
Léon Blum

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been moving a massive amount of capital and gold out of France. The overvalued franc made French exports expensive while making foreign imports cheaper in comparison with French goods. The sums allocated to the arms race with some 21 billion francs for the French military committed in total accelerated this capital flight as bond investors saw the Popular Front's fiscal policies as irresponsible. Maiolo wrote: "Everyone knew the Popular Front could not cut the deficit and fund work creation projects, nationalize the arms industry and buy arms without borrowing. By hoarding their capital abroad, private speculators in effect vetoed the policies of the Popular Front". By mid-September 1936 France's gold reserves had fallen close to 50 billion francs, which was the minimum amount considered necessary to fund rearmament. To stabilize the economy and pay for rearmament, Blum engaged in secret talks for Anglo-American financial support. On 26 September 1936, the franc was devalued while on the same day an economic agreement on currency stabilization with the United States and the United Kingdom was announced. In a show of support for Blum, neither the Americans nor the British increased their tariffs on French goods nor were the dollar and pound devalued in response, which allowed the French to increase their exports now made cheaper by a devalued franc. The devaluation of the franc did not prompt the return of gold and capital to France as Blum had hoped, and Blum was forced to turn towards Britain to ask for a loan to stabilize the franc, which gave the British leverage over his government. Blum's experience in government left him convinced that it was the traders on the bond markets that really dominated the world, not national governments as he constantly faced himself having to adjust his policies to appease the bond markets. Blum seriously considered pursuing autarky and exchange controls as a way to pay for rearmament as he told the cabinet "by attempting to oppose fascism's bid for is too often tempted to follow its footsteps". However, Blum was told by the Finance ministry that "Germany is on the verge of an economic and financial catastrophe because of rearmament". Moreover, the Radical Party threatened to pull out of the Popular Front if exchange controls were imposed and both American and British diplomats quietly told Blum that neither the United States nor the United Kingdom would support France if it imposed exchange controls. Blum told the Chamber of Deputies: "The logical inclination of our internal policy would lead us to adopt coercive measures against the export of capital and currency speculation. But that would be to create a contradiction between our policy which seeks a community of action with the great Anglo-Saxon nations and the signing of a monetary agreement aimed at restoring activity and liberty to international trade".
attended the trial. In contrast to his cell at Fort du Portalet, the courtroom in Riom was overheated, stuffy, ornate and lavish with Louis XIV armchairs provided for the judges, prosecutors, defense counsel and the accused. Sitting next to Blum were his co-accused, namely Daladier, Gamelin, Robert Jacomet and Guy La Chambre. Blum was visibly angry when at the beginning of the trial Gamelin rose in the courtroom to say that he would not participate in the trial and had chose to say nothing in his own defense under the grounds he was only a soldier, which Blum found was a selfish act as Gamelin was in effect saying that only the politicians were responsible for the defeat of 1940. Blum believed that Gamelin was hoping that Pétain might pardon him from the expected death sentence to be handed down by the Supreme Court. Blum in his opening address attacked the "legal monstrosity" of having already been convicted without a trial in 1941 for the same offenses that he was now on trial for in 1942 as he stated that presumption of innocence had been disregarded in his case. He also charged it was unjust that the court's preview only covered official actions up to 3 September 1939 and thus excluded the actual campaign of 10 May-21 June 1940, which he noted preluded the generals from any responsibility for France's defeat. Blum charged his trial was a simply an elaborate excuse by France's defeated generals who were looking for a scapegoat to blame for their incompetence. He also noted that court's purview started on 4 June 1936, the same day that he took office with the obvious implication that with his government that the neglect of France's defenses was alleged to have began. Blum bitterly noted that it was always the Jews who were everyone's preferred scapegoat. Blum's opening address made a notable impression on the courtroom as one journalist noted: "No matter how prejudiced they were-and especially against Léon Blum-the audience was moved by his initial passionate eloquence". He used the courtroom to make a "brilliant indictment" of the French military and pro-German politicians like
the ascendency and many of the younger members of the party expressed much admiration for Lenin and the Bolsheviks, who had done what the Socialists only merely talked about. By July 1918, the antiwar group had come close to taking control of the Socialist Party executive. In an attempt to hold the Socialist Party together, Blum tried to paper over the chasm between the pro-war socialists vs. the anti-war socialists by writing on 19 August 1918 that the Socialists were "republicans and socialists, socialists and French patriots, French patriots and champions of working-class internationalism". Only the victory of the Allies with Germany surrendering on 11 November 1918 prevented the Socialist Party from breaking up with Blum attempting to reconcile the two factions after the war. Blum worked hard at rebuilding Socialist Party unity, but the wounds left by the split between the antiwar and prowar Socialists was too deep and visceral, and set the stage for most of the antiwar Socialists breaking off to found the French Communist Party in 1920. In the two years that followed 1918, Blum's reputation as the leader of a "centrist" group who might be able to hold the Socialists together raised his profile immensely. In an editorial in
1263:, it was the unanimous opinion of all French foreign policy and military experts that France needed allies. The nation that France wanted the most as an ally was Great Britain, which had the world's largest navy and provided that Britain made the "continental commitment" of sending another large expeditionary force to France like the BEF of the First World War would allow the French to face any challenge from Germany on more even terms. The need for the "continental commitment" allowed Britain to have a sort of veto power over French foreign policy in the interwar period as the French wanted the "continental commitment" very badly, and thus could not afford to alienate the British too much. The other major ally the French wanted was the Soviet Union. However, the lack of a common German-Soviet frontier, the unwillingness of Romania and especially Poland to grant the Red Army transit rights, and the strong British dislike of the alliance that the French signed with the Soviet Union in 1935 all presented problems from the French viewpoint. Blum's foreign policy was one of attempting to improve relations with Germany to avoid a war while seeking to strengthen France's alliances and to conclude an alliance with Britain. 1786:
world depends". Blum visited London to lobby the Labour leaders to support peacetime conscription, and met Chamberlain during the same visit. In a speech in the House of Commons on 11 May 1939, Chamberlain stated: "I had the opportunity yesterday of exchanging a few words with M. Blum, the French Socialist leader and former Prime Minister, and he said to me that in his view, and in the view of all the Socialist friends he had talked to, that there was only one danger of war in Europe, and that was a real one: It was that the impression should get about that Great Britain and France were not in earnest, and that they could not be relied upon to carry out their promises. If that there were so, no greater, no more deadly mistake could be made-and if it would be a frightful thing if Europe were to be plunged into war on the account of a misunderstanding. In many minds, the danger spot today is Danzig...if an attempt were made to change the situation by force in such a way as to threaten Polish independence, they would inevitably start a general conflagration in which this country would be involved." Upon his return to Paris, Blum gave a speech in the
2214:. Without consulting Laval, a group of SS officers arrived at the Bourassol prison on the morning of 31 March to take away Gamelin, Blum, Raynaud, Mandel and Daladier who arrived at Buchenwald the next day. Blum complained of the "peculiar odor" of Buchenwald that reached him as the smell of burned human flesh was overwhelming. Blum described his hut at Buchenwald as "less a prison than a burial vault or grave". Through Mandel was a conservative, Blum often discussed the future of post-war France with him. As Resistance attacks intensified in France in the spring of 1944, Abetz wrote to Hitler that the executions of "certain French personalities who hold a real interest for the Jews, the Gaullists and the Communists" was the only way to stop the Resistance, a plan that Hitler approved of on 30 May 1944. Abetz suggested executing Mandel, Reynaud, Daladier, and Blum as the men "responsible for the war". Despite the best efforts at censorship, Blum learned of Operation Overlord as the Allies landed in Normandy on 6 June 1944, which gave him hope that France would soon be liberated. On 28 June 1944, the collaborationist journalist 2167:, the invasion of the Soviet Union, and Blum's confidence began to rise when Germany failed to achieve the expected swift victory. Blum wrote in late 1941 of the Red Army: "Do you recall with what scorn they used to speak to us of that army? Only the Polish Army counted for something. As to a comparison with the French Army, no one would hazarded such an impious thought!" On 16 October 1941, Marshal Pétain in a radio address to the French nation announced that the Council of Political Justice (whose members were all appointed by him) had convicted Blum, Daladier, Reynaud, Mandel and Gamelin of violating article seven of the Constitutional Act and as such were all sentenced to life imprisonment in a military prison. Pétain also announced that Blum, Daladier and Gamelin would be tried before the Supreme Court at Riom. Blum formally protested that it was unjust to be convicted by a tribunal which had no been allowed to present a defense before and was now going to face trial for the offenses he had been convicted of. On 22 November 1941, Blum was then imprisoned in 1439:
what he called his "grand design" under which first Anglo-French relations would be strengthened, to be followed by a strengthening of Franco-Soviet relations, and finally France would play the matchmaker and achieve an Anglo-Soviet rapprochement. Blum's ultimate aim was to recreate "a combination reproducing the Triple Entente before 1914". Blum was later to claim that his "grand design" would have prevented World War Two as he stated in 1947: "The close rapprochement of the Anglo-Saxon and French democracies with Soviet Russia, that is to say, an international Popular Front, would have been the salvation of the peace". The Franco-Soviet alliance had been signed in May 1935, but no staff talks had been opened to draft operational plans. By the fall of 1936, the Soviets were openly impatient and pressing for Franco-Soviet staff talks as it was noted that a military alliance without staff talks for a military convention was in effect worthless. Blum appointed
2179:, wanted Blum to be charged with declaring war on Germany in 1939, a demand resisted by Pétain and his premier, Admiral Darlan, who could not bring themselves to admit to France's supposed "war guilt". Instead, Pétain and Darlan resolved to charge Blum with failure to prepare France for war, much to the disappointment of Abetz. The Fort du Portalet was a remote fortress built in 1838 only ten miles from the Spanish border and Blum's cell was cut off from the sunlight. Blum found the winter of 1941–1942 in his cell up in the Pyrenees to be immensely uncomfortable as his cell was always cold and the cell walls were always moist from the humidity. Through visits with his daughter-in-law, Renée Blum, and his mistress, Jeanne Adèle "Janot" Levylier, he was able to maintain contacts with Socialist resistance groups in both the occupied and unoccupied zones. Right from the start, Blum supported the Free French movement led by General de Gaulle. 906:, and the government's anti-clerical bills designed to weaken the influence of the Catholic Church over French life. In foreign policy, Blum supported the Herriot government's conciliatory policy towards Germany and he voted for the Treaty of Locarno in 1925. Blum also declared himself a supporter of the League of Nations, and favored establishing diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union. Blum wanted the Herriot government to bring taxes on capital and a consolidation of Treasury bonds, measures that Herriot was opposed to. On 25 March 1925, Blum wrote to Herriot urging to impose the taxes and "to break with all delays, vain hopes, half hopes, half measures". Herriot's attempt to bring in the tax increases that Blum wanted caused the downfall of his government on 11 April 1925, which was defeated in the Senate when a number of Radical senators voted with the conservatives against the tax increases, a blow that the 961:
behind the Radicals, and charged that Renaudel had betrayed party principles by calling for increased military spending. At a Socialist Party congress in July 1933, Blum had the neo-Socialist fraction censured for advocating a dictatorship, saying he was for democracy. In October 1933, Daladier who was once again serving as premier, brought in a bill to cut pensions and salaries of civil servants, which Blum had the Socialists voted against, causing the downfall of Daladier's government. The debate about whatever to support Daladier led to Renaudel being expelled as Renaudel had argued for support for Daladier, who had also advocated increased military spending in the face of Hitler, which Renaudel stated was the most important issue. The same party congress that saw Renaudel expelled also saw the expulsion of Deat and his neo-Socialist faction, which costed the Socialists 28 Deputies and 7 Senators.
1913:, which he came to regret. Blum stated that he felt that Reynaud was correct to sack Gamelin-a soldier known for his loyalty to the republic-as he felt that Gemalin had lost control of the situation and that he hoped Weygand would restore France's fortunes. He was later to say that had he been aware that Weygand's loyalty to the republic was questionable, he would have been opposed to his appointment. Blum stated that in May 1940 that he lived "between the cruelest anguish and the most ardent hopes". Blum harbored hopes that just as in 1914 when Germany was initially victorious, but defeated in the Battle of the Marne that the French and the British would rally to stop the Wehrmacht before it was too late. Instead of heading for Paris as expected, the Wehrmacht headed towards the sea as part of a giant encirclement as Gamelin had sent the best divisions of the French Army along with the 662:, whom he called "my guide" and "my teacher" to French literature to the Dreyfusard cause, and was greatly hurt when Barrè told him he was an anti-Dreyfusard. Blum described himself as "almost in morning" when Barrès rejected his appeal, and instead wrote the article "The Protest of the Intellectuals" condemning the "Jewish signers" who championed the cause of Dreyfus. The Dreyfus Affair marked the beginning of Blum's interest in socialism, which promoted internationalism and secularism. Blum became convinced that antisemitism was largely the work of the Catholic Church and the upper classes, and socialism in France would end antisemitism forever. Despite all of the passions created by the Dreyfus Affair, in 1899 he wrote he had no fears of "a Saint Bartholomew's Day of the Jews", writing that pogroms were possible "in Poland, Galicia, or Romania or maybe in Algiers, but not in France". 2238:. On 3 April 1945, Blum and his wife were placed into a convoy of cars that took them to Regensburg camp. Along the way, he saw prisoners on death marches that he noted were "even more lamentable and haggard" then at Buchenwald. On 12 April 1945, he was saddened by the news of the death of President Roosevelt, a leader he always greatly admired and whom he had hopes of meeting one day. Blum had learned from Bullitt about Roosevelt's secret, namely that he was paralyzed due to the polio he contracted on a trip to Canada in 1921, and he admired the way that Roosevelt had gone on to become president despite his paralysis. On a more practical level, Blum soon discovered that his SS guards were jubilant over the news of Roosevelt's death as everyone in Germany seemed to believe that the new American president, Harry S. Truman, would ally the United States with the 2412:
unite around his name the pure, honest forces of liberated France", but expressed opposition to de Gaulle's plans for a new constitution with an executive presidency. Blum wanted a new constitution, but one that would abolish the Senate and give more power to the premier instead of the president as de Gaulle wanted. In several meetings, de Gaulle attempted to convince Blum to support his plans for a new constitution, but after failing to win him over, his relations with Blum went into a decline. On 22 September 1945, Blum received a letter from Laval who was on trial for his life, asking him to testify in his defense. Blum testified for the prosecution at the trial of Petain for treason, where Blum stated Petain had been the voice of "military defeatism" in 1940, denounced the "corrupting bath of Vichy", and flatly stated that Petain was guilty of "treason".
2207:. Both Churchill and to even greater extent Roosevelt disliked and distrusted de Gaulle, leading to Blum to write a letter smuggled out of prison in November 1942 addressed to Churchill and Roosevelt that denounced the "deal with Darlan" that Anglo-American forces had made in Algeria. In his letter, Blum wrote that Darlan was a traitor and collaborator, and praised de Gaulle as the real leader of France. Blum wrote: "One serves democratic France by helping General de Gaulle to assume at once the position of a leader". In March 1943, via a letter smuggled out of prison by Renée Blum, he wrote to General de Gaulle to declare his support, saying as the leader of the Socialist Party "we have from the very first hour recognized you as chief in the present battle". Blum was transferred to German custody and imprisoned in Germany until 1945. 845:, the chief of the Comintern, in an open letter to "all French Socialists and proletarians" denounced in the most violent terms the leaders of the French Socialists for supporting World War One and demanded "21 conditions" for affiliation with the Comintern. Zinoviev demanded that the French Socialists reorganize along Leninist lines, merge the trade unions into the Socialist Party instead of being merely allied to them, expel all reformist Socialists and accept the guidance of the Comintern in all matters. At the time, the Bolsheviks had tremendous prestige in left-wing circles as the first Communist government in the world and most of the more radical Socialists supported accepting Zinoviev's "21 conditions". Believing that there was no such thing as a "good dictatorship", Blum opposed participation in the 2191:. Both Daladier and Blum proved to be highly combative defendants who gave no quarter in their debates with the prosecutors while on the stand. Blum and Daladier charged it was the governments before the Popular Front who had neglected France's defense and both emphasized that it was Marshal Pétain had been minister of war for much of 1934 and Laval who been premier in 1935–1936. Blum made much of the fact that his government had launched the largest peacetime defense programme in French history in September 1936, which he used to ridicule the claims of the prosecution that he had neglected the defense of France during his time in office. The trial was such an embarrassment to the Vichy regime that the Germans ordered it called off, worried that Blum's expert performance would have major public consequences. 1937:, asked Blum to use his influence to persuade several wavering Socialist ministers to back the Algeria option. On 16 June, Reynaud was ousted as the majority of the cabinet rejected the Algeria option and Petain formed the new government with a mandate to ask for an armistice. Blum allowed two Socialists to join Petain's cabinet. Petain's first act as Premier was to ask for an armistice; Blum did not attach much importance to Petain's request as he believed that Hitler would ask for armistice terms so harsh that Petain would reject them and the government would relocate to Algiers. The notion that Petain might actually accept Hitler's armistice terms did not occur to Blum at the time. Blum was so convinced that the government was going to Algiers that on 19 June 1940 he booked a passage on the ship 1622:. Blum made a call to the parties of the centre-right to create a "sacred union" government like that which had governed France in World War One to face the present crisis, an offer that was rejected. Besides for allowing arms to be shipped to Spain, on 15 March 1938 Blum proposed at a cabinet meeting that France intervene in the Spanish Civil War on the side of the Republicans. Blum told the cabinet: "Why not send General Franco an ultimatum? If, within twenty-four hours, you do not renounce the assistance of foreign troops France will resume its liberty of action and the right to intervene". As Italy and Germany had intervened on the side of the Spanish Nationalists, the majority of the cabinet led by Daladier rejected Blum's course under the grounds that it would mean war with Italy and Germany. 797:
1914, most Russian socialists had either declared their support for war or least their neutrality as many socialists could not bring themselves to supporting Emperor Nicholas II; by 1917 the radical views of Lenin who called for Russia's defeat were in the mainstream of Russian socialism. The anti-war group in the French Socialist Party followed a similar trajectory to what happened in Russia. Blum wrote he was disgusted by the "intransigent fanaticism" of the Bolsheviks along with their cruelty and their "mystical belief in the sole immediate virtue of revolution in itself, no matter what the conditions, the circumstances, the means employed". However, he charged that Thomas and Renaudel had become too moderate and had diluted their socialism. In November 1917, Blum supported the
2227:, chose to come to the camp voluntarily to live with him inside the camp, and they were married there. In February 1945, Blum wrote to the commandant of Buchenwald: "You are already conquerors in this sense: you have succeeded in communicating to the entire world your cruelty and hatred. At this very moment your resistance without hope appears only as the extreme mark of a sadistic ferocity...And we respond, waging the war like you, in exasperated rage; everywhere it takes on the face of Biblical extermination. I tremble at the thought that you are already conquerors in this sense; you have breathed such terror all about that to master you, to prevent the return of your fury, we shall see no other way of fashioning the world save in your image, your laws, the law of Force". 1435:
the French democracy has a feeling that an example was traced for it, and it is this example we are following". Bullitt came to be an influential man in France and was known as the "unofficial minister without portfolio" in the French cabinet. Knowing that Bullitt was one of the best friends of Roosevelt, Blum tried hard to use him to get the United States more involved in Europe. Blum told Bullitt: "America alone of the great powers was genuinely interested in the same policies he was trying to put through. The British government was working with him wholeheartedly and sincerely in certain fields but because it was a Conservative government it disapproved highly of his domestic policy and the sympathy he received in London was therefore half-hearted".
1322:. During the 1936 election, Blum had run on an anti-militarist platform that called for "bread, peace and freedom" while he had promised to end the arms race by converting from an "armed peace" into a "disarmed peace". When Schacht approached Blum with an offer to end the arms race in exchange for the return of former German African colonies, Blum took him up on his offer. In August 1936, Schacht visited Paris where he met Blum to discuss a possible deal under which France would return the former German African colonies administered by France as mandates for the League of Nations and the end of the trade wars in Europe in exchange for Germany cutting back dramatically its level of military spending. Blum told Schacht that he was willing to return 451: 1711:
the Communists on 30 November 1938. Daladier called out the French Army to operate essential services and had the French police use tear gas to evict striking workers at the Renault works. The use of the military to operate essential services while sending out the police to arrest the strike leaders broke the general strike. In a speech, Blum accused Daladier of using repressive methods to crush the French working class and revert France back to the pre-1936 economic system. Complicating matters was the beginning of an acute crisis in Italo-French relations. On 30 November 1938-the same day as the general strike-a carefully staged "spontaneous" demonstration organized by the Italian Foreign Minister Count
2203:, was in contact with Blum, who asked him in a letter dated 30 April 1942 to use his influence with the president to secure his release. Blum was greatly worried about his brother, René Blum, who had been interned in the Drancy camp in December 1941. In September 1942, René Blum was deported to Auschwitz along with a thousand other French Jews, where they were all exterminated in the gas chambers upon arrival. Blum always stated that the death of his brother at Auschwitz was for him the greatest loss of the war. On 8 November 1942, the Germans violated the armistice of 21 June 1940 and occupied the unoccupied zone in the south of France, bringing all of France under the control of the 2456:, the British ambassador in Paris, acting more or less on his own had been pressing for an Anglo-French alliance ever since he arrived in France. Seeing a chance with the Anglophile Blum in office, Duff Cooper arranged for him to go to London. Blum was more interested in British coal as the retreating Germans had destroyed most of France's coal mines in 1944–1945, causing many of the French to live in unheated homes in the wintertime, which Britain, which had its own coal shortages could not provide. As a result, the British offered up an alliance as a substitute for the coal that they could not provide. In 1947, Blum strongly supported the 2495:. The ship's passengers are not crates that longshoremen can pass from hand to hand, freight to be unloaded indiscriminately in this port or that depot. They are human beings, free individuals". However, Blum made it clear that he only supported settling Holocaust survivors in Palestine who had no other place to go, and felt that as a French Jew his homeland was France. Blum believed it was possible for the Palestinian Arabs to co-exist with the Jews, writing the "humble Arab peasant" in Palestine was being befriended by the "humble Jewish peasant". In 1948, Blum supported the establishment of Israel, writing in an editorial in 2131: 2243:
groups that they believed ruled the Soviet Union. On 17 April 1945, Blum and his wife arrived at Dachau, where Blum was shocked by the "living skeletons" that were the prisoners of Dachau. On 20 April 1945, the Red Army entered Berlin, which Blum to hope that the war would soon be over, and fear that the SS would execute him before the war ended. On 26 April 1945, as the Americans approached Munich, the SS guards ordered the prisoners of Dachau to go on a death march. Blum at first thought that he was going to join the death march, but was instead sent south on a truck to Austria. In late April 1945, he was
construction of the line started in 1930. With Belgium neutral, a way was open for Germany to invade France again as Blum noted that France would respect Belgian neutrality, but Germany would not. The precedent of 1914 when Germany violated Belgian neutrality as the best way to invade France did not suggest that Germany would respect Belgian neutrality again. Blum ordered the Maginot line to be extended along the Franco-Belgian border, but only little work had been accomplished by 1939 and France was still very much exposed to a German invasion via Belgium. Blum met in secret with the Belgian prime minister
898:, the leader of the Radical Socialist Party, asked for Blum to join the government he was forming, a request that was refused with Blum merely promising that the Socialists would support Herriot's government in the Chamber. Blum feared that entering the cabinet would cause the Socialists to lose votes to the Communists since inevitably the Socialists would have to compromise on some of their principles in office. Despite not entering the cabinet, French newspapers portrayed France as governed by "a republic of professors" that consisted of a triumvirate of intellectuals, namely Herriot, Blum and 1330:(modern Cameroon) to Germany as the price of peace, and pursued this line of negotiation with Schacht well into 1937. However, Blum also told Schacht that France would not be bullied as he stated: "We believe our position is stronger than a few months ago. France does not tremble in the face of war, but does not want war". Blum still held hopes that the arms race in Europe could be ended, and feeling that the Treaty of Versailles was excessively harsh, he welcomed Schacht's offer, which seemed to be a sincere proposal to end the arms race. The British Foreign Secretary 1781:
1940), which the Chamberlain government gave as the major reason for opposing peacetime conscription. Blum wrote to several Labour leaders as one Socialist to another, urging that Labour support peacetime conscription as necessary to resist Germany. Blum argued that France needed the "continental commitment" from Britain (i.e. send a large expeditionary force to France), which in turn required peacetime conscription as the current system of an all-volunteer army would never suffice for the "continental commitment". Blum stated in a public letter to the Labour Party in
Blum persuaded the workers to accept pay raises and go back to work. Wages increased sharply; in two years the national average was up 48 percent. However inflation also rose 46%. The imposition of the 40-hour week proved highly inefficient, as industry had a difficult time adjusting to it. The economic confusion hindered the rearmament effort, and the rapid growth of German armaments alarmed Blum. He launched a major program to speed up arms production. The cost forced the abandonment of the social reform programmes that the Popular Front had counted heavily on.
and the Socialists made gains, and Blum once again promised to support a government headed by Herriot, through he would not enter the cabinet as usual by proposing a set of demands for cabinet participation that he knew were too left-wing for Herriot to accept. In Foreign policy, Blum's main theme was the need to strengthen the League of Nations along with a fervent support for disarmament. Blum consistently argued that the millions of francs spent on defense was wasteful, and the francs would be better used in social programs to alleviate the Great Depression.
Soviet Union that the new Communist regimes that were installed were not democracies, and that much of the break-down in relations between the victorious Allies was due to Stalin. However, Blum had hopes that the wartime alliance of the Allies would continue after the war, and felt that some of the policies of the Truman administration were too extreme. He always held to the hope that the wartime spirit of co-operation could be restored, and deplored the breakup of Europe into two blocs, one dominated by the Soviet Union and the other by the United States.
1570:, and collaborated with Britain and 25 other countries to formalize an agreement against sending any munitions or volunteer soldiers to Spain. The Air Minister defied the cabinet and secretly sold warplanes to Madrid. Jackson concludes that the French government "was virtually paralyzed by the menace of civil war at home, the German danger abroad, and the weakness of her own defenses." The Republicans by 1938 were losing badly (they gave up in 1939), sending upwards of 500,000 political refugees across the border into France, where they were held in camps. 2139:
unoccupied zone in the south of France to organize a resistance group. On 15 September 1940, he was arrested by the French police on charges of high treason. Despite being unarmed, Blum's arrest was treated as a major police operation with dozens of police automobiles parked around the farm while likewise dozens of armed policeman stormed the farmhouse. The excessive police force to arrest Blum was intended to symbolize his status as a man who was "dangerous" to France. Blum was held for the first two months of his imprisonment in the tower of the
France was faced with German aggression. Blum in general favored a pacifistic position, but he also believed that France had the right and duty to defend itself against aggression, which he viewed as the case when Germany presented an ultimatum whose terms were designed to be rejected, followed up by an invasion of neutral Belgium as the best way to invade France. Blum did not feel that he was betraying Jaurès's vision as he believed Jaurès would have rallied to the support of the war after Germany invaded France on 2 August 1914. He supported the
1855:, to criticize Daladier's conduct of the war. Despite his support for the war, Blum criticized Daladier for banning the French Communist Party after the party declared its opposition to the war. During the Winter War, Blum praised Finland for its "sublime resistance" to the Soviet Union. Blum called the Soviet aggression against Finland a "crime" and accused Stalin of being an imperialist disguised as a Communist as stated that Stalin was the heir of Peter the Great, not Vladimir Lenin. In February 1940, the American Undersecretary of State, 1545:
the information that he shared with Tukhachevsky must had reached Berlin and Tokyo. Gamelin started that staff talks would only be resumed only once the executions of senior Red Army officers on charges of espionage for Germany and Japan ended, saying at present it was far risky for the French general staff to be engaged in staff talks with the Red Army general staff given the frequency that Red Army officers kept being executed for espionage. The decision to suspend the staff talks became a major issue in Franco-Soviet relations, and
same level as the Treaty of Versailles had disarmed Germany, which he believed would end any threat from the Third Reich. For a considerable period of time, Blum believed revising the Treaty of Versailles in favor of Germany was the best and most reasonable way of dealing with Hitler. Blum put great hopes in the World Disarmament Conference held in Geneva between 1932 and 1934, and tended to cast the French government as the villain with for its warnings that German rearmament would mean another world war. Blum's favored formula was "
1286:, met Blum to tell him that France needed Britain more than Britain needed France, and the French could not afford to antagonize the British for the sake of the Spanish Republic. The need for British support played a major role in causing Blum to cease the arms shipments to Spain and instead have France join the ineffectual Non-Intervention Committee. In July 1936, the League of Nations ended the sanctions imposed on Italy for invading Ethiopia, and therefore, France ended its sanctions on Italy. The French tried hard to revive the 2014:
of 4 July 1940. At the Petit Casino, which served as the meeting place for the "informational sessions" held by Laval, Blum later that day engaged in a vigorous debate with Laval who argued that the "mad, criminal war" proved that the constitutional changes he was championing were necessary. In response, Blum stated that it was "France that wanted the war" in September 1939 as he noted the majority of the cabinet had decided to honor the alliance with Poland. During the same "informational session", Laval told Blum that
smiling Stalin that: "I would try in vain to conceal my stupefaction". Blum used the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact to try to have French Communists to break with the Comintern as he urged the Communists to "become free men again" by ceasing to follow the orders of Moscow. Though Blum did not seriously expect the French Communists to break with Moscow, he did have hopes of winning the Communist voters over to the Socialists, whom he presented as the patriotic party committed to both socialism and France's interests.
