
Lavender Scare

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element to the wave of homophobia that produced the Lavender Scare in post-war America with its connection to empire. Notions about sexuality were part of the narratives that shaped worldviews, defined relationships, and guided action; agitation about potentially traitorous gays, moreover, derived also from efforts to distinguish American civilization or modernity, not only from the Soviets, but also from the "masses" of the decolonizing world. According to Shibusawa, Americans had been convinced that moral decline was inevitable since the Enlightenment period and thought that the narrative of a successful advance toward progress and modernity always ended badly; since the country's earliest days, Americans looked for signs of "overcivilization," and increase in homosexuality was seen as a sign of overcivilization. Shibusawa states that sexuality was an elemental way in which hierarchies of power were rationalized in an imperialist framework: who was civilized/uncivilized or worthy/unworthy, and that, by the mid-twentieth century, these rationalizations were deeply informed by a Freudian theory that was ideological but taken and implemented as if it were purely objective science. Because of this, states Shibusawa, many domestically believed the United States now played a vital role "stabilising" the global arena formerly controlled by the European imperial powers, and such became a recurring theme in the larger public discourse. He states this was evident not only in the Luce media, but also in another widely read publication: the magazine Reader's Digest, which served pedagogical, nationalist, and internationalist purposes during the Cold War.
direct references to homosexuality, within a year, direct references were added – this development in military bureaucratic processes contributed towards the momentum of the military's preoccupation with homosexuality during World War II. The new psychiatric screening directives and procedures introduced to the military the idea that homosexuals were unfit to serve in the armed forces because they were mentally ill: a change from the military's traditional way of approaching homosexuality as a crime. During World War I, punishment of homosexual soldiers was first codified in American military law, and during World War II, final regulations were declared and homosexuals were banned from all branches of the military in 1943. Despite all of the regulations, the need for troops allowed for loopholes regarding the acceptance/rejection of homosexuals to fight in war. Around 4,000–5,000 out of 18 million men that had been in consideration were turned away. Those serving in the military were ordered to report homosexual acts by other soldiers that were serving. Between two thousand and five thousand soldiers were suspected to be homosexuals in the military, where women were discharged at a higher rate than men.
related to a general expansion of the bureaucratic state during the late nineteenth century, with institutions that increasingly systematically categorized people as unfit or fit, including homosexuals in the unfit category along with people who were designated as "criminally insane" or "morally depraved", even though they did not consistently take regulatory action on this until later. Margot Canaday and Michael S. Sherry have stated that Cold War homophobia (as well as a "moral sex panic" that dates back to the Great Depression) occurred in a context of "perceived shifts in gender relations, race relations, the ongoing dislocations of late capitalism, continuing urbanisation, economic and foreign crises, post-war adjustment, and the entrenchment of a consumer society and culture allegedly dominated by women." Despite this, exclusion of gays from the civil service, on the other hand, did not seem to be considered prior to the Cold War. In contrast to the military, the State Department was unconcerned about gays in war. The issue was not on the public's radar, either, except perhaps in the sense of perceptions of the diplomatic corps as consisting of effete, privileged types.
were perceived as hidden subcultures with their own meeting places, literature, cultural codes, and bonds of loyalty. were thought to recruit the psychologically weak or disturbed many believed the two were working together to undermine the government. David K. Johnson notes that without an idealized traditional American moral fiber, any citizen could succumb to immoral temptations such as homosexuality; and they could ultimately be seduced by communism. The association of homosexuality with communism proved to be a convenient political tool to develop and implement homophobic discriminatory policy throughout the federal government. It was easy to convince a Congress dictated by a communist containment policy to respond to the perceived homosexual menace because they were already viewed to be not only subversive social elements of American culture, but subversive political elements. Homosexuality was directly linked to security concerns, and more government employees were dismissed because of their homosexual
dared speak out against it lest they risk their political career. Investigating the "Employment of Homosexuals and Other Sex Perverts in Government," the subcommittee came to be known as the Hoey Committee and while the White House under President Truman was heavily involved in managing its methodology and processes, the driving force behind the congressional investigation of homosexuals was its chief counsel, former FBI agent Francis Flanagan. The Hoey Committee consulted with and heard testimony from law enforcement, judicial authorities, military and governmental security officers, and medical experts. Rather than uncovering any evidence of any federal employee being blackmailed into revealing state secrets on account of their homosexuality, the investigation uncovered considerable differences of opinion, even within the government, over federal policy of homosexual exclusion and over whether foreign government agents had ever attempted to blackmail homosexuals.
solution to their potential disloyalty appears never to have been seriously considered. He states that this did not seem to matter because of the factual precedent of a gay U.S. government employee or military man being blackmailed into betraying his nation by the Soviet enemy—or even by the recent Axis enemies—had not actually occurred; it was the association between homosexuality and potential disloyalty which meant distinction between the two became blurred. According to Shibusawa, in other words, if one could see who the traitor was, then the traitor could not commit treason, and so to cope with this paradox, the federal government's security regulations thus tried "to localise treason as a surreptitious evil by making it a function of other patent evils." Thus, states Shibusawa, the State Department followed the logic of categorising together those with putatively undesirable traits - however illogical such categorizations might have actually been.
Wherry-Hill and Hoey Committee investigation hearings were held between March and May, and July and September 1950 respectively. Republican Senator Kenneth Wherry and Democratic Senator Lester Hill formed a subcommittee to make preliminary investigations into the "Infiltration of Subversives and Moral Perverts into the Executive Branch of the United States Government." No records of the Wherry-Hill investigation survive beyond press coverage and two published reports. One such report contained the statements of the head of the DC Metropolitan Police Department vice squad, Lieutenant Roy Blick, who testified that 5,000 homosexuals lived in Washington, D.C., and that around 3,700 were federal employees. Lt. Blick's comments, which were speculative at best, further fueled the media storm surrounding the gays-in-government controversy; the Wherry-Hill preliminary investigation convinced the Senate to launch a full-scale congressional exploration.
disrepute to the Federal service by infamous or scandalous conduct," stating that lesbians and gay men were "unsuitable" for federal employment because they were "security risks" as well as people engaged in illegal and immoral activities. The committee recommended that the military's policy and procedure should be used as the model; in the areas of explicit policies, standardized procedures, uniform enforcement, constant vigilance, and coordination with law enforcement agencies regarding homosexuals, the armed services set the precedent. Further, the Hoey Committee report stated that in the past, the federal government "failed to take a realistic view of the problem of sex perversion," and that to adequately protect the "public interest," the federal government must "adopt and maintain a realistic and vigilant attitude toward the problem of sex perverts in the Government."
by many people at the time and many historians since assumed to be simply a lesser version of a Communist — someone with Communist sympathies but no outright party connections. "Loyalty risk" and "security risk" were considered very similar or essentially different terminology for the same thing. But 'when defining the difference between a loyalty risk and a security risk, government officials typically explained that "loyalty" involved a current state of mind, a wilful desire to betray secrets, while "security" involved behaviours or associations that might lead one inadvertently or unwillingly to betray secrets in the future. Thus, the government and state department gave themselves the ability to expel government officials without any evidence of them being a communist, but by purely the risk they might be due to inadvertent tendencies and possibilities.
3492:, the Army's attorney in the hearings, made an apparent reference to Cohn's homosexuality. After asking a witness, at McCarthy's request, if a photo entered as evidence "came from a pixie", he defined "pixie" as "a close relative of a fairy". Though "pixie" was a camera-model name at the time, the comparison to "fairy," a derogatory term for a homosexual man, had clear implications. The people at the hearing recognized the slur and found it amusing; Cohn later called the remark "malicious," "wicked," and "indecent." 3650: 3200:'s administration. Under the criteria of the State Department's security principles, "disloyal" persons included communists, their associates, and those guilty of espionage, along with persons known for "habitual drunkenness, sexual perversion, moral turpitude, financial irresponsibility or criminal record," and were to be denied federal employment. With the inclusion of "sexual perversion" among those considered unsuitable for federal employment, discrimination against homosexuals was implicitly built into 3588:
than five hundred apprehended without arrest as a result of the 'Pervert Elimination Campaign'. While this did have clear links to the idea that homosexual people in government were a threat to national security - the typical detainee was a young government clerk - this also demonstrates how the Lavender Scare went beyond purely concern with government workers and into the public lives of Americans. This practice demonstrates the impact of the Lavender Scare upon the wider contemporary
3314:, which set security standards for federal employment and barred homosexuals from working in the federal government. The restrictions set in place were cause for hundreds of gay people to be forcibly outed and fired from the State Department. The executive order was also the cause for the firing of approximately 5,000 gay people from federal employment; this included private contractors and military personnel. Not only did the victims lose their jobs, but also they were 3294:." At least one recent historian has argued that, by linking communism and homosexuality with psychological imbalance, McCarthy was employing guilt-by-association when evidence for communist activity was lacking. Political rhetoric at the time often linked communists and homosexuals, and common beliefs among the public were similar, stating that both were "morally weak" or "psychologically disturbed," along with being godless and undermining traditional families. 11274: 9332: 8429: 9320: 8417: 3786:, also referred to as the FLIC and the Johns Committee. The FLIC was founded in 1956 and was not disbanded until 1964. The purpose of the committee was to operate within Florida continuing the work of the Lavender Scare by investigating and firing public school teachers who were gay. During its active years the FLIC was responsible for more than 200 firings of alleged gay teachers. The FLIC was disbanded following the release of the 1104: 27: 11284: 1043: 3274: – were responsible for the firing of scores of gay men and women from government employment, and strong-armed many opponents into silence using rumors of their homosexuality. In 1953, during the final months of the Truman administration, the State Department reported that it had fired 425 employees for allegations of homosexuality. While the Secretary of State 3322:
and bisexual people. The new procedures to search out homosexuals were frequently used to interview and look for signs of sexual orientation. They also looked at places these individuals frequently visited, such as gay bars, and they even found people guilty by association. If their friends or family showed signs of being homosexual, they might also be suspected.
government-wide policy. The major purpose and achievement of the Wherry-Hill and Hoey Committees was the construction and promotion of the belief that homosexuals in the military and federal government constituted security risks who, as individuals or working in conspiracy with members of the Communist Party, threatened the safety of the nation.
addition to the American social urban landscape – the lesbian and gay community. To many Americans, this visible homosexual subculture seemed to prove their suspicions that the war had loosened puritanical moral codes, broadened sexual mores and certainly represented a viable threat to ideals of puritanical gender roles, heterosexuality, and the
3661:, was thrust into unemployment because of his sexual orientation in 1957. He was working as an astronomer for the United States Army Map Service, but was fired as a result of the Lavender Scare and could never find another job in the United States federal government again. This led to Kameny devoting his life to the 3637:. James faced intense examinations into her private and personal life on and off base by the OSI (Office of Special Investigation). Following her arrest, OSI investigators threatened to tell James' relatives and friends and forced her to sign her removal from the Air Force with an "undesirable" discharge. 3692:
agent of the same name - Douglas Charles has written in depth on their relationship and how the potential embarrassment that Nichols' sexuality could have caused the FBI destroyed the relationship between the pair. This demonstrates the oppositional nature of governmental organisations and gay rights
parkland. While most of the men could not be brought before a judge, most were kept long enough to be profiled and documented into their own "pervert file", officiating the process somewhat. This practice impacted men from across all walks of life - by 1950, two hundred men had been arrested and more
Shibusawa states that the Lavender Scare's logic was circular: homophobia supposedly made gays vulnerable and potential victims of blackmail, but the era's policies of increasing homophobia theoretically made gays even more vulnerable to blackmail. Reducing the social opprobrium directed at gays as a
concluded that there was "no sound basis for the belief that homosexuals posed a security risk" and criticized the prior Hoey Report: "No intelligence agency, as far as can be learned, adduced any factual data before that committee with which to support these opinions" and said that "the concept that
Washington, D.C., had a fairly large and active gay community before McCarthy launched his campaign against homosexuals, but as time went on and the climate of the Cold War spread, so too did negative views of homosexuals. Because social attitudes toward homosexuality were overwhelmingly negative and
According to Naoko Shibusawa, visions of the larger world and America's role in it played into the heightened fear and loathing of gays during this period. Shibusawa states that the supposed threat in the rise of homosexuality utilised by competing political economies was compounded by an ideological
than because they were left-leaning or communist. George Chauncey noted that: "The specter of the invisible homosexual, like that of the invisible communist, haunted Cold War America," and homosexuality (and by implication homosexuals themselves) were constantly referred to not only as a disease, but
For example, McCarthy spoke on the Senate floor about two individual people, "Case 14" and "Case 62," as communists who were "unsafe risks" which he directly linked to their homosexuality. He said a top intelligence official had told him "every active communist is twisted mentally or physically," and
The language of the Lavender Scare was purposely vague as instead of being referred to directly, homosexuals and perverts were often called "moral weaklings," "sexual misfits," "moral risks," "misfits," "undesirables," or persons with "unusual morals." The euphemistic term "security risk" was thought
people in America have been shaped by the Lavender Scare. The 'Pervert Elimination Campaign' and the criminalisation of gay men existing in public spaces demonstrates how attitudes towards LGBT people during the Lavender Scare shifted towards intolerance in public spaces. Brandon Andrew Robinson has
and middle-class morality, and lack of conformity. They were also seen as scheming and manipulative and, most importantly, would put their own agendas above others in the eyes of the general population. McCarthy also associated homosexuality and communism as "threats to the 'American way of life'."
By the mid-1950s, similar repressive and oppressive policies had gone into effect in state and local governments which extended the prohibitions on the employment of lesbians and gay men to cover twelve million workers – more than twenty percent of the United States labor force – who now had to sign
were said to be national security risks and communist sympathizers, which led to the call to remove them from state employment. It was thought that gay people were more susceptible to being manipulated, which could pose a threat to the country. Lesbians were at less risk of persecution than gay men,
advisers were convinced by psychiatrists of the need to implement screening programs to determine the mental health of potential soldiers as to reduce the cost of psychiatric rehabilitation for returning veterans. Although the initial plan for psychiatric screenings of military recruits included no
The Lavender Scare helped fan the flames of the Red Scare. In popular discourse, communists and homosexuals were often conflated. Both groups were perceived as hidden subcultures with their own meeting places, literature, cultural codes, and bonds of loyalty. Both groups were thought to recruit to
3633:, were subject to an intense interrogation in April 1958 surrounding her sexuality which was subsequently followed by a confession of homosexual activity in her youth. Tress was forced to resign from her job. This continued in places of lower positions such as public servant units, most notably to 3321:
Specifically, Truman's loyalty program had been extended through this executive order: "sexual perversion" was added to a list of behaviors that would keep a person from holding a position in government. There were many new regulations and policies put into place to detect and remove gay, lesbian,
Due to the image of the State Department now being tainted with homosexuality, many male employees became self-conscious about the possibility of being perceived as homosexual. They often refused to be seen in pairs, and made statements confirming their heterosexuality when introducing themselves.
between homosexuality and mental illness that prior research, conducted with polluted sampling, had established. Hooker presented a team of three expert evaluators with 60 unmarked psychological profiles from her year of research. She chose to leave the interpretation of her results to others, to
The Hoey Committee's conclusive report, released in mid-December that year, ignored the ambiguities of testimony and deemed authoritatively that there was "no place in the United States Government for persons who violate the laws or the accepted standards of morality," especially those who "bring
The recommended investigation was assigned to the Committee on Expenditures in Executive Departments, led by Senator Clyde Hoey, and the full Senate unanimously authorized the investigation into sexual perversion in the federal workforce; with outrage mounting to astronomical heights, no Senator
Well before the congressional investigations of 1950, U.S. institutions had already developed an intricate and effective system of regulations, tactics, and personnel to uncover homosexuals that would become enforcement mechanisms during the Lavender Scare. Naoko Shibusawa states this system was
Gay men and lesbians were forced into an underground community due to investigations by the government into anyone suspected of being a homosexual. "Gay men and lesbians would serve as discreet character references for one another on security clearance checks." "An unknown number of gay men and
from 1949 to 1952 investigated "the employment of homosexuals in the Federal workforce." A related report, known as the Hoey Report, stated that all of the government's intelligence agencies "are in complete agreement that sex perverts in Government constitute security risks." The congressional
created the urban and professional environments that allowed a gay and lesbian subculture to flourish, then World War II accelerated the process: for many lesbians and gay men, the war was a national coming out experience. Mobilization for World War II and the war experience gave birth to a new
ruling severely weakened the ability to fire people from the federal government for discriminatory reasons, the movement that was born from it, the Lavender Scare, lived on. One such way was that Executive Order 10450, which was not rescinded until 1995, continued to bar gays from entering the
said that the State Department had allowed 91 homosexuals to resign. Only two of these were women. Following this, the administration of President Harry Truman was accused of not taking the "threat" of homosexuality seriously enough. In June 1950, an investigation by the Senate began into the
3341:, or providing letters from psychiatrists. While this was sometimes successful, other times men were sometimes drafted in spite of their proclaimed homosexuality. This was likely from a demand to fill draft quotas and out of concern that they were attempting to fraudulently dodge the draft. 3624:
Johnson argues that lesbians were at less risk of persecution than gay men because "lesbians have traditionally had less access to public space than men and therefore were less vulnerable to arrest and prosecution for their homosexuality." However, women in governmental positions, such as
The authoritative findings of the Wherry-Hill and Hoey Committee congressional investigations directly helped the Lavender Scare move beyond a strictly Republican rhetoric towards bipartisan appeal, and purging lesbians and gay men from federal employment quickly became part of standard,
3543:, gay men and lesbians were considered susceptible to blackmail, thus constituting a security risk. U.S. government officials assumed that communists would blackmail homosexual employees of the federal government to provide them classified information rather than risk exposure. The 1957 4935:"Executive Order 13764: Amending the Civil Service Rules, Executive Order 13488, and Executive Order 13467 To Modernize the Executive Branch-Wide Governance Structure and Processes for Security Clearances, Suitability and Fitness for Employment, and Credentialing, and Related Matters" 3253:
government's employment of homosexuals. The results were not released until December, but in the meantime federal job losses due to allegations of homosexuality increased greatly, rising from approximately 5 to 60 per month. On April 19, 1950, the Republican National Chairman
3237:. After the war, as families were united and as Americans struggled to put their lives back together, a national narrative rigorously promoted and propagated idealized versions of the nuclear family, heterosexuality, and traditional gender roles in the home and the workplace. 3555:
homosexuals necessarily pose a security risk is unsupported by adequate factual data." The Crittenden Report remained secret until 1976. Navy officials claimed they had no record of studies of homosexuality, but attorneys learned of its existence and obtained it through a
and homosexuals, and they established a set of "security principles" that went on to inspire the creation of a dual loyalty-security test which became the model for other government agencies, as well as the basis for a government-wide security program under President
Outside of government circles, the attitude to homosexuality was somewhat more relaxed, although no less negative. Amongst the general public, jokes about the perceived rampant homosexuality within the state department flourished, aided by satirical writers such as
established in California and other parts of the U.S. in the 1950s, Kameny's MSW held more militant values beyond assimilation into heterosexual culture. These values, in part, stemmed from Kameny's experiences of discrimination from Lavender Scare era policies.
wrote that McCarthy "often engaged in homosexual activities" and was a frequent patron at the White Horse Inn, a Milwaukee gay bar. McCarthy's FBI file also contains numerous allegations, including a 1952 letter from an Army lieutenant who said, "When I was in
as chief consultant to the McCarthy staff, speculation arose that Schine and Cohn had a sexual relationship. During the Army–McCarthy hearings, Cohn denied having any "special interest" in Schine or being bound to him "closer than to the ordinary friend."
3415:: "You can't hardly separate homosexuals from subversives." Later in that same interview, he drew the line between patriotic Americans and gay men: "But look, Lerner, we're both Americans, aren't we? I say, let's get these fellows out of the government." 3257:
said that "sexual perverts who have infiltrated our Government in recent years" were "perhaps as dangerous as the actual Communists". The danger was not solely because they were gay, however. Homosexuals were considered to be more susceptible to
avoid potential bias. The evaluators concluded that in terms of adjustment, there were no differences between the members of each group. Her demonstration that homosexuality is not a form of mental illness led to its eventual removal from the
According to John Loughery, author of a study of gay identity in the 20th century, "few events indicate how psychologically wracked America was becoming in the 1950s ... than the presumed overlap of the Communist and the homosexual menace."
9114: 3798:
suggested that this criminalisation of LGBT people in public spaces has impacted how LGBT people now exist within America. He has said that acceptance of LGBT people depends on their ability to assimilate as far as possible into American '
reportedly defended the employees of the State Department , calling McCarthy's antics a "filthy business", the department as a whole responded to the allegations against it with a concentrated effort to remove homosexuals from its ranks.
