
Viking Age

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communications, kinship and naming customs, and the evolution of language and poetry. Systematically researching the material leads to her hypothesis that runic inscriptions mirrored inheritance customs entailing not only lands or goods, but also rights, obligations, and rank in society. Although women in Viking society, like men, had tombstones over their graves, runestones were raised primarily to memorialise men, with the lives of few women being commemorated by runestones (Sawyer says only 7 per cent), and half of those were with men. Because there was a much larger per centage of women's graves with rich appointments in the Iron Age, the comparatively smaller number of runestones memorialising women indicates that the trend reflects changes in burial customs and religion only in part. Most of those honoured with runestones were men, and the emphasis was on those who sponsored the monuments. Typical medieval grave monuments name only the deceased, but Viking Age runestones prioritise the sponsors, first and foremost; therefore, they "are monuments to the
at the end of the first millennium, he dismisses 'population pressure' as a realistic cause of the Viking Age. Bagge alludes to the evidence of demographic growth at the time, manifested in an increase of new settlements, but he declares that a warlike people do not require population pressure to resort to plundering abroad. He grants that although population increase was a factor in this expansion, it was not the incentive for such expeditions. According to Ferguson, the proliferation of the use of iron in Scandinavia at the time increased agricultural yields, allowing for demographic growth that strained the limited capacity of the land. As a result, many Scandinavians found themselves with no property and no status. To remedy this, these landless men took to piracy to obtain material wealth. The population continued to grow, and the pirates looked further and further beyond the borders of
decentralised polities, or religious sites. As a result, Viking raiders found it easy to sack and then retreat from these areas which were thus frequently raided. The second case is the internal "push" factor, which coincides with a period just before the Viking Age in which Scandinavia was undergoing a mass centralisation of power in the modern-day countries of Denmark, Sweden, and especially Norway. This centralisation of power forced hundreds of chieftains from their lands, which were slowly being appropriated by the kings and dynasties that began to emerge. As a result, many of these chiefs sought refuge elsewhere, and began harrying the coasts of the British Isles and Western Europe. Anders Winroth argues that purposeful choices by warlords "propelled the Viking Age movement of people from Scandinavia."
1000 is sometimes used, as that was the year in which Iceland converted to Christianity, marking the conversion of all of Scandinavia to Christianity. The death of Harthacnut, the Danish King of England, in 1042 has also been used as an end date. History does not often allow such clear-cut separation between arbitrary "ages", and it is not easy to pin down a single date that applies to all the Viking world. The Viking Age was not a "monolithic chronological period" across three or four hundred years, but was characterised by various distinct phases of Viking activity. It is unlikely that the Viking Age could be so neatly assigned a terminal event. The end of the Viking era in Norway is marked by the
5343:(ship community) had to maintain one ship and a crew—was discontinued as a purely military institution, as the duty to build and man a ship soon was converted into a tax. The Norwegian leidang was called under Haakon Haakonson for his 1263 expedition to Scotland during the Scottish–Norwegian War, and the last recorded calling of it was in 1603. However, already by the 11th and 12th centuries, perhaps in response to the longships, European fighting ships were built with raised platforms fore and aft, from which archers could shoot down into the relatively low longships. This led to the defeat of longship navies in most subsequent naval engagements—e.g., with the Hanseatic League. 5330:
warriors hurled spears, arrows, and other projectiles at the opponents. When the ships were sufficiently close, melee combat would ensue using axes, swords, and spears until the enemy ship could be easily boarded. The roping technique allowed Viking crews to remain strong in numbers and act as a unit, but this uniformity also created problems. A Viking ship in the line could not retreat or pursue hostiles without breaking the formation and cutting the ropes, which weakened the overall Viking fleet and was a burdensome task to perform in the heat of battle. In general, these tactics enabled Vikings to quickly destroy the meagre opposition posted during raids.
3496:, primarily for trade purposes. Their emergence appears to coincide with the settlement and consolidation of the coastal Slavic tribes in the respective areas. The archaeological record indicates that substantial cultural exchange between Scandinavian and Slavic traditions and technologies occurred. It is known that Slavic and Scandinavian craftsmen had different processes in crafts and productions. In the lagoons and delta of the eastern and southern Baltic there is evidence of Slavic boatbuilding practices somewhat divergent from the Viking tradition, and of a fusion of the two in a shipyard site from the Viking Age on the island of Falster in Denmark. 3267: 6315:, a bay, and means 'one who haunts a bay, creek or fjord'. In the 9th and 10th centuries, it came to be used more especially of those warriors who left their homes in Scandinavia and made raids on the chief European countries. This is the narrow, and technically the only correct use of the term 'Viking', but in such expressions as 'Viking civilisation', 'the Viking Age', 'the Viking movement', 'Viking influence', the word has come to have a wider significance and is used as a concise and convenient term for describing the whole of the civilisation, activity and influence of the Scandinavian peoples, at a particular period in their history... 5994:. These islands were probably important trade settlements. Consistent with historical records, the study found evidence of a major influx of Danish Viking ancestry into England, a Swedish influx into Estonia and Finland; and Norwegian influx into Ireland, Iceland and Greenland during the Viking Age. The Vikings were found to have left a profound genetic imprint in the areas they settled, which has persisted into modern times with, e.g., the contemporary population of the United Kingdom having up to 6% Viking DNA. The study also showed that some local people of Scotland were buried as Vikings and may have taken on Viking identities. 5326:
ships' negligible draft, the Vikings could sail in shallow waters, allowing them to invade far inland along rivers. The ships were agile, and light enough to be carried over land from one river system to another. "Under sail, the same boats could tackle open water and cross the unexplored wastes of the North Atlantic." The ships' speed was also prodigious for the time, estimated at a maximum of 14–15 knots (26–28 km/h). The use of the longships ended when technology changed, and ships began to be constructed using saws instead of axes, resulting in inferior vessels.
852: 2123: 65: 5626:
past and for organising that knowledge, even though they are artefacts of our own time and perceived reality. Written sources, although scarce, appear to have been prioritised, even though it is understood that these written sources are biased. Almost all of them originate from other cultures, as literature from Viking societies is sparse. Since it unambiguously transmits meaning in literary terms, it is fairly clear that this meaning is not derived from the ideology of Viking Age people, but rather from that of early northern Christianity.
5433: 5412: 1703: 5986:, from which it spread into the rest of Scandinavia. The Y-DNA of Viking Age samples suggests that this may partly have been descendants of the Germanic tribes from the Migration Period returning to Scandinavia. The study also found that despite close cultural similarities, there were distinct genetic differences between regional populations in the Viking Age. These differences have persisted into modern times. Inland areas were found to be more genetically homogenous than coastal areas and islands such as 426: 2970: 5689:. She considers these inscriptions as contemporary evidence originating within the culture instead of from the incomplete or prejudiced viewpoint of the cultural outsider, and sees most of them as narratives in a narrow sense that supply details illuminating the overall picture derived from archaeological sources. They allow actual persons to be identified and reveal information about them such as their family relationships, their names, and perhaps facts concerning their individual lives. 2154:'s relics, killing the monks and capturing the valuables. The raid marked the beginning of the "Viking Age of Invasion". Great but sporadic violence continued on England's northern and eastern shores, with raids continuing on a small scale across coastal England. While the initial raiding groups were small, a great amount of planning is believed to have been involved. The Vikings raided during the winter of 840–841, rather than the usual summer, having waited on an island off Ireland. 2661:, which fell apart with its Viking conquest; these lands were never regained by the Anglo-Saxons, or England. The upheaval and pressure of Viking raiding, occupation, conquest and settlement resulted in alliances among the formerly enemy peoples that comprised what would become present-day Scotland. Over the subsequent 300 years, this Viking upheaval and pressure led to the unification of the previously contending Gaelic, Pictish, British, and English kingdoms, first into the 11762: 2301: 934: 16404: 15218: 4971:(Tablada). The Vikings held their ground, but the results were catastrophic for the invaders, who suffered a thousand casualties; four hundred were captured and executed, some thirty ships were destroyed. It was not a total victory for the emir's forces, but the Viking survivors had to negotiate a peace to leave the area, surrendering their plunder and the hostages they had taken to sell as slaves, in exchange for food and clothing. According to the Arabist 3732: 11494: 101: 6009:(Poland) dated to 1010–1020. The cemetery in Bodzia is exceptional in terms of Scandinavian and Kievian Rus links. The Bodzia man (sample VK157, or burial E864/I) was not a simple warrior from the princely retinue, but he belonged to the princely family himself. His burial is the richest one in the whole cemetery; moreover, strontium analysis of his teeth enamel shows he was not local. It is assumed that he came to Poland with the Prince of Kiev, 16394: 1632:, offer insight into this phenomenon. Barrett rejects this model, arguing that the earliest recorded Viking raids were in Western Norway and northern Britain, which were not highly economically integrated areas. He proposes a version of the economic model that points to new economic incentives stemming from a "bulge" in the population of young Scandinavian men, impelling them to engage in maritime activity due to limited economic alternatives. 4779: 440: 454: 1575: 412: 1624:, began to boom during the prosperous era known as the "Long Eighth Century". The Scandinavians, like many other Europeans, were drawn to these wealthier "urban" centres, which soon became frequent targets of Viking raids. The connection of the Scandinavians to larger and richer trade networks lured the Vikings into Western Europe, and soon the rest of Europe and parts of the Middle East. In England, hoards of Viking silver, such as the 468: 1798: 482: 5157: 12593: 5670:
origins in oral traditions, there is little confidence in them as historical truth, but they express what they tell more directly than "the dry bones of archaeology" or the brief messages on runestones. The modern view of the Viking Age is completely entwined with knowledge imparted by the sagas, and they are the main source of a broadly held belief that women in the Viking Age were independent, assertive, and had
16414: 6013:, and met a violent death in combat. This corresponds to the events of 1018 when Sviatopolk himself disappeared after having retreated from Kiev to Poland. It cannot be excluded that the Bodzia man was Sviatopolk himself, as the genealogy of the Rurikids at this period is extremely dubious, and the dates of birth of many princes of this dynasty may be quite approximative. The Bodzia man carried haplogroup I1- 5295: 3479: 3600:. Castle building by the Slavs seems to have reached a high level on the southern Baltic coast in the 8th and 9th centuries, possibly explained by a threat coming from the sea or from the trade emporiums, as Scandinavian arrowheads found in the area indicate advances penetrating as far as the lake chains in the Mecklenburgian and Pomeranian hinterlands. 2000:) is considered to be the transition from the Viking Age to the Middle Ages, because he was the first Christian king of the Swedes, and he is associated with a growing influence of the church in what is today southwestern and central Sweden. Norse beliefs persisted until the 12th century; Olof was the last king in Scandinavia to adopt Christianity. 3578:, but no archeological evidence supports this theory. Menzlin and Bardy-Świelubie were vacated in the late 9th century, Ralswiek survived into the new millennium, but by the time written chronicles reported news of the island of Rügen in the 12th century, it had lost all its importance. Wolin, thought to be identical with the legendary 9576:
disse barbarer." English: This event took place in the year 230 (which began on 18 September 844), and Andalusia was freed from their ravages. Abdurrahman himself visited the places they had invaded, surveyed the damage they had caused, and, by reinforcing the garrisons, secured the region against future incursions by these barbarians.
5322:, wider and deeper in draft, were customarily used. The Vikings were competent sailors, adept in land warfare as well as at sea, and they often struck at accessible and poorly defended targets, usually with near impunity. The effectiveness of these tactics earned Vikings a formidable reputation as raiders and pirates. 2212:. Aided by the Great Heathen Army (which had already overrun much of England from its base in Jorvik), Bagsecg's forces, and Halfdan's forces (through an alliance), the combined Viking forces raided much of England until 871, when they planned an invasion of Wessex. On 8 January 871, Bagsecg was killed at the 3028:
The overall understanding of the Viking Age in Estonia is deemed to be fragmentary and superficial, because of the limited amount of surviving source material. The main sources for understanding the period are remains of the farms and fortresses of the era, cemeteries and a large amount of excavated objects.
7253:, "Viking civilisation and culture. A bibliography of French-language", Caen, Centre for research on the countries of the North and Northwest, University of Caen, 1975, p. 19, and" Les Vikings – the Scandinavian and European 800–1200 ", 22nd exhibition of art from the Council of Europe, 1992, p. 26 1681:
for early Viking raiders to attack lands farther away. Among these developments are included the use of larger sails, tacking practices, and 24-hour sailing. Anders Winroth writes, "If early medieval Scandinavians had not become exquisite shipwrights, there would have been no Vikings and no Viking Age."
9312: 6786:
And they came to the church of Lindisfarne, laid everything waste with grievous plundering, trampled the holy places with polluted feet, dug up the altars, and seized all the treasures of the holy church. They killed some of the brothers; some they took away with them in fetters; many they drove out,
in Iceland. They cannot be interpreted literally as the "authentic voice of Vikings", embodying as they do the preconceptions of those medieval Icelanders. These sagas, formerly believed to have been based on actual historical traditions, are now commonly regarded as imaginative creations. With their
In her reckoning, given this basic flaw in the modern image of Viking society, how knowledge of the past is organised must be considered. Accordingly, language is an essential part of this organisation of knowledge, and the concepts of modern languages are tools for understanding the realities of the
The Vikings were also said to have fine weapons. Generally, Vikings used axes as weapons due to the lessened amount of iron required for their creations; swords were typically seen as a mark of wealth. Spears were also a common weapon among Vikings. Great amounts of time and artistry were expended in
The Vikings used their longships to travel vast distances and attain certain tactical advantages in battle. They could perform highly efficient hit-and-run attacks, in which they quickly approached a target, then left as rapidly as possible before a counter-offensive could be launched. Because of the
Many theories are posited for the cause of the Viking invasions; the will to explore likely played a major role. At the time, England, Wales, and Ireland were vulnerable to attack, being divided into many different warring kingdoms in a state of internal disarray, while the Franks were well defended.
Tignor, Robert; Adelman, Jeremy; Brown, Peter; Elman, Benjamin; Kotkin, Stephen; Prakash, Gyan; Shaw, Brent; Aron, Stephen; Liu, Xinru; Marchand, Suzanne; Pittman, Holly; Tsin, Michael. Worlds Together, Worlds Apart: A History of the World: Beginnings Through the Fifteenth Century (4th ed.) (Vol. 1)
Viking trade routes extended far beyond Scandinavia. As Scandinavian ships penetrated southward on the rivers of Eastern Europe to acquire financial capital, they encountered the nomad peoples of the steppes, leading to the beginning of a trading system that connected Russia and Scandinavia with the
By the year 859 a large Viking force again invaded al-Andalus, beginning a campaign along the coast of the Iberian Peninsula with smaller groups that assaulted various locations. They attacked Išbīliya (Seville), but were driven off and they returned down the Guadalquivir to the Strait of Gibraltar.
heavily fortified during the Viking Age and on to the 12th century. There were a number of late prehistoric or medieval harbour sites on the coast of Saaremaa, but none have been found that are large enough to be international trade centres. The Estonian islands also have a number of graves from the
Barrett considers that prior scholarship having examined causes of the Viking Age in terms of demographic determinism, the resulting explanations have generated a "wide variety of possible models". While admitting that Scandinavia did share in the general European population and settlement expansion
The first challenges to the many negative depictions of Vikings in Britain emerged in the 17th century. Pioneering scholarly works on the Viking Age reached only a small readership there, while linguists traced the Viking Age origins of rural idioms and proverbs. New dictionaries and grammars of the
The word 'Viking' did not come into general use in the English language until the middle of the nineteenth Century—at about the same time that it was introduced into serious academic literature in Scandinavia—and has since then changed its meaning and been much abused. It must, however, be accepted
While battles at sea were rare, they would occasionally occur when Viking ships attempted to board European merchant vessels in Scandinavian waters. When larger scale battles ensued, Viking crews would rope together all nearby ships and slowly proceed towards the enemy targets. While advancing, the
agreed on a treaty. The islands would be controlled by Norway, but mainland territories would go to Scotland. The King of Norway nominally continued to be king of the Isles and Man. However, in 1156, The kingdom was split into two. The Western Isles and Man continued as to be called the "Kingdom of
This model suggests that the Viking Age occurred as a result of technological innovations that allowed the Vikings to go on their raids in the first place. There is no doubt that piracy existed in the Baltic before the Viking Age, but developments in sailing technology and practice made it possible
The economic model states that the Viking Age was the result of growing urbanism and trade throughout mainland Europe. As the Islamic world grew, so did its trade routes, and the wealth which moved along them was pushed further and further north. In Western Europe, proto-urban centres such as those
The term 'Viking' has come in modern times to be applied to all early medieval Scandinavians and it is directly as a result of this that the controversy has arisen. As used originally in the Viking Age itself, the word was applied only to someone who went i viking, that is someone whose occupation
At the end of the year 229/844, the ships of the Norsemen , who were known in al-Andalus as majus, appeared off the western coast of al-Andalus, landing at Lisbon, their first point of entry to the forbidden lands. It was a Wednesday, the first day of Dhu al-Hijjah in that year, and they remained
The Vikings made several incursions in the years 859, 966 and 971, with intentions more diplomatic than bellicose, although an invasion in 971 was repelled when the Viking fleet was totally annihilated. Vikings attacked Talayata again in 889 at the instigation of Kurayb ibn Khaldun of Išbīliya. In
The society, economy, settlement and culture of the territory of what is in the present-day the country of Estonia is studied mainly through archaeological sources. The era is seen to have been a period of rapid change. The Estonian peasant culture came into existence by the end of the Viking Age.
In Scandinavia, the Viking Age is considered by some scholars to have ended with the establishment of royal authority and the establishment of Christianity as the dominant religion. Scholars have proposed different end dates for the Viking Age, but many argue it ended in the 11th century. The year
were still used as important historical sources, the Viking Age had again come to be regarded as a barbaric and uncivilised period in the history of the Nordic countries. Scholars outside Scandinavia did not begin to extensively reassess the achievements of the Vikings until the 1890s, recognising
Denne begivenhed fandt sted i året 230 (der begyndte den 18de septbr. 844), og Andalus blev befriet fra deres ødelæggelser. Abdurrahman besøgte selv de steder, hvor de vare trængte ind, oprettede skaden, de havde gjort, og ved at forstærke besætningerne sikrede han egnen mod fremtidige indfald af
was piracy. The earliest use of the word predates the Viking Age by some years and it was not even used exclusively to describe Scandinavian pirates. Most Viking Age Scandinavians were not Vikings at all in this original sense of the word but were simply peaceful farmers, craftsmen and merchants."
The text of the Primary Chronicle says that in 860–862, the Finnic and Slavic tribes rebelled against the Varangian Rus', driving them back to Scandinavia, but soon started to conflict with each other. The disorder prompted the tribes to invite back the Varangian Rus' to "Come and rule and reign
A.D. 793. This year came dreadful fore-warnings over the land of the Northumbrians, terrifying the people most woefully: these were immense sheets of light rushing through the air, and whirlwinds, and fiery dragons flying across the firmament. These tremendous tokens were soon followed by a great
aims to show that the corpus of runestones considered as a whole is a fruitful source of knowledge about the religious, political, social, and economic history of Scandinavia in the 10th and 11th centuries. Using data from her database she finds that runestones cast light on settlement patterns,
All the remaining Nordic sources discussing Kvenland, using that or close to that spelling, date to the 12th and 13th centuries, but some of them—in part at least—are believed to be rewrites of older texts. Other references and possible references to Kvenland by other names and/or spellings are
In 875, King Harald Fairhair led a fleet from Norway to Scotland. In his attempt to unite Norway, he found that many of those opposed to his rise to power had taken refuge in the Isles. From here, they were raiding not only foreign lands but were also attacking Norway itself. After organising a
5930:, the distribution of family names showing Scandinavian influence is still concentrated in the north and east, corresponding to areas of former Viking settlement. Early medieval records indicate that over 60% of personal names in Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire showed Scandinavian influence. 5649:
that "If historians' emphasis on vikings as warriors made invisible the women in the background, then it is not always clear where the more visible female counterparts of the new urban vikings have come from." She says it is impossible to study the Vikings without a conception of the entire
4989:, where they engaged in animal husbandry and made dairy products (reputedly the origin of Sevillian cheese). Knutson and Caitlin write that Lévi-Provençal offered no sources for the proposition of conversion to Islam by northern Europeans in al-Andalus and thus it "remains unsubstantiated". 5634:
argues that the transformation from heathen to Christian religion in Viking society was a "radical break" rather than a gradual transition, and Dommasnes says this should have bearing on consideration of the transformation of late Viking Age traditions before they were recorded in 12th- or
According to archaeologist Liv Helga Dommasnes writing in 1998, although archaeological sources pertinent to the study of women's roles in Scandinavia were most plentiful from the Viking Age compared to other historical eras, not many archaeologists took advantage of the opportunities they
The Vikings were among the most advanced of all societies of the time in their naval technology, and were noted in other technological works as well. The Vikings were equipped with the technologically superior longships; for purposes of conducting trade however, another type of ship, the
5012:), whose inhabitants had fled. The assailants sacked this important town, and according to the Arab sources, they attacked the fortress and burnt it to the ground. There is only brief mention in the historical record of this Viking army's attacks on south-eastern al-Andalus, including at 1672:
The first of two main components to the political model is the external "pull" factor, which suggests that the weak political bodies of Britain and Western Europe made for an attractive target for Viking raiders. The reasons for these weaknesses vary, but generally can be simplified into
in 996 (aka Richard the Fearless / Richard sans Peur), all descendants of Vikings became, according to Cambridge Medieval History (Volume 5, Chapter XV), 'not only Christians but in all essentials Frenchmen'. During the Middle Ages, the Normans created one of the most powerful
to Charles, converted to Christianity, and undertook to defend the northern region of France against the incursions of other Viking groups. Several generations later, the Norman descendants of these Viking settlers not only identified themselves as Norman, but also carried the
The Viking period is, therefore, best defined as the period when Scandinavians played a large role in the British Isles and western Europe as raiders and conquerors. It is also the period in which Scandinavians settled in many of the areas they conquered, and in the Atlantic
International contact is the key to the Viking Age. In Scandinavian history, this period is distinct because large numbers of Scandinavian people left their homelands and voyaged abroad... The period is thus defined by the impact the Scandinavians had on the world around
A massive majority (40,000) of all Viking Age Arabian coins found in Scandinavia were found in Gotland. In Skåne, Öland and Uppland together, about 12,000 coins were found. Other Scandinavian areas have only scattered finds: 1,000 from Denmark and some 500 from Norway.
1985:), a fervent Christianiser who dealt harshly with those suspected of clinging to pagan cult, was killed. Although Óláfr's army lost the battle, Christianity continued to spread, and after his death he became one of the subjects of the three miracle stories given in the 702:
Several things drove this expansion. The Vikings were drawn by the growth of wealthy towns and monasteries overseas and weak kingdoms. They may also have been pushed to leave their homeland by overpopulation, lack of good farmland, and political strife arising from the
2622:. After four months, its water supply failed, and the fortress fell. The Vikings are recorded to have transported a vast prey of British, Pictish, and English captives back to Ireland. These prisoners may have included the ruling family of Alt Clut including the king 5622:
represented. She alludes to the fact that the picture commonly presented of Viking society during the Viking Age was of a society of men engaged in their various occupations or positions, with scant mention of the women and children who were also part of it.
5978:, especially (but not exclusively) of the Scandinavian R1a-Z284 subclade (61 samples). It was found that there was a notable foreign gene flow into Scandinavia in the years preceding the Viking Age and during the Viking Age itself. This gene flow entered 5574:
were of note as merchants who supplied honey, wax, and slaves to Constantinople. The Varangians served as mercenaries of Russian princes, then of the Swedish princes who founded and ruled Norse kingdoms in Eastern Europe such as at Kiev and Novgorod.
2749:, Jarl of Orkney, invaded Scotland and were able to exact tribute from nearly half the kingdom until their deaths in battle. Ketil declared himself King of the Isles. Ketil was eventually outlawed and, fearing the bounty on his head, fled to Iceland. 1794:, the Vikings had considerable success against England, the Carolingian Empire, and other parts of Western Europe. After 830, the Vikings exploited disunity within the Carolingian Empire, as well as pitting the English kingdoms against each other. 8520: 1585:
Debate among scholars is ongoing as to why the Scandinavians began to expand from the eighth through 11th centuries. Various factors have been highlighted: demographic, economic, ideological, political, technological, and environmental models.
fleet, Harald was able to subdue the rebels, and in doing so brought the independent Jarls under his control, many of the rebels having fled to Iceland. He found himself ruling not only Norway, but also the Isles, Man, and parts of Scotland.
2263:, and it is because of this, rather than the Norman conquest, that 1066 is often taken as the end of the Viking Age. Nineteen days later, a large army containing and led by senior Normans, themselves mostly male-line descendants of Norsemen, 8539: 900:
The sea was the easiest way of communication between the Norwegian kingdoms and the outside world. In the eighth century, Scandinavians began to build ships of war and send them on raiding expeditions which started the Viking Age. The
Horvàth, G. et al. (2011). 'On the trail of Vikings with polarized skylight: experimental study of the atmospheric optical prerequisites allowing polarimetric navigation by Viking seafarers' Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2011) 366, 772–782
of the Seine from further Viking attacks. During Rollo's baptism Robert I of France stood as his godfather. The Duchy of Normandy also annexed further areas in Northern France, expanding the territory which was originally negotiated.
with near impunity. Near the end of Charlemagne's reign (and throughout the reigns of his sons and grandsons), a string of Norse raids began, culminating in a gradual Scandinavian conquest and settlement of the region now known as
in Estonia. The skeletal remains belonged to warriors killed in battle who were later buried together with numerous valuable weapons and armour. DNA testing and isotope analysis revealed that the men came from central Sweden.
2271:. The army invited others from across Norman gentry and ecclesiastical society to join them. There were several unsuccessful attempts by Scandinavian kings to regain control of England, the last of which took place in 1086. 2235:
of England's Danish inhabitants, culminating in a full-scale invasion that led to Sweyn being crowned king of England in 1013. Sweyn was also king of Denmark and parts of Norway at this time. The throne of England passed to
In contrast to the notable Scandinavian influence in Normandy and the British Isles, Varangian culture did not survive to a great extent in the East. Instead, the Varangian ruling classes of the two powerful city-states of
The Viking colonisation of islands in the North Atlantic has in part been attributed to a period of favourable climate (the Medieval Climactic Optimum), as the weather was relatively stable and predictable, with calm seas.
used by the Scandinavians were uniquely suited to both deep and shallow waters. They extended the reach of Norse raiders, traders, and settlers along coastlines and along the major river valleys of north-western Europe.
These models constitute much of what is known about the motivations for and the causes of the Viking Age. In all likelihood, the beginning of this age was the result of some combination of the aforementioned hypotheses.
2579:, along with many members of the Pictish aristocracy in battle. The sophisticated kingdom that had been built fell apart, as did the Pictish leadership, which had been stable for more than 100 years since the time of 5403:, are sometimes cited as a factor in the creation of Viking warrior culture. However, Scandinavia was eventually Christianised towards the later Viking Age, with early centres of Christianity especially in Denmark. 896:
In Norway, mountainous terrain and fjords formed strong natural boundaries. Communities remained independent of each other, unlike the situation in lowland Denmark. By 800, some 30 small kingdoms existed in Norway.
2516:). After the battle of Clontarf, the Dublin Vikings could no longer "single-handedly threaten the power of the most powerful kings of Ireland". Brian's rise to power and conflict with the Vikings is chronicled in 4924:
invested in the construction of a large fleet of ships to protect the entrance of the Guadalquivir and the coast of southern al-Andalus, after which Viking fleets had difficulties battling the Andalusī armada.
2626:, who was slain the following year under uncertain circumstances. The fall of Alt Clut marked a watershed in the history of the realm. Afterwards, the capital of the restructured kingdom was relocated about 12 754:
has argued that the start of the Viking Age can be pushed back to 700–750, as it was unlikely that the Lindisfarne attack was the first attack, and given archeological evidence that suggests contacts between
The first Viking raids began between 790 and 800 along the coasts of western France. They were carried out primarily in the summer, as the Vikings wintered in Scandinavia. Several coastal areas were lost to
6574: 11140:
Zwischen Reric und Bornhöved: die Beziehungen zwischen den Dänen und ihren slawischen Nachbarn vom 9. bis ins 13. Jahrhundert : Beiträge einer internationalen Konferenz, Leipzig, 4.–6. Dezember 1997
10257: 5781:
while Icelandic remains the closest to Old Norse. In present-day Iceland schoolchildren are able to read the 12th-century Icelandic sagas in the original language (in editions with normalised spelling).
8517: 5808:
spoken not just in Scandinavia but also in the courts of the Scandinavian rulers in Ireland, Scotland, England, France and Russia. The Norse origin of some words used today is obvious, as in the word
Simek, Rudolf (2005) "the emergence of the viking age: circumstances and conditions", "The vikings first Europeans VIII – XI century – the new discoveries of archaeology", other, pp. 24–25
2196:, where some settled as farmers and craftsmen. Most of the English kingdoms, being in turmoil, could not stand against the Vikings. In 867, Northumbria became the northern kingdom of the coalescing 8536: 5832:; numerous places in the East and North-east of England have Danish names, and many English personal names are of Scandinavian origin. Scandinavian words that entered the English language included 1567:
also likely had an impact. Tensions caused by Frankish expansion to the south of Scandinavia, and their subsequent attacks upon the Viking peoples, may have also played a role in Viking pillaging.
1871:(either a French dialect or a Romance language which can be classified as one of the Oïl languages along with French, Picard and Walloon), and their Norman culture, into England in 1066. With the 5650:
historical period they lived in, of the culture that produced them, and of other cultures they influenced. By her lights, not accounting for the doings of half the population would be ludicrous.
dates this event to 787 rather than 789), but that incursion may have been a trading expedition that went wrong rather than a piratical raid. Lindisfarne was different. The Viking devastation of
6755:(Louvain 1967) asserts that the phrase cannot be documented. It is asserted that the closest documented phrase is a sentence from an antiphon for churches dedicated to St. Vaast or St. Medard: 5366:
to find the sun's location, modern reproductions of Viking "sky-polarimetric" navigation have found these sun compasses to be highly inaccurate, and not usable in cloudy or foggy weather.
2669:. The Viking Age in Scotland came to an end after another 100 years. The last vestiges of Norse power in the Scottish seas and islands were completely relinquished after another 200 years. 7178:
Bruno Dumézil, master of Conference at Paris X–Nanterre, Normalien, aggregated history, author of conversion and freedom in the barbarian kingdoms. 5th – 8th centuries (Fayard, 2005)
the creation of Viking weapons; ornamentation is commonly seen among them. Scandinavian architecture during the Viking Age most often involved wood, due to the abundance of the material.
4809:, and much of the Iberian peninsula were under Muslim rule when Vikings first entered the Mediterranean in the 9th century. The Vikings launched their campaigns from their strongholds in 2837:, in Ayrshire. The battle proved indecisive, but it did ensure that the Norse were not able to mount a further attack that year. Haakon died overwintering in Orkney, and by 1266, his son 7768: 3036:
Viking Age, both individual and collective, with weapons and jewellery. Weapons found in Estonian Viking Age graves are common to types found throughout Northern Europe and Scandinavia.
famine: and not long after, on the sixth day before the ides of January in the same year, the harrowing inroads of heathen men made lamentable havoc in the church of God in Holy-island
Early Islamic Spain: The History of Ibn Al-Qūṭīya : a Study of the Unique Arabic Manuscript in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, with a Translation, Notes, and Comments
8413: 6608: 2899:, among other places. Place names such as Skokholm, Skomer, and Swansea remain as evidence of the Norse settlement. The Vikings, however, did not subdue the Welsh mountain kingdoms. 1973:. In the 10th and 11th centuries, Saxons and Slavs began to use trained mobile cavalry successfully against Viking foot soldiers, making it hard for Viking invaders to fight inland. 5483:. Close to the border with the Franks, it was effectively a crossroads between the cultures, until its eventual destruction by the Norwegians in an internecine dispute around 1050. 2220:
managed to keep them out of his country. Alfred and his successors continued to drive back the Viking frontier and take York. A new wave of Vikings appeared in England in 947, when
11557: 699:
included large swathes of Scandinavia and Britain. In 1021, the Vikings achieved the feat of reaching North America—the date of which was not determined until a millennium later.
7703: 5479:
As Viking ships carried cargo and trade goods throughout the Baltic area and beyond, their active trading centres grew into thriving towns. One important centre of trade was at
4577:, found in 1871 among a hoard at Mullaghboden, County Limerick, where coins were neither minted nor normally used in trade, probably represents booty from the raids of 843–846. 11580: 4798:
from whence they could strike as far as northern Spain. These Vikings were Hispanicised in all the Christian kingdoms, while they kept their ethnic identity and culture in
were Scandinavians, often Swedes, who migrated eastwards and southwards through what is now Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, mainly in the 9th and 10th centuries. Engaging in
6457:, that is plundering. In this sense, most Viking-age Scandinavians were not Vikings at all, but peaceful farmers and craftsmen who stayed quietly at home all their lives." 1571:("Harald Fairhair") had united Norway around this time and displaced many peoples. As a result, these people sought for new bases to launch counter-raids against Harald. 6542:
that the term is today used throughout the world as a descriptor of the peoples of Scandinavia in the period from the late eighth Century until the mid-eleventh Century.
