
Moment of inertia

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24959: 21300: 24954:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left({\begin{bmatrix}0&-\Delta r_{3,i}&\Delta r_{2,i}\\\Delta r_{3,i}&0&-\Delta r_{1,i}\\-\Delta r_{2,i}&\Delta r_{1,i}&0\end{bmatrix}}\left({\begin{bmatrix}0&-\Delta r_{3,i}&\Delta r_{2,i}\\\Delta r_{3,i}&0&-\Delta r_{1,i}\\-\Delta r_{2,i}&\Delta r_{1,i}&0\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}u_{1}\\u_{2}\\u_{3}\end{bmatrix}}\right)\right)\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product as matrix multiplication}}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left({\begin{bmatrix}0&-\Delta r_{3,i}&\Delta r_{2,i}\\\Delta r_{3,i}&0&-\Delta r_{1,i}\\-\Delta r_{2,i}&\Delta r_{1,i}&0\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}-\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{2}+\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{3}\\+\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{1}-\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{3}\\-\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{1}+\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{2}\end{bmatrix}}\right)\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}{\begin{bmatrix}-\Delta r_{3,i}(+\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{1}-\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{3})+\Delta r_{2,i}(-\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{1}+\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{2})\\+\Delta r_{3,i}(-\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{2}+\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{3})-\Delta r_{1,i}(-\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{1}+\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{2})\\-\Delta r_{2,i}(-\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{2}+\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{3})+\Delta r_{1,i}(+\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{1}-\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{3})\end{bmatrix}}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}{\begin{bmatrix}-\Delta r_{3,i}^{2}\,u_{1}+\Delta r_{1,i}\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{3}-\Delta r_{2,i}^{2}\,u_{1}+\Delta r_{1,i}\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{2}\\-\Delta r_{3,i}^{2}\,u_{2}+\Delta r_{2,i}\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{3}+\Delta r_{2,i}\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{1}-\Delta r_{1,i}^{2}\,u_{2}\\+\Delta r_{3,i}\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{2}-\Delta r_{2,i}^{2}\,u_{3}+\Delta r_{3,i}\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{1}-\Delta r_{1,i}^{2}\,u_{3}\end{bmatrix}}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}{\begin{bmatrix}-(\Delta r_{2,i}^{2}+\Delta r_{3,i}^{2})\,u_{1}+\Delta r_{1,i}\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{2}+\Delta r_{1,i}\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{3}\\+\Delta r_{2,i}\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{1}-(\Delta r_{1,i}^{2}+\Delta r_{3,i}^{2})\,u_{2}+\Delta r_{2,i}\Delta r_{3,i}\,u_{3}\\+\Delta r_{3,i}\Delta r_{1,i}\,u_{1}+\Delta r_{3,i}\Delta r_{2,i}\,u_{2}-(\Delta r_{1,i}^{2}+\Delta r_{2,i}^{2})\,u_{3}\end{bmatrix}}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}{\begin{bmatrix}-(\Delta r_{2,i}^{2}+\Delta r_{3,i}^{2})&\Delta r_{1,i}\Delta r_{2,i}&\Delta r_{1,i}\Delta r_{3,i}\\\Delta r_{2,i}\Delta r_{1,i}&-(\Delta r_{1,i}^{2}+\Delta r_{3,i}^{2})&\Delta r_{2,i}\Delta r_{3,i}\\\Delta r_{3,i}\Delta r_{1,i}&\Delta r_{3,i}\Delta r_{2,i}&-(\Delta r_{1,i}^{2}+\Delta r_{2,i}^{2})\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}u_{1}\\u_{2}\\u_{3}\end{bmatrix}}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}^{2}\mathbf {u} \\-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}&=\left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}^{2}\right)\mathbf {u} \;\ldots \;\mathbf {u} {\text{ is not characteristic of }}P_{i}\end{aligned}}} 17185: 16240: 17180:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}0&=\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times (({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})+({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\times (\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times {\boldsymbol {\omega }})\\&=\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times (({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})+({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\times -({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product anticommutativity}}\\&=\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times (({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})+-\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product scalar multiplication}}\\&=\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times (({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})+-\;\ldots {\text{ self cross-product}}\\0&=\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times (({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\end{aligned}}} 34574: 33291: 18170: 21271: 34569:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}I_{xy}=I_{yx}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ \sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}y_{k},\\I_{xz}=I_{zx}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ \sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}z_{k},\\I_{yz}=I_{zy}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ \sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}y_{k}z_{k},\\\mathbf {I} ={\begin{bmatrix}I_{11}&I_{12}&I_{13}\\I_{21}&I_{22}&I_{23}\\I_{31}&I_{32}&I_{33}\end{bmatrix}}&={\begin{bmatrix}I_{xx}&-I_{xy}&-I_{xz}\\-I_{yx}&I_{yy}&-I_{yz}\\-I_{zx}&-I_{zy}&I_{zz}\end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(y_{k}^{2}+z_{k}^{2}\right)&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}y_{k}&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}z_{k}\\-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}y_{k}&\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(x_{k}^{2}+z_{k}^{2}\right)&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}y_{k}z_{k}\\-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}z_{k}&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}y_{k}z_{k}&\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(x_{k}^{2}+y_{k}^{2}\right)\end{bmatrix}}.\end{aligned}}} 7648:: When a body moves parallel to a ground plane, the trajectories of all the points in the body lie in planes parallel to this ground plane. This means that any rotation that the body undergoes must be around an axis perpendicular to this plane. Planar movement is often presented as projected onto this ground plane so that the axis of rotation appears as a point. In this case, the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the body are scalars and the fact that they are vectors along the rotation axis is ignored. This is usually preferred for introductions to the topic. But in the case of moment of inertia, the combination of mass and geometry benefits from the geometric properties of the cross product. For this reason, in this section on planar movement the angular velocity and accelerations of the body are vectors perpendicular to the ground plane, and the cross product operations are the same as used for the study of spatial rigid body movement. 29440: 14020: 17196: 19301: 28878: 13333: 18165:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))&=-\\&=-\;\ldots {\text{ vector triple product}}\\&=-\;\ldots {\text{ scalar triple product}}\\&=-\;\ldots {\text{ self cross-product}}\\&=-\\&=-\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product scalar multiplication}}\\&={\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times -(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\cdot \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product scalar multiplication}}\\\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times ({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}))&={\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times -(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\cdot {\boldsymbol {\omega }}))\;\ldots {\text{ dot-product commutativity}}\\\end{aligned}}} 21266:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product distributivity over addition}}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product scalar multiplication}}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ self cross-product}}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ vector triple product}}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product anticommutativity}}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product scalar multiplication}}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}+-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ summation distributivity}}\\{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times -\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots \;{\boldsymbol {\omega }}{\text{ is not characteristic of particle }}P_{i}\end{aligned}}} 33155: 29435:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}&\left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\cdot \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\\={}&\left(\left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\times \mathbf {\hat {k}} \right)\cdot \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\\={}&\left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\cdot \left(-\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \mathbf {\hat {k}} \right)\\={}&-\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \left(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \mathbf {\hat {k}} \right)\\={}&-\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \left^{2}\mathbf {\hat {k}} .\end{aligned}}} 14015:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}E_{\text{K}}&={\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left(\left{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\right)\cdot \left(\left{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\right)\right)+{\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\right)\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\cdot \mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\\&={\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}^{\mathsf {T}}\left^{\mathsf {T}}\left{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\right)\right)+{\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\right)\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\cdot \mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\\&={\frac {1}{2}}{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\cdot \left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left^{2}\right){\boldsymbol {\omega }}+{\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\right)\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\cdot \mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }.\end{aligned}}} 9039: 32265: 858: 8477: 19297: 33150:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} ={\begin{bmatrix}I_{11}&I_{12}&I_{13}\\I_{21}&I_{22}&I_{23}\\I_{31}&I_{32}&I_{33}\end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}I_{xx}&I_{xy}&I_{xz}\\I_{yx}&I_{yy}&I_{yz}\\I_{zx}&I_{zy}&I_{zz}\end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(y_{k}^{2}+z_{k}^{2}\right)&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}y_{k}&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}z_{k}\\-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}y_{k}&\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(x_{k}^{2}+z_{k}^{2}\right)&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}y_{k}z_{k}\\-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}z_{k}&-\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}y_{k}z_{k}&\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(x_{k}^{2}+y_{k}^{2}\right)\end{bmatrix}}.} 18177: 12001: 35496: 7638: 9034:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}E_{\text{K}}&={\frac {1}{2}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\mathbf {v} _{i}\cdot \mathbf {v} _{i},\\&={\frac {1}{2}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left(\omega \,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}+\mathbf {V} \right)\cdot \left(\omega \,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}+\mathbf {V} \right),\\&={\frac {1}{2}}\omega ^{2}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}^{2}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}\cdot \mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}\right)+\omega \mathbf {V} \cdot \left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}\right)+{\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\right)\mathbf {V} \cdot \mathbf {V} .\end{aligned}}} 936: 11611: 29936: 13219: 8056: 47: 35125: 7302: 28812: 19292:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}-\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\cdot {\boldsymbol {\omega }})\}]\;\ldots \;{\boldsymbol {\omega }}(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\cdot \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})-{\boldsymbol {\omega }}(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\cdot \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})=0\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}-{\boldsymbol {\omega }}(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\cdot \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i})\}]\;\ldots {\text{ addition associativity}}\\\end{aligned}}} 10594: 1254: 28521: 29518: 12892: 3964: 25351: 2479: 7659: 2032: 1242: 5970: 28528: 2692: 11996:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {L} &=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \mathbf {v} _{i}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {R} }\right)\\&=\left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \left(\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times {\boldsymbol {\omega }}\right)\right)+\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {R} }\right),\end{aligned}}} 4976: 10224: 15676: 10217: 35491:{\displaystyle I=mr^{2}=m\left(\mathbf {x} -\left(\mathbf {x} \cdot \mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)\mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)\cdot \left(\mathbf {x} -\left(\mathbf {x} \cdot \mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)\mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)=m\left(\mathbf {x} ^{2}-2\mathbf {x} \left(\mathbf {x} \cdot \mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)\mathbf {\hat {n}} +\left(\mathbf {x} \cdot \mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)^{2}\mathbf {\hat {n}} ^{2}\right)=m\left(\mathbf {x} ^{2}-\left(\mathbf {x} \cdot \mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)^{2}\right).} 28201: 7633:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}&={\frac {\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}}{\Delta r_{i}}},\quad \mathbf {\hat {k}} ={\frac {\boldsymbol {\omega }}{\omega }},\quad \mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}=\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i},\\\mathbf {v} _{i}&={\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+\mathbf {V} =\omega \mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}+\mathbf {V} =\omega \,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}+\mathbf {V} \end{aligned}}} 31127: 6650: 24966: 2263: 35725: 1820: 12829: 871: 8467: 916: 29931:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}I_{L}&=\sum _{i=1}^{N}m_{i}\left|\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}^{\perp }\right|^{2}\\&=-\sum _{i=1}^{N}m_{i}\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \left^{2}\mathbf {\hat {k}} =\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \left(-\sum _{i=1}^{N}m_{i}\left^{2}\right)\mathbf {\hat {k}} \\&=\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }\mathbf {\hat {k}} =\mathbf {\hat {k}} ^{\mathsf {T}}\mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }\mathbf {\hat {k}} ,\end{aligned}}} 13214:{\displaystyle E_{\text{K}}={\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\cdot \left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)+\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\cdot \left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)+{\frac {1}{2}}\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\cdot \mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\right).} 5354: 15152: 31526: 9948: 8051:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {L} &=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \mathbf {v} _{i}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}\times \left(\omega \,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}+\mathbf {V} \right)\\&=\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}^{2}\right)\omega \mathbf {\hat {k}} +\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}\right)\times \mathbf {V} .\end{aligned}}} 37127: 15133: 28807:{\displaystyle \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\cdot \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\equiv \left(\left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\times \mathbf {\hat {k}} \right)\cdot \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right),} 30727: 10589:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}\times \left(\alpha \Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}-\omega ^{2}\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}+\mathbf {A} \right)\\&=\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}^{2}\right)\alpha \mathbf {\hat {k}} +\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}\right)\times \mathbf {A} ,\end{aligned}}} 7053: 6224: 35509: 12586: 28516:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\left|\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}^{\perp }\right|^{2}&=\left(-\left^{2}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\cdot \left(-\left^{2}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\\&=\left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\cdot \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)\end{aligned}}} 27116: 1257: 1256: 1261: 1260: 1255: 27763: 9232: 5078: 1262: 25346:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times -\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times (\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times {\boldsymbol {\omega }})]\\&=\left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}^{2}\right){\boldsymbol {\alpha }}+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}^{2}\right){\boldsymbol {\omega }}\end{aligned}}} 14621: 2474:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {L} &=\mathbf {r} \times \mathbf {p} =\mathbf {r} \times \left(m{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \mathbf {r} \right)\\&=m\left(\left(\mathbf {r} \cdot \mathbf {r} \right){\boldsymbol {\omega }}-\left(\mathbf {r} \cdot {\boldsymbol {\omega }}\right)\mathbf {r} \right)\\&=mr^{2}{\boldsymbol {\omega }}=I\omega \mathbf {\hat {k}} ,\end{aligned}}} 31138: 2027:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\mathbf {r} \times \mathbf {F} =\mathbf {r} \times (m{\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\times \mathbf {r} )\\&=m\left(\left(\mathbf {r} \cdot \mathbf {r} \right){\boldsymbol {\alpha }}-\left(\mathbf {r} \cdot {\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\right)\mathbf {r} \right)\\&=mr^{2}{\boldsymbol {\alpha }}=I\alpha \mathbf {\hat {k}} ,\end{aligned}}} 14971: 36035: 945: 4399: 11560: 6882: 1259: 15671:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}(\mathbf {r_{i}} -\mathbf {R} )\times (m_{i}\mathbf {a} _{i})\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times (m_{i}\mathbf {a} _{i})\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\;\ldots {\text{ cross-product scalar multiplication}}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\\end{aligned}}} 10212:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {A} _{i}&=\alpha \mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}-\omega \mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \omega \mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}+\mathbf {A} \\&=\alpha \Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}-\omega ^{2}\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}+\mathbf {A} .\end{aligned}}} 28164: 26891: 31122:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}I_{xx}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ \sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(y_{k}^{2}+z_{k}^{2}\right),\\I_{yy}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ \sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(x_{k}^{2}+z_{k}^{2}\right),\\I_{zz}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ \sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(x_{k}^{2}+y_{k}^{2}\right),\end{aligned}}} 37900: 14964: 27586: 9501: 6645:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}I_{C,{\text{sphere}}}&=\int _{-R}^{R}{\tfrac {1}{2}}\pi \rho r(z)^{4}\,dz=\int _{-R}^{R}{\tfrac {1}{2}}\pi \rho \left(R^{2}-z^{2}\right)^{2}\,dz\\&={\tfrac {1}{2}}\pi \rho \left_{-R}^{R}\\&=\pi \rho \left(1-{\tfrac {2}{3}}+{\tfrac {1}{5}}\right)R^{5}\\&={\tfrac {2}{5}}mR^{2},\end{aligned}}} 14477: 35720:{\displaystyle I=m\left(\mathbf {x} ^{\textsf {T}}\mathbf {x} -\mathbf {\hat {n}} ^{\textsf {T}}\mathbf {x} \mathbf {x} ^{\textsf {T}}\mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)=m\cdot \mathbf {\hat {n}} ^{\textsf {T}}\left(\mathbf {x} ^{\textsf {T}}\mathbf {x} \cdot \mathbf {E_{3}} -\mathbf {x} \mathbf {x} ^{\textsf {T}}\right)\mathbf {\hat {n}} ,} 16229: 26391: 12824:{\displaystyle E_{\text{K}}={\frac {1}{2}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\mathbf {v} _{i}\cdot \mathbf {v} _{i}={\frac {1}{2}}\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\right)\cdot \left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }\right),} 9752: 8251: 35748: 5722: 25431: 14127: 4157: 11361: 5349:{\displaystyle I_{C,{\text{rod}}}=\iiint _{Q}\rho \,x^{2}\,dV=\int _{-{\frac {\ell }{2}}}^{\frac {\ell }{2}}\rho \,x^{2}s\,dx=\left.\rho s{\frac {x^{3}}{3}}\right|_{-{\frac {\ell }{2}}}^{\frac {\ell }{2}}={\frac {\rho s}{3}}\left({\frac {\ell ^{3}}{8}}+{\frac {\ell ^{3}}{8}}\right)={\frac {m\ell ^{2}}{12}},} 1092:(inertia) plays in linear kinetics—both characterize the resistance of a body to changes in its motion. The moment of inertia depends on how mass is distributed around an axis of rotation, and will vary depending on the chosen axis. For a point-like mass, the moment of inertia about some axis is given by 37534: 31521:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}I_{xy}=I_{yx}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ -\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}y_{k},\\I_{xz}=I_{zx}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ -\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}x_{k}z_{k},\\I_{yz}=I_{zy}\ &{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ -\sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}y_{k}z_{k}.\end{aligned}}} 30408: 5976:
As one more example, consider the moment of inertia of a solid sphere of constant density about an axis through its center of mass. This is determined by summing the moments of inertia of the thin discs that can form the sphere whose centers are along the axis chosen for consideration. If the surface
is the perpendicular distance to the specified axis. To see how moment of inertia arises in the study of the movement of an extended body, it is convenient to consider a rigid assembly of point masses. (This equation can be used for axes that are not principal axes provided that it is understood that
is used in a machine to resist variations in applied torque to smooth its rotational output. The moment of inertia of an airplane about its longitudinal, horizontal and vertical axes determine how steering forces on the control surfaces of its wings, elevators and rudder(s) affect the plane's motions
is the mass. For an extended rigid body, the moment of inertia is just the sum of all the small pieces of mass multiplied by the square of their distances from the axis in rotation. For an extended body of a regular shape and uniform density, this summation sometimes produces a simple expression that
27994: 10883:
The scalar moments of inertia appear as elements in a matrix when a system of particles is assembled into a rigid body that moves in three-dimensional space. This inertia matrix appears in the calculation of the angular momentum, kinetic energy and resultant torque of the rigid system of particles.
For a given amount of angular momentum, a decrease in the moment of inertia results in an increase in the angular velocity. Figure skaters can change their moment of inertia by pulling in their arms. Thus, the angular velocity achieved by a skater with outstretched arms results in a greater angular
for a rigid body as a physical parameter that combines its shape and mass. There is an interesting difference in the way moment of inertia appears in planar and spatial movement. Planar movement has a single scalar that defines the moment of inertia, while for spatial movement the same calculations
There are some CAD and CAE applications such as SolidWorks, Unigraphics NX/Siemens NX and MSC Adams that use an alternate convention for the products of inertia. According to this convention, the minus sign is removed from the product of inertia formulas and instead inserted in the inertia matrix:
Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum: Ex primis nostrae cognitionis principiis stabilita et ad omnes motus, qui in huiusmodi corpora cadere possunt, accommodata [The theory of motion of solid or rigid bodies: established from first principles of our knowledge and appropriate for all
15128:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times \left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\right)+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \left(\left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)=0,} 1197:
The natural frequency of oscillation of a compound pendulum is obtained from the ratio of the torque imposed by gravity on the mass of the pendulum to the resistance to acceleration defined by the moment of inertia. Comparison of this natural frequency to that of a simple pendulum consisting of a
6710: 3466: 36352:
The use of the inertia matrix in Newton's second law assumes its components are computed relative to axes parallel to the inertial frame and not relative to a body-fixed reference frame. This means that as the body moves the components of the inertia matrix change with time. In contrast, the
30220: 31790: 12286: 2613: 37780: 14771: 9343: 7048:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}&=\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {R} ,\\\mathbf {v} _{i}&={\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \left(\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {R} \right)+\mathbf {V} ={\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+\mathbf {V} ,\end{aligned}}} 15762: 26058: 5932: 36868: 9657: 8088: 14288: 1556:
Mathematically, the moment of inertia of a simple pendulum is the ratio of the torque due to gravity about the pivot of a pendulum to its angular acceleration about that pivot point. For a simple pendulum this is found to be the product of the mass of the particle
27111:{\displaystyle I_{L}=\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \left(-\sum _{i=1}^{N}m_{i}\left^{2}\right)\mathbf {\hat {k}} =\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }\mathbf {\hat {k}} =\mathbf {\hat {k}} ^{\mathsf {T}}\mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }\mathbf {\hat {k}} ,} 32038: 9186: 37637: 5528: 36574: 11174: 27758:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}^{\perp }=\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}-\left(\mathbf {\hat {k}} \cdot \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\right)\mathbf {\hat {k}} =\left(\mathbf {E} -\mathbf {\hat {k}} \mathbf {\hat {k}} ^{\mathsf {T}}\right)\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i},} 25359: 14027: 36756: 35091: 1258: 14616:{\displaystyle \mathbf {a} _{i}={\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\times \left(\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {R} \right)+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \left({\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \left(\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {R} \right)\right)+\mathbf {A} _{\mathbf {R} }.} 37369: 30227: 4986:
constructed from a thin disc mounted at the end of a thin rod that oscillates around a pivot at the other end of the rod, begins with the calculation of the moment of inertia of the thin rod and thin disc about their respective centers of mass.
36030:{\displaystyle I=m{\begin{bmatrix}n_{1}&n_{2}&n_{3}\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}y^{2}+z^{2}&-xy&-xz\\-yx&x^{2}+z^{2}&-yz\\-zx&-zy&x^{2}+y^{2}\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}n_{1}\\n_{2}\\n_{3}\end{bmatrix}}.} 26051: 25775: 21305: 3334: 30071: 31656: 12160: 3037: 2487: 10735: 9943: 7297: 3188: 4518:
The moment of inertia of a continuous body rotating about a specified axis is calculated in the same way, except with infinitely many point particles. Thus the limits of summation are removed, and the sum is written as follows:
4394:{\displaystyle E_{\text{K}}=\sum _{i=1}^{N}{\frac {1}{2}}\,m_{i}\mathbf {v} _{i}\cdot \mathbf {v} _{i}=\sum _{i=1}^{N}{\frac {1}{2}}\,m_{i}\left(\omega r_{i}\right)^{2}={\frac {1}{2}}\,\omega ^{2}\sum _{i=1}^{N}m_{i}r_{i}^{2}.} 36343: 11555:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {b} \times \mathbf {y} &\equiv \left\mathbf {y} \\\left&\equiv {\begin{bmatrix}0&-b_{z}&b_{y}\\b_{z}&0&-b_{x}\\-b_{y}&b_{x}&0\end{bmatrix}}.\end{aligned}}} 3490:. A trifilar pendulum is a platform supported by three wires designed to oscillate in torsion around its vertical centroidal axis. The period of oscillation of the trifilar pendulum yields the moment of inertia of the system. 10662: 4514:
Thus, moment of inertia is a physical property that combines the mass and distribution of the particles around the rotation axis. Notice that rotation about different axes of the same body yield different moments of inertia.
3948: 38144:(Definition 7. 422. A body's moment of inertia with respect to any axis is the sum of all of the products, which arise, if the individual elements of the body are multiplied by the square of their distances from the axis.) 37268: 30626: 10874: 32217: 26572: 4678: 30008:
is a convenient way to summarize all moments of inertia of an object with one quantity. It may be calculated with respect to any point in space, although for practical purposes the center of mass is most commonly used.
25680: 12418: 5792: 6229: 3261: 2707:
is a body formed from an assembly of particles of continuous shape that rotates rigidly around a pivot. Its moment of inertia is the sum of the moments of inertia of each of the particles that it is composed of. The
27989: 8413: 2889:
is the distance from the pivot point to the center of mass of the object. Measuring this frequency of oscillation over small angular displacements provides an effective way of measuring moment of inertia of a body.
In that situation this moment of inertia only describes how a torque applied along that axis causes a rotation about that axis. But, torques not aligned along a principal axis will also cause rotations about other
38001: 32116: 28159:{\displaystyle -\left^{2}\equiv \left|\mathbf {\hat {k}} \right|^{2}\left(\mathbf {E} -\mathbf {\hat {k}} \mathbf {\hat {k}} ^{\mathsf {T}}\right)=\mathbf {E} -\mathbf {\hat {k}} \mathbf {\hat {k}} ^{\mathsf {T}},} 2232: 1782: 36761: 33296: 27260: 12884: 12155: 11102: 1674: 27835: 1010:
to the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia of a rigid composite system is the sum of the moments of inertia of its component subsystems (all taken about the same axis). Its simplest definition is the second
14189: 37100:
which usually correspond approximately to rotations about the three principal axes. If the vehicle has bilateral symmetry then one of the principal axes will correspond exactly to the transverse (pitch) axis.
8356: 27493: 2827: 1266:
Video of rotating chair experiment, illustrating moment of inertia. When the spinning professor pulls his arms, his moment of inertia decreases; to conserve angular momentum, his angular velocity increases.
34931: 30000:
For the same object, different axes of rotation will have different moments of inertia about those axes. In general, the moments of inertia are not equal unless the object is symmetric about all axes. The
13290: 31901: 31896: 9097: 38142:"Definitio 7. 422. Momentum inertiae corporis respectu eujuspiam axis est summa omnium productorum, quae oriuntur, si singula corporis elementa per quadrata distantiarum suarum ab axe multiplicentur." 34812: 34697: 2699:
apparatus, from 1897 scientific journal. The portable gravimeter developed in 1890 by Thomas C. Mendenhall provided the most accurate relative measurements of the local gravitational field of the Earth.
37895:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} ^{\mathsf {T}}{\boldsymbol {\Lambda }}\mathbf {x} =\|\mathbf {x} \|^{2}\mathbf {n} ^{\mathsf {T}}{\boldsymbol {\Lambda }}\mathbf {n} =\|\mathbf {x} \|^{2}I_{\mathbf {n} }=1.} 37539: 14959:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=\left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left^{2}\right){\boldsymbol {\alpha }}+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left^{2}\right){\boldsymbol {\omega }}} 37702: 36504: 11107: 212: 36695: 36455: 14766: 9496:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {F} &=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\mathbf {A} _{i},\\{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}\times m_{i}\mathbf {A} _{i},\end{aligned}}} 4510: 37360: 37081:, the rigid body is a symmetric top. If a rigid body has at least two symmetry axes that are not parallel or perpendicular to each other, it is a spherical top, for example, a cube or any other 31143: 30732: 29523: 28883: 28206: 24971: 19306: 18182: 17201: 16245: 15767: 15157: 13338: 11616: 11366: 10229: 9953: 9348: 8482: 8093: 7664: 7307: 6887: 2268: 1825: 995:
does in linear motion. A body's moment of inertia about a particular axis depends both on the mass and its distribution relative to the axis, increasing with mass & distance from the axis.
6197: 3675: 31822: 16224:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\\{\boldsymbol {\tau }}&=\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\end{aligned}}} 11356: 36634: 36395: 36202: 26386:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }=-\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}^{2}\right)+\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\right)+\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\right)-\left(\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\right)^{2}.} 15713: 4582: 14428: 6699: 3844: 3787: 3732: 1815: 26772: 9747:{\displaystyle \mathbf {A} _{i}={\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times {\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+\mathbf {A} .} 8246:{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}&=\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {C} ,\\\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}\mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}&=0,\end{aligned}}} 37218: 36690: 34937:
Next, one calculates the eigenvectors for the two matrices. The matrix whose eigenvectors are parallel to the principal axes corresponds to the inertia convention that has been used.
6044: 28844: 27552: 25846: 25709: 14472: 14450: 11196: 9819: 9652: 9630: 8470:
This 1906 rotary shear uses the moment of inertia of two flywheels to store kinetic energy which when released is used to cut metal stock (International Library of Technology, 1906).
7075: 6713:
The cylinders with higher moment of inertia roll down a slope with a smaller acceleration, as more of their potential energy needs to be converted into the rotational kinetic energy.
2254: 2089: 1744: 1323: 35019: 3309: 129: 35120: 35014: 29513: 28873: 28193: 27864: 27581: 27414: 26864: 9783: 6754:. The definition of the polar moment of inertia can be obtained by considering momentum, kinetic energy and Newton's laws for the planar movement of a rigid system of particles. 6748: 5523: 2063: 31653:
These quantities can be generalized to an object with distributed mass, described by a mass density function, in a similar fashion to the scalar moment of inertia. One then has
27334: 12523: 10967: 9312: 6826: 2740: 38793:"A demonstration of the theorem that every homogeneous quadratic polynomial is reducible by real orthogonal substitutions to the form of a sum of positive and negative squares" 5764: 2936: 37753: 36080: 29965: 27363: 27145: 26422: 25550: 25460: 14317: 14156: 12581: 12552: 12315: 12030: 11225: 11025: 10996: 10819: 9870: 9530: 9217: 9092: 8444: 8282: 7224: 7173: 6877: 3486:
The moment of inertia of a complex system such as a vehicle or airplane around its vertical axis can be measured by suspending the system from three points to form a trifilar
236: 9785:
perpendicular to the plane of movement, which simplifies this acceleration equation. In this case, the acceleration vectors can be simplified by introducing the unit vectors
1392: 3118: 12055: 5717:{\displaystyle I_{C,{\text{disc}}}=\iiint _{Q}\rho \,r^{2}\,dV=\int _{0}^{2\pi }\int _{0}^{R}\rho r^{2}sr\,dr\,d\theta =2\pi \rho s{\frac {R^{4}}{4}}={\frac {1}{2}}mR^{2},} 5386: 37946: 37924: 37775: 37724: 37661: 36892: 36668: 36598: 36499: 36477: 36417: 36283: 36106: 34985: 32062: 30715: 30685: 29987: 29484: 27785: 27436: 27385: 27167: 26886: 26638: 26616: 26594: 26494: 26444: 25841: 25819: 25797: 25704: 25572: 25518: 25496: 21295: 15757: 15735: 14645: 14397: 12440: 11606: 11584: 11247: 11047: 10790: 9841: 9608: 9586: 9338: 9063: 8083: 7195: 7144: 7119: 7097: 6848: 4763: 3502:. These calculations are commonly used in civil engineering for structural design of beams and columns. Cross-sectional areas calculated for vertical moment of the x-axis 2111: 1718: 1696: 26687: 25426:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=\mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }{\boldsymbol {\alpha }}+{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }{\boldsymbol {\omega }},} 14720: 14122:{\displaystyle E_{\text{K}}={\frac {1}{2}}{\boldsymbol {\omega }}\cdot \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }{\boldsymbol {\omega }}+{\frac {1}{2}}M\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {C} }^{2}.} 39557: 37108:, which basically means adjusting the distribution of mass of a car wheel such that its principal axis of inertia is aligned with the axle so the wheel does not wobble. 36292: 5954:
is the length of the pendulum. Notice that the parallel axis theorem is used to shift the moment of inertia from the center of mass to the pivot point of the pendulum.