10300: 8317: 2068: 3574:
Significant to wider views of homosexuality in America during the lavender scare were the attempts to "clean up" public spaces from the supposed moral threat of gay people. This manifested in the 'Pervert Elimination Campaign'. The
3426:). It was first used to describe an imagined group of gay men who controlled the art world, and later used in reference to "a fantastical gay international that sought to control the world". In 1952, an article written by 3495:
McCarthy's allegiance to Cohn also raised suspicions that the relation between the senator and his chief counsel was not merely professional, or that McCarthy was blackmailed by Cohn. Earlier in 1952, Nevada publisher
8594: 9168: 3693:
organisations at this time and how this animosity clearly seeped into the personal lives of those it affected - even those such as Nichols who did not fall victim to the Lavender Scare in losing his occupation.
policy, and it was grandfathered into federal governmental protocol and procedure. Between 1947 and 1950, over 1700 applicants to federal jobs were denied the positions due to allegations of homosexuality.
8685: 3430:
argued that this conspiracy was a real and important reason to expel homosexual people from the State Department, even more important than the possibility of blackmail, and this article was read into the
3137:' has been the main focus of most historians of that period of time. A lesser-known element and one that harmed far more people was the witch-hunt McCarthy and others conducted against homosexuals." 4061:
their ranks the psychologically weak or disturbed. And both groups were considered immoral and godless. Many people believed that the two groups were working together to undermine the government.
lesbians, stripped of their livelihoods, facing embarrassment and unemployment, took their own lives." This highlights the impact this persecution had on individuals' psychological well-being.
4383: 3824:, is a documentary film that recounts the events of the Lavender Scare. David K. Johnson is part of the project, as the film is based on his book. To help with funding, Josh Howard created a 10274: 9087: 2034: 3571:. These jokes made the very name of the state department synonymous with homosexuality, and reflected wider American fears that the state department was becoming emasculated and weak. 9119: 11333: 3828:
that met its goal in donations. The film was completed, screened at more than 70 film festivals around the world, and opened at theaters in New York City and Los Angeles in 2019.
in September 1955. It was initially set up as way 'to meet and interact with other lesbians in a safe environment.' They later sought to change laws criminalising homosexuality.
3455: 8537: 8360: 9252: 9212: 8365: 5667:
Charles, Douglas M. (2017). ""A Source of Great Embarrassment to The Bureau": Gay Activist Jack Nichols, his FBI Agent Father, and the Mattachine Society of Washington".
Charles, Douglas M. (2017). ""A Source of Great Embarrassment to The Bureau": Gay Activist Jack Nichols, his FBI Agent Father, and the Mattachine Society of Washington".
with the Lavender Scare. On one occasion, he went so far as to announce to reporters, "If you want to be against McCarthy, boys, you've got to be either a Communist or a
11338: 8467: 3446:, a former member of the Communist Party USA, Hay resigned from the society when the membership condemned his politics as a threat to the organization he had founded. 584: 3373: 3356:" policy for admittance of gays into the military. In 1998, the order's language concerning employment and sexual orientation was also repealed when Clinton signed 10763: 9303: 8993: 8980: 8582: 3513:
of the young man; his approach was that "homosexuals are very bitter against Senator McCarthy for his attack upon those who are supposed to be in the Government."
people in the United States government which led to their mass dismissal from government service during the mid-20th century. It contributed to and paralleled the
2537: 628: 3720:
of the U.S., were in many ways defined by McCarthyism and the Lavender Scare. They were underground organizations that maintained the anonymity of their members.
3530:, describing him as "predominantly homosexual". Tripp compares McCarthy's (and Cohn's) motivation behind the Lavender Scare to the anti-Semitism of certain Jews. 11313: 4910: 9819: 7888: 1571: 9067: 7649: 3613: 5314: 3348:
announced that they would consider applications by gays and lesbians on a case by case basis. Executive Order 10450 stayed partly in effect until 1995 when
4691: 10027: 9217: 9187: 9109: 9092: 1787: 6622: 4498: 3212:
Even before the 1947 establishment of State Department security principles, the United States military had developed discriminatory policies targeting
Cuordileone, K. A. (September 2000). "'Politics in an Age of Anxiety': Cold War Political Culture and the Crisis in American Masculinity, 1949–1960".
4516: 3857:, also based on the 2007 novel by Thomas Mallon, centers on the decades-long romance between two men who first meet during the height of McCarthyism. 3850:, is set in McCarthy-era Washington D.C. and centers on the love affair between two men working for the federal government during the Lavender Scare. 3302:
For example, one unnamed employee often said at parties, "Hi, I'm so-and-so, I work for the State Department. I'm married and I have three children."
11158: 10541: 8034: 4003: 3802:
institutions', in part due to the intolerant attitudes that developed towards LGBT people within public life during the years of the Lavender Scare.
In 1973, a federal judge ruled a person's sexual orientation could not be the sole reason for termination from federal employment, and, in 1975, the
2948: 2309: 4626: 11328: 9978: 9126: 9102: 3080: 1738: 3266:
as chief counsel of his Congressional subcommittee. Together, McCarthy and Cohn – with the enthusiastic support of the head of the
11368: 9033: 9003: 7660: 6272: 9899: 9131: 8542: 8460: 5501: 1651: 9257: 9097: 7746: 3929: 677: 5269: 11318: 10546: 8375: 7390: 4857: 2314: 512: 4056:"An interview with David K. Johnson author of The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government" 11348: 10516: 10120: 9657: 9077: 9023: 8390: 8260: 8104: 7619: 3783: 2284: 1880: 1401: 814: 20: 3809:. Cardin also noted that investigations by the state department into homosexuality of federal employees continued as late as the 1990s. 11353: 9804: 9143: 8370: 7939: 7666: 7609: 4224:, February 27, 2007. On the association of a variety colors with homosexuality, see Venetia Newall, "Folklore and Male Homosexuality", 3603:, presented in 1956, and the first conducted without a polluted sample (gay men who had been treated for mental illness) dispelled the 3556: 1556: 3298:
he implied that these people were vulnerable to recruitment by communists because of their "peculiar mental twists" of homosexuality.
The Lavender Scare normalized persecution of homosexuals through bureaucratic institutionalization of homophobia. Former U.S. Senator
9336: 9163: 8453: 7492: 5867:
Robinson, Brandon Andrew. "The Lavender Scare in Homonormative Times: Policing, Hyper-incarceration, and LGBTQ Youth Homelessness".
3769:. In 1949, Cosmopolitan featured an article called "The Unmentionable Minority", which was about the struggle faced by homosexuals. 3765:
led readers to question the nation's collective hostility to homosexuality. Homoeroticism became mainstream with the publication of
request. As of September 1981, the Navy claimed it was still unable to fulfill a request for the Report's supporting documentation.
9739: 9627: 9370: 9136: 8302: 8079: 4018: 3737:
Changes in popular culture also led to a rise in resistance against the homophobic nature of society. Fiction by authors including
1483: 1371: 923: 6242: 3730:
The homophile movement, including the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society, has been considered the predecessor to the
9182: 8970: 8661: 8651: 8147: 8125: 7467: 5885: 1070: 670: 11259: 9983: 9749: 9577: 9562: 9557: 9403: 9175: 9057: 8606: 7818: 7706: 7589: 3345: 3049: 1743: 1493: 1321: 1306: 1301: 1131: 990: 928: 878: 11287: 9878: 9809: 9542: 9293: 8250: 8214: 6104: 5827: 5279: 5074: 4753: 4288: 1630: 1561: 1286: 750: 5902: 5766:
Esterberg, Kristin G. "From Accommodation to Liberation: A Social Movement Analysis of Lesbians in the Homophile Movement".
10322: 9632: 9454: 9158: 9153: 9082: 9072: 9062: 8350: 7834: 4992: 3630: 3073: 2090: 1376: 1190: 4657: 11378: 10968: 10638: 10551: 10442: 10110: 9930: 9567: 9552: 9242: 8752: 8385: 8074: 7785: 7771: 7540: 6664: 6288: 2750: 2406: 2319: 2210: 1870: 1688: 1311: 1296: 1030: 945: 594: 552: 6020:"History Repeating Itself: A Historical Overview of Gay Men and Lesbians in the Military Before 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'" 11323: 10536: 10010: 9298: 9247: 8937: 8049: 8039: 7915: 7854: 7366: 7206: 5599: 3919: 3708:
of its own in this era, constituting "not only a choice of sexual orientation, but of social orientation as well." The
2304: 1770: 637: 569: 227: 170: 165: 7603: 10184: 10015: 9506: 9484: 8476: 7967: 7925: 7325: 6223: 6185: 6154: 6127: 6070: 6036: 5999: 5968: 5941: 5711: 5485: 5457: 5028: 4571: 4166: 3961: 3201: 3166: 1944: 1775: 1242: 1220: 617: 10921: 10758: 10658: 10115: 10005: 9222: 8988: 7903: 7871: 7849: 7550: 7151: 6384: 3966: 3955: 3899: 3673: 3609: 3334: 3162: 3114: 2703: 2532: 2426: 1875: 1765: 809: 402: 3505:
some time ago, picked me up at the bar in the Wardman and took me home, and while I was half-drunk he committed
and the heightened concern about internal security, the State Department began campaigns to rid the department of
11308: 10511: 10022: 9779: 9582: 8598: 8297: 8275: 8229: 8202: 8044: 7561: 7535: 6659: 6558: 6366: 6318: 3066: 2279: 1782: 1531: 1326: 770: 722: 419: 9642: 8270: 8029: 7934: 7530: 7419: 6684: 6615: 6296: 5237: 4684: 3592:
and how homophobic attitudes were able to enter government organisations beyond just the federal government.
1386: 851: 755: 712: 463: 148: 9784: 4685:
Berard, Lauren B., "Something Changed: The Social and Legal Status of Homosexuality in America as Reported by
1536: 11190: 10906: 9622: 9273: 9013: 8902: 8867: 8069: 7972: 7898: 7714: 7545: 7415: 7395: 6494: 6200: 3971: 3914: 3854: 3418:
The term "Homintern" was coined in the 1930s, possibly by Cyril Connolly, W. H. Auden, or Harold Norse, as a
magazine, a periodical known for gossiping about the sexuality of politicians and prominent Hollywood stars.
2980: 2688: 1366: 1010: 297: 10469: 10417: 9393: 9363: 8942: 8847: 8807: 8337: 8307: 8133: 8054: 7731: 7380: 7265: 6489: 5728: 4779: 4220: 2237: 2185: 1121: 940: 908: 4384:"The Air Force expelled her in 1955 for being a lesbian. Now, at 90, she's getting an honorable discharge" 4112:
Shibusawa, Naoko (September 2012). "The Lavender Scare and Empire: Rethinking Cold War Antigay Politics".
11101: 10953: 10372: 9973: 9919: 8907: 8897: 8892: 8872: 8674: 8084: 7920: 7798: 7629: 6632: 6600: 6565: 4745:
Psychoanalysis and Politics: Histories of Psychoanalysis Under Conditions of Restricted Political Freedom
4633: 4596: 3944: 3894: 3353: 2891: 2735: 2140: 1733: 1671: 1063: 441: 424: 5729:"Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement" 11210: 9995: 9677: 9408: 9028: 8822: 8737: 8624: 8547: 8224: 7497: 7385: 7065: 6654: 6019: 3000: 1755: 1421: 1136: 804: 718: 707: 492: 319: 237: 38: 6147:
Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement
Different Daughters: A History of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Rise of the Lesbian Rights Movement
4466: 10563: 10377: 10279: 10164: 9826: 9794: 9464: 9398: 8857: 8852: 8727: 8590: 7910: 7839: 7579: 7477: 7376: 6610: 4013: 3997: 2331: 2145: 2039: 1924: 1578: 1546: 1200: 1126: 1015: 965: 787: 624: 451: 292: 5505: 5102:. Series: Committee Papers, 1789–2015. 1950 – via National Archives and Record Administration. 10823: 10711: 10558: 10327: 10264: 10092: 10047: 9909: 9789: 9771: 9707: 9637: 9521: 8947: 8912: 8817: 8792: 8618: 8553: 8207: 8059: 7696: 7676: 7462: 6780: 3909: 3842: 3221: 2597: 2485: 2326: 2095: 2024: 1852: 1807: 1661: 1541: 1521: 1451: 1381: 1257: 896: 891: 652: 347: 304: 11277: 11106: 11086: 10948: 10938: 10896: 10526: 10367: 10229: 10199: 10194: 10137: 10072: 10057: 9990: 9963: 9948: 9356: 8932: 8882: 8862: 8837: 8827: 8812: 8802: 8787: 8767: 8742: 8732: 8722: 8680: 8646: 8491: 7410: 6770: 6351: 6247: 5285: 4934: 4882: 3685: 3423: 3171: 2896: 2876: 2730: 2720: 2678: 2294: 2135: 1989: 1959: 1954: 1897: 1832: 1817: 1750: 1723: 1708: 1087: 647: 48: 10174: 5551: 1934: 11205: 11178: 11168: 10648: 10628: 10491: 10362: 10259: 10209: 10179: 10159: 10087: 10067: 10042: 10037: 10032: 9943: 9914: 9887: 9858: 9853: 9449: 9439: 9148: 8952: 8927: 8832: 8772: 8747: 8717: 8707: 8185: 8094: 7813: 7597: 7508: 7335: 7250: 6717: 6419: 4449: 3382:
members were seen as subversive elements in American society who all shared the same ideals of
Communism and LGBT rights § Association of communism with homosexuality by anti-communists
2995: 2968: 2958: 2416: 2396: 2259: 2130: 2019: 1969: 1939: 1919: 1847: 1827: 1802: 1797: 1792: 1703: 1666: 1639: 1610: 1605: 1185: 1175: 1056: 702: 352: 5066: 4743: 11173: 11133: 11066: 10963: 10911: 10838: 10593: 10357: 10269: 10244: 10239: 10224: 10219: 10214: 10154: 10102: 10062: 9968: 9938: 9836: 9459: 9288: 8887: 8842: 8782: 8757: 8712: 8656: 8613: 8560: 8524: 8511: 7929: 7866: 7808: 7793: 7726: 7472: 7230: 7226: 6928: 6669: 6627: 6531: 4822:"The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians in the Federal Government" 4780:"'These People Are Frightened to Death': Congressional Investigations and the Lavender Scare" 4393: 3904: 3662: 3526: 3357: 3311: 3254: 2963: 2923: 2856: 2745: 2693: 2612: 2361: 2125: 2029: 2004: 1999: 1984: 1979: 1974: 1914: 1862: 1822: 1728: 1698: 1588: 1195: 604: 574: 497: 342: 220: 11363: 11358: 11044: 10578: 10452: 10169: 10127: 10077: 10052: 9868: 9831: 9572: 9434: 8917: 8797: 8762: 8566: 8255: 7691: 7639: 7340: 7211: 7010: 6908: 6553: 4189: 4055: 3939: 3724: 3713: 3604: 3584: 3432: 3387: 3197: 2834: 2346: 2220: 1929: 1887: 1837: 1812: 1620: 1583: 1316: 1170: 414: 3805:
In January 2017, the State Department formally apologized following suggestion by Senator
8: 11343: 11220: 11081: 10716: 10618: 10598: 10387: 10295: 10254: 10234: 10204: 10097: 9892: 9702: 9018: 8922: 8877: 8777: 8504: 8190: 7803: 7300: 6815: 6521: 6311: 4388: 3924: 3750: 3379: 3337:- often by claiming to be homosexual, lying about being homosexual, adopting exaggerated 3165:
victory in the November elections would mean the removal of "the lavender lads" from the
3010: 2871: 2490: 2386: 2366: 2155: 2063: 2014: 1994: 1964: 1857: 1644: 1446: 1025: 765: 387: 357: 11373: 10993: 10988: 10978: 10926: 10916: 10891: 10833: 10791: 10701: 10696: 10691: 10603: 9904: 8667: 8290: 8175: 8089: 8017: 7992: 7977: 7957: 7876: 7216: 7098: 7035: 6795: 6785: 6516: 6414: 6099:. Culture, Politics, and the Cold War. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press. 6059: 6025: 5801: 5783: 5684: 5649: 4724: 4662: 4604: 4560: 4554: 4155: 4149: 4129: 3976: 3873: 3717: 3709: 3677: 3548: 3509:
on me." J. Edgar Hoover conducted a perfunctory investigation of the senator's alleged
3439: 3392: 2775: 2770: 2760: 2708: 2698: 2673: 2607: 2565: 2475: 2470: 2465: 2371: 1656: 985: 871: 599: 120: 11252: 11163: 11091: 11076: 10875: 10818: 10623: 10531: 10422: 10342: 10189: 9489: 9283: 8530: 8380: 8180: 8160: 7982: 7893: 7881: 7720: 7654: 7644: 7320: 7310: 7305: 7176: 6923: 6229: 6219: 6212: 6207: 6191: 6181: 6160: 6150: 6133: 6123: 6100: 6076: 6066: 6042: 6032: 6005: 5995: 5988: 5974: 5964: 5947: 5937: 5787: 5748: 5707: 5704:
Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America
5688: 5653: 5481: 5453: 5275: 5243: 5233: 5226: 5070: 5059: 5024: 4749: 4577: 4567: 4294: 4284: 4172: 4162: 4125: 4008: 3766: 3544: 3404: 3330: 3042: 2953: 2881: 2866: 2649: 2592: 2391: 2299: 2190: 2110: 1949: 1225: 732: 697: 642: 579: 507: 362: 210: 8445: 4971: 3758: 11215: 11200: 11128: 11049: 11019: 10850: 10686: 10392: 9958: 9953: 9799: 9697: 8962: 8197: 8165: 8155: 7358: 7285: 7191: 6862: 6827: 6820: 6605: 6426: 6404: 6399: 6394: 6054: 5930: 5775: 5740: 5676: 5641: 4942: 4716: 4441: 4121: 3746: 3738: 3697: 3580: 3576: 3568: 3517: 3502: 3408: 3338: 3287: 3154: 3146: 3005: 2990: 2918: 2839: 2809: 2624: 2460: 2160: 1718: 1713: 1551: 1441: 980: 975: 856: 829: 727: 687: 446: 205: 5831: 11230: 11138: 11034: 10983: 10843: 10828: 10808: 10773: 10486: 10397: 10332: 10132: 10082: 9863: 9722: 8345: 8170: 8099: 7949: 7634: 7487: 7270: 7221: 7139: 7089: 6876: 6857: 6852: 6805: 6585: 6462: 6175: 6116: 5018: 4695: 4471: 4397: 3799: 3787: 3666: 3649: 3626: 3540: 3484: 3271: 3241: 3158: 3130: 3020: 2928: 2824: 2765: 2617: 2602: 2582: 2547: 2254: 2165: 2100: 1892: 1842: 1615: 1466: 995: 834: 824: 682: 397: 324: 309: 232: 190: 180: 175: 141: 30: 6849: 6326: 4627:"The Legacy of Discriminatory State Laws, Policies, and Practices, 1945–Present" 11225: 11183: 11153: 11143: 11061: 11054: 11039: 11029: 10865: 10801: 10743: 10738: 10723: 10506: 10501: 10496: 10382: 10317: 9841: 9814: 9667: 9379: 8574: 8517: 8433: 7987: 7962: 7671: 7525: 7482: 7290: 6810: 6760: 6742: 6536: 6409: 6389: 6304: 5779: 4207:
Everett Dirksen and His Presidents: How a Senate Giant Shaped American Politics
4023: 3981: 3949: 3934: 3889: 3731: 3701: 3634: 3589: 3551: 3510: 3497: 3245: 3234: 3106: 3015: 2973: 2943: 2933: 2851: 2844: 2829: 2819: 2639: 2575: 2517: 2512: 2497: 2274: 2269: 2264: 2150: 2085: 1593: 1566: 1411: 1095: 970: 903: 692: 589: 314: 6195: 4911:"Clinton Issued Order Letting Gays Get Security Clearances 16 Years Ago Today" 11302: 11237: 10860: 10796: 10781: 10643: 10608: 10588: 10459: 10402: 10337: 9744: 9647: 9194: 8322: 7741: 7614: 7454: 7442: 7400: 7330: 7295: 7186: 7144: 7116: 6903: 6800: 6790: 6775: 6737: 6709: 6595: 6467: 6441: 6431: 6233: 6164: 6137: 6080: 6046: 5978: 5951: 5752: 5361:"Historian David K. Johnson: Exposes the U.S. Government's Anti-Gay Crusades" 5360: 5301:
Ike and McCarthy: Dwight Eisenhower's Secret Campaign Against Joseph McCarthy
4581: 4298: 4176: 3867: 3847: 3742: 3600: 3459: 3427: 3396:
also as an invasion, like the perceived danger of communism and subversives.