952:" ("peace and disarmament") and "security through arbitration and disarmament". Alongside these beliefs was an intense opposition to "French militarism" as Blum had a marked distrust of the French Army generals whose politics tended towards the right, and he believed warnings about Germany were merely scaremongering to increase the military budget at the expense of social spending. Renaudel criticized Blum under the grounds the "spread of fascism in Europe" required the Socialists to vote for military credits. 2143:, where his cellmates were Daladier, Reynaud, Mandel and Gamelin. He later wrote that his imprisonment at the Château de Chazeron was at least tolerable as he spent his days writing his memoirs and admiring the Renaissance gardens from his window. Blum began his memoirs with a stark admission of failure as he observed that his generation who come of age in the 1890s had failed to achieve any of their dreams and hopes that they had held as young men and women. In his memoirs, Blum blamed the French 876:. Blum was always very neatly in his suit together with his pince-nez glasses which made an unlikely leader of a party meant to represent the working class. However, Blum had loyally supported the war effort in the First World War, but had not held a ministerial rank like Thomas and Renaudel had. Blum won respect for his courage in standing up to Communist heckling and threats of violence at Socialist rallies, and was famed for being able to "work magic with words". On 6 April 1921, Blum launched 792:. Thomas and Renaudel represented a moderate, reformist, and definitely French strain of socialism while Faure and Longuet represented a more militant, pacifistic and internationalist strain of socialism that became increasing opposed to the war as it dragged on. Blum became the leader of a "centrist" group in the Socialist Party that supported the war like the "national defense" group, but in many ways were more ideologically closer to the antiwar group. Blum was strongly opposed to 1245:, which had been declared to be a permanent demilitarized zone. With the Rhineland remilitarized, for the first time since 1918 German military forces could menace France directly, and equally importantly the Germans started to build the Siegfried line along the Franco-German border. The assumption behind the French alliance system in Eastern Europe was that the French Army would use the demilitarized status of the Rhineland to launch an offensive into western Germany if the 2399: 1042:
it was "not to make war, but to prevent it". He took the contradictory line of supporting disarmament as the best way to achieve peace while also stating he was opposed to aggression from the fascist states. In 1935 Blum voted against extending compulsory military service from 1 year to 2 years, saying he wanted France "to disarm on its own as much as is necessary in order to encourage an international agreement". The same year, the Democratic Republican politician,
first time, the cabinet included three women in minor roles, even though women were not able to vote. Blum had long been accused by his critics within the Socialist Party of avoiding the responsibility of power as he was accursed of wanting to be the leader of a perpetual opposition party rather compromise his principles, leading Blum to give a speech that he had decided to embrace the responsibility of office to achieve the social change he had long promised.
independence and freedom, it does not abolish the distinction what is just and unjust". Blum's contorted position of voting for the Munich Agreement, but being opposed to further appeasement was largely an attempt to hold together the Socialists. In the months that followed, Blum became more critical of the "men of Munich". The principle object of his criticism was not Daladier-whom he knew to be a reluctant appeaser-but rather the Foreign Minister,
1050:, championed a plan for an elite corps of armored divisions, which Blum voted against under the grounds it would be a "praetorian guard" that would meddle in politics. At the same time, Blum and the other Socialists were voting in unison with the "young Radicals" in the Chamber of Deputies against the deflationary policy of the Laval government, which formed the basis of an alliance. The Popular Front was founded on Bastille Day 1935 with Blum, 2302: 1488:
would be cheaper than a naval arms race, but Blum chose to accept Darlan's counsel that a stronger Mediterranean Fleet was the best way of safeguarding the sea-lanes to Algeria. In a covert operation, the Deuxième Bureau started to smuggle in arms from the colony of French Somaliland (modern Djibouti) to anti-Italian guerrillas in Ethiopia as a way to tie down Italian forces in the Horn of Africa, and keep them well away from France.
to the other Nazi leaders and he was keen for a foreign policy success such as the restoration of Germany's former African colonies that might restore his prestige with Hitler. Blum had good relations with both Welczeck and Schacht whom he viewed as "rational, civilized Europeans" whom it was possible for him to negotiate with. Notably, Hitler refused to see Blum under any conditions and Welczeck was Blum's main conduit with the
51: 2448:, the French version of the Commonwealth under which the various colonies of France would be granted the equivalent of Dominion status. Blum praised the agreement for Vietnam to be independent within the French Union that was negotiated in 1946. On 19 December 1946, war broke out in Vietnam as fighting erupted in Hanoi and Haiphong between French forces and the Viet Minh and Blum vowed to put down the rebellion. 2110:", a minority of parliamentarians that refused to grant full powers to Marshal Pétain. The final result of the vote were 569 deputies and senators for constitutional revision, 80 against and 17 abstained themselves. Of the 56 Socialist deputies and senators who had promised Blum on 8 July to vote against constitutional revision, only 35 (28 Deputies and 7 Senators) actually kept their promise on 10 July. The same 13142: 691:" as Blum was by then a counsellor of this institution. Although Blum's views are nowadays accepted and mostly mainstream in many developed countries, the book remained an object of scandal long after WWI and the shift to the emancipation of women. On 14 October 1912, Blum fought a duel with swords with a rival theater critic Pierre Weber, which ended with Weber surrendering after Blum wounded him. 1859:, visited Paris as part of a peace mission on behalf of President Roosevelt. Blum met with Welles to tell him that he was wasting his time as no peace on reasonable terms was possible with Hitler. The defeat of Finland led to the fall of Daladier who had promised French aid to the Finns. Blum declared his support for the new Reynaud government, which promised to prosecute the war more vigorously. 1135:. France had not successfully recovered from the worldwide economic depression, wages had fallen and the working class demanded reforms. The Popular Front won a sweeping victory in June 1936. The Popular Front won a solid majority with 386 seats out of 608. For the first time, the Socialists won more seats than the Radicals; they formed an effective coalition. As Socialist leader Blum became 1929:, and approved of his decision to remain in Paris. In retrospect, Blum stated that it was a mistake for the very popular Bullitt-who had much influence with the French cabinet-to remain in Paris as Bullitt could have used his influence to booster Reynaud against Petain. Blum left Paris and made his way past vast columns of refugees to Bordeaux. On 14 June, the Wehrmacht took Paris. 1690:: "There is not a woman and a man to refuse MM. Neville Chamberlain and Édouard Daladier their rightful tribute of gratitude. War is avoided. The scourge recedes. Life can become natural again. One can resume one's work and sleep again. One can enjoy the beauty of an autumn sun. How would it be possible for me not to understand this sense of deliverance when I feel it myself?" 749:("sacred union") coalition government formed to resist the German aggression. Blum was exempt from military service because he was near-sighted and 42 years old, but he was described as being full of "ardent patriotism" as he sought to do everything within his power to assist with the war effort. In August 1914 Blum became assistant to the Socialist Minister of Public Works 1447:, he was told quite bluntly that if the French were really serious about the alliance, staff talks should have been started sometime ago. On 6 November 1936, Blum ordered Daladier and Gamelin to open Franco-Soviet staff talks with the aim of concluding a military convention to give effect to the Franco-Soviet alliance. On 9 November 1936, Blum told the Soviet ambassador, 2199:
he received a birthday telegram signed by 200 prominent Americans with the first name on the list being once again the First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. The United States maintained diplomatic relations with Vichy France until November 1942, and it was believed that Eleanor Roosevelt was serving as a surrogate for the president. The American ambassador to Vichy, Admiral
1742:'s pacifist motion opposing rearmament and another 1, 014 delegates who chose to abstain themselves from the vote. Through Blum had triumphed at the Montrouge congress, the results of the vote showed a significant element of the Socialist Party opposed to or at least lukewarm about rearmament. On 10 February 1939, Blum met with the Soviet ambassador in Paris, 2428:
treaty that cancelled much of the French war debts relating to Lend-Lease aid; arranged for the purchase of surplus American material at a discount and granted credits on easy terms to buy American industrial equipment to replace French industrial equipment lost in the war. Blum hailed the agreement he signed with the Secretary of State
Anglo-French plan called for a transfer to occur after 1 October. For a time in September 1938, it appeared that Europe was on brink of a war again. The fact that that issue at stake was only a secondary issue, namely the timetable for transferring the Sudetenland, after the primary issue had been settled struck many as bizarre.
was unwise, but he argued in the face of the Great Depression, most French people did not understand why France was giving the first priority to repaying wealthy Wall Street investors instead of helping the millions left destitute by the Depression. In January 1933, Blum and the Socialists brought down the Radical government of
914:, Blum had the Socialists vote against a number of government bills in the Chamber that would have involved cutting the salaries and pensions of civil servants, which caused much tension with his allies in the Radical Party. In the 1928 election, the conservatives were victorious and Blum lost his seat in Paris to the Communist 2517:
unity. Although Blum's last government was very much an interim administration (lasting less than five weeks), it nevertheless succeeded in implementing a number of measures which helped to reduce the cost of living. Blum also served as Vice-Premier for one month in the summer of 1948 in the very short-lived government led by
this way. We are bound by an alliance with a state and a people, yet we have so little confidence in them that we hesitate to deliver them arms, designs, plans-for the fear that they will betray us and deliver them to the enemy. We must know whether the Poles are our allies or not". Blum sent Gamelin to Warsaw to ask Marshal
1549:, the new Soviet ambassador in Paris who replaced Potemkin, pressed Blum very strongly to have the staff talks resumed as soon as possible. Likewise, Suritz was furious over the decision to halt the arms shipments to the Spanish Republic and accused Blum of being too concerned about maintaining good Anglo-French relations. 982:
talk about an alliance between the Radicals and the Socialists against the fascists who had rioted the night before, saying that French democracy was in peril, which marked the beginning of what became the Popular Front. After the Stavisky riots caused the downfall of Daladier's government, a new government was formed by
had seen that day, especially the corruption of his caucus, to speak in his defense as he later noted that he saw the republic and all that it stood for crumble. Blum found himself very much alone during the joint session as the leading politicians who would have normally spoken in favor of democracy were all absent.
1703:. Bonnet was known to be the advocate of some sort of Franco-German understanding under which France would recognize Eastern Europe as being in the German sphere of influence and abandon all of France's allies in Eastern Europe. Blum focused his criticism on Bonnet as the main advocate of appeasement in the cabinet. 1496:
exchange, Delbos wanted an end to the Four Year Plan. On 18 December 1936, Blum met Welczeck to tell him that the entire cabinet had approved of the offer, saying this was the best chance to save the peace in Europe. Welczeck was personally in favor of accepting Blum's offer, but the German Foreign Minister, Baron
new anti-fascist line from the Comintern was all part of a devious scheme by Joseph Stalin to start another world war to bring to power Communist regimes everywhere. The opposition from Faure and his followers to an alliance with the Communists imposed constraints on Blum's ability to form an alliance with them.
929:, the leader of the left-wing of the Radical Party invited Blum and the Socialists to join his government, an offer Blum refused under the grounds that it would mean compromising his principles and would drive Socialist voters into the arms of the Communists. At a Socialist Party congress in January 1930, 612:. Proust did not have much respect for Blum as a writer, whom he dismissed as "mediocre". Blum was usually dressed as a "dandy" in the salons of Paris, wearing an expensive suit, top hat, gloves and a monocle. His way of dressing led to the young Blum often being denounced as a homosexual, with the poet 2427:
he sought a loan for the reconstruction of war-devastated France. Blum was greeted at the White House by President Truman as a honoured guest, and Blum was a keynote speaker at a ceremony to honor the first anniversary of Roosevelt's death on 12 April 1946. On 28 May 1946, Blum signed the Blum-Byrnes
praised him, declaring: "When M. Blum was Prime Minister of the French Republic, he may have made errors in judgment. What man in public life hasn't done that? At Riom he spoke for the clear-eyed heroic France that every free man on earth loves and respects". For Blum's 70th birthday on 9 April 1942,
held on 9–10 July in the Grand Casino to debate the request for constitutional revision, Blum found himself deserted by much of his caucus as many Socialist deputies and senators were bribed by Laval to vote for the constitutional changes. Blum was horrified by the extent of the corruption of much of
to meet in the new temporary capital of Vichy (Bordeaux had been assigned to the German occupation zone) to vote to give Petain dictatorial powers. The task of lobbying the politicians was considered to be too vulgar by Petain who assigned that mission to Laval. Blum arrived in Vichy on the afternoon
Many historians judge the Popular Front a failure in terms of economics, foreign policy, and long-term stability. "Disappointment and failure," says Jackson, "was the legacy of the Popular Front." There is general agreement that at first it created enormous excitement and expectation on the left, but
Blum drew up a new armament plan in early 1938 that was as he put it "analogous to the Russian Five Year Plans or Göring's Four Year Plan". To finance the armament plan, Blum planned a steep increase in taxes on income and corporate profits, to borrow on a massive scale on the bond markets, to embark
to ensure command of the sea in the Mediterranean in order to bring over soldiers from the Maghreb to help the French Army face the Wehrmacht on more equal terms. Gamelin strongly argued in favor of a renewed attempt to make an alliance with Italy under the grounds that a rapprochement with Mussolini
lacked, thereby making Germany very vulnerable to a naval blockade. However, there was the caveat that many of the raw materials that Germany lacked could be found in eastern Europe and if Germany were to obtain such raw materials in eastern Europe via alliances or conquests, the German economy would
rejected all of the French overtures and instead aligned Italy with Germany. Sullivan noted: "...Germany, which consistently treated Italy worse than did the other two countries, was rewarded with Mussolini's friendship; France, which generally offered Italy the highest level of co-operation and true
The election of the left-wing government brought a wave of strikes, involving two million workers, and the seizure of many factories. The strikes were spontaneous and unorganised, but nevertheless the business community panicked and met secretly with Blum, who negotiated a series of reforms, and then
the same day that stated that Communists should work with Socialists against fascists. In June 1934, the Communists suggested to Blum that the Socialists and Communists hold a joint demonstration against Nazi Germany. Blum was weary of the Communist offer, but many of the younger Socialists were not,
In 1933, Blum came into conflict with Renaudel who kept pressing for the Socialists to enter the cabinet in alliance with the Radicals under the grounds that some power was better than none, and who charged that Blum was an ineffectual leader more concerned about keeping his principles pure than with
when he proposed cuts to the salaries of civil servants to help deal with the economic crisis caused by the Great Depression. By this stage, Blum had acquired the unenviable reputation as someone who refused to take the responsibility of power, who acted in a purely negative and irresponsible fashion
gave a strong speech in favor of taking up Daladier's offer, but Blum's speech in favor of rejecting Daladier's offer carried the congress with 2, 066 delegates voting against joining the cabinet and 1, 057 voting for. In the 1932 election fought under the shadow of the Great Depression, the Radicals
was assassinated in Paris, leading to Abetz to order Blum, Reynaud, Daladier and Mandel to be returned to Paris to be shot. In a rare act of defiance, Laval wrote to Abetz asking him to spare the French leaders, and as such it was only Mandel who was taken back from Paris to be shot. Blum remembered
in December 1938, Blum called upon his party to abandon pacifism and support French rearmament. Blum argued that the idea championed by his mentor Jaures of general strikes in all European nations to stop a war was no longer possible as the trade unions and the Social Democratic Party in Germany had
on 9 December 1938, the Popular Front formally came to an end as Daladier chose to base his majority of the parties of the right and center. Despite the end of the Popular Front, Blum did not press for a vote of no-confidence or new elections. Blum believed that Daladier would win an election if one
on 4 October 1938, Blum voted for the Munich Agreement. During the debate on the Munich Agreement, Blum declared: "This deeply felt and impassioned will for peace cannot lead a people to accept everything; on the contrary, it strengthens the resolve to struggle, to sacrifice itself, in necessary for
The Munich Agreement badly split the Socialists into a pacifistic antiwar group that supported the agreement vs. an antifascist group that was opposed, and Blum struggled to find a compromise that would avoid splitting the Socialists. The debate was also made more difficult as Blum faced accusations
newspaper: " The Munich meeting is an armful of tinder thrown on a sacred flame at the very moment the flame was flickering and threatening to go out". The Munich Agreement that ended the crisis was a compromise as it was affirmed that the Sudetenland would be transferred to Germany but only after 1
where he agreed that the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia would be transferred to Germany. At a subsequent Anglo-German summit at Bad Godesberg, Hitler rejected Chamberlain's plan over a secondary issue as he demanded that the Sudetenland be transferred to Germany before 1 October 1938 while the
along with two other Marshals of the Soviet Union were shot on charges of treason and espionage for Germany and Japan. Gamelin promptly suspended the staff talks under the grounds that since the Soviet government itself had accused Tukhachevsky of being a spy for Germany and Japan then logically all
that if France returned Togoland and Cameroon to Germany, Britain would come under pressure to return Tanganyika (modern Tanzania) to Germany. The Chamberlain cabinet expressed concern over the fact that Blum had made an offer to return Togoland and Cameroon to Germany, which was felt to have weaken
with whom he spoke on the telephone once a day. Blum had a very close friendship with Bullitt, a man he greatly liked and admired. Though Blum never met Roosevelt, he admired him and he openly admitted that his social reforms were based on the New Deal as Blum declared in a speech: "Seeing him act,
led to doubts on Blum's part about his precise loyalty to France, but the fact that Germany was still laying claim to the Polish corridor, Upper Silesia and the Free City of Danzig suggested that the German-Polish rapprochement might be only ephemeral. Blum told Daladier and Gamelin: "We cannot live
At the time the franc was overvalued, as it was still based on the gold standard. Blum, however, had promised during the election to uphold the gold standard, in order to reassure voters worried about inflation. In the expectation of the franc being devalued, throughout the prior year, investors had
and the first socialist to hold that office, he formed a cabinet that included 20 Socialists, 13 Radicals and two Socialist Republicans. The Communists won 15 percent of the vote, and 12 percent of the seats. They supported the government, although they refused to take any cabinet positions. For the
who following the new line from the Comintern called in October 1934 for "a Popular Front of work, liberty and peace" while Blum played a more passive role. Blum did not trust Thorez, and was weary of his offers for an alliance. Faure, still an influential figure in the Socialist Party, charged that
as Chancellor on 30 January 1933 did not at first change Blum's views about defense spending as he remained resolutely opposed to military spending. Blum had always felt that the Treaty of Versailles was too harsh towards Germany, and the best way to deal with Hitler was to disarm France down to the
emotional life and family life". Central to his critique of Bolshevism was his criticism that "cruelty" was the essence of the Communist regime in Soviet Russia, which he contrasted with the "humanism" that he saw as the essence of socialism. In May 1924, Blum had the Socialists join the centre-left
her". Blum urged the French to forgive the Germans, saying he was opposed to any idea of German collective guilt for Nazism and "nothing fruitful, nothing lasting is built on hatred and enslavement". Much to his disappointment, neither Attlee nor Bevin were much interested in his plans for European
After the war, Blum became more supportive of Zionism. Prior to the Holocaust, Blum regarded the Dreyfus Affair as an aberration in French history, but after the Holocaust, he became less certain on this point, and several of Blum's post-1945 statements implied it was not entirely possible for Jews
Blum supported the Marshall Plan for the reconstruction of Europe, and ordered the Socialist deputies and senators to vote for the plan in the National Assembly. In the emerging Cold War, he was a conditional supporter of the Western line as he stated in the states of Eastern Europe occupied by the
and declare war on the Soviet Union. The belief, however erroneous it was, that the new Truman administration was about to ally itself with Germany against the Soviet Union reduced the reasons for the Nazis to keep Blum alive as they believed that as a Jew he had certain connections with the Jewish
to attend a Labour Party congress, and was especially keen to go as several of the Labour leaders were now cabinet ministers. Before leaving France, Reynaud met with Blum to tell him that the Wehrmacht was pressing very hard on the front on the Meuse river as Reynauld told him: "It is on the Meuse
to stop a war. In a speech delivered on 27 December 1938, Blum accused the governments of Germany, Italy and Japan of being committed to policies of ultra-aggressive imperialism and argued that the way to stop another world war was rearmament and an alliance of all the states threatened by the Axis
had intended to use what he called "Sudeten methods" on France as the Italian media started a violent anti-French campaign demanding that France cede Corsica, Nice, Savoy and Tunisia to Italy. Daladier responded with a series of resolute speeches on French radio where he rejected all of the Italian
supported by Daladier, brought in a series of sweeping laws that undid much of the Popular Front's economic policies, most notably ending the 48 hour work week. Blum joined forces with the Communists in opposing the Daladier government's economic policies, and supported the general strike called by
broke out in July 1936 and deeply divided France. Blum adopted a policy of neutrality rather than assisting his ideological fellows, the Spanish Left-leaning Republicans. He acted from fear of splitting his domestic alliance with the centrist Radicals, or even precipitating an ideological civil war
where he stated that he wanted the return of Germany's former African colonies without preconditions such as cuts to military spending. On 13 February 1937, Blum told the Chamber of Deputies that his government had imposed a "pause" on social reforms and a 20 billion franc plan for public works was
Of France's eastern European allies, the one that Blum considered the most important was the Soviet Union. Blum's past battles with the French Communists made him wary of Soviet Russia, but he noted that the Soviet Union was easily the most powerful of France's eastern European allies. Blum favored
military dictatorship, to dismiss Beck as foreign minister. Rydz-Śmigły insisted that his country was still committed to upholding the Franco-Polish alliance, but refused to sack Beck. In September 1936, Rydz-Śmigły visited Paris for two weeks, and Blum met him several times to request that he sack
As the talks with Schacht faltered, Blum turned towards the alliance with the Soviet Union and France's other eastern European allies. The Blum government attempted to build an institutional bond to link France on a collective basis with the Little Entente alliance of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and
Schacht gave Blum the impression that he held more power in Berlin than was actually the case, and that the key to preventing another world war lay in the restoration of the German colonial empire in Africa. At the time, Schacht was losing a power struggle over the control of German economic policy
The government legislated its promised reforms as rapidly as possible. On 11 June, the Chamber of Deputies voted for the forty-hour workweek, the restoration of civil servants' salaries, and two weeks' paid holidays, by a majority of 528 to 7. The Senate voted in favour of these laws within a week.
signed an alliance with Stalin in Moscow, and the Comintern ordered the French Communists to support increased defense spending in France, which left Blum in the odd position of criticizing the Communists for wanting more defense spending. Blum voted for the Franco-Soviet alliance under the grounds
on 10 July 1934, Blum stated he was willing to work with the Communists against fascism, but he would not be a "dupe" of the Communists, whom Blum had a deep distrust of. On 27 July 1934, Blum signed a pact with the Communists for an anti-fascist platform. The pressure for a Popular Front came more
who called for the defeat of Russia as the best way to bring about a Communist revolution, and in November 1917 he condemned the Bolshevik coup in Petrograd. The evolution of the more left-wing French Socialists from supporting the war in 1914 to opposing it by 1918 was also reflected in Russia. In
Blum described himself as "a vulnerable and fragile being, 'like a girl in a novel', an overtly delicate plant". To rebut the charge that he was too "soft" and a homosexual, Blum sought to prove his "strength" by engaging in duels with rivals. In 1896, Blum married Lise Bloch at the Grand Synagogue
and moved to Paris in 1848. Blum's mother, Adèle-Marie-Alice Picart was born in Paris, but her family likewise originated in Alsace. Blum's mother observed Orthodox rituals faithfully, but his father was less religious, being only seen in the synagogue on the high holy days. Blum came from a family
who had known Blum during his time as premier recalled: "He came to see me in London, frail, but with all the natural dignity I had remembered, which no harsh treatment could impair". Blum praised de Gaulle who proclaimed himself to be the provisional president of France as "the only man who could
had weakened France to such an extent that it caused the defeat of 1940 while Blum had sabotaged Laval's policy of friendship with Italy, which he claimed caused the war. Afterwards, all eyes were turned to Blum who chose to not give a rebuttal speech. By this point, Blum was too broken by what he
was banned as a threat to public order. Blum noted that he had known Laval since 1915, but on that day in 1940 he had seen him as never before as Laval was "bloated with incredible pride...handing out orders without appeal...visibly trying himself out in the role of a despot". On 8 July 1940, Blum
seen as the greatest living French war hero and Reynaud saw Petain in his cabinet as way to reassure the public. Blum later wrote that he had been in "illusion" about Petain who immediately became the loudest voice of defeatism in the cabinet. Likewise, he did not oppose the appointment of Marshal
for the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact as he wrote: "One would hardly be able to demonstrate greater audacity, scorn for world opinion and defiance of public morality". Blum wrote that his reaction to the famous photograph of Ribbentrop and Molotov signing the pact in the Kremlin while being watched by a
on 27 April 1939 that he did not like the Chamberlain government, but on the issue of peacetime conscription: "I do not hesitate to state to my Labour comrades my deepest conviction that at very moment at which I write, conscription in England is one of the capital acts upon which the peace of the
of the armament and military aviation industries. This latter sweeping action had the unanticipated effect of disrupting the production of armaments at the wrong time, only three years away from the beginning of war in September 1939. Blum also attempted to pass legislation extending the rights of
wrote both the governments of Blum and Chamberlain were serious about returning the former German African colonies in some form by 1937 as he noted there was a consensus that "...the price-as perceived from London and Paris if not from Douala and Lomé-would be worth paying". However, Hitler wanted
the dominant naval power in the Mediterranean. Blum praised Darlan as an admiral who "thinks exactly as I do" about a potential naval threat from Italy. Blum sacked the Naval Commander-in-Chief, the Italianophile Admiral Georges Durand-Viel who had advocated a Franco-Italian alliance and appointed
In December 1932, Blum and the Socialists broke with Herriot when he insisted on continuing to pay war debts to the United States, and he voted to default on the war debts on 15 December 1932, which thereby brought down Herriot's government. Blum privately admitted that defaulting on the war debts
government who had fought against strikes to maximize war production with many Socialists such as Longuet and Faure charging Renaudel and Thomas had failed to achieve concessions to the workers in exchange for no strikes. By late 1918, the more left-wing antiwar group in the Socialist Party was in
promising a "Jewish national home" in Palestine if the Allies won the war. However, Blum saw Zionism as a solution to the problems of the Jewish communities in Eastern Europe, not of France. Blum always saw himself as a Frenchman and wrote about he had no intention of ever going to Palestine as he
a highly controversial (for the period) and much talked about critical essay about the problems with traditional marriage as envisioned in the late 19th century, with its religious and economic background and strong stress on women remaining virgins until their marriage day. Blum stated that both
1925:. After the Dunkirk evacuation which ended with the fall of Dunkirk on 4 June, the Wehrmacht turned south towards Paris. When the government left Paris for Bordeaux on 10 June, Blum was not informed and found himself unable to speak to a person in authority. Blum met with the American ambassador, 1904:
into his cabinet to reassure French public opinion. Blum did not see the appointment of Petain-whom he called "the most noblest, the most human of our military chiefs"-as a problem. Petain, the victor of the Battle of Verdun in 1916 was a beloved and deeply respected figure in France where he was
sent word to Blum that the Roosevelt administration would not oppose "temporary" exchange controls in France, though the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain was non-committal when sounded out. Blum's armament plan was defeated in the Senate on 5 April 1938, leading to him to resign. He was
contracted Welczeck with an offer for joint Franco-German mediation to end the Spanish Civil War. Provided that the Spanish Civil War could be ended, Delbos was willing to begin talks on the return of the former German colonies plus agreements to end the arms race and the trade wars in Europe. In
Because Germany's population was three times greater than France's, the French Army had been heavily dependent upon manpower recruited in the Maghreb in the First World War and it was expected to be so again in another war. The need to bring over soldiers from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia in turn
being sent east with the remainder of the Wehrmacht staying on the defensive in the Rhineland to halt any French offensive into Germany, a situation that boded ill for the survival of the French alliance system in Eastern Europe. A further complication for the French was the greater population of
when a group of royalists and fascists attempted to storm the National Assembly as an act of insurrection against the republic, and argued that the main danger facing France was fascism. He always saw the riot of 6 February as a fascist coup attempt. Blum approached Daladier on 7 February 1934 to
In a 1922 speech, Blum expressed his disagreement with Communism, saying the Bolshevik regime in Russia was not a "dictatorship of the proletariat", but rather a "dictatorship over the proletariat". In the same speech, he called for a socialism that "will improve the condition of women, children,
In July 1914, just as the First World War broke out, Jaurès was assassinated, and Blum became more active in the Socialist party leadership. Before the war, Blum had supported the plans of Jaurès for a general strike to prevent a war, but in August 1914 he supported the war under the grounds that
set sail for Algiers, Blum learned that the government was not going to Algiers after all and that Petain had decided to sign an armistice. Blum was told by the police to leave Bordeaux for his own safety as right-wing extremists were parading though the streets and denouncing those they deemed
During the crisis, Blum was greatly alarmed at the attitude of the British Labour Party, which were stoutly opposed to peacetime conscription, The Labour Party were planning make the prospect of peacetime conscription into an election issue (a general election was expected in Britain in 1939 or
It also raised the pay, pensions, and allowances of public-sector workers and ex-servicemen. The 1920 Sales Tax, opposed by the Left as a tax on consumers, was abolished and replaced by a production tax, which was considered to be a tax on the producer instead of the consumer. Blum dissolved the
in December 1935 that essentially rewarded Mussolini for invading Ethiopia, and his speeches in the Chamber helped to bring down Laval's government, something that Laval never forgave him for. The failure of the League of Nations sanctions against Italy marked the beginning of a change in Blum's
issued the Barthou note on 17 April 1934 that accused Hitler of dealing in bad faith for Germany's return to the World Disarmament Conference and stated that France would look after its own security, Blum came out in opposition to the Barthou note, which he accused of a starting a new arms race.
convinced Blum that Dreyfus was innocent and as an intellectual with influence he had the duty to take a stand in favor of Dreyfus. Starting in September 1897, Blum became deeply involved in the Dreyfus Affair, where he resolved to "restore the innocent man's good name". Blum was in contact with
Afterwards, Blum returned to a farm outside of Toulouse, where he wrote and listened to the BBC's French language broadcasts for news on the war. In July 1940, Blum ordered a young Socialist politician, Daniel Mayer, not to go to London to join de Gaulle's Free French movement, but to go to the
to attend the Labour Party congress. At the Bournemouth congress, Blum was cheered as a great socialist. As Blum spoke no English, he gave a short speech in French where he declared: "The war we are waging against Germany is not a capitalist war. I do not know what would become of capitalism if
to ask him to allow secret Franco-Belgian staff talks to coordinate operations should Germany invade Belgium again but van Zeeland refused. By early 1937, Blum had grown disenchanted with Schacht whom he was starting to suspect had less power in Germany than what he claimed. On 30 January 1937,
to submit a four-year plan for military modernization. When Gamelin handed in a plan that was budgeted at 9 billion francs for the French Army, Daladier rejected it as too low and added an extra 5 billion francs. During an "emotional" interview with Blum, Daladier persuaded him to accept the 14
government. In September 1936, Hitler at the Nuremberg Party Rally launched the Four Year Plan to have the German economy ready for a "total war" by September 1940, which greatly alarmed Blum. In response to the Four Year Plan, Blum launched what the American historian Joseph Maiolo called "the
who wanted a more nationalistic and authoritarian socialism as both Déat and Marquet charged that democracy had failed in the face of the Depression, and a dictatorship was needed. At Socialist Party congresses in April and July 1933 Blum and Faure accused Renaudel of wanting to "remain in tow"
in 1885. He came to identify with the universalism of French republicanism, which portrayed France as an especially enlightened nation that was leading the rest of the world in the right direction, and where French civilization was open to all who were willing to embrace the French language and
on charges of treason, for having "weakened France's defenses" by ordering her arsenal shipped to Spain, leaving France's infantry unsupported by heavy artillery on the eastern front against Nazi Germany. The trial was given much publicity and over 200 journalists, both French and from abroad,
on the French fleet at Mers-el-Kébir on 3 July 1940 to argue that to vote against Petain was unpatriotic and that Britain was the real enemy of France. Auriol called the Socialists who voted for the constitutional changes "this exhibition of miserable humanity" while saying that Blum was: "too
for his invasion of Ethiopia launched on 3 October 1935. Blum was very critical of Laval's foreign policy for seeking an alliance with Italy, which led to Laval being opposed to the League of Nations imposing oil sanctions on Italy. As a permanent veto-holding member of the League Council (the
culture regardless of religion, ethnicity, and race. Blum himself was not especially religious, but was always very proud to be Jewish and frequently affirmed his Jewish identity when subjected to anti-Semitic insults. Blum was more influenced by the rationalistic and anticlerical ideas of the
won the majority of the seats in the Chamber of Deputies while the Socialists went from holding 103 seats down to 68. Many of the wartime Socialist leaders such as Renaudel, Faure, and Longuet lost their seats while Blum was elected, giving him a greater prominence. Blum's maiden speech on 30
that the choice "between Wilson and Lenin, between democracy and Bolshevik fanaticism" was a false one as "I chose neither Wilson nor Lenin. I chose Jaurès". In a bitterly divided Socialist Party, Blum's "centrist" faction had an oversized importance despite being outnumbered by the two other
on 15 May 1948 that he hoped Israel would be "a fatherland of dignity, equality and freedom for all Jews who had not had like myself the good fortune to find one in their native country". During the first Arab-Israeli war of 1948–1949, Blum took a strongly pro-Israeli line in his editorials.
of Czechoslovakia-generally regarded as the Eastern European leader most committed to upholding his country's alliance with France-attempted to improve his relations with Germany after the Rhineland remiltarization. Franco-Polish relations had been badly strained ever since the German-Polish
was the decision on the part of Belgium to renounce the alliance with France it had signed in 1920 and declare itself neutral again. The Maginot Line covered the Franco-German border and Franco-Luxembourg border, but did not cover the Franco-Belgian border as Belgium was a French ally when
1358:, the French ambassador in Berlin, showed that the factories of the major German armaments firms such as Krupp AG, Rheinmetall AG and Borsig AG were running at full capacity as the German state seemed to have a limitless appetite for arms. All the intelligence from François-Poncet and the 672:
men and women should enjoy a period of "polygamic" free sex life in order to experience a more mature and stable relationship during later married life: “For both men and women, the life of adventure must precede the life of marriage, the life of instinct must precede the life of reason”
as Blum had done, but as the war continued, many Socialists felt the burden of the war had not been shared equally with the working class making all the sacrifices while the bourgeoise made no such sacrifices. Renaudel and Thomas had discredited themselves by serving as ministers in the
1566:. The impossible dilemma caused by this issue led Blum to resign in June 1937. All the constituents of the French left supported the Republican government in Madrid, while the right supported the Nationalist insurgents. Blum's cabinet was deeply divided and he decided on a policy of 805:
In March 1918, Germany launched Operation Michael, an offensive intended to win the war. As the German Army advanced within 50 miles of Paris in the spring of 1918, Blum called for a "Jacobin" defense of Paris with every citizen to be handed a gun. On 19 August 1918, Blum wrote in
829:, which he called "a denial, a betrayal" of the Allied principles held during the war. Blum opposed French intervention in the Russian Civil War, but was cautious about calls from the more radical Socialists to affiliate with the Comintern that had been founded in Moscow in 1919. 1746:, where he told him of his belief that Daladier and Bonnet were leading France "to a new Sedan". Suritz described Blum as morose and disconsolate as he noted that Blum seemed convinced that France was heading towards a catastrophe without being willing to do anything to stop it. 2151:
were selfish, petty people concerned with materialism and their self-interest, which had "rotted out" France. On 8 October 1940, Blum was formally charged with treason. In November 1940, Blum was sent to a run-down estate at Bourassol to be closer to the judicial proceedings at
who wanted an alliance with the Socialists and Communists. Daladier, the long-time rival of Herriot, quietly encouraged the "young Radicals", as a way to undermine his leadership. In the spring of 1934, the Comintern changed its policy, and on 31 May 1934 an article appeared in
was utterly opposed to granting, Blum expressed much anger in his editorials as he wrote in an editorial on 25 June 1939 there was "not a day, not a hour to lose" as he urged Beck to concede on the transit rights issue. On 22 August 1939, Blum expressed hope in an editorial in
thereafter, saw little or no movement in Western Europe. Blum argued that the existing cabinet was too awkward and urged France to copy the British example of an elite "war cabinet" that consisted of the key ministers. In the fall of 1939, Blum met with the Finance Minister
2163:, which greatly cheered him. In May 1941, Blum wrote a letter to the court asking when his trial would begin as he stated it would have been three months since his last interrogation, and he still had no word when his trial would begin. On 22 June 1941, Germany launched 1762:
from invading Poland. The Danzig crisis forced Blum into the ambivalent position of supporting the foreign policy of the Daladier government while opposing its economic and social policies. Blum spoke in favor of greater military spending as he noted in an editorial in
demands, which won him much popularity in France. From the viewpoint of Blum, being opposed to Daladier at a time when he won himself many accolades as the defender of France's territorial integrity against Italy was politically difficult. At the next session of the
Blum supported the plans for a "peace front" to unite Britain, France and the Soviet Union with the aim of deterring Germany from invading Poland. Knowing that the major issue that was blocking the "peace front" talks were the demand by the Soviet Foreign Commissar
on 22 June, which he remembered as one of the blackest days of his life as he recalled: "I read, literally, without believing my eyes". Blum thought that the armistice was especially "abominable" because it required the French police to round up and return to the
started a correspondence with Blum, sending him a series of letters written in his idiosyncratic French, encouraging him to support rearmament and oppose appeasement. During the Sudetenland crisis of 1938, Daladier accepted the offer of the British Prime Minister
did his best to tell Blum in his broken French that the Wehrmacht had won the Second Battle of Sedan and smashed its way though the French lines along the Meuse river, which came as a considerable shock once Blum finally understood what Attlee was trying to say.
executive council of the League), the threat of a French veto led to the sanctions that were imposed on Italy being watered down, and oil (which Italy lacked) was never included in the sanctions lists of material forbidden to Italy. Blum was strongly against the
arrived in Moscow to sign the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact. On 24 August 1939, Blum wrote in an editorial that the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact was "a truly extraordinary event, almost incredible, one is dumbfounded by the blow". In his editorial, Blum strongly condemned
862:(SFIC). Throughout the 1920s, Blum saw the French Communists as his main rivals, and hence often took a rhetorical stance that made him sound more extreme left-wing than he really was in an attempt to keep Socialist voters from defecting over to the Communists. 753:. In 1915, when a minority of the Socialists started to become opposed to the war, Blum displayed much tact in seeking party unity as he maintained that the German threat necessitated support for the war. He disapproved of the French Socialists who attended the 1295:
partnership, was rewarded with rebuffs and abuse.". The prospect of an Italian-German alliance threatened to divert French resources from a potential conflict with Germany, and drove the French into seeking closer ties with Britain as a counterbalance.
powers. Blum stated that he did not want a war, but he favored rearmament to avoid the "atrocious choice between submission and war". On 28 December, the congress ended with 4, 332 Socialist delegates voting for Blum's call for rearmament vs. 2, 837 votes for
1302:, to tell him that France wanted good relations with Germany and that his government intended to return to the "Locarno era" of the 1920s (i.e. friendship with Germany). German propaganda constantly stressed that one of the many alleged "injustices" of the 1694:
that because he was a Jew that he wanted a war with Germany for the sake of German Jews instead of French national interests, which explained Blum's reluctance to be appear to be too anti-German and pro-war. During the vote on the Munich Agreement in the
should invade any of France's allies in Eastern Europe, namely Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Yugoslavia. With the building of the Siegfried Line, it was possible for Germany to invade any of France's Eastern European allies with the majority of the
559:, which for him marked the beginning of a civic and secular society in which religion did not matter. He wrote that as a Jew he belonged "to a race which owned to the French Revolution human liberty and equality, something that could never be forgotten". 1535:
telling Blum during a visit to Paris in May 1937 that his government was opposed to Franco-Soviet staff talks as dangerous to the peace of Europe, a request that Blum rejected. The Franco-Soviet staff talks came to a sudden end in June 1937 due to the
2460:, a military alliance with Great Britain, which Blum felt gave France what it sought in vain for most of the interwar period, a firm commitment from Britain to defend France. In January 1947, Blum visited London where he received the approval both 1469:
would cut France off from the Maghreb. Mussolini's strident speeches in the fall of 1936 denouncing the "Jewish socialist" Blum who headed a "decadent plutodemocracy" did not auger well for the future of Franco-Italian relations. Blum sent Admiral
Hitler were to win the war, but I do know what would become of socialism if Germany were victorious. Wherever the motorized Attila has passed, every movement and institution created by the workers has been destroyed". On 15 May, the Labour leader
to be ever being fully accepted by Gentiles as equals. As a Socialist and an Anglophile, the Labour government's policy of enforcing the 1939 White Paper on restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine caused him much anguish. The fact that
calling Blum "the maiden" in one of his poems. Throughout his life, Blum was always subjected to accusations that he was gay, but it appears that his effeminate style that he fancied in his youth was more of an act of youthful rebellion.
in September 1915 to seek an end to the war. Blum was a lifelong Anglophile who greatly appreciated Britain's role in helping to defend France and admired the British Westminster system. Blum felt that the system of government under the
After the war, Léon Blum returned to politics, and was again briefly Prime Minister in the transitional postwar coalition government. On 14 May 1945, Blum returned to Paris for the first time since 1940. The British Foreign Secretary
592:. His reviews made him famous in Parisian intellectual circles, where he became known as a reviewer with interesting and provocative views about the state of modern French literature. Blum also contributed poetry to magazines such as 762:
where the premier was more of a chairman of a cumbersome committee than an executive leader was inefficient, and he advocated France adopting a republican version of the Westminster system with an strong executive prime minister.
