
Draža Mihailović

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395: 1841:, Neško Nedić and Dragoslav Račić, met German officers on 11 August to arrange a meeting of Mihailović with Neubacher and to set forth the conditions for increased collaboration. Nedić, in turn, apparently picked up the idea and suggested forming an army of united anti-communist forces; he arranged a secret meeting with Mihailović, which apparently took place around 20 August. From the existing accounts, they met in a dark room and Mihailović remained mostly silent, so much so that Nedić was not even sure afterwards that he had actually met the real Mihailović. According to British official Stephen Clissold, Mihailović was initially very reluctant to go to the meeting, but was finally convinced by Kalabić. It appears that Nedić offered to obtain arms from the Germans, and to place his Serbian State Guard under Mihailović's command, possibly as part of an attempt to switch sides as Germany was losing the war. Neubacher favoured the idea, but it was vetoed by Hitler, who saw this as an attempt to establish an "English fifth column" in Serbia. According to Pavlowitch, Mihailović, who was reportedly not enthusiastic about the proposal, and Nedić might have been trying to "exploit each other's predicaments", while Nedić may have considered letting Mihailović "take over". At the end of August, Mihailović also met an OSS mission, headed by Colonel 1505:
representatives to the Conference of Young Chetnik Intellectuals of Montenegro where the basic formulations were expanded. Đurišić played the dominant role at this conference. Relations between Đurišić and Mihailović were strained, and although Mihailović did not participate, neither did he take any action to counter it. In 1943, Đurišić followed Chetnik Supreme Command orders to carry out "cleansing actions" against Muslims and reported the thousands of old men, women and children he massacred to Mihailović. Mihailović was either "unable or unwilling to stop the massacres". In 1946, Mihailović was indicted, amongst other things, of having "given orders to his commanders to destroy the Muslims (whom he called Turks) and the Croats (whom he called Ustashas)." At his trial Mihailović claimed that he never ordered the destruction of Croat and Muslim villages and that some of his subordinates hid such activities from him. He was later convicted of crimes that included having "incited national and religious hatred and discord among the peoples of Yugoslavia, as a consequence of which his Chetnik bands carried out mass massacres of the Croat and Muslim as well as of the Serb population that did not accept the occupation."
mission against railways, which was later interpreted as a "final opportunity" to redeem himself. However, possibly not realizing how Allied policy had evolved, he failed to give the go-ahead. On 12 January 1944, the SOE in Cairo sent a report to the Foreign Office, saying that Mihailović's commanders had collaborated with Germans and Italians and that Mihailović himself had condoned and in certain cases approved their actions. This hastened the British's decision to withdraw their thirty liaison officers to Mihailović. The mission was effectively withdrawn in the spring of 1944. In April, one month before leaving, liaison officer Brigadier Armstrong noted that Mihailović had been mostly active in propaganda against the Axis, that he had missed numerous occasions for sabotage in the last six or eight months and that the efforts of many Chetnik leaders to follow Mihailović's orders for inactivity had evolved into non-aggression pacts with Axis troops, although the mission had no evidence of collaboration with the enemy.
was sadly betrayed by cynical Anglo-American leaders. Hockenos noted that Serb-American groups have argued that Serbia is a "natural ally" of the United States and the West in general as proved by Mihailović's wartime career and that for such groups Mihailović serves as a symbol of both Serbian virtue and victimhood. Hockenos noted that the historically inaccurate claim is often made by such groups that all Serbs supported the Chetniks, which serves as a way of projecting Mihailović's travails onto the entire Serb nation, which in turn is used to present the war as a collective national martyrdom at the hands of "genocidal peoples" such as the Germans, Croats and Bosnian Muslims. Hockenos stated after he interviewed various Serb-American leaders that he was struck by the way such individuals denied accounts of atrocities during the Bosnian war with the claim being made that because Mihailović fought the "genocidal peoples" in the 1940s that it was impossible for Serbs to commit atrocities in the 1990s.
genuine agreement with the communists, for they do not care about the people. They are led by foreigners who are not Serbs: the Bulgarian Janković, the Jew Lindmajer, the Magyar Borota, two Muslims whose names I do not know and the Ustasha Major Boganić. That is all I know of the communist leadership." It appears that Mihailović offered to cease activities in the towns and along the major communication lines, but ultimately no agreement was reached at the time due to German demands for the complete surrender of the Chetniks, and the German belief that the Chetniks were likely to attack them despite Mihailović's offer. After the negotiations, an attempt was made by the Germans to arrest Mihailović. Mihailović carefully kept the negotiations with the Germans secret from the Yugoslav government-in-exile, as well as from the British and their representative Hudson. On 13 November Mihailović's Chetniks handed over Germans 365 Partisan
abolishing Mihailović's post. On 12 September, King Peter broadcast a message from London, announcing the gist of 29 August's decree and calling upon all Serbs, Croats and Slovenes to "join the National Liberation Army under the leadership of Marshal Tito". He also proclaimed that he strongly condemned "the misuse of the name of the King and the authority of the Crown by which an attempt has been made to justify collaboration with the enemy". Though the King did not mention Mihailović, it was clear who he meant. According to his own account, Peter had obtained after strenuous talks with the British not to say a word directly against Mihailović. The message had a devastating effect on the morale of the Chetniks. Many men left Mihailović after the broadcast; others remained out of loyalty to him. Mihailović resented the fact that he was abandoned by his former allies and in August 1944 summed up his position by stating that:
1800:, "On other occasions, however, Mihailović's Chetniks rescued German airmen and handed them over safely to the German armed forces ... The Americans, with a weaker intelligence presence in the Balkans than the British, were less in touch with the realities of the Yugoslav civil war. They were consequently less than enthusiastic about British abandonment of the anti-communist Mihailović, and more reserved toward the Partisans." Several Yugoslavs were also evacuated in Operation Halyard, along with Topalović; they tried to raise more support abroad for Mihailović's movement, but this came too late to reverse Allied policy. The United States also sent an intelligence mission to Mihailović in March, but withdrew it after Churchill advised Roosevelt that all support should go to Tito and that "complete chaos" would ensue if the Americans also backed Mihailović. 2100:
that, under the pressure of German reprisals in 1941, Mihailović "drifted gradually into a posture where some of his commanders made accommodations with German and Italian troops to be left alone in certain mountain areas in return for doing little or nothing against the enemy", but concluded that "those who have triumphantly withstood such strains may brand his name, but history, more discriminating, should not erase it from the scroll of Serbian patriots." In the United States, due to the efforts of Major Richard L. Felman and his friends, President Truman, on the recommendation of Eisenhower, posthumously awarded Mihailović the Legion of Merit for the rescue of American airmen by the Chetniks. The award and the story of the rescue was classified secret by the State Department so as not to offend the Yugoslav government.
the German offensive, Tito approached Mihailović with an offer to negotiate, which resulted in talks and later an armistice between the two groups on 20 or 21 November. Tito and Mihailović had one last phone conversation on 28 November, in which Tito announced that he would defend his positions, while Mihailović said that he would disperse. On 30 November, Mihailović's unit leaders decided to join the "legalized" Chetniks under General Nedić's command, in order to be able to continue the fight against the Partisans without the possibility of being attacked by the Germans and to avoid compromising Mihailović's relationship with the British. Evidence suggests that Mihailović did not order this, but rather only sanctioned the decision. About 2,000–3,000 of Mihailović's men actually enlisted in this capacity within the
situation of the Chetniks. Tomasevich also criticizes Mihailović's loss of the Allied support through Chetnik collaboration with the Axis, as well as his doctrine of "passive resistance" which was perceived as idleness, stating "of generalship in the general there was precious little." Pavlowitch also points to Mihailović's failure to grow and evolve during the conflict and describes him as a man "generally out of his depth". Roberts asserts that Mihailović's policies were "basically static", that he "gambled all in the faith of an Allied victory," and that ultimately he was unable to control the Chetniks, who, "although hostile to the Germans and the Italians ... allowed themselves to drift into a policy of accommodations with both in the face of what they considered the greatest danger."
2223:, which was also associated with Chetniks and monarchism. Reunions of Chetnik survivors and nostalgics and of Mihailović admirers have been held in Serbia By the late 20th and early 21st century, Serbian history textbooks and academic works characterized Mihailović and the Chetniks as "fighters for a just cause", and Chetnik massacres of civilians and commission of war crimes were ignored or barely mentioned. In 2004, Mihailović was officially rehabilitated in Serbia by an act of the Serbian Parliament. In a 2009 survey carried out in Serbia, 34.44 percent of respondents favored annulling the 1946 verdict against Mihailović (in which he was found to be a traitor and Axis collaborator), 15.92 percent opposed, and 49.64 percent stated they did not know what to think. 7288: 1626:
government-in-exile and demanded explanations regarding Mihailović's attitude and collaboration with the Italians. Mihailović answered to his government that he had had no meetings with Italian generals and that Jevđević had no command to do so. The British announced that they would send him more abundant supplies. Also in early 1943, the tone of the BBC broadcasts became more and more favourable to the Partisans, describing them as the only resistance movement in Yugoslavia, and occasionally attributing to them resistance acts actually undertaken by the Chetniks. Bailey complained to the Foreign Office that his position with Mihailović was being prejudiced by this. The Foreign Office protested and the BBC apologized, but the line did not really change.
7341: 2235:, who has a tattoo of Mihailović on his left arm, was banned by the Croatian Ministry of the Interior Zlatko Mehun from traveling to Croatia for refusing to cover the tattoo, as its display was deemed equivalent to "provoking hatred or violence because of racial background, national identity or religious affiliation." Serbian press and politicians reacted to the ban with surprise and indignation, while in Croatia the decision was seen as "wise and a means of protecting the player himself against his own stupidity." In 2009, a Serb group based in Chicago offered a reward of $ 100,000.00 for help finding Mihailović's grave. A commission formed by the Serbian government began an investigation and in 2010 suggested Mihailović may have been interred at 1857:, which was related on paper to Ljotić's forces, accepted once again Mihailović's command. Mihailović ordered a general mobilization on 1 September; his troops were engaged against the Germans and the Bulgarians, while also under attack by the Partisans. On 4 September, Mihailović issued a circular telegram ordering his commanders that no action can be undertaken without his orders, save against the communists. German sources confirm the loyalty of Mihailović and forces under his direct influence in this period. The Partisans then penetrated Chetnik territory, fighting a difficult battle and ultimately defeating Mihailović's main force by October. On 6 September, what was left of Nedić's troops openly joined Mihailović. In the meantime, the 1354: 1317: 1092: 1333:
Mihailović, responded to Nedić's request and to the sabotages with mass terror, and attacked the Chetniks in late 1942 and early 1943. Roberts mentions Nedić's request for help as the main reason for German action, and does not mention the sabotage campaign. Pavlowitch, on the other hand, mentions the sabotages as being conducted simultaneously with the propaganda actions. Thousands of arrests were made and it has been estimated that during December 1942, 1,600 Chetnik combatants were killed by the Germans through combat actions and executions. These actions by the Nedić regime and the Germans "brought to an abrupt conclusion much of the anti-German action Mihailović had started up again since the summer (of 1942)".
1681:(SDS) detachments and skirmished with Bulgarian troops, though he generally avoided the Germans, considering that his troops were not yet strong enough. In Serbia, his organization controlled the mountains where Axis forces were absent. The collaborationist Nedić administration was largely infiltrated by Mihailović's men and many SDS troops being actually sympathetic to his movement. After his defeat in Case White, Mihailović tried to improve his organization. Dragiša Vasić, the movement's ideologue who had opposed the Italian connection and clashed with Mihailović, left the supreme command. Mihailović tried to extend his contacts to Croats and traditional parties and to revitalise his contacts in Slovenia. The 2118: 352: 1377:; according to Pavlowitch, Đurišić proudly reported to Mihailović that he had destroyed Muslim villages, in retribution against acts committed by Muslim militias. While Mihailović apparently did not order such acts himself and disapproved of them, he also failed to take any action against them, being dependent on various armed groups whose policy he could neither denounce nor condone. He also hid the situation from the British and the Yugoslav government-in-exile. Many terror acts were committed by Chetnik groups against their various enemies, real or perceived, reaching a peak between October 1942 and February 1943. Brigadier 6902: 1217: 171: 1173:, had reached arrangements with the Italians and were cooperating with them against the communist-led Partisans. Mihailović later claimed at his trial in 1946 that he was unaware of these arrangements prior to his arrival in Montenegro, and had to accept them once he arrived, as Stanišić and Đurišić acknowledged him as their leader in name only and would only follow Mihailović's orders if they supported their interests. Mihailović believed that Italian military intelligence was better informed than he was of the activities of his commanders. He tried to make the best of the situation and accepted the appointment of 2068: 975:
offensive, while Mihailović considered a general uprising to be premature and dangerous, as he thought it would trigger reprisals. For his part, Tito's goal was to prevent an assault from the rear by the Chetniks, as he was convinced that Mihailović was playing a "double game", maintaining contacts with German forces via the Nedić government. Mihailović was in contact with Nedić's government, receiving monetary aid via Colonel Popović. On the other hand, Mihailović sought to prevent Tito from assuming the leadership role in the resistance, as Tito's goals were counter to his goals of the restoration of the
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ultimately result in a post-war Serb minority. Mihailović's strategy was to bring together the various Serb bands and build an organization capable of seizing power after the Axis withdrew or were defeated, rather than engaging in direct confrontation with them. In contrast to the reluctance of Chetnik leaders to directly engage the Axis forces, the Partisans advocated open resistance, which appealed to those Chetniks desiring to fight the occupation. By September 1941, Mihailović began losing men to the Partisans, such as Vlado Zečević (a priest), Lieutenant Ratko Martinović, and the
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the Western Allies, and to join Slovene anti-communists, while Germany's collapse might make an anti-communist alliance possible. He authorized the departure of all who wanted to go, but few Chetniks ultimately arrived on the coast, with many being decimated on their way by Ustaše, Partisans, sickness and hunger. On 13 April, Mihailović set out for northern Bosnia, on a 280 km-long march back to Serbia, aiming to start over a resistance movement, this time against the communists. His units were decimated by clashes with the Ustaše and Partisans, as well as dissension and
138: 1442:, which prescribe cleansing actions of non-Serb elements in order to create Greater Serbia have been attributed to Mihailović by some historians, but some historians argue that the document was a forgery made by Đurišić after he failed to reach Mihailović in December 1941 after the latter was driven out of Ravna Gora by German forces. According to Malcolm, if the document was a forgery, it was forged by Chetnik commanders hoping it would be taken as a legitimate order, not by their opponents seeking to discredit the Chetniks. The objectives outlined in the directive were: 367: 1622:" who expected the Serbs to fight to the last drop of blood without giving them any means to do so, had said that the Serbs were completely friendless, that the British were holding King Peter II and his government as virtual prisoners, and that he would keep accepting help from the Italians as long as it would give him the means to annihilate the Partisans. Also according to Bailey's report, he added that his enemies were the Ustaše, the Partisans, the Croats and the Muslims and that only after dealing with them would he turn to the Germans and the Italians. 998:, arrived on the Montenegrin coast on 22 September, whence they had made their way with the help of Montenegrin Partisans to their headquarters, and then on to Tito's headquarters at Užice, arriving on or around 25 October. Hudson reported that earlier promises of supplies made by the British to Mihailović contributed to the poor relationship between Mihailović and Tito, as Mihailović correctly believed that no one outside of Yugoslavia knew about the Partisan movement, and felt that "the time was ripe for drastic action against the communists". 1198:, while its resolutions posited the restoration of a monarchy with a period of transitional Chetnik dictatorship. Mihailović and Đukanović did not attend the event, which was entirely dominated by Đurišić, but they sent representatives. In the same month, Mihailović informed his subordinates that: "The units of the Partisans are filled with thugs of the most varied kinds, such as Ustašas – the worst butchers of the Serb people – Jews, Croats, Dalmatians, Bulgarians, Turks, Magyars, and all the other nations of the world." 4976: 1277:. The meeting was supposedly secret but was known to Italian intelligence. Mihailović gave no precise orders but expressed his confidence in both his subordinates, adding, according to Italian reports, that he was waiting for help from the Allies to start a real guerrilla campaign, in order to spare Serb lives. Summoned by Roatta upon their return, Trifunović-Birčanin and Jevđević assured the Italian commander that Mihailović was merely a "moral head" and that they would not attack Italians, even if he should give such an order. 316: 7369: 5187: 2160:"MIHAILOVIC 's troops once fought against our occupation troops out of loyalty to their King. At the same time they fought against TITO, because of anti—Communist convictions. This two front war could not last long, particularly when British support favored TITO. Consequently MIHAILOVIC showed pro-German leanings. There were engagements during which Serbian Chetniks fought TITO alongside German troops. On the other hand, hostile Chetnik groups were known to attack German supply trains in order to replenish their own stocks." 1137: 917: 1870:
him. Mihailović refused, as he wanted to remain until the expected change of Western Allied policy. During the next weeks, the British government also raised the possibility of evacuating Mihailović by arranging a "rescue and honorable detention", and discussed the matter with the United States. In the end, no action was taken. With their main forces in eastern Bosnia, the Chetniks under Mihailović's personal command in the late months of 1944 continued to collaborate with Germans. Colonel Borota and
2109: 2025:, also sided with the Partisans. She spent most of the war in Belgrade and, after the Partisans took the city, spoke on the radio to denounce her father as a traitor. While Mihailović was in prison, his children did not come to see him, and only his wife visited him. In 2005, Gordana Mihailović personally came to accept her father's posthumous award in the United States. Another son, Vojislav Mihailović, fought alongside his father and was killed in battle in May 1945. His grandson, 340: 296: 328: 1542: 44: 1112:
government-in-exile. The British had suspended support in late 1941 following Hudson's reports of the conflict between the Chetniks and Partisans. Mihailović, infuriated by Hudson's recommendations, denied Hudson radio access and had no contact with him through the first months of 1942. Although Mihailović was in hiding, by March the Nedić government located him, and a meeting sanctioned by the German occupation took place between him and Aćimović. According to historian
6995: 251: 185: 771: 1818:"More than three years ago I took up arms to fight for democracy against dictatorship in the form of nazism and fascism. In fighting for this cause there were ten occasions on which I almost lost my life. If I must die in fighting against a new form of dictatorship, I shall die, bitter because I have been deserted by those who profess to believe in democracy, but satisfied that I myself have fought bravely and honestly and have refused to compromise my cause." 1915: 1157: 1862:
Mihailović's movement collapsed in Serbia under the attacks of Soviets, Partisans, Bulgarians and fighting with the retreating Germans. Still hoping for a landing by the Western Allies, he headed for Bosnia with his staff, McDowell and a force of a few hundred. He set up a few Muslim units and appointed Croat Major Matija Parac as the head of an as yet non-existent Croatian Chetnik army. Nedić himself had fled to Austria. On 25 May 1945, he wrote to General
1079:. He closed down his radio transmitter on that day to avoid giving the Germans hints of his whereabouts and then dispersed his command and the remainder of his forces. The remnants of his Chetniks retreated to the hills of Ravna Gora, but were under German attack throughout December. Mihailović narrowly avoided capture. On 10 December, a bounty was put on his head by the Germans. In the meantime, on 7 December, the BBC announced his promotion to the rank of 2059: 1202: 692:. In the summer of 1940, he attended a function put on by the British military attaché for the Association of Yugoslav Reserve NCOs. The meeting was seen as highly anti-Nazi in tone, and the German ambassador protested Mihailović's presence. Nedić once more ordered him confined to barracks for 30 days as well as demoted and placed on the retired list. These last punishments were avoided only by Nedić's retirement in November and his replacement by 1063:. The legalization allowed his men to have a salary and an alibi provided by the collaborationist administration, while it provided the Nedić regime with more men to fight the communists, although they were under the control of the Germans. Mihailović also considered that he could, using this method, infiltrate the Nedić administration, which was soon fraught with Chetnik sympathizers. While this arrangement differed from the all-out collaboration of 306: 2349: 2146:"The unparalleled rescue of over 500 American Airmen from capture by the Enemy Occupation Forces in Yugoslavia during World War II by General Dragoljub Mihailovich and his Chetnik Freedom Fighters for which this "Legion of Merit" medal was awarded by President Harry S. Truman, also represents a token of deep personal appreciation and respect by all those rescued American Airmen and their descendants, who will be forever grateful." 1026:. Between 6 and 9 November, at least 41(19 of them were nurses and 4 were wounded) of them were executed in Brajići, near Chetnik High Quarters. Mihailović was in Brajići during these executions. On 3 November 1941 Mihailović postponed the proposed meeting with the German officers until 11 November, citing the "general conflict" in which the Chetniks and Partisans were engaged requiring his presence at his headquarters. 2471:
SW-Belgrade area but this intention was not carried out. In contrast, hostile attitude of the Chetniks in E-Bosnia, Herzegovina and S-Montenegro and movement of these forces to the coast in the area of Dubrovnik with the aim at to secure connenction with expected Engl. landing and to seek the protection from Red. From reliable source is known that DM expressly disapproves the anti-German attitude of these Chetniks. (
decrypts. There is no evidence that Mihailović had been involved or approved, though British Military Intelligence found it possible that he was "conniving". At the end of October, the local signals decrypted in Cairo had disclosed that Mihailović had ordered all Chetnik units to co-operate with Germany against the Partisans. This order for cooperation was originally decrypted by Germans, and it was noted in the
896:) unless some great gain could be accomplished. Instead, he favoured sabotage that could not easily be traced back to the Chetniks. His reluctance to engage in more active resistance meant that most sabotage carried out in the early period of the war were due to efforts by the Partisans, and Mihailović lost several commanders and a number of followers who wished to fight the Germans to the Partisan movement. 1766:
mentioned, though the proposals remained vague, and an appeal was even made for the KPJ to join. The Chetnik command structure was formally reorganized. Đurišić was still in charge of Montenegro and Đujić of Dalmatia, but Jevđević was excluded. The Germans and Bulgarians reacted to the congress by conducting an operation against the Chetniks in northern Serbia in February, killing 80 and capturing 913.
