
Social market economy

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6892:, this concept was not identical with the conception of the Freiburg school. In contrast to Eucken, who favoured a strictly procedural or rule-oriented liberalism in which the state solely sets the institutional framework and abstains generally from interference in the market, MĂŒller-Armack emphasised the state's responsibility actively to improve the market condition and simultaneously to pursue a social balance. In putting social policy on a par with economic policy, MĂŒller-Armack's concept was more emphatic regarding socio-political aims than the ordoliberal economic concept. As an extension of neoliberal thought, the social market economy was deliberately not a defined economic order but an adjustable holistic conception pursuing a complete humanistic societal order as a synthesis of seemingly conflicting objectives, namely economic freedom and social security. Although it is often viewed as a 6936: 5180: 5111:
effective allocation mechanism, but that output is maximized through sound state macroeconomic management of the economy. Social market economies posit that a strong social support network for the less affluent enhances capital output. By decreasing poverty and broadening prosperity to a large middle class, capital market participation is enlarged. Social market economies also posit that government regulation and even sponsorship of markets can lead to superior economic outcomes as evidenced in government sponsorship of the Internet or basic securities regulation.
MĂŒller-Armack. In fact, his doctoral supervisor Oppenheimer and especially Röpke, like Erhard a student of Oppenheimer, was his source of inspiration. Erhard perceived Röpke's books as works of revelation and considered the economist a brother in spirit. On 17 August 1948, Erhard referred to MĂŒller-Armack by whom he was strongly impressed most of all not as a theorist but as one who wanted to transfer theory into practice, as well as his concept of the social market economy. Soon after, at the second party congress of the
1001:. Social market refrains from attempts to plan and guide production, the workforce, or sales but support planned efforts to influence the economy through the organic means of a comprehensive economic policy coupled with flexible adaptation to market studies. Combining monetary, credit, trade, tax, customs, investment, and social policies, as well as other measures, this type of economic policy aims to create an economy that serves the welfare and needs of the entire population, thereby fulfilling its ultimate goal. 6721: 6932:("Market Economy in Dispute"), Erhard defended his concept of the social market economy alluding to the dualism between a controlled economy and a market economy. In view of the upcoming regional and federal elections, Adenauer, who was initially sceptical about Erhard, was not only impressed by the polarising slogan, such as "Controlled or Market Economy", but also by the efficacy of Erhard and his programme. The foundation for a successful political alliance was laid. 7245: 7175:
in 1996. In 2020, the EU nominal GDP per capita dropped from two thirds to about a half (53%) of the US one. In nominal terms, a European citizen has become 20% poorer with respect to a US citizen, over the period 1996-2020. During the 24 years between 1996 and 2020 it has become relatively cheaper for a US citizen to stay in the EU, and it has become relatively more expensive for a EU citizen to stay in the US. Over this period of 24 years, from 1996 to 2020, the
4820: 4808: 3207: 2129: 8526:
in the Reich Ministry of Economics, Otto Ohlendorf, argues, the term 'social market economy' was the outcome of a discussion with Ludwig Erhard on 12 Jan 1945. There is also some evidence that Harold Rasch, who in 1946/47 was deputy head of the inter-zonal economic administration in Minden, used the term in late 1947 and early 1948 independently of MĂŒller-Armack (1901–1978); cf. Rasch, H., Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsverfassung, Bad Godesberg, 1948.
3145: 7217: 2053: 8097:, Erlenbach-Zurich/ Stuttgart, 1957, pp. 71 ff. See also the contributions of WĂŒnsche, H. F., Welcher Marktwirtschaft gebĂŒhrt das Beiwort "sozial"? and Wartin, C., Zur sozialen Dimension marktwirtschaftlicher Ordnungen, in: Hohmann, K.; Schönwitz, D.; Weber, H. J.; WĂŒnsche, H. F. (eds.), Grundtexte zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, Band 2, Das Soziale in der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, Stuttgart/New York, 1988, pp. 21-31, and pp. 411-415. 6733: 7231: 2065: 842: 7203: 6963:
responsibility, which find expression in the "social market economy" through genuine performance-based competition and the independent control of monopolies. Genuine performance-based competition exists when the rules of competition ensure that, under conditions of fair competition and equal opportunity, the better performance is rewarded. Market-driven prices regulate the interaction between all market participants.
upcoming political party clashes with particular energy for the CDU", realised the potential of subtle and systematic marketing to transform the concept from an economic theory, or even abstract economic policy, into the basis of a political party's propaganda and public image that held broad appeal. Eventually, on Sunday 14 August 1949 around 31 million Germans were called to cast a vote for the first German
then completely helpless, left to his own devices, and society does not currently recognize any real obligation towards him beyond the usual help for the poor, even if he has been working all the time ever so faithfully and diligently. The usual help for the poor, however, leaves a lot to be desired, especially in large cities, where it is very much worse than in the country.
economic process. Throughout his political career, Joseph used his position to restate the principles of the social market economy and re-direct Conservative policy in Britain. Joseph eventually set up a think tank in 1974 to study the model and initially called it the Ludwig Erhard Foundation and Institute for a Social Market Economy before settling on the name
than the ordoliberal economic concept. This dual principle also appeared in the name of the model. Although the adjective "social" often attracted criticism as a decorative fig leaf or conversely as a gateway for antiliberal interventionism, it meant more than simply distinguishing the concept from that of
In 1996, while the US nominal GDP per capita was $ 29,968, the EU nominal GDP per capita was $ 19,752. Twenty four years later, in 2020, the US nominal GDP per capita was $ 63,544 while the EU nominal GDP per capita was $ 33,928. The EU nominal GDP per capita was about two thirds (66%) of the US one,
FDP were in fact the only political party consistently gaining percentage of votes between 1946 and 1949. While these results affirmed the then general pro-market trend in public opinion, eventually, the electorate made its decision contingent on the satisfaction of its practical needs rather than on
Although the SPD turned out to be the most successful single party by gaining 29.12 per cent of the votes, the CDU/CSU combined attracted more votes, totalling 31 per cent and 139 mandates compared to 131 for the SPD. However, in fact both Volksparteien had suffered large percentage losses over their
In the run-up to the federal elections in August 1949, the CDU/CSU consequently aligned their party platforms, policies and manifestos and campaigned with the social market economy. In particular, the former advertising manager for consumer goods Ludwig Erhard, who affirmed that he would "go into the
in the coal and steel industry, the system of employee property formation, the equalization of burdens, the creation of subsidized housing, child benefits, the agricultural Green Plan and the dynamism of pensions. On 20 June 1948, the principles of the social market economy espoused by the CDU became
is still controversial. In his autobiography Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit. Der Weg aus den Weltkriegen in die Soziale Marktwirtschaft und eine kĂŒnftige Weltordnung, Homburg-Saarplatz, 1996, pp. 571 ff., Karl GĂŒnther Weiss, academic assistant to the former permanent representative of the State Secretary
for competition and innovation whilst the role of government was to help hold the ring, provide infrastructure, maintain a stable currency, a framework of laws, implementation of law and order, provision of a safety net (welfare state), defence of property rights and all other rights involved in the
as liaison body and information centre of the two political parties commonly referred to as the "Union", centred the social market economy. Finally, these principles were adopted as party platform and manifesto for the upcoming federal elections at the CDU's party conference in DĂŒsseldorf on 15 July
E.g. Götz, H. H., Die geistigen VĂ€ter der sozialen Marktwirtschaft, in: Eick, J. (ed.), So nutzt man den Wirtschaftsteil einer Tageszeitung, Frankfurt am Main, 1971, pp. 57-61 or Rieter, H.; Schmolz, M., The Ideas of German Ordoliberalism 1938–1945: Pointing the Way to a New Economic Order, in: The
Grossekettler, H., Adolf Lampe, die Transformationsprobleme zwischen Friedens- und Kriegswirtschaften und die Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erwin von Beckerath, in: Goldschmidt, N. (ed.), Wirtschaft, Politik und Freiheit, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2005, p. 104 and Blumenberg-Lampe, C., Das Wirtschaftspolitische
believed in self-regulating market forces and limited indirect state interference. According to Eucken and his competitive order labelled ordoliberalism, the state must solely create a proper legal environment for the economy and maintain a healthy level of competition through measures that follow
After the collapse of the totalitarian Third Reich with its statist and corporatist economic policy, economists and academics at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau in Germany advocated a neoliberal or new liberal and socio-economic order. In this context, it is important to distinguish between
The real grievance of the worker is the insecurity of his existence; he is not sure that he will always have work, he is not sure that he will always be healthy, and he foresees that he will one day be old and unfit to work. If he falls into poverty, even if only through a prolonged illness, he is
are part of the social security system. These insurances are funded by a combination of employee contributions, employer contributions and government subsidies. The social policy objectives include employment, housing and education policies as well as a socio-politically motivated balancing of the
conceived the social market economy as a regulatory policy idea aiming to combine free enterprise with a social program that is underpinned by market economic performance. In putting social policy on par with economic policy, MĂŒller-Armack's concept was more emphatic regarding socio-political aims
Karl Marx also influenced the European model indirectly through his warnings about the inherent instability of capitalism. Western Europe, composed of prosperous nations ruled by Marx's hated bourgeoisie, feared that if the economy were left to its own devices, Marx's prediction of collapse would
Regarding the influence of Oppenheimer on Erhard, see WĂŒnsche, H. F., Der Einfluss Oppenheimers auf Erhard und dessen Konzeption von der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, in: Caspari, V.; Schefold, B. (eds.), Franz Oppenheimer und Adolph Lowe, Zwei Wirtschaftswissenschaftler der Frankfurter UniversitĂ€t,
and thus increasingly identified with the economic recovery and the improving economic conditions. Although the implementation of the social market economy benefited also from other crucial factors, including the east–west conflict and a favourable political and social climate within Germany and
The "social market economy" is the socially anchored law for the industrial economy, according to which the achievements of free and able individuals are integrated into a system that produces the highest level of economic benefit and social justice for all. This system is created by freedom and
postulated a so-called liberal socialism (i.e. socialism achieved via liberalism) as the pursuit of a societal order in which economic self-interest preserves its power and persists in free competition. This desirable order of freedom and equality was labelled by a later programmatic publication
as a theory or political or philosophical stance challenges the idea that the capitalist system is inherently antagonistic to social goals or to a political economy characterized by greater economic equality. The essence of the social market economy is the view that private markets are the most
Erhard, L., Marktwirtschaft im Streit der Meinungen, printed in: Erhard, L., Deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik – Der Weg der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, DĂŒsseldorf/ Vienna/ New York/ Moscow, 1992, p. 70. Finally, Erhard used and described the term in an article in the Berliner Tagesspiegel on 23 April
not only provided a concrete, pragmatic and materialist economic programme but also an attractive slogan to reach consensus within the party and the public. While eventually the union of the two recently established political parties (i.e. the CDU and the CSU) possessed a coherent and unifying
that the freemarket economy did not need to be made social but that it was social in its origin. Erhard was rather inclined to Walter Eucken's ordoliberal competitive market order. Although he even considered himself an ordoliberal, Erhard based his economic conception neither on Eucken nor on
belonged to the Freiburg Circles and conversely no member of the Freiburg Circles can be attributed to the Freiburg school, which partly advocated different economic objectives. Both schools of economic thought considered that a certain form of planning was necessary for a transitional period
The social market economy was born and formed in times of severe economic but equally socio-political crises. Its conceptual architecture was set by particular historical experiences and political prerequisites: Germany's preoccupation with the social question since the late 19th century, the
capitalism and the Charybdis of a collectivist planned economy but also as a holistic and democratic social order, Erhard and in particular MĂŒller-Armack emphasised public acceptance and civic engagement as prerequisites for the success of the socio-economic model. For instance, MĂŒller-Armack
on 2 March 1948, the social market economy entered the political sphere. Soon after on 21 April 1948, Erhard informed the parliament about his economic policy and introduced the concept of the social market economy. Although there was no unanimous applause, both the liberal democrats and
of socio-political ideas rather than a precisely outlined theoretical order, the conception possessed an effective slogan, which facilitated its communication to both politics and the public. However, the eventual implementation required not only communication but also political backup.
MĂŒller-Armack, A., Soziale Marktwirtschaft – Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, vol. 9, Göttingen, 1956, p. 390; Idem, Wirtschaftsordnung und Wirtschaftspolitik, Studien und Konzepte zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und zur EuropĂ€ischen Integration, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1966, p.
In regard to the different conceptions of the state see the study Lange-von Kulessa, J.; Renner, A., Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft Alfred MĂŒller-Armacks und der Ordoliberalismus der Freiburger Schule – Zur Unvereinbarkeit zweier Staatsauffassungen, in: ORDO 49, Stuttgart, 1998, pp.
Marburg, 1996, pp. 141-161; Haselbach, D., Franz Oppenheimer's Theory of Capitalism and of a Third Path, in: Koslowski, P. (ed.), The Theory of Capitalism in the German Economic Tradition. Historism, Ordo-Liberalism, Critical Theory, Solidarism, Berlin et al., 2000, pp. 54-86.
come true, and the proletariat would overthrow the ruling class Chancellor Otto von Bismarck introduced social welfare legislation in Germany between 1883 and 1888, despite violent political opposition, as a direct attempt to stave off Marx's socialist revolution.
has increased by 65% in the US, and by 51% in the EU. According to the consumer price index then, despite livelihood expenses have grown 14% less for a EU citizen compared to a US one, in the period 1996-2020, the EU citizen has become, nominally, 20% poorer.
6928:, the chairman of the CDU in the British zone of occupation, invited Erhard to also inform the party members about his socio-economic conception at the party convention in Recklinghausen, Germany on 28 August 1948. In a visionary and stirring speech, entitled 6912:. Although Erhard was rather inclined to Eucken's ordoliberal competitive market order and even considered himself an ordoliberal, he was strongly impressed by MĂŒller-Armack most of all not as a theorist but as one who wanted to transfer theory into practice. 5029:(CDU) in the British zone in Recklinghausen on 28 August 1948, Erhard circumscribed the concept as a "socially committed market economy". Whereas most neoliberal economists viewed the concept not only as an economic path between the Scylla of an untamed pure 5143:
distribution of income growth. In addition, there are provisions to restrain the free market (e.g. antitrust code, laws against the abuse of market power and so on). These elements help to diminish many of the occurring problems of a free market economy.
Although one of the main factors for the emergence of the European model of capitalism was the attempt to ameliorate the conditions of workers under capitalism and thus stave off the emergence of socialism or socialist revolution, American critics and
7059:(led by the SPD). The concept of the social market economy is still the common economic basis of major political parties in Germany including the CDU, FDP, and SPD, and a commitment to some form of social market economy is present in Article 3 of the 7009:
and to decide between the social market economy and a controlled economy advocated by the SPD. Of those eligible to vote, 25 million or 78.5 per cent actually went to the ballot boxes and showed a clear commitment to the emerging post-war democracy.
as not only taking into account the social responsibility of humanity but also the sustainable use and protection of natural resources. Countries with a social market economy include Austria, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, Poland, and Japan.
developed a program in which industry and state work closely to stimulate economic growth by giving workers greater security. To trump the militant socialists, Bismarck gave workers a corporate status in the legal and political structures of the
Further in contrast to MĂŒller-Armack who emphasised the social aspect, for Erhard the social market economy was always first and foremost a market economic system. By proclaiming "the freer an economy is, the more social it is", Erhard once told
5053:. They share an involvement in the Anti-Nazi Opposition, whose search for a post-Nazi order for Germany is an important background for the development of this concept. Early protagonists had close contacts to the oppositional church-movement 5034:
stressed that by "more socialism" he meant the social engagement for and with the people. Equally, Erhard pointed out that the principles of the social market economy could only be achieved if the public was determined to give them priority.
previous Land election totals by failing to capture a comparable share of the enlarged electorate. The most remarkable advance by winning over a million extra votes and achieving 11.9 per cent of the total votes was that made by the liberal
6832:. The program included universal healthcare, compulsory education, sickness insurance, accident insurance, disability insurance and a retirement pension, none of which were then in existence to any great degree anywhere else in the world. 8511:
Röpke, W., Grundfragen rationeller Wirtschaftspolitik, in: Zeitschrift fĂŒr Schweizer Statistik & Volkswirtschaft, no. 1, 1941, p. 112; Idem, Civitas Humana – Grundfragen der Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung, Erlenbach-Zurich,
Oppenheimer, F., System der Soziologie (III/1). Band 3: Theorie der reinen und politischen Ökonomie, Teil 1: Grundlagen, Jena, 1910, p. 9. The economist Franz Oppenheimer (1864–1943) also published his economic conception in
Christine Blumenthal-Lampe: Das wirtschaftspolitische Programm der Freiburger Kreise: Entwurf einer freiheitlich-sozialen Nachkriegswirtschaft, Berlin 1973; Harald Jung: Soziale Marktwirtschaft und weltliche Ordnung, Berlin
Commun, P., Erhards Bekehrung zum Ordoliberalismus: Die grundlegende Bedeutung des wirtschaftspolitischen Diskurses in Umbruchszeiten, in: Freiburg Discussion Papers on Constitutional Economics 04/4, Freiburg im Breisgau,
Duden Wirtschaft von A bis Z. Grundlagenwissen fĂŒr Schule und Studium, Beruf und Alltag. 2. Aufl. Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut & F.A. Brockhaus 2004. Lizenzausgabe Bonn: Bundeszentrale fĂŒr politische Bildung
Wörtliche Berichte ĂŒber die 1.-40. Vollversammlung des Wirtschaftsrates des Vereinigten Wirtschaftsgebietes (Zweizonen-Wirtschaftsrat) in Frankfurt am Main, 8 vols., Wiesbaden/ Frankfurt am Main, 1947–1949, pp. 436
4976:, turning away from pure liberalism to demand a purposive state policy designed to regulate economic life and advocating a middle course between anarchic individualism, traditionalistic corporatism and bureaucratic 4953:. This socio-economic imperative actively managed by a strong state—in contrast to the ordoliberal minimal state solely safeguarding the economic order—is often labelled by the ambiguous but historical term 8178:
Oppenheimer supervised Erhard's doctoral thesis titled 'Wesen und Inhalt der Werteinheit', namely a study on various historical schools' perception of character and content of value, in the years 1922 to
8084:, vol. 9, Göttingen, 1956, p. 390; Idem, Wirtschaftsordnung und Wirtschaftspolitik, Studien und Konzepte zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft und zur EuropÀischen Integration, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1966, p. 245. 8402: 7404: 8188:
Erhard, L., Franz Oppenheimer, dem Lehrer und Freund (1964), in: Hohmann, K. (ed.), Ludwig Erhard. Gedanken aus fĂŒnf Jahrzehnten, Reden und Schriften, DĂŒsseldorf/ Vienna/ New York, 1988b, p. 861.