3249: 3027: 2634: 2570: 2555: 2411: 2376: 2356: 2227: 2170: 2105: 1488: 1391: 1020: 1000: 933: 839: 782: 559: 517: 458: 436: 380: 275: 195: 7020: 5603: 5247: 5061:
Gay L.A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians
534: 11071: 10958: 10786: 10753: 10733: 10663: 10653: 10633: 10613: 10249: 10147: 10142: 9873: 9848: 9712: 9652: 9617: 9587: 9324: 8421: 8312: 8280: 8219: 8064: 7736: 7255: 7196: 7129: 6997: 6943: 6765: 6699: 6694: 6679: 6647: 6575: 6436: 6009: 5097: 3991: 3986: 3884: 3879: 3658: 3657:
One of the first and most influential members of the gay rights movements,
3489: 3419: 3361: 3349: 3283: 3275: 2861: 2740: 2560: 2527: 2507: 2431: 2421: 2401: 2381: 2009: 1907: 1902: 1625: 1600: 1456: 1396: 1361: 1331: 1046: 1005: 861: 819: 657: 539: 480: 158: 131: 7025: 6689: 529: 10973: 10933: 10901: 10768: 10728: 10568: 10481: 10432: 10407: 10307: 10000: 9734: 9717: 9672: 9592: 8355: 8327: 7844: 7574: 7569: 7315: 7111: 7030: 6960: 6955: 6938: 6893: 6674: 6642: 6637: 6570: 6509: 6339: 6335: 5744: 5552:"Viewing page 4 of 30 for project 36902 | Smithsonian Digital Volunteers" 4562:
Dying for Joe McCarthy's Sins: The Suicide of Wyoming Senator Lester Hunt
Dying for Joe McCarthy's Sins: The Suicide of Wyoming Senator Lester Hunt
3825: 3821: 3777:
Though the main vein of McCarthyism ended in the mid-1950s when the 1956
3754: 3521: 3110: 3098: 2755: 2715: 2683: 2542: 2502: 2336: 2249: 2200: 2175: 2075: 1760: 1478: 1461: 1416: 1336: 918: 883: 846: 760: 564: 502: 475: 470: 431: 257: 252: 247: 185: 153: 103: 98: 5932:
Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two
5387:, p. 282, The Report is dated December 21, 1956, to March 15, 1957. 4821: 4133: 3367: 11247: 11242: 11123: 11118: 11014: 10998: 10855: 10748: 10706: 10668: 10476: 10464: 10437: 10427: 10347: 9761: 9756: 9727: 9662: 9511: 8699: 8285: 8016: 7861: 7686: 7351: 7260: 7161: 7134: 7106: 7070: 7055: 7045: 6987: 6752: 6590: 6546: 6526: 6484: 5680: 5645: 5221: 4728: 3806: 3762: 3705: 3412: 3383: 3333:, men sometimes attempted to exploit Executive Order 10450 in order to 3102: 3037: 3032: 2913: 2908: 2804: 2780: 2629: 2522: 2480: 2436: 2244: 2232: 2205: 2195: 2115: 1505: 1500: 1471: 1406: 1247: 866: 522: 409: 392: 262: 136: 6097:
Imperial Brotherhood: Gender and the Making of Cold War Foreign Policy
4858:"Psychiatry and Homosexuality Draft Exemptions during the Vietnam War" 11148: 11096: 10813: 10412: 9537: 8245: 7624: 7502: 7275: 7050: 6950: 6898: 6888: 6541: 6371: 4978: 3684:
Accompanying Kameny in his activism was his co-founder for the MSW -
3443: 3407:
similarly attempted to invoke a connection between homosexuality and
3259: 3192: 3134: 2938: 2886: 2587: 2180: 1281: 913: 487: 242: 4991:
Carlson, Dennis. "Gayness, multicultural education, and community."
4720: 4517:"Today in history: State Department reveals purge of 91 homosexuals" 3782:
military. Another form of the Lavender Scare that persisted was the
oaths attesting to their moral purity to get or to keep their jobs.
11113: 10943: 10870: 10521: 10447: 10352: 10312: 9692: 9687: 9682: 9607: 9602: 9547: 8265: 7345: 6965: 6580: 6280: 4445: 3579:
on October 1, 1947 began the initiative to arrest gay men in known
3291: 3263: 3229: 3188: 2903: 2725: 2644: 2289: 2215: 2120: 2080: 1436: 1431: 1426: 1351: 1346: 1291: 792: 777: 200: 34: 16:
Mid-20th century U.S. government discrimination against homosexuals
9612: 9516: 9496: 9469: 9444: 9348: 7181: 7171: 7040: 6913: 6722: 6504: 6331: 6327: 5478:
The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians
The Lavender Scare: The Cold War Persecution of Gays and Lesbians
Out of the Past: Gay and Lesbian History from 1869 to the Present
due to public outrage over its explicit and pornographic nature.
A group of eight lesbians in San Francisco formed a group called
3217: 3122: 3118: 1356: 1252: 1232: 1205: 1180: 1103: 93: 88: 6243:"They're Here, Queer and Art Pioneers in Sherry's 'Gay Artists'" 4993:
Beyond black and white: New faces and voices in the U.S. Schools
3669:, Kameny picketed the White House on the grounds of gay rights. 3161:
as a synonym for homosexual males. In 1952, Dirksen said that a
26: 10573: 9597: 9501: 9479: 9474: 9424: 8122: 7681: 7405: 7280: 7156: 7075: 6933: 6732: 6727: 5961:
Hoover's War on Gays: Exposing the FBI's "Sex Deviants" Program
Executive Session Hearing of the Subcommittee on Investigations
It has also been suggested that contemporary attitudes towards
3688:. Nichols was particularly interesting as he was the son of an 3506: 3315: 2341: 1341: 1237: 1215: 1210: 1160: 797: 124: 6214:
Gay Artists in Modern American Culture: An Imagined Conspiracy
5056: 1042: 10583: 9429: 8538:
Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act
7201: 7015: 7005: 6982: 6977: 6972: 6347: 6343: 5502:"Evelyn Hooker, Ph.D.: September 2, 1907 – November 18, 1996" 3454:
The Subcommittee on Investigations was a subcommittee of the
claimed 205 communists were working in the State Department,
2351: 1165: 215: 108: 56: 9253:
History of violence against LGBT people in the United States
U.S. state constitutional amendments banning same-sex unions
11195: 11024: 7371: 7060: 6218:. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. 6027:
Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Debating the Gay Ban in the Military
3794: 2985: 2814: 6122:(1st ed.). New York: Carroll & Graf, Publishers. 5706:. United Kingdom: Columbia University Press. p. 157. 4369:
Conduct Unbecoming: Gays and Lesbians in the U.S. Military
3149:'s 2004 book which studied this anti-homosexual campaign, 7166: 6918: 6031:. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, Publishers. pp. 9–49. 5600:"The Gay Civil Rights Movement Turns to Public Picketing" 3829: 3689: 3533: 3267: 3228:
If the influx of people into Washington, D.C. during the
3213: 3126:
but some lesbians were interrogated or lost their jobs.
632: 8583:
Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
5903:"The Lavender Scare – Premieres Tuesday, June 18 on PBS" 5845: 3262:
and thus were labeled as security risks. McCarthy hired
Discrimination against LGBT people in the United States
5315:"Joseph McCarthy FBI File, part 3 of 56 (part 2 of 28)" 4196:, 2nd ed. (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996), p. 44 3360:. And, in 2017, the order was explicitly repealed when 5994:. Vernon E. Berg III (illustrations). New York: Avon. 4314: 4312: 4310: 4308: 3539:
the psychiatric community regarded homosexuality as a
McCarthy often used accusations of homosexuality as a
Disney and Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act
8475: 5886:"State Department Apologizes for the "Lavender Scare" 3614:
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
6149:(Reprint ed.). Emeryville, Calif.: Seal Press. 4555:"Prologue: 'Have You Considered My Servant Lester?'" 4371:. New York: Fawcett Columbine Books. pp. 15–17. 4150:"Prologue: 'Have You Considered My Servant Lester?'" 19:
For the lavender scare in the state of Florida, see
Same-sex marriage law in the United States by state
4305: 3286:in his anti-communist crusade, often combining the 7097: 6211: 6115: 6058: 6024: 6018: 5987: 5929: 5334:A Conspiracy So Immense: The World of Joe McCarthy 5225: 5058: 5045:The Unfinished Country: A Book of American Symbols 4559: 4553: 4154: 4148: 3458:. This subcommittee chaired by Democratic Senator 3456:Committee on Expenditures in Executive Departments 3318:and thrust into the public eye as lesbian or gay. 11339:History of LGBT civil rights in the United States 11159:Racial bias in criminal news in the United States 6363: 6290:Uniquely Nasty: The U.S. Government's War on Gays 6177:Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington 4218:Samuel Bernstein, "Lavender Lads Bartone Babes", 4004:Sexual orientation and the United States military 3449: 3145:The term for this persecution was popularized by 2949:Racial bias in criminal news in the United States 11300: 5963:. Lawrence, KS: The University Press of Kansas. 10819:Same-sex marriage (laws and issues prohibiting) 5921: 3619: 2593:Same-sex marriage (laws and issues prohibiting) 11314:Aftermath of World War II in the United States 10301:SPLC-designated list of anti-LGBTQ hate groups 8318:SPLC-designated list of anti-LGBTQ hate groups 6875: 5990:Get Off My Ship: Ensign Berg vs. the U.S. Navy 4741: 2069:SPLC-designated list of anti-LGBTQ hate groups 9364: 9258:2020s anti-LGBT movement in the United States 8461: 7768: 7747:2020s anti-LGBT movement in the United States 6312: 6023:. In Belkin, Aaron; Geoffrey Bateman (eds.). 5892:. January 10, 2017. Retrieved 5 February 2017 5602:. The Rainbow History Project. Archived from 3930:Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies 3074: 1064: 678:2020s anti-LGBT movement in the United States 9120:State bans on local anti-discrimination laws 7391:Sexuality and gender identity-based cultures 6240: 6065:. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 5228:Shooting Star: The Brief Arc of Joe McCarthy 4965: 4963: 4961: 4959: 3734:movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. 10517:List of people killed for being transgender 8105:Timeline of sexual orientation and medicine 7620:Florida Legislative Investigation Committee 5452:. University of Chicago Press. p. 59. 5274:. Los Angeles, California: Advocate Books. 4885:Singer v. United States Civil Service Com'n 4742:Damousi, Joy; Plotkin, Mariano Ben (2012). 4706: 4161:. Cody, WY: WordsWorth. pp. xiii–xxi. 3784:Florida Legislative Investigation Committee 3672:Kameny was also integral to setting up the 3368:Association of communism with "subversives" 2285:List of people killed for being transgender 21:Florida Legislative Investigation Committee 9371: 9357: 8686:Presidential Memorandum of August 25, 2017 8468: 8454: 8371:Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany 7610:Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany 6319: 6305: 4786:. Vol. 48, no. 2. pp. 6–20. 4632:. Williams Institute, UCLA. Archived from 3820:, directed by Josh Howard and narrated by 3352:rescinded the order and put in place the " 3081: 3067: 1071: 1057: 7661:Front homosexuel d'action rĂ©volutionnaire 7493:History of Christianity and homosexuality 6459: 5480:. University of Chicago. pp. 59–60. 5263: 5261: 5259: 5257: 5232:(1st ed.). Orlando, Fla.: Harcourt. 5057:Lillian Faderman; Stuart Timmons (2006). 5023:. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 4956: 4209:(University Press of Kansas, 2000), 48–49 4111: 4058:. The University of Chicago Press. 2004. 3153:. The book drew its title from the term " 9628:Social determinants of health in poverty 9137:Florida Parental Rights in Education Act 8543:Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 8303:Discrimination against non-binary people 6173: 6016: 5701: 5432: 5331: 4748:. Oxford University Press. p. 221. 4551: 4146: 4019:Wright Commission on Government Security 3648: 3305: 1372:Social determinants of health in poverty 25: 11329:Conspiracy theories involving communism 8662:Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 8652:Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 7468:History of gay men in the United States 6285:, official website for documentary film 6241:Montanarelli, Lisa (25 November 2007). 6053: 5958: 5875:(2): 213–215 – via SAGE Journals. 5851: 5666: 5631: 5586: 5574: 5538: 5526: 5475: 5447: 5346: 5298: 5196: 5184: 5172: 5160: 5148: 5136: 5112: 5047:. Simon and Schuster, 1959 pp. 313–316. 5004: 4796: 4539: 4485: 4416: 4381: 4318: 4281:Rethinking the Gay and Lesbian Movement 4261: 4249: 4237: 4072: 3676:(MSW) in 1960. Distinct from the other 3220:. In 1940, President Roosevelt and his 11369:Political history of the United States 11301: 8607:G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board 7819:List of LGBT rights articles by region 6206: 5985: 5927: 5726: 5420: 5408: 5396: 5384: 5267: 5254: 5220: 5208: 5124: 4844: 4808: 4777: 4428: 4366: 4354: 4342: 4330: 3534:Contemporaneous views of homosexuality 3346:United States Civil Service Commission 991:LGBT conservatism in the United States 9352: 9294:Arnold Schwarzenegger and LGBT rights 8449: 8121: 8015: 7767: 7440: 6848: 6458: 6362: 6300: 6293:, Yahoo! News documentary film (2015) 6144: 6113: 5862: 5860: 5765: 5627: 5625: 5623: 5621: 5471: 5469: 5443: 5441: 5358: 5016: 4905: 4903: 4887:| 530 F.2d 247 | 9th Cir. | Judgment" 4773: 4771: 4769: 4767: 4765: 4597:"Inquiry by Senate on Perverts Asked" 4594: 4278: 4274: 4272: 4270: 4107: 4105: 4103: 4101: 3835: 3832:televised the film on June 18, 2019. 3310:In 1953, President Eisenhower signed 11283: 10323:Capital punishment for homosexuality 9633:Social determinants of mental health 8391:Unlawfully killed transgender people 8376:Acts of violence against LGBT people 8351:Capital punishment for homosexuality 7835:Capital punishment for homosexuality 6180:. New York: Henry Holt and Company. 6094: 5866: 5830:. Archived from 5303:. Simon & Schuster. p. 277. 4099: 4097: 4095: 4093: 4091: 4089: 4087: 4085: 4083: 4081: 4050: 4048: 2091:Capital punishment for homosexuality 1377:Social determinants of mental health 11319:Anti-communism in the United States 10443:Genital modification and mutilation 9243:LGBT movements in the United States 8386:Violence against transgender people 7786:LGBT rights by country or territory 5494: 5268:Miller, Neil (2005). "Chapter 18". 4689:" (2014). Honors Theses. Paper 357. 3339:stereotypical mannerisms of gay men 2211:Genital modification and mutilation 13: 11349:LGBTQ history in the United States 9378: 9299:LGBT protests against Donald Trump 9248:LGBTQ history in the United States 7916:Legal status of transgender people 7367:Legal status of transgender people 6088: 5857: 5618: 5466: 5438: 4900: 4762: 4595:White, William S. (May 20, 1950). 4499:"Perverts Called Government peril" 4382:Swenson, Kyle (January 11, 2018). 4267: 3920:Fruit machine (homosexuality test) 3524:writes about McCarthy in his book 3157:lads", used repeatedly by Senator 14: 11390: 11354:LGBTQ-related conspiracy theories 8477:LGBTQ rights in the United States 6998:Third sex / Third gender 6266: 4969: 4078: 4045: 3962:LGBT history in the United States 3665:. In 1965, four years before the 3422:term playing off of "Comintern" ( 3187:In 1947, at the beginning of the 11282: 11273: 11272: 10922:Diversity, equity, and inclusion 10759:Law for Protection of the Nation 10659:White genocide conspiracy theory 9331: 9330: 9318: 9223:Sodomy laws in the United States 8428: 8427: 8415: 8020:— Medicine, science and sexology 7850:Criminalization of homosexuality 7152:Attraction to transgender people ‱ It's About Time 4126:10.1111/j.1467-7709.2012.01052.x 3967:LGBT rights in the United States 3956:Last Night at the Telegraph Club 3900:Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 3674:Mattachine Society of Washington 3610:American Psychiatric Association 2704:Diversity, equity, and inclusion 2533:Law for Protection of the Nation 2427:White genocide conspiracy theory 1102: 1041: 10764:MSM blood donation restrictions 10512:LGBT grooming conspiracy theory 8675:DoD Directive 1304.26 8298:Discrimination against lesbians 8230:Transgender people and religion 8045:Disability and LGBTQ identities 7604:Institut fĂŒr Sexualwissenschaft 5895: 5879: 5820: 5794: 5759: 5720: 5695: 5660: 5592: 5580: 5568: 5544: 5532: 5520: 5426: 5414: 5402: 5390: 5378: 5352: 5340: 5325: 5307: 5292: 5214: 5202: 5190: 5178: 5166: 5154: 5142: 5130: 5118: 5106: 5090: 5050: 5037: 5010: 4998: 4985: 4927: 4875: 4850: 4838: 4814: 4802: 4790: 4735: 4709:The Journal of American History 4700: 4678: 4650: 4619: 4588: 4545: 4533: 4509: 4491: 4479: 4459: 4434: 4422: 4410: 4375: 4360: 4348: 4336: 4324: 4255: 3411:. He said in an interview with 3335:avoid national military service 2538:MSM blood donation restrictions 2280:LGBT grooming conspiracy theory 10777:(as religious or racial quota) 7420:Sexual practices between women 5359:Ayyar, Raj (January 1, 2004). 