2865: 10881: 4588:
against Viking raiders. His military success allowed him to replace the Carolingians. In 911, a band of Viking warriors attempted to siege Chartres but was defeated by
4531:(814–840). But the Vikings took advantage of the quarrels in the royal family caused after the death of Louis the Pious to settle their first colony in the south-west ( 3574:. Menzlin was set up in the mid-8th century. Wolin and Ralswiek began to prosper in the course of the 9th century. A merchants' settlement has also been suggested near 1781:, which was followed in 795 by raids upon the northern coast of Ireland. From bases there, the Norsemen attacked Iona again in 802, causing great slaughter amongst the 5681:
as connecting people who live in modern times with women of the Viking Age similarly to archaeological evidence, often telling more about the lives of women than the
These Viking territories became part of the patchwork of kingdoms in Ireland. Vikings intermarried with the Irish and adopted elements of Irish culture, becoming the
5279:. Conflict with indigenous peoples and lack of support from Greenland brought the Vinland colony to an end within a few years. The archaeological remains are now a 9358: 5635:
13th-century literature. By this reasoning, changing cultural values necessarily greatly affected perceptions of women particularly and of gender roles generally.
3508: 1862:(a chieftain of disputed Norwegian or Danish origins) in order to stave off attacks by other Vikings. Charles gave Rollo the title of duke. In return, Rollo swore 546:
undertook large-scale raiding, colonising, conquest, and trading throughout Europe and reached North America. The Viking Age applies not only to their homeland of
9596: 9513: 10261: 6552: 11601: 9926: 9480: 2408:
burnt all Viking longphorts in the north, and they never managed to establish permanent settlements in that region. The Vikings were driven from Dublin in 902.
2095: 905:
rovers were traders, colonisers, explorers, and plunderers who were notorious in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and other places in Europe for being brutal.
15857: 9306: 5797:
of the runic inscriptions (little is known definitely about their syntax) "can be shown to develop regularly into Viking-Age, medieval and modern Scandinavian
The Vikings who invaded western and eastern Europe were mainly pagans from the same area as present-day Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. They also settled in the
16223: 10232: 10116: 1660:. Bruno Dumézil theorises that the Viking attacks may have been in response to the spread of Christianity among pagan peoples. Because of the penetration of 13523: 11550: 8007: 7096: 5539:. The international trade routes that enabled the passage of goods by ship from Scandinavia to the east were mentioned in early medieval literature as the 16359: 13703: 9871: 6759:, "Our supreme and holy Grace, protecting us and ours, deliver us, God, from the savage race of Northmen which lays waste our realms." Magnus Magnusson, 6679: 5070:
According to the Annales Bertiniani, Danish Vikings embarked on a long voyage in 859, sailing eastward through the Strait of Gibraltar then up the river
2868:, explicitly exempting them from any "dissolution of His Majesty's lands", they are currently considered as being officially part of the United Kingdom. 11719: 2990:
area divided between two major cultural regions, a coastal and an inland one, corresponding to the historical cultural and linguistic division between
2244:, won the throne of England in 1016 through conquest. When Cnut the Great died in 1035 he was a king of Denmark, England, Norway, and parts of Sweden. 1563:, was a possible reason, although some disagree with this theory. Technological advances like the use of iron and a shortage of women due to selective 9223: 2142:(Series K type 32a) dating to 720–750 and minted in Kent. It is edged in a dotted triangle pattern. Origin is the Danelaw region and dates to 870–930. 11053: 1790:
The Vikings primarily targeted Ireland until 830, as England and the Carolingian Empire were able to fight the Vikings off. However, after 830 
5358:, suggests that the Vikings made use of an optical compass as a navigation aid, using the light-splitting and polarisation-filtering properties of 2216:
along with his earls. As a result, many of the Vikings returned to northern England, where Jorvic had become the centre of the Viking kingdom, but
2079: 11543: 5966:. In terms of Y-DNA composition, Viking individuals were similar to present-day Scandinavians. The most common Y-DNA haplogroup in the study was 4931:
writes that this Viking raid had occurred on 1 October 844, when most of the Iberian peninsula was controlled by the emirate. His account says a
4433: 1515: 11206:
Mägi, Marika (2015). "Chapter 4. Bound for the Eastern Baltic: Trade and Centres AD 800–1200". In Barrett, James H.; Gibbon, Sarah Jane (eds.).
over us" and bring peace to the region. This was a somewhat bilateral relation with the Varangians defending the cities that they ruled. Led by
3102:"Sigurd Ring (Sigurðr) was not there, since he had to defend his land, Sweden (Svíþjóð), since Curonians (Kúrir) and Kvænir were raiding there." 759:
and the British isles earlier in the century. The earliest raids were most likely small in scale, but expanded in scale during the 9th century.
15872: 10037:
Historia de los vikingos en España: ataques e incursiones contra los reinos cristianos y musulmanes de la Península Ibérica en los siglos IX–XI
9597:"Responses to Viking threat: Building defences, population displacement, and folklore development | Responses to the attack on Seville, AD 844" 7762: 2091: 1539: 792:, who wrote: "Never before in Britain has such a terror appeared". Vikings were portrayed as wholly violent and bloodthirsty by their enemies. 8079: 2915:, a Viking from the Faroe Islands, after which it was settled by mostly Norwegians fleeing the oppressive rule of Harald Fairhair in 985  2435:, which became Ireland's first large towns. They were important trading hubs, and Viking Dublin was the biggest slave port in western Europe. 10849:
ending is almost entirely confined to the area of the Danelaw, supporting a theory of Scandinavian origin, despite the existence of the word
Orkneyinga Saga, Anderson, Joseph, (Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas, 1873), FHL microfilm 253063., pp. 134, 139, 144–145, 149–151, 163, 193.
5555: 3786: 3624: 3316: 1737:
who attempted to force them to come to the king's manor, whereupon they killed the reeve and his men. The beginning of the Viking Age in the
606: 16478: 15949: 11597: 11474: 8421: 8408: 8339: 8140: 6600: 3225:
remained in usage in the Byzantine Empire until the 13th century, largely disconnected from its Scandinavian roots by then. Having settled
has also challenged the "overpopulation" thesis, arguing that scholars are "simply repeating an ancient cliché that has no basis in fact."
9283: 9253: 8313: 6834: 2112: 2092: 16483: 16473: 16468: 16458: 15254: 7874: 5895:
There are more than 1,500 Scandinavian place names in England, mainly in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire (within the former boundaries of the
Frisia was a region which spanned from around modern-day Bruges to the islands on the west coast of Jutland—including large parts of the
2072: 11585: 5840:. The vast majority of loan words did not appear in documents until the early 12th century; these included many modern words which used 3346:. The maritime districts of East Götland and Uppland were known in earlier times as Roþer or Roþin, and later as Roslagen. According to 2752:
The Norse-Gaelic Kings of the Isles continued to act semi independently, in 973 forming a defensive pact with the Kings of Scotland and
16488: 16463: 16453: 14128: 10984: 9785:"'Conversion' to Islam in Early Medieval Europe: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives on Arab and Northern Eurasian Interactions" 5950:
in September 2020 examined the population genomics of the Viking Age. The remains of four hundred forty-two ancient humans from across
17: 7697: 2082: 8124: 5825: 5354:
Exactly how the Vikings navigated the open seas with such success is unclear. A study published by the Royal Society in its journal,
889:, became the precursor to present-day Scandinavian languages. By 801, a strong central authority appears to have been established in 8101: 5854:
again, awkward, birth, cake, dregs, fog, freckles, gasp, law, moss, neck, ransack, root, scowl, sister, seat, sly, smile, want, weak
5547:, while those destined for Byzantium might take one of several routes through present-day north-eastern Poland or the Baltic lands. 2093: 15175: 11586: 11583: 8704: 8265: 715:
to Christianity may also have been a factor. Sailing innovations had allowed the Vikings to sail farther and longer to begin with.
8705:"The research on the origin of Russians and Ukrainians as the indicator of politicization of Russian national minority in Ukraine" 5051:). The ships were destroyed and their Viking crews killed. The remaining vessels continued up the Atlantic coast and landed near ( 3452:
by the beginning of the 11th century. Some evidence suggests that Old Norse may have been spoken amongst the Rus' later, however.
The Curonians were known as fierce warriors, excellent sailors and pirates. They were involved in several wars and alliances with
2400:. Over the following decades, there was regular warfare between the Vikings and the Irish, and between two groups of Vikings: the 15193: 14059: 13240: 11994: 11631: 11593: 11590: 11137:
Kempke, Torsten (2001). "Skandinavisch-slawische Kontakte an der südlichen Ostseeküste". In Harck, Ole; Lübke, Christian (eds.).
2192:, arrived in East Anglia. They proceeded to cross England into Northumbria and captured York, establishing a Viking community in 11682: 11582: 11226: 9993:
Nuevas ideas sobre la conquista árabe de España: toponimia y onomástica : discurso leído en el acto de su recepción pública
8496: 5440:
Some of the most important trading ports founded by the Norse during the period include both existing and former cities such as
along some fjords allowed for a pastoral lifestyle similar to that of Iceland, until the climate changed for the worse with the
2084: 2080: 2003:
The end of the Viking Age is traditionally marked in England by the failed invasion attempted by the Norwegian king Harald III (
796:'s Chronicle, c. 1300, mentions Viking attacks on the people of East Anglia wherein they are described as "wolves among sheep". 12784: 11837: 11587: 9193: 8466: 8366: 5550:
The Vikings catered to the demand for slaves in the southern slave markets in the Orthodox Eastern Roman Empire and the Muslim
Ibn Hayyān wrote about the Viking campaign of 859–861 in al-Andalus, perhaps relying on the account given by Muslim historian
4943:, inflicting many casualties and taking numerous hostages with the intent to ransom them. Another group of Vikings had gone to 3473: 2937:
Kvenland, known as Cwenland, Kænland, and similar terms in medieval sources, is an ancient name for an area in Scandinavia and
in Scotland is generally considered to be in 1266. In 1263, King Haakon IV of Norway, in retaliation for a Scots expedition to
2020: 5130:, but eventually retreated in the face of continued resistance by the townspeople led by their governor, Wahb Allah ibn Hazm. 2090: 15827: 12672: 11812: 11418: 11404: 11390: 11376: 11362: 11320: 11215: 11148: 11127: 11099: 11017: 10878: 10798: 10771: 10744: 10715: 10688: 10661: 10634: 10607: 10580: 10548: 10519: 10492: 10465: 10438: 10411: 10384: 10357: 10126: 10045: 10018: 9909: 9854: 9632: 9551: 9155: 9128: 9101: 8973: 8944: 8851: 8764: 8740: 8687: 8664: 8623: 8596: 8569: 8445: 7955: 7868: 7817: 7793: 7666: 7639: 7612: 7583: 7492: 7432: 7405: 7364: 7334: 7238: 7137: 7087: 7057: 6931: 6873: 6817: 6757:
Summa pia gratia nostra conservando corpora et cutodita, de gente fera Normannica nos libera, quae nostra vastat, Deus, regna
6659: 2374: 2081: 2073: 513: 14024: 14019: 13878: 13618: 13388: 11023: 10302: 7961: 7823: 7550: 7498: 7370: 6528: 6484: 6351: 5395:
For most of the Viking Age, Scandinavian society generally followed Norse paganism. The traditions of this faith, including
in what is now Morocco, kidnapped women of the royal family, and returned them when the emir of Córdoba paid their ransoms.
16448: 12720: 11594: 9429: 8286:
Matthews, W. K. "Medieval Baltic Tribes". American Slavic and East European Review, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Apr. 1949), pp. 126–136.
Wales was not colonised by the Vikings as heavily as eastern England. The Vikings did, however, settle in the south around
2104: 578: 11584: 10060: 5778: 5605:, this influence is seen in the language and setting of the poem. Another example of Viking Age cultural influence is the 2077: 16283: 16258: 16198: 15769: 13195: 12677: 11933: 9723: 9665: 8824: 6899: 6736: 5036: 3763: 618: 42: 11598: 11510:– BBC History (collection of short articles under the headings Overview, Raiders and Settlers, Viking Culture, Evidence) 9350: 16374: 15623: 11863: 11822: 10954: 9767: 8392: 6522: 6252: 3330:
The consensus among western scholars, disputed by Russian scholars, who believe them to be a Slavic tribe, is that the
1851: 1532: 8612:
Bjerg, Line; Lind, John H.; Sindbæk, Søren Michael (2013). Bjerg, Line; Lind, John H.; Sindbæk, Søren Michael (eds.).
from Old Norse meaning "wind-eye". Some of the words that came into use are among the most common in English, such as
from 866, and discoveries there (e.g., a silk cap, a counterfeit of a coin from Samarkand, and a cowry shell from the
4882:, from which they controlled the region for several weeks. Their attack on the city forced its inhabitants to flee to 16417: 16379: 15909: 14274: 12804: 12377: 11979: 11595: 11468: 11451: 11423:
Carey, Brian Todd. "Technical marvels, Viking longships sailed seas and rivers, or served as floating battlefields",
11290: 11261: 11167: 10833: 10197: 10099: 10072: 9977: 9941: 9487: 7749: 7728: 7544: 7271: 7217: 7196: 6768: 6712: 6568: 6020:
The genetic data from these areas affirmed conclusions previously drawn from historical and archaeological evidence.
4737: 4722: 4642: 3617: 2945:
account written in the 9th century. It used the information provided by the Norwegian adventurer and traveller named
and "carried off a great number of women into captivity". From 840 the Vikings began building fortified encampments,
2287: 2067:
belonged to the king of Norway as late as 1469. Consequently, a "long Viking Age" may stretch into the 15th century.
Viking expansion in Europe between the 8th and 11th centuries: The yellow colour corresponds to the expansion of the
1095: 582: 280: 14064: 11579: 7452: 4884: 2881: 800:
Old Icelandic language appeared, enabling more Victorian scholars to read the primary texts of the Icelandic Sagas.
15754: 15349: 14236: 12306: 12108: 11817: 11687: 6449:
The term "Viking" has come to be applied to all Scandinavians of the period, but in the Viking Age itself the term
of the local population and cultural assimilation was a slow process. However, several Frisian towns, most notably
ultimately derives from the noun roþer ('rowing'), a word also used in naval campaigns in the leþunger (Old Norse:
2404:(dark and fair foreigners). The Vikings also briefly allied with various Irish kings against their rivals. In 866, 1895:
also expanded to the east, and in 859 became ruler either by conquest or invitation by local people of the city of
793: 8176: 5126:(الأشبونة). After a thirteen-day siege in which they plundered the surrounding countryside, the Vikings conquered 4620:
The Scandinavian expansion included Danish and Norwegian as well as Swedish elements, all under the leadership of
the Vikings most likely had a base of operations. Viking leaders took an active role in Frisian politics, such as
was "a patron of the arts, a benefactor of the church, and an economic innovator" who established Ireland's first
2089: 16443: 15877: 15779: 15382: 15247: 15198: 14406: 13337: 12820: 11714: 11578: 3721: 1661: 1028: 275: 253: 14014: 4972: 2841:
ceded the Kingdom of Man and the Isles, with all territories on mainland Scotland to Alexander III, through the
2086: 2078: 16243: 16183: 16155: 15914: 15566: 15399: 15337: 15188: 14456: 14261: 14121: 13588: 13210: 12268: 11878: 11599: 11591: 8155: 6478: 6442: 6400: 6345: 6304: 5351:, a form of home, often featuring ornamentation, are commonly seen as the defining building of the Viking Age. 4597: 4535:) of the kingdom of Francia, which was more or less abandoned by the Frankish kings after their two defeats at 4506: 2733:
In 876, the Norse-Gaels of Mann and the Hebrides rebelled against Harald. A fleet was sent against them led by
1876: 594: 11596: 11581: 11458: 10158: 6675: 5665:) are recordings of mythological narratives preserved in the forms in which they were written by 13th-century 3422:—to stop the emigration, especially as two other European courts simultaneously also recruited Scandinavians: 2482: 2076: 2071: 1733:
off the coast of Dorset. They apparently were mistaken for merchants by a royal official, Beaduhard, a king's
16329: 16160: 15774: 15683: 14095: 14049: 13934: 13808: 13225: 13200: 12779: 12022: 11898: 11739: 6937: 4456: 3161: 1525: 13413: 11589: 5362:
to find the location of the sun when it was not directly visible. While some evidence points to such use of
of the southern and western coast. They settled in three separate areas along roughly 650 km (350 
4967:, prepared a military contingent to meet them, and on 11 November a pitched battle ensued on the grounds of 2919:. While harsh, the land allowed for a pastoral farming life familiar to the Norse. According to the saga of 762:
In the Lindisfarne attack, monks were killed in the abbey, thrown into the sea to drown, or carried away as
14337: 13914: 13909: 13235: 12042: 11692: 9215: 4940: 4585: 4502: 3610: 173: 13473: 12667: 11588: 11256:. Cambridge, Mass.: Distributed by Harvard University Press for the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute. 10062: 7095:
Cite error: The named reference "Ferguson2009" was defined multiple times with different content (see the
Together with an increasing centralisation of government in the Scandinavian countries, the old system of
2860:. Although attempts were made during the 17th and 18th centuries to redeem Shetland, without success, and 2088: 1829:, depicted as a "Viking territory in 911", was not part of the lands granted by the king of the Franks to 16339: 15733: 15728: 15344: 15203: 14216: 13904: 13408: 13100: 12995: 12572: 12138: 11984: 11893: 11883: 11729: 11724: 11624: 11592: 11045: 10142: 5503:. However, those items could also have been Byzantine imports, and there is no reason to assume that the 4935:
of about 80 Viking ships, after attacking Asturias, Galicia and Lisbon, had ascended the Guadalquivir to
4871: 4835:
The first Viking attacks in al-Andalus in AD 844 greatly affected the region. Medieval texts such as the
3781: 2232: 695:). The Norse homelands were also unified into larger kingdoms during the Viking Age, and the short-lived 385: 13503: 13180: 13020: 10035: 7398:
Beowulf and Other Stories: A New Introduction to Old English, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman Literatures
7250: 5812:
referring to the cold sea mist on the east coast of Scotland and England; it derives from the Old Norse
4592:. Robert's victory later paved way for the baptism, and settlement in Normandy, of Viking leader Rollo. 2075: 2074: 16334: 16324: 16288: 16130: 16032: 15789: 15784: 15240: 14369: 14364: 13748: 13280: 13250: 13135: 12875: 12284: 12076: 12027: 11974: 10061:
Jean-Pierre Leguay; António Henrique R. de Oliveira Marques; Maria Ângela V. da Rocha Beirante (1993).
9188: 8710:. Wyższej Szkoły Gospodarki Krajowej w Kutnie (University of National Economy in Kutno). pp. 85–86 8076: 6292: 5686: 5310: 4678:
and sacked the city. The Vikings then moved another 60 miles down the Tuscan coast to the mouth of the
4638: 3229:(Ladoga) in the 750s, Scandinavian colonists were probably an element in the early ethnogenesis of the 2953:
sources, primarily Icelandic, but also one that was possibly written in the modern-day area of Norway.
2757: 2345:. Their attacks became bigger and reached further inland, striking larger monastic settlements such as 2264: 2108: 1916: 390: 8935:. In Aannestad, Hanne Lovise; Pedersen, Unn; Moen, Marianne; Naumann, Elise; Berg, Heidi Lund (eds.). 3266: 2518: 2204:, as a puppet king. By 870, the "Great Summer Army" arrived in England, led by a Viking leader called 16057: 15820: 15759: 15513: 15474: 15221: 14401: 14308: 14301: 14279: 14114: 14090: 13753: 13125: 12799: 12253: 11989: 11827: 11807: 11797: 9817: 6112: 4212: 2291: 2252: 2201: 2087: 2036: 2012: 1399: 506: 38: 13974: 4994: 3214:, reaching the Caspian Sea and Constantinople. Contemporary English publications also use the name " 2848:
Orkney and Shetland continued to be ruled as autonomous Jarldoms under Norway until 1468, when King
2693:) and parts of mainland Scotland. The Norse settlers were to some extent integrating with the local 641:
emerged from these Norse colonies. The Vikings founded several kingdoms and earldoms in Europe: the
16498: 16308: 14441: 14426: 14241: 14226: 13598: 13150: 13120: 13115: 12835: 12447: 12258: 12088: 11938: 11928: 11832: 11792: 11709: 11667: 6327: 5790: 5754: 5642: 3818: 2825:, arrived on the west coast with a fleet from Norway and Orkney. His fleet linked up with those of 2690: 2485: 2338: 1309: 1117: 1048: 882: 370: 13683: 12965: 11751: 8615:
From Goths to Varangians: Communication and Cultural Exchange between the Baltic and the Black Sea
3418:, declared that no one could inherit while staying in "Greece"—the then Scandinavian term for the 3274: 3125:
served as an important economical, political and cultural centre for the Curonians. Chapter 46 of
2946: 2580: 2085: 1648:(about 1250–1850). The start of the Viking Age, with the sack of Lindisfarne, also coincided with 16012: 15982: 15764: 15422: 14556: 14446: 14436: 14431: 14251: 14231: 14188: 13818: 13763: 13493: 13220: 13070: 13025: 12985: 12294: 12123: 11903: 11802: 11782: 7723:
Badsey, S. Nicolle, D, Turnbull, S (1999). "The Timechart of Military History". Worth Press Ltd,
Selective female infanticide as partial explanation for dearth of women in Viking Age Scandinavia
6842: 6560: 6514: 6337: 4486: 4097: 2415:(House of Ivar). During the next eight years the Vikings won decisive battles against the Irish, 1883: 1329: 216: 13949: 13793: 13443: 9657: 8336: 4985: 3130: 1969:
of Bremen-Hamburg, which precipitated the complete and permanent withdrawal of the Vikings from
893:, and the Danes were beginning to look beyond their own territory for land, trade, and plunder. 16369: 16125: 15899: 15588: 15417: 14958: 14391: 14386: 14313: 14208: 13899: 13468: 13205: 13010: 13000: 12895: 12730: 12289: 12248: 12183: 12098: 12052: 11913: 11873: 11868: 11761: 11617: 11567: 9275: 9245: 8305: 7947: 5682: 5598: 5232:, was established before the 12th century. It has been extensively excavated by archaeologists. 3661: 3649: 3528: 3076: 2830: 2753: 2658: 2647: 2401: 2251:
The Viking presence declined until 1066, when they lost their final battle with the English at
Viking expeditions (blue line): depicting the immense breadth of their voyages through most of
1560: 976: 963: 551: 309: 304: 153: 13989: 13788: 12870: 10761: 10732: 10568: 10482: 10455: 10430:
In Austrvegr: The Role of the Eastern Baltic in Viking Age Communication across the Baltic Sea
10374: 10008: 9991: 9757: 9713: 9145: 9089: 8588:
In Austrvegr: The Role of the Eastern Baltic in Viking Age Communication across the Baltic Sea
8586: 8557: 7858: 7656: 7600: 7573: 7393: 6807: 6726: 5543:
passing through the eastern Baltic region. Ships headed to the river Volga sailed through the
5060: 4975:, over time, the few Norse survivors converted to Islam and settled as farmers in the area of 3108: 16188: 16080: 16037: 15668: 15533: 14256: 14146: 13944: 13843: 13628: 13448: 12830: 12789: 12750: 12682: 12652: 12370: 12263: 12118: 11908: 11746: 11677: 11227:"Indigenous and imported Viking Age weapons in Norway – a problem with European implications" 10705: 10678: 10624: 10536: 10428: 10401: 10089: 9897: 9844: 9622: 9568: 9539: 9118: 8961: 8932: 8841: 7856: 7629: 7422: 7324: 7127: 7077: 7047: 6386: 6257: 5276: 5272: 5242: 4753: 4663: 4625: 4466: 4375: 3247:. It was the time of rapid expansion of the Vikings in Northern Europe; England began to pay 2999: 2987: 2981: 2861: 2857: 2784:
speaker, who was styled 'King of the Hebrides'. His kingdom was to develop latterly into the
2584: 2531: 1713:
The earliest date given for the coming of Vikings to England is 789 during the reign of King
780: 704: 590: 395: 198: 14029: 13508: 13423: 13373: 10976: 10788: 10651: 10597: 10509: 10345: 8812: 8754: 8613: 7809:
Cross and Scepter: The Rise of the Scandinavian Kingdoms from the Vikings to the Reformation
Cross and Scepter: The Rise of the Scandinavian Kingdoms from the Vikings to the Reformation
Cross and Scepter: The Rise of the Scandinavian Kingdoms from the Vikings to the Reformation
6434: 5583:
The Viking Age saw many of the earliest Scandinavian cultural developments. The traditional
5248: 4889: 4752:
after a battle against Arabs in Sicily. On the other hand, many Anglo-Danish rebels fleeing
4741: 4718: 4228: 3093:("ring"), a legendary king of Denmark and Sweden, fought against the invading Curonians and 1447: 16493: 16407: 16349: 16145: 16052: 16022: 16007: 15813: 15723: 15718: 15658: 15593: 15498: 14347: 14318: 14221: 14054: 13969: 13833: 13728: 13708: 13332: 13230: 13190: 13185: 13165: 13130: 13065: 12975: 12940: 12900: 12890: 12885: 12880: 12745: 12657: 12238: 12128: 11943: 11519: 10904: 10867: 9595:
García Losquiño, Irene (2019). Price, Neil; Eriksen, Marianne Hem; Jahnke, Carsten (eds.).
8896: 6129: 6010: 5798: 5567: 5264: 5133:
The chronicler Ibn Hayyān, who wrote the most reliable early history of al-Andalus, in his
5004:. They finally ventured inland, entering the mouth of the river Segura and sailing towards 4710: 4498: 4395: 2877: 2728: 2685: 2493: 2443: 2275: 2083: 2040: 1978: 1641: 851: 820: 642: 499: 430: 231: 183: 84: 13994: 13483: 12955: 11046:"World's largest DNA sequencing of Viking skeletons reveals they weren't all Scandinavian" 8781: 8121: 5377:. It appears to date from long before the invention of the telescope in the 17th century. 4963:), an island in the river, for the ransom money to arrive. Meantime, the emir of Qurṭuba, 824: 8: 16438: 16293: 16273: 16253: 16218: 16150: 16062: 15929: 15688: 15618: 15561: 15478: 15304: 15183: 14396: 13999: 13894: 13813: 13578: 13433: 13160: 13110: 13090: 13030: 12990: 12915: 12767: 12624: 12203: 12133: 12103: 12057: 12032: 11888: 11787: 11770: 11535: 11443:
Viking Pirates and Christian Princes: Dynasty, Religion, and Empire in the North Atlantic
Margaryan, Ashot; et al. (17 July 2019). "Population genomics of the Viking world".
9965: 8098: 6392: 5963: 5658: 5584: 5363: 5283: 5039:, who tells of a Viking fleet of sixty-two ships that sailed up to Išbīliya and occupied 4928: 4859:), the fleet sailed southward around the peninsula, raiding coastal towns along the way. 4814: 4806: 4510: 3559: 3486: 2908: 2838: 2666: 2603: 2497: 2122: 2028: 1714: 1621: 727: 598: 14009: 13603: 12980: 12532: 10908: 8257: 7895:Ó Corráin, Donnchadh (2001), "The Vikings in Ireland", in Larsen, Anne-Christine (ed.), 5587:, still often read today, are seen as characteristic literary works of Northern Europe. 3133:
in Courland. According to some opinions, they took part in attacking Sweden's main city
2455: 2319:
In 795, small bands of Vikings began plundering monastic settlements along the coast of
along with the church treasures, giving rise to the traditional (but unattested) prayer—
163: 16397: 16233: 16208: 16110: 15987: 15939: 15934: 15924: 15862: 15794: 15698: 15482: 15434: 15429: 15332: 15322: 15279: 15271: 14566: 14418: 14357: 14246: 14178: 14154: 13984: 13979: 13924: 13543: 13488: 13378: 13265: 13170: 13095: 13085: 13015: 12970: 12945: 12935: 12905: 12865: 12845: 12527: 12507: 12233: 12160: 12150: 12037: 11918: 11851: 11704: 11530: 11187: 10946: 9650: 6548: 5766: 5758: 5726: 5678: 5671: 5256: 5225: 5203: 4841: 4589: 3805: 3704: 3679: 3415: 3411: 3402:
The term "Varangian" became more common from the 11th century onwards. In these years,
3347: 3335: 3021: 2746: 2623: 2509: 2501: 2467: 2366: 2268: 2181: 2173: 2150:, Viking raiders struck England in 793 and raided Lindisfarne, the monastery that held 2024: 1855: 1629: 1568: 1564: 1319: 1041: 993: 816: 708: 344: 270: 188: 178: 168: 13673: 10348:. In Birnbaum, Henrik; Eekman, Thomas; McLean, Hugh; Riasanovsky, Nicholas V. (eds.). 8005:
Hudson, Benjamin T. "Sihtric (Sigtryggr Óláfsson, Sigtryggr Silkiskegg) (died 1042)".
Lund, Niels (2001). "The Danish Empire and the End of the Viking Age", pp. 167–181 in
Cultural Difference and Material Culture in Middle English Romance: Normans and Saxons
6587:"Vikings" is the usual generic term given today to all Scandinavians of the Viking Age 5824:
The long-term linguistic effects of the Viking settlements in England were threefold:
5189: 5142:
there thirteen days, during which time they engaged in three battles with the Muslims.
5043:. The Muslims seized two of their ships, laden with goods and coins, off the coast of 4515:
The French region of Normandy takes its name from the Viking invaders who were called
4315: 3567: 3031:
The landscape of Ancient Estonia featured numerous hillforts, some later hillforts on
While few records are known, the Vikings are thought to have led their first raids in
1990: 1845:
under Charlemagne was particularly devastated by these raiders, who could sail up the
16393: 16135: 16105: 16095: 16085: 16002: 15992: 15977: 15844: 15673: 15648: 15628: 15608: 15598: 15488: 15470: 15439: 15372: 15289: 15263: 14342: 14193: 14168: 14069: 14004: 13964: 13954: 13929: 13838: 13823: 13738: 13663: 13608: 13533: 13463: 13418: 13305: 13175: 13145: 13140: 13105: 13075: 13055: 13040: 12960: 12840: 12794: 12740: 12662: 12567: 12330: 12218: 12175: 12155: 12062: 12047: 12017: 11957: 11662: 11649: 11464: 11447: 11414: 11400: 11386: 11372: 11358: 11316: 11286: 11267: 11257: 11211: 11194: 11173: 11163: 11144: 11123: 11095: 11013: 10950: 10938: 10930: 10829: 10794: 10767: 10740: 10711: 10684: 10657: 10630: 10603: 10576: 10544: 10515: 10488: 10461: 10457:
Slaves from the North: Finns and Karelians in the East European Slave Trade, 900–1600
10434: 10407: 10380: 10353: 10193: 10122: 10095: 10068: 10041: 10014: 9973: 9905: 9850: 9763: 9719: 9661: 9628: 9547: 9151: 9124: 9097: 8969: 8940: 8847: 8820: 8793: 8760: 8736: 8683: 8660: 8656: 8619: 8592: 8565: 8488: 8441: 8388: 7951: 7864: 7813: 7789: 7745: 7724: 7662: 7635: 7608: 7579: 7540: 7488: 7428: 7401: 7360: 7330: 7267: 7234: 7213: 7192: 7133: 7083: 7053: 6995: 6927: 6879: 6869: 6813: 6764: 6732: 6708: 6655: 6564: 6518: 6474: 6470: 6438: 6423: 6396: 6341: 6300: 5551: 5524: 5214: 5165: 4862:
In Irene García Losquiño's telling, these Vikings navigated their boats up the river
4773: 4730: 4605: 4478: 4077: 3791: 3709: 3689: 3674: 3445: 3380:. In modern times the name still exists as Roslagen, the name of the coastal area of 3302: 3295: 3239: 3234: 2803: 2785: 2768: 2742: 2654: 2488:
the Dublin Vikings and forced them into submission. Over the following thirty years,
2459: 2447: 2393: 2385: 2213: 2177: 1982: 1954: 1859: 1806: 1374: 1080: 1003: 988: 917: 682: 674: 658: 650: 610: 349: 226: 203: 193: 13428: 13050: 9183: 8458: 8360: 4901: 4667: 2677:
By the mid-9th century, the Norsemen had settled in Shetland, Orkney (the Nordreys-
2576: 2169:
in the Thames estuary. In 864, they reverted to Thanet for their winter encampment.
written by those the Vikings encountered, as well as archaeology, supplemented with
64: 16503: 16354: 16303: 16298: 16238: 16203: 16115: 16072: 16042: 15964: 15882: 15852: 15663: 15578: 15523: 15493: 15444: 15404: 15387: 15377: 15312: 15284: 14765: 14137: 14034: 13959: 13939: 13919: 13853: 13798: 13783: 13768: 13713: 13553: 13538: 13080: 13060: 13045: 13035: 12950: 12930: 12920: 12910: 12850: 12715: 12647: 12363: 12213: 12113: 11969: 11657: 10920: 10912: 10376:
Ancient Scandinavia: An Archaeological History from the First Humans to the Vikings
10284: 9829: 9825: 9796: 8728: 8433: 8012: 7788:
Lawson, M.K. (2004). "Cnut: England's Viking King 1016–35". The History Press Ltd.