1584:, was then sent to Mihailović and was parachuted into Montenegro on Christmas Day. His mission was to gather information and to see if Mihailović had carried out necessary sabotages against railroads. During the following months, the British concentrated on having Mihailović stop Chetnik collaboration with Axis forces and perform the expected actions against the occupiers, but they were not successful. 794:, which were already in existence before the invasion, did not share Mihailović's desire for resistance. In order to distinguish his Chetniks from other groups calling themselves Chetniks, Mihailović and his followers identified themselves as the "Ravna Gora movement". The stated goal of the Ravna Gora movement was the liberation of the country from the occupying armies of Germany, Italy and the 1408:
forces engaged in numerous acts of violence including massacres and destruction of property, and used terror tactics to drive out non-Serb groups. In the spring of 1942, Mihailović penned in his diary: "The Muslim population has through its behaviour arrived at the situation where our people no longer wish to have them in our midst. It is necessary already now to prepare their exodus to
925: 1603:, NDH representatives, and by Jevđević who, this time, collaborated openly with the Axis forces against the Partisans, and had gone to the conference without Mihailović's knowledge. Mihailović disapproved of Jevđević's presence and reportedly sent him an angry message, but his actions were limited to announcing that Jevđević's military award would be withdrawn. On 3 February 1943 1116:, following this meeting, General Bader was informed that Mihailović was willing to put himself at the disposal of the Nedić government in the fight against the communists, but Bader refused his offer. In April 1942, Mihailović, still hiding in Serbia, resumed contact with British envoy Hudson, who was also able to resume his radio transmission to Allied headquarters in 2335: 1588:
ever, it would be advisable to extend assistance to other resistance groups and to try to reunite the Chetniks and the Partisans. British liaison officers reported in February that Mihailović had "at no time" been in touch with the Germans, but that his forces had been in some instances aiding the Italians against the Partisans (the report was simultaneous with
1658:, and attacked the Montenegrin Chetniks. Đurišić appears to have suggested to Mihailović a short-term cooperation with the Germans against the Partisans, something Mihailović refused to condone. Đurišić ended up defending his headquarters at Kolašin against the Partisans. On 14 May, the Germans entered Kolašin and captured Đurišić, while Mihailović escaped. 2478:
Demgegenüber feindselige Haltung der Cetniks in O-Bosnien, Herzegovina und S-Montenegro und Bewegung dieser Kräfte zur Küste in den Raum Dubrovnik mit dem Ziel, bei erwarteter engl. Landung Verbindung mit Alliierten aufzunehmen und Schutz gegen Rote zu suchen. Nach S.Qu. bekannt, dass DM. die deutschfeindliche Haltung dieser Cetniks ausdrücklich missbilligt
2165:"MIHAILOVIC liked to remain in the background, and leave such affairs up to his subordinates. He hoped to bide his time with this play of power until an Anglo—American landing would provide sufficient support against TITO. Germany welcomed his support, however temporary. Chetnik reconnaissance activities were valued highly by our commanders." 2244:
Through the undaunted efforts of his troops, many United States airmen were rescued and returned safely to friendly control. General Mihailovich and his forces, although lacking adequate supplies, and fighting under extreme hardships, contributed materially to the Allied cause, and were instrumental in obtaining a final Allied victory.
1706:. In Serbia, Mihailović was considered the representative of the victorious Allies. In the chaotic situation created by the Italian surrender, several Chetnik leaders overtly collaborated with the Germans against the reinforced Partisans; approached by an Abwehr agent, Jevđević offered the services of about 5,000 men. 1640:
defeat the Chetniks. While Ribbentrop and Hitler finally overruled the orders of their subordinates and forbade any such contacts, the Partisans benefited from this brief truce, during which Italian support for the Chetniks was suspended, and which allowed Tito's forces to deal a severe blow to Mihailović's troops.
commented that the rehabilitation will only cause suffering to Serbia. In Serbia, fourteen NGOs stated in an open letter that "the attempted rehabilitation of Draža Mihailović demeans the struggle of both the Serbians and all the other peoples of the former Yugoslavia against fascism". Members of the
The Yugoslav authorities wanted to catch Mihailović alive in order to stage a full-scale trial. He was finally caught on 13 March 1946. The elaborate circumstances of his capture were kept secret for sixteen years. According to one version, Mihailović was approached by men who were supposedly British
proposed the forming of a common anti-communist front in the north-western coast, which could be acceptable to the Western Allies. Mihailović was not in favour of such a heterogeneous gathering, but did not reject Ljotić's proposal entirely, since the littoral area would be a convenient place to meet
On 17 March 1945, Mihailović was visited in Bosnia by German emissary Stärker, who requested that Mihailović transmit to the Allied headquarters in Italy a secret German offer of capitulation. Mihailović transmitted the message, which was to be his last. Ljotić and several independent Chetnik leaders
managed to conclude secret arrangements with four of Mihailović's commanders for the cessation of hostilities for periods of five to ten weeks. The Germans interpreted this as a sign of weakness from the Mihailović movement. The truces were kept secret but came to the knowledge of the British through
also went to the Germans for cover against the Ustaše and Partisans, although he was distrusted. In October 1943, Mihailović, at the Allies' request, agreed to undertake two sabotage operations, which had the effect of making him even more of a wanted man and forced him, according to British reports,
From the beginning of 1943, British impatience with Mihailović grew. From the decrypts of German wireless messages, Churchill and his government concluded that the Chetniks' collaboration with the Italians went beyond what was acceptable and that the Partisans were doing the most severe damage to the
failed, and the Partisans mounted a rapid counterattack. Within two weeks, the Partisans repelled Chetnik advances and surrounded Mihailović's headquarters at Ravna Gora. Having lost troops in clashes with the Germans, sustained the loss of approximately 1,000 troops and considerable equipment at the
in an attempt to achieve an understanding, but found consensus only on secondary issues. Immediately following the meeting, Mihailović began preparations for an attack on the Partisans, delaying the attack only for lack of arms. Mihailović reported to the Yugoslav government-in-exile that he believed
Army Group F HQ Chief Intelligence Officer notice for the 2 October Conference in Belgrade: Chetnik attitude remains uneven. Serbian Chetniks fight together with German troops against communist bands. DM himself even asked for German help to ensure the intended relocation of his HQ from NW Serbia to
government. The Allied airmen he had rescued in 1944 were not allowed to testify in his favour. Mihailović evaded several questions by accusing some of his subordinates of incompetence and disregard of his orders. The trial shows, according to Jozo Tomasevich, that he never had firm and full control
heights, planning Muslim, Croatian and Slovenian units. His troops were, however, decimated and worn out, some selling their weapons and ammunition, or pillaging the local population. Đurišić joined Mihailović, with his own depleted forces, and found out that Mihailović had no plan. Đurišić went his
In January 1943, the SOE reported to Churchill that Mihailović's subordinate commanders had made local arrangements with Italian authorities, although there was no evidence that Mihailović himself had ever dealt with the Germans. The report concluded that, while aid to Mihailović was as necessary as
on 16 February 1943, demanding that in addition to the partisans be pursued the chetniks who possessed "a special danger in the long-term plans that Mihailovic's supporters were building." Hitler adds: "In any case, the liquidation of the Mihailovic movement will no longer be an easy task, given the
Having become more and more concerned with domestic enemies and concerned that he be in a position to control Yugoslavia after the Allies defeated the Axis, Mihailović concentrated from Montenegro on directing operations, in the various parts of Yugoslavia, mostly against Partisans, but also against
as the figurehead commander of "nationalist forces" in Montenegro. While Mihailović approved the destruction of communist forces, he aimed to exploit the connections of Chetniks commanders with the Italians to get food, arms and ammunition in the expectation of an Allied landing in the Balkans. On 1
official, although it remains controversial if the initiative came from the Germans, from Mihailović himself, or from his liaison officer in Belgrade. In the negotiations Mihailović assured the Germans that "it is not my intention to fight against the occupiers" and claimed that "I have never made a
Mihailović's strategy was to avoid direct conflict with the Axis forces, intending to rise up after Allied forces arrived in Yugoslavia. Mihailović's Chetniks had had defensive encounters with the Germans, but reprisals and the tales of the massacres in the NDH made them reluctant to engage directly
also meant to remove the shadow of the previous congress held in Montenegro. The congress was attended by 274 people, representing various parties, and aimed to be a reaction against the arbitrary behaviour of some commanders. The organization of a new, democratic, possibly federal, Yugoslavia, was
During Case White, the Italians heavily supported the Chetniks in the hope that they would deal a fatal blow to the Partisans. The Germans disapproved of this collaboration, about which Hitler personally wrote to Mussolini. At the end of February, shortly after his speech, Mihailović himself joined
Mihailović's Chetnik committed series of crimes against Partisans and their sympathizers in Serbia. Black threes were executioner units, known for their terror tactics and liquidation of people opposed to Chetnik movement. While some of those killed by threes were member of collaborationist regime,
and other ethnic Serb-populated regions of the former Yugoslavia. In the 1980s, political and economic problems within Yugoslavia undermined faith in the communist regime, and historians in Serbia began a re-evaluation of Serbian historiography and proposed the rehabilitation of Mihailović and the
as being almost a shrine to Mihailović with photographs of him together with newspaper articles about him covering the walls. Hockenos wrote for the groups such as the National Defense Council, Mihailović is a symbol of Serbdom itself, being presented as a noble and successful guerrilla leader who
With Italy's withdrawal from the war in September 1943, the Chetniks in Montenegro found themselves under attack by both the Germans and the Partisans, who took control of large parts of Montenegrin territory, including the former "Chetnik capital" of Kolašin. Đurišić, having escaped from a German
sent liaison officers to join Bailey's mission with Mihailović, while also sending men to Tito. The Germans, in the meantime, became worried by the growing strength of the Partisans and made local arrangements with Chetnik groups, though not with Mihailović himself. According to Walter R. Roberts,
In mid-November, the Germans launched an offensive against the Partisans, Operation Western Morava, which bypassed Chetnik forces. Having been unable to quickly overcome the Chetniks, faced with reports that the British considered Mihailović as the leader of the resistance, and under pressure from
in early May 1941, he realized that his group of seven officers and twenty-four non-commissioned officers and soldiers was the only one. He began to draw up lists of conscripts and reservists for possible use. His men at Ravna Gora were joined by a group of civilians, mainly intellectuals from the
considered Mihailović a "pure hero" and always refused to have personal meetings with Tito, whom he considered as Mihailović's "murderer". During the war, Churchill believed intelligence reports had shown that Mihailović had engaged "... in active collaboration with the Germans". He observed
Now hoping for support from the United States, Mihailović met a small British mission between the Neretva river and Dubrovnik, but realized that it wasn't the signal of the hoped-for landing. McDowell was evacuated on 1 November and was instructed to offer Mihailović the opportunity to leave with
formed the new Yugoslav government-in-exile, which did not include Mihailović as a minister. Mihailović, however, remained the official chief-of-staff of the Yugoslav Army. On 29 August, upon the recommendation of his government, King Peter dissolved by royal decree the Supreme Command, therefore
On 15 November 1942, Captain Hudson cabled to Cairo that the situation was problematic, that opportunities for large-scale sabotage were not exploited because of Mihailović's desire to avoid reprisals and that, while waiting for an Allied landing and victory, the Chetnik leader might come to "any
Mihailović soon realized that his men did not have the means to protect Serbian civilians against German reprisals. The prospect of reprisals also fed Chetnik concerns regarding a possible takeover of Yugoslavia by the Partisans after the war, and they did not wish to engage in actions that might
The High Court rehabilitated Draža Mihailović on 14 May 2015. This ruling reverses the judgment passed in 1946, sentencing Mihailović to death for collaboration with the occupying Nazi forces and stripping him of all his rights as a citizen. According to the ruling, the Communist regime staged a
Roberts considers that the trial was "anything but a model of justice" and that "it is clear that Mihailović was not guilty of all, or even many, of the charges brought against him" though Tito would probably not have had a fair trial either, had Mihailović prevailed. Mihailović was convicted of
On 10 December, Churchill met King Peter II in London and told him that he possessed irrefutable proofs of Mihailović's collaboration with the enemy and that Mihailović should be eliminated from the Yugoslav cabinet. Also in early December, Mihailović was asked to undertake an important sabotage
near the Neretva in order to try to salvage the situation. The Partisans nevertheless defeated the opposing Chetniks troops, who were in a state of disarray, and managed to go across the Neretva. In March, the Partisans negotiated a truce with Axis forces in order to gain some time and use it to
Whether or not the instructions were forged, Mihailović was certainly aware of both the ideological goal of cleansing and of the violent acts taken to accomplish that goal. Stevan Moljević worked out the basics of the Chetnik program while at Ravna Gora in the summer of 1941, and Mihailović sent
Historians vary in their assessments of Mihailović. Tomasevich suggests one main cause of his defeat was his failure to grow professionally, politically or ideologically as his responsibilities increased, rendering him unable to face both the exceptional circumstances of the war and the complex
entering the conflict, followed at last by an Allied incursion in the Balkans. He called upon all Yugoslavs to remain faithful to the King, and claimed that Peter had sent him a message telling him not to believe what he had heard on the radio about his dismissal. His troops started to break up
Chetnik ideology encompassed the notion of Greater Serbia, to be achieved by forcing population shifts in order to create ethnically homogeneous areas. Partly due to this ideology and partly in response to violent actions undertaken by the Ustaše and the Muslim forces attached to them, Chetniks
of the Yugoslav Army in the Fatherland. A week later he was promoted to the rank of General of the Army. The Partisans, in the meantime, insisted to the Soviets that Mihailović was a traitor and a collaborator, and should be condemned as such. The Soviets initially saw no need for it, and their
On 19 September 1941, Tito met with Mihailović to negotiate an alliance between the Partisans and Chetniks, but they failed to reach an agreement as the disparity of the aims of their respective movements was great enough to preclude any real compromise. Tito was in favour of a joint full-scale
General Dragoljub Mihailovich distinguished himself in an outstanding manner as Commander-in-Chief of the Yugoslavian Army Forces and later as Minister of War by organizing and leading important resistance forces against the enemy which occupied Yugoslavia, from December 1941 to December 1944.
The text in Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommando der Wehrmacht for 23 November 1943: Mihailovic hat nach sicherer Quelle seinen Unterführern den Befehl gegeben, mit den Deutschen zusammenzuarbeiten; er selbst können mit Rücksicht auf die Stimmung der Bevölkerung nicht in diesem Sinne hervortreten.
Early in September 1942, Mihailović called for civil disobedience against the Nedić regime through leaflets and clandestine radio transmitters. This prompted fighting between the Chetniks and followers of the Nedić regime. The Germans, whom the Nedić administration had called for help against
encountered both the Partisans and Chetniks while entering from Romania and Bulgaria. They briefly cooperated with the Chetniks against retreating Germans, before disarming them. Mihailović sent a delegation to the Soviet command, but his representatives were ignored and ultimately arrested.
But an S.O.E. 'appreciation on Jugoslavia' of mid-November said: "... So far no telegrams have been received from either of our liaison officers reporting any sabotage undertaken by General Mihajlović, nor have we received any reports of fighting against the Axis troops." In Yugoslavia,
The ultimate tragedy of Draza Mihailovic cannot erase the memory of his heroic and often lonely struggle against the twin tyrannies that afflicted his people, Nazism and Communism. He knew that totalitarianism, whatever name it might take, is the death of freedom. He thus became a symbol of
1416: 1111:
as prime minister, and the cabinet declared the strengthening of Mihailović's position as one of its primary goals. It also unsuccessfully sought to obtain support from both the Americans and the British. On 11 January, Mihailović was named "Minister of the Army, Navy and Air Forces" by the
Cetnik-Haltung weiterhin uneinheitlich. Serbische Cetniks kämpfen zusammen mit deutscher Truppe gegen komun. Banden. DM. selbst bat sogar um deutsche Hilfe zur Sicherung beabsichtigter Verlegung seines Hauptstabes von NW-Serbien in Raum SW Belgrad. Diese Absicht jedoch nicht durchgeführt.
Amongst many Serbian emigres, Mihailović remains the Serbian hero par excellence as the American scholar Paul Hockenos wrote: " emigres loyal to the Mihailović movement, their larger-than-life 'Draža' was a resolute anti-fascist and Western-minded Anglophile who fought the Germans
While defenders of Mihailović have argued that Bailey had mistranslated the speech, and may have even done so intentionally, the effect on the British was disastrous and marked the beginning of the end for British-Chetnik cooperation. The British officially protested to the Yugoslav
884:. By the end of August, Mihailović's Chetniks and the Partisans began attacking Axis forces, sometimes jointly despite their differences, and captured numerous prisoners. On 28 October 1941 Mihailović received an order from the Prime Minister of the Yugoslav Government in exile 1836:
arrived on the eastern borders of Yugoslavia. In early September, it invaded Bulgaria and coerced it into turning against the Axis. Mihailović's Chetniks, meanwhile, were so badly armed to resist the Partisan incursions into Serbia that some of Mihailović's officers, including
Even though Mihailović initially asked for discreet support, propaganda from the British and from the Yugoslav government-in-exile quickly began to exalt his feats. The creation of a resistance movement in occupied Europe was received as a morale booster. On 15 November, the
analogies are drawn between war crimes committed during World War II and those of the Yugoslav Wars, and Mihailović is "seen as a war criminal responsible for ethnic cleansing and genocidal massacres." The differences were illustrated in 2004, when Serbian basketball player
In late May, after regaining control of most of Montenegro, the Italians turned their efforts against the Chetniks, at least against Mihailović's forces, and put a reward of half-a-million lire for the capture of Mihailović, and one million for the capture of Tito.
1592:). Bailey reported that Mihailović was increasingly dissatisfied with the insufficient help he was receiving from the British. Mihailović's movement had been so inflated by British propaganda that the liaison officers found the reality decidedly below expectations. 1297:. In September and December, Mihailović's actions damaged the railway system seriously; the Allies gave him credit for inconveniencing Axis forces and contributing to Allied successes in Africa. The credit given to Mihailović for sabotages was maybe undeserved: 829:, whence royalist Yugoslavs reported that Mihailović appeared to be organizing a resistance movement against Axis forces. Mihailović first established radio contact with the British in September 1941, when his radio operator raised a ship in the 6698: 1554:"General Mihaylovitch saw his contribution to the common cause in turning anti-German feeling into anti-partisan feeling. Only on the most Jesuitical grounds can his action be represented as anything but damaging to the cause of the Allies." 2094:
Political views of Mihailović cover a wide range. After the war, Mihailović's wartime role was viewed in the light of his movement's collaboration, particularly in Yugoslavia where he was considered a collaborator convicted of high treason.