4778:Adkins, Judith (Summer 2016). 4243: 4231: 4212: 4199: 4183: 4140: 4066: 3812: 3767:physique photography magazines 3450:Subcommittee on Investigations 3364:signed Executive Order 13764. 3169:. The phrase was also used by 2551:(as religious or racial quota) 595:Rights by country or territory 1: 11191:Second-generation gender bias 10907:Constitutional colorblindness 9623:Social determinants of health 9274:Congressional Equality Caucus 8366:History of violence in the US 8361:History of violence in the UK 7845:Civil unions and partnerships 7715:Timeline of same-sex marriage 7416:Women who have sex with women 7396:Social construction of gender 4033: 3972:Martin and Mitchell Defection 3915:Fellow Travelers (miniseries) 3846:, based on the 2007 novel by 3644: 2981:Second-generation gender bias 2689:Constitutional colorblindness 1367:Social determinants of health 1011:Social construction of gender 960:Academic fields and discourse 8338:Violence against LGBT people 8239:Prejudice and discrimination 8055:Homosexuality and psychology 7732:Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2014 7667:Florida orange juice boycott 7381:Sexual practices between men 7266:Erotic target location error 5986:Gibson, E. Lawrence (1978). 5959:Charles, Douglas M. (2015). 5936:. New York: The Free Press. 5922:General and cited references 5727:Marino, M. M. (2009-06-01). 5017:Field, Douglas, ed. (2005). 4456:96:4 (March 29, 1950), H4527 4038: 3620:Experiences of men and women 3478: 3140: 7: 11102:Medical model of disability 10954:Hate speech laws by country 8100:Sexual orientation identity 7921:Transgender rights movement 7441: 7286:Gender and sexual diversity 6655:Queerplatonic relationships 5828:"The Committee Documentary" 4450:"Homosexuals in Government" 4228:, vol. 97, no. 2, 1986, 126 4194:The Culture of the Cold War 3895:Boise homosexuality scandal 3860: 3109:campaign which is known as 2892:Medical model of disability 2736:Hate speech laws by country 629:Blood donation restrictions 10: 11395: 11379:Socialism and LGBTQ topics 11211:Social model of disability 9678:Discrimination against men 8625:303 Creative LLC v. Elenis 8548:Violence Against Women Act 8276:Grooming conspiracy theory 8225:Homosexuality and religion 7498:History of same-sex unions 6017:Haggerty, Timothy (2003). 5780:10.1177/089124394008003008 5702:Faderman, Lillian (2012). 5504:. UC Davis. Archived from 5476:Johnson, David K. (2009). 5448:Johnson, David K. (2009). 5299:Nichols, David A. (2017). 3945:Is Homosexuality a Menace? 3732:lesbian and gay liberation 3557:Freedom of Information Act 3371: 3240:In February 1950, Senator 3178: 3001:Social model of disability 1422:Discrimination against men 771:Grooming conspiracy theory 708:Mixed-orientation marriage 638:LGBT medical organizations 18: 11324:Censorship of LGBT issues 11268: 11007: 10884: 10677: 10564:Opposition to immigration 10288: 9928: 9770: 9530: 9480:Race / Ethnicity 9417: 9386: 9312: 9266: 9235: 9203: 9132:Anti-LGBT curriculum laws 9110:Employment discrimination 9053: 9046: 9002: 8979: 8961: 8698: 8677:("Don't ask, don't tell") 8635: 8499: 8490: 8483: 8409: 8336: 8238: 8146: 8142: 8117: 8025: 8011: 7948: 7840:Censorship of LGBT issues 7827: 7784: 7780: 7763: 7705: 7588: 7580:First homosexual movement 7559: 7518: 7453: 7449: 7436: 7377:Men who have sex with men 7243: 7125: 7088: 6996: 6884: 6871: 6844: 6751: 6708: 6480: 6476: 6454: 6380: 6358: 6145:Gallo, Marcia M. (2007). 6114:Gallo, Marcia M. (2006). 5020:American Cold War Culture 4658:"126 Perverts Discharged" 4552:McDaniel, Rodger (2013). 4147:McDaniel, Rodger (2013). 4014:Arthur H. Vandenberg, Jr. 3998:Seduction of the Innocent 3772: 2332:Opposition to immigration 1216:Race / Ethnicity 1016:Socialism and LGBT rights 966:Communism and LGBT rights 10559:Occupational segregation 10328:Compulsory sterilization 9024:Northern Mariana Islands 8619:Respect for Marriage Act 8554:United States v. Windsor 8208:Suicide among LGBT youth 8060:Homosexuality in the DSM 7697:Bar Abanicos police raid 7677:Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS 7650:Festival of Light action 7630:Compton's Cafeteria riot 7463:History of homosexuality 6924:Non-binary / genderqueer 6781:Gay flag of South Africa 6385:LGBT topics in education 6174:Kirchick, James (2022). 6095:Dean, Robert D. (2003). 5669:The Historian (Kingston) 5634:The Historian (Kingston) 5332:Oshinsky, David (2019). 4566:. Cody, WY: WordsWorth. 4467:"Thailand: Smiling Jack" 4283:. Taylor & Francis. 3910:Fellow Travelers (opera) 3316:forced out of the closet 2327:Occupational segregation 2096:Compulsory sterilization 11087:Internalized oppression 10949:Fighting Discrimination 10939:Fat acceptance movement 10897:Anti-discrimination law 10537:Native American mascots 9068:Conversion therapy bans 8681:Defense of Marriage Act 8647:Immigration Act of 1917 8215:Monuments and memorials 8203:Suicides of LGBT people 7940:Commonwealth of Nations 7772:Rights and legal issues 7411:Transgender health care 6248:San Francisco Chronicle 5065:. Basic Books. p.  3424:Communist International 3133:wrote: "The so-called ' 2877:Internalized oppression 2731:Fighting Discrimination 2721:Fat acceptance movement 2679:Anti-discrimination law 2305:Native American mascots 879:Intersex discrimination 648:Transgender health care 11309:1950s in LGBTQ history 11206:Social identity threat 11179:Reverse discrimination 11169:Racial color blindness 10649:Violence against women 10629:Sex-selective abortion 9078:Housing discrimination 8186:LGBT rights opposition 8095:Split attraction model 7598:Dance of the Forty-One 7509:Category:LGBTQ history 7478:LGBTQ history timeline 7386:Sex–gender distinction 7336:Human female sexuality 6670:Same-sex relationships 6274:Longernecker v. Higley 5928:BĂ©rubĂ©, Allan (1990). 5806:, 351 U.S. 536 (1956)" 5319:FBI Records: The Vault 4367:Shilts, Randy (1994). 3853:The 2023 mini-series 3654: 3631:Department of Commerce 3520:author and researcher 3350:President Bill Clinton 2996:Social identity threat 2969:Reverse discrimination 2959:Racial color blindness 2417:Violence against women 2397:Sex-selective abortion 703:LGBT rights opposition 238:Sex–gender distinction 41: 39:Army–McCarthy hearings 11174:Religious intolerance 11134:Political correctness 10964:Intersex human rights 10912:Cultural assimilation 10594:Religious persecution 10358:Disability hate crime 10143:Jewish / Antisemitism 9289:LGBT people in prison 9164:Domestic partnerships 9144:Public accommodations 8657:Executive Order 10450 8614:Executive Order 13988 8561:Executive Order 13672 8525:Executive Order 13087 8512:Executive Order 12968 7973:LGBT rights activists 7950:LGBT rights movements 7930:Yogyakarta Principles 7889:Assisted reproduction 7867:Intersex human rights 7727:Russian anti-LGBT law 7473:History of lesbianism 6929:Queer heterosexuality 5435:, p. 45, note 38 5288:on September 2, 2009. 3905:Executive Order 11478 3652: 3629:, who worked for the 3527:The Homosexual Matrix 3483:When Cohn brought on 3435:and cited by others. 3378:Both homosexuals and 3358:Executive Order 13087 3354:don't ask, don't tell 3312:Executive Order 10450 3306:Executive Order 10450 3255:Guy George Gabrielson 2964:Religious intolerance 2924:Political correctness 2746:Intersex human rights 2694:Cultural assimilation 2362:Religious persecution 2126:Disability hate crime 1903:Jewish / Antisemitism 605:Yogyakarta Principles 575:Intersex human rights 498:Same-sex relationship 221:Queer heterosexuality 29: 10579:Political repression 9583:Anti-left handedness 9573:Anti-intellectualism 9149:Religious exemptions 8971:District of Columbia 8595:Harris Funeral Homes 8567:Obergefell v. Hodges 8256:Anti-gender movement 7692:Tasty nightclub raid 7640:Gay Liberation Front 7341:Human male sexuality 7212:Romantic orientation 7011:Balkan sworn virgins 6909:Gender nonconformity 5869:Gender & Society 5768:Gender & Society 4454:Congressional Record 4279:Stein, Marc (2012). 4190:Stephen J. Whitfield 3940:Homosexual seduction 3725:Daughters of Bilitis 3714:Daughters of Bilitis 3678:Mattachine Societies 3605:illusory correlation 3585:District of Columbia 3433:Congressional Record 3198:Dwight D. Eisenhower 2347:Political repression 1327:Anti-left handedness 1317:Anti-intellectualism 981:Lavender linguistics 11082:Historical eugenics 10619:Segregation academy 10599:Religious terrorism 10388:Enemy of the people 10296:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 9810:Jehovah's Witnesses 9703:Perpetual foreigner 9034:U.S. Virgin Islands 8505:One, Inc. v. Olesen 8191:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 7301:Gender essentialism 7099:Sexual orientations 6276:, December 22, 1955 5905:. PBS. May 14, 2019 5733:Oral History Review 5508:on January 20, 1998 4389:The Washington Post 3925:Gay Purges (Canada) 3751:Thomas Hal Phillips 3745:, Charles Jackson, 3718:homophile movements 3716:, which formed the 3663:gay rights movement 2872:Historical eugenics 2387:Segregation academy 2367:Religious terrorism 2156:Enemy of the people 2064:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 1562:Jehovah's Witnesses 1447:Perpetual foreigner 1026:Transgender studies 766:Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric 10994:Social integration 10989:Self-determination 10979:Racial integration 10927:Diversity training 10917:Cultural pluralism 10892:Affirmative action 10792:Racial segregation 10702:Crime of apartheid 10604:Religious violence 10107:Indigenous people 9507:Sexual orientation 9183:Transgender rights 9103:Sexual orientation 8668:Bowers v. Hardwick 8291:Liberal homophobia 8148:Societal attitudes 8126:Societal attitudes 8090:Conversion therapy 8018:Sexual orientation 7978:Rainbow capitalism 7968:LGBT rights groups 7877:Same-sex parenting 7828:LGBT rights topics 7541:pre-Columbian Peru 7217:Same gender loving 6863:Sexual diversities 6517:Bisexual community 6282:The Lavender Scare 6208:Sherry, Michael S. 6061:The Lavender Scare 5745:10.1093/ohr/ohp077 5681:10.1111/hisn.12585 5646:10.1111/hisn.12585 5399:, pp. 356–367 4694:2014-09-14 at the 4687:The New York Times 4663:The New York Times 4605:The New York Times 4503:The New York Times 4475:. August 22, 1955. 4114:Diplomatic History 3977:R. W. Scott McLeod 3874:Advise and Consent 3836:In popular culture 3818:The Lavender Scare 3710:Mattachine Society 3655: 3549:United States Navy 3440:Mattachine Society 3393:sexual orientation 3151:The Lavender Scare 2776:Social integration 2771:Self-determination 2761:Racial integration 2709:Diversity training 2699:Cultural pluralism 2674:Affirmative action 2566:Racial segregation 2476:Crime of apartheid 2372:Religious violence 1867:Indigenous people 1243:Sexual orientation 986:LGBTQ conservatism 600:Transgender rights 121:Sexual orientation 42: 11296: 11295: 11164:Racism by country 11092:Intersectionality 11077:Heteronormativity 10876:Voter suppression 10624:Sexual harassment 10423:Forced conversion 10343:Cultural genocide 10006:African Americans 9820:post–Cold War era 9805:Eastern Orthodoxy 9568:Anti-drug addicts 9563:Anti-homelessness 9490:Scientific racism 9346: 9345: 9284:Save Our Children 9231: 9230: 9042: 9041: 8694: 8693: 8531:Lawrence v. Texas 8443: 8442: 8405: 8404: 8401: 8400: 8381:Stop Murder Music 8181:Gay panic defense 8161:Heteronormativity 8113: 8112: 8080:Prenatal hormones 8007: 8006: 8003: 8002: 7894:Same-sex marriage 7855:decriminalization 7759: 7758: 7755: 7754: 7721:Lawrence v. Texas 7655:White Night riots 7645:Handkerchief code 7432: 7431: 7428: 7427: 7321:Gender transition 7311:Gender neutrality 7306:Gender expression 7291:Gender assignment 7239: 7238: 7090:Sexual identities 7084: 7083: 6858:Sexual identities 6853:Gender identities 6840: 6839: 6836: 6835: 6559:Awareness periods 6532:Community centers 6450: 6449: 6106:978-1-55849-414-5 6055:Johnson, David K. 5854:, pp. 59–64. 5541:, pp. 147–49 5281:978-1-55583-870-6 5076:978-0-465-02288-5 4755:978-0-19-992316-8 4505:. April 19, 1950. 4290:978-1-280-77657-1 4205:Byron C. Hulsey, 4009:Charles W. Thayer 3545:Crittenden Report 3388:bourgeois culture 3331:Vietnam War draft 3222:Selective Service 3091: 3090: 2954:Racism by country 2882:Intersectionality 2867:Heteronormativity 2650:Voter suppression 2392:Sexual harassment 2191:Forced conversion 2111:Cultural genocide 1766:African Americans 1572:post–Cold War era 1557:Eastern Orthodoxy 1312:Anti-drug addicts 1307:Anti-homelessness 1226:Scientific racism 1081: 1080: 924:Non-binary people 815:Domestic violence 698:Heteronormativity 570:Decriminalization 420:Awareness periods 371: 370: 298:Same-sex marriage 211:Non-binary gender 11386: 11286: 11285: 11276: 11275: 11216:Social privilege 11201:Social exclusion 11129:Police brutality 11050:Multiculturalism 11020:Amatonormativity 10851:Social exclusion 10687:Age of candidacy 10487:Homeless dumping 10393:Ethnic cleansing 9373: 9366: 9359: 9350: 9349: 9334: 9333: 9325:LGBTQ portal 9323: 9322: 9321: 9051: 9050: 8963:Federal district 8599:Altitude Express 8497: 8496: 8488: 8487: 8470: 8463: 8456: 8447: 8446: 8431: 8430: 8422:LGBTQ portal 8420: 8419: 8418: 8198:LGBT stereotypes 8166:Heteropatriarchy 8156:Amatonormativity 8144: 8143: 8119: 8118: 8085:Sexual inversion 8013: 8012: 7872:Military service 7782: 7781: 7765: 7764: 7488:Social movements 7451: 7450: 7438: 7437: 7192:Non-heterosexual 7095: 7094: 6882: 6881: 6873: 6872: 6846: 6845: 6821:Rainbow crossing 6660:Religious groups 6606:New queer cinema 6478: 6477: 6456: 6455: 6395:Lesbian feminism 6360: 6359: 6321: 6314: 6307: 6298: 6297: 6259: 6257: 6255: 6237: 6217: 6199: 6168: 6141: 6121: 6110: 6084: 6064: 6050: 6030: 6022: 6013: 5993: 5982: 5955: 5935: 5915: 5914: 5912: 5910: 5899: 5893: 5883: 5877: 5876: 5864: 5855: 5849: 5843: 5842: 5840: 5839: 5824: 5818: 5817: 5815: 5813: 5798: 5792: 5791: 5763: 5757: 5756: 5724: 5718: 5717: 5699: 5693: 5692: 5664: 5658: 5657: 5629: 5616: 5615: 5613: 5611: 5596: 5590: 5584: 5578: 5572: 5566: 5565: 5563: 5562: 5548: 5542: 5536: 5530: 5524: 5518: 5517: 5515: 5513: 5498: 5492: 5491: 5473: 5464: 5463: 5445: 5436: 5430: 5424: 5418: 5412: 5406: 5400: 5394: 5388: 5382: 5376: 5375: 5373: 5371: 5356: 5350: 5344: 5338: 5337: 5329: 5323: 5322: 5311: 5305: 5304: 5296: 5290: 5289: 5284:. Archived from 5265: 5252: 5251: 5231: 5218: 5212: 5206: 5200: 5194: 5188: 5182: 5176: 5170: 5164: 5158: 5152: 5146: 5140: 5134: 5128: 5122: 5116: 5110: 5104: 5103: 5094: 5088: 5087: 5085: 5083: 5064: 5054: 5048: 5041: 5035: 5034: 5014: 5008: 5002: 4996: 4995:(1997): 233–256. 