
White Croats

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9509:" (interview with archaeologist Филипчук Михайло Андрійович: in Ukrainian), Католицький Оглядач, 2 August 2015, quote: Під час походу Володимира на хорватів (992–993 рр.) городище було спалене. Повертаючись до того часу, про який ми зараз говоримо, потрібно сказати, що похід Володимира Великого був нищівним для Галичини, тобто для тодішньої Великої Хорватії (нехрещеної). Населення не хотіло підкоритися Київському князю, оскільки тут було уже своє протодержавне об'єднання – Велика Хорватія, яке перебувало у процесі становлення держави, як колись було у постгомерівській Греції, коли міста-поліси формували Афінський і Пелопоннеський союзи. В той час у нас усе групувалося довкола Галича і це зафіксовано в східних, візантійських та західних писемних джерелах. «Прихід» Володимира в Галичину цілковито руйнує наявну тут територіально-адміністративну інфраструктуру, основою якої були міста-держави, тобто поліси. Отже, слід думати, що ми маємо справу з величезним переселенням частини наших пращурів у Володимир-Суздальську землю. А ще частина населення, не підкорившись загарбникам, пішла на Балкани, у Хорватію, яка там виникла за часів візантійського царя Іраклія в 617 році. Тобто, в ХІ столітті в Галичині склалася дуже важка ситуація, тому вона не випадково практично зникає зі сторінок писемних джерел. Не дивно, що сказане знаходить своє підтвердження і в археологічних джерелах. Так, якщо в кінці Х століття в українському Прикарпатті функціонувало щонайменше 86 міст (разом з культовими центрами) і понад 500 селищ (усе це до тепер знайдено, але очевидно їх було більше), то в ХІ столітті в ми ледве нараховуємо до 40 населених пунктів. Похід Володимира на хорватів – це був страшний катаклізм. Подібна ситуація була і в тих землях, які захопили Болєслав І і його син Мєшко ІІ на території сучасної Польщі. На цих теренах Велика Хорватія сягала західніше від Кракова. І тому не випадково, коли в середині ХІІ століття відроджується Галич, давньоруське місто повторює матрицю старохорватських міст-держав. Тому, коли Володимир йшов війною на хорватів, він мав, якесь певне моральне оправдання – хрещення закоренілих поган. Але не відкидаймо його політичні та економічні інтереси. Адже, з одного боку цей «поганський клин» знаходився на практично ключовій позиції Бурштинового шляху, контролюючи перехід з басейну Балтійського моря у басейн Чорного, а також і тогочасна політична експансія руської та польської держав, очевидно вимагала оптимального політичного вирішення цього питання. 3892:Їх часто необґрунтовано називають також "білими хорватами". Це пов'язано з тим, що східноєвроп. Х. помилково ототожнюють з "хорватами білими" (згадуються в недатованій частині "Повісті временних літ" в одному ряду із сербами й хорутанами) та "білохорватами" (фігурують у трактаті візант. імп. Константина VII Багрянородного "Про управління імперією"); насправді в обох випадках ідеться про слов'ян. племена на Балканах – предків населення сучасної Хорватії... єдине з літописних племен, для котрого "Повість временних літ" не вказує територію розселення. Локалізація Х. у Прикарпатті та, можливо, Закарпатті базується на двох підставах: 1) у цих регіонах у 8—10 ст. поширені пам'ятки райковецької культури, притаманної всім східнослов'ян. племенам Правобережжя в зазначений час; 2) ця частина ареалу райковецької к-ри лежить поза межами розселення ін. літописних племен, згаданих у "Повісті временних літ". Гомогенність райковецьких старожитностей, які не членуються на відносно чіткі локальні варіанти, не дає змоги конкретизувати кордони Х. та їхніх сусідів (волинян/бужан на пн. та пн. сх., уличів на пд. сх. і тиверців на пд.). Певною особливістю райковецьких пам'яток Прикарпаття є поширеність городищ-сховищ, що були одночасно сакральними центрами (мали капища та "довгі будинки"-контини, призначені для общинних бенкетів-братчин). 7620:, pp. 404–408, 424–425, 444:It is also unclear whether their arrival represented a further major wave of Slavic immigration into the north-western Balkans, or whether they functioned essentially as an organizing element for Slavic groups already present there but formerly subject to Avar domination ... third type of Slavic migrant group that was either large enough or militarily specialized enough to throw off Avar domination ... On the other hand, the historical evidence for much larger Slavic social units on the move (whether ‘tribal’ or military specialists – if such, indeed, were the Serbs and Croats) ... Second, Avars were responsible for the spread of the larger 'tribal' Slavic communities into the Balkans after 610, which would have been impossible if the former had not destroyed Roman frontier security. But these were the same Slavs who had been alternately fighting and serving the Avars over the previous fifty years, so there is every reason to suppose that they also wanted to put themselves, not to mention their wives and children, out of the latter’s reach. 2345: 1003: 7768:
kasnoantičke tradicije (lonci s ručkama i vrčevi s izljevom).119 U tehnološkom smislu, kao i zbog načina ukrašavanja, može se zaključiti da sve to posuđe nastaje pod utjecajem kasnoantičke keramičke produkcije. Ono, međutim, ne predstavlja dokaz o znatnijem sudjelovanju starosjedilačkoga stanovništva u oblikovanju nove etničke slike u Dalmaciji, kako je to, na osnovi pojedinih keramičkih nalaza, pokušao protumačiti A. Milošević.120 Upravo obrnuto, pojava posuđa u grobovima prvi je materijalni dokaz kojim je obilježena prisutnost novog naroda na ovim prostorima, a nikad i nigdje nije zabilježena na grobljima 6. i ranog 7. stoljeća, koja se sa sigurnošću mogu pripisati starijem stanovništvu (npr. Knin-Greblje, Korita-Duvno).121 Osim toga, prilaganje posuđa povezano je s poganskim pogrebnim običajima kakvi su, bez obzira na određeni stupanj barbarizacije, nespojivi s kršćanskom pripadnošću spomenutog stanovništva...
were identified first as separate categories by S. Pyvovarov: 1. Social and material – O. Ratych, J. Kalaga, M. Hanuliak (Ratič 1976, 176–177; Hanuliak 1979; Kalaga 2014, 136); 2. Ethnic, which suggests belonging of this type of burial to the tribes of Tyvertsi – B. Tymoshchuk, V. Siedov, V. Voinarovskyi (Timoŝuk 1969, 56; Sedov 1982, 128; Vojnarovsʹkij 1992, 41–42), Croats – E. Timofieiev, V. Petehyrych, O. Motsia (Timofeev 1961, 69; Petegirič 1990, 73; Mocâ 1994, 31), Croats-Tivertsi – I. Voznyi (Voznij 2009, 365), late Croats-Halychans – B. Tomenchuk (Tomenčuk 2006, 110); 3. Pagan – V. Petehyrych and O. Motsia (Petegirič 1990, 73; Mocâ 1994, 31); 4. Evolution-functional – B. Tomenchuk (Tomenčuk 2006, 110); 5. Christianization – S. Pyvovarov, S. Mayarchak (Pivovarov 2006, 169–171; Maârčak 2018, 278–280).
2728:, as well women's city West of Russian lands by Abraham ben Jacob. According to Aleksei S. Shchavelev, they rather and most likely represent Karna and Zhelya, an ancient pair of symbolic and mythopoetic female characters of Slavic traditional ritual of lamentation for the dead ("grief and howl", "sorrow and hardship") found in Kievan chronicles. Another vagueness is a reason and meaning that one of the brothers had a Croatian ethnonym as a name, perhaps indicating he was more important than the other brothers, was a representative of the most prominent clan or tribe around which other gathered, or that the Croats were only one identity among others with which the Adriatic Croats tried to bring legitimacy to the Croatian Kingdom. According to Shchavelev, the 8345:...The interpretation of Carolingian finds from Croatia and adjacent areas seems more probable in such a context. This does not negate early medieval migrations, which surely have occurred, but not as a single closed event in a fixed moment of time and, apparently, not at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. Neither the material, nor the written sources support that. The Carolingian influence on early medieval Croatia was quite considerable and quite important, as was shown by the exhibition "Croats and Carolingians" in 2000/2001. For the formation of early medieval Croat identity and their ethnogenesis it was possibly the key element. However, it had hardly anything to do with the presumed migration of the Croats. 1541: 1323: 2139:
modern Croatian ethnogenesis is disputed depending on the interpretation of the archaeological data, considering them as a minority with significant cultural influence or as a majority who outnumbered the Slavs. However, archaeological and anthropological data indicate that Slavs/Croats were not in small numbers, probably migrated and settled in several waves, contacts with natives were more prominent in Western and almost non-existent in Pannonian part of Croatia, and that the first Slavs/Croats settled near old-Roman sites in North Dalmatia in the second half of 7th and more prominently since early 8th century. According to anthropological
710: 2092:
regional and chronological archaeological differences between Northern, Western and Southern Croatia in the end of 6th until early 8th century are result of two separate Slavic waves (via Moravian Gate and Podunavlje), as well it is difficult, practically impossible, to differentiate Croats from other Sclaveni and Antae. Conservatively, the "Old Croat" archaeological period is dated between 7th and early 9th century, and were found archaeological parallels in Southeastern (Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania) and Central-Eastern (Slovakia, Czechia, Eastern Austria, Poland and Ukraine) countries.
690:, East Slavic, or West Slavic origin. Whether the early Croats were Slavs who had taken a name of Iranian origin, or whether they were ruled by a Sarmatian elite and were Slavicized Sarmatians, cannot be resolved, but is considered that they arrived as Slavic people when entered the Balkans. The possibility of Irani-Sarmatian elements among, or influences upon, early Croatian ethnogenesis cannot be entirely excluded, but most probably was negligible by the Early Middle Ages. The dispute on affiliation with West and East Slavs is also disputed on linguistic grounds because the Croats are linguistically closer to East Slavs. 22: 1984: 813:, where the Belocroats are now. From them split off a family, namely of five brothers, Kloukas and Lobelos and Kosentzis and Mouchlo and Chrobatos, and two sisters, Touga and Bouga, who came with their folk to Dalmatia and found this land under the rule of the Avars. After they had fought one another for some years, the Croats prevailed and killed some of the Avars and the remainder they compelled to be subject to them... The rest of the Croats stayed over near Francia, and are now called the Belocroats, that is, the White Croats, and have their own archon; they are subject to 2232: 2472:
Dnieper region is attributed to the Croats, and sometimes also Tivertsi, and Ulichs. In the territory of Czech Republic, a significant number of graves with kurgans dated 8th–10th century have been found around the Elbe river where was the presumed territory by the White Croats and Zlicans, as well among Dulebes in the South, and Moravians in the East. The graves with kurgans in northeastern Czechia and lower Silesia, where are usually located the White Croats, can also indicate a Lechite-Croatian contact zone with
339: 936:... These same Croats arrived as refugees to the emperor of the Romaioi Heraclius before the Serbs came as refugees to the same Emperor Heraclius, at that time when the Avars had fought and expelled from those parts the Romani... Now, by the command of the Emperor Heraclius, these same Croats fought and expelled the Avars from those parts, and, by mandate of Heraclius the emperor they settled down in that same country of the Avars, where they now dwell. These same Croats had the father of 13221: 1998: 1569: 683:), and Southern (in the Balkans). It is considered that the Croatian tribes from Prykarpattia and Zakarpattia in Ukraine were related to the Croatian tribes from Poland-Bohemia. However, the same ethnic name does not necessarily mean all the tribes had the same ancestry, as well the dating and supposed existence, separation and location of different tribal groups is a matter of much debate due to lack of evidence, historical sources and their interpretation. 7122:
ethnic group inhabiting the Eastern Carpathians, between the River of Poprad to the west and the rivers of Oslava and Laborec to the east. The ethnic shape of the Lemko territory was affected by the Wallachian colonization in 14th–16th centuries, the influx of a Ruthenian-influenced Slovak population and the settlement of a Slavic tribe called the White Croats, who had inhabited this part of the Carpathians since the 5th century.
2447:-like states. Stilsko, Plisnesk, Halych, Revno, Terebovlia and Przemyśl are argued to have been large "tribal" capitals in 9–10th century. According to archaeological material, Plisnesk, Stilsko and many other settlements and pagan shrines by the end of the 10th and beginning of the 11th century temporary ceased to exist with the extensive layers of fire traces interpreted as evidence of the "Croatian War" by the 843:. It is considered that the described 7th century homeland and migration's starting point is anachronistic based on partly available information about contemporary 10th century White Croats, and the 6-7th century existence and location of White Croats and Croatia to the West of the Eastern Carpathians or Carpathian Mountains was never proved. It is considered that Constantine VII was referring to the 10th century 2161: 1600:. This is the first local account of the Croatian name in Slavic language. While some considered that those Croats lived near Prague, others noted that in the case of noble and royal fugitives tried to find security as distant as possible, indicating these Croats probably were located more to the East around Vistula valley. There were also some attempts to relate with Croats an anonymous neighbor ruler ( 5304:, p. 26, 29:H. Łowmiański also decided that at least one of the tribes of Croats named in the Prague Privilege could be without hesitation located on Vistula and identified with Vistulans, thus, without any justification, omitting the remarks of Vladislav Kentshinsky and the conclusions of J. Vidayevich, who did not admit the possibility of identifying the Vistulans with the Croats. 1319:, Lendians and Vistulans connecting the city of Kraków with the city of Prague, implying they were partly dependent to the rule of Svatopluk I. These facts exclude the possibility of referring to Croats in Bohemia, placing them in Lesser Poland on the territory of Lendians and Vistulans, or more probably the Revno complex on river Prut in Western Ukraine, and generally in Prykarpattia. 2253:
types, and especially oven cookers in Western Ukraine which "were made out of stone (the Middle and the Upper Dnister areas), or clay (mud and butte types, Volynia)", differentiates main tribal alliances of Croats and Volhynians, but also from Tiversti and Drevlians. The craniometric studies of medieval burial grounds and modern population in the region of Galicia show that the
2420: 2084:
criticized for being unnatural and improbable with current argumentation. Since the 10th century both Roman and Slavic tradition tried to explain their distant history and depict others (barbarians) or themselves (Slavs) in more positive or negative light. Such theorizations are based on literal interpretation of anachronistic and semi-historical narrative from passages in
328: 9272:, pp. 39:The city belonged to a group of grandiose Croatian settlements (Plisnesk, Revna, Stylske, Iliv, etc.), stretching along the course of the Upper Dniester, bordering on its lower part with the settlement of the Ulychs and Tiverts (gentes), and closely coexisting with the carriers of the Scandinavian subculture at least in the 10th century. 2088:, and according to more critical historiographical, archaeological and linguistic data and interpretations, the Croats mainly or exclusively arrived with the Avars in the first massive wave from the Eastern Carpathians. Whatever the case, the Croats had to be strong and well-organized enough to get a new homeland by war and victory over Avars. 1488:". The occurrence of the Croatian name together with the Hungarians and Pechenegs and not Moravians and Bohemians, and the fact during the period of Bolesław I the Brave the Polish realm expanded to the territory later-known as Western and Eastern Galicia, indicates that the mentioned Croats most probably lived on the territory of Carpathians. 2543:, and argued possibility that in the ethnonym of the Croats could be seen archaic religion and mythology – the worship of the Slavic solar deity Khors (Sun, heavenly fire, force, war), which possibly is of Iranian origin. The assumption is supported by pagan shrines with solar signs on stone walls found on territory of Croats. According to 3092:, one of the Croatian "twelve noble tribes", as well Klaić noted that in 852 was a settlement Tugari in the Kingdom of Croatia which people in Latin sources were called as Tugarani and Tugarini, while Mažuranić noted certain Tugina and župan Tugomir, and Loma personal names Tugomir/Tugomer among medieval Croats and Serbs. Gluhak noted 860:(Turks), but "neither in 929 nor in 950 could be Bohemia described as being in good relations with Hungary", as part of White Croatia was in the realm of Bohemia, and friendly relations between Bohemia and Magyars were established after 955. White Croats since 906 or 955 possibly were in friendly and matrimonial relations with the 2180:, and later expanded to the West and South, and its bearers were the Antes tribes. A. V. Majorov and others criticized Sedov's consideration, who almost exclusively related the Croats with Penkovka culture and the Antes, because the territory the Croats inhabited in the middle and upper Dniester and the upper Vistula was part of 10091:, p. 97:Grafenauer has, moreover, very convincingly shown ... the impossibility of an hypothesis put forward by Budimir ... that C.'s account of the second migration of the Croats was only an adaptation of tales preserved by Herodotus ... about the origin of the Scythians and of the Delian story about Hyperboreans 3978:По данным ср.-век. письм. источников и топонимии, хорваты локализуются на северо-западе Балкан (предки совр. хорватов); на части земель в бассейнах верхнего течения Эльбы, Вислы, Одры, возможно, и Моравы (белые хорваты, по-видимому, в значении "западные"); на северо-востоке Прикарпатья (отчасти и в Закарпатье). 538:. In semantical comparison, as the color "white" besides the meaning "Western" of something/someone could also mean "younger" (later also associated with "unbaptized"), the association with "great" is contradictory. The ethnonym with the epithet was also questioned lexically and grammatically by linguists like 10176:
the thirdhand or even fourth-hand nature of the information, which was ultimately derived from the Croatian historical tradition, but reached Constantine through several intermediary sources. Nevertheless, the Croatian material is the earliest evidence available for the names of pan-Slavic totemic heroes.
550:, the "Belohrobatoi" should be read as "Velohrobatoi" ("Velohrovatoi"; "Great/Old Croats" not "White Croats"). The possible confusion could have happened if the original Slavic form "velo-" was transcribed to Greek alphabet and then erroneously translated, but such a conclusion is not always accepted. 9682:
As for the issue of the genesis of the practice of burial under stone slabs and why this rite was widespread mainly in the western part of Ukraine, with the exception of the under the slab cemetery in Buky, Kyiv region, no clear answer exists. There are several main hypotheses among researchers. They
Plemena u Zahumlju, Paganiji, Travuniji i Konavlima Porfirogenit naziva Srbima,28 razdvajajuči pritom njihovo političko od etničkog bića.29 Ovakvo tumačenje verovatno nije najsrećnije jer za Mihaila Viševića, kneza Zahumljana, kaže da je poreklom sa Visle od roda Licika,30 a ta je reka isuviše daleko
Trans.: Proceeding from the above, Transcarpathian Croats and Croats lived near Dniester and San Rivers would be more correct to call Carpathian Croats, as Ya. Isayevich suggested, and not White Croats, as most Ukrainian and Russian authors write. White Croats were located in the upper reaches of the
population makes a separate anthropological zone of Ukraine, with medieval "Eastern Croats" being "morphologically and statistically different from dolichocranic and mesocephalic massive populations at the lands of the Volynians, the Tyvertsi, and the Drevlyans". It seems that the Eastern Carpathians
in Czechia. Their location does not necessarily mean their whole territory, it could enter it from the direction of the east, as Alfred evidently did not know well Slavic borders to the East. According Łowmiański, with the fact that the Frankish chronicles do not mention Croats, while Silesian Croats
the names of the pan-Slavic totemic ancestral figures: Kloukas corresponds to the Czech Krok and to the Polish Krak—the raven—and Lobelos is a male counterpart of the Czech Libuše and the Kievan Lybed'—the swan. The distorted form of these names probably appeared in Constantine's treatise because of
3908: 2500:
who also received Christianity late (988). Some rude form of Christianity probably was introduced before that date, but the land and its people can not be considered as Christian. Slavs often related places of worship with the natural environment, like hills, forests, and water. According to Nestor,
got conquered because had too many large tribal capitals with local lords who probably didn't act in a centralized and nationalized manner (polycentric proto-state), were pressured by Bohemian, Polish and Hungarian principalities, while were attacked by Kievan Rus' because inhibited Rus' free access
to the South, it is also mentioned that "on the other side of the mountains, the Croats are neighboring the Turks", however as are mentioned Pechenegs to the North while in the 10th century the Croats are mentioned as the Southern neighbors of the Hungarians, the account is of uncertain meaning, but
825:. They too had an independent archon, who would maintain friendly contact, though through envoys only, with the archon of Croatia... From that time they remained independent and autonomous, and they requested holy baptism from Rome, and bishops were sent and baptized them in the time of their Archon 2773:
in Croatia, where early Croats settled. According to Gluhak, names Kloukas, Lobelos, Kosentzes and possibly Mouchlo don't seem to be part of Scythian or Alanic name directory. Nevertheless, the possible non-Slavic etymology of the names doesn't indicate non-Slavic ethnic identity or origin of White
Archaeological excavations held between 1981 and 1995 which researched Early Middle Age Gords in Prykarpattia and Western Podolia dated between 9th–11th century found that fortified Gords with a range of 0.2 ha made 65%, those of 2 ha 20%, and more than 2 ha 15% in that region. There were
According to recent archaeological research of material culture and conclusions on the ethno-tribal affiliation and territorial borders of the Carpathian region from 6th until 10th century, the tribal territory of the Croats ("Great Croatia") is unanimously considered by Ukrainian archaeologists to
which "could be a reflection of this process in the broader Slavic sphere" (among East Slavs and central region of West Slavs). As assimilated with the remaining Roman population who withdrew to the coastal mountains, cities and islands, the size and influence of the autochthonous population on the
instead advances the idea of two separate waves of Croats, first massive wave (587–614) from Galicia forced their way through Pannonia, Bosnia and started the conquest of Dalmatia while second wave (626–630) from West of Galicia finished it. The theory on dual division and migration of the Slavs is
since the 6th and 7th century. Their exact place of migration to the Balkans is uncertain, but it is generally argued to be from the region of Galicia (Western Ukraine and Southeastern-Southern Poland) along an Eastern route through the Pannonian Basin and alongside Eastern Carpathians according to
According to the 31st chapter, the Pechenegs were Eastern neighbors of the White Croats, those living around Upper Dniester in Western Ukraine, in the second half of the 9th century and early 10th century. In that time Franks and Hungarians plundered Moravia, and White or Great Croatia was probably
which controlled parts of Southern Poland and Western Ukraine. From the 30th chapter can be observed that the Croats lived "beyond Bavaria" in the sense East of it, in Bohemia and Lesser Poland, because the original source of information was of Western Roman origin. White Croatia in the 7th century
Mnogi povjesničari, filozofi, etnolozi i antropolozi navode da su Hrvati iz svoje izakarpatske prapostojbine u današnje domovine donijeli jedino svoju tradicijsku kulturu. Odjeci te kulture opažaju se u suvremenim zapisima obrednih lirskih pjesama koje su pjevale Kolede, Ladarice, Kraljice, Dodole
To the Croats are attributed two Gords of unusually big dimensions and each of them could inhabit tens of thousands of people – Plisnesk with a surface of 450 ha, including a fortress with a pagan center, surrounded by seven long and complex lines of protection, several smaller settlements in
Debates continue over the origin of the Croats and related topics. Their ethnonym is usually considered to be of Iranian origin, and historians regard them one of the oldest Slavic tribes or tribal alliances that formed prior to the 6th century CE. They were an East Slavic tribe, but bordered both
about the period of their migration, and the names are the earliest example of pan-Slavic totemic heroes. Also, compared to other early medieval stories none of them mentions female personalities, but do late medieval Kievan, Polish and Czech chronicles, which could indicate a specific tribal and
Although the early medieval Croatian tribes in the scholarship are often called as White Croats, there's a scholarly dispute whether it is a correct term as some scholars differentiate the tribes according to separate regions and that the term implies only the medieval Croats who lived in Central
The city of Rohatyn is situated at the crossroads of routes leading to Halych, Lviv and Ternopil. Evidence of two large White Croatian towns (6th–8th centuries) was found near Rohatyn at the villages of Pidhoroddya and Lykovyshche. One of them is likely to have been Old Rohatyn ... The Lemkos an
The Boikos are believed to be the descendants of the ancient Slavic tribe of White Croatians that came under the rule of the Kyivan Rus' state during the reign of Prince Volodymyr the Great. Before the Magyars occupied the Danube Lowland this tribe served as a direct link between the Eastern and
Excavations of many Slavic kurgan tombs in the Carpathian Mountains in the 1930s and 1960s were also attributed to the Croats. Compared to other East Slavic tribes, the area of the Croats stands out because of very present tiled tombs, and in the 11th and 13th century their appearance in Western
2196:) burial which was also found in the upper Elbe territory where presumably lived the Czech Croats. Their association with Antes, mainly promoted in Sedov's work, is in contradiction with scientific knowledge about historical, archaeological, political and ethnic evidence of the migration period. 1314:
also considered that the details on the king's custom of life is evidence of Alanic and Eurasian nomadic origin of the ruling caste among those Slavs. Most probable reason for the use of the Croatian name in the East among Arabs is due to trade routes which led to and passed through the lands of
The origin of the names of five brothers, two sisters and first ruler are a matter of dispute. They are often considered to be of non-Slavic origin, and genuine names, as the anonymous Slavic narrator (probably a Croat) couldn't invent the non-Slavic names of their ancestors in the 9th century.
the right tributary of Upper Vistula in Southeastern Poland. In the Eastern Bukovina region bordered with Tiversti, in Eastern Podolia with Ulichs, to the North along Upper Bug River with Dulebes-Buzhans-Volhynians, to the Northwest with Lendians and West with Vistulans. The analysis of housing
and other smaller cities, destruction of churches and else dated at the end of 6th until mid-7th century. What differentiated Croats from other contemporary Slavs was that Croats or partly brought or very early accepted the practice of inhumation from Roman-Christian natives (possibly gradually
Alimov, Denis Jevgenjevič (2015). "Hrvati, kult Peruna i slavenski gentilizam (Komentari na hipotezu Ante Miloševića o identitetu Porina i Peruna)" [Croats, the cult of Perun and Slavic "gentilism". (A Comment on the hypothesis of Ante Miloševic about the identity of Porin and Perun)].
in the end of the 10th century. It had a devastating effect on the administrative division and population of Eastern Galicia (Great Croatia), ultimately stopping their process of becoming a single unified and centralized state. However, the archaeological data, and 11th century revival of some
Western Ukraine was a contact area between these two cultures in an ethnoculturally diverse environment, and they possibly were representatives of both these archaeological cultures and formed before them at the least late 4th or during the 5th century in the area of the intertwining of these
On the basis of archaeological data between the late 6th and early 9th century and emergence of cremation burials, it is considered that the dating of Slavic/Croat migration and settlement in Croatia to the beginning of the 7th century is generally reliable. However, it's unclear whether some
are not part of the same story and event. Although it is possible that some Croatian tribes were present among Slavs in the first Slavic-Avar wave in the 6th century, it is argued that the Croatian migration (from Zakarpattia), seen as of a separate warrior elite group which started anti-Avar
Nalaze grobne keramike s područja Hrvatske u više je navrata razmatrao J. Belošević, te došao do zaključka da se otkriveno posuđe s obzirom na oblik može podijeliti na ono tipično slavenskih oblika (jajoliki i kružno-jajoliki lonci poput primjerka s Bukorovića podvornice) i ono koje odražava
for control over Bohemia and eventually succumbed to them, was of White Croat origin. After the Slavník dynasty's main Gord (fortified settlement) Libice was destroyed in 995, the Croats aren't mentioned anymore in that territory. However, Łowmiański considered that the Bohemian location and
is commonly dated between 622 and 627, or 622–638, but the account can be interpreted as a date when the Croats revolted against the Avars after the Croatian migration and settlement in Dalmatia in the late 6th and early 7th century. It is considered that the uprising happened after failed
represented Croatia. It was a common practice to call a whole region and country by the capital or well-known city, as well a city by the tribal name, especially if was on the periphery where the first contacts of merchants and researchers took place. Although it is generally accepted that
7090:Г. – нащадки давніх слов'ян. племен – білих хорватів, тиверців й уличів, які в 10 ст. входили до складу Київської Русі ... Питання походження назви "гуцули" остаточно не з'ясоване. Найпоширеніша гіпотеза – від волоського слова "гоц" (розбійник), на думку ін., від слова "кочул" (пастух). 9063: 2258:
were not yet border between East and West Slavs as Zakarpattia's archaeological material was Prague-Korchak and Luka-Raikovets culture of East Slavs, only later with some West Slavic influence. The areal of Croats in the 9th-10th century is considered to have been in the valley of
historical-archaeological and linguistical data about the main movement of the Avars and Slavs, and that "served as a direct link between Eastern and Southern Slavs". Other scholars considered it to be from around Bohemia and Silesia-Lesser Poland along a Western route through the
for their archon at that time... (It should be known) that ancient Croatia, also called "white", is still unbaptized to this day, as are also its neighboring Serbs. They muster fewer horsemen as well as fewer foot than baptized Croatia, because they are constantly plundered by the
Tomenchuk, Bohdan P. (2018). "Archeology of the preannalistic Halych as a cultural and religious center of the «Great White unbaptized Croatia» (to the question of the founding of Halych in the second half of the 10th century)". In Voloshchuk, Myroslav Mykhajlovych (ed.).
on the side of Croats, and organizing relations with "barbarians" from Roman cities perspective and tradition, cannot be entirely excluded. According to other theorization the migration of the Croats in the 7th century was the second and final Slavic migratory wave to the
3006:) ruler Mougel/Mouâgeris. Modestin related it to Mohl(j)ić. Mažuranić considered tribe and toponym Mohlić also known as Moglić or Maglić in former Bužani župa, as well medieval toponym or name Mucla, contemporary surnames Muhoić, Muglič, Muhvić, and Macedonian village 2615:
as share "Volhynian worldview" with Buzhans, Dulebes and Volhynians, and considering latest finds of Prague pottery in Croatia, it "bear witness that at least a part of the population of today's Croatia (and nearby Slovenia) most certainly immigrated from Volhynia".
about the splitting off a part of the Dalmatian Croats who took rule of Pannonia was related to the political rule rather than ethnic origin), and Carpathian Croats sites in Western Ukraine were also close to medieval Croats which "testify for their common origin".
and Germanic cultural traces in most part of the region and that there's no obvious continuity between native settlements and cemeteries with newly arrived population and paganism. The data shows sudden change of native lifestyle, defensive use and desolation of
while the data is accurate for the continent. Some scholars correct the north-east position of Dalamensan to north-west. Sysele are the Siusler-Susłowie, one of the Sorbian tribes. The location of Croats is usually interpreted to be East of Czechia around river
2533:, but as he converted to Christianity in 988 one of the probable reasons Vladimir attacked Croats in 992 was because they didn't want to abandon their old beliefs and accept Christianity. Some scholars derived Croatian ethnonym from the Iranian word for Sun – 296:
According to some modern sources, the ethnic name of White Croats was possibly preserved in parts of Western Ukraine and Southern Poland until the 19th and early-20th centuries. Historians see the northern White Croats as having become assimilated into the
They could have been the neighbors of the Franks as early as 846 or 869 when Duchy of Bohemia was under the control of Eastern Francia. Otto I ruled the Moravians only from 950, and the White Croats were also part of the Moravian state, at least from 929.
od oblasti Belih Srba i gde bi pre trebalo očekivati Bele Hrvate. To je prva indicija koja ukazuje da je srpsko pleme možda bilo na čelu većeg saveza slovenskih plemena koja su sa njim i pod vrhovnim vodstvom srpskog arhonta došla na Balkansko poluostrvo.
from Ukraine (found in Dalmatian and Pannonian part of Croatia), while the "Old Croatian" archaeological findings from the 8th–9th century indicate social-political stabilization and stratification. Another group of historians and archaeologists, like
2436:. In the vicinity of Stilsko were also found some of the only examples of a pre-Christian period cult building among Slavs, for one of which Korčinskij assumed a possible connection with the medieval descriptions of a temple dedicated to the deity 2427:
with a surface of 250 ha, including a fortress of 15 ha, defensive line of 10 km, located on river Kolodnitsa (used for navigation of ships as was connected to most important river in the region, Dniester) between current village
Some argue that the large Proto-Slavic tribe or tribal alliance, separated somewhere between 7th and 10th century. The activity of the Avars is argued to have resulted with assumed breaking of the tribal group into Carpathian (Prykarpattia and
are a historiographical construction without evidence in historical sources, it indicates that the Croats lived around river Vistula in southern Poland exactly south of Mazovia. In southern and southeastern Poland are usually placed tribes of
12305:] (PhD) (in Ukrainian). Lviv: Ivan Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Docket 904:643](=16)(477.82/.83)"04/09". 11250:] (in Croatian). Zagreb: Centar za ranosrednjovjekovna istraživanja Zagreb-Lobor: Odsjek za arheologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta, Katedra za opću srednjevjekovnu i nacionalnu arheologiju: Arheološki zavod Filozofskog fakulteta. 12085:
Malyckij, Oleksandr (2006) . "Hrvati u uvodnom nedatiranom dijelu Nestorove kronike "Povijest minulih ljeta"" [Croats in the introductory non-dated part of the Nestor's chronicle "History of the past years"]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
748:, where the Hungarian and Bulgarian lands now lie. From among these Slavs, parties scattered throughout the country and were known by appropriate names, according to the places where they settled. Thus some came and settled by the river 2774:
Croats. Borrowing of foreign names was common practice between Sarmatians, Goths and Huns, and rather indicates close sociocultural and political relations between White Croats and non-Slavic people in their ancestral and new homeland.
to the Vistula valley trade route, and did not want to submit to Kievan centralism and accept Christianity. After the attack on Croats and Polish marches, Rurikids expanded their realm on the Croatian territory which would be known as
shows early tribal, while later news about Porga the early princely tradition, alongside motif of wandering and finding new homeland, presence of female "rulers", multi-stage formation of power and else found in other Slavic legends.
