his death in 1224:
Werner Hanak-Lettner: Die UniversitĂ€t. Eine Kampfzone. Hrsg.: Werner Hanak-Lettner im Auftrag des JĂŒdischesn Museums Wien. Picus, Wien 2015, ISBN 978-3-7117-2031-3, S. 54.
Rudolf Virchow: Rokitansky. Handbuch der allgemeinen pathologischen Anatomie. In: Medizinische Zeitung Berlin. Band 15, Nr. 49, 50. Berlin 1846, p 237–238, 238; 243–244.
2067: 1929:
Meinrad Peterlik, "Indagandis sedibus et causis morborum" – die Entwicklung der Pathophysiologie als Desiderat Rokitanskys, Wien Med Wochenschr 154, 467–471 (2004).
Ursula Rokitansky-Tilscher, Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und biographische Dokumentation: Rokitansky, Karl (Carl) Frh. von. 2003, Accessed. 3 April 2021.
Ottokar Rokitansky: Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky – zum 200. Geburtstag. Eine JubilĂ€umsgedenkschrift. In: Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 116,23, 2004, S. 772–778.
Wilde William Robert: Its literary, scientific and medical institutions. Mit Bemerkungen zum derzeitigen Stand der Wissenschaft. Dublin / London / Edinburgh 1843.
dissection. Rokitansky is said "to have supervised 70,000 autopsies, and personally performed over 30,000, averaging two a day, seven days a week, for 45 years".
it also influenced modernist art which turned its gaze below the surface appearance of things and placed the depiction of its models' emotions in the foreground.
654: 1943:
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Veröffentlichungen der Kommission fĂŒr Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Medizin Nr. 56, Wien 2006).
Robert J. Miciotto: Carl Rokitansky: Nineteenth-century pathologist and leader of the New Vienna School. Dissertation Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 1979.
1689:"Les membres du passé dont le nom commence par R | Liste des membres depuis la création de l'Académie des sciences | Membres | Nous connaßtre" 1935:
Gabriela Schmidt: Rokitansky, Carl Freiherr von. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). Band 22, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-428-11203-2, p 8 f.
Roland Sedivy: Carl Rokitansky und die Ambivalenz zwischen Naturphilosophie und Naturwissenschaft. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 57(12) 2004, S. 661–669.
in medicine. In another speech about the "solidarity of all animal life", delivered at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Rokitansky showed his proximity to
Stöppler, MD, Melissa Conrad (2015-06-01). "Medically Reviewed by ." MedicineNet, 1 June 2015. Autopsy (Post Mortem Examination, Necropsy). Retrieved from
Festrede: Freiheit der Naturforschung. Feierliche Eröffnung des pathologisch-anatomischen Instituts im k. k. allg. Krankenhaus am 24. Mai 1862 (Wien 1862).
627: 1907:
Christian Andree: Rokitansky und Virchow – die Giganten der Pathologie in disputatio. In: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 154, 19/20, 2004, S. 458–466.
2082: 2077: 849:
Rokitansky (age 49) and his Vienna colleagues (1853). He is the third man from the right in the bottom row, holding a book and looking left to his right.
671: 1868:
Paul Klemperer: Notes on Carl von Rokitansky's Autobiography and Inaugural Address. In: Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Vol. 35, 1961, S. 374–380.
Julius Leopold Pagel.: Rokitansky, Karl Freiherr von. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 29, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1889, S. 69–72.
Rudolf Virchow: Rokitansky. Handbuch der allgemeinen pathologischen Anatomie. In: Medizinische Zeitung Berlin. Band 15, Nr. 49, 50. Berlin 1846, p 244.
1344:"A treatise on pathological anatomy. Part I, The abnormal conditions of the organs of respiration - Digital Collections - National Library of Medicine" 1319:"A treatise on pathological anatomy. Part I, The abnormal conditions of the organs of respiration - Digital Collections - National Library of Medicine" 943:
Rukovodstvo k patologicheskoy anatomii, 3 BĂ€nde und 1 Atlas Pathologische Histologie, Verlag der Kaiserlichen UniversitĂ€t Moskau, Moskau 1844– 1849.
in the chamber, Rokitansky demanded in 1868 that each confession with the resources to do so should have the right to open schools for its children.