From Viking Stronghold to Christian Kingdom: State Formation in Norway, c. 900–1350
Ancient Scandinavia: An Archaeological History from the First Humans to the Vikings
7025: 6985: 6975: 6296: 6014: 5939: 5888:
is almost certainly Scandinavian in origin, as is the third-person-singular ending
5829: 5777:, and other North Germanic varieties of which Norwegian, Danish and Swedish retain 5774: 5762: 5627: 5613:; this influence is primarily a legacy of the various Viking invasions of England. 5610: 5500: 5079: 5029: 4964: 4921: 4851: 4726: 4714: 4470: 4415: 4145: 3740: 3694: 3669: 3419: 3165: 2950: 2807: 2587:
as king of both Picts and Scots can be attributed to the aftermath of this event).
2568: 2416: 2324: 2305: 2260: 2217: 2039:. Godwinson was subsequently defeated within a month by another Viking descendant, 2008: 1773: 1730: 1553: 1424: 1102: 1008: 983: 804: 774:, "Free us from the fury of the Northmen, Lord." Three Viking ships had beached in 723: 696: 380: 238: 221: 13498: 13383: 10680:
The Viking-age Rune-stones: Custom and Commemoration in Early Medieval Scandinavia
The Viking-age Rune-stones: Custom and Commemoration in Early Medieval Scandinavia
8024: 5229: 4370: 4274: 3977: 2405: 2381: 1494: 16364: 16278: 16248: 15972: 15889: 15703: 15678: 15466: 15449: 15294: 14374: 14352: 14296: 14266: 14150: 14044: 13803: 13718: 13678: 13658: 13643: 13623: 13568: 13563: 13558: 13528: 13352: 13320: 13215: 13005: 12925: 12860: 12855: 12825: 12492: 12440: 12339: 12243: 12228: 12165: 12093: 11999: 11734: 11507: 11442: 11437: 11138: 11089: 11007: 10885: 10306: 10299: 10211: 10162: 9740: 9682: 9433: 8543: 8524: 8417: 8370: 8343: 8159: 8128: 8105: 8083: 7941: 7807: 7534: 7482: 7354: 6903: 6649: 6508: 6504: 6464: 6331: 6006: 5770: 5721: 5544: 5528: 5499:) suggest that Scandinavian trade connections in the 10th century reached beyond 5390: 5091: 4878:(Coria del Río), a small town about 15 km south of the city. Then they took 4787: 4757: 4528: 4355: 4345: 4052: 3929: 3810: 3748: 3714: 3591: 3407: 3256: 2896: 2842: 2834: 2826: 2802:
The Jarls of Orkney continued to rule much of northern Scotland until 1196, when
2781: 2764: 2738: 2662: 2256: 2245: 2237: 2228: 2166: 2032: 2004: 1872: 1868: 1734: 1279: 1157: 1018: 855: 634: 13858: 13778: 9424: 5733:) state that Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, and Danes spoke the same language, 5432: 5411: 4709:
Many Anglo-Danish and Varangian mercenaries fought in Southern Italy, including
3952: 3492:
Viking Age Scandinavian settlements were set up along the southern coast of the
to regain control. On his success, Ketil was to rule the Sudreys as a vassal of
2451: 1702: 1179: 835:
developed a more "rational" and "pragmatic" approach to historical scholarship.
during the period. The Scandinavians of the Viking Age are often referred to as
16268: 16213: 16167: 16120: 16100: 15944: 15867: 15653: 15643: 15638: 15633: 15613: 15603: 15518: 15461: 15354: 15317: 15048: 14832: 14496: 14183: 14085: 13698: 13668: 13285: 12699: 12311: 12299: 8016: 6980: 6963: 6601:"Solar storm confirms Vikings settled in North America exactly 1,000 years ago" 6228: 6201: 5997:
Margaryan et al. 2020 examined the skeletal remains of 42 individuals from the
5975: 5971: 5955: 5631: 5571: 5563: 5473: 5386: 5206:: The remains of about 450 farms have been found here. Erik the Red settled at 5048: 4761: 4634: 4601: 4305: 3758: 3684: 3457: 3453: 3423: 3403: 3331: 3230: 3016: 2995: 2991: 2773: 2734: 2712: 2607: 2595: 2358: 2342: 2320: 2241: 2158: 2151: 1986: 1935: 1927: 1908: 1834: 1826: 1645: 1625: 1600: 1199: 998: 939: 875: 839: 832: 828: 789: 747: 719: 691: 686: 630: 458: 444: 416: 285: 265: 10916: 10403:
Vikings of the Steppe: Scandinavians, Rus', and the Turkic World (c. 750–1050)
7029: 6896: 4067: 3997: 3987: 3914: 3002:
is considered to be part of the Iron Age period which started around 400 
2650:, which persisted as a major regional political player for another 150 years. 2248:
became king of England after Cnut's death, and Viking rule of England ceased.
2200:, after its conquest by the Ragnarsson brothers, who installed an Englishman, 2138:
and weighs around 36 g (1.3 oz). It is embedded with an Anglo-Saxon
1299: 1224: 1214: 1139: 16432: 16027: 15749: 15548: 14807: 14770: 14730: 14596: 14325: 14284: 14039: 13873: 13453: 13342: 12497: 12482: 12435: 12344: 12188: 11499: 11198: 10934: 8797: 6999: 6430: 6034: 5967: 5692: 5260: 5177: 4745: 4630: 4581: 4564: 4462: 4269: 4042: 4022: 3947: 3919: 3535:
by him. Dierkow apparently belongs to the late 8th to the early 9th century.
3523:). Reric was set up around the year 700, but following later warfare between 3437: 3373: 2923:, when Erik was exiled from Iceland, he sailed west and pioneered Greenland. 2892: 2792: 2760: 2412: 2221: 2052: 1904: 1900: 1822: 1738: 1489: 1269: 1252: 1144: 863: 812: 586: 562:, although few of them were Vikings in the sense of being engaged in piracy. 486: 472: 69: 14909: 7857:
Andrea Dolfini; Rachel J. Crellin; Christian Horn; Marion Uckelmann (2018).
6883: 6286: 6187: 5804:
According to David Arter, Old Norse was for a while during the Viking Age a
4365: 4012: 3870: 2679: 2373:
is said to have raided the whole midlands of Ireland until he was killed by
was rare, harvests were typically strong, and fishing conditions were good.
1239: 16193: 16090: 15894: 15708: 15538: 15409: 15327: 14501: 14491: 14474: 14291: 13773: 13638: 13458: 13315: 12629: 12619: 12512: 12223: 12012: 11699: 11271: 11177: 10942: 10288: 6382: 5638: 5496: 5370: 5359: 5271:. They created a small settlement on the northern peninsula of present-day 5252: 5185: 5181: 4863: 4420: 4233: 4177: 4125: 3937: 3633: 3596: 3543: 3338:
around the 8th century, and that their name has the same origin as that of
3090: 2938: 2920: 2702: 2350: 2135: 1939: 1452: 1404: 775: 751: 375: 338: 260: 6206: 5554:, both of whom desired slaves of a religion different from their own. The 5172:
The Viking-Age settlements in Greenland were established in the sheltered
5000:, raiding various settlements, as mentioned by the 10th-century historian 4993:
The Vikings then sailed round Cape Gata and followed the coastline to the
3962: 3571: 3531:, the inhabitants, who were subject to the Danish king, were resettled to 2969: 2572: 1189: 746:, a centre of learning on an island off the northeast coast of England in 16344: 16047: 15954: 15836: 15693: 15571: 15556: 15528: 15364: 14983: 14941: 14864: 14777: 14645: 14635: 14546: 14330: 13828: 13758: 13613: 13347: 13310: 13295: 13155: 12486: 12420: 12405: 12007: 10319: 9512:
Price, Neil. Price, Neil; Eriksen, Marianne Hem; Jahnke, Carsten (eds.).
Prehistoric Warfare and Violence: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
7448: 6282: 6160: 6085: 5998: 5786: 5666: 5588: 5559: 5536: 5532: 5520: 5508: 5488: 5457: 5087: 4913: 4909: 4794:
After 842, the Vikings set up a permanent base at the mouth of the river
4675: 4310: 4259: 4120: 4082: 3967: 3892: 3865: 3773: 3644: 3587: 3575: 3500: 3361: 2942: 2849: 2698: 2559:, both of which were highly navigable, and reached into the heart of the 2545: 2471: 2463: 2439: 2428: 2354: 2295: 2056: 1970: 1746: 1707: 1649: 1479: 1414: 1314: 1294: 1194: 958: 785: 756: 743: 622: 547: 535: 92: 13653: 9801: 9784: 7658:
The Sea Kings: The Late Norse Kingdoms of Man and the Isles c. 1066–1275
Swein Forkbeard's Invasions and the Danish Conquest of England, 991–1017
5789:, but the inscriptions are mostly short. A good deal of the vocabulary, 5449: 5074:, where they raided monasteries and towns and established a base in the 4548: 4238: 3243:
as having exacted tribute from the Slavic and Finnic tribes in 859 
Scandinavian settlements existed along the southeastern Baltic coast in
2300: 1456: 15805: 15160: 14948: 14931: 14879: 14869: 14854: 14822: 14812: 14690: 14640: 14516: 14511: 14479: 13403: 13368: 12562: 12145: 10925: 10212:"Viking Weapons: From Farm Tools to War Weaponry | History Cooperative" 10121:. Translated by Lunde, Paul; Stone, Caroline. Penguin UK. p. 100. 8356: 6990: 6216: 5959: 5207: 5001: 4826: 4799: 4729:
were raised in Sweden in memory of warriors who died in Langbarðaland (
4608:. In exchange, Rollo pledged vassalage to Charles in 940, agreed to be 4264: 4170: 4002: 3992: 3512: 3493: 3482: 3449: 3189: 3126: 3118: 2998:. These two areas were further divided between loosely allied regions. 2796: 2591: 2556: 2500:, twice rebelled against him, but they were defeated in the battles of 2489: 2157:
In 850, the Vikings overwintered for the first time in England, on the
2131: 1931: 1814: 1657: 1653: 1617: 1596: 1484: 1229: 1219: 1204: 712: 638: 614: 602: 314: 12472: 11493: 11432:
Viking Kings of Britain and Ireland: The Dynasty of Ívarr to A.D. 1014
Viking Rus: Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe
Viking Rus: Studies on the Presence of Scandinavians in Eastern Europe
9885:(30). Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Southern Denmark: 11. 9436:, an online article at Stockholm County Museum, retrieved 1 July 2007. 7943:
Viking Kings of Britain and Ireland: The Dynasty of Ívarr to A.D. 1014
6056: 5356:
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences
4335: 3957: 3850: 1184: 16228: 15997: 15503: 15155: 15150: 15140: 15073: 14978: 14874: 14837: 14827: 14787: 14740: 14735: 14685: 14625: 14551: 14541: 14521: 14484: 14469: 13848: 13723: 13693: 13478: 13260: 12582: 12502: 12457: 12425: 10118:
Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness: Arab Travellers in the Far North
8640: 7016:
Barrett, James H. (1 September 2008). "What caused the Viking Age?".
6172: 6133: 6044: 5794: 5785:
Written sources of Old Norse from the Viking Age are rare: there are
5606: 5516: 5504: 5374: 5348: 5064: 5017: 4905: 4778: 4613: 4555:, easy prey given the monks' lack of defensive capacity. In 845  4552: 4536: 4482: 4284: 4243: 4207: 4160: 4150: 4115: 4057: 3982: 3942: 3882: 3539: 3524: 3210: 3205: 3173: 3045: 2888: 2552: 2420: 2333: 2047:. Scotland took its present form when it regained territory from the 1958: 1943: 1923: 1722: 1504: 1461: 1419: 1394: 1349: 1284: 1169: 1107: 902: 886: 867: 319: 100: 15232: 11336:. Studia Fennica Historica 18. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. 10892: 10569:"Women, Kinship, and the Basis of Power in the Norwegian Viking Age" 8152: 4825:, literally 'Middle of the earth' sea, with the same meaning as the 4813:
into this realm of Muslim influence; following the coastline of the
3855: 3835: 3731: 2615: 2571:, king of the Picts, his brother Bran, and the king of the Scots of 1085: 1065: 933: 16263: 16140: 16017: 15713: 15508: 15128: 15113: 15093: 15078: 15058: 15033: 15018: 15013: 14993: 14963: 14953: 14904: 14894: 14889: 14720: 14705: 14680: 14660: 14630: 14620: 14615: 14586: 14581: 14571: 14506: 14464: 14173: 14106: 13633: 13593: 13325: 13300: 12772: 12694: 12614: 12552: 12547: 12477: 12467: 12462: 12410: 11923: 11280: 10872: 10539:. In Herring, Susan C.; Reenen, Pieter van; Schøsler, Lene (eds.). 10155: 9970:
The conversion of Europe: from paganism to Christianity 371–1386 AD
Chartrand, René; Durham, Keith; Harrison, Mark; Heath, Ian (2016).
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Medieval Warfare and Military Technology
6240: 6210: 6195: 6177: 6123: 5465: 5396: 5306: 5299: 5161: 5103: 5075: 5052: 5009: 4932: 4846: 4691: 4646: 4474: 4405: 4380: 4350: 4330: 4192: 4187: 4155: 4107: 4007: 3907: 3583: 3551: 3532: 3377: 3339: 3320: 3319:
rapidly overtook it in popularity. Apart from Ladoga and Novgorod,
3311: 3298:, the Varangians settled around the town of Novgorod (Holmgarðr).. 3270: 3248: 3226: 3177: 3150: 3094: 3032: 2958: 2932: 2811: 2777: 2599: 2537: 2432: 2370: 2064: 2048: 2044: 1962: 1896: 1887: 1574: 1409: 1384: 1342: 1234: 1209: 1132: 925: 871: 823:
and Nordic Renaissance, historians such as the Icelandic-Norwegian
808: 539: 248: 11609: 11111:
Eastern Europe: an introduction to the people, lands, and culture.
8182: 6921: 6783:, p. 195. Simeon of Durham recorded the raid in these terms: 5987: 5071: 4948: 4140: 4087: 4062: 4037: 3860: 3555: 2949:. Kvenland, in that or close to that spelling, is also known from 1797: 1369: 1289: 1264: 15904: 15583: 15394: 15145: 15133: 15123: 15098: 15088: 15083: 15063: 15053: 15028: 14968: 14926: 14899: 14817: 14750: 14745: 14725: 14715: 14670: 14665: 14655: 14650: 14591: 14576: 14526: 13648: 13573: 13548: 13518: 13513: 13398: 12725: 12687: 12592: 12577: 12542: 12430: 12386: 11513: 10087: 9755: 8937:
Vikings Across Boundaries: Viking-Age Transformations – Volume II
naked and loaded with insults; and some they drowned in the sea."
6261: 6182: 6147: 6140: 6095: 6080: 6062: 6039: 5991: 5979: 5943: 5852:; other words appearing in written sources at this time included 5717: 5593: 5492: 5453: 5448:(Denmark), Hedeby (Germany), Vineta (Pomerania), Truso (Poland), 5335: 5268: 5218: 5156: 4810: 4783: 4703: 4687: 4671: 4609: 4551:. The Viking attackers sought to capture the treasures stored at 4532: 4524: 4400: 4360: 4325: 4300: 4202: 3972: 3845: 3753: 3520: 3516: 3381: 3355: 3324: 3169: 3146: 3134: 3122: 3062: 3059: 3055: 2974: 2912: 2643: 2639: 2611: 2564: 2424: 2362: 2304:"Irishmen oppose the landing of the Viking fleet", a painting in 2205: 2197: 2189: 2127: 1966: 1691: 1579: 1389: 1174: 1075: 1023: 890: 666: 626: 566: 543: 128: 121: 115: 73: 12400: 9461: 7838: 5415:
A typical fortified Viking town. This is a model of the town of
5400: 4465:. This region was progressively brought under Frankish control ( 4032: 3823: 2701:) in the Hebrides and Man. These areas were ruled over by local 2619: 2544:
in 794, the year following the raid on the other holy island of
2389: 2113:
Invasions of the British Isles § Viking raids and invasions
1259: 1053: 15165: 15118: 15103: 15068: 15043: 15008: 15003: 14936: 14921: 14859: 14797: 14782: 14760: 14710: 14700: 14695: 14608: 14603: 14561: 14531: 13863: 13583: 13393: 13290: 13270: 12762: 12755: 12735: 12537: 11640: 11282:
The migration period, pre-viking age, and viking age in Estonia
9996:. Real Academia de la Historia. p. 188. GGKEY:WJYGZ815TEG. 9570:
Forbindelserne mellem Norden og den spanske halvø i ældre tider
The material suggesting a Norwegian origin identifies him with
Piracy in Late Roman Britain: A Perspective from the Viking Age
6191: 6116: 6107: 5983: 5951: 5480: 5469: 5441: 5426: 5280: 5115: 4805:
The southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, both sides of the
4695: 4694:, among other victories around the Mediterranean (including in 4340: 4135: 3887: 3877: 3840: 3602: 3579: 3433: 3343: 3278: 3260: 3215: 3201: 3142: 3114: 3051: 2880:
in Powys, in 893, when a combined Welsh and Mercian army under
2707: 2397: 2346: 2337:, on the coast and overwintering in Ireland. The first were at 2193: 2060: 2016: 1947: 1863: 1842: 1818: 1810: 1802: 1783: 1749:(the generally accepted date is actually 8 June, not January): 1429: 1364: 1164: 1112: 1070: 950:
in orange. Yellow and green denote related Germanic languages.
In England, the Viking attack of 8 June 793 that destroyed the
574: 570: 139: 134: 12415: 11577: 11524: 10535:
Herring, Susan C.; Reenen, Pieter van; Schøsler, Lene (2001).
coins have been found almost exclusively in Gotland, some 400.
The Long Eighth Century: Production, Distribution, and Demand.
6964:"Crossing the Maelstrom: New Departures in Viking Archaeology" 6835:"BBC – History – Ancient History in depth: The Viking Revival" 4736:
Several Anglo-Danish and Norwegian nobles participated in the
and then, following the river upstream, also the hill-town of
3897: 3315:). As the Volga route declined by the end of the century, the 2070: 1122: 819:
and Icelandic Sagas as primary historical sources. During the
15038: 15023: 14998: 14988: 14973: 14916: 14884: 14849: 14844: 14802: 14792: 14675: 14536: 14379: 13743: 13733: 13688: 12609: 12522: 12452: 12193: 9846:
Vikings in the South: Voyages to Iberia and the Mediterranean
7520: 5753:("northern speech"). Old Norse has developed into the modern 5739:("Danish tongue"; speakers of Old East Norse would have said 5461: 5318: 5294: 5173: 5111: 4795: 4699: 4621: 4600:, under which Charles gave Rouen and the area of present-day 4593: 4560: 4544: 4410: 4385: 4320: 4182: 4165: 4130: 4092: 4072: 3902: 3828: 3563: 3547: 3504: 3291: 3197: 3157: 2853: 2833:. After peace talks failed, his forces met with the Scots at 2657:
had previously been the northernmost part of the Anglo-Saxon
2635: 2560: 2328: 2165:. In 854, a raiding party overwintered a second time, at the 2139: 1892: 1846: 1830: 1777:, a serious attack was made on Lindisfarne's mother-house of 1324: 1304: 1127: 1058: 763: 739: 11531:
ScienceNordic's article on "How Vikings navigated the world"
11481:. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2003. 11350:, Volume 32, London and New York, pp. 514–527, 531–532. 9624:
Muslim Spain and Portugal: A Political History of al-Andalus
Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens
Papers and Monographs from the Norwegian Institute at Athens
9514:"From Nǫrvasund to Grikkland: The Vikings in the Middle Sea" 9481:"Los vikingos en Al-Andalus (abstract available in English)" 9116: 6866:
Northern Shores: a history of the Baltic Sea and its peoples
Margaryan et al. 2020 examined an elite warrior burial from
15108: 14755: 13868: 13438: 13275: 12517: 11346:
Fuglesang, S.H. (1996). "Viking Art", in Turner, J. (ed.),
8953: 8122:
1669 Act for annexation of Orkney and Shetland to the Crown
7592: 6089: 5876:
replacing the earlier forms. Old Norse influenced the verb
5484: 5445: 4817:
they sailed through the Gibraltar strait (known to them as
4683: 4679: 4390: 4279: 4197: 4047: 3138: 3129:
describes one Viking expedition by the Vikings Thorolf and
3079: 2866:
Act for annexation of Orkney and Shetland to the Crown 1669
2822: 2795:, the Danes invaded at least as far north as the area near 2694: 2541: 2209: 2185: 2162: 2027:
forces in 1171; and 1263 in Scotland by the defeat of King
1957:(also called the Battle of Hilgenried Bay) on the Germanic 1912: 1778: 1745:
that the Northmen raided the important island monastery of
1499: 1379: 1359: 1354: 1274: 858:
stamps celebrating the Viking voyages in the North Atlantic
621:, becoming the first Europeans to reach North America. The 12355: 11565: 11516:– Smithsonian website for travelling exhibition, 2000–2003 11332:
Ahola, Joonas & Frog with Clive Tolley (eds.) (2014).
9989: 8877: 8875: 8238: 7607:(3rd ed.). University of Toronto Press. p. 451. 6623: 6017:
and had both Scandinavian ancestry and Russian admixture.
to go, to come, to sit, to listen, to eat, both, same, get
from the Swedish island of Gotland may be components of a
in Arabic, where they took their emir Gharsīa ibn Wanaqu (
3478: 3208:
activities, they roamed the river systems and portages of
in 1187. Curonians established temporary settlements near
3117:(Grobiņa) was the main centre of the Curonians during the 11088:
Forte, Angelo; Oram, Richard; Pedersen, Frederik (2005).
A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture
9032: 8924: 5819: 5137:, quoted the Muslim historian Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Rāzī: 4849:
and made raids in Asturias and Galicia. According to the
who conquered parts of Sicily between 1038 and 1040, and
reached an agreement with Charles the Simple to sign the
2941:. A contemporary reference to Kvenland is provided in an 1090: 11527:
from «Kulturformidlingen norrøne tekster og kvad» Norway
From Viking to Crusader: Scandinavia and Europe 800–1200
The Languages of Scandinavia: Seven Sisters of the North
9872:"The Viking Expeditions to Spain During the 9th Century" 9045: 9010: 9008: 9006: 9004: 9002: 8989: 8987: 8985: 8228: 8226: 8224: 8064:
The Makers of Scotland: Picts, Romans, Gaels and Vikings
Somerville, Angus A.; McDonald, R. Andrew, eds. (2019).
faced an invasion by the Swedes at about the same date.
Curonians are mentioned among other participants of the
started a series of raids against England to avenge the
1664:, serious conflict divided Norway for almost a century. 788:'s Holy Island was reported by the Northumbrian scholar 778:
four years earlier (although due to a scribal error the
The Celts: A history from earliest times to the present
9590: 9588: 9586: 9584: 8872: 8387:(in Lithuanian). Mažosios Lietuvos istorijos muziejus. 3097:(Kvænir) in the southern part of what today is Sweden: 1907:
moved further, founding the early East Slavic state of
Information about the Viking Age is drawn largely from
10033: 9990:
Vallvé Bermejo, Joaquín; García Gómez, Emilio (1989).
9711: 9705: 9094:
Authorship, Worldview, and Identity in Medieval Europe
8860: 8295:
Norna-Gests þáttr, c. 1157, Níkulás Bergsson, Iceland.
7187:"Franques Royal Annals" cited in Sawyer, Peter (2001) 6724: 4756:, joined the Byzantines in their struggle against the 2278:
led a plundering raid down the east coast of Britain.
In 884, an army of Danish Vikings was defeated at the
their artistry, technological skills, and seamanship.
