
Battle of Big Bethel

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and a house for cover. An artillery shot went through the house and killed one of the men. Around noon, the 3rd New York Infantry led by Colonel Townsend came forward to the skirmishers' position. They tried to attack the forward Confederate position but could advance only to within 500 feet (150 m) before being forced to lay down due to the heavy Confederate fire. Townsend feared he was being flanked and began to withdraw just as the Confederate howitzer facing his position broke and the Confederate commander in the redoubt, Colonel Stuart, pulled his 200 men of the 3rd Virginia Infantry back to a hill near the church. Stuart also feared he was being flanked. Part of the 5th New York Infantry which was attacking alongside the 3rd New York temporarily seized this position but were unable to hold it. Townsend had nothing to fear from the men on his left because they were a company of his own regiment who had become separated from the main body. By the time this was discovered, Townsend had pulled back. Magruder did not want to give up the advantageous forward position and sent Stuart back with another howitzer and reinforcements from the 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment. This Confederate move and Townsend's retreat left the 5th New York unsupported and they had to withdraw from their captured position as well. Renewed fire from the regained Confederate position ensured that neither Townsend nor Duryee would move forward against this position again.
advanced position at that location. When the Confederates arrived at Big Bethel Church, they found it marked with writings on the walls such as "Death to traitors," which were left by Union soldiers during an earlier reconnaissance and which greatly annoyed the Confederates. Hill seized high ground just north of the west branch of the Back River and established a well-fortified camp which crossed the road between Yorktown and Hampton and commanded the bridge over the Back River. On the north side of the river, Hill had his men dig entrenchments, laying out the position in the form of a square. He had an outlying position guarding an old ford on his left and a redoubt for a howitzer on his right and across the river. He also had some flank protection from heavy woods and marshes. Magruder's force also established an outpost at Little Bethel Church about 8 miles (13 km) from Hampton. The fortified position at Big Bethel Church was a short distance further north from Little Bethel Church, along and mainly north of Marsh Creek (now named Brick Kiln Creek), a tributary of Back Creek. The position at Big Bethel Church crossed and blocked the main road between Yorktown and Hampton. Magruder's force of almost 1,500 men occupied the position at Big Bethel Church, while only around 50 cavalrymen manned the outpost at Little Bethel Church. On June 8 Hill sent detachments to drive Union foraging (or pillaging) parties back to the fort.
abandoned that position and fell back to their entrenchments behind Marsh Creek (later Brick Kiln Creek), the branch of the Back River near Big Bethel Church. As it had turned out, only this small group was stationed at Little Bethel, not the large force that Butler expected to find there. Gordon, in discussing the mistakes of the Union commanders in this operation says: "But behind all this was the most serious mistake of all – a mistake in Butler's plan. The Confederates had no outpost of strength at Little Bethel, and the scheme to surround and capture it was an attack on a man of straw." He says that Butler could have struck the road to Yorktown 3 miles (4.8 km) north of Big Bethel and compelled Magruder to withdraw to Yorktown without firing a shot. The 5th New York Infantry (Duryee's Zouaves) had again been sent by Peirce as the leading regiment. Finding the Confederates were in flight from Little Bethel, the 5th New York Infantry burned the church at Little Bethel so the Confederates could not use it as an outpost and also set fire to the homes of several secessionists. The Union force then continued toward Big Bethel.
They returned to the main body of the Union force and, after observation and talking to a black man and a local woman as well, told the officers in command that the Confederates had between 3,000 and 5,000 men and 30 pieces of artillery. They actually had about 1,400–1,500 men and 5 artillery pieces, but Kilpatrick accurately reported that their position was well fortified. If the Union forces had not done enough already to give up their plan and position, Kilpatrick gave notice of the arrival of the Union force at Big Bethel by shooting at Confederate scouts and pickets. As the Union force came up to the field, they could not see the Confederates behind their fortifications but the Confederates also did not have a good view of the Union force because of the shade from the woods behind the field on the right and small buildings on the left. However, they could see the bayonets and flag of a Union force about 0.5 miles (0.80 km) to the left. Major Randolph, commanding the howitzer battalion, fired a shot at this column which ricocheted through the Union line and killed a soldier standing next to Colonel Bendix.
a detachment of troops from the 5th New York, 1st Vermont, and 4th Massachusetts infantry regiments. Though very tired from the night march and increasingly hot day, Winthrop and his force attempted to turn the Confederate left flank (from the Union right). Unlike the earlier unsuccessful Union attempts to cross the creek, Winthrop and his men crossed the creek uncontested because they tied their white cloths around their hats and pretended to be part of the Confederate force. Then they cheered and ran forward, somewhat prematurely giving away their identity. Two companies of the 1st North Carolina Infantry then turned to face them and their fire turned the Union force back with several casualties. One was Major Winthrop who had jumped onto a log and yelled "come on boys, one charge and the day is ours." These were his last words as he sustained a bullet through his heart while his men fled back across the creek. After the battle, Colonel Hill praised Winthrop's courage while disparaging the efforts of the rest of the Union soldiers.
786: 547:, the new capital of the Confederacy. An escaped slave, George Scott, who was working for the Union Army at Fort Monroe, was able to scout the Confederate position at Big Bethel and give a good report to Butler, but Butler knew little about the Confederate position at Little Bethel, which he assumed was also a substantial installation manned by a large force. Along with his aide, Major Theodore Winthrop, already an accomplished author, Butler devised a plan for a night march and surprise attack on the Confederate position at Little Bethel at dawn by columns converging from Newport News and Hampton. Butler's main objective was Little Bethel, where he expected to find a large Confederate force. Only after Little Bethel was taken would the commander in the field proceed to Big Bethel, if he chose to do so. 729:
position with the apparent ultimate intent of crossing the stream and turning the Confederate flank but they were quickly discouraged and turned back by heavy Confederate fire. Lieutenant Greble came up the road to place his three guns where he and his small detachment of regulars from the 2nd U.S. Artillery Regiment could return fire, which he did resolutely but with little effect. Peirce then positioned the 5th New York (Duryee), 7th New York (Bendix) and the Massachusetts and Vermont companies (Washburn) to the right of the Hampton Road and the 3rd New York (Townsend) and 1st New York (Allen) to the left of the road. He would launch piecemeal attacks from these positions. Greble continued to fire at the Confederate positions while Peirce arranged his force and gave them some time to rest.
company. Werth hurried to the ford and arrived before the Zouaves of the 5th New York Infantry under Duryee and Kilpatrick. Werth drove them off from the ford with a howitzer shot but they continued to fight from the wood line. Grape shot tore the rectangle off Colonel Duryee's left shoulder, wounded Captain Kilpatrick in the thigh, and killed a soldier behind them. The 5th New York Infantry was exhausted from being the first unit on the march and from heavy action in the day's fighting so the unit was pulled back. Kilpatrick, who was badly wounded by the shot through his thigh, had to be rescued and carried away by Captain Winslow at the very end of the battle after his regiment had withdrawn. Otherwise, he would have fallen into Confederate hands.
484:(a regiment of German speakers), the 4th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Scott's Life Guards and a detachment of U.S. regulars to man artillery, completed the mission. On June 8, 1861, the camp, which was commanded by Colonel Phelps of the 1st Vermont Infantry, also was reinforced by the 9th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment (Hawkin's Zouaves). Butler also further occupied and expanded Camp Hamilton, started by Colonel Dimick in the equally lightly defended, adjacent town of Hampton, just beyond the confines of the fort and within the range of its guns. After Colonel Abram Duryee of the 5th New York Infantry commanded Camp Hamilton for a week, on June 4, 1861, Massachusetts militia Brigadier General Ebenezer Peirce assumed command. 129: 778: 677:, who were coming up the narrow road from the direction of Hampton to the south. The 3rd New York Infantry was being led down the road by General Peirce and his staff on horseback without an advance guard. Bendix knew that no cavalry was with the Union force and mistook the 3rd New York for a Confederate cavalry regiment. More importantly, the 3rd New York Infantry wore gray uniforms, with white bands on their arms such as had been seen previously on the hats, at least, of Confederates. Bendix, who had not been given the watchword or the instructions on armbands, thought the Confederates were behind his regiment as well as in front and ordered his men to fire upon Townsend's men. 583: 111: 716:
intended to block the main Yorktown–Hampton road. These men hurriedly tried to entrench and to find other cover, such as old mill dam, as the Union force approached. The Confederate force consisted of the same units that Magruder had sent to Big Bethel a few days earlier: Colonel Hill's 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry (about 800 men), three companies of Lieutenant Colonel William D. Stuart's 3rd Virginia Infantry (208 men), a cavalry battalion of about 100 men under Major Montague, and the Richmond Howitzer Artillery Battalion of about 150 men under Major George W. Randolph.