1634: 1527: 1450: 37223: 36249: 15737:
is either at rest or moving at a constant velocity but not accelerated, or the origin of the fixed (world) coordinate reference system is placed at the center of mass
10824: 3269:, which provides the "tick" and "tock" of a grandfather clock, takes one second to swing from side-to-side. This is a period of two seconds, or a natural frequency of 2651: 2190: 2147: 32154: 4801: 4741: 3470:
Notice that the distance to the center of oscillation of the seconds pendulum must be adjusted to accommodate different values for the local acceleration of gravity.
37079: 33277: 33247: 32149: 31608: 31558: 26717: 4431: 4032: 3560: 3530: 2681: 1120: 36973: 36946: 36919: 30653: 30062: 27924: 27520: 26835: 26502: 25476:
The inertia matrix of a body depends on the choice of the reference point. There is a useful relationship between the inertia matrix relative to the center of mass
14375: 14344: 11289: 10762: 9564: 5453: 5053: 5033: 4703: 4593: 4130: 4103: 2767: 37529:{\displaystyle \left({\frac {x}{1/{\sqrt {I_{1}}}}}\right)^{2}+\left({\frac {y}{1/{\sqrt {I_{2}}}}}\right)^{2}+\left({\frac {z}{1/{\sqrt {I_{3}}}}}\right)^{2}=1,} 2913:
so that it swings freely in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the desired moment of inertia, then measure its natural frequency or period of oscillation (
25577: 12320: 37188: 37168: 37148: 37043: 36222: 34963: 33217: 33197: 33177: 32257: 32237: 31648: 31628: 31578: 30513: 30493: 30473: 30453: 30433: 30403:{\displaystyle I_{ij}\ {\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{=}}\ \sum _{k=1}^{N}m_{k}\left(\left\|\mathbf {r} _{k}\right\|^{2}\delta _{ij}-x_{i}^{(k)}x_{j}^{(k)}\right)} 30035: 29462: 27884: 27283: 14176: 12472: 10916: 9261: 6775: 6219: 6106: 6086: 6066: 5952: 5787: 5477: 5433: 5413: 5073: 5013: 4959: 4939: 4915: 4895: 4871: 4841: 4821: 4150: 4076: 4052: 3590: 3329: 3193: 3113: 3085: 3057: 2931: 2911: 2887: 2867: 2847: 1595: 1575: 1160: 1140: 38949: 27205: 26800: 26472: 13328: 12100: 10667: 9875: 7229: 4843:. The moment of inertia of a flat surface is similar with the mass density being replaced by its areal mass density with the integral evaluated over its area. 39647: 8363: 4853:
of a beam's cross-section are often confused. The moment of inertia of a body with the shape of the cross-section is the second moment of this area about the
37951: 32067: 11052: 1328:
If the angular momentum of a system is constant, then as the moment of inertia gets smaller, the angular velocity must increase. This occurs when spinning
is how mass combines with the shape of a body to define rotational inertia. The moment of inertia of an arbitrarily shaped body is the sum of the values
10601: 8287: 3851: 3461:{\displaystyle L={\frac {g}{\omega _{\text{n}}^{2}}}\approx {\frac {9.81\ \mathrm {m/s^{2}} }{(3.14\ \mathrm {rad/s} )^{2}}}\approx 0.99\ \mathrm {m} .} 30520: 32042:
The inertia tensor can be used in the same way as the inertia matrix to compute the scalar moment of inertia about an arbitrary axis in the direction
2772: 37022:(although it need not be spherical) and any axis can be considered a principal axis, meaning that the moment of inertia is the same about any axis. 30215:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} ={\begin{bmatrix}I_{11}&I_{12}&I_{13}\\I_{21}&I_{22}&I_{23}\\I_{31}&I_{32}&I_{33}\end{bmatrix}}.} 31785:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} =\iiint _{V}\rho (x,y,z)\left(\|\mathbf {r} \|^{2}\mathbf {E} _{3}-\mathbf {r} \otimes \mathbf {r} \right)\,dx\,dy\,dz,} 26719:
that appears in planar movement. However, to make this to work out correctly a minus sign is needed. This minus sign can be absorbed into the term
12281:{\displaystyle \mathbf {L} =\left(-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left^{2}\right){\boldsymbol {\omega }}=\mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }{\boldsymbol {\omega }},} 2608:{\displaystyle E_{\text{K}}={\frac {1}{2}}m\mathbf {v} \cdot \mathbf {v} ={\frac {1}{2}}\left(mr^{2}\right)\omega ^{2}={\frac {1}{2}}I\omega ^{2}.} 37018:
and there is no unique choice for the two corresponding principal axes. If all three principal moments are the same, the rigid body is called a
formulas for standard body shapes provides a way to obtain the moment of inertia of a complex body as an assembly of simpler shaped bodies. The
38457: 14186:
The inertia matrix appears in the application of Newton's second law to a rigid assembly of particles. The resultant torque on this system is,
38284: 27929: 5769:
The moment of inertia of the compound pendulum is now obtained by adding the moment of inertia of the rod and the disc around the pivot point
2199: 1749: 902: 36422: 29992:
This shows that the inertia matrix can be used to calculate the moment of inertia of a body around any specified rotation axis in the body.
27210: 26646:: By using the skew symmetric matrix of position vectors relative to the reference point, the inertia matrix of each particle has the form 12834: 12105: 1641: 38314: 27790: 4436: 38394: 37273: 3997: 1073:) is proportional to the moment of inertia of the body. Moments of inertia may be expressed in units of kilogram metre squared (kg·m) in 491: 1465:
This simple formula generalizes to define moment of inertia for an arbitrarily shaped body as the sum of all the elemental point masses
38942: 27441: 10892: 6111: 610: 36108:
be the displacement vector of the body. The inertia tensor of the translated body respect to its original center of mass is given by:
6828:, are assembled into a rigid body, then the momentum of the system can be written in terms of positions relative to a reference point 36111: 37111: 34820: 5927:{\displaystyle I_{P}=I_{C,{\text{rod}}}+M_{\text{rod}}\left({\frac {L}{2}}\right)^{2}+I_{C,{\text{disc}}}+M_{\text{disc}}(L+R)^{2},} 40318: 13226: 4522: 583: 38706: 31852: 953:
To improve their maneuverability, combat aircraft are designed to minimize moments of inertia, while civil aircraft often are not.
Gracey, William, The experimental determination of the moments of inertia of airplanes by a simplified compound-pendulum method,
For multiple particles, we need only recall that the moment of inertia is additive in order to see that this formula is correct.
34710: 34586: 1746:, of the string and mass around this axis. Since the mass is constrained to a circle the tangential acceleration of the mass is 38051: 37666: 37006:
is used in the names of types of rigid bodies. When all principal moments of inertia are distinct, the principal axes through
36863:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\Lambda }}={\begin{bmatrix}I_{1}&0&0\\0&I_{2}&0\\0&0&I_{3}\end{bmatrix}}.} 8458:
velocity when the arms are pulled in, because of the reduced moment of inertia. A figure skater is not, however, a rigid body.
168: 40467: 9756:
For systems that are constrained to planar movement, the angular velocity and angular acceleration vectors are directed along
5980: 38935: 38872: 38133: 38069: 1292: 14725: 14283:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left(\mathbf {r_{i}} -\mathbf {R} \right)\times m_{i}\mathbf {a} _{i},} 1490:
can be defined, dependent on a particular axis of rotation, with such a value that its moment of inertia around the axis is
This defines the relative position vector and the velocity vector for the rigid system of the particles moving in a plane.
Spinning figure skaters can reduce their moment of inertia by pulling in their arms, allowing them to spin faster due to
565: 32262:
The components of tensors of degree two can be assembled into a matrix. For the inertia tensor this matrix is given by,
Similarly, the kinetic energy of the pendulum mass is defined by the velocity of the pendulum around the pivot to yield
40502: 40181: 38690: 38638: 38587: 38501: 38324: 38294: 37025:
The principal axes are often aligned with the object's symmetry axes. If a rigid body has an axis of symmetry of order
3614: 999: 17: 31797: 11294: 1022:
For bodies constrained to rotate in a plane, only their moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the plane, a
39961: 38845: 38731: 38551: 38526: 38234: 38206: 38178: 37726:
is a unit vector. Then the relationship presented above, between the inertia matrix and the scalar moment of inertia
The moment of inertia matrix in body-frame coordinates is a quadratic form that defines a surface in the body called
36603: 36364: 32033:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} =\iiint _{V}\rho (\mathbf {r} )^{\textsf {T}}\,dV=-\iiint _{Q}\rho (\mathbf {r} )^{2}\,dV} 9181:{\displaystyle E_{\text{K}}={\frac {1}{2}}I_{\mathbf {C} }\omega ^{2}+{\frac {1}{2}}M\mathbf {V} \cdot \mathbf {V} .} 3967:
Four objects with identical masses and radii racing down a plane while rolling without slipping. From back to front:
1365: 895: 36644:
Measured in the body frame, the inertia matrix is a constant real symmetric matrix. A real symmetric matrix has the
4152:, which is the nearest point on the axis of rotation. It is the sum of the kinetic energy of the individual masses, 40383: 39683: 39658: 39619: 37632:{\displaystyle a={\frac {1}{\sqrt {I_{1}}}},\quad b={\frac {1}{\sqrt {I_{2}}}},\quad c={\frac {1}{\sqrt {I_{3}}}}.} 36048: 15681: 1246: 36569:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }=\mathbf {A} \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }^{B}\mathbf {A} ^{\mathsf {T}}.} 11169:{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} _{i}={\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}+\mathbf {V} _{\mathbf {R} }} 6721:
is constrained to move parallel to a fixed plane, then the rotation of a body in the system occurs around an axis
857: 31847: 28814:
where the dot and the cross products have been interchanged. Exchanging products, and simplifying by noting that
14402: 11258: 3794: 3737: 3682: 231: 6750:
parallel to this plane. In this case, the moment of inertia of the mass in this system is a scalar known as the
6655: 1787: 40612: 38467: 38437: 38404: 36751:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }^{B}=\mathbf {Q} {\boldsymbol {\Lambda }}\mathbf {Q} ^{\mathsf {T}},} 36645: 35086:{\displaystyle \left|\mathbf {x} -\left(\mathbf {x} \cdot \mathbf {\hat {n}} \right)\mathbf {\hat {n}} \right|} 27889:
To relate this scalar moment of inertia to the inertia matrix of the body, introduce the skew-symmetric matrix
26722: 8446:
about an axis perpendicular to the movement of the rigid system and through the center of mass is known as the
1600: 1493: 1416: 1234:
is defined as the product of mass of section and the square of the distance between the reference axis and the
486: 226: 37201: 36673: 40234: 40166: 38961: 36984: 28817: 27525: 14455: 14433: 11179: 9788: 9635: 9613: 7058: 4765:
is a vector perpendicular to the axis of rotation and extending from a point on the rotation axis to a point
is a compound pendulum that uses this property to measure the local acceleration of gravity, and is called a
2237: 2072: 1727: 1082: 3272: 101: 40259: 6201:
Therefore, the moment of inertia of the sphere is the sum of the moments of inertia of the discs along the
1344: 888: 875: 636: 559: 481: 324: 26446:. And the last term is the total mass of the system multiplied by the square of the skew-symmetric matrix 40497: 35096: 34990: 29489: 28849: 28169: 27840: 27557: 27390: 26840: 12420:
is the symmetric inertia matrix of the rigid system of particles measured relative to the center of mass
9759: 6724: 5482: 2039: 555: 356: 38603: 27288: 26424:
relative to the center of mass. The second and third terms are zero by definition of the center of mass
12477: 10921: 9266: 6780: 2718: 1191: 334: 40308: 40128: 38913:
An introductory lesson on moment of inertia: keeping a vertical pole not falling down (Java simulation)
38016: 37220:
be the inertia matrix relative to the center of mass aligned with the principal axes, then the surface
in the inertial frame. Then, the inertia matrix of the body measured in the inertial frame is given by
5959: 5727: 4970: 1638:
This can be shown as follows: The force of gravity on the mass of a simple pendulum generates a torque
1546: 775: 664: 590: 450: 383: 135: 37729: 36056: 34699:
without knowing which inertia convention that has been used, it can be determined if one also has the
29941: 27339: 27121: 26398: 25526: 25436: 14293: 14132: 12557: 12528: 12291: 12006: 11201: 11001: 10972: 10795: 9846: 9506: 9193: 9068: 8420: 8258: 7200: 7149: 6853: 5966:
is used to shift the reference point of the individual bodies to the reference point of the assembly.
Thus, to determine the moment of inertia of the body, simply suspend it from a convenient pivot point
40627: 39980: 39590: 39395: 39249: 36397:, and define the orientation of the body frame relative to the inertial frame by the rotation matrix 36286: 32124:
is taken with the corresponding elements in the component tensors. A product of inertia term such as
2066: 1170:
introduced this parameter in his study of the oscillation of a body hanging from a pivot, known as a
use the moment of inertia of a long rod for balance as they walk the rope. Samuel Dixon crossing the
529: 38759:
L. W. Tsai, Robot Analysis: The mechanics of serial and parallel manipulators, John-Wiley, NY, 1999.
single point of mass provides a mathematical formulation for moment of inertia of an extended body.
40564: 40482: 40436: 40143: 39362: 38031: 12035: 5359: 1214:
yield a 3 × 3 matrix of moments of inertia, called the inertia matrix or inertia tensor.
value, matters. For bodies free to rotate in three dimensions, their moments can be described by a
805: 649: 38125: 38095: 37929: 37907: 37758: 37707: 37644: 36875: 36651: 36581: 36482: 36460: 36400: 36266: 36089: 34968: 32045: 30698: 30660: 29970: 29467: 27768: 27419: 27387:
as a reference point and compute the moment of inertia around a line L defined by the unit vector
27368: 27150: 26869: 26621: 26599: 26577: 26477: 26427: 25824: 25802: 25780: 25687: 25555: 25501: 25479: 21278: 15740: 15718: 14628: 14380: 12423: 11589: 11567: 11230: 11030: 10773: 9824: 9591: 9569: 9321: 9046: 8066: 7178: 7127: 7102: 7080: 6831: 4746: 2094: 1701: 1679: 935: 40534: 40221: 40138: 40108: 39373: 38917: 38837: 37115: 34703:. With the principal axes method, one makes inertia matrices from the following two assumptions: 26649: 14650: 755: 519: 39533: 39433: 38429: 26046:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}^{2}=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}^{2}.} 25770:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} =(\mathbf {R} -\mathbf {C} )+\mathbf {C} =\mathbf {d} +\mathbf {C} ,} 11564:
The inertia matrix is constructed by considering the angular momentum, with the reference point
on the engine. The large moment of inertia of the flywheel smooths the operation of the tractor.
A simple pendulum that has the same natural frequency as a compound pendulum defines the length
1479:. An arbitrary object's moment of inertia thus depends on the spatial distribution of its mass. 795: 40492: 40348: 40303: 38459:
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 1: Mechanics, Oscillations and Waves, Thermodynamics
37195: 36980: 7656:
The angular momentum vector for the planar movement of a rigid system of particles is given by
about a perpendicular axis through its center of mass is determined by integration. Align the
4683: 2065:
is a unit vector perpendicular to the plane of the pendulum. (The second to last step uses the
1042: 1007: 800: 617: 38922: 38897: 36234: 2620: 2159: 2116: 1290: 40617: 40574: 40529: 40009: 39954: 39508: 39378: 39116: 25471: 10888: 5963: 4850: 4768: 4708: 3499: 3088: 1363: 810: 785: 471: 289: 46: 31: 38680: 37058: 33252: 33222: 32127: 31583: 31533: 26692: 4406: 4007: 3572:) are the linear measures, except for circles, which are effectively half-breadth derived, 3535: 3505: 2656: 1095: 40549: 40477: 40363: 40229: 40191: 40123: 39830: 39755: 39383: 39155: 38918:
Tutorial on finding moments of inertia, with problems and solutions on various basic shapes
38061: 37097: 36951: 36924: 36897: 30631: 30040: 27892: 27498: 26813: 14353: 14322: 11264: 10740: 9542: 5438: 5075:-axis with the rod and locate the origin its center of mass at the center of the rod, then 5038: 5018: 4873:-axis perpendicular to the cross-section, weighted by its density. This is also called the 4688: 4108: 4081: 3092: 2745: 1721: 1355: 1329: 1066: 988: 830: 790: 698: 694: 686: 676: 466: 459: 215: 38616: 3996:
The time for each object to reach the finishing line depends on their moment of inertia. (
3032:{\displaystyle I_{P}={\frac {mgr}{\omega _{\text{n}}^{2}}}={\frac {mgrt^{2}}{4\pi ^{2}}},} 825: 8: 40426: 40249: 40239: 40088: 40073: 40029: 39561: 39290: 39238: 38958: 10730:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}\times \mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}=\mathbf {\hat {k}} } 9938:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}=\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}} 7292:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {t}} _{i}=\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}} 5456: 3471: 1337: 1241: 1210: 605: 546: 524: 269: 264: 259: 159: 38118: 38089: 5455:
about an axis through its center and perpendicular to its face (parallel to its axis of
40559: 40416: 40269: 40083: 40019: 38422: 38341: 38167: 37173: 37153: 37133: 37028: 36289:
that represents a body's rotation. The inertia tensor of the rotated body is given by:
36207: 34948: 33202: 33182: 33162: 32242: 32222: 31633: 31613: 31563: 30498: 30478: 30458: 30438: 30418: 30020: 29447: 27869: 27268: 14161: 12457: 10901: 10792:
as the reference point and define the moment of inertia relative to the center of mass
9246: 6760: 6204: 6091: 6071: 6051: 5937: 5772: 5462: 5418: 5398: 5058: 4998: 4944: 4924: 4900: 4880: 4856: 4826: 4806: 4135: 4061: 4037: 3575: 3314: 3183:{\displaystyle \omega _{\text{n}}={\sqrt {\frac {g}{L}}}={\sqrt {\frac {mgr}{I_{P}}}},} 3098: 3070: 3042: 2916: 2896: 2872: 2852: 2832: 1580: 1560: 1534: 1167: 1145: 1125: 735: 476: 351: 319: 279: 37104:
A practical example of this mathematical phenomenon is the routine automotive task of
27172: 26777: 26449: 13295: 12067: 40622: 40554: 40323: 40298: 40113: 40024: 40004: 39580: 39334: 39093: 38902: 38868: 38841: 38727: 38686: 38634: 38583: 38547: 38522: 38497: 38463: 38433: 38400: 38320: 38290: 38230: 38202: 38174: 38129: 38065: 38026: 6718: 4921:
are calculated using the second moment of the cross-sectional area around either the
4587: 3963: 2712: 2704: 1171: 745: 702: 659: 654: 595: 361: 254: 33159:
It is common in rigid body mechanics to use notation that explicitly identifies the
The kinetic energy of a rigid system of particles can be formulated in terms of the
40569: 40244: 40211: 40196: 40078: 39947: 39667: 39637: 39603: 39322: 39278: 39233: 38807: 38770: 38057: 37089: 36338:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} =\mathbf {R} \mathbf {I_{0}} \mathbf {R} ^{\textsf {T}}} 30718: 26837:, of a body about a specified axis whose direction is specified by the unit vector 9065:
of the system so the second term becomes zero, and introduce the moment of inertia
8451: 4918: 3266: 2257: 2193: 1282: 1275: 1202: 1070: 1062: 1027: 1023: 1016: 1012: 919: 840: 820: 765: 760: 706: 681: 536: 394: 339: 314: 38792: 10657:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}\times \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}=\mathbf {0} } 8474:
The kinetic energy of a rigid system of particles moving in the plane is given by
For planar movement the angular velocity vector is directed along the unit vector
3943:{\displaystyle I_{xx}=I_{yy}={\frac {1}{4}}{\pi }r^{4}={\frac {1}{64}}{\pi }d^{4}} 3059:
is the period (duration) of oscillation (usually averaged over multiple periods).
2691: 54:
have large moments of inertia to smooth out changes in rates of rotational motion.
40597: 40539: 40487: 40431: 40411: 40313: 40201: 40068: 40039: 39912: 39872: 38862: 37263:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} ^{\mathsf {T}}{\boldsymbol {\Lambda }}\mathbf {x} =1,} 37047: 35737: 31836: 30688: 30621:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} _{k}=\left(x_{1}^{(k)},x_{2}^{(k)},x_{3}^{(k)}\right)} 17190: 16234: 15136: 10869:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=I_{\mathbf {C} }\alpha \mathbf {\hat {k}} .} 9315: 5969: 1398: 1035: 835: 780: 730: 725: 644: 27:
Scalar measure of the rotational inertia with respect to a fixed axis of rotation
39675: 39611: 36987:. The principal axis with the highest moment of inertia is sometimes called the 32212:{\displaystyle I_{12}=\mathbf {e} _{1}\cdot \mathbf {I} \cdot \mathbf {e} _{2},} 25552:
obtained for a rigid system of particles measured relative to a reference point
13292:, the second term in this equation is zero. Introduce the skew-symmetric matrix 1698:
is the distance vector from the torque axis to the pendulum center of mass, and
If the shape of the body does not change, then its moment of inertia appears in
40579: 40544: 40441: 40274: 40264: 40254: 40176: 40148: 40133: 40118: 40034: 39856: 39820: 39745: 39526: 39413: 39303: 39204: 38927: 38011: 37082: 37007: 36083: 12451: 12058: 10768: 8061: 4975: 1333: 1206: 1183: 1078: 1003: 862: 770: 671: 388: 40524: 38811: 36353:
components of the inertia matrix measured in a body-fixed frame are constant.
is the moment of inertia matrix of the system relative to the reference point
is the identity matrix, so as to avoid confusion with the inertia matrix, and
is the moment of inertia matrix of the system relative to the reference point
26567:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }=\mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }-M^{2},} 11261:
by combining the first operand and the operator into a skew-symmetric matrix,
4673:{\displaystyle I_{P}=\iiint _{Q}\rho (x,y,z)\left\|\mathbf {r} \right\|^{2}dV} 40606: 40516: 40421: 40333: 40206: 39730: 39598: 39312: 38021: 36252: 31825: 15140: 11027:
relative to a fixed reference frame. For a (possibly moving) reference point
1046: 923: 750: 577: 38747: 36361:
Let the body frame inertia matrix relative to the center of mass be denoted
The simplification of this equation uses the triple scalar product identity
which is perpendicular to the plane of movement. Introduce the unit vectors
This shows that the moment of inertia of the body is the sum of each of the
40584: 40388: 40373: 40338: 40186: 40171: 39805: 39791: 39691: 39627: 39352: 39135: 39046: 38912: 37105: 36999: 36894:
define the directions of the principal axes of the body, and the constants
25675:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {R} }=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left^{2}.} 12413:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }=-\sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\left^{2},} 3311:
for the pendulum. In this case, the distance to the center of oscillation,
815: 740: 429: 309: 10878: 3256:{\displaystyle L={\frac {g}{\omega _{\text{n}}^{2}}}={\frac {I_{P}}{mr}}.} 1676:
around the axis perpendicular to the plane of the pendulum movement. Here
40472: 40446: 40368: 40057: 39996: 39173: 38907: 38681:
Ferdinand P. Beer; E. Russell Johnston, Jr.; Phillip J. Cornwell (2010).
32121: 12454:
and a matrix of mass moments of inertia of the system. Let the system of
to see that the semi-principal diameters of this ellipsoid are given by
as asymmetric, symmetric, or spherical tops, and the structure of their
35975: 35816: 33808: 33675: 32411: 32282: 27984:{\displaystyle \left\mathbf {y} =\mathbf {\hat {k}} \times \mathbf {y} } 25356:
Thus, the resultant torque on the rigid system of particles is given by
of a rigid body yields the formula for the acceleration of the particle
of a rigid body yields the formula for the acceleration of the particle
8408:{\displaystyle \mathbf {L} =I_{\mathbf {C} }\omega \mathbf {\hat {k}} .} 40353: 37996:{\displaystyle \|\mathbf {x} \|={\frac {1}{\sqrt {I_{\mathbf {n} }}}}.} 34578: 32111:{\displaystyle I_{n}=\mathbf {n} \cdot \mathbf {I} \cdot \mathbf {n} ,} 18174:
The final result can then be substituted to the main proof as follows:
14347: 10737:
is the unit vector perpendicular to the plane for all of the particles
9536: 8466: 4004:
The moment of inertia about an axis of a body is calculated by summing
3475: 2696: 2227:{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} ={\boldsymbol {\omega }}\times \mathbf {r} } 1777:{\displaystyle \mathbf {a} ={\boldsymbol {\alpha }}\times \mathbf {r} } 980: 915: 600: 274: 38368: 37663:
on this ellipsoid be defined in terms of its magnitude and direction,
33982: 32567: 14024:
Thus, the kinetic energy of the rigid system of particles is given by
is defined relative to a rotational axis. It is the ratio between the
40328: 40279: 39266: 39193: 39181: 37363: 37126: 35501: 27255:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}=\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {R} } 12886:
is the position vector of a particle relative to the center of mass.
12879:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}=\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {C} } 12150:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}=\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {C} } 11097:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}=\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {R} } 2709: 2260:
of the mass about the pivot point. This angular momentum is given by
1669:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\tau }}=\mathbf {r} \times \mathbf {F} } 1454:
Thus, the moment of inertia of the pendulum depends on both the mass
622: 38898:
Angular momentum and rigid-body rotation in two and three dimensions
37014:. If two principal moments are the same, the rigid body is called a 27830:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} \mathbf {\hat {k}} ^{\mathsf {T}}} 40358: 40343: 39570: 39469: 39223: 39082: 39036: 24963:
Finally, the result is used to complete the main proof as follows:
9236: 6709: 3487: 1235: 1218: 541: 424: 399: 51: 38124:(in Latin). Rostock and Greifswald (Germany): A. F. Röse. p.  11259:
cross product can be equivalently written as matrix multiplication
8351:{\displaystyle I_{\mathbf {C} }=\sum _{i}m_{i}\,\Delta r_{i}^{2},} 40052: 40014: 39896: 37093: 27488:{\displaystyle \mathbf {L} (t)=\mathbf {R} +t\mathbf {\hat {k}} } 9610:
of the reference particle as well as the angular velocity vector
of a body and its geometry, or shape, as defined by the distance
The moment of inertia plays the role in rotational kinetics that
the moment of inertia is simply the mass times the square of the
514: 367: 284: 72: 30:
For the quantity also known as the "area moment of inertia", see
Uicker, John J.; Pennock, Gordon R.; Shigley, Joseph E. (2010).
as the reference point, and introduce the skew-symmetric matrix
with respect to the orthogonal distance from an axis (or pole).
and define the moment of inertia relative to the center of mass
2822:{\displaystyle \omega _{\text{n}}={\sqrt {\frac {mgr}{I_{P}}}},} 1720:
is the net force on the mass. Associated with this torque is an
about that axis. It plays the same role in rotational motion as
40378: 39970: 39810: 39779: 39735: 39713: 39167: 39066: 39031: 36347: 30065: 30004: 14430:
of the reference point, as well as the angular velocity vector
5479:-axis with the axis of the disc and define a volume element as 4803:
in the solid, and the integration is evaluated over the volume
1348: 1163:
depends on the dimensions, shape and total mass of the object.
1058: 984: 573: 419: 329: 38923:
Notes on mechanics of manipulation: the angular inertia tensor
34926:{\displaystyle (I_{12}=-I_{xy},I_{13}=-I_{xz},I_{23}=-I_{yz})} 39844: 39769: 39703: 39307: 39213: 39208: 39145: 39120: 13285:{\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^{n}m_{i}\Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}=0} 9231: 3091:
of the compound pendulum. This point also corresponds to the
1401:, this definition yields a formula for the moment of inertia 1179: 1038:
and torques around the axes act independently of each other.
409: 404: 346: 38286:
Introduction to Understandable Physics: Volume I - Mechanics
from the axis of rotation passing through the origin in the
31891:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} =\mathbf {r} \times \mathbf {x} } 4849:: The moment of inertia of a body moving in a plane and the 2196:
of a simple pendulum, which is calculated from the velocity
each multiplied by the square of its perpendicular distance
39926: 39886: 39459: 39125: 39056: 39021: 38903:
Lecture notes on rigid-body rotation and moments of inertia
Analysis and Design of Elastic Beams: Computational Methods
38633:(7 ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. pp. 192–196. 34807:{\displaystyle (I_{12}=I_{xy},I_{13}=I_{xz},I_{23}=I_{yz})} 34692:{\displaystyle (I_{xx},I_{yy},I_{zz},I_{xy},I_{xz},I_{yz})} 32219:
and can be interpreted as the moment of inertia around the
10821:, then the equation for the resultant torque simplifies to 5196: 2742:) of a compound pendulum depends on its moment of inertia, 1089: 992: 414: 377: 39939: 37055:
about the given axis, that axis is a principal axis. When
27495:. The perpendicular vector from this line to the particle 15759:. And distributing the cross product over the sum, we get 37697:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} =\|\mathbf {x} \|\mathbf {n} } 35743:
This leads to a tensor formula for the moment of inertia
25520:. This relationship is called the parallel axis theorem. 14158:
is the inertia matrix relative to the center of mass and
3594: 207:{\displaystyle {\textbf {F}}={\frac {d\mathbf {p} }{dt}}} 40598:
Easy to use and Free Moment of Inertia Calculator online
Halliday, David; Resnick, Robert; Walker, Jearl (2005).
An ellipsoid with the semi-principal diameters labelled
is the outer product matrix formed from the unit vector
944: 37010:
are uniquely specified and the rigid body is called an
is a region of space completely containing the object.
from the point about which the tensor is calculated and
Motion in space of a rigid body, and the inertia matrix
1074: 36778: 36450:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} =\mathbf {A} \mathbf {y} ,} 35766: 34940: 31580:-axis when the objects are rotated around the x-axis, 30088: 27207:
is the skew symmetric matrix obtained from the vector
26805: 25462:
is the inertia matrix relative to the center of mass.
