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Commons. What emerged as the distinctive feature of modern constitutionalism was not the insistence on the idea that the king is subject to law (although this concept is an essential attribute of all constitutionalism). This notion was already well established in the Middle Ages. What was distinctive was the establishment of effective means of political control whereby the rule of law might be enforced. Modern constitutionalism was born with the political requirement that representative government depended upon the consent of citizen subjects... However, as can be seen through provisions in the 1689 Bill of Rights, the English Revolution was fought not just to protect the rights of property (in the narrow sense) but to establish those liberties which liberals believed essential to human dignity and moral worth. The "rights of man" enumerated in the English Bill of Rights gradually were proclaimed beyond the boundaries of England, notably in the American Declaration of Independence of 1776 and in the French Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789.
3276: 3349: 5532: 2935: 2349: 14196:
century, education and intelligence had a strong positive impact on democracy, rule of law and political liberty independent from wealth (GDP) and chosen country sample. One possible mediator of these relationships is the attainment of higher stages of moral judgment fostered by cognitive ability, which is necessary for the function of democratic rules in society. The other mediators for citizens as well as for leaders could be the increased competence and willingness to process and seek information necessary for political decisions due to greater cognitive ability. There are also weaker and less stable reverse effects of the rule of law and political freedom on cognitive ability.
6858:. These broadcasting services should be accountable to an independent regulatory body that is adequately protected from interference from political and economic interests. Public service media have an obligation to provide reliable information to voters. Many countries have publicly funded radio and television stations with public service obligations, especially in Europe and Japan, while such media are weak or non-existent in other countries including the US. Several studies have shown that the stronger the dominance of commercial broadcast media over public service media, the less the amount of policy-relevant information in the media and the more focus on 3601: 3249: 5650:
math competency (.26). Additionally, historical evidence suggests that average human capital (measured using literacy rates) of the masses does not explain the onset of industrialization in France from 1750 to 1850 despite arguments to the contrary. Together, these findings show that education does not always promote human capital and economic growth as is generally argued to be the case. Instead, the evidence implies that education provision often falls short of its expressed goals, or, alternatively, that political actors use education to promote goals other than economic growth and development.
5660:—which afflicts humans and livestock—reduced the ability of Africans to plough the land. This made Africa less settled. As a consequence, political power was less concentrated. This also affected the colonial institutions European countries established in Africa. Whether colonial settlers could live or not in a place made them develop different institutions which led to different economic and social paths. This also affected the distribution of power and the collective actions people could take. As a result, some African countries ended up having democracies and others 3760: 5482: 3868:
variations in democratic institutions can be large within countries. Another way of conceiving the difficulties in measuring democracy is through the debate between minimalist versus maximalist definitions of democracy. A minimalist conception of democracy defines democracy by primarily considering the essence of democracy; such as electoral procedures. A maximalist definition of democracy can include outcomes, such as economic or administrative efficiency, into measures of democracy. Some aspects of democracy, such as responsiveness or
8287: 4451: 2958: 4147: 2637: 3191: 1990: 7367:. Quote: "There is no practical alternative to majority political rule – i.e., to taking the consent of the majority as the act of the whole and binding every individual. It would be next to impossible to obtain the consent of every individual before acting collectively ... No rational people could desire and constitute a society that had to dissolve straightaway because the majority was unable to make the final decision and the society was incapable of acting as one body." 2800: 3036: 5220:
typically have only one central authority which is often not subject to meaningful public review by any other governmental authority. Russian-style democracy has often been referred to as a "guided democracy". Russian politicians have referred to their government as having only one center of power/ authority, as opposed to most other forms of democracy which usually attempt to incorporate two or more naturally competing sources of authority within the same government.
48: 6990: 6577: 3904: 1486: 666: 4163: 19779: 18525: 18009: 17998: 5177: 4397:
support for dismissal. In some countries, the prime minister can also call an election at any point in time, typically when the prime minister believes that they are in good favour with the public as to get re-elected. In other parliamentary democracies, extra elections are virtually never held, a minority government being preferred until the next ordinary elections. An important feature of the parliamentary democracy is the concept of the "
5054:, and rules on which body gets to vote on which issue. Delegates may vote differently from how their sending council might wish but are mandated to communicate the wishes of their sending council. Delegates are recallable at any time. Referendums are possible at any time via votes of lower-level councils, however, not everything is a referendum as this is most likely a waste of time. A parpolity is meant to work in tandem with a 5433: 3364:, as well as other factors such as manipulation of civil society, "toxic polarization", foreign disinformation campaigns, racism and nativism, excessive executive power, and decreased power of the opposition. Within English-speaking Western democracies, "protection-based" attitudes combining cultural conservatism and leftist economic attitudes were the strongest predictor of support for authoritarian modes of governance. 5104:, is a political system in which democracy is implemented on a global scale, either directly or through representatives. An important justification for this kind of system is that the decisions made in national or regional democracies often affect people outside the constituency who, by definition, cannot vote. By contrast, in a cosmopolitan democracy, the people who are affected by decisions also have a say in them. 3495:, on the other hand, citizens should vote directly, not through their representatives, on legislative proposals. Proponents of direct democracy offer varied reasons to support this view. Political activity can be valuable in itself, it socialises and educates citizens, and popular participation can check powerful elites. Most importantly, citizens do not rule themselves unless they directly decide laws and policies. 2558:(1689), Locke posited that all individuals possessed the inalienable rights to life, liberty and estate (property). According to Locke, individuals would voluntarily come together to form a state for the purposes of defending their rights. Particularly important for Locke were property rights, whose protection Locke deemed to be a government's primary purpose. Furthermore, Locke asserted that governments were 18537: 4887:, is a form of democracy based on power-sharing formula between elites representing the social groups within the society. In 1969, Arendt Lijphart argued this would stabilize democracies with factions. A consociational democracy allows for simultaneous majority votes in two or more ethno-religious constituencies, and policies are enacted only if they gain majority support from both or all of them. The 5671:. Trade brought economic development, which in turn, broadened power. Rulers wanting to increase revenues had to protect property-rights to create incentives for people to invest. As more people had more power, more concessions had to be made by the ruler and in many places this process lead to democracy. These determinants defined the structure of the society moving the balance of political power. 2110:), and youths below the age of military service. Effectively, only 1 in 4 residents in Athens qualified as citizens. Owning land was not a requirement for citizenship. The exclusion of large parts of the population from the citizen body is closely related to the ancient understanding of citizenship. In most of antiquity the benefit of citizenship was tied to the obligation to fight war campaigns. 2436: 5157:. The main idea about creative democracy is that democracy encourages individual capacity building and the interaction among the society. Dewey argues that democracy is a way of life in his work of "Creative Democracy: The Task Before Us" and an experience built on faith in human nature, faith in human beings, and faith in working with others. Democracy, in Dewey's view, is a 5932: 4378:. A characteristic of representative democracy is that while the representatives are elected by the people to act in the people's interest, they retain the freedom to exercise their own judgement as how best to do so. Such reasons have driven criticism upon representative democracy, pointing out the contradictions of representation mechanisms with democracy 3264:, electoral democracies now represent 120 of the 192 existing countries and constitute 58.2 per cent of the world's population. At the same time liberal democracies i.e. countries Freedom House regards as free and respectful of basic human rights and the rule of law are 85 in number and represent 38 per cent of the global population. Also in 2007 the 5646:
modernization theory suggests: historically, most countries attained high levels of access to primary education well before transitioning to democracy. Rather than acting as a catalyst for democratization, in some situations education provision may instead be used by non-democratic regimes to indoctrinate their subjects and strengthen their power.
2408:, which wanted to increase their share in exercising power at the expense of the magnates. Magnates dominated the most important offices in the state (secular and ecclesiastical) and sat on the royal council, later the senate. The growing importance of the middle nobility had an impact on the establishment of the institution of the land 1746:, where various degrees of enfranchisement of the free male population were observed. In virtually all democratic governments throughout ancient and modern history, democratic citizenship was initially restricted to an elite class, which was later extended to all adult citizens. In most modern democracies, this was achieved through the 4424:. In consequence, however, the president and the legislature may end up in the control of separate parties, allowing one to block the other and thereby interfere with the orderly operation of the state. This may be the reason why presidential democracy is not very common outside the Americas, Africa, and Central and Southeast Asia. 3468:, democracy is a system of government in which citizens have given teams of political leaders the right to rule in periodic elections. According to this minimalist conception, citizens cannot and should not "rule" because, for example, on most issues, most of the time, they have no clear views or their views are not well-founded. 4128:, in which all eligible citizens have active participation in the political decision making, for example voting on policy initiatives directly. In most modern democracies, the whole body of eligible citizens remain the sovereign power but political power is exercised indirectly through elected representatives; this is called a 3292:
Austria, Cuba, and Nicaragua. In California, a 2004 proposal to permit a quarter vote at 14 and a half vote at 16 was ultimately defeated. In 2008, the German parliament proposed but shelved a bill that would grant the vote to each citizen at birth, to be used by a parent until the child claims it for themselves.
The earliest, and perhaps greatest, victory for liberalism was achieved in England. The rising commercial class that had supported the Tudor monarchy in the 16th century led the revolutionary battle in the 17th and succeeded in establishing the supremacy of Parliament and, eventually, of the House of
The key landmark is the Bill of Rights (1689), which established the supremacy of Parliament over the Crown.... The Bill of Rights (1689) then settled the primacy of Parliament over the monarch's prerogatives, providing for the regular meeting of Parliament, free elections to the Commons, free speech
Democracy can be seen as a set of practices and principles that institutionalise and thus ultimately protect freedom. Even if a consensus on precise definitions has proved elusive, most observers today would agree that, at a minimum, the fundamental features of democracy include a government based on
This proposal has inspired a lot of discussions over whether the news media are actually fulfilling the requirements that a well functioning democracy requires. Commercial mass media are generally not accountable to anybody but their owners, and they have no obligation to serve a democratic function.
A 2019 study by Acemoglu and others estimated that countries switching to democratic from authoritarian rule had on average a 20% higher GDP after 25 years than if they had remained authoritarian. The study examined 122 transitions to democracy and 71 transitions to authoritarian rule, occurring from
argue that much constitutional thought, from Madison to Lincoln and beyond, has focused on "the problem of majority tyranny". They conclude, "The principles of republican government embedded in the Constitution represent an effort by the framers to ensure that the inalienable rights of life, liberty,
Presidential democracy is a system where the public elects the president through an election. The president serves as both the head of state and head of government controlling most of the executive powers. The president serves for a specific term and cannot exceed that amount of time. The legislature
Democracy has taken a number of forms, both in theory and practice. Some varieties of democracy provide better representation and more freedom for their citizens than others. However, if any democracy is not structured to prohibit the government from excluding the people from the legislative process,
2548:. In order to prevent the occurrence of an anarchic state of nature, Hobbes reasoned that individuals ceded their rights to a strong, authoritarian power. In other words, Hobbes advocated for an absolute monarchy which, in his opinion, was the best form of government. Later, philosopher and physician 2392:
links the fragmentation of Europe, and its subsequent democratization, to the manner in which the Roman Empire collapsed: Roman territory was conquered by small fragmented groups of Germanic tribes, thus leading to the creation of small political units where rulers were relatively weak and needed the
Studies have linked the emergence of parliamentary institutions in Europe during the medieval period to urban agglomeration and the creation of new classes, such as artisans, as well as the presence of nobility and religious elites. Scholars have also linked the emergence of representative government
and courts of law controlled the entire political process and a large proportion of citizens were involved constantly in the public business. Even though the rights of the individual were not secured by the Athenian constitution in the modern sense (the ancient Greeks had no word for "rights"), those
are as old as the human species and are found throughout human history, but up until the nineteenth century, major political figures have largely opposed democracy. Republican theorists linked democracy to small size: as political units grew in size, the likelihood increased that the government would
Political theory has described a positive linkage between education, cognitive ability and democracy. This assumption is confirmed by positive correlations between education, cognitive ability, and positively valued political conditions (N = 183–130). It is shown that in the second half of the 20th
concludes that the characteristics of weapons are the main predictor of democracy: Democracy—this scenario—tends to emerge only when the best weapons available are easy for individuals to obtain and use. By the 1800s, guns were the best personal weapons available, and in the United States of America
structure. The guiding philosophy is that people should have decision-making power in proportion to how much they are affected by the decision. Local councils of 25–50 people are completely autonomous on issues that affect only them, and these councils send delegates to higher level councils who are
In a parliamentary system, the prime minister may be dismissed by the legislature at any point in time for not meeting the expectations of the legislature. This is done through a vote of no confidence where the legislature decides whether or not to remove the prime minister from office with majority
argues that the fundamental democratic principle is that, when it comes to binding collective decisions, each person in a political community is entitled to have his/her interests be given equal consideration (not necessarily that all people are equally satisfied by the collective decision). He uses
The assumed link between education and economic growth is called into question when analyzing empirical evidence. Across different countries, the correlation between education attainment and math test scores is very weak (.07). A similarly weak relationship exists between per-pupil expenditures and
5615:(already nominally democratic), almost everyone could afford to buy a gun, and could learn how to use it fairly easily. Governments could not do any better: it became the age of mass armies of citizen soldiers with guns. Similarly, Periclean Greece was an age of the citizen soldier and democracy. 4392:
Parliamentary democracy is a representative democracy where government is appointed by or can be dismissed by, representatives as opposed to a "presidential rule" wherein the president is both head of state and the head of government and is elected by the voters. Under a parliamentary democracy,
Magna Carta is sometimes regarded as the foundation of democracy in England. ...Revised versions of Magna Carta were issued by King Henry III (in 1216, 1217 and 1225), and the text of the 1225 version was entered into the statute roll in 1297. ...The 1225 version of Magna Carta had been granted
by demonstrating that there is no reliable evidence for the claim that democracy is more likely to emerge when countries become wealthier, more educated, or less unequal. In fact, empirical evidence shows that economic growth and education may not lead to increased demand for democratization as
Guided democracy is a form of democracy that incorporates regular popular elections, but which often carefully "guides" the choices offered to the electorate in a manner that may reduce the ability of the electorate to truly determine the type of government exercised over them. Such democracies
measuring the potential effects of democracy or its relationship with other phenomena—whether inequality, poverty, education etc. Given the constraints in acquiring reliable data with within-country variations on aspects of democracy, academics have largely studied cross-country variations, yet
to 18 years; the major democracies began to do so in the 1970s starting in Western Europe and North America. Most electoral democracies continue to exclude those younger than 18 from voting. The voting age has been lowered to 16 for national elections in a number of countries, including Brazil,
of ordinary citizens to fill the few existing government administrative and judicial offices, and a legislative assembly consisting of all Athenian citizens. All eligible citizens were allowed to speak and vote in the assembly, which set the laws of the city-state. However, Athenian citizenship
According to its supporters, any attempt to solve global problems is undemocratic without some form of cosmopolitan democracy. The general principle of cosmopolitan democracy is to expand some or all of the values and norms of democracy, including the rule of law; the non-violent resolution of
had similar property qualifications as Britain, and in the period before 1776 the abundance and availability of land meant that large numbers of colonists met such requirements with at least 60 per cent of adult white males able to vote. The great majority of white men were farmers who met the
theorists was that democracy could only survive in small political communities. Heeding the lessons of the Roman Republic's shift to monarchism as it grew larger or smaller, these Republican theorists held that the expansion of territory and population inevitably led to tyranny. Democracy was
The peasant in the fable, when on his deathbed, tells his sons that a treasure is buried in the field. After the old man's death the sons dig everywhere in order to discover the treasure. They do not find it. But their indefatigable labor improves the soil and secures for them a comparative
Nazifa Alizada, Rowan Cole, Lisa Gastaldi, Sandra Grahn, Sebastian Hellmeier, Palina Kolvani, Jean Lachapelle, Anna LĂŒhrmann, Seraphine F. Maerz, Shreeya Pillai, and Staffan I. Lindberg. 2021. Autocratization Turns Viral. Democracy Report 2021. University of Gothenburg: V-Dem Institute.
2684:, had both cemented Parliament's position as the supreme law-making body and said that the "election of members of Parliament ought to be free". However, Parliament was only elected by male property owners, which amounted to 3% of the population in 1780. The first known British person of 2914:
and had full civil rights were allowed to stand for election. Reasons for disqualification included holding dual citizenship, being employed by a foreign government, being bankrupt, employed as a servant, or having "notoriety for ill deeds". Full universal suffrage was achieved in 1934.
have citizenship and are able to fully participate in the political process. However, critics of the "ethnic democracy" model argue it is a contradiction in terms, and thus conceptually inadequate or confusing; these critics allege that purported ethnic democracies, most notably
Democracy in modern times has almost always faced opposition from the previously existing government, and many times it has faced opposition from social elites. The implementation of a democratic government from a non-democratic state is typically brought by peaceful or violent
2612:) in 1619. English Puritans who migrated from 1620 established colonies in New England whose local governance was democratic; although these local assemblies had some small amounts of devolved power, the ultimate authority was held by the Crown and the English Parliament. The 6810:
the political debate. Thorough and balanced investigation of complex political issues does not fit into this format. The political communication is characterized by short time horizons, short slogans, simple explanations, and simple solutions. This is conducive to political
was enacted in 1689 which codified certain rights and liberties and is still in effect. The Bill set out the requirement for regular elections, rules for freedom of speech in Parliament and limited the power of the monarch, ensuring that, unlike much of Europe at the time,
and popularization of the news media is seen in an increasing focus on human examples rather than statistics and principles. There is more focus on politicians as personalities and less focus on political issues in the popular media. Election campaigns are covered more as
6786:. This person-centered focus may have far-reaching consequences not only for domestic problems but also for foreign policy when international conflicts are blamed on foreign heads of state rather than on political and economic structures. A strong media focus on fear and 5161:
requiring actual effort and work by people; it is not an institutional concept that exists outside of ourselves. "The task of democracy", Dewey concludes, "is forever that of creation of a freer and more humane experience in which all share and to which all contribute".
2819:. North Carolina was the last state to abolish property qualification in 1856 resulting in a close approximation to universal white male suffrage (however tax-paying requirements remained in five states in 1860 and survived in two states until the 20th century). In the 2140:
was an assembly of the people, held once a month, in which every male citizen of at least 20 years of age could participate. In the assembly, Spartans elected leaders and cast votes by range voting and shouting (the vote is then decided on how loudly the crowd shouts).
brought substantial gains toward true liberal democracy for many states, dubbed "third wave of democracy". Portugal, Spain, and several of the military dictatorships in South America returned to civilian rule in the 1970s and 1980s. This was followed by countries in
to a constitutional one, and held two elections the next year to elect members to her newly formed parliament. Provisional Electoral Regulations were issued, stating that the elected members of the Provincial Administrative Councils would elect members to the first
claims that the aim of the democratic processes is to solicit citizens' preferences and aggregate them together to determine what social policies society should adopt. Therefore, proponents of this view hold that democratic participation should primarily focus on
A serious problem with the social media is that they have no truth filters. The established news media have to guard their reputation as trustworthy, while ordinary citizens may post unreliable information. In fact, studies show that false stories are going more
3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
is the process of choosing decision-making bodies via a random selection. These bodies can be more representative of the opinions and interests of the people at large than an elected legislature or other decision-maker. The technique was in widespread use in
4294:. Between January 1995 and June 2005, Swiss citizens voted 31 times, to answer 103 questions (during the same period, French citizens participated in only two referendums). Although in the past 120 years less than 250 initiatives have been put to referendum. 6805:
of the democratic system is compromised when lack of access to substantive, diverse, and undistorted information is handicapping the citizens' capability of evaluating the political process. The fast pace and trivialization in the competitive news media is
is logical proof that if each decision-maker has a better than chance probability of making the right decision, then having the largest number of decision-makers, i.e. a democracy, will result in the best decisions. This has also been argued by theories of
5459:, also referred to as democracy building, can be domestic policy to increase the quality of already existing democracy or a strand of foreign policy adopted by governments and international organizations that seek to support the spread of democracy as a 4254:
Some modern democracies that are predominantly representative in nature also heavily rely upon forms of political action that are directly democratic. These democracies, which combine elements of representative democracy and direct democracy, are termed
called this "childish", as compared with the stone voting ballots used by the Athenian citizenry. Sparta adopted it because of its simplicity, and to prevent any biased voting, buying, or cheating that was predominant in the early democratic elections.
allocates votes to member states in part according to their population, but heavily weighted in favour of the smaller states. A consociational democracy requires consensus of representatives, while consensus democracy requires consensus of electorate.
is based on the idea that there are hierarchical and oppressive power relations that exist in society. Democracy's role is to make visible and challenge those relations by allowing for difference, dissent and antagonisms in decision-making processes.
in the Americas also developed a form of democratic society between 1450 and 1660 (and possibly in 1142), well before contact with the Europeans. This democracy continues to the present day and is the world's oldest standing representative democracy.
is conducive to democracy promotion and building in the developing world. Here, facilitator and former MICAH Police Commissioner Yves Bouchard shares mission experience with senior military and police officials in mission management to contribute to
there is a hostility to what is commonly called "liberal democracy", which is referred to as parliamentary democracy because of its centralised nature. Because of orthodox Marxists' desire to eliminate the political elitism they see in capitalism,
turned powerful monarchs into constitutional monarchs (often gradually) with limited or symbolic roles. For example, in the predecessor states to the United Kingdom, constitutional monarchy began to emerge and has continued uninterrupted since the
2024:, the creation of the United States, with its large size and its system of checks and balances, was a solution to the dual problems of size. Forms of democracy occurred organically in societies around the world that had no contact with each other. 5414:
A 2023 study analyzed the long-term effects of democracy on economic prosperity using new data on GDP per capita and democracy for a dataset between 1789 and 2019. The results indicate that democracy substantially increases economic development.
Commercial mass media are often differentiated along the political spectrum so that people can hear mainly opinions that they already agree with. Too much controversy and diverse opinions are not always profitable for the commercial news media.
which are used to select representatives who then manage all or most of the public policy of the society. However, these polyarchic procedures may not create a full democracy if, for example, poverty prevents political participation. Similarly,
says that the "classical" view of democracy is, "in brief, the theory that democracy is the rule of the people and that the people have a right to rule". One study identified 2,234 adjectives used to describe democracy in the English language.
majority rule and the consent of the governed, the existence of free and fair elections, the protection of minorities and respect for basic human rights. Democracy presupposes equality before the law, due process and political pluralism.
The executive usually has the responsibility to execute or implement legislation and may have the limited legislative powers, such as a veto. However, a legislative branch passes legislation and budgets. This provides some measure of
Backsliding entails deterioration of qualities associated with democratic governance, within any regime. In democratic regimes, it is a decline in the quality of democracy; in autocracies, it is a decline in democratic qualities of
is deliberation among decision-makers that is free from distortions of unequal political power, such as power a decision-maker obtained through economic wealth or the support of interest groups. If the decision-makers cannot reach
to refer to societies in which there exists a certain set of institutions and procedures which are perceived as leading to such democracy. First and foremost among these institutions is the regular occurrence of free and open
2414:(local assembly), which subsequently obtained more rights. During the fifteenth and first half of the sixteenth century, sejmiks received more and more power and became the most important institutions of local power. In 1454, 4677:, moderated by a constitution or laws that such as the protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals, and constrained on the extent to which the will of the majority can be exercised against the rights of minorities. 4186:
Direct democracy is a political system where the citizens participate in the decision-making personally, contrary to relying on intermediaries or representatives. A direct democracy gives the voting population the power to:
6621:, or debate on democracy and the different aspects of how to implement democracy best have been widely discussed. There are both internal critics (those who call upon the constitutional regime to be true to its own highest 3548:. Unlike aggregative democracy, deliberative democracy holds that, for a democratic decision to be legitimate, it must be preceded by authentic deliberation, not merely the aggregation of preferences that occurs in voting. 3133:
By 1960, the vast majority of country-states were nominally democracies, although most of the world's populations lived in nominal democracies that experienced sham elections, and other forms of subterfuge (particularly in
7061:, and reduced a state's apportionment if it wrongfully denied males over the age of 21 the right to vote; however, this was not enforced in practice. Some poor white men remained excluded at least until the passage of the 5592:
Several philosophers and researchers have outlined historical and social factors seen as supporting the evolution of democracy. Other commentators have mentioned the influence of economic development. In a related theory,
often has limited ability to remove a president from office. Elections typically have a fixed date and aren't easily changed. The president has direct control over the cabinet, specifically appointing the cabinet members.
Cushion, Stephen; Franklin, Bob (2015). "Public Service Broadcasting: Markets and Vulnerable Values in Broadcast and Print Journalism". In Coleman, Stephen; Moss, Giles; Parry, Katy; Halperin, John; Ryan, Michael (eds.).
2084:, but its usage was older by several decades, as two Athenians born in the 470s were named Democrates, a new political name—likely in support of democracy—given at a time of debates over constitutional issues in Athens. 1605:
to do so. Who is considered part of "the people" and how authority is shared among or delegated by the people has changed over time and at different rates in different countries. Features of democracy oftentimes include
who were citizens of Athens enjoyed their liberties not in opposition to the government but by living in a city that was not subject to another power and by not being subjects themselves to the rule of another person.
Economic Intelligence Unit Democracy Index, 2022, p. 4: "According to our measure of democracy, less than half (45.7%) of the world's population now live in a democracy of some sort, a significant decline from 2020
remarked that "No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
contributed significantly to many aspects of democracy, only a minority of Romans were citizens with votes in elections for representatives. The votes of the powerful were given more weight through a system of
are referred to as forms of direct democracy. However, some advocates of direct democracy argue for local assemblies of face-to-face discussion. Direct democracy as a government system currently exists in the
11137: 4631:
was that the former became weaker as it got larger and suffered more violently from the effects of faction, whereas a republic could get stronger as it got larger and combats faction by its very structure.
4401:". The essence of the concept is that the second largest political party (or opposition) opposes the governing party (or coalition), while still remaining loyal to the state and its democratic principles. 3502:—with half to their left and the other half to their right. This is not a desirable outcome as it represents the action of self-interested and somewhat unaccountable political elites competing for votes. 15386:
Esser, Frank; Matthes, Jörg (2013). "Mediatization Effects on Political News, Political Actors, Political Decisions, and Political Audiences". In Kriesi, Hanspeter; Esser, Frank; BĂŒhlmann, Marc (eds.).
towns hold annual town meetings in March in which town officers are elected, budgets for the town and schools are voted on, and citizens have the opportunity to speak and be heard on political matters.
2482:(1642–1651) was fought between the King and an oligarchic but elected Parliament, during which the idea of a political party took form with groups debating rights to political representation during the 2383:
is some of the earliest evidence of parliament being used as a forum to address the general grievances of ordinary people. However, the power to call parliament remained at the pleasure of the monarch.
were expanded and power shifted from the monarch to parliament. The taxed peasantry was represented in parliament, although with little influence, but commoners without taxed property had no suffrage.
Dahl, Robert A., Ian Shapiro, JosĂ© AntĂŽnio Cheibub, and Adam Przeworski. “Minimalist Conception of Democracy: A Defense.” Essay. In The Democracy Sourcebook, 12–17. Cambridge, MA, MA: MIT Press, 2003.
An example of geographical determinants for democracy is having access to coastal areas and rivers. This natural endowment has a positive relation with economic development thanks to the benefits of
was the first in which non-property-holding white males could vote in the vast majority of states. Voter turnout soared during the 1830s, reaching about 80% of the adult white male population in the
10717: 5010:
in places of work and education, and ecological democracy which aims to reintegrate society and nature. The theoretical project of inclusive democracy emerged from the work of political philosopher
7855: 3420:
asserted, "It is, therefore the natural property of small states to be governed as a republic, of middling ones to be subject to a monarch, and of large empires to be swayed by a despotic prince."
According to Freedom House, starting in 2005, there have been 17 consecutive years in which declines in political rights and civil liberties throughout the world have outnumbered improvements, as
2954:, and religious and economic circumstances. Global waves of "democratic regression" reversing democratization, have also occurred in the 1920s and 30s, in the 1960s and 1970s, and in the 2010s. 10968: 7126:
Other names include autocratization, democratic decline, de-democratization, democratic erosion, democratic decay, democratic recession, democratic regression, and democratic deconsolidation.
insisted, was that the government be "bound by fixed laws, which the people have a voice in making, and a right to defend." As Benjamin Franklin was exiting after writing the US Constitution,
17466: 6885:
has profoundly altered the conditions for political communication. The social media have given ordinary citizens easy access to voice their opinion and share information while bypassing the
14789: 8241: 5292:
Shareholder democracy is a concept relating to the governance of corporations by their shareholders. In the United States, shareholders are typically granted voting rights according to the
against a government that acted against their interest or became tyrannical. Although they were not widely read during his lifetime, Locke's works are considered the founding documents of
2737:, which, on declaring independence of Great Britain in 1777, adopted a constitution modelled on Pennsylvania's citizenship and democratic suffrage for males with or without property. The 11416:
Joshua Cohen, "Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy" in Essays on Reason and Politics: Deliberative Democracy Ed. James Bohman and William Rehg (The MIT Press: Cambridge) 1997, 72–73.
10041: 6710:, policies, and candidates so that they can make a truly informed decision. Since the late 20'th century there has been a growing concern that voters may be poorly informed because the 3947: 2020:
wrote, "If a republic be small, it is destroyed by a foreign force; if it is large, it is ruined by an internal imperfection." According to Johns Hopkins University political scientist
It has also been suggested that a basic feature of democracy is the capacity of all voters to participate freely and fully in the life of their society. With its emphasis on notions of
have characterized the institutions implemented in the Glorious Revolution as a resounding success in terms of restraining the government and ensuring protection for property rights.
8947: 7369:
There is no practical alternative to majority political rule %E2%80%93 i.e., to taking the consent of the majority as the act of the whole and binding every individual." Google Books
10834: 9638: 9198: 9176: 5656:
An example of this is the disease environment. Places with different mortality rates had different populations and productivity levels around the world. For example, in Africa, the
Elite upper houses of legislatures, which often had lifetime or hereditary tenure, were common in many states. Over time, these either had their powers limited (as with the British
4182:'s citizen in November 2008 about 5 national, 2 cantonal, 4 municipal referendums, and 2 elections (government and parliament of the City of Berne) to take care of at the same time. 12731:
Bookchin, Murray. Communalism: The Democratic Dimensions of Social Anarchism. Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left: Interviews and Essays, 1993–1998, AK Press 1999, p. 155
There is no practical alternative to majority political rule %E2%80%93 i.e., to take the consent of the majority as the act of the whole and binding every individual." Google Books
17898: 14286:
Squicciarini, Mara and VoigtlÀnder, Nico, Knowledge Elites and Modernization: Evidence from Revolutionary France (October 2016). NBER Working Paper No. w22779, Available at SSRN:
Critics of democracy have often tried to highlight democracy's inconsistencies, paradoxes, and limits by contrasting it with other forms of government, such as a less democratic
Several variants of democracy exist, but there are two basic forms, both of which concern how the whole body of all eligible citizens executes its will. One form of democracy is
therefore highly fragile and rare historically, as it could only survive in small political units, which due to their size were vulnerable to conquest by larger political units.
argued that the only acceptable form of direct democracy is one in which it is recognised that majority decisions are not binding on the minority, even when unanimous. However,
is a system of democracy in which the government includes both a prime minister and a president. The particular powers held by the prime minister and president vary by country.
suggests that improved living-standards in modern developed countries can convince people that they can take their basic survival for granted, leading to increased emphasis on
Udris, Linards; Lucht, Jens (2014). "Mediatization at the Structural Level: Independence from Politics, Dependence on the Market". In Esser, Frank; StrömbÀck, Jesper (eds.).
6782:, and less interest in voting. The ability to find effective political solutions to social problems is hampered when problems tend to be blamed on individuals rather than on 19463: 12576: 1705:
limit the majority and protect the minority—usually through securing the enjoyment by all of certain individual rights, such as freedom of speech or freedom of association.
Douglas M. Gibler and Andrew Owsiak in their study argued about the importance of peace and stable borders for the development of democracy. It has often been assumed that
The following kinds of democracy are not exclusive of one another: many specify details of aspects that are independent of one another and can co-exist in a single system.
2753:, instead leaving the issue of suffrage to the individual states. Generally, states limited suffrage to white male property owners and taxpayers. At the time of the first 8991:
Abramson, Scott F.; Boix, Carles (2019). "Endogenous Parliaments: The Domestic and International Roots of Long-Term Economic Growth and Executive Constraints in Europe".
Some anarcho-communists oppose the majoritarian nature of direct democracy, feeling that it can impede individual liberty and opt-in favour of a non-majoritarian form of
that met in 1793. Nonetheless, the 1791 Constitution helped keep alive Polish aspirations for the eventual restoration of the country's sovereignty over a century later.
of a state. Under a minimalist definition of democracy, rulers are elected through competitive elections while more expansive definitions link democracy to guarantees of
12630: 8862:
explicitly in return for a payment of tax by the whole kingdom, and this paved the way for the first summons of Parliament in 1265, to approve the granting of taxation.
4337:, is a feature of some versions of direct democracies. In this system, important governmental and administrative tasks are performed by citizens picked from a lottery. 17459: 14929: 10181: 4393:
government is exercised by delegation to an executive ministry and subject to ongoing review, checks and balances by the legislative parliament elected by the people.
2309:, provided representation and voting rights to its male aristocracy only. Various Italian city-states and polities had republic forms of government. For instance, the 1820:, and social norms by which individuals and institutions only consider acceptable acts that reflect the first two principles of upward control and political equality. 3863:
Because democracy is an overarching concept that includes the functioning of diverse institutions which are not easy to measure, limitations exist in quantifying and
North, Douglass C.; Weingast, Barry R. (1989). "Constitutions and Commitment: The Evolution of Institutions Governing Public Choice in Seventeenth-Century England".
7745: 5901:, which erode the democratic nature of governments. This has happened on a local level even in well-established democracies like the United States; for example, the 3506:
suggests that ideological political parties are necessary to act as a mediating broker between individual and governments. Downs laid out this view in his 1957 book
3987: 13532: 2094:, staged in c.463 BC, where he mentions "the demos's ruling hand" . Before that time, the word used to define the new political system of Cleisthenes was probably 13029: 5756:
to an undemocratic form of government. Domestic military coups or rebellions are the most common means by which democratic governments have been overthrown. (See
in 1791 set limits on government power to protect personal freedoms but had little impact on judgements by the courts for the first 130 years after ratification.