394: 1674:, one of the liaison officers to the Chetniks, reported that engagements between Chetniks and Germans did occur, but were invariably started by German attacks. During the summer, the British sent supplies to both Chetniks and Partisans. 2261:
resistance to all those across the world who have had to fight a similar heroic and lonely struggle against totalitarianism. Mihailovic belonged to Yugoslavia; his spirit now belongs to all those who are willing to fight for freedom.
until the Italians intervened in August. The Chetniks also asked the Italians for protection against Ustaše retribution. On 22 July, Mihailović met with Trifunović-Birčanin, Jevđević, and his newly appointed delegate in Herzegovina,
649:'s abdication and the creation of an alliance between Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, but, being untrained as a spy, he was soon identified by Bulgarian authorities and was asked to leave the country. He was then appointed as an attaché to 6347: 1738:, liaison officer to the Partisans, convinced Churchill that Tito's forces were the most reliable resistance group. The report of Charles Armstrong, liaison officer to Mihailović, arrived too late for Anthony Eden to take it to the 1055:
hands of the Partisans, received only one small delivery of arms from the British in early November, and been unsuccessful in convincing the Germans to provide him with supplies, Mihailović found himself in a desperate situation.
6530: 1995:
stated that the attempted rehabilitation is harmful for Serbia and contrary to historical facts. He elaborated that Mihailović "is a war criminal and Chetnikism is a quisling criminal movement". Croatian foreign minister
6691: 1160:
A 1943 German warrant after Operation Schwarz for Mihailović offering a reward of 100,000 gold marks for his capture, dead or alive. Based on the sketch, the Germans probably did not know that Mihailović was wearing a
the occupation of Užice, the location of a gun factory, was required to prevent the strengthening of the Partisans. On 28 October, two Chetnik liaison officers first approached Nedić and later that day German officer
outside Serbia in mid-August, as he tried to reach to Muslim and Croat leaders for a national uprising. However, whatever his intentions, he proved to have little attraction for non-Serbs. Đurišić, while leading his
1580:, who was openly collaborating with the Italians. The Foreign Office called Boughey's declarations "blundering" but the British were worried about the situation and Mihailović's inactivity. A British senior officer, 755:
on 29 April. Mihailović planned to establish an underground intelligence movement and establish contact with the Allies, though it is unclear if he initially envisioned to start an actual armed resistance movement.
8726: 6684: 6523: 5326: 8452: 1120:, using Mihailović's transmitter. In May, the British resumed sending assistance to the Chetniks, although only to a small extent, with a single airdrop on 30 March. Mihailović subsequently left for 1014:
of the Armed Forces Liaison Office, and offered Mihailović's services in the struggle against the Partisans in exchange for weapons. This offer was relayed to the German general in charge of the
1385:°. Mihailovic's units in Serbia during the arrival of the Soviet army in September 1944, do not lead any fighting against the Soviets. Some Chetnik corps commanders, such as Dragutin Keserovic, 6516: 1959:
was set up in the United States, but to no avail. Mihailović is quoted as saying, in his final statement, "I wanted much; I began much; but the gale of the world carried away me and my work."
Mihailović returned to Serbia and his movement rapidly recovered its dominance in the region. Receiving more weapons from the British, he undertook a series of actions and sabotages, disarmed
against occupying German forces. Opposing strategies, ideological differences and general distrust drove them apart, and by late 1941 the two groups were in open conflict. Many Chetnik groups
6486: 6355: 1971:, and was executed on 17 July 1946. He was executed together with nine other officers in Lisičiji Potok, about 200 meters from the former Royal Palace. His body was reportedly covered with 1742:
in late November 1943, though Stevan K. Pavlowitch thinks that it would probably been insufficient to change Churchill's mind. At Tehran, Churchill argued in favour of the Partisans, while
to fight the Ustaše while most abandoned the struggle. Throughout November, Mihailović's forces had been under pressure from German forces, and on 3 December, the Germans issued orders for
Zoran Pusić, head of the Civil Committee for Human Rights, protested against the decision and stated that Mihailović was directly responsible for the war crimes committed by the Chetniks.
848:, who brought reports on the situation in Montenegro. Mihailović sent him back to Montenegro with written authorization to organize units there, with the oral approval of officers such as 778:
For the time being, Mihailović established a small nucleus of officers with an armed guard, which he called the "Command of Chetnik Detachments of the Yugoslav Army". After arriving at
there is "little doubt" that Mihailović was aware of these arrangements and that he might have regarded them as the lesser of two evils, his primary aim being to defeat the Partisans.
The work on definitive cleansing of communists must continue. They can't exist in Serbia.Destroy their sympathizers and concealers without mercy. Without sympathizers they won't exist
672:, VKJ). Among his most important proposals were abandoning the defence of the northern frontier to concentrate forces in the mountainous interior; re-organizing the armed forces into 482:, which along with British frustration over Mihailović's inaction led to the Allies shifting their support to Tito in 1944. Mihailović himself collaborated with fascist collaborators 688:, the Minister of the Army, was incensed by Mihailović's report and ordered that he be confined to barracks for 30 days. Afterwards, Mihailović became a professor at Belgrade's 5686: 356: 1075:, an attack against his forces in Ravna Gora. On 5 December, the day before the operation, Mihailović was warned by contacts serving under Nedić of the impending attack, likely by 8175: 5479: 2526:: General Draža Mihailović i OPŠTA istoriia četničkog pokreta/General Draža Mihailović and the general history of the Chetnik movement. 2 vols 4 Ed Novi pogledi, Kragujevac, 2005 2155:, German commander-in-chief south east 1943–1945, in his interrogation statement in October 1945, wrote about Mihailović and his forces in section named "Groups Aiding Germany": 1568:
sound understanding with either Italians or Germans which he believed might serve his purposes without compromising him", in order to defeat the communists. In December, Major
8445: 1264:
aimed to spare Italian lives, but also to counter the Ustaše and Germans, to undermine Mihailović's authority among the Chetniks by playing up local leaders. Chetniks, led by
1434:, there is "... no definite evidence that Mihailović himself ever called for ethnic cleansing". However, instructions to his Montenegrin subordinate commanders, Major 880:, also went into action and called for a popular insurrection against the Axis powers in July 1941. Tito subsequently set up a communist resistance movement known as the 8180: 1987:
filed a request for his grandfather's rehabilitation in the high court. The announcement caused a negative reaction in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia alike.
8701: 8716: 8438: 1769:
After May and the withdrawal of the British mission, Mihailović kept transmitting radio messages to the Allies and to his government but no longer received replies.
1289:(SDK). During the autumn of 1942, Mihailović's Chetniks—at the request of the British organization—sabotaged several railway lines used to supply Axis forces in the 743:, a small group of officers and soldiers led by Mihailović escaped in the hope of finding VKJ units still fighting in the mountains. After skirmishing with several 2203:, several Serbian nationalist groups began calling themselves "Chetniks", while Serb paramilitaries often self-identified with them and were referred to as such. 6751: 2022: 1991:, presidency member of Bosnia and Herzegovina, advocated the withdrawal of the Bosnian ambassador to Serbia if rehabilitation passes. Former Croatian President 1517:
were executed by entire Chetnik units. Orders for killing of Partisan supports came directly from Mihailović. For example, on 12 November 1943 to his commander
who urged Mihailović to avoid premature actions and avoid reprisals. Mihailović discouraged sabotage due to German reprisals (such as more than 3,000 killed in
8696: 6881: 6430:
Patriot or Traitor: The Case of General Mihailović: Proceedings and Report of the Commission of Inquiry of the Committee for a Fair Trial for Draja Mihailović.
5737: 5334: 1934:
opened on 10 June 1946. His co-defendants were other prominent figures of the Chetnik movement as well as members of the Yugoslav government-in-exile, such as
1647:, they met with a Chetnik officer, who did not introduce himself. They assumed they had met the general himself, but the man was possibly not Mihailović, whom 2018: 1927:. Another version, proposed by the Yugoslav government, is that he was betrayed by Nikola Kalabić, who revealed his place of hiding in exchange for leniency. 601:
but had to leave his position in 1920 after taking part in a public argument between communist and nationalist sympathizers. He was subsequently stationed in
7436: 6330: 6231:
Sindbæk, Tea (April 2009). "The Fall and Rise of a National Hero: Interpretations of Draža Mihailović and the Chetniks in Yugoslavia and Serbia since 1945".
1526: 1107:
Mihailović did not resume radio transmissions with the Allies before January 1942. In early 1942, the Yugoslav government-in-exile reorganized and appointed
8107: 1900:. Mihailović managed to escape with 1,000–2,000 men, who gradually dispersed. Mihailović himself went into hiding in the mountains with a handful of men. 1781:(OSS) and 60th Troop Carrier Squadron (TCS) in the successful rescue of hundreds downed Allied airmen between August and December 1944 in what was called 8736: 1509:
this number is far exceeded by number of those killed for supporting Yugoslav Partisans. Largest of crimes against Partisan supporters like massacres in
5602: 8651: 8389: 8346: 1923:
agents offering him help and an evacuation by aeroplane. After hesitating, he boarded the aeroplane, only to discover that it was a trap set up by the
against the Partisans. He was pledged to Nedić, but also made a secret allegiance to Mihailović. Both Mihailović and Đurišić expected a landing by the
1027: 1651:
reported being in another area at the same period. The German command, however, reacted strongly against any attempt at "negotiating with the enemy".
605:. In 1921, he was admitted to the Superior Military Academy of Belgrade. In 1923, having finished his studies, he was promoted as an assistant to the 8661: 7445: 1643:
In May, the German intelligence service also tried to establish contact with Mihailović to see if an alliance against the Partisans was possible. In
845: 1311:. From all this, it might seem that since the autumn of 1941 the British had – wittingly or unwittingly – been co-operating in a gigantic hoax. 8731: 8626: 1346:, which was under Italian occupation. From the beginning of 1943, General Mihailovic prepared his units for the supports of Allied landing on the 8721: 8631: 8318: 2170:
Almost sixty years after his death, on 29 March 2005, Mihailović's daughter, Gordana, was presented with the posthumous decoration by president
Mihailović spent most of 1941 consolidating scattered VKJ remnants and finding new recruits. In August, he set up a civilian advisory body, the
8384: 8145: 8140: 8135: 5504: 5516: 8202: 8115: 6432:
Hoover Archival Documentaries. Hoover Institution Publication, volume 191. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1978.
and the renewal of ethnic nationalism, the historical perception of Mihailović's collaboration has been challenged by parts of the public in
1015: 752: 1011: 8636: 8303: 1924: 5487: 2443:
Roberts quotes Konstantin Fotić, though he adds that even the latter, a Mihailović supporter, admits that the speech was "unfortunate".
The British were more and more concerned about the fact that the Chetniks were more willing to fight Partisans than Axis troops. At the
864:. Mihailović only gave vague and contradictory orders to Perinhek, mentioning the need to put off civil strife and to "remove enemies". 8691: 8621: 8197: 6874: 618: 510: 8741: 7429: 590: 6056: 1611:, a French military decoration to honour people who fought with the Allies against the Axis forces at any time during World War II. 8150: 110: 1133:
building in Moscow, broadcast a resolution from Yugoslav "patriots" in Montenegro and Bosnia labelling Mihailović a collaborator.
His military career almost came to an abrupt end in 1939, when he submitted a report strongly criticizing the organization of the
8646: 8290: 7404: 2042: 1342:
forces at its disposal and the large number of armed Chetniks". At that time, General Mihailovic was with his Supreme Command in
1125: 1373:
to communicate. He was, however, apparently aware that many Chetnik groups were committing crimes against civilians and acts of
and acknowledged Mihailović as the formal leader, but acted on his own, with his troops being used by the Italians as the local
8242: 8230: 1698:, found his way to Yugoslavia, was captured again, and was then asked by collaborationist prime minister Milan Nedić to form a 1608: 1286: 1874:
Jevđević maintained contacts with Germans for the whole group. In January 1945, Mihailović tried to regroup his forces on the
7340: 6867: 6412: 6297: 6278: 6221: 6183: 6164: 6130: 6105: 6077: 6045: 6000: 5981: 5951: 5902: 5883: 5855: 5777: 5726: 5637: 5591: 5564: 5440: 5390: 5312: 1454:
the creation of a Great Yugoslavia and within it of a Great Serbia, which is to be ethnically pure and is to include Serbia ;
814: 598: 17: 5292: 1457:
the struggle for the inclusion into Yugoslavia of all still unliberated Slovene territories under the Italians and Germans (
8686: 7422: 5451: 1714:
By November and December 1943, the Germans had realized that Tito was their most dangerous opponent; German representative
Interrogation Reports, Record Group 238, M1270, Roll 28, Annex to interrogation of Maximilian von Weichs (12 October 1945)
7398: 6676: 6363: 2034: 1670:
In April and May 1943, the British sent a mission to the Partisans and strengthened their mission to the Chetniks. Major
522: 1369:
Mihailović had great difficulties controlling his local commanders, who often did not have radio contacts and relied on
1043:. With this act, Mihailović wanted to show that he is still open to cooperation despite German refusal of his proposal. 8746: 8711: 8366: 8125: 6011: 2215:, a paramilitary group considered responsible for war crimes and ethnic cleansing, which identified with the Chetniks. 1402: 518: 6194: 8285: 8257: 5825: 1129:
propaganda kept supporting Mihailović. Eventually, on 6 July 1942, the station Radio Free Yugoslavia, located in the
578: 299: 8092: 5745: 5400: 1753:
In the meantime, Mihailović tried to improve the organization of his movement. On 25 January 1944, with the help of
8706: 8666: 8265: 8212: 7491: 7463: 2481: 2183: 1735: 1257: 1060: 740: 719:
in northern Bosnia. He briefly served as the Second Army chief-of-staff prior to taking command of a "Rapid Unit" (
8190: 7984: 6338: 5452:"Final report of the United Nations Commission of Experts established pursuant to security council resolution 780" 2300:
and within cemeteries in North America. In Republika Srpska, streets and squares named after him are very common (
1030:, organized through one of Mihailović's representatives in Belgrade, took place between the Chetnik leader and an 8270: 6508: 2297: 953: 8539: 8461: 7902: 7473: 7009: 2117: 1931: 1909: 1875: 1353: 1316: 1237: 106: 6793: 6588: 6572: 2426:
Pavlowitch asserts that it cannot be determined who initiated the meeting, but Roberts attributes it to Matl.
1091: 8681: 8641: 8616: 7761: 6901: 6069:
Politics of ethnic cleansing: nation-state building and provision of in/security in twentieth-century balkans
The Forgotten 500: The Untold Story of the Men Who Risked All for the Greatest Rescue Mission of World War II
5606: 1268:, came from Montenegro to help the Bosnian Serb population against the Ustaše. They murdered and pillaged in 986:
At the end of September, the Germans launched a massive offensive against both Partisans and Chetniks called
957: 873: 506: 320: 1002: 747:
and Muslim bands and attempting to sabotage several objects, Mihailović and about 80 of his men crossed the
494: 8676: 8671: 8371: 8323: 7656: 7468: 7229: 6490: 5669: 2372: 1778: 1124:, arriving there on 1 June. He established his headquarters there and on 10 June was formally appointed as 991: 928:
1942 German proclamation and reward offer for Mihailović, after the Chetnik killing of four German officers
838: 799: 175: 976: 868:
in armed struggle, except against the Ustaše in Serbian border areas. In the meantime, following the Axis
791: 715:). At the time of the invasion, Colonel Mihailović was an assistant to the chief-of-staff of the Yugoslav 684:
units in order to better counter subversive activities; and using mobile Chetnik units along the borders.
8379: 8235: 8160: 5647: 2212: 1854: 1699: 1378: 1206: 700: 8015: 7216: 6805: 6604: 1398: 351: 8465: 8419: 8341: 7506: 7449: 6890: 6757: 6318: 278: 7187: 5787:
Hoare, Marko Attila (September 2010). "Genocide in the Former Yugoslavia Before and After Communism".
Danas (newspaper), (11 April 2012) Spomenici „rehabilitovali“ Dražu (Monuments "rehabilitated" Draža)
coast. General Mihailovic hoped that the Western Alliance would open the Second Front in the Balkans.
1067:, it caused much confusion over who and what the Chetniks were. Some of Mihailović's men crossed into 8656: 8308: 8120: 7586: 6213: 5529: 4921: 2377: 1893: 765: 554: 407: 120: 8170: 5932: 1178:
December, Đurišić organised a Chetnik "youth conference" at Šahovići. The congress, which historian
1018:, and a meeting was proposed by the German for 3 November. On 1 November, the Chetniks attacked the 8165: 7175: 2226:
The revised image of Mihailović is not shared in non-Serbian post-Yugoslav nations. In Croatia and
2030: 1727: 1695: 1648: 1581: 1216: 7414: 6405:
Shadows on the mountain: the Allies, the Resistance, and the rivalries that doomed WWII Yugoslavia
the creation of contiguous frontiers between Serbia and Montenegro, as well as between Serbia and
Mihailović also received help from officers in other areas of Yugoslavia, such as Slovene officer
8247: 7857: 7817: 7147: 7122: 7044: 7014: 2523: 1435: 1290: 1265: 1209:
visits the 2nd Ravna Gora Corps in the fall of 1943. Beside him is the corps' commander, Captain
1086: 849: 803: 665: 332: 7954: 7721: 7541: 7355: 2067: 1174: 8414: 7771: 7074: 6738: 5583: 5356: 2320:
is named after him. Several memorial plaques were placed on Ravna Gora, on one of them writes:
2227: 1703: 1448: 1294: 1225: 932: 834: 430: 8529: 8504: 6951: 6926: 6787: 4124: 2026: 1984: 1746:
expressed limited interest but agreed that they should receive the greatest possible support.
1573: 1022:, but were beaten back. On same day Mihailović's troops captured two groups of Partisans near 429:(Chetniks), a royalist and nationalist movement and guerrilla force established following the 8155: 7606: 7112: 6775: 6708: 6012:"Serbia seeks grave of WWII guerrilla leader Dragoljub Draza Mihailović, slain by communists" 2277: 2208: 2191: 2152: 2077: 1099:
on the forced march through the Peshter Plateau rushed to aid Supreme Commande on the eve of
1006: 784: 779: 716: 646: 566: 457: 453: 344: 170: 160: 7969: 7842: 7827: 7812: 7581: 7531: 7317: 7039: 7024: 7019: 6645: 6548: 1988: 1935: 1707: 1518: 1439: 1170: 1108: 853: 625:
during his stay, although there is no known evidence of this. In 1935, he became a military
609:, along with the fifteen other best alumni of his promotion. He was promoted to the rank of 585:
as the top soldier in his class, ranked sixth at the Serbian military academy. He served in
366: 8611: 8606: 7892: 7069: 6859: 6453: 6270: 6156: 6087: 4859: 4857: 2204: 1863: 1754: 1179: 1072: 969: 869: 7907: 7636: 7536: 7274: 7264: 6706: 1809: 1148:, after deliverance from a hostile environment during Operation Schwarz, May 1943, in the 1019: 817:, composed of Serb political leaders including some with strong nationalist views such as 8: 8225: 7792: 7711: 7322: 6961: 6799: 5293:
1897: 1678: 1488:
the cleansing of the state territory of all national minorities and a-national elements ;
1470: 1187: 1183: 1076: 661: 630: 521:
remains controversial. In May 2015, Mihailović's verdict was overturned on appeal by the
212: 8097: 7974: 7852: 7696: 7676: 7661: 7302: 7059: 6731: 4854: 2017:
In 1920, Mihailović married Jelica Branković; they had three children. One of his sons,
1282: 1040: 857: 723:) shortly before the Yugoslav High Command capitulated to the Germans on 17 April 1941. 487: 8514: 8479: 8275: 7964: 7807: 7797: 7671: 7049: 6981: 6936: 6835: 6781: 6769: 6745: 6725: 6719: 6654: 6636: 6620: 6248: 5920: 5804: 5761: 5576: 2216: 1848:
As the Red Army approached, Mihailović thought that the outcome of war would depend on
1842: 1797: 1615: 1274: 1228:, commander of the 1st Ravna Gora Corps, made his last preparations for organizing the 1191: 1182:
writes expressed "extremism and intolerance", nationalist claims were made on parts of
1166: 1145: 885: 881: 818: 610: 517:
in Belgrade in July. The nature and extent of his responsibility for collaboration and
465: 207: 7979: 7933: 7872: 7802: 7751: 7731: 7631: 7611: 7350: 7327: 7254: 7079: 7064: 7054: 1386: 1321: 1221: 1210: 1141: 1096: 987: 822: 553:. As both of his uncles were military officers, Mihailović himself joined the Serbian 8519: 7736: 7691: 7591: 6941: 6408: 6293: 6274: 6252: 6217: 6179: 6160: 6126: 6101: 6073: 6041: 5996: 5977: 5966: 5947: 5908: 5898: 5879: 5851: 5821: 5808: 5773: 5766:
Genocide and Resistance in Hitler's Bosnia: The Partisans and the Chetniks, 1941–1943
5722: 5633: 5587: 5560: 5436: 5386: 5308: 2362: 2096: 2081: 2038: 1782: 1739: 1715: 1619: 1604: 1545: 1389:, Vlastimir Vesic and Dusan Smiljanic, are trying to co-operate with the Soviet Army 1304: 1100: 622: 574: 538: 143: 86: 8499: 8336: 8298: 8185: 7989: 7837: 7741: 7601: 7596: 7576: 7117: 7034: 7029: 6956: 6847: 6500: 5305:
Politička upotreba prošlosti: istorijski revizionizam na postjugoslovenskom prostoru
4872: 1838: 1600: 1530: 1510: 1051: 8331: 8056: 8025: 7746: 7686: 7621: 7496: 7244: 7201: 7160: 6823: 6763: 6580: 6564: 6240: 5796: 5702: 5698: 5424: 2340: 1947: 1447:
The struggle for the liberty of our whole nation under the sceptre of His Majesty,
1423: 1374: 1338: 1308: 1195: 1036: 774:
The Chetnik flag. The flag reads: "For the King and Fatherland – Freedom or Death".
