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2546: 1638: 1650: 2534: 2510: 674:) are unique to the lymphocyte family, but dendritic cells are not. DC that are of identical appearance but have different markers are spread throughout the body, and come from either lymphoid and myeloid lineages. Still, these cells may have somewhat different tasks and may take up lodging preferentially in different locations. (Revise in light of new research) This is now an open question; also, the different dendritic cell lineages may have different ‘tasks’ or functions and stay in different ‘locations.’ 1102: 2522: 1093:(IgG). This is the most common protective immunoglobulin in the adult body. After antigenic stimulation, B cells differentiate into plasma cells that secrete large quantities of soluble IgG. This is the final stage of B lymphopoiesis, but it is the clincher because the plasma cells must either issue antibody close to a source of infection or disseminate it in the blood to fight an infection at a distance or in an inaccessible part of the body. 282: 1284:, commands that affect many cell types in the body and which may also recursively induce further lymphopoiesis. One strong behavior pattern that captivates researchers and the public alike is the ability of lymphocytes to act as police, judge and executioner to kill other cells or demand that they suicide, a command that is usually obeyed. There seems to be no other sentencing option available. 25: 1001:γδT cells represent only 1% to 5% of the circulating T cells but are abundant in the mucosal immune system and the skin, where they represent the dominant T cell population. These ‘non-MHC restricted T cells’ are involved in specific primary immune responses, tumor surveillance, immune regulation and wound healing. 976:, perhaps even vanishing. Recent reports indicate that the human thymus is active throughout adult life. Thus, several factors may contribute to the supply of T cells in adult life: generation in the thymus, extra-thymic differentiation, and the fact that memory T cells are long-lived and survive for decades. 1206:) than to other cells of the innate immune system. NK cells not only share many surface markers, functions and activities in common with T Cells, they also arise from a common T/NK progenitor. The T/NK precursor is also believed to be the source of a subpopulation of lymphoid DC. (Medical Immunology, p. 121) 1522:(lymphoid-specified progenitors), which are clearly lymphoid progenitors yet retain some myeloid potential, particularly the ability in both humans and mice to make macrophages – one of the most versatile of immune cell defenders – and also many dendritic cells, the best 'watchdogs' of antigen invaders. 1354:
Natural Killer T Cells. Human NK T cells are a unique population (which express NK cell markers such as CD56 and KIR). NKT cells are thought to play an important role in tumor immunity and immunoregulation (Medical Immunology, p. 135), yet little is known. Recent evidence suggests a role working
The relative proportion of precursor B cells in the bone marrow remains rather constant throughout the life span of an organism. There are stages such as Pre-B-I cells (5% to 10% of the total); Pre-B-II cells (60% to 70%) while the remaining 20% to 25% are immature B cells. Most textbooks say that B
T cells are unique among the lymphocyte populations in their ability to further specialize as mature cells and become yet more mature. T cells come in many flavors, for example: the conventional TcRαβ T cells; the so-called unconventional TcRγδ T cells; NKT cells; and T regulatory
for questions. For example, it was thought that the process of lymphopoiesis was a direct, orderly unidirectional sequence. But it is not clear if end-stage lymphocytes come from progenitors that are homogeneous populations or overlapping populations. Nor is it clear whether lineages of lymphocytes
Because all WBCs are microscopic, colorless and often seemingly identical in appearance they are individually identified by their natural chemical markers, many of which have been analyzed and named. When two cells have the same markers, the reasonable assumption is made that the cells are identical
There is a sort of exception when daughter cells at some level of the lineage may divide several times to form more seemingly identical cells, but then further differentiation and division will inevitably occur, until a final stage is reached in which no further division can occur, and the cell type
cell types, all of which are generated by normal or abnormal lymphopoiesis, except for certain artificial strains created in laboratories through the development of existing strains. Although lymphocytes are usually considered mature, as seen in blood tests, they are certainly not inert. Lymphocytes
The development and regulation of DC is not well-characterized. While the DC precursors have been identified in the human fetal liver, thymus, and bone marrow, during adult life DC are thought to be produced only from the bone marrow and released into the blood to wander and settle down. Overall, a
Considering the P as the ‘mother’ cell, but not a true stem cell, it may divide into two new cells, which are themselves identical, but differ to some degree from the mother. Or the mother cell P may divide unequally into two new daughter cells both of which differ from each other and also from the
The changes were sparked by observations that lymphopoiesis did not always break into two lineages at the level of the CLP. Worse, some macrophages (long considered a myeloid lineage) could be generated by lymphoid lineage progenitors. In essence focus has been shifted away from the CLP to the MLP
Until recently the model of the CMP generating all myeloid cell and the CLP generating all lymphoid cells was considered necessary and sufficient to explain the known facts observed in the generation of WBCs, and it is still found in most basic textbooks. However, beginning around 2000 and gaining
This is called the (surface) phenotype of an HSC. It can be expressed as a set (Lin2, Sca1high, c-kit high, CD44+, Thy1.1low, CD27 2, and IL-7Ra2). This set is a ‘barcode’ for the HSC, akin to the barcode label attached to your chicken-wing plastic bag for checkout at a supermarket! Scientists use
NK cells have a definition 'barcode' as CD3, CD16+, CD56t lymphocytes. (See Barcode Section of this article). NK progenitors can be found mainly in the thymus (mouse), but the thymus is not absolutely required for NK development. Probably NK cells can develop in a variety of organs, but the major
Multi-potent lymphoid progenitors (MLP) enter the T cell pathway as they immigrate to the thymus. The most primitive cells in the thymus are the early thymocyte progenitors (ETP), which retain all lymphoid and myeloid potential but exist only transiently, rapidly differentiating into T and NK
More differentiated double negative T cells (DN2 cells) have more limited potentiality but are not yet fully restricted to the T cell lineage (they can still develop into DC, T cells, or NK cells). Later on, they are fully committed to the T cell lineage- when thymocytes
These kill with exactly the same methods as Tc but have no interaction with any antigen. They select their targets based on typical molecules displayed by cells that are under stress by viral infection. NK Cells mainly are in the circulation (5-15% of the circulating lymphocytes) yet are also
Final commitment to the T cell lineage occurs within the thymus microenvironment, the microscopic structures of the thymus where T cells are nurtured. The most primitive T cells retain multipotential ability and can differentiate into cells of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages
NK cells, which lack antigen specific receptors, develop in the bone marrow. After maturation and release from the marrow they circulate in the blood through their lifetime seeking opportunity. The opportunity they seek is to encounter and recognize and then kill abnormal cells such as
These B cells then leave the bone marrow and migrate via bloodstream and the lymph to peripheral lymphoid tissues, such as a spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils and mucosal tissues. Once in a secondary lymphoid organ the B cell can be introduced to an antigen that it is able to recognize.
