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7169: 8907:. The SA had a complicated relationship with the rest of the party, giving both Röhm himself and local SA leaders significant autonomy. Different local leaders would even promote different political ideas in their units, including "nationalistic, socialistic, anti-Semitic, racist, völkisch, or conservative ideas." There was tension between the SA and Hitler, especially from 1930 onward, as Hitler's "increasingly close association with big industrial interests and traditional rightist forces" caused many in the SA to distrust him. The SA regarded Hitler's seizure of power in 1933 as a "first revolution" against the left, and some voices within the ranks began arguing for a "second revolution" against the right. After engaging in violence against the left in 1933, Röhm's SA also began attacks against individuals deemed to be associated with conservative reaction. Hitler saw Röhm's independent actions as violating and possibly threatening his leadership, as well as jeopardising the regime by alienating the conservative President Paul von Hindenburg and the conservative-oriented German Army. This resulted in Hitler purging Röhm and other radical members of the SA in 1934, during the Night of the Long Knives. 5479: 8922: 7909:
quiet, comfortable living, which was in opposition to the Nazism's ideal of a New Man. The Nazis' New Man was envisioned as a heroic figure who rejected a materialistic and private life for a public life and a pervasive sense of duty, willing to sacrifice everything for the nation. Despite the Nazis' contempt for these values, they were still able to secure millions of middle-class votes. Hermann Beck argues that while some members of the middle-class dismissed this as mere rhetoric, many others in some ways agreed with the Nazis—the defeat of 1918 and the failures of the Weimar period caused many middle-class Germans to question their own identity, thinking their traditional values to be anachronisms and agreeing with the Nazis that these values were no longer viable. While this rhetoric would become less frequent after 1933 due to the increased emphasis on the
8567:(RNST) which determined "everything from what seeds and fertilizers were used to how land was inherited". Hitler primarily viewed the German economy as an instrument of power and believed the economy was not about creating wealth and technical progress so as to improve the quality of life for a nation's citizenry, but rather that economic success was paramount for providing the means and material foundations necessary for military conquest. While economic progress generated by National Socialist programs had its role in appeasing the German people, the Nazis and Hitler in particular did not believe that economic solutions alone were sufficient to thrust Germany onto the stage as a world power. The Nazis thus sought to secure a general economic revival accompanied by massive military spending for rearmament, especially later through the implementation of the 5502: 8361: 8555:(NSV) were organised as quasi-private institutions, officially relying on private donations from Germans to help others of their race, although in practice those who refused to donate could face severe consequences. Unlike the social welfare institutions of the Weimar Republic and the Christian charities, the NSV distributed assistance on explicitly racial grounds. It provided support only to those who were "racially sound, capable of and willing to work, politically reliable, and willing and able to reproduce". Non-Aryans were excluded, as well as the "work-shy", "asocials" and the "hereditarily ill". Successful efforts were made to get middle-class women involved in social work assisting large families, and the Winter Relief campaigns acted as a ritual to generate public sympathy. 6809: 9220:("living space") he believed was necessary to the survival of the Aryan race. For this, he needed the co-operation of not only the military, but also the vital organs of capitalism, the banks and big businesses, which he would be unlikely to get if Germany's social and economic structure was being radically overhauled. Röhm's public proclamation that the SA would not allow the "German Revolution" to be halted or undermined caused Hitler to announce that "The revolution is not a permanent condition." The unwillingness of Röhm and the SA to cease their agitation for a "Second Revolution", and the unwarranted fear of a "Röhm putsch" to accomplish it, were factors behind Hitler's purging of the SA leadership in the Night of the Long Knives in the summer of 1934. 7858:, social classes would continue to exist, but there would be no class conflict between them. Hitler said that "the capitalists have worked their way to the top through their capacity, and as the basis of this selection, which again only proves their higher race, they have a right to lead." German business leaders co-operated with the Nazis during their rise to power and received substantial benefits from the Nazi state after it was established, including high profits and state-sanctioned monopolies and cartels. Large celebrations and symbolism were used extensively to encourage those engaged in physical labour on behalf of Germany, with leading National Socialists often praising the "honour of labour", which fostered a sense of community ( 7434: 7098: 7897:
social mobility; not in the sense of moving into the middle class but rather moving within the blue-collar skill hierarchy. Overall, the experience of workers varied considerably under Nazism. Workers' wages did not increase much during Nazi rule, as the government feared wage-price inflation and thus wage growth was limited. Prices for food and clothing rose, though costs for heating, rent and light decreased. Skilled workers were in shortage from 1936 onward, meaning that workers who engaged in vocational training could look forward to considerably higher wages. Benefits provided by the Labour Front were generally positively received, even if workers did not always buy in to propaganda about the
6324: 9240:
a few months I was inclined to believe in National Socialism. I thought of it as a necessary fever. And I was gratified to see that there were, associated with it for a time, some of the wisest and most outstanding Germans. But these, one by one, he has got rid of or even killed ... He has left nothing but a bunch of shirted gangsters! This man could bring home victories to our people each year, without bringing them either glory or danger. But of our Germany, which was a nation of poets and musicians, of artists and soldiers, he has made a nation of hysterics and hermits, engulfed in a mob and led by a thousand liars or fanatics.
8128: 3373: 5734:, pushed for a "second revolution" (the "first revolution" being the Nazis' seizure of power) that would enact socialist policies. Furthermore, Röhm desired that the SA absorb the much smaller German Army into its ranks under his leadership. Once the Nazis achieved power, Röhm's SA was directed by Hitler to violently suppress the parties of the left, but they also began attacks against individuals deemed to be associated with conservative reaction. Hitler saw Röhm's independent actions as violating and possibly threatening his leadership, as well as jeopardising the regime by alienating the conservative President 6702: 7319:
land was not a case of "turning back the clock" but more a refusal to accept that the result of the distribution of land, resources and population, which had resulted from the imperialist wars of the 18th and 19th centuries, should be accepted as final. While the victors of the First World War had either suitable agricultural land to population ratios or large empires (or both), allowing them to declare the issue of living space closed, the Nazis, knowing Germany lacked either of these, refused to accept that Germany's place in the world was to be a medium-sized workshop dependent upon imported food.
11439:. A substantial part of this chapter will thus return to their research on human ecology to explore the mutual field of inspiration linking them and Smuts. Two aspects of this human ecological research were particularly important: the human gradualism or ecological "succession" of human personalities researched by Bews, and the concept of an ecological biotic community explored by Phillips. Smuts transformed this research into a policy of racial gradualism that respected local ways of life in different (biotic) communities, a policy he tried to morally sanctify and promote as author of the famous 80: 6631:, or Mendelism, was supported by the Nazis, as well as by mainstream eugenicists of the time. The Mendelian theory of inheritance declared that genetic traits and attributes were passed from one generation to another. Eugenicists used Mendelian inheritance theory to demonstrate the transfer of biological illness and impairments from parents to children, including mental disability, whereas others also used Mendelian theory to demonstrate the inheritance of social traits, with racialists claiming a racial nature behind certain general traits such as inventiveness or criminal behaviour. 11536:. The very word 'holism' (as opposed to ideas or practices designated as such today), as well as related words like 'emergence' or 'organicism', date from this time. It was coined in 1926 by Jan Smuts to describe a perceived tendency of evolutionary processes towards the formation of wholes, granting these wholes a special onto-epistemic significance that parts lack. This was cultural holism now underpinned by evolutionary science and deployed by Smuts not only as a tool for grasping the coming into being of the world but also as an ideological justification for the development of 8514:
implemented immediately, with military expenditures quickly growing far larger than the civilian work-creation programs. As early as June 1933, military spending for the year was budgeted to be three times larger than the spending on all civilian work-creation measures in 1932 and 1933 combined. Nazi Germany increased its military spending faster than any other state in peacetime, with the share of military spending rising from 1 per cent to 10 per cent of national income in the first two years of the regime alone. Eventually, it reached as high as 75 per cent by 1944.
4910: 7947:" (Children, Kitchen, Church). Many women enthusiastically supported the regime, but formed their own internal hierarchies. Hitler's own opinion on the matter of women in Nazi Germany was that while other eras of German history had experienced the development and liberation of the female mind, the National Socialist goal was essentially singular in that it wished for them to produce a child. Based on this theme, Hitler once remarked about women that "with every child that she brings into the world, she fights her battle for the nation. The man stands up for the 7293:
working in agriculture still had small allotments or otherwise grew their own food. Tooze estimates that just over half the German population in the 1930s was living in towns and villages with populations under 20,000 people. Many people in cities still had memories of rural-urban migration—Tooze thus explains that the Nazis obsessions with agrarianism were not an atavistic gloss on a modern industrial nation but a consequence of the fact that Nazism (as both an ideology and as a movement) was the product of a society still in economic transition.
8403:) and later the Nazis bolstered the economy through the business and employment generated by military rearmament. The Nazis benefited early in the regime's existence from the first post-Depression economic upswing, and this combined with their public works projects, job-procurement program and subsidised home repair program reduced unemployment by as much as 40 per cent in one year. This development tempered the unfavourable psychological climate caused by the earlier economic crisis and encouraged Germans to march in step with the regime. 9094:, an "explosion of antiquarianism", intent on turning Germany into a pastoral folk community of thatched cottages and happy peasants, the general thrust of the movement, despite archaisms, was futuristic. Nazism was a headlong plunge into the future, towards a "brave new world." Of course it used to advantage residual conservative and utopian longings, paid respect to these romantic visions, and picked its ideological trappings from the German past. but its goals were, by its own lights, distinctly progressive. It was not a double-faced 15828: 8535:
ownership was useful in that it encouraged creative competition and technical innovation, but insisted that it had to conform to national interests and be "productive" rather than "parasitical". Private property rights were conditional upon following the economic priorities set by the Nazi leadership, with high profits as a reward for firms who followed them and the threat of nationalisation being used against those who did not. Under Nazi economics, free competition and self-regulating markets diminished, but Hitler's
9214:" in 1933, Röhm and the Brown Shirts were not content for the party to simply carry the reins of power. Instead, they pressed for a continuation of the "National Socialist revolution" to bring about sweeping social changes, which Hitler, primarily for tactical reasons, was not willing to do at that time. He was instead focused on rebuilding the military and reorienting the economy to provide the rearmament necessary for invasion of the countries to the east of Germany, especially Poland and Russia, to get the 9042:"National Socialism does not think in abstractions and clichés. It is the enemy of all normative and functionalist ways of proceeding. It supports and cultivates every authentic substance of the people wherever it encounters it, in the countryside, in ethnic groups or classes. It has created the hereditary farm law; saved the peasantry; purged the Civil Service of alien elements and thus re-stored it as a class. It has the courage to treat unequally what is unequal and enforce necessary differentiations." 9180:...a peculiar hybrid, half-reactionary, half-revolutionary relationship to established society, to the political system and tradition. ... ideology was almost like a backwards-looking Utopia. It derived from romantic pictures and clichés of the past, from warlike-heroic, patriarchal or absolutist ages, social and political systems, which, however, were translated into the popular and avant-garde, into the fighting slogans of totalitarian nationalism. The élitist notion of aristocratic nobility became the 8522:
the crucial months that were to follow. He argued that they should support him in establishing a dictatorship because "private enterprise cannot be maintained in the age of democracy" and because democracy would allegedly lead to communism. He promised to destroy the German left and the trade unions, without any mention of anti-Jewish policies or foreign conquests. In the following weeks, the Nazi Party received contributions from seventeen different business groups, with the largest coming from
9006:, Nazism as a totalitarian system promulgated "clear" solutions to the historical problems faced by Germany, levied support by de-legitimizing the former government of Weimar and provided a politico-biological pathway to a better future, one free from the uncertainty of the past. It was the atomised and disaffected masses that Hitler and the party elite pointed in a particular direction and using clever propaganda to make them into ideological adherents, exploited in bringing Nazism to life. 7546: 18388: 18374: 8580: 7905:'s informants. Ultimately, the Nazis faced a conflict between their rearmament program, which by necessity would require material sacrifices from workers (longer hours and a lower standard of living), versus a need to maintain the confidence of the working class in the regime. Hitler was sympathetic to the view that stressed taking further measures for rearmament but he did not fully implement the measures required for it in order to avoid alienating the working class. 8018:, including the imposition of the death penalty if they engaged in sexual relations with German persons. Heydrich issued a decree on 20 February 1942 which declared that sexual intercourse between a German woman and a Russian worker or prisoner of war would result in the Russian man being punished with the death penalty. Another decree issued by Himmler on 7 December 1942 stated that any "unauthorised sexual intercourse" would result in the death penalty. Because the 31782: 28405: 8023:
their necks and those convicted of race defilement were sent to concentration camps. When Himmler reportedly asked Hitler what the punishment should be for German girls and German women who were found guilty of race defilement with prisoners of war (POWs), he ordered that "every POW who has relations with a German girl or a German would be shot" and the German woman should be publicly humiliated by "having her hair shorn and being sent to a concentration camp".
3327: 7297: 20971: 19683: 4782: 1440: 9131:. They were all revolutionary, if by that term we understand a major political upheaval driven by the utopian aim of changing society fundamentally. They were not content simply to use repression as a means of control, but sought to mobilize behind an exclusive ideology to "educate" people into becoming committed believers, to claim them soul as well as body. Each of the regimes was, therefore, dynamic in ways that "conventional" authoritarianism was not. 8054: 6237:, who as the mayor of Vienna during Hitler's time in the city used a rabble-rousing style of oratory that appealed to the wider masses. Unlike von Schönerer, Lueger was not a German nationalist and instead was a pro-Catholic Habsburg supporter and only used German nationalist notions occasionally for his own agenda. Although Hitler praised both Lueger and Schönerer, he criticised the former for not applying a racial doctrine against the Jews and Slavs. 15244:, n.s. 1 (Spring 1987) 1:72–97. Wallmann writes: "The assertion that Luther's expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment have been of major and persistent influence in the centuries after the Reformation, and that there exists a continuity between Protestant anti-Judaism and modern racially oriented anti-Semitism, is at present wide-spread in the literature; since the Second World War it has understandably become the prevailing opinion." * Michael, Robert. 8807:. He even hoped for a time that Britain could be swayed into an alliance with Germany on the basis of a shared economic rivalry with the United States. Hitler desired an economy that would direct resources "in ways that matched the many national goals of the regime" such as the buildup of the military, building programs for cities and roads, and economic self-sufficiency. Hitler also distrusted free-market capitalism for being unreliable due to its 7936: 9154:
reality by the growing labour shortages and need for more workers caused by men leaving the workforce for military service. The number of working women actually increased from 4.24 million in 1933 to 4.52 million in 1936 and 5.2 million in 1938, despite active discouragement and legal barriers put in place by the Nazi regime. Another reactionary aspect of Nazism was in their arts policy, which stemmed from Hitler's rejection of all forms of
6252: 3411: 31834: 1517: 31885: 7986:("race defilement") law to all foreigners at the beginning of the war, pamphlets were issued to German women which ordered them to avoid sexual relations with foreign workers who were brought to Germany and the pamphlets also ordered German women to view these same foreign workers as a danger to their blood. Although the law was applicable to both genders, German women were punished more severely for having sexual relations with foreign 8270:. The Nazis identified them as "sentinels" in the East against "Slavic chaos", though beyond that symbolism, the influence of the Teutonic Knights on Nazism was limited. Hitler also admitted that the Nazis' night rallies were inspired by the Catholic rituals which he had witnessed during his Catholic upbringing. The Nazis did seek official reconciliation with the Catholic Church and they endorsed the creation of the pro-Nazi Catholic 9658: 31868: 8647:, Hitler stated his desire to "make war upon the Marxist principle that all men are equal". He believed that "the notion of equality was a sin against nature." Nazism upheld the "natural inequality of men," including inequality between races and also within each race. The Nazi state aimed to advance those individuals with special talents or intelligence, so they could rule over the masses. Nazi ideology relied on elitism and the 6833: 31794: 1452: 5930: 7705: 6829:
of the working class" and not true socialism. According to Spengler, true socialism would be in the form of corporatism, stating that "local corporate bodies organised according to the importance of each occupation to the people as a whole; higher representation in stages up to a supreme council of the state; mandates revocable at any time; no organised parties, no professional politicians, no periodic elections".
6143: 7056:. Nazism held racial theories based upon a belief in the existence of an Aryan master race that was superior to all other races. The Nazis emphasised the existence of racial conflict between the Aryan race and others—particularly Jews, whom the Nazis viewed as a mixed race that had infiltrated multiple societies and was responsible for exploitation and repression of the Aryan race. The Nazis also categorised 31851: 5343: 31806: 7627:. An estimated 360,000 people were sterilised under this law between 1933 and 1939. Although some Nazis suggested that the programme should be extended to people with physical disabilities, such ideas had to be expressed carefully, given the fact that some Nazis had physical disabilities, one example being one of the most powerful figures of the regime, Joseph Goebbels, who had a deformed right leg. 9655: 5574:
January 1934 whether he supported the "bourgeois right-wing", Hitler claimed that Nazism was not exclusively for any class and he indicated that it favoured neither the left nor the right, but preserved "pure" elements from both "camps" by stating: "From the camp of bourgeois tradition, it takes national resolve, and from the materialism of the Marxist dogma, living, creative Socialism."
Left: and then God help us! for it will lead us to complete destruction—to Bolshevism, or else it is a party of the Right which at the last, when the people is in utter despair, when it has lost all its spirit and has no longer any faith in anything, is determined for its part ruthlessly to seize the reins of power—that is the beginning of resistance of which I spoke a few minutes ago.
9304:, overt expressions of support for Nazi ideas were prohibited in Germany and other European countries. Nonetheless, movements which self-identify as National Socialist or which are described as adhering to Nazism continue to exist on the fringes of politics in many Western societies. Usually espousing a white supremacist ideology, many deliberately adopt the symbols of Nazi Germany. 8547:
process of natural selection. Nevertheless, faced with the mass unemployment and poverty of the Great Depression, the Nazis found it necessary to set up charitable institutions to help racially-pure Germans in order to maintain popular support, while arguing that this represented "racial self-help" and not indiscriminate charity or universal social welfare. Nazi programs such as the
by doing so they imposed a burden on the superior. Natural selection was deemed to favour the strong over the weak and the Nazis deemed that protecting those declared inferior was preventing nature from taking its course; those incapable of asserting themselves were viewed as doomed to annihilation, with the right to life being granted only to those who could survive on their own.
15252:, 2007. Hillerbrand writes: "is strident pronouncements against the Jews, especially toward the end of his life, have raised the question of whether Luther significantly encouraged the development of German anti-Semitism. Although many scholars have taken this view, this perspective puts far too much emphasis on Luther and not enough on the larger peculiarities of German history." 8900:
diary in 1925 that if he were forced to choose between them, "in the final analysis, it would be better for us to go down with Bolshevism than live in eternal slavery under capitalism". Goebbels also linked his antisemitism to his anti-capitalism, stating in a 1929 pamphlet that "we see, in the Hebrews, the incarnation of capitalism, the misuse of the nation's goods".
while the Nazis were primarily rooted in the lower middle class, they were able to appeal to all classes in society and that while workers were generally underrepresented, they were still a substantial source of support for the Nazis. H.L. Ansbacher argues that the working-class soldiers had the most faith in Hitler out of any occupational group in Germany.
5774:, Hitler never mentioned any service with the Bavarian Soviet Republic and he stated that he became an antisemite in 1913 during his years in Vienna. This statement has been disputed by the contention that he was not an antisemite at that time, even though it is well established that he read many antisemitic tracts and journals during that time and admired 9102:, the god of metamorphosis, who duplicates pre-existing forms. The intention of the movement was to create a new type of human being from whom would spring a new morality, a new social system, and eventually a new international order. That was, in fact, the intention of all the fascist movements. After a visit to Italy and a meeting with Mussolini, 8571:, which consolidated their rule and firmly secured a command relationship between the German arms industry and the National Socialist government. Between 1933 and 1939, military expenditures were upwards of 82 billion Reichsmarks and represented 23 per cent of Germany's gross national product as the Nazis mobilised their people and economy for war. 8140: 7078:
at the same time convinced he was doing the right thing and acting morally. The Nazis believed an individual could only develop their capabilities and individual characteristics within the framework of the individual's racial membership; the race one belonged to determined whether or not one was worthy of moral care. The Christian concept of
to exist on this earth. ... The right to territory may become a duty when a great nation seems destined to go under unless its territory be extended. And that is particularly true when the nation in question is not some little group of negro people but the Germanic mother of all the life which has given cultural shape to the modern world."
6135:. In 1896 the German politician Friedrich Naumann formed the National-Social Association which aimed to combine German nationalism and a non-Marxist form of socialism together; the attempt turned out to be futile and the idea of linking nationalism with socialism quickly became equated with antisemites, extreme German nationalists and the 6440:, the carriers of decay ... who pollute every national culture ... and destroy all faiths with their materialistic liberalism" and he called for the extermination of the Jews. Langbehn called for a war of annihilation against the Jews, and his genocidal policies were later published by the Nazis and given to soldiers on the front during 5633:. The Nazis denounced them as "an insignificant heap of reactionaries". The DNVP responded by denouncing the Nazis for their "socialism", their street violence and the "economic experiments" that would take place if the Nazis ever rose to power. However, amidst an inconclusive political situation in which conservative politicians 8680:. The Communist movement, the trade unions, the Social Democratic Party and the left-wing press were all considered to be Jewish-controlled and part of the "international Jewish conspiracy" to weaken the German nation by promoting internal disunity through class struggle. The Nazis also believed that the Jews had instigated the 6689:) would replace class division and that "racial comrades" would unite to create a socialist society in the struggle of "proletarian" Germany against "capitalist" Britain. He believed that the "Spirit of 1914" manifested itself in the concept of the "People's League of National Socialism". This National Socialism was a form of 6379:. The book became popular, especially in Germany. Chamberlain stressed a nation's need to maintain its racial purity in order to prevent its degeneration and argued that racial intermingling with Jews should never be permitted. In 1923, Chamberlain met Hitler, whom he admired as a leader of the rebirth of the free spirit. 11652:(New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1964), p. 23. Applicants for the Riehl prize had stipulations that included only being of Aryan blood, and no evidence of membership in any Marxist parties or any organisation that stood against National Socialism. See: Hermann Stroback, "Folklore and Fascism before and around 1933," in 8391:, rearmament (in contravention of the Versailles Treaty) and biological politics. Various work programs designed to establish full-employment for the German population were instituted once the Nazis seized full national power. Hitler encouraged nationally supported projects like the construction of the 11194:
in general. After all, if the good National Socialist citizen was now seen as the man or woman who understood and revered what were called "Life's laws," then it seemed clear that the life scientists had a major role to play in defining a National Socialist educational program that would transmit the
There's a man alone, without family, without children, without God ... He builds legions, but he doesn't build a nation. A nation is created by families, a religion, traditions: it is made up out of the hearts of mothers, the wisdom of fathers, the joy and the exuberance of children ... For
There were aspects of Nazism which were undoubtedly reactionary, such as their attitude toward the role of women in society, which was completely traditionalist, calling for the return of women to the home as wives, mothers and homemakers, although ironically this ideological policy was undermined in
claims that Nazism used Christianity for political purposes, but such use required that "fundamental tenets were stripped out, but the remaining diffuse religious emotionality had its uses". Burleigh claims that Nazism's conception of spirituality was "self-consciously pagan and primitive". Historian
The Nazis also established a norm that every worker should be semi-skilled, which was not simply rhetorical; the number of men leaving school to enter the work force as unskilled labourers fell from 200,000 in 1934 to 30,000 in 1939. For many working-class families, the 1930s and 1940s were a time of
in and after World War I did not cause an outright famine but chronic malnutrition did kill an estimated 600,000 people in Germany and Austria. The economic crises of the interwar period meant that most Germans had memories of acute hunger. Thus Tooze concludes that the Nazis obsession with acquiring
in food was one of the major issues facing Europe in the early 20th century. Agrarian life in Europe (except perhaps with the exception of Britain) was incredibly common—in the early 1930s, over 9 million Germans (almost a third of the work force) were still working in agriculture and many people not
cannot maintain themselves as a compact unit, nor can they be assured of their maintenance. ... Against all this we, National Socialists, must stick firmly to the aim that we have set for our foreign policy; namely, that the German people must be assured the territorial area which is necessary for it
would be acquired in Eastern Europe, especially Russia. In his early years as the Nazi leader, Hitler had claimed that he would be willing to accept friendly relations with Russia on the tactical condition that Russia agree to return to the borders established by the German–Russian peace agreement of
to absolute virtues with the attitude of social engineering and replaced common sense intuitions with an ideological catalogue of virtues and commands. The ideal Nazi new man was to be race-conscious and an ideologically dedicated warrior who would commit actions for the sake of the German race while
Spengler's definition of socialism did not advocate a change to property relations. He denounced Marxism for seeking to train the proletariat to "expropriate the expropriator", the capitalist and then to let them live a life of leisure on this expropriation. He claimed that "Marxism is the capitalism
in 1871. From 1871 to the early 20th century, German Jews were overrepresented in Germany's upper and middle classes while they were underrepresented in Germany's lower classes, particularly in the fields of agricultural and industrial labour. German Jewish financiers and bankers played a key role in
There are only two possibilities in Germany; do not imagine that the people will forever go with the middle party, the party of compromises; one day it will turn to those who have most consistently foretold the coming ruin and have sought to dissociate themselves from it. And that party is either the
Gerda Bormann was concerned by the ratio of racially valuable women that outnumbered men and she thought that the war would make the situation worse in terms of childbirths, so much so that she advocated a law (never passed) which allowed healthy Aryan men to have two wives. See: Anna Maria Sigmund,
I absolutely reject Fascism for Austria ... This un-Austrian movement promises everything to everyone, but really intends the most ruthless subjugation of the Austrian people ... The people of Austria will never tolerate that our beautiful fatherland should become an exploited colony, and
compiled a most extensive set of revolutionary goals (calling for radical social and political change); he mobilized a revolutionary following so extensive and powerful that many of his aims were achieved; he established and ran a dictatorial revolutionary state; and he disseminated his ideas abroad
prior to their rise to power, the Nazis quickly entered into a partnership with German business from as early as February 1933. That month, after being appointed Chancellor but before gaining dictatorial powers, Hitler made a personal appeal to German business leaders to help fund the Nazi Party for
in 1933 and Minister of Economics in 1934. Hitler promised measures to increase employment, protect the German currency, and promote recovery from the Great Depression. These included an agrarian settlement program, labour service, and a guarantee to maintain health care and pensions. However, these
badges. Nazi ideology still viewed German men who were gay as a part of the Aryan master race, but the Nazi regime attempted to force them into sexual and social conformity. Homosexuals were viewed as failing in their duty to procreate and reproduce for the Aryan nation. Gay men who would not change
While the Nazis had substantial support amongst the middle-class, they often attacked traditional middle-class values and Hitler personally held great contempt for them. This was because the traditional image of the middle class was one that was obsessed with personal status, material attainment and
middle-class of the 1920s figures much in their strong support of Nazism. Although the Nazis continued to make appeals to "the German worker", historian Timothy Mason concludes that "Hitler had nothing but slogans to offer the working class." Historians Conan Fischer and Detlef MĂŒhlberger argue that
The racialists were not capable of drawing the practical conclusions from correct theoretical judgements, especially in the Jewish Question. In this way, the German racialist movement developed a similar pattern to that of the 1880s and 1890s. As in those days, its leadership gradually fell into the
regarded the Slavs as being primarily Nordic centuries ago but he believed that they had mixed with non-Nordic types over time. Exceptions were made for a small percentage of Slavs who the Nazis saw as descended from German settlers and therefore fit to be Germanised and considered part of the Aryan
of the world—a race that was superior to all other races. It viewed Aryans as being in racial conflict with a mixed race people, the Jews, whom the Nazis identified as a dangerous enemy of the Aryans. It also viewed a number of other peoples as dangerous to the well-being of the Aryan race. In order
class. He also expressed opposition to communism and egalitarian forms of socialism, arguing that inequality and hierarchy are beneficial to the nation. He believed that communism was invented by the Jews to weaken nations by promoting class struggle. After his rise to power, Hitler took a pragmatic
government on the other hand, German business increasingly turned to Nazism as offering a way out of the situation, by promising a state-driven economy that would support, rather than attack, existing business interests. By January 1933, the Nazi Party had secured the support of important sectors of
the term, but it soon gave up this effort and generally avoided using the term while it was in power. In each case, the authors typically referred to themselves as "National Socialists" and their movement as "National Socialism", but never as "Nazis". A compendium of Hitler's conversations from 1941
as well. For Hitler, the acquisition of land and soil was requisite in moulding the German economy. To tie farmers to their land, selling agricultural land was prohibited. Farm ownership remained private, but business monopoly rights were granted to marketing boards to control production and prices
in principle, upholding instead the social Darwinist concept that the weak and feeble should perish. They condemned the welfare system of the Weimar Republic as well as private charity, accusing them of supporting people regarded as racially inferior and weak, who should have been weeded out in the
did not permit capital punishment for race defilement, special courts were convened in order to allow the death penalty to be imposed in some cases. German women accused of race defilement were marched through the streets with their head shaven and placards detailing their crimes were placed around
for Germans and other Germanic people in eastern Europe, where millions of Germans and other Germanic settlers would be moved into once those territories were conquered, while the original Slavic inhabitants were to be annihilated, removed or enslaved. Nazi Germany's policy changed towards Slavs in
was to be replaced with the idea of self-assertion towards those deemed inferior. Natural selection and the struggle for existence were declared by the Nazis to be the most divine laws; peoples and individuals deemed inferior were said to be incapable of surviving without those deemed superior, yet
organisation. Spengler claimed that socialistic Prussian characteristics existed across Germany, including creativity, discipline, concern for the greater good, productivity and self-sacrifice. He prescribed war as a necessity by saying: "War is the eternal form of higher human existence and states
When the Nazi Party emerged from obscurity to become a major political force after 1929, the conservative faction rapidly gained more influence, as wealthy donors took an interest in the Nazis as a potential bulwark against communism. The Nazi Party had previously been financed almost entirely from
Socialism is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held
in his own country. His politics, I will argue, were fully consistent with his holistic philosophy of science. Smuts was guided by the efforts of ecologists such as Bews and Phillips, who provided him with a day-to-day update of the latest advances in scientific knowledge of natural laws governing
were not grounded in science, scientists not only supported them in various ways, but also took advantage of them, for example by using the new possibilities of unethical experimentation in humans that these ideologies provided. Scientists' complicity with Nazi ideology and politics does, however,
of 1930–31, after which Hitler made himself the Supreme Commander of the SA and brought Ernst Röhm back to be their Chief of Staff and keep them in line. The quashing of the SA's revolutionary fervor convinced many businessmen and military leaders that the Nazis had put aside their insurrectionist
After the failure of the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, and his subsequent trial and imprisonment, Hitler decided that the way for the Nazi Party to achieve power was not through insurrection, but through legal and quasi-legal means. This did not sit well with the brown-shirted stormtroopers of the SA,
Despite such tactical breaks necessitated by pragmatic concerns, which were typical for Hitler during his rise to power and in the early years of his regime, those who see Hitler as a revolutionary argue that he never ceased being a revolutionary dedicated to the radical transformation of Germany,
elites. In spite of their anti-capitalist rhetoric in opposition to big business, the Nazis allied with German business as soon as they got in power by appealing to the fear of communism and promising to destroy the German left and trade unions, eventually purging both more radical and reactionary
rate at that point in time was close to 30%. Generally speaking, Nazi theorists and politicians blamed Germany's previous economic failures on political causes like the influence of Marxism on the workforce, the sinister and exploitative machinations of what they called international Jewry and the
From 1928 onward, the Nazi Party's growth into a large national political movement was dependent on middle class support, and on the public perception that it "promised to side with the middle classes and to confront the economic and political power of the working class." The financial collapse of
for the German nation based on claims that Germany after World War I was facing an overpopulation crisis and that expansion was needed to end the country's overpopulation within existing confined territory, and provide resources necessary to its people's well-being. Since the 1920s, the Nazi Party
For all of Spengler's influence on the movement, he was opposed to its antisemitism. He wrote in his personal papers "ow much envy of the capability of other people in view of one's lack of it lies hidden in anti-Semitism!" as well as "hen one would rather destroy business and scholarship than see
people. Stapel described Jews as a landless nomadic people in pursuit of an international culture whereby they can integrate into Western civilisation. As such, Stapel claims that Jews have been attracted to "international" versions of socialism, pacifism or capitalism because as a landless people
were unable to form stable governments without the Nazis, Papen proposed to President Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor at the head of a government formed primarily of conservatives, with only three Nazi ministers. Hindenburg did so, and contrary to the expectations of Papen and the DNVP,
nationalism, was more radical and it did not express any emphasis on the restoration of the German monarchy. This younger generation desired to dismantle the Weimar Republic and create a new radical and strong state based upon a martial ruling ethic that could revive the "Spirit of 1914" which was
In 1929, Hitler gave a speech to a group of Nazi leaders and simplified 'socialism' to mean, "Socialism! That is an unfortunate word altogether... What does socialism really mean? If people have something to eat and their pleasures, then they have their socialism." When asked in an interview on 27
Today our left-wing politicians in particular are constantly insisting that their craven-hearted and obsequious foreign policy necessarily results from the disarmament of Germany, whereas the truth is that this is the policy of traitors ... But the politicians of the Right deserve exactly the same
forbade its members to vote for the Nazis. In 1933, extensive Nazi violence occurred against Catholics due to their association with the Centre Party and their opposition to the Nazi regime's sterilisation laws. The Nazis demanded that Catholics declare their loyalty to the German state. In their
6715:, a German cultural philosopher, was a major influence on Nazism, although after 1933 he became alienated from Nazism and was later condemned by the Nazis for criticising Adolf Hitler. Spengler's conception of national socialism and a number of his political views were shared by the Nazis and the 5887:
lmost all essential elements of ... Nazi ideology were to be found in the radical positions of ideological protest movements . These were: a virulent anti-Semitism, a blood-and-soil ideology, the notion of a master race, the idea of territorial acquisition and settlement in the East. These ideas
Such an interpretation runs the risk of misjudging the revolutionary component of National Socialism, which cannot be dismissed as being simply reactionary. Rather, from the very outset, and particularly as it developed into the SS state, National Socialism aimed at a transformation of state and
Joseph Goebbels, who would later go on to become the Nazi Propaganda Minister, was strongly opposed to both capitalism and communism, viewing them as the "two great pillars of materialism" that were "part of the international Jewish conspiracy for world domination". Nevertheless, he wrote in his
and did not appear in the federal budget, so they helped conceal rearmament. At the beginning of his rule, Hitler said that "the future of Germany depends exclusively and only on the reconstruction of the Wehrmacht. All other tasks must cede precedence to the task of rearmament." This policy was
while Darwinian theory did not grade races in a hierarchy of higher or lower evolution from apes, but simply stated that all humans as a whole had progressed in their evolution from apes. Many Lamarckians viewed "lower" races as having been exposed to debilitating conditions for too long for any
were the second wealthiest German family. The predominance of Jews in Germany's banking, commerce and industry sectors during this time period was very high, even though Jews were estimated to account for only 1% of the population of Germany. The overrepresentation of Jews in these areas fuelled
wrote that fascism "has produced not only a new system of government, but also a new type of man, who differs from politicians of the old world as men from another planet." Hitler talked in these terms endlessly. National Socialism was more than a political movement, he said; it was more than a
higher prices for food, restrictions on department stores and consumer co-operatives, and reductions in social services and wages. The need to maintain the support of these groups made it difficult for the Nazis to appeal to the working class, since the working class often had opposite demands.
Nevertheless, the Nazi Party's voter base consisted mainly of farmers and the middle class, including groups such as Weimar government officials, school teachers, doctors, clerks, self-employed businessmen, salesmen, retired officers, engineers, and students. Their demands included lower taxes,
appealed to many, as it was seen as it seemed at once to affirm a commitment to a new type of society for the modern age yet also offer protection from the tensions and insecurities of modernisation. It would balance individual achievement with group solidarity and cooperation with competition.
National Socialist politics was based on competition and struggle as its organising principle, and the Nazis believed that "human life consisted of eternal struggle and competition and derived its meaning from struggle and competition." The Nazis saw this eternal struggle in military terms, and
skills which aided them in trade. He claimed that the Near Eastern race had been "bred not so much for the conquest and exploitation of nature as it had been for the conquest and exploitation of people". GĂŒnther believed that European peoples had a racially motivated aversion to peoples of Near
that rejected the "idea of boundless freedom" and promoted an economy that would serve the whole of Germany under the leadership of the state. This National Socialism was opposed to capitalism due to the components that were against "the national interest" of Germany, but insisted that National
argued that the Germanic peoples held close racial connections to the ancient Indians and the ancient Persians, who he claimed were advanced peoples that possessed a great capacity for wisdom, nobility, restraint and science. Contemporaries of Herder used the concept of the Aryan race to draw a
11552:, holistic science became a mainstream academic endeavour, once more intermingling cultural politics and serious scientific research. Holistic perspectives also became popular in the interwar years among academics and the wider public throughout the UK and US. In France, it was associated with 8534:
was abolished and wages were frozen at a relatively low level. Business profits also rose very rapidly, as did corporate investment. In addition, the Nazis privatised public properties and public services, only increasing economic state control through regulations. Hitler believed that private
or "race defilement". After the war began, the race defilement law was extended to include all foreigners (non-Germans). At the bottom of the racial scale of non-Aryans were Jews, Romanis, Slavs and blacks. To maintain the "purity and strength" of the Aryan race, the Nazis eventually sought to
German business leaders disliked Nazi ideology but came to support Hitler, because they saw the Nazis as a useful ally to promote their interests. Business groups made significant financial contributions to the Nazi Party both before and after the Nazi seizure of power, in the hope that a Nazi
Not everyone arrested under Paragraph 175 identified as a man. During the German Empire and the Weimar Republic, Germany was home to a developing community of people who identified as 'transvestites.' Initially, this term encompassed people who performed in drag, people who cross-dressed for
were ideologically tainted. I argue, rather, that despite the fact that some areas of science continued at high levels, science in Nazi Germany was most negatively affected not by the imposition of Nazi ideology on the conduct of science but by the enactment of legal measures that ensured the
crisis occurs when one tries to synthesize and contrast Nazism and Stalinism as two-sides of the same coin with their similarly tyrannical leaders, state-controlled economies and repressive police structures. Namely, while they share a common thematic political construction, they are entirely
were of a revolutionary nature: destruction of existing political and social structures and their supporting elites; profound disdain for civic order, for human and moral values, for Habsburg and Hohenzollern, for liberal and Marxist ideas. The middle class and middle-class values, bourgeois
as being created by Mussolini and considered its presence in Nazism as a foreign imported idea. Throughout the relationship between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, a number of lower-ranking Nazis scornfully viewed fascism as a conservative movement that lacked a full revolutionary potential.
Brought together, the result was an anti-intellectual and politically semi-illiterate ideology lacking cohesion, a product of mass culture which allowed its followers emotional attachment and offered a simplified and easily-digestible world-view based on a political mythology for the masses.
While the Nazi pre-occupation with agrarian living and food production are often seen as a sign of their backwardness, Tooze explains this was in fact a major driving issue in European society for at least the last two centuries. The issue of how European societies should respond to the new
occupiers, making passionate public speeches, arming his students for battle against the French and stressing the need for action by the German nation so it could free itself. Fichte's German nationalism was populist and opposed to traditional elites, spoke of the need for a "People's War"
During the Second World War and the fanaticization of National Socialism, priests and nuns increasingly came into the focus of the Gestapo and the SS. In the concentration camps, separate priestly blocks were formed and any church resistance was strictly persecuted. The monastery sister
6744:. Spengler's major thesis was that a law of historical development of cultures existed involving a cycle of birth, maturity, ageing and death when it reaches its final form of civilisation. Upon reaching the point of civilisation, a culture will lose its creative capacity and succumb to 5703:
membership dues, but after 1929 its leadership began actively seeking donations from German industrialists, and Hitler began holding dozens of fundraising meetings with business leaders. In the midst of the Great Depression, facing the possibility of economic ruin on the one hand and a
Stripped of its ideological overtones, the Nazi vision of modernisation without internal conflict and a political community that offered both security and opportunity was so potent a vision of the future that many Germans were willing to overlook its racist and anti-Semitic essence.
8977:"The revolution we have carried out is a total one. It has embraced all areas of public life and transformed them from below. It has completely changed and recast the relationship of people to each other, to the State, and to life itself. It was in fact the breakthrough of a fresh 6683:). According to Plenge, the "ideas of 1789" which included the rights of man, democracy, individualism and liberalism were being rejected in favour of "the ideas of 1914" which included the "German values" of duty, discipline, law and order. Plenge believed that ethnic solidarity ( 5577:
Historians regard the equation of Nazism as "Hitlerism" as too simplistic since the term was used prior to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. In addition, the different ideologies incorporated into Nazism were already well established in certain parts of German society long before
certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic.
resentment among non-Jewish Germans during periods of economic crisis. The 1873 stock market crash and the ensuing depression resulted in a spate of attacks on alleged Jewish economic dominance in Germany and antisemitism increased. During this time period, in the 1870s, German
to preserve the perceived racial purity of the Aryan race, a set of race laws was introduced in 1935 which came to be known as the Nuremberg Laws. At first these laws only prevented sexual relations and marriages between Germans and Jews, but they were later extended to the "
philosophy, which the Nazis disliked, along with his friendliness to Jews, opposition to militarism and support altruism, with one Nazi official calling for them to be banned. Unlike Darwinian theory, Lamarckian theory officially ranked races in a hierarchy of evolution from
We may be inhumane, but if we rescue Germany we have achieved the greatest deed in the world. We may work injustice, but if we rescue Germany then we have removed the greatest injustice in the world. We may be immoral, but if our people is rescued we have opened the way for
7998:) who were brought to Germany during World War II. One of the regulations stated that any Pole "who has sexual relations with a German man or woman, or approaches them in any other improper manner, will be punished by death". After the decrees were enacted, Himmler stated: 7963:
While unmarried until the very end of the regime, Hitler often made excuses about his busy life hindering any chance for marriage. Among National Socialist ideologues, marriage was valued not for moral considerations but because it provided an optimal breeding environment.
5659:, became members of the Nazi Party in hopes that in exchange for their support, the Nazis would permit the restoration of the monarchy. Hitler dismissed the possibility of a restored monarchy, calling it "idiotic." Wilhelm grew to distrust Hitler and was appalled at the 8530:. Historian Adam Tooze writes that the leaders of German business were therefore "willing partners in the destruction of political pluralism in Germany". In exchange, owners and managers of German businesses were granted unprecedented powers to control their workforce, 6460:
so the Jews could be impelled to leave Europe. His second option was violence against Jews and he said that the goal of the violence would be "to cut off all their heads in one night, and set new ones on their shoulders, which should not contain a single Jewish idea".
Johann Gottlieb Fichte accused Jews in Germany of having been and inevitably of continuing to be a "state within a state" that threatened German national unity. Fichte promoted two options in order to address this, his first one being the creation of a Jewish state in
5439:", and so on was popularised by German exiles outside the country, but not in Germany. From them, the term spread into other languages and it was eventually brought back into Germany after World War II. The NSDAP briefly adopted the designation "Nazi" in an attempt to 9060:—as the result of a crisis of capitalism which manifested as a "totalitarian monopoly capitalism". In this view Nazism is a mass movement of the middle class which was in opposition to a mass movement of workers in socialism and its extreme form, Communism. Historian 13533:
Sparta must be regarded as the first Völkisch State. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day which preserves the most pathological
when he spoke of the democratic state as "a dead mechanism which only lays claim to existence for its own sake" and contrasted this with his vision of statehood for Germany in which "there must be formed a living organism with the exclusive aim of serving a higher
6974:, whose ideology was incorporated in the FĂŒhrer, Hitler, and which would have lost all its power to integrate without him. ... he abstract, utopian and vague National Socialistic ideology only achieved what reality and certainty it had through the medium of Hitler. 8286:) was signed between Nazi Germany and the Catholic Church, which in exchange for acceptance of the Catholic Church in Germany required German Catholics to be loyal to the German state. The Catholic Church then ended its ban on members supporting the Nazi Party. 17018: 8845:
would provide Germany with such economically valuable territories. He argued that the United States and the United Kingdom only benefitted from free trade because they had already conquered substantial internal markets through British colonial conquests and
to private organizations, mostly affiliated with the Nazi Party. It was an intentional policy with multiple objectives rather than ideologically driven and was used as a tool to enhance support for the Nazi government and the party. According to historian
8981:, which had fought for power in opposition for fourteen years to provide the basis for the German people to develop a new relationship with the State. What has been happening since 30 January is only the visible expression of this revolutionary process." 10112: 6909:
Hitler spoke of Nazism being indebted to the success of Fascism's rise to power in Italy. In a private conversation in 1941, Hitler said that "the brown shirt would probably not have existed without the black shirt", the "brown shirt" referring to the
After the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler promoted Himmler and the SS, who then zealously suppressed homosexuality by saying: "We must exterminate these people root and branch ... the homosexual must be eliminated". In 1936, Himmler established the
program, an organisation that would dramatically increase the birth rate of "Aryan" children through extramarital relations between women classified as racially pure and their male equals, he had only the purest male "conception assistants" in mind.
Omeidl "Rudolf Hess, der Stellvertreter des FĂŒhrers, hatte den deutschen Invasionstruppen fĂŒr das neutrale Belgien den Befehl erteilt, Otto von Habsburg und seine BrĂŒder, falls sie gefasst wĂŒrden, ohne jedes weitere Verfahren sofort zu erschießen."
fostering Germany's economic growth from 1871 to 1913 and they benefited enormously from this boom. In 1908, amongst the twenty-nine wealthiest German families with aggregate fortunes of up to 55 million marks at the time, five were Jewish and the
positions and expected both a social and an economic revolution when the party gained power in 1933. In the period immediately before the Nazi seizure of power, there were even Social Democrats and Communists who switched sides and became known as
Although Nazism is often seen as a reactionary movement, it did not seek a return of Germany to the pre-Weimar monarchy, but instead looked much further back to a mythic halcyon Germany which never existed. It has also been seen—as it was by the
8887:. While claiming to strive for autarky in propaganda, the Nazis crushed existing movements towards self-sufficiency and established extensive capital connections in efforts to ready for expansionist war and genocide in alliance with traditional 7164:
in 1918 which gave large territories held by Russia to German control in exchange for peace. In 1921, Hitler had commended the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk as opening the possibility for restoration of relations between Germany and Russia by saying:
position on economics, accepting private property and allowing capitalist private enterprises to exist so long as they adhered to the goals of the Nazi state, but not tolerating enterprises that he saw as being opposed to the national interest.
8728:. After the beginning of the Great Depression, both Communists and Nazis saw their share of the vote increase. While the Nazis were willing to form alliances with other parties of the right, the Communists refused to form an alliance with the 6049:, written between 1857 and 1863)—collectively tied the organic German Volk to its native landscape and nature, a pairing which stood in stark opposition to the mechanical and materialistic civilisation which was then developing as a result of 7342:, has attained uncontested supremacy". When this control would be achieved, this power could then set up for itself a world police and assure itself "the necessary living space. The lower races will have to restrict themselves accordingly". 6655:, Hitler extolled America as the only contemporary example of a country with racist ("völkisch") citizenship statutes in the 1920s, and Nazi lawyers made use of the American models in crafting laws for Nazi Germany. U.S. citizenship laws and 5294:, including the leadership of the SA. After the death of President Hindenburg on 2 August 1934, political power was concentrated in Hitler's hands and he became Germany's head of state as well as the head of the government, with the title of 7879:
hands of highly honourable, but fantastically naïve men of learning, professors, district counsellors, schoolmasters, and lawyers—in short a bourgeois, idealistic, and refined class. It lacked the warm breath of the nation's youthful vigour.
6522:("racial defilement"), a way to assure his followers of his continuing antisemitism, which had been toned down for popular consumption. Prior to the induction of the Nuremberg Race Laws in 1935 by the Nazis, many German nationalists such as 13571: 6161:
nationalism was overshadowed by both Prussian patriotism and the federalist tradition of its various component states. The events of World War I, including the end of the Prussian monarchy in Germany, resulted in a surge of revolutionary
The Nazis claimed that Bismarck was unable to complete German national unification because Jews had infiltrated the German parliament and they claimed that their abolition of parliament had ended this obstacle to unification. Using the
has connections with this idea, with German farmers being rooted to their soil, needing more of it for the expansion of the German Volk—whereas the Jew is precisely the opposite, nomadic and urban by nature. See: Roderick Stackelberg,
based on merit and talent, retaining private property and the creation of national solidarity that transcends class distinction. During the late 1930s and the 1940s, anti-communist regimes and groups that supported Nazism included the
16757: 8828:"know nothing except their profit. 'Fatherland' is only a word for them." Hitler was personally disgusted with the ruling bourgeois elites of Germany during the period of the Weimar Republic, whom he referred to as "cowardly shits". 6978:
Thus, any explication of the ideology of Nazism must be descriptive, as it was not generated primarily from first principles, but was the result of numerous factors, including Hitler's strongly-held personal views, some parts of the
18411: 7951:, exactly as the woman stands up for the family". Proto-natalist programs in Nazi Germany offered favourable loans and grants to newlyweds and encouraged them to give birth to offspring by providing them with additional incentives. 7837:
authors who glorified medieval German society, viewing it as a "community rooted in the land and bound together by custom and tradition," in which there was neither class conflict nor selfish individualism. The Nazis concept of the
written by Jakob Graf described to students the Nazi conception of the Aryan race in a section titled "The Aryan: The Creative Force in Human History". Graf claimed that the original Aryans developed from Nordic peoples who invaded
significant "improvement" of their condition to take place in the near future. Haeckel used Lamarckian theory to describe the existence of interracial struggle and put races on a hierarchy of evolution, ranging from wholly human to
were not separate but existed in tension, forming a distinct bio-geo-political framework at the core of the Nazi project. This ideology viewed German territorial conquests and extermination of those ethnic groups it dehumanised as
8946:. Hitler declared that "every activity and every need of every individual will be regulated by the collectivity represented by the party" and that "there are no longer any free realms in which the individual belongs to himself". 7284:" contrast is mistaken. While it is true that resources were diverted from civilian consumption to military production, Tooze explains that at a strategic level "guns were ultimately viewed as a means to obtaining more butter". 6308:, which he argued had destroyed the purity of the Aryan race, a term which he only reserved for Germanic people. Gobineau's theories, which attracted a strong following in Germany, emphasised the existence of an irreconcilable 5360:
for 'National Socialist German Workers' Party') and they officially used the acronym NSDAP. The term "nazi" had been in use, before the rise of the NSDAP, as a colloquial and derogatory word for a backwards farmer or
4911: 7901:. Workers welcomed opportunities for employment after the harsh years of the Great Depression, creating a common belief that the Nazis had removed the insecurity of unemployment. Workers who remained discontented risked the 17082: 8655:(leadership principle), arguing that elite minorities should assume leadership roles over the majority, and that the elite minority should itself be organised according to a "hierarchy of talent", with a single leader—the 7193:
Through the peace with Russia the sustenance of Germany as well as the provision of work were to have been secured by the acquisition of land and soil, by access to raw materials, and by friendly relations between the two
was forbidden by strict legal mandates, including prison sentences for women who sought them as well as prison sentences for doctors who performed them, whereas abortion for racially "undesirable" persons was encouraged.
resultant from the tragic interruption of the First World War and the economic and material suffering consequent to the Depression and brought to order the revolutionary unrest occurring all around them. Instead of the
that Bismarck had begun and desired to achieve. While Hitler was supportive of Bismarck's creation of the German Empire, he was critical of Bismarck's moderate domestic policies. On the issue of Bismarck's support of a
of 9–10 November 1938, stating, "For the first time, I am ashamed to be a German." The former German emperor also denounced the Nazis as a "bunch of shirted gangsters" and "a mob 
 led by a thousand liars or fanatics."
9837: 8965:, in which the security forces could exercise power arbitrarily, by claiming that national security and order should take precedence over the needs of the individual. In his speech delivered at the inauguration of the 8294:
was sentenced to death by the People's Court and executed only for a harmless song critical of the regime. Polish priests came en masse to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Catholic resistance groups like those around
14667: 7866:
sometimes presented its expansionist foreign policy goals as a "class struggle between nations." Bonfires were made of school children's differently coloured caps as symbolic of the unity of different social classes.
8070:" ("Reich Central Office for the Combating of Homosexuality and Abortion"). The Nazi regime incarcerated some 100,000 homosexuals during the 1930s. As concentration camp prisoners, homosexual men were forced to wear 8038:
depending on whether they were considered "Aryan" or capable of useful work. Several historians have noted that transgender people were targeted by the Nazis through legislation and were sent to concentration camps.
dictatorship would eliminate the organised labour movement and the left-wing parties. Hitler actively sought to gain the support of business leaders by arguing that private enterprise is incompatible with democracy.
5167:(DAP), was founded on 5 January 1919. By the early 1920s, the party was renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party in order to appeal to left-wing workers, a renaming that Hitler initially objected to. The 8319:
and their production sites so that they could successfully bomb the factories. After the war, their history was often forgotten, also because they acted against the express instructions of their church authorities.
7668:, which influenced his racial policy. Gunther believed that Slavs belonged to an "Eastern race" and he warned against Germans mixing with them. The Nazis described Jews as being a racially mixed group of primarily 7243:"For the future of the German nation the 1914 frontiers are of no significance. They did not serve to protect us in the past, nor do they offer any guarantee for our defence in the future. With these frontiers the 7220:
government. Hitler's attitudes changed by the end of 1922, in which he then supported an alliance of Germany with Britain to destroy Russia. Hitler later declared how far he intended to expand Germany into Russia:
5629:. The Nazis stated that the alliance was purely tactical and they continued to have differences with the DNVP. After the elections of July 1932, the alliance broke down when the DNVP lost many of its seats in the 5256:
through the support and connivance of traditional conservative nationalists who believed that they could control him and his party. With the use of emergency presidential decrees by Hindenburg and a change in the
15268: 8716:(KPD) was the largest Communist Party in the world outside of the Soviet Union, until it was destroyed by the Nazis in 1933. In the 1920s and early 1930s, Communists and Nazis often fought each other directly in 8499:'s presidency and which the Nazis appropriated as their own after coming to power. Above all, Hitler's priority was rearmament and the buildup of the German military in preparation for an eventual war to conquer 7279:
Historian Adam Tooze explains that Hitler believed that lebensraum was vital to securing American-style consumer affluence for the German people. In this light, Tooze argues that the view that the regime faced a
6065:, both of whom employed some of Riehl's philosophy in arguing that "each nation-state was an organism that required a particular living space in order to survive". Riehl's influence is overtly discernible in the 13242: 6918:. He also said in regards to the 1920s: "If Mussolini had been outdistanced by Marxism, I don't know whether we could have succeeded in holding out. At that period National Socialism was a very fragile growth". 15426: 10103: 6897:
upon Mussolini and the Fascists. Hitler presented the Nazis as a form of German fascism. In November 1923, the Nazis attempted a "March on Berlin" modelled after the March on Rome, which resulted in the failed
and nationalist movements, and the conflicts between Nazi Party functionaries who battled "to win over to their respective interpretations of ." Once the Party had been purged of divergant influences such as
11520:: This chapter cannot explore in detail the complex entanglements between these different notions of holism, or how they reflect Germany's troubled path towards modernity. My starting point, instead, is the 17638: 22853: 11199:
to return to authentic "German" values and "ways of knowing," to "overcome" the materialism and mechanism of the "West" and the "Jewish-international lie" of scientific objectivity; the use of traditional
which gave brief points of how Nazism differed from Marxism. In 1930, Hitler said: "Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not".
racial types. Because such racial groups were concentrated outside Europe, the Nazis claimed that Jews were "racially alien" to all European peoples and that they did not have deep racial roots in Europe.
5778:, the antisemitic mayor of Vienna. Hitler altered his political views in response to the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in June 1919 and it was then that he became an antisemitic, German nationalist. 5757:
and he maintained elements of this lifestyle later on, going to bed very late and rising in the afternoon, even after he became Chancellor and then FĂŒhrer. After the war, his battalion was absorbed by the
Kiernan, Lower, Naimark, Straus, Ben, Wendy, Norman, Scott (2023). "15: The Nazis and the Slavs – Poles and Soviet Prisoners of War". In Kiernan, Ben; Lower, Wendy; Naimark, Norman; Straus, Scott (eds.).
Both in public and in private Hitler opposed free-market capitalism because it "could not be trusted to put national interests first", arguing that it holds nations ransom in the interests of a parasitic
5462:. She did not refer to herself as a "Nazi", even though she was writing well after World War II. In 1933, 581 members of the National Socialist Party answered interview questions put to them by Professor 5418:, to the dismissive "Nazi", in order to associate them with the derogatory use of the aforementioned term. The first use of the term "Nazi" by the National Socialists occurred in 1926 in a publication by 7225:
Asia, what a disquieting reservoir of men! The safety of Europe will not be assured until we have driven Asia back behind the Urals. No organized Russian state must be allowed to exist west of that line.
state and he praised Sparta's dispassionate destruction of congenitally deformed infants in order to maintain racial purity. Some non-Aryans enlisted in Nazi organisations like the Hitler Youth and the
19541: 7814:
Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels frequently employed antisemitic rhetoric to underline this view: "The Jew is the enemy and the destroyer of the purity of blood, the conscious destroyer of our race."
and condemnation of the Weimar Republic for signing the armistice in November 1918 which later led it to sign the Treaty of Versailles. A major inspiration for the Nazis were the far-right nationalist
1327: 7833:
was meant to consist of a hierarchy of ranks or classes of people, some commanding and others obeying, all working together for a common goal. This concept was rooted in the writings of 19th century
between Aryans and Jews as racial treason. Even before the laws were officially passed, the Nazis banned sexual relations and marriages between party members and Jews. Party members found guilty of
7168: 5834:("living space"), he supported a temporary strategic alliance between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to form a common anti-liberal front so they could defeat liberal democracies, particularly 5334:
groups, usually referred to as neo-Nazis, describing themselves as followers of National Socialism. The use of Nazi symbols is outlawed in many European countries, including Germany and Austria.
Hitler declared that racial conflict against Jews was necessary in order to save Germany from suffering under them and he dismissed concerns that the conflict with them was inhumane and unjust:
16726: 17978: 8299:
were persecuted uncompromisingly. While the Catholic resistance was often anti-war and passive, there are also examples of actively combating National Socialism. The group around the priest
9517: 8732:, the largest party of the left. After the Nazis came to power, they quickly banned the Communist Party under the allegation that it was preparing for revolution and that it had caused the 10724:
Hallgarten, George (1973). "The Collusion of Capitalism". In Snell, John L. (ed.). "The Nazi Revolution: Hitler's Dictatorship and the German Nation". D. C. Heath and Company. pp. 137, 142
5318:, many millions of people – including around two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe – were eventually exterminated in a genocide which became known as 11212:) as a mystical, pseudobiological whole and the state as an "organism" in which the individual was subsumed in the whole ("You are nothing, your Volk is everything"); the condemnation of 8067: 7802:
response to military manpower shortages, forcing it to allow Slavs to serve in its armed forces within the occupied territories in spite of the fact that they were considered "subhuman".
