
Anti-BDS laws

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217: 5609:: "If political boycotts of countries were cognizable as 'national-origin discrimination', all sorts of current and historical boycotts would be swept into the net of illegal discrimination. Revolutionary War–era boycotts of Britain, antiapartheid boycotts of South Africa, and current boycotts of China would all constitute national-origin discrimination. Furthermore, Israel's religious character does not necessarily render such a boycott discriminatory. Analogously, Iran, like Israel, self-defines based on religion, yet current U.S. refusals to buy from Iran do not give rise to anti-Shia religious discrimination claims, because Iran's national policies, rather than its identity, are the target." 5645:: "Those defending the constitutionality of the laws, like Kontorovich, maintain the trial court misinterpreted Claiborne to convey First Amendment protections to all activities associated with boycotts. 'The actual issue at hand involves actual boycott organizing activities, basically calling on people to boycott and promoting a boycott, that is speech', he said. 'The state can still get contracts under the state law if they say "We hate Israel and we think Israel should be boycotted." ... They are entirely entitled to contract with the state because that's speech. ... Boycotting Israel by itself does not tell you anything about the motives of the boycott. 1247:
specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli-controlled territory." Tex. Gov. Case 1:18-cv-01091- ... he Court finds that H.B. 89's plain text, the statements surrounding its passage, and Texas's briefing in this case reveal the statute to be a viewpoint-based restriction intended not to combat discrimination on the basis of national origin, but to silence speech with which Texas disagrees. First, the plain text: H.B. 89 singles out content and viewpoint for restriction. With respect to content, the statute targets only boycotts of Israel; Texas contractors remain free to boycott Palestine or any other country.
5777:: "As noted above, in the case of the anti-BDS statute, it is difficult to argue that a company's decision to boycott a particular nation is related to its ability to perform a contract for which it bids. Instead, the state is using its economic leverage to discourage protected boycott activity. With the unconstitutional conditions doctrine 'undergoing something of a renaissance in the Roberts Court', the Court could well use AID's formulation of the doctrine to invalidate the anti-BDS statute even if it stopped short of extending First Amendment protection to all new bidders." 916:), in February 2015. According to them, the bill would "leverage ongoing trade negotiations to discourage prospective U.S. trade partners from engaging in economic discrimination against Israel" through the monitoring of pro-BDS activities of foreign companies that trade on American stock exchanges and by prohibiting American courts from "enforcing rulings made by foreign courts against American companies solely for conducting business in Israel". However, the bill did not impose penalties for supporting BDS. Roskam justified the bill, which could affect negotiations for the 5675:, the district court ruled that boycotts against Israel, as defined by the statute, are not protected by the First Amendment. Relying on FAIR, the court found that boycotts are not protected 'inherently expressive conduct' because 'a refusal to deal, or particular commercial purchasing decisions, do not communicate ideas through words or other expressive media'. The court similarly concluded that Claiborne was not on point as it 'did not 'address purchasing decisions or other non-expressive conduct' and instead reached only 'meetings, speeches, and non-violent picketing'." 3805:. He was informed that his request had been granted and he sent out invitations for the event. After the city received numerous emails expressing doubts about the BDS event, the city informed Glanz that his permission to rent the room had been withdrawn. The city believed that the event would cause a confrontation between BDS supporters and opponents so that public safety could not be guaranteed. Glanz contended that his booking had been withdrawn for political reasons and approached the City in the Administrative Court in Oldenburg. 5765:: "... under the doctrine of 'unconstitutional conditions', which holds that the government 'may not deny a benefit to a person on a basis that infringes his constitutionally protected interests—especially, his interest in freedom of speech', this distinction between direct and indirect burdens on protected speech makes no constitutional difference. In fact, the Supreme Court has applied the doctrine to directly hold that the state cannot terminate contracts in retaliation for a contractor's exercise of First Amendment rights." 4078: 3526: 4760:, passed resolution SR 74, "expressing opposition to the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign" which it claimed was "seeking to undermine the Jewish people's right to self-determination." It also claimed the Movement's agenda was "antithetical and deeply damaging to the cause of peace, justice, equality, democracy, and human rights" and "promoting a climate of hatred, intimidation, intolerance and violence against Jews." The resolution had previously unanimously passed the 1091:. In October 2018, before renewing the advertising contract, the university asked the paper to certify that it was not, and would not, engage in boycotts against Israel. The paper had supplied such certifications before, but this time the paper's publisher and chief executive officer Alan Leveritt, refused. The paper brought the matter to trial and challenged the constitutionality of Act 710, claiming that it violated the paper's First and Fourteenth Amendment rights and requested a preliminary injunction. 755:) was the controlling case, in which the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could withhold funds from universities for refusing to give military recruiters access to school resources. Universities denying access to military recruiters is analogous to boycotting Israel, proponents argue. Since the Supreme Court ruled that denying access to military recruiters was not expressive conduct neither could boycotts of Israel be expressive conduct. Critics argue that the analogy does not hold because 5741:: "Kontorovich has advanced this conduct-based argument, analogizing the anti-BDS statute to President Obama's executive order forbidding federal contractors from discriminating against employees on the basis of sexual orientation. ... But this definition would cover the Claiborne Hardware boycott, which was directed at white merchants. Participation in a political boycott, even if it has a racial dimension, cannot be equated with a simple act of discrimination." 5725:: "Hauss, one of those attorneys, argued FAIR shouldn't control because that case didn't concern a consumer boycott movement and neither the word 'boycott' nor any citation to Claiborne appears anywhere in the FAIR ruling. 'The notion that FAIR could overrule Claiborne, without even mentioning it, doesn't really pass the laugh test', Hauss said. 'I think everyone understands when someone is participating in a BDS boycott that they are expressing something. 3730:". The Court noted that, as interpreted in this case, the French law would appear to prohibit any call for boycotts based on geographic origin, regardless of other circumstances. It further contended that the defendants actions were a form of political expression and that article 10(2) leaves little room for restricting such political expression. The Court firmly rejected the idea that BDS would be discriminatory or anti-Semitic in itself. 2097:"hate speech", including advocating for BDS, from receiving public funding. Both bills died in committee. Senator Klein introduced the third anti-BDS bill for the legislative season, SB 4837, to prohibit colleges from using state aid to fund an "academic entity" if that entity has undertaken to boycott "certain countries or their higher education institutions". Those countries would include Israel. Klein's bill also died in committee. 766:, proponents draw analogies between anti-BDS laws and anti-discrimination laws which forbid government contractors from discriminating based on gender and similar attributes. Critics argue that the analogy is inappropriate because, for example, an employer refusing to hire gay people is neither a political act nor expressive conduct. Even if a boycott has a discriminatory component, which the boycott ruled on in 809:
commercial relations". In his view, this definition is overly broad and extends far beyond the dictionary definition of the word "boycott". He further argues that many of the laws do not clarify whether divestment is to be considered a form of prohibited boycott or not, nor how a company could be penalized for partaking in "sanctions" as they are imposed by governments or intergovernmental entities.
5753:: "Furthermore, Kontorovich's argument appears to conflict with the basic factual circumstances of Claiborne, in which the NAACP and other groups specifically and deliberately targeted white-owned businesses. That is, the boycotters discriminated on the basis of race, which, according to the argument of Cuomo, Kontorovich, and others, would justify the government banning the boycott altogether." 641:
is anti-Zionist but not antisemitic, they argue. Critics also point out that the organization that coordinates BDS, the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), officially opposes anti-Semitism and encourages supporters to select boycott targets based on their complicity in Israel's human rights violations and likelihood of success, rather than on their national origin or religious identity.