468: 526: 766: 745: 591: 681:
that Bendix had opened fire with muskets and an artillery piece on the 3rd New York Infantry and the commanding general's party, wounding 21 men (two mortally) and causing dozens of other men to flee the field. At this time, the colonels of various regiments, in particular Duryea and Washburn, advised Peirce to call off the operation. However, Butler's aides, Major Winthrop and Captain Haggerty, urged Peirce to move forward, and he chose to continue with the attack.
2252:, 2001, p. 74 described the engagement at Fairfax Court House as "ostensibly the first land battle of the war." His use of the word "ostensibly" is made clearer on the next page where he distinguishes as "mere skirmishes" the battles at Fairfax Court House and Philippi and, on p. 75, describes the Battle of Big Bethel as the "first real land battle" of the war. On the other hand, on p. 77 he lumps all the engagements together as "these first minor skirmishes." 334:, devised a plan for a night march, followed by a dawn attack to drive the Confederates back from their bases. Butler chose not to lead the force in person, for which he was later criticized. The plan proved too complex for his poorly-trained subordinates to carry out, especially at night, and his staff had also omitted to communicate the passwords. They were trying to advance without knowledge of the layout or strength of the Confederate positions when a 37: 802:, had been killed. The others were called back and soon Major Randolph was able to destroy the house with artillery fire. Lieutenant Greble, whose guns had been hidden by the house, continued to fire and exposed his position. By this time the battle was ending and Peirce ordered all of his force to retire. It was clear that the Confederate position was too strong and his troops were too exhausted to continue a costly and increasingly futile attack. 2211:"Coming at this juncture, the battle of Bethel flashed a bright gleam over the military situation in Virginia. It was like a glass of generous wine to a fainting man. The thunder of guns fought by Richmond men, bearing tidings of victory, reanimated all hearts in the homes of Richmond. It was the prelude, the prophesy, the earnest of the more signal and important victory on the plains of Manassas." Gordon, 1883, Pamphlet 1, p. 15 611:, a Massachusetts militia general of apparent bravery but no regular army, military school or other formal military training or combat experience. Earlier in the day on June 9 Butler had summoned Peirce from Camp Hamilton to Fort Monroe to advise him of the plan. Foreshadowing the further difficulties that would arise during the operation, Peirce was too ill to ride his horse and went to the fort by boat. 877:. Magruder feared another larger and better-planned Union attack on his position and felt he should maintain his defense at Yorktown and along the Warwick River. The press in the Confederate States in particular made the Confederate victory appear to be more momentous than it was and greatly exaggerated the number of Union soldiers killed in the battle, a common reaction by both sides to battles in 1861. 840:
the men even wrote to newspapers and others to condemn Peirce's handling of the operation, lack of coordination of forces, sporadic efforts at fighting, wasting of time, and leaving too much discretion to subordinates. Even Butler spoke of Peirce's shortcomings in handling the matter, although in more restrained language than he is reported to have used in private.
ordered that all the troops should wear a white rag or handkerchief on their left arms so they would recognize each other. Any attacking regiment was supposed to first shout the watchword. Butler's aide and messenger to the Newport News command, Captain Haggerty, forgot to advise Phelps and the Newport News contingent of these precautions.
884:(Battle of First Manassas) six weeks later, it provided what proved to be undue encouragement and confidence in a quick victory in the war to the Confederates. Union morale was correspondingly damaged but as events proved, the Northern public and military showed resilience and determination in the face of several early defeats. 1026:
The water area known as Hampton Roads is one of the world's biggest natural harbors (more accurately a roadstead or "roads") and incorporates the mouths of the Elizabeth River and James River with several smaller rivers and itself empties into the Chesapeake Bay near its mouth leading to the Atlantic
Butler was criticized for the debacle at Big Bethel, including his decision not to lead the operation in person. His appointment as major general of volunteers was confirmed by the U.S. Senate by only two votes. Most of the criticism fell on the Massachusetts militia general, Ebenezer Peirce. Many of
came forward on a white mule and began to lead the men toward a ford through the creek 0.75 miles (1.21 km) from the main road to Hampton. A platoon guarding the ford was outnumbered by the Union force and retreated as they approached. Magruder ordered Captain W. H. Werth forward with a howitzer
By chance, Magruder had started a large part of his force toward Hampton to launch a surprise attack of his own on the Union forces. After hearing the gunfire and being alerted by an elderly local lady that a Union force was only a few hundred yards down the road, Magruder hurried his men back to his
On May 27, 1861, General Butler sent a force 8 miles (13 km) west to occupy the lightly defended adjacent town of Newport News at Newport News Point, an excellent anchorage for the Union Navy. This force established and significantly fortified Camp Butler and a battery at Newport News Point that
on June 1, 1861, two days earlier than the Battle of Philippi and nine days before the Battle of Big Bethel. Historian David J. Eicher discounts both the Battle of Fairfax Court House and the Battle of Philippi as "mere skirmishes" and says the first "real land battle of the conflict" was the Battle
The 5th New York Infantry was replaced for one last assault on the Union right by Major Winthrop, who was also an officer of the 7th New York Infantry but was serving on the staff of General Peirce, having been detailed from General Butler's staff since he helped Butler plan the attack. Winthrop led
Union skirmishers went forward to try to determine the strength of the Confederate position. Most were driven back immediately. Two companies from the 5th New York led by Captain Kilpatrick and Captain John G. Butler, the General's nephew, advanced across an open field with only a few trees, a shed,
Butler wished to drive the Confederates back from their advanced positions at Little Bethel and Big Bethel because they had begun attacking and harassing his pickets and patrols with squads from these outposts, threatening his bases outside of Fort Monroe and his lines of communication with them and
Butler soon had to return many of his men to Washington to reinforce the defeated Union force after the First Battle of Bull Run as fear for the security of the capital ran high. While Butler continued to maintain the camp at Newport News, he had to abandon the camp at Hampton for lack of men. When
of 1862. However, Butler did send an expedition up the Back River with naval support on June 24, 1861, which destroyed 14 transports and several small boats that had supplies for the Confederate forces. Both sides generally continued to hold and improve their positions and works until the Peninsula
Thinking they had been cut off when they heard the gunfire from the road back to Hampton behind them, Duryée's men of the 5th New York Infantry withdrew from their advanced position and headed south to the sound of the guns, as did the other Union troops from the Vermont and Massachusetts regiments
On the night of June 9–10, according to the plan devised by Butler and Winthrop, 3,500 Union soldiers were sent in two columns from Camp Hamilton at Hampton and Camp Butler at Newport News with orders to converge near the Confederate positions at Little Bethel after a night march and launch a
On May 14, 1861, while Colonel Dimick was still in command of the garrison, he seized a well just outside the fort in what was then Elizabeth City County because the fort did not have enough water even for its original small garrison. His forces also occupied the Mill Creek Bridge, which was needed
After the American Civil War began with the formal surrender of Fort Sumter to Confederate forces on April 14, 1861, and President Lincoln's call for volunteers to suppress the rebellion on April 15, 1861, Virginia's political leaders quickly set in motion the process of seceding from the Union and
officer killed in the war. After littering the road back to Fort Monroe with coats and equipment on a very hot afternoon, the Union troops arrived back at Fort Monroe about 5:00 p.m. that afternoon. About 100 Confederate cavalry pursued the Union force but could not mount an attack and pulled
Advanced Union skirmishers continued to fire at the Confederate positions from the house on the field and other outbuildings on the south side of the creek. Colonel Hill asked four volunteers to go forward and burn the house. Fire from across the main road stopped them and they dove to the ground.
Having determined to continue to Big Bethel without knowledge of the layout or strength of the Confederate positions, Peirce sent Duryee's 5th New York Infantry out first. Captain Kilpatrick along with Captain Charles G. Bartlett and skirmishers were sent forward to scout the Confederate position.