24625: 24181: 23588: 22980: 22348: 22077: 21909: 21787: 21619: 21446: 14761:{\displaystyle (\mathbf {r} _{i}-\mathbf {C} )\times } 11436: 6658: 6611: 6574: 6559: 6491: 6456: 6416: 6341: 6276: 39536: 38516: 37954: 37932: 37910: 37783: 37761: 37732: 37710: 37669: 37647: 37542: 37372: 37276: 37226: 37204: 37176: 37156: 37136: 37061: 37031: 37002:
is an example of a rotating rigid body, and the word
36954: 36927: 36900: 36878: 36764: 36698: 36676: 36654: 36606: 36584: 36507: 36485: 36463: 36425: 36403: 36367: 36295: 36269: 36237: 36210: 36114: 36092: 36059: 35751: 35512: 35128: 35122:
is unit vector. The moment of inertia on the axis is
35099: 35022: 34993: 34971: 34951: 34823: 34713: 34589: 33294: 33255: 33225: 33205: 33185: 33165: 32268: 32245: 32225: 32157: 32130: 32070: 32048: 31904: 31855: 31846:
Alternatively it can also be written in terms of the
31800: 31659: 31636: 31616: 31586: 31566: 31536: 31141: 30730: 30724:
The diagonal elements are more succinctly written as
30701: 30663: 30634: 30523: 30501: 30481: 30461: 30441: 30421: 30230: 30074: 30043: 30023: 29973: 29944: 29521: 29492: 29470: 29450: 28881: 28852: 28820: 28531: 28204: 28198:
The magnitude squared of the perpendicular vector is
28172: 27997: 27932: 27895: 27872: 27843: 27793: 27771: 27589: 27560: 27528: 27501: 27444: 27422: 27393: 27371: 27342: 27291: 27271: 27213: 27175: 27153: 27124: 26894: 26872: 26843: 26816: 26780: 26774:, if desired, by using the skew-symmetry property of 26725: 26695: 26652: 26624: 26602: 26580: 26505: 26480: 26452: 26430: 26401: 26061: 25849: 25827: 25805: 25783: 25712: 25690: 25580: 25558: 25529: 25504: 25482: 25439: 25362: 24969: 21303: 21281: 19304: 18180: 17199: 16243: 15765: 15743: 15721: 15684: 15155: 14974: 14774: 14728: 14653: 14631: 14480: 14458: 14436: 14405: 14383: 14356: 14325: 14296: 14192: 14164: 14135: 14030: 13336: 13298: 13229: 12895: 12837: 12589: 12560: 12531: 12480: 12460: 12426: 12323: 12294: 12163: 12108: 12070: 12038: 12009: 11614: 11592: 11570: 11364: 11297: 11267: 11233: 11204: 11182: 11110: 11055: 11033: 11004: 10975: 10924: 10904: 10827: 10798: 10776: 10743: 10670: 10604: 10227: 9951: 9878: 9849: 9827: 9791: 9762: 9660: 9638: 9616: 9594: 9572: 9545: 9509: 9346: 9324: 9269: 9249: 9196: 9100: 9071: 9049: 8480: 8423: 8366: 8360:
then the equation for angular momentum simplifies to
8290: 8261: 8091: 8069: 7662: 7305: 7232: 7203: 7181: 7152: 7130: 7105: 7083: 7061: 6885: 6856: 6834: 6783: 6763: 6727: 6227: 6207: 6114: 6094: 6074: 6054: 5983: 5940: 5795: 5775: 5730: 5531: 5485: 5465: 5441: 5421: 5401: 5362: 5081: 5061: 5041: 5021: 5001: 4947: 4927: 4903: 4883: 4859: 4829: 4809: 4771: 4749: 4711: 4691: 4596: 4525: 4439: 4409: 4160: 4138: 4111: 4084: 4064: 4055:
this does not fully describe the moment of inertia.)
4040: 4010: 3854: 3797: 3740: 3685: 3617: 3578: 3538: 3508: 3337: 3317: 3275: 3196: 3121: 3101: 3073: 3045: 2939: 2919: 2899: 2875: 2855: 2835: 2775: 2748: 2721: 2659: 2623: 2490: 2481:
using a similar derivation to the previous equation.
2266: 2240: 2202: 2162: 2119: 2097: 2075: 2042: 1823: 1790: 1752: 1730: 1704: 1682: 1644: 1603: 1583: 1563: 1496: 1419: 1368: 1295: 1148: 1128: 1098: 171: 104: 38577: 37366:
in the body frame. Write this equation in the form,
in the body fixed coordinate frame have coordinates
Determine inertia convention (Principal axes method)
This is derived as follows. Let a rigid assembly of
4505:{\displaystyle I_{P}=\sum _{i=1}^{N}m_{i}r_{i}^{2}.} 1030:
3-by-3 matrix, with a set of mutually perpendicular
38771:"Physically Based Modeling - Rigid Body Simulation" 37355:{\displaystyle I_{1}x^{2}+I_{2}y^{2}+I_{3}z^{2}=1,} 25843:. Use this equation to compute the inertia matrix, 39551: 38421: 38166: 37995: 37940: 37918: 37894: 37769: 37747: 37718: 37696: 37655: 37631: 37528: 37354: 37262: 37212: 37182: 37162: 37142: 37073: 37037: 36967: 36940: 36913: 36886: 36862: 36750: 36684: 36662: 36628: 36592: 36568: 36493: 36471: 36449: 36411: 36389: 36337: 36277: 36243: 36216: 36196: 36100: 36082:be the inertia tensor of a body calculated at its 36074: 36049:Parallel axis theorem § Tensor generalization 36029: 35719: 35490: 35114: 35085: 35008: 34979: 34957: 34925: 34806: 34691: 34568: 33271: 33241: 33211: 33191: 33171: 33149: 32251: 32231: 32211: 32143: 32110: 32056: 32032: 31890: 31816: 31784: 31642: 31622: 31602: 31572: 31552: 31520: 31121: 30709: 30679: 30647: 30620: 30507: 30487: 30467: 30447: 30427: 30402: 30214: 30056: 30029: 29981: 29959: 29930: 29507: 29478: 29456: 29434: 28867: 28838: 28806: 28515: 28187: 28158: 27983: 27918: 27878: 27858: 27829: 27779: 27757: 27575: 27546: 27514: 27487: 27430: 27408: 27379: 27357: 27328: 27277: 27254: 27199: 27161: 27139: 27110: 26880: 26858: 26829: 26794: 26766: 26711: 26681: 26632: 26610: 26588: 26566: 26488: 26466: 26438: 26416: 26385: 26045: 25835: 25813: 25791: 25769: 25698: 25674: 25566: 25544: 25512: 25490: 25454: 25425: 25345: 24953: 21289: 21265: 19291: 18164: 17179: 16223: 15751: 15729: 15707: 15670: 15127: 14958: 14760: 14714: 14639: 14615: 14466: 14444: 14422: 14391: 14369: 14338: 14311: 14282: 14170: 14150: 14121: 14014: 13322: 13284: 13213: 12878: 12823: 12575: 12546: 12517: 12466: 12434: 12412: 12309: 12280: 12149: 12094: 12049: 12024: 11995: 11600: 11578: 11554: 11350: 11283: 11241: 11219: 11190: 11168: 11096: 11041: 11019: 10990: 10961: 10910: 10868: 10813: 10784: 10756: 10729: 10656: 10588: 10221:This yields the resultant torque on the system as 10211: 9937: 9864: 9835: 9813: 9777: 9746: 9646: 9624: 9602: 9580: 9558: 9524: 9495: 9332: 9306: 9255: 9211: 9180: 9086: 9057: 9033: 8438: 8407: 8350: 8276: 8245: 8077: 8050: 7632: 7291: 7218: 7189: 7167: 7138: 7113: 7091: 7069: 7047: 6871: 6842: 6820: 6769: 6742: 6693: 6644: 6213: 6191: 6100: 6080: 6060: 6038: 5946: 5926: 5781: 5758: 5716: 5517: 5471: 5447: 5427: 5407: 5380: 5348: 5067: 5047: 5027: 5007: 4953: 4933: 4909: 4889: 4865: 4835: 4815: 4795: 4757: 4735: 4697: 4672: 4586:Another expression replaces the summation with an 4576: 4504: 4425: 4393: 4144: 4124: 4097: 4070: 4046: 4026: 3942: 3838: 3781: 3726: 3669: 3584: 3554: 3524: 3460: 3323: 3303: 3255: 3182: 3107: 3079: 3051: 3031: 2925: 2905: 2881: 2861: 2841: 2821: 2761: 2734: 2675: 2645: 2607: 2473: 2248: 2226: 2184: 2141: 2105: 2083: 2057: 2026: 1809: 1776: 1738: 1712: 1690: 1668: 1628: 1589: 1569: 1521: 1444: 1386: 1317: 1154: 1134: 1114: 1077:units and pound-foot-second squared (lbf·ft·s) in 206: 123: 35708: 35622: 35595: 35556: 35463: 35400: 35376: 35347: 35330: 35266: 35249: 35203: 35186: 35106: 35072: 35055: 35000: 31131:while the off-diagonal elements, also called the 29915: 29881: 29865: 29836: 29814: 29723: 29708: 29661: 29499: 29419: 29372: 29339: 29283: 29250: 29186: 29135: 29110: 29067: 29047: 28986: 28966: 28918: 28898: 28859: 28772: 28747: 28704: 28684: 28631: 28611: 28563: 28543: 28475: 28455: 28407: 28387: 28330: 28272: 28179: 28139: 28126: 28090: 28077: 28042: 28012: 27967: 27943: 27906: 27850: 27813: 27800: 27718: 27705: 27677: 27642: 27567: 27479: 27400: 27099: 27065: 27049: 27020: 27005: 26914: 26850: 25498:and the inertia matrix relative to another point 10857: 10721: 10700: 10678: 10634: 10612: 10554: 10488: 10384: 10339: 10296: 10182: 10137: 10084: 10055: 10037: 10013: 9984: 9923: 9907: 9886: 9799: 9769: 8940: 8852: 8830: 8710: 8653: 8396: 8214: 8116: 8016: 7950: 7846: 7802: 7606: 7559: 7530: 7449: 7433: 7412: 7382: 7317: 7277: 7261: 7240: 6734: 6192:{\displaystyle r(z)^{2}=x^{2}+y^{2}=R^{2}-z^{2}.} 4877:, and is the sum of the second moments about the 3670:{\displaystyle I_{xx}=I_{yy}={\frac {b^{4}}{12}}} 2458: 2049: 2011: 1065:. The amount of torque needed to cause any given 40604: 38957: 38220: 38218: 36042: 31817:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} \otimes \mathbf {r} } 25706:be the center of mass of the rigid system, then 19574: cross-product distributivity over addition 11351:{\displaystyle \mathbf {b} =(b_{x},b_{y},b_{z})} 1142:is the distance of the point from the axis, and 37045:, meaning it is symmetrical under rotations of 36629:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }^{B}} 36390:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{\mathbf {C} }^{B}} 36197:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} =\mathbf {I} _{0}+m} 34817:The alternate inertia convention has been used 33282: 3498:Moment of inertia of area is also known as the 38790: 38628: 38319:. Silly Beagle Productions. pp. 142–143. 38164: 38049: 34707:The standard inertia convention has been used 31630:-axis when the objects are rotated around the 9043:Let the reference point be the center of mass 4058:Consider the kinetic energy of an assembly of 3481: 1188:Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum 1057:When a body is free to rotate around an axis, 1045:, simply "inertia" is often used to refer to " 39955: 38943: 38215: 38169:Classical dynamics of particles & systems 38160: 38158: 38156: 38154: 38152: 38150: 36258: 27554:by removing the component that projects onto 21246: is not characteristic of particle  15708:{\displaystyle \mathbf {A} _{\mathbf {R} }=0} 4577:{\displaystyle I_{P}=\sum _{i}m_{i}r_{i}^{2}} 2683:for all of the elements of mass in the body. 2234:of the pendulum mass around the pivot, where 896: 38831: 38717: 38715: 38444:ice skater conservation of angular momentum. 38396:New Understanding Physics for Advanced Level 38264: 38192: 38190: 38121:motions which can occur in such bodies.] 37963: 37955: 37865: 37856: 37820: 37811: 37686: 37678: 36348:Inertia matrix in different reference frames 33279:, for the components of the inertia tensor. 31716: 31707: 29444:Thus, the moment of inertia around the line 26055:Distribute over the cross product to obtain 21852: cross-product as matrix multiplication 21018: 20968: 20808: 20758: 20638: 20585: 20465: 20415: 20307: 20213: 20045: 19951: 19773: 19679: 19507: 19413: 19270: 19123: 18913: 18766: 18658: 18605: 11586:of the body chosen to be the center of mass 3493: 2153:of this single mass around the pivot point. 38494:Kinematics and Dynamics of Planar Machinery 38308: 38306: 14423:{\displaystyle \mathbf {A} _{\mathbf {R} }} 12889:This equation expands to yield three terms 12102:obtained from the relative position vector 11198:is the angular velocity of the system, and 9235:A 1920s John Deere tractor with the spoked 6694:{\textstyle m={\frac {4}{3}}\pi R^{3}\rho } 5459:) is determined by integration. Align the 3839:{\displaystyle I_{xx}={\frac {bh^{3}}{36}}} 3782:{\displaystyle I_{yy}={\frac {hb^{3}}{12}}} 3727:{\displaystyle I_{xx}={\frac {bh^{3}}{12}}} 39962: 39948: 38950: 38936: 38392: 38386: 38147: 24926: 24922: 21846: 21238: 21234: 21024: 20814: 20644: 20471: 20102: 19840: 19568: 19276: 18923: 18919: 18149: 18007: 17927: 17764: 17627: 17480: 17025: 16866: 16649: 15404: 7077:is the angular velocity of the system and 3953: 1810:{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} =m\mathbf {a} } 903: 889: 45: 38721: 38712: 38582:(4th ed.). Oxford University Press. 38573: 38571: 38569: 38567: 38565: 38563: 38487: 38485: 38483: 38481: 38479: 38312: 38224: 38187: 36329: 35691: 35649: 35630: 35583: 35564: 35535: 32239:-axis when the object rotates around the 32023: 31968: 31951: 31772: 31765: 31758: 31610:denotes the moment of inertia around the 31560:denotes the moment of inertia around the 26767:{\displaystyle m\left^{\mathsf {T}}\left} 26499:The result is the parallel axis theorem, 24113: 24042: 23990: 23934: 23882: 23811: 23755: 23703: 23651: 23520: 23482: 23430: 23392: 23336: 23298: 23246: 23194: 23152: 23100: 23062: 23010: 22909: 22876: 22815: 22782: 22717: 22684: 22623: 22590: 22525: 22492: 22431: 22398: 22275: 22242: 22205: 22172: 22135: 22102: 20820: cross-product scalar multiplication 19846: cross-product scalar multiplication 18013: cross-product scalar multiplication 17933: cross-product scalar multiplication 16872: cross-product scalar multiplication 15410: cross-product scalar multiplication 11948: 11852: 11734: 11662: 10533: 10455: 10275: 9532:denotes the trajectory of each particle. 8919: 8804: 8689: 8632: 8326: 8193: 7995: 7917: 7825: 7781: 7585: 6398: 6312: 5977:of the sphere is defined by the equation 5646: 5639: 5577: 5566: 5508: 5501: 5184: 5170: 5127: 5116: 4331: 4277: 4205: 1015:of mass with respect to distance from an 40319:Covariance and contravariance of vectors 38683:Vector mechanics for engineers: Dynamics 38629:Morrow, H. W.; Kokernak, Robert (2011). 38303: 38110: 37213:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\Lambda }}} 37125: 36685:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\Lambda }}} 25465: 13223:Since the center of mass is defined by 9230: 8465: 6708: 6039:{\displaystyle x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}=R^{2},} 5968: 4974: 3962: 3062: 2690: 1274:is also defined as the ratio of the net 1252: 1240: 914: 38750:, Vol 1. 2nd Ed., Pergamon Press, 1969. 38676: 38674: 38672: 38670: 38668: 38666: 38664: 38662: 38660: 38510: 38419: 38413: 38339: 38333: 38056:(2 ed.). Oxford University Press. 38050:Escudier, Marcel; Atkins, Tony (2019). 28839:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}} 27547:{\displaystyle \Delta \mathbf {r} _{i}} 26866:and passes through the body at a point 25416: 25394: 25386: 25364: 25335: 25257: 25249: 25158: 25077: 25063: 24975: 21240: 21224: 21140: 21126: 21038: 21011: 20961: 20910: 20801: 20751: 20740: 20631: 20578: 20567: 20440: 20408: 20379: 20300: 20217: 20206: 20177: 20038: 19955: 19944: 19915: 19830: 19822: 19766: 19683: 19672: 19643: 19522: 19514: 19500: 19417: 19406: 19377: 19310: 19227: 19213: 19130: 19116: 19087: 18972: 18925: 18906: 18820: 18773: 18759: 18730: 18651: 18598: 18569: 18490: 18440: 18411: 18314: 18303: 18253: 18186: 18139: 18089: 18053: 18042: 17979: 17947: 17896: 17867: 17822: 17793: 17685: 17656: 17614: 17606: 17538: 17509: 17449: 17438: 17391: 17362: 17293: 17279: 17237: 17226: 17127: 17113: 17081: 17070: 16964: 16950: 16918: 16907: 16838: 16806: 16747: 16733: 16701: 16690: 16624: 16589: 16536: 16522: 16490: 16479: 16440: 16390: 16337: 16323: 16291: 16280: 16186: 16175: 16125: 16058: 16020: 15970: 15903: 15771: 15161: 15066: 15048: 15012: 14999: 14952: 14868: 14860: 14776: 14551: 14538: 14497: 14467:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\alpha }}} 14460: 14445:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\omega }}} 14438: 14194: 14077: 14055: 13916: 13832: 13712: 13640: 13478: 13435: 13091: 12997: 12961: 12774: 12721: 12271: 12249: 11895: 11759: 11191:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\omega }}} 11184: 11127: 10893:Euler's equations (rigid body dynamics) 10889:Precession § Classical (Newtonian) 10829: 10233: 9814:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {e}} _{i}} 9711: 9703: 9677: 9647:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\alpha }}} 9640: 9625:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\omega }}} 9618: 9414: 7488: 7393: 7070:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\omega }}} 7063: 7008: 6959: 2439: 2396: 2375: 2316: 2249:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\omega }}} 2242: 2212: 2084:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\alpha }}} 2077: 1992: 1949: 1928: 1871: 1829: 1762: 1739:{\displaystyle {\boldsymbol {\alpha }}} 1732: 1646: 1318:{\displaystyle I={\frac {L}{\omega }}.} 14: 40605: 38784: 38560: 38541: 38476: 38455: 38449: 38278: 38276: 38260: 38258: 38256: 38254: 38252: 38250: 38248: 38246: 38083: 38081: 38053:A Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering 37837: 37792: 37235: 37112:Rotating molecules are also classified 36739: 36648:into the product of a rotation matrix 36557: 29889: 28147: 28098: 27821: 27726: 27073: 26745: 26596:is the vector from the center of mass 25799:is the vector from the center of mass 13680: 13646: 4034:for every particle in the body, where 3595:Sectional areas moment calculated thus 3304:{\displaystyle \pi \ \mathrm {rad/s} } 2869:is local acceleration of gravity, and 1201:The moment of inertia also appears in 124:{\displaystyle I={\frac {L}{\omega }}} 39943: 38931: 38860: 38685:(9th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. 38366: 38360: 38265:Kane, T. R.; Levinson, D. A. (1985). 38196: 38116: 26395:The first term is the inertia matrix 20650: cross-product anticommutativity 16655: cross-product anticommutativity 11291:, constructed from the components of 11252: 9654:of the rigid system of particles as, 4705:gives the mass density at each point 3087:from the pivot to a point called the 2686: 1190:in 1765, and it is incorporated into 585:Newton's law of universal gravitation 38825: 38753: 38657: 38521:(7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 38491: 38282: 38087: 38062:10.1093/acref/9780198832102.001.0001 24934: is not characteristic of  14319:is the acceleration of the particle 10887:For analysis of a spinning top, see 9243:Newton's laws for a rigid system of 3532:and horizontal moment of the y-axis 1482:In general, given an object of mass 1217:The moment of inertia of a rotating 40462: 38273: 38243: 38078: 36872:The columns of the rotation matrix 35115:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {n}} } 35009:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {n}} } 34941:Derivation of the tensor components 34700: 29508:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 28868:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 28188:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 27859:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 27576:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 27409:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 26859:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 26806:Scalar moment of inertia in a plane 14181: 12445: 12057:) sum to zero by the definition of 9778:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 7651: 6743:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 5518:{\displaystyle dV=sr\,dr\,d\theta } 2058:{\displaystyle \mathbf {\hat {k}} } 1332:pull in their outstretched arms or 1031: 566:Mechanics of planar particle motion 174: 24: 40182:Tensors in curvilinear coordinates 38864:Mechanics of Robotics Manipulation 38631:Statics and Strengths of Materials 36231:is the 3 × 3 identity matrix, and 33593: 33590: 33587: 33472: 33469: 33466: 33351: 33348: 33345: 31446: 31443: 31440: 31322: 31319: 31316: 31198: 31195: 31192: 31027: 31024: 31021: 30899: 30896: 30893: 30771: 30768: 30765: 30263: 30260: 30257: 29777: 29676: 29580: 29387: 29315: 29297: 29226: 29195: 29144: 29076: 28995: 28927: 28821: 28781: 28713: 28640: 28572: 28484: 28416: 28346: 28288: 28215: 27737: 27651: 27613: 27590: 27529: 27329:{\displaystyle P_{i},i=1,\dots ,n} 27214: 27179: 26968: 25306: 25220: 25139: 25118: 25044: 25023: 24889: 24811: 24790: 24721: 24585: 24558: 24531: 24512: 24491: 24472: 24449: 24430: 24401: 24374: 24347: 24328: 24305: 24286: 24265: 24246: 24217: 24190: 24086: 24059: 24023: 24004: 23971: 23952: 23915: 23896: 23855: 23828: 23792: 23773: 23736: 23717: 23684: 23665: 23624: 23597: 23496: 23463: 23444: 23406: 23373: 23354: 23312: 23279: 23260: 23227: 23208: 23170: 23133: 23114: 23076: 23043: 23024: 22986: 22890: 22857: 22832: 22796: 22763: 22738: 22698: 22665: 22640: 22604: 22571: 22546: 22506: 22473: 22448: 22412: 22379: 22354: 22256: 22223: 22186: 22153: 22116: 22083: 22040: 22019: 21993: 21964: 21941: 21920: 21750: 21729: 21703: 21674: 21651: 21630: 21577: 21556: 21530: 21501: 21478: 21457: 21366: 21345: 21205: 21184: 21107: 21086: 20992: 20971: 20891: 20870: 20782: 20761: 20721: 20700: 20612: 20588: 20548: 20524: 20447: 20418: 20386: 20357: 20281: 20263: 20242: 20224: 20184: 20155: 20072: 20054: 20019: 20001: 19980: 19962: 19922: 19893: 19800: 19782: 19747: 19729: 19708: 19690: 19650: 19621: 19547: 19529: 19481: 19463: 19442: 19424: 19384: 19355: 19252: 19234: 19194: 19176: 19155: 19137: 19094: 19065: 18997: 18979: 18950: 18932: 18887: 18869: 18845: 18827: 18798: 18780: 18737: 18708: 18632: 18614: 18576: 18547: 18471: 18453: 18418: 18389: 18321: 18281: 18260: 18231: 18120: 18102: 18060: 18020: 17986: 17960: 17903: 17877: 17829: 17800: 17731: 17713: 17692: 17663: 17584: 17566: 17545: 17516: 17456: 17419: 17398: 17369: 17321: 17300: 17244: 17204: 17193:can then be continued as follows: 17155: 17134: 17088: 17048: 16992: 16971: 16925: 16885: 16845: 16813: 16775: 16754: 16708: 16668: 16631: 16596: 16564: 16543: 16497: 16457: 16421: 16397: 16365: 16344: 16298: 16258: 16193: 16153: 16132: 16103: 15998: 15977: 15948: 15857: 15816: 15588: 15457: 15371: 15281: 15096: 15073: 15019: 14975: 14968:The calculation uses the identity 14920: 14828: 14659: 13884: 13691: 13658: 13457: 13414: 13302: 13261: 13098: 13004: 12968: 12838: 12781: 12728: 12518:{\displaystyle P_{i},i=1,\dots ,n} 12381: 12217: 12109: 12074: 11949: 11876: 11853: 11766: 11735: 11663: 11134: 11104:and the (absolute) velocities are 11056: 10962:{\displaystyle P_{i},i=1,\dots ,n} 10534: 10456: 10364: 10319: 10276: 10162: 10117: 10064: 9993: 9718: 9684: 9446: 9307:{\displaystyle P_{i},i=1,\dots ,n} 9094:so the kinetic energy is given by 8920: 8805: 8690: 8633: 8327: 8194: 8096: 7996: 7918: 7826: 7782: 7710: 7586: 7539: 7495: 7356: 7339: 7015: 6890: 6821:{\displaystyle P_{i},i=1,\dots ,n} 3451: 3424: 3416: 3413: 3410: 3388: 3379: 3297: 3289: 3286: 3283: 2735:{\displaystyle \omega _{\text{n}}} 1551: 1289: 25: 40639: 38891: 38768: 38746:L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, 38580:Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 38267:Dynamics, Theory and Applications 38165:Marion, JB; Thornton, ST (1995). 36979:. This result was first shown by 36639: 36600:changes as the body moves, while 29995: 29515:is obtained from the calculation 8461: 6068:of the disc at the cross-section 5759:{\displaystyle m=\pi R^{2}\rho s} 1409:of the pendulum and its distance 1362: 1361:around a principal axis, that is 1288:around a principal axis, that is 38726:(2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley. 38227:Fundamentals of Applied Dynamics 38201:(3rd ed.). Addison-Wesley. 