1166:(5) as possible tribes of Croats. Lehr-Spławiński, Łowmiański and others argued that the Croats could been hidden behind the tribal names of the Vistulans and Lendians who are mentioned, and locations described, in different sources. 932:(It should be known) that the Croats who now live in the regions of Dalmatia are descended from the unbaptized Croats, also called the "white", who live beyond Turkey and next to Francia, and they border the Slavs, the unbaptized 10923:
Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju / Serta Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. 10. Sacralization of Landscape and Sacred Places. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of
8999:, p. 33):Prema arheološkim podacima, njezin teritorij obuhvaćao je u to doba gotovo cijelo ukrajinsko Prykarpattje i Zakarpattje te gornje Posjannje, osim istočne Bukovine (zapadni Tyverci) i Podillja (zapadni Ulyči)... 2097: 926:, the area of the Vistula where the ancestors of Michael of Zahumlje originate was the place where White Croats would be expected. In the 31st chapter, "Of the Croats and of the Country They Now Dwell in" Constantine wrote: 572:, who previously lived in the territory of Carpathian Mountains, but such theory was never taken seriously. Another more common theorization is related to the first Iranian tribes who lived on the shores of the Sea of Azov, 2201: 1852:, brother Khoryv or Horiv, and its oronym Khorevytsia, is often related to the Croatian ethnonym. This legend, recorded by Nestor, has similar Armenian transcript from the 7th-8th century, in which Horiv is mentioned as 3381:
Srbin, Plural Srbi: "Serbe", wird zum urslawischen *sirbŭ "Genosse" gestellt und ist somit slawischen Ursprungs41. Hrvat "Kroate", ist iranischer Herkunft, über urslawisches *chŭrvatŭ aus altiranischem *(fšu-)haurvatā,
Mogytych, Ivan; Mogytych, Roman (2018). "Peculiarities of stone building techniques and architectural forms of the Galician, Volhynian architecture (10th–14st centuries)". In Voloshchuk, Myroslav Mykhajlovych (ed.).
5538:(2019). "How Yiddish can recover covert Asianisms in Slavic, and Asianisms and Slavisms in German (prolegomena to a typology of Asian linguistic influences in Europe)". In Andrii Danylenko, Motoki Nomachi (ed.). 2496:, and consequently in conflict when Christianism became official religion among the Slavs. The White Croats at the earliest historical sources are mentioned as pagans, and they were similar to the inhabitants of 2079:
rebellions, in the second wave was or not equally numerous to make a significant common-linguistical influence into already present Slavs and natives, or was made of large units with significantly larger number.
1640:. The Eastern part of the diocese territory was part of the Moravian expansion in the 9th and Bohemian expansion in the 10th century. Some scholars located these Czech Croats within the territory of present-day 1106:
considered as tribes of Croats after happened a division of the Croatian tribal alliance in the 7th century, but other scholars disagree with the identification of Vistulans and Lendians with the Croats.
2555:, Mokosh among others were preserved much longer than previously thought although Adriatic Croats were Christianized by the 9th century. With the process of Christianization, Perun was substituted with 957:
or merchant ships, because they live far away from sea; it takes 30 days of travel from the place where they live to the sea. The sea to which they come down to after 30 days, is that which is called
An Inaugural Lecture on the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literatures to which is Added the Geography of Europe by King Alfred, Including His Account of the Discovery of the North Cape in the Ninth Century
10690: 2769:
rejected Turkic origin, and related them to Slavic toponyms in Poland and Slovakia, and idea of Avar chiefs "was generally rejected". Josip Modestin connected their names to toponyms from region of
These Moravians have, to the west of them, the Thuringians, and Bohemians, and part of the Bavarians ... to the east of the country Moravia, is country of the Wisle, and to the east of them are the
424:. However, acceptance of any non-Slavic etymology is problematic because it implies an ethnogenesis relationship with the specific ethnic group. There is no mention of an Iranian tribe named as 11465:
Holovko, Oleksandr (2018). "Princely Halych: argumentative issues of the city's emergence and development as the capital of the Land, Principality". In Voloshchuk, Myroslav Mykhajlovych (ed.).
817:, the great king of Francia, which is also Saxony, and are unbaptized, and intermarry and are friendly with the Turks. From the Croats who came to Dalmatia, a part split off and took rule of 534:) probably was not just an association with size as could signify an "old, ancient" or "former" homeland, for the White Croats and Croats when they were new arrivals in the Roman province of 1612:
at war against Boleslaus I, but the evidence is inconclusive. The Prague Charter from 1086 AD but with data from 973 mentions that on the Northeastern frontier of the Prague diocese lived "
Korčinskij, Orest (2006a). "Bijeli Hrvati i problem formiranja države u Prikarpatju" [Eastern Croats and the problem of forming the state in Prykarpattia]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
655:). They probably formed around late 4th and first half of the 5th century. It is considered that they probably were one of oldest and largest Slavic tribal formations until 6th century. 2941:
of Carantania (658–828). In the 9th century they became nobles, and their tradition preserved until the 16th century. There were many toponyms with the title in Slovenia, but also in
2036:, most often being related to the Pannonian Avars activity in late 6th and early 7th century. It is not clear whether some unnamed Slavs or the Croats plundered the same province and 1895:(Carpathian Mountains) which is sometimes translated as "beneath the mountains of Harvathi", considered somewhere beneath Carpathian Mountains near river Dnieper. Lewicki argued that 2429: 2424: 2352: 2248:
on the Prut River and ending in Khotyn on the Dniester River, northern border the watershed of the Western Bug and Dniester River, and western border in Western Carpathian ridges at
accepting Christianity already by 8th century). Besides cremation and skeletal cemeteries, the Slavs in eighth and ninth century North Dalmatia also buried their skeletal remains in
730:(12th century), which information and convoluted viewpoint were often compiled and influenced by use of various sources of different origin, mentions the White Croats, calling them 2378: 13758: 428:
in the historical sources, but it was not uncommon for Slavic tribes to get their tribal names from anthroponyms of their forefathers and chiefs of the tribe, like in the case of
3182:). However, in the 30th chapter, it is named Porin, and recently Milošević, Alimov, and Budak supported a thesis which considered these names as two variants of the Slavic deity 10973: 2391:, Kotorin complex, Klyuchi, Stuponica, Pidhorodyshche, Hanachivka, Solonsko, Mali Hrybovychi, Stradch, Dobrostany among others. Only 12 of them survived until the 14th century. 2396: 12296: 3936:
Vistula and Oder, in Saala and White Elster, where S. Panteleich sought out entire areas that still enjoyed autonomy in the 14th–15th centuries, and the remnants of toponymy.
2344: 515:. The distribution of the Croatian ethnonym in the form of toponyms in later centuries is considered to be hardly accidental because it is related with Slavic migrations to 2147:). Medieval Croatian sites in Dalmatia were more closely related to Slavic sites in distant Poland rather than in Lower Pannonia (possibly indicating that the account from 13929: 546:, Jerzy Nalepa and Heinrich Kunstmann, who argued that the Byzantines did not differentiate Slavic "bělъ-" (white) from "velъ-" (big, great), and because of common Greek 11106:
And the tribe which lives near them is the Harus , tall, big-limbed men, who have no weapons of war, and horses cannot carry them because of the bigness of their limbs.
existence of the Croats is very disputable, and those sources mentioning Croats and Croatia at the Carpathian Mountains never mention them around river Elbe in Bohemia.
among Eurasian people. That is, it meant "Western Croats", or "Northern Croats", in comparison to Eastern Carpathian lands where they lived before. The epithet "great" (
11490: 7927:
Fabijanić, Tomislav (2013). "14C date from early Christian basilica gemina in Podvršje (Croatia) in the context of Slavic settlement on the eastern Adriatic coast".
1293:), which springs from the mountains and is on the frontier between Pechenegs (ten days), Hungarians (two days), and Kievan Rus'. In the chronicles of the time word 13361: 3170:, "rich in cattle". Mažuranić noted it was a genuine personal name in medieval Croatia at least since 12th as well Bosnia since 13th century in the form of Porug ( 2492:. Their worldview intertwined with worship of power and war, to which raised places of worship, and demolished those of others. These worships were in contrast to 1002: 1938:
reportedly declared themselves as Bielochrovat (i.e. White Croat), which with Krakus and Crakowiak/Cracovinian was "names applying to subdivisions of the Poles".
Korčinskij, Orest (2013a). "O povijesnoj okolici stiljskoga gradišta od kraja 8. stoljeća do početka 11. st." [City of Stiljsko]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
In the opinion of some scholars, the ancestors of the Lemkos were the White Croatians, who settled the Carpathian region between the seventh and tenth centuries.
2373: 1122:("an infinite population with 516 gords") were part of the Carpathian Croats tribal polity, or that the Croats were part of these unknown tribal designations in 8703:"Cultural inter-population differences do not reflect biological distances: an example of interdisciplinary analysis of populations from Eastern Adriatic coast" 2929:. Mažuranić considered it similar to contemporary male names Kosan, Kosanac, Kosančić and Kosinec. Many scholars consider relation with Old-Slavic title word * 2240:
have included Prykarpattia and Zakarpattia (almost all lands of historical region of Galicia), with eastern border the Upper Dniester basin, south-eastern the
Fokt, Krzysztof (2003), "Chorwacja północna: między rzeczywistością, hipotezą a legendą" [Northern Croatia: between reality, conjecture, and legend],
Dani Stjepana Gunjače 2, Zbornik radova sa Znanstvenog skupa "Dani Sjepana Gunjače 2": Hrvatska srednjovjekovna povijesno-arheološka baština, Međunarodne teme
Bilogrivić, Goran (2018). "Carolingian Weapons and the Problem of Croat Migration and Ethnogenesis". In Danijel Dzino; Ante Milošević; Trpimir Vedriš (eds.).
13822: 10953:(1). Zagreb: Institute of Croatian History, Faculty of Philosophy Zagreb, FF press: 37–48 – via Hrčak – Portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske. 13751: 9350:(in Ukrainian), published by Municipal institution of the Lviv Regional Council "Administration of historical and cultural reserve "Ancient Plisnesk", 2017 2164:
The range of Luka-Raikovets culture marked in yellow, and approximate location of Carpathian Croats (Білі Хорвати, "Bili Khorvaty") in the 7th–9th century.
1537:(Bohemians). Since the Croats are placed between Moravians and Serbs it identified the Croatian realm with the Duchy of Bohemia, arguably also on Vistula. 717:
marked in black, all known ethnonyms of Croats are within this area. Presumable migration routes of Croats are indicated by arrows, per V.V. Sedov (1979).
14426: 11204:"Some aspects of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of antiquities of pre-Carpathian and Volyn region in the third quarter of the I millennium AD" 8675:
M. Šlaus; et al. (2004), "Craniometric relationships among medieval Central European populations: implications for Croat migration and expansion.",
7146: 1931: 1418:, The fact no Lechitic tribe was part of Oleg's conquest it is more probable that those Croats were located on river Dniester rather than Vistula. After 848:
could not border Francia, and Frankish sources do not mention and know anything about the Croats implying they must have lived much further to the East.
6893:(1923) A. Hodinka wondered if Russians arrived before the Magyars, at the same time or later? Were they White Croats? Slavs who mixed with nomad Vlachs? 2868:(hunt). Rački considered Ljub, Lub, Luben, while Mažuranić noted similar contemporary surnames like Lubel. Osman Karatay considered common Slavic shift 257:(among other) in Western Ukraine, which lasted until the very end of the 10th century. They were pressured and influenced by more centralized polities: 1480: 7608:, p. 53...if few Slaveni had come into the Western territories under the Avars, probably many more did so now, in the wake of the new conquerors 580:
began their migration westwards, gradually subordinating the Scythians by the 2nd-century BCE. During this period there was substantial cultural and
9506: 2121:, but it does not have enough evidence and arguments, it's not supported in written sources, and is not usually accepted by mainstream scholarship. 11876:(2013) . "O identificiranju naziva Bavarskoga geografa" [About the identification of names by Bavarian Geographer]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.). 2025:, but that is disputable because there is no historical source and was never proved that the Croats lived there in the 7th or even 9-10th century. 764:. For when the Vlakhs (Romans) attacked the Danubian Slavs, settled among them, and did them violence, the latter came and made their homes by the 153:) in southeastern Poland, controlling an important trade route from East to Central Europe. Archaeologically the Croats were mostly related to the 10251:
Gušić, Branimir (1969). "Prilog etnogenezi nekih starohrvatskih rodova" [A contribution to the ethnogenesis of some Old Croatian genera].
2440:. Until 2008 near Stilsko have been found more than 50 settlements of open type dated between 8th–10th century, as well around 200 burial mounds. 13744: 8897:
The World of the Slavs: Studies of the East, West and South Slavs: Civitas, Oppidas, Villas and Archeological Evidence (7th to 11th Centuries AD)
Kugutjak, Mykola (2017). "Spomenici povijesti i kulture: Gradišta Pruto-Bystryc'koga podgorja". In Paščenko, Jevgenij; Fuderer, Tetyana (eds.).
8658:"Kraniometrijska analiza srednjovjekovnih nalazišta središnje Europe: Novi dokazi o ekspanziji hrvatskih populacija tijekom 10. do 13. stoljeća" 2124:
In the territory of present-day Croatia, it is considered as archaeologically certain that by the last-third of the 7th century disappear Roman
12653: 11360:
An introduction to the History of the Turkic peoples: ethnogenesis and state formation in medieval and early modern Eurasia and the Middle East
The Slavic White Croatians inhabited the region in the first millennium AD; with the rise of Kyivan Rus', they became vassals of the new state.
3948: 1875:
Some scholars consider that Croats could have been mentioned in the Old English and Nordic epic poems, like the verse in the Old English poem
noted that the chronicle tells Czech came with six brothers from Croatia which once again indicates seven chiefs/tribes like in the Croatian
studies they arrived as biological homogeneous Slavic group of people without significant similarity to Scythians-Sarmatians and Avars (see
1656:. Vach argued that they had the most developed techniques of building fortifications among the Czech Slavs. Many scholars consider that the 1173:
from the beginning of the 10th century recounts that the land of Pechenegs is ten days away from the Slavs and that the city in which lives
15004: 14989: 14661: 14649: 14620: 14574: 14479: 14244: 14232: 13924: 12943: 215:
plundered the Roman provinces, but when settled they revolted against the Avars and soon started accepting Christianity during the time of
Slovĕnʹskʺi i︠a︡zykʺ: Ein praktisches Lehrbuch des Kirchenslavischen in 30 Lektionen: zugleich eine Einführung in die slavische Philologie
220: 14455: 14414: 14261: 14127: 14041: 14009: 13883: 13817: 13356: 12948: 12537:
Tomenchuk, Bohdan P. (2017). "Doba kneževa (od 9. st. do sredine 14. st.): Davni Ǧalyč". In Paščenko, Jevgenij; Fuderer, Tetyana (eds.).
Košćak, Vladimir (1995), "Iranska teorija o podrijetlu Hrvata" [Iranian theory on the origin of Croats], in Budak, Neven (ed.),
The Northern Croats contributed and assimilated into Czech, Polish and Ukrainian ethnos. They are considered as the predecessors of the
or saw them as a mixture of both Antes and Sclaveni. Some argue that they lived in the Carpathians until the Antes were attacked by the
14758: 14691: 14608: 14491: 14467: 14397: 14065: 14053: 13665: 3052:. This etymology is problematic, beside from historical viewpoint, as in all forms of Kubrat's name, the letter "r" is third consonant. 1335: 10897:
Early medieval between Pannonia and the Adriatic: early Slavic ceramic and other archaeological finds from the sixth to eighth century
14586: 14545: 14443: 14312: 14300: 14273: 14200: 13395: 568:
Some scholars etymologically, and archaeologically due to burial mounds, drew parallels between Carpathian Croats and Slavs with the
12427: 2468:), show a high economic, demographic, military defense, administrative and political organization in the territory of White Croats. 2200:
cultures around the Dniester basin. It is considered that the Carpathian Croats later between 7th and 10th century were part of the
1910:, is mentioned as the son of certain king Gestimul or Gostimysl, who according to the Czech chronicles descended from the Croats or 14562: 14352: 13018: 12829: 12546:(in Croatian). Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. pp. 32–37. 11815:(in Croatian). Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. pp. 20–31. 3201: 1974: 1459:, who continued to control routes, trade with salt and livestock among others, but also with internal nationalization oppose Kiev. 14637: 13622: 10038:(Prporuše, Preporuše) kao i u obrednim pjesmama koje su se izvodile uz Božić, Jurjevdan (23. travnja), Ivandan (24. lipnja) i dr. 9735: 6528: 2611:. According to Belaj's ethnological research in Croatia, the Croats old homeland must have been somewhere in Transcarpathia near 11435:[Croatian Ethnogenesis: A Review of Component Stages and Interpretations (with Emphasis on Eurasian/Nomadic Elements)], 10945:[Whose continuity? Constantine Porphyrogenitus and Croatian archaeology on the period of the 7th to the 9th centuries]. 13210: 13126: 12957: 12686:"The 7th–9th century ethnocultural structure of Slavic Polabya & the influence of borderlands on state formation processes" 6809: 237:. Other Croats who stayed in their Carpathian homeland continued to practise paganism and formed a tribal proto-state with the 12443:
Strižak, Oleksij (2006) . "Sorbi, Srbi, Hrvati i Ukrajina" [Sorbs, Serbs, Croats and Ukraine]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
7816:"Ranosrednjovjekovni koštani propletači s nalazišta Torčec – Prečno pole: prilog poznavanju slavenskog naseljavanja Podravine" 3151:
who lived on Bug River, as well medieval Croatian tribe Bužani and its župa Bužani or Bužane. Gluhak noted Proto-Slavic word *
2144: 1860:. Near Kiev there's a stream where previously existed large homonymous village Horvatka or Hrovatka (destroyed in the time of 1412:
by the Greeks. With this entire force, Oleg sallied forth by horse and by ship, and the number of his vessels was two thousand
14840: 13200: 12779: 12756: 12730: 12576: 12551: 12510: 12489: 12477: 12416: 12392: 12369: 12344: 12285: 12211: 12190: 12076: 12050: 12026: 12002: 11978: 11937: 11889: 11820: 11754: 11731: 11608: 11566: 11500: 11479: 11421: 11376: 11279: 11255: 11158: 11068: 10931: 10904: 10879: 10842: 10199: 10168: 10030: 9716: 9154: 9083: 8904: 8812: 8330: 7993: 7961: 7936: 7911: 7160: 7043: 6968: 6882: 6212: 6170: 6128: 5549: 5382: 5000: 4876: 4549: 3921: 3885: 3455: 3405: 3315: 3284: 2551:
and others research, upon arrival to present-day Croatia, the pagan Slavic customs, folklore, and toponyms related to Perun,
dated to the end of 6th and beginning of the 7th century were followed by more numerous second group of Slavs (Antes) of the
as well as to Arabian historians and explorers who carefully recorded them. Some scholars believe this is a reference to the
Widajewicz, Józef Widajewicz (2006) . "Velika ili Bijela Hrvatska" [Great or White Croatia]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
Ukrajina i Hrvatska: povijesne paralele. Radovi Drugog međunarodnog hrvatsko-ukrajinskog znanstvenog skupa, 1–3. lipanj 2017
The problem of Settlement of Slavs/Croats on the Eastern Adriatic and its Hinterland in the Light of Archaeological Findings
14999: 13380: 13047: 9708: 9075: 8933: 8880:(in Ukrainian). Vol. 1. Lviv: Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. pp. 483–502. 7075: 6997: 3877: 2568: 2416: 2117:, A. Milošević, M. Ančić and V. Sokol argued late 8th-early 9th century migration of Croats as Frankish vassals during the 979:. Such an information probably came from an Eastern source because particular religious affiliation was of interest to the 3025:
which refer to the mud and marshes, and Prussian names e.g. Mokil, Mokyne. Shchavelev similarly derived from Proto-Slavic
attacked the Croats. When he had returned from the Croatian War, the Pechenegs arrived on the opposite side of the Dnieper
there's no reference to the Baltic Sea, the chapter has information usually found in 10th century Arabian sources like of
890:, but also Slavs, depending on the names brought by those who came from Polish and Bohemian lands. Some scholars consider 13307: 13156: 12222: 8445:[Cemeteries and findings from the 7th and 8th centuries and the making of identities in early-medieval Croatia]. 14763: 14654: 7025: 7012:Гадають, що Б. – нащадки давнього слов'ян. племені білих хорватів, яких Володимир Святославич приєднав до Київської Русі 2285:), and at least since 8th century fortified them with stone defensive works, which became a commerce and trade centers. 2204:, which developed from Prague-Korchak culture, and was characteristic for East Slavic tribes, besides Croats, including 1247:
in the same century probably has the only Iranian form of the name which is closest to the Vasmer's reconstructed form,
13373: 13271: 7903:
Early Medieval pottery on the eastern Adriatic in context of interaction between the Slavs and autochthonous population
6937: 818: 13711: 13607: 13517: 13246: 13111: 13031: 12897: 12876: 12674: 12608: 12538: 12456: 12265: 12242: 12122: 12099: 11847: 11807: 11777: 11708: 11685: 11587: 11538: 11397: 11179: 11041: 10892:
Rani srednji vijek između Panonije i Jadrana: ranoslavenski keramički i ostali arheološki nalazi od 6. do 8. stoljeća
9034: 8634: 7083: 7005: 6769: 3123:. Shchavelev rejected Turkic names because they were never used as female names, derived it instead from Slavic word 2902:(bays, ravine, valley). Another consideration is it corresponds as male equivalent to female mythical figures, Czech 1811:
Za Tatrami, v rovinách při řece Visle rozkládala se od nepaměti charvátská země, část prvotní veliké vlasti slovanské
995:, the Black Sea was of more interest to the Eastern merchants and Byzantine Empire, and its Persian name "Dark Sea" ( 879: 834:
In the previous 13th chapter which described the Hungarian neighbors Franks to the West, Pechenegs to the North, and
It is considered that the ethnonym is first attested in anthroponyms Horoúathos, Horoáthos, and Horóathos on the two
The Slavic legends of the first princes. Structuralist-historical studies on the models of power in the Slavic world
9723:З'являються на рубежі 2-ї пол. 1 тис., замінюючи безкурганні поховання (крім територій уличів, тіверців і хорватів). 9040: 604:
from the 4th until the 7th century. Some think that the Croats were part of the Antes tribal polity who migrated to
581: 13431: 12521: 12311: 11432: 10340:[How to find Croats? An essay about the monograph of D.E. Alimov "The ethnogenesis of Croats..." (Review)] 1540: 1455:. It is considered that Croatian nobility probably survived and retained local influence, becoming the core of the 1310:(870–894), it was puzzling that the country in which he lived and ruled over was called by the sources as Croatia. 12719:
Vatseba, Rostyslav (2019). "Towards the issue of the White Croats participation in the Upper Sorbs ethnogenesis".
11495:(in Ukrainian). Lviv: Krypiakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 9027:
Antropolohiíà: navchal'nyĭ posibnyk dlíà studentiv humanitarnykh spet́s̀ial'nosteĭ vyshchykh navchal'nykh zakladiv
Pohl, Heinz-Dieter (1970). "Die slawischen Sprachen in Jugoslawien" [The Slavic languages in Yugoslavia].
were present in Silesia or along the Upper Vistula in Poland because the diocese expanded up to Kraków and rivers
632:(610–641), some see as a possible continuation of the previous conflict and contacts between the Antes and Avars. 13888: 13685: 13052: 12068: 11433:"Hrvatska etnogeneza: pregled komponentnih etapa i interpretacija (s naglaskom na euroazijske/nomadske sadržaje)" 2361: 1261:(10th century), which has information from 9th century, in the area of Slavs mentioned their two capital cities, 563: 447:
Any mention of the Croats before the 9th century is uncertain, and there were several loose attempts at tracing;
322: 12889:
Muslim Sources on the Magyars in the Second Half of the 9th Century: The Magyar Chapter of the Jayhānī Tradition
Zaporizhzhia Historical Review & Scholarly Works of the Faculty of History, Zaporizhzhia National University
3676:"Alemure, Cumeoberg, Mons Comianus, Omuntesberg, Džrwáb, Wánít. Lokalizace záhadných míst z úsvitu dějin Moravy" 14994: 14984: 13767: 12743:(2008) . "Velika Moravska i Bijela Hrvatska" [Great Moravia and White Croatia]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.). 12147: 2821:. Mažuranić additionally related to contemporary surnames Kukas, Kljukaš, Kljuk. Loma proposed Czechoslovakian 2818: 12793: 14979: 13466: 13185: 13141: 8804: 2630:
about five brothers and two sisters who came with their folk to Dalmatia, recorded in Constantine VII's work
2046: 1978: 1708: 1616:". It is very rare that on a small territory lived two tribes of the same name, possibly indicating that the 1585: 1557: 1456: 12303:
The Slavic house of the second half of the first millennium CE in Subcarpathian and Western Volynian regions
10959: 7700:"Razvoj i osnovne značajke starohrvatskih grobalja horizonta 7.-9. stoljeća na povijesnim prostorima Hrvata" 2766: 2746: 13532: 13441: 13390: 13266: 13195: 13178: 13011: 4327: 1782: 1716: 1700: 1589: 1553: 1103: 12809: 12522:"Two Public Inscriptions from the Greek Colony of Tanais at the Mouth of the Don River on the Sea of Azov" 12298:Погоральський Я. В. Слов'янське житло другої половини І тисячоліття н. е. на Прикарпатті і Західній Волині 11657:"Cult Centres of Croats from the 9th to the 14th Century in the Environs of the Ruin of Stiljsko, Ukraine" 11223: 11203: 8635:"Craniometric relationships of medieval Central European populations: Implications for Croat ethnogenesis" 6532: 1883: 13632: 13490: 13151: 11092: 9653:"The Medieval Christian Necropolis in the Kopachyntsi hillfort (Ukraine). Unpublished Research Materials" 7035: 6960: 6916: 3973: 2476:, and these burial customs are main difference between White Croatian and White Serbian territory sites. 1774: 1202: 1193:
is called "king of kings", has riding horses, sturdy armor, eats mare's milk, and is more important than
647:, but such localization is historiographically and archaeologically unproven and could only have been in 420:
in the late 2nd and early 3rd century AD, at the time when the colony was surrounded by Iranian speaking
14579: 11788:"Croats in Manuscripts: Problem of Ethno-tribal Belonging and Political Dependence (Historical Aspects)" 7952:
Gusar, Karla (2013). "A Contribution to Research on the Early Slavs in Croatia – New data from Krneza".
was an important geographical location because it connected via an overland route Kiev in the East with
and are not mentioned anymore in that territory. It seems that Croatian tribes who lived in the area of
1322: 793:
Most what is known about the early history of White Croats comes from the work by the Byzantine emperor
527: 13602: 13346: 13261: 13251: 13205: 13173: 12988: 12766:
Vašica, Josef (2008) . "Legenda o Svetom Ivanu" [Legend of Saint John]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
9729: 9159: 7988:. Wroclaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 237–250. 7956:. Wroclaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 223–235. 7931:. Wroclaw: Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. pp. 251–260. 6911: 3968: 2644: 2457: 1444: 1218: 814: 785: 709: 282: 7699: 6921:Сформировались на основе вост.-слав. населения 7–9 вв. (хорваты, или белые хорваты), вошедшего в 10 в. 3040:
Chrobatos; read as Hrovatos, is generally considered as an anthroponym representing Croatian ethnonym
in 560, and the polity was finally destroyed in 602 by the same Avars. The early Croats' migration to
177:. Foreign medieval authors documented the Croats in historical sources and legends, and had their own 15009: 13655: 13522: 13327: 13276: 11265: 10784: 3196: 2453: 2235:
Territorial and ethnic border of (White) Croats according to Ukrainian archaeologists and historians.
2033: 1440: 625: 535: 278: 277:. After their defeat by Kievan Rus', on their territory were organized East Slavic principalities of 193: 169:
remains a matter of dispute). Their area is characterized by use of stone defenses, tiled tombs (and
75: 12586:
Timoshchuk, Boris Anisimovich (1995a). "Матеріали і дослідження з археології Прикарпаття і Волині".