736: 693: 606: 570: 469: 315: 255: 217: 8534: 8524: 7959: 7887: 7882: 7867: 7832: 7822: 7776: 7706: 7651: 7641: 7312: 7307: 6946: 6921: 6829: 6811: 6612: 6556: 6538: 6479: 5307:(in Serbian) p. 328; Alternativna kulturna organizacija – AKO, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2482:
National Archive and Research Administration, Washington, T311, Roll 194, 000105-6
Valley. Behind General, Major Miljan Janketic, Commander of the Support Battalion.
1136: 1064: 861: 8494: 8356: 8130: 8087: 8030: 7928: 7566: 7383: 7142: 6911: 6444: 6348:"Rehabilitacija Draže Mihailovića: BiH razmatra povlačenje ambasadora iz Srbije?" 6264: 6260: 6207: 6150: 6116: 6091: 6067: 5941: 5869: 5836: 5800: 5661:
Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht, Band III (1943), Zweiter Halbband
5623: 5550: 5372: 2472: 2250: 2131: 2127: 1972: 1790: 1786: 1426:
of non-Serbs from territories claimed by the Chetniks as part of a Greater Serbia
that Mihailovic believed that Britain had left Yugoslavia to Soviet influence ...
1224:, who headed from Mt. Bobija to Mt. Suvobor, in the village of Ba, where Captain 1113: 1080: 916: 877: 549:. Orphaned at seven years of age, Mihailović was raised by his paternal uncle in 493:
Mihailović went into hiding after the war but was captured in March 1946. He was
461: 449: 370: 8544: 7756: 7701: 7561: 7239: 6971: 6966: 5687:"Serbia, Croatia and Germany 1941–1945: Civil War and Revolution in the Balkans" 5663:. Vol. III/2. Frankfurt am Main: Bernard & Graefe Verlag für Wehrwesen. 5455: 5315: 1943: 1165:
In Montenegro, Mihailović found a complex situation. The local Chetnik leaders,
announced that he was organizing VKJ remnants to fight against the Axis powers.
7726: 7646: 7616: 7249: 5471: 4798: 2367: 2171: 2021:, was a Communist sympathizer and later supported the Partisans. His daughter, 2002: 1951: 1671: 1589: 1559: 980: 965: 945: 708: 650: 594: 309: 7897: 7877: 7681: 7297: 7132: 6916: 6817: 6628: 6596: 6244: 5738:"Adding insult to injury: Washington decorates a Nazi-collaborationist leader" 4887: 2322:"We'll never forget Čiča Draža - your children, your young Chetniks of Serbia" 1997: 1614:
On 28 February 1943, in Bailey's presence, Mihailović addressed his troops in
Activities in Montenegro and the Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia
685: 525:, citing his trial and conviction as politically and ideologically motivated. 483: 8600: 8220: 8051: 8005: 7923: 7716: 7666: 7626: 7211: 7089: 6122: 6097: 5973: 5912: 5865: 5769: 5629: 5432: 2403: 2354: 2313: 2301: 2267: 2236: 2220: 2200: 2135: 1777:
In July and August 1944, Mihailović ordered his forces to cooperate with the
1743: 1682: 1569: 941: 830: 689: 474: 7766: 7546: 7269: 4126:
La Revolution yougoslave. - [Paris]: L'Age d'homme (1982). 247 S. 8°
2108: 8430: 8035: 7571: 7551: 7170: 7127: 7102: 6976: 5961: 1964: 1829: 1731: 1525:. Similar messages he also sent during November 1943 to Chetnik commanders 1431: 1334: 1261: 995: 949: 732: 593:
in 1915. He later received several decorations for his achievements on the
558: 514: 498: 422: 339: 295: 238: 8509: 6931: 2029:(born 1951, named after his uncle) is a Serbian politician, member of the 1541: 990:. A joint British-Yugoslav intelligence mission, quickly assembled by the 327: 8010: 7938: 7378: 7196: 5408: 5378: 1762: 1636: 1249: 1229: 1149: 748: 586: 562: 546: 479: 445: 273: 268: 8727:
Genocide of Muslims and Croats in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia perpetrators
2293: 1914: 1156: 385:
Mihailo Mihailović (Father), Smiljana Mihailović (née Petrović) (Mother)
43: 7847: 7556: 7259: 7137: 7084: 4403: 2317: 1968: 1655: 1596: 1343: 1240:, a leader of pre-war Chetnik organizations, commanded the Chetniks in 1201: 1121: 893: 770: 582: 502: 2058: 1734:
expressed impatience about Mihailović's lack of action. The report of
1644: 1496: 1482: 626: 8351: 8020: 7206: 5875: 5382: 4012: 2305: 1758: 1618:. Bailey reported that Mihailović had expressed his bitterness over " 1415: 1130: 1044: 920:
Nazi German wanted poster for Colonel Mihailović from 9 December 1941
415: 305: 7501: 6308: 5480:"Protest zbog rehabilitacije Draže: "Mihailović = Mladić = Genocid"" 2182:
tooth-and-nail". Hockenos described the Chicago headquarters of the
1599:, an Axis conference was held in Rome, attended by German commander 1253: 1047:
would later execute at least 261 of these Partisans on 27 November.
795: 744: 8564: 8079: 7444: 6380: 6319:"Pusic Protests U.S. Plan to Decorate WWII Chetnik Movement Leader" 6028: 5374:
Rape Warfare: The Hidden Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia
Momir Samardžić, Milivoj Bešlin, Srdan Milošević (editors); (2013)
2309: 2281: 1858: 1833: 1577: 1514: 1492: 1474: 1370: 1362: 1358: 1347: 1241: 1001:
Tito and Mihailović met again on 27 October 1941 in the village of
889: 826: 712: 681: 550: 534: 441: 437: 426: 189: 102: 82: 5659:
Schramm, Percy Ernst; Greiner, Helmuth; Hubatsch, Walther (1963).
597:. Following the war, he became a member of the Royal Guard of the 6152:
The Three Yugoslavias: State-Building and Legitimation, 1918–2005
Draz̆a Mihailović and the Rise of the C̆etnik Movement, 1941-1942
4237: 4235: 2175: 1879:
own way, and was killed on 12 April in a battle with the Ustaše.
1866:, asserting that he had always been a secret ally of Mihailović. 1499:
and the Muslim and Croat populations from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
1478: 1462: 1458: 1325: 1023: 638: 5327:"ПОКС: Улица у Крагујевцу добила назив Ђенерал Дража Михаиловић" 1269: 8394: 5848:
Draža Mihailović and the Rise of the Četnik Movement, 1941–1945
5556: 5165: 5163: 5161: 3394: 2289: 2285: 2195: 1889: 1884: 1849: 1466: 1422:("Instructions") of 1941 attributed to Mihailović ordering the 1409: 1068: 1050:
Mihailović's assault on the Partisan headquarters at Užice and
1031: 936:
Draža Mihailović as a small pet in the hands of the supposedly
654: 602: 6539:
Chiefs of the General Staff of the Royal Yugoslav Armed Forces
5024: 4786: 4709: 4697: 4673: 4613: 4589: 4577: 4531: 4529: 4492: 4490: 4475: 4427: 4379: 4355: 4343: 4331: 4295: 4232: 4220: 4145: 3931: 3847: 3411: 3409: 3232: 3230: 2041:
for one year, from 1999 to 2000 and ran unsuccessfully in the
6364:"Court rehabilitates WW2-era Chetnik leader Draza Mihailovic" 5060: 5048: 3722: 3662: 3638: 3484: 3421: 2544:
Draža Mihailović – Na krstu sudbine – Pero Simić: Laguna 2013
Draža Mihailović – Na krstu sudbine – Pero Simić: Laguna 2013
1117: 704: 677: 642: 634: 614: 6889: 5158: 5036: 4391: 4022: 4020: 3871: 3686: 3628: 3626: 3624: 3462: 3460: 3261: 3259: 3257: 3217: 3215: 3190: 3188: 3124: 3122: 3120: 2958: 2956: 2892: 2890: 2219:'s Serbian Renewal Movement was closely associated with the 1654:
The Germans then turned to their next operation, code-named
1252:. He led the "nationalist" resistance against Partisans and 645:
and considered taking part in a plot which aimed to provoke
Ally Betrayed: The Uncensored Story of Tito and Mihailović.
Ally betrayed, the uncensored story of Tito and Mihailovich
Le Général Mihailović: héros trahi par les Alliés 1893–1946
British Policy in South-East europe in the Second World War
5136: 5134: 4842: 4774: 4750: 4685: 4637: 4565: 4526: 4514: 4487: 4439: 4415: 4367: 4319: 4307: 4283: 4259: 4247: 4208: 4157: 3406: 3227: 3107: 3105: 3073: 2877: 2875: 2873: 2871: 2734: 2732: 2692: 2690: 2688: 2507: 2505: 1939: 1245: 1220:
The column led by General Dragoljub Mihailović and Captain
937: 924: 911: 908:, which became the official name of Mihailović's Chetniks. 673: 418: 6402: 5211: 5000: 4988: 4902: 4740: 4738: 4736: 4721: 4661: 4649: 4625: 4601: 4553: 4502: 4271: 4181: 4092: 4056: 4032: 3970: 3943: 3919: 3907: 3895: 3883: 3801: 3799: 3797: 3758: 3348: 3346: 3344: 3342: 3340: 2832: 2576: 2574: 1576:, a member of the Yugoslav cabinet, that Mihailović was a 533:
Dragoljub "Draža" Mihailović was born on 27 April 1893 in
6313:. Washington: National Archive and record Administration. 6266:
War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941–1945: The Chetniks
Hitler's New Disorder: The Second World War in Yugoslavia
Serbia's Secret War: Propaganda and the Deceit of History
5072: 4964: 4198: 4196: 4169: 4133: 4080: 4068: 4017: 3994: 3960: 3958: 3746: 3734: 3710: 3621: 3609: 3597: 3520: 3457: 3382: 3298: 3254: 3212: 3185: 3117: 3061: 3007: 2995: 2953: 2941: 2887: 901: 5223: 5146: 5131: 5096: 3982: 3859: 3674: 3585: 3573: 3563: 3561: 3559: 3544: 3508: 3472: 3445: 3327: 3325: 3288: 3286: 3271: 3175: 3173: 3146: 3102: 3092: 3090: 3088: 3051: 3049: 3036: 3034: 2985: 2983: 2931: 2929: 2914: 2868: 2856: 2844: 2807: 2795: 2783: 2759: 2749: 2747: 2729: 2719: 2717: 2685: 2661: 2649: 2637: 2610: 2598: 2502: 1975:
and the position of his unmarked grave was kept secret.
after being surrounded by partisans on 15 December 1944.
6399:, Sanski Most, BiH: Begovic-Bosanska Krajina Press 2007 5503: 5121: 5119: 5117: 5115: 5113: 5111: 5012: 4952: 4940: 4863: 4813: 4762: 4733: 4463: 4451: 4104: 3794: 3337: 3310: 3242: 3134: 2586: 2571: 2547: 2464: 1392: 1361:
on 28 June 1944 at Mt. Jelica. Three months later, the
833:. On 13 September, Mihailović's first radio message to 787:, who took charge of the movement's propaganda sector. 731:
Following the invasion and occupation of Yugoslavia by
5658: 5240: 5238: 5199: 4928: 4832: 4830: 4828: 4541: 4409: 4193: 4044: 3955: 3835: 3811: 2702: 2627: 2625: 2458: 1629: 637:. On 6 September 1935, he was promoted to the rank of 5818:
Homeland Calling Exile Patriotism and the Balkan Wars
5175: 3782: 3770: 3698: 3556: 3532: 3496: 3433: 3370: 3358: 3322: 3283: 3200: 3170: 3085: 3046: 3031: 3019: 2980: 2926: 2902: 2771: 2744: 2714: 2673: 6458:
Srpski zlocini nad Bosnjacima Muslimanima, 1941–1945
5407:. Associated Press. 14 November 2010. Archived from 5108: 3823: 3650: 3158: 2968: 2559: 2330: 1892:. On 10 May, they were attacked and defeated by the 1399:
Chetniks § Terror tactics and cleansing actions
825:. On 19 June, a clandestine Chetnik courier reached 456:
in April 1941, Mihailović organized the Chetniks at
5515: 5250: 5235: 4878: 4825: 2622: 2450: 2437: 1303:therefore, S.O.E. could claim no equivalent to the 904:announced that Mihailović was the commander of the 8562: 6038:The Chetnik Movement & the Yugoslav Resistance 5965: 5575: 5274: 5262: 5084: 2420: 1957:Committee for the Fair Trial of General Mihailović 1938:, who were tried in absentia, but also members of 641:. Mihailović then came in contact with members of 613:in 1930. That same year, he spent three months in 577:, during which he mainly led operations along the 6707:Ministers of the Army, Navy and Air Force of the 4116: 528: 8717:Executed Serbian collaborators with Nazi Germany 8598: 5871:Yugoslavia as History: Twice There Was a Country 4129:. L'AGE D'HOMME. p. 127. GGKEY:3ETA934ZGPG. 1324:confers with his men. Captain Raković committed 621:. Some authors claim that he met and befriended 5736:Hoare, Marko Attila (September–November 2005). 5401:"Serbian banned from entering Croatia for game" 2009:politically and ideologically motivated trial. 1903: 1144:, General Dragoljub Mihailovic and Academician 983:. Further talks were scheduled for 16 October. 6345: 6329: 4848: 4804: 1572:, a member of SOE's London staff, insisted to 1548:became increasingly doubtful about Mihailović. 1095:2nd Ravna Gora Corps under command of Captain 8697:Royal Yugoslav Army personnel of World War II 8446: 7430: 6875: 6692: 6524: 6362: 6290:Britain, Mihailović and the Chetniks, 1941–42 6195:"Protests Over Chetnik Hero's Rehabilitation" 5939: 5893:Lerner, Natan (1994). Dinstein, Yoram (ed.). 5841:. Department of History, Stanford University. 5646: 5478: 5217: 5042: 4908: 4893: 1896:, the reorganized force of the Partisans, in 1536: 1016:Territory of the Military Commander in Serbia 557:in October 1910. He fought as a cadet in the 8702:École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr alumni 8460: 5719:British Intelligence in the Second World War 5716: 5470: 4970: 4397: 2076:Monument to General Draža Mihailović on the 1785:; for this, he was posthumously awarded the 759: 151: 8319:Italian protectorate of Albania (1939–1943) 8304:National Army of Montenegro and Herzegovina 6377:Kazna I Zločin: Snage kolaboracije u Srbiji 6317: 5943:La Yougoslavie de Tito écartelée: 1945–1991 5102: 2184:Serbian National Defense Council of America 1950:, later Minister of Foreign Affairs in the 460:and engaged in guerrilla warfare alongside 414:; 27 April 1893 – 17 July 1946) was a 8737:Recipients of the Croix de Guerre (France) 8453: 8439: 8198:SS Polizei-Selbstschutz-Regiment Sandschak 7437: 7423: 6882: 6868: 6699: 6685: 6531: 6517: 6306: 6259: 6209:Tito, Mihailović and the Allies: 1941–1945 6144:. Vol. 2. Paris: Editions de Fallois. 6139: 6114: 6086: 6022: 5078: 5030: 5006: 4994: 4982: 4792: 4727: 4715: 4703: 4679: 4667: 4655: 4631: 4619: 4607: 4595: 4583: 4559: 4508: 4481: 4433: 4385: 4361: 4349: 4337: 4301: 4277: 4241: 4226: 4187: 4151: 4098: 4062: 4038: 3976: 3949: 3937: 3925: 3913: 3901: 3889: 3877: 3853: 3764: 3752: 3740: 3728: 3716: 3692: 3680: 3668: 3644: 3632: 3615: 3603: 3526: 3490: 3478: 3466: 3427: 3415: 3400: 3388: 3304: 3277: 3265: 3236: 3221: 3194: 3128: 3079: 3067: 3013: 3001: 2962: 2947: 2896: 2881: 2862: 2813: 2801: 2789: 2765: 2696: 2655: 2553: 2511: 2427: 2414: 42: 27:Leader of the Chetniks in WWII (1893–1946) 8652:Serbian military personnel of World War I 6374: 5721:. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 5670:"Partisans: War in the Balkans 1941–1945" 5548: 5449: 5205: 5066: 5054: 4000: 3988: 3248: 3140: 2409:Official name of the occupied territory. 8662:Eastern Orthodoxy and far-right politics 6891:Key people of World War II in Yugoslavia 6487:Minister of the Army, Navy and Air Force 6437:Draža Mihailović – Na krstu sudbine 6233:Journal of Contemporary European Studies 5845: 5834: 5815: 5603:"Excavation of Draza Mihajlovic's grave" 5527: 5181: 5169: 5152: 5140: 3865: 3352: 3316: 2826: 2134:(left) and a letter from U.S. president 2130:awarded to Mihailović by U.S. president 2005:protested in front of the higher court. 