10534: 9544:
European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History
9069: 9057: 9020: 8999: 8982: 8912: 8887: 8221: 8199: 8197: 8177:
Wales at the Time of the Treaty of Montgomery in 1267
7680: 7678: 6957: 6955: 5868:. The system of personal pronouns was affected, with 3460:
at Novgorod until the 13th century, according to the
11489: 10571:. In Hays-Gilpin, Kelley; Whitley, David S. (eds.). 10179:(p. 352). W.W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition. 9581: 9304: 8306:"Euratlas Periodis Web – Map of Grobina in Year 700" 7223: 5267:, and they attempted to settle the land they called 2876:
Incursions in Wales were decisively reversed at the
for their kingdom) was besieged by the Viking kings
came under Viking attack as well. The fortress atop
of Wessex after Sweyn's death in 1014. Sweyn's son,
Maritime Societies of the Viking and Medieval World
10528: 9815: 9809: 9732: 9164: 8258:"Euratlas Periodis Web – Map of Europe in Year 800" 7850: 7202: 7111:
Roman–Britain and Anglo–Saxon England 55 BC–AD 1066
5063:) prisoner until in 861 he was ransomed for 70,000 4662:In 860, according to an account by the Norman monk 3233:, and likely played a role in the formation of the 3014:, soon after Estonian raiders were recorded in the 1981:in 1030, in which Óláfr Haraldsson (later known as 11186: 10861: 10859: 10826:The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language 10054: 9783:Knutson, Sara Ann; Ellis, Caitlin (16 July 2021). 9649: 9397:The Norman Commanders: Masters of Warfare 911–1135 8209: 8194: 7675: 7598: 7172: 6952: 6422: 6023: 5903:, the Scandinavian word for "village"—for example 2059:remained under Scandinavian authority until 1266. 1858:granted the Duchy of Normandy to Viking warleader 838:By the latter half of the 18th century, while the 750:, is regarded as the beginning of the Viking Age. 11087: 10562: 10560: 10081: 9983: 9776: 9542:. In Mishkova, Diana; Trencsényi, Balázs (eds.). 9467: 9348: 9308:Cambridge Medieval History (Volume 5, Chapter XV) 8066:, by Tim Clarkson, Birlinn Ltd, Edinburgh, 2013." 7844: 5507:travelled significantly beyond Byzantium and the 5094:Galicia; no new bishop was appointed until 1070. 2126:Anglo-Saxon-Viking coin weight, used for trading 803:In Scandinavia, the 17th-century Danish scholars 613:in eastern Europe, where they were also known as 16430: 11334:Fibula, Fabula, Fact – The Viking Age in Finland 10891:Margaryan, Ashot; et al. (September 2020). 10064:Portugal das invasões germânicas à "reconquista" 9351:"What happened when the Vikings raided Morocco?" 9110: 8611: 8605: 8518:Land of the Rus – Viking expeditions to the east 7767:, The Official Website Of The British Monarchy, 7702:, The Official Website Of The British Monarchy, 7283:Barrett, James H. "What Caused the Viking Age?" 6753:Les Invasions Normandes en Belgique au IX Siecle 6311:The term 'Viking' is derived from the Old Norse 4908:, who ruled over a semi-autonomous state in the 2492:subdued the Viking territories and made himself 11395:Williams, G., Pentz, P. and Wemhoff, M. (eds), 10856: 10710:. University of Chicago Press. pp. 63–64. 10320:"Aesir | Norse gods, Asgard, Odin | Britannica" 9749: 9594: 9531: 9305:Tanner, J.R.; Previte-Orton, C.W.; Brook, Z.N. 8696: 8578: 8537:Dangerous journeys to Eastern Europe and Russia 8153:"Shetland Islands Council – Ports and Harbours" 7921:Ó Corráin, "The Vikings in Ireland", pp. 28–29. 7565: 7071: 7069: 6926:. Woodbridge: Boydell press. pp. 205–221. 6668: 6333:Scandinavians and the English in the Viking Age 5748: 5741: 5734: 5110:("Sea of Straw"), i.e., the mouth of the river 3590:, was destroyed in 1043 by Dano-Norwegian king 2683:), the Hebrides and Isle of Man, (the Sudreys- 1787:Brethren, and burning the abbey to the ground. 1599:, and eventually into all of Europe. Historian 550:but also to any place significantly settled by 10670: 10557: 10501: 9738: 9560: 9216:"Globetrotting Vikings: To the Gates of Paris" 9137: 8959: 8833: 8804: 7487:. Princeton University Press. pp. 21–22. 7316: 7132:. Princeton University Press. pp. 51–52. 7121: 7119: 7052:. Princeton University Press. pp. 24–25. 7011: 7009: 6962:Lund, Julie; Sindbæk, Søren M. (15 May 2021). 6718: 5657:develops Jesch's thesis that the texts of the 5436:Model of the fortified Viking Age town of Aros 4916:. Consequently, defensive walls were built at 4645:in 11th century, and played a key role in the 3384:province. According to Stefan Brink, the name 3376:as a historical name for the coastal areas of 2522:("The War of the Irish with the Foreigners"). 2267:and defeated the weakened English army at the 15821: 15248: 14122: 12371: 11625: 11551: 11409:Wilson, D.M. & Klindt-Jensen, O. (1980). 10977:"Sample from Homo sapiens – BioSample – NCBI" 10753: 10616: 10337: 9902:The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings 9836: 9680: 9674: 9090:"Adam of Bremen's View at the Polabian Slavs" 8960:Hinkkanen, Merja-Liisa; Kirby, David (2013). 8773: 8562:The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings 8347:(in Lithuanian). Versus. ISBN 978-9955829195. 7742:The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings 7717: 7451:. Medieval and Classical Literature Library. 7359:. Oxford University Press. pp. 321–322. 7189:The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings 5556:trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks 5164:Greenlanders are from a 1408 marriage in the 5118:was under Muslim rule and known in Arabic as 3618: 3410:in such numbers that a medieval Swedish law, 3317:trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks 2442:. Some Viking kings of Dublin also ruled the 2051:between the 13th and the 15th centuries; the 1644:(800–1300) and stopped with the start of the 1533: 507: 11381:Roesdahl, E. and Wilson, D.M. (eds) (1992). 10697: 10589: 10514:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 7–8. 10447: 10088:Salma Khadra Jayyusi; Manuela Marín (1992). 9863: 9782: 9745:(in French). G. P. Maisonneuve. p. 224. 9614: 8933:"Scandinavians on the Southern Baltic Coast" 8930: 8011:(online ed.). Oxford University Press. 7744:. Ed. P.H. Sawyer. Oxford University Press. 7648: 7066: 7041: 7039: 5926:According to an analysis of names ending in 4855:it had 60 ships. Being repulsed in Galicia ( 4821:, the 'Narrow Sound') into what they called 3360:) system of organizing a coastal fleet. The 3237:. The Varangians are first mentioned by the 2810:, King of Scots, for his territories on the 2551:In 839, a large Norse fleet invaded via the 2259:of Norway ended any hope of reviving Cnut's 1741:is often set at 793. It was recorded in the 713:forced conversion of the neighbouring Saxons 14153:origin primarily identified as speakers of 10853:"dwelling" in Old English." Crystal, p. 25. 10820: 10818: 10816: 10814: 10812: 10810: 10739:. John Wiley & Sons. pp. 173–174. 10643: 10537:"On Textual Parameters and Older Languages" 10474: 10393: 10156:"L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site" 10108: 10027: 9889: 8746: 8702: 8618:. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. pp. 7–8. 7982:Ó Corráin, "The Vikings in Ireland", p. 22. 7930:Ó Corráin, "The Vikings in Ireland", p. 20. 7634:. Museum Tusculanum Press. pp. 29–30. 7578:. Princeton University Press. p. 143. 7394:"Viking wars and The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle" 7385: 7231:Les Vikings: histoire, mythes, dictionnaire 7181: 7116: 7006: 6961: 6799: 6643: 6641: 6639: 6637: 6635: 6425:The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings 6377: 6375: 6373: 5834:landing, score, beck, fellow, take, busting 2365:, and also plundering the ancient tombs of 2109:Viking expansion § Britain and Ireland 768: 59:Period of European history (about 800–1050) 23: 15828: 15814: 15255: 15241: 14129: 14115: 12378: 12364: 11632: 11618: 11558: 11544: 10793:. Manchester University Press. p. 9. 10780: 10602:. Boydell & Brewer Ltd. pp. 3–4. 10366: 10000: 9756:Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Ibn al-Qūṭīyah (2009). 9647: 9641: 9537: 9505: 9081: 9042:. Akademie-Verlag Berlin. pp. 237ff, 244ff 8653:Archeology in the Nordic countries, part 2 8549: 7812:. Princeton University Press. p. 39. 7329:. Princeton University Press. p. 72. 6920:Wicker, Nancy (1998). Hallsal, Guy (ed.). 6320: 5616: 5339:—a fleet mobilisation system, where every 4733:), the Old Norse name for southern Italy. 3772: 3625: 3611: 3503:coast include the maritime trading center 3364:place name Roþrin, in the older iteration 3301:In the 9th century, the Rus' operated the 3141:and in overseas regions including eastern 2715:and Shetland, however, claimed supremacy. 2634:km) up the River Clyde to the vicinity of 1922:Other Norse people continued south to the 1540: 1526: 514: 500: 24: 11944:Membership of International organizations 11434:. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, 2007 11413:, 2nd ed., George Allen and Unwin, 1980. 10924: 10893:"Population genomics of the Viking world" 10890: 10871: 10865: 10656:. Oxford University Press. pp. 1–3. 10566: 10543:. John Benjamins Publishing. p. 22. 10420: 10258:"AFP: Viking 'sunstone' more than a myth" 9924: 9800: 9566: 9408: 9406: 9143: 8839: 8779: 8759:. Cambridge University Press. p. 1. 8646: 8382: 7621: 7539:. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. p. 26. 7396:. In Allard, Joe; North, Richard (eds.). 7208:Decaux, Alain and Castelot, André (1981) 7036: 6989: 6979: 6699: 6697: 5641:, professor of Viking Age studies at the 5236: 5184:) of the western coast. While harsh, the 4481:was a famous Viking raider in Frisia. On 3218:" for early Varangians in some contexts. 866:, Ireland, Iceland, peripheral Scotland ( 15835: 11446:. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005 11399:, British Museum Press: London, 2014. . 11234:Journal of Nordic Archaeological Science 11074:Oxford Dictionary of British Place Names 10807: 10759: 10629:. Boydell & Brewer Ltd. p. 42. 10379:. Oxford University Press. p. 336. 10343: 9842: 8815:. In Brink, Stefan; Price, Neil (eds.). 8564:. Oxford University Press. p. 138. 7654: 7414: 7075: 6826: 6632: 6370: 5431: 5410: 5293: 5155: 5106:with square brown sails appeared in the 5102:In 844, a fleet of several dozen Viking 4777: 3477: 3334:originated in what is currently coastal 3327:were major centres for Varangian trade. 3265: 2968: 2653:The land that now comprises most of the 2327:state that in 821 the Vikings plundered 2299: 2121: 1875:, they became the ruling aristocracy of 1796: 1701: 1573: 850: 565:Voyaging by sea from their homelands in 63: 32:This is an accepted version of this page 15194:Christianisation of Anglo-Saxon England 11357:, British Museum Publications: London. 11251: 11224: 11162:. Stockholm: Svenska turistföreningen. 11157: 10703: 10683:. Oxford University Press. p. 20. 10507: 10453: 10352:. Univ of California Press. p. 7. 10209: 9904:. Oxford University Press. p. 29. 9869: 9822:in Encyclopaedia of Islam First Edition 9620: 9573:(in Danish). G. E. C. Gad. p. 36. 9486:. Jesús Riosalido. 1997. Archived from 9415:, p. 217; Florence of Worcester, p. 145 9333: 8881: 8866: 8752: 8673: 8244: 8008:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 7939: 7571: 7391: 7322: 7125: 7015: 6805: 6462: 6420: 4896:, and succeeded with the assistance of 3499:Slavic-Scandinavian settlements on the 770:A furore Normannorum libera nos, Domine 14: 16431: 11278: 11136: 11108: 11005: 10730: 10676: 10649: 10480: 10399: 10114: 9895: 9849:. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 171. 9816:Lévi-Provençal, Évariste (1913–1936). 9403: 9075: 9063: 9051: 9026: 9014: 8993: 8918: 8555: 8499:from the original on 30 September 2007 8350: 8215: 8203: 8188: 8179:. Mapping Medieval Wales. 8131:. Shetland & Orkney Udal Law group 7782: 7532: 7526: 6919: 6863: 6694: 6598: 6547: 6503: 6326: 5820:Old Norse influence on other languages 3515:, and the multi-ethnic trade emporium 3474:Pomerania during the Early Middle Ages 2856:of his daughter, who was betrothed to 2419:of Dublin, and founded settlements at 1942:from the Red Sea, and even coins from 1915:. This persisted until 1240, when the 15809: 15262: 15236: 14110: 12359: 11613: 11539: 11184: 10786: 10766:. Taylor & Francis. p. 498. 10622: 10595: 10541:Textual Parameters in Older Languages 10372: 10210:Kerkhof, Maup van de (23 June 2023). 10006: 9762:. Taylor & Francis. p. 127. 9454:Translation based on Chibnall (ed.), 9123:. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 51. 9092:. In Raffensperger, Christian (ed.). 9087: 8810: 7805: 7771:from the original on 29 November 2014 7706:from the original on 29 November 2014 7627: 7480: 7476: 7474: 7472: 7470: 7427:. John Wiley & Sons. p. 38. 7352: 7348: 7346: 7156:. New York: Viking, 2009. Print., 48 7076:Ferguson, Robert (25 November 2009). 7045: 6780: 6647: 6381: 6281: 5369:The archaeological find known as the 5114:. At the time, the city later called 4744:, who left England in 1086, and Jarl 4434:WikiProject Norse history and culture 3606: 2986:During the Viking Age, Estonia was a 2722: 2411:They returned in 914, now led by the 1589: 1516:WikiProject Norse history and culture 14136: 13241:Cnut the Great's invasion of England 11355:Viking Artefacts: A Select Catalogue 11210:. Maney Publishing. pp. 41–46. 11205: 11117: 10426: 10406:. Taylor & Francis. p. 79. 10040:. Miraguano Ediciones. p. 130. 9394: 9379: 9361:from the original on 3 February 2023 9170: 8931:Jöns, Hauke; Kowalska, Anna (2020). 8584: 8469:from the original on 11 October 2007 8316:from the original on 6 November 2017 8268:from the original on 2 December 2018 8232: 7998: 7993:Roles of the Sea in Medieval England 7964:from the original on 2 February 2023 7912:. Taylor & Francis, 2016. p. 267 7734: 7684: 7420: 6832: 6611:from the original on 7 November 2021 6599:Davies, Caroline (21 October 2021). 6275: 5247:In about 986, the Norwegian Vikings 4790:, commemorating the Viking invasions 3406:men left to enlist in the Byzantine 2672: 2496:. The Dublin Vikings, together with 2105:Viking activity in the British Isles 1930:. The eastern connections of these " 1635: 1559:Overpopulation, especially near the 16479:Archaeological cultures in Scotland 16413: 15858:Decline of the Western Roman Empire 15770:History of the Mediterranean region 13196:Viking raid on Galicia and Asturias 11639: 11463:(London: Hutchison & Co. 1983) 11143:(in German). Franz Steiner Verlag. 11056:from the original on 3 October 2020 10957:from the original on 4 October 2023 10350:California Slavic Studies, Vol. XIV 10067:. Editorial Presença. p. 125. 9898:"Franks Divided, Vikings Ascendant" 9656:. Oxford University Press. p.  9349:Peterjon Creswell (February 2023). 9315:from the original on 4 October 2023 9147:Heimskringla – The Norse King Sagas 8052:Viking Kings of Britain and Ireland 8039:Viking Kings of Britain and Ireland 7449:"The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: Part 2" 7373:from the original on 4 October 2023 7094: 6940:from the original on 4 October 2023 6868:. London: John Murray. p. 21. 6531:from the original on 4 October 2023 6487:from the original on 4 October 2023 6260:(and possibly a larger area called 6234: 6222: 5958:were surveyed, stretching from the 5779:considerable mutual intelligibility 4559:an expedition up the Seine reached 3305:, which connected northern Russia ( 2388:. He ruled along with his brothers 1656:, or Christian wars with pagans in 56: 16484:Archaeological cultures in Ireland 16474:Archaeological cultures in England 16469:Archaeological cultures in Estonia 16459:Archaeological cultures in Denmark 15950:Growth of the Eastern Roman Empire 14060:Västergötland Runic Inscription 40 14025:Södermanland Runic Inscription 333 14020:Södermanland Runic Inscription 174 13389:Aud the Deep-Minded (Ketilsdóttir) 11326: 11300: 11026:from the original on 14 April 2023 10143:History of Greenland#Norse failure 9196:from the original on 16 April 2021 8843:The Varangians: In God's Holy Fire 8558:"Scandinavians in European Russia" 8004: 7877:from the original on 14 April 2023 7826:from the original on 23 April 2023 7553:from the original on 14 April 2023 7501:from the original on 23 April 2023 7467: 7455:from the original on 13 April 2018 7343: 6968:Journal of Archaeological Research 6413: 6354:from the original on 23 April 2023 6253:Norse colonisation of the Americas 6246: 4652: 4556: 4540: 4519:, which means 'men of the North'. 3282: 3252: 3244: 3011: 3003: 2916: 2767:, King of Norway. Magnus and King 2705:, originally captains of ships or 2513: 2505: 2478: 2255:. The death in the battle of King 2098: 2007:), who was defeated by Saxon King 1791: 1667: 908: 707:. The aggressive expansion of the 577:, the Norse people settled in the 531: 57: 16515: 16489:Archaeological cultures in France 16464:Archaeological cultures in Norway 16454:Archaeological cultures in Sweden 16380:Historiography in the Middle Ages 11485: 10987:from the original on 9 April 2022 10300:Did the Vikings make a telescope? 10260:. 1 November 2011. Archived from 10188:Foote, P. and Wilson, D.M. (1970) 9739:Lévi-Provençal, Evariste (1950). 9712:Stefan Brink; Neil Price (2008). 9511: 9286:from the original on 20 June 2020 9256:from the original on 20 June 2020 9226:from the original on 20 June 2020 7764:Canute 'The Great' (r. 1016–1035) 7523:, also known as "Rolf the Walker" 7210:Dictionnaire d'histoire de France 6725:Stefan Brink; Neil Price (2008). 6682:from the original on 7 March 2016 6453:applied only to someone who went 5531:and Northwestern Russia with the 5487:was the centre of the kingdom of 5090:and sacked the episcopal city of 5086:1015, a Viking fleet entered the 4888:(Carmona), a fortified city. The 4845:tell of a Viking fleet that left 4738:Norman conquest of southern Italy 4723:Norman conquest of southern Italy 4674:, landed at the Ligurian port of 4666:, a Viking fleet, probably under 4445: 3467: 3464:(Swedish National Encyclopedia). 3372:and is still used in the form of 3183: 3121:. From the 10th to 13th century, 2957:discussed in the main article of 1606: 16412: 16403: 16402: 16392: 15755:Bibliography of European history 15350:Fall of the Western Roman Empire 15217: 15216: 12591: 11760: 11514:Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga 11492: 11343:, Volume I, London and New York 11081: 11068: 11038: 10999: 10969: 10839: 10724: 10312: 10293: 10276: 10250: 10225: 10203: 10182: 10172: 10148: 10135: 9959: 9918: 9870:Aguirre, Víctor Emanuel (2013). 9473: 9448: 9439: 9418: 9388: 9373: 9342: 9327: 9298: 9268: 9238: 9208: 9176: 8110:Universitas – Kultur onsdag 6577:from the original on 23 May 2020 6069: 5515:northern routes of the Eurasian 5472:(England), Dublin (Ireland) and 5160:The last written records of the 5146: 4892:made great exertions to recover 3730: 3632: 3538:Scandinavian settlements on the 3176:, Lithuania) as well as Grobin ( 2852:pledged them as security on the 1899:(which means "new city") on the 932: 480: 466: 452: 438: 424: 410: 99: 15878:Christianity in the Middle Ages 15873:Decline of Hellenistic religion 15780:History of Western civilization 15383:Christianity in the Middle Ages 15199:Christianization of Scandinavia 11367:Graham-Campbell, James (2013). 11305: 10763:Marine Encyclopaedic Dictionary 10575:. Routledge. pp. 337–338. 10034:Eduardo Morales Romero (2004). 10013:. Routledge. pp. 108–109. 9742:Histoire de l'Espagne musulmane 9681:Dreyer (Firm) (November 1996). 9468:Forte, Oram & Pedersen 2005 9150:. Read Books Ltd. p. 153. 8846:. Springer Nature. p. 73. 8722: 8655:] (in Swedish). Stockholm: 8632: 8530: 8511: 8481: 8451: 8427: 8420:(in Lithuanian). 2003, p. 136. 8401: 8376: 8328: 8298: 8289: 8280: 8250: 8169: 8146: 8134: 8115: 8092: 8069: 8057: 8044: 8031: 7985: 7976: 7933: 7924: 7915: 7910:Early Medieval Ireland 400–1200 7902: 7899:. The Viking Ship Museum, p. 19 7889: 7845:Forte, Oram & Pedersen 2005 7799: 7755: 7690: 7513: 7441: 7303: 7300:. New York: Viking, 2009. p. 58 7290: 7277: 7256: 7244: 7159: 7146: 7103: 6913: 6890: 6857: 6774: 6745: 6676:"History of Lindisfarne Priory" 6024:Settlements outside Scandinavia 5892:in the present tense of verbs. 5826:over a thousand Old Norse words 5677:Jesch describes the content of 2665:, and finally into the greater 1989:. In Sweden, the reign of king 16156:Crisis of the late Middle Ages 15624:Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 15567:Christianity in the modern era 15338:Christianity in late antiquity 15189:Christianization of the Franks 14262:Continental Germanic mythology 13211:Sack of Santiago de Compostela 11094:. Cambridge University Press. 10373:Price, Theron Douglas (2015). 10192:. Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd. 10154:UNESCO World Heritage Centre. 9830:10.1163/2214-871X_ei1_SIM_3594 9546:. Berghahn Books. p. 80. 9382:Fighting Emperors of Byzantium 9311:. Cambridge University Press. 8676:Gotlands historia i fickformat 8438:Särkland och dess källmaterial 8077:"Catto Long Barrow fieldnotes" 7264:History of the Kings of Norway 7165:Hansen, I.L & C. Wickham. 6763:(New York: E.P. Dutton 1980), 6592: 6510:The Vikings in the Isle of Man 6154: 5597:, written in the tradition of 5221:, consisted of about 20 farms. 4598:Treaty of Saint-Clair-sur-Epte 4507:Viking incursions into Gascony 2882:Æthelred, Lord of the Mercians 13: 1: 16330:Disability in the Middle Ages 16003:Rise of the Republic of Genoa 15935:Rise of the Venetian Republic 15775:History of the European Union 14096:Viking Ship Museum (Roskilde) 14050:Uppland Runic Inscription 158 13226:Siege of Constantinople (860) 11740:Norwegian government-in-exile 11385:, Copenhagen and New York. . 10567:Dommasnes, Liv Helga (1998). 9384:. Pen and Sword. p. 177. 8966:The Baltic and the North Seas 8682:] (in Swedish). Immenco. 8680:The pocket history of Gotland 8334:Mickevičius, Artūras (2018). 7995:. Boydell Press, 2012. p. 149 6864:Palmer, Alan Warwick (2006). 6166: 5601:, show Viking influences; in 5419: 5289: 5192: 4750:("Skakke", meaning bent head) 4624:. By the end of the reign of 4571: 4539:. The incursions in 841  4457:Viking raids in the Rhineland 3456:was probably still spoken in 3426: 3083: 3069: 3007: 2864:ratifying the pawning in the 2309: 2288:History of Ireland (800–1169) 2188:, and also by another Viking 2015:; in Ireland, the capture of 1994: 846: 14015:Småland Runic Inscription 48 13915:Danish Runic Inscription 380 13910:Danish Runic Inscription 154 11693:Hereditary Kingdom of Norway 11688:Kingdom of Norway (872–1397) 11353:Graham-Campbell, J. (1980). 11311:Graham-Campbell, J. (2001), 11158:Jansson, Sven B. F. (1980). 10573:Reader in Gender Archaeology 10454:Korpela, Jukka Jari (2018). 9927:"Los vikingos en al-Andalus" 9693:(6). Nordmanns-forbundet: 16 9399:. Pen and Sword. p. 18. 9380:Carr, John (30 April 2015). 8780:Andersson, Thorsten (2007). 8703:Białobłocki, Tomasz (2018). 8674:Gardell, Carl Johan (1987). 8373:Haridus, 2007 (7–8), p 38–41 8337:Vikingai Lietuvos istorijoje 8191:, pp. 321–322, 325–326. 8025:UK public library membership 7661:. 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Britannia 37 (2006): Web. 6806:Battles, Dominique (2013). 6028: 5933: 5711: 5425:. The town is now known as 5380: 5298:Modern replica of a Viking 5097: 4604:to Rollo, establishing the 3764:Exploration of the Americas 2926: 2831:King Dougal of the Hebrides 2646:), and became known as the 2525: 1917:Mongols invaded Kievan Rus' 1758:, by rapine and slaughter. 1721:three Norwegian boats from 1697: 1662:Christianity in Scandinavia 10: 16520: 16131:Rise of the Ottoman Empire 15790:Military history of Europe 15785:Maritime history of Europe 13935:Gunnar's bridge runestones 13281:Viking Age arms and armour 13136:Battle of Strangford Lough 12876:Battle of Brentford (1016) 11285:. Tartu University Press. 11006:Duczko, Wladyslaw (2004). 10481:Duczko, Wladyslaw (2004). 10433:. Brill. pp. 97–100. 10237:National Museum of Denmark 10091:The Legacy of Muslim Spain 9718:. Routledge. p. 464. 9189:World History Encyclopedia 9144:Sturlason, Snorre (2011). 9096:. 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Afterwards they raided 4941:besieged it for seven days 4771: 4580:However, from 885 to 886, 4496: 4454: 3511:) on the eastern coast of 3471: 3043: 2979: 2964: 2930: 2902: 2884:, defeated a Danish band. 2817:The end of the Viking Age 2758:King of Mann and the Isles 2726: 2602:("Rock of the Clyde", the 2529: 2285: 2281: 2117: 2102: 1551: 878:), Greenland, and Canada. 733: 18:Viking invasion of England 16388: 16317: 16176: 16071: 16058:Mongol invasion of Europe 15963: 15843: 15760:Genetic history of Europe 15742: 15547: 15363: 15303: 15270: 15212: 15174: 14455: 14417: 14207: 14161: 14144: 14091:Viking Ship Museum (Oslo) 14078: 14065:Västra Nöbbelöv Runestone 13887: 13754:Sigvaldi Strut-Haraldsson 13589:Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson 13361: 13249: 13126:Battle of Stamford Bridge 12813: 12708: 12638: 12600: 12589: 12393: 12324: 12277: 12174: 12084: 12075: 11965: 11956: 11859: 11850: 11778: 11769: 11758: 11648: 11574: 11252:Pritsak, Omeljan (1981). 11225:Martens, Irmelin (2004), 11113:, Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO 10917:10.1038/s41586-020-2688-8 10879:Preprint via ResearchGate 10735:. In McTurk, Rory (ed.). 10704:Sanders, Ruth H. (2021). 10344:Birnbaum, Henrik (2023). 10007:Logan, F. Donald (2013). 9940:: 335–344. Archived from 9925:Riosalido, Jesús (1997). 9900:. In Sawyer, P.H. (ed.). 9627:. Routledge. p. 58. 9538:Seirinidou, Vaso (2017). 9088:Lübke, Christian (2022). 9040:Die Slawen in Deutschland 9038:Herrmann, Joachim (1985) 8968:. Routledge. p. 88. 8939:. Routledge. p. 43. 8735:. Göteborgs universitet. 8647:Burenhult, Göran (1999). 8560:. In Sawyer, P.H. (ed.). 8440:. Göteborgs universitet. 8158:14 September 2010 at the 8075:Hogan, C. Michael (2008) 7863:. Springer. p. 349. 