5770:(a German Jew), wearing a black mourning armband on one arm and a red communist armband on the other, which he took as evidence that Hitler's political beliefs had not yet solidified. In 5290:(SS) functioned as the paramilitary organisations of the Nazi Party. Using the SS for the task, Hitler purged the party's more socially and economically radical factions in the mid-1934 14961: 11332:
of young faculty and students was particularly virulent. Moreover, I show that scientists supported Nazi ideologies and policies not only through so-called reductionist science such as
districts emphasised anti-capitalism, such as one that said: "The maintenance of a rotten industrial system has nothing to do with nationalism. I can love Germany and hate capitalism".
5983:, whose works had served as an inspiration to Hitler and other Nazi Party members, and whose ideas were implemented among the philosophical and ideological foundations of Nazi-oriented 5651:, who was pressured to abdicate the throne and flee into exile amidst an attempted communist revolution in Germany, initially supported the Nazi Party. His four sons, including Prince 15026: 6120:
life, condemning the neglect of tradition and the decay of morals, denounced the destruction of the natural environment and condemned "cosmopolitan" cultures such as Jews and Romani.
Hallgarten, George (1973). "The Collusion of Capitalism". In Snell, John L. (ed.). "The Nazi Revolution: Hitler's Dictatorship and the German Nation". D. C. Heath and Company. p. 141
Hallgarten, George (1973). "The Collusion of Capitalism". In Snell, John L. (ed.). "The Nazi Revolution: Hitler's Dictatorship and the German Nation". D. C. Heath and Company. p. 133
Hallgarten, George (1973). "The Collusion of Capitalism". In Snell, John L. (ed.). "The Nazi Revolution: Hitler's Dictatorship and the German Nation". D. C. Heath and Company. p. 132
industrial society, while advocating a "superior" society based on ethnic German "folk" culture and German "blood". It denounced foreigners and foreign ideas and declared that Jews,
5621:(DNVP) and others, such as monarchist officers in the German Army and several prominent industrialists, formed an alliance in opposition to the Weimar Republic on 11 October 1931 in 26344: 20244: 8629: 7310:
The Nazis obsession with food production was a consequence of the First World War. While Europe was able to avert famine with international imports, blockades brought the issue of
16255: 7664:(1922) ("Racial Science of the German People"), GĂŒnther recognised Germans as being composed of all five races, but emphasised the strong Nordic heritage among them. Hitler read 5857:: "For a long time to come there will be only two Powers in Europe with which it may be possible for Germany to conclude an alliance. These Powers are Great Britain and Italy." 8989:, the allure of Nazism as a totalitarian ideology (with its attendant mobilisation of the German population) resided within the construct of helping that society deal with the 6784:. Spengler wrote: "The meaning of socialism is that life is controlled not by the opposition between rich and poor, but by the rank that achievement and talent bestow. That is 5582:. The Nazis were strongly influenced by the post–World War I far-right in Germany, which held common beliefs such as anti-Marxism, anti-liberalism and antisemitism, along with 24567: 13494:) Note 2. The author claims that the term Aktion T4 was not used by the Nazis and that it was first used in the trials of the doctors and later included in the historiography. 5871:
The historical roots of Nazism are to be found in various elements of European political culture which were in circulation in the intellectual capitals of the continent, what
9758: 7701:
Eastern racial origin and their traits, and as evidence of this he showed multiple examples of depictions of satanic figures with Near Eastern physiognomies in European art.
Pirker, Peter (2012). Suberversion deutscher Herrschaft. Der britische Geheimdienst SOE und Österreich. Zeitgeschichte im Kontext. 6. Göttingen: V & R Unipress. p. 252.
15114: 14659: 6763:
and believed that it was at the end of its biological and "spiritual" fertility. He believed that the "young" German nation as an imperial power would inherit the legacy of
6603:. Haeckel's works were later condemned by the Nazis as inappropriate for "National-Socialist formation and education in the Third Reich". This may have been because of his " 6278:. Proponents of this theory based their assertion on the fact that words in European languages and words in Indo-Iranian languages have similar pronunciations and meanings. 6694:
Socialism would strive for greater efficiency in the economy. Plenge advocated an authoritarian, rational ruling elite to develop National Socialism through a hierarchical
28745: 26962: 22838: 18536: 6788:
freedom, freedom from the economic despotism of the individual". Spengler adopted the anti-English ideas addressed by Plenge and Sombart during World War I that condemned
141: 15240:, exercising influence on Germany's attitude: * Wallmann, Johannes. "The Reception of Luther's Writings on the Jews from the Reformation to the End of the 19th Century", 23002: 18070:"Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich: The Nazi Judicial and Administrative System in Germany and Occupied Eastern Europe with Special Regard to Occupied Poland, 1939–1945 15366: 15161: 9690:. Vol. 3: Genocide in the Contemporary Era, 1914–2020. University Printing House, Cambridge cb2 8bs, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 358, 359. 5478: 16703: 13704: 13226: 15418: 6294:
were members of an Aryan "master race" that is superior to other races and particularly superior to the Semitic race, which they associated with "cultural sterility".
nationalism and capitalism, the professionals, the intelligentsia and the upper class were dealt the sharpest rebuff. These were the groups which had to be uprooted .
rather than being forced to rely on world trade. Hitler claimed that war to gain such resources was the only means to surpass the failing capitalist economic system.
5955:(1918–1933) were greatly influenced by several 19th- and early 20th-century thinkers and proponents of philosophical, onto-epistemic, and theoretical perspectives on 15265: 15079: 11055: 9926: 7596: 6643:
and saw it as the model to follow. In particular, they saw it as a model for the expansion of territory and the elimination of indigenous inhabitants therefrom, for
3762: 17629: 6400:
In Germany, the belief that Jews were economically exploiting Germans became prominent due to the ascendancy of many wealthy Jews into prominent positions upon the
10076: 8336:, they represented a minority and their views did not influence Nazi ideology beyond its use for symbolism. It is noted that Hitler denounced Germanic paganism in 7696:(that he called Southern Jews). GĂŒnther claimed that the Near Eastern type was composed of commercially spirited and artful traders, and that the type held strong 6356:(1899), praised Germanic peoples for their creativity and idealism while asserting that the Germanic spirit was threatened by a "Jewish" spirit of selfishness and 5781:
Hitler expressed opposition to capitalism, regarding it as having Jewish origins and accusing capitalism of holding nations ransom to the interests of a parasitic
5687:. Meanwhile, the radical Nazi Joseph Goebbels opposed capitalism, viewing it as having Jews at its core and he stressed the need for the party to emphasise both a 8505:
in the East. The policies of Schacht created a scheme for deficit financing, in which capital projects were paid for with the issuance of promissory notes called
rejects the claim that Nazism was primarily pagan, noting that although there were some influential neo-paganists in the Nazi Party, such as Heinrich Himmler and
12055: 8019: 7462:
was developed by Nordic peoples due to paintings of the time which showed Greeks who were tall, light-skinned, light-eyed, blond-haired people. He said that the
5191:("My Struggle"), published in 1925–1926, Hitler outlined the antisemitism and anti-communism at the heart of his political philosophy as well as his disdain for 15850: 11556:
and the emergence of neo-Hippocratic thinking in medicine, manifesting the unease many people felt about the shifts that biomedicine was undergoing at the time.
inimical to one another in their worldviews and when more carefully analysed against one another on a one-to-one level, an "irreconcilable asymmetry" results.
7595:, including Germans of African descent and Jewish descent. The Nazis began to implement "racial hygiene" policies as soon as they came to power. The July 1933 " 23437: 22778: 3839: 22337: 14871:"Paper: Trans Identities and "Cross Dressing" in Nazi Germany: Trans People as a Discrete Target of State Violence (134th Annual Meeting (January 3–6, 2020))" 11336:, but also by promoting organicist and holistic ideologies of the racial state. The ideology of leading Nazi party ideologues was strongly influenced by the 5528:. Far-right themes in Nazism include the argument that superior people have a right to dominate other people and purge society of supposed inferior elements. 31374: 29441: 28011: 10294: 5738:
and the conservative-oriented German Army. This resulted in Hitler purging Röhm and other radical members of the SA in 1934, in what came to be known as the
5097:). The Nazis aimed to unite all Germans living in historically German territory, as well as gain additional lands for German expansion under the doctrine of 3700: 17674: 17660: 13277: 11524:. By then, holism had become an important resource for people across Europe, the US and beyond—but once again specifically in Germany—for dealing with what 7754:, which was under an instinctive force that reverted them back to nature. The Nazis also regarded the Slavs as having dangerous Jewish and Asiatic, meaning 14995: 10930: 9594:
Quote: "Nazism was only one, although the most important, of a number of similar-looking fascist movements in Europe between World War I and World War II."
3992: 17713: 18773: 7987: 6177:, who was instrumental in founding the German Empire. The Nazis declared that they were dedicated to continuing the process of creating a unified German 378: 8762:
and the worldwide economic dominance of disloyal big business, which they considered to be the product of Jewish influences. Nazi propaganda posters in
21555: 16072: 2985: 27827: 14405: 14336:
MĂŒhlberger, Detlef. "The sociology of the NSDAP: The question of working-class membership." Journal of Contemporary History 15, no. 3 (1980): 493–511.
31327: 27474: 21769: 20472: 17547: 13459: 12334: 9202:
especially those in Berlin, who chafed under the restrictions that Hitler placed on them, and their subordination to the party. This resulted in the
Nazi anthropologists attempted to scientifically prove the historical admixture of the Slavs who lived further East and leading Nazi racial theorist
5596:, paramilitary organisations that engaged in political violence after World War I. Initially, the post–World War I German far-right was dominated by 10374: 8217:'s Bible" and using components of the New Testament he attempted to prove that Jesus was both an Aryan and an antisemite by citing passages such as 28026: 26339: 13994: 13814: 13034: 12900: 9723: 5547:
reproach. It was through their miserable cowardice that those ruffians of Jews who came into power in 1918 were able to rob the nation of its arms.
2681: 2290: 18011: 15517: 11173: 9504: 8936:
Under Nazism, with its emphasis on the nation, individualism was denounced and instead importance was placed upon Germans belonging to the German
and theorization of organic-racial societies. In particular, one of the most significant ideological influences on the Nazis was the 19th-century
28990: 28753: 22551: 19468: 10214: 7913:, it and its ideas would never truly disappear until the overthrow of the regime. The Nazis instead emphasised that the middle-class must become 4110: 3997: 1255: 18623: 16482: 15248:. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006; see chapter 4 "The Germanies from Luther to Hitler", pp. 105–151. * Hillerbrand, Hans J. "Martin Luther," 12354: 8509:, which could be traded by companies with each other. This was particularly useful in allowing Germany to rearm because the Mefo bills were not 6542:, the Nazis accused Jews—and other populations who it considered non-German—of possessing extra-national loyalties, thereby exacerbating German 6270:, which the Nazis promoted, stems from racial theories asserting that Europeans are the descendants of Indo-Iranian settlers, people of ancient 225: 29481: 27273: 22531: 20462: 19449: 14059: 7538:. He concluded these points by saying: "Everywhere Nordic creative power has built mighty empires with high-minded ideas, and to this very day 4809: 4705: 1236: 15487: 15279: 14951: 7716:
in 1942. 4 million copies of the brochure were printed by Nazi Germany and distributed across occupied territories. The pamphlet depicted the
was what was responsible for its rise as a major power. He claimed that the rise of the Russian Empire was due to its leadership by people of
6350:, an English-born German proponent of racial theory, supported notions of Germanic supremacy and antisemitism in Germany. Chamberlain's work, 28442: 27752: 27268: 22546: 22343: 21922: 20740: 18531: 17481: 11408:
The paradoxical character of the politics of holism is the theme of this chapter, which focuses on the mutually shaping relationship between
10649: 8387:
demands. Instead of traditional economic incentives, the Nazis offered solutions of a political nature, such as the elimination of organised
6644: 5846: 981: 136: 17002: 15018: 8921: 29436: 28577: 28572: 28564: 28264: 28092: 28087: 28082: 28077: 26394: 22526: 18526: 8558:
Agrarian policies were also important to the Nazis since they corresponded not just to the economy but to their geopolitical conception of
6656: 4096: 3767: 3695: 2735: 2730: 2725: 2720: 131: 8801:
as the world's most powerful continent. Hitler's anxiety over the economic rise of the United States was a major theme in his unpublished
advocated a society organised like an army in order to achieve success. They promoted the idea of a national-racial "people's community" (
27342: 25794: 24043: 23756: 22229: 19461: 8749: 8030:
was particularly regarded as instructing girls to avoid race defilement, which was treated with particular importance for young females.
and cultural values are spread over a large part of the world, though the creative Nordic blood has long since vanished in many places".
was intended as an initial step towards the final goal of Nazi ideology, which was the establishment of complete German global hegemony.
7161: 4382: 1248: 14878: 9149:
through a revolutionary foreign policy and war. In short, he defined and controlled the National Socialist revolution in all its phases.
6852:, an antisemitic German intellectual, used Spengler's thesis on the cultural confrontation between Jews as whom Spengler described as a 30271: 29912: 29079: 28721: 26404: 23736: 23297: 20249: 15456: 8847: 8665:
held that each member of the hierarchy owed absolute obedience to those above him and should hold absolute power over those below him.
8048: 7688:
in the 8th century as creating the two major branches of the Jewish people: those of primarily Near Eastern racial heritage became the
program should be implemented in order to preserve the purity of the Nordic race. After reading the book, Hitler called it "my Bible".
6124: 4522: 11500: 9013:, abhorred democratic or parliamentary governance as practised in the United States or Britain, their differences are substantial. An 8961:
ideas and violently enforced its ideological worldview upon the society. Heinrich Himmler justified the establishment of a repressive
and Aryan racial superiority were combined in the 19th century, with white supremacists maintaining the belief that certain groups of
31367: 29382: 23766: 23447: 22992: 22833: 22249: 19439: 17513: 15564:
Erika Weinzierl: Kirchlicher Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus. In: Themen der Zeitgeschichte und der Gegenwart. Vienna 2004,
13162: 11297: 10595: 8839:
in the belief that economic resources from their respective territories should be seized by force, as he believed that the policy of
and preferred a state-directed economy that maintains private property and competition but subordinates them to the interests of the
6352: 3678: 3357: 1226: 991: 13597:
Hitler's Black Victims: The Historical Experiences of Afro-Germans, European Blacks, Africans, and African Americans in the Nazi Era
would lead to global domination by the British Empire and the United States, which he believed were controlled by Jewish bankers in
30456: 29387: 28103: 26811: 25663: 24063: 23649: 23164: 21171: 20951: 20677: 19531: 19166: 15103: 13539: 9750: 9344: 5428:. In Goebbels' pamphlet, the word "Nazi" only appears when linked with the word "Sozi" as an abbreviation of "National Socialism". 2746: 1665: 1483: 1317: 770: 22652: 16668: 15617: 13547: 31064: 30366: 29200: 28692: 21912: 20406: 14956: 9912:
Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography, Copenhagen 2004
Nazism's racial policy positions may have developed from the views of important biologists of the 19th century, including French
14101: 13101: 8360: 8225:, which describes Jesus' whipping of the "Children of the Devil". Hitler claimed that the New Testament included distortions by 5501: 5240:
general elections of 1932, making them the largest party in the legislature by far, albeit still short of an outright majority (
3896: 30485: 28108: 28063: 27609: 27494: 26460: 26364: 23801: 23522: 23497: 23352: 23287: 22943: 22521: 22506: 22104: 20761: 20411: 20370: 20314: 19546: 17979:"Anti-Slavic imagery in German radical nationalist discourse at the turn of the twentieth century: A prelude to Nazi ideology?" 13487: 11440: 11186:
When Hans Shemm in 1935 declared National Socialism to be "politically applied biology," things began to look up, not only for
9656:"Why Fascists Took Over the Reichstag but Have Not captured the Kremlin: A Comparison of Weimar Germany and Post-Soviet Russia" 7474:
who were also a Nordic people. He believed that the vanishing of the Nordic component of the populations in Ancient Greece and
7367:, and their bastard offspring", who were described by the Nazis as people of "alien blood". Such relations between Aryans (cf. 4690: 2751: 2706: 1332: 23112: 16727:"The Relevance of Franz L. Neumann's Critical Theory in 2017: Anxiety and Politics in the New Age of Authoritarian Capitalism" 15358: 15165: 15053: 12414: 9278:, his personal property and that of the House of Habsburg were confiscated. It was not returned after the war. The so-called " 7939:
Obligations of Polish workers in Germany, warning them of the death penalty for any sexual relations between Germans and Poles
and he claimed that the Aryan presence in Persia was what was responsible for its development into an empire. He claimed that
as its symbol, as seen on their helmets and on the truck, which inspired the Nazi Party to adopt it as the movement's symbol.)
which allowed the Cabinet to rule by direct decree, bypassing both Hindenburg and the Reichstag, the Nazis soon established a
30473: 28001: 27935: 24113: 23943: 22677: 22536: 22165: 20766: 18654: 18355: 18336: 18317: 18295: 18277: 18256: 18200: 18178: 18156: 18137: 18118: 18099: 18077: 18039: 17967: 17919: 17900: 17869: 17841: 17769: 17707: 17577: 17356: 17282: 17214: 17189: 17113: 17076: 17012: 16985: 16862: 16824: 16791: 16695: 16447: 16416: 16249: 15795: 15552: 15073: 14824: 14805: 14772: 14723: 14698: 14642: 14582: 14042: 13978: 13903: 13798: 13618: 13557: 13518: 13364: 13333: 13236: 13018: 12977: 12884: 12315: 12284: 12251: 12170: 11963: 11850: 11486: 11393: 11151: 11089: 11049: 10755: 10506: 10485: 10458: 10150: 10070: 10031: 9920: 9870: 9831: 9802: 9703: 9636: 9612: 9591: 9488: 9467: 9449: 9025: 8736:. Four thousand KPD officials were arrested in February 1933, and by the end of the year 130,000 communists had been sent to 8552: 7306:(expansion of Germany east to the Ural Mountains), that is shown on the upper right side of the map as a brown diagonal line. 5245: 5155:", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organisation, which tended to match the general outlook of 4721: 3462: 2565: 256: 17362: 17066: 7019:
worldview, amalgamating spatial theory, practice, and imagination with biopolitics. In Hitlerism, the concepts of space and
and the discovery of the full extent of the Holocaust, Nazi ideology became universally disgraced. It is widely regarded as
31360: 29325: 29315: 29298: 29293: 29210: 28073: 27258: 27243: 27018: 25486: 24068: 23517: 22928: 22878: 20363: 20276: 20218: 19456: 18551: 13719:
Racisms Made in. Germany (Racism Analysis |Yearbook 2 – 2011) Ed. by Wulf D. Hund, Christian Koller, Moshe Zimmermann p. 19
13667: 10191: 9992: 9960: 9254: 6014: 5532:
and other proponents denied that Nazism was either left-wing or right-wing: instead, they officially portrayed Nazism as a
4601: 3574: 3564: 3517: 3507: 2716: 2505: 2413: 1243: 156: 22606: 21675: 21248: 19101: 15062:"Vom Staatsfeind zum Volksfeind. Zur Radikalisierung der Homosexuellenverfolgung im Zusammenwirken von Polizei und Justiz" 9819: 5310:
of Nazi Germany—also known as the Third Reich—under which Jews, political opponents and other "undesirable" elements were
3100: 1742: 703: 31822: 31174: 31084: 29335: 29308: 28739: 28016: 27858: 27742: 27574: 27223: 26080: 24073: 23913: 23776: 23751: 23582: 23552: 22938: 22873: 22647: 22541: 22353: 20657: 20650: 17256:
Eksteins, Modris. Rites of spring: The Great War and the birth of the modern age. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2000, p. 303
15396: 14435:
For more elucidation about this conception and its oversimplification, see: Renate Bridenthal and Claudia Koonz, "Beyond
13702: 10581:
Miranda Carter. George, Nicholas and Wilhelm: Three Royal Cousins and the Road to World War I. Borzoi Book, 2009. 420 pp.
with a quota system. The Hereditary Farm Law of 1933 established a cartel structure under a government body known as the
7829:) in order to accomplish "the efficient prosecution of the struggle against other peoples and states." Like an army, the 7315: 6808: 6781: 6716: 6465: 6309: 5809: 4104: 4017: 3683: 3594: 3557: 2659: 1001: 35: 31199: 7276:. Hitler planned for the "surplus" Russian population living west of the Urals to be deported to the east of the Urals. 29474: 29377: 29350: 29330: 28658: 28627: 28600: 28532: 27940: 27732: 27402: 26942: 26831: 26354: 26160: 24162: 24048: 23597: 23572: 23392: 23362: 23292: 22903: 22858: 22843: 22808: 22760: 22363: 22012: 21817: 21433: 20692: 20614: 20209: 19890: 19495: 18558: 12997: 10605: 9010: 8729: 8035: 7106: 6417:
began to adopt antisemitic and racist themes and it was also adopted by a number of radical right political movements.
5708: 4802: 4715: 4302: 3886: 3673: 3641: 3619: 3579: 3477: 2863: 2310: 1282: 1153: 163: 17: 27757: 17141:
Michael Geyer and Sheila Fitzpatrick, eds., "Introduction – After Totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism Compared", in
13822: 11931:' became, not least because of the Essai, the designation of a race, which Gobineau specified was 'la race germanique' 11424:. Smuts was a promoter of international peace and understanding through the League of Nations, but also a defender of 7123:("living space") through territorial conquests. The German Nazi Party supported German irredentist claims to Austria, 6481:
claimed that there was a secret international Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. Hitler had been introduced to
distinction between what they deemed to be "high and noble" Aryan culture versus that of "parasitic" Semitic culture.
31965: 31950: 31891: 29431: 28622: 28435: 27894: 27559: 27198: 26384: 26374: 25658: 23771: 23731: 23502: 23477: 23417: 23070: 22706: 21897: 21009: 20745: 20702: 18237: 18219: 18062: 17943: 17813: 17791: 17309: 17164: 17049: 16194: 15894: 15847: 15569: 14239: 14017: 13953: 13847: 13472: 13406: 12693: 12220: 12195: 12139: 11921:, 2009, p. 294: "The white race was defined as beautiful, honourable and destined to rule; within it the Aryans are ' 11195:
essence of these laws to every family in every village in the country. So much seemed familiar: the calls among the
11019: 10982: 10181: 9555: 8407: 5652: 5618: 5513: 5241: 4875: 4695: 4010: 3906: 3819: 3690: 2550: 2260: 2250: 1081: 27151: 23117: 20545: 11348:(people) as an organic unity. They did not base their virulent anti-Semitism and racism on anthropological concepts. 8162:
of 1920 guaranteed freedom for all religious denominations which were not hostile to the State and it also endorsed
31980: 31144: 29594: 29411: 29355: 28774: 28617: 28318: 27960: 27853: 27564: 23986: 23761: 23482: 23060: 22893: 22601: 22561: 22348: 22274: 22269: 21774: 20550: 18809: 18464: 17955: 14929: 14327:
Fischer, Conan, ed. The rise of national socialism and the working classes in Weimar Germany. Berghahn Books, 1996.
S.H. Milton (2001). ""Gypsies" as social outsiders in Nazi Germany". In Robert Gellately; Nathan Stoltzfus (eds.).
9334: 8995: 8094: 7735: 7660: 7433: 7097: 6789: 3918: 3792: 3624: 3604: 2595: 2580: 1034: 411: 27352: 12947: 10929:
Cite error: The named reference "FOOTNOTETooze2006101" was defined multiple times with different content (see the
Within the Nazi Party, the faction associated with anti-capitalist beliefs was the SA, a paramilitary wing led by
master race. Hitler described Slavs as "a mass of born slaves who feel the need for a master". Himmler classified
6127:, which predominantly aimed to solve the conflict between the Austrian Germans and the Czechs in the multi-ethnic 3987: 31459: 30100: 29951: 29089: 29018: 28668: 28068: 27654: 27454: 26988: 26957: 26680: 25945: 25814: 24058: 23840: 23696: 23676: 23659: 23102: 23065: 22863: 22755: 22234: 22150: 21585: 20956: 20771: 20717: 20662: 20437: 20432: 20353: 20281: 19900: 19895: 19885: 19880: 19784: 19730: 19653: 18863: 18616: 18541: 18053: 9379: 9189: 9090:
Contrary to many interpretations of Nazism, which tend to view it as a reactionary movement, as, in the words of
Hitler told a party leader in 1934: "The economic system of our day is the creation of the Jews". Hitler said to
8725: 8688:
and caused it to lose the First World War. They further argued that modern cultural trends of the 1920s (such as
The Nazis claimed that communism was dangerous to the well-being of nations because of its intention to dissolve
where he noted that Jesus is yelling at "the Jews", as well as saying to them "your father is the devil" and the
8122: 5248:). Because none of the parties were willing or able to put together a coalition government, Hitler was appointed 4532: 3945: 3911: 3446: 3010: 2711: 2480: 1410: 1188: 465: 218: 146: 53: 27193: 27188: 25496: 23107: 21487: 17601: 14987: 6740:
of modern European civilisation, which he claimed was caused by atomising and irreligious individualisation and
2917: 1963: 31975: 31920: 31301: 31154: 30040: 29246: 28834: 27737: 27419: 27362: 27063: 27058: 26379: 26284: 26045: 25779: 25643: 24747: 23918: 23372: 22868: 22672: 22556: 21917: 20722: 20672: 18546: 17947: 17697: 13611:
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story Of Nazi Racial Laws And Men Of Jewish Descent In The German Military
13274: 6879:
conservatism while proposing a new state that he coined the "Third Reich", which would unite all classes under
were embedded in a popular nationalism which was vigorously anti-modernist, anti-humanist and pseudo-religious.
German industry, mainly among the steel and coal producers, the insurance business, and the chemical industry.
5323: 5156: 4377: 4367: 4027: 3955: 3735: 3629: 2470: 1913: 151: 23264: 21451: 15709: 14603: 11460: 10104:"Why Hitler hated being called a Nazi and what's really in humble pie – origins of words and phrases revealed" 8229:, who Hitler described as a "mass-murderer turned saint". In their propaganda, the Nazis used the writings of 7003:" (worldview), advocating territorial expansionism to cultivate what it viewed as a "purified and homogeneous 2881: 31341: 31214: 30436: 29467: 28943: 28891: 28769: 28632: 28276: 27594: 27377: 26857: 26349: 25699: 23948: 23669: 22823: 22436: 22259: 21717: 21208: 21196: 19031: 19001: 18989: 17936:: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany, 1890–1935 17827: 15276: 14345:
Fritz, Stephen. Frontsoldaten: The German Soldier in World War II. University Press of Kentucky, 1997, p. 210
Alf LĂŒdtke, "The 'Honor of Labor': Industrial Workers and the Power of Symbols under National Socialism", in
12330:"Florida Holocaust Museum: Antisemitism – Post World War 1" (history),, 2003, webpage: 11315: 9384: 9297: 8491:
network to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment, were inherited and planned to be undertaken by the
conception in order to justify his belief that Nordics were the highest in the racial hierarchy. In his book
7550: 7043: 6385: 6323: 6210: 5222: 5151:, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the " 4795: 4759: 4654: 4596: 4292: 4042: 3725: 3350: 3142: 1702: 1690: 1011: 633: 603: 591: 27909: 16031: 8118: 6206: 6146: 5092: 31738: 31239: 31234: 30928: 29966: 29599: 29421: 29251: 29168: 28901: 28595: 28428: 27397: 27263: 27121: 27088: 26510: 26294: 25037: 24167: 24123: 24098: 24016: 23996: 23397: 23307: 23302: 23204: 23199: 23194: 22965: 22913: 22888: 22566: 22403: 22378: 22321: 22027: 21764: 21054: 20514: 20358: 19521: 18804: 17539: 9719: 9162: 8466:
in 1932 to combat the effects of the Depression. Upon being appointed Chancellor in 1933, Hitler appointed
8456: 8179: 8132: 8098: 7874:
political parties as disconnected from the mass populace, especially lower and working-class young people:
7407: 6994:, Hitler was accepted by the Party's leadership as the "supreme authority to rule on ideological matters". 6883:
rule. Van den Bruck advocated a combination of the nationalism of the right and the socialism of the left.
6872: 6843: 6445: 6170:
nationalist policies and they claimed that their ideology was influenced by the leadership and policies of
4643: 3950: 3923: 3740: 3648: 3636: 2403: 1536: 1476: 1307: 1134: 406: 27579: 27253: 26200: 25960: 25491: 25476: 24657: 24421: 21619: 20604: 18431: 16817:
IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation
12331: 7862:) for the German people and promoted solidarity towards the Nazi cause. To win workers away from Marxism, 7791: 7790:", a racist brochure published by the SS in 1942, has been regarded as one of the most infamous pieces of 5564:
interviewed Hitler in October 1923 and asked him why he referred to his party as 'socialists' he replied:
3044: 1998: 31753: 31733: 31442: 31254: 31249: 31034: 29406: 29220: 28965: 28938: 28931: 27514: 27387: 27382: 27098: 26781: 26490: 26319: 25603: 24021: 23928: 23865: 23813: 23741: 23512: 23442: 23122: 22918: 22733: 22486: 22099: 21907: 21460: 20682: 20025: 19300: 12527:
RohkrÀmer, Thomas, "A Single Communal Faith?: The German Right from Conservatism to National Socialism",
10370: 9987: 9394: 8677: 8452: 8114: 7943:
Nazi ideology advocated excluding women from political involvement and confining them to the spheres of "
7351: 7020: 6776: 6347: 6327: 6198:
was the "highest achievement" Bismarck could have achieved "within the limits possible at that time". In
5828:. While Hitler had always intended to bring Germany into conflict with the Soviet Union so he could gain 5630: 5235: 5148: 4680: 3589: 2890: 2634: 2056: 1848: 1098: 1022: 902: 25990: 23025: 21651: 21560: 19335: 16239: 9127:
They were different forms of a completely new, modern type of dictatorship – the complete antithesis to
was a major influence on Nazism. The seizure of power by Italian Fascist leader Benito Mussolini in the
and anti-Habsburg views. From von Schönerer and his followers, Hitler adopted for the Nazi movement the
After the NSDAP's rise to power in the 1930s, the use of the term "Nazi" by itself or in terms such as "
5297: 3076: 2141: 937: 31772: 31728: 31563: 29919: 29579: 29283: 28960: 28906: 28727: 28515: 28249: 28141: 27634: 27038: 26424: 26314: 25910: 25022: 24542: 24118: 24103: 24028: 24006: 24001: 23938: 23654: 23616: 23472: 23452: 23427: 23224: 23189: 23184: 22908: 22711: 22637: 22596: 22461: 22358: 22306: 22194: 21987: 21927: 21847: 20836: 20307: 19814: 19475: 19400: 19021: 18768: 18611: 17933: 16481:[Joseph Goebbels, Der Nazi-Sozi (Elberfeld: Verlag der Nationalsozialistischen Briefe, 1927)]. 15509: 15236: 14600:"Nazi policies on German women during the Second World War – Lessons learned from the First World War?" 13270: 12370: 11470: 11457:"Chapter 3: Holism, Chinese Medicine, and Systems Ideologies: Rewriting the Past to Imagine the Future" 11361: 11135: 11123: 8717: 8713: 8316: 8242: 8159: 7863: 7783: 7697: 5704: 5648: 5168: 5163:
rather than economic socialism. The Nazi Party's precursor, the pan-German nationalist and antisemitic
4090: 3537: 3251: 2612: 2585: 2435: 2420: 2300: 1636: 1262: 623: 373: 213: 31840: 30236: 26210: 25466: 25355: 22818: 18819: 18405: 13311:
George Lachmann Mosse. Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich, p. 79.
Giaccaria, Minca, Paolo, Claudio, ed. (2016). "1: For a Tentative Spatial Theory of the Third Reich".
12500:, Malden, MA; Oxford, England; Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing, Inc., 2006, p. 205. 11656:, edited by James R Dow and Hannjost Lixfeld (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994), pp. 62–63. 11257: 10211: 9550: 8414:
party and the Nazis' coalition partner. While other Western capitalist countries strove for increased
in the belief that Hitler had allegedly betrayed the party's socialist goals by endorsing capitalism.
2664: 421: 31935: 31427: 31352: 30283: 30226: 29811: 29448: 29263: 29258: 29094: 28475: 27589: 27218: 27053: 26801: 26399: 25598: 25122: 24083: 23908: 23860: 23855: 23746: 23577: 23537: 23432: 23234: 23179: 23174: 22626: 22571: 22516: 22481: 22413: 22326: 22279: 22214: 21319: 20796: 20712: 20667: 16478: 12351: 11615:, edited by Thomas Lekan and Thomas Zeller (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2005), p. 3. 11041:
Churchill, Hitler, and 'The Unnecessary War': How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World
8633: 8262:
propaganda, the Nazis used elements of Germany's Catholic history, in particular the German Catholic
GĂŒnther emphasised Jews' Near Eastern racial heritage. GĂŒnther identified the mass conversion of the
7173: 6875:
was initially the dominant figure of the Conservative Revolutionaries influenced Nazism. He rejected
4932: 4665: 4537: 3707: 3502: 3497: 3490: 3271: 2408: 2151: 1810: 1127: 1117: 31697: 24401: 21595: 21524: 11325: 8721: 8166:
in order to combat "the Jewish-materialist spirit". Positive Christianity was a modified version of
Wolfgang Bialas argues that the Nazis' sense of morality could be described as a form of procedural
of German territories, German colonization of Eastern Europe, and the promotion of an alliance with
3020: 2954: 31990: 31985: 31723: 31595: 31124: 29416: 29205: 29099: 28559: 28527: 27899: 27649: 27624: 27519: 27504: 27317: 27166: 27048: 27008: 26947: 26821: 26595: 25809: 25511: 25142: 24885: 24844: 24446: 24093: 23973: 23933: 23898: 23845: 23796: 23626: 23567: 23467: 23457: 23422: 23412: 23407: 23347: 23312: 23152: 23050: 22883: 22848: 22511: 22466: 22383: 22368: 22188: 22017: 21784: 21159: 21124: 21064: 20822: 20254: 19824: 19809: 19625: 19569: 19385: 19371: 18901: 18814: 18738: 18664: 18640: 18606: 17928: 17855: 15479: 11377: 11369: 9389: 9374: 9329: 8966: 8880: 8737: 8254: 8088: 7600: 7565: 7387: 7281: 6205:
During his youth in Austria, Hitler was politically influenced by Austrian Pan-Germanist proponent
5866: 5763: 5759: 5739: 5561: 5311: 5291: 5192: 5164: 4904: 4726: 4710: 4660: 4542: 4037: 3599: 3472: 3441: 3343: 3276: 3201: 3189: 2607: 2555: 2522: 2465: 2455: 2430: 2425: 2171: 1653: 1641: 1546: 1382: 503: 416: 343: 266: 242: 208: 26740: 26135: 24687: 24537: 24335: 20035: 19928: 19305: 17468: 15581:
Helga Thoma "Mahner-Helfer-Patrioten: PortrÀts aus dem österreichischen Widerstand" (2004), p 159.
Social Darwinism in European and American Thought, 1860–1945: nature as model and nature as threat
Thomas Lekan and Thomas Zeller, "Introduction: The Landscape of German Environmental History", in
10636: 9568:
Nazism attempted to reconcile conservative, nationalist ideology with a socially radical doctrine.
7944: 7572:
of physically or mentally disabled people. After World War II, the euthanasia programme was named
in 1922 drew admiration by Hitler, who less than a month later had begun to model himself and the
2071: 1958: 907: 31925: 31857: 31607: 31540: 31464: 31437: 31104: 31024: 30441: 30030: 29941: 29372: 29340: 29215: 28480: 28224: 28098: 27392: 27248: 27238: 27156: 26791: 26480: 26419: 26299: 26279: 26035: 25854: 25294: 24218: 23991: 23402: 23387: 23159: 23147: 22632: 22501: 22398: 22069: 22044: 21997: 21892: 21663: 19955: 19870: 19620: 19579: 19526: 19360: 15618:"Slouching Towards Utopia?: The Economic History of the Twentieth Century. XV. Nazis and Soviets" 13508: 10401: 9339: 9324: 8884: 8604: 8471: 8384: 8349: 8303:
approached the American secret service and provided them with plans and location sketches of for
8222: 8127: 7616: 7539: 7490:
that brought new Nordic blood to the Empire's lands, such as the presence of Nordic blood in the
7153: 7074: 6756:
as having succumbed to decadence of intellect, money, cosmopolitan urban life, irreligious life,
6732: 6648: 6570: 6279: 6190: 5956: 5656: 4675: 4427: 4277: 4164: 3668: 3609: 3512: 3436: 3246: 3088: 2741: 2510: 2280: 2270: 1868: 1469: 1377: 1312: 962: 890: 30:"National Socialism" and "Nazi" redirect here. For the party for whom the ideology is named, see 30838: 26590: 25739: 25506: 21438: 15693:
The Fateful Alliance: German Conservatives and Nazis in 1933: The Machtergreifung in a New Light
12307: 12301: 10533:
The Fateful Alliance: German Conservatives and Nazis in 1933: The Machtergreifung in a New Light
The Fateful Alliance: German Conservatives and Nazis in 1933: The Machtergreifung in a New Light
The Fateful Alliance: German Conservatives and Nazis in 1933: The Machtergreifung in a New Light
9884:, "Les débuts du national-socialisme", Revue d'Allemagne, VII, No. 71 (Sept. 15, 1933), p. 821. 8206:
was not a Jew but was instead of Aryan origin and he also claimed that Adolf Hitler was the new
organisation celebrating Luther Day in Berlin in 1933. A speech is given by Bishop Hossenfelder.
7734:("Aryan master race") excluded the vast majority of Slavs from Central and Eastern Europe (i.e. 6701: 5984: 5902: 5762:
from 1918 to 1919, where he was elected Deputy Battalion Representative. According to historian
There were factions within the Nazi Party, both conservative and radical. The conservative Nazi
2868: 31955: 31646: 31481: 30431: 30411: 30261: 29931: 29559: 29426: 29401: 29367: 29345: 29320: 29303: 29288: 29268: 29225: 29195: 29048: 28812: 28789: 28663: 28549: 28510: 28485: 27930: 27762: 27544: 27434: 27233: 27203: 27181: 27146: 27136: 27131: 27023: 26873: 26750: 26550: 25920: 25799: 25648: 25002: 24839: 24788: 24692: 24053: 24038: 23828: 23611: 23547: 23357: 23337: 23317: 23249: 23239: 23209: 23142: 23127: 23030: 22997: 22657: 22591: 22491: 22423: 22316: 22264: 22201: 22121: 22079: 22022: 21932: 21872: 21712: 21548: 21304: 21253: 20916: 20707: 20645: 20135: 20130: 19875: 19245: 19106: 18934: 18783: 18521: 18265: 16853: 14797: 13665:, who worked in Berlin as a journalist in the 1930s and was acquainted with Goebbels, wrote in 13426:. Malden, MA; Oxford, England; Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing, 2005, p. 14. 12276: 11696:
Nature and Nationalism: Right-wing Ecology and the Politics of Identity in Contemporary Germany
11478: 11341: 9794: 9319: 8862: 8755: 8406:
The economic policies of the Nazis were in many respects a continuation of the policies of the
8027: 8006:
nationality, commit other immoral acts or engage in love affairs shall be arrested immediately.
7612: 7569: 7411: 6921:
Other Nazis—especially those at the time associated with the party's more radical wing such as
6401: 6062: 6038: 5980: 5933: 5920: 5446: 5303: 5133: 4685: 4648: 4217: 3834: 3829: 3663: 3658: 3614: 3569: 3547: 3542: 3522: 3137: 2978: 2602: 2332: 2066: 1795: 1646: 847: 708: 536: 388: 126: 30298: 26150: 25995: 25456: 25329: 23592: 21472: 20493: 15061: 14902:"'We Too Deserve a Place in the Sun': The Politics of Transvestite Identity in Weimar Germany" 14634: 11039: 10023: 9910: 8280:
that would reconcile the Catholic Church's beliefs with Nazism. On 20 July 1933, a concordat (
5085:. Nazism sought to overcome social divisions and create a homogeneous German society based on 2902: 31930: 31915: 31471: 31454: 30585: 30540: 30351: 29946: 29396: 29362: 29278: 29273: 29158: 28921: 28714: 28674: 28612: 28607: 28544: 28470: 28380: 28207: 27696: 27639: 27599: 27539: 27509: 27337: 27111: 26675: 26670: 26645: 26635: 26625: 26500: 26329: 26125: 26090: 26000: 25950: 25894: 25844: 25839: 25759: 25430: 25112: 24793: 24632: 24033: 24011: 23963: 23903: 23893: 23850: 23691: 23562: 23542: 23462: 23322: 23055: 22977: 22960: 22898: 22828: 22813: 22667: 22126: 22094: 22089: 22049: 22039: 21972: 21902: 21867: 21842: 21386: 21243: 21002: 20975: 20904: 20803: 20467: 20392: 20300: 20223: 20214: 19946: 19668: 19501: 19096: 19046: 19041: 17986: 17784:
The Hitler State: The foundation and development of the internal structure of the Third Reich
17753: 16439: 16433: 15754: 15066:
HomosexualitĂ€t und StaatsrĂ€son. MĂ€nnlichkeit, Homophobie und Politik in Deutschland 1900–1945
14870: 14093: 13948:. Los Angeles, California, United States: University of California Press. pp. 236, 237. 12350:"THHP Short Essay: What Was the Final Solution?"., July 2004, webpage: 11425: 11131: 11009: 9579: 9404: 9185: 9061: 9057: 8759: 8685: 8608: 8531: 8411: 8368: 8291: 8163: 8110: 8102: 7930: 6971: 6813: 6628: 6581: 6539: 6513: 6477:. Many antisemites believed it was real and thus it became widely popular after World War I. 6218: 6171: 5249: 5003: 4785: 4613: 4392: 4080: 4070: 4060: 3982: 3965: 3787: 3777: 3757: 3752: 3653: 3584: 3532: 3527: 3394: 3372: 2806: 2490: 2460: 2211: 2018: 1973: 1953: 1737: 1425: 1288: 1183: 1143: 698: 648: 643: 39: 30401: 26495: 25435: 24597: 22690: 21607: 17348:
Women and Nazis: Perpetrators of Genocide and Other Crimes During Hitler's Regime, 1933–1945
15448: 15275:, Baylor University Center for American and Jewish Studies, Spring 2004, slide 14. Also see 14789: 14377: 13157: 13153: 12268: 10060: 10015: 9786: 9270:
Following the German annexation of Austria, Otto was sentenced to death by the Nazi regime;
7766: 7631: 6346:
originated in Aryan religious traditions, and that Jews had usurped the legend from Aryans.
The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of
3032: 31612: 31094: 30974: 30743: 30550: 30391: 30318: 30010: 29971: 29956: 29490: 29133: 29084: 29056: 28779: 28709: 28495: 28151: 28113: 27970: 27945: 27747: 27304: 27300: 27213: 27141: 27028: 26952: 26878: 26816: 26705: 26640: 26525: 26324: 26195: 26190: 25955: 25501: 25440: 24849: 23981: 23870: 23706: 23701: 23492: 23367: 22982: 22803: 22642: 22456: 22388: 22373: 22170: 22084: 22074: 22034: 21962: 21942: 21852: 21827: 21626: 21509: 21314: 21309: 21191: 21181: 20880: 20829: 20782: 20400: 20387: 20375: 20239: 20165: 19804: 19658: 19551: 19434: 19255: 18659: 18457: 12394:. 2nd edition. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989. pp. 304–305. 11417: 11311: 11256:(Science and Nazism. The unconfessed collaboration of scientists with National Socialism). 9667: 9359: 9188:' gave way to the popular national FĂŒhrer; the obedient submission to the active national ' 9003: 8990: 8803: 8681: 8355: 8312: 8277: 7692:(that he called Eastern Jews) while those of primarily Oriental racial heritage became the 7624: 7483: 7110: 6640: 6565: 6194:("Greater Germany") which the Nazis advocated, Hitler stated that Bismarck's attainment of 5587: 4983: 4769: 4576: 4527: 4472: 4230: 4170: 4055: 3844: 3377: 3051: 2939: 2853: 2756: 2570: 2186: 1968: 1805: 1800: 1685: 1675: 1415: 1337: 1221: 1070: 857: 261: 30565: 28375: 26545: 26115: 25461: 24294: 23092: 21529: 19089: 19084: 18420: 17507: 13733:
Hitler's Professors: The Part of Scholarship in Germany's Crimes Against the Jewish People
11337: 11245: 8789:. In particular, Hitler saw the United States as a major future rival and feared that the 7797:
The Nazi notion of Slavs as inferior served as a legitimisation of their desire to create
6448:, even used the term "National Socialism" to describe his own anti-capitalist take on the 6411: 6022:) and put forth concepts similar to those which the Nazis adopted. Fichte promoted German 5993:
Fichte's works served as an inspiration to Hitler and other Nazi Party members, including
5924: 5039: 2959: 691: 686: 8: 31995: 31960: 31748: 31658: 31476: 31391: 31284: 31164: 31134: 31054: 30580: 30520: 29841: 29761: 29163: 29074: 29066: 28829: 28822: 28554: 28539: 28490: 27975: 27322: 27208: 27073: 27068: 27013: 26836: 26826: 26766: 26580: 26575: 26075: 25889: 25754: 25547: 25471: 25425: 25405: 25360: 25187: 25157: 25027: 24870: 24814: 24431: 24391: 24304: 24284: 24182: 23791: 23726: 23686: 22987: 22972: 22950: 22662: 22476: 22443: 22311: 22301: 22059: 21937: 21832: 21695: 21670: 21104: 21089: 20886: 20789: 20776: 20504: 20160: 20115: 19910: 19794: 19723: 19598: 19424: 18875: 18844: 18679: 17155:
Griffin, Roger (2000). "11: Revolution from the Right: Fascism". In Parker, David (ed.).
11421: 9605:
The Lure of Fascism in Western Europe: German Nazis, Dutch and French Fascists, 1933–1939
9314: 9166: 8700:" and were part of a political assault aimed at the spiritual degeneration of the German 8697: 8496: 8463: 8250: 8218: 7889: 7391: 7383: 7209: 6006: 5735: 5638: 5467: 5258: 5253: 4618: 4517: 4510: 4201: 3881: 3824: 3782: 3182: 3120: 3095: 2624: 2617: 2364: 1586: 1571: 1355: 1211: 1178: 477: 446: 281: 30328: 26055: 25268: 24396: 23169: 23097: 23080: 18856: 15359:"DÖW – Erinnern – Biographien – Spurensuche – Maria Restituta (Helene Kafka, 1894–1943)" 14556:
Totenkopf und Treue. Aus den TagebuchblÀttern des finnischen Medizinalrats Felix Kersten
13356: 13350: 8249:
The Nazis were initially very hostile to Catholics because most Catholics supported the
In Nazi Germany, the idea of creating a master race resulted in efforts to "purify" the
2051: 1908: 458: 79: 31296: 31291: 31274: 31269: 30738: 30246: 30183: 29143: 28970: 28653: 28197: 27950: 27171: 27078: 26983: 26852: 26776: 26690: 26685: 26610: 26470: 26440: 26414: 26409: 26334: 26309: 26220: 26050: 25980: 25874: 25869: 25864: 25689: 25385: 24880: 24778: 24314: 22728: 22716: 21992: 21977: 21707: 21690: 21519: 21401: 21278: 21228: 20843: 20815: 19937: 19648: 19390: 19325: 19121: 19006: 18984: 18979: 18974: 18929: 18753: 18509: 18436: 18054:
The Language of the Third Reich: LTI – Lingua Tertii Imperii: A Philologist's Notebooks
18003: 17742: 16878: 16749: 16672: 16064: 15742: 15625: 14921: 14554:
Himmler was thinking about members of the SS fulfilling this task. See: Felix Kersten,
14397: 14227: 14012:. Los Angeles, California, United States: University of California Press. p. 236. 13988: 13808: 13028: 12939: 12894: 12403: 11492: 11399: 11289: 11165: 11157: 10837:
Hitler's First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War
9713: 8858: 8774: 8539:
beliefs made him retain business competition and private property as economic engines.
8076: 8002:
Fellow Germans who engage in sexual relations with male or female civil workers of the
7639: 7339: 7157: 6793: 6557: 6553: 6457: 6295: 6255: 5976: 5937: 5912: 5785: 5533: 5525: 5463: 5044: 4917: 4586: 4492: 4412: 4397: 4240: 4123: 4118: 4065: 3975: 3745: 3211: 3132: 3115: 2949: 2826: 2669: 2575: 2121: 1767: 1722: 1405: 927: 723: 608: 586: 581: 576: 531: 358: 114: 30728: 26005: 25253: 24461: 22208: 20570: 16241:
The Primacy of Politics: Social Democracy and the Making of Europe's Twentieth Century
Adolf Hitler in a speech to the National Socialist Women's Congress, published in the
14098: 13442:. Malden, MA; Oxford; Carlton, Victoria, Australia: Blackwell Publishing, 2005, p. 14. 8564: 7966: 7181: 7140:
publicly promoted the expansion of Germany into territories held by the Soviet Union.
5592: 5542:, Hitler directly attacked both left-wing and right-wing politics in Germany, saying: 4477: 4307: 31945: 31713: 31415: 31405: 31259: 31204: 31044: 30833: 30495: 30421: 30396: 30198: 30000: 29012: 28817: 28680: 28465: 28333: 28239: 27980: 27706: 27116: 26898: 26893: 26695: 26560: 26505: 26485: 26359: 26304: 26010: 25789: 25714: 25582: 25319: 25263: 25233: 25172: 25092: 24997: 24936: 24875: 24742: 24637: 24617: 24451: 24411: 24248: 24108: 24078: 23953: 23721: 23634: 23487: 23279: 23229: 23219: 23214: 23087: 23075: 23040: 23017: 22783: 22770: 22471: 22219: 22180: 21957: 21947: 21565: 21396: 21381: 21369: 21324: 21134: 21094: 20269: 20100: 20090: 19829: 19608: 19603: 19574: 19429: 19215: 19144: 18969: 18849: 18748: 18669: 18630: 18351: 18332: 18313: 18291: 18283: 18273: 18252: 18244: 18233: 18215: 18196: 18174: 18152: 18133: 18114: 18095: 18073: 18058: 18035: 17963: 17939: 17915: 17896: 17865: 17837: 17809: 17787: 17765: 17703: 17352: 17305: 17278: 17210: 17185: 17160: 17109: 17072: 17045: 17008: 16981: 16868: 16858: 16830: 16820: 16797: 16787: 16753: 16443: 16412: 16245: 16190: 15890: 15791: 15750: 15746: 15728: 15565: 15548: 15069: 14801: 14790: 14768: 14719: 14694: 14660:"The 'Dishonorable' German Girls: The Forgotten Persecution of Women in World War II" 14638: 14627: 14578: 14572: 14401: 14235: 14038: 14013: 13974: 13949: 13899: 13891: 13843: 13794: 13662: 13614: 13563: 13553: 13524: 13514: 13468: 13402: 13360: 13329: 13232: 13093: 13014: 12993: 12973: 12931: 12880: 12689: 12366: 12311: 12280: 12269: 12247: 12216: 12191: 12166: 11959: 11846: 11482: 11413: 11409: 11403: 11389: 11293: 11281: 11187: 11169: 11147: 11085: 11045: 11015: 10978: 10751: 10601: 10502: 10481: 10454: 10177: 10146: 10142: 10066: 10027: 10016: 9916: 9866: 9858: 9827: 9798: 9787: 9699: 9632: 9629:
Nazism as Fascism: Violence, Ideology, and the Ground of Consent in Germany 1930–1945
9608: 9587: 9484: 9463: 9445: 9438: 9369: 9349: 9250: 9128: 9098:
whose aspects were equally attentive to the past and the future, nor was it a modern
8669: 8448: 8399: 8296: 8152: 7825: 7368: 6685: 6680: 6498: 6406: 6174: 6050: 5964: 5960: 5684: 5607: 5063: 5035: 5007: 4979: 4636: 4372: 4152: 4022: 3933: 3901: 3859: 3194: 3177: 2990: 2821: 2801: 2789: 2590: 2500: 2445: 2230: 2166: 2028: 1918: 1815: 1611: 1576: 1365: 1360: 1216: 1148: 817: 746: 571: 451: 353: 271: 232: 30313: 27659: 26715: 26205: 26175: 25925: 24642: 24582: 24436: 24279: 23035: 21631: 21446: 20085: 19235: 18400: 18392: 14485:, 15 September 1935 (Wiener Library Clipping Collection). Cited from: George Mosse, 13934:
Marvin Perry. Western Civilization: A Brief History. Cengage Learning, 2012, p. 468.
12362: 11648:(Folklore as Science) which was awarded in 1935 by the Nazis. See: George L. Mosse, 11496: 8462:
The Nazi government continued the economic policies introduced by the government of
on 8 March 1940 which contained regulations concerning the Polish forced labourers (
and stressed the need for the German nation to purify itself (including purging the
5668: 5487: 5451: 3056: 2876: 2008: 1983: 837: 31940: 31493: 31383: 31264: 31194: 30964: 30883: 30878: 30803: 30778: 30723: 30713: 30703: 30673: 30653: 30643: 30510: 30505: 30463: 30406: 30203: 29886: 29881: 29856: 29801: 29776: 28980: 28975: 28849: 28522: 28397: 28234: 28021: 27965: 27889: 27711: 26796: 26655: 26185: 26140: 26060: 26040: 26025: 26015: 25970: 25749: 25679: 25608: 25572: 25567: 25481: 25410: 25390: 25365: 25299: 25137: 25117: 25107: 25087: 25072: 24941: 24926: 24865: 24773: 24732: 24702: 24682: 24647: 24622: 24512: 24502: 24289: 24258: 24177: 23888: 23818: 23327: 22450: 22429: 22254: 22239: 21807: 21408: 21263: 21201: 21079: 21069: 20995: 20928: 20697: 20565: 20185: 20145: 20105: 19789: 19632: 19444: 19350: 19275: 19220: 19116: 18994: 18829: 18722: 18597: 18415: 18166: 18048: 18007: 17995: 17851: 17823: 17670: 16741: 16054: 16046: 15732: 15724: 14913: 14850: 14389: 13484: 13451: 12923: 12411: 11707:
Andrew Gladding Whiteside, Austrian National Socialism before 1918, (1962), pp. 1–3
11474: 11459:. In Whitehead, A.; Woods, A.; Atkinson, S.; Macnaughton, J.; Richards, J. (eds.). 11381: 11271: 11261: 11139: 10262: 9691: 9053: 8958: 8872: 8821: 8588: 8536: 8484: 8419: 8375: 8333: 8324: 8263: 8226: 7651: 7603:
for people with a range of conditions which were thought to be hereditary, such as
7511: 7487: 7399: 7302: 6930: 6899: 6838: 6724: 6497:
were one and the same and that Marxism was a Jewish ideology-this became known as "
6486: 6425: 6313: 6229:
title and the model of absolute party leadership. Hitler was also impressed by the
6214: 6184: 6054: 5817: 5680: 5455: 5214: 5160: 5106: 5067: 5027: 5019: 4964: 4828: 4462: 4407: 4347: 4212: 3970: 3814: 3772: 3467: 3266: 3256: 2833: 2676: 2545: 2515: 2191: 2111: 2076: 2061: 1928: 1893: 1752: 1695: 1561: 1551: 1500: 1389: 1231: 1046: 952: 877: 822: 718: 596: 431: 324: 30868: 27176: 25238: 24697: 24213: 21887: 20345: 19345: 18887: 17569: 15094: 14821: 9235:
of 9–10 November 1938, stating "For the first time, I am ashamed to be a German":
9030: 8650: 8079:
were sent to concentration camps under the "Extermination Through Work" campaign.
and political opponents. One of Hitler's ambitions at the start of the war was to
6940: 6757: 6675:
spoke of the rise of a "National Socialism" in Germany within what he termed the "
6300: 6079:, which the Nazi agriculturalist Walther Darré and other prominent Nazis adopted. 5524:
The majority of scholars identify Nazism in both theory and practice as a form of
5198: 2116: 1883: 947: 489: 31970: 31910: 31786: 31518: 31503: 31422: 31387: 31321: 30994: 30913: 30873: 30843: 30828: 30793: 30788: 30758: 30733: 30718: 30693: 30678: 30613: 30590: 30575: 30560: 30545: 30416: 30371: 30356: 30346: 30168: 30163: 30020: 30015: 29995: 29983: 29006: 28759: 28409: 28229: 27914: 27429: 27126: 27106: 26620: 26565: 26289: 26145: 25985: 25940: 25824: 25784: 25764: 25729: 25638: 25532: 25420: 25370: 25289: 25192: 25182: 25152: 25147: 25132: 25052: 25032: 25012: 24971: 24961: 24931: 24911: 24906: 24824: 24722: 24577: 24552: 24507: 24088: 23716: 23259: 23254: 23137: 23132: 22793: 22788: 22750: 22722: 22612: 21982: 21862: 21857: 21837: 21794: 21644: 21580: 21575: 21504: 21391: 21288: 21273: 21213: 21049: 20560: 20175: 20080: 20065: 20050: 19686: 19641: 19405: 19320: 19315: 19295: 19265: 19230: 19133: 19126: 19011: 18712: 18450: 17999: 17888: 17535: 17346: 15854: 15283: 15272: 15109: 14828: 14105: 13708: 13592: 13491: 13463: 13456: 13281: 12418: 12387: 12358: 12338: 11521: 11429: 11124:"Chapter Six: Life Science, Nazi Wholeness, and the 'Machine' in Germany's Midst" 10353: 10218: 10207: 10195: 10052: 9906: 9662: 9647: 9433: 9258: 9211: 9120: 9083: 9073:
About Hitler's and the Nazi Party's political positions, Bracher further claims:
8970: 8954: 8925: 8916: 8771: 8668:
During the 1920s, Hitler urged disparate Nazi factions to unite in opposition to
8621: 8548: 8492: 8467: 8415: 8282: 8272: 8258: 8148: 8144: 8106: 7454:
and launched the initial development of Aryan culture there that later spread to
7415: 7208:
involving the acceptance of a territorially reduced Russia as well as supporting
7132: 7124: 7039: 6933:
condemned Italian Fascism for being racially confused and having influences from
6926: 6922: 6741: 6720: 6712: 6705: 6690: 6548: 6523: 6516:. Prior to the Nazi ascension to power, Hitler often blamed moral degradation on 6433: 6429: 6287: 6246: 6132: 6128: 6076: 6027: 6010: 5994: 5972: 5952: 5908: 5782: 5722: 5634: 5491: 5419: 5409: 5393: 5357: 5267: 5262: 5180: 5172: 5145: 5011: 4963:" is applied to other far-right groups with similar ideas which formed after the 4952: 4940: 4920: 4892: 4754: 4452: 4387: 4362: 4357: 4342: 4332: 4322: 4297: 4075: 4050: 3331: 3241: 3206: 3172: 3069: 3005: 3000: 2934: 2811: 2560: 2176: 2101: 2091: 2086: 2046: 1993: 1943: 1938: 1853: 1777: 1762: 1707: 1531: 1443: 1398: 1122: 922: 917: 897: 867: 832: 735: 728: 613: 314: 27280: 26660: 25258: 24752: 24532: 24406: 24309: 24299: 22683: 20518: 19834: 14037:. Plymouth, England: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. pp. 161–162. 11680:
Constructing Modern Identities: Jewish University Students in Germany, 1815–1914
11456: 10279: 10185: 9982: 9952: 7850:, and it praised both German capitalists and German workers as essential to the 4422: 2391: 1948: 1933: 1516: 31810: 31798: 31651: 31311: 31219: 31209: 30938: 30813: 30798: 30773: 30768: 30763: 30708: 30683: 30638: 30618: 30480: 30451: 30426: 30381: 30361: 30323: 30278: 30158: 30148: 30005: 29836: 29649: 29138: 28948: 28916: 28881: 28802: 28350: 28328: 28271: 28244: 27879: 27674: 27629: 27619: 27614: 27444: 27424: 27414: 27347: 27312: 27228: 26998: 26883: 26771: 26475: 26235: 26110: 26095: 26070: 25879: 25819: 25744: 25709: 25653: 25577: 25537: 25527: 25400: 25202: 25127: 25062: 25057: 25042: 24987: 24921: 24829: 24819: 24737: 24712: 24662: 24592: 24557: 24517: 24476: 24466: 24441: 24365: 24360: 24350: 24172: 23958: 23681: 23664: 23557: 23532: 22738: 22701: 22576: 22496: 22418: 22296: 22054: 21802: 21779: 21685: 21680: 21538: 21428: 21413: 21283: 21154: 21139: 21059: 20809: 20687: 20590: 20555: 20442: 20055: 19839: 19799: 19767: 19716: 19615: 19480: 19395: 19340: 19330: 19286: 19195: 19175: 18964: 18941: 18834: 18732: 18717: 18674: 18572: 18188: 17801: 17779: 17476: 17297: 12493: 11545: 11529: 11161: 10644: 10473: 10234: 10222: 9789:
The Rise and Fall of the Caucasian Race: A Political History of Racial Identity
9651: 9354: 9228: 9203: 9173: 9155: 9141: 8978: 8786: 8733: 8592: 8568: 8543: 8427: 8423: 8300: 8267: 8171: 7991: 7917:, a publicly active and involved citizen, rather than a selfish, materialistic 7847: 7721: 7689: 7499: 7467: 7459: 7455: 7423: 7419: 7273: 7217: 6999: 6970:...National Socialism was not primarily an ideological and programmatic, but a 6963: 6934: 6911: 6849: 6736:(1918), written during the final months of World War I, addressed the supposed 6676: 6660: 6470: 6317: 6067: 6058: 6023: 5880: 5850: 5842: 5745:
Before he joined the Bavarian Army to fight in World War I, Hitler had lived a
5727: 5717: 5626: 5517: 5277: 5218: 5141: 5137: 4995: 4581: 4497: 4487: 4482: 4317: 4259: 3891: 3552: 3423: 3419: 3301: 3261: 3110: 3105: 2968: 2858: 2838: 2440: 2369: 2206: 2156: 2146: 2126: 2023: 1888: 1873: 1863: 1772: 1631: 1616: 1541: 1456: 1372: 1267: 1193: 942: 932: 797: 777: 566: 543: 436: 336: 319: 276: 177: 26710: 24426: 24370: 24253: 24238: 20110: 20045: 19991: 19185: 19153: 15388: 12710:
The politics of cultural despair: a study in the rise of the Germanic ideology
11385: 11143: 9034:" as the ideological foundation of Nazi Germany's "total state". In his book " 7786:, which had a massive impact on the indoctrination of the German population. " 7750:, etc.). They were regarded as a race of men not inclined to a higher form of 7117:
At the core of the Nazi ideology was the bio-geo-political project to acquire
of French words, a policy that the Nazis undertook upon their rise to power).