37981: 37959: 37934: 37912: 37880: 37860: 37849: 37844: 37831: 37815: 37804: 37799: 37786: 37763: 37755:around an axis in the direction 37748:{\displaystyle I_{\mathbf {n} }} 37739: 37712: 37690: 37682: 37671: 37649: 37247: 37242: 37229: 37206: 36880: 36766: 36733: 36727: 36722: 36707: 36701: 36678: 36656: 36615: 36609: 36586: 36551: 36538: 36532: 36526: 36516: 36510: 36487: 36465: 36440: 36435: 36427: 36405: 36376: 36370: 36323: 36315: 36311: 36305: 36297: 36271: 36187: 36179: 36165: 36156: 36148: 36125: 36116: 36094: 36075:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} _{0}} 36062: 35705: 35685: 35679: 35669: 35665: 35656: 35643: 35619: 35592: 35577: 35571: 35553: 35542: 35529: 35460: 35450: 35430: 35397: 35373: 35363: 35344: 35327: 35317: 35307: 35290: 35263: 35246: 35236: 35223: 35200: 35183: 35173: 35160: 35103: 35069: 35052: 35042: 35029: 34997: 34973: 33663: 32270: 32196: 32187: 32173: 32101: 32093: 32085: 32050: 32009: 31998: 31961: 31941: 31930: 31906: 31884: 31876: 31868: 31860: 31810: 31802: 31749: 31741: 31727: 31711: 31661: 30703: 30628:is the vector to the point mass 30526: 30317: 30076: 29975: 29960:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I_{R}} } 29951: 29947: 29912: 29903: 29897: 29878: 29862: 29853: 29847: 29833: 29811: 29782: 29720: 29705: 29681: 29658: 29585: 29496: 29472: 29416: 29392: 29369: 29336: 29320: 29302: 29280: 29247: 29231: 29200: 29183: 29149: 29132: 29107: 29081: 29064: 29044: 29000: 28983: 28963: 28932: 28915: 28895: 28856: 28826: 28786: 28769: 28744: 28718: 28701: 28681: 28645: 28628: 28608: 28577: 28560: 28540: 28489: 28472: 28452: 28421: 28404: 28384: 28351: 28327: 28293: 28269: 28220: 28176: 28136: 28123: 28113: 28087: 28074: 28064: 28039: 28009: 27977: 27964: 27954: 27940: 27903: 27847: 27810: 27797: 27773: 27742: 27715: 27702: 27692: 27674: 27656: 27639: 27618: 27595: 27564: 27534: 27476: 27463: 27446: 27424: 27397: 27373: 27358:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} _{i}} 27345: 27248: 27234: 27219: 27184: 27155: 27140:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I_{R}} } 27131: 27127: 27096: 27087: 27081: 27062: 27046: 27037: 27031: 27017: 27002: 26973: 26911: 26874: 26847: 26785: 26756: 26735: 26665: 26626: 26604: 26582: 26547: 26531: 26525: 26514: 26508: 26482: 26457: 26432: 26417:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I_{C}} } 26408: 26404: 26366: 26306: 26292: 26244: 26230: 26214: 26200: 26137: 26123: 26070: 26064: 26026: 26013: 25999: 25933: 25925: 25906: 25858: 25852: 25829: 25807: 25785: 25760: 25752: 25744: 25733: 25725: 25714: 25692: 25654: 25640: 25589: 25583: 25560: 25545:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I_{R}} } 25536: 25532: 25506: 25484: 25455:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I_{C}} } 25446: 25442: 25409: 25403: 25379: 25373: 25144: 25123: 25049: 25028: 24928: 24918: 24830: 24816: 24795: 24745: 21385: 21371: 21350: 21283: 21210: 21189: 21112: 21091: 20997: 20976: 20896: 20875: 20787: 20766: 20726: 20705: 20617: 20593: 20553: 20529: 20452: 20423: 20391: 20362: 20286: 20268: 20247: 20229: 20189: 20160: 20077: 20059: 20024: 20006: 19985: 19967: 19927: 19898: 19805: 19787: 19752: 19734: 19713: 19695: 19655: 19626: 19552: 19534: 19486: 19468: 19447: 19429: 19389: 19360: 19257: 19239: 19199: 19181: 19160: 19142: 19099: 19070: 19002: 18984: 18955: 18937: 18892: 18874: 18850: 18832: 18803: 18785: 18742: 18713: 18637: 18619: 18581: 18552: 18476: 18458: 18423: 18394: 18326: 18286: 18265: 18236: 18125: 18107: 18065: 18025: 17991: 17965: 17908: 17882: 17834: 17805: 17736: 17718: 17697: 17668: 17589: 17571: 17550: 17521: 17461: 17424: 17403: 17374: 17326: 17305: 17249: 17209: 17160: 17139: 17093: 17053: 16997: 16976: 16930: 16890: 16850: 16818: 16780: 16759: 16713: 16673: 16636: 16601: 16569: 16548: 16502: 16462: 16426: 16402: 16370: 16349: 16303: 16263: 16198: 16158: 16137: 16108: 16029: 16003: 15982: 15953: 15877: 15862: 15836: 15821: 15745: 15723: 15693: 15687: 15634: 15611: 15593: 15532: 15526: 15503: 15480: 15462: 15391: 15376: 15314: 15286: 15237: 15212: 15202: 15198: 15101: 15078: 15024: 14980: 14925: 14833: 14748: 14734: 14703: 14689: 14664: 14633: 14604: 14598: 14579: 14565: 14525: 14511: 14483: 14452:and angular acceleration vector 14414: 14408: 14385: 14312:{\displaystyle \mathbf {a} _{i}} 14299: 14267: 14243: 14233: 14229: 14151:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I_{C}} } 14142: 14138: 14105: 14099: 14070: 14064: 13999: 13993: 13982: 13976: 13889: 13805: 13799: 13788: 13782: 13696: 13663: 13571: 13565: 13554: 13548: 13462: 13419: 13307: 13266: 13197: 13191: 13180: 13174: 13103: 13076: 13070: 13009: 12973: 12872: 12858: 12843: 12807: 12801: 12786: 12754: 12748: 12733: 12661: 12646: 12576:{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} _{i}} 12563: 12547:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} _{i}} 12534: 12428: 12386: 12332: 12326: 12310:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I_{C}} } 12301: 12297: 12264: 12258: 12222: 12165: 12143: 12129: 12114: 12079: 12064:Then, the skew-symmetric matrix 12043: 12025:{\displaystyle \mathbf {V_{R}} } 12016: 12012: 11975: 11969: 11954: 11881: 11858: 11792: 11786: 11771: 11740: 11683: 11668: 11620: 11594: 11572: 11416: 11403: 11394: 11378: 11370: 11299: 11273: 11235: 11220:{\displaystyle \mathbf {V_{R}} } 11211: 11207: 11160: 11154: 11139: 11113: 11090: 11076: 11061: 11035: 11020:{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} _{i}} 11007: 10991:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} _{i}} 10978: 10854: 10842: 10814:{\displaystyle I_{\mathbf {C} }} 10805: 10778: 10718: 10697: 10675: 10650: 10631: 10609: 10575: 10551: 10485: 10400: 10381: 10336: 10293: 10198: 10179: 10134: 10100: 10081: 10052: 10034: 10010: 9981: 9958: 9920: 9904: 9883: 9865:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} _{i}} 9852: 9829: 9796: 9766: 9737: 9723: 9689: 9663: 9632:and angular acceleration vector 9596: 9574: 9525:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} _{i}} 9512: 9476: 9451: 9396: 9352: 9326: 9318:and torque at a reference point 9226: 9212:{\displaystyle I_{\mathbf {C} }} 9203: 9171: 9163: 9130: 9087:{\displaystyle I_{\mathbf {C} }} 9078: 9051: 9020: 9012: 8937: 8876: 8849: 8827: 8726: 8707: 8669: 8650: 8560: 8545: 8439:{\displaystyle I_{\mathbf {C} }} 8430: 8393: 8381: 8368: 8297: 8277:{\displaystyle I_{\mathbf {C} }} 8268: 8211: 8151: 8137: 8113: 8071: 8037: 8013: 7947: 7862: 7843: 7799: 7730: 7715: 7668: 7622: 7603: 7575: 7556: 7527: 7514: 7500: 7470: 7446: 7430: 7409: 7379: 7344: 7314: 7274: 7258: 7237: 7219:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} _{i}} 7206: 7183: 7168:{\displaystyle \mathbf {e} _{i}} 7155: 7132: 7107: 7085: 7034: 7020: 7000: 6987: 6973: 6941: 6928: 6914: 6895: 6872:{\displaystyle \mathbf {v} _{i}} 6859: 6836: 6731: 4751: 4650: 4233: 4218: 3115:is determined from the formula, 2526: 2518: 2455: 2406: 2388: 2365: 2357: 2324: 2300: 2292: 2284: 2272: 2220: 2204: 2099: 2046: 2008: 1959: 1941: 1918: 1910: 1879: 1857: 1849: 1841: 1803: 1792: 1770: 1754: 1706: 1684: 1662: 1654: 1577:with the square of its distance 1247:conservation of angular momentum 943: 934: 870: 869: 856: 189: 38974:Linear/translational quantities 38854: 38762: 38740: 38699: 38647: 38622: 38609: 38596: 38535: 37904:Thus, the magnitude of a point 37600: 37571: 37096:is often described in terms of 32151:is obtained by the computation 30012: 18155: dot-product commutativity 14722:to represent the cross product 9314:, can be written in terms of a 7404: 7375: 2067:vector triple product expansion 1387:{\displaystyle \tau =I\alpha .} 1340:during a dive, to spin faster. 1052: 38346:Wolfram Demonstrations Project 38289:. AuthorHouse. p. 10.10. 38043: 36191: 36160: 36144: 36141: 34920: 34824: 34801: 34714: 34686: 34590: 32014: 32005: 32002: 31994: 31965: 31957: 31946: 31937: 31934: 31926: 31864: 31856: 31699: 31681: 30695:Note that, by the definition, 30608: 30602: 30584: 30578: 30560: 30554: 30390: 30384: 30369: 30363: 30327: 30312: 30224:Its components are defined as 27456: 27450: 27194: 27176: 26810:The scalar moment of inertia, 26789: 26781: 26552: 26543: 26461: 26453: 26371: 26362: 26310: 26287: 26248: 26240: 26234: 26226: 26218: 26195: 26142: 26118: 26031: 25989: 25943: 25901: 25737: 25721: 25320: 25303: 25234: 25217: 25165: 25162: 25136: 25070: 25067: 25041: 25020: 24903: 24886: 24837: 24834: 24808: 24787: 24735: 24718: 24609: 24555: 24425: 24371: 24241: 24187: 24110: 24056: 23879: 23825: 23648: 23594: 22920: 22851: 22826: 22757: 22728: 22659: 22634: 22565: 22536: 22467: 22442: 22373: 21392: 21389: 21363: 21342: 21231: 21228: 21202: 21181: 21133: 21130: 21104: 21083: 21030: summation distributivity 21021: 21015: 20989: 20957: 20917: 20914: 20888: 20867: 20811: 20805: 20779: 20744: 20718: 20697: 20641: 20635: 20609: 20571: 20545: 20521: 20468: 20462: 20436: 20401: 20375: 20354: 20310: 20304: 20278: 20257: 20221: 20199: 20173: 20152: 20099: 20096: 20090: 20087: 20051: 20042: 20016: 19995: 19959: 19937: 19911: 19890: 19837: 19834: 19818: 19815: 19779: 19770: 19744: 19723: 19687: 19665: 19639: 19618: 19565: 19562: 19526: 19504: 19478: 19457: 19421: 19399: 19373: 19352: 19273: 19267: 19231: 19220: 19217: 19191: 19170: 19134: 19126: 19109: 19083: 19062: 19012: 18976: 18965: 18929: 18916: 18910: 18884: 18863: 18860: 18824: 18813: 18777: 18769: 18752: 18726: 18705: 18661: 18655: 18629: 18591: 18565: 18544: 18500: 18497: 18494: 18468: 18450: 18433: 18407: 18386: 18342: 18339: 18336: 18310: 18299: 18275: 18249: 18228: 18146: 18143: 18117: 18099: 18078: 18075: 18049: 18038: 18004: 18001: 17975: 17957: 17924: 17921: 17918: 17892: 17874: 17863: 17847: 17844: 17818: 17815: 17789: 17786: 17761: 17758: 17755: 17749: 17728: 17707: 17681: 17678: 17652: 17649: 17624: 17621: 17618: 17602: 17581: 17560: 17534: 17531: 17505: 17502: 17477: 17474: 17471: 17445: 17434: 17413: 17387: 17384: 17358: 17355: 17339: 17336: 17315: 17289: 17286: 17275: 17262: 17259: 17233: 17222: 17170: 17149: 17123: 17120: 17106: 17103: 17077: 17066: 17022: 17016: 17007: 16986: 16960: 16957: 16943: 16940: 16914: 16903: 16863: 16860: 16834: 16828: 16802: 16799: 16790: 16769: 16743: 16740: 16726: 16723: 16697: 16686: 16646: 16620: 16611: 16585: 16579: 16558: 16532: 16529: 16515: 16512: 16486: 16475: 16444: 16418: 16412: 16386: 16380: 16359: 16333: 16330: 16316: 16313: 16287: 16276: 16214: 16211: 16208: 16182: 16171: 16147: 16121: 16100: 16050: 16047: 16016: 15992: 15966: 15945: 15895: 15813: 15661: 15658: 15606: 15585: 15541: 15538: 15475: 15454: 15401: 15368: 15324: 15299: 15247: 15222: 15216: 15193: 14752: 14729: 13330:so the kinetic energy becomes 13317: 13299: 12525:be located at the coordinates 12089: 12071: 11345: 11306: 10969:be located at the coordinates 6303: 6296: 6125: 6118: 6048:then the square of the radius 5912: 5899: 4790: 4772: 4730: 4712: 4654: 4646: 4641: 4623: 3429: 3400: 1883: 1864: 1061:must be applied to change its 13: 1: 40235:Exterior covariant derivative 40167:Tensor (intrinsic definition) 38979:Angular/rotational quantities 38546:. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 38428:. Light and Matter. pp.  38399:. Nelson Thomas. p. 64. 38373:The Physics of Everyday Stuff 38037: 36356: 36043:Inertia tensor of translation 15143:as shown in the proof below: 12583:, then the kinetic energy is 12050:{\displaystyle =\mathbf {C} } 11049:, the relative positions are 6704: 5381:{\displaystyle m=\rho s\ell } 4964: 4961:-axis depending on the load. 4847:Note on second moment of area 3958: 2695:Pendulums used in Mendenhall 2617:This shows that the quantity 2069:with the perpendicularity of 1817:the torque equation becomes: 1225: 492:Koopman–von Neumann mechanics 40260:Raising and lowering indices 38908:The moment of inertia tensor 38617:NACA Technical Note No. 1629 37948:on the inertia ellipsoid is 37941:{\displaystyle \mathbf {n} } 37919:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} } 37770:{\displaystyle \mathbf {n} } 37719:{\displaystyle \mathbf {n} } 37656:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} } 37121: 37118:is different for each type. 36977:principal moments of inertia 36887:{\displaystyle \mathbf {Q} } 36663:{\displaystyle \mathbf {Q} } 36593:{\displaystyle \mathbf {A} } 36494:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} } 36472:{\displaystyle \mathbf {y} } 36412:{\displaystyle \mathbf {A} } 36278:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 36101:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 34980:{\displaystyle \mathbf {x} } 34583:If one has the inertia data 33283:Alternate inertia convention 32057:{\displaystyle \mathbf {n} } 30710:{\displaystyle \mathbf {I} } 30680:{\displaystyle \delta _{ij}} 29982:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 29479:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 27991:, then we have the identity 27780:{\displaystyle \mathbf {E} } 27431:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 27416:through the reference point 27380:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 27162:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 26881:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 26633:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 26611:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 26589:{\displaystyle \mathbf {d} } 26489:{\displaystyle \mathbf {d} } 26439:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 25836:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 25814:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 25792:{\displaystyle \mathbf {d} } 25699:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 25567:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 25523:Consider the inertia matrix 25513:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 25491:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 21290:{\displaystyle \mathbf {u} } 19282: addition associativity 15752:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 15730:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 14640:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 14392:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 12435:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 11601:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 11579:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 11242:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 11042:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 10785:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 9836:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 9603:{\displaystyle \mathbf {A} } 9581:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 9333:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 9058:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 8078:{\displaystyle \mathbf {C} } 7190:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 7139:{\displaystyle \mathbf {k} } 7114:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 7092:{\displaystyle \mathbf {V} } 6843:{\displaystyle \mathbf {R} } 4995:with constant cross-section 4758:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} } 2106:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} } 1713:{\displaystyle \mathbf {F} } 1691:{\displaystyle \mathbf {r} } 560:Non-inertial reference frame 7: 40498:Gluon field strength tensor 39969: 38778:Pixar Graphics Technologies 38005: 35500:Rewrite the equation using 26682:{\displaystyle -m\left^{2}} 21275:Notice that for any vector 20477: vector triple product 17633: scalar triple product 17486: vector triple product 14715:{\displaystyle \left=\left} 12003:where the terms containing 6701:is the mass of the sphere. 5391:The moment of inertia of a 4991:The moment of inertia of a 4982:The moment of inertia of a 3482:Measuring moment of inertia 2849:is the mass of the object, 1540: 1002:(additive) property: for a 487:Appell's equation of motion 357:Inertial frame of reference 10: 40644: 40309:Cartan formalism (physics) 40129:Penrose graphical notation 39552:{\displaystyle {\dot {m}}} 38976: 38861:Mason, Matthew T. (2001). 38492:Paul, Burton (June 1979). 38462:. Macmillan. p. 304. 38420:Crowell, Benjamin (2003). 38017:List of moments of inertia 36985:Sylvester's law of inertia 36259:Inertia tensor of rotation 36046: 30455:is equal to 1, 2 or 3 for 26689:, which is similar to the 25469: 16237:is used on the last term: 10886: 8450:. Specifically, it is the 8085:as the reference point so 6850:, and absolute velocities 5960:list of moments of inertia 4971:List of moments of inertia 4968: 4105:that lie at the distances 1547:List of moments of inertia 1544: 1049:" or "moment of inertia". 987:applied and the resulting 29: 40515: 40455: 40404: 40397: 40289: 40220: 40157: 40101: 40048: 39995: 39988: 39981:Glossary of tensor theory 39977: 39250:specific angular momentum 38978: 38973: 38968: 38812:10.1080/14786445208647087 38606:,, 2016. 38604:Trifilar Pendulum for MOI 38340:Wolfram, Stephen (2014). 38316:Honors Physics Essentials 38173:(4th ed.). Thomson. 31848:angular momentum operator 14377:in terms of the position 12157:, can be used to define, 9821:from the reference point 9566:in terms of the position 7646:Note on the cross product 7175:from the reference point 4917:-axes. The stresses in a 3494:Moment of inertia of area 1629:{\displaystyle I=mr^{2}.} 1522:{\displaystyle I=mk^{2},} 1462:to the axis of rotation. 1445:{\displaystyle I=mr^{2}.} 1413:from the pivot point as, 1336:curl their bodies into a 1034:for which this matrix is 963:, otherwise known as the 134: 91: 81: 71: 59: 44: 39: 40565:Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro 40437:Riemann curvature tensor 40144:Van der Waerden notation 38456:Tipler, Paul A. (1999). 38393:Breithaupt, Jim (2000). 38269:. New York: McGraw-Hill. 38117:Euler, Leonhard (1765). 38091:The Science of Mechanics 38032:Moment of inertia factor 36244:{\displaystyle \otimes } 30064:, the moment of inertia 20108: self cross-product 17770: self cross-product 17031: self cross-product 14474:of the rigid system as, 4875:polar moment of the area 3331:, can be computed to be 2646:{\displaystyle I=mr^{2}} 2185:{\displaystyle I=mr^{2}} 2142:{\displaystyle I=mr^{2}} 1222:in roll, pitch and yaw. 1178:("momentum inertiae" in 650:Rotating reference frame 482:Hamilton–Jacobi equation 40535:Elwin Bruno Christoffel 40468:Angular momentum tensor 40139:Tetrad (index notation) 40109:Abstract index notation 39374:rotational acceleration 38838:Oxford University Press 38791:Sylvester, J J (1852). 38602:C. Couch and J. Mayes, 38519:Fundamentals of physics 38313:Fullerton, Dan (2011). 26618:to the reference point 25821:to the reference point 21297:, the following holds: 17189:The result of applying 15678:In the last statement, 14625:Use the center of mass 9221:polar moment of inertia 8448:polar moment of inertia 6752:polar moment of inertia 5388:is the mass of the rod. 4796:{\displaystyle (x,y,z)} 4736:{\displaystyle (x,y,z)} 3954:Motion in a fixed plane 1211:Newton's laws of motion 1069:(the rate of change in 969:angular/rotational mass 591:Newton's laws of motion 451:Newton's laws of motion 40349:Levi-Civita connection 39553: 38800:Philosophical Magazine 38722:Goldstein, H. (1980). 38369:"Figure Skating Spins" 38367:Hokin, Samuel (2014). 38225:Tenenbaum, RA (2004). 37997: 37942: 37920: 37896: 37771: 37749: 37720: 37698: 37657: 37633: 37530: 37356: 37264: 37214: 37191: 37184: 37164: 37144: 37075: 37074:{\displaystyle m>2} 37039: 36981:J. J. Sylvester (1852) 36969: 36942: 36915: 36888: 36864: 36752: 36686: 36670:and a diagonal matrix 36664: 36630: 36594: 36570: 36495: 36473: 36451: 36413: 36391: 36339: 36279: 36245: 36218: 36198: 36102: 36076: 36031: 35721: 35492: 35116: 35087: 35010: 34981: 34959: 34927: 34808: 34693: 34570: 34497: 34444: 34388: 34330: 34251: 34198: 34140: 34084: 34005: 33624: 33503: 33382: 33273: 33272:{\displaystyle I_{xy}} 33243: 33242:{\displaystyle I_{xx}} 33213: 33193: 33173: 33151: 33082: 33029: 32973: 32915: 32836: 32783: 32725: 32669: 32590: 32253: 32233: 32213: 32145: 32144:{\displaystyle I_{12}} 32112: 32058: 32034: 31892: 31818: 31786: 31644: 31624: 31604: 31603:{\displaystyle I_{xy}} 31574: 31554: 31553:{\displaystyle I_{xx}} 31522: 31480: 31356: 31232: 31123: 31058: 30930: 30802: 30711: 30681: 30649: 30622: 30509: 30489: 30469: 30449: 30429: 30404: 30294: 30216: 30058: 30031: 30017:For a rigid object of 29983: 29961: 29932: 29760: 29644: 29563: 29509: 29480: 29458: 29436: 28869: 28840: 28808: 28517: 28189: 28160: 27985: 27920: 27880: 27860: 27831: 27781: 27759: 27577: 27548: 27516: 27489: 27432: 27410: 27381: 27359: 27330: 27279: 27256: 27201: 27163: 27141: 27112: 26951: 26882: 26860: 26831: 26796: 26768: 26713: 26712:{\displaystyle mr^{2}} 26683: 26644:Note on the minus sign 26634: 26612: 26590: 26568: 26490: 26468: 26440: 26418: 26387: 26346: 26276: 26184: 26107: 26047: 25978: 25890: 25837: 25815: 25793: 25771: 25700: 25676: 25621: 25568: 25546: 25514: 25492: 25456: 25427: 25347: 25292: 25206: 25107: 25009: 24955: 24875: 24776: 24707: 24165: 23572: 22964: 22332: 21888: 21425: 21331: 21291: 21267: 21170: 21072: 20946: 20856: 20686: 20510: 20343: 20141: 19879: 19607: 19341: 19293: 19051: 18694: 18533: 18375: 18217: 18166: 17181: 16225: 16089: 15934: 15802: 15753: 15731: 15709: 15672: 15574: 15443: 15357: 15280: 15192: 15129: 14960: 14903: 14811: 14762: 14716: 14641: 14617: 14468: 14446: 14424: 14393: 14371: 14340: 14313: 14284: 14221: 14172: 14152: 14123: 14016: 13958: 13867: 13764: 13622: 13530: 13393: 13324: 13286: 13250: 13215: 13161: 13057: 12944: 12880: 12825: 12704: 12633: 12577: 12548: 12519: 12468: 12436: 12414: 12364: 12311: 12282: 12200: 12151: 12096: 12051: 12026: 11997: 11937: 11841: 11723: 11651: 11602: 11580: 11556: 11352: 11285: 11243: 11221: 11192: 11170: 11098: 11043: 11021: 10992: 10963: 10912: 10870: 10815: 10786: 10758: 10731: 10658: 10590: 10522: 10444: 10264: 10213: 9939: 9866: 9837: 9815: 9779: 9748: 9648: 9626: 9604: 9582: 9560: 9526: 9497: 9445: 9383: 9334: 9308: 9257: 9240: 9213: 9190:The moment of inertia 9182: 9088: 9059: 9035: 8995: 8908: 8793: 8613: 8532: 8471: 8440: 8417:The moment of inertia 8409: 8352: 8278: 8247: 8182: 8079: 8052: 7984: 7906: 7770: 7699: 7634: 7293: 7226:, and the unit vector 7220: 7191: 7169: 7140: 7115: 7093: 7071: 7049: 6873: 6844: 6822: 6771: 6744: 6714: 6695: 6646: 6215: 6193: 6102: 6082: 6062: 6040: 5973: 5948: 5928: 5783: 5760: 5718: 5519: 5473: 5449: 5429: 5409: 5395:of constant thickness 5382: 5350: 5069: 5049: 5029: 5009: 4979: 4955: 4935: 4911: 4891: 4867: 4837: 4817: 4797: 4759: 4737: 4699: 4674: 4578: 4506: 4473: 4427: 4426:{\displaystyle mr^{2}} 4395: 4362: 4266: 4194: 4146: 4126: 4099: 4072: 4048: 4028: 4027:{\displaystyle mr^{2}} 4001: 3944: 3840: 3783: 3728: 3671: 3586: 3556: 3555:{\displaystyle I_{yy}} 3526: 3525:{\displaystyle I_{xx}} 3462: 3325: 3305: 3257: 3184: 3109: 3081: 3053: 3033: 2927: 2907: 2883: 2863: 2843: 2823: 2763: 2736: 2700: 2677: 2676:{\displaystyle mr^{2}} 2647: 2609: 2475: 2250: 2228: 2186: 2143: 2107: 2085: 2059: 2028: 1811: 1778: 1740: 1714: 1692: 1670: 1630: 1597:to the pivot, that is 1591: 1571: 1523: 1486:, an effective radius 1446: 1388: 1345:Newton's law of motion 1319: 1270:The moment of inertia 1267: 1250: 1156: 1136: 1116: 1115:{\displaystyle mr^{2}} 1043:mechanical engineering 1008:perpendicular distance 975:, or most accurately, 965:mass moment of inertia 927: 618:Simple harmonic motion 531:Euler's laws of motion 325:D'Alembert's principle 208: 125: 40613:Mechanical quantities 40575:Jan Arnoldus Schouten 40530:Augustin-Louis Cauchy 40010:Differential geometry 39554: 38834:Undergraduate algebra 38832:Norman, C.W. (1986). 38542:French, A.P. (1971). 