Bismarck's program centered squarely on providing universal social insurance programs designed to increase productivity and focus the political attentions of the German workers on supporting
welfare state" (arising from the German social market economy) and the "labor-led social democratic welfare state". The concept of the model has since been expanded upon into the idea of an
4386: 7187:
wrote the European growth model achieved economic convergence effectively, helped poorer European nations reach the standard of their richer neighbors and become high-income economies.
Stoltenberg, G., Konrad Adenauer und die Soziale Marktwirtschaft, in: Die Politische Meinung, edited by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), vol. 45 (373), Sankt Augin, 2000, pp. 21 f.
4941:(Î”áŒ°ÏÎźÎœÎ·), which means being conducive to or working toward peace, moderation or conciliation—to overcome existing differences in society. The social market economy as an extension of 8216:
Comparative study Goldschmidt, N., Alfred MĂŒller-Armack and Ludwig Erhard: Social Market Liberalism, in: CREPHE-CREA Histoire du Liberalisme en Europe, Brochure no. 21, Paris, 2004.
but also limited the public relations of the party as a whole, especially in times of campaigning where the partially complex political programmes were simplified and popularised.
8862: 8492:
Blumenberg-Lampe, C. (ed.), Der Weg in die Soziale Marktwirtschaft: Referate, Protokolle, Gutachten der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Erwin von Beckerath 1943–1947, Stuttgart, 1986, p. 192.
7038:(Basic Law), which stressed individual freedom, human dignity and the subsidiarity of societal organisation, it was also the consistent efforts at political communication of the 6943:
Chancellor Adenauer of the ruling CDU implemented a new novel economic order amalgamating the promotion of free competition with the responsibility of the social government. The
6847:. Frequently, the two schools of thought were believed to be the same, although the first emerged from the latter and among the members of the Freiburg school only the founders 6975:
advocated Erhard's liberal and social economic model at the CSU's party convention in Straubing in May 1949, the economic principles elaborated by the Working Committee of the
not as a compromise but as a combination of seemingly conflicting objectives namely greater state provision for social security and the preservation of individual freedom.
thought was not a defined economic order but a holistic conception pursuing a complete humanistic societal order as a synthesis of seemingly conflicting objectives, namely
of capitalism. Rather than see it as an antithesis, some authors describe Rhine capitalism as a successful synthesis of the Anglo-American model with social democracy. The
Glossner, C. L.; Gregosz, D., The Formation and Implementation of the Social Market Economy by Alfred MĂŒller-Armack and Ludwig Erhard, Sankt Augustin/Berlin, 2011, S. 32.
6880:'s economic humanism leading to a "Civitas Humana", the ordoliberal competitive order was further developed by the Cologne school around the economist and anthropologist 8691:
Glossner, C. L., The Making of the German Post-War Economy – Political Communication and Public Reception of the social market economy after World War II, London, 2010.
7087:, the main political parties agreed on the nationalization of industry and close economic regulation. In the 1970s, Joseph introduced the idea as an alternative to the 7032:
abroad, the stabilising alliance between the conservative and liberal parties, the pro-market composition of the Economic Council and even the Federal Republic's own
described a similar concept, "Rhine capitalism". He compared the so-called "neo-American model" of a capitalistic market economy introduced by the administrations of
7051:) was identified with it. From the 1960s, the social market economy was the main economic model in mainland Western Europe, pursued by administrations of both the 8555:
Erhard, L., Deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik – Der Weg der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, DĂŒsseldorf/ Vienna/ New York/ Moscow, 1992 (originally published in 1962), p. 592.
The social market contains central elements of a free market economy such as private property, free foreign trade, exchange of goods and free formation of prices.
8742: 6904:(Special Bureau for Money and Credit) within the Administration for Finance, i.e. an expert commission preparing the currency reform in the then Anglo-American 5095:. Albert analyzes the Rhenish model as the more equitable, efficient and less violent one. However, according to Albert complex psychological phenomena and the 9912: 8247:
Erhard, L., Deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik – Der Weg der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft, DĂŒsseldorf/Vienna/New York/Moscow, 1992 (originally published in 1962), p. 592.
Naoshi Yamawaki (2002). "Walter Eucken and Wilhelm Röpke. A reappraisal of their economic thought and the policy of ordoliberalism". In Yuichi Shionoya (ed.).
says: "One can say without exaggeration that Europe invented a ‘convergence machine’, taking in poor countries and helping them become high income economies."
2938: 30:
This article is about the economic model combining free-market capitalism with social policies. For the economic system in the People's Republic of China, see
The concept of the social market economy received fundamental impulses from reflection and critique of historical economic and social orders, namely Smithian
8399: 6873:
market principles. Thus, the paramount means by which economic policy can seek to improve the economy is by improving the institutional framework or "ordo".
6857: 3173: 4916:
as it emphasized the state's responsibility to work actively to improve the market condition and simultaneously to pursue a social balance. In contrast to
7413: 4150: 6998: 6916: 872: 10126: 9061: 8804: 7145: 7027:
any particular theoretical economic system. The advantage of the CDU and the CSU lay precisely in the fact that they were quasi-governing across the
6763: 9747: 2771: 6789:. These led to the eventual development of the social market economy as a viable socio-political and economic alternative between the extremes of 1051:
is contrasted and compared with other economic models, some of which are also described as middle ways or regional forms of capitalism, including
MĂŒller-Armack, A., The Social Market Economy as an Economic and Social Order, in: Review of Social Economy 36, Washington, D.C., 1978, pp. 326 f.
9276: 2293: 1663: 6971:(CSU) also expressed its commitment to a market economy with social balance and the then newly elected Bavarian Minister for Economic Affairs 6810:'s militant socialist movement. Germany implemented the world's first welfare state and universal healthcare program in the 1880s. Chancellor 9100: 8673:
Ahlener Programm, in: Heck, B. (ed.), Die CDU und ihr Programm – Programme, ErklĂ€rungen, Entschliessungen, Melle/ Sankt Augin, 1979, pp. 3-5.
6861: 4175: 4145: 8986:
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and corporate model that led to the implementation and eventual electoral validation of the social market economy in post-war West Germany.
9902: 4850: 4227: 2928: 2095: 8876: 9877: 7620:
The Dividing Line Between Success and Failure: A Comparison of Liberalism in the Netherlands and Germany in the 19th and 20th Centuries
2903: 6953:
could not have been brought about without secure social peace in the country. Adenauer's program centered on legislation establishing
Wengst, U., Die CDU/CSU im Bundestagswahlkampf 1949, in: Viertelsjahreshefte fĂŒr Zeitgeschichte (VfZ) 34, no. 1, Munich, 1986, p. 25.
6174: 4180: 3300: 3166: 1043:
with roughly the same meaning as social market economy. It is also called "Rhine capitalism", typically when contrasting it with the
8722: 4570: 8521:
MĂŒller-Armack, A., Wirtschaftslenkung und Marktwirtschaft, Hamburg, 1946, p. 88. However, the question of the origins of the term
At first controversial, the model became increasingly popular in West Germany and Austria since in both states economic success (
5221: 4920:, who sought an answer to the social question by establishing a functioning competitive order within a constitutional framework, 4160: 711: 8635:
The CDU and the Social Market Economy: DĂŒsseldorf Guidelines for Economic Policy, Agricultural Policy, Social Policy and Housing
Tadeusz Kowalik (2003). "Systemic Variety under the Conditions of Globalization and Integration". In Grzegorz W. KoƂodko (ed.).
4649: 865: 7997:
James C. Van Hook, Rebuilding Germany: The Creation of the Social Market Economy 1945–1957, Cambridge University Press, 2004,
10119: 9887: 9752: 9007: 8969: 8927: 8387: 8065: 8038: 7973: 7938: 7907: 7876: 7845: 7814: 7758: 7689: 7632: 7598: 7476: 6756: 6304: 5862: 5026: 5004:, and he never liked the expression Third Way. In his opinion, the term was tainted, reminding him too much about ideas of a 4694: 4488: 4267: 2913: 2776: 946: 9848: 4520: 4381: 4329: 4324: 3159: 2872: 6888:("social market economy") in a publication in December 1946. Although it evolved from ordoliberalism as a new variant of 6868:, favoured productive governmental intervention, i.e. an economy regulated by a relatively strong state, Eucken, Böhm and 7076: 5852: 4637: 4349: 4200: 3802: 8703: 9757: 9742: 8458:
The Origins of the Authoritarian Welfare State in Prussia. Conservatives, Bureaucracy, and the Social Question, 1815–70
6990: 4560: 4458: 4406: 4344: 4339: 4277: 2781: 2766: 300: 8738: 7988:
MĂŒller-Armack, A., Soziale Marktwirtschaft – Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften, vol. 9, Göttingen, 1956, p. 249.
9897: 9762: 9093: 8950: 8839: 8002: 7783: 7722: 7539: 6968: 6645: 6384: 6312: 5982: 5962: 5892: 5279: 4565: 4190: 3945: 2923: 2786: 1590: 858: 235: 8574:
Görtemaker, M., Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Von der GrĂŒndung bis zur Gegenwart, Munich, 1999, p. 148.
10212: 10112: 9737: 9366: 9070: 6997:, did not introduce its own economic concept. This not only complicated the parliamentary work of the party in the 6749: 5565: 5194: 5161: 4843: 4600: 2761: 2386: 2088: 10151: 9872: 9822: 8877:"Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Historical data from the era of the modern U.S. consumer price index (CPI)" 7015: 6980:
1949. In contrast to the previous ideological Ahlener Programm suggesting a rather abstract and anti-materialist
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with what he called Rhine capitalism, present in Germany, France and in some of the Northern European economies.
4627: 3532: 2898: 2846: 9023:
Ptak, Ralf. "Neoliberalism in Germany: Revisiting the Ordoliberal Foundations of the Social Market Economy." in
criticism of liberal capitalism triggered by the world economic crisis of the early 1930s and a pronounced anti-
and protection of those unable to enter the market labor force because of old-age, disability, or unemployment.
9802: 9559: 9416: 7532:
Christian Democracy in the European Union, 1945/1995: Proceedings of the Leuven Colloquium, 15–18 November 1995
of capitalism was to ameliorate the conditions of workers under capitalism and thus to stave off the threat of
6782: 6558: 5842: 3995: 3564: 2826: 2581: 2436: 1072: 401: 9117: 8432: 8015: 9569: 9431: 8817: 8146:
Nipperdey, Th., Deutsche Geschichte 1866–1918. Erster Band: Arbeitswelt und BĂŒrgergeist, Munich 1993, p. 336.
MĂŒller-Armack, A., Auf dem Weg nach Europa. Erinnerungen und Ausblicke, TĂŒbingen/ Stuttgart, 1971, pp. 50 ff.
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Röpke, W., Civitas Humana – Grundfragen der Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung, Erlenbach-ZĂŒrich, 1944.
4937:, MĂŒller-Armack pursued a "Social Humanism" or "Social Irenics"—the notion irenics derives from the Greek 10207: 10202: 10073: 9837: 9732: 9727: 9679: 9496: 9441: 7891: 7649: 6651: 6432: 6327: 4836: 4498: 4075: 3542: 3436: 3103: 2861: 2756: 2751: 2701: 2516: 2461: 2081: 1600: 1537: 1470: 1448: 8106:
Nicholls, A. J., The Bonn Republic – West German Democracy 1945–1990, London/ New York, 1997, pp. 59 ff.
This might however be partly explained by a number of poorer countries joining the EU in the 2000s. The
6935: 5126:
In contrast to the situation in a free market economy, the state is not passive and actively implements
3965: 10237: 9892: 9882: 9722: 9619: 9333: 8207:
Erhard, L., Wirtschaft und Bildung (17 Aug 1957), reprinted in: Hohmann, K. (ed.), l.c., 1988b, p. 515.
6677: 6492: 6473: 6355: 6247: 5245: 4550: 4215: 4000: 3682: 3527: 2918: 2908: 2746: 2641: 2352: 1909: 1425: 6576: 6444: 4968:
conceptions prepared the ground for the socio-economic concept. Already in the late 19th century, the
9917: 9827: 9812: 9777: 9717: 7097: 6548: 6459: 6439: 6376: 6340: 5912: 5250: 5135: 4661: 4555: 4165: 3955: 3635: 3621: 2943: 2851: 2836: 2801: 2741: 1683: 1370: 1092: 694: 622: 43: 9634: 8903: 5668: 2656: 10227: 10217: 10036: 9976: 9832: 9807: 9461: 9321: 9157: 9127: 7555: 7406:
Social Market Economy as Alternative Approach of Capitalism after the Financial and Economic Crisis
7109: 7060: 6989:
economic programme enabling a more consistent public front, the oldest German political party, the
6920: 6667: 6619: 6400: 6113: 6107: 6002: 5296: 4882: 4448: 4433: 4299: 4195: 3446: 3253: 3066: 3004: 2856: 2831: 2481: 2340: 2174: 2144: 1957: 1653: 1500: 1339: 1313: 1235: 1180: 1076: 230: 31: 4050: 3935: 10232: 9219: 7121: 6630: 6454: 6368: 6335: 6288: 5902: 5882: 5813: 5653: 5648: 5409: 5274: 5169: 4753: 4632: 4575: 4463: 4428: 4287: 4242: 4155: 3990: 3380: 3345: 3226: 2236: 1849: 1495: 1490: 1480: 1175: 796: 746: 627: 355: 225: 6881: 5231: 4921: 3832: 10063: 9907: 9817: 9767: 9371: 9311: 9194: 7289: 7279: 7141: 7117: 6322: 6257: 5420: 5376: 5139: 4666: 4642: 4610: 4580: 4545: 4540: 4515: 4376: 4294: 4170: 4140: 3365: 3093: 2933: 2841: 2791: 2391: 2330: 2211: 2002: 1879: 1673: 1532: 1463: 1350: 1308: 918: 806: 205: 9644: 8786: 7868: 7681: 7624: 6296: 2666: 10135: 10041: 9554: 9256: 9169: 9132: 8655:
Wirtschaftspolitische LeitsÀtze der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der CDU/CSU, (presumably April 1949).
Selling the Economic Miracle: Economic Reconstruction and Politics in West Germany, 1949–1957
Selling the Economic Miracle: Economic Reconstruction and Politics in West Germany, 1949–1957
7965: 7961: 7930: 7899: 7837: 7806: 7750: 7714: 7590: 7468: 7269: 6869: 6696: 6662: 6449: 6102: 5872: 5439: 5096: 5046: 4787: 4709: 4684: 4656: 4615: 4595: 4585: 4530: 4468: 4443: 4359: 4354: 4319: 4304: 4257: 4252: 4247: 4237: 4232: 4185: 4080: 4055: 4045: 3950: 3782: 3767: 3667: 3609: 3071: 2576: 2273: 2186: 2149: 1982: 1967: 1889: 1869: 1824: 1721: 1580: 1570: 1542: 1405: 1333: 950: 801: 106: 91: 9401: 8996: 8939: 7386: 6069: 5179: 3925: 2421: 1328: 10192: 9955: 9948: 9684: 9152: 7365: 7339: 7176: 5992: 5972: 5952: 5546: 5526: 5204: 4775: 4590: 4535: 4525: 4503: 4483: 4478: 4438: 4423: 4401: 4364: 4314: 4272: 4262: 4222: 3742: 3707: 3616: 3569: 3414: 3288: 3283: 3278: 3221: 2983: 2976: 2706: 2169: 2032: 1987: 1962: 1929: 1633: 1628: 1565: 1560: 1318: 1155: 1080: 1009: 706: 514: 411: 375: 220: 153: 101: 6044: 5808: 5575: 3732: 3206: 8: 10222: 10182: 10068: 10058: 10024: 10019: 10014: 9664: 9283: 9251: 9162: 9109: 8418: 7329: 7284: 7023: 6725: 6501: 6485: 6392: 6189: 6164: 6154: 5922: 5778: 5633: 5499: 5262: 5199: 5058: 4902: 4770: 4418: 4391: 4334: 4282: 4065: 3837: 3777: 3727: 3500: 3419: 3360: 3293: 3263: 3258: 3231: 3190: 3149: 3144: 3098: 3088: 3054: 3049: 3044: 2686: 2300: 2268: 2179: 2120: 1746: 1668: 1623: 1618: 1485: 1475: 1375: 1185: 1150: 1108: 998: 990: 816: 761: 756: 689: 679: 365: 200: 8941:
Comparative Politics: Interests, Identities, And Institutions In A Changing Global Order
8890: 8719: 7892:
Susan Albers Mohrman; Philip H. Mirvis; Christopher G. Worley; Abraham B. Shani (2013).
5748: 5061:
and emphasized the reference of their concept to Catholic and Protestant social ethics.