sanctions activity targeting Israel, either directly or through a parent or subsidiary". The blacklist would be published on a government website and public entities would be required to divest from blacklisted institutions. To be taken off the blacklist, institutions would have to provide written evidence to the Commissioner that they are no longer boycotting Israel. In an op-ed in
4903:: After the package was introduced, critics voiced strong concern. The ACLU and Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Rand Paul, R-Ky., criticized the bill on the grounds that economic boycotts are protected by the First Amendment. Sen. Rubio and newly elected Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., also traded barbs on Twitter over the constitutionality of laws restricting boycotts of Israel. 5047:: Though the specific provisions of anti-BDS laws vary widely, they have taken two primary forms: (1) contract-focused laws that condition the receipt of government contracts on an entity certifying that it is not boycotting and will not boycott Israel; and (2) investment-focused laws that mandate public investment funds to divest from entities involved in boycotts of Israel. 5621:: "The claim that BDS commits disparate impact discrimination says: in targeting entities complicit in Israeli rights violations, BDS may not intend to specifically hurt Israeli or Jewish entities, but in effect it disproportionately inflicts economic harm on them. Disparate impact law prohibits conduct that is 'fair in form, but discriminatory in operation'." 1578:" of anti-Semitism. The bill passed the legislature unanimously and was signed into law by the governor in May. A group of 30 Jewish Floridans wrote to the governor, urging him to veto the bill because they thought it conflated criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. Fine dismissed their concerns as being unrepresentative of Florida's Jewish community. 1307:, the Israeli Consul General to the Pacific Northwest, met with five members of the co-op and their attorney. Around the same time, four of those five co-op members appeared in a video produced by StandWithUs, describing the negative impact they felt the boycott had had on the co-op. Six months later the five members sued the co-op in a case known as 5827:, p. 131: "However, divestment could fall within the broad definitions of 'boycott' of many of the statutes, even if the definitions do not explicitly cover such conduct. ... In the four state laws that explicitly mention 'sanctions', the specific language regarding sanctions is not written in a way that would be enforceable against a business." 305:'s Critical Issues Poll from October 2019, a majority of Americans oppose anti-BDS laws; 72% opposed laws penalizing people who boycott Israel and 22% supported such laws. The poll also found a strong partisan divide on BDS; among those who had heard of BDS, 76% of Republicans opposed the movement, compared to 52% of Democrats. In a 2019 poll from 5578:: "Opponents counter that BDS leaders' statements advocating the end of Israel's existence as a Jewish state are direct evidence of anti-Semitism ... Such statements are anti-Zionist, and equating anti-Zionism ... with anti-Semitism ... requires a logical leap that defeats finding direct evidence of religious discrimination." 1471:, claimed that he worked closely with lobbyist Dillon Hosier to get the bill passed: "Dillon and the IAC worked very closely with me and my legislative team to assure passage and the governor's signature on AB2844 ... IAC members to email, call and provide other advocacy on behalf of the Israeli-American community". According to 3411:. The law allows targets of boycotts to claim damages from people and organizations who promote them without having to prove that they have suffered economic harm. It also allows the government to deny contracts and withdraw financial support to boycott promoters. The law does not create any criminal offences or criminal sanctions. 684:
discrimination in mind and is not applicable to BDS and even if it was, the argument would fail. The plaintiff would have to show that the behavior has an adverse impact on Israeli or Jewish businesses. But the majority of companies targeted by BDS are not Israeli, making it difficult to argue that the boycott harms such entities.
1189:(PISD) for nine years but refused to sign an addendum to her contract requiring her to refrain from boycotting Israel for the duration of her employment. She subsequently lost her contract. PISD initially told Amawi that she could strike out the "No Boycott of Israel" paragraph but later said that agreeing to it was mandatory. 3680:, a group supportive of BDS, participated in demonstrations outside the same supermarket urging customers not to purchase goods imported from Israel. They wore shirts emblazoned with the words "Long live Palestine, boycott Israel" and handed out flyers saying that "buying Israeli products means legitimizing crimes in Gaza". 3711:, upheld the conviction in October 2015, citing a law that prescribes imprisonment or a fine for parties that "provoke discrimination, hatred or violence toward a person or group of people on grounds of their origin, their belonging or their not belonging to an ethnic group, a nation, a race or a certain religion". 185:, believing Western leaders were no longer committed in holding Israel accountable for the allegations against human rights, Palestinian human right activists conceived a new peaceful movement to boycott Israel, for example, through refusal to buy any goods from Israel, in particular those made in the 7604:: "Two New York State lawmakers, State Sen. Jeff Klein of the Bronx and State Assemblyman Dov Hikind of Brooklyn, said they planned to propose legislation that would cut off state support to any public or private college that participated in the ASA or any other group involved in a boycott of Israel." 4225:
published a letter they had sent to the German government expressing their opposition to the anti-BDS law. They argued that the law unduly interfered with the right of the German people to engage in political speech namely to express support for BDS and that criticising the Israeli government was not
BDS slammed the "anti-Palestinian" resolution in a statement, claiming that it "contains outright lies, contradicts Austrian and international law, and undermines the important fight against real anti-Jewish racism." It further called for the "people of conscience in Austria" to defend the freedom of
In 2017, Clemmons introduced another bill into the State legislature, H 3643. The bill overwhelmingly passed in the House with the vote 103–3, but was defeated in the Senate. H 3643 was controversial because it would have required colleges to use the 2010 US State Department's definition of
during a dinner at a winery who he credited with helping him develop the bill and ensuring its constitutionality. The key to avoiding constitutional challenges was according to Kontorvich that "these laws do not ban any kind of BDS activity, but rather restrict public money from supporting boycotting
sponsored two anti-BDS bills: SB 2492 and SB 2493. SB 2492 would prevent the state from contracting with or investing in entities that "engage in activities to boycott American allied nations", a category that includes Israel, while SB 2493 would prevent student organizations that engage in
over the former's executive order banning state contracts with anyone who participates in boycotts against Israel. The lawsuit stated that the order prevented Ali from bidding on government software programming contracts because he supports boycotts of businesses and organisations that "contribute to
Terri Burke, executive director of the ACLU of Texas, said in response to the ruling: "By any name, that's free speech and free speech is the north star of our democracy. It's foundational, and this decision underlines that no issue of importance can be addressed if the speech about it is stymied, or
It is a content- and viewpoint-based restriction on speech. It is a content-based restriction because it singles out speech about Israel, not any other country. And it is a viewpoint-based restriction because it targets only speech "intended to penalize, inflict harm on, or limit commercial relations
is that the case was about the lawfulness of boycotts, but anti-BDS laws merely withdraw a privilege from boycotters: that of being eligible for government contracts. This argument runs afoul of the "unconstitutional conditions" doctrine, critics argue. The doctrine holds that the government "may not
refers to decision-making based on a person's membership in a protected class. Proponents argue that BDS leaders' calls for Israel to cease to exist as a "Jewish state" are antisemitic. Critics contend that the allegation is conflating anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Opposing Israel as a Jewish state
who rhethorically asked "We would not be here supporting the Ku Klux Klan on our campuses so why are we allowing BDS movement and other anti-Jewish and anti-Israel organizations to have demonstrations and use our campuses, which are taxpayer-funded?" The lawmakers that opposed the resolution argued
Given Canada and Israel share a long history of friendship as well as economic and diplomatic relations, the House rejected the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which promotes the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel, and called upon the government to condemn any
for having a factory in the West Bank while its products are labelled "Made in Israel". SodaStream's French distributor sued the FPSA for "falsely claiming that the products are 'illegally sold' as a result of being manufactured in 'occupied territories' while bearing the 'Made in Israel' label" and
In 2018, two bills, HB 2179 and SB 849, were introduced in Missouri's legislature. If passed they would have required companies and non-profit organizations bidding for contracts worth $ 10,000 or more to sign in writing they are not, and will not, boycott Israel. The bill came under fire from civil
signed an executive order requiring state vendors to certify that they are not boycotting Israel and will not for the duration of the contract boycott Israel. In 2019, the bill HB 245 was enacted, codifying the executive order. The bill limited the certification requirement to vendors with more than
Proponents argue that boycotts of Israel are a form of discrimination because they target a particular group (Israelis) with the intent of inflicting economic harm on them. Since there is no legal test for deciding whether a consumer boycott is discriminatory, the discrimination argument is based on
As of 2020, the question of whether American anti-BDS laws are constitutional has not yet been settled in courts. Many analysts believe that sooner or later there will be a legal showdown due to the controversial nature of the laws. The debate about the laws' constitutionality focuses on two central
Prohibits company that is on Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List or that is engaged in boycott of Israel from bidding on, submitting proposal for, or entering into or renewing contract with agency or local governmental entity for goods or services; provides exceptions; requires specified
passed a resolution "condemn all activities and statements by groups calling for a boycott of the State of Israel, its goods, services or citizens." The resolution also called for the government to not offer financial support to groups that promote a boycott of Israel. The resolution was introduced
in April 2020. The campaign's legal challenge was based on the principle that the government did not have the power to ban "ethical pensions divestment". The court agreed that the government did not have the power to restrict the investment decisions of public pension funds to the degree attempted,
2021:, countered by describing the bill as a thinly veiled attempt to hide Israel's "violations of international law and human rights" and asserted that the bill "let Israel off the hook for restricting the academic and other freedoms of Palestinians, while punishing those who protest those injustices". 1585:
in Florida has passed two anti-BDS ordinances; one in 2015 titled "Non-discrimination" which prevents the Village from entering into a contract with a business engaging in boycotts, and one in 2017, adopting a definition of antisemitism which labels most criticism of Israel as antisemitic according
1440:, signed Act 710 into law which prohibits Arkansas agencies from investing in or contracting with companies unless they sign a pledge not to boycott Israel or offer a 20% cut in compensation in lieu of signing such a pledge. The bill underlying the law, SB 513, was introduced to the state Senate by 1094:
The District Court for the Eastern District of Arkansas dismissed the motion for a preliminary injunction on January 23, 2019. It argued that Act 710 only "concerns a contractor's purchasing activities with respect to Israel" and that it does not prevent criticism of Israel or even calls to boycott
argument complements the disparate treatment argument by stating that the boycott harms Jewish or Israeli entities, even if that is not its intent. That is, the boycott is "fair in form, but discriminatory in operation". Critics argue that the disparate impact doctrine was developed with employment
Divestment from boycott Israel businesses. Requires the public retirement system to divest from businesses that engage in action or inaction to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel. Provides for notice to businesses, reinvestment, and civil immunity. Requires certain reports to the legislative
said that Omar's resolution should not be taken seriously: "I can't imagine that any committee is going to mark up or take seriously any pro-BDS resolution." He also said that he was not concerned about the movement's economic impact but opposed what he said was "an effort to delegitimize Israel."