While Colonel Dimick remained in command of the 415 regular army soldiers, Volunteer Major General Benjamin F. Butler of Massachusetts took command of Fort Monroe and the entire garrison on May 23, 1861. With continuing reinforcements, Butler could not only retain the Union hold on Fort Monroe but
commanded by Colonel Abner B. Packard, were able to reinforce Fort Monroe's garrison of 415 regulars within five days of the President's call. The 4th Massachusetts was the first to arrive. These reinforcements helped ensure that this strong point and base of operations would be fully prepared for
volunteer regiments within a few days of the Virginia convention voting to secede from the Union on April 17, 1861. This important fort provided a base for the blockade of Norfolk, Virginia, and the Chesapeake Bay and for the recovery of southeast Virginia and the Virginia Peninsula for the Union.
at Hampton Roads and could be reinforced and resupplied by water without attack by shore batteries or harassment by the nearly non-existent Virginia or Confederate naval forces. The fort was nearly immune from attack from the land side since it could be approached only over a narrow causeway and a
Total Federal casualties at the Battle of Big Bethel and the friendly fire incident that preceded it were 76, including 18 killed, 53 wounded, and 5 missing. Poland, 2006, p. 238 gives an account of the Union casualties by regiment as follows: Staff: 1 killed (Winthrop); 4th Massachusetts: 1
Lieutenant Greble refused to pull back until the last, continuing to work his remaining gun, for he did not have enough able men left to man them both. This effort cost him his life as the Confederate artillery concentrated on his position and he was struck in the back of the head by a cannonball
Almost the entire Confederate force was now behind earthworks and north of Marsh Creek (Brick Kiln Creek), the branch of the Back River at Big Bethel. The exception was that some of the 3rd Virginia Infantry were in an open field to the south of the branch to protect a howitzer position which was
After the attack by Bendix's men, Peirce pulled his force back south of the New Market Bridge, a counter-march of about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) to assess the situation and to await an expected further Confederate attack in a more advantageous position. To the dismay of all, it was soon discovered
of the 1st North Carolina Volunteers, later the 11th North Carolina Infantry Regiment, the only Confederate soldier killed in the battle was the first Confederate soldier killed in combat in the Civil War. This is only correct to the extent a distinction is made between the first officer killed,
On June 6 Magruder sent D.H. Hill and the 1st North Carolina Volunteers and Randolph and part of the Richmond Howitzer Battalion with four artillery pieces to Big Bethel Church (or Great Bethel Church) within 8 miles (13 km) of the Union's camps at Newport News and Hampton to establish an
The friendly fire incident alerted the Confederates at Little Bethel, as well as Magruder's main force, of the Union movement. Upon approach of the Union force and the sound of the gunfire from the New York regiments, the approximately 50 Confederates manning the outpost at Little Bethel Church
On June 4 a Confederate patrol under Capt. H.H. Werth discovered that the 5th New York Infantry (Duryee's Zouaves) had been at Big Bethel. "They behaved well enough to the people of the neighborhood but defiled the walls of the church with warnings, designed to strike terror into the hearts of
Most of the Big Bethel battlefield, and the whole Little Bethel site, have not been preserved. Today the sites are generally covered with residential and commercial development. Marsh Creek or Brick Kiln Creek has also been dammed, creating the Big Bethel Reservoir on the battlefield site. The
Magruder discovered this, on August 7, 1861, a Confederate force burned Hampton so it could no longer be used to shelter runaway slaves. Butler did not attempt to shell the Confederates from the fort for fear he would be blamed, at least in part, for the burning of the town due to cannon fire.
The two forces then began an intermittent fight that began at 9:00 a.m. and lasted until 1:30 p.m. After the initial artillery shot, Bendix's men began to scatter into the trees for protection. The 5th New York Infantry under Colonel Duryee charged the left of the forward Confederate
The column from Camp Hamilton was to start at midnight, and that from Newport News a little later, as its line of march would be shorter. Anticipating possible confusion during a night march by inexperienced troops, Butler ordered the watchword, "Boston," to be given to each column and further
Major Winthrop and several other Union dead were buried on the field by the Confederates. Soon thereafter, Magruder granted a request by Winthrop's brother and Union officers, under a flag of truce, to recover Winthrop's body. They returned the body to the field with a respectful escort.
killed; 1st New York: 1 killed; 2d New York: 2 killed, 1 wounded; 3rd New York: 2 killed, 27 wounded or missing; 5th New York: 6 killed, 13 wounded; 7th New York: 3 killed, 7 wounded, 2 missing; 1st Vermont: 2 killed, 3 wounded, 1 missing; Second U.S. Artillery: 1 killed (Greble).
The secession of Virginia was ratified by popular vote on May 23, 1861. Although a formality, Virginia Governor Letcher did not issue a proclamation officially transferring Virginia forces to the Confederacy on June 6, 1861. United States War Dept., Robert Nicholson Scott, et al.
At least forty men of the 3rd New York Infantry had fled back to the fort at Hampton where they reported that their regiment was being cut to pieces by a large Confederate force. Before waiting for a request for reinforcement, Colonel William H. Allen then headed north with the
1275:. Retrieved May 14, 2011. pp. 911–912. The delay was caused mostly by negotiations over whether the State or the Confederacy would control certain property. Maj. Gen. Lee, as commander of the state forces, issued an order in compliance with the proclamation on June 8, 1861. 642:. The plan was for this force to meet the 3rd New York Infantry under Townsend at a road junction about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from Little Bethel and form a combined reserve. Peirce and his staff headed for Little Bethel with Townsend's 3rd New York Infantry Regiment. 689:
to help Townsend's regiment. Peirce also soon sent a message back to Hampton for the 2nd New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment under Colonel Joseph B. Carr to come up to the area. They were ordered to stop at the New Market Bridge and ultimately acted as a rear guard.
Later, Bendix's men claimed the mistake was mutual and that Townsend's men had opened fire on them at the same time. Tomes says some of Townsend's men admitted this and blamed it on the absence of white bands on the arms of Bendix's men. Tomes, 1862–1867, p.
Confederates, such as "Avengers," " Death to Rebels," and others of like import. Back of the pulpit was a rude picture of a gibbet, on which a Confederate dangled in the horrors of strangulation. Underneath was written—'The Doom of Traitors!' " Gordon, 1883, p. 17
surprise attack on the Confederate positions at Little Bethel at dawn. After taking Little Bethel, if the commander of the force chose to do so, he could go on to attack Big Bethel. The entire force was under the immediate overall command of Brigadier General
might also be considered a small Civil War battle, with several killed and wounded on each side, but the Confederate side in the affair was a civilian mob, not an organized military force like the force the mob attacked, which was several companies of the
to approach Little Bethel from the opposite side. Washburn would be followed by Colonel Bendix's German–speaking 7th New York Infantry Regiment and two artillery pieces manned by regulars from the 2nd U.S. Artillery Regiment, commanded by Lieutenant
Gordon, 1883, pp. 33–34 says that 18 Union dead were left on the field and surmises the official Union casualty figures were too low, though the actual figures were nowhere near what were reported in the press, even in the accounts of Union
while finally winding up his work. When they received word of Greble's death, Lieutenant Colonel Warren, Captain Wilson, and five of their men rushed back to recover Greble's body before they left the field. Greble was the first graduate of
for access to the peninsula from the fort and the nearby Clark farm. The fort soon could not hold all of the arriving reinforcements so Union forces established Camp Troy, soon renamed Camp Hamilton in honor of an aide to General-in-Chief
633:, commanding at Newport News, would send detachments from his own 1st Vermont Infantry and Colonel David W. Wardrop's 4th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment (90–day militia) under the command of Lieutenant Colonel 948:. Civilian mobs also were engaged with military forces in two similar riots in St. Louis in the early days of the war after the surrender of Fort Sumter. Compared to the large battles to come, all the engagements before the 694:
under Lieutenant Colonel Washburn. Those troops were approaching Little Bethel in front of the site of the incident. The Union forces had lost the element of surprise for their attack and delayed the timing of it as well.
fragments of the site that remain are not readily identifiable. The site of Lt. Greble's death is now a convenience store. A group of local preservationists has developed a plan to preserve areas, currently located on
Gordon, 1883, p. 30 said: "The Federal guns were well handled by Lieutenant Greble, of the regular United States army. Shot after shot struck our earthworks, and but for these defences our loss would have been
joining the Confederacy. Even before secession was formally accomplished, Virginia agreed to coordinate its state military forces with the Confederacy and began to seize federal property. The United States
625:) from Camp Hamilton at Hampton to a point between Little Bethel and Big Bethel and then, after having cut the road to Big Bethel, to attack the Confederates at Little Bethel. Colonel Frederick Townsend's 843:
In the early stages of the war, uniforms had not been standardized, and some Union units wore some items of clothing that were gray, though gray had also begun to be adopted by the Confederate Army.
Meanwhile, Kilpatrick was trying to lead part of the 5th New York around the Confederates from the right but they came under heavy fire. As men were falling, Lieutenant Colonel (later major general)
2721: 670:
before dawn and were in position to continue the advance as planned. Before Duryée's men could advance close enough to the Confederate positions to open the attack, they heard gunfire behind them.
of Big Bethel, although, after a brief summary of the Battle of Big Bethel, he characterizes the early Civil War engagements without apparent distinction as "these first minor skirmishes." The
Major Randolph's artillery and Colonel D. H. Hill's 1st North Carolina infantry troops were commended by Magruder for their actions. Within hours of the battle, Magruder withdrew his forces to
220: 712:
fortifications at Big Bethel. The Confederates were now fully alerted to the Union Army movement and were able to get back into position well before Peirce's men arrived at Big Bethel.
to defend the southeastern area of the Peninsula and push Union forces back to the fort. Magruder was given the command on May 21, 1861. On May 24 he established his headquarters at
2726: 327:
and another at Newport News. Magruder had also established two camps within range of the Union lines, at Big Bethel and Little Bethel, to lure his opponent into a premature action.
in charge of Virginia (soon to be Confederate) forces, which already were in league with the Confederacy, responded to the growing Union threat from Fort Monroe by sending Colonel
narrow isthmus and had massive walls and hundreds of cannons. An inlet called Mill Creek was the body of water that almost cut the fort off from the mainland of the Peninsula.
from their positions at Camp Hamilton and despite some delays arrived near Little Bethel at about 4:00 a.m. Part of this regiment under Captain (later brigadier general)
back as they approached Hampton because the Union force had pulled up the New Market Bridge over the southern branch of the Back River to thwart the Confederate pursuit.