38342:"Spinning Ice Skater" 37998: 37943: 37921: 37897: 37772: 37750: 37721: 37699: 37658: 37634: 37531: 37357: 37265: 37215: 37185: 37165: 37145: 37129: 37076: 37040: 36970: 36968:{\displaystyle I_{3}} 36943: 36941:{\displaystyle I_{2}} 36916: 36914:{\displaystyle I_{1}} 36889: 36865: 36753: 36687: 36665: 36631: 36595: 36571: 36496: 36474: 36452: 36414: 36392: 36340: 36280: 36246: 36219: 36199: 36103: 36077: 36032: 35722: 35493: 35117: 35088: 35011: 34982: 34960: 34928: 34809: 34694: 34571: 34477: 34424: 34368: 34310: 34231: 34178: 34120: 34064: 33985: 33604: 33483: 33362: 33274: 33244: 33214: 33194: 33174: 33152: 33062: 33009: 32953: 32895: 32816: 32763: 32705: 32649: 32570: 32254: 32234: 32214: 32146: 32113: 32059: 32035: 31893: 31819: 31787: 31645: 31625: 31605: 31575: 31555: 31523: 31460: 31336: 31212: 31124: 31038: 30910: 30782: 30712: 30682: 30650: 30648:{\displaystyle m_{k}} 30623: 30510: 30490: 30470: 30450: 30430: 30405: 30274: 30217: 30059: 30057:{\displaystyle m_{k}} 30032: 29984: 29962: 29933: 29740: 29624: 29543: 29510: 29481: 29459: 29437: 28870: 28841: 28809: 28518: 28190: 28161: 27986: 27921: 27919:{\displaystyle \left} 27881: 27861: 27832: 27782: 27760: 27578: 27549: 27517: 27515:{\displaystyle P_{i}} 27490: 27433: 27411: 27382: 27360: 27331: 27280: 27257: 27202: 27164: 27142: 27113: 26931: 26883: 26861: 26832: 26830:{\displaystyle I_{L}} 26797: 26769: 26714: 26684: 26635: 26613: 26591: 26569: 26491: 26469: 26441: 26419: 26388: 26326: 26256: 26164: 26087: 26048: 25958: 25870: 25838: 25816: 25794: 25772: 25701: 25677: 25601: 25569: 25547: 25515: 25493: 25472:Parallel axis theorem 25466:Parallel axis theorem 25457: 25428: 25348: 25272: 25186: 25087: 24989: 24956: 24855: 24756: 24687: 24145: 23552: 22944: 22312: 21868: 21405: 21311: 21292: 21268: 21150: 21052: 20926: 20836: 20666: 20490: 20323: 20121: 19859: 19587: 19321: 19294: 19031: 18674: 18513: 18355: 18197: 18167: 17182: 16226: 16069: 15914: 15782: 15754: 15732: 15710: 15673: 15554: 15423: 15337: 15260: 15172: 15130: 14961: 14883: 14791: 14763: 14717: 14642: 14618: 14469: 14447: 14425: 14394: 14372: 14370:{\displaystyle P_{i}} 14341: 14339:{\displaystyle P_{i}} 14314: 14285: 14201: 14173: 14153: 14124: 14017: 13938: 13847: 13744: 13602: 13510: 13373: 13325: 13287: 13230: 13216: 13141: 13037: 12924: 12881: 12826: 12684: 12613: 12578: 12549: 12520: 12469: 12437: 12415: 12344: 12312: 12283: 12180: 12152: 12097: 12052: 12027: 11998: 11917: 11821: 11703: 11631: 11603: 11581: 11557: 11353: 11286: 11284:{\displaystyle \left} 11244: 11222: 11193: 11171: 11099: 11044: 11022: 10993: 10964: 10913: 10871: 10816: 10787: 10759: 10757:{\displaystyle P_{i}} 10732: 10659: 10591: 10502: 10424: 10244: 10214: 9940: 9872:and the unit vectors 9867: 9838: 9816: 9780: 9749: 9649: 9627: 9605: 9583: 9561: 9559:{\displaystyle P_{i}} 9527: 9498: 9425: 9363: 9335: 9309: 9258: 9234: 9214: 9183: 9089: 9060: 9036: 8975: 8888: 8773: 8593: 8512: 8469: 8452:second moment of mass 8441: 8410: 8353: 8279: 8248: 8162: 8080: 8053: 7964: 7886: 7750: 7679: 7635: 7294: 7221: 7192: 7170: 7141: 7116: 7094: 7072: 7050: 6874: 6845: 6823: 6772: 6745: 6712: 6696: 6647: 6216: 6194: 6103: 6083: 6063: 6041: 5972: 5964:parallel axis theorem 5949: 5929: 5784: 5761: 5719: 5520: 5474: 5450: 5448:{\displaystyle \rho } 5430: 5410: 5383: 5351: 5070: 5050: 5048:{\displaystyle \ell } 5030: 5028:{\displaystyle \rho } 5010: 4978: 4956: 4936: 4912: 4892: 4868: 4851:second moment of area 4838: 4818: 4798: 4760: 4738: 4700: 4698:{\displaystyle \rho } 4675: 4579: 4507: 4453: 4428: 4396: 4342: 4246: 4174: 4147: 4132:from the pivot point 4127: 4125:{\displaystyle r_{i}} 4100: 4098:{\displaystyle m_{i}} 4073: 4049: 4029: 3986:cylindrical ring, and 3966: 3945: 3841: 3784: 3729: 3672: 3587: 3557: 3527: 3500:second moment of area 3463: 3326: 3306: 3258: 3185: 3110: 3089:center of oscillation 3082: 3063:Center of oscillation 3054: 3034: 2928: 2908: 2884: 2864: 2844: 2824: 2764: 2762:{\displaystyle I_{P}} 2737: 2694: 2678: 2648: 2610: 2476: 2251: 2229: 2187: 2144: 2108: 2086: 2060: 2029: 1812: 1779: 1741: 1715: 1693: 1671: 1631: 1592: 1572: 1524: 1447: 1405:in terms of the mass 1389: 1320: 1265: 1244: 1157: 1137: 1117: 973:second moment of mass 918: 472:Hamiltonian mechanics 290:Statistical mechanics 209: 126: 32:Second moment of area 40550:Carl Friedrich Gauss 40483:stress–energy tensor 40478:Cauchy stress tensor 40230:Covariant derivative 40192:Antisymmetric tensor 40124:Multi-index notation 39534: 39384:angular acceleration 39156:angular displacement 38840:. pp. 360–361. 38544:Vibrations and waves 38088:Mach, Ernst (1919). 37952: 37930: 37908: 37781: 37759: 37730: 37708: 37667: 37645: 37540: 37370: 37274: 37224: 37202: 37174: 37154: 37134: 37098:yaw, pitch, and roll 37059: 37029: 36952: 36925: 36898: 36876: 36762: 36696: 36674: 36652: 36604: 36582: 36505: 36483: 36461: 36423: 36401: 36365: 36293: 36267: 36235: 36224:is the body's mass, 36208: 36112: 36090: 36057: 35749: 35510: 35126: 35097: 35020: 34991: 34969: 34949: 34821: 34711: 34587: 33292: 33253: 33223: 33203: 33183: 33163: 32266: 32243: 32223: 32155: 32128: 32068: 32046: 31902: 31853: 31798: 31657: 31634: 31614: 31584: 31564: 31534: 31139: 30728: 30699: 30661: 30632: 30521: 30499: 30479: 30459: 30439: 30419: 30228: 30072: 30041: 30021: 29971: 29942: 29519: 29490: 29468: 29448: 28879: 28850: 28818: 28529: 28202: 28170: 27995: 27930: 27893: 27870: 27841: 27791: 27769: 27587: 27558: 27526: 27499: 27442: 27420: 27391: 27369: 27340: 27289: 27269: 27211: 27173: 27151: 27122: 26892: 26870: 26841: 26814: 26778: 26723: 26693: 26650: 26622: 26600: 26578: 26503: 26478: 26450: 26428: 26399: 26059: 25847: 25825: 25803: 25781: 25710: 25688: 25578: 25556: 25527: 25502: 25480: 25437: 25360: 24967: 21301: 21279: 19302: 18178: 17197: 16241: 16233:Then, the following 15763: 15741: 15719: 15682: 15153: 14972: 14772: 14726: 14651: 14629: 14478: 14456: 14434: 14403: 14381: 14354: 14323: 14294: 14190: 14162: 14133: 14028: 13334: 13296: 13227: 12893: 12835: 12587: 12558: 12529: 12478: 12458: 12424: 12321: 12292: 12161: 12106: 12068: 12036: 12007: 11612: 11590: 11568: 11362: 11295: 11265: 11231: 11202: 11180: 11108: 11053: 11031: 11002: 10973: 10922: 10902: 10825: 10796: 10774: 10741: 10668: 10602: 10225: 9949: 9876: 9847: 9825: 9789: 9760: 9658: 9636: 9614: 9592: 9570: 9543: 9507: 9344: 9322: 9267: 9247: 9194: 9098: 9069: 9047: 8478: 8421: 8364: 8288: 8259: 8089: 8067: 7660: 7303: 7230: 7201: 7179: 7150: 7128: 7103: 7081: 7059: 6883: 6854: 6832: 6781: 6761: 6725: 6656: 6225: 6205: 6112: 6092: 6072: 6052: 5981: 5938: 5793: 5773: 5728: 5529: 5483: 5463: 5439: 5419: 5399: 5360: 5079: 5059: 5039: 5019: 4999: 4945: 4925: 4901: 4881: 4857: 4827: 4807: 4769: 4747: 4709: 4689: 4594: 4523: 4437: 4407: 4158: 4136: 4109: 4082: 4062: 4038: 4008: 3852: 3795: 3738: 3683: 3615: 3576: 3536: 3506: 3335: 3315: 3273: 3194: 3119: 3099: 3093:center of percussion 3071: 3043: 2937: 2917: 2897: 2873: 2853: 2833: 2773: 2746: 2719: 2657: 2621: 2488: 2264: 2238: 2200: 2192:also appears in the 2160: 2117: 2095: 2073: 2040: 1821: 1788: 1750: 1728: 1722:angular acceleration 1702: 1680: 1642: 1601: 1581: 1561: 1494: 1417: 1366: 1356:angular acceleration 1293: 1182:) was introduced by 1146: 1126: 1096: 1067:angular acceleration 989:angular acceleration 695:Angular acceleration 687:Rotational frequency 467:Lagrangian mechanics 460:Analytical mechanics 216:Second law of motion 169: 102: 40427:Nonmetricity tensor 40282:(2nd-order tensors) 40250:Hodge star operator 40240:Exterior derivative 40089:Transport phenomena 40074:Continuum mechanics 40030:Multilinear algebra 39474:weighted position: 39291:rotational velocity 39239:kinematic viscosity 38959:Classical mechanics 38724:Classical Mechanics 38709:, John Wiley, 2002. 38283:Winn, Will (2010). 37196:Poinsot's ellipsoid 36983:, and is a form of 36717: 36625: 36548: 36386: 34545: 34527: 34299: 34281: 34053: 34035: 33130: 33112: 32884: 32866: 32638: 32620: 31133:products of inertia 31106: 31088: 30978: 30960: 30850: 30832: 30612: 30588: 30564: 30394: 30373: 29599: 28234: 27609: 27336:, have coordinates 24608: 24581: 24424: 24397: 24240: 24213: 24109: 24082: 23878: 23851: 23647: 23620: 23519: 23429: 23335: 23193: 23099: 23009: 14178:is the total mass. 14115: 11227:is the velocity of 10473: 8822: 8344: 7935: 7099:is the velocity of 6530: 6339: 6274: 5619: 5604: 5457:rotational symmetry 5252: 5166: 4573: 4498: 4387: 3363: 3222: 2980: 1347:as the ratio of an 1281:of a system to its 547:Harmonic oscillator 525:Equations of motion 160:Classical mechanics 154:Part of a series on 40560:Tullio Levi-Civita 40503:Metric tensor (GR) 40417:Levi-Civita symbol 40270:Tensor contraction 40084:General relativity 40020:Euclidean geometry 39549: 38705:Walter D. Pilkey, 38348:. Mathematica, Inc 38197:Symon, KR (1971). 37993: 37938: 37916: 37892: 37767: 37745: 37716: 37694: 37653: 37629: 37526: 37352: 37260: 37210: 37192: 37180: 37160: 37140: 37116:rotational spectra 37071: 37035: 36965: 36938: 36911: 36884: 36860: 36851: 36748: 36699: 36682: 36660: 36646:eigendecomposition 36636:remains constant. 36626: 36607: 36590: 36566: 36530: 36491: 36469: 36447: 36409: 36387: 36368: 36335: 36275: 36241: 36214: 36194: 36098: 36072: 36027: 36018: 35964: 35805: 35717: 35488: 35112: 35083: 35006: 34977: 34955: 34923: 34804: 34689: 34566: 34564: 34553: 34531: 34513: 34285: 34267: 34039: 34021: 33968: 33790: 33269: 33239: 33209: 33189: 33169: 33147: 33138: 33116: 33098: 32870: 32852: 32624: 32606: 32553: 32397: 32249: 32229: 32209: 32141: 32108: 32054: 32030: 31888: 31814: 31782: 31650:-axis, and so on. 31640: 31620: 31600: 31570: 31550: 31518: 31516: 31119: 31117: 31092: 31074: 30964: 30946: 30836: 30818: 30707: 30677: 30645: 30618: 30592: 30568: 30544: 30505: 30485: 30465: 30445: 30425: 30400: 30374: 30353: 30212: 30203: 30054: 30027: 30003:moment of inertia 29979: 29957: 29928: 29926: 29583: 29505: 29476: 29454: 29432: 29430: 28865: 28836: 28804: 28513: 28511: 28218: 28195:is a unit vector. 28185: 28156: 27981: 27916: 27876: 27856: 27827: 27777: 27755: 27593: 27573: 27544: 27512: 27485: 27428: 27406: 27377: 27355: 27326: 27275: 27252: 27197: 27159: 27137: 27108: 26878: 26856: 26827: 26792: 26764: 26709: 26679: 26630: 26608: 26586: 26564: 26486: 26464: 26436: 26414: 26383: 26043: 25833: 25811: 25789: 25767: 25696: 25672: 25564: 25542: 25510: 25488: 25452: 25423: 25343: 25341: 24951: 24949: 24668: 24614: 24588: 24561: 24404: 24377: 24220: 24193: 24126: 24089: 24062: 23858: 23831: 23627: 23600: 23533: 23499: 23409: 23315: 23173: 23079: 22989: 22925: 22288: 22066: 21830: 21776: 21603: 21287: 21263: 21261: 19289: 19287: 18162: 18160: 17177: 17175: 16221: 16219: 15749: 15727: 15705: 15668: 15666: 15148: 15135:obtained from the 15125: 14956: 14758: 14712: 14637: 14613: 14464: 14442: 14420: 14389: 14367: 14336: 14309: 14280: 14168: 14148: 14119: 14097: 14012: 14010: 13320: 13282: 13211: 12876: 12821: 12573: 12544: 12515: 12464: 12432: 12410: 12307: 12278: 12147: 12092: 12047: 12022: 11993: 11991: 11598: 11576: 11552: 11550: 11539: 11348: 11281: 11239: 11217: 11188: 11166: 11094: 11039: 11017: 10988: 10959: 10908: 10898:Let the system of 10866: 10811: 10782: 10754: 10727: 10654: 10586: 10584: 10459: 10209: 10207: 9935: 9862: 9833: 9811: 9775: 9744: 9644: 9622: 9600: 9578: 9556: 9522: 9493: 9491: 9330: 9304: 9253: 9241: 9209: 9178: 9084: 9055: 9031: 9029: 8808: 8472: 8436: 8405: 8348: 8330: 8315: 8274: 8243: 8241: 8075: 8048: 8046: 7921: 7630: 7628: 7289: 7216: 7187: 7165: 7136: 7111: 7089: 7067: 7045: 7043: 6869: 6840: 6818: 6767: 6740: 6715: 6691: 6642: 6640: 6620: 6583: 6568: 6500: 6465: 6433: 6425: 6350: 6322: 6285: 6257: 6211: 6189: 6098: 6078: 6058: 6036: 5974: 5944: 5924: 5779: 5756: 5714: 5605: 5587: 5515: 5469: 5445: 5425: 5405: 5378: 5346: 5194: 5137: 5065: 5045: 5025: 5005: 4980: 4951: 4931: 4907: 4887: 4863: 4833: 4813: 4793: 4755: 4733: 4695: 4670: 4574: 4559: 4548: 4502: 4484: 4423: 4391: 4373: 4142: 4122: 4095: 4068: 4044: 4024: 4002: 3940: 3836: 3779: 3724: 3667: 3582: 3552: 3522: 3458: 3349: 3321: 3301: 3253: 3208: 3180: 3105: 3077: 3049: 3029: 2966: 2923: 2903: 2879: 2859: 2839: 2819: 2759: 2732: 2701: 2687:Compound pendulums 2673: 2643: 2605: 2471: 2469: 2246: 2224: 2182: 2139: 2103: 2081: 2055: 2024: 2022: 1807: 1774: 1736: 1710: 1688: 1666: 1626: 1587: 1567: 1535:radius of gyration 1519: 1442: 1384: 1315: 1268: 1251: 1192:Euler's second law 1168:Christiaan Huygens 1152: 1132: 1112: 977:rotational inertia 928: 863:Physics portal 477:Routhian mechanics 352:Frame of reference 204: 121: 18:Moments of inertia 40593: 40592: 40555:Hermann Grassmann 40511: 40510: 40463:Moment of inertia 40324:Differential form 40299:Affine connection 40114:Einstein notation 40097: 40096: 40025:Exterior calculus 40005:Coordinate system 39937: 39936: 39932: 39931: 39546: 39499:moment of inertia 38874:978-0-262-13396-8 38496:. Prentice Hall. 38424:Conservation Laws 38135:978-1-4297-4281-8 38071:978-0-19-883210-2 38027:Rotational energy 37988: 37987: 37926:in the direction 37624: 37623: 37595: 37594: 37566: 37565: 37505: 37502: 37456: 37453: 37407: 37404: 37183:{\displaystyle c} 37163:{\displaystyle b} 37143:{\displaystyle a} 37038:{\displaystyle m} 36331: 36217:{\displaystyle m} 35711: 35693: 35651: 35632: 35625: 35598: 35585: 35566: 35559: 35537: 35466: 35403: 35379: 35350: 35333: 35269: 35252: 35206: 35189: 35109: 35075: 35058: 35003: 34965:of a particle at 34958:{\displaystyle r} 33603: 33598: 33572: 33482: 33477: 33451: 33361: 33356: 33330: 33212:{\displaystyle z} 33192:{\displaystyle y} 33172:{\displaystyle x} 32252:{\displaystyle y} 32232:{\displaystyle x} 31953: 31643:{\displaystyle x} 31623:{\displaystyle y} 31573:{\displaystyle x} 31456: 31451: 31425: 31332: 31327: 31301: 31208: 31203: 31177: 31037: 31032: 31006: 30909: 30904: 30878: 30781: 30776: 30750: 30508:{\displaystyle z} 30488:{\displaystyle y} 30468:{\displaystyle x} 30448:{\displaystyle j} 30428:{\displaystyle i} 30273: 30268: 30246: 30030:{\displaystyle N} 29918: 29884: 29868: 29839: 29817: 29726: 29711: 29664: 29502: 29486:in the direction 29457:{\displaystyle L} 29422: 29375: 29342: 29286: 29253: 29189: 29138: 29113: 29070: 29050: 28989: 28969: 28921: 28901: 28862: 28775: 28750: 28707: 28687: 28634: 28614: 28566: 28546: 28478: 28458: 28410: 28390: 28333: 28275: 28182: 28142: 28129: 28093: 28080: 28045: 28015: 27970: 27946: 27909: 27879:{\displaystyle L} 27853: 27816: 27803: 27721: 27708: 27680: 27645: 27570: 27522:is obtained from 27482: 27403: 27278:{\displaystyle n} 27102: 27068: 27052: 27023: 27008: 26917: 26853: 26474:constructed from 24935: 21853: 21247: 21031: 20821: 20651: 20478: 20109: 19847: 19575: 19283: 18156: 18014: 17934: 17771: 17634: 17487: 17032: 16873: 16656: 16037: 15885: 15844: 15642: 15619: 15511: 15488: 15411: 15146: 14399:and acceleration 14171:{\displaystyle M} 14092: 14052: 14038: 13931: 13829: 13737: 13595: 13503: 13366: 13348: 13134: 12917: 12903: 12682: 12611: 12597: 12467:{\displaystyle n} 10911:{\displaystyle n} 10860: 10724: 10703: 10681: 10637: 10615: 10557: 10491: 10387: 10342: 10299: 10185: 10140: 10087: 10058: 10040: 10016: 9987: 9926: 9910: 9889: 9802: 9772: 9588:and acceleration 9256:{\displaystyle n} 9157: 9122: 9108: 8968: 8943: 8855: 8833: 8756: 8713: 8656: 8591: 8510: 8492: 8399: 8306: 8217: 8119: 8019: 7953: 7849: 7805: 7609: 7562: 7533: 7452: 7436: 7415: 7399: 7385: 7370: 7320: 7280: 7264: 7243: 6770:{\displaystyle n} 6737: 6719:mechanical system 6673: 6619: 6582: 6567: 6499: 6464: 6424: 6349: 6284: 6246: 6214:{\displaystyle z} 6101:{\displaystyle z} 6081:{\displaystyle z} 6061:{\displaystyle r} 5947:{\displaystyle L} 5896: 5882: 5853: 5837: 5823: 5782:{\displaystyle P} 5696: 5683: 5546: 5472:{\displaystyle z} 5428:{\displaystyle R} 5408:{\displaystyle s} 5341: 5311: 5291: 5269: 5250: 5239: 5220: 5164: 5153: 5096: 5068:{\displaystyle x} 5008:{\displaystyle s} 4984:compound pendulum 4954:{\displaystyle y} 4934:{\displaystyle x} 4910:{\displaystyle y} 4890:{\displaystyle x} 4866:{\displaystyle z} 4836:{\displaystyle Q} 4816:{\displaystyle V} 4539: 4329: 4275: 4203: 4168: 4145:{\displaystyle P} 4071:{\displaystyle N} 4047:{\displaystyle r} 3923: 3895: 3834: 3777: 3722: 3665: 3585:{\displaystyle r} 3449: 3439: 3408: 3377: 3364: 3356: 3324:{\displaystyle L} 3281: 3248: 3223: 3215: 3175: 3174: 3145: 3144: 3129: 3108:{\displaystyle L} 3080:{\displaystyle L} 3052:{\displaystyle t} 3024: 2981: 2973: 2926:{\displaystyle t} 2906:{\displaystyle P} 2882:{\displaystyle r} 2862:{\displaystyle g} 2842:{\displaystyle m} 2814: 2813: 2783: 2729: 2705:compound pendulum 2587: 2541: 2512: 2498: 2461: 2151:moment of inertia 2052: 2014: 1590:{\displaystyle r} 1570:{\displaystyle m} 1537:around the axis. 1354:on a body to the 1310: 1263: 1232:moment of inertia 1176:moment of inertia 1172:compound pendulum 1155:{\displaystyle m} 1135:{\displaystyle r} 961:moment of inertia 920:Tightrope walkers 913: 912: 660:Centrifugal force 655:Centripetal force 611:Euler's equations 596:Relative velocity 372:Moment of inertia 202: 176: 149: 148: 119: 40:Moment of inertia 16:(Redirected from 40635: 40628:Moment (physics) 40570:Bernhard Riemann 40402: 40401: 40245:Exterior product 40212:Two-point tensor 40197:Symmetric tensor 40079:Electromagnetism 39993: 39992: 39964: 39957: 39950: 39941: 39940: 39924: 39920: 39908: 39904: 39884: 39880: 39868: 39864: 39842: 39838: 39828: 39818: 39803: 39799: 39789: 39767: 39763: 39753: 39743: 39728: 39724: 39711: 39687: 39681: 39673: 39662: 39656: 39645: 39638:angular momentum 39623: 39617: 39609: 39594: 39588: 39578: 39565: 39559: 39558: 39556: 39555: 39550: 39548: 39547: 39539: 39512: 39506: 39490: 39467: 39448: 39443: 39421: 39399: 39393: 39376: 39360: 39338: 39332: 39323:angular velocity 39320: 39301: 39300: 39287: 39286: 39279:rotational speed 39275: 39274: 39257: 39246: 39231: 39221: 39202: 39201: 39184: 39179: 39165: 39153: 39133: 39114: 39113: 39107: 39101: 39090: 39064: 39044: 39029: 39013: 39006: 38971: 38970: 38952: 38945: 38938: 38929: 38928: 38886: 38885: 38883: 38881: 38858: 38852: 38851: 38829: 38823: 38822: 38820: 38818: 38797: 38788: 38782: 38781: 38775: 38766: 38760: 38757: 38751: 38744: 38738: 38737: 38719: 38710: 38703: 38697: 38696: 38678: 38655: 38651: 38645: 38644: 38626: 38620: 38613: 38607: 38600: 38594: 38593: 38575: 38558: 38557: 38539: 38533: 38532: 38514: 38508: 38507: 38489: 38474: 38473: 38453: 38447: 38446: 38427: 38417: 38411: 38410: 38390: 38384: 38383: 38381: 38379: 38364: 38358: 38357: 38355: 38353: 38337: 38331: 38330: 38310: 38301: 38300: 38280: 38271: 38270: 38262: 38241: 38240: 38222: 38213: 38212: 38194: 38185: 38184: 38172: 38162: 38145: 38140:From page 166: 38139: 38114: 38108: 38107: 38105: 38103: 38085: 38076: 38075: 38047: 38002: 38000: 37999: 37994: 37989: 37986: 37985: 37984: 37974: 37970: 37962: 37947: 37945: 37944: 37939: 37937: 37925: 37923: 37922: 37917: 37915: 37901: 37899: 37898: 37893: 37885: 37884: 37883: 37873: 37872: 37863: 37852: 37847: 37842: 37841: 37840: 37834: 37828: 37827: 37818: 37807: 37802: 37797: 37796: 37795: 37789: 37776: 37774: 37773: 37768: 37766: 37754: 37752: 37751: 37746: 37744: 37743: 37742: 37725: 37723: 37722: 37717: 37715: 37703: 37701: 37700: 37695: 37693: 37685: 37674: 37662: 37660: 37659: 37654: 37652: 37638: 37636: 37635: 37630: 37625: 37622: 37621: 37612: 37608: 37596: 37593: 37592: 37583: 37579: 37567: 37564: 37563: 37554: 37550: 37535: 37533: 37532: 37527: 37516: 37515: 37510: 37506: 37504: 37503: 37501: 37500: 37491: 37489: 37477: 37467: 37466: 37461: 37457: 37455: 37454: 37452: 37451: 37442: 37440: 37428: 37418: 37417: 37412: 37408: 37406: 37405: 37403: 37402: 37393: 37391: 37379: 37361: 37359: 37358: 37353: 37342: 37341: 37332: 37331: 37319: 37318: 37309: 37308: 37296: 37295: 37286: 37285: 37269: 37267: 37266: 37261: 37250: 37245: 37240: 37239: 37238: 37232: 37219: 37217: 37216: 37211: 37209: 37189: 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23334: 23329: 23308: 23307: 23297: 23296: 23278: 23277: 23256: 23255: 23245: 23244: 23226: 23225: 23204: 23203: 23192: 23187: 23162: 23161: 23151: 23150: 23132: 23131: 23110: 23109: 23098: 23093: 23072: 23071: 23061: 23060: 23042: 23041: 23020: 23019: 23008: 23003: 22974: 22973: 22963: 22958: 22934: 22930: 22929: 22919: 22918: 22908: 22907: 22886: 22885: 22875: 22874: 22850: 22849: 22825: 22824: 22814: 22813: 22792: 22791: 22781: 22780: 22756: 22755: 22727: 22726: 22716: 22715: 22694: 22693: 22683: 22682: 22658: 22657: 22633: 22632: 22622: 22621: 22600: 22599: 22589: 22588: 22564: 22563: 22535: 22534: 22524: 22523: 22502: 22501: 22491: 22490: 22466: 22465: 22441: 22440: 22430: 22429: 22408: 22407: 22397: 22396: 22372: 22371: 22342: 22341: 22331: 22326: 22302: 22298: 22294: 22293: 22292: 22285: 22284: 22274: 22273: 22252: 22251: 22241: 22240: 22215: 22214: 22204: 22203: 22182: 22181: 22171: 22170: 22145: 22144: 22134: 22133: 22112: 22111: 22101: 22100: 22071: 22070: 22058: 22057: 22037: 22036: 22011: 22010: 21982: 21981: 21959: 21958: 21938: 21937: 21898: 21897: 21887: 21882: 21858: 21854: 21851: 21845: 21841: 21840: 21836: 21835: 21834: 21827: 21826: 21813: 21812: 21799: 21798: 21781: 21780: 21768: 21767: 21747: 21746: 21721: 21720: 21692: 21691: 21669: 21668: 21648: 21647: 21608: 21607: 21595: 21594: 21574: 21573: 21548: 21547: 21519: 21518: 21496: 21495: 21475: 21474: 21435: 21434: 21424: 21419: 21388: 21380: 21379: 21374: 21359: 21358: 21353: 21341: 21340: 21330: 21325: 21296: 21294: 21293: 21288: 21286: 21272: 21270: 21269: 21264: 21262: 21258: 21257: 21248: 21245: 21243: 21227: 21219: 21218: 21213: 21198: 21197: 21192: 21180: 21179: 21169: 21164: 21143: 21129: 21121: 21120: 21115: 21100: 21099: 21094: 21082: 21081: 21071: 21066: 21041: 21032: 21029: 21014: 21006: 21005: 21000: 20985: 20984: 20979: 20964: 20956: 20955: 20945: 20940: 20913: 20905: 20904: 20899: 20884: 20883: 20878: 20866: 20865: 20855: 20850: 20826: 20822: 20819: 20804: 20796: 20795: 20790: 20775: 20774: 20769: 20754: 20743: 20735: 20734: 20729: 20714: 20713: 20708: 20696: 20695: 20685: 20680: 20656: 20652: 20649: 20634: 20626: 20625: 20620: 20602: 20601: 20596: 20581: 20570: 20562: 20561: 20556: 20538: 20537: 20532: 20520: 20519: 20509: 20504: 20483: 20479: 20476: 20461: 20460: 20455: 20443: 20432: 20431: 20426: 20411: 20400: 20399: 20394: 20382: 20371: 20370: 20365: 20353: 20352: 20342: 20337: 20316: 20303: 20295: 20294: 20289: 20277: 20276: 20271: 20256: 20255: 20250: 20238: 20237: 20232: 20220: 20209: 20198: 20197: 20192: 20180: 20169: 20168: 20163: 20151: 20150: 20140: 20135: 20114: 20110: 20107: 20086: 20085: 20080: 20068: 20067: 20062: 20041: 20033: 20032: 20027: 20015: 20014: 20009: 19994: 19993: 19988: 19976: 19975: 19970: 19958: 19947: 19936: 19935: 19930: 19918: 19907: 19906: 19901: 19889: 19888: 19878: 19873: 19852: 19848: 19845: 19833: 19825: 19814: 19813: 19808: 19796: 19795: 19790: 19769: 19761: 19760: 19755: 19743: 19742: 19737: 19722: 19721: 19716: 19704: 19703: 19698: 19686: 19675: 19664: 19663: 19658: 19646: 19635: 19634: 19629: 19617: 19616: 19606: 19601: 19580: 19576: 19573: 19561: 19560: 19555: 19543: 19542: 19537: 19525: 19517: 19503: 19495: 19494: 19489: 19477: 19476: 19471: 19456: 19455: 19450: 19438: 19437: 19432: 19420: 19409: 19398: 19397: 19392: 19380: 19369: 19368: 19363: 19351: 19350: 19340: 19335: 19313: 19298: 19296: 19295: 19290: 19288: 19284: 19281: 19266: 19265: 19260: 19248: 19247: 19242: 19230: 19216: 19208: 19207: 19202: 19190: 19189: 19184: 19169: 19168: 19163: 19151: 19150: 19145: 19133: 19119: 19108: 19107: 19102: 19090: 19079: 19078: 19073: 19061: 19060: 19050: 19045: 19024: 19011: 19010: 19005: 18993: 18992: 18987: 18975: 18964: 18963: 18958: 18946: 18945: 18940: 18928: 18909: 18901: 18900: 18895: 18883: 18882: 18877: 18859: 18858: 18853: 18841: 18840: 18835: 18823: 18812: 18811: 18806: 18794: 18793: 18788: 18776: 18762: 18751: 18750: 18745: 18733: 18722: 18721: 18716: 18704: 18703: 18693: 18688: 18667: 18654: 18646: 18645: 18640: 18628: 18627: 18622: 18601: 18590: 18589: 18584: 18572: 18561: 18560: 18555: 18543: 18542: 18532: 18527: 18506: 18493: 18485: 18484: 18479: 18467: 18466: 18461: 18443: 18432: 18431: 18426: 18414: 18403: 18402: 18397: 18385: 18384: 18374: 18369: 18348: 18335: 18334: 18329: 18317: 18306: 18295: 18294: 18289: 18274: 18273: 18268: 18256: 18245: 18244: 18239: 18227: 18226: 18216: 18211: 18189: 18171: 18169: 18168: 18163: 18161: 18157: 18154: 18142: 18134: 18133: 18128: 18116: 18115: 18110: 18092: 18074: 18073: 18068: 18056: 18045: 18034: 18033: 18028: 18015: 18012: 18000: 17999: 17994: 17982: 17974: 17973: 17968: 17950: 17939: 17935: 17932: 17917: 17916: 17911: 