In April 1917, he welcomed the entry of the United States into the war, which he portrayed as a struggle between militaristic monarchy of Germany vs. the democratic French republic. On 8 April 1917, Blum wrote in an editorial in
1686:" ("shameful relief") as he wrote that he was happy that France would not be going to war with Germany, but he felt ashamed of an agreement that favored Germany at the expense of Czechoslovakia. On 1 October 1938, Blue wrote in 1334:
who visited Paris told Blum he was "thoroughly astounded" by his talks with Schacht, which he warned that the British government would be opposed under the grounds if France returned the former German colonies in Africa to the
When Blum learned on 28 September that an emergency summit would be held in Munich the next day to resolve the crisis, he wrote that felt "an immense response of joy and hope". On 29 September, Blum wrote in an editorial in
986:, which Blum refused to join when Doumergue offered him a seat in the cabinet. Blum charged that most of the figures in Domergue's government were associated with either the centre-right such as Herriot or the right such as 1917:(BEF) into Belgium to resist what he believed to be the main German blow. On 21 May 1940, the Wehrmacht reached the sea, cutting off the BEF, the elite of the French armies and what was left of the Belgian army. Blum used 2503:
Blum spoke in favor of a European federation as the best solution to the problems of Europe, saying in 1949 was needed was to "create Europe while thinking of the world". On 19 November 1949, he wrote in an editorial in
as an act of remarkable generosity on the part of the United States, which agreed to support the reconstruction of France without imposing controls on the French economy as the French Communists claimed that it would.
that called upon France to stand by its alliance with Poland and in an implicit criticism of Bonnet called upon France "to fulfill without equivocation and without fail its pledges of mutual assurance and guarantee".
and fought hard against accepting Zinoviev's terms, writing that the Bolsheviks was too extreme in their beliefs and methods. Therefore, in 1920, he worked to prevent a split between supporters and opponents of the
11564: 1631:
unable to establish a stable ministry; on 10 April 1938, his socialist government fell and he was removed from office. In foreign policy, his government was torn between the traditional anti-militarism of the
are not terrorists. They are simply martyrs. They would die with arms in their hands, as heroes, like their fathers and brothers, mothers and sisters, in the Warsaw Ghetto...Pardon the unlucky heroes of the
for "peace without victory", writing that the problem was not the German people, but rather Germany's leaders such as the Emperor Wilhelm II. By 1917, the Socialists had divided into an antiwar group led by
8560: 2002:, a prominent Jewish Social Democratic leader who had fled to France in 1933 was under the terms of the armistice arrested by the French police and returned to German custody, where he was beaten to death. 13988: 13983: 13978: 13973: 13968: 1771:
issued a public letter to Hitler on 14 April 1939, asking him to promise to not threaten his neighbors, Blum expressed hope that this might be a solution for the crisis. However, in a brutal speech to the
on 28 April 1939, Hitler publicly mocked Roosevelt's appeal. Blum's support for Roosevelt's letter was the only time in the crisis that he expressed support for a measure of reconciliation with Germany.
and Blum found himself being driven forward by younger Socialist activists who held a joint anti-Nazi demonstration on 2 July 1934 with the Communists without seeking Blum's approval. In an editorial in
in early 1934 along with the riots by royalists and fascists that pushed France to a state that seemed to many to being very close to civil war. The Stavisky affair forced the resignation of the premier
regime gave orders that he was to be executed, but the local authorities decided not to obey them. Blum was rescued by Allied troops in May 1945. While in prison he wrote his best-known work, the essay
As the war worsened for the Germans, they moved him into the section reserved for high-ranking prisoners, hoping that he might be used as a possible hostage for surrender negotiations. His future wife,
In Bordeaux, Reynaud favored having the government relocate to Algiers (Algeria was considered an integral part of France) to continue the war while Petain demanded an armistice. The Interior Minister,
14013: 1396:
of Yugoslavia rejected the French offer and preferred to move closer to Germany out of the belief that France would do nothing to assist their nations in the event of a German invasion. Even President
8186: 1430:
arrived as the new American ambassador in Paris. Besides being the first American ambassador to France in the last 16 years who actually spoke French, Bullitt was one of the best friends of President
9922: 1626:
on an inflationary course by printing more francs in the form of credit notes to pay for munitions, and for exchange controls to stop the expected flight of capital. The American Treasury Secretary
In its short life, the Popular Front government passed important legislation, including the 40-hour week, 12 paid annual holidays for the workers, collective bargaining on wage claims, and the full
11468: 2039:
the Socialist caucus who proved all too willing to vote to end French democracy if the bribe was large enough. Other Socialist deputies and senators were terrified by submission by the thugs from
factions, which along with Blum's reputation as a protégé of Jaurès made him into one of the leaders of the Socialist Party by the end of the war. In 1914, almost all Socialists had supported the
far-right fascist leagues. In turn, the Popular Front was actively fought by right-wing and far-right movements, which often used antisemitic slurs against Blum and other Jewish ministers. The
called for a meeting of all the Socialist deputies and senators to discuss how to resist Laval's constitutional changes. Blum noted that to change the constitution required both houses of the
1076:. The speeches given that day emphasized that fascism would never be allowed to come to power in France, that what had happened in Italy and Germany would be opposed to the upmost in France. 11474: 11396: 11378: 2251:. On 30 April 1945, Hitler committed suicide in the Fűhrerbunker under the Reich Chancellery in Berlin, which Blum noted seemed to disorient his SS guards. In the last weeks of the war the 13933: 1366:
had a massive lead in the arms race. However, the French took consolation in the fact that Germany had to import a number of crucial raw materials such as high-grade iron and oil that the
8234: 8387: 8285: 2476:, a politician whom Blum otherwise liked and admired, was the Labour government's principle spokesman on Palestine, caused him much dismay. In 1947, he supported the voyage of the ship 1586:
league, was dissolved by the government following this incident, not long before the elections that brought Blum to power. Blum became the first socialist and the first Jew to serve as
8353: 8336: 11534: 2156:. Unlike the comfortable Château de Chazeron the Bourassol estate was unheated, had no electricity and no running water, which as intended made for a more uncomfortable imprisonment. 1767:
on 1 April 1939: "This is the state which the dictators have led Europe. For us Socialists, for us pacifists, the appeal to force is today the appeal for peace". When U.S. President
the return of the former African colonies without the conditions that Blum and Chamberlain wanted such as a drastic reduction in military spending and the end of the Four Year Plan.
after the sanctions on Italy were ended and as the American historian Barry Sullivan noted "...the French displayed an almost humiliating determination to retain Italy as an ally".
Herriot continued to take part in the right-learning coalition governments that followed the riot of 6 February 1934 while being opposed by the left-learing "young Radicals" such as
Blum first attended the Lycée Charlemagne, but was so successfully academically that he was transferred over to the Lycée Henri VI, the favored school of the elite. Blum entered the
on 3 September 1939, Blum wrote: "Never was the violence more flagrant on one hand, and never was the will for peace more certain and more tenacious on the other". Eight months of
and the Royal Navy against Italy, but the effort was rebuked by the Admiralty. On 4 December 1936, Blum approved of a three-year naval construction programmne designed to make the
8404: 1380:
billion franc plan as he warned that Germany was winning the arms race at present. On 7 September 1936, the Blum cabinet approved Daladier's 14 billion franc plan for rearmament.
Despite the rejection of the offer for a colonial settlement, Blum's continuing talks with Dr. Schacht into 1937 led to concerns within the cabinet of new British prime minister
as the French ambassador in Moscow with orders to strengthen the Franco-Soviet alliance. When Coulondre presented his credentials as an ambassador for France to Soviet Chairman
1310:". Blum believed that the colonial question was the principal problem in Franco-German relations and that there was a "moderate" faction within the German government led by the 8319: 604:
whose novels he loved, and Blum was to become one of the world's leading experts on Stendhal whom he often wrote about. As an young man, he effected the style of an aesthete "
8469: 8370: 8217: 8302: 8251: 11504: 8438: 8092: 2258: 11366: 7835:
Leutner, Mechtild (2020). "Chinese Visas for European Refugees, Marseilles, 1940/1941: An (Almost) Forgotten Example of International Solidarity". In Nele Noesselt (ed.).
Greenwood, Sean (2002). "The Most Important of the Western Nations: France's Place in Britain's Post-War foreign policy, 1945-1949". In Alan Sharp & Glyn Stone (ed.).
8486: 1419:
Beck. Beck was not dismissed, but Blum signed an agreement for France to provide the money to allow Poland to create an arms industry. In regards to Asia, Blum appointed
8421: 8268: 11570: 2904: 1089:
views about rearmament as he forced to concede that sanctions did not always work, and in face of aggression military force was justified as a means of self-defense.
9902: 1339:
it would pressure for Britain, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand to return the former German colonies they administered as mandates for the League of Nations.
1208:(Grain Board or Wheat Office, through which the government helped to market agricultural produce at fair prices for farmers) to stabilise prices and curb speculation 771:
that: "Our victory will be the emancipation and reconciliation of men through Liberty and Justice". In the same editorial, he praised the call of the U.S. president
in 1898 as a jurist, before which he had not demonstrated interest in public affairs. Campaigning as a Dreyfusard brought him into contact with the socialist leader
11546: 2419:
against the Gaullists and the Communists. Blum also served as an ambassador on a government loan mission to the United States, and as head of the French mission to
10112: 8710: 8695: 1423:
as the French ambassador to China with instructions to provide French aid to assist with the modernization of China as a way to counterbalance the power of Japan.
12026: 1921:
to argue that the Allies should break out of the encirclement to link up with the rest of the French armies, but the attempts to do so were unsuccessful. The BEF
11390: 9947: 8665: 2444:
calling for France to grant independence to Vietnam at once, and to recognize the government that Ho had proclaimed in August 1945. He favored the plans for the
12107: 1874:
had done in 1914, and Belgium's neutral status allowed the Wehrmacht a head-start in the invasion. The same day saw the fall of the Chamberlain government with
indicated that Germany was preparing for a major war in the near-future. The fact that Germany had an economy three times larger than France's ensured that the
12089: 12071: 11147: 1278:
was strongly against French arms for the Spanish republic, and that France could not afford a rift with Britain over Spain given the threat posed by Germany.
12806: 11330: 11264: 11066: 9742: 9857: 1562:
inside France. His refusal to send arms to Spain strained his alliance with the Communists, who followed Soviet policy and demanded all-out support for the
11163: 1808:
that the "clouds of pessimism" would soon disappear as he asserted that the "peace front" would soon be in existence, which would in turn would deter the
be immune to a blockade. As such from the French viewpoint it was crucial to keep Eastern Europe out of the German sphere of influence. The War Minister,
13111: 11117: 10200: 9892: 9882: 12491: 11141: 2947: 11492: 9862: 9867: 7497:
ALQasear, Hussein Muhsin Hashim, and Azhar Kadhim Hasan. "The most important obstacles that led to the fall of the first Leon Blum government, 1937."
1274:, the French ambassador in London, strongly advised Blum to cease the arms shipments to the Spanish Republicans. Corbin warned that the government of 542:
that very much identified with the republic, and as a child he attended the public funeral services of defenders of French republican values such as
13821: 13816: 12701: 8565: 2482:
taking Jewish Holocaust survivors from France to Palestine that was stopped by the British, an action that Blum sharply condemned in an editorial in
2740: 14028: 11360: 9852: 2244: 1998:
all anti-Nazi German and Austrian exiles living in France, which he noted violated the traditional French custom of asylum. One of Blum's friends,
9952: 12245: 10162: 6906: 3447: 726: 381: 13913: 8191: 8156: 3161:, p. 30: "Léon Blum was born in Paris in 1872, into a moderately successful lower-middle-class commercial family of semiassimilated Jews." 2005:
Blum spent the next ten days with Auriol and his family, where he refused their counsel to leave France. The Vice Premier in Petain's cabinet,
450: 14023: 13998: 12610: 10817: 9390: 2916: 2862: 859: 9897: 9802: 2159:
On 9 April 1941, Blum received over a hundred birthday telegrams from distinguished Americans, the most notable of whom was the First Lady,
alliance that won the subsequent elections with the Socialists going from 55 seats to 104 seats in the Chamber of Deputies. On 31 May 1924,
14033: 1956:
was leaving as he had been told that the port of departure was Perpignan, which was changed at the last moment to Bordeaux. Just after the
9942: 1834:
for war credits to the government and urged the government to stand by its alliance with Poland. Daladier declared war on Germany when it
was "a French Jew, of a long line of French ancestors, speaking only the language of his country, nurtured predominantly on its culture".
10328: 9975: 8658: 1500:
was opposed and persuaded Hitler to reject the offer. Part of the reason for the French urgency in seeking to improve relations with the
11336: 13020: 11510: 9772: 8879: 7911:
Sullivan, Barry (1999). "More than meets the eye: the Ethiopian War and the Origins of the Second World War"". In Gordon Martel (ed.).
1914: 5440:, Lazare Landau, Extrait de l'Almanach du KKL-Strasbourg 5753-1993 (avec l'aimable autorisation des Editeurs), at Le judaisme alsacien 1655:
cooperated with Britain. Despite being on the opposite sides of the ideological divide, starting on 14 April 1938 the Conservative MP
Shortly after his election, Blum together with his entire cabinet visited the German embassy to meet the new German ambassador, Count
13948: 11408: 11059: 10318: 9735: 8582: 1870:
via Belgium to by-pass the Maginot line. Blum noted bitterly that Germany no more respected Belgian neutrality in 1940 than what the
Following a botched coup d'état on 17 July 1936, a civil war broke out in Spain. Blum initially allowed weapons to be shipped to the
11603: 10107: 10066: 10028: 10010: 10000: 9980: 8773: 8690: 8392: 11444: 8341: 10033: 8239: 7877: 7598: 2053:
appeared at the session to talk menacing about the need for order in France and warned that he would call out the military if the
who were marching outside of the Grand Casino and threatening to lynch any deputies or senators who voted against Petain. Marshal
attended the founding of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem, where both Blum and Einstein spoke in favor of Zionism. In October 1929,
13775: 11828: 10147: 9822: 8720: 7726:
Ford, Franklin; Schorske, Carl (1953). "The Voice in the Wilderness Robert Coulondre". In Gordon A. Craig; Felix Gilbert (eds.).
6827: 1799:
for the Red Army to have transit rights into Poland in the event of a German invasion, which the Polish Foreign Minister Colonel
11957: 11208: 9877: 8290: 13780: 11522: 10411: 10391: 10137: 8651: 8358: 2027:. Much to Blum's surprise, a number of Socialist deputies and senators rejected his plan and agreed for a joint session of the 1715:
took place in the Italian Chamber of Deputies where on cue all of the deputies rose up to shout "Tunis, Corsica, Nice, Savoy!"
737:, SFIO). Soon he was the party's main theoretician. It is possible that Blum's interest in politics began somewhat earlier, as 9797: 2023:
to meet together, which led him to decide that the Socialist deputies and senators should vote against a joint session of the
In an attempt to improve productivity in the French armament industry, especially its aviation industry, the Finance Minister
13826: 13074: 10084: 10043: 7844: 7653: 3124: 2366: 11438: 10180: 10089: 9782: 1459:. The increasing hostile stance of Fascist Italy towards France led to fears in Paris that Italy would ally itself with the 943:
by bringing down Radical governments without being prepared to propose constructive ideas and solutions. The appointment of
687:, were incensed, and pelted mostly anti-semitic insults and public outrage at Blum, famously dubbing him "le pornographe du 13958: 13953: 11052: 10449: 10038: 9728: 8768: 8324: 8015: 2338: 1578:
On 13 February 1936, shortly before becoming Prime Minister, Blum was dragged from a car and almost beaten to death by the
11384: 8577: 8540: 8409: 8222: 5433: 11540: 11075: 10132: 9932: 9912: 9817: 8851: 8831: 7784:
Kaufmann, William (1953). "Two American Ambassadors: Bullitt and Kennedy". In Gordan A. Craig & Felix Gilbert (ed.).
902:, the leader of the Socialist Republicans. Blum supported the Herriot government in forcing the resignation of President 676: 566:
in 1890 and excelled there, but he dropped out after a year later, entering instead the Faculty of Law. He attended the
8443: 7996: 6681: 1401:
non-aggression pact of 1934, but in the aftermath of the Rhineland remiltarization, the Polish Foreign Minister Colonel
Unsurprisingly he was targeted by the then-powerful Catholic Church in France, in the wake of the turmoil caused by the
13943: 13923: 11765: 11268: 9985: 9812: 8149: 2106:. When the final vote was held on 10 July, Blum voted against the request for constitutional revision. Blum was among " 555:
than by Judaism. Blum always saw himself as both French and Jewish, and he took a special pride in the heritage of the
502:(1936–1939) to avoid the civil conflict spilling over into France itself. Once out of office in 1938, he denounced the 11420: 8614: 8474: 8375: 6880: 2345: 1887:
that we must at this moment with all our strength together defend our common safety". On 13–14 May 1940, Blum was in
13938: 13928: 13766: 10225: 10205: 8778: 8743: 8674: 8307: 8256: 7966: 7939: 7863: 7814: 7760: 7706: 7620: 7586: 7565: 7517: 5538: 2385: 1238: 494:
Despite Blum's relatively short tenures, his time in office was very influential. As Prime Minister in the left-wing
14018: 10464: 498:
government in 1936–1937, he provided a series of major economic and social reforms. Blum declared neutrality in the
13735: 13213: 11759: 2114:
that had sponsored the Popular Front program since 1936 remained in power; it voted overwhelmingly to make Marshal
to serve as a "honest broker" in an attempt to find a compromise. Chamberlain met with Adolf Hitler at a summit at
13141: 12353: 12335: 11921: 9197: 2684:– Under-Secretary of State for the Organization of the leisure activities and sports -i.e. Minister for the Sports 1405:
expressed the wish for French financial and military aid to modernize the Polish military. Beck's friendship with
14008: 13918: 11621: 9927: 9917: 9847: 9708: 8517: 8491: 2716: 2564: 2523: 872: 841:
December 1919 gave him a reputation as one of the finest speakers in the National Assembly. In the fall of 1920,
227: 11486: 8426: 8273: 2352: 1725:
was called, and the Socialists did not vote for a Communist motion of no-confidence in the Daladier government.
Darlan as his successor. Darlan became increasing vociferous in advocating the view that France needed a strong
was the loss of Germany's African colonies and demanded that all of the former African colonies "go home to the
13013: 11996: 11096: 10386: 10376: 10142: 10117: 10005: 9837: 8889: 8700: 8535: 2323: 2263: 12836: 12812: 11939: 11903: 11450: 8556: 3461: 648:, writing legal briefs for both Clemenceau and Labori. Blum attended the trial in 1898 of Zola for his letter 14038: 13365: 11804: 11792: 11771: 11735: 11717: 11707: 11675: 11665: 11242: 11153: 10308: 10215: 10099: 10053: 8682: 8624: 8604: 8142: 7720: 2211: 1926: 1427: 708: 563: 518: 13415: 12149: 9995: 9937: 8001: 2319: 1682:" as soon as possible. When the Munich Agreement was signed on 30 September 1938, Blum wrote that he felt " 688: 13785: 13243: 11696: 11654: 11633: 11498: 11286: 11274: 10489: 10152: 9957: 8594: 8165: 2334: 2281: 11858: 9887: 521:. After the war, he resumed a transitional leadership role in French politics, helping to bring about the 13040: 12425: 12287: 11627: 9751: 8763: 8011: 1124: 12725: 11747: 11414: 9518: 8715: 7594: 6853: 4568:
Martin Thomas, "French Economic Affairs and Rearmament: The First Crucial Months, June–September 1936".
2423:. Blum paid a two-month visit to the United States in the spring of 1946 where along with the economist 2045: 1131:
and the French Communists to change their policy. In 1935 all the parties of left and centre formed the
14003: 13963: 12125: 11615: 11462: 11354: 11090: 10439: 10356: 8947: 8922: 7502: 3008: 1567: 1355: 851: 10371: 10351: 10333: 10313: 10293: 7793:
Keylor, William (1997). "France and the Illusion of American Support 1919-1940". In Joel Blatt (ed.).
2929: 2415:
He advocated an alliance between the center-left and the center-right parties in order to support the
2058: 2031:
as they argued that the Socialists should instead ask for a referendum on any constitutional changes.
13800: 13006: 12824: 12593: 12533: 11232: 10908: 10890: 9566: 8952: 7630:
Cameron, Elizabeth (1953). "Alexis Saint-Léger-Léger". In Gordon A. Craig & Felix Gilbert (ed.).
2231: 1966: 1678:
October, albeit on a schedule that favored the German demand to have the Sudetenland "go home to the
17: 12830: 12443: 11159: 11033: 10797: 10729: 10122: 9370: 9297: 8841: 1758:
of 1939, Blum supported the measures taken by Britain and France to "contain" Germany and deter the
13381: 13198: 13176: 12065: 9702: 8962: 8927: 8065: 8038: 7689:
Colton, Joel. "Politics and Economics in the 1930s: The Balance Sheets of the 'Blum New Deal'." in
responsible for declaration of war on Germany, causing him to go to Toulouse, where he stayed with
1587: 1136: 833: 785: 517:. Tried (but never judged) by the Vichy government on charges of treason, he was imprisoned in the 476: 65: 11432: 11175: 10240: 9872: 9827: 8753: 7733: 2130: 13795: 13270: 11723: 11302: 11226: 10669: 10619: 10554: 9842: 9087: 8264: 2824: 2669: 2606: 2312: 1739: 1563: 1411: 1150: 777: 741:
mentioned in his personal memoirs that Blum had expressed interest in politics as early as 1892.
12599: 11003: 10943: 10865: 10396: 9503: 7919:
Wall, Irwin M. "The Resignation of the First Popular Front Government of Leon Blum, June 1937."
The Franco-Soviet staff talks stained Anglo-French relations with the British Foreign Secretary
biggest arms program ever attempted by a French government in peacetime". Intelligence from the
government, but the arms shipments to the Spanish Republic caused much opposition from Britain.
12908: 12649: 12305: 11887: 10842: 10406: 10265: 10127: 9425: 8823: 8456: 8173: 5419: 3012: 2910: 2806: 2416: 1978: 1813: 1497: 1132: 1098: 974: 832:
In 1919 he was chosen as chair of the party's executive committee, and was also elected to the
522: 495: 8573: 7890:
Salerno, Reynolds M. (February 1997). "The French Navy and the Appeasement of Italy, 1937-9".
5528: 2194:
The trial, which received much media attention made Blum into a popular hero. An editorial in
2140: 13993: 13715: 13290: 13228: 13099: 13054: 12878: 12866: 12790: 12043: 11597: 11587: 11576: 11552: 11324: 11135: 10993: 10983: 10900: 10421: 10298: 10283: 10273: 10195: 10185: 9967: 9641: 9616: 9571: 9543: 8909: 8504: 8204: 2219:
that Mandel was taken away very suddenly from Buchenwald, and he never heard from him again.
2119: 1900:
Blum returned to Paris at once, and met Reynaud who told him that he was bringing in Marshal
1768: 1431: 1299: 1164: 870:
Blum led the SFIO through the 1920s and 1930s, and was also editor of the party's newspaper,
754: 13355: 10434: 10235: 10190: 10061: 9787: 8813: 8788: 7643: 3114: 2851:– Under-Secretary of State for the Sports, the Leisure activities and the Physical Education 2359: 2273: 1393: 1259:
could field along with the greater size of the German economy. To even the odds against the
During the Ethiopian crisis, Blum supported the League of Nations and he harshly criticised
14043: 13908: 13903: 13790: 13475: 13345: 13181: 13171: 13116: 13049: 12842: 12479: 12467: 12449: 12437: 12347: 11974: 11876: 11870: 11840: 11372: 10958: 10499: 10474: 10459: 10343: 10303: 9636: 9032: 9007: 8982: 8967: 8957: 8937: 8917: 8866: 3147:
The Blum family has always pronounced its name in a way that indicates its Alsatian origin.
2164: 1627: 1541: 1303: 1242: 1085: 1059: 978: 836:
as a representative of Paris. In the election of November 1919, the center-right coalition
826: 570:
and became both a lawyer and literary critic. Starting in 1892, Blum became the critic for
552: 13435: 12890: 12359: 11846: 11834: 10973: 10923: 10366: 8705: 8610: 2952: 8: 13440: 13121: 13079: 11984: 11644: 11456: 11280: 10938: 10739: 10709: 10649: 10539: 10529: 10020: 9267: 9177: 9052: 8383: 8281: 8230: 2800: 2722: 2594: 2285: 1661: 1519: 1389: 1119:
from the SFIO. Political circumstances changed in 1934, when the rise of German dictator
939: 903: 798: 567: 439: 13510: 12872: 12413: 12251: 12203: 11296: 10759: 10749: 10714: 10664: 10584: 10484: 9666: 9621: 9332: 9287: 9272: 9222: 9192: 9127: 8992: 8349: 8332: 8075: 7727: 2868: 2712: 2560: 2075: 1652: 1606:, but this was blocked by "colons", colonist representatives in the Chamber and Senate. 1583: 1582:, a group of antisemites and royalists. The group's parent organisation, the right-wing 1372: 1051: 926: 711:. Blum first became personally involved in the Affair when he aided the defense case of 321: 309: 196: 165: 141: 13859: 13848: 13645: 13640: 13625: 13605: 13280: 13166: 13131: 12329: 12281: 12269: 11426: 11258: 11252: 11236: 11220: 11023: 10933: 10454: 10444: 10381: 10245: 9792: 9777: 9172: 9107: 8899: 8803: 8793: 8758: 7807:
The burden of responsibility : Blum, Camus, Aron, and the French twentieth century
7544: 5571: 5380: 3441: 1922: 1835: 1796: 1619: 1063: 890: 631: 13560: 12962: 12101: 11202: 11181: 11169: 10802: 10704: 10684: 10674: 10255: 9676: 9646: 9375: 9360: 9342: 9262: 9217: 9202: 8808: 2874: 2752: 2115: 2102:
failed him as he limited himself to defending the patriotism of those left abroad the
2099: 2091: 1471: 1350: 995: 895: 625:
who had been convicted of treason for Germany in 1894, but in the late summer of 1897
13720: 13575: 13360: 13350: 13126: 13064: 13059: 12956: 12950: 12914: 12407: 12365: 11558: 11348: 11342: 11248: 11028: 11018: 10157: 9661: 9651: 9551: 9533: 9400: 9322: 9282: 9237: 9102: 8725: 8513: 8058: 8048: 7962: 7945: 7935: 7859: 7840: 7828: 7810: 7756: 7702: 7667: 7659: 7649: 7616: 7582: 7561: 7513: 6900: 6514: 5534: 3138: 3130: 3120: 2836: 2675: 2663: 2457: 2160: 2111: 1999: 1882:
hailed the new Churchill government as a positive step. Blum had been invited before
1875: 1852: 1656: 1558: 1456: 1451:, that it was "a step forward" for France and the Soviet Union to begin staff talks. 1448: 1047: 970: 556: 533:
Blum was born in 1872 in Paris to a moderately prosperous, middle class, assimilated
499: 297: 220: 153: 31: 12761: 12587: 10978: 10604: 10564: 10544: 10514: 10504: 10401: 9523: 9247: 9067: 8874: 8836: 2830: 2770: 2624: 1830:
On 1 September 1939, Germany invaded Poland. On 2 September 1939, Blum voted in the
1406: 700: 659: 13882: 13872: 13750: 13705: 13695: 13685: 13660: 13540: 13495: 13460: 13430: 13425: 13395: 13300: 13193: 13094: 13030: 12968: 12689: 12554: 12521: 12509: 12473: 11915: 11897: 11798: 11290: 11192: 10998: 10918: 10880: 10614: 10599: 10579: 10549: 10534: 9832: 9807: 9561: 9302: 9292: 9142: 8748: 8531: 8400: 7899: 7536: 5563: 5376: 2993: 2978: 2734: 2588: 2215: 2200: 2168: 1901: 1867: 1716: 1614:
Blum was briefly Prime Minister again in March and April 1938, long enough to ship
1524: 1506: 1440: 1291: 1279: 1178:
raised wages (15% for the lowest-paid workers, and 7% for the relatively well-paid)
1080: 983: 956:
achieving anything. Blum was also opposed to a neo-Socialist group led by Déat and
842: 572: 13535: 12938: 12377: 12008: 10699: 10469: 9759: 9611: 9257: 9242: 9232: 9207: 9167: 8977: 7991: 2960: 2699:
succeeds Roger Salengro as Minister of the Interior, following Salengro's suicide.