asking for a venue to hold a debate titled "How far does Munich restrict the right to freedom of expression? – City Council's resolution from December 13, 2017 and its consequences". The target audience for the debate was politically interested people. On April 25, 2018, the museum rejected Ried's
signed HB 89 into law which came into effect on September 1, 2017. The law prohibits the state from contracting with businesses unwilling to pledge that they will not boycott Israel. It also requires Texas to develop a blacklist of for-profit entities that boycott Israel so that it can divest
anti-Semitism when investigating alleged civil rights violations. The definition has been criticized for conflating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism and critics have alleged that it was designed to suppress political speech by smearing it as anti-Semitism. But supporters of the bill, such as
A public entity may not enter into a contract with a business to acquire or dispose of supplies, services, information technology, or construction unless the contract includes a representation that the business is not currently engaged in, and an agreement that the business will not engage in, the
During a visit with a bipartisan delegation that August, I was shown a miles-long Hamas tunnel built to infiltrate Israel's southern communities and murder their residents. The tunnel was frightening because it was the manifestation of the single-minded obsession by Israel's enemies to destroy the
in compliance with the Unruh Civil Rights Act and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and that any policy that they have adopted against any sovereign nation or peoples recognized by the government of the United States, including, but not limited to, the nation and people of Israel, is
Even if Jewish or Israeli business were disproportionately impacted by BDS' boycott, critics argue that BDS could defend its boycott as a "business necessity" because its goal, ending Israel's human rights violations, is legitimate. An objection could be that BDS should use other methods that does
The court further said member states should not recognize Israel's occupation as legal, nor should they render aid or assistance in maintaining it – a ruling that could "force companies and member states to differentiate between Israel and occupied territory when it comes to trade", according to a
In response to the declaration, a group of 60 Israeli academics responded with a letter that criticized the motion and said it was part of a larger effort to delegitimize supporters of Palestine. Another similar letter was sent to the German government in June and signed by 240 Israeli and Jewish
On January 27, 2014, the New York State Senate, by a vote of 56–4, approved the bill S 6438 that would ban universities and colleges from funding organizations that "have undertaken an official action boycotting certain countries or their higher education institutions". Klein stated that "we
announced plans to introduce a law that would withdraw state funding from colleges maintaining memberships in groups boycotting Israel. In a joint statement, the lawmakers described the ASA boycott as "targeted discrimination against Israel that betrays the values of academic freedom that we hold
In January 2014, a French court ruled that FPSA could not use the words "illegal" or "fraudulent" to describe SodaStream products and ordered the group to pay SodaStream's distributor €4,000 in compensatory damages and €2,500 to cover its legal fees. In the meantime, SodaStream announced that it
signed the bill HR 2107 into law. It prohibits the state from contracting with entities unless they certify that they are not engaged in boycotts based on race, religion, gender, national affiliation or national origin. The penalty for a false certification is $ 250,000 or twice the value of the
signed the bill HF 400/SF 247 into law on May 3, 2017. The bill prohibits state agencies from contracting with vendors unless they certify that they are not "discriminating" against Israel. Discriminating is defined as "refusals to deal, terminating business activities, or other actions that are
As of 2024, 38 states have passed bills and executive orders designed to discourage boycotts of Israel. Many of them have been passed with broad bipartisan support. Most anti-BDS laws have taken one of two forms: contract-focused laws requiring government contractors to promise that they are not
to be established. Anti-BDS laws are designed to make it difficult for anti-Israel people and organizations to participate in boycotts; anti-BDS legal resolutions are symbolic and non-binding parliamentary condemnations, either of boycotts of Israel or of the BDS movement itself. Generally, such
In February 2016, the British government, in response to several city councils having passed motions to boycott goods from Israeli settlements, issued a procurement policy forbidding public authorities from boycotts on ethical grounds. The policy was passed without any parliamentary debate. The
On May 30, 2018, Ried filed a suit in the Administrative Court Munich, arguing that the refusal to grant him a venue violated his right to freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. The court, however, ruled in favor of the city. It argued that the resolution only prevents the expression of
The law was heavily criticized in Israel by both left-wing and Arab political parties. Israeli leftist and human rights organizations also criticized the law, and launched a public campaign against it. Prior to the law's approval, four Israeli human rights groups sent letters to Knesset Speaker
2784: 1651:
in which "Delegitimizing the State of Israel by denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination and denying the State of Israel the right to exist" is labelled a form of antisemitism. The bill would make public schools and universities culpable for failing to treat discrimination as
A separate resolution introduced by representative Omar, HR 496, which did not explicitly mention the BDS movement but was widely seen as a response to the House anti-BDS bill, affirmed the "right to participate in boycotts in pursuit of civil and human rights at home and abroad". The bill was
unanimously adopted a non-binding resolution condemning all forms of anti-Semitism including "Israel-related anti-Semitism." It strongly condemned the BDS movement and urged the government not to provide aid to groups that express anti-Semitic views or "question Israel's right of existence."
signed executive order 157 into law. The order mandated the creation of a blacklist of institutions and companies by the Commissioner of the Offices of General Services "that the Commissioner determines, using credible information available to the public, participate in boycott, divestment, or
The law requires state contracts to certify that they are complying with California's anti-discrimination laws and that none of their policies against a nation or people is used for discrimination. The bill was rewritten several times after thousands of people protested and after legal experts
on February 28, 2020. She was supposed to be paid $ 1,000 for her speech. She was asked to sign a pledge to agree not to boycott Israel which she refused to do and her speaking arrangement was subsequently cancelled. She therefore announced on January 10, 2020, that she had filed a free speech
The court granted Koontz request for a preliminary injunction, arguing that the law the state relied on was likely unconstitutional and that Kansas therefore must not enforce the law. The court declared that Koontz' conduct was "inherently expressive" because it was easily associated "with the
That act of Congress in 1979 was a rider to legislation regulating US exports and it was intended to counter participation in the Arab League's boycott of Israel. Specifically, the anti-boycott law prohibited participation in a boycott in cooperation with a foreign country. In no way did that
The bill SB 327 passed the House and Senate with the votes 95–71 and 41–8 and was signed into law in April 2016. The law requires companies and individuals to certify that they are not boycotting Israel or Israeli settlements to be eligible for contract work with the state. The law waives the
where the Supreme Court ruled that the government cannot require organizations to profess to a specific viewpoint as a condition for government funding. But anti-BDS laws coerce contractors bidding to profess to a specific viewpoint, namely of not boycotting Israel, which would be an unlawful
passed a resolution formally condemning BDS. The resolution passed the upper house by a vote of 30-0 and the lower house by a vote of 93–1. The resolution, the first of its kind to be passed by a state government, declared that BDS is "one of the main vehicles for spreading anti-Semitism and
The following table summarizes the legal situation in states with anti-BDS laws. The columns denote the following; the Certification column denotes whether the state requires some or all of its contractors to certify that they are not boycotting Israel, the Blacklist column whether the state
Critics state that many anti-BDS laws are not specific enough in what activities they target. Timothy Cuffman cites the Arizona anti-BDS statute which defines a "boycott" as "engaging in a refusal to deal, terminating business activities or performing other actions that are intended to limit
signed executive order 01.01.2017.25 into law on October 23, 2017. The order prohibited execute agencies from entering into procurement contracts with companies that boycotted Israel. The order came after activists for several years had successfully defeated similar legislative initiatives.
claim is not supported by evidence. They argue that since the majority of companies targeted for boycotts by the BNC are not Israeli companies, but foreign companies targeted for their complicity in the Israeli human rights violations, anti-Jewish or anti-Israeli animosity could not be BDS'
Amends the Elementary, Secondary, and Higher Education Article of the Illinois Human Rights Act. Defines "anti-Semitism". Provides that an institution of elementary, secondary, or higher education commits a civil rights violation if it fails to treat anti-Semitism in an identical manner to
6405: 3661:
as "among the world's most potent tools to fight the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement" and as having "catapulted France to the forefront of efforts to counter the movement through legal means". According to Pascal Markowicz, head of the BDS legal task force of France's
1712:. The bill mandated the setup of a blacklist of commercial enterprises and non-profit organizations boycotting Israel. The blacklist would be used by funds managed by the State, such as the teachers' retirement fund and the public employees retirement fund, to divest from such entities. 1060:(KSDE). The program director asked Koontz to sign a certificate that she was not involved in a boycott of Israel, which she refused to do. KSDE therefore declined to pay or contract with Koontz. Koontz brought a lawsuit against the state, represented by Kansas Commissioner of Education, 2780: 1971:
on August 16, 2016. The bill orders the state's pension funds to divest from companies that boycott Israel or Israeli businesses. A related bill, A 2940, which would have prohibited funding for colleges and universities to be used directly or indirectly to support BDS, failed to pass.