6722: 2100:
argued that the rare findings of objects and ceramics of the first group of Slavs (Sclaveni) of the
173:-like tombs), stone ovens, and many large, fortified settlements and cult buildings. They practiced 13456: 13256: 13241: 12381:Славянские легенды о первых князьях: Сравнительно-историческое исследование моделей власти у славян 11088: 8017: 6198: 2653: 2349: 2286: 1803:
V srbském jazyku jest země, jiežto Charvaty jest imě; v téj zemi bieše Lech, jemužto jmě bieše Čech
1435: 799: 605: 102: 13736: 12563: 12177: 11466: 8945:Носіями Р.к. були літописні племена – поляни, уличі, древляни, волиняни, бужани, хорвати, тиверці. 6165:. University of Michigan, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. pp. 150, 157, 160. 3104:(fog, darkness), which meaning wouldn't be much different from other names with Baltic derivation. 2270:
and was densely populated. The border with the Slovaks to the West was between rivers Laborec and
The epithet "white" for the Croats and their homeland is usually related to the use of colors for
13680: 13650: 13560: 13507: 13351: 13334: 13312: 13190: 13079: 13004: 12962: 12157: 11741:
Korčinskij, Orest (2013b). "Stiljsko gradište" [Gord of Stilsko]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
11510: 11171:
Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat: Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia
Lajoye, Patrice (2019). "Sovereigns and sovereignty among pagan Slavs". In Patrice Lajoye (ed.).
7030: 6955: 6942: 6814: 3007: 2810: 2461: 1930:
governorship released by Mikhail Lebedkin, were counted Horvati with 17,228 people. According to
1830: 1448: 1027: 286: 274: 13640: 6522: 2762: 2231: 1471: 1063:, and to the east of the Dalamensan are the Horithi, and to the north of the Dalamensan are the 803:(10th century). In the 30th chapter, "The Story of the Province of Dalmatia" Constantine wrote: 15014: 13670: 13446: 13339: 12934: 11992: 11899: 11873: 11831: 5535: 2907: 2465: 2411:
with both cremation and inhumation partly belonging to warriors and else, located near village
2181: 2168:
According to Sedov, all early mentions of Croatian ethnonym are in the areas where ceramics of
2101: 1845: 1452: 1307: 636: 394: 342: 290: 11787: 11695:
Korčinskij, Orest (2006b). "Stiljski grad" [City of Stiljsko]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
Problem doseljenja Slavena/Hrvata na istočni Jadran i šire zaleđe u svjetlu arheoloških nalaza
8892: 8315:
Migration, Integration and Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of the Carolingian Empire
To the upper accounts by the historians were related the Vladimir the Great's conquest of the
14948: 13645: 13617: 13527: 13461: 13322: 13281: 13161: 13074: 12234: 11354: 9696: 6046: 6044: 2856:
Lobelos; Mikkola considered it a name of uncertain Avar ruler. Grégoire related it with city
2754: 2661: 2544: 2384: 2254: 1668: 865: 721: 639:
argued that the tribe was formed by the end of the 3rd and not later than the 5th century in
21: 14642: 11336: 11054: 10943:"Čiji kontinuitet? Konstantin Porfirogenet i hrvatska arheologija o razdoblju 7–9. stoljeća" 8443:"Groblja i nalazi 7. i 8. stoljeća i formiranje identiteta u ranosrednjovjekovnoj Hrvatskoj" 1763:
hobas duas proorietatis nostrae in loco Zuric as in pago Crouuati et in ministerio Hartuuigi
13512: 13476: 13451: 13385: 13317: 13229: 11150: 9996:[Ladarice, Queens and Dodole in Croatian Traditionary Culture and Slavic Context]. 2596: 1798: 1794: 840: 106: 11832:"Najstarije spominjanje Višljana u izvorima (Najdawniejsza wzmianka źródłowa o Wiślanach)" 11619: 6120:
Anatomy of a Duchy: The Political and Ecclesiastical Structures of Early P?emyslid Bohemia
6041: 3155:
which in Slavic languages mean "swamp" like places, and the river Bug itself derives from.
There exist several hypotheses on the date and historical context of the migration to the
1983: 1661: 1561: 1475: 906:
that his family originates from the unbaptized inhabitants of the river Vistula called as
543: 188:
In the late-6th and early-7th centuries, some of the Croats migrated from their homeland,
8: 14733: 14086: 13592: 13537: 13436: 13368: 13295: 13166: 12907: 12036: 12012: 11988: 11964: 11923: 11640:"Gradišta ljetopisnih (istočnih) Hrvata 9.-14. stoljeća u području Gornjeg Podnestrovlja" 11558:
Byzantium and the Avars, 6th–9th Century AD: political, diplomatic and cultural relations
11368: 9150: 5016: 3015: 2666: 2657: 2607: 2564: 2506: 2109: 2017: 1649: 1645: 1227: 1111: 923: 899: 870: 853: 11271:
The Early Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Sixth to the Late Twelfth Century
They are believed to be the ancestors of certain Ukrainians, specifically the Hutsuls...
4330:(1951). "Zagadnienie Chorwatów nadwiślańskich" [The problem of Vistula Croats]. 3678:[Localization of enigmatic places from the early history of Moravia and Slavs]. 3089: 3011: 2753:
and Shchavelev proposed four-five Slavic variants, while Alemko Gluhak saw parallels to
1829:(In Charvátská existed numerous tribes, related by language, manners, and way of life). 1572:
The presumed, but disputable, location of Croatian tribes (blue, yellow) in present-day
14780: 14431: 13704: 13675: 13552: 13471: 13409: 13146: 13136: 13039: 12851: 12725:(in Ukrainian). Etnološko društvo Bojky & Sveučilište u Zagrebu. pp. 127–151. 12685: 12647: 11861: 11795:РОЗДІЛ ІІІ. Історіографія. Джерелознавство. Архівознавство. Памʼяткознавство. Етнологія 11389:
The Nature and the Image of Princely Power in Kievan Rus', 980-1054: A Study of Sources
Studenckie Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Studenckie Zeszyty Historyczne
11079: 11002: 8727: 8702: 8464: 8336: 6518: 3942: 3372: 3097: 2502: 2448: 2282: 1743: 1739: 1609: 1419: 911: 861: 660: 242: 66: 12661:
Vach, Miloslav (2006) . "Češki Hrvati" [Czech Croats]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.).
Eastern Slavs in the VII-X centuries – people, paganism and the beginning of the state
10494: 8754: 7105: 3483: 3397:
Urslavische Grammatik: Einführung in das vergleichende Studium der slavischen Sprachen
3264: 2806: 1657: 1549: 14598: 14527: 14379: 14169: 13660: 13587: 13570: 13426: 13131: 12929: 12893: 12872: 12855: 12805: 12789: 12775: 12752: 12726: 12707: 12670: 12639: 12604: 12572: 12547: 12506: 12485: 12473: 12452: 12412: 12388: 12365: 12340: 12281: 12261: 12238: 12207: 12186: 12161: 12143: 12118: 12095: 12072: 12046: 12022: 11998: 11974: 11933: 11911: 11885: 11843: 11816: 11773: 11750: 11727: 11704: 11681: 11604: 11583: 11562: 11534: 11496: 11475: 11417: 11393: 11372: 11298: 11275: 11251: 11175: 11154: 11146: 11128: 11064: 11037: 11006: 10927: 10900: 10890: 10875: 10867: 10838: 10195: 10164: 10026: 9994:"Ladarice, kraljice i dodole u hrvatskoj tradicijskoj kulturi i slavenskom kontekstu" 9712: 9079: 9030: 8921: 8900: 8808: 8765: 8732: 8684: 8468: 8340: 8326: 7989: 7957: 7932: 7907: 7156: 7079: 7039: 7001: 6964: 6878: 6765: 6208: 6166: 6124: 5545: 5378: 5020: 4996: 4872: 4545: 3917: 3904: 3881: 3687: 3675: 3451: 3401: 3376: 3311: 3280: 2954: 2080: 1869: 1827:
V té charvátské zemi bytovala četná plemena, příbuzná jazykem, mravy, způsobem života
1625: 1257: 1244: 1138: 1076: 1023: 874:(13th century), where he recounts how seven or eight tribes of nobles, who he called 835: 753: 726: 390: 378: 42: 1564:
in the 10th century. Duchy's territory included parts of today's Poland and Ukraine.
14850: 14026: 13873: 13720: 13612: 13597: 13575: 13542: 13069: 12841: 12740: 12697: 12042:
With Their Backs to the Mountains: A History of Carpathian Rus? and Carpatho-Rusyns
11834:[The earliest mention of the Vistulans in sources]. In Nosić, Milan (ed.). 11020:
King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Compendium History of the World bz Orosius
10994: 9664: 8722: 8714: 8454: 8318: 7861: 7711: 7023: 3364: 3163: 2826: 2758: 2725: 2485: 2213: 2169: 2105: 1545: 1389: 1373: 1345: 1311: 1170: 1038: 1007: 937: 844: 826: 773: 714: 500: 262: 234: 216: 166: 12983: 12131: 11524: 10025:] (in Croatian). Split: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu. p. 11. 9164: 9002: 3963: 2399:
also mentions two large gords at the villages of Pidhoroddya and Lykovyshche near
2114: 1991: 1907: 1806: 676: 14855: 14625: 14613: 14119: 13421: 13121: 12887: 12500: 12467: 12406: 12355: 12330: 12275: 12201: 12040: 12016: 11968: 11927: 11857: 11598: 11577: 11556: 11528: 11514: 11411: 11387: 11346: 11269: 11197:] (PhD) (in Croatian). Zadar: Department of Archaeology, University of Zadar. 11169: 11136: 11132: 11124: 11116: 11112: 11018: 11014: 10961:
Etnički identiteti u ranosrednjovjekovnoj Hrvatskoj – materijalni i pisani izvori
10832: 10189: 10158: 9652: 8187: 7986:
The early Slavic settlement of Central Europe in the light of new dating evidence
The early Slavic settlement of Central Europe in the light of new dating evidence
The early Slavic settlement of Central Europe in the light of new dating evidence
7150: 6874:
Less than Nations: Central-Eastern European Minorities after WWI, Volumes 1 and 2
6872: 6759: 6742: 6202: 6160: 6118: 5541:
Slavic on the Language Map of Europe: Historical and Areal-Typological Dimensions
5539: 5374:
Central Europe in the High Middle Ages: Bohemia, Hungary and Poland, c.900–c.1300
5372: 4990: 4973: 4969: 4866: 4539: 3445: 3422: 3395: 3305: 3276: 2750: 2742: 2721: 2338: 2306: 2071: 1814: 1751: 1747: 1605: 1331: 1327: 972: 794: 652: 621: 589: 362: 266: 212: 174: 154: 110: 50: 14205: 12846: 11310: 11248:
Origin and/or situation. Slavs and Croats – until the conquest of a new homeland
9507:Нам немає чого стидатися – ми не кращі і не гірші від інших європейських народів 8801:
Population of the Middle Dnieper of I-II millennium by anthropological materials
8217: 2745:-Avar origin, Vladimir Košćak of possible Iranian-Alanic origin, Karel Oštir as 1738:
In the 10th–12th centuries Croatian name can be often found in the territory of
1676: 1486:
Hunnos seu Hungaros, Cravatios et Mardos, gentem validam, suo mancipavit imperio
There is a dispute among Slavic scholars as to whether the Croats were of Irani-
14591: 14237: 14179: 13950: 13725: 13116: 12626:] (in Ukrainian). Lviv: Видавництво Університету "Львівський Ставропігіон". 12496: 11140: 9669: 4297: 3368: 3077: 2712:
among the oldest Slavic tribes because Mazovians ethnonym was often related to
2535: 2497: 2125: 2061:. As the Avars were enemies of the Byzantine Empire the involvement of Emperor 2040:
together with the Avars. The migration of the Croats according to narrative in
1573: 1463: 1090: 1046: 954: 749: 680: 635:
In a similar fashion, regardless of Iranian or Slavic etymology of their name,
593: 569: 516: 512: 409: 331: 270: 58: 14460: 14448: 12702: 12633: 10919:"Around and below Divuša: The Traces of Perun's Mother Arrival into Our Lands" 8322: 5415: 2913:
Kosentzis; Mikkola considered Turkic suffix "-či", and derived it from Turkic
1422:(980–1015) conquered several Slavic tribes and cities to the West, in 992 he " 14973: 14920: 14508: 14046: 14014: 13987: 13580: 13062: 12971: 12711: 12065:
Great Croatia: ethnogenesis and early history of Slavs in the Carpathian area
11915: 11407: 11302: 11120: 10914: 10670: 9704: 9322: 9071: 8929: 8796:Населення Середнього Подніпров'я І—ІІ тисячоліття за матеріалами антропології 8769: 8755:"Anthropological material from Zelenche, an ancient Rus period burial ground" 7071: 6993: 6686: 5259: 4568: 3873: 3865: 3691: 3073: 2992: 2704:
social organization among the Croats. For example, Łowmiański considered the
2677: 2548: 2473: 2130: 2093: 2022: 1861: 1856:. Paščenko related his name, beside to the Croatian ethnonym, to solar deity 1822: 1688: 1680: 1518: 1081: 1064: 1031: 976: 968: 933: 699: 668: 640: 338: 302: 258: 189: 14915: 12203:
Islam in the Balkans: Religion and Society Between Europe and the Arab World
Praishodište i/ili situacija. Slaveni i Hrvati – do zauzimanja nove domovine
Zb. Odsjeka povij. Znan. Zavoda povij. Druš. Znan. Hrvat. Akad. Znan. Umjet.
8807:. pp. 93, 98, 104–105, 109, 150–151, 155, 158, 183, 201, 207–209, 251. 8718: 7716: 2053:
against the Avars in 632, or around 635–641 when the Avars were defeated by
1732: 14844: 14788: 14696: 14512: 14484: 14419: 14357: 14317: 14278: 14266: 14256: 14249: 14132: 14058: 13955: 13834: 13565: 12061:
Velika Hrvatska: etnogeneza i rana povijest Slavena prikarpatskoga područja
11948: 10697:(in Hungarian) (1/2), Budapest: Hungarian Heraldic and Genealogical Society 8736: 8688: 8093: 7575: 7063: 6906: 2814: 2738: 2685: 2626: 2493: 2029: 1934:
which ended in 1911, Polish immigrants to the United States born in around
1896: 1865: 1834: 1365: 1123: 761: 760:. Among these same Slavs are included the White Croats, the Serbs, and the 648: 520: 201: 180: 162: 14472: 13220: 12185:(in Ukrainian). Vol. 3. Ivano-Frankivsk: Лілея-НВ. pp. 252–272. 11579:
In Search of the Lost Tribe: The Origins and Making of the Croatian Nation
10983:"Urne, Slaveni i Hrvati. O paljevinskim grobovima i doseobi u 7. stoljeću" 10966:
Ethnic identities in Early Medieval Croatia – material and written sources
10337: 9022: 8893:"The Typology of Early Medieval Settlements in Bohemia, Poland and Russia" 8459: 8122: 8120: 6985: 4975:
Constantine Porphyrogenitus, De Adminstrando Imperio: Volume 2, Commentary
3064:. Shchavelev noted it to be an obvious Greek transcription of Slavic word 2988: 2864:, similarly Shchavelev considered it is related to the Proto-Slavic root * 1997: 1593: 596:. Antes were Slavic people who lived in that area and to the West between 14813: 14748: 14717: 14666: 14550: 14305: 14222: 14109: 14070: 13878: 13084: 12794:"Прикарпаття в другій половині I тисячоліття н. н.:найдавніші князівства" 12588:
Materials and Studies on Archaeology of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian Area
12402: 12233:] (in Ukrainian). Vol. 1. Kiev, Chernivtsi: Видавництво "Прут"; 11474:(in Ukrainian). Vol. 3. Ivano-Frankivsk: Лілея-НВ. pp. 82–103. 11100:
Danylenko, Andrii (2004). "The name Rus': In search of a new dimension".
11050: 8794: 8442: 7906:. All'Insegna del Giglio (Fl): All'Insegna del Giglio. pp. 361–362. 7866: 7849: 7611: 4461: 4459: 4457: 4455: 2802: 2552: 2540: 2140: 2005: 1633: 1085: 1067:, and to the west of them are the Sysele. To the north of the Horithi is 585: 492: 417: 205: 90: 14910: 12571:(in Ukrainian). Vol. 3. Ivano-Frankivsk: Лілея-НВ. pp. 10–42. 12428:"Hillfort of the 10th–11th centuries Rokitne II in the Roztochya region" 10998: 10693:[The Mogorovich Genus: Data on the history of Croatian genera], 8164: 7295: 6889:
There were different theories to explain the presence of Rusyns. In his
4607: 4381: 4285: 3241:[On some recent studies about the etymology of the name Hrvat]. 2634:, was probably part of an oral tradition, which contradicts the role of 2403:
dated between 6th and 8th century and identified with the White Croats.
2326: 1841:. It is considered that the chronicle refers to the Carpathian Croatia. 1568: 1169:
More detailed information is given by Arabian historians and explorers.
971:. It is notable that in both chapters they are noted to be "unbaptized" 576:, who arrived there c. 7th century BCE. Around the 6th century BCE, the 14875: 14823: 14808: 14409: 14402: 14217: 14212: 14149: 14094: 14031: 13978: 13861: 13775: 13089: 12620:Восточные славяне в VII-X вв. – полюдье, язычество и начало государства 11910:] (in Croatian). Translated by Kryżan-Stanojević, Barbara. Maveda. 11492:Звенигородська земля у XI–XIII століттях (соціоісторична реконструкція) 11449: 10338:"Как найти хорватов? О монографииД. Е. Алимова "Этногенез хорватов..."" 8602: 8482: 8117: 6245: 4572: 3487: 3238: 3045: 2680:
and settled in Croatia under Totila's leadership, as well parallels in
2580: 2556: 2322: 2318: 2302: 2245: 2225: 2118: 1427: 1415: 1377: 1084:, and Łowmiański the issue with positioning in the work is present for 1072: 984: 946: 857: 577: 539: 508: 421: 382: 298: 254: 134: 98: 94: 30: 26: 11862:"Serbisches und kroatisches Sprachgut bei Konstantin Porphyrogennetos" 7815: 7785:"Slavensko paljevinsko groblje na položaju Duga ulica 99 u Vinkovcima" 7172: 7145: 5870: 5741: 5023:[On the northern borders of Serbia in the early middle ages]. 4575:[On the ethnogenesis of the Croats in the Early Middle Ages]. 4452: 3166:
from 31st chapter according to Loma and Živković derives from Iranian
in the arrival of Croats to Dalmatia. It is similar to other medieval
2249: 1653: 1484:(12–13th century) recounted that Bolesław I the Brave conquered some " 1414:". The list indicates that the closest tribal neighbours were Dulebes- 14890: 14885: 14880: 14870: 14803: 14738: 14673: 14567: 14496: 14364: 14337: 14329: 14154: 14139: 14104: 14036: 14021: 13960: 13919: 13868: 13797: 13792: 13104: 13094: 12638:. Reports of the Immigration Commission. Washington D.C. – via 11364: 8657: 8410: 8132: 6056: 5693: 5681: 4780: 3144: 3093: 3003: 2846: 2845:. Another consideration is it corresponds to mythical figures, Czech 2705: 2681: 2635: 2560: 2412: 2388: 2310: 2209: 2062: 1911: 1684: 1397: 1393: 1357: 1353: 1349: 1285:
resides, located below the mountains (probably Carpathians) on river
1222: 1162: 1132: 1099: 992: 958: 950: 781: 629: 573: 460: 437: 150: 12720: 12631: 11358: 10745: 10498: 10043: 8386: 7385: 7375: 7373: 7322: 7247: 6790: 6728: 5115: 4744: 4655: 2922: 2903: 2798: 2518: 2290: 1935: 987:, however, more probable is a reference to the Black Sea because in 14905: 14798: 14793: 14743: 14603: 14285: 14099: 14004: 13942: 13914: 13829: 13812: 13802: 13766: 13099: 12996: 12911: 12426:
Shyshak, Volodymor; Jaroslav, Pohoralskyi; Liaska, Vitaliy (2012).
11639: 10691:"A Mogorovich Nemzetseg: Adatok a horvát nemzetségek történetéhez." 10610: 10571: 10521: 9918: 9572: 8253: 7981: 7901: 7599: 7149:; Kohut, Zenon E.; Nebesio, Bohdan Y.; Yurkevich, Myroslav (2013). 6556: 6554: 5918: 5371:
Berend, Nora; Urbańczyk, Przemysław; Wiszewski, Przemysław (2013).
5035: 4156: 3545: 3543: 3541: 2969: 2689: 2672: 2612: 2572: 2489: 2337:
among many others, of which the last was ruled by a mythical ruler
2334: 2330: 2267: 2217: 2185: 2173: 2074:
about the double migration of South Slavs, that both migrations in
2009: 1970: 1927: 1493: 1431: 1405: 1385: 1270: 1060: 898:. The reliability to the claim adds the recorded oral tradition of 895: 822: 769: 617: 597: 547: 456: 441: 246: 158: 146: 138: 11994:
Our people: Carpatho-Rusyns and their descendants in North America
11633:. Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv: 15–21. 11224:"Plisnesko archaeological complex: theory and practice of studies" 11078:
Cross, Samuel Hazzard; Sherbowitz-Wetzor, Olgerd P., eds. (1953).
8530: 8040: 7623: 6891:
The settlements, economy and history of the Rusyns of Subcarpathia
3526: 1198: 864:. A similar story to the 30th chapter is mentioned in the work by 738:, the name depending upon which manuscript of his is referred to: 14955: 14859: 14818: 14753: 14703: 14683: 14632: 14557: 14503: 14438: 14374: 14342: 14290: 14164: 14159: 13999: 13856: 13844: 13027: 11970:
The Roots of Ukrainian Nationalism: Galicia as Ukraine's Piedmont
11452:[The Avars: A Review of Their Ethnogenesis and History], 11341: 10229: 10227: 10225: 10223: 9347: 7784: 7370: 7024:
Nicolae Pavliuc; Volodymyr Sichynsky; Stanisław Vincenz (2001) .
An Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language: Parts 12–22
5611: 5609: 5558: 5271: 4347: 4345: 3148: 2999: 2861: 2713: 2699:
Curiously, Croats are seemingly the only Slavic people who had a
2649: 2601: 2526: 2522: 2408: 2400: 2259: 2205: 2189: 2177: 2135: 2067: 2058: 2001:
Presumed migration routes of White Croats in the 6th-7th century.
1950: 1888: 1877: 1818: 1675:(also later recorded in 11th–14th century), which is present-day 1641: 1621: 1409: 1401: 1316: 1156: 1068: 1052: 1019: 980: 810: 765: 672: 664: 628:, with Pannonian Avars in the 6th century or during the reign of 601: 496: 468: 433: 354: 346: 197: 130: 126: 118: 11904:
Hrvatska pradomovina (Chorwacja Nadwiślańska in Początki Polski)
Empires and Barbarians: The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe
10918: 10874:. Split: Muzej hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika. pp. 21–35. 10016: 9993: 9754: 9119: 9064:"УКРАЇНА, ДЕРЖАВА: АНТРОПОЛОГІЯ ДАВНЬОГО ТА СУЧАСНОГО НАСЕЛЕННЯ" 8845: 8063: 7106:"Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine" 6551: 5645: 5447: 5445: 5247: 4768: 4173: 4171: 3538: 3143:, "good"). Grégoire, Loma and others mostly related it with the 1755: 1118:("a region with many peoples and heavily fortified cities") and 839:
most probably referring to Croats living "on the other side" of
14895: 14865: 14776: 14540: 14347: 14295: 14227: 14192: 14188: 13807: 13502: 10982: 10974:
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
10899:] (in Croatian and English). Pula: Arheološki muzej Istre. 10191:
New Researches on the Religion and Mythology of the Pagan Slavs
9455: 9431: 9304: 9302: 8979: 8977: 8662:
Opuscula Archaeologica: Papers of the Department of Archaeology
7982:"New 14C dates from Slavic settlements in northwestern Croatia" 7587: 7533: 7531: 7409: 6747:(in Serbo-Croatian). Beograd: Istorijski institut. p. 335. 6650: 6019: 6017: 5518: 5516: 4916: 4914: 4912: 4756: 4234: 3640: 3049: 2998:
Mouchlo; Mikkola related it to the name of 6th century Hunnic (
2926: 2857: 2850: 2709: 2583:. Traces of old tradition can be found in customs and songs of 2576: 2530: 2392: 2365: 2314: 2298: 2271: 2241: 2221: 2193: 2160: 2054: 2037: 1954: 1946: 1942: 1887:(13th century), where prior the battle between Goths and Huns, 1502: 1498: 1376:(879–912) attacked the Greeks. He took with him a multitude of 1240: 1147: 1114:(9th century), however, some scholars assumed that the unknown 942: 883: 777: 757: 745: 644: 429: 413: 377:– etymologically is not of Slavic origin, but a borrowing from 310: 306: 250: 230: 208: 170: 142: 114: 11656: 10942: 10509: 10220: 9950: 9742: 9382: 9380: 9203: 8494: 8422: 8241: 7652: 7650: 7312: 7310: 6305: 5606: 5570: 5127: 4342: 4258: 3464: 3147:. Modestin and Klaić related it to East-Slavic medieval tribe 2397:
Wooden tserkvas of the Carpathian region in Poland and Ukraine
in 1836. In 1861, in the statistical data about population in
405:, in the meaning of "one who guards" ("guardian, protector"). 14944:(ethnicity is undefined): = supposedly Eastern Slavic tribes 14900: 14389: 14369: 11555:
Kardaras, Georgios (2018). Florin Curta; Dušan Zupka (eds.).