4989: 4983: 4982: 4976: 4967: 4954: 4953: 4951: 4950: 4943:Federal Register 4939: 4931: 4925: 4924: 4922: 4921: 4907: 4898: 4897: 4895: 4894: 4879: 4873: 4872: 4870: 4869: 4854: 4848: 4842: 4836: 4835: 4833: 4832: 4818: 4812: 4806: 4800: 4794: 4788: 4787: 4775: 4760: 4759: 4739: 4733: 4732: 4704: 4698: 4682: 4676: 4675: 4673: 4671: 4666:. March 26, 1952 4654: 4648: 4647: 4645: 4644: 4638: 4631: 4623: 4617: 4616: 4614: 4612: 4601: 4592: 4586: 4585: 4565: 4557: 4549: 4543: 4537: 4531: 4530: 4528: 4527: 4513: 4507: 4506: 4495: 4489: 4483: 4477: 4476: 4463: 4457: 4438: 4432: 4426: 4420: 4414: 4408: 4407: 4405: 4404: 4379: 4373: 4372: 4364: 4358: 4352: 4346: 4340: 4334: 4328: 4322: 4316: 4303: 4302: 4276: 4265: 4259: 4253: 4247: 4241: 4235: 4229: 4216: 4210: 4203: 4197: 4187: 4181: 4180: 4160: 4152: 4144: 4138: 4137: 4109: 4076: 4070: 4064: 4063: 4052: 3855:Fellow Travelers 3843:Fellow Travelers 3747:Carson McCullers 3739:John Horne Burns 3698:Lillian Faderman 3599:The research of 3577:U.S. Park Police 3569:Westbrook Pegler 3552:Board of Inquiry 3518:Kinsey Institute 3409:anti-nationalism 3288:Second Red Scare 3202:State Department 3167:State Department 3147:David K. Johnson 3115:Second Red Scare 3083: 3076: 3069: 3006:Social privilege 2991:Social exclusion 2919:Police brutality 2840:Multiculturalism 2810:Amatonormativity 2625:Social exclusion 2461:Age of candidacy 2255:Homeless dumping 2161:Ethnic cleansing 1106: 1083: 1082: 1073: 1066: 1059: 1045: 976:Lesbian feminism 857:Heteropatriarchy 728:Sexual diversity 688:Amatonormativity 671:Social attitudes 585:Military service 464:in New York City 447:New queer cinema 403:African-American 281: 280: 206:Non-heterosexual 80: 77: 74: 71: 68: 65: 44: 43: 11394: 11393: 11389: 11388: 11387: 11385: 11384: 11383: 11299: 11298: 11297: 11292: 11264: 11139:Polyculturalism 11035:Civil liberties 11003: 10984:Reappropriation 10885:Countermeasures 10880: 10809:Racial steering 10775:Numerus clausus 10679: 10673: 10398:Ethnic conflict 10333:Corrective rape 10284: 9924: 9879:minority Muslim 9766: 9658:HIV/AIDS stigma 9526: 9475:Mental disorder 9413: 9382: 9377: 9347: 9342: 9319: 9317: 9308: 9262: 9227: 9205: 9199: 9169:by municipality 9154:Same-sex unions 9115:by municipality 9083:Intersex rights 9038: 9005: 8998: 8975: 8957: 8690: 8639: 8637: 8631: 8479: 8474: 8444: 8439: 8416: 8414: 8397: 8346:Corrective rape 8332: 8234: 8171:Homonationalism 8138: 8109: 8021: 7999: 7944: 7935:La Francophonie 7904:List of couples 7862:Hate crime laws 7823: 7776: 7751: 7701: 7635:Stonewall riots 7584: 7555: 7551:Medieval Europe 7514: 7445: 7424: 7235: 7222:Sexual minority 7140:Gray asexuality 7121: 7080: 6992: 6877:Gender identity 6867: 6832: 6747: 6704: 6472: 6446: 6376: 6367:Academic fields 6354: 6325: 6269: 6253: 6251: 6226: 6188: 6157: 6130: 6107: 6091: 6089:Further reading 6073: 6039: 6002: 5971: 5944: 5924: 5919: 5918: 5908: 5906: 5901: 5900: 5896: 5888:, Jason Daley. 5884: 5880: 5865: 5858: 5850: 5846: 5837: 5835: 5826: 5825: 5821: 5811: 5809: 5800: 5799: 5795: 5764: 5760: 5725: 5721: 5714: 5700: 5696: 5665: 5661: 5630: 5619: 5609: 5607: 5606:on May 17, 2011 5598: 5597: 5593: 5585: 5581: 5573: 5569: 5560: 5558: 5550: 5549: 5545: 5537: 5533: 5525: 5521: 5511: 5509: 5500: 5499: 5495: 5488: 5474: 5467: 5460: 5446: 5439: 5431: 5427: 5419: 5415: 5407: 5403: 5395: 5391: 5383: 5379: 5369: 5367: 5357: 5353: 5345: 5341: 5330: 5326: 5313: 5312: 5308: 5297: 5293: 5282: 5266: 5255: 5240: 5219: 5215: 5207: 5203: 5195: 5191: 5183: 5179: 5171: 5167: 5159: 5155: 5147: 5143: 5135: 5131: 5123: 5119: 5111: 5107: 5096: 5095: 5091: 5081: 5079: 5077: 5055: 5051: 5042: 5038: 5031: 5015: 5011: 5003: 4999: 4990: 4986: 4974: 4968: 4957: 4948: 4946: 4937: 4933: 4932: 4928: 4919: 4917: 4909: 4908: 4901: 4892: 4890: 4881: 4880: 4876: 4867: 4865: 4856: 4855: 4851: 4843: 4839: 4830: 4828: 4820: 4819: 4815: 4807: 4803: 4795: 4791: 4776: 4763: 4756: 4740: 4736: 4721:10.2307/2568762 4705: 4701: 4696:Wayback Machine 4683: 4679: 4669: 4667: 4656: 4655: 4651: 4642: 4640: 4636: 4629: 4625: 4624: 4620: 4610: 4608: 4599: 4593: 4589: 4574: 4550: 4546: 4538: 4534: 4525: 4523: 4515: 4514: 4510: 4497: 4496: 4492: 4484: 4480: 4465: 4464: 4460: 4440:Representative 4439: 4435: 4427: 4423: 4415: 4411: 4402: 4400: 4380: 4376: 4365: 4361: 4353: 4349: 4341: 4337: 4329: 4325: 4317: 4306: 4291: 4277: 4268: 4260: 4256: 4248: 4244: 4236: 4232: 4217: 4213: 4204: 4200: 4188: 4184: 4169: 4145: 4141: 4110: 4079: 4071: 4067: 4054: 4053: 4046: 4041: 4036: 4031: 4029: 3863: 3840:The 2016 opera 3838: 3815: 3800:heteronormative 3788:Purple Pamphlet 3775: 3667:Stonewall Riots 3647: 3622: 3541:mental disorder 3536: 3485:G. David Schine 3481: 3452: 3442:was founded by 3386:, rejection of 3380:Communist Party 3376: 3370: 3308: 3272:J. Edgar Hoover 3242:Joseph McCarthy 3181: 3159:Everett Dirksen 3143: 3131:Alan K. Simpson 3087: 3058: 3057: 3056: 3055: 3054: 2929:Polyculturalism 2825:Civil liberties 2797: 2789: 2788: 2787: 2786: 2785: 2766:Reappropriation 2666: 2665:Countermeasures 2658: 2657: 2656: 2655: 2654: 2583:Racial steering 2549:Numerus clausus 2453: 2445: 2444: 2443: 2442: 2441: 2166:Ethnic conflict 2101:Corrective rape 2056: 2048: 2047: 2046: 2045: 2044: 1691: 1680: 1679: 1678: 1677: 1676: 1631:minority Muslim 1524: 1514: 1513: 1512: 1511: 1510: 1402:HIV/AIDS stigma 1274: 1266: 1265: 1264: 1263: 1262: 1211:Mental disorder 1153: 1145: 1144: 1143: 1142: 1141: 1114: 1077: 1036: 1035: 996:Queer anarchism 961: 953: 952: 825:Straightwashing 810:Criminalization 746: 738: 737: 713:Media portrayal 683:Allonormativity 673: 663: 662: 620: 610: 609: 555: 545: 544: 383: 373: 372: 367: 329: 325:Stonewall riots 320:Same-sex unions 278: 268: 267: 233:Sexual identity 191:Gender variance 181:Gender identity 176:Gender fluidity 142:Gray asexuality 127: 113: 78: 75: 72: 69: 66: 63: 31:Joseph McCarthy 24: 17: 12: 11: 5: 11392: 11382: 11381: 11376: 11371: 11366: 11361: 11356: 11351: 11346: 11341: 11336: 11331: 11326: 11321: 11316: 11311: 11294: 11293: 11291: 11290: 11280: 11269: 11266: 11265: 11263: 11262: 11257: 11256: 11255: 11245: 11240: 11235: 11234: 11233: 11228: 11223: 11213: 11208: 11203: 11198: 11193: 11188: 11187: 11186: 11184:Reverse racism 11176: 11171: 11166: 11161: 11156: 11154:Prisoner abuse 11151: 11146: 11144:Power distance 11141: 11136: 11131: 11126: 11121: 11116: 11111: 11110: 11109: 11099: 11094: 11089: 11084: 11079: 11074: 11069: 11064: 11062:Ethnic penalty 11059: 11058: 11057: 11055:Neurodiversity 11052: 11042: 11040:Dehumanization 11037: 11032: 11030:Cisnormativity 11027: 11022: 11017: 11011: 11009: 11008:Related topics 11005: 11004: 11002: 11001: 10996: 10991: 10986: 10981: 10976: 10971: 10966: 10961: 10956: 10951: 10946: 10941: 10936: 10931: 10930: 10929: 10919: 10914: 10909: 10904: 10899: 10894: 10888: 10886: 10882: 10881: 10879: 10878: 10873: 10868: 10866:State religion 10863: 10858: 10853: 10848: 10847: 10846: 10841: 10836: 10831: 10821: 10816: 10811: 10806: 10805: 10804: 10802:Nuremberg Laws 10799: 10789: 10784: 10779: 10771: 10766: 10761: 10756: 10751: 10746: 10744:Ghetto benches 10741: 10739:Gerrymandering 10736: 10731: 10726: 10724:Gender pay gap 10721: 10720: 10719: 10714: 10704: 10699: 10694: 10689: 10683: 10681: 10678:Discriminatory 10675: 10674: 10672: 10671: 10666: 10661: 10656: 10651: 10646: 10641: 10636: 10631: 10626: 10621: 10616: 10611: 10606: 10601: 10596: 10591: 10586: 10581: 10576: 10571: 10566: 10561: 10556: 10555: 10554: 10549: 10544: 10534: 10529: 10524: 10519: 10514: 10509: 10507:Lavender scare 10504: 10502:Kill Haole Day 10499: 10497:Indian rolling 10494: 10489: 10484: 10479: 10474: 10473: 10472: 10462: 10457: 10456: 10455: 10445: 10440: 10435: 10430: 10425: 10420: 10415: 10410: 10405: 10400: 10395: 10390: 10385: 10383:Eliminationism 10380: 10375: 10370: 10365: 10360: 10355: 10350: 10345: 10340: 10335: 10330: 10325: 10320: 10318:Cancel culture 10315: 10310: 10305: 10304: 10303: 10292: 10290: 10289:Manifestations 10286: 10285: 10283: 10282: 10277: 10272: 10267: 10262: 10257: 10252: 10247: 10242: 10237: 10232: 10227: 10222: 10217: 10212: 10207: 10202: 10197: 10192: 10187: 10185:Middle Eastern 10182: 10177: 10172: 10167: 10162: 10157: 10152: 10151: 10150: 10140: 10135: 10130: 10125: 10124: 10123: 10118: 10113: 10105: 10100: 10095: 10090: 10085: 10080: 10075: 10070: 10065: 10060: 10055: 10050: 10045: 10040: 10035: 10030: 10025: 10020: 10019: 10018: 10013: 10008: 9998: 9993: 9988: 9987: 9986: 9981: 9976: 9966: 9961: 9956: 9951: 9946: 9941: 9935: 9933: 9926: 9925: 9923: 9922: 9920:Zoroastrianism 9917: 9912: 9907: 9902: 9897: 9896: 9895: 9885: 9884: 9883: 9882: 9881: 9876: 9871: 9866: 9861: 9846: 9845: 9844: 9842:Untouchability 9839: 9829: 9824: 9823: 9822: 9817: 9812: 9807: 9802: 9792: 9787: 9782: 9776: 9774: 9768: 9767: 9765: 9764: 9759: 9754: 9753: 9752: 9747: 9742: 9732: 9731: 9730: 9725: 9715: 9710: 9705: 9700: 9695: 9690: 9685: 9680: 9675: 9670: 9668:Leprosy stigma 9665: 9660: 9655: 9650: 9645: 9640: 9635: 9630: 9625: 9620: 9615: 9610: 9605: 9600: 9595: 9590: 9585: 9580: 9575: 9570: 9565: 9560: 9555: 9550: 9545: 9540: 9534: 9532: 9528: 9527: 9525: 9524: 9519: 9514: 9509: 9504: 9499: 9494: 9493: 9492: 9487: 9477: 9472: 9467: 9462: 9457: 9452: 9447: 9442: 9437: 9432: 9427: 9421: 9419: 9415: 9414: 9412: 9411: 9406: 9401: 9396: 9390: 9388: 9384: 9383: 9380:Discrimination 9376: 9375: 9368: 9361: 9353: 9344: 9343: 9341: 9340: 9328: 9313: 9310: 9309: 9307: 9306: 9301: 9296: 9291: 9286: 9281: 9279:Lavender Scare 9276: 9270: 9268: 9264: 9263: 9261: 9260: 9255: 9250: 9245: 9239: 9237: 9233: 9232: 9229: 9228: 9226: 9225: 9220: 9215: 9209: 9207: 9201: 9200: 9198: 9197: 9192: 9191: 9190: 9180: 9179: 9178: 9173: 9172: 9171: 9161: 9151: 9146: 9141: 9140: 9139: 9129: 9124: 9123: 9122: 9117: 9107: 9106: 9105: 9100: 9095: 9085: 9080: 9075: 9070: 9065: 9063:Age of consent 9060: 9054: 9048: 9044: 9043: 9040: 9039: 9037: 9036: 9031: 9026: 9021: 9016: 9014:American Samoa 9010: 9008: 9004:Unincorporated 9000: 8999: 8997: 8996: 8994:Indian Country 8991: 8985: 8983: 8981:Tribal nations 8977: 8976: 8974: 8973: 8967: 8965: 8959: 8958: 8956: 8955: 8950: 8945: 8940: 8935: 8930: 8925: 8920: 8915: 8910: 8905: 8903:South Carolina 8900: 8895: 8890: 8885: 8880: 8875: 8870: 8868:North Carolina 8865: 8860: 8855: 8850: 8845: 8840: 8835: 8830: 8825: 8820: 8815: 8810: 8805: 8800: 8795: 8790: 8785: 8780: 8775: 8770: 8765: 8760: 8755: 8750: 8745: 8740: 8735: 8730: 8725: 8720: 8715: 8710: 8704: 8702: 8696: 8695: 8692: 8691: 8689: 8688: 8683: 8678: 8672: 8664: 8659: 8654: 8649: 8643: 8641: 8633: 8632: 8630: 8629: 8621: 8616: 8611: 8603: 8587: 8579: 8575:Pavan v. Smith 8571: 8563: 8558: 8550: 8545: 8540: 8535: 8527: 8522: 8518:Romer v. Evans 8514: 8509: 8500: 8494: 8485: 8481: 8480: 8473: 8472: 8465: 8458: 8450: 8441: 8440: 8438: 8437: 8425: 8410: 8407: 8406: 8403: 8402: 8399: 8398: 8396: 8395: 8394: 8393: 8383: 8378: 8373: 8368: 8363: 8358: 8353: 8348: 8342: 8340: 8334: 8333: 8331: 8330: 8325: 8320: 8315: 8310: 8305: 8300: 8295: 8294: 8293: 8283: 8278: 8273: 8268: 8263: 8258: 8253: 8248: 8242: 8240: 8236: 8235: 8233: 8232: 8227: 8222: 8217: 8212: 8211: 8210: 8200: 8195: 8194: 8193: 8183: 8178: 8173: 8168: 8163: 8158: 8152: 8150: 8140: 8139: 8137: 8136: 8131: 8128: 8115: 8114: 8111: 8110: 8108: 8107: 8102: 8097: 8092: 8087: 8082: 8077: 8072: 8067: 8062: 8057: 8052: 8047: 8042: 8037: 8032: 8026: 8023: 8022: 8009: 8008: 8005: 8004: 8001: 8000: 7998: 7997: 7996: 7995: 7990: 7980: 7975: 7970: 7965: 7963:Gay liberation 7960: 7954: 7952: 7946: 7945: 7943: 7942: 7937: 7932: 7926:United Nations 7923: 7918: 7913: 7908: 7907: 7906: 7901: 7891: 7886: 7885: 7884: 7874: 7869: 7864: 7859: 7858: 7857: 7847: 7842: 7837: 7831: 7829: 7825: 7824: 7822: 7821: 7816: 7811: 7806: 7801: 7796: 7790: 7788: 7778: 7777: 7775: 7774: 7761: 7760: 7757: 7756: 7753: 7752: 7750: 7749: 7744: 7739: 7734: 7729: 7724: 7717: 7711: 7709: 7703: 7702: 7700: 7699: 7694: 7689: 7684: 7679: 7674: 7672:Operation Soap 7669: 7664: 7657: 7652: 7647: 7642: 7637: 7632: 7627: 7622: 7617: 7612: 7607: 7600: 7594: 7592: 7586: 7585: 7583: 7582: 7577: 7572: 7566: 7564: 7557: 7556: 7554: 7553: 7548: 7543: 7538: 7536:Ancient Greece 7533: 7528: 7526:Adelphopoiesis 7522: 7520: 7519:Pre-modern era 7516: 7515: 7513: 7512: 7505: 7500: 7495: 7490: 7485: 7480: 7475: 7470: 7465: 7459: 7457: 7447: 7446: 7434: 7433: 7430: 7429: 7426: 7425: 7423: 7422: 7413: 7408: 7403: 7398: 7393: 7388: 7383: 7374: 7369: 7364: 7363: 7362: 7355: 7343: 7338: 7333: 7328: 7323: 7318: 7313: 7308: 7303: 7298: 7293: 7288: 7283: 7278: 7273: 7268: 7263: 7258: 7253: 7247: 7245: 7241: 7240: 7237: 7236: 7234: 7233: 7224: 7219: 7214: 7209: 7204: 7199: 7194: 7189: 7184: 7179: 7177:Heteroflexible 7174: 7169: 7164: 7159: 7154: 7149: 7148: 7147: 7142: 7132: 7126: 7123: 7122: 7120: 7119: 7114: 7109: 7103: 7101: 7092: 7086: 7085: 7082: 7081: 7079: 7078: 7073: 7068: 7063: 7058: 7053: 7048: 7043: 7038: 7033: 7028: 7023: 7018: 7013: 7008: 7002: 7000: 6994: 6993: 6991: 6990: 6985: 6980: 6975: 6970: 6969: 6968: 6958: 6953: 6948: 6947: 6946: 6936: 6931: 6926: 6921: 6916: 6911: 6906: 6901: 6896: 6891: 6885: 6879: 6869: 6868: 6866: 6865: 6860: 6855: 6842: 6841: 6838: 6837: 6834: 6833: 6831: 6830: 6825: 6824: 6823: 6813: 6808: 6803: 6798: 6793: 6788: 6783: 6778: 6773: 6768: 6763: 6757: 6755: 6749: 6748: 6746: 6745: 6743:Rainbow plaque 6740: 6735: 6730: 6725: 6720: 6718:Black triangle 6714: 6712: 6706: 6705: 6703: 6702: 6697: 6692: 6687: 6682: 6677: 6672: 6667: 6662: 6657: 6652: 6651: 6650: 6645: 6635: 6630: 6625: 6620: 6619: 6618: 6613: 6608: 6603: 6593: 6588: 6583: 6578: 6573: 6568: 6566:Film festivals 6563: 6562: 6561: 6551: 6550: 6549: 6544: 6537:Cross-dressing 6534: 6529: 6524: 6519: 6514: 6513: 6512: 6507: 6499: 6498: 6497: 6487: 6481: 6474: 6473: 6471: 6470: 6465: 6452: 6451: 6448: 6447: 6445: 6444: 6439: 6434: 6429: 6424: 6423: 6422: 6417: 6412: 6402: 6397: 6392: 6390:Gender studies 6387: 6381: 6378: 6377: 6375: 6374: 6369: 6356: 6355: 6324: 6323: 6316: 6309: 6301: 6295: 6294: 6286: 6278: 6268: 6267:External links 6265: 6264: 6263: 6262: 6261: 6224: 6204: 6186: 6171: 6170: 6169: 6155: 6128: 6111: 6105: 6090: 6087: 6086: 6085: 6071: 6051: 6037: 6014: 6000: 5983: 5969: 5956: 5942: 5923: 5920: 5917: 5916: 5894: 5878: 5856: 5844: 5819: 5793: 5758: 5739:(2): 296–298. 5719: 5712: 5694: 5675:(3): 504–522. 5659: 5640:(3): 504–522. 5617: 5591: 5579: 5567: 5543: 5531: 5519: 5493: 5486: 5465: 5458: 5437: 5425: 5413: 5401: 5389: 5377: 5351: 5339: 5324: 5306: 5291: 5280: 5253: 5238: 5213: 5201: 5189: 5177: 5165: 5153: 5141: 5129: 5117: 5105: 5089: 5075: 5049: 5036: 5029: 5009: 4997: 4984: 4955: 4926: 4899: 4874: 4849: 4837: 4813: 4801: 4789: 4761: 4754: 4734: 4715:(2): 515–545. 4699: 4677: 4649: 4618: 4587: 4572: 4544: 4532: 4508: 4490: 4478: 4458: 4433: 4421: 4409: 4374: 4359: 4347: 4335: 4323: 4304: 4289: 4266: 4254: 4242: 4230: 4211: 4198: 4182: 4167: 4139: 4120:(4): 723–752. 