Pathologisch-anatomische Sammlung im Narrenturm, MN 11.931, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. EigenhÀndige anatomische Zeichnungen von Carl Rokitansky.
Clemens Höslinger, Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und biographische Dokumentation: Rokitansky, Hans Frh. von. 2003, accessed 3 April 2021.
Karl Rokitansky: Gedenkworte seines Enkels Dr. Karl Freiherr v. Rokitansky. In: Sonderabdruck aus Österreichische Furche, Nr. 8, 20 February 1954.
In his endeavours to advance "freedom and progress", he contributed significantly to university reform and to improving the healthcare system.
2037: 1946:
Ursula Rokitansky-Tilscher: The handbook of pathological anatomy and its impact on Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky's international connections,
would be lost if physicians regarded human beings purely as research objects. Thus Rokitansky brought up for the first time the question of
2087: 1436:
Carl Rokitansky: Handbuch der Pathologischen Anatomie. 1. Auflage. Band 1. BraumĂŒller, Wien 1946, S. 134, 139, 145,148, 195, 497, 500, 530.
2042: 1821: 540:
On 25 November 1867, Rokitansky was "unexpectedly and unpreparedly" appointed for life to the upper chamber of the Reichsrat by Emperor
433:. The importance subsequently given to the psyche paved the way not only for Sigmund Freud, psychology and psychoanalysis, according to 318:
Rokitansky began university in 1818 with the obligatory philosophical propaedeutics. Some of his classes were taught by the philosopher
2047: 1926:
Themenschwerpunkt: 200 Jahre Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky, ed. Roland Sedivy. In: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 154, 19/20, 2004.
310: 940:
Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. BraumĂŒller u. Seidel, Wien (3 BĂ€nde, 1842–1846). Bild auf Wikiversity; 3rd Edition 1855–1861.
908: 1400:
Trattato completo di anatomia patologica ; Prima traduzione italiana per cura di Ricchetti e Fano con annotazioni ed aggiunte
89: 1848:
Robert Rössle: Karl von Rokitansky und Rudolf Virchow. In: Sonderabdruck. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 84,15, 1934, S. 1–9.
1215:Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und biographische Dokumentation: Rokitansky, Carl Frh. von. 2003, retrieved 3 April 2021. 1871:
Erna Lesky: Die Wiener medizinische Schule im 19. Jahrhundert (= Studien zur Geschichte der UniversitÀt Wien 6). Graz/Köln 1965.
1546: 1260:Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und biographische Dokumentation: Rokitansky, Carl Frh. von. 2003, accessed 3 April 2021. 1115:Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon und biographische Dokumentation: Rokitansky, Carl Frh. von. 2003, accessed 3 April 2021. 1022:, is named after Carl von Rokitansky. The reason for this bizarre connection is the fact that the director of this film series, 414:
Vienna therefore reads: "Indagandis sedibus et causis morborum" (Der Erforschung des Sitzes und der Ursachen der Erkrankungen).
61: 1887:
Helmut Wyklicky, Karl Freiherr von Rokitansky. In: Sonderdruck Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815–1950 (Wien 1986).
Leopold Schönbauer: Das medizinische Wien. Geschichte, Werden, WĂŒrdigung. 2. umgearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Wien 1949.
2072: 1242:
Carl von Rokitansky: Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie. Band 1. BraumĂŒller & Seidel, Wien 1846, S. 1–2 ( ).
that was based on the new scientific methods established by Carl Rokitansky. In the 20th century, this became known as the
68: 42: 2057: 857: 1910:
Alexander M. Rokitansky: Ein Leben an der Schwelle. In: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 154, 19–20, 2004, S. 454–457.
599: 108: 75: 1146:
The Age of Insight: the Quest to Understand the Unconscious in Art, Mind, and Brain, from Vienna 1900 to the Present
Trattato completo di anatomia patologica, 3 BĂ€nde, Venezia: Co' Tipi del Giornale Lombardo-Veneto, T. Gattei; 1852
1026:, studied medicine and also made a living as doctor at the time when he was raising funds for his first movie - 57: 1769: 1385: 592: 46: 1005:
Selbstbiographie und Antrittsrede. Eingeleitet, ed. und mit ErlÀuterungen versehen von Lesky Erna (Wien 1960).