Revisiting the Poetic Edda: Essays on Old Norse Heroic Legend
10561: 10559: 10557: 10555: 10376: 10288: 10286: 10156: 9814: 9790: 9407: 9215: 9191: 8614: 8398: 8229: 8165:"Problematika pravokutnih i elipsoidnih zemunica kod Slavena" 7881: 7746: 7111:(Press release). Warsaw – Kiev. UNESCO. 2011. pp. 153, 9 6344: 6085: 6083: 6029: 5582: 5442: 5432: 5430: 4715: 4393: 4168: 3599: 3324: 3183: 2938: 2670:
mentions that seven or eight tribes of nobles, who he called
2514: 2510: 2444: 2437: 2278: 2013: 1966: 1857: 1728: 1381: 1221:(11th century). In the same way, 10th century Arab historian 1056: 1015: 975:, a description only additionally used for the Moravians and 887: 886:'s leadership. According to the Archdeacon, they were called 687: 613: 327: 238: 10718: 10716: 10271: 9896: 9894: 9299: 9227: 8974: 8554: 8277: 8026:, p. 101, 119, 123, 138–140, 157–162, 173–174, 177–179. 7850:"Nalazi slavenske keramike s lokaliteta Podvršje – Glavčine" 7528: 7397: 7208: 7206: 7204: 6626: 6539: 6221: 6179: 6142: 6140: 6014: 5657: 5633: 5513: 5295: 5235: 5211: 5175: 5151: 4909: 4819: 4619: 4002: 4000: 3998: 3746: 3712: 3710: 3708: 3577: 3575: 3573: 3127:(howl) and related it to mythological Zhelya. Loma proposed 2648:), and some consider it has the same source as the story of 1470:
note that Vladimir threatened to attack the Duke of Poland,
13936: 10310: 9524: 9512: 9484: 9482: 9467: 9377: 9251: 8950: 8590: 8199: 8075: 7647: 7480: 7307: 7235: 6578: 5942: 5845: 5843: 5841: 5814: 5775: 5773: 5771: 5351: 5349: 5336: 5334: 4897: 4836: 4834: 4734: 4732: 4730: 4691: 4679: 4222: 4210: 3983: 3722: 3630: 3628: 3626: 3502: 3072:) and related it to mythological Karna. Loma related it to 3010:(Turk. Muhla). Emil Petrichevich-Horváth related it to the 2968:. Loma considered to be an evidence of Polish-Old Croatian 2942: 2882: 2770: 2720:) while the land of women in North Europe was mentioned by 2700: 2433: 2369: 2294: 2050: 1849: 1637: 1588:, after his murder in 929 or 935 which ordered his brother 1369: 1290: 1094: 609: 12362:
Sloveni u ranom srednjem veku (Slavs in Early Middle Ages)
10796: 10634: 10552: 10364: 10283: 9906: 9560: 9443: 9419: 9275: 8833: 8542: 8007: 8005: 7358: 7225: 7223: 7221: 7191: 7189: 7187: 6698: 6602: 6448: 6424: 6334: 6332: 6207:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 126, 136–138, 149. 6080: 5906: 5894: 5705: 5621: 5594: 5479: 5477: 5475: 5427: 5403: 5079: 5069: 5067: 5054: 5052: 5050: 4926: 4631: 4200: 4198: 3014:, one of the Croatian "twelve noble tribes". Gluhak noted 2387:), Lukovyshche, Rokitne II in Roztochya region, Podillya, 2301:
and other cities in the West, as well as northwest to the
having a territory around the Elbe river, while the other
14960:= generally considered synonym for early medieval Slovaks 12432:Матеріали і дослідження з археології Прикарпаття і Волині 12168:
Contributions to the Croatian legal-historical dictionary
10762: 10760: 10713: 10588: 10586: 10472: 10470: 10468: 10466: 10464: 10449: 10439: 10437: 10399: 10397: 10395: 10393: 10391: 10121: 10111: 10109: 9930: 9891: 9869: 9867: 9865: 9596: 9548: 9263: 9131: 9107: 9097: 9095: 8878:Етногенез та етнічна історія населення Українських Карпат 8821: 8578: 8566: 8506: 8374: 8362: 8265: 8105: 7635: 7458: 7456: 7454: 7441: 7439: 7346: 7283: 7259: 7201: 6674: 6489: 6487: 6390: 6388: 6375: 6373: 6371: 6281: 6137: 5990: 5966: 5860: 5858: 5758: 5756: 5729: 5717: 5489: 5462: 5460: 5391: 5223: 5199: 5187: 5103: 5091: 4885: 4846: 4807: 4797: 4795: 4667: 4495: 4144: 4132: 4096: 4084: 4060: 4048: 3995: 3758: 3734: 3705: 3611: 3570: 2937:, that meant social class members who freely elected the 2263: 1922:
Polish writer Kazimierz Władysław Wóycicki released work
1899:, as in the case of Alfred the Great where called Croats 1525:(Lučané or Lusatians), and also an East-West trade route 1189:), where every month Slavs do three-day long trade fair. 14954:= some of the Silesian tribes are Germanic, for example 10501:[Croatian tribes from 12th until 16th century], 10424: 10422: 10420: 10418: 10416: 10414: 10412: 10259: 9998:
Hercegovina, godišnjak za kulturno i povijesno naslijeđe
9838: 9802: 9778: 9632: 9608: 9584: 9536: 9479: 9397: 9395: 9353: 9287: 9239: 9179: 7426: 7424: 6830: 6828: 6778: 6566: 6400: 6317: 6095: 5954: 5930: 5838: 5802: 5792: 5790: 5788: 5768: 5669: 5370: 5346: 5331: 4950: 4831: 4727: 4703: 4643: 4531: 4483: 4275: 4273: 4036: 4012: 3842: 3818: 3806: 3623: 3560: 3558: 3514: 3239:"Na marginama novijih studija o etimologiji imena Hrvat" 2894:
e.g. Labelle, Labulis, Labal, Lobal, which derive from *
According to Czech and Polish chronicles, the legendary
1497:(10th century) are listed four Slavic ethnic names from 12337:
Sloveni u dalekoj prošlosti (Slavs in the distant past)
10808: 10772: 10735: 10733: 10731: 10542: 10540: 10538: 10536: 10298: 10094: 10060: 10058: 9879: 9850: 9826: 9766: 8857: 8144: 8002: 7674: 7565: 7563: 7561: 7548: 7546: 7516: 7492: 7334: 7218: 7184: 6590: 6329: 5472: 5366: 5364: 5319: 5064: 5047: 4442: 4440: 4438: 4436: 4434: 4432: 4357: 4195: 4024: 3782: 1825:), the initial part of the great Slavic homeland), and 894:
to be a distortion of the name for the Polish tribe of
80: 12408:
The Road to Middle-earth: Revised and Expanded Edition
11077: 10793:, pp. 89, 253, 942, 1007, 1010, 1029, 1197, 1619. 10757: 10701: 10646: 10622: 10598: 10583: 10461: 10434: 10388: 10133: 10106: 10082: 9953:[Pagan gods and their Christian substitutes]. 9862: 9092: 8308: 8306: 8304: 7451: 7436: 7127: 6840: 6710: 6638: 6614: 6484: 6460: 6436: 6385: 6368: 6269: 6233: 6068: 6002: 5978: 5882: 5876: 5855: 5753: 5747: 5699: 5687: 5501: 5457: 5283: 5163: 4938: 4792: 4661: 4405: 4246: 4120: 3770: 3652: 3186:, as a heavenly ruler and not an actual secular ruler. 3088:(strong, heavy). Modestin and Klaić related it to the 2945:
in Croatia. Gluhak also noted Baltic names with root *
2886:). Gluhak noted many Baltic personal names with root * 2016:, including the White Croats, invaded and settled the 1408:, who are pagans. All these tribes are known as Great 12425: 11868:(in German) (38). Vizantološki institut SANU: 87–161. 10658: 10409: 10208: 9620: 9392: 9365: 8962: 8518: 8350: 8289: 7468: 7421: 7271: 6825: 6356: 6257: 5785: 5528: 5307: 5139: 4595: 4471: 4417: 4270: 4183: 4108: 4072: 3830: 3794: 3555: 2987:
and related it to the Polish name of mythical figure
2313:. Along these routes they founded the settlements of 1924:
Pieśni ludu Białochrobatów, Mazurów i Rusi z nad Bugu
1821:, stretched from immemorial time Charvátská country ( 11929:
Galicia: A Historical Survey and Bibliographic Guide
11264: 10728: 10688: 10533: 10152: 10150: 10148: 10070: 10055: 9973: 7662: 7605: 7581: 7558: 7543: 7504: 7178: 6852: 6662: 6499: 6472: 6293: 5826: 5361: 4537: 4519: 4507: 4465: 4429: 3587: 3048:
related it with the Turkic name of the Bulgars khan
1727:, 1086). This settlement today is Korbetha on river 309:
nationalities, and as having been precursors of the
De conversione Croatorum et Serborum: A Lost Source
Contributions of Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb
11620:"Bavarian Geographer on Slavic Tribes From Ukraine" 11330:] (in Croatian), Zagreb, Čakovec: Alemko Gluhak 8301: 8041:"Ranosrednjovjekovni paljevinski ukopi u Hrvatskoj" 6915:(in Russian). Bolshaya Rossiyskaya Entsiklopediya, 6764:(in Serbo-Croatian). Erasmus Naklada. p. 221. 6527:(in English and Ukrainian). Vol. 2. Winnipeg: 4369: 3972:(in Russian). Bolshaya Rossiyskaya Entsiklopediya, 3213: 2785:has several derivations; Mikkola considered Turkic 2277:By the 7th century the Croats started to establish 1932:
United States Congress Joint Immigration Commission
608:in the 3rd–4th century, under pressure by invading 6517: 5021:"О северним границама Србије у раном средњем веку" 4541:Language Planning and National Identity in Croatia 3336: 2688:. In Archdeacon's account is possibly reflected a 1754:of Styria. In 954, Otto I in his charter mentions 211:. They probably were among the Slavs who with the 12810:"The Lendians: new variations on ancient motives" 10145: 9501: 9499: 9497: 7783:Ivančan, Tajana Sekelj; Tkalčec, Tatjana (2006). 7747:"Dva starohrvatska groblja u Biskupiji kod Knina" 6412: 2825:(arrow, beak). Gluhak noted several Prussian and 1906:The legendary Czech hermit from the 9th century, 1342:Nestor described how many East Slavic tribes of " 663:in Western Ukraine), Western or White (the Upper 14971: 13768:Early Slavic ethnic groups (7th–12th centuries) 12174: 11650:(1), Institute of archaeology in Zagreb: 113–127 10331: 10329: 10327: 10325: 10181: 10157:Judith Kalik; Alexander Uchitel (11 July 2018). 9951:"Poganski bogovi i njihovi kršćanski supstituti" 9125: 7975: 7973: 4982: 4858: 3273:A Comparative and Historical Grammar of Croatian 3107:Bouga; Mikkola related it with male Turkic name 3060:Touga; Mikkola related it with male Turkic name 2364:, Stilsko, Terebovlia, Halych, Przemyśl, Revno, 1614:Psouane, Chrouati et altera Chrowati, Zlasane... 856:argued that the White Croats were allies of the 744:Over a long period the Slavs settled beside the 157:and Luka-Raikovets cultures identified with the 12387:] (in Russian). Moscow: Северный паломник. 12252:Paščenko, Jevgenij (2006), Nosić, Milan (ed.), 12225:[Eastern Croats on the map of Europe]. 11884:] (in Croatian). Maveda. pp. 109–137. 11749:] (in Croatian). Maveda. pp. 246–264. 11726:] (in Croatian). Maveda. pp. 210–224. 11450:"Avari: osvrt na njihovu etnogenezu i povijest" 10830: 10023:Poetics and History of Croatian Oral Literature 10018:Poetika i povijest hrvatske usmene književnosti 6983: 6935: 6656: 6511: 6112: 6110: 4326: 3669: 3667: 2781:Kloukas; has Greek suffix "-as", thus the root 1881:(10th century), which is similar to the one in 1576:during the 10th century, per V.V. Sedov (2002). 1273:, or Antes), the first city East of Slavs, and 1093:or Upper Vistula in Poland, or possibly around 643:, during the peak of the Huns and their leader 12156: 12018:A History of Ukraine: The Land and Its Peoples 11142:De Administrando Imperio: Volume II Commentary 11081:The Russian Primary Chronicle: Laurentian Text 10790: 10751: 10676: 10616: 10577: 10527: 10515: 10505:(in Serbo-Croatian) (47), Zagreb: JAZU: 15, 85 9494: 8788: 8786: 8748: 8746: 7782: 7740: 7738: 7736: 7734: 6877:. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 156. 6734: 6191: 6053:, p. 68–71, 84, 89–91, 93–95, 98–99, 126. 4563: 4561: 3859: 3857: 3269:Poredbenopovijesna gramatika hrvatskoga jezika 2684:account about five men and two maidens of the 2172:were found. It originated in the area between 145:) in Western Ukraine; and West Slavic tribes ( 13752: 13012: 12632:United States Immigration Commission (1911). 11842:] (in Croatian). Maveda. pp. 86–99. 11703:] (in Croatian). Maveda. pp. 68–71. 11680:] (in Croatian). Maveda. pp. 31–39. 10322: 7970: 7778: 7776: 7751:Vjesnik Za Arheologiju I Povijest Dalmatinsku 6751: 6744:Odakle su Srbi dos̆li na Balkansko poluostrvo 4573:"O etnogenezi Hrvata u ranom srednjem vijeku" 3961: 3299: 3297: 3295: 3044:, and the Croatian tribe. Some scholars like 2360:more than 35 Gords, including big Gords like 1205:(11th century) the city is also mentioned as 1059:. To the north-east of the Moravians are the 809:The Croats at that time were dwelling beyond 192:in the Carpathians, to the Roman province of 12163:Prinosi za hrvatski pravno-povijesni rječnik 11430: 8034: 8032: 6107: 4962: 4920: 4322: 4320: 4318: 4316: 4314: 4312: 4216: 3664: 3508: 3232: 3230: 3228: 3180:vir nobilis nomine Purthio quondam Streimiri 3178:), Poruga, Porča, Purća / Purča, and Purđa ( 2696:a migration of seven tribes and chieftains. 2692:origin of the Croats, while in the Croatian 2443:The proto-state of Great Croatia had strong 2145:Origin hypotheses of the Croats#Anthropology 1006:A map of Europe based on the information by 381:. According to the most plausible theory by 12949:Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary 12598: 12585: 12294: 12273: 11997:. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. p. 5. 11740: 11717: 11694: 11671: 11447: 10980: 10499:"Hrvatska plemena od XII. do XVI. stoljeća" 10489: 10487: 10485: 10255:(in Croatian). 16–17. Zadar: JAZU: 449–478. 10246: 10244: 10242: 9566: 9530: 9473: 9461: 9449: 9437: 9413: 9386: 9221: 9197: 9023:"Антропологічний склад українського народу" 9014: 9008: 8956: 8783: 8743: 8620: 8584: 8404: 8205: 8069: 7843: 7841: 7731: 7693: 7691: 7689: 7415: 7061: 6608: 6162:Medieval Slavic Lives of Saints and Princes 6152: 5912: 5627: 4988: 4864: 4558: 4264: 4006: 3854: 3425:[About the name of the Croatians]. 3172:Porugh de genere Boić, nobilis de Tetachich 334:B containing the name Χοροάθος (Horoáthos). 178: 13759: 13745: 13019: 13005: 12862: 12827: 12652:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 12617: 12378: 12220: 11898: 11872: 11654: 11637: 11221: 11201: 10957: 10940: 10913: 10831:Acker, Paul; Larrington, Carolyne (2013). 10565: 10382: 10335: 10277: 10233: 10049: 9912: 9900: 9554: 9425: 9359: 9308: 9281: 9269: 9233: 9209: 8890: 8869: 8560: 8392: 8368: 8312: 8283: 8259: 8235: 8226:, pp. 159–169, 175–177, 444, 450–452. 8196:, p. 105, 107, 113–114, 153, 168–169. 7887: 7773: 7641: 7537: 7253: 7100: 7098: 6931: 6929: 6904: 6632: 6350: 6311: 6287: 6251: 6227: 6185: 6146: 6089: 6062: 6050: 6023: 5972: 5900: 5735: 5723: 5663: 5651: 5639: 5615: 5588: 5576: 5564: 5495: 5421: 5409: 5397: 5377:. Cambridge University Press. p. 84. 5265: 5253: 5241: 5217: 5205: 5193: 5181: 5157: 5109: 5097: 4852: 4813: 4774: 4762: 4697: 4613: 4387: 4228: 4042: 3947:: CS1 maint: location missing publisher ( 3716: 3634: 3532: 3520: 3437: 3292: 2805:. Modestin related it to village Kukljić. 1426:". Since then those Croats became part of 1110:Croats seemingly were not recorded by the 592:, and in this environment were formed the 12845: 12804: 12788: 12739: 12701: 12560: 12536: 12059:Majorov, Aleksandr Vjačeslavovič (2012), 11188: 11099: 9694: 9668: 9590: 9518: 9257: 9185: 9149: 8996: 8899:. Istorijski institut. pp. 289–344. 8762:Археологія, NASU Institute of Archaeology 8726: 8458: 8162: 8126: 8029: 7926: 7899: 7865: 7715: 7697: 7656: 7629: 7316: 7241: 6740: 6729:United States Immigration Commission 1911 6529:Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences (UVAN) 6197: 5960: 5948: 5936: 5820: 5808: 5779: 5675: 5451: 5355: 5340: 5301: 4637: 4567: 4544:. Palgrave Macmillan UK. pp. 57–60. 4309: 3903: 3581: 3482: 3420: 3387: 3263: 3225: 3111:, while Lewicki noted Turkic name of Hun 2415:and since 2015 regionally protected as a 1474:(992 to 1025), in 992. Polish chronicler 1330:with location of White Croats in today's 12906: 12495: 12251: 12130: 12108: 12084: 11805: 11785: 11554: 11013: 10778: 10482: 10304: 10265: 10239: 10100: 9924: 9885: 9856: 9844: 9820: 9808: 9796: 9784: 9638: 9614: 8983: 8919: 8700: 8674: 8655: 8632: 7838: 7744: 7686: 7522: 7340: 7229: 6784: 6757: 6572: 6560: 6545: 6406: 5849: 5325: 5133: 5073: 5041: 5015: 4840: 4825: 4786: 4685: 4363: 4306:, pp. 50, 58–59, 155–157, 163, 180. 4204: 4150: 4126: 4090: 4030: 3989: 3776: 3740: 3728: 3673: 3617: 3605: 3549: 3236: 3202:Slavic migrations to Southeastern Europe 2833:, which relates to sound-writing verbs * 2452:capitals as East Slavic principalities ( 2343: 2230: 2159: 1996: 1988:The Coming of the Croats to the Adriatic 1982: 1975:Slavic migrations to Southeastern Europe 1903:, often distorted foreign Slavic names. 1567: 1539: 1321: 1001: 772:. Of these same Lyakhs some were called 708: 337: 326: 20: 12885: 12830:"Galich, Was it a Real (part of) Rus'?" 12718: 12683: 12618:Timoshchuk, Boris Anisimovich (2015) . 12599:Timoshchuk, Boris Anisimovich (1995b). 12442: 12401: 12058: 12035: 12011: 11987: 11963: 11946: 11922: 11829: 11575: 11523: 11464: 11406: 11241: 11111: 10722: 10682: 10652: 10628: 10592: 10455: 10403: 10127: 10088: 9873: 9832: 9772: 9760: 9602: 9137: 9113: 9101: 8863: 8851: 8596: 8548: 8488: 8416: 8150: 8138: 8111: 8081: 7813: 7680: 7617: 7498: 7486: 7462: 7403: 7391: 7379: 7352: 7328: 7289: 7265: 7212: 7195: 7133: 7095: 6926: 6858: 6846: 6834: 6680: 6644: 6620: 6596: 6584: 6478: 6338: 6116: 6035: 5996: 5984: 5888: 5864: 5711: 5522: 5483: 5289: 5277: 5229: 5169: 5121: 5085: 5058: 4968: 4903: 4891: 4801: 4750: 4709: 4649: 4625: 4601: 4538:Langston, K.; Peti-Stantic, A. (2014). 4477: 4446: 4423: 4399: 4303: 4279: 4252: 4240: 4177: 4018: 3848: 3836: 3824: 3812: 3800: 3752: 3658: 3646: 3470: 3303: 2829:personal names and toponyms with root * 2049:, or during the Slavic uprising led by 1960: 1071:, and north of the Mægtha-land are the 14972: 12765: 12601:Восточные славяне: от общины к городам 12519: 12199: 12067:] (in Croatian), Zagreb, Samobor: 11866:Зборник радова Византолошког института 11772:] (in Croatian), Matica Hrvatska, 11763: 11667:(54), The Catholic faculty of theology 11617: 11600:The Huns, Rome and the Birth of Europe 11509: 11488: 11353: 11334: 11321: 11036:] (in Croatian), Matica hrvatska, 10958:Bilogrivić, Goran (24 February 2016). 10851: 10802: 10766: 10707: 10664: 10640: 10604: 10476: 10443: 10428: 10370: 10316: 10292: 10187: 10139: 10115: 10014: 9991: 9650: 9578: 9542: 9488: 9401: 9371: 9293: 9245: 9061: 9020: 8968: 8839: 8792: 8752: 8038: 7445: 6716: 6704: 6695:, pp. 242, 244, 247–248, 250–258. 6692: 6493: 6466: 6454: 6442: 6430: 6394: 6379: 6275: 6239: 6158: 6074: 6008: 5924: 5796: 5762: 5600: 5534: 5507: 5466: 5436: 5313: 5145: 4944: 4932: 4673: 4525: 4513: 4501: 4189: 4138: 4114: 4078: 4066: 4054: 3863: 3764: 3593: 3564: 3443: 3393: 3219: 3119:, and two generals of Arabian kalifs, 2921:(army). Grégoire related it with city 2505:in 980 raised on a hill near his fort 2484:Croatian tribes were like other Slavs 679:in Eastern Slovakia, and Northeastern 13740: 13000: 12916:. Belgrade: The Institute of History. 12465: 12354:Sedov, Valentin Vasilyevich (2013) . 12353: 12329:Sedov, Valentin Vasilyevich (2012) . 12328: 12318:Origin and early history of the Slavs 12313:Происхождение и ранняя история славян 12309: 12117:] (in Croatian), Naklada Jurčić, 12045:, Central European University Press, 11385: 11189:Fabijanić, Tomislav (30 April 2009). 11167: 11049: 11027: 10888: 10865: 10814: 10493: 10250: 10214: 10076: 10064: 9979: 9948: 9936: 9748: 9626: 9011:, p. 6, 9, 16, 180–182, 193–194. 8875: 8827: 8608: 8572: 8536: 8524: 8512: 8500: 8440: 8428: 8380: 8356: 8295: 8271: 8247: 8223: 8193: 8099: 8023: 8011: 7979: 7951: 7847: 7668: 7593: 7569: 7552: 7510: 7474: 7430: 7364: 7301: 7277: 6870: 6796: 6668: 6505: 6362: 6263: 5832: 4956: 4738: 4721: 4489: 4411: 4375: 4351: 4291: 4162: 4102: 3907:(2011). "Проблема "білих хорватів"". 3492:Jezik (Croatian Philological Society) 3400:(in German). C. Winter. p. 180. 3342: 3330: 2975:in both the personal name and Polish 953:. Nor do they have either sagēnai or 13026: 12660: 12310:Sedov, Valentin Vasilyevich (1979). 12142:]. Split: Književni krug Split. 11959:(4). Carpatho-Rusyn Research Center. 11856: 11431:Heršak, Emil; Nikšić, Boris (2007), 11308: 11288: 11102:Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 11061:Croatian history from 550 until 1100 10926:. Zagreb: Institute of Archaeology. 10739: 10546: 9709:NASU Institute of History of Ukraine 9657:Analecta Archaeologica Ressooviensia 9320: 9076:NASU Institute of History of Ukraine 9043:from the original on 2 December 2021 8934:NASU Institute of History of Ukraine 8447:Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu 8102:, p. 33, 105, 168–169, 178–182. 7076:NASU Institute of History of Ukraine 6998:NASU Institute of History of Ukraine 6418: 6323: 6299: 6101: 3878:NASU Institute of History of Ukraine 3354: 2599:among others and held in periods of 1297:meant "country, state, city" – thus 713:The range of Slavic ceramics of the 204:), becoming ancestors of the modern 15005:History of Galicia (Eastern Europe) 14990:Medieval history of the Czech lands 12364:]. Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga. 12339:]. Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga. 11596: 10868:"Keramika praškog tipa u Hrvatskoj" 10689:Petrichevich-Horváth, Emil (1933), 9734:: CS1 maint: ignored ISBN errors ( 4978:. Athlone Press. pp. 139, 216. 4294:, pp. 168, 444, 451, 501, 516. 3788: 3307:The Emergence of the Bohemian State 1868:. In the vicinity are parts of the 1604:) who was unsuccessfully helped by 1102:and Lendians, which Łowmiański and 616:. Others related them to the early 101:tribes in the historical region of 16:Early Slavic tribe and ethnic group 13: 9348:Пліснеський археологічний комплекс 7304:, pp. 169, 175–177, 444, 450. 5877:Cross & Sherbowitz-Wetzor 1953 5748:Cross & Sherbowitz-Wetzor 1953 5700:Cross & Sherbowitz-Wetzor 1953 5688:Cross & Sherbowitz-Wetzor 1953 5424:, p. 16, 18, 59, 94, 125–126. 4662:Cross & Sherbowitz-Wetzor 1953 2841:(gurgle). Shchavelev derived from 2797:. Grégoire related it with cities 918:, also referring to the Lendians ( 389:(cattle guardian), more correctly 361:It is generally believed that the 14: 15026: 12976:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 12922: 11448:Heršak, Emil; Silić, Ana (2002), 11339:[Croatian dictionaries]. 11231:Proc. Inst. Archaeol. Lviv. Univ. 11211:Proc. Inst. Archaeol. Lviv. Univ. 11056:Hrvatska povijest od 550. do 1100 9701:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 9327:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 9068:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 9062:Segeda, Sergei Petrovich (2018). 9021:Segeda, Sergei Petrovich (2001). 8926:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 7068:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 6990:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 5268:, p. 51, 57–60, 94, 125–126. 5025:Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju 3870:Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History 3450:(in German). Sagner. p. 21. 3237:Rončević, Dunja Brozović (1993). 2407:the near vicinity, more than 142 2188:which was characteristic for the 2070:. It is related to the thesis by 1201:), who is his deputy. In work by 13219: 12963:Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine 12817:Proc. Inst. Archaeol. Lviv. Univ 12603:(in Russian). Московского Унив. 12258:The origin of Croats and Ukraine 12223:"Східні хорвати на карті Європи" 12206:. Univ of South Carolina Press. 11335:Gluhak, Alemko (24 March 2000). 11274:. University of Michigan Press. 11023:. London: Longman, Brown, Green. 10008: 9985: 9942: 9688: 9644: 9341: 9314: 9143: 9055: 8989: 8913: 8884: 8694: 8668: 8649: 8626: 8611:, p. 160, 173–174, 177–178. 8434: 8211: 8156: 8087: 7945: 7920: 7893: 7807: 7155:. Scarecrow Press. p. 321. 7152:Historical Dictionary of Ukraine 7139: 7055: 7031:Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine 7017: 6977: 6943:Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine 6936:Rabii-Karpynska, Sofiia (2013). 