1420: 991: 899: 721: 543: 13877: 13650: 13530: 13470: 13410: 13305: 13295: 13238: 13156: 13084: 12932: 12767: 12743: 12485: 12401: 12371: 12317: 12311: 12293: 12275: 12263: 12257: 12239: 12233: 12221: 12209: 12197: 12179: 12161: 12143: 11951: 11927: 11909: 11852: 11816: 11318: 11312: 11123: 11107: 10948: 10860: 10850: 10827: 10689: 10679: 10659: 10654: 10634: 10629: 10589: 10559: 10519: 10479: 9528: 9458: 9410: 9227: 9212: 9187: 9182: 9162: 9157: 9147: 9132: 9122: 9112: 9097: 9062: 9042: 9022: 9017: 8987: 8620: 8600: 8085: 8007: 7913:
The Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered A.J.P. Taylor and the Historians
7576: 6685: 5437: 2429: 1970: 1910: 1598: 1579: 1444: 1376: 1327: 1323: 1315: 1283: 1275: 1158: 1112: 1072: 965: 922: 789: 730: 684: 683:
in 1905. Far right and royalist politicians and agitators, and most preeminently
650: 613: 475:; 9 April 1872 – 30 March 1950) was a French socialist politician and three-time 471: 98: 13565: 12818: 12665: 12632: 12620: 12455: 12419: 12299: 10913: 10624: 10609: 9556: 9152: 9092: 9072: 9037: 8856: 8643: 8315: 7978:
The Foreign Policy of Hitler's Germany Volume 2 Starting World War Two 1937-1939
Adrian Rossiter, "Popular Front economic policy and the Matignon negotiations".
2880: 2848: 2681: 1733:
been long since banned, and there was no possibility of a general strike in the
1397: 973:
on 30 January 1934 and led to Daladier forming another government. Blum saw the
680: 581: 13710: 13665: 13655: 13635: 13595: 13550: 13515: 13405: 13400: 13390: 13285: 13258: 12986: 12980: 12944: 12920: 12860: 12749: 12695: 12671: 12659: 12638: 12560: 12503: 12497: 12461: 12383: 12323: 12155: 11864: 11822: 11810: 11528: 11516: 11480: 11402: 11214: 11129: 11013: 10988: 10855: 10744: 10644: 10594: 10569: 10250: 10230: 10220: 10210: 9990: 9767: 9686: 9601: 9596: 9581: 9576: 9473: 9463: 9453: 9448: 9438: 9312: 9277: 8798: 8783: 8590: 8465: 8366: 8213: 8102: 8031: 7882:
Mitzman, Arthur. "The French Working Class and the Blum Government (1936–37)."
5430: 3423: 2921: 2886: 2842: 2812: 2794: 2776: 2758: 2642: 2630: 2582: 2576: 2461: 2248: 2079: 2074:
had been seriously injured in an automobile accident that killed his mistress;
2050: 2040: 1962: 1934: 1906: 1893: 1712: 1700: 1271: 1055: 1030: 957: 915: 793: 772: 704: 641: 622: 577: 537:
family in the mercantile business. His father Abraham, a merchant, was born in
510: 484: 208: 86: 13610: 13580: 13480: 12854: 12626: 12581: 12395: 11044: 11008: 10968: 10885: 10509: 9720: 9626: 9478: 9468: 9443: 9405: 9012: 8298: 8247: 7903: 2966: 2518: 1108: 930: 716: 488: 274: 250: 13897: 13755: 13745: 13740: 13725: 13620: 13555: 13520: 13500: 13490: 13327: 13248: 13233: 12896: 12848: 12800: 12779: 12755: 12719: 12185: 12167: 12137: 12119: 12053: 12002: 11963: 11945: 11933: 11782: 10928: 10875: 10787: 10769: 10719: 10639: 10524: 10361: 10323: 10288: 10278: 10172: 9681: 9631: 9606: 9591: 9586: 9498: 9488: 9433: 9137: 9082: 9077: 9057: 9047: 9027: 9002: 8846: 8735: 8434: 8119: 2935: 2898: 2782: 2648: 2636: 2528: 2062:
sensitive not to suffer from it. He protects himself against it. He smiles".
1856: 1818: 1755: 1665: 1182: 1128: 999: 987: 918:. Blum was returned to the Chamber of Deputies in a by-election in May 1929. 750: 738: 667: 609: 370: 186: 131: 110: 12707: 12677: 9493: 7949: 7874:
French Socialism in the Crisis Years, 1933–1936: Fascism and the French Left
did not vote as Marshal Petain wanted. Laval in his speech used the British
1800: 1402: 998:, saying he would be powerless in such a cabinet. When the Foreign Minister 712: 645: 589: 13730: 13700: 13600: 13590: 13545: 13525: 13465: 13455: 13420: 13223: 13106: 12974: 12902: 12884: 12737: 12683: 12544: 12527: 12431: 12227: 12191: 12173: 12083: 12059: 12032: 12020: 12014: 11990: 11686: 11308: 10963: 10953: 10807: 10792: 10779: 10764: 10754: 10724: 10694: 10076: 9907: 9656: 9380: 9365: 9352: 9337: 9307: 9252: 9117: 8932: 8182: 7679:
Colton, Joel. "Léon Blum and the French Socialists as a government party."
2892: 2473: 2465: 2445: 2436:
In the talks regarding the future of Vietnam, Blum reprinted a letter from
2408: 2188: 2107: 2071: 2006: 1974: 1848: 1743: 1707: 1636: 1546: 1532: 1465: 1331: 1319: 1287: 1170: 1120: 1116: 1043: 1038: 944: 781: 585: 514: 8482: 7671: 3142: 13680: 13675: 13630: 13615: 13585: 13570: 13505: 13485: 13450: 13317: 13312: 13218: 12926: 12773: 12731: 12713: 12571: 12389: 12341: 12215: 11753: 11741: 11729: 10870: 10734: 10574: 10494: 10429: 9671: 9508: 9483: 8997: 8972: 8942: 8549: 8524: 8417: 7639: 6515:
Fort du Portalet Office de tourisme Vallée d'Aspe (
3110: 2746: 2728: 2696: 2657: 2600: 2570: 2453: 2437: 2424: 2398: 2277: 2224: 2083: 1982: 1938: 1888: 1632: 1591: 1492: 719:, whom he greatly admired. He began contributing to the socialist daily, 699:
While in his youth an avid reader of the works of the nationalist writer
636: 626: 547: 503: 400: 50: 12131: 12113: 12095: 12077: 5367:
Windell, George C. (1962). "Leon Blum and the Crisis over Spain, 1936".
2944:– Minister of Public Works, Transport, Reconstruction, and Town Planning 13690: 13445: 13275: 13208: 13203: 9513: 8134: 7753:
Anglo-French Relations in the Twentieth Century Rivalry and Cooperation
7745: 7684: 7548: 2972: 2941: 2818: 2815:– Minister of Coordination of Services of the Presidency of the Council 2788: 2612: 2326: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 2183: 2176: 1843: 1226: 1007: 7932:
How war came: the immediate origins of the Second World War, 1938-1939
7924: 5575: 4573: 4531: 2855: 1878:
forming a new coalition government in London. Blum in an editorial in
13854: 13842: 13670: 13370: 13263: 13253: 13188: 13161: 7802: 7740:
Halperin, S. William. "Léon Blum and contemporary French socialism."
2536: 2478: 1729: 1615: 1255:
Germany as France could only field a third of the young men that the
1251: 846: 13989:
Members of the 16th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic
Members of the 15th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic
Members of the 14th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic
Members of the 13th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic
Members of the 12th Chamber of Deputies of the French Third Republic
7540: 5408:
Beyond Death and Exile: The Spanish Republicans in France, 1939–1955
2301: 13069: 12998: 5567: 3030: 2764: 2618: 2172: 2087: 1986: 1523:
Britain's case for hanging onto Tanganyika. The American historian
1414:, another member of the triumvirate that was the leadership of the 1107:
in 1929, and was re-elected in 1932 and 1936. In 1933, he expelled
1104: 1011: 601: 14014:
Members of the Executive of the Labour and Socialist International
6828:"La femme juive qui est allée à Buchenwald pour épouser Léon Blum" 2230:
As the Allied armies approached Buchenwald, he was transferred to
13322: 13089: 2654:
Robert Jardillier – Minister of Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones
2532: 2508:
that: "we must create Europe. We must do it with Germany and not
On 10 May 1940, the Wehrmacht launched the Manstein variant of
1603: 7663: 7613:
1939: The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II
6665: 6663: 5130: 4557:
France since the popular front: government and people, 1936–1996
France since the popular front: government and people, 1936–1996
3134: 1812:
from invading Poland. The next day, the German Foreign Minister
Romania. After the remilitarization of the Rhineland, both King
far-right group even staged bombings to disrupt the government.
491:. After Jaurès' assassination in 1914, he became his successor. 487:
of the late 19th century. He was a disciple of socialist leader
11079: 7558:
Hitler's Shadow Empire Nazi Economics and the Spanish Civil War
5033: 2540: 2420: 2235: 2210:
On 31 March 1943, the German Government had Blum imprisoned in
the raising of the compulsory school-attendance age to 14 years
of 1894, which had a traumatic effect on him as it did on many
of Paris. Blum was initially convinced of the guilt of Captain
538: 534: 3255: 3253: 3251: 2551: 7856:
Cry Havoc How the Arms Race Drove the World to War, 1931-1941
7797:. Providence, Rhode Island: Berghahn Books. pp. 204–244. 6759: 6757: 6660: 6638: 6636: 6283: 6281: 6279: 6153: 6151: 5651: 5649: 4891: 4889: 2709:
Léon Blum – President of the Council and Minister of Treasury
2703: 605: 353: 7157: 7155: 7153: 7151: 7047: 5210: 5208: 5164: 5162: 5160: 5118: 4033: 4031: 3393: 3391: 3389: 3333: 3331: 7776:
Jordan, Nicole. "Léon Blum and Czechoslovakia, 1936–1938."
5021: 4697: 4695: 4693: 3248: 3152: 2252: 2153: 1237:
The most important factor in French foreign policy was the
ensured that there would be no retaliation against strikers
never really recovered from. Despite being a member of the
at the Congress of Tours, but the radicals seceded, taking
7788:. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 649–681. 7634:. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 378–405. 7182: 7121: 7109: 7035: 7023: 6913: 6788: 6754: 6633: 6580: 6496: 6438: 6378: 6276: 6231: 6204: 6148: 6046: 6009: 5980: 5951: 5909: 5825: 5750: 5685: 5646: 5582: 5309: 5307: 5244: 5081: 4955: 4886: 4846: 4844: 4842: 4840: 4798: 4740: 4738: 4736: 4734: 4719: 4668: 4666: 4653: 4651: 4649: 4181: 4179: 4106: 4104: 4102: 4100: 3561: 3559: 3557: 3555: 3513: 3511: 2182:
Blum was put on trial starting on 19 February 1942 in the
The popular Front in France: defending democracy, 1934–38
Guérard, Albert; Blum, Léon (1943). "L'Histoire Jugera".
A History of the Twentieth Century: Volume Two: 1933–1951
7256: 7254: 7205: 7203: 7201: 7199: 7197: 7172: 7170: 7148: 7138: 7136: 7099: 7097: 7095: 7093: 7080: 7078: 7076: 7074: 7001: 6999: 6962: 6960: 6958: 6945: 6943: 6930: 6928: 6809: 6807: 6805: 6803: 6778: 6776: 6774: 6772: 6732: 6730: 6717: 6715: 6713: 6700: 6698: 6696: 6694: 6599: 6597: 6595: 6570: 6568: 6566: 6564: 6539: 6537: 6524: 6522: 6486: 6484: 6482: 6457: 6455: 6453: 6356: 6354: 6341: 6339: 6337: 6312: 6310: 6308: 6266: 6264: 6262: 6260: 6258: 6221: 6219: 6194: 6192: 6190: 6138: 6136: 6123: 6121: 6119: 6106: 6104: 6067: 6065: 6063: 6061: 6036: 6034: 6032: 6030: 6028: 6026: 6024: 5999: 5997: 5995: 5970: 5968: 5966: 5941: 5939: 5926: 5924: 5899: 5897: 5895: 5882: 5880: 5867: 5865: 5863: 5861: 5859: 5857: 5844: 5842: 5840: 5815: 5813: 5811: 5809: 5807: 5805: 5803: 5801: 5773: 5771: 5769: 5767: 5765: 5740: 5738: 5736: 5706: 5704: 5702: 5700: 5636: 5634: 5632: 5619: 5617: 5615: 5613: 5611: 5609: 5497: 5495: 5493: 5491: 5478: 5476: 5474: 5472: 5294: 5292: 5290: 5277: 5275: 5273: 5271: 5205: 5195: 5193: 5191: 5189: 5157: 5108: 5106: 5104: 5102: 5100: 5098: 5096: 4999: 4997: 4995: 4993: 4980: 4978: 4976: 4974: 4972: 4970: 4945: 4943: 4941: 4939: 4937: 4935: 4910: 4908: 4906: 4904: 4876: 4874: 4861: 4859: 4827: 4825: 4788: 4786: 4784: 4782: 4757: 4755: 4753: 4457: 4404: 4028: 3883: 3881: 3879: 3386: 3362: 3352: 3350: 3348: 3346: 3328: 3301: 3291: 3289: 3287: 3285: 3272: 3270: 3268: 2098:
and had not been permitted to return; and the courage of
evacuated from Dunkirk, taking many French soldiers along
1609: 1066:
in Paris alongside thousands of their followers carrying
480: 13934:
French Section of the Workers' International politicians
France and the Coming of the Second World War, 1936-1939
7239: 7227: 7215: 7059: 5788: 5786: 5338: 5336: 5334: 5147: 5145: 4690: 4447: 4445: 4443: 4346: 4344: 4342: 4293: 4291: 4289: 4276: 4274: 4272: 3651: 3649: 3647: 3645: 3643: 3641: 3639: 3318: 3316: 2065:
In his keynote speech on 9 July, Laval claimed that the
1092: 5319: 5304: 5232: 5057: 5009: 4837: 4767: 4731: 4663: 4646: 4634: 4610: 4588: 4586: 4584: 4582: 4508: 4247: 4245: 4220: 4218: 4203: 4176: 4164: 4128: 4097: 4087: 4085: 4058: 4048: 4046: 4016: 3992: 3982: 3980: 3955: 3953: 3951: 3949: 3947: 3932: 3922: 3920: 3840: 3804: 3780: 3770: 3768: 3741: 3717: 3695: 3693: 3691: 3678: 3676: 3661: 3626: 3624: 3622: 3620: 3618: 3605: 3603: 3601: 3599: 3597: 3595: 3593: 3591: 3578: 3576: 3574: 3552: 3530: 3528: 3526: 3508: 3199: 3197: 1175:
legislated a 40-hour working week (outside of overtime)
703:, Blum had shown little interest in politics until the 7251: 7194: 7167: 7133: 7090: 7071: 7011: 6996: 6984: 6972: 6955: 6940: 6925: 6800: 6769: 6742: 6727: 6710: 6691: 6648: 6621: 6609: 6592: 6561: 6549: 6534: 6519: 6479: 6467: 6450: 6426: 6414: 6402: 6390: 6366: 6351: 6334: 6322: 6305: 6293: 6255: 6243: 6216: 6187: 6175: 6163: 6133: 6116: 6101: 6089: 6077: 6058: 6021: 5992: 5963: 5936: 5921: 5892: 5877: 5854: 5837: 5798: 5762: 5733: 5723: 5721: 5719: 5697: 5673: 5661: 5629: 5606: 5594: 5515:
Popular Front in France: Defending Democracy 1934–1938
5488: 5469: 5287: 5268: 5256: 5220: 5186: 5174: 5093: 5069: 5045: 4990: 4967: 4932: 4920: 4901: 4871: 4856: 4822: 4810: 4779: 4750: 4707: 4678: 4477:
Popular Front in France: Defending Democracy 1934–1938
3876: 3480: 3374: 3343: 3282: 3265: 2845:– Minister of State in charge of North African Affairs 1515:
suspended until further notice to pay for rearmament.
edited by Charles K. Warner (1969), pp. 181–208.
5783: 5554:
Wall, Irwin M. (1987). "Teaching the Popular Front".
5348: 5331: 5142: 4440: 4428: 4416: 4392: 4380: 4368: 4356: 4339: 4327: 4315: 4303: 4286: 4269: 4257: 3636: 3313: 3226: 3224: 3184: 3182: 3169: 3167: 1590:. As such he was an object of particular hatred from 7605:
Ideology and politics: the Socialist Party of France
4622: 4598: 4579: 4242: 4230: 4215: 4191: 4152: 4140: 4116: 4082: 4070: 4043: 4004: 3977: 3965: 3944: 3917: 3905: 3893: 3864: 3852: 3828: 3816: 3792: 3765: 3753: 3729: 3705: 3688: 3673: 3615: 3588: 3571: 3540: 3523: 3403: 3236: 3209: 3194: 2280:, was arrested in Paris in 1942. He was deported to 5716: 5517:(1988), pp 172, 215, 278–87, quotation on page 287. 3497: 3495: 2856:
Third ministry (16 December 1946 – 22 January 1947)
7755:. London: Taylor & Francis. pp. 244–265. 7732:. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp.  6879:à 07h00, Par Le 9 février 2014 (9 February 2014). 5526: 3221: 3179: 3164: 1200:By mid-August 1936, the parliament had voted for: 8673: 8093:President of the Provisional Government of France 13895: 7467:Révolution socialiste ou Révolution directoriale 7287:Nouvelles Conversations de Goethe Avec Eckermann 5395:The Spanish Republic in the Civil War, 1931–1939 3492: 3085:Révolution socialiste ou révolution directoriale 2288:, he was tortured and killed in September 1942. 1643:in the end it failed to live up to its promise. 1618:and other much needed military equipment to the 11074: 9750: 7699:Appeasement And Germany's Last Bid For Colonies 5533:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 328–33. 3422:Blum, Léon (1872-1950) Auteur du texte (1990). 3119:. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. p. 3. 2996:succeeds Moutet as Minister of Overseas France. 2803:– Minister of Posts, Telegraphs, and Telephones 2134:Leon Blum memorial in kibbutz Kfar Blum, Israel 2118:a dictator and reverse all of the gains of the 7801: 6669: 3259: 3158: 3022:, Paul Ollendorff, 1907; English translation, 2512:her. We must do it with Great Britain and not 2147:for the defeat of 1940 as he claimed that the 1989:when he read the news of the armistice in the 1977:in control of the remainder as well as of the 1491:In December 1936, the French Foreign Minister 1375:asked the commander of the military, General 735:Section française de l'Internationale ouvrière 13014: 11060: 9736: 8659: 8150: 7578:Léon Blum: Prime Minister, Socialist, Zionist 7527:Auboin, Roger (1937). "The Blum Experiment". 860:French Section of the Communist International 634:, who served as the lawyer for the newspaper 7725: 7691:From the Ancien Regime to the Popular Front, 7499:Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Humanities Sciences 5530:The Decline of the Third Republic, 1914–1938 5466:(New York, Holmes & Meier, 1982) p. 349. 5136: 5124: 1169:legislated the mandating of 12 days of paid 727:French Section of the Workers' International 382:French Section of the Workers' International 7507: 7434: 6905:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 5420:The Times | UK News, World News and Opinion 5087: 5039: 5027: 4725: 3446:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 2552:First ministry (4 June 1936 – 22 June 1937) 1646: 1540:("Yezhov times"). On 12 June 1937, Marshal 1318:who were both willing and able to restrain 513:in 1940, Blum became a staunch opponent of 78:16 December 1946 – 22 January 1947 13021: 13007: 11067: 11053: 9743: 9729: 8666: 8652: 8157: 8143: 3415: 3103: 2957:– Minister of Public Health and Population 2883:– Minister of Familial Economy and Finance 2704:Second ministry (13 March – 10 April 1938) 1474:to London to seek staff talks between the 1214:loans to small and medium-sized industries 1211:the nationalisation of the arms industries 1181:stipulated that employers would recognise 49: 8636:Acting presidents are denoted by italics. 7780:5#1 (1991): 48–73. doi: 10.1093/fh/5.1.48 7750: 7161: 3069:, Victor Gollancz, 1946 (Left Book Club). 2486:. Blum wrote: "The passengers abroad the 2386:Learn how and when to remove this message 2276:, the founder of the Ballet de l'Opéra à 1909:as the new commander-in-chief to replace 8164: 7975: 7910: 7839:. Berlin: Lit Verlag. pp. 144–161. 7809:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 7783: 7603:Codding, George A., and William Safran. 7574: 7555: 7245: 7233: 7221: 7065: 7053: 5325: 5313: 5250: 5063: 4850: 4773: 4744: 4701: 4657: 4514: 3887: 3486: 3397: 3380: 3368: 3356: 3337: 3322: 3307: 3295: 3276: 3242: 3203: 3065:, Gallimard, 1945; English translation, 2895:– Minister of Labour and Social Security 2719:and Minister of National Defense and War 2567:and Minister of National Defense and War 2397: 2129: 1838:on 3 September 1939. In an editorial in 1635:and the urgency of the rising threat of 240:28 July 1948 – 5 September 1948 14029:Buchenwald concentration camp survivors 13776:International Trade Union Confederation 7980:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 7889: 7834: 7795:The French Defeat of 1940 Reassessments 7696: 7629: 7560:. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 6878: 5366: 5238: 5226: 5214: 5199: 5180: 5168: 5015: 4672: 287:29 June 1937 – 18 January 1938 14: 13896: 13781:International Union of Socialist Youth 7915:. London: Routledge. pp. 178–203. 7884:International Review of Social History 7853: 7792: 7638: 7610: 7526: 7260: 7209: 7188: 7176: 7142: 7127: 7115: 7103: 7084: 7041: 7029: 7017: 7005: 6990: 6978: 6966: 6949: 6934: 6919: 6813: 6794: 6782: 6763: 6748: 6736: 6721: 6704: 6654: 6642: 6627: 6615: 6603: 6586: 6574: 6555: 6543: 6528: 6502: 6490: 6473: 6461: 6444: 6432: 6420: 6408: 6396: 6384: 6372: 6360: 6345: 6328: 6316: 6299: 6287: 6270: 6249: 6237: 6225: 6210: 6198: 6181: 6169: 6157: 6142: 6127: 6110: 6095: 6083: 6071: 6052: 6040: 6015: 6003: 5986: 5974: 5957: 5945: 5930: 5915: 5903: 5886: 5871: 5848: 5831: 5819: 5792: 5777: 5756: 5744: 5710: 5691: 5679: 5667: 5655: 5640: 5623: 5600: 5588: 5501: 5482: 5354: 5342: 5298: 5281: 5262: 5151: 5112: 5075: 5051: 5003: 4984: 4961: 4949: 4926: 4914: 4895: 4880: 4865: 4831: 4816: 4804: 4792: 4761: 4713: 4684: 4463: 4451: 4434: 4422: 4410: 4398: 4386: 4374: 4362: 4350: 4333: 4321: 4309: 4297: 4280: 4263: 4251: 4236: 4224: 4209: 4197: 4185: 4170: 4158: 4146: 4134: 4122: 4110: 4091: 4076: 4064: 4052: 4037: 4022: 4010: 3998: 3986: 3971: 3959: 3938: 3926: 3911: 3899: 3870: 3858: 3846: 3834: 3822: 3810: 3798: 3786: 3774: 3759: 3747: 3735: 3723: 3711: 3699: 3682: 3667: 3655: 3630: 3609: 3582: 3565: 3546: 3534: 3517: 3409: 3230: 3215: 3188: 3173: 3109: 2926:– Minister of Veterans and War Victims 1610:Second government in 1938 and collapse 1149:gave labour unions the credit for the 784:vs. a "national defense" group led by 694: 123:13 March 1938 – 10 April 1938 13914:20th-century heads of state of France 13002: 11048: 9724: 8647: 8138: 7956: 6858:Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme 4640: 4628: 4616: 4604: 4592: 3462:"Léon Blum et la question du mariage" 3016:, Éditions de la Revue blanche, 1901. 1195: 1093:Popular Front government of 1936–1940 608:" and was an associate of the writer 576:magazine, where he reviewed works by 470: 13999:Human Rights League (France) members 13028: 7929: 7648:. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 7479: 7464: 7449: 7419: 7404: 7389: 7374: 7359: 7344: 7329: 7314: 7299: 7284: 5727: 5553: 3421: 2557:Léon Blum – President of the Council 2531:, near Paris, on 30 March 1950. The 2324:adding citations to reliable sources 2295: 1552: 1058:of the Communists marching from the 14034:Dachau concentration camp survivors 8008:Newspaper clippings about Léon Blum 7717:Leon Blum: Evolution of a Socialist 6825: 2889:– Minister of Industrial Production 2245:together with other notable inmates 1965:. The Petain government signed an 1952:owing to confusion about where the 1825: 1241:on 7 March 1936 in defiance of the 865: 825:on 19 July 1919, Blum attacked the 677:separation between church and state 483:, he was heavily influenced by the 178:4 June 1936 – 22 June 1937 24: 7491: 7484:(in French). Imprimerie Nationale. 5381:10.1111/j.1540-6563.1962.tb01732.x 2291: 2175:. The German Ambassador to Vichy, 1573: 1143: 25: 14055: 13075:Internationalist–defencist schism 12056:(September 1870–19 February 1871) 11738:(December 29, 1818–November 1819) 7992:Leon Blum Archive at 7985: 7364:(in French). Librairie populaire. 7349:(in French). Librairie populaire. 6854:"Léon Blum et Jeanne Reichenbach" 3026:, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1937. 1728:At a Socialist Party congress in 1239:Remilitarization of the Rhineland 1232: 600:. Blum was greatly influenced by 13949:Deputy prime ministers of France 13140: 7512:. London: Taylor & Francis. 7473: 7458: 7443: 7428: 7413: 7398: 7383: 7368: 7353: 7338: 7323: 7308: 7293: 7278: 7266: 6872: 6846: 6819: 6688:'s biography of the French titan 6675: 6508: 5547: 5520: 5507: 5456: 5443: 5424: 5413: 5400: 5387: 5360: 4562: 3000: 2913:– Minister of National Education 2767:– Minister of National Education 2621:– Minister of National Education 2300: 2034:During the joint session of the 1971:full control over much of France 1944:that was to take the members of 1749: 1455:required control of the western 1037:In May 1935, the French Premier 449: 14024:École Normale Supérieure alumni 13112:Reformist–revolutionary dispute 12692:(5 September–11 September 1948) 7645:Leon Blum: Humanist in Politics 7611:Carley, Michael Jabara (1999). 7289:. Éditions de la Revue blanche. 5451:Leon Blum: Humanist in Politics 4570:Journal of Contemporary History 4549: 4536: 4520: 4495: 4482: 4469: 3503:Leon Blum: Humanist in Politics 3454: 3116:Leon Blum: Humanist in Politics 2865:and Minister of Foreign Affairs 2311:needs additional citations for 1282:, the secretary-general of the 1103:Blum was elected as Deputy for 964:Blum was greatly shaken by the 665:Between 1905 and 1907 he wrote 644:, who served as the lawyer for 228:Deputy Prime Minister of France 12602:(November 1943–September 1944) 12062:(19 February–25 February 1871) 11819:(10 November–18 November 1834) 11726:(September 1815–December 1818) 11097:Controller-General of Finances 2907:– Minister of Public Utilities 2871:– Minister of National Defense 2591:– Minister of National Economy 1220:a major public works programme 13: 1: 13366:Socialism of the 21st century 12752:(1 February–14 February 1956) 12746:(February 1955–February 1956) 12698:(September 1948–January 1949) 12152:(16 April 1885–December 1886) 11732:(7 December–29 December 1818) 11579:(10 August–21 September 1792) 11367:de Voyer de Paulmy d'Argenson 8675:Heads of government of France 7997:Maison de Léon et Jeanne Blum 7930:Watt, Donald Cameron (1989). 7508:Adamthwaite, Anthony (1977). 7394:(in French). Bernard Grasset. 