5709:: "While an observer could mistake the actions of a BDS boycotter as motivated by something other than specific beliefs about Israel's treatment of Palestinians—for example, anti-semitism—the expressive quality of BDS boycotts is more palpable than the pragmatic recruitment events in 2420:
and opposes "all attempts to economically and politically isolate Israel within the international arena, including promotion of economic, cultural, and academic boycotts, and all efforts to assault the legitimacy of the State of Israel as the sovereign homeland of the Jewish people".
8991:: "By stressing that everyone has the right to call for a boycott of Israeli products, as long as it does not turn to incitement to intolerance, violence or hate, the Court firmly and categorically rejected the idea that the BDS movement is discriminatory and anti-Semitic in itself." 309:
35% to 27% opposed anti-BDS laws. Split by party affiliation, 48% of Democrats opposed anti-BDS laws and 15% supported them; 27% of Republicans opposed anti-BDS laws and 44% supported them. 70%-80% believed boycotts were a legitimate protest tactic. According to a 2022 survey by the
was introduced in February 2019 into the State legislature and signed into law in March the same year. The law creates a blacklist of companies that boycott Israel and Israeli settlements and prevents state funds from being invested in company on the list. Republican Representative
1633:. The law sets up a blacklist of non-American companies that boycott Israel and requires the state's pension funds to divest from them. Chicago's Jewish federation the Jewish United Fund, the New York-based American Jewish Committee and other organizations had lobbied for the bill. 1809:
The Copy, Paste, Legislate investigation found that Edwards did not write the executive order nor the press release accompanying it. Instead, they were sent to him by Mithun Kamath of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans. Kamath claimed the executive order was reviewed by
Zachary Abdelhadi, a Palestinian-American student at Texas State University in San Marcos. He was offered the opportunity to judge debate tournaments for Lewisville Independent School District but refused to sign the District's contract which included the same anti-boycott Israel
Proponents note that BDS singles out Israel for boycott while ignoring human rights abuses in other parts of the world. They argue that this focus is driven by animosity towards Jews or Israelis and that it is circumstantial evidence of discriminatory intent. They refer to the
application on grounds that it would violate the resolution from December 2017 – the very same resolution the event was supposed to debate. The museum in its decision noted that the debate could not take place without talking about BDS and that it was bound by the resolution.
526:, combining the anti-BDS bills in South Carolina and Illinois. A model act is a "template bill" that can be enacted in many legislatures with little or no modification. IAF also announced that 18 more states were "committed to introducing" similar legislation in their states. 4121:
with 49 ayes and 5 nays that "calls on the legislature to stand against any movement that promotes hate, prejudice and racism" and "reject the 'differential treatment' of Israel by the BDS movement". The motion was supported by the two largest parties, the governing centrist
Since 2013 there have been multiple bills discussed or proposed in the New York State Senate and New York State Assembly to sanction individuals, businesses or organizations that support BDS. None have been passed. In 2016 Andrew Cuomo created a blacklist by executive order.
The women's association filed an interim measure against the city's ban on its participation. The Administrative Court of Cologne instructed the City of Bonn to admit the women's association to the festival. In its verdict it held that the city's ban violated article 3(1),
790:. However, these cases involved existing business relations between private entities and the government. Whether the doctrine of "unconstitutional conditions" applies to situations where no existing business relationship exists has not been addressed by the Supreme Court. 150:
that Israel's occupation was illegal and should be brought to an end as quickly as possible. Existing settlements should be evacuated and reparations paid to Palestinians who had lost land and property. The court also found that Israel was in violation of Article 3 of the
and that such boycotts could harm "community cohesion" and Britain's "economic and international security." It further warned public authorities that they could face stiff penalties for continuing boycotts on ethical grounds, as they were unlawful under existing rules.
The Court argued that since the city's withdrawal of Glanz' booking occurred after it had already been confirmed, it violated article 5(1), the right to freedom of expression, and article 8(1), the right to freedom of assembly, of the German Basic Law and was unlawful.
caucus. Israel's ambassador to Prague expressed appreciation for the chamber's "unequivocal condemnation of anti-Semitism and steadfast support of Israel," while Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz tweeted his own thanks, calling "on more Parliaments to follow suit."
1556:, urging him to use his veto. It alleged that the bill was a form of "retribution for the content of speech" and warned that approval of the bill would "undoubtedly lead to litigation challenging its constitutionality that will be both needless and needlessly costly". 3431:
movement petitioned the Supreme Court, claiming that the law violated basic democratic principles. The Supreme Court has given the Israeli government 60 days to respond. Thirty-four law professors signed a petition against the law to be forwarded to Attorney-General
Critics claim that anti-BDS laws are unconstitutional because participation in political boycotts is protected speech and the government cannot require citizens to relinquish First Amendment rights in exchange for government contracts. To show this, critics refer to
3556: 1278:
refused to block the executive order, arguing that the plaintiff had not "shown he has suffered any 'direct injury' giving him the legal standing to challenge the order and has not shown his free speech has been 'chilled' or that he engaged in any self-censorship".
3912:). A group connected to the BDS movement, the German-Palestinian Women's Association, wanted to participate in the 2019 edition of the festival as it had done many years in the past. However, on May 14, 2019, the City Council of Bonn had adopted a motion titled 1420:
In 2019, in response to a court that had blocked the enforcement of HB 2617, the law was amended by SB 1167. The amendment restricted the law so that it would only apply to state contractors with ten or more employees and contracts worth more than $ 100,000.
signed bill HB 161 into law after it had passed the state House and state Senate with the votes 96–19 and 45–3. The law mandates the setup of a blacklist of companies that boycott Israel with which the state would be forbidden to invest in or contract with.
In 2016, SB 81 was signed into law, prohibiting public entities from contracting with business or non-profit organizations that participate in "discriminatory" boycotts or boycotts with Alabama enjoys open trade. The bill was sponsored by Republican Senator
4825:. In an interview, Gresham stated that the resolution is proof that the state legislature "chooses to preserve its values by publicly condemning this blatantly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel bigotry, and send a clear message that Tennessee condemns such views." 1233:
The Court held that "content based laws ... are presumptively unconstitutional" and that "iewpoint-based regulations impermissibly 'license one side of a debate' and 'create the possibility that the is seeking to handicap the expression of particular
711:. The goal of the boycott was to pressure city officials to meet demands about racial integration. The Supreme Court in its decision found that boycotts to bring about political change occupy "the highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values". 1857:
intended to limit commercial relations with Israel, or persons doing business with Israel, when such actions are taken in a manner that in any way discriminates on the basis of nationality or national origin and is not based on a valid business reason".
On October 17, 2020, the Bavarian Administrative Court ruled in Ried's favor, citing that unless there is an immediate threat towards public peace, the city council cannot use racial discrimination as an excuse to obstruct political expression. Mayor
to the House with 13 cosponsors. The bill required current and prospective government contractors to certify that they did not participate in a boycott of Israel. If they did, they would face penalties. The bill died in the Foreign Affairs Committee.
5693:'I think the court has clearly said in Rumsfeld v. FAIR that the decision of who you do business with or not, even when you have a clear ideological motive, does not become expressive', said Eugene Kontorovich, a professor at George Mason University 1416:
signed bill HB 2617 into law. The law creates a blacklist of companies which boycott Israel and forbids the State from investing in them. It also requires entities contracting with Arizona to certify that they are not engaged in boycotts of Israel.
In 2017, Mikkel Jordahl, who ran his own law firm and contracted with the State of Arizona, refused to certify that he was not participating in boycotts of Israel. Consequently, the state refused to pay him. Jordahl sued the state claiming that his
6397: 5548:: "As nine states argued in an amicus brief: it is 'intuitively obvious ... targeting a particular group (and those associating with them) for the intentional infliction of economic harm is discrimination, by definition', and BDS does just that." 2241:
The bill prohibits state entities from entering into contracts with companies that engages in boycotts "based on race, color, religion, gender, or nationality of the targeted person, firm, entity or public entity of a foreign state". According to
message that the boycotters believe Israel should improve its treatment of Palestinians". The court further concluded that forcing Koontz "to disown her boycott is akin to forcing plaintiff to accommodate Kansas's message of support for Israel".