7030:10.1017/S0003598X00097301 6705:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 6703:Swanton, Michael (1998). 6050: 4612:, and vowed to guard the 4492: 4450: 4429: 4293: 4252: 4221: 4106: 4021: 3928: 3804: 3739: 3728: 3660: 3640: 3448:and Kiev were thoroughly 3000:The Viking Age in Estonia 2973:The Iru Fort in Northern 2806:agreed to pay tribute to 2292:Early Scandinavian Dublin 2227:In 1003, the Danish King 2013:Battle of Stamford Bridge 1771:In 794, according to the 1400:Medieval Scandinavian law 14442:North Germanic languages 14427:Germanic parent language 13599:Ingvar the Far-Travelled 13504:Gudrid Thorbjarnardóttir 13338:Raid Warfare and Tactics 13181:Battle of Trans-la-Forêt 13151:Battle of Tara (Ireland) 13121:Battle of Stamford (918) 13116:Battle of Stamford (894) 13021:Battle of Lüneburg Heath 12836:Battle of Anglesey Sound 11864:Administrative divisions 11710:Kingdom of Norway (1814) 11427:19, no. 6 (2003): 70–72. 11397:Vikings: Life and Legend 11189:A History of the Vikings 10731:Barnes, Michael (2008). 10508:Blöndal, Sigfús (2007). 9652:A History of the Vikings 9567:Fabricius, Adam (1882). 9426:2. Runriket – Täby Kyrka 9280:Britannica Encyclopaedia 9250:Encyclopaedia Britannica 8819:. Routledge. p. 7. 8753:Blöndal, Sigfús (2007). 8542:28 February 2014 at the 8523:28 February 2014 at the 8175:Williams, John Garnons. 7605:The Viking Age: A Reader 7572:Winroth, Anders (2016). 7323:Winroth, Anders (2016). 7251:François-Xavier Dillmann 7126:Winroth, Anders (2016). 6393:Boydell & Brewer Ltd 6268: 5801:", says Michael Barnes. 5755:North Germanic languages 5643:University of Nottingham 5406: 5263:, over 500 years before 4767: 4657: 4543:caused severe damage to 4503:Siege of Paris (885–886) 4477:were raided by Vikings. 3350:, the Russian folk name 3309:) with the Middle East ( 2871: 2691:Diocese of Sodor and Man 2592:Britons of the Old North 2384:(Olaf) became the first 2233:St. Brice's Day massacre 2172:The following year, the 1310:Early Germanic calendars 1118:Hel (mythological being) 39:latest accepted revision 16013:Investiture Controversy 15983:Second Bulgarian Empire 15765:History of Christianity 14447:West Germanic languages 14437:East Germanic languages 14432:Proto-Germanic language 14252:Proto-Germanic folklore 14189:Romano-Germanic culture 13819:Thorfinn Torf-Einarsson 13764:Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye 13494:Godfrid, Duke of Frisia 13221:Siege of Chartres (911) 13071:Battle of Reading (871) 13026:Battle of Lyrskov Heath 13016:Battle of London Bridge 12986:Battle of Hingston Down 11980:Government Pension Fund 11371:, Thames & Hudson. 11279:Tvauri, Andres (2012). 10884:2 February 2021 at the 10760:Sullivan, Eric (2020). 10677:Sawyer, Birgit (2000). 10650:Sawyer, Birgit (2000). 10626:Women in the Viking Age 10599:Women in the Viking Age 9458:, vol. ii, pp. 203, 205 8813:"Who were the Vikings?" 8493:Encyclopædia Britannica 8463:Encyclopædia Britannica 8369:11 October 2017 at the 8082:18 January 2009 at the 7940:Downham, Clare (2007). 7392:Carroll, Jayne (2014). 7287:82.317 (2008): 671–685 7082:. Penguin. p. 47. 6561:Oxford University Press 6515:Aarhus University Press 6388:Women in the Viking Age 6338:University of Cambridge 6011:Sviatopolk the Accursed 5749: 5742: 5735: 5655:Women in the Viking Age 5647:Women in the Viking Age 5617:Women in Viking society 5259:from Greenland reached 4748:, who won his nickname 4487:Godfrid, Duke of Frisia 4098:Death in Norse paganism 3414:, used in the province 3391:derives from the words 2610:, which had become the 2519:Cogad Gáedel re Gallaib 1330:Death in Norse paganism 1096:Dökkálfar and Ljósálfar 883:North Germanic language 619:settled in Newfoundland 16444:History of Scandinavia 16370:Post-classical history 16126:Fall of Constantinople 16033:Capet–Plantagenet feud 15900:First Bulgarian Empire 15589:Grand Duchy of Tuscany 13975:Norra Härene Runestone 13900:Baltic area runestones 13414:Bjørn (floruit 856–58) 13201:Raids in the Rhineland 13011:Battle of Leuven (891) 13001:Battle of Islandbridge 12996:Battle of Hjörungavágr 12896:Battle of Cathair Cuan 11568:history of Scandinavia 11460:The Vikings in History 11341:The Art of Scandinavia 11122:. Shire Publications. 11120:Viking Age Archaeology 11118:Hall, Richard (2010). 10623:Jesch, Judith (1991). 10596:Jesch, Judith (1991). 10487:. Brill. p. 215. 10400:Katona, Csete (2022). 10289:10.1098/rstb.2010.0194 10190:The Viking Achievement 10010:The Vikings in History 9896:Nelson, Jinty (2001). 9843:Christys, Ann (2015). 9621:Kennedy, Hugh (2014). 9456:Ecclesiastical History 9413:Anglo-Saxon Chronicles 9334:Haywood, John (2015). 8811:Brink, Stefan (2008). 8088:The Modern Antiquarian 8017:10.1093/ref:odnb/25545 7948:Dunedin Academic Press 7897:The Vikings in Ireland 7806:Bagge, Sverre (2014). 7628:Bagge, Sverre (2012). 7575:The Age of the Vikings 7481:Bagge, Sverre (2014). 7424:The Vikings in Britain 7326:The Age of the Vikings 7298:The Vikings: A History 7154:The Vikings: A History 7129:The Age of the Vikings 7079:The Vikings: A History 7046:Bagge, Sverre (2014). 6789: 6648:Jesch, Judith (2015). 6463:Haywood, John (1999). 6421:Haywood, John (1995). 5730: 5599:Germanic heroic legend 5437: 5429: 5302: 5261:Mainland North America 5237:Mainland North America 5169: 5144: 4791: 3787:Varangian Trade Routes 3582:and the semilegendary 3489: 3286: 2977: 2689:—this survives in the 2659:kingdom of Northumbria 2648:Kingdom of Strathclyde 2540:on the holy island of 2402:Dubgaill and Finngaill 2380:In 853, Viking leader 2316: 2148:Anglo-Saxon Chronicles 2143: 1965:army under Archbishop 1854:in 911. Frankish King 1838: 1769: 1710: 1582: 859: 815:were the first to use 769: 77: 15669:Industrial Revolution 14257:Anglo-Saxon mythology 14147:Ethnolinguistic group 13945:Hakon Jarl runestones 13844:Tryggvi the Pretender 13749:Snæfrithr Svásadottir 13684:Ohthere of Hålogaland 13629:Ketil Trout (Iceland) 13449:Eohric of East Anglia 13348:Svinfylking Formation 13156:Battle of Tarbat Ness 12966:Battle of Fýrisvellir 12831:First Battle of Alton 11520:The Danish Viking Age 10828:, CUP, 2001 edition, 10787:Arter, David (1999). 10427:Mägi, Marika (2018). 10305:25 April 2006 at the 10094:. Brill. p. 10. 9683:"Norsk jul i bokform" 9184:"Odo of West Francia" 8585:Mägi, Marika (2018). 8416:6 August 2023 at the 8342:5 August 2023 at the 7169:Leiden: Brill, 2000. 6897:Arne Emil Christensen 6833:Wawn, Andrew (2001). 6784: 5911:; many others end in 5880:; the replacement of 5435: 5414: 5305:Further information: 5297: 5159: 5139: 4781: 4772:Further information: 4764:, in Southern Italy. 4754:William the Conqueror 4715:William de Hauteville 4664:Dudo of Saint-Quentin 4626:Richard I of Normandy 4467:Frisian-Frankish wars 3481: 3472:Further information: 3275:Tjängvide image stone 3269: 2982:Viking Age in Estonia 2972: 2858:James III of Scotland 2839:Magnus the Law-Mender 2786:Lordship of the Isles 2532:Scandinavian Scotland 2303: 2125: 1800: 1764:Anglo Saxon Chronicle 1751: 1743:Anglo–Saxon Chronicle 1719:Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 1705: 1612:with names ending in 1577: 854: 781:Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 705:unification of Norway 530:(about 800–1050  396:Scandinavian Airlines 211:Chronological history 67: 16350:Medieval reenactment 16146:Renaissance Humanism 16053:Medieval Warm Period 16023:Republic of Florence 15837:European Middle Ages 15724:European debt crisis 15719:European integration 15659:Age of Enlightenment 15499:Republic of Florence 14055:Varangian runestones 13970:Lingsberg Runestones 13950:Hällestad Runestones 13834:Thorolf Kveldulfsson 13794:Styrbjörn the Strong 13729:Rognvald Eysteinsson 13709:Ragnhild Eriksdotter 13474:Freydís Eiríksdóttir 13444:Egill Skallagrímsson 13191:Burning of Luimneach 13166:Battle of Tettenhall 13131:Battle of Stiklestad 13066:Battle of Rastarkalv 12976:Battle of Hafrsfjord 12941:Battle of Englefield 12901:Battle of Chippenham 12891:Battle of Buttington 12886:Battle of Brunanburh 12881:Battle of Brissarthe 12269:Romantic nationalism 11879:Correctional Service 11838:World Heritage Sites 11525:Old Norse literature 11185:Jones, Gwyn (1968). 10161:16 June 2006 at the 10115:Fadlan, Ibn (2012). 9966:Fletcher, Richard A. 9276:"Robert 1 of France" 9246:"Robert I of France" 9222:. 4 September 2018. 8897:Nationalencyklopedin 8649:Arkeologi i Norden 2 8410:Lietuva iki Mindaugo 8141:History and Heritage 8104:24 July 2011 at the 7699:Sweyn (r. 1013–1014) 7533:Howard, Ian (2003). 7421:Loyn, Henry (1995). 6902:4 March 2016 at the 6707:. Psychology Press. 6678:. English Heritage. 5946:in July 2019 and in 5747:). Another term was 5568:Eastern Roman Empire 5519:network. During the 5265:Christopher Columbus 4837:Chronicon albeldense 4731:Land of the Lombards 4527:during the reign of 4499:Siege of Paris (845) 4489:, as well as Rorik. 3462:Nationalencyklopedin 3399:(a rowing session). 3368:, contains the word 3131:Egill Skallagrímsson 2878:Battle of Buttington 2729:Kingdom of the Isles 2642:(within present-day 2494:High King of Ireland 2444:kingdom of the Isles 2276:Eystein II of Norway 1979:Battle of Stiklestad 1911:with the capital in 1706:Viking-era towns of 1642:Medieval Warm Period 811:and Swedish scholar 794:Robert of Gloucester 643:Kingdom of the Isles 617:. They also briefly 16063:Kingdom of Portugal 15930:Old Church Slavonic 15915:Anglo-Saxon England 15689:Revolutions of 1848 15619:Early modern France 15400:Anglo-Saxon England 15305:Classical antiquity 15184:Gothic Christianity 14000:Sigtrygg Runestones 13990:Runestones of Högby 13895:Ballstorp Runestone 13879:Unn the Deep-Minded 13814:Thorfinn the Mighty 13809:Þorbjörg Lítilvölva 13789:Steinunn Refsdóttir 13579:Hemming Halfdansson 13434:Bjorn the Easterner 13161:Battle of Tempsford 13111:Battle of Stainmore 13091:Battle of Rochester 13031:Battle of Mag Femen 12991:Battle of the Holme 12916:Battle of Corbridge 12871:Battle of Brávellir 12821:Tactics and warfare 12625:Viking ship replica 11109:Frucht, R. (2004), 10909:2020Natur.585..390M 10346:"Medieval Novgorod" 9802:10.3390/rel12070544 9648:Gwyn Jones (2001). 9540:"The Mediterranean" 9432:4 June 2008 at the 9395:Hill, Paul (2015). 8782:"Rus' und Wikinger" 8385:Pilsoto žemės pilys 8247:, pp. 132–135. 8127:18 May 2011 at the 7908:Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí. 7109:Fletcher, Richard. 6651:The Viking Diaspora 6549:Rogers, Clifford J. 5964:early modern period 5899:): over 600 end in 5653:Published in 1991, 5364:calcite "sunstones" 5284:World Heritage Site 5041:al-Jazīra al-Khadrā 5014:al-Jazīra al-Khadrā 4815:Kingdom of Asturias 4807:Strait of Gibraltar 4511:History of Normandy 3782:Viking Trade Routes 3594:, according to the 3560:Altes Lager Menzlin 3487:Altes Lager Menzlin 3145:and the islands of 3109:Battle of Brávellir 2667:Kingdom of Scotland 2035:by troops loyal to 1877:Anglo–Saxon England 1841:The Kingdom of the 1717:. According to the 1715:Beorhtric of Wessex 1677:Technological model 1622:Anglo-Saxon England 1253:Rituals and worship 827:, Danish-Norwegian 29:Page version status 16244:In popular culture 16209:Crusading movement 16081:Hundred Years' War 15940:Civitas Schinesghe 15925:Carolingian Empire 15910:Kingdom of Croatia 15863:Barbarian kingdoms 15795:Crusading movement 15699:Russian Revolution 15534:Hundred Years' War 15430:Maritime republics 15333:Early Christianity 15323:Hellenistic period 15280:Paleolithic Europe 14567:Germani cisrhenani 14275:Funerary practices 14179:Pre-Roman Iron Age 14155:Germanic languages 14030:Sparlösa Runestone 13985:Runestones at Aspa 13980:Orkesta Runestones 13925:England runestones 13544:Halfdan Ragnarsson 13524:Hakon Rognvaldsson 13509:Gunnar Hámundarson 13489:Godfrid Haraldsson 13424:Bjarni Herjólfsson 13374:Amlaíb Cenncairech 13362:Historical figures 13266:Great Heathen Army 13254:and fortifications 13171:Battle of Thetford 13096:Battle of Sasireti 13086:Battle of Ringmere 12971:Battle of Glenmama 12946:Battle of Epiphany 12936:Battle of Edington 12906:Battle of Clontarf 12866:Battle of Benfleet 12846:Battle of Assandun 12683:L'Anse aux Meadows 12508:Old Norse religion 12234:Norwegian language 12043:Telecommunications 11730:Reichskommissariat 11339:Anker, P. (1970). 11254:The origin of Rus' 10889: • 8894:"Nordiska språk", 8657:Natur & Kultur 8407:Butrimas, Adomas. 8143:. Shetland Tourism 8099:"Norsken som døde" 7296:Ferguson, Robert. 7152:Ferguson, Robert. 6791:Magnus Magnusson, 6751:Albert D'Haenens, 6546: • 6502: • 6461: • 6419: • 6258:L'Anse aux Meadows 5999:Salme ship burials 5919:("clearing"), and 5704:as much as to the 5679:runic inscriptions 5645:, suggests in her 5438: 5430: 5303: 5277:L'Anse aux Meadows 5257:Þórfinnr Karlsefni 5249:Bjarni Herjólfsson 5243:L'Anse aux Meadows 5226:Western Settlement 5204:Eastern Settlement 5170: 4890:Emirate of Qurṭuba 4842:Annales Bertiniani 4830:Mare Mediterrāneum 4792: 4742:Edgar the Ætheling 4721:who fought in the 4719:Edgar the Ætheling 4706:), North Africa). 4590:Robert I of France 4563:. The presence of 3705:Old Norse religion 3680:Pre-Roman Iron Age 3490: 3348:Thorsten Andersson 3287: 2978: 2827:King Magnus of Man 2723:Kings of the Isles 2713:The Jarl of Orkney 2624:Arthgal ap Dyfnwal 2583:(The accession of 2581:Óengus mac Fergusa 2483:Máel Sechnaill Mór 2468:Sigtrygg Silkbeard 2317: 2269:Battle of Hastings 2176:, led by brothers 2174:Great Heathen Army 2144: 1856:Charles the Simple 1839: 1711: 1630:Vale of York Hoard 1590:Demographic models 1583: 1569:Harald I of Norway 1565:female infanticide 1320:Seeress (Germanic) 1042:Old Norse religion 994:Pre-Roman Iron Age 860: 817:runic inscriptions 709:Carolingian Empire 611:Volga trade routes 159:History by country 78: 35: 16426: 16425: 16335:Basic topics list 16136:Swiss mercenaries 16086:Wars of the Roses 15993:Kingdom of Poland 15978:Holy Roman Empire 15845:Early Middle Ages 15803: 15802: 15729:COVID-19 pandemic 15674:French Revolution 15649:Habsburg monarchy 15629:Cossack Hetmanate 15609:Portuguese Empire 15599:Absolute monarchy 15594:Thirty Years' War 15489:Holy Roman Empire 15414:Bulgarian Empire 15373:Early Middle Ages 15290:Bronze Age Europe 15264:History of Europe 15230: 15229: 14402:Gothic and Vandal 14194:Germanic Iron Age 14169:Nordic Bronze Age 14151:Northern European 14104: 14103: 14070:Viking runestones 14005:Simris Runestones 13995:Sædinge Runestone 13965:Karlevi Runestone 13955:Ingvar runestones 13930:Greece runestones 13839:Thorstein the Red 13824:Thorkell the Tall 13704:Ragnar Ragnarsson 13609:Ivar the Boneless 13534:Haakon Sigurdsson 13484:Garðar Svavarsson 13469:Eiríkr Hákonarson 13464:Eric I of Denmark 13419:Bjorn Asbrandsson 13306:Gjermundbu helmet 13176:Battle of Thimeon 13146:Battle of Sulcoit 13141:Battle of Svolder 13106:Battle of Skyhill 13076:Battle of Renfrew 13056:Battle of Norditi 13041:Battle of Meretun 12961:Battle of Fulford 12956:Battle of Florvåg 12841:Battle of Ashdown 12568:Viking runestones 12353: 12352: 12320: 12319: 12139:language conflict 12071: 12070: 12018:Norwegian paradox 11952: 11951: 11934:Political parties 11894:Foreign relations 11846: 11845: 11607: 11606: 11457:Logan, F. Donald 11419:978-0-04-709018-9 11405:978-0-7141-2336-3 11391:978-0-8478-1625-5 11377:978-0-500-20419-1 11363:978-0-7141-1354-8 11321:978-0-7112-3468-0 11217:978-1-909662-79-7 11150:978-3-515-07671-5 11129:978-0-7478-0063-7 11101:978-0-521-82992-2 11019:978-90-04-13874-2 10903:(7825): 390–396. 10800:978-0-7190-5133-3 10773:978-1-000-28815-5 10746:978-1-4051-3738-6 10717:978-0-226-75975-3 10690:978-0-19-820643-9 10663:978-0-19-820643-9 10636:978-0-85115-360-5 10609:978-0-85115-360-5 10582:978-0-415-17359-9 10550:978-90-272-9960-4 10521:978-0-521-03552-1 10494:978-90-04-13874-2 10467:978-90-04-38173-5 10440:978-90-04-36381-6 10413:978-1-000-68517-6 10386:978-0-19-023197-2 10359:978-0-520-34307-8 10309:BBC. 5 April 2000 10128:978-0-14-197504-7 10047:978-84-7813-270-6 10020:978-1-136-52716-6 9972:. HarperCollins. 9934:Al-Andalus Magreb 9911:978-0-19-285434-6 9856:978-1-4742-1377-6 9634:978-1-317-87041-8 9553:978-1-78533-585-3 9157:978-1-4465-4805-9 9130:978-1-4728-1322-0 9103:978-1-000-54834-1 9054:, pp. 15–16. 8975:978-1-136-16954-0 8962:"Boats and Ships" 8946:978-1-000-20470-4 8853:978-3-030-53797-5 8766:978-0-521-03552-1 8741:978-91-981859-4-2 8733:Att tolka Svitjod 8729:Thunberg, Carl L. 8689:978-91-7810-885-5 8666:978-91-27-13478-2 8625:978-87-7124-425-0 8598:978-90-04-36381-6 8571:978-0-19-285434-6 8446:978-91-637-5727-3 8434:Thunberg, Carl L. 8362:Sigtuna hukkumine 8235:, pp. 45–46. 8023:(Subscription or 7991:Gorski, Richard. 7957:978-1-903765-89-0 7870:978-3-319-78828-9 7819:978-1-4008-5010-5 7794:978-0-582-05970-2 7668:978-1-78885-148-0 7641:978-87-635-0791-2 7614:978-1-4875-7047-7 7585:978-0-691-16929-3 7494:978-1-4008-5010-5 7434:978-0-631-18711-0 7407:978-1-317-86041-9 7366:978-0-19-023199-6 7336:978-0-691-16929-3 7309:Pearson, Andrew. 7239:978-2-221-10631-0 7229:Boyer, R. (2008) 7139:978-0-691-16929-3 7089:978-1-101-15142-6 7059:978-1-4008-5010-5 6933:978-0-85115-713-9 6875:978-0-7195-6299-0 6819:978-1-136-15662-5 6661:978-1-317-48253-6 5974:(84 samples) and 5716:The 12th-century 5609:influence in the 5552:Umayyad Caliphate 5525:Volga trade route 5215:Middle Settlement 5166:Church of Hvalsey 4774:Vikings in Iberia 4639:conquered England 4606:Duchy of Normandy 4584:(Eudes de Paris) 4479:Rorik of Dorestad 4442: 4441: 3800: 3799: 3792:Volga Trade Route 3710:Germanic paganism 3690:Germanic Iron Age 3675:Nordic Bronze Age 3509:Groß Strömkendorf 3303:Volga trade route 3296:Truvor and Sineus 3294:and his brothers 3240:Primary Chronicle 3077:Norna-Gests þáttr 2996:Southern Estonian 2907:According to the 2804:Harald Maddadsson 2769:Edgar of Scotland 2747:Sigurd the Mighty 2743:Thorstein the Red 2673:Earldom of Orkney 2655:Scottish Lowlands 2585:Cináed mac Ailpín 2569:Eogán mac Óengusa 2460:Olaf Guthfrithson 2394:Ivar the Boneless 2214:Battle of Ashdown 2178:Ivar the Boneless 2146:According to the 1955:Battle of Norditi 1807:Mediterranean Sea 1636:Ideological model 1550: 1549: 1375:Germanic kingship 1081:Wayland the Smith 1004:Germanic Iron Age 989:Nordic Bronze Age 825:Thormodus Torfæus 724:secondary sources 524: 523: 47:23 September 2024 26: 16:(Redirected from 16511: 16416: 16415: 16406: 16405: 16396: 16355:Medieval studies 16199:Church and State 16073:Late Middle Ages 15965:High Middle Ages 15883:Christianization 15853:Migration Period 15830: 15823: 15816: 15807: 15806: 15664:Great Divergence 15579:Age of Discovery 15524:Late Middle Ages 15494:High Middle Ages 15405:Byzantine Empire 15388:Christianization 15378:Migration Period 15313:Classical Greece 15285:Neolithic Europe 15257: 15250: 15243: 15234: 15233: 15220: 15219: 15176:Christianization 14766:Ripuarian Franks 14138:Germanic peoples 14131: 14124: 14117: 14108: 14107: 14035:Stangeland stone 14010:Sjörup Runestone 13960:Italy runestones 13940:Hagby Runestones 13920:Egtved Runestone 13854:Valtoke Gormsson 13799:Sweyn Asleifsson 13784:Snorri Sturluson 13769:Sigurd the Stout 13714:Ragnall ua Imair 13604:Ingólfr Arnarson 13554:Harald Bluetooth 13539:Halfdan Long-Leg 13081:Battle of Remich 13061:Battle of Pinhoe 13046:Battle of Nesjar 13036:Battle of Maldon 12981:Battle of Helgeå 12951:Battle of Fitjar 12931:Battle of Dollar 12921:Battle of Cynwit 12911:Battle of Confey 12851:Battle of Basing 12716:Viking expansion 12648:North Sea Empire 12595: 12573:Viking Age trade 12448:Germanic deities 12380: 12373: 12366: 12357: 12356: 12333: 12209: 12199: 12082: 12081: 12028:Renewable energy 12003: 11963: 11962: 11857: 11856: 11776: 11775: 11764: 11720:End of the union 11683:High Middle Ages 11634: 11627: 11620: 11611: 11610: 11566:Timeline of the 11560: 11553: 11546: 11537: 11536: 11502: 11497: 11496: 11438:Hudson, Benjamin 11430:Downham, Clare. 11425:Military History 11313:The Viking World 11296: 11275: 11248: 11247: 11245: 11231: 11221: 11202: 11192: 11181: 11154: 11133: 11114: 11105: 11075: 11072: 11066: 11065: 11063: 11061: 11042: 11036: 11035: 11033: 11031: 11003: 10997: 10996: 10994: 10992: 10973: 10967: 10966: 10964: 10962: 10928: 10877: 10875: 10863: 10854: 10843: 10837: 10824:Crystal, David, 10822: 10805: 10804: 10784: 10778: 10777: 10757: 10751: 10750: 10728: 10722: 10721: 10701: 10695: 10694: 10674: 10668: 10667: 10647: 10641: 10640: 10620: 10614: 10613: 10593: 10587: 10586: 10564: 10555: 10554: 10532: 10526: 10525: 10505: 10499: 10498: 10478: 10472: 10471: 10451: 10445: 10444: 10424: 10418: 10417: 10397: 10391: 10390: 10370: 10364: 10363: 10341: 10335: 10334: 10332: 10330: 10316: 10310: 10297: 10291: 10280: 10274: 10273: 10271: 10269: 10254: 10248: 10247: 10245: 10243: 10229: 10223: 10222: 10220: 10218: 10207: 10201: 10186: 10180: 10176: 10170: 10152: 10146: 10139: 10133: 10132: 10112: 10106: 10105: 10085: 10079: 10078: 10058: 10052: 10051: 10031: 10025: 10024: 10004: 9998: 9997: 9987: 9981: 9963: 9957: 9956: 9954: 9952: 9946: 9931: 9922: 9916: 9915: 9893: 9887: 9886: 9876: 9867: 9861: 9860: 9840: 9834: 9833: 9813: 9807: 9806: 9804: 9780: 9774: 9773: 9753: 9747: 9746: 9736: 9730: 9729: 9715:The Viking World 9709: 9703: 9702: 9700: 9698: 9678: 9672: 9671: 9655: 9645: 9639: 9638: 9618: 9612: 9611: 9601: 9592: 9579: 9578: 9564: 9558: 9557: 9535: 9529: 9528: 9518: 9509: 9503: 9502: 9500: 9498: 9492: 9485: 9477: 9471: 9465: 9459: 9452: 9446: 9443: 9437: 9422: 9416: 9410: 9401: 9400: 9392: 9386: 9385: 9377: 9371: 9370: 9368: 9366: 9346: 9340: 9339: 9331: 9325: 9324: 9322: 9320: 9302: 9296: 9295: 9293: 9291: 9272: 9266: 9265: 9263: 9261: 9242: 9236: 9235: 9233: 9231: 9212: 9206: 9205: 9203: 9201: 9180: 9174: 9168: 9162: 9161: 9141: 9135: 9134: 9114: 9108: 9107: 9085: 9079: 9073: 9067: 9061: 9055: 9049: 9043: 9036: 9030: 9024: 9018: 9012: 8997: 8991: 8980: 8979: 8957: 8951: 8950: 8928: 8922: 8916: 8910: 8909: 8906:Omkring 800–1100 8900:(in Swedish), § 8891: 8885: 8879: 8870: 8864: 8858: 8857: 8837: 8831: 8830: 8817:The Viking World 8808: 8802: 8801: 8777: 8771: 8770: 8750: 8744: 8726: 8720: 8719: 8717: 8715: 8709: 8700: 8694: 8693: 8670: 8636: 8630: 8629: 8609: 8603: 8602: 8582: 8576: 8575: 8553: 8547: 8534: 8528: 8515: 8509: 8508: 8506: 8504: 8485: 8479: 8478: 8476: 8474: 8455: 8449: 8431: 8425: 8405: 8399: 8398: 8380: 8374: 8354: 8348: 8332: 8326: 8325: 8323: 8321: 8302: 8296: 8293: 8287: 8284: 8278: 8277: 8275: 8273: 8254: 8248: 8242: 8236: 8230: 8219: 8213: 8207: 8201: 8192: 8186: 8180: 8173: 8167: 8150: 8144: 8138: 8132: 8119: 8113: 8112:. 9 October 1996 8096: 8090: 8073: 8067: 8061: 8055: 8048: 8042: 8035: 8029: 8028: 8020: 8002: 7996: 7989: 7983: 7980: 7974: 7973: 7971: 7969: 7937: 7931: 7928: 7922: 7919: 7913: 7906: 7900: 7893: 7887: 7886: 7884: 7882: 7854: 7848: 7842: 7836: 7835: 7833: 7831: 7803: 7797: 7786: 7780: 7779: 7778: 7776: 7759: 7753: 7738: 7732: 7721: 7715: 7714: 7713: 7711: 7694: 7688: 7682: 7673: 7672: 7652: 7646: 7645: 7625: 7619: 7618: 7596: 7590: 7589: 7569: 7563: 7562: 7560: 7558: 7530: 7524: 7521:Hrolf the Ganger 7517: 7511: 7510: 7508: 7506: 7478: 7465: 7464: 7462: 7460: 7445: 7439: 7438: 7418: 7412: 7411: 7389: 7383: 7382: 7380: 7378: 7350: 7341: 7340: 7320: 7314: 7307: 7301: 7294: 7288: 7281: 7275: 7260: 7254: 7248: 7242: 7227: 7221: 7206: 7200: 7185: 7179: 7176: 7170: 7163: 7157: 7150: 7144: 7143: 7123: 7114: 7107: 7101: 7100: 7093: 7073: 7064: 7063: 7043: 7034: 7033: 7024:(317): 672–673. 