6898: 6864: 6815:Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine 6802: 6204:The Magyars in the Ninth Century 5009: 4995:. Greenwood Press. p. 359. 4992:The Making of the Russian Nation 2656:in which the Bulgars subjugated 1837:legend from the 30th chapter of 1699:(981) near Halle. In charter by 1080:". According to Richard Ekblom, 117:), and possibly in Northeastern 25:European territory inhabited by 12798:Вісник Львівського університету 12505:. University of Toronto Press. 12472:. University of Toronto Press. 12379:Shchavelev, Aleksei S. (2007). 12069:Brethren of the Croatian Dragon 12021:. University of Toronto Press. 11973:. University of Toronto Press. 11932:. University of Toronto Press. 10336:Shchavelev, Aleksei S. (2018). 7814:Ivančan, Tajana Sekelj (2009). 6799:, p. 189, Ph – Sr. Vol. 4. 6731:, pp. 22, 40, 43, 88, 105. 3955: 3897: 3476: 3310:. Brill. pp. 78, 80, 102. 2789:, while Tadeusz Lewicki Slavic 2619: 2192:-type (burial mounds, barrows, 1797:came from (White) Croatia. The 1360:, and the Croats lived at peace 1239:between Moravians, Chezchs and 1010:'s work (9th century), showing 564:Origin hypotheses of the Croats 412:, found in the Greek colony of 323:Names of the Croats and Croatia 161:(while their connection to the 12984:"ХОРВА́ТЫ ВОСТОЧНОСЛАВЯ́НСКИЕ" 12635:Dictionary of Races or Peoples 12357:Славяне в раннем Средневековье 12221:Овчинніков, Олександр (2000). 11603:. 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(1995), 10941:Bilogrivić, Goran (2010). 10823: 9927:, pp. 67–82, 109–111. 9670:10.15584/anarres.2021.16.7 9160:Great Russian Encyclopedia 8891:Cvijanović, Irena (2013). 8171:(in Croatian and Slovak). 8051:(7): 41–42, 47, 49, 53, 57 7791:(in Croatian and German). 6912:Great Russian Encyclopedia 5044:, pp. 49, 54, 83, 88. 4577:Migracijske i etničke teme 3969:Great Russian Encyclopedia 3369:10.7767/dnrm.1970.15.12.63 3037:, "forest moss and mold"). 2645:Origo Gentis Langobardorum 1979:Maurice's Balkan campaigns 1964: 1945:, specifically Dolinyans, 1788: 1580:According to 10th century 1338:& F. S. Weller (1893). 1336:H. J. B. A. Leroy-Beaulieu 1281:), a big city where ruler 1219:Sharaf al-Zaman al-Marwazi 999:) was already well known. 697: 693: 561: 320: 113:and Southeastern-Southern 93:tribes that lived between 14937: 14836: 14832: 14774: 14725: 14716: 14682: 14526: 14388: 14328: 14187: 14178: 14118: 14085: 13995: 13986: 13977: 13910: 13903: 13852: 13843: 13783: 13774: 13698: 13631: 13551: 13498: 13489: 13417: 13408: 13396:Security and intelligence 13303: 13294: 13237: 13228: 13217: 13152:Austrio-Hungarian kingdom 13038: 12938:(in Serbo-Croatian), 2013 12703:10.26661/swfh-2018-51-047 11908:Croatian ancient homeland 11386:Hanak, Walter K. (2013). 10052:, pp. 76, 79, 87–88. 8895:. In Rudić, Srđan (ed.). 8395:, pp. 34, 37–38, 48. 8323:10.1163/9789004380134_007 8317:. Brill. pp. 86–99. 8163:Šalkovský, Peter (2007). 7698:Belošević, Janko (2000). 7606:Van Antwerp Fine Jr. 1991 7596:, pp. 176, 446, 460. 7582:Van Antwerp Fine Jr. 1991 7382:, pp. 406, 425, 444. 7179:Van Antwerp Fine Jr. 1991 6741:Novaković, Relja (1977). 6065:, p. 68–69, 112–113. 5280:, pp. 51–52, 56, 59. 5027:(in Serbian). 63/64: 11. 4466:Van Antwerp Fine Jr. 1991 4354:, pp. 168, 444, 451. 3333:, pp. 115, 168, 444. 3243:Folia onomastica Croatica 3197:Genetic studies on Croats 2925:. Modestin related it to 2860:. Modestin related it to 2741:considered them to be of 2032:in the Roman province of 1884:Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks 1801:(14th century) recounts " 1582:First Old Slavonic Legend 1441:Principality of Peremyshl 1197:(considered Slavic title 557: 70: 13308:Administrative divisions 12886:Zimonyi, Istvan (2015). 11328:Origin of the name Croat 11309:Fokt, Krzysztof (2004). 11089:Cambridge, Massachusetts 10163:. Taylor & Francis. 9763:, pp. 383, 389–390. 9751:, pp. 430, 435–437. 8854:, pp. 85, 131, 168. 8707:Croatian Medical Journal 8677:Croatian Medical Journal 8250:, pp. 175, 179–180. 7256:, p. 10–12, 68, 99. 6984:В.А. Войналович (2003). 6871:Motta, Giuseppe (2014). 4921:Heršak & Nikšić 2007 4868:Kronika Słowian: Polanie 4724:, pp. 141–143, 147. 4328:Lehr-Spławiński, Tadeusz 4243:, pp. 155–157, 180. 4217:Heršak & Nikšić 2007 3910:Галицько-волинські етюди 3674:Niederle, Josef (2015). 3649:, pp. 23–24, 37–41. 3552:, pp. 318–319, 433. 3509:Heršak & Nikšić 2007 3444:Trunte, Hartmut (1990). 3068:(sadness, Proto-Slavic * 2654:Theophanes the Confessor 2632:De Administrando Imperio 1839:De Administrando Imperio 1671:recorded in 981 toponym 1660:, who competed with the 1400:, Radimichians, Croats, 800:De Administrando Imperio 85:), also known simply as 12952:(in Russian), 1890–1907 12628:ISBN 978-966-8067-43-10 12469:Encyclopedia of Ukraine 12109:Marčinko, Mato (2000), 11953:Carpatho-Rusyn American 11576:Karatay, Osman (2003). 11322:Gluhak, Alemko (1990), 11222:Fylypchuk, M. (2015b). 11202:Fylypchuk, A. (2015a). 11168:Dzino, Danijel (2010). 10917:; Belaj, Juraj (2018). 10855:Starohrvatska Prosvjeta 9949:Belaj, Vitomir (2009). 8719:10.3325/cmj.2015.56.230 8639:Starohrvatska Prosvjeta 8503:, p. 29, 164, 173. 8431:, p. 138, 157–160. 8262:, p. 20–22, 27–37. 7745:Petrinec, Maja (2005). 7717:10.15291/radovipov.2231 7632:, p. 45–47, 52–53. 7416:Heršak & Silić 2002 6956:Encyclopedia of Ukraine 6563:, pp. 99–102, 109. 6159:Kantor, Marvin (1983). 6117:Kalhous, David (2012). 3535:, p. 36–37, 40–43. 3473:, pp. 86–100, 129. 3394:Arumaa, Peeter (1976). 3245:(in Croatian) (2): 7–23 2170:Prague-Penkovka culture 2106:Prague-Penkovka culture 1468:Annales Hildesheimenses 1104:Tadeusz Lehr-Spławiński 768:, and were then called 715:Prague-Penkovka culture 275:Principality of Hungary 12935:Croatian Encyclopaedia 12231:Archaeological studies 12200:Norris, H. T. (1993). 11770:Ethnogenesis of Croats 11597:Kim, Hyun Jin (2013). 11355:Golden, Peter Benjamin 11034:Ethnogenesis of Croats 10160:Slavic Gods and Heroes 10050:Belaj & Belaj 2018 10015:Dragić, Marko (2008). 9992:Dragić, Marko (2007). 9651:Lutsyk, Iryna (2021). 8922:"РАЙКОВЕЦЬКА КУЛЬТУРА" 7854:Archaeologia Adriatica 7820:Archaeologia Adriatica 7584:, pp. 37, 53, 56. 4180:, pp. 85–86, 168. 3962:А. В. Майоров (2017). 3304:Charvát, Petr (2010). 2708:, Dulebes, Croats and 2642:stories (see for e.g. 2383:-Voznesensk Street in 2356: 2244:upland beginning near 2236: 2202:Luka-Raikovets culture 2182:Prague-Korchak culture 2165: 2102:Prague-Korchak culture 2002: 1994: 1846:Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv 1746:of Carinthia, as well 1577: 1565: 1453:Principality of Halych 1339: 1308:Svatopluk I of Moravia 1035: 964: 832: 791: 718: 358: 335: 291:Principality of Halych 190:White or Great Croatia 179: 62: 54: 46: 34: 14995:Early medieval Poland 14985:History of the Croats 13162:Kingdom of Yugoslavia 13075:Dalmatian city-states 12540:Prikarpatska Galicija 12520:Škegro, Ante (2005). 12235:Chernivtsi University 12140:Arrival of the Croats 11949:"The Carpatho-Rusyns" 11809:Prikarpatska Galicija 11489:Hupalo, Vira (2014). 11324:Porijeklo imena Hrvat 10754:, pp. 408, 1473. 8876:Козак, В. Д. (1999). 8460:10.52064/vamz.54.1.13 8441:Jarak, Mirja (2021). 7848:Gusar, Karla (2009). 6123:. Brill. p. 75. 6038:, pp. 53, 66–67. 5567:, p. 62, 64, 66. 4777:, p. 15, 82, 84. 4628:, pp. 60–63, 80. 4402:, p. 48–63, 171. 3864:Синиця, Є.В. (2013). 3755:, pp. 24, 42–47. 3608:, pp. 88, 91–92. 2910:, meaning the "swan". 2662:Thomas the Archdeacon 2567:, Mokosh mainly with 2385:Lychakivskyi District 2374:Chernecha Hora Street 2347: 2329:(possibly founded by 2309:and southeast to the 2255:Ukrainian Carpathians 2234: 2163: 2000: 1986: 1773:is also mentioned by 1669:Thietmar of Merseburg 1571: 1543: 1325: 1045:(888–893) relying on 1005: 928: 866:Thomas the Archdeacon 805: 740: 722:Nestor the Chronicler 712: 341: 330: 24: 14980:Slavic ethnic groups 13623:World Heritage Sites 12978:(in Ukrainian), 2013 12237:. pp. 152–162. 12037:Magocsi, Paul Robert 12013:Magocsi, Paul Robert 11965:Magocsi, Paul Robert 11924:Magocsi, Paul Robert 11151:University of London 10889:Bekić, Luka (2016). 10866:Bekić, Luka (2012). 10619:, pp. 408, 528. 10580:, pp. 408, 607. 10530:, pp. 408, 555. 10319:, pp. 126, 218. 9823:, pp. 145, 147. 9799:, pp. 144, 146. 9151:Nazarenko, Alexander 8664:, 23–24 (1): 273–284 7980:Bekić, Luka (2013). 7867:10.15291/archeo.1064 7367:, pp. 182, 450. 7062:Л.В. Ковпак (2004). 6761:Kroatističke studije 5654:, p. 61–63, 65. 5525:, pp. 295, 319. 5256:, p. 51, 58–60. 5136:, p. 37, 53–54. 4765:, p. 12–13, 99. 4332:Pamiętnik Słowiański 4105:, pp. 115, 168. 3791:, pp. 146, 262. 2853:meaning the "raven". 2763:Stanisław Zakrzewski 2597:Perperuna and Dodola 2395:in its inclusion of 1961:Migration to Croatia 1864:), which flows into 1799:Chronicle of Dalimil 1765:", and again in 961 1472:Bolesław I the Brave 1055:, who were formerly 841:Carpathian Mountains 584:contact between the 495:, near the mythical 353:are mentioned below 125:East Slavic groups ( 107:Carpathian Mountains 14734:Seven Slavic tribes 13442:History of currency 13196:War of Independence 13179:'Independent State' 12834:Konštantínove listy 12332:Славяне в древности 12277:Mythological Swords 12227:Археологічні студії 12158:Mažuranić, Vladimir 11618:Koncha, S. (2012). 11530:Staré pověsti české 11519:. University Press. 11337:"Hrvatski rječnici" 11317:(in Polish): 11–22. 10999:10.21857/ydkx2crd19 10805:, pp. 141–164. 10791:Mažuranić 1908–1922 10752:Mažuranić 1908–1922 10677:Mažuranić 1908–1922 10643:, pp. 128–129. 10617:Mažuranić 1908–1922 10578:Mažuranić 1908–1922 10528:Mažuranić 1908–1922 10516:Mažuranić 1908–1922 10373:, pp. 218–221. 10295:, pp. 126–127. 9939:, pp. 144–148. 9464:, pp. 210–212. 9440:, pp. 220–221. 9212:, pp. 113–120. 8986:, pp. 141–143. 8842:, pp. 130–134. 8515:, pp. 104–105. 8383:, pp. 181–182. 8274:, pp. 180–182. 8072:, p. 6, 10–16. 7418:, pp. 211–213. 7406:, p. 117, 124. 6905:И.А. Бойко (2016). 6707:, pp. 121–122. 6587:, pp. 106–107. 6548:, pp. 106–107. 6457:, pp. 161–162. 6433:, pp. 161–167. 6326:, pp. 240–242. 6314:, pp. 267–268. 6104:, pp. 255–256. 5603:, pp. 211–212. 5454:, pp. 262–263. 5439:, pp. 212–213. 4935:, pp. 129–130. 4688:, pp. 111–122. 4676:, pp. 116–117. 4504:, pp. 305–306. 4492:, pp. 113, 21. 4267:, pp. 165–174. 4141:, pp. 115–116. 4069:, pp. 101–102. 4057:, pp. 100–101. 3992:, pp. 115–116. 3767:, pp. 122–125. 3731:, pp. 139–140. 3427:Die Welt der Slaven 2667:Historia Salonitana 2658:Seven Slavic tribes 2305:, southwest to the 2018:Southeastern Europe 1491:In the Hebrew book 1326:Map of 9th century 1228:The Meadows of Gold 1112:Bavarian Geographer 1043:Geography of Europe 900:Michael of Zahumlje 871:Historia Salonitana 784:, and still others 528:cardinal directions 507:some relate to the 471:in 418 AD, and the 229:), the first known 14739:Southern Severians 13467:Telecommunications 13201:Croatia since 1995 13186:Socialist Republic 13147:Illyrian Provinces 13137:Republic of Ragusa 12992:(in Russian), 2017 12806:Voitovych, Leontii 12790:Voitovych, Leontii 12502:Ukraine: A History 11900:Łowmiański, Henryk 11874:Łowmiański, Henryk 10236:, p. 158–159. 9695:Моця О.П. (2008). 9078:. pp. 38–49. 8830:, p. 131–132. 8599:, p. 167–170. 8575:, p. 177–178. 8238:, pp. 39, 44. 8084:, p. 160–168. 7890:, pp. 37, 48. 7489:, p. 154–157. 6519:Jaroslav Rudnyckyj 5714:, pp. 54, 69. 5618:, p. 156–157. 5579:, p. 157–158. 5088:, pp. 65, 69. 4906:, p. 99, 118. 4828:, p. 111–113. 4741:, p. 450–451. 4468:, pp. 53, 56. 3905:Voitovych, Leontii 3498:(3), Zagreb: 81–97 2811:Vladimir Mažuranić 2503:Vladimir the Great 2449:Vladimir the Great 2357: 2237: 2166: 2110:Martinovka culture 2108:with artifacts of 2003: 1995: 1602:vicinus subregulus 1578: 1566: 1481:Chronica Polonorum 1420:Vladimir the Great 1340: 1049:, recorded that, " 1036: 910:, identified with 719: 385:, it derives from 359: 336: 249:, Stilsko, Revno, 227: 7th century 129:and their related 89:, were a group of 35: 14967: 14966: 14933: 14932: 14929: 14928: 14860:Pannonian Dulebes 14712: 14711: 14522: 14521: 14081: 14080: 13973: 13972: 13969: 13968: 13899: 13898: 13788:Carpathian Croats 13734: 13733: 13694: 13693: 13588:Croatian language 13485: 13484: 13404: 13403: 13391:Foreign relations 13381:Political parties 13290: 13289: 13132:Venetian Dalmatia 13053:Origins of Croats 12958:"White Croatians" 12781:978-953-7029-12-8 12758:978-953-7029-12-8 12741:Vernadsky, George 12732:978-617-7624-66-9 12640:Making of America 12578:978-966-668-456-4 12553:978-953-55390-4-9 12512:978-1-4426-9728-7 12490:978-0-8020-3994-1 12479:978-0-8020-3362-8 12418:978-0-547-52441-2 12394:978-5-94431-228-0 12371:978-86-6263-026-1 12346:978-86-6263-022-3 12287:978-1-329-24281-4 12213:978-0-87249-977-5 12192:978-966-668-456-4 12078:978-953-6928-26-2 12052:978-615-5053-46-7 12028:978-1-4426-1021-7 12004:978-0-86516-611-0 11980:978-0-8020-4738-0 11939:978-0-8020-2482-4 11891:978-953-7029-27-2 11878:Bijeli Hrvati III 11822:978-953-55390-4-9 11766:Etnogeneza Hrvata 11756:978-953-7029-27-2 11743:Bijeli Hrvati III 11733:978-953-7029-27-2 11720:Bijeli Hrvati III 11627:Ukrainian Studies 11610:978-1-107-00906-6 11568:978-90-04-38226-8 11502:978-966-02-7484-6 11481:978-966-668-456-4 11423:978-0-19-974163-2 11378:978-3-447-03274-2 11369:Otto Harrassowitz 11281:978-0-472-08149-3 11257:978-953-57369-1-2 11160:978-0-88402-021-9 11147:The Athlone Press 11129:Dimitri Obolensky 11070:978-953-340-061-7 11030:Etnogeneza Hrvata 10933:978-953-6064-36-6 10906:978-953-8082-01-6 10881:978-953-6803-36-1 10844:978-1-136-22787-5 10817:, pp. 95–96. 10725:, pp. 86–91. 10385:, p. 17, 35. 10201:979-1-09-444146-6 10170:978-1-351-02868-4 10032:978-953-7395-16-2 9730:cite encyclopedia 9718:978-966-00-0855-4 9545:, pp. 81–82. 9491:, pp. 73–75. 9416:, pp. 68–71. 9311:, pp. 38–64. 9296:, pp. 78–79. 9248:, pp. 75–80. 9236:, pp. 20–21. 9224:, pp. 38–39. 9200:, pp. 34–35. 9167:on 3 January 2023 9116:, pp. 76–77. 9085:978-966-00-1676-7 8906:978-86-7743-104-4 8814:978-966-02-6889-0 8656:M. Šlaus (2000), 8633:M. Šlaus (1998), 8563:, pp. 39–41. 8551:, p. 13, 15. 8332:978-90-04-38013-4 8114:, pp. 63–64. 7995:978-83-63760-10-6 7963:978-83-63760-10-6 7938:978-83-63760-10-6 7913:978-88-7814-540-5 7757:(1): 173, 192–197 7292:, pp. 59–64. 7215:, pp. 60–64. 7181:, pp. 26–41. 7162:978-0-8108-7847-1 7147:Ivan Katchanovski 7045:978-0-8020-3362-8 6970:978-0-8020-3362-8 6884:978-1-4438-5859-5 6810:"White Croatians" 6683:, pp. 95–96. 6353:, p. 19, 94. 6214:978-0-521-08070-5 6172:978-0-930042-44-8 6130:978-90-04-22980-8 5999:, pp. 74–75. 5591:, p. 62, 66. 5551:978-3-11-063922-3 5384:978-1-107-65139-5 5002:978-0-8371-8757-0 4959:, p. 99–100. 4878:978-83-7396-749-6 4712:, pp. 70–73. 4652:, pp. 31–35. 4551:978-1-137-39060-8 4153:, pp. 84–87. 4093:, pp. 42–54. 4021:, pp. 87–89. 3923:978-966-2083-97-2 3887:978-966-00-1359-9 3851:, pp. 48–50. 3827:, pp. 26–28. 3815:, pp. 25–26. 3743:, pp. 84–88. 3620:, pp. 87–95. 3457:978-3-87690-716-1 3407:978-3-533-02283-1 3317:978-90-474-4459-6 3286:978-953-150-840-7 3176:terrae Mogorovich 2660:, and similarly, 2081:Leontii Voitovych 1662:Přemyslid dynasty 1596:fled in exile to 1562:Přemyslid dynasty 1476:Wincenty Kadłubek 1457:Galician nobility 1245:Abraham ben Jacob 1203:Abu Saʿīd Gardēzī 1077:Rhipæan mountains 752:, and were named 727:Primary Chronicle 637:Henryk Łowmiański 544:Stanisław Rospond 416:at the shores of 379:Iranian languages 363:Croatian ethnonym 79: 33:circa 700–850 AD. 15022: 15010:Migration Period 14851:Asia Minor Slavs 14834: 14833: 14767: 14726:Bulgarian tribes 14723: 14722: 14700: 14670: 14658: 14646: 14629: 14617: 14595: 14583: 14571: 14558:Bohemian Dulebes 14554: 14500: 14488: 14476: 14464: 14452: 14435: 14423: 14406: 14361: 14321: 14309: 14282: 14270: 14253: 14241: 14209: 14185: 14184: 14136: 14074: 14062: 14050: 14018: 13993: 13992: 13984: 13983: 13933: 13908: 13907: 13892: 13850: 13849: 13826: 13781: 13780: 13761: 13754: 13747: 13738: 13737: 13714: 13707: 13496: 13495: 13415: 13414: 13301: 13300: 13235: 13234: 13223: 13142:Habsburg kingdom 13112:Medieval kingdom 13021: 13014: 13007: 12998: 12997: 12993: 12979: 12967: 12953: 12939: 12917: 12903: 12882: 12859: 12849: 12824: 12819:(in Ukrainian). 12814: 12801: 12785: 12768:Bijeli Hrvati II 12762: 12745:Bijeli Hrvati II 12736: 12715: 12705: 12680: 12657: 12651: 12643: 12627: 12614: 12595: 12590:(in Ukrainian). 12582: 12570: 12557: 12545: 12533: 12516: 12483: 12462: 12439: 12434:(in Ukrainian). 12422: 12398: 12375: 12350: 12325: 12324:. Moscow: Наука. 12323: 12306: 12291: 12270: 12248: 12217: 12196: 12184: 12171: 12153: 12127: 12105: 12081: 12055: 12032: 12008: 11991:(30 July 2005). 11989:Magocsi, Paul R. 11984: 11960: 11943: 11919: 11895: 11882:White Croats III 11869: 11858:Loma, Aleksandar 11853: 11826: 11814: 11802: 11797:(in Ukrainian). 11792: 11782: 11760: 11747:White Croats III 11737: 11724:White Croats III 11714: 11691: 11668: 11651: 11634: 11624: 11614: 11593: 11582:. Ayse Demiral. 11572: 11551: 11549: 11547: 11520: 11506: 11485: 11473: 11461: 11444: 11427: 11403: 11382: 11350: 11331: 11318: 11305: 11285: 11261: 11238: 11233:(in Ukrainian). 11228: 11218: 11213:(in Ukrainian). 11208: 11198: 11185: 11164: 11137:Jenkins, Romilly 11108: 11096: 11086: 11074: 11046: 11024: 11015:Bosworth, Joseph 11010: 10977: 10971: 10954: 10937: 10910: 10885: 10862: 10848: 10818: 10812: 10806: 10800: 10794: 10788: 10782: 10776: 10770: 10764: 10755: 10749: 10743: 10737: 10726: 10720: 10711: 10705: 10699: 10698: 10686: 10680: 10674: 10668: 10662: 10656: 10650: 10644: 10638: 10632: 10626: 10620: 10614: 10608: 10602: 10596: 10590: 10581: 10575: 10569: 10563: 10550: 10544: 10531: 10525: 10519: 10513: 10507: 10506: 10495:Klaić, Vjekoslav 10491: 10480: 10474: 10459: 10458:, p. 70–71. 10453: 10447: 10441: 10432: 10426: 10407: 10401: 10386: 10380: 10374: 10368: 10362: 10361: 10359: 10357: 10343: 10333: 10320: 10314: 10308: 10302: 10296: 10290: 10281: 10280:, p. 34–35. 10275: 10269: 10263: 10257: 10256: 10248: 10237: 10231: 10218: 10212: 10206: 10205: 10185: 10179: 10178: 10154: 10143: 10137: 10131: 10130:, p. 50–51. 10125: 10119: 10113: 10104: 10098: 10092: 10086: 10080: 10074: 10068: 10062: 10053: 10047: 10041: 10040: 10012: 10006: 10005: 9989: 9983: 9977: 9971: 9970: 9968: 9966: 9946: 9940: 9934: 9928: 9922: 9916: 9910: 9904: 9898: 9889: 9883: 9877: 9871: 9860: 9854: 9848: 9842: 9836: 9830: 9824: 9818: 9812: 9806: 9800: 9794: 9788: 9782: 9776: 9770: 9764: 9758: 9752: 9746: 9740: 9739: 9733: 9725: 9692: 9686: 9685: 9679: 9677: 9672: 9648: 9642: 9636: 9630: 9624: 9618: 9612: 9606: 9605:, p. 89–90. 9600: 9594: 9588: 9582: 9576: 9570: 9567:Korčinskij 2006b 9564: 9558: 9552: 9546: 9540: 9534: 9531:Korčinskij 2013b 9528: 9522: 9521:, p. 18–19. 9516: 9510: 9503: 9492: 9486: 9477: 9474:Korčinskij 2013a 9471: 9465: 9462:Korčinskij 2013a 9459: 9453: 9450:Korčinskij 2006b 9447: 9441: 9438:Korčinskij 2013a 9435: 9429: 9423: 9417: 9414:Korčinskij 2006b 9411: 9405: 9399: 9390: 9387:Korčinskij 2013a 9384: 9375: 9369: 9363: 9357: 9351: 9345: 9339: 9338: 9336: 9334: 9318: 9312: 9306: 9297: 9291: 9285: 9279: 9273: 9267: 9261: 9260:, p. 20–22. 9255: 9249: 9243: 9237: 9231: 9225: 9222:Korčinskij 2006a 9219: 9213: 9207: 9201: 9198:Korčinskij 2006a 9195: 9189: 9183: 9177: 9176: 9174: 9172: 9147: 9141: 9140:, p. 87–88. 9135: 9129: 9123: 9117: 9111: 9105: 9099: 9090: 9089: 9059: 9053: 9052: 9050: 9048: 9018: 9012: 9009:Pohoralskyy 2018 9006: 9000: 8993: 8987: 8981: 8972: 8966: 8960: 8957:Timoshchuk 1995a 8954: 8948: 8947: 8942: 8940: 8928:(in Ukrainian). 8917: 8911: 8910: 8888: 8882: 8881: 8873: 8867: 8861: 8855: 8849: 8843: 8837: 8831: 8825: 8819: 8818: 8790: 8781: 8780: 8778: 8776: 8759: 8750: 8741: 8740: 8730: 8698: 8692: 8691: 8672: 8666: 8665: 8653: 8647: 8646: 8630: 8624: 8623:, p. 12–15. 8621:Bilogrivić 2018a 8618: 8612: 8606: 8600: 8594: 8588: 8585:Bilogrivić 2018a 8582: 8576: 8570: 8564: 8558: 8552: 8546: 8540: 8534: 8528: 8522: 8516: 8510: 8504: 8498: 8492: 8486: 8480: 8479: 8477: 8475: 8462: 8438: 8432: 8426: 8420: 8414: 8408: 8407:, p. 10–14. 8405:Bilogrivić 2018a 8402: 8396: 8390: 8384: 8378: 8372: 8366: 8360: 8354: 8348: 8347: 8310: 8299: 8293: 8287: 8286:, p. 31–38. 8281: 8275: 8269: 8263: 8257: 8251: 8245: 8239: 8233: 8227: 8221: 8215: 8209: 8206:Bilogrivić 2018a 8203: 8197: 8191: 8185: 8184: 8182: 8180: 8160: 8154: 8148: 8142: 8136: 8130: 8124: 8115: 8109: 8103: 8097: 8091: 8085: 8079: 8073: 8070:Bilogrivić 2018a 8067: 8061: 8060: 8058: 8056: 8036: 8027: 8021: 8015: 8014:, p. 21–27. 8009: 8000: 7999: 7977: 7968: 7967: 7949: 7943: 7942: 7924: 7918: 7917: 7897: 7891: 7885: 7879: 7878: 7876: 7874: 7869: 7845: 7836: 7835: 7833: 7831: 7811: 7805: 7804: 7802: 7800: 7780: 7771: 7770: 7764: 7762: 7742: 7729: 7728: 7726: 7724: 7719: 7695: 7684: 7678: 7672: 7666: 7660: 7659:, p. 20–27. 7654: 7645: 7639: 7633: 7627: 7621: 7615: 7609: 7603: 7597: 7591: 7585: 7579: 7573: 7567: 7556: 7550: 7541: 7540:, p. 23–24. 7535: 7526: 7520: 7514: 7508: 7502: 7496: 7490: 7484: 7478: 7472: 7466: 7460: 7449: 7443: 7434: 7428: 7419: 7413: 7407: 7401: 7395: 7389: 7383: 7377: 7368: 7362: 7356: 7355:, p. 95–96. 7350: 7344: 7338: 7332: 7326: 7320: 7319:, p. 45–47. 7314: 7305: 7299: 7293: 7287: 7281: 7275: 7269: 7268:, p. 48–63. 7263: 7257: 7251: 7245: 7244:, p. 12–13. 7239: 7233: 7227: 7216: 7210: 7199: 7193: 7182: 7176: 7170: 7169: 7143: 7137: 7131: 7125: 7124: 7118: 7116: 7110: 7102: 7093: 7092: 7059: 7053: 7052: 7021: 7015: 7014: 6981: 6975: 6974: 6951: 6933: 6924: 6923: 6902: 6896: 6895: 6868: 6862: 6856: 6850: 6844: 6838: 6832: 6823: 6822: 6806: 6800: 6794: 6788: 6782: 6776: 6775: 6755: 6749: 6748: 6738: 6732: 6726: 6720: 6714: 6708: 6702: 6696: 6690: 6684: 6678: 6672: 6666: 6660: 6654: 6648: 6642: 6636: 6635:, p. 30–31. 6630: 6624: 6618: 6612: 6609:Pendergrass 2015 6606: 6600: 6594: 6588: 6582: 6576: 6570: 6564: 6558: 6549: 6543: 6537: 6536: 6515: 6509: 6503: 6497: 6491: 6482: 6476: 6470: 6464: 6458: 6452: 6446: 6440: 6434: 6428: 6422: 6416: 6410: 6404: 6398: 6392: 6383: 6377: 6366: 6360: 6354: 6348: 6342: 6336: 6327: 6321: 6315: 6309: 6303: 6297: 6291: 6285: 6279: 6273: 6267: 6261: 6255: 6249: 6243: 6237: 6231: 6230:, p. 70–71. 6225: 6219: 6218: 6199:MacArtney, C. A. 6195: 6189: 6188:, p. 68–71. 6183: 6177: 6176: 6156: 6150: 6144: 6135: 6134: 6114: 6105: 6099: 6093: 6087: 6078: 6072: 6066: 6060: 6054: 6048: 6039: 6033: 6027: 6026:, p. 84–86. 6021: 6012: 6006: 6000: 5994: 5988: 5982: 5976: 5970: 5964: 5958: 5952: 5951:, p. 42–43. 5946: 5940: 5934: 5928: 5922: 5916: 5913:Korčinskij 2006a 5910: 5904: 5898: 5892: 5886: 5880: 5874: 5868: 5862: 5853: 5847: 5836: 5830: 5824: 5823:, p. 17–18. 5818: 5812: 5806: 5800: 5794: 5783: 5777: 5766: 5760: 5751: 5745: 5739: 5733: 5727: 5721: 5715: 5709: 5703: 5697: 5691: 5685: 5679: 5673: 5667: 5666:, p. 64–68. 5661: 5655: 5649: 5643: 5642:, p. 61–63. 