5563:: "Because there is no specific test for whether a consumer boycott constitutes discrimination, courts can instead look to two types of discrimination widely recognized in existing law: discriminatory intent and disparate impact discrimination." 5874:
legislation apply to boycotts undertaken as a matter of social, political or moral conscience; nor could it, under core First Amendment principles that protect boycotts undertaken to protest foreign or domestic governmental policies or actions.
1766:. The law requires individuals and companies to certify that they are not boycotting Israel to be eligible for contracts with or procurement from the State. In 2018, the law was amended by HB 2482 to preclude the outcome of an ongoing lawsuit ( 1390:
On February 19, 2024, by Administrative Order of Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy, stating that all state contracts must include a clause that “the support or participation of a boycott of Israel shall be grounds for termination of the contract.”
3645:, which criminalizes public incitement to discrimination, and of a 1977 addition to the penal code, which states that "hindering the normal exercise of any economic activity" constitutes discrimination. The 1977 addition was a response to the 726:
in one. The former would be protected speech, while the latter, which anti-BDS laws address, would not. Someone calling for a boycott of Israel would not be affected by anti-BDS laws as long as they themselves did not boycott Israel. To them,
However, a similar bill, SB 739, requiring contractors with ten or more employees and contractors bidding for contracts worth $ 100,000 to sign the anti-boycott pledge passed Missouri's legislature in 2020. It was signed into law by governor
was a case in Texas where the plaintiffs had all faced potential or real loss of employment with the State of Texas for being unwilling to sign contracts promising not to participate in boycott activities against Israel. The plaintiffs were:
in determining whether alleged discrimination was motivated by "discriminatory antisemitic intent". The bill passed the House in March. Lara Friedman called the bill a weapon "in the battle to quash activism and criticism targeting Israel".
The Texan District Court had to consider whether Texas may prohibit boycotting the State of Israel as a condition for employment. The Court in its decision on April 25, 2019, dismissed three cases often cited by proponents of anti-BDS laws:
in 2020. It passed the state House and Senate with the votes 75–20 and 36–7. The bill requires state contractors to certify that they are not boycotting Israel. Contracts worth less than $ 100,000 and individuals are exempted from the law.
signed an executive order requiring contractors to the state to sign in writing that they are not boycotting, and will not boycott, Israel. The order applies to contractors with more than five employees and contracts worth over $ 100,000.
discrimination motivated by race. Describes anti-Semitism. Provides that nothing in the new provisions infringes on the constitutional protections for free speech or may be construed to conflict with federal or State discrimination laws.
Israel. It further asserted that purchasing activities are "neither speech nor inherently expressive conduct". The Court therefore concluded that the First Amendment did not protect the paper's refusal to promise to not boycott Israel.
was not settled in 1979 so it was not yet clear that political boycotts were protected speech; second, these acts referred to boycotts organized by foreign nations, but BDS is a grassroots initiative organized by civil society groups.
9810:: The far-right Alternative fĂĽr Deutschland had put forward a separate motion on Friday that called for a ban of the B.D.S. movement.... The Left Party also said it rejected the B.D.S. movement, but it refused to back Friday's motion. 5915:
was a case about labor law under the NLRA, rather than a case about individual rights or the boycott of foreign entities. ... Labor union boycotts have consistently 'been analyzed differently than boycotts of business or civil rights
8266:, p. 117: In October 2017, the city of Dickinson, "Texas, required applicants for Hurricane Harvey relief funds to certify that they '(1) donot boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel' for the duration of the agreement." 3508:, including its "illustrative examples" of anti-Semitism. Following campaigning by free speech activists, the motion was struck down with the vote 6–5 on July 23, 2019. The five dissenting votes came from the local conservative 966:, does not target boycotts against Israel specifically, but makes it illegal to "comply with, further, or support any boycott fostered or imposed by any foreign country, against a country which is friendly to the United States" 3871:, Germany's most populous state, adopted a resolution barring public institutions from hosting and supporting BDS groups and condemning "the antisemitic and anti-Israel BDS campaign". The anti-BDS resolution was sparked by the 1843:
signed the bills HB 5821 and HB 5822 into law. They prohibit the state from entering into construction and repair contracts and from procurement of supplies, services, or information technology with entities boycotting Israel.
passed HCR 10 on December 5, 2017, with the vote 92–2, condemning BDS. The resolution was passed unanimously, 30–0, by the state Senate. The Christian Zionist group Proclaiming Justice to the Nations welcomed the resolution.
certification requirement for contracts worth less than $ 1,000. The law was supported by the Israeli Consulate, the Israel Project, the Israel Allies Foundation, and American Jewish Committee among others and opposed by the
3570:, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as necessary and confirm that the translation is accurate, rather than simply copy-pasting machine-translated text into the English Knowledge. 3924:" and article 5(1), "Every person shall have the right freely to express and disseminate his opinions in speech, writing and pictures and to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources" of the German 3943:(17 May 2019), do not constitute legislative acts, but are political resolutions or expressions of political will. These motions alone cannot justify, from any legal perspective, the restriction of an existing legal right. 1938:
The Copy, Paste, Legislate investigation revealed that Hutchinson worked together with Hosier to draft the bill, modeled on Arizona's law. Hutchinson had in 2013 been on an all-expenses-paid trip to Israel paid for by the
1038:, preventing the state from enforcing the bill's certification requirement. The court ruled that Arizona's anti-BDS laws were applied to politically motivated actions and therefore did not regulate only commercial speech. 2395:
In 2017, two bills were introduced into Wisconsin's legislature: SB 450 and AB 553. They require entities contracting with the state to certify that they are not boycotting Israel. On October 27, 2017, governor
passed a bill denying public work to companies that boycott or divest from Israel. The County caused some controversy in 2017 when it tried to get the Nassau Events Center to cancel a concert with well-known BDS activist
who in an editorial titled "N.J. pro-Israel bills take Big Brother to the extreme" wrote: "If it sounds more like the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s than a message against 'veiled discrimination', that's because it is."
11040: 1041:
The state appealed. While the decision was pending, the certification requirement was amended by bill SB 1167 so that Jordahl and his law firm would be exempted. The appeals court therefore found that the claim was now
9523: 5815:, p. 130: "This provision extends far beyond the standard dictionary definition of 'boycott', which would merely encompass a refusal to deal, though the precise limits of the statutory prohibition are not clear." 9375: 522:(IAF), an umbrella group of Israel lobbies headquartered in Jerusalem that has received funding from the Israeli government. In 2015, in response to South Carolina's anti-BDS law, IAF announced that it had drafted a 3458:. In 2018, the Strategic Affairs Ministry published a list of 20 BDS-friendly organizations whose officials would be denied entry. In 2019, Israel caused some controversy by denying entry to two US congresspersons, 1508: 4791:
on June 24, 2015, unanimously adopted HR 370, a resolution condemning BDS. The resolution denounced it as "one of the main vehicles for spreading anti-Semitism and advocating the elimination of the Jewish state."
152: 10455: 314:, 5% of Americans support BDS and 84% do not know much about it. 17% of Republicans have some familiarity with BDS compared to 15% of Democrats, while 7% of the latter and 2% of Republicans support the movement. 10116: 2017:
should never ask taxpayers to support religious, ethnic or racial discrimination" and further vowed to "not allow the enemies of Israel or the Jewish people to gain an inch in New York". ASA's president-elect,
The lawsuit was dismissed in 2019 when the judge ruled that plaintiffs lacked standing. A second, related case filed in the state of New York was previously dismissed for " neither injury nor standing to sue".
4017:, launched court action against the application of the rule to public pension fund administrators. After winning its case in the High Court, it then lost in the Court of Appeal, before finally winning in the 778:
deny a benefit to a person on a basis that infringes his constitutionally protected interests—especially, his interest in freedom of speech". This doctrine was promulgated in two seminal Supreme Court cases;
passed a non-binding resolution on July 29, 2015, without debate calling on its pension fund to divest from foreign companies boycotting Israel. The chief sponsor of the resolution was Democrat Commissioner
Public procurement should never be used as a tool to boycott tenders from suppliers based in other countries, except where formal legal sanctions, embargoes and restrictions have been put in place by the UK
On February 19, 2016, a bipartisan coalition of Coloradoan legislators introduced the bill HB 16–1284. The bill required the state to set up a blacklist of for-profit entities boycotting Israel, so that the
9400: 6487: 5843:
had not yet been decided in 1979, so it was not yet clear that participation in a political boycott was protected First Amendment activity. Today, the federal antiboycott statutes may be unconstitutional."
11721: 4817:
advocating the elimination of the Jewish state" and "undermine the Jewish people's right to self-determination, which they are fulfilling in the State of Israel." The bill was introduced by State Senator
not affect third parties. But given the failure of the many political initiatives in ending Israel's human rights violations, BDS could argue that a boycott of Israel is one of the few remaining options.
