
User talk:Mifren

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not about me - its about you white arrogance that you think you have a 'special' role in all of this. know when to keep out. 17 hours ago · LikeUnlike.David Lander ‎@Matthew, please try to get this ethical dilemma. We met online just over 12 months ago, since then we've lived a lifetime. I've evolved, as have my opinions. To have you remind me, at the start before my peers, that I should get in touch... with my true heritage was insulting, humiliating and inferrably condescending. I did not let it slide then, and now refer you to back to it (the comment made in the lead up to the last state election, the one you demanded be removed under threat of legal action). Do you recall that I did not flinch. I'd also like to draw your attention to my comment on this post yesterday at 1:41pm. Such is our dilemma. Again, I understand dueling dead anthropologists, and lots more besides. I've known where I fit the whole time, and have told you where to reference my family tree since the get go. Sure, I have the gmail address that upsets, but none other than you has challenged me. So, am I talking shit? You appear to think so. I might support an high level inquiry into the mismanagement of funds, but will not interfere in any tribal disagreement over naming rights. Cultures evolve. Attempt to see that there is a method to my madness.See More 14 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading....Matthew Fowler Yes cultures evolve 53 minutes ago · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler Oops so does fb in that I cannot easily respond anymore with Carriage Returns as they become a Comment in themselves ... I guess we all have to adapt. The bottomline is clearly neither of us yet fully comprehend exactly what the other is sa...ying or where they are coming from and so there clearly a cross-cultural communication challenge. As I've PMed Chris, I'll copy & paste the essentials here in my next post that hopefully that makes things clearly for all concerned. Essentially I do my best with what I have as I have it which isn't much. I do appreciate being told in a democratic society of which you both benefit to stay out of things when clearly I've been made responsible for a range of things since standing in good faith for democracy 2007 for the Kingston Candidate Campaign Dave chooses to live in. Equally I've sought to help rather than hinder Dave's interest in democracy & representation because clearly the LibLab major policised Parties (& others) have yet to clearly demonstrate a real commitment to resolving issues clearly, openly, honestly, collaboratively, consultatively, transparently & accountably. Obviously as the then Australian Democrats Party (SA Division) Inc 2007 Kingston Campaign Candidate I did not know nor was I respectfully informed or advised in a timely sense by the then (SA Div) Inc Parliamentarians SA Senator Natasha Stott Despoja who invited me over years in fact over a decade to join & SA Parliamentarian Hon Sandra Kanck MLC who 2006 knew about Ramindjeri callover SA Museum's compromised Anthropology Dept's so called "Ngarrindjeri"-"" but said & publicly NOTHING! Despite having the resources of the entire SA Parliament at Hon Sandra Kanck's disposal, a comment too Ramindjeri Karno Walker independently made 2010 pers comm, I remain as one of HM's 1983 Queen's Scouts & 1988 BSc Bachelor of Science Graduates determined to continue independent investigative inquiries for truth from which justice naturally flows ...See More 40 minutes ago · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler The fact that Dave's bro Jason chose to totally disrespectfully publicly abuse me I naturally reacted to & therefore I respect Chris you too may well choose to think & judge that what I've written is "nonsense" to you however until I know w...hat I know I don't know I don't know, I will at least with what I now know continue to stand with respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri pre-eminent enduring Sovereignty & look forward to learning about the next Adelaide Federal Court House Hearing results especially as so called "Kaurna Native Title Lawyer" Tim Campbell must have been instructed by the current legal fiction even fraudulent so called "Kaurna Native Title Management Committee" to have Ramindjeri "struck off" in of all things, a Mediation Meeting recently - absolutely appalling & galling behaviours especially Chris when you have the audacity to chide me about being so called "professional"! Unlike "Kaurna Native Title Lawyer" Tim Campbell who is publicly paid by we whitefellas' or Caucasian cousins' Governments, I'm not paid at all & have privately funded $ 1000s into the researches I've made in good faith seeking truth since 2007.See More 34 minutes ago · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler From a PM, "On reflection & specifically Chris, I'm wondering how familiar you may be with, Given Berndt & Berndt's 1993 published, "The appropriate traditional categorization of the whole group was Kukabrak: this term, as we mention again ...below, was used by these people to differentiate themselves from neighbours whom they regarded as being socio-culturally and linguistically dissimilar. However, the term Narrinyeri has been used consistently in the literature and by Aborigines today who recognize a common descent from original inhibitants of this region-- even though their traditional identifying labels have been lost."
Godwinson was the last legitimate leading elected effective English King who was killed, (regicided?) in 1066 by the then illegitimate Duke of Normandy which makes me wonder especially as HM claims both that Title, Throne & Crown, what makes an illegitimate Duke of Normandy legitimate?See More Monday at 3:20pm · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler I also feel upset by apparently being led up a garden path with so called "Kaurna" especially when it seems for example that Lynette Crocker has been a significant part of that & others who I guess it is inappropriate to name online here now ... Monday at 3:21pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander we are all victims. first we take australia, then we kill the king (satire). are you barred from bucky & windsor? it's not for tribal purposes that i have problems with some, rather reasons that cannot be legally advanced at this time. my approach has many hats (even though i continue to skip that chapter), ironic that i must encounter the author explaining the method on ten's the circle decades later. Monday at 4:04pm · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler mmm unfortunately I do not comprehend your meaning? Essentially my question is have you yet made contact with either Michael Anderson, Karno Walker or Mark McMurtrie? Also when will you too clarify your ambiguous claim to be SA Museum's Tindale's so called ""?See More Monday at 4:08pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander garden paths, your existentially true claim to royalty (that i will recognise), governments and de bono. Monday at 4:21pm · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler I take it then that is another esoteric way of saying "no"? If not why not contact Karno Walker to begin respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri pre-eminent enduring Sovereignty? Monday at 4:25pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander no, it was the answer to your "mmm unfortunately I ...?" preamble type question. if not to be regarded rhetorical, it needed an answer. Monday at 4:35pm · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler OK, fairnuf & I thank you for that even if I still sadly do not comprehend precisely what you mean? Monday at 4:38pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading....David Lander ‎*garden paths; our experiences, *existentiality; h2r, *gov'ts; temporary legal proviso, *de bono; the lateral thought practical. trying to show empathy. Monday at 5:02pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading....Matthew Fowler OK, well I guess I want to become a bit more directly constructive with you if that is possible in terms of directly contacting Ramindjeri through Karno Walker then go from there? Monday at 5:07pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander i will lead. but your radar is set. Monday at 5:14pm · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler Clearly if as I currently comprehend things from the latest revelation from "Uncle" Lewis O'Brien that his apical ancestor Bessie Reeves was from Clarendon thus Onkaparinga, clearly Bessie's people regularly held full moon ceremonies with "...Encounter Bay" Ramindjeri & even Berndt & Berndt acknowledged that the entire peninsular spoke or could speak Ramindjeri thus there is more than meets the eye we've been fed by publicly paid "compromised Anthropology" so respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri pre-eminent enduring Sovereignty would a logical 1st step?See More Monday at 5:34pm · LikeUnlike.Chris Small how the hell did mfowler connect this article with a disparaging commentary on kaurna peoples? oh it was an attack on jason and david. matthew you shouldn't name drop so publically on face book for all to see- its unprofessional. not a good look to those of us who don't know you mate Tuesday at 6:41am · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading....Matthew Fowler It is not intended to be disparaging Chris, rather for years now since standing for democracy in our 2007 Australian Parliament Kingston Candidate Campaign I sought to show respect to the pre-eminent enduring Sovereign people which I was led to believe to be "Kaurna" which both Jason & David identified essentially due to SA Museum's Ethnographer Norman B Tindale's 1920s-1974 posterity publishing, popularising "" only over time to have a whiplashing paradigm-shift to respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri. Ramindjeri as you too Chris may not yet know have for over 25-30 years sought in vain to speak their truth only to be denied or as you've published Chris "denigrated" by so called "Kaurna" who have not yet proven their blood let alone cultural links to country. Only recently for example after years of talking & publishing about his Kudnarto Clan apical ancestry "Kaurna Elder Yerlobuka Uncle & UniSA Adjunct Researcher" Lewis O'Brien has suddenly come out 3weeks ago about Kudnarto's daughter-in-law & 2nd wife of 2nd son Tim Adams, Bessie Reeves being from Clarendon aka Onkaparinga.