5062:, from which came the party's underlying "cult of violence". It subscribed to 2161: 1878: 1162: 787: 755: 31904: 31636: 31528: 31244: 31074: 30984: 30933: 30903: 30893: 30823: 30818: 30808: 30668: 30658: 30648: 30623: 30490: 30468: 30386: 30293: 30266: 30251: 30193: 29876: 29111: 28953: 28886: 28733: 28308: 28259: 28006: 27874: 27669: 27604: 27499: 27439: 27407: 27285: 26745: 26735: 26605: 26225: 26170: 26130: 26105: 26085: 26030: 25965: 25935: 25930: 25915: 25834: 25829: 25774: 25769: 25684: 25633: 25542: 25415: 25314: 25284: 25248: 25177: 25097: 25047: 25007: 24966: 24956: 24946: 24834: 24783: 24768: 24727: 24717: 24677: 24667: 24607: 24527: 24416: 24375: 24345: 24330: 24243: 24228: 24223: 24208: 23781: 23644: 23332: 23007: 22586: 22393: 22244: 22114: 22064: 22007: 21952: 21729: 21492: 21376: 21218: 21114: 21074: 21041: 20892: 20854: 20508: 20457: 20180: 20150: 20125: 20070: 20012: 19905: 19860: 19844: 19755: 19536: 19270: 19205: 19190: 19077: 19068: 18957: 18906: 18896: 18824: 18707: 18686: 18582: 18087: 17893:
Rehearsals for Fascism: Populism and Political Mobilization in Weimar Germany
17861: 17833: 17761: 17274: 16848: 16745: 16620: 16507:, 2nd ed. University of California Press, 1982, p. 137. Quoting: Hitler, A., 16276: 15882: 15783: 15662: 15646: 15261: 15231: 14917: 14498: 14452: 13896:
Eradicating Differences: The Treatment of Minorities in Nazi-Dominated Europe
13672: 13650: 12935: 12239: 11333: 11329: 11285: 11205: 11191: 10591: 10169: 10134: 10056: 9881: 9476: 9301: 9232: 9103: 8986: 8867: 8794: 8790: 8763: 8672:. Hitler asserted that the "three vices" of "Jewish Marxism" were democracy, 8637: 8527: 8440: 8432: 8329: 8234: 8230: 8199: 8191: 8071: 8003: 7995: 7982: 7952: 7713: 7693: 7669: 7604: 7561: 7523: 7451: 7403: 7373: 7360: 7311: 7289: 7244: 7070: 6980: 6890: 6880: 6771:" and instinct, while the ideals of rationalism would be revealed as absurd. 6760: 6753: 6672: 6600: 6585: 6518: 6380: 6305: 6154: 6090: 5916: 5801: 5692: 5660: 5440: 5319: 5285: 5112: 5086: 5071: 5031: 4749: 4670: 4554: 4447: 4432: 4402: 4282: 4032: 3291: 3154: 2922: 2796: 2654: 2644: 2639: 2629: 2540: 2374: 2003: 1978: 1923: 1898: 1858: 1833: 1712: 1596: 1556: 1322: 1110: 872: 807: 792: 679: 670: 559: 508: 498: 426: 309: 288: 187: 28685: 26455: 26120: 26020: 20624: 20535: 20140: 19695: 19250: 16872: 16834: 16801: 16425: 14975:
pleasure, as well as those who today might identify as trans or transgender.
14855: 14842: 13567: 13268:
Germany, Hitler, and World War II: Essays in modern German and world history
11266: 8904: 7030:" as part of a biopolitical process to establish an ideal German community. 6869:
Jews in them, one is an ideologue, i.e., a danger for the nation. Idiotic."
The first party that attempted to combine nationalism and socialism was the
5731: 5625:, officially known as the "National Front", but commonly referred to as the 3938: 852: 31545: 31513: 31432: 31224: 30908: 30898: 30888: 30753: 30748: 30688: 30663: 30633: 30628: 30535: 30530: 30376: 30256: 29990: 29926: 29796: 29786: 29781: 29700: 29690: 29634: 29524: 29175: 29121: 28985: 28797: 28697: 28648: 28505: 28451: 28323: 28303: 28298: 28293: 28283: 28219: 28214: 28163: 28058: 27996: 27689: 27684: 27644: 27489: 27464: 27459: 27327: 27161: 26888: 26274: 26230: 26180: 26155: 26100: 26065: 25975: 25734: 25704: 25628: 25623: 25618: 25613: 25562: 25552: 25375: 25167: 25082: 25077: 25067: 24992: 24901: 24809: 24707: 24652: 24627: 24572: 24456: 24274: 24233: 23923: 23808: 22933: 22696: 22408: 22160: 22155: 22136: 22109: 21877: 21364: 21356: 21258: 21109: 20922: 20898: 20874: 20868: 20620: 20452: 20447: 20323: 20259: 20170: 20075: 20040: 20030: 20020: 19865: 19761: 19490: 19355: 19310: 19260: 19240: 19225: 19180: 19111: 19036: 18880: 18763: 18702: 18647: 18635: 18516: 17808:. Translated by V. R. Berghahn. Providence, Rhode Island: Berg Publishers. 16235: 14716:
The Third Reich at War: How the Nazis Led Germany from Conquest to Disaster
Spielvogel, Jackson J. Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History. Routledge, 2016.
13830: 13528: 13504: 12147: 11549: 11541: 11435: 11320: 11217: 11077: 9279: 9275: 9021: 9014: 8962: 8836: 8625: 8612: 8596: 8518: 8480: 8379: 8167: 8013: 7751: 7643: 7545: 7535: 7527: 7475: 7463: 7364: 7331: 7254: 7053: 6764: 6543: 6441: 6364: 6343: 6291: 6178: 5998: 5872: 5813: 5812:
of Jewish influences, noting Stalin's purging of Jewish communists such as
5797: 5622: 5529: 5483: 5432: 5315: 5226: 5055: 4999: 4991: 4987: 4968: 4924: 4764: 4623: 4564: 4467: 4352: 4337: 4175: 3866: 3410: 3402: 3311: 3286: 3281: 3236: 2784: 2776: 2701: 2649: 2485: 2450: 2359: 2196: 2106: 2096: 2081: 1903: 1747: 1591: 1277: 1171: 957: 912: 862: 842: 827: 782: 713: 638: 482: 368: 304: 249: 237: 121: 26650: 25228: 19982: 18378: 18230:
Hitler's Millennial Reich: Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation
Hitler's Millennial Reich: Apocalyptic Belief and the Search for Salvation
Judaism as a Civilization: Toward a Reconstruction of American-Jewish Life
Hitler's American Model: The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law
10750:. Plymouth, England: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc. p. 96. 9695: 9545: 9274:
ordered that Otto was to be executed immediately if caught. As ordered by
model, which they nonetheless applied to the social sphere in the form of
8720:, with the Nazi paramilitary organisations being opposed by the Communist 7970:
Heinrich Himmler reportedly told a confidant that when he established the
6985: 5849:
as living proof of Germanic superiority over "inferior" races and saw the
5721:(SA), were committed to the party's official socialist, revolutionary and 3960: 31680: 31673: 31600: 31488: 31448: 30923: 30918: 30853: 30848: 30698: 30570: 30525: 30515: 30308: 30303: 30241: 30178: 29961: 29936: 29861: 29821: 29791: 29766: 29746: 29725: 29705: 29685: 29675: 29644: 29509: 29038: 28844: 28839: 28807: 28365: 28355: 28313: 28170: 27955: 27904: 27778: 27716: 27554: 27529: 27357: 27332: 27290: 26993: 26967: 26806: 26720: 26465: 26445: 26165: 25804: 25395: 25350: 25309: 25223: 25197: 25102: 25017: 24951: 24916: 24672: 24612: 24587: 24547: 24522: 24481: 24471: 24340: 24203: 23711: 23639: 23269: 23244: 22798: 22331: 22284: 22131: 21822: 21700: 21639: 21614: 21602: 21186: 21149: 21099: 20910: 20205: 20201: 20095: 20000: 19973: 19964: 19663: 19210: 19056: 19026: 18870: 18743: 17266: 16027: 14439:: Weimar Women in Politics and Work" in Renate Bridenthal, et al. (eds), 13918: 12096: 12050: 11956:
Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism
10415: 10311: 9399: 9364: 9271: 9112: 9091: 8876: 8850:. Hitler argued that the only means to maintain economic security was to 8825: 8824:
that capitalism had "run its course". Hitler also said that the business
8782: 8444: 8436: 8388: 8237: 8175: 8031: 7747: 7673: 7647: 7635: 7479: 7355: 7335: 7327: 7128: 7079: 7062: 7049: 7026: 7012: 7008: 6991: 6915: 6876: 6817: 6801: 6695: 6622: 6612: 6534:
were severely punished; some party members were even sentenced to death.
6357: 6234: 6113: 6109: 6101: 6094: 6086: 5929: 5821: 5808:
on numerous occasions. Hitler commended Stalin for seeking to purify the
5775: 5767: 5746: 5696: 5688: 5676: 5615: 5583: 5579: 5506: 5495: 5436: 5412:
for 'Socialist') as an example, they shortened the NSDAP's name,
5152: 5082: 5079: 5059: 4457: 4158: 3871: 3807: 3306: 3296: 3125: 3064: 3039: 3027: 2495: 2337: 2201: 2131: 1843: 1838: 1680: 1626: 1581: 1420: 812: 658: 628: 472: 348: 31781: 28404: 27524: 26540: 25324: 18387: 18373: 18193:
Inside Nazi Germany: Conformity, Opposition, and Racism in Everyday Life
17145:(Cambridge & New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008), pp. 20–21. 16059: 15019:"Historians are learning more about how the Nazis targeted trans people" 14925: 14901: 14426:
Steele, David Ramsay. "The Mystery of Fascism." Liberty Magazine (2001).
10318:, Waulconda, Illinois: Bolchazi-Carducci Publishers, Inc., 2007, p. 170. 10269:, originally published in 1963, republished in 2016, Plunkett Lake Press 8579: 7296: 5715:
Large segments of the Nazi Party, particularly among the members of the
3326: 31718: 31690: 31668: 31578: 31306: 31114: 31014: 30863: 30783: 30555: 30446: 30288: 30231: 30208: 30173: 30122: 30112: 30080: 30025: 29851: 29831: 29756: 29720: 29624: 29609: 29534: 29459: 29230: 29116: 29033: 28764: 28703: 28360: 28156: 27884: 27664: 27469: 27367: 27083: 27043: 26615: 26585: 26530: 26369: 26215: 25849: 25724: 25719: 25380: 25334: 25304: 25162: 24602: 24562: 24497: 24355: 24187: 23833: 23823: 23786: 23382: 22923: 22854:
Hungarian National Socialist Agricultural Labourers' and Workers' Party
22290: 22224: 21882: 21812: 21590: 21477: 21418: 21268: 21233: 21176: 21084: 20540: 20530: 20381: 20264: 20155: 20120: 20060: 19739: 19200: 18950: 18913: 18839: 18727: 18565: 18305: 17912:
The Bismarck Myth: Weimar Germany and the Legacy of the Iron Chancellor
Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich
16068: 14487:
Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich
14472:, (vol I). Triumph. (WĂŒrzburg: Verlagsdruckerei Schmidt, 1962), p. 452. 13419: 12943: 12915: 12603:, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2007. pp. 336–337. 12446:. Chicago, Illinois; London: University of Chicago Press, 2010, p. 209. 11654:
The Nazification of an Academic Discipline: Folklore in the Third Reich
11626: 11533: 11276: 11222: 11196: 11128:
Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler
9624: 9291: 9224: 9216: 9158: 8950: 8841: 8778: 8510: 8506: 8501: 8475: 8308: 8304: 8053: 8010:
The Nazis later issued similar regulations against the Eastern Workers
7972: 7743: 7730: 7620: 7577: 7427: 7395: 7259: 7213: 7119: 7092: 7004: 6894: 6589: 6494: 6372: 6361: 6267: 6259: 6097: 6061:
borrowed from Riehl's work as did Nazi ideologues Alfred Rosenberg and
5968: 5944: 5830: 5825: 5672: 5597: 5538: 5510: 5374: 5186: 5100: 5075: 4960: 4928: 4731: 4559: 4442: 4437: 4417: 4327: 4312: 4287: 4235: 4085: 3876: 3802: 3381: 3015: 2907: 2843: 2398: 2381: 2349: 2342: 2240: 2181: 2013: 1988: 1757: 1727: 1670: 1566: 1058: 802: 552: 515: 441: 329: 170: 46: 31: 31382: 16397:"They must unite, said, to defeat the common enemy, Jewish Marxism." 15737: 12793:. London; Totowa, NJ: Frank Cass and Company Ltd., 1989. pp. 20–26, 30 11650:
The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich
Additional evidence of Riehl's legacy can be seen in the Riehl Prize,
The Crisis of German Ideology: Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich
Imperial Ecology: Environmental Order in the British Empire, 1895–1945
Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century
Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century
10858: 9915:(illustrated ed.). Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Pub. Co. p. 247. 9479:(2000). "Revolution from the Right: Fascism". In Parker, David (ed.). 9282:", which had previously been repealed, was reintroduced by the Nazis. 7935: 6469:(1912) is an antisemitic forgery created by the secret service of the 5209:), and his belief in Germany's right to territorial expansion through 5179:
or those of Jewish descent, while also supporting land reform and the
31641: 31617: 31573: 31568: 31523: 31508: 31410: 31004: 30943: 30500: 30143: 30070: 30055: 29976: 29896: 29891: 29816: 29771: 29751: 29730: 29715: 29695: 29680: 29544: 29504: 29153: 29028: 29023: 28911: 28343: 28254: 28187: 28146: 27679: 27584: 27569: 27449: 27372: 26937: 26700: 26665: 26630: 26450: 25859: 25694: 25557: 25243: 22744: 22002: 21967: 21423: 21119: 20862: 20524: 19380: 19061: 18695: 18491: 18348:
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
17605: 13654: 13646: 12510: 12508: 12506: 12383: 12381: 12379: 11831:. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000. pp. 159–160. 11815:. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000. pp. 236–237. 11537: 11525: 11466: 11216:
as an alien force representing chaos, mechanism, and inauthenticity.
9512: 8999: 8929: 8617: 8523: 7871: 7655: 7591: 7573: 7531: 7495: 7204:
From 1921 to 1922, Hitler evoked rhetoric of both the achievement of
7185: 7016: 6857: 6768: 6749: 6745: 6737: 6578: 6390: 6376: 6368: 6339: 6334:
would prove to be a seminal work in the history of German nationalism
6251: 5805: 5232:
The Nazi Party won the greatest share of the popular vote in the two
5129: 5050: 5015: 4608: 4225: 4195: 4190: 3730: 3231: 2848: 2816: 2136: 1601: 1105: 663: 297: 96: 31874: 26600: 23587: 20338: 19747: 18425: 17958:
Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity
Blamires, Cyprian P. (2006). Blamires, C. P.; Jackson, Paul (eds.).
16050: 12927: 10782: 10780: 8656: 6774:
Spengler's notions of "Prussian socialism" as described in his book
and others were "traitors to the nation" and unworthy of inclusion.
Although he opposed communist ideology, Hitler publicly praised the
2386: 31583: 31498: 31279: 30858: 30595: 30188: 30153: 30127: 30107: 30060: 29871: 29826: 29710: 29614: 29604: 29569: 29539: 29127: 29043: 28896: 28855: 28370: 28338: 28288: 28202: 28192: 28175: 27783: 27549: 27479: 26786: 26520: 25218: 23342: 21543: 21482: 21467: 21223: 21165: 21129: 19051: 19016: 18758: 15758: 15309: 15307: 15305: 14599: 14574:
Mobilizing Women for War: German and American Propaganda, 1939–1945
14393: 13688:. Eastbourne, England; Portland, OR: Sussex Academic Press p. 150. 12791:
The Nazi Party in Dissolution: Hitler and the Verbotzeit, 1923–1925
The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution
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since the late 19th century. Nazism was strongly influenced by the
5023: 4700: 4570: 4185: 3928: 2973: 2912: 2897: 1717: 1659: 1606: 653: 618: 363: 17157:
Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560–1991
Foundations of the Nazi Police State: The Formation of Sipo and SD
Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition: In the West 1560–1991
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The Gestapo and German Society: Enforcing Racial Policy, 1933–1945
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himself had even used the stock imagery of conservative holism in
10741: 10739: 10695:
Foundations of the Nazi Police State: The Formation of Sipo and SD
Explaining Politics: Culture, Institutions, and Political Behavior
9115:, in his history of Europe in the first half of the 20th century, 7704: 6679:" that were a declaration of war against the "ideas of 1789" (the 6298:, a French racial theorist and aristocrat, blamed the fall of the 52:"Hitlerism" redirects here. For Hitler's political positions, see 31743: 31663: 31316: 31229: 30117: 30085: 30075: 29846: 29806: 29639: 29564: 29549: 29529: 27701: 26570: 26535: 26515: 26345:
An Investigation of Global Policy with the Yamato Race as Nucleus
The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia
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Hitler, Adolf (1939). "XIV: Germany's policy in Eastern Europe".
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End of Days: Essays on the Apocalypse from Antiquity to Modernity
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Kobrak, Christopher; Hansen, Per H.; Kopper, Christopher (2004).
Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition in the West 1560–1991
9099: 8851: 8808: 8630:
33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French)
8600: 8207: 7902: 7755: 7685: 7681: 7519: 7398:" who were not targeted for extermination, but were subjected to 7300:
Topographical map of Europe: the Nazi Party declared support for
6886: 6865:
the Jews have transgressed various national cultural boundaries.
6797: 6639:
Hitler and other Nazi legal theorists were inspired by America's
6608: 6490: 6474: 5642:
Hitler was soon able to establish a Nazi one-party dictatorship.
5386: 5362: 5125: 4975: 4253: 4246: 4207: 4180: 3083: 2475: 2354: 1508: 105: 15302: 13434: 13432: 13082:
Joseph W. Bendersk, A History of Nazi Germany: 1919–1945, p. 177
11715: 11713: 10964: 10853:
Munich: HofbrÀuhaus & History: Beer, Culture, & Politics
10288: 8397:
highway system, the introduction of an affordable people's car (
and condemned Rosenberg's and Himmler's paganism as "nonsense".
was discouraged for racially valuable women in Nazi Germany and
planned mass expansion of Germany's borders to eastwards of the
6142: 31622: 31588: 31535: 30065: 29654: 29629: 29619: 29589: 29574: 29148: 29104: 28926: 28861: 28420: 28180: 27848: 27843: 27788: 27534: 27484: 27003: 26730: 26725: 26555: 26389: 23606: 23507: 23377: 23045: 21722: 21497: 21238: 20934: 20610: 20600: 20292: 18922: 18778: 17665: 15911:
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany
15889:(2nd ed.). Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press. p. 42. 14008:
E. Aschheim, Steven (1992). "8: Nietzsche in the Third Reich".
E. Aschheim, Steven (1992). "8: Nietzsche in the Third Reich".
Operation Barbarossa: Ideology and Ethics Against Human Dignity
E. Aschheim, Steven (1992). "8: Nietzsche in the Third Reich".
Operation Barbarossa: Ideology and Ethics Against Human Dignity
Operation Barbarossa: Ideology and Ethics Against Human Dignity
12796: 12489: 12487: 12485: 12483: 11613:
Germany's Nature: Cultural Landscapes and Environmental History
11373: 10736: 9684: 9462:. Viking-Penguin. pp. xvii–xxiv, 21, 26–31, 114–140, 352. 9136:
especially when it concerned racial matters. In his monograph,
9046: 8798: 8693: 8068:
Reichszentrale zur BekÀmpfung der HomosexualitÀt und Abtreibung
7581: 7515: 7503: 7177: 6903: 6780:("Prussiandom and Socialism", 1919), influenced Nazism and the 6604: 6597: 6509: 5835: 5754: 5750: 5645: 5331: 4591: 4547: 3147: 2927: 1732: 524: 383: 16921: 15680:
The 12-Year Reich: A Social History of Nazi Germany, 1933–1945
15449:"DöW – Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes" 14992:
Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust
Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and Nazi Politics
Mothers in the Fatherland: Women, the Family and Nazi Politics
Nations have the Right to Kill: Hitler, the Holocaust, and War
13671:(1960) that the deformity was caused by a childhood attack of 13412: 12840: 12628: 12521: 12459:. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995, p. 5. 12408:
Myth 19 That Darwin and Haeckel were Complicit in Nazi Biology
10847: 10845: 10440: 9824:
European Business, Dictatorship, and Political Risk, 1920–1945
7758:, influences. Because of this, the Nazis declared Slavs to be 7494:(referred to as Longobards in the book); that remnants of the 7263:", Volume 2, Chapter 14: "Germany's policy in Eastern Europe") 6666: 6489:
and from 1920 onwards he focused his attacks by claiming that
5730:": brown on the outside and red inside. The leader of the SA, 5171:, or "25 Points", was adopted in 1920 and called for a united 31816: 31628: 30095: 29584: 29519: 27033: 22618: 22145: 19708: 19485: 16957: 16671:. San JosĂ© University Department of Economics. Archived from 15710:"Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany" 15340: 15338: 15336: 13429: 13393: 13391: 13307: 13305: 13303: 13301: 13299: 13297: 13295: 13293: 13291: 13289: 13013:. Chicago, USA: The University of Chicago Press. p. 37. 11928: 11710: 11690: 11688: 11246:"Science and political ideology: The example of Nazi Germany" 10469: 10467: 9095: 8583:
Anti-communist, antisemitic propaganda poster in Nazi Germany
8214: 8203: 8195: 7771: 7717: 7507: 7471: 7057: 6861: 6271: 6117: 6116:
and it viewed societies as organic, extolling the virtues of
6013:, Fichte called for a German national revolution against the 5551:
In a speech given in Munich on 12 April 1922, Hitler stated:
In the 1920s, political opponents of the NSDAP in the German
5366: 5342: 4852: 4837: 4146: 1272: 26963:
National Socialist League of the Reich for Physical Exercise
17630:"Habsburgs demand return of estates seized by Nazis in 1938" 17228: 17226: 16121: 16119: 13121: 13119: 13041: 12770: 12757: 12712:
University of California Press reprint edition (1974) p. 296
12480: 10870: 10855:, 2nd ed. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc, 2008, p. 61. 10831: 10829: 10676: 10674: 10672: 10670: 10563: 10538: 8985:
According to the famous philosopher and political theorist,
and described the economy as being somewhere in between the
7371:) and non-Aryans were now punishable under the race laws as 7007:." Nazi regime's policies were shaped by the integration of 6805:
exist for war: they are the expression of the will to war".
6647:, which they wanted to implement also against Jews, and for 6420:
Radical antisemitism was promoted by prominent advocates of
6188:("Lesser Germany", excluding Austria) versus the Pan-German 30090: 29514: 23003:
Volkssozialistische Bewegung Deutschlands/Partei der Arbeit
21144: 20595: 18270:
The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919–1945
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Roots of Hate: Anti-Semitism in Europe Before the Holocaust
Roots of Hate: Anti-Semitism in Europe Before the Holocaust
11778: 11512: 11344:
and other nineteenth century authors, promoted the idea of
11213: 10842: 10803: 10801: 10799: 10797: 10795: 10329:
Social Life, Local Politics, and Nazism: Marburg, 1880–1935
9428: 9426: 8938: 8813: 8689: 7634:
argued that European peoples were divided into five races:
A wagon piled high with corpses outside the crematorium in
descent. He described the rise of Anglo-Saxon societies in
6853: 6800:
and that would connect the individual to the state through
6275: 5327: 5176: 1621: 20987: 15333: 15246:
Holy Hatred: Christianity, Antisemitism, and the Holocaust
13388: 13286: 13163:
Hitler's War in the East, 1941–1945: A Critical Assessment
Prophet of Decline: Spengler on World History and Politics
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The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities
10905: 10903: 10901: 10888: 10886: 10684:, New York City: Cambridge University Press, 2004, p. 183. 10464: 8418:
of industry during the same period, the Nazis transferred
8240:. They publicly displayed an original edition of Luther's 5875:
called the "scrapheap of ideas" prevalent at the time. In
29659: 29554: 22839:
German National Socialist Workers' Party (Czechoslovakia)
18442: 17389: 17223: 16945: 16933: 16155: 16143: 16116: 14202:, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1971. pp. 167, 175–176 13206: 13194: 13182: 13116: 13011:
Hitler's Geographies: The Spatialities of the Third Reich
Hitler's Geographies: The Spatialities of the Third Reich
12824:. Madison: Wisconsin University Press, 1995. pp. 463–464. 12103:. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 2001, p. 588. 12067: 12065: 11682:. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 1999, p. 86. 11561: 11518:
Common Roots: Holism Before and During the Interwar Years
10826: 10667: 10430: 10428: 10334: 10096: 10094: 9266:
that the Austrian should become a man of second category.
Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring
while advocating a national socialism that was free from
6617: 6233:
antisemitism and the anti-liberal bourgeois agitation of
5473: 5470:. They similarly did not refer to themselves as "Nazis". 4864: 4846: 3380:
incorporated as the national flag was established by the
18428:, a large collection of scanned original Nazi documents. 18288:
Studying the Jew: Scholarly Antisemitism in Nazi Germany
Hitler's Private Library: The Books That Shaped His Life
16883: 16643: 16579: 16456: 16367: 16179: 16004: 15957: 15955: 15198: 15196: 15164:. Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum. Archived from 14744: 14164: 14139: 13767: 13738: 13457:
German History in Modern Times: Four Lives of the Nation
13378: 13376: 13054: 12028: 11843:
Hitler's Vienna: A Portrait of the Tyrant as a Young Man
11582: 11580: 11578: 11576: 11105: 11103: 11101: 10937: 10792: 10321: 9423: 9184:'nobility of blood' of the 'master race', the princely ' 8139: 8057:
Berlin memorial to homosexual victims of the Holocaust:
Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour
A Nazi-era school textbook for German students entitled
7188:, and spread propaganda, prepared for an armed uprising. 5600:, but the younger generation, which was associated with 5450:
does not contain the word "Nazi" either. In speeches by
17449: 17314: 17238: 16786:(3rd ed.). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 15865: 15863: 15141: 14505:(New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988), pp. 149, 185–187. 14274: 14272: 14257: 13699:
Hitler's Scientists: Science, War, and the Devil's Pact
Hugh R. Trevor-Roper (ed.), Gerhard L. Weinberg (ed.).
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Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890
11790: 11754: 11739: 10920: 10918: 10898: 10883: 10065:. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 4. 6929:, accusing it of being too conservative or capitalist. 6698:
state, and his ideas were part of the basis of Nazism.
5302:, meaning "leader and Chancellor of Germany" (see also 4923:
socio-political ideology and practices associated with
National Italo-Romanian Cultural and Economic Movement
Action Front of National Socialists/National Activists
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When Biology Became Destiny in Weimar and Nazi Germany
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Picture Imperfect: Photography and Eugenics, 1870–1940
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24. Auflage, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 2002,
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Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia
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Beyond Totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism Compared
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Nazi End Times; The Third Reich as a Millennial Reich
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Kluge Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
9899: 8603:. Nazism rejected class conflict-based socialism and 7354:, Nazism viewed what it called the Aryan race as the 7048:
Nazism emphasised German nationalism, including both
Adolf Hitler himself along with other members of the
and a national character. Those views were shared by
5454:, he never uses the term "Nazi". Hitler Youth leader 4876: 4861: 4849: 4843: 4834: 16296:(London & New York: Routledge, 1986), pp. 39–48. 15928: 15916: 15860: 15816: 15804: 15328:
Power and Culture: Hegemony, Interaction and Dissent
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Backing Hitler: Consent and Coercion in Nazi Germany
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Anti-Masonry § Nazi Germany and occupied Europe
in Berlin, 1920 (The Marinebrigade Erhardt used the
nationalism. The Nazis supported such revolutionary
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The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals
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The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia
The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia
The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia
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The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia
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Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken
Hitler's Table Talk 1941–1944: Secret Conversations
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The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia
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laws denying full citizenship for African Americans
6634: 6493:and Marxism were directly connected, that Jews and 6240: 6202:, Hitler presented himself as a "second Bismarck". 5516:(DNVP) during the brief NSDAP–DNVP alliance in the 5396:seized on this. Using the earlier abbreviated term 5365:. It characterised an awkward and clumsy person, a 4858: 4831: 17786:. Translated by John W. Hiden. New York: Longman. 17741: 17628: 15102: 14626: 14443:(New York: Monthly Review Press, 1984), pp. 33–65. 14159:Frontsoldaten: The German Soldier in World War II. 14076:. 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Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc., 2006, p. 542. 11667:World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia, Volume 1 11602:(New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1964), pp. 19–23. 11528:, in 1918, had famously analysed as a widely felt 11340:which, in the wake of the writings of philosopher 10102: 9817: 9437: 8367:German People, German Work (1934) – an example of 5749:lifestyle as a petty street watercolour artist in 4935:in 1930s Europe, it was frequently referred to as 17064: 16550:. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1984. pp. 170–171 16537:. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1984. pp. 166–167 14079: 13969:MĂŒller, R. Ueberschar, Rolf-Dieter, Gerd (2009). 13923:Nazi Empire-building and the Holocaust In Ukraine 13890: 13789:MĂŒller, R. Ueberschar, Rolf-Dieter, Gerd (2009). 13328:. Princeton University Press. pp. 216, 231. 12557:. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc, 2006, p. 628. 12012:. Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 207, 209. 11823: 11821: 11807: 11805: 11239: 11237: 11235: 10252:Selected Speeches of Field Marshal Hermann Goring 9905: 9822:. In Kobrak, Christopher; Hansen, Per H. (eds.). 8383:vindictiveness of the western political leaders' 7870:In 1922, Hitler disparaged other nationalist and 6258:, one of the key inventors of the theory of the " 31902: 29201:Bay Area Holocaust Oral History Project (BAHOHP) 26340:Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics 17702:. Vol. 1: A–K. ABC-CLIO. pp. 459–461. 17044:. London: Routledge. pp. 3, 192, 193, 194. 16658:, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004, p. 402. 16627:, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004, p. 230. 16328: 16312: 16111:Industry and Ideology IG Farben in the Nazi Era. 16032:"Soviet and Nazi economic planning in the 1930s" 16017:, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004, p. 403. 15593: 15289: 14713: 14688: 14624: 14518:(London and New York: Longman, 2001), pp. 37–40. 14468:Hitler on 23 November 1937. In Max Domarus ed., 14459:(New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988), pp. 53–59. 14223: 14221: 14181: 14179: 13727: 13725: 13348: 13008: 12874: 12738:in Kinane, Karolyn & Ryan, Michael A. (eds) 12534: 12412: 12299: 11882:. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc, 2006, p. 62. 10839:, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, p. 251. 10525: 10512: 10174:Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. 9751:"The Disturbing Resilience of Scientific Racism" 9196: 7782:". These ideas were fervently advocated through 6997:Nazi ideology was based on a bio-geo-political " 6925:, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler—rejected 2682:International Military Tribunal for the Far East 2291:Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics 28754:The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews 17953: 17938:. Wellingborough, England: The Aquarian Press. 17534: 17132:(Orlando, FL Harcourt Inc., 1973), pp. 305–459. 16596:, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2004, p. 399 15913:(New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011), p. 260. 15611: 15609: 15601:Fascism, Totalitarianism and Political Religion 15346:Fascism, Totalitarianism and Political Religion 15224: 15162:"Homosexuals. A Separate Category of Prisoners" 14787: 14762: 14756: 14388:(3). The University of Chicago Press: 572–609. 13608: 12992:Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp. 15–57 12657: 12580: 12560: 12266: 11995: 11993: 11991: 11977: 11975: 11885: 11859: 11840: 10491: 10347: 10221:, translated and annotated by Randall Bytwerk, 10051: 10018:Hitler Youth, 1922–1945: An Illustrated History 9780: 9778: 9776: 8957:which indoctrinated the German population with 8599:, its hostility towards small business and its 7619:". Sterilization was also mandated for chronic 7086: 6752:" creates a new epoch. Spengler considered the 6512:between 1907 and 1913, Hitler became fervently 5695:, who later left the Nazi Party and formed the 5306:). From that point, Hitler was effectively the 22532:National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands 19451:National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands 17528: 17184:. Oxford University Press. pp. 138, 139. 17108:. Oxford University Press. pp. 133, 134. 16576:. 2nd ed. Burnham Publishers, 2000. pp. 58–59. 16561:Communism in Germany under the Weimar Republic 16548:Communism in Germany under the Weimar Republic 16535:Communism in Germany under the Weimar Republic 16307:Nazi Germany 1933–1945: Faith and Annihilation 15682:(New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1971), p. 19. 15129: 14781: 14682: 14618: 13513:. New York: Grove Press. pp. 8–9, 17–18. 13319: 13317: 13143:. Hurst & Blackett Ltd. pp. 498, 500. 12875:Giaccaria, Minca, Paolo, Claudio, ed. (2016). 12573:Winkler, Heinrich August and Alexander Sager, 12444:Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins 12365:used the term in his order of 31 July 1941 to 11934: 11818: 11802: 11232: 10344:, Bottom of the Hill Publishing, 2010, p. 287. 9505:"The political parties in the Weimar Republic" 9107:faith; it was a desire to create mankind anew. 8704:. Joseph Goebbels published a pamphlet titled 8479:policies and programs, which included a large 8178:. The Nazis were aided by theologians such as 8042: 7534:as being the result of the Nordic heritage of 7135:. A major policy of the German Nazi Party was 6149:, a major exponent of Pan-Germanism in Austria 5949:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 5877:Hitler and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic 5679:. Other prominent conservative Nazis included 5385:)—Igna(t)z being a common name at the time in 5353:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei 5058:groups that emerged after Germany's defeat in 5043:movement which had been a prominent aspect of 4706:U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism 1238:National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands 31368: 29475: 28436: 22344:Finnish National Socialist Labor Organisation 21003: 20308: 19724: 19700: 18458: 18094:. Providence, Rhode Island: Berg Publishers. 17071:. University Press of Kentucky. p. 240. 17000: 16566: 16497: 16391: 16103: 15419:"Gedenken an WiderstandskĂ€mpfer Roman Scholz" 14570: 14218: 14176: 13898:. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. p. 63. 13722: 13503: 13497: 13342: 12814: 12702: 12606: 12593: 12476:. Princeton University Press. pp. 37–47. 12436: 12246:. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. 12238: 12234: 12232: 11924:cette illustre famille humaine, la plus noble 11659: 10420:The Essential Hitler: Speeches and Commentary 10316:The Essential Hitler: Speeches and Commentary 10267:Account Rendered: A Dossier On My Former Self 10047: 10045: 10043: 6719:. Spengler's views were also popular amongst 5204: 4803: 3351: 1477: 982:An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races 27:Authoritarian ideology, originated in Germany 29981: 29211:Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) 28161: 26395:Our Race Will Rule Undisputed Over The World 22552:National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark 22527:National Socialist Movement (United Kingdom) 19998: 19989: 19980: 19971: 19962: 19953: 19944: 19935: 19926: 19639: 19630: 19470:National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark 19151: 19142: 19131: 19075: 19066: 18948: 18939: 18920: 18911: 18885: 18854: 18693: 18684: 18645: 18621: 18580: 18570: 18556: 18507: 18498: 18489: 17499: 16916:The Devil's Disciples: Hitler's Inner Circle 16903:The Devil's Disciples: Hitler's Inner Circle 16819:(1st ed.). New York: Crown Publishers. 16784:Italian fascism: Its Origins and Development 16638:explorations in Russian and Eurasian history 16563:. St. Martin's Press, New York, 1984, p. 171 16098:Nazi Economics: Ideology, Theory and Policy. 16020: 15606: 15320: 15213: 15211: 15068:. Frankfurt/M.: Campus Verlag. p. 236. 14566: 14564: 14558:(Hamburg: Mölich Verlag, 1952), pp. 228–229. 14189:. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2000, p. 245. 14066: 13993:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 13813:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 13586: 13545: 13262: 13260: 13033:: CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list ( 12899:: CS1 maint: multiple names: editors list ( 12783: 12644: 12449: 12260: 12165:. McFarland & Company, Inc. p. 27. 12077: 12041:. Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1998, p. 5. 11988: 11972: 11922: 11698:. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1999, p. 62. 11672: 10600:. New York: Back Bay Books. pp. 92–93. 10007: 9946: 9944: 9773: 9748: 9047:Classification: Reactionary or Revolutionary 8660: 8648: 8276:, an organisation which advocated a form of 8253:. Catholics opposed the Nazis' promotion of 7437:A "poster information" from the exhibition " 7338:could only be acquired "when one power, the 7131:, and the territory known since 1919 as the 7033: 6938: 6842:(1923), translated as "The Third Reich", by 5423: 5413: 5403: 5397: 5351: 5295: 5283: 5275: 5233: 5196: 5184: 5110: 5098: 5090: 5048: 1396: 1387: 1257:National Socialist Workers' Party of Denmark 1169: 1160: 1132: 1068: 1056: 1044: 1032: 1020: 753: 744: 733: 677: 668: 550: 541: 522: 513: 487: 456: 295: 286: 247: 223: 185: 175: 161: 112: 103: 94: 29917: 27343:Battle Organization of Russian Nationalists 22338:FĂ©dĂ©ration d'action nationale et europĂ©enne 18795: 18149:Charisma and Factionalism in the Nazi Party 17512:. Harper & Brothers. pp. 321–323. 16524:. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2000, p. 50. 16435:Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution 16244:. Cambridge University Press. p. 146. 16207:Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution 15991: 14957:The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 14470:Hitler: Reden und Proklamationen, 1932–1945 14254:, New York: Hill and Wang, 2000. pp. 76–77. 14007: 13943: 13837: 13678: 13552:. Cambridge University Press. p. 276. 13323: 13314: 13179:. London; New York: Routledge, 2004, p. 97. 12728: 12467: 12465: 12293: 12163:The War Aims and Strategies of Adolf Hitler 12119: 12015: 11985:. Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 207. 11953: 11904:Stackelberg, Roderick; Winkle, Sally Anne. 10821:Lifestyle Theory: Past, Present, and Future 10687: 10127: 9742: 9722:) CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 8750:List of companies involved in the Holocaust 8257:of those whom they deemed inferior and the 7921:, who was only interested in private life. 6667:Response to World War I and Italian Fascism 6444:. One antisemitic ideologue of the period, 5766:, Hitler attended the funeral of communist 5458:wrote a book about her experience entitled 31375: 31361: 29482: 29468: 28722:Persecution of Jews during the Black Death 28443: 28429: 27828:Herero and Nama genocide and the Holocaust 27753:National Socialist German Students' League 27274:Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (girls) 26405:A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century 23298:Bulgarian National Socialist Workers Party 22547:National Socialist Workers' Party (Sweden) 21923:National Socialist Japanese Workers' Party 21010: 20996: 20315: 20301: 20250:National Political Institutes of Education 19731: 19717: 18465: 18451: 18421:Hitler's National Socialist Party platform 18130:Nazi Ideology Before 1933: A Documentation 17760:. Translated by Jean Steinberg. New York: 17007:. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. p. 418. 16908: 16696:"The Return of Authoritarian Great Powers" 16614: 16338:. 2nd ed. Burnham Publishers, 2000, p. 40. 16325:. 2nd ed. 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Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2008, p. 156. 10040: 9863:Why Hitler?: The Genesis of the Nazi Reich 9811: 8198:was inaccurate along with portions of the 8049:Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany 7778:" and Jews as the "decisive leader of the 5614:The Nazis, the far-right monarchists, the 5560:Hitler at times redefined socialism. When 5136:. Nazism rejected the Marxist concepts of 5105:and exclude those whom they deemed either 4810: 4796: 3358: 3344: 1484: 1470: 27269:Union of Young Fascists – Vanguard (boys) 23448:National Socialist Patriotic Organisation 22993:United Hungarian National Socialist Party 22834:German National Movement in Liechtenstein 22250:British League of Ex-Servicemen and Women 19440:German National Movement in Liechtenstein 18282: 18272:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 18146: 17887: 17806:Hitler and the Collapse of Weimar Germany 17739: 16963: 16951: 16939: 16927: 16857:(1st ed.). New York: Vintage Books. 16465: 16385: 16373: 16058: 15846:W. Dick; A. Lichtenberg (4 August 2012). 15736: 15695:(New York: Berghahn Books, 2008), p. 243. 15653:(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), pp. 1–5. 15389:"Zur Erinnerung an Dr. Roman Karl Scholz" 15348:. Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2005, p. 85. 15208: 15138:, Publications International Ltd, p. 108. 15016: 14854: 14657: 14561: 14244: 14170: 14145: 14032: 13973:. New York: Berghahn Books. p. 245. 13793:. New York: Berghahn Books. p. 245. 13773: 13761: 13749: 13257: 12916:"The National Socialist Politics of Life" 12765:Press and Politics in the Weimar Republic 12531:. Volume 20, Berghahn Books, 2007, p. 130 12106: 12083:Roderick Stackelberg, Sally Anne Winkle. 11275: 11265: 11243: 10988: 10909: 10892: 10807: 10786: 10774:, London: Constable & Co. Ltd. p. 390 10745: 10569: 10544: 9941: 9865:. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. p. 68. 9432: 8188:Twenty-five Points of the German Religion 7498:were responsible for the creation of the 6949: 6360:. Chamberlain used his thesis to promote 6353:The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century 6332:The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century 6304:in France on racial degeneracy caused by 5505:Nazis alongside members of the far-right 5389:, the area from which the NSDAP emerged. 5074:as part of what the Nazis regarded as an 1227:German National Movement in Liechtenstein 992:The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century 29489: 26812:Scipio Africanus: The Defeat of Hannibal 23650:Canadian Association for Free Expression 23165:Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista 22230:Breton Social-National Workers' Movement 17976: 17909: 17699:World Fascism: A Historical Encyclopedia 17695: 17209:. Oxford University Press. p. 138. 17058: 16980:. Univ of Wisconsin Press. p. 239. 16781: 16341: 15100: 13653:. Goebbels is commonly said to have had 13224: 12827: 12625:German Federal Archive image description 12462: 12211:Housden, Martyn (2000). "2: Ideologue". 12090: 11845:. Tauris Parke Paperbacks. p. 302. 11796: 11784: 11772: 11760: 11748: 11726: 11479:10.3366/edinburgh/9781474400046.003.0003 11037: 10575: 9345:List of Nazi Party leaders and officials 8920: 8578: 8374:The Nazis came to power in the midst of 8359: 8138: 8126: 8052: 7934: 7703: 7584:(11th century – 195 BC) as the original 7544: 7447:Heredity and Racial Biology for Students 7432: 7295: 7167: 7096: 6831: 6807: 6700: 6663:—the Citizenship Law and the Blood Law. 6322: 6250: 6141: 5945:National Socialist German Workers' Party 5928: 5500: 5477: 5341: 5089:which represented a people's community ( 4141: 3371: 31065:Reflections on the Revolution in France 18187: 18029: 17800: 17778: 17752: 17653: 17505: 17455: 17443: 17431: 17407: 17395: 17383: 17332: 17320: 17265: 17244: 17232: 17204: 17179: 17154: 17103: 16431: 16364:, Hurst and Blackett ltd., 1939, p. 343 16225: 15255: 15059: 14893: 14306:, New York: Hill and Wang, 2000, p. 77. 13467:". Cambridge University Press, p. 313. 13445: 13401:. Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, p. 180. 12913: 12862: 12767:. Oxford University Press, 2009, p. 65. 12751: 12516:War, Violence, and the Modern Condition 12471: 12442:Denis R. Alexander, Ronald L. Numbers. 12344: 12210: 11633:The Routledge Companion to Nazi Germany 11109: 11028: 11007: 10864: 10620: 10434: 10133: 10100: 9893: 9688:The Cambridge World History of Genocide 9483:. London: Routledge. pp. 185–201. 9475: 9457: 8213:Hitler denounced the Old Testament as " 7846:Nazism rejected the Marxist concept of 7322:According to Goebbels, the conquest of 6914:and the "black shirt" referring to the 6671:During World War I, German sociologist 6125:(Austria-Hungary) German Workers' Party 5896: 5853:as Germany's natural ally. He wrote in 5605:associated with German national unity ( 14: 31903: 27495:Hungarian National Defence Association 26365:Manifesto of the Fascist Intellectuals 23802:Christian Party (United States, 1930s) 23523:Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine 23498:Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists 23353:Front of National Revolutionary Action 23288:Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights 22944:National Socialist Working Association 22522:National Socialist Movement (UK, 1962) 22507:National Socialist Dutch Workers Party 22105:Akhil Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Yojana 18243: 18165: 18127: 17550:from the original on 30 September 2013 17039: 16847: 16604: 16602: 16522:Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion 16406: 16309:(London: Bloomsbury, 2009), pp. 72–73. 16234: 15703: 15701: 15615: 15477: 14899: 14718:. Penguin Books Limited. p. 355. 14597: 14187:Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion 13735:. Yale University Press, 1999, p. 111. 13355:. Cambridge University Press. p.  13138: 13091: 12498:A History of Modern Germany, 1800–2000 12306:. Princeton University Press. p.  12185: 12160: 12071: 11829:Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion 11813:Adolf Hitler: A Biographical Companion 11586: 11567: 11454: 11014:. Transaction Publishers. p. 82. 