4218:, slammed the letter, calling it "hypocrisy and ungratefulness, in which these professors earn their living at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer yet at the same time work to boycott and slander them." 2914: 2342:
introduced the bills HB 600 and SB 1250. The purpose of the bills is to require state education institutions to adopt the State Department's controversial definition of anti-Semitism which includes the
The executive order was followed the next year by the bill SB 143, signed into law on March 25, 2019, limiting the law to contractors with five or more employees and contracts valued $ 100,000 or more.
8674:: Thursday's decision was the first time the law was used against American lawmakers, though seven French politicians and European Union parliamentarians were denied entry in late 2017, according to 3366: 2636: 285:) reintroduced the Combating BDS Act of 2023. So far, no federal law has been adopted. There has been debate over whether the laws violate the right to free speech and organizations such as the 11641: 1322:(SLAPP) and ordered the five co-op members to pay the 16 defendants $ 10,000 each under Washington's anti-SLAPP statute as well as other legal fees. The five plaintiffs appealed the decision to the 855:. Proponents claim that this case sets a precedent since it singled out a specific country and affected parties not directly involved in the dispute, just like boycotts of Israel do. Critics view 897:
making institutions of higher education ineligible from federal funding if they participated in a boycott of Israeli academic institutions or scholars. The bill died after being deferred to the
expression, including the right to boycott. Weeks before the vote, over 200 Palestinian organizations signed an open letter to Austrian parliament members urging them to reject the resolution.
signed the bill into law on June 2. The law requires the state to create a blacklist of for-profit entities boycotting Israel that the state is forbidden from contracting with or investing in.
5713:. Particularly as boycotts of Israel have become more widespread and publicized, it is increasingly reasonable to infer a boycotter's political motivations from merely observing their conduct. 3538: 3062: 12245:
Prohibits the use of state aid by colleges and universities to fund or provide membership in academic institutions that are boycotting a country or higher education institutions of a country.
Prohibits the use of state aid by colleges and universities to fund or provide membership in academic institutions that are boycotting a country or higher education institutions of a country.
11346: 963: 629:. These laws were not drafted to regulate political boycotts, which limits their applicability, but they have nevertheless been used to analyze whether boycotts of Israel are discriminatory. 155:, which imposes a duty on states to "condemn racial segregation and apartheid" and to "prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature in territories under their jurisdiction". 12466: 7519: 1056:
In May 2017, public school educator Esther Koontz began a personal boycott against Israeli businesses. On July 10, 2017, Koontz was to begin to serve as a teacher trainer implemented by the
Government guidance for public pension funds, published in September 2016, stated that administrators should not "pursue policies that are contrary to UK foreign policy of defence policy".
which gives "Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation" as an example of antisemitism. The claim, which relies on the
introduced the bill HB 4049 which adopts a contested definition of antisemitism equating criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish discrimination. The language of the bill draws heavily on the
12775: 576:
Whoever boycotts us will be boycotted… In recent years, we have promoted laws in most US states, which determine that strong action is to be taken against whoever tries to boycott Israel.
12669: 6982: 1133:
In February 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit reversed the decision of the lower court and determined that the Arkansas law violated the First Amendment.
655:, a legal doctrine for establishing causality in discrimination cases, is that BDS would not have boycotted Israel if not for its Jewish or Israeli identity. Critics counter that the 605:
The answer to the first question has implications for the answer to the latter; if the boycotts of Israel are discriminatory, the government could be free to enact laws against them.
were directly involved in lobbying for anti-BDS laws. In three states, Arizona, California, and Nevada, the lobbying efforts were spearheaded by Dillon Hosier, a lobbyist working for
academics. The signatories stated that BDS is not an anti-Semitic organization and that boycotts are a legitimate and non-violent tool of resistance. Matan Peleg, CEO of the Zionist
it passed by acclamation. The resolution was welcomed by the pro-Israeli groups Proclaiming Justice to The Nations and the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington.
calling upon all municipal institutions to deny facilities to BDS groups and groups pursuing BDS goals. Based on that motion, the City of Bonn decided to exclude the women's group.
1164: 608:
In the following sections, those who claim that anti-BDS laws are constitutional are referred to as "proponents" and those that claim that they aren't are referred to as "critics".
9448: 5633:: And because political boycotts are directed at issues of public concern, they are protected activities that "rest on the highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values." 1333:
struck down the anti-SLAPP law which meant that the case could be reopened. But at that point, the plaintiffs had abandoned the case and the litigation was ended on March 9, 2018.
signed an executive order 2018-905 requiring contractors to certify that they did not boycott Israel. Bevin stated that Netanyahu had lobbied for such a policy during the summer.
During the 2015–2016 legislative season, the New York legislature considered but ultimately rejected several anti-BDS bills. Among them was A8220A, a bill sponsored by member of
12833: 4202:
declaring BDS antisemitic and stating that it was "reminiscent of the most terrible chapter in German history". The lower house voted down a competing motion from the far-right
3390: 590:
Whether boycotts of Israel, and boycotts in general, can be considered a form of discrimination on the same level as discrimination based on gender, race, or similar attributes.
8277: 3276: 2387:
who had authored the law said the city had misunderstood it. The Dickinson City Council eventually removed the anti-Israel boycott clause from the disaster relief application.
welcomed the resolution and asked other countries to adopt similar resolutions. As did the Transatlantic Friends of Israel group, an off-shot of the Jewish advocacy group the
3707:, which convicted the defendants in November 2013 and fined them €1,000 per participant. They were also ordered to pay court expenses of €28,000. The supreme civil court, the 2361: 747: 568:, claimed that his government was "advancing legislation in many countries ... so that it will simply be illegal to boycott Israel." In February 2020, Israel's Prime Minister 9531: 9422: 9366: 5031: 2383:
victims who applied for disaster relief funds to promise not to boycott Israel. Dickinson's mayor, Julie Masters, said that the requirement was a consequence of the law but
Public contracts, governmental entities precluded from entering into contracts with entities that boycott certain persons or entities with whom this state enjoys open trade
11446: 3687:
instructing prosecutors to prosecute citizens calling for boycotts of Israeli products, the activists were charged with inciting discrimination under article 24 (8) of the
3282: 2226:
signed bill H 7736 into law. The bill had previously passed the House with the vote 63–4 and the Senate unanimously. According to the bill's sponsor, Democrat Senator
11680: 11508: 1887:
filibustered the bill by introducing amendments that would add every country in the world to it. He meticulously went through every country in alphabetical order. Senator
passed a law that prohibits state investment and procurement with companies that boycott Israel. In the state senate the bill HF 2331 passed with the vote 38–9 and in the
12703: 3779:
sponsored a bill "Condemn the BDS movement – protect the existence of the State of Israel" (19/9757) to ban the BDS movement nationally. It was defeated 62–431–2 by the
3580: 671:
would have had to address the suffering of people in other African countries too, to escape the charge of singling out South Africa. Critics claim that is unreasonable.
6398:"BREAKING NEWS: CAIR & PCJF Win 'Major Victory' in Federal Lawsuit Against Georgia's Anti-Israel Boycott Law; Court Rules Anti-BDS Law Violates the First Amendment" 5865: 1326:
which on April 7, 2014, upheld the ruling of the lower court. It also upheld the constitutionality of Washington's anti-SLAPP law, which the plaintiffs had challenged.
12951: 667:
would be anti-Iranian discrimination and if singling out an entity for boycott is discriminatory, most political movements using boycotts would be discriminatory. The
3663: 12733: 3769: 1719:'s Indiana Peacebuilding Program criticized the bill and said that it "punishes the businesses that refuse to do business in land that has been illegally occupied". 11880: 12946: 12936: 9391: 7620:'Make no mistake: the ASA's boycott is targeted discrimination against Israel that betrays the values of academic freedom that we hold dear', the lawmakers wrote." 3270: 1770:) brought against the State by the ACLU. The new law would only apply to companies with contracts worth more than $ 100,000 and would not affect sole proprietors. 1485:
asserted that the bill was unconstitutional. Therefore, while the intent of the bill was to combat BDS, in actuality it does not, according to Palestine Legal and
Obinna Dennar, another Texan student. He similarly was required to agree not to boycott Israel to judge a debate tournament in Klein High School, which he refused.
Critics reason that if political boycotts of countries were illegal discrimination, many current and historical boycotts would also be illegal discrimination. The
11821: 2280:, Clemmons claimed that he got the idea while on a trip to Israel with other legislators in 2015, paid for by election campaign funds. There he met legal scholar 2214:
According to Palestine Legal, while the intent of the law is to target boycotts of Israel, the law does not because BDS-inspired boycotts are not discriminatory.