1793:, every vote has (in theory) equal weight, and the freedom of eligible citizens is secured by legitimised rights and liberties which are typically enshrined in a 22850: 7328: 3201:
The liberal trend spread to some states in Africa in the 1990s, most prominently in South Africa. Some recent examples of attempts of liberalisation include the
2788:, introduced political equality between townspeople and nobility, and placed the peasants under the protection of the government, mitigating the worst abuses of 5411:
1960 to 2010. Acemoglu said this was because democracies tended to invest more in health care and human capital, and reduce special treatment of regime allies.
3275: 17385: 12781: 7050: 2832: 2828: 13445: 11789:
Democracy and Autocracy, Why do Democracies Develop and Decline, Vol. 21(1) June 2023, Democracy and Autocracy Section, American Political Science Association
7832: 3735:
Democracy indices differ in scope and weighting of different aspects of democracy, including the breadth of core democratic institutions, competitiveness and
countries. The most successful of the new democracies were those geographically and culturally closest to western Europe, and they are now either part of the
empires resulted in the creation of new nation-states in Europe, most of them at least nominally democratic. In the 1920s democratic movements flourished and
17452: 16064: 15320:
Donges, Patrick; Jarren, Otfried (2014). "Mediatization of Organizations: Changing Parties and Interest Groups?". In Esser, Frank; StrömbÀck, Jesper (eds.).
6758:. Fierce economic competition may force the mass media to divert themselves from any democratic ideals and focus entirely on how to survive the competition. 5228:
Aside from the public sphere, similar democratic principles and mechanisms of voting and representation have been used to govern other kinds of groups. Many
4958:, purports to describe a political system that combines a structured ethnic dominance with democratic, political and civil rights for all. Both the dominant 2836: 15681:
Pickard, Victor (2020). "The Public Media Option: Confronting Policy Failure in an Age of Misinformation". In Bennett, W. Lance; Livingston, Steven (eds.).
10686: 22840: 10620: 6862:, personalities, and the pecadillos of politicians. Public service broadcasters are characterized by more policy-relevant information and more respect for 5674:
Robert Michels asserts that although democracy can never be fully realised, democracy may be developed automatically in the act of striving for democracy:
2070:, what is generally held as the first example of a type of democracy in 508–507 BC was established in Athens. Cleisthenes is referred to as "the father of 12947: 9964: 2628:
who founded these colonies applied the democratic organisation of their congregations also to the administration of their communities in worldly matters.
7561: 2773: 1514: 14177:
Rindermann, H (2008). "Relevance of education and intelligence for the political development of nations: Democracy, rule of law and political liberty".
11619: 5641:
Evidence consistent with conventional theories of why democracy emerges and is sustained has been hard to come by. Statistical analyses have challenged
22715: 13555: 9679:
The ungovernable rock: a history of the Anglo-Corsican Kingdom and its role in Britain's Mediterranean strategy during the Revolutionary War, 1793–1797
10979: 7865: 6889:
of the large news media. This is often seen as an advantage for democracy. The new possibilities for communication have fundamentally changed the way
1665:. Today, the dominant form of democracy is representative democracy, where citizens elect government officials to govern on their behalf such as in a 21662: 16320: 15785:
Voltmer, Katrin; Sorensen, Lone (2019). "Media, Power, Citizenship: The Mediatization of Democratic Change". In Voltmer, Katrin; et al. (eds.).
10763: 8312: 15801: 15335:
Esser, Frank (2013). "Mediatization as a Challenge: Media Logic versus Political Logic". In Kriesi, Hanspeter; Esser, Frank; BĂŒhlmann, Marc (eds.).
in 1188, the Cortes had authority over setting taxation, foreign affairs and legislating, though the exact nature of its role remains disputed. The
15034: 9848: 9301: 6823:
is emerging when different people read different news and watch different TV channels. This polarization has been worsened by the emergence of the
3404:). He also thought that there was a good and a bad variant of each system (he considered democracy to be the degenerate counterpart to timocracy). 15499:
Nielsen, Rasmus Kleis (2016). "The Business of News". In Witschge, Tamara; Anderson, Christopher William; Domingo, David; Hermida, Alfred (eds.).
14758: 12291:; Brewer, Paul; Shaw, Anthony; Chandler, Malcolm; Cheshire, Gerard; Cranfield, Ingrid; Ralph Lewis, Brenda; Sutherland, Joe; Vint, Robert (2003). 4105: 3352:
Countries autocratising (red) or democratising (blue) substantially and significantly (2010–2020). Countries in grey are substantially unchanged.
2754: 12979: 11788: 10497: 8844: 8412: 1816:
One theory holds that democracy requires three fundamental principles: upward control (sovereignty residing at the lowest levels of authority),
22855: 19816: 18843: 18581: 17632: 16004: 11040: 3980:: Executive president is independent of the legislature; head of government is appointed by the president and is accountable to the legislature 18954: 10797: 10107: 10048: 6850:
obligations as a means to improve the democratic process by providing the kind of political contents that a free market does not provide. The
6774:, conflict, and competitive strategies has made voters perceive the politicians as egoists rather than idealists. This fosters mistrust and a 6746:
A principled resistance to the efforts of forces outside the media to subvert their independence, integrity, and ability to serve the audience
to increasing tolerance, rationality, political literacy and participation. Two effects of education and cognitive ability are distinguished:
22880: 17903: 17893: 13814: 10350: 10217: 9331: 6563: 5906: 5474: 3348: 3330: 652: 15666:
Gunther, Richard; Mugham, Anthony (2000). "The Political Impact of the Media: A Reassessment". In Gunther, Richard; Mugham, Anthony (eds.).
11819:"The scientific limits of understanding the (potential) relationship between complex social phenomena: the case of democracy and inequality" 11530: 10321: 9934: 8938: 6948: 1689:(e.g. Switzerland) are applied. They serve the crucial purpose of inclusiveness and broader legitimacy on sensitive issues—counterbalancing 22225: 14988: 10549: 10398: 6558: 5813:, in which the leader of the government extra-legally seizes all power or unlawfully extends the term in office. This can be done through: 647: 10831: 10646:"Archives of Maryland, Volume 0138, Page 0051 – Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968" 9642: 9184: 5531: 4374:
systems, with some using a combination of the two. Some representative democracies also incorporate elements of direct democracy, such as
14642: 6897:
operate and organize. The internet and social media have provided powerful new tools for democracy movements in developing countries and
6605: 3361: 3175:. In 1986, after the toppling of the most prominent Asian dictatorship, the only democratic state of its kind at the time emerged in the 3172: 694: 12211: 9272: 2371:, safeguarding individual freedom against unlawful imprisonment with the right to appeal. The first representative national assembly in 20606: 20247: 18002: 17913: 5757: 5108:
conflicts; and equality among citizens, beyond the limits of the state. To be fully implemented, this would require reforming existing
Taussig, Capt. J. K., "Experiences during the Boxer Rebellion," in Quarterdeck and Fo'c'sle. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company, 1963
12185: 10124: 7149: 1922:
are considered important to ensure that voters are well informed, enabling them to vote according to their own interests and beliefs.
22795: 18045: 17968: 16433: 15281:
Bucy, Erik P.; D'Angelo, Paul (1999). "The Crisis of Political Communication: Normative Critiques of News and Democratic Processes".
15204: 13995: 8874: 6641: 5653:
Some scholars have searched for the "deep" determinants of contemporary political institutions, be they geographical or demographic.
peacekeeping missions. The Planification Avancée des Missions Intégrées (APIM), or Advanced Mission Planning Course, was held by the
Representative democracy involves the election of government officials by the people being represented. If the head of state is also
4227: 731: 14375: 12686:
The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution: Including The Death Agony of Capitalism and the Tasks of the Fourth International
2245:, there existed various systems involving elections or assemblies, although often only involving a small part of the population. In 1657:
The notion of democracy has evolved considerably over time. Throughout history, one can find evidence of direct democracy, in which
22069: 20791: 19596: 17529: 17330: 15263:
Gurevitch, Michael; Blumler, Jay G. (1990). "Political Communication Systems and Democratic Values". In Lichtenberg, Judith (ed.).
10519: 9831: 9782: 3416:
famously said, "if a republic is small, it is destroyed by an outside force; if it is large, it is destroyed by an internal vice."
2816: 2812: 2522:
Renewed interest in the Magna Carta, the English Civil War, and the Glorious Revolution in the 17th century prompted the growth of
945: 15368:
Vreese, Claes H. de (2014). "Mediatization of News: The Role of Journalistic Framing". In Esser, Frank; StrömbÀck, Jesper (eds.).
12657: 2367:(1215), which explicitly protected certain rights of the King's subjects and implicitly supported what became the English writ of 2170:, although it didn't have much of a democracy. The Roman model of governance inspired many political thinkers over the centuries. 21709: 21399: 20701: 18616: 18262: 10784: 3565:
report identifying citizens assemblies as an increasingly popular mechanism to involve citizens in governmental decision-making.
3152: 2824: 1507: 13971: 10645: 10255: 2988:
brought disenchantment and most of the countries of Europe, Latin America, and Asia turned to strong-man rule or dictatorships.
22157: 20820: 19034: 18706: 17908: 17849: 17519: 11504: 10920: 9555: 7054: 6749:
A sense of respect for the audience member, as potentially concerned and able to make sense of his or her political environment
argue that democracies are more economically successful because undemocratic political systems tend to limit markets and favor
Chull Shin, Doh (2021). "Democratic deconsolidation in East Asia: exploring system realignments in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan".
10598:"General Assembly declares 15 September International Day of Democracy; Also elects 18 Members to Economic and Social Council" 9616: 4316:
are often used, especially in rural areas, to manage local government. This creates a hybrid form of government, with a local
3360:" in the 2010s were attributed to economic inequality and social discontent, personalism, poor government's management of the 3338: 1777:
Although democracy is generally understood to be defined by voting, no consensus exists on a precise definition of democracy.
22735: 20808: 16313: 16215: 16100: 16081: 16023: 15980: 15959: 15426: 15014: 14867: 14558: 14486: 14455: 14409: 14311: 14055: 14021: 13917: 13784: 13751: 13710: 13669: 13368: 13128: 12694: 12667: 12640: 12354: 12329: 12163: 12072: 12026: 11984: 11960: 11936: 11913: 11689: 11655: 11514: 11405: 11384: 11364: 11340: 11316: 11243: 11105: 11015: 10481: 10151: 10084: 10011: 9889: 9734: 9686: 9585: 9521: 9497: 9422: 9160: 8907: 8820: 8783: 8756: 8648: 8621: 8594: 8533: 8477: 8453: 8282: 8216: 8159: 8122: 8052: 7994: 7969: 7898: 7802: 7772: 7683: 7655: 7431: 7407: 7283: 7188: 7067: 4605: 3113: 2859: 2729: 15120: 14921: 7985:
Snyder, Richard; Samuels, David (2006), "Devaluing the vote in Latin America", in Diamond, Larry; Plattner, Marc F. (eds.),
17943: 17928: 14117: 9575: 9250: 7104: 5827: 3873: 3311:). In a Freedom House report released in 2018, Democracy Scores for most countries declined for the 12th consecutive year. 3206: 2907: 15514:
Cinelli, Matteo; Morales, Gianmarco De Francisci; Galeazzi, Alessandro; Quattrociocchi, Walter; Starnini, Michele (2021).
7742: 5723:
in the process of government selection. Democratic decline involves the weakening of democratic institutions, such as the
are preferred. The term applies to all democratic countries in which religion is incorporated into the form of government.
2325:, a distinctly non-feudal society, the right to vote on local matters and on county officials was based on land size. The 21509: 21419: 18779: 17923: 17859: 16260: 10575: 5800: 4098: 3857: 2380: 55: 21534: 19074: 16661: 12684: 8175: 3872:, are generally not included in democracy indices due to the difficulty measuring these aspects. Other aspects, such as 3151:
by the mid-to-late 1980s. Economic malaise in the 1980s, along with resentment of Soviet oppression, contributed to the
19809: 18574: 17978: 17627: 16173: 16141: 15188: 15155: 13150: 13036: 11864:
Schmitter, Philippe C. and Terry Lynn Karl. 1991. "What Democracy is.. . and is Not." Journal of Democracy 2 (3): 75-88
11087: 7084: 5835: 2839:(1870) that gave black males a nominal right to vote. Full enfranchisement of citizens was not secured until after the 2750: 2673: 1500: 13844:
Lipset, Seymour Martin. (1959). "Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy".
13425: 9228: 8969: 7300: 5123:
Cosmopolitan democracy has been promoted, among others, by physicist Albert Einstein, writer Kurt Vonnegut, columnist
became the first country in the world (except for the short-lived 18th-century Corsican Republic) to establish active
2652:. Athena has been used as an international symbol of freedom and democracy since at least the late eighteenth century. 22900: 19601: 17958: 17953: 17933: 17758: 15578:"Toward a Theory of Pernicious Polarization and How It Harms Democracies: Comparative Evidence and Possible Remedies" 13326: 12304: 12262: 9206: 8773: 7092: 5968: 5831: 5697: 5543: 4352: 3342: 3238: 2961:
Painting depicting the opening of the first Australian Parliament in 1901, one of the events that formed part of the
2934: 2657: 2376: 14425: 8746: 8676:
Lightfoot, Sheryl R. (2021). "Decolonizing Self-Determination: Haudenosaunee Passports and Negotiated Sovereignty".
5785: 3729:, or continuous values. The qualitative nature of democracy indices enables data analytical approaches for studying 22730: 22091: 21479: 19929: 19130: 18541: 18012: 17948: 17480: 16917: 16306: 14438:
Acemoglu, Daron; Johnson, Simon; Robinson, James (2005). "Institutions as a fundamental cause of long-run growth".
Acemoglu, Daron; Johnson, Simon; Robinson, James (2005). "Institutions as a fundamental cause of long-run growth".
13613:"Political Efficacy and Participation in Twenty-Seven Democracies: How Electoral Systems Shape Political Behaviour" 11235:
Deudney, D.: Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village. (eBook and Paperback)
Reliable information sources are essential for the democratic process. Less democratic governments rely heavily on
6515: 6415: 5637:
an ethical effect (support of democratic values, freedom, human rights etc.), which itself depends on intelligence.
2891: 604: 504: 15711:
Thoday, Jon (2018). "Public Service Television and the Crisis of Content". In Freedman, Des; Goblot, Vana (eds.).
10231: 10205: 4652:
asked him "Well, Doctor, what have we got—a republic or a monarchy?". He replied "A republic—if you can keep it."
Within modern-day representative governments, certain electoral tools like referendums, citizens' initiatives and
22830: 22765: 21810: 20435: 20286: 19674: 18999: 17983: 16231: 14512:
Mietzner, Marcus (2021). "Sources of resistance to democratic decline: Indonesian civil society and its trials".
11061: 7108: 6863: 6598: 5902: 4998:
in all fields of social life: political democracy in the form of face-to-face assemblies which are confederated,
4711: 4219: 2981: 2498:
in 1679 which strengthened the convention that forbade detention lacking sufficient cause or evidence. After the
2163: 1385: 687: 19432: 14570:
Laebens, Melis G.; LĂŒhrmann, Anna (2021). "What halts democratic erosion? The changing role of accountability".
Democracy's Privileged Few. Legislative Privilege and Democratic Norms in the British and American Constitutions
in parliamentary debates, and some basic human rights, most famously freedom from 'cruel or unusual punishment'.
8242:"The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow review – inequality is not the price of civilisation" 6632:
Criticism of democracy has been a key part of democracy, its functions, and its development throughout history.
5817: 3721:
The democracies indices differ in whether they are categorical, such as classifying countries into democracies,
2745:. The Constitution provided for an elected government and protected civil rights and liberties, but did not end 22021: 21636: 21489: 20375: 19547: 18789: 17918: 17675: 17363: 17166: 13933:
Gibler, Douglas M.; Owsiak, Andrew (2017). "Democracy and the Settlement of International Borders, 1919–2001".
12954: 12372: 10946: 9973: 7724: 7575: 4291: 4091: 3269: 3210: 1934: 1192: 1147: 17: 18979: 11764: 11531:"Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions: Catching the Deliberative Wave | en | OECD" 7527: 5789: 3557:
after authentically deliberating on a proposal, then they vote on the proposal using a form of majority rule.
Retrospectively different polities, outside of declared democracies, have been described as proto-democratic.
22174: 21676: 21549: 20771: 19802: 19782: 19211: 18858: 18567: 18322: 18176: 18038: 17829: 17297: 14145: 12718: 10273:
Elections in the Ott Empire (1995).pdf "Elections and the Electoral Process in the Ottoman Empire, 1876–1919"
8611: 8580: 7088: 6714:
are focusing more on entertainment and gossip and less on serious journalistic research on political issues.
6370: 5871: 5392: 5376: 5229: 4892: 3718:
assessments of the state of democracy for different countries according to various definitions of democracy.
3605: 3313: 3202: 2594: 1766: 1540: 1018: 459: 19120: 8638: 6932:
in order to stay in power, while independent sources of information are able to undermine their legitimacy.
5777: 5608:, but this study shows that, historically, peace has almost always predated the establishment of democracy. 22785: 22770: 22665: 21574: 21569: 21263: 20301: 19934: 19649: 19606: 17938: 17494: 17419: 17352: 17171: 16897: 10446: 8112: 7503:
pp. 6, 13, 18: "Dictatorships are on the rise and harbor 70% of the world population – 5.4 billion people."
7018: 6968: 6831:. Extreme political polarization may undermine the trust in democratic institutions, leading to erosion of 6430: 5724: 5136: 4586: 2899: 2762: 2746: 2649: 2002: 519: 11800: 4593:
as a head of state, even if these states also are representative democracies with an elected or appointed
2348: 22947: 22191: 21702: 21589: 21584: 21369: 19176: 19024: 18405: 17963: 17844: 17725: 17605: 17424: 17319: 16428: 15848: 13299: 9856: 6886: 6847: 6460: 6225: 5942: 5510: 5355: 5109: 5007: 4774: 4644:
and the pursuit of happiness would not be trampled by majorities." What was critical to American values,
4612:, which in their view often came without the protection of a constitution enshrining inalienable rights; 4371: 3990:: Head of government (president or directory) is elected by the legislature, but is not accountable to it 2882:
as rulers were confronted with popular demands for liberal constitutions and more democratic government.
2554: 2257:. These deliberative bodies were responsible for settling political questions, and variants included the 1212: 727: 549: 314: 9305: 9034:
MĂžller, JĂžrgen (2014). "Why Europe Avoided Hegemony: A Historical Perspective on the Balance of Power".
2582:. His liberal democratic framework of governance remains the preeminent form of democracy in the world. 1867:, the principles also are potentially applicable to private organisations, such as clubs, societies and 22062: 21785: 20254: 19914: 19611: 19221: 19146: 19084: 18949: 17877: 17839: 17670: 17429: 17308: 12440: 11268:"Public Space as Emancipation: Meditations on Anarchism, Radical Democracy, Neoliberalism and Violence" 10832:
10425:"Did the United States Create Democracy in Germany?: The Independent Review: The Independent Institute" 6591: 5950: 4673:, where the ability of the elected representatives to exercise decision-making power is subject to the 4550:). An elected person, with or without significant powers, became the head of state in these countries. 4283: 3977: 3126: 3083: 2781: 2758: 2738: 2677: 2545: 2090: 1832:
are often identified by commentators as foundational characteristics for a well-functioning democracy.
1033: 680: 35: 20571: 19059: 19009: 17444: 14208:
Albertus, Michael; Menaldo, Victor (2012). "Coercive Capacity and the Prospects for Democratisation".
12741: 10621:"'The last milestone' on the journey to full adult suffrage? 50 years of debates about the voting age" 5843:
Royal coup, in which a monarch not normally involved in government seizes all power. For example, the
to obtain re-election of a previously fairly elected official or political party. For example, in the
emerged as the world's largest democracy and continues to be so. Countries that were once part of the
was the first case in the Western world of a polity being formed with the explicit purpose of being a
22932: 22710: 22670: 22111: 20618: 20561: 20146: 19166: 18873: 18794: 18430: 18382: 17972: 17396: 16588: 16377: 16129: 14362: 12983: 12859: 12714: 8420: 7381: 7062: 5848: 5781: 5494: 4915: 4888: 3554: 2875: 2844: 2820: 2609: 2006: 1844: 1697:, the powers of the majority are exercised within the framework of a representative democracy, but a 39: 14759:"Waves of autocratization and democratization: a critical note on conceptualization and measurement" 11818: 10100: 8848: 5139:
in 2003 was seen as a major step forward by many supporters of this type of cosmopolitan democracy.
is a semi-direct democracy. At the federal level, citizens can propose changes to the constitution (
in its favour, then a branch of the system can accumulate too much power and destroy the democracy.
2294: 22810: 22538: 22300: 22260: 22250: 22198: 21459: 19206: 19171: 18740: 18529: 18425: 18234: 18181: 18031: 17824: 17374: 16807: 16613: 15726:
Schulz, Winfried (2014). "Mediatization and New Media". In Esser, Frank; StrömbÀck, Jesper (eds.).
13810:"The Matthew effect in political science: head start and key reforms important for democratization" 12935: 12767:
The Political Potential of Sortition: A study of the random selection of citizens for public office
12288: 10975: 10737: 10553: 7023: 7013: 6640:
extensively studied the historic attempts at and arguments on democracy in his preparation for the
6495: 6340: 6200: 4878: 4825: 4731: 4503:. Strongly limited constitutional monarchies, such as the United Kingdom, have been referred to as 4428: 4346: 4129: 3600: 3304: 2863: 1790: 1594: 783: 584: 429: 289: 15650:
Broadcasting, voice, and accountability: A public interest approach to policy, law, and regulation
Blumler, Jay G. (2014). "Mediatization and Democracy". In Esser, Frank; StrömbÀck, Jesper (eds.).
14953:"Hybrid regimes and the challenges of deepening and sustaining democracy in developing countries1" 9335: 6874:
has put the public service model under increased pressure from competition with commercial media.
5120:, which ideally would enhance public control over, and accountability in, international politics. 4581:
has many different meanings, but today often refers to a representative democracy with an elected
2962: 2733:
property ownership or taxpaying requirements. With few exceptions, no blacks or women could vote.
Athenian democracy took the form of direct democracy, and it had two distinguishing features: the
because it is defined as a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in
is the dominant form. Without compensation, like legal protections of individual or group rights,
1738:, as distinct from that which existed in antiquity, is generally considered to have originated in 22588: 22496: 21795: 21790: 21439: 21359: 20776: 20365: 20276: 19427: 19404: 19369: 19151: 19115: 19039: 18974: 18126: 17715: 17655: 17580: 16872: 16397: 12603: 12577:"'A republic, if you can keep it': Did Ben Franklin really say Impeachment Day's favorite quote?" 11458:"When do deliberative citizens change their opinions? Evidence from the Irish Citizens' Assembly" 9938: 7072: 7058: 6953: 6775: 6500: 6435: 6345: 6320: 6175: 5728: 5720: 5605: 5498: 5332: 5301: 5051: 4810: 4790:
believe in direct democracy implemented through a system of communes (which are sometimes called
4715: 4649: 4445: 4366:
Representatives may be elected or become diplomatic representatives by a particular district (or
4016: 3927: 3763: 3558: 3040: 2867: 2804: 2785: 2563: 2536: 2459: 2338: 2178: 1972: 1948: 1883: 1786: 1762: 1761:
systems. World public opinion strongly favors democratic systems of government. According to the
1631: 1441: 1008: 589: 524: 434: 409: 264: 21173: 14952: 12889: 12468:
O'Neil, Patrick H. Essentials of Comparative Politics. 3rd ed. New York: W.W. Norton 2010. Print
10424: 10402: 9722:
Voting in Revolutionary America: A Study of Elections in the Original Thirteen States, 1776–1789
have proposed a number of functions that the mass media are expected to fulfill in a democracy:
moments in modern democracies; they have termed the societies produced by modern democracies as
4049:: Committee of military leaders controls the government; constitutional provisions are suspended 2074:". The first attested use of the word democracy is found in prose works of the 430s BC, such as 66: allowed tens of millions of South Africans, including Mandela, to vote for the first time. 22760: 22750: 22339: 22270: 22255: 21736: 21695: 20766: 20746: 20596: 20266: 19894: 19719: 19621: 19578: 19437: 19318: 18725: 18670: 18161: 16666: 16603: 16598: 15683:
The Disinformation Age: Politics, Technology, and Disruptive Communication in the United States
14478: 14357: 12909: 7860: 6820: 6618: 6325: 6315: 6282: 6210: 6165: 6145: 6126: 6066: 6056: 6051: 6031: 5919: 5898: 5863: 5855: 5844: 5598: 5328: 5091: 5033: 4927: 4814: 4756: 4215: 4056: 4006: 3937: 3561:
are considered by many scholars as practical examples of deliberative democracy, with a recent
3540: 3434: 3357: 3067: 2559: 2531: 2495: 2447: 2122: 1670: 1611: 1531: 1456: 1023: 414: 404: 371: 299: 254: 234: 215: 155: 145: 140: 120: 30:
For representative democracy, which operates under the principles of classical liberalism, see
20633: 16266: 15180: 15106: 13660:
Hawkins, Kirk Andrew; Carlin, Ryan E.; Littvay, Levente; Rovira Kaltwasser, CristĂłbal (eds.).
12014: 10850:
Greskovitz, BĂ©la (2015). "The Hollowing and Backsliding of Democracy in East-Central Europe".
10373: 9879: 9334:. Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), U.S. Department of State. Archived from 8897: 6706:
The theory of democracy relies on the implicit assumption that voters are well informed about
3248: 1947:, though often popularly associated with democracy because of the shared principle of rule by 22870: 22845: 22775: 22458: 22186: 21959: 21917: 21887: 20920: 20875: 20686: 20281: 19504: 19290: 19229: 19125: 18636: 18274: 18217: 18111: 18096: 17720: 17680: 17544: 17509: 17476: 17279: 16777: 16513: 16058: 13458:
Meernik, James (1996). "United States Military Intervention and the Promotion of Democracy".
12215: 11679: 11645: 10469: 9726: 9720: 9485: 9276: 8443: 8151: 7888: 7792: 6859: 6767: 6701: 6380: 6360: 6335: 6330: 6310: 6272: 6247: 5867: 5773: 5732: 5685: 5581: 5526: 5340: 5287: 5249: 5055: 5016: 4866: 4636: 4167: 3711: 3668: 3417: 3280: 2840: 2742: 2715: 2471: 2360: 2080: 1856: 1848: 1451: 1314: 911: 469: 449: 424: 419: 399: 361: 336: 20736: 19417: 19412: 15762: 15745: 15172: 12829:"The Calculus of Consensus Democracy: Rethinking Patterns of Democracy Without Veto Players" 11183: 10074: 9442: 7762: 7368: 5047:
again autonomous regarding issues that affect only the population affected by that council.
4813:. To many anarchists, the only form of democracy considered acceptable is direct democracy. 2293:
composed of cardinals since 1059. The first documented parliamentary body in Europe was the
22865: 22620: 22533: 22511: 22434: 22430: 22359: 22275: 22220: 22215: 22038: 21882: 21771: 21429: 21309: 21078: 20885: 20726: 20653: 20345: 20306: 20291: 19825: 19769: 19629: 19591: 19542: 19186: 19156: 18984: 18699: 18590: 18257: 17775: 17710: 17620: 17610: 16912: 16573: 15816: 15527: 14715: 13356: 13245: 12828: 12189: 11738: 11279: 10128: 9489: 9414: 9408: 7003: 6898: 6855: 6553: 6355: 6257: 6190: 6121: 6116: 6096: 6002: 5879: 5712: 5642: 5473:
in 1990 to nearly 20% in 2005. More controversially and rare, it can also take the form of
International democracy promotion typically takes three forms: assistance, monitoring, and
5460: 5400: 5304:. The shareholder democracy framework may be inaccurate for companies which have different 5271: 5196: 4858: 4768: 4719: 4707: 4694: 4670: 4421: 4387: 3916: 3897: 3715: 3499: 2769: 2719: 2523: 2418:
granted the sejmiks the right to decide on taxes and to convene a mass mobilization in the
2415: 2314: 2310: 1984: 1919: 1666: 642: 444: 346: 279: 210: 205: 185: 91: 20900: 19563: 19442: 15079:"Democratic Athens as an Experimental System: History and the Project of Political Theory" 14901: 14884: 14342: 13401: 13384: 13164: 13145: 12370:
Fenichel Pitkin, Hanna (September 2004). "Representation and democracy: uneasy alliance".
10597: 9120: 9103: 4174:
and information brochures for each vote (and can send it back by post). Switzerland has a
1693:—and therefore mostly take precedence on a constitutional level. In the common variant of 8: 22890: 22755: 22625: 22415: 22344: 22101: 22074: 22057: 22045: 21867: 21823: 21619: 21499: 21469: 21389: 20915: 20855: 20176: 20096: 19512: 19196: 18964: 18933: 18510: 18279: 18267: 18224: 17834: 17792: 17746: 17660: 17600: 17341: 16957: 16782: 16656: 16593: 16578: 14605:
Daly, Tom Gerald (2019). "Democratic Decay: Conceptualising an Emerging Research Field".
12581: 12238: 11045: 8324:
R. Po-chia Hsia, Lynn Hunt, Thomas R. Martin, Barbara H. Rosenwein, and Bonnie G. Smith,
7500: 7028: 6958: 6943: 6914: 6827:
that allow people to communicate mainly with groups of like-minded people, the so-called
6548: 6538: 6375: 6350: 6287: 6267: 6237: 6220: 6215: 6205: 6180: 6135: 6111: 6086: 6061: 6046: 5769: 5514: 5456: 5425: 5364: 5360: 5293: 5253: 5074: 5068: 4989: 4955: 4909: 4832: 4752: 4727: 4686: 4514:
In other countries, the monarchy was abolished along with the aristocratic system (as in
4500: 4496: 4410: 4287: 4279: 3953: 3334: 2879: 2777: 2681: 2665: 2601: 2575: 2567: 2503: 2499: 2491: 2342: 2055: 2050:
first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought in the city-state of
1911: 1887: 1686: 1619: 1607: 1375: 1284: 1241: 1028: 793: 637: 627: 464: 439: 376: 356: 326: 309: 304: 294: 269: 224: 200: 175: 150: 135: 20663: 19069: 19044: 16050: 15820: 15531: 14719: 11549: 11283: 10877:
Rhodes-Purdy, Matthew; Madrid, RaĂșl L. (27 November 2019). "The perils of personalism".
10527: 9800: 9751: 8377:
Davies, John K. (1977). "Athenian Citizenship: The Descent Group and the Alternatives".
8068: 8015:
The Age of the Democratic Revolution: Political History of Europe and America, 1760–1800
Comparative Politics: Interests, Identities, and Institutions in a Changing Global Order
are some examples. Many democratic socialists and social democrats believe in a form of
3743:, freedom of expression, various aspects of governance, democratic norm transgressions, 1967:. In a modern sense the republican form of government is a form of government without a 22942: 22937: 22610: 22526: 22516: 22349: 22312: 22242: 22181: 22164: 22118: 22028: 21942: 21756: 21631: 21626: 21609: 21604: 21073: 20581: 20518: 19522: 19384: 19374: 19359: 19349: 19303: 19191: 19014: 18735: 18475: 17814: 17802: 17797: 17753: 17703: 17560: 17539: 17534: 17068: 16887: 16812: 16583: 16372: 16362: 15998: 15904: 15877: 15840: 15767: 15599: 15550: 15515: 15481: 15094: 15030: 14980: 14837: 14781: 14739: 14686: 14622: 14587: 14529: 14225: 14158: 13950: 13869: 13861: 13790: 13716: 13642: 13593: 13514: 13475: 13280: 13082: 12809: 12801: 12389: 12244: 11838: 11593: 11585: 11485: 11165: 11111: 10902: 10709: 9823: 9774: 9702: 9468: 9386: 9133: 9016: 8826: 8720: 8701: 8394: 7939: 7931: 7737: 7603: 7478: 7100: 7096: 6762: 6680: 6520: 6450: 6440: 6385: 6160: 6155: 6076: 6041: 6036: 6024: 5894: 5761: 5634:
a cognitive effect (competence to make rational choices, better information-processing)
5297: 5148: 4999: 4854: 4748: 4723: 4594: 4360: 4334: 4195: 3958:
Head of government (president) is popularly elected and independent of the legislature
3890: 3759: 3428:
Among modern political theorists, there are three contending conceptions of democracy:
3106: 3097:, and again most of the new independent states had nominally democratic constitutions. 2947: 2923: 2669: 2661: 2605: 2372: 2302: 2071: 2041: 1840: 1817: 1013: 798: 773: 609: 539: 529: 474: 249: 244: 165: 130: 125: 113: 63: 21063: 19494: 18663: 15404:
Soft news goes to war. Public opinion and american foreign policy in the new media era
Barnett, Steven (2002). "Will a crisis in journalism provoke a crisis in democracy?".