7334:(in French). Paul Ollendorff. 7304:(in French). Paul Ollendorff. 3097: 3093:, Imprimerie Nationale, 1997. 2938:– Minister of Overseas France 2861:Léon Blum – President of the 2755:– Minister of Military Marine 2725:– Minister of Foreign Affairs 2717:Vice President of the Council 2573:– Minister of Foreign Affairs 2565:Vice President of the Council 2546: 2225:Jeanne Adèle "Janot" Levylier 1927:William Christian Bullitt Jr. 1428:William Christian Bullitt Jr. 528: 519:Buchenwald concentration camp 27:French politician (1872–1950) 13786:Party of European Socialists 13244:Negative and positive rights 12668:(December 1946–January 1947) 12629:(November 1944–January 1946) 12476:(4 February–9 February 1934) 12458:(December 1932–January 1933) 12440:(December 1930–January 1931) 11966:(December 1851–January 1852) 11930:(December 1848–October 1849) 7837:China's New Silk Road Dreams 7556:Barbieri, Pierpaolo (2015). 6860:(in French). 20 October 2015 3075:, Éditions de l'Arbre, 1943. 3047:, Librairie populaire, 1927. 2521:. He continued to write for 1948:to Algiers. Blum missed the 1510:Hitler gave a speech to the 1070:and red flags while singing 884:with himself as the editor. 7: 13959:Finance ministers of France 13954:Foreign ministers of France 12464:(January 1933–January 1934) 11936:(October 1849–January 1851) 9752:Foreign Ministers of France 8126:as Prime Minister of France 8012:20th Century Press Archives 7959:An Uncertain Idea of France 7697:Crozier, Andrew J. (1988). 7676:, older scholarly biography 7593:, new scholarly biography; 7319:. J. B. Lippincott Company. 6881:"Pour l'amour de Léon Blum" 5527:Bernard and Dubief (1988). 3041:, Libraire Populaire, 1920. 3007:Nouvelles conversations de 2797:– Minister of Public Health 2651:– Minister of Public Health 2464:and his Foreign Secretary, 2125: 2094:had all left France on the 1915:British Expeditionary Force 1204:the creation of a national 525:, until his death in 1950. 397:Thérèse Pereyra (1932–1938) 10: 14060: 12530:(November 1938–March 1940) 12392:(December 1925–March 1926) 12296:(December 1913–March 1914) 12170:(December 1887–April 1888) 12140:(August 1882–6 April 1885) 11091:Superintendent of Finances 7976:Weinberg, Gerhard (1980). 7392:La Réforme gouvernementale 3468:(in French). 28 April 2021 3057:La Réforme gouvernementale 2877:– Minister of the Interior 2791:– Minister of Public Works 2731:– Minister of the Interior 2645:– Minister of Public Works 2579:– Minister of the Interior 2284:, where, according to the 1651:The new government led by 1096: 1029:from the Communist leader 858:with them, and formed the 29: 13944:Prime ministers of France 13924:Jewish French politicians 13868: 13835: 13809: 13801:Young European Socialists 13764: 13379: 13336: 13149: 13138: 13038: 12789: 12758:(February 1956–June 1957) 12722:(March 1952–January 1953) 12680:(November 1947–July 1948) 12648: 12623:(September–November 1944) 12609: 12570: 12543: 12482:(February 1934–June 1935) 12042: 11973: 11886: 11861:(March 1840–October 1840) 11781: 11706: 11685: 11664: 11643: 11586: 11191: 11106: 11086: 10899: 10841: 10816: 10778: 10420: 10342: 10264: 10171: 10098: 10075: 10052: 10019: 9966: 9758: 9695: 9542: 9424: 9389: 9351: 8908: 8888: 8865: 8822: 8734: 8681: 8634: 8503: 8455: 8203: 8172: 8116: 8099: 8090: 8082: 8072: 8063: 8055: 8045: 8036: 8028: 8023: 7921:French Historical Studies 7892:English Historical Review 7858:. New York: Basic Books. 7742:Journal of Modern History 7575:Birnbaum, Pierre (2015). 7469:(in French). J. Lefeuvre. 7362:Bolchevisme et socialisme 3045:Bolchévisme et socialisme 2932:– Minister of Agriculture 2779:– Minister of Agriculture 2633:– Minister of Agriculture 1851:and his protégé, Colonel 921:In 1929, Blum along with 457: 445: 435: 418: 410: 387: 377: 360: 336: 331: 327: 315: 303: 291: 280: 268: 256: 244: 233: 226: 214: 202: 192: 182: 171: 159: 147: 137: 127: 116: 104: 92: 82: 71: 64: 60: 48: 41: 30:For the lawn bowler, see 13939:Heads of state of France 13929:20th-century French Jews 13199:Environmental protection 12770:(November 1957–May 1958) 12386:(November–December 1925) 12362:(June 1924–3 April 1925) 12200:(December 1893–May 1894) 12158:(December 1886–May 1887) 12110:(November–December 1877) 12104:(May 1877–November 1877) 11960:(November–December 1851) 11831:(January–September 1836) 11600:(21 September 1792–1793) 11573:(29 July–10 August 1792) 10465:Barthélemy-Saint-Hilaire 9703:Chief minister of France 8557:Valéry Giscard d'Estaing 8183:Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte 8066:Prime Minister of France 8039:Prime Minister of France 7961:. New York: Peter Lang. 7786:The Diplomats, 1919–1939 7615:. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee. 5436:3 September 2006 at the 5137:Ford & Schorske 1953 5125:Ford & Schorske 1953 4572:27#4 (1992) pp: 659–670 3059:, Bernard Grasset, 1936. 3035:, Paul Ollendorff, 1914. 2809:– Minister of Propaganda 2046:Parti populaire français 1647:End of the Popular Front 1588:Prime Minister of France 1137:Prime Minister of France 658:. Blum tried to recruit 564:École Normale Supérieure 477:Prime Minister of France 428:Adèle Marie Alice Picart 66:Prime Minister of France 13796:Socialist International 13271:Revolutionary socialism 12740:(January–February 1955) 12674:(January–November 1947) 12662:(October–December 1946) 12470:(January–February 1934) 12380:(October–November 1925) 12368:(3 April–17 April 1925) 12212:(January–November 1895) 12206:(May 1894–January 1895) 12146:(6 April–16 April 1885) 12035:(August–September 1870) 12011:(January–November 1867) 11954:(October–November 1851) 11924:(October–December 1848) 11825:(18 November 1834–1836) 11813:(1832–10 November 1834) 7904:10.1093/ehr/CXII.445.66 7886:9#3 (1964) pp: 363–390. 7854:Maiolo, Joseph (2010). 7827:(English edition 1982) 7729:The Diplomats 1919-1939 7715:Dalby, Louise Elliott. 7632:The Diplomats 1919-1939 7581:. Yale UP. p. 74. 7379:(in French). Gallimard. 7377:Souvenirs sur l'Affaire 7332:Stendhal et le beylisme 4544:Popular Front in France 3051:Souvenirs sur l'Affaire 2930:François Tanguy-Prigent 2607:Alphonse Gasnier-Duparc 1602:the Arab population of 975:riot of 6 February 1934 472:[ɑ̃dʁeleɔ̃blum] 14009:Jewish prime ministers 13919:Politicians from Paris 13356:Evolutionary socialism 12611:Provisional Government 12410:(19 July–23 July 1926) 12326:(March–September 1917) 12284:(June 1911–March 1913) 11795:(August–November 1830) 11567:(18 June–29 July 1792) 11561:(13 June–18 June 1792) 8109:as President of France 7957:Young, Robert (2005). 7683:15#4 (1953): 517–543. 7501:23.2 (2020): 264–285. 4530:30#3 (1987): 663–684. 3425:Du mariage / Léon Blum 2969:– Minister of Planning 2911:Marcel Edmond Naegelen 2863:Provisional Government 2821:– Minister of Commerce 2807:Ludovic-Oscar Frossard 2785:– Minister of Colonies 2773:– Minister of Pensions 2660:– Minister of Commerce 2639:– Minister of Colonies 2627:– Minister of Pensions 2403: 2402:Léon Blum, before 1945 2269:("On a human scale"). 2135: 1979:French colonial empire 1814:Joachim von Ribbentrop 1498:Konstantin von Neurath 1125:fascist riots in Paris 1099:Popular Front (France) 1019:that was reprinted in 734: 523:French Fourth Republic 394:Lise Bloch (1896–1931) 14019:Lycée Henri-IV alumni 13291:Social market economy 13229:Left-wing nationalism 13055:Frankfurt Declaration 12935:(March–November 2004) 12833:(July 1968–June 1969) 12686:(July–September 1948) 12524:(April–November 1938) 12434:(March–December 1930) 12428:(February–March 1930) 12308:(9 June–13 June 1914) 12290:(March–December 1913) 12194:(April–December 1893) 12134:(January–August 1882) 12074:(April–December 1872) 11900:(February–March 1848) 11855:(May 1839–March 1840) 11720:(July–September 1815) 9709:Deputy Prime Minister 7934:. London: Heinemann. 7773:(Cambridge UP, 1990.) 7701:. London: Macmillan. 7529:International Affairs 7454:(in French). Diderot. 6670:Responsibility (1998) 5431:Léon BLUM 1872 – 1950 3260:Responsibility (1998) 3159:Responsibility (1998) 2901:– Minister of Justice 2749:– Minister of Justice 2603:– Minister of Justice 2585:– Minister of Finance 2401: 2133: 2120:French Third Republic 1769:Franklin D. Roosevelt 1432:Franklin D. Roosevelt 1356:André François-Poncet 1300:Johannes von Welczeck 1165:collective bargaining 880:newspaper to replace 755:Zimmerwald Conference 14039:Jewish anti-fascists 13791:Progressive Alliance 13346:Democratic socialism 13050:Age of Enlightenment 12941:(November 2004–2005) 12764:(June–November 1957) 12716:(January–March 1952) 12596:(June–November 1943) 12512:(January–March 1938) 12488:(1 June–7 June 1935) 12452:(June–December 1932) 12422:(1928–February 1930) 12374:(April–October 1925) 12254:(March–October 1906) 12218:(November 1895–1896) 12080:(December 1872–1873) 12023:(January–April 1870) 11948:(April–October 1851) 11942:(January–April 1851) 11879:(1847–February 1848) 11630:(July–November 1799) 11555:(March–13 June 1792) 11387:(December 1720–1722) 8166:Presidents of France 7347:Pour être socialiste 3087:, J. Lefeuvre, 1947. 3039:Pour être socialiste 2743:– Minister of Labour 2737:– Minister of Budget 2609:– Minister of Marine 2597:– Minister of Labour 2543:is named after him. 2320:improve this article 2165:Operation Barbarossa 1866:("Case Yellow") and 1628:Henry Morgenthau Jr. 1542:Mikhail Tukhachevsky 1304:Treaty of Versailles 1243:Treaty of Versailles 1060:Place de la Bastille 1054:of the Radicals and 979:Place de la Concorde 827:Treaty of Versailles 760:Troisième République 553:French Enlightenment 425:Abraham Auguste Blum 13646:Liebknecht (father) 13122:Revolutions of 1848 12803:(October 1958–1960) 12782:(June–October 1958) 12728:(January–June 1953) 12710:(1951–January 1952) 12641:(June–October 1946) 12635:(January–June 1946) 12506:(1937–January 1938) 12446:(January 1931–1932) 12260:(October 1906–1909) 12164:(May–December 1887) 12029:(April–August 1870) 12017:(1867–January 1870) 11987:(January 1852–1855) 11918:(June–October 1848) 11867:(October 1840–1842) 11381:(May–December 1720) 11369:(1718–January 1720) 11363:(1718–January 1720) 8574:François Mitterrand 8384:Alexandre Millerand 8282:Jean Casimir-Perier 8231:Patrice de MacMahon 7681:Journal of Politics 7482:Discours politiques 7480:Blum, Léon (1997). 7465:Blum, Léon (1947). 7450:Blum, Léon (1946). 7437:Éditions de l'Arbre 7420:Blum, Leon (1945). 7407:A L'échelle Humaine 7405:Blum, Léon (1945). 7390:Blum, Léon (1936). 7375:Blum, Léon (1935). 7360:Blum, Léon (1927). 7345:Blum, Léon (1920). 7330:Blum, Léon (1914). 7315:Blum, Léon (1937). 7300:Blum, Leon (1907). 7285:Blum, Léon (1901). 7275:, by Martin Gilbert 6826:Tenorio, Par Rich. 4475:Julian T. Jackson, 3091:Discours politiques 3063:À l'échelle humaine 2992:23 December 1946 – 2981:– Minister of State 2975:– Minister of State 2963:– Minister of Posts 2839:– Minister of State 2833:– Minister of State 2827:– Minister of State 2801:Jean-Baptiste Lebas 2723:Joseph Paul-Boncour 2695:18 November 1936 – 2678:– Minister of State 2672:– Minister of State 2666:– Minister of State 2595:Jean-Baptiste Lebas 2527:until his death at 2286:Vrba-Wetzler report 2259:À l'échelle humaine 2141:Château de Chazeron 2055:Assemblée nationale 2036:Assemblée nationale 2029:Assemblée nationale 2025:Assemblée nationale 2021:Assemblée nationale 2011:Assemblée nationale 1946:Assemblée nationale 1832:Chambre des députés 1788:Chambre des députés 1722:Chambre des députés 1696:Chambre des députés 1684:soulagement honteux 1662:Neville Chamberlain 1620:Spanish Republicans 1520:Neville Chamberlain 1046:, and his acolyte, 940:Joseph Paul-Boncour 912:cartel des gauchers 908:cartel des gauchers 904:Alexandre Millerand 891:cartel des gauchers 799:Balfour Declaration 695:Entry into politics 568:University of Paris 440:University of Paris 13860:Types of socialism 13849:The Internationale 13281:Social corporatism 13132:Welfare capitalism 12905:(August 1995–1997) 12518:(March–April 1938) 12320:(August 1914–1917) 12314:(June–August 1914) 11975:House of Bonaparte 11774:(July–August 1830) 11687:House of Bonaparte 11645:House of Bonaparte 11375:(January–May 1720) 10412:La Tour d'Auvergne 10100:Second Restoration 8024:Political offices 7607:(Routledge, 2019). 7424:. Victor Gollancz. 7191:, p. 476-477. 7130:, p. 467-468. 7118:, p. 467-469. 7056:, p. 141-142. 7044:, p. 450-451. 7032:, p. 449-450. 6922:, p. 440-441. 6797:, p. 437-438. 6766:, p. 436-437. 6645:, p. 409-410. 6589:, p. 406-407. 6505:, p. 398-399. 6447:, p. 392-393. 6387:, p. 388-389. 6290:, p. 378-379. 6240:, p. 370-371. 6213:, p. 369-370. 6160:, p. 364-365. 6055:, p. 350-351. 6018:, p. 348-349. 5989:, p. 346-347. 5960:, p. 345-346. 5918:, p. 337-338. 5834:, p. 321-322. 5759:, p. 322-325. 5694:, p. 325-327. 5658:, p. 318-319. 5591:, p. 306-307. 5139:, p. 557–558. 5042:, p. 176–177. 4964:, p. 182-183. 4898:, p. 180–181. 4807:, p. 214-215. 4528:Historical Journal 4492:(1982) pp. 235–304 4466:, p. 121-122. 4413:, p. 118-119. 4040:, p. 191-121. 3053:, Gallimard, 1935. 2454:Alfred Duff Cooper 2404: 2196:The New York Times 2136: 1991:Dépĕche de Toulose 1969:that gave Germany 1797:Vyacheslav Molotov 1412:Edward Rydz-Śmigły 1394:Milan Stojadinović 1326:(modern Togo) and 1196:Additional reforms 1064:Place de la Nation 852:Russian Revolution 632:Georges Clemenceau 14004:Jewish socialists 13964:French socialists 13891: 13890: 13361:Liberal socialism 13351:Ethical socialism 13127:Utopian socialism 13065:Godesberg Program 13060:French Revolution 12996: 12995: 12899:(May–August 1995) 12837:Giscard d'Estaing 12825:Couve de Murville 12813:Giscard d'Estaing 12594:Couve de Murville 12536:(March–June 1940) 12398:(March–June 1926) 12356:(March–June 1924) 12302:(March–June 1914) 12278:(March–June 1911) 12272:(1910–March 1911) 12248:(1905–March 1906) 12188:(1892–April 1893) 12176:(April 1888–1889) 11843:(1837–March 1839) 11699:(March–July 1815) 11571:Delaville-Leroulx 11549:(1791–March 1792) 11076:Finance ministers 11042: 11041: 10909:Couve de Murville 10891:Couve de Murville 10148:Montmorency-Laval 10054:First Restoration 9718: 9717: 9567:Couve de Murville 8641: 8640: 8611:François Hollande 8514:Charles de Gaulle 8133: 8132: 8129: 8117:Succeeded by 8112: 8100:Succeeded by 8073:Succeeded by 8059:Camille Chautemps 8049:Camille Chautemps 8046:Succeeded by 7923:(1970): 538–554. 7846:978-3-643-91349-4 7823:Lacouture, Jean. 7769:Jackson, Julian. 7744:(1946): 241–250. 7655:978-0-307-83089-0 5393:Gabriel Jackson, 3126:978-0-307-83089-0 3113:(10 July 2013) . 3073:L'Histoire jugera 2837:Maurice Viollette 2761:– Minister of Air 2676:Maurice Viollette 2664:Camille Chautemps 2615:– Minister of Air 2458:Treaty of Dunkirk 2396: 2395: 2388: 2370: 2161:Eleanor Roosevelt 2000:Rudolf Hilferding 1876:Winston Churchill 1853:Charles de Gaulle 1657:Winston Churchill 1559:Spanish Civil War 1553:Spanish Civil War 1457:Mediterranean Sea 1449:Vladimir Potemkin 1426:In October 1936, 1157:gave workers the 1048:Charles de Gaulle 971:Camille Chautemps 834:National Assembly 725:, and joined the 557:French Revolution 500:Spanish Civil War 461: 460: 298:Camille Chautemps 221:Camille Chautemps 154:Camille Chautemps 32:Leon Blum (bowls) 16:(Redirected from 14051: 13883:Socialism portal 13873:Economics portal 13769: 13651:Liebknecht (son) 13416:Batlle y Ordóñez 13384: 13339: 13214:Internationalism 13194:Environmentalism 13144: 13043: 13033: 13031:Social democracy 13023: 13016: 13009: 13000: 12999: 12959:(June 2007–2011) 12726:Bourgès-Maunoury 12590:(1942–June 1943) 12494:(June 1935–1936) 12416:(July 1926–1928) 12404:(June–July 1926) 11906:(March–May 1848) 11849:(March–May 1839) 11783:House of Orléans 11708:House of Bourbon 11666:House of Bourbon 11624:(1796–July 1799) 11193:House of Bourbon 11160:de Cossé-Brissac 11069: 11062: 11055: 11046: 11045: 10490:Challemel-Lacour 10392:La Tour Auvergne 9745: 9738: 9731: 9722: 9721: 9705:(pre-Revolution) 9519:Bourgès-Maunoury 9088:Waldeck-Rousseau 8892:National Defense 8880:Cousin-Montauban 8832:Dupont de l'Eure 8668: 8661: 8654: 8645: 8644: 8586: 8569: 8544: 8532:Georges Pompidou 8495: 8478: 8447: 8430: 8413: 8401:Gaston Doumergue 8396: 8379: 8362: 8350:Raymond Poincaré 8345: 8333:Armand Fallières 8328: 8311: 8294: 8277: 8260: 8243: 8226: 8195: 8159: 8152: 8145: 8136: 8135: 8123: 8106: 8083:Preceded by 8076:Édouard Daladier 8056:Preceded by 8029:Preceded by 8021: 8020: 8002:Cercle Léon Blum 7981: 7972: 7953: 7916: 7907: 7872:Marcus, John T. 7869: 7850: 7820: 7798: 7789: 7766: 7737: 7712: 7675: 7635: 7626: 7592: 7571: 7552: 7523: 7486: 7485: 7477: 7471: 7470: 7462: 7456: 7455: 7447: 7441: 7440: 7432: 7426: 7425: 7417: 7411: 7410: 7402: 7396: 7395: 7387: 7381: 7380: 7372: 7366: 7365: 7357: 7351: 7350: 7342: 7336: 7335: 7327: 7321: 7320: 7312: 7306: 7305: 7297: 7291: 7290: 7282: 7276: 7270: 7264: 7258: 7249: 7243: 7237: 7231: 7225: 7219: 7213: 7207: 7192: 7186: 7180: 7174: 7165: 7159: 7146: 7140: 7131: 7125: 7119: 7113: 7107: 7101: 7088: 7082: 7069: 7063: 7057: 7051: 7045: 7039: 7033: 7027: 7021: 7015: 7009: 7003: 6994: 6988: 6982: 6976: 6970: 6964: 6953: 6947: 6938: 6932: 6923: 6917: 6911: 6910: 6904: 6896: 6894: 6892: 6876: 6870: 6869: 6867: 6865: 6850: 6844: 6843: 6841: 6839: 6823: 6817: 6811: 6798: 6792: 6786: 6780: 6767: 6761: 6752: 6746: 6740: 6734: 6725: 6719: 6708: 6702: 6689: 6679: 6673: 6667: 6658: 6652: 6646: 6640: 6631: 6625: 6619: 6613: 6607: 6601: 6590: 6584: 6578: 6572: 6559: 6553: 6547: 6541: 6532: 6526: 6517: 6512: 6506: 6500: 6494: 6488: 6477: 6471: 6465: 6459: 6448: 6442: 6436: 6430: 6424: 6418: 6412: 6406: 6400: 6394: 6388: 6382: 6376: 6370: 6364: 6358: 6349: 6343: 6332: 6326: 6320: 6314: 6303: 6297: 6291: 6285: 6274: 6268: 6253: 6247: 6241: 6235: 6229: 6223: 6214: 6208: 6202: 6196: 6185: 6179: 6173: 6167: 6161: 6155: 6146: 6140: 6131: 6125: 6114: 6108: 6099: 6093: 6087: 6081: 6075: 6069: 6056: 6050: 6044: 6038: 6019: 6013: 6007: 6001: 5990: 5984: 5978: 5972: 5961: 5955: 5949: 5943: 5934: 5928: 5919: 5913: 5907: 5901: 5890: 5884: 5875: 5869: 5852: 5846: 5835: 5829: 5823: 5817: 5796: 5790: 5781: 5775: 5760: 5754: 5748: 5742: 5731: 5725: 5714: 5708: 5695: 5689: 5683: 5677: 5671: 5665: 5659: 5653: 5644: 5638: 5627: 5621: 5604: 5598: 5592: 5586: 5580: 5579: 5551: 5545: 5544: 5524: 5518: 5513:Julian Jackson, 5511: 5505: 5499: 5486: 5480: 5467: 5462:Jean Lacouture, 5460: 5454: 5447: 5441: 5428: 5422: 5417: 5411: 5404: 5398: 5391: 5385: 5384: 5364: 5358: 5352: 5346: 5340: 5329: 5323: 5317: 5311: 5302: 5296: 5285: 5279: 5266: 5260: 5254: 5253:, p. 90–91. 5248: 5242: 5236: 5230: 5224: 5218: 5217:, p. 77-78. 5212: 5203: 5197: 5184: 5178: 5172: 5171:, p. 66-67. 5166: 5155: 5149: 5140: 5134: 5128: 5122: 5116: 5110: 5091: 5088:Adamthwaite 1977 5085: 5079: 5073: 5067: 5061: 5055: 5049: 5043: 5040:Adamthwaite 1977 5037: 5031: 5028:Adamthwaite 1977 5025: 5019: 5013: 5007: 5001: 4988: 4982: 4965: 4959: 4953: 4947: 4930: 4924: 4918: 4912: 4899: 4893: 4884: 4878: 4869: 4863: 4854: 4848: 4835: 4829: 4820: 4814: 4808: 4802: 4796: 4790: 4777: 4771: 4765: 4759: 4748: 4742: 4729: 4726:Adamthwaite 1977 4723: 4717: 4711: 4705: 4699: 4688: 4682: 4676: 4670: 4661: 4655: 4644: 4643:, p. 41–43. 4638: 4632: 4626: 4620: 4619:, p. 40–41. 4614: 4608: 4602: 4596: 4590: 4577: 4566: 4560: 4559:(1997) pp. 55–57 4553: 4547: 4540: 4534: 4524: 4518: 4512: 4506: 4505:(1997) pp. 45–62 4501:Maurice Larkin, 4499: 4493: 4488:Jean Lacouture, 4486: 4480: 4473: 4467: 4461: 4455: 4449: 4438: 4432: 4426: 4420: 4414: 4408: 4402: 4396: 4390: 4384: 4378: 4372: 4366: 4360: 4354: 4348: 4337: 4331: 4325: 4319: 4313: 4307: 4301: 4295: 4284: 4278: 4267: 4261: 4255: 4249: 4240: 4234: 4228: 4222: 4213: 4212:, p. 93-94. 4207: 4201: 4195: 4189: 4188:, p. 87-88. 4183: 4174: 4173:, p. 86-87. 4168: 4162: 4156: 4150: 4144: 4138: 4137:, p. 80-82. 4132: 4126: 4120: 4114: 4113:, p. 84-85. 4108: 4095: 4089: 4080: 4074: 4068: 4067:, p. 79-80. 4062: 4056: 4050: 4041: 4035: 4026: 4025:, p. 77-79. 4020: 4014: 4008: 4002: 4001:, p. 76-77. 3996: 3990: 3984: 3975: 3969: 3963: 3957: 3942: 3941:, p. 67-68. 3936: 3930: 3924: 3915: 3909: 3903: 3897: 3891: 3885: 3874: 3868: 3862: 3856: 3850: 3849:, p. 59-60. 3844: 3838: 3832: 3826: 3820: 3814: 3813:, p. 53-54. 3808: 3802: 3796: 3790: 3789:, p. 49-50. 3784: 3778: 3772: 3763: 3757: 3751: 3750:, p. 44-45. 3745: 3739: 3733: 3727: 3726:, p. 43-44. 3721: 3715: 3709: 3703: 3697: 3686: 3680: 3671: 3670:, p. 42-43. 3665: 3659: 3653: 3634: 3628: 3613: 3607: 3586: 3580: 3569: 3568:, p. 40-41. 3563: 3550: 3544: 3538: 3532: 3521: 3520:, p. 36-37. 3515: 3506: 3499: 3490: 3484: 3478: 3477: 3475: 3473: 3458: 3452: 3451: 3445: 3437: 3435: 3433: 3419: 3413: 3407: 3401: 3400:, p. 27-28. 3395: 3384: 3378: 3372: 3371:, p. 22-23. 3366: 3360: 3354: 3341: 3340:, p. 12-13. 3335: 3326: 3320: 3311: 3310:, p. 13-14. 3305: 3299: 3293: 3280: 3274: 3263: 3257: 3246: 3240: 3234: 3228: 3219: 3213: 3207: 3201: 3192: 3186: 3177: 3171: 3162: 3156: 3150: 3149: 3107: 3081:, Diderot, 1946. 2994:Augustin Laurent 2979:Augustin Laurent 2956: 2925: 2869:André Le Troquer 2735:Charles Spinasse 2713:Édouard Daladier 2589:Charles Spinasse 2561:Édouard Daladier 2468:for the treaty. 2391: 2384: 2380: 2377: 2371: 2369: 2328: 2304: 2296: 2267: 2216:Philippe Henriot 2201:William D. Leahy 2169:Fort du Portalet 2076:Édouard Daladier 1975:Vichy government 1902:Phillippe Petain 1826:Second World War 1717:Benito Mussolini 1653:Édouard Daladier 1584:Action Française 1568:non-intervention 1564:Spanish Republic 1525:Gerhard Weinberg 1507:Paul van Zeeland 1441:Robert Coulondre 1373:Édouard Daladier 1292:Benito Mussolini 1280:Alexis St. Léger 1153:. The new laws: 1151:Matignon Accords 1086:Hoare–Laval Pact 1081:Benito Mussolini 1052:Édouard Daladier 984:Gaston Doumergue 950:la paix désarméé 927:Édouard Daladier 866:Socialist leader 843:Grigory Zinoviev 573:La Revue Blanche 474: 469: 453: 367: 350: 348: 332:Personal details 322:Édouard Daladier 318: 310:Édouard Daladier 306: 294: 285: 271: 259: 247: 238: 217: 205: 197:Édouard Daladier 176: 166:Édouard Daladier 162: 150: 142:Édouard Daladier 121: 107: 95: 76: 53: 39: 38: 21: 14059: 14058: 14054: 14053: 14052: 14050: 14049: 14048: 13894: 13893: 13892: 13887: 13878:Politics portal 13864: 13831: 13805: 13765: 13760: 13380: 13375: 13337: 13332: 13296:Socialist state 13239:Nationalization 13157:Civil liberties 13145: 13136: 13039: 13034: 13029: 13027: 12997: 12992: 12953:(May–June 2007) 12947:(2005–May 2007) 12893:(1993–May 1995) 12827:(May–July 1968) 12821:(1966–May 1968) 12793: 12785: 12776:(May–June 1958) 12652: 12650:Fourth Republic 12644: 12613: 12605: 12574: 12566: 12547: 12539: 12354:François-Marsal 12336:François-Marsal 12098:(1875–May 1877) 12066:Pouyer-Quertier 12046: 12038: 11977: 11969: 11912:(May–June 1848) 11890: 11888:Second Republic 11882: 11871:Lacave-Laplagne 11841:Lacave-Laplagne 11785: 11777: 11768:(May–July 1830) 11762:(1829–May 1830) 11710: 11702: 11689: 11681: 11668: 11660: 11647: 11639: 11590: 11582: 11303:de La Vieuville 11227:de La Vieuville 11195: 11187: 11110: 11108:House of Valois 11102: 11082: 11073: 11043: 11038: 10944:François-Poncet 10895: 10843:Fourth Republic 10837: 10819: 10812: 10774: 10416: 10372:Drouyn de Lhuys 10352:Drouyn de Lhuys 10338: 10334:Drouyn de Lhuys 10314:Drouyn de Lhuys 10294:Drouyn de Lhuys 10266:Second Republic 10260: 10167: 10113:A. E. Richelieu 10094: 10071: 10048: 10015: 9962: 9778:A. J. Richelieu 9754: 9749: 9719: 9714: 9691: 9538: 9426:Fourth Republic 9420: 9392: 9385: 9347: 9198:François-Marsal 8904: 8891: 8884: 8861: 8824:Second Republic 8818: 8730: 8677: 8672: 8642: 8637: 8630: 8621:Emmanuel Macron 8601:Nicolas Sarkozy 8580: 8563: 8538: 8499: 8489: 8472: 8457:Fourth Republic 8451: 8441: 8424: 8407: 8390: 8373: 8356: 8339: 8322: 8305: 8288: 8271: 8254: 8237: 8220: 8199: 8189: 8174:Second Republic 8168: 8163: 8122: 8105: 8096: 8088: 8086:Georges Bidault 8078: 8069: 8061: 8051: 8042: 8034: 7988: 7969: 7942: 7898:(445): 66–104. 