A Treatise on pathological anatomy. By Dr. John C Peters, New York: 1845 WM. Radde. London: 1845 H. Balliere.
1414: 520: 956: 896: 1880:
Meilensteine der Wiener Medizin: Große Ärzte Österreichs in drei Jahrhunderten, ed. Lesky Erna. Wien 1981.
674:(1842 – 24 August 1928), became professor for internal medicine and rector of the University of Innsbruck. 610:, on 23 July 1878, its president. Rokitansky felt that this "was the largest honour which I could enjoy". 1527:
Constantin Goschler: Rudolf Virchow: Mediziner – Anthropologe – Politiker. Böhlau, Köln–Wien 2009, S. 56.
Constantin Goschler: Rudolf Virchow: Mediziner – Anthropologe – Politiker. Böhlau, Köln–Wien 2009, S. 56.
878: 410: 381: 1536:
Isidor Fischer: Wiens Mediziner und die Freiheitsbewegung des Jahres 1848. Ars Medici, Wien 1935, p 8.
Ursula Rokitansky-Tilscher: Beethoven's influence on Rokitansky's methodology. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
Leopold Schönbauer: Carl von Rokitansky. In: Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 66, 8, 1954, S. 131–134.
1023: 988:
Die ConformitĂ€t der UniversitĂ€ten mit RĂŒcksicht auf gegenwĂ€rtige österreichische ZustĂ€nde. Wien 1863.
2062: 2052: 888: 134: 1343: 1318: 950: 1167:
Carl Rokitansky: Carl von Rokitansky. Selbstbiographie und Antrittsrede-. Erna Lesky, 1960, p 47.
Carl Rokitansky: Carl von Rokitansky. Selbstbiographie und Antrittsrede-. Erna Lesky, 1960, p 47.
82: 35: 1904:
Roland Sedivy: Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky, Wegbereiter der Pathologischen Anatomie. Wien 2001.
Handboek der bijzondere ziektekundige ontleedkunde, Two Volumes, Erven F. Bohn, Gent 1846–1849,
science that was disconnected from clinical prectice. While contemporary pathologists, such as
1369: 853:
Rokitansky's name is associated with the following diseases/morphologic features of disease:
1955: 862: 634:(1770–1825), who gave her free singing lessons because of her special talent. She sang with 563:
Although Rokitansky defended the "materialistic method" in scientific research, he rejected
Rokitansky's Doctrine of Crases and Dyscrases as the Groundwork for Modern Humoral Pathology
2032: 2027: 1454:
Carl Gotthelf Lehmann: Lehrbuch der physiologischen Chemie. Engelmann, Berlin 1853, S. 175.
533: 406: 323: 199: 1002:
Die Defecte der ScheidewÀnde des Herzens. Pathologische anatomische Abhandlung. Wien 1875.
8: 647: 577: 271: 158: 1251:
Strukturen und Netzwerke. 3 December 2018, doi:10.14220/9783737009164 ( ).
845: 1845:
Die Wiener Medizinische Schule im VormÀrz, ed. Neuburger Max. Wien/Berlin/Leipzig 1921.
1728: 1678:
Mitglieder seit 1652: Carl Frhr. von Rokitansky. Leopoldina, accessed 22 February 2020.
1625: 872: 295: 283: 162: 1976: 991:
Zeitfragen betreffend die UniversitÀt mit besonderer Beziehung auf Medizin. Wien 1863.
the Association of the Medical Officials of the Grand Duchy of Baden for the Promotion
the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, later the British Medical Association
1732: 1720: 1629: 1617: 1609: 1302: 944: 901: 291: 287: 166: 270:
Carl Joseph Wenzel Prokop Rokitansky, usually known as Carl Rokitansky, was born in
1712: 1601: 1746:
Akad. d. Wiss., Phil.-hist. Klasse,. Band 234, Nr. 3. Böhlau, Wien 1960, S. 65–66.
1398: 1019: 971: 665: 631: 607: 430: 319: 275: 250: 234: 188: 2002: 1990: 1983: 1969: 1962: 1951: 1947: 1073:). In Germany since 1919, it forms part of family names. The feminine forms are 2008: 1756: 1716: 1605: 1027: 964:
A Manual of Pathological Anatomy, 4 Volumes, London: Sydenham Society; 1849–54.