4077: 4075:, pp. 1–2 4065: 4043: 4042: 4040: 4037: 4035: 4032: 4027: 4026: 4024:Lester C. Hunt 4021: 4016: 4011: 4006: 4001: 3994: 3989: 3984: 3982:Helen G. James 3979: 3974: 3969: 3964: 3959: 3952: 3950:Walter Jenkins 3947: 3942: 3937: 3935:Honey trapping 3932: 3927: 3922: 3917: 3912: 3907: 3902: 3897: 3892: 3890:Blue discharge 3887: 3882: 3877: 3870: 3864: 3862: 3859: 3837: 3834: 3814: 3811: 3774: 3771: 3759:Tereska TorrĂšs 3702:LGBT community 3646: 3643: 3635:Helen G. James 3627:Madeline Tress 3621: 3618: 3590:LGBT community 3535: 3532: 3516:Additionally, 3511:sexual assault 3498:Hank Greenspun 3480: 3477: 3451: 3448: 3405:Kenneth Wherry 3369: 3366: 3307: 3304: 3246:Undersecretary 3235:nuclear family 3180: 3177: 3142: 3139: 3107:anti-communist 3095:Lavender Scare 3089: 3088: 3086: 3085: 3078: 3071: 3063: 3060: 3059: 3053: 3052: 3047: 3046: 3045: 3035: 3030: 3025: 3024: 3023: 3018: 3013: 3003: 2998: 2993: 2988: 2983: 2978: 2977: 2976: 2974:Reverse racism 2966: 2961: 2956: 2951: 2946: 2944:Prisoner abuse 2941: 2936: 2934:Power distance 2931: 2926: 2921: 2916: 2911: 2906: 2901: 2900: 2899: 2889: 2884: 2879: 2874: 2869: 2864: 2859: 2854: 2852:Ethnic penalty 2849: 2848: 2847: 2845:Neurodiversity 2842: 2832: 2830:Dehumanization 2827: 2822: 2820:Cisnormativity 2817: 2812: 2807: 2801: 2800: 2799: 2798: 2796:Related topics 2795: 2794: 2791: 2790: 2784: 2783: 2778: 2773: 2768: 2763: 2758: 2753: 2748: 2743: 2738: 2733: 2728: 2723: 2718: 2713: 2712: 2711: 2701: 2696: 2691: 2686: 2681: 2676: 2670: 2669: 2668: 2667: 2664: 2663: 2660: 2659: 2653: 2652: 2647: 2642: 2640:State religion 2637: 2632: 2627: 2622: 2621: 2620: 2615: 2610: 2605: 2595: 2590: 2585: 2580: 2579: 2578: 2576:Nuremberg Laws 2573: 2563: 2558: 2553: 2545: 2540: 2535: 2530: 2525: 2520: 2518:Ghetto benches 2515: 2513:Gerrymandering 2510: 2505: 2500: 2498:Gender pay gap 2495: 2494: 2493: 2488: 2478: 2473: 2468: 2463: 2457: 2456: 2455: 2454: 2451: 2450: 2447: 2446: 2440: 2439: 2434: 2429: 2424: 2419: 2414: 2409: 2404: 2399: 2394: 2389: 2384: 2379: 2374: 2369: 2364: 2359: 2354: 2349: 2344: 2339: 2334: 2329: 2324: 2323: 2322: 2317: 2312: 2302: 2297: 2292: 2287: 2282: 2277: 2275:Lavender scare 2272: 2270:Kill Haole Day 2267: 2265:Indian rolling 2262: 2257: 2252: 2247: 2242: 2241: 2240: 2230: 2225: 2224: 2223: 2213: 2208: 2203: 2198: 2193: 2188: 2183: 2178: 2173: 2168: 2163: 2158: 2153: 2151:Eliminationism 2148: 2143: 2138: 2133: 2128: 2123: 2118: 2113: 2108: 2103: 2098: 2093: 2088: 2086:Cancel culture 2083: 2078: 2073: 2072: 2071: 2060: 2059: 2058: 2057: 2055:Manifestations 2054: 2053: 2050: 2049: 2043: 2042: 2037: 2032: 2027: 2022: 2017: 2012: 2007: 2002: 1997: 1992: 1987: 1982: 1977: 1972: 1967: 1962: 1957: 1952: 1947: 1945:Middle Eastern 1942: 1937: 1932: 1927: 1922: 1917: 1912: 1911: 1910: 1900: 1895: 1890: 1885: 1884: 1883: 1878: 1873: 1865: 1860: 1855: 1850: 1845: 1840: 1835: 1830: 1825: 1820: 1815: 1810: 1805: 1800: 1795: 1790: 1785: 1780: 1779: 1778: 1773: 1768: 1758: 1753: 1748: 1747: 1746: 1741: 1736: 1726: 1721: 1716: 1711: 1706: 1701: 1695: 1694: 1693: 1692: 1686: 1685: 1682: 1681: 1675: 1674: 1672:Zoroastrianism 1669: 1664: 1659: 1654: 1649: 1648: 1647: 1637: 1636: 1635: 1634: 1633: 1628: 1623: 1618: 1613: 1598: 1597: 1596: 1594:Untouchability 1591: 1581: 1576: 1575: 1574: 1569: 1564: 1559: 1554: 1544: 1539: 1534: 1528: 1527: 1526: 1525: 1520: 1519: 1516: 1515: 1509: 1508: 1503: 1498: 1497: 1496: 1491: 1486: 1476: 1475: 1474: 1469: 1459: 1454: 1449: 1444: 1439: 1434: 1429: 1424: 1419: 1414: 1412:Leprosy stigma 1409: 1404: 1399: 1394: 1389: 1384: 1379: 1374: 1369: 1364: 1359: 1354: 1349: 1344: 1339: 1334: 1329: 1324: 1319: 1314: 1309: 1304: 1299: 1294: 1289: 1284: 1278: 1277: 1276: 1275: 1272: 1271: 1268: 1267: 1261: 1260: 1255: 1250: 1245: 1240: 1235: 1230: 1229: 1228: 1223: 1213: 1208: 1203: 1198: 1193: 1188: 1183: 1178: 1173: 1168: 1163: 1157: 1156: 1155: 1154: 1151: 1150: 1147: 1146: 1140: 1139: 1134: 1129: 1124: 1118: 1117: 1116: 1115: 1112: 1111: 1108: 1107: 1099: 1098: 1096:Discrimination 1092: 1091: 1079: 1078: 1076: 1075: 1068: 1061: 1053: 1050: 1049: 1038: 1037: 1034: 1033: 1028: 1023: 1018: 1013: 1008: 1003: 998: 993: 988: 983: 978: 973: 971:Gender studies 968: 962: 959: 958: 955: 954: 951: 950: 949: 948: 938: 937: 936: 931: 926: 916: 911: 906: 901: 900: 899: 894: 886: 881: 876: 875: 874: 864: 859: 854: 849: 844: 843: 842: 837: 832: 827: 817: 812: 807: 802: 801: 800: 790: 785: 780: 775: 774: 773: 763: 758: 753: 747: 744: 743: 740: 739: 736: 735: 730: 725: 715: 710: 705: 700: 695: 693:Cisnormativity 690: 685: 680: 674: 669: 668: 665: 664: 661: 660: 655: 650: 645: 640: 635: 621: 616: 615: 612: 611: 608: 607: 602: 597: 592: 587: 582: 577: 572: 567: 562: 556: 551: 550: 547: 546: 543: 542: 537: 532: 527: 526: 525: 515: 510: 505: 500: 495: 490: 485: 484: 483: 478: 468: 467: 466: 456: 455: 454: 449: 444: 434: 429: 428: 427: 425:Largest events 422: 412: 407: 406: 405: 395: 390: 384: 379: 378: 375: 374: 369: 368: 366: 365: 360: 355: 350: 345: 339: 336: 335: 331: 330: 328: 327: 322: 317: 315:Gay liberation 312: 307: 302: 301: 300: 289: 286: 285: 279: 274: 273: 270: 269: 266: 265: 260: 255: 250: 245: 240: 235: 230: 225: 224: 223: 213: 208: 203: 198: 193: 188: 183: 178: 173: 168: 163: 162: 161: 151: 146: 145: 144: 134: 128: 119: 118: 115: 114: 112: 111: 106: 101: 96: 91: 85: 82: 81: 60: 59: 53: 52: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 11391: 11380: 11377: 11375: 11372: 11370: 11367: 11365: 11362: 11360: 11357: 11355: 11352: 11350: 11347: 11345: 11342: 11340: 11337: 11335: 11332: 11330: 11327: 11325: 11322: 11320: 11317: 11315: 11312: 11310: 11307: 11306: 11304: 11289: 11281: 11279: 11271: 11270: 11267: 11261: 11258: 11254: 11251: 11250: 11249: 11246: 11244: 11241: 11239: 11238:Social stigma 11236: 11232: 11229: 11227: 11224: 11222: 11219: 11218: 11217: 11214: 11212: 11209: 11207: 11204: 11202: 11199: 11197: 11194: 11192: 11189: 11185: 11182: 11181: 11180: 11177: 11175: 11172: 11170: 11167: 11165: 11162: 11160: 11157: 11155: 11152: 11150: 11147: 11145: 11142: 11140: 11137: 11135: 11132: 11130: 11127: 11125: 11122: 11120: 11117: 11115: 11112: 11108: 11105: 11104: 11103: 11100: 11098: 11095: 11093: 11090: 11088: 11085: 11083: 11080: 11078: 11075: 11073: 11070: 11068: 11065: 11063: 11060: 11056: 11053: 11051: 11048: 11047: 11046: 11043: 11041: 11038: 11036: 11033: 11031: 11028: 11026: 11023: 11021: 11018: 11016: 11013: 11012: 11010: 11006: 11000: 10997: 10995: 10992: 10990: 10987: 10985: 10982: 10980: 10977: 10975: 10972: 10970: 10967: 10965: 10962: 10960: 10957: 10955: 10952: 10950: 10947: 10945: 10942: 10940: 10937: 10935: 10932: 10928: 10925: 10924: 10923: 10920: 10918: 10915: 10913: 10910: 10908: 10905: 10903: 10900: 10898: 10895: 10893: 10890: 10889: 10887: 10883: 10877: 10874: 10872: 10869: 10867: 10864: 10862: 10861:State atheism 10859: 10857: 10854: 10852: 10849: 10845: 10842: 10840: 10837: 10835: 10832: 10830: 10827: 10826: 10825: 10822: 10820: 10817: 10815: 10812: 10810: 10807: 10803: 10800: 10798: 10797:Jim Crow laws 10795: 10794: 10793: 10790: 10788: 10785: 10783: 10782:One-drop rule 10780: 10778: 10776: 10772: 10770: 10767: 10765: 10762: 10760: 10757: 10755: 10752: 10750: 10747: 10745: 10742: 10740: 10737: 10735: 10732: 10730: 10727: 10725: 10722: 10718: 10715: 10713: 10710: 10709: 10708: 10705: 10703: 10700: 10698: 10697:Blood quantum 10695: 10693: 10690: 10688: 10685: 10684: 10682: 10676: 10670: 10667: 10665: 10662: 10660: 10657: 10655: 10652: 10650: 10647: 10645: 10644:Victimisation 10642: 10640: 10639:Trans bashing 10637: 10635: 10632: 10630: 10627: 10625: 10622: 10620: 10617: 10615: 10612: 10610: 10609:Religious war 10607: 10605: 10602: 10600: 10597: 10595: 10592: 10590: 10589:Racialization 10587: 10585: 10582: 10580: 10577: 10575: 10572: 10570: 10567: 10565: 10562: 10560: 10557: 10553: 10550: 10548: 10545: 10543: 10540: 10539: 10538: 10535: 10533: 10530: 10528: 10525: 10523: 10520: 10518: 10515: 10513: 10510: 10508: 10505: 10503: 10500: 10498: 10495: 10493: 10490: 10488: 10485: 10483: 10480: 10478: 10475: 10471: 10468: 10467: 10466: 10463: 10461: 10460:Glass ceiling 10458: 10454: 10451: 10450: 10449: 10446: 10444: 10441: 10439: 10436: 10434: 10431: 10429: 10426: 10424: 10421: 10419: 10416: 10414: 10411: 10409: 10406: 10404: 10403:Ethnic hatred 10401: 10399: 10396: 10394: 10391: 10389: 10386: 10384: 10381: 10379: 10376: 10374: 10371: 10369: 10366: 10364: 10361: 10359: 10356: 10354: 10351: 10349: 10346: 10344: 10341: 10339: 10338:Counter-jihad 10336: 10334: 10331: 10329: 10326: 10324: 10321: 10319: 10316: 10314: 10311: 10309: 10306: 10302: 10299: 10298: 10297: 10294: 10293: 10291: 10287: 10281: 10278: 10276: 10273: 10271: 10268: 10266: 10263: 10261: 10258: 10256: 10253: 10251: 10248: 10246: 10243: 10241: 10238: 10236: 10233: 10231: 10228: 10226: 10223: 10221: 10218: 10216: 10213: 10211: 10208: 10206: 10203: 10201: 10198: 10196: 10193: 10191: 10188: 10186: 10183: 10181: 10178: 10176: 10173: 10171: 10168: 10166: 10163: 10161: 10158: 10156: 10153: 10149: 10146: 10145: 10144: 10141: 10139: 10136: 10134: 10131: 10129: 10126: 10122: 10121:United States 10119: 10117: 10114: 10112: 10109: 10108: 10106: 10104: 10101: 10099: 10096: 10094: 10091: 10089: 10086: 10084: 10081: 10079: 10076: 10074: 10071: 10069: 10066: 10064: 10061: 10059: 10056: 10054: 10051: 10049: 10046: 10044: 10041: 10039: 10036: 10034: 10031: 10029: 10026: 10024: 10021: 10017: 10014: 10012: 10009: 10007: 10004: 10003: 10002: 9999: 9997: 9994: 9992: 9989: 9985: 9984:United States 9982: 9980: 9977: 9975: 9972: 9971: 9970: 9967: 9965: 9962: 9960: 9957: 9955: 9952: 9950: 9947: 9945: 9942: 9940: 9937: 9936: 9934: 9932: 9927: 9921: 9918: 9916: 9913: 9911: 9908: 9906: 9905:Protestantism 9903: 9901: 9898: 9894: 9891: 9890: 9889: 9886: 9880: 9877: 9875: 9872: 9870: 9867: 9865: 9862: 9860: 9857: 9856: 9855: 9852: 9851: 9850: 9847: 9843: 9840: 9838: 9835: 9834: 9833: 9830: 9828: 9825: 9821: 9818: 9816: 9815:LDS or Mormon 9813: 9811: 9808: 9806: 9803: 9801: 9798: 9797: 9796: 9793: 9791: 9788: 9786: 9783: 9781: 9778: 9777: 9775: 9773: 9769: 9763: 9760: 9758: 9755: 9751: 9748: 9746: 9745:Transmisogyny 9743: 9741: 9738: 9737: 9736: 9733: 9729: 9726: 9724: 9721: 9720: 9719: 9716: 9714: 9711: 9709: 9706: 9704: 9701: 9699: 9696: 9694: 9691: 9689: 9686: 9684: 9681: 9679: 9676: 9674: 9671: 9669: 9666: 9664: 9661: 9659: 9656: 9654: 9651: 9649: 9648:Gerontophobia 9646: 9644: 9641: 9639: 9636: 9634: 9631: 9629: 9626: 9624: 9621: 9619: 9616: 9614: 9611: 9609: 9606: 9604: 9601: 9599: 9596: 9594: 9591: 9589: 9586: 9584: 9581: 9579: 9578:Anti-intersex 9576: 9574: 9571: 9569: 9566: 9564: 9561: 9559: 9556: 9554: 9553:Anti-albinism 9551: 9549: 9546: 9544: 9541: 9539: 9536: 9535: 9533: 9529: 9523: 9520: 9518: 9515: 9513: 9510: 9508: 9505: 9503: 9500: 9498: 9495: 9491: 9488: 9486: 9483: 9482: 9481: 9478: 9476: 9473: 9471: 9468: 9466: 9463: 9461: 9458: 9456: 9453: 9451: 9448: 9446: 9443: 9441: 9438: 9436: 9433: 9431: 9428: 9426: 9423: 9422: 9420: 9416: 9410: 9407: 9405: 9402: 9400: 9397: 9395: 9394:Institutional 9392: 9391: 9389: 9385: 9381: 9374: 9369: 9367: 9362: 9360: 9355: 9354: 9351: 9339: 9338: 9329: 9327: 9326: 9315: 9314: 9311: 9305: 9302: 9300: 9297: 9295: 9292: 9290: 9287: 9285: 9282: 9280: 9277: 9275: 9272: 9271: 9269: 9265: 9259: 9256: 9254: 9251: 9249: 9246: 9244: 9241: 9240: 9238: 9234: 9224: 9221: 9219: 9216: 9214: 9211: 9210: 9208: 9202: 9196: 9195:Bathroom bill 9193: 9189: 9186: 9185: 9184: 9181: 9177: 9174: 9170: 9167: 9166: 9165: 9162: 9160: 9157: 9156: 9155: 9152: 9150: 9147: 9145: 9142: 9138: 9135: 9134: 9133: 9130: 9128: 9125: 9121: 9118: 9116: 9113: 9112: 9111: 9108: 9104: 9101: 9099: 9096: 9094: 9091: 9090: 9089: 9086: 9084: 9081: 9079: 9076: 9074: 9071: 9069: 9066: 9064: 9061: 9059: 9056: 9055: 9052: 9049: 9045: 9035: 9032: 9030: 9027: 9025: 9022: 9020: 9017: 9015: 9012: 9011: 9009: 9007: 9001: 8995: 8992: 8990: 8989:Navajo Nation 8987: 8986: 8984: 8982: 8978: 8972: 8969: 8968: 8966: 8964: 8960: 8954: 8951: 8949: 8946: 8944: 8943:West Virginia 8941: 8939: 8936: 8934: 8931: 8929: 8926: 8924: 8921: 8919: 8916: 8914: 8911: 8909: 8906: 8904: 8901: 8899: 8896: 8894: 8891: 8889: 8886: 8884: 8881: 8879: 8876: 8874: 8871: 8869: 8866: 8864: 8861: 8859: 8856: 8854: 8851: 8849: 8848:New Hampshire 8846: 8844: 8841: 8839: 8836: 8834: 8831: 8829: 8826: 8824: 8821: 8819: 8816: 8814: 8811: 8809: 8808:Massachusetts 8806: 8804: 8801: 8799: 8796: 8794: 8791: 8789: 8786: 8784: 8781: 8779: 8776: 8774: 8771: 8769: 8766: 8764: 8761: 8759: 8756: 8754: 8751: 8749: 8746: 8744: 8741: 8739: 8736: 8734: 8731: 8729: 8726: 8724: 8721: 8719: 8716: 8714: 8711: 8709: 8706: 8705: 8703: 8701: 8697: 8687: 8684: 8682: 8679: 8676: 8673: 8670: 8669: 8665: 8663: 8660: 8658: 8655: 8653: 8650: 8648: 8645: 8644: 8642: 8634: 8627: 8626: 8622: 8620: 8617: 8615: 8612: 8609: 8608: 8604: 8601: 8600: 8596: 8592: 8588: 8585: 8584: 8580: 8577: 8576: 8572: 8569: 8568: 8564: 8562: 8559: 8556: 8555: 8551: 8549: 8546: 8544: 8541: 8539: 8536: 8533: 8532: 8528: 8526: 8523: 8520: 8519: 8515: 8513: 8510: 8507: 8506: 8502: 8501: 8498: 8495: 8493: 8489: 8486: 8482: 8478: 8471: 8466: 8464: 8459: 8457: 8452: 8451: 8448: 8436: 8435: 8426: 8424: 8423: 8412: 8411: 8408: 8392: 8389: 8388: 8387: 8384: 8382: 8379: 8377: 8374: 8372: 8369: 8367: 8364: 8362: 8359: 8357: 8354: 8352: 8349: 8347: 8344: 8343: 8341: 8339: 8335: 8329: 8326: 8324: 8323:Transmisogyny 8321: 8319: 8316: 8314: 8311: 8309: 8306: 8304: 8301: 8299: 8296: 8292: 8289: 8288: 8287: 8284: 8282: 8279: 8277: 8274: 8272: 8269: 8267: 8264: 8262: 8259: 8257: 8254: 8252: 8249: 8247: 8244: 8243: 8241: 8237: 8231: 8228: 8226: 8223: 8221: 8218: 8216: 8213: 8209: 8206: 8205: 8204: 8201: 8199: 8196: 8192: 8189: 8188: 8187: 8184: 8182: 8179: 8177: 8174: 8172: 8169: 8167: 8164: 8162: 8159: 8157: 8154: 8153: 8151: 8149: 8145: 8141: 8135: 8132: 8129: 8127: 8124: 8123: 8120: 8116: 8106: 8103: 8101: 8098: 8096: 8093: 8091: 8088: 8086: 8083: 8081: 8078: 8076: 8073: 8071: 8068: 8066: 8063: 8061: 8058: 8056: 8053: 8051: 8048: 8046: 8043: 8041: 8038: 8036: 8033: 8031: 8028: 8027: 8024: 8019: 8014: 8010: 7994: 7991: 7989: 7986: 7985: 7984: 7981: 7979: 7976: 7974: 7971: 7969: 7966: 7964: 7961: 7959: 7956: 7955: 7953: 7951: 7947: 7941: 7938: 7936: 7933: 7931: 7927: 7924: 7922: 7919: 7917: 7914: 7912: 7909: 7905: 7902: 7900: 7897: 7896: 7895: 7892: 7890: 7887: 7883: 7880: 7879: 7878: 7875: 7873: 7870: 7868: 7865: 7863: 7860: 7856: 7853: 7852: 7851: 7848: 7846: 7843: 7841: 7838: 7836: 7833: 7832: 7830: 7826: 7820: 7817: 7815: 7812: 7810: 7807: 7805: 7802: 7800: 7797: 7795: 7792: 7791: 7789: 7787: 7783: 7779: 7773: 7770: 7769: 7766: 7762: 7748: 7745: 7743: 7742:Rainbow Night 7740: 7738: 7735: 7733: 7730: 7728: 7725: 7723: 7722: 7718: 7716: 7713: 7712: 7710: 7708: 7704: 7698: 7695: 7693: 7690: 7688: 7685: 7683: 7680: 7678: 7675: 7673: 7670: 7668: 7665: 7663: 7662: 7658: 7656: 7653: 7651: 7648: 7646: 7643: 7641: 7638: 7636: 7633: 7631: 7628: 7626: 7623: 7621: 7618: 7616: 7615:Cadet scandal 7613: 7611: 7608: 7606: 7605: 7601: 7599: 7596: 7595: 7593: 7591: 7587: 7581: 7578: 7576: 7573: 7571: 7568: 7567: 7565: 7563: 7558: 7552: 7549: 7547: 7544: 7542: 7539: 7537: 7534: 7532: 7531:Ancient Egypt 7529: 7527: 7524: 7523: 7521: 7517: 7511: 7510: 7506: 7504: 7501: 7499: 7496: 7494: 7491: 7489: 7486: 7484: 7481: 7479: 7476: 7474: 7471: 7469: 7466: 7464: 7461: 7460: 7458: 7456: 7455:LGBTQ history 7452: 7448: 7444: 7439: 7435: 7421: 7417: 7414: 7412: 7409: 7407: 7404: 7402: 7401:Straight ally 7399: 7397: 7394: 7392: 7389: 7387: 7384: 7382: 7378: 7375: 7373: 7370: 7368: 7365: 7361: 7360: 7356: 7354: 7353: 7349: 7348: 7347: 7344: 7342: 7339: 7337: 7334: 7332: 7331:Hermaphrodite 7329: 7327: 7324: 7322: 7319: 7317: 7314: 7312: 7309: 7307: 7304: 7302: 7299: 7297: 7296:Gender binary 7294: 7292: 7289: 7287: 7284: 7282: 7279: 7277: 7274: 7272: 7269: 7267: 7264: 7262: 7259: 7257: 7254: 7252: 7249: 7248: 7246: 7242: 7232: 7228: 7225: 7223: 7220: 7218: 7215: 7213: 7210: 7208: 7205: 7203: 7200: 7198: 7195: 7193: 7190: 7188: 7185: 7183: 7180: 7178: 7175: 7173: 7170: 7168: 7165: 7163: 7160: 7158: 7155: 7153: 7150: 7146: 7145:Demisexuality 7143: 7141: 7138: 7137: 7136: 7133: 7131: 7128: 7127: 7124: 7118: 7115: 7113: 7110: 7108: 7105: 7104: 7102: 7100: 7096: 7093: 7091: 7087: 7077: 7074: 7072: 7069: 7067: 7064: 7062: 7059: 7057: 7054: 7052: 7049: 7047: 7044: 7042: 7039: 7037: 7034: 7032: 7029: 7027: 7024: 7022: 7019: 7017: 7014: 7012: 7009: 7007: 7004: 7003: 7001: 6999: 6995: 6989: 6986: 6984: 6981: 6979: 6976: 6974: 6971: 6967: 6964: 6963: 6962: 6959: 6957: 6954: 