The progenitor CLP of the mouse or the progenitor MLP of the human differentiates into lymphocytes by first becoming a lymphoblast (Medical Immunology, p.10). It then divides several more times to become a prolymphocyte that has specific cell-surface markers unique to either a (1)
Several differences between αβ and γδ T cell development have been described. They emigrate from the thymus in "waves" of clonal populations, which home to discrete tissues. For example, one kind is found in the peripheral blood while another predominates in the intestinal tract.
However, T and B lymphocytes are very distinct cell lineages and they ‘grow up’ in different places in the body. They perform quite different (although co-operative) functions in the body. No evidence has ever been found that T and B cells can ever interconvert. T and B cells are
cells. Several stages at which specific regulators and growth factors are required for T cell development to proceed have been defined. Later in T cell development and its maturation, these same regulatory factors again are used to influence T cell specialization.
plays a role in lymphoid proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. The acquisition of CD27 and Flt3 by the HSC coincides with the loss of long-term repopulating potential. At this stage the cells retain both lymphoid and myeloid potential and are referred to as multipotent
However, whatever the details may turn out to be, the process of lymphopoiesis always seems to relentlessly give rise to progeny with special attributes and abilities – "superpowers" so to speak – but with progressively more restricted lymphoid developmental potential.
Any daughter cell will usually have new specialized abilities and if it is able to divide it will form a new sub-lineage. The difference of a daughter cell from the mother may be great, but it could also be much less, even subtle. What the P mother cell does
391:, the meaning of this term being that the transit cell may find a new sub-lineage but the number of resultant cells is strictly limited (although possibly very large, even trillions yet finite) and the lineage is terminated by cells that die off (by 703:
Regardless of whether the CLP (mouse) or MLP or a small closely related set of progenitor cells take credit for generating the profusion of lymphocytes, the same lymphoid progenitors can still generate some cells that are clearly identifiably
momentum after 2005 in both studies in humans and mice, new complexities were noted and published in papers. These studies are important now mainly to immunology researchers but are likely to eventually lead to changes in medical treatments.
Reber AJ, Donovan DC, Gabbard J, Galland K, Aceves-Avila M, Holbert KA, Marshall L, Hurley DJ (2008). "Transfer of maternal colostral leukocytes promotes development of the neonatal immune system Part II. Effects on neonatal lymphocytes".
Transplantation of a single pHSC cell can reconstitute a sub-lethally irradiated host (i.e. a mouse that has been irradiated so that all leukocytes are killed) with all these lineages of cells, including all types of lymphocytes via CLPs.
Identification of Flt3 + Lympho-Myeloid Stem Cells Lacking Erythro-Megakaryocytic Potential: A Revised Road Map for Adult Blood Lineage Commitment; Lund Strategic Research Center for Stem Cell Biology; Cell; Vol. 121, 295–306, April 22,
of the cell nucleus, granules, cell internal biochemistry, signaling molecules and cell surface markers are difficult to correlate with definite stages in lymphopoiesis. The morphological differences do not just correspond to steps in
Killers are known to attack virus-infected cells and cells that have become cancerous. Because of these abilities much research has been done into transforming these qualities into medical therapy, but progress has been slow.
By 2008 it was found that "the majority of early thymic progenitor cells do not commit to becoming T cells by the time they get to the thymus gland. ETP cells retained the ability to become either T cells or myeloid cells."
Cells mature in the bone marrow but, generally, immature B cells migrate to the spleen for 'higher education' of some sort where they go through transitional stages before final maturation. (Medical Immunology, p. 136)
distinct and this is reflected in the differing markers and receptors they possess on their cell surfaces. This seems to be true in all vertebrates, although there are many differences in the details between the species.
Lymphopoiesis is now usually used interchangeably with the term "lymphocytopoiesis" – the making of lymphocytes, but some sources distinguish between the two, stating that "lymphopoiesis" additionally refers to creating
1509:(somatic cell division), but result from continuous "maturation processes" of the cell nucleus, as well as of the cytoplasm and so one must not be too rigid about morphological distinctions between certain cell stages. 1124:
A generally regarded valid map of B cell lymphopoiesis is as follows in sequence, in two parts with the first being in the bone marrow and the second in the spleen:. The development process in the bone marrow occurs in
2509: 1059:
Through this antigen recognition and other cell interactions the B cell becomes activated and then divides and differentiates to become a plasma cell. The plasma cell, a B cell end product, is a very active
Given that lymphocytes arise from specific types of limited stem cells – which we can call P (for Progenitor) cells – such cells can divide in several ways. These are general principles of limited stem
2237: 469:
can travel around the body wherever there is a need. When such needs arise, new rounds of downstream lymphopoiesis, such as cell multiplication and differentiation, may occur, accompanied by intense
2577: 1403:(Flt3) and lacking the markers specific to discrete lymphoid lineages (Lin) but expressing high levels of Sca1 and c-kit; HSC also express CD44, low levels of Thy1.1 (CD90), but no IL-7Ra or CD27. 1110: 1264:
large number of DC of varying types are dispatched throughout the body, especially at epithelia such as skin, to monitor invaders and nibble their antigens. (Medical Immunology, p. 122)
lineage is finally mature. An example of maturity is a plasma cell, from the B cell lineage, which produces copious antibody, but cannot divide and eventually dies after a few days or weeks.
Only 2% to 3% of the differentiating thymocytes, those that express TcR capable of interaction with MHC molecules, but tolerant to self-peptides, survive the Stage Four selection process.
Unlike other lymphoid lineages, T cell development occurs almost exclusively in the thymus. T-lymphopoiesis does not occur automatically but requires signals generated from the thymus
The Common Myelolymphoid Progenitor: A Key Intermediate Stage in Hemopoiesis Generating T and B Cells; Min Lu, Hiroshi Kawamoto, Yoshihiro Katsube, Tomokatsu Ikawa, and Yoshimoto Katsura;
Even after many decades of research, some controversy remains as to where B cells mature and 'complete their education', with the possibility remaining that the site may also partially be
2204: 1272:
Lymphocytes have a number of alarming properties such as the ability to wander around the body and take up lodging almost anywhere, and while on the way issue commands in the form of
expressing Notch1 receptors engage thymus stromal cells expressing Notch1 ligands, the thymocytes become finally committed to the T-cell lineage. See Gallery Image "Double Negatives"
pHSC, MPP and ELP cells are not fully committed to the lymphoid lineage because if one is removed to a different location it may differentiate into non-lymphoid progeny. However CLP
refers to the "generation of cells of the erythroid lineage", so parallel usage has evolved in which lymphopoiesis refers to the "generation of cells of the lymphoid lineage".