2190:. McBride referred to the Bible to motivate the bill: "The Bible is clear that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed." 1609:
introduced an amendment to the law, HB 1058, in February 2020 to raise the certification exemption from $ 1,000 to $ 100,000 in response to documentary filmmaker
Florida's state legislature passed the anti-BDS bill SB 86 on February 24, 2016, and it was signed into law on March 10, 2016. The law had the following effects:
11162: 10117:"Civil Rights Groups Tell Gov. Pence: Don't Stifle Free Speech; Nonviolent Support for BDS to Achieve Equality and Justice for Palestinians is Not Anti-Semitism" 3466:, known for their support of BDS. As of 2020, Israel has denied entry to 16 people based on the law, including seven French politicians and EU parliamentarians. 1815: 1621:
had requested an amendment to that effect. In May 2021, Martin announced she was successful in getting the above law struck down in Georgia as unconstitutional.
8485: 6855: 5241:"MOTION OF THE REPORTERS COMMITTEE FOR FREEDOM OF THE PRESS AND 15 MEDIA ORGANIZATIONS FOR LEAVE TO FILE BRIEF AS AMICICURIAE IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT" 115:. Conversely, legislation promoting or enforcing boycotts of Israel is prevalent in much of the Muslim world, with the most prominent example being that of the 12632: 10397: 8620: 6110: 5660: 2911: 1088: 11140: 5441: 1140:
issued its decision holding that the law was constitutional and did not violate the First Amendment as it was intended to serve "purely commercial purposes".
11547: 8430: 5328: 3719: 2760: 1137: 1099: 1016:
As of 2020, a handful of plaintiffs have sued states with anti-BDS laws charging that they violate their First Amendment rights, with decisions being split.
4914:"Experts hail ICJ declaration on illegality of Israel's presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as "historic" for Palestinians and international law" 3831:, a Holocaust survivor and chairwoman of the Munich Jewish community who campaigned for the legislation, said, "Munich sent a signal against antisemitism". 12066: 9483: 5062:: The New York Times editorial board criticized the Israel Anti-Boycott Act as "clearly part of a widening attempt to silence one side of the debate." The 4037:
A dozen local and national parliaments have passed symbolic resolutions condemning BDS. Most of these condemnations have alleged that BDS is anti-Semitic.
898: 12386: 9931: 5974: 2560: 2430:
maintains a blacklist of entities that boycott Israel that state funds must divest from, and the IHRA column denotes whether the state has adopted IHRA's
12790: 12785: 3501: 1997: 1342: 160: 12226:
Prohibits certain student organizations which participate in discrimination or intolerance from receiving funding from SUNY, CUNY or community colleges.
11568: 11041:"Civil Rights Groups Condemn Georgia Legislators' Effort to Protect Unconstitutional 'Israel Boycott' Law at the Behest of Israeli Consulate in Atlanta" 10336: 10209: 7110: 4970: 3783:
as the bill lacked support from all other parties. The Bundestag instead passed a non-binding resolution which condemned the BDS movement the same day.
On June 11, 2020, the Court delivered its unanimous ruling, acquitting the defendants, and ordering the French Government to pay each applicant €7,380.
3303: 2118:
urged the county to withdraw its threat and let the concert go forward and to repeal the law. The County yielded and the concert took place as planned.
On July 23, 2015, Illinois became the first state in the US to explicitly punish boycotts of Israel as the bill SB 1761 was signed into law by Governor
11994: 8820: 4567: 1541:
prohibits public entities in Florida from entering into contracts worth $ 1 million or more with blacklisted entities or others who boycott Israel, and
1512: 859:
as irrelevant because the case was about labor law and such boycotts have consistently been analyzed differently from boycotts by civil rights groups.
10142: 7524:
Former Nevada Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison worked closely with a pro-Israel lobbyist, Dillon Hosier, to craft and pass the bill modeled from Arizona's law,
applauded the motion while Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East denounced it, saying that it targets people for their political views.
passed a similar bill in June 2016, prohibiting business that contracts with the Town from participating in boycott activity. The bill was praised by
9604: 5158: 4448: 4400: 3362: 3002: 1574:
introduced the bill HB 741, amending the state's anti-discrimination law to adopt a contested redefinition of anti-Semitism including the so-called "
1127: 594: 379: 12474: 4913: 3590:
Do not translate text that appears unreliable or low-quality. If possible, verify the text with references provided in the foreign-language article.
68:("Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions"), which seeks to mount as much economic pressure on Israel as possible until the Israeli government allows an 12405: 11953: 9272: 8595: 1526:, Jewish Voice for Peace, and Coloradoans for Justice in Palestine and by PERA officials who said the bill would create extra administrative work. 1367:. The lawsuit alleged that the boycott fell outside the scope of the ASA's corporate charter and stated mission, a type of legal argument known as 1159:
lawsuit against the State of Georgia and Georgia Southern University over its anti-BDS law. She was represented by CAIR Legal Defense Fund and the
1061: 11366: 10456:"Baldassi and Others v. France: Criminal Convictions of BDS Activists Violate Freedom of Expression under the European Convention on Human Rights" 9338: 9246: 8402: 3657:, which strengthened criminal penalties and designated national origin as a protected class. The law was described by left-wing Israeli newspaper 12696: 12287:
State contracts; declaring Israel a prominent trading partner; prohibiting state contracts without certain written certification; effective date.
11912: 11080: 10193: 5987: 5354: 3798: 3688: 3642: 2162:
passed bill HB 476 with the vote 81–13 and five abstentions in the House and 26–5 in the Senate and was subsequently signed into law by governor
which penalizes individuals and companies participating in "international boycotts" establishes a precedent. Critics offer two responses; first,
movement, "BDS" for short, was formally announced in 2005, with the primary goal of pressuring Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.
11326: 6275: 5855:: "A key feature of both federal statutes is that they apply only to boycotts organized by foreign nations against allies of the United States." 3266: 2114:
by threatening legal action. County legislator Howard Kopel called Waters a "notorious front-man for the BDS" and a "virulent anti-Semite". The
12740: 11974: 5892:
case shows that the government can limit boycotts that serve as political protest of foreign nations' conduct. 'It happens to be the case that
4864: 4859: 4700: 2400:
also signed an executive order asserting that state agencies have the right to terminate existing contracts with entities that boycott Israel.
followed suit in April 2017, by requiring companies and individuals doing business with the county to promise that they do not boycott Israel.
1319: 1071:
In 2018 the Kansas state legislature amended the law so that it would not affect Koontz and ACLU that had represented Koontz dropped the case.
9505: 12818: 11660: 9553: 8688: 7083: 3925: 3747:
In 2010, BDS activists of the French Palestine Solidarity Association (FPSA) targeted the Israeli manufacturer of a home carbonation product
3451: 3394: 1311:
arguing that the board had acted beyond their scope of their authority and breached their fiduciary duties. The defendants were aided by the
1107: 441: 8295: 4727:
passed a similar resolution urging the Municipal Employees' Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago to divest from companies boycotting Israel.
9856: 5888:: "Attorney Marc Greendorfer founded the Zachor Legal Institute, a think tank focused on legal challenges to the BDS movement. He said the 4250:
In July 2023, the British parliament voted in favor of a bill to bar local councils and other public bodies from boycotting Israeli goods.
rejected criticism over his failure to attend the boycott law vote, and stressed that he had in fact approved the bill. He also criticized
1644: 1523: 1115: 496: 486: 10550: 7073:: "At a hearing, Silcox said that the Israeli consulate 'asked me' to introduce an amendment to the law which opposed boycotts of Israel." 9896: 9657: 9302: 1617:
for cancelling her speaking arrangement after she refused to pledge not to boycott Israel. According to Silcox, the Israeli consulate in
In July 2010, the board of directors of the Olympia Food Co-op (OFC) decided to institute a boycott of Israeli goods. On March 11, 2011,
359: 103:
The specific provisions of anti-BDS laws vary widely. Legislation, to any degree, against boycotts of Israel is prevalent in much of the
10377: 8647: 8569: 6488:"In Case Brought by School Speech Pathologist, Texas Federal Court Becomes the Third to Strike Down Pro-Israel Oath as Unconstitutional" 6432: 3752:
for advising French store managers that "selling SodaStream products constitutes fraud" and that they could be prosecuted for doing so.
While the law does not explicitly mention Israel, Palestine or the BDS movement, state legislators stated that they were targeting BDS.
The Copy, Paste, Legislate investigation into the proliferation of model acts in U.S. state politics revealed that, in addition to IAF,
12770: 12689: 12675: 11642:"The new McCarthyism is pro-Israel: Legal groups slam NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo for creating "unconstitutional" blacklist of BDS supporters" 11265: 6370:"U.S. District Court, District of Georgia, Abby Martin v. Steve Wrigley and Kyle Marrero, February 10, 2020, Complaint and Jury Demand" 3489:
in 2016. The law would have prevented anyone who supports or participates in the BDS movement from contracting with any public body in
boycotting Israel; and investment-focused laws, mandating public investment funds to avoid entities boycotting Israel. Separately, the
boycott of a person or an entity based in or doing business with a jurisdiction with whom South Carolina can enjoy open trade ...