5038: 9604: 9306: 8349: 8341: 7334: 7319: 7088: 6689: 6640: 6625: 6553: 6521: 6184: 6159: 6092: 5768: 5678: 5658: 5623: 5608: 5392: 5286: 5267: 5226: 4493: 4396: 4309: 4105: 4040: 3940: 3495: 3475: 3312: 2626: 2325: 1992: 1952: 1829: 1678: 1643: 1430: 1390: 1345: 1265: 1220: 1200: 821: 781: 652: 557: 176: 158: 148: 141: 8760: 6064: 6034: 5016:. He vehemently and consistently argued against the view that models were converging. 4929:
capitalism on the one side and of ordoliberal conceptions on the other. In drawing on
3757: 10146: 10090: 10053: 9962: 9922: 9699: 9579: 9544: 9436: 9426: 9421: 9396: 9271: 9003: 8965: 8946: 8923: 8835: 8761:"Christianity and the Social Market Economy in Britain, Germany and Northern Ireland" 8383: 8353: 8061: 8034: 7998: 7969: 7934: 7903: 7872: 7841: 7810: 7779: 7754: 7718: 7707: 7685: 7628: 7594: 7535: 7509:
The Philosophy of Social Market Economy: Michel Foucault's Analysis of Ordoliberalism
7472: 7222: 7047: 6945: 6811: 6657: 6543: 6169: 6097: 5753: 5728: 5593: 5107: 5077: 5054: 5001: 4981: 4812: 4085: 3842: 3772: 3747: 3737: 3717: 3537: 3424: 3355: 3317: 3120: 3083: 2990: 2948: 2721: 2601: 2566: 2456: 2446: 2441: 2416: 2288: 2057: 1924: 1791: 1781: 1726: 1648: 1522: 1507: 1385: 1355: 1285: 1275: 1210: 1044: 1033: 1029: 961: 674: 426: 406: 193: 186: 181: 9491: 9406: 5509: 4964:
liberalism on the one hand and Marxian socialism on the other. Furthermore, various
2511: 2426: 10085: 10046: 9983: 9969: 9782: 9689: 9599: 9524: 9456: 9451: 9386: 9316: 9236: 9184: 9174: 9142: 9137: 8333: 7512: 7304: 7274: 7259: 7236: 7208: 7184: 6954: 6844: 6829: 6635: 6204: 6118: 5932: 5783: 5723: 5643: 5570: 5560: 5553: 5504: 5425: 5321: 5013: 4946: 4728: 4721: 4060: 4010: 3975: 3920: 3827: 3812: 3787: 3722: 3692: 3559: 3510: 3485: 3468: 3463: 3397: 3322: 3248: 3236: 3115: 3076: 3011: 2997: 2806: 2711: 2621: 2546: 2476: 2471: 2406: 2335: 2253: 2201: 2191: 2159: 2154: 1859: 1834: 1786: 1766: 1711: 1688: 1638: 1517: 1420: 1410: 1400: 1365: 1255: 1205: 1195: 1190: 1025: 1021: 1013: 969: 938: 930: 667: 602: 587: 539: 529: 523: 496: 481: 252: 215: 9629: 9476: 9411: 6877: 5743: 5688: 5628: 5099:
lets the American model appear more attractive and dynamic to the general public.
4930: 3980: 2651: 2496: 2431: 10031: 9867: 9614: 9519: 9381: 9266: 9209: 9179: 9065: 8746: 8726: 8707: 8406: 8378: 8055: 8028: 7955: 7924: 7893: 7862: 7831: 7800: 7744: 7675: 7618: 7584: 7462: 7344: 7137: 7133: 7129: 7125: 6994: 6925: 6900:
MĂŒller-Armack's concept soon met with the conception of the then Chairman of the
following the war. However, whereas the pivotal members of the Freiburg Circles,
6840: 6796: 6778: 6682: 6600: 6267: 6237: 6194: 6144: 6134: 6087: 5793: 5788: 5763: 5336: 5291: 5092: 5091:, Rhine capitalism according to Albert has its foundations on publicly organized 5088: 5084: 5021: 4950: 4913: 4898: 4886: 4824: 4120: 4110: 4095: 4015: 4005: 3985: 3877: 3857: 3817: 3792: 3702: 3596: 3584: 3574: 3515: 3375: 3370: 3241: 3137: 3061: 2893: 2636: 2541: 2401: 2283: 2226: 2196: 2069: 1914: 1819: 1776: 1756: 1751: 1741: 1736: 1658: 1453: 1032:. The social element of the model instead refers to support for the provision of 973: 953: 922: 894: 791: 751: 716: 612: 572: 567: 534: 380: 360: 350: 340: 325: 305: 240: 126: 51: 9659: 8483:
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 1, London, 1993, pp. 87-114.
conservatives widely welcomed the transition to a more market-oriented economy.
6703: 6242: 5663: 4901:. The term "social" was established by Adenauer to prevent further reference to 2681: 10009: 9990: 9772: 9654: 9589: 9584: 9539: 9501: 9466: 9376: 9293: 9224: 7299: 7294: 7072: 6865: 6837: 6737: 6588: 6563: 6536: 6179: 6139: 6049: 6012: 5803: 5738: 5733: 5404: 5209: 5009: 4909: 4867:
on the basis of a competitive economy. The social market economy is opposed to
4864: 4792: 4765: 4760: 4733: 4689: 4035: 3970: 3822: 3797: 3762: 3712: 3652: 3579: 3480: 3441: 3431: 3305: 3273: 3039: 3018: 2796: 2676: 2611: 2606: 2561: 2521: 2486: 2396: 2310: 2241: 2022: 2007: 1977: 1899: 1395: 1240: 1230: 1160: 1145: 1140: 994: 957: 776: 592: 486: 330: 9787: 8646:
Wirtschaftspolitische Richtlinien der CSU in Bayern, (supposedly end of 1948).
MĂŒller-Armack, A., Religion und Wirtschaft, Bern/ Stuttgart, 1950, pp. 559 ff.
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The main elements of the social market economy in Germany are the following:
5073: 5069: 5005: 4997: 4996:
This position was widely shared by Oppenheimer's doctoral student and friend
4917: 4869: 4748: 4070: 4030: 3960: 3930: 3897: 3892: 3872: 3752: 3677: 3589: 3452: 3268: 3108: 2969: 2716: 2696: 2631: 2571: 2466: 2364: 2305: 2258: 2248: 2221: 2012: 1884: 1844: 1716: 1380: 1280: 1260: 981: 934: 826: 811: 617: 607: 597: 582: 562: 491: 335: 257: 168: 131: 121: 111: 9018:
Freedom with responsibility: the social market economy in Germany, 1918-1963
Narr, W.-D., CDU-SPD. Programm und Praxis seit 1945, Stuttgart, 1966, p. 95.
7511:. UniversitÀt Freiburg, Freiburger Diskussionspapiere zur Ordnungsökonomik. 7506: 6993:(SPD), led by the advocate of economic planning and extensive socialisation 6852: 6581: 5042: 4885:
to establish fair competition, maintaining a balance between a high rate of
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Schwarz, H.-P., Adenauer. Der Aufstieg. 1876–1952, Stuttgart, 1986, p. 602.
Hentschel, V., Ludwig Erhard – Ein Politikerleben, Berlin, 1998, pp. 75-78.
Hayek, F. A. v., "Was ist und was heisst 'sozial'?", in: Hunold, A. (ed.),
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Important figures in the development of the concept include Eucken, Röpke,
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Europe's Promise: Why the European Way is the Best Hope in an Insecure Age
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Political Economy of Modern Capitalism: Mapping Convergence and Diversity
Selling the Economic Miracle: Reconstruction and Politics in West Germany
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Hentschel, V., Ludwig Erhard – Ein Politikerleben, Berlin, 1998, p. 25.
7324: 7250: 7075:, the concept of the social market economy was first introduced by the 6209: 6123: 5415: 5356: 5127: 4942: 4933:'s anthropo-sociological approach of an economic humanism leading to a 4878: 4738: 4704: 4699: 4369: 3882: 3672: 3647: 3554: 3407: 3387: 3198: 2866: 2551: 2320: 2231: 1997: 1706: 1527: 1458: 1116: 1052: 986: 941:. The social market economy was originally promoted and implemented in 926: 96: 64: 9078: 8324:
Friedrich, Carl J. (1955). "The Political Thought of Neo-Liberalism".
7516: 9792: 9624: 8729:. Free Democratic Party of Germany. p. 14. Retrieved 10 October 2022. 7006: 6807: 5519: 5451: 5316: 4980:. In the early 20th century, the Frankfurt sociologist and economist 4965: 4905:, which was used in the early party agenda Ahlener Programm in 1947. 4890: 4874: 4807: 4605: 3807: 3327: 2816: 2646: 2128: 2037: 2027: 1972: 1796: 1731: 1575: 1323: 1130: 1060: 1056: 1017: 1005: 786: 310: 275: 210: 74: 69: 8452:
E. P. Hennock. "Social Policy under the Empire: Myths and Evidence"
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and improvement of the quality of the environment. It shall promote
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Golden Growth: Restoring the Lustre of the European Economic Model
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Eintrag: keyword "social market economy" = Soziale Marktwirtschaft
The social market economy was designed to be a middle way between
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Soziale Marktwirtschaft – Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften
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Critical Political Studies: Debates and Dialogues from the Left
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In drawing on both Eucken's ordoliberal competitive order and
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While the neo-American model builds largely on the ideas of
4912:, this concept was not identical with the conception of the 8419:
keyword "social market economy" = “Soziale Marktwirtschaft”
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Social market economies aim to combine free initiative and
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and sometimes mistakenly identify it as being socialist.
identify the social market model with the notions of the
Konrad Adenauer, a proponent of the social market economy
4972:("Catheder Socialists") engaged in social reforms in the 1008:
by right-wing critics. Although aspects were inspired by
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Erhard, L., Wirken und Reden, Ludwigsburg, 1966, p. 320.
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Erhard, L., Wohlstand fĂŒr alle, GĂŒtersloh, 1963, p. 11.
8160:, Bern/ Leipzig, 1935 under the pseudonym F. D. Pelton. 7922: 6919:
as Director of the Administration for Economics in the
economic systems, and combines private enterprise with
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Programm der "Freiburger Kreise", Berlin, 1973, p. 64.
8332:(2). American Political Science Association: 509–525. 7578: 7576: 4908:
Although the social market economy model evolved from
Nils Goldschmidt, Hermann Rauchenschwandtner (2007).
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Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Party
8995: 8938: 8937:Koppstein, Jeffrey; Lichbach, Mark Irving (2005), 8857: 8855: 8323: 7792: 7706: 7442: 6843:(or Freiburg school of law and economics) and the 6802:One of the major factors for the emergence of the 5049:and MĂŒller-Armack, who originally coined the term 1004:The social segment is often wrongly confused with 8936: 7953: 7885: 7616: 7436: 6958:the foundation of modern German economic policy: 972:alike. Its origins can be traced to the interwar 10174: 7363: 8852: 7916: 7895:Building Networks for Sustainable Effectiveness 7860: 7773: 7673: 8053: 8026: 7947: 7617:Van Schie, P. G. C.; Voermann, Gerrit (2006). 4897:, good working conditions, social welfare and 10120: 9094: 8993: 8829: 8758: 8741:. 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University of California Press. pp.  7742: 7738: 7736: 7734: 7523: 7494: 7460: 7402: 10127: 10113: 9878:Christian Democrat Organization of America 9101: 9087: 8370: 8236:The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of Socialism 7698: 7667: 7647: 6764: 6750: 5102: 4851: 4837: 3174: 3160: 2904:Christian Democrat Organization of America 2096: 2082: 873: 859: 8994:Crouch, Colin; Streeck, Wolfgang (2000), 8920:Deutsche Wirtschaftsgeschichte: seit 1945 7112:set the following goals in Article 3(3): 4181:International Federation of Liberal Youth 1016:, the social market approach rejects the 9059:Essay on Germany's Social Market Economy 7731: 7582: 7534:. Leuven University Press. p. 478. 7529: 6934: 9277:Friendly separation of church and state 9108: 7169: 6930:Marktwirtschaft im Streit der Meinungen 4161:Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats 2294:Friendly separation of church and state 917:, is a socioeconomic model combining a 14: 10175: 8959: 8784: 8601:MĂŒller-Armack, A., l.c., 1971, p. 247. 7454: 7448: 10108: 9888:European Christian Political Movement 9753:Christian Democratic Union of Germany 9082: 9033:"Germany - The Social Market Economy" 7929:. McGraw-Hill International. p.  6305:Christian Democratic Union of Germany 5863:Lectures on the Philosophy of History 5027:Christian Democratic Union of Germany 4991:Neither thus, nor thus. The third way 2914:European Christian Political Movement 2777:Christian Democratic Union of Germany 7898:. Emerald Group Publishing. p.  7713:. Cornell University Press. p.  6819:. In March 1884, Bismarck declared: 1083:textbook distinguishes between the " 9748:Christian Democratic People's Party 9055:– United States Library of Congress 9027:(Harvard UP, 2009) pp. 98–138. 8818:Treaty on European Union, Article 3 8701:"60 years of social market economy" 5853:Elements of the Philosophy of Right 5064: 4201:Liberal South East European Network 2772:Christian Democratic People's Party 24: 8979: 8592:Erhard, L., l.c., 1992, pp. 69-85. 7923:Melanie Walker; Jon Nixon (2004). 4987:Weder so – noch so. Der dritte Weg 937:. It is sometimes classified as a 933:within the market and generally a 25: 10249: 9898:Conservative Christian Fellowship 9763:Christian Social Union in Bavaria 9046: 8785:Biffen, John (12 December 1994). 8326:American Political Science Review 7805:. McGill-Queen's Press. pp.  7680:. University of Alberta. p.  7152: 7103: 7066: 6969:Christian Social Union in Bavaria 6785:formed by the experiences of the 6313:Christian Social Union in Bavaria 5893:Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man 4191:Liberal Network for Latin America 3624:(contributions to liberal theory) 2924:Conservative Christian Fellowship 2787:Christian Social Union in Bavaria 847:Business and economics portal 9738:Christian Democratic and Flemish 8456:1998 16(1): 58–74; Herman Beck, 7648:Marktanner, Marcus (June 2010). 