1913: 1665: 1540: 1495:by cleansing the Muslim population from 1414: 1352: 1315: 1215: 1200: 1155: 1135: 1090: 931: 923: 915: 912:Conflicts with Axis troops and Partisans 769: 581:border, he was given the rank of second 427:Chetnik Detachments of the Yugoslav Army 134: 8732:Chief Commanders of the Legion of Merit 8627:Eastern Orthodox Christians from Serbia 8291:German occupied territory of Montenegro 8203:Einsatzstaffel der Deutschen Mannschaft 6230: 6205: 6035: 6025:The Trial of Dragoljub–Draža Mihailović 5960: 5621: 5494: 5229: 5125: 5018: 4958: 4946: 4934: 4819: 4780: 4768: 4756: 4744: 4691: 4643: 4571: 4535: 4520: 4496: 4469: 4457: 4445: 4421: 4373: 4325: 4313: 4289: 4265: 4253: 4214: 4202: 4175: 4163: 4139: 4110: 4086: 4074: 4050: 4026: 3841: 3805: 3591: 3579: 3567: 3550: 3538: 3514: 3502: 3451: 3439: 3376: 3331: 3292: 3179: 3152: 3111: 3096: 3055: 3040: 3025: 2989: 2935: 2920: 2908: 2850: 2838: 2777: 2753: 2738: 2723: 2708: 2679: 2667: 2643: 2616: 2604: 2592: 2580: 2565: 2444: 2431: 2276:Monuments to Draža Mihailović exist on 1711:to change his headquarters frequently. 1412:or anywhere else outside our borders." 511:Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia 14: 8722:Serbian people convicted of war crimes 8632:Members of the Serbian Orthodox Church 8599: 8243:1st Belgrade Special Combat detachment 6192: 6054: 5990: 5892: 5717:Hinsley, F.H.; Harry, Francis (1993). 5600: 5552:The Second World War: Closing the Ring 5517:"Pusić: Srbija će stradati zbog Draže" 5450:Bassiouni, Cherif (28 December 1994). 5423: 5244: 4836: 4547: 4122: 3817: 3704: 3206: 1845:, who stayed with him until November. 1803: 591:Serbian Army's retreat through Albania 8434: 7418: 6863: 6680: 6512: 6442: 6176:Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two 6173: 6148: 6065: 6009: 5864: 5786: 5760: 5735: 5573: 5399: 5370: 5280: 5268: 5256: 5193: 5090: 3964: 3829: 3788: 3776: 3656: 3164: 2974: 2174:. The decision was controversial; in 1126:Chief-of-Staff of the Supreme Command 1039:through Jovan Škavović, commander of 619:École spéciale militaire de Saint-Cyr 599:Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes 7284:German-occupied territory of Serbia 6287: 5820:. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. 5684: 5667: 5505:"Josipović: Draža je ratni zločinac" 4410:Schramm, Greiner & Hubatsch 1963 3364: 2631: 2459:Schramm, Greiner & Hubatsch 1963 2410: 2043:2000 Yugoslav presidential elections 1823: 1772: 1393:Terror tactics and cleansing actions 541:to Mihailo and Smiljana Mihailović ( 523:Supreme Court of Cassation of Serbia 452:with distinction. After the fall of 6403:Marcia Christoff Kurapovna (2010). 6178:. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 5668:Hart, Stephen A (5 November 2009). 5648:"Giška and guards died for nothing" 2199:Chetniks. 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InSerbia. 14 May 2015. 4909:B92 & Rehabilitation 4398:Hinsley & Harry 1993 2383: 2138:about Mihailović (right) 2031:Serbian Renewal Movement 1607:awarded Mihailović with 968:Chetniks led by Captain 589:and was involved in the 300:Order of the White Eagle 65:Čiča Draža (Uncle Draža) 8707:Executed mass murderers 8667:Serbian anti-communists 8248:Belgrade Special Police 8231:Serbian Volunteer Corps 7148:Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig 7123:Edmund Glaise-Horstenau 6407:. John Wiley and Sons. 6055:Miljuš, Branko (1982). 5968:Bosnia: A Short History 5816:Hockenos, Paul (2018). 5744:(47–48). Archived from 5472:"European press review" 5371:Allen, Beverly (1996). 4971:BBC & 7 August 2000 4123:Miljus, Branko (1982). 2080:, Serbia (left) and in 1796:According to historian 1728:third Moscow Conference 1287:Serbian Volunteer Corps 490:at the end of the war. 333:Order of the White Lion 8415:Invasion of Yugoslavia 8171:Sandžak Muslim militia 7365:Province of Ljubljana 6397:Pjetlovi nad Tigrovima 6292:. 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BBC. 7 August 2000. 3403:, pp. 66–67, 96. 2258: 2241: 2209:Serbian Radical Party 2192:breakup of Yugoslavia 1917: 1666:Allied support shifts 1552: 1544: 1444: 1418: 1356: 1319: 1219: 1204: 1159: 1139: 1103:in early spring 1943. 1094: 935: 927: 919: 785:Serbian Cultural Club 773: 633:and was stationed to 567:Silver Medal of Valor 507:communist authorities 345:Order of St Alexander 227:Years of service 8682:Yugoslav monarchists 8642:Serbian nationalists 8617:People from Ivanjica 8367:Bulgarian occupation 7587:Muhamed Hadžiefendić 6842:Dragoljub Mihailović 6663:Dragoljub Mihailović 6288:Trew, Simon (1998). 6271:Stanford, California 6157:Bloomington, Indiana 5530:"Harrier pilot safe" 4808:& 7 October 1957 2413:, pp. 344–373; 1864:Dwight D. Eisenhower 1582:Colonel S. W. Bailey 1180:Stevan K. Pavlowitch 1073:Operation Mihailovic 977:Karađorđević dynasty 57:Dragoljub Mihailović 8677:Serbian monarchists 8672:Serbian irredentism 8530:Aleksandar Ranković 8505:Svetozar Vukmanović 8488:Partisan commanders 8226:Serbian State Guard 8166:Hadžiefendić Legion 8126:Croatian Home Guard 8016:Aćif Hadžiahmetović 7217:Aćif Hadžiahmetović 6952:Svetozar Vukmanović 6927:Aleksandar Ranković 6788:Dragomir Stojanović 6341:on 5 November 2012. 6307:von Weichs (1945). 6072:. Lexington Books. 5789:Europe-Asia Studies 5762:Hoare, Marko Attila 5069:, pp. 408–409. 5057:, pp. 409–415. 5033:, pp. 209–210. 4897:& 23 March 2012 4795:, pp. 462–463. 4718:, pp. 266–267. 4706:, pp. 256–258. 4694:, pp. 306–307. 4682:, pp. 254–256. 4646:, pp. 280–282. 4622:, pp. 231–238. 4598:, pp. 230–235. 4586:, pp. 228–230. 4574:, pp. 257–258. 4538:, pp. 258–260. 4523:, pp. 253–254. 4499:, pp. 245–257. 4484:, pp. 223–226. 4448:, pp. 178–180. 4436:, pp. 191–192. 4424:, pp. 157–160. 4388:, pp. 197–199. 4376:, pp. 153–154. 4364:, pp. 204–205. 4352:, pp. 192–195. 4340:, pp. 189–190. 4328:, pp. 156–157. 4316:, pp. 138–144. 4304:, pp. 182–186. 4292:, pp. 117–120. 4268:, pp. 106–112. 4256:, pp. 123–124. 4244:, pp. 161–165. 4229:, pp. 159–160. 4166:, pp. 162–163. 4154:, pp. 166–167. 3940:, pp. 258–259. 3856:, pp. 256–261. 3731:, pp. 127–128. 3671:, pp. 122–126. 3647:, pp. 110–112. 3493:, pp. 269–271. 3430:, pp. 214–216. 2841:, pp. 124–126. 2027:Vojislav Mihailović 1985:Vojislav Mihailović 1898:battle of Zelengora 1804:Government in exile 1679:Serbian State Guard 839:government-in-exile 662:Royal Yugoslav Army 631:Kingdom of Bulgaria 495:tried and convicted 213:Royal Yugoslav Army 117:Cause of death 8574:Chetnik commanders 8276:Slovene Home Guard 8116:Croatian Air Force 7858:Vojislav Lukačević 7843:Dragutin Keserović 7828:Dragomir Jovanović 7818:Dobroslav Jevđević 7582:Miroslav Filipović 7532:Mehmed Alajbegović 7318:Miodrag Damjanović 7045:Vojislav Lukačević 7040:Dragutin Keserović 7015:Dobroslav Jevđević 6982:Mihajlo Apostolski 6646:Danilo Kalafatović 6472:Political offices 6331:"One Who Survived" 5411:on 11 October 2012 5337:on 4 November 2019 5218:Glas javnosti 1999 5172:, p. 116-117. 5043:Lutard-Tavard 2005 4783:, p. 260–262. 4759:, p. 250–251. 4217:, p. 103–106. 3695:, pp. 98–100. 2524:Miloslav Samardžić 2271:, 8 September 1979 2023:Gordana Mihailović 1936:Slobodan Jovanović 1920: 1918:Mihailović's trial 1843:Robert H. McDowell 1798:Marko Attila Hoare 1757:, he organized in 1550: 1519:Dragutin Keserović 1428: 1367: 1330: 1266:Dobroslav Jevđević 1234: 1214: 1205:British Brigadier 1163: 1154: 1109:Slobodan Jovanović 1105: 961: 930: 922: 882:Yugoslav Partisans 776: 611:lieutenant colonel 569:at the end of the 513:, and executed by 208:Royal Serbian Army 48:Mihailović in 1943 8594: 8593: 8590: 8589: 8553: 8552: 8428: 8427: 8403: 8402: 8065: 8064: 7908:Svetozar Vujković 7772:Vjekoslav Vrančić 7692:Miroslav Navratil 7637:Vjekoslav Luburić 7537:Andrija Artuković 7412: 7411: 7275:Andrija Artuković 7265:Vjekoslav Luburić 7075:Zvonimir Vučković 6857: 6856: 6794:Milan Milovanović 6739:Milorad Drašković 6674: 6673: 6589:Milan Milovanović 6573:Milan Milovanović 6507: 6506: 6498:Succeeded by 6439:– SRB Laguna 2013 6414:978-0-470-08456-4 6299:978-0-312-17757-7 6280:978-0-8047-0857-9 6223:978-0-8223-0773-0 6185:978-0-230-27830-1 6166:978-0-253-34656-8 6142:C'était de Gaulle 6132:978-1-85065-895-5 6107:978-0-8147-6708-5 6079:978-0-7391-1782-8 6047:978-0-8018-1589-8 6002:978-1-2585-0874-6 5983:978-0-8147-5520-4 5953:978-2-7475-8643-6 5904:978-90-411-0026-9 5885:978-0-521-77401-7 5857:978-0-8240-8027-3 5779:978-0-19-726380-8 5728:978-0-521-44304-3 5639:978-0-451-22495-8 5609:on 10 August 2011 5593:978-0-89096-760-7 5566:978-0-395-41059-2 5559:: Mariner Books. 5490:on 25 March 2012. 5442:978-0-06-490301-1 5425:Barker, Elisabeth 5392:978-0-8166-2818-6 5313:978-86-913171-6-4 4178:, pp. 93–96. 4142:, pp. 92–93. 4089:, pp. 91–92. 4077:, pp. 90–91. 4029:, pp. 70–71. 3880:, pp. 79–80. 3582:, pp. 58–62. 3553:, pp. 57–58. 3517:, pp. 53–54. 3454:, pp. 37–38. 3418:, pp. 66–67. 3367:, pp. 86–88. 3239:, pp. 65–66. 3155:, pp. 36–37. 3114:, pp. 34–35. 3082:, pp. 62–64. 2923:, pp. 15–16. 2853:, pp. 26–27. 2741:, pp. 21–22. 2670:, pp. 12–13. 2646:, pp. 66–68. 2619:, pp. 63–65. 2607:, pp. 55–56. 2595:, pp. 45–49. 2583:, pp. 26–27. 2363:Operation Halyard 2097:Charles de Gaulle 2082:Binbrook, Ontario 2039:mayor of Belgrade 2033:and later of the 2019:Branko Mihailović 1824:Defeat in 1944–45 1783:Operation Halyard 1773:Operation Halyard 1740:Tehran Conference 1730:in October 1943, 1716:Hermann Neubacher 1620:perfidious Albion 1605:Charles de Gaulle 1546:Winston Churchill 1379:Charles Armstrong 1226:Zvonimir Vučković 1207:Charles Armstrong 1101:Operation Schwarz 623:Charles de Gaulle 575:Second Balkan War 539:Kingdom of Serbia 401: 400: 194: 180: 166: 149: 87:Kingdom of Serbia 16:(Redirected from 8754: 8657:Serbian soldiers 8581:Draža Mihailović 8559: 8558: 8474: 8473: 8455: 8448: 8441: 8432: 8431: 8332:Albanian Militia 8181:23rd SS Division 8176:13th SS Division 8098:Pećanac Chetniks 8076: 8075: 8057:Hristo Tatarchev 8026:Rexhep Mitrovica 7985:Mihailo Ivanović 7975:Zaharije Ostojić 7863:Draža Mihailović 7853:Dimitrije Ljotić 7697:Sulejman Pačariz 7677:Husein Miljković 7662:Vladimir Metikoš 7622:Slavko Kvaternik 7607:Džafer Kulenović 7520: 7519: 7497:Slovene Covenant 7439: 7432: 7425: 7416: 7415: 7372: 7371: 7370: 7344: 7343: 7303:Dimitrije Ljotić 7291: 7290: 7289: 7245:Slavko Kvaternik 7233: 7232: 7202:Rexhep Mitrovica 7190: 7164: 7163: 7106: 7105: 7060:Zaharije Ostojić 7005:Draža Mihailović 6998: 6997: 6996: 6905: 6904: 6884: 6877: 6870: 6861: 6860: 6776:Dušan Trifunović 6752:Milivoje Zečević 6732:Branko Jovanović 6701: 6694: 6687: 6678: 6677: 6667: 6659: 6651: 6641: 6633: 6625: 6617: 6609: 6601: 6593: 6585: 6577: 6569: 6561: 6553: 6533: 6526: 6519: 6510: 6509: 6477:Preceded by 6469: 6468: 6454:Tucaković, Semso 6450: 6418: 6384: 6371: 6359: 6358:on 1 April 2012. 6354:. Archived from 6342: 6326: 6314: 6303: 6284: 6261:Tomasevich, Jozo 6256: 6227: 6202: 6189: 6170: 6145: 6136: 6111: 6083: 6062: 6061:. L'Âge d'homme. 6051: 6032: 6019: 6018:. Cleveland, OH. 6016:The Plain Dealer 6006: 5987: 5971: 5957: 5936: 5930: 5926: 5924: 5916: 5897:. Vol. 24. 5895:Ethnic Cleansing 5889: 5861: 5842: 5831: 5812: 5795:(7): 1193–1214. 5783: 5757: 5755: 5753: 5732: 5713: 5711: 5709: 5681: 5679: 5677: 5664: 5655: 5654:. 1 August 1999. 5643: 5618: 5616: 5614: 5597: 5581: 5570: 5545: 5543: 5541: 5524: 5523:. 23 March 2012. 5512: 5511:. 23 March 2012. 5500: 5499:. Paris: Perrin. 5491: 5475: 5467: 5465: 5463: 5446: 5420: 5418: 5416: 5396: 5358: 5353: 5347: 5346: 5344: 5342: 5323: 5317: 5301: 5295: 5290: 5284: 5278: 5272: 5266: 5260: 5254: 5248: 5242: 5233: 5232:, pp. 9–10. 5227: 5221: 5215: 5209: 5203: 5197: 5191: 5185: 5179: 5173: 5167: 5156: 5150: 5144: 5138: 5129: 5123: 5106: 5103:Balkan News 2005 5100: 5094: 5088: 5082: 5076: 5070: 5064: 5058: 5052: 5046: 5040: 5034: 5028: 5022: 5016: 5010: 5004: 4998: 4992: 4986: 4980: 4974: 4968: 4962: 4956: 4950: 4944: 4938: 4932: 4926: 4925: 4918: 4912: 4906: 4900: 4891: 4885: 4876: 4870: 4861: 4852: 4846: 4840: 4834: 4823: 4817: 4811: 4802: 4796: 4790: 4784: 4778: 4772: 4766: 4760: 4754: 4748: 4742: 4731: 4725: 4719: 4713: 4707: 4701: 4695: 4689: 4683: 4677: 4671: 4665: 4659: 4653: 4647: 4641: 4635: 4629: 4623: 4617: 4611: 4605: 4599: 4593: 4587: 4581: 4575: 4569: 4563: 4557: 4551: 4545: 4539: 4533: 4524: 4518: 4512: 4506: 4500: 4494: 4485: 4479: 4473: 4467: 4461: 4455: 4449: 4443: 4437: 4431: 4425: 4419: 4413: 4412:, pp. 1304. 4407: 4401: 4395: 4389: 4383: 4377: 4371: 4365: 4359: 4353: 4347: 4341: 4335: 4329: 4323: 4317: 4311: 4305: 4299: 4293: 4287: 4281: 4275: 4269: 4263: 4257: 4251: 4245: 4239: 4230: 4224: 4218: 4212: 4206: 4200: 4191: 4185: 4179: 4173: 4167: 4161: 4155: 4149: 4143: 4137: 4131: 4130: 4120: 4114: 4108: 4102: 4096: 4090: 4084: 4078: 4072: 4066: 4060: 4054: 4048: 4042: 4036: 4030: 4024: 4015: 4010: 4004: 3998: 3992: 3986: 3980: 3974: 3968: 3962: 3953: 3947: 3941: 3935: 3929: 3923: 3917: 3911: 3905: 3899: 3893: 3887: 3881: 3875: 3869: 3863: 3857: 3851: 3845: 3839: 3833: 3827: 3821: 3815: 3809: 3803: 3792: 3786: 3780: 3774: 3768: 3762: 3756: 3750: 3744: 3738: 3732: 3726: 3720: 3714: 3708: 3702: 3696: 3690: 3684: 3678: 3672: 3666: 3660: 3654: 3648: 3642: 3636: 3630: 3619: 3613: 3607: 3601: 3595: 3594:, p. 40–41. 