10590: 10395: 10013: 9024:, a Nazi legal theorist and member of 8743: 8542:The Nazis were hostile to the idea of 8517:In spite of their rhetoric condemning 7180:in 1935. The accused claimed that the 6108:nationalism saw the world in terms of 5474:Position within the political spectrum 4691:Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism 31356: 29463: 28424: 28130: 28047: 28002:Nazi crimes against the Polish nation 27936:November 1932 German federal election 27809: 26919: 26256: 24144: 24114:La Resistencia Dios, Patria y Familia 23944:National Socialist Party of Australia 22653:Parti Communautaire National-EuropĂ©en 22537:National Socialist Movement of Norway 21746: 21345: 21029: 20991: 20296: 19712: 19699: 18446: 18345: 18326: 18304: 18209: 18108: 18086: 18067: 17895:. New York: Oxford University Press. 17878: 17850: 17822: 17580:from the original on 28 November 2023 17516:from the original on 29 November 2019 17487:from the original on 11 November 2020 17419: 17344: 16994: 16975: 16889: 16814: 16724: 16706:from the original on 17 December 2022 16661: 16608: 16220:Germany, 1871–1945: A Concise History 16173: 16161: 16149: 16137: 16125: 16026: 15985: 15973: 15961: 15946: 15934: 15922: 15881: 15869: 15834: 15822: 15810: 15782: 15723:(1). University of Barcelona: 34–55. 15616:DeLong, J. Bradford (February 1997). 15202: 15147: 15047: 14843:"Trans Liminality and the Nazi State" 14750: 14738: 14670:from the original on 23 November 2022 14354: 14315: 14290: 14278: 14263: 14133: 14118: 13675:and a failed operation to correct it. 13633: 13382: 13212: 13200: 13188: 13104:from the original on 12 February 2022 11359: 11312:Nazi anti-Semitic and racist ideology 11084:. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 10958: 10943: 10924: 10655:from the original on 11 November 2020 10480:. 1st paperback ed. Macmillan, 1993. 10141:(in German) (24th ed.). Berlin: 9909:; Morgensen, Jens Erik, eds. (2007). 9736: 9607:London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 6–9. 9298:Nazi Germany's defeat in World War II 8246:during the annual Nuremberg rallies. 7482:was claimed to have developed in the 6033:Another important figure in pre-Nazi 4903: 4722:Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism 3768:during the Israel-Hamas war (2023-24) 3463:Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism 31823: 27244:National Youth Organisation (Greece) 27019:Francisco Franco National Foundation 24069:National Socialist Movement of Chile 22879:National Democratic Party of Germany 20277:Ranks and insignia of the Nazi Party 20219:National Democratic Party of Germany 19457:National Socialist Movement of Chile 18251:. New York; Toronto: Vintage Books. 18195:. New Haven: Yale University Press. 17641:from the original on 12 January 2022 17626: 16763:from the original on 13 October 2019 16669:"The Economic System of Corporatism" 16574:A History of Nazi Germany: 1919–1945 16485:from the original on 29 October 2014 16336:A History of Nazi Germany: 1919–1945 16323:A History of Nazi Germany: 1919–1945 16001:. London: MacMillan and Co. Limited. 15887:The Nazi economic recovery 1932–1938 15520:from the original on 5 December 2022 15490:from the original on 5 February 2021 15478:Stehle, Hansjakob (5 January 1996). 15459:from the original on 8 February 2021 15429:from the original on 5 December 2022 15399:from the original on 5 December 2022 15369:from the original on 27 October 2022 15315:Catholic Theologians in Nazi Germany 15297:Catholic Theologians in Nazi Germany 14964:from the original on 12 January 2023 14840: 14375: 14213:Nazism and German Society, 1933–1945 14063:. Pan Macmillan, 2008. pp. 167, 209. 13668:The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 13599:. Routledge, 2002. pp. 112–113, 189. 13096:[The Case of Neumann-Sass]. 12950:from the original on 9 December 2023 12059:, Simon & Schuster, 1990, p. 220 11940:Blamires, Cyprian and Paul Jackson, 11635:(New York: Routledge, 2007), p. 259. 11176:from the original on 5 November 2022 11076: 10115:from the original on 10 January 2022 9784: 9761:from the original on 11 October 2022 9540: 9538: 7576:. The ideological justification for 6937:. Strasser criticised the policy of 6659:directly inspired the two principal 5350:The full name of the Nazi Party was 5312:marginalised, imprisoned or murdered 4905:[natsiÌŻoˈnaːlzotsiÌŻaˌlÉȘsmʊs] 2506:Imperial Rule Assistance Association 1244:National Socialist Movement of Chile 31175:The End of History and the Last Man 31085:Elements of the Philosophy of Right 28740:The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 27859:Armenian genocide and the Holocaust 27743:Frente de Estudiantes Sindicalistas 27224:National Socialist Liberation Front 24074:National Universitary Concentration 23914:Australian National Socialist Party 23752:National Socialist Liberation Front 23583:Union of Bulgarian National Legions 23113:Falange Española de las JONS (1976) 22939:National Socialist Freedom Movement 22874:National Democratic Party (Austria) 22648:Organisation of National Socialists 22542:National Socialist Union of Finland 17954:Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas (2003) . 16693: 16599: 15707: 15698: 15330:. PLUS-Pisa University Press, 2006. 15159: 15101:Bennetto, Jason (22 October 2011). 15029:from the original on 7 January 2024 14881:from the original on 3 January 2023 14796:. Oxford University Press. p.  14633:. Oxford University Press. p.  14200:A Social History of the Third Reich 14161:University Press of Kentucky, 1997. 13971:Hitler's war in the East, 1941–1945 13827:Bulmash Family Holocaust Collection 13791:Hitler's war in the East, 1941–1945 13352:The Racial State: Germany 1933–1945 12614:Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy 12601:Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy 12215:. New York: Routledge. p. 32. 10928: 10377:from the original on 5 October 2022 10101:Copping, Jasper (23 October 2011). 9995:from the original on 6 October 2014 9963:from the original on 6 October 2014 8553:National Socialist People's Welfare 8190:), Bergmann held the view that the 6782:Conservative Revolutionary movement 6717:Conservative Revolutionary movement 6466:The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 6009:'s occupation of Berlin during the 5936:, considered one of the fathers of 5810:Communist Party of the Soviet Union 5213:. Hitler's objectives involved the 4018:21 Paths to the Kingdom of Darkness 1002:The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 36:National Socialism (disambiguation) 24: 29221:Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) 28131: 27941:March 1933 German federal election 27733:Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad 27403:Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood 26943:Chamber of Fasces and Corporations 26832:Tag der Freiheit: Unsere Wehrmacht 26355:The Last Will of a Russian Fascist 24049:National Fascist Party (Argentina) 23598:Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood 23393:Liberal Democratic Party of Russia 23293:Bosnian Movement of National Pride 22859:Hungarian National Socialist Party 22809:Christian National Socialist Front 22761:World Union of National Socialists 22678:Patriotic People's Movement (1993) 22364:French National-Collectivist Party 22013:Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad 21913:Nasyonal Aktivite ve Zinde Ä°nkiƟaf 21818:Azerbaijan National Democrat Party 19496:World Union of National Socialists 18655:Adolf Hitler's cult of personality 18559:Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte 17661:"Otto von Habsburg dies at age 98" 17271:To Hell and Back: Europe 1914–1949 17159:. London: Routledge. p. 193. 16879:Read online, registration required 16281:War and Economy in the Third Reich 15667:War and Economy in the Third Reich 15651:War and Economy in the Third Reich 14932:from the original on 29 March 2023 14658:Friedmann, Jan (21 January 2010). 14088:Goebbels, Joseph; Mjölnir (1932). 12972:. London: Routledge, 2006, p. 38. 12668: 12586:Blamires, Cyprian; Jackson, Paul. 12553:Blamires, Cyprian; Jackson, Paul. 11919:The Cambridge Companion to Tacitus 11878:Blamires, Cyprian; Jackson, Paul. 11732:Witoszek, Nina and Lars TrĂ€gĂ„rdh, 11723:. Berghahn Books, 2002. pp. 89–90. 11310:Although in their basic framework 10558:European Dictatorships, 1918–1945. 10371:"1923 Interview with Adolf Hitler" 9950: 9584:Hitler and Nazi Germany: A History 9523:from the original on 19 March 2023 9285: 8949:One of the core objectives of the 8910: 8852:have direct control over resources 8730:Social Democratic Party of Germany 8684:in Russia and that Communists had 8549:Winter Relief of the German People 7345: 7174:first trial of the Nazis in Europe 6767:, lead a restoration of value in " 6560:which was popular when the ethnic 4716:Working definition of antisemitism 3478:Working definition of antisemitism 2311:The Last Will of a Russian Fascist 1283:World Union of National Socialists 257:Adolf Hitler's cult of personality 164:Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte 25: 32007: 27199:Korean National Youth Association 26920: 26385:The Myth of the Twentieth Century 23772:Nationalist Front (United States) 23732:National Alliance (United States) 23503:The Other Russia of E. V. Limonov 23418:National-Christian Defense League 22929:Greater German People's Community 22707:Scottish Democratic Fascist Party 21898:Korean National Youth Association 19542:Last surviving war crime suspects 18432:Exhibit on Hitler and the Germans 18366: 17716:from the original on 12 July 2024 17365:from the original on 12 July 2024 17345:Sarti, Wendy Adele-Marie (2011). 17302:Hitler: Study of a Revolutionary? 17085:from the original on 12 July 2024 17021:from the original on 12 July 2024 16725:Fuchs, Christian (29 June 2017). 16438:. Yale University Press. p.  16258:from the original on 12 July 2024 16078:from the original on 12 July 2024 15117:from the original on 18 June 2022 15082:from the original on 12 July 2024 15017:Marhoefer, Laurie (6 June 2023). 14998:from the original on 28 June 2023 14606:from the original on 12 July 2024 14408:from the original on 12 July 2024 14035:A Concise History of Nazi Germany 13881:. London: Routledge, 2006, p. 38. 13574:from the original on 12 July 2024 13245:from the original on 12 July 2024 12431:Evolution: The History of an Idea 12392:Evolution: The History of an Idea 12213:Hitler: Study of a Revolutionary? 11908:, London: Routledge, 2002, p. 11. 11503:from the original on 12 July 2024 11300:from the original on 1 March 2022 11058:from the original on 12 July 2024 10748:A Concise History of Nazi Germany 10079:from the original on 12 July 2024 9929:from the original on 12 July 2024 9840:from the original on 12 July 2024 9535: 9138:Hitler: Study of a Revolutionary? 8896:elements from the party in 1934. 8574: 8184:Die 25 Thesen der Deutschreligion 7990:in Germany. The Nazis issued the 7924: 7728:Hitler's conception of the Aryan 7314:back into European politics, the 4696:Union of Councils for Soviet Jews 2261:The Myth of the Twentieth Century 1328:Last surviving war crime suspects 1082:The Myth of the Twentieth Century 31883: 31866: 31849: 31832: 31804: 31792: 31780: 31145:The Open Society and Its Enemies 28775:White genocide conspiracy theory 28450: 28403: 27961:1934 Montreux Fascist conference 27565:National Socialism / White Power 23987:Argentine Anticommunist Alliance 23553:Russian Women's Fascist Movement 23483:National Socialism / White Power 22894:National Movement of Switzerland 22354:Finnish-Socialist Workers' Party 21775:Muslim Association of the Lictor 20970: 20969: 20322: 19682: 19681: 19532:Nazi Party leaders and officials 18386: 18372: 18092:Social Policy in the Third Reich 17689: 17627:Zoch, Irene (22 February 2004). 17620: 17592: 17562: 17461: 17338: 17291: 17259: 17250: 17198: 17173: 17148: 17135: 17122: 17097: 17033: 16969: 16895: 16841: 16808: 16782:De Grand, Alexander J. (2000) . 16775: 16718: 16687: 16630: 16553: 16540: 16527: 16514: 16471: 16354: 16299: 16286: 16270: 16212: 16199: 15903: 15875: 15840: 15776: 15729:10.1111/j.1468-0289.2009.00473.x 15685: 15672: 15656: 15640: 15584: 15575: 15558: 15541: 15532: 15502: 15471: 15441: 15411: 15381: 15351: 15326:Ausma CimdiƆa, Jonathan Osmond. 15153: 15064:. In Zur Nieden, Susanne (ed.). 15010: 14980: 14944: 14863: 14834: 14822:The Jewish Question in Education 14814: 14693:. Clarendon Press. p. 224. 14651: 14591: 14548: 14535: 14532:(Ontario: NDE, 2000), pp. 17–19. 14521: 14508: 14492: 14475: 14462: 14446: 14429: 14420: 14369: 14360: 14339: 14330: 14321: 14205: 14192: 14151: 14051: 14001: 13962: 13937: 13928: 13912: 13871: 13858: 13779: 13713: 13691: 13645:This was the result of either a 13639: 13602: 13477: 13326:Social Outsiders in Nazi Germany 13218: 13169: 13147: 13132: 13085: 13076: 13002: 12982: 12962: 12907: 12868: 12677: 12619: 12204: 12179: 12154: 12132: 12044: 12002: 11947: 11911: 11044:. Crown/Archetype. p. 325. 10625:. Houghton Mifflin. p. 409. 10360:Behrman House, Inc, 1976, p. 31. 9558:from the original on 16 May 2023 9335:List of books about Nazi Germany 9245:Wilhelm on Hitler, December 1938 9009:While the ideologues of Nazism, 8487:such as the construction of the 8095:Catholic Church and Nazi Germany 7666:Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes 7661:Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes 6635:Use of the American racist model 6436:. De Lagarde called the Jews a " 6241:Racial theories and antisemitism 5671:urged Hitler to conciliate with 5381:(itself a variation of the name 5252:on 30 January 1933 by President 4827: 4781: 4780: 3409: 3325: 2581:1934 Montreux Fascist conference 1515: 1450: 1439: 1438: 1318:Nazi Party leaders and officials 1035:Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes 78: 29952:Family as a model for the state 29019:Institute for Historical Review 28939:General Order No. 11 (US, 1862) 28669:International Jewish conspiracy 28566: 27758:Sindicato Español Universitario 26989:Agrarian Trade Union Federation 26958:Italian Nationalist Association 24059:Nationalist Liberation Alliance 23841:Revolutionary Mexicanist Action 23697:Fascist League of North America 23660:Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform 23280:Eastern and Southeastern Europe 23066:Fasci Italiani di Combattimento 22864:Kampfbund Deutscher Sozialisten 22151:Syrian Social Nationalist Party 20282:Samoan branch of the Nazi Party 19654:Political views of Adolf Hitler 17732: 17351:. Academica Press. p. 19. 17304:. New York: Routledge, p. 193. 16976:Mosse, George Lachmann (1966). 13228:The Goebbels Diaries, 1942–1943 13098:MaĆŸosios Lietuvos enciklopedija 12851:A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 12835:A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 12822:A History of Fascism, 1914–1945 12742:McFarland and Co (2009) p. 176. 12688:. LSU Press. pp. 237–238. 11834: 11701: 11646:Die Volkskunde als Wissenschaft 11638: 11618: 11605: 11592: 11448: 11353: 11115: 11070: 11001: 10867:, pp. 34–35, 50–52, 60–67. 10823:. Nova Publishers, 2006, p. 40. 10764: 10727: 10718: 10709: 10700: 10629: 10614: 10584: 10550: 10389: 10363: 10272: 10256: 10244: 10228: 10201: 10159: 9975: 9959:. Online Etymology Dictionary. 9875: 9852: 9380:Political views of Adolf Hitler 8835:, Hitler effectively supported 8365:Deutsches Volk–Deutsche Arbeit: 8123:Religious views of Adolf Hitler 7817: 7502:; and that the heritage of the 7184:should be part of Germany, not 6526:strongly supported laws to ban 6085:nationalism denounced soulless 5175:that would deny citizenship to 4105:Protocols of the Elders of Zion 2481:Revolutionary Mexicanist Action 1411:Political views of Adolf Hitler 1189:Religious views of Adolf Hitler 54:Political views of Adolf Hitler 31302:Separation of church and state 31200:Collectivism and individualism 31155:The Origins of Totalitarianism 28265:of Poles during the Partitions 27738:Avanguardia Giovanile Fascista 27420:Fasci di Azione Rivoluzionaria 27152:GioventĂč Italiana del Littorio 27059:National Popular Consciousness 23670:Parti national social chrĂ©tien 23373:Greek National Socialist Party 23143:National Fascist Party (Italy) 23118:Falange Española Independiente 23071:Fascio d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 22869:Liechtenstein Homeland Service 22557:National Socialists of Finland 22181:Northern / Northwestern Europe 21918:National Socialism Association 19738: 19547:Speeches given by Adolf Hitler 18232:. New York: University Press. 17130:The Origins of Totalitarianism 15480:"Die Spione aus dem Pfarrhaus" 15188:Documents on Nazism, 1919–1945 14577:. Princeton University Press. 14304:The Third Reich: A New History 14252:The Third Reich: A New History 13829:. January 1942. Archived from 13613:. University Press of Kansas. 13438:Simone Gigliotti, Berel Lang. 13166:. Berghahn Books, 2009, p. 89. 12723:The Third Reich: a new history 12275:. Palgrave Macmillan. p.  12025:. Berghahn Books, 2002, p. 89. 12021:Nina Witoszek, Lars TrĂ€gĂ„rdh. 11736:, Berghahn Books, 2002, p. 90. 11719:Nina Witoszek, Lars TrĂ€gĂ„rdh. 11326:expulsion of Jewish scientists 11319:not mean that all sciences in 11250:MĂštode Science Studies Journal 9678: 9641: 9618: 9597: 9573: 9497: 8793:after World War I would allow 8408:German National People's Party 8059:Totgeschlagen – Totgeschwiegen 7107:Nazi German expulsion of Poles 5971:regarding the constitution of 5619:German National People's Party 5514:German National People's Party 4061:Hunter (William Luther Pierce) 1333:Speeches given by Adolf Hitler 13: 1: 31342:Category:Political philosophy 31215:Critique of political economy 29216:Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) 28944:Racial policy of Nazi Germany 28922:Beilis trial (Russian Empire) 28892:Pogroms in the Russian Empire 27854:Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 27595:Russian National Unity (2000) 27378:Combat Terrorist Organization 27259:Patriotic/Eureka Youth League 26350:Kokutairon and Pure Socialism 23949:Progressive Nationalist Party 23762:National States' Rights Party 23061:Fasci d'Azione Rivoluzionaria 22349:Finnish People's Organisation 22275:British People's Party (2005) 22270:British People's Party (1939) 22260:British National Party (1960) 21747: 19481:Ossewabrandwag (South Africa) 18391:The dictionary definition of 18377:The dictionary definition of 18173:. London: Penguin Books Ltd. 18132:. University of Texas Press. 17962:. New York University Press. 17829:The Coming of the Third Reich 17740:Bendersky, Joseph W. (1985). 16411:. Anchor Books. p. 207. 14382:The Journal of Modern History 14033:Bendersky, Joseph W. (2007). 13071:The Shaping of the Nazi State 12410:. The University of Chicago. 12127:Hitler: Profile of a Dictator 12114:Hitler: Profile of a Dictator 11038:Buchanan, Patrick J. (2008). 10746:Bendersky, Joseph W. (2007). 10186:Online Etymology Dictionary: 9411: 9385:Racial policy of Nazi Germany 9261:, denounced Nazism, stating: 9197:Contemporary events and views 8967:Nazi Reich Chamber of Culture 8595:, its aggression against the 7980:Since the Nazis extended the 7708:Cover of the racist booklet " 7551:Buchenwald concentration camp 7416:exterminate, expel or enslave 7044:Racial policy of Nazi Germany 6564:movement and its politics of 6386:The Passing of the Great Race 6003:Speeches to the German Nation 5195:, over which he proposed the 4655:Campaign Against Antisemitism 3763:during the Gaza War (2008-09) 1268:Ossewabrandwag (South Africa) 1012:The Passing of the Great Race 31739:Social dominance orientation 31240:Institutional discrimination 31235:History of political thought 29967:Negative and positive rights 29196:Anti-Defamation League (ADL) 28902:1968 Polish political crisis 28074:Fascist movements by country 27655:Ukrainian People's Militsiya 27398:Croatian National Resistance 27264:Union of Fascist Little Ones 27194:Juventudes de AcciĂłn Popular 27189:Jeunesse Populaire Française 27122:Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha 27089:Russian Fascist Organization 26681:Revue d'histoire du fascisme 24124:Tacuara Nationalist Movement 24099:Popular Representation Party 24064:National Liberation Movement 24017:Brazilian Integralist Action 23997:Argentine Nationalist Action 23677:Fascism in the United States 23398:Lithuanian Nationalist Union 23308:Croatian National Resistance 23303:Croatian Liberation Movement 23205:National Union (Italy, 1923) 23200:National Front (Spain, 2006) 23195:National Front (Spain, 1986) 23108:Falange Española de las JONS 22914:National Union (Switzerland) 22904:National Radical Camp (1993) 22889:National Front (Switzerland) 22567:National Union (Netherlands) 22404:International Third Position 22379:General Dutch Fascist League 22322:English National Association 22028:Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha 21765:Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging 21346: 21055:Aestheticization of politics 19785:Adolf Hitler's rise to power 19522:Bibliography of Adolf Hitler 18805:Aestheticization of politics 18000:10.1080/0031322x.2011.624762 17574:Otto von Habsburg Foundation 17540:"Otto von Habsburg obituary" 16734:Media, Culture & Society 15997:Guillebaud, Claude W. 1939. 14545:(Ontario: NDE, 2000), p. 17. 13266:Weinberg, Gerhard L. (1995) 12529:Monographs in German History 11008:Nicosia, Francis R. (2000). 9896:, pp. 243–244, 248–249. 9749:Ramin Skibba (20 May 2019). 9176:describes Nazism as having: 9011:much like those of Stalinism 8455:of the Soviet Union and the 8343: 8099:German Christians (movement) 8036:had a variety of experiences 7564:and its culmination was the 7402:by the Nazi state, included 7382:Jews, Romani, Slavs and the 7087:Irredentism and expansionism 6873:Arthur Moeller van den Bruck 6844:Arthur Moeller van den Bruck 5337: 5124:, as an alternative to both 4644:Anti-antisemitism in Germany 4136:Antisemitism on the Internet 3924:Jewish war conspiracy theory 2717:Fascist movements by country 2404:Brazilian Integralist Action 1537:Aestheticization of politics 1308:Bibliography of Adolf Hitler 407:Aestheticization of politics 7: 31754:List of totalitarian states 31734:Right-wing authoritarianism 31250:Justification for the state 31035:Two Treatises of Government 28966:Night of the Murdered Poets 27810: 27515:Jewish Defense Organization 27388:Corpul Muncitoresc Legionar 27383:Confederation of the Nation 27064:People's Party Our Slovakia 26782:The Daughter of the Samurai 26491:Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 26320:The Fourth Political Theory 26295:Did Six Million Really Die? 24022:Brazilian Integralist Front 23929:National Action (Australia) 23866:Nationalist Front of Mexico 23814:Traditionalist Worker Party 23757:National Socialist Movement 23742:Nationalist Social Club-131 23265:Unidad Falangista Montañesa 23123:Falangist Movement of Spain 22919:Nationalist Front (Germany) 22673:Patriotic People's Movement 22100:Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh 21908:Liberal Party (South Korea) 21017: 20931:(possible illegitimate son) 20245:Munich Documentation Centre 20026:Houston Stewart Chamberlain 19462:National Socialist Movement 19430:Arrow Cross Party (Hungary) 18151:. Univ Of Minnesota Press. 17914:. Oxford University Press. 17040:Parker, David, ed. (2000). 16113:Cambridge University Press. 16039:The Economic History Review 15277:Nuremberg Trial Proceedings 13661:), a congenital condition. 12811:. Enigma Books, 2008. p. 10 12577:, English ed. 2006, p. 414. 12575:Germany: The Long Road West 11958:. Oxford University Press. 10014:Lepage, Jean-Denis (2009). 9988:Online Etymology Dictionary 9395:Religious aspects of Nazism 9307: 8953:was the establishment of a 8848:American westward expansion 8686:stabbed Germany in the back 8115:Religious aspects of Nazism 8082: 8075:or feign a change in their 8043:Opposition to homosexuality 7792:Nazi anti-Slavic propaganda 7478:led to their downfall. The 6983:, the general goals of the 6777:Preussentum und Sozialismus 6552:(the Jewish Question), the 6348:Houston Stewart Chamberlain 6328:Houston Stewart Chamberlain 6075:) philosophy introduced by 4959:). The later related term " 4931:(NSDAP) in Germany. During 4681:Southern Poverty Law Center 3840:COVID-19 pandemic incidents 2635:Italian invasion of Albania 2471:Patriotic People's Movement 1249:National Socialist Movement 1217:Arrow Cross Party (Hungary) 1023:Preussentum und Sozialismus 45:For Nazism after WWII, see 10: 32012: 31729:Left-wing authoritarianism 31564:Authoritarian conservatism 29920:Bellum omnium contra omnes 28961:Anti-cosmopolitan campaign 28932:Anti-Zionist League (Iraq) 28907:Jewish Anti-Zionist League 28872:Antisemitic laws, policies 28728:On the Jews and Their Lies 28250:F-scale (personality test) 28142:Authoritarian conservatism 27635:Sudetendeutsches Freikorps 24145: 24104:Popular Socialist Vanguard 24029:Falangism in Latin America 24007:Bolivian Socialist Falange 24002:Argentine Patriotic League 23939:National Socialist Network 23737:National Renaissance Party 23655:Canadian Union of Fascists 23473:National Renaissance Front 23453:National Socialist Society 23428:National Fascist Community 23225:Republican Social Movement 23190:National Democracy (Spain) 23185:National Democracy (Italy) 23103:Falange Española AutĂ©ntica 22909:National Revival of Poland 22824:Free German Workers' Party 22712:Scottish Protestant League 22638:Order of Flemish Militants 22597:Nordic Resistance Movement 22462:National Alliance (Sweden) 22437:Mouvement d'Action Civique 21988:Rastriya Prajatantra Party 21928:Nationalist Movement Party 21030: 20952:Streets named after Hitler 19815:National Socialist Program 19476:Nordic Resistance Movement 18612:National Socialist Program 18472: 18147:Nyomarkay, Joseph (1967). 17934:The Occult Roots of Nazism 17879:Evans, Richard J. (2008). 17065:Browder, George C (2004). 15237:On the Jews and their Lies 13868:. Rodopi, 2004. pp. 34–36. 13271:Cambridge University Press 12725:Pan MacMillan (2001) p. 75 12472:Whitman, James Q. (2017). 12371:Reich Security Main Office 11499:. Bookshelf ID:NBK379258. 11471:Edinburgh University Press 11136:Princeton University Press 10062:The Third Reich Sourcebook 9785:Baum, Bruce David (2006). 9586:New York: Routledge. p. 1 9289: 8942:and "people's community" ( 8914: 8747: 8714:Communist Party of Germany 8353: 8347: 8317:Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet 8243:On the Jews and their Lies 8092: 8086: 8046: 7928: 7720:and Jewish inhabitants of 7698:psychological manipulation 7316:Allied blockade of Germany 7090: 7037: 6794:English parliamentarianism 6708:, a philosopher of history 6244: 6207:Georg Ritter von Schönerer 6147:Georg Ritter von Schönerer 5906: 5900: 5864: 5860: 5369:. In this sense, the word 5169:National Socialist Program 4091:On the Jews and Their Lies 2613:Marco Polo Bridge Incident 2586:Second Italo-Ethiopian War 2421:Canadian Union of Fascists 2301:Foundations of Geopolitics 1263:Nordic Resistance Movement 214:National Socialist Program 51: 44: 29: 31706: 31556: 31428:Counterintelligence state 31398: 31337: 31187: 30956: 30604: 30337: 30217: 30136: 30048: 30039: 29905: 29739: 29668: 29497: 29239: 29184: 29065: 28999: 28870: 28788: 28641: 28588: 28458: 28393: 28137: 28126: 28054: 28048: 28043: 27989: 27923: 27867: 27836: 27820: 27816: 27805: 27771: 27725: 27590:Russian Imperial Movement 27580:OstmĂ€rkische Sturmscharen 27560:National Republican Guard 27299: 27254:Österreichisches Jungvolk 27219:National League of Sweden 27097: 27054:National Policy Institute 26976: 26930: 26926: 26915: 26866: 26845: 26759: 26433: 26425:Who Are the Mind Benders? 26400:Protestantische Rompilger 26267: 26263: 26257: 26252: 25903: 25672: 25591: 25520: 25449: 25343: 25277: 25211: 24980: 24894: 24858: 24802: 24761: 24490: 24384: 24323: 24267: 24196: 24155: 24151: 24140: 24084:Patriot Front (Argentina) 23972: 23909:Australian Defence League 23879: 23861:National Synarchist Union 23856:National Pro Patria Party 23747:National Socialist Legion 23625: 23538:Russian Imperial Movement 23433:National Fascist Movement 23278: 23235:Sammarinese Fascist Party 23180:National Alliance July 18 23175:National Alliance (Spain) 23016: 22769: 22572:National Union (Portugal) 22517:National Socialist League 22482:National League of Sweden 22414:Lalli Alliance of Finland 22327:European Liberation Front 22280:British Union of Fascists 22215:Black Front (Netherlands) 22179: 21793: 21757: 21753: 21742: 21676:Syrian Social Nationalism 21352: 21341: 21297: 21040: 21036: 21025: 20965: 20944: 20853: 20797:Hitler: The Last Ten Days 20754: 20731: 20638: 20605:Meldemannstraße dormitory 20583: 20492: 20483: 20425: 20330: 20232: 20194: 20011: 19919: 19896:Office of Foreign Affairs 19886:Office of Military Policy 19881:Office of Colonial Policy 19853: 19777: 19746: 19706: 19701:Links to related articles 19679: 19587: 19561: 19513: 19445:Nasjonal Samling (Norway) 19413: 19370: 19285: 19165: 18794: 18596: 18480: 17977:Jaworska, Sylvia (2011). 17929:Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas 17910:Gerwarth, Robert (2007). 17744:A History of Nazi Germany 16694:Gat, Azar (1 July 2007). 16405:February 1925. Cited in: 15708:Bel, GermĂ  (April 2006). 15060:Pretzel, Andreas (2005). 14714:Richard J. Evans (2012). 14689:Robert Gellately (1990). 14625:Robert Gellately (2001). 13349:Michael Burleigh (1991). 13253:– via Google Books. 13225:Goebbels, Joseph (1970). 12990:Nazi Ideology and Ethics. 12684:Farrenkopf, John (2001). 12417:12 September 2012 at the 12300:Sarah Ann Gordon (1984). 11386:10.4159/9780674020221-008 11334:eugenics and race-hygiene 11204:tropes that spoke of the 11144:10.1515/9780691218083-009 11122:Harrington, Anne (2021). 10621:Balfour, Michael (1964). 10396:Turner, Henry A. (1985). 10314:and Patrick Romane, eds. 10281:Theodore Fred Abel papers 10225:German Propaganda Archive 9038:" (1933), Schmitt wrote: 8634:British Union of Fascists 8470:, a former member of the 8061:(Struck Dead – Hushed Up) 7034:Nationalism and racialism 6005:(1808), written amid the 5490:, Minister of Propaganda 5330:, with only a few fringe 5234: 5205: 4666:Fundamental Rights Agency 4099:Undisputed Over The World 3914:​ Jewish conspiracy 3272:Glossary of Fascist Italy 3101:Syrian Social Nationalism 2409:British Union of Fascists 1232:Nasjonal Samling (Norway) 1128:German Evangelical Church 31966:Politics of Nazi Germany 31951:German words and phrases 31724:Inverted totalitarianism 31596:Authoritarian capitalism 31125:The Revolt of the Masses 29206:Community Security Trust 29080:Black Death persecutions 28319:Red–green–brown alliance 27900:Italian economic battles 27650:Ukrainian Insurgent Army 27520:Kataeb Regulatory Forces 27318:Albanian Fascist Militia 27167:Faith and Beauty Society 27049:National Party of Europe 27009:European Social Movement 26948:Grand Council of Fascism 26822:The Siege of the Alcazar 24094:Popular Freedom Alliance 23934:National Democrats Party 23899:Australia First Movement 23846:Mexican Democratic Party 23797:Silver Legion of America 23478:National Salvation Front 23468:National Romanian Fascio 23458:National Social Movement 23423:National Christian Party 23413:National Bolshevik Party 23408:National Bolshevik Front 23348:For the Native Language! 23313:Croatian Party of Rights 23153:Republican Fascist Party 23051:Democratic Fascist Party 22884:National Front (Hungary) 22849:Hungarian National Front 22607:Norwegian Defence League 22512:National Socialist Front 22467:National Corporate Party 22384:Greater Britain Movement 22369:French Nationalist Party 22235:British Democratic Party 22189:Academic Karelia Society 22018:Bharatiya Gau Raksha Dal 21785:Young Egypt Party (1933) 21125:Economic interventionism 20823:Hitler: The Rise of Evil 20255:Nazi concentration camps 19825:Night of the Long Knives 19386:Nazi concentration camps 18902:Economic interventionism 18864:Jewish conspiracy theory 18665:Night of the Long Knives 18641:Religion in Nazi Germany 18412:Works by or about Nazism 18128:Miller, Barbara (2014). 18032:Hitler 1889–1936: Hubris 17857:The Third Reich in Power 16746:10.1177/0163443718772147 16503:Carsten, Francis Ludwig 15853:16 December 2022 at the 15790:. London: Random House. 15186:J Noakes and G Pridham, 14918:10.1353/gsr.2012.a478043 14827:25 December 2010 at the 14792:Heinrich Himmler: A Life 14788:Peter Longerich (2012). 14767:. Longman. p. 156. 14763:Jill Stephenson (2001). 14543:Women of the Third Reich 14530:Women of the Third Reich 14072:Richard A. Koenigsberg. 13609:Bryan Mark Rigg (2004). 13490:12 November 2022 at the 12267:Richard Weikart (2009). 12101:Hitler, 1936–45: Nemesis 11841:Brigitte Hamann (2010). 11378:Harvard University Press 11370:Cambridge, Massachusetts 10789:, pp. 123–124, 130. 10623:The Kaiser and his Times 10560:Routledge, 1987, p. 169. 10501:, Berghahn Books, 2008. 9718:: CS1 maint: location ( 9416: 9390:Religion in Nazi Germany 9375:Nazism and the Wehrmacht 9330:Glossary of Nazi Germany 8881:authoritarian capitalism 8779:international free trade 8777:class. He believed that 8738:Nazi concentration camps 8255:compulsory sterilisation 8089:Religion in Nazi Germany 7601:compulsory sterilisation 7566:compulsory sterilisation 7470:who were related to the 6748:until the emergence of " 6501:". Hitler believed that 6209:, who advocated radical 5867:Early timeline of Nazism 5760:Bavarian Soviet Republic 5740:Night of the Long Knives 5562:George Sylvester Viereck 5377:of the German male name 5298:FĂŒhrer und Reichskanzler 5292:Night of the Long Knives 5246:33.1% on 6 November 1932 5193:representative democracy 4727:Three Ds of antisemitism 4711:Wiener Holocaust Library 4661:Community Security Trust 4523:Black Death persecutions 4038:The Dearborn Independent 4011:Antisemitic publications 3277:Glossary of Nazi Germany 2608:Second Sino-Japanese War 2556:Second Italo-Senussi War 2466:National Social Movement 2456:National Christian Party 2431:Silver Legion of America 2426:Republican Fascist Party 504:Economic interventionism 466:Jewish conspiracy theory 267:Night of the Long Knives 243:Religion in Nazi Germany 31981:Totalitarian ideologies 31608:Authoritarian socialism 31105:The Communist Manifesto 30031:Tyranny of the majority 29942:Consent of the governed 29412:Palestinian Territories 28917:Dreyfus Affair (France) 28225:Conservative Revolution 28069:British fascist parties 27910:28 May 1926 coup d'Ă©tat 27610:Serbian Volunteer Corps 27393:Croatian Defence Forces 27249:Opera Nazionale Balilla 27239:National Youth Alliance 27229:National Youth (Sweden) 27157:Great Japan Youth Party 26792:Europa: The Last Battle 26481:La Conquista del Estado 26420:A Warning to the Hindus 26300:The Doctrine of Fascism 26285:The Culture of Critique 26280:La Conquista del Estado 23992:Argentine Fascist Party 23443:National Party – Greeks 23403:National Agrarian Party 23160:Italian Social Movement 23148:Italian Social Republic 22819:Eidgenössische Sammlung 22633:Official National Front 22502:National Socialist Bloc 22399:Imperial Fascist League 22307:Clerical People's Party 22070:Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh 22045:Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh 21998:Religious Zionist Party 21893:Korea Nationalist Party 20837:Shigeru Mizuki's Hitler 20407:Last will and testament 19956:Innviertler Heimatblatt 19891:Office of Racial Policy 19491:Tsagaan Khas (Mongolia) 18406:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 18266:Steigmann-Gall, Richard 18210:Plant, Richard (1988). 18057:. New York: Continuum. 17758:The German Dictatorship 17205:Griffin, Roger (1995). 17180:Griffin, Roger (1995). 17104:Griffin, Roger (1995). 16096:Barkai, Avaraham 1990. 15717:Economic History Review 15250:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 15136:The Holocaust Chronicle 14096:. English translation: 13440:The Holocaust: A Reader 13424:The Holocaust: a reader 12514:HĂŒppauf, Bernd-RĂŒdiger 12357:4 February 2008 at the 12186:Davies, Norman (1997). 11999:Brustein, 2003, p. 210. 11455:Scheid, Volker (2016). 11267:10.7203/metode.10.13657 11258:Universitat de ValĂšncia 11244:Deichmann, Ute (2020). 10402:Oxford University Press 9631:. New York: Routledge. 9603:Orlow, Dietrick (2009) 9551:EncyclopĂŠdia Britannica 9458:Eatwell, Roger (1997). 9340:List of Nazi ideologues 9325:Economy of Nazi Germany 8885:totalitarian capitalism 8758:damages nations due to 8605:economic egalitarianism 8472:German Democratic Party 8350:Economy of Nazi Germany 8266:and their campaigns in 8223:Cleansing of the Temple 7418:most or all Slavs from 7390:. Other groups deemed " 7216:and establishing a new 7162:Russian Soviet Republic 7154:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 7075:unconditional obedience 6733:The Decline of the West 6657:anti-miscegenation laws 6651:banning some races. In 6649:racist immigration laws 6588:'s idealist version of 6424:nationalism, including 6280:Johann Gottfried Herder 5957:ecological anthropology 5346:Nazi Party badge emblem 5183:of some industries. In 5045:German ultranationalism 4676:Simon Wiesenthal Center 4428:Corneliu Zelea Codreanu 4202:The Occidental Observer 4165:Europa: The Last Battle 4113:Between Blacks and Jews 4111:The Secret Relationship 3247:Extremism of the centre 2712:British fascist parties 2566:German election of 1932 2511:Great Japan Youth Party 2281:The Doctrine of Fascism 2271:La Conquista del Estado 1278:Tsagaan Khas (Mongolia) 29982: 29932:Clash of civilizations 29918: 29226:Stephen Roth Institute 28874:and government actions 28813:Portuguese Inquisition 28790:Religious antisemitism 28664:Double genocide theory 28550:Secondary antisemitism 28486:Religious antisemitism 28162: 27931:March of the Iron Will 27234:National Youth (Italy) 27182:League of German Girls 27137:Fascist Union of Youth 27132:Ethiopian Lictor Youth 27024:Friends of New Germany 26874:Art of the Third Reich 26751:Wochenspruch der NSDAP 24054:National Fascist Union 24039:Iron Guard (Argentina) 23829:White Aryan Resistance 23612:Yugoslav Radical Union 23548:Russian National Unity 23318:Crusade of Romanianism 23245:Struggle of the People 23240:Spanish Military Union 23210:National Union (Spain) 23031:Albanian Fascist Party 22998:Volksdeutsche Bewegung 22756:White Aryan Resistance 22658:Party of Finnish Labor 22592:The Nordic Realm Party 22492:National Popular Rally 22424:League of Saint George 22359:Flemish National Union 22317:English Defence League 22265:British National Party 22202:Autonome Nationalisten 22122:Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram 22080:Muslim Rashtriya Manch 22023:Bharatiya Janata Party 21933:Nationalist Task Party 21549:Revisionist Maximalism 21254:Social interventionism 20917:William Stuart-Houston 20463:Assassination attempts 20136:Joachim von Ribbentrop 20131:Konstantin von Neurath 19999: 19990: 19981: 19972: 19963: 19954: 19945: 19936: 19927: 19876:Nazi Party Chancellery 19640: 19631: 19152: 19143: 19132: 19107:Social interventionism 19076: 19067: 18949: 18940: 18935:Greater Germanic Reich 18921: 18912: 18886: 18855: 18694: 18685: 18646: 18622: 18617:Hitler's rise to power 18581: 18571: 18557: 18522:League of German Girls 18508: 18499: 18490: 18228:Redles, David (2005). 18171:The Anatomy of Fascism 18068:Majer, Diemut (2003). 17881:The Third Reich at War 17754:Bracher, Karl Dietrich 17506:Gunther, John (1936). 17469:"The Kaiser on Hitler" 17001:Fest, Joachim (2013). 16854:The Anatomy of Fascism 16403:Völkischer Beobachter. 16100:Oxford Berg Publisher. 15510:"Im Netz der VerrĂ€ter" 15313:Robert Anthony Krieg. 15295:Robert Anthony Krieg. 14900:Sutton, Katie (2012). 14571:Leila J. Rupp (1978). 14376:Beck, Hermann (2016). 14104:10 August 2014 at the 13684:Anne Maxwell (2010 ). 13462:2 October 2020 at the 13397:Mineau, AndrĂ© (2004). 13092:GlioĆŸaitis, Algirdas. 12914:Neumann, Boaz (2002). 12337:3 October 2008 at the 12161:Pinkus, Oscar (2005). 11923: 11342:Johann Gottlieb Fichte 10770:Heiden, Konrad (1938) 10637:"The Kaiser on Hitler" 10217:2 October 2022 at the 10194:6 October 2014 at the 9580:Spielvogel, Jackson J. 9320:Consequences of Nazism 9268: 9248: 9231:, was appalled at the 9194: 9186:theory of divine right 9151: 9133: 9109: 9080: 9071: 9044: 9026:Prussian State Council 8983: 8933: 8863:free-market capitalism 8861:, namely 19th-century 8756:free-market capitalism 8754:The Nazis argued that 8661: 8649: 8607:, favouring instead a 8584: 8483:programs supported by 8474:, as President of the 8459:of the United States. 8371: 8155: 8136: 8062: 8028:League of German Girls 8008: 7940: 7881: 7812: 7725: 7570:involuntary euthanasia 7553: 7442: 7400:exclusionary treatment 7307: 7250: 7233: 7202: 7189: 7176:, which took place in 7114: 6976: 6950:Ideology and programme 6939: 6846: 6825: 6709: 6452:nationalist template. 6402:unification of Germany 6335: 6263: 6153:During the era of the 6150: 6063:Paul Schultze-Naumburg 6039:Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl 5981:Johann Gottlieb Fichte 5940: 5934:Johann Gottlieb Fichte 5921:Unification of Germany 5890: 5571: 5558: 5549: 5521: 5498: 5444:through 1944 entitled 5424: 5415:Nationalsozialistische 5414: 5404: 5398: 5352: 5347: 5324:defeat in World War II 5322:. Following Germany's 5296: 5284: 5276: 5197: 5185: 5134:free-market capitalism 5111: 5099: 5091: 5049: 4956: 4944: 4933:Hitler's rise to power 4896: 4686:Stephen Roth Institute 4649:Anti-Defamation League 3385: 2979:Revisionist Maximalism 2603:Battle of Cable Street 2333:National Fascist Party 1397: 1388: 1170: 1161: 1133: 1069: 1057: 1045: 1033: 1021: 754: 745: 734: 709:Social interventionism 678: 669: 551: 542: 537:Greater Germanic Reich 523: 514: 488: 457: 296: 287: 248: 224: 219:Hitler's rise to power 186: 176: 162: 127:League of German Girls 113: 104: 95: 34:. For other uses, see 31976:Right-wing ideologies 31921:Anti-Slavic sentiment 31472:Dominant-party system 29947:Divine right of kings 29186:Organizations working 28746:Contemporary imprints 28675:The International Jew 28545:Rootless cosmopolitan 28381:Women in Nazi Germany 28208:Identitarian movement 27697:Weerbaarheidsafdeling 27640:Terror Against Terror 27510:Jewish Defense League 27470:Greenshirts (Romania) 27112:Albanian Lictor Youth 26817:Der Sieg des Glaubens 26741:Völkischer Beobachter 26636:Norsk-Tysk Tidsskrift 26626:Norsk-Tysk Tidsskrift 26501:La Difesa della Razza 24034:Female Peronist Party 24012:Brazilian Integralism 23964:United Patriots Front 23904:Australia First Party 23894:Antipodean Resistance 23851:Mexican Fascist Party 23568:Slovak People's Party 23563:Serbian Radical Party 23543:Russian Fascist Party 23463:National Radical Camp 23363:German People's Party 23323:Ethnic National Union 23056:European Nation State 22978:Socialist Reich Party 22961:Positive Christianity 22899:National Radical Camp 22829:German Faith Movement 22814:Deutsche Reichspartei 22799:Black Front (Germany) 22668:Patriotic Alternative 22562:National Syndicalists 22195:AiltirĂ­ na hAisĂ©irghe 22127:Vishva Hindu Parishad 22095:Rashtriya Sikh Sangat 22090:Rashtra Sevika Samiti 22050:Bharat Vikas Parishad 22040:Bharatiya Kisan Sangh 21973:Progress Party (Iran) 21868:Jewish National Front 21843:Concordia Association 21244:Reactionary modernism 20905:Leo Rudolf Raubal Jr. 20804:The Meaning of Hitler 20723:German naturalization 20615:16 Prinzregentenplatz 20224:Socialist Reich Party 20215:Deutsche Reichspartei 20036:Richard Walther DarrĂ© 19929:Völkischer Beobachter 19810:German Workers' Party 19401:Human experimentation 19097:Reactionary modernism 19042:Anti-Slavic sentiment 18769:Human experimentation 18501:Geheime Staatspolizei 18109:McNab, Chris (2009). 18030:Kershaw, Ian (1999). 17987:Patterns of Prejudice 16815:Edwin, Black (2001). 16572:Bendersky, Joseph W. 16432:Kershaw, Ian (2008). 16407:Toland, John (1992). 16334:Bendersky, Joseph W. 16321:Bendersky, Joseph W. 15282:21 March 2006 at the 14906:German Studies Review 14856:10.1093/pastj/gtac018 14841:Nunn, Zavier (2022). 14765:Women in Nazi Germany 14516:Women in Nazi Germany 14483:Völkischer Beobachter 14437:Kinder, KĂŒche, Kirche 14198:Grunberger, Richard, 14094:Franz Eher Nachfolger 13546:Mike Hawkins (1997). 13483:Sandner (1999): 385 ( 13280:15 April 2023 at the 13129:. Rodopi, 2004, p. 36 13094:"Neumanno-Sasso byla" 12708:Stern, Fritz Richard 12332:Post-WWI Antisemitism 11554:vitalist philosophies 11360:Anker, Peder (2021). 11132:Princeton, New Jersey 10168:In: Friedrich Kluge, 10022:. McFarland. p.  9696:10.1017/9781108767118 9405:Women in Nazi Germany 9263: 9237: 9178: 9146: 9125: 9119:, says about Nazism, 9088: 9082:Similarly, historian 9075: 9066: 9062:Karl Dietrich Bracher 9058:Franz Leopold Neumann 9040: 9036:Staat, Bewegung, Volk 9028:, characterized the " 8975: 8969:on 15 November 1933, 8924: 8760:international finance 8582: 8532:collective bargaining 8426:and handed over some 8412:national-conservative 8369:reactionary modernism 8363: 8354:Further information: 8292:Maria Restituta Kafka 8164:Positive Christianity 8142: 8130: 8111:Positive Christianity 8103:German Faith Movement 8093:Further information: 8056: 8047:Further information: 8000: 7945:Kinder, KĂŒche, Kirche 7938: 7931:Women in Nazi Germany 7929:Further information: 7876: 7807: 7707: 7630:Nazi racial theorist 7580:was Hitler's view of 7548: 7466:was developed by the 7460:ancient Greek culture 7436: 7430:for German settlers. 7352:racial categorisation 7334:Hitler's belief that 7299: 7241: 7236:Hitler's doctrine of 7223: 7191: 7171: 7147:, Hitler stated that 7100: 7091:Further information: 7038:Further information: 6968: 6835: 6814:Marinebrigade Erhardt 6811: 6704: 6629:Mendelian inheritance 6582:Jean-Baptiste Lamarck 6540:stab-in-the-back myth 6326: 6254: 6219:anti-Slavic sentiment 6145: 6139:movement in general. 5932: 5885: 5566: 5553: 5544: 5504: 5481: 5345: 5250:Chancellor of Germany 5242:37.3% on 31 July 1932 5165:German Workers' Party 5109:or "inferior" races ( 5004:anti-Romani sentiment 4393:William Luther Pierce 4071:The International Jew 3983:Stab-in-the-back myth 3966:Rootless cosmopolitan 3375: 2523:Slovak People's Party 2491:Russian Fascist Party 2461:National Radical Camp 1738:Reactionary modernism 1184:Positive Christianity 1144:German Faith Movement 699:Reactionary modernism 644:Anti-Slavic sentiment 374:Human experimentation 106:Geheime Staatspolizei 40:Nazi (disambiguation) 31095:Democracy in America 30474:political philosophy 30457:political philosophy 30272:political philosophy 30101:political philosophy 30011:Separation of powers 29972:Night-watchman state 29957:Monopoly on violence 29491:Political philosophy 29188:against antisemitism 29134:Martyrdom in Judaism 29000:Antisemitic websites 28912:Leo Frank trial (US) 28808:Catholic Inquisition 28780:Zionist antisemitism 28496:Antisemitism studies 27971:4th of August Regime 27748:German Student Union 27368:Blueshirts (Ireland) 27214:Nationale Jeugdstorm 27142:Frente de Juventudes 27029:German American Bund 26953:Imperial Way Faction 26879:Fascist architecture 26591:MĂŒnchener Beobachter 26526:La France au travail 26325:Hitlers Zweites Buch 23982:Agrarian Labor Party 23871:Order of Nine Angles 23707:Goyim Defense League 23702:German American Bund 23493:Order of Nine Angles 23026:ADÑ–Spanish Identity 22983:Sudeten German Party 22804:Bund Deutscher Osten 22643:Order of Nine Angles 22457:National Action (UK) 22389:Groupe Collaboration 22374:French Popular Party 22171:White Shirts Society 22085:Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas 22075:Jammu Praja Parishad 22035:Bharatiya Jana Sangh 21963:Palestine Arab Party 21943:Nation Party of Iran 21828:Black Dragon Society 21520:Reform bureaucratism 21315:Fascism and ideology 21182:National syndicalism 21065:Anti-intellectualism 20957:Mannerheim recording 20881:Johann Georg Hiedler 20783:The Victory of Faith 20359:Political directives 20240:Adolf Hitler Schools 20166:Arthur Seyss-Inquart 19871:Hitler's Chancellery 19805:Enabling Act of 1933 19435:German American Bund 18815:Anti-intellectualism 18660:Enabling Act of 1933 18346:Tooze, Adam (2008). 