7866: 7847: 7817: 7763: 7709: 7656: 7623: 7589: 7568: 7541:10.2307/2602825 7520: 7494: 7492:Further reading 7489: 7478: 7474: 7463: 7459: 7452:Le Dernier Mois 7448: 7444: 7433: 7429: 7422:For All Mankind 7418: 7414: 7403: 7399: 7388: 7384: 7373: 7369: 7358: 7354: 7343: 7339: 7328: 7324: 7313: 7309: 7298: 7294: 7283: 7279: 7271: 7267: 7259: 7252: 7244: 7240: 7232: 7228: 7220: 7216: 7208: 7195: 7187: 7183: 7175: 7168: 7160: 7149: 7141: 7134: 7126: 7122: 7114: 7110: 7102: 7091: 7083: 7072: 7064: 7060: 7052: 7048: 7040: 7036: 7028: 7024: 7016: 7012: 7004: 6997: 6989: 6985: 6977: 6973: 6965: 6956: 6948: 6941: 6933: 6926: 6918: 6914: 6898: 6897: 6890: 6888: 6877: 6873: 6863: 6861: 6852: 6851: 6847: 6837: 6835: 6824: 6820: 6812: 6801: 6793: 6789: 6781: 6770: 6762: 6755: 6747: 6743: 6735: 6728: 6720: 6711: 6703: 6692: 6686:Pierre Birnbaum 6680: 6676: 6668: 6661: 6653: 6649: 6641: 6634: 6626: 6622: 6614: 6610: 6602: 6593: 6585: 6581: 6573: 6562: 6554: 6550: 6542: 6535: 6527: 6520: 6513: 6509: 6501: 6497: 6489: 6480: 6472: 6468: 6460: 6451: 6443: 6439: 6431: 6427: 6419: 6415: 6407: 6403: 6395: 6391: 6383: 6379: 6371: 6367: 6359: 6352: 6344: 6335: 6327: 6323: 6315: 6306: 6298: 6294: 6286: 6277: 6269: 6256: 6248: 6244: 6236: 6232: 6224: 6217: 6209: 6205: 6197: 6188: 6180: 6176: 6168: 6164: 6156: 6149: 6141: 6134: 6126: 6117: 6109: 6102: 6094: 6090: 6082: 6078: 6070: 6059: 6051: 6047: 6039: 6022: 6014: 6010: 6002: 5993: 5985: 5981: 5973: 5964: 5956: 5952: 5944: 5937: 5929: 5922: 5914: 5910: 5902: 5893: 5885: 5878: 5870: 5855: 5847: 5838: 5830: 5826: 5818: 5799: 5791: 5784: 5776: 5763: 5755: 5751: 5743: 5734: 5726: 5717: 5709: 5698: 5690: 5686: 5678: 5674: 5666: 5662: 5654: 5647: 5639: 5630: 5622: 5607: 5599: 5595: 5587: 5583: 5556:History Teacher 5552: 5548: 5541: 5525: 5521: 5512: 5508: 5500: 5489: 5481: 5470: 5461: 5457: 5448: 5444: 5438:Wayback Machine 5429: 5425: 5418: 5414: 5405: 5401: 5392: 5388: 5365: 5361: 5353: 5349: 5341: 5332: 5324: 5320: 5312: 5305: 5297: 5288: 5280: 5269: 5261: 5257: 5249: 5245: 5237: 5233: 5225: 5221: 5213: 5206: 5198: 5187: 5179: 5175: 5167: 5158: 5150: 5143: 5135: 5131: 5123: 5119: 5111: 5094: 5086: 5082: 5074: 5070: 5062: 5058: 5050: 5046: 5038: 5034: 5026: 5022: 5014: 5010: 5002: 4991: 4983: 4968: 4960: 4956: 4948: 4933: 4925: 4921: 4913: 4902: 4894: 4887: 4879: 4872: 4864: 4857: 4849: 4838: 4830: 4823: 4815: 4811: 4803: 4799: 4791: 4780: 4772: 4768: 4760: 4751: 4743: 4732: 4724: 4720: 4712: 4708: 4700: 4691: 4683: 4679: 4671: 4664: 4656: 4647: 4639: 4635: 4627: 4623: 4615: 4611: 4603: 4599: 4591: 4580: 4567: 4563: 4554: 4550: 4541: 4537: 4525: 4521: 4513: 4509: 4500: 4496: 4487: 4483: 4474: 4470: 4462: 4458: 4450: 4441: 4433: 4429: 4421: 4417: 4409: 4405: 4397: 4393: 4385: 4381: 4373: 4369: 4361: 4357: 4349: 4340: 4332: 4328: 4320: 4316: 4308: 4304: 4296: 4287: 4279: 4270: 4262: 4258: 4250: 4243: 4235: 4231: 4223: 4216: 4208: 4204: 4196: 4192: 4184: 4177: 4169: 4165: 4157: 4153: 4145: 4141: 4133: 4129: 4121: 4117: 4109: 4098: 4090: 4083: 4075: 4071: 4063: 4059: 4051: 4044: 4036: 4029: 4021: 4017: 4009: 4005: 3997: 3993: 3985: 3978: 3970: 3966: 3958: 3945: 3937: 3933: 3925: 3918: 3910: 3906: 3898: 3894: 3886: 3877: 3869: 3865: 3857: 3853: 3845: 3841: 3833: 3829: 3821: 3817: 3809: 3805: 3797: 3793: 3785: 3781: 3773: 3766: 3758: 3754: 3746: 3742: 3734: 3730: 3722: 3718: 3710: 3706: 3698: 3689: 3681: 3674: 3666: 3662: 3654: 3637: 3629: 3616: 3608: 3589: 3581: 3572: 3564: 3553: 3545: 3541: 3533: 3524: 3516: 3509: 3500: 3493: 3485: 3481: 3471: 3469: 3460: 3459: 3455: 3439: 3438: 3431: 3429: 3420: 3416: 3408: 3404: 3396: 3387: 3379: 3375: 3367: 3363: 3355: 3344: 3336: 3329: 3321: 3314: 3306: 3302: 3294: 3283: 3275: 3266: 3258: 3249: 3241: 3237: 3229: 3222: 3214: 3210: 3202: 3195: 3187: 3180: 3172: 3165: 3157: 3153: 3127: 3108: 3104: 3100: 3079:Le Dernier mois 3067:For All Mankind 3003: 2950: 2919: 2875:Édouard Depreux 2858: 2753:César Campinchi 2706: 2554: 2549: 2430:James F. Byrnes 2417:Fourth Republic 2392: 2381: 2375: 2372: 2329: 2327: 2317: 2305: 2294: 2292:Post-war period 2261: 2128: 2116:Philippe Pétain 2100:Édouard Herriot 2092:César Campinchi 2067:Front populaire 2009:called for the 1911:Maurice Gamelin 1828: 1752: 1649: 1616:heavy artillery 1612: 1599:nationalisation 1580:Camelots du Roi 1576: 1574:Attacks on Blum 1555: 1472:François Darlan 1445:Mikhail Kalinin 1392:of Romania and 1377:Maurice Gamelin 1360:Deuxième Bureau 1351:Deuxième Bureau 1328:French Cameroon 1324:French Togoland 1316:Hjalmar Schacht 1276:Stanley Baldwin 1235: 1198: 1159:right to strike 1146: 1144:Labour policies 1113:Pierre Renaudel 1101: 1095: 1073:La Marseillaise 996:Philippe Pétain 966:Stavisky affair 923:Albert Einstein 896:Édouard Herriot 868: 790:Pierre Renaudel 697: 685:Charles Maurras 679:implemented by 614:Charles Maurras 531: 511:defeated France 467: 464:André Léon Blum 431: 406: 401:Jeanne Levylier 378:Political party 369: 365: 352: 346: 344: 343: 342: 341:André Léon Blum 316: 304: 292: 286: 281: 269: 257: 245: 239: 234: 215: 203: 177: 172: 160: 148: 122: 117: 105: 99:Georges Bidault 93: 77: 72: 56: 44: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 14057: 14047: 14046: 14041: 14036: 14031: 14026: 14021: 14016: 14011: 14006: 14001: 13996: 13991: 13986: 13981: 13976: 13971: 13966: 13961: 13956: 13951: 13946: 13941: 13936: 13931: 13926: 13921: 13916: 13911: 13906: 13889: 13888: 13886: 13885: 13880: 13875: 13869: 13866: 13865: 13863: 13862: 13857: 13852: 13845: 13839: 13837: 13833: 13832: 13830: 13829: 13824: 13819: 13813: 13811: 13807: 13806: 13804: 13803: 13798: 13793: 13788: 13783: 13778: 13772: 13770: 13762: 13761: 13759: 13758: 13753: 13748: 13743: 13738: 13733: 13728: 13723: 13718: 13713: 13708: 13703: 13698: 13693: 13688: 13683: 13678: 13673: 13668: 13663: 13658: 13653: 13648: 13643: 13638: 13633: 13628: 13623: 13618: 13613: 13608: 13603: 13598: 13593: 13588: 13583: 13578: 13573: 13568: 13563: 13558: 13553: 13548: 13543: 13538: 13533: 13528: 13523: 13518: 13513: 13508: 13503: 13498: 13493: 13488: 13483: 13478: 13473: 13468: 13463: 13458: 13453: 13448: 13443: 13438: 13433: 13428: 13423: 13418: 13413: 13408: 13403: 13398: 13393: 13387: 13385: 13377: 13376: 13374: 13373: 13368: 13363: 13358: 13353: 13348: 13342: 13340: 13334: 13333: 13331: 13330: 13325: 13320: 13315: 13310: 13309: 13308: 13303: 13293: 13288: 13286:Social justice 13283: 13278: 13273: 13268: 13267: 13266: 13261: 13251: 13246: 13241: 13236: 13231: 13226: 13221: 13216: 13211: 13206: 13201: 13196: 13191: 13186: 13185: 13184: 13179: 13177:Representative 13174: 13169: 13159: 13153: 13151: 13147: 13146: 13139: 13137: 13135: 13134: 13129: 13124: 13119: 13114: 13109: 13104: 13103: 13102: 13097: 13087: 13085:Labor movement 13082: 13077: 13072: 13067: 13062: 13057: 13052: 13046: 13044: 13036: 13035: 13026: 13025: 13018: 13011: 13003: 12994: 12993: 12991: 12990: 12989:(2024–present) 12984: 12978: 12972: 12966: 12960: 12954: 12948: 12942: 12936: 12930: 12924: 12918: 12912: 12906: 12900: 12894: 12888: 12882: 12876: 12870: 12864: 12858: 12852: 12846: 12840: 12834: 12828: 12822: 12816: 12810: 12804: 12797: 12795: 12794:(1958–present) 12791:Fifth Republic 12787: 12786: 12784: 12783: 12777: 12771: 12765: 12759: 12753: 12747: 12741: 12735: 12729: 12723: 12717: 12711: 12705: 12699: 12693: 12687: 12681: 12675: 12669: 12663: 12656: 12654: 12646: 12645: 12643: 12642: 12636: 12630: 12624: 12617: 12615: 12607: 12606: 12604: 12603: 12597: 12591: 12585: 12578: 12576: 12568: 12567: 12565: 12564: 12558: 12551: 12549: 12541: 12540: 12538: 12537: 12531: 12525: 12519: 12513: 12507: 12501: 12495: 12489: 12483: 12480:Germain-Martin 12477: 12471: 12465: 12459: 12453: 12450:Germain-Martin 12447: 12441: 12438:Germain-Martin 12435: 12429: 12423: 12417: 12411: 12405: 12399: 12393: 12387: 12381: 12375: 12369: 12363: 12357: 12351: 12345: 12339: 12333: 12327: 12321: 12315: 12309: 12303: 12297: 12291: 12285: 12279: 12273: 12267: 12261: 12255: 12249: 12243: 12237: 12231: 12225: 12219: 12213: 12207: 12201: 12195: 12189: 12183: 12177: 12171: 12165: 12159: 12153: 12147: 12141: 12135: 12129: 12123: 12117: 12111: 12105: 12099: 12093: 12087: 12081: 12075: 12069: 12063: 12057: 12050: 12048: 12044:Third Republic 12040: 12039: 12037: 12036: 12030: 12024: 12018: 12012: 12006: 12000: 11994: 11988: 11981: 11979: 11971: 11970: 11968: 11967: 11961: 11955: 11949: 11943: 11937: 11931: 11925: 11922:Trouvé-Chauvel 11919: 11913: 11907: 11901: 11894: 11892: 11884: 11883: 11881: 11880: 11874: 11868: 11862: 11856: 11850: 11844: 11838: 11832: 11826: 11820: 11814: 11808: 11802: 11796: 11789: 11787: 11779: 11778: 11776: 11775: 11769: 11763: 11757: 11751: 11745: 11739: 11733: 11727: 11721: 11714: 11712: 11704: 11703: 11701: 11700: 11693: 11691: 11683: 11682: 11680: 11679: 11672: 11670: 11662: 11661: 11659: 11658: 11651: 11649: 11641: 11640: 11638: 11637: 11631: 11625: 11619: 11613: 11607: 11601: 11594: 11592: 11588:First Republic 11584: 11583: 11581: 11580: 11574: 11568: 11562: 11556: 11550: 11544: 11538: 11532: 11526: 11520: 11514: 11508: 11502: 11496: 11490: 11484: 11478: 11472: 11466: 11460: 11454: 11448: 11442: 11436: 11430: 11424: 11418: 11412: 11406: 11400: 11394: 11388: 11385:de La Houssaye 11382: 11376: 11370: 11364: 11358: 11352: 11346: 11340: 11334: 11328: 11322: 11316: 11306: 11300: 11294: 11284: 11278: 11272: 11262: 11256: 11246: 11240: 11230: 11224: 11218: 11212: 11206: 11199: 11197: 11189: 11188: 11186: 11185: 11179: 11173: 11167: 11157: 11151: 11145: 11139: 11133: 11127: 11121: 11114: 11112: 11104: 11103: 11101: 11100: 11094: 11087: 11084: 11083: 11072: 11071: 11064: 11057: 11049: 11040: 11039: 11037: 11036: 11031: 11026: 11021: 11016: 11011: 11006: 11001: 10996: 10991: 10986: 10981: 10976: 10971: 10966: 10961: 10956: 10951: 10946: 10941: 10936: 10931: 10926: 10921: 10916: 10911: 10905: 10903: 10901:Fifth Republic 10897: 10896: 10894: 10893: 10888: 10883: 10878: 10873: 10868: 10863: 10858: 10853: 10847: 10845: 10839: 10838: 10836: 10835: 10830: 10824: 10822: 10814: 10813: 10811: 10810: 10805: 10800: 10795: 10790: 10784: 10782: 10776: 10775: 10773: 10772: 10767: 10762: 10757: 10752: 10747: 10742: 10737: 10732: 10727: 10722: 10717: 10712: 10707: 10702: 10697: 10692: 10687: 10682: 10677: 10672: 10667: 10662: 10657: 10652: 10647: 10642: 10637: 10632: 10627: 10622: 10617: 10612: 10607: 10602: 10597: 10592: 10587: 10582: 10577: 10572: 10567: 10562: 10557: 10552: 10547: 10542: 10537: 10532: 10530:Casimir-Perier 10527: 10522: 10517: 10512: 10507: 10502: 10497: 10492: 10487: 10482: 10477: 10472: 10467: 10462: 10457: 10452: 10447: 10442: 10437: 10432: 10426: 10424: 10422:Third Republic 10418: 10417: 10415: 10414: 10409: 10404: 10399: 10394: 10389: 10384: 10379: 10374: 10369: 10364: 10359: 10354: 10348: 10346: 10340: 10339: 10337: 10336: 10331: 10326: 10321: 10316: 10311: 10306: 10301: 10296: 10291: 10286: 10281: 10276: 10270: 10268: 10262: 10261: 10259: 10258: 10253: 10248: 10243: 10238: 10233: 10228: 10223: 10218: 10213: 10208: 10203: 10198: 10193: 10188: 10183: 10177: 10175: 10169: 10168: 10166: 10165: 10160: 10155: 10150: 10145: 10140: 10135: 10130: 10128:M. Montmorency 10125: 10120: 10115: 10110: 10104: 10102: 10096: 10095: 10093: 10092: 10087: 10081: 10079: 10073: 10072: 10070: 10069: 10064: 10058: 10056: 10050: 10049: 10047: 10046: 10041: 10036: 10031: 10025: 10023: 10017: 10016: 10014: 10013: 10008: 10003: 9998: 9993: 9988: 9983: 9978: 9972: 9970: 9968:First Republic 9964: 9963: 9961: 9960: 9955: 9950: 9945: 9940: 9935: 9930: 9925: 9920: 9915: 9910: 9905: 9900: 9895: 9890: 9885: 9880: 9875: 9870: 9865: 9860: 9855: 9850: 9845: 9840: 9835: 9830: 9825: 9820: 9815: 9810: 9805: 9800: 9795: 9790: 9785: 9780: 9775: 9770: 9764: 9762: 9756: 9755: 9748: 9747: 9740: 9733: 9725: 9716: 9715: 9713: 9712: 9706: 9699: 9697: 9693: 9692: 9690: 9689: 9684: 9679: 9674: 9669: 9664: 9659: 9654: 9649: 9644: 9639: 9634: 9629: 9624: 9619: 9614: 9609: 9604: 9599: 9594: 9589: 9584: 9579: 9574: 9569: 9564: 9559: 9554: 9548: 9546: 9544:Fifth Republic 9540: 9539: 9537: 9536: 9531: 9526: 9521: 9516: 9511: 9506: 9501: 9496: 9491: 9486: 9481: 9476: 9471: 9466: 9461: 9456: 9451: 9446: 9441: 9436: 9430: 9428: 9422: 9421: 9419: 9418: 9413: 9408: 9403: 9397: 9395: 9387: 9386: 9384: 9383: 9378: 9373: 9368: 9363: 9357: 9355: 9349: 9348: 9346: 9345: 9340: 9335: 9330: 9325: 9320: 9315: 9310: 9305: 9300: 9295: 9290: 9285: 9280: 9275: 9270: 9265: 9260: 9255: 9250: 9245: 9240: 9235: 9230: 9225: 9220: 9215: 9210: 9205: 9200: 9195: 9190: 9185: 9180: 9175: 9170: 9165: 9160: 9155: 9150: 9145: 9140: 9135: 9130: 9125: 9120: 9115: 9110: 9105: 9100: 9095: 9090: 9085: 9080: 9075: 9070: 9065: 9060: 9055: 9053:Casimir-Perier 9050: 9045: 9040: 9035: 9030: 9025: 9020: 9015: 9010: 9005: 9000: 8995: 8990: 8985: 8980: 8975: 8970: 8965: 8960: 8955: 8950: 8945: 8940: 8935: 8930: 8925: 8920: 8914: 8912: 8910:Third Republic 8906: 8905: 8903: 8902: 8896: 8894: 8886: 8885: 8883: 8882: 8877: 8871: 8869: 8863: 8862: 8860: 8859: 8854: 8849: 8844: 8839: 8834: 8828: 8826: 8820: 8819: 8817: 8816: 8811: 8806: 8801: 8796: 8791: 8786: 8781: 8776: 8771: 8766: 8761: 8756: 8751: 8746: 8740: 8738: 8732: 8731: 8729: 8728: 8723: 8718: 8713: 8708: 8703: 8698: 8693: 8687: 8685: 8679: 8678: 8671: 8670: 8663: 8656: 8648: 8639: 8638: 8635: 8632: 8631: 8629: 8628: 8618: 8608: 8598: 8591:Jacques Chirac 8588: 8571: 8554: 8546: 8529: 8521: 8510: 8508: 8507:(1958–present) 8505:Fifth Republic 8501: 8500: 8498: 8497: 8480: 8466:Vincent Auriol 8462: 8460: 8453: 8452: 8450: 8449: 8432: 8415: 8398: 8381: 8367:Paul Deschanel 8364: 8347: 8330: 8313: 8296: 8279: 8262: 8245: 8228: 8214:Adolphe Thiers 8210: 8208: 8205:Third Republic 8201: 8200: 8198: 8197: 8179: 8177: 8170: 8169: 8162: 8161: 8154: 8147: 8139: 8131: 8130: 8118: 8114: 8113: 8103:Vincent Auriol 8101: 8098: 8089: 8084: 8080: 8079: 8074: 8071: 8062: 8057: 8053: 8052: 8047: 8044: 8035: 8032:Albert Sarraut 8030: 8026: 8025: 8019: 8018: 8005: 7999: 7994: 7987: 7986:External links 7984: 7983: 7982: 7973: 7967: 7954: 7940: 7927: 7917: 7908: 7887: 7880: 7870: 7864: 7851: 7845: 7831: 7821: 7815: 7799: 7790: 7781: 7778:French History 7774: 7767: 7761: 7748: 7738: 7723: 7713: 7707: 7694: 7687: 7677: 7654: 7636: 7627: 7621: 7608: 7601: 7587: 7572: 7566: 7553: 7535:(4): 499–517. 7524: 7518: 7505: 7493: 7490: 7488: 7487: 7472: 7457: 7442: 7427: 7412: 7397: 7382: 7367: 7352: 7337: 7322: 7307: 7292: 7277: 7265: 7263:, p. 475. 7250: 7248:, p. 157. 7238: 7236:, p. 205. 7226: 7224:, p. 156. 7214: 7212:, p. 477. 7193: 7181: 7179:, p. 464. 7166: 7164:, p. 252. 7162:Greenwood 2002 7147: 7145:, p. 467. 7132: 7120: 7108: 7106:, p. 465. 7089: 7087:, p. 454. 7070: 7068:, p. 141. 7058: 7046: 7034: 7022: 7020:, p. 449. 7010: 7008:, p. 447. 6995: 6993:, p. 444. 6983: 6981:, p. 445. 6971: 6969:, p. 443. 6954: 6952:, p. 442. 6939: 6937:, p. 441. 6924: 6912: 6871: 6845: 6818: 6816:, p. 439. 6799: 6787: 6785:, p. 438. 6768: 6753: 6751:, p. 434. 6741: 6739:, p. 433. 6726: 6724:, p. 430. 6709: 6707:, p. 429. 6690: 6674: 6659: 6657:, p. 410. 6647: 6632: 6630:, p. 408. 6620: 6618:, p. 409. 6608: 6606:, p. 407. 6591: 6579: 6577:, p. 405. 6560: 6558:, p. 432. 6548: 6546:, p. 403. 6533: 6531:, p. 400. 6518: 6507: 6495: 6493:, p. 398. 6478: 6476:, p. 395. 6466: 6464:, p. 396. 6449: 6437: 6435:, p. 392. 6425: 6423:, p. 391. 6413: 6411:, p. 390. 6401: 6399:, p. 389. 6389: 6377: 6375:, p. 388. 6365: 6363:, p. 387. 6350: 6348:, p. 431. 6333: 6331:, p. 385. 6321: 6319:, p. 380. 6304: 6302:, p. 382. 6292: 6275: 6273:, p. 375. 6254: 6252:, p. 371. 6242: 6230: 6228:, p. 370. 6215: 6203: 6201:, p. 369. 6186: 6184:, p. 368. 6174: 6172:, p. 365. 6162: 6147: 6145:, p. 364. 6132: 6130:, p. 362. 6115: 6113:, p. 360. 6100: 6098:, p. 359. 6088: 6086:, p. 357. 6076: 6074:, p. 354. 6057: 6045: 6043:, p. 350. 6020: 6008: 6006:, p. 347. 5991: 5979: 5977:, p. 346. 5962: 5950: 5948:, p. 332. 5935: 5933:, p. 337. 5920: 5908: 5906:, p. 343. 5891: 5889:, p. 336. 5876: 5874:, p. 330. 5853: 5851:, p. 322. 5836: 5824: 5822:, p. 321. 5797: 5782: 5780:, p. 325. 5761: 5749: 5747:, p. 328. 5732: 5715: 5713:, p. 327. 5696: 5684: 5682:, p. 319. 5672: 5670:, p. 320. 5660: 5645: 5643:, p. 318. 5628: 5626:, p. 317. 5605: 5603:, p. 316. 5593: 5581: 5568:10.2307/493125 5562:(3): 361–378. 5546: 5539: 5519: 5506: 5504:, p. 253. 5487: 5485:, p. 252. 5468: 5455: 5442: 5423: 5412: 5399: 5386: 5375:(4): 423–449. 5359: 5347: 5330: 5318: 5303: 5301:, p. 184. 5286: 5284:, p. 207. 5267: 5265:, p. 206. 5255: 5243: 5241:, p. 194. 5231: 5219: 5204: 5185: 5173: 5156: 5141: 5129: 5127:, p. 555. 5117: 5115:, p. 210. 5092: 5080: 5078:, p. 231. 5068: 5056: 5054:, p. 161. 5044: 5032: 5030:, p. 177. 5020: 5018:, p. 149. 5008: 5006:, p. 209. 4989: 4987:, p. 208. 4966: 4954: 4952:, p. 183. 4931: 4929:, p. 181. 4919: 4917:, p. 182. 4900: 4885: 4883:, p. 180. 4870: 4868:, p. 179. 4855: 4836: 4834:, p. 214. 4821: 4819:, p. 215. 4809: 4797: 4795:, p. 178. 4778: 4766: 4764:, p. 177. 4749: 4730: 4718: 4716:, p. 220. 4706: 4704:, p. 190. 4689: 4687:, p. 219. 4677: 4675:, p. 391. 4662: 4645: 4633: 4621: 4609: 4597: 4578: 4561: 4548: 4535: 4519: 4517:, p. 100. 4507: 4494: 4481: 4468: 4456: 4454:, p. 121. 4439: 4437:, p. 110. 4427: 4425:, p. 109. 4415: 4403: 4401:, p. 118. 4391: 4389:, p. 119. 4379: 4377:, p. 120. 4367: 4365:, p. 107. 4355: 4353:, p. 106. 4338: 4336:, p. 105. 4326: 4324:, p. 103. 4314: 4312:, p. 102. 4302: 4300:, p. 101. 4285: 4283:, p. 108. 4268: 4266:, p. 117. 4256: 4241: 4229: 4214: 4202: 4190: 4175: 4163: 4151: 4139: 4127: 4115: 4096: 4081: 4069: 4057: 4042: 4027: 4015: 4003: 3991: 3976: 3964: 3943: 3931: 3916: 3904: 3892: 3875: 3863: 3851: 3839: 3827: 3815: 3803: 3791: 3779: 3764: 3752: 3740: 3728: 3716: 3704: 3687: 3672: 3660: 3658:, p. 476. 3635: 3614: 3587: 3570: 3551: 3539: 3522: 3507: 3505:, 1987, p. 20. 3491: 3479: 3453: 3414: 3402: 3385: 3373: 3361: 3342: 3327: 3312: 3300: 3281: 3264: 3247: 3235: 3220: 3218:, p. 5-6. 3208: 3193: 3178: 3163: 3151: 3125: 3101: 3099: 3096: 3095: 3094: 3088: 3082: 3076: 3070: 3060: 3054: 3048: 3042: 3036: 3033:et le beylisme 3027: 3017: 3002: 2999: 2998: 2997: 2983: 2982: 2976: 2970: 2964: 2958: 2948:Pierre Ségelle 2945: 2939: 2933: 2927: 2914: 2908: 2902: 2896: 2890: 2887:Robert Lacoste 2884: 2878: 2872: 2866: 2857: 2854: 2853: 2852: 2846: 2843:Albert Sarraut 2840: 2834: 2831:Théodore Steeg 2828: 2822: 2816: 2813:Vincent Auriol 2810: 2804: 2798: 2795:Fernand Gentin 2792: 2786: 2780: 2777:Georges Monnet 2774: 2771:Albert Rivière 2768: 2762: 2759:Guy La Chambre 2756: 2750: 2744: 2738: 2732: 2726: 2720: 2710: 2705: 2702: 2701: 2700: 2686: 2685: 2679: 2673: 2667: 2661: 2655: 2652: 2646: 2643:Albert Bedouce 2640: 2634: 2631:Georges Monnet 2628: 2625:Albert Rivière 2622: 2616: 2610: 2604: 2598: 2592: 2586: 2583:Vincent Auriol 2580: 2577:Roger Salengro 2574: 2568: 2558: 2553: 2550: 2548: 2545: 2462:Clement Attlee 2394: 2393: 2308: 2306: 2299: 2293: 2290: 2127: 2124: 2080:Georges Mandel 2051:Maxime Weygand 2041:Jacques Doriot 1985:. Blum was in 1973:, with a rump 1963:Vincent Auriol 1935:Georges Mandel 1907:Maxime Weygand 1894:Clement Attlee 1868:invaded France 1836:invaded Poland 1827: 1824: 1751: 1748: 1713:Galeazzo Ciano 1701:Georges Bonnet 1648: 1645: 1611: 1608: 1575: 1572: 1554: 1551: 1407:Hermann Göring 1314:president Dr. 1272:Charles Corbin 1268:Frente Popular 1234: 1233:Foreign policy 1231: 1222: 1221: 1218: 1215: 1212: 1209: 1197: 1194: 1189: 1188: 1185: 1179: 1176: 1173: 1167: 1161: 1145: 1142: 1097:Main article: 1094: 1091: 1056:Maurice Thorez 1031:Maurice Thorez 994:, and Marshal 958:Adrien Marquet 916:Jacques Duclos 867: 864: 794:Vladimir Lenin 773:Woodrow Wilson 705:Dreyfus Affair 701:Maurice Barrès 696: 693: 689:Conseil d'état 660:Maurice Barrès 642:Fernand Labori 623:Alfred Dreyfus 578:Anatole France 530: 527: 485:Dreyfus affair 459: 458: 455: 454: 447: 443: 442: 437: 433: 432: 430: 429: 426: 422: 420: 416: 415: 412: 408: 407: 405: 404: 398: 395: 391: 389: 385: 384: 379: 375: 374: 368:(aged 77) 362: 358: 357: 340: 338: 334: 333: 329: 328: 325: 324: 319: 313: 312: 307: 301: 300: 295: 293:Prime Minister 289: 288: 278: 277: 272: 266: 265: 260: 254: 253: 248: 246:Prime Minister 242: 241: 231: 230: 224: 223: 218: 212: 211: 209:Albert Sarraut 206: 200: 199: 194: 190: 189: 184: 180: 179: 169: 168: 163: 157: 156: 151: 145: 144: 139: 135: 134: 129: 125: 124: 114: 113: 108: 102: 101: 96: 90: 89: 87:Vincent Auriol 84: 80: 79: 69: 68: 62: 61: 58: 57: 54: 46: 45: 42: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 14056: 14045: 14042: 14040: 14037: 14035: 14032: 14030: 14027: 14025: 14022: 14020: 14017: 14015: 14012: 14010: 14007: 14005: 14002: 14000: 13997: 13995: 13992: 13990: 13987: 13985: 13982: 13980: 13977: 13975: 13972: 13970: 13967: 13965: 13962: 13960: 13957: 13955: 13952: 13950: 13947: 13945: 13942: 13940: 13937: 13935: 13932: 13930: 13927: 13925: 13922: 13920: 13917: 13915: 13912: 13910: 13907: 13905: 13902: 13901: 13899: 13884: 13881: 13879: 13876: 13874: 13871: 13870: 13867: 13861: 13858: 13856: 13853: 13850: 13846: 13844: 13841: 13840: 13838: 13834: 13828: 13827:United States 13825: 13823: 13820: 13818: 13815: 13814: 13812: 13808: 13802: 13799: 13797: 13794: 13792: 13789: 13787: 13784: 13782: 13779: 13777: 13774: 13773: 13771: 13768: 13767:Organizations 13763: 13757: 13754: 13752: 13749: 13747: 13744: 13742: 13739: 13737: 13734: 13732: 13729: 13727: 13724: 13722: 13719: 13717: 13714: 13712: 13709: 13707: 13704: 13702: 13699: 13697: 13694: 13692: 13689: 13687: 13684: 13682: 13679: 13677: 13674: 13672: 13669: 13667: 13664: 13662: 13659: 13657: 13654: 13652: 13649: 13647: 13644: 13642: 13639: 13637: 13634: 13632: 13629: 13627: 13624: 13622: 13619: 13617: 13614: 13612: 13609: 13607: 13604: 13602: 13599: 13597: 13594: 13592: 13589: 13587: 13584: 13582: 13579: 13577: 13574: 13572: 13569: 13567: 13564: 13562: 13559: 13557: 13554: 13552: 13549: 13547: 13544: 13542: 13539: 13537: 13534: 13532: 13529: 13527: 13524: 13522: 13519: 13517: 13514: 13512: 13509: 13507: 13504: 13502: 13499: 13497: 13494: 13492: 13489: 13487: 13484: 13482: 13479: 13477: 13474: 13472: 13469: 13467: 13464: 13462: 13459: 13457: 13454: 13452: 13449: 13447: 13444: 13442: 13439: 13437: 13434: 13432: 13429: 13427: 13424: 13422: 13419: 13417: 13414: 13412: 13409: 13407: 13404: 13402: 13399: 13397: 13394: 13392: 13389: 13388: 13386: 13383: 13378: 13372: 13369: 13367: 13364: 13362: 13359: 13357: 13354: 13352: 13349: 13347: 13344: 13343: 13341: 13335: 13329: 13328:Welfare state 13326: 13324: 13321: 13319: 13316: 13314: 13311: 13307: 13304: 13302: 13299: 13298: 13297: 13294: 13292: 13289: 13287: 13284: 13282: 13279: 13277: 13274: 13272: 13269: 13265: 13262: 13260: 13257: 13256: 13255: 13252: 13250: 13249:Progressivism 13247: 13245: 13242: 13240: 13237: 13235: 13234:Mixed economy 13232: 13230: 13227: 13225: 13222: 13220: 13217: 13215: 13212: 13210: 13207: 13205: 13202: 13200: 13197: 13195: 13192: 13190: 13187: 13183: 13180: 13178: 13175: 13173: 13170: 13168: 13165: 13164: 13163: 13160: 13158: 13155: 13154: 13152: 13148: 13143: 13133: 13130: 13128: 13125: 13123: 13120: 13118: 13115: 13113: 13110: 13108: 13105: 13101: 13098: 13096: 13093: 13092: 13091: 13088: 13086: 13083: 13081: 13078: 13076: 13073: 13071: 13068: 13066: 13063: 13061: 13058: 13056: 13053: 13051: 13048: 13047: 13045: 13042: 13037: 13032: 13024: 13019: 13017: 13012: 13010: 13005: 13004: 13001: 12988: 12985: 12982: 12979: 12976: 12973: 12970: 12967: 12964: 12961: 12958: 12955: 12952: 12949: 12946: 12943: 12940: 12937: 12934: 12931: 12928: 12925: 12922: 12919: 12916: 12913: 12910: 12907: 12904: 12901: 12898: 12895: 12892: 12889: 12886: 12883: 12880: 12877: 12874: 12871: 12868: 12865: 12862: 12859: 12856: 12853: 12850: 12847: 12844: 12841: 12838: 12835: 12832: 12829: 12826: 12823: 12820: 12817: 12814: 12811: 12808: 12805: 12802: 12799: 12798: 12796: 