17899: 17891: 17890: 17885: 17870: 17853: 17843: 17842: 17837: 17825: 17814: 17813: 17808: 17796: 17776: 17772: 17769: 17745: 17744: 17739: 17727: 17726: 17721: 17706: 17705: 17700: 17688: 17677: 17676: 17671: 17659: 17639: 17635: 17632: 17617: 17609: 17598: 17597: 17592: 17580: 17579: 17574: 17559: 17558: 17553: 17541: 17530: 17529: 17524: 17512: 17492: 17488: 17485: 17470: 17469: 17464: 17452: 17441: 17433: 17432: 17427: 17412: 17411: 17406: 17394: 17383: 17382: 17377: 17365: 17345: 17335: 17334: 17329: 17314: 17313: 17308: 17296: 17282: 17258: 17257: 17252: 17240: 17229: 17218: 17217: 17212: 17186: 17184: 17183: 17178: 17176: 17169: 17168: 17163: 17148: 17147: 17142: 17130: 17116: 17102: 17101: 17096: 17084: 17073: 17062: 17061: 17056: 17033: 17030: 17006: 17005: 17000: 16985: 16984: 16979: 16967: 16953: 16939: 16938: 16933: 16921: 16910: 16899: 16898: 16893: 16878: 16874: 16871: 16859: 16858: 16853: 16841: 16827: 16826: 16821: 16809: 16789: 16788: 16783: 16768: 16767: 16762: 16750: 16736: 16722: 16721: 16716: 16704: 16693: 16682: 16681: 16676: 16661: 16657: 16654: 16645: 16644: 16639: 16627: 16610: 16609: 16604: 16592: 16578: 16577: 16572: 16557: 16556: 16551: 16539: 16525: 16511: 16510: 16505: 16493: 16482: 16471: 16470: 16465: 16450: 16443: 16435: 16434: 16429: 16411: 16410: 16405: 16393: 16379: 16378: 16373: 16358: 16357: 16352: 16340: 16326: 16312: 16311: 16306: 16294: 16283: 16272: 16271: 16266: 16230: 16228: 16227: 16222: 16220: 16207: 16206: 16201: 16189: 16178: 16167: 16166: 16161: 16146: 16145: 16140: 16128: 16117: 16116: 16111: 16099: 16098: 16088: 16083: 16061: 16046: 16045: 16038: 16035: 16032: 16023: 16012: 16011: 16006: 15991: 15990: 15985: 15973: 15962: 15961: 15956: 15944: 15943: 15933: 15928: 15906: 15894: 15893: 15886: 15883: 15880: 15871: 15870: 15865: 15853: 15852: 15845: 15842: 15839: 15830: 15829: 15824: 15812: 15811: 15801: 15796: 15774: 15758: 15756: 15755: 15750: 15748: 15736: 15734: 15733: 15728: 15726: 15714: 15712: 15711: 15706: 15698: 15697: 15696: 15690: 15677: 15675: 15674: 15669: 15667: 15651: 15650: 15643: 15640: 15637: 15628: 15627: 15620: 15617: 15614: 15602: 15601: 15596: 15584: 15583: 15573: 15568: 15547: 15537: 15536: 15535: 15529: 15520: 15519: 15512: 15509: 15506: 15497: 15496: 15489: 15486: 15483: 15471: 15470: 15465: 15453: 15452: 15442: 15437: 15416: 15412: 15409: 15400: 15399: 15394: 15385: 15384: 15379: 15367: 15366: 15356: 15351: 15330: 15323: 15322: 15317: 15311: 15310: 15295: 15294: 15289: 15279: 15274: 15253: 15246: 15245: 15240: 15234: 15233: 15215: 15207: 15206: 15205: 15191: 15186: 15164: 15134: 15132: 15131: 15126: 15115: 15111: 15110: 15109: 15104: 15092: 15088: 15087: 15086: 15081: 15069: 15051: 15043: 15039: 15038: 15034: 15033: 15032: 15027: 15015: 15002: 14989: 14988: 14983: 14965: 14963: 14962: 14957: 14955: 14950: 14946: 14945: 14944: 14939: 14935: 14934: 14933: 14928: 14913: 14912: 14902: 14897: 14871: 14863: 14858: 14854: 14853: 14852: 14847: 14843: 14842: 14841: 14836: 14821: 14820: 14810: 14805: 14779: 14767: 14765: 14764: 14759: 14751: 14743: 14742: 14737: 14721: 14719: 14718: 14713: 14711: 14707: 14706: 14698: 14697: 14692: 14678: 14674: 14673: 14672: 14667: 14646: 14644: 14643: 14638: 14636: 14622: 14620: 14619: 14614: 14609: 14608: 14607: 14601: 14592: 14588: 14587: 14583: 14582: 14574: 14573: 14568: 14554: 14541: 14533: 14529: 14528: 14520: 14519: 14514: 14500: 14492: 14491: 14486: 14473: 14471: 14470: 14465: 14463: 14451: 14449: 14448: 14443: 14441: 14429: 14427: 14426: 14421: 14419: 14418: 14417: 14411: 14398: 14396: 14395: 14390: 14388: 14376: 14374: 14373: 14368: 14366: 14365: 14345: 14343: 14342: 14337: 14335: 14334: 14318: 14316: 14315: 14310: 14308: 14307: 14302: 14289: 14287: 14286: 14281: 14276: 14275: 14270: 14264: 14263: 14251: 14247: 14246: 14238: 14237: 14236: 14220: 14215: 14197: 14182:Resultant torque 14177: 14175: 14174: 14169: 14157: 14155: 14154: 14149: 14147: 14146: 14145: 14128: 14126: 14125: 14120: 14114: 14109: 14108: 14102: 14093: 14085: 14080: 14075: 14074: 14073: 14067: 14058: 14053: 14045: 14040: 14039: 14036: 14021: 14019: 14018: 14013: 14011: 14004: 14003: 14002: 13996: 13987: 13986: 13985: 13979: 13973: 13969: 13968: 13967: 13957: 13952: 13932: 13924: 13919: 13914: 13910: 13909: 13908: 13903: 13899: 13898: 13897: 13892: 13877: 13876: 13866: 13861: 13835: 13830: 13822: 13814: 13810: 13809: 13808: 13802: 13793: 13792: 13791: 13785: 13779: 13775: 13774: 13773: 13763: 13758: 13738: 13730: 13725: 13721: 13720: 13716: 13715: 13710: 13706: 13705: 13704: 13699: 13685: 13684: 13683: 13677: 13673: 13672: 13671: 13666: 13651: 13650: 13649: 13643: 13632: 13631: 13621: 13616: 13596: 13588: 13580: 13576: 13575: 13574: 13568: 13559: 13558: 13557: 13551: 13545: 13541: 13540: 13539: 13529: 13524: 13504: 13496: 13491: 13487: 13486: 13482: 13481: 13476: 13472: 13471: 13470: 13465: 13443: 13439: 13438: 13433: 13429: 13428: 13427: 13422: 13403: 13402: 13392: 13387: 13367: 13359: 13350: 13349: 13346: 13329: 13327: 13326: 13323:{\displaystyle } 13321: 13316: 13315: 13310: 13291: 13289: 13288: 13283: 13275: 13274: 13269: 13260: 13259: 13249: 13244: 13220: 13218: 13217: 13212: 13207: 13203: 13202: 13201: 13200: 13194: 13185: 13184: 13183: 13177: 13171: 13170: 13160: 13155: 13135: 13127: 13122: 13118: 13117: 13113: 13112: 13111: 13106: 13094: 13081: 13080: 13079: 13073: 13067: 13066: 13056: 13051: 13028: 13024: 13023: 13019: 13018: 13017: 13012: 13000: 12987: 12983: 12982: 12981: 12976: 12964: 12954: 12953: 12943: 12938: 12918: 12910: 12905: 12904: 12901: 12885: 12883: 12882: 12877: 12875: 12867: 12866: 12861: 12852: 12851: 12846: 12830: 12828: 12827: 12822: 12817: 12813: 12812: 12811: 12810: 12804: 12795: 12794: 12789: 12777: 12764: 12760: 12759: 12758: 12757: 12751: 12742: 12741: 12736: 12724: 12714: 12713: 12703: 12698: 12683: 12675: 12670: 12669: 12664: 12655: 12654: 12649: 12643: 12642: 12632: 12627: 12612: 12604: 12599: 12598: 12595: 12582: 12580: 12579: 12574: 12572: 12571: 12566: 12554:with velocities 12553: 12551: 12550: 12545: 12543: 12542: 12537: 12524: 12522: 12521: 12516: 12490: 12489: 12473: 12471: 12470: 12465: 12441: 12439: 12438: 12433: 12431: 12419: 12417: 12416: 12411: 12406: 12405: 12400: 12396: 12395: 12394: 12389: 12374: 12373: 12363: 12358: 12337: 12336: 12335: 12329: 12316: 12314: 12313: 12308: 12306: 12305: 12304: 12287: 12285: 12284: 12279: 12274: 12269: 12268: 12267: 12261: 12252: 12247: 12243: 12242: 12241: 12236: 12232: 12231: 12230: 12225: 12210: 12209: 12199: 12194: 12168: 12156: 12154: 12153: 12148: 12146: 12138: 12137: 12132: 12123: 12122: 12117: 12101: 12099: 12098: 12095:{\displaystyle } 12093: 12088: 12087: 12082: 12056: 12054: 12053: 12048: 12046: 12031: 12029: 12028: 12023: 12021: 12020: 12019: 12002: 12000: 11999: 11994: 11992: 11985: 11981: 11980: 11979: 11978: 11972: 11963: 11962: 11957: 11947: 11946: 11936: 11931: 11908: 11904: 11903: 11899: 11898: 11890: 11889: 11884: 11867: 11866: 11861: 11851: 11850: 11840: 11835: 11806: 11802: 11798: 11797: 11796: 11795: 11789: 11780: 11779: 11774: 11762: 11749: 11748: 11743: 11733: 11732: 11722: 11717: 11696: 11692: 11691: 11686: 11677: 11676: 11671: 11661: 11660: 11650: 11645: 11623: 11607: 11605: 11604: 11599: 11597: 11585: 11583: 11582: 11577: 11575: 11561: 11559: 11558: 11553: 11551: 11544: 11543: 11531: 11530: 11519: 11518: 11502: 11501: 11482: 11481: 11468: 11467: 11456: 11455: 11423: 11419: 11406: 11401: 11397: 11381: 11373: 11357: 11355: 11354: 11349: 11344: 11343: 11331: 11330: 11318: 11317: 11302: 11290: 11288: 11287: 11282: 11280: 11276: 11253:Angular momentum 11248: 11246: 11245: 11240: 11238: 11226: 11224: 11223: 11218: 11216: 11215: 11214: 11197: 11195: 11194: 11189: 11187: 11175: 11173: 11172: 11167: 11165: 11164: 11163: 11157: 11148: 11147: 11142: 11130: 11122: 11121: 11116: 11103: 11101: 11100: 11095: 11093: 11085: 11084: 11079: 11070: 11069: 11064: 11048: 11046: 11045: 11040: 11038: 11026: 11024: 11023: 11018: 11016: 11015: 11010: 10998:with velocities 10997: 10995: 10994: 10989: 10987: 10986: 10981: 10968: 10966: 10965: 10960: 10934: 10933: 10917: 10915: 10914: 10909: 10875: 10873: 10872: 10867: 10862: 10861: 10853: 10847: 10846: 10845: 10832: 10820: 10818: 10817: 10812: 10810: 10809: 10808: 10791: 10789: 10788: 10783: 10781: 10763: 10761: 10760: 10755: 10753: 10752: 10736: 10734: 10733: 10728: 10726: 10725: 10717: 10711: 10710: 10705: 10704: 10696: 10689: 10688: 10683: 10682: 10674: 10663: 10661: 10660: 10655: 10653: 10645: 10644: 10639: 10638: 10630: 10623: 10622: 10617: 10616: 10608: 10595: 10593: 10592: 10587: 10585: 10578: 10570: 10566: 10565: 10564: 10559: 10558: 10550: 10546: 10545: 10532: 10531: 10521: 10516: 10493: 10492: 10484: 10478: 10474: 10472: 10467: 10454: 10453: 10443: 10438: 10412: 10408: 10404: 10403: 10395: 10394: 10389: 10388: 10380: 10376: 10375: 10363: 10362: 10350: 10349: 10344: 10343: 10335: 10331: 10330: 10307: 10306: 10301: 10300: 10292: 10288: 10287: 10274: 10273: 10263: 10258: 10236: 10218: 10216: 10215: 10210: 10208: 10201: 10193: 10192: 10187: 10186: 10178: 10174: 10173: 10161: 10160: 10148: 10147: 10142: 10141: 10133: 10129: 10128: 10107: 10103: 10095: 10094: 10089: 10088: 10080: 10076: 10075: 10060: 10059: 10051: 10042: 10041: 10033: 10024: 10023: 10018: 10017: 10009: 10005: 10004: 9989: 9988: 9980: 9967: 9966: 9961: 9944: 9942: 9941: 9936: 9934: 9933: 9928: 9927: 9919: 9912: 9911: 9903: 9897: 9896: 9891: 9890: 9882: 9871: 9869: 9868: 9863: 9861: 9860: 9855: 9842: 9840: 9839: 9834: 9832: 9820: 9818: 9817: 9812: 9810: 9809: 9804: 9803: 9795: 9784: 9782: 9781: 9776: 9774: 9773: 9765: 9753: 9751: 9750: 9745: 9740: 9732: 9731: 9726: 9714: 9706: 9698: 9697: 9692: 9680: 9672: 9671: 9666: 9653: 9651: 9650: 9645: 9643: 9631: 9629: 9628: 9623: 9621: 9609: 9607: 9606: 9601: 9599: 9587: 9585: 9584: 9579: 9577: 9565: 9563: 9562: 9557: 9555: 9554: 9531: 9529: 9528: 9523: 9521: 9520: 9515: 9502: 9500: 9499: 9494: 9492: 9485: 9484: 9479: 9473: 9472: 9460: 9459: 9454: 9444: 9439: 9417: 9405: 9404: 9399: 9393: 9392: 9382: 9377: 9355: 9339: 9337: 9336: 9331: 9329: 9313: 9311: 9310: 9305: 9279: 9278: 9262: 9260: 9259: 9254: 9218: 9216: 9215: 9210: 9208: 9207: 9206: 9187: 9185: 9184: 9179: 9174: 9166: 9158: 9150: 9145: 9144: 9135: 9134: 9133: 9123: 9115: 9110: 9109: 9106: 9093: 9091: 9090: 9085: 9083: 9082: 9081: 9064: 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21304: 21302: 21299: 21298: 21282: 21280: 21277: 21276: 21260: 21259: 21253: 21249: 21244: 21239: 21223: 21214: 21209: 21208: 21193: 21188: 21187: 21175: 21171: 21165: 21154: 21139: 21125: 21116: 21111: 21110: 21095: 21090: 21089: 21077: 21073: 21067: 21056: 21042: 21037: 21034: 21033: 21028: 21010: 21001: 20996: 20995: 20980: 20975: 20974: 20960: 20951: 20947: 20941: 20930: 20909: 20900: 20895: 20894: 20879: 20874: 20873: 20861: 20857: 20851: 20840: 20824: 20823: 20818: 20800: 20791: 20786: 20785: 20770: 20765: 20764: 20750: 20739: 20730: 20725: 20724: 20709: 20704: 20703: 20691: 20687: 20681: 20670: 20654: 20653: 20648: 20630: 20621: 20616: 20615: 20597: 20592: 20591: 20577: 20566: 20557: 20552: 20551: 20533: 20528: 20527: 20515: 20511: 20505: 20494: 20481: 20480: 20475: 20456: 20451: 20450: 20439: 20427: 20422: 20421: 20407: 20395: 20390: 20389: 20378: 20366: 20361: 20360: 20348: 20344: 20338: 20327: 20314: 20313: 20299: 20290: 20285: 20284: 20272: 20267: 20266: 20251: 20246: 20245: 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1399:simple pendulum 1367: 1364: 1358: 1351: 1302: 1294: 1291: 1285: 1278: 1271: 1253: 1228: 1147: 1144: 1143: 1127: 1124: 1123: 1106: 1102: 1097: 1094: 1093: 1055: 957: 956: 955: 954: 950: 949: 948: 940: 939: 909: 868: 855: 854: 847: 846: 845: 720: 712: 711: 691: 645:Circular motion 639: 629: 628: 627: 584: 554: 551: 530: 509: 501: 500: 497: 496: 454: 444: 436: 435: 434: 393: 389:Mechanical work 382: 366: 304: 296: 295: 294: 249: 241: 218: 194: 188: 184: 182: 173: 172: 170: 167: 166: 111: 103: 100: 99: 96: 94: 84: 62: 55: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 40641: 40631: 40630: 40625: 40620: 40615: 40601: 40600: 40591: 40590: 40588: 40587: 40582: 40580:Woldemar Voigt 40577: 40572: 40567: 40562: 40557: 40552: 40547: 40545:Leonhard Euler 40542: 40537: 40532: 40527: 40521: 40519: 40517:Mathematicians 40513: 40512: 40509: 40508: 40506: 40505: 40500: 40495: 40490: 40485: 40480: 40475: 40470: 40465: 40459: 40457: 40453: 40452: 40450: 40449: 40444: 40442:Torsion tensor 40439: 40434: 40429: 40424: 40419: 40414: 40408: 40406: 40399: 40395: 40394: 40392: 40391: 40386: 40381: 40376: 40371: 40366: 40361: 40356: 40351: 40346: 40341: 40336: 40331: 40326: 40321: 40316: 40311: 40306: 40301: 40295: 40293: 40287: 40286: 40284: 40283: 40277: 40275:Tensor product 40272: 40267: 40265:Symmetrization 40262: 40257: 40255:Lie derivative 40252: 40247: 40242: 40237: 40232: 40226: 40224: 40218: 40217: 40215: 40214: 40209: 40204: 40199: 40194: 40189: 40184: 40179: 40177:Tensor density 40174: 40169: 40163: 40161: 40155: 40154: 40152: 40151: 40149:Voigt notation 40146: 40141: 40136: 40134:Ricci calculus 40131: 40126: 40121: 40119:Index notation 40116: 40111: 40105: 40103: 40099: 40098: 40095: 40094: 40092: 40091: 40086: 40081: 40076: 40071: 40065: 40063: 40061: 40060: 40055: 40049: 40046: 40045: 40043: 40042: 40037: 40035:Tensor algebra 40032: 40027: 40022: 40017: 40015:Dyadic algebra 40012: 40007: 40001: 39999: 39990: 39986: 39985: 39978: 39975: 39974: 39967: 39966: 39959: 39952: 39944: 39935: 39934: 39930: 39929: 39910: 39894: 39892: 39889: 39870: 39854: 39852: 39848: 39847: 39808: 39777: 39775: 39772: 39733: 39721: 39701: 39699: 39695: 39694: 39665: 39635: 39633: 39630: 39601: 39568: 39545: 39542: 39527:Mass flow rate 39524: 39520: 39519: 39517: 39515: 39496: 39493: 39491: 39472: 39457: 39453: 39452: 39450: 39431: 39429: 39426: 39424: 39411: 39409: 39405: 39404: 39402: 39381: 39370: 39367: 39365: 39350: 39348: 39344: 39343: 39341: 39310: 39263: 39260: 39236: 39211: 39190: 39186: 39185: 39170: 39143: 39141: 39138: 39123: 39080: 39078: 39074: 39073: 39071: 39069: 39054: 39051: 39049: 39034: 39019: 39015: 39014: 39007: 39000: 38997: 38994: 38991: 38988: 38985: 38981: 38980: 38977: 38975: 38969: 38966: 38965: 38955: 38954: 38947: 38940: 38932: 38926: 38925: 38920: 38915: 38910: 38905: 38900: 38893: 38892:External links 38890: 38888: 38887: 38873: 38853: 38846: 38824: 38802:. 4th Series. 38783: 38761: 38752: 38739: 38732: 38711: 38698: 38692:978-0077295493 38691: 38656: 38646: 38640:978-0135034521 38639: 38621: 38608: 38595: 38589:978-0195371239 38588: 38559: 38552: 38534: 38527: 38509: 38503:978-0135160626 38502: 38475: 38468: 38448: 38438: 38412: 38405: 38385: 38359: 38332: 38326:978-0983563334 38325: 38302: 38296:978-1449063337 38295: 38272: 38242: 38235: 38214: 38207: 38186: 38179: 38146: 38134: 38109: 38077: 38070: 38041: 38039: 38036: 38035: 38034: 38029: 38024: 38019: 38014: 38012:Central moment 38007: 38004: 37992: 37983: 37978: 37973: 37968: 37965: 37961: 37957: 37936: 37914: 37891: 37888: 37882: 37877: 37871: 37867: 37862: 37858: 37855: 37851: 37846: 37839: 37833: 37826: 37822: 37817: 37813: 37810: 37806: 37801: 37794: 37788: 37765: 37741: 37736: 37714: 37692: 37688: 37684: 37680: 37677: 37673: 37651: 37628: 37620: 37616: 37611: 37606: 37603: 37599: 37591: 37587: 37582: 37577: 37574: 37570: 37562: 37558: 37553: 37548: 37545: 37525: 37522: 37519: 37514: 37509: 37499: 37495: 37488: 37484: 37480: 37475: 37470: 37465: 37460: 37450: 37446: 37439: 37435: 37431: 37426: 37421: 37416: 37411: 37401: 37397: 37390: 37386: 37382: 37377: 37351: 37348: 37345: 37340: 37336: 37330: 37326: 37322: 37317: 37313: 37307: 37303: 37299: 37294: 37290: 37284: 37280: 37259: 37256: 37253: 37249: 37244: 37237: 37231: 37208: 37179: 37159: 37139: 37123: 37120: 37083:Platonic solid 37070: 37067: 37064: 37034: 37012:asymmetric top 37008:center of mass 36993:axis of figure 36962: 36958: 36935: 36931: 36908: 36904: 36882: 36859: 36854: 36846: 36842: 36838: 36836: 36833: 36831: 36828: 36827: 36824: 36821: 36817: 36813: 36809: 36807: 36804: 36803: 36800: 36797: 36795: 36792: 36788: 36784: 36780: 36779: 36777: 36772: 36768: 36747: 36741: 36735: 36729: 36724: 36720: 36715: 36709: 36703: 36680: 36658: 36641: 36640:Principal axes 36638: 36623: 36617: 36611: 36588: 36565: 36559: 36553: 36546: 36540: 36534: 36528: 36524: 36518: 36512: 36489: 36467: 36457:where vectors 36446: 36442: 36437: 36433: 36429: 36407: 36384: 36378: 36372: 36358: 36355: 36349: 36346: 36325: 36317: 36313: 36307: 36303: 36299: 36273: 36260: 36257: 36240: 36228: 36213: 36193: 36189: 36185: 36181: 36177: 36172: 36167: 36162: 36158: 36154: 36150: 36146: 36143: 36140: 36137: 36132: 36127: 36122: 36118: 36096: 36084:center of mass 36069: 36064: 36047:Main article: 36044: 36041: 36026: 36021: 36013: 36009: 36005: 36004: 35999: 35995: 35991: 35990: 35985: 35981: 35977: 35976: 35974: 35967: 35959: 35955: 35951: 35946: 35942: 35938: 35936: 35933: 35930: 35927: 35925: 35922: 35919: 35916: 35915: 35912: 35909: 35906: 35903: 35899: 35895: 35891: 35886: 35882: 35878: 35876: 35873: 35870: 35867: 35866: 35863: 35860: 35857: 35854: 35852: 35849: 35846: 35843: 35839: 35835: 35831: 35826: 35822: 35818: 35817: 35815: 35808: 35800: 35796: 35792: 35788: 35784: 35780: 35776: 35772: 35768: 35767: 35765: 35760: 35757: 35754: 35733: 35716: 35710: 35707: 35700: 35687: 35681: 35677: 35671: 35667: 35662: 35658: 35645: 35639: 35624: 35621: 35614: 35611: 35608: 35604: 35597: 35594: 35579: 35573: 35558: 35555: 35548: 35544: 35531: 35525: 35521: 35518: 35515: 35487: 35483: 35477: 35472: 35465: 35462: 35456: 35452: 35447: 35442: 35437: 35432: 35426: 35422: 35419: 35415: 35409: 35402: 35399: 35390: 35385: 35378: 35375: 35369: 35365: 35360: 35355: 35349: 35346: 35339: 35332: 35329: 35323: 35319: 35314: 35309: 35305: 35302: 35297: 35292: 35286: 35282: 35279: 35275: 35268: 35265: 35258: 35251: 35248: 35242: 35238: 35233: 35229: 35225: 35220: 35216: 35212: 35205: 35202: 35195: 35188: 35185: 35179: 35175: 35170: 35166: 35162: 35157: 35153: 35150: 35145: 35141: 35137: 35134: 35131: 35108: 35105: 35081: 35074: 35071: 35064: 35057: 35054: 35048: 35044: 35039: 35035: 35031: 35026: 35002: 34999: 34975: 34954: 34942: 34939: 34935: 34934: 34922: 34917: 34914: 34910: 34906: 34903: 34898: 34894: 34890: 34885: 34882: 34878: 34874: 34871: 34866: 34862: 34858: 34853: 34850: 34846: 34842: 34839: 34834: 34830: 34826: 34815: 34803: 34798: 34795: 34791: 34787: 34782: 34778: 34774: 34769: 34766: 34762: 34758: 34753: 34749: 34745: 34740: 34737: 34733: 34729: 34724: 34720: 34716: 34701:principal axes 34688: 34683: 34680: 34676: 34672: 34667: 34664: 34660: 34656: 34651: 34648: 34644: 34640: 34635: 34632: 34628: 34624: 34619: 34616: 34612: 34608: 34603: 34600: 34596: 34592: 34580: 34577: 34561: 34556: 34549: 34543: 34538: 34534: 34530: 34525: 34520: 34516: 34511: 34505: 34501: 34495: 34490: 34487: 34484: 34480: 34476: 34472: 34468: 34462: 34458: 34452: 34448: 34442: 34437: 34434: 34431: 34427: 34423: 34420: 34416: 34412: 34406: 34402: 34396: 34392: 34386: 34381: 34378: 34375: 34371: 34367: 34364: 34363: 34358: 34354: 34348: 34344: 34338: 34334: 34328: 34323: 34320: 34317: 34313: 34309: 34306: 34303: 34297: 34292: 34288: 34284: 34279: 34274: 34270: 34265: 34259: 34255: 34249: 34244: 34241: 34238: 34234: 34230: 34226: 34222: 34216: 34212: 34206: 34202: 34196: 34191: 34188: 34185: 34181: 34177: 34174: 34173: 34168: 34164: 34158: 34154: 34148: 34144: 34138: 34133: 34130: 34127: 34123: 34119: 34116: 34112: 34108: 34102: 34098: 34092: 34088: 34082: 34077: 34074: 34071: 34067: 34063: 34060: 34057: 34051: 34046: 34042: 34038: 34033: 34028: 34024: 34019: 34013: 34009: 34003: 33998: 33995: 33992: 33988: 33984: 33983: 33981: 33976: 33971: 33963: 33960: 33956: 33952: 33948: 33945: 33941: 33937: 33934: 33930: 33927: 33923: 33919: 33916: 33915: 33910: 33907: 33903: 33899: 33896: 33892: 33889: 33885: 33881: 33877: 33874: 33870: 33866: 33863: 33862: 33857: 33854: 33850: 33846: 33843: 33839: 33836: 33832: 33828: 33825: 33821: 33818: 33814: 33810: 33809: 33807: 33802: 33799: 33797: 33793: 33785: 33781: 33777: 33773: 33769: 33765: 33761: 33757: 33753: 33752: 33747: 33743: 33739: 33735: 33731: 33727: 33723: 33719: 33715: 33714: 33709: 33705: 33701: 33697: 33693: 33689: 33685: 33681: 33677: 33676: 33674: 33669: 33665: 33661: 33660: 33657: 33652: 33648: 33642: 33638: 33632: 33628: 33622: 33617: 33614: 33611: 33607: 33595: 33592: 33589: 33583: 33576: 33574: 33567: 33564: 33560: 33556: 33551: 33548: 33544: 33540: 33539: 33536: 33531: 33527: 33521: 33517: 33511: 33507: 33501: 33496: 33493: 33490: 33486: 33474: 33471: 33468: 33462: 33455: 33453: 33446: 33443: 33439: 33435: 33430: 33427: 33423: 33419: 33418: 33415: 33410: 33406: 33400: 33396: 33390: 33386: 33380: 33375: 33372: 33369: 33365: 33353: 33350: 33347: 33341: 33334: 33332: 33325: 33322: 33318: 33314: 33309: 33306: 33302: 33298: 33297: 33284: 33281: 33266: 33263: 33259: 33236: 33233: 33229: 33208: 33188: 33168: 33146: 33141: 33134: 33128: 33123: 33119: 33115: 33110: 33105: 33101: 33096: 33090: 33086: 33080: 33075: 33072: 33069: 33065: 33061: 33057: 33053: 33047: 33043: 33037: 33033: 33027: 33022: 33019: 33016: 33012: 33008: 33005: 33001: 32997: 32991: 32987: 32981: 32977: 32971: 32966: 32963: 32960: 32956: 32952: 32949: 32948: 32943: 32939: 32933: 32929: 32923: 32919: 32913: 32908: 32905: 32902: 32898: 32894: 32891: 32888: 32882: 32877: 32873: 32869: 32864: 32859: 32855: 32850: 32844: 32840: 32834: 32829: 32826: 32823: 32819: 32815: 32811: 32807: 32801: 32797: 32791: 32787: 32781: 32776: 32773: 32770: 32766: 32762: 32759: 32758: 32753: 32749: 32743: 32739: 32733: 32729: 32723: 32718: 32715: 32712: 32708: 32704: 32701: 32697: 32693: 32687: 32683: 32677: 32673: 32667: 32662: 32659: 32656: 32652: 32648: 32645: 32642: 32636: 32631: 32627: 32623: 32618: 32613: 32609: 32604: 32598: 32594: 32588: 32583: 32580: 32577: 32573: 32569: 32568: 32566: 32561: 32556: 32548: 32545: 32541: 32537: 32533: 32530: 32526: 32522: 32518: 32515: 32511: 32507: 32506: 32501: 32498: 32494: 32490: 32486: 32483: 32479: 32475: 32471: 32468: 32464: 32460: 32459: 32454: 32451: 32447: 32443: 32439: 32436: 32432: 32428: 32424: 32421: 32417: 32413: 32412: 32410: 32405: 32400: 32392: 32388: 32384: 32380: 32376: 32372: 32368: 32364: 32360: 32359: 32354: 32350: 32346: 32342: 32338: 32334: 32330: 32326: 32322: 32321: 32316: 32312: 32308: 32304: 32300: 32296: 32292: 32288: 32284: 32283: 32281: 32276: 32272: 32248: 32228: 32208: 32203: 32198: 32193: 32189: 32185: 32180: 32175: 32170: 32165: 32161: 32138: 32134: 32107: 32103: 32099: 32095: 32091: 32087: 32083: 32078: 32074: 32052: 32029: 32026: 32020: 32016: 32011: 32007: 32004: 32000: 31996: 31993: 31988: 31984: 31980: 31977: 31974: 31971: 31967: 31963: 31959: 31948: 31943: 31939: 31936: 31932: 31928: 31925: 31920: 31916: 31912: 31908: 31886: 31882: 31878: 31874: 31870: 31866: 31862: 31858: 31832: 31812: 31808: 31804: 31781: 31778: 31775: 31771: 31768: 31764: 31761: 31756: 31751: 31747: 31743: 31739: 31734: 31729: 31722: 31718: 31713: 31709: 31705: 31701: 31698: 31695: 31692: 31689: 31686: 31683: 31680: 31675: 31671: 31667: 31663: 31639: 31619: 31597: 31594: 31590: 31569: 31547: 31544: 31540: 31513: 31508: 31504: 31498: 31494: 31488: 31484: 31478: 31473: 31470: 31467: 31463: 31459: 31448: 31445: 31442: 31436: 31429: 31427: 31420: 31417: 31413: 31409: 31404: 31401: 31397: 31393: 31392: 31389: 31384: 31380: 31374: 31370: 31364: 31360: 31354: 31349: 31346: 31343: 31339: 31335: 31324: 31321: 31318: 31312: 31305: 31303: 31296: 