14447: 14401: 14079: 10785:"Freedom House: Democracy Scores for Most Countries Decline for 12th Consecutive Year" 9881:
Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics: African Americans and Asian Americans
7342: 3329:, in countries like Poland, Turkey and Hungary. For example, in Poland, the President 2544:
led lives that were "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short" and constantly waged a
22740: 22642: 22630: 22615: 22595: 22506: 22453: 22425: 22407: 22210: 22086: 22079: 21892: 21840: 21818: 21746: 21594: 21539: 21379: 21168: 20830: 20756: 20731: 20533: 20335: 19727: 19532: 19527: 19489: 19479: 19328: 19244: 19239: 19181: 19029: 19019: 18784: 18641: 18377: 18357: 18302: 17854: 17809: 17785: 17768: 17665: 17650: 17615: 17565: 17233: 17196: 17127: 17078: 16952: 16681: 16392: 16211: 16169: 16137: 16096: 16077: 16019: 15986: 15976: 15955: 15909: 15832: 15771: 15603: 15555: 15485: 15422: 15184: 15173: 15151: 15102: 15098: 15010: 14972: 14863: 14841: 14785: 14743: 14731: 14706: 14690: 14626: 14591: 14554: 14533: 14482: 14451: 14405: 14307: 14269: 14229: 14150: 14136: 14051: 14017: 13968: 13954: 13913: 13794: 13780: 13747: 13743: 13720: 13706: 13675: 13665: 13518: 13406: 13364: 13304: 13284: 13124: 13086: 12922:
Smooha, S. 'The model of ethnic democracy: Israel as a Jewish and democratic state',
12900: 12813: 12690: 12663: 12636: 12525: 12393: 12385: 12350: 12325: 12300: 12248: 12159: 12068: 12022: 11980: 11956: 11932: 11909: 11712: 11685: 11651: 11597: 11577: 11510: 11489: 11477: 11401: 11380: 11360: 11336: 11312: 11304: 11291: 11239: 11169: 11157: 11115: 11101: 11021: 11011: 10906: 10894: 10805: 10713: 10477: 10272: 10252: 10080: 10007: 9885: 9827: 9778: 9730: 9682: 9581: 9517: 9493: 9460: 9418: 9378: 9156: 9125: 9084: 9020: 9008: 8903: 8816: 8779: 8752: 8705: 8693: 8644: 8617: 8590: 8529: 8473: 8449: 8386: 8278: 8249: 8222: 8212: 8155: 8118: 8048: 8042: 7990: 7965: 7943: 7894: 7798: 7768: 7679: 7651: 7607: 7595: 7483: 7465: 7427: 7403: 7320: 7279: 7254: 7184: 6894: 6771: 6688: 6645: 6626: 6543: 6470: 6195: 6185: 6131: 6012: 5985: 5859: 5765: 5506: 5489:
Democracy promotion can increase the quality of already existing democracies, reduce
5132: 5003: 4895:
is a consociational democracy approach for supranational democracies. This system in
4884: 4818: 4795: 4794:). This system can begin with workplace democracy and ultimately manifests itself as 4744: 4661: 4617: 4558: 4026: 3707: 3595: 3574: 3469: 3440: 3401: 3222: 3218: 3184: 3075: 2886: 2707: 2586: 2579: 2516: 2479: 2475: 2463: 2455: 2419: 2137: 1915: 1825: 1810: 1735: 1694: 1623: 1615: 1446: 1167: 998: 950: 778: 711: 632: 559: 284: 274: 220: 101: 74: 31: 22885: 20648: 19568: 18989: 14984: 14162: 13873: 13776: 13702: 13646: 13479: 13099: 11842: 10307:
Elections in Asia and the Pacific: South East Asia, East Asia, and the South Pacific
9550: 9137: 7621: 7180: 4359:. The most common mechanisms involve election of the candidate with a majority or a 2726:, something that was not included in most other democracies until the 20th century. 2016:
turn despotic. At the same time, small political units were vulnerable to conquest.
22501: 22491: 22317: 22265: 22169: 22033: 21922: 21872: 21850: 21845: 21776: 21599: 21529: 21299: 21218: 21213: 21138: 21113: 21058: 21048: 21038: 21008: 20988: 20978: 20845: 20840: 20798: 20741: 20538: 20221: 20216: 20191: 20136: 20111: 19732: 19364: 19344: 19313: 19004: 18969: 18913: 18437: 18284: 18252: 18229: 18065: 17819: 17780: 17741: 17243: 17098: 16787: 16767: 16701: 16671: 16646: 16608: 16387: 16192: 16046: 15899: 15889: 15844: 15824: 15757: 15589: 15545: 15535: 15473: 15245: 15086: 14964: 14896: 14827: 14773: 14723: 14704:
Hyde, Susan D. (2020). "Democracy's backsliding in the international environment".
14678: 14651: 14614: 14579: 14521: 14443: 14397: 14367: 14259: 14217: 14186: 14140: 14132: 14091: 13942: 13905: 13853: 13823: 13772: 13739: 13698: 13632: 13624: 13506: 13467: 13396: 13335: 13270: 13262: 13246:
Daron Acemoglu; Suresh Naidu; Pascual Restrepo; James A. Robinson (February 2019).
13228: 13169: 13159: 13074: 12871: 12840: 12793: 12381: 12151: 11887: 11830: 11569: 11469: 11287: 11149: 11093: 10886: 10859: 10701: 9972:. Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University. Archived from 9815: 9766: 9390: 9370: 9115: 9074: 9043: 9000: 8808: 8685: 8470:
Reproducing Athens: Menander's Comedy, Democratic Culture, and the Hellenistic City
8147: 7923: 7733: 7587: 7473: 7457: 7312: 7246: 7176: 6978: 6963: 6910: 6783: 6779: 6480: 6475: 6425: 6252: 6140: 6101: 6091: 6071: 5594: 5555: 5490: 5481: 5383: 5344: 5171: 5117: 5011: 4995: 4951: 4944: 4791: 4703: 4690: 4609: 4504: 4398: 4317: 4223: 4175: 4155: 4141: 4125: 4002: 3877: 3748: 3492: 3477: 3230: 3226: 3048: 2985: 2911: 2850:
The voting franchise in the United Kingdom was expanded and made more uniform in a
2685: 2590: 2508: 2487: 2250: 2012: 1798: 1758: 1713: 1709: 1678: 1662: 1582: 1279: 1202: 1172: 1046: 788: 768: 569: 564: 514: 341: 229: 190: 180: 160: 21203: 19447: 15728:
Mediatization of politics: Understanding the transformation of Western democracies
Mediatization of politics: Understanding the transformation of Western democracies
Mediatization of politics: Understanding the transformation of Western democracies
Mediatization of politics: Understanding the transformation of Western democracies
Mediatization of politics: Understanding the transformation of Western democracies
14832: 14815: 14777: 14682: 14583: 14525: 13510: 12875: 11834: 10890: 10159: 8326:
The Making of the West, Peoples and Cultures, A Concise History, Volume I: To 1740
7818: 6790:
has allowed military logic to penetrate public institutions, leading to increased
5266: 3260:, in 2007 there were 123 electoral democracies (up from 40 in 1972). According to 2957: 2333:
into ruling clans (lineages) that were represented at a great assembly called the
1639: 22875: 22815: 22700: 22548: 22543: 22521: 22441: 22395: 22152: 22106: 22004: 21981: 21964: 21937: 21722: 21656: 21329: 21248: 21208: 21178: 21163: 21128: 21123: 21093: 21068: 21053: 21028: 21013: 20948: 20925: 20910: 20895: 20880: 20751: 20706: 20691: 20681: 20503: 20498: 20355: 20350: 20330: 20318: 19537: 19422: 19298: 19260: 19079: 18923: 18918: 18720: 18626: 18500: 18490: 18447: 18397: 18347: 18342: 18337: 18207: 18202: 18146: 18136: 18075: 18070: 17763: 17698: 17570: 17083: 16837: 16817: 16772: 16558: 16182: 16150: 16013: 15949: 14472: 14190: 14045: 14011: 13975: 13118: 11988: 11964: 11940: 11917: 10838: 10705: 10259: 9912: 9559: 9509: 8545: 8305: 8013: 7957: 7749: 7662: 7537: 7273: 6995: 6973: 6890: 6700:
Further information on the role of the mass media in the democratic process:
6581: 6405: 6365: 6150: 5736: 5611: 5577: 5571: 5493:, and the chance of democratic backsliding. Democracy promotion measures include 5404: 5324: 4967: 4963: 4821: 4207: 4178:
system and votes (and elections) are organised about four times a year; here, to
4036: 3921:
Head of government is elected or nominated by and accountable to the legislature
3752: 3481: 3308: 3214: 3139: 3135: 3063: 3052: 2977: 2855: 2723: 2689: 2617: 2552:
would posit a different interpretation of social contract theory. Writing in his
2541: 2401: 2389: 2326: 2322: 2282: 2155: 1926: 1860: 1690: 1651: 1575: 1563: 1490: 1463: 1319: 1309: 1106: 1003: 670: 494: 454: 239: 19586: 16245: 16015:
The early history of Rome: books I-V of The history of Rome from its foundations
A/AS Level History for AQA Democracy and Nazism: Germany, 1918–1945 Student Book
13494: 13471: 13232: 12479:"64. The British Empire in 1914. Wells, H.G. 1922. A Short History of the World" 8361: 7700: 6854:
has recommended public service broadcasting in order to strengthen democracy in
22905: 22825: 22780: 22720: 22685: 22477: 22390: 22295: 22203: 21994: 21828: 21751: 21646: 21554: 21544: 21273: 21148: 21133: 21108: 21103: 21098: 21043: 21018: 20973: 20953: 20815: 20786: 20761: 20716: 20696: 20658: 20613: 20493: 20483: 20340: 20171: 19984: 19709: 19659: 19517: 19394: 19389: 19379: 19275: 19201: 19110: 19105: 18928: 18903: 18883: 18868: 18853: 18838: 18485: 18454: 18442: 18410: 18352: 18317: 18312: 18244: 18106: 18101: 18054: 17575: 17514: 17504: 17499: 17253: 17248: 17132: 16902: 16827: 16731: 16696: 16347: 16195:(2016) "What is Democracy? A Reconceptualization of the Quality of Democracy". 16117: 14618: 14299: 14221: 13828: 13809: 13533:"Book Review: Against Elections: The Case for Democracy by David Van Reybrouck" 12530: 12296: 12088:, Chapter Three: Who is Running the Show? The Workings of Zapatista Government. 11352: 10447:"World | South Asia | Country profiles | Country profile: India" 8923: 6929: 6802: 6770:
and less as debates about ideologies and issues. The dominating media focus on
6729: 6510: 6400: 6170: 5883: 5823: 5749: 5502: 5466: 5445: 5388: 5275: 5257: 5124: 5113: 5078: 4976: 4896: 4862: 4828:
for opposing democracy, and says "majority rule" is consistent with anarchism.
4640: 4598: 4554: 4463: 4450: 4046: 3869: 3649: 3528: 3513: 3485: 3337:. In Turkey, thousands of judges were removed from their positions following a 3265: 3194: 3180: 3168: 3160: 3102: 3094: 3079: 3071: 2973: 2951: 2903: 2696: 2512: 2483: 2451: 2290: 2278: 2270: 2182: 2150: 2021: 1879: 1864: 1836: 1821: 1802: 1743: 1468: 1399: 1304: 1137: 1051: 599: 489: 259: 51: 16255: 14968: 14264: 14247: 14095: 13902:
Cultural Evolution: People's Motivations Are Changing, and Reshaping the World
13679: 13628: 13340: 13321: 13216: 13014: 11233: 11153: 11025: 10583: 9455:
Curte, Merle (1937). "The Great Mr. Locke: America's Philosopher, 1783–1861".
9374: 9079: 9062: 9004: 8899:
The First English Revolution: Simon de Montfort, Henry III and the Barons' War
8830: 8689: 7402:. Vol. 7 (Expo '70 hardcover ed.). William Benton. pp. 215–23. 7057:. It counted all residents for apportionment including slaves, overriding the 6636:
famously opposed democracy, arguing for a 'government of the best qualified';
5731:, or the violation of individual rights that underpin democracies, especially 5042:
or participatory polity is a theoretical form of democracy that is ruled by a
Inclusive democracy is a political theory and political project that aims for
3190: 2636: 1933:
of all the voters, democracy can also be characterised as a form of political
1907: 1753:
Democracy contrasts with forms of government where power is not vested in the
22926: 22860: 22745: 22660: 22605: 22465: 22385: 22280: 22130: 22123: 22016: 21969: 21862: 21718: 21579: 21409: 21319: 21268: 21238: 21228: 21158: 21153: 21143: 21003: 20993: 20983: 20958: 20825: 20803: 20721: 20628: 20601: 20586: 20528: 20211: 19737: 19694: 19664: 19644: 19308: 19234: 19161: 19064: 18994: 18908: 18863: 18848: 18745: 18694: 18495: 18420: 18372: 18197: 18156: 18151: 18131: 18121: 17274: 16882: 16741: 16533: 16463: 16367: 16203: 15990: 15594: 15577: 15477: 14976: 14273: 13946: 13430: 13410: 12860:"The shift to consensus democracy and limits of institutional design in Asia" 12844: 11891: 11581: 11573: 11481: 11473: 11328: 11161: 10898: 10809: 10302: 9960: 9536: 9464: 9382: 9129: 9088: 9012: 8800: 8697: 8586: 8390: 8253: 8183: 7599: 7556: 7532: 7469: 7324: 7258: 7250: 7204: 6755: 6740:
Mechanisms for holding officials to account for how they have exercised power
6672: 6637: 6410: 6277: 6230: 6106: 5804: 5753: 5716: 5704: 5623: 5559: 5547: 5463:. In practice, it entails consolidating and building democratic institutions 5441: 5014:
in "Towards An Inclusive Democracy" and was further developed in the journal
4919: 4613: 4582: 4570: 4171: 4151: 4146: 3967: 3722: 3503: 3408: 3257: 2527: 2443: 2368: 2190: 1994: 1952: 1875: 1702: 1682: 1674: 1643: 1635: 1355: 1250: 1152: 1142: 983: 499: 366: 319: 195: 21687: 16272: 16034: 15828: 15540: 15249: 15007:
Comparing Political Regimes: A Thematic Introduction to Comparative Politics
14727: 14437: 14391: 13888:
Modernisation, Cultural Change and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence
13612: 12155: 12128: 10863: 7554:
Popper, Karl (23 April 1988). "The open society and its enemies revisited",
7234: 7065:. For state elections, it was not until the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6–3 in 2894:. Later that year, a new constitution was promulgated, which provided for a 2117:
in the sense that decisions were made by the assembled people, but also the
1989: 22895: 22695: 22600: 22446: 22420: 22329: 22011: 21999: 21947: 21907: 21902: 21766: 21761: 21559: 21243: 21233: 21223: 21088: 21083: 21023: 20998: 20968: 20963: 20870: 20865: 20711: 20591: 20325: 20261: 20131: 20121: 20116: 20035: 20025: 19969: 19859: 19747: 19742: 19689: 19679: 19654: 19634: 19354: 19323: 19270: 19265: 19049: 18959: 18898: 18878: 18765: 18689: 18480: 18415: 18367: 18362: 18294: 18171: 18166: 17284: 17093: 16998: 16862: 16691: 16676: 16402: 16161: 15913: 15836: 15559: 15461: 15078: 14944: 14735: 14655: 14154: 13439: 12996:, first published in United Nations World New York, October 1947, pp. 13–14 12421:
Keen, Benjamin, A History of Latin America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980.
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may undermine public trust in the political system and public officials.
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minority opinions can potentially be ignored by vote-winning majorities.
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In the Cossack republics of Ukraine in the 16th and 17th centuries, the
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Beasts and Gods: How Democracy Changed Its Meaning and Lost its Purpose
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 21, United Nations, 1948
20th-century transitions to liberal democracy have come in successive "
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7445: 5580:, or democratisation, is the structural government transition from an 4589:, serving for a limited term, in contrast to states with a hereditary 3903: 3303:
political forces have gained ground everywhere from Poland (under the
taking the Oath of Office, becoming the first female president in Asia
after the Civil War, three constitutional amendments were passed: the
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A council court of randomly chosen citizens serves as a check on the
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had its roots in the restrictions on the power of kings written into
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in which the exercise of political power becomes more arbitrary and
is a form of democracy where the values of a particular religion or
A liberal democracy is a representative democracy which enshrines a
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and having equal access to legislative processes. For example, in a
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well-being. The treasure in the fable may well symbolise democracy.
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are split in this domain, depending on whether they believe that a
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brought a definitive reversal of this trend in Western Europe. The
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Democratic principles are reflected in all eligible citizens being
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Many media scholars have discussed non-commercial news media with
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groups have interpreted socialist democracy to be synonymous with
of the votes. Most western countries have representative systems.
to Europe's relative political fragmentation. Political scientist
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Time to Remove the Bananas...and Return Our Republic to Democracy
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can end democracy in a gradual manner, by increasing emphasis on
principle. Shareholders may vote annually to elect the company's
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was elected by the representatives from the country's districts.
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Democracies may use many different decision-making methods, but
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was characterized by an increase in the activity of the middle
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has postulated a system that fuses elements of democracy with
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in 1628 which established certain liberties for subjects. The
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Dēmokratia: a conversation on democracies, ancient and modern
The Democratic Value of News: Why Public Service Media Matter
The decline of democratic regime attributes – autocratization
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Incentives for citizens to learn, choose, and become involved
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The Democracy Project : a history, a crisis, a movement
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Democracy indices § Difficulties in measuring democracy
Governments will tend to produce laws and policies that are
political ideologies were gaining ground, at the expense of
of 1787 is the oldest surviving, still active, governmental
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Raaflaub, Kurt A.; Ober, Josiah; Wallace, Robert W (2007).
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Media, Communication and the Struggle for Democratic Change
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Suspension of the constitution by decree, such as with the
5469:. In financial terms, democracy promotion grew from 2% of 5316:
Several justifications for democracy have been postulated.
5192: 3880:, are included in some democracy indices but not in others. 3562: 3021: 2410: 2286: 1868: 1545: 14876: 13556:"Civics Education Helps Create Young Voters and Activists" 13144:
Gerring, John; Knutsen, Carl Henrik; Berge, Jonas (2022).
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than true stories. The proliferation of false stories and
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Democracy May Not Exist, but We'll Miss It When It's Gone
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Backsliding: Democratic Regress in the Contemporary World
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in 1868 altered the way each state is represented in the
A democratic transition describes a phase in a countries
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and a representative state government. For example, most
4305:, which is a state that has more than 20 million voters. 3464:
Different variants of aggregative democracy exist. Under
3461:, where the policy with the most votes gets implemented. 3068:
American, British, and French sectors of occupied Germany
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Four Threats: The Recurring Crises of American Democracy
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The end of kings: a history of republics and republicans
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Creative democracy is advocated by American philosopher
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Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization
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that further alter the distribution of voting rights.
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Banner in Hong Kong asking for democracy, August 2019
4059:: No constitutionally defined basis to current regime 2910:. Only men above the age of 30 who were competent in 2714:(all men and women above age of 25 could vote). This 2600:
In North America, representative government began in
thought and profoundly influenced the leaders of the
consent of the governed to ward off foreign threats.
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Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
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A famous example is the 5847:, begun in 1929 when King 5695: 5569: 5524: 5495:voting advice applications 5423: 5374: 5285: 5224:Non-governmental democracy 5169: 5146: 5089: 5066: 5031: 4987: 4942: 4907: 4876: 4842: 4766: 4762: 4684: 4659: 4655: 4568: 4458:, a constitutional monarch 4443: 4408: 4385: 4344: 4284:federal popular initiative 4139: 3978:Semi-presidential republic 3888: 3855: 3593: 3568: 3268:declared 15 September the 3105:often adopted the British 2817:1840 presidential election 2813:1828 presidential election 2811:In the United States, the 2759:Naturalization Act of 1790 2739:United States Constitution 2692:, voted in 1774 and 1780. 2678:Declaration of Right, 1689 2379:in 1265. The emergence of 2217: 2039: 2030: 1982: 1978: 1722: 1535: 54:casting his ballot in the 36:Democracy (disambiguation) 29: 22671:Anglo-Portuguese Alliance 22651: 22569: 22406: 22241: 22112:Standard Average European 21980: 21809: 21729: 21672: 21522: 21291: 20939: 20672: 20552: 20471: 20383: 20374: 20240: 20074: 20003: 19832: 19764: 19718: 19620: 19577: 19556: 19503: 19472: 19456: 19403: 19337: 19289: 19253: 19220: 19139: 19098: 18942: 18831: 18827: 18816: 18721:Methodological skepticism 18612: 18608: 18597: 18519: 18463: 18431:National health insurance 18396: 18383:Supervised injection site 18293: 18243: 18190: 18084: 18061: 17992: 17929:Communications ministries 17886: 17870: 17734: 17689: 17641: 17589: 17553: 17487: 17415: 17408: 17267: 17209: 17157: 17150: 17118: 17111: 17051: 17044: 16979: 16970: 16853: 16846: 16760: 16629: 16416: 16378:National unity government 16340: 16296: 16283: 16278:Links to related articles 16246:Resources in your library 15617:Cushion, Stephen (2012). 15402:Baum, Matthew A. 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Examples include the 5356:Condorcet's jury theorem 5329:legitimacy of government 4879:Consociational democracy 4826:individualist anarchists 4732:representative democracy 4429:semi-presidential system 4347:Representative democracy 4202:and suggestions for laws 4130:representative democracy 3583:Measurement of democracy 3262:World Forum on Democracy 3093:The war was followed by 3084:Soviet sector of Germany 2906:and a popularly elected 2864:Equal Franchise Act 1928 2722:principles and included 2644:, the patron goddess of 2136:as early as 700 BC. The 1791:representative democracy 1595:representative democracy 605:Wars between democracies 585:Territorial peace theory 430:Democratic confederalism 22589:Equality before the law 21796:Romano-Germanic culture 21440:The Communist Manifesto 20366:Tyranny of the majority 20277:Consent of the governed 18127:Public good (economics) 18013:Ministries by portfolio 17984:Public works ministries 17716:Ministry of electricity 17656:Ministry of the economy 17530:Office of the president 16873:Uncodified constitution 16398:Administrative division 16136:. Bloomsbury Academic. 15969:Graeber, David (2013). 15829:10.1126/science.aap9559 15541:10.1073/pnas.2023301118 15503:. 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Subsequently, 2460:consent of the governed 2339:constitutional monarchy 1949:consent of the governed 1884:tyranny of the majority 1763:V-Dem Democracy indices 1685:(e.g. constitution) or 1661:make decisions through 1632:consent of the governed 1558:'rule') is a system of 1442:Administrative division 1386:International relations 590:Tyranny of the majority 525:Political demonstration 435:Democratic peace theory 410:Deliberative referendum 22751:Eastern European Group 22340:Continental philosophy 22271:Judeo-Christian ethics 22256:Hellenistic philosophy 21737:Cradle of civilization 20317: 20267:Clash of civilizations 20253: 18771: 18705: 18671:Enlightened absolutism 18662: 17949:Environment ministries 17919:Agriculture ministries 17914:Presidents of assembly 17909:Deputy prime ministers 16168:. Metropolitan Books. 15283:Communication Yearbook 14479:Transaction Publishers 13978:in 1982, to Quigley's 13061:Brown, Archie (2001). 12683:Trotsky, Leon (1977). 12659:Trotsky as Alternative 12320:Köchler, Hans (1987). 12113:Zibechi, Raul (2013). 12098:Denham, Diana (2008). 11644:Dobratz, B.A. (2015). 11503:Smith, Graham (2009). 11062:"The Fragile Republic" 10670:Sanders, Mark (2000). 9601:Chavetz, Josh (2007). 9486:Tocqueville, Alexis de 9415:Sec. 87, 123, 209, 222 8926:. BBC. 19 January 2015 8664:Mann & Fields 1997 7887:Barak, Aharon (2006). 7861:The New Indian Express 7592:10.3167/dt.2018.050107 6821:Political polarization 6619:Criticism of democracy 6326:Democratic backsliding 6316:Criticism of democracy 5920:Criticism of democracy 5856:Democratic backsliding 5845:6 January Dictatorship 5681: 5606:democracy causes peace 5599:self-expression values 5551: 5521:Democratic transitions 5486: 5453: 5399:at the expense of the 5351:Better decision-making 5325:Social contract theory 5272:Democratic educational 5216: 5135:. The creation of the 5092:Cosmopolitan democracy 5034:Participatory politics 5017:Democracy & Nature 4968:minority ethnic groups 4928:majoritarian democracy 4815:Pierre-Joseph Proudhon 4639:and Michael Nelson of 4616:argued, especially in 4480:Scandinavian countries 4459: 4353:democratically elected 4183: 4159: 4113: 4081: 4073: 4071:this chart represents 4057:Provisional government 3938:Parliamentary republic 3848: 3702: 3550:Authentic deliberation 3541:Deliberative democracy 3435:deliberative democracy 3358:Democratic backsliding 3353: 3284: 3253: 3198: 3131: 3056: 2966: 2943: 2808: 2653: 2562:only if they held the 2546:war of all against all 2532:social contract theory 2526:on the British Isles. 2467: 2448:social contract theory 2356: 2289:has been elected by a 2229:While most regions in 2181:, capital city of the 2062:'(common) people' and 2058:. The word comes from 2009: 2001:delivering his famous 1839:(which originated the 1729: 1671:presidential democracy 415:Democratic backsliding 405:Criticism of democracy 67: 34:. For other uses, see 22871:Three Seas Initiative 22846:Pacific Islands Forum 22711:British–Irish Council 22459:Greek Orthodox Church 21918:Industrial Revolution 21888:Scientific Revolution 20282:Divine right of kings 18637:Counter-Enlightenment 18275:Public infrastructure 18112:Public administration 18097:Free-culture movement 17944:Environment ministers 17850:Minister for Veterans 17721:Ministry of Petroleum 17681:Ministry of transport 17520:Deputy First Minister 17510:Deputy prime minister 17364:aspects of capitalism 17280:History of philosophy 16778:Unemployment benefits 16514:Military dictatorship 15421:. Aldine de Gruyter. 