7243: 7229: 7215: 7201: 6884:, who therefore coined the term 6795:capitalism and the collectivist 6731: 6719: 5566:Monarchism in Bavaria after 1918 5178: 5130:measures. Some elements such as 5114: 4818: 4806: 3205: 3143: 2762:Christian Democratic and Flemish 2127: 2063: 2051: 956:in 1949 and today it is used by 840: 9873:Centrist Democrat International 9758:Christian Social People's Party 8897: 8883: 8869: 8811: 8797: 8778: 8752: 8732: 8713: 8694: 8685: 8676: 8667: 8658: 8649: 8640: 8627: 8613: 8604: 8595: 8586: 8577: 8568: 8558: 8549: 8539: 8529: 8515: 8505: 8495: 8486: 8476: 8463: 8446: 8437: 8425: 8412: 8393: 8360: 8317: 8308: 8299: 8290: 8280: 8259: 8250: 8241: 8228: 8219: 8210: 8201: 8191: 8182: 8172: 8163: 8149: 8140: 8130: 8109: 8100: 8087: 8074: 8047: 8020: 8008: 7991: 7982: 7867:. Ashgate Publishing. pp.  7641: 7548: 7464:Moral Economy of Welfare States 7364:Tristan Claridge (9 May 2017). 2899:Centrist Democrat International 2782:Christian Social People's Party 1075:, and the contemporary Chinese 8945:, Cambridge University Press, 8720:Wiesbaden Programme of the FDP 7833:Corporations and the Third Way 7623:. LIT Verlag MĂŒnster. p.  7500: 7430: 7396: 7380: 7357: 6652:Die Freischwebende Intelligenz 6559:Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 6385:German National People's Party 5843:Addresses to the German Nation 3565:Separation of church and state 1073:East Asian model of capitalism 993:. It was strongly inspired by 13: 1: 8379:Capitalism Against Capitalism 7437:Koppstein & Lichbach 2005 7351: 7116:The Union shall establish an 7055:(led by the CDU/CSU) and the 6646:Criticism of multiculturalism 6424:Bibliothek des Konservatismus 1855:Critique of political economy 1513:Critique of political economy 742:Commons-based peer production 462:Socialism of the 21st century 8918:Abelshauser, Werner (2004). 8739:Hamburg Programme of the SPD 8633:Christian Democratic Union, 7677:Germany--phoenix in Trouble? 7146:scientific and technological 7124:of Europe based on balanced 6902:Sonderstelle Geld und Kredit 5943:The Concept of the Political 1905:Periodizations of capitalism 7: 9903:Centre for European Studies 9838:Popular Republican Movement 9733:Christian Democratic Appeal 8988:German politics and society 8431:Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon: 8256:Nicholls, A. J., l.c., 1994 8158:Sprung ĂŒber ein Jahrhundert 8014:Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon: 7836:. Hart Publishing. p.  7583:Reynolds, David B. (2002). 7368:. 7194: 6641:Conservatism in Switzerland 6433:Desiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung 6328:Ecological Democratic Party 2929:Centre for European Studies 2862:Popular Republican Movement 2757:Christian Democratic Appeal 1601:Simple commodity production 10: 10254: 9893:Konrad Adenauer Foundation 9743:Christian Democratic Party 9071:Short Definition from the 9030:U.S. Library of Congress. 9025:The Road from Mont Pelerin 8911: 8749:Retrieved 10 October 2022. 7954:Lowell Barrington (2012). 7778:. Routledge. p. 199. 7655:. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 7018:(FDP) led by the chairman 6678:Philosophical anthropology 6493:Studienzentrum Weikersheim 6474:Konrad Adenauer Foundation 6467:Institut fĂŒr Staatspolitik 5152: 5147: 2919:Konrad Adenauer Foundation 2767:Christian Democratic Party 1910:Perspectives on capitalism 1039:Some authors use the term 947:Christian Democratic Union 921:economic system alongside 29: 10142: 10001: 9932: 9918:Center for Public Justice 9859: 9778:Croatian Democratic Union 9718:American Solidarity Party 9709: 9511: 9358: 9116: 9053:The Social Market Economy 9016:Nicholls, Anthony James. 8469:Frederic B. M. Hollyday, 7098:Centre for Policy Studies 6460:Hans Filbinger Foundation 6440:Forum of German Catholics 6377:German Conservative Party 5913:Prussianism and Socialism 4788:Sexually liberal feminism 4695:Bias in American academia 4166:European Democratic Party 3622:List of liberal theorists 2944:Center for Public Justice 2802:Croatian Democratic Union 2742:American Solidarity Party 1093:eco-social market economy 236:Socialist-oriented market 10037:Christian libertarianism 9977:Sollicitudo rei socialis 9322:Environmental protection 9128:Catholic social teaching 8960:Spicka, Mark E. (2007). 7776:German Historical School 7674:Matthias Zimmer (1997). 7556:"GHDI - Document - Page" 7530:Lamberts, Emiel (1997). 7389:. Economics Dictionary. 7120:. It shall work for the 7110:Treaty on European Union 7061:Treaty on European Union 6921:Bizonal Economic Council 6668:Pan-European nationalism 6003:Germany Abolishes Itself 5160:This article is part of 5097:functioning of the press 4974:Verein fĂŒr Socialpolitik 3447:Labor theory of property 3067:Christian libertarianism 3005:Sollicitudo rei socialis 2341:Environmental protection 2145:Catholic social teaching 1181:Economic interventionism 1099: 1077:socialist market economy 939:regulated market economy 32:Socialist market economy 10213:Economy of West Germany 10136:Social models in Europe 9883:European People's Party 9723:Austrian People's Party 8523:Soziale Marktwirtschaft 8054:Mark E. Spicka (2007), 8027:Mark E. Spicka (2007), 8016:Soziale Marktwirtschaft 7589:. M.E. Sharpe. p.  7122:sustainable development 6991:Social Democratic Party 6949:or economic miracle of 6886:Soziale Marktwirtschaft 6726:Conservatism portal 6636:Conservatism in Austria 6577:SĂŒddeutsche Monatshefte 6455:Hanns Seidel Foundation 6445:Gerhard Löwenthal Prize 6369:Free Conservative Party 6356:Bavarian People's Party 6336:Family Party of Germany 6289:Alternative for Germany 5903:The Decline of the West 5171:Conservatism in Germany 5103:Social capitalism model 5051:Soziale Marktwirtschaft 5045:, Oppenheimer, Erhard, 4156:Arab Liberal Federation 3346:Consent of the governed 2909:European People's Party 2747:Austrian People's Party 1850:Criticism of capitalism 907:Rhine-Alpine capitalism 899:soziale Marktwirtschaft 9908:European Ideas Network 9195:Economic progressivism 8759:Esmond Birnie (1994). 7830:Sally Wheeler (2002). 7705:Lowell Turner (1998). 7290:Neoclassical economics 7150: 7140:, and a high level of 6986:DĂŒsseldorfer LeitsĂ€tze 6965: 6940: 6915:When Erhard succeeded 6826: 6702: 6688: 6587: 6535: 6500: 6491: 6465: 6431: 6422: 5552: 5518: 5473: 5464: 5450: 5431: 5391: 5382: 5368: 5140:unemployment insurance 5008:, somewhere between a 4171:European Liberal Youth 4141:Africa Liberal Network 3366:Economic globalization 2934:European Ideas Network 2212:Economic progressivism 1880:Exploitation of labour 1591:Primitive accumulation 919:free-market capitalist 898: 10042:Christian nationalism 9833:Polish People's Party 9803:National Action Party 9298:Social market economy 9257:Person Dignity Theory 9170:Consistent life ethic 9133:Christian corporatism 9002:, SAGE Publications, 8990:28.2 (2010): 130-150. 8725:3 August 2017 at the 8706:14 March 2013 at the 7467:. Routledge. p.  7270:Libertarian socialism 7114: 7016:Free Democratic Party 6960: 6938: 6870:Constantin von Dietze 6821: 6697:Theory of generations 6663:Liberalism in Germany 6450:German Burschenschaft 6401:German People's Party 5699:Moeller van den Bruck 5445:Social market economy 5136:universal health care 5047:Constantin von Dietze 4813:Liberalism portal 4685:Anti-authoritarianism 4186:Liberal International 3072:Christian nationalism 2857:Polish People's Party 2827:National Action Party 2316:Social market economy 2274:Person Dignity Theory 2187:Consistent life ethic 2150:Christian corporatism 2058:Capitalism portal 1870:Culture of capitalism 1825:Capitalist propaganda 1581:Industrial Revolution 1571:Commercial Revolution 1071:, Japanese corporate 976:of economic thought. 887:social market economy 9956:Graves de communi re 9949:Populorum progressio 8095:Masse und Demokratie 7743:Steven Hill (2010). 7461:Steffen Mau (2003). 7340:Humanistic economics 7177:consumer price index 7170:Economic performance 7024:economically liberal 6882:Alfred MĂŒller-Armack 5993:Moral und Hypermoral 5973:Fascism in Its Epoch 5953:On the Marble Cliffs 5547:German reunification 5527:German Confederation 4922:Alfred MĂŒller-Armack 3617:Age of Enlightenment 3570:Separation of powers 2984:Graves de communi re 2977:Populorum progressio 2033:Right-libertarianism 1963:Classical liberalism 1930:Venture philanthropy 1566:Capitalism and Islam 1561:Age of Enlightenment 1156:Capital accumulation 1081:comparative politics 1010:democratic socialism 772:Newly industrialized 515:Collective ownership 376:Vertical archipelago 27:Socio-economic model 10198:Economic ideologies 10188:Christian democracy 10059:Religious democracy 10025:Christian socialism 10020:Christian communism 10015:Christian anarchism 9728:Christian Democracy 9284:Religious pluralism 9252:Option for the poor 9110:Christian democracy 8080:MĂŒller-Armack, A., 7419:on 11 November 2020 7330:Types of capitalism 7285:Keynesian economics 6858:Erwin von Beckerath 6620:Böckenförde dilemma 6502:Tradition und Leben 6486:Queen Louise League 6297:BĂŒndnis Deutschland 5923:Ideology and Utopia 5500:Anti-Socialist Laws 5200:Christian democracy 5085:Friedrich von Hayek 5059:Dietrich Bonhoeffer 4970:Kathedersozialisten 4957:("The Third Way"). 4903:Christian socialism 4825:Politics portal 3528:Civil and political 3501:Popular sovereignty 3361:Economic liberalism 3150:Christianity portal 3089:Religious democracy 3055:Christian socialism 3050:Christian communism 3045:Christian anarchism 2752:Christian Democracy 2301:Religious pluralism 2269:Option for the poor 2121:Christian democracy 2070:Business portal 1186:Economic liberalism 1176:Competitive markets 1020:ideas of replacing 999:Christian democracy 991:socialist economics 757:Inclusive Democracy 10208:Economy of Germany 10203:Economy of Austria 9913:Schuman Foundation 9307:Sphere sovereignty 9064:2005-05-11 at the 9020:(Oxford UP, 2000). 8964:. Berghahn Books. 8745:2008-09-11 at the 8405:2011-02-24 at the 8060:, Berghahn Books, 8033:, Berghahn Books, 7335:Welfare capitalism 7320:Social corporatism 7280:Rehn–Meidner model 7089:post-war consensus 6941: 6738:Germany portal 6690:Stahlhelm-Fraktion 6626:European New Right 6554:Deutsche Rundschau 6364:Conservative Party 5669:JĂŒnger (Friedrich) 5421:Political theology 4883:state intervention 3496:Permissive society 3476:Limited government 2939:Schuman Foundation 2326:Sphere sovereignty 1830:Capitalist realism 1221:Goods and services 1201:Fictitious capital 929:to establish both 695:Material balancing 177:Buddhist economics 10238:Social liberalism 10170: 10169: 10102: 10101: 10091:Ethical socialism 10054:Liberal democracy 9963:Quadragesimo anno 9923:Paneuropean Union 9813:Nationalist Party 9272:Religious liberty 9009:978-0-7619-5653-2 8971:978-1-84545-223-0 8929:978-3-406-51094-6 8388:978-1-870332-54-5 8067:978-1-84545-223-0 8040:978-1-84545-223-0 7975:978-1-133-71036-3 7940:978-0-335-21291-0 7909:978-1-78190-887-7 7878:978-0-7546-3706-6 7847:978-1-901362-63-3 7816:978-0-7735-6956-0 7760:978-0-520-24857-1 7691:978-0-88864-305-6 7634:978-3-8258-7668-5 7600:978-0-7656-0745-4 7478:978-1-134-37055-9 7403:Ralph M. Wrobel, 7223:Capitalism portal 7048:Wirtschaftswunder 6946:Wirtschaftswunder 6812:Otto von Bismarck 6774: 6773: 6658:German militarism 5963:The Questionnaire 5576:Völkisch movement 5297:Historical School 5292:Right-Hegelianism 5132:pension insurance 5108:Social capitalism 5078:Margaret Thatcher 5055:Bekennende Kirche 5002:social liberalism 4982:Franz Oppenheimer 4861: 4860: 4700:Bias in the media 4216:Regional variants 3533:Natural and legal 3184: 3183: 3121:Ethical socialism 3084:Liberal democracy 2991:Quadragesimo anno 2949:Paneuropean Union 2837:Nationalist Party 2289:Religious liberty 2106: 2105: 1925:Spontaneous order 1895:History of theory 1538:New institutional 1508:Market monetarism 1443:Economic theories 1276:Supply and demand 1211:Free price system 1045:Anglo-Saxon model 1041:social capitalism 1034:equal opportunity 1030:economic planning 1024:and markets with 915:social capitalism 883: 882: 393:By regional model 187:Sabbath economics 16:(Redirected from 10245: 10129: 10122: 10115: 10106: 10105: 10086:Social democracy 10047:Theoconservatism 9984:Centesimus annus 9970:Laborem exercens 9783:Democratic Rally 9367:Arizmendiarrieta 9317:Environmentalism 9237:Multiculturalism 9185:Dignity of labor 9175:Cultural mandate 9143:Communitarianism 9138:Christian ethics 9103: 9096: 9089: 9080: 9079: 9040: 9013: 9001: 8975: 8956: 8944: 8933: 8906: 8901: 8895: 8894: 8887: 8881: 8880: 8873: 8867: 8866: 8859: 8850: 8849: 8827: 8821: 8815: 8809: 8808: 8801: 8795: 8794: 8782: 8776: 8775: 8765: 8756: 8750: 8736: 8730: 8717: 8711: 8698: 8692: 8689: 8683: 8680: 8674: 8671: 8665: 8662: 8656: 8653: 8647: 8644: 8638: 8631: 8625: 8624: 8617: 8611: 8608: 8602: 8599: 8593: 8590: 8584: 8581: 8575: 8572: 8566: 8562: 8556: 8553: 8547: 8543: 8537: 8533: 8527: 8519: 8513: 8509: 8503: 8499: 8493: 8490: 8484: 8480: 8474: 8467: 8461: 8450: 8444: 8441: 8435: 8429: 8423: 8416: 8410: 8397: 8391: 8374: 8368: 8364: 8358: 8357: 8321: 8315: 8312: 8306: 8303: 8297: 8294: 8288: 8284: 8278: 8275: 8266: 8263: 8257: 8254: 8248: 8245: 8239: 8232: 8226: 8223: 8217: 8214: 8208: 8205: 8199: 8195: 8189: 8186: 8180: 8176: 8170: 8167: 8161: 8153: 8147: 8144: 8138: 8134: 8128: 8125: 8116: 8113: 8107: 8104: 8098: 8091: 8085: 8078: 8072: 8070: 8051: 8045: 8043: 8024: 8018: 8012: 8006: 7995: 7989: 7986: 7980: 7979: 7951: 7945: 7944: 7920: 7914: 7913: 7889: 7883: 7882: 7858: 7852: 7851: 7827: 7821: 7820: 7796: 7790: 7789: 7771: 7765: 7764: 7740: 7729: 7728: 7712: 7702: 7696: 7695: 7671: 7665: 7664: 7662: 7660: 7654: 7645: 7639: 7638: 7614: 7605: 7604: 7580: 7571: 7570: 7568: 7566: 7552: 7546: 7545: 7527: 7521: 7520: 7504: 7498: 7497:, p. 89-93. 