635: 541: 425: 390: 242: 377: 2021: 1812: 1807: 1613: 385: 1930: 1386:
678: 2012: 1724: 1621: 1270: 1125: 975:
A Manual of Pathological Anatomy. Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea; 1855.
subjects" and only then follow their urge toward knowledge. The feeling of
965: 811:
Commander's Cross of the Imperial Russian Order of Saint Stanislaus (1861)
618: 1413:
A Manual of Pathological Anatomy. Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea 1855
882: 639: 626:
In 1834 Rokitansky married the internationally recognized concert singer
588:. Those who succeed in this should be our greatest ethical role models." 564: 434: 258: 254: 218: 1825:. Vol. 23 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 462. 976: 808:
Commander's Cross of the Imperial-Royal Austrian Order of Leopold (1874)
of State Pharmacology of the Rhenish Society of Natural Sciences, Mainz
585: 581: 569: 459:, 3 volumes, published by Moscow Imperial University, Moscow 1844–1849, 446:
Rokitansky documented the results of his research in his three-volume
376:. Other well-known proponents besides Rokitansky were the clinician 24: 1283:
Eric Kandel: The age of insight. Random House. New York 2013, p 27.
1056: 699:
the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians, Heidelberg
This article incorporates text from a publication now in the
Carl Rokitansky: Dissertation; De Varioloide Vaccinica. Wien 1828.
1015: 924: 919: 348:
First chair for pathological anatomy in the German-speaking world
Officer's Cross of the Royal Greek Order of the Redeemer (1864)
603: 573: 299: 184: 817:
Grand Cross of the Mexican Imperial Order of Guadeloupe (1865)
the Society for Natural History and Medical Science in Dresden
1066: 907:
Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (
Knight of the Imperial Austrian Order of Franz Joseph (1853)
From 3 January 1827 onwards Rokitansky began working at the
1367: 805:
Imperial-Austrian Grand Medal for Science and Arts (1847)
Memberships of international learned societies and honors
Memorial plaque to Carl von Rokitansky in Hradec Krålové
1564: 780:
the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians
Knight of the Royal Greek Order of the Redeemer (1851)
668:(1839–1898), became professor for gynecology in Graz, 762:
the Imperial Medical-Surgical Academy, St Petersburg
1701: 1591: 1403:(in Italian). Tipi del Giornale "Lombardo- Veneto". 753:
the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London
the Society of Physical Medicine of the Lower Rhine
466:, New York: WM. Radde 1845, and at the same time in 314:Carl von Rokitansky as rector of Vienna University 49:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1371:Handboek der bijzondere ziektekundige ontleedkunde 820:Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy (1874) 768:the Society of German Physicians of New York City 765:the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston 696:the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (1856) 2068:Members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2019: 690:the Imperial-Royal College of Physicians, Vienna 598:In 1845, he was elected a foreign member of the 16:Austrian pathologist and philosopher (1804–1878) 915:he first described about endometriosis in 1860 865:(aka "Mayer-Rokitansky-KĂŒster-Hauser syndrome") 774:the Society of General Practitioners in Lemberg 789:the General Austrian Apothecaries' Association 478:Handboek bijzondere ziektekundige ontleedkunde 1148:. New York: Random House. pp. 26–27, 23. 