who in good faith sought to show respect only to be subjected to redicule and a whole range of other insults over years now. Jason sadly has become a significant abuser online so I'm seeking truth from which justice naturally flows. Sadly though there are Great Grandmother Elders who brought their concerns regarding multiple million$ mismanaged moneys publicly paid to my attention & we've been everywhere possible from OCBA, ORIC, ASIC, Centrelink, SAPOL etc only to be fobbed off or ignored. Only now thanks to Opposition LiberalSA OCBA Consumer Affairs Minister Hon Rob Lucas MLC posterity publishing in SA Parliament House Hansard has these sorry states of nepotism & cronyism come to the fore which is timely in regard to the Ramindjeri Callover SA Museum's compromised Anthropology Dept's Rev "Taplin touched" so called "Ngarrindjeri"-"Kaurna". Obviously this is a major paradigm-shift & serious charges requiring serious considerations, independent investigative inquiries & due processes after all these years since 1999. An inconvenient truth for many.See More Tuesday at 10:12am · LikeUnlike.David Lander ‎@ matthew; rrpes is only an one way street. you believe that rrpes is the only way to move australia forward. but this approach doesn't sit well with me. i know that in terms of straight line logistics, it make some sense, but it doesn't ...allow for all those whom have, and will be shunned by others in the name of reclaiming land. it's like looking through a glass opaquely. without recognising that hundreds of thousands of aboriginal australians living without knowledge of their true heritage, and all that entails, only partial justice can be achieved. who will represent me as a dreamer of an even more altruistic outcome? nepotism is not acceptable, but succession and inheritace are. money is money, to some it matters not from where it comes. sounds simple, but so does rrpes. please understand that the vast majority of dispossessed people identifying as aboriginal australians believe wholeheartedly that the outlook for land gain is less than bleak, and even their closest relatives stress out having to listen to any stories of hope in this regard. and what if they believe in heaven? holy shit batman, total grief or what.See More Tuesday at 11:11am · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading....Chris Small not proved their blood links let alone cultural links to country. interesting statment Tuesday at 11:42am · LikeUnlike.David Lander glad you like it chris, i think. Tuesday at 11:46am · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler Chris, David knows that I've gone out of my way to actively help him & his people prove his apical ancestry. From what I-we've seen so far that seems clearly to be north of the SA Gov Gazetted River Torrens territorial boundary as clearly w...itnessed by first former SA Premier & even one time Vice Regal Representative Commander in chief Boyle Finniss
and cultural perspective, although not necessarily a common language or dialectal one. Narrinyeri (sometimes Narindjeri or Ngarindjeri) means 'belonging to people' as contrasted with Kringgari (Europeans), and was derived from kornarinyeri (belonging to men or human beings--implying that all other people were non-human). The term was apparently first used by Taplin (in Woods ed. 1879: 1) and under that label he distinguished a range of tribes. He contended that it was possible to 'consider the Narrinyeri as a nation divided into tribes, or as a tribe of Aborigines divided into clans'. As we shall see, the evidence suggests that members of a number of language/dialectal units acknowledged common bonds and interests over a fairly wide area of country. However, on that basis alone it is not appropriate to speak as Taplin did of this constellation of units constituting a confederacy or a nation. Identification of the people concerned rested primarily on membership of a dialectal or language group in which were located a number of clans linked specifically to stretches of territory. All of the people within this constellation had a common language with dialectal variations; moreover, there were also dialectal variations between some of the clans. The appropriate traditional categorization of the whole group was Kukabrak: this term, as we mention again below, was used by these people to differentiate themselves from neighbours whom they regarded as being socio-culturally and linguistically dissimilar. However, the term Narrinyeri has been used consistently in the literature and by Aborigines today who recognize a common descent from original inhibitants of this region-- even though their traditional identifying labels have been lost. If contemporary descendants do know them, they may still prefer to use the broader form which has now gained some currency since it was first used well over a century ago.
up the original hypocracy with hrh? Surely, you are the only one Matthew. Monday at 1:25pm · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler Actually I have been David & am doing so through supporting both New Way Sovereignty Summits & OSTF Original Sovereign Tribal Federation which by the way I think would be excellent if you both made & took your time to attend this year's at Canberra ANU again April22-27. Thus a good place to address the Alum threat by the NSW RTA above? Monday at 1:49pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander So, the new way or the highway? What Her say? Monday at 2:02pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander ‎2000 km, one week away, fuel plus expenses? Hmmm, sounds affordable,, to the middle class. What's with e2r??? Monday at 2:40pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading....Matthew Fowler I think & find your black & white & ethereal or esoteric approach to be unhelpful or I do not yet comprehend it. Essentially it remains clear that while you claim SA Museum's Ethnographer Norman B Tindale's so called "" there is no... clear evidence that any of your apical ancestors are south of the River Torrens territorial line as clearly defined by the 1837 eye witness account by Boyle Finniss. Thus we need clearer information which again it seems you expect me to find without really seriously helping? I do not yet comprehend why this is so?See More Monday at 2:47pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander because hopelessness was deliberately written into my programming. have invested my last decade in search of the ultimate wisdom. i am a guru, if you like. i wanted to privy with a proven wig. not too cryptic? i needed a dissident rebellious queens' scout. Monday at 3:09pm · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler
840:. As stated I acknowledge, accept, absorb and am now addressing your claim/s of abuse by formally proceeding to arbitration that is outside Peripitus, YH or myself because clearly we three have as you put it a clearer conflict of interest. Again I reiterate it seems clear you are not actually addressing your own jumped up conclusive claims YH. Quite honestly I do not yet follow your lines of reasoning as several premises are inaccurate for me and I'm a bit over trying to address them. As I stated previously if you seriously are seriously interested in the Kaurna Native Title Claim then formally forward you inquiries to the Kaurna Native Title Management Committee Female Co-Chair Kudnarto Joan Lamont Williams or Vice Chair Ngangkiburka Georgina Williams via the Warriparinga Living Kaurna Culture Centre. On reflection I think you will in fact find that my passion is more about accuracy and the underlying moral, ethical if not even legal responsibilities we South Australians have to the terms and conditions of the South Australian Letters Patent and Proclamation 1836. Again I've not seen anything to indicate demonstrated comprehension and thus relevance in this commentary or debate to date. Equally I appreciate the fact YH you have not reverted the MH Native Title entry. At this time I still remain unconvinced from your deductions to do so myself. 2632:
Queen's Scouts walk away from what clearly has been demonstrated to me to be a great injustice hence unless either of you can & will actively address & redress Ramindjeri recognition concerns, what am I to do? Sincerely & humbly I ask you both, I need your help, MatthewSee More Yesterday at 1:10am · LikeUnlike.Chris Small get over yourself matthew- you're just not that important. and excuse me- one of HM Queen's Scouts??? If Karno wants my help HE can ask me. i don't get involved in community business, and nor should you. Yesterday at 6:07am · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler That sadly seems somewhat simplistic, even a cop-out Chris. 19 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler Obviously, I too do not yet know you nor your background etc. You can see when I do not know any different, I actively worked with Great Grandmothers then identifying as SA Museum's Ethnographer Norman B Tindale's 1920s-1974 manufactured, m...istranslated so called "".
share on that basis. The fact that you simply undo what I contribute without much explanation beyond one or a few cryptic words demonstrated to me a lack of either sensitivity or capacity to think and act beyond a B&W right or wrong sense. Neither seem to actually be part of my wiki readings thus I have called you on it and now it seems you are reacting to it. You had originally written 3rd reading, I said that it passed the 3rd reading & yr reaction was "what the". Then it seems you realised that was a typo & changed it back to 2nd reading but I had responded on the basis on the original typo error which was of your own doing & no-one elses ie we all have the bottomline responsibility for our own actions & thus how others may interpret our actions. I have in good faith sought to express or explain my actions.
old invitation from then SA Senator Natasha Stott Despoya to join which I only did so on the basis that the Dems worked with the Government of the day. Not knowing of course that Natasha had no intention of continuing & is as egocentric as every other Parliamentarian or dare I write, "politician". The result of course is history, discovering the parlace state of the Dems as a Party & the internal politics just like every other politicised Party. I did what I could to review, revise SA Divisional Job Descriptions to SA Div Council ratification but failed on the 1993 OCBA REGistered Australian Democrats Party (SA Division) Incorporation into we whitefellas' or Caucasian cousins' conquested, conquesting Crown we've essentially live lies about "settlement" ...
Oppostion LiberalSA OCBA or Consumer Affairs Shadow Minister Hon Rob Lucas MLC was referred to me by a former LiberalSA Minister & in good faith independently investigatively inquired into this serious matter ... I sincerely look forward to the Minister Hon Gail Gago MLC's response but like the sale over lease of former Summer Vice Regal Residence Marble Hill my faith isn't high however I do hope that something helpful will account for the appalling & galling behaviours demonstrated to date since 1999 at least ... naturally this is the least I could do to help respect, recognise, resource Ramindjeri pre-eminent enduring Sovereignty ...
1023:—Preceding unsigned comment added by Mifren (talk • contribs) 16:07, 8 May 2009 (UTC)" but am unsure if that was received or responded to as I've not received any further notification. I will continue to revert in 24h as that timeframe is not onerous, there is lots of life out of wikipedia and YetiHunter seems still to have some kind of fixation about South Australian Vice-Regal Native Title which seems to be extrapolated to the entire Registered Kaurna Native Title Claim as somehow being "ambit" as if both South Australia Letters Patent and Proclamation 1836 Founding Documents are immaterial ... ? 340: 332: 1656:, and his tribe. The tribe was in their war paint, each man carrying shield and spear. Peter endeavoured to explain to me that they came to prevent the northern blacks entering their territory, which seems to have been bounded by the River Torrens. However, Captain Jack, of northern celebrity, had already, with the northern tribes, crossed the river and were engaged in various tactical movements which threatened war. There must have been at least a hundred blacks preparing for the fight. I saw Captain Jack, spear in hand, capering up and down the river flat in front of his 1660:, talking very loudly and gesticulating violently. Captain Peter retorted in language which I did not comprehend. At last Captain Jack shook his spear, not at any one, but at a pretended foe, and after a few exclamations threw his spear into the ground, apparently in a great rage. This seemed the signal for combat. Captain Peter warned me to retire as the enemy were about to throw their spears. A few spears came. I stood out of the way of the combatants and watched the result. My friend Peter was captain of the southern hosts, evidently the chosen warrior of his tribe. 2653:
ethical dilemma & confusion, "Given I learned that my mother's maternal Anglo-Saxon apical ancestor was the pre-eminent Sovereign last leading legitimate elected effective English King Harold II Godwinson & my mother's paternal pre-eminent Sovereign South Welsh apical ancestor was Prince Rhys Ap Tewdwr hence paternally descended Anglicised Tudor Kings cousins Henry VII & Henry VIII thus Edward VII, "Bloody" Mary & "Good Queen Bess" who totally destroyed her FitzGerald Family cousins in the Geraldine Desmond Rebellions
dismissing arguments as "simplistic opinion", or accusing them of outright ignorance is generally regarded as disruptive, and to accuse Peripitus (one of the most level-headed editors I have come across) of the same things is completely unreasonable. You clearly have considerable passion for Marble Hill, but please remember what the purpose of Knowledge is. There are plenty of ways you can contribute positively to the article without resorting to unreliable sources for which you have a clear conflict of interest.