7495:Abelshauser 2004 7492: 7483: 7482: 7458: 7452: 7446: 7440: 7434: 7428: 7427: 7426: 7424: 7418: 7412:, archived from 7411: 7400: 7394: 7384: 7378: 7377: 7375: 7373: 7361: 7305:Market structure 7275:Market socialism 7260:Crony capitalism 7253: 7248: 7247: 7239: 7237:Economics portal 7234: 7233: 7225: 7220: 7219: 7211: 7209:Socialism portal 7206: 7205: 7185:World Bank Group 6999:Economic Council 6982:Gemeinwirtschaft 6955:co-determination 6917:Johannes Semmler 6845:Freiburg Circles 6830:Kaiser Wilhelm I 6781:as well as anti- 6766: 6759: 6752: 6736: 6735: 6734: 6724: 6723: 6722: 6707: 6693: 6631:Collective guilt 6592: 6573: 6540: 6526: 6505: 6496: 6470: 6436: 6427: 6405: 6397: 6389: 6381: 6373: 6360: 6345: 6332: 6317: 6309: 6301: 6293: 6018: 6008: 5998: 5988: 5978: 5968: 5958: 5948: 5938: 5933:Man and Technics 5928: 5918: 5908: 5898: 5888: 5883:Das Ressentiment 5878: 5868: 5858: 5848: 5739:Ritter (Joachim) 5734:Ritter (Gerhard) 5571:Oster conspiracy 5557: 5554:Historikerstreit 5523: 5505:Carlsbad Decrees 5478: 5469: 5455: 5440:Social hierarchy 5436: 5426:Prussian virtues 5396: 5387: 5373: 5322:Christian values 5182: 5172: 5157: 5156: 5065:Rhine capitalism 5039:Alexander RĂŒstow 5014:central planning 4947:economic freedom 4893:, low levels of 4873:policies and to 4853: 4846: 4839: 4823: 4822: 4811: 4810: 4729:Economic freedom 4722:Radical centrism 3560:Secular humanism 3486:Natural monopoly 3437:Internationalism 3254:Internationalist 3209: 3186: 3185: 3176: 3169: 3162: 3147: 3140: 3116:Social democracy 3077:Theoconservatism 3012:Centesimus annus 2998:Laborem exercens 2807:Democratic Rally 2387:Arizmendiarrieta 2336:Environmentalism 2254:Multiculturalism 2202:Dignity of labor 2192:Cultural mandate 2160:Communitarianism 2155:Christian ethics 2131: 2108: 2107: 2098: 2091: 2084: 2068: 2067: 2056: 2055: 1860:Critique of work 1835:Capitalist state 1518:Critique of work 1401:Regulated market 1303:Economic systems 1256:Private property 1206:Financial market 1196:Entrepreneurship 1191:Economic surplus 1104: 1103: 1026:social ownership 1022:private property 1014:social democracy 970:social democrats 964:and modern (non- 931:fair competition 903:Rhine capitalism 875: 868: 861: 845: 844: 603:Municipalization 588:Financialization 558:Collectivization 540:Social ownership 530:Private property 524:Common ownership 482:Common ownership 296:Closed (autarky) 253:State capitalism 231:Socialist market 216:Market socialist 52:Economic systems 39: 38: 21: 10253: 10252: 10248: 10247: 10246: 10244: 10243: 10242: 10228:Mixed economies 10218:Freiburg School 10173: 10172: 10171: 10166: 10138: 10133: 10103: 10098: 10097: 10096: 10032:Christian right 9997: 9996: 9995: 9928: 9927: 9926: 9868:Catholic Action 9855: 9854: 9853: 9823:Patriotic Union 9705: 9704: 9703: 9507: 9506: 9505: 9354: 9353: 9352: 9267:Public morality 9210:Just war theory 9180:Culture of life 9112: 9107: 9066:Wayback Machine 9049: 9044: 9041:; not copyright 9031: 9010: 8982: 8980:Further reading 8972: 8953: 8930: 8914: 8909: 8902: 8898: 8889: 8888: 8884: 8875: 8874: 8870: 8861: 8860: 8853: 8842: 8828: 8824: 8816: 8812: 8803: 8802: 8798: 8783: 8779: 8763: 8757: 8753: 8747:Wayback Machine 8737: 8733: 8727:Wayback Machine 8718: 8714: 8708:Wayback Machine 8699: 8695: 8690: 8686: 8681: 8677: 8672: 8668: 8663: 8659: 8654: 8650: 8645: 8641: 8632: 8628: 8619: 8618: 8614: 8609: 8605: 8600: 8596: 8591: 8587: 8582: 8578: 8573: 8569: 8563: 8559: 8554: 8550: 8544: 8540: 8534: 8530: 8520: 8516: 8510: 8506: 8500: 8496: 8491: 8487: 8481: 8477: 8468: 8464: 8451: 8447: 8442: 8438: 8430: 8426: 8417: 8413: 8407:Wayback Machine 8398: 8394: 8382:. Whurr; 1993. 8376:Michel Albert. 8375: 8371: 8365: 8361: 8338:10.2307/1951819 8322: 8318: 8313: 8309: 8304: 8300: 8295: 8291: 8285: 8281: 8276: 8269: 8264: 8260: 8255: 8251: 8246: 8242: 8233: 8229: 8224: 8220: 8215: 8211: 8206: 8202: 8196: 8192: 8187: 8183: 8177: 8173: 8168: 8164: 8154: 8150: 8145: 8141: 8135: 8131: 8126: 8119: 8114: 8110: 8105: 8101: 8092: 8088: 8079: 8075: 8068: 8052: 8048: 8041: 8025: 8021: 8013: 8009: 7996: 7992: 7987: 7983: 7976: 7952: 7948: 7941: 7921: 7917: 7910: 7890: 7886: 7879: 7859: 7855: 7848: 7828: 7824: 7817: 7797: 7793: 7786: 7772: 7768: 7761: 7741: 7732: 7725: 7703: 7699: 7692: 7672: 7668: 7658: 7656: 7652: 7646: 7642: 7635: 7615: 7608: 7601: 7581: 7574: 7564: 7562: 7554: 7553: 7549: 7542: 7528: 7524: 7505: 7501: 7493: 7486: 7479: 7459: 7455: 7447: 7443: 7435: 7431: 7422: 7420: 7416: 7409: 7401: 7397: 7387:"Social Market" 7385: 7381: 7371: 7369: 7362: 7358: 7354: 7349: 7345:Planned economy 7249: 7242: 7235: 7228: 7221: 7214: 7207: 7200: 7197: 7172: 7155: 7138:social progress 7134:full employment 7130:price stability 7126:economic growth 7118:internal market 7106: 7069: 6995:Kurt Schumacher 6926:Konrad Adenauer 6841:Freiburg school 6797:planned economy 6779:totalitarianism 6770: 6732: 6730: 6720: 6718: 6711: 6710: 6614: 6606: 6605: 6601:Welt am Sonntag 6571: 6524: 6517: 6509: 6508: 6417: 6409: 6408: 6403: 6395: 6387: 6379: 6371: 6358: 6343: 6341:The Republicans 6330: 6315: 6307: 6299: 6291: 6281: 6273: 6272: 6228: 6220: 6219: 6083: 6075: 6074: 6060:Strauss (Botho) 6030: 6022: 6021: 6016: 6006: 5996: 5986: 5976: 5966: 5956: 5946: 5936: 5926: 5916: 5906: 5896: 5886: 5876: 5866: 5856: 5846: 5837: 5829: 5828: 5589: 5581: 5580: 5490: 5482: 5481: 5312: 5304: 5303: 5251:State Socialism 5190: 5170: 5155: 5150: 5117: 5105: 5093:social security 5089:Milton Friedman 5067: 5022:Friedrich Hayek 4951:social security 4914:Freiburg school 4899:public services 4887:economic growth 4857: 4817: 4805: 4798: 4797: 4680: 4672: 4671: 4474:North Macedonia 4218: 4208: 4207: 4206: 4205: 4196:Liberal parties 4134: 4126: 4125: 3916: 3908: 3907: 3638: 3628: 3627: 3612: 3602: 3601: 3597:State of nature 3585:Social services 3575:Social contract 3538:To own property 3341: 3333: 3332: 3217: 3180: 3138:Politics portal 3136: 3129: 3128: 3127: 3062:Christian right 3034: 3026: 3025: 3024: 2963: 2955: 2954: 2953: 2894:Catholic Action 2888: 2880: 2879: 2878: 2847:Patriotic Union 2736: 2728: 2727: 2726: 2536: 2528: 2527: 2526: 2381: 2373: 2372: 2371: 2284:Public morality 2227:Just war theory 2197:Culture of life 2139: 2102: 2062: 2050: 2043: 2042: 1948: 1940: 1939: 1915:Post-capitalism 1820:Anti-capitalism 1815: 1807: 1806: 1702: 1694: 1693: 1614: 1606: 1605: 1556: 1548: 1547: 1444: 1436: 1435: 1426:State-sponsored 1304: 1296: 1295: 1161:Capital markets 1126: 1102: 974:Freiburg school 962:social liberals 954:Konrad Adenauer 923:social policies 901:), also called 879: 839: 832: 831: 797:Post-industrial 792:Post-capitalist 752:Hunter-gatherer 737: 729: 728: 643: 635: 634: 613:Nationalization 573:Demutualization 568:Corporatization 553: 545: 544: 535:State ownership 510: 502: 501: 477: 469: 468: 394: 386: 385: 356:Robinson Crusoe 291: 290:By coordination 283: 282: 267:Traditionalist 127:Neomercantilist 87: 79: 60: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 10251: 10241: 10240: 10235: 10233:Ordoliberalism 10230: 10225: 10220: 10215: 10210: 10205: 10200: 10195: 10190: 10185: 10168: 10167: 10165: 10164: 10159: 10154: 10149: 10143: 10140: 10139: 10132: 10131: 10124: 10117: 10109: 10100: 10099: 10095: 10094: 10093: 10083: 10082: 10081: 10076: 10071: 10066: 10056: 10051: 10050: 10049: 10044: 10039: 10029: 10028: 10027: 10022: 10017: 10010:Christian left 10007: 10006: 10005: 10003: 10002:Related topics 9999: 9998: 9994: 9987: 9980: 9973: 9966: 9959: 9952: 9945: 9938: 9937: 9936: 9934: 9930: 9929: 9925: 9920: 9915: 9910: 9905: 9900: 9895: 9890: 9885: 9880: 9875: 9870: 9865: 9864: 9863: 9861: 9857: 9856: 9852: 9845: 9840: 9835: 9830: 9828:People's Party 9825: 9820: 9815: 9810: 9808:National Party 9805: 9800: 9795: 9790: 9785: 9780: 9775: 9773:Civic Platform 9770: 9765: 9760: 9755: 9750: 9745: 9740: 9735: 9730: 9725: 9720: 9715: 9714: 9713: 9711: 9707: 9706: 9702: 9697: 9692: 9687: 9682: 9677: 9672: 9667: 9662: 9657: 9652: 9647: 9642: 9637: 9632: 9627: 9622: 9617: 9612: 9607: 9602: 9597: 9592: 9587: 9582: 9577: 9572: 9567: 9562: 9557: 9552: 9547: 9542: 9537: 9532: 9527: 9522: 9517: 9516: 9515: 9513: 9509: 9508: 9504: 9499: 9494: 9489: 9484: 9479: 9474: 9469: 9464: 9459: 9454: 9449: 9444: 9439: 9434: 9429: 9424: 9419: 9414: 9409: 9404: 9399: 9394: 9389: 9384: 9379: 9374: 9369: 9364: 9363: 9362: 9360: 9356: 9355: 9351: 9350: 9349: 9348: 9338: 9337: 9336: 9334:in Catholicism 9326: 9325: 9324: 9319: 9309: 9304: 9299: 9296: 9294:Social justice 9291: 9286: 9281: 9280: 9279: 9269: 9264: 9259: 9254: 9249: 9244: 9239: 9234: 9229: 9228: 9227: 9222: 9212: 9207: 9202: 9197: 9192: 9187: 9182: 9177: 9172: 9167: 9166: 9165: 9160: 9155: 9145: 9140: 9135: 9130: 9124: 9123: 9122: 9120: 9114: 9113: 9106: 9105: 9098: 9091: 9083: 9077: 9076: 9068: 9056: 9048: 9047:External links 9045: 9043: 9042: 9028: 9021: 9014: 9008: 8991: 8983: 8981: 8978: 8977: 8976: 8970: 8957: 8951: 8934: 8928: 8922:. C. H. Beck. 8913: 8910: 8908: 8907: 8896: 8882: 8868: 8851: 8840: 8822: 8810: 8796: 8787:"Keith Joseph" 8777: 8751: 8731: 8712: 8693: 8684: 8675: 8666: 8657: 8648: 8639: 8626: 8612: 8603: 8594: 8585: 8576: 8567: 8557: 8548: 8538: 8528: 8514: 8504: 8494: 8485: 8475: 8462: 8454:German History 8445: 8436: 8424: 8411: 8392: 8369: 8359: 8316: 8307: 8298: 8289: 8279: 8267: 8258: 8249: 8240: 8227: 8218: 8209: 8200: 8190: 8181: 8171: 8162: 8148: 8139: 8129: 8117: 8108: 8099: 8086: 8073: 8066: 8046: 8039: 8019: 8007: 7990: 7981: 7974: 7946: 7939: 7915: 7908: 7884: 7877: 7853: 7846: 7822: 7815: 7791: 7784: 7766: 7759: 7730: 7723: 7697: 7690: 7666: 7640: 7633: 7606: 7599: 7572: 7560:German History 7547: 7540: 7522: 7499: 7484: 7477: 7453: 7441: 7429: 7395: 7379: 7355: 7353: 7350: 7348: 7347: 7342: 7337: 7332: 7327: 7322: 7317: 7312: 7307: 7302: 7300:Market economy 7297: 7295:Market failure 7292: 7287: 7282: 7277: 7272: 7267: 7262: 7256: 7255: 7254: 7240: 7226: 7212: 7196: 7193: 7171: 7168: 7154: 7153:Misconceptions 7151: 7105: 7104:European Union 7102: 7073:United Kingdom 7068: 7067:United Kingdom 7065: 6772: 6771: 6769: 6768: 6761: 6754: 6746: 6743: 6742: 6741: 6740: 6728: 6713: 6712: 6709: 6708: 6699: 6694: 6685: 6680: 6675: 6670: 6665: 6660: 6655: 6648: 6643: 6638: 6633: 6628: 6623: 6615: 6613:Related topics 6612: 6611: 6608: 6607: 6604: 6603: 6598: 6593: 6589:Verlag Antaios 6584: 6579: 6574: 6566: 6564:Junge Freiheit 6561: 6556: 6551: 6546: 6541: 6532: 6527: 6518: 6515: 6514: 6511: 6510: 6507: 6506: 6497: 6488: 6483: 6476: 6471: 6462: 6457: 6452: 6447: 6442: 6437: 6428: 6418: 6415: 6414: 6411: 6410: 6407: 6406: 6398: 6390: 6382: 6374: 6366: 6361: 6347: 6346: 6338: 6333: 6325: 6320: 6319: 6318: 6302: 6294: 6282: 6279: 6278: 6275: 6274: 6271: 6270: 6265: 6260: 6255: 6250: 6245: 6240: 6235: 6229: 6226: 6225: 6222: 6221: 6218: 6217: 6212: 6207: 6202: 6197: 6192: 6187: 6182: 6177: 6172: 6167: 6165:von Schleicher 6162: 6157: 6152: 6147: 6142: 6137: 6132: 6126: 6121: 6116: 6110: 6105: 6100: 6095: 6090: 6084: 6081: 6080: 6077: 6076: 6073: 6072: 6067: 6062: 6057: 6052: 6047: 6042: 6037: 6031: 6028: 6027: 6024: 6023: 6020: 6019: 6013:Finis Germania 6009: 5999: 5989: 5979: 5969: 5959: 5949: 5939: 5929: 5919: 5909: 5899: 5889: 5879: 5869: 5859: 5849: 5838: 5835: 5834: 5831: 5830: 5827: 5826: 5821: 5816: 5814:von Treitschke 5811: 5806: 5801: 5796: 5791: 5786: 5781: 5776: 5771: 5766: 5761: 5756: 5751: 5746: 5741: 5736: 5731: 5726: 5721: 5716: 5711: 5706: 5701: 5696: 5691: 5686: 5681: 5676: 5671: 5666: 5664:JĂŒnger (Ernst) 5661: 5656: 5654:von Hildebrand 5651: 5646: 5641: 5636: 5631: 5626: 5621: 5616: 5611: 5606: 5601: 5596: 5590: 5587: 5586: 5583: 5582: 5579: 5578: 5573: 5568: 5563: 5558: 5549: 5544: 5543: 5542: 5529: 5524: 5515: 5507: 5502: 5497: 5491: 5488: 5487: 5484: 5483: 5480: 5479: 5470: 5461: 5456: 5447: 5442: 5437: 5428: 5423: 5418: 5412: 5407: 5402: 5397: 5388: 5379: 5374: 5365: 5360: 5353: 5346: 5345: 5344: 5339: 5329: 5324: 5319: 5313: 5310: 5309: 5306: 5305: 5302: 5301: 5300: 5299: 5294: 5284: 5283: 5282: 5272: 5271: 5270: 5265: 5255: 5254: 5253: 5243: 5238: 5237: 5236: 5224: 5219: 5218: 5217: 5212: 5202: 5197: 5191: 5188: 5187: 5184: 5183: 5175: 5174: 5166: 5165: 5154: 5151: 5149: 5146: 5145: 5144: 5124: 5116: 5113: 5104: 5101: 5066: 5063: 5010:market economy 4955:Der Dritte Weg 4935:Civitas Humana 4910:ordoliberalism 4865:social welfare 4859: 4858: 4856: 4855: 4848: 4841: 4833: 4830: 4829: 4828: 4827: 4815: 4800: 4799: 4796: 4795: 4793:Utilitarianism 4790: 4785: 4780: 4779: 4778: 4773: 4766:Libertarianism 4763: 4761:Land value tax 4758: 4757: 4756: 4746: 4741: 4736: 4734:Egalitarianism 4731: 4726: 4725: 4724: 4714: 4713: 4712: 4702: 4697: 4692: 4690:Anti-communism 4687: 4681: 4679:Related