480:, Two Volumes, Erven F. Bohn, Gent 1846–1849, 1991: 1984: 1970: 1963: 1952: 1948: 1757: 1368:Rokitansky, C.; Moleschott, J. (1846–1849). 1080: 1074: 1054: 708:the Society of Swedish Physicians, Stockholm 711:the Royal College of Physicians, Copenhagen 524:Rokitansky's arms as baron, granted in 1874 2083:Rectors of universities in Austria-Hungary 2078:Academic staff of the University of Vienna 1396: 249:; 19 February 1804 – 23 July 1878) was an 1931: 1898:Knoll Reinhold, Rupitz Joseph. Wien 1995. 721:the AcadĂ©mie des Sciences zu Paris(1870) 384:. However, contemporary students such as 109:Learn how and when to remove this message 1811: 1749: 1570: 909:levo-Transposition of the great arteries 844: 759:the Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium 730:the Royal College of Physicians in Pesth 705:the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm 617: 519: 501:. Philadelphia: Blanchard & Lea 1855 492:Trattato completo di anatomia patologica 309: 661:The two younger sons studied medicine. 558: 2020: 1397:Rokitansky, Carl Freiherr von (1852). 1143: 1014:The main character in the film series 918:Rokitansky also developed a method of 457:Rukovodstvo k patologicheskoy anatomii 1009: 777:the Society of Medicine in Strasbourg 305: 1770:"11 Fascinating Facts About Mad Max" 1139: 1137: 1135: 653:and the concert singer and composer 642:, She taught her two eldest sons, 487:, London: Sydenham Society 1849–54., 448:Handbuch der pathologischen Anatomie 47:adding citations to reliable sources 18: 2088:Physicians from the Austrian Empire 858:Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome 515: 368:The 1830s saw the emergence of the 13: 2043:People from the Kingdom of Bohemia 1830: 931: 833:Faculty of Philosophy, Jena (1861) 830:Faculty of Medicine, Prague (1874) 630:(1806–1888). She was a student of 591:He was elected as a member of the 497:the United States (Philadelphia): 471:A Treatise on Pathological Anatomy 464:A Treatise on Pathological Anatomy 374:Second Viennese School of Medicine 341:Pathological-Anatomical Prosecture 14: 2099: 2048:Pathologists from Austria-Hungary 1996: 1705:Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 1594:Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 1132: 1061:is a former title (translated as 771:the Faculty of Medicine in Prague 600:Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 494:, Venezia: Lombardo Venetto 1852, 334: 1799: 1427:unipress, Wien 2018, S. 805–812. 893:Rokitansky-Maude Abbott syndrome 840: 724:the New York Academy of Medicine 499:A Manual of Pathological Anatomy 133: 23: 2038:Politicians from Hradec KrĂĄlovĂ© 1968:Epub 2020 Jun 5. PMID 32504347. 1762: 1739: 1695: 1681: 1672: 1663: 1654: 1645: 1636: 1585: 1576: 1539: 1530: 1521: 1511: 1502: 1493: 1484: 1475: 1466: 1457: 1448: 1439: 1430: 1420: 1407: 1390: 1378: 1361: 1336: 1311: 1295: 1286: 1277: 1263: 1254: 1245: 1236: 1227: 1218: 1209: 1199: 1190: 736:the Medical Association, Munich 34:needs additional citations for 1817:Rokitansky, Carl, Freiherr von 1180: 1170: 1161: 1152: 1118: 1109: 1099: 1047: 693:the Academy of Sciences, Paris 593:American Philosophical Society 544:. As the main speaker for the 485:Manual of Pathological Anatomy 462:the United States (New York): 441:Manual of Pathological Anatomy 357: 1: 1792: 936:His