5178: 21: 1498:- With respect, the fact that the Quakers have used an acknowledgement of country in their state newsletter is not proof of an obligation for Knowledge to do so. Additionally, the Adelaide Hills Council is not "the Kaurna Adelaide Hills Council", and I do not see any evidence that Marble Hill is "near peramangk country", and even if it was I can't imagine how that fact is relevant to the article. Marble Hill is also "near Morialta Conservation Park", should we include that fact too? Of course not. -- 2948: 2581:
thus respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri pre-eminent enduring Sovereignty & genealogies needs to be seriously addressed 1st with your own people? Monday at 1:31am · LikeUnlike.Jason Jon Brodie You still talkn sh.t fowler! Monday at 10:21am · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading....Matthew Fowler Sadly Jason as you too know only too well, so called "Kaurna" Inc Executives & even ASIC REGistered "Kaurna Cultural Services P/L" Company Directors have been for years now, last week:
1672:, and the Greek wedge formation. A shower of spears came from Captain Jack's party and the wedge grew restive. I could not see if any fell in this short contest, but I presume the northern tribes yielded to their fear of the southern prowess and began to disperse, while Peter rose up with his warriors and again entered into conversation with me, the result being that he was the victor. The northern blacks were tall, lanky figures, very lean and covered with white scales of a 1033: 376: 5103: 4995: 4880: 247: 1099: 4760: 4639: 1760:; is at least very close to vandalism. I accept that you are very sincere, but sincere addition of irrelevant material is still unconstructive. I would be reluctant to have you blocked but if you persistently insert irrelevancies into mainspace I will ask an administrator to take appropriate action. Again I repeat: Knowledge is not the place for standing on your soapbox. How would you feel if I were to start replacing the article on 3697:
evidence that he was Harold's son (as far as I can tell, this assertion originated in a comprehensive but poorly sourced Northwood genealogy book, but I could be wrong), it can also be reasonably proven that he was not Harold's son. However, if you have references that prove the information you posted, please do undo my change and also post the reference... I, as well as many others, would be thrilled to see proof to that effect. (
2146: 2050:" - - ::* I make it quite here and now that if you seriously considerately read the MH Article Discussion Page you too would have see that in fact YH had noted this link shortly after it was publically published online ... that credit is his, not mine ... - - ::* the additional information had also been added some time ago and yet neither YH, any other 2608:
Award winning AdelaideUni so called "Kaurna" Linquist Rob Amery & CEO Consulting Anthropologist Neale Draper both have libelled & defamed Karno Walker & his family. Clearly you too Jason have a long ways to go before you can & will respect others especially when faced with inconvenient truth from which justice naturally flows?
2472: 1283:, the Knowledge article cannot itself be the first place where such an analysis is published. Basically, but using this document to support any point you wish to make in an article, you are saying "This document means blah blah blah"; however if you are the first person to say that, that is original research. What you need to find is a 1019:"Thank you for consideration however, sadly your superlative logic is erroneous and demonstration a significant lack of comprehension in this matter as did the consensus. The logic is that Kaurna Native Claim was publically registered in 2000 as referenced previously. The 2nd example being Kaurna Native Title Claim which resulted in 2377: 580: 513: 2628:
their respective public positions of power & influence to denigrate, libel, defame Ramindjeri when there clearly is an active bottomline responsibility especially by we whitefellas or Caucasian cousins to help acknowledge, accept, absorb, address the past especially as HistorySA celebrates 175 years since Feb19-Dec28 1836.
2120:" is on 2000 Registered Kaurna Native Title Claim and that you have consitently and persistently removed any Kaurna name references demonstrating for me at least, a clear bias if not prejudice for and to Latino-Anglo-Norman-Caucasian-cultural dominance online in wikipdia. I'm simply highlighting the Pre-eminently enduring 2473:
2356:. If you rewrite the article in your own words, there will be no problem with it. I'm a bit of a heritage buff as you know, which is why I want to see it wikified rather than deleted. I don't however have the time or inclination to take the time to rewrite it myself at this time. After all, it's your article. -- 2449:. As far as I can tell, that was asserting the fabrication of Secret Women's Business, not the fabrication of the entire Ngarrindjeri race. What are you trying to prove? I don't know of any commentator, reliable or otherwise, that asserts the non-existence of two of the major tribes of the Adelaide region. 2926:
Hi -- I have removed your post from the Humanities desk, as that is entirely the wrong place for such a matter. I could point you to a better place, but I don't think it would be useful: a glance at your recent contribs shows that you're going down the wrong path, and the only way for you to get on
which may or may not be of potential interest? Sincerely, Matthew"See More 32 minutes ago · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler I subsequently wonder Chris & Dave (& Jason) as I Commented on another thread if the following may actually help better contextualise where I am in actual fact struggling with
I have only realitively recently been exposed to "South Australia" when I was 2004 invited back to "Kangaroo Island". As a result I've only recently since standing for democracy 2007 & Australia Parliament thus renounced my lifelong Scouting commitment to be above politics & accepted a decade
This then means as Melbourne Uni Historian Dr Rebe Taylor published in 2002 "Unearthed" Onkaparinga held moon ceremonies with "Encounter Bay" Ramindjeri thus there clearly is an obligation by Bessie Reeves descendeants to resolve & reconcile their differences before subjecting people like myself
Matthew Fowler Happy to help save however equally the use & abuse of multiple millions mismanaged moneys publicly paid SA Museum's Ethnographer Norman B Tindale's so called "" in SA Parliament House Hansard last week demonstrates it is hard to know the truth from which justice naturally flows ...
including yourself has ever seriously and good faith, I now say, let alone real academic or encyclopedic historical and geographic professionalism actually acknowledged, accepted, absorbed, addressed or redressed their relative merits and considerations for inclusions in a timely sense. I am grateful
If you would like to make a case for the inclusion of the material, please do so on the Marble Hill talk page. However, please just make a succinct case in plain english - no lengthy block quotes from external documents. It just makes the page ridiculously cluttered, though feel free to link to them.
On another angle Kaurna are rallying on SA Parliament House Steps 1-3pm Monday June 29 for the 130 year back rent bill 90 day payment due from March 29 when the original was given to our SA Governor & he followed Vice-Regal Protocol and gave it to our Government of the day. Something you may like
infringement. This article or image appears to be a direct copy from {{{value1}}}. For legal reasons, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from other web sites or printed material, and as a consequence, your addition will most likely be deleted. You may use external websites or other
infringement. This article or image appears to be a direct copy from For legal reasons, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from other web sites or printed material, and as a consequence, your
I therefore have to ask you Chris as I did Dave to simply pick up your telephone & ring or write, respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri Pre-eminent enduring Sovereignty because I have & I have even gone to stay, sat, eaten, held ceremony together. I cannot, especially as one of HM's
So called "Kaurna Elder UniSA Adjunct Researcher Yerloburka Uncle" Lewis O'Brien only recently revealed ~3weeks ago that in addition to "Crystal Brook" Kudnarto Mary Ann Adams' son Tim 2nd marriage to Bessie Reeves of Clarendon aka Onkaparinga ... who as we know from now Melbourne Uni Historian 2002
Remember Jason when you point your finger of abusive accusation/s there are always 3 pointing back & you yourself was one of the so called "Kaurna" who criticised "Chair" Lynette Crocker & other Executives so until you & others prove your genetic credentials as Ramindjeri have done to me
since 2007, 2008, 2009 I've thanks to Great Grandmother ...Elders bringing the following to my attention as one of HM's Queen's Scouts, finally been able to help SA Parliament Opposition Liberal Party OCBA Consumer Affairs Shadow Minister Hon Rob Lucas MLC publicly posterity publish in SA Parliament
is not at all sensible. Your comments on the talk page have become surreal and often incomprehensible. The purpose of the talk page is to discuss creating the best possible article on Marble Hill, not a forum to debate past or present injustices. There are ample places on the net where you can fight
Claim Council has received an update from Norman Waterhouse Lawyers in relation to the recent callover held on 8 October 2010 (Attachment 1). The recent callover determined that, although the boundaries have yet to be determined, the Ramindjeri People’s claim overlapped the Kaurna People’s claim.