topics 4678: 4677: 4674: 4673: 4670: 4669: 4664: 4659: 4654: 4653: 4652: 4647: 4646: 4645: 4635: 4633:Arizona School 4625: 4624: 4623: 4618: 4613: 4608: 4601:United Kingdom 4598: 4593: 4588: 4583: 4578: 4573: 4568: 4563: 4558: 4553: 4548: 4543: 4538: 4533: 4528: 4523: 4518: 4513: 4512: 4511: 4501: 4496: 4491: 4486: 4481: 4476: 4471: 4466: 4461: 4456: 4451: 4446: 4441: 4436: 4431: 4426: 4421: 4416: 4415: 4414: 4404: 4399: 4394: 4389: 4384: 4379: 4374: 4373: 4372: 4362: 4357: 4352: 4347: 4342: 4337: 4332: 4327: 4322: 4317: 4312: 4307: 4302: 4297: 4292: 4291: 4290: 4280: 4275: 4270: 4265: 4260: 4255: 4250: 4245: 4240: 4235: 4230: 4225: 4219: 4214: 4213: 4210: 4209: 4204: 4203: 4198: 4193: 4188: 4183: 4178: 4173: 4168: 4163: 4158: 4153: 4148: 4143: 4137: 4136: 4135: 4132: 4131: 4128: 4127: 4124: 4123: 4118: 4113: 4108: 4103: 4098: 4093: 4088: 4083: 4078: 4073: 4068: 4063: 4058: 4053: 4048: 4043: 4038: 4033: 4028: 4023: 4018: 4013: 4008: 4003: 3998: 3993: 3988: 3983: 3978: 3973: 3968: 3963: 3958: 3953: 3948: 3943: 3938: 3933: 3928: 3923: 3917: 3914: 3913: 3910: 3909: 3906: 3905: 3900: 3895: 3890: 3885: 3880: 3875: 3870: 3865: 3860: 3855: 3850: 3845: 3840: 3835: 3830: 3825: 3820: 3815: 3810: 3805: 3800: 3795: 3790: 3785: 3780: 3775: 3770: 3765: 3760: 3755: 3750: 3745: 3740: 3735: 3730: 3728:Wollstonecraft 3725: 3720: 3715: 3710: 3705: 3700: 3695: 3690: 3685: 3680: 3675: 3670: 3665: 3660: 3655: 3650: 3645: 3639: 3634: 3633: 3630: 3629: 3626: 3625: 3619: 3613: 3608: 3607: 3604: 3603: 3600: 3599: 3594: 3593: 3592: 3587: 3580:Social justice 3577: 3572: 3567: 3562: 3557: 3552: 3547: 3546: 3545: 3540: 3535: 3530: 3520: 3519: 3518: 3513: 3503: 3498: 3493: 3488: 3483: 3481:Market economy 3478: 3473: 3472: 3471: 3466: 3456: 3449: 3444: 3442:Invisible hand 3439: 3434: 3432:Harm principle 3429: 3428: 3427: 3422: 3417: 3412: 3411: 3410: 3405: 3390: 3385: 3384: 3383: 3378: 3368: 3363: 3358: 3353: 3348: 3342: 3339: 3338: 3335: 3334: 3331: 3330: 3325: 3320: 3315: 3310: 3309: 3308: 3303: 3298: 3297: 3296: 3281: 3276: 3271: 3266: 3261: 3256: 3251: 3246: 3245: 3244: 3234: 3229: 3224: 3218: 3215: 3214: 3211: 3210: 3202: 3201: 3195: 3194: 3182: 3181: 3179: 3178: 3171: 3164: 3156: 3153: 3152: 3142: 3141: 3131: 3130: 3126: 3125: 3124: 3123: 3113: 3112: 3111: 3106: 3101: 3096: 3086: 3081: 3080: 3079: 3074: 3069: 3059: 3058: 3057: 3052: 3047: 3040:Christian left 3036: 3035: 3033:Related topics 3032: 3031: 3028: 3027: 3023: 3022: 3015: 3008: 3001: 2994: 2987: 2980: 2973: 2965: 2964: 2961: 2960: 2957: 2956: 2952: 2951: 2946: 2941: 2936: 2931: 2926: 2921: 2916: 2911: 2906: 2901: 2896: 2890: 2889: 2886: 2885: 2882: 2881: 2877: 2876: 2869: 2864: 2859: 2854: 2852:People's Party 2849: 2844: 2839: 2834: 2832:National Party 2829: 2824: 2819: 2814: 2809: 2804: 2799: 2797:Civic Platform 2794: 2789: 2784: 2779: 2774: 2769: 2764: 2759: 2754: 2749: 2744: 2738: 2737: 2734: 2733: 2730: 2729: 2725: 2724: 2719: 2714: 2709: 2704: 2699: 2694: 2689: 2684: 2679: 2674: 2669: 2664: 2659: 2654: 2649: 2644: 2639: 2634: 2629: 2624: 2619: 2614: 2609: 2604: 2599: 2594: 2589: 2584: 2579: 2574: 2569: 2564: 2559: 2554: 2549: 2544: 2538: 2537: 2534: 2533: 2530: 2529: 2525: 2524: 2519: 2514: 2509: 2504: 2499: 2494: 2489: 2484: 2479: 2474: 2469: 2464: 2459: 2454: 2449: 2444: 2439: 2434: 2429: 2424: 2419: 2414: 2409: 2404: 2399: 2394: 2389: 2383: 2382: 2379: 2378: 2375: 2374: 2370: 2369: 2368: 2367: 2357: 2356: 2355: 2353:in Catholicism 2345: 2344: 2343: 2338: 2328: 2323: 2318: 2313: 2311:Social justice 2308: 2303: 2298: 2297: 2296: 2286: 2281: 2276: 2271: 2266: 2261: 2256: 2251: 2246: 2245: 2244: 2239: 2229: 2224: 2219: 2214: 2209: 2204: 2199: 2194: 2189: 2184: 2183: 2182: 2177: 2172: 2162: 2157: 2152: 2147: 2141: 2140: 2137: 2136: 2133: 2132: 2124: 2123: 2117: 2116: 2104: 2103: 2101: 2100: 2093: 2086: 2078: 2075: 2074: 2073: 2072: 2060: 2045: 2044: 2041: 2040: 2035: 2030: 2025: 2023:Ordoliberalism 2020: 2015: 2010: 2005: 2000: 1995: 1990: 1985: 1980: 1975: 1970: 1965: 1960: 1955: 1949: 1946: 1945: 1942: 1941: 1938: 1937: 1932: 1927: 1922: 1917: 1912: 1907: 1902: 1900:Market economy 1897: 1892: 1887: 1882: 1877: 1872: 1867: 1862: 1857: 1852: 1847: 1842: 1837: 1832: 1827: 1822: 1816: 1814:Related topics 1813: 1812: 1809: 1808: 1805: 1804: 1799: 1794: 1789: 1784: 1779: 1774: 1769: 1764: 1759: 1754: 1749: 1744: 1739: 1734: 1729: 1724: 1719: 1714: 1709: 1703: 1700: 1699: 1696: 1695: 1692: 1691: 1686: 1684:State monopoly 1681: 1676: 1671: 1666: 1661: 1656: 1651: 1646: 1641: 1636: 1631: 1626: 1621: 1615: 1612: 1611: 1608: 1607: 1604: 1603: 1598: 1593: 1588: 1583: 1578: 1573: 1568: 1563: 1557: 1554: 1553: 1550: 1549: 1546: 1545: 1540: 1535: 1530: 1525: 1520: 1515: 1510: 1505: 1504: 1503: 1498: 1493: 1483: 1478: 1473: 1468: 1467: 1466: 1456: 1451: 1445: 1442: 1441: 1438: 1437: 1434: 1433: 1428: 1423: 1418: 1413: 1408: 1403: 1398: 1393: 1388: 1383: 1378: 1373: 1368: 1363: 1358: 1353: 1348: 1343: 1336: 1331: 1326: 1321: 1316: 1311: 1305: 1302: 1301: 1298: 1297: 1294: 1293: 1288: 1283: 1278: 1273: 1268: 1263: 1258: 1253: 1248: 1243: 1241:Liberalization 1238: 1233: 1231:Invisible hand 1228: 1223: 1218: 1213: 1208: 1203: 1198: 1193: 1188: 1183: 1178: 1173: 1168: 1163: 1158: 1153: 1148: 1146:Businessperson 1143: 1141:Business cycle 1138: 1133: 1127: 1124: 1123: 1120: 1119: 1113: 1112: 1101: 1098: 995:ordoliberalism 881: 880: 878: 877: 870: 863: 855: 852: 851: 850: 849: 834: 833: 830: 829: 824: 819: 814: 809: 807:Resource-based 804: 799: 794: 789: 784: 779: 774: 769: 764: 759: 754: 749: 744: 738: 735: 734: 731: 730: 727: 726: 725: 724: 719: 714: 704: 699: 698: 697: 692: 687: 682: 672: 671: 670: 665: 660: 650: 644: 641: 640: 637: 636: 633: 632: 631: 630: 620: 615: 610: 605: 600: 595: 593:Liberalization 590: 585: 580: 575: 570: 565: 560: 554: 551: 550: 547: 546: 543: 542: 537: 532: 527: 517: 511: 509:Property types 508: 507: 504: 503: 500: 499: 494: 489: 484: 478: 475: 474: 471: 470: 467: 466: 465: 464: 458:Latin America 456: 455: 454: 449: 444: 439: 434: 429: 421: 420: 419: 414: 409: 404: 395: 392: 391: 388: 387: 384: 383: 378: 373: 368: 363: 358: 353: 348: 343: 338: 333: 328: 323: 318: 313: 308: 303: 298: 292: 289: 288: 285: 284: 281: 280: 279: 278: 273: 265: 260: 255: 250: 249: 248: 243: 238: 233: 228: 223: 218: 213: 208: 198: 197: 196: 191: 190: 189: 179: 171: 166: 161: 156: 151: 146: 145: 144: 139: 134: 129: 124: 119: 114: 109: 104: 94: 88: 85: 84: 81: 80: 78: 77: 72: 67: 61: 58: 55: 54: 48: 47: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 10250: 10239: 10236: 10234: 10231: 10229: 10226: 10224: 10221: 10219: 10216: 10214: 10211: 10209: 10206: 10204: 10201: 10199: 10196: 10194: 10191: 10189: 10186: 10184: 10181: 10180: 10178: 10163: 10160: 10158: 10155: 10153: 10152:Mediterranean 10150: 10148: 10145: 10144: 10141: 10137: 10130: 10125: 10123: 10118: 10116: 10111: 10110: 10107: 10092: 10089: 10088: 10087: 10084: 10080: 10077: 10075: 10072: 10070: 10067: 10065: 10062: 10061: 10060: 10057: 10055: 10052: 10048: 10045: 10043: 10040: 10038: 10035: 10034: 10033: 10030: 10026: 10023: 10021: 10018: 10016: 10013: 10012: 10011: 10008: 10004: 10000: 9993: 9992: 9988: 9986: 9985: 9981: 9979: 9978: 9974: 9972: 9971: 9967: 9965: 9964: 9960: 9958: 9957: 9953: 9951: 9950: 9946: 9944: 9943: 9942:Rerum novarum 9939: 9935: 9931: 9924: 9921: 9919: 9916: 9914: 9911: 9909: 9906: 9904: 9901: 9899: 9896: 9894: 9891: 9889: 9886: 9884: 9881: 9879: 9876: 9874: 9871: 9869: 9866: 9862: 9860:Organisations 9858: 9851: 9850: 9846: 9844: 9841: 9839: 9836: 9834: 9831: 9829: 9826: 9824: 9821: 9819: 9818:New Democracy 9816: 9814: 9811: 9809: 9806: 9804: 9801: 9799: 9796: 9794: 9791: 9789: 9786: 9784: 9781: 9779: 9776: 9774: 9771: 9769: 9766: 9764: 9761: 9759: 9756: 9754: 9751: 9749: 9746: 9744: 9741: 9739: 9736: 9734: 9731: 9729: 9726: 9724: 9721: 9719: 9716: 9712: 9708: 9701: 9698: 9696: 9693: 9691: 9688: 9686: 9685:von der Leyen 9683: 9681: 9678: 9676: 9673: 9671: 9668: 9666: 9663: 9661: 9658: 9656: 9653: 9651: 9648: 9646: 9643: 9641: 9638: 9636: 9633: 9631: 9628: 9626: 9623: 9621: 9618: 9616: 9613: 9611: 9608: 9606: 9603: 9601: 9598: 9596: 9593: 9591: 9588: 9586: 9583: 9581: 9578: 9576: 9573: 9571: 9568: 9566: 9563: 9561: 9558: 9556: 9553: 9551: 9548: 9546: 9543: 9541: 9538: 9536: 9533: 9531: 9528: 9526: 9523: 9521: 9518: 9514: 9510: 9503: 9500: 9498: 9495: 9493: 9490: 9488: 9485: 9483: 9480: 9478: 9475: 9473: 9470: 9468: 9465: 9463: 9462:Nell-Breuning 9460: 9458: 9455: 9453: 9450: 9448: 9445: 9443: 9440: 9438: 9435: 9433: 9430: 9428: 9425: 9423: 9420: 9418: 9415: 9413: 9410: 9408: 9405: 9403: 9400: 9398: 9395: 9393: 9390: 9388: 9385: 9383: 9380: 9378: 9375: 9373: 9370: 9368: 9365: 9361: 9357: 9347: 9344: 9343: 9342: 9339: 9335: 9332: 9331: 9330: 9327: 9323: 9320: 9318: 9315: 9314: 9313: 9310: 9308: 9305: 9303: 9300: 9297: 9295: 9292: 9290: 9289:Social Gospel 9287: 9285: 9282: 9278: 9275: 9274: 9273: 9270: 9268: 9265: 9263: 9260: 9258: 9255: 9253: 9250: 9248: 9245: 9243: 9242:Neo-Calvinism 9240: 9238: 9235: 9233: 9232:Mixed economy 9230: 9226: 9223: 9221: 9218: 9217: 9216: 9213: 9211: 9208: 9206: 9205:Human dignity 9203: 9201: 9198: 9196: 9193: 9191: 9188: 9186: 9183: 9181: 9178: 9176: 9173: 9171: 9168: 9164: 9161: 9159: 9156: 9154: 9151: 9150: 9149: 9146: 9144: 9141: 9139: 9136: 9134: 9131: 9129: 9126: 9125: 9121: 9119: 9115: 9111: 9104: 9099: 9097: 9092: 9090: 9085: 9084: 9081: 9075: 9074: 9069: 9067: 9063: 9060: 9057: 9054: 9051: 9050: 9038: 9034: 9029: 9026: 9022: 9019: 9015: 9011: 9005: 9000: 8999: 8992: 8989: 8985: 8984: 8973: 8967: 8963: 8958: 8954: 8952:0-521-60395-1 8948: 8943: 8942: 8935: 8931: 8925: 8921: 8916: 8915: 8905: 8900: 8892: 8886: 8878: 8872: 8864: 8858: 8856: 8848: 8843: 8841:0-618-26181-8 8837: 8833: 8826: 8820:, paragraph 3 8819: 8814: 8806: 8800: 8792: 8788: 8781: 8773: 8769: 8762: 8755: 8748: 8744: 8740: 8735: 8728: 8724: 8721: 8716: 8709: 8705: 8702: 8697: 8688: 8679: 8670: 8661: 8652: 8643: 8636: 8630: 8622: 8616: 8607: 8598: 8589: 8580: 8571: 8561: 8552: 8542: 8532: 8524: 8518: 8508: 8498: 8489: 8479: 8472: 8466: 8459: 8455: 8449: 8440: 8434: 8428: 8420: 8415: 8408: 8404: 8401: 8396: 8389: 8385: 8381: 8380: 8373: 8363: 8355: 8351: 8347: 8343: 8339: 8335: 8331: 8327: 8320: 8311: 8302: 8293: 8283: 8274: 8272: 8262: 8253: 8244: 8237: 8234:F. A. Hayek, 8231: 8222: 8213: 8204: 8194: 8185: 8175: 8166: 8159: 8152: 8143: 8133: 8124: 8122: 8112: 8103: 8096: 8090: 8083: 8077: 8069: 8063: 8059: 8058: 8050: 8042: 8036: 8032: 8031: 8023: 8017: 8011: 8004: 8003:0-521-83362-0 8000: 7994: 7985: 7977: 7971: 7967: 7963: 7959: 7958: 7950: 7942: 7936: 7932: 7928: 7927: 7919: 7911: 7905: 7901: 7897: 7896: 7888: 7880: 7874: 7870: 7866: 7865: 7857: 7849: 7843: 7839: 7835: 7834: 7826: 7818: 7812: 7808: 7804: 7803: 7795: 7787: 7785:1-134-62044-6 7781: 7777: 7770: 7762: 7756: 7752: 7748: 7747: 7739: 7737: 7735: 7726: 7724:0-8014-8483-9 7720: 7716: 7711: 7710: 7701: 7693: 7687: 7683: 7679: 7678: 7670: 7651: 7644: 7636: 7630: 7626: 7622: 7621: 7613: 7611: 7602: 7596: 7592: 7588: 7587: 7579: 7577: 7561: 7557: 7551: 7543: 7541:9789061868088 7537: 7533: 7526: 7518: 7514: 7510: 7503: 7496: 7491: 7489: 7480: 7474: 7470: 7466: 7465: 7457: 7450: 7445: 7439:, p. 156 7438: 7433: 7415: 7408: 7407: 7399: 7392: 7391:The Economist 7388: 7383: 7367: 7360: 7356: 7346: 7343: 7341: 7338: 7336: 7333: 7331: 7328: 7326: 7323: 7321: 7318: 7316: 7315:Mixed economy 7313: 7311: 7308: 7306: 7303: 7301: 7298: 7296: 7293: 7291: 7288: 7286: 7283: 7281: 7278: 7276: 7273: 7271: 7268: 7266: 7263: 7261: 7258: 7257: 7252: 7246: 7241: 7238: 7232: 7227: 7224: 7218: 7213: 7210: 7204: 7199: 7192: 7190: 7189:Indermit Gill 7186: 7181: 7178: 7167: 7165: 7164:welfare state 7161: 7149: 7147: 7143: 7139: 7135: 7131: 7127: 7123: 7119: 7113: 7111: 7101: 7099: 7094: 7090: 7086: 7082: 7078: 7074: 7064: 7062: 7058: 7054: 7050: 7049: 7043: 7041: 7037: 7036: 7030: 7025: 7021: 7020:Theodor Heuss 7017: 7011: 7008: 7002: 7000: 6996: 6992: 6987: 6983: 6978: 6974: 6970: 6964: 6959: 6956: 6952: 6948: 6947: 6937: 6933: 6931: 6927: 6922: 6918: 6913: 6911: 6910:Ludwig Erhard 6907: 6903: 6898: 6895: 6891: 6890:neoliberalism 6887: 6883: 6879: 6878:Wilhelm Röpke 6874: 6871: 6867: 6863: 6859: 6854: 6850: 6849:Walter Eucken 6846: 6842: 6839: 6833: 6831: 6825: 6820: 6818: 6817:German Empire 6813: 6809: 6805: 6800: 6798: 6794: 6793: 6792:laissez-faire 6788: 6784: 6780: 6767: 6762: 6760: 6755: 6753: 6748: 6747: 6745: 6744: 6739: 6729: 6727: 6717: 6716: 6715: 6714: 6706: 6705: 6700: 6698: 6695: 6692: 6691: 6686: 6684: 6681: 6679: 6676: 6674: 6673:Pan-Germanism 6671: 6669: 6666: 6664: 6661: 6659: 6656: 6654: 6653: 6649: 6647: 6644: 6642: 6639: 6637: 6634: 6632: 6629: 6627: 6624: 6622: 6621: 6617: 6616: 6610: 6609: 6602: 6599: 6597: 6594: 6591: 6590: 6585: 6583: 6580: 6578: 6575: 6570: 6567: 6565: 6562: 6560: 6557: 6555: 6552: 6550: 6547: 6545: 6542: 6539: 6538: 6533: 6531: 6528: 6523: 6520: 6519: 6513: 6512: 6504: 6503: 6498: 6495: 6494: 6489: 6487: 6484: 6482: 6481: 6477: 6475: 6472: 6469: 6468: 6463: 6461: 6458: 6456: 6453: 6451: 6448: 6446: 6443: 6441: 6438: 6435: 6434: 6429: 6426: 6425: 6420: 6419: 6416:Organizations 6413: 6412: 6402: 6399: 6394: 6391: 6386: 6383: 