5637: 5631: 5628:Korčinskij 2006a 5625: 5619: 5613: 5604: 5598: 5592: 5586: 5580: 5574: 5568: 5562: 5556: 5555: 5532: 5526: 5520: 5511: 5505: 5499: 5493: 5487: 5481: 5470: 5464: 5455: 5449: 5440: 5434: 5425: 5419: 5413: 5407: 5401: 5395: 5389: 5388: 5368: 5359: 5353: 5344: 5338: 5329: 5323: 5317: 5311: 5305: 5299: 5293: 5287: 5281: 5275: 5269: 5263: 5257: 5251: 5245: 5244:, p. 57–58. 5239: 5233: 5232:, p. 52–53. 5227: 5221: 5220:, p. 57–59. 5215: 5209: 5203: 5197: 5191: 5185: 5184:, p. 48–53. 5179: 5173: 5167: 5161: 5160:, p. 53–60. 5155: 5149: 5143: 5137: 5131: 5125: 5119: 5113: 5107: 5101: 5095: 5089: 5083: 5077: 5071: 5062: 5056: 5045: 5039: 5033: 5032: 5013: 5007: 5006: 4986: 4980: 4979: 4966: 4960: 4954: 4948: 4942: 4936: 4930: 4924: 4918: 4907: 4901: 4895: 4894:, p. 98–99. 4889: 4883: 4882: 4862: 4856: 4850: 4844: 4838: 4829: 4823: 4817: 4811: 4805: 4799: 4790: 4784: 4778: 4772: 4766: 4760: 4754: 4748: 4742: 4736: 4725: 4719: 4713: 4707: 4701: 4700:, p. 71–72. 4695: 4689: 4683: 4677: 4671: 4665: 4659: 4653: 4647: 4641: 4640:, p. 47–48. 4635: 4629: 4623: 4617: 4611: 4605: 4599: 4593: 4592: 4590: 4588: 4565: 4556: 4555: 4535: 4529: 4523: 4517: 4511: 4505: 4499: 4493: 4487: 4481: 4475: 4469: 4463: 4450: 4444: 4427: 4421: 4415: 4414:, p. 93–94. 4409: 4403: 4397: 4391: 4385: 4379: 4373: 4367: 4361: 4355: 4349: 4340: 4339: 4324: 4307: 4301: 4295: 4289: 4283: 4277: 4268: 4265:Timoshchuk 1995b 4262: 4256: 4250: 4244: 4238: 4232: 4231:, p. 42–43. 4226: 4220: 4214: 4208: 4202: 4193: 4187: 4181: 4175: 4166: 4160: 4154: 4148: 4142: 4136: 4130: 4124: 4118: 4112: 4106: 4100: 4094: 4088: 4082: 4076: 4070: 4064: 4058: 4052: 4046: 4040: 4034: 4028: 4022: 4016: 4010: 4007:Korčinskij 2006a 4004: 3993: 3987: 3981: 3980: 3959: 3953: 3952: 3946: 3938: 3932: 3930: 3915: 3901: 3895: 3894: 3861: 3852: 3846: 3840: 3834: 3828: 3822: 3816: 3810: 3804: 3798: 3792: 3786: 3780: 3774: 3768: 3762: 3756: 3750: 3744: 3738: 3732: 3726: 3720: 3714: 3703: 3702: 3700: 3698: 3680:Skalničkářův rok 3671: 3662: 3656: 3650: 3644: 3638: 3632: 3621: 3615: 3609: 3603: 3597: 3591: 3585: 3584:, pp. 1–32. 3579: 3568: 3562: 3553: 3547: 3536: 3530: 3524: 3518: 3512: 3506: 3500: 3499: 3484:Matasović, Ranko 3480: 3474: 3468: 3462: 3461: 3441: 3435: 3434: 3418: 3412: 3411: 3391: 3385: 3384: 3352: 3346: 3340: 3334: 3328: 3322: 3321: 3301: 3290: 3289: 3265:Matasović, Ranko 3261: 3255: 3254: 3252: 3250: 3234: 3223: 3217: 3131:< Sarmatian * 3090:Tugomirić family 3012:Mogorović family 2726:Alfred the Great 2545:Radoslav Katičić 2509:of Slavic gods; 2421:Ancient Plisnesk 2382: 1546:Duchy of Bohemia 1362:". In 904–907, " 1312:George Vernadsky 1171:Ahmad ibn Rustah 1039:Alfred the Great 1008:Alfred the Great 922:). According to 845:Duchy of Bohemia 501:Zacharias Rhetor 387:*(fšu-)haurvatā- 289:and finally the 263:Duchy of Bohemia 235:Duchy of Croatia 228: 225: 222: 196:(in present-day 184: 167:Penkovka culture 84: 74: 72: 15030: 15029: 15025: 15024: 15023: 15021: 15020: 15019: 14970: 14969: 14968: 14963: 14925: 14856:Pannonian Slavs 14828: 14770: 14761: 14708: 14694: 14678: 14664: 14652: 14640: 14623: 14611: 14589: 14577: 14565: 14548: 14536:Bohemian Croats 14518: 14494: 14482: 14470: 14458: 14446: 14429: 14417: 14400: 14384: 14355: 14324: 14315: 14303: 14276: 14264: 14247: 14235: 14203: 14180:Polabian tribes 14174: 14145:Silesian Croats 14130: 14120:Silesian tribes 14114: 14077: 14068: 14056: 14044: 14012: 13965: 13927: 13904:Northern tribes 13895: 13886: 13839: 13820: 13770: 13765: 13735: 13730: 13717: 13710: 13703: 13690: 13627: 13603:Public holidays 13547: 13481: 13400: 13347:Law enforcement 13286: 13272:Protected areas 13224: 13215: 13122:Ban of Slavonia 13034: 13025: 12982: 12970: 12956: 12944:"Белые хорваты" 12942: 12930:"Bijeli Hrvati" 12928: 12925: 12920: 12908:Živković, Tibor 12900: 12879: 12865:Bijeli Hrvati I 12812: 12782: 12772:White Croats II 12759: 12749:White Croats II 12733: 12696:(51): 383–395. 12677: 12663:Bijeli Hrvati I 12645: 12644: 12611: 12579: 12568: 12554: 12543: 12513: 12497:Subtelny, Orest 12480: 12459: 12445:Bijeli Hrvati I 12419: 12395: 12372: 12347: 12321: 12288: 12268: 12245: 12214: 12193: 12182: 12150: 12125: 12102: 12088:Bijeli Hrvati I 12079: 12053: 12029: 12005: 11981: 11940: 11892: 11850: 11836:Bijeli Hrvati I 11823: 11812: 11790: 11780: 11757: 11734: 11711: 11697:Bijeli Hrvati I 11688: 11674:Bijeli Hrvati I 11622: 11611: 11590: 11569: 11545: 11543: 11541: 11503: 11482: 11471: 11456:(in Croatian), 11439:(in Croatian), 11424: 11400: 11379: 11347:Matica hrvatska 11282: 11258: 11226: 11206: 11182: 11161: 11133:Steven Runciman 11125:Gyula Moravcsik 11117:Romilly Jenkins 11113:Francis Dvornik 11084: 11071: 11044: 10989:(in Croatian). 10972:(PhD). Zagreb: 10969: 10949:(in Croatian). 10934: 10907: 10882: 10845: 10826: 10821: 10813: 10809: 10801: 10797: 10789: 10785: 10777: 10773: 10765: 10758: 10750: 10746: 10742:, pp. 122. 10738: 10729: 10721: 10714: 10706: 10702: 10687: 10683: 10675: 10671: 10663: 10659: 10651: 10647: 10639: 10635: 10627: 10623: 10615: 10611: 10603: 10599: 10591: 10584: 10576: 10572: 10566:Shchavelev 2007 10564: 10553: 10549:, pp. 121. 10545: 10534: 10526: 10522: 10514: 10510: 10492: 10483: 10475: 10462: 10454: 10450: 10442: 10435: 10427: 10410: 10402: 10389: 10383:Łowmiański 2004 10381: 10377: 10369: 10365: 10355: 10353: 10341: 10334: 10323: 10315: 10311: 10303: 10299: 10291: 10284: 10278:Łowmiański 2004 10276: 10272: 10264: 10260: 10249: 10240: 10234:Shchavelev 2007 10232: 10221: 10213: 10209: 10202: 10186: 10182: 10171: 10155: 10146: 10138: 10134: 10126: 10122: 10114: 10107: 10099: 10095: 10087: 10083: 10075: 10071: 10063: 10056: 10048: 10044: 10033: 10013: 10009: 10000:(in Croatian). 9990: 9986: 9978: 9974: 9964: 9962: 9957:(in Croatian). 9947: 9943: 9935: 9931: 9923: 9919: 9913:Овчинніков 2000 9911: 9907: 9901:Timoshchuk 2015 9899: 9892: 9884: 9880: 9872: 9863: 9855: 9851: 9843: 9839: 9831: 9827: 9819: 9815: 9807: 9803: 9795: 9791: 9783: 9779: 9775:, pp. 127. 9771: 9767: 9759: 9755: 9747: 9743: 9727: 9726: 9719: 9693: 9689: 9675: 9673: 9649: 9645: 9637: 9633: 9625: 9621: 9613: 9609: 9601: 9597: 9589: 9585: 9577: 9573: 9565: 9561: 9555:Fylypchuk 2015b 9553: 9549: 9541: 9537: 9529: 9525: 9517: 9513: 9504: 9495: 9487: 9480: 9472: 9468: 9460: 9456: 9448: 9444: 9436: 9432: 9428:, pp. 2–7. 9426:Korčinskij 2004 9424: 9420: 9412: 9408: 9400: 9393: 9385: 9378: 9370: 9366: 9360:Korčinskij 2004 9358: 9354: 9346: 9342: 9332: 9330: 9319: 9315: 9309:Fylypchuk 2015b 9307: 9300: 9292: 9288: 9282:Korčinskij 2000 9280: 9276: 9270:Voloshchuk 2021 9268: 9264: 9256: 9252: 9244: 9240: 9234:Timoshchuk 2015 9232: 9228: 9220: 9216: 9210:Korčinskij 2000 9208: 9204: 9196: 9192: 9184: 9180: 9170: 9168: 9148: 9144: 9136: 9132: 9124: 9120: 9112: 9108: 9100: 9093: 9086: 9060: 9056: 9046: 9044: 9037: 9019: 9015: 9007: 9003: 8994: 8990: 8982: 8975: 8967: 8963: 8955: 8951: 8938: 8936: 8918: 8914: 8907: 8889: 8885: 8874: 8870: 8866:, pp. 131. 8862: 8858: 8850: 8846: 8838: 8834: 8826: 8822: 8815: 8791: 8784: 8774: 8772: 8757: 8751: 8744: 8699: 8695: 8673: 8669: 8654: 8650: 8631: 8627: 8619: 8615: 8607: 8603: 8595: 8591: 8583: 8579: 8571: 8567: 8561:Bilogrivić 2010 8559: 8555: 8547: 8543: 8535: 8531: 8523: 8519: 8511: 8507: 8499: 8495: 8487: 8483: 8473: 8471: 8439: 8435: 8427: 8423: 8415: 8411: 8403: 8399: 8393:Bilogrivić 2010 8391: 8387: 8379: 8375: 8369:Bilogrivić 2016 8367: 8363: 8359:, pp. 181. 8355: 8351: 8333: 8311: 8302: 8294: 8290: 8284:Bilogrivić 2016 8282: 8278: 8270: 8266: 8260:Bilogrivić 2016 8258: 8254: 8246: 8242: 8236:Bilogrivić 2010 8234: 8230: 8222: 8218: 8212: 8204: 8200: 8192: 8188: 8178: 8176: 8161: 8157: 8149: 8145: 8137: 8133: 8125: 8118: 8110: 8106: 8098: 8094: 8088: 8080: 8076: 8068: 8064: 8054: 8052: 8047:(in Croatian). 8037: 8030: 8022: 8018: 8010: 8003: 7996: 7978: 7971: 7964: 7950: 7946: 7939: 7925: 7921: 7914: 7898: 7894: 7888:Bilogrivić 2010 7886: 7882: 7872: 7870: 7856:(in Croatian). 7846: 7839: 7829: 7827: 7822:(in Croatian). 7812: 7808: 7798: 7796: 7781: 7774: 7760: 7758: 7753:(in Croatian). 7743: 7732: 7722: 7720: 7706:(in Croatian). 7696: 7687: 7679: 7675: 7667: 7663: 7655: 7648: 7642:Łowmiański 2004 7640: 7636: 7628: 7624: 7616: 7612: 7604: 7600: 7592: 7588: 7580: 7576: 7568: 7559: 7551: 7544: 7538:Łowmiański 2004 7536: 7529: 7521: 7517: 7509: 7505: 7497: 7493: 7485: 7481: 7473: 7469: 7461: 7452: 7444: 7437: 7429: 7422: 7414: 7410: 7402: 7398: 7390: 7386: 7378: 7371: 7363: 7359: 7351: 7347: 7339: 7335: 7327: 7323: 7315: 7308: 7300: 7296: 7288: 7284: 7276: 7272: 7264: 7260: 7254:Łowmiański 2004 7252: 7248: 7240: 7236: 7228: 7219: 7211: 7202: 7194: 7185: 7177: 7173: 7163: 7144: 7140: 7132: 7128: 7114: 7112: 7108: 7104: 7103: 7096: 7086: 7060: 7056: 7046: 7034:. Vol. 2. 7022: 7018: 7008: 7000:. p. 688. 6982: 6978: 6971: 6959:. Vol. 1. 6953: 6949:Southern Slavs. 6934: 6927: 6903: 6899: 6885: 6869: 6865: 6857: 6853: 6845: 6841: 6833: 6826: 6808: 6807: 6803: 6795: 6791: 6783: 6779: 6772: 6756: 6752: 6739: 6735: 6727: 6723: 6715: 6711: 6703: 6699: 6691: 6687: 6679: 6675: 6667: 6663: 6655: 6651: 6643: 6639: 6633:Łowmiański 2004 6631: 6627: 6619: 6615: 6607: 6603: 6595: 6591: 6583: 6579: 6571: 6567: 6559: 6552: 6544: 6540: 6516: 6512: 6504: 6500: 6492: 6485: 6477: 6473: 6465: 6461: 6453: 6449: 6441: 6437: 6429: 6425: 6417: 6413: 6405: 6401: 6393: 6386: 6378: 6369: 6361: 6357: 6351:Łowmiański 2004 6349: 6345: 6337: 6330: 6322: 6318: 6312:Widajewicz 2006 6310: 6306: 6298: 6294: 6288:Łowmiański 2004 6286: 6282: 6274: 6270: 6262: 6258: 6252:Łowmiański 2004 6250: 6246: 6238: 6234: 6228:Łowmiański 2004 6226: 6222: 6215: 6196: 6192: 6186:Łowmiański 2004 6184: 6180: 6173: 6157: 6153: 6147:Łowmiański 2004 6145: 6138: 6131: 6115: 6108: 6100: 6096: 6090:Овчинніков 2000 6088: 6081: 6073: 6069: 6063:Łowmiański 2004 6061: 6057: 6051:Łowmiański 2004 6049: 6042: 6034: 6030: 6024:Łowmiański 2004 6022: 6015: 6007: 6003: 5995: 5991: 5983: 5979: 5973:Łowmiański 2004 5971: 5967: 5959: 5955: 5947: 5943: 5935: 5931: 5923: 5919: 5911: 5907: 5901:Korčinskij 2000 5899: 5895: 5887: 5883: 5875: 5871: 5863: 5856: 5848: 5839: 5831: 5827: 5819: 5815: 5807: 5803: 5795: 5786: 5778: 5769: 5761: 5754: 5746: 5742: 5736:Łowmiański 2004 5734: 5730: 5724:Łowmiański 2004 5722: 5718: 5710: 5706: 5698: 5694: 5686: 5682: 5674: 5670: 5664:Łowmiański 2004 5662: 5658: 5652:Łowmiański 2004 5650: 5646: 5640:Łowmiański 2004 5638: 5634: 5626: 5622: 5616:Овчинніков 2000 5614: 5607: 5599: 5595: 5589:Łowmiański 2004 5587: 5583: 5577:Овчинніков 2000 5575: 5571: 5565:Łowmiański 2004 5563: 5559: 5552: 5533: 5529: 5521: 5514: 5506: 5502: 5496:Łowmiański 2004 5494: 5490: 5482: 5473: 5465: 5458: 5450: 5443: 5435: 5428: 5422:Łowmiański 2004 5420: 5416: 5410:Łowmiański 2013 5408: 5404: 5398:Łowmiański 2004 5396: 5392: 5385: 5369: 5362: 5354: 5347: 5339: 5332: 5324: 5320: 5312: 5308: 5300: 5296: 5288: 5284: 5276: 5272: 5266:Łowmiański 2004 5264: 5260: 5254:Łowmiański 2004 5252: 5248: 5242:Łowmiański 2004 5240: 5236: 5228: 5224: 5218:Łowmiański 2004 5216: 5212: 5206:Łowmiański 2004 5204: 5200: 5194:Łowmiański 2004 5192: 5188: 5182:Łowmiański 2004 5180: 5176: 5168: 5164: 5158:Łowmiański 2004 5156: 5152: 5144: 5140: 5132: 5128: 5120: 5116: 5110:Łowmiański 2004 5108: 5104: 5098:Łowmiański 2004 5096: 5092: 5084: 5080: 5072: 5065: 5057: 5048: 5040: 5036: 5017:Živković, Tibor 5014: 5010: 5003: 4987: 4983: 4967: 4963: 4955: 4951: 4943: 4939: 4931: 4927: 4919: 4910: 4902: 4898: 4890: 4886: 4879: 4863: 4859: 4853:Łowmiański 2004 4851: 4847: 4839: 4832: 4824: 4820: 4814:Łowmiański 2004 4812: 4808: 4800: 4793: 4785: 4781: 4775:Łowmiański 2004 4773: 4769: 4763:Łowmiański 2004 4761: 4757: 4749: 4745: 4737: 4728: 4720: 4716: 4708: 4704: 4698:Łowmiański 2004 4696: 4692: 4684: 4680: 4672: 4668: 4660: 4656: 4648: 4644: 4636: 4632: 4624: 4620: 4614:Łowmiański 2004 4612: 4608: 4600: 4596: 4586: 4584: 4579:(in Croatian). 4566: 4559: 4552: 4536: 4532: 4524: 4520: 4512: 4508: 4500: 4496: 4488: 4484: 4476: 4472: 4464: 4453: 4445: 4430: 4422: 4418: 4410: 4406: 4398: 4394: 4388:Łowmiański 2004 4386: 4382: 4374: 4370: 4362: 4358: 4350: 4343: 4325: 4310: 4302: 4298: 4290: 4286: 4278: 4271: 4263: 4259: 4251: 4247: 4239: 4235: 4229:Łowmiański 2004 4227: 4223: 4215: 4211: 4203: 4196: 4188: 4184: 4176: 4169: 4161: 4157: 4149: 4145: 4137: 4133: 4125: 4121: 4113: 4109: 4101: 4097: 4089: 4085: 4077: 4073: 4065: 4061: 4053: 4049: 4043:Fylypchuk 2015a 4041: 4037: 4029: 4025: 4017: 4013: 4005: 3996: 3988: 3984: 3960: 3956: 3940: 3939: 3928: 3926: 3924: 3916:. Біла Церква. 3913: 3902: 3898: 3888: 3862: 3855: 3847: 3843: 3835: 3831: 3823: 3819: 3811: 3807: 3799: 3795: 3787: 3783: 3775: 3771: 3763: 3759: 3751: 3747: 3739: 3735: 3727: 3723: 3717:Овчинніков 2000 3715: 3706: 3696: 3694: 3672: 3665: 3657: 3653: 3645: 3641: 3635:Łowmiański 2004 3633: 3624: 3616: 3612: 3604: 3600: 3592: 3588: 3580: 3571: 3563: 3556: 3548: 3539: 3533:Łowmiański 2004 3531: 3527: 3521:Łowmiański 2004 3519: 3515: 3507: 3503: 3494:(in Croatian), 3481: 3477: 3469: 3465: 3458: 3442: 3438: 3419: 3415: 3408: 3392: 3388: 3353: 3349: 3341: 3337: 3329: 3325: 3318: 3302: 3293: 3287: 3277:Matica hrvatska 3262: 3258: 3248: 3246: 3235: 3226: 3218: 3214: 3210: 3193: 2813:related to the 2807:Vjekoslav Klaić 2751:Aleksandar Loma 2722:Paul the Deacon 2676:, arrived from 2622: 2482: 2376: 2307:Pannonian Basin 2158: 2072:Bogo Grafenauer 1981: 1963: 1920: 1893:Harvaða fjöllum 1815:Tatra Mountains 1791: 1691:, Germany. The 1658:Slavník dynasty 1592:, their mother 1550:Slavník dynasty 1451:and eventually 1332:Western Ukraine 1328:European Russia 1289:(most probably 1034:(18th century). 1022:in Poland, per 878:, arrived from 795:Constantine VII 707: 702: 696: 653:Western Ukraine 622:Pannonian Avars 566: 560: 503:in 550 AD. The 499:, mentioned by 475:(original form 325: 319: 267:Duchy of Poland 226: 213:Pannonian Avars 175:Slavic paganism 111:Western Ukraine 17: 12: 11: 5: 15028: 15018: 15017: 15012: 15007: 15002: 14997: 14992: 14987: 14982: 14965: 14964: 14962: 14961: 14958: 14952: 14945: 14938: 14935: 14934: 14931: 14930: 14927: 14926: 14924: 14923: 14918: 14913: 14908: 14903: 14898: 14893: 14888: 14883: 14878: 14873: 14868: 14863: 14853: 14848: 14837: 14830: 14829: 14827: 14826: 14821: 14816: 14811: 14806: 14801: 14796: 14791: 14785: 14783: 14772: 14771: 14769: 14768: 14756: 14751: 14746: 14741: 14736: 14729: 14727: 14720: 14714: 14713: 14710: 14709: 14707: 14706: 14701: 14688: 14686: 14680: 14679: 14677: 14676: 14671: 14659: 14647: 14635: 14630: 14618: 14606: 14601: 14596: 14584: 14572: 14560: 14555: 14543: 14538: 14532: 14530: 14524: 14523: 14520: 14519: 14517: 14516: 14506: 14501: 14489: 14477: 14465: 14453: 14441: 14436: 14424: 14412: 14407: 14394: 14392: 14386: 14385: 14383: 14382: 14377: 14372: 14367: 14362: 14350: 14345: 14340: 14334: 14332: 14326: 14325: 14323: 14322: 14310: 14298: 14293: 14288: 14283: 14271: 14259: 14254: 14242: 14230: 14225: 14220: 14215: 14210: 14197: 14195: 14182: 14176: 14175: 14173: 14172: 14167: 14162: 14157: 14152: 14147: 14142: 14137: 14124: 14122: 14116: 14115: 14113: 14112: 14107: 14102: 14097: 14091: 14089: 14083: 14082: 14079: 14078: 14076: 14075: 14063: 14051: 14039: 14034: 14029: 14024: 14019: 14007: 14002: 13996: 13990: 13981: 13975: 13974: 13971: 13970: 13967: 13966: 13964: 13963: 13958: 13953: 13948: 13947: 13946: 13940: 13934: 13922: 13911: 13905: 13901: 13900: 13897: 13896: 13894: 13893: 13881: 13876: 13871: 13866: 13865: 13864: 13853: 13847: 13841: 13840: 13838: 13837: 13832: 13827: 13815: 13810: 13805: 13800: 13795: 13790: 13784: 13778: 13772: 13771: 13764: 13763: 13756: 13749: 13741: 13732: 13731: 13729: 13728: 13723: 13716: 13715: 13708: 13700: 13699: 13696: 13695: 13692: 13691: 13689: 13688: 13683: 13678: 13673: 13668: 13663: 13658: 13653: 13648: 13643: 13637: 13635: 13629: 13628: 13626: 13625: 13620: 13615: 13610: 13608:Radio stations 13605: 13600: 13595: 13590: 13585: 13584: 13583: 13573: 13568: 13563: 13557: 13555: 13549: 13548: 13546: 13545: 13540: 13535: 13530: 13525: 13520: 13515: 13510: 13505: 13499: 13493: 13487: 13486: 13483: 13482: 13480: 13479: 13474: 13469: 13464: 13462:Stock Exchange 13459: 13454: 13449: 13444: 13439: 13434: 13429: 13424: 13418: 13412: 13406: 13405: 13402: 13401: 13399: 13398: 13393: 13388: 13383: 13378: 13377: 13376: 13366: 13365: 13364: 13359: 13349: 13344: 13343: 13342: 13332: 13331: 13330: 13328:Prime Minister 13320: 13315: 13310: 13304: 13298: 13292: 13291: 13288: 13287: 13285: 13284: 13279: 13274: 13269: 13264: 13259: 13254: 13249: 13247:Extreme points 13244: 13238: 13232: 13226: 13225: 13218: 13216: 13214: 13213: 13211:European Union 13208: 13203: 13198: 13193: 13188: 13183: 13182: 13181: 13171: 13170: 13169: 13159: 13154: 13149: 13144: 13139: 13134: 13129: 13124: 13119: 13117:Ban of Croatia 13114: 13109: 13108: 13107: 13102: 13097: 13092: 13082: 13080:Lower Pannonia 13077: 13072: 13070:Medieval duchy 13067: 13066: 13065: 13060: 13050: 13044: 13042: 13036: 13035: 13024: 13023: 13016: 13009: 13001: 12995: 12994: 12980: 12968: 12954: 12940: 12924: 12923:External links 12921: 12919: 12918: 12904: 12898: 12883: 12877: 12869:White Croats I 12860: 12825: 12802: 12786: 12780: 12763: 12757: 12737: 12731: 12716: 12681: 12675: 12667:White Croats I 12658: 12629: 12615: 12609: 12596: 12583: 12577: 12558: 12552: 12534: 12517: 12511: 12493: 12478: 12463: 12457: 12449:White Croats I 12440: 12423: 12417: 12399: 12393: 12376: 12370: 12351: 12345: 12326: 12307: 12292: 12286: 12271: 12266: 12249: 12243: 12218: 12212: 12197: 12191: 12172: 12154: 12148: 12136:Dolazak Hrvata 12132:Margetić, Lujo 12128: 12123: 12106: 12100: 12092:White Croats I 12082: 12077: 12071:, Meridijani, 12056: 12051: 12033: 12027: 12009: 12003: 11985: 11979: 11961: 11944: 11938: 11920: 11896: 11890: 11870: 11854: 11848: 11840:White Croats I 11827: 11821: 11803: 11783: 11778: 11761: 11755: 11738: 11732: 11715: 11709: 11701:White Croats I 11692: 11686: 11678:White Croats I 11669: 11652: 11635: 11615: 11609: 11594: 11588: 11573: 11567: 11552: 11539: 11525:Jirásek, Alois 11521: 11507: 11501: 11486: 11480: 11462: 11445: 11428: 11422: 11408:Heather, Peter 11404: 11398: 11383: 11377: 11351: 11332: 11319: 11306: 11286: 11280: 11262: 11256: 11239: 11219: 11199: 11186: 11180: 11165: 11159: 11109: 11097: 11075: 11069: 11047: 11042: 11025: 11011: 10978: 10955: 10938: 10932: 10915:Belaj, Vitomir 10911: 10905: 10886: 10880: 10863: 10861:(42): 141–164. 10849: 10843: 10827: 10825: 10822: 10820: 10819: 10807: 10795: 10783: 10771: 10769:, p. 221. 10756: 10744: 10727: 10712: 10710:, p. 220. 10700: 10681: 10669: 10657: 10645: 10633: 10621: 10609: 10607:, p. 219. 10597: 10582: 10570: 10568:, p. 158. 10551: 10532: 10520: 10518:, p. 408. 10508: 10481: 10479:, p. 126. 10460: 10448: 10446:, p. 218. 10433: 10408: 10387: 10375: 10363: 10348:(in Russian). 10321: 10309: 10297: 10282: 10270: 10268:, p. 114. 10258: 10238: 10219: 10217:, p. 481. 10207: 10200: 10180: 10169: 10144: 10142:, p. 142. 10132: 10120: 10118:, p. 222. 10105: 10093: 10081: 10069: 10054: 10042: 10031: 10007: 9984: 9972: 9941: 9929: 9917: 9915:, p. 159. 9905: 9890: 9878: 9861: 9849: 9847:, p. 145. 9837: 9835:, p. 118. 9825: 9813: 9811:, p. 144. 9801: 9789: 9787:, p. 143. 9777: 9765: 9753: 9741: 9717: 9687: 9643: 9641:, p. 118. 9631: 9629:, p. 502. 9619: 9617:, p. 113. 9607: 9595: 9591:Tomenchuk 2018 9583: 9571: 9559: 9547: 9535: 9533:, p. 264. 9523: 9519:Tomenchuk 2018 9511: 9493: 9478: 9476:, p. 221. 9466: 9454: 9442: 9430: 9418: 9406: 9404:, pp. 76. 9391: 9389:, p. 212. 9376: 9374:, pp. 75. 9364: 9352: 9340: 9329:(in Ukrainian) 9313: 9298: 9286: 9284:, p. 120. 9274: 9262: 9258:Tomenchuk 2018 9250: 9238: 9226: 9214: 9202: 9190: 9186:Tomenchuk 2018 9178: 9142: 9130: 9128:, p. 253. 9118: 9106: 9091: 9084: 9054: 9035: 9013: 9001: 8997:Tomenchuk 2017 8988: 8973: 8961: 8959:, p. 217. 8949: 8912: 8905: 8883: 8868: 8856: 8844: 8832: 8820: 8813: 8782: 8742: 8713:(3): 230–238. 8693: 8683:(4): 434–444, 8667: 8648: 8625: 8613: 8601: 8589: 8577: 8565: 8553: 8541: 8529: 8527:, p. 446. 8517: 8505: 8493: 8481: 8453:(1): 225–240. 8433: 8421: 8409: 8397: 8385: 8373: 8361: 8349: 8331: 8300: 8298:, p. 103. 8288: 8276: 8264: 8252: 8240: 8228: 8216: 8210: 8208:, p. 8–9. 8198: 8186: 8155: 8153:, p. 171. 8143: 8131: 8127:Fabijanić 2009 8116: 8104: 8092: 8086: 8074: 8062: 8028: 8016: 8001: 7994: 7969: 7962: 7944: 7937: 7919: 7912: 7892: 7880: 7860:(1): 305–322. 7837: 7806: 7772: 7730: 7685: 7683:, p. 157. 7673: 7661: 7657:Fabijanić 2009 7646: 7634: 7630:Voitovych 2010 7622: 7610: 7598: 7586: 7574: 7557: 7542: 7527: 7515: 7503: 7501:, p. 124. 7491: 7479: 7477:, p. 182. 7467: 7450: 7448:, p. 217. 7435: 7433:, p. 450. 7420: 7408: 7396: 7384: 7369: 7357: 7345: 7333: 7321: 7317:Voitovych 2010 7306: 7294: 7282: 7280:, p. 147. 7270: 7258: 7246: 7242:Tomenchuk 2018 7234: 7217: 7200: 7198:, p. 117. 7183: 7171: 7161: 7138: 7126: 7094: 7084: 7054: 7044: 7016: 7006: 6976: 6969: 6925: 6897: 6883: 6863: 6851: 6839: 6824: 6801: 6789: 6787:, p. 131. 6777: 6770: 6750: 6733: 6721: 6719:, p. 145. 6709: 6697: 6685: 6673: 6661: 6659:, p. 245. 6649: 6637: 6625: 6613: 6601: 6599:, p. 187. 6589: 6577: 6575:, p. 107. 6565: 6550: 6538: 6510: 6498: 6496:, p. 153. 6483: 6471: 6469:, p. 162. 6459: 6447: 6445:, p. 161. 6435: 6423: 6411: 6409:, p. 183. 6399: 6397:, p. 158. 6384: 6382:, p. 151. 6367: 6365:, p. 431. 6355: 6343: 6341:, p. 116. 6328: 6316: 6304: 6302:, p. 239. 6292: 6280: 6278:, p. 149. 6268: 6266:, p. 428. 6256: 6244: 6242:, p. 148. 6232: 6220: 6213: 6190: 6178: 6171: 6151: 6136: 6129: 6106: 6094: 6092:, p. 154. 6079: 6077:, p. 150. 6067: 6055: 6040: 6028: 6013: 6011:, p. 214. 6001: 5989: 5977: 5965: 5961:Tomenchuk 2018 5953: 5949:Tomenchuk 2017 5941: 5937:Tomenchuk 2017 5929: 5917: 5905: 5903:, p. 113. 5893: 5881: 5879:, p. 250. 5869: 5854: 5852:, p. 123. 5837: 5825: 5821:Tomenchuk 2018 5813: 5811:, pp. 15. 5809:Tomenchuk 2018 5801: 5799:, pp. 81. 5784: 5780:Tomenchuk 2018 5767: 5765:, p. 144. 5752: 5750:, p. 119. 5740: 5728: 5716: 5704: 5692: 5680: 5676:Tomenchuk 2018 5668: 5656: 5644: 5632: 5620: 5605: 5593: 5581: 5569: 5557: 5550: 5527: 5512: 5510:, p. 211. 5500: 5488: 5486:, p. 161. 5471: 5469:, p. 212. 5456: 5452:Vernadsky 2008 5441: 5426: 5414: 5412:, p. 120. 5402: 5390: 5383: 5360: 5356:Tomenchuk 2018 5345: 5341:Tomenchuk 2017 5330: 5318: 5306: 5302:Voitovych 2011 5294: 5282: 5270: 5258: 5246: 5234: 5222: 5210: 5198: 5186: 5174: 5162: 5150: 5138: 5126: 5114: 5102: 5090: 5078: 5063: 5061:, p. 130. 5046: 5034: 5008: 5001: 4981: 4961: 4949: 4947:, p. 130. 4937: 4925: 4923:, p. 259. 4908: 4896: 4884: 4877: 4857: 4845: 4843:, p. 120. 4830: 4818: 4806: 4791: 4779: 4767: 4755: 4743: 4726: 4714: 4702: 4690: 4678: 4666: 4654: 4642: 4638:Voitovych 2010 4630: 4618: 4606: 4594: 4583:(2–3): 221–227 4569:Goldstein, Ivo 4557: 4550: 4530: 4518: 4506: 4494: 4482: 4470: 4451: 4428: 4416: 4404: 4392: 4380: 4368: 4366:, p. 142. 4356: 4341: 4308: 4296: 4284: 4269: 4257: 4255:, p. 165. 4245: 4233: 4221: 4219:, p. 263. 