Certainly seems to be an interesting story, Legend? My mother's mother was Esme Norwood Brown so I've stumbled across that information here online & too would love to learn more. Certainly intriguing. I think that the Norwood DNA Project should come up with some interesting results as a result.
yet? I was there last year at the 1st Jan30-Feb1. Sincerely, Matthew 19 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Chris Small i asked you matthew do you identify as an aboriginal person and what is a queens scout. you're talking nonsense. i have talked at length to karno and he shows more respect. the conversation is
If in any way I have inadvertently erroneously or omitted anything from the truth do then please corret my writing constructively over destructively. Sincerely, MatthewSee More Monday at 12:45pm · LikeUnlike.David Lander Cultures evolve. You omitted the monarch. For what reason/s are you not taking
Yes thanks YH I did, especially as thanks to Great Grandmother Elders bringing these issues to my attention, I naturally as one of HM's 1983 Queen's Scouts felt Duty-bound to finally after also going to OCBA, ORIC, ASIC, ATO, Centrelink, SAPOL Fraud Unit to no apparent avail, finally ALP Government
Rushed to the front and threw himself on one knee, covering himself with his shield in the left hand and balancing his spear at arm's length in the right hand, His warriors followed his example and ranged themselves on his right and left, receding so as to form a wedge, of which Peter was the front
They had to run this on the 2nd to last day of the financial year so I couldn't attend ! A symbolic act that is unlikely to change anything, perhaps unfortunately. The treatment of the SA tribes upon settlement was a matter that, even as acknowledged in the day, was poor and often ruthless. Reminds
Apologies Mifren; an explanation. You seem to have been adding bits of your family history project into a lot of pages to which it's not necessarily related (at least for an encyclopaedia). You have obviously done a lot of research on the Baronetcy and have created a couple of good articles on some
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Chapter "1 The land and the people p19 Identification: the Narrinyeri constellation and its neighbours Up to now, we have used the wider identifying term Narrinyeri. However, the people themselves did not use that name to refer to the collectivity of groups whose members recognized a common social
with HM's (illegitimate?, heretical?) Munster Plantations remains a confusion & was only partial resolved after 1798 United Irish Rebellion with my father's paternal apical ancestor General Joseph Holt being sent to Sydney & subsequently the Republic of Ireland evolved
My real concerns stem from people like "Kaurna Elder Yerloburka Uncle" Lewis O'Brien & others such as so called professionals publicly paid like UNESCO Award winning Adelaide Uni "Kaurna" Linguist Dr Rob Amery & SA Gov Consulting Anthropologist Dr Neale Draper actively using & abusing
Hence why is it seriously taken Lewis & all those Bessie Reeves descendants all these years to seriously positively emotionally engage respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri pre-eminent enduring Sovereignty? The disrespectful ways in which both publically paid professionals Drs UNESCO
Hi Mifren, I've found a useful book for this subject (via the wonders of google books). Looks like a rather good resource "Warrabarna Kaurna!: reclaiming an Australian language". Looks like some great material on the suppression and loss of the language. The parts I can read online look very well
At the edges of the broader territory of this constellation, the lower Kaurna (as a segment of the Adelaide 'tribe') were located from Brighton to a point between Hallet's Cove and Port Noarlunga. They spoke a language different from Narrinyeri or Kukabrak, although there were said to be able to
Thankyou for the source re:Kaurna etymologies. I have already included it in the Kaurna article and I believe that most of the places you mention note the kaurna origin of the name in their respective articles. However, the name "Marble Hill" is not derived from Kaurna, so I'm not sure how it is
to be honest I do not need to try in so far you seem to manage to do that by yourself. I have never rubbished your arguments from my perspective. I have pointed out how your arguments are not entirely logical because the premis used to to argue has not in my view been accurate and thus sought to
Mifren, when I first came across you, you were a Kaurna advocate - you argued many times on their behalf in the wiki talk pages, you were even a political activist for the Kaurna. What has happened? Why this sudden acrimony towards them - what did they do to you? You say you discovered that the
and many other orchids are ground orchids or terrestrial orchids (including about 1,000 of the other orchids I've written about) but these are not common names. "Ground" and "terrestrial" distingush them from them from "epiphytic" and "liphophytic" (and maybe other) types. All the best to you.
Hi Matthew. In response to your question, there didn't seem to be a reason to discuss. The modification you made with this new information was not accompanied by any references. As for discussion, the existence of Jordanus de Scapeia can be easily proven - however, outside of there being no
essentially gives the basic information & hopefully you & yours will make & take your time to go & be there ... I do not necessarily see myself as rebellious, just confused by the ethical dilemma I faced with given my mother's maternal Anglo-Saxon apical ancestor King Harold II
is a consideration. What alternatives from your perspective? Personally as all three of us have been involved in wiki editing SA history and heritage pages I believe we three each have become embedded in one form or another so someone clearly independently external without any real or received
Actually today when I was able to speak with Ramindjeri Elder Meryl Mansfield pers comm 2 Mar 2011 I heard readings from if I recall correctly p16 & p59 of Berndt & Berndt's "A World That Was" which collectively indicated that "Ngarrindjeri" never existed per se. Sadly I do not have a
Somehow you and I seem to have developed an unproductive relationship. I do think that your edits are good faith even though I disagree that the most recent ones should be included, yet I can't often assume good faith with your talk page edits. To accuse an editor of having ulterior motives,
573: 180:
from Knowledge. This has been done because the article appears to be about a person, group of people, band, club, company, or web content, but it does not indicate how or why the subject is notable: that is, why an article about that subject should be included in an encyclopedia. Under the
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including yourself has ever seriously and good faith, I now say, let alone real academic or encyclopedic historical and geographic professionalism actually acknowledged, accepted, absorbed, addressed or redressed their relative merits and considerations for inclusions in a timely
is what I referenced; I just wanted to let you know that you can be blocked for reverting an article more than three times in a 24-hour period. As far as truth, it's a noble goal, but not one that this encyclopedia contemplates. The threshold for inclusion in an article here is
with reams of stuff in Latin, Welsh, Anglo-Saxon and Greek pointing out the illegitimacy of Anglo-Saxon claims to the land, which rightfully belongs to the Roman Empire and their local successors the Welsh princes? Even the Saxons admitted the violent nature of their takeover:
2371: 2026:." - - - This just to make a point: we are here to write an encyclopedia, and this is a necessarily-limited task. I welcome your knowledge and your good intentions, I wish you and the Kaurna well, but please press your detailed arguments about sovereignty elsewhere. 390:, because it is an article with no content whatsoever, or whose contents consist only of external links, "See also" section, book reference, category tag, template tag, interwiki link, rephrasing of the title, or an attempt to contact the subject of the article. Please see 2347:
Any wikipedia mentor will tell you the same thing. Creating new articles by inserting copyrighted text is not permitted; it's actually illegal. This applies even if you have changed the wording superficially or deleted a few sentences here and there. You can use the
1444:" not being wiki policy. I've reverted on the basis that a discussion could be had without a simplistic one line cryptic reason. As you have some awareness and perhaps insight and did not remove these links previously I'm curious to learn your consensus perspective. 1795:- This just to make a point: we are here to write an encyclopedia, and this is a necessarily-limited task. I welcome your knowledge and your good intentions, I wish you and the Kaurna well, but please press your detailed arguments about sovereignty elsewhere. 212:
deletion, if the article meets the criterion it may be deleted without delay. Please do not remove the speedy deletion tag yourself, but don't hesitate to add information to the article that would confirm the subject's notability under Knowledge guidelines.
the article, and none of your contributions on this or any other article have to go through me or anyone else. However anything that you add must comply with the policies of Knowledge. Unfortunately I don't think what you are contemplating would fit this
is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
The territory of the Narrinyeri was roughly that noted by Taplin, although on the basis of the information we were given by Aborigines in the early 1940s, it has actually been enlarged a little, stretching to the coastal area of the Gulf St Vincent.
This message was placed automatically, and it is possible that the bot is confused and found similarity where none actually exists. If that is the case, you can remove the tag from the article and it would be appreciated if you could drop a note on
2164:. For legal reasons, we cannot accept copyrighted text or images borrowed from other web sites or printed material; such additions will be deleted. You may use external websites as a source of information, but not as a source of sentences. See our 1391:. The image has been identified as not specifying the copyright status of the image, which is required by Knowledge's policy on images. If you don't indicate the copyright status of the image on the image's description page, using an appropriate 1314:
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The boundaries of the Ramindjeri claim have yet to be determined but if they do include the City of West Torrens then Council will be invited to become a party to that claim too and may have an impact on the finalisation of the Kaurna Claim."
2385: 1842:
I make it quite here and now that if you seriously considerately read the MH Article Discussion Page you too would have see that in fact YH had noted this link shortly after it was publically published online ... that credit is his, not mine
4361: 4349: 4258: 4246: 3367:
states that an image used in the book is based on a painting in the possession of Bernadette Hayden. Is this a facsimile of that painting? Just trying to address copyright issues and who might be in a position to allow it to be used here.
which has analyzed the document and established what it means and what its relevence and significance is. If no reliable source has done so, then there is little reason to include the document as a source. It may be useful as a source
regarding "Alnod Cilt (aka Jordanus de Scapeia or Sheppey)" - as there is no evidence that Jordanus de Scapeia was Harold's son and in fact, there is reason to believe that he was not. Entries must be verifiable (include references).
appearance. I cannot say that they carried shields or that they fought like practised warriors. They were but a mob, while Peter's army were powerful, well-fed blacks, armed with shield and spear, and apparently well trained to use
Hmmm, should do this as it's been over a year. I've been thinking about it but somehow life always gets in the way. When I've got time this weekend I'll post up a when-and-where-should-we-do-this notice. Thanks for reminding me -
understand and converse in, for instance, Ramindjerie. Despite their peripherality, it is clear that the Kaurna people were part of the wider group (see Teichelmann and Schurmann 1840; Wyatt in Woods ed. 1879 and Williams 1839)."
1080: 697: 690: 730:
Thanks for your message. In all honestly I hardly know anything about the Kaurna, just would have tried to fill in some glaring gaps in Knowledge, but now I'm hardly active on Knowledge. Good luck with the articles!
1736: 2905:
There's more but clearly I need, want to get this saved so that you too can start to wake up to yourself & others' who've clearly had you hoodwinked for decades if not your entire lifetime! Cheers, Matthew aka
3643: 1454:
is a relatively modern ceremony that applies to all australian Native groups, not simply these two. With appropriate referencing it is probably worth a line in each article but without referencing it is not. -
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published "Unearthed" "Encounter Bay" Ramindjeri clearly celebrated full moon ceremonies at Onkaparinga where recent MALE skeletal remains have demonstrated that site is not just significant to women.