It was previously believed that the human thymus remained active as the site of T cell differentiation only until early adulthood and that later in adult life the thymus
2545: 1637: 820:
This basic map of T Cell formation in sequence, is simplified and is akin to textbook descriptions, and may not reflect latest research. (Medical Immunology, p. 119)
782: 1476:
is a cytokine tyrosine kinase receptor thought to be important in early lymphoid development. In addition, Flt3 plays a major role in maintaining B lymphoid progenitors.
This model of lymphopoiesis had the virtue of relative simplicity, agreement with nomenclature and terminology, and is still essentially valid for the laboratory mouse.
Adult T-cell progenitors retain myeloid potential; Haruka Wada, Kyoko Masuda, Rumi Satoh, Kiyokazu Kakugawa, Tomokatsu Ikawa, Yoshimoto Katsura & Hiroshi Kawamoto;
2701: 944:
gene rearrangement. This creates an enormous diversity of T cells bearing antigen receptors. Afterward some T cells leave the thymus to migrate to the skin and
399:. Examples of such cells are CFUs (Colony-forming units – referred to as such because of their ability to form colonies in vitro in artificial media) such as CFU-T. 989:
The thymus also gives rise to the so-called ‘unconventional T cells’ such at γδ T cells, natural killer T cells (NKT) and regulatory T cells (T
do is divide into two new P mother cells or a mother and a daughter; this is a matter of observation as such limited progenitor cells are known to not self-renew.
312:, while "lymphocytopoiesis" refers only to the creation of cells in that tissue. It is rare now for lymphopoiesis to refer to the creation of lymphatic tissues. 1497:
develop via a continuum of differentiation with a progressive loss of lineage options or whether abrupt events result in the acquisition of certain properties.
1323: 2233: 908:). Details regarding the developmental and life cycle of the unconventional T cells are less well-described measured to the conventional T cells. 733:
in the thymus. So many thymocytes (T cells) die during the maturation process because there is intensive screening to make sure each thymocyte can recognize
1256:. Cells identical in appearance come both from a myeloid lineage (referred to as myeloid dendritic cells) and also from a lymphoid lineage (referred to as 1222: 721:
to undergo maturation in an antigen-free environment for about one week where a mere 2–4% of the T cells succeed. The remaining 96–98% of T cells die by
B lymphopoiesis occurs exclusively in the bone marrow and B lymphocytes are made continuously throughout life there in a 'microenvironment' composed of
376:(pHSC), which is capable of generating all of the cell types of the complete blood cell system. Despite their ability to generate the complete suite of 1048:
It is a good mnemonic aide that B cells are formed in the bone marrow, but it is a mere coincidence since B cells were first studied in the chicken's
it is wise to approach the study of it with some humility in the face of the task. However, there are general principles that help in understanding.
2212: 1649: 1082:, cytokines and growth factors, which are critical for proliferation, differentiation, and survival of early lymphocyte and B-lineage precursors. 484:
immunologist and Nobel Prize winner Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet speculated that the immune system might one day be found to be as complex as the
Revised map of the human progenitor hierarchy shows the origin of macrophages and dendritic cells in early lymphoid development; Dick et al;
or virally infected cells. It is well known that lymphocytes never have granules or at least not granules that are readily visible even upon
793:) then divides several times to produce an expanded population of medium (9–12 μm) and small lymphocytes (5–8 μm) with the same 438:, as well as leukocytes that come from breast milk and enter circulation via the digestive tract. It is often not effective in preventing 1576:
committed to the lymphoid lineage. The CLP is the transit cell responsible for these (generally parallel) stages of development, below:
sense as a recursive process of cell division and also as a process of differentiation, measured by changes to the properties of cells.
indistinguishable from a small, resting lymphocyte. Thus the following developmental states may be noticed in sequence in blood tests:
T cells. These cells are thought to possess an important autoimmunity property by regulating 'autoreactive' T cells in the
2588: 1230: 2533: 1943: 345:
were not unique, and that the myeloid and lymphoid classes were not disjoint, but rather two partially interwoven family trees.
1473: 2615: 2521: 1777: 1761: 1706: 690:
that until the 1960s textbooks could describe these cells, now the central focus of immunology, as having no known function!
Blood cell lineage. For scale, note that megakaryocytes (50-100 μm) are 10 to 15 times larger than a typical red blood cell.
2396: 2582: 373: 2353:"The Earliest Thymic Progenitors for T cells Possess Myeloid Lineage Potential"; Bell, Bhandoola; Vol 452, 10 April 2008, 1359:
being a liver-resident antigen-presenting cell that presents lipid antigens to and stimulates proliferation of NKT cells.
There are four major types of lymphocytes, along with many sub-types. Scientists have identified hundreds or thousands of
43: 35: 2834: 2119: 380:, most progenitors are not true stem cells, and must be continually renewed by differentiation from the pHSC stem cell. 1821: 1806: 1790: 1746: 1733: 1720: 1693: 1680: 361:, have short lives measured in days or weeks and must be continuously generated throughout life by cell division and 61: 2461:
The earliest thymic progenitors for T cells possess myeloid lineage potential; J. Jeremiah Bell, Avinash Bhandoola;
2870: 734: 1407:
these barcodes to check, categorize and accumulate cells for many purposes often using laboratory methods such as
Killers are distinguished from cells such as macrophages that eat other cells or munch debris by a method called
Multi-lymphoid Progenitor potential, any progenitor minimally able to give rise to B cells, T cells and NK cells
1068: 2159: 2793: 100: 1029:
cells are considered as naturally occurring regulatory T cells. Tregs comprised about 5% of the circulating
2915: 2885: 2865: 1246: 2903: 2898: 2738: 1741:(ebook;revised 2nd edition); Nandini Shetty; New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers, India; 2005; 1257: 1013:
Human NKT cells are a unique population and are thought to play an important role in tumor immunity and
249: 1400: 426:), lymphopoiesis begins with limited passive provision from the mother. This includes lymphocytes and 2608: 1187:. However, NK cells are the exception. They do have numerous granules which provide their ability to 334: 216:
myeloid descendants (some may be lymphoid) with 'eating' abilities, also cooperate with lymphocytes
2571: 1253: 1188: 396: 362: 2942: 1392: 1339:
LAK cells (Lymphokine-activated killer) are a laboratory/clinical subset of NK Cells promoted by
609: 1213:
In humans, the majority (85–90%) of the NK cells have a high cytolytic capacity (the ability to
738: 2983: 2785: 1203: 1199: 1191:
and these granules are why NK cells have an alternate name- Large Granular Lymphocytes (LGLs).
they undergo a further series of developments. A small, resting T lymphocyte rapidly undergoes
778: 2824: 2801: 2777: 2562: 2139: 1715:, 5th edition; William E. Paul (Editor); Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers; 2003; 1356: 1347: 2978: 2848: 2665: 2601: 1863: 1501: 1426:. That is, as the cell changes, the markers will also change, and the barcode will change. 1195: 1079: 798: 769:(which moderate the immune response of other leukocytes). Also called T-regulatory cells (T 671: 1422:
Progression of HSC differentiation and lineage commitment is indicated by changes in this
8: 2973: 2857: 2696: 2567: 1291:. Killers do not use phagocytosis; they just kill and leave the clean-up to other cells. 1113: 660: 1867: 353:
Mature lymphocytes are a critical part of the immune system that, with the exception of
2988: 2829: 2816: 2034: 2001: 1892: 1851: 1326:
to command target elimination. This kills cells that are infected and display antigen.