6378: 6375: 6370: 6367: 6365: 6362: 6357: 6354: 6353: 6352: 6351: 6342: 6339: 6337: 6334: 6329: 6326: 6324: 6321: 6314: 6311: 6310: 6306: 6303: 6298: 6295: 6290: 6287: 6286: 6285: 6277: 6276: 6269: 6266: 6264: 6261: 6259: 6256: 6254: 6251: 6249: 6246: 6244: 6241: 6239: 6236: 6234: 6231: 6230: 6224: 6223: 6216: 6213: 6211: 6208: 6206: 6203: 6201: 6198: 6196: 6193: 6191: 6188: 6186: 6183: 6181: 6178: 6176: 6173: 6171: 6168: 6166: 6163: 6161: 6158: 6156: 6153: 6151: 6148: 6146: 6143: 6141: 6138: 6136: 6133: 6131: 6127: 6125: 6122: 6120: 6117: 6115: 6111: 6109: 6106: 6104: 6101: 6099: 6096: 6094: 6091: 6089: 6086: 6085: 6079: 6078: 6071: 6068: 6066: 6063: 6061: 6058: 6056: 6053: 6051: 6048: 6046: 6043: 6041: 6038: 6036: 6033: 6032: 6026: 6025: 6015: 6014: 6010: 6005: 6004: 6000: 5995: 5994: 5990: 5985: 5984: 5980: 5975: 5974: 5970: 5965: 5964: 5960: 5955: 5954: 5950: 5945: 5944: 5940: 5935: 5934: 5930: 5925: 5924: 5920: 5915: 5914: 5910: 5905: 5904: 5900: 5895: 5894: 5890: 5885: 5884: 5880: 5875: 5874: 5870: 5865: 5864: 5860: 5855: 5854: 5850: 5845: 5844: 5840: 5839: 5833: 5832: 5825: 5822: 5820: 5817: 5815: 5812: 5810: 5807: 5805: 5802: 5800: 5799:Strauss (Leo) 5797: 5795: 5792: 5790: 5787: 5785: 5782: 5780: 5777: 5775: 5772: 5770: 5767: 5765: 5762: 5760: 5757: 5755: 5752: 5750: 5747: 5745: 5742: 5740: 5737: 5735: 5732: 5730: 5727: 5725: 5722: 5720: 5717: 5715: 5712: 5710: 5707: 5705: 5702: 5700: 5697: 5695: 5692: 5690: 5687: 5685: 5682: 5680: 5677: 5675: 5672: 5670: 5667: 5665: 5662: 5660: 5657: 5655: 5652: 5650: 5647: 5645: 5642: 5640: 5637: 5635: 5632: 5630: 5627: 5625: 5622: 5620: 5617: 5615: 5612: 5610: 5607: 5605: 5602: 5600: 5597: 5595: 5592: 5591: 5588:Intellectuals 5585: 5584: 5577: 5574: 5572: 5569: 5567: 5564: 5562: 5559: 5556: 5555: 5550: 5548: 5545: 5541: 5540:German Empire 5538: 5537: 5536: 5535: 5530: 5528: 5525: 5522: 5521: 5516: 5514: 5512: 5508: 5506: 5503: 5501: 5498: 5496: 5493: 5492: 5486: 5485: 5477: 5476: 5471: 5468: 5467: 5462: 5460: 5457: 5454: 5453: 5448: 5446: 5443: 5441: 5438: 5435: 5434: 5429: 5427: 5424: 5422: 5419: 5417: 5413: 5411: 5408: 5406: 5403: 5401: 5398: 5395: 5394: 5389: 5386: 5385: 5384:In Treue fest 5380: 5378: 5375: 5372: 5371: 5366: 5364: 5363:Germanisation 5361: 5359: 5358: 5354: 5352: 5351: 5347: 5343: 5340: 5338: 5335: 5334: 5333: 5330: 5328: 5325: 5323: 5320: 5318: 5315: 5314: 5308: 5307: 5298: 5295: 5293: 5290: 5289: 5288: 5285: 5281: 5278: 5277: 5276: 5275:Revolutionary 5273: 5269: 5266: 5264: 5261: 5260: 5259: 5256: 5252: 5249: 5248: 5247: 5246:Paternalistic 5244: 5242: 5239: 5235: 5234: 5230: 5229: 5228: 5225: 5223: 5220: 5216: 5215:Ritter School 5213: 5211: 5208: 5207: 5206: 5203: 5201: 5198: 5196: 5193: 5192: 5186: 5185: 5181: 5177: 5176: 5173: 5168: 5167: 5163: 5159: 5158: 5141: 5137: 5133: 5129: 5125: 5122: 5121: 5120: 5115:Main elements 5112: 5109: 5100: 5098: 5094: 5090: 5086: 5081: 5079: 5075: 5074:Ronald Reagan 5071: 5070:Michel Albert 5062: 5060: 5056: 5052: 5048: 5044: 5040: 5035: 5032: 5031:laissez-faire 5028: 5023: 5017: 5015: 5011: 5007: 5006:mixed economy 5003: 4999: 4998:Ludwig Erhard 4994: 4992: 4988: 4983: 4979: 4975: 4971: 4967: 4963: 4962:laissez-faire 4958: 4956: 4952: 4948: 4944: 4940: 4936: 4932: 4931:Wilhelm Röpke 4928: 4927:laissez-faire 4923: 4919: 4918:Walter Eucken 4915: 4911: 4906: 4904: 4900: 4896: 4892: 4888: 4884: 4880: 4876: 4872: 4871: 4870:laissez-faire 4866: 4854: 4849: 4847: 4842: 4840: 4835: 4834: 4832: 4831: 4826: 4821: 4816: 4814: 4809: 4804: 4803: 4802: 4801: 4794: 4791: 4789: 4786: 4784: 4781: 4777: 4774: 4772: 4769: 4768: 4767: 4764: 4762: 4759: 4755: 4752: 4751: 4750: 4749:Individualism 4747: 4745: 4742: 4740: 4737: 4735: 4732: 4730: 4727: 4723: 4720: 4719: 4718: 4715: 4711: 4708: 4707: 4706: 4703: 4701: 4698: 4696: 4693: 4691: 4688: 4686: 4683: 4682: 4676: 4675: 4668: 4665: 4663: 4660: 4658: 4655: 4651: 4648: 4644: 4641: 4640: 4639: 4636: 4634: 4631: 4630: 4629: 4628:United States 4626: 4622: 4619: 4617: 4614: 4612: 4609: 4607: 4604: 4603: 4602: 4599: 4597: 4594: 4592: 4589: 4587: 4584: 4582: 4579: 4577: 4574: 4572: 4569: 4567: 4564: 4562: 4559: 4557: 4554: 4552: 4549: 4547: 4544: 4542: 4539: 4537: 4534: 4532: 4529: 4527: 4524: 4522: 4519: 4517: 4514: 4510: 4507: 4506: 4505: 4502: 4500: 4497: 4495: 4492: 4490: 4487: 4485: 4482: 4480: 4477: 4475: 4472: 4470: 4467: 4465: 4462: 4460: 4457: 4455: 4452: 4450: 4447: 4445: 4442: 4440: 4437: 4435: 4432: 4430: 4427: 4425: 4422: 4420: 4417: 4413: 4410: 4409: 4408: 4405: 4403: 4400: 4398: 4395: 4393: 4390: 4388: 4385: 4383: 4380: 4378: 4375: 4371: 4368: 4367: 4366: 4363: 4361: 4358: 4356: 4353: 4351: 4348: 4346: 4343: 4341: 4338: 4336: 4333: 4331: 4328: 4326: 4323: 4321: 4318: 4316: 4313: 4311: 4308: 4306: 4303: 4301: 4298: 4296: 4293: 4289: 4286: 4285: 4284: 4281: 4279: 4276: 4274: 4271: 4269: 4266: 4264: 4261: 4259: 4256: 4254: 4251: 4249: 4246: 4244: 4241: 4239: 4236: 4234: 4231: 4229: 4228:Latin America 4226: 4224: 4221: 4220: 4217: 4212: 4211: 4202: 4199: 4197: 4194: 4192: 4189: 4187: 4184: 4182: 4179: 4177: 4174: 4172: 4169: 4167: 4164: 4162: 4159: 4157: 4154: 4152: 4149: 4147: 4144: 4142: 4139: 4138: 4133:Organizations 4130: 4129: 4122: 4119: 4117: 4114: 4112: 4109: 4107: 4104: 4102: 4099: 4097: 4094: 4092: 4089: 4087: 4084: 4082: 4079: 4077: 4074: 4072: 4069: 4067: 4064: 4062: 4059: 4057: 4054: 4052: 4049: 4047: 4044: 4042: 4039: 4037: 4034: 4032: 4029: 4027: 4024: 4022: 4019: 4017: 4014: 4012: 4009: 4007: 4004: 4002: 3999: 3997: 3994: 3992: 3989: 3987: 3984: 3982: 3979: 3977: 3974: 3972: 3969: 3967: 3964: 3962: 3959: 3957: 3954: 3952: 3949: 3947: 3944: 3942: 3939: 3937: 3934: 3932: 3929: 3927: 3924: 3922: 3919: 3918: 3912: 3911: 3904: 3901: 3899: 3896: 3894: 3891: 3889: 3886: 3884: 3881: 3879: 3876: 3874: 3871: 3869: 3866: 3864: 3861: 3859: 3856: 3854: 3851: 3849: 3846: 3844: 3841: 3839: 3836: 3834: 3831: 3829: 3826: 3824: 3821: 3819: 3816: 3814: 3811: 3809: 3806: 3804: 3801: 3799: 3796: 3794: 3791: 3789: 3786: 3784: 3781: 3779: 3776: 3774: 3771: 3769: 3766: 3764: 3761: 3759: 3756: 3754: 3751: 3749: 3746: 3744: 3741: 3739: 3736: 3734: 3731: 3729: 3726: 3724: 3721: 3719: 3716: 3714: 3711: 3709: 3706: 3704: 3701: 3699: 3696: 3694: 3691: 3689: 3686: 3684: 3681: 3679: 3676: 3674: 3671: 3669: 3666: 3664: 3661: 3659: 3656: 3654: 3651: 3649: 3646: 3644: 3641: 3640: 3637: 3632: 3631: 3623: 3620: 3618: 3615: 3614: 3611: 3606: 3605: 3598: 3595: 3591: 3590:Welfare state 3588: 3586: 3583: 3582: 3581: 3578: 3576: 3573: 3571: 3568: 3566: 3563: 3561: 3558: 3556: 3553: 3551: 3548: 3544: 3541: 3539: 3536: 3534: 3531: 3529: 3526: 3525: 3524: 3521: 3517: 3514: 3512: 3509: 3508: 3507: 3504: 3502: 3499: 3497: 3494: 3492: 3489: 3487: 3484: 3482: 3479: 3477: 3474: 3470: 3467: 3465: 3462: 3461: 3460: 3457: 3455: 3454: 3453:Laissez-faire 3450: 3448: 3445: 3443: 3440: 3438: 3435: 3433: 3430: 3426: 3423: 3421: 3418: 3416: 3413: 3409: 3406: 3404: 3401: 3400: 3399: 3396: 3395: 3394: 3391: 3389: 3386: 3382: 3379: 3377: 3374: 3373: 3372: 3369: 3367: 3364: 3362: 3359: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3349: 3347: 3344: 3343: 3337: 3336: 3329: 3326: 3324: 3321: 3319: 3316: 3314: 3311: 3307: 3304: 3302: 3299: 3295: 3292: 3291: 3290: 3287: 3286: 3285: 3282: 3280: 3277: 3275: 3272: 3270: 3267: 3265: 3262: 3260: 3257: 3255: 3252: 3250: 3247: 3243: 3240: 3239: 3238: 3235: 3233: 3230: 3228: 3225: 3223: 3220: 3219: 3213: 3212: 3208: 3204: 3203: 3200: 3197: 3196: 3192: 3188: 3187: 3177: 3172: 3170: 3165: 3163: 3158: 3157: 3155: 3154: 3151: 3146: 3139: 3135: 3134: 3133: 3132: 3122: 3119: 3118: 3117: 3114: 3110: 3107: 3105: 3102: 3100: 3097: 3095: 3092: 3091: 3090: 3087: 3085: 3082: 3078: 3075: 3073: 3070: 3068: 3065: 3064: 3063: 3060: 3056: 3053: 3051: 3048: 3046: 3043: 3042: 3041: 3038: 3037: 3030: 3029: 3021: 3020: 3016: 3014: 3013: 3009: 3007: 3006: 3002: 3000: 2999: 2995: 2993: 2992: 2988: 2986: 2985: 2981: 2979: 2978: 2974: 2972: 2971: 2970:Rerum novarum 2967: 2966: 2959: 2958: 2950: 2947: 2945: 2942: 2940: 2937: 2935: 2932: 2930: 2927: 2925: 2922: 2920: 2917: 2915: 2912: 2910: 2907: 2905: 2902: 2900: 2897: 2895: 2892: 2891: 2887:Organizations 2884: 2883: 2875: 2874: 2870: 2868: 2865: 2863: 2860: 2858: 2855: 2853: 2850: 2848: 2845: 2843: 2842:New Democracy 2840: 2838: 2835: 2833: 2830: 2828: 2825: 2823: 2820: 2818: 2815: 2813: 2810: 2808: 2805: 2803: 2800: 2798: 2795: 2793: 2790: 2788: 2785: 2783: 2780: 2778: 2775: 2773: 2770: 2768: 2765: 2763: 2760: 2758: 2755: 2753: 2750: 2748: 2745: 2743: 2740: 2739: 2732: 2731: 2723: 2720: 2718: 2715: 2713: 2710: 2708: 2707:von der Leyen 2705: 2703: 2700: 2698: 2695: 2693: 2690: 2688: 2685: 2683: 2680: 2678: 2675: 2673: 2670: 2668: 2665: 2663: 2660: 2658: 2655: 2653: 2650: 2648: 2645: 2643: 2640: 2638: 2635: 2633: 2630: 2628: 2625: 2623: 2620: 2618: 2615: 2613: 2610: 2608: 2605: 2603: 2600: 2598: 2595: 2593: 2590: 2588: 2585: 2583: 2580: 2578: 2575: 2573: 2570: 2568: 2565: 2563: 2560: 2558: 2555: 2553: 2550: 2548: 2545: 2543: 2540: 2539: 2532: 2531: 2523: 2520: 2518: 2515: 2513: 2510: 2508: 2505: 2503: 2500: 2498: 2495: 2493: 2490: 2488: 2485: 2483: 2482:Nell-Breuning 2480: 2478: 2475: 2473: 2470: 2468: 2465: 2463: 2460: 2458: 2455: 2453: 2450: 2448: 2445: 2443: 2440: 2438: 2435: 2433: 2430: 2428: 2425: 2423: 2420: 2418: 2415: 2413: 2410: 2408: 2405: 2403: 2400: 2398: 2395: 2393: 2390: 2388: 2385: 2384: 2377: 2376: 2366: 2363: 2362: 2361: 2358: 2354: 2351: 2350: 2349: 2346: 2342: 2339: 2337: 2334: 2333: 2332: 2329: 2327: 2324: 2322: 2319: 2317: 2314: 2312: 2309: 2307: 2306:Social Gospel 2304: 2302: 2299: 2295: 2292: 2291: 2290: 2287: 2285: 2282: 2280: 2277: 2275: 2272: 2270: 2267: 2265: 2262: 2260: 2259:Neo-Calvinism 2257: 2255: 2252: 2250: 2249:Mixed economy 2247: 2243: 2240: 2238: 2235: 2234: 2233: 2230: 2228: 2225: 2223: 2222:Human dignity 2220: 2218: 2215: 2213: 2210: 2208: 2205: 2203: 2200: 2198: 2195: 2193: 2190: 2188: 2185: 2181: 2178: 2176: 2173: 2171: 2168: 2167: 2166: 2163: 2161: 2158: 2156: 2153: 2151: 2148: 2146: 2143: 2142: 2135: 2134: 2130: 2126: 2125: 2122: 2119: 2118: 2114: 2110: 2109: 2099: 2094: 2092: 2087: 2085: 2080: 2079: 2077: 2076: 2071: 2066: 2061: 2059: 2054: 2049: 2048: 2047: 2046: 2039: 2036: 2034: 2031: 2029: 2026: 2024: 2021: 2019: 2016: 2014: 2013:Neoliberalism 2011: 2009: 2006: 2004: 2001: 1999: 1996: 1994: 1991: 1989: 1986: 1984: 1981: 1979: 1976: 1974: 1971: 1969: 1966: 1964: 1961: 1959: 1958:Authoritarian 1956: 1954: 1951: 1950: 1944: 1943: 1936: 1933: 1931: 1928: 1926: 1923: 1921: 1918: 1916: 1913: 1911: 1908: 1906: 1903: 1901: 1898: 1896: 1893: 1891: 1888: 1886: 1885:Globalization 1883: 1881: 1878: 1876: 1873: 1871: 1868: 1866: 1863: 1861: 1858: 1856: 1853: 1851: 1848: 1846: 1845:Crisis theory 1843: 1841: 1838: 1836: 1833: 1831: 1828: 1826: 1823: 1821: 1818: 1817: 1811: 1810: 1803: 1800: 1798: 1795: 1793: 1790: 1788: 1785: 1783: 1780: 1778: 1775: 1773: 1770: 1768: 1765: 1763: 1760: 1758: 1755: 1753: 1750: 1748: 1745: 1743: 1740: 1738: 1735: 1733: 1730: 1728: 1725: 1723: 1720: 1718: 1715: 1713: 1710: 1708: 1705: 1704: 1701:Intellectuals 1698: 1697: 1690: 1689:Technological 1687: 1685: 1682: 1680: 1677: 1675: 1672: 1670: 1667: 1665: 1662: 1660: 1657: 1655: 1652: 1650: 1647: 1645: 1642: 1640: 1637: 1635: 1632: 1630: 1627: 1625: 1622: 1620: 1617: 1616: 1610: 1609: 1602: 1599: 1597: 1594: 1592: 1589: 1587: 1584: 1582: 1579: 1577: 1574: 1572: 1569: 1567: 1564: 1562: 1559: 1558: 1552: 1551: 1544: 1541: 1539: 1536: 1534: 1531: 1529: 1526: 1524: 1521: 1519: 1516: 1514: 1511: 1509: 1506: 1502: 1499: 1497: 1494: 1492: 1489: 1488: 1487: 1484: 1482: 1481:Institutional 1479: 1477: 1474: 1472: 1469: 1465: 1462: 1461: 1460: 1457: 1455: 1452: 1450: 1447: 1446: 1440: 1439: 1432: 1429: 1427: 1424: 1422: 1419: 1417: 1414: 1412: 1409: 1407: 1404: 1402: 1399: 1397: 1394: 1392: 1389: 1387: 1384: 1382: 1379: 1377: 1374: 1372: 1369: 1367: 1364: 1362: 1359: 1357: 1354: 1352: 1349: 1347: 1344: 1342: 1341: 1340:Laissez-faire 1337: 1335: 1332: 1330: 1327: 1325: 1322: 1320: 1317: 1315: 1314:Authoritarian 1312: 1310: 1307: 1306: 1300: 1299: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1284: 1282: 1281:Surplus value 1279: 1277: 1274: 1272: 1269: 1267: 1264: 1262: 1261:Privatization 1259: 1257: 1254: 1252: 1249: 1247: 1244: 1242: 1239: 1237: 1234: 1232: 1229: 1227: 1224: 1222: 1219: 1217: 1214: 1212: 1209: 1207: 1204: 1202: 1199: 1197: 1194: 1192: 1189: 1187: 1184: 1182: 1179: 1177: 1174: 1172: 1169: 1167: 1164: 1162: 1159: 1157: 1154: 1152: 1149: 1147: 1144: 1142: 1139: 1137: 1134: 1132: 1129: 1128: 1122: 1121: 1118: 1115: 1114: 1110: 1106: 1105: 1097: 1094: 1090: 1086: 1082: 1078: 1074: 1070: 1066: 1062: 1058: 1054: 1050: 1046: 1042: 1037: 1035: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1015: 1011: 1007: 1002: 1000: 996: 992: 988: 984: 983: 982:laissez-faire 977: 975: 971: 967: 963: 959: 955: 952: 948: 944: 940: 936: 935:welfare state 932: 928: 924: 920: 916: 912: 911:Rhenish model 908: 904: 900: 896: 892: 888: 876: 871: 869: 864: 862: 857: 856: 854: 853: 848: 843: 838: 837: 836: 835: 828: 825: 823: 820: 818: 815: 813: 810: 808: 805: 803: 802:Post-scarcity 800: 798: 795: 793: 790: 788: 785: 783: 780: 778: 775: 773: 770: 768: 