15005:Alan Siaroff (2009). 14920:Lindberg, Staffan I. 14125:Psychological Science 13910:10.1017/9781108613880 13117:Tibi, Bassam (2013). 13079:10.1353/jod.2001.0063 12878:– via CrossRef. 12847:– via CrossRef. 11845:– via CrossRef. 11098:10.1017/9781108957809 10258:4 August 2010 at the 10208:US National Archives. 9966:The Third of May 1791 9820:10.1353/jer.2013.0033 9771:10.1353/jer.2013.0033 9709:33.2 (2013): 219–254. 9558:29 April 2012 at the 9061:Cox, Gary W. (2017). 8875:"Citizen or Subject?" 8813:10.9783/9781512819571 8379:The Classical Journal 7422:Wilson, N.G. (2006). 7317:10.1353/jod.2013.0010 6877:The emergence of the 6860:horse race journalism 6702:Mediatization (media) 6655:or a more democratic 6381:Electoral competition 6361:Democratic transition 6336:Democratic centralism 6331:Democratic capitalism 5905:and African-American 5868:freedom of expression 5774:French First Republic 5733:freedom of expression 5696:Further information: 5686:democratic revolution 5676: 5534: 5527:Democratic transition 5484: 5475:military intervention 5435: 5341:Jean-Jacques Rousseau 5288:Shareholder democracy 5282:Shareholder democracy 5274:institutions such as 5250:shareholder democracy 5179: 5056:participatory economy 4637:Willamette University 4453: 4220:Appenzell Innerrhoden 4165: 4149: 4087:degree of democracy. 3917:Parliamentary systems 3906: 3874:judicial independence 3762: 3669:Authoritarian regimes 3603: 3454:aggregative democracy 3430:aggregative democracy 3351: 3305:Law and Justice Party 3281:Parliament of Finland 3278: 3251: 3193: 3118: 3088:Soviet-dominated bloc 3038: 2960: 2937: 2841:civil rights movement 2802: 2743:codified constitution 2716:Corsican Constitution 2639: 2458:and the principle of 2438: 2361:Parliament of England 2351: 2066:'force/might'. Under 2013:Democratic assemblies 1992: 1910:. In some countries, 1857:Constitution of India 1849:judicial independence 1452:Democratic transition 1315:Self-governing colony 912:Military dictatorship 470:Electoral competition 450:Democratic transition 425:Democratic centralism 420:Democratic capitalism 50: 22866:Special Relationship 22276:Christian philosophy 22221:Western Christianity 21883:Age of Enlightenment 21757:Hellenistic Kingdoms 21430:Democracy in America 20809:political philosophy 20792:political philosophy 20607:political philosophy 20436:political philosophy 20346:Separation of powers 20307:Night-watchman state 20292:Monopoly on violence 19826:Political philosophy 18591:Age of Enlightenment 17939:Education ministries 17776:Information minister 17711:Environment minister 17621:Ministry of interior 17611:Immigration minister 17298:Political ideologies 16574:Parliamentary system 16018:. Penguin Classics. 15091:10.2139/ssrn.1426841 14656:10.1093/icon/moab058 14372:10.1257/aer.20130604 14210:Comparative Politics 13320:Pelke, Lars (2023). 13300:"Democracy dividend" 13067:Journal of Democracy 12407:Aristotle. "Ch. 9". 11311:. Harper Perennial. 10804:. 13 November 2018. 10625:History & Policy 10378:Journal of Democracy 10271:Hasan Kayalı (1995) 9701:Donald Ratcliffe, " 9645:on 30 September 2020 9490:Democracy in America 9251:"Rise of Parliament" 9209:on 25 September 2018 8524:Terrence A. Boring, 8315:(2004) 2018 pp.12–13 8071:. 7305:Journal of Democracy 7239:Journal of Democracy 7004:Industrial democracy 6899:emerging democracies 6856:developing countries 6356:Democratic socialism 5913:Debates on democracy 5880:Enabling Act of 1933 5643:modernisation theory 5626:—and within them of 5461:system of government 5401:creative destruction 4956:political scientists 4867:citizens' assemblies 4859:Renaissance Florence 4769:Democracy in Marxism 4708:democratic socialism 4695:Democratic socialism 4671:political philosophy 4422:separation of powers 4388:Parliamentary system 3898:separation of powers 3343:government crackdown 3207:Bulldozer Revolution 3116:mandated democracy: 2854:that began with the 2770:Revolutionary France 2524:political philosophy 2416:Casimir IV Jagiellon 2311:Republic of Florence 1985:History of democracy 1920:freedom of the press 1880:political minorities 1847:, while maintaining 1787:equal before the law 1757:of a state, such as 1677:, but in some cases 445:Democratic socialism 22891:West Nordic Council 22756:Eastern Partnership 22345:Analytic philosophy 22046:Classical tradition 21868:Early modern period 21824:Classical antiquity 21819:European Bronze Age 21620:Right-wing politics 21500:A Theory of Justice 21470:The Road to Serfdom 21390:The Social Contract 20097:Christian democracy 19597:FeijĂło y Montenegro 19548:Vorontsova-Dashkova 18511:Public viewing area 18280:Public water system 18268:Municipal broadband 18225:Public broadcasting 17835:Ministry of science 17793:Ministry of justice 17786:Ministry of housing 17747:Ministry of culture 17661:Ministry of finance 17601:Ministry of defence 17420:Forms of government 17353:Conservatism navbox 16958:Legislative council 16783:National healthcare 16657:Christian democracy 16579:Presidential system 16434:Countries by system 15821:2018Sci...359.1146V 15815:(6380): 1146–1151. 15532:2021PNAS..11823301C 14720:2020Sci...369.1192H 14714:(6508): 1192–1196. 13042:on 12 February 2015 12769:. 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(2014). 11284:2011Antip..43..525S 11046:The Washington Post 10586:on 16 October 2013. 10550:"Tables and Charts" 10530:on 15 February 2020 10405:on 7 September 2006 10054:on 11 November 2020 10004:The Preamble of Law 9998:Jan Ligeza (2017). 9979:on 5 September 2019 9279:on 22 December 2016 9181:The British Library 8946:. 20 January 2015. 8515:, pp. 194–201. 8186:on 22 December 2019 8096:, pp. 168–169. 7732:(3): 201, 199–219. 7462:10.1093/poq/nfab056 7029:Spatial citizenship 7019:Power to the people 6959:Empowered democracy 6944:Defensive democracy 6915:conspiracy theories 6794:and the erosion of 6582:Politics portal 6376:Democracy promotion 6351:Democratic republic 5770:Coup of 18 Brumaire 5457:Democracy promotion 5426:Democracy promotion 5419:Democracy promotion 5365:conflict resolution 5294:one share, one vote 5254:workplace democracy 5075:Religious democracy 5069:Religious democracy 4990:Inclusive democracy 4910:Consensus democracy 4833:consensus democracy 4728:workplace democracy 4687:Socialist democracy 4507:by writers such as 4501:Bill of Rights 1689 4497:Glorious Revolution 4411:Presidential system 4301:in the US state of 4280:Swiss confederation 3954:Presidential system 3559:Citizens assemblies 3424:Contemporary theory 3339:failed coup attempt 3335:European Commission 3078:. However, most of 3047:in the center. The 2908:Chamber of Deputies 2870:was established in 2778:National Convention 2682:Claim of Right 1689 2666:Kingdom of Scotland 2608:(forerunner of the 2602:Jamestown, Virginia 2576:American Revolution 2500:Glorious Revolution 2492:English Restoration 2464:liberal democracies 2431:Early modern period 2343:democratic republic 2056:classical antiquity 1888:consensus democracy 1620:freedom of religion 1608:freedom of assembly 1491:Politics portal 1376:Supranational union 1285:Dependent territory 1198:National government 671:Politics portal 465:Democracy promotion 440:Democratic republic 62: in favour of 22948:Types of democracy 22350:Post-structuralism 22313:Christian humanism 21943:Universal suffrage 21632:Political violence 21627:Political theology 21610:Left-wing politics 21605:Political spectrum 18736:Natural philosophy 18476:Government auction 18162:Public procurement 17979:Interior ministers 17860:Minister for women 17815:Ministry of sports 17803:Ministry of labour 17798:Minister of labour 17769:Ministry of health 17754:Education minister 17704:Ministry of energy 17561:Secretary of state 17425:Types of democracy 17320:Political spectrum 16933:Legislative bodies 16888:Head of government 16813:Banking regulation 16373:Federal government 16363:Central government 15895:10.1111/bjop.12522 15526:(9): e2023301118. 15183:, 67–93, 132–160. 15127:. 11 November 1947 15039:The New York Times 15033:(7 January 1929). 15031:Edwin Leland James 12864:The Pacific Review 12740:Bookchin, Murray. 12534:. 29 December 1998 12269:on 3 February 1999 12192:on 17 January 2010 12015:"Direct democracy" 11745:. 30 November 2022 11427:Buffalo Law Review 10672:Your Right To Vote 10468:Julian Go (2007). 10326:The New York Times 9617:"Getting the vote" 9338:on 24 October 2014 9308:on 8 December 2015 9187:on 18 October 2017 9048:10.1111/isqu.12153 8640:A history of India 8337:Kurt A. Raaflaub, 8180:The Spirit of Laws 8031:, Bk. II, ch. 2–3. 6864:journalistic norms 6681:anarcho-capitalism 6521:Waves of democracy 6481:Right to candidacy 6451:Popular referendum 6441:Political equality 6311:Citizens' assembly 5949:You can assist by 5895:political violence 5803:, and the fall of 5799:, for example the 5762:List of civil wars 5552: 5487: 5454: 5298:board of directors 5217: 5149:Creative democracy 5020:and its successor 5000:economic democracy 4954:, as used by some 4926:. In contrast, in 4855:Athenian Democracy 4595:head of government 4460: 4335:Athenian democracy 4184: 4160: 4114: 3891:Types of democracy 3876:or quality of the 3849: 3703: 3632:Flawed democracies 3354: 3285: 3254: 3239:Jasmine Revolution 3199: 3136:"Communist" states 3107:Westminster system 3057: 2984:advanced, but the 2967: 2948:waves of democracy 2944: 2924:universal suffrage 2898:Parliament with a 2809: 2662:Kingdom of England 2654: 2648:, in front of the 2606:House of Burgesses 2490:(1653–59) and the 2468: 2357: 2303:Republic of Ragusa 2249:, bodies known as 2072:Athenian democracy 2042:Athenian democracy 2010: 1841:Westminster system 1818:political equality 1755:general population 1683:supermajority rule 1572:general population 610:Waves of democracy 570:Right to candidacy 540:Popular referendum 530:Political equality 400:Citizens' assembly 68: 64:universal suffrage 27:Form of government 22920: 22919: 22914: 22913: 22741:Council of Europe 22643:International law 22596:Constitutionalism 22454:Eastern Orthodoxy 21960:Post–Cold War era 21893:Age of Revolution 21747:Greco-Roman world 21685: 21684: 21595:Philosophy of law 21540:Conflict theories 21380:The Spirit of Law 21287: 21286: 20336:Original position 19792: 19791: 19760: 19759: 19756: 19755: 18812: 18811: 18808: 18807: 18785:Scientific method 18642:Critical thinking 18557: 18556: 18551: 18550: 18378:Public university 18358:Public open space 18303:Drinking fountain 18263:Telecommunication 18021: 18020: 17969:Health ministries 17964:Forest ministries 17959:Foreign ministers 17954:Finance ministers 17934:Defence ministers 17855:Ministry of women 17810:Regional minister 17692:natural resources 17666:Industry minister 17651:Commerce minister 17616:Interior minister 17592:foreign affairs / 17566:Minister of state 17442: 17441: 17438: 17437: 17430:Political parties 17309:Political culture 17234:International law 17205: 17204: 17197:U.S. Constitution 17146: 17145: 17128:Political science 17107: 17106: 17079:Political parties 17040: 17039: 16966: 16965: 16682:Constitutionalism 16393:County government 16232:Library resources 16217:978-1-78360-542-2 16193:Munck, Gerardo L. 16128:Provost, Claire; 16122:Democracy: A Life 16102:978-0-520-24562-4 16083:978-0-691-01108-0 16025:978-0-14-044809-2 15982:978-0-8129-9356-1 15961:978-0-415-19396-2 15428:978-1-138-52143-8 15211:, 6 November 2002 15121:"Parliament Bill" 15085:. Rochester, NY. 15016:978-1-4426-0012-6 14869:978-3-030-03125-1 14559:978-0-19-023487-4 14488:978-1-4128-3116-1 14474:Political Parties 14457:978-0-444-52041-8 14411:978-0-444-52041-8 14313:978-0-521-85526-6 14057:978-0-8191-2947-5 14023:978-0-8191-2947-5 13919:978-1-108-61388-0 13786:978-3-319-74336-3 13753:978-0-08-043076-8 13712:978-3-319-74336-3 13671:978-1-315-19692-3 13535:. 20 October 2016 13370:978-0-19-887199-6 13305:Technology Review 13130:978-1-135-92468-3 12696:978-0-87348-524-1 12669:978-1-78960-701-7 12642:978-1-000-88190-5 12356:978-0-226-84279-0 12331:978-3-8204-8843-2 12165:978-1-137-31470-3 12073:978-2-606-01295-3 12028:978-0-415-19396-2 11989:Google Books link 11985:978-1-4191-4316-8 11975:T.R. Williamson, 11965:Google Books link 11961:978-0-691-12017-1 11941:Google Books link 11937:978-0-691-12017-1 11918:Google Books link 11914:978-0-7619-6787-3 11743:Our World in Data 11717:Our World in Data 11691:978-1-135-93226-8 11657:978-1-317-34529-9 11516:978-0-521-51477-4 11406:978-0-691-12019-5 11385:978-0-691-13872-5 11365:978-0-300-04938-1 11341:978-0-06-041750-5 11317:978-0-06-133008-7 11305:Joseph Schumpeter 11245:978-0-691-13830-5 11107:978-1-108-95780-9 11017:978-1-250-24442-0 10524:Our World in Data 10483:978-90-04-15174-1 10427:. 10086:978-1-317-45536-3 10013:978-83-945455-0-5 9941:on 27 August 2008 9891:978-1-57356-148-8 9736:978-0-313-23091-2 9688:978-0-8386-3225-3 9587:978-0-415-30066-7 9522:978-0-7894-8903-6 9498:978-0-7607-5230-2 9424:978-0-521-35448-6 9162:978-1-108-33399-3 8909:978-1-84725-226-5 8822:978-1-5128-1957-1 8785:978-1-317-74224-1 8758:978-0-300-23332-2 8650:978-0-415-32919-4 8623:978-0-85229-760-5 8596:978-1-74104-308-2 8534:978-90-04-05971-9 8478:978-1-4008-2591-2 8455:978-1-4008-6083-8 8283:978-0-19-827934-1 8218:978-0-8156-0083-1 8161:978-0-19-022863-7 8124:978-0-691-13830-5 8054:978-0-226-22482-4 7996:978-0-8018-8475-7 7971:978-0-521-00385-8 7900:978-0-691-12017-1 7804:978-1-139-99138-4 7774:978-0-8018-8287-6 7699:Nations, United. 7685:978-0-8166-3388-3 7657:978-0-262-54147-3 7580:Democratic Theory 7432:978-0-415-97334-2 7409:978-0-85229-135-1 7345:. Merriam-Webster 7285:978-0-262-54147-3 7190:978-1-4051-9129-6 7093:Argentina in 1983 6895:protest movements 6784:structural causes 6689:absolute monarchy 6646:Winston Churchill 6616: 6615: 6471:Right to petition 5979: 5978: 5971: 5860:national security 5766:Spanish Civil War 5628:cognitive ability 5507:barriers to entry 5393:James A. Robinson 5133:Daniele Archibugi 5127:, and professors 4885:consociationalism 4819:anarcho-communist 4796:council democracy 4775:Marxist orthodoxy 4662:Liberal democracy 4608:often criticised 4559:Australian Senate 4505:crowned republics 4238:city councils of 4154:(in 2009) of the 4027:Absolute monarchy 3846: 3845: 3834: 0.000–0.099 3828: 0.100–0.199 3820: 0.200–0.299 3814: 0.300–0.399 3808: 0.400–0.499 3802: 0.500–0.599 3794: 0.600–0.699 3788: 0.700–0.799 3782: 0.800–0.899 3776: 0.900–1.000 3708:Democracy indices 3700: 3699: 3596:Democracy indices 3590:Democracy indices 3575:Radical democracy 3470:Joseph Schumpeter 3441:radical democracy 3402:absolute monarchy 3362:COVID-19 pandemic 3223:Orange Revolution 3179:with the rise of 3076:government change 2887:absolute monarchy 2852:series of reforms 2807:in France in 1848 2708:Corsican Republic 2587:Cossack Hetmanate 2580:French Revolution 2534:. Writing in the 2496:Habeas Corpus Act 2480:English Civil War 2476:Petition of Right 2420:Nieszawa Statutes 2297:. Established by 1955:does not specify 1916:freedom of speech 1826:political freedom 1736:Western democracy 1710:Greek city-states 1695:liberal democracy 1616:personal property 1544: 1525: 1524: 1476: 1475: 1447:Democracy indices 1422: 1421: 1225: 1224: 1034:Semi-presidential 959: 958: 705: 704: 560:Right to petition 32:Liberal democracy 16:(Redirected from 22955: 22933:Classical Greece 22786:EU Customs Union 22318:Secular humanism 22266:Christian ethics 22216:East–West Schism 22199:Physical culture 21923:Great Divergence 21873:Age of Discovery 21712: 21705: 21698: 21689: 21688: 21600:Political ethics 21590:Machiavellianism 21530:Authoritarianism 21515: 21505: 21495: 21485: 21475: 21465: 21455: 21445: 21435: 21425: 21415: 21405: 21395: 21385: 21375: 21365: 21355: 21345: 21335: 21325: 21315: 21305: 20381: 20380: 20322: 20258: 20248:Balance of power 20222:Social democracy 20217:Social Darwinism 20192:Multiculturalism 20137:Environmentalism 20112:Communitarianism 19819: 19812: 19805: 19796: 19795: 19781: 19780: 18829: 18828: 18818: 18817: 18776: 18710: 18681: 18667: 18610: 18609: 18599: 18598: 18584: 18577: 18570: 18561: 18560: 18539: 18538: 18527: 18526: 18438:Social insurance 18285:Waste management 18253:Electric utility 18230:Public transport 18147:Public ownership 18066:Municipalization 18048: 18041: 18034: 18025: 18024: 18011: 18010: 18000: 17999: 17820:Tourism minister 17781:Housing minister 17742:Culture minister 17469: 17462: 17455: 17446: 17445: 17413: 17412: 17401: 17397:World government 17395: 17390: 17384: 17379: 17373: 17368: 17362: 17357: 17351: 17346: 17340: 17335: 17329: 17324: 17318: 17313: 17307: 17302: 17296: 17244:World government 17155: 17154: 17116: 17115: 17099:Environmentalism 17049: 17048: 16977: 16976: 16851: 16850: 16788:Public education 16768:Social insurance 16702:Environmentalism 16672:Communitarianism 16647:Authoritarianism 16609:Direct Democracy 16388:Local government 16323: 16316: 16309: 16300: 16299: 16287: 16286: 16274: 16273: 16221: 16183:Przeworski, Adam 16179: 16151:Biagini, Eugenio 16147: 16106: 16087: 16068: 16062: 16054: 16029: 16008: 16002: 15994: 15965: 15935: 15934: 15924: 15918: 15917: 15907: 15897: 15873: 15864: 15863: 15861: 15859: 15854:on 29 April 2019 15853: 15847:. Archived from 15806: 15797: 15791: 15790: 15782: 15776: 15775: 15765: 15741: 15732: 15731: 15723: 15717: 15716: 15708: 15702: 15701: 15693: 15687: 15686: 15678: 15672: 15671: 15663: 15654: 15653: 15645: 15639: 15638: 15629: 15623: 15622: 15614: 15608: 15607: 15597: 15573: 15564: 15563: 15553: 15543: 15511: 15505: 15504: 15496: 15490: 15489: 15457: 15451: 15450: 15442: 15433: 15432: 15414: 15408: 15407: 15399: 15393: 15392: 15383: 15374: 15373: 15365: 15356: 15355: 15347: 15341: 15340: 15332: 15326: 15325: 15317: 15311: 15310: 15302: 15291: 15290: 15278: 15269: 15268: 15260: 15254: 15253: 15233: 15227: 15226: 15218: 15212: 15203:Thom Hartmann, " 15201: 15195: 15194: 15178: 15168: 15162: 15161: 15143: 15137: 15136: 15134: 15132: 15117: 15111: 15110: 15071: 15065: 15064: 15056: 15050: 15049: 15047: 15045: 15027: 15021: 15020: 15002: 14993: 14992: 14948: 14942: 14941: 14939: 14937: 14917: 14911: 14910: 14904: 14880: 14874: 14873: 14855: 14849: 14848: 14835: 14826:(7): 1095–1113. 14811: 14805: 14804: 14802: 14800: 14794: 14772:(8): 1533–1542. 14763: 14754: 14748: 14747: 14701: 14695: 14694: 14666: 14660: 14659: 14637: 14631: 14630: 14602: 14596: 14595: 14567: 14561: 14544: 14538: 14537: 14509: 14500: 14499: 14497: 14495: 14468: 14462: 14461: 14435: 14429: 14428:. Working Paper. 14422: 14416: 14415: 14389: 14383: 14382: 14380: 14365: 14363: 14347: 14338: 14332: 14331: 14324: 14318: 14317: 14296: 14290: 14284: 14278: 14277: 14267: 14243: 14234: 14233: 14205: 14199: 14198: 14173: 14167: 14166: 14148: 14122: 14113: 14107: 14106: 14104: 14102: 14075: 14069: 14068: 14066: 14064: 14041: 14035: 14034: 14032: 14030: 14007: 13998: 13988: 13982: 13965: 13959: 13958: 13930: 13924: 13923: 13897: 13891: 13884: 13878: 13877: 13840: 13834: 13833: 13831: 13805: 13799: 13798: 13764: 13758: 13757: 13731: 13725: 13724: 13690: 13684: 13683: 13657: 13651: 13650: 13640: 13608: 13602: 13601: 13592:(1/2): 458–466. 13577: 13571: 13570: 13568: 13566: 13551: 13545: 13544: 13542: 13540: 13529: 13523: 13522: 13490: 13484: 13483: 13455: 13449: 13443: 13438:. Archived from 13421: 13415: 13414: 13404: 13380: 13374: 13373: 13352: 13346: 13345: 13343: 13317: 13311: 13310: 13295: 13289: 13288: 13278: 13252: 13243: 13237: 13236: 13212: 13206: 13205: 13203: 13201: 13186: 13180: 13179: 13177: 13167: 13141: 13135: 13134: 13113: 13107: 13097: 13091: 13090: 13058: 13052: 13051: 13049: 13047: 13041: 13035:. Archived from 13034: 13026: 13020: 13003: 12997: 12995: 12993: 12991: 12982:. Archived from 12976: 12970: 12969: 12967: 12965: 12959: 12953:. Archived from 12952: 12944: 12938: 12933: 12927: 12920: 12914: 12913: 12906: 12904: 12896: 12890:"Redirecting..." 12886: 12880: 12879: 12855: 12849: 12848: 12824: 12818: 12817: 12777: 12771: 12770: 12762: 12756: 12750: 12744: 12738: 12732: 12729: 12723: 12707: 12701: 12700: 12680: 12674: 12673: 12653: 12647: 12646: 12626: 12620: 12619: 12617: 12615: 12600: 12594: 12593: 12591: 12589: 12572: 12566: 12563: 12557: 12550: 12544: 12543: 12541: 12539: 12522: 12516: 12515: 12513: 12511: 12500: 12494: 12493: 12491: 12489: 12475: 12469: 12466: 12453: 12450: 12444: 12437: 12431: 12428: 12422: 12419: 12413: 12412: 12404: 12398: 12397: 12367: 12361: 12360: 12342: 12336: 12335: 12317: 12311: 12310: 12285: 12279: 12278: 12276: 12274: 12259: 12253: 12252: 12234: 12228: 12227: 12225: 12223: 12218:on 5 August 2012 12208: 12202: 12201: 12199: 12197: 12182: 12176: 12175: 12174: 12172: 12139: 12133: 12132: 12125: 12119: 12118: 12110: 12104: 12103: 12095: 12089: 12084:Niels Barmeyer, 12082: 12076: 12061: 12046: 12039: 12033: 12032: 12010: 12004: 11997: 11991: 11973: 11967: 11949: 11943: 11926: 11920: 11902: 11896: 11895: 11871: 11865: 11862: 11856: 11853: 11847: 11846: 11814: 11808: 11807: 11805: 11797: 11791: 11786: 11780: 11779: 11777: 11775: 11761: 11755: 11754: 11752: 11750: 11735: 11729: 11728: 11726: 11724: 11709: 11703: 11702: 11700: 11698: 11675: 11669: 11668: 11666: 11664: 11641: 11635: 11634: 11632: 11630: 11615: 11609: 11608: 11606: 11604: 11553: 11547: 11546: 11544: 11542: 11527: 11521: 11520: 11500: 11494: 11493: 11453: 11447: 11446: 11436: 11430: 11423: 11417: 11414: 11408: 11394: 11388: 11373: 11367: 11350: 11344: 11326: 11320: 11302: 11296: 11295: 11263: 11257: 11256: 11254: 11252: 11229: 11214: 11213: 11202: 11196: 11195: 11193: 11191: 11180: 11174: 11173: 11133: 11127: 11126: 11124: 11122: 11083: 11077: 11076: 11074: 11072: 11057: 11051: 11050: 11036: 11030: 11029: 11001: 10995: 10994: 10992: 10990: 10984: 10973: 10965: 10959: 10958: 10956: 10954: 10942: 10936: 10935: 10933: 10931: 10917: 10911: 10910: 10874: 10868: 10867: 10847: 10841: 10827: 10821: 10820: 10818: 10816: 10794: 10788: 10782: 10776: 10775: 10773: 10771: 10760: 10754: 10753: 10751: 10749: 10734: 10725: 10724: 10722: 10691: 10682: 10676: 10675: 10667: 10661: 10660: 10658: 10656: 10642: 10636: 10635: 10633: 10631: 10616: 10610: 10609: 10607: 10605: 10600:. United Nations 10594: 10588: 10587: 10582:. Archived from 10572: 10566: 10565: 10563: 10561: 10546: 10540: 10539: 10537: 10535: 10526:. Archived from 10516: 10510: 10509: 10507: 10505: 10494: 10488: 10487: 10465: 10459: 10458: 10456: 10454: 10443: 10437: 10436: 10434: 10432: 10421: 10415: 10414: 10412: 10410: 10401:. Archived from 10395: 10389: 10388: 10386: 10384: 10369: 10363: 10362: 10360: 10358: 10353:. Bloomberg News 10346: 10337: 10336: 10334: 10332: 10317: 10311: 10310: 10299: 10293: 10292: 10285: 10279: 10269: 10263: 10249: 10243: 10242: 10240: 10238: 10227: 10221: 10215: 10209: 10203: 10197: 10196: 10194: 10192: 10178: 10172: 10171: 10169: 10167: 10158:. Archived from 10147: 10141: 10140: 10138: 10136: 10121: 10115: 10114: 10112: 10105: 10097: 10091: 10090: 10070: 10064: 10063: 10061: 10059: 10053: 10046: 10037: 10031: 10030:(1983) pp 77–111 10024: 10018: 10017: 9995: 9989: 9988: 9986: 9984: 9978: 9971: 9957: 9951: 9950: 9948: 9946: 9931: 9925: 9924: 9922: 9920: 9909: 9903: 9902: 9900: 9898: 9875: 9869: 9868: 9866: 9864: 9845: 9839: 9838: 9836: 9805: 9796: 9790: 9789: 9787: 9756: 9747: 9741: 9740: 9716: 9710: 9699: 9693: 9692: 9674: 9668: 9661: 9655: 9654: 9652: 9650: 9635: 9629: 9628: 9626: 9624: 9613: 9607: 9606: 9598: 9592: 9591: 9568: 9562: 9547: 9541: 9531: 9525: 9507: 9501: 9483: 9477: 9476: 9452: 9446: 9435: 9429: 9428: 9401: 9395: 9394: 9358: 9352: 9351: 9345: 9343: 9328: 9322: 9321: 9315: 9313: 9298: 9289: 9288: 9286: 9284: 9273:"Putney debates" 9269: 9263: 9262: 9260: 9258: 9247: 9241: 9240: 9238: 9236: 9225: 9219: 9218: 9216: 9214: 9205:. Archived from 9195: 9194: 9192: 9183:. Archived from 9173: 9167: 9166: 9148: 9142: 9141: 9123: 9099: 9093: 9092: 9082: 9058: 9052: 9051: 9031: 9025: 9024: 8988: 8982: 8981: 8979: 8977: 8966: 8960: 8959: 8957: 8955: 8941: 8934: 8933: 8931: 8920: 8914: 8913: 8893: 8887: 8886: 8884: 8882: 8871: 8865: 8864: 8858: 8856: 8851:on 23 April 2021 8841: 8835: 8834: 8796: 8790: 8789: 8769: 8763: 8762: 8742: 8736: 8735: 8733: 8731: 8719:Communications. 8716: 8710: 8709: 8673: 8667: 8661: 8655: 8654: 8634: 8628: 8627: 8607: 8601: 8600: 8576: 8570: 8564: 8558: 8557: 8555: 8553: 8542: 8536: 8522: 8516: 8510: 8504: 8498: 8492: 8486: 8480: 8466: 8460: 8459: 8439: 8433: 8432: 8430: 8428: 8419:. Archived from 8409: 8403: 8402: 8374: 8368: 8367: 8357: 8351: 8350:Aristotle Book 6 8348: 8342: 8335: 8329: 8322: 8316: 8303: 8297: 8291: 8285: 8271: 8265: 8264: 8262: 8260: 8237: 8231: 8230: 8202: 8196: 8195: 8193: 8191: 8171: 8165: 8164: 8135: 8129: 8128: 8108: 8097: 8091: 8085: 8079: 8073: 8072: 8065: 8059: 8058: 8038: 8032: 8025: 8019: 8007: 8001: 8000: 7982: 7976: 7975: 7958:Nussbaum, Martha 7954: 7948: 7947: 7911: 7905: 7904: 7884: 7878: 7877: 7875: 7873: 7868:on 27 March 2016 7851: 7845: 7844: 7842: 7840: 7829: 7828: 7826: 7815: 7809: 7808: 7788: 7779: 7778: 7758: 7752: 7741: 7719: 7713: 7712: 7710: 7708: 7703:. United Nations 7696: 7690: 7689: 7671: 7665: 7661: 7643: 7637: 7636: 7634: 7632: 7618: 7612: 7611: 7571: 7565: 7552: 7546: 7545: 7523: 7514: 7510: 7504: 7498: 7492: 7491: 7481: 7441: 7435: 7420: 7414: 7413: 7395: 7386: 7378: 7372: 7361: 7355: 7354: 7352: 7350: 7339: 7333: 7332: 7296: 7290: 7289: 7269: 7263: 7262: 7230: 7221: 7220: 7218: 7216: 7211:. 16 August 2023 7201: 7195: 7194: 7168: 7162: 7161: 7159: 7157: 7146: 7127: 7124: 7112: 7085:Portugal in 1974 7082: 7076: 7047: 6998: 6993: 6992: 6979:Horseshoe theory 6964:Energy democracy 6891:social movements 6780:civic engagement 6608: 6601: 6594: 6580: 6579: 6476:Right to protest 6426:Nomination rules 5981: 5980: 5974: 5967: 5963: 5960: 5954: 5934: 5933: 5926: 5780:which ended the 5595:Ronald Inglehart 5556:political system 5541: 5538: 5491:political apathy 5384:Why Nations Fail 5371:Economic success 5345:direct democracy 5327:argues that the 5306:classes of stock 5172:Guided democracy 5118:World Parliament 5102:world federalism 5098:global democracy 5012:Takis Fotopoulos 4996:direct democracy 4952:ethnic democracy 4945:Ethnic democracy 4747:representation, 4730:combined with a 4704:Social democracy 4691:Social democracy 4610:direct democracy 4399:loyal opposition 4318:direct democracy 4208:recall elections 4176:direct democracy 4156:canton of Glarus 4142:Direct democracy 4126:direct democracy 4108: 4101: 4094: 4086: 4078: 4064: 4054: 4044: 4034: 4024: 4014: 3996: 3985: 3975: 3962: 3945: 3935: 3925: 3878:electoral system 3839: 3833: 3827: 3819: 3813: 3807: 3801: 3793: 3787: 3781: 3775: 3769: 3693: 3687: 3681: 3675: 3662: 3656: 3643: 3637: 3626: 3621: 9.00–10.00 3620: 3615:Full democracies 3611: 3493:direct democracy 3478:William H. Riker 3231:Tulip Revolution 3229:in Lebanon, the 3227:Cedar Revolution 3225:in Ukraine, the 3173:candidate states 3129: 3082:, including the 3032:, among others. 