1234: 1049: 794: 474: 439: 372:
The set comprising CLP cells and similar progenitors are themselves descendants of the
293: 1629: 2880: 2761: 2680: 2660: 2151: 2143: 2039: 2021: 1982: 1939: 1897: 1879: 1817: 1802: 1786: 1773: 1757: 1742: 1729: 1716: 1702: 1689: 1676: 1217:
cells). A smaller subset (10–15%) called NK 'CD56 bright' is chiefly responsible for
1117: 766: 108: 1589:
Pro-B cells => Early Pro (or pre-pre)-B cells => Late Pro (or pre-pre)-B cells
the center of bones capable of producing all red and white blood cells in the adult
2753: 2729: 2354: 2135: 2029: 2013: 2002:"Postnatal Infections and Immunology Affecting Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity" 1974: 1887: 1871: 1675:; Gundelfinger, Seidenbecher, Schraven; Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York; 2006; 1090: 754: 427: 309: 301: 286: 86: 1756:, 2nd ed.; Lydyard, Whelan, Fanger; Taylor and Francis Group; 2004; China Version 1229:
the 'CD56 bright' NK cells differentiate again into mature NK cells which express
1109: 940:
With the commitment to the T cell lineage, begins a very complex process known as
2745: 2400: 2393: 1978: 1126: 1064:-secreting cell that helps protect the body by attacking and binding to antigen. 1014: 941: 489: 406:
Lymphopoiesis continues throughout life and so progenitor cells and their parent
366: 1568:
Common lymphoid progenitor, a cell type fully committed to the lymphoid lineage.
1816:(Immunology, 7th Edition); LIM Pak Leong; Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd.; 2006; 1559: 1408: 664: 485: 319: 2284:; Paul; Ch. 15 "DISTRIBUTION OF DENDRITIC CELLS IN VIVO: A MULTIMEMBER FAMILY" 2017: 1034: 872: 2967: 2952: 2772: 2734: 2655: 2394:
Research Findings May Shed Light on T-cell Leukemias and Immunodeficiencies.
2147: 2025: 1883: 1728:, 6th Edition; Janeway, Travers; 2005; Garland Science Publishing, New York; 1340: 1075: 760: 748: 695: 354: 93: 1801:; Zhong Cuiping et al.; Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers; 2006; 1701:; Steven A. Frank; Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey; 2007; 741:. Having experienced apoptosis, the thymocyte dies and is quickly recycled. 243:
in contrast to the much more common Red Blood Cell; responsible for defense
2767: 2675: 2670: 2155: 2043: 1986: 1901: 1288: 1101: 726: 315: 1391:
Here is an example of how a barcode can come to be, for the all-important
the most primitive cells in the thymus are the Early Thymocyte Progenitors
488:. As the production of lymphocytes is so close to the central role of the 2947: 2650: 2645: 1785:; Marshak, Gardner, Gottlieb; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 2001; 1281: 1226: 790: 730: 714: 450: 341:
from the common lymphoid progenitor (CLP). It was eventually found these
297: 263: 2358: 1546:
pluripotent, self-renewing, hematopoietic stem cells which give rise to
grains found in many white blood cells, composed of defensive chemicals
permanent changes to a cell developing over time and with cell division
2624: 1875: 1492:
New questions emerge in immunology continuously as though there were a
1416: 1277: 786: 751:(needed for activation of other cells such as B cells and macrophages), 465: 458: 377: 342: 113: 82: 2920: 2875: 2723: 2563:
The Mini-portal to Lymphopoiesis terminology
1493: 1423: 1412: 1319: 1273: 973: 722: 687: 683: 682:. The inactive B and T cells are so featureless with few cytoplasmic 679: 446: 407: 392: 326: 275: 2689: 2640: 2123: 1630:
Graphical view of the old model vs mixed lymphoid and myeloid model
1315: 1218: 1184: 1061: 454: 435: 431: 338: 267: 198:
a type of cell and its descendants by division and differentiation
104: 90: 797:. Final activated and differentiated T lymphocytes are once again 281: 2908: 2487:
Not a split decision for human hematopoiesis; Kenneth Dorshkind;
1772:—6th ed.; G. Virella, Editor; Informa Healthcare USA, Inc; 2007; 1506: 1383:
at that time. A set of markers is colloquially described as the
1202:. Yet they are much more closely related to T cells (part of the 945: 896: 470: 449:, the developing embryo has begun its own lymphopoiesis from the 330: 325:
The two classes of WBCs in mice originate from cells with strong
271: 1487: 744:
Upon maturity, there are several forms of thymocytes including
2711: 2632: 1430:
Typical barcodes for some cell types appearing in this article.
1180: 718: 656: 652: 419: 358: 318:
refers to the "generation of cells of the myeloid lineage" and
2593: 1245:
The process by which CLP cells may differentiate to generate
1214: 1030: 423: 1314:). Tc kill by apoptosis and either splash their target with 763:(T cells that remember antigens previously encountered), and 2205:"Gamma Delta (γδ) T Cells | British Society for Immunology" 1477: 1267: 1105:
Early B cell development: from stem cell to immature B cell
B cells are formed and mature in bone marrow (and spleen).
the portion of a cell between the nucleus and the membrane
1963: 1233:(KIR), natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCR), and critical 1194:
NK cells are the only lymphocytes considered part of the
development: from immature B cell to MZ B cell or mature
1411:. These barcodes partially define the modern meaning of 1310:
or antigen-specific cyto-lytic or -toxic T lymphocytes (
B lymphocytes are identified by the presence of soluble
ancestors of WBCs with granules and also of macrophages
Side by side. Comparing the new and old lineage models.
Immuno-Biology, The Immune System in Health and Science
Immuno-Biology, The Immune System in Health and Science
Immuno-Biology: The Immune System in Health and Science
Side by side. Comparing the new and old lineage models.
that is capable of killing cancerous cells in general.