765: 763: 760: 758: 755: 753: 750: 748: 747:Expeditionary 745: 743: 740: 739: 733: 732: 723: 720: 718: 715: 713: 710: 709: 708: 705: 703: 700: 696: 693: 691: 688: 686: 683: 681: 678: 677: 676: 673: 669: 666: 664: 661: 659: 656: 655: 654: 651: 649: 646: 645: 639: 638: 629: 626: 625: 624: 623:Socialization 621: 619: 618:Privatization 616: 614: 611: 609: 608:Mutualization 606: 604: 601: 599: 598:Marketization 596: 594: 591: 589: 586: 584: 583:Expropriation 581: 579: 576: 574: 571: 569: 566: 564: 563:Communization 561: 559: 556: 555: 549: 548: 541: 538: 536: 533: 531: 528: 525: 521: 518: 516: 513: 512: 506: 505: 498: 495: 493: 490: 488: 485: 483: 480: 479: 473: 472: 463: 460: 459: 457: 453: 450: 448: 445: 443: 440: 438: 435: 433: 430: 428: 425: 424: 422: 418: 415: 413: 410: 408: 405: 403: 400: 399: 397: 396: 390: 389: 382: 379: 377: 374: 372: 369: 367: 364: 362: 359: 357: 354: 352: 349: 347: 344: 342: 339: 337: 334: 332: 329: 327: 324: 322: 319: 317: 314: 312: 309: 307: 304: 302: 301:Decentralized 299: 297: 294: 293: 287: 286: 277: 274: 272: 269: 268: 266: 264: 261: 259: 258:Social credit 256: 254: 251: 247: 244: 242: 239: 237: 234: 232: 229: 227: 226:Participatory 224: 222: 219: 217: 214: 212: 209: 207: 204: 203: 202: 199: 195: 192: 188: 185: 184: 183: 180: 178: 175: 174: 172: 170: 167: 165: 162: 160: 157: 155: 152: 150: 147: 143: 140: 138: 137:Social market 135: 133: 132:Protectionist 130: 128: 125: 123: 120: 118: 115: 113: 112:Laissez-faire 110: 108: 105: 103: 100: 99: 98: 95: 93: 90: 89: 83: 82: 76: 73: 71: 68: 66: 63: 62: 57: 56: 53: 50: 49: 45: 41: 40: 37: 33: 19: 18:Social market 10161: 9989: 9982: 9975: 9968: 9961: 9954: 9947: 9940: 9847: 9798:Kataeb Party 9768:Centre Party 9427:John Paul II 9359:Philosophers 9329:Subsidiarity 9220:Conservative 9190:Distributism 9148:Conservatism 9072: 9036: 9024: 9017: 8997: 8987: 8961: 8940: 8919: 8899: 8885: 8871: 8845: 8831: 8825: 8813: 8799: 8791:The Guardian 8790: 8780: 8771: 8767: 8754: 8734: 8715: 8696: 8687: 8678: 8669: 8660: 8651: 8642: 8634: 8629: 8615: 8606: 8597: 8588: 8579: 8570: 8560: 8551: 8541: 8531: 8522: 8517: 8507: 8497: 8488: 8478: 8473:(1970) p. 65 8470: 8465: 8457: 8453: 8448: 8439: 8427: 8414: 8395: 8377: 8372: 8362: 8329: 8325: 8319: 8310: 8301: 8292: 8282: 8261: 8252: 8243: 8235: 8230: 8221: 8212: 8203: 8193: 8184: 8174: 8165: 8157: 8151: 8142: 8132: 8111: 8102: 8094: 8089: 8081: 8076: 8056: 8049: 8029: 8022: 8010: 7993: 7984: 7956: 7949: 7925: 7918: 7894: 7887: 7863: 7856: 7832: 7825: 7801: 7794: 7775: 7769: 7745: 7708: 7700: 7676: 7669: 7657:. Retrieved 7643: 7619: 7585: 7563:. Retrieved 7559: 7550: 7531: 7525: 7508: 7502: 7463: 7456: 7451:, p. 2. 7444: 7432: 7421:, retrieved 7414:the original 7405: 7398: 7390: 7382: 7370:. Retrieved 7359: 7182: 7173: 7160:Eurosceptics 7156: 7115: 7107: 7093:free markets 7085:World War II 7083:. Following 7081:Keith Joseph 7077:Conservative 7070: 7053:centre-right 7046: 7044: 7033: 7012: 7003: 6985: 6981: 6973:Hanns Seidel 6966: 6961: 6951:West Germany 6944: 6942: 6929: 6914: 6901: 6899: 6893: 6885: 6875: 6834: 6827: 6822: 6804:German model 6801: 6790: 6783:collectivism 6775: 6704:Überfremdung 6650: 6618: 6569:Kreuzzeitung 6478: 6393:German Party 6349: 6348: 6323:Centre Party 6283: 6155:von Radowitz 6098:von Bismarck 6029:Commentators 6011: 6001: 5991: 5981: 5971: 5961: 5951: 5941: 5931: 5921: 5911: 5907:(1918, 1922) 5901: 5891: 5881: 5873:Degeneration 5871: 5861: 5851: 5841: 5594:Benedict XVI 5533: 5510: 5495:20 July plot 5459:Subsidiarity 5444: 5433:Sittlichkeit 5355: 5350:Gemeinschaft 5349: 5263:Cameralistic 5232: 5118: 5106: 5082: 5068: 5050: 5036: 5030: 5018: 4995: 4990: 4986: 4973: 4969: 4961: 4959: 4954: 4938: 4934: 4926: 4907: 4895:unemployment 4868: 4862: 4783:Pirate Party 4643:Jeffersonian 4551:South Africa 4041:Lloyd George 3636:Philosophers 3543:To bear arms 3491:Open society 3451: 3227:Conservative 3017: 3010: 3003: 2996: 2989: 2982: 2975: 2968: 2871: 2822:Kataeb Party 2792:Centre Party 2447:John Paul II 2380:Philosophers 2348:Subsidiarity 2315: 2237:Conservative 2207:Distributism 2165:Conservatism 1935:Wage slavery 1875:Evergreening 1586:Mercantilism 1533:Neoclassical 1415: 1361:Mercantilist 1338: 1271:Rent seeking 1236:Visible hand 1085:conservative 1069:Nordic model 1065:polder model 1063:, the Dutch 1049:German model 1040: 1038: 1003: 980: 978: 958:ordoliberals 943:West Germany 914: 910: 906: 902: 890: 886: 884: 712:Peer-to-peer 707:Self-managed 642:Coordination 578:Deregulation 446: 263:Distributist 136: 117:Mercantilist 36: 10193:Corporatism 10147:Anglo-Saxon 9991:Laudato si' 9788:Fianna FĂĄil 9620:MikoƂajczyk 9512:Politicians 9312:Stewardship 9247:Neo-Thomism 9200:Familialism 9158:Progressive 7449:Spicka 2007 7265:Corporatism 7079:politician 7057:centre-left 7040:cooperative 7035:Grundgesetz 6866:Jens Jessen 6862:Adolf Lampe 6838:ordoliberal 6787:Third Reich 6683:Remigration 6263:Wackenroder 6248:von Savigny 6233:Böckenförde 6205:von Westarp 6108:von Gerlach 6082:Politicians 5754:von Salomon 5561:The Junkers 5400:Medievalism 5377:Imperialism 5342:Meritocracy 5337:Aristocracy 5287:Romanticism 5258:Prussianism 5241:Neue Rechte 5227:Nationalist 4611:Gladstonian 4571:Switzerland 4556:South Korea 4499:Philippines 4459:New Zealand 4454:Netherlands 4111:Verhofstadt 4106:Balcerowicz 3915:Politicians 3843:Collingwood 3783:Tocqueville 3658:Montesquieu 3550:Rule of law 3351:Due process 3019:Laudato si' 2812:Fianna FĂĄil 2642:MikoƂajczyk 2535:Politicians 2331:Stewardship 2264:Neo-Thomism 2217:Familialism 2175:Progressive 2018:Objectivism 2003:Libertarian 1920:Speculation 1840:Consumerism 1674:Progressive 1613:Development 1596:Physiocracy 1543:Supply-side 1351:Libertarian 1329:Free-market 1309:Anglo-Saxon 1291:Wage labour 1246:Marginalism 1216:Free market 1171:Corporation 1089:corporatist 925:and enough 817:Traditional 767:Manorialism 762:Information 736:Other types 722:Open access 685:Cybernetics 427:Anglo-Saxon 412:Singaporean 371:Underground 366:Subsistence 271:Corporatist 246:Syndicalist 206:Communalist 92:Associative 86:By ideology 59:Major types 10223:Liberalism 10183:Capitalism 10177:Categories 9843:VMRO-DPMNE 9700:Windthorst 9605:Mazowiecki 9545:De Gasperi 9397:Dooyeweerd 9387:Chesterton 9302:Solidarity 9262:Popularism 9215:Liberalism 9118:Principles 7659:10 October 7565:10 October 7517:10419/4374 7423:21 October 7352:References 7325:Tripartism 7251:Law portal 7142:protection 6967:After the 6853:Franz Böhm 6582:Der TĂŒrmer 6238:von Gierke 6210:Wilhelm II 6185:von Storch 6170:Stresemann 6160:Rauschning 6103:Fehrenbach 6035:Kubitschek 5836:Literature 5784:Sloterdijk 5475:Volksgeist 5416:Patriotism 5410:Organicism 5405:Monarchism 5357:Geopolitik 5311:Principles 5222:Monarchism 5189:Ideologies 5128:regulative 5043:Franz Böhm 4943:neoliberal 4879:regulation 4739:Empiricism 4710:Democratic 4705:Capitalism 4616:Manchester 4449:Montenegro 4434:Luxembourg 4370:Venizelism 4300:Costa Rica 3555:Secularism 3388:Federalism 3340:Principles 3199:Liberalism 2867:VMRO-DPMNE 2722:Windthorst 2627:Mazowiecki 2567:De Gasperi 2417:Dooyeweerd 2407:Chesterton 2321:Solidarity 2279:Popularism 2232:Liberalism 2138:Principles 1998:Liberalism 1983:Humanistic 1968:Democratic 1947:Ideologies 1782:Schumpeter 1528:Monetarist 1459:Chartalism 1406:Regulatory 1381:Neoliberal 1334:Humanistic 1117:Capitalism 1053:Tony Blair 987:capitalism 951:Chancellor 927:regulation 822:Transition 782:Plantation 690:Indicative 552:Transition 402:East Asian 173:Religious 149:Democratic 122:Neoliberal 107:Democratic 97:Capitalist 65:Capitalism 9933:Documents 9793:Fine Gael 9680:Vogelsang 9675:Tindemans 9645:Pöttering 9525:Andreotti 9497:Vogelsang 9442:Lamennais 9073:Economist 8354:145643424 7091:allowing 7007:Bundestag 6808:Karl Marx 6572:(Defunct) 6525:(Defunct) 6175:vom Stein 6145:von Papen 6119:Hugenberg 6114:Goerdeler 6045:Safranski 5804:Steinbuch 5729:von Ranke 5679:Koselleck 5644:Heidegger 5614:von Galen 5520:Freikorps 5511:ErklĂ€rung 5452:Sonderweg 5317:Authority 5268:Socialist 4985:entitled 4966:Third Way 4891:inflation 4875:socialist 4754:Anarchist 4662:Venezuela 4638:Classical 4606:Cobdenism 4509:Cracovian 4464:Nicaragua 4429:Lithuania 4288:Hong Kong 4243:Australia 4081:Roosevelt 4051:StĂ„hlberg 4046:Venizelos 4001:Sarmiento 3991:Gladstone 3951:Lamartine 3921:Jefferson 3773:Martineau 3723:De Gouges 3708:Condorcet 3693:Priestley 3356:Democracy 3328:Third Way 3289:Christian 3284:Religious 3222:Classical 2962:Documents 2817:Fine Gael 2702:Vogelsang 2697:Tindemans 2667:Pöttering 2547:Andreotti 2517:Vogelsang 2462:Lamennais 2038:Third Way 2028:Privatism 1988:Inclusive 1973:Dirigisme 1767:von Mises 1654:Illiberal 1634:Corporate 1629:Community 1576:Feudalism 1486:Keynesian 1476:Classical 1319:Corporate 1131:Austerity 1079:. A 2012 1061:dirigisme 1059:, French 1057:Third Way 1018:communist 1006:socialism 985:forms of 787:Plutonomy 668:Regulated 497:Voluntary 423:European 276:Feudalism 221:Mutualist 211:Communist 201:Socialist 182:Christian 102:Corporate 75:Communism 70:Socialism 10064:Buddhist 9635:Pastrana 9580:Korfanty 9570:Ketteler 9520:Adenauer 9502:Williams 9492:Tischner 9452:Maritain 9447:Leo XIII 9437:Korfanty 9432:Ketteler 9422:Habsburg 9402:Gebhardt 9382:Berggrav 9062:Archived 8743:Archived 8723:Archived 8704:Archived 8471:Bismarck 8409:(german) 8403:Archived 8005:, p. 185 7310:Monopoly 7195:See also 7148:advance. 6596:Die Welt 6180:Stoecker 6093:Ancillon 6088:Adenauer 6070:Weißmann 6050:Sarrazin 5819:Voegelin 5794:Spengler 5789:Spaemann 5779:Sieferle 5769:Schlegel 5764:Schelsky 5724:Plessner 5624:Gogarten 5233:Völkisch 5195:Agrarian 5162:a series 4744:Humanism 4717:Centrism 4667:Zimbabwe 4621:Whiggism 4581:Thailand 4546:Slovenia 4541:Slovakia 4516:Portugal 4489:Paraguay 4412:Liberism 4377:Honduras 4295:Colombia 4268:Bulgaria 4061:Rathenau 4036:Milyukov 3956:Macaulay 3926:KoƂƂątaj 3898:Kymlicka 3878:Friedman 3823:Cassirer 3813:Hobhouse 3748:Constant 3743:Humboldt 3703:Beccaria 3668:Rousseau 3663:Voltaire 3506:Property 3469:Positive 3464:Negative 3420:Religion 3398:Economic 3371:Equality 3294:Catholic 3264:National 3259:Muscular 3237:Feminist 3232:Cultural 3191:a series 3189:Part of 3094:Buddhist 2657:Pastrana 2602:Korfanty 2592:Ketteler 2542:Adenauer 2522:Williams 2512:Tischner 2472:Maritain 2467:Leo XIII 2457:Korfanty 2452:Ketteler 2442:Habsburg 2422:Gebhardt 2402:Berggrav 2113:a series 2111:Part of 1865:Cronyism 1777:Rothbard 1752:Marshall 1737:Friedman 1669:Merchant 1624:Consumer 1619:Advanced 1454:Austrian 1449:American 1376:National 1371:Monopoly 1324:Dirigist 1226:Investor 1136:Business 1125:Concepts 1109:a series 1107:Part of 675:Planning 326:Informal 311:Dirigist 164:Georgist 159:Feminist 44:a series 42:Part of 10069:Islamic 9710:Parties 9665:Strauss 9655:Schuman 9640:Pethrus 9630:Quadros 9615:Metsola 9600:Martens 9540:Caldera 9472:Pius XI 9457:Mounier 9341:Welfare 9153:Liberal 8912:Sources 8460:. 1995. 8346:1951819 8137:79-104. 7372:1 March 7071:In the 6984:, these 6977:CDU/CSU 6894:mĂ©lange 6549:COMPACT 6522:Antaios 6350:Defunct 6280:Parties 6268:Wagener 6253:Schmitt 6227:Jurists 6195:Wagener 6190:Strauss 6065:StĂŒrmer 5809:Tönnies 5774:Schmitt 5759:Scheler 5714:Novalis 5609:Gadamer 5532:German 5489:History 5332:Elitism 5205:Liberal 5153:Germany 5148:History 4978:statism 4657:Uruguay 4596:Ukraine 4586:Tunisia 4531:Senegal 4521:Romania 4469:Nigeria 4444:Moldova 4387:Iceland 4382:Hungary 4360:Germany 4355:Georgia 4345:Finland 4340:Estonia 4330:Ecuador 4325:Denmark 4320:Czechia 4305:Croatia 4258:Bolivia 4253:Belgium 4248:Austria 4238:Armenia 4233:Albania 4101:Jenkins 4096:Kennedy 4086:Pearson 4071:Einaudi 4056:Gokhale 4016:Itagaki 4011:Naoroji 4006:Mommsen 3986:Lincoln 3976:Mazzini 3961:Kossuth 3946:Broglie 3941:BolĂ­var 3936:Artigas 3931:Madison 3793:Spencer 3778:Emerson 3768:Bastiat 3753:Ricardo 3713:Bentham 3653:Spinoza 3610:History 3511:Private 3459:Liberty 3393:Freedom 3313:Secular 3301:Islamic 3279:Radical 3216:Schools 3099:Islamic 2735:Parties 2687:Strauss 2677:Schuman 2662:Pethrus 2652:Quadros 2637:Metsola 2622:Martens 2562:Caldera 2492:Pius XI 2477:Mounier 2360:Welfare 2170:Liberal 1993:Liberal 1953:Anarcho 1890:History 1722:Malthus 1717:Ricardo 1679:Rentier 1664:Marxist 1644:Finance 1555:Origins 1523:Marxist 1471:Chicago 1431:Welfare 1391:Private 1346:Liberal 1166:Company 1151:Capital 966:Marxist 945:by the 717:Sharing 680:In kind 628:Marxist 520:Commons 487:Private 476:Sectors 447:Rhenish 417:Keralan 407:Chinese 381:Virtual 361:Sharing 351:Planned 341:Natural 306:Digital 194:Islamic 154:Fascist 142:Welfare 10157:Nordic 10079:Mormon 10074:Jewish 9690:WaƂęsa 9670:Sturzo 9610:Merkel 9590:Kuyper 9565:Joseph 9550:Erhard 9487:Sturzo 9412:Görres 9407:Gilson 9377:Belloc 9372:Baader 9163:Social 9006:  8968:  8949:  8926:  8838:  8637:(1949) 8386:  8352:  8344:  8064:  8037:  8001:  7972:  7937:  7906:  7875:  7871:–215. 7844:  7813:  7782:  7757:  7721:  7688:  7631:  7597:  7538:  7475:  7029:Bizone 7022:. 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Social market
Socialist market economy
a series
Economic systems
Social market
Buddhist economics
Sabbath economics

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