Authoritative sources, including his tombstone, show Peirce is the correct spelling of the general's name although in some accounts it is mistakenly shown as "Pierce."
One account states the skirmishers were under Captains Kilpatrick, Bartlett, and Winslow, and all were under the command of Lieutenant Colonel (later major general)
2731: 213: 2278:
Eicher, 2001, p. 75. He says on p. 75 regarding the Battle of Philippi: "Although this minor skirmish was glorified in the press ... it had little significance."
859:, said a primary lesson for Union Army leaders was that "...the gray overcoats and soft hats had to go, lest they (Union soldiers) be shot by their own troops." 361:
of 1862. While small compared to many later battles, Big Bethel attracted exaggerated importance because of the general feeling that the war would soon be over.
349:, the first regular army officer killed in the war. The Confederates suffered only eight casualties, with one killed. Although Magruder subsequently withdrew to 2736: 1687:
Major Whittemore of the 4th Massachusetts Infantry wrote that he had ridden out in front alone, discovered the mistake and got the New Yorkers to cease firing.
785: 2682: 206: 629:, with two howitzers, was to march from Hampton after the 5th New York Infantry had departed and provide support at Little Bethel. Meanwhile, Colonel 2287:
Historian Charles Poland says the battle of Big Bethel was "what most Richmond papers called the first land battle of the war." Poland, 2006, p. 207
forces in the area had no hope of taking the fort by force, especially after April 20, 1861, when the small Union garrison was reinforced by two
2741: 1492: 1405:
Quarstein, 2000, p. 45 credits Winthrop alone for the plan but Winthrop's own notes state, somewhat poetically, that it was a joint project.
In 1952 Elizabeth City County was absorbed by the independent city of Hampton, which had been the county seat and largest town in the county.
945: 880:
At the time, the outcome of the battle was an important boost to Southern confidence and morale. Along with the Confederate victory at the
431: 427: 918:
Big Bethel was one of the first Civil War land battles both in present-day Virginia and in the war after the bombardment and surrender of
2637: 426:
Because Massachusetts militia forces were ready to respond to President Lincoln's call for volunteers, two 90–day regiments, the
931: 907: 506:
and set up his defenses. Soon Magruder's original small Virginia force was increased to about 1,500 men by the inclusion of Colonel
2144: 1293:
Quarstein, 2000, p. 44 says that Montague's cavalry force preceded these units on June 6 and that they did not arrive until June 7.
686: 674: 626: 481: 965:, containing a remnant of an earthwork and the memorial to Henry Lawson Wyatt, the only Confederate soldier killed in the battle. 2746: 595: 2265:, which undoubtedly was a small skirmish although one in which a few casualties were incurred, took place in present–day 2540: 2516: 2351: 1479: 1422: 1068: 572: 514:(Wythe Rifles), a cavalry battalion under Major E.B. Montague, and the Richmond Howitzer Artillery Battalion under Major 439:, under Colonel J. Wolcott Phelps joined the garrison and several other volunteer regiments from New York soon followed. 923: 2661: 2555: 2499: 2368: 2305: 2233: 1045: 240: 561: 2392:. Richmond, VA: Carlton McCarthy and Co., 1886. Extracts from an old order book, First Howitzers of Richmond, VA. 1944:
Some accounts such as Quarstein, 1997, p. 40 mention only Vermont and Massachusetts soldiers in Winthrop's attack.
states after the surrender of Fort Sumter on the previous day set in motion the process of secession of the four
856: 749: 659: 618: 414:
Colonel Dimick refused to surrender the fort and the small and poorly equipped Virginia (soon to be Confederate)
807: 300: 357:, he had won a propaganda victory, and local Union forces attempted no further significant advance until the 134: 91: 981:
President Lincoln's call for volunteers to reclaim federal property and suppress the rebellion of the seven
811: 379: 320: 146: 777: 245: 2266: 457: 304: 120: 2756: 2751: 2262: 1496: 930:(then part of Virginia) or the Battle of Big Bethel was the first land battle of the entire war, the 2642:. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1880–1901. Series I, Volume 2 , Chapter IX. 789:
Pvt. Henry L. Wyatt, the first Confederate soldier from North Carolina to be killed in the Civil War
2435: 2156:
Gordon (who was with the howitzers battalion), 1883, p. 34, says the Confederates had nine wounded.
The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies
949: 935: 881: 874: 354: 582: 265: 2564:
History of the Confederate States Navy From Its Organization to the Surrender of Its Last Vessel
2228:, edited by David S. Heidler and Jeanne T. Heidler. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000. 1217:
History of the Confederate States Navy From Its Organization to the Surrender of Its Last Vessel
447:, on the Segar farm on the Hampton side of Mill Creek, within range of the guns of Fort Monroe. 1591:
Gordon, 1883, p. 28 says: "We had white bands on our hats to distinguish us from the enemy...."
962: 940: 852: 499: 910:
on June 1, 1861, and the first enlisted man killed, which Private Wyatt appears to have been.
480:. By May 29 Butler's force, which included the 1st Vermont Infantry, Colonel John A. Bendix's 919: 511: 391: 250: 1845: 844: 737: 467: 436: 307:
had been ratified by popular vote on May 23, and Confederate colonel (later major general)
8: 492: 345:
The Union forces suffered 76 casualties, with 18 killed, including Maj. Winthrop and Lt.
incident gave away their own. The commander in the field, Massachusetts militia general,
255: 765: 525: 2629: 2145:
Civil War Chief of Sharpshooters Hiram Berdan: Military Commander and Firearms Inventor
1932: 870: 828: 799: 673:
Colonel Bendix's 7th New York Volunteer Infantry had opened fire on Colonel Townsend's
608: 544: 515: 507: 503: 358: 350: 339: 312: 286: 282: 150: 28: 2439: 744: 2657: 2618: 2602: 2585: 2568: 2551: 2536: 2512: 2495: 2480: 2463: 2445: 2425: 2408: 2393: 2364: 2347: 2301: 2229: 1703: 1527: 1475: 1418: 1371: 1340: 1268: 1244: 1221: 1198: 1156: 1087: 1064: 1041: 1010: 770: 667: 663: 634: 461: 387: 331: 324: 323:, a former Massachusetts lawyer and politician, who established a new camp at nearby 80: 2424:. Volume III. Clement A. Evans, ed. Atlanta: Confederate Publishing Company, 1899. 1339:. Volume III. Clement A. Evans, ed. Atlanta: Confederate Publishing Company, 1899. 1243:, Volumes 1–4. Richmond, VA: Carlton McCarthy and Co., 1883. Pamphlet No. 1. 903: 773:, a noted American writer and Union officer, was killed in the Battle of Big Bethel 519: 308: 155: 2674: 590: 2612: 2596: 2579: 2562: 2530: 2506: 2474: 2456: 2419: 2375: 2357: 2334: 2245: 2226:
Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History
1737: 1697: 1521: 1412: 1406: 1365: 1334: 1262: 1238: 1215: 1191: 1149: 1081: 1058: 510:'s 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Lieutenant Colonel William D. Stuart's 477: 198: 655: 464:, and other locations on the south side of Hampton Roads from the Confederates. 2617:. Volume V, A to Helena. Madison, Wisconsin: Federal Publishing Company, 1908. 1977: 1370:. Volume V, A to Helena. Madison, Wisconsin: Federal Publishing Company, 1908. 994: 898: 848: 639: 630: 444: 399: 346: 159: 76: 45: 827:
Union forces attempted no further advance on the Virginia Peninsula until the
The engagement was also known as the Battle of Bethel Church or Great Bethel.
2715: 2697: 2684: 2390:
Contributions to a History of the Richmond Howitzer Battalion, Pamphlet No. 4
Contributions to a History of the Richmond Howitzer Battalion, Pamphlet No. 3
Contributions to a History of the Richmond Howitzer Battalion, Pamphlet No. 1
927: 495: 419: 403: 335: 116: 476:
could cover the entrance to the James River ship canal and the mouth of the
1425:. Retrieved June 11, 2011, p. 37 referred to the plan as devised by Butler. 615: 290: 2572: 2412: 1225: 1014: 460:
blockade of Chesapeake Bay, move up the Peninsula, and threaten to retake
2622: 2484: 2397: 1375: 1248: 1091: 986: 753: 395: 383: 316: 2589: 2467: 2449: 1707: 1202: 1160: 952:(Battle of First Manassas) are fairly characterized as mere skirmishes. 2606: 2429: 1531: 1344: 1272: 982: 913: 407: 36: 311:
was sent down the peninsula to deter any advance on the state capital
998: 1267:
Series I, Volume II. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1880.