NK cells (also called LGL (large granular lymphocytes))
and it is from this bursa that B cells get their name.
and enter the fetus to provide some protection against
2117: 789:). This large lymphocyte (known in this context as a 2124:"The thymus as an inductive site for T lymphopoiesis" 1850:
Birbrair, Alexander; Frenette, Paul S. (2016-03-01).
1660: 1534: 1617: 1240: 933:(B cells, DC, T cells, or NK cells). 99:
Disruption in lymphopoiesis can lead to a number of
2056:Adult T-cell Progenitors Retain Myeloid Potential; 1513:
Models and updates on the lymphopoiesis family tree
1367:A heterogeneous group with ill-defined properties. 300:, however, they principally belong to the separate 2527:Blood cell lineage. Based on self-renewal ability. 1298:Here is the parade of killers and how they work: 929:Proliferative Expansion and T Lineage Commitment 659:. The progenitor can also differentiate into (3) 2965: 1849: 1562:, early lymphoid progenitors, and finally to the 567:Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 480:This is hardly a simple topic. In his 1976 text 126:any molecule that can provoke an immune defense 2128:Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 1673:Cell Communication in Nervous and Immune System 1655:Revised Lineage lymphoid and myeloid flowchart. 1471:Note explaining the barcode parameter details: 585:combined Macrophage and DC progenitor potential 135:lymphocytes that ultimately produce antibodies 1845: 1843: 1841: 1839: 1837: 383:Many progenitor cells are also referred to as 304:, which interacts with the blood circulation. 2609: 2481: 2387: 1488:Knowledge development regarding lymphopoiesis 1249:of lymphoid lineage is not yet well defined. 1173: 670:T cells, B cells and NK cells (and all other 457:. This is in contrast to the adult where all 189:that which gives rise to any blood cell type 2478:; Volume 11 Number 7 July 2010 p. 585-595 1668:are the most heavily cited in this article. 1040: 969:Continuing Differentiation in the Periphery 923:lineages. (Medical Immunology, p. 118) 708: 2070:Textbook of Human Development and Histology 1993: 1834: 1798:Textbook of Human Development and Histology 1552:multipotent progenitors, which give rise to 1433: 1399:HSCs are technically described as: lacking 2616: 2602: 2491:Volume 11 Number 7 July 2010 p. 569-570 1856:Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1210:site of NK cell development is not known. 678:T and B lymphocytes are indistinguishable 2570:at the U.S. National Library of Medicine 2234:"Tumor Immunity and Cancer Immunotherapy" 2033: 1891: 1592:Large Pre-B cells => Small Pre-B cells 1377: 1252:DCs are highly specialized and efficient 1231:killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors 62:Learn how and when to remove this message 2468: 2455: 2432: 2406: 2140:10.1146/annurev.cellbio.23.090506.123547 1999: 1852:"Niche heterogeneity in the bone marrow" 1583:Dendritic cells (lymphoid lineage; DC2 ) 1529: 1268:Comparison of killers from lymphopoiesis 1108: 1100: 1037:. (Medical Immunology, p. 117-122) 280: 2856: 2419: 591:megakaryocytic and erythroid progenitor 2966: 2539:Schematic view. Well-defined lineages. 2442: 1167:(Germinal Center (GC); Memory; Plasma) 717:and then migrate to the cortex of the 234:"management" lymphocytes for immunity 2597: 890: 757:(which kills virally infected cells), 612:re T Cell commitment from progenitors 561:Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor 453:. Lymphopoiesis also arises from the 89:(WBCs). It is more formally known as 2498: 2465:; Vol 452, 10 April 2008, p. 764-768 1237:. (Medical Immunology, p. 122) 785:into a large lymphocyte (13–15  579:pluripotential Hemopoietic Stem Cell 543:Dendritic Cell (Myeloid or Lymphoid) 374:pluripotential hemopoietic stem cell 18: 2835:Mucosal associated invariant T cell 1598:B Cells => (B1 cells; B2 cells) 1335:distributed in tissues everywhere. 365:from cells such as common lymphoid 13: 2412:Blood Lines Redrawn; Thomas Graf; 1661:General immunology reference texts 1535:The old model: lymphoid vs myeloid 573:Granulocyte Macrophage Progenitor; 34:tone or style may not reflect the 16:Process which produces lymphocytes 14: 3000: 2556: 1709:, Creative Commons Public License 1618:Research on new models (not mice) 1483:(Medical Immunology, p. 114) 1387:for that cell or that cell line. 1241:Lymphopoiesis for dendritic cells 1097:Basic map of B cell lymphopoiesis 816:Basic Map of T Cell lymphopoiesis 620:Lymphopoiesis can be viewed in a 2871:Lymphokine-activated killer cell 2544: 2532: 2520: 2508: 2416:Vol 452 10 April 2008 p.702-703 2308:; Lydyard et al; p. 15, 18-20,41 1739:Immunology Introductory Textbook 1648: 1636: 1164:B-2 further differentiate into: 1069:peri-intestinal lymphoid tissues 44:guide to writing better articles 23: 2623: 2375: 2363: 2347: 2335: 2323: 2320:; Lydyard et al; p. 20, 259-260 2311: 2299: 2296:; Lydyard et al; p. 22, 132-137 2287: 2275: 2263: 2251: 2240:from the original on 2010-08-27 2226: 2197: 2185: 2173: 2162:from the original on 2021-09-03 2111: 2099: 2087: 1946:from the original on 2023-05-26 979: 397:cells that can no longer divide 153:the outer portion of any organ 2382:Textbook of Medical Immunology 2180:Textbook of Medical Immunology 2075: 2063: 2050: 1957: 1932: 1920: 1908: 1813:Textbook of Medical Immunology 1688:; Theml et al.; Thieme; 2004; 1161:(Marginal Zone (MZ); B-1; B-2) 461:originate in the bone marrow. 