published works include: 756:the Anatomical Society, Paris 727:the Society of Biology, Paris 290:and an imperial state of the 265: 2003:Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky 239:Carl Freiherr von Rokitansky 7: 2073:University of Vienna alumni 1271:"Rokitansky, Carl FRH. Von" 1126:"Rokitansky, Carl FRH. Von" 836:University of Cracow (1874) 473:, London: H. Balliere 1845, 10: 2104: 2058:Habsburg Bohemian nobility 1717:10.1007/s10354-019-00725-1 1606:10.1007/s10354-021-00842-w 1374:(in Dutch). Erven F. Bohn. 1053:Regarding personal names: 922:which consisted mainly of 879:Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses 411:Giovanni Battista Morgagni 382:Ferdinand Ritter von Hebra 897:Von Rokitansky's syndrome 868:Rokitansky's diverticulum 825:Honorary Diplomas of the: 613: 231:Baron Carl von Rokitansky 224: 212: 205: 195: 173: 144: 139:Baron Carl von Rokitansky 132: 127:Baron Carl von Rokitansky 125: 1144:Kandel, Eric R. (2012). 1035: 889:Rokitansky-Cushing ulcer 716:Corresponding Member of: 405:(1799–1832) was that of 1822:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 1081: 1075: 1055: 978:accessed 4 April 2021. 967:accessed 2 April 2021. 952:accessed 4 April 2021. 850: 623: 525: 395:Jean FrĂ©dĂ©ric Lobstein 380:and the dermatologist 315: 279: 246: 238: 1417:accessed 4 April 2021 958:accessed 4 April 2021 848: 655:Victor von Rokitansky 621: 523: 313: 58:"Carl von Rokitansky" 1547:"APS Member History" 871:Rokitansky's triad ( 786:the Hufeland Society 559:Philosophical career 534:Anton von Schmerling 483:the United Kingdom: 469:the United Kingdom: 407:Ludwig van Beethoven 324:University of Vienna 200:University of Vienna 43:improve this article 2009:Carl von Rokitansky 1307:(in Russian). 1844. 748:Honorary member of: 683:Rokitansky became 648:Hans von Rokitansky 578:Arthur Schopenhauer 370:New Viennese School 363:New Viennese School 286:, then part of the 1711:(11–12): 274–283. 1600:(15–16): 363–372. 1010:In popular culture 873:pulmonary stenosis 863:MĂŒllerian agenesis 851: 646:the Opera Singer, 624: 526: 316: 306:University studies 296:Charles University 284:Kingdom of Bohemia 902:Rokitansky nodule 672:Prokop Rokitansky 476:the Netherlands: 292:Holy Roman Empire 288:Habsburg monarchy 228: 227: 207:Scientific career 167:Habsburg monarchy 119: 118: 111: 93: 2095: 1826: 1805: 1803: 1802: 1786: 1785: 1783: 1781: 1766: 1760: 1753: 1747: 1743: 1737: 1736: 1699: 1693: 1692: 1685: 1679: 1676: 1670: 1667: 1661: 1658: 1652: 1649: 1643: 1640: 1634: 1633: 1589: 1583: 1580: 1574: 1568: 1562: 1561: 1559: 1557: 1543: 1537: 1534: 1528: 1525: 1519: 1515: 1509: 1506: 1500: 1497: 1491: 1488: 1482: 1479: 1473: 1470: 1464: 1461: 1455: 1452: 1446: 1443: 1437: 1434: 1428: 1424: 1418: 1411: 1405: 1404: 1394: 1388: 1382: 1376: 1375: 1365: 1359: 1358: 1356: 1354: 1340: 1334: 1333: 1331: 1329: 1315: 1309: 1308: 1299: 1293: 1290: 1284: 1281: 1275: 1274: 1267: 1261: 1258: 1252: 1249: 1243: 1240: 1234: 1231: 1225: 1222: 1216: 1213: 1207: 1203: 1197: 1194: 1188: 1184: 1178: 1174: 1168: 1165: 1159: 1156: 1150: 1149: 1141: 1130: 1129: 1122: 1116: 1113: 1107: 1103: 1086: 1084: 1078: 1072: 1069: 1064: 1060: 1051: 516:Political career 320:Bernardo Bolzano 247:Karel RokytanskĂœ 180: 155:19 February 1804 154: 152: 137: 123: 122: 114: 107: 103: 100: 94: 92: 51: 27: 19: 2103: 2102: 2098: 2097: 2096: 2094: 2093: 2092: 2063:Czech humanists 2053:Austrian barons 2018: 2017: 1999: 