18331:. New York: Viking. 18327:Tooze, Adam (2007). 18312:. New York: Viking. 17883:. New York: Penguin. 17480:. 15 December 1938. 16930:, pp. 1110–111. 16511:, 28 September 1930. 16185:Richard Grunberger, 15678:Richard Grunberger, 15271:10 July 2007 at the 14541:Anna Maria Sigmund, 13833:on 26 November 2020. 13707:6 April 2023 at the 13510:Hitler's Secret Book 12669:Kaplan, Mordecai M. 12150:on 28 February 2024. 11954:Stefan KĂŒhl (2002). 11624:The Nazi concept of 10693:Browder, George C., 10648:. 15 December 1938. 10597:The Second World War 10237:, compiler, et al., 9668:Nationalities Papers 9661:5 March 2023 at the 9360:Nazi racial theories 9004:parliamentary states 8991:cognitive dissonance 8682:Bolshevik revolution 8495:during conservative 8356:Economics of fascism 8313:Messerschmitt Bf 109 8278:national Catholicism 8160:Nazi Party Programme 8143:Hitler in 1935 with 7724:as primitive people. 7654:. GĂŒnther applied a 7484:Western Roman Empire 7426:in order to acquire 7212:in overthrowing the 7210:Russian nationalists 6972:charismatic movement 6641:institutional racism 6566:Romantic nationalism 6393:and proposed that a 6015:French Imperial Army 5903:Völkisch nationalism 5897:Völkisch nationalism 5588:Treaty of Versailles 5026:into its creed. Its 4986:. It incorporates a 4984:parliamentary system 4974:Nazism is a form of 4770:Zionist antisemitism 4577:Martyrdom in Judaism 4303:Richard Girnt Butler 4056:Hitlers Zweites Buch 3642:textbook controversy 3257:Fascist as an insult 2950:Reform bureaucratism 1806:Fascism and ideology 1676:National syndicalism 1547:Anti-intellectualism 1222:German American Bund 1071:Hitlers Zweites Buch 417:Anti-intellectualism 262:Enabling Act of 1933 31659:Ecoauthoritarianism 31477:Illiberal democracy 31285:Right-wing politics 31165:A Theory of Justice 31135:The Road to Serfdom 31055:The Social Contract 29762:Christian democracy 29164:Spanish Inquisition 29075:Rhineland massacres 28830:Rhineland massacres 28823:Spanish Inquisition 28555:Stereotypes of Jews 28540:Racial antisemitism 28491:Persecution of Jews 28410:Politics portal 27976:Anti-Comintern Pact 27363:Blueshirts (Canada) 27323:Atomwaffen Division 27209:Mocidade Portuguesa 27074:Republic (Slovakia) 27069:Popular Force Party 27014:Finnish Realm Union 26837:Triumph of the Will 26827:Lo squadrone bianco 26576:Kansallissosialisti 26461:The American Review 24119:Revolutionary Union 23792:Rise Above Movement 23727:League of the South 23687:American Nazi Party 23593:UstaĆĄe in Australia 23128:Freethinkers' Party 22973:The Right (Germany) 22844:German Social Union 22663:Party of the Swedes 22477:National Front (UK) 22444:Mouvement Franciste 22312:Dutch Fascist Union 22166:Turkish Union Party 22060:Hindu Makkal Katchi 21938:National Will Party 21833:Blue Shirts Society 21696:National Bolshevism 21652:Romanianism/Stelism 21105:Cult of personality 21090:Class collaboration 20887:Maria Schicklgruber 20790:Triumph of the Will 20777:Killing baby Hitler 20767:Cult of personality 20708:Hitler's Table Talk 20651:possible monorchism 20584:Civilian residences 20473:conspiracy theories 20210:German Social Union 20161:Baldur von Schirach 20116:Ernst Kaltenbrunner 19911:SS Education Office 19795:Brown House, Munich 19562:Role and impact in 19425:American Nazi Party 18876:Cult of personality 18845:Class collaboration 18754:Extermination camps 18739:Concentration camps 18680:Anti-Comintern Pact 18350:. London: Penguin. 18113:. Amber Books Ltd. 17635:The Daily Telegraph 17446:, pp. 300–302. 17434:, pp. 501–503. 17410:, pp. 231–232. 17335:, pp. 421–422. 16966:, pp. 123–124. 16505:The Rise of Fascism 16164:, pp. 486–487. 16152:, pp. 484–485. 16128:, pp. 483–484. 16109:Hayes, Peter. 1987 15909:William L. Shirer, 14302:Burleigh, Michael. 14250:Burleigh, Michael. 13879:The Language of War 13659:talipes equinovarus 13231:. Greenwood Press. 13215:, pp. 167–168. 13203:, pp. 166–167. 13191:, pp. 161–162. 13069:Peter D. Stachura. 12970:The Language of War 12920:New German Critique 12778:The Rise of Fascism 12650:Hughes, H. Stuart, 12637:Hughes, H. Stuart, 12455:Henry Friedlander. 12244:The Nazi Conscience 11787:, pp. 54, 131. 11570:, pp. 129–130. 11443:about human rights. 11422:Jan Christian Smuts 11197:National Socialists 10946:, pp. 100–101. 10772:Hitler: A Biography 10572:, pp. 106–107. 10547:, pp. 104–106. 10478:The Weimar Republic 10453:. Macmillan, 1993. 10451:The Weimar Republic 10422:. pp. 171, 172–173. 10295:Oliver H. Woshinsky 10239:Hitler's Table Talk 10109:The Daily Telegraph 9315:Art in Nazi Germany 8744:Views of capitalism 8726:Anti-Fascist Action 8698:cultural Bolshevism 8497:Paul von Hindenburg 8464:Kurt von Schleicher 8251:German Centre Party 7623:and other forms of 7613:Huntington's chorea 7441:" in Berlin in 1935 7412:Jehovah's Witnesses 6568:for establishing a 6508:During his life in 6266:The concept of the 6007:First French Empire 5841:Hitler admired the 5736:Paul von Hindenburg 5639:Kurt von Schleicher 5586:, contempt for the 5468:Columbia University 5447:Hitler's Table Talk 5259:Weimar Constitution 5254:Paul von Hindenburg 5028:extreme nationalism 4978:, with disdain for 4897:Nationalsozialismus 4619:Spanish Inquisition 4518:Rhineland massacres 4028:Culture of Critique 3882:Cultural Bolshevism 3332:Politics portal 3121:National Bolshevism 3077:Romanianism/Stelism 2665:Downfall in Germany 2625:Anti-Comintern Pact 2618:Japanese war crimes 1587:Cult of personality 1572:Class collaboration 1212:American Nazi Party 478:Cult of personality 447:Class collaboration 359:Extermination camps 344:Concentration camps 282:Anti-Comintern Pact 66:Part of a series on 31297:Political violence 31292:Political theology 31275:Left-wing politics 31270:Political spectrum 29383:Conservative Party 29144:Pale of Settlement 28654:Christian Identity 28628:Soviet mathematics 28533:Working definition 28198:Alt-right pipeline 28109:Speeches by Hitler 28064:Books about Hitler 27951:Austrian Civil War 27895:Aventine Secession 27172:Deutsches Jungvolk 27079:Resistance Records 26984:Adelaide Institute 26686:Das Schwarze Korps 26671:Il Popolo d'Italia 26611:Neue Anthropologie 26496:Das Deutsche MĂ€del 26415:The Turner Diaries 26335:Impeachment of Man 26310:For My Legionaries 26161:Riva-AgĂŒero y Osma 25023:Torrente Ballester 23528:Ratniks (Bulgaria) 23513:Patriotic Alliance 22729:Third Way (France) 22691:Phalange Française 22220:Blood & Honour 21993:Reform bureaucrats 21978:Philippine Falange 21691:National-anarchism 21402:Christian Identity 21229:Proletarian nation 20844:Apocalypse: Hitler 20772:In popular culture 19938:Das Schwarze Korps 19649:German Romanticism 19537:Nazi Party members 19391:Extermination camp 18784:Racial segregation 18510:Deutsches Jungvolk 18437:The New York Times 18245:Ryback, Timothy W. 18017:on 22 October 2018 17677:on 26 October 2019 17576:. 12 August 2019. 16892:, pp. 99–100. 16292:Klaus Hildebrand, 15788:Why The Allies Won 15242:Lutheran Quarterly 15168:on 14 January 2014 15160:Neander, Biedron. 14847:Past & Present 14753:, pp. 331–32. 14228:Richard Grunberger 14099:Those Damned Nazis 13418:Simone Gigliotti, 13158:Gerd R. UeberschĂ€r 13154:Rolf-Dieter MĂŒller 12958:– via JSTOR. 12849:Stanley G. Payne. 12833:Stanley G. Payne. 12820:Stanley G. Payne. 12721:Burleigh, Michael 12404:Robert J. Richards 12008:William Brustein. 11981:William Brustein. 11665:Cyprian Blamires. 11426:racial suppression 10851:Gaab, Jeffrey S., 10819:Glenn D. Walters. 10522:, 2008. pp. 72–75. 10358:A Holocaust Reader 10241:, republished 2016 9859:Mitcham, Samuel W. 9460:Fascism, A History 9440:Germans into Nazis 9210:After the Nazis' " 9111:British historian 8955:totalitarian state 8944:Volksgemeinschaft) 8934: 8859:type of capitalism 8632:in France and the 8585: 8372: 8156: 8137: 8077:sexual orientation 8063: 7941: 7726: 7632:Hans F. K. GĂŒnther 7554: 7443: 7308: 7190: 7158:Grigori Sokolnikov 7115: 6847: 6826: 6790:English liberalism 6710: 6592:and the father of 6336: 6306:racial intermixing 6296:Arthur de Gobineau 6264: 6256:Arthur de Gobineau 6211:German nationalism 6151: 5977:German nationalist 5941: 5938:German nationalism 5913:German nationalism 5526:far-right politics 5522: 5499: 5348: 5215:eastward expansion 4885:National Socialism 4587:Pale of Settlement 4493:Gamal Abdel Nasser 4413:Kevin Alfred Strom 4398:Richard B. Spencer 4241:Triple parentheses 4124:The Turner Diaries 4097:Our Race Will Rule 4066:1988 Hamas Charter 3860:Antisemitic tropes 3746:Christian Identity 3679:Conservative Party 3386: 3116:National-anarchism 2827:Christian Identity 2752:Speeches by Hitler 2707:Books about Hitler 2670:Surrender of Japan 2596:Unification Decree 2576:Austrian Civil War 2551:Aventine Secession 1723:Proletarian nation 1457:Germany portal 1406:German Romanticism 1323:Nazi Party members 1206:Outside of Germany 389:Racial segregation 115:Deutsches Jungvolk 18:National socialist 31768: 31767: 31762: 31761: 31714:Democracy indices 31406:Absolute monarchy 31350: 31349: 31260:Philosophy of law 31205:Conflict theories 31045:The Spirit of Law 30952: 30951: 30001:Original position 29457: 29456: 29100:Ghettos in Europe 29013:The Daily Stormer 28818:Roman Inquisition 28681:Jewish Bolshevism 28418: 28417: 28389: 28388: 28376:Völkisch movement 28334:Scientific racism 28299:Para/semi-fascism 28240:Fascist mysticism 28235:Fascist (epithet) 28122: 28121: 28039: 28038: 28035: 28034: 27981:Spanish Civil War 27801: 27800: 27797: 27796: 27707:Westland New Post 27117:Arab Lictor Youth 26911: 26910: 26907: 26906: 26899:Nazism and cinema 26894:Nazi architecture 26561:Hrvatski Domobran 26546:GioventĂč Fascista 26506:Eleftheros Kosmos 26486:The Daily Stormer 26360:Manifesto of Race 26305:Fascist Manifesto 26248: 26247: 26244: 26243: 25492:GimĂ©nez Caballero 24723:Strasser (Gregor) 24168:Campbell (Graeme) 24136: 24135: 24132: 24131: 24109:Republican League 24079:New Triumph Party 23954:Reclaim Australia 23767:National Vanguard 23722:LaRouche movement 23635:Fascism in Canada 23488:Occupy Pedophilia 23230:The Right (Italy) 23220:New Force (Spain) 23215:New Force (Italy) 23093:Falange AutĂ©ntica 23088:La Falange (1999) 23041:Brothers of Italy 22966:German Christians 22784:Arrow Cross Party 22627:L'ƒuvre Française 22487:Nationalist Party 22472:National Fascisti 21958:Pan-Iranist Party 21948:New Life Movement 21738: 21737: 21686:Third Positionism 21452:L'ƒuvre Française 21370:Orthodox Peronism 21337: 21336: 21333: 21332: 21320:Fascism worldwide 21135:Heroic capitalism 20985: 20984: 20703:Psychopathography 20693:Stefanie Rabatsch 20658:Wealth and income 20634: 20633: 20515:Reich Chancellery 20290: 20289: 20270:Horst-Wessel-Lied 20101:Reinhard Heydrich 20091:Ernst Hanfstaengl 19830:Nuremberg rallies 19693: 19692: 19266:Strasser (Gregor) 19145:Volksgemeinschaft 19090:Völkisch movement 19085:Völkisch equality 18670:Nuremberg rallies 18631:German rearmament 18357:978-0-14-311320-1 18338:978-0-670-03826-8 18319:978-0-670-03826-8 18297:978-0-674-02761-9 18278:978-0-521-82371-5 18258:978-0-307-45526-0 18202:978-0-300-04480-5 18180:978-0-14-101432-6 18158:978-0-8166-0429-6 18139:978-1-4773-0445-7 18120:978-1-906626-51-8 18101:978-0-85496-410-9 18088:Mason, Timothy W. 18079:978-0-8018-6493-3 18049:Klemperer, Victor 18041:978-0-14-013363-9 17969:978-0-8147-3155-0 17921:978-0-19-923689-3 17902:978-0-19-505780-5 17871:978-0-14-303790-3 17852:Evans, Richard J. 17843:978-0-14-303469-8 17824:Evans, Richard J. 17771:978-0-14-013724-8 17709:978-1-57607-940-9 17608:on 5 October 2010 17398:, pp. 21–22. 17358:978-1-936320-11-0 17284:978-0-14-310992-1 17235:, pp. 19–20. 17216:978-0-19-289249-2 17191:978-0-19-289249-2 17115:978-0-19-289249-2 17078:978-0-8131-9111-9 17014:978-0-544-19554-7 16987:978-0-299-19304-1 16864:978-1-4000-3391-1 16849:Paxton, Robert O. 16826:978-0-609-60799-2 16793:978-0-8032-6622-3 16449:978-0-300-12427-9 16418:978-0-385-03724-2 16388:, pp. 49–50. 16347:Carroll Quigley, 16251:978-0-521-52110-9 16187:The 12-Year Reich 16030:(November 1991). 15797:978-1-84595-065-1 15553:978-3-86234-990-6 15150:, pp. 1–276. 15075:978-3-593-37749-0 14807:978-0-19-959232-6 14774:978-0-582-41836-3 14725:978-0-14-191755-9 14700:978-0-19-820297-4 14644:978-0-19-160452-2 14584:978-0-691-04649-5 14514:Jill Stephenson, 14266:, pp. 48–50. 14232:The 12-Year Reich 14044:978-0-7425-5363-7 13980:978-1-84545-501-9 13905:978-1-4438-2449-1 13892:Anton Weiss-Wendt 13823:"Der Untermensch" 13800:978-1-84545-501-9 13764:, pp. 31–32. 13701:. Penguin, 2004. 13663:William L. Shirer 13620:978-0-7006-1358-8 13559:978-0-521-57434-1 13520:978-0-394-62003-9 13366:978-0-521-39802-2 13335:978-0-691-08684-2 13238:978-0-8371-3815-2 13175:Bradl Lightbody. 13100:(in Lithuanian). 13049:Europe, 1890–1945 13020:978-0-226-27442-3 12978:978-0-415-35867-5 12886:978-0-226-27442-3 12789:David Jablonsky. 12763:Fulda, Bernhard. 12429:Peter J. Bowler. 12367:Reinhard Heydrich 12317:978-0-691-10162-0 12286:978-0-230-62398-9 12253:978-0-674-01842-6 12188:Europe: A History 12172:978-0-7864-2054-4 11965:978-0-19-514978-4 11852:978-1-84885-277-8 11678:Keith H. Pickus. 11598:George L. Mosse, 11488:978-1-4744-0004-6 11410:John William Bews 11395:978-0-674-02022-1 11153:978-0-691-21808-3 11091:978-0-297-76755-8 11051:978-0-307-40956-0 10994:Furet, François, 10973:Furet, François, 10757:978-0-7425-5363-7 10507:978-1-84545-680-1 10486:978-0-8090-1556-6 10459:978-0-8090-1556-6 10449:Peukert, Detlev, 10310:Hitler, Adolf in 10263:Maschmann, Melita 10152:978-3-11-017473-1 10143:Walter de Gruyter 10072:978-0-520-95514-1 10033:978-0-7864-3935-5 9951:Harper, Douglas. 9922:978-90-272-2334-0 9871:978-0-275-95485-7 9833:978-1-57181-629-0 9804:978-1-4294-1506-4 9705:978-1-108-48707-8 9637:978-0-415-81263-4 9613:978-0-230-60865-8 9592:978-0-13-192469-7 9490:978-0-415-17295-0 9469:978-0-14-025700-7 9451:978-0-674-35092-2 9370:Nazism and cinema 9350:Nazi architecture 9251:Otto von Hapsburg 9129:liberal democracy 8959:ultra-nationalist 8670:Jewish Bolshevism 8659:—at the top. The 8591:, its support of 8457:capitalist system 8297:Roman Karl Scholz 8170:which emphasised 8153:nuncio to Germany 8133:German Christians 7911:volksgemeinschaft 7899:volksgemeinschaft 7856:Volksgemeinschaft 7852:Volksgemeinschaft 7840:volksgemeinschaft 7831:Volksgemeinschaft 7826:Volksgemeinschaft 7788:Der Untermenschen 7388:mentally disabled 7369:Aryan certificate 7340:racially best one 7073:, as it demanded 6960:Der Staat Hitlers 6761:individualisation 6686:Volksgemeinschaft 6681:French Revolution 6499:Jewish Bolshevism 6389:(1916) advocated 6367:while denouncing 6175:Otto von Bismarck 6172:German Chancellor 6051:industrialisation 5961:scientific racism 5925:Völkisch movement 5685:Reinhard Heydrich 5608:Volksgemeinschaft 5520:from 1931 to 1932 5093:Volksgemeinschaft 5064:pseudo-scientific 5036:ethno-nationalist 5008:scientific racism 4980:liberal democracy 4820: 4819: 4602:Russian Civil War 4543:Ghettos in Europe 4373:Ernest G. Liebold 4272:Prominent figures 4153:The Daily Stormer 4043:Ethnic Cleansing 4023:The Barnes Review 3902:Franklin Prophecy 3384:formally in 1935. 3368: 3367: 2882:L'ƒuvre Française 2790:Orthodox Peronism 2660:Downfall in Italy 2591:Spanish Civil War 2501:Arrow Cross Party 2446:FET y de las JONS 2231:Fascist Manifesto 1811:Fascism worldwide 1612:Heroic capitalism 1494: 1493: 1149:Germanic paganism 1135:Deutsche Christen 868:Strasser (Gregor) 747:Volksgemeinschaft 692:Völkisch movement 687:Völkisch equality 272:Nuremberg rallies 233:German rearmament 16:(Redirected from 32003: 31936:Authoritarianism 31896: 31888: 31887: 31886: 31879: 31871: 31870: 31869: 31862: 31854: 31853: 31852: 31845: 31837: 31836: 31835: 31825: 31809: 31808: 31807: 31797: 31796: 31795: 31785: 31784: 31776: 31613:Marxism–Leninism 31494:Managerial state 31377: 31370: 31363: 31354: 31353: 31265:Political ethics 31255:Machiavellianism 31195:Authoritarianism 31180: 31170: 31160: 31150: 31140: 31130: 31120: 31110: 31100: 31090: 31080: 31070: 31060: 31050: 31040: 31030: 31020: 31010: 31000: 30990: 30980: 30970: 30046: 30045: 29987: 29923: 29913:Balance of power 29887:Social democracy 29882:Social Darwinism 29857:Multiculturalism 29802:Environmentalism 29777:Communitarianism 29484: 29477: 29470: 29461: 29460: 28981:Holocaust denial 28850:Host desecration 28659:Cultural Marxism 28589:Antisemitism and 28568: 28523:New antisemitism 28445: 28438: 28431: 28422: 28421: 28408: 28407: 28167: 28128: 28127: 28045: 28044: 28022:Nuremberg Trials 27966:Romani Holocaust 27890:Beer Hall Putsch 27818: 27817: 27807: 27806: 27712:Yokusan Sonendan 26928: 26927: 26917: 26916: 26858:Ethnic Cleansing 26797:The Great Appeal 26767:L'Armata Azzurra 26656:Parole der Woche 26375:My Autobiography 26265: 26264: 26254: 26253: 25477:FernĂĄndez-Cuesta 25063:Ciano (Galeazzo) 25058:Ciano (Costanzo) 24153: 24152: 24142: 24141: 23889:Action Zealandia 23819:Vanguard America 23328:Eurasia Movement 23170:Juntas Españolas 23098:Falange Española 23081:SecciĂłn Femenina 22451:Nasjonal Samling 22430:Les Identitaires 22302:Centre Party '86 22255:British Movement 22240:British Fascists 21808:Al-Muthanna Club 21755: 21754: 21744: 21743: 21343: 21342: 21264:State capitalism 21249:Social Darwinism 21080:Authoritarianism 21070:Anti-materialism 21038: 21037: 21027: 21026: 21012: 21005: 20998: 20989: 20988: 20973: 20972: 20929:Jean-Marie Loret 20698:Reinhold Hanisch 20566:Wolfsschlucht II 20490: 20489: 20317: 20310: 20303: 20294: 20293: 20233:Related articles 20186:Julius Streicher 20146:Alfred Rosenberg 20106:Heinrich Himmler 20004: 19995: 19986: 19977: 19968: 19959: 19950: 19941: 19932: 19790:Beer Hall Putsch 19733: 19726: 19719: 19710: 19709: 19697: 19696: 19685: 19684: 19645: 19636: 19633:Drang nach Osten 19471: 19452: 19361:von Sebottendorf 19157: 19148: 19137: 19117:State capitalism 19102:Social Darwinism 19081: 19072: 18954: 18945: 18926: 18917: 18891: 18860: 18857:Dolchstoßlegende 18830:Authoritarianism 18723:Nuremberg trials 18699: 18690: 18651: 18627: 18586: 18576: 18562: 18513: 18504: 18495: 18467: 18460: 18453: 18444: 18443: 18416:Internet Archive 18390: 18376: 18361: 18342: 18323: 18301: 18262: 18225: 18206: 18184: 18162: 18143: 18124: 18105: 18083: 18045: 18026: 18024: 18022: 18016: 18010:. Archived from 17983: 17973: 17925: 17906: 17889:Fritzsche, Peter 17884: 17875: 17847: 17819: 17797: 17775: 17749: 17747: 17726: 17725: 17723: 17721: 17693: 17687: 17686: 17684: 17682: 17673:. Archived from 17657: 17651: 17650: 17648: 17646: 17632: 17624: 17618: 17617: 17615: 17613: 17604:. Archived from 17596: 17590: 17589: 17587: 17585: 17566: 17560: 17559: 17557: 17555: 17532: 17526: 17525: 17523: 17521: 17503: 17497: 17496: 17494: 17492: 17486: 17473: 17465: 17459: 17453: 17447: 17441: 17435: 17429: 17423: 17417: 17411: 17405: 17399: 17393: 17387: 17381: 17375: 17374: 17372: 17370: 17342: 17336: 17330: 17324: 17318: 17312: 17295: 17289: 17288: 17263: 17257: 17254: 17248: 17242: 17236: 17230: 17221: 17220: 17202: 17196: 17195: 17177: 17171: 17170: 17152: 17146: 17139: 17133: 17126: 17120: 17119: 17101: 17095: 17094: 17092: 17090: 17062: 17056: 17055: 17037: 17031: 17030: 17028: 17026: 16998: 16992: 16991: 16973: 16967: 16961: 16955: 16949: 16943: 16937: 16931: 16925: 16919: 16912: 16906: 16899: 16893: 16887: 16881: 16876: 16845: 16839: 16838: 16812: 16806: 16805: 16779: 16773: 16772: 16770: 16768: 16762: 16731: 16722: 16716: 16715: 16713: 16711: 16691: 16685: 16684: 16682: 16680: 16665: 16659: 16652: 16641: 16634: 16628: 16618: 16612: 16606: 16597: 16590: 16577: 16570: 16564: 16557: 16551: 16544: 16538: 16531: 16525: 16520:David Nicholls. 16518: 16512: 16501: 16495: 16494: 16492: 16490: 16475: 16469: 16463: 16454: 16453: 16429: 16423: 16422: 16399:A New Beginning, 16395: 16389: 16383: 16377: 16371: 16365: 16358: 16352: 16349:Tragedy and Hope 16345: 16339: 16332: 16326: 16319: 16310: 16303: 16297: 16290: 16284: 16274: 16268: 16267: 16265: 16263: 16232: 16223: 16216: 16210: 16203: 16197: 16183: 16177: 16171: 16165: 16159: 16153: 16147: 16141: 16135: 16129: 16123: 16114: 16107: 16101: 16094: 16088: 16087: 16085: 16083: 16077: 16062: 16036: 16024: 16018: 16011: 16002: 15995: 15989: 15983: 15977: 15971: 15965: 15959: 15950: 15944: 15938: 15932: 15926: 15920: 15914: 15907: 15901: 15900: 15879: 15873: 15867: 15858: 15844: 15838: 15832: 15826: 15820: 15814: 15808: 15802: 15801: 15780: 15774: 15773: 15771: 15769: 15763: 15757:. Archived from 15740: 15714: 15705: 15696: 15689: 15683: 15676: 15670: 15660: 15654: 15644: 15638: 15637: 15635: 15633: 15613: 15604: 15597: 15591: 15588: 15582: 15579: 15573: 15562: 15556: 15545: 15539: 15536: 15530: 15529: 15527: 15525: 15506: 15500: 15499: 15497: 15495: 15475: 15469: 15468: 15466: 15464: 15445: 15439: 15438: 15436: 15434: 15415: 15409: 15408: 15406: 15404: 15385: 15379: 15378: 15376: 15374: 15355: 15349: 15342: 15331: 15324: 15318: 15311: 15300: 15293: 15287: 15259: 15253: 15230:Scholarship for 15228: 15222: 15215: 15206: 15200: 15191: 15184: 15178: 15177: 15175: 15173: 15157: 15151: 15145: 15139: 15133: 15127: 15126: 15124: 15122: 15106: 15098: 15092: 15091: 15089: 15087: 15057: 15051: 15045: 15039: 15038: 15036: 15034: 15023:The Conversation 15014: 15008: 15007: 15005: 15003: 14984: 14978: 14977: 14971: 14969: 14948: 14942: 14941: 14939: 14937: 14897: 14891: 14890: 14888: 14886: 14867: 14861: 14860: 14858: 14849:(260): 123–157. 14838: 14832: 14818: 14812: 14811: 14795: 14785: 14779: 14778: 14760: 14754: 14748: 14742: 14736: 14730: 14729: 14711: 14705: 14704: 14686: 14680: 14679: 14677: 14675: 14655: 14649: 14648: 14632: 14622: 14616: 14615: 14613: 14611: 14602:. pp. 4–5. 14595: 14589: 14588: 14568: 14559: 14552: 14546: 14539: 14533: 14525: 14519: 14512: 14506: 14496: 14490: 14479: 14473: 14466: 14460: 14450: 14444: 14433: 14427: 14424: 14418: 14417: 14415: 14413: 14373: 14367: 14364: 14358: 14352: 14346: 14343: 14337: 14334: 14328: 14325: 14319: 14313: 14307: 14300: 14294: 14288: 14282: 14276: 14267: 14261: 14255: 14248: 14242: 14225: 14216: 14209: 14203: 14196: 14190: 14185:David Nicholls. 14183: 14174: 14168: 14162: 14157:Fritz, Stephen. 14155: 14149: 14143: 14137: 14131: 14122: 14116: 14110: 14086: 14077: 14070: 14064: 14055: 14049: 14048: 14030: 14024: 14023: 14005: 13999: 13998: 13992: 13984: 13966: 13960: 13959: 13941: 13935: 13932: 13926: 13916: 13910: 13909: 13888: 13882: 13875: 13869: 13862: 13856: 13853: 13834: 13818: 13812: 13804: 13783: 13777: 13771: 13765: 13759: 13753: 13747: 13736: 13729: 13720: 13717: 13711: 13695: 13689: 13682: 13676: 13643: 13637: 13631: 13625: 13624: 13606: 13600: 13590: 13584: 13583: 13581: 13579: 13543: 13537: 13536: 13501: 13495: 13481: 13475: 13452:William W. Hagen 13449: 13443: 13436: 13427: 13416: 13410: 13395: 13386: 13380: 13371: 13370: 13346: 13340: 13339: 13321: 13312: 13309: 13284: 13264: 13255: 13254: 13252: 13250: 13222: 13216: 13210: 13204: 13198: 13192: 13186: 13180: 13173: 13167: 13151: 13145: 13144: 13136: 13130: 13123: 13114: 13113: 13111: 13109: 13089: 13083: 13080: 13074: 13067: 13052: 13047:Stephen J. Lee. 13045: 13039: 13038: 13032: 13024: 13006: 13000: 12986: 12980: 12966: 12960: 12959: 12957: 12955: 12911: 12905: 12904: 12898: 12890: 12872: 12866: 12860: 12854: 12847: 12838: 12831: 12825: 12818: 12812: 12805: 12794: 12787: 12781: 12776:Carlsten, F. L. 12774: 12768: 12761: 12755: 12749: 12743: 12732: 12726: 12719: 12713: 12706: 12700: 12699: 12681: 12675: 12674: 12666: 12655: 12648: 12642: 12635: 12626: 12623: 12617: 12612:Weitz, Eric D., 12610: 12604: 12599:Weitz, Eric D., 12597: 12591: 12584: 12578: 12571: 12558: 12551: 12532: 12525: 12519: 12512: 12501: 12491: 12478: 12477: 12469: 12460: 12453: 12447: 12440: 12434: 12427: 12421: 12401: 12395: 12385: 12374: 12348: 12342: 12328: 12322: 12321: 12297: 12291: 12290: 12274: 12264: 12258: 12257: 12236: 12227: 12226: 12208: 12202: 12201: 12183: 12177: 12176: 12158: 12152: 12151: 12146:. Archived from 12136: 12130: 12123: 12117: 12110: 12104: 12094: 12088: 12081: 12075: 12069: 12060: 12048: 12042: 12035: 12026: 12019: 12013: 12006: 12000: 11997: 11986: 11979: 11970: 11969: 11951: 11945: 11938: 11932: 11926: 11915: 11909: 11902: 11883: 11876: 11857: 11856: 11838: 11832: 11827:David Nicholls. 11825: 11816: 11811:David Nicholls. 11809: 11800: 11794: 11788: 11782: 11776: 11770: 11764: 11758: 11752: 11746: 11737: 11730: 11724: 11717: 11708: 11705: 11699: 11694:Jonathan Olsen. 11692: 11683: 11676: 11670: 11663: 11657: 11642: 11636: 11622: 11616: 11609: 11603: 11596: 11590: 11584: 11571: 11565: 11559: 11558: 11510: 11508: 11452: 11446: 11445: 11357: 11351: 11350: 11338:Volkish movement 11307: 11305: 11279: 11269: 11241: 11230: 11229: 11183: 11181: 11119: 11113: 11107: 11096: 11095: 11078:Fest, Joachim C. 11074: 11068: 11067: 11065: 11063: 11035: 11026: 11025: 11005: 10999: 10992: 10986: 10971: 10962: 10956: 10947: 10941: 10935: 10934: 10922: 10913: 10907: 10896: 10890: 10881: 10874: 10868: 10862: 10856: 10849: 10840: 10833: 10824: 10817: 10811: 10805: 10790: 10784: 10775: 10768: 10762: 10761: 10743: 10734: 10731: 10725: 10722: 10716: 10713: 10707: 10704: 10698: 10691: 10685: 10678: 10665: 10664: 10662: 10660: 10654: 10641: 10633: 10627: 10626: 10618: 10612: 10611: 10588: 10582: 10579: 10573: 10567: 10561: 10556:Stephen J. Lee. 10554: 10548: 10542: 10536: 10529: 10523: 10516: 10510: 10495: 10489: 10471: 10462: 10447: 10438: 10432: 10423: 10412: 10406: 10405: 10393: 10387: 10386: 10384: 10382: 10367: 10361: 10354:Dawidowicz, Lucy 10351: 10345: 10338: 10332: 10325: 10319: 10308: 10302: 10292: 10286: 10285: 10276: 10270: 10260: 10254: 10248: 10242: 10232: 10226: 10208:Goebbels, Joseph 10205: 10199: 10163: 10157: 10156: 10131: 10125: 10124: 10122: 10120: 10106: 10098: 10089: 10088: 10086: 10084: 10053:Rabinbach, Anson 10049: 10038: 10037: 10021: 10011: 10005: 10004: 10002: 10000: 9979: 9973: 9972: 9970: 9968: 9948: 9939: 9938: 9936: 9934: 9907:Gottlieb, Henrik 9903: 9897: 9891: 9885: 9879: 9873: 9856: 9850: 9849: 9847: 9845: 9815: 9809: 9808: 9792: 9782: 9771: 9770: 9768: 9766: 9746: 9740: 9734: 9728: 9727: 9717: 9709: 9682: 9676: 9648:Kailitz, Steffen 9645: 9639: 9622: 9616: 9601: 9595: 9577: 9571: 9570: 9565: 9563: 9542: 9533: 9532: 9530: 9528: 9522: 9509: 9501: 9495: 9494: 9473: 9455: 9443: 9434:Fritzsche, Peter 9430: 9246: 9212:Seizure of Power 9123:and Bolshevism: 9117:To Hell and Back 8998:that existed in 8926:Nazi Party rally 8873:social Darwinism 8822:Benito Mussolini 8678:internationalism 8664: 8654: 8589:private property 8551:and the broader 8537:social Darwinist 8485:deficit spending 8449:central planning 8420:public ownership 8376:Great Depression 8334:Alfred Rosenberg 8325:Michael Burleigh 8264:Teutonic Knights 8227:Paul the Apostle 7988:forced labourers 7512:Germanic peoples 7488:Migration Period 7303:Drang nach Osten 7264: 7231: 7200: 7127:, the region of 7005:Aryan population 6956:The Hitler State 6944: 6931:Alfred Rosenberg 6900:Beer Hall Putsch 6839:Das Dritte Reich 6730:Spengler's book 6725:Benito Mussolini 6721:Italian Fascists 6505:were authentic. 6487:Alfred Rosenberg 6426:Eugen Diederichs 6215:anti-Catholicism 6213:, antisemitism, 6196:Kleindeutschland 6185:Kleindeutschland 6055:Friedrich Ratzel 5965:holistic science 5951:, NSDAP) in the 5883:points out that 5818:Grigory Zinoviev 5681:Heinrich Himmler 5460:Account Rendered 5456:Melita Maschmann 5427: 5417: 5407: 5401: 5355: 5301: 5289: 5281: 5239: 5238: 5208: 5207: 5206:leader principle 5202: 5190: 5161:communitarianism 5149:internationalism 5116: 5107:Community Aliens 5104: 5096: 5068:racial hierarchy 5054: 5020:social Darwinism 4965:Second World War 4945:Hitlerfaschismus 4915: 4914: 4913: 4907: 4902: 4879: 4874: 4873: 4870: 4869: 4866: 4863: 4860: 4855: 4854: 4851: 4848: 4845: 4842: 4839: 4836: 4833: 4812: 4805: 4798: 4784: 4783: 4463:Nichifor Crainic 4408:Julius Streicher 4348:Heinrich Himmler 4213:Renegade Tribune 3934:Judeo-Bolshevism 3913: 3907:Host desecration 3887:Cultural Marxism 3773:Holocaust denial 3413: 3390: 3389: 3388: 3387: 3369: 3360: 3353: 3346: 3330: 3329: 2677:Nuremberg trials 2546:Beer Hall Putsch 2516:Yokusan Sonendan 2436:Fatherland Front 2316: 2306: 2296: 2286: 2276: 2266: 2256: 2251:My Autobiography 2246: 2236: 1753:State capitalism 1743:Social Darwinism 1562:Authoritarianism 1552:Anti-materialism 1519: 1496: 1495: 1486: 1479: 1472: 1455: 1454: 1453: 1442: 1441: 1402: 1393: 1390:Drang nach Osten 1258: 1239: 1175: 1166: 1138: 1087: 1077: 1074: 1065: 1062: 1053: 1050: 1047:Das Dritte Reich 1041: 1038: 1029: 1026: 1017: 1007: 997: 987: 963:von Sebottendorf 759: 750: 739: 719:State capitalism 704:Social Darwinism 683: 674: 556: 547: 528: 519: 493: 462: 459:Dolchstoßlegende 432:Authoritarianism 325:Nuremberg trials 301: 292: 253: 229: 191: 181: 167: 118: 109: 100: 82: 63: 62: 21: 32011: 32010: 32006: 32005: 32004: 32002: 32001: 32000: 31991:White supremacy 31986:Totalitarianism 31901: 31900: 31899: 31895:from Wikisource 31889: 31884: 31882: 31872: 31867: 31865: 31855: 31850: 31848: 31844:from Wiktionary 31838: 31833: 31831: 31828: 31824:sister projects 31821:at Knowledge's 31815: 31805: 31803: 31793: 31791: 31779: 31771: 31769: 31764: 31763: 31758: 31702: 31552: 31519:Socialist state 31504:One-party state 31423:Communist state 31394: 31381: 31351: 31346: 31333: 31322:Totalitarianism 31183: 31178: 31168: 31158: 31148: 31138: 31128: 31118: 31108: 31098: 31088: 31078: 31068: 31058: 31048: 31038: 31028: 31018: 31008: 30998: 30995:Treatise on Law 30988: 30978: 30968: 30948: 30606: 30600: 30339: 30333: 30219: 30213: 30132: 30035: 30021:State of nature 30016:Social contract 29996:Ordered liberty 29984:Noblesse oblige 29901: 29735: 29664: 29493: 29488: 29458: 29453: 29235: 29189: 29187: 29180: 29061: 29050:The Right Stuff 29007:Bible Believers 28995: 28875: 28873: 28866: 28784: 28760:Self-hating Jew 28637: 28618:Nation of Islam 28584: 28454: 28449: 28419: 28414: 28402: 28385: 28230:Europe a Nation 28133: 28118: 28099:Nazi ideologues 28050: 28031: 27985: 27919: 27915:Libyan genocide 27863: 27832: 27812: 27793: 27767: 27721: 27430:Falange Militia 27295: 27127:Blue-and-Blacks 27107:Adler und Falke 27093: 26972: 26922: 26903: 26862: 26841: 26755: 26621:Het Nieuwe Volk 26566:Je suis partout 26429: 26259: 26240: 26126:Phibunsongkhram 25899: 25668: 25634:Mosley (Oswald) 25587: 25516: 25497:Primo de Rivera 25445: 25339: 25273: 25207: 24976: 24890: 24854: 24798: 24757: 24728:Strasser (Otto) 24486: 24380: 24319: 24263: 24192: 24163:Campbell (Eric) 24147: 24128: 24089:Popular Dignity 23968: 23875: 23717:Identity Evropa 23621: 23274: 23260:Tricolour Flame 23255:Terza Posizione 23138:Italian fascism 23133:Imperium Europa 23018:Southern Europe 23012: 22794:Austrian Nazism 22789:Artgemeinschaft 22765: 22723:Terre et Peuple 22613:Nouvelle Droite 22602:Northern League 22209:Bases AutĂłnomas 22175: 21983:Rastakhiz Party 21863:Iran-e-No Party 21858:Hindu Mahasabha 21838:Brit HaBirionim 21789: 21749: 21734: 21664:Neo-Eurasianism 21645:Neo-Legionarism 21348: 21329: 21293: 21289:Totalitarianism 21274:Supercapitalism 21214:One-party state 21050:Actual idealism 21032: 21021: 21016: 20986: 20981: 20961: 20940: 20849: 20750: 20746:Private library 20733: 20727: 20663:Religious views 20630: 20579: 20573:FĂŒhrersonderzug 20571:Special train ( 20561:Wolfsschlucht I 20485: 20479: 20433:Military career 20421: 20354:Political views 20326: 20321: 20291: 20286: 20228: 20190: 20176:Gregor Strasser 20081:Joseph Goebbels 20066:Roland Freisler 20051:Dietrich Eckart 20013:Notable members 20007: 19915: 19849: 19773: 19742: 19737: 19702: 19694: 19689: 19675: 19674: 19673: 19659:Racial theories 19642:Generalplan Ost 19589: 19583: 19563: 19557: 19556: 19555: 19527:Nazi ideologues 19509: 19508: 19507: 19469: 19464:(United States) 19463: 19450: 19415: 19409: 19406:Romani genocide 19373: 19366: 19365: 19364: 19281: 19280: 19279: 19271:Strasser (Otto) 19161: 19160: 19159: 19134:Gleichschaltung 19127:Totalitarianism 19012:One-party state 18820:Anti-liberalism 18790: 18789: 18788: 18713:Tripartite Pact 18624:Machtergreifung 18592: 18591: 18590: 18476: 18471: 18434:– slideshow by 18369: 18364: 18358: 18339: 18320: 18298: 18284:Steinweis, Alan 18259: 18222: 18203: 18189:Peukert, Detlev 18181: 18159: 18140: 18121: 18111:The Third Reich 18102: 18080: 18042: 18020: 18018: 18014: 17981: 17970: 17922: 17903: 17872: 17844: 17816: 17802:Broszat, Martin 17794: 17780:Broszat, Martin 17772: 17735: 17730: 17729: 17719: 17717: 17710: 17694: 17690: 17680: 17678: 17659: 17658: 17654: 17644: 17642: 17625: 17621: 17611: 17609: 17600: 17597: 17593: 17583: 17581: 17568: 17567: 17563: 17553: 17551: 17538:(4 July 2011). 17536:Dan van der Vat 17533: 17529: 17519: 17517: 17504: 17500: 17490: 17488: 17484: 17471: 17467: 17466: 17462: 17454: 17450: 17442: 17438: 17430: 17426: 17418: 17414: 17406: 17402: 17394: 17390: 17382: 17378: 17368: 17366: 17359: 17343: 17339: 17331: 17327: 17319: 17315: 17298:Housden, Martyn 17296: 17292: 17285: 17277:. p. 265. 17264: 17260: 17255: 17251: 17243: 17239: 17231: 17224: 17217: 17203: 17199: 17192: 17178: 17174: 17167: 17153: 17149: 17140: 17136: 17128:Hannah Arendt, 17127: 17123: 17116: 17102: 17098: 17088: 17086: 17079: 17063: 17059: 17052: 17038: 17034: 17024: 17022: 17015: 16999: 16995: 16988: 16974: 16970: 16962: 16958: 16950: 16946: 16938: 16934: 16926: 16922: 16914:Read, Anthony, 16913: 16909: 16901:Read, Anthony, 16900: 16896: 16888: 16884: 16865: 16846: 16842: 16827: 16813: 16809: 16794: 16780: 16776: 16766: 16764: 16760: 16729: 16723: 16719: 16709: 16707: 16700:Foreign Affairs 16692: 16688: 16678: 16676: 16675:on 12 July 2020 16667: 16666: 16662: 16653: 16644: 16635: 16631: 16619: 16615: 16611:, pp. 8–11 16607: 16600: 16591: 16580: 16571: 16567: 16558: 16554: 16545: 16541: 16532: 16528: 16519: 16515: 16502: 16498: 16488: 16486: 16479:"The Nazi-Sozi" 16477: 16476: 16472: 16464: 16457: 16450: 16430: 16426: 16419: 16396: 16392: 16384: 16380: 16372: 16368: 16360:Hitler, Adolf, 16359: 16355: 16351:, 1966, p. 619. 16346: 16342: 16333: 16329: 16320: 16313: 16304: 16300: 16294:The Third Reich 16291: 16287: 16275: 16271: 16261: 16259: 16252: 16233: 16226: 16218:Rafael Scheck, 16217: 16213: 16204: 16200: 16184: 16180: 16172: 16168: 16160: 16156: 16148: 16144: 16136: 16132: 16124: 16117: 16108: 16104: 16095: 16091: 16081: 16079: 16075: 16051:10.2307/2597802 16034: 16025: 16021: 16012: 16005: 15996: 15992: 15984: 15980: 15972: 15968: 15960: 15953: 15945: 15941: 15933: 15929: 15921: 15917: 15908: 15904: 15897: 15880: 15876: 15868: 15861: 15855:Wayback Machine 15845: 15841: 15833: 15829: 15821: 15817: 15809: 15805: 15798: 15781: 15777: 15767: 15765: 15764:on 20 July 2011 15761: 15712: 15706: 15699: 15690: 15686: 15677: 15673: 15661: 15657: 15645: 15641: 15631: 15629: 15614: 15607: 15599:Roger Griffin. 15598: 15594: 15589: 15585: 15580: 15576: 15563: 15559: 15546: 15542: 15537: 15533: 15523: 15521: 15508: 15507: 15503: 15493: 15491: 15476: 15472: 15462: 15460: 15447: 15446: 15442: 15432: 15430: 15425:. 25 May 2019. 15417: 15416: 15412: 15402: 15400: 15387: 15386: 15382: 15372: 15370: 15357: 15356: 15352: 15344:Roger Griffin. 15343: 15334: 15325: 15321: 15312: 15303: 15294: 15290: 15284:Wayback Machine 15273:Wayback Machine 15260: 15256: 15234:1543 treatise, 15232:Martin Luther's 15229: 15225: 15216: 15209: 15201: 15194: 15185: 15181: 15171: 15169: 15158: 15154: 15146: 15142: 15134: 15130: 15120: 15118: 15110:The Independent 15099: 15095: 15085: 15083: 15076: 15058: 15054: 15046: 15042: 15032: 15030: 15015: 15011: 15001: 14999: 14986: 14985: 14981: 14967: 14965: 14950: 14949: 14945: 14935: 14933: 14898: 14894: 14884: 14882: 14869: 14868: 14864: 14839: 14835: 14829:Wayback Machine 14819: 14815: 14808: 14786: 14782: 14775: 14761: 14757: 14749: 14745: 14737: 14733: 14726: 14712: 14708: 14701: 14687: 14683: 14673: 14671: 14656: 14652: 14645: 14623: 14619: 14609: 14607: 14596: 14592: 14585: 14569: 14562: 14553: 14549: 14540: 14536: 14526: 14522: 14513: 14509: 14497: 14493: 14480: 14476: 14467: 14463: 14451: 14447: 14434: 14430: 14425: 14421: 14411: 14409: 14374: 14370: 14365: 14361: 14353: 14349: 14344: 14340: 14335: 14331: 14326: 14322: 14314: 14310: 14301: 14297: 14289: 14285: 14277: 14270: 14262: 14258: 14249: 14245: 14226: 14219: 14210: 14206: 14197: 14193: 14184: 14177: 14169: 14165: 14156: 14152: 14144: 14140: 14132: 14125: 14117: 14113: 14106:Wayback Machine 14087: 14080: 14071: 14067: 14057:Norman Davies. 14056: 14052: 14045: 14031: 14027: 14020: 14006: 14002: 13986: 13985: 13981: 13967: 13963: 13956: 13942: 13938: 13933: 13929: 13917: 13913: 13906: 13889: 13885: 13876: 13872: 13863: 13859: 13850: 13821: 13806: 13805: 13801: 13784: 13780: 13772: 13768: 13760: 13756: 13748: 13739: 13731:Max Weinreich. 13730: 13723: 13718: 13714: 13709:Wayback Machine 13697:John Cornwell. 13696: 13692: 13683: 13679: 13644: 13640: 13632: 13628: 13621: 13607: 13603: 13593:Clarence Lusane 13591: 13587: 13577: 13575: 13560: 13544: 13540: 13521: 13502: 13498: 13492:Wayback Machine 13482: 13478: 13464:Wayback Machine 13450: 13446: 13437: 13430: 13417: 13413: 13396: 13389: 13381: 13374: 13367: 13347: 13343: 13336: 13322: 13315: 13310: 13287: 13282:Wayback Machine 13265: 13258: 13248: 13246: 13239: 13223: 13219: 13211: 13207: 13199: 13195: 13187: 13183: 13174: 13170: 13152: 13148: 13137: 13133: 13124: 13117: 13107: 13105: 13090: 13086: 13081: 13077: 13068: 13055: 13046: 13042: 13026: 13025: 13021: 13007: 13003: 12987: 12983: 12967: 12963: 12953: 12951: 12928:10.2307/3115178 12922:(85): 107–130. 12912: 12908: 12892: 12891: 12887: 12873: 12869: 12861: 12857: 12853:, 1995, p. 464. 12848: 12841: 12837:, 1995, p. 463. 12832: 12828: 12819: 12815: 12806: 12797: 12788: 12784: 12775: 12771: 12762: 12758: 12750: 12746: 12733: 12729: 12720: 12716: 12707: 12703: 12696: 12682: 12678: 12667: 12658: 12652:Oswald Spengler 12649: 12645: 12639:Oswald Spengler 12636: 12629: 12624: 12620: 12611: 12607: 12598: 12594: 12590:, 2006, p. 629. 12585: 12581: 12572: 12561: 12552: 12535: 12526: 12522: 12513: 12504: 12494:Kitchen, Martin 12492: 12481: 12470: 12463: 12454: 12450: 12441: 12437: 12433:, 1989, p. 305. 12428: 12424: 12419:Wayback Machine 12402: 12398: 12388:Peter J. Bowler 12386: 12377: 12369:, chief of the 12359:Wayback Machine 12349: 12345: 12339:Wayback Machine 12329: 12325: 12318: 12298: 12294: 12287: 12265: 12261: 12254: 12237: 12230: 12223: 12209: 12205: 12198: 12184: 12180: 12173: 12159: 12155: 12138: 12137: 12133: 12124: 12120: 12111: 12107: 12095: 12091: 12082: 12078: 12070: 12063: 12049: 12045: 12036: 12029: 12020: 12016: 12007: 12003: 11998: 11989: 11980: 11973: 11966: 11952: 11948: 11944:, 2006, p. 126. 11939: 11935: 11917:A. J. Woodman. 11916: 11912: 11903: 11886: 11877: 11860: 11853: 11839: 11835: 11826: 11819: 11810: 11803: 11795: 11791: 11783: 11779: 11771: 11767: 11759: 11755: 11747: 11740: 11731: 11727: 11718: 11711: 11706: 11702: 11693: 11686: 11677: 11673: 11664: 11660: 11643: 11639: 11623: 11619: 11610: 11606: 11597: 11593: 11585: 11574: 11566: 11562: 11506: 11504: 11489: 11465:. Vol. 1. 11453: 11449: 11430:white supremacy 11396: 11380:. p. 157. 11358: 11354: 11303: 11301: 11242: 11233: 11179: 11177: 11162:j.ctv14163kf.11 11154: 11138:. p. 175. 11120: 11116: 11108: 11099: 11092: 11075: 11071: 11061: 11059: 11052: 11036: 11029: 11022: 11006: 11002: 10998:, 1999, p. 191. 10993: 10989: 10972: 10965: 10957: 10950: 10942: 10938: 10927:, p. 101. 10923: 10916: 10908: 10899: 10891: 10884: 10875: 10871: 10863: 10859: 10850: 10843: 10835:Weber, Thomas, 10834: 10827: 10818: 10814: 10806: 10793: 10785: 10778: 10769: 10765: 10758: 10744: 10737: 10732: 10728: 10723: 10719: 10714: 10710: 10705: 10701: 10692: 10688: 10680:Mann, Michael, 10679: 10668: 10658: 10656: 10652: 10639: 10635: 10634: 10630: 10619: 10615: 10608: 10589: 10585: 10580: 10576: 10568: 10564: 10555: 10551: 10543: 10539: 10530: 10526: 10517: 10513: 10496: 10492: 10474:Peukert, Detlev 10472: 10465: 10448: 10441: 10433: 10426: 10413: 10409: 10394: 10390: 10380: 10378: 10369: 10368: 10364: 10352: 10348: 10340:Hitler, Adolf, 10339: 10335: 10326: 10322: 10309: 10305: 10293: 10289: 10278: 10277: 10273: 10261: 10257: 10249: 10245: 10235:Bormann, Martin 10233: 10229: 10219:Wayback Machine 10212:"The Nazi-Sozi" 10206: 10202: 10196:Wayback Machine 10164: 10160: 10153: 10132: 10128: 10118: 10116: 10099: 10092: 10082: 10080: 10073: 10059:, eds. (2013). 10050: 10041: 10034: 10012: 10008: 9998: 9996: 9981: 9980: 9976: 9966: 9964: 9949: 9942: 9932: 9930: 9923: 9904: 9900: 9892: 9888: 9880: 9876: 9857: 9853: 9843: 9841: 9834: 9816: 9812: 9805: 9783: 9774: 9764: 9762: 9747: 9743: 9735: 9731: 9711: 9710: 9706: 9683: 9679: 9663:Wayback Machine 9652:Umland, Andreas 9646: 9642: 9623: 9619: 9602: 9598: 9578: 9574: 9561: 9559: 9544: 9543: 9536: 9526: 9524: 9520: 9507: 9503: 9502: 9498: 9491: 9474: 9470: 9456: 9452: 9431: 9424: 9419: 9414: 9409: 9310: 9300:and the end of 9294: 9288: 9286:Post-war Nazism 9259:Austria-Hungary 9247: 9244: 9199: 9121:Italian Fascism 9084:Modris Eksteins 9054:German-American 9049: 8971:Joseph Goebbels 8919: 8917:Totalitarianism 8913: 8911:Totalitarianism 8752: 8746: 8718:street violence 8696:) represented " 8622:Francoist Spain 8577: 8565:ReichsnĂ€hrstand 8493:Weimar Republic 8468:Hjalmar Schacht 8453:command economy 8428:public services 8416:state ownership 8358: 8352: 8346: 8283:Reichskonkordat 8273:Kreuz und Adler 8259:Catholic Church 8202:, claimed that 8149:Catholic Church 8145:Cesare Orsenigo 8131:Members of the 8125: 8107:Kreuz und Adler 8091: 8085: 8051: 8045: 7967:ReichsfĂŒhrer-SS 7933: 7927: 7864:Nazi propaganda 7820: 7784:Nazi propaganda 7762:("subhumans"). 