12792: 12788: 12781: 12778: 12775: 12772: 12769: 12766: 12763: 12760: 12757: 12754: 12751: 12748: 12745: 12742: 12739: 12736: 12733: 12730: 12727: 12724: 12721: 12718: 12715: 12712: 12709: 12706: 12703: 12700: 12697: 12694: 12691: 12688: 12685: 12682: 12679: 12676: 12673: 12670: 12667: 12664: 12661: 12658: 12657: 12655: 12651: 12647: 12640: 12637: 12634: 12631: 12628: 12625: 12622: 12619: 12618: 12616: 12612: 12608: 12601: 12598: 12595: 12592: 12589: 12586: 12583: 12580: 12579: 12577: 12573: 12569: 12562: 12559: 12556: 12553: 12552: 12550: 12546: 12542: 12535: 12532: 12529: 12526: 12523: 12520: 12517: 12514: 12511: 12508: 12505: 12502: 12499: 12496: 12493: 12490: 12487: 12484: 12481: 12478: 12475: 12472: 12469: 12466: 12463: 12460: 12457: 12454: 12451: 12448: 12445: 12442: 12439: 12436: 12433: 12430: 12427: 12424: 12421: 12418: 12415: 12412: 12409: 12406: 12403: 12400: 12397: 12394: 12391: 12388: 12385: 12382: 12379: 12376: 12373: 12370: 12367: 12364: 12361: 12358: 12355: 12352: 12349: 12346: 12343: 12340: 12337: 12334: 12331: 12328: 12325: 12322: 12319: 12316: 12313: 12310: 12307: 12304: 12301: 12298: 12295: 12292: 12289: 12286: 12283: 12280: 12277: 12274: 12271: 12268: 12265: 12262: 12259: 12256: 12253: 12250: 12247: 12244: 12241: 12238: 12235: 12232: 12229: 12226: 12223: 12220: 12217: 12214: 12211: 12208: 12205: 12202: 12199: 12196: 12193: 12190: 12187: 12184: 12181: 12178: 12175: 12172: 12169: 12166: 12163: 12160: 12157: 12154: 12151: 12148: 12145: 12142: 12139: 12136: 12133: 12130: 12127: 12124: 12121: 12118: 12115: 12112: 12109: 12106: 12103: 12100: 12097: 12094: 12091: 12090:Mathieu-Bodet 12088: 12085: 12082: 12079: 12076: 12073: 12070: 12067: 12064: 12061: 12058: 12055: 12052: 12051: 12049: 12045: 12041: 12034: 12031: 12028: 12025: 12022: 12019: 12016: 12013: 12010: 12007: 12004: 12001: 11998: 11995: 11992: 11989: 11986: 11983: 11982: 11980: 11976: 11972: 11965: 11962: 11959: 11958:de Casabianca 11956: 11953: 11950: 11947: 11944: 11941: 11938: 11935: 11932: 11929: 11926: 11923: 11920: 11917: 11914: 11911: 11908: 11905: 11904:Garnier-Pagès 11902: 11899: 11896: 11895: 11893: 11889: 11885: 11878: 11875: 11872: 11869: 11866: 11863: 11860: 11857: 11854: 11851: 11848: 11845: 11842: 11839: 11836: 11833: 11830: 11827: 11824: 11821: 11818: 11815: 11812: 11809: 11806: 11803: 11800: 11797: 11794: 11791: 11790: 11788: 11784: 11780: 11773: 11770: 11767: 11764: 11761: 11758: 11755: 11752: 11749: 11746: 11743: 11740: 11737: 11734: 11731: 11728: 11725: 11722: 11719: 11716: 11715: 11713: 11709: 11705: 11698: 11695: 11694: 11692: 11688: 11684: 11677: 11674: 11673: 11671: 11667: 11663: 11656: 11653: 11652: 11650: 11646: 11642: 11635: 11632: 11629: 11626: 11623: 11622:Ramel-Nogaret 11620: 11617: 11614: 11611: 11608: 11605: 11604:Destournelles 11602: 11599: 11596: 11595: 11593: 11589: 11585: 11578: 11575: 11572: 11569: 11566: 11563: 11560: 11557: 11554: 11551: 11548: 11545: 11542: 11539: 11536: 11533: 11530: 11527: 11524: 11521: 11518: 11515: 11512: 11509: 11506: 11503: 11500: 11497: 11494: 11491: 11488: 11485: 11482: 11479: 11476: 11473: 11470: 11467: 11464: 11461: 11458: 11455: 11452: 11449: 11446: 11443: 11440: 11437: 11434: 11433:de Silhouette 11431: 11428: 11427:de Boullonges 11425: 11422: 11419: 11416: 11413: 11410: 11407: 11404: 11401: 11398: 11395: 11392: 11389: 11386: 11383: 11380: 11377: 11374: 11371: 11368: 11365: 11362: 11359: 11356: 11353: 11350: 11347: 11344: 11341: 11338: 11335: 11332: 11329: 11326: 11323: 11320: 11317: 11314: 11310: 11307: 11304: 11301: 11298: 11295: 11292: 11288: 11285: 11282: 11279: 11276: 11273: 11270: 11266: 11263: 11260: 11257: 11254: 11250: 11247: 11244: 11241: 11238: 11234: 11231: 11228: 11225: 11222: 11219: 11216: 11213: 11210: 11207: 11204: 11201: 11200: 11198: 11194: 11190: 11183: 11180: 11177: 11174: 11171: 11168: 11165: 11161: 11158: 11155: 11152: 11149: 11146: 11143: 11140: 11137: 11134: 11131: 11128: 11125: 11122: 11119: 11116: 11115: 11113: 11109: 11105: 11098: 11095: 11092: 11089: 11088: 11085: 11081: 11077: 11070: 11065: 11063: 11058: 11056: 11051: 11050: 11047: 11035: 11032: 11030: 11027: 11025: 11022: 11020: 11017: 11015: 11012: 11010: 11007: 11005: 11002: 11000: 10997: 10995: 10992: 10990: 10987: 10985: 10982: 10980: 10977: 10975: 10972: 10970: 10967: 10965: 10962: 10960: 10957: 10955: 10952: 10950: 10947: 10945: 10942: 10940: 10937: 10935: 10934:Sauvagnargues 10932: 10930: 10927: 10925: 10922: 10920: 10917: 10915: 10912: 10910: 10907: 10906: 10904: 10902: 10898: 10892: 10889: 10887: 10884: 10882: 10879: 10877: 10874: 10872: 10869: 10867: 10866:Mendès France 10864: 10862: 10859: 10857: 10854: 10852: 10849: 10848: 10846: 10844: 10840: 10834: 10831: 10829: 10826: 10825: 10823: 10821: 10815: 10809: 10806: 10804: 10801: 10799: 10796: 10794: 10791: 10789: 10786: 10785: 10783: 10781: 10777: 10771: 10768: 10766: 10763: 10761: 10758: 10756: 10753: 10751: 10748: 10746: 10743: 10741: 10738: 10736: 10733: 10731: 10728: 10726: 10723: 10721: 10718: 10716: 10713: 10711: 10708: 10706: 10703: 10701: 10698: 10696: 10693: 10691: 10688: 10686: 10683: 10681: 10678: 10676: 10673: 10671: 10668: 10666: 10663: 10661: 10658: 10656: 10653: 10651: 10648: 10646: 10643: 10641: 10638: 10636: 10633: 10631: 10628: 10626: 10623: 10621: 10618: 10616: 10613: 10611: 10608: 10606: 10603: 10601: 10598: 10596: 10593: 10591: 10588: 10586: 10583: 10581: 10578: 10576: 10573: 10571: 10568: 10566: 10563: 10561: 10558: 10556: 10553: 10551: 10548: 10546: 10543: 10541: 10538: 10536: 10533: 10531: 10528: 10526: 10523: 10521: 10518: 10516: 10513: 10511: 10508: 10506: 10503: 10501: 10498: 10496: 10493: 10491: 10488: 10486: 10483: 10481: 10478: 10476: 10473: 10471: 10468: 10466: 10463: 10461: 10458: 10456: 10453: 10451: 10448: 10446: 10443: 10441: 10438: 10436: 10433: 10431: 10428: 10427: 10425: 10423: 10419: 10413: 10410: 10408: 10405: 10403: 10400: 10398: 10395: 10393: 10390: 10388: 10385: 10383: 10380: 10378: 10375: 10373: 10370: 10368: 10365: 10363: 10360: 10358: 10355: 10353: 10350: 10349: 10347: 10345: 10344:Second Empire 10341: 10335: 10332: 10330: 10327: 10325: 10322: 10320: 10317: 10315: 10312: 10310: 10307: 10305: 10302: 10300: 10297: 10295: 10292: 10290: 10287: 10285: 10282: 10280: 10277: 10275: 10272: 10271: 10269: 10267: 10263: 10257: 10254: 10252: 10249: 10247: 10244: 10242: 10239: 10237: 10234: 10232: 10229: 10227: 10224: 10222: 10219: 10217: 10214: 10212: 10209: 10207: 10204: 10202: 10199: 10197: 10194: 10192: 10189: 10187: 10184: 10182: 10179: 10178: 10176: 10174: 10173:July Monarchy 10170: 10164: 10161: 10159: 10156: 10154: 10151: 10149: 10146: 10144: 10141: 10139: 10136: 10134: 10133:Chateaubriand 10131: 10129: 10126: 10124: 10121: 10119: 10116: 10114: 10111: 10109: 10106: 10105: 10103: 10101: 10097: 10091: 10088: 10086: 10083: 10082: 10080: 10078: 10074: 10068: 10065: 10063: 10060: 10059: 10057: 10055: 10051: 10045: 10042: 10040: 10037: 10035: 10032: 10030: 10027: 10026: 10024: 10022: 10018: 10012: 10009: 10007: 10004: 10002: 9999: 9997: 9994: 9992: 9989: 9987: 9984: 9982: 9979: 9977: 9974: 9973: 9971: 9969: 9965: 9959: 9956: 9954: 9951: 9949: 9946: 9944: 9941: 9939: 9936: 9934: 9931: 9929: 9926: 9924: 9921: 9919: 9916: 9914: 9911: 9909: 9906: 9904: 9901: 9899: 9898:L. Phélypeaux 9896: 9894: 9891: 9889: 9886: 9884: 9881: 9879: 9876: 9874: 9871: 9869: 9868:Saint-Contest 9866: 9864: 9861: 9859: 9856: 9854: 9851: 9849: 9846: 9844: 9841: 9839: 9836: 9834: 9831: 9829: 9826: 9824: 9821: 9819: 9816: 9814: 9811: 9809: 9806: 9804: 9801: 9799: 9796: 9794: 9791: 9789: 9788:R. Phélypeaux 9786: 9784: 9781: 9779: 9776: 9774: 9771: 9769: 9766: 9765: 9763: 9761: 9760:Ancien Régime 9757: 9753: 9746: 9741: 9739: 9734: 9732: 9727: 9726: 9723: 9710: 9707: 9704: 9701: 9700: 9698: 9694: 9688: 9685: 9683: 9680: 9678: 9675: 9673: 9670: 9668: 9665: 9663: 9660: 9658: 9655: 9653: 9650: 9648: 9645: 9643: 9640: 9638: 9635: 9633: 9630: 9628: 9625: 9623: 9620: 9618: 9615: 9613: 9610: 9608: 9605: 9603: 9600: 9598: 9595: 9593: 9590: 9588: 9585: 9583: 9580: 9578: 9575: 9573: 9572:Chaban-Delmas 9570: 9568: 9565: 9563: 9560: 9558: 9555: 9553: 9550: 9549: 9547: 9545: 9541: 9535: 9532: 9530: 9527: 9525: 9522: 9520: 9517: 9515: 9512: 9510: 9507: 9505: 9504:Mendès France 9502: 9500: 9497: 9495: 9492: 9490: 9487: 9485: 9482: 9480: 9477: 9475: 9472: 9470: 9467: 9465: 9462: 9460: 9457: 9455: 9452: 9450: 9447: 9445: 9442: 9440: 9437: 9435: 9432: 9431: 9429: 9427: 9423: 9417: 9414: 9412: 9409: 9407: 9404: 9402: 9399: 9398: 9396: 9394: 9388: 9382: 9379: 9377: 9374: 9372: 9369: 9367: 9364: 9362: 9359: 9358: 9356: 9354: 9350: 9344: 9341: 9339: 9336: 9334: 9331: 9329: 9326: 9324: 9321: 9319: 9316: 9314: 9311: 9309: 9306: 9304: 9301: 9299: 9296: 9294: 9291: 9289: 9286: 9284: 9281: 9279: 9276: 9274: 9271: 9269: 9266: 9264: 9261: 9259: 9256: 9254: 9251: 9249: 9246: 9244: 9241: 9239: 9236: 9234: 9231: 9229: 9226: 9224: 9221: 9219: 9216: 9214: 9211: 9209: 9206: 9204: 9201: 9199: 9196: 9194: 9191: 9189: 9186: 9184: 9181: 9179: 9176: 9174: 9171: 9169: 9166: 9164: 9161: 9159: 9156: 9154: 9151: 9149: 9146: 9144: 9141: 9139: 9136: 9134: 9131: 9129: 9126: 9124: 9121: 9119: 9116: 9114: 9111: 9109: 9106: 9104: 9101: 9099: 9096: 9094: 9091: 9089: 9086: 9084: 9081: 9079: 9076: 9074: 9071: 9069: 9066: 9064: 9061: 9059: 9056: 9054: 9051: 9049: 9046: 9044: 9041: 9039: 9036: 9034: 9031: 9029: 9026: 9024: 9021: 9019: 9016: 9014: 9011: 9009: 9006: 9004: 9001: 8999: 8996: 8994: 8991: 8989: 8986: 8984: 8981: 8979: 8976: 8974: 8971: 8969: 8966: 8964: 8961: 8959: 8956: 8954: 8951: 8949: 8948:A. de Broglie 8946: 8944: 8941: 8939: 8936: 8934: 8931: 8929: 8926: 8924: 8923:A. de Broglie 8921: 8919: 8916: 8915: 8913: 8911: 8907: 8901: 8898: 8897: 8895: 8893: 8890:Government of 8887: 8881: 8878: 8876: 8873: 8872: 8870: 8868: 8867:Second Empire 8864: 8858: 8855: 8853: 8850: 8848: 8845: 8843: 8840: 8838: 8835: 8833: 8830: 8829: 8827: 8825: 8821: 8815: 8812: 8810: 8807: 8805: 8802: 8800: 8797: 8795: 8792: 8790: 8787: 8785: 8782: 8780: 8779:V. de Broglie 8777: 8775: 8772: 8770: 8767: 8765: 8762: 8760: 8757: 8755: 8752: 8750: 8747: 8745: 8744:V. de Broglie 8742: 8741: 8739: 8737: 8736:July Monarchy 8733: 8727: 8724: 8722: 8719: 8717: 8714: 8712: 8709: 8707: 8704: 8702: 8699: 8697: 8694: 8692: 8689: 8688: 8686: 8684: 8680: 8676: 8669: 8664: 8662: 8657: 8655: 8650: 8649: 8646: 8633: 8626: 8622: 8619: 8616: 8612: 8609: 8606: 8602: 8599: 8596: 8592: 8589: 8584: 8579: 8575: 8572: 8567: 8562: 8558: 8555: 8552: 8551: 8547: 8542: 8537: 8533: 8530: 8527: 8526: 8522: 8519: 8515: 8512: 8511: 8509: 8506: 8502: 8493: 8488: 8484: 8481: 8476: 8471: 8467: 8464: 8463: 8461: 8458: 8454: 8445: 8440: 8436: 8435:Albert Lebrun 8433: 8428: 8423: 8419: 8416: 8411: 8406: 8402: 8399: 8394: 8389: 8385: 8382: 8377: 8372: 8368: 8365: 8360: 8355: 8351: 8348: 8343: 8338: 8334: 8331: 8326: 8321: 8317: 8314: 8309: 8304: 8300: 8297: 8292: 8287: 8283: 8280: 8275: 8270: 8266: 8263: 8258: 8253: 8249: 8246: 8241: 8236: 8232: 8229: 8224: 8219: 8215: 8212: 8211: 8209: 8206: 8202: 8193: 8188: 8184: 8181: 8180: 8178: 8175: 8171: 8167: 8160: 8155: 8153: 8148: 8146: 8141: 8140: 8137: 8128: 8127: 8121: 8120:Paul Ramadier 8115: 8111: 8110: 8104: 8095: 8094: 8087: 8081: 8077: 8068: 8067: 8060: 8054: 8050: 8041: 8040: 8033: 8027: 8022: 8017: 8013: 8009: 8006: 8003: 8000: 7998: 7995: 7993: 7990: 7989: 7979: 7974: 7970: 7968:0-8204-7481-9 7964: 7960: 7955: 7951: 7947: 7943: 7941:0-434-84216-8 7937: 7933: 7928: 7926: 7922: 7918: 7914: 7909: 7905: 7901: 7897: 7893: 7888: 7885: 7881: 7879: 7875: 7871: 7867: 7865:9780465022670 7861: 7857: 7852: 7848: 7842: 7838: 7832: 7830: 7826: 7822: 7818: 7816:9780226414195 7812: 7808: 7804: 7800: 7796: 7791: 7787: 7782: 7779: 7775: 7772: 7768: 7764: 7762:9781134690732 7758: 7754: 7749: 7747: 7743: 7739: 7735: 7731: 7730: 7724: 7722: 7718: 7714: 7710: 7708:9781349192557 7704: 7700: 7695: 7692: 7688: 7686: 7682: 7678: 7673: 7669: 7665: 7661: 7657: 7651: 7647: 7646: 7641: 7637: 7633: 7628: 7624: 7622:9781461699385 7618: 7614: 7609: 7606: 7602: 7600: 7599:online review 7596: 7590: 7588:9780300213737 7584: 7580: 7579: 7573: 7569: 7567:9780674426252 7563: 7559: 7554: 7550: 7546: 7542: 7538: 7534: 7530: 7525: 7521: 7519:9781000352788 7515: 7511: 7506: 7504: 7500: 7496: 7495: 7483: 7476: 7468: 7461: 7453: 7446: 7438: 7431: 7423: 7416: 7408: 7401: 7393: 7386: 7378: 7371: 7363: 7356: 7348: 7341: 7333: 7326: 7318: 7311: 7303: 7296: 7288: 7281: 7274: 7269: 7262: 7257: 7255: 7247: 7246:Birnbaum 2015 7242: 7235: 7234:Birnbaum 2015 7230: 7223: 7222:Birnbaum 2015 7218: 7211: 7206: 7204: 7202: 7200: 7198: 7190: 7185: 7178: 7173: 7171: 7163: 7158: 7156: 7154: 7152: 7144: 7139: 7137: 7129: 7124: 7117: 7112: 7105: 7100: 7098: 7096: 7094: 7086: 7081: 7079: 7077: 7075: 7067: 7066:Birnbaum 2015 7062: 7055: 7054:Birnbaum 2015 7050: 7043: 7038: 7031: 7026: 7019: 7014: 7007: 7002: 7000: 6992: 6987: 6980: 6975: 6968: 6963: 6961: 6959: 6951: 6946: 6944: 6936: 6931: 6929: 6921: 6916: 6908: 6902: 6886: 6882: 6875: 6859: 6855: 6849: 6833: 6829: 6822: 6815: 6810: 6808: 6806: 6804: 6796: 6791: 6784: 6779: 6777: 6775: 6773: 6765: 6760: 6758: 6750: 6745: 6738: 6733: 6731: 6723: 6718: 6716: 6714: 6706: 6701: 6699: 6697: 6695: 6687: 6683: 6678: 6672:, p. 34. 6671: 6666: 6664: 6656: 6651: 6644: 6639: 6637: 6629: 6624: 6617: 6612: 6605: 6600: 6598: 6596: 6588: 6583: 6576: 6571: 6569: 6567: 6565: 6557: 6552: 6545: 6540: 6538: 6530: 6525: 6523: 6516: 6511: 6504: 6499: 6492: 6487: 6485: 6483: 6475: 6470: 6463: 6458: 6456: 6454: 6446: 6441: 6434: 6429: 6422: 6417: 6410: 6405: 6398: 6393: 6386: 6381: 6374: 6369: 6362: 6357: 6355: 6347: 6342: 6340: 6338: 6330: 6325: 6318: 6313: 6311: 6309: 6301: 6296: 6289: 6284: 6282: 6280: 6272: 6267: 6265: 6263: 6261: 6259: 6251: 6246: 6239: 6234: 6227: 6222: 6220: 6212: 6207: 6200: 6195: 6193: 6191: 6183: 6178: 6171: 6166: 6159: 6154: 6152: 6144: 6139: 6137: 6129: 6124: 6122: 6120: 6112: 6107: 6105: 6097: 6092: 6085: 6080: 6073: 6068: 6066: 6064: 6062: 6054: 6049: 6042: 6037: 6035: 6033: 6031: 6029: 6027: 6025: 6017: 6012: 6005: 6000: 5998: 5996: 5988: 5983: 5976: 5971: 5969: 5967: 5959: 5954: 5947: 5942: 5940: 5932: 5927: 5925: 5917: 5912: 5905: 5900: 5898: 5896: 5888: 5883: 5881: 5873: 5868: 5866: 5864: 5862: 5860: 5858: 5850: 5845: 5843: 5841: 5833: 5828: 5821: 5816: 5814: 5812: 5810: 5808: 5806: 5804: 5802: 5795:, p. 93. 5794: 5789: 5787: 5779: 5774: 5772: 5770: 5768: 5766: 5758: 5753: 5746: 5741: 5739: 5737: 5730:, p. 57. 5729: 5724: 5722: 5720: 5712: 5707: 5705: 5703: 5701: 5693: 5688: 5681: 5676: 5669: 5664: 5657: 5652: 5650: 5642: 5637: 5635: 5633: 5625: 5620: 5618: 5616: 5614: 5612: 5610: 5602: 5597: 5590: 5585: 5577: 5573: 5569: 5565: 5561: 5557: 5550: 5542: 5540:9780521358545 5536: 5532: 5531: 5523: 5516: 5510: 5503: 5498: 5496: 5494: 5492: 5484: 5479: 5477: 5475: 5473: 5465: 5459: 5453:(1966) p 162. 5452: 5449:Joel Colton. 5446: 5439: 5435: 5432: 5427: 5421: 5416: 5409: 5406:Louis Stein, 5403: 5396: 5390: 5382: 5378: 5374: 5370: 5363: 5357:, p. 27. 5356: 5351: 5345:, p. 26. 5344: 5339: 5337: 5335: 5328:, p. 75. 5327: 5326:Weinberg 1980 5322: 5316:, p. 74. 5315: 5314:Weinberg 1980 5310: 5308: 5300: 5295: 5293: 5291: 5283: 5278: 5276: 5274: 5272: 5264: 5259: 5252: 5251:Weinberg 1980 5247: 5240: 5235: 5229:, p. 74. 5228: 5223: 5216: 5211: 5209: 5202:, p. 73. 5201: 5196: 5194: 5192: 5190: 5183:, p. 72. 5182: 5177: 5170: 5165: 5163: 5161: 5154:, p. 24. 5153: 5148: 5146: 5138: 5133: 5126: 5121: 5114: 5109: 5107: 5105: 5103: 5101: 5099: 5097: 5090:, p. 52. 5089: 5084: 5077: 5072: 5066:, p. 65. 5065: 5064:Kaufmann 1953 5060: 5053: 5048: 5041: 5036: 5029: 5024: 5017: 5012: 5005: 5000: 4998: 4996: 4994: 4986: 4981: 4979: 4977: 4975: 4973: 4971: 4963: 4958: 4951: 4946: 4944: 4942: 4940: 4938: 4936: 4928: 4923: 4916: 4911: 4909: 4907: 4905: 4897: 4892: 4890: 4882: 4877: 4875: 4867: 4862: 4860: 4853:, p. 90. 4852: 4851:Weinberg 1980 4847: 4845: 4843: 4841: 4833: 4828: 4826: 4818: 4813: 4806: 4801: 4794: 4789: 4787: 4785: 4783: 4776:, p. 71. 4775: 4774:Weinberg 1980 4770: 4763: 4758: 4756: 4754: 4747:, p. 67. 4746: 4745:Weinberg 1980 4741: 4739: 4737: 4735: 4728:, p. 53. 4727: 4722: 4715: 4710: 4703: 4702:Sullivan 1999 4698: 4696: 4694: 4686: 4681: 4674: 4669: 4667: 4660:, p. 47. 4659: 4658:Barbieri 2015 4654: 4652: 4650: 4642: 4637: 4631:, p. 43. 4630: 4625: 4618: 4613: 4607:, p. 32. 4606: 4601: 4595:, p. 20. 4594: 4589: 4587: 4585: 4583: 4575: 4571: 4565: 4558: 4552: 4545: 4539: 4533: 4529: 4523: 4516: 4515:Birnbaum 2015 4511: 4504: 4498: 4491: 4485: 4478: 4472: 4465: 4460: 4453: 4448: 4446: 4444: 4436: 4431: 4424: 4419: 4412: 4407: 4400: 4395: 4388: 4383: 4376: 4371: 4364: 4359: 4352: 4347: 4345: 4343: 4335: 4330: 4323: 4318: 4311: 4306: 4299: 4294: 4292: 4290: 4282: 4277: 4275: 4273: 4265: 4260: 4254:, p. 97. 4253: 4248: 4246: 4239:, p. 96. 4238: 4233: 4227:, p. 95. 4226: 4221: 4219: 4211: 4206: 4200:, p. 88. 4199: 4194: 4187: 4182: 4180: 4172: 4167: 4161:, p. 83. 4160: 4155: 4149:, p. 82. 4148: 4143: 4136: 4131: 4125:, p. 84. 4124: 4119: 4112: 4107: 4105: 4103: 4101: 4094:, p. 85. 4093: 4088: 4086: 4079:, p. 80. 4078: 4073: 4066: 4061: 4055:, p. 79. 4054: 4049: 4047: 4039: 4034: 4032: 4024: 4019: 4013:, p. 77. 4012: 4007: 4000: 3995: 3989:, p. 74. 3988: 3983: 3981: 3974:, p. 69. 3973: 3968: 3962:, p. 68. 3961: 3956: 3954: 3952: 3950: 3948: 3940: 3935: 3929:, p. 67. 3928: 3923: 3921: 3914:, p. 66. 3913: 3908: 3902:, p. 65. 3901: 3896: 3890:, p. 68. 3889: 3888:Birnbaum 2015 3884: 3882: 3880: 3873:, p. 62. 3872: 3867: 3861:, p. 60. 3860: 3855: 3848: 3843: 3837:, p. 59. 3836: 3831: 3825:, p. 55. 3824: 3819: 3812: 3807: 3801:, p. 50. 3800: 3795: 3788: 3783: 3777:, p. 49. 3776: 3771: 3769: 3762:, p. 45. 3761: 3756: 3749: 3744: 3738:, p. 44. 3737: 3732: 3725: 3720: 3714:, p. 48. 3713: 3708: 3702:, p. 43. 3701: 3696: 3694: 3692: 3685:, p. 47. 3684: 3679: 3677: 3669: 3664: 3657: 3652: 3650: 3648: 3646: 3644: 3642: 3640: 3633:, p. 42. 3632: 3627: 3625: 3623: 3621: 3619: 3612:, p. 41. 3611: 3606: 3604: 3602: 3600: 3598: 3596: 3594: 3592: 3585:, p. 40. 3584: 3579: 3577: 3575: 3567: 3562: 3560: 3558: 3556: 3549:, p. 38. 3548: 3543: 3537:, p. 37. 3536: 3531: 3529: 3527: 3519: 3514: 3512: 3504: 3501:Joel Colton, 3498: 3496: 3489:, p. 15. 3488: 3487:Birnbaum 2015 3483: 3467: 3463: 3457: 3449: 3443: 3427: 3426: 3418: 3412:, p. 13. 3411: 3406: 3399: 3398:Birnbaum 2015 3394: 3392: 3390: 3383:, p. 23. 3382: 3381:Birnbaum 2015 3377: 3370: 3369:Birnbaum 2015 3365: 3359:, p. 22. 3358: 3357:Birnbaum 2015 3353: 3351: 3349: 3347: 3339: 3338:Birnbaum 2015 3334: 3332: 3324: 3323:Birnbaum 2015 3319: 3317: 3309: 3308:Birnbaum 2015 3304: 3298:, p. 14. 3297: 3296:Birnbaum 2015 3292: 3290: 3288: 3286: 3279:, p. 19. 3278: 3277:Birnbaum 2015 3273: 3271: 3269: 3262:, p. 31. 3261: 3256: 3254: 3252: 3244: 3243:Birnbaum 2015 3239: 3232: 3227: 3225: 3217: 3212: 3205: 3204:Birnbaum 2015 3200: 3198: 3190: 3185: 3183: 3175: 3170: 3168: 3160: 3155: 3148: 3144: 3140: 3136: 3132: 3128: 3122: 3118: 3117: 3112: 3106: 3102: 3092: 3089: 3086: 3083: 3080: 3077: 3074: 3071: 3068: 3064: 3061: 3058: 3055: 3052: 3049: 3046: 3043: 3040: 3037: 3034: 3032: 3028: 3025: 3021: 3018: 3015: 3014: 3010: 3005: 3004: 3001:Books by Blum 2995: 2991: 2990: 2989: 2987: 2980: 2977: 2974: 2971: 2968: 2965: 2962: 2961:Eugène Thomas 2959: 2954: 2949: 2946: 2943: 2940: 2937: 2936:Marius Moutet 2934: 2931: 2928: 2923: 2918: 2915: 2912: 2909: 2906: 2903: 2900: 2899:Paul Ramadier 2897: 2894: 2891: 2888: 2885: 2882: 2879: 2876: 2873: 2870: 2867: 2864: 2860: 2859: 2850: 2847: 2844: 2841: 2838: 2835: 2832: 2829: 2826: 2823: 2820: 2817: 2814: 2811: 2808: 2805: 2802: 2799: 2796: 2793: 2790: 2787: 2784: 2783:Marius Moutet 2781: 2778: 2775: 2772: 2769: 2766: 2763: 2760: 2757: 2754: 2751: 2748: 2745: 2742: 2739: 2736: 2733: 2730: 2727: 2724: 2721: 2718: 2714: 2711: 2708: 2707: 2698: 2694: 2693: 2692: 2690: 2683: 2680: 2677: 2674: 2671: 2668: 2665: 2662: 2659: 2656: 2653: 2650: 2649:Henri Sellier 2647: 2644: 2641: 2638: 2637:Marius Moutet 2635: 2632: 2629: 2626: 2623: 2620: 2617: 2614: 2611: 2608: 2605: 2602: 2599: 2596: 2593: 2590: 2587: 2584: 2581: 2578: 2575: 2572: 2569: 2566: 2562: 2559: 2556: 2555: 2544: 2542: 2538: 2534: 2530: 2529:Jouy-en-Josas 2526: 2525: 2520: 2515: 2511: 2507: 2501: 2498: 2494: 2489: 2485: 2481: 2480: 2475: 2469: 2467: 2463: 2459: 2455: 2449: 2447: 2443: 2439: 2434: 2431: 2426: 2422: 2418: 2413: 2410: 2400: 2390: 2387: 2379: 2368: 2365: 2361: 2358: 2354: 2351: 2347: 2344: 2340: 2337: –  2336: 2332: 2331:Find sources: 2325: 2321: 2315: 2314: 2309:This section 2307: 2303: 2298: 2297: 2289: 2287: 2283: 2279: 2275: 2270: 2268: 2265: 2260: 2254: 2250: 2246: 2241: 2237: 2233: 2228: 2226: 2220: 2217: 2213: 2208: 2206: 2202: 2197: 2192: 2190: 2185: 2180: 2178: 2174: 2170: 2166: 2162: 2157: 2155: 2150: 2146: 2142: 2132: 2123: 2121: 2117: 2113: 2109: 2105: 2101: 2097: 2093: 2089: 2085: 2081: 2077: 2073: 2068: 2063: 2060: 2056: 2052: 2048: 2047: 2042: 2037: 2032: 2030: 2026: 2022: 2017: 2012: 2008: 2003: 2001: 1997: 1992: 1988: 1984: 1980: 1976: 1972: 1968: 1964: 1959: 1955: 1951: 1947: 1943: 1942: 1936: 1930: 1928: 1924: 1920: 1916: 1912: 1908: 1903: 1898: 1895: 1890: 1885: 1881: 1877: 1873: 1869: 1865: 1860: 1858: 1857:Sumner Welles 1854: 1850: 1845: 1841: 1837: 1833: 1823: 1820: 1819:Joseph Stalin 1815: 1811: 1807: 1802: 1798: 1792: 1789: 1784: 1778: 1775: 1770: 1766: 1761: 1757: 1756:Danzig crisis 1750:Danzig crisis 1747: 1745: 1741: 1736: 1731: 1726: 1723: 1718: 1714: 1709: 1704: 1702: 1697: 1691: 1689: 1685: 1681: 1676: 1670: 1667: 1666:Berchtesgaden 1663: 1658: 1654: 1644: 1640: 1638: 1634: 1629: 1623: 1621: 1617: 1607: 1605: 1600: 1595: 1593: 1589: 1585: 1581: 1571: 1569: 1565: 1560: 1550: 1548: 1543: 1539: 1538:Yezhovshchina 1534: 1529: 1526: 1521: 1516: 1513: 1508: 1503: 1499: 1494: 1489: 1486: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1468: 1467: 1463:and that the 1462: 1458: 1452: 1450: 1446: 1442: 1436: 1433: 1429: 1424: 1422: 1421:Émile Naggiar 1417: 1413: 1408: 1404: 1399: 1395: 1391: 1385: 1381: 1378: 1374: 1369: 1365: 1361: 1357: 1353: 1352: 1346: 1340: 1338: 1333: 1329: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1309: 1305: 1301: 1296: 1293: 1289: 1285: 1281: 1277: 1273: 1269: 1264: 1262: 1258: 1253: 1248: 1244: 1240: 1230: 1228: 1219: 1216: 1213: 1210: 1207: 1206:Office du blé 1203: 1202: 1201: 1193: 1186: 1184: 1183:shop stewards 1180: 1177: 1174: 1172: 1168: 1166: 1162: 1160: 1156: 1155: 1154: 1152: 1141: 1138: 1134: 1133:Popular Front 1130: 1126: 1122: 1118: 1117:neosocialists 1114: 1110: 1106: 1100: 1090: 1087: 1082: 1077: 1075: 1074: 1069: 1065: 1061: 1057: 1053: 1049: 1045: 1040: 1035: 1032: 1027: 1022: 1018: 1013: 1009: 1004: 1001: 1000:Louis Barthou 997: 993: 992:André Tardieu 989: 988:Louis Barthou 985: 980: 976: 972: 967: 962: 959: 953: 951: 946: 941: 935: 932: 928: 924: 919: 917: 913: 909: 905: 901: 900:Paul Painlevé 897: 893: 892: 885: 883: 879: 875: 874: 863: 861: 857: 853: 848: 844: 839: 838:bloc national 835: 830: 828: 824: 819: 814: 809: 803: 800: 795: 791: 787: 786:Albert Thomas 783: 779: 774: 770: 764: 761: 756: 752: 751:Marcel Sembat 748: 742: 740: 739:Fernand Gregh 736: 732: 728: 724: 723: 718: 714: 710: 706: 702: 692: 690: 686: 682: 678: 673: 670: 669: 663: 661: 657: 654:published in 653: 652: 647: 643: 639: 638: 633: 628: 624: 618: 615: 611: 610:Marcel Proust 607: 603: 599: 595: 591: 587: 583: 579: 575: 574: 569: 565: 560: 558: 554: 549: 545: 544:Léon Gambetta 540: 536: 526: 524: 520: 516: 512: 509:When Germany 507: 505: 501: 497: 496:Popular Front 492: 490: 486: 482: 478: 473: 465: 456: 452: 448: 444: 441: 438: 434: 427: 424: 423: 421: 417: 413: 409: 402: 399: 396: 393: 392: 390: 386: 383: 380: 376: 372: 371:Jouy-en-Josas 364:30 March 1950 363: 359: 355: 339: 335: 330: 326: 323: 320: 314: 311: 308: 302: 299: 296: 290: 284: 279: 276: 273: 267: 264: 261: 255: 252: 249: 243: 237: 232: 229: 225: 222: 219: 213: 210: 207: 201: 198: 195: 191: 188: 187:Albert Lebrun 185: 181: 175: 170: 167: 164: 158: 155: 152: 146: 143: 140: 136: 133: 132:Albert Lebrun 130: 126: 120: 115: 112: 111:Paul Ramadier 109: 103: 100: 97: 91: 88: 85: 81: 75: 70: 67: 63: 59: 52: 47: 40: 37: 33: 19: 13994:The Vichy 80 13224:Labor rights 13107:Nordic model 13080:Keynesianism 12909:Strauss-Kahn 12545:Vichy France 12515: 12348:de Lasteyrie 12126:Allain-Targé 11859:de la Lozère 11609: 11505:de Fourqueux 11415:de Séchelles 11409:d'Arnouville 11331:Le Pelletier 11233:de Champigny 11221:de Schomberg 11176:de Bellièvre 11004:Alliot-Marie 10994:Douste-Blazy 10832: 10780:Vichy France 10740:Paul-Boncour 10710:Paul-Boncour 10143:La Ferronays 10085:Caulaincourt 10077:Hundred Days 10044:Caulaincourt 10021:First Empire 9976:Lebrun-Tondu 9958:Sainte-Croix 9415: 9353:Vichy France 9327: 9317: 9268:Paul-Boncour 8625:2017–present 8548: 8523: 8316:Émile Loubet 8125: 8124: 8108: 8107: 8091: 8064: 8037: 7977: 7958: 7931: 7920: 7912: 7895: 7891: 7883: 7873: 7855: 7836: 7824: 7806: 7794: 7785: 7777: 7770: 7752: 7741: 7728: 7716: 7698: 7690: 7680: 7644: 7640:Colton, Joel 7631: 7612: 7604: 7597:; also see 7577: 7557: 7532: 7528: 7509: 7498: 7481: 7475: 7466: 7460: 7451: 7445: 7436: 7430: 7421: 7415: 7409:. Gallimard. 