3589: 3583: 3577: 3571: 3565: 3554: 3548: 3542: 3536: 3530: 3524: 3518: 3512: 3506: 3500: 3494: 3488: 3482: 3476: 3470: 3464: 3455: 3449: 3443: 3437: 3431: 3425: 3419: 3413: 3404: 3398: 3392: 3386: 3380: 3374: 3368: 3362: 3356: 3350: 3335: 3329: 3320: 3314: 3308: 3302: 3296: 3290: 3281: 3275: 3269: 3263: 3252: 3246: 3240: 3234: 3225: 3219: 3210: 3204: 3198: 3192: 3183: 3177: 3168: 3162: 3156: 3150: 3144: 3138: 3132: 3126: 3115: 3109: 3100: 3094: 3083: 3077: 3071: 3065: 3059: 3053: 3044: 3038: 3029: 3023: 3017: 3011: 3005: 2999: 2993: 2987: 2978: 2972: 2966: 2960: 2951: 2945: 2939: 2933: 2924: 2918: 2912: 2906: 2900: 2894: 2885: 2879: 2866: 2860: 2854: 2848: 2842: 2836: 2830: 2823: 2817: 2811: 2805: 2799: 2793: 2787: 2781: 2775: 2769: 2763: 2757: 2751: 2742: 2736: 2727: 2721: 2712: 2706: 2700: 2694: 2683: 2677: 2671: 2665: 2659: 2653: 2647: 2641: 2635: 2629: 2620: 2614: 2608: 2602: 2596: 2590: 2584: 2578: 2569: 2563: 2557: 2551: 2545: 2542: 2536: 2533: 2527: 2521: 2515: 2509: 2485: 2468: 2462: 2454: 2448: 2441: 2435: 2424: 2418: 2407: 2401: 2394: 2357: 2352: 2351: 2350: 2343: 2341:Biography portal 2338: 2337: 2336: 2272: 2255: 2120: 2111: 2084:, Canada (right) 2070: 2061: 1563: 1521:, he told that: 1375:ethnic cleansing 1339:Benito Mussolini 1283:Dimitrije Ljotić 1041:Pećanac Chetniks 1037:prisoners of war 858:Dimitrije Ljotić 571:First Balkan War 555:Military Academy 519:ethnic massacres 488:Dimitrije Ljotić 413: 408:Serbian Cyrillic 397: 369: 354: 342: 330: 318: 308: 298: 256:Chetnik movement 254: 253: 252: 218:Chetnik movement 200: 192: 188: 187: 186: 178: 174: 173: 164: 163: 159: 157: 156: 147: 146: 142: 140: 139: 99: 79: 77: 46: 36:Draža Mihailović 32: 31: 21: 18:Draža Mihajlović 8762: 8761: 8757: 8756: 8755: 8753: 8752: 8751: 8597: 8596: 8595: 8586: 8569: 8549: 8495:Josip Broz Tito 8483: 8468: 8459: 8429: 8424: 8399: 8370: 8361: 8357:Kosovo Regiment 8322: 8313: 8289: 8280: 8271:Legion of Death 8252: 8207: 8131:Croatian Legion 8102: 8088:Dinara Division 8071: 8061: 8040: 8031:Shaban Polluzha 7994: 7980:Sekula Drljević 7955:Blažo Đukanović 7943: 7934:Gregorij Rožman 7929:Ernest Peterlin 7912: 7893:Stevo Rađenović 7873:Fehim Musakadić 7803:Jezdimir Dangić 7781: 7752:Tomislav Sertić 7732:Husein Rovčanin 7632:Mladen Lorković 7612:Osman Kulenović 7567:Fedor Dragojlov 7524: 7511: 7484: 7478: 7452: 7443: 7413: 7408: 7388: 7384:Ernest Peterlin 7368: 7366: 7360: 7356:Blažo Đukanović 7351:Sekula Drljević 7338: 7332: 7328:Dragi Jovanović 7287: 7285: 7279: 7255:Mladen Lorković 7227: 7221: 7180: 7158: 7152: 7143:Lothar Rendulic 7100: 7094: 7080:Predrag Raković 7070:Dragoslav Račić 7065:Velimir Piletić 7055:Jezdimir Dangić 6994: 6992: 6986: 6912:Josip Broz Tito 6899: 6893: 6888: 6858: 6853: 6711: 6705: 6675: 6670: 6665: 6657: 6649: 6639: 6631: 6623: 6615: 6607: 6599: 6591: 6583: 6575: 6567: 6559: 6551: 6540: 6537: 6503: 6494: 6482: 6467: 6428:Martin, David. 6421:Martin, David. 6415: 6392: 6390:Further reading 6387: 6300: 6281: 6224: 6186: 6167: 6133: 6108: 6080: 6048: 6003: 5984: 5954: 5928: 5927: 5918: 5917: 5905: 5886: 5858: 5828: 5780: 5751: 5749: 5748:on 3 March 2012 5729: 5707: 5705: 5675: 5673: 5640: 5612: 5610: 5594: 5567: 5555:. Vol. 5. 5539: 5537: 5534:The Independent 5461: 5459: 5443: 5414: 5412: 5393: 5366: 5361: 5354: 5350: 5340: 5338: 5325: 5324: 5320: 5302: 5298: 5291: 5287: 5279: 5275: 5267: 5263: 5255: 5251: 5243: 5236: 5228: 5224: 5216: 5212: 5204: 5200: 5192: 5188: 5180: 5176: 5168: 5159: 5151: 5147: 5139: 5132: 5124: 5109: 5101: 5097: 5089: 5085: 5079:von Weichs 1945 5077: 5073: 5065: 5061: 5053: 5049: 5041: 5037: 5031:Peyrefitte 1997 5029: 5025: 5017: 5013: 5007:Pavlowitch 2007 5005: 5001: 4995:Tomasevich 1975 4993: 4989: 4983:Tomasevich 1975 4981: 4977: 4969: 4965: 4957: 4953: 4945: 4941: 4933: 4929: 4920: 4919: 4915: 4907: 4903: 4892: 4888: 4877: 4873: 4862: 4855: 4847: 4843: 4835: 4826: 4818: 4814: 4803: 4799: 4793:Tomasevich 1975 4791: 4787: 4779: 4775: 4767: 4763: 4755: 4751: 4743: 4734: 4728:Pavlowitch 2007 4726: 4722: 4716:Pavlowitch 2007 4714: 4710: 4704:Pavlowitch 2007 4702: 4698: 4690: 4686: 4680:Pavlowitch 2007 4678: 4674: 4668:Tomasevich 1975 4666: 4662: 4656:Tomasevich 1975 4654: 4650: 4642: 4638: 4634:, pp. 254. 4632:Pavlowitch 2007 4630: 4626: 4620:Pavlowitch 2007 4618: 4614: 4608:Tomasevich 1975 4606: 4602: 4596:Pavlowitch 2007 4594: 4590: 4584:Pavlowitch 2007 4582: 4578: 4570: 4566: 4560:Tomasevich 1975 4558: 4554: 4546: 4542: 4534: 4527: 4519: 4515: 4509:Tomasevich 1975 4507: 4503: 4495: 4488: 4482:Pavlowitch 2007 4480: 4476: 4468: 4464: 4456: 4452: 4444: 4440: 4434:Pavlowitch 2007 4432: 4428: 4420: 4416: 4408: 4404: 4396: 4392: 4386:Pavlowitch 2007 4384: 4380: 4372: 4368: 4362:Pavlowitch 2007 4360: 4356: 4350:Pavlowitch 2007 4348: 4344: 4338:Pavlowitch 2007 4336: 4332: 4324: 4320: 4312: 4308: 4302:Pavlowitch 2007 4300: 4296: 4288: 4284: 4278:Pavlowitch 2007 4276: 4272: 4264: 4260: 4252: 4248: 4242:Pavlowitch 2007 4240: 4233: 4227:Pavlowitch 2007 4225: 4221: 4213: 4209: 4201: 4194: 4188:Tomasevich 1975 4186: 4182: 4174: 4170: 4162: 4158: 4152:Pavlowitch 2007 4150: 4146: 4138: 4134: 4121: 4117: 4109: 4105: 4099:Pavlowitch 2007 4097: 4093: 4085: 4081: 4073: 4069: 4063:Tomasevich 1975 4061: 4057: 4049: 4045: 4039:Tomasevich 1975 4037: 4033: 4025: 4018: 4011: 4007: 3999: 3995: 3987: 3983: 3977:Pavlowitch 2007 3975: 3971: 3967:, p. 1198. 3963: 3956: 3950:Pavlowitch 2007 3948: 3944: 3938:Tomasevich 1975 3936: 3932: 3926:Pavlowitch 2007 3924: 3920: 3914:Tomasevich 1975 3912: 3908: 3902:Tomasevich 1975 3900: 3896: 3890:Tomasevich 1975 3888: 3884: 3878:Pavlowitch 2007 3876: 3872: 3864: 3860: 3854:Tomasevich 1975 3852: 3848: 3840: 3836: 3828: 3824: 3816: 3812: 3804: 3795: 3787: 3783: 3775: 3771: 3765:Tomasevich 1975 3763: 3759: 3753:Tomasevich 1975 3751: 3747: 3741:Tomasevich 1975 3739: 3735: 3729:Pavlowitch 2007 3727: 3723: 3717:Pavlowitch 2007 3715: 3711: 3703: 3699: 3693:Pavlowitch 2007 3691: 3687: 3681:Pavlowitch 2007 3679: 3675: 3669:Pavlowitch 2007 3667: 3663: 3655: 3651: 3645:Pavlowitch 2007 3643: 3639: 3633:Pavlowitch 2007 3631: 3622: 3616:Tomasevich 1975 3614: 3610: 3604:Tomasevich 1975 3602: 3598: 3590: 3586: 3578: 3574: 3566: 3557: 3549: 3545: 3537: 3533: 3527:Tomasevich 1975 3525: 3521: 3513: 3509: 3501: 3497: 3491:Tomasevich 1975 3489: 3485: 3479:Pavlowitch 2007 3477: 3473: 3467:Tomasevich 1975 3465: 3458: 3450: 3446: 3438: 3434: 3428:Tomasevich 1975 3426: 3422: 3416:Pavlowitch 2007 3414: 3407: 3401:Pavlowitch 2007 3399: 3395: 3389:Tomasevich 1975 3387: 3383: 3375: 3371: 3363: 3359: 3351: 3338: 3330: 3323: 3315: 3311: 3305:Tomasevich 1975 3303: 3299: 3291: 3284: 3278:Pavlowitch 2007 3276: 3272: 3266:Tomasevich 1975 3264: 3255: 3247: 3243: 3237:Pavlowitch 2007 3235: 3228: 3222:Tomasevich 1975 3220: 3213: 3205: 3201: 3195:Tomasevich 1975 3193: 3186: 3178: 3171: 3163: 3159: 3151: 3147: 3139: 3135: 3129:Tomasevich 1975 3127: 3118: 3110: 3103: 3095: 3086: 3080:Pavlowitch 2007 3078: 3074: 3068:Tomasevich 1975 3066: 3062: 3054: 3047: 3039: 3032: 3024: 3020: 3014:Tomasevich 1975 3012: 3008: 3002:Tomasevich 1975 3000: 2996: 2988: 2981: 2973: 2969: 2963:Tomasevich 1975 2961: 2954: 2948:Tomasevich 1975 2946: 2942: 2934: 2927: 2919: 2915: 2907: 2903: 2897:Tomasevich 1975 2895: 2888: 2882:Pavlowitch 2007 2880: 2869: 2863:Pavlowitch 2007 2861: 2857: 2849: 2845: 2837: 2833: 2824: 2820: 2814:Pavlowitch 2007 2812: 2808: 2802:Pavlowitch 2007 2800: 2796: 2790:Pavlowitch 2007 2788: 2784: 2776: 2772: 2766:Pavlowitch 2007 2764: 2760: 2752: 2745: 2737: 2730: 2722: 2715: 2707: 2703: 2697:Pavlowitch 2007 2695: 2686: 2678: 2674: 2666: 2662: 2656:Pavlowitch 2007 2654: 2650: 2642: 2638: 2634:, pp. 5–6. 2630: 2623: 2615: 2611: 2603: 2599: 2591: 2587: 2579: 2572: 2564: 2560: 2554:Mihailović 1946 2552: 2548: 2543: 2539: 2534: 2530: 2522: 2518: 2512:Tomasevich 1975 2510: 2503: 2499: 2494: 2489: 2488: 2469: 2465: 2455: 2451: 2442: 2438: 2430:, pp. 65; 2428:Pavlowitch 2007 2425: 2421: 2415:Pavlowitch 2002 2408: 2404: 2395: 2391: 2386: 2353: 2348: 2346: 2339: 2334: 2332: 2329: 2292:, Udrulje near 2273: 2265: 2256: 2254:, 29 March 1948 2251:Harry S. Truman 2248: 2205:Vojislav Šešelj 2142: 2141: 2140: 2139: 2128:Legion of Merit 2123: 2122: 2121: 2113: 2112: 2088: 2087: 2086: 2085: 2073: 2072: 2071: 2063: 2062: 2051: 2015: 1983:In March 2012, 1981: 1912: 1906: 1826: 1806: 1791:Harry S. Truman 1787:Legion of Merit 1775: 1755:Živko Topalović 1736:Fitzroy Maclean 1668: 1632: 1609:Croix de Guerre 1565: 1558: 1539: 1477:, and northern 1405: 1395: 1387:Predrag Raković 1322:Predrag Raković 1295:northern Africa 1281:the Ustaše and 1232:, January 1944. 1222:Predrag Raković 1211:Predrag Raković 1175:Blažo Đukanović 1142:Predrag Raković 1114:Jozo Tomasevich 1097:Predrag Raković 1089: 1081:brigade general 988:Operation Užice 970:Dragoslav Račić 914: 878:Josip Broz Tito 846:Rudolf Perinhek 823:Stevan Moljević 768: 762: 729: 531: 472:or established 462:Josip Broz Tito 450:First World War 421:general during 371:Legion of Merit 362: 321:Croix de guerre 283: 250: 248: 222: 184: 182: 181: 168: 167: 154: 152: 150: 137: 135: 101: 97: 81: 75: 73: 49: 37: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 8760: 8750: 8749: 8744: 8739: 8734: 8729: 8724: 8719: 8714: 8709: 8704: 8699: 8694: 8689: 8684: 8679: 8674: 8669: 8664: 8659: 8654: 8649: 8644: 8639: 8634: 8629: 8624: 8619: 8614: 8609: 8592: 8591: 8588: 8587: 8585: 8584: 8577: 8575: 8571: 8570: 8555: 8554: 8551: 8550: 8548: 8547: 8542: 8540:Sava Kovačević 8537: 8532: 8527: 8522: 8517: 8512: 8507: 8502: 8500:Arso Jovanović 8497: 8491: 8489: 8485: 8484: 8470: 8469: 8458: 8457: 8450: 8443: 8435: 8426: 8425: 8423: 8422: 8417: 8412: 8408: 8405: 8404: 8401: 8400: 8398: 8397: 8392: 8387: 8382: 8376: 8374: 8363: 8362: 8360: 8359: 8354: 8349: 8344: 8339: 8337:Balli Kombëtar 8334: 8328: 8326: 8315: 8314: 8312: 8311: 8306: 8301: 8299:Lovćen Brigade 8295: 8293: 8282: 8281: 8279: 8278: 8273: 8268: 8262: 8260: 8254: 8253: 8251: 8250: 8245: 8240: 8239: 8238: 8228: 8223: 8217: 8215: 8209: 8208: 8206: 8205: 8200: 8195: 8194: 8193: 8186:Ustaše Militia 8183: 8178: 8173: 8168: 8163: 8158: 8153: 8148: 8146:392nd Division 8143: 8141:373rd Division 8138: 8136:369th Division 8133: 8128: 8123: 8118: 8112: 8110: 8104: 8103: 8101: 8100: 8095: 8090: 8084: 8082: 8073: 8067: 8066: 8063: 8062: 8060: 8059: 8054: 8048: 8046: 8042: 8041: 8039: 8038: 8033: 8028: 8023: 8018: 8013: 8008: 8002: 8000: 7996: 7995: 7993: 7992: 7990:Novica Radović 7987: 7982: 7977: 7972: 7967: 7962: 7957: 7951: 7949: 7945: 7944: 7942: 7941: 7936: 7931: 7926: 7920: 7918: 7914: 7913: 7911: 7910: 7905: 7900: 7895: 7890: 7885: 7880: 7875: 7870: 7865: 7860: 7855: 7850: 7845: 7840: 7838:Nikola Kalabić 7835: 7830: 7825: 7820: 7815: 7810: 7805: 7800: 7795: 7793:Milan Aćimović 7789: 7787: 7783: 7782: 7780: 7779: 7774: 7769: 7764: 7762:Ivan Tomašević 7759: 7754: 7749: 7744: 7742:Slavko Štancer 7739: 7734: 7729: 7727:Osman Rastoder 7724: 7719: 7714: 7712:Viktor Pavičić 7709: 7704: 7699: 7694: 7689: 7684: 7679: 7674: 7669: 7664: 7659: 7657:Ivica Matković 7654: 7649: 7647:Julije Makanec 7644: 7639: 7634: 7629: 7624: 7619: 7617:Dido Kvaternik 7614: 7609: 7604: 7602:Vladimir Košak 7599: 7597:Božidar Kavran 7594: 7589: 7584: 7579: 7577:Jure Francetić 7574: 7569: 7564: 7559: 7554: 7549: 7544: 7539: 7534: 7528: 7526: 7523:Croatian & 7517: 7513: 7512: 7510: 7509: 7504: 7499: 7494: 7488: 7486: 7480: 7479: 7477: 7476: 7471: 7466: 7460: 7458: 7457:Puppet regimes 7454: 7453: 7442: 7441: 7434: 7427: 7419: 7410: 7409: 7393: 7390: 7389: 7387: 7386: 7381: 7375: 7373: 7362: 7361: 7359: 7358: 7353: 7347: 7345: 7334: 7333: 7331: 7330: 7325: 7323:Milan Aćimović 7320: 7315: 7310: 7305: 7300: 7294: 7292: 7281: 7280: 7278: 7277: 7272: 7267: 7262: 7257: 7252: 7250:Dido Kvaternik 7247: 7242: 7236: 7234: 7223: 7222: 7220: 7219: 7214: 7209: 7204: 7199: 7193: 7191: 7182: 7181: 7179: 7178: 7173: 7167: 7165: 7154: 7153: 7151: 7150: 7145: 7140: 7135: 7130: 7125: 7120: 7118:Alexander Löhr 7115: 7109: 7107: 7096: 7095: 7093: 7092: 7087: 7082: 7077: 7072: 7067: 7062: 7057: 7052: 7047: 7042: 7037: 7035:Vuk Kalaitović 7032: 7030:Nikola Kalabić 7027: 7022: 7017: 7012: 7007: 7001: 6999: 6988: 6987: 6985: 6984: 6979: 6974: 6969: 6964: 6962:Sava Kovačević 6959: 6957:Arso Jovanović 6954: 6949: 6944: 6939: 6934: 6929: 6924: 6919: 6914: 6908: 6906: 6895: 6894: 6887: 6886: 6879: 6872: 6864: 6855: 6854: 6852: 6851: 6848:Borisav Ristić 6845: 6839: 6833: 6827: 6821: 6815: 6809: 6806:Ljubomir Marić 6803: 6800:Petar Živković 6797: 6791: 6785: 6779: 6773: 6767: 6761: 6755: 6749: 6743: 6735: 6729: 6723: 6716: 6713: 6712: 6704: 6703: 6696: 6689: 6681: 6672: 6671: 6669: 6668: 6660: 6652: 6642: 6634: 6626: 6618: 6610: 6605:Ljubomir Marić 6602: 6594: 6586: 6578: 6570: 6562: 6554: 6545: 6542: 6541: 6536: 6535: 6528: 6521: 6513: 6505: 6504: 6501:Borisav Ristić 6499: 6496: 6483: 6478: 6474: 6473: 6466: 6465:External links 6463: 6462: 6461: 6451: 6449:. Leigh House. 6440: 6433: 6426: 6419: 6413: 6400: 6391: 6388: 6386: 6385: 6372: 6370:. 14 May 2015. 6360: 6343: 6327: 6315: 6304: 6298: 6285: 6279: 6257: 6228: 6222: 6203: 6199:Balkan Insight 6190: 6184: 6171: 6165: 6146: 6137: 6131: 6112: 6106: 6084: 6078: 6063: 6052: 6046: 6033: 6020: 6007: 6001: 5988: 5982: 5958: 5952: 5937: 5929:|journal= 5903: 5890: 5884: 5874:(2 ed.). 5866:Lampe, John R. 5862: 5856: 5843: 5832: 5826: 5813: 5784: 5778: 5758: 5733: 5727: 5714: 5697:(4): 344–373. 5682: 5665: 5656: 5644: 5638: 5619: 5598: 5592: 5571: 5565: 5546: 5525: 5513: 5501: 5492: 5476: 5468: 5447: 5441: 5421: 5397: 5391: 5377:(2 ed.). 5367: 5365: 5362: 5360: 5359: 5348: 5318: 5296: 5285: 5273: 5261: 5249: 5234: 5222: 5210: 5206:Bassiouni 1994 5198: 5186: 5174: 5157: 5155:, p. 116. 5145: 5143:, p. 115. 5130: 5107: 5095: 5083: 5071: 5067:Churchill 1953 5059: 5055:Churchill 1953 5047: 5035: 5023: 5021:, p. 322. 5011: 5009:, p. 279. 4999: 4997:, p. 470. 4987: 4975: 4963: 4961:, p. 242. 4951: 4949:, p. 227. 4939: 4927: 4913: 4901: 4886: 4871: 4853: 4841: 4824: 4822:, p. 272. 4812: 4797: 4785: 4773: 4771:, p. 262. 4761: 4749: 4747:, p. 307. 4732: 4730:, p. 267. 4720: 4708: 4696: 4684: 4672: 4670:, p. 440. 4660: 4658:, p. 433. 4648: 4636: 4624: 4612: 4610:, p. 380. 4600: 4588: 4576: 4564: 4562:, p. 342. 4552: 4550:, p. 292. 4540: 4525: 4513: 4511:, p. 378. 4501: 4486: 4474: 4472:, p. 225. 4462: 4460:, p. 197. 4450: 4438: 4426: 4414: 4402: 4400:, p. 358. 4390: 4378: 4366: 4354: 4342: 4330: 4318: 4306: 4294: 4282: 4280:, p. 171. 4270: 4258: 4246: 4231: 4219: 4207: 4192: 4190:, p. 361. 4180: 4168: 4156: 4144: 4132: 4115: 4113:, p. 164. 4103: 4101:, p. 167. 4091: 4079: 4067: 4065:, p. 231. 4055: 4043: 4041:, p. 290. 4031: 4016: 4005: 4003:, p. 117. 4001:Radanović 2016 3993: 3989:Radanović 2016 3981: 3979:, p. 127. 3969: 3954: 3952:, p. 158. 3942: 3930: 3928:, p. 112. 3918: 3916:, p. 171. 3906: 3904:, p. 179. 3894: 3892:, p. 170. 3882: 3870: 3868:, p. 397. 3858: 3846: 3834: 3822: 3820:, p. 105. 3810: 3808:, p. 179. 3793: 3791:, p. 143. 3781: 3779:, p. 148. 3769: 3767:, p. 259. 3757: 3755:, p. 169. 3745: 3743:, p. 256. 3733: 3721: 3719:, p. 100. 3709: 3707:, p. 162. 