7712:" published by 7710:Der Untermensch 7625:social deviance 7540:Aryan languages 7486:because of the 7439:Miracle of Life 7348: 7346:Racial theories 7266: 7252: 7240: 7232: 7229: 7201: 7198: 7182:Klaipėda Region 7133:Polish Corridor 7125:Alsace-Lorraine 7095: 7089: 7046: 7040:Nazism and race 7036: 6952: 6927:Italian Fascism 6923:Gregor Strasser 6916:Fascist militia 6742:cosmopolitanism 6713:Oswald Spengler 6706:Oswald Spengler 6691:state socialism 6669: 6637: 6571:Großdeutschland 6524:Roland Freisler 6446:Friedrich Lange 6434:Julius Langbehn 6430:Paul de Lagarde 6318:Jewish cultures 6312:between Aryan ( 6288:white supremacy 6249: 6247:Nazism and race 6243: 6191:Großdeutschland 6133:Austria-Hungary 6131:, then part of 6129:Austrian Empire 6077:Oswald Spengler 6047:Land and People 6028:German language 6011:Napoleonic Wars 5995:Dietrich Eckart 5973:complex systems 5953:Weimar Republic 5927: 5909:German Question 5905: 5899: 5869: 5863: 5847:colonial system 5728:Beefsteak Nazis 5723:anti-capitalist 5709:Social Democrat 5653:Eitel Friedrich 5635:Franz von Papen 5492:Joseph Goebbels 5482:Left to right: 5476: 5420:Joseph Goebbels 5394:labour movement 5340: 5268:Gleichschaltung 5263:one-party state 5181:nationalisation 5173:Greater Germany 5022:and the use of 5012:white supremacy 4909: 4908: 4900: 4877: 4857: 4830: 4826: 4816: 4775: 4774: 4755:Self-hating Jew 4745: 4737: 4736: 4657: 4639: 4629: 4628: 4513: 4503: 4502: 4478:Philippe PĂ©tain 4473:LĂĄszlĂł Ferenczy 4453:Gheorghe Buzatu 4388:Eustace Mullins 4383:Kevin MacDonald 4363:Osama bin Laden 4358:Arthur J. Jones 4343:Joseph Goebbels 4333:Theodor Fritsch 4323:Louis Farrakhan 4308:Édouard Drumont 4298:James von Brunn 4273: 4265: 4264: 4219:The Right Stuff 4137: 4129: 4128: 4115: 4112: 4101: 4098: 4076:La Libre Parole 4051:La France juive 4013: 4003: 4002: 3897:Finance control 3862: 3852: 3851: 3793:Nation of Islam 3721: 3713: 3712: 3620:Imperial Russia 3493: 3483: 3482: 3458: 3429: 3428: 3370: 3364: 3324: 3317: 3316: 3242:Culture of fear 3227: 3219: 3218: 3168: 3160: 3159: 3089:Neo-Eurasianism 3070:Neo-Legionarism 2772: 2764: 2763: 2762: 2761: 2742:Nazi ideologues 2695: 2687: 2686: 2561:Mukden Incident 2536: 2528: 2527: 2328: 2320: 2319: 2314: 2304: 2294: 2284: 2274: 2264: 2254: 2244: 2234: 2225: 2217: 2216: 2042: 2034: 2033: 1964:Primo de Rivera 1829: 1821: 1820: 1791: 1783: 1782: 1778:Totalitarianism 1763:Supercapitalism 1708:One-party state 1637:Interventionism 1532:Actual idealism 1527: 1490: 1451: 1449: 1431: 1430: 1416:Racial theories 1399:Generalplan Ost 1351: 1343: 1342: 1313:Nazi ideologues 1303: 1295: 1294: 1256: 1251:(United States) 1250: 1237: 1207: 1199: 1198: 1123:Esoteric Nazism 1101: 1091: 1090: 1085: 1075: 1063: 1051: 1039: 1027: 1015: 1005: 995: 985: 976: 968: 967: 893: 883: 882: 873:Strasser (Otto) 773: 763: 762: 736:Gleichschaltung 729:Totalitarianism 614:One-party state 422:Anti-liberalism 402: 394: 393: 315:Tripartite Pact 226:Machtergreifung 204: 196: 195: 90: 61: 60: 57: 50: 43: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 32009: 31999: 31998: 31993: 31988: 31983: 31978: 31973: 31968: 31963: 31958: 31953: 31948: 31943: 31938: 31933: 31928: 31926:Anti-communism 31923: 31918: 31913: 31898: 31897: 31880: 31878:from Wikiquote 31863: 31846: 31817: 31814: 31813: 31801: 31789: 31766: 31765: 31760: 31759: 31757: 31756: 31751: 31746: 31741: 31736: 31731: 31726: 31721: 31716: 31710: 31708: 31704: 31703: 31701: 31700: 31695: 31694: 31693: 31683: 31678: 31677: 31676: 31671: 31661: 31656: 31655: 31654: 31649: 31639: 31634: 31633: 31632: 31625: 31620: 31615: 31605: 31604: 31603: 31593: 31592: 31591: 31586: 31581: 31576: 31571: 31560: 31558: 31554: 31553: 31551: 31550: 31549: 31548: 31543: 31533: 31532: 31531: 31521: 31516: 31511: 31506: 31501: 31496: 31491: 31486: 31485: 31484: 31474: 31469: 31468: 31467: 31462: 31457: 31452: 31445: 31443:Constitutional 31440: 31430: 31425: 31420: 31419: 31418: 31408: 31402: 31400: 31396: 31395: 31380: 31379: 31372: 31365: 31357: 31348: 31347: 31345: 31344: 31338: 31335: 31334: 31332: 31331: 31324: 31319: 31314: 31312:Social justice 31309: 31304: 31299: 31294: 31289: 31288: 31287: 31282: 31277: 31267: 31262: 31257: 31252: 31247: 31242: 31237: 31232: 31227: 31222: 31220:Egalitarianism 31217: 31212: 31210:Contractualism 31207: 31202: 31197: 31191: 31189: 31185: 31184: 31182: 31181: 31171: 31161: 31151: 31141: 31131: 31121: 31111: 31101: 31091: 31081: 31071: 31061: 31051: 31041: 31031: 31021: 31011: 31001: 30991: 30981: 30971: 30960: 30958: 30954: 30953: 30950: 30949: 30947: 30946: 30941: 30936: 30931: 30926: 30921: 30916: 30911: 30906: 30901: 30896: 30891: 30886: 30881: 30876: 30871: 30866: 30861: 30856: 30851: 30846: 30841: 30836: 30831: 30826: 30821: 30816: 30811: 30806: 30801: 30796: 30791: 30786: 30781: 30776: 30771: 30766: 30761: 30756: 30751: 30746: 30741: 30736: 30731: 30726: 30721: 30716: 30711: 30706: 30701: 30696: 30691: 30686: 30681: 30676: 30671: 30666: 30661: 30656: 30651: 30646: 30641: 30636: 30631: 30626: 30621: 30616: 30610: 30608: 30602: 30601: 30599: 30598: 30593: 30588: 30583: 30578: 30573: 30568: 30563: 30558: 30553: 30548: 30543: 30538: 30533: 30528: 30523: 30518: 30513: 30508: 30503: 30498: 30493: 30488: 30483: 30478: 30477: 30476: 30466: 30461: 30460: 30459: 30449: 30444: 30439: 30434: 30429: 30424: 30419: 30414: 30409: 30404: 30399: 30394: 30389: 30384: 30379: 30374: 30369: 30364: 30359: 30354: 30349: 30343: 30341: 30335: 30334: 30332: 30331: 30326: 30321: 30316: 30311: 30306: 30301: 30296: 30291: 30286: 30281: 30276: 30275: 30274: 30264: 30259: 30254: 30249: 30244: 30239: 30234: 30229: 30223: 30221: 30215: 30214: 30212: 30211: 30206: 30201: 30196: 30191: 30186: 30181: 30176: 30171: 30166: 30161: 30156: 30151: 30146: 30140: 30138: 30134: 30133: 30131: 30130: 30125: 30120: 30115: 30110: 30105: 30104: 30103: 30093: 30088: 30083: 30078: 30073: 30068: 30063: 30058: 30052: 30050: 30043: 30037: 30036: 30034: 30033: 30028: 30023: 30018: 30013: 30008: 30006:Overton window 30003: 29998: 29993: 29988: 29979: 29974: 29969: 29964: 29959: 29954: 29949: 29944: 29939: 29934: 29929: 29924: 29915: 29909: 29907: 29903: 29902: 29900: 29899: 29894: 29889: 29884: 29879: 29874: 29869: 29864: 29859: 29854: 29849: 29844: 29839: 29837:Libertarianism 29834: 29829: 29824: 29819: 29814: 29809: 29804: 29799: 29794: 29789: 29784: 29779: 29774: 29769: 29764: 29759: 29754: 29749: 29743: 29741: 29737: 29736: 29734: 29733: 29728: 29723: 29718: 29713: 29708: 29703: 29698: 29693: 29688: 29683: 29678: 29672: 29670: 29666: 29665: 29663: 29662: 29657: 29652: 29647: 29642: 29637: 29632: 29627: 29622: 29617: 29612: 29607: 29602: 29597: 29592: 29587: 29582: 29577: 29572: 29567: 29562: 29557: 29552: 29547: 29542: 29537: 29532: 29527: 29522: 29517: 29512: 29507: 29501: 29499: 29495: 29494: 29487: 29486: 29479: 29472: 29464: 29455: 29454: 29452: 29451: 29446: 29445: 29444: 29439: 29429: 29424: 29419: 29414: 29409: 29404: 29399: 29394: 29393: 29392: 29391: 29390: 29385: 29378:United Kingdom 29375: 29370: 29365: 29360: 29359: 29358: 29353: 29343: 29338: 29333: 29328: 29323: 29318: 29313: 29312: 29311: 29301: 29296: 29286: 29281: 29276: 29271: 29266: 29261: 29256: 29255: 29254: 29243: 29241: 29237: 29236: 29234: 29233: 29228: 29223: 29218: 29213: 29208: 29203: 29198: 29192: 29190: 29185: 29182: 29181: 29179: 29178: 29173: 29172: 29171: 29161: 29156: 29151: 29146: 29141: 29139:Nuremberg Laws 29136: 29131: 29124: 29119: 29114: 29109: 29108: 29107: 29102: 29095:Jewish quarter 29092: 29087: 29082: 29077: 29071: 29069: 29063: 29062: 29060: 29059: 29054: 29046: 29041: 29036: 29031: 29026: 29021: 29016: 29009: 29003: 29001: 28997: 28996: 28994: 28993: 28991:ZOG conspiracy 28988: 28983: 28978: 28973: 28968: 28963: 28958: 28957: 28956: 28951: 28949:Final Solution 28941: 28936: 28935: 28934: 28924: 28919: 28914: 28909: 28904: 28899: 28894: 28889: 28884: 28882:Ghetto benches 28878: 28876: 28871: 28868: 28867: 28865: 28864: 28859: 28852: 28847: 28842: 28837: 28832: 28827: 28826: 28825: 28820: 28815: 28805: 28803:Jewish deicide 28800: 28794: 28792: 28786: 28785: 28783: 28782: 28777: 28772: 28767: 28762: 28757: 28750: 28749: 28748: 28736: 28731: 28724: 28719: 28718: 28717: 28712: 28700: 28695: 28690: 28689: 28688: 28678: 28671: 28666: 28661: 28656: 28651: 28645: 28643: 28642:Related topics 28639: 28638: 28636: 28635: 28630: 28625: 28620: 28615: 28610: 28605: 28604: 28603: 28592: 28590: 28586: 28585: 28583: 28582: 28581: 28580: 28575: 28570: 28557: 28552: 28547: 28542: 28537: 28536: 28535: 28530: 28520: 28519: 28518: 28513: 28508: 28498: 28493: 28488: 28483: 28478: 28473: 28468: 28462: 28460: 28456: 28455: 28448: 28447: 28440: 28433: 28425: 28416: 28415: 28413: 28412: 28400: 28394: 28391: 28390: 28387: 28386: 28384: 28383: 28378: 28373: 28368: 28363: 28358: 28353: 28351:Social fascism 28348: 28347: 28346: 28341: 28331: 28329:Sansepolcrismo 28326: 28321: 28316: 28311: 28306: 28301: 28296: 28291: 28286: 28281: 28280: 28279: 28277:of South Tyrol 28272:Italianization 28269: 28268: 28267: 28257: 28252: 28247: 28245:Feudal fascism 28242: 28237: 28232: 28227: 28222: 28217: 28212: 28211: 28210: 28205: 28200: 28195: 28185: 28184: 28183: 28178: 28173: 28168: 28159: 28154: 28149: 28138: 28135: 28134: 28132:Related topics 28124: 28123: 28120: 28119: 28117: 28116: 28111: 28106: 28101: 28096: 28090: 28085: 28080: 28071: 28066: 28061: 28055: 28052: 28051: 28041: 28040: 28037: 28036: 28033: 28032: 28030: 28029: 28024: 28019: 28014: 28009: 28004: 27999: 27993: 27991: 27987: 27986: 27984: 27983: 27978: 27973: 27968: 27963: 27958: 27953: 27948: 27943: 27938: 27933: 27927: 27925: 27921: 27920: 27918: 27917: 27912: 27907: 27902: 27897: 27892: 27887: 27882: 27880:Corfu incident 27877: 27871: 27869: 27865: 27864: 27862: 27861: 27856: 27851: 27846: 27840: 27838: 27834: 27833: 27831: 27830: 27824: 27822: 27814: 27813: 27803: 27802: 27799: 27798: 27795: 27794: 27792: 27791: 27786: 27781: 27775: 27773: 27769: 27768: 27766: 27765: 27763:Student Action 27760: 27755: 27750: 27745: 27740: 27735: 27729: 27727: 27723: 27722: 27720: 27719: 27714: 27709: 27704: 27699: 27694: 27693: 27692: 27682: 27677: 27675:Walloon Legion 27672: 27667: 27662: 27660:UstaĆĄe Militia 27657: 27652: 27647: 27642: 27637: 27632: 27630:Sturmabteilung 27627: 27622: 27620:Sich Battalion 27617: 27612: 27607: 27602: 27597: 27592: 27587: 27582: 27577: 27572: 27567: 27562: 27557: 27552: 27547: 27542: 27537: 27532: 27527: 27522: 27517: 27512: 27507: 27502: 27497: 27492: 27487: 27482: 27477: 27472: 27467: 27462: 27457: 27452: 27447: 27445:Flemish Legion 27442: 27437: 27432: 27427: 27425:Falange Armata 27422: 27417: 27415:Einsatzgruppen 27412: 27411: 27410: 27400: 27395: 27390: 27385: 27380: 27375: 27370: 27365: 27360: 27355: 27350: 27348:Black Brigades 27345: 27340: 27335: 27330: 27325: 27320: 27315: 27313:Abhinav Bharat 27309: 27307: 27297: 27296: 27294: 27293: 27288: 27283: 27278: 27277: 27276: 27271: 27261: 27256: 27251: 27246: 27241: 27236: 27231: 27226: 27221: 27216: 27211: 27206: 27201: 27196: 27191: 27186: 27185: 27184: 27179: 27174: 27169: 27159: 27154: 27149: 27144: 27139: 27134: 27129: 27124: 27119: 27114: 27109: 27103: 27101: 27095: 27094: 27092: 27091: 27086: 27081: 27076: 27071: 27066: 27061: 27056: 27051: 27046: 27041: 27036: 27031: 27026: 27021: 27016: 27011: 27006: 27001: 26999:Casuals United 26996: 26991: 26986: 26980: 26978: 26974: 26973: 26971: 26970: 26965: 26960: 26955: 26950: 26945: 26940: 26934: 26932: 26924: 26923: 26913: 26912: 26909: 26908: 26905: 26904: 26902: 26901: 26896: 26891: 26886: 26884:Heroic realism 26881: 26876: 26870: 26868: 26867:Related topics 26864: 26863: 26861: 26860: 26855: 26849: 26847: 26843: 26842: 26840: 26839: 26834: 26829: 26824: 26819: 26814: 26809: 26804: 26799: 26794: 26789: 26784: 26779: 26774: 26769: 26763: 26761: 26757: 26756: 26754: 26753: 26748: 26743: 26738: 26733: 26728: 26723: 26718: 26716:TĂŒrkische Post 26713: 26708: 26703: 26698: 26693: 26688: 26683: 26678: 26673: 26668: 26663: 26658: 26653: 26648: 26643: 26638: 26633: 26628: 26623: 26618: 26613: 26608: 26603: 26598: 26593: 26588: 26583: 26578: 26573: 26568: 26563: 26558: 26553: 26548: 26543: 26538: 26533: 26528: 26523: 26518: 26513: 26508: 26503: 26498: 26493: 26488: 26483: 26478: 26476:The Blackshirt 26473: 26468: 26463: 26458: 26453: 26448: 26443: 26437: 26435: 26431: 26430: 26428: 26427: 26422: 26417: 26412: 26407: 26402: 26397: 26392: 26387: 26382: 26377: 26372: 26367: 26362: 26357: 26352: 26347: 26342: 26337: 26332: 26327: 26322: 26317: 26312: 26307: 26302: 26297: 26292: 26287: 26282: 26277: 26271: 26269: 26261: 26260: 26250: 26249: 26246: 26245: 26242: 26241: 26239: 26238: 26233: 26228: 26223: 26218: 26213: 26208: 26203: 26198: 26193: 26188: 26183: 26178: 26173: 26168: 26163: 26158: 26153: 26148: 26143: 26138: 26133: 26128: 26123: 26118: 26113: 26108: 26103: 26098: 26093: 26088: 26083: 26078: 26073: 26068: 26063: 26058: 26053: 26048: 26043: 26038: 26033: 26028: 26023: 26018: 26013: 26008: 26003: 25998: 25993: 25988: 25983: 25978: 25973: 25968: 25963: 25958: 25953: 25951:Castillo Armas 25948: 25943: 25938: 25933: 25928: 25923: 25918: 25913: 25907: 25905: 25901: 25900: 25898: 25897: 25892: 25887: 25882: 25877: 25872: 25867: 25862: 25857: 25852: 25847: 25842: 25837: 25832: 25827: 25822: 25817: 25812: 25807: 25802: 25797: 25792: 25787: 25782: 25777: 25772: 25767: 25762: 25757: 25752: 25747: 25742: 25737: 25732: 25727: 25722: 25717: 25712: 25707: 25702: 25697: 25692: 25687: 25682: 25676: 25674: 25670: 25669: 25667: 25666: 25661: 25656: 25651: 25646: 25641: 25636: 25631: 25629:Mosley (Diana) 25626: 25621: 25616: 25611: 25606: 25601: 25595: 25593: 25592:United Kingdom 25589: 25588: 25586: 25585: 25580: 25575: 25570: 25565: 25560: 25555: 25550: 25545: 25540: 25535: 25530: 25524: 25522: 25518: 25517: 25515: 25514: 25509: 25504: 25499: 25494: 25489: 25484: 25479: 25474: 25472:Carrero Blanco 25469: 25464: 25459: 25453: 25451: 25447: 25446: 25444: 25443: 25438: 25433: 25428: 25423: 25418: 25413: 25408: 25403: 25398: 25393: 25388: 25383: 25378: 25373: 25368: 25363: 25358: 25353: 25347: 25345: 25341: 25340: 25338: 25337: 25332: 25327: 25322: 25317: 25312: 25307: 25302: 25297: 25292: 25287: 25281: 25279: 25275: 25274: 25272: 25271: 25266: 25261: 25256: 25251: 25246: 25241: 25236: 25231: 25226: 25221: 25215: 25213: 25209: 25208: 25206: 25205: 25200: 25195: 25190: 25185: 25180: 25175: 25170: 25165: 25160: 25155: 25150: 25145: 25140: 25135: 25130: 25125: 25120: 25115: 25110: 25105: 25100: 25095: 25090: 25085: 25080: 25075: 25070: 25065: 25060: 25055: 25050: 25045: 25040: 25035: 25030: 25025: 25020: 25015: 25010: 25005: 25000: 24995: 24990: 24984: 24982: 24978: 24977: 24975: 24974: 24969: 24964: 24959: 24954: 24949: 24944: 24939: 24934: 24929: 24924: 24919: 24914: 24909: 24904: 24898: 24896: 24892: 24891: 24889: 24888: 24883: 24878: 24873: 24868: 24862: 24860: 24856: 24855: 24853: 24852: 24847: 24842: 24837: 24832: 24827: 24822: 24817: 24812: 24806: 24804: 24800: 24799: 24797: 24796: 24791: 24786: 24781: 24776: 24771: 24765: 24763: 24759: 24758: 24756: 24755: 24750: 24745: 24740: 24735: 24730: 24725: 24720: 24715: 24710: 24705: 24700: 24695: 24690: 24685: 24680: 24675: 24670: 24665: 24660: 24655: 24650: 24645: 24640: 24635: 24630: 24625: 24620: 24615: 24610: 24605: 24600: 24595: 24590: 24585: 24580: 24575: 24570: 24565: 24560: 24555: 24550: 24545: 24540: 24535: 24530: 24525: 24520: 24515: 24510: 24505: 24500: 24494: 24492: 24488: 24487: 24485: 24484: 24479: 24474: 24469: 24464: 24459: 24454: 24449: 24444: 24439: 24434: 24429: 24424: 24419: 24414: 24409: 24404: 24402:Benoist-MĂ©chin 24399: 24394: 24388: 24386: 24382: 24381: 24379: 24378: 24373: 24368: 24363: 24358: 24353: 24348: 24343: 24338: 24333: 24327: 24325: 24321: 24320: 24318: 24317: 24312: 24307: 24302: 24297: 24292: 24287: 24282: 24277: 24271: 24269: 24265: 24264: 24262: 24261: 24256: 24251: 24246: 24241: 24236: 24231: 24226: 24221: 24216: 24211: 24206: 24200: 24198: 24194: 24193: 24191: 24190: 24185: 24180: 24175: 24170: 24165: 24159: 24157: 24149: 24148: 24138: 24137: 24134: 24133: 24130: 24129: 24127: 24126: 24121: 24116: 24111: 24106: 24101: 24096: 24091: 24086: 24081: 24076: 24071: 24066: 24061: 24056: 24051: 24046: 24041: 24036: 24031: 24026: 24025: 24024: 24019: 24009: 24004: 23999: 23994: 23989: 23984: 23978: 23976: 23970: 23969: 23967: 23966: 23961: 23959:True Blue Crew 23956: 23951: 23946: 23941: 23936: 23931: 23926: 23921: 23916: 23911: 23906: 23901: 23896: 23891: 23885: 23883: 23877: 23876: 23874: 23873: 23868: 23863: 23858: 23853: 23848: 23843: 23838: 23837: 23836: 23831: 23826: 23821: 23816: 23811: 23806: 23805: 23804: 23794: 23789: 23784: 23779: 23774: 23769: 23764: 23759: 23754: 23749: 23744: 23739: 23734: 23729: 23724: 23719: 23714: 23709: 23704: 23699: 23694: 23689: 23684: 23682:American Front 23674: 23673: 23672: 23667: 23665:Heritage Front 23662: 23657: 23652: 23647: 23642: 23631: 23629: 23623: 23622: 23620: 23619: 23614: 23609: 23604: 23603: 23602: 23601: 23600: 23585: 23580: 23575: 23570: 23565: 23560: 23558:Serbian Action 23555: 23550: 23545: 23540: 23535: 23533:Romanian Front 23530: 23525: 23520: 23518:People's Party 23515: 23510: 23505: 23500: 23495: 23490: 23485: 23480: 23475: 23470: 23465: 23460: 23455: 23450: 23445: 23440: 23435: 23430: 23425: 23420: 23415: 23410: 23405: 23400: 23395: 23390: 23385: 23380: 23375: 23370: 23365: 23360: 23355: 23350: 23345: 23340: 23335: 23330: 23325: 23320: 23315: 23310: 23305: 23300: 23295: 23290: 23284: 23282: 23276: 23275: 23273: 23272: 23267: 23262: 23257: 23252: 23250:Student Action 23247: 23242: 23237: 23232: 23227: 23222: 23217: 23212: 23207: 23202: 23197: 23192: 23187: 23182: 23177: 23172: 23167: 23162: 23157: 23156: 23155: 23150: 23145: 23135: 23130: 23125: 23120: 23115: 23110: 23105: 23100: 23095: 23090: 23085: 23084: 23083: 23073: 23068: 23063: 23058: 23053: 23048: 23043: 23038: 23036:Balli KombĂ«tar 23033: 23028: 23022: 23020: 23014: 23013: 23011: 23010: 23005: 23000: 22995: 22990: 22988:The Third Path 22985: 22980: 22975: 22970: 22969: 22968: 22958: 22953: 22948: 22947: 22946: 22941: 22936: 22931: 22921: 22916: 22911: 22906: 22901: 22896: 22891: 22886: 22881: 22876: 22871: 22866: 22861: 22856: 22851: 22846: 22841: 22836: 22831: 22826: 22821: 22816: 22811: 22806: 22801: 22796: 22791: 22786: 22781: 22775: 22773: 22771:Central Europe 22767: 22766: 22764: 22763: 22758: 22753: 22748: 22741: 22739:Union Movement 22736: 22734:Third Way (UK) 22731: 22726: 22719: 22714: 22709: 22704: 22702:Rising Finland 22699: 22694: 22687: 22680: 22675: 22670: 22665: 22660: 22655: 22650: 22645: 22640: 22635: 22630: 22623: 22622: 22621: 22609: 22604: 22599: 22594: 22589: 22584: 22579: 22574: 22569: 22564: 22559: 22554: 22549: 22544: 22539: 22534: 22529: 22524: 22519: 22514: 22509: 22504: 22499: 22497:National Rally 22494: 22489: 22484: 22479: 22474: 22469: 22464: 22459: 22454: 22447: 22440: 22433: 22426: 22421: 22419:Lapua Movement 22416: 22411: 22406: 22401: 22396: 22391: 22386: 22381: 22376: 22371: 22366: 22361: 22356: 22351: 22346: 22341: 22334: 22329: 22324: 22319: 22314: 22309: 22304: 22299: 22297:Casuals United 22294: 22287: 22282: 22277: 22272: 22267: 22262: 22257: 22252: 22247: 22242: 22237: 22232: 22227: 22222: 22217: 22212: 22205: 22198: 22191: 22185: 22183: 22177: 22176: 22174: 22173: 22168: 22163: 22158: 22153: 22148: 22143: 22142: 22141: 22140: 22139: 22134: 22124: 22119: 22118: 22117: 22112: 22107: 22097: 22092: 22087: 22082: 22077: 22072: 22067: 22062: 22057: 22055:Ekal Vidyalaya 22052: 22047: 22042: 22037: 22032: 22031: 22030: 22020: 22015: 22005: 22000: 21995: 21990: 21985: 21980: 21975: 21970: 21965: 21960: 21955: 21950: 21945: 21940: 21935: 21930: 21925: 21920: 21915: 21910: 21905: 21900: 21895: 21890: 21885: 21880: 21875: 21870: 21865: 21860: 21855: 21850: 21845: 21840: 21835: 21830: 21825: 21820: 21815: 21810: 21805: 21803:Abhinav Bharat 21799: 21797: 21791: 21790: 21788: 21787: 21782: 21780:Ossewabrandwag 21777: 21772: 21767: 21761: 21759: 21751: 21750: 21740: 21739: 21736: 21735: 21733: 21732: 21727: 21726: 21725: 21720: 21715: 21705: 21704: 21703: 21698: 21693: 21683: 21678: 21673: 21668: 21667: 21666: 21656: 21655: 21654: 21649: 21648: 21647: 21634: 21629: 21624: 21623: 21622: 21612: 21611: 21610: 21605: 21600: 21599: 21598: 21588: 21583: 21578: 21568: 21563: 21558: 21553: 21552: 21551: 21546: 21536: 21535: 21534: 21533: 21532: 21522: 21514: 21513: 21512: 21502: 21501: 21500: 21490: 21485: 21480: 21475: 21470: 21465: 21464: 21463: 21458: 21457: 21456: 21455: 21454: 21449: 21443:Neo-PĂ©tainism 21436: 21426: 21421: 21416: 21411: 21406: 21405: 21404: 21394: 21389: 21384: 21379: 21374: 21373: 21372: 21367: 21359: 21353: 21350: 21349: 21339: 21338: 21335: 21334: 21331: 21330: 21328: 21327: 21322: 21317: 21312: 21307: 21301: 21299: 21295: 21294: 21292: 21291: 21286: 21284:Third Position 21281: 21276: 21271: 21266: 21261: 21256: 21251: 21246: 21241: 21236: 21231: 21226: 21221: 21216: 21211: 21206: 21205: 21204: 21199: 21194: 21184: 21179: 21174: 21169: 21162: 21157: 21155:Indoctrination 21152: 21147: 21142: 21140:Heroic realism 21137: 21132: 21127: 21122: 21117: 21112: 21107: 21102: 21097: 21092: 21087: 21082: 21077: 21072: 21067: 21062: 21060:Anti-communism 21057: 21052: 21046: 21044: 21034: 21033: 21023: 21022: 21015: 21014: 21007: 21000: 20992: 20983: 20982: 20980: 20979: 20966: 20963: 20962: 20960: 20959: 20954: 20948: 20946: 20942: 20941: 20939: 20938: 20932: 20926: 20920: 20914: 20908: 20902: 20896: 20890: 20884: 20878: 20872: 20866: 20859: 20857: 20851: 20850: 20848: 20847: 20840: 20833: 20826: 20819: 20812: 20810:Hitler Diaries 20807: 20800: 20793: 20786: 20779: 20774: 20769: 20764: 20758: 20756: 20752: 20751: 20749: 20748: 20743: 20741:Hitler's Globe 20737: 20735: 20729: 20728: 20726: 20725: 20720: 20715: 20710: 20705: 20700: 20695: 20690: 20688:August Kubizek 20685: 20680: 20675: 20670: 20665: 20660: 20655: 20654: 20653: 20642: 20640: 20636: 20635: 20632: 20631: 20629: 20628: 20618: 20608: 20598: 20593: 20591:Braunau am Inn 20587: 20585: 20581: 20580: 20578: 20577: 20568: 20563: 20558: 20553: 20548: 20543: 20538: 20533: 20528: 20512: 20501: 20499: 20487: 20481: 20480: 20478: 20477: 20476: 20475: 20465: 20460: 20455: 20450: 20445: 20443:Hitler cabinet 20440: 20435: 20429: 20427: 20423: 20422: 20420: 20419: 20414: 20409: 20404: 20397: 20396: 20395: 20390: 20378: 20373: 20368: 20367: 20366: 20356: 20351: 20350: 20349: 20334: 20332: 20328: 20327: 20320: 20319: 20312: 20305: 20297: 20288: 20287: 20285: 20284: 20279: 20274: 20273: 20272: 20262: 20257: 20252: 20247: 20242: 20236: 20234: 20230: 20229: 20227: 20226: 20221: 20212: 20198: 20196: 20192: 20191: 20189: 20188: 20183: 20178: 20173: 20168: 20163: 20158: 20153: 20148: 20143: 20138: 20133: 20128: 20123: 20118: 20113: 20108: 20103: 20098: 20093: 20088: 20086:Hermann Göring 20083: 20078: 20073: 20068: 20063: 20058: 20056:Adolf Eichmann 20053: 20048: 20043: 20038: 20033: 20028: 20023: 20017: 20015: 20009: 20008: 20006: 20005: 19996: 19987: 19978: 19969: 19960: 19951: 19942: 19933: 19923: 19921: 19917: 19916: 19914: 19913: 19908: 19903: 19898: 19893: 19888: 19883: 19878: 19873: 19868: 19863: 19857: 19855: 19851: 19850: 19848: 19847: 19842: 19837: 19832: 19827: 19822: 19817: 19812: 19807: 19802: 19800:Denazification 19797: 19792: 19787: 19781: 19779: 19775: 19774: 19772: 19771: 19768:Martin Bormann 19765: 19759: 19752: 19750: 19744: 19743: 19736: 19735: 19728: 19721: 19713: 19707: 19704: 19703: 19691: 19690: 19680: 19677: 19676: 19672: 19671: 19666: 19661: 19656: 19651: 19646: 19637: 19628: 19623: 19618: 19616:Beefsteak Nazi 19613: 19612: 19611: 19606: 19595: 19594: 19593: 19591: 19585: 19584: 19582: 19577: 19572: 19567: 19565: 19564:German society 19559: 19558: 19554: 19549: 19544: 19539: 19534: 19529: 19524: 19519: 19518: 19517: 19515: 19511: 19510: 19506: 19505: 19498: 19493: 19488: 19483: 19478: 19473: 19466: 19459: 19454: 19447: 19442: 19437: 19432: 19427: 19421: 19420: 19419: 19417: 19411: 19410: 19408: 19403: 19398: 19396:Final Solution 19393: 19388: 19383: 19378: 19376: 19374:and war crimes 19368: 19367: 19363: 19358: 19353: 19348: 19343: 19338: 19336:von Liebenfels 19333: 19328: 19323: 19318: 19313: 19308: 19303: 19298: 19293: 19292: 19291: 19289: 19283: 19282: 19278: 19273: 19268: 19263: 19258: 19253: 19248: 19246:von Ribbentrop 19243: 19238: 19233: 19228: 19223: 19218: 19213: 19208: 19203: 19198: 19193: 19188: 19183: 19178: 19173: 19172: 19171: 19169: 19163: 19162: 19158: 19149: 19140: 19139: 19138: 19124: 19119: 19114: 19109: 19104: 19099: 19094: 19093: 19092: 19087: 19082: 19073: 19064: 19059: 19054: 19049: 19044: 19039: 19029: 19024: 19019: 19014: 19009: 19004: 18999: 18998: 18997: 18992: 18987: 18982: 18972: 18967: 18965:Indoctrination 18962: 18961: 18960: 18955: 18946: 18942:Heim ins Reich 18937: 18927: 18918: 18909: 18904: 18899: 18894: 18893: 18892: 18878: 18873: 18868: 18867: 18866: 18861: 18847: 18842: 18837: 18835:Blood and soil 18832: 18827: 18822: 18817: 18812: 18810:Anti-communism 18807: 18802: 18801: 18800: 18798: 18792: 18791: 18787: 18786: 18781: 18776: 18771: 18766: 18761: 18756: 18751: 18749:Doctors' Trial 18746: 18741: 18733:Final solution 18730: 18725: 18720: 18718:Denazification 18715: 18710: 18705: 18700: 18691: 18682: 18677: 18675:Nuremberg Laws 18672: 18667: 18662: 18657: 18652: 18643: 18638: 18633: 18628: 18619: 18614: 18609: 18607:Early timeline 18604: 18603: 18602: 18600: 18594: 18593: 18589: 18588: 18578: 18573:Sturmabteilung 18568: 18563: 18554: 18549: 18544: 18539: 18534: 18529: 18524: 18519: 18514: 18505: 18496: 18486: 18485: 18484: 18482: 18478: 18477: 18470: 18469: 18462: 18455: 18447: 18441: 18440: 18429: 18423: 18418: 18409: 18398: 18384: 18368: 18367:External links 18365: 18363: 18362: 18356: 18343: 18337: 18324: 18318: 18302: 18296: 18280: 18263: 18257: 18241: 18226: 18220: 18207: 18201: 18185: 18179: 18167:Paxton, Robert 18163: 18157: 18144: 18138: 18125: 18119: 18106: 18100: 18084: 18078: 18065: 18046: 18040: 18027: 17974: 17968: 17951: 17926: 17920: 17907: 17901: 17885: 17876: 17870: 17848: 17842: 17820: 17814: 17798: 17792: 17776: 17770: 17750: 17748:. Nelson-Hall. 17736: 17734: 17731: 17728: 17727: 17708: 17688: 17652: 17619: 17591: 17561: 17527: 17498: 17460: 17458:, p. 419. 17448: 17436: 17424: 17422:, p. 274. 17412: 17400: 17388: 17376: 17357: 17337: 17325: 17323:, p. 179. 17313: 17290: 17283: 17258: 17249: 17247:, p. 165. 17237: 17222: 17215: 17197: 17190: 17172: 17165: 17147: 17134: 17121: 17114: 17096: 17077: 17057: 17050: 17032: 17013: 16993: 16986: 16968: 16964:Nyomarkay 1967 16956: 16954:, p. 119. 16952:Nyomarkay 1967 16944: 16942:, p. 113. 16940:Nyomarkay 1967 16932: 16928:Nyomarkay 1967 16920: 16907: 16894: 16882: 16863: 16840: 16825: 16807: 16792: 16774: 16740:(5): 779–791. 16717: 16686: 16660: 16642: 16629: 16613: 16598: 16578: 16565: 16552: 16539: 16526: 16513: 16509:Sunday Express 16496: 16470: 16466:Bendersky 1985 16455: 16448: 16424: 16417: 16401:Adolf Hitler, 16390: 16386:Bendersky 1985 16378: 16374:Bendersky 1985 16366: 16353: 16340: 16327: 16311: 16305:Jost DĂŒlffer, 16298: 16285: 16269: 16250: 16224: 16211: 16198: 16178: 16176:, p. 489. 16166: 16154: 16142: 16140:, p. 484. 16130: 16115: 16102: 16089: 16045:(4): 573–593. 16041:. New Series. 16019: 16003: 15990: 15988:, p. 114. 15978: 15976:, p. 102. 15966: 15964:, p. 100. 15951: 15949:, p. 333. 15939: 15927: 15915: 15902: 15895: 15874: 15859: 15839: 15827: 15815: 15803: 15796: 15784:Overy, Richard 15775: 15697: 15691:Beck Hermann, 15684: 15671: 15655: 15639: 15628:on 11 May 2008 15605: 15603:, 2005, p. 93. 15592: 15583: 15574: 15557: 15540: 15531: 15501: 15470: 15440: 15410: 15380: 15350: 15332: 15319: 15301: 15288: 15254: 15223: 15217:David Redles. 15207: 15205:, p. 182. 15192: 15179: 15152: 15140: 15128: 15093: 15074: 15052: 15040: 15009: 14979: 14943: 14892: 14862: 14833: 14813: 14806: 14780: 14773: 14755: 14743: 14741:, p. 369. 14731: 14724: 14706: 14699: 14681: 14650: 14643: 14617: 14590: 14583: 14560: 14547: 14534: 14520: 14507: 14491: 14474: 14461: 14445: 14428: 14419: 14394:10.1086/687528 14368: 14359: 14357:, p. 143. 14347: 14338: 14329: 14320: 14308: 14295: 14283: 14268: 14256: 14243: 14217: 14204: 14191: 14175: 14171:Bendersky 1985 14163: 14150: 14146:Bendersky 1985 14138: 14123: 14111: 14078: 14065: 14050: 14043: 14025: 14018: 14000: 13979: 13961: 13954: 13936: 13927: 13911: 13904: 13883: 13877:Steve Thorne. 13870: 13864:AndrĂ© Mineau. 13857: 13855: 13854: 13848: 13835: 13819: 13799: 13778: 13774:Steinweis 2008 13766: 13762:Steinweis 2008 13754: 13750:Steinweis 2008 13737: 13721: 13712: 13690: 13677: 13638: 13636:, p. 507. 13626: 13619: 13601: 13585: 13558: 13538: 13519: 13496: 13476: 13444: 13428: 13411: 13387: 13385:, p. 180. 13372: 13365: 13341: 13334: 13313: 13285: 13256: 13237: 13217: 13205: 13193: 13181: 13168: 13146: 13131: 13125:AndrĂ© Mineau. 13115: 13084: 13075: 13053: 13040: 13019: 13001: 12998:978-1443854221 12981: 12968:Steve Thorne. 12961: 12906: 12885: 12867: 12855: 12839: 12826: 12813: 12795: 12782: 12769: 12756: 12754:, p. 182. 12744: 12734:Redles, David 12727: 12714: 12701: 12694: 12676: 12656: 12643: 12627: 12618: 12605: 12592: 12579: 12559: 12533: 12520: 12502: 12479: 12461: 12448: 12435: 12422: 12396: 12375: 12363:Hermann Göring 12352:HoloHist-Final 12343: 12323: 12316: 12292: 12285: 12271:Hitler's Ethic 12259: 12252: 12228: 12221: 12203: 12196: 12178: 12171: 12153: 12131: 12129:, 2001, p. 16. 12118: 12105: 12089: 12087:, 2002, p. 45. 12076: 12074:, p. 130. 12061: 12043: 12037:Jack Fischel. 12027: 12014: 12001: 11987: 11971: 11964: 11946: 11933: 11910: 11884: 11858: 11851: 11833: 11817: 11801: 11799:, p. 131. 11789: 11777: 11765: 11763:, p. 149. 11753: 11751:, p. 150. 11738: 11725: 11709: 11700: 11684: 11671: 11658: 11637: 11617: 11604: 11591: 11589:, p. 129. 11572: 11560: 11546:Weimar Germany 11530:disenchantment 11522:interwar years 11487: 11447: 11394: 11352: 11231: 11190:, but for the 11152: 11114: 11097: 11090: 11069: 11050: 11027: 11020: 11000: 10987: 10985:, pp. 191–192. 10963: 10948: 10936: 10914: 10910:Bendersky 1985 10897: 10893:Bendersky 1985 10882: 10869: 10857: 10841: 10825: 10812: 10810:, p. 133. 10808:Nyomarkay 1967 10791: 10787:Nyomarkay 1967 10776: 10763: 10756: 10735: 10726: 10717: 10708: 10699: 10686: 10666: 10628: 10613: 10607:978-0316023757 10606: 10592:Beevor, Antony 10583: 10574: 10570:Bendersky 1985 10562: 10549: 10545:Bendersky 1985 10537: 10535:, 2008, p. 84. 10531:Beck, Hermann 10524: 10518:Beck, Hermann 10511: 10497:Beck, Hermann 10490: 10463: 10439: 10437:, p. 135. 10424: 10414:Adolf Hitler, 10407: 10388: 10362: 10346: 10333: 10327:Koshar, Rudy. 10320: 10303: 10287: 10271: 10255: 10243: 10227: 10223:Calvin College 10200: 10158: 10151: 10137:, ed. (2002). 10135:Seebold, Elmar 10126: 10090: 10071: 10057:Gilman, Sander 10039: 10032: 10006: 9974: 9940: 9921: 9898: 9886: 9874: 9851: 9832: 9810: 9803: 9772: 9741: 9739:, p. 229. 9729: 9704: 9677: 9640: 9617: 9596: 9572: 9534: 9496: 9489: 9477:Griffin, Roger 9468: 9450: 9421: 9420: 9418: 9415: 9413: 9410: 9408: 9407: 9402: 9397: 9392: 9387: 9382: 9377: 9372: 9367: 9362: 9357: 9355:Nazi occultism 9352: 9347: 9342: 9337: 9332: 9327: 9322: 9317: 9311: 9309: 9306: 9290:Main article: 9287: 9284: 9242: 9229:German Emperor 9204:Stennes Revolt 9198: 9195: 9174:Martin Broszat 9142:Martyn Housden 9048: 9045: 8912: 8909: 8787:City of London 8745: 8742: 8734:Reichstag fire 8613:social classes 8593:class conflict 8576: 8575:Anti-communism 8573: 8569:Four Year Plan 8544:social welfare 8443:that combined 8424:private sector 8385:war reparation 8348:Main article: 8345: 8342: 8301:Heinrich Maier 8268:Eastern Europe 8182:. In his work 8180:Ernst Bergmann 8087:Main article: 8084: 8081: 8044: 8041: 7992:Polish decrees 7926: 7925:Sex and gender 7923: 7848:class conflict 7819: 7816: 7722:Eastern Europe 7690:Ashkenazi Jews 7500:Spanish Empire 7456:ancient Persia 7424:Eastern Europe 7347: 7344: 7290:global economy 7282:guns or butter 7274:Ural Mountains 7235: 7234: 7227: 7196: 7111:central Poland 7088: 7085: 7035: 7032: 7000:Weltanschauung 6964:Martin Broszat 6951: 6948: 6856:people versus 6850:Wilhelm Stapel 6668: 6665: 6661:Nuremberg Laws 6636: 6633: 6471:Russian Empire 6245:Main article: 6242: 6239: 6225:greeting, the 6073:Blood and Soil 6068:Blut und Boden 6059:Karl Haushofer 6053:. Geographers 6043:Land und Leute 6024:exceptionalism 5901:Main article: 5898: 5895: 5881:Martin Broszat 5862: 5859: 5851:United Kingdom 5843:British Empire 5718:Sturmabteilung 5669:Hermann Göring 5627:Harzburg Front 5518:Harzburg Front 5488:Hermann Göring 5475: 5472: 5452:Hermann Göring 5339: 5336: 5278:Sturmabteilung 5265:and began the 5140:and universal 5138:class conflict 5128:international 5072:ethnic Germans 5070:, identifying 5066:theories of a 5030:originated in 4996:anti-communism 4937:Hitler Fascism 4818: 4817: 4815: 4814: 4807: 4800: 4792: 4789: 4788: 4777: 4776: 4773: 4772: 4767: 4762: 4757: 4752: 4746: 4744:Related topics 4743: 4742: 4739: 4738: 4735: 4734: 4729: 4724: 4719: 4713: 4708: 4703: 4698: 4693: 4688: 4683: 4678: 4673: 4668: 4663: 4658: 4653: 4651: 4646: 4640: 4635: 4634: 4631: 4630: 4627: 4626: 4621: 4616: 4611: 4606: 4605: 4604: 4599: 4597:Russian Empire 4589: 4584: 4582:Nuremberg Laws 4579: 4574: 4567: 4562: 4557: 4552: 4551: 4550: 4545: 4538:Jewish quarter 4535: 4530: 4525: 4520: 4514: 4509: 4508: 4505: 4504: 4501: 4500: 4498:Richard Wagner 4495: 4490: 4488:Stepan Bandera 4485: 4483:Symon Petliura 4480: 4475: 4470: 4465: 4460: 4455: 4450: 4445: 4440: 4435: 4430: 4425: 4420: 4415: 4410: 4405: 4400: 4395: 4390: 4385: 4380: 4375: 4370: 4365: 4360: 4355: 4350: 4345: 4340: 4335: 4330: 4325: 4320: 4318:Adolf Eichmann 4315: 4310: 4305: 4300: 4295: 4290: 4285: 4280: 4274: 4271: 4270: 4267: 4266: 4263: 4262: 4260:Veterans Today 4257: 4254:The Unz Review 4250: 4243: 4238: 4233: 4228: 4223: 4215: 4210: 4205: 4198: 4193: 4188: 4183: 4178: 4173: 4168: 4161: 4156: 4149: 4144: 4138: 4135: 4134: 4131: 4130: 4127: 4126: 4121: 4116: 4109: 4107: 4102: 4095: 4093: 4088: 4083: 4078: 4073: 4068: 4063: 4058: 4053: 4048: 4040: 4035: 4030: 4025: 4020: 4014: 4009: 4008: 4005: 4004: 4001: 4000: 3998:ZOG conspiracy 3995: 3993:White genocide 3990: 3988:Well poisoning 3985: 3980: 3979: 3978: 3973: 3963: 3958: 3953: 3948: 3946:Judeo-Masonism 3943: 3942: 3941: 3931: 3926: 3921: 3916: 3909: 3904: 3899: 3894: 3889: 3884: 3879: 3874: 3869: 3863: 3858: 3857: 3854: 3853: 3850: 3849: 3848: 3847: 3842: 3832: 3827: 3822: 3817: 3812: 3811: 3810: 3805: 3795: 3790: 3785: 3780: 3775: 3770: 3765: 3760: 3755: 3750: 3749: 3748: 3738: 3733: 3728: 3722: 3720:Manifestations 3719: 3718: 3715: 3714: 3711: 3710: 3705: 3704: 3703: 3698: 3688: 3687: 3686: 3681: 3674:United Kingdom 3671: 3666: 3661: 3656: 3651: 3646: 3645: 3644: 3634: 3633: 3632: 3627: 3622: 3612: 3607: 3602: 3597: 3592: 3587: 3582: 3577: 3572: 3567: 3562: 3561: 3560: 3555: 3553:Dreyfus affair 3545: 3540: 3535: 3530: 3525: 3520: 3515: 3510: 3505: 3500: 3494: 3489: 3488: 3485: 3484: 3481: 3480: 3475: 3470: 3468:Nexus Document 3465: 3459: 3456: 3455: 3452: 3451: 3450: 3449: 3444: 3439: 3431: 3430: 3427: 3426: 3424:discrimination 3420:Jewish history 3415: 3414: 3406: 3405: 3399: 3398: 3366: 3365: 3363: 3362: 3355: 3348: 3340: 3337: 3336: 3335: 3334: 3319: 3318: 3315: 3314: 3309: 3304: 3302:Social fascism 3299: 3294: 3289: 3284: 3279: 3274: 3269: 3264: 3262:Feudal fascism 3259: 3254: 3249: 3244: 3239: 3234: 3228: 3226:Related topics 3225: 3224: 3221: 3220: 3217: 3216: 3215: 3214: 3209: 3199: 3198: 3197: 3187: 3186: 3185: 3175: 3169: 3166: 3165: 3162: 3161: 3158: 3157: 3152: 3151: 3150: 3145: 3140: 3130: 3129: 3128: 3123: 3118: 3111:Third Position 3108: 3103: 3098: 3093: 3092: 3091: 3081: 3080: 3079: 3074: 3073: 3072: 3059: 3054: 3049: 3048: 3047: 3037: 3036: 3035: 3030: 3025: 3024: 3023: 3013: 3008: 3003: 2993: 2988: 2983: 2982: 2981: 2976: 2966: 2965: 2964: 2963: 2962: 2952: 2944: 2943: 2942: 2932: 2931: 2930: 2920: 2915: 2910: 2905: 2900: 2895: 2894: 2893: 2888: 2887: 2886: 2885: 2884: 2879: 2873:Neo-PĂ©tainism 2866: 2856: 2851: 2846: 2841: 2836: 2831: 2830: 2829: 2819: 2814: 2809: 2804: 2799: 2794: 2793: 2792: 2787: 2779: 2773: 2770: 2769: 2766: 2765: 2760: 2759: 2754: 2749: 2744: 2739: 2733: 2728: 2723: 2714: 2709: 2704: 2698: 2697: 2696: 2693: 2692: 2689: 2688: 2685: 2684: 2679: 2674: 2673: 2672: 2667: 2662: 2657: 2647: 2642: 2637: 2632: 2627: 2622: 2621: 2620: 2615: 2605: 2600: 2599: 2598: 2588: 2583: 2578: 2573: 2568: 2563: 2558: 2553: 2548: 2543: 2537: 2534: 2533: 2530: 2529: 2526: 2525: 2520: 2519: 2518: 2513: 2503: 2498: 2493: 2488: 2483: 2478: 2473: 2468: 2463: 2458: 2453: 2448: 2443: 2441:FE de las JONS 2438: 2433: 2428: 2423: 2418: 2417: 2416: 2406: 2401: 2396: 2395: 2394: 2384: 2379: 2378: 2377: 2372: 2367: 2362: 2357: 2347: 2346: 2345: 2340: 2329: 2326: 2325: 2322: 2321: 2318: 2317: 2307: 2297: 2287: 2277: 2267: 2257: 2247: 2237: 2226: 2223: 2222: 2219: 2218: 2215: 2214: 2209: 2204: 2199: 2194: 2189: 2184: 2179: 2174: 2169: 2164: 2159: 2154: 2149: 2144: 2142:von Liebenfels 2139: 2134: 2129: 2124: 2119: 2114: 2109: 2104: 2099: 2094: 2089: 2084: 2079: 2074: 2069: 2064: 2059: 2054: 2049: 2043: 2040: 2039: 2036: 2035: 2032: 2031: 2026: 2021: 2016: 2011: 2006: 2001: 1996: 1991: 1986: 1981: 1976: 1971: 1966: 1961: 1956: 1951: 1946: 1941: 1936: 1931: 1926: 1921: 1916: 1911: 1906: 1901: 1896: 1891: 1886: 1881: 1876: 1871: 1866: 1861: 1856: 1851: 1846: 1841: 1836: 1830: 1827: 1826: 1823: 1822: 1819: 1818: 1813: 1808: 1803: 1798: 1792: 1789: 1788: 1785: 1784: 1781: 1780: 1775: 1773:Third Position 1770: 1765: 1760: 1755: 1750: 1745: 1740: 1735: 1730: 1725: 1720: 1715: 1710: 1705: 1700: 1699: 1698: 1693: 1688: 1678: 1673: 1668: 1663: 1656: 1651: 1650: 1649: 1644: 1634: 1632:Indoctrination 1629: 1624: 1619: 1617:Heroic realism 1614: 1609: 1604: 1599: 1594: 1589: 1584: 1579: 1574: 1569: 1564: 1559: 1554: 1549: 1544: 1542:Anti-communism 1539: 1534: 1528: 1525: 1524: 1521: 1520: 1512: 1511: 1505: 1504: 1492: 1491: 1489: 1488: 1481: 1474: 1466: 1463: 1462: 1461: 1460: 1446: 1433: 1432: 1429: 1428: 1423: 1418: 1413: 1408: 1403: 1394: 1385: 1380: 1375: 1373:Beefsteak Nazi 1370: 1369: 1368: 1363: 1352: 1350:Related topics 1349: 1348: 1345: 1344: 1341: 1340: 1335: 1330: 1325: 1320: 1315: 1310: 1304: 1301: 1300: 1297: 1296: 1293: 1292: 1285: 1280: 1275: 1270: 1265: 1260: 1253: 1246: 1241: 1234: 1229: 1224: 1219: 1214: 1208: 1205: 1204: 1201: 1200: 1197: 1196: 1191: 1186: 1181: 1176: 1167: 1158: 1157: 1156: 1146: 1141: 1140: 1139: 1125: 1120: 1115: 1114: 1113: 1102: 1097: 1096: 1093: 1092: 1089: 1088: 1078: 1066: 1054: 1042: 1030: 1018: 1008: 998: 988: 977: 974: 973: 970: 969: 966: 965: 960: 955: 950: 945: 940: 938:von Liebenfels 935: 930: 925: 920: 915: 910: 905: 900: 894: 889: 888: 885: 884: 881: 880: 875: 870: 865: 860: 855: 850: 848:von Ribbentrop 845: 840: 835: 830: 825: 820: 815: 810: 805: 800: 795: 790: 785: 780: 774: 769: 768: 765: 764: 761: 760: 751: 742: 741: 740: 726: 721: 716: 711: 706: 701: 696: 695: 694: 689: 684: 675: 666: 661: 656: 651: 646: 641: 631: 626: 621: 616: 611: 606: 601: 600: 599: 594: 589: 584: 574: 569: 567:Indoctrination 564: 563: 562: 557: 548: 544:Heim ins Reich 539: 529: 520: 511: 506: 501: 496: 495: 494: 480: 475: 470: 469: 468: 463: 449: 444: 439: 437:Blood and soil 434: 429: 424: 419: 414: 412:Anti-communism 409: 403: 400: 399: 396: 395: 392: 391: 386: 381: 376: 371: 366: 361: 356: 354:Doctors' Trial 351: 346: 337:Final solution 333: 332: 327: 322: 320:Denazification 317: 312: 307: 302: 293: 284: 279: 277:Nuremberg Laws 274: 269: 264: 259: 254: 245: 240: 235: 230: 221: 216: 211: 209:Early timeline 205: 202: 201: 198: 197: 194: 193: 183: 178:Sturmabteilung 173: 168: 159: 154: 149: 144: 139: 134: 129: 124: 119: 110: 101: 91: 88: 87: 84: 83: 75: 74: 68: 67: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 32008: 31997: 31994: 31992: 31989: 31987: 31984: 31982: 31979: 31977: 31974: 31972: 31969: 31967: 31964: 31962: 31959: 31957: 31956:The Holocaust 31954: 31952: 31949: 31947: 31944: 31942: 31939: 31937: 31934: 31932: 31929: 31927: 31924: 31922: 31919: 31917: 31914: 31912: 31909: 31908: 31906: 31894: 31893: 31881: 31877: 31876: 31864: 31860: 31859: 31847: 31843: 31842: 31830: 31829: 31826: 31820: 31812: 31802: 31800: 31790: 31788: 31783: 31778: 31777: 31774: 31755: 31752: 31750: 31747: 31745: 31742: 31740: 31737: 31735: 31732: 31730: 31727: 31725: 31722: 31720: 31717: 31715: 31712: 31711: 31709: 31705: 31699: 31698:Shƍwa Statism 31696: 31692: 31689: 31688: 31687: 31684: 31682: 31679: 31675: 31672: 31670: 31667: 31666: 31665: 31662: 31660: 31657: 31653: 31650: 31648: 31645: 31644: 31643: 31640: 31638: 31637:Caesaropapism 31635: 31631: 31630: 31626: 31624: 31621: 31619: 31616: 31614: 31611: 31610: 31609: 31606: 31602: 31599: 31598: 31597: 31594: 31590: 31587: 31585: 31582: 31580: 31577: 31575: 31572: 31570: 31567: 31566: 31565: 31562: 31561: 31559: 31555: 31547: 31544: 31542: 31539: 31538: 31537: 31534: 31530: 31529:Islamic state 31527: 31526: 31525: 31522: 31520: 31517: 31515: 31512: 31510: 31507: 31505: 31502: 31500: 31497: 31495: 31492: 31490: 31487: 31483: 31480: 31479: 31478: 31475: 31473: 31470: 31466: 31463: 31461: 31458: 31456: 31453: 31451: 31450: 31446: 31444: 31441: 31439: 31436: 31435: 31434: 31431: 31429: 31426: 31424: 31421: 31417: 31414: 31413: 31412: 31409: 31407: 31404: 31403: 31401: 31397: 31393: 31389: 31385: 31384:Authoritarian 31378: 31373: 31371: 31366: 31364: 31359: 31358: 31355: 31343: 31340: 31339: 31336: 31330: 31329: 31325: 31323: 31320: 31318: 31315: 31313: 31310: 31308: 31305: 31303: 31300: 31298: 31295: 31293: 31290: 31286: 31283: 31281: 31278: 31276: 31273: 31272: 31271: 31268: 31266: 31263: 31261: 31258: 31256: 31253: 31251: 31248: 31246: 31245:Jurisprudence 31243: 31241: 31238: 31236: 31233: 31231: 31228: 31226: 31223: 31221: 31218: 31216: 31213: 31211: 31208: 31206: 31203: 31201: 31198: 31196: 31193: 31192: 31190: 31186: 31177: 31176: 31172: 31167: 31166: 31162: 31157: 31156: 31152: 31147: 31146: 31142: 31137: 31136: 31132: 31127: 31126: 31122: 31117: 31116: 31112: 31107: 31106: 31102: 31097: 31096: 31092: 31087: 31086: 31082: 31077: 31076: 31075:Rights of Man 31072: 31067: 31066: 31062: 31057: 31056: 31052: 31047: 31046: 31042: 31037: 31036: 31032: 31027: 31026: 31022: 31017: 31016: 31012: 31007: 31006: 31002: 30997: 30996: 30992: 30987: 30986: 30985:De re publica 30982: 30977: 30976: 30972: 30967: 30966: 30962: 30961: 30959: 30955: 30945: 30942: 30940: 30937: 30935: 30932: 30930: 30927: 30925: 30922: 30920: 30917: 30915: 30912: 30910: 30907: 30905: 30902: 30900: 30897: 30895: 30892: 30890: 30887: 30885: 30882: 30880: 30877: 30875: 30872: 30870: 30867: 30865: 30862: 30860: 30857: 30855: 30852: 30850: 30847: 30845: 30842: 30840: 30837: 30835: 30832: 30830: 30827: 30825: 30822: 30820: 30817: 30815: 30812: 30810: 30807: 30805: 30802: 30800: 30797: 30795: 30792: 30790: 30787: 30785: 30782: 30780: 30777: 30775: 30772: 30770: 30767: 30765: 30762: 30760: 30757: 30755: 30752: 30750: 30747: 30745: 30742: 30740: 30737: 30735: 30732: 30730: 30727: 30725: 30722: 30720: 30717: 30715: 30712: 30710: 30707: 30705: 30702: 30700: 30697: 30695: 30692: 30690: 30687: 30685: 30682: 30680: 30677: 30675: 30672: 30670: 30667: 30665: 30662: 30660: 30657: 30655: 30652: 30650: 30647: 30645: 30642: 30640: 30637: 30635: 30632: 30630: 30627: 30625: 30622: 30620: 30617: 30615: 30612: 30611: 30609: 30605:20th and 21st 30603: 30597: 30594: 30592: 30589: 30587: 30584: 30582: 30579: 30577: 30574: 30572: 30569: 30567: 30564: 30562: 30559: 30557: 30554: 30552: 30549: 30547: 30544: 30542: 30539: 30537: 30534: 30532: 30529: 30527: 30524: 30522: 30519: 30517: 30514: 30512: 30509: 30507: 30504: 30502: 30499: 30497: 30494: 30492: 30489: 30487: 30484: 30482: 30479: 30475: 30472: 30471: 30470: 30467: 30465: 30462: 30458: 30455: 30454: 30453: 30450: 30448: 30445: 30443: 30440: 30438: 30435: 30433: 30430: 30428: 30425: 30423: 30420: 30418: 30415: 30413: 30410: 30408: 30405: 30403: 30400: 30398: 30395: 30393: 30390: 30388: 30385: 30383: 30380: 30378: 30375: 30373: 30370: 30368: 30365: 30363: 30360: 30358: 30355: 30353: 30350: 30348: 30345: 30344: 30342: 30338:18th and 19th 30336: 30330: 30327: 30325: 30322: 30320: 30317: 30315: 30312: 30310: 30307: 30305: 30302: 30300: 30297: 30295: 30292: 30290: 30287: 30285: 30282: 30280: 30277: 30273: 30270: 30269: 30268: 30265: 30263: 30260: 30258: 30255: 30253: 30250: 30248: 30245: 30243: 30240: 30238: 30235: 30233: 30230: 30228: 30225: 30224: 30222: 30216: 30210: 30207: 30205: 30202: 30200: 30197: 30195: 30194:Nizam al-Mulk 30192: 30190: 30187: 30185: 30182: 30180: 30177: 30175: 30172: 30170: 30167: 30165: 30162: 30160: 30157: 30155: 30152: 30150: 30147: 30145: 30142: 30141: 30139: 30135: 30129: 30126: 30124: 30121: 30119: 30116: 30114: 30111: 30109: 30106: 30102: 30099: 30098: 30097: 30094: 30092: 30089: 30087: 30084: 30082: 30079: 30077: 30074: 30072: 30069: 30067: 30064: 30062: 30059: 30057: 30054: 30053: 30051: 30047: 30044: 30042: 30038: 30032: 30029: 30027: 30024: 30022: 30019: 30017: 30014: 30012: 30009: 30007: 30004: 30002: 29999: 29997: 29994: 29992: 29989: 29986: 29985: 29980: 29978: 29975: 29973: 29970: 29968: 29965: 29963: 29960: 29958: 29955: 29953: 29950: 29948: 29945: 29943: 29940: 29938: 29935: 29933: 29930: 29928: 29925: 29922: 29921: 29916: 29914: 29911: 29910: 29908: 29904: 29898: 29895: 29893: 29890: 29888: 29885: 29883: 29880: 29878: 29877:Republicanism 29875: 29873: 29870: 29868: 29865: 29863: 29860: 29858: 29855: 29853: 29850: 29848: 29845: 29843: 29840: 29838: 29835: 29833: 29830: 29828: 29825: 29823: 29820: 29818: 29815: 29813: 29810: 29808: 29805: 29803: 29800: 29798: 29795: 29793: 29790: 29788: 29785: 29783: 29780: 29778: 29775: 29773: 29770: 29768: 29765: 29763: 29760: 29758: 29755: 29753: 29750: 29748: 29745: 29744: 29742: 29738: 29732: 29729: 29727: 29724: 29722: 29719: 29717: 29714: 29712: 29709: 29707: 29704: 29702: 29699: 29697: 29694: 29692: 29689: 29687: 29684: 29682: 29679: 29677: 29674: 29673: 29671: 29667: 29661: 29658: 29656: 29653: 29651: 29648: 29646: 29643: 29641: 29638: 29636: 29633: 29631: 29628: 29626: 29623: 29621: 29618: 29616: 29613: 29611: 29608: 29606: 29603: 29601: 29598: 29596: 29593: 29591: 29588: 29586: 29583: 29581: 29578: 29576: 29573: 29571: 29568: 29566: 29563: 29561: 29558: 29556: 29553: 29551: 29548: 29546: 29543: 29541: 29538: 29536: 29533: 29531: 29528: 29526: 29523: 29521: 29518: 29516: 29513: 29511: 29508: 29506: 29503: 29502: 29500: 29496: 29492: 29485: 29480: 29478: 29473: 29471: 29466: 29465: 29462: 29450: 29447: 29443: 29440: 29438: 29435: 29434: 29433: 29432:United States 29430: 29428: 29425: 29423: 29420: 29418: 29415: 29413: 29410: 29408: 29405: 29403: 29400: 29398: 29395: 29389: 29386: 29384: 29381: 29380: 29379: 29376: 29374: 29371: 29369: 29366: 29364: 29361: 29357: 29354: 29352: 29349: 29348: 29347: 29344: 29342: 29339: 29337: 29334: 29332: 29329: 29327: 29324: 29322: 29319: 29317: 29314: 29310: 29307: 29306: 29305: 29302: 29300: 29297: 29295: 29292: 29291: 29290: 29287: 29285: 29282: 29280: 29277: 29275: 29272: 29270: 29267: 29265: 29262: 29260: 29257: 29253: 29250: 29249: 29248: 29245: 29244: 29242: 29238: 29232: 29229: 29227: 29224: 29222: 29219: 29217: 29214: 29212: 29209: 29207: 29204: 29202: 29199: 29197: 29194: 29193: 29191: 29183: 29177: 29174: 29170: 29167: 29166: 29165: 29162: 29160: 29157: 29155: 29152: 29150: 29147: 29145: 29142: 29140: 29137: 29135: 29132: 29130: 29129: 29125: 29123: 29120: 29118: 29115: 29113: 29112:The Holocaust 29110: 29106: 29103: 29101: 29098: 29097: 29096: 29093: 29091: 29088: 29086: 29083: 29081: 29078: 29076: 29073: 29072: 29070: 29068: 29064: 29058: 29055: 29053: 29051: 29047: 29045: 29042: 29040: 29037: 29035: 29032: 29030: 29027: 29025: 29022: 29020: 29017: 29015: 29014: 29010: 29008: 29005: 29004: 29002: 28998: 28992: 28989: 28987: 28984: 28982: 28979: 28977: 28976:Doctors' plot 28974: 28972: 28971:SlĂĄnskĂœ trial 28969: 28967: 28964: 28962: 28959: 28955: 28954:The Holocaust 28952: 28950: 28947: 28946: 28945: 28942: 28940: 28937: 28933: 28930: 28929: 28928: 28927:Farhud (Iraq) 28925: 28923: 28920: 28918: 28915: 28913: 28910: 28908: 28905: 28903: 28900: 28898: 28895: 28893: 28890: 28888: 28887:Hep-Hep riots 28885: 28883: 28880: 28879: 28877: 28869: 28863: 28860: 28858: 28857: 28853: 28851: 28848: 28846: 28843: 28841: 28838: 28836: 28835:Martin Luther 28833: 28831: 28828: 28824: 28821: 28819: 28816: 28814: 28811: 28810: 28809: 28806: 28804: 28801: 28799: 28796: 28795: 28793: 28791: 28787: 28781: 28778: 28776: 28773: 28771: 28770:Weaponization 28768: 28766: 28763: 28761: 28758: 28756: 28755: 28751: 28747: 28744: 28743: 28742: 28741: 28737: 28735: 28734:Philosemitism 28732: 28730: 28729: 28725: 28723: 28720: 28716: 28713: 28711: 28708: 28707: 28706: 28705: 28701: 28699: 28696: 28694: 28693:Khazar theory 28691: 28687: 28684: 28683: 28682: 28679: 28677: 28676: 28672: 28670: 28667: 28665: 28662: 28660: 28657: 28655: 28652: 28650: 28647: 28646: 28644: 28640: 28634: 28631: 28629: 28626: 28624: 28623:Olympic Games 28621: 28619: 28616: 28614: 28611: 28609: 28606: 28602: 28601:New Testament 28599: 28598: 28597: 28594: 28593: 28591: 28587: 28579: 28576: 28574: 28571: 28569: 28563: 28562: 28561: 28558: 28556: 28553: 28551: 28548: 28546: 28543: 28541: 28538: 28534: 28531: 28529: 28526: 28525: 28524: 28521: 28517: 28514: 28512: 28509: 28507: 28504: 28503: 28502: 28499: 28497: 28494: 28492: 28489: 28487: 28484: 28482: 28479: 28477: 28474: 28472: 28469: 28467: 28464: 28463: 28461: 28457: 28453: 28446: 28441: 28439: 28434: 28432: 28427: 28426: 28423: 28411: 28406: 28401: 28399: 28396: 28395: 28392: 28382: 28379: 28377: 28374: 28372: 28369: 28367: 28364: 28362: 28359: 28357: 28354: 28352: 28349: 28345: 28342: 28340: 28337: 28336: 28335: 28332: 28330: 28327: 28325: 28322: 28320: 28317: 28315: 28312: 28310: 28309:Proto-fascism 28307: 28305: 28302: 28300: 28297: 28295: 28292: 28290: 28287: 28285: 28282: 28278: 28275: 28274: 28273: 28270: 28266: 28263: 28262: 28261: 28260:Germanisation 28258: 28256: 28253: 28251: 28248: 28246: 28243: 28241: 28238: 28236: 28233: 28231: 28228: 28226: 28223: 28221: 28218: 28216: 28213: 28209: 28206: 28204: 28201: 28199: 28196: 28194: 28191: 28190: 28189: 28186: 28182: 28179: 28177: 28174: 28172: 28169: 28166: 28165: 28160: 28158: 28155: 28153: 28150: 28148: 28145: 28144: 28143: 28140: 28139: 28136: 28129: 28125: 28115: 28112: 28110: 28107: 28105: 28102: 28100: 28097: 28094: 28091: 28089: 28086: 28084: 28081: 28079: 28075: 28072: 28070: 28067: 28065: 28062: 28060: 28059:Anti-fascists 28057: 28056: 28053: 28046: 28042: 28028: 28025: 28023: 28020: 28018: 28015: 28013: 28010: 28008: 28007:The Holocaust 28005: 28003: 28000: 27998: 27995: 27994: 27992: 27988: 27982: 27979: 27977: 27974: 27972: 27969: 27967: 27964: 27962: 27959: 27957: 27954: 27952: 27949: 27947: 27944: 27942: 27939: 27937: 27934: 27932: 27929: 27928: 27926: 27922: 27916: 27913: 27911: 27908: 27906: 27903: 27901: 27898: 27896: 27893: 27891: 27888: 27886: 27883: 27881: 27878: 27876: 27875:March on Rome 27873: 27872: 27870: 27866: 27860: 27857: 27855: 27852: 27850: 27847: 27845: 27842: 27841: 27839: 27835: 27829: 27826: 27825: 27823: 27819: 27815: 27808: 27804: 