2986:Great Depression 2982:women's suffrage 2978:Austro-Hungarian 2730:Colonial America 2591:Zaporizhian Sich 2509:royal absolutism 2488:the Protectorate 2149:Even though the 2138:Spartan ecclesia 2103:random selection 2005:in front of the 1894:, and generally 1799:direct democracy 1732: 1725: 1724: 1714:Classical Athens 1663:popular assembly 1583:direct democracy 1549: 1539: 1537: 1517: 1510: 1503: 1489: 1488: 1436: 1435: 1280:Associated state 1238: 1237: 1213:Internationalism 1203:World government 1180: 1059: 991: 972: 971: 946:Free association 933: 894: 813: 756: 744: 743: 707: 706: 697: 690: 683: 669: 668: 565:Right to protest 515:Nomination rules 70: 69: 21: 22963: 22962: 22958: 22957: 22956: 22954: 22953: 22952: 22923: 22922: 22921: 22916: 22915: 22910: 22876:UKUSA Agreement 22816:Lublin Triangle 22701:Baltic Assembly 22653: 22647: 22565: 22402: 22237: 22107:Eurolinguistics 21976: 21965:Information age 21938:Interwar period 21805: 21725: 21716: 21686: 21681: 21668: 21657:Totalitarianism 21518: 21513: 21503: 21493: 21483: 21473: 21463: 21453: 21443: 21433: 21423: 21413: 21403: 21393: 21383: 21373: 21363: 21353: 21343: 21333: 21330:Treatise on Law 21323: 21313: 21303: 21283: 20941: 20935: 20674: 20668: 20554: 20548: 20467: 20370: 20356:State of nature 20351:Social contract 20331:Ordered liberty 20319:Noblesse oblige 20236: 20070: 19999: 19828: 19823: 19793: 19788: 19787: 19774: 19752: 19714: 19616: 19573: 19552: 19499: 19468: 19464:Carvalho e Melo 19452: 19399: 19333: 19285: 19249: 19216: 19135: 19094: 18938: 18823: 18804: 18790:Spanish America 18664:EncyclopĂ©distes 18627:Civil liberties 18604: 18593: 18588: 18558: 18553: 18552: 18547: 18515: 18501:Public security 18491:Public offering 18459: 18448:Social security 18398:Social services 18392: 18348:Public hospital 18343:Public computer 18338:Public bookcase 18289: 18239: 18208:Law enforcement 18203:Fire department 18186: 18137:Public interest 18080: 18076:Progressive tax 18071:Nationalization 18057: 18055:Public services 18052: 18022: 18017: 17988: 17904:Prime ministers 17899:Vice presidents 17882: 17866: 17764:Health minister 17730: 17699:Energy minister 17691: 17685: 17643: 17637: 17593: 17591: 17585: 17571:Deputy minister 17549: 17483: 17473: 17443: 17434: 17404: 17399: 17393: 17388: 17382: 17377: 17375:Western culture 17371: 17366: 17360: 17355: 17349: 17344: 17338: 17333: 17327: 17322: 17316: 17311: 17305: 17300: 17294: 17263: 17201: 17142: 17123:Fields of study 17103: 17084:Advocacy groups 17036: 16972: 16962: 16842: 16838:Street cleaning 16818:Food inspection 16773:Law enforcement 16756: 16625: 16559:Totalitarianism 16412: 16336: 16327: 16292: 16279: 16252: 16251: 16250: 16240: 16239: 16235: 16228: 16218: 16197:Democratization 16176: 16144: 16118:Cartledge, Paul 16114: 16112:Further reading 16109: 16103: 16084: 16056: 16055: 16026: 15996: 15995: 15983: 15962: 15943: 15938: 15925: 15921: 15874: 15867: 15857: 15855: 15851: 15804: 15798: 15794: 15783: 15779: 15742: 15735: 15724: 15720: 15709: 15705: 15694: 15690: 15679: 15675: 15664: 15657: 15646: 15642: 15630: 15626: 15615: 15611: 15574: 15567: 15512: 15508: 15497: 15493: 15458: 15454: 15443: 15436: 15429: 15415: 15411: 15400: 15396: 15384: 15377: 15366: 15359: 15348: 15344: 15333: 15329: 15318: 15314: 15303: 15294: 15279: 15272: 15261: 15257: 15234: 15230: 15219: 15215: 15202: 15198: 15191: 15169: 15165: 15158: 15144: 15140: 15130: 15128: 15119: 15118: 15114: 15072: 15068: 15057: 15053: 15043: 15041: 15028: 15024: 15017: 15003: 14996: 14949: 14945: 14935: 14933: 14926:Carnegie Europe 14918: 14914: 14881: 14877: 14870: 14856: 14852: 14820:Democratization 14812: 14808: 14798: 14796: 14792: 14766:Democratization 14761: 14755: 14751: 14702: 14698: 14671:Democratization 14667: 14663: 14638: 14634: 14603: 14599: 14572:Democratization 14568: 14564: 14545: 14541: 14514:Democratization 14510: 14503: 14493: 14491: 14489: 14481:. p. 243. 14469: 14465: 14458: 14436: 14432: 14423: 14419: 14412: 14390: 14386: 14378: 14345: 14339: 14335: 14326: 14325: 14321: 14314: 14300:Acemoglu, Daron 14297: 14293: 14285: 14281: 14244: 14237: 14206: 14202: 14174: 14170: 14120: 14114: 14110: 14100: 14098: 14076: 14072: 14062: 14060: 14058: 14042: 14038: 14028: 14026: 14024: 14008: 14001: 13989: 13985: 13976:Wayback Machine 13966: 13962: 13931: 13927: 13920: 13898: 13894: 13885: 13881: 13858:10.2307/1951731 13841: 13837: 13806: 13802: 13787: 13765: 13761: 13754: 13732: 13728: 13713: 13691: 13687: 13672: 13664:. p. 281. 13658: 13654: 13609: 13605: 13578: 13574: 13564: 13562: 13552: 13548: 13538: 13536: 13531: 13530: 13526: 13491: 13487: 13456: 13452: 13442:on 5 July 2008. 13422: 13418: 13381: 13377: 13371: 13353: 13349: 13318: 13314: 13296: 13292: 13250: 13244: 13240: 13213: 13209: 13199: 13197: 13187: 13183: 13142: 13138: 13131: 13114: 13110: 13098: 13094: 13059: 13055: 13045: 13043: 13039: 13032: 13028: 13027: 13023: 13004: 13000: 12989: 12987: 12978: 12977: 12973: 12963: 12961: 12960:on 25 July 2011 12957: 12950: 12946: 12945: 12941: 12934: 12930: 12921: 12917: 12907: 12898: 12897: 12888: 12887: 12883: 12856: 12852: 12825: 12821: 12798:10.2307/2009820 12778: 12774: 12763: 12759: 12751: 12747: 12739: 12735: 12730: 12726: 12708: 12704: 12697: 12681: 12677: 12670: 12654: 12650: 12643: 12627: 12623: 12613: 12611: 12602: 12601: 12597: 12587: 12585: 12573: 12569: 12564: 12560: 12551: 12547: 12537: 12535: 12524: 12523: 12519: 12509: 12507: 12502: 12501: 12497: 12487: 12485: 12477: 12476: 12472: 12467: 12456: 12451: 12447: 12438: 12434: 12429: 12425: 12420: 12416: 12405: 12401: 12368: 12364: 12357: 12343: 12339: 12332: 12318: 12314: 12307: 12286: 12282: 12272: 12270: 12261: 12260: 12256: 12235: 12231: 12221: 12219: 12210: 12209: 12205: 12195: 12193: 12184: 12183: 12179: 12170: 12168: 12166: 12140: 12136: 12127: 12126: 12122: 12111: 12107: 12096: 12092: 12083: 12079: 12062: 12049: 12040: 12036: 12029: 12011: 12007: 11998: 11994: 11974: 11970: 11950: 11946: 11927: 11923: 11903: 11899: 11872: 11868: 11863: 11859: 11854: 11850: 11815: 11811: 11803: 11799: 11798: 11794: 11787: 11783: 11773: 11771: 11763: 11762: 11758: 11748: 11746: 11737: 11736: 11732: 11722: 11720: 11711: 11710: 11706: 11696: 11694: 11692: 11676: 11672: 11662: 11660: 11658: 11642: 11638: 11628: 11626: 11616: 11612: 11602: 11600: 11554: 11550: 11540: 11538: 11529: 11528: 11524: 11517: 11501: 11497: 11454: 11450: 11437: 11433: 11429:, Vol. 54, 2006 11424: 11420: 11415: 11411: 11395: 11391: 11374: 11370: 11351: 11347: 11327: 11323: 11303: 11299: 11264: 11260: 11250: 11248: 11246: 11230: 11217: 11204: 11203: 11199: 11189: 11187: 11182: 11181: 11177: 11134: 11130: 11120: 11118: 11108: 11084: 11080: 11070: 11068: 11066:Foreign Affairs 11058: 11054: 11037: 11033: 11018: 11002: 10998: 10988: 10986: 10982: 10971: 10967: 10966: 10962: 10952: 10950: 10949:. Freedom House 10943: 10939: 10929: 10927: 10919: 10918: 10914: 10879:Democratization 10875: 10871: 10848: 10844: 10839:Wayback Machine 10828: 10824: 10814: 10812: 10796: 10795: 10791: 10783: 10779: 10769: 10767: 10762: 10761: 10757: 10747: 10745: 10736: 10735: 10728: 10720: 10689: 10683: 10679: 10668: 10664: 10654: 10652: 10644: 10643: 10639: 10629: 10627: 10617: 10613: 10603: 10601: 10596: 10595: 10591: 10574: 10573: 10569: 10559: 10557: 10556:on 13 July 2009 10548: 10547: 10543: 10533: 10531: 10518: 10517: 10513: 10503: 10501: 10496: 10495: 10491: 10484: 10466: 10462: 10452: 10450: 10445: 10444: 10440: 10430: 10428: 10423: 10422: 10418: 10408: 10406: 10397: 10396: 10392: 10382: 10380: 10370: 10366: 10356: 10354: 10347: 10340: 10330: 10328: 10318: 10314: 10300: 10296: 10287: 10286: 10282: 10270: 10266: 10260:Wayback Machine 10250: 10246: 10236: 10234: 10228: 10224: 10216: 10212: 10204: 10200: 10190: 10188: 10180: 10179: 10175: 10165: 10163: 10162:on 10 June 2014 10148: 10144: 10134: 10132: 10131:on 14 July 2007 10123: 10122: 10118: 10110: 10103: 10099: 10098: 10094: 10087: 10071: 10067: 10057: 10055: 10051: 10044: 10038: 10034: 10025: 10021: 10014: 10000:PreambuƂa Prawa 9996: 9992: 9982: 9980: 9976: 9969: 9963:(15 May 1991). 9958: 9954: 9944: 9942: 9933: 9932: 9928: 9918: 9916: 9911: 9910: 9906: 9896: 9894: 9892: 9876: 9872: 9862: 9860: 9847: 9846: 9842: 9834: 9803: 9797: 9793: 9785: 9754: 9748: 9744: 9737: 9717: 9713: 9700: 9696: 9689: 9675: 9671: 9662: 9658: 9648: 9646: 9637: 9636: 9632: 9622: 9620: 9615: 9614: 9610: 9599: 9595: 9588: 9569: 9565: 9560:Wayback Machine 9548: 9544: 9532: 9528: 9510:Allen Weinstein 9508: 9504: 9484: 9480: 9459:(11): 107–151. 9453: 9449: 9436: 9432: 9425: 9402: 9398: 9359: 9355: 9341: 9339: 9330: 9329: 9325: 9311: 9309: 9300: 9299: 9292: 9282: 9280: 9271: 9270: 9266: 9256: 9254: 9249: 9248: 9244: 9234: 9232: 9227: 9226: 9222: 9212: 9210: 9197: 9190: 9188: 9175: 9174: 9170: 9163: 9149: 9145: 9100: 9096: 9059: 9055: 9032: 9028: 8989: 8985: 8975: 8973: 8968: 8967: 8963: 8953: 8951: 8936: 8929: 8927: 8922: 8921: 8917: 8910: 8894: 8890: 8880: 8878: 8873: 8872: 8868: 8854: 8852: 8843: 8842: 8838: 8823: 8797: 8793: 8786: 8770: 8766: 8759: 8743: 8739: 8729: 8727: 8717: 8713: 8674: 8670: 8662: 8658: 8651: 8635: 8631: 8624: 8608: 8604: 8597: 8589:. p. 556. 8577: 8573: 8565: 8561: 8551: 8549: 8548:. 8544: 8543: 8539: 8523: 8519: 8511: 8507: 8499: 8495: 8487: 8483: 8467: 8463: 8456: 8440: 8436: 8426: 8424: 8423:on 1 March 2018 8411: 8410: 8406: 8375: 8371: 8358: 8354: 8349: 8345: 8341:, pp. 108, 109. 8336: 8332: 8323: 8319: 8306:Luciano Canfora 8304: 8300: 8292: 8288: 8272: 8268: 8258: 8256: 8238: 8234: 8219: 8203: 8199: 8189: 8187: 8172: 8168: 8162: 8136: 8132: 8125: 8109: 8100: 8092: 8088: 8080: 8076: 8067: 8066: 8062: 8055: 8039: 8035: 8026: 8022: 8008: 8004: 7997: 7983: 7979: 7972: 7955: 7951: 7912: 7908: 7901: 7885: 7881: 7871: 7869: 7852: 7848: 7838: 7836: 7831: 7824: 7822: 7821:. UK Parliament 7817: 7816: 7812: 7805: 7789: 7782: 7775: 7759: 7755: 7750:Wayback Machine 7720: 7716: 7706: 7704: 7697: 7693: 7686: 7672: 7668: 7658: 7644: 7640: 7630: 7628: 7620: 7619: 7615: 7572: 7568: 7553: 7549: 7538:Economist Group 7524: 7517: 7511: 7507: 7499: 7495: 7442: 7438: 7421: 7417: 7410: 7396: 7389: 7379: 7375: 7362: 7358: 7348: 7346: 7341: 7340: 7336: 7297: 7293: 7286: 7270: 7266: 7231: 7224: 7214: 7212: 7203: 7202: 7198: 7191: 7169: 7165: 7155: 7153: 7148: 7147: 7140: 7136: 7131: 7130: 7125: 7121: 7116: 7115: 7101:Uruguay in 1984 7083: 7079: 7048: 7044: 7039: 7034: 7033: 6996:Politics portal 6994: 6987: 6983: 6974:Good governance 6938: 6704: 6698: 6693: 6692: 6663:and democratic 6612: 6574: 6569: 6568: 6534: 6526: 6525: 6406:Majoritarianism 6366:Democratization 6301: 6293: 6292: 6027: 6017: 5986:Politics series 5975: 5964: 5958: 5955: 5948: 5935: 5931: 5923: 5915: 5772:that ended the 5746: 5741: 5740: 5737:democratization 5700: 5694: 5692:Autocratization 5612:Carroll Quigley 5590: 5589: 5578:Democratization 5574: 5572:Democratization 5568: 5566:Democratization 5539: 5529: 5523: 5515:presidentialism 5511:proportionality 5479: 5478: 5429: 5421: 5405:economic growth 5379: 5373: 5353: 5347:on this basis. 5343:advocate for a 5322: 5314: 5290: 5284: 5276:Sudbury schools 5226: 5174: 5168: 5151: 5145: 5094: 5088: 5083: 5082: 5072: 5064: 5036: 5030: 5008:self-management 4992: 4986: 4981: 4980: 4964:ethnic majority 4948: 4940: 4912: 4906: 4881: 4875: 4847: 4841: 4822:Murray Bookchin 4804: 4771: 4765: 4697: 4685:Main articles: 4683: 4664: 4658: 4573: 4567: 4448: 4442: 4437: 4413: 4407: 4390: 4384: 4349: 4343: 4331: 4286:) or ask for a 4252: 4144: 4138: 4122: 4112: 4067: 4066: 4062: 4060: 4052: 4050: 4042: 4040: 4037:One-party state 4032: 4030: 4022: 4020: 4012: 4010: 3994: 3992: 3991: 3983: 3981: 3973: 3965: 3964: 3960: 3951: 3950: 3943: 3941: 3933: 3931: 3923: 3914: 3893: 3887: 3882: 3881: 3865:econometrically 3860: 3854: 3847: 3841: 3837: 3835: 3831: 3829: 3825: 3821: 3817: 3815: 3811: 3809: 3805: 3803: 3799: 3795: 3791: 3789: 3785: 3783: 3779: 3777: 3773: 3757: 3756: 3753:electoral fraud 3747:of opposition, 3701: 3695: 3694: 0.00–0.99 3691: 3689: 3688: 1.00–1.99 3685: 3683: 3682: 2.00–2.99 3679: 3677: 3676: 3.00–3.99 3673: 3664: 3663: 4.00–4.99 3660: 3658: 3657: 5.00–5.99 3654: 3645: 3644: 6.00–6.99 3641: 3639: 3638: 7.00–7.99 3635: 3628: 3627: 8.00–8.99 3624: 3622: 3618: 3598: 3592: 3585: 3571: 3537: 3482:Adam Przeworski 3450: 3426: 3375: 3370: 3309:Rodrigo Duterte 3215:Rose Revolution 3185:Asian democracy 3140:democratisation 3130: 3125: 3064:democratisation 3053:workers council 2932: 2856:Reform Act 1832 2724:female suffrage 2690:Ignatius Sancho 2634: 2618:Pilgrim Fathers 2568:right to revolt 2542:state of nature 2433: 2428: 2402:noble democracy 2390:David Stasavage 2355:, 1215, England 2327:Kouroukan Fouga 2283:Catholic Church 2227: 2222: 2216: 2203: 2176: 2156:weighted voting 2044: 2038: 2036:Greece and Rome 2033: 2003:funeral oration 1987: 1981: 1931:collective will 1927:social contract 1865:political state 1861:judicial review 1859:which includes 1813:is exercised." 1775: 1773:Characteristics 1691:majoritarianism 1652:minority rights 1576:civil liberties 1521: 1483: 1478: 1477: 1464:Democratisation 1457:Autocratization 1433: 1425: 1424: 1423: 1380: 1341: 1320:Tributary state 1310:Satellite state 1265: 1235: 1234:Power structure 1227: 1226: 1178: 1177: 1159: 1130: 1116: 1107:Totalitarianism 1057: 1056: 1038: 989: 988: 969: 961: 960: 955: 931: 923: 888: 880: 811: 803: 750: 741: 740:Source of power 718:Basic forms of 712:Politics series 701: 663: 658: 657: 623: 615: 614: 495:Majoritarianism 455:Democratization 390: 382: 381: 116: 106: 75:Politics series 43: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 22961: 22951: 22950: 22945: 22940: 22935: 22918: 22917: 22912: 22911: 22909: 22908: 22906:Westernization 22903: 22898: 22893: 22888: 22886:VisegrĂĄd Group 22883: 22878: 22873: 22868: 22863: 22858: 22853: 22848: 22843: 22838: 22833: 22828: 22826:Nordic Council 22823: 22818: 22813: 22808: 22803: 22798: 22793: 22788: 22783: 22778: 22773: 22768: 22763: 22758: 22753: 22748: 22743: 22738: 22733: 22728: 22723: 22721:Bucharest Nine 22718: 22713: 22708: 22703: 22698: 22693: 22688: 22686:Arctic Council 22683: 22678: 22673: 22668: 22663: 22657: 22655: 22649: 22648: 22646: 22645: 22640: 22635: 22634: 22633: 22628: 22623: 22618: 22613: 22608: 22598: 22593: 22592: 22591: 22581: 22575: 22573: 22567: 22566: 22564: 22563: 22558: 22553: 22552: 22551: 22546: 22541: 22536: 22531: 22530: 22529: 22524: 22519: 22514: 22504: 22499: 22494: 22484: 22483: 22482: 22481: 22480: 22470: 22469: 22468: 22463: 22462: 22461: 22451: 22450: 22449: 22439: 22438: 22437: 22412: 22410: 22404: 22403: 22401: 22400: 22399: 22398: 22388: 22383: 22378: 22377: 22376: 22364: 22363: 22362: 22352: 22347: 22342: 22337: 22332: 22327: 22322: 22321: 22320: 22315: 22305: 22304: 22303: 22296:Existentialism 22293: 22288: 22283: 22278: 22273: 22268: 22263: 22258: 22253: 22247: 22245: 22239: 22238: 22236: 22235: 22234: 22233: 22228: 22223: 22218: 22208: 22207: 22206: 22196: 22195: 22194: 22189: 22179: 22178: 22177: 22167: 22162: 22161: 22160: 22155: 22150: 22140: 22139: 22138: 22128: 22127: 22126: 22116: 22115: 22114: 22109: 22099: 22094: 22089: 22084: 22083: 22082: 22072: 22067: 22066: 22065: 22055: 22054: 22053: 22043: 22042: 22041: 22031: 22026: 22025: 22024: 22014: 22009: 22008: 22007: 22002: 21997: 21986: 21984: 21978: 21977: 21975: 21974: 21973: 21972: 21967: 21957: 21956: 21955: 21950: 21945: 21940: 21935: 21930: 21925: 21920: 21915: 21910: 21905: 21900: 21895: 21890: 21885: 21880: 21875: 21870: 21860: 21855: 21854: 21853: 21848: 21843: 21833: 21832: 21831: 21829:Late antiquity 21821: 21815: 21813: 21807: 21806: 21804: 21803: 21798: 21793: 21788: 21783: 21782: 21781: 21780: 21779: 21774: 21764: 21759: 21754: 21744: 21739: 21733: 21731: 21727: 21726: 21715: 21714: 21707: 21700: 21692: 21683: 21682: 21680: 21679: 21673: 21670: 21669: 21667: 21666: 21659: 21654: 21649: 21647:Social justice 21644: 21639: 21634: 21629: 21624: 21623: 21622: 21617: 21612: 21602: 21597: 21592: 21587: 21582: 21577: 21572: 21567: 21562: 21557: 21555:Egalitarianism 21552: 21547: 21545:Contractualism 21542: 21537: 21532: 21526: 21524: 21520: 21519: 21517: 21516: 21506: 21496: 21486: 21476: 21466: 21456: 21446: 21436: 21426: 21416: 21406: 21396: 21386: 21376: 21366: 21356: 21346: 21336: 21326: 21316: 21306: 21295: 21293: 21289: 21288: 21285: 21284: 21282: 21281: 21276: 21271: 21266: 21261: 21256: 21251: 21246: 21241: 21236: 21231: 21226: 21221: 21216: 21211: 21206: 21201: 21196: 21191: 21186: 21181: 21176: 21171: 21166: 21161: 21156: 21151: 21146: 21141: 21136: 21131: 21126: 21121: 21116: 21111: 21106: 21101: 21096: 21091: 21086: 21081: 21076: 21071: 21066: 21061: 21056: 21051: 21046: 21041: 21036: 21031: 21026: 21021: 21016: 21011: 21006: 21001: 20996: 20991: 20986: 20981: 20976: 20971: 20966: 20961: 20956: 20951: 20945: 20943: 20937: 20936: 20934: 20933: 20928: 20923: 20918: 20913: 20908: 20903: 20898: 20893: 20888: 20883: 20878: 20873: 20868: 20863: 20858: 20853: 20848: 20843: 20838: 20833: 20828: 20823: 20818: 20813: 20812: 20811: 20801: 20796: 20795: 20794: 20784: 20779: 20774: 20769: 20764: 20759: 20754: 20749: 20744: 20739: 20734: 20729: 20724: 20719: 20714: 20709: 20704: 20699: 20694: 20689: 20684: 20678: 20676: 20670: 20669: 20667: 20666: 20661: 20656: 20651: 20646: 20641: 20636: 20631: 20626: 20621: 20616: 20611: 20610: 20609: 20599: 20594: 20589: 20584: 20579: 20574: 20569: 20564: 20558: 20556: 20550: 20549: 20547: 20546: 20541: 20536: 20531: 20526: 20521: 20516: 20511: 20506: 20501: 20496: 20491: 20486: 20481: 20475: 20473: 20469: 20468: 20466: 20465: 20460: 20455: 20450: 20445: 20440: 20439: 20438: 20428: 20423: 20418: 20413: 20408: 20403: 20398: 20393: 20387: 20385: 20378: 20372: 20371: 20369: 20368: 20363: 20358: 20353: 20348: 20343: 20341:Overton window 20338: 20333: 20328: 20323: 20314: 20309: 20304: 20299: 20294: 20289: 20284: 20279: 20274: 20269: 20264: 20259: 20250: 20244: 20242: 20238: 20237: 20235: 20234: 20229: 20224: 20219: 20214: 20209: 20204: 20199: 20194: 20189: 20184: 20179: 20174: 20172:Libertarianism 20169: 20164: 20159: 20154: 20149: 20144: 20139: 20134: 20129: 20124: 20119: 20114: 20109: 20104: 20099: 20094: 20089: 20084: 20078: 20076: 20072: 20071: 20069: 20068: 20063: 20058: 20053: 20048: 20043: 20038: 20033: 20028: 20023: 20018: 20013: 20007: 20005: 20001: 20000: 19998: 19997: 19992: 19987: 19982: 19977: 19972: 19967: 19962: 19957: 19952: 19947: 19942: 19937: 19932: 19927: 19922: 19917: 19912: 19907: 19902: 19897: 19892: 19887: 19882: 19877: 19872: 19867: 19862: 19857: 19852: 19847: 19842: 19836: 19834: 19830: 19829: 19822: 19821: 19814: 19807: 19799: 19790: 19789: 19786: 19785: 19767: 19766: 19765: 19762: 19761: 19758: 19757: 19754: 19753: 19751: 19750: 19745: 19740: 19735: 19730: 19724: 19722: 19716: 19715: 19713: 19712: 19707: 19702: 19697: 19692: 19687: 19682: 19677: 19672: 19667: 19662: 19657: 19652: 19647: 19642: 19637: 19632: 19626: 19624: 19618: 19617: 19615: 19614: 19609: 19604: 19599: 19594: 19589: 19583: 19581: 19575: 19574: 19572: 19571: 19566: 19560: 19558: 19554: 19553: 19551: 19550: 19545: 19540: 19535: 19530: 19525: 19520: 19515: 19509: 19507: 19501: 19500: 19498: 19497: 19492: 19487: 19482: 19476: 19474: 19470: 19469: 19467: 19466: 19460: 19458: 19454: 19453: 19451: 19450: 19445: 19440: 19435: 19430: 19425: 19420: 19415: 19409: 19407: 19401: 19400: 19398: 19397: 19392: 19387: 19382: 19377: 19372: 19367: 19362: 19357: 19352: 19347: 19341: 19339: 19335: 19334: 19332: 19331: 19326: 19321: 19316: 19311: 19306: 19301: 19295: 19293: 19287: 19286: 19284: 19283: 19278: 19273: 19268: 19263: 19257: 19255: 19251: 19250: 19248: 19247: 19242: 19237: 19232: 19226: 19224: 19218: 19217: 19215: 19214: 19209: 19204: 19199: 19194: 19189: 19184: 19179: 19174: 19169: 19164: 19159: 19154: 19149: 19143: 19141: 19137: 19136: 19134: 19133: 19128: 19123: 19118: 19113: 19108: 19102: 19100: 19096: 19095: 19093: 19092: 19087: 19082: 19077: 19072: 19067: 19062: 19057: 19052: 19047: 19042: 19037: 19032: 19027: 19022: 19017: 19012: 19007: 19002: 18997: 18992: 18987: 18982: 18977: 18972: 18967: 18962: 18957: 18952: 18946: 18944: 18940: 18939: 18937: 18936: 18934:Wollstonecraft 18931: 18926: 18921: 18916: 18911: 18906: 18901: 18896: 18891: 18886: 18881: 18876: 18871: 18866: 18861: 18856: 18851: 18846: 18841: 18835: 18833: 18825: 18824: 18814: 18813: 18810: 18809: 18806: 18805: 18803: 18802: 18797: 18792: 18787: 18782: 18777: 18768: 18763: 18758: 18753: 18748: 18743: 18738: 18733: 18728: 18723: 18718: 18711: 18702: 18697: 18692: 18687: 18682: 18673: 18668: 18659: 18654: 18649: 18644: 18639: 18634: 18629: 18624: 18619: 18613: 18606: 18605: 18595: 18594: 18587: 18586: 18579: 18572: 18564: 18555: 18554: 18549: 18548: 18546: 18545: 18533: 18520: 18517: 18516: 18514: 18513: 18508: 18503: 18498: 18493: 18488: 18486:Public holiday 18483: 18478: 18473: 18467: 18465: 18461: 18460: 18458: 18457: 18455:Youth services 18452: 18451: 18450: 18445: 18443:Social pension 18435: 18434: 18433: 18423: 18418: 18413: 18411:Public housing 18408: 18402: 18400: 18394: 18393: 18391: 18390: 18385: 18380: 18375: 18370: 18365: 18360: 18355: 18353:Public library 18350: 18345: 18340: 18335: 18330: 18325: 18320: 18318:Infrastructure 18315: 18313:Free education 18310: 18305: 18299: 18297: 18291: 18290: 18288: 18287: 18282: 18277: 18272: 18271: 18270: 18260: 18255: 18249: 18247: 18245:Public utility 18241: 18240: 18238: 18237: 18232: 18227: 18222: 18221: 18220: 18218:Savings system 18213:Postal service 18210: 18205: 18200: 18194: 18192: 18191:Basic services 18188: 18187: 18185: 18184: 18179: 18174: 18169: 18164: 18159: 18154: 18149: 18144: 18139: 18134: 18129: 18124: 18119: 18114: 18109: 18107:Product sample 18104: 18102:Free newspaper 18099: 18094: 18088: 18086: 18082: 18081: 18079: 18078: 18073: 18068: 18062: 18059: 18058: 18051: 18050: 18043: 18036: 18028: 18019: 18018: 18016: 18015: 18005: 17993: 17990: 17989: 17987: 17986: 17981: 17976: 17966: 17961: 17956: 17951: 17946: 17941: 17936: 17931: 17926: 17921: 17916: 17911: 17906: 17901: 17896: 17890: 17888: 17884: 17883: 17881: 17880: 17874: 17872: 17868: 17867: 17865: 17864: 17863: 17862: 17852: 17847: 17842: 17837: 17832: 17827: 17822: 17817: 17812: 17807: 17806: 17805: 17795: 17790: 17789: 17788: 17778: 17773: 17772: 17771: 17761: 17756: 17751: 17750: 17749: 17738: 17736: 17732: 17731: 17729: 17728: 17723: 17718: 17713: 17708: 17707: 17706: 17695: 17693: 17690:Environment / 17687: 17686: 17684: 17683: 17678: 17673: 17668: 17663: 17658: 17653: 17647: 17645: 17644:infrastructure 17639: 17638: 17636: 17635: 17630: 17625: 17624: 17623: 17613: 17608: 17603: 17597: 17595: 17587: 17586: 17584: 17583: 17578: 17576:Undersecretary 17573: 17568: 17563: 17557: 17555: 17551: 17550: 17548: 17547: 17542: 17537: 17532: 17527: 17522: 17517: 17515:First minister 17512: 17507: 17505:Prime minister 17502: 17500:Vice president 17497: 17491: 17489: 17485: 17484: 17472: 17471: 17464: 17457: 17449: 17440: 17439: 17436: 17435: 17433: 17432: 17427: 17422: 17416: 17410: 17406: 17405: 17403: 17402: 17391: 17380: 17369: 17358: 17347: 17336: 17325: 17314: 17303: 17292: 17287: 17282: 17277: 17271: 17269: 17265: 17264: 17262: 17261: 17256: 17254:European Union 17251: 17249:United Nations 17246: 17241: 17236: 17231: 17226: 17221: 17213: 17211: 17207: 17206: 17203: 17202: 17200: 17199: 17194: 17189: 17184: 17179: 17174: 17169: 17164: 17158: 17152: 17148: 17147: 17144: 17143: 17141: 17140: 17135: 17133:Urban planning 17130: 17125: 17119: 17113: 17109: 17108: 17105: 17104: 17102: 17101: 17096: 17091: 17086: 17081: 17076: 17071: 17066: 17061: 17052: 17046: 17042: 17041: 17038: 17037: 17035: 17034: 17029: 17021: 17016: 17011: 17006: 17001: 16996: 16991: 16986: 16980: 16974: 16968: 16967: 16964: 16963: 16961: 16960: 16955: 16950: 16945: 16940: 16935: 16930: 16925: 16920: 16915: 16910: 16905: 16903:Prime minister 16900: 16895: 16890: 16885: 16880: 16875: 16870: 16865: 16860: 16854: 16848: 16844: 16843: 16841: 16840: 16835: 16830: 16828:Traffic lights 16825: 16820: 16815: 16810: 16805: 16800: 16795: 16790: 16785: 16780: 16775: 16770: 16764: 16762: 16758: 16757: 16755: 16754: 16749: 16747:Theoreticians: 16744: 16739: 16734: 16732:Fundamentalism 16729: 16724: 16719: 16714: 16709: 16704: 16699: 16697:Egalitarianism 16694: 16689: 16684: 16679: 16674: 16669: 16664: 16659: 16654: 16649: 16644: 16639: 16633: 16631: 16627: 16626: 16624: 16623: 16622: 16621: 16616: 16611: 16606: 16601: 16596: 16591: 16586: 16576: 16571: 16562: 16561: 16556: 16551: 16546: 16541: 16536: 16531: 16526: 16521: 16516: 16511: 16506: 16501: 16496: 16491: 16486: 16481: 16476: 16471: 16466: 16461: 16456: 16451: 16446: 16441: 16436: 16431: 16426: 16420: 16418: 16414: 16413: 16411: 16410: 16405: 16400: 16395: 16390: 16385: 16380: 16375: 16370: 16365: 16360: 16355: 16350: 16344: 16342: 16338: 16337: 16326: 16325: 16318: 16311: 16303: 16297: 16294: 16293: 16284: 16281: 16280: 16271: 16270: 16264: 16249: 16248: 16242: 16241: 16230: 16229: 16227: 16226:External links 16224: 16223: 16222: 16216: 16204:Fuller, Roslyn 16200: 16190: 16180: 16175:978-1250179845 16174: 16158: 16148: 16143:978-1350269989 16142: 16125: 16113: 16110: 16108: 16107: 16101: 16088: 16082: 16069: 16045:(2): 105–163. 16030: 16024: 16009: 15981: 15966: 15960: 15944: 15942: 15939: 15937: 15936: 15919: 15865: 15792: 15777: 15733: 15718: 15703: 15688: 15673: 15655: 15640: 15624: 15609: 15588:(1): 234–271. 15565: 15506: 15491: 15472:(6): 699–710. 15452: 15434: 15427: 15409: 15394: 15375: 15357: 15342: 15327: 15312: 15292: 15270: 15255: 15244:(4): 400–408. 15228: 15213: 15196: 15190:978-0521458917 15189: 15163: 15157:978-0300015652 15156: 15138: 15112: 15066: 15051: 15022: 15015: 14994: 14943: 14912: 14875: 14868: 14850: 14806: 14749: 14696: 14677:(1): 142–160. 14661: 14650:(2): 723–737. 14632: 14597: 14578:(5): 908–928. 14562: 14539: 14520:(1): 161–178. 14501: 14487: 14463: 14456: 14430: 14417: 14410: 14384: 14356:(1): 382–410. 14333: 14319: 14312: 14291: 14279: 14258:(1): 179–198. 14235: 14200: 14168: 14108: 14070: 14056: 14036: 14022: 13999: 13983: 13960: 13941:(9): 1847–75. 13925: 13918: 13892: 13879: 13835: 13800: 13785: 13759: 13752: 13726: 13711: 13685: 13670: 13652: 13623:(2): 311–334. 13603: 13572: 13546: 13524: 13485: 13466:(4): 391–402. 13450: 13416: 13395:(1): 357–383. 13375: 13369: 13347: 13334:(4): 361–383. 