7406: 7400: 7391: 7385: 7376: 7370: 7361: 7355: 7346: 7340: 7331: 7325: 7316: 7310: 7301: 7295: 7286: 7280: 7272: 7268: 7241: 7229: 7217: 7184: 7123: 7111: 7061: 7049: 7037: 7025: 7013: 6986: 6974: 6915: 6889:. Retrieved 6884: 6874: 6862:. Retrieved 6857: 6848: 6836:. Retrieved 6831: 6821: 6790: 6744: 6677: 6650: 6623: 6611: 6582: 6551: 6510: 6498: 6469: 6440: 6428: 6416: 6404: 6392: 6380: 6368: 6324: 6295: 6245: 6233: 6206: 6177: 6165: 6091: 6079: 6048: 6011: 5982: 5953: 5911: 5827: 5752: 5687: 5675: 5663: 5596: 5584: 5559: 5555: 5549: 5529: 5522: 5514: 5509: 5463: 5458: 5450: 5445: 5426: 5415: 5407: 5402: 5397:(1965) p 254 5394: 5389: 5372: 5368: 5362: 5350: 5321: 5258: 5246: 5239:Crozier 1988 5234: 5227:Salerno 1997 5222: 5215:Salerno 1997 5200:Salerno 1997 5181:Salerno 1997 5176: 5169:Salerno 1997 5132: 5120: 5083: 5071: 5059: 5047: 5035: 5023: 5016:Leutner 2020 5011: 4957: 4922: 4812: 4800: 4769: 4721: 4709: 4680: 4673:Cameron 1953 4636: 4624: 4612: 4600: 4569: 4564: 4556: 4551: 4543: 4538: 4527: 4522: 4510: 4502: 4497: 4489: 4484: 4476: 4471: 4459: 4430: 4418: 4406: 4394: 4382: 4370: 4358: 4329: 4317: 4305: 4259: 4232: 4205: 4193: 4166: 4154: 4142: 4130: 4118: 4072: 4060: 4018: 4006: 3994: 3967: 3934: 3907: 3895: 3866: 3854: 3842: 3830: 3818: 3806: 3794: 3782: 3755: 3743: 3731: 3719: 3707: 3663: 3542: 3502: 3482: 3470:. Retrieved 3465: 3456: 3430:. Retrieved 3424: 3417: 3405: 3376: 3364: 3325:, p. 9. 3303: 3245:, p. 7. 3238: 3233:, p. 6. 3211: 3206:, p. 8. 3191:, p. 5. 3176:, p. 3. 3154: 3146: 3115: 3111:Colton, Joel 3105: 3090: 3084: 3078: 3072: 3066: 3062: 3056: 3050: 3044: 3038: 3029: 3023: 3019: 3006: 2985: 2984: 2893:Daniel Mayer 2881:André Philip 2849:Léo Lagrange 2741:Albert Sérol 2688: 2687: 2682:Léo Lagrange 2539:in northern 2524:Le Populaire 2522: 2513: 2509: 2506:Le Populaire 2505: 2502: 2497:Le Populaire 2496: 2492: 2487: 2484:Le Populaire 2483: 2477: 2474:Ernest Bevin 2470: 2466:Ernest Bevin 2450: 2446:French Union 2442:Le Populaire 2441: 2435: 2414: 2409:Anthony Eden 2405: 2382: 2373: 2363: 2356: 2349: 2342: 2330: 2318:Please help 2313:verification 2310: 2272:His brother 2271: 2257: 2239: 2229: 2221: 2209: 2204: 2195: 2193: 2189:Pierre Laval 2181: 2158: 2148: 2144: 2137: 2108:The Vichy 80 2103: 2095: 2072:Paul Reynaud 2066: 2064: 2054: 2044: 2035: 2033: 2028: 2024: 2020: 2016:Le Populaire 2015: 2010: 2007:Pierre Laval 2004: 1995: 1990: 1957: 1953: 1949: 1945: 1940: 1931: 1919:Le Populaire 1918: 1899: 1883: 1880:Le Populaire 1879: 1871: 1863: 1861: 1849:Paul Reynaud 1840:Le Popularie 1839: 1831: 1829: 1809: 1806:Le Popularie 1805: 1793: 1787: 1783:Le Popularie 1782: 1779: 1773: 1765:Le Popularie 1764: 1759: 1753: 1744:Jakob Suritz 1734: 1727: 1721: 1708:Paul Reynaud 1705: 1695: 1692: 1688:Le Popularie 1687: 1683: 1679: 1675:Le Popularie 1674: 1671: 1650: 1641: 1637:Nazi Germany 1624: 1613: 1596: 1577: 1556: 1547:Jakob Suritz 1537: 1533:Anthony Eden 1530: 1517: 1511: 1501: 1490: 1484: 1479: 1475: 1466:Regia Marina 1464: 1460: 1453: 1437: 1425: 1415: 1398:Edvard Beneš 1386: 1382: 1367: 1363: 1359: 1349: 1344: 1341: 1336: 1332:Anthony Eden 1320:Adolf Hitler 1311: 1307: 1297: 1288:Stresa Front 1284:Quai d'Orsay 1267: 1265: 1260: 1256: 1246: 1236: 1223: 1205: 1199: 1190: 1171:annual leave 1147: 1121:Adolf Hitler 1115:, and other 1102: 1078: 1071: 1067: 1044:Paul Reynaud 1039:Pierre Laval 1036: 1026:Le Populaire 1025: 1020: 1016: 1005: 963: 954: 949: 945:Adolf Hitler 936: 920: 911: 907: 889: 886: 881: 878:Le Populaire 877: 873:Le Populaire 871: 869: 855: 837: 831: 822: 818:union sacrée 817: 813:union sacrée 812: 807: 804: 782:Jean Longuet 768: 765: 759: 747:union sacrée 746: 743: 720: 698: 681:Emile Combes 674: 666: 664: 655: 651:J'Accuse...! 649: 635: 619: 597: 593: 586:Jules Renard 582:Pierre Louÿs 571: 561: 546:in 1882 and 532: 515:Vichy France 508: 506:of Germany. 493: 463: 462: 366:(1950-03-30) 351:9 April 1872 317:Succeeded by 282: 270:Succeeded by 262: 235: 216:Succeeded by 173: 161:Succeeded by 118: 106:Succeeded by 73: 55:Blum in 1936 36: 14044:Dreyfusards 13909:1950 deaths 13904:1872 births 13318:Tripartisme 13313:Trade union 13219:Land reform 13100:Revisionist 12983:(2017–2024) 12977:(2014–2017) 12971:(2012–2014) 12965:(2011–2012) 12929:(2002–2004) 12923:(2000–2002) 12917:(1999–2000) 12911:(1997–1999) 12887:(1992–1993) 12881:(1988–1992) 12875:(1986–1988) 12869:(1984–1986) 12863:(1981–1984) 12857:(1978–1981) 12851:(1976–1978) 12845:(1974–1976) 12839:(1969–1974) 12815:(1962–1966) 12809:(1960–1962) 12807:Baumgartner 12734:(1953–1955) 12704:(1949–1951) 12653:(1946–1958) 12614:(1944–1946) 12584:(1941–1942) 12575:(1941–1944) 12572:Free France 12563:(1942–1944) 12557:(1940–1942) 12555:Bouthillier 12548:(1940–1944) 12522:Marchandeau 12510:Marchandeau 12500:(1936–1937) 12474:Marchandeau 12350:(1922–1924) 12344:(1921–1922) 12338:(1920–1921) 12332:(1917–1920) 12266:(1909–1910) 12242:(1902–1905) 12236:(1899–1902) 12230:(1898–1899) 12224:(1896–1898) 12182:(1889–1892) 12128:(1881–1882) 12122:(1879–1881) 12116:(1877–1879) 12092:(1874–1875) 12086:(1873–1874) 12068:(1871–1872) 12047:(1870–1940) 12005:(1861–1867) 11999:(1860–1861) 11997:La Roquette 11993:(1855–1860) 11978:(1852–1870) 11891:(1848–1852) 11873:(1842–1847) 11837:(1836–1837) 11807:(1831–1832) 11801:(1830–1831) 11786:(1830–1848) 11756:(1828–1829) 11750:(1821–1828) 11744:(1819–1821) 11711:(1815–1830) 11678:(1814–1815) 11669:(1814–1815) 11657:(1804–1814) 11648:(1804–1814) 11636:(1799–1804) 11618:(1795–1796) 11612:(1794–1795) 11606:(1793–1794) 11591:(1792–1804) 11565:de Beaulieu 11543:(1790–1791) 11531:(1789–1790) 11523:de Breteuil 11519:(1788–1789) 11513:(1787–1788) 11501:(1783–1787) 11489:(1781–1783) 11483:(1777–1781) 11477:(1776–1777) 11465:(1774–1776) 11459:(1769–1774) 11453:(1768–1769) 11447:(1763–1768) 11441:(1759–1763) 11429:(1757–1759) 11423:(1756–1757) 11417:(1754–1756) 11411:(1745–1754) 11405:(1730–1745) 11399:(1726–1730) 11393:(1722–1726) 11357:(1715–1718) 11355:de Noailles 11351:(1708–1715) 11345:(1699–1708) 11339:(1689–1699) 11333:(1683–1689) 11327:(1661–1683) 11321:(1659–1661) 11315:(1653–1659) 11305:(1651–1653) 11299:(1650–1651) 11297:de Longueil 11293:(1649–1650) 11283:(1648–1649) 11281:de La Porte 11277:(1647–1648) 11271:(1643–1647) 11265:de Bailleul 11261:(1640–1643) 11259:Bouthillier 11255:(1632–1640) 11253:Bouthillier 11245:(1626–1632) 11239:(1624–1626) 11237:de Marillac 11229:(1623–1624) 11223:(1619–1622) 11217:(1614–1619) 11211:(1598–1611) 11205:(1589–1594) 11196:(1589–1792) 11184:(1588–1589) 11178:(1574–1588) 11172:(1568–1570) 11166:(1561–1567) 11156:(1559–1560) 11154:de Lorraine 11150:(1556–1559) 11144:(1552–1556) 11138:(1546–1552) 11136:d'Annebault 11132:(1544–1546) 11126:(1524–1544) 11120:(1518–1524) 11111:(1518–1589) 11099:(1661–1791) 11093:(1561–1661) 10924:Bettencourt 10818:Provisional 10299:Tocqueville 9893:É. Choiseul 9888:C. Choiseul 9883:É. Choiseul 9793:Bouthillier 9391:Provisional 8683:Restoration 8581: [ 8564: [ 8550:Alain Poher 8539: [ 8525:Alain Poher 8490: [ 8473: [ 8459:(1947–1958) 8442: [ 8425: [ 8418:Paul Doumer 8408: [ 8391: [ 8374: [ 8357: [ 8340: [ 8323: [ 8306: [ 8299:Félix Faure 8289: [ 8272: [ 8265:Sadi Carnot 8255: [ 8248:Jules Grévy 8238: [ 8221: [ 8207:(1870–1940) 8190: [ 8176:(1848–1852) 8004:(in French) 7261:Colton 1966 7210:Colton 1966 7189:Colton 1966 7177:Colton 1966 7143:Colton 1966 7128:Colton 1966 7116:Colton 1966 7104:Colton 1966 7085:Colton 1966 7042:Colton 1966 7030:Colton 1966 7018:Colton 1966 7006:Colton 1966 6991:Colton 1966 6979:Colton 1966 6967:Colton 1966 6950:Colton 1966 6935:Colton 1966 6920:Colton 1966 6887:(in French) 6834:(in French) 6814:Colton 1966 6795:Colton 1966 6783:Colton 1966 6764:Colton 1966 6749:Colton 1966 6737:Colton 1966 6722:Colton 1966 6705:Colton 1966 6655:Colton 1966 6643:Colton 1966 6628:Colton 1966 6616:Colton 1966 6604:Colton 1966 6587:Colton 1966 6575:Colton 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Marie 2438:Ho Chi Minh 2425:Jean Monnet 2376:August 2022 2335:"Léon Blum" 2278:Monte Carlo 2262: [ 2149:bourgeoisie 2145:bourgeoisie 2084:Yvon Delbos 1983:French Navy 1889:Bournemouth 1754:During the 1633:French Left 1592:antisemitic 1493:Yvon Delbos 1109:Marcel Déat 1021:"L'Humanité 931:Marcel Déat 717:Jean Jaurès 709:French Jews 627:Lucien Herr 548:Victor Hugo 504:appeasement 489:Jean Jaurès 414:Robert Blum 403:(1943–1950) 305:Preceded by 275:André Marie 258:Preceded by 251:André Marie 204:Preceded by 149:Preceded by 94:Preceded by 13898:Categories 13751:Woodsworth 13576:Hilferding 13436:Betancourt 13426:Ben-Gurion 13301:Capitalism 13276:Secularism 13209:Gradualism 13204:Fair trade 13172:Industrial 12891:Alphandéry 12144:Clamageran 12072:de Goulard 11940:de Germiny 11766:de Montbel 11760:de Crouzol 11748:de Villèle 11541:de Lessart 11511:de Brienne 11499:de Calonne 11493:d'Ormesson 11445:de Laverdy 11361:de Caumont 11343:Chamillart 11337:Phélypeaux 11249:de Bullion 11209:de Béthune 11170:de Birague 10939:Guiringaud 10820:Government 10455:Waddington 10450:Banneville 10440:A. Broglie 10387:La Valette 10377:La Valette 10241:Montebello 10226:V. Broglie 10206:V. Broglie 10201:Sébastiani 10108:Talleyrand 10067:Talleyrand 10029:Talleyrand 10011:Talleyrand 10001:Talleyrand 9953:Dubouchage 9393:Government 9173:Clemenceau 9108:Clemenceau 8963:Waddington 8953:Rochebouët 8691:Talleyrand 8097:1946–1947 8043:1936–1937 7803:Judt, Tony 7302:Du mariage 6682:An excerpt 4641:Young 2005 4629:Young 2005 4617:Young 2005 4605:Young 2005 4593:Young 2005 3098:References 3020:Du mariage 2973:Guy Mollet 2942:Jules Moch 2825:Paul Faure 2819:Pierre Cot 2789:Jules Moch 2670:Paul Faure 2613:Pierre Cot 2547:Government 2346:newspapers 2247:, sent to 2212:Buchenwald 2184:Riom Trial 2177:Otto Abetz 2112:Parliament 1844:Phoney War 1801:Józef Beck 1740:Paul Faure 1594:elements. 1403:Józef Beck 1312:Reichsbank 1163:initiated 1068:tricolores 1008:Pierre Cot 882:L'Humanité 856:L'Humanité 823:L'Humanité 808:L'Humanité 778:Paul Faure 769:L'Humanité 722:L'Humanité 713:Émile Zola 668:Du Mariage 646:Émile Zola 598:Le Banquet 590:André Gide 529:Early life 347:1872-04-09 13855:Socialism 13843:Communism 13810:By region 13756:Zhordania 13696:Plekhanov 13661:MacDonald 13656:Luxemburg 13551:Gaitskell 13511:Daszyński 13471:Callaghan 13431:Bernstein 13371:Third Way 13306:Socialism 13264:Socialism 13254:Reformism 13189:Dirigisme 13162:Democracy 13117:Socialism 12969:Moscovici 12879:Bérégovoy 12867:Bérégovoy 12534:Lamoureux 12408:de Monzie 12366:de Monzie 12360:Clementel 12306:Clémentel 12108:Dutilleul 11916:Goudchaux 11898:Goudchaux 11805:Dominique 11793:Dominique 11772:Dominique 11736:Dominique 11718:Dominique 11676:Dominique 11559:Duranthon 11487:de Fleury 11475:des Réaux 11469:de Clugny 11451:d'Invault 11397:des Forts 11379:des Forts 11349:Desmarets 11291:de Mesmes 11269:de Mesmes 11164:d'Ongnyes 11148:d'Avançon 11130:du Thiers 11118:de Beaune 10650:Millerand 10615:Doumergue 10605:Bourgeois 10600:Doumergue 10565:Bourgeois 10545:Bourgeois 10540:Berthelot 10500:Freycinet 10485:Fallières 10475:Freycinet 10460:Freycinet 10367:Thouvenel 10274:Lamartine 10163:Mortemart 10118:Dessolles 10034:Champagny 9996:Delacroix 9981:Deforgues 9948:Chambonas 9938:Dumouriez 9928:Montmorin 9918:Montmorin 9913:Vergennes 9903:Aiguillon 9863:Puisieulx 9843:Chauvelin 9711:(defunct) 9662:Cazeneuve 9617:Bérégovoy 9552:De Gaulle 9534:De Gaulle 9401:De Gaulle 9323:Chautemps 9293:Doumergue 9283:Chautemps 9238:Chautemps 9178:Millerand 9143:Doumergue 9068:Bourgeois 9033:Freycinet 9008:Freycinet 8993:Fallières 8983:Freycinet 8968:Freycinet 8842:Cavaignac 8721:Martignac 8711:Richelieu 8701:Dessolles 8696:Richelieu 8615:2012–2017 8605:2007–2012 8595:1995–2007 8578:1981–1995 8561:1974–1981 8553:(interim) 8536:1969–1974 8528:(interim) 8518:1959–1969 8487:1954–1959 8483:René Coty 8470:1947–1954 8439:1932–1940 8422:1931–1932 8405:1924–1931 8388:1920–1924 8354:1913–1920 8337:1906–1913 8320:1899–1906 8303:1895–1899 8286:1894–1895 8269:1887–1894 8252:1879–1887 8235:1873–1879 8218:1871–1873 8187:1848–1851 7825:Leon Blum 6891:17 August 6864:17 August 6838:17 August 5728:Watt 1989 5464:Leon Blum 5369:Historian 4542:Jackson, 4490:Leon Blum 3442:cite book 3013:Eckermann 2537:Kfar Blum 2479:SS Exodus 2282:Auschwitz 1967:armistice 1884:Fall Gelb 1864:Fall Gelb 1774:Reichstag 1730:Montrouge 1512:Reichstag 1252:Wehrmacht 847:Comintern 594:La Conque 446:Signature 436:Education 283:In office 236:In office 183:President 174:In office 128:President 119:In office 83:President 74:In office 43:Léon Blum 18:Leon Blum 13721:Stauning 13641:Lévesque 13626:Lassalle 13606:Kerensky 13596:Katayama 13561:González 13496:Crosland 13476:Cárdenas 13461:Branting 13391:Ambedkar 13338:Variants 13167:Economic 13150:Concepts 13095:Orthodox 13070:Humanism 12981:Le Maire 12873:Balladur 12843:Fourcade 12768:Pflimlin 12762:Gaillard 12756:Ramadier 12744:Pflimlin 12696:Queuille 12588:Diethelm 12486:Caillaux 12414:Poincaré 12402:Caillaux 12384:Loucheur 12378:Painlevé 12372:Caillaux 12312:Noullens 12294:Caillaux 12276:Caillaux 12258:Caillaux 12252:Poincaré 12234:Caillaux 12204:Poincaré 12102:Caillaux 11835:Duchâtel 11829:d'Argout 11799:Laffitte 11724:Corvetto 11616:Faipoult 11598:Clavière 11577:Clavière 11553:Clavière 11421:de Moras 11142:Guillart 11034:Séjourné 11024:Le Drian 10999:Kouchner 10984:Villepin 10974:Charette 10949:Cheysson 10919:Schumann 10788:Baudouin 10770:Baudouin 10760:Daladier 10750:Daladier 10715:Daladier 10670:Lefebvre 10665:Poincaré 10620:Delcassé 10585:Poincaré 10555:Delcassé 10550:Hanotaux 10535:Hanotaux 10505:Flourens 10470:Gambetta 10402:Ollivier 10382:Moustier 10357:Walewski 10309:La Hitte 10304:Rayneval 10158:Polignac 10153:Portalis 10123:Pasquier 10062:Laforest 10006:Reinhard 9923:Vauguyon 9858:Argenson 9853:Noailles 9848:Chaillou 9838:Morville 9828:Huxelles 9813:Pomponne 9798:Chavigny 9773:Villeroy 9667:Philippe 9642:Villepin 9637:Raffarin 9622:Balladur 9562:Pompidou 9529:Pflimlin 9524:Gaillard 9474:Queuille 9464:Queuille 9454:Queuille 9434:Ramadier 9333:Daladier 9303:Bouisson 9288:Daladier 9273:Daladier 9223:Poincaré 9208:Painlevé 9193:Poincaré 9168:Painlevé 9128:Poincaré 9123:Caillaux 8978:Gambetta 8875:Ollivier 8852:Hautpoul 8749:Laffitte 8726:Polignac 7950:19269229 7925:in JSTOR 7805:(1998). 7746:in JSTOR 7685:in JSTOR 7664:65-18768 7642:(1966). 7317:Marriage 6901:cite web 5434:Archived 4574:in JSTOR 4555:Larkin, 4532:in JSTOR 3472:16 March 3466:LEFIGARO 3432:2 August 3135:65-18768 3031:Stendhal 3024:Marriage 2765:Jean Zay 2619:Jean Zay 2173:Pyrenees 2126:Prisoner 2104:Massilia 2096:Massilia 2088:Jean Zay 1987:Toulouse 1981:and the 1958:Massilia 1954:Massilia 1950:Massilia 1941:Massilia 1390:Carol II 1105:Narbonne 1012:Jean Zay 656:L'Aurore 637:L'Aurore 602:Stendhal 411:Children 373:, France 356:, France 13836:Related 13822:Germany 13817:Austria 13741:Whitlam 13731:Den Uyl 13711:Sanders 13706:Russell 13676:Morales 13666:Mandela 13601:Kautsky 13586:Jenkins 13566:Goulart 13521:Douglas 13411:Awolowo 13396:Allende 13323:Welfare 13182:Marxist 13090:Marxism 13041:History 12957:Lagarde 12939:Gaymard 12933:Sarkozy 12915:Sautter 12903:Arthuis 12897:Madelin 12750:Lacoste 12702:Petsche 12684:Reynaud 12672:Schuman 12660:Schuman 12639:Schuman 12621:Lepercq 12561:Cathala 12528:Reynaud 12492:Régnier 12444:Flandin 12432:Reynaud 12324:Thierry 12300:Renoult 12264:Cochery 12240:Rouvier 12228:Peytral 12222:Cochery 12198:Burdeau 12192:Peytral 12180:Rouvier 12174:Peytral 12162:Rouvier 12156:Dauphin 11952:Blondel 11910:Duclerc 11847:Gautier 11535:Lambert 11325:Colbert 11319:Fouquet 11313:Fouquet 11309:Servien 11287:d'Emery 11275:d'Emery 11243:de Ruzé 11215:Jeannin 11029:Colonna 11019:Ayrault 10989:Barnier 10979:Védrine 10959:Raimond 10861:Bidault 10856:Schuman 10851:Bidault 10828:Bidault 10798:Flandin 10765:Reynaud 10755:Reynaud 10730:Flandin 10720:Barthou 10705:Herriot 10700:Tardieu 10685:Herriot 10675:Herriot 10655:Leygues 10640:Barthou 10625:Viviani 10610:Viviani 10590:Jonnart 10560:Rouvier 10525:Develle 10515:Spuller 10480:Duclerc 10445:Decazes 10435:Rémusat 10407:Gramont 10362:Baroche 10324:Baroche 10319:Brénier 10289:Bastide 10279:Bastide 10216:Bresson 10186:Jourdan 10039:Bassano 9943:Naillac 9933:Lessart 9873:Rouillé 9818:Croissy 9803:Brienne 9783:Sillery 9696:Related 9687:Barnier 9652:Ayrault 9612:Cresson 9577:Messmer 9459:Bidault 9449:Schuman 9439:Schuman 9411:Bidault 9371:Flandin 9338:Reynaud 9313:Sarraut 9298:Flandin 9278:Sarraut 9263:Herriot 9258:Tardieu 9243:Tardieu 9233:Tardieu 9218:Herriot 9203:Herriot 9183:Leygues 9153:Viviani 9138:Barthou 9103:Sarrien 9098:Rouvier 9078:Brisson 9023:Floquet 9018:Rouvier 9003:Brisson 8988:Duclerc 8958:Dufaure 8938:Dufaure 8918:Dufaure 8857:Faucher 8774:Mortier 8716:Villèle 8706:Decazes 8014:of the 8010:in the 7876:(1958) 7719:(1963) 7595:excerpt 7549:2602825 2986:Changes 2689:Changes 2533:kibbutz 2514:against 2360:scholar 2234:, near 2171:in the 1604:Algeria 1416:Sanacja 1227:Cagoule 1127:caused 1062:to the 977:in the 479:. As a 468:French: 419:Parents 388:Spouses 13746:Wilson 13726:Thomas 13716:Savage 13681:Myrdal 13631:Layton 13611:Kéthly 13591:Junmai 13581:Jaurès 13571:Hardie 13556:Gandhi 13546:Fraser 13541:Engels 13536:Ecevit 13506:Curtin 13501:Corbyn 13481:Chávez 13456:Brandt 13441:Bhutto 13406:Attlee 13401:Ardern 13382:People 12987:Armand 12963:Baroin 12951:Borloo 12945:Breton 12921:Fabius 12861:Delors 12855:Monory 12831:Ortoli 12690:Pineau 12666:Philip 12633:Philip 12627:Pleven 12600:France 12582:Pleven 12504:Bonnet 12498:Auriol 12468:Piétri 12462:Bonnet 12456:Chéron 12426:Dumont 12420:Chéron 12390:Doumer 12342:Doumer 12288:Dumont 12246:Merlou 12216:Doumer 12186:Tirard 12168:Tirard 12150:Carnot 12138:Tirard 12120:Magnin 12060:Buffet 12054:Picard 12027:Segris 12021:Buffet 12009:Rouher 11985:Bineau 11865:Humann 11823:Humann 11811:Humann 11697:Gaudin 11690:(1815) 11655:Gaudin 11634:Gaudin 11628:Lindet 11610:Vacant 11537:(1790) 11529:Necker 11525:(1789) 11517:Necker 11507:(1787) 11495:(1783) 11481:Necker 11471:(1776) 11463:Turgot 11457:Terray 11439:Bertin 11435:(1759) 11080:France 11014:Fabius 10929:Jobert 10886:Pleven 10881:Pineau 10803:Darlan 10745:Bonnet 10735:Delbos 10690:Briand 10680:Briand 10660:Briand 10645:Pichon 10630:Briand 10595:Pichon 10580:Selves 10575:Cruppi 10570:Pichon 10510:Goblet 10329:Turgot 10284:Bedeau 10256:Guizot 10251:Thiers 10231:Thiers 10196:Maison 10181:Bignon 10090:Bignon 9991:Herman 9986:Goujon 9908:Bertin 9878:Bernis 9833:Dubois 9808:Lionne 9672:Castex 9647:Fillon 9632:Jospin 9607:Rocard 9602:Chirac 9597:Fabius 9592:Mauroy 9582:Chirac 9514:Mollet 9499:Laniel 9479:Pleven 9469:Pleven 9376:Darlan 9361:Pétain 9343:Pétain 9228:Briand 9213:Briand 9188:Briand 9158:Briand 9133:Briand 9113:Briand 9093:Combes 9073:Méline 9038:Loubet 9028:Tirard 9013:Goblet 8933:Buffet 8928:Cissey 8900:Trochu 8847:Barrot 8809:Guizot 8799:Thiers 8784:Thiers 8764:Gérard 8754:Perier 7965:  7948:  7938:  7878:online 7862:  7843:  7829:online 7813:  7759:  7721:online 7705:  7672:265833 7670:  7662:  7652:  7619:  7585:  7564:  7547:  7516:  7503:online 5576:493125 5574:  5537:  5410:(1980) 4479:(1988) 3143:265833 3141:  3133:  3123:  3009:Goethe 2541:Israel 2493:Exodus 2488:Exodus 2421:UNESCO 2362:  2355:  2348:  2341:  2333:  2236:Munich 2232:Dachau 2059:attack 1485:Marine 1480:Marine 1476:Marine 1129:Stalin 1017:Pravda 731:French 539:Alsace 535:Jewish 263:Vacant 193:Deputy 138:Deputy 13701:Prodi 13691:Palme 13686:Nehru 13636:Lenin 13621:Lagos 13531:Ebert 13526:Drees 13491:Craxi 13486:Clark 13466:Brown 13451:Blanc 13446:Blair 13421:Bebel 12975:Sapin 12885:Sapin 12849:Barre 12819:Debré 12801:Pinay 12780:Pinay 12774:Faure 12738:Buron 12732:Faure 12720:Pinay 12714:Faure 12708:Mayer 12678:Mayer 12396:Péret 12330:Klotz 12318:Ribot 12282:Klotz 12270:Klotz 12210:Ribot 12084:Magne 12033:Magne 12015:Magne 12003:Fould 11991:Magne 11964:Fould 11946:Fould 11934:Fould 11928:Passy 11877:Dumon 11853:Passy 11817:Passy 11547:Tarbé 11391:Dodun 11124:Babou 11009:Juppé 10969:Juppé 10964:Dumas 10954:Dumas 10914:Debré 10876:Pinay 10871:Faure 10808:Laval 10793:Laval 10725:Laval 10695:Laval 10635:Ribot 10520:Ribot 10495:Ferry 10430:Favre 10246:Soult 10221:Rigny 10211:Rigny 10138:Damas 9823:Torcy 9768:Revol 9682:Attal 9677:Borne 9657:Valls 9627:Juppé 9587:Barre 9557:Debré 9509:Faure 9494:Mayer 9489:Pinay 9484:Faure 9444:Marie 9406:Gouin 9381:Laval 9366:Laval 9308:Laval 9253:Laval 9248:Steeg 9163:Ribot 9148:Ribot 9118:Monis 9083:Dupuy 9063:Ribot 9058:Dupuy 9048:Dupuy 9043:Ribot 8998:Ferry 8973:Ferry 8943:Simon 8837:Arago 8804:Soult 8794:Soult 8769:Maret 8759:Soult 8585:] 8568:] 8543:] 8494:] 8477:] 8446:] 8429:] 8412:] 8395:] 8378:] 8361:] 8344:] 8327:] 8310:] 8293:] 8276:] 8259:] 8242:] 8225:] 8194:] 8070:1938 7736:–578. 7545:JSTOR 6684:from 5572:JSTOR 4546:p 288 3011:avec 2955:] 2924:] 2367:JSTOR 2353:books 2266:] 2249:Tyrol 2240:Reich 2205:Reich 1996:Reich 1872:Reich 1810:Reich 1760:Reich 1735:Reich 1680:Reich 1502:Reich 1461:Reich 1368:Reich 1364:Reich 1345:Reich 1337:Reich 1308:Reich 1261:Reich 1257:Reich 1247:Reich 606:dandy 354:Paris 13736:Webb 13671:Marx 13616:Kirk 13516:Debs 13259:Left 12516:Blum 11403:Orry 10833:Blum 10397:Daru 10236:Molé 10191:Molé 9416:Blum 9328:Blum 9318:Blum 8814:Molé 8789:Molé 8371:1920 7963:ISBN 7946:OCLC 7936:ISBN 7860:ISBN 7841:ISBN 7811:ISBN 7757:ISBN 7703:ISBN 7668:OCLC 7660:LCCN 7650:ISBN 7617:ISBN 7583:ISBN 7562:ISBN 7514:ISBN 6907:link 6893:2023 6866:2023 6840:2023 5535:ISBN 3474:2022 3448:link 3434:2021 3139:OCLC 3131:LCCN 3121:ISBN 2339:news 2274:René 2253:Nazi 2154:Riom 2090:and 1557:The 1354:and 1123:and 1010:and 788:and 780:and 640:and 596:and 588:and 361:Died 337:Born 12927:Mer 12132:Say 12114:Say 12096:Say 12078:Say 11754:Roy 11742:Roy 11730:Roy 11373:Law 11203:d'O 11182:d'O 11078:of 8016:ZBW 7900:doi 7896:112 7734:555 7537:doi 5564:doi 5377:doi 2535:of 2510:for 2440:in 2322:by 2043:'s 1939:SS 481:Jew 13900:: 8583:fr 8566:fr 8541:fr 8492:fr 8475:fr 8444:fr 8427:fr 8410:fr 8393:fr 8376:fr 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Leon Blum
Leon Blum (bowls)

Prime Minister of France
Vincent Auriol
Georges Bidault
Paul Ramadier
Albert Lebrun
Édouard Daladier
Camille Chautemps
Édouard Daladier
Albert Lebrun
Édouard Daladier
Albert Sarraut
Camille Chautemps
Deputy Prime Minister of France
André Marie
André Marie
Camille Chautemps
Édouard Daladier
Édouard Daladier
French Section of the Workers' International
Jeanne Levylier
University of Paris

Prime Minister of France

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