27790: 27787: 27785: 27782: 27780: 27777: 27776: 27774: 27772:International 27770: 27764: 27761: 27759: 27756: 27754: 27751: 27749: 27746: 27744: 27741: 27739: 27736: 27734: 27731: 27730: 27728: 27724: 27718: 27715: 27713: 27710: 27708: 27705: 27703: 27700: 27698: 27695: 27691: 27688: 27687: 27686: 27683: 27681: 27678: 27676: 27673: 27671: 27670:Walloon Guard 27668: 27666: 27663: 27661: 27658: 27656: 27653: 27651: 27648: 27646: 27643: 27641: 27638: 27636: 27633: 27631: 27628: 27626: 27625:Silver Shirts 27623: 27621: 27618: 27616: 27613: 27611: 27608: 27606: 27605:Schutzstaffel 27603: 27601: 27598: 27596: 27593: 27591: 27588: 27586: 27583: 27581: 27578: 27576: 27573: 27571: 27568: 27566: 27563: 27561: 27558: 27556: 27553: 27551: 27548: 27546: 27543: 27541: 27538: 27536: 27533: 27531: 27528: 27526: 27523: 27521: 27518: 27516: 27513: 27511: 27508: 27506: 27503: 27501: 27500:Interbrigades 27498: 27496: 27493: 27491: 27488: 27486: 27483: 27481: 27478: 27476: 27473: 27471: 27468: 27466: 27463: 27461: 27458: 27456: 27453: 27451: 27448: 27446: 27443: 27441: 27440:Flemish Guard 27438: 27436: 27433: 27431: 27428: 27426: 27423: 27421: 27418: 27416: 27413: 27409: 27408:Bugojno group 27406: 27405: 27404: 27401: 27399: 27396: 27394: 27391: 27389: 27386: 27384: 27381: 27379: 27376: 27374: 27371: 27369: 27366: 27364: 27361: 27359: 27356: 27354: 27351: 27349: 27346: 27344: 27341: 27339: 27336: 27334: 27331: 27329: 27326: 27324: 27321: 27319: 27316: 27314: 27311: 27310: 27308: 27306: 27302: 27298: 27292: 27289: 27287: 27286:Wiking-Jugend 27284: 27282: 27279: 27275: 27272: 27270: 27267: 27266: 27265: 27262: 27260: 27257: 27255: 27252: 27250: 27247: 27245: 27242: 27240: 27237: 27235: 27232: 27230: 27227: 27225: 27222: 27220: 27217: 27215: 27212: 27210: 27207: 27205: 27202: 27200: 27197: 27195: 27192: 27190: 27187: 27183: 27180: 27178: 27177:JungmĂ€delbund 27175: 27173: 27170: 27168: 27165: 27164: 27163: 27160: 27158: 27155: 27153: 27150: 27148: 27145: 27143: 27140: 27138: 27135: 27133: 27130: 27128: 27125: 27123: 27120: 27118: 27115: 27113: 27110: 27108: 27105: 27104: 27102: 27100: 27096: 27090: 27087: 27085: 27082: 27080: 27077: 27075: 27072: 27070: 27067: 27065: 27062: 27060: 27057: 27055: 27052: 27050: 27047: 27045: 27042: 27040: 27037: 27035: 27032: 27030: 27027: 27025: 27022: 27020: 27017: 27015: 27012: 27010: 27007: 27005: 27002: 27000: 26997: 26995: 26992: 26990: 26987: 26985: 26982: 26981: 26979: 26975: 26969: 26966: 26964: 26961: 26959: 26956: 26954: 26951: 26949: 26946: 26944: 26941: 26939: 26936: 26935: 26933: 26931:Institutional 26929: 26925: 26921:Organizations 26918: 26914: 26900: 26897: 26895: 26892: 26890: 26887: 26885: 26882: 26880: 26877: 26875: 26872: 26871: 26869: 26865: 26859: 26856: 26854: 26851: 26850: 26848: 26844: 26838: 26835: 26833: 26830: 26828: 26825: 26823: 26820: 26818: 26815: 26813: 26810: 26808: 26805: 26803: 26802:The Old Guard 26800: 26798: 26795: 26793: 26790: 26788: 26785: 26783: 26780: 26778: 26775: 26773: 26770: 26768: 26765: 26764: 26762: 26758: 26752: 26749: 26747: 26746:Die Wehrmacht 26744: 26742: 26739: 26737: 26736:Volk 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26391: 26388: 26386: 26383: 26381: 26378: 26376: 26373: 26371: 26368: 26366: 26363: 26361: 26358: 26356: 26353: 26351: 26348: 26346: 26343: 26341: 26338: 26336: 26333: 26331: 26328: 26326: 26323: 26321: 26318: 26316: 26313: 26311: 26308: 26306: 26303: 26301: 26298: 26296: 26293: 26291: 26288: 26286: 26283: 26281: 26278: 26276: 26273: 26272: 26270: 26266: 26262: 26255: 26251: 26237: 26234: 26232: 26229: 26227: 26224: 26222: 26219: 26217: 26214: 26212: 26211:Terre'Blanche 26209: 26207: 26204: 26202: 26199: 26197: 26196:Seyss-Inquart 26194: 26192: 26189: 26187: 26184: 26182: 26179: 26177: 26174: 26172: 26169: 26167: 26164: 26162: 26159: 26157: 26154: 26152: 26149: 26147: 26144: 26142: 26139: 26137: 26134: 26132: 26129: 26127: 26124: 26122: 26119: 26117: 26114: 26112: 26109: 26107: 26104: 26102: 26099: 26097: 26094: 26092: 26091:Merlika-Kruja 26089: 26087: 26084: 26082: 26079: 26077: 26074: 26072: 26069: 26067: 26064: 26062: 26059: 26057: 26054: 26052: 26049: 26047: 26044: 26042: 26039: 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24970: 24968: 24965: 24963: 24960: 24958: 24955: 24953: 24950: 24948: 24945: 24943: 24940: 24938: 24935: 24933: 24930: 24928: 24925: 24923: 24920: 24918: 24915: 24913: 24910: 24908: 24905: 24903: 24900: 24899: 24897: 24893: 24887: 24884: 24882: 24879: 24877: 24874: 24872: 24869: 24867: 24864: 24863: 24861: 24857: 24851: 24848: 24846: 24843: 24841: 24838: 24836: 24833: 24831: 24828: 24826: 24823: 24821: 24818: 24816: 24813: 24811: 24808: 24807: 24805: 24801: 24795: 24792: 24790: 24789:Michaloliakos 24787: 24785: 24782: 24780: 24777: 24775: 24772: 24770: 24767: 24766: 24764: 24760: 24754: 24751: 24749: 24746: 24744: 24741: 24739: 24736: 24734: 24731: 24729: 24726: 24724: 24721: 24719: 24716: 24714: 24711: 24709: 24706: 24704: 24701: 24699: 24696: 24694: 24691: 24689: 24686: 24684: 24681: 24679: 24676: 24674: 24671: 24669: 24666: 24664: 24661: 24659: 24656: 24654: 24651: 24649: 24646: 24644: 24641: 24639: 24636: 24634: 24631: 24629: 24626: 24624: 24621: 24619: 24616: 24614: 24611: 24609: 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23864: 23862: 23859: 23857: 23854: 23852: 23849: 23847: 23844: 23842: 23839: 23835: 23832: 23830: 23827: 23825: 23822: 23820: 23817: 23815: 23812: 23810: 23807: 23803: 23800: 23799: 23798: 23795: 23793: 23790: 23788: 23785: 23783: 23782:Patriot Front 23780: 23778: 23775: 23773: 23770: 23768: 23765: 23763: 23760: 23758: 23755: 23753: 23750: 23748: 23745: 23743: 23740: 23738: 23735: 23733: 23730: 23728: 23725: 23723: 23720: 23718: 23715: 23713: 23710: 23708: 23705: 23703: 23700: 23698: 23695: 23693: 23690: 23688: 23685: 23683: 23680: 23679: 23678: 23675: 23671: 23668: 23666: 23663: 23661: 23658: 23656: 23653: 23651: 23648: 23646: 23645:Aryan Nations 23643: 23641: 23638: 23637: 23636: 23633: 23632: 23630: 23628: 23627:North America 23624: 23618: 23615: 23613: 23610: 23608: 23605: 23599: 23596: 23595: 23594: 23591: 23590: 23589: 23586: 23584: 23581: 23579: 23576: 23574: 23571: 23569: 23566: 23564: 23561: 23559: 23556: 23554: 23551: 23549: 23546: 23544: 23541: 23539: 23536: 23534: 23531: 23529: 23526: 23524: 23521: 23519: 23516: 23514: 23511: 23509: 23506: 23504: 23501: 23499: 23496: 23494: 23491: 23489: 23486: 23484: 23481: 23479: 23476: 23474: 23471: 23469: 23466: 23464: 23461: 23459: 23456: 23454: 23451: 23449: 23446: 23444: 23441: 23439: 23436: 23434: 23431: 23429: 23426: 23424: 23421: 23419: 23416: 23414: 23411: 23409: 23406: 23404: 23401: 23399: 23396: 23394: 23391: 23389: 23386: 23384: 23381: 23379: 23376: 23374: 23371: 23369: 23366: 23364: 23361: 23359: 23356: 23354: 23351: 23349: 23346: 23344: 23341: 23339: 23336: 23334: 23333:Eurasia Party 23331: 23329: 23326: 23324: 23321: 23319: 23316: 23314: 23311: 23309: 23306: 23304: 23301: 23299: 23296: 23294: 23291: 23289: 23286: 23285: 23283: 23281: 23277: 23271: 23268: 23266: 23263: 23261: 23258: 23256: 23253: 23251: 23248: 23246: 23243: 23241: 23238: 23236: 23233: 23231: 23228: 23226: 23223: 23221: 23218: 23216: 23213: 23211: 23208: 23206: 23203: 23201: 23198: 23196: 23193: 23191: 23188: 23186: 23183: 23181: 23178: 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22475: 22473: 22470: 22468: 22465: 22463: 22460: 22458: 22455: 22453: 22452: 22448: 22446: 22445: 22441: 22439: 22438: 22434: 22432: 22431: 22427: 22425: 22422: 22420: 22417: 22415: 22412: 22410: 22407: 22405: 22402: 22400: 22397: 22395: 22394:Heathen Front 22392: 22390: 22387: 22385: 22382: 22380: 22377: 22375: 22372: 22370: 22367: 22365: 22362: 22360: 22357: 22355: 22352: 22350: 22347: 22345: 22342: 22340: 22339: 22335: 22333: 22330: 22328: 22325: 22323: 22320: 22318: 22315: 22313: 22310: 22308: 22305: 22303: 22300: 22298: 22295: 22293: 22292: 22288: 22286: 22283: 22281: 22278: 22276: 22273: 22271: 22268: 22266: 22263: 22261: 22258: 22256: 22253: 22251: 22248: 22246: 22245:Britain First 22243: 22241: 22238: 22236: 22233: 22231: 22228: 22226: 22223: 22221: 22218: 22216: 22213: 22211: 22210: 22206: 22204: 22203: 22199: 22197: 22196: 22192: 22190: 22187: 22186: 22184: 22182: 22178: 22172: 22169: 22167: 22164: 22162: 22159: 22157: 22154: 22152: 22149: 22147: 22144: 22138: 22135: 22133: 22130: 22129: 22128: 22125: 22123: 22120: 22116: 22115:Vidya Bharati 22113: 22111: 22108: 22106: 22103: 22102: 22101: 22098: 22096: 22093: 22091: 22088: 22086: 22083: 22081: 22078: 22076: 22073: 22071: 22068: 22066: 22065:Hindu Munnani 22063: 22061: 22058: 22056: 22053: 22051: 22048: 22046: 22043: 22041: 22038: 22036: 22033: 22029: 22026: 22025: 22024: 22021: 22019: 22016: 22014: 22011: 22010: 22009: 22008:Sangh Parivar 22006: 22004: 22001: 21999: 21996: 21994: 21991: 21989: 21986: 21984: 21981: 21979: 21976: 21974: 21971: 21969: 21966: 21964: 21961: 21959: 21956: 21954: 21953:Otzma Yehudit 21951: 21949: 21946: 21944: 21941: 21939: 21936: 21934: 21931: 21929: 21926: 21924: 21921: 21919: 21916: 21914: 21911: 21909: 21906: 21904: 21901: 21899: 21896: 21894: 21891: 21889: 21888:Kokumin Dƍmei 21886: 21884: 21881: 21879: 21876: 21874: 21871: 21869: 21866: 21864: 21861: 21859: 21856: 21854: 21853:Golden Square 21851: 21849: 21846: 21844: 21841: 21839: 21836: 21834: 21831: 21829: 21826: 21824: 21821: 21819: 21816: 21814: 21811: 21809: 21806: 21804: 21801: 21800: 21798: 21796: 21792: 21786: 21783: 21781: 21778: 21776: 21773: 21771: 21768: 21766: 21763: 21762: 21760: 21756: 21752: 21745: 21741: 21731: 21728: 21724: 21721: 21719: 21716: 21714: 21711: 21710: 21709: 21706: 21702: 21699: 21697: 21694: 21692: 21689: 21688: 21687: 21684: 21682: 21679: 21677: 21674: 21672: 21669: 21665: 21662: 21661: 21660: 21657: 21653: 21650: 21646: 21643: 21642: 21641: 21638: 21637: 21635: 21633: 21630: 21628: 21625: 21621: 21618: 21617: 21616: 21613: 21609: 21606: 21604: 21601: 21597: 21594: 21593: 21592: 21589: 21587: 21584: 21582: 21579: 21577: 21574: 21573: 21572: 21569: 21567: 21564: 21562: 21559: 21557: 21554: 21550: 21547: 21545: 21542: 21541: 21540: 21537: 21531: 21528: 21527: 21526: 21523: 21521: 21518: 21517: 21515: 21511: 21508: 21507: 21506: 21503: 21499: 21496: 21495: 21494: 21491: 21489: 21486: 21484: 21481: 21479: 21476: 21474: 21471: 21469: 21466: 21462: 21459: 21453: 21450: 21448: 21445: 21444: 21442: 21441: 21440: 21437: 21435: 21432: 21431: 21430: 21427: 21425: 21422: 21420: 21417: 21415: 21412: 21410: 21407: 21403: 21400: 21399: 21398: 21395: 21393: 21390: 21388: 21385: 21383: 21380: 21378: 21375: 21371: 21368: 21366: 21363: 21362: 21360: 21358: 21355: 21354: 21351: 21344: 21340: 21326: 21323: 21321: 21318: 21316: 21313: 21311: 21308: 21306: 21303: 21302: 21300: 21296: 21290: 21287: 21285: 21282: 21280: 21277: 21275: 21272: 21270: 21267: 21265: 21262: 21260: 21257: 21255: 21252: 21250: 21247: 21245: 21242: 21240: 21237: 21235: 21232: 21230: 21227: 21225: 21222: 21220: 21219:Perpetual war 21217: 21215: 21212: 21210: 21207: 21203: 21200: 21198: 21195: 21193: 21190: 21189: 21188: 21185: 21183: 21180: 21178: 21175: 21173: 21170: 21168: 21167: 21163: 21161: 21160:Irrationalism 21158: 21156: 21153: 21151: 21148: 21146: 21143: 21141: 21138: 21136: 21133: 21131: 21128: 21126: 21123: 21121: 21118: 21116: 21115:Direct action 21113: 21111: 21108: 21106: 21103: 21101: 21098: 21096: 21093: 21091: 21088: 21086: 21083: 21081: 21078: 21076: 21075:Anti-pacifism 21073: 21071: 21068: 21066: 21063: 21061: 21058: 21056: 21053: 21051: 21048: 21047: 21045: 21043: 21039: 21035: 21028: 21024: 21020: 21013: 21008: 21006: 21001: 20999: 20994: 20993: 20990: 20978: 20977: 20968: 20967: 20964: 20958: 20955: 20953: 20950: 20949: 20947: 20943: 20936: 20933: 20930: 20927: 20925:(half-nephew) 20924: 20921: 20919:(half-nephew) 20918: 20915: 20912: 20909: 20907:(half-nephew) 20906: 20903: 20900: 20897: 20895:(half-sister) 20894: 20893:Angela Hitler 20891: 20889:(grandmother) 20888: 20885: 20883:(grandfather) 20882: 20879: 20876: 20873: 20870: 20867: 20864: 20861: 20860: 20858: 20856: 20852: 20846: 20845: 20841: 20839: 20838: 20834: 20832: 20831: 20827: 20825: 20824: 20820: 20818: 20817: 20813: 20811: 20808: 20806: 20805: 20801: 20799: 20798: 20794: 20792: 20791: 20787: 20785: 20784: 20780: 20778: 20775: 20773: 20770: 20768: 20765: 20763: 20760: 20759: 20757: 20753: 20747: 20744: 20742: 20739: 20738: 20736: 20730: 20724: 20721: 20719: 20718:50th birthday 20716: 20714: 20711: 20709: 20706: 20704: 20701: 20699: 20696: 20694: 20691: 20689: 20686: 20684: 20681: 20679: 20676: 20674: 20673:Vegetarianism 20671: 20669: 20666: 20664: 20661: 20659: 20656: 20652: 20649: 20648: 20647: 20644: 20643: 20641: 20639:Personal life 20637: 20626: 20622: 20619: 20616: 20612: 20609: 20606: 20602: 20599: 20597: 20594: 20592: 20589: 20588: 20586: 20582: 20576: 20574: 20569: 20567: 20564: 20562: 20559: 20557: 20554: 20552: 20549: 20547: 20544: 20542: 20539: 20537: 20534: 20532: 20529: 20526: 20522: 20521: 20516: 20513: 20510: 20509:Kehlsteinhaus 20506: 20503: 20502: 20500: 20498: 20496: 20491: 20488: 20482: 20474: 20471: 20470: 20469: 20466: 20464: 20461: 20459: 20458:The Holocaust 20456: 20454: 20451: 20449: 20446: 20444: 20441: 20439: 20438:Rise to power 20436: 20434: 20431: 20430: 20428: 20424: 20418: 20415: 20413: 20410: 20408: 20405: 20403: 20402: 20398: 20394: 20391: 20389: 20386: 20385: 20384: 20383: 20379: 20377: 20374: 20372: 20369: 20365: 20362: 20361: 20360: 20357: 20355: 20352: 20348: 20347: 20346:FĂŒhrerprinzip 20343: 20342: 20341: 20340: 20336: 20335: 20333: 20329: 20325: 20318: 20313: 20311: 20306: 20304: 20299: 20298: 20295: 20283: 20280: 20278: 20275: 20271: 20268: 20267: 20266: 20263: 20261: 20258: 20256: 20253: 20251: 20248: 20246: 20243: 20241: 20238: 20237: 20235: 20231: 20225: 20222: 20220: 20216: 20213: 20211: 20207: 20203: 20200: 20199: 20197: 20193: 20187: 20184: 20182: 20181:Otto Strasser 20179: 20177: 20174: 20172: 20169: 20167: 20164: 20162: 20159: 20157: 20154: 20152: 20151:Bernhard Rust 20149: 20147: 20144: 20142: 20139: 20137: 20134: 20132: 20129: 20127: 20126:Josef Mengele 20124: 20122: 20119: 20117: 20114: 20112: 20109: 20107: 20104: 20102: 20099: 20097: 20094: 20092: 20089: 20087: 20084: 20082: 20079: 20077: 20074: 20072: 20071:Wilhelm Frick 20069: 20067: 20064: 20062: 20059: 20057: 20054: 20052: 20049: 20047: 20044: 20042: 20039: 20037: 20034: 20032: 20029: 20027: 20024: 20022: 20019: 20018: 20016: 20014: 20010: 20003: 20002: 19997: 19994: 19993: 19988: 19985: 19984: 19979: 19976: 19975: 19970: 19967: 19966: 19961: 19958: 19957: 19952: 19949: 19948: 19943: 19940: 19939: 19934: 19931: 19930: 19925: 19924: 19922: 19918: 19912: 19909: 19907: 19904: 19902: 19899: 19897: 19894: 19892: 19889: 19887: 19884: 19882: 19879: 19877: 19874: 19872: 19869: 19867: 19864: 19862: 19861:Amt Rosenberg 19859: 19858: 19856: 19854:Party offices 19852: 19846: 19845:Thule Society 19843: 19841: 19838: 19836: 19833: 19831: 19828: 19826: 19823: 19821: 19818: 19816: 19813: 19811: 19808: 19806: 19803: 19801: 19798: 19796: 19793: 19791: 19788: 19786: 19783: 19782: 19780: 19776: 19769: 19766: 19763: 19760: 19757: 19756:Anton Drexler 19754: 19753: 19751: 19749: 19745: 19741: 19734: 19729: 19727: 19722: 19720: 19715: 19714: 19711: 19705: 19698: 19688: 19678: 19670: 19667: 19665: 19662: 19660: 19657: 19655: 19652: 19650: 19647: 19644: 19643: 19638: 19635: 19634: 19629: 19627: 19624: 19622: 19619: 19617: 19614: 19610: 19607: 19605: 19602: 19601: 19600: 19597: 19596: 19592: 19586: 19581: 19578: 19576: 19573: 19571: 19570:The Wehrmacht 19568: 19566: 19560: 19553: 19550: 19548: 19545: 19543: 19540: 19538: 19535: 19533: 19530: 19528: 19525: 19523: 19520: 19516: 19512: 19504: 19503: 19499: 19497: 19494: 19492: 19489: 19487: 19484: 19482: 19479: 19477: 19474: 19472: 19467: 19465: 19460: 19458: 19455: 19453: 19448: 19446: 19443: 19441: 19438: 19436: 19433: 19431: 19428: 19426: 19423: 19422: 19418: 19412: 19407: 19404: 19402: 19399: 19397: 19394: 19392: 19389: 19387: 19384: 19382: 19379: 19377: 19375: 19369: 19362: 19359: 19357: 19354: 19352: 19349: 19347: 19344: 19342: 19339: 19337: 19334: 19332: 19329: 19327: 19324: 19322: 19319: 19317: 19314: 19312: 19309: 19307: 19304: 19302: 19299: 19297: 19294: 19290: 19288: 19284: 19277: 19274: 19272: 19269: 19267: 19264: 19262: 19259: 19257: 19256:Seyss-Inquart 19254: 19252: 19249: 19247: 19244: 19242: 19239: 19237: 19234: 19232: 19229: 19227: 19224: 19222: 19219: 19217: 19214: 19212: 19209: 19207: 19204: 19202: 19199: 19197: 19194: 19192: 19189: 19187: 19184: 19182: 19179: 19177: 19174: 19170: 19168: 19164: 19156: 19155: 19150: 19147: 19146: 19141: 19136: 19135: 19130: 19129: 19128: 19125: 19123: 19120: 19118: 19115: 19113: 19110: 19108: 19105: 19103: 19100: 19098: 19095: 19091: 19088: 19086: 19083: 19080: 19079: 19078:Untermenschen 19074: 19071: 19070: 19069:Rassenschande 19065: 19063: 19060: 19058: 19055: 19053: 19050: 19048: 19045: 19043: 19040: 19038: 19035: 19034: 19033: 19030: 19028: 19025: 19023: 19020: 19018: 19015: 19013: 19010: 19008: 19005: 19003: 19000: 18996: 18993: 18991: 18988: 18986: 18983: 18981: 18978: 18977: 18976: 18973: 18971: 18968: 18966: 18963: 18959: 18958:Pan-Germanism 18956: 18953: 18952: 18947: 18944: 18943: 18938: 18936: 18933: 18932: 18931: 18928: 18925: 18924: 18919: 18916: 18915: 18910: 18908: 18905: 18903: 18900: 18898: 18897:Direct action 18895: 18890: 18889: 18888:FĂŒhrerprinzip 18884: 18883: 18882: 18879: 18877: 18874: 18872: 18869: 18865: 18862: 18859: 18858: 18853: 18852: 18851: 18848: 18846: 18843: 18841: 18838: 18836: 18833: 18831: 18828: 18826: 18825:Anti-pacifism 18823: 18821: 18818: 18816: 18813: 18811: 18808: 18806: 18803: 18799: 18797: 18793: 18785: 18782: 18780: 18777: 18775: 18772: 18770: 18767: 18765: 18762: 18760: 18757: 18755: 18752: 18750: 18747: 18745: 18742: 18740: 18737: 18736: 18735: 18734: 18729: 18726: 18724: 18721: 18719: 18716: 18714: 18711: 18709: 18708:The Holocaust 18706: 18704: 18701: 18698: 18697: 18692: 18689: 18688: 18687:Kristallnacht 18683: 18681: 18678: 18676: 18673: 18671: 18668: 18666: 18663: 18661: 18658: 18656: 18653: 18650: 18649: 18644: 18642: 18639: 18637: 18634: 18632: 18629: 18626: 18625: 18620: 18618: 18615: 18613: 18610: 18608: 18605: 18601: 18599: 18595: 18585: 18584: 18583:Schutzstaffel 18579: 18575: 18574: 18569: 18567: 18564: 18561: 18560: 18555: 18553: 18550: 18548: 18545: 18543: 18540: 18538: 18535: 18533: 18530: 18528: 18525: 18523: 18520: 18518: 18515: 18512: 18511: 18506: 18503: 18502: 18497: 18494: 18493: 18488: 18487: 18483: 18479: 18475: 18468: 18463: 18461: 18456: 18454: 18449: 18448: 18445: 18439: 18438: 18433: 18430: 18427: 18424: 18422: 18419: 18417: 18413: 18410: 18408: 18407: 18402: 18399: 18397:at Wiktionary 18396: 18395: 18389: 18385: 18383:at Wiktionary 18382: 18381: 18375: 18371: 18370: 18359: 18353: 18349: 18344: 18340: 18334: 18330: 18325: 18321: 18315: 18311: 18307: 18303: 18299: 18293: 18289: 18285: 18281: 18279: 18275: 18271: 18267: 18264: 18260: 18254: 18250: 18246: 18242: 18239: 18238:0-8147-7524-1 18235: 18231: 18227: 18223: 18221:0-8050-0600-1 18217: 18214:. Owl Books. 18213: 18208: 18204: 18198: 18194: 18190: 18186: 18182: 18176: 18172: 18168: 18164: 18160: 18154: 18150: 18145: 18141: 18135: 18131: 18126: 18122: 18116: 18112: 18107: 18103: 18097: 18093: 18089: 18085: 18081: 18075: 18072:. JHU Press. 18071: 18066: 18064: 18063:0-8264-9130-8 18060: 18056: 18055: 18050: 18047: 18043: 18037: 18033: 18028: 18013: 18009: 18005: 18001: 17997: 17994:(5): 435–52. 17993: 17989: 17988: 17980: 17975: 17971: 17965: 17961: 17960: 17957: 17952: 17949: 17945: 17944:0-85030-402-4 17941: 17937: 17935: 17930: 17927: 17923: 17917: 17913: 17908: 17904: 17898: 17894: 17890: 17886: 17882: 17877: 17873: 17867: 17863: 17862:Penguin Books 17859: 17858: 17853: 17849: 17845: 17839: 17835: 17834:Penguin Books 17831: 17830: 17825: 17821: 17817: 17815:0-85496-517-3 17811: 17807: 17803: 17799: 17795: 17793:0-582-48997-0 17789: 17785: 17781: 17777: 17773: 17767: 17763: 17762:Penguin Books 17759: 17755: 17751: 17746: 17745: 17738: 17737: 17715: 17711: 17705: 17701: 17700: 17692: 17676: 17672: 17668: 17667: 17662: 17656: 17640: 17636: 17631: 17623: 17607: 17603: 17595: 17579: 17575: 17571: 17565: 17549: 17545: 17541: 17537: 17531: 17515: 17511: 17510: 17509:Inside Europe 17502: 17483: 17479: 17478: 17470: 17464: 17457: 17452: 17445: 17440: 17433: 17428: 17421: 17416: 17409: 17404: 17397: 17392: 17386:, p. 82. 17385: 17380: 17364: 17360: 17354: 17350: 17349: 17341: 17334: 17329: 17322: 17317: 17311: 17310:0-415-16359-5 17307: 17303: 17299: 17294: 17286: 17280: 17276: 17275:Penguin Books 17272: 17268: 17262: 17253: 17246: 17241: 17234: 17229: 17227: 17218: 17212: 17208: 17201: 17193: 17187: 17183: 17176: 17168: 17166:0-415-17294-2 17162: 17158: 17151: 17144: 17138: 17131: 17125: 17117: 17111: 17107: 17100: 17084: 17080: 17074: 17070: 17069: 17061: 17053: 17051:0-415-17294-2 17047: 17043: 17036: 17020: 17016: 17010: 17006: 17005: 16997: 16989: 16983: 16979: 16972: 16965: 16960: 16953: 16948: 16941: 16936: 16929: 16924: 16917: 16911: 16904: 16898: 16891: 16886: 16880: 16874: 16870: 16866: 16860: 16856: 16855: 16850: 16844: 16836: 16832: 16828: 16822: 16818: 16811: 16803: 16799: 16795: 16789: 16785: 16778: 16759: 16755: 16751: 16747: 16743: 16739: 16735: 16728: 16721: 16705: 16701: 16697: 16690: 16674: 16670: 16664: 16657: 16654:Overy, R.J., 16651: 16649: 16647: 16639: 16633: 16626: 16622: 16617: 16610: 16605: 16603: 16595: 16592:Overy, R.J., 16589: 16587: 16585: 16583: 16575: 16569: 16562: 16556: 16549: 16543: 16536: 16530: 16523: 16517: 16510: 16506: 16500: 16484: 16480: 16474: 16468:, p. 52. 16467: 16462: 16460: 16451: 16445: 16441: 16437: 16436: 16428: 16420: 16414: 16410: 16404: 16400: 16394: 16387: 16382: 16376:, p. 51. 16375: 16370: 16363: 16357: 16350: 16344: 16337: 16331: 16324: 16318: 16316: 16308: 16302: 16295: 16289: 16282: 16278: 16273: 16257: 16253: 16247: 16243: 16242: 16237: 16236:Berman, Sheri 16231: 16229: 16221: 16215: 16208: 16205:Ian Kershaw, 16202: 16196: 16195:0-03-076435-1 16192: 16188: 16182: 16175: 16170: 16163: 16158: 16151: 16146: 16139: 16134: 16127: 16122: 16120: 16112: 16106: 16099: 16093: 16074: 16070: 16066: 16061: 16056: 16052: 16048: 16044: 16040: 16033: 16029: 16023: 16016: 16013:Overy, R.J., 16010: 16008: 16000: 15994: 15987: 15982: 15975: 15970: 15963: 15958: 15956: 15948: 15943: 15937:, p. 66. 15936: 15931: 15925:, p. 55. 15924: 15919: 15912: 15906: 15898: 15896:0-521-55767-4 15892: 15888: 15884: 15878: 15872:, p. 38. 15871: 15866: 15864: 15856: 15852: 15849: 15843: 15836: 15831: 15825:, p. 37. 15824: 15819: 15813:, p. 49. 15812: 15807: 15799: 15793: 15789: 15785: 15779: 15760: 15756: 15752: 15748: 15744: 15739: 15734: 15730: 15726: 15722: 15718: 15711: 15704: 15702: 15694: 15688: 15681: 15675: 15668: 15664: 15659: 15652: 15648: 15643: 15627: 15623: 15619: 15612: 15610: 15602: 15596: 15587: 15578: 15571: 15570:3-8258-7549-0 15567: 15561: 15554: 15550: 15544: 15535: 15519: 15515: 15511: 15505: 15489: 15485: 15481: 15474: 15458: 15454: 15450: 15444: 15428: 15424: 15420: 15414: 15398: 15394: 15390: 15384: 15368: 15364: 15360: 15354: 15347: 15341: 15339: 15337: 15329: 15323: 15317:, 2004, p. 4. 15316: 15310: 15308: 15306: 15298: 15292: 15285: 15281: 15278: 15274: 15270: 15267: 15263: 15262:Ellis, Marc H 15258: 15251: 15247: 15243: 15239: 15238: 15233: 15227: 15220: 15214: 15212: 15204: 15199: 15197: 15190:, London 1974 15189: 15183: 15167: 15163: 15156: 15149: 15144: 15137: 15132: 15116: 15112: 15111: 15105: 15097: 15081: 15077: 15071: 15067: 15063: 15056: 15050:, p. 99. 15049: 15044: 15028: 15024: 15020: 15013: 14997: 14993: 14989: 14983: 14976: 14963: 14959: 14958: 14953: 14947: 14931: 14927: 14923: 14919: 14915: 14911: 14907: 14903: 14896: 14880: 14876: 14872: 14866: 14857: 14852: 14848: 14844: 14837: 14830: 14826: 14823: 14817: 14809: 14803: 14799: 14794: 14793: 14784: 14776: 14770: 14766: 14759: 14752: 14747: 14740: 14735: 14727: 14721: 14717: 14710: 14702: 14696: 14692: 14685: 14669: 14665: 14661: 14654: 14646: 14640: 14636: 14631: 14630: 14621: 14605: 14601: 14594: 14586: 14580: 14576: 14575: 14567: 14565: 14557: 14551: 14544: 14538: 14531: 14524: 14517: 14511: 14504: 14500: 14499:Claudia Koonz 14495: 14488: 14484: 14478: 14471: 14465: 14458: 14454: 14453:Claudia Koonz 14449: 14442: 14438: 14432: 14423: 14407: 14403: 14399: 14395: 14391: 14387: 14383: 14379: 14372: 14363: 14356: 14351: 14342: 14333: 14324: 14318:, p. 48. 14317: 14312: 14305: 14299: 14293:, p. 44. 14292: 14287: 14281:, p. 49. 14280: 14275: 14273: 14265: 14260: 14253: 14247: 14241: 14240:0-03-076435-1 14237: 14233: 14229: 14224: 14222: 14214: 14208: 14201: 14195: 14188: 14182: 14180: 14173:, p. 48. 14172: 14167: 14160: 14154: 14148:, p. 40. 14147: 14142: 14135: 14130: 14128: 14120: 14115: 14108: 14107: 14103: 14100: 14095: 14091: 14085: 14083: 14075: 14069: 14062: 14061: 14054: 14046: 14040: 14036: 14029: 14021: 14019:0-520-08555-8 14015: 14011: 14004: 13996: 13990: 13982: 13976: 13972: 13965: 13957: 13955:0-520-08555-8 13951: 13947: 13940: 13931: 13924: 13920: 13915: 13907: 13901: 13897: 13893: 13887: 13880: 13874: 13867: 13861: 13851: 13849:0-520-08555-8 13845: 13841: 13836: 13832: 13828: 13824: 13820: 13816: 13810: 13802: 13796: 13792: 13787: 13786: 13782: 13776:, p. 29. 13775: 13770: 13763: 13758: 13752:, p. 28. 13751: 13746: 13744: 13742: 13734: 13728: 13726: 13716: 13710: 13706: 13703: 13700: 13694: 13687: 13681: 13674: 13673:osteomyelitis 13670: 13669: 13664: 13660: 13656: 13652: 13651:osteomyelitis 13648: 13642: 13635: 13630: 13622: 13616: 13612: 13605: 13598: 13594: 13589: 13573: 13569: 13565: 13561: 13555: 13551: 13550: 13542: 13535: 13530: 13526: 13522: 13516: 13512: 13511: 13506: 13505:Hitler, Adolf 13500: 13493: 13489: 13486: 13480: 13474: 13473:0-521-19190-4 13470: 13466: 13465: 13461: 13458: 13453: 13448: 13441: 13435: 13433: 13425: 13421: 13415: 13408: 13407:90-420-1633-7 13404: 13400: 13394: 13392: 13384: 13379: 13377: 13368: 13362: 13358: 13354: 13353: 13345: 13337: 13331: 13327: 13320: 13318: 13308: 13306: 13304: 13302: 13300: 13298: 13296: 13294: 13292: 13290: 13283: 13279: 13276: 13272: 13269: 13263: 13261: 13244: 13240: 13234: 13230: 13229: 13221: 13214: 13209: 13202: 13197: 13190: 13185: 13178: 13172: 13165: 13164: 13159: 13155: 13150: 13142: 13135: 13128: 13122: 13120: 13103: 13099: 13095: 13088: 13079: 13072: 13066: 13064: 13062: 13060: 13058: 13050: 13044: 13036: 13030: 13022: 13016: 13012: 13005: 12999: 12995: 12991: 12985: 12979: 12975: 12971: 12965: 12949: 12945: 12941: 12937: 12933: 12929: 12925: 12921: 12917: 12910: 12902: 12896: 12888: 12882: 12878: 12871: 12865:, p. 29. 12864: 12859: 12852: 12846: 12844: 12836: 12830: 12823: 12817: 12810: 12804: 12802: 12800: 12792: 12786: 12779: 12773: 12766: 12760: 12753: 12748: 12741: 12737: 12731: 12724: 12718: 12711: 12705: 12697: 12695:9780807127278 12691: 12687: 12680: 12673:. p. 73. 12672: 12665: 12663: 12661: 12653: 12647: 12640: 12634: 12632: 12622: 12615: 12609: 12602: 12596: 12589: 12583: 12576: 12570: 12568: 12566: 12564: 12556: 12550: 12548: 12546: 12544: 12542: 12540: 12538: 12530: 12524: 12517: 12511: 12509: 12507: 12499: 12495: 12490: 12488: 12486: 12484: 12475: 12468: 12466: 12458: 12452: 12445: 12439: 12432: 12426: 12420: 12416: 12413: 12409: 12405: 12400: 12393: 12389: 12384: 12382: 12380: 12372: 12368: 12364: 12361:: notes that 12360: 12356: 12353: 12347: 12340: 12336: 12333: 12327: 12319: 12313: 12309: 12305: 12304: 12296: 12288: 12282: 12278: 12273: 12272: 12263: 12255: 12249: 12245: 12241: 12240:Claudia Koonz 12235: 12233: 12224: 12222:0-415-16359-5 12218: 12214: 12207: 12199: 12197:0-19-820171-0 12193: 12189: 12182: 12174: 12168: 12164: 12157: 12149: 12145: 12141: 12135: 12128: 12125:David Welch. 12122: 12115: 12112:David Welch. 12109: 12102: 12098: 12093: 12086: 12080: 12073: 12068: 12066: 12058: 12057: 12052: 12047: 12040: 12039:The Holocaust 12034: 12032: 12024: 12018: 12011: 12005: 11996: 11994: 11992: 11984: 11978: 11976: 11967: 11961: 11957: 11950: 11943: 11937: 11930: 11925: 11920: 11914: 11907: 11901: 11899: 11897: 11895: 11893: 11891: 11889: 11881: 11875: 11873: 11871: 11869: 11867: 11865: 11863: 11854: 11848: 11844: 11837: 11830: 11824: 11822: 11814: 11808: 11806: 11798: 11797:Gerwarth 2007 11793: 11786: 11785:Gerwarth 2007 11781: 11775:, p. 54. 11774: 11773:Gerwarth 2007 11769: 11762: 11761:Gerwarth 2007 11757: 11750: 11749:Gerwarth 2007 11745: 11743: 11735: 11729: 11722: 11716: 11714: 11704: 11697: 11691: 11689: 11681: 11675: 11668: 11662: 11655: 11651: 11647: 11641: 11634: 11629: 11628: 11621: 11614: 11608: 11601: 11595: 11588: 11583: 11581: 11579: 11577: 11569: 11564: 11557: 11555: 11551: 11547: 11543: 11539: 11535: 11531: 11527: 11523: 11519: 11514: 11502: 11498: 11494: 11490: 11484: 11480: 11476: 11472: 11468: 11464: 11463: 11458: 11451: 11444: 11442: 11438: 11437: 11431: 11427: 11423: 11419: 11418:South African 11415: 11414:John Phillips 11411: 11405: 11401: 11397: 11391: 11387: 11383: 11379: 11375: 11371: 11367: 11363: 11356: 11349: 11347: 11343: 11339: 11335: 11331: 11330:anti-Semitism 11327: 11322: 11317: 11313: 11299: 11295: 11291: 11287: 11283: 11278: 11273: 11268: 11263: 11259: 11255: 11251: 11247: 11240: 11238: 11236: 11228: 11225: 11224: 11219: 11215: 11211: 11207: 11206:German people 11203: 11198: 11193: 11192:life sciences 11189: 11175: 11171: 11167: 11163: 11159: 11155: 11149: 11145: 11141: 11137: 11133: 11129: 11125: 11118: 11112:, p. 38. 11111: 11106: 11104: 11102: 11093: 11087: 11083: 11079: 11073: 11057: 11053: 11047: 11043: 11042: 11034: 11032: 11023: 11021:0-7658-0624-X 11017: 11013: 11012: 11004: 10997: 10991: 10984: 10983:0-226-27340-7 10980: 10976: 10970: 10968: 10961:, p. 99. 10960: 10955: 10953: 10945: 10940: 10932: 10926: 10921: 10919: 10912:, p. 50. 10911: 10906: 10904: 10902: 10895:, p. 49. 10894: 10889: 10887: 10879: 10876:Overy, R.J., 10873: 10866: 10861: 10854: 10848: 10846: 10838: 10832: 10830: 10822: 10816: 10809: 10804: 10802: 10800: 10798: 10796: 10788: 10783: 10781: 10773: 10767: 10759: 10753: 10749: 10742: 10740: 10730: 10721: 10712: 10703: 10696: 10690: 10683: 10677: 10675: 10673: 10671: 10651: 10647: 10646: 10638: 10632: 10624: 10617: 10609: 10603: 10599: 10598: 10593: 10587: 10578: 10571: 10566: 10559: 10553: 10546: 10541: 10534: 10528: 10521: 10515: 10508: 10504: 10500: 10494: 10487: 10483: 10479: 10475: 10470: 10468: 10460: 10456: 10452: 10446: 10444: 10436: 10431: 10429: 10421: 10417: 10411: 10404:. p. 77. 10403: 10399: 10392: 10376: 10372: 10366: 10359: 10355: 10350: 10343: 10337: 10330: 10324: 10317: 10313: 10307: 10300: 10296: 10291: 10283: 10282: 10275: 10268: 10264: 10259: 10253: 10247: 10240: 10236: 10231: 10224: 10220: 10216: 10213: 10209: 10204: 10197: 10193: 10190: 10189: 10183: 10182:3-11-017473-1 10179: 10175: 10171: 10170:Elmar Seebold 10167: 10162: 10154: 10148: 10144: 10140: 10136: 10130: 10114: 10110: 10105: 10097: 10095: 10078: 10074: 10068: 10064: 10063: 10058: 10054: 10048: 10046: 10044: 10035: 10029: 10025: 10020: 10019: 10010: 9994: 9990: 9989: 9984: 9978: 9962: 9958: 9954: 9947: 9945: 9928: 9924: 9918: 9914: 9913: 9908: 9902: 9895: 9890: 9883: 9882:Konrad Heiden 9878: 9872: 9868: 9864: 9860: 9855: 9839: 9835: 9829: 9825: 9821: 9814: 9806: 9800: 9796: 9791: 9790: 9781: 9779: 9777: 9760: 9756: 9752: 9745: 9738: 9733: 9725: 9721: 9715: 9707: 9701: 9697: 9693: 9689: 9681: 9675:(2): 206–221. 9674: 9670: 9669: 9664: 9660: 9657: 9653: 9649: 9644: 9638: 9634: 9630: 9626: 9621: 9614: 9610: 9606: 9600: 9593: 9589: 9585: 9581: 9576: 9569: 9557: 9553: 9552: 9547: 9541: 9539: 9519: 9515: 9514: 9506: 9500: 9492: 9486: 9482: 9478: 9471: 9465: 9461: 9453: 9447: 9442: 9441: 9435: 9429: 9427: 9422: 9406: 9403: 9401: 9398: 9396: 9393: 9391: 9388: 9386: 9383: 9381: 9378: 9376: 9373: 9371: 9368: 9366: 9363: 9361: 9358: 9356: 9353: 9351: 9348: 9346: 9343: 9341: 9338: 9336: 9333: 9331: 9328: 9326: 9323: 9321: 9318: 9316: 9313: 9312: 9305: 9303: 9302:the Holocaust 9299: 9293: 9283: 9281: 9277: 9273: 9267: 9262: 9260: 9256: 9252: 9241: 9236: 9234: 9233:Kristallnacht 9230: 9226: 9221: 9219: 9218: 9213: 9208: 9205: 9193: 9191: 9187: 9183: 9177: 9175: 9170: 9168: 9164: 9160: 9157: 9150: 9145: 9143: 9139: 9132: 9130: 9124: 9122: 9118: 9114: 9108: 9105: 9104:Oswald Mosley 9101: 9097: 9093: 9087: 9085: 9079: 9074: 9070: 9065: 9063: 9059: 9055: 9043: 9039: 9037: 9033: 9032: 9031:FĂŒhrerprinzip 9027: 9023: 9019: 9016: 9012: 9007: 9005: 9001: 8997: 8992: 8988: 8987:Hannah Arendt 8982: 8980: 8974: 8972: 8968: 8964: 8960: 8956: 8952: 8947: 8945: 8941: 8940: 8931: 8927: 8923: 8918: 8908: 8906: 8901: 8897: 8894: 8890: 8886: 8882: 8878: 8874: 8870: 8869: 8868:laissez-faire 8864: 8860: 8855: 8853: 8849: 8844: 8843: 8838: 8834: 8829: 8827: 8823: 8818: 8816: 8815: 8810: 8806: 8805: 8800: 8796: 8795:North America 8792: 8791:globalization 8788: 8784: 8780: 8776: 8773: 8767: 8765: 8764:working class 8761: 8757: 8751: 8741: 8739: 8735: 8731: 8727: 8723: 8719: 8715: 8710: 8707: 8706:The Nazi-Sozi 8703: 8699: 8695: 8691: 8687: 8683: 8679: 8675: 8671: 8666: 8663: 8662:FĂŒhrerprinzip 8658: 8653: 8652: 8651:FĂŒhrerprinzip 8646: 8641: 8639: 8638:Oswald Mosley 8635: 8631: 8627: 8623: 8619: 8614: 8611:economy with 8610: 8606: 8602: 8598: 8594: 8590: 8581: 8572: 8570: 8566: 8561: 8556: 8554: 8550: 8545: 8540: 8538: 8533: 8529: 8528:Deutsche Bank 8525: 8520: 8515: 8512: 8508: 8504: 8503: 8498: 8494: 8490: 8486: 8482: 8477: 8473: 8469: 8465: 8460: 8458: 8454: 8450: 8446: 8442: 8441:mixed economy 8438: 8434: 8433:Richard Overy 8429: 8425: 8421: 8417: 8413: 8409: 8404: 8402: 8401: 8396: 8395: 8390: 8386: 8381: 8377: 8370: 8366: 8362: 8357: 8351: 8341: 8339: 8335: 8331: 8330:Roger Griffin 8326: 8321: 8318: 8314: 8310: 8306: 8302: 8298: 8293: 8287: 8285: 8284: 8279: 8275: 8274: 8269: 8265: 8260: 8256: 8252: 8247: 8245: 8244: 8239: 8236: 8232: 8231:Martin Luther 8228: 8224: 8220: 8216: 8211: 8209: 8205: 8201: 8200:New Testament 8197: 8193: 8192:Old Testament 8189: 8185: 8181: 8177: 8173: 8172:racial purity 8169: 8165: 8161: 8154: 8150: 8146: 8141: 8134: 8129: 8124: 8120: 8116: 8112: 8108: 8104: 8100: 8096: 8090: 8080: 8078: 8073: 8072:pink triangle 8069: 8060: 8055: 8050: 8040: 8037: 8033: 8029: 8024: 8021: 8017: 8015: 8007: 8005: 7999: 7997: 7996:Zivilarbeiter 7993: 7989: 7985: 7984: 7983:Rassenschande 7978: 7975: 7974: 7969: 7968: 7961: 7958: 7954: 7953:Contraception 7950: 7946: 7937: 7932: 7922: 7920: 7916: 7912: 7906: 7904: 7900: 7894: 7891: 7885: 7880: 7875: 7873: 7868: 7865: 7861: 7857: 7853: 7849: 7844: 7841: 7836: 7832: 7828: 7827: 7815: 7811: 7806: 7803: 7800: 7795: 7793: 7789: 7785: 7781: 7780:Untermenschen 7777: 7776:untermenschen 7773: 7768: 7763: 7761: 7760:Untermenschen 7757: 7753: 7749: 7745: 7741: 7737: 7733: 7732: 7723: 7719: 7715: 7711: 7706: 7702: 7699: 7695: 7694:Sephardi Jews 7691: 7687: 7683: 7678: 7675: 7671: 7667: 7663: 7662: 7657: 7653: 7649: 7645: 7641: 7640:Mediterranean 7637: 7633: 7628: 7626: 7622: 7618: 7614: 7610: 7606: 7605:schizophrenia 7602: 7599:" prescribed 7598: 7594: 7593: 7587: 7583: 7579: 7575: 7571: 7567: 7563: 7559: 7558:Deutsche Volk 7552: 7547: 7543: 7541: 7537: 7533: 7529: 7525: 7524:North America 7521: 7517: 7513: 7509: 7505: 7501: 7497: 7493: 7489: 7485: 7481: 7477: 7473: 7469: 7465: 7461: 7457: 7453: 7452:Ancient India 7448: 7440: 7435: 7431: 7429: 7425: 7421: 7417: 7413: 7409: 7405: 7401: 7397: 7393: 7389: 7385: 7381: 7376: 7375: 7374:Rassenschande 7370: 7366: 7362: 7357: 7353: 7343: 7341: 7337: 7333: 7329: 7325: 7320: 7317: 7313: 7312:food security 7305: 7304: 7298: 7294: 7291: 7285: 7283: 7277: 7275: 7271: 7265: 7262: 7261: 7256: 7249: 7246: 7245:German people 7239: 7226: 7222: 7219: 7218:White Russian 7215: 7211: 7207: 7195: 7187: 7183: 7179: 7175: 7170: 7166: 7163: 7159: 7155: 7150: 7146: 7141: 7138: 7134: 7130: 7126: 7122: 7121: 7112: 7108: 7104: 7101:Beginning of 7099: 7094: 7084: 7081: 7076: 7072: 7071:virtue ethics 7067: 7066:(sub-human). 7065: 7064: 7059: 7055: 7051: 7045: 7041: 7031: 7029: 7028: 7022: 7018: 7014: 7010: 7006: 7002: 7001: 6995: 6993: 6988: 6987: 6982: 6981:25-point plan 6975: 6973: 6967: 6965: 6962:), historian 6961: 6957: 6947: 6943: 6942: 6941:FĂŒhrerprinzip 6936: 6935:philosemitism 6932: 6928: 6924: 6919: 6917: 6913: 6907: 6905: 6901: 6896: 6892: 6891:March on Rome 6888: 6884: 6882: 6881:authoritarian 6878: 6874: 6870: 6866: 6863: 6859: 6855: 6851: 6845: 6841: 6840: 6834: 6830: 6823: 6819: 6815: 6810: 6806: 6803: 6799: 6795: 6791: 6787: 6783: 6779: 6778: 6772: 6770: 6766: 6762: 6759: 6755: 6754:Western world 6751: 6747: 6743: 6739: 6735: 6734: 6728: 6726: 6722: 6718: 6714: 6707: 6703: 6699: 6697: 6692: 6688: 6687: 6682: 6678: 6677:ideas of 1914 6674: 6673:Johann Plenge 6664: 6662: 6658: 6654: 6650: 6646: 6642: 6632: 6630: 6626: 6624: 6619: 6614: 6610: 6606: 6602: 6601:Gregor Mendel 6599: 6595: 6591: 6587: 6586:Ernst Haeckel 6583: 6580: 6575: 6573: 6572: 6567: 6563: 6559: 6555: 6551: 6550: 6545: 6541: 6535: 6533: 6532:Rassenschande 6529: 6528:Rassenschande 6525: 6521: 6520: 6519:Rassenschande 6515: 6511: 6506: 6504: 6503:The Protocols 6500: 6496: 6492: 6488: 6484: 6483:The Protocols 6480: 6479:The Protocols 6476: 6472: 6468: 6467: 6462: 6459: 6453: 6451: 6447: 6443: 6439: 6435: 6431: 6427: 6423: 6418: 6416: 6414: 6408: 6403: 6398: 6396: 6392: 6388: 6387: 6382: 6381:Madison Grant 6378: 6374: 6370: 6366: 6363: 6359: 6355: 6354: 6349: 6345: 6342:claimed that 6341: 6333: 6330:, whose book 6329: 6325: 6321: 6319: 6315: 6311: 6307: 6303: 6302: 6301:ancien rĂ©gime 6297: 6293: 6289: 6284: 6281: 6277: 6273: 6269: 6261: 6257: 6253: 6248: 6238: 6236: 6232: 6228: 6224: 6220: 6216: 6212: 6208: 6203: 6201: 6197: 6193: 6192: 6187: 6186: 6180: 6176: 6173: 6169: 6165: 6160: 6156: 6155:German Empire 6148: 6144: 6140: 6138: 6134: 6130: 6126: 6121: 6119: 6115: 6111: 6107: 6103: 6099: 6096: 6092: 6091:individualism 6088: 6084: 6080: 6078: 6074: 6070: 6069: 6064: 6060: 6056: 6052: 6048: 6044: 6041:, whose work— 6040: 6037:thinking was 6036: 6031: 6029: 6025: 6021: 6016: 6012: 6008: 6004: 6000: 5996: 5991: 5989: 5987: 5982: 5978: 5974: 5970: 5966: 5962: 5958: 5954: 5950: 5946: 5939: 5935: 5931: 5926: 5922: 5918: 5917:Pan-Germanism 5914: 5910: 5904: 5894: 5889: 5884: 5882: 5878: 5874: 5868: 5858: 5856: 5852: 5848: 5844: 5839: 5837: 5833: 5832: 5827: 5823: 5819: 5815: 5811: 5807: 5803: 5802:Joseph Stalin 5799: 5794: 5790: 5787: 5784: 5779: 5777: 5773: 5769: 5765: 5761: 5756: 5752: 5748: 5743: 5741: 5737: 5733: 5729: 5724: 5720: 5719: 5713: 5710: 5706: 5700: 5698: 5694: 5693:Otto Strasser 5690: 5686: 5682: 5678: 5677:reactionaries 5674: 5670: 5665: 5662: 5661:Kristallnacht 5658: 5654: 5650: 5647: 5643: 5640: 5636: 5632: 5628: 5624: 5620: 5617: 5612: 5610: 5609: 5603: 5599: 5595: 5594: 5589: 5585: 5581: 5575: 5570: 5565: 5563: 5557: 5552: 5548: 5543: 5541: 5540: 5536:movement. In 5535: 5531: 5527: 5519: 5515: 5512: 5508: 5503: 5497: 5493: 5489: 5485: 5480: 5471: 5469: 5465: 5464:Theodore Abel 5461: 5457: 5453: 5449: 5448: 5442: 5441:reappropriate 5438: 5434: 5429: 5426: 5425:Der Nazi-Sozi 5421: 5416: 5411: 5406: 5400: 5395: 5390: 5388: 5384: 5380: 5376: 5372: 5368: 5364: 5359: 5354: 5344: 5335: 5333: 5329: 5325: 5321: 5320:the Holocaust 5317: 5313: 5309: 5305: 5300: 5299: 5293: 5288: 5287: 5286:Schutzstaffel 5282:(SA) and the 5280: 5279: 5272: 5271: 5269: 5264: 5260: 5255: 5251: 5247: 5243: 5237: 5230: 5228: 5224: 5220: 5216: 5212: 5201: 5200: 5199:FĂŒhrerprinzip 5194: 5189: 5188: 5182: 5178: 5174: 5170: 5166: 5162: 5158: 5154: 5150: 5147: 5143: 5139: 5135: 5131: 5127: 5123: 5118: 5115: 5114: 5113:Untermenschen 5108: 5103: 5102: 5095: 5094: 5088: 5087:racial purity 5084: 5081: 5077: 5073: 5069: 5065: 5061: 5057: 5053: 5052: 5046: 5042: 5041: 5037: 5033: 5032:pan-Germanism 5029: 5025: 5021: 5017: 5013: 5009: 5005: 5001: 4997: 4993: 4989: 4985: 4981: 4977: 4972: 4970: 4966: 4962: 4958: 4954: 4950: 4946: 4942: 4938: 4934: 4930: 4926: 4922: 4919: 4912: 4906: 4898: 4894: 4890: 4886: 4882: 4881: 4872: 4824: 4813: 4808: 4806: 4801: 4799: 4794: 4793: 4791: 4790: 4787: 4779: 4778: 4771: 4768: 4766: 4763: 4761: 4760:Weaponization 4758: 4756: 4753: 4751: 4750:Philosemitism 4748: 4747: 4741: 4740: 4733: 4730: 4728: 4725: 4723: 4720: 4717: 4714: 4712: 4709: 4707: 4704: 4702: 4699: 4697: 4694: 4692: 4689: 4687: 4684: 4682: 4679: 4677: 4674: 4672: 4671:Philosemitism 4669: 4667: 4664: 4662: 4659: 4656: 4652: 4650: 4647: 4645: 4642: 4641: 4638: 4633: 4632: 4625: 4622: 4620: 4617: 4615: 4612: 4610: 4607: 4603: 4600: 4598: 4595: 4594: 4593: 4590: 4588: 4585: 4583: 4580: 4578: 4575: 4573: 4572: 4568: 4566: 4563: 4561: 4558: 4556: 4555:The Holocaust 4553: 4549: 4546: 4544: 4541: 4540: 4539: 4536: 4534: 4531: 4529: 4526: 4524: 4521: 4519: 4516: 4515: 4512: 4507: 4506: 4499: 4496: 4494: 4491: 4489: 4486: 4484: 4481: 4479: 4476: 4474: 4471: 4469: 4466: 4464: 4461: 4459: 4456: 4454: 4451: 4449: 4448:Octavian Goga 4446: 4444: 4441: 4439: 4436: 4434: 4433:Ion Antonescu 4431: 4429: 4426: 4424: 4421: 4419: 4416: 4414: 4411: 4409: 4406: 4404: 4403:Joseph Stalin 4401: 4399: 4396: 4394: 4391: 4389: 4386: 4384: 4381: 4379: 4378:Martin Luther 4376: 4374: 4371: 4369: 4366: 4364: 4361: 4359: 4356: 4354: 4351: 4349: 4346: 4344: 4341: 4339: 4336: 4334: 4331: 4329: 4326: 4324: 4321: 4319: 4316: 4314: 4311: 4309: 4306: 4304: 4301: 4299: 4296: 4294: 4291: 4289: 4286: 4284: 4283:Andrew Anglin 4281: 4279: 4276: 4275: 4269: 4268: 4261: 4258: 4256: 4255: 4251: 4249: 4248: 4244: 4242: 4239: 4237: 4234: 4232: 4229: 4227: 4224: 4222: 4220: 4216: 4214: 4211: 4209: 4206: 4204: 4203: 4199: 4197: 4194: 4192: 4189: 4187: 4184: 4182: 4179: 4177: 4174: 4172: 4169: 4167: 4166: 4162: 4160: 4157: 4155: 4154: 4150: 4148: 4145: 4143: 4142:4chan (/pol/) 4140: 4139: 4133: 4132: 4125: 4122: 4120: 4117: 4114: 4108: 4106: 4103: 4100: 4094: 4092: 4089: 4087: 4084: 4082: 4079: 4077: 4074: 4072: 4069: 4067: 4064: 4062: 4059: 4057: 4054: 4052: 4049: 4047: 4046: 4041: 4039: 4036: 4034: 4033:Currency Wars 4031: 4029: 4026: 4024: 4021: 4019: 4016: 4015: 4012: 4007: 4006: 3999: 3996: 3994: 3991: 3989: 3986: 3984: 3981: 3977: 3976:SlĂĄnskĂœ trial 3974: 3972: 3971:Doctors' plot 3969: 3968: 3967: 3964: 3962: 3959: 3957: 3956:Media control 3954: 3952: 3949: 3947: 3944: 3940: 3937: 3936: 3935: 3932: 3930: 3927: 3925: 3922: 3920: 3917: 3915: 3912:International 3910: 3908: 3905: 3903: 3900: 3898: 3895: 3893: 3890: 3888: 3885: 3883: 3880: 3878: 3875: 3873: 3870: 3868: 3865: 3864: 3861: 3856: 3855: 3846: 3843: 3841: 3838: 3837: 3836: 3833: 3831: 3828: 3826: 3823: 3821: 3818: 3816: 3813: 3809: 3806: 3804: 3801: 3800: 3799: 3796: 3794: 3791: 3789: 3786: 3784: 3781: 3779: 3776: 3774: 3771: 3769: 3766: 3764: 3761: 3759: 3756: 3754: 3751: 3747: 3744: 3743: 3742: 3739: 3737: 3734: 3732: 3729: 3727: 3724: 3723: 3717: 3716: 3709: 3706: 3702: 3699: 3697: 3694: 3693: 3692: 3689: 3685: 3682: 3680: 3677: 3676: 3675: 3672: 3670: 3667: 3665: 3662: 3660: 3657: 3655: 3652: 3650: 3647: 3643: 3640: 3639: 3638: 3635: 3631: 3628: 3626: 3623: 3621: 3618: 3617: 3616: 3613: 3611: 3608: 3606: 3603: 3601: 3598: 3596: 3593: 3591: 3588: 3586: 3583: 3581: 3578: 3576: 3573: 3571: 3568: 3566: 3563: 3559: 3556: 3554: 3551: 3550: 3549: 3546: 3544: 3541: 3539: 3536: 3534: 3531: 3529: 3526: 3524: 3521: 3519: 3516: 3514: 3511: 3509: 3506: 3504: 3501: 3499: 3496: 3495: 3492: 3487: 3486: 3479: 3476: 3474: 3471: 3469: 3466: 3464: 3461: 3460: 3454: 3453: 3448: 3445: 3443: 3440: 3438: 3435: 3434: 3433: 3432: 3425: 3421: 3417: 3416: 3412: 3408: 3407: 3404: 3401: 3400: 3396: 3392: 3391: 3383: 3379: 3374: 3361: 3356: 3354: 3349: 3347: 3342: 3341: 3339: 3338: 3333: 3328: 3323: 3322: 3321: 3320: 3313: 3310: 3308: 3305: 3303: 3300: 3298: 3295: 3293: 3292:Proto-fascism 3290: 3288: 3285: 3283: 3280: 3278: 3275: 3273: 3270: 3268: 3265: 3263: 3260: 3258: 3255: 3253: 3250: 3248: 3245: 3243: 3240: 3238: 3235: 3233: 3230: 3229: 3223: 3222: 3213: 3210: 3208: 3205: 3204: 3203: 3202:South America 3200: 3196: 3193: 3192: 3191: 3190:North America 3188: 3184: 3181: 3180: 3179: 3176: 3174: 3171: 3170: 3164: 3163: 3156: 3153: 3149: 3146: 3144: 3141: 3139: 3136: 3135: 3134: 3131: 3127: 3124: 3122: 3119: 3117: 3114: 3113: 3112: 3109: 3107: 3104: 3102: 3099: 3097: 3094: 3090: 3087: 3086: 3085: 3082: 3078: 3075: 3071: 3068: 3067: 3066: 3063: 3062: 3060: 3058: 3055: 3053: 3050: 3046: 3043: 3042: 3041: 3038: 3034: 3031: 3029: 3026: 3022: 3019: 3018: 3017: 3014: 3012: 3009: 3007: 3004: 3002: 2999: 2998: 2997: 2994: 2992: 2989: 2987: 2984: 2980: 2977: 2975: 2972: 2971: 2970: 2967: 2961: 2958: 2957: 2956: 2953: 2951: 2948: 2947: 2945: 2941: 2938: 2937: 2936: 2933: 2929: 2926: 2925: 2924: 2921: 2919: 2916: 2914: 2911: 2909: 2906: 2904: 2901: 2899: 2896: 2892: 2889: 2883: 2880: 2878: 2875: 2874: 2872: 2871: 2870: 2867: 2865: 2862: 2861: 2860: 2857: 2855: 2852: 2850: 2847: 2845: 2842: 2840: 2837: 2835: 2832: 2828: 2825: 2824: 2823: 2820: 2818: 2815: 2813: 2810: 2808: 2805: 2803: 2800: 2798: 2795: 2791: 2788: 2786: 2783: 2782: 2780: 2778: 2775: 2774: 2768: 2767: 2758: 2755: 2753: 2750: 2748: 2745: 2743: 2740: 2737: 2734: 2732: 2729: 2727: 2724: 2722: 2718: 2715: 2713: 2710: 2708: 2705: 2703: 2702:Anti-fascists 2700: 2699: 2691: 2690: 2683: 2680: 2678: 2675: 2671: 2668: 2666: 2663: 2661: 2658: 2656: 2655:The Holocaust 2653: 2652: 2651: 2648: 2646: 2645:Peasant March 2643: 2641: 2640:Pact of Steel 2638: 2636: 2633: 2631: 2630:Kristallnacht 2628: 2626: 2623: 2619: 2616: 2614: 2611: 2610: 2609: 2606: 2604: 2601: 2597: 2594: 2593: 2592: 2589: 2587: 2584: 2582: 2579: 2577: 2574: 2572: 2569: 2567: 2564: 2562: 2559: 2557: 2554: 2552: 2549: 2547: 2544: 2542: 2541:March on Rome 2539: 2538: 2532: 2531: 2524: 2521: 2517: 2514: 2512: 2509: 2508: 2507: 2504: 2502: 2499: 2497: 2494: 2492: 2489: 2487: 2484: 2482: 2479: 2477: 2474: 2472: 2469: 2467: 2464: 2462: 2459: 2457: 2454: 2452: 2449: 2447: 2444: 2442: 2439: 2437: 2434: 2432: 2429: 2427: 2424: 2422: 2419: 2415: 2412: 2411: 2410: 2407: 2405: 2402: 2400: 2397: 2393: 2390: 2389: 2388: 2385: 2383: 2380: 2376: 2373: 2371: 2368: 2366: 2363: 2361: 2358: 2356: 2353: 2352: 2351: 2348: 2344: 2341: 2339: 2336: 2335: 2334: 2331: 2330: 2327:Organizations 2324: 2323: 2313: 2312: 2308: 2303: 2302: 2298: 2293: 2292: 2288: 2282: 2278: 2273: 2272: 2268: 2263: 2262: 2258: 2253: 2252: 2248: 2243: 2242: 2238: 2232: 2228: 2227: 2221: 2220: 2213: 2210: 2208: 2205: 2203: 2200: 2198: 2195: 2193: 2190: 2188: 2185: 2183: 2180: 2178: 2175: 2173: 2170: 2168: 2165: 2163: 2160: 2158: 2155: 2153: 2150: 2148: 2145: 2143: 2140: 2138: 2135: 2133: 2130: 2128: 2125: 2123: 2120: 2118: 2115: 2113: 2110: 2108: 2105: 2103: 2100: 2098: 2095: 2093: 2090: 2088: 2085: 2083: 2080: 2078: 2075: 2073: 2070: 2068: 2065: 2063: 2060: 2058: 2055: 2053: 2050: 2048: 2045: 2044: 2041:Intellectuals 2038: 2037: 2030: 2027: 2025: 2022: 2020: 2017: 2015: 2012: 2010: 2007: 2005: 2002: 2000: 1997: 1995: 1992: 1990: 1987: 1985: 1982: 1980: 