7013: 7004: 7003: 6993: 6983: 6959: 6950: 6949: 6947: 6945: 6917: 6911: 6894: 6888: 6887: 6861: 6855: 6854: 6852: 6850: 6845:on 11 March 2008 6841:. Archived from 6830: 6824: 6823: 6803: 6797: 6778: 6772: 6749: 6743: 6742: 6728:The Viking World 6722: 6716: 6701: 6692: 6691: 6689: 6687: 6672: 6666: 6665: 6645: 6630: 6627: 6621: 6620: 6618: 6616: 6596: 6590: 6589: 6584: 6582: 6544: 6538: 6536: 6505:Wilson, David M. 6500: 6494: 6492: 6459: 6428: 6417: 6411: 6410: 6379: 6368: 6367: 6361: 6359: 6328:Sawyer, Peter H. 6324: 6318: 6317: 6279: 5844:sounds, such as 5830:Standard English 5752: 5745: 5738: 5683:material remains 5628:Medieval studies 5611:English language 5424: 5421: 5197: 5194: 5135:Kitāb almuqtabis 5030:Balearic Islands 5028:(جزُر البليار) ( 4998:(cora) of Tudmir 4965:Abd ar-Rahman II 4922:Abd al-Raḥmān II 4874:) and destroyed 4852:Historia silense 4576: 4573: 4558: 4542: 4471:Christianization 3770: 3769: 3734: 3722:Christianization 3695:Migration Period 3670:Nordic Stone Age 3627: 3620: 3613: 3604: 3603: 3554:(on the isle of 3546:(on the isle of 3431: 3428: 3420:Byzantine Empire 3390: 3284: 3254: 3246: 3088: 3085: 3074: 3071: 3013: 3009: 3005: 2918: 2808:William the Lion 2741:. His grandson, 2697:population (see 2633: 2629: 2567:. They defeated 2515: 2507: 2480: 2456:Gofraid ua Ímair 2417:regained control 2375:Máel Sechnaill I 2325:Annals of Ulster 2314: 2311: 2306:Dublin City Hall 2261:North Sea Empire 2218:Alfred of Wessex 2159:island of Thanet 2029:Hákon Hákonarson 2009:Harold Godwinson 2005:Haraldr Harðráði 1999: 1996: 1793: 1774:Annals of Ulster 1767: 1731:Isle of Portland 1729:) landed at the 1616:, the so-called 1554:Viking expansion 1542: 1535: 1528: 1103:Dwarf (folklore) 1029:Christianization 1009:Migration Period 984:Nordic Stone Age 936: 913: 912: 805:Thomas Bartholin 772: 697:North Sea Empire 533: 516: 509: 502: 489: 485: 484: 483: 475: 471: 470: 469: 461: 457: 456: 455: 447: 443: 442: 441: 433: 429: 428: 427: 419: 415: 414: 413: 381:Nordic countries 254:Christianization 239:Migration Period 103: 80: 79: 21: 16519: 16518: 16514: 16513: 16512: 16510: 16509: 16508: 16499:Historical eras 16429: 16428: 16427: 16422: 16384: 16365:Neo-medievalism 16313: 16249:Itinerant court 16172: 16067: 15988:Georgian Empire 15973:Norman Conquest 15959: 15905:Frankish Empire 15839: 15834: 15804: 15799: 15738: 15704:Interwar period 15679:Napoleonic Wars 15543: 15514:Mongol invasion 15467:Crown of Aragon 15359: 15299: 15295:Iron Age Europe 15266: 15261: 15231: 15226: 15208: 15170: 14451: 14413: 14375:Gothic alphabet 14267:Norse mythology 14203: 14157: 14140: 14135: 14105: 14100: 14074: 14045:Runestone U 582 13883: 13804:Sweyn Forkbeard 13719:Raud the Strong 13679:Orm Storolfsson 13674:Olof Skötkonung 13664:Olav Haraldsson 13659:Olaf Tryggvason 13644:Magnus Barefoot 13624:Ketill Flatnose 13569:Harald Wartooth 13564:Harald Hardrada 13559:Harald Fairhair 13529:Haakon the Good 13357: 13353:Varangian Guard 13253: 13245: 13216:Siege of Asselt 13206:Raid on Seville 13006:Battle of Largs 12926:Battle of Derby 12861:Battle of Bauds 12856:Battle of Barry 12826:Battle of Aclea 12809: 12704: 12640: 12634: 12602: 12596: 12587: 12493:Norse mythology 12441:Younger Futhark 12389: 12384: 12354: 12349: 12336: 12329: 12316: 12273: 12254:Public holidays 12207: 12197: 12170: 12067: 12001: 11948: 11869:National budget 11842: 11828:Protected areas 11765: 11756: 11735:Quisling regime 11644: 11638: 11608: 11603: 11602: 11600: 11570: 11564: 11498: 11491: 11488: 11475:Maier, Bernhard 11329: 11327:General surveys 11308: 11303: 11301:Further reading 11293: 11264: 11243: 11241: 11229: 11218: 11170: 11151: 11130: 11102: 11084: 11079: 11078: 11073: 11069: 11059: 11057: 11044: 11043: 11039: 11029: 11027: 11020: 11004: 11000: 10990: 10988: 10975: 10974: 10970: 10960: 10958: 10888: 10886:Wayback Machine 10864: 10857: 10844: 10840: 10823: 10808: 10801: 10785: 10781: 10774: 10758: 10754: 10747: 10729: 10725: 10718: 10702: 10698: 10691: 10675: 10671: 10664: 10648: 10644: 10637: 10621: 10617: 10610: 10594: 10590: 10583: 10565: 10558: 10551: 10533: 10529: 10522: 10506: 10502: 10495: 10479: 10475: 10468: 10452: 10448: 10441: 10425: 10421: 10414: 10398: 10394: 10387: 10371: 10367: 10360: 10342: 10338: 10328: 10326: 10318: 10317: 10313: 10307:Wayback Machine 10298: 10294: 10281: 10277: 10267: 10265: 10264:on 20 June 2013 10256: 10255: 10251: 10241: 10239: 10231: 10230: 10226: 10216: 10214: 10208: 10204: 10187: 10183: 10177: 10173: 10163:Wayback Machine 10153: 10149: 10140: 10136: 10129: 10113: 10109: 10102: 10086: 10082: 10075: 10059: 10055: 10048: 10032: 10028: 10021: 10005: 10001: 9988: 9984: 9964: 9960: 9950: 9948: 9947:on 18 July 2011 9944: 9929: 9923: 9919: 9912: 9894: 9890: 9879:Mindre Skrifter 9874: 9868: 9864: 9857: 9841: 9837: 9814: 9810: 9781: 9777: 9770: 9754: 9750: 9737: 9733: 9726: 9725:978-020341277-0 9710: 9706: 9696: 9694: 9679: 9675: 9668: 9667:978-019280134-0 9646: 9642: 9635: 9619: 9615: 9599: 9593: 9582: 9565: 9561: 9554: 9536: 9532: 9516: 9510: 9506: 9496: 9494: 9493:on 18 July 2011 9490: 9483: 9479: 9478: 9474: 9466: 9462: 9453: 9449: 9444: 9440: 9434:Wayback Machine 9423: 9419: 9411: 9404: 9393: 9389: 9378: 9374: 9364: 9362: 9347: 9343: 9338:. Head of Zeus. 9332: 9328: 9318: 9316: 9303: 9299: 9289: 9287: 9274: 9273: 9269: 9259: 9257: 9244: 9243: 9239: 9229: 9227: 9220:History Channel 9214: 9213: 9209: 9199: 9197: 9182: 9181: 9177: 9169: 9165: 9158: 9142: 9138: 9131: 9115: 9111: 9104: 9086: 9082: 9074: 9070: 9062: 9058: 9050: 9046: 9037: 9033: 9025: 9021: 9013: 9000: 8992: 8983: 8976: 8958: 8954: 8947: 8929: 8925: 8917: 8913: 8893: 8892: 8888: 8880: 8873: 8865: 8861: 8854: 8838: 8834: 8827: 8826:978-020341277-0 8809: 8805: 8778: 8774: 8767: 8751: 8747: 8727: 8723: 8713: 8711: 8707: 8701: 8697: 8690: 8671: 8667: 8644: 8637: 8633: 8626: 8610: 8606: 8599: 8583: 8579: 8572: 8554: 8550: 8544:Wayback Machine 8535: 8531: 8525:Wayback Machine 8516: 8512: 8502: 8500: 8487: 8486: 8482: 8472: 8470: 8457: 8456: 8452: 8432: 8428: 8422:ISBN 9986571898 8418:Wayback Machine 8406: 8402: 8395: 8381: 8377: 8371:Wayback Machine 8355: 8351: 8344:Wayback Machine 8333: 8329: 8319: 8317: 8304: 8303: 8299: 8294: 8290: 8285: 8281: 8271: 8269: 8256: 8255: 8251: 8243: 8239: 8231: 8222: 8214: 8210: 8202: 8195: 8187: 8183: 8174: 8170: 8160:Wayback Machine 8151: 8147: 8139: 8135: 8129:Wayback Machine 8120: 8116: 8106:Wayback Machine 8097: 8093: 8084:Wayback Machine 8074: 8070: 8062: 8058: 8049: 8045: 8036: 8032: 8022: 8003: 7999: 7990: 7986: 7981: 7977: 7967: 7965: 7958: 7938: 7934: 7929: 7925: 7920: 7916: 7907: 7903: 7894: 7890: 7880: 7878: 7871: 7855: 7851: 7843: 7839: 7829: 7827: 7820: 7804: 7800: 7787: 7783: 7774: 7772: 7761: 7760: 7756: 7739: 7735: 7722: 7718: 7709: 7707: 7696: 7695: 7691: 7683: 7676: 7669: 7653: 7649: 7642: 7626: 7622: 7615: 7597: 7593: 7586: 7570: 7566: 7556: 7554: 7547: 7531: 7527: 7518: 7514: 7504: 7502: 7495: 7479: 7468: 7458: 7456: 7447: 7446: 7442: 7435: 7419: 7415: 7408: 7390: 7386: 7376: 7374: 7367: 7351: 7344: 7337: 7321: 7317: 7308: 7304: 7295: 7291: 7282: 7278: 7261: 7257: 7249: 7245: 7228: 7224: 7207: 7203: 7186: 7182: 7177: 7173: 7164: 7160: 7151: 7147: 7140: 7124: 7117: 7108: 7104: 7090: 7074: 7067: 7060: 7044: 7037: 7014: 7007: 6960: 6953: 6943: 6941: 6934: 6918: 6914: 6904:Wayback Machine 6895: 6891: 6876: 6862: 6858: 6848: 6846: 6831: 6827: 6820: 6804: 6800: 6779: 6775: 6750: 6746: 6739: 6738:978-020341277-0 6723: 6719: 6715:. p. 57, n. 15. 6702: 6695: 6685: 6683: 6674: 6673: 6669: 6662: 6646: 6633: 6628: 6624: 6614: 6612: 6597: 6593: 6580: 6578: 6571: 6545: 6534: 6532: 6525: 6501: 6490: 6488: 6481: 6460: 6445: 6418: 6414: 6403: 6380: 6371: 6357: 6355: 6348: 6325: 6321: 6307: 6280: 6276: 6271: 6249: 6237: 6225: 6169: 6157: 6104: 6077: 6072: 6053: 6031: 6026: 5936: 5923:("homestead"). 5905:Grimsby, Naseby 5822: 5722:Gray Goose Laws 5714: 5663:Íslendingasögur 5659:Icelandic sagas 5619: 5585:Icelandic Sagas 5581: 5545:Gulf of Finland 5529:Northern Europe 5422: 5409: 5393: 5391:Norse mythology 5383: 5313: 5292: 5245: 5239: 5195: 5154: 5149: 5100: 5026:Juzur al-Balyār 4920:, and the emir 4776: 4770: 4758:Robert Guiscard 4711:Harald Hardrada 4660: 4655: 4653:Southern Europe 4574: 4529:Louis the Pious 4513: 4495: 4459: 4453: 4448: 4443: 4438: 4425: 4316:Bardy-Świelubie 4289: 4248: 4217: 4102: 4053:Walpurgis Night 4024: 4017: 3924: 3808: 3796: 3768: 3735: 3726: 3715:Norse mythology 3656: 3636: 3631: 3592:Magnus the Good 3568:Bardy-Świelubie 3476: 3470: 3436:1018–1066 (the 3430: 980–1060 3429: 3408:Varangian Guard 3388: 3186: 3086: 3075:, according to 3072: 3048: 3042: 2984: 2967: 2935: 2929: 2909:Icelandic sagas 2905: 2874: 2843:Treaty of Perth 2765:Magnus Barelegs 2756:. In 1095, the 2731: 2725: 2675: 2663:Kingdom of Alba 2631: 2627: 2561:Pictish kingdom 2548:, Northumbria. 2534: 2528: 2369:. Viking chief 2312: 2308:by James Ward ( 2298: 2286:Main articles: 2284: 2265:invaded England 2257:Harald Hardrada 2253:Stamford Bridge 2246:Harold Harefoot 2238:Edmund Ironside 2229:Sweyn Forkbeard 2224:captured York. 2167:Isle of Sheppey 2120: 2115: 2101: 2099:Northern Europe 2096: 2094: 2033:Battle of Largs 2011:in 1066 at the 1998: 995–1020 1997: 1991:Olof Skötkonung 1926:and then on to 1873:Norman Conquest 1869:Norman language 1768: 1762: 1700: 1670: 1668:Political model 1638: 1609: 1592: 1556: 1546: 1510: 1509: 1475: 1467: 1466: 1455: 1443: 1435: 1434: 1345: 1335: 1334: 1280:Walpurgis Night 1255: 1245: 1244: 1160: 1150: 1149: 1044: 1034: 1033: 979: 951: 911: 909:Probable causes 849: 840:Icelandic sagas 736: 728:Icelandic Sagas 720:primary sources 520: 481: 479: 478: 467: 465: 464: 453: 451: 450: 439: 437: 436: 425: 423: 422: 411: 409: 408: 401: 400: 366: 358: 357: 356: 341: 334: 326: 325: 324: 300: 292: 291: 290: 281:Denmark–Iceland 208: 156: 146: 145: 144: 111: 60: 55: 54: 53: 52: 51: 50: 34: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 16517: 16507: 16506: 16501: 16496: 16491: 16486: 16481: 16476: 16471: 16466: 16461: 16456: 16451: 16446: 16441: 16424: 16423: 16421: 16420: 16410: 16400: 16389: 16386: 16385: 16383: 16382: 16377: 16372: 16367: 16362: 16360:Misconceptions 16357: 16352: 16347: 16342: 16337: 16332: 16327: 16321: 16319: 16315: 16314: 16312: 16311: 16306: 16301: 16296: 16291: 16286: 16281: 16276: 16271: 16266: 16261: 16256: 16251: 16246: 16241: 16236: 16231: 16226: 16221: 16216: 16211: 16206: 16201: 16196: 16191: 16186: 16180: 16178: 16174: 16173: 16171: 16170: 16168:Little Ice Age 16165: 16164: 16163: 16153: 16148: 16143: 16138: 16133: 16128: 16123: 16121:Western Schism 16118: 16113: 16108: 16103: 16098: 16093: 16088: 16083: 16077: 16075: 16069: 16068: 16066: 16065: 16060: 16055: 16050: 16045: 16040: 16035: 16030: 16025: 16020: 16015: 16010: 16005: 16000: 15995: 15990: 15985: 15980: 15975: 15969: 15967: 15961: 15960: 15958: 15957: 15952: 15947: 15942: 15937: 15932: 15927: 15922: 15917: 15912: 15907: 15902: 15897: 15892: 15887: 15886: 15885: 15875: 15870: 15868:Late antiquity 15865: 15860: 15855: 15849: 15847: 15841: 15840: 15833: 15832: 15825: 15818: 15810: 15801: 15800: 15798: 15797: 15792: 15787: 15782: 15777: 15772: 15767: 15762: 15757: 15752: 15746: 15744: 15740: 15739: 15737: 15736: 15731: 15726: 15721: 15716: 15711: 15706: 15701: 15696: 15691: 15686: 15681: 15676: 15671: 15666: 15661: 15656: 15654:Russian Empire 15651: 15646: 15644:British Empire 15641: 15639:Dutch Republic 15636: 15634:Swedish Empire 15631: 15626: 15621: 15616: 15614:Spanish Empire 15611: 15606: 15604:Ottoman Empire 15601: 15596: 15591: 15586: 15581: 15576: 15575: 15574: 15564: 15559: 15553: 15551: 15545: 15544: 15542: 15541: 15536: 15531: 15526: 15521: 15519:Serbian Empire 15516: 15511: 15506: 15501: 15496: 15491: 15486: 15464: 15459: 15454: 15453: 15452: 15447: 15442: 15437: 15427: 15426: 15425: 15420: 15412: 15407: 15402: 15397: 15392: 15391: 15390: 15380: 15375: 15369: 15367: 15361: 15360: 15358: 15357: 15355:Late antiquity 15352: 15347: 15342: 15341: 15340: 15330: 15325: 15320: 15318:Roman Republic 15315: 15309: 15307: 15301: 15300: 15298: 15297: 15292: 15287: 15282: 15276: 15274: 15268: 15267: 15260: 15259: 15252: 15245: 15237: 15228: 15227: 15225: 15224: 15213: 15210: 15209: 15207: 15206: 15201: 15196: 15191: 15186: 15180: 15178: 15172: 15171: 15169: 15168: 15163: 15158: 15153: 15148: 15143: 15138: 15137: 15136: 15131: 15121: 15116: 15111: 15106: 15101: 15096: 15091: 15086: 15081: 15076: 15071: 15066: 15061: 15056: 15051: 15046: 15041: 15036: 15031: 15026: 15021: 15016: 15011: 15006: 15001: 14996: 14991: 14986: 14981: 14976: 14971: 14966: 14961: 14956: 14951: 14946: 14945: 14944: 14939: 14934: 14929: 14924: 14914: 14913: 14912: 14902: 14897: 14892: 14887: 14882: 14877: 14872: 14867: 14862: 14857: 14852: 14847: 14842: 14841: 14840: 14835: 14833:Thracian Goths 14830: 14825: 14820: 14815: 14810: 14800: 14795: 14790: 14785: 14780: 14775: 14774: 14773: 14768: 14758: 14753: 14748: 14743: 14738: 14733: 14728: 14723: 14718: 14713: 14708: 14703: 14698: 14693: 14688: 14683: 14678: 14673: 14668: 14663: 14658: 14653: 14648: 14643: 14638: 14633: 14628: 14623: 14618: 14613: 14612: 14611: 14606: 14601: 14600: 14599: 14594: 14589: 14584: 14579: 14574: 14559: 14554: 14549: 14544: 14539: 14534: 14529: 14524: 14519: 14514: 14509: 14504: 14499: 14494: 14489: 14488: 14487: 14482: 14477: 14472: 14461: 14459: 14453: 14452: 14450: 14449: 14444: 14439: 14434: 14429: 14423: 14421: 14415: 14414: 14412: 14411: 14410: 14409: 14404: 14399: 14389: 14384: 14383: 14382: 14377: 14367: 14362: 14361: 14360: 14355: 14350: 14340: 14335: 14334: 14333: 14323: 14322: 14321: 14316: 14306: 14305: 14304: 14299: 14289: 14288: 14287: 14282: 14272: 14271: 14270: 14264: 14259: 14254: 14244: 14239: 14234: 14229: 14224: 14219: 14213: 14211: 14205: 14204: 14202: 14201: 14196: 14191: 14186: 14184:Roman Iron Age 14181: 14176: 14171: 14165: 14163: 14159: 14158: 14145: 14142: 14141: 14134: 14133: 14126: 14119: 14111: 14102: 14101: 14099: 14098: 14093: 14088: 14086:Viking revival 14082: 14080: 14076: 14075: 14073: 14072: 14067: 14062: 14057: 14052: 14047: 14042: 14037: 14032: 14027: 14022: 14017: 14012: 14007: 14002: 13997: 13992: 13987: 13982: 13977: 13972: 13967: 13962: 13957: 13952: 13947: 13942: 13937: 13932: 13927: 13922: 13917: 13912: 13907: 13902: 13897: 13891: 13889: 13885: 13884: 13882: 13881: 13876: 13871: 13866: 13861: 13856: 13851: 13846: 13841: 13836: 13831: 13826: 13821: 13816: 13811: 13806: 13801: 13796: 13791: 13786: 13781: 13776: 13771: 13766: 13761: 13756: 13751: 13746: 13741: 13736: 13731: 13726: 13721: 13716: 13711: 13706: 13701: 13699:Ragnar Lodbrok 13696: 13691: 13686: 13681: 13676: 13671: 13669:Olaf the White 13666: 13661: 13656: 13651: 13646: 13641: 13636: 13631: 13626: 13621: 13616: 13611: 13606: 13601: 13596: 13591: 13586: 13581: 13576: 13571: 13566: 13561: 13556: 13551: 13546: 13541: 13536: 13531: 13526: 13521: 13516: 13511: 13506: 13501: 13496: 13491: 13486: 13481: 13476: 13471: 13466: 13461: 13456: 13451: 13446: 13441: 13436: 13431: 13429:Björn Ironside 13426: 13421: 13416: 13411: 13406: 13401: 13396: 13391: 13386: 13381: 13376: 13371: 13365: 13363: 13359: 13358: 13356: 13355: 13350: 13345: 13340: 13335: 13330: 13329: 13328: 13323: 13318: 13313: 13308: 13303: 13298: 13293: 13288: 13278: 13273: 13268: 13263: 13257: 13255: 13247: 13246: 13244: 13243: 13238: 13236:Siege of Paris 13233: 13228: 13223: 13218: 13213: 13208: 13203: 13198: 13193: 13188: 13186:Battle of York 13183: 13178: 13173: 13168: 13163: 13158: 13153: 13148: 13143: 13138: 13133: 13128: 13123: 13118: 13113: 13108: 13103: 13098: 13093: 13088: 13083: 13078: 13073: 13068: 13063: 13058: 13053: 13051:Battle of Niså 13048: 13043: 13038: 13033: 13028: 13023: 13018: 13013: 13008: 13003: 12998: 12993: 12988: 12983: 12978: 12973: 12968: 12963: 12958: 12953: 12948: 12943: 12938: 12933: 12928: 12923: 12918: 12913: 12908: 12903: 12898: 12893: 12888: 12883: 12878: 12873: 12868: 12863: 12858: 12853: 12848: 12843: 12838: 12833: 12828: 12823: 12817: 12815: 12811: 12810: 12808: 12807: 12802: 12797: 12792: 12787: 12782: 12777: 12776: 12775: 12770: 12760: 12759: 12758: 12753: 12748: 12743: 12738: 12733: 12728: 12718: 12712: 12710: 12706: 12705: 12703: 12702: 12697: 12692: 12691: 12690: 12685: 12675: 12670: 12665: 12663:Orkney Islands 12660: 12655: 12650: 12644: 12642: 12636: 12635: 12633: 12632: 12627: 12622: 12617: 12612: 12606: 12604: 12603:and navigation 12598: 12597: 12590: 12588: 12586: 12585: 12580: 12575: 12570: 12565: 12560: 12555: 12550: 12545: 12540: 12535: 12530: 12525: 12520: 12515: 12510: 12505: 12500: 12495: 12490: 12480: 12475: 12470: 12465: 12460: 12455: 12450: 12445: 12444: 12443: 12438: 12428: 12423: 12418: 12413: 12408: 12403: 12397: 12395: 12391: 12390: 12383: 12382: 12375: 12368: 12360: 12351: 12350: 12348: 12347: 12342: 12335: 12334: 12326: 12325: 12322: 12321: 12318: 12317: 12315: 12314: 12312:Name of Norway 12309: 12304: 12303: 12302: 12292: 12287: 12281: 12279: 12275: 12274: 12272: 12271: 12266: 12261: 12256: 12251: 12246: 12241: 12236: 12231: 12226: 12221: 12216: 12211: 12201: 12191: 12186: 12180: 12178: 12172: 12171: 12169: 12168: 12163: 12158: 12153: 12148: 12143: 12142: 12141: 12131: 12126: 12121: 12116: 12111: 12106: 12101: 12096: 12091: 12089:Climate change 12085: 12079: 12073: 12072: 12069: 12068: 12066: 12065: 12060: 12055: 12050: 12045: 12040: 12035: 12033:Stock Exchange 12030: 12025: 12020: 12015: 12010: 12005: 11997: 11992: 11987: 11982: 11977: 11972: 11966: 11960: 11954: 11953: 11950: 11949: 11947: 11946: 11941: 11939:Prime Minister 11936: 11931: 11926: 11921: 11916: 11911: 11906: 11901: 11896: 11891: 11886: 11881: 11876: 11871: 11866: 11860: 11854: 11848: 11847: 11844: 11843: 11841: 11840: 11835: 11830: 11825: 11820: 11818:Municipalities 11815: 11810: 11805: 11800: 11795: 11793:Extreme points 11790: 11785: 11779: 11773: 11767: 11766: 11759: 11757: 11755: 11754: 11749: 11744: 11743: 11742: 11737: 11732: 11722: 11717: 11712: 11707: 11705:Denmark–Norway 11702: 11697: 11696: 11695: 11685: 11680: 11675: 11670: 11668:Petty kingdoms 11665: 11660: 11654: 11652: 11646: 11645: 11643: articles 11637: 11636: 11629: 11622: 11614: 11605: 11604: 11576: 11575: 11572: 11571: 11563: 11562: 11555: 11548: 11540: 11534: 11533: 11528: 11522: 11517: 11511: 11504: 11503: 11487: 11486:External links 11484: 11483: 11482: 11472: 11455: 11435: 11428: 11421: 11407: 11393: 11379: 11365: 11351: 11344: 11337: 11328: 11325: 11324: 11323: 11307: 11304: 11302: 11299: 11298: 11297: 11291: 11276: 11262: 11249: 11222: 11216: 11203: 11182: 11168: 11155: 11149: 11134: 11128: 11115: 11106: 11100: 11091:Viking Empires 11083: 11080: 11077: 11076: 11067: 11037: 11018: 10998: 10968: 10873:10.1101/703405 10855: 10838: 10806: 10799: 10779: 10772: 10752: 10745: 10723: 10716: 10696: 10689: 10669: 10662: 10642: 10635: 10615: 10608: 10588: 10581: 10556: 10549: 10527: 10520: 10500: 10493: 10473: 10466: 10446: 10439: 10419: 10412: 10392: 10385: 10365: 10358: 10336: 10311: 10292: 10275: 10249: 10233:"Viking homes" 10224: 10202: 10200:. pp. 282–285. 10181: 10171: 10147: 10134: 10127: 10107: 10100: 10080: 10073: 10053: 10046: 10026: 10019: 9999: 9982: 9958: 9917: 9910: 9888: 9862: 9855: 9835: 9808: 9775: 9769:978-0415475525 9768: 9748: 9731: 9724: 9704: 9673: 9666: 9640: 9633: 9613: 9580: 9559: 9552: 9530: 9504: 9472: 9460: 9447: 9438: 9417: 9402: 9387: 9372: 9341: 9326: 9297: 9267: 9237: 9207: 9175: 9163: 9156: 9136: 9129: 9109: 9102: 9080: 9068: 9056: 9044: 9031: 9019: 8998: 8981: 8974: 8952: 8945: 8923: 8911: 8886: 8884:, p. 386. 8871: 8859: 8852: 8832: 8825: 8803: 8772: 8765: 8745: 8721: 8695: 8688: 8665: 8631: 8624: 8604: 8597: 8577: 8570: 8548: 8529: 8510: 8480: 8450: 8426: 8400: 8394:978-9986315056 8393: 8375: 8349: 8327: 8297: 8288: 8279: 8249: 8237: 8220: 8208: 8193: 8181: 8168: 8145: 8133: 8114: 8091: 8068: 8056: 8043: 8030: 7997: 7984: 7975: 7956: 7950:. p. 26. 7932: 7923: 7914: 7901: 7888: 7869: 7849: 7847:, p. 216. 7837: 7818: 7798: 7781: 7754: 7733: 7716: 7689: 7674: 7667: 7647: 7640: 7620: 7613: 7591: 7584: 7564: 7545: 7525: 7512: 7493: 7466: 7440: 7433: 7413: 7406: 7384: 7365: 7342: 7335: 7315: 7302: 7289: 7276: 7255: 7243: 7233:. R. Laffont. 7222: 7201: 7180: 7171: 7158: 7145: 7138: 7115: 7102: 7088: 7065: 7058: 7035: 7005: 6951: 6932: 6912: 6889: 6874: 6856: 6825: 6818: 6798: 6773: 6744: 6737: 6717: 6693: 6667: 6660: 6631: 6622: 6591: 6569: 6551:, ed. (2010). 6524:978-8779343672 6523: 6517:. p. 11. 6479: 6473:. p. 37. 6443: 6412: 6401: 6395:. p. 84. 6369: 6346: 6319: 6305: 6273: 6272: 6270: 6267: 6266: 6265: 6255: 6248: 6245: 6244: 6243: 6236: 6235:Western Europe 6233: 6232: 6231: 6224: 6223:Eastern Europe 6221: 6220: 6219: 6214: 6204: 6199: 6185: 6180: 6175: 6168: 6165: 6164: 6163: 6156: 6153: 6152: 6151: 6144: 6137: 6127: 6120: 6110: 6103: 6100: 6099: 6098: 6093: 6083: 6076: 6073: 6071: 6068: 6067: 6066: 6060: 6052: 6049: 6048: 6047: 6042: 6037: 6030: 6027: 6025: 6022: 5970:(95 samples), 5956:North Atlantic 5935: 5932: 5821: 5818: 5713: 5710: 5695:says her book 5632:Gro Steinsland 5618: 5615: 5591:works such as 5580: 5577: 5408: 5405: 5387:Norse paganism 5382: 5379: 5291: 5288: 5241:Main article: 5238: 5235: 5234: 5233: 5222: 5217:, near modern 5211: 5210:on Ericsfjord. 5190:Little Ice Age 5153: 5150: 5148: 5145: 5099: 5096: 5061:García Iñiquez 4973:Lévi-Provençal 4769: 4766: 4762:duke of Apulia 4668:Björn Ironside 4659: 4656: 4654: 4651: 4643:southern Italy 4637:. The Normans 4635:Western Europe 4602:Upper Normandy 4494: 4491: 4455:Main article: 4452: 4449: 4447: 4446:Western Europe 4444: 4440: 4439: 4437: 4436: 4430: 4427: 4426: 4424: 4423: 4418: 4413: 4408: 4403: 4398: 4393: 4388: 4383: 4378: 4373: 4368: 4363: 4358: 4353: 4348: 4343: 4338: 4333: 4328: 4323: 4318: 4313: 4308: 4303: 4297: 4295: 4291: 4290: 4288: 4287: 4282: 4277: 4272: 4267: 4262: 4256: 4254: 4250: 4249: 4247: 4246: 4241: 4236: 4231: 4229:Æsir–Vanir War 4225: 4223: 4219: 4218: 4216: 4215: 4210: 4205: 4200: 4195: 4190: 4185: 4180: 4175: 4174: 4173: 4163: 4158: 4153: 4148: 4143: 4138: 4133: 4128: 4123: 4118: 4112: 4110: 4104: 4103: 4101: 4100: 4095: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4075: 4070: 4065: 4060: 4055: 4050: 4045: 4040: 4035: 4029: 4027: 4019: 4018: 4016: 4015: 4010: 4005: 4000: 3995: 3990: 3985: 3980: 3975: 3970: 3965: 3960: 3955: 3950: 3945: 3940: 3934: 3932: 3926: 3925: 3923: 3922: 3917: 3912: 3911: 3910: 3905: 3895: 3890: 3885: 3880: 3875: 3874: 3873: 3868: 3858: 3853: 3848: 3843: 3838: 3833: 3832: 3831: 3826: 3815: 3813: 3802: 3801: 3798: 3797: 3795: 3794: 3789: 3784: 3778: 3776: 3767: 3766: 3761: 3756: 3751: 3745: 3743: 3737: 3736: 3729: 3727: 3725: 3724: 3719: 3718: 3717: 3712: 3702: 3697: 3692: 3687: 3685:Roman Iron Age 3682: 3677: 3672: 3666: 3664: 3658: 3657: 3655: 3654: 3653: 3652: 3641: 3638: 3637: 3630: 3629: 3622: 3615: 3607: 3586:, base of the 3562:(on the lower 3542:coast include 3501:Mecklenburgian 3469: 3468:Central Europe 3466: 3454:Old East Norse 3336:eastern Sweden 3281:800–1099  3235:Rus' Khaganate 3185: 3184:Eastern Europe 3182: 3105: 3104: 3044:Main article: 3041: 3038: 3022:sacked Sigtuna 3017:Eric Chronicle 2980:Main article: 2966: 2963: 2931:Main article: 2928: 2925: 2904: 2901: 2873: 2870: 2774:Inner Hebrides 2763:was killed by 2735:Ketil Flatnose 2727:Main article: 2724: 2721: 2674: 2671: 2608:Dumbarton Rock 2596:Firth of Clyde 2577:Áed mac Boanta 2530:Main article: 2527: 2524: 2386:king of Dublin 2343:Linn Duachaill 2321:Gaelic Ireland 2283: 2280: 2242:Cnut the Great 2152:Saint Cuthbert 2134:: Material is 2119: 2116: 2100: 2097: 2069: 2025:Hiberno-Norman 1987:Manx Chronicle 1936:Byzantine silk 1928:Constantinople 1905:His successors 1835:Upper Normandy 1827:Lower Normandy 1760: 1699: 1696: 1683: 1682: 1678: 1669: 1666: 1646:Little Ice Age 1637: 1634: 1626:Cuerdale Hoard 1608: 1607:Economic model 1605: 1601:Anders Winroth 1591: 1588: 1552:Main article: 1548: 1547: 1545: 1544: 1537: 1530: 1522: 1519: 1518: 1512: 1511: 1508: 1507: 1502: 1497: 1492: 1487: 1482: 1476: 1473: 1472: 1469: 1468: 1465: 1464: 1459: 1450: 1448:Æsir–Vanir War 1444: 1441: 1440: 1437: 1436: 1433: 1432: 1427: 1422: 1417: 1412: 1407: 1402: 1397: 1392: 1387: 1382: 1377: 1372: 1367: 1362: 1357: 1352: 1346: 1341: 1340: 1337: 1336: 1333: 1332: 1327: 1322: 1317: 1312: 1307: 1302: 1297: 1292: 1287: 1282: 1277: 1272: 1267: 1262: 1256: 1251: 1250: 1247: 1246: 1243: 1242: 1237: 1232: 1227: 1222: 1217: 1212: 1207: 1202: 1200:Hel (location) 1197: 1192: 1187: 1182: 1177: 1172: 1167: 1161: 1156: 1155: 1152: 1151: 1148: 1147: 1142: 1137: 1136: 1135: 1130: 1120: 1115: 1110: 1105: 1100: 1099: 1098: 1088: 1083: 1078: 1073: 1068: 1063: 1062: 1061: 1056: 1045: 1040: 1039: 1036: 1035: 1032: 1031: 1026: 1021: 1016: 1011: 1006: 1001: 999:Roman Iron Age 996: 991: 986: 980: 975: 974: 971: 970: 969: 968: 967: 966: 953: 952: 940:Norse language 937: 929: 928: 922: 921: 910: 907: 876:Northern Isles 848: 845: 833:Olof von Dalin 831:, and Swedish 829:Ludvig Holberg 790:Alcuin of York 748:Northumberland 735: 732: 605:and along the 522: 521: 519: 518: 511: 504: 496: 493: 492: 491: 490: 476: 462: 448: 434: 420: 403: 402: 399: 398: 393: 388: 386:Monetary Union 383: 378: 373: 367: 364: 363: 360: 359: 355: 354: 353: 352: 347: 335: 332: 331: 328: 327: 323: 322: 317: 312: 307: 301: 298: 297: 294: 293: 289: 288: 286:Nordic Council 283: 278: 273: 271:Denmark–Norway 268: 263: 258: 257: 256: 251: 241: 236: 235: 234: 229: 224: 207: 206: 201: 196: 191: 186: 181: 176: 171: 166: 157: 152: 151: 148: 147: 143: 142: 137: 132: 125: 118: 112: 109: 108: 105: 104: 96: 95: 89: 88: 58: 36: 30: 27: 25: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 16516: 16505: 16502: 16500: 16497: 16495: 16492: 16490: 16487: 16485: 16482: 16480: 16477: 16475: 16472: 16470: 16467: 16465: 16462: 16460: 16457: 16455: 16452: 16450: 16447: 16445: 16442: 16440: 16437: 16436: 16434: 16419: 16411: 16409: 16401: 16399: 16395: 16391: 16390: 16387: 16381: 16378: 16376: 16373: 16371: 16368: 16366: 16363: 16361: 16358: 16356: 16353: 16351: 16348: 16346: 16343: 16341: 16338: 16336: 16333: 16331: 16328: 16326: 16323: 16322: 16320: 16316: 16310: 16307: 16305: 16302: 16300: 16297: 16295: 16292: 16290: 16287: 16285: 16282: 16280: 16277: 16275: 16272: 16270: 16267: 16265: 16262: 16260: 16257: 16255: 16252: 16250: 16247: 16245: 16242: 16240: 16237: 16235: 16232: 16230: 16227: 16225: 16222: 16220: 16217: 16215: 16212: 16210: 16207: 16205: 16202: 16200: 16197: 16195: 16192: 16190: 16187: 16185: 16182: 16181: 16179: 16175: 16169: 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15808: 15796: 15793: 15791: 15788: 15786: 15783: 15781: 15778: 15776: 15773: 15771: 15768: 15766: 15763: 15761: 15758: 15756: 15753: 15751: 15750:Art of Europe 15748: 15747: 15745: 15741: 15735: 15732: 15730: 15727: 15725: 15722: 15720: 15717: 15715: 15712: 15710: 15707: 15705: 15702: 15700: 15697: 15695: 15692: 15690: 15687: 15685: 15682: 15680: 15677: 15675: 15672: 15670: 15667: 15665: 15662: 15660: 15657: 15655: 15652: 15650: 15647: 15645: 15642: 15640: 15637: 15635: 15632: 15630: 15627: 15625: 15622: 15620: 15617: 15615: 15612: 15610: 15607: 15605: 15602: 15600: 15597: 15595: 15592: 15590: 15587: 15585: 15582: 15580: 15577: 15573: 15570: 15569: 15568: 15565: 15563: 15560: 15558: 15555: 15554: 15552: 15550: 15549:Modern period 15546: 15540: 15537: 15535: 15532: 15530: 15527: 15525: 15522: 15520: 15517: 15515: 15512: 15510: 15507: 15505: 15502: 15500: 15497: 15495: 15492: 15490: 15487: 15484: 15480: 15476: 15472: 15468: 15465: 15463: 15460: 15458: 15455: 15451: 15448: 15446: 15443: 15441: 15438: 15436: 15433: 15432: 15431: 15428: 15424: 15421: 15419: 15416: 15415: 15413: 15411: 15408: 15406: 15403: 15401: 15398: 15396: 15393: 15389: 15386: 15385: 15384: 15381: 15379: 15376: 15374: 15371: 15370: 15368: 15366: 15362: 15356: 15353: 15351: 15348: 15346: 15343: 15339: 15336: 15335: 15334: 15331: 15329: 15326: 15324: 15321: 15319: 15316: 15314: 15311: 15310: 15308: 15306: 15302: 15296: 15293: 15291: 15288: 15286: 15283: 15281: 15278: 15277: 15275: 15273: 15269: 15265: 15258: 15253: 15251: 15246: 15244: 15239: 15238: 15235: 15223: 15215: 15214: 15211: 15205: 15202: 15200: 15197: 15195: 15192: 15190: 15187: 15185: 15182: 15181: 15179: 15177: 15173: 15167: 15164: 15162: 15159: 15157: 15154: 15152: 15149: 15147: 15144: 15142: 15139: 15135: 15132: 15130: 15127: 15126: 15125: 15122: 15120: 15117: 15115: 15112: 15110: 15107: 15105: 15102: 15100: 15097: 15095: 15092: 15090: 15087: 