13312: 13290: 13267:10.1086/700936 13238: 13207: 13181: 13136: 13129: 13108: 13092: 13053: 13021: 12998: 12986:on 10 May 2013 12971: 12939: 12928: 12915: 12881: 12870:(4): 844–870. 12850: 12839:(7): 823–850. 12819: 12792:(2): 207–225. 12786:World Politics 12772: 12757: 12745: 12733: 12724: 12715:Graham, Robert 12702: 12695: 12675: 12668: 12648: 12641: 12621: 12595: 12567: 12558: 12545: 12531:Avalon Project 12517: 12495: 12470: 12454: 12445: 12432: 12423: 12414: 12399: 12362: 12355: 12337: 12330: 12312: 12305: 12297:Bath, Somerset 12280: 12254: 12229: 12203: 12177: 12164: 12134: 12120: 12105: 12090: 12077: 12047: 12034: 12027: 12005: 11992: 11968: 11944: 11921: 11897: 11886:(6): 699–710. 11866: 11857: 11848: 11809: 11792: 11781: 11756: 11730: 11719:. 17 June 2022 11704: 11690: 11670: 11656: 11636: 11610: 11548: 11522: 11515: 11495: 11468:(2): 198–212. 11448: 11431: 11418: 11409: 11389: 11368: 11345: 11321: 11297: 11258: 11244: 11215: 11197: 11175: 11148:(3): 808–827. 11128: 11106: 11078: 11052: 11031: 11016: 10996: 10985:on 5 June 2019 10960: 10937: 10912: 10885:(2): 321–339. 10869: 10842: 10822: 10789: 10777: 10755: 10726: 10677: 10662: 10637: 10611: 10589: 10567: 10541: 10511: 10489: 10482: 10460: 10438: 10416: 10390: 10364: 10338: 10312: 10303:Nohlen, Dieter 10294: 10280: 10264: 10244: 10222: 10210: 10198: 10173: 10142: 10116: 10092: 10085: 10065: 10032: 10019: 10012: 9990: 9952: 9926: 9904: 9890: 9870: 9859:on 6 July 2016 9840: 9814:(2): 225–229. 9791: 9742: 9735: 9711: 9694: 9687: 9669: 9656: 9630: 9608: 9593: 9586: 9563: 9542: 9526: 9502: 9478: 9447: 9430: 9423: 9396: 9369:(4): 803–832. 9353: 9323: 9290: 9264: 9242: 9220: 9168: 9161: 9143: 9114:(1): 145–162. 9094: 9073:(3): 724–755. 9053: 9042:(4): 660–670. 9026: 8999:(4): 793–837. 8983: 8961: 8915: 8908: 8888: 8866: 8836: 8831:j.ctv513b8x.12 8821: 8791: 8784: 8764: 8757: 8737: 8711: 8668: 8656: 8649: 8629: 8622: 8602: 8595: 8571: 8559: 8537: 8517: 8505: 8503:, p. 107. 8493: 8481: 8461: 8454: 8434: 8404: 8385:(2): 105–121. 8369: 8352: 8343: 8330: 8317: 8298: 8286: 8266: 8232: 8217: 8197: 8166: 8160: 8130: 8123: 8114:Bounding Power 8098: 8086: 8084:, p. 184. 8074: 8060: 8053: 8033: 8020: 8002: 7995: 7977: 7970: 7949: 7928:10.1086/291036 7906: 7899: 7879: 7846: 7833:"Independence" 7810: 7803: 7780: 7773: 7753: 7714: 7691: 7684: 7666: 7656: 7638: 7613: 7566: 7547: 7515: 7505: 7493: 7456:(4): 957–986. 7436: 7415: 7408: 7387: 7385:: "democracy". 7373: 7356: 7334: 7311:(1): 142–155. 7291: 7284: 7264: 7222: 7196: 7189: 7163: 7137: 7135: 7132: 7129: 7128: 7118: 7117: 7114: 7113: 7105:Brazil in 1985 7077: 7041: 7040: 7038: 7035: 7032: 7031: 7026: 7021: 7016: 7011: 7006: 7000: 6999: 6984: 6982: 6981: 6976: 6971: 6966: 6961: 6956: 6951: 6946: 6940: 6939: 6937: 6934: 6930:misinformation 6848:public service 6803:accountability 6763:tabloidization 6751: 6750: 6747: 6744: 6741: 6738: 6735: 6732: 6730:agenda setting 6726: 6697: 6694: 6614: 6613: 6611: 6610: 6603: 6596: 6588: 6585: 6584: 6571: 6570: 6567: 6566: 6561: 6556: 6551: 6546: 6541: 6535: 6532: 6531: 6528: 6527: 6524: 6523: 6518: 6513: 6511:War referendum 6508: 6503: 6498: 6493: 6488: 6483: 6478: 6473: 6468: 6463: 6458: 6453: 6448: 6443: 6438: 6433: 6428: 6423: 6418: 6413: 6408: 6403: 6401:Libertarianism 6398: 6393: 6388: 6383: 6378: 6373: 6368: 6363: 6358: 6353: 6348: 6343: 6338: 6333: 6328: 6323: 6318: 6313: 6308: 6302: 6300:Related topics 6299: 6298: 6295: 6294: 6291: 6290: 6285: 6280: 6275: 6270: 6265: 6260: 6255: 6250: 6245: 6240: 6235: 6234: 6233: 6228: 6223: 6218: 6213: 6203: 6201:Representative 6198: 6193: 6188: 6183: 6178: 6173: 6168: 6163: 6158: 6153: 6148: 6143: 6138: 6129: 6124: 6119: 6114: 6109: 6104: 6099: 6094: 6089: 6084: 6079: 6074: 6069: 6064: 6059: 6054: 6049: 6044: 6039: 6034: 6028: 6023: 6022: 6019: 6018: 6016: 6015: 6010: 6005: 5999: 5996: 5995: 5989: 5988: 5977: 5976: 5938: 5936: 5929: 5924: 5916: 5914: 5911: 5884:Weimar Germany 5853: 5852: 5841: 5840: 5839: 5824:election fraud 5820: 5808: 5750:state collapse 5745: 5742: 5717:public contest 5702: 5701: 5693: 5690: 5639: 5638: 5635: 5576: 5575: 5570:Main article: 5567: 5564: 5525:Main article: 5522: 5519: 5503:youth suffrage 5467:conditionality 5446:Pearson Centre 5430: 5422: 5420: 5417: 5389:Daron Acemoglu 5375:Main article: 5372: 5369: 5352: 5349: 5321: 5318: 5313: 5310: 5286:Main article: 5283: 5280: 5258:Amitai Etzioni 5225: 5222: 5170:Main article: 5167: 5164: 5147:Main article: 5144: 5141: 5125:George Monbiot 5114:United Nations 5090:Main article: 5087: 5084: 5079:state religion 5073: 5065: 5063: 5060: 5044:nested council 5032:Main article: 5029: 5026: 4988:Main article: 4985: 4982: 4977:semi-democracy 4962:—typically an 4949: 4941: 4939: 4936: 4908:Main article: 4905: 4902: 4897:Treaty of Rome 4877:Main article: 4874: 4873:Consociational 4871: 4863:jury selection 4843:Main article: 4840: 4837: 4803: 4800: 4764: 4761: 4682: 4679: 4660:Main article: 4657: 4654: 4641:Rhodes College 4619:The Federalist 4599:prime minister 4569:Main article: 4566: 4563: 4555:House of Lords 4464:United Kingdom 4444:Main article: 4441: 4438: 4436: 4433: 4409:Main article: 4406: 4403: 4386:Main article: 4383: 4380: 4345:Main article: 4342: 4341:Representative 4339: 4330: 4327: 4251: 4248: 4204: 4203: 4192: 4140:Main article: 4137: 4134: 4121: 4118: 4111: 4110: 4103: 4096: 4088: 4061: 4051: 4047:Military junta 4041: 4031: 4021: 4011: 4007:Supreme Leader 3993: 3982: 3972: 3968:Hybrid systems 3959: 3942: 3932: 3922: 3889:Main article: 3886: 3883: 3870:accountability 3862: 3861: 3856:Main article: 3853: 3850: 3844: 3843: 3836: 3830: 3824: 3822: 3816: 3810: 3804: 3798: 3796: 3790: 3784: 3778: 3772: 3767: 3723:hybrid regimes 3705: 3704: 3698: 3697: 3690: 3684: 3678: 3672: 3665: 3659: 3653: 3650:Hybrid regimes 3646: 3640: 3634: 3629: 3623: 3617: 3609: 3594:Main article: 3591: 3588: 3584: 3581: 3570: 3567: 3536: 3533: 3529:Ronald Dworkin 3514:Robert A. Dahl 3486:Richard Posner 3452:The theory of 3449: 3446: 3425: 3422: 3374: 3371: 3369: 3366: 3317:reported that 3266:United Nations 3195:Corazon Aquino 3181:Corazon Aquino 3169:European Union 3163:of the former 3161:liberalisation 3123: 3103:British Empire 3095:decolonisation 3080:Eastern Europe 3072:occupied Japan 2952:decolonisation 2931: 2928: 2837:15th Amendment 2833:14th Amendment 2829:13th Amendment 2825:Reconstruction 2763:Bill of Rights 2697:Age of Liberty 2676:, the English 2633: 2630: 2578:and later the 2517:Barry Weingast 2513:Douglass North 2504:Bill of Rights 2484:Putney Debates 2452:natural rights 2432: 2429: 2427: 2424: 2295:Cortes of LeĂłn 2291:papal conclave 2279:Eastern Europe 2271:Faeroe Islands 2237:were ruled by 2226: 2223: 2218:Main article: 2215: 2212: 2202: 2199: 2183:Vajjika League 2175: 2172: 2151:Roman Republic 2091:The Suppliants 2037: 2034: 2032: 2029: 2022:Daniel Deudney 1983:Main article: 1980: 1977: 1837:United Kingdom 1822:Legal equality 1803:United Nations 1774: 1771: 1744:Roman Republic 1687:consensus rule 1679:plurality rule 1523: 1522: 1520: 1519: 1512: 1505: 1497: 1494: 1493: 1480: 1479: 1474: 1473: 1472: 1471: 1469:Hybrid regimes 1466: 1461: 1460: 1459: 1449: 1444: 1434: 1431: 1430: 1427: 1426: 1420: 1419: 1418: 1417: 1412: 1407: 1402: 1400:Regional power 1397: 1389: 1388: 1382: 1381: 1379: 1378: 1373: 1368: 1363: 1358: 1350: 1349: 1343: 1342: 1340: 1339: 1334: 1329: 1322: 1317: 1312: 1307: 1305:Puppet monarch 1302: 1297: 1292: 1287: 1282: 1274: 1273: 1267: 1266: 1264: 1263: 1258: 1253: 1245: 1244: 1236: 1233: 1232: 1229: 1228: 1223: 1222: 1221: 1220: 1215: 1210: 1205: 1200: 1195: 1190: 1182: 1181: 1176: 1175: 1170: 1164: 1161: 1160: 1158: 1157: 1156: 1155: 1150: 1140: 1138:State religion 1132: 1131: 1129: 1128: 1125: 1121: 1118: 1117: 1115: 1114: 1109: 1104: 1099: 1094: 1089: 1084: 1079: 1074: 1069: 1061: 1060: 1055: 1054: 1049: 1043: 1040: 1039: 1037: 1036: 1031: 1026: 1021: 1016: 1011: 1009:Constitutional 1006: 1001: 993: 992: 987: 986: 981: 975: 970: 968:Power ideology 967: 966: 963: 962: 957: 956: 954: 953: 948: 943: 935: 934: 932:(rule by none) 925: 924: 922: 921: 916: 915: 914: 904: 896: 895: 882: 881: 879: 878: 873: 868: 863: 858: 853: 848: 843: 838: 833: 828: 823: 815: 814: 805: 804: 802: 801: 796: 791: 786: 784:Representative 781: 776: 771: 766: 758: 757: 742: 739: 738: 735: 734: 723: 722: 715: 714: 703: 702: 700: 699: 692: 685: 677: 674: 673: 660: 659: 656: 655: 650: 645: 640: 635: 630: 624: 621: 620: 617: 616: 613: 612: 607: 602: 600:War referendum 597: 592: 587: 582: 577: 572: 567: 562: 557: 552: 547: 542: 537: 532: 527: 522: 517: 512: 507: 502: 497: 492: 490:Libertarianism 487: 482: 477: 472: 467: 462: 457: 452: 447: 442: 437: 432: 427: 422: 417: 412: 407: 402: 397: 391: 389:Related topics 388: 387: 384: 383: 380: 379: 374: 369: 364: 359: 354: 349: 344: 339: 334: 329: 324: 323: 322: 317: 312: 307: 302: 292: 290:Representative 287: 282: 277: 272: 267: 262: 257: 252: 247: 242: 237: 232: 227: 218: 213: 208: 203: 198: 193: 188: 183: 178: 173: 168: 163: 158: 153: 148: 143: 138: 133: 128: 123: 117: 112: 111: 108: 107: 105: 104: 99: 94: 88: 85: 84: 78: 77: 52:Nelson Mandela 26: 18:Mass democracy 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 22960: 22949: 22946: 22944: 22941: 22939: 22936: 22934: 22931: 22930: 22928: 22907: 22904: 22902: 22899: 22897: 22894: 22892: 22889: 22887: 22884: 22882: 22879: 22877: 22874: 22872: 22869: 22867: 22864: 22862: 22859: 22857: 22854: 22852: 22851:PROSUR/PROSUL 22849: 22847: 22844: 22842: 22839: 22837: 22834: 22832: 22829: 22827: 22824: 22822: 22819: 22817: 22814: 22812: 22809: 22807: 22804: 22802: 22799: 22797: 22794: 22792: 22789: 22787: 22784: 22782: 22779: 22777: 22774: 22772: 22769: 22767: 22764: 22762: 22759: 22757: 22754: 22752: 22749: 22747: 22746:Craiova Group 22744: 22742: 22739: 22737: 22734: 22732: 22729: 22727: 22724: 22722: 22719: 22717: 22714: 22712: 22709: 22707: 22704: 22702: 22699: 22697: 22694: 22692: 22689: 22687: 22684: 22682: 22679: 22677: 22674: 22672: 22669: 22667: 22664: 22662: 22661:ABCANZ Armies 22659: 22658: 22656: 22650: 22644: 22641: 22639: 22636: 22632: 22629: 22627: 22624: 22622: 22619: 22617: 22614: 22612: 22609: 22607: 22604: 22603: 22602: 22599: 22597: 22594: 22590: 22587: 22586: 22585: 22582: 22580: 22577: 22576: 22574: 22572: 22568: 22562: 22559: 22557: 22554: 22550: 22547: 22545: 22542: 22540: 22537: 22535: 22532: 22528: 22525: 22523: 22520: 22518: 22515: 22513: 22510: 22509: 22508: 22505: 22503: 22500: 22498: 22495: 22493: 22490: 22489: 22488: 22485: 22479: 22476: 22475: 22474: 22471: 22467: 22466:Protestantism 22464: 22460: 22457: 22456: 22455: 22452: 22448: 22445: 22444: 22443: 22440: 22436: 22432: 22429: 22428: 22427: 22424: 22423: 22422: 22419: 22418: 22417: 22414: 22413: 22411: 22409: 22405: 22397: 22394: 22393: 22392: 22389: 22387: 22386:Sovereigntism 22384: 22382: 22379: 22375: 22374: 22370: 22369: 22368: 22365: 22361: 22358: 22357: 22356: 22353: 22351: 22348: 22346: 22343: 22341: 22338: 22336: 22333: 22331: 22328: 22326: 22323: 22319: 22316: 22314: 22311: 22310: 22309: 22306: 22302: 22299: 22298: 22297: 22294: 22292: 22289: 22287: 22284: 22282: 22281:Scholasticism 22279: 22277: 22274: 22272: 22269: 22267: 22264: 22262: 22259: 22257: 22254: 22252: 22249: 22248: 22246: 22244: 22240: 22232: 22229: 22227: 22224: 22222: 22219: 22217: 22214: 22213: 22212: 22209: 22205: 22202: 22201: 22200: 22197: 22193: 22190: 22188: 22185: 22184: 22183: 22180: 22176: 22173: 22172: 22171: 22168: 22166: 22163: 22159: 22156: 22154: 22151: 22149: 22146: 22145: 22144: 22141: 22137: 22134: 22133: 22132: 22129: 22125: 22122: 22121: 22120: 22117: 22113: 22110: 22108: 22105: 22104: 22103: 22100: 22098: 22095: 22093: 22090: 22088: 22085: 22081: 22078: 22077: 22076: 22073: 22071: 22068: 22064: 22061: 22060: 22059: 22056: 22052: 22049: 22048: 22047: 22044: 22040: 22037: 22036: 22035: 22032: 22030: 22027: 22023: 22020: 22019: 22018: 22015: 22013: 22010: 22006: 22003: 22001: 21998: 21996: 21993: 21992: 21991: 21988: 21987: 21985: 21983: 21979: 21971: 21970:War on terror 21968: 21966: 21963: 21962: 21961: 21958: 21954: 21951: 21949: 21946: 21944: 21941: 21939: 21936: 21934: 21931: 21929: 21926: 21924: 21921: 21919: 21916: 21914: 21911: 21909: 21906: 21904: 21901: 21899: 21896: 21894: 21891: 21889: 21886: 21884: 21881: 21879: 21876: 21874: 21871: 21869: 21866: 21865: 21864: 21863:Modern period 21861: 21859: 21856: 21852: 21849: 21847: 21844: 21842: 21839: 21838: 21837: 21834: 21830: 21827: 21826: 21825: 21822: 21820: 21817: 21816: 21814: 21812: 21808: 21802: 21799: 21797: 21794: 21792: 21789: 21787: 21784: 21778: 21775: 21773: 21770: 21769: 21768: 21765: 21763: 21760: 21758: 21755: 21753: 21750: 21749: 21748: 21745: 21743: 21740: 21738: 21735: 21734: 21732: 21728: 21724: 21720: 21719:Western world 21713: 21708: 21706: 21701: 21699: 21694: 21693: 21690: 21678: 21675: 21674: 21671: 21665: 21664: 21660: 21658: 21655: 21653: 21650: 21648: 21645: 21643: 21640: 21638: 21635: 21633: 21630: 21628: 21625: 21621: 21618: 21616: 21613: 21611: 21608: 21607: 21606: 21603: 21601: 21598: 21596: 21593: 21591: 21588: 21586: 21583: 21581: 21580:Jurisprudence 21578: 21576: 21573: 21571: 21568: 21566: 21563: 21561: 21558: 21556: 21553: 21551: 21548: 21546: 21543: 21541: 21538: 21536: 21533: 21531: 21528: 21527: 21525: 21521: 21512: 21511: 21507: 21502: 21501: 21497: 21492: 21491: 21487: 21482: 21481: 21477: 21472: 21471: 21467: 21462: 21461: 21457: 21452: 21451: 21447: 21442: 21441: 21437: 21432: 21431: 21427: 21422: 21421: 21417: 21412: 21411: 21410:Rights of Man 21407: 21402: 21401: 21397: 21392: 21391: 21387: 21382: 21381: 21377: 21372: 21371: 21367: 21362: 21361: 21357: 21352: 21351: 21347: 21342: 21341: 21337: 21332: 21331: 21327: 21322: 21321: 21320:De re publica 21317: 21312: 21311: 21307: 21302: 21301: 21297: 21296: 21294: 21290: 21280: 21277: 21275: 21272: 21270: 21267: 21265: 21262: 21260: 21257: 21255: 21252: 21250: 21247: 21245: 21242: 21240: 21237: 21235: 21232: 21230: 21227: 21225: 21222: 21220: 21217: 21215: 21212: 21210: 21207: 21205: 21202: 21200: 21197: 21195: 21192: 21190: 21187: 21185: 21182: 21180: 21177: 21175: 21172: 21170: 21167: 21165: 21162: 21160: 21157: 21155: 21152: 21150: 21147: 21145: 21142: 21140: 21137: 21135: 21132: 21130: 21127: 21125: 21122: 21120: 21117: 21115: 21112: 21110: 21107: 21105: 21102: 21100: 21097: 21095: 21092: 21090: 21087: 21085: 21082: 21080: 21077: 21075: 21072: 21070: 21067: 21065: 21062: 21060: 21057: 21055: 21052: 21050: 21047: 21045: 21042: 21040: 21037: 21035: 21032: 21030: 21027: 21025: 21022: 21020: 21017: 21015: 21012: 21010: 21007: 21005: 21002: 21000: 20997: 20995: 20992: 20990: 20987: 20985: 20982: 20980: 20977: 20975: 20972: 20970: 20967: 20965: 20962: 20960: 20957: 20955: 20952: 20950: 20947: 20946: 20944: 20940:20th and 21st 20938: 20932: 20929: 20927: 20924: 20922: 20919: 20917: 20914: 20912: 20909: 20907: 20904: 20902: 20899: 20897: 20894: 20892: 20889: 20887: 20884: 20882: 20879: 20877: 20874: 20872: 20869: 20867: 20864: 20862: 20859: 20857: 20854: 20852: 20849: 20847: 20844: 20842: 20839: 20837: 20834: 20832: 20829: 20827: 20824: 20822: 20819: 20817: 20814: 20810: 20807: 20806: 20805: 20802: 20800: 20797: 20793: 20790: 20789: 20788: 20785: 20783: 20780: 20778: 20775: 20773: 20770: 20768: 20765: 20763: 20760: 20758: 20755: 20753: 20750: 20748: 20745: 20743: 20740: 20738: 20735: 20733: 20730: 20728: 20725: 20723: 20720: 20718: 20715: 20713: 20710: 20708: 20705: 20703: 20700: 20698: 20695: 20693: 20690: 20688: 20685: 20683: 20680: 20679: 20677: 20673:18th and 19th 20671: 20665: 20662: 20660: 20657: 20655: 20652: 20650: 20647: 20645: 20642: 20640: 20637: 20635: 20632: 20630: 20627: 20625: 20622: 20620: 20617: 20615: 20612: 20608: 20605: 20604: 20603: 20600: 20598: 20595: 20593: 20590: 20588: 20585: 20583: 20580: 20578: 20575: 20573: 20570: 20568: 20565: 20563: 20560: 20559: 20557: 20551: 20545: 20542: 20540: 20537: 20535: 20532: 20530: 20529:Nizam al-Mulk 20527: 20525: 20522: 20520: 20517: 20515: 20512: 20510: 20507: 20505: 20502: 20500: 20497: 20495: 20492: 20490: 20487: 20485: 20482: 20480: 20477: 20476: 20474: 20470: 20464: 20461: 20459: 20456: 20454: 20451: 20449: 20446: 20444: 20441: 20437: 20434: 20433: 20432: 20429: 20427: 20424: 20422: 20419: 20417: 20414: 20412: 20409: 20407: 20404: 20402: 20399: 20397: 20394: 20392: 20389: 20388: 20386: 20382: 20379: 20377: 20373: 20367: 20364: 20362: 20359: 20357: 20354: 20352: 20349: 20347: 20344: 20342: 20339: 20337: 20334: 20332: 20329: 20327: 20324: 20321: 20320: 20315: 20313: 20310: 20308: 20305: 20303: 20300: 20298: 20295: 20293: 20290: 20288: 20285: 20283: 20280: 20278: 20275: 20273: 20270: 20268: 20265: 20263: 20260: 20257: 20256: 20251: 20249: 20246: 20245: 20243: 20239: 20233: 20230: 20228: 20225: 20223: 20220: 20218: 20215: 20213: 20212:Republicanism 20210: 20208: 20205: 20203: 20200: 20198: 20195: 20193: 20190: 20188: 20185: 20183: 20180: 20178: 20175: 20173: 20170: 20168: 20165: 20163: 20160: 20158: 20155: 20153: 20150: 20148: 20145: 20143: 20140: 20138: 20135: 20133: 20130: 20128: 20125: 20123: 20120: 20118: 20115: 20113: 20110: 20108: 20105: 20103: 20100: 20098: 20095: 20093: 20090: 20088: 20085: 20083: 20080: 20079: 20077: 20073: 20067: 20064: 20062: 20059: 20057: 20054: 20052: 20049: 20047: 20044: 20042: 20039: 20037: 20034: 20032: 20029: 20027: 20024: 20022: 20019: 20017: 20014: 20012: 20009: 20008: 20006: 20002: 19996: 19993: 19991: 19988: 19986: 19983: 19981: 19978: 19976: 19973: 19971: 19968: 19966: 19963: 19961: 19958: 19956: 19953: 19951: 19948: 19946: 19943: 19941: 19938: 19936: 19933: 19931: 19928: 19926: 19923: 19921: 19918: 19916: 19913: 19911: 19908: 19906: 19903: 19901: 19898: 19896: 19893: 19891: 19888: 19886: 19883: 19881: 19878: 19876: 19873: 19871: 19868: 19866: 19863: 19861: 19858: 19856: 19853: 19851: 19848: 19846: 19843: 19841: 19838: 19837: 19835: 19831: 19827: 19820: 19815: 19813: 19808: 19806: 19801: 19800: 19797: 19784: 19776: 19775: 19773: 19771: 19763: 19749: 19746: 19744: 19741: 19739: 19736: 19734: 19731: 19729: 19726: 19725: 19723: 19721: 19720:United States 19717: 19711: 19708: 19706: 19703: 19701: 19698: 19696: 19693: 19691: 19688: 19686: 19683: 19681: 19678: 19676: 19673: 19671: 19668: 19666: 19663: 19661: 19658: 19656: 19653: 19651: 19648: 19646: 19643: 19641: 19638: 19636: 19633: 19631: 19628: 19627: 19625: 19623: 19619: 19613: 19610: 19608: 19605: 19603: 19600: 19598: 19595: 19593: 19590: 19588: 19585: 19584: 19582: 19580: 19576: 19570: 19567: 19565: 19562: 19561: 19559: 19555: 19549: 19546: 19544: 19541: 19539: 19536: 19534: 19531: 19529: 19526: 19524: 19521: 19519: 19516: 19514: 19511: 19510: 19508: 19506: 19502: 19496: 19493: 19491: 19488: 19486: 19483: 19481: 19480:Budai-Deleanu 19478: 19477: 19475: 19471: 19465: 19462: 19461: 19459: 19455: 19449: 19446: 19444: 19441: 19439: 19436: 19434: 19431: 19429: 19426: 19424: 19421: 19419: 19416: 19414: 19411: 19410: 19408: 19406: 19402: 19396: 19393: 19391: 19388: 19386: 19383: 19381: 19378: 19376: 19373: 19371: 19368: 19366: 19363: 19361: 19358: 19356: 19353: 19351: 19348: 19346: 19343: 19342: 19340: 19336: 19330: 19327: 19325: 19322: 19320: 19317: 19315: 19312: 19310: 19307: 19305: 19302: 19300: 19297: 19296: 19294: 19292: 19288: 19282: 19279: 19277: 19274: 19272: 19269: 19267: 19264: 19262: 19259: 19258: 19256: 19252: 19246: 19243: 19241: 19238: 19236: 19233: 19231: 19228: 19227: 19225: 19223: 19219: 19213: 19210: 19208: 19205: 19203: 19200: 19198: 19195: 19193: 19190: 19188: 19185: 19183: 19180: 19178: 19175: 19173: 19170: 19168: 19165: 19163: 19160: 19158: 19155: 19153: 19150: 19148: 19145: 19144: 19142: 19138: 19132: 19129: 19127: 19124: 19122: 19119: 19117: 19114: 19112: 19109: 19107: 19104: 19103: 19101: 19097: 19091: 19088: 19086: 19083: 19081: 19078: 19076: 19073: 19071: 19068: 19066: 19063: 19061: 19058: 19056: 19053: 19051: 19048: 19046: 19043: 19041: 19038: 19036: 19033: 19031: 19028: 19026: 19023: 19021: 19018: 19016: 19013: 19011: 19008: 19006: 19003: 19001: 18998: 18996: 18993: 18991: 18988: 18986: 18983: 18981: 18978: 18976: 18973: 18971: 18968: 18966: 18963: 18961: 18958: 18956: 18953: 18951: 18948: 18947: 18945: 18941: 18935: 18932: 18930: 18927: 18925: 18922: 18920: 18917: 18915: 18912: 18910: 18907: 18905: 18902: 18900: 18897: 18895: 18892: 18890: 18887: 18885: 18882: 18880: 18877: 18875: 18872: 18870: 18867: 18865: 18862: 18860: 18857: 18855: 18852: 18850: 18847: 18845: 18844:Ashley-Cooper 18842: 18840: 18837: 18836: 18834: 18830: 18826: 18819: 18815: 18801: 18798: 18796: 18793: 18791: 18788: 18786: 18783: 18781: 18778: 18775: 18774: 18769: 18767: 18764: 18762: 18759: 18757: 18754: 18752: 18749: 18747: 18746:Progressivism 18744: 18742: 18739: 18737: 18734: 18732: 18729: 18727: 18724: 18722: 18719: 18717: 18716: 18712: 18709: 18708: 18703: 18701: 18698: 18696: 18695:Individualism 18693: 18691: 18688: 18686: 18683: 18680: 18679: 18674: 18672: 18669: 18666: 18665: 18660: 18658: 18655: 18653: 18650: 18648: 18645: 18643: 18640: 18638: 18635: 18633: 18630: 18628: 18625: 18623: 18620: 18618: 18615: 18614: 18611: 18607: 18600: 18596: 18592: 18585: 18580: 18578: 18573: 18571: 18566: 18565: 18562: 18544: 18543: 18534: 18532: 18531: 18522: 18521: 18518: 18512: 18509: 18507: 18504: 18502: 18499: 18497: 18496:Public sector 18494: 18492: 18489: 18487: 18484: 18482: 18479: 18477: 18474: 18472: 18469: 18468: 18466: 18462: 18456: 18453: 18449: 18446: 18444: 18441: 18440: 18439: 18436: 18432: 18429: 18428: 18427: 18424: 18422: 18421:Job guarantee 18419: 18417: 18414: 18412: 18409: 18407: 18404: 18403: 18401: 18399: 18395: 18389: 18386: 18384: 18381: 18379: 18376: 18374: 18373:Public toilet 18371: 18369: 18366: 18364: 18363:Public school 18361: 18359: 18356: 18354: 18351: 18349: 18346: 18344: 18341: 18339: 18336: 18334: 18331: 18329: 18326: 18324: 18321: 18319: 18316: 18314: 18311: 18309: 18306: 18304: 18301: 18300: 18298: 18296: 18292: 18286: 18283: 18281: 18278: 18276: 18273: 18269: 18266: 18265: 18264: 18261: 18259: 18258:Oil & gas 18256: 18254: 18251: 18250: 18248: 18246: 18242: 18236: 18233: 18231: 18228: 18226: 18223: 18219: 18216: 18215: 18214: 18211: 18209: 18206: 18204: 18201: 18199: 18198:Civil service 18196: 18195: 18193: 18189: 18183: 18180: 18178: 18175: 18173: 18170: 18168: 18165: 18163: 18160: 18158: 18157:Public rights 18155: 18153: 18152:Public policy 18150: 18148: 18145: 18143: 18140: 18138: 18135: 18133: 18132:Public health 18130: 18128: 18125: 18123: 18122:Public domain 18120: 18118: 18115: 18113: 18110: 18108: 18105: 18103: 18100: 18098: 18095: 18093: 18090: 18089: 18087: 18083: 18077: 18074: 18072: 18069: 18067: 18064: 18063: 18060: 18056: 18049: 18044: 18042: 18037: 18035: 18030: 18029: 18026: 18014: 18006: 18004: 17995: 17994: 17991: 17985: 17982: 17980: 17977: 17974: 17973:mental health 17970: 17967: 17965: 17962: 17960: 17957: 17955: 17952: 17950: 17947: 17945: 17942: 17940: 17937: 17935: 17932: 17930: 17927: 17925: 17922: 17920: 17917: 17915: 17912: 17910: 17907: 17905: 17902: 17900: 17897: 17895: 17892: 17891: 17889: 17885: 17879: 17876: 17875: 17873: 17869: 17861: 17858: 17857: 17856: 17853: 17851: 17848: 17846: 17843: 17841: 17838: 17836: 17833: 17831: 17828: 17826: 17823: 17821: 17818: 17816: 17813: 17811: 17808: 17804: 17801: 17800: 17799: 17796: 17794: 17791: 17787: 17784: 17783: 17782: 17779: 17777: 17774: 17770: 17767: 17766: 17765: 17762: 17760: 17757: 17755: 17752: 17748: 17745: 17744: 17743: 17740: 17739: 17737: 17733: 17727: 17724: 17722: 17719: 17717: 17714: 17712: 17709: 17705: 17702: 17701: 17700: 17697: 17696: 17694: 17688: 17682: 17679: 17677: 17674: 17672: 17669: 17667: 17664: 17662: 17659: 17657: 17654: 17652: 17649: 17648: 17646: 17640: 17634: 17631: 17629: 17626: 17622: 17619: 17618: 17617: 17614: 17612: 17609: 17607: 17604: 17602: 17599: 17598: 17596: 17594:public safety 17588: 17582: 17579: 17577: 17574: 17572: 17569: 17567: 17564: 17562: 17559: 17558: 17556: 17552: 17546: 17543: 17541: 17538: 17536: 17533: 17531: 17528: 17526: 17523: 17521: 17518: 17516: 17513: 17511: 17508: 17506: 17503: 17501: 17498: 17496: 17493: 17492: 17490: 17486: 17482: 17478: 17470: 17465: 17463: 17458: 17456: 17451: 17450: 17447: 17431: 17428: 17426: 17423: 17421: 17418: 17417: 17414: 17411: 17407: 17398: 17392: 17387: 17381: 17376: 17370: 17365: 17359: 17354: 17348: 17343: 17337: 17332: 17326: 17321: 17315: 17310: 17304: 17299: 17293: 17291: 17288: 17286: 17283: 17281: 17278: 17276: 17275:Human history 17273: 17272: 17270: 17266: 17260: 17257: 17255: 17252: 17250: 17247: 17245: 17242: 17240: 17237: 17235: 17232: 17230: 17227: 17225: 17222: 17220: 17219: 17215: 17214: 17212: 17210:International 17208: 17198: 17195: 17193: 17190: 17188: 17185: 17183: 17180: 17178: 17175: 17173: 17170: 17168: 17165: 17163: 17160: 17159: 17156: 17153: 17149: 17139: 17136: 17134: 17131: 17129: 17126: 17124: 17121: 17120: 17117: 17114: 17110: 17100: 17097: 17095: 17092: 17090: 17087: 17085: 17082: 17080: 17077: 17075: 17072: 17070: 17067: 17065: 17062: 17060: 17058: 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15699: 15692: 15684: 15677: 15669: 15662: 15660: 15651: 15644: 15636: 15628: 15620: 15613: 15605: 15601: 15596: 15591: 15587: 15583: 15579: 15572: 15570: 15561: 15557: 15552: 15547: 15542: 15537: 15533: 15529: 15525: 15521: 15517: 15510: 15502: 15495: 15487: 15483: 15479: 15475: 15471: 15467: 15463: 15456: 15449:. Peter Lang. 15448: 15441: 15439: 15430: 15424: 15420: 15413: 15405: 15398: 15390: 15382: 15380: 15371: 15364: 15362: 15353: 15346: 15338: 15331: 15323: 15316: 15308: 15301: 15299: 15297: 15288: 15284: 15277: 15275: 15266: 15259: 15251: 15247: 15243: 15239: 15232: 15224: 15217: 15210: 15206: 15200: 15192: 15186: 15182: 15177: 15176: 15167: 15159: 15153: 15149: 15142: 15126: 15122: 15116: 15108: 15104: 15100: 15096: 15092: 15088: 15084: 15080: 15076: 15070: 15062: 15055: 15040: 15036: 15032: 15026: 15018: 15012: 15008: 15001: 14999: 14990: 14986: 14982: 14978: 14974: 14970: 14966: 14962: 14958: 14954: 14947: 14931: 14927: 14923: 14916: 14909: 14903: 14898: 14895:(1): 93–113. 14894: 14890: 14886: 14879: 14871: 14865: 14861: 14854: 14847: 14843: 14839: 14834: 14829: 14825: 14821: 14817: 14810: 14791: 14787: 14783: 14779: 14775: 14771: 14767: 14760: 14753: 14745: 14741: 14737: 14733: 14729: 14725: 14721: 14717: 14713: 14709: 14708: 14700: 14692: 14688: 14684: 14680: 14676: 14672: 14665: 14657: 14653: 14649: 14645: 14644: 14636: 14628: 14624: 14620: 14616: 14612: 14608: 14601: 14593: 14589: 14585: 14581: 14577: 14573: 14566: 14560: 14556: 14552: 14548: 14543: 14535: 14531: 14527: 14523: 14519: 14515: 14508: 14506: 14490: 14484: 14480: 14476: 14475: 14467: 14459: 14453: 14449: 14445: 14441: 14434: 14427: 14421: 14413: 14407: 14403: 14399: 14395: 14388: 14377: 14373: 14369: 14364: 14359: 14355: 14351: 14344: 14337: 14329: 14323: 14315: 14309: 14305: 14301: 14295: 14289: 14283: 14275: 14271: 14266: 14261: 14257: 14253: 14249: 14242: 14240: 14231: 14227: 14223: 14219: 14216:(2): 151–69. 