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5127:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 5019:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 4904:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 3918: 430: 3790: 2892:"Nunga Court" Records I'd been made increasingly aware lots had been going on that needed absorbing, accepting, acknowledging, addressing, redressing we whitefellas' on-going impacts since 28 Dec 3914: 3188: 4748: 4544: 4403:
I'm afraid I've had to revert your most recent edit to this article. While I agree with your point of view, Knowledge is not the place to advertise events, and requires material to be cited to
3786: 2636:
I as one of HM's Queen's Scouts simply truth from which justice naturally flows. I respect that may mean nothing to you?See More 19 hours ago · LikeUnlike.Matthew Fowler ‎@Chris Have you read
I agree with Jayron32. That document is not published, so it cannot be considered a reliable source. Additionally, it is copyrighted so it probably cannot be used for that independent reason.
2633: 3184: 4261:, a page you created, has not been edited in at least 180 days. The Articles for Creation space is not an indefinite storage location for content that is not appropriate for articlespace. 424: 383: 369: 4847: 4785: 4753: 4627: 5143: 5035: 4920: 4558: 3439: 3236: 4593:, a page you created, has not been edited in 5 months. The Articles for Creation space is not an indefinite storage location for content that is not appropriate for articlespace. 4510:, a page you created, has not been edited in 6 months. The Articles for Creation space is not an indefinite storage location for content that is not appropriate for articlespace. 4364:, a page you created, has not been edited in 6 months. The Articles for Creation space is not an indefinite storage location for content that is not appropriate for articlespace. 4563:
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2672: 2087: 3435: 3232: 3164: 2516:. What is the source for this information about the 'Ticroghan' branch of the Fitzgerald family? I too am interested in this obscure branch of the family, and am working on the 4726: 4664: 4632: 4590: 4578: 4507: 4495: 1924: 1804: 836:
Where have I ever accused Peripitus of having ulterior motives? Again YH you resort to absolute terms with "completely unreasonable" to justify what appears really to be like a
4955: 2399: 1698:
Regarding your message to me from a couple of months back. I didn't introduce any information into this article as far as I can tell. All I did was move the reference tag (see
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City of West Torrens COUNCIL MEETING 2 November 2010 17. REPORTS OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 17.4 Kaurna Native Title Claim Update & Attachments 1-3, Pages 8-20
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Hi again. Thanks for your contribs to the Holt article. It seems a bit more info is required regarding the colour image if it is not to be removed. The back cover of
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specifically a geneaology, and that would be a perfect place to collate the entire family history project. I hope this counts as "mentoring". Happy editing, --
2839:" apical ancestry was from the north and there was some tensions. Little did I know, in any way/s fully comprehend what Feminist Anthropologist Emeritus Prof 4449: 4295: 3625: 3307: 1239:
template again. If you make too many unconvincing or disruptive unblock requests, you may be prevented from editing this page until your block has expired.
3415: 1753:, not just Matthew Fowler, have made a claim over this specific site, and that it has for the moment been rejected. I have edited the article accordingly. 2865: 2634:
1427: 3956:
Hi Mifren. What does "callover" mean? I've seen you use it many times (eg "Ramindjeri callover Kaurna") but I must admit I'm confused as to its meaning.--
If you live in the Southern Hemisphere and are entering the season of Autumn not Spring then I wish you a happy First Day of Autumn {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}!
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I do not see freezing the article in dispute as an issue at this time. Perhaps it is in fact in favour of truth over your mind finding logic irrelevant?
3357: 1003:
I scanned the dialog on your talk page enough to see that you have had some conflicts with other editors over this article, if that's what you mean. —
285:. Also, please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Even though removing the deletion notice will prevent deletion through the 4313: 2544: 1422: 2877: 2747: 2481:"A world that was: the Yaraldi of the Murray River and the lakes, South Australia" By Ronald Murray Berndt, Catherine Helen Berndt, John E. Stanton 2390:
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Also, although I have contributed to this article quite a bit and as such am prone to watch it a bit more zealously than others, I certainly don't
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my Welsh linquistic education has been neglected and as I'm slowly learning some Irish, I'd also value Welsh. - ::I'd appreciate a
too. I suggest shifting your paradigm, could, would me and we more ... - - ::* I'd (& I guess wikipedia) also appreciate a
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As you say Yeti Hunter had already mentioned this link and I'd missed it. A pity, it could have saved us quite a lot of argument.
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Despite not knowing you Chris, I'm sharing more of what I've learned myself & FitzGerald-Bourne-Holt-Fowler family history
File:Spy Caricature Sir Robert Uniacke-Penrose-FitzGerald MP Cambridge 1st Bt of Corkbeg and Lisquinlan.jpg listed for deletion
2020: 1008: 998: 982: 959: 290: 177: 4316:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 4190:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 4133:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3646:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3544: 3043: 3016:). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 2973:
Hi Mifren, I have removed your recent addition to Cooneyites even though I completely understand why you added it. Please see
4465: 4462:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 4398: 4319: 4193: 4136: 4035: 4032:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3734: 3731:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3649: 3484: 3481:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3395: 3392:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3060: 3057:. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. 3019: 2502: 241: 236: 47: 2512:
Hi Mifren, about half way down the genealogical information in your user page there's a small section on the Fitzgeralds of
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2533: 2318: 1246: 1209: 2710: 2420: 1709: 1652:. Seeing a number of blacks assembling at that point, I repaired to the spot and was met by my old friend Peter, of 908: 5076:. (Nice to know somebody's interested in them apart from yours truly!) Sorry to have had to revert it. It's true - 3431: 3228: 2545:
2507: 2107: 1111:
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which I hope is a reasonably reliable source. It does give a very brief account which supports the fact that the
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Party (SA Division) Inc CAC Candidate Assessment Committee asking me to Candidate Campaign Kingston, southern "
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Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Knowledge appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited
my Welsh linquistic education has been neglected and as I'm slowly learning some Irish, I'd also value Welsh.
1515: 1292:
to a reliable secondary analysis, but it should not be used by itself to support any position or opinion. --
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track is to stop fighting with other editors and start paying attention to the feedback you are getting.
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The Croften Croker edited 'memoir' (1838) of Holt is available free to read, download and search at the
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me of the plight of most native peoples when the Europeans came. I would love to have attended this. -
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that I had my respecting, recognising, resourcing Ramindjeri pre-eminent enduring Original Sovereign
2667: 2453: 2314: 2220: 2092: 1247: 1112: 1049: 1040: 274: 150:
Administrators will look at your reasoning before deciding what to do with the article. Thank you.
27: 5090: 939:. I just wanted to make sure you realize this policy exists before you possibly run afoul of it. — 769: 394:
for our minimum information standards for short articles. Also please note that articles must be on
4776: 4655: 4231:, as what you wrote didn't make much sense. Could you clarify on what you meant to convey? Thanks, 4029: 3728: 3478: 3389: 3373: 3291: 3054: 2185: 1691: 1686: 1106: 930: 489:
Sorry for the misunderstanding then. Let's see if we can come to a consensus on this MH(P) thing.--
480: 102: 2055:
you now have some inkling however clearly with that Administrator threat, I have to question your
1167: 1144: 804: 281:
notice, but please explain why you disagree with the proposed deletion in your edit summary or on
4408: 4236: 3678: 2974: 2968: 2801: 2219:. Knowledge takes copyright violations very seriously, and persistent violators are liable to be 1707: 722: 592:
linking to that page which explains why it needs to be used on that page. Can you please check:
linking to that page which explains why it needs to be used on that page. Can you please check:
403: 2475:
so I will now have a go at independently looking for these references. One of which is actually,
3315: 1605: 1373: 1130: 1057: 409:
If you think that this notice was placed here in error, you may contest the deletion by adding
76: 1596:& of course Dame Roma Mitchell Human Rights Community Legal Centre Volunteer Co-ordinator 1450:
No sure on this Mifren, I can't see any reverts to comment on except the ones at Marble Hill.
before adding large amounts of text to these and less related articles. I'm not familiar with
339: 321: 5124: 5016: 4901: 4011: 3961: 2761: 2706: 2552: 2461: 2435: 2361: 2337: 2313:
It may also be necessary for the text be modified to have an encyclopedic tone and to follow
2103: 2027: 1916: 1796: 1627: 1539: 1503: 1205: 921: 891: 863: 826: 809: 681: 663: 494: 464: 2041: 1822: 1742: 331: 5135:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 5027:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4912:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 4793: 4672: 4618: 4607: 4568: 4535: 4524: 4435: 4389: 4378: 4286: 4275: 3349: 2921: 2765: 2517: 2329: 2297: 2271: 2241: 2216: 2165: 2138: 2045: 1856:
the additional information had also been added some time ago and yet neither YH, any other
1826: 1746: 1153: 1088: 395: 186: 107: 2586: 1614:'s 1920s-1974 posterity published, popularised so called aka post 1999 & fraudulent " 1572:
is that since all this futher posterity publishing, popularising by the three whitefella "
8: 4860: 4836: 4715: 3765: 3698: 3689: 3407: 3369: 3287: 2789: 2417: 2395: 2181: 2153: 1728: 1577: 1559: 1482: 1459: 1440:
were and probably from past revert experiences will be removed recently on the basis of "
1258: 640: 454: 444: 298: 265:
process. All contributions are appreciated, but this article may not satisfy Knowledge's
205: 3283: 3279: 2112:
Wow! Yeti Hunter finally demonstrating gratitude! As my Grandmother used to say to me, "
4232: 3219: 2932: 2067: 1882: 1703: 1441: 1349: 1320: 1297: 937:
Knowledge's policies against reverting an article more than 3 times in a 24 hour period
875: 821:
I would appreciate it if you would self-revert your most recent edit to the article. --
626:. Thank you. NOTE: once you correct this, please remove the tag from the image's page. 559:. Thank you. NOTE: once you correct this, please remove the tag from the image's page. 305: 66: 2872:! My paradigm was already shifting because of the corrupted people, personalities, eg 182: 5111: 5086: 5003: 4888: 4870: 4485: 4476:
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97: 2324:
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You're trying to use the fact that, gasp, I made a typo to rubbish my arguments? --
232:. Feel free to leave a note on my talk page if you have any questions about this. 2701:"Kaurna" were a sham - but to be honest it sounds a bit more personal than that.-- 4789: 4668: 4614: 4586: 4564: 4531: 4503: 4385: 4357: 4282: 4254: 4047: 3171: 3091: 2828: 2686: 2681:. This is an image you uploaded. Maybe you have some more information? Thanks. – 2204: 2177: 1720: 1649: 1341: 1084: 774: 748: 709: 414: 233: 197: 130: 4851:
tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with
requesting that it be speedily deleted from Knowledge. This has been done under
tag from the page yourself, but do not hesitate to add information in line with
requesting that it be speedily deleted from Knowledge. This has been done under
387: 386:
requesting that it be speedily deleted from Knowledge. This has been done under
5132: 5060: 5024: 4909: 4856: 4809:. Knowledge takes copyright violations very seriously and persistent violators 4688:. Knowledge takes copyright violations very seriously and persistent violators 3684: 3496: 3072: 2997: 2869: 2724:
like anything because we've never met, let alone used audio telecommunications!