15085: 15082: 15080: 15077: 15075: 15072: 15070: 15067: 15065: 15062: 15060: 15057: 15055: 15052: 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14709: 14707: 14704: 14702: 14699: 14697: 14694: 14692: 14689: 14687: 14684: 14682: 14679: 14677: 14674: 14672: 14669: 14667: 14664: 14662: 14659: 14657: 14654: 14652: 14649: 14647: 14644: 14642: 14639: 14637: 14634: 14632: 14629: 14627: 14624: 14622: 14619: 14617: 14614: 14610: 14607: 14605: 14602: 14598: 14595: 14593: 14590: 14588: 14585: 14583: 14580: 14578: 14575: 14573: 14570: 14569: 14568: 14565: 14564: 14563: 14560: 14558: 14555: 14553: 14550: 14548: 14545: 14543: 14540: 14538: 14535: 14533: 14530: 14528: 14525: 14523: 14520: 14518: 14515: 14513: 14510: 14508: 14505: 14503: 14500: 14498: 14495: 14493: 14490: 14486: 14483: 14481: 14478: 14476: 14473: 14471: 14468: 14467: 14466: 14463: 14462: 14460: 14458: 14454: 14448: 14445: 14443: 14440: 14438: 14435: 14433: 14430: 14428: 14425: 14424: 14422: 14420: 14416: 14408: 14405: 14403: 14400: 14398: 14395: 14394: 14393: 14390: 14388: 14385: 14381: 14378: 14376: 14373: 14372: 14371: 14368: 14366: 14363: 14359: 14356: 14354: 14351: 14349: 14346: 14345: 14344: 14341: 14339: 14336: 14332: 14329: 14328: 14327: 14324: 14320: 14317: 14315: 14312: 14311: 14310: 14307: 14303: 14300: 14298: 14295: 14294: 14293: 14290: 14286: 14283: 14281: 14278: 14277: 14276: 14273: 14268: 14265: 14263: 14260: 14258: 14255: 14253: 14250: 14249: 14248: 14245: 14243: 14240: 14238: 14235: 14233: 14230: 14228: 14225: 14223: 14220: 14218: 14215: 14214: 14212: 14210: 14209:Early culture 14206: 14200: 14197: 14195: 14192: 14190: 14187: 14185: 14182: 14180: 14177: 14175: 14172: 14170: 14167: 14166: 14164: 14160: 14156: 14152: 14148: 14143: 14139: 14132: 14127: 14125: 14120: 14118: 14113: 14112: 14109: 14097: 14094: 14092: 14089: 14087: 14084: 14083: 14081: 14077: 14071: 14068: 14066: 14063: 14061: 14058: 14056: 14053: 14051: 14048: 14046: 14043: 14041: 14040:Stone of Eric 14038: 14036: 14033: 14031: 14028: 14026: 14023: 14021: 14018: 14016: 14013: 14011: 14008: 14006: 14003: 14001: 13998: 13996: 13993: 13991: 13988: 13986: 13983: 13981: 13978: 13976: 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13612: 13610: 13607: 13605: 13602: 13600: 13597: 13595: 13592: 13590: 13587: 13585: 13582: 13580: 13577: 13575: 13572: 13570: 13567: 13565: 13562: 13560: 13557: 13555: 13552: 13550: 13547: 13545: 13542: 13540: 13537: 13535: 13532: 13530: 13527: 13525: 13522: 13520: 13517: 13515: 13512: 13510: 13507: 13505: 13502: 13500: 13499:Grímur Kamban 13497: 13495: 13492: 13490: 13487: 13485: 13482: 13480: 13477: 13475: 13472: 13470: 13467: 13465: 13462: 13460: 13457: 13455: 13454:Eric Bloodaxe 13452: 13450: 13447: 13445: 13442: 13440: 13437: 13435: 13432: 13430: 13427: 13425: 13422: 13420: 13417: 13415: 13412: 13410: 13407: 13405: 13402: 13400: 13397: 13395: 13392: 13390: 13387: 13385: 13384:Amlaíb Conung 13382: 13380: 13379:Amlaíb Cuarán 13377: 13375: 13372: 13370: 13367: 13366: 13364: 13360: 13354: 13351: 13349: 13346: 13344: 13343:Shield-maiden 13341: 13339: 13336: 13334: 13333:Ring Fortress 13331: 13327: 13324: 13322: 13319: 13317: 13314: 13312: 13309: 13307: 13304: 13302: 13299: 13297: 13294: 13292: 13289: 13287: 13284: 13283: 13282: 13279: 13277: 13274: 13272: 13269: 13267: 13264: 13262: 13259: 13258: 13256: 13252: 13248: 13242: 13239: 13237: 13234: 13232: 13231:Sack of Paris 13229: 13227: 13224: 13222: 13219: 13217: 13214: 13212: 13209: 13207: 13204: 13202: 13199: 13197: 13194: 13192: 13189: 13187: 13184: 13182: 13179: 13177: 13174: 13172: 13169: 13167: 13164: 13162: 13159: 13157: 13154: 13152: 13149: 13147: 13144: 13142: 13139: 13137: 13134: 13132: 13129: 13127: 13124: 13122: 13119: 13117: 13114: 13112: 13109: 13107: 13104: 13102: 13099: 13097: 13094: 13092: 13089: 13087: 13084: 13082: 13079: 13077: 13074: 13072: 13069: 13067: 13064: 13062: 13059: 13057: 13054: 13052: 13049: 13047: 13044: 13042: 13039: 13037: 13034: 13032: 13029: 13027: 13024: 13022: 13019: 13017: 13014: 13012: 13009: 13007: 13004: 13002: 12999: 12997: 12994: 12992: 12989: 12987: 12984: 12982: 12979: 12977: 12974: 12972: 12969: 12967: 12964: 12962: 12959: 12957: 12954: 12952: 12949: 12947: 12944: 12942: 12939: 12937: 12934: 12932: 12929: 12927: 12924: 12922: 12919: 12917: 12914: 12912: 12909: 12907: 12904: 12902: 12899: 12897: 12894: 12892: 12889: 12887: 12884: 12882: 12879: 12877: 12874: 12872: 12869: 12867: 12864: 12862: 12859: 12857: 12854: 12852: 12849: 12847: 12844: 12842: 12839: 12837: 12834: 12832: 12829: 12827: 12824: 12822: 12819: 12818: 12816: 12812: 12806: 12803: 12801: 12798: 12796: 12793: 12791: 12788: 12786: 12783: 12781: 12778: 12774: 12771: 12769: 12766: 12765: 12764: 12761: 12757: 12754: 12752: 12749: 12747: 12744: 12742: 12739: 12737: 12734: 12732: 12729: 12727: 12724: 12723: 12722: 12721:British Isles 12719: 12717: 12714: 12713: 12711: 12707: 12701: 12698: 12696: 12693: 12689: 12686: 12684: 12681: 12680: 12679: 12678:North America 12676: 12674: 12673:Faroe Islands 12671: 12669: 12666: 12664: 12661: 12659: 12656: 12654: 12651: 12649: 12646: 12645: 12643: 12637: 12631: 12628: 12626: 12623: 12621: 12618: 12616: 12613: 12611: 12608: 12607: 12605: 12599: 12594: 12584: 12581: 12579: 12576: 12574: 12571: 12569: 12566: 12564: 12561: 12559: 12556: 12554: 12551: 12549: 12546: 12544: 12541: 12539: 12536: 12534: 12531: 12529: 12526: 12524: 12521: 12519: 12516: 12514: 12511: 12509: 12506: 12504: 12501: 12499: 12498:Norse rituals 12496: 12494: 12491: 12488: 12484: 12483:Norse funeral 12481: 12479: 12476: 12474: 12471: 12469: 12466: 12464: 12461: 12459: 12456: 12454: 12451: 12449: 12446: 12442: 12439: 12437: 12436:Elder Futhark 12434: 12433: 12432: 12429: 12427: 12424: 12422: 12419: 12417: 12414: 12412: 12409: 12407: 12404: 12402: 12399: 12398: 12396: 12392: 12388: 12381: 12376: 12374: 12369: 12367: 12362: 12361: 12358: 12346: 12343: 12341: 12338: 12337: 12332: 12328: 12327: 12323: 12313: 12310: 12308: 12305: 12301: 12300:national flag 12298: 12297: 12296: 12293: 12291: 12288: 12286: 12283: 12282: 12280: 12276: 12270: 12267: 12265: 12262: 12260: 12257: 12255: 12252: 12250: 12247: 12245: 12242: 12240: 12237: 12235: 12232: 12230: 12227: 12225: 12222: 12220: 12217: 12215: 12212: 12210: 12206: 12202: 12200: 12196: 12192: 12190: 12187: 12185: 12182: 12181: 12179: 12177: 12173: 12167: 12164: 12162: 12159: 12157: 12154: 12152: 12149: 12147: 12144: 12140: 12137: 12136: 12135: 12132: 12130: 12127: 12125: 12124:Incarceration 12122: 12120: 12117: 12115: 12112: 12110: 12109:Ethnic groups 12107: 12105: 12102: 12100: 12097: 12095: 12092: 12090: 12087: 12086: 12083: 12080: 12078: 12074: 12064: 12061: 12059: 12056: 12054: 12051: 12049: 12046: 12044: 12041: 12039: 12036: 12034: 12031: 12029: 12026: 12024: 12021: 12019: 12016: 12014: 12011: 12009: 12008:National bank 12006: 12004: 11998: 11996: 11993: 11991: 11988: 11986: 11983: 11981: 11978: 11976: 11973: 11971: 11968: 11967: 11964: 11961: 11959: 11955: 11945: 11942: 11940: 11937: 11935: 11932: 11930: 11927: 11925: 11922: 11920: 11917: 11915: 11912: 11910: 11907: 11905: 11904:Incarceration 11902: 11900: 11897: 11895: 11892: 11890: 11887: 11885: 11882: 11880: 11877: 11875: 11872: 11870: 11867: 11865: 11862: 11861: 11858: 11855: 11853: 11849: 11839: 11836: 11834: 11831: 11829: 11826: 11824: 11821: 11819: 11816: 11814: 11811: 11809: 11806: 11804: 11801: 11799: 11796: 11794: 11791: 11789: 11786: 11784: 11781: 11780: 11777: 11774: 11772: 11768: 11763: 11753: 11750: 11748: 11745: 11741: 11738: 11736: 11733: 11731: 11728: 11727: 11726: 11723: 11721: 11718: 11716: 11715:Sweden–Norway 11713: 11711: 11708: 11706: 11703: 11701: 11698: 11694: 11691: 11690: 11689: 11686: 11684: 11681: 11679: 11676: 11674: 11671: 11669: 11666: 11664: 11661: 11659: 11656: 11655: 11653: 11651: 11647: 11642: 11635: 11630: 11628: 11623: 11621: 11616: 11615: 11612: 11573: 11569: 11561: 11556: 11554: 11549: 11547: 11542: 11541: 11538: 11532: 11529: 11526: 11523: 11521: 11518: 11515: 11512: 11509: 11506: 11505: 11501: 11500:Oceans portal 11495: 11490: 11480: 11476: 11473: 11470: 11469:0-415-08396-6 11466: 11462: 11461: 11456: 11453: 11452:0-19-516237-4 11449: 11445: 11444: 11439: 11436: 11433: 11429: 11426: 11422: 11420: 11416: 11412: 11408: 11406: 11402: 11398: 11394: 11392: 11388: 11384: 11380: 11378: 11374: 11370: 11366: 11364: 11360: 11356: 11352: 11349: 11345: 11342: 11338: 11335: 11331: 11330: 11322: 11318: 11314: 11310: 11309: 11294: 11292:9789949199365 11288: 11284: 11283: 11277: 11273: 11269: 11265: 11263:0-674-64465-4 11259: 11255: 11250: 11239: 11235: 11228: 11223: 11219: 11213: 11209: 11204: 11200: 11196: 11191: 11190: 11183: 11179: 11175: 11171: 11169:91-7156-015-7 11165: 11161: 11156: 11152: 11146: 11142: 11141: 11135: 11131: 11125: 11121: 11116: 11112: 11107: 11103: 11097: 11093: 11092: 11086: 11085: 11082:Cited sources 11071: 11055: 11051: 11047: 11041: 11025: 11021: 11015: 11011: 11010: 11002: 10986: 10982: 10978: 10972: 10956: 10952: 10948: 10944: 10940: 10936: 10932: 10927: 10922: 10918: 10914: 10910: 10906: 10902: 10898: 10894: 10887: 10883: 10880: 10874: 10869: 10862: 10860: 10852: 10848: 10842: 10835: 10834:0-521-59655-6 10831: 10827: 10821: 10819: 10817: 10815: 10813: 10811: 10802: 10796: 10792: 10791: 10783: 10775: 10769: 10765: 10764: 10756: 10748: 10742: 10738: 10734: 10727: 10719: 10713: 10709: 10708: 10700: 10692: 10686: 10682: 10681: 10673: 10665: 10659: 10655: 10654: 10646: 10638: 10632: 10628: 10627: 10619: 10611: 10605: 10601: 10600: 10592: 10584: 10578: 10574: 10570: 10563: 10561: 10552: 10546: 10542: 10538: 10531: 10523: 10517: 10513: 10512: 10504: 10496: 10490: 10486: 10485: 10477: 10469: 10463: 10459: 10458: 10450: 10442: 10436: 10432: 10431: 10423: 10415: 10409: 10405: 10404: 10396: 10388: 10382: 10378: 10377: 10369: 10361: 10355: 10351: 10347: 10340: 10325: 10321: 10315: 10308: 10304: 10301: 10296: 10290: 10286: 10279: 10263: 10259: 10253: 10238: 10234: 10228: 10213: 10206: 10199: 10198:0-283-35499-2 10195: 10191: 10185: 10175: 10168: 10164: 10160: 10157: 10151: 10144: 10138: 10130: 10124: 10120: 10119: 10111: 10103: 10101:90-04-09599-3 10097: 10093: 10092: 10084: 10076: 10074:9789722317191 10070: 10066: 10065: 10057: 10049: 10043: 10039: 10038: 10030: 10022: 10016: 10012: 10011: 10003: 9995: 9994: 9986: 9979: 9978:0-00-255203-5 9975: 9971: 9967: 9962: 9943: 9939: 9935: 9928: 9921: 9913: 9907: 9903: 9899: 9892: 9884: 9880: 9873: 9866: 9858: 9852: 9848: 9847: 9839: 9831: 9827: 9823: 9819: 9812: 9803: 9798: 9794: 9790: 9786: 9779: 9771: 9765: 9761: 9760: 9752: 9744: 9743: 9735: 9727: 9721: 9717: 9716: 9708: 9692: 9688: 9684: 9677: 9669: 9663: 9659: 9654: 9653: 9644: 9636: 9630: 9626: 9625: 9617: 9609: 9605: 9598: 9591: 9589: 9587: 9585: 9577: 9572: 9571: 9563: 9555: 9549: 9545: 9541: 9534: 9526: 9522: 9515: 9508: 9489: 9482: 9476: 9470:, p. 60. 9469: 9464: 9457: 9451: 9442: 9435: 9431: 9428: 9427: 9421: 9414: 9409: 9407: 9398: 9391: 9383: 9376: 9360: 9356: 9352: 9345: 9337: 9330: 9314: 9310: 9309: 9301: 9285: 9281: 9277: 9271: 9255: 9251: 9247: 9241: 9225: 9221: 9217: 9211: 9195: 9191: 9190: 9185: 9179: 9173:, p. 17. 9172: 9167: 9159: 9153: 9149: 9148: 9140: 9132: 9126: 9122: 9121: 9113: 9105: 9099: 9095: 9091: 9084: 9078:, p. 16. 9077: 9072: 9066:, p. 13. 9065: 9060: 9053: 9048: 9041: 9035: 9029:, p. 15. 9028: 9023: 9017:, p. 18. 9016: 9011: 9009: 9007: 9005: 9003: 8996:, p. 12. 8995: 8990: 8988: 8986: 8977: 8971: 8967: 8963: 8956: 8948: 8942: 8938: 8934: 8927: 8921:, p. 17. 8920: 8915: 8907: 8903: 8899: 8898: 8890: 8883: 8878: 8876: 8869:, p. 22. 8868: 8863: 8855: 8849: 8845: 8844: 8836: 8828: 8822: 8818: 8814: 8807: 8799: 8795: 8791: 8788:(in German). 8787: 8783: 8776: 8768: 8762: 8758: 8757: 8749: 8742: 8738: 8734: 8730: 8725: 8706: 8699: 8691: 8685: 8681: 8677: 8668: 8662: 8658: 8654: 8650: 8642: 8635: 8627: 8621: 8617: 8616: 8608: 8600: 8594: 8590: 8589: 8581: 8573: 8567: 8563: 8559: 8552: 8545: 8541: 8538: 8533: 8526: 8522: 8519: 8514: 8498: 8494: 8490: 8484: 8468: 8464: 8460: 8454: 8447: 8443: 8439: 8435: 8430: 8423: 8419: 8415: 8412: 8411: 8404: 8396: 8390: 8386: 8379: 8372: 8368: 8364: 8363: 8358: 8353: 8346: 8345: 8341: 8338: 8331: 8315: 8311: 8307: 8301: 8292: 8283: 8267: 8263: 8259: 8253: 8246: 8241: 8234: 8229: 8227: 8225: 8217: 8212: 8205: 8200: 8198: 8190: 8185: 8178: 8172: 8165: 8161: 8157: 8154: 8149: 8142: 8137: 8130: 8126: 8123: 8118: 8111: 8107: 8103: 8100: 8095: 8089: 8085: 8081: 8078: 8072: 8065: 8060: 8053: 8047: 8040: 8034: 8026: 8018: 8014: 8010: 8009: 8001: 7994: 7988: 7979: 7963: 7959: 7953: 7949: 7945: 7944: 7936: 7927: 7918: 7911: 7905: 7898: 7892: 7876: 7872: 7866: 7862: 7861: 7853: 7846: 7841: 7825: 7821: 7815: 7811: 7810: 7802: 7795: 7791: 7785: 7770: 7766: 7765: 7758: 7751: 7750:0-19-285434-8 7747: 7743: 7737: 7730: 7729:1-903025-00-1 7726: 7720: 7705: 7701: 7700: 7693: 7687:, p. 13. 7686: 7681: 7679: 7670: 7664: 7660: 7659: 7651: 7643: 7637: 7633: 7632: 7624: 7616: 7610: 7606: 7602: 7595: 7587: 7581: 7577: 7576: 7568: 7552: 7548: 7546:0-85115-928-1 7542: 7538: 7537: 7529: 7522: 7516: 7500: 7496: 7490: 7486: 7485: 7477: 7475: 7473: 7471: 7454: 7450: 7444: 7436: 7430: 7426: 7425: 7417: 7409: 7403: 7400:. Routledge. 7399: 7395: 7388: 7372: 7368: 7362: 7358: 7357: 7349: 7347: 7338: 7332: 7328: 7327: 7319: 7312: 7306: 7299: 7293: 7286: 7280: 7273: 7272:2-07-073211-8 7269: 7266:. Gallimard. 7265: 7259: 7252: 7247: 7240: 7236: 7232: 7226: 7220:. pp. 184–185 7219: 7218:2-7242-3080-9 7215: 7211: 7205: 7198: 7197:0-19-285434-8 7194: 7190: 7184: 7175: 7168: 7162: 7155: 7149: 7141: 7135: 7131: 7130: 7122: 7120: 7112: 7106: 7098: 7091: 7085: 7081: 7080: 7072: 7070: 7061: 7055: 7051: 7050: 7042: 7040: 7031: 7027: 7023: 7019: 7012: 7010: 7001: 6997: 6992: 6987: 6982: 6977: 6973: 6969: 6965: 6958: 6956: 6939: 6935: 6929: 6925: 6924: 6916: 6909: 6905: 6901: 6898: 6893: 6885: 6881: 6877: 6871: 6867: 6860: 6844: 6840: 6836: 6829: 6821: 6815: 6811: 6810: 6802: 6796: 6794: 6788: 6782: 6777: 6770: 6769:0-525-22892-6 6766: 6762: 6758: 6754: 6748: 6740: 6734: 6730: 6729: 6721: 6714: 6713:0-415-92129-5 6710: 6706: 6700: 6698: 6681: 6677: 6671: 6663: 6657: 6653: 6652: 6644: 6642: 6640: 6638: 6636: 6626: 6610: 6606: 6602: 6595: 6588: 6576: 6572: 6570:9780195338423 6566: 6562: 6558: 6554: 6550: 6543: 6530: 6526: 6520: 6516: 6512: 6511: 6506: 6499: 6486: 6482: 6476: 6472: 6468: 6467: 6458: 6456: 6452: 6446: 6440: 6436: 6432: 6431:Penguin Books 6427: 6426: 6416: 6409: 6404: 6398: 6394: 6390: 6389: 6384: 6383:Jesch, Judith 6378: 6376: 6374: 6366: 6353: 6349: 6343: 6340:. p. 3. 6339: 6335: 6334: 6329: 6323: 6316: 6314: 6308: 6302: 6298: 6294: 6290: 6289: 6284: 6278: 6274: 6263: 6259: 6256: 6254: 6251: 6250: 6247:North America 6242: 6239: 6238: 6230: 6227: 6226: 6218: 6215: 6212: 6208: 6205: 6203: 6200: 6197: 6193: 6189: 6186: 6184: 6181: 6179: 6176: 6174: 6171: 6170: 6162: 6159: 6158: 6149: 6146:Veisafjǫrðr ( 6145: 6142: 6138: 6135: 6131: 6128: 6125: 6121: 6118: 6114: 6111: 6109: 6106: 6105: 6097: 6094: 6091: 6087: 6084: 6082: 6079: 6078: 6070:British Isles 6064: 6061: 6058: 6055: 6054: 6046: 6043: 6041: 6038: 6036: 6035:Faroe Islands 6033: 6032: 6021: 6018: 6016: 6012: 6008: 6003: 6000: 5995: 5993: 5989: 5985: 5981: 5977: 5973: 5969: 5965: 5961: 5957: 5953: 5949: 5945: 5942:published at 5941: 5940:genetic study 5931: 5929: 5924: 5922: 5918: 5914: 5910: 5906: 5902: 5898: 5893: 5891: 5887: 5883: 5879: 5875: 5871: 5867: 5863: 5859: 5855: 5851: 5847: 5843: 5839: 5835: 5831: 5827: 5817: 5815: 5811: 5807: 5806:lingua franca 5802: 5800: 5796: 5792: 5788: 5783: 5780: 5776: 5772: 5768: 5764: 5760: 5756: 5751: 5746: 5744: 5737: 5732: 5728: 5724: 5723: 5719: 5709: 5707: 5703: 5698: 5694: 5693:Birgit Sawyer 5690: 5688: 5684: 5680: 5675: 5673: 5668: 5664: 5660: 5656: 5651: 5648: 5644: 5640: 5636: 5633: 5629: 5623: 5614: 5612: 5608: 5604: 5600: 5596: 5595: 5590: 5586: 5576: 5573: 5569: 5565: 5561: 5557: 5553: 5548: 5546: 5542: 5538: 5534: 5530: 5526: 5522: 5518: 5512: 5510: 5506: 5502: 5498: 5494: 5490: 5486: 5482: 5477: 5475: 5471: 5467: 5463: 5459: 5455: 5451: 5447: 5443: 5434: 5428: 5418: 5413: 5404: 5402: 5398: 5392: 5388: 5378: 5376: 5372: 5367: 5365: 5361: 5357: 5352: 5350: 5344: 5342: 5338: 5337: 5331: 5327: 5323: 5321: 5320: 5312: 5308: 5301: 5296: 5287: 5285: 5282: 5278: 5274: 5270: 5266: 5262: 5258: 5254: 5250: 5244: 5231: 5230:Godthåbsfjord 5227: 5223: 5220: 5216: 5212: 5209: 5205: 5201: 5200: 5199: 5191: 5187: 5186:microclimates 5183: 5179: 5175: 5167: 5163: 5158: 5147:North America 5143: 5138: 5136: 5131: 5129: 5125: 5121: 5117: 5113: 5109: 5105: 5095: 5093: 5089: 5083: 5081: 5077: 5073: 5068: 5066: 5062: 5058: 5054: 5050: 5046: 5042: 5038: 5037:Aḥmad al-Rāzī 5033: 5031: 5027: 5023: 5019: 5015: 5011: 5007: 5003: 4999: 4997: 4990: 4988: 4987: 4982: 4978: 4974: 4970: 4966: 4962: 4958: 4954: 4950: 4946: 4942: 4938: 4934: 4930: 4926: 4923: 4919: 4915: 4911: 4907: 4903: 4899: 4895: 4891: 4887: 4886: 4881: 4877: 4873: 4869: 4865: 4860: 4858: 4854: 4853: 4848: 4844: 4843: 4838: 4833: 4831: 4828: 4824: 4820: 4816: 4812: 4808: 4803: 4801: 4797: 4789: 4785: 4780: 4775: 4765: 4763: 4759: 4755: 4751: 4747: 4746:Erling Skakke 4743: 4739: 4734: 4732: 4728: 4724: 4720: 4716: 4712: 4707: 4705: 4701: 4697: 4693: 4689: 4685: 4681: 4677: 4673: 4669: 4665: 4650: 4648: 4644: 4640: 4636: 4632: 4631:feudal states 4627: 4623: 4618: 4615: 4611: 4607: 4603: 4599: 4595: 4591: 4587: 4583: 4578: 4569: 4568: 4562: 4554: 4550: 4546: 4538: 4534: 4530: 4526: 4520: 4518: 4512: 4508: 4504: 4500: 4490: 4488: 4484: 4480: 4476: 4472: 4468: 4464: 4463:Low Countries 4458: 4435: 4432: 4431: 4428: 4422: 4419: 4417: 4414: 4412: 4409: 4407: 4404: 4402: 4399: 4397: 4394: 4392: 4389: 4387: 4384: 4382: 4379: 4377: 4374: 4372: 4369: 4367: 4364: 4362: 4359: 4357: 4354: 4352: 4349: 4347: 4344: 4342: 4339: 4337: 4334: 4332: 4329: 4327: 4324: 4322: 4319: 4317: 4314: 4312: 4309: 4307: 4304: 4302: 4299: 4298: 4296: 4292: 4286: 4283: 4281: 4278: 4276: 4275:Völsung Cycle 4273: 4271: 4270:Tyrfing Cycle 4268: 4266: 4263: 4261: 4258: 4257: 4255: 4251: 4245: 4242: 4240: 4237: 4235: 4232: 4230: 4227: 4226: 4224: 4220: 4214: 4211: 4209: 4206: 4204: 4201: 4199: 4196: 4194: 4191: 4189: 4186: 4184: 4181: 4179: 4176: 4172: 4169: 4168: 4167: 4164: 4162: 4159: 4157: 4154: 4152: 4149: 4147: 4144: 4142: 4139: 4137: 4134: 4132: 4129: 4127: 4124: 4122: 4119: 4117: 4114: 4113: 4111: 4109: 4105: 4099: 4096: 4094: 4091: 4089: 4086: 4084: 4081: 4079: 4076: 4074: 4071: 4069: 4066: 4064: 4061: 4059: 4056: 4054: 4051: 4049: 4046: 4044: 4043:Norse funeral 4041: 4039: 4036: 4034: 4031: 4030: 4028: 4026: 4020: 4014: 4011: 4009: 4006: 4004: 4001: 3999: 3996: 3994: 3991: 3989: 3986: 3984: 3981: 3979: 3978:Múspellsheimr 3976: 3974: 3971: 3969: 3966: 3964: 3961: 3959: 3956: 3954: 3951: 3949: 3946: 3944: 3941: 3939: 3936: 3935: 3933: 3931: 3927: 3921: 3920:Ask and Embla 3918: 3916: 3913: 3909: 3906: 3904: 3901: 3900: 3899: 3896: 3894: 3891: 3889: 3886: 3884: 3881: 3879: 3876: 3872: 3869: 3867: 3864: 3863: 3862: 3859: 3857: 3854: 3852: 3849: 3847: 3844: 3842: 3839: 3837: 3834: 3830: 3827: 3825: 3822: 3821: 3820: 3817: 3816: 3814: 3812: 3807: 3803: 3793: 3790: 3788: 3785: 3783: 3780: 3779: 3777: 3775: 3771: 3765: 3762: 3760: 3757: 3755: 3752: 3750: 3747: 3746: 3744: 3742: 3738: 3733: 3723: 3720: 3716: 3713: 3711: 3708: 3707: 3706: 3703: 3701: 3698: 3696: 3693: 3691: 3688: 3686: 3683: 3681: 3678: 3676: 3673: 3671: 3668: 3667: 3665: 3663: 3659: 3651: 3648: 3647: 3646: 3643: 3642: 3639: 3635: 3628: 3623: 3621: 3616: 3614: 3609: 3608: 3605: 3601: 3599: 3598: 3593: 3589: 3585: 3581: 3577: 3573: 3569: 3565: 3561: 3557: 3553: 3549: 3545: 3541: 3536: 3534: 3530: 3526: 3522: 3518: 3514: 3510: 3506: 3502: 3497: 3495: 3488: 3484: 3480: 3475: 3465: 3463: 3459: 3455: 3451: 3447: 3441: 3439: 3435: 3425: 3421: 3417: 3416:Västergötland 3413: 3412:Västgötalagen 3409: 3405: 3400: 3398: 3394: 3387: 3383: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3367: 3363: 3359: 3358: 3353: 3349: 3345: 3341: 3337: 3333: 3328: 3326: 3322: 3318: 3314: 3313: 3308: 3304: 3299: 3297: 3293: 3280: 3276: 3272: 3268: 3264: 3262: 3258: 3250: 3242: 3241: 3236: 3232: 3228: 3224: 3219: 3217: 3213: 3212: 3207: 3203: 3199: 3195: 3191: 3181: 3179: 3175: 3171: 3167: 3163: 3159: 3154: 3152: 3148: 3144: 3140: 3136: 3132: 3128: 3124: 3120: 3116: 3112: 3110: 3103: 3100: 3099: 3098: 3096: 3092: 3081: 3078: 3066: 3064: 3061: 3057: 3053: 3047: 3037: 3034: 3029: 3025: 3023: 3019: 3018: 3001: 2997: 2993: 2989: 2983: 2976: 2971: 2962: 2960: 2954: 2952: 2948: 2944: 2940: 2934: 2924: 2922: 2914: 2910: 2900: 2898: 2894: 2893:Haverfordwest 2890: 2885: 2883: 2879: 2869: 2867: 2863: 2859: 2855: 2851: 2846: 2844: 2840: 2836: 2832: 2828: 2824: 2820: 2815: 2813: 2809: 2805: 2800: 2798: 2794: 2793:Aberdeenshire 2789: 2787: 2783: 2779: 2775: 2770: 2766: 2762: 2761:Godred Crovan 2759: 2755: 2750: 2748: 2744: 2740: 2736: 2730: 2720: 2716: 2714: 2710: 2709: 2704: 2700: 2696: 2692: 2688: 2687: 2682: 2681: 2670: 2668: 2664: 2660: 2656: 2651: 2649: 2645: 2641: 2637: 2625: 2621: 2617: 2613: 2609: 2605: 2601: 2597: 2593: 2588: 2586: 2582: 2578: 2574: 2570: 2566: 2562: 2558: 2554: 2549: 2547: 2543: 2539: 2533: 2523: 2521: 2520: 2511: 2503: 2499: 2495: 2491: 2487: 2484: 2475: 2474:, in Dublin. 2473: 2469: 2465: 2461: 2457: 2453: 2449: 2445: 2441: 2436: 2434: 2430: 2426: 2422: 2418: 2414: 2409: 2407: 2406:Áed Findliath 2403: 2399: 2395: 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1759: 1757: 1756:(Lindisfarne) 1750: 1748: 1744: 1740: 1739:British Isles 1736: 1732: 1728: 1724: 1720: 1716: 1709: 1704: 1695: 1693: 1687: 1679: 1676: 1675: 1674: 1665: 1663: 1659: 1655: 1651: 1647: 1643: 1633: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1604: 1602: 1598: 1587: 1581: 1576: 1572: 1570: 1566: 1562: 1555: 1543: 1538: 1536: 1531: 1529: 1524: 1523: 1521: 1520: 1517: 1514: 1513: 1506: 1503: 1501: 1498: 1496: 1495:Völsung Cycle 1493: 1491: 1490:Tyrfing Cycle 1488: 1486: 1483: 1481: 1478: 1477: 1471: 1470: 1463: 1460: 1458: 1454: 1451: 1449: 1446: 1445: 1439: 1438: 1431: 1428: 1426: 1423: 1421: 1418: 1416: 1413: 1411: 1408: 1406: 1403: 1401: 1398: 1396: 1393: 1391: 1388: 1386: 1383: 1381: 1378: 1376: 1373: 1371: 1368: 1366: 1363: 1361: 1358: 1356: 1353: 1351: 1348: 1347: 1344: 1339: 1338: 1331: 1328: 1326: 1323: 1321: 1318: 1316: 1313: 1311: 1308: 1306: 1303: 1301: 1298: 1296: 1293: 1291: 1288: 1286: 1283: 1281: 1278: 1276: 1273: 1271: 1270:Norse funeral 1268: 1266: 1263: 1261: 1258: 1257: 1254: 1249: 1248: 1241: 1238: 1236: 1233: 1231: 1228: 1226: 1223: 1221: 1218: 1216: 1213: 1211: 1208: 1206: 1203: 1201: 1198: 1196: 1193: 1191: 1188: 1186: 1183: 1181: 1178: 1176: 1173: 1171: 1168: 1166: 1163: 1162: 1159: 1154: 1153: 1146: 1145:Ask and Embla 1143: 1141: 1138: 1134: 1131: 1129: 1126: 1125: 1124: 1121: 1119: 1116: 1114: 1111: 1109: 1106: 1104: 1101: 1097: 1094: 1093: 1092: 1089: 1087: 1084: 1082: 1079: 1077: 1074: 1072: 1069: 1067: 1064: 1060: 1057: 1055: 1052: 1051: 1050: 1047: 1046: 1043: 1038: 1037: 1030: 1027: 1025: 1022: 1020: 1017: 1015: 1012: 1010: 1007: 1005: 1002: 1000: 997: 995: 992: 990: 987: 985: 982: 981: 978: 973: 972: 965: 962: 961: 960: 957: 956: 955: 954: 949: 948:Eastern Norse 945: 944:Western Norse 941: 935: 931: 930: 927: 924: 923: 919: 915: 914: 906: 904: 898: 894: 892: 888: 884: 879: 877: 873: 869: 865: 864:Faroe Islands 857: 853: 844: 841: 836: 834: 830: 826: 822: 821:Enlightenment 818: 814: 813:Olaus Rudbeck 810: 806: 801: 797: 795: 791: 787: 783: 782: 777: 773: 771: 765: 760: 758: 753: 749: 745: 741: 731: 729: 725: 721: 716: 714: 710: 706: 700: 698: 694: 693: 688: 684: 680: 676: 672: 668: 664: 660: 656: 652: 648: 644: 640: 636: 632: 628: 624: 620: 616: 612: 608: 604: 600: 596: 592: 588: 587:Faroe Islands 584: 580: 579:British Isles 576: 572: 568: 563: 561: 557: 553: 552:Scandinavians 549: 545: 541: 537: 529: 517: 512: 510: 505: 503: 498: 497: 495: 494: 488: 477: 474: 463: 460: 449: 446: 435: 432: 431:Faroe Islands 421: 418: 407: 406: 405: 404: 397: 394: 392: 391:Defence Union 389: 387: 384: 382: 379: 377: 374: 372: 369: 368: 362: 361: 351: 348: 346: 343: 342: 340: 337: 336: 330: 329: 321: 318: 316: 313: 311: 308: 306: 303: 302: 296: 295: 287: 284: 282: 279: 277: 276:Sweden–Norway 274: 272: 269: 267: 264: 262: 259: 255: 252: 250: 247: 246: 245: 242: 240: 237: 233: 230: 228: 225: 223: 220: 219: 218: 215: 214: 213: 212: 205: 202: 200: 197: 195: 192: 190: 187: 185: 182: 180: 177: 175: 174:Faroe Islands 172: 170: 167: 165: 162: 161: 160: 155: 150: 149: 141: 138: 136: 133: 131: 130: 126: 124: 123: 119: 117: 114: 113: 107: 106: 102: 98: 97: 94: 91: 90: 86: 82: 81: 75: 71: 70:picture stone 66: 62: 48: 44: 40: 33: 28: 19: 16189:Architecture 16161:Great Famine 16151:Universities 16091:Hussite Wars 16008:Great Schism 15919: 15895:Papal States 15709:World War II 15562:Early modern 15539:Kalmar Union 15456: 15410:Papal States 15328:Roman Empire 14502:Anglo-Saxons 14492:Adrabaecampi 14475:Bucinobantes 14217:Architecture 14198: 13859:Vagn Åkesson 13779:Skalla-Grímr 13774:Sitric Caech 13639:Leif Erikson 13619:Ketilsdóttir 13459:Erik the Red 13251:Arms, armour 12641:and colonies 12630:Visby lenses 12620:Viking ships 12557: 12513:Raven banner 12290:Coat of arms 12249:Prostitution 12204: 12194: 12184:Architecture 12099:Demographics 12053:Trade unions 12013:Nordic model 11874:Constitution 11752:21st century 11725:World War II 11700:Kalmar Union 11672: 11478: 11459: 11441: 11431: 11424: 11410: 11396: 11382: 11368: 11354: 11347: 11340: 11333: 11312: 11281: 11253: 11242:, retrieved 11237: 11233: 11207: 11188: 11159: 11139: 11119: 11110: 11090: 11070: 11058:. Retrieved 11049: 11040: 11028:. Retrieved 11008: 11001: 10989:. Retrieved 10980: 10971: 10959:. Retrieved 10900: 10896: 10850: 10846: 10841: 10836:, pp. 25–26. 