3697: 3685: 3673: 3661: 3659:, p. 161. 3649: 3637: 3635:, p. 110. 3620: 3618:, p. 219. 3608: 3606:, p. 210. 3596: 3584: 3572: 3555: 3543: 3531: 3529:, p. 184. 3519: 3507: 3495: 3483: 3471: 3469:, p. 199. 3456: 3444: 3432: 3420: 3405: 3393: 3391:, p. 200. 3381: 3369: 3357: 3355:, p. 272. 3336: 3321: 3319:, p. 256. 3309: 3307:, p. 196. 3297: 3282: 3270: 3268:, p. 151. 3253: 3249:Radanović 2016 3241: 3226: 3224:, p. 155. 3211: 3209:, p. 119. 3199: 3197:, p. 150. 3184: 3169: 3167:, p. 156. 3157: 3145: 3141:Radanović 2016 3133: 3131:, p. 149. 3116: 3101: 3084: 3072: 3070:, p. 152. 3060: 3045: 3030: 3018: 3016:, p. 143. 3006: 3004:, p. 178. 2994: 2979: 2977:, p. 133. 2967: 2965:, p. 140. 2952: 2950:, p. 141. 2940: 2925: 2913: 2901: 2899:, p. 148. 2886: 2867: 2855: 2843: 2831: 2829:, p. 241) 2818: 2806: 2794: 2782: 2770: 2758: 2743: 2728: 2713: 2711:, p. 123. 2701: 2684: 2672: 2660: 2648: 2636: 2621: 2609: 2597: 2585: 2570: 2558: 2546: 2537: 2528: 2516: 2514:, p. 271. 2500: 2498: 2495: 2493: 2490: 2487: 2486: 2463: 2461:, p. 1304 2449: 2436: 2419: 2417:, p. 141. 2402: 2388: 2387: 2385: 2382: 2381: 2380: 2375: 2370: 2368:George Musulin 2365: 2359: 2358: 2344: 2328: 2325: 2263: 2246: 2172:George W. Bush 2168: 2167: 2162: 2150: 2149: 2125: 2124: 2115: 2114: 2106: 2105: 2104: 2103: 2102: 2075: 2074: 2065: 2064: 2056: 2055: 2054: 2053: 2052: 2050: 2047: 2014: 2011: 2003:Women in Black 1980: 1979:Rehabilitation 1977: 1908:Main article: 1905: 1902: 1839:Nikola Kalabić 1825: 1822: 1821: 1820: 1805: 1802: 1774: 1771: 1704:Western Allies 1672:Jasper Rootham 1667: 1664: 1635:his troops in 1631: 1628: 1601:Alexander Löhr 1590:Operation Trio 1574:Živan Knežević 1560:Basil Davidson 1551: 1538: 1535: 1531:Nikola Kalabić 1527:Radoslav Đurić 1501: 1500: 1489: 1486: 1455: 1452: 1394: 1391: 1314: 1313: 1291:Western Desert 1088: 1085: 1077:Milan Aćimović 981:Greater Serbia 946:United Kingdom 913: 910: 876:(KPJ), led by 804:Serbo-Croatian 761: 758: 728: 725: 709:Drava Banovina 666:Serbo-Croatian 651:Czechoslovakia 607:military staff 595:Salonika front 530: 527: 440:and raised in 399: 398: 391: 387: 386: 383: 379: 378: 377: 376: 361: 360: 348: 336: 324: 312: 310:Military Cross 302: 291: 289: 285: 284: 282: 281: 276: 271: 265: 263: 259: 258: 246: 242: 241: 236: 232: 231: 228: 224: 223: 221: 220: 215: 210: 204: 202: 196: 195: 132: 128: 127: 124: 123: 118: 114: 113: 111:FPR Yugoslavia 100:(aged 53) 94: 90: 89: 71: 67: 66: 63: 59: 58: 55: 51: 50: 47: 39: 38: 35: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 8759: 8748: 8745: 8743: 8740: 8738: 8735: 8733: 8730: 8728: 8725: 8723: 8720: 8718: 8715: 8713: 8710: 8708: 8705: 8703: 8700: 8698: 8695: 8693: 8690: 8688: 8685: 8683: 8680: 8678: 8675: 8673: 8670: 8668: 8665: 8663: 8660: 8658: 8655: 8653: 8650: 8648: 8645: 8643: 8640: 8638: 8635: 8633: 8630: 8628: 8625: 8623: 8620: 8618: 8615: 8613: 8610: 8608: 8605: 8604: 8602: 8582: 8579: 8578: 8576: 8572: 8567: 8566: 8560: 8556: 8546: 8543: 8541: 8538: 8536: 8535:Milovan Đilas 8533: 8531: 8528: 8526: 8525:Petar Drapšin 8523: 8521: 8518: 8516: 8515:Peko Dapčević 8513: 8511: 8508: 8506: 8503: 8501: 8498: 8496: 8493: 8492: 8490: 8486: 8482: 8481: 8475: 8471: 8467: 8463: 8456: 8451: 8449: 8444: 8442: 8437: 8436: 8433: 8421: 8418: 8416: 8413: 8410: 8409: 8406: 8396: 8393: 8391: 8388: 8386: 8383: 8381: 8378: 8377: 8375: 8373: 8368: 8364: 8358: 8355: 8353: 8350: 8348: 8347:SS Skanderbeg 8345: 8343: 8340: 8338: 8335: 8333: 8330: 8329: 8327: 8325: 8320: 8316: 8310: 8307: 8305: 8302: 8300: 8297: 8296: 8294: 8292: 8287: 8283: 8277: 8274: 8272: 8269: 8267: 8264: 8263: 8261: 8259: 8255: 8249: 8246: 8244: 8241: 8237: 8234: 8233: 8232: 8229: 8227: 8224: 8222: 8221:Russian Corps 8219: 8218: 8216: 8214: 8210: 8204: 8201: 8199: 8196: 8192: 8189: 8188: 8187: 8184: 8182: 8179: 8177: 8174: 8172: 8169: 8167: 8164: 8162: 8159: 8157: 8154: 8152: 8151:Croatian Navy 8149: 8147: 8144: 8142: 8139: 8137: 8134: 8132: 8129: 8127: 8124: 8122: 8119: 8117: 8114: 8113: 8111: 8109: 8105: 8099: 8096: 8094: 8091: 8089: 8086: 8085: 8083: 8081: 8077: 8074: 8072:organizations 8068: 8058: 8055: 8053: 8052:Ivan Mihailov 8050: 8049: 8047: 8043: 8037: 8034: 8032: 8029: 8027: 8024: 8022: 8019: 8017: 8014: 8012: 8009: 8007: 8006:Gajur Deralla 8004: 8003: 8001: 7997: 7991: 7988: 7986: 7983: 7981: 7978: 7976: 7973: 7971: 7970:Pavle Đurišić 7968: 7966: 7965:Bajo Stanišić 7963: 7961: 7960:Krsto Popović 7958: 7956: 7953: 7952: 7950: 7946: 7940: 7937: 7935: 7932: 7930: 7927: 7925: 7924:Franc Frakelj 7922: 7921: 7919: 7915: 7909: 7906: 7904: 7901: 7899: 7896: 7894: 7891: 7889: 7888:Kosta Pećanac 7886: 7884: 7883:Mihailo Olćan 7881: 7879: 7876: 7874: 7871: 7869: 7868:Kosta Mušicki 7866: 7864: 7861: 7859: 7856: 7854: 7851: 7849: 7846: 7844: 7841: 7839: 7836: 7834: 7833:Milan Kalabić 7831: 7829: 7826: 7824: 7823:Velibor Jonić 7821: 7819: 7816: 7814: 7813:Momčilo Đujić 7811: 7809: 7808:Uroš Drenović 7806: 7804: 7801: 7799: 7798:Petar Baćović 7796: 7794: 7791: 7790: 7788: 7784: 7778: 7777:Hasan Zvizdić 7775: 7773: 7770: 7768: 7765: 7763: 7760: 7758: 7755: 7753: 7750: 7748: 7745: 7743: 7740: 7738: 7735: 7733: 7730: 7728: 7725: 7723: 7720: 7718: 7717:Ismet Popovac 7715: 7713: 7710: 7708: 7707:Stijepo Perić 7705: 7703: 7700: 7698: 7695: 7693: 7690: 7688: 7685: 7683: 7680: 7678: 7675: 7673: 7672:Ademaga Mešić 7670: 7668: 7667:Josip Metzger 7665: 7663: 7660: 7658: 7655: 7653: 7652:Nikola Mandić 7650: 7648: 7645: 7643: 7642:Mihajlo Lukić 7640: 7638: 7635: 7633: 7630: 7628: 7627:Vladimir Laxa 7625: 7623: 7620: 7618: 7615: 7613: 7610: 7608: 7605: 7603: 7600: 7598: 7595: 7593: 7590: 7588: 7585: 7583: 7580: 7578: 7575: 7573: 7570: 7568: 7565: 7563: 7560: 7558: 7555: 7553: 7550: 7548: 7545: 7543: 7540: 7538: 7535: 7533: 7530: 7529: 7527: 7521: 7518: 7514: 7508: 7505: 7503: 7500: 7498: 7495: 7493: 7490: 7489: 7487: 7485:organizations 7481: 7475: 7472: 7470: 7467: 7465: 7462: 7461: 7459: 7455: 7451: 7447: 7446:Collaboration 7440: 7435: 7433: 7428: 7426: 7421: 7420: 7417: 7407: 7406: 7401: 7400: 7396: 7391: 7385: 7382: 7380: 7377: 7376: 7374: 7363: 7357: 7354: 7352: 7349: 7348: 7346: 7342: 7335: 7329: 7326: 7324: 7321: 7319: 7316: 7314: 7313:Kosta Mušicki 7311: 7309: 7308:Kosta Pećanac 7306: 7304: 7301: 7299: 7296: 7295: 7293: 7282: 7276: 7273: 7271: 7268: 7266: 7263: 7261: 7258: 7256: 7253: 7251: 7248: 7246: 7243: 7241: 7238: 7237: 7235: 7231: 7224: 7218: 7215: 7213: 7212:Gajur Deralla 7210: 7208: 7205: 7203: 7200: 7198: 7195: 7194: 7192: 7189: 7183: 7177: 7174: 7172: 7169: 7168: 7166: 7162: 7155: 7149: 7146: 7144: 7141: 7139: 7136: 7134: 7131: 7129: 7126: 7124: 7121: 7119: 7116: 7114: 7111: 7110: 7108: 7104: 7097: 7091: 7090:Ismet Popovac 7088: 7086: 7083: 7081: 7078: 7076: 7073: 7071: 7068: 7066: 7063: 7061: 7058: 7056: 7053: 7051: 7050:Petar Baćović 7048: 7046: 7043: 7041: 7038: 7036: 7033: 7031: 7028: 7026: 7025:Momčilo Đujić 7023: 7021: 7020:Pavle Đurišić 7018: 7016: 7013: 7011: 7008: 7006: 7003: 7002: 7000: 6989: 6983: 6980: 6978: 6975: 6973: 6970: 6968: 6965: 6963: 6960: 6958: 6955: 6953: 6950: 6948: 6947:Petar Drapšin 6945: 6943: 6940: 6938: 6937:Peko Dapčević 6935: 6933: 6930: 6928: 6925: 6923: 6922:Milovan Đilas 6920: 6918: 6915: 6913: 6910: 6909: 6907: 6903: 6896: 6892: 6885: 6880: 6878: 6873: 6871: 6866: 6865: 6862: 6849: 6846: 6843: 6840: 6837: 6836:Dušan Simović 6834: 6831: 6830:Bogoljub Ilić 6828: 6825: 6822: 6819: 6816: 6813: 6812:Milutin Nedić 6810: 6807: 6804: 6801: 6798: 6795: 6792: 6789: 6786: 6783: 6782:Stevan Hadžić 6780: 6777: 6774: 6771: 6770:Stevan Hadžić 6768: 6765: 6762: 6759: 6756: 6753: 6750: 6747: 6746:Stevan Hadžić 6744: 6741: 6740: 6736: 6733: 6730: 6727: 6726:Stevan Hadžić 6724: 6721: 6720:Mihailo Rašić 6718: 6717: 6714: 6710: 6702: 6697: 6695: 6690: 6688: 6683: 6682: 6679: 6664: 6661: 6656: 6655:Dušan Simović 6653: 6648: 6647: 6643: 6638: 6637:Dušan Simović 6635: 6630: 6627: 6622: 6621:Dušan Simović 6619: 6614: 6613:Milutin Nedić 6611: 6606: 6603: 6598: 6595: 6590: 6587: 6582: 6579: 6574: 6571: 6566: 6563: 6558: 6557:Petar Bojović 6555: 6550: 6549:Živojin Mišić 6547: 6546: 6543: 6534: 6529: 6527: 6522: 6520: 6515: 6514: 6511: 6502: 6493: 6492: 6488: 6481: 6480:Bogoljub Ilić 6475: 6470: 6459: 6455: 6452: 6448: 6447: 6441: 6438: 6434: 6431: 6427: 6424: 6420: 6416: 6410: 6406: 6401: 6398: 6395:Juce, Sinoc. 6394: 6393: 6382: 6378: 6373: 6369: 6365: 6361: 6357: 6353: 6349: 6344: 6340: 6336: 6332: 6328: 6325:. 7 May 2005. 6324: 6320: 6316: 6312: 6311: 6305: 6301: 6295: 6291: 6286: 6282: 6276: 6272: 6268: 6267: 6262: 6258: 6254: 6250: 6246: 6242: 6238: 6234: 6229: 6225: 6219: 6215: 6211: 6210: 6204: 6200: 6196: 6191: 6187: 6181: 6177: 6172: 6168: 6162: 6158: 6154: 6153: 6147: 6143: 6138: 6134: 6128: 6124: 6120: 6119: 6113: 6109: 6103: 6099: 6095: 6094: 6089: 6085: 6081: 6075: 6071: 6070: 6064: 6060: 6059: 6053: 6049: 6043: 6039: 6034: 6030: 6026: 6021: 6017: 6013: 6008: 6004: 5998: 5994: 5989: 5985: 5979: 5975: 5970: 5969: 5963: 5962:Malcolm, Noel 5959: 5955: 5949: 5945: 5944: 5938: 5934: 5922: 5914: 5910: 5906: 5900: 5896: 5891: 5887: 5881: 5877: 5873: 5872: 5867: 5863: 5859: 5853: 5849: 5844: 5840: 5839: 5833: 5829: 5827:9781501725654 5823: 5819: 5814: 5810: 5806: 5802: 5798: 5794: 5790: 5785: 5781: 5775: 5771: 5767: 5763: 5759: 5747: 5743: 5742:Bosnia Report 5739: 5734: 5730: 5724: 5720: 5715: 5704: 5700: 5696: 5692: 5688: 5683: 5671: 5666: 5662: 5657: 5653: 5652:Glas javnosti 5649: 5645: 5641: 5635: 5631: 5627: 5626: 5620: 5608: 5604: 5599: 5595: 5589: 5585: 5580: 5579: 5572: 5568: 5562: 5558: 5554: 5553: 5547: 5535: 5531: 5526: 5522: 5518: 5514: 5510: 5506: 5502: 5498: 5493: 5489: 5485: 5481: 5477: 5473: 5469: 5458:on 4 May 2012 5457: 5453: 5448: 5444: 5438: 5434: 5430: 5426: 5422: 5410: 5406: 5402: 5398: 5394: 5388: 5384: 5380: 5376: 5375: 5369: 5368: 5357: 5352: 5336: 5332: 5328: 5322: 5316: 5314: 5310: 5306: 5300: 5294: 5289: 5282: 5277: 5270: 5265: 5258: 5253: 5246: 5241: 5239: 5231: 5226: 5219: 5214: 5207: 5202: 5195: 5190: 5183: 5182:Cathcart 1994 5178: 5171: 5170:Hockenos 2018 5166: 5164: 5162: 5154: 5153:Hockenos 2018 5149: 5142: 5141:Hockenos 2018 5137: 5135: 5127: 5122: 5120: 5118: 5116: 5114: 5112: 5104: 5099: 5092: 5087: 5081:, p. 22. 5080: 5075: 5068: 5063: 5056: 5051: 5045:, p. 78. 5044: 5039: 5032: 5027: 5020: 5015: 5008: 5003: 4996: 4991: 4984: 4979: 4972: 4967: 4960: 4955: 4948: 4943: 4937:, p. 97. 4936: 4931: 4923: 4917: 4910: 4905: 4898: 4896: 4890: 4883: 4881: 4875: 4868: 4866: 4860: 4858: 4850: 4845: 4838: 4833: 4831: 4829: 4821: 4816: 4809: 4807: 4801: 4794: 4789: 4782: 4777: 4770: 4765: 4758: 4753: 4746: 4741: 4739: 4737: 4729: 4724: 4717: 4712: 4705: 4700: 4693: 4688: 4681: 4676: 4669: 4664: 4657: 4652: 4645: 4640: 4633: 4628: 4621: 4616: 4609: 4604: 4597: 4592: 4585: 4580: 4573: 4568: 4561: 4556: 4549: 4544: 4537: 4532: 4530: 4522: 4517: 4510: 4505: 4498: 4493: 4491: 4483: 4478: 4471: 4466: 4459: 4454: 4447: 4442: 4435: 4430: 4423: 4418: 4411: 4406: 4399: 4394: 4387: 4382: 4375: 4370: 4363: 4358: 4351: 4346: 4339: 4334: 4327: 4322: 4315: 4310: 4303: 4298: 4291: 4286: 4279: 4274: 4267: 4262: 4255: 4250: 4243: 4238: 4236: 4228: 4223: 4216: 4211: 4205:, p. 86. 4204: 4199: 4197: 4189: 4184: 4177: 4172: 4165: 4160: 4153: 4148: 4141: 4136: 4128: 4127: 4119: 4112: 4107: 4100: 4095: 4088: 4083: 4076: 4071: 4064: 4059: 4053:, p. 72. 4052: 4047: 4040: 4035: 4028: 4023: 4021: 4014: 4009: 4002: 3997: 3991:, p. 92. 3990: 3985: 3978: 3973: 3966: 3961: 3959: 3951: 3946: 3939: 3934: 3927: 3922: 3915: 3910: 3903: 3898: 3891: 3886: 3879: 3874: 3867: 3866:Karchmar 1987 3862: 3855: 3850: 3844:, p. 64. 3843: 3838: 3832:, p. 42. 3831: 3826: 3819: 3814: 3807: 3802: 3800: 3798: 3790: 3785: 3778: 3773: 3766: 3761: 3754: 3749: 3742: 3737: 3730: 3725: 3718: 3713: 3706: 3701: 3694: 3689: 3683:, p. 98. 3682: 3677: 3670: 3665: 3658: 3653: 3646: 3641: 3634: 3629: 3627: 3625: 3617: 3612: 3605: 3600: 3593: 3588: 3581: 3576: 3570:, p. 67. 3569: 3564: 3562: 3560: 3552: 3547: 3541:, p. 56. 3540: 3535: 3528: 3523: 3516: 3511: 3505:, p. 53. 3504: 3499: 3492: 3487: 3481:, p. 66. 3480: 3475: 3468: 3463: 3461: 3453: 3448: 3442:, p. 38. 3441: 3436: 3429: 3424: 3417: 3412: 3410: 3402: 3397: 3390: 3385: 3379:, p. 40. 3378: 3373: 3366: 3361: 3354: 3353:Karchmar 1987 3349: 3347: 3345: 3343: 3341: 3334:, p. 39. 3333: 3328: 3326: 3318: 3317:Karchmar 1987 3313: 3306: 3301: 3295:, p. 37. 3294: 3289: 3287: 3280:, p. 65. 3279: 3274: 3267: 3262: 3260: 3258: 3251:, p. 58. 3250: 3245: 3238: 3233: 3231: 3223: 3218: 3216: 3208: 3203: 3196: 3191: 3189: 3182:, p. 38. 3181: 3176: 3174: 3166: 3161: 3154: 3149: 3143:, p. 56. 3142: 3137: 3130: 3125: 3123: 3121: 3113: 3108: 3106: 3099:, p. 35. 3098: 3093: 3091: 3089: 3081: 3076: 3069: 3064: 3058:, p. 34. 3057: 3052: 3050: 3043:, p. 34. 3042: 3037: 3035: 3028:, p. 33. 3027: 3022: 3015: 3010: 3003: 2998: 2992:, p. 26. 2991: 2986: 2984: 2976: 2971: 2964: 2959: 2957: 2949: 2944: 2938:, p. 21. 2937: 2932: 2930: 2922: 2917: 2911:, p. 48. 2910: 2905: 2898: 2893: 2891: 2884:, p. 63. 2883: 2878: 2876: 2874: 2872: 2865:, p. 64. 2864: 2859: 2852: 2847: 2840: 2835: 2828: 2827:Karchmar 1973 2822: 2816:, p. 60. 2815: 2810: 2804:, p. 56. 2803: 2798: 2792:, p. 59. 2791: 2786: 2780:, p. 26. 2779: 2774: 2768:, p. 79. 2767: 2762: 2756:, p. 22. 2755: 2750: 2748: 2740: 2735: 2733: 2726:, p. 21. 2725: 2720: 2718: 2710: 2705: 2699:, p. 54. 2698: 2693: 2691: 2689: 2682:, p. 13. 2681: 2676: 2669: 2664: 2658:, p. 53. 2657: 2652: 2645: 2640: 2633: 2628: 2626: 2618: 2613: 2606: 2601: 2594: 2589: 2582: 2577: 2575: 2568:, p. 13. 2567: 2562: 2556:, p. 13. 2555: 2550: 2541: 2532: 2525: 2520: 2513: 2508: 2506: 2501: 2483: 2479: 2474: 2467: 2460: 2453: 2447:, p. 94. 2446: 2440: 2434:, p. 36. 