14215: 14211: 14204: 14197: 14192: 14188: 14185:(4): 306–22. 14184: 14180: 14172: 14164: 14160: 14156: 14152: 14147: 14142: 14138: 14134: 14130: 14126: 14119: 14112: 14097: 14093: 14089: 14085: 14081: 14074: 14059: 14053: 14049: 14048: 14040: 14025: 14019: 14015: 14014: 14006: 14004: 13997: 13993: 13987: 13981: 13977: 13973: 13970: 13969:Harry J Hogan 13964: 13956: 13952: 13948: 13944: 13940: 13936: 13929: 13921: 13915: 13911: 13907: 13903: 13896: 13889: 13883: 13875: 13871: 13867: 13863: 13859: 13855: 13852:(1): 69–105. 13851: 13847: 13842:For example: 13839: 13830: 13825: 13821: 13817: 13816: 13811: 13804: 13796: 13792: 13788: 13782: 13778: 13774: 13770: 13763: 13755: 13749: 13745: 13741: 13737: 13730: 13722: 13718: 13714: 13708: 13704: 13700: 13696: 13689: 13681: 13677: 13673: 13667: 13663: 13656: 13648: 13644: 13639: 13634: 13630: 13626: 13622: 13618: 13614: 13607: 13599: 13595: 13591: 13587: 13583: 13576: 13561: 13557: 13550: 13534: 13528: 13520: 13516: 13512: 13508: 13504: 13500: 13496: 13489: 13481: 13477: 13473: 13469: 13465: 13461: 13454: 13447: 13441: 13437: 13433: 13432: 13431:Hoover Digest 13427: 13420: 13412: 13408: 13403: 13398: 13394: 13390: 13386: 13379: 13372: 13366: 13362: 13358: 13351: 13342: 13337: 13333: 13329: 13328: 13323: 13316: 13309:. p. 03. 13308: 13306: 13301: 13294: 13286: 13282: 13277: 13276:1721.1/124287 13272: 13268: 13264: 13261:(1): 47–100. 13260: 13256: 13249: 13242: 13234: 13230: 13226: 13222: 13218: 13211: 13196: 13192: 13185: 13176: 13171: 13166: 13161: 13157: 13153: 13152: 13147: 13140: 13132: 13126: 13122: 13121: 13112: 13105: 13101: 13096: 13088: 13084: 13080: 13076: 13072: 13068: 13064: 13057: 13038: 13031: 13025: 13018: 13017: 13012: 13008: 13002: 12985: 12981: 12975: 12956: 12949: 12943: 12937: 12932: 12925: 12919: 12911: 12902: 12894: 12891: 12885: 12877: 12873: 12869: 12865: 12861: 12854: 12846: 12842: 12838: 12834: 12830: 12823: 12815: 12811: 12807: 12803: 12799: 12795: 12791: 12787: 12783: 12776: 12768: 12761: 12755: 12749: 12743: 12737: 12728: 12722: 12721: 12716: 12712: 12706: 12698: 12692: 12688: 12687: 12679: 12671: 12665: 12661: 12660: 12652: 12644: 12638: 12634: 12633: 12625: 12609: 12607: 12599: 12584: 12583: 12578: 12571: 12562: 12556:(2009) p. 211 12555: 12549: 12533: 12532: 12527: 12521: 12505: 12499: 12484: 12480: 12474: 12465: 12463: 12461: 12459: 12449: 12442: 12436: 12427: 12418: 12410: 12403: 12395: 12391: 12387: 12383: 12380:(3): 335–42. 12379: 12375: 12374: 12366: 12358: 12352: 12348: 12341: 12333: 12327: 12323: 12316: 12308: 12306:0-75258-227-5 12302: 12298: 12294: 12293:World History 12290: 12289:Black, Jeremy 12284: 12268: 12264: 12258: 12250: 12246: 12242: 12241: 12233: 12217: 12213: 12207: 12191: 12187: 12181: 12167: 12161: 12157: 12153: 12149: 12145: 12138: 12130: 12124: 12116: 12109: 12101: 12094: 12087: 12081: 12074: 12070: 12066: 12060: 12058: 12056: 12054: 12052: 12044: 12038: 12030: 12024: 12020: 12016: 12009: 12002: 11996: 11990: 11986: 11982: 11978: 11972: 11966: 11962: 11958: 11954: 11948: 11942: 11938: 11934: 11930: 11925: 11919: 11915: 11911: 11907: 11901: 11893: 11889: 11885: 11881: 11877: 11870: 11861: 11852: 11844: 11840: 11836: 11832: 11829:(1): 97–109. 11828: 11824: 11820: 11813: 11802: 11796: 11790: 11785: 11770: 11769:Freedom House 11766: 11760: 11744: 11740: 11734: 11718: 11714: 11708: 11693: 11687: 11683: 11682: 11674: 11659: 11653: 11649: 11648: 11640: 11625: 11621: 11614: 11599: 11595: 11591: 11587: 11583: 11579: 11575: 11571: 11567: 11563: 11559: 11552: 11537:. 9 June 2020 11536: 11532: 11526: 11518: 11512: 11508: 11507: 11499: 11491: 11487: 11483: 11479: 11475: 11471: 11467: 11463: 11459: 11452: 11444: 11443: 11435: 11428: 11422: 11413: 11407: 11403: 11399: 11393: 11386: 11382: 11378: 11372: 11366: 11362: 11358: 11354: 11349: 11342: 11338: 11334: 11330: 11329:Anthony Downs 11325: 11318: 11314: 11310: 11306: 11301: 11293: 11289: 11285: 11281: 11278:(2): 525–62. 11277: 11273: 11269: 11262: 11247: 11241: 11237: 11236: 11228: 11226: 11224: 11222: 11220: 11211: 11207: 11201: 11185: 11179: 11171: 11167: 11163: 11159: 11155: 11151: 11147: 11143: 11139: 11132: 11117: 11113: 11109: 11103: 11099: 11095: 11091: 11090: 11082: 11067: 11063: 11056: 11048: 11047: 11042: 11035: 11027: 11023: 11019: 11013: 11009: 11008: 11000: 10981: 10977: 10970: 10964: 10948: 10941: 10926: 10922: 10916: 10908: 10904: 10900: 10896: 10892: 10888: 10884: 10880: 10873: 10865: 10861: 10857: 10853: 10852:Global Policy 10846: 10840: 10836: 10833: 10826: 10811: 10807: 10803: 10799: 10793: 10786: 10781: 10765: 10759: 10743: 10739: 10733: 10731: 10719: 10715: 10711: 10707: 10703: 10700:(6): 646–59. 10699: 10695: 10688: 10681: 10673: 10666: 10651: 10647: 10641: 10626: 10622: 10615: 10599: 10593: 10585: 10581: 10577: 10571: 10555: 10551: 10545: 10529: 10525: 10521: 10515: 10499: 10493: 10485: 10479: 10475: 10471: 10464: 10448: 10442: 10426: 10420: 10404: 10400: 10394: 10379: 10375: 10368: 10352: 10345: 10343: 10327: 10323: 10316: 10308: 10304: 10298: 10290: 10284: 10277: 10274: 10268: 10261: 10257: 10254: 10248: 10233: 10226: 10219: 10214: 10207: 10202: 10187: 10183: 10177: 10161: 10157: 10153: 10146: 10130: 10126: 10120: 10109: 10102: 10096: 10088: 10082: 10078: 10077: 10069: 10050: 10043: 10036: 10029: 10023: 10015: 10009: 10005: 10001: 9994: 9975: 9968: 9967: 9962: 9961:Norman Davies 9956: 9940: 9936: 9930: 9914: 9908: 9893: 9887: 9883: 9882: 9874: 9858: 9854: 9850: 9844: 9833: 9829: 9825: 9821: 9817: 9813: 9809: 9802: 9795: 9784: 9780: 9776: 9772: 9768: 9764: 9760: 9753: 9746: 9738: 9732: 9728: 9724: 9723: 9715: 9708: 9704: 9698: 9690: 9684: 9680: 9673: 9666: 9660: 9644: 9640: 9634: 9618: 9612: 9604: 9597: 9589: 9583: 9579: 9578: 9573: 9567: 9561: 9557: 9554: 9553: 9546: 9539: 9538: 9537:United States 9530: 9523: 9519: 9515: 9511: 9506: 9499: 9495: 9491: 9487: 9482: 9474: 9470: 9466: 9462: 9458: 9451: 9444: 9440: 9437:Locke, John. 9434: 9426: 9420: 9416: 9412: 9411: 9406: 9400: 9392: 9388: 9384: 9380: 9376: 9372: 9368: 9364: 9357: 9350: 9337: 9333: 9327: 9320: 9307: 9303: 9297: 9295: 9278: 9274: 9268: 9252: 9246: 9230: 9224: 9208: 9204: 9200: 9186: 9182: 9178: 9172: 9164: 9158: 9154: 9147: 9139: 9135: 9131: 9127: 9122: 9117: 9113: 9109: 9105: 9098: 9090: 9086: 9081: 9076: 9072: 9068: 9064: 9057: 9049: 9045: 9041: 9037: 9030: 9022: 9018: 9014: 9010: 9006: 9002: 8998: 8994: 8987: 8971: 8965: 8949: 8945: 8944:The Telegraph 8940: 8925: 8919: 8911: 8905: 8901: 8900: 8892: 8876: 8870: 8863: 8850: 8846: 8840: 8832: 8828: 8824: 8818: 8814: 8810: 8806: 8802: 8795: 8787: 8781: 8778:. Routledge. 8777: 8776: 8768: 8760: 8754: 8750: 8749: 8741: 8726: 8722: 8715: 8707: 8703: 8699: 8695: 8691: 8687: 8683: 8679: 8672: 8665: 8660: 8652: 8646: 8642: 8641: 8633: 8625: 8619: 8615: 8614: 8606: 8598: 8592: 8588: 8587:Lonely Planet 8584: 8583: 8575: 8568: 8563: 8547: 8541: 8535: 8531: 8527: 8521: 8514: 8509: 8502: 8497: 8490: 8485: 8479: 8475: 8471: 8465: 8457: 8451: 8447: 8446: 8438: 8422: 8418: 8414: 8408: 8400: 8396: 8392: 8388: 8384: 8380: 8373: 8365: 8364: 8356: 8347: 8340: 8334: 8327: 8321: 8314: 8311: 8307: 8302: 8295: 8290: 8284: 8280: 8276: 8270: 8255: 8251: 8247: 8243: 8236: 8228: 8224: 8220: 8214: 8210: 8209: 8201: 8185: 8181: 8177: 8170: 8163: 8157: 8153: 8149: 8145: 8141: 8134: 8126: 8120: 8116: 8115: 8107: 8105: 8103: 8095: 8090: 8083: 8078: 8070: 8064: 8056: 8050: 8046: 8045: 8037: 8030: 8029:Spirit of Law 8027:Montesquieu, 8024: 8017: 8016: 8011: 8006: 7998: 7992: 7988: 7981: 7973: 7967: 7963: 7959: 7953: 7945: 7941: 7937: 7933: 7929: 7925: 7921: 7917: 7910: 7902: 7896: 7892: 7891: 7883: 7867: 7863: 7862: 7857: 7850: 7834: 7820: 7814: 7806: 7800: 7796: 7795: 7787: 7785: 7776: 7770: 7767:. 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6986: 6980: 6977: 6975: 6972: 6970: 6967: 6965: 6962: 6960: 6957: 6955: 6952: 6950: 6947: 6945: 6942: 6941: 6933: 6931: 6927: 6923: 6918: 6916: 6912: 6906: 6904: 6900: 6896: 6892: 6888: 6884: 6880: 6875: 6873: 6869: 6865: 6861: 6857: 6853: 6849: 6844: 6842: 6838: 6834: 6830: 6829:echo chambers 6826: 6822: 6816: 6814: 6809: 6804: 6799: 6797: 6793: 6789: 6785: 6781: 6777: 6773: 6769: 6764: 6759: 6757: 6756:market forces 6748: 6745: 6742: 6739: 6736: 6733: 6731: 6727: 6724: 6723: 6722: 6720: 6715: 6713: 6709: 6708:social issues 6703: 6690: 6686: 6682: 6678: 6674: 6670: 6666: 6665:aristocracies 6662: 6658: 6654: 6650: 6647: 6643: 6639: 6638:James Madison 6635: 6630: 6628: 6624: 6620: 6609: 6604: 6602: 6597: 6595: 6590: 6589: 6587: 6586: 6583: 6578: 6573: 6572: 6565: 6562: 6560: 6557: 6555: 6552: 6550: 6547: 6545: 6542: 6540: 6537: 6536: 6530: 6529: 6522: 6519: 6517: 6514: 6512: 6509: 6507: 6504: 6502: 6499: 6497: 6494: 6492: 6489: 6487: 6486:Right to vote 6484: 6482: 6479: 6477: 6474: 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5533: 5528: 5518: 5516: 5513:and reducing 5512: 5508: 5504: 5501:, increasing 5500: 5496: 5492: 5483: 5476: 5472: 5468: 5464: 5462: 5458: 5451: 5447: 5443: 5442:African Union 5438: 5434: 5427: 5416: 5412: 5408: 5406: 5402: 5398: 5394: 5390: 5387:, economists 5386: 5385: 5378: 5368: 5366: 5362: 5357: 5348: 5346: 5342: 5338: 5334: 5330: 5326: 5317: 5312:Justification 5309: 5307: 5303: 5299: 5295: 5289: 5279: 5277: 5273: 5269: 5268: 5263: 5259: 5255: 5251: 5247: 5243: 5239: 5235: 5231: 5221: 5214: 5210: 5206: 5202: 5198: 5194: 5190: 5186: 5182: 5178: 5173: 5163: 5160: 5156: 5150: 5140: 5138: 5134: 5130: 5126: 5121: 5119: 5115: 5111: 5105: 5103: 5099: 5093: 5080: 5076: 5070: 5059: 5057: 5053: 5048: 5045: 5041: 5035: 5028:Participatory 5025: 5023: 5019: 5018: 5013: 5009: 5005: 5001: 4997: 4991: 4978: 4974: 4969: 4965: 4961: 4957: 4953: 4946: 4935: 4933: 4932:Constitutions 4929: 4925: 4921: 4920:supermajority 4917: 4911: 4901: 4898: 4894: 4890: 4886: 4880: 4870: 4868: 4864: 4860: 4856: 4851: 4846: 4836: 4834: 4829: 4827: 4823: 4820: 4816: 4812: 4808: 4799: 4797: 4793: 4789: 4785: 4781: 4776: 4770: 4760: 4758: 4754: 4750: 4746: 4743: 4739: 4735: 4733: 4729: 4725: 4721: 4717: 4716:participatory 4713: 4709: 4705: 4701: 4696: 4692: 4688: 4678: 4676: 4672: 4669: 4663: 4653: 4651: 4647: 4642: 4638: 4633: 4630: 4626: 4622: 4620: 4615: 4614:James Madison 4611: 4607: 4602: 4600: 4596: 4592: 4588: 4584: 4583:head of state 4580: 4579: 4572: 4571:Republicanism 4562: 4560: 4556: 4551: 4549: 4545: 4541: 4537: 4533: 4529: 4525: 4521: 4517: 4512: 4510: 4506: 4502: 4498: 4493: 4489: 4485: 4481: 4477: 4473: 4469: 4465: 4457: 4452: 4447: 4432: 4430: 4425: 4423: 4417: 4412: 4402: 4400: 4394: 4389: 4382:Parliamentary 4379: 4377: 4373: 4369: 4364: 4362: 4358: 4354: 4348: 4338: 4336: 4326: 4323: 4319: 4315: 4314:town meetings 4311: 4306: 4304: 4300: 4295: 4293: 4289: 4285: 4281: 4276: 4274: 4270: 4266: 4262: 4258: 4247: 4245: 4241: 4237: 4233: 4229: 4225: 4221: 4217: 4214: 4209: 4201: 4197: 4193: 4190: 4189: 4188: 4181: 4177: 4173: 4172:ballot papers 4169: 4164: 4157: 4153: 4152:Landsgemeinde 4148: 4143: 4133: 4131: 4127: 4117: 4109: 4104: 4102: 4097: 4095: 4090: 4089: 4085: 4084: 4077: 4076: 4070: 4058: 4048: 4038: 4028: 4018: 4008: 4004: 4000: 3989: 3979: 3971: 3969: 3957: 3955: 3949: 3939: 3929: 3920: 3918: 3912: 3911: 3905: 3901: 3899: 3892: 3879: 3875: 3871: 3866: 3859: 3840: No data 3823: 3797: 3771: 3770: 3766:map for 2023 3765: 3761: 3754: 3750: 3746: 3742: 3738: 3737:inclusiveness 3734: 3732: 3728: 3724: 3719: 3717: 3713: 3709: 3671: 3670: 3666: 3652: 3651: 3647: 3633: 3630: 3616: 3613: 3612: 3607: 3602: 3597: 3587: 3580: 3577: 3576: 3566: 3564: 3560: 3556: 3551: 3547: 3543: 3542: 3532: 3530: 3525: 3520: 3515: 3511: 3509: 3505: 3504:Anthony Downs 3501: 3496: 3494: 3489: 3487: 3483: 3479: 3475: 3471: 3467: 3462: 3460: 3455: 3445: 3443: 3442: 3437: 3436: 3431: 3421: 3419: 3415: 3410: 3405: 3403: 3399: 3395: 3391: 3387: 3383: 3379: 3365: 3363: 3359: 3350: 3346: 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2717: 2713: 2709: 2704: 2702: 2698: 2693: 2691: 2687: 2683: 2679: 2675: 2671: 2670:Acts of Union 2667: 2663: 2659: 2651: 2647: 2643: 2638: 2629: 2627: 2623: 2619: 2615: 2611: 2607: 2603: 2598: 2596: 2592: 2588: 2583: 2581: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2565: 2561: 2557: 2556: 2551: 2547: 2543: 2539: 2538: 2533: 2529: 2528:Thomas Hobbes 2525: 2520: 2518: 2514: 2510: 2505: 2502:of 1688, the 2501: 2497: 2493: 2489: 2485: 2481: 2477: 2473: 2465: 2461: 2457: 2453: 2449: 2445: 2444:Thomas Hobbes 2441: 2437: 2423: 2421: 2417: 2413: 2412: 2407: 2403: 2399: 2394: 2391: 2385: 2382: 2378: 2374: 2370: 2369:habeas corpus 2366: 2362: 2354: 2350: 2346: 2344: 2340: 2336: 2332: 2328: 2324: 2320: 2316: 2312: 2308: 2304: 2300: 2296: 2292: 2288: 2284: 2280: 2276: 2272: 2268: 2264: 2260: 2256: 2252: 2248: 2244: 2240: 2236: 2232: 2221: 2211: 2208: 2198: 2196: 2192: 2188: 2184: 2180: 2174:Ancient India 2171: 2169: 2165: 2161: 2157: 2152: 2147: 2144: 2139: 2135: 2131: 2127: 2124: 2120: 2116: 2111: 2109: 2104: 2099: 2097: 2093: 2092: 2087: 2083: 2082: 2077: 2073: 2069: 2065: 2061: 2057: 2053: 2049: 2043: 2028: 2025: 2023: 2019: 2014: 2008: 2004: 2000: 1996: 1995:Philipp Foltz 1991: 1986: 1976: 1974: 1970: 1966: 1965:aristocracies 1962: 1958: 1954: 1953:republicanism 1950: 1946: 1942: 1940: 1936: 1932: 1928: 1923: 1921: 1917: 1913: 1909: 1905: 1901: 1897: 1893: 1889: 1885: 1881: 1877: 1876:majority rule 1872: 1870: 1866: 1862: 1858: 1854: 1850: 1846: 1842: 1838: 1833: 1831: 1827: 1823: 1819: 1814: 1812: 1808: 1804: 1800: 1796: 1792: 1788: 1783: 1780: 1770: 1768: 1764: 1760: 1759:authoritarian 1756: 1751: 1749: 1745: 1741: 1737: 1733: 1731: 1719: 1715: 1711: 1706: 1704: 1703:supreme court 1700: 1696: 1692: 1688: 1684: 1680: 1676: 1675:majority rule 1672: 1668: 1667:parliamentary 1664: 1660: 1655: 1653: 1649: 1645: 1644:right to life 1641: 1637: 1636:voting rights 1633: 1629: 1625: 1621: 1617: 1613: 1609: 1604: 1600: 1596: 1592: 1588: 1584: 1579: 1577: 1573: 1569: 1566:is vested in 1565: 1561: 1557: 1554:'people' and 1553: 1548: 1542: 1533: 1532:Ancient Greek 1529: 1518: 1513: 1511: 1506: 1504: 1499: 1498: 1496: 1495: 1492: 1487: 1482: 1481: 1470: 1467: 1465: 1462: 1458: 1455: 1454: 1453: 1450: 1448: 1445: 1443: 1440: 1439: 1438: 1437: 1429: 1428: 1416: 1413: 1411: 1408: 1406: 1403: 1401: 1398: 1396: 1393: 1392: 1391: 1390: 1387: 1384: 1383: 1377: 1374: 1372: 1369: 1367: 1364: 1362: 1359: 1357: 1356:Confederation 1354: 1353: 1352: 1351: 1348: 1345: 1344: 1338: 1335: 1333: 1330: 1328: 1327: 1323: 1321: 1318: 1316: 1313: 1311: 1308: 1306: 1303: 1301: 1298: 1296: 1293: 1291: 1288: 1286: 1283: 1281: 1278: 1277: 1276: 1275: 1272: 1269: 1268: 1262: 1259: 1257: 1254: 1252: 1251:Unitary state 1249: 1248: 1247: 1246: 1243: 1240: 1239: 1231: 1230: 1219: 1216: 1214: 1211: 1209: 1206: 1204: 1201: 1199: 1196: 1194: 1191: 1189: 1186: 1185: 1184: 1183: 1174: 1171: 1169: 1166: 1165: 1163: 1162: 1154: 1153:State atheism 1151: 1149: 1146: 1145: 1144: 1143:Secular state 1141: 1139: 1136: 1135: 1134: 1133: 1126: 1123: 1122: 1120: 1119: 1113: 1110: 1108: 1105: 1103: 1100: 1098: 1095: 1093: 1090: 1088: 1085: 1083: 1080: 1078: 1075: 1073: 1070: 1068: 1065: 1064: 1063: 1062: 1053: 1050: 1048: 1047:Authoritarian 1045: 1044: 1042: 1041: 1035: 1032: 1030: 1027: 1025: 1024:Parliamentary 1022: 1020: 1017: 1015: 1012: 1010: 1007: 1005: 1002: 1000: 997: 996: 995: 994: 985: 982: 980: 977: 976: 974: 973: 965: 964: 952: 949: 947: 944: 942: 939: 938: 937: 936: 930: 927: 926: 920: 917: 913: 910: 909: 908: 905: 903: 900: 899: 898: 897: 892: 887: 884: 883: 877: 874: 872: 869: 867: 864: 862: 859: 857: 854: 852: 849: 847: 844: 842: 839: 837: 834: 832: 829: 827: 824: 822: 819: 818: 817: 816: 812:(rule by few) 810: 807: 806: 800: 797: 795: 792: 790: 787: 785: 782: 780: 777: 775: 772: 770: 767: 765: 762: 761: 760: 759: 754: 749: 746: 745: 737: 736: 733: 730: 729: 725: 724: 721: 717: 716: 713: 709: 708: 698: 693: 691: 686: 684: 679: 678: 676: 675: 672: 667: 662: 661: 654: 651: 649: 646: 644: 641: 639: 636: 634: 631: 629: 626: 625: 619: 618: 611: 608: 606: 603: 601: 598: 596: 593: 591: 588: 586: 583: 581: 578: 576: 575:Right to vote 573: 571: 568: 566: 563: 561: 558: 556: 553: 551: 548: 546: 543: 541: 538: 536: 533: 531: 528: 526: 523: 521: 518: 516: 513: 511: 508: 506: 503: 501: 500:Majority rule 498: 496: 493: 491: 488: 486: 483: 481: 478: 476: 473: 471: 468: 466: 463: 461: 458: 456: 453: 451: 448: 446: 443: 441: 438: 436: 433: 431: 428: 426: 423: 421: 418: 416: 413: 411: 408: 406: 403: 401: 398: 396: 393: 392: 386: 385: 378: 375: 373: 370: 368: 367:Supermajority 365: 363: 360: 358: 355: 353: 350: 348: 345: 343: 340: 338: 335: 333: 330: 328: 325: 321: 318: 316: 313: 311: 308: 306: 303: 301: 298: 297: 296: 293: 291: 288: 286: 283: 281: 278: 276: 273: 271: 268: 266: 265:Participatory 263: 261: 258: 256: 253: 251: 248: 246: 243: 241: 238: 236: 233: 231: 228: 226: 222: 219: 217: 214: 212: 209: 207: 204: 202: 199: 197: 196:Hybrid regime 194: 192: 189: 187: 184: 182: 179: 177: 174: 172: 169: 167: 164: 162: 159: 157: 154: 152: 149: 147: 144: 142: 139: 137: 134: 132: 129: 127: 124: 122: 119: 118: 115: 110: 109: 103: 100: 98: 95: 93: 90: 89: 87: 86: 83: 80: 79: 76: 72: 71: 65: 61: 57: 53: 49: 45: 41: 37: 33: 19: 22896:Western Bloc 22696:AUSCANNZUKUS 22652:Contemporary 22637: 22601:Human rights 22447:Latin Church 22421:Christianity 22371: 22330:Conservatism 22175:contemporary 22012:Architecture 21948:World War II 21908:Emancipation 21903:Abolitionism 21791:Romanization 21786:Roman legacy 21767:Roman Empire 21661: 21560:Elite theory 21508: 21498: 21488: 21478: 21468: 21458: 21448: 21438: 21428: 21418: 21408: 21398: 21388: 21378: 21368: 21358: 21348: 21338: 21328: 21318: 21308: 21298: 20597:Guicciardini 20553:Early modern 20376:Philosophers 20326:Open society 20262:Body politic 20132:Distributism 20122:Conservatism 20117:Confucianism 20036:Gerontocracy 20030: 20026:Dictatorship 19980:Sovereignty‎ 19970:Ruling class 19860:Emancipation 19845:Citizenship‎ 19768: 19513:Catherine II 18965:Beaumarchais 18795:Universality 18766:Reductionism 18713: 18690:Human rights 18651: 18540: 18528: 18481:Public float 18416:Job creation 18368:Public space 18295:Public works 18172:Public value 18167:Public trust 17400:}} 17394:{{ 17389:}} 17383:{{ 17378:}} 17372:{{ 17367:}} 17361:{{ 17356:}} 17350:{{ 17345:}} 17339:{{ 17334:}} 17328:{{ 17323:}} 17317:{{ 17312:}} 17306:{{ 17301:}} 17295:{{ 17289: 17285:Civilization 17238: 17216: 17186: 17176: 17161: 17122: 17094:Civil rights 17088: 17073: 17055: 17023: 17003: 16999:Town meeting 16983: 16932: 16907: 16877: 16863:Constitution 16857: 16822: 16802: 16746: 16692:Distributism 16677:Conservatism 16662:Collectivism 16630:Philosophies 16604:Cosmopolitan 16599:Conservative 16566: 16565: 16438: 16429:Govt systems 16423: 16403:Municipality 16382: 16259: 16236: 16207: 16199:23(1): 1–26. 16196: 16186: 16165: 16154: 16133: 16121: 16092: 16073: 16059:cite journal 16042: 16038: 16014: 15975:. New York. 15971: 15950: 15929: 15922: 15888:(1): 25–48. 15885: 15881: 15856:. Retrieved 15849:the original 15812: 15808: 15795: 15786: 15780: 15753: 15749: 15727: 15721: 15712: 15706: 15697: 15691: 15682: 15676: 15667: 15649: 15643: 15634: 15627: 15621:. Macmillan. 15618: 15612: 15585: 15581: 15523: 15519: 15509: 15500: 15494: 15469: 15465: 15455: 15446: 15418: 15412: 15403: 15397: 15388: 15369: 15351: 15345: 15336: 15330: 15321: 15315: 15306: 15286: 15282: 15264: 15258: 15241: 15237: 15231: 15222: 15216: 15208: 15199: 15174: 15166: 15147: 15141: 15129:. Retrieved 15124: 15115: 15082: 15075:Ober, Josiah 15069: 15060: 15054: 15042:. Retrieved 15038: 15025: 15006: 14963:(1): 29–40. 14960: 14956: 14946: 14934:. Retrieved 14925: 14915: 14906: 14892: 14888: 14878: 14859: 14853: 14845: 14823: 14819: 14809: 14797:. Retrieved 14769: 14765: 14752: 14711: 14705: 14699: 14674: 14670: 14664: 14647: 14641: 14635: 14610: 14606: 14600: 14575: 14571: 14565: 14550: 14542: 14517: 14513: 14492:. Retrieved 14473: 14466: 14439: 14433: 14420: 14393: 14387: 14353: 14349: 14336: 14322: 14303: 14294: 14282: 14255: 14251: 14213: 14209: 14203: 14194: 14182: 14179:Intelligence 14178: 14171: 14128: 14124: 14111: 14099:. Retrieved 14090:(2): 77–99. 14087: 14083: 14073: 14061:. Retrieved 14046: 14039: 14027:. Retrieved 14012: 13991: 13986: 13979: 13963: 13938: 13934: 13928: 13901: 13895: 13887: 13882: 13849: 13845: 13838: 13819: 13813: 13803: 13768: 13762: 13735: 13729: 13694: 13688: 13661: 13655: 13620: 13616: 13606: 13589: 13585: 13575: 13565:17 September 13563:. Retrieved 13560:The Atlantic 13559: 13549: 13537:. Retrieved 13527: 13502: 13498: 13488: 13463: 13459: 13453: 13440:the original 13435: 13429: 13419: 13392: 13388: 13378: 13360: 13350: 13331: 13325: 13315: 13303: 13293: 13258: 13254: 13241: 13224: 13220: 13210: 13198:. Retrieved 13194: 13184: 13175:10852/100947 13155: 13149: 13139: 13119: 13111: 13095: 13073:(4): 35–41. 13070: 13066: 13056: 13044:. Retrieved 13037:the original 13024: 13015: 13010: 13006: 13001: 12988:. Retrieved 12984:the original 12974: 12962:. Retrieved 12955:the original 12942: 12931: 12923: 12918: 12892: 12884: 12867: 12863: 12853: 12836: 12832: 12822: 12789: 12785: 12775: 12766: 12760: 12753: 12748: 12736: 12727: 12719: 12710: 12705: 12685: 12678: 12658: 12651: 12631: 12624: 12612:. Retrieved 12605: 12598: 12586:. Retrieved 12580: 12570: 12561: 12553: 12548: 12536:. Retrieved 12529: 12520: 12508:. Retrieved 12498: 12486:. Retrieved 12482: 12473: 12448: 12435: 12426: 12417: 12408: 12402: 12377: 12371: 12365: 12346: 12340: 12321: 12315: 12292: 12283: 12271:. Retrieved 12267:the original 12257: 12239: 12232: 12220:. Retrieved 12216:the original 12206: 12194:. Retrieved 12190:the original 12180: 12169:, retrieved 12147: 12137: 12123: 12114: 12108: 12099: 12093: 12085: 12080: 12064: 12042: 12037: 12018: 12008: 12000: 11995: 11976: 11971: 11952: 11947: 11928: 11924: 11905: 11900: 11883: 11879: 11869: 11860: 11851: 11826: 11822: 11812: 11795: 11784: 11772:. Retrieved 11768: 11759: 11747:. Retrieved 11742: 11733: 11721:. Retrieved 11716: 11707: 11695:. Retrieved 11680: 11673: 11661:. Retrieved 11646: 11639: 11627:. Retrieved 11623: 11613: 11601:. Retrieved 11565: 11561: 11551: 11539:. Retrieved 11534: 11525: 11505: 11498: 11465: 11461: 11451: 11441: 11434: 11426: 11421: 11412: 11397: 11392: 11376: 11371: 11356: 11353:Dahl, Robert 11348: 11332: 11324: 11308: 11300: 11275: 11271: 11261: 11249:. Retrieved 11234: 11209: 11200: 11188:. Retrieved 11178: 11145: 11141: 11131: 11119:. Retrieved 11088: 11081: 11069:. Retrieved 11065: 11055: 11044: 11034: 11006: 10999: 10987:. Retrieved 10980:the original 10963: 10951:. Retrieved 10940: 10928:. Retrieved 10924: 10915: 10882: 10878: 10872: 10858:(1): 28–37. 10855: 10851: 10845: 10825: 10813:. Retrieved 10801: 10792: 10780: 10768:. Retrieved 10758: 10746:. Retrieved 10741: 10697: 10693: 10680: 10671: 10665: 10653:. Retrieved 10649: 10640: 10628:. Retrieved 10624: 10614: 10602:. Retrieved 10592: 10584:the original 10579: 10570: 10558:. Retrieved 10554:the original 10544: 10532:. Retrieved 10528:the original 10523: 10514: 10502:. Retrieved 10492: 10473: 10463: 10451:. Retrieved 10441: 10429:. Retrieved 10419: 10407:. Retrieved 10403:the original 10393: 10381:. Retrieved 10377: 10367: 10355:. Retrieved 10329:. Retrieved 10325: 10315: 10306: 10297: 10288: 10283: 10275: 10267: 10247: 10237:26 September 10235:. Retrieved 10225: 10213: 10201: 10189:. Retrieved 10185: 10176: 10164:. Retrieved 10160:the original 10155: 10145: 10133:. Retrieved 10129:the original 10119: 10095: 10075: 10068: 10056:. Retrieved 10049:the original 10035: 10027: 10022: 10003: 9999: 9993: 9981:. Retrieved 9974:the original 9965: 9955: 9943:. Retrieved 9939:the original 9929: 9917:. Retrieved 9907: 9895:. Retrieved 9880: 9873: 9861:. Retrieved 9857:the original 9852: 9843: 9811: 9807: 9794: 9762: 9758: 9745: 9721: 9714: 9706: 9697: 9678: 9672: 9664: 9659: 9647:. Retrieved 9643:the original 9633: 9621:. Retrieved 9611: 9602: 9596: 9576: 9572:Deacy, Susan 9566: 9551: 9545: 9534: 9529: 9513: 9505: 9481: 9456: 9450: 9438: 9433: 9409: 9399: 9366: 9362: 9356: 9347: 9340:. Retrieved 9336:the original 9326: 9317: 9310:. Retrieved 9306:the original 9281:. Retrieved 9277:the original 9267: 9255:. Retrieved 9245: 9233:. Retrieved 9223: 9211:. Retrieved 9207:the original 9202: 9189:. Retrieved 9185:the original 9180: 9171: 9152: 9146: 9111: 9107: 9097: 9070: 9066: 9056: 9039: 9035: 9029: 8996: 8992: 8986: 8974:. Retrieved 8964: 8952:. Retrieved 8943: 8928:. Retrieved 8918: 8898: 8891: 8879:. Retrieved 8869: 8860: 8853:. Retrieved 8849:the original 8839: 8804: 8794: 8774: 8767: 8747: 8740: 8728:. Retrieved 8724: 8721:"Government" 8714: 8681: 8677: 8671: 8659: 8639: 8632: 8612: 8605: 8581: 8574: 8569:, p. 34 8562: 8550:. Retrieved 8540: 8525: 8520: 8508: 8496: 8491:, p. 5. 8484: 8469: 8468:Susan Lape, 8464: 8444: 8437: 8425:. Retrieved 8421:the original 8416: 8407: 8382: 8378: 8372: 8362: 8355: 8346: 8338: 8333: 8325: 8320: 8309: 8301: 8289: 8274: 8269: 8257:. Retrieved 8246:The Guardian 8245: 8235: 8207: 8200: 8188:. Retrieved 8184:the original 8179: 8169: 8143: 8133: 8113: 8094:Graeber 2013 8089: 8082:Graeber 2013 8077: 8063: 8043: 8036: 8028: 8023: 8014: 8010:R. R. Palmer 8005: 7986: 7980: 7961: 7952: 7922:(1): 1–101. 