258: 1: 1827: 1372:no known cell or set of cells 1370:However, in summary there is 735:self-peptide:self-MHC complex 292:Lymphocytes are found in the 101:lymphoproliferative disorders 2916:Type 3 innate lymphoid cells 2904:Type 2 innate lymphoid cells 2899:Type 1 innate lymphoid cells 2886:Uterine natural killer cells 2866:Cytokine-induced killer cell 2583:Dorland's Medical Dictionary 2503:Alternate views of lineages 2120:Zúñiga-Pflücker, Juan Carlos 2108:. Garland Science Publishing 2000:Pryhuber, Gloria S. (2015). 1979:10.1016/j.vetimm.2008.02.009 1764:; 46RMB Wangfujing Bookstore 1258:plasmacytoid dendritic cells 482:Immunology, Aging and Cancer 7: 2589:Overview at 1753:Instant Notes in Immunology 1363:Natural killer-like T cells 960:T Cell Receptors Selection 912:Stages of T cell maturation 413: 348: 207:a special 'lineage' of WBC 85:, one of the five types of 10: 3005: 1401:FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 1174:Lymphopoiesis for NK cells 783:blastogenic transformation 549:Early Lymphoid Progenitors 531:Common Lymphoid Progenitor 495: 2933: 2894: 2847: 2815: 2719: 2710: 2631: 2403:Bhandoola. April 9, 2008; 2342:Color Atlas of Hematology 2018:10.1016/j.clp.2015.08.002 1686:Color Atlas of Hematology 1041:Lymphopoiesis for B cells 777:When T cells become 709:Lymphopoiesis for T cells 537:Common Myeloid Progenitor 507: 502: 335:common myeloid progenitor 2572:Medical Subject Headings 1967:Vet Immunol Immunopathol 1254:antigen-presenting cells 410:must always be present. 389:transit amplifying cells 387:, sometimes also called 2943:Hematopoietic stem cell 2702:Lymphoplasmacytoid cell 2006:Clinics in Perinatology 1393:hematopoietic stem cell 610:Notch signaling pathway 513:Progenitor for B and NK 117:Lymphopoiesis Glossary 81:) is the generation of 77:(lĭm'fō-poi-ē'sĭs) (or 2282:Fundamental Immunology 2094:Fundamental Immunology 1713:Fundamental Immunology 1500:Changes in cytoplasm, 1378:Labeling lymphopoiesis 1357:hepatic stellate cells 1343:to attack tumor cells. 1204:adaptive immune system 1200:adaptive immune system 1121: 1106: 1009:Natural Killer T cells 985:Unconventional T cells 713:T cells are formed in 603:Multipotent Progenitor 503:Lymphopoiesis Acronyms 289: 241:(WBC) White Blood Cell 2849:Innate lymphoid cells 2825:Natural killer T cell 2452:Vol 452 10 April 2008 1530:Stages of development 1448:C-Kit+, CD44+, CD25- 1348:Natural Killer T cell 1112: 1104: 795:antigenic specificity 672:Innate lymphoid cells 296:and originate in the 284: 1395:(HSC) as an example. 1324:Fas-Fasl Interaction 1198:(in contrast to the 1196:innate immune system 1080:extracellular matrix 686:and mostly inactive 680:under the microscope 661:natural killer cells 2817:Innate-like T cells 2697:Transitional B cell 2359:10.1038/nature06840 1868:2016NYASA1370...82B 1586:Progenitor B cells 1409:cell flow cytometry 1221:production and has 1131:In the bone marrow 1114:Transitional B cell 525:Colony-forming Unit 285:Immunology pioneer 266:are blood cells of 2429:2002;169;3519-3525 2399:2010-02-13 at the 2370:Medical Immunology 2330:Medical Immunology 2270:Medical Immunology 2258:Medical Immunology 2192:Medical Immunology 1927:Dynamics of Cancer 1876:10.1111/nyas.13016 1769:Medical Immunology 1699:Dynamics of Cancer 1235:adhesion molecules 1122: 1107: 1050:bursa of Fabricius 1021:T Regulatory cells 891:T cell development 767:T-suppressor cells 475:metabolic activity 445:However, early in 290: 109:lymphoid leukemias 2961: 2960: 2929: 2928: 2843: 2842: 2499:Additional images 2489:Nature Immunology 2476:Nature Immunology 1915:Stem Cell Biology 1783:Stem Cell Biology 1778:978-0-8493-9696-0 1762:978-7-03-025225-8 1707:978-0-691-13366-9 1468: 1467: 1302:Cytotoxic T cells 1223:enhanced survival 919:Thymus Migration 861:(TNK; CD4; CD8; T 618: 617: 270:(rather than the 256: 255: 252: 87:white blood cells 79:lymphocytopoiesis 72: 71: 64: 38:used on Knowledge 36:encyclopedic tone 2996: 2881:Adaptive NK cell 2854: 2853: 2717: 2716: 2618: 2611: 2604: 2595: 2594: 2548: 2536: 2524: 2512: 2492: 2485: 2479: 2472: 2466: 2459: 2453: 2446: 2440: 2436: 2430: 2423: 2417: 2410: 2404: 2391: 2385: 2379: 2373: 2367: 2361: 2351: 2345: 2339: 2333: 2332:; Litwin, p. 122 2327: 2321: 2315: 2309: 2303: 2297: 2291: 2285: 2279: 2273: 2267: 2261: 2255: 2249: 2248: 2246: 2245: 2230: 2224: 2223: 2221: 2220: 2211:. Archived from 2201: 2195: 2189: 2183: 2177: 2171: 2170: 2168: 2167: 2118:Ciofani, Maria; 2115: 2109: 2103: 2097: 2091: 2085: 2079: 2073: 2067: 2061: 2054: 2048: 2047: 2037: 1997: 1991: 1990: 1961: 1955: 1954: 1952: 1951: 1936: 1930: 1924: 1918: 1912: 1906: 1905: 1895: 1847: 1652: 1640: 1626:See also : 1595:Immature B cells 1434: 1127:germinal centers 1091:immunoglobulin G 1015:immunoregulation 811:Small lymphocyte 808:Large lymphocyte 500: 499: 442:in the newborn. 