31293: 31289: 31285: 31280: 31277: 31273: 31269: 31268: 31265: 31260: 31256: 31250: 31246: 31240: 31236: 31230: 31225: 31222: 31219: 31215: 31211: 31200: 31197: 31194: 31188: 31181: 31179: 31172: 31169: 31165: 31161: 31156: 31153: 31149: 31145: 31144: 31114: 31110: 31104: 31099: 31095: 31091: 31086: 31081: 31077: 31072: 31066: 31062: 31056: 31051: 31048: 31045: 31041: 31029: 31026: 31023: 31017: 31010: 31008: 31001: 30998: 30994: 30990: 30989: 30986: 30982: 30976: 30971: 30967: 30963: 30958: 30953: 30949: 30944: 30938: 30934: 30928: 30923: 30920: 30917: 30913: 30901: 30898: 30895: 30889: 30882: 30880: 30873: 30870: 30866: 30862: 30861: 30858: 30854: 30848: 30843: 30839: 30835: 30830: 30825: 30821: 30816: 30810: 30806: 30800: 30795: 30792: 30789: 30785: 30773: 30770: 30767: 30761: 30754: 30752: 30745: 30742: 30738: 30734: 30733: 30705: 30693: 30692: 30674: 30671: 30667: 30656: 30642: 30638: 30616: 30610: 30607: 30604: 30599: 30595: 30591: 30586: 30583: 30580: 30575: 30571: 30567: 30562: 30559: 30556: 30551: 30547: 30542: 30538: 30533: 30528: 30516: 30504: 30484: 30464: 30444: 30424: 30398: 30392: 30389: 30386: 30381: 30377: 30371: 30368: 30365: 30360: 30356: 30352: 30347: 30344: 30340: 30334: 30329: 30324: 30319: 30314: 30308: 30302: 30298: 30292: 30287: 30284: 30281: 30277: 30265: 30262: 30259: 30253: 30241: 30238: 30234: 30211: 30206: 30198: 30194: 30190: 30186: 30182: 30178: 30174: 30170: 30166: 30165: 30160: 30156: 30152: 30148: 30144: 30140: 30136: 30132: 30128: 30127: 30122: 30118: 30114: 30110: 30106: 30102: 30098: 30094: 30090: 30089: 30087: 30082: 30078: 30051: 30047: 30026: 30014: 30011: 29997: 29996:Inertia tensor 29994: 29977: 29953: 29949: 29923: 29917: 29914: 29905: 29899: 29891: 29883: 29880: 29873: 29867: 29864: 29855: 29849: 29844: 29838: 29835: 29829: 29826: 29824: 29822: 29816: 29813: 29806: 29800: 29795: 29789: 29784: 29779: 29775: 29768: 29764: 29758: 29753: 29750: 29747: 29743: 29739: 29735: 29731: 29725: 29722: 29716: 29710: 29707: 29699: 29694: 29688: 29683: 29678: 29674: 29669: 29663: 29660: 29652: 29648: 29642: 29637: 29634: 29631: 29627: 29623: 29620: 29617: 29615: 29613: 29608: 29603: 29597: 29592: 29587: 29582: 29578: 29571: 29567: 29561: 29556: 29553: 29550: 29546: 29542: 29539: 29537: 29533: 29529: 29525: 29524: 29501: 29498: 29474: 29453: 29427: 29421: 29418: 29410: 29405: 29399: 29394: 29389: 29385: 29380: 29374: 29371: 29365: 29362: 29360: 29356: 29353: 29352: 29348: 29341: 29338: 29332: 29327: 29322: 29317: 29314: 29309: 29304: 29299: 29295: 29291: 29285: 29282: 29276: 29273: 29271: 29267: 29264: 29263: 29259: 29252: 29249: 29243: 29238: 29233: 29228: 29225: 29221: 29217: 29213: 29207: 29202: 29197: 29194: 29188: 29185: 29178: 29174: 29170: 29167: 29166: 29162: 29156: 29151: 29146: 29143: 29137: 29134: 29127: 29123: 29119: 29112: 29109: 29103: 29099: 29094: 29088: 29083: 29078: 29075: 29069: 29066: 29059: 29055: 29049: 29046: 29039: 29034: 29030: 29026: 29023: 29022: 29018: 29013: 29007: 29002: 28997: 28994: 28988: 28985: 28978: 28974: 28968: 28965: 28958: 28954: 28950: 28945: 28939: 28934: 28929: 28926: 28920: 28917: 28910: 28906: 28900: 28897: 28890: 28886: 28884: 28861: 28858: 28833: 28828: 28823: 28803: 28799: 28793: 28788: 28783: 28780: 28774: 28771: 28764: 28760: 28756: 28749: 28746: 28740: 28736: 28731: 28725: 28720: 28715: 28712: 28706: 28703: 28696: 28692: 28686: 28683: 28676: 28671: 28667: 28663: 28658: 28652: 28647: 28642: 28639: 28633: 28630: 28623: 28619: 28613: 28610: 28603: 28599: 28595: 28590: 28584: 28579: 28574: 28571: 28565: 28562: 28555: 28551: 28545: 28542: 28535: 28507: 28502: 28496: 28491: 28486: 28483: 28477: 28474: 28467: 28463: 28457: 28454: 28447: 28443: 28439: 28434: 28428: 28423: 28418: 28415: 28409: 28406: 28399: 28395: 28389: 28386: 28379: 28375: 28372: 28370: 28368: 28364: 28358: 28353: 28348: 28343: 28338: 28332: 28329: 28323: 28318: 28314: 28310: 28306: 28300: 28295: 28290: 28285: 28280: 28274: 28271: 28265: 28260: 28256: 28252: 28249: 28247: 28243: 28238: 28232: 28227: 28222: 28217: 28213: 28208: 28207: 28181: 28178: 28155: 28149: 28141: 28138: 28128: 28125: 28119: 28115: 28111: 28107: 28100: 28092: 28089: 28079: 28076: 28070: 28066: 28061: 28055: 28050: 28044: 28041: 28035: 28030: 28025: 28020: 28014: 28011: 28005: 28000: 27979: 27975: 27969: 27966: 27960: 27956: 27951: 27945: 27942: 27936: 27914: 27908: 27905: 27899: 27875: 27852: 27849: 27823: 27815: 27812: 27802: 27799: 27775: 27754: 27749: 27744: 27739: 27735: 27728: 27720: 27717: 27707: 27704: 27698: 27694: 27689: 27685: 27679: 27676: 27669: 27663: 27658: 27653: 27650: 27644: 27641: 27634: 27630: 27625: 27620: 27615: 27612: 27607: 27602: 27597: 27592: 27569: 27566: 27541: 27536: 27531: 27509: 27505: 27481: 27478: 27472: 27469: 27465: 27461: 27458: 27455: 27452: 27448: 27426: 27402: 27399: 27375: 27352: 27347: 27325: 27322: 27319: 27316: 27313: 27310: 27307: 27304: 27299: 27295: 27274: 27250: 27246: 27241: 27236: 27231: 27226: 27221: 27216: 27196: 27191: 27186: 27181: 27178: 27157: 27133: 27129: 27107: 27101: 27098: 27089: 27083: 27075: 27067: 27064: 27057: 27051: 27048: 27039: 27033: 27028: 27022: 27019: 27013: 27007: 27004: 26997: 26991: 26986: 26980: 26975: 26970: 26966: 26959: 26955: 26949: 26944: 26941: 26938: 26934: 26930: 26926: 26922: 26916: 26913: 26907: 26902: 26898: 26876: 26852: 26849: 26824: 26820: 26807: 26804: 26791: 26787: 26783: 26762: 26758: 26754: 26747: 26741: 26737: 26733: 26728: 26706: 26702: 26698: 26676: 26671: 26667: 26663: 26658: 26655: 26628: 26606: 26584: 26563: 26558: 26554: 26549: 26545: 26542: 26539: 26533: 26527: 26522: 26516: 26510: 26484: 26463: 26459: 26455: 26434: 26410: 26406: 26382: 26377: 26373: 26368: 26364: 26360: 26354: 26350: 26344: 26339: 26336: 26333: 26329: 26324: 26320: 26316: 26312: 26308: 26304: 26299: 26294: 26289: 26284: 26280: 26274: 26269: 26266: 26263: 26259: 26254: 26250: 26246: 26242: 26239: 26236: 26232: 26228: 26224: 26220: 26216: 26212: 26207: 26202: 26197: 26192: 26188: 26182: 26177: 26174: 26171: 26167: 26162: 26158: 26154: 26148: 26144: 26139: 26135: 26130: 26125: 26120: 26115: 26111: 26105: 26100: 26097: 26094: 26090: 26085: 26081: 26078: 26072: 26066: 26042: 26037: 26033: 26028: 26024: 26020: 26015: 26011: 26006: 26001: 25995: 25991: 25986: 25982: 25976: 25971: 25968: 25965: 25961: 25957: 25954: 25949: 25945: 25940: 25935: 25931: 25927: 25922: 25918: 25913: 25908: 25903: 25898: 25894: 25888: 25883: 25880: 25877: 25873: 25869: 25866: 25860: 25854: 25831: 25809: 25787: 25766: 25762: 25758: 25754: 25750: 25746: 25742: 25739: 25735: 25731: 25727: 25723: 25720: 25716: 25694: 25671: 25666: 25661: 25656: 25652: 25647: 25642: 25636: 25629: 25625: 25619: 25614: 25611: 25608: 25604: 25600: 25597: 25591: 25585: 25562: 25538: 25534: 25508: 25486: 25470:Main article: 25467: 25464: 25448: 25444: 25422: 25418: 25411: 25405: 25400: 25396: 25392: 25388: 25381: 25375: 25370: 25366: 25337: 25332: 25326: 25322: 25316: 25312: 25308: 25305: 25300: 25296: 25290: 25285: 25282: 25279: 25275: 25271: 25267: 25263: 25259: 25255: 25251: 25246: 25240: 25236: 25230: 25226: 25222: 25219: 25214: 25210: 25204: 25199: 25196: 25193: 25189: 25185: 25181: 25177: 25174: 25172: 25170: 25167: 25164: 25160: 25156: 25151: 25146: 25141: 25138: 25135: 25130: 25125: 25120: 25115: 25111: 25105: 25100: 25097: 25094: 25090: 25086: 25083: 25079: 25075: 25072: 25069: 25065: 25061: 25056: 25051: 25046: 25043: 25040: 25035: 25030: 25025: 25022: 25017: 25013: 25007: 25002: 24999: 24996: 24992: 24988: 24985: 24982: 24980: 24977: 24973: 24972: 24944: 24940: 24930: 24925: 24920: 24915: 24909: 24905: 24899: 24895: 24891: 24888: 24883: 24879: 24873: 24868: 24865: 24862: 24858: 24854: 24850: 24846: 24843: 24841: 24839: 24836: 24832: 24828: 24823: 24818: 24813: 24810: 24807: 24802: 24797: 24792: 24789: 24784: 24780: 24774: 24769: 24766: 24763: 24759: 24755: 24752: 24751: 24747: 24741: 24737: 24731: 24727: 24723: 24720: 24715: 24711: 24705: 24700: 24697: 24694: 24690: 24686: 24683: 24680: 24678: 24676: 24671: 24663: 24659: 24655: 24654: 24649: 24645: 24641: 24640: 24635: 24631: 24627: 24626: 24624: 24617: 24611: 24606: 24601: 24598: 24595: 24591: 24587: 24584: 24579: 24574: 24571: 24568: 24564: 24560: 24557: 24554: 24551: 24547: 24544: 24541: 24537: 24533: 24528: 24525: 24522: 24518: 24514: 24511: 24507: 24504: 24501: 24497: 24493: 24488: 24485: 24482: 24478: 24474: 24471: 24470: 24465: 24462: 24459: 24455: 24451: 24446: 24443: 24440: 24436: 24432: 24429: 24427: 24422: 24417: 24414: 24411: 24407: 24403: 24400: 24395: 24390: 24387: 24384: 24380: 24376: 24373: 24370: 24367: 24363: 24360: 24357: 24353: 24349: 24344: 24341: 24338: 24334: 24330: 24327: 24326: 24321: 24318: 24315: 24311: 24307: 24302: 24299: 24296: 24292: 24288: 24285: 24281: 24278: 24275: 24271: 24267: 24262: 24259: 24256: 24252: 24248: 24245: 24243: 24238: 24233: 24230: 24227: 24223: 24219: 24216: 24211: 24206: 24203: 24200: 24196: 24192: 24189: 24186: 24183: 24182: 24180: 24173: 24169: 24163: 24158: 24155: 24152: 24148: 24144: 24141: 24138: 24136: 24134: 24129: 24121: 24117: 24112: 24107: 24102: 24099: 24096: 24092: 24088: 24085: 24080: 24075: 24072: 24069: 24065: 24061: 24058: 24055: 24050: 24046: 24039: 24036: 24033: 24029: 24025: 24020: 24017: 24014: 24010: 24006: 24003: 23998: 23994: 23987: 23984: 23981: 23977: 23973: 23968: 23965: 23962: 23958: 23954: 23951: 23948: 23947: 23942: 23938: 23931: 23928: 23925: 23921: 23917: 23912: 23909: 23906: 23902: 23898: 23895: 23890: 23886: 23881: 23876: 23871: 23868: 23865: 23861: 23857: 23854: 23849: 23844: 23841: 23838: 23834: 23830: 23827: 23824: 23819: 23815: 23808: 23805: 23802: 23798: 23794: 23789: 23786: 23783: 23779: 23775: 23772: 23769: 23768: 23763: 23759: 23752: 23749: 23746: 23742: 23738: 23733: 23730: 23727: 23723: 23719: 23716: 23711: 23707: 23700: 23697: 23694: 23690: 23686: 23681: 23678: 23675: 23671: 23667: 23664: 23659: 23655: 23650: 23645: 23640: 23637: 23634: 23630: 23626: 23623: 23618: 23613: 23610: 23607: 23603: 23599: 23596: 23593: 23590: 23589: 23587: 23580: 23576: 23570: 23565: 23562: 23559: 23555: 23551: 23548: 23545: 23543: 23541: 23536: 23528: 23524: 23517: 23512: 23509: 23506: 23502: 23498: 23495: 23490: 23486: 23479: 23476: 23473: 23469: 23465: 23460: 23457: 23454: 23450: 23446: 23443: 23438: 23434: 23427: 23422: 23419: 23416: 23412: 23408: 23405: 23400: 23396: 23389: 23386: 23383: 23379: 23375: 23370: 23367: 23364: 23360: 23356: 23353: 23350: 23349: 23344: 23340: 23333: 23328: 23325: 23322: 23318: 23314: 23311: 23306: 23302: 23295: 23292: 23289: 23285: 23281: 23276: 23273: 23270: 23266: 23262: 23259: 23254: 23250: 23243: 23240: 23237: 23233: 23229: 23224: 23221: 23218: 23214: 23210: 23207: 23202: 23198: 23191: 23186: 23183: 23180: 23176: 23172: 23169: 23166: 23165: 23160: 23156: 23149: 23146: 23143: 23139: 23135: 23130: 23127: 23124: 23120: 23116: 23113: 23108: 23104: 23097: 23092: 23089: 23086: 23082: 23078: 23075: 23070: 23066: 23059: 23056: 23053: 23049: 23045: 23040: 23037: 23034: 23030: 23026: 23023: 23018: 23014: 23007: 23002: 22999: 22996: 22992: 22988: 22985: 22982: 22981: 22979: 22972: 22968: 22962: 22957: 22954: 22951: 22947: 22943: 22940: 22937: 22935: 22933: 22928: 22922: 22917: 22913: 22906: 22903: 22900: 22896: 22892: 22889: 22884: 22880: 22873: 22870: 22867: 22863: 22859: 22856: 22853: 22848: 22845: 22842: 22838: 22834: 22831: 22828: 22823: 22819: 22812: 22809: 22806: 22802: 22798: 22795: 22790: 22786: 22779: 22776: 22773: 22769: 22765: 22762: 22759: 22754: 22751: 22748: 22744: 22740: 22737: 22734: 22733: 22730: 22725: 22721: 22714: 22711: 22708: 22704: 22700: 22697: 22692: 22688: 22681: 22678: 22675: 22671: 22667: 22664: 22661: 22656: 22653: 22650: 22646: 22642: 22639: 22636: 22631: 22627: 22620: 22617: 22614: 22610: 22606: 22603: 22598: 22594: 22587: 22584: 22581: 22577: 22573: 22570: 22567: 22562: 22559: 22556: 22552: 22548: 22545: 22542: 22541: 22538: 22533: 22529: 22522: 22519: 22516: 22512: 22508: 22505: 22500: 22496: 22489: 22486: 22483: 22479: 22475: 22472: 22469: 22464: 22461: 22458: 22454: 22450: 22447: 22444: 22439: 22435: 22428: 22425: 22422: 22418: 22414: 22411: 22406: 22402: 22395: 22392: 22389: 22385: 22381: 22378: 22375: 22370: 22367: 22364: 22360: 22356: 22353: 22350: 22349: 22347: 22340: 22336: 22330: 22325: 22322: 22319: 22315: 22311: 22308: 22305: 22303: 22301: 22297: 22291: 22283: 22279: 22272: 22269: 22266: 22262: 22258: 22255: 22250: 22246: 22239: 22236: 22233: 22229: 22225: 22222: 22219: 22218: 22213: 22209: 22202: 22199: 22196: 22192: 22188: 22185: 22180: 22176: 22169: 22166: 22163: 22159: 22155: 22152: 22149: 22148: 22143: 22139: 22132: 22129: 22126: 22122: 22118: 22115: 22110: 22106: 22099: 22096: 22093: 22089: 22085: 22082: 22079: 22078: 22076: 22069: 22063: 22060: 22056: 22053: 22050: 22046: 22042: 22039: 22035: 22032: 22029: 22025: 22021: 22018: 22015: 22014: 22009: 22006: 22003: 21999: 21995: 21992: 21989: 21987: 21984: 21980: 21977: 21974: 21970: 21966: 21963: 21962: 21957: 21954: 21951: 21947: 21943: 21940: 21936: 21933: 21930: 21926: 21922: 21919: 21916: 21914: 21911: 21910: 21908: 21902: 21896: 21892: 21886: 21881: 21878: 21875: 21871: 21867: 21864: 21861: 21859: 21857: 21849: 21844: 21839: 21833: 21825: 21821: 21817: 21816: 21811: 21807: 21803: 21802: 21797: 21793: 21789: 21788: 21786: 21779: 21773: 21770: 21766: 21763: 21760: 21756: 21752: 21749: 21745: 21742: 21739: 21735: 21731: 21728: 21725: 21724: 21719: 21716: 21713: 21709: 21705: 21702: 21699: 21697: 21694: 21690: 21687: 21684: 21680: 21676: 21673: 21672: 21667: 21664: 21661: 21657: 21653: 21650: 21646: 21643: 21640: 21636: 21632: 21629: 21626: 21624: 21621: 21620: 21618: 21612: 21606: 21600: 21597: 21593: 21590: 21587: 21583: 21579: 21576: 21572: 21569: 21566: 21562: 21558: 21555: 21552: 21551: 21546: 21543: 21540: 21536: 21532: 21529: 21526: 21524: 21521: 21517: 21514: 21511: 21507: 21503: 21500: 21499: 21494: 21491: 21488: 21484: 21480: 21477: 21473: 21470: 21467: 21463: 21459: 21456: 21453: 21451: 21448: 21447: 21445: 21439: 21433: 21429: 21423: 21418: 21415: 21412: 21408: 21404: 21401: 21398: 21396: 21394: 21391: 21387: 21383: 21378: 21373: 21368: 21365: 21362: 21357: 21352: 21347: 21344: 21339: 21335: 21329: 21324: 21321: 21318: 21314: 21310: 21307: 21306: 21285: 21256: 21252: 21242: 21237: 21233: 21230: 21226: 21222: 21217: 21212: 21207: 21204: 21201: 21196: 21191: 21186: 21183: 21178: 21174: 21168: 21163: 21160: 21157: 21153: 21149: 21146: 21142: 21138: 21135: 21132: 21128: 21124: 21119: 21114: 21109: 21106: 21103: 21098: 21093: 21088: 21085: 21080: 21076: 21070: 21065: 21062: 21059: 21055: 21051: 21048: 21045: 21043: 21040: 21036: 21035: 21027: 21023: 21020: 21017: 21013: 21009: 21004: 20999: 20994: 20991: 20988: 20983: 20978: 20973: 20970: 20967: 20963: 20959: 20954: 20950: 20944: 20939: 20936: 20933: 20929: 20925: 20922: 20919: 20916: 20912: 20908: 20903: 20898: 20893: 20890: 20887: 20882: 20877: 20872: 20869: 20864: 20860: 20854: 20849: 20846: 20843: 20839: 20835: 20832: 20829: 20827: 20825: 20817: 20813: 20810: 20807: 20803: 20799: 20794: 20789: 20784: 20781: 20778: 20773: 20768: 20763: 20760: 20757: 20753: 20749: 20746: 20742: 20738: 20733: 20728: 20723: 20720: 20717: 20712: 20707: 20702: 20699: 20694: 20690: 20684: 20679: 20676: 20673: 20669: 20665: 20662: 20659: 20657: 20655: 20647: 20643: 20640: 20637: 20633: 20629: 20624: 20619: 20614: 20611: 20608: 20605: 20600: 20595: 20590: 20587: 20584: 20580: 20576: 20573: 20569: 20565: 20560: 20555: 20550: 20547: 20544: 20541: 20536: 20531: 20526: 20523: 20518: 20514: 20508: 20503: 20500: 20497: 20493: 20489: 20486: 20484: 20482: 20474: 20470: 20467: 20464: 20459: 20454: 20449: 20446: 20442: 20438: 20435: 20430: 20425: 20420: 20417: 20414: 20410: 20406: 20403: 20398: 20393: 20388: 20385: 20381: 20377: 20374: 20369: 20364: 20359: 20356: 20351: 20347: 20341: 20336: 20333: 20330: 20326: 20322: 20319: 20317: 20315: 20312: 20309: 20306: 20302: 20298: 20293: 20288: 20283: 20280: 20275: 20270: 20265: 20262: 20259: 20254: 20249: 20244: 20241: 20236: 20231: 20226: 20223: 20219: 20215: 20212: 20208: 20204: 20201: 20196: 20191: 20186: 20183: 20179: 20175: 20172: 20167: 20162: 20157: 20154: 20149: 20145: 20139: 20134: 20131: 20128: 20124: 20120: 20117: 20115: 20113: 20105: 20101: 20098: 20095: 20092: 20089: 20084: 20079: 20074: 20071: 20066: 20061: 20056: 20053: 20050: 20047: 20044: 20040: 20036: 20031: 20026: 20021: 20018: 20013: 20008: 20003: 20000: 19997: 19992: 19987: 19982: 19979: 19974: 19969: 19964: 19961: 19957: 19953: 19950: 19946: 19942: 19939: 19934: 19929: 19924: 19921: 19917: 19913: 19910: 19905: 19900: 19895: 19892: 19887: 19883: 19877: 19872: 19869: 19866: 19862: 19858: 19855: 19853: 19851: 19843: 19839: 19836: 19832: 19828: 19824: 19820: 19817: 19812: 19807: 19802: 19799: 19794: 19789: 19784: 19781: 19778: 19775: 19772: 19768: 19764: 19759: 19754: 19749: 19746: 19741: 19736: 19731: 19728: 19725: 19720: 19715: 19710: 19707: 19702: 19697: 19692: 19689: 19685: 19681: 19678: 19674: 19670: 19667: 19662: 19657: 19652: 19649: 19645: 19641: 19638: 19633: 19628: 19623: 19620: 19615: 19611: 19605: 19600: 19597: 19594: 19590: 19586: 19583: 19581: 19579: 19571: 19567: 19564: 19559: 19554: 19549: 19546: 19541: 19536: 19531: 19528: 19524: 19520: 19516: 19512: 19509: 19506: 19502: 19498: 19493: 19488: 19483: 19480: 19475: 19470: 19465: 19462: 19459: 19454: 19449: 19444: 19441: 19436: 19431: 19426: 19423: 19419: 19415: 19412: 19408: 19404: 19401: 19396: 19391: 19386: 19383: 19379: 19375: 19372: 19367: 19362: 19357: 19354: 19349: 19345: 19339: 19334: 19331: 19328: 19324: 19320: 19317: 19315: 19312: 19308: 19307: 19279: 19275: 19272: 19269: 19264: 19259: 19254: 19251: 19246: 19241: 19236: 19233: 19229: 19225: 19222: 19219: 19215: 19211: 19206: 19201: 19196: 19193: 19188: 19183: 19178: 19175: 19172: 19167: 19162: 19157: 19154: 19149: 19144: 19139: 19136: 19132: 19128: 19125: 19122: 19118: 19114: 19111: 19106: 19101: 19096: 19093: 19089: 19085: 19082: 19077: 19072: 19067: 19064: 19059: 19055: 19049: 19044: 19041: 19038: 19034: 19030: 19027: 19025: 19023: 19020: 19017: 19014: 19009: 19004: 18999: 18996: 18991: 18986: 18981: 18978: 18974: 18970: 18967: 18962: 18957: 18952: 18949: 18944: 18939: 18934: 18931: 18927: 18922: 18918: 18915: 18912: 18908: 18904: 18899: 18894: 18889: 18886: 18881: 18876: 18871: 18868: 18865: 18862: 18857: 18852: 18847: 18844: 18839: 18834: 18829: 18826: 18822: 18818: 18815: 18810: 18805: 18800: 18797: 18792: 18787: 18782: 18779: 18775: 18771: 18768: 18765: 18761: 18757: 18754: 18749: 18744: 18739: 18736: 18732: 18728: 18725: 18720: 18715: 18710: 18707: 18702: 18698: 18692: 18687: 18684: 18681: 18677: 18673: 18670: 18668: 18666: 18663: 18660: 18657: 18653: 18649: 18644: 18639: 18634: 18631: 18626: 18621: 18616: 18613: 18610: 18607: 18604: 18600: 18596: 18593: 18588: 18583: 18578: 18575: 18571: 18567: 18564: 18559: 18554: 18549: 18546: 18541: 18537: 18531: 18526: 18523: 18520: 18516: 18512: 18509: 18507: 18505: 18502: 18499: 18496: 18492: 18488: 18483: 18478: 18473: 18470: 18465: 18460: 18455: 18452: 18449: 18446: 18442: 18438: 18435: 18430: 18425: 18420: 18417: 18413: 18409: 18406: 18401: 18396: 18391: 18388: 18383: 18379: 18373: 18368: 18365: 18362: 18358: 18354: 18351: 18349: 18347: 18344: 18341: 18338: 18333: 18328: 18323: 18320: 18316: 18312: 18309: 18305: 18301: 18298: 18293: 18288: 18283: 18280: 18277: 18272: 18267: 18262: 18259: 18255: 18251: 18248: 18243: 18238: 18233: 18230: 18225: 18221: 18215: 18210: 18207: 18204: 18200: 18196: 18193: 18191: 18188: 18184: 18183: 18152: 18148: 18145: 18141: 18137: 18132: 18127: 18122: 18119: 18114: 18109: 18104: 18101: 18098: 18095: 18091: 18087: 18084: 18082: 18080: 18077: 18072: 18067: 18062: 18059: 18055: 18051: 18048: 18044: 18040: 18037: 18032: 18027: 18022: 18019: 18018: 18010: 18006: 18003: 17998: 17993: 17988: 17985: 17981: 17977: 17972: 17967: 17962: 17959: 17956: 17953: 17949: 17945: 17942: 17940: 17938: 17930: 17926: 17923: 17920: 17915: 17910: 17905: 17902: 17898: 17894: 17889: 17884: 17879: 17876: 17873: 17869: 17865: 17862: 17859: 17856: 17854: 17852: 17849: 17846: 17841: 17836: 17831: 17828: 17824: 17820: 17817: 17812: 17807: 17802: 17799: 17795: 17791: 17788: 17785: 17782: 17779: 17777: 17775: 17767: 17763: 17760: 17757: 17754: 17751: 17748: 17743: 17738: 17733: 17730: 17725: 17720: 17715: 17712: 17709: 17704: 17699: 17694: 17691: 17687: 17683: 17680: 17675: 17670: 17665: 17662: 17658: 17654: 17651: 17648: 17645: 17642: 17640: 17638: 17630: 17626: 17623: 17620: 17616: 17612: 17608: 17604: 17601: 17596: 17591: 17586: 17583: 17578: 17573: 17568: 17565: 17562: 17557: 17552: 17547: 17544: 17540: 17536: 17533: 17528: 17523: 17518: 17515: 17511: 17507: 17504: 17501: 17498: 17495: 17493: 17491: 17483: 17479: 17476: 17473: 17468: 17463: 17458: 17455: 17451: 17447: 17444: 17440: 17436: 17431: 17426: 17421: 17418: 17415: 17410: 17405: 17400: 17397: 17393: 17389: 17386: 17381: 17376: 17371: 17368: 17364: 17360: 17357: 17354: 17351: 17348: 17346: 17344: 17341: 17338: 17333: 17328: 17323: 17320: 17317: 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14804: 14801: 14798: 14794: 14790: 14786: 14782: 14778: 14757: 14754: 14750: 14746: 14741: 14736: 14731: 14710: 14705: 14701: 14696: 14691: 14685: 14681: 14677: 14671: 14666: 14661: 14657: 14635: 14612: 14606: 14600: 14595: 14591: 14586: 14581: 14577: 14572: 14567: 14561: 14557: 14553: 14548: 14544: 14540: 14536: 14532: 14527: 14523: 14518: 14513: 14507: 14503: 14499: 14495: 14490: 14485: 14462: 14440: 14416: 14410: 14387: 14364: 14360: 14333: 14329: 14306: 14301: 14279: 14274: 14269: 14262: 14258: 14254: 14250: 14245: 14241: 14235: 14231: 14225: 14219: 14214: 14211: 14208: 14204: 14200: 14196: 14183: 14180: 14167: 14144: 14140: 14118: 14113: 14107: 14101: 14096: 14091: 14088: 14083: 14079: 14072: 14066: 14061: 14057: 14051: 14048: 14043: 14034: 14007: 14001: 13995: 13990: 13984: 13978: 13972: 13966: 13962: 13956: 13951: 13948: 13945: 13941: 13936: 13930: 13927: 13922: 13918: 13913: 13907: 13902: 13896: 13891: 13886: 13882: 13875: 13871: 13865: 13860: 13857: 13854: 13850: 13846: 13842: 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11517: 11513: 11509: 11506: 11505: 11500: 11496: 11492: 11489: 11487: 11484: 11480: 11476: 11472: 11471: 11466: 11462: 11458: 11454: 11450: 11446: 11443: 11441: 11438: 11437: 11435: 11430: 11427: 11425: 11422: 11418: 11414: 11410: 11409: 11405: 11400: 11396: 11392: 11388: 11385: 11383: 11380: 11376: 11372: 11368: 11367: 11347: 11342: 11338: 11334: 11329: 11325: 11321: 11316: 11312: 11308: 11305: 11301: 11279: 11275: 11271: 11257:Note that the 11254: 11251: 11237: 11213: 11209: 11186: 11162: 11156: 11151: 11146: 11141: 11136: 11133: 11129: 11125: 11120: 11115: 11092: 11088: 11083: 11078: 11073: 11068: 11063: 11058: 11037: 11014: 11009: 10985: 10980: 10958: 10955: 10952: 10949: 10946: 10943: 10940: 10937: 10932: 10928: 10907: 10880: 10877: 10865: 10859: 10856: 10850: 10844: 10839: 10835: 10831: 10807: 10802: 10780: 10769:center of mass 10751: 10747: 10723: 10720: 10714: 10709: 10702: 10699: 10692: 10687: 10680: 10677: 10652: 10648: 10643: 10636: 10633: 10626: 10621: 10614: 10611: 10581: 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30345: 30342: 30338: 30332: 30322: 30306: 30300: 30296: 30290: 30285: 30282: 30279: 30275: 30251: 30239: 30236: 30232: 30222: 30209: 30204: 30196: 30192: 30184: 30180: 30172: 30168: 30158: 30154: 30146: 30142: 30134: 30130: 30120: 30116: 30108: 30104: 30096: 30092: 30085: 30080: 30067: 30049: 30045: 30037:point