1977: 1975: 1972: 1970: 1967: 1965: 1962: 1960: 1957: 1955: 1952: 1950: 1947: 1945: 1942: 1940: 1937: 1935: 1932: 1930: 1927: 1925: 1922: 1920: 1917: 1915: 1912: 1910: 1907: 1905: 1902: 1900: 1897: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1887: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1875: 1872: 1870: 1867: 1865: 1862: 1860: 1857: 1855: 1852: 1850: 1847: 1845: 1842: 1840: 1837: 1835: 1832: 1831: 1825: 1824: 1817: 1814: 1812: 1809: 1807: 1804: 1802: 1799: 1797: 1794: 1793: 1787: 1786: 1779: 1776: 1774: 1771: 1769: 1766: 1764: 1761: 1759: 1756: 1754: 1751: 1749: 1746: 1744: 1741: 1739: 1736: 1734: 1731: 1729: 1726: 1724: 1721: 1719: 1716: 1714: 1713:Perpetual war 1711: 1709: 1706: 1704: 1701: 1697: 1694: 1692: 1689: 1687: 1684: 1683: 1682: 1679: 1677: 1674: 1672: 1669: 1667: 1664: 1662: 1661: 1657: 1655: 1654:Irrationalism 1652: 1648: 1645: 1643: 1640: 1639: 1638: 1635: 1633: 1630: 1628: 1625: 1623: 1620: 1618: 1615: 1613: 1610: 1608: 1605: 1603: 1600: 1598: 1597:Direct action 1595: 1593: 1590: 1588: 1585: 1583: 1580: 1578: 1575: 1573: 1570: 1568: 1565: 1563: 1560: 1558: 1557:Anti-pacifism 1555: 1553: 1550: 1548: 1545: 1543: 1540: 1538: 1535: 1533: 1530: 1529: 1523: 1522: 1518: 1514: 1513: 1510: 1507: 1506: 1502: 1498: 1497: 1487: 1482: 1480: 1475: 1473: 1468: 1467: 1465: 1464: 1459: 1458: 1447: 1445: 1437: 1436: 1435: 1434: 1427: 1424: 1422: 1419: 1417: 1414: 1412: 1409: 1407: 1404: 1401: 1400: 1395: 1392: 1391: 1386: 1384: 1381: 1379: 1376: 1374: 1371: 1367: 1364: 1362: 1359: 1358: 1357: 1354: 1353: 1347: 1346: 1339: 1336: 1334: 1331: 1329: 1326: 1324: 1321: 1319: 1316: 1314: 1311: 1309: 1306: 1305: 1299: 1298: 1291: 1290: 1286: 1284: 1281: 1279: 1276: 1274: 1271: 1269: 1266: 1264: 1261: 1259: 1254: 1252: 1247: 1245: 1242: 1240: 1235: 1233: 1230: 1228: 1225: 1223: 1220: 1218: 1215: 1213: 1210: 1209: 1203: 1202: 1195: 1192: 1190: 1187: 1185: 1182: 1180: 1177: 1174: 1173: 1168: 1165: 1164: 1159: 1155: 1152: 1151: 1150: 1147: 1145: 1142: 1137: 1136: 1131: 1130: 1129: 1126: 1124: 1121: 1119: 1116: 1112: 1111:Thule Society 1109: 1108: 1107: 1104: 1103: 1100: 1095: 1094: 1084: 1083: 1079: 1073: 1072: 1067: 1061: 1060: 1055: 1049: 1048: 1043: 1037: 1036: 1031: 1025: 1024: 1019: 1014: 1013: 1009: 1004: 1003: 999: 994: 993: 989: 984: 983: 979: 978: 972: 971: 964: 961: 959: 956: 954: 951: 949: 946: 944: 941: 939: 936: 934: 931: 929: 926: 924: 921: 919: 916: 914: 911: 909: 906: 904: 901: 899: 896: 895: 892: 887: 886: 879: 876: 874: 871: 869: 866: 864: 861: 859: 858:Seyss-Inquart 856: 854: 851: 849: 846: 844: 841: 839: 836: 834: 831: 829: 826: 824: 821: 819: 816: 814: 811: 809: 806: 804: 801: 799: 796: 794: 791: 789: 786: 784: 781: 779: 776: 775: 772: 767: 766: 758: 757: 752: 749: 748: 743: 738: 737: 732: 731: 730: 727: 725: 722: 720: 717: 715: 712: 710: 707: 705: 702: 700: 697: 693: 690: 688: 685: 682: 681: 680:Untermenschen 676: 673: 672: 671:Rassenschande 667: 665: 662: 660: 657: 655: 652: 650: 647: 645: 642: 640: 637: 636: 635: 632: 630: 627: 625: 622: 620: 617: 615: 612: 610: 607: 605: 602: 598: 595: 593: 590: 588: 585: 583: 580: 579: 578: 575: 573: 570: 568: 565: 561: 560:Pan-Germanism 558: 555: 554: 549: 546: 545: 540: 538: 535: 534: 533: 530: 527: 526: 521: 518: 517: 512: 510: 507: 505: 502: 500: 499:Direct action 497: 492: 491: 490:FĂŒhrerprinzip 486: 485: 484: 481: 479: 476: 474: 471: 467: 464: 461: 460: 455: 454: 453: 450: 448: 445: 443: 440: 438: 435: 433: 430: 428: 427:Anti-pacifism 425: 423: 420: 418: 415: 413: 410: 408: 405: 404: 398: 397: 390: 387: 385: 382: 380: 377: 375: 372: 370: 367: 365: 362: 360: 357: 355: 352: 350: 347: 345: 342: 341: 340: 339: 338: 331: 328: 326: 323: 321: 318: 316: 313: 311: 310:The Holocaust 308: 306: 303: 300: 299: 294: 291: 290: 289:Kristallnacht 285: 283: 280: 278: 275: 273: 270: 268: 265: 263: 260: 258: 255: 252: 251: 246: 244: 241: 239: 236: 234: 231: 228: 227: 222: 220: 217: 215: 212: 210: 207: 206: 200: 199: 190: 189: 188:Schutzstaffel 184: 180: 179: 174: 172: 169: 166: 165: 160: 158: 155: 153: 150: 148: 145: 143: 140: 138: 135: 133: 130: 128: 125: 123: 120: 117: 116: 111: 108: 107: 102: 99: 98: 93: 92: 89:Organizations 86: 85: 81: 77: 76: 73: 70: 69: 65: 64: 59: 55: 48: 41: 37: 33: 19: 31931:Antisemitism 31916:Anti-Masonry 31890: 31873: 31861:from Commons 31856: 31839: 31818: 31685: 31627: 31541:Majoritarian 31514:Police state 31482:Totalitarian 31447: 31433:Dictatorship 31388:totalitarian 31326: 31225:Elite theory 31173: 31163: 31153: 31143: 31133: 31123: 31113: 31103: 31093: 31083: 31073: 31063: 31053: 31043: 31033: 31023: 31013: 31003: 30993: 30983: 30973: 30963: 30262:Guicciardini 30218:Early modern 30041:Philosophers 29991:Open society 29927:Body politic 29866: 29797:Distributism 29787:Conservatism 29782:Confucianism 29701:Gerontocracy 29691:Dictatorship 29645:Sovereignty‎ 29635:Ruling class 29525:Emancipation 29510:Citizenship‎ 29442:21st century 29422:South Africa 29388:Labour Party 29309:21st century 29252:Saudi Arabia 29176:Yellow badge 29126: 29122:Jewish quota 29049: 29011: 28986:Yellow badge 28854: 28798:Anti-Judaism 28752: 28738: 28726: 28702: 28698:Ku Klux Klan 28673: 28649:Anti-Zionism 28633:Universities 28596:Christianity 28506:Adolf Hitler 28500: 28452:Antisemitism 28324:Roman salute 28304:Post-fascism 28294:Neosocialism 28284:Japanization 28220:Berlusconism 28215:Anti-fascism 28164:Maurrassisme 28114:SS personnel 28104:Nazi leaders 28027:Tokyo Trials 28017:End in Italy 27997:World War II 27946:Enabling Act 27690:Rusich Group 27685:Wagner Group 27490:Hlinka Guard 27465:Hitler Youth 27460:Hilfspolizei 27353:Black Legion 27328:Azov Brigade 27301:Paramilitary 27281:UstaĆĄe Youth 27162:Hitler Youth 26889:Hindutva pop 26661:Le Pays RĂ©el 26511:The European 26275:1776 Returns 25911:Arana Osorio 25548:Klyachkivsky 25467:Bilbao EguĂ­a 25436:Stojadinović 24794:Papadopoulos 24543:Falkenhausen 24259:van de Wiele 24044:Nacionalismo 23924:Lads Society 23919:Centre Party 23573:Steel Shield 23358:German Party 22934:Nazi Germany 22743: 22721: 22697:Rexist Party 22689: 22684:Pērkonkrusts 22682: 22625: 22611: 22449: 22442: 22435: 22428: 22409:Jeune Nation 22336: 22289: 22207: 22200: 22193: 22161:Tsagaan Khas 22137:Durga Vahini 22110:Seva Bharati 21878:Kataeb Party 21570: 21510:Intransigent 21447:Jeune Nation 21365:Nacionalismo 21259:Social order 21197:Palingenetic 21164: 21110:Dictatorship 21095:Conspiracism 20974: 20923:Heinz Hitler 20913:(half-niece) 20899:Paula Hitler 20875:Klara Hitler 20869:Alois Hitler 20842: 20835: 20828: 20821: 20814: 20802: 20795: 20788: 20781: 20621:Obersalzberg 20572: 20520:FĂŒhrerbunker 20519: 20497:Headquarters 20494: 20453:World War II 20448:Nazi Germany 20416: 20401:Zweites Buch 20399: 20380: 20344: 20337: 20324:Adolf Hitler 20260:Nazi Germany 20171:Albert Speer 20076:Walther Funk 20041:Rudolf Diels 20031:Kurt Daluege 20021:Artur Axmann 19920:Publications 19866:Hitler Youth 19835:Röhm scandal 19819: 19762:Adolf Hitler 19604:Architecture 19552:SS personnel 19500: 19486:SUMKA (Iran) 19112:Social order 19037:Antisemitism 18990:Palingenetic 18881:Dictatorship 18850:Conspiracism 18774:Labour camps 18744:Deportations 18731: 18703:World War II 18648:Kirchenkampf 18636:Nazi Germany 18517:Hitler Youth 18481:Organisation 18473: 18435: 18404: 18393: 18379: 18347: 18328: 18309: 18287: 18269: 18248: 18229: 18211: 18192: 18170: 18148: 18129: 18110: 18091: 18069: 18052: 18031: 18019:. Retrieved 18012:the original 17991: 17985: 17959: 17956: 17932: 17911: 17892: 17880: 17860:. New York: 17856: 17832:. New York: 17828: 17805: 17783: 17757: 17743: 17733:Bibliography 17718:. Retrieved 17698: 17691: 17679:. Retrieved 17675:the original 17664: 17655: 17643:. Retrieved 17634: 17622: 17610:. Retrieved 17606:the original 17594: 17582:. Retrieved 17573: 17564: 17552:. Retrieved 17544:The Guardian 17543: 17530: 17518:. Retrieved 17508: 17501: 17489:. Retrieved 17475: 17463: 17456:Balfour 1964 17451: 17444:Bracher 1970 17439: 17432:Kershaw 1999 17427: 17415: 17408:Bracher 1970 17403: 17396:Broszat 1981 17391: 17384:Kershaw 1999 17379: 17367:. Retrieved 17347: 17340: 17333:Bracher 1970 17328: 17321:Bracher 1970 17316: 17301: 17293: 17273:. New York: 17270: 17267:Kershaw, Ian 17261: 17252: 17245:Bracher 1970 17240: 17233:Bracher 1970 17206: 17200: 17181: 17175: 17156: 17150: 17142: 17137: 17129: 17124: 17105: 17099: 17087:. Retrieved 17067: 17060: 17041: 17035: 17023:. Retrieved 17003: 16996: 16977: 16971: 16959: 16947: 16935: 16923: 16915: 16910: 16902: 16897: 16885: 16852: 16843: 16816: 16810: 16783: 16777: 16765:. Retrieved 16737: 16733: 16720: 16708:. Retrieved 16699: 16689: 16677:. Retrieved 16673:the original 16663: 16655: 16637: 16632: 16624: 16616: 16609:Tooze (2006) 16593: 16573: 16568: 16560: 16559:Ben Fowkes. 16555: 16547: 16546:Ben Fowkes. 16542: 16534: 16533:Ben Fowkes. 16529: 16521: 16516: 16508: 16504: 16499: 16487:. Retrieved 16473: 16434: 16427: 16409:Adolf Hitler 16408: 16402: 16398: 16393: 16381: 16369: 16361: 16356: 16348: 16343: 16335: 16330: 16322: 16306: 16301: 16293: 16288: 16280: 16272: 16260:. Retrieved 16240: 16219: 16214: 16206: 16201: 16186: 16181: 16169: 16157: 16145: 16133: 16110: 16105: 16097: 16092: 16080:. Retrieved 16060:1721.1/64262 16042: 16038: 16028:Temin, Peter 16022: 16014: 15998: 15993: 15981: 15969: 15942: 15930: 15918: 15910: 15905: 15886: 15877: 15842: 15830: 15818: 15806: 15787: 15778: 15768:20 September 15766:. Retrieved 15759:the original 15720: 15716: 15692: 15687: 15679: 15674: 15666: 15658: 15650: 15642: 15630:. Retrieved 15626:the original 15621: 15600: 15595: 15586: 15577: 15560: 15543: 15534: 15522:. Retrieved 15514:Der Standard 15513: 15504: 15492:. Retrieved 15483: 15473: 15461:. Retrieved 15452: 15443: 15431:. Retrieved 15422: 15413: 15401:. Retrieved 15392: 15383: 15371:. Retrieved 15362: 15353: 15345: 15327: 15322: 15314: 15296: 15291: 15257: 15249: 15245: 15241: 15235: 15226: 15218: 15187: 15182: 15170:. Retrieved 15166:the original 15155: 15143: 15135: 15131: 15119:. Retrieved 15108: 15096: 15084:. Retrieved 15065: 15055: 15043: 15031:. Retrieved 15022: 15012: 15000:. Retrieved 14991: 14982: 14973: 14966:. Retrieved 14955: 14946: 14934:. Retrieved 14909: 14905: 14895: 14883:. Retrieved 14874: 14865: 14846: 14836: 14816: 14791: 14783: 14764: 14758: 14746: 14734: 14715: 14709: 14690: 14684: 14672:. Retrieved 14663: 14653: 14628: 14620: 14608:. Retrieved 14598:Helen Boak. 14593: 14573: 14555: 14550: 14542: 14537: 14529: 14523: 14515: 14510: 14502: 14494: 14486: 14482: 14477: 14469: 14464: 14456: 14448: 14440: 14436: 14431: 14422: 14410:. Retrieved 14385: 14381: 14371: 14362: 14350: 14341: 14332: 14323: 14311: 14303: 14298: 14286: 14259: 14251: 14246: 14231: 14212: 14207: 14199: 14194: 14186: 14166: 14158: 14153: 14141: 14136:, p. 7. 14121:, p. 6. 14114: 14097: 14089: 14073: 14068: 14058: 14053: 14034: 14028: 14009: 14003: 13970: 13964: 13945: 13939: 13930: 13922: 13914: 13895: 13886: 13878: 13873: 13865: 13860: 13839: 13831:the original 13826: 13790: 13781: 13769: 13757: 13732: 13715: 13698: 13693: 13685: 13680: 13666: 13658: 13641: 13629: 13610: 13604: 13596: 13588: 13576:. Retrieved 13548: 13541: 13532: 13509: 13499: 13479: 13455: 13447: 13439: 13423: 13414: 13398: 13351: 13344: 13325: 13267: 13249:15 September 13247:. Retrieved 13227: 13220: 13208: 13196: 13184: 13176: 13171: 13161: 13149: 13140: 13134: 13126: 13106:. Retrieved 13097: 13087: 13078: 13070: 13048: 13043: 13010: 13004: 12989: 12984: 12969: 12964: 12952:. Retrieved 12919: 12909: 12876: 12870: 12863:Broszat 1981 12858: 12850: 12834: 12829: 12821: 12816: 12808: 12790: 12785: 12777: 12772: 12764: 12759: 12752:Kershaw 1999 12747: 12739: 12735: 12730: 12722: 12717: 12709: 12704: 12685: 12679: 12670: 12651: 12646: 12638: 12621: 12613: 12608: 12600: 12595: 12587: 12582: 12574: 12554: 12528: 12523: 12515: 12497: 12473: 12456: 12451: 12443: 12438: 12430: 12425: 12407: 12399: 12391: 12346: 12326: 12302: 12295: 12270: 12262: 12243: 12212: 12206: 12187: 12181: 12162: 12156: 12148:the original 12143: 12134: 12126: 12121: 12113: 12108: 12100: 12092: 12084: 12079: 12054: 12046: 12038: 12022: 12017: 12009: 12004: 11982: 11955: 11949: 11941: 11936: 11918: 11913: 11905: 11879: 11842: 11836: 11828: 11812: 11792: 11780: 11768: 11756: 11733: 11728: 11720: 11703: 11695: 11679: 11674: 11666: 11661: 11653: 11649: 11645: 11640: 11632: 11625: 11620: 11612: 11607: 11599: 11594: 11563: 11550:under Nazism 11542:South Africa 11534:modern world 11517: 11516: 11511:– via 11505:. Retrieved 11461: 11450: 11436:Homo sapiens 11434: 11407: 11365: 11355: 11345: 11321:Nazi Germany 11309: 11302:. Retrieved 11253: 11249: 11221: 11209: 11201: 11185: 11178:. Retrieved 11127: 11117: 11110:Broszat 1987 11081: 11072: 11060:. Retrieved 11040: 11010: 11003: 10995: 10990: 10974: 10939: 10877: 10872: 10865:Kershaw 1999 10860: 10852: 10836: 10820: 10815: 10771: 10766: 10747: 10729: 10720: 10711: 10702: 10694: 10689: 10681: 10657:. Retrieved 10643: 10631: 10622: 10616: 10596: 10586: 10577: 10565: 10557: 10552: 10540: 10532: 10527: 10519: 10514: 10498: 10493: 10477: 10461:, pp. 73–74. 10450: 10435:Kershaw 1999 10419: 10410: 10397: 10391: 10379:. Retrieved 10365: 10357: 10349: 10341: 10336: 10328: 10323: 10315: 10312:Domarus, Max 10306: 10298: 10290: 10280: 10274: 10266: 10258: 10251: 10246: 10238: 10230: 10203: 10187: 10173: 10165: 10161: 10138: 10129: 10117:. Retrieved 10108: 10081:. Retrieved 10061: 10017: 10009: 9997:. Retrieved 9986: 9977: 9965:. Retrieved 9956: 9931:. Retrieved 9911: 9901: 9894:Kershaw 1999 9889: 9877: 9862: 9854: 9842:. Retrieved 9823: 9813: 9788: 9763:. Retrieved 9754: 9744: 9732: 9687: 9680: 9672: 9666: 9643: 9628: 9620: 9604: 9599: 9583: 9575: 9567: 9560:. Retrieved 9549: 9525:. Retrieved 9511: 9499: 9480: 9459: 9439: 9295: 9280:Habsburg Law 9276:Adolf Hitler 9269: 9264: 9255:Crown Prince 9249: 9238: 9222: 9215: 9209: 9200: 9181: 9179: 9171: 9167:architecture 9156:"degenerate" 9152: 9147: 9137: 9134: 9126: 9116: 9110: 9089: 9081: 9076: 9072: 9067: 9050: 9041: 9035: 9029: 9022:Carl Schmitt 9020: 9008: 8984: 8976: 8963:police state 8948: 8943: 8937: 8935: 8902: 8898: 8866: 8856: 8840: 8837:mercantilism 8832: 8830: 8819: 8817:and Nation. 8812: 8804:Zweites Buch 8802: 8797:to displace 8772:cosmopolitan 8768: 8753: 8711: 8705: 8701: 8667: 8644: 8642: 8626:Vichy regime 8597:middle class 8586: 8559: 8557: 8541: 8519:big business 8516: 8500: 8488: 8481:public works 8461: 8445:free markets 8405: 8398: 8392: 8389:trade unions 8380:unemployment 8373: 8364: 8337: 8322: 8288: 8281: 8271: 8248: 8241: 8212: 8187: 8183: 8168:Christianity 8157: 8064: 8058: 8025: 8014:Ost-Arbeiter 8011: 8009: 8001: 7981: 7979: 7971: 7965: 7962: 7948: 7942: 7918: 7915:staatsbĂŒrger 7914: 7910: 7907: 7898: 7895: 7890:white collar 7886: 7882: 7877: 7869: 7860:Gemeinschaft 7859: 7855: 7851: 7845: 7839: 7834: 7830: 7824: 7821: 7818:Social class 7813: 7808: 7804: 7798: 7796: 7787: 7779: 7775: 7774:as "bestial 7767:Hans GĂŒnther 7764: 7759: 7752:civilisation 7729: 7727: 7709: 7679: 7670:Near Eastern 7665: 7659: 7629: 7590: 7585: 7557: 7555: 7536:Anglo-Saxons 7528:South Africa 7476:Ancient Rome 7464:Roman Empire 7446: 7444: 7438: 7428:living space 7372: 7349: 7332:Walter Hewel 7323: 7321: 7309: 7301: 7286: 7278: 7269: 7267: 7258: 7255:Adolf Hitler 7251: 7242: 7237: 7230:Adolf Hitler 7224: 7205: 7203: 7199:Adolf Hitler 7192: 7148: 7144: 7142: 7136: 7118: 7116: 7102: 7068: 7061: 7054:expansionism 7047: 7025: 6998: 6996: 6984: 6977: 6969: 6959: 6955: 6954:In his book 6953: 6920: 6912:Nazi militia 6908: 6885: 6871: 6867: 6848: 6837: 6827: 6785: 6775: 6773: 6765:Ancient Rome 6731: 6729: 6723:, including 6711: 6696:technocratic 6684: 6670: 6652: 6638: 6627: 6576: 6574:was strong. 6569: 6561: 6547: 6544:antisemitism 6536: 6531: 6527: 6517: 6507: 6502: 6482: 6478: 6464: 6463: 6454: 6449: 6442:World War II 6421: 6419: 6412: 6399: 6384: 6365:conservatism 6351: 6344:Christianity 6337: 6331: 6299: 6292:white people 6285: 6274:and ancient 6265: 6226: 6222: 6204: 6199: 6195: 6189: 6183: 6179:nation state 6167: 6163: 6158: 6152: 6136: 6122: 6105: 6082: 6081: 6072: 6066: 6046: 6042: 6034: 6032: 6019: 6002: 5999:Arnold Fanck 5992: 5985: 5979:philosopher 5948: 5942: 5891: 5886: 5879:, historian 5876: 5873:Joachim Fest 5870: 5854: 5840: 5829: 5814:Leon Trotsky 5798:Soviet Union 5795: 5791: 5783:cosmopolitan 5780: 5771: 5764:Thomas Weber 5744: 5716: 5714: 5701: 5666: 5644: 5623:Bad Harzburg 5613: 5606: 5601: 5591: 5576: 5572: 5567: 5559: 5554: 5550: 5545: 5537: 5530:Adolf Hitler 5523: 5484:Adolf Hitler 5459: 5445: 5433:Nazi Germany 5430: 5391: 5378: 5370: 5349: 5316:World War II 5273: 5266: 5231: 5227:Soviet Union 5225:against the 5210: 5157:collectivism 5146:cosmopolitan 5121: 5119: 5056:paramilitary 5038: 5000:anti-Slavism 4992:antisemitism 4988:dictatorship 4973: 4948: 4936: 4925:Adolf Hitler 4921:totalitarian 4888: 4884: 4883:), formally 4822: 4821: 4765:Anti-Zionism 4624:Yellow badge 4569: 4565:Jewish quota 4468:Ioan Slavici 4423:Ernst ZĂŒndel 4353:Adolf Hitler 4338:Nick Fuentes 4278:Baked Alaska 4252: 4245: 4218: 4200: 4176:Goebbels Gap 4163: 4151: 4045:(video game) 4044: 3919:Jewish lobby 3867:Andinia Plan 3797: 3701:21st century 3684:Labour Party 3649:South Africa 3637:Saudi Arabia 3625:Soviet Union 3558:21st-century 3403:Antisemitism 3312:Uyoku dantai 3287:Post-fascism 3282:Para-fascism 3237:Anti-fascism 3167:By continent 2995: 2940:Intransigent 2877:Jeune Nation 2785:Nacionalismo 2757:SS personnel 2747:Nazi leaders 2650:World War II 2571:Enabling Act 2486:Rexist Party 2451:Kataeb Party 2392:UstaĆĄe Youth 2360:Hitler Youth 2309: 2299: 2289: 2269: 2259: 2249: 2239: 1748:Social order 1691:Palingenetic 1658: 1592:Dictatorship 1577:Conspiracism 1448: 1361:Architecture 1338:SS personnel 1287: 1273:SUMKA (Iran) 1172:Kirchenkampf 1080: 1010: 1000: 990: 980: 714:Social order 639:Antisemitism 592:Palingenetic 483:Dictatorship 452:Conspiracism 379:Labour camps 349:Deportations 335: 334: 305:World War II 250:Kirchenkampf 238:Nazi Germany 122:Hitler Youth 71: 58: 31841:Definitions 31681:Imperialism 31647:Enlightened 31601:Pinochetism 31489:Mafia state 31460:Proletarian 31449:Dictablanda 31099:(1835–1840) 30979:(c. 350 BC) 30969:(c. 375 BC) 30586:Tocqueville 30551:Saint-Simon 30516:Montesquieu 30367:Bolingbroke 30299:Machiavelli 30179:Ibn Khaldun 30144:Alpharabius 30137:Middle Ages 29962:Natural law 29937:Common good 29862:Nationalism 29822:Imperialism 29792:Corporatism 29767:Colonialism 29747:Agrarianism 29726:Technocracy 29706:Meritocracy 29686:Bureaucracy 29676:Aristocracy 29407:New Zealand 29159:Segregation 29067:Persecution 29039:Radio Islam 28845:Blood libel 28840:Blood curse 28613:Middle Ages 28459:Core topics 28366:Szeged Idea 28356:Sorelianism 28314:Red fascism 28171:Pinochetism 27956:July Putsch 27905:Le Faisceau 27779:Axis powers 27717:Youth Front 27555:Mano Blanca 27530:Legion Wasa 27455:Gold Shirts 27358:Blackshirts 27333:Bajrang Dal 27291:Youth Front 26994:The Britons 26968:Quadrumvirs 26777:Condottieri 26721:Der Umbruch 26711:Der StĂŒrmer 26551:Golden Dawn 26466:Der Angriff 26446:Ajan Suunta 26434:Periodicals 26201:Starhemberg 26186:Schuschnigg 26041:al-Husseini 25921:D'Aubuisson 25730:Frankhouser 25690:Auernheimer 25604:Chamberlain 25441:Zhirinovsky 24886:Teymourtash 24881:Pezeshkpour 24876:Monshizadeh 24688:Renthe-Fink 24447:La Rochelle 23712:Hammerskins 23640:Aryan Guard 23368:Golden Dawn 23270:Youth Front 22332:Le Faisceau 22285:The Britons 22132:Bajrang Dal 21848:Grey Wolves 21823:Azure Party 21718:Revisionism 21701:Nazi-Maoism 21671:Syndicalist 21640:Legionarism 21603:Strasserism 21556:LaRoucheism 21530:Restoration 21305:Definitions 21187:Nationalism 21172:Masculinity 21150:Imperialism 21100:Corporatism 21042:Core tenets 20911:Geli Raubal 20755:Perceptions 20556:Wolf's Lair 20206:Strasserism 20202:Black Front 20195:Derivatives 20111:Rudolf Höss 20096:Rudolf Hess 20046:Karl Dönitz 20001:Kampfverlag 19992:Der StĂŒrmer 19974:Der Angriff 19965:Arbeitertum 19764:(1921–1945) 19758:(1919–1921) 19664:Strasserism 19326:de Gobineau 19301:Chamberlain 19167:Politicians 19154:Volkskörper 19057:Master race 19027:Prussianism 18975:Nationalism 18930:Imperialism 18871:Corporatism 18306:Tooze, Adam 18034:. Penguin. 17720:18 November 17570:"Biography" 17089:18 November 17025:18 November 16621:Overy, R.J. 16262:18 November 15883:Overy, R.J. 15837:, p. . 15663:R. J. Overy 14664:Der Spiegel 13919:Wendy Lower 13578:18 November 13108:12 February 12097:Ian Kershaw 12072:Ryback 2010 12051:Philip Rees 11587:Ryback 2010 11568:Ryback 2010 11420:politician 11277:10550/89369 11260:: 129–137. 10659:6 September 10416:Max Domarus 9844:18 November 9765:12 December 9625:Eley, Geoff 9400:Strasserism 9365:Nazi salute 9272:Rudolf Hess 9253:, the last 9227:, the last 9144:concludes: 9113:Ian Kershaw 9092:Thomas Mann 8877:corporatism 8826:bourgeoisie 8783:Wall Street 8511:Reichsmarks 8437:war economy 8435:, the Nazi 8378:, when the 8309:Tiger tanks 8305:V-2 rockets 8176:nationalism 8032:Transgender 7919:spießbĂŒrger 7748:Belarusians 7652:East Baltic 7480:Renaissance 7404:homosexuals 7380:exterminate 7356:master race 7336:world peace 7330:relayed to 7328:Rudolf Hess 7268:Policy for 7257:, — (" 7129:Sudetenland 7080:self-denial 7063:Untermensch 7050:irredentism 7027:untermensch 7015:within the 7013:geopolitics 7009:biopolitics 6992:Strasserism 6877:reactionary 6818:Kapp Putsch 6816:during the 6802:corporatist 6613:materialist 6514:anti-Slavic 6415:nationalism 6407:Rothschilds 6362:monarchical 6358:materialism 6286:Notions of 6235:Karl Lueger 6114:romanticism 6110:natural law 6095:secularised 6087:materialism 5988:nationalism 5822:Lev Kamenev 5776:Karl Lueger 5768:Kurt Eisner 5697:Black Front 5689:proletarian 5673:capitalists 5655:and Prince 5616:reactionary 5598:monarchists 5584:nationalism 5580:World War I 5507:reactionary 5496:Rudolf Hess 5437:Nazi regime 5153:common good 5083:master race 5060:World War I 4971:collapsed. 4969:Third Reich 4957:Hitlerismus 4614:Segregation 4511:Persecution 4458:Nae Ionescu 3872:Blood libel 3808:Strasserism 3590:New Zealand 3538:Costa Rican 3457:Definitions 3307:Supremacism 3297:Red fascism 3143:Revisionism 3126:Nazi-Maoism 3096:Syndicalist 3065:Legionarism 3028:Strasserism 2986:LaRoucheism 2960:Restoration 2496:Axis powers 2338:Blackshirts 2162:Nihal Atsız 2122:de Gobineau 2057:Chamberlain 2029:Van Severen 1999:Starhemberg 1919:Monshizadeh 1828:Politicians 1796:Definitions 1681:Nationalism 1666:Masculinity 1627:Imperialism 1582:Corporatism 1421:Strasserism 1163:GottglĂ€ubig 928:de Gobineau 903:Chamberlain 771:Politicians 756:Volkskörper 659:Master race 629:Prussianism 577:Nationalism 532:Imperialism 473:Corporatism 31996:Xenophobia 31961:Homophobia 31905:Categories 31875:Quotations 31719:Deep state 31579:Khomeinism 31557:Ideologies 31499:Ochlocracy 31465:Right-wing 31438:Benevolent 31392:government 31307:Separatism 31115:On Liberty 31015:The Prince 30744:Huntington 30247:Campanella 30174:al-Ghazali 30123:Thucydides 30081:Lactantius 30026:Statolatry 29852:Monarchism 29832:Liberalism 29757:Capitalism 29740:Ideologies 29721:Plutocracy 29669:Government 29625:Revolution 29610:Propaganda 29560:Legitimacy 29535:Government 29284:Costa Rica 29247:Arab world 29231:Yad Vashem 29154:Refuseniks 29117:Jewish hat 29090:Expulsions 29057:Stormfront 28765:Xenophobia 28715:in English 28704:Mein Kampf 28686:Ć»ydokomuna 28516:Propaganda 28361:Synarchism 28157:Khomeinism 27885:Acerbo Law 27665:Volkssport 27645:Third Klan 27475:Greyshirts 27147:Al-Futuwwa 27084:Right Club 27044:Mladorossi 26646:Panchjanya 26616:Neues Volk 26586:Masada2000 26531:Fritt Folk 26456:El AlcĂĄzar 26370:Mein Kampf 26268:Literature 26036:al-Husayni 26001:al-Gaylani 25890:Vonsyatsky 25609:Chesterton 25568:Shukhevych 25431:Rodzaevsky 25320:Manoilescu 25028:Bastianini 25003:D'Annunzio 24962:Natan-Zada 24774:Kasidiaris 24693:Ribbentrop 24648:Ludendorff 24452:Lagardelle 24412:Brasillach 23834:Wotansvolk 23824:Volksfront 23809:Third Klan 23787:Proud Boys 23692:Creativity 23383:Iron Guard 22924:Nazi Party 22291:La Cagoule 22225:Blueshirts 21883:Kenkokukai 21813:Aria Party 21770:Greyshirts 21627:Pan-Turkic 21591:Neo-Nazism 21361:Argentine 21279:Syncretism 21269:Statolatry 21234:Propaganda 21177:Militarism 21085:Chauvinism 20734:belongings 20625:KampfhĂ€usl 20546:Tannenberg 20541:Felsennest 20536:Anlage SĂŒd 20531:Adlerhorst 20484:Places of 20393:in English 20382:Mein Kampf 20265:Nazi songs 20156:Fritz Todt 20141:Ernst Röhm 20121:Robert Ley 20061:Hans Frank 19740:Nazi Party 19372:Atrocities 19287:Ideologues 19122:Syncretism 19047:Aryan race 19022:Propaganda 18970:Militarism 18951:Lebensraum 18914:Geopolitik 18840:Chauvinism 18728:Neo-Nazism 18566:Nazi Party 17948:1860649734 17681:4 February 17637:. London. 17612:1 November 17584:3 February 17546:. London. 17520:4 February 17420:Evans 2003 16890:Tooze 2006 16362:Mein Kampf 16277:R.J. Overy 16174:Evans 2005 16162:Evans 2005 16150:Evans 2005 16138:Evans 2005 16126:Evans 2005 16082:4 November 15986:Tooze 2006 15974:Tooze 2006 15962:Tooze 2006 15947:Evans 2008 15935:Tooze 2006 15923:Tooze 2006 15870:Tooze 2006 15835:Tooze 2007 15823:Tooze 2006 15811:Tooze 2006 15738:2445/11716 15647:R.J. Overy 15524:2 February 15494:2 February 15463:2 February 15433:2 February 15403:2 February 15373:2 February 15203:McNab 2009 15148:Plant 1988 15048:Plant 1988 14912:(2): 348. 14751:Majer 2003 14739:Majer 2003 14674:21 January 14610:2 November 14355:Tooze 2008 14316:Mason 1993 14291:Mason 1993 14279:Mason 1993 14264:Mason 1993 14134:Mason 1993 14119:Mason 1993 14092:. Munich: 13634:Evans 2005 13420:Berel Lang 13383:Majer 2003 13213:Tooze 2008 13201:Tooze 2008 13189:Tooze 2008 13141:Mein Kampf 13051:, p. 237. 12954:9 December 12144:Britannica 11627:Lebensraum 11416:, and the 11223:Mein Kampf 10959:Tooze 2006 10944:Tooze 2006 10925:Tooze 2006 10342:Mein Kampf 10119:22 October 9967:22 October 9933:22 October 9737:Evans 2003 9562:15 October 9412:References 9296:Following 9292:Neo-Nazism 9225:Wilhelm II 9217:Lebensraum 9172:Historian 9159:modern art 9000:democratic 8979:world-view 8951:Nazi party 8915:See also: 8905:Ernst Röhm 8842:Lebensraum 8833:Mein Kampf 8748:See also: 8694:cubist art 8690:jazz music 8645:Mein Kampf 8609:stratified 8560:Lebensraum 8507:Mefo bills 8502:Lebensraum 8476:Reichsbank 8400:Volkswagen 8338:Mein Kampf 8323:Historian 8235:Protestant 7973:Lebensborn 7799:Lebensraum 7744:Ukrainians 7731:Herrenvolk 7621:alcoholism 7617:imbecility 7578:euthanasia 7392:degenerate 7384:physically 7324:Lebensraum 7270:Lebensraum 7260:Mein Kampf 7238:Lebensraum 7214:Bolsheviks 7206:Lebensraum 7156:signed by 7149:Lebensraum 7145:Mein Kampf 7137:Lebensraum 7120:Lebensraum 7103:Lebensraum 7093:Lebensraum 6895:Nazi Party 6750:barbarians 6653:Mein Kampf 6590:Lamarckism 6584:, through 6556:political 6549:Judenfrage 6546:about the 6495:Bolsheviks 6373:liberalism 6268:Aryan race 6260:Aryan race 6200:Mein Kampf 6102:Freemasons 6020:Volkskrieg 5969:organicism 5907:See also: 5865:See also: 5855:Mein Kampf 5831:Lebensraum 5826:Karl Radek 5800:'s leader 5772:Mein Kampf 5732:Ernst Röhm 5649:Wilhelm II 5539:Mein Kampf 5511:monarchist 5375:hypocorism 5211:lebensraum 5187:Mein Kampf 5144:, opposed 5101:Lebensraum 4990:, fervent 4961:neo-Nazism 4929:Nazi Party 4916:), is the 4732:Yad Vashem 4637:Opposition 4609:Refuseniks 4560:Jewish hat 4533:Expulsions 4443:A. C. Cuza 4438:Horia Sima 4418:Rick Wiles 4368:David Lane 4328:Henry Ford 4313:David Duke 4288:Louis Beam 4236:Terrorgram 4231:Stormfront 4086:Mein Kampf 3951:Kosher tax 3939:Ć»ydokomuna 3877:Cohen Plan 3753:Creativity 3382:Nazi Party 3052:Pan-Turkic 3016:Neo-Nazism 2781:Argentine 2399:Blueshirts 2382:Iron Guard 2350:Nazi Party 2343:Squadrismo 2241:Mein Kampf 2224:Literature 2077:De Benoist 2067:D'Annunzio 2062:Chesterton 1974:Rodzaevsky 1914:von MarĂ©es 1849:BöszörmĂ©ny 1768:Syncretism 1758:Statolatry 1728:Propaganda 1671:Militarism 1567:Chauvinism 1526:Principles 1059:Mein Kampf 975:Literature 891:Ideologues 724:Syncretism 649:Aryan race 624:Propaganda 572:Militarism 553:Lebensraum 516:Geopolitik 442:Chauvinism 330:Neo-Nazism 171:Nazi Party 47:Neo-Nazism 32:Nazi Party 31749:Strongman 31642:Despotism 31618:Stalinism 31574:Francoism 31569:Chiangism 31524:Theocracy 31509:Oligarchy 31411:Autocracy 31390:forms of 31025:Leviathan 31005:Monarchia 30999:(c. 1274) 30834:Oakeshott 30779:Mansfield 30774:Luxemburg 30759:Kropotkin 30654:Bernstein 30607:centuries 30521:Nietzsche 30464:Jefferson 30392:Condorcet 30340:centuries 30319:Pufendorf 30184:Marsilius 30071:Confucius 30056:Aristotle 30049:Antiquity 29977:Noble lie 29897:Third Way 29892:Socialism 29817:Feudalism 29772:Communism 29752:Anarchism 29731:Theocracy 29716:Oligarchy 29696:Democracy 29681:Autocracy 29595:Pluralism 29580:Obedience 29545:Hierarchy 29505:Authority 29449:Venezuela 29264:Australia 29259:Argentina 29240:By region 29169:Expulsion 29029:Metapedia 29024:Jew Watch 28710:in Arabic 28476:Geography 28471:Economics 28344:Nordicism 28255:Garveyism 28188:Alt-right 28152:Francoism 28147:Chiangism 27680:Waffen-SS 27585:Rodobrana 27575:The Order 27570:New Guard 27505:Iron Wolf 27450:Frontbann 27373:Column 88 27305:terrorist 26938:Ahnenerbe 26706:Spearhead 26701:Siniristi 26676:Das Reich 26666:Der Pimpf 26651:PanzerbĂ€r 26641:Organiser 26631:Novopress 26596:Nash Put' 26236:Weinstein 26051:Linderman 25991:ĎurčanskĂœ 25795:MacDonald 25790:Lindbergh 25664:Wellesley 25654:Southgate 25639:Pankhurst 25578:Tyahnybok 25462:Bau Nolla 25426:Prokhanov 25411:Milchakov 25391:Kuryokhin 25366:Borovikov 25361:Barkashov 25356:AstroĆ­ski 25290:Bacaloglu 25285:Antonescu 25234:Hashimoto 25138:Mussolini 25123:Marinetti 25118:Malaparte 25073:Corradini 24937:Greenberg 24927:Goldstein 24840:Mukherjee 24825:Golwalkar 24769:Dragoumis 24733:Streicher 24703:Rosenberg 24633:Klintzsch 24513:Berchtold 24432:DĂ©roulĂšde 24366:Somersalo 24290:Kvaternik 24285:Kraljević 24280:Francetić 24156:Australia 23777:The Order 22951:New Order 22745:Verdinaso 22577:New Party 22003:Sakurakai 21968:Patrol 36 21748:Movements 21708:Uruguayan 21636:Romanian 21586:Hitlerism 21516:Japanese 21473:Hungarism 21461:Valoisism 21439:PĂ©tainism 21434:Doriotism 21424:Falangism 21397:Christian 21387:Brazilian 21382:Banderism 21325:Symbolism 21310:Economics 21120:Dirigisme 20863:Eva Braun 20732:Personal 20713:Paintings 20683:Bodyguard 20668:Sexuality 20525:Vorbunker 20486:residence 20388:in Arabic 19983:PanzerbĂ€r 19947:Das Reich 19381:Action T4 19351:Rosenberg 19331:Haushofer 19276:Streicher 19062:Nordicism 19007:New Order 18696:Anschluss 18492:Ahnenerbe 18426:NS-Archiv 18394:Hitlerism 17931:(2004) . 17804:(1987) . 17602:"Monarch" 17491:2 October 16754:149705789 16679:2 October 16636:Kritika: 16489:22 August 16222:, p. 167. 16189:, p. 79, 15747:154486694 15172:10 August 15086:14 August 14885:3 January 14412:7 October 14402:157869544 14234:, p. 46, 13989:cite book 13809:cite book 13785:Sources: 13655:club foot 13647:club foot 13485:66 in PDF 13454:(2012). " 13029:cite book 12936:0094-033X 12895:cite book 11548:and then 11538:Apartheid 11532:with the 11526:Max Weber 11507:12 August 11467:Edinburgh 11404:142173094 11294:203335127 11286:2174-9221 11170:162490363 11080:(1974) . 10931:help page 10083:14 August 9999:18 August 9714:cite book 9513:Bundestag 9190:following 9182:völkische 9015:epistemic 8996:plurality 8930:Nuremberg 8722:Red Front 8524:IG Farben 8422:into the 8344:Economics 8219:John 8:44 7872:racialist 7854:. In the 7810:morality. 7656:Nordicist 7592:Wehrmacht 7574:Action T4 7532:Australia 7496:Visigoths 7186:Lithuania 7017:Hitlerian 6986:völkische 6858:Europeans 6836:The book 6746:decadence 6738:decadence 6609:atheistic 6596:, German 6579:biologist 6554:far-right 6458:Palestine 6391:Nordicism 6377:socialism 6369:democracy 6340:mysticism 5947:(German: 5806:Stalinism 5705:Communist 5631:Reichstag 5593:Freikorps 5534:syncretic 5405:Sozialist 5338:Etymology 5314:. During 5236:Reichstag 5130:socialism 5122:socialism 5051:Freikorps 5016:Nordicism 4967:when the 4949:Hitlerism 4918:far-right 4293:Don Black 4226:StoneToss 4196:Metapedia 4191:Jew Watch 4081:The Light 3835:Secondary 3830:Religious 3741:Christian 3731:Alt-right 3708:Venezuela 3630:Stalinist 3605:Palestine 3503:Australia 3498:Argentina 3491:Geography 3447:Reference 3232:Alt-right 3133:Uruguayan 3061:Romanian 3011:Hitlerism 2946:Japanese 2903:Hungarism 2891:Valoisism 2869:PĂ©tainism 2864:Doriotism 2854:Francoism 2849:Falangism 2822:Christian 2817:Chiangism 2807:Brazilian 2802:Banderism 2192:Rosenberg 2152:Marinetti 2127:Haushofer 1929:Mussolini 1816:Symbolism 1801:Economics 1602:Dirigisme 1194:Symbolism 1179:Occultism 1154:Heathenry 1118:Christmas 1106:Ariosophy 953:Rosenberg 933:Haushofer 878:Streicher 664:Nordicism 609:New Order 298:Anschluss 97:Ahnenerbe 31946:Genocide 31787:Politics 31707:See also 31584:Putinism 31455:Military 31280:Centrism 30975:Politics 30965:Republic 30934:Voegelin 30914:Spengler 30899:Shariati 30874:Rothbard 30829:Nussbaum 30729:Habermas 30704:Fukuyama 30694:Foucault 30619:Ambedkar 30596:Voltaire 30566:de StaĂ«l 30541:Rousseau 30422:Franklin 30397:Constant 30357:Beccaria 30189:Muhammad 30169:Gelasius 30154:Averroes 30128:Xenophon 30108:Polybius 30061:Chanakya 29906:Concepts 29872:Populism 29842:Localism 29827:Islamism 29812:Feminism 29711:Monarchy 29615:Property 29605:Progress 29570:Monopoly 29540:Hegemony 29417:Pakistan 29351:Imperial 29128:Judensau 29085:Boycotts 29044:Redwatch 29034:Podblanc 28897:May Laws 28856:Judensau 28560:Timeline 28528:Three Ds 28511:Americas 28398:Category 28371:Trumpism 28339:Aryanism 28289:Morenazi 28203:Alt-tech 28193:Alt-lite 28176:Putinism 27784:NSDAP/AO 27550:Makapili 27525:Lăncieri 27480:Heimwehr 27338:The Base 27039:The Link 26977:Activist 26787:Erbkrank 26541:GĂąndirea 26521:Fashizmi 26290:Defiance 26226:Vikernes 26146:Quisling 26131:Planetta 26116:Piasecki 26081:MartĂ­nez 26016:Gustloff 25996:FrashĂ«ri 25981:Dollfuss 25971:Coughlin 25946:Carrasco 25855:Rockwell 25835:Patsalos 25785:LaRouche 25760:Invictus 25750:Heimbach 25583:Vitrenko 25533:Biletsky 25421:Prilepin 25386:Kaminski 25295:Codreanu 25269:Sasakawa 25254:Matsuoka 25188:Sarfatti 25173:Ridruejo 25158:Pavolini 25148:Panunzio 25143:Olivetti 25133:Morgagni 25108:Graziani 25093:Giuriati 25013:Badoglio 24932:Gopstein 24912:Ben-Gvir 24866:Forouhar 24850:Vajpayee 24845:Savarkar 24830:Hedgewar 24738:Terboven 24718:Skorzeny 24663:Niekisch 24618:Heydrich 24578:Goebbels 24508:Baeumler 24397:BardĂšche 24376:Varjonen 24361:Simojoki 24315:Servatzy 24229:Eriksson 24214:Degrelle 24209:Declercq 24173:Cottrell 23343:Format18 22956:Nipsters 22717:Stormers 22582:Nipsters 21730:UstaĆĄism 21581:Esoteric 21576:Austrian 21566:Mystical 21544:Kahanism 21483:Ilminism 21468:Hindutva 21409:Clerical 21377:Austrian 21347:Variants 21224:Populism 21192:Integral 21166:Machismo 21130:Eugenics 20976:Category 20901:(sister) 20877:(mother) 20871:(father) 20830:Downfall 20376:Prophecy 20371:Speeches 20331:Politics 19901:NSDAP/AO 19687:Category 19626:Glossary 19341:von List 19296:Baeumler 19231:Goebbels 19216:Heydrich 19196:Eichmann 19052:Aryanism 19017:Populism 18907:Eugenics 18796:Ideology 18759:Genocide 18308:(2006). 18286:(2008). 18268:(2003). 18247:(2010). 18191:(1989). 18169:(2005). 18090:(1993). 18051:(2006) 17891:(1990). 17854:(2005). 17826:(2003). 17782:(1981). 17756:(1970). 17714:Archived 17639:Archived 17578:Archived 17548:Archived 17514:Archived 17482:Archived 17363:Archived 17269:(2016). 17083:Archived 17019:Archived 16873:58452991 16851:(2005). 16835:45896166 16802:42462895 16758:Archived 16704:Archived 16483:Archived 16256:Archived 16238:(2006). 16073:Archived 15885:(1996). 15851:Archived 15786:(2006). 15632:21 April 15572:, p. 76. 15518:Archived 15488:Archived 15484:Die Zeit 15457:Archived 15427:Archived 15397:Archived 15367:Archived 15280:Archived 15269:Archived 15115:Archived 15080:Archived 15027:Archived 14996:Archived 14968:12 March 14962:Archived 14930:Archived 14926:23269669 14879:Archived 14825:Archived 14668:Archived 14604:Archived 14406:Archived 14102:Archived 13894:(2010). 13705:Archived 13572:Archived 13568:34705047 13534:subject. 13507:(1961). 13488:Archived 13460:Archived 13278:Archived 13243:Archived 13102:Archived 13073:, p. 31. 12948:Archived 12415:Archived 12355:Archived 12335:Archived 12242:(2005). 12140:"Nazism" 11501:Archived 11497:13333626 11316:policies 11298:Archived 11202:volkisch 11174:Archived 11056:Archived 10682:Fascists 10650:Archived 10594:(2013). 10509:, p. 72. 10488:, p. 74. 10375:Archived 10215:Archived 10192:Archived 10113:Archived 10077:Archived 9993:Archived 9961:Archived 9927:Archived 9861:(1996). 9838:Archived 9759:Archived 9659:Archived 9654:(2017). 9582:(2010) 9556:Archived 9546:"Nazism" 9527:27 March 9518:Archived 9436:(1998). 9308:See also 9243:—  9086:argued: 9069:society. 9064:argues: 9056:scholar 8893:commerce 8889:business 8865:and the 8785:and the 8674:pacifism 8628:and the 8489:Autobahn 8394:Autobahn 8238:Reformer 8083:Religion 7957:abortion 7835:völkisch 7740:Russians 7674:Oriental 7609:epilepsy 7586:völkisch 7562:eugenics 7560:through 7492:Lombards 7228:—  7197:—  6966:writes: 6862:Faustian 6822:swastika 6758:atomised 6623:subhuman 6598:botanist 6594:genetics 6562:völkisch 6450:völkisch 6438:bacillus 6422:völkisch 6413:völkisch 6395:eugenics 6383:'s work 6314:Germanic 6310:polarity 6231:populist 6168:völkisch 6164:völkisch 6159:völkisch 6137:völkisch 6106:Völkisch 6083:Völkisch 6035:völkisch 5986:Völkisch 5845:and its 5747:bohemian 5602:völkisch 5383:Ignatius 5379:Igna(t)z 5308:dictator 5142:equality 5040:Völkisch 5034:and the 5024:eugenics 4982:and the 4927:and the 4786:Category 4701:UN Watch 4571:Judensau 4528:Boycotts 4186:Groypers 3929:Judensau 3803:Neo-Nazi 3788:Medieval 3758:Economic 3726:Academic 3600:Pakistan 3473:Three Ds 3442:Timeline 3418:Part of 3395:a series 3393:Part of 3378:swastika 3267:Futurism 3183:Bulgaria 3155:UstaĆĄism 3006:Esoteric 3001:Austrian 2991:Mystical 2974:Kahanism 2913:Ilminism 2898:Hindutva 2834:Clerical 2797:Austrian 2771:Variants 2414:Stewards 2177:Panunzio 2172:Olivetti 2147:von List 2052:BardĂšche 2047:Baeumler 2004:Strasser 1944:Quisling 1884:Degrelle 1869:Codreanu 1718:Populism 1686:Integral 1660:Machismo 1642:Economic 1607:Eugenics 1501:a series 1499:Part of 1444:Category 1383:Glossary 1099:Religion 943:von List 898:Baeumler 833:Goebbels 818:Heydrich 798:Eichmann 654:Aryanism 619:Populism 509:Eugenics 401:Ideology 364:Genocide 31941:Fascism 31811:History 31799:Germany 31773:Portals 31744:Statism 31664:Fascism 31536:Tyranny 31416:Tsarist 31317:Statism 31230:Elitism 31188:Related 30989:(51 BC) 30919:Strauss 30894:Scruton 30889:Schmitt 30879:Russell 30799:Michels 30794:Maurras 30789:Marcuse 30749:Kautsky 30719:Gramsci 30714:Gentile 30684:Dworkin 30674:Du Bois 30669:Dmowski 30664:Chomsky 30659:Burnham 30644:Benoist 30614:Agamben 30581:Thoreau 30571:Stirner 30561:Spencer 30506:Mazzini 30496:Maistre 30491:Madison 30486:Le Play 30417:Fourier 30382:Carlyle 30362:Bentham 30352:Bastiat 30347:Bakunin 30324:Spinoza 30314:MĂŒntzer 30284:Leibniz 30257:Grotius 30237:Bossuet 30204:Plethon 30149:Aquinas 30118:Sun Tzu 30086:Mencius 30076:Han Fei 29847:Marxism 29807:Fascism 29640:Society 29565:Liberty 29550:Justice 29530:Freedom 29437:History 29373:Ukraine 29341:Romania 29326:Hungary 29316:Germany 29299:Belgium 29294:Austria 29149:Pogroms 28481:History 28466:Canards 28076: ( 27811:History 27726:Student 27702:Werwolf 27615:Sicarii 27545:Levente 27204:Levente 26772:Bengasi 26581:Limonka 26571:Kangura 26536:Fronten 26516:Fashist 26380:My Life 26221:Tsankov 26206:SzĂĄlasi 26176:Salgado 26151:RamĂ­rez 26111:Pfrimer 26106:Noreika 26086:McInnes 26061:Lugones 26026:Hamidov 25986:O'Duffy 25966:Clausen 25956:CelmiƆơ 25941:Caetano 25936:Bushati 25926:Bahçeli 25870:Spencer 25830:Nordean 25825:Mullins 25820:Minadeo 25805:Metzger 25775:Kessler 25735:Fuentes 25715:Dilling 25710:Collins 25680:Abascal 25659:Tyndall 25644:Pearson 25614:Griffin 25599:Beckett 25573:Stetsko 25563:Samchuk 25543:Gubarev 25538:Dontsov 25528:Bandera 25521:Ukraine 25401:Limonov 25330:Ogoranu 25310:Gigurtu 25300:Crainic 25278:Romania 25198:Spirito 25193:Soffici 25183:Rossoni 25128:Michels 25088:Gentile 25048:Boselli 25033:Bianchi 24993:Alfieri 24942:Ha'ivri 24922:Eliyahu 24907:Ben-Ari 24902:Ahimeir 24871:Kashani 24779:Koryzis 24748:Krosigk 24743:Thadden 24713:Schreck 24708:Schmitt 24678:Reitsch 24653:Maurice 24623:Himmler 24598:GĂŒnther 24593:Greiser 24568:Franz V 24558:Forster 24528:Brunner 24491:Germany 24467:Rebatet 24336:Isotalo 24331:Helanen 24324:Finland 24305:Pavičić 24300:Pavelić 24295:Luburić 24268:Croatia 24249:Severen 24234:Hermans 24197:Belgium 23881:Oceania 23578:Svoboda 23338:Falanga 23076:Falange 22156:Tƍhƍkai 21713:Marzism 21659:Russian 21620:Finnish 21608:Swedish 21596:Russian 21561:Latvian 21525:Statism 21505:Italian 21493:Islamic 21392:British 21209:New Man 21145:Heroism 21019:Fascism 20551:Werwolf 20505:Berghof 19778:History 19621:Economy 19588:Related 19580:Economy 19416:Germany 19414:Outside 19356:Schmitt 19241:Lammers 19221:Himmler 19191:Drexler 19181:Daluege 19176:Bormann 19002:New Man 18779:Pogroms 18764:Ghettos 18598:History 18414:at the 18403:at the 18008:3743556 17369:14 June 17300:(2000) 17207:Fascism 17182:Fascism 17106:Fascism 16069:2597802 15033:19 June 15002:19 June 14936:16 June 13529:9830111 12944:3115178 12373:(RSHA). 11304:2 March 11180:2 March 11062:7 March 10381:14 July 10210:(1927) 9627:(2013) 9223:Kaiser 9100:Proteus 8973:stated: 8809:egotism 8775:rentier 8618:Falange 8601:atheism 8208:messiah 8194:of the 8034:people 7903:Gestapo 7686:Judaism 7682:Khazars 7644:Dinaric 7568:or the 7468:Italics 7420:Central 7396:asocial 7394:" and " 7365:Negroes 7361:Gypsies 7350:In its 7160:of the 6887:Fascism 6798:Marxism 6491:Judaism 6475:Okhrana 5861:Origins 5786:rentier 5422:called 5387:Bavaria 5363:peasant 5219:Britain 5126:Marxist 4976:fascism 4901:German: 4880:-siz-əm 4592:Pogroms 4247:TruNews 4208:Red Ice 4181:GoyimTV 3892:Deicide 3845:Zionist 3820:Olympic 3778:Islamic 3696:History 3669:Ukraine 3610:Romania 3575:Hungary 3565:Germany 3533:Chilean 3528:Chinese 3518:Belgium 3513:Belarus 3508:Austria 3437:History 3252:F-scale 3212:Uruguay 3138:Marzism 3084:Russian 3045:Finnish 3033:Swedish 3021:Russian 2955:Statism 2935:Italian 2923:Islamic 2812:British 2719: ( 2535:History 2476:Ratniks 2355:Gestapo 2202:Spirito 2197:Schmitt 2157:Michels 2112:Gentile 2009:SzĂĄlasi 1994:Starace 1984:Salgado 1949:Pavelić 1939:O'Duffy 1874:Darnand 1703:New Man 1622:Heroism 1509:Fascism 1378:Economy 958:Schmitt 843:Lammers 823:Himmler 793:Drexler 783:Daluege 778:Bormann 604:New Man 384:Pogroms 369:Ghettos 203:History 31971:Racism 31911:Nazism 31819:Nazism 31686:Nazism 31623:Maoism 31589:Ziaism 31179:(1992) 31169:(1971) 31159:(1951) 31149:(1945) 31139:(1944) 31129:(1929) 31119:(1859) 31109:(1848) 31089:(1820) 31079:(1791) 31069:(1790) 31059:(1762) 31049:(1748) 31039:(1689) 31029:(1651) 31019:(1532) 31009:(1313) 30939:Walzer 30929:Taylor 30884:Sartre 30849:Popper 30844:Pareto 30839:Ortega 30824:Nozick 30814:Mouffe 30764:Laclau 30724:GuĂ©non 30709:Gandhi 30649:Berlin 30639:Bauman 30634:Badiou 30624:Arendt 30591:Tucker 30481:Le Bon 30442:Herder 30432:Haller 30427:Godwin 30412:Fichte 30407:Engels 30402:CortĂ©s 30372:Bonald 30329:SuĂĄrez 30304:Milton 30294:Luther 30267:Hobbes 30252:Filmer 30242:Calvin 30227:BoĂ©tie 30220:period 30199:Ockham 30066:Cicero 29867:Nazism 29655:Utopia 29630:Rights 29620:Regime 29590:People 29575:Nation 29427:Turkey 29402:Mexico 29368:Sweden 29356:Soviet 29346:Russia 29336:Norway 29321:Greece 29304:France 29289:Europe 29269:Canada 29105:Mellah 29052:(blog) 28862:Pogrom 28501:Nazism 28181:Ziaism 27849:Fascio 27844:Arditi 27789:ODESSA 27535:Lehava 27485:Hirden 27004:DeVlag 26853:Allach 26731:Vlajka 26726:Vairas 26696:Signal 26601:NĂĄstup 26556:Hamaas 26471:Arriba 26451:L'Alba 26441:Action 26390:OPROP! 26330:Hunter 26191:Ć eĆĄelj 26181:Sayigh 26171:Saadeh 26166:Rupnik 26101:Mohler 26096:Miklas 26076:Madero 26056:Ljotić 26031:Hlinka 26011:Gömbös 26006:Genoud 25931:Blythe 25916:Arcand 25895:Yockey 25880:Tarrio 25845:Pierce 25840:Pelley 25810:Miller 25745:Graves 25685:Anglin 25649:Ramsay 25619:Jordan 25482:Franco 25457:Arrese 25376:Dugina 25344:Russia 25259:Nonaka 25249:Kodama 25153:Papini 25103:Grandi 25053:Bottai 24998:Ambris 24988:Acerbo 24972:Yeivin 24957:Marzel 24952:Kahane 24947:Heruti 24895:Israel 24810:Advani 24762:Greece 24753:ZĂŒndel 24698:Rieger 24668:Ploetz 24658:MĂŒller 24643:KĂŒhnen 24628:Hitler 24608:Heiden 24583:Göring 24573:Gesche 24533:BĂŒhler 24518:Berger 24503:Andrae 24477:Valois 24462:PĂ©tain 24442:Doriot 24417:Bucard 24407:BĂ©raud 24392:Augier 24385:France 24351:Kosola 24346:Konkka 24341:Kalsta 24254:Streel 24244:Poulet 24239:Lagrou 24188:Saleam 24146:People 23607:Vlajka 23588:UstaĆĄe 23508:Pamyat 23378:Hosank 23046:CEDADE 22751:Vigrid 21758:Africa 21723:Sosism 21681:Techno 21632:Rexism 21571:Nazism 21539:Jewish 21498:Ziaism 21429:French 21414:Crypto 21298:Topics 21239:Racism 21031:Themes 20935:Blondi 20865:(wife) 20855:Family 20816:Moloch 20646:Health 20611:Munich 20601:Vienna 20495:FĂŒhrer 20426:Events 20417:Nazism 20339:FĂŒhrer 19820:Nazism 19770:(1945) 19748:Leader 19609:Cinema 19590:topics 19575:Cinema 19346:MĂŒller 19316:Eckart 19236:Göring 19226:Hitler 19186:Dönitz 19032:Racism 18985:Racial 18923:Heimat 18532:NSDStB 18474:Nazism 18401:Nazism 18354:  18335:  18316:  18294:  18276:  18255:  18236:  18218:  18199:  18177:  18155:  18136:  18117:  18098:  18076:  18061:  18038:  18021:22 May 18006:  17966:  17942:  17918:  17899:  17868:  17840:  17812:  17790:  17768:  17706:  17666:Newser 17645:6 July 17554:6 July 17355:  17308:  17281:  17213:  17188:  17163:  17112:  17075:  17048:  17011:  17004:Hitler 16984:  16871:  16861:  16833:  16823:  16800:  16790:  16767:8 July 16752:  16710:8 June 16446:  16415:  16248:  16193:  16067:  15893:  15794:  15755:895247 15753:  15745:  15568:  15551:  15121:21 May 15072:  14924:  14804:  14771:  14722:  14697:  14641:  14581:  14400:  14238:  14041:  14016:  13977:  13952:  13902:  13846:  13797:  13617:  13566:  13556:  13527:  13517:  13471:  13405:  13363:  13332:  13235:  13017:  12996:  12976:  12942:  12934:  12883:  12692:  12314:  12283:  12250:  12219:  12194:  12169:  11962:  11849:  11495:  11485:  11402:  11392:  11374:London 11328:. 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National socialist
Nazi Party
National Socialism (disambiguation)
Nazi (disambiguation)
Political views of Adolf Hitler

Geheime Staatspolizei
Deutsches Jungvolk
Hitler Youth
League of German Girls
Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte
Nazi Party
Early timeline
National Socialist Program
Hitler's rise to power
German rearmament
Nazi Germany
Religion in Nazi Germany

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