6952: 6949: 6945: 6942: 6941: 6940: 6937: 6935: 6932: 6930: 6927: 6925: 6922: 6920: 6917: 6915: 6912: 6910: 6907: 6905: 6904:Gender bender 6902: 6900: 6897: 6895: 6892: 6890: 6887: 6886: 6883: 6880: 6878: 6874: 6870: 6864: 6861: 6859: 6856: 6854: 6851: 6850: 6847: 6843: 6829: 6826: 6822: 6819: 6818: 6817: 6814: 6812: 6809: 6807: 6804: 6802: 6799: 6797: 6794: 6792: 6789: 6787: 6784: 6782: 6779: 6777: 6774: 6772: 6769: 6767: 6764: 6762: 6759: 6758: 6756: 6754: 6750: 6744: 6741: 6739: 6738:Pink triangle 6736: 6734: 6731: 6729: 6726: 6724: 6721: 6719: 6716: 6715: 6713: 6711: 6707: 6701: 6698: 6696: 6693: 6691: 6688: 6686: 6683: 6681: 6678: 6676: 6673: 6671: 6668: 6666: 6663: 6661: 6658: 6656: 6653: 6649: 6646: 6644: 6641: 6640: 6639: 6636: 6634: 6631: 6629: 6626: 6624: 6623:Organizations 6621: 6617: 6614: 6612: 6609: 6607: 6604: 6602: 6599: 6598: 6597: 6594: 6592: 6589: 6587: 6584: 6582: 6579: 6577: 6574: 6572: 6569: 6567: 6564: 6560: 6557: 6556: 6555: 6552: 6548: 6545: 6543: 6540: 6539: 6538: 6535: 6533: 6530: 6528: 6525: 6523: 6520: 6518: 6515: 6511: 6508: 6506: 6503: 6502: 6500: 6496: 6493: 6492: 6491: 6488: 6486: 6483: 6482: 6479: 6475: 6469: 6466: 6464: 6461: 6460: 6457: 6453: 6443: 6442:Transfeminism 6440: 6438: 6435: 6433: 6432:Queer studies 6430: 6428: 6425: 6421: 6418: 6416: 6413: 6411: 6408: 6407: 6406: 6403: 6401: 6398: 6396: 6393: 6391: 6388: 6386: 6383: 6382: 6379: 6373: 6370: 6368: 6365: 6364: 6361: 6357: 6353: 6349: 6345: 6341: 6337: 6333: 6329: 6322: 6317: 6315: 6310: 6308: 6303: 6302: 6299: 6292: 6291: 6287: 6284: 6283: 6279: 6277: 6275: 6271: 6270: 6250: 6249: 6244: 6239: 6238: 6235: 6231: 6227: 6225:9780807831212 6221: 6216: 6215: 6209: 6205: 6202: 6197: 6193: 6189: 6187:9781627792325 6183: 6179: 6178: 6172: 6166: 6162: 6158: 6156:9781580052528 6152: 6148: 6143: 6142: 6139: 6135: 6131: 6129:9780786716340 6125: 6120: 6119: 6112: 6108: 6102: 6098: 6093: 6092: 6082: 6078: 6074: 6072:9780226401904 6068: 6063: 6062: 6056: 6052: 6048: 6044: 6040: 6038:9781588261212 6034: 6029: 6028: 6021: 6015: 6011: 6007: 6003: 6001:9780380400713 5997: 5992: 5991: 5984: 5980: 5976: 5972: 5970:9780700621194 5966: 5962: 5957: 5953: 5949: 5945: 5943:9780743210713 5939: 5934: 5933: 5926: 5925: 5904: 5898: 5891: 5887: 5882: 5874: 5870: 5863: 5861: 5853: 5848: 5834:on 2016-03-29 5833: 5829: 5823: 5807: 5805: 5804:Cole v. Young 5797: 5789: 5785: 5781: 5777: 5773: 5769: 5762: 5754: 5750: 5746: 5742: 5738: 5734: 5730: 5723: 5715: 5713:9780231530743 5709: 5705: 5698: 5690: 5686: 5682: 5678: 5674: 5670: 5663: 5655: 5651: 5647: 5643: 5639: 5635: 5628: 5626: 5624: 5622: 5605: 5601: 5595: 5589:, p. 158 5588: 5583: 5577:, p. 153 5576: 5571: 5557: 5553: 5547: 5540: 5535: 5529:, p. 155 5528: 5523: 5507: 5503: 5497: 5489: 5487:9780226401966 5483: 5479: 5472: 5470: 5461: 5459:9780226401966 5455: 5451: 5444: 5442: 5434: 5433:Haggerty 2003 5429: 5423:, p. 283 5422: 5417: 5411:, p. 278 5410: 5405: 5398: 5393: 5386: 5381: 5366: 5362: 5355: 5348: 5343: 5336:. Free Press. 5335: 5328: 5320: 5316: 5310: 5302: 5295: 5287: 5283: 5277: 5273: 5272: 5264: 5262: 5260: 5258: 5249: 5245: 5241: 5235: 5230: 5229: 5223: 5217: 5211:, p. 267 5210: 5205: 5198: 5193: 5186: 5181: 5174: 5169: 5163:, p. 114 5162: 5157: 5151:, p. 103 5150: 5145: 5138: 5133: 5127:, p. 264 5126: 5121: 5115:, p. 114 5114: 5109: 5101: 5100: 5093: 5078: 5072: 5068: 5063: 5062: 5053: 5046: 5043:Lerner, Max, 5040: 5032: 5030:9780748619238 5026: 5022: 5021: 5013: 5006: 5001: 4994: 4988: 4980: 4973: 4972:"McCarthyism" 4970:Prono, Luca. 4966: 4964: 4962: 4960: 4945: 4944: 4936: 4930: 4916: 4915:ThinkProgress 4912: 4906: 4904: 4888: 4886: 4878: 4863: 4859: 4853: 4847:, p. 269 4846: 4841: 4827: 4823: 4817: 4811:, p. 269 4810: 4805: 4798: 4793: 4785: 4781: 4774: 4772: 4770: 4768: 4766: 4757: 4751: 4747: 4746: 4738: 4730: 4726: 4722: 4718: 4714: 4710: 4703: 4697: 4693: 4690: 4688: 4681: 4665: 4664: 4659: 4653: 4639:on 2016-03-04 4635: 4628: 4622: 4607: 4606: 4598: 4591: 4583: 4579: 4575: 4573:9780983027591 4569: 4564: 4563: 4556: 4548: 4541: 4536: 4522: 4518: 4512: 4504: 4500: 4494: 4487: 4482: 4474: 4473: 4468: 4462: 4455: 4451: 4447: 4443: 4437: 4431:, p. 258 4430: 4425: 4418: 4413: 4399: 4395: 4391: 4390: 4385: 4378: 4370: 4363: 4356: 4351: 4344: 4339: 4332: 4327: 4320: 4315: 4313: 4311: 4309: 4300: 4296: 4292: 4286: 4282: 4275: 4273: 4271: 4263: 4258: 4251: 4246: 4239: 4234: 4227: 4223: 4222: 4215: 4208: 4202: 4195: 4191: 4186: 4178: 4174: 4170: 4168:9780983027591 4164: 4159: 4158: 4151: 4143: 4135: 4131: 4127: 4123: 4119: 4115: 4108: 4106: 4104: 4102: 4100: 4098: 4096: 4094: 4092: 4090: 4088: 4086: 4084: 4082: 4074: 4069: 4062: 4057: 4051: 4049: 4044: 4030: 4025: 4022: 4020: 4017: 4015: 4012: 4010: 4007: 4005: 4002: 4000: 3999: 3995: 3993: 3990: 3988: 3985: 3983: 3980: 3978: 3975: 3973: 3970: 3968: 3965: 3963: 3960: 3958: 3957: 3953: 3951: 3948: 3946: 3943: 3941: 3938: 3936: 3933: 3931: 3928: 3926: 3923: 3921: 3918: 3916: 3913: 3911: 3908: 3906: 3903: 3901: 3898: 3896: 3893: 3891: 3888: 3886: 3883: 3881: 3878: 3876: 3875: 3871: 3869: 3868:Sissy villain 3866: 3865: 3858: 3856: 3851: 3849: 3848:Thomas Mallon 3845: 3844: 3833: 3831: 3827: 3823: 3819: 3810: 3808: 3803: 3801: 3796: 3791: 3789: 3785: 3780: 3779:Cole v. Young 3770: 3768: 3764: 3760: 3756: 3752: 3748: 3744: 3743:Truman Capote 3740: 3735: 3733: 3728: 3726: 3721: 3719: 3715: 3711: 3707: 3703: 3699: 3696:According to 3694: 3691: 3687: 3682: 3679: 3675: 3670: 3668: 3664: 3660: 3651: 3642: 3638: 3636: 3632: 3628: 3617: 3615: 3611: 3606: 3602: 3601:Evelyn Hooker 3597: 3593: 3591: 3586: 3583:areas across 3582: 3578: 3572: 3570: 3564: 3560: 3558: 3553: 3550: 3546: 3542: 3531: 3529: 3528: 3523: 3519: 3514: 3512: 3508: 3504: 3499: 3493: 3491: 3486: 3476: 3472: 3468: 3464: 3461: 3460:Clyde R. Hoey 3457: 3447: 3445: 3441: 3436: 3434: 3429: 3428:R. G. Waldeck 3425: 3421: 3416: 3414: 3410: 3406: 3401: 3397: 3394: 3389: 3385: 3381: 3375: 3365: 3363: 3359: 3355: 3351: 3347: 3342: 3340: 3336: 3332: 3327: 3323: 3319: 3317: 3313: 3303: 3299: 3295: 3293: 3289: 3285: 3280: 3277: 3273: 3269: 3265: 3261: 3256: 3251: 3250:John Peurifoy 3247: 3243: 3238: 3236: 3231: 3226: 3223: 3219: 3215: 3210: 3206: 3203: 3199: 3194: 3190: 3185: 3176: 3174: 3173: 3168: 3164: 3160: 3156: 3152: 3148: 3138: 3136: 3132: 3127: 3124: 3120: 3116: 3112: 3108: 3104: 3100: 3096: 3084: 3079: 3077: 3072: 3070: 3065: 3064: 3062: 3061: 3051: 3048: 3044: 3041: 3040: 3039: 3036: 3034: 3031: 3029: 3028:Social stigma 3026: 3022: 3019: 3017: 3014: 3012: 3009: 3008: 3007: 3004: 3002: 2999: 2997: 2994: 2992: 2989: 2987: 2984: 2982: 2979: 2975: 2972: 2971: 2970: 2967: 2965: 2962: 2960: 2957: 2955: 2952: 2950: 2947: 2945: 2942: 2940: 2937: 2935: 2932: 2930: 2927: 2925: 2922: 2920: 2917: 2915: 2912: 2910: 2907: 2905: 2902: 2898: 2895: 2894: 2893: 2890: 2888: 2885: 2883: 2880: 2878: 2875: 2873: 2870: 2868: 2865: 2863: 2860: 2858: 2855: 2853: 2850: 2846: 2843: 2841: 2838: 2837: 2836: 2833: 2831: 2828: 2826: 2823: 2821: 2818: 2816: 2813: 2811: 2808: 2806: 2803: 2802: 2793: 2792: 2782: 2779: 2777: 2774: 2772: 2769: 2767: 2764: 2762: 2759: 2757: 2754: 2752: 2749: 2747: 2744: 2742: 2739: 2737: 2734: 2732: 2729: 2727: 2724: 2722: 2719: 2717: 2714: 2710: 2707: 2706: 2705: 2702: 2700: 2697: 2695: 2692: 2690: 2687: 2685: 2682: 2680: 2677: 2675: 2672: 2671: 2662: 2661: 2651: 2648: 2646: 2643: 2641: 2638: 2636: 2635:State atheism 2633: 2631: 2628: 2626: 2623: 2619: 2616: 2614: 2611: 2609: 2606: 2604: 2601: 2600: 2599: 2596: 2594: 2591: 2589: 2586: 2584: 2581: 2577: 2574: 2572: 2571:Jim Crow laws 2569: 2568: 2567: 2564: 2562: 2559: 2557: 2556:One-drop rule 2554: 2552: 2550: 2546: 2544: 2541: 2539: 2536: 2534: 2531: 2529: 2526: 2524: 2521: 2519: 2516: 2514: 2511: 2509: 2506: 2504: 2501: 2499: 2496: 2492: 2489: 2487: 2484: 2483: 2482: 2479: 2477: 2474: 2472: 2471:Blood quantum 2469: 2467: 2464: 2462: 2459: 2458: 2449: 2448: 2438: 2435: 2433: 2430: 2428: 2425: 2423: 2420: 2418: 2415: 2413: 2412:Victimisation 2410: 2408: 2407:Trans bashing 2405: 2403: 2400: 2398: 2395: 2393: 2390: 2388: 2385: 2383: 2380: 2378: 2377:Religious war 2375: 2373: 2370: 2368: 2365: 2363: 2360: 2358: 2357:Racialization 2355: 2353: 2350: 2348: 2345: 2343: 2340: 2338: 2335: 2333: 2330: 2328: 2325: 2321: 2318: 2316: 2313: 2311: 2308: 2307: 2306: 2303: 2301: 2298: 2296: 2293: 2291: 2288: 2286: 2283: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2273: 2271: 2268: 2266: 2263: 2261: 2258: 2256: 2253: 2251: 2248: 2246: 2243: 2239: 2236: 2235: 2234: 2231: 2229: 2228:Glass ceiling 2226: 2222: 2219: 2218: 2217: 2214: 2212: 2209: 2207: 2204: 2202: 2199: 2197: 2194: 2192: 2189: 2187: 2184: 2182: 2179: 2177: 2174: 2172: 2171:Ethnic hatred 2169: 2167: 2164: 2162: 2159: 2157: 2154: 2152: 2149: 2147: 2144: 2142: 2139: 2137: 2134: 2132: 2129: 2127: 2124: 2122: 2119: 2117: 2114: 2112: 2109: 2107: 2106:Counter-jihad 2104: 2102: 2099: 2097: 2094: 2092: 2089: 2087: 2084: 2082: 2079: 2077: 2074: 2070: 2067: 2066: 2065: 2062: 2061: 2052: 2051: 2041: 2038: 2036: 2033: 2031: 2028: 2026: 2023: 2021: 2018: 2016: 2013: 2011: 2008: 2006: 2003: 2001: 1998: 1996: 1993: 1991: 1988: 1986: 1983: 1981: 1978: 1976: 1973: 1971: 1968: 1966: 1963: 1961: 1958: 1956: 1953: 1951: 1948: 1946: 1943: 1941: 1938: 1936: 1933: 1931: 1928: 1926: 1923: 1921: 1918: 1916: 1913: 1909: 1906: 1905: 1904: 1901: 1899: 1896: 1894: 1891: 1889: 1886: 1882: 1881:United States 1879: 1877: 1874: 1872: 1869: 1868: 1866: 1864: 1861: 1859: 1856: 1854: 1851: 1849: 1846: 1844: 1841: 1839: 1836: 1834: 1831: 1829: 1826: 1824: 1821: 1819: 1816: 1814: 1811: 1809: 1806: 1804: 1801: 1799: 1796: 1794: 1791: 1789: 1786: 1784: 1781: 1777: 1774: 1772: 1769: 1767: 1764: 1763: 1762: 1759: 1757: 1754: 1752: 1749: 1745: 1744:United States 1742: 1740: 1737: 1735: 1732: 1731: 1730: 1727: 1725: 1722: 1720: 1717: 1715: 1712: 1710: 1707: 1705: 1702: 1700: 1697: 1696: 1690: 1684: 1683: 1673: 1670: 1668: 1665: 1663: 1660: 1658: 1657:Protestantism 1655: 1653: 1650: 1646: 1643: 1642: 1641: 1638: 1632: 1629: 1627: 1624: 1622: 1619: 1617: 1614: 1612: 1609: 1608: 1607: 1604: 1603: 1602: 1599: 1595: 1592: 1590: 1587: 1586: 1585: 1582: 1580: 1577: 1573: 1570: 1568: 1567:LDS or Mormon 1565: 1563: 1560: 1558: 1555: 1553: 1550: 1549: 1548: 1545: 1543: 1540: 1538: 1535: 1533: 1530: 1529: 1523: 1518: 1517: 1507: 1504: 1502: 1499: 1495: 1492: 1490: 1489:Transmisogyny 1487: 1485: 1482: 1481: 1480: 1477: 1473: 1470: 1468: 1465: 1464: 1463: 1460: 1458: 1455: 1453: 1450: 1448: 1445: 1443: 1440: 1438: 1435: 1433: 1430: 1428: 1425: 1423: 1420: 1418: 1415: 1413: 1410: 1408: 1405: 1403: 1400: 1398: 1395: 1393: 1392:Gerontophobia 1390: 1388: 1385: 1383: 1380: 1378: 1375: 1373: 1370: 1368: 1365: 1363: 1360: 1358: 1355: 1353: 1350: 1348: 1345: 1343: 1340: 1338: 1335: 1333: 1330: 1328: 1325: 1323: 1322:Anti-intersex 1320: 1318: 1315: 1313: 1310: 1308: 1305: 1303: 1300: 1298: 1297:Anti-albinism 1295: 1293: 1290: 1288: 1285: 1283: 1280: 1279: 1270: 1269: 1259: 1256: 1254: 1251: 1249: 1246: 1244: 1241: 1239: 1236: 1234: 1231: 1227: 1224: 1222: 1219: 1218: 1217: 1214: 1212: 1209: 1207: 1204: 1202: 1199: 1197: 1194: 1192: 1189: 1187: 1184: 1182: 1179: 1177: 1174: 1172: 1169: 1167: 1164: 1162: 1159: 1158: 1149: 1148: 1138: 1135: 1133: 1130: 1128: 1125: 1123: 1122:Institutional 1120: 1119: 1110: 1109: 1105: 1101: 1100: 1097: 1094: 1093: 1089: 1085: 1084: 1074: 1069: 1067: 1062: 1060: 1055: 1054: 1052: 1051: 1048: 1044: 1040: 1039: 1032: 1029: 1027: 1024: 1022: 1021:Transfeminism 1019: 1017: 1014: 1012: 1009: 1007: 1004: 1002: 1001:Queer studies 999: 997: 994: 992: 989: 987: 984: 982: 979: 977: 974: 972: 969: 967: 964: 963: 957: 956: 947: 944: 943: 942: 939: 935: 932: 930: 927: 925: 922: 921: 920: 917: 915: 912: 910: 907: 905: 902: 898: 897:Vulnerability 895: 893: 890: 889: 887: 885: 882: 880: 877: 873: 870: 869: 868: 865: 863: 860: 858: 855: 853: 850: 848: 845: 841: 838: 836: 833: 831: 828: 826: 823: 822: 821: 818: 816: 813: 811: 808: 806: 803: 799: 796: 795: 794: 791: 789: 786: 784: 781: 779: 776: 772: 769: 768: 767: 764: 762: 759: 757: 754: 752: 749: 748: 742: 741: 734: 731: 729: 726: 724: 720: 719:homosexuality 717:Religion and 716: 714: 711: 709: 706: 704: 701: 699: 696: 694: 691: 689: 686: 684: 681: 679: 676: 675: 672: 667: 666: 659: 656: 654: 653:Youth suicide 651: 649: 646: 644: 641: 639: 636: 634: 630: 626: 623: 622: 619: 614: 613: 606: 603: 601: 598: 596: 593: 591: 588: 586: 583: 581: 578: 576: 573: 571: 568: 566: 563: 561: 558: 557: 554: 549: 548: 541: 538: 536: 533: 531: 528: 524: 521: 520: 519: 516: 514: 511: 509: 508:Socialization 506: 504: 501: 499: 496: 494: 491: 489: 486: 482: 479: 477: 474: 473: 472: 469: 465: 462: 461: 460: 459:LGBTQ culture 457: 453: 450: 448: 445: 443: 440: 439: 438: 435: 433: 430: 426: 423: 421: 418: 417: 416: 413: 411: 408: 404: 401: 400: 399: 396: 394: 391: 389: 386: 385: 382: 377: 376: 364: 361: 359: 356: 354: 351: 349: 346: 344: 341: 340: 338: 337: 333: 332: 326: 323: 321: 318: 316: 313: 311: 308: 306: 305:Homosexuality 303: 299: 296: 295: 294: 291: 290: 288: 287: 283: 282: 277: 272: 271: 264: 261: 259: 256: 254: 251: 249: 246: 244: 241: 239: 236: 234: 231: 229: 226: 222: 219: 218: 217: 214: 212: 209: 207: 204: 202: 199: 197: 196:Homosexuality 194: 192: 189: 187: 184: 182: 179: 177: 174: 172: 169: 167: 164: 160: 157: 156: 155: 152: 150: 147: 143: 140: 139: 138: 135: 133: 130: 129: 126: 122: 117: 116: 110: 107: 105: 102: 100: 97: 95: 92: 90: 87: 86: 84: 83: 62: 61: 58: 55: 54: 50: 46: 45: 40: 36: 32: 28: 22: 11072:Gender-blind 10959:Human rights 10787:Racial quota 10774: 10754:Jewish quota 10734:Gerontocracy 10729:Gender roles 10707:Disabilities 10692:Blood purity 10664:Wife selling 10654:White flight 10634:Slut-shaming 10614:Scapegoating 10532:Murder music 10205:Palestinians 10148:Anti-Zionism 10016:South Africa 10001:Black people 9979:South Africa 9795:Christianity 9785:BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ Faith 9713:Sectarianism 9653:Heterosexism 9618:Ephebiphobia 9588:Anti-Masonry 9455:Hair texture 9335: 9316: 9278: 9159:Civil unions 8908:South Dakota 8898:Rhode Island 8893:Pennsylvania 8873:North Dakota 8671: (1986) 8666: 8640:federal laws 8623: 8605: 8602: (2020) 8589: 8586: (2018) 8581: 8578: (2016) 8573: 8570: (2015) 8565: 8557: (2013) 8552: 8534: (2003) 8529: 8521: (1996) 8516: 8508: (1958) 8503: 8432: 8413: 8313:Riddle scale 8281:Heterosexism 8220:Queerbaiting 8075:Neuroscience 8065:Kinsey scale 8040:Demographics 7737:Rainbow wave 7719: 7707:21st century 7659: 7602: 7590:20th century 7562:19th century 7546:Ancient Rome 7507: 7357: 7350: 7316:Gender roles 7256:Detransition 7229: / 7130:Aromanticism 6648:Pride parade 6576:Gay-friendly 6437:Queer theory 6289: 6281: 6273: 6260:Book review. 6252:. Retrieved 6246: 6213: 6176: 6146: 6117: 6096: 6060: 6026: 5989: 5960: 5931: 5907:. Retrieved 5897: 5889: 5881: 5872: 5868: 5852:Johnson 2004 5847: 5836:. Retrieved 5832:the original 5822: 5810:. Retrieved 5808:. 5803: 5796: 5771: 5767: 5761: 5736: 5732: 5722: 5703: 5697: 5672: 5668: 5662: 5637: 5633: 5608:. Retrieved 5604:the original 5594: 5587:Johnson 2004 5582: 5575:Johnson 2004 5570: 5559:. Retrieved 5555: 5546: 5539:Johnson 2004 5534: 5527:Johnson 2004 5522: 5510:. Retrieved 5506:the original 5496: 5477: 5449: 5428: 5416: 5404: 5392: 5380: 5368:. Retrieved 5364: 5354: 5347:Johnson 2004 5342: 5333: 5327: 5318: 5309: 5300: 5294: 5286:the original 5270: 5227: 5216: 5204: 5199:, p. 95 5197:Charles 2015 5192: 5187:, p. 95 5185:Charles 2015 5180: 5175:, p. 94 5173:Charles 2015 5168: 5161:Johnson 2004 5156: 5149:Johnson 2004 5144: 5139:, p. 99 5137:Johnson 2004 5132: 5120: 5113:Johnson 2004 5108: 5098: 5092: 5080:. Retrieved 5060: 5052: 5044: 5039: 5019: 5012: 5007:, p. 95 5005:Johnson 2004 5000: 4987: 4947:. Retrieved 4941: 4929: 4918:. Retrieved 4914: 4891:. Retrieved 4884: 4877: 4866:. Retrieved 4864:. 