428:immunoglobulin G 422:such as humans ( 369:(CLPs) in mice. 310:lymphatic tissue 302:lymphatic system 287:Elie Metchnikoff 248: 114: 67: 60: 56: 53: 47: 46:for suggestions. 42:See Knowledge's 27: 26: 19: 3004: 3003: 2999: 2998: 2997: 2995: 2994: 2993: 2964: 2963: 2962: 2957: 2925: 2890: 2839: 2811: 2805: 2797: 2789: 2781: 2757: 2749: 2742: 2706: 2684: 2627: 2622: 2578:"Lymphopoiesis" 2559: 2552: 2549: 2540: 2537: 2528: 2525: 2516: 2513: 2501: 2496: 2495: 2486: 2482: 2473: 2469: 2460: 2456: 2447: 2443: 2437: 2433: 2424: 2420: 2411: 2407: 2401:Wayback Machine 2392: 2388: 2380: 2376: 2372:, Litwin, p.115 2368: 2364: 2352: 2348: 2340: 2336: 2328: 2324: 2316: 2312: 2304: 2300: 2292: 2288: 2280: 2276: 2268: 2264: 2256: 2252: 2243: 2241: 2232: 2231: 2227: 2218: 2216: 2203: 2202: 2198: 2190: 2186: 2178: 2174: 2165: 2163: 2116: 2112: 2104: 2100: 2092: 2088: 2080: 2076: 2068: 2064: 2055: 2051: 1998: 1994: 1973:(3–4): 305–13. 1962: 1958: 1949: 1947: 1938: 1937: 1933: 1925: 1921: 1913: 1909: 1848: 1835: 1830: 1663: 1656: 1653: 1644: 1641: 1632: 1620: 1537: 1532: 1490: 1380: 1270: 1247:dendritic cells 1243: 1225:. Traveling to 1176: 1043: 1028: 992: 982: 907: 893: 885: 881: 864: 799:morphologically 772: 711: 665:dendritic cells 498: 490:immune response 430:that cross the 418:In the case of 416: 395:) or remain as 363:differentiation 351: 261: 169:differentiation 68: 57: 51: 48: 41: 32:This article's 28: 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 3002: 2992: 2991: 2986: 2981: 2976: 2959: 2958: 2956: 2955: 2950: 2945: 2939: 2937: 2931: 2930: 2927: 2926: 2924: 2923: 2918: 2913: 2912: 2911: 2901: 2895: 2892: 2891: 2889: 2888: 2883: 2878: 2873: 2868: 2862: 2860: 2851: 2845: 2844: 2841: 2840: 2838: 2837: 2832: 2827: 2821: 2819: 2813: 2812: 2810: 2809: 2808: 2807: 2803: 2799: 2795: 2791: 2787: 2783: 2779: 2770: 2765: 2755: 2747: 2740: 2732: 2726: 2720: 2714: 2708: 2707: 2705: 2704: 2699: 2694: 2693: 2692: 2682: 2678: 2673: 2668: 2663: 2658: 2653: 2648: 2643: 2637: 2635: 2629: 2628: 2621: 2620: 2613: 2606: 2598: 2592: 2591: 2586: 2575: 2565: 2558: 2557:External links 2555: 2554: 2553: 2550: 2543: 2541: 2538: 2531: 2529: 2526: 2519: 2517: 2514: 2507: 2500: 2497: 2494: 2493: 2480: 2467: 2454: 2441: 2431: 2418: 2405: 2386: 2374: 2362: 2346: 2334: 2322: 2310: 2298: 2286: 2274: 2262: 2250: 2225: 2196: 2184: 2172: 2122:(2007-01-01). 2110: 2098: 2086: 2074: 2062: 2049: 2012:(4): 697–718. 1992: 1956: 1931: 1919: 1907: 1832: 1831: 1829: 1826: 1825: 1824: 1809: 1794: 1780: 1765: 1749: 1736: 1723: 1710: 1696: 1683: 1662: 1659: 1658: 1657: 1654: 1647: 1645: 1642: 1635: 1631: 1628: 1619: 1616: 1615: 1614: 1613: 1612: 1606: 1605: 1604: 1603: 1602: 1596: 1593: 1590: 1584: 1581: 1570: 1569: 1563: 1560:Prolymphocytes 1553: 1547: 1536: 1533: 1531: 1528: 1515: 1514: 1489: 1486: 1485: 1484: 1466: 1465: 1462: 1458: 1457: 1454: 1450: 1449: 1446: 1442: 1441: 1438: 1432: 1431: 1397: 1396: 1379: 1376: 1365: 1364: 1355:together with 1352: 1351: 1346:NKT cells see 1344: 1332: 1331: 1304: 1303: 1269: 1266: 1242: 1239: 1175: 1172: 1171: 1170: 1169: 1168: 1162: 1159: 1156: 1151:In the spleen 1149: 1148: 1145: 1144:Pre-B-II small 1142: 1141:Pre-B-II large 1139: 1136: 1042: 1039: 1026: 1023: 1022: 1011: 1010: 999: 998: 990: 987: 986: 981: 978: 905: 892: 889: 888: 887: 883: 879: 869: 868: 867: 866: 862: 856: 853: 852: 851: 845: 844: 843: 837: 834: 831: 828: 823:In the thymus 813: 812: 809: 806: 775: 774: 770: 764: 758: 752: 739:self-tolerance 710: 707: 706: 705: 676: 675: 668: 648: 631: 630: 616: 615: 614: 613: 604: 598: 592: 586: 580: 574: 568: 562: 556: 550: 544: 538: 532: 526: 520: 514: 505: 504: 497: 494: 486:nervous system 415: 412: 350: 347: 320:erythropoiesis 260: 257: 254: 253: 245: 244: 236: 235: 227: 226: 218: 217: 209: 208: 200: 199: 191: 190: 182: 181: 173: 172: 164: 163: 155: 154: 146: 145: 137: 136: 128: 127: 119: 118: 70: 69: 31: 29: 22: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3001: 2990: 2987: 2985: 2984:Hematopoiesis 2982: 2980: 2977: 2975: 2972: 2971: 2969: 2954: 2953:Prolymphocyte 2951: 2949: 2946: 2944: 2941: 2940: 2938: 2936: 2935:Lymphopoiesis 2932: 2922: 2919: 2917: 2914: 2910: 2907: 2906: 2905: 2902: 2900: 2897: 2896: 2893: 2887: 2884: 2882: 2879: 2877: 2874: 2872: 2869: 2867: 2864: 2863: 2861: 2859: 2855: 2852: 2850: 2846: 2836: 2833: 2831: 2828: 2826: 2823: 2822: 2820: 2818: 2814: 2806: 2800: 2798: 2792: 2790: 2784: 2782: 2776: 2775: 2774: 2773:Memory T cell 2771: 2769: 2766: 2763: 2759: 2751: 2743: 2736: 2733: 2731: 2730:Cytotoxic CD8 2727: 2725: 2722: 2721: 2718: 2715: 2713: 2709: 2703: 2700: 2698: 2695: 2691: 2688: 2687: 2686: 2679: 2677: 2674: 2672: 2669: 2667: 2666:Marginal zone 2664: 2662: 2659: 2657: 2654: 2652: 2649: 2647: 2644: 2642: 2639: 2638: 2636: 2634: 2630: 2626: 2619: 2614: 2612: 2607: 2605: 2600: 2599: 2596: 2590: 