7919: 7915: 7909: 7889: 7882: 7870:. Retrieved 7866:the original 7859: 7849: 7837:. Retrieved 7823:. Retrieved 7813: 7793: 7763: 7756: 7729: 7723: 7717: 7705:. Retrieved 7694: 7675: 7669: 7647: 7641: 7629:. Retrieved 7625: 7616: 7583: 7579: 7569: 7562:2016 reprint 7555: 7550: 7541: 7531: 7508: 7496: 7453: 7449: 7439: 7423: 7418: 7399: 7380: 7376: 7364: 7359: 7347:. Retrieved 7337: 7308: 7304: 7294: 7274: 7267: 7242: 7238: 7213:. Retrieved 7208: 7199: 7172: 7166: 7154:. Retrieved 7122: 7080: 7066: 7045: 6919: 6907: 6883:social media 6876: 6872:deregulation 6868:impartiality 6845: 6833:civil rights 6825:social media 6817: 6808:dumbing down 6800: 6796:civil rights 6792:surveillance 6760: 6752: 6716: 6705: 6631: 6617: 6283:Totalitarian 6166:Non-partisan 6146:Majoritarian 6127:Jeffersonian 6067:Deliberative 6057:Cosmopolitan 6052:Conservative 6032:Anticipatory 5992: 5984:Part of the 5965: 5956: 5943:copy editing 5941:may require 5940: 5892: 5888:Nazi Germany 5862:and eroding 5854: 5747: 5682: 5677: 5673: 5666: 5655: 5652: 5648: 5640: 5617: 5610: 5603: 5591: 5553: 5488: 5455: 5437:Peacekeeping 5413: 5409: 5382: 5380: 5354: 5337:general will 5331:is based on 5323: 5315: 5291: 5265: 5246:shareholders 5242:Corporations 5238:cooperatives 5234:trade unions 5227: 5218: 5189:Saudi Arabia 5184: 5180: 5152: 5122: 5112:, e.g., the 5106: 5101: 5097: 5095: 5086:Cosmopolitan 5049: 5037: 5021: 5015: 4993: 4960:ethnic group 4913: 4882: 4848: 4830: 4805: 4772: 4736: 4698: 4665: 4634: 4628: 4624: 4618: 4603: 4585:, such as a 4576: 4574: 4552: 4513: 4461: 4426: 4418: 4414: 4405:Presidential 4395: 4391: 4372:proportional 4368:constituency 4365: 4350: 4332: 4307: 4296: 4277: 4260: 4256: 4253: 4205: 4185: 4123: 4115: 4068: 3966: 3952: 3915: 3907: 3894: 3720: 3712:quantitative 3706: 3667: 3648: 3631: 3614: 3586: 3573: 3572: 3549: 3546:deliberation 3539: 3538: 3535:Deliberative 3512: 3507: 3497: 3490: 3473: 3465: 3463: 3453: 3451: 3439: 3433: 3429: 3427: 3406: 3376: 3373:Early theory 3355: 3312: 3294: 3286: 3261: 3255: 3200: 3165:Eastern bloc 3132: 3119: 3111: 3092: 3060:World War II 3058: 3045:Leon Trotsky 2994:Nazi Germany 2968: 2945: 2917: 2884: 2849: 2810: 2772:adopted the 2767: 2728: 2712:constitution 2705: 2701:civil rights 2694: 2655: 2599: 2584: 2553: 2535: 2521: 2469: 2442:expanded on 2409: 2395: 2386: 2358: 2334: 2329:divided the 2243:feudal lords 2228: 2204: 2187:mahajanapada 2177: 2148: 2132:appeared in 2130:Range voting 2128: 2118: 2114: 2112: 2107: 2100: 2089: 2079: 2063: 2059: 2047: 2045: 2026: 2011: 1956: 1943: 1935:collectivism 1924: 1896:deliberation 1873: 1834: 1815: 1807:human rights 1795:constitution 1784: 1776: 1752: 1730:aristokratĂ­a 1727: 1723:ጀρÎčÏƒÏ„ÎżÎșÏÎ±Ï„ÎŻÎ± 1707: 1699:constitution 1656: 1580: 1555: 1551: 1527: 1526: 1405:Middle power 1332:Vassal state 1326:Buffer state 1324: 1300:Puppet state 1295:Protectorate 1271:Client state 1261:Principality 1087:Distributism 1029:Presidential 907:Dictatorship 831:Gerontocracy 753:rule by many 747: 726: 710:Part of the 372:Totalitarian 255:Non-partisan 235:Majoritarian 216:Jeffersonian 156:Deliberative 146:Cosmopolitan 141:Conservative 121:Anticipatory 81: 73:Part of the 44: 22836:Open Balkan 22654:integration 22584:Rule of law 22579:Natural law 22556:Agnosticism 22534:Hellenistic 22512:Anglo-Saxon 22442:Catholicism 22381:Atlanticism 22286:Rationalism 22092:Immigration 22075:Esotericism 21933:World War I 21898:Romanticism 21878:Reformation 21858:Renaissance 21836:Middle Ages 21801:Christendom 21730:Foundations 21434:(1835–1840) 21314:(c. 350 BC) 21304:(c. 375 BC) 20921:Tocqueville 20886:Saint-Simon 20851:Montesquieu 20702:Bolingbroke 20634:Machiavelli 20514:Ibn Khaldun 20479:Alpharabius 20472:Middle Ages 20297:Natural law 20272:Common good 20197:Nationalism 20157:Imperialism 20127:Corporatism 20102:Colonialism 20082:Agrarianism 20061:Technocracy 20041:Meritocracy 20021:Bureaucracy 20011:Aristocracy 19770:Romanticism 19592:Charles III 19433:Poniatowski 19370:Leeuwenhoek 19350:de la Court 19338:Netherlands 19182:Mendelssohn 19177:Lichtenberg 19055:Montesquieu 18773:Sapere aude 18756:Rationalism 18751:Rationality 18741:Objectivity 18333:Public bank 18308:Free clinic 18142:Public land 18092:Common good 17642:Economics / 17259:World Court 17192:Magna Carta 17009:Legislation 16971:Governance 16928:Legislature 16803:Regulation: 16712:Familialism 16687:Corporatism 16667:Communalism 16637:Agrarianism 16549:Technocracy 16509:Meritocracy 16504:Kleptocracy 16484:Ergatocracy 16479:Electocracy 16469:Colonialism 16454:Bureaucracy 16449:Aristocracy 15941:Works cited 15756:: 415–438. 14908:governance. 13638:10036/64393 13505:: 149–170. 13158:: 357–375. 13046:12 February 11629:27 December 11541:20 November 11206:"Aristotle" 10815:14 November 10630:31 December 10534:15 February 10504:16 December 10409:7 September 10191:18 November 9983:5 September 9405:Locke, John 9312:27 November 9283:22 December 8976:17 November 8881:17 November 8807:: 130–151. 8296:, p. . 8273:John Dunn, 8190:22 December 7701:"Democracy" 7245:(3): 5–16. 7175:: 851–862. 7156:24 February 7150:"Democracy" 7009:Meritocracy 6837:free speech 6768:horse races 6728:Meaningful 6719:Jay Blumler 6661:polyarchies 6653:epistocracy 6391:Kleroterion 6273:Substantive 6248:Semi-direct 5876:rule of law 5662:autocracies 5540: 2010 5267:Islamocracy 5209:Afghanistan 5159:moral ideal 4824:criticised 4788:Trotskyists 4742:multi-party 4675:rule of law 4509:H. G. Wells 4472:Netherlands 4456:Charles III 4376:referendums 4310:New England 4299:referendums 4273:initiatives 4269:referendums 4265:U.S. states 4250:Semi-direct 4200:referendums 4196:initiatives 4168:Switzerland 4120:Basic forms 3727:autocracies 3716:comparative 3448:Aggregative 3414:Montesquieu 3390:aristocracy 3327:rule of law 3319:nationalist 3301:nationalist 3177:Philippines 2970:World War I 2920:New Zealand 2794:Grodno Sejm 2749:nor extend 2695:During the 2381:petitioning 2365:Magna Carta 2353:Magna Carta 2331:Mali Empire 2277:, found in 2247:Scandinavia 2235:Middle Ages 2233:during the 2225:Middle Ages 2119:most direct 2068:Cleisthenes 2018:Montesquieu 1830:rule of law 1779:Karl Popper 1740:city-states 1718:aristocracy 1659:communities 1640:deprivation 1628:citizenship 1612:association 1564:state power 1410:Great power 1395:Small power 1337:Viceroyalty 1208:Nationalism 1072:Colonialism 1052:Libertarian 1014:Directorial 891:rule by one 871:Technocracy 866:Stratocracy 846:Meritocracy 836:Kleptocracy 826:Aristocracy 480:Kleroterion 362:Substantive 337:Semi-direct 22927:Categories 22856:Rio Treaty 22367:Relativism 22325:Liberalism 22291:Empiricism 22243:Philosophy 22231:Secularism 22182:Philosophy 22119:Literature 21913:Capitalism 21642:Separatism 21450:On Liberty 21350:The Prince 21079:Huntington 20582:Campanella 20509:al-Ghazali 20458:Thucydides 20416:Lactantius 20361:Statolatry 20187:Monarchism 20167:Liberalism 20092:Capitalism 20075:Ideologies 20056:Plutocracy 20004:Government 19960:Revolution 19945:Propaganda 19895:Legitimacy 19870:Government 19612:Villarroel 19607:Jovellanos 19543:Radishchev 19490:Micu-Klein 19428:Niemcewicz 19395:Swammerdam 19385:Nieuwentyt 19375:Mandeville 19230:Farmakidis 19116:Burlamaqui 19025:La Mettrie 19000:Fontenelle 18955:d'Argenson 18950:d'Alembert 18874:Harrington 18800:Utopianism 18700:Liberalism 18657:Empiricism 18632:Classicism 18622:Capitalism 18506:Public use 18388:Urban park 18328:Public art 18117:Public bad 17894:Presidents 17590:Defence / 17488:Leadership 17481:ministries 17409:Categories 17342:liberalism 17290:Templates: 17187:Documents: 17162:Overviews: 17014:Regulation 16943:Parliament 16847:Components 16833:Sanitation 16823:Municipal: 16752:John Locke 16737:Liberalism 16717:Fanaticism 16529:Plutocracy 16499:Geniocracy 16489:Federalism 16459:Capitalism 16334:government 16291:Government 15858:12 October 15289:: 301–339. 15044:10 October 14936:27 January 14799:7 November 14547:Mudde, Cas 14131:(1): 1–6. 13680:1053623603 13102:Johnson's 12588:20 January 12222:12 October 11951:A. Barak, 11355:, (1989). 11331:, (1957). 11307:, (1950). 11121:21 January 11026:1155487679 10953:28 January 10930:28 January 10331:25 January 10058:12 October 9765:(2): 231. 9342:30 October 9213:16 October 9191:16 October 8954:28 January 8930:19 January 8855:28 January 8684:(4): 978. 7839:9 November 7743:Full text. 7631:2 February 7134:References 6926:propaganda 6922:censorship 6903:censorship 6852:World Bank 6712:news media 6673:neo-feudal 6657:lottocracy 6623:principles 6554:Historical 6466:Referendum 6421:Ochlocracy 6396:Liberalism 6386:Initiative 6263:Sociocracy 6191:Procedural 6161:Multiparty 6122:Jacksonian 6117:Industrial 6097:Grassroots 6082:Electronic 5951:editing it 5776:, and the 5744:Disruption 5713:repressive 5658:tsetse fly 5584:political 5397:monopolies 5320:Legitimacy 5302:executives 5262:sharia law 5211:, and the 5155:John Dewey 5129:David Held 4807:Anarchists 4767:See also: 4738:Trotskyist 4720:industrial 4710:, and the 4646:John Adams 4597:such as a 4329:Lot system 4303:California 4292:parliament 4288:referendum 4194:Put forth 4001:republic ( 3999:Theocratic 3910:government 3466:minimalism 3409:Republican 3289:voting age 3237:, and the 3235:Kyrgyzstan 3211:Yugoslavia 3149:South Asia 2904:the Sultan 2892:Parliament 2668:under the 2640:Statue of 2560:legitimate 2550:John Locke 2440:John Locke 2426:Modern era 2299:Alfonso IX 2255:lawspeaker 2040:See also: 1712:, notably 1591:deliberate 1568:the people 1560:government 1547:dēmokratĂ­a 1536:ÎŽÎ·ÎŒÎżÎșÏÎ±Ï„ÎŻÎ± 1415:Superpower 1371:Superstate 1366:Federation 1361:Devolution 1347:Federalism 1188:City-state 861:Plutocracy 856:Particracy 720:government 643:Historical 555:Referendum 510:Ochlocracy 485:Liberalism 475:Initiative 352:Sociocracy 280:Procedural 250:Multiparty 211:Jacksonian 206:Industrial 186:Grassroots 171:Electronic 22943:Elections 22938:Democracy 22801:Five Eyes 22796:EU–UK TCA 22638:Democracy 22527:Old Norse 22416:Abrahamic 22373:Peritrope 22355:Tolerance 22335:Socialism 22165:Mythology 22153:Classical 22102:Languages 22080:Astrology 21928:Modernism 21742:Old World 21360:Leviathan 21340:Monarchia 21334:(c. 1274) 21169:Oakeshott 21114:Mansfield 21109:Luxemburg 21094:Kropotkin 20989:Bernstein 20942:centuries 20856:Nietzsche 20799:Jefferson 20727:Condorcet 20675:centuries 20654:Pufendorf 20519:Marsilius 20406:Confucius 20391:Aristotle 20384:Antiquity 20312:Noble lie 20232:Third Way 20227:Socialism 20152:Feudalism 20107:Communism 20087:Anarchism 20066:Theocracy 20051:Oligarchy 20031:Democracy 20016:Autocracy 19930:Pluralism 19915:Obedience 19880:Hierarchy 19840:Authority 19733:Jefferson 19675:Hutcheson 19564:Obradović 19533:Lomonosov 19528:Kheraskov 19438:ƚniadecki 19202:Weishaupt 19197:Thomasius 19187:Pufendorf 19030:Lavoisier 19015:d'Holbach 19010:HelvĂ©tius 18990:Descartes 18985:Condorcet 18980:Condillac 18914:Priestley 18731:Modernity 18652:Democracy 17495:President 17477:ministers 17218:Diplomacy 17138:Sociology 17069:Campaigns 17057:Elections 17032:Precedent 17004:Outcomes: 16994:Committee 16973:processes 16923:Judiciary 16898:President 16858:Documents 16798:Espionage 16761:Functions 16707:Extremism 16642:Anarchism 16594:Consensus 16584:Cellular 16567:Democracy 16554:Theocracy 16539:Socialism 16524:Oligarchy 16494:Feudalism 16474:Communism 16341:Overviews 16256:Democracy 16237:Democracy 15999:cite book 15991:769425385 15772:219769484 15604:150169330 15486:155126179 15099:146975709 14977:1022-0461 14842:150992660 14786:225378571 14744:221472047 14691:228959708 14627:159354232 14592:234870008 14534:225475139 14358:CiteSeerX 14274:0003-0554 14230:153949862 14175:Compare: 13955:158036471 13795:240235199 13721:240235199 13519:149640396 13446:this page 13444:Also see 13411:1094-2939 13285:222452675 13227:: 42–68. 13115:Compare: 13087:201790528 12964:22 August 12814:251572712 12614:22 August 12538:7 January 12510:22 August 12488:8 January 12394:154048078 12273:22 August 12249:153766786 12196:22 August 11598:151808737 11582:0192-5121 11490:155953192 11482:0192-5121 11387:, p. 134. 11170:225207244 11162:1537-5927 11116:242013001 11071:15 August 10907:212974380 10899:1351-0347 10810:0882-7729 10714:144895426 10655:3 January 10604:22 August 10560:22 August 10453:22 August 10431:22 August 10186:USA Today 10135:22 August 9945:22 August 9897:8 October 9828:145135025 9779:145135025 9649:2 October 9623:22 August 9465:1935-0708 9383:1471-6372 9130:1094-2939 9089:0022-0507 9021:211428630 9013:0020-8183 8706:237710260 8698:1354-0661 8552:22 August 8391:0009-8353 8254:0261-3077 7944:144699481 7872:18 August 7825:18 August 7707:17 August 7608:149825810 7600:2332-8894 7513:(49.4%)." 7470:0033-362X 7325:1045-5736 7259:1086-3214 7215:17 August 7037:Footnotes 6841:autocracy 6788:terrorism 6685:theocracy 6491:Sortition 6446:Polyarchy 6306:Anarchism 6288:Workplace 6268:Sovereign 6258:Socialist 6238:Sectarian 6216:Christian 6206:Religious 6181:Pluralist 6136:Illiberal 6112:Inclusive 6087:Empowered 6062:Defensive 6047:Consensus 5993:Democracy 5811:Self-coup 5709:autocracy 5620:education 5550:(yellow). 5264:, termed 5062:Religious 5040:parpolity 5004:stateless 4984:Inclusive 4966:—and the 4950:The term 4904:Consensus 4850:Sortition 4845:Sortition 4839:Sortition 4802:Anarchist 4784:Leninists 4745:socialist 4700:Socialist 4681:Socialist 4625:democracy 4587:president 4575:The term 4361:plurality 3745:co-option 3741:polyarchy 3604:The 2023 3555:consensus 3524:elections 3519:polyarchy 3517:the term 3398:autocracy 3396:or today 3386:oligarchy 3382:timocracy 3378:Aristotle 3341:during a 3043:in 1905: 2940:Polity IV 2896:bicameral 2768:In 1789, 2537:Leviathan 2319:sortition 2307:Dubrovnik 2143:Aristotle 2086:Aeschylus 2081:Histories 2076:Herodotus 2048:democracy 2046:The term 1945:Republics 1939:lawmaking 1908:equitable 1892:elections 1603:elections 1599:officials 1587:authority 1562:in which 1541:romanized 1528:Democracy 1242:Unitarism 1218:Globalism 1124:Religious 1112:Tribalism 1102:Socialism 1097:Feudalism 1082:Despotism 1077:Communism 1067:Anarchism 1004:Communist 951:Stateless 941:Anarchism 902:Despotism 886:Autocracy 876:Theocracy 841:Kritarchy 809:Oligarchy 794:Socialist 748:Democracy 580:Sortition 535:Polyarchy 395:Anarchism 377:Workplace 357:Sovereign 347:Socialist 327:Sectarian 305:Christian 295:Religious 270:Pluralist 225:Illiberal 201:Inclusive 176:Empowered 151:Defensive 136:Consensus 82:Democracy 60:apartheid 22861:Schengen 22791:Eurozone 22631:Property 22626:Religion 22517:Frankish 22507:Germanic 22487:Paganism 22408:Religion 22396:European 22308:Humanism 22211:Religion 22170:Painting 22136:Internet 22087:Folklore 22058:Clothing 22029:Calendar 22005:Cyrillic 21990:Alphabet 21953:Cold War 21615:Centrism 21310:Politics 21300:Republic 21269:Voegelin 21249:Spengler 21234:Shariati 21209:Rothbard 21164:Nussbaum 21064:Habermas 21039:Fukuyama 21029:Foucault 20954:Ambedkar 20931:Voltaire 20901:de StaĂ«l 20876:Rousseau 20757:Franklin 20732:Constant 20692:Beccaria 20524:Muhammad 20504:Gelasius 20489:Averroes 20463:Xenophon 20443:Polybius 20396:Chanakya 20241:Concepts 20207:Populism 20177:Localism 20162:Islamism 20147:Feminism 20046:Monarchy 19950:Property 19940:Progress 19905:Monopoly 19875:Hegemony 19783:Category 19728:Franklin 19695:Playfair 19665:Ferguson 19622:Scotland 19569:Mrazović 19523:Kantemir 19518:Fonvizin 19457:Portugal 19423:Krasicki 19418:Konarski 19413:KoƂƂątaj 19365:Koerbagh 19314:Genovesi 19299:Beccaria 19261:Berkeley 19192:Schiller 19157:Humboldt 19131:Saussure 19126:Rousseau 19090:Voltaire 19045:MarĂ©chal 19020:Jaucourt 18975:ChĂątelet 18970:Chamfort 18919:Reynolds 18822:Thinkers 18726:Midlands 18715:LumiĂšres 18685:Humanism 18678:Haskalah 18530:Category 18464:See also 18085:Concepts 17545:Minister 17182:Suffrage 17112:Academic 17045:Politics 16984:Process: 16953:Assembly 16938:Congress 16918:Ministry 16793:Military 16727:Feminism 16652:Centrism 16619:Republic 16519:Monarchy 16439:Systems: 16408:Township 16330:Politics 16206:(2015). 16164:(2019). 16132:(2023). 16120:(2016). 15914:34260744 15837:29590045 15560:33622786 15131:22 April 15077:(2005). 14989:Archived 14985:55589140 14930:Archived 14790:Archived 14736:32883862 14613:: 9–36. 14376:Archived 14163:21297949 14155:18181782 13972:Archived 13874:53686238 13647:55486399 13539:10 March 13480:51897214 13307:MIT News 13200:26 April 12901:cite web 12409:Politics 12131:. Rudaw. 11843:51782149 11723:17 April 11663:30 April 11590:26556872 11272:Antipode 11251:14 March 10989:26 April 10835:Archived 10718:Archived 10305:(2001). 10256:Archived 10108:Archived 9919:21 April 9863:21 April 9832:Archived 9783:Archived 9574:(2008). 9556:Archived 9488:(2003). 9138:14393625 8948:Archived 7960:(2000). 7746:Archived 7663:Details. 7488:35035302 7329:Archived 6936:See also 6881:and the 6879:internet 6813:populism 6456:Populism 6211:Buddhist 6156:Monitory 6077:Economic 6042:Cellular 6037:Athenian 5797:Invasion 5788:and the 5248:through 5143:Creative 4924:majority 4891:rule in 4780:Marxists 4724:economic 4629:republic 4578:republic 4565:Republic 4484:Thailand 4435:Typology 4357:republic 4236:Bolivian 4232:CIPO-RFM 4083:de facto 3418:Rousseau 3323:populist 3297:populist 3157:Cold War 3124:—  3006:Portugal 2862:and the 2664:and the 2622:Baptists 2614:Puritans 2406:nobility 2315:Signoria 2265:and the 2207:Iroquois 2201:Americas 2195:republic 2185:(Vrijji 2179:Vaishali 2168:republic 2108:mĂ©toikoi 2096:isonomia 2007:Assembly 1999:Pericles 1961:republic 1929:and the 1902:," i.e. 1748:suffrage 1601:through 1290:Dominion 1019:Legalist 999:Absolute 984:Republic 979:Monarchy 851:Noocracy 821:Anocracy 774:Economic 764:Demarchy 545:Populism 300:Buddhist 245:Monitory 166:Economic 131:Cellular 126:Athenian 22706:Benelux 22611:Thought 22561:Atheism 22502:Finnish 22478:Culture 22473:Judaism 22435:Eastern 22431:Western 22426:Culture 22360:Paradox 22226:Decline 22187:Science 22063:History 22051:Studies 22034:Cuisine 22022:Periods 21982:Culture 21811:History 21777:Eastern 21772:Western 21723:culture 21652:Statism 21565:Elitism 21523:Related 21324:(51 BC) 21254:Strauss 21229:Scruton 21224:Schmitt 21214:Russell 21134:Michels 21129:Maurras 21124:Marcuse 21084:Kautsky 21054:Gramsci 21049:Gentile 21019:Dworkin 21009:Du Bois 21004:Dmowski 20999:Chomsky 20994:Burnham 20979:Benoist 20949:Agamben 20916:Thoreau 20906:Stirner 20896:Spencer 20841:Mazzini 20831:Maistre 20826:Madison 20821:Le Play 20752:Fourier 20717:Carlyle 20697:Bentham 20687:Bastiat 20682:Bakunin 20659:Spinoza 20649:MĂŒntzer 20619:Leibniz 20592:Grotius 20572:Bossuet 20539:Plethon 20484:Aquinas 20453:Sun Tzu 20421:Mencius 20411:Han Fei 20182:Marxism 20142:Fascism 19975:Society 19900:Liberty 19885:Justice 19865:Freedom 19738:Madison 19710:Stewart 19650:Burnett 19645:Boswell 19630:Beattie 19602:MoratĂ­n 19587:Cadalso 19538:Novikov 19473:Romania 19448:Wybicki 19443:Staszic 19390:Spinoza 19360:Huygens 19355:Grotius 19309:Galvani 19304:Galiani 19254:Ireland 19235:Feraios 19207:Wieland 19172:Lessing 19167:Leibniz 19140:Germany 19121:PrĂ©vost 19106:Abauzit 19070:Quesnay 19060:Morelly 19050:Meslier 19035:Leclerc 18995:Diderot 18884:Johnson 18859:Collins 18854:Bentham 18839:Addison 18832:England 18780:Science 18617:Atheism 18542:Commons 18471:Commons 17525:Premier 17268:Related 17224:Embassy 17177:Reforms 17151:History 17089:Issues: 17074:Groups: 16989:Hearing 16948:Council 16913:Cabinet 16908:Bodies: 16893:Monarch 16868:Charter 16722:Fascism 16544:Statism 16444:Anarchy 16417:Systems 16383:Levels: 16258:at the 16185:(2018) 15905:9290699 15845:4549072 15817:Bibcode 15809:Science 15551:7936330 15528:Bibcode 15107:1426841 14716:Bibcode 14707:Science 13866:1951731 13822:(106). 13598:1816288 12806:2009820 12443:, 1967. 12171:17 June 11774:3 April 11749:3 April 11697:3 April 11603:3 April 11280:Bibcode 11190:21 June 10770:19 July 10166:23 June 9524:, p. 61 9473:3818115 9391:3198200 9257:7 April 9235:7 April 8427:1 March 8399:3296866 8313:Laterza 8259:4 March 7936:2378551 7479:8754486 7097:Bolivia 6887:filters 6776:cynical 6677:fascism 6669:fascist 6221:Islamic 6196:Radical 6186:Popular 6132:Liberal 6013:Indices 6003:History 5707:toward 5622:and of 5213:Vatican 4792:soviets 4773:Within 4763:Marxist 4726:and/or 4668:liberal 4656:Liberal 4627:from a 4591:monarch 4536:Hungary 4532:Austria 4528:Germany 4476:Belgium 4322:Vermont 4216:cantons 4075:de jure 3569:Radical 3394:tyranny 3283:in 2008 3243:Tunisia 3219:Georgia 3066:of the 3049:soviets 3014:Balkans 3010:Baltics 2990:Fascism 2974:Ottoman 2912:Turkish 2790:serfdom 2747:slavery 2735:Vermont 2686:African 2626:Quakers 2572:liberal 2373:England 2341:than a 2269:in the 2267:LĂžgting 2263:Iceland 2259:Althing 2054:during 2031:Origins 1979:History 1969:monarch 1648:liberty 1642:of the 1570:or the 1543::  1432:Related 1127:Secular 1092:Fascism 929:Anarchy 919:Tyranny 779:Liberal 310:Islamic 285:Radical 275:Popular 221:Liberal 102:Indices 92:History 22726:CANZUK 22616:Speech 22544:Slavic 22522:Gothic 22497:Celtic 22492:Baltic 22391:Values 22192:Values 21752:Greece 21514:(1992) 21504:(1971) 21494:(1951) 21484:(1945) 21474:(1944) 21464:(1929) 21454:(1859) 21444:(1848) 21424:(1820) 21414:(1791) 21404:(1790) 21394:(1762) 21384:(1748) 21374:(1689) 21364:(1651) 21354:(1532) 21344:(1313) 21274:Walzer 21264:Taylor 21219:Sartre 21184:Popper 21179:Pareto 21174:Ortega 21159:Nozick 21149:Mouffe 21099:Laclau 21059:GuĂ©non 21044:Gandhi 20984:Berlin 20974:Bauman 20969:Badiou 20959:Arendt 20926:Tucker 20816:Le Bon 20777:Herder 20767:Haller 20762:Godwin 20747:Fichte 20742:Engels 20737:CortĂ©s 20707:Bonald 20664:SuĂĄrez 20639:Milton 20629:Luther 20602:Hobbes 20587:Filmer 20577:Calvin 20562:BoĂ©tie 20555:period 20534:Ockham 20401:Cicero 20202:Nazism 19990:Utopia 19965:Rights 19955:Regime 19925:People 19910:Nation 19690:Newton 19680:Hutton 19660:Cullen 19557:Serbia 19505:Russia 19495:Șincai 19405:Poland 19345:Bekker 19319:Pagano 19281:Toland 19245:Korais 19240:Kairis 19222:Greece 19152:Herder 19147:Goethe 19111:Bonnet 19099:Geneva 19085:Turgot 19075:Raynal 19065:Pascal 19005:Gouges 18943:France 18929:Tindal 18924:Sidney 18899:Newton 18894:Milton 18869:Godwin 18864:Gibbon 18761:Reason 18603:Topics 18001:  17735:Social 17633:Europe 17554:Titles 17239:World: 17229:Treaty 17064:Voting 17019:Zoning 16878:Roles: 16424:Lists: 16358:Empire 16353:Nation 16234:about 16214:  16172:  16140:  16099:  16080:  16022:  15989:  15979:  15958:  15912:  15902:  15843:  15835:  15770:  15602:  15558:  15548:  15484:  15425:  15187:  15154:  15105:  15097:  15013:  14983:  14975:  14866:  14840:  14784:  14742:  14734:  14689:  14625:  14590:  14557:  14532:  14494:5 June 14485:  14454:  14408:  14360:  14310:  14272:  14228:  14161:  14153:  14101:3 July 14063:20 May 14054:  14029:20 May 14020:  13953:  13916:  13872:  13864:  13793:  13783:  13750:  13719:  13709:  13678:  13668:  13645:  13596:  13517:  13478:  13409:  13367:  13283:  13127:  13104:Russia 13085:  12990:2 July 12812:  12804:  12693:  12666:  12639:  12392:  12353:  12328:  12303:  12247:  12162:  12071:  12025:  11983:  11959:  11935:  11912:  11841:  11688:  11654:  11596:  11588:  11580:  11513:  11488:  11480:  11404:  11383:  11363:  11339:  11315:  11242:  11168:  11160:  11114:  11104:  11024:  11014:  10905:  10897:  10808:  10748:16 May 10744:. 2016 10712:  10480:  10383:16 May 10357:16 May 10083:  10010:  9915:. ACLU 9888:  9826:  9777:  9733:  9685:  9584:  9577:Athena 9520:  9496:  9471:  9463:  9421:  9389:  9381:  9159:  9136:  9128:  9087:  9019:  9011:  8906:  8829:  8819:  8782:  8755:  8730:19 May 8704:  8696:  8647:  8620:  8593:  8532:  8476:  8452:  8397:  8389:  8281:  8252:  8227:194977 8225:  8215:  8158:  8121:  8051:  8018:(1959) 7993:  7968:  7942:  7934:  7916:Ethics 7897:  7801:  7771:  7682:  7654:  7606:  7598:  7486:  7476:  7468:  7430:  7406:  7349:5 July 7323:  7282:  7257:  7187:  7107:, and 6928:, and 6687:, and 6644:; and 6549:Europe 6539:Africa 6533:Region 6506:Voting 6416:Motion 6253:Social 6231:Mormon 6226:Jewish 6141:Liquid 6102:Guided 6092:Ethnic 6072:Direct 6008:Theory 5834:, and 5768:, the 5586:regime 5542:, the 5535:Since 5450:Bamako 5205:Brunei 5195:, the 5181:Green: 5166:Guided 4973:Israel 4938:Ethnic 4786:, and 4693:, and 4621:No. 10 4546:, and 4544:Greece 4524:Russia 4516:France 4492:Bhutan 4470:, the 4244:Rojava 4240:FEJUVE 4234:, the 4226:, the 4224:Glarus 4136:Direct 4063:  4055:  4053:  4045:  4043:  4035:  4033:  4025:  4023:  4015:  4013:  3997:  3995:  3986:  3984:  3976:  3974:  3961:  3946:  3944:  3936:  3934:  3926:  3924:  3842: 3838:  3832:  3826:  3818:  3812:  3806:  3800:  3792:  3786:  3780:  3774:  3731:causal 3725:, and 3696: 3692:  3686:  3680:  3674:  3661:  3655:  3642:  3636:  3625:  3619:  3459:voting 3438:, and 3368:Theory 3221:, the 3213:, the 3205:, the 3028:, and 3018:Brazil 3012:, the 2900:Senate 2872:France 2646:Athens 2642:Athena 2624:, and 2595:Hetman 2466:today. 2454:, the 2411:sejmik 2398:Poland 2323:Frisia 2285:, the 2273:. The 2251:things 2239:clergy 2231:Europe 2214:Africa 2160:Senate 2134:Sparta 2115:direct 2064:krĂĄtos 2052:Athens 1918:, and 1900:"fair" 1650:, and 1624:speech 1556:kratos 1530:(from 1256:Empire 1168:Global 799:Others 789:Social 769:Direct 638:Europe 628:Africa 622:Region 595:Voting 505:Motion 342:Social 320:Mormon 315:Jewish 230:Liquid 191:Guided 181:Ethnic 161:Direct 97:Theory 22881:USMCA 22736:CEFTA 22691:AUKUS 22681:ANZUS 22676:ANZUK 22621:Press 22539:Roman 22204:Sport 22148:Chant 22143:Music 22131:Media 22124:Canon 22070:Dance 22000:Latin 21995:Greek 21841:early 21663:Index 21292:Works 21279:Weber 21244:Spann 21239:Sorel 21204:Röpke 21199:Rawls 21154:Negri 21144:Mosca 21139:Mises 21104:Lenin 21074:Hoppe 21069:Hayek 21034:Fromm 21024:Evola 21014:Dugin 20911:Taine 20891:Smith 20871:Renan 20866:Paine 20787:Iqbal 20772:Hegel 20722:Comte 20712:Burke 20624:Locke 20614:James 20567:Bodin 20499:Dante 20494:Bruni 20448:Shang 20431:Plato 19985:State 19935:Power 19920:Peace 19855:Elite 19833:Terms 19748:Paine 19743:Mason 19705:Smith 19655:Burns 19640:Blair 19635:Black 19579:Spain 19485:Maior 19380:Meyer 19324:Verri 19291:Italy 19276:Swift 19271:Burke 19266:Boyle 19212:Wolff 19040:Mably 18960:Bayle 18909:Price 18889:Locke 18879:Hooke 18849:Bacon 18647:Deism 17887:Lists 17871:Other 16348:State 15852:(PDF) 15841:S2CID 15805:(PDF) 15768:S2CID 15600:S2CID 15482:S2CID 15095:S2CID 14981:S2CID 14838:S2CID 14793:(PDF) 14782:S2CID 14762:(PDF) 14740:S2CID 14687:S2CID 14623:S2CID 14588:S2CID 14530:S2CID 14379:(PDF) 14346:(PDF) 14226:S2CID 14159:S2CID 14121:(PDF) 13951:S2CID 13870:S2CID 13862:JSTOR 13791:S2CID 13717:S2CID 13643:S2CID 13594:JSTOR 13515:S2CID 13476:S2CID 13281:S2CID 13251:(PDF) 13083:S2CID 13040:(PDF) 13033:(PDF) 12958:(PDF) 12951:(PDF) 12810:S2CID 12802:JSTOR 12390:S2CID 12245:S2CID 11839:S2CID 11804:(PDF) 11594:S2CID 11586:JSTOR 11486:S2CID 11166:S2CID 11112:S2CID 10983:(PDF) 10972:(PDF) 10903:S2CID 10721:(PDF) 10710:S2CID 10690:(PDF) 10220:Time. 10111:(PDF) 10104:(PDF) 10052:(PDF) 10045:(PDF) 10002:[ 9977:(PDF) 9970:(PDF) 9835:(PDF) 9824:S2CID 9804:(PDF) 9786:(PDF) 9775:S2CID 9755:(PDF) 9727:37–42 9469:JSTOR 9387:S2CID 9134:S2CID 9017:S2CID 8827:JSTOR 8702:S2CID 8395:JSTOR 7940:S2CID 7932:JSTOR 7604:S2CID 6911:viral 6634:Plato 6151:Media 6025:Types 5669:trade 5201:Qatar 5002:in a 4548:Egypt 4540:Italy 4520:China 4488:Japan 4468:Spain 4454:King 4213:Swiss 4180:Berne 4069:Note: 3099:India 3030:Japan 3026:China 3002:Spain 2998:Italy 2335:Gbara 2275:veche 2220:Gadaa 2191:India 2189:) of 2123:boule 2060:dĂȘmos 1869:firms 1853:India 1851:. 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