4209: 4207:, p. 141. 4194: 4192:, p. 111. 4182: 4167: 4155: 4143: 4131: 4119: 4117:, p. 110. 4107: 4095: 4083: 4081:, p. 102. 4071: 4059: 4047: 4035: 4033:, p. 140. 4023: 4011: 3994: 3982: 3954: 3922: 3896: 3886: 3853: 3841: 3829: 3817: 3805: 3793: 3781: 3769: 3757: 3745: 3733: 3721: 3719:, p. 153. 3704: 3663: 3661:, p. 167. 3651: 3639: 3622: 3610: 3598: 3586: 3582:Danylenko 2004 3569: 3567:, p. 127. 3554: 3537: 3525: 3513: 3511:, p. 262. 3501: 3475: 3463: 3456: 3436: 3413: 3406: 3386: 3382:"Viehhüter"42. 3347: 3335: 3323: 3316: 3291: 3285: 3279:, p. 44, 3256: 3224: 3211: 3209: 3206: 3205: 3204: 3199: 3192: 3189: 3188: 3187: 3157: 3156: 3105: 3078:Digor Ossetian 3054: 3053: 3038: 2996: 2911: 2854: 2767:Henri Grégoire 2621: 2618: 2481: 2478: 2157: 2154: 2126:late antiquity 2119:Frank-Avar war 1962: 1959: 1919: 1916: 1870:Serpent's Wall 1813:" (Behind the 1809:recounted as " 1795:Lech and Czech 1790: 1787: 1673:Chrvuati vicus 1646:Hradec Králové 1574:Czech Republic 1533:(Krakow), and 1464:Cherven Cities 1258:Hudud al-'Alam 1126:. Others saw 1091:Eastern Neisse 924:Tibor Živković 854:György Györffy 706: 703: 695: 692: 681:Czech Republic 562:Main article: 559: 556: 410:Tanais Tablets 391:Proto-Ossetian 332:Tanais Tablets 321:Main article: 318: 315: 55:Biali Chorwaci 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 15027: 15016: 15015:Rusyn history 15013: 15011: 15008: 15006: 15003: 15001: 14998: 14996: 14993: 14991: 14988: 14986: 14983: 14981: 14978: 14977: 14975: 14959: 14957: 14953: 14950: 14947:= supposedly 14946: 14943: 14940: 14939: 14936: 14922: 14921:Praedenecenti 14919: 14917: 14914: 14912: 14909: 14907: 14904: 14902: 14899: 14897: 14894: 14892: 14889: 14887: 14884: 14882: 14879: 14877: 14874: 14872: 14869: 14867: 14864: 14861: 14857: 14854: 14852: 14849: 14846: 14842: 14839: 14838: 14835: 14831: 14825: 14822: 14820: 14817: 14815: 14812: 14810: 14807: 14805: 14802: 14800: 14797: 14795: 14792: 14790: 14787: 14786: 14784: 14782: 14778: 14773: 14765: 14760: 14757: 14755: 14752: 14750: 14747: 14745: 14742: 14740: 14737: 14735: 14732:Union of the 14731: 14730: 14728: 14724: 14721: 14719: 14715: 14705: 14702: 14698: 14693: 14690: 14689: 14687: 14685: 14684:Slovak tribes 14681: 14675: 14672: 14668: 14663: 14660: 14656: 14651: 14648: 14644: 14639: 14636: 14634: 14631: 14627: 14622: 14619: 14615: 14610: 14607: 14605: 14602: 14600: 14597: 14593: 14588: 14585: 14581: 14576: 14573: 14569: 14564: 14561: 14559: 14556: 14552: 14547: 14544: 14542: 14539: 14537: 14534: 14533: 14531: 14529: 14525: 14514: 14510: 14507: 14505: 14502: 14498: 14493: 14490: 14486: 14481: 14478: 14474: 14469: 14466: 14462: 14457: 14454: 14450: 14445: 14442: 14440: 14437: 14433: 14428: 14425: 14421: 14416: 14413: 14411: 14408: 14404: 14399: 14396: 14395: 14393: 14391: 14387: 14381: 14378: 14376: 14373: 14371: 14368: 14366: 14363: 14359: 14354: 14351: 14349: 14346: 14344: 14341: 14339: 14336: 14335: 14333: 14331: 14327: 14319: 14314: 14311: 14307: 14302: 14299: 14297: 14294: 14292: 14289: 14287: 14284: 14280: 14275: 14272: 14268: 14263: 14260: 14258: 14255: 14251: 14246: 14243: 14239: 14234: 14231: 14229: 14226: 14224: 14221: 14219: 14216: 14214: 14211: 14207: 14202: 14199: 14198: 14196: 14194: 14190: 14186: 14183: 14181: 14177: 14171: 14168: 14166: 14163: 14161: 14158: 14156: 14153: 14151: 14148: 14146: 14143: 14141: 14138: 14134: 14129: 14126: 14125: 14123: 14121: 14117: 14111: 14108: 14106: 14103: 14101: 14098: 14096: 14093: 14092: 14090: 14088: 14084: 14072: 14067: 14064: 14060: 14055: 14052: 14048: 14043: 14040: 14038: 14035: 14033: 14030: 14028: 14025: 14023: 14020: 14016: 14011: 14008: 14006: 14003: 14001: 13998: 13997: 13994: 13991: 13989: 13988:Polish tribes 13985: 13982: 13980: 13976: 13962: 13959: 13957: 13954: 13952: 13949: 13944: 13941: 13938: 13935: 13931: 13926: 13923: 13921: 13918: 13917: 13916: 13913: 13912: 13909: 13906: 13902: 13890: 13885: 13882: 13880: 13877: 13875: 13872: 13870: 13867: 13863: 13860: 13859: 13858: 13855: 13854: 13851: 13848: 13846: 13842: 13836: 13833: 13831: 13828: 13824: 13819: 13816: 13814: 13811: 13809: 13806: 13804: 13801: 13799: 13796: 13794: 13791: 13789: 13786: 13785: 13782: 13779: 13777: 13773: 13769: 13762: 13757: 13755: 13750: 13748: 13743: 13742: 13739: 13727: 13724: 13722: 13719: 13718: 13713: 13709: 13706: 13702: 13701: 13697: 13687: 13684: 13682: 13679: 13677: 13674: 13672: 13669: 13667: 13664: 13662: 13659: 13657: 13654: 13652: 13649: 13647: 13644: 13642: 13639: 13638: 13636: 13634: 13630: 13624: 13621: 13619: 13616: 13614: 13611: 13609: 13606: 13604: 13601: 13599: 13596: 13594: 13591: 13589: 13586: 13582: 13579: 13578: 13577: 13574: 13572: 13569: 13567: 13564: 13562: 13559: 13558: 13556: 13554: 13550: 13544: 13541: 13539: 13536: 13534: 13531: 13529: 13526: 13524: 13521: 13519: 13518:Ethnic groups 13516: 13514: 13511: 13509: 13506: 13504: 13501: 13500: 13497: 13494: 13492: 13488: 13478: 13475: 13473: 13470: 13468: 13465: 13463: 13460: 13458: 13457:Privatization 13455: 13453: 13450: 13448: 13447:National Bank 13445: 13443: 13440: 13438: 13435: 13433: 13430: 13428: 13425: 13423: 13420: 13419: 13416: 13413: 13411: 13407: 13397: 13394: 13392: 13389: 13387: 13384: 13382: 13379: 13375: 13372: 13371: 13370: 13367: 13363: 13360: 13358: 13357:General Staff 13355: 13354: 13353: 13350: 13348: 13345: 13341: 13338: 13337: 13336: 13333: 13329: 13326: 13325: 13324: 13321: 13319: 13316: 13314: 13311: 13309: 13306: 13305: 13302: 13299: 13297: 13293: 13283: 13280: 13278: 13275: 13273: 13270: 13268: 13265: 13263: 13260: 13258: 13255: 13253: 13250: 13248: 13245: 13243: 13240: 13239: 13236: 13233: 13231: 13227: 13222: 13212: 13209: 13207: 13204: 13202: 13199: 13197: 13194: 13192: 13189: 13187: 13184: 13180: 13177: 13176: 13175: 13172: 13168: 13165: 13164: 13163: 13160: 13158: 13155: 13153: 13150: 13148: 13145: 13143: 13140: 13138: 13135: 13133: 13130: 13128: 13125: 13123: 13120: 13118: 13115: 13113: 13110: 13106: 13103: 13101: 13098: 13096: 13093: 13091: 13088: 13087: 13086: 13083: 13081: 13078: 13076: 13073: 13071: 13068: 13064: 13063:White Croatia 13061: 13059: 13056: 13055: 13054: 13051: 13049: 13046: 13045: 13043: 13041: 13037: 13033: 13029: 13022: 13017: 13015: 13010: 13008: 13003: 13002: 12999: 12991: 12990: 12985: 12981: 12977: 12973: 12969: 12965: 12964: 12959: 12955: 12951: 12950: 12945: 12941: 12937: 12936: 12931: 12927: 12926: 12915: 12914: 12909: 12905: 12901: 12899:9789004306110 12895: 12891: 12890: 12884: 12880: 12878:953-7029-04-2 12874: 12870: 12866: 12861: 12857: 12853: 12848: 12843: 12839: 12835: 12831: 12826: 12822: 12818: 12811: 12807: 12803: 12799: 12795: 12791: 12787: 12783: 12777: 12773: 12769: 12764: 12760: 12754: 12750: 12746: 12742: 12738: 12734: 12728: 12724: 12723: 12717: 12713: 12709: 12704: 12699: 12695: 12691: 12687: 12682: 12678: 12676:953-7029-04-2 12672: 12668: 12664: 12659: 12655: 12649: 12641: 12637: 12636: 12630: 12625: 12621: 12616: 12612: 12610:9785211032682 12606: 12602: 12597: 12593: 12589: 12584: 12580: 12574: 12567: 12566: 12559: 12555: 12549: 12542: 12541: 12535: 12531: 12527: 12523: 12518: 12514: 12508: 12504: 12503: 12498: 12494: 12491: 12487: 12481: 12475: 12471: 12470: 12464: 12460: 12458:953-7029-04-2 12454: 12450: 12446: 12441: 12437: 12433: 12429: 12424: 12420: 12414: 12410: 12409: 12404: 12400: 12396: 12390: 12386: 12382: 12377: 12373: 12367: 12363: 12359: 12358: 12352: 12348: 12342: 12338: 12334: 12333: 12327: 12319: 12315: 12314: 12308: 12304: 12300: 12299: 12293: 12289: 12283: 12279: 12278: 12272: 12269: 12267:953-7029-03-4 12263: 12259: 12255: 12250: 12246: 12244:966-560-003-6 12240: 12236: 12232: 12228: 12224: 12219: 12215: 12209: 12205: 12204: 12198: 12194: 12188: 12181: 12180: 12173: 12169: 12165: 12164: 12160:(1908–1922). 12159: 12155: 12151: 12145: 12141: 12137: 12133: 12129: 12126: 12124:953-6462-33-8 12120: 12116: 12112: 12107: 12103: 12101:953-7029-04-2 12097: 12093: 12089: 12083: 12080: 12074: 12070: 12066: 12062: 12057: 12054: 12048: 12044: 12043: 12038: 12034: 12030: 12024: 12020: 12019: 12014: 12010: 12006: 12000: 11996: 11995: 11990: 11986: 11982: 11976: 11972: 11971: 11966: 11962: 11958: 11954: 11950: 11945: 11941: 11935: 11931: 11930: 11925: 11921: 11917: 11913: 11909: 11905: 11901: 11897: 11893: 11887: 11883: 11879: 11875: 11871: 11867: 11863: 11859: 11855: 11851: 11849:953-7029-04-2 11845: 11841: 11837: 11833: 11828: 11824: 11818: 11811: 11810: 11804: 11800: 11796: 11789: 11784: 11781: 11779:953-6014-45-9 11775: 11771: 11767: 11762: 11758: 11752: 11748: 11744: 11739: 11735: 11729: 11725: 11721: 11716: 11712: 11710:953-7029-04-2 11706: 11702: 11698: 11693: 11689: 11687:953-7029-04-2 11683: 11679: 11675: 11670: 11666: 11662: 11658: 11653: 11649: 11645: 11641: 11636: 11632: 11628: 11621: 11616: 11612: 11606: 11602: 11601: 11595: 11591: 11589:9789756467077 11585: 11581: 11580: 11574: 11570: 11564: 11560: 11559: 11553: 11542: 11540:9788088061144 11536: 11533:. 11532: 11531: 11527:(2015). "4". 11526: 11522: 11518: 11517: 11512: 11511:Ingram, James 11508: 11504: 11498: 11494: 11493: 11487: 11483: 11477: 11470: 11469: 11463: 11459: 11455: 11451: 11446: 11442: 11438: 11434: 11429: 11425: 11419: 11415: 11414: 11409: 11405: 11401: 11399:9789004260221 11395: 11391: 11390: 11384: 11380: 11374: 11370: 11366: 11362: 11361: 11356: 11352: 11348: 11344: 11343: 11338: 11333: 11329: 11325: 11320: 11316: 11312: 11307: 11304: 11300: 11296: 11293:(in Polish), 11292: 11287: 11283: 11277: 11273: 11272: 11267: 11263: 11259: 11253: 11249: 11245: 11240: 11236: 11232: 11225: 11220: 11216: 11212: 11205: 11200: 11196: 11192: 11187: 11183: 11181:9789004186460 11177: 11173: 11172: 11166: 11162: 11156: 11152: 11148: 11144: 11143: 11138: 11134: 11130: 11126: 11122: 11121:Bernard Lewis 11118: 11114: 11110: 11107: 11103: 11098: 11094: 11090: 11083: 11082: 11076: 11072: 11066: 11062: 11058: 11057: 11052: 11048: 11045: 11043:953-6014-45-9 11039: 11035: 11031: 11026: 11022: 11021: 11016: 11012: 11008: 11004: 11000: 10996: 10992: 10988: 10984: 10979: 10975: 10967: 10963: 10962: 10956: 10952: 10948: 10944: 10939: 10935: 10929: 10925: 10920: 10916: 10912: 10908: 10902: 10898: 10894: 10893: 10887: 10883: 10877: 10873: 10869: 10864: 10860: 10856: 10850: 10846: 10840: 10837:. Routledge. 10836: 10835: 10829: 10828: 10816: 10811: 10804: 10799: 10792: 10787: 10781:, p. 54. 10780: 10779:Živković 2012 10775: 10768: 10763: 10761: 10753: 10748: 10741: 10736: 10734: 10732: 10724: 10719: 10717: 10709: 10704: 10696: 10692: 10685: 10678: 10673: 10667:, p. 99. 10666: 10661: 10655:, p. 55. 10654: 10649: 10642: 10637: 10631:, p. 41. 10630: 10625: 10618: 10613: 10606: 10601: 10595:, p. 92. 10594: 10589: 10587: 10579: 10574: 10567: 10562: 10560: 10558: 10556: 10548: 10543: 10541: 10539: 10537: 10529: 10524: 10517: 10512: 10504: 10500: 10496: 10490: 10488: 10486: 10478: 10473: 10471: 10469: 10467: 10465: 10457: 10452: 10445: 10440: 10438: 10431:, p. 21. 10430: 10425: 10423: 10421: 10419: 10417: 10415: 10413: 10406:, p. 93. 10405: 10400: 10398: 10396: 10394: 10392: 10384: 10379: 10372: 10367: 10351: 10347: 10339: 10332: 10330: 10328: 10326: 10318: 10313: 10307:, p. 32. 10306: 10305:Margetić 2001 10301: 10294: 10289: 10287: 10279: 10274: 10267: 10266:Živković 2012 10262: 10254: 10247: 10245: 10243: 10235: 10230: 10228: 10226: 10224: 10216: 10211: 10203: 10197: 10193: 10192: 10184: 10177: 10172: 10166: 10162: 10161: 10153: 10151: 10149: 10141: 10136: 10129: 10124: 10117: 10112: 10110: 10103:, p. 95. 10102: 10101:Kardaras 2018 10097: 10090: 10085: 10079:, p. 89. 10078: 10073: 10067:, p. 95. 10066: 10061: 10059: 10051: 10046: 10039: 10034: 10028: 10024: 10020: 10019: 10011: 10003: 9999: 9995: 9988: 9982:, p. 32. 9981: 9976: 9960: 9956: 9952: 9945: 9938: 9933: 9926: 9925:Paščenko 2006 9921: 9914: 9909: 9903:, p. 19. 9902: 9897: 9895: 9888:, p. 79. 9887: 9886:Paščenko 2006 9882: 9876:, p. 92. 9875: 9870: 9868: 9866: 9859:, p. 59. 9858: 9857:Paščenko 2006 9853: 9846: 9845:Paščenko 2006 9841: 9834: 9829: 9822: 9821:Paščenko 2006 9817: 9810: 9809:Paščenko 2006 9805: 9798: 9797:Paščenko 2006 9793: 9786: 9785:Paščenko 2006 9781: 9774: 9769: 9762: 9757: 9750: 9745: 9737: 9731: 9724: 9720: 9714: 9710: 9706: 9705:Naukova Dumka 9702: 9698: 9691: 9684: 9671: 9666: 9662: 9658: 9654: 9647: 9640: 9639:Paščenko 2006 9635: 9628: 9623: 9616: 9615:Paščenko 2006 9611: 9604: 9599: 9593:, p. 20. 9592: 9587: 9580: 9575: 9569:, p. 70. 9568: 9563: 9557:, p. 48. 9556: 9551: 9544: 9539: 9532: 9527: 9520: 9515: 9508: 9502: 9500: 9498: 9490: 9485: 9483: 9475: 9470: 9463: 9458: 9452:, p. 71. 9451: 9446: 9439: 9434: 9427: 9422: 9415: 9410: 9403: 9398: 9396: 9388: 9383: 9381: 9373: 9368: 9361: 9356: 9349: 9344: 9328: 9324: 9317: 9310: 9305: 9303: 9295: 9290: 9283: 9278: 9271: 9266: 9259: 9254: 9247: 9242: 9235: 9230: 9223: 9218: 9211: 9206: 9199: 9194: 9188:, p. 19. 9187: 9182: 9166: 9162: 9161: 9156: 9152: 9146: 9139: 9134: 9127: 9122: 9115: 9110: 9104:, p. 76. 9103: 9098: 9096: 9087: 9081: 9077: 9073: 9072:Naukova Dumka 9069: 9065: 9058: 9042: 9038: 9036:966-06-0165-4 9032: 9028: 9024: 9017: 9010: 9005: 8998: 8992: 8985: 8984:Kuchynko 2015 8980: 8978: 8971:, p. 73. 8970: 8965: 8958: 8953: 8946: 8935: 8931: 8930:Naukova Dumka 8927: 8923: 8920:Абашина Н.С. 8916: 8908: 8902: 8898: 8894: 8887: 8879: 8872: 8865: 8860: 8853: 8848: 8841: 8836: 8829: 8824: 8816: 8810: 8806: 8802: 8798: 8797: 8789: 8787: 8771: 8767: 8763: 8756: 8749: 8747: 8738: 8734: 8729: 8724: 8720: 8716: 8712: 8708: 8704: 8697: 8690: 8686: 8682: 8678: 8671: 8663: 8659: 8652: 8644: 8640: 8636: 8629: 8622: 8617: 8610: 8605: 8598: 8593: 8586: 8581: 8574: 8569: 8562: 8557: 8550: 8545: 8538: 8533: 8526: 8521: 8514: 8509: 8502: 8497: 8490: 8485: 8470: 8466: 8461: 8456: 8452: 8448: 8444: 8437: 8430: 8425: 8418: 8413: 8406: 8401: 8394: 8389: 8382: 8377: 8371:, p. 34. 8370: 8365: 8358: 8353: 8346: 8342: 8338: 8334: 8328: 8324: 8320: 8316: 8309: 8307: 8305: 8297: 8292: 8285: 8280: 8273: 8268: 8261: 8256: 8249: 8244: 8237: 8232: 8225: 8220: 8214: 8207: 8202: 8195: 8190: 8174: 8170: 8166: 8159: 8152: 8147: 8140: 8135: 8128: 8123: 8121: 8113: 8108: 8101: 8096: 8090: 8083: 8078: 8071: 8066: 8050: 8046: 8042: 8035: 8033: 8025: 8020: 8013: 8008: 8006: 7997: 7991: 7987: 7983: 7976: 7974: 7965: 7959: 7955: 7948: 7940: 7934: 7930: 7923: 7915: 7909: 7905: 7904: 7896: 7889: 7884: 7868: 7863: 7859: 7855: 7851: 7844: 7842: 7825: 7821: 7817: 7810: 7794: 7790: 7786: 7779: 7777: 7769: 7756: 7752: 7748: 7741: 7739: 7737: 7735: 7718: 7713: 7710:(26): 71–97. 7709: 7705: 7701: 7694: 7692: 7690: 7682: 7677: 7671:, p. 76. 7670: 7665: 7658: 7653: 7651: 7644:, p. 13. 7643: 7638: 7631: 7626: 7619: 7614: 7607: 7602: 7595: 7590: 7583: 7578: 7572:, p. 97. 7571: 7566: 7564: 7562: 7555:, p. 55. 7554: 7549: 7547: 7539: 7534: 7532: 7525:, p. 94. 7524: 7523:Kardaras 2018 7519: 7513:, p. 75. 7512: 7507: 7500: 7495: 7488: 7483: 7476: 7471: 7465:, p. 62. 7464: 7459: 7457: 7455: 7447: 7442: 7440: 7432: 7427: 7425: 7417: 7412: 7405: 7400: 7393: 7388: 7381: 7376: 7374: 7366: 7361: 7354: 7349: 7343:, p. 59. 7342: 7341:Živković 2012 7337: 7330: 7325: 7318: 7313: 7311: 7303: 7298: 7291: 7286: 7279: 7274: 7267: 7262: 7255: 7250: 7243: 7238: 7232:, p. 93. 7231: 7230:Kardaras 2018 7226: 7224: 7222: 7214: 7209: 7207: 7205: 7197: 7192: 7190: 7188: 7180: 7175: 7168: 7164: 7158: 7154: 7153: 7148: 7142: 7136:, p. 29. 7135: 7130: 7123: 7107: 7101: 7099: 7091: 7087: 7085:966-00-0632-2 7081: 7077: 7073: 7072:Naukova Dumka 7069: 7065: 7058: 7051: 7047: 7041: 7037: 7033: 7032: 7027: 7020: 7013: 7009: 7007:966-00-0734-5 7003: 6999: 6995: 6994:Naukova Dumka 6991: 6987: 6980: 6972: 6966: 6962: 6958: 6957: 6952:Article from 6950: 6945: 6944: 6939: 6932: 6930: 6922: 6918: 6914: 6913: 6908: 6901: 6894: 6892: 6886: 6880: 6876: 6875: 6867: 6860: 6855: 6849:, p. 78. 6848: 6843: 6836: 6831: 6829: 6821: 6817: 6816: 6811: 6805: 6798: 6793: 6786: 6785:Paščenko 2006 6781: 6773: 6771:9789536132584 6767: 6763: 6762: 6754: 6746: 6745: 6737: 6730: 6725: 6718: 6713: 6706: 6701: 6694: 6689: 6682: 6677: 6671:, p. 96. 6670: 6665: 6658: 6653: 6647:, p. 95. 6646: 6641: 6634: 6629: 6623:, p. 53. 6622: 6617: 6611:, p. 75. 6610: 6605: 6598: 6593: 6586: 6581: 6574: 6573:Malyckij 2006 6569: 6562: 6561:Paščenko 2006 6557: 6555: 6547: 6546:Malyckij 2006 6542: 6534: 6530: 6526: 6525: 6520: 6514: 6508:, p. 15. 6507: 6502: 6495: 6490: 6488: 6480: 6475: 6468: 6463: 6456: 6451: 6444: 6439: 6432: 6427: 6420: 6415: 6408: 6407:Marčinko 2000 6403: 6396: 6391: 6389: 6381: 6376: 6374: 6372: 6364: 6359: 6352: 6347: 6340: 6335: 6333: 6325: 6320: 6313: 6308: 6301: 6296: 6290:, p. 87. 6289: 6284: 6277: 6272: 6265: 6260: 6253: 6248: 6241: 6236: 6229: 6224: 6216: 6210: 6206: 6205: 6200: 6194: 6187: 6182: 6174: 6168: 6164: 6163: 6155: 6149:, p. 68. 6148: 6143: 6141: 6132: 6126: 6122: 6121: 6113: 6111: 6103: 6098: 6091: 6086: 6084: 6076: 6071: 6064: 6059: 6052: 6047: 6045: 6037: 6032: 6025: 6020: 6018: 6010: 6005: 5998: 5993: 5987:, p. 74. 5986: 5981: 5975:, p. 96. 5974: 5969: 5963:, p. 18. 5962: 5957: 5950: 5945: 5939:, p. 33. 5938: 5933: 5926: 5921: 5915:, p. 39. 5914: 5909: 5902: 5897: 5891:, p. 56. 5890: 5885: 5878: 5873: 5867:, p. 90. 5866: 5861: 5859: 5851: 5850:Paščenko 2006 5846: 5844: 5842: 5835:, p. 32. 5834: 5829: 5822: 5817: 5810: 5805: 5798: 5793: 5791: 5789: 5782:, p. 17. 5781: 5776: 5774: 5772: 5764: 5759: 5757: 5749: 5744: 5738:, p. 98. 5737: 5732: 5726:, p. 97. 5725: 5720: 5713: 5708: 5702:, p. 64. 5701: 5696: 5690:, p. 56. 5689: 5684: 5678:, p. 21. 5677: 5672: 5665: 5660: 5653: 5648: 5641: 5636: 5630:, p. 32. 5629: 5624: 5617: 5612: 5610: 5602: 5597: 5590: 5585: 5578: 5573: 5566: 5561: 5553: 5547: 5543: 5542: 5537: 5531: 5524: 5519: 5517: 5509: 5504: 5498:, p. 62. 5497: 5492: 5485: 5480: 5478: 5476: 5468: 5463: 5461: 5453: 5448: 5446: 5438: 5433: 5431: 5423: 5418: 5411: 5406: 5400:, p. 59. 5399: 5394: 5386: 5380: 5376: 5375: 5367: 5365: 5358:, p. 13. 5357: 5352: 5350: 5343:, p. 32. 5342: 5337: 5335: 5328:, p. 26. 5327: 5326:Kugutjak 2017 5322: 5316:, p. 17. 5315: 5310: 5303: 5298: 5292:, p. 56. 5291: 5286: 5279: 5274: 5267: 5262: 5255: 5250: 5243: 5238: 5231: 5226: 5219: 5214: 5208:, p. 57. 5207: 5202: 5196:, p. 56. 5195: 5190: 5183: 5178: 5172:, p. 52. 5171: 5166: 5159: 5154: 5148:, p. 72. 5147: 5142: 5135: 5134:Bosworth 1859 5130: 5123: 5118: 5112:, p. 78. 5111: 5106: 5100:, p. 79. 5099: 5094: 5087: 5082: 5076:, p. 89. 5075: 5074:Živković 2012 5070: 5068: 5060: 5055: 5053: 5051: 5043: 5042:Živković 2012 5038: 5031: 5026: 5022: 5018: 5012: 5004: 4998: 4994: 4993: 4985: 4977: 4976: 4971: 4965: 4958: 4953: 4946: 4941: 4934: 4929: 4922: 4917: 4915: 4913: 4905: 4900: 4893: 4888: 4880: 4874: 4870: 4869: 4861: 4855:, p. 58. 4854: 4849: 4842: 4841:Živković 2012 4837: 4835: 4827: 4826:Živković 2012 4822: 4816:, p. 75. 4815: 4810: 4804:, p. 21. 4803: 4798: 4796: 4788: 4787:Živković 2012 4783: 4776: 4771: 4764: 4759: 4752: 4747: 4740: 4735: 4733: 4731: 4723: 4718: 4711: 4706: 4699: 4694: 4687: 4686:Živković 2012 4682: 4675: 4670: 4664:, p. 53. 4663: 4658: 4651: 4646: 4639: 4634: 4627: 4622: 4615: 4610: 4604:, p. 95. 4603: 4598: 4582: 4578: 4574: 4570: 4564: 4562: 4553: 4547: 4543: 4542: 4534: 4528:, p. 15. 4527: 4522: 4516:, p. 12. 4515: 4510: 4503: 4498: 4491: 4486: 4480:, p. 58. 4479: 4474: 4467: 4462: 4460: 4458: 4456: 4448: 4443: 4441: 4439: 4437: 4435: 4433: 4426:, p. 49. 4425: 4420: 4413: 4408: 4401: 4396: 4389: 4384: 4378:, p. 93. 4377: 4372: 4365: 4364:Kuchynko 2015 4360: 4353: 4348: 4346: 4337: 4334:(in Polish). 4333: 4329: 4323: 4321: 4319: 4317: 4315: 4313: 4305: 4300: 4293: 4288: 4282:, p. 86. 4281: 4276: 4274: 4266: 4261: 4254: 4249: 4242: 4237: 4230: 4225: 4218: 4213: 4206: 4205:Paščenko 2006 4201: 4199: 4191: 4186: 4179: 4174: 4172: 4164: 4159: 4152: 4151:Paščenko 2006 4147: 4140: 4135: 4129:, p. 84. 4128: 4127:Paščenko 2006 4123: 4116: 4111: 4104: 4099: 4092: 4091:Paščenko 2006 4087: 4080: 4075: 4068: 4063: 4056: 4051: 4045:, p. 13. 4044: 4039: 4032: 4031:Kuchynko 2015 4027: 4020: 4015: 4009:, p. 37. 4008: 4003: 4001: 3999: 3991: 3990:Paščenko 2006 3986: 3979: 3975: 3971: 3970: 3965: 3958: 3950: 3944: 3937: 3925: 3919: 3912: 3911: 3906: 3900: 3893: 3889: 3883: 3879: 3875: 3874:Naukova Dumka 3871: 3867: 3860: 3858: 3850: 3845: 3839:, p. 28. 3838: 3833: 3826: 3821: 3814: 3809: 3803:, p. 29. 3802: 3797: 3790: 3785: 3779:, p. 27. 3778: 3777:Paščenko 2006 3773: 3766: 3761: 3754: 3749: 3742: 3741:Živković 2012 3737: 3730: 3729:Kuchynko 2015 3725: 3718: 3713: 3711: 3709: 3693: 3689: 3685: 3681: 3677: 3670: 3668: 3660: 3655: 3648: 3643: 3637:, p. 14. 3636: 3631: 3629: 3627: 3619: 3618:Paščenko 2006 3614: 3607: 3606:Paščenko 2006 3602: 3596:, p. 13. 3595: 3590: 3583: 3578: 3576: 3574: 3566: 3561: 3559: 3551: 3550:Marčinko 2000 3546: 3544: 3542: 3534: 3529: 3523:, p. 25. 3522: 3517: 3510: 3505: 3497: 3493: 3489: 3485: 3479: 3472: 3467: 3459: 3453: 3449: 3448: 3440: 3432: 3429:(in German). 3428: 3424: 3417: 3409: 3403: 3399: 3398: 3390: 3383: 3378: 3374: 3370: 3366: 3362: 3359:(in German). 3358: 3357:Der Donauraum 3351: 3345:, p. 98. 3344: 3339: 3332: 3327: 3319: 3313: 3309: 3308: 3300: 3298: 3296: 3288: 3282: 3278: 3274: 3270: 3266: 3260: 3244: 3240: 3233: 3231: 3229: 3222:, p. 95. 