2020-08-04 4862:Nursing Clio 4861: 4852: 4840: 4829:. Retrieved 4825: 4816: 4804: 4799:, p. 68 4797:Johnson 2004 4792: 4783: 4744: 4737: 4712: 4708: 4702: 4686: 4680: 4670:December 29, 4668:. Retrieved 4661: 4652: 4641:. Retrieved 4634:the original 4621: 4611:December 29, 4609:. Retrieved 4603: 4590: 4561: 4547: 4542:, p. 22 4540:Johnson 2004 4535: 4524:. Retrieved 4520: 4511: 4502: 4493: 4488:, p. 12 4486:Johnson 2004 4481: 4470: 4461: 4453: 4436: 4424: 4419:, p. 51 4417:Johnson 2004 4412: 4401:. Retrieved 4387: 4377: 4368: 4362: 4357:, p. 33 4350: 4345:, p. 11 4338: 4333:, p. 10 4326: 4319:Johnson 2004 4280: 4264:, p. 21 4262:Johnson 2004 4257: 4252:, p. 21 4250:Johnson 2004 4245: 4240:, p. 63 4238:Johnson 2004 4233: 4225: 4221:The Advocate 4219: 4214: 4206: 4201: 4193: 4185: 4156: 4142: 4117: 4113: 4073:Johnson 2004 4068: 4059: 4028: 3996: 3992:Samuel Reber 3987:Carmel Offie 3954: 3885:Newton Arvin 3880:Joseph Alsop 3872: 3852: 3841: 3839: 3817: 3816: 3804: 3792: 3778: 3776: 3736: 3729: 3722: 3695: 3686:Jack Nichols 3683: 3671: 3659:Frank Kameny 3656: 3653:Frank Kameny 3639: 3623: 3598: 3594: 3573: 3565: 3561: 3537: 3525: 3515: 3494: 3490:Joseph Welch 3482: 3473: 3469: 3465: 3453: 3437: 3417: 3402: 3398: 3377: 3362:Barack Obama 3343: 3328: 3324: 3320: 3309: 3300: 3296: 3284:smear tactic 3281: 3276:Dean Acheson 3239: 3227: 3211: 3207: 3186: 3182: 3172:Confidential 3170: 3150: 3144: 3128: 3094: 3092: 2862:Gender-blind 2741:Human rights 2561:Racial quota 2548: 2528:Jewish quota 2508:Gerontocracy 2503:Gender roles 2481:Disabilities 2466:Blood purity 2432:Wife selling 2422:White flight 2402:Slut-shaming 2382:Scapegoating 2300:Murder music 1965:Palestinians 1908:Anti-Zionism 1776:South Africa 1761:Black people 1739:South Africa 1547:Christianity 1537:BahĂĄÊŒĂ­ Faith 1457:Sectarianism 1397:Heterosexism 1362:Ephebiphobia 1332:Anti-Masonry 1191:Hair texture 1047:LGBTQ portal 1006:Queer theory 946:Trans people 862:Heterosexism 723:trans people 721: / 658:Detransition 643:Reproduction 631: / 166:Demographics 159:Pansexuality 132:Aromanticism 57:LGBTQ topics 11364:Moral panic 11359:McCarthyism 10974:Nonviolence 10969:LGBT rights 10934:Empowerment 10902:Anti-racism 10824:Segregation 10769:No kid zone 10569:Persecution 10482:Hate speech 10433:Gay bashing 10408:Ethnic joke 10363:Dog whistle 10308:Blood libel 9996:Azerbaijani 9900:Neopaganism 9893:Persecution 9854:Persecution 9837:Persecution 9800:Catholicism 9735:Transphobia 9718:Supremacism 9673:Lesbophobia 9593:Aporophobia 9558:Anti-autism 9409:Taste-based 9404:Statistical 9204:Repealed or 9127:Immigration 9093:Transgender 9073:Hate crimes 9029:Puerto Rico 9006:territories 8823:Mississippi 8738:Connecticut 8636:Repealed or 8356:Gay bashing 8328:Transphobia 8261:AIDS stigma 8176:Pinkwashing 8050:Environment 8035:Birth order 7575:Section 377 7570:Molly house 7207:Questioning 7031:Femminiello 6961:Trans woman 6956:Transsexual 6939:Transgender 6828:Transgender 6753:Pride flags 6643:Pride Month 6611:Periodicals 6571:Gay village 6420:Transgender 6400:Linguistics 6340:transgender 5890:Smithsonian 5421:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 5409:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 5397:Gibson 1978 5385:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 5349:, p. 2 5222:Wicker, Tom 5209:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 5125:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 4845:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 4809:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 4429:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 4355:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 4343:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 4331:BĂ©rubĂ© 1990 3826:Kickstarter 3822:Glenn Close 3813:Documentary 3755:Jo Sinclair 3522:C. A. Tripp 3329:During the 3111:McCarthyism 3099:moral panic 2756:Nonviolence 2751:LGBT rights 2716:Empowerment 2684:Anti-racism 2598:Segregation 2543:No kid zone 2337:Persecution 2250:Hate speech 2201:Gay bashing 2176:Ethnic joke 2131:Dog whistle 2076:Blood libel 1756:Azerbaijani 1652:Neopaganism 1645:Persecution 1606:Persecution 1589:Persecution 1552:Catholicism 1479:Transphobia 1462:Supremacism 1417:Lesbophobia 1337:Aporophobia 1302:Anti-autism 1137:Taste-based 1132:Statistical 934:Trans women 919:Transphobia 888:LGBT youth 884:Lesbophobia 847:Gay bashing 761:AIDS stigma 733:Stereotypes 565:Civil union 513:Subcultures 493:QPR and QPP 476:Pride Month 452:Periodicals 432:Gay village 358:Transgender 353:Bisexuality 258:Transsexual 253:Transgender 248:Trans woman 228:Questioning 186:Gender role 171:Environment 154:Bisexuality 104:Transgender 37:during the 11344:Homophobia 11303:Categories 11248:Stereotype 11243:Speciesism 11124:Oppression 11119:Oikophobia 11015:Allophilia 10999:Toleration 10856:Sodomy law 10749:Internment 10669:Witch-hunt 10547:Blackhawks 10477:Hate group 10465:Hate crime 10438:Gendercide 10428:Freak show 10418:Excellence 10378:Employment 10348:Defamation 10280:Vietnamese 10275:Venezuelan 10165:Lithuanian 9827:Falun Gong 9762:Xenophobia 9757:Vegaphobia 9740:Non-binary 9698:Pedophobia 9663:Homophobia 9485:Skin color 9445:Disability 9418:Attributes 9399:Structural 9206:overturned 8938:Washington 8858:New Mexico 8853:New Jersey 8728:California 8638:overturned 8286:Homophobia 8070:Klein Grid 7983:Separatism 7687:Section 28 7625:Sea queens 7352:Androgynos 7326:Healthcare 7261:Effeminacy 7187:Monosexual 7162:Bi-curious 7135:Asexuality 7117:Homosexual 7071:Two-spirit 7056:Mukhannath 7021:FaÊ»afafine 6988:Xenogender 6806:Non-binary 6586:Literature 6547:Drag queen 6527:Coming out 6522:Businesses 6427:Psychology 6405:Literature 6196:1293451114 5838:2016-03-21 5774:(3): 424. 5610:January 9, 5561:2024-01-27 5239:015101082X 4949:2017-08-05 4920:2016-03-21 4893:2021-06-19 4889:. CaseMine 4868:2023-12-14 4831:2019-10-31 4643:2014-12-26 4526:2016-03-21 4403:2019-10-31 4398:1988830718 4034:References 3807:Ben Cardin 3763:Gore Vidal 3706:subculture 3645:Resistance 3503:Washington 3438:While the 3413:Max Lerner 3384:antitheism 3372:See also: 3292:cocksucker 3193:communists 3163:Republican 3103:homosexual 3038:Stereotype 3033:Speciesism 2914:Oppression 2909:Oikophobia 2805:Allophilia 2781:Toleration 2630:Sodomy law 2523:Internment 2437:Witch-hunt 2315:Blackhawks 2245:Hate group 2233:Hate crime 2206:Gendercide 2196:Freak show 2186:Excellence 2146:Employment 2116:Defamation 2040:Vietnamese 2035:Venezuelan 1925:Lithuanian 1579:Falun Gong 1506:Xenophobia 1501:Vegaphobia 1484:Non-binary 1442:Pedophobia 1407:Homophobia 1221:Skin color 1181:Disability 1152:Attributes 1127:Structural 867:Homophobia 788:Censorship 535:Moe aikāne 410:Dyke March 393:Coming out 334:Identities 263:Two-spirit 137:Asexuality 11374:Red Scare 11221:Christian 11149:Prejudice 11097:Masculism 11045:Diversity 10839:religious 10814:Redlining 10413:Ethnocide 10373:Education 10265:Ukrainian 10200:Pakistani 10190:Mongolian 10111:Australia 10093:Hungarian 10048:Colombian 10028:Bulgarian 9910:Rastafari 9859:Ahmadiyya 9772:Religious 9750:Trans men 9708:Pregnancy 9643:Gayphobia 9638:Fatphobia 9543:Acephobia 9538:Arophobia 9522:Viewpoint 9236:Movements 8948:Wisconsin 8913:Tennessee 8818:Minnesota 8793:Louisiana 8484:By entity 8271:Gayphobia 8251:Acephobia 8246:Arophobia 8130:Prejudice 7958:Homophile 7911:Socialism 7503:Pederasty 7483:Migration 7276:Ex-ex-gay 7197:Pansexual 7026:FakaleitÄ« 6951:Trans man 6944:Akava'ine 6899:Cisgender 6889:Androgyny 6811:Pansexual 6761:Aromantic 6690:Takatāpui 6616:Portrayal 6542:Drag king 6463:Community 6372:Discourse 6234:493592803 6165:849670631 6138:760125421 6081:921180945 6047:493627688 5979:935871924 5952:964232213 5788:144795512 5753:0094-0798 5689:149293617 5654:149293617 5512:April 23, 5365:Gay Today 4582:839278347 4521:Daily Kos 4299:796932345 4177:839278347 4039:Citations 3704:formed a 3479:Sexuality 3444:Harry Hay 3260:blackmail 3248:of State 3141:Etymology 3135:Red Scare 3011:Christian 2939:Prejudice 2887:Masculism 2835:Diversity 2613:religious 2588:Redlining 2181:Ethnocide 2141:Education 2025:Ukrainian 1960:Pakistani 1950:Mongolian 1871:Australia 1853:Hungarian 1808:Colombian 1788:Bulgarian 1662:Rastafari 1611:Ahmadiyya 1522:Religious 1494:Trans men 1452:Pregnancy 1387:Gayphobia 1382:Fatphobia 1287:Acephobia 1282:Arophobia 1258:Viewpoint 929:Trans men 914:Sexualism 904:Migration 852:Gayphobia 756:Arophobia 751:Acephobia 590:Parenting 530:Takatāpui 488:Queer art 398:Community 310:Movements 243:Trans man 11278:Category 11260:The talk 11196:Snobbery 11114:Net bias 10944:Feminism 10871:Ugly law 10712:Catholic 10680:policies 10527:Mortgage 10522:Lynching 10453:examples 10448:Genocide 10368:Economic 10353:Democide 10313:Bullying 10230:Romanian 10195:Nigerian 10138:Japanese 10073:Georgian 10058:Filipino 9991:Assyrian 9964:Armenian 9954:American 9949:Albanian 9931:National 9915:Yazidism 9832:Hinduism 9790:Buddhism 9693:Nepotism 9688:Misogyny 9683:Misandry 9608:Clannism 9603:Biphobia 9548:Adultism 9465:Language 9337:Category 9176:Marriage 9098:Intersex 9088:Military 9058:Adoption 8933:Virginia 8883:Oklahoma 8863:New York 8838:Nebraska 8828:Missouri 8813:Michigan 8803:Maryland 8788:Kentucky 8768:Illinois 8743:Delaware 8733:Colorado 8723:Arkansas 8434:Category 8266:Biphobia 8134:Violence 7899:Timeline 7882:Adoption 7799:Americas 7560:16th to 7346:Intersex 7251:Acronyms 7112:Bisexual 7066:Travesti 6966:Mak nyah 6791:Intersex 6776:Bisexual 6495:Literary 6336:bisexual 6210:(2007). 6057:(2004). 5909:June 21, 5812:21 March 5248:61204327 5224:(2006). 4784:Prologue 4692:Archived 4394:ProQuest 4226:Folklore 4134:44376170 3861:See also 3712:and the 3581:cruising 3403:Senator 3264:Roy Cohn 3230:New Deal 3218:lesbians 3216:men and 3189:Cold War 3155:lavender 3123:lesbians 3113:and the 3050:The talk 2986:Snobbery 2904:Net bias 2726:Feminism 2645:Ugly law 2486:Catholic 2452:Policies 2295:Mortgage 2290:Lynching 2221:examples 2216:Genocide 2136:Economic 2121:Democide 2081:Bullying 1990:Romanian 1955:Nigerian 1898:Japanese 1833:Georgian 1818:Filipino 1751:Assyrian 1724:Armenian 1714:American 1709:Albanian 1689:national 1667:Yazidism 1584:Hinduism 1542:Buddhism 1437:Nepotism 1432:Misogyny 1427:Misandry 1352:Clannism 1347:Biphobia 1292:Adultism 1201:Language 1088:a series 1086:Part of 1031:Travesti 941:Violence 830:Bisexual 793:Closeted 783:Bullying 778:Biphobia 580:Marriage 560:Adoption 388:Business 363:Intersex 293:Timeline 201:Intersex 99:Bisexual 49:a series 47:Part of 35:Roy Cohn 11288:Commons 11067:Figleaf 10492:Housing 10260:Turkish 10210:Pashtun 10180:Mexican 10160:Kurdish 10133:Italian 10083:Haitian 10068:Finnish 10043:Chinese 10038:Chechen 10033:Catalan 10023:Bengali 9944:African 9929:Ethnic/ 9888:Judaism 9874:Sunnism 9864:Shi'ism 9780:Atheism 9613:Elitism 9512:Species 9450:Genetic 9440:Dialect 9267:Related 9047:By type 8953:Wyoming 8928:Vermont 8833:Montana 8773:Indiana 8753:Georgia 8748:Florida 8718:Arizona 8708:Alabama 8591:Bostock 8492:Federal 8030:Biology 7993:Lesbian 7814:Oceania 7443:History 7244:Related 7182:Lesbian 7172:Gay men 7107:Asexual 7041:Kathoey 6914:Khanith 6816:Rainbow 6801:Lesbian 6796:Leather 6786:Gay men 6766:Asexual 6723:Gaysper 6710:Symbols 6700:Tourism 6695:Theatre 6680:Slogans 6510:Lesbian 6485:Anthems 6468:Culture 6415:Lesbian 6328:Lesbian 6201:Excerpt 6010:4457943 4729:2568762 3547:of the 3179:History 3119:Gay men 2857:Figleaf 2260:Housing 2020:Turkish 1970:Pashtun 1940:Mexican 1920:Kurdish 1893:Italian 1843:Haitian 1828:Finnish 1803:Chinese 1798:Chechen 1793:Catalan 1783:Bengali 1704:African 1687:Ethnic/ 1640:Judaism 1626:Sunnism 1616:Shi'ism 1532:Atheism 1357:Elitism 1248:Species 1186:Genetic 1176:Dialect 892:Suicide 872:Liberal 835:Lesbian 820:Erasure 805:Comphet 540:Tourism 518:Symbols 381:Culture 348:Gay men 343:Lesbian 284:General 276:History 149:Biology 89:Lesbian 11253:threat 11107:autism 10844:sexual 10834:racial 10717:Jewish 10574:Pogrom 10552:Chiefs 10542:Braves 10270:Uyghur 10245:Somali 10240:Slavic 10225:Romani 10220:Quebec 10215:Polish 10155:Korean 10116:Canada 10103:Indian 10088:Hazara 10063:Fulani 9974:France 9939:Afghan 9869:Sufism 9598:Audism 9531:Social 9460:Height 9188:voting 8888:Oregon 8843:Nevada 8783:Kansas 8758:Hawaii 8713:Alaska 8700:States 8628:(2023) 8610:(2020) 8308:Racism 7809:Europe 7794:Africa 7682:ACT UP 7406:Tomboy 7359:Tumtum 7281:Female 7271:Ex-gay 7157:Banjee 7076:Winkte 6934:Theyby 6733:Lambda 6728:Labrys 6685:Sports 6665:Rodeos 6628:People 6554:Events 6490:Awards 6352:topics 6254:3 June 6232:  6222:  6194:  6184:  6163:  6153:  6136:  6126:  6103:  6079:  6069:  6045:  6035:  6008:  5998:  5977:  5967:  5950:  5940:  5786:  5751:  5710:  5687:  5652:  5484:  5456:  5370:May 8, 5278:  5246:  5236:  5082:May 8, 5073:  5027:  4752:  4727:  4580:  4570:  4442:Miller 4396:  4297:  4287:  4175:  4165:  4132:  3773:Legacy 3761:, and 3700:, the 3507:sodomy 3101:about 3097:was a 3043:threat 2897:autism 2618:sexual 2608:racial 2491:Jewish 2342:Pogrom 2320:Chiefs 2310:Braves 2030:Uyghur 2005:Somali 2000:Slavic 1985:Romani 1980:Quebec 1975:Polish 1915:Korean 1876:Canada 1863:Indian 1848:Hazara 1823:Fulani 1734:France 1699:Afghan 1621:Sufism 1342:Audism 1273:Social 1196:Height 909:Racism 798:Outing 745:Issues 618:Health 553:Rights 481:Parade 415:Events 125:gender 79:  76:  73:  70:  67:  64:  11231:white 10584:Purge 10250:Tatar 10175:Māori 10170:Malay 10128:Irish 10078:Greek 10053:Croat 10011:China 9969:Asian 9849:Islam 9723:White 9470:Looks 9435:Class 9430:Caste 9387:Forms 8918:Texas 8798:Maine 8763:Idaho 7202:Queer 7046:Köçek 7036:Hijra 7016:Bissu 7006:Bakla 6983:Womyn 6978:Womxn 6973:Woman 6675:Slang 6638:Pride 6601:Films 6596:Media 6591:Music 6581:Icons 6501:Bars 6348:LGBTQ 6344:queer 5784:S2CID 5685:S2CID 5650:S2CID 4975:(PDF) 4938:(PDF) 4725:JSTOR 4637:(PDF) 4630:(PDF) 4600:(PDF) 4130:JSTOR 3021:white 2352:Purge 2010:Tatar 1935:Māori 1930:Malay 1888:Irish 1838:Greek 1813:Croat 1771:China 1729:Asian 1601:Islam 1467:White 1206:Looks 1171:Class 1166:Caste 1113:Forms 840:Trans 523:Flags 503:Slang 471:Pride 442:Films 437:Media 216:Queer 109:Queer 11226:male 11025:Bias 10470:LGBT 10255:Thai 10235:Serb 10098:Igbo 9959:Arab 9728:Male 9517:Size 9497:Rank 9019:Guam 8923:Utah 8878:Ohio 8778:Iowa 7804:Asia 7372:Male 7061:Muxe 7051:MāhĆ« 6771:Bear 6633:Pets 6342:and 6256:2022 6230:OCLC 6220:ISBN 6192:OCLC 6182:ISBN 6161:OCLC 6151:ISBN 6134:OCLC 6124:ISBN 6101:ISBN 6077:OCLC 6067:ISBN 6043:OCLC 6033:ISBN 6006:OCLC 5996:ISBN 5975:OCLC 5965:ISBN 5948:OCLC 5938:ISBN 5911:2019 5814:2018 5749:ISSN 5708:ISBN 5612:2011 5514:2011 5482:ISBN 5454:ISBN 5372:2015 5276:ISBN 5244:OCLC 5234:ISBN 5084:2015 5071:ISBN 5025:ISBN 4750:ISBN 4672:2014 4613:2014 4578:OCLC 4568:ISBN 4472:Time 4295:OCLC 4285:ISBN 4173:OCLC 4163:ISBN 3795:LGBT 3420:camp 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Florida Legislative Investigation Committee

Joseph McCarthy
Roy Cohn
Army–McCarthy hearings
a series
LGBTQ topics
Sexual orientation
Gray asexuality
Gender fluidity
Gender identity
Gender role
Gender variance
Non-binary gender

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