2414: 2391: 1725: 1611: 1569: 1556: 1549: 1523: 1479: 1456: 1414: 1255: 1004: 978: 940: 797: 758: 702: 286: 229: 225: 173: 166: 112: 73:
and so is part of the Knowledge project rather than the encyclopaedic content.
2208: 2161: 347:
Just wishing you a wonderful First Day of Spring {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}! ~~~~
5128: 5020: 4905: 4118: 4086: 3886: 3567: 3519: 3337:
options. Copy the license template and paste it in the file's page, and save.
2928: 2889: 2797: 2757: 2282: 1645: 1634: 1623: 1592:, along with CEO Consulting Anthropologist, Archeaologist Dr 1531: 1392: 1345: 1316: 1293: 1280: 1196: 965: 936: 912: 879: 855: 651: 312: 254: 221: 92: 2547:? Is this group related to our Warriparinga Living Kaurna Cultural Centre?-- 1199:; that rule binds all of us in all cases except the most blatant vandalism. 1195:
I don't see anything above that would indicate that you aren't bound by the
Orphaned non-free image (File:Marquis of Waterford de la Poer Beresford.JPG)
5082: 4481: 4477: 4335: 4331: 4209: 4205: 4152: 4148: 4099: 4095: 3985: 3938: 3934: 3665: 3661: 3612: 3608: 3459: 3455: 3446: 3422: 3311:. However, it needs some more work before it is okay to use on Knowledge. 3256: 3252: 3087: 3035: 3031: 2805: 2793: 2785: 2773: 2521: 2445:
I'm not sure what point you're trying to get across with that long post at
1615: 1608: 1589: 1527: 1284: 1271:
It's still not very useful as a source. The big issue is that there is no
1032: 974: 2034:) 12:40, 6 December 2009 (UTC) - - ::Dear Richard Nine marne budni 1737:
An encyclopedia needs reliable sources and directly-relevant comments only
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2525: 2494: 2125: 2079: 1899: 1678: 1664:
and apex. It recalled to mind my school-boy recollections of the Grecian
1117: 990: 970: 951: 841: 761: 735: 627: 560: 5139:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
Aha, a legal term! No wonder it baffled me :) Thanks for the pointer. --
That every article it is used on is linked to from its description page.
That every article it is used on is linked to from its description page.
375: 3853: 3599: 2840: 2824: 2743: 2682: 2056: 246: 4842:
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Dear Mifren, I would love such a meeting but have recently moved to
2145: 878:
and at times I'm unsure you truly have stuck to the top three. Thus
4305: 4122: 3829: 3797: 3107: 2861: 2816: 2769: 2734: 2410: 1669: 1585: 2258:
If a note on the original website states that re-use is permitted
Have you ripley followed the discussion or logical argument above?
4459: 4175: 3810: 3559: 3523: 3135: 3001: 2885: 2881: 2781: 1929:
Copied and pasted from Richard Talk Page that he had removed ...
1761: 1665: 1555:
referenced and cover the people and their language fairly well -
754: 1978:
bec, - - eald uthwitan, siththan eastan hider - -
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into Australian copyright law. The discussion is taking place
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File:Judkin-FitzGerald 3rd Bt Lisheen.JPG listed for discussion
3825: 3761: 3571: 3540: 3531: 3515: 2836: 2813: 2738: 2730: 2121: 2063: 2038:
greeting: - ::Thank you too for the acknowledgement above, "
2035: 1878: 1813: 1750: 1619: 1600:
have sadly all demonstrated significant conflicts of interest.
1581: 1573: 1433: 1398:
For more information on using images, see the following pages:
3925: 3901: 3877: 3527: 3243: 3195: 3143: 2721: 2060: 1979: 1875: 1644:"At this time I was a witness of a fight on the banks of the 4823:
verify that externally by one of the processes explained at
verify that externally by one of the processes explained at
Knowledge talk:Articles for creation/Lisquinlan, County Cork
Knowledge talk:Articles for creation/Lisquinlan, County Cork
Knowledge talk:Articles for creation/Lisquinlan, County Cork
Knowledge talk:Articles for creation/Lisquinlan, County Cork
at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.
2654: 2622: 2430:
I have left responses to both your posts on my talk page. --
explaining your position, but be aware that once tagged for
289:, the article may still be deleted if it matches any of the 208:
explaining your position, but be aware that once tagged for
see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable
3773: 3595: 3563: 2893: 2853: 2754: 2569: 2071: 1991: 1944: 1940: 1937: 1886: 1641: 1601: 4424: 2941: 1702:) You might want to contact someone else. Not sure who. - 343:
Theres nothing like seeing a field full of spring flowers.
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Edited from what I've recently been writing on another's
clearly Witnessed thus demonstrated significant defences,
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783:. Please be also careful not to overlink an article (see 646:
of the more notable members, but you should consider the
Barton family with Sir Robert Uniacke-Penrose-FitzGerald
2203:! We welcome and appreciate your contributions, such as 1471:
to see as Media have expressed interest or even attend.
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4458:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 4304:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 4174:, you added links pointing to the disambiguation pages 4121:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 3634:, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page 3000:, you recently added links to the disambiguation pages 2677:
Hello Mifren. Please see the discussion I initiated at
And your latest suggestion for my identity is bizarre.
2240:(CC-BY-SA), leave a message explaining the details at 2156:. I have performed a web search with the contents of 1719:
Mifren, editing the article like that just to prove a
Image copyright problem with File:NATIVETITLEMHILL.JPG
4792:, because the article or image appears to be a clear 4671:, because the article or image appears to be a clear 2960:
Message added 13:34, 12 December 2011 (UTC). You can
2649: 2124:
cultural realities and the wikiArticles deficiencies.