3221: 3216: 3212: 3203: 3200: 3198: 3195: 3194: 3185: 3181: 3177: 3173: 3169: 3165: 3162: 3161: 3160: 3159:First ruler: 3154: 3150: 3146: 3142: 3138: 3135:< Iranian 3134: 3130: 3126: 3122: 3118: 3114: 3110: 3106: 3103: 3099: 3095: 3091: 3087: 3083: 3079: 3075: 3074:Iron Ossetian 3071: 3067: 3063: 3059: 3058: 3057: 3051: 3047: 3043: 3039: 3036: 3033:, Lithuanian 3032: 3028: 3024: 3020: 3017: 3013: 3009: 3005: 3001: 2997: 2994: 2993:Piast dynasty 2990: 2986: 2982: 2978: 2974: 2971: 2967: 2963: 2959: 2956: 2952: 2948: 2944: 2940: 2936: 2932: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2916: 2912: 2909: 2905: 2901: 2897: 2893: 2889: 2885: 2884: 2879: 2875: 2871: 2867: 2863: 2859: 2855: 2852: 2848: 2844: 2840: 2836: 2832: 2828: 2824: 2820: 2817:, one of the 2816: 2812: 2808: 2804: 2800: 2796: 2792: 2788: 2784: 2780: 2779: 2778: 2775: 2772: 2768: 2764: 2760: 2756: 2752: 2748: 2744: 2740: 2734: 2731: 2727: 2723: 2719: 2715: 2711: 2707: 2702: 2697: 2695: 2691: 2687: 2683: 2679: 2678:Lesser Poland 2675: 2674: 2669: 2668: 2663: 2659: 2655: 2651: 2647: 2646: 2641: 2637: 2633: 2629: 2628: 2617: 2614: 2610: 2609: 2604: 2603: 2598: 2594: 2590: 2586: 2582: 2578: 2574: 2570: 2566: 2563:, Veles with 2562: 2558: 2554: 2550: 2549:Vitomir Belaj 2546: 2542: 2538: 2537: 2532: 2528: 2524: 2520: 2516: 2512: 2508: 2504: 2499: 2495: 2491: 2487: 2477: 2475: 2474:Upper Lusatia 2469: 2467: 2463: 2459: 2455: 2450: 2446: 2441: 2439: 2435: 2431: 2426: 2422: 2418: 2414: 2410: 2409:burial mounds 2404: 2402: 2398: 2394: 2390: 2386: 2380: 2375: 2371: 2367: 2363: 2354: 2351: 2348:Mound of the 2346: 2342: 2340: 2336: 2332: 2328: 2324: 2320: 2316: 2312: 2308: 2304: 2300: 2296: 2292: 2288: 2284: 2280: 2275: 2273: 2269: 2265: 2261: 2256: 2251: 2247: 2243: 2233: 2229: 2227: 2223: 2219: 2215: 2211: 2207: 2203: 2197: 2195: 2191: 2187: 2183: 2179: 2175: 2171: 2162: 2153: 2150: 2146: 2142: 2137: 2132: 2131:villa rustica 2127: 2122: 2120: 2116: 2111: 2107: 2103: 2099: 2095: 2094:Zdenko Vinski 2089: 2087: 2082: 2077: 2073: 2069: 2064: 2060: 2056: 2052: 2048: 2043: 2039: 2035: 2031: 2026: 2024: 2023:Moravian Gate 2019: 2015: 2011: 2008:, especially 2007: 1999: 1993: 1992:Oton Iveković 1989: 1985: 1980: 1976: 1972: 1968: 1958: 1956: 1952: 1948: 1944: 1939: 1937: 1933: 1929: 1925: 1915: 1913: 1909: 1904: 1902: 1898: 1894: 1890: 1886: 1885: 1880: 1879: 1873: 1871: 1867: 1863: 1862:Joseph Stalin 1859: 1855: 1851: 1847: 1842: 1840: 1836: 1832: 1831:Dušan Třeštík 1828: 1824: 1823:White Croatia 1820: 1816: 1812: 1808: 1807:Alois Jirásek 1804: 1800: 1796: 1786: 1784: 1780: 1776: 1772: 1768: 1767:pago Crauuati 1764: 1760: 1757: 1753: 1749: 1745: 1741: 1736: 1734: 1730: 1726: 1722: 1718: 1714: 1710: 1706: 1702: 1698: 1694: 1690: 1689:Saxony-Anhalt 1686: 1682: 1678: 1674: 1670: 1666: 1663: 1659: 1655: 1651: 1647: 1643: 1639: 1635: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1611: 1607: 1603: 1599: 1595: 1591: 1587: 1583: 1575: 1570: 1563: 1559: 1555: 1551: 1547: 1542: 1538: 1536: 1532: 1528: 1524: 1520: 1516: 1512: 1509:(Moravians), 1508: 1504: 1500: 1496: 1495: 1489: 1487: 1483: 1482: 1477: 1473: 1469: 1465: 1460: 1458: 1454: 1450: 1446: 1442: 1437: 1433: 1429: 1425: 1421: 1417: 1413: 1411: 1407: 1403: 1399: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1371: 1368:(914–945) in 1367: 1361: 1359: 1355: 1351: 1347: 1337: 1333: 1329: 1324: 1320: 1318: 1313: 1309: 1305: 1300: 1296: 1292: 1288: 1284: 1280: 1276: 1272: 1268: 1264: 1260: 1259: 1254: 1250: 1246: 1242: 1238: 1234: 1230: 1229: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1212: 1208: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1188: 1184: 1180: 1176: 1172: 1167: 1165: 1164: 1159: 1158: 1153: 1149: 1145: 1141: 1140: 1135: 1134: 1129: 1125: 1121: 1117: 1113: 1108: 1105: 1101: 1096: 1092: 1087: 1083: 1082:Gerard Labuda 1079: 1078: 1074: 1070: 1066: 1062: 1058: 1054: 1048: 1044: 1040: 1033: 1029: 1028:J. R. Forster 1025: 1024:D. Barrington 1021: 1017: 1014:around river 1013: 1009: 1004: 1000: 998: 994: 990: 986: 982: 978: 974: 970: 969:Great Moravia 963: 961: 960: 956: 952: 948: 944: 939: 935: 927: 925: 921: 917: 913: 909: 905: 901: 897: 893: 889: 885: 881: 877: 873: 872: 867: 863: 862:Árpád dynasty 859: 855: 849: 846: 842: 837: 831: 829: 828: 824: 820: 816: 812: 804: 802: 801: 796: 790: 788: 787: 783: 779: 775: 771: 767: 763: 759: 755: 751: 747: 739: 737: 736:Hrovate Belii 733: 732:Horvate Belii 729: 728: 723: 716: 711: 701: 700:White Croatia 691: 689: 684: 682: 678: 677:Prešov Region 674: 670: 669:Lesser Poland 666: 662: 656: 654: 650: 646: 642: 641:Lesser Poland 638: 633: 631: 627: 623: 619: 615: 611: 607: 603: 599: 595: 591: 587: 583: 579: 575: 571: 565: 555: 551: 549: 545: 541: 537: 533: 529: 524: 522: 518: 514: 510: 506: 502: 498: 494: 490: 486: 482: 478: 474: 470: 466: 462: 458: 454: 450: 445: 443: 439: 435: 431: 427: 423: 419: 415: 411: 406: 404: 400: 396: 392: 388: 384: 380: 376: 372: 368: 364: 356: 352: 348: 344: 343:Ptolemaic map 340: 333: 329: 324: 314: 312: 308: 304: 300: 294: 292: 288: 284: 280: 276: 272: 268: 264: 260: 259:Great Moravia 256: 252: 248: 244: 240: 236: 232: 218: 214: 210: 207: 203: 199: 195: 191: 186: 183: 182: 176: 172: 168: 164: 160: 156: 152: 148: 144: 140: 136: 132: 128: 122: 120: 116: 112: 108: 105:north of the 104: 100: 96: 92: 88: 83: 82:Bili khorvaty 77: 68: 64: 63:Bílí Chorvati 60: 56: 52: 48: 47:Bijeli Hrvati 44: 40: 32: 28: 23: 19: 14941: 14896:Diokletlians 14845:Carantanians 14841:Alpine Slavs 14789:Drougoubitai 14535: 14528:Czech tribes 14144: 13835:Bolokhovians 13787: 13651:Coat of arms 13646:Checkerboard 13561:Architecture 13508:Demographics 13335:Human rights 13313:Constitution 13191:Independence 13174:World War II 13058:White Croats 13057: 12987: 12975: 12961: 12947: 12933: 12912: 12888: 12868: 12864: 12840:(2): 37–50. 12837: 12833: 12820: 12816: 12797: 12771: 12767: 12748: 12744: 12721: 12693: 12689: 12666: 12662: 12634: 12623: 12619: 12600: 12591: 12587: 12564: 12539: 12529: 12525: 12501: 12468: 12448: 12444: 12435: 12431: 12407: 12403:Shippey, Tom 12384: 12380: 12361: 12356: 12336: 12331: 12317: 12312: 12302: 12297: 12280:. 12276: 12257: 12253: 12230: 12226: 12202: 12178: 12170:]. JAZU. 12167: 12162: 12139: 12135: 12114: 12110: 12091: 12087: 12064: 12060: 12041: 12017: 11993: 11969: 11956: 11952: 11928: 11907: 11903: 11881: 11877: 11865: 11839: 11835: 11808: 11798: 11794: 11769: 11765: 11746: 11742: 11723: 11719: 11700: 11696: 11677: 11673: 11664: 11660: 11647: 11643: 11630: 11626: 11599: 11578: 11557: 11544:. Retrieved 11529: 11515: 11491: 11467: 11457: 11453: 11440: 11436: 11412: 11388: 11359: 11340: 11327: 11323: 11314: 11294: 11290: 11270: 11247: 11243: 11234: 11230: 11214: 11210: 11194: 11190: 11170: 11141: 11105: 11104:(52): 1–32. 11101: 11080: 11060: 11055: 11051:Budak, Neven 11033: 11029: 11019: 10990: 10986: 10965: 10960: 10950: 10946: 10922: 10896: 10891: 10871: 10858: 10854: 10833: 10810: 10798: 10786: 10774: 10747: 10723:Karatay 2003 10703: 10694: 10684: 10672: 10660: 10653:Majorov 2012 10648: 10636: 10629:Filipec 2020 10624: 10612: 10600: 10593:Karatay 2003 10573: 10523: 10511: 10502: 10456:Filipec 2020 10451: 10404:Karatay 2003 10378: 10366: 10354:. Retrieved 10352:(1): 444–445 10349: 10345: 10312: 10300: 10273: 10261: 10252: 10210: 10190: 10183: 10174: 10159: 10135: 10128:Filipec 2020 10123: 10096: 10089:Dvornik 1962 10084: 10072: 10045: 10036: 10022: 10017: 10010: 10001: 9997: 9987: 9975: 9963:. Retrieved 9961:(1): 169–197 9958: 9954: 9944: 9932: 9920: 9908: 9881: 9874:Majorov 2012 9852: 9840: 9833:Dvornik 1962 9828: 9816: 9804: 9792: 9780: 9773:Vatseba 2019 9768: 9761:Vatseba 2018 9756: 9744: 9722: 9700: 9690: 9681: 9674:. Retrieved 9660: 9656: 9646: 9634: 9622: 9610: 9603:Holovko 2018 9598: 9586: 9574: 9562: 9550: 9538: 9526: 9514: 9469: 9457: 9445: 9433: 9421: 9409: 9367: 9362:, p. 2. 9355: 9343: 9331:. Retrieved 9326: 9316: 9289: 9277: 9265: 9253: 9241: 9229: 9217: 9205: 9193: 9181: 9169:. Retrieved 9165:the original 9158: 9145: 9138:Holovko 2018 9133: 9121: 9114:Majorov 2012 9109: 9102:Majorov 2012 9067: 9057: 9045:. Retrieved 9026: 9016: 9004: 8991: 8964: 8952: 8944: 8937:. Retrieved 8925: 8915: 8896: 8886: 8877: 8871: 8864:Majorov 2012 8859: 8852:Majorov 2012 8847: 8835: 8823: 8800: 8795: 8773:. Retrieved 8761: 8710: 8706: 8696: 8680: 8676: 8670: 8661: 8651: 8645:(25): 81–107 8642: 8638: 8628: 8616: 8604: 8597:Filipec 2020 8592: 8587:, p. 6. 8580: 8568: 8556: 8549:Filipec 2020 8544: 8532: 8520: 8508: 8496: 8489:Filipec 2020 8484: 8472:. Retrieved 8450: 8446: 8436: 8424: 8417:Filipec 2020 8412: 8400: 8388: 8376: 8364: 8352: 8344: 8314: 8291: 8279: 8267: 8255: 8243: 8231: 8219: 8213: 8201: 8189: 8177:. Retrieved 8172: 8168: 8158: 8151:Filipec 2020 8146: 8139:Filipec 2020 8134: 8112:Majorov 2012 8107: 8095: 8089: 8082:Filipec 2020 8077: 8065: 8053:. Retrieved 8048: 8044: 8019: 7985: 7953: 7947: 7928: 7922: 7902: 7895: 7883: 7871:. Retrieved 7857: 7853: 7828:. Retrieved 7826:(1): 335–346 7823: 7819: 7809: 7797:. Retrieved 7792: 7788: 7766: 7759:. Retrieved 7754: 7750: 7721:. Retrieved 7707: 7703: 7681:Filipec 2020 7676: 7664: 7637: 7625: 7618:Heather 2010 7613: 7601: 7589: 7577: 7518: 7506: 7499:Dvornik 1962 7494: 7487:Filipec 2020 7482: 7470: 7463:Majorov 2012 7411: 7404:Dvornik 1962 7399: 7392:Filipec 2020 7387: 7380:Heather 2010 7360: 7353:Dvornik 1962 7348: 7336: 7329:Filipec 2020 7324: 7297: 7290:Majorov 2012 7285: 7273: 7266:Majorov 2012 7261: 7249: 7237: 7213:Majorov 2012 7196:Dvornik 1962 7174: 7166: 7151: 7141: 7134:Magocsi 2015 7129: 7120: 7113:. Retrieved 7089: 7067: 7057: 7049: 7029: 7019: 7011: 6989: 6979: 6954: 6947: 6941: 6920: 6910: 6900: 6890: 6888: 6873: 6866: 6859:Magocsi 1995 6854: 6847:Majorov 2012 6842: 6837:, p. 5. 6835:Magocsi 2005 6819: 6813: 6804: 6792: 6780: 6760: 6753: 6743: 6736: 6724: 6712: 6700: 6688: 6681:Lewicki 2006 6676: 6664: 6652: 6645:Lewicki 2006 6640: 6628: 6621:Shippey 2014 6616: 6604: 6597:Strižak 2006 6592: 6585:Strižak 2006 6580: 6568: 6541: 6523: 6513: 6501: 6479:Jirásek 2015 6474: 6462: 6450: 6438: 6426: 6414: 6402: 6358: 6346: 6339:Dvornik 1962 6319: 6307: 6295: 6283: 6271: 6259: 6247: 6235: 6223: 6203: 6193: 6181: 6161: 6154: 6119: 6097: 6070: 6058: 6036:Majorov 2012 6031: 6004: 5997:Majorov 2012 5992: 5985:Majorov 2012 5980: 5968: 5956: 5944: 5932: 5920: 5908: 5896: 5889:Magocsi 1983 5884: 5872: 5865:Holovko 2018 5828: 5816: 5804: 5743: 5731: 5719: 5712:Majorov 2012 5707: 5695: 5683: 5671: 5659: 5647: 5635: 5623: 5596: 5584: 5572: 5560: 5540: 5536:Wexler, Paul 5530: 5523:Zimonyi 2015 5503: 5491: 5484:Majorov 2012 5417: 5405: 5393: 5373: 5321: 5309: 5297: 5290:Majorov 2012 5285: 5278:Majorov 2012 5273: 5261: 5249: 5237: 5230:Majorov 2012 5225: 5213: 5201: 5189: 5177: 5170:Majorov 2012 5165: 5153: 5141: 5129: 5122:Majorov 2012 5117: 5105: 5093: 5086:Majorov 2012 5081: 5059:Dvornik 1962 5037: 5028: 5024: 5011: 4991: 4984: 4974: 4964: 4952: 4940: 4928: 4904:Dvornik 1962 4899: 4892:Dvornik 1962 4887: 4867: 4860: 4848: 4821: 4809: 4802:Majorov 2012 4782: 4770: 4758: 4751:Majorov 2012 4746: 4717: 4710:Majorov 2012 4705: 4693: 4681: 4669: 4657: 4650:Majorov 2012 4645: 4633: 4626:Majorov 2012 4621: 4609: 4602:Dvornik 1962 4597: 4585:. Retrieved 4580: 4576: 4540: 4533: 4521: 4509: 4497: 4485: 4478:Majorov 2012 4473: 4449:, p. 4. 4447:Magocsi 2002 4424:Magocsi 1983 4419: 4407: 4400:Majorov 2012 4395: 4383: 4371: 4359: 4335: 4331: 4304:Majorov 2012 4299: 4287: 4280:Holovko 2018 4260: 4253:Majorov 2012 4248: 4241:Majorov 2012 4236: 4224: 4212: 4185: 4178:Majorov 2012 4158: 4146: 4134: 4122: 4110: 4098: 4086: 4074: 4062: 4050: 4038: 4026: 4019:Majorov 2012 4014: 3985: 3977: 3967: 3957: 3934: 3927:. Retrieved 3909: 3899: 3891: 3869: 3849:Magocsi 1983 3844: 3837:Majorov 2012 3832: 3825:Majorov 2012 3820: 3813:Majorov 2012 3808: 3801:Majorov 2012 3796: 3784: 3772: 3760: 3753:Majorov 2012 3748: 3736: 3724: 3695:. Retrieved 3683: 3679: 3659:Majorov 2012 3654: 3647:Majorov 2012 3642: 3613: 3601: 3589: 3528: 3516: 3504: 3495: 3491: 3488:"Ime Hrvata" 3478: 3471:Majorov 2012 3466: 3446: 3439: 3430: 3426: 3416: 3396: 3389: 3380: 3360: 3356: 3350: 3338: 3326: 3306: 3272: 3268: 3259: 3247:. Retrieved 3242: 3215: 3179: 3175: 3171: 3167: 3158: 3152: 3140: 3136: 3132: 3128: 3124: 3120: 3116: 3112: 3108: 3101: 3085: 3081: 3069: 3065: 3061: 3055: 3042:Hrvat/Horvat 3041: 3034: 3030: 3026: 3022: 3021:and Latvian 3018: 2984: 2980: 2976: 2972: 2965: 2961: 2957: 2950: 2946: 2934: 2930: 2918: 2914: 2899: 2895: 2891: 2887: 2881: 2877: 2873: 2869: 2865: 2842: 2838: 2837:(peck) and * 2834: 2830: 2822: 2815:Kukar family 2794: 2790: 2786: 2782: 2776: 2755:Old Prussian 2739:J.J. Mikkola 2735: 2730:origo gentis 2729: 2717: 2698: 2694:origo gentis 2693: 2686:Hyperboreans 2671: 2665: 2664:in his work 2652:recorded by 2643: 2640:origo gentis 2639: 2631: 2627:origo gentis 2625: 2623: 2620:Origo gentis 2606: 2600: 2592: 2588: 2584: 2534: 2494:Christianity 2483: 2470: 2442: 2405: 2358: 2276: 2238: 2198: 2167: 2148: 2141:craniometric 2123: 2090: 2085: 2075: 2041: 2030:Adriatic Sea 2027: 2004: 1987: 1940: 1923: 1921: 1905: 1900: 1897:Anglo-Saxons 1892: 1882: 1876: 1874: 1866:Stuhna River 1853: 1848:who founded 1843: 1838: 1835:origo gentis 1826: 1810: 1802: 1792: 1778: 1771:pago Chruuat 1770: 1766: 1762: 1758: 1737: 1724: 1720: 1712: 1704: 1703:is recorded 1696: 1692: 1677:Großkorbetha 1672: 1667: 1629: 1624:and West of 1617: 1613: 1601: 1597: 1581: 1579: 1558:Boleslaus II 1534: 1530: 1529:(Lendians), 1526: 1522: 1514: 1510: 1506: 1492: 1490: 1485: 1479: 1467: 1466:in 981, and 1461: 1423: 1363: 1358:Radimichians 1343: 1341: 1303: 1298: 1294: 1286: 1282: 1278: 1274: 1266: 1262: 1256: 1252: 1248: 1236: 1232: 1226: 1225:in his work 1214: 1210: 1206: 1194: 1190: 1186: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1168: 1161: 1155: 1154:(30 gords), 1151: 1143: 1137: 1131: 1127: 1124:Prykarpattia 1119: 1115: 1109: 1075:even to the 1050: 1042: 1037: 1011: 996: 988: 967:part of the 965: 931: 929: 919: 915: 907: 903: 891: 875: 869: 850: 833: 808: 806: 798: 792: 743: 741: 735: 731: 725: 720: 685: 657: 649:Prykarpattia 634: 567: 552: 531: 525: 521:South Europe 504: 488: 484: 480: 479:, some read 476: 472: 464: 452: 448: 446: 425: 407: 402: 398: 386: 374: 370: 366: 360: 350: 349:, 1598. The 295: 206:South Slavic 202:Adriatic Sea 187: 181:origo gentis 123: 91:Early Slavic 86: 71:Білі хорвати 39:White Croats 38: 36: 18: 14949:Finno-Ugric 14916:Branichevci 14881:Zachlumians 14814:Belegezites 14762: [ 14749:Strymonites 14718:South Slavs 14695: [ 14665: [ 14653: [ 14641: [ 14624: [ 14612: [ 14590: [ 14578: [ 14566: [ 14549: [ 14513:White Serbs 14495: [ 14483: [ 14471: [ 14459: [ 14447: [ 14430: [ 14418: [ 14401: [ 14356: [ 14316: [ 14304: [ 14277: [ 14265: [ 14248: [ 14236: [ 14223:Tollensians 14204: [ 14131: [ 14110:Slovincians 14087:Pomeranians 14069: [ 14057: [ 14045: [ 14013: [ 13928: [ 13887: [ 13879:Dregoviches 13821: [ 13666:Decorations 13157:World War I 13085:Red Croatia 13048:Prehistoric 11297:: 137–155, 10924:Archaeology 10803:Alimov 2015 10767:Gluhak 1990 10708:Gluhak 1990 10665:Golden 1992 10641:Gluhak 1990 10605:Gluhak 1990 10477:Gluhak 1990 10444:Gluhak 1990 10429:Gluhak 2000 10371:Gluhak 1990 10317:Gluhak 1990 10293:Gluhak 1990 10140:Alimov 2015 10116:Gluhak 1990 9663:: 142–143. 9579:Hupalo 2014 9543:Hupalo 2014 9489:Hupalo 2014 9402:Hupalo 2014 9372:Hupalo 2014 9323:"ПЛІСНЕСЬК" 9294:Hupalo 2014 9246:Hupalo 2014 9155:"ЛЕНДЗЯ́НЕ" 9047:17 February 8969:Hupalo 2014 8840:Gluhak 1990 7446:Gluhak 1990 6907:"ДОЛЫНЯ́НЕ" 6717:Gluhak 1990 6705:Gluhak 1990 6693:Vašica 2008 6494:Alimov 2015 6467:Gluhak 1990 6455:Gluhak 1990 6443:Gluhak 1990 6431:Gluhak 1990 6395:Gluhak 1990 6380:Gluhak 1990 6276:Gluhak 1990 6240:Gluhak 1990 6075:Gluhak 1990 6009:Gluhak 1990 5925:Hupalo 2014 5797:Hupalo 2014 5763:Gluhak 1990 5601:Gluhak 1990 5508:Gluhak 1990 5467:Gluhak 1990 5437:Gluhak 1990 5314:Koncha 2012 5146:Ingram 1807 4945:Gluhak 1990 4933:Gluhak 1990 4674:Gluhak 1990 4526:Norris 1993 4514:Škegro 2005 4502:Gluhak 1990 4190:Košćak 1995 4139:Gluhak 1990 4115:Gluhak 1990 4079:Gluhak 1990 4067:Gluhak 1990 4055:Gluhak 1990 3765:Gluhak 1990 3594:Škegro 2005 3565:Gluhak 1990 3363:(1–2): 72. 3220:Gluhak 1990 3029:(Bulgarian 2953:(dig), and 2906:and Kievan 2849:and Polish 2761:languages. 2565:St. Mihovil 2541:solar deity 2498:Kievan Rus' 2486:polytheists 2377: [ 2184:related to 2115:L. Margetić 2098:V. V. Sedov 2006:Early Slavs 1779:pago Croudi 1777:(979), and 1715:(1055), by 1707:(1012), by 1610:Thuringians 1590:Boleslaus I 1554:Boleslaus I 1544:Borders of 1535:Bzjm/Bwjmjn 1388:, Merians, 1386:Krivichians 1086:Scandinavia 1069:Mægtha-land 977:White Serbs 762:Carinthians 705:Middle Ages 661:Zakarpattia 586:Early Slavs 513:Rus' people 493:Sea of Azov 418:Sea of Azov 271:Kievan Rus' 165:and to the 109:(in modern 99:West Slavic 95:East Slavic 14974:Categories 14886:Travunians 14876:Narentines 14824:Rhynchinoi 14809:Baiounitai 14662:Lupiglians 14650:Domazhlici 14621:Sedlichans 14575:Litomerici 14480:Neletiches 14410:Glomatians 14245:Neletyches 14233:Morzyczans 14218:Kessinians 14213:Circipania 14150:Dadosesani 14095:Kashubians 14032:Sieradzans 13979:West Slavs 13862:Volhynians 13776:East Slavs 13618:Television 13593:Literature 13528:Healthcare 13369:Parliament 13323:Government 13282:Topography 13090:Narentines 12823:: 126–137. 12594:: 214–218. 12438:: 307–330. 12149:9531631697 11801:: 139–144. 11145:. London: 10815:Budak 2018 10215:Sedov 2013 10077:Budak 2018 10065:Budak 2018 9980:Bekić 2016 9937:Budak 2018 9749:Sedov 2013 9627:Sedov 2013 8828:Sedov 1979 8609:Bekić 2016 8573:Bekić 2016 8537:Bekić 2016 8525:Sedov 2013 8513:Budak 2018 8501:Bekić 2016 8429:Bekić 2016 8381:Dzino 2010 8357:Dzino 2010 8296:Budak 2018 8272:Dzino 2010 8248:Dzino 2010 8224:Sedov 2013 8194:Bekić 2016 8100:Bekić 2016 8024:Bekić 2016 8012:Bekić 2012 7669:Budak 1995 7594:Sedov 2013 7570:Budak 2018 7553:Budak 1995 7511:Budak 1995 7475:Sedov 2013 7431:Sedov 2013 7365:Sedov 2013 7302:Sedov 2013 7278:Budak 1995 6797:Struk 1993 6669:Budak 2018 6531:. p.  6506:Sedov 2012 6363:Sedov 2013 6264:Sedov 2013 5833:Hanak 2013 4957:Budak 2018 4739:Sedov 2013 4722:Budak 1995 4490:Dzino 2010 4412:Budak 2018 4376:Budak 2018 4352:Sedov 2013 4292:Sedov 2013 4163:Sedov 2013 4103:Sedov 2013 3433:: 131–136. 3343:Budak 2018 3331:Sedov 2013 3208:References 3115:, Peceneg 3046:J. B. Bury 3016:Lithuanian 2995:of Poland. 2898:(good) or 2843:клок волос 2777:Brothers: 2757:and other 2747:pre-Slavic 2569:St. Jelena 2462:Zvenyhorod 2458:Terebovlia 2323:Terebovlia 2319:Zvenyhorod 2303:Baltic Sea 2246:Chernivtsi 2226:Volhynians 2156:Archeology 1990:(1905) by 1965:See also: 1918:Modern age 1908:Svatý Ivan 1733:Weißenfels 1695:(901) and 1679:, between 1513:(Croats), 1449:Zvenyhorod 1445:Terebovlia 1428:Kievan Rus 1416:Volhynians 1406:Tivercians 1398:Derevlians 1390:Polyanians 1378:Varangians 1350:Derevlians 1346:Polyanians 1306:refers to 1283:S.mūt-swyt 1265:(actually 1231:mentioned 1207:ʒ(h)-rāwat 1177:is called 1160:(20), and 1061:Dalamensan 1032:G. Forster 985:Baltic Sea 916:Licicaviki 858:Hungarians 811:Bagibareia 778:Lutichians 774:Polyanians 698:See also: 582:linguistic 578:Sarmatians 540:Petar Skok 422:Sarmatians 383:Max Vasmer 287:Zvenyhorod 283:Terebovlia 255:Terebovlia 200:along the 135:Volhynians 31:East Slavs 27:West Slavs 14911:Timochans 14891:Kanalites 14871:Guduscani 14804:Sagudates 14781:Macedonia 14674:Znetalici 14599:Moravians 14456:Zhirmunts 14427:Lusatians 14415:Koledices 14390:Lusatians 14380:Polabians 14365:Smeldingi 14338:Bethenici 14330:Obotrites 14262:Redariers 14170:Silesians 14155:Golensizi 14128:Bezunzans 14105:Wolinians 14042:Kujawians 14037:Vistulans 14022:Masovians 14010:Lubuszans 13920:Polochans 13884:Narevyans 13869:Drevlians 13818:Don Slavs 13798:Severians 13793:Radimichs 13676:Interlace 13533:Languages 13513:Education 13477:Transport 13386:Elections 13318:President 13267:Mountains 13230:Geography 13105:Kanalites 13095:Zachlumia 12972:"ХОРВАТИ" 12892:. Brill. 12856:244564524 12712:2076-8982 12648:cite book 11916:831099194 11561:. Brill. 11546:29 August 11410:(2010) . 11392:. Brill. 11365:Wiesbaden 11303:0001-5229 11174:. Brill. 11007:189548041 10740:Loma 1999 10547:Loma 1999 8770:0235-3490 8469:245082805 8341:165889390 8175:: 304–305 7026:"Hutsuls" 6419:Fokt 2004 6324:Vach 2006 6300:Vach 2006 6102:Vach 2006 4587:21 August 3943:cite book 3866:"ХОРВАТИ" 3692:1805-1170 3377:183316961 3249:21 August 3168:pouru-gâo 3145:Bug River 3094:Old Norse 3056:Sisters: 2989:Chościsko 2958:Kossintes 2839:klokotati 2706:Mazovians 2682:Herodotus 2636:Heraclius 2581:St. Juraj 2557:St. Ilija 2454:Peremyshl 2413:Pidhirtsi 2389:Zhydachiv 2311:Black Sea 2210:Drevlians 2063:Heraclius 1912:Obotrites 1709:Henry III 1705:Chruazzis 1685:Merseburg 1626:Moravians 1594:Drahomíra 1402:Dulebians 1394:Severians 1380:, Slavs, 1354:Severians 1237:Khurwātīn 1223:Al-Masudi 1213:, and as 1163:Golensizi 1139:Sleenzane 1100:Vistulans 993:Al-Masudi 955:kondourai 951:Pechenegs 836:Moravians 819:Illyricum 786:Pomorians 782:Mazovians 754:Moravians 667:river in 630:Heraclius 574:Scythians 491:) at the 461:Herodotus 449:Struhates 438:Radimichs 317:Etymology 299:Ukrainian 279:Peremyshl 151:Vistulans 76:romanized 67:Ukrainian 14906:Moravens 14799:Melingoi 14794:Ezeritai 14759:Milcovci 14744:Smolyani 14692:Nitrians 14609:Pshovans 14604:Merehani 14492:Nizhices 14468:Zhitices 14398:Khutices 14286:Sprevane 14140:Bobrzans 14100:Prissani 14066:Thafnezi 14054:Wiercans 14005:Lendians 13951:Slovenes 13943:Smolensk 13915:Krivichs 13830:Zeriuani 13813:Vyatichi 13803:Tivertsi 13721:Category 13538:Religion 13523:Genetics 13452:The euro 13437:Industry 13352:Military 13296:Politics 13167:Banovina 13100:Travunia 13032:articles 12910:(2012). 12808:(2015). 12792:(2010). 12499:(2009). 12484:(Vol. 4 12405:(2014). 12134:(2001). 12039:(2015), 12015:(2010). 11967:(2002). 11926:(1983). 11860:(1999). 11513:(1807). 11357:(1992). 11268:(1991). 11237:: 38–64. 11217:: 10–29. 11135:(1962). 11053:(2018). 11017:(1859). 10993:: 1–17. 10497:(1897), 9153:(2017). 9041:Archived 8737:26088847 8689:15311416 7115:3 August 7064:"ГУЦУЛИ" 6963:. 1984. 6938:"Boikos" 6818:. 2005. 6521:(1982). 6201:(2008). 5019:(2001). 4972:(1962). 4571:(1989). 4338:: 17–32. 3789:Kim 2013 3486:(2019), 3267:(2008), 3191:See also 3098:Germanic 3004:Kutrigur 2970:isogloss 2962:Cosintos 2955:Thracian 2917:(camp), 2690:Lechitic 2673:Lingones 2613:Volhynia 2593:Kraljice 2589:Ladarice 2573:St. Mary 2507:pantheon 2480:Religion 2362:Plisnesk 2335:Uzhhorod 2331:Lendians 2327:Przemyśl 2268:Borzhava 2218:Tivertsi 2186:Sclaveni 2174:Dniester 2034:Dalmatia 2010:Sclaveni 1971:Sclaveni 1928:Volhynia 1891:died in 1783:Otto III 1725:Curewate 1717:Henry IV 1713:Churbate 1701:Henry II 1697:Chruuati 1693:Chruuati 1630:Chrowati 1494:Josippon 1432:Bukovina 1364:Leaving 1271:Vyatichi 1249:hajrawās 1233:Harwātin 1152:Lupiglaa 1144:Fraganeo 1133:Vuislane 1073:Sermende 997:axšaēna- 912:Widukind 896:Lendians 892:Lingones 876:Lingones 823:Pannonia 626:Dalmatia 618:Sclaveni 598:Dniester 590:Iranians 554:Europe. 548:betacism 536:Dalmatia 509:ethnonym 457:Krobyzoi 442:Vyatichi 273:and the 247:Plisnesk 194:Dalmatia 159:Sclaveni 147:Lendians 139:Tivertsi 43:Croatian 14956:Silings 14819:Berziti 14754:Moratsi 14704:Slovaks 14633:Zlicans 14587:Luchans 14546:Dechans 14504:Nishans 14444:Suslowi 14439:Milceni 14375:Warnabi 14343:Drevani 14313:Zemcici 14301:Zamcici 14291:Hevelli 14274:Rechans 14201:Brizans 14165:Selpoli 14160:Opolans 14000:Goplans 13925:Pskov's 13874:Polans 13857:Buzhans 13845:Dulebes 13705:Outline 13656:Costume 13633:Symbols 13576:Cuisine 13553:Culture 13491:Society 13472:Tourism 13410:Economy 13374:Speaker 13262:Mammals 13252:Islands 13242:Climate 13040:History 13028:Croatia 11342:Vijenac 11139:(ed.). 10824:Sources 10356:27 June 10346:Slověne 9676:17 June 9333:17 June 9171:20 June 8939:20 June 8775:18 June 8728:4500963 8474:30 June 8179:30 June 8169:Prilozi 8055:30 June 7873:30 June 7830:30 June 7799:30 June 7789:Prilozi 7761:30 June 7723:30 June 6986:"БОЙКИ" 3697:21 July 3149:Buzhans 3137:Vahukii 3133:Vaugii- 2991:of the 2966:Cositon 2876:(as in 2862:Lovinac 2835:klukati 2827:Latvian 2714:Amazons 2650:Bulgars 2608:Ivandan 2602:Jurjevo 2561:St. Vid 2527:Simargl 2523:Stribog 2430:Stilsko 2425:Stilsko 2423:"; 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West Slavs
East Slavs
Early Slavic
East Slavic
West Slavic
Carpathian Mountains
Western Ukraine
Penkovka culture
Slavic paganism
origo gentis

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