On that same day a popular vote ratified the secession of Virginia.
1002: 990: 760: 296: 2476:
The National almanac and annual record for the year 1863, Volume 1
Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States of America
Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States of America
Pictorial history of the civil war in the United States of America
The National almanac and annual record for the year 1863, Volume 1
450: 415: 2722:
Battles of the Chesapeake Bay Blockade of the American Civil War
1526:. Volume 1 of 3. New York: Virtue and Yorston, 1862–1867. 847:, a company commander in the 1st Vermont who later received the 543:
standing in the way of his planned move up the Peninsula toward
Battle of Big Bethel: Crucial Clash in Early Civil War Virginia
Battle of Big Bethel: Crucial Clash in Early Civil War Virginia
622: 586:
Engagement at Big Bethel Church, June 10, 1861, a historic map
by Daniel Burt Veazey, Dictionary of North Carolina Biography
Volume VIII, August 1861. p. 251. In 1997, Quarstein, John V.
955: 862:
The Confederates suffered only one killed and seven wounded.
706: 2601:. Volume 1. New York: Virtue and Yorston, 1864–1867. 471:
The 4th Massachusetts Regiment works to fortify Camp Butler
The Glories Of War: Small Battles and Early Heroes Of 1861
The Glories Of War: Small Battles and Early Heroes Of 1861
Map of Big Bethel Battlefield core and study areas by the
537: 390:
on the southern tip of the Virginia Peninsula between the
1495:, Peirce lost an arm leading a charge on June 30, at the 382:
garrison under the command of Colonel Justin Dimick held
Battles of the Eastern Theater of the American Civil War
The War with the South: A History of the Great Rebellion
Some accounts give the number of Union casualties as 79.
The War with the South: A History of the Great Rebellion
342:, received most of the blame for the failed operation. 2361:
The Longest Night: A Military History of the Civil War
The Longest Night: A Military History of the Civil War
defense and saved for the Union. On May 13, 1861, the
372: 2584:. Volume 1. Boston: E.P. Dutton & Company, 1868. 2567:. New York: Rogers & Sherwood, 1887, p. 39. 1702:. Volume 1. Boston: E.P. Dutton & Company, 1868. 922:. Although arguments have been made that either the 914:
Claim as first land battle of the American Civil War
315:by Union troops based at the well-defended post of 2444:. 4 vols. New York: Century Co., 1884–1888. 2342:Cobb, J. Michael, Edward B. Hicks and Wythe Holt. 1470:Cobb, J. Michael, Edward B. Hicks and Wythe Holt. 228: 2548:The Official Virginia Civil War Battlefield Guide 2298:The Official Virginia Civil War Battlefield Guide 330:Butler took the bait, when he and an aide, Major 2713: 2522:Quarstein, John V. "First Blood at Big Bethel." 2388:. Richmond, VA: Carlton McCarthy and Co., 1884. 2384:. Richmond, VA: Carlton McCarthy and Co., 1883. 2380:. Richmond, VA: Carlton McCarthy and Co., 1883. 2317:Quarstein, John V. "First Blood at Big Bethel." 1387:Official Records, Butler's report, June 10, 1861 1220:. New York: Rogers & Sherwood, 1887, p. 39. 761:Deaths of Winthrop, Wyatt, Greble; end of battle 406:was to the south. The fort was supported by the 2732:Confederate victories of the American Civil War 2346:. El Dorado Hills, CA: Savas Beatie LLC, 2013. 1474:. El Dorado Hills, CA: Savas Beatie LLC, 2013. 1329: 1327: 873:, where he established a line protected by the 319:. This garrison was commanded by Major General 2656:. 2nd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998. 2529:Quarstein, John V. and Dennis P. Mroczkowski. 2511:. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publications, 1997. 2094: 2092: 1963: 1961: 1959: 1750: 1748: 1560: 1558: 1493:29th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1457: 1455: 1453: 1451: 1449: 1417:. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publications, 1997. 1057:Quarstein, John V. and Dennis P. Mroczkowski. 719: 451:Butler takes command, expands Union bridgehead 430:commanded by Colonel David W. Wardrop and the 2737:Battles of the American Civil War in Virginia 2535:. Charleston, SC: Tempus Publications, 2000. 1731: 1674: 1672: 1670: 1507: 1505: 1063:. Charleston, SC: Tempus Publications, 2000. 214: 2550:. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001. 2300:. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001. 2165:Some reports showed 9 wounded rather than 7. 2001: 1999: 1865: 1863: 1821: 1819: 1780: 1773: 1771: 1769: 1660: 1658: 1656: 1654: 1652: 1621: 1619: 1599: 1597: 1324: 281:was one of the earliest land battles of the 2581:A History of Massachusetts in the Civil War 2101: 2089: 1956: 1872: 1745: 1699:A History of Massachusetts in the Civil War 1642: 1640: 1555: 1446: 1378:. Retrieved June 8, 2011. pp. 120–121 2455:Lossing, Benson John and William Barritt. 1667: 1502: 1190:Lossing, Benson John and William Barritt. 1163:. Retrieved May 1, 2011. pp. 501–502 1148:Lossing, Benson John and William Barritt. 956:Commemoration and battlefield preservation 892: 522:and future Confederate Secretary of War). 402:. The bay was to the east of the fort and 221: 207: 16:1861 American Civil War battle in Virginia 1996: 1881: 1860: 1816: 1798: 1766: 1649: 1616: 1594: 932:Battle of Fairfax Court House (June 1861) 908:Battle of Fairfax Court House (June 1861) 707:Confederate advance, return to Big Bethel 649: 614:Peirce was ordered to first send Colonel 2479:. Philadelphia: George W. Childs, 1863. 2462:. Philadelphia, George W. Childs, 1866. 2363:. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001. 2026: 1899: 1789: 1637: 1208: 1197:. Philadelphia, George W. Childs, 1866. 1155:. Philadelphia, George W. Childs, 1866. 1086:. Philadelphia: George W. Childs, 1863. 784: 776: 764: 743: 687:1st New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment 675:3rd New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment 627:3rd New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment 589: 581: 524: 482:7th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment 466: 437:1st Regiment, Vermont Volunteer Infantry 2508:The Civil War on the Virginia Peninsula 1414:The Civil War on the Virginia Peninsula 596:American Battlefield Protection Program 538:Butler plans to drive Confederates back 487: 2714: 2526:vol. L, no. 2 (April 2011): 48–53, 79. 2494:. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006. 2421:Confederate Military History: Virginia 2338:Volume VIII, August 1861. p. 251. 1336:Confederate Military History: Virginia 1040:. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2006. 897:Many authors have stated that Private 601: 2742:York County in the American Civil War 2614:The Union Army: Cyclopedia of battles 2193:OR, Magruder's report, June 10, 1861. 1848:, who was acquainted with the ground. 1739:The Union Army: Cyclopedia of battles 1367:The Union Army: Cyclopedia of battles 202: 2441:Battles and Leaders of the Civil War 529:Confederate earthworks at Big Bethel 2640:of the Union and Confederate Armies 2143:Roy Martin Marcot, Gerald Denning, 386:, a nearly impregnable fortress at 373:Union holds, reinforces Fort Monroe 230:Blockade of the Chesapeake Bay 13: 2646: 1982:North Carolina Digital Collections 1978:"Photograph of Henry Lawson Wyatt" 1728:Hotchkiss, 1899, pp. 137–138 1534:. Retrieved June 11, 2011. p. 272. 926:, on June 3, 1861, in present-day 550: 14: 2768: 2668: 2532:Fort Monroe: the Key to the South 2407:. New York: Bonanza Books, 1961. 2321:vol. L, no. 2 (April 2011): p. 79 2050:Hotchkiss, 1899, p. 138–139 1347:. Retrieved June 11, 2011. p. 135 1060:Fort Monroe: the Key to the South 1009:. New York: Bonanza Books, 1961. 887: 353:and his defensive line along the 2311: 2290: 2281: 2272: 2255: 2238: 2214: 1710:. Retrieved June 12, 2011. p. 89 1172:Quarstein, 2000, pp. 38–40 1121:Quarstein, 2000, pp. 31–32 941:Baltimore riot of April 19, 1861 697: 127: 109: 35: 2654:The Civil War Battlefield Guide 2205: 2196: 2187: 2178: 2168: 2159: 2150: 2137: 2134:Poland, 2006, pp. 232–233 2128: 2119: 2110: 2080: 2071: 2062: 2053: 2044: 2035: 2023:Poland, 2006, pp. 222–223 2017: 2008: 1970: 1953:Poland, 2006, pp. 219–220 1947: 1938: 1926: 1917: 1908: 1896:Poland, 2006, pp. 218–219 1890: 1857:Poland, 2006, pp. 216–217 1851: 1838: 1828: 1807: 1757: 1722: 1713: 1690: 1681: 1634:Poland, 2006, pp. 210–212 1628: 1606: 1585: 1576: 1567: 1552:Poland, 2006, pp. 208–209 1546: 1537: 1514: 1485: 1464: 1437: 1428: 1399: 1396:Poland, 2006, pp. 207–208 1390: 1381: 1359: 1350: 1315: 1306: 1296: 1287: 1278: 1254: 1251:. Retrieved June 9, 2011. p. 15 1231: 1205:. Retrieved May 1, 2011. p. 502 1184: 1175: 1166: 1142: 1133: 857:1st United States Sharpshooters 660:5th New York Volunteer Infantry 619:5th New York Volunteer Infantry 2747:1861 in the American Civil War 2675:Official reports of the battle 2032:Tomes, 1862–1867, p. 280 1905:Tomes, 1862–1867, p. 277 1795:Tomes, 1862–1867, p. 276 1124: 1115: 1106: 1097: 1074: 1051: 1030: 1020: 975: 566: 1: 2575:. Retrieved February 1, 2011. 2438:, and Clarence C. Buel, eds. 2328: 367: 1228:. Retrieved February 1, 2011 818: 7: 1573:Lossing, 1866, pp. 505, 506 720:Union attacks at Big Bethel 666:captured three Confederate 573:Confederate order of battle 10: 2773: 2609:. Retrieved June 11, 2011. 2592:. Retrieved June 12, 2011. 2519:. Retrieved June 11, 2011. 2432:. Retrieved June 11, 2011. 2267:Arlington County, Virginia 2068:Poland, 2006, pp. 225, 238 570: 559: 2652:Kennedy, Frances H., ed. 2625:. Retrieved June 8, 2011. 2487:. Retrieved May 31, 2011. 2473:McKean, William Vincent. 2436:Johnson, Robert Underwood 2400:. Retrieved June 9, 2011. 2263:Battle of Arlington Mills 1497:Battle of White Oak Swamp 1094:. Retrieved May 31, 2011. 1080:McKean, William Vincent. 946:6th Massachusetts Militia 577: 432:4th Massachusetts Militia 428:3rd Massachusetts Militia 236: 178: 165: 140: 102: 52: 34: 26: 21: 2631:The War of the Rebellion 2490:Poland, Jr., Charles P. 2470:. Retrieved May 1, 2011. 2405:The Civil War: A History 2377:The Battle of Big Bethel 2222:The Battle of Big Bethel 1240:The Battle of Big Bethel 1036:Poland, Jr., Charles P. 1007:The Civil War: A History 968: 950:Battle of First Bull Run 936:Fairfax County, Virginia 906:, who was killed at the 882:Battle of First Bull Run 855:while fighting with the 781:Lieut. John Trout Greble 555: 48:, artist, June 10, 1861. 2269:, also on June 1, 1861. 1786:Hotchkiss, 1899, p. 136 893:First Confederate death 285:. It took place on the 2107:Quarstein, 2000, p. 51 2098:Quarstein, 2000, p. 49 2059:Quarstein, 1997, p. 41 1967:Quarstein, 2000, p. 48 1878:Quarstein, 2000, p. 47 1754:Quarstein, 2000, p. 46 1564:Quarstein, 1997, p. 38 1461:Quarstein, 2000, p. 45 1284:Quarstein, 2000, p. 44 1112:Quarstein, 2000, p. 30 963:Langley Air Force Base 853:Battle of Malvern Hill 790: 782: 774: 757: 650:Friendly fire incident 598: 587: 530: 500:John Bankhead Magruder 472: 398:where they empty into 141:Commanders and leaders 2636:a Compilation of the 2628:U.S. War Department. 2561:Scharf, John Thomas. 2374:Gordon, E. Clifford. 2224:pp. 226–227 In 1923:Lossing, 1866, p. 510 1813:Quarstein, 1997 p. 39 1678:Lossing, 1866, p. 506 1582:Lossing, 1866, p. 505 1511:Lossing, 1866, p. 504 1499:. Cobb, 2013, p. 161. 1434:Lossing, 1866, p. 503 1237:Gordon, E. Clifford. 1214:Scharf, John Thomas. 1071:. pp. 28, 30–31 798:One of them, Private 788: 780: 768: 747: 593: 585: 571:Further information: 562:Union order of battle 560:Further information: 528: 512:3rd Virginia Infantry 470: 179:Casualties and losses 2336:The Atlantic Monthly 2202:Poland, 2006, p. 233 2184:Poland, 2006, p. 227 2125:Poland, 2006, p. 231 2116:Poland, 2006, p. 235 2086:Poland, 2006, p. 234 2041:Poland, 2066, p. 224 2014:Poland, 2006, p. 222 2005:Poland, 2006, p. 221 1914:Poland, 2006, p. 219 1887:Poland, 2006, p. 218 1869:Poland, 2006, p. 217 1846:Gouverneur K. Warren 1825:Poland, 2006, p. 216 1804:Poland, 2006, p. 214 1777:Poland, 2006, p. 213 1763:Poland, 2006, p. 237 1664:Poland, 2006, p. 212 1625:Poland, 2006, p. 211 1603:Poland, 2006, p. 210 1443:Poland, 2006, p. 208 1408:The Atlantic Monthly 1356:Poland, 2006, p. 207 1321:Poland, 2006, p. 206 1312:Poland, 2006, p. 202 1130:McKean, 1863, p. 547 845:William Y. W. Ripley 738:Gouverneur K. Warren 488:Confederate response 293:, on June 10, 1861. 279:Battle of Big Bethel 22:Battle of Big Bethel 2698:37.0937°N 76.4250°W 2694: /  2578:Schouler, William. 2505:Quarstein, John V. 1933:Wyatt, Henry Lawson 1719:Gordon, 1883, p. 36 1696:Schouler, William. 1646:Gordon, 1883, p. 26 851:for heroism at the 748:Last charge of the 602:Union plan, advance 1543:Cobb, 2013, p. 79. 1491:As colonel of the 924:Battle of Philippi 829:Peninsula Campaign 800:Henry Lawson Wyatt 791: 783: 775: 758: 609:Ebenezer W. Peirce 599: 588: 531: 516:George W. Randolph 508:Daniel Harvey Hill 504:Yorktown, Virginia 473: 359:Peninsula Campaign 287:Virginia Peninsula 283:American Civil War 151:Ebenezer W. Peirce 147:Benjamin F. Butler 29:American Civil War 2703:37.0937; -76.4250 2541:978-0-7385-0114-7 2517:978-0-7385-4438-0 2352:978-1-61121-116-0 1984:. 