2812:") turnoff sign and naturally drove in. There I saw 2471:
personal copy however I just found a copy online at
2317:. For more information on Knowledge's policies, see 1105:
This user's unblock request has been reviewed by an
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If you have any questions, please ask them at the 2524:being a wiki specifically for genealogy). regards, 2160:, and it appears to include a substantial copy of 1514:Also, I'm sure you are aware that the practice of 698:File:Marquis of Waterford de la Poer Beresford.JPG 269:, and the deletion notice explains why (see also " 3301:More information needed about File:JosephHolt.JPG 2955:Knowledge:Help_desk#Started_new_Article_Mulbarapa 2600:I cannot easily accept your abusive criticism/s. 1756:Mifren, I am less happy to say that I agree with 1452:Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country 1267:Regarding the document you posted on my talk page 439:if the article does get deleted, you can contact 261:, suggesting that it be deleted according to the 4113:Disambiguation link notification for September 3 1874:I'd (& I guess wikipedia) also appreciate a 1724:your battle, Knowledge is just not the place. - 1021: 4958:, please read the proposal and comment there. 4790:section G12 of the criteria for speedy deletion 4669:section G12 of the criteria for speedy deletion 2784:Sturt Road, Bedford Park, Marion (who'd helped 2289:Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 2262:Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 2238:Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4166:Disambiguation link notification for October 1 4024:Disambiguation link notification for August 26 3723:Disambiguation link notification for August 19 3325:Find the appropriate license from the list of 1819:Thank you too for the acknowledgement above, " 1417:. For assistance on the image use policy, see 785:Knowledge:Linking#Overlinking_and_underlinking 712:. For assistance on the image use policy, see 388:section A3 of the criteria for speedy deletion 4450:Disambiguation link notification for April 18 4296:Disambiguation link notification for March 19 3632:Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole 3626:Disambiguation link notification for March 11 5227:: Cafe Amore, 162-170 Pulteney St, Adelaide 5209:has been hastily arranged, spread the word! 2456:- Seriously, where do you get these ideas?-- 1622:" per se could not have lived south of that 1281:Knowledge's policy against original research 674:Knowledge:WikiProject Peerage and Baronetage 4956:at the Australian Wikipedians' notice board 2543:Hi Mifren, I was wondering if you had seen 2274:with a link to where we can find that note. 2209: 2162: 2066:translation into International, British or 1881:translation into International, British or 2831:who there and then indicated that Steve's 2655: 2623: 1777:sweordes ecgum, thaes-the us secgath bec, 935:You may want to familiarize yourself with 883:conflict of interest could be considered. 443:to request that a copy be emailed to you. 398:subjects and should provide references to 257:}} template has been added to the article 4829:Knowledge:Requesting copyright permission 4708:Knowledge:Requesting copyright permission 4603:of the content if it meets requirements. 4551:File:Judkin-FitzGerald 3rd Bt Lisheen.JPG 4520:of the content if it meets requirements. 4374:of the content if it meets requirements. 4271:of the content if it meets requirements. 2977:for a more detailed explanation. Cheers, 2953:Hello, Mifren. You have new messages at 2750:) to show some respect, having stood for 2593:Matter of Interest: Kaurna organisation 2252:Knowledge:Requesting copyright permission 1642: 1602: 753:You might want to change your links from 5169:Adelaide Meetup 22 – Friday 6 March 2020 4825:Knowledge:Donating copyrighted materials 4704:Knowledge:Donating copyrighted materials 2447:Talk:Hindmarsh Island bridge controversy 2304:Knowledge:Donating copyrighted materials 2170:Knowledge:Donating copyrighted materials 338: 330: 5256:Category:Wikipedians in South Australia 4770:the guide to writing your first article 4649:the guide to writing your first article 3911:Murrough O'Brien, 1st Earl of Inchiquin 3783:Gerald FitzGerald, 15th Earl of Desmond 2776:area. Dropping off my Campaign Manager 2116:...". The relevance is that fact that " 335:A Beautiful Cherry Tree in Spring Bloom 88:Category:Wikipedians in South Australia 4982:Category:Opted-out of message delivery 3181:Maurice FitzGerald, Lord of Lanstephan 1789:wlance wig-smithas, Wealas ofercomon, 886:I've replied to you on my talk page.-- 4589:. I just wanted to let you know that 4549:A file that you uploaded or altered, 4506:. I just wanted to let you know that 4433:as well as I was able. All the best: 4360:. I just wanted to let you know that 4257:. I just wanted to let you know that 2454:The artist of the Wunala Dreaming 747 2376:A file that you uploaded or altered, 2098:relevant to the current discussion.-- 1780:eald uthwitan, siththan eastan hider 874:Essentially YH my view is more about 854:Are we really going to have to go to 781:Knowledge:Linking#Chronological_items 703:Knowledge's rules for non-free images 701:, and indicated that it's used under 5112:2018 Arbitration Committee elections 5004:2017 Arbitration Committee elections 4889:2016 Arbitration Committee elections 4835:for more details, or ask a question 4714:for more details, or ask a question 2746:, sought (especially as one of HM's 2296:, and note that you have done so on 4853:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 4833:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 4775:You may want to consider using the 4732:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 4712:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 4654:You may want to consider using the 4227:Hello. I partially reverted you on 3348:Thank you for your contribution! -- 2650: 2589:thus Question: Kaurna organisation 2319:Knowledge's policies and guidelines 2226:If you believe that the article is 1419:Knowledge:Media copyright questions 714:Knowledge:Media copyright questions 83:Knowledge talk:WikiProject Adelaide 13: 5096:ArbCom 2018 election voter message 4988:ArbCom 2017 election voter message 4758: 4637: 2946: 2152:This is an automated message from 2144: 1618:" Registration demonstrates that " 1428:Marble Hill - "Welcome to Country" 1097: 1031: 384:Sir Joseph Capel Judkin-Fitzgerald 374: 370:Sir Joseph Capel Judkin-Fitzgerald 245: 14: 5272: 4786:User:Mifren/John Fleming (priest) 4754:User:Mifren/John Fleming (priest) 2195:Copyright problem: Tynte's Castle 2042:SA Govt rejects Marble Hill claim 1823:SA Govt rejects Marble Hill claim 1792:eorlas ar-hwaete eard begeaton." 1774:folces gefielled beforan thissum 1743:SA Govt rejects Marble Hill claim 909:Don't take my word for it though. 5176: 5101: 4993: 4946:Fair Use in Australia discussion 4878: 4797:printed material as a source of 3473:Disambiguation link notification 3432:White Knight (Fitzgibbon family) 3384:Disambiguation link notification 3229:White Knight (Fitzgibbon family) 3049:Disambiguation link notification 2992:Disambiguation link notification 2426:Kaurna, Peramangk and Ramindjeri 2040:Thank you for supplying us with 1821:Thank you for supplying us with 1786:ofer brad brimu Britene sohton, 1741:Thank you for supplying us with 1715:What are you trying to achieve ? 1604:demonstrates that legal fiction 648:aims and objectives of wikipedia 19: 5146:and submit your choices on the 5038:and submit your choices on the 4978:Category:Australian Wikipedians 3683:Hi, I reverted your change to 2975:Talk:Cooneyites#Kangaroo Island 2268:released into the public domain 1520:participate in disputes for you 1413:This is an automated notice by 708:This is an automated notice by 5260:Knowledge talk:Meetup/Adelaide 5248:Knowledge:WikiProject Adelaide 4613:Thank you for your attention. 4555:Knowledge:Files for discussion 4530:Thank you for your attention. 4384:Thank you for your attention. 4281:Thank you for your attention. 3343:media copyright questions page 3157:Lord High Constable of England 2937:16:36, 28 September 2011 (UTC) 2916:10:53, 25 September 2011 (UTC) 2711:09:50, 25 September 2011 (UTC) 2293:GNU Free Documentation License 2114:well, wonders will never cease 1812:Dear Richard Nine marne budni 1783:Engle and [Seaxe upp becomon, 1687:13:00, 24 September 2011 (UTC) 1563:08:09, 22 September 2009 (UTC) 1408:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 624:media copyright questions page 557:media copyright questions page 1: 5162:18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 5125:Knowledge arbitration process 5109:Hello, Mifren. Voting in the 5017:Knowledge arbitration process 5001:Hello, Mifren. Voting in the 4939:22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC) 4902:Knowledge arbitration process 4886:Hello, Mifren. Voting in the 4865:21:41, 26 February 2016 (UTC) 4665:Draft:Lisquinlan, County Cork 4633:Draft:Lisquinlan, County Cork 4591:Draft:Lisquinlan, County Cork 4579:Draft:Lisquinlan, County Cork 4573:20:36, 16 November 2015 (UTC) 4508:Draft:Lisquinlan, County Cork 4496:Draft:Lisquinlan, County Cork 4444:23:21, 26 January 2015 (UTC). 4399:Swan Valley Nyungah Community 4161:14:36, 3 September 2012 (UTC) 3630:Hi. When you recently edited 3621:10:37, 26 February 2012 (UTC) 3468:19:59, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 3378:01:19, 18 February 2012 (UTC) 3358:09:05, 17 February 2012 (UTC) 3265:10:58, 26 December 2011 (UTC) 3044:10:28, 19 December 2011 (UTC) 2987:01:55, 18 December 2011 (UTC) 2466:11:37, 2 September 2010 (UTC) 2342:00:08, 28 February 2010 (UTC) 2190:21:24, 27 February 2010 (UTC) 2108:05:31, 22 December 2009 (UTC) 2078:response in reply ... Nukkan 1898:response in reply ... Nukkan 1771:on thys ig-lande aefre gieta 1044:from editing for a period of 654:, but there may be one which 499:01:02, 14 November 2008 (UTC) 485:00:05, 14 November 2008 (UTC) 469:15:21, 13 November 2008 (UTC) 297:, where it may be deleted if 259:Anglican Church of St Columba 242:Anglican Church of St Columba 5054:18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC) 4831:. You might want to look at 4779:to help you create articles. 