masses 30024: 30010: 30007: 30006: 29993: 29990: 29921: 29871: 29842: 29827: 29825: 29804: 29798: 29793: 29787: 29773: 29766: 29762: 29756: 29751: 29748: 29745: 29741: 29737: 29733: 29729: 29714: 29697: 29692: 29686: 29672: 29667: 29650: 29646: 29640: 29635: 29632: 29629: 29625: 29621: 29618: 29616: 29606: 29601: 29595: 29590: 29576: 29569: 29565: 29559: 29554: 29551: 29548: 29544: 29540: 29538: 29531: 29527: 29451: 29442: 29425: 29408: 29403: 29397: 29383: 29378: 29363: 29361: 29354: 29346: 29330: 29325: 29312: 29307: 29293: 29289: 29274: 29272: 29265: 29257: 29241: 29236: 29223: 29219: 29215: 29211: 29205: 29192: 29176: 29168: 29160: 29154: 29141: 29125: 29121: 29117: 29101: 29097: 29092: 29086: 29073: 29057: 29053: 29037: 29032: 29024: 29016: 29011: 29005: 28992: 28976: 28972: 28956: 28952: 28948: 28943: 28937: 28924: 28908: 28904: 28888: 28831: 28801: 28797: 28791: 28778: 28762: 28758: 28754: 28738: 28734: 28729: 28723: 28710: 28694: 28690: 28674: 28669: 28665: 28661: 28656: 28650: 28637: 28621: 28617: 28601: 28597: 28593: 28588: 28582: 28569: 28553: 28549: 28533: 28523: 28505: 28500: 28494: 28481: 28465: 28461: 28445: 28441: 28437: 28432: 28426: 28413: 28397: 28393: 28377: 28373: 28371: 28362: 28356: 28341: 28336: 28321: 28316: 28312: 28308: 28304: 28298: 28283: 28278: 28263: 28258: 28254: 28250: 28248: 28241: 28236: 28230: 28225: 28211: 28196: 28153: 28117: 28109: 28105: 28068: 28059: 28053: 28048: 28033: 28028: 28023: 28018: 28003: 27998: 27973: 27958: 27949: 27934: 27912: 27897: 27887: 27873: 27752: 27747: 27733: 27696: 27687: 27683: 27667: 27661: 27648: 27632: 27628: 27623: 27610: 27605: 27600: 27539: 27507: 27503: 27470: 27467: 27459: 27453: 27350: 27323: 27320: 27317: 27314: 27311: 27308: 27305: 27302: 27297: 27293: 27272: 27263: 27244: 27239: 27229: 27224: 27189: 27105: 27055: 27026: 27011: 26995: 26989: 26984: 26978: 26964: 26957: 26953: 26947: 26942: 26939: 26936: 26932: 26928: 26924: 26920: 26905: 26900: 26896: 26822: 26818: 26803: 26760: 26752: 26739: 26731: 26726: 26704: 26700: 26696: 26674: 26669: 26661: 26656: 26653: 26645: 26641: 26561: 26556: 26540: 26537: 26520: 26497: 26393: 26380: 26375: 26358: 26352: 26348: 26342: 26337: 26334: 26331: 26327: 26322: 26318: 26314: 26302: 26297: 26282: 26278: 26272: 26267: 26264: 26261: 26257: 26252: 26237: 26222: 26210: 26205: 26190: 26186: 26180: 26175: 26172: 26169: 26165: 26160: 26156: 26152: 26146: 26133: 26128: 26113: 26109: 26103: 26098: 26095: 26092: 26088: 26083: 26079: 26076: 26053: 26040: 26035: 26022: 26018: 26009: 26004: 25993: 25984: 25980: 25974: 25969: 25966: 25963: 25959: 25955: 25952: 25947: 25938: 25929: 25920: 25916: 25911: 25896: 25892: 25886: 25881: 25878: 25875: 25871: 25867: 25864: 25764: 25756: 25748: 25740: 25729: 25718: 25682: 25669: 25664: 25659: 25650: 25645: 25634: 25627: 25623: 25617: 25612: 25609: 25606: 25602: 25598: 25595: 25521: 25473: 25463: 25420: 25398: 25390: 25368: 25353: 25330: 25324: 25314: 25310: 25298: 25294: 25288: 25283: 25280: 25277: 25273: 25269: 25265: 25261: 25253: 25244: 25238: 25228: 25224: 25212: 25208: 25202: 25197: 25194: 25191: 25187: 25183: 25179: 25175: 25173: 25154: 25149: 25133: 25128: 25113: 25109: 25103: 25098: 25095: 25092: 25088: 25084: 25081: 25073: 25059: 25054: 25038: 25033: 25015: 25011: 25005: 25000: 24997: 24994: 24990: 24986: 24983: 24981: 24961: 24942: 24938: 24923: 24913: 24907: 24897: 24893: 24881: 24877: 24871: 24866: 24863: 24860: 24856: 24852: 24848: 24844: 24842: 24826: 24821: 24805: 24800: 24782: 24778: 24772: 24767: 24764: 24761: 24757: 24753: 24739: 24729: 24725: 24713: 24709: 24703: 24698: 24695: 24692: 24688: 24684: 24681: 24679: 24669: 24661: 24657: 24647: 24643: 24633: 24629: 24622: 24615: 24604: 24599: 24596: 24593: 24589: 24582: 24577: 24572: 24569: 24566: 24562: 24552: 24545: 24542: 24539: 24535: 24526: 24523: 24520: 24516: 24505: 24502: 24499: 24495: 24486: 24483: 24480: 24476: 24463: 24460: 24457: 24453: 24444: 24441: 24438: 24434: 24420: 24415: 24412: 24409: 24405: 24398: 24393: 24388: 24385: 24382: 24378: 24368: 24361: 24358: 24355: 24351: 24342: 24339: 24336: 24332: 24319: 24316: 24313: 24309: 24300: 24297: 24294: 24290: 24279: 24276: 24273: 24269: 24260: 24257: 24254: 24250: 24236: 24231: 24228: 24225: 24221: 24214: 24209: 24204: 24201: 24198: 24194: 24184: 24178: 24171: 24167: 24161: 24156: 24153: 24150: 24146: 24142: 24139: 24137: 24127: 24119: 24115: 24105: 24100: 24097: 24094: 24090: 24083: 24078: 24073: 24070: 24067: 24063: 24053: 24048: 24044: 24037: 24034: 24031: 24027: 24018: 24015: 24012: 24008: 24001: 23996: 23992: 23985: 23982: 23979: 23975: 23966: 23963: 23960: 23956: 23949: 23940: 23936: 23929: 23926: 23923: 23919: 23910: 23907: 23904: 23900: 23893: 23888: 23884: 23874: 23869: 23866: 23863: 23859: 23852: 23847: 23842: 23839: 23836: 23832: 23822: 23817: 23813: 23806: 23803: 23800: 23796: 23787: 23784: 23781: 23777: 23770: 23761: 23757: 23750: 23747: 23744: 23740: 23731: 23728: 23725: 23721: 23714: 23709: 23705: 23698: 23695: 23692: 23688: 23679: 23676: 23673: 23669: 23662: 23657: 23653: 23643: 23638: 23635: 23632: 23628: 23621: 23616: 23611: 23608: 23605: 23601: 23591: 23585: 23578: 23574: 23568: 23563: 23560: 23557: 23553: 23549: 23546: 23544: 23534: 23526: 23522: 23515: 23510: 23507: 23504: 23500: 23493: 23488: 23484: 23477: 23474: 23471: 23467: 23458: 23455: 23452: 23448: 23441: 23436: 23432: 23425: 23420: 23417: 23414: 23410: 23403: 23398: 23394: 23387: 23384: 23381: 23377: 23368: 23365: 23362: 23358: 23351: 23342: 23338: 23331: 23326: 23323: 23320: 23316: 23309: 23304: 23300: 23293: 23290: 23287: 23283: 23274: 23271: 23268: 23264: 23257: 23252: 23248: 23241: 23238: 23235: 23231: 23222: 23219: 23216: 23212: 23205: 23200: 23196: 23189: 23184: 23181: 23178: 23174: 23167: 23158: 23154: 23147: 23144: 23141: 23137: 23128: 23125: 23122: 23118: 23111: 23106: 23102: 23095: 23090: 23087: 23084: 23080: 23073: 23068: 23064: 23057: 23054: 23051: 23047: 23038: 23035: 23032: 23028: 23021: 23016: 23012: 23005: 23000: 22997: 22994: 22990: 22983: 22977: 22970: 22966: 22960: 22955: 22952: 22949: 22945: 22941: 22938: 22936: 22926: 22915: 22911: 22904: 22901: 22898: 22894: 22887: 22882: 22878: 22871: 22868: 22865: 22861: 22854: 22846: 22843: 22840: 22836: 22829: 22821: 22817: 22810: 22807: 22804: 22800: 22793: 22788: 22784: 22777: 22774: 22771: 22767: 22760: 22752: 22749: 22746: 22742: 22735: 22723: 22719: 22712: 22709: 22706: 22702: 22695: 22690: 22686: 22679: 22676: 22673: 22669: 22662: 22654: 22651: 22648: 22644: 22637: 22629: 22625: 22618: 22615: 22612: 22608: 22601: 22596: 22592: 22585: 22582: 22579: 22575: 22568: 22560: 22557: 22554: 22550: 22543: 22531: 22527: 22520: 22517: 22514: 22510: 22503: 22498: 22494: 22487: 22484: 22481: 22477: 22470: 22462: 22459: 22456: 22452: 22445: 22437: 22433: 22426: 22423: 22420: 22416: 22409: 22404: 22400: 22393: 22390: 22387: 22383: 22376: 22368: 22365: 22362: 22358: 22351: 22345: 22338: 22334: 22328: 22323: 22320: 22317: 22313: 22309: 22306: 22304: 22295: 22289: 22281: 22277: 22270: 22267: 22264: 22260: 22253: 22248: 22244: 22237: 22234: 22231: 22227: 22220: 22211: 22207: 22200: 22197: 22194: 22190: 22183: 22178: 22174: 22167: 22164: 22161: 22157: 22150: 22141: 22137: 22130: 22127: 22124: 22120: 22113: 22108: 22104: 22097: 22094: 22091: 22087: 22080: 22074: 22067: 22061: 22054: 22051: 22048: 22044: 22033: 22030: 22027: 22023: 22016: 22007: 22004: 22001: 21997: 21990: 21985: 21978: 21975: 21972: 21968: 21955: 21952: 21949: 21945: 21934: 21931: 21928: 21924: 21917: 21912: 21906: 21900: 21894: 21890: 21884: 21879: 21876: 21873: 21869: 21865: 21862: 21860: 21847: 21842: 21837: 21831: 21823: 21819: 21809: 21805: 21795: 21791: 21784: 21777: 21771: 21764: 21761: 21758: 21754: 21743: 21740: 21737: 21733: 21726: 21717: 21714: 21711: 21707: 21700: 21695: 21688: 21685: 21682: 21678: 21665: 21662: 21659: 21655: 21644: 21641: 21638: 21634: 21627: 21622: 21616: 21610: 21604: 21598: 21591: 21588: 21585: 21581: 21570: 21567: 21564: 21560: 21553: 21544: 21541: 21538: 21534: 21527: 21522: 21515: 21512: 21509: 21505: 21492: 21489: 21486: 21482: 21471: 21468: 21465: 21461: 21454: 21449: 21443: 21437: 21431: 21427: 21421: 21416: 21413: 21410: 21406: 21402: 21399: 21397: 21381: 21376: 21360: 21355: 21337: 21333: 21327: 21322: 21319: 21316: 21312: 21308: 21273: 21254: 21250: 21235: 21220: 21215: 21199: 21194: 21176: 21172: 21166: 21161: 21158: 21155: 21151: 21147: 21144: 21136: 21122: 21117: 21101: 21096: 21078: 21074: 21068: 21063: 21060: 21057: 21053: 21049: 21046: 21044: 21025: 21007: 21002: 20986: 20981: 20965: 20952: 20948: 20942: 20937: 20934: 20931: 20927: 20923: 20920: 20906: 20901: 20885: 20880: 20862: 20858: 20852: 20847: 20844: 20841: 20837: 20833: 20830: 20828: 20815: 20797: 20792: 20776: 20771: 20755: 20747: 20736: 20731: 20715: 20710: 20692: 20688: 20682: 20677: 20674: 20671: 20667: 20663: 20660: 20658: 20645: 20627: 20622: 20606: 20603: 20598: 20582: 20574: 20563: 20558: 20542: 20539: 20534: 20516: 20512: 20506: 20501: 20498: 20495: 20491: 20487: 20485: 20472: 20457: 20444: 20433: 20428: 20412: 20404: 20396: 20383: 20372: 20367: 20349: 20345: 20339: 20334: 20331: 20328: 20324: 20320: 20318: 20296: 20291: 20273: 20260: 20252: 20239: 20234: 20210: 20202: 20194: 20181: 20170: 20165: 20147: 20143: 20137: 20132: 20129: 20126: 20122: 20118: 20116: 20103: 20093: 20082: 20069: 20064: 20048: 20034: 20029: 20011: 19998: 19990: 19977: 19972: 19948: 19940: 19932: 19919: 19908: 19903: 19885: 19881: 19875: 19870: 19867: 19864: 19860: 19856: 19854: 19841: 19826: 19810: 19797: 19792: 19776: 19762: 19757: 19739: 19726: 19718: 19705: 19700: 19676: 19668: 19660: 19647: 19636: 19631: 19613: 19609: 19603: 19598: 19595: 19592: 19588: 19584: 19582: 19569: 19557: 19544: 19539: 19518: 19510: 19496: 19491: 19473: 19460: 19452: 19439: 19434: 19410: 19402: 19394: 19381: 19370: 19365: 19347: 19343: 19337: 19332: 19329: 19326: 19322: 19318: 19316: 19277: 19262: 19249: 19244: 19223: 19209: 19204: 19186: 19173: 19165: 19152: 19147: 19120: 19112: 19104: 19091: 19080: 19075: 19057: 19053: 19047: 19042: 19039: 19036: 19032: 19028: 19026: 19018: 19015: 19007: 18994: 18989: 18968: 18960: 18947: 18942: 18920: 18902: 18897: 18879: 18866: 18855: 18842: 18837: 18816: 18808: 18795: 18790: 18763: 18755: 18747: 18734: 18723: 18718: 18700: 18696: 18690: 18685: 18682: 18679: 18675: 18671: 18669: 18647: 18642: 18624: 18611: 18608: 18602: 18594: 18586: 18573: 18562: 18557: 18539: 18535: 18529: 18524: 18521: 18518: 18514: 18510: 18508: 18486: 18481: 18463: 18447: 18444: 18436: 18428: 18415: 18404: 18399: 18381: 18377: 18371: 18366: 18363: 18360: 18356: 18352: 18350: 18331: 18318: 18307: 18296: 18291: 18278: 18270: 18257: 18246: 18241: 18223: 18219: 18213: 18208: 18205: 18202: 18198: 18194: 18192: 18172: 18150: 18135: 18130: 18112: 18096: 18093: 18085: 18083: 18070: 18057: 18046: 18035: 18030: 18008: 17996: 17983: 17970: 17954: 17951: 17943: 17941: 17928: 17913: 17900: 17887: 17871: 17860: 17857: 17855: 17839: 17826: 17810: 17797: 17783: 17780: 17778: 17765: 17752: 17746: 17741: 17723: 17710: 17702: 17689: 17673: 17660: 17646: 17643: 17641: 17628: 17610: 17599: 17594: 17576: 17563: 17555: 17542: 17526: 17513: 17499: 17496: 17494: 17481: 17466: 17453: 17442: 17429: 17416: 17408: 17395: 17379: 17366: 17352: 17349: 17347: 17331: 17318: 17310: 17297: 17283: 17272: 17269: 17267: 17254: 17241: 17230: 17219: 17214: 17192: 17187: 17165: 17152: 17144: 17131: 17117: 17109: 17098: 17085: 17074: 17063: 17058: 17045: 17043: 17038: 17026: 17019: 17013: 17010: 17002: 16989: 16981: 16968: 16954: 16946: 16935: 16922: 16911: 16900: 16895: 16882: 16880: 16867: 16855: 16842: 16831: 16823: 16810: 16796: 16793: 16785: 16772: 16764: 16751: 16737: 16729: 16718: 16705: 16694: 16683: 16678: 16665: 16663: 16650: 16641: 16628: 16617: 16614: 16606: 16593: 16582: 16574: 16561: 16553: 16540: 16526: 16518: 16507: 16494: 16483: 16472: 16467: 16454: 16452: 16436: 16431: 16415: 16407: 16394: 16383: 16375: 16362: 16354: 16341: 16327: 16319: 16308: 16295: 16284: 16273: 16268: 16255: 16253: 16248: 16236: 16231: 16203: 16190: 16179: 16168: 16163: 16150: 16142: 16129: 16118: 16113: 16095: 16091: 16085: 16080: 16077: 16074: 16070: 16066: 16064: 16042: 16039: 16024: 16013: 16008: 15995: 15987: 15974: 15963: 15958: 15940: 15936: 15930: 15925: 15922: 15919: 15915: 15911: 15909: 15890: 15887: 15872: 15867: 15854: 15849: 15846: 15831: 15826: 15808: 15804: 15798: 15793: 15790: 15787: 15783: 15779: 15777: 15702: 15699: 15655: 15652: 15647: 15644: 15629: 15624: 15621: 15603: 15598: 15580: 15576: 15570: 15565: 15562: 15559: 15555: 15551: 15549: 15521: 15516: 15513: 15498: 15493: 15490: 15472: 15467: 15449: 15445: 15439: 15434: 15431: 15428: 15424: 15420: 15418: 15405: 15396: 15386: 15381: 15363: 15359: 15353: 15348: 15345: 15342: 15338: 15334: 15332: 15319: 15307: 15303: 15296: 15291: 15276: 15271: 15268: 15265: 15261: 15257: 15255: 15242: 15230: 15226: 15219: 15208: 15188: 15183: 15180: 15177: 15173: 15169: 15167: 15144: 15142: 15141:cross product 15138: 15122: 15119: 15116: 15112: 15106: 15093: 15089: 15083: 15070: 15061: 15056: 15052: 15044: 15040: 15035: 15029: 15016: 15007: 15003: 14994: 14990: 14985: 14966: 14947: 14941: 14936: 14930: 14916: 14909: 14905: 14899: 14894: 14891: 14888: 14884: 14880: 14876: 14872: 14864: 14855: 14849: 14844: 14838: 14824: 14817: 14813: 14807: 14802: 14799: 14796: 14792: 14788: 14784: 14780: 14755: 14744: 14739: 14708: 14699: 14694: 14683: 14679: 14675: 14669: 14655: 14623: 14610: 14593: 14589: 14584: 14575: 14570: 14559: 14555: 14546: 14542: 14534: 14530: 14521: 14516: 14505: 14501: 14493: 14488: 14362: 14358: 14349: 14331: 14327: 14304: 14277: 14272: 14260: 14256: 14252: 14248: 14239: 14223: 14217: 14212: 14209: 14206: 14202: 14198: 14179: 14165: 14116: 14111: 14094: 14089: 14086: 14081: 14059: 14049: 14046: 14041: 14032: 14022: 14005: 13988: 13970: 13964: 13960: 13954: 13949: 13946: 13943: 13939: 13934: 13928: 13925: 13920: 13911: 13905: 13900: 13894: 13880: 13873: 13869: 13863: 13858: 13855: 13852: 13848: 13844: 13840: 13836: 13826: 13823: 13818: 13816: 13794: 13776: 13770: 13766: 13760: 13755: 13752: 13749: 13745: 13740: 13734: 13731: 13726: 13722: 13717: 13707: 13701: 13687: 13674: 13668: 13654: 13634: 13628: 13624: 13618: 13613: 13610: 13607: 13603: 13598: 13592: 13589: 13584: 13582: 13560: 13542: 13536: 13532: 13526: 13521: 13518: 13515: 13511: 13506: 13500: 13497: 13492: 13488: 13483: 13473: 13467: 13453: 13448: 13444: 13440: 13430: 13424: 13410: 13405: 13399: 13395: 13389: 13384: 13381: 13378: 13374: 13369: 13363: 13360: 13355: 13353: 13342: 13312: 13279: 13276: 13271: 13256: 13252: 13246: 13241: 13238: 13235: 13231: 13221: 13208: 13204: 13186: 13167: 13163: 13157: 13152: 13149: 13146: 13142: 13137: 13131: 13128: 13123: 13119: 13114: 13108: 13095: 13086: 13082: 13063: 13059: 13053: 13048: 13045: 13042: 13038: 13033: 13029: 13025: 13020: 13014: 13001: 12992: 12988: 12984: 12978: 12965: 12956: 12950: 12946: 12940: 12935: 12932: 12929: 12925: 12920: 12914: 12911: 12906: 12897: 12887: 12868: 12863: 12853: 12848: 12818: 12814: 12796: 12791: 12778: 12769: 12765: 12761: 12743: 12738: 12725: 12716: 12710: 12706: 12700: 12695: 12692: 12689: 12685: 12679: 12676: 12671: 12666: 12656: 12651: 12639: 12635: 12629: 12624: 12621: 12618: 12614: 12608: 12605: 12600: 12591: 12568: 12539: 12512: 12509: 12506: 12503: 12500: 12497: 12494: 12491: 12486: 12482: 12461: 12453: 12443: 12407: 12402: 12397: 12391: 12377: 12370: 12366: 12360: 12355: 12352: 12349: 12345: 12341: 12338: 12275: 12253: 12244: 12238: 12233: 12227: 12213: 12206: 12202: 12196: 12191: 12188: 12185: 12181: 12177: 12173: 12169: 12139: 12134: 12124: 12119: 12084: 12062: 12060: 12039: 11986: 11982: 11964: 11959: 11943: 11939: 11933: 11928: 11925: 11922: 11918: 11913: 11909: 11905: 11900: 11891: 11886: 11872: 11868: 11863: 11847: 11843: 11837: 11832: 11829: 11826: 11822: 11818: 11814: 11810: 11808: 11799: 11781: 11776: 11763: 11754: 11750: 11745: 11729: 11725: 11719: 11714: 11711: 11708: 11704: 11700: 11698: 11688: 11678: 11673: 11657: 11653: 11647: 11642: 11639: 11636: 11632: 11628: 11626: 11562: 11545: 11540: 11534: 11527: 11523: 11515: 11511: 11507: 11498: 11494: 11490: 11485: 11478: 11474: 11464: 11460: 11452: 11448: 11444: 11439: 11433: 11428: 11426: 11420: 11412: 11398: 11390: 11386: 11384: 11374: 11340: 11336: 11332: 11327: 11323: 11319: 11314: 11310: 11303: 11277: 11269: 11260: 11250: 11149: 11144: 11131: 11123: 11118: 11086: 11081: 11071: 11066: 11012: 10983: 10956: 10953: 10950: 10947: 10944: 10941: 10938: 10935: 10930: 10926: 10905: 10894: 10890: 10885: 10876: 10863: 10848: 10837: 10833: 10800: 10770: 10765: 10749: 10745: 10712: 10707: 10690: 10685: 10646: 10641: 10624: 10619: 10596: 10579: 10571: 10567: 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Retrieved 38863: 38856: 38833: 38827: 38815:. Retrieved 38803: 38799: 38786: 38777: 38764: 38755: 38742: 38723: 38701: 38682: 38649: 38630: 38624: 38611: 38598: 38579: 38543: 38537: 38518: 38512: 38493: 38458: 38451: 38443: 38423: 38415: 38395: 38388: 38376:. Retrieved 38372: 38362: 38350:. Retrieved 38345: 38335: 38315: 38285: 38266: 38229:. Springer. 38226: 38198: 38168: 38141: 38119: 38112: 38102:November 21, 38100:. Retrieved 38090: 38052: 38045: 37903: 37641:Let a point 37640: 37193: 37110: 37103: 37087: 37051: 37024: 37019: 37015: 37011: 37003: 36997: 36992: 36988: 36976: 36871: 36643: 36578:Notice that 36577: 36360: 36351: 36262: 36225: 36052: 36038: 35745: 35742: 35730: 35728: 35506: 35499: 34944: 34936: 34582: 33286: 33158: 32261: 32119: 32041: 31845: 31840: 31829: 31793: 31652: 31529: 31132: 31130: 30723: 30694: 30411: 30223: 30068:is given by 30016: 30002: 29999: 29991: 29443: 28524: 28197: 28166:noting that 27888: 27264: 26809: 26643: 26642: 26498: 26394: 26054: 25683: 25522: 25475: 25355: 24962: 21274: 18173: 17188: 16232: 15149: 14967: 14768:, to obtain 14624: 14185: 14023: 13222: 12888: 12449: 12063: 11563: 11256: 10897: 10882: 10766: 10597: 10220: 9755: 9534: 9242: 9220: 9189: 9042: 8473: 8456: 8447: 8416: 8359: 8254: 8059: 7655: 7645: 7644: 7641: 7123: 6756: 6751: 6716: 6200: 6047: 5975: 5957: 5766:is its mass. 5392: 5015:and density 4992: 4983: 4981: 4874: 4846: 4845: 4823:of the body 4681: 4585: 4517: 4513: 4402: 4154: 4057: 4003: 3569: 3565: 3497: 3485: 3469: 3264: 3066: 2892: 2702: 2616: 2483: 2155: 2150: 2035: 1637: 1555: 1481: 1467: 1464: 1453: 1396: 1342: 1327: 1269: 1231: 1229: 1216: 1200: 1196: 1187: 1186:in his book 1175: 1165: 1087: 1056: 1053:Introduction 1040: 1021: 997: 976: 972: 968: 964: 960: 958: 705: / 701: / 699:displacement 697: / 558: / 520:Displacement 458: 449: 443:Formulations 430:Virtual work 371: 370: / 310:Acceleration 303:Fundamentals 143: 140: 73:SI unit 65: 40525:Élie Cartan 40473:Spin tensor 40447:Weyl tensor 40405:Mathematics 40369:Multivector 40160:definitions 40058:Engineering 39997:Mathematics 39174:solid angle 38094:. pp.  37362:defines an 36989:figure axis 36692:, given by 35736:is the 3×3 32122:dot product 31835:is the 3×3 27285:particles, 25574:, given by 15884:centripetal 15641:centripetal 15510:centripetal 12317:defined by 10918:particles, 9843:to a point 9340:, to yield 9263:particles, 7197:to a point 6777:particles, 3998:OGV version 3848:Circular: 1475:to an axis 1174:. The term 841:von Neumann 508:Core topics 83:Other units 40607:Categories 40354:Linear map 40222:Operations 39909:m s, N m s 39885:m s,  39831:Lagrangian 39756:Lagrangian 38996:Dimensions 38984:Dimensions 38469:1572594918 38439:0970467028 38406:0748743146 38038:References 36357:Body frame 32120:where the 30013:Definition 27926:such that 16036:tangential 15843:tangential 15618:tangential 15487:tangential 14348:kinematics 12474:particles 9537:kinematics 6705:Rigid body 6088:along the 4682:Here, the 3959:Point mass 3476:gravimeter 2697:gravimeter 1545:See also: 1226:Definition 1004:point mass 981:rigid body 776:d'Alembert 756:Maupertuis 719:Scientists 601:Rigid body 275:Kinematics 40493:EM tensor 40329:Dimension 40280:Transpose 39925:ms,  39544:˙ 39267:frequency 39194:frequency 38748:Mechanics 38199:Mechanics 37964:‖ 37956:‖ 37866:‖ 37857:‖ 37845:Λ 37821:‖ 37812:‖ 37800:Λ 37777:, yields 37687:‖ 37679:‖ 37364:ellipsoid 37243:Λ 37207:Λ 37122:Ellipsoid 36767:Λ 36728:Λ 36679:Λ 36239:⊗ 36184:⊗ 36176:− 36153:⋅ 35929:− 35918:− 35905:− 35869:− 35856:− 35845:− 35709:^ 35676:− 35661:⋅ 35623:^ 35613:⋅ 35596:^ 35557:^ 35547:− 35464:^ 35455:⋅ 35441:− 35401:^ 35377:^ 35368:⋅ 35348:^ 35331:^ 35322:⋅ 35301:− 35267:^ 35250:^ 35241:⋅ 35228:− 35215:⋅ 35204:^ 35187:^ 35178:⋅ 35165:− 35107:^ 35073:^ 35056:^ 35047:⋅ 35034:− 35001:^ 34905:− 34873:− 34841:− 34479:∑ 34426:∑ 34422:− 34370:∑ 34366:− 34312:∑ 34308:− 34233:∑ 34180:∑ 34176:− 34122:∑ 34118:− 34066:∑ 34062:− 33987:∑ 33936:− 33918:− 33898:− 33865:− 33845:− 33827:− 33606:∑ 33485:∑ 33364:∑ 33064:∑ 33011:∑ 33007:− 32955:∑ 32951:− 32897:∑ 32893:− 32818:∑ 32765:∑ 32761:− 32707:∑ 32703:− 32651:∑ 32647:− 32572:∑ 32192:⋅ 32184:⋅ 32098:⋅ 32090:⋅ 31992:ρ 31983:∭ 31979:− 31924:ρ 31915:∭ 31881:× 31824:is their 31807:⊗ 31746:⊗ 31738:− 31717:‖ 31708:‖ 31679:ρ 31670:∭ 31462:∑ 31458:− 31338:∑ 31334:− 31214:∑ 31210:− 31040:∑ 30912:∑ 30784:∑ 30666:δ 30351:− 30339:δ 30276:∑ 29916:^ 29882:^ 29866:^ 29843:⋅ 29837:^ 29815:^ 29778:Δ 29742:∑ 29738:− 29730:⋅ 29724:^ 29709:^ 29677:Δ 29668:⋅ 29662:^ 29626:∑ 29622:− 29596:⊥ 29581:Δ 29545:∑ 29500:^ 29420:^ 29388:Δ 29379:⋅ 29373:^ 29364:− 29340:^ 29331:× 29316:Δ 29313:× 29298:Δ 29290:⋅ 29284:^ 29275:− 29251:^ 29242:× 29227:Δ 29224:− 29216:⋅ 29196:Δ 29193:× 29187:^ 29145:Δ 29142:× 29136:^ 29122:⋅ 29111:^ 29102:× 29077:Δ 29074:× 29068:^ 29054:× 29048:^ 28996:Δ 28993:× 28987:^ 28973:× 28967:^ 28953:⋅ 28928:Δ 28925:× 28919:^ 28905:× 28899:^ 28860:^ 28822:Δ 28782:Δ 28779:× 28773:^ 28759:⋅ 28748:^ 28739:× 28714:Δ 28711:× 28705:^ 28691:× 28685:^ 28666:≡ 28641:Δ 28638:× 28632:^ 28618:× 28612:^ 28598:⋅ 28573:Δ 28570:× 28564:^ 28550:× 28544:^ 28485:Δ 28482:× 28476:^ 28462:× 28456:^ 28442:⋅ 28417:Δ 28414:× 28408:^ 28394:× 28388:^ 28347:Δ 28331:^ 28317:− 28309:⋅ 28289:Δ 28273:^ 28259:− 28231:⊥ 28216:Δ 28180:^ 28140:^ 28127:^ 28118:− 28091:^ 28078:^ 28069:− 28043:^ 28029:≡ 28013:^ 27999:− 27974:× 27968:^ 27944:^ 27907:^ 27851:^ 27814:^ 27801:^ 27738:Δ 27719:^ 27706:^ 27697:− 27678:^ 27652:Δ 27649:⋅ 27643:^ 27629:− 27614:Δ 27606:⊥ 27591:Δ 27568:^ 27530:Δ 27480:^ 27401:^ 27365:. 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1933:− 1929:α 1915:⋅ 1876:× 1872:α 1862:× 1846:× 1830:τ 1767:× 1763:α 1733:α 1659:× 1647:τ 1379:α 1370:τ 1308:ω 1209:, and in 1166:In 1673, 1028:symmetric 1000:extensive 998:It is an 821:Liouville 703:frequency 623:Vibration 340:potential 265:Continuum 260:Celestial 237:Textbooks 136:Dimension 117:ω 52:Flywheels 40623:Rotation 40359:Manifold 40344:Geodesic 40102:Notation 39869:m s, N s 39692:J s 39688:m s 39663:m s 39624:m s 39595:m s 39571:momentum 39224:velocity 39094:position 39083:distance 39037:absement 38962:SI units 38817:June 27, 38006:See also 37704:, where 37094:vehicles 35093:, where 30328:‖ 30313:‖ 29464:through 15715:because 10767:Use the 9237:flywheel 8060:Use the 4993:thin rod 4965:Examples 4684:function 4655:‖ 4647:‖ 4588:integral 3611:Square: 3564:Height ( 3488:pendulum 1784:. 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Moments of inertia
Second moment of area

SI unit
Classical mechanics
Second law of motion
Statistical mechanics
Angular momentum
D'Alembert's principle
Frame of reference
Inertial frame of reference

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.