1910. p. 2 1480:978-1-61121-116-0 1423:978-0-7385-4438-0 1069:978-0-7385-0114-7 1005:. Hansen, Harry. 812:U.S. Regular Army 771:Theodore Winthrop 664:Judson Kilpatrick 635:Peter T. Washburn 462:Norfolk, Virginia 388:Old Point Comfort 332:Theodore Winthrop 274: 273: 197: 196: 135:CSA (Confederacy) 98: 97: 81:Hampton, Virginia 2764: 2757:June 1861 events 2752:1861 in Virginia 2709: 2708: 2706: 2705: 2704: 2699: 2695: 2692: 2691: 2690: 2687: 2638:Official Records 2546:Salmon, John S. 2418:Hotchkiss, Jed. 2358:Eicher, David J. 2322: 2315: 2309: 2296:Salmon, John S. 2294: 2288: 2285: 2279: 2276: 2270: 2259: 2253: 2242: 2236: 2218: 2212: 2209: 2203: 2200: 2194: 2191: 2185: 2182: 2176: 2172: 2166: 2163: 2157: 2154: 2148: 2147:, 1989, page 108 2141: 2135: 2132: 2126: 2123: 2117: 2114: 2108: 2105: 2099: 2096: 2087: 2084: 2078: 2075: 2069: 2066: 2060: 2057: 2051: 2048: 2042: 2039: 2033: 2030: 2024: 2021: 2015: 2012: 2006: 2003: 1994: 1993: 1991: 1989: 1974: 1968: 1965: 1954: 1951: 1945: 1942: 1936: 1930: 1924: 1921: 1915: 1912: 1906: 1903: 1897: 1894: 1888: 1885: 1879: 1876: 1870: 1867: 1858: 1855: 1849: 1842: 1836: 1832: 1826: 1823: 1814: 1811: 1805: 1802: 1796: 1793: 1787: 1784: 1778: 1775: 1764: 1761: 1755: 1752: 1743: 1735: 1729: 1726: 1720: 1717: 1711: 1694: 1688: 1685: 1679: 1676: 1665: 1662: 1647: 1644: 1635: 1632: 1626: 1623: 1614: 1610: 1604: 1601: 1592: 1589: 1583: 1580: 1574: 1571: 1565: 1562: 1553: 1550: 1544: 1541: 1535: 1518: 1512: 1509: 1500: 1489: 1483: 1468: 1462: 1459: 1444: 1441: 1435: 1432: 1426: 1403: 1397: 1394: 1388: 1385: 1379: 1363: 1357: 1354: 1348: 1333:Hotchkiss, Jed. 1331: 1322: 1319: 1313: 1310: 1304: 1300: 1294: 1291: 1285: 1282: 1276: 1258: 1252: 1235: 1229: 1212: 1206: 1188: 1182: 1179: 1173: 1170: 1164: 1146: 1140: 1137: 1131: 1128: 1122: 1119: 1113: 1110: 1104: 1101: 1095: 1078: 1072: 1055: 1049: 1034: 1028: 1024: 1018: 979: 904:John Quincy Marr 832:campaign began. 750:Duryea's Zouaves 520:Thomas Jefferson 309:John B. Magruder 241:Gloucester Point 231: 223: 216: 209: 200: 199: 156:John B. Magruder 133: 131: 130: 115: 113: 112: 67: 65: 54: 53: 39: 19: 18: 2772: 2771: 2767: 2766: 2765: 2763: 2762: 2761: 2712: 2711: 2702: 2700: 2696: 2693: 2688: 2685: 2683: 2681: 2680: 2671: 2649: 2647:Further reading 2595:Tomes, Robert. 2524:Civil War Times 2403:Hansen, Harry. 2331: 2326: 2325: 2319:Civil War Times 2316: 2312: 2295: 2291: 2286: 2282: 2277: 2273: 2260: 2256: 2246:David J. Eicher 2243: 2239: 2220:Norris, David. 2219: 2215: 2210: 2206: 2201: 2197: 2192: 2188: 2183: 2179: 2173: 2169: 2164: 2160: 2155: 2151: 2142: 2138: 2133: 2129: 2124: 2120: 2115: 2111: 2106: 2102: 2097: 2090: 2085: 2081: 2076: 2072: 2067: 2063: 2058: 2054: 2049: 2045: 2040: 2036: 2031: 2027: 2022: 2018: 2013: 2009: 2004: 1997: 1987: 1985: 1976: 1975: 1971: 1966: 1957: 1952: 1948: 1943: 1939: 1931: 1927: 1922: 1918: 1913: 1909: 1904: 1900: 1895: 1891: 1886: 1882: 1877: 1873: 1868: 1861: 1856: 1852: 1843: 1839: 1833: 1829: 1824: 1817: 1812: 1808: 1803: 1799: 1794: 1790: 1785: 1781: 1776: 1767: 1762: 1758: 1753: 1746: 1736: 1732: 1727: 1723: 1718: 1714: 1695: 1691: 1686: 1682: 1677: 1668: 1663: 1650: 1645: 1638: 1633: 1629: 1624: 1617: 1611: 1607: 1602: 1595: 1590: 1586: 1581: 1577: 1572: 1568: 1563: 1556: 1551: 1547: 1542: 1538: 1520:Tomes, Robert. 1519: 1515: 1510: 1503: 1490: 1486: 1469: 1465: 1460: 1447: 1442: 1438: 1433: 1429: 1404: 1400: 1395: 1391: 1386: 1382: 1364: 1360: 1355: 1351: 1332: 1325: 1320: 1316: 1311: 1307: 1301: 1297: 1292: 1288: 1283: 1279: 1259: 1255: 1236: 1232: 1213: 1209: 1189: 1185: 1180: 1176: 1171: 1167: 1147: 1143: 1138: 1134: 1129: 1125: 1120: 1116: 1111: 1107: 1102: 1098: 1079: 1075: 1056: 1052: 1035: 1031: 1025: 1021: 980: 976: 971: 958: 916: 895: 890: 821: 763: 722: 709: 700: 652: 604: 580: 575: 569: 564: 558: 553: 551:Opposing forces 540: 490: 478:Nansemond River 453: 375: 370: 340:Ebenezer Peirce 321:Benjamin Butler 299:'s decision to 275: 270: 232: 229: 227: 192: 187: 185: 158: 149: 128: 126: 110: 108: 83: 63: 61: 44: 40: 17: 12: 11: 5: 2770: 2760: 2759: 2754: 2749: 2744: 2739: 2734: 2729: 2724: 2678: 2677: 2670: 2669:External links 2667: 2666: 2665: 2648: 2645: 2644: 2643: 2626: 2610: 2593: 2576: 2559: 2544: 2527: 2520: 2503: 2488: 2471: 2453: 2433: 2416: 2401: 2372: 2355: 2340: 2330: 2327: 2324: 2323: 2310: 2289: 2280: 2271: 2254: 2237: 2213: 2204: 2195: 2186: 2177: 2167: 2158: 2149: 2136: 2127: 2118: 2109: 2100: 2088: 2079: 2070: 2061: 2052: 2043: 2034: 2025: 2016: 2007: 1995: 1969: 1955: 1946: 1937: 1925: 1916: 1907: 1898: 1889: 1880: 1871: 1859: 1850: 1837: 1835:considerable." 1827: 1815: 1806: 1797: 1788: 1779: 1765: 1756: 1744: 1742:, 1908. p. 121 1730: 1721: 1712: 1689: 1680: 1666: 1648: 1636: 1627: 1615: 1605: 1593: 1584: 1575: 1566: 1554: 1545: 1536: 1513: 1501: 1484: 1463: 1445: 1436: 1427: 1398: 1389: 1380: 1358: 1349: 1323: 1314: 1305: 1295: 1286: 1277: 1253: 1230: 1207: 1183: 1174: 1165: 1141: 1132: 1123: 1114: 1105: 1096: 1073: 1050: 1029: 1019: 995:North Carolina 973: 972: 970: 967: 957: 954: 934:took place in 915: 912: 899:Henry L. Wyatt 894: 891: 889: 888:Historiography 886: 849:Medal of Honor 820: 817: 810:and the first 762: 759: 721: 718: 708: 705: 699: 696: 651: 648: 640:John T. Greble 631:John W. Phelps 616:Abram Duryee's 603: 600: 579: 576: 568: 565: 557: 554: 552: 549: 539: 536: 489: 486: 452: 449: 445:Winfield Scott 400:Chesapeake Bay 374: 371: 369: 366: 347:John T. Greble 272: 271: 269: 268: 263: 258: 253: 248: 246:Sewell's Point 243: 237: 234: 233: 226: 225: 218: 211: 203: 195: 194: 189: 181: 180: 176: 175: 172: 168: 167: 163: 162: 160:Daniel H. Hill 153: 143: 142: 138: 137: 124: 105: 104: 100: 99: 96: 95: 89: 85: 84: 75: 73: 69: 68: 58: 50: 49: 46:Alfred R. Waud 32: 31: 24: 23: 15: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2769: 2758: 2755: 2753: 2750: 2748: 2745: 2743: 2740: 2738: 2735: 2733: 2730: 2728: 2725: 2723: 2720: 2719: 2717: 2710: 2707: 2676: 2673: 2672: 2663: 2662:0-395-74012-6 2659: 2655: 2651: 2650: 2641: 2639: 2633: 2632: 2627: 2624: 2620: 2616: 2615: 2611: 2608: 2604: 2600: 2599: 2594: 2591: 2587: 2583: 2582: 2577: 2574: 2570: 2566: 2565: 2560: 2557: 2556:0-8117-2868-4 2553: 2549: 2545: 2542: 2538: 2534: 2533: 2528: 2525: 2521: 2518: 2514: 2510: 2509: 2504: 2501: 2500:1-4184-5973-9 2497: 2493: 2489: 2486: 2482: 2478: 2477: 2472: 2469: 2465: 2461: 2459: 2454: 2451: 2447: 2443: 2442: 2437: 2434: 2431: 2427: 2423: 2422: 2417: 2414: 2410: 2406: 2402: 2399: 2395: 2391: 