10825: 10789: 10782: 10762: 10755: 10736: 10726: 10706: 10699: 10679: 10672: 10652: 10645: 10625: 10618: 10598: 10591: 10572: 10540: 10530: 10510: 10503: 10483: 10476: 10456: 10449: 10429: 10422: 10402: 10395: 10375: 10368: 10349: 10339: 10327:. Retrieved 10323: 10314: 10295: 10278: 10266:. Retrieved 10262:the original 10252: 10240:. Retrieved 10236: 10227: 10215:. Retrieved 10205: 10189: 10184: 10174: 10166: 10150: 10137: 10117: 10110: 10090: 10083: 10063: 10056: 10036: 10029: 10009: 10002: 9992: 9985: 9969: 9961: 9949:. Retrieved 9942:the original 9937: 9933: 9920: 9901: 9891: 9882: 9878: 9865: 9845: 9838: 9821: 9811: 9792: 9788: 9778: 9758: 9751: 9741: 9734: 9714: 9707: 9695:. Retrieved 9690: 9687:The Norseman 9686: 9676: 9651: 9643: 9623: 9616: 9607: 9603: 9574: 9569: 9562: 9543: 9533: 9524: 9520: 9507: 9495:. Retrieved 9488:the original 9475: 9463: 9455: 9450: 9441: 9425: 9420: 9412: 9396: 9390: 9381: 9375: 9363:. Retrieved 9354: 9344: 9335: 9329: 9317:. Retrieved 9307: 9300: 9288:. Retrieved 9279: 9270: 9258:. Retrieved 9249: 9240: 9228:. Retrieved 9219: 9210: 9198:. Retrieved 9187: 9178: 9166: 9146: 9139: 9119: 9112: 9093: 9083: 9071: 9059: 9047: 9039: 9034: 9022: 8965: 8955: 8936: 8926: 8914: 8905: 8901: 8895: 8889: 8882:Pritsak 1981 8867:Jansson 1980 8862: 8842: 8835: 8816: 8806: 8789: 8785: 8775: 8755: 8748: 8732: 8724: 8712:. Retrieved 8698: 8679: 8675: 8652: 8648: 8634: 8614: 8607: 8587: 8580: 8561: 8551: 8532: 8513: 8501:. Retrieved 8492: 8483: 8471:. Retrieved 8462: 8453: 8437: 8429: 8409: 8403: 8384: 8378: 8361: 8352: 8335: 8330: 8318:. Retrieved 8309: 8300: 8291: 8282: 8270:. Retrieved 8261: 8252: 8245:Martens 2004 8240: 8211: 8184: 8171: 8163: 8148: 8136: 8117: 8109: 8094: 8087: 8071: 8063: 8059: 8051: 8046: 8038: 8033: 8006: 8000: 7992: 7987: 7978: 7966:. Retrieved 7942: 7935: 7926: 7917: 7909: 7904: 7896: 7891: 7879:. Retrieved 7859: 7852: 7840: 7828:. Retrieved 7808: 7801: 7784: 7773:, retrieved 7763: 7757: 7741: 7736: 7719: 7708:, retrieved 7698: 7692: 7657: 7650: 7630: 7623: 7604: 7594: 7574: 7567: 7555:. Retrieved 7535: 7528: 7515: 7503:. Retrieved 7483: 7457:. Retrieved 7443: 7423: 7416: 7397: 7387: 7375:. Retrieved 7355: 7325: 7318: 7310: 7305: 7297: 7292: 7284: 7279: 7263: 7258: 7246: 7230: 7225: 7209: 7204: 7188: 7183: 7174: 7166: 7161: 7153: 7148: 7128: 7110: 7105: 7078: 7048: 7021: 7017: 6971: 6967: 6942:. Retrieved 6922: 6915: 6907: 6892: 6865: 6859: 6847:. Retrieved 6843:the original 6838: 6828: 6808: 6801: 6792: 6790: 6785: 6776: 6760: 6756: 6752: 6747: 6727: 6720: 6704: 6684:. Retrieved 6670: 6650: 6625: 6613:. Retrieved 6605:The Guardian 6604: 6594: 6586: 6579:. Retrieved 6556: 6540: 6533:. Retrieved 6509: 6496: 6489:. Retrieved 6465: 6454: 6450: 6448: 6424: 6415: 6406: 6387: 6363: 6356:. Retrieved 6332: 6322: 6312: 6310: 6287: 6283:Mawer, Allen 6277: 6139:Víkingr-ló ( 6019: 6004: 5996: 5982:and eastern 5947: 5937: 5927: 5925: 5920: 5916: 5912: 5908: 5904: 5900: 5896: 5894: 5889: 5885: 5881: 5877: 5873: 5869: 5865: 5861: 5857: 5853: 5849: 5845: 5841: 5837: 5833: 5823: 5813: 5809: 5805: 5803: 5784: 5740: 5720: 5715: 5705: 5701: 5696: 5691: 5685:revealed in 5676: 5662: 5654: 5652: 5646: 5639:Judith Jesch 5637: 5624: 5620: 5602: 5592: 5582: 5549: 5540: 5513: 5497:Persian Gulf 5478: 5474:Aldeigjuborg 5439: 5416: 5394: 5371:Visby lenses 5368: 5360:Iceland spar 5355: 5353: 5345: 5340: 5334: 5332: 5328: 5324: 5317: 5314: 5273:Newfoundland 5253:Leif Ericson 5246: 5171: 5140: 5134: 5132: 5128:al-Us̲h̲būna 5127: 5123: 5120:al-Us̲h̲būna 5119: 5108:Mar da Palha 5107: 5101: 5084: 5069: 5056: 5044: 5040: 5034: 5025: 5021: 5013: 5006:ḥiṣn Ūriyūla 5005: 4995: 4991: 4984: 4980: 4976: 4968: 4960: 4956: 4952: 4944: 4936: 4927: 4917: 4897: 4893: 4883: 4879: 4875: 4867: 4864:Guadalquivir 4861: 4856: 4850: 4840: 4836: 4834: 4829: 4823:Miðjarðarhaf 4822: 4818: 4804: 4793: 4749: 4735: 4708: 4661: 4619: 4582:Odo of Paris 4579: 4566: 4565:Carolingian 4521: 4516: 4514: 4460: 4234:Fimbulwinter 4178:Nithing pole 3699: 3634:Norse people 3597:Heimskringla 3595: 3570:near modern 3566:river), and 3537: 3498: 3491: 3461: 3442: 3401: 3396: 3392: 3385: 3369: 3365: 3356: 3351: 3329: 3310: 3306: 3300: 3288: 3251:in 859  3238: 3222: 3220: 3209: 3193: 3187: 3155: 3113: 3106: 3101: 3091:Sigurd Hring 3067: 3049: 3030: 3026: 3015: 2985: 2955: 2939:Fennoscandia 2936: 2921:Erik the Red 2906: 2886: 2875: 2847: 2818: 2816: 2801: 2790: 2751: 2732: 2717: 2706: 2684: 2678: 2676: 2652: 2590:In 870, the 2589: 2550: 2535: 2517: 2477:In 980  2476: 2452:Sitric Cáech 2437: 2410: 2379: 2351:Clonmacnoise 2332: 2318: 2273: 2250: 2226: 2171: 2156: 2147: 2145: 2002: 1975: 1952: 1940:cowrie shell 1921: 1881: 1840: 1833:in 911, but 1789: 1782: 1772: 1770: 1763: 1755: 1752: 1742: 1726: 1725:(Old Norse: 1718: 1712: 1688: 1684: 1671: 1639: 1613: 1610: 1593: 1584: 1557: 1453:Fimbulwinter 1405:Nithing pole 1013: 947: 943: 899: 895: 880: 861: 837: 802: 798: 779: 776:Weymouth Bay 767: 761: 752:Judith Jesch 737: 726:such as the 717: 701: 690: 678: 670: 662: 654: 646: 603:Baltic coast 564: 559: 555: 527: 525: 376:Scandinavism 339:Nordic model 261:Kalmar Union 243: 210: 209: 158: 127: 120: 61: 46: 37:This is the 31: 16494:Middle Ages 16418:WikiProject 16345:Medievalism 16184:Agriculture 16048:Manorialism 16043:Communalism 16038:Monasticism 15955:Reconquista 15945:Kievan Rus' 15694:World War I 15684:Nationalism 15572:Reformation 15557:Renaissance 15529:Black Death 15462:Kievan Rus' 15365:Middle Ages 14942:Nahanarvali 14865:Hilleviones 14778:Frisiavones 14646:Cananefates 14636:Burgundians 14547:Banochaemae 14397:Anglo-Saxon 14348:Anglo-Saxon 14314:Anglo-Saxon 14297:Anglo-Saxon 14280:Anglo-Saxon 13829:Thorir Hund 13759:Sigurd Ring 13614:Jomsvikings 13311:Yarm helmet 12746:Isle of Man 12700:Kievan Rus' 12533:Skíðblaðnir 12487:ship burial 12406:Brisingamen 12264:Nationalism 12119:Immigration 11995:Natural gas 11909:LGBT rights 11899:Governments 11678:Unification 10926:10852/83989 10329:10 November 10242:10 November 10217:10 November 9818:"Pampeluna" 9319:22 November 9290:29 February 9260:29 February 9230:29 February 9120:The Vikings 9076:Kempke 2001 9064:Kempke 2001 9052:Kempke 2001 9027:Kempke 2001 9015:Kempke 2001 8994:Kempke 2001 8919:Kempke 2001 8320:24 November 8272:24 November 8216:Tvauri 2012 8204:Frucht 2004 8189:Tvauri 2012 8041:, pp. 51–52 7775:16 November 7710:16 November 6991:10852/89013 6944:15 December 6908:The Vikings 6466:The Vikings 6358:5 September 6288:The Vikings 6155:Isle of Man 6130:Veðrafjǫrðr 6065:(Lithuania) 5846:skirt, sky, 5787:rune stones 5750:norrœnt mál 5743:dansk tunga 5736:dǫnsk tunga 5667:antiquaries 5589:Old English 5564:Kievan Rus' 5560:Scandinavia 5537:Volga River 5533:Caspian Sea 5521:Middle Ages 5509:Caspian Sea 5458:Skiringssal 5444:(Denmark), 5196: 1400 5180:; 400  5124:al-ʾIšbūnah 5088:river Minho 4914:Ebro Valley 4910:Upper March 4553:monasteries 4469:), but the 4294:Settlements 4260:Poetic Edda 4083:Runic magic 4025:and worship 3998:Urðarbrunnr 3988:Mímisbrunnr 3968:Ginnungagap 3915:Jörmungandr 3893:Hel (being) 3866:Light elves 3774:Trade route 3749:Norse–Gaels 3645:Scandinavia 3588:Jomsvikings 3483:Stone ships 3458:Kievan Rus' 3424:Kievan Rus' 3362:Old Swedish 3332:Rus' people 3231:Rus' people 3180:, Latvia). 3166:Old Prussia 3087: 1157 2943:Old English 2850:Christian I 2791:In eastern 2754:Strathclyde 2739:King Harald 2699:Norse-Gaels 2594:around the 2546:Lindisfarne 2512:(1014  2464:Olaf Cuaran 2440:Norse-Gaels 2355:Glendalough 2313: 1914 2296:Norse-Gaels 2057:Isle of Man 1971:East Frisia 1961:coast by a 1948:Viking York 1909:Kievan Rus' 1809:, Northern 1747:Lindisfarne 1708:Scandinavia 1650:Charlemagne 1618:-wich towns 1480:Poetic Edda 1415:Norse clans 1315:Runic magic 1300:Vé (shrine) 1295:Heathen hof 1225:Urðarbrunnr 1215:Mímisbrunnr 1195:Ginnungagap 1140:Jörmungandr 1019:Norse–Gaels 959:Scandinavia 946:in red and 942:in CE 900: 786:Northumbria 757:Scandinavia 744:Lindisfarne 687:Kievan Rus' 631:Rus' people 623:Norse-Gaels 558:as well as 548:Scandinavia 536:Middle Ages 93:Scandinavia 68:Viking Age 16439:Viking Age 16433:Categories 16340:Land terms 16294:Technology 16274:Philosophy 16254:Literature 16219:Demography 15920:Viking Age 15457:Viking Age 15272:Prehistory 15161:Vinoviloth 14949:Marcomanni 14932:Helveconae 14910:Heaðobards 14880:Istvaeones 14870:Ingaevones 14855:Hermunduri 14823:Ostrogoths 14813:Greuthungi 14691:Chattuarii 14517:Angrivarii 14512:Ampsivarii 14480:Lentienses 14309:Literature 14199:Viking Age 13888:Runestones 13404:Berle-Kari 13369:Airdeconut 12563:Viking art 12558:Viking Age 12239:Literature 12198:(clothing) 12146:Norwegians 12129:Irreligion 12002:(currency) 11924:Parliament 11673:Viking Age 11663:Bronze Age 11411:Viking Art 11369:Viking Art 11315:, London. 11306:Background 11030:28 January 10991:22 January 10733:"Language" 9795:(7): 551. 9365:11 October 8672:See also: 8357:Enn Tarvel 8027:required.) 7557:16 October 7212:. Perrin. 6974:(2): 172. 6781:Jones 1968 6615:21 October 6480:0750921943 6444:0140513280 6433:. p.  6402:0851153607 6365:islands... 6347:095173394X 6306:095173394X 6295:. p.  6217:Sutherland 6188:Norðreyjar 6122:Hlymrekr ( 5960:Bronze Age 5915:("farm"), 5870:they, them 5791:morphology 5558:connected 5541:Austrrvegr 5535:, via the 5527:connected 5505:Varangians 5476:(Russia). 5468:(France), 5464:(Sweden), 5460:(Norway), 5456:(Norway), 5452:(Norway), 5423: 950 5385:See also: 5349:Longhouses 5290:Technology 5228:at modern 5208:Brattahlid 5055:), called 5024:, and the 5002:Ibn Hayyān 4961:Isla Menor 4955:waited on 4929:Gwyn Jones 4904:) and the 4827:Late Latin 4800:al-Andalus 4782:Statue in 4727:Runestones 4682:, sacking 4575: 847 4497:See also: 4366:Köpingsvik 4285:Runestones 4265:Prose Edda 4208:Berserkers 4171:Runemaster 4013:Jötunheimr 4003:Yggdrasill 3993:Hvergelmir 3871:Dark elves 3700:Viking Age 3540:Pomeranian 3513:Wismar Bay 3494:Baltic Sea 3450:Slavicised 3395:(row) and 3255:, and the 3190:Varangians 3127:Egils Saga 3119:Vendel Age 3073: 750 3010:1200  3006:and ended 2862:Charles II 2797:Cruden Bay 2680:Norðreyjar 2557:River Earn 2504:(999  2490:Brian Boru 2450:; such as 2392:(possibly 2334:longphorts 2132:hacksilver 2103:See also: 2043:, Duke of 1934:" brought 1932:Varangians 1815:Asia Minor 1727:Hǫrðalandi 1654:Saxon Wars 1597:the Baltic 1505:Runestones 1485:Prose Edda 1240:Jötunheimr 1230:Yggdrasill 1220:Hvergelmir 1205:Muspelheim 1014:Viking Age 938:Extent of 847:Background 665:) and the 655:Norðreyjar 639:Icelanders 615:Varangians 601:, and the 528:Viking Age 315:Baltic Sea 244:Viking Age 227:Bronze Age 217:Prehistory 16325:Dark Ages 16234:Household 16229:Hastilude 15998:Feudalism 15504:Feudalism 15475:Catalonia 15156:Vidivarii 15151:Victohali 15141:Vangiones 15074:Thuringii 14979:Nuithones 14875:Irminones 14838:Visigoths 14828:Thervingi 14788:Gambrivii 14741:Dulgubnii 14736:Dauciones 14686:Chasuarii 14626:Brondings 14552:Bastarnae 14542:Baiuvarii 14522:Armalausi 14485:Raetovari 14419:Languages 14387:Symbology 14247:Folklore 14242:Festivals 13849:Turgesius 13724:Reginheri 13694:Palnatoke 13479:Freygeirr 13261:Berserker 12785:Pomerania 12780:Rhineland 12709:Expansion 12658:Greenland 12639:Homelands 12583:Yggdrasil 12503:Old Norse 12458:Hnefatafl 12426:Einherjar 12224:Jante law 12205:Christmas 12134:Languages 12104:Education 12058:Transport 11975:Fisheries 11889:Elections 11813:Mountains 11788:Districts 11771:Geography 11747:1945–2000 11658:Stone Age 11244:8 October 11240:: 125–137 11199:581030305 11160:Runstenar 11060:9 October 11012:. Brill. 10951:221769227 10935:1476-4687 10141:See also 9789:Religions 9697:5 January 9171:Hall 2010 8798:0066-7668 8641:Byzantine 8233:Mägi 2015 8050:Downham, 8037:Downham, 7685:Hall 2010 7285:Antiquity 7097:help page 7018:Antiquity 7000:1573-7756 6795:, p. 32. 6581:3 January 6553:"Vikings" 6535:3 January 6491:3 January 6229:Garðaríki 6207:Suðreyjar 6173:Caithness 6134:Waterford 6045:Greenland 5838:steersman 5795:phonology 5767:Norwegian 5759:Icelandic 5727:Icelandic 5718:Icelandic 5607:Old Norse 5517:Silk Road 5501:Byzantium 5375:telescope 5341:skipreide 5152:Greenland 5104:longships 5057:Banbalūna 5053:Pampeluna 5018:Algeciras 4906:Banu Qasi 4819:Nǫrvasund 4614:estuaries 4537:Roncevaux 4483:Wieringen 4244:Wild Hunt 4188:Longships 4161:Old Norse 4151:Mead hall 4058:Midsummer 3983:Niflheimr 3963:Fólkvangr 3943:Vanaheimr 3930:Cosmology 3908:Valkyries 3883:Einherjar 3811:mythology 3759:Garðaríki 3741:Expansion 3572:Kołobrzeg 3525:Obodrites 3307:Gardariki 3257:Curonians 3223:Varangian 3221:The term 3211:Gardariki 3206:mercenary 3174:Samogitia 3060:Icelandic 3046:Curonians 3040:Curonians 3024:in 1187. 2889:St. David 2686:Suðreyjar 2630:miles (20 2606:name for 2604:Brythonic 2573:Dál Riata 2553:River Tay 2421:Waterford 2274:In 1152, 2021:Strongbow 1959:North Sea 1944:Samarkand 1924:Black Sea 1888:longships 1723:Hordaland 1462:Wild Hunt 1420:Old Norse 1395:Mead hall 1350:Berserker 1285:Midsummer 1190:Fólkvangr 1170:Vanaheimr 1158:Cosmology 1108:Einherjar 903:North Sea 887:Old Norse 868:Caithness 692:Garðaríki 647:Suðreyjar 595:Greenland 542:known as 371:Languages 320:North Sea 310:Peninsula 305:Mountains 299:Geography 222:Stone Age 184:Greenland 110:Countries 76:, Sweden. 16408:Category 16375:Timeline 16264:Minstrel 16259:Medicine 16141:Chivalry 16096:Burgundy 16018:Crusades 15743:See also 15714:Cold War 15509:Crusades 15479:Valencia 15222:Category 15129:Hasdingi 15114:Usipetes 15094:Tubantes 15079:Toxandri 15059:Tencteri 15034:Suarines 15019:Sicambri 15014:Semnones 14994:Reudigni 14964:Mattiaci 14954:Marsacii 14905:Lombards 14895:Lacringi 14890:Juthungi 14721:Corconti 14706:Cherusci 14681:Charudes 14661:Chaedini 14631:Bructeri 14616:Bateinoi 14587:Eburones 14582:Condrusi 14577:Caeroesi 14572:Atuatuci 14507:Ambrones 14470:Brisgavi 14465:Alemanni 14343:Paganism 14232:Clothing 14227:Calendar 14174:Germania 13874:Uí Ímair 13654:Náttfari 13634:Lagertha 13594:Hvitserk 13326:Ingelrii 13321:Ulfberht 13301:Dane axe 12773:Normandy 12768:Brittany 12751:Scotland 12695:Jomsborg 12668:Shetland 12615:Longship 12553:Valkyrie 12548:Valhalla 12478:Norsemen 12468:Leysingi 12463:Holmgang 12411:Danegeld 12340:Category 12208:(season) 12161:Religion 12151:Pensions 12038:Taxation 11985:Industry 11919:Monarchy 11914:Military 11852:Politics 11054:Archived 11024:Archived 10985:Archived 10955:Archived 10943:32939067 10882:Archived 10303:Archived 10268:15 April 10159:Archived 9980:. p. 370 9951:11 April 9610:: 67–70. 9430:Archived 9359:Archived 9336:Northmen 9313:Archived 9284:Archived 9254:Archived 9224:Archived 9200:23 April 9194:Archived 8902:Historia 8731:(2012). 8714:5 August 8540:Archived 8521:Archived 8503:3 August 8497:Archived 8473:3 August 8467:Archived 8436:(2011). 8414:Archived 8367:Archived 8359:(2007). 8340:Archived 8314:Archived 8266:Archived 8156:Archived 8125:Archived 8102:Archived 8080:Archived 7962:Archived 7881:30 April 7875:Archived 7824:Archived 7769:archived 7704:archived 7551:Archived 7499:Archived 7453:Archived 7371:Archived 6938:Archived 6900:Archived 6884:63398802 6849:4 August 6793:Vikings! 6771:, p. 61. 6761:Vikings! 6680:Archived 6609:Archived 6575:Archived 6529:Archived 6507:(2008). 6485:Archived 6455:í víking 6385:(1991). 6352:Archived 6330:(1995). 6285:(1913). 6241:Normandy 6211:Hebrides 6196:Shetland 6178:Galloway 6167:Scotland 6124:Limerick 6059:(Latvia) 6029:Atlantic 5954:and the 5934:Genetics 5917:-thwaite 5799:reflexes 5712:Language 5630:scholar 5566:and the 5466:Bordeaux 5450:Bjørgvin 5399:and the 5397:Valhalla 5381:Religion 5307:Longship 5300:longship 5098:Portugal 5076:Camargue 5045:Shidūnah 5010:Orihuela 4969:Talayata 4953:Išbīliya 4937:Išbīliya 4933:flotilla 4918:Išbīliya 4894:Išbīliya 4880:Išbīliya 4868:Išbīliya 4866:towards 4857:Ghilīsīa 4847:Toulouse 4839:and the 4692:Florence 4647:Crusades 4610:baptised 4549:Jumièges 4517:Normanni 4475:Dorestad 4406:Timerevo 4396:Sarskoye 4381:Ralswiek 4371:Lindholm 4351:Jomsborg 4346:Holmgard 4331:Gnezdovo 4306:Aldeigja 4239:Ragnarök 4213:Emporium 4156:Holmgang 4078:Calendar 4008:Valhalla 3948:Miðgarðr 3806:Paganism 3584:Jomsborg 3552:Ralswiek 3533:Haithabu 3446:Novgorod 3438:Þingalið 3378:Svealand 3357:leiðangr 3340:Roslagen 3321:Gnezdovo 3312:Serkland 3271:Longship 3249:Danegeld 3227:Aldeigja 3178:Courland 3151:Bornholm 3033:Saaremaa 3020:to have 2992:Northern 2959:Kvenland 2933:Kvenland 2927:Kvenland 2812:mainland 2778:Somerled 2600:Alt Clut 2538:Scotland 2526:Scotland 2510:Clontarf 2502:Glenmama 2498:Leinster 2486:defeated 2433:Limerick 2413:Uí Ímair 2377:in 845. 2371:Thorgest 2202:Ecgberht 2065:Shetland 2055:and the 2045:Normandy 2023:and his 1897:Novgorod 1852:Normandy 1761:—  1698:Overview 1628:and the 1457:Ragnarök 1385:Holmgang 1235:Valhalla 1210:Niflheim 1133:Valkyrie 926:Norsemen 918:a series 916:Part of 874:and the 872:Hebrides 809:Ole Worm 683:Normandy 599:Normandy 560:Norsemen 540:Norsemen 249:Norsemen 232:Iron Age 199:Scotland 85:a series 83:Part of 43:reviewed 16504:Vikings 16318:Related 16304:Warfare 16299:Theatre 16289:Slavery 16284:Science 16239:Hunting 16204:Cuisine 16177:Culture 16116:Castile 16111:England 15584:Baroque 15483:Majorca 15395:Francia 15146:Varisci 15134:Silingi 15124:Vandals 15099:Tulingi 15089:Triboci 15084:Treveri 15064:Teutons 15054:Taifals 15029:Sitones 14969:Nemetes 14927:Helisii 14900:Lemovii 14818:Gutones 14751:Firaesi 14746:Favonae 14726:Cugerni 14716:Cobandi 14671:Chamavi 14666:Chaemae 14656:Casuari 14651:Caritni 14621:Betasii 14592:Paemani 14527:Auiones 14392:Warfare 14370:Scripts 14338:Numbers 14162:History 14079:Related 13649:Naddodd 13574:Hastein 13549:Hagrold 13519:Guthrum 13514:Guthred 13399:Bagsecg 13296:Skeggöx 13286:Halberd 12814:Battles 12790:Estonia 12726:Danelaw 12688:Vinland 12653:Iceland 12578:Wergeld 12543:Tyrfing 12528:Seeress 12473:Mjölnir 12431:Futhark 12394:Culture 12387:Vikings 12331:Outline 12278:Symbols 12219:Cuisine 12176:Culture 12156:Poverty 12077:Society 12063:Whaling 12048:Tourism 11958:Economy 11808:Mammals 11798:Islands 11783:Climate 11650:History 11508:Vikings 11272:8424246 11178:7837892 10961:25 July 10905:Bibcode 10868:bioRxiv 9968:(1997) 8792:: 5–9. 8489:"Rurik" 8054:, p. 61 7830:25 July 7505:25 July 7377:25 July 7241:. p. 96 7199:. p. 20 6686:3 March 6451:víkingr 6262:Vinland 6183:Kintyre 6148:Wexford 6141:Wicklow 6102:Ireland 6096:Cumbria 6081:Danelaw 6075:England 6063:Polange 6057:Seeburg 6040:Iceland 5992:Gotland 5980:Denmark 5962:to the 5944:bioRxiv 5913:-thorpe 5897:Danelaw 5775:Swedish 5763:Faroese 5603:Beowulf 5594:Beowulf 5579:Culture 5495:or the 5493:Red Sea 5454:Kaupang 5336:leidang 5275:, near 5269:Vinland 5219:Ivigtut 5049:Sidonia 5022:Ūriyūla 4981:Qarmūnâ 4912:of the 4902:Córdoba 4898:Qurṭuba 4885:Qarmūnâ 4872:Seville 4811:Francia 4788:Galicia 4784:Catoira 4740:, like 4704:Morocco 4688:Fiesole 4672:Hastein 4567:deniers 4533:Gascony 4525:Francia 4401:Sigtuna 4376:Menzlin 4361:Kaupang 4326:Dierkow 4301:Alaborg 4253:Sources 4203:Vikings 4108:Society 4023:Rituals 3973:Helheim 3958:Bifröst 3953:Vígríðr 3938:Ásgarðr 3851:Völundr 3846:Sigmund 3754:Normans 3662:History 3650:History 3521:Rostock 3517:Dierkow 3404:Swedish 3382:Uppland 3325:Gotland 3194:Varyagi 3170:Palanga 3147:Gotland 3135:Sigtuna 3123:Palanga 3063:Vikings 3052:Swedish 2975:Estonia 2965:Estonia 2947:Ohthere 2913:Naddodd 2903:Iceland 2708:hersirs 2644:Glasgow 2640:Partick 2612:metonym 2565:Fortriu 2425:Wexford 2363:Kildare 2282:Ireland 2206:Bagsecg 2198:Danelaw 2190:Guthrum 2182:Halfdan 2128:bullion 2118:England 2041:William 2031:at the 1967:Rimbert 1963:Frisian 1886:-built 1884:clinker 1784:Céli Dé 1692:Sea ice 1580:Normans 1561:Scandes 1474:Sources 1390:Leidang 1343:Society 1185:Bifröst 1180:Vígríðr 1175:Midgard 1076:Sigmund 1024:Normans 977:History 964:History 891:Jutland 856:Faroese 734:Context 671:Danalǫg 667:Danelaw 635:Faroese 627:Normans 607:Dnieper 591:Iceland 583:Ireland 567:Denmark 556:Vikings 544:Vikings 459:Iceland 445:Finland 417:Denmark 365:Related 345:Finland 333:Economy 189:Iceland 179:Finland 169:Denmark 154:History 129:Iceland 122:Finland 116:Denmark 74:Gotland 16398:Portal 16279:Poetry 16106:France 15471:Aragon 15450:Amalfi 15435:Venice 15423:Second 15166:Warini 15119:Vagoth 15104:Tungri 15069:Thelir 15049:Swedes 15044:Sunici 15009:Saxons 15004:Rugini 14937:Manimi 14922:Diduni 14860:Heruli 14798:Gepids 14783:Frisii 14761:Franks 14711:Cimbri 14701:Chauci 14696:Chatti 14609:Nervii 14604:Morini 14562:Belgae 14557:Batavi 14532:Avarpi 14497:Angles 14457:Groups 14407:Viking 14353:Gothic 14331:Gothic 14237:Family 13864:Veborg 13584:Hervor 13394:Auisle 13291:Atgeir 13271:Hersir 12800:Dublin 12795:Iberia 12763:France 12756:Wessex 12736:Mercia 12731:Anglia 12538:Thrall 12345:Portal 12307:Mottos 12285:Anthem 12214:Cinema 12114:Health 12000:Krone 11990:Mining 11970:Energy 11929:Police 11884:Courts 11833:Rivers 11823:Cities 11641:Norway 11467:  11450:  11417:  11403:  11389:  11375:  11361:  11319:  11289:  11270:  11260:  11214:  11197:  11176:  11166:  11147:  11126:  11098:  11016:  10949:  10941:  10933:  10897:Nature 10870:  10832:  10797:  10770:  10743:  10714:  10687:  10660:  10633:  10606:  10579:  10547:  10518:  10491:  10464:  10437:  10410:  10383:  10356:  10196:  10125:  10098:  10071:  10044:  10017:  9976:  9908:  9853:  9766:  9722:  9664:  9631:  9550:  9497:11 May 9154:  9127:  9100:  8972:  8943:  8908:, 1994 8850:  8823:  8796:  8763:  8739:  8686:  8663:  8622:  8595:  8568:  8459:"Oleg" 8444:  8391:  8021: 7968:19 May 7954:  7867:  7816:  7792:  7748:  7727:  7665:  7638:  7611:  7582:  7543:  7491:  7459:7 June 7431:  7404:  7363:  7333:  7270:  7237:  7216:  7195:  7136:  7086:  7056:  6998:  6930:  6882:  6872:  6816:  6767:  6735:  6711:  6658:  6567:  6521:  6477:  6471:Sutton 6441:  6399:  6344:  6303:  6192:Orkney 6117:Dublin 6113:Dyflin 6108:Arklow 6086:Jórvík 6051:Baltic 6007:Bodzia 5984:Sweden 5952:Europe 5948:Nature 5909:Whitby 5907:, and 5882:sindon 5858:window 5836:, and 5793:, and 5771:Danish 5731:grágás 5702:living 5672:agency 5570:. The 5523:, the 5489:Jórvík 5481:Hedeby 5442:Aarhus 5427:Aarhus 5281:UNESCO 5255:, and 5174:fjords 5116:Lisbon 5065:dinars 4983:, and 4957:Qubtil 4939:, and 4696:Sicily 4690:above 4509:, and 4493:France 4451:Frisia 4416:Vanaja 4341:Hedeby 4336:Grobin 4311:Arkona 4222:Events 4183:Skalds 4136:Thrall 3888:Fenrir 3878:Dvergr 3856:Vættir 3841:Sigurd 3836:Jötunn 3580:Vineta 3576:Arkona 3519:(near 3434:London 3344:Sweden 3279:Sweden 3261:Grobin 3216:Viking 3204:, and 3202:piracy 3143:Sweden 3115:Grobin 3058:, and 3056:Danish 2988:Finnic 2951:Nordic 2895:, and 2819:proper 2782:Gaelic 2745:, and 2695:Gaelic 2632:  2628:  2616:Amlaíb 2508:) and 2462:, and 2431:, and 2398:Auisle 2396:) and 2382:Amlaíb 2361:, and 2347:Armagh 2339:Dublin 2323:. The 2294:, and 2194:Jorvik 2111:, and 2061:Orkney 2017:Dublin 1864:fealty 1843:Franks 1821:, and 1819:Arctic 1817:, the 1811:Africa 1805:, the 1803:Europe 1658:Saxony 1442:Events 1430:Thrall 1365:Erilaz 1165:Asgard 1113:Fenrir 1086:Vættir 1071:Sigurd 1066:Jötunn 920:on the 881:Their 870:, the 764:slaves 685:, and 679:Dyflin 675:Dublin 663:Jórvík 651:Orkney 637:, and 585:, the 575:Sweden 573:, and 571:Norway 487:Sweden 473:Norway 350:Sweden 266:Sweden 204:Sweden 194:Norway 140:Sweden 135:Norway 16309:Women 16269:Music 16224:Domes 16214:Dance 16101:Milan 15440:Genoa 15418:First 15039:Suebi 15024:Sciri 14999:Rugii 14989:Quadi 14974:Njars 14959:Marsi 14917:Lugii 14885:Jutes 14850:Harii 14845:Gutes 14803:Goths 14793:Geats 14731:Danes 14676:Chali 14597:Segni 14537:Baemi 14380:Runes 14365:Rings 14358:Norse 14326:Names 14319:Norse 14302:Norse 14285:Norse 13744:Rusla 13739:Rorik 13734:Rollo 13689:Ottir 13316:Sword 12805:Italy 12610:Knarr 12601:Ships 12523:Skald 12518:Sagas 12453:Gothi 12421:Eddas 12295:Flags 12259:Sport 12244:Media 12229:Music 12195:Bunad 12166:Women 12094:Crime 11803:Lakes 11230:(PDF) 10947:S2CID 10845:"The 9945:(PDF) 9930:(PDF) 9875:(PDF) 9600:(PDF) 9527:: 11. 9517:(PDF) 9491:(PDF) 9484:(PDF) 8904:, §§ 8708:(PDF) 8678:[ 8651:[ 8645:See: 6408:them. 6269:Notes 6015:S2077 5988:Öland 5921:-toft 5878:to be 5874:their 5814:haárr 5462:Birka 5407:Trade 5319:knarr 5162:Norse 5112:Tagus 5080:Nakūr 5072:Rhône 4986:Moron 4977:Qawra 4949:Cádiz 4945:Qādis 4876:Qawra 4796:Loire 4768:Spain 4700:Nekor 4658:Italy 4622:Rollo 4594:Rollo 4561:Paris 4545:Rouen 4421:Wolin 4411:Truso 4386:Reric 4321:Birka 4166:Runes 4146:Thing 4141:Félag 4131:Thegn 4121:Clans 4093:Galdr 4088:Völva 4073:Gothi 4063:Hörgr 4038:Seiðr 3903:Norns 3861:Elves 3829:Vanir 3564:Peene 3556:Rügen 3548:Wolin 3544:Wolin 3529:Danes 3505:Reric 3389:' 3374:Roden 3370:roþer 3366:Roþer 3292:Rurik 3198:trade 3158:Truso 3095:Kvens 3082:from 2897:Gower 2872:Wales 2854:dowry 2835:Largs 2703:Jarls 2636:Govan 2359:Kells 2329:Howth 2210:earls 2140:sceat 2049:Norse 1946:, to 1893:Rurik 1860:Rollo 1847:Seine 1831:Rollo 1735:reeve 1425:Thing 1370:Félag 1325:Galdr 1305:Gothi 1290:Hörgr 1265:Seiðr 1128:Norns 1059:Vanir 740:abbey 538:when 164:Åland 15445:Pisa 15109:Ubii 14756:Fosi 14641:Buri 13869:Ubba 13439:Cnut 13276:Hird 12741:York 12401:Blót 11465:ISBN 11448:ISBN 11415:ISBN 11401:ISBN 11387:ISBN 11373:ISBN 11359:ISBN 11317:ISBN 11287:ISBN 11268:OCLC 11258:ISBN 11246:2018 11212:ISBN 11195:OCLC 11174:OCLC 11164:ISBN 11145:ISBN 11124:ISBN 11096:ISBN 11062:2020 11032:2021 11014:ISBN 10993:2021 10963:2021 10939:PMID 10931:ISSN 10830:ISBN 10795:ISBN 10768:ISBN 10741:ISBN 10712:ISBN 10685:ISBN 10658:ISBN 10631:ISBN 10604:ISBN 10577:ISBN 10545:ISBN 10516:ISBN 10489:ISBN 10462:ISBN 10435:ISBN 10408:ISBN 10381:ISBN 10354:ISBN 10331:2023 10270:2013 10244:2023 10219:2023 10194:ISBN 10123:ISBN 10096:ISBN 10069:ISBN 10042:ISBN 10015:ISBN 9974:ISBN 9953:2012 9906:ISBN 9851:ISBN 9764:ISBN 9720:ISBN 9699:2014 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Viking invasion of England
latest accepted revision

picture stone
a series

Faroe Islands
Stone Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Migration Period
Viking Age

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