4710:. You might want to look at 4658:to help you create articles. 3296:12:12, 5 February 2012 (UTC) 2810:Living Kaurna Culture Centre 2572:Profile Wall Comment Thread: 2382:Knowledge:Files for deletion 2118:Marble Hill, South Australia 2088:05:21, 7 December 2009 (UTC) 1925:08:23, 7 December 2009 (UTC) 1908:04:07, 7 December 2009 (UTC) 1805:12:40, 6 December 2009 (UTC) 1732:08:45, 6 December 2009 (UTC) 1710:11:04, 2 December 2009 (UTC) 620:criteria for speedy deletion 553:criteria for speedy deletion 183:criteria for speedy deletion 160:11:00, 11 January 2007 (UTC) 7: 4923:and submit your choices on 4744:12:23, 9 January 2016 (UTC) 4623:01:33, 3 January 2016 (UTC) 4291:15:16, 20 August 2013 (UTC) 4241:16:31, 5 October 2012 (UTC) 4218:11:39, 1 October 2012 (UTC) 4108:11:25, 26 August 2012 (UTC) 4016:22:36, 23 August 2012 (UTC) 3999:16:55, 23 August 2012 (UTC) 3966:15:40, 23 August 2012 (UTC) 3947:04:21, 19 August 2012 (UTC) 2868:. The result being that my 2691:01:49, 19 August 2011 (UTC) 2440:07:53, 29 August 2010 (UTC) 2134:19:10, 1 January 2010 (UTC) 1626:territorial boundary hence 1109:, who declined the request. 1050:Knowledge's blocking policy 718:05:33, 6 January 2009 (UTC) 686:03:26, 4 January 2009 (UTC) 668:03:23, 4 January 2009 (UTC) 636:09:33, 3 January 2009 (UTC) 569:09:33, 3 January 2009 (UTC) 317:09:47, 3 October 2007 (UTC) 275:Knowledge's deletion policy 237:06:58, 30 August 2007 (UTC) 10: 5277: 5240:MediaWiki message delivery 5154:MediaWiki message delivery 5046:MediaWiki message delivery 4963:MediaWiki message delivery 4960:MediaWiki message delivery 4931:MediaWiki message delivery 4921:the candidates' statements 4490:09:25, 18 April 2015 (UTC) 4394:02:01, 26 April 2014 (UTC) 4344:08:53, 19 March 2014 (UTC) 3863:John Fitzedmund Fitzgerald 3715:21:43, 15 April 2012 (UTC) 3674:11:18, 11 March 2012 (UTC) 2880:(nee Smith, paternally of 2802:United States Presidential 2668:05:31, 17 March 2011 (UTC) 2557:07:41, 10 March 2011 (UTC) 2400:13:00, 30 April 2010 (UTC) 2266:, or that the material is 2178:the maintainer's talk page 1632:Premier of South Australia 1630:Records from first former 1403:Knowledge:Image use policy 868:23:48, 28 April 2009 (UTC) 850:14:32, 28 April 2009 (UTC) 831:13:02, 28 April 2009 (UTC) 770:03:33, 10 March 2009 (UTC) 586:Knowledge:Non-free content 519:Knowledge:Non-free content 450:00:25, 21 March 2008 (UTC) 327:Happy First Day of Spring! 322:Happy First Day of Spring! 143:on the article's talk page 5252:22:16, 5 March 2020 (UTC) 5091:22:52, 9 March 2018 (UTC) 4971:11:07, 2 March 2017 (UTC) 4801:, but not as a source of 4784:A tag has been placed on 4680:, but not as a source of 4663:A tag has been placed on 4540:01:32, 28 June 2015 (UTC) 4407:as defined on that link. 4085:added a link pointing to 4072:Victoria Square, Adelaide 4061:added a link pointing to 3924:added a link pointing to 3900:added a link pointing to 3876:added a link pointing to 3852:added a link pointing to 3445:added a link pointing to 3421:added a link pointing to 3242:added a link pointing to 3218:added a link pointing to 3205:Wallacia, New South Wales 3194:added a link pointing to 3170:added a link pointing to 2874:Kaurna Heritage Board Inc 2534:22:46, 8 March 2011 (UTC) 2503:16:18, 2 March 2011 (UTC) 2366:00:18, 1 March 2010 (UTC) 1544:10:59, 28 July 2009 (UTC) 1508:04:20, 28 July 2009 (UTC) 1486:05:48, 29 June 2009 (UTC) 1463:05:48, 29 June 2009 (UTC) 1389:File:NATIVETITLEMHILL.JPG 1248:Knowledge:Meetup/Adelaide 1225:guide to appealing blocks 805:20:48, 4 April 2009 (UTC) 744:02:38, 8 March 2009 (UTC) 382:A tag has been placed on 287:proposed deletion process 172:A tag has been placed on 5070:Thanks for your edit to 4807:say it in your own words 4805:. This part is crucial: 4686:say it in your own words 4684:. This part is crucial: 4417:09:33, 6 July 2014 (UTC) 3994: 3977:As we too can see from, 3824:added links pointing to 3796:added links pointing to 3760:added links pointing to 3710: 3594:added links pointing to 3554:added links pointing to 3510:added links pointing to 3130:added links pointing to 3086:added links pointing to 2911: 2663: 2508:Fitzgeralds of Ticroghan 2498: 2421:12:04, 27 May 2010 (UTC) 2315:Knowledge article layout 2281:a postal message to the 2129: 1903: 1682: 1423:06:12, 5 June 2009 (UTC) 1378:02:45, 2 June 2009 (UTC) 1361:02:44, 2 June 2009 (UTC) 1332:02:08, 2 June 2009 (UTC) 1309:02:06, 2 June 2009 (UTC) 1262:11:37, 20 May 2009 (UTC) 1083:at the 3RR noticeboard. 994: 955: 926:10:59, 27 May 2009 (UTC) 896:23:48, 13 May 2009 (UTC) 845: 578:Thank you for uploading 511:Thank you for uploading 291:speedy deletion criteria 103:Category:South Australia 2804:Campaigns), I saw that 2570: 2264:(CC-BY-SA), version 3.0 1215:19:26, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 1093:17:20, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 1009:16:34, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 999:16:25, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 983:16:19, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 960:16:14, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 945:15:58, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 206:the article's talk page 5215:: Friday 6 March 2020 4844:contest the nomination 4781: 4763: 4723:contest the nomination 4660: 4642: 3318:and do the following: 2951: 2843:subsequently termed, " 2149: 1606:South Australia Museum 1102: 1036: 600:non-free use rationale 533:non-free use rationale 379: 344: 336: 267:criteria for inclusion 250: 176:requesting that it be 5121:Arbitration Committee 5013:Arbitration Committee 4898:Arbitration Committee 4871:ArbCom Elections 2016 4766: 4762: 4645: 4641: 4553:, has been listed at 3974:has a few references. 3305:Thanks for uploading 2950: 2762:Australian Parliament 2729:2ndly I was never a " 2380:, has been listed at 2352:, but not the actual 2148: 1768:"Ne wearth wael mare 1628:Adelaide City Council 1387:Thanks for uploading 1154:change block settings 1101: 1056:. 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Leave a note at 2285:permitting re-use 2211:, and therefore a 2150: 2068:Australian English 1883:Australian English 1516:recruiting friends 1442:Welcome to Country 1432:Internal links to 1103: 1066:contest this block 1037: 380: 345: 337: 251: 5263: 5201: 5200: 4984: 4848:visiting the page 4727:visiting the page 4557:. Please see the 4473: 4445: 4409:The Drover's Wife 4327: 4201: 4172:Laragiya language 4144: 4043: 3839:Edmund FitzGibbon 3802:Edward FitzGerald 3747:Sir Thomas Norris 3742: 3657: 3492: 3403: 3286:. Happy hunting. 3270:Personal research 3100:Gerald FitzGerald 3096:Thomas FitzGerald 3068: 3027: 2852:It was not until 2742:other than to in 2384:. Please see the 2306:for instructions. 2254:for instructions. 2248:, in your email. 2093:Kaurna Placenames 1943:== - - on 1894:I'd appreciate a 1358: 1352: 1329: 1323: 1306: 1300: 1197:three-revert rule 966:three-revert rule 838:strawman argument 363: 359: 263:proposed deletion 98:Category:Adelaide 62: 61: 5268: 5237: 5180: 5173: 5172: 5105: 4997: 4975: 4882: 4761: 4640: 4599:You may request 4516:You may request 4463: 4443: 4429:I answered your 4405:reliable sources 4370:You may request 4317: 4310:check to confirm 4302:Jaghori District 4267:You may request 4191: 4184:check to confirm 4134: 4127:check to confirm 4076:check to confirm 4052:check to confirm 4033: 3915:check to confirm 3891:check to confirm 3867:check to confirm 3843:check to confirm 3815:check to confirm 3787:check to confirm 3751:check to confirm 3732: 3647: 3640:check to confirm 3585:check to confirm 3545:check to confirm 3501:check to confirm 3482: 3436:check to confirm 3412:check to confirm 3393: 3276:Internet Archive 3233:check to confirm 3209:check to confirm 3185:check to confirm 3161:check to confirm 3121:check to confirm 3077:check to confirm 3058: 3017: 3010:check to confirm 2965: 2898:Proclamation Day 2870:paradigm shifted 2270:leave a note at 2217:copyright policy 2166:copyright policy 2028:Richard Keatinge 1917:Richard Keatinge 1797:Richard Keatinge 1693:Western Arrernte 1356: 1350: 1327: 1321: 1304: 1298: 1238: 1232: 1213: 1173: 1171: 1160: 1142: 1140:deleted contribs 1100: 1075: 931:Just so you know 800: 794: 695:You've uploaded 672:Also, check out 598:That there is a 531:That there is a 447: 420: 419: 413: 406:their content. 400:reliable sources 361: 357: 310: 304: 280: 203: 202: 196: 178:speedily deleted 157: 154: 133:}} on the page. 58: 56: 52: 46: 23: 16: 15: 5276: 5275: 5271: 5270: 5269: 5267: 5266: 5265: 5246:) on behalf of 5221:: 5.00–6.30 pm 5185:Adelaide Meetup 5171: 5166: 5165: 5106: 5098: 5065: 5058: 5057: 4998: 4990: 4948: 4943: 4942: 4926:the voting page 4883: 4875: 4782: 4759: 4757: 4750:Speedy deletion 4661: 4638: 4636: 4629:Speedy deletion 4583: 4547: 4500: 4470:DPL WikiProject 4452: 4427: 4401: 4354: 4324:DPL WikiProject 4298: 4251: 4225: 4198:DPL WikiProject 4168: 4141:DPL WikiProject 4115: 4048:Kangaroo Island 4040:DPL WikiProject 4026: 3954: 3739:DPL WikiProject 3725: 3681: 3679:Reverted Change 3654:DPL WikiProject 3628: 3489:DPL WikiProject 3475: 3400:DPL WikiProject 3386: 3350:ImageTaggingBot 3303: 3272: 3172:Edward Stafford 3092:John FitzGerald 3065:DPL WikiProject 3051: 3024:DPL WikiProject 2994: 2971: 2969:Kangaroo Island 2966: 2959: 2944: 2924: 2878:Lynette Crocker 2829:Steve Goldsmith 2823:Snr descendant 2698: 2675: 2541: 2520:site for them ( 2510: 2428: 2407: 2374: 2223:from editing. 2197: 2143: 2095: 2044:. 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Riverside Precinct
Adelaide Meetup
20 Apr 2008
Knowledge talk:WikiProject Adelaide
Category:Wikipedians in South Australia
Category:South Australia
Talk:South Australia
speedy deletion
11:00, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
Matthew Fowler
Matthew Fowler
speedily deleted
criteria for speedy deletion
see the guidelines for what is generally accepted as notable
the article's talk page
for biographies
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