2433: 2429: 2423: 2416: 2412: 2406: 2399: 2393: 2389: 2379: 2376: 2374: 2371: 2369: 2366: 2364: 2361: 2360: 2356: 2355:Serbia portal 2345: 2342: 2331: 2324: 2323: 2319: 2315: 2311: 2307: 2303: 2302:East Sarajevo 2299: 2295: 2291: 2287: 2283: 2279: 2270: 2269: 2268:Ronald Reagan 2262: 2253: 2252: 2245: 2240: 2238: 2237:Ada Ciganlija 2234: 2233:Milan Gurović 2229: 2224: 2222: 2221:Serbian Guard 2218: 2217:Vuk Drašković 2214: 2210: 2206: 2202: 2201:Yugoslav Wars 2197: 2193: 2188: 2185: 2179: 2177: 2173: 2166: 2163: 2161: 2158: 2157: 2156: 2154: 2147: 2144: 2143: 2137: 2136:Richard Nixon 2133: 2129: 2119: 2110: 2101: 2098: 2092: 2083: 2079: 2069: 2060: 2046: 2044: 2040: 2037:. He was the 2036: 2032: 2028: 2024: 2020: 2010: 2006: 2004: 1999: 1994: 1993:Ivo Josipović 1990: 1989:Željko Komšić 1986: 1976: 1974: 1970: 1966: 1960: 1958: 1953: 1949: 1945: 1941: 1937: 1933: 1928: 1926: 1916: 1911: 1901: 1899: 1895: 1894:Yugoslav Army 1891: 1886: 1880: 1877: 1873: 1867: 1865: 1860: 1856: 1851: 1846: 1844: 1840: 1835: 1831: 1819: 1816: 1815: 1814: 1811: 1801: 1799: 1794: 1792: 1788: 1784: 1780: 1770: 1767: 1764: 1760: 1756: 1751: 1747: 1745: 1744:Joseph Stalin 1741: 1737: 1733: 1729: 1724: 1723:War Journal. 1722: 1717: 1712: 1709: 1708:Momčilo Đujić 1705: 1701: 1697: 1691: 1687: 1684: 1683:United States 1680: 1675: 1673: 1663: 1659: 1657: 1652: 1650: 1646: 1641: 1638: 1627: 1623: 1621: 1617: 1612: 1610: 1606: 1602: 1598: 1593: 1591: 1585: 1583: 1579: 1575: 1571: 1570:Peter Boughey 1564: 1561: 1555: 1547: 1543: 1534: 1532: 1528: 1524: 1520: 1516: 1512: 1506: 1498: 1494: 1490: 1487: 1484: 1480: 1476: 1473:) as well as 1472: 1468: 1464: 1460: 1456: 1453: 1450: 1449:King Peter II 1446: 1445: 1443: 1441: 1440:Pavle Đurišić 1437: 1436:Đorđije Lašić 1433: 1425: 1421: 1420:"Instrukcije" 1417: 1413: 1411: 1404: 1400: 1390: 1388: 1384: 1380: 1376: 1372: 1364: 1360: 1355: 1351: 1349: 1345: 1340: 1336: 1327: 1323: 1318: 1312: 1310: 1306: 1300: 1299: 1298: 1296: 1292: 1288: 1284: 1278: 1276: 1275:Petar Baćović 1271: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1251: 1248:, Bosnia and 1247: 1243: 1239: 1231: 1227: 1223: 1218: 1212: 1208: 1203: 1199: 1197: 1193: 1189: 1185: 1181: 1176: 1172: 1171:Pavle Đurišić 1168: 1167:Bajo Stanišić 1158: 1151: 1147: 1146:Dragiša Vasić 1143: 1138: 1134: 1132: 1127: 1123: 1119: 1115: 1110: 1102: 1098: 1093: 1084: 1082: 1078: 1074: 1070: 1066: 1065:Kosta Pećanac 1062: 1056: 1053: 1048: 1046: 1042: 1038: 1033: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1017: 1013: 1008: 1004: 999: 997: 993: 989: 984: 982: 978: 972: 971: 967: 959: 955: 951: 947: 943: 942:United States 939: 934: 926: 918: 909: 907: 903: 897: 895: 891: 887: 886:Dušan Simović 883: 879: 875: 871: 865: 863: 862:Kosta Mušicki 859: 855: 854:Pavle Đurišić 851: 850:Đorđije Lašić 847: 842: 840: 836: 832: 831:Mediterranean 828: 824: 820: 819:Dragiša Vasić 816: 811: 809: 805: 801: 797: 793: 788: 786: 781: 772: 767: 757: 754: 750: 746: 742: 738: 734: 724: 722: 718: 714: 710: 706: 702: 697: 695: 691: 690:staff college 687: 683: 679: 675: 671: 667: 663: 658: 656: 652: 648: 644: 640: 636: 632: 628: 624: 620: 616: 612: 608: 604: 600: 596: 592: 588: 584: 580: 576: 572: 568: 564: 560: 556: 552: 548: 544: 540: 536: 526: 524: 520: 516: 512: 508: 504: 500: 496: 491: 489: 485: 481: 477: 476: 475:modus vivendi 471: 467: 463: 459: 455: 451: 447: 443: 439: 434: 432: 428: 424: 420: 417: 409: 405: 396: 392: 388: 384: 380: 375: 372: 368: 364: 363: 359: 358: 353: 349: 347: 346: 341: 337: 335: 334: 329: 325: 323: 322: 317: 313: 311: 307: 303: 301: 297: 293: 292: 290: 286: 280: 277: 275: 272: 270: 267: 266: 264: 260: 257: 247: 243: 240: 237: 233: 229: 225: 219: 216: 214: 211: 209: 206: 205: 203: 197: 191: 177: 172: 162: 145: 133: 129: 125: 122: 119: 115: 112: 108: 104: 95: 91: 88: 84: 80:27 April 1893 72: 68: 64: 60: 56: 52: 45: 40: 33: 30: 19: 8580: 8563: 8545:Ivan Gošnjak 8520:Koča Popović 8478: 8191:Black Legion 8161:Green cadres 8036:Mefail Shehu 7862: 7757:Alija Šuljak 7737:Franjo Šimić 7702:Ante Pavelić 7592:Ivo Herenčić 7572:Mato Dukovac 7562:Eduard Bunić 7552:Rafael Boban 7403: 7397: 7394: 7240:Ante Pavelić 7171:Mario Roatta 7128:Artur Phleps 7004: 6977:Franc Rozman 6972:Boris Kidrič 6967:Ivan Gošnjak 6942:Koča Popović 6841: 6737: 6662: 6644: 6485: 6457: 6445: 6436: 6435:Pero Simić. 6429: 6422: 6404: 6396: 6376: 6367: 6356:the original 6351: 6339:the original 6334: 6322: 6309: 6289: 6265: 6239:(1): 47–59. 6236: 6232: 6208: 6198: 6175: 6151: 6141: 6117: 6092: 6068: 6057: 6037: 6024: 6015: 5992: 5967: 5942: 5894: 5870: 5847: 5837: 5817: 5792: 5788: 5765: 5750:. Retrieved 5746:the original 5741: 5718: 5706:. Retrieved 5694: 5690: 5674:. Retrieved 5660: 5651: 5624: 5611:. Retrieved 5607:the original 5577: 5551: 5538:. Retrieved 5533: 5520: 5508: 5496: 5488:the original 5483: 5460:. Retrieved 5456:the original 5428: 5413:. Retrieved 5409:the original 5404: 5373: 5351: 5339:. Retrieved 5335:the original 5330: 5321: 5304: 5299: 5288: 5276: 5264: 5259:, p. 2. 5252: 5230:Buisson 1999 5225: 5213: 5201: 5189: 5177: 5148: 5126:Sindbæk 2009 5098: 5086: 5074: 5062: 5050: 5038: 5026: 5019:Roberts 1973 5014: 5002: 4990: 4978: 4966: 4959:Buisson 1999 4954: 4947:Buisson 1999 4942: 4935:Buisson 1999 4930: 4916: 4904: 4894: 4889: 4879: 4874: 4864: 4844: 4820:Buisson 1999 4815: 4805: 4800: 4788: 4781:Buisson 1999 4776: 4769:Buisson 1999 4764: 4757:Buisson 1999 4752: 4745:Roberts 1973 4723: 4711: 4699: 4692:Roberts 1973 4687: 4675: 4663: 4651: 4644:Roberts 1973 4639: 4627: 4615: 4603: 4591: 4579: 4572:Roberts 1973 4567: 4555: 4543: 4536:Roberts 1973 4521:Roberts 1973 4516: 4504: 4497:Roberts 1973 4477: 4470:Roberts 1973 4465: 4458:Roberts 1973 4453: 4446:Roberts 1973 4441: 4429: 4422:Roberts 1973 4417: 4405: 4393: 4381: 4374:Roberts 1973 4369: 4357: 4345: 4333: 4326:Roberts 1973 4321: 4314:Roberts 1973 4309: 4297: 4290:Roberts 1973 4285: 4273: 4266:Roberts 1973 4261: 4254:Roberts 1973 4249: 4222: 4215:Roberts 1973 4210: 4203:Roberts 1973 4183: 4176:Roberts 1973 4171: 4164:Buisson 1999 4159: 4147: 4140:Roberts 1973 4135: 4125: 4118: 4111:Buisson 1999 4106: 4094: 4087:Roberts 1973 4082: 4075:Roberts 1973 4070: 4058: 4051:Roberts 1973 4046: 4034: 4027:Roberts 1973 4008: 3996: 3984: 3972: 3945: 3933: 3921: 3909: 3897: 3885: 3873: 3861: 3849: 3842:Milazzo 1975 3837: 3825: 3813: 3806:Malcolm 1994 3784: 3772: 3760: 3748: 3736: 3724: 3712: 3700: 3688: 3676: 3664: 3652: 3640: 3611: 3599: 3592:Roberts 1973 3587: 3580:Roberts 1973 3575: 3568:Roberts 1973 3551:Roberts 1973 3546: 3539:Roberts 1973 3534: 3522: 3515:Roberts 1973 3510: 3503:Roberts 1973 3498: 3486: 3474: 3452:Roberts 1973 3447: 3440:Roberts 1973 3435: 3423: 3396: 3384: 3377:Milazzo 1975 3372: 3360: 3332:Milazzo 1975 3312: 3300: 3293:Milazzo 1975 3273: 3244: 3202: 3180:Milazzo 1975 3160: 3153:Milazzo 1975 3148: 3136: 3112:Roberts 1973 3097:Milazzo 1975 3075: 3063: 3056:Roberts 1973 3041:Milazzo 1975 3026:Milazzo 1975 3021: 3009: 2997: 2990:Milazzo 1975 2970: 2943: 2936:Milazzo 1975 2921:Milazzo 1975 2916: 2909:Roberts 1973 2904: 2858: 2851:Roberts 1973 2846: 2839:Freeman 2007 2834: 2821: 2809: 2797: 2785: 2778:Roberts 1973 2773: 2761: 2754:Roberts 1973 2739:Roberts 1973 2724:Roberts 1973 2709:Freeman 2007 2704: 2680:Milazzo 1975 2675: 2668:Milazzo 1975 2663: 2651: 2644:Buisson 1999 2639: 2617:Buisson 1999 2612: 2605:Buisson 1999 2600: 2593:Buisson 1999 2588: 2581:Buisson 1999 2566:Buisson 1999 2561: 2549: 2540: 2531: 2519: 2466: 2452: 2445:Roberts 1973 2439: 2432:Roberts 1973 2422: 2405: 2397: 2392: 2321: 2275: 2266: 2259: 2249: 2242: 2225: 2213:White Eagles 2189: 2180: 2169: 2164: 2159: 2151: 2145: 2132:Harry Truman 2093: 2089: 2016: 2007: 1982: 1965:high treason 1961: 1956: 1944:Nedić regime 1929: 1921: 1881: 1871: 1868: 1847: 1830:Soviet Union 1827: 1817: 1810:Ivan Šubašić 1807: 1795: 1776: 1768: 1752: 1748: 1732:Anthony Eden 1725: 1720: 1713: 1692: 1688: 1676: 1669: 1660: 1653: 1642: 1633: 1624: 1613: 1594: 1586: 1566: 1557: 1553: 1522: 1507: 1503: 1438:and Captain 1432:Noel Malcolm 1429: 1419: 1406: 1382: 1368: 1335:Adolf Hitler 1331: 1301: 1279: 1262:Mario Roatta 1236:In the NDH, 1235: 1164: 1106: 1061:Nedić regime 1057: 1049: 1000: 996:D. T. Hudson 985: 973: 962: 950:Soviet Union 940:-controlled 905: 898: 866: 843: 812: 789: 777: 730: 727:World War II 720: 698: 659: 559:Serbian Army 542: 532: 515:firing squad 499:high treason 492: 473: 470:collaborated 435: 423:World War II 403: 402: 374:(posthumous) 373: 355: 343: 331: 319: 262:Battles/wars 239:Army general 98:(1946-07-17) 96:17 July 1946 29: 8612:1946 deaths 8607:1893 births 8011:Xhafer Deva 7948:Montenegrin 7939:Leon Rupnik 7898:Mane Rokvić 7878:Milan Nedić 7747:Dinko Šakić 7687:Ante Nikšić 7682:Ljubo Miloš 7379:Leon Rupnik 7298:Milan Nedić 7197:Xhafer Deva 7133:Franz Böhme 6917:Moša Pijade 6850:(1944–1945) 6844:(1942–1944) 6838:(1941–1942) 6826:(1940–1941) 6824:Petar Pešić 6820:(1939–1940) 6818:Milan Nedić 6814:(1938–1939) 6808:(1936–1938) 6802:(1934–1936) 6790:(1931–1934) 6784:(1926–1931) 6778:(1924–1926) 6766:(1922–1924) 6764:Petar Pešić 6758:Miloš Vasić 6754:(1921–1922) 6734:(1920–1921) 6728:(1919–1920) 6722:(1918–1919) 6666:(1942–1944) 6632:(1940–1941) 6629:Petar Kosić 6624:(1938–1940) 6616:(1937–1938) 6608:(1935–1936) 6600:(1934–1935) 6597:Milan Nedić 6592:(1928–1934) 6584:(1924–1928) 6581:Petar Pešić 6576:(1922–1924) 6568:(1921–1922) 6565:Petar Pešić 6552:(1918–1921) 6352:Dnevni Avaz 6323:Balkan News 5379:Minneapolis 5245:Cvijić 2010 5196:, p. . 4985:, p. . 4837:Ristic 2012 4548:Martin 1946 3818:Lerner 1994 3705:Barker 1976 3207:Miljuš 1982 2398:Uncle Draža 2211:formed the 1998:Vesna Pusić 1948:Miloš Minić 1942:and of the 1763:Ba Congress 1637:Herzegovina 1250:Herzegovina 1230:Ba Congress 1028:The meeting 952:as part of 749:Drina River 717:Second Army 694:Petar Pešić 686:Milan Nedić 587:World War I 563:Balkan Wars 561:during the 547:court clerk 484:Milan Nedić 480:Axis powers 446:Balkan Wars 274:World War I 269:Balkan Wars 62:Nickname(s) 8601:Categories 8466:Yugoslavia 8462:Resistance 8342:Skanderbeg 7848:Rade Korda 7767:Ante Vokić 7722:Ivan Prpić 7557:Mile Budak 7547:Mijo Babić 7542:Ivan Babić 7483:Political 7270:Mijo Babić 7260:Mile Budak 7138:Paul Bader 7085:Karl Novak 6898:Partisans 6495:1942–1944 5364:References 5341:4 November 5281:Meyer 2009 5269:MSNBC 2004 5257:Ramet 2011 5194:Allen 1996 5091:Hoare 2005 3965:Hoare 2010 3830:Mulaj 2008 3789:Hoare 2006 3777:Hoare 2006 3657:Hoare 2006 3165:Hoare 2006 2975:Ramet 2006 2318:Kragujevac 2278:Ravna Gora 2078:Ravna Gora 1969:war crimes 1597:Case White 1397:See also: 1344:Montenegro 1122:Montenegro 1012:Josef Matl 1007:Ravna Gora 894:Kragujevac 835:King Peter 798:, and the 780:Ravna Gora 764:See also: 721:brzi odred 583:lieutenant 503:war crimes 458:Ravna Gora 454:Yugoslavia 161:Yugoslavia 131:Allegiance 76:1893-04-27 54:Birth name 8510:Kosta Nađ 8480:Partisans 8352:Vulnetari 8070:Military 8045:Bulgarian 8021:Xhem Hasa 7207:Xhem Hasa 6991:Chetniks 6932:Kosta Nađ 6253:145143037 5931:ignored ( 5921:cite book 5913:0333-5925 5876:Cambridge 5809:153394582 5383:Minnesota 3365:Trew 1998 2632:Trew 1998 2497:Footnotes 2492:Citations 2411:Hehn 1971 2306:Bijeljina 2190:With the 1808:In July, 1471:Carinthia 1424:cleansing 1337:wrote to 1131:Comintern 1045:Wehrmacht 647:Boris III 478:with the 466:Partisans 433:in 1941. 390:Signature 382:Relations 230:1910–1945 193:(1941–46) 179:(1941–44) 165:(1918–41) 148:(1910–18) 107:PR Serbia 8565:Chetniks 8411:See also 7999:Albanian 7395:see also 7185:Albania 7099:Germany 6381:Belgrade 6263:(1975). 6123:New York 6098:New York 6090:(2002). 6029:Belgrade 5974:New York 5964:(1994). 5868:(2000). 5770:New York 5764:(2006). 5630:New York 5540:28 April 5536:. London 5433:New York 5427:(1976). 2327:See also 2314:Šekovići 2310:Ugljevik 2294:Višegrad 2282:Ivanjica 2280:(1992), 2264:—  2247:—  1952:Yugoslav 1859:Red Army 1834:Red Army 1694:camp in 1578:quisling 1515:Drugovac 1493:Slovenia 1475:Bulgaria 1371:couriers 1363:Red Army 1359:Vidovdan 1348:Adriatic 1320:Captain 1242:Dalmatia 1188:Bulgaria 1140:Captain 890:Kraljevo 827:Istanbul 810:, NDH). 713:Slovenia 711:(modern 579:Albanian 551:Belgrade 535:Ivanjica 448:and the 442:Belgrade 438:Ivanjica 436:Born in 416:Yugoslav 245:Commands 199:Service/ 190:Chetniks 103:Belgrade 83:Ivanjica 7917:Slovene 7786:Serbian 7525:Bosniak 6489:of the 5752:26 June 5708:8 April 5613:30 July 5415:26 June 2298:Petrovo 2176:Croatia 1872:vojvoda 1696:Galicia 1656:Schwarz 1645:Kolašin 1497:Sandžak 1483:Scutari 1479:Albania 1463:Gorizia 1459:Trieste 1326:suicide 1192:Romania 1184:Albania 1024:Mionica 1003:Brajići 741:Hungary 733:Germany 682:Slovene 639:colonel 629:to the 627:attaché 509:of the 505:by the 8395:Ohrana 7516:People 7502:Ustaše 7492:Greens 7157:Italy 6832:(1941) 6796:(1934) 6772:(1924) 6760:(1922) 6748:(1921) 6742:(1921) 6658:(1941) 6650:(1941) 6640:(1941) 6560:(1921) 6411:  6296:  6277:  6251:  6220:  6182:  6163:  6129:  6104:  6076:  6044:  5999:  5980:  5950:  5911:  5901:  5882:  5854:  5824:  5807:  5776:  5725:  5676:23 May 5636:  5590:  5563:  5557:Boston 5462:13 May 5439:  5389:  5311:  2473:German 2290:Subjel 2286:Lapovo 2196:Serbia 2049:Legacy 2013:Family 1890:typhus 1885:Istria 1850:Turkey 1690:Axis. 1649:Bailey 1616:Lipovo 1511:Vranić 1469:, and 1467:Istria 1410:Turkey 1401:, and 1309:Greece 1254:Ustaše 1161:beard. 1069:Bosnia 1052:Požega 1032:Abwehr 938:Jewish 872:, the 796:Ustaše 745:Ustaše 680:, and 655:Prague 603:Skopje 288:Awards 201:branch 158:  144:Serbia 141:  8390:MYSRO 6249:S2CID 5805:S2CID 5672:. BBC 5405:MSNBC 2384:Notes 1876:Ozren 1481:with 1196:Italy 1118:Cairo 1005:near 751:into 737:Italy 705:Celje 678:Croat 643:Zveno 635:Sofia 615:Paris 8385:IMRO 7402:and 6409:ISBN 6335:Time 6294:ISBN 6275:ISBN 6218:ISBN 6180:ISBN 6161:ISBN 6127:ISBN 6102:ISBN 6074:ISBN 6042:ISBN 5997:ISBN 5978:ISBN 5948:ISBN 5933:help 5909:ISSN 5899:ISBN 5880:ISBN 5852:ISBN 5822:ISBN 5774:ISBN 5754:2011 5723:ISBN 5710:2012 5678:2010 5634:ISBN 5615:2010 5588:ISBN 5561:ISBN 5542:2010 5484:Blic 5464:2010 5437:ISBN 5417:2011 5387:ISBN 5343:2019 5309:ISBN 4895:Blic 4806:Time 2480:). 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Draža Mihajlović

Kingdom of Serbia
PR Serbia
FPR Yugoslavia
Execution by firing squad
Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Yugoslav government-in-exile
Royal Serbian Army
Royal Yugoslav Army
Chetnik movement
Army general
Chetnik movement
Balkan Wars
World War I
World War II in Yugoslavia

Order of the White Eagle

Military Cross

Croix de guerre

Order of the White Lion

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.