2387: 2383: 2379: 2378: 2373: 2370: 2369:0-684-84944-5 2366: 2362: 2359: 2356: 2353: 2349: 2345: 2341: 2339: 2337: 2333: 2332: 2320: 2314: 2307: 2306:0-8117-2868-4 2303: 2299: 2293: 2284: 2275: 2268: 2264: 2258: 2251: 2247: 2241: 2235: 2234:0-393-04758-X 2231: 2227: 2223: 2217: 2208: 2199: 2190: 2181: 2171: 2162: 2153: 2146: 2140: 2131: 2122: 2113: 2104: 2095: 2093: 2083: 2074: 2065: 2056: 2047: 2038: 2029: 2020: 2011: 2002: 2000: 1983: 1979: 1973: 1964: 1962: 1960: 1950: 1941: 1934: 1929: 1920: 1911: 1902: 1893: 1884: 1875: 1866: 1864: 1854: 1847: 1841: 1831: 1822: 1820: 1810: 1801: 1792: 1783: 1774: 1772: 1770: 1760: 1751: 1749: 1741: 1740: 1734: 1725: 1716: 1709: 1705: 1701: 1700: 1693: 1684: 1675: 1673: 1671: 1661: 1659: 1657: 1655: 1653: 1643: 1641: 1631: 1622: 1620: 1609: 1600: 1598: 1588: 1579: 1570: 1561: 1559: 1549: 1540: 1533: 1529: 1525: 1524: 1517: 1508: 1506: 1498: 1494: 1488: 1481: 1477: 1473: 1467: 1458: 1456: 1454: 1452: 1450: 1440: 1431: 1424: 1420: 1416: 1415: 1411: 1409: 1402: 1393: 1384: 1377: 1373: 1369: 1368: 1362: 1353: 1346: 1342: 1338: 1337: 1330: 1328: 1318: 1309: 1299: 1290: 1281: 1274: 1270: 1266: 1265: 1257: 1250: 1246: 1242: 1241: 1234: 1227: 1223: 1219: 1218: 1211: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1194: 1187: 1178: 1169: 1162: 1158: 1154: 1152: 1145: 1136: 1127: 1118: 1109: 1100: 1093: 1089: 1085: 1084: 1077: 1070: 1066: 1062: 1061: 1054: 1047: 1046:1-4184-5973-9 1043: 1039: 1033: 1023: 1016: 1012: 1008: 1004: 1000: 996: 992: 988: 984: 978: 974: 966: 964: 953: 951: 947: 942: 937: 933: 929: 928:West Virginia 925: 921: 911: 909: 905: 900: 885: 883: 878: 876: 875:Warwick River 872: 867: 863: 860: 858: 854: 850: 846: 841: 837: 833: 830: 825: 816: 813: 809: 803: 801: 795: 787: 779: 772: 767: 755: 751: 746: 742: 739: 734: 730: 726: 717: 713: 704: 698:Little Bethel 695: 691: 688: 682: 678: 676: 671: 669: 665: 661: 657: 647: 643: 641: 636: 632: 628: 624: 620: 617: 612: 610: 597: 592: 584: 574: 563: 548: 546: 535: 527: 523: 521: 518:(grandson of 517: 513: 509: 505: 501: 497: 496:Robert E. Lee 494: 493:Major General 485: 483: 479: 469: 465: 463: 459: 448: 446: 440: 438: 433: 429: 424: 421: 420:Massachusetts 417: 412: 409: 405: 404:Hampton Roads 401: 397: 393: 389: 385: 381: 365: 362: 360: 356: 355:Warwick River 352: 348: 343: 341: 337: 336:friendly fire 333: 328: 326: 322: 318: 314: 310: 306: 302: 298: 294: 292: 288: 284: 280: 267: 266:Mathias Point 264: 262: 259: 257: 254: 252: 249: 247: 244: 242: 239: 238: 235: 224: 219: 217: 212: 210: 205: 204: 201: 190: 183: 182: 177: 173: 170: 169: 164: 161: 157: 154: 152: 148: 145: 144: 139: 136: 125: 122: 118: 117:United States 107: 106: 101: 93: 90: 87: 86: 82: 78: 74: 71: 70: 60:June 10, 1861 59: 56: 55: 51: 47: 43: 38: 33: 30: 25: 20: 2679: 2664:. p. 6. 2653: 2635: 2630: 2613: 2597: 2580: 2563: 2547: 2531: 2523: 2507: 2491: 2475: 2457: 2440: 2420: 2404: 2389: 2385: 2381: 2376: 2360: 2343: 2335: 2318: 2313: 2297: 2292: 2283: 2274: 2257: 2249: 2240: 2225: 2221: 2216: 2207: 2198: 2189: 2180: 2170: 2161: 2152: 2139: 2130: 2121: 2112: 2103: 2082: 2073: 2064: 2055: 2046: 2037: 2028: 2019: 2010: 1988:December 20, 1986:. Retrieved 1981: 1972: 1949: 1940: 1928: 1919: 1910: 1901: 1892: 1883: 1874: 1853: 1840: 1830: 1809: 1800: 1791: 1782: 1759: 1738: 1733: 1724: 1715: 1698: 1692: 1683: 1630: 1608: 1587: 1578: 1569: 1548: 1539: 1522: 1516: 1487: 1471: 1466: 1439: 1430: 1413: 1407: 1401: 1392: 1383: 1366: 1361: 1352: 1335: 1317: 1308: 1298: 1289: 1280: 1263: 1256: 1239: 1233: 1216: 1210: 1192: 1186: 1177: 1168: 1150: 1144: 1135: 1126: 1117: 1108: 1099: 1082: 1076: 1059: 1053: 1037: 1032: 1022: 1006: 977: 959: 917: 896: 879: 868: 864: 861: 842: 838: 834: 826: 822: 804: 796: 792: 735: 731: 727: 723: 714: 710: 701: 692: 683: 679: 672: 656:Abram Duryée 653: 644: 613: 605: 541: 532: 491: 474: 456:support the 454: 441: 425: 413: 380:Regular Army 376: 363: 344: 329: 295: 291:Newport News 278: 276: 260: 103:Belligerents 41: 27:Part of the 2701: / 987:Upper South 920:Fort Sumter 754:Thomas Nast 567:Confederate 396:James River 384:Fort Monroe 317:Fort Monroe 251:Aquia Creek 92:Confederate 2716:Categories 2689:76°25′30″W 2686:37°05′37″N 2460:, Volume 1 2329:References 2244:Historian 1195:, Volume 1 1153:, Volume 1 989:states of 983:Deep South 808:West Point 621:(Duryée's 408:Union Navy 392:York River 368:Background 261:Big Bethel 186:53 wounded 64:1861-06-10 42:Big Bethel 2573:317589712 2413:500488542 2175:soldiers. 1226:317589712 1015:500488542 999:Tennessee 819:Aftermath 303:from the 256:Pig Point 193:7 wounded 188:5 missing 184:18 killed 2623:78364034 2485:20269046 2398:83619463 1482:. p. 75. 1376:78364034 1249:83619463 1092:20269046 1048:. p. 200 1003:Arkansas 991:Virginia 902:Captain 871:Yorktown 658:led the 654:Colonel 545:Richmond 394:and the 351:Yorktown 313:Richmond 297:Virginia 191:1 killed 166:Strength 72:Location 2590:2662693 2468:1007582 2450:2048818 2308:. p. 72 1708:2662693 1203:1007582 1161:1007582 1017:. p. 48 668:pickets 623:Zouaves 416:militia 325:Hampton 289:, near 94:victory 62: ( 2660:  2621:  2607:476284 2605:  2588:  2571:  2554:  2539:  2515:  2498:  2483:  2466:  2448:  2430:951143 2428:  2411:  2396:  2367:  2350:  2304:  2232:  1706:  1532:476284 1530:  1478:  1421:  1374:  1345:951143 1343:  1273:427057 1271:  1247:  1224:  1201:  1159:  1090:  1067:  1044:  1027:Ocean. 1013:  756:, 1861 578:Battle 301:secede 132:  114:  88:Result 969:Notes 769:Maj. 752:, by 556:Union 458:Union 305:Union 174:1,400 171:3,500 121:Union 2658:ISBN 2619:OCLC 2603:OCLC 2586:OCLC 2569:OCLC 2552:ISBN 2537:ISBN 2513:ISBN 2496:ISBN 2481:OCLC 2464:OCLC 2446:OCLC 2426:OCLC 2409:OCLC 2394:OCLC 2365:ISBN 2348:ISBN 2302:ISBN 2261:The 2230:ISBN 1990:2012 1704:OCLC 1528:OCLC 1476:ISBN 1419:ISBN 1372:OCLC 1341:OCLC 1269:OCLC 1245:OCLC 1222:OCLC 1199:OCLC 1157:OCLC 1088:OCLC 1065:ISBN 1042:ISBN 1011:OCLC 1001:and 277:The 79:and 77:Tabb 57:Date 2248:in 1613:274 2718:: 2634:: 2091:^ 1998:^ 1980:. 1958:^ 1862:^ 1818:^ 1768:^ 1747:^ 1669:^ 1651:^ 1639:^ 1618:^ 1596:^ 1557:^ 1504:^ 1448:^ 1326:^ 997:, 993:, 2558:. 2543:. 2502:. 2452:. 2415:. 2371:. 2354:. 1992:. 222:e 215:t 208:v 123:) 119:( 66:)


American Civil War

Alfred R. Waud
Hampton, Virginia
United States
CSA (Confederacy)
Benjamin F. Butler
Ebenezer W. Peirce
John B. Magruder
Daniel H. Hill
Gloucester Point
Sewell's Point
Aquia Creek
Pig Point
Big Bethel
Mathias Point
American Civil War
Virginia Peninsula
Newport News
John B. Magruder

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.