1833: 1831:Further reading 1815:, ed. (1911). " 1800: 1798: 1795: 1790: 1789: 1779: 1777: 1768: 1767: 1763: 1754: 1750: 1744: 1740: 1700: 1696: 1687: 1686: 1682: 1677: 1673: 1668: 1664: 1659: 1655: 1650: 1646: 1641: 1637: 1590: 1586: 1581: 1577: 1569: 1565: 1555: 1553: 1545: 1544: 1540: 1535: 1531: 1526: 1522: 1516: 1512: 1507: 1503: 1498: 1494: 1489: 1485: 1480: 1476: 1471: 1467: 1462: 1458: 1453: 1449: 1444: 1440: 1435: 1431: 1425: 1421: 1412: 1408: 1395: 1391: 1383: 1379: 1366: 1362: 1352: 1350: 1342: 1341: 1337: 1327: 1325: 1317: 1316: 1312: 1301: 1300: 1296: 1291: 1287: 1282: 1278: 1269: 1268: 1264: 1259: 1255: 1250: 1246: 1241: 1237: 1232: 1228: 1223: 1219: 1214: 1210: 1204: 1200: 1195: 1191: 1185: 1181: 1175: 1171: 1166: 1162: 1157: 1153: 1142: 1133: 1124: 1123: 1119: 1114: 1110: 1104: 1100: 1090: 1089: 1070: 1065: 1062: 1052: 1048: 1038: 1020:Max Rockatansky 1012: 934: 932:Published works 843: 681: 666:Karl Rokitansky 632:Antonio Salieri 616: 608:Austria-Hungary 580:'s writings on 561: 518: 431:Theodor Meynert 360: 337: 308: 268: 217: 196:Alma mater 191: 189:Austria-Hungary 182: 178: 169: 156: 150: 148: 140: 128: 115: 104: 98: 95: 52: 50: 40: 28: 17: 12: 11: 5: 2101: 2091: 2090: 2085: 2080: 2075: 2070: 2065: 2060: 2055: 2050: 2045: 2040: 2035: 2030: 2016: 2015: 2006: 1998: 1997:External links 1995: 1994: 1993: 1986: 1979: 1972: 1965: 1958: 1944: 1940: 1939:3-205-77205-9. 1936: 1933: 1927: 1924: 1920: 1917: 1914: 1911: 1908: 1905: 1902: 1899: 1895: 1892: 1888: 1885: 1881: 1878: 1875: 1872: 1869: 1866: 1862: 1859: 1855: 1852: 1849: 1846: 1843: 1840: 1837: 1832: 1829: 1828: 1827: 1813:Chisholm, Hugh 1794: 1791: 1788: 1787: 1761: 1748: 1738: 1694: 1680: 1671: 1662: 1653: 1644: 1635: 1584: 1575: 1573:, p. 462. 1563: 1538: 1529: 1520: 1510: 1501: 1492: 1483: 1474: 1465: 1456: 1447: 1438: 1429: 1419: 1406: 1389: 1377: 1360: 1335: 1310: 1294: 1285: 1276: 1262: 1253: 1244: 1235: 1226: 1217: 1208: 1198: 1189: 1187:3-205-77205-9. 1179: 1169: 1160: 1151: 1131: 1117: 1108: 1106:3-205-77205-9. 1097: 1096: 1088: 1087: 1045: 1044: 1037: 1034: 1011: 1008: 1007: 1006: 1003: 1000: 996: 992: 989: 986: 983: 979: 973: 968: 962: 959: 953: 947: 941: 933: 930: 913: 912: 905: 899: 894: 891: 886: 876: 869: 866: 860: 842: 839: 838: 837: 834: 831: 822: 821: 818: 815: 812: 809: 806: 803: 800: 791: 790: 787: 784: 781: 778: 775: 772: 769: 766: 763: 760: 757: 754: 744: 743: 740: 737: 734: 731: 728: 725: 722: 713: 712: 709: 706: 703: 700: 697: 694: 691: 680: 677: 676: 675: 669: 659: 658: 651: 636:Franz Schubert 615: 612: 560: 557: 542:Franz Joseph I 517: 514: 503: 502: 495: 488: 481: 474: 467: 460: 426:paradigm shift 391:Gabriel Andral 359: 356: 336: 335:Medical career 333: 307: 304: 272:Hradec KrĂĄlovĂ© 267: 264: 226: 225: 222: 221: 214: 210: 209: 203: 202: 197: 193: 192: 183: 181:(aged 74) 175: 171: 170: 161:(KöniggrĂ€tz), 159:Hradec KrĂĄlovĂ© 157: 146: 142: 141: 138: 130: 129: 126: 117: 116: 31: 29: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2100: 2089: 2086: 2084: 2081: 2079: 2076: 2074: 2071: 2069: 2066: 2064: 2061: 2059: 2056: 2054: 2051: 2049: 2046: 2044: 2041: 2039: 2036: 2034: 2031: 2029: 2026: 2025: 2023: 2014: 2010: 2007: 2005:. 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Hradec Krålové
Habsburg monarchy
University of Vienna
Hradec Krålové
Kingdom of Bohemia
Habsburg monarchy
Holy Roman Empire
Charles University

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