2587: 2585: 2584: 2579: 2576: 2573: 2569: 2568:Lymphopoiesis 2566: 2564: 2561: 2560: 2547: 2542: 2535: 2530: 2523: 2518: 2511: 2506: 2505: 2504: 2490: 2484: 2477: 2471: 2464: 2458: 2451: 2445: 2435: 2428: 2422: 2415: 2409: 2402: 2398: 2395: 2390: 2383: 2378: 2371: 2366: 2360: 2356: 2350: 2343: 2338: 2331: 2326: 2319: 2314: 2307: 2302: 2295: 2290: 2283: 2278: 2271: 2266: 2259: 2254: 2239: 2235: 2229: 2215:on 2020-01-02 2214: 2210: 2206: 2200: 2193: 2188: 2181: 2176: 2161: 2157: 2153: 2149: 2145: 2141: 2137: 2133: 2129: 2125: 2121: 2114: 2107: 2102: 2095: 2090: 2083: 2078: 2071: 2066: 2059: 2053: 2045: 2041: 2036: 2031: 2027: 2023: 2019: 2015: 2011: 2007: 2003: 1996: 1988: 1984: 1980: 1976: 1972: 1968: 1960: 1945: 1941: 1935: 1928: 1923: 1916: 1911: 1903: 1899: 1894: 1889: 1885: 1881: 1877: 1873: 1869: 1865: 1861: 1857: 1853: 1846: 1844: 1842: 1840: 1838: 1833: 1823: 1822:0-323-03399-7 1819: 1815: 1814: 1810: 1808: 1807:7-5323-8230-3 1804: 1800: 1799: 1795: 1792: 1791:0-87969-575-7 1788: 1784: 1781: 1779: 1775: 1771: 1770: 1766: 1763: 1759: 1755: 1754: 1750: 1748: 1747:81-224-2335-3 1744: 1740: 1737: 1735: 1734:0-8153-4101-6 1731: 1727: 1724: 1722: 1721:0-7817-3514-9 1718: 1714: 1711: 1708: 1704: 1700: 1697: 1695: 1694:1-58890-193-9 1691: 1687: 1684: 1682: 1681:3-540-36828-0 1678: 1674: 1671: 1670: 1669: 1667: 1666:Texts in bold 1651: 1646: 1639: 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cells 1072: 1070: 1065: 1063: 1057: 1053: 1051: 1046: 1038: 1036: 1032: 1020: 1019: 1018: 1016: 1008: 1007: 1006: 1002: 996: 995: 994: 984: 983: 977: 975: 970: 968: 964: 961: 959: 955: 953: 949: 947: 943: 938: 934: 930: 928: 924: 920: 918: 914: 913: 909: 901: 898: 877: 876: 875: 874: 860: 859: 857: 854: 849: 848: 846: 841: 840: 838: 835: 832: 829: 826: 825: 824: 821: 818: 817: 810: 807: 805:Prolymphocyte 804: 803: 802: 800: 796: 792: 788: 784: 780: 768: 765: 762: 759: 756: 753: 750: 747: 746: 745: 742: 740: 736: 732: 728: 724: 720: 716: 702: 701: 700: 697: 696:biochemically 691: 689: 685: 681: 673: 669: 666: 663:(NK) and (4) 662: 658: 654: 649: 645: 644: 643: 641: 635: 627: 626: 625: 623: 611: 608: 605: 602: 599: 596: 593: 590: 587: 584: 581: 578: 575: 572: 569: 566: 563: 560: 557: 554: 551: 548: 545: 542: 539: 536: 533: 530: 527: 524: 521: 518: 515: 512: 509: 508: 506: 501: 493: 491: 487: 483: 478: 476: 472: 467: 462: 460: 456: 452: 448: 443: 441: 437: 433: 429: 425: 421: 411: 409: 404: 400: 398: 394: 390: 386: 385:transit cells 381: 379: 375: 370: 368: 364: 360: 356: 346: 344: 340: 336: 332: 329:properties – 328: 323: 321: 317: 313: 311: 305: 303: 299: 295: 288: 283: 279: 277: 273: 269: 265: 251: 247: 246: 242: 238: 237: 233: 229: 228: 224: 220: 219: 215: 211: 210: 206: 202: 201: 197: 193: 192: 188: 187:hematopoietic 184: 183: 179: 175: 174: 170: 166: 165: 161: 157: 156: 152: 148: 147: 143: 139: 138: 134: 130: 129: 125: 121: 120: 116: 115: 112: 110: 106: 102: 97: 95: 94:hematopoiesis 92: 88: 84: 80: 76: 75:Lymphopoiesis 66: 63: 55: 52:November 2021 45: 39: 37: 30: 21: 20: 2934: 2581: 2502: 2488: 2483: 2475: 2470: 2462: 2457: 2449: 2444: 2434: 2426: 2421: 2413: 2408: 2389: 2381: 2377: 2369: 2365: 2349: 2341: 2337: 2329: 2325: 2317: 2313: 2305: 2301: 2293: 2289: 2281: 2277: 2269: 2265: 2257: 2253: 2242:. Retrieved 2228: 2217:. Retrieved 2213:the original 2208: 2199: 2191: 2187: 2179: 2175: 2164:. Retrieved 2131: 2127: 2113: 2105: 2101: 2093: 2089: 2081: 2077: 2069: 2065: 2057: 2052: 2009: 2005: 1995: 1970: 1966: 1959: 1948:. Retrieved 1934: 1926: 1922: 1914: 1910: 1862:(1): 82–96. 1859: 1855: 1812: 1811: 1797: 1796: 1782: 1768: 1767: 1752: 1751: 1738: 1725: 1712: 1698: 1685: 1672: 1665: 1664: 1625: 1621: 1608:Pro-T cells 1601:Plasma cells 1573: 1571: 1565: 1555: 1549: 1543: 1538: 1524: 1520: 1516: 1499: 1491: 1481:progenitors. 1472: 1421: 1405: 1398: 1384: 1381: 1371: 1369: 1366: 1353: 1350:main article 1333: 1322:or else use 1311: 1307: 1305: 1297: 1293: 1289:phagocytosis 1286: 1271: 1262: 1251: 1244: 1212: 1208: 1193: 1177: 1150: 1130: 1123: 1096: 1095: 1088: 1084: 1073: 1066: 1058: 1054: 1047: 1044: 1024: 1012: 1003: 1000: 988: 980:T cell types 971: 966: 965: 962: 957: 956: 954:β-Selection 952:Stage Three: 951: 950: 939: 935: 931: 926: 925: 921: 916: 915: 911: 910: 902: 894: 870: 822: 819: 815: 814: 776: 743: 727:phagocytosed 712: 692: 677: 639: 636: 632: 622:mathematical 621: 619: 606: 600: 594: 588: 582: 576: 570: 564: 558: 552: 546: 540: 534: 528: 522: 516: 510: 481: 479: 463: 444: 424:Homo sapiens 417: 405: 401: 388: 384: 382: 371: 352: 324: 316:Myelopoiesis 314: 306: 291: 262: 240: 231: 222: 213: 204: 195: 186: 177: 168: 159: 150: 141: 132: 123: 98: 78: 74: 73: 58: 49: 33: 2979:Lymphocytes 2948:Lymphoblast 2646:Plasmablast 2625:Lymphocytes 2427:J. 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white blood cells
lymphoproliferative disorders
lymphoid leukemias

Elie Metchnikoff
bone marrow
lymphatic system
lymphatic tissue
stem cell
common myeloid progenitor
memory B
T cells

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