Jewish state. And yet, in many ways it was not nearly as frightening as continued efforts to boycott, divest from and sanction Israel.
after signing his state's anti-BDS bill into law: "I sincerely appreciate your contribution." In 2016, Israel's ambassador to the UN,
12760: 12046: 11588: 11184: 9149: 4127: 4107: 3479: 2166:. The bill prohibits the state from contracting with for-profit entities unless the entity declares that it does not boycott Israel. 795: 481: 426: 290: 12513: 12086: 10529: 9578: 8347: 1519:
signed bill HB 16-1284 into law March 18, 2016 after it had passed the House and Senate with the votes 54–10 and 25–9 respectively.
9463:"R (on the application of Palestine Solidarity Campaign Ltd and another) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government" 1944: 1186: 471: 329: 12613: 12331:
provision in such contracts; requires company to make specified certification in specified circumstances; provides for preemption.
10040: 9316: 5021: 8768: 4467: 2521: 959:
respectively. After causing a great deal of debate over its implications on free speech and the act eventually died in Congress.
11781: 11701: 10228: 5956: 5007:: To date, 38 states have adopted laws, executive orders or resolutions that are designed to discourage boycotts against Israel. 12728: 7136: 6818: 4937: 3856: 1192:
John Pluecker, a freelance writer, artist, interpreter, and translator, active in the BDS movement. He had contracted with the
1005: 598: 12007: 11387:"Right-Wing Donor Adam Milstein Has Spent Millions of Dollars to Stifle the BDS Movement and Attack Critics of Israeli Policy" 10168: 8845: 4495: 12723: 11892: 11741: 11528: 11099: 10317: 10296: 10275: 7576: 6369: 4490: 4395: 3772:
to deny BDS the use of city funds and venues. Any organization that was found to support BDS would risk losing city funding.
2246:, the bill does probably not affect BDS-inspired boycotts of Israel because they are protesting Israeli government policies. 2045: 1515:, could divest from them. The fund would also be prohibited from making future investments in blacklisted entities. Governor 835: 456: 182: 9985: 9192: 7288: 6315: 6301: 6223: 4094:
and all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups or individuals to promote the BDS movement, both here at home and abroad.
3718:(ECHR) which had to decide whether it was justified to restrict the defendants right to freedom of expression as defined by 11628: 9013: 4242:. It condemned BDS and "calls to boycott Israeli products, scientists, artists and athletes from Israel" as anti-Semitism. 4164: 4155: 4143: 2313:. Because the legislation was attached to a budgetary bill it would expire in one year unless reauthorized by legislators. 1940: 1739:. The bill mandated the setup of a list of "scrutinized companies" from which state managed public funds must divest from. 1057: 664: 617:
laws regulating discrimination in other areas, such as employment, disability and housing. In particular, two doctrines in
411: 8794: 5240: 4029:
funds to divest from or boycott companies involved in Israel's illegal settlement programmes and siege of the Gaza Strip.
In September 2022, the Spanish Supreme Court declared the BDS movement is discriminatory and "infringes on basic rights".
party members who initially supported the bill and later opposed its final version, accusing them of folding to pressure.
withdrew the bill when Schaaf reached Bahamas. HB 2179 passed the house but nearly 80% of the Democrats voted against it.
for several years. He also lost his contract after refusing to agree to the "No Boycott of Israel" clause of his contract.
12916: 12426:"Wiesenthal Centre Shocked by Blood Libel Accusation of Deicide Against the Jews by French Extreme-Left Political Leader" 10950: 10091: 4696: 4239: 4018: 3723: 3575: 1774: 1746: 501: 466: 364: 11426: 11406: 9066: 3165:
Only applicable to contracts worth over $ 100,000 and doesn't affect BDS-inspired boycotts according to Palestine Legal.
12941: 12626: 4869: 3666:
Jewish umbrella organization, the law has resulted in France divesting less from Israel than other European countries.
3598: 3505: 2848: 2541: 2431: 2258:
on June 4, 2015. It prohibits public entities from doing business with companies engaged in "discriminatory" boycotts:
1716: 1648: 1160: 967: 646: 476: 369: 197: 112: 11010: 9123: 7898: 5329:"25 Democrats Join GOP to Advance Anti-Boycott Bill Bernie Sanders Warns Violates "Americans' First Amendment Rights"" 3825:
Against every form of antisemitism – No cooperation with the antisemitic BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement
3086: 2808: 2804: 1497:
not used to discriminate in violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act or the California Fair Employment and Housing Act.
12712: 12617: 5787: 4222: 3727: 3219:
Only applies to companies, including non-profits, with ten or more employees and contracts worth more than $ 100,000.
2958: 2339: 1637: 1323: 822: 741: 205: 190: 78: 69: 65: 44:(Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions), which effectively seek to retaliate against people and organizations engaged in 39: 9871: 7872: 6100: 3801:. On April 15, 2016, Christoph Glanz, one of the group's members, applied to rent a room in the City of Oldenburg's 3611:
Content in this edit is translated from the existing French Knowledge article at ]; see its history for attribution.
1238:". It further asserted that the law the State had relied on, HB 89, was unconstitutional under the First Amendment. 12494: 11860: 11206: 8744:"In victory for activists, Vancouver city council votes against adopting IHRA antisemitism definition – Mondoweiss" 8105: 4772: 4761: 4424: 3288: 2204: 2052:, director of the pro-Israeli Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, the threat of such bills was enough to prompt 1705: 1596: 1486: 1312: 416: 403: 11801: 955:) was introduced to the House and Senate by two identical bills on in March 2017 by Roskam and Democratic Senator 12921: 7066:: "Rep. Silcox publicly admitted that she had introduced the bill at the urging of Atlanta's Israeli Consulate"; 6035: 5185: 4804:
passed HCR 1005, declaring its opposition to and condemning BDS. The resolution passed with 25 yeas and 10 nays.
4676: 4118: 4026: 3879:
to perform at the festival. In April 2020, Carp came under fire again for having invited Cameroonian philosopher
3802: 3486: 2872: 2203:
contract, whichever is greater. The bill was criticized as a threat to freedom of speech by Palestine Legal, the
2126: 1229: 1008:
passed a bill in July 2019 condemning the BDS movement, with a bipartisan vote of 398–17, with five abstentions.
780: 699: 384: 233:
passed S.1, which contained anti-boycott provisions, on January 28, 2019, by a vote of 74-19. The 
11933: 11840: 11059: 10990: 5379: 651: 8021: 3715: 3147:
The law does not apply to contracts worth less than $ 15,000 or if the "business entity" offers a 20% discount.
2115: 1549: 461: 398: 286: 143: 11466: 1544:
prevents state pension funds from investing in companies engaging in politically motivated boycotts of Israel.
in particular, these efforts have primarily been coordinated at an international level by the Palestinian-led
12850: 12676:
Re SR74: Peaceful advocacy and activism to achieve equality and justice for Palestinians is not anti-Semitism
12656: 12337: 11491: 9630: 6344:: "Martin says she was invited ... at a media conference in Georgia Southern University on February 28." 5268: 4788: 4736: 4419: 4259: 4002: 3646: 3617:{{Translated|fr|Boycott, dĂ©sinvestissement et sanctions#Positions gouvernementales et situation lĂ©gislative}} 3356: 1732: 1640: 1538:
requires Florida to create an online blacklist of companies and for-profit organizations that boycott Israel,
975: 917: 708: 557: 116: 9960: 9738: 8131: 2962: 1959:
issued an executive order forbidding the state from working with entities involved in anti-Israel boycotts.
237: passed a resolution condemning the boycott of Israel on July 24, 2019, by a vote of 398-17. Senators 220:
Map showing U.S. states where anti-BDS legislation has passed, is pending, or has failed as of January 2024.
12840: 12519: 11881:"OPPOSE SF 2281 and HF 2331: Unconstitutional Prohibition on Contracts With Businesses That Boycott Israel" 11681:"ZOA Praises Supervisor and Council of Town of Hempstead (Largest U.S. Town) for Passing Anti-Boycott Bill" 5066:
editorial board was unequivocal that boycott and divestment campaigns are protected by the First Amendment.
4854: 4189: 4131: 3695:, acquitted the defendants. But the ruling was appealed by four groups, France-Israel Chamber of Commerce, 3082: 2740: 2384: 1993: 1614: 1348: 994: 932: 894: 886: 339: 186: 12622: 11247:"StandWithUs invests nearly half a million dollars in ongoing anti-BDS lawsuit against Olympia Food Co-Op" 9096: 8087: 4226:
antisemitic. They published the letter because they didn't receive any reply from the German authorities.
2982: 2852: 12926: 12570: 12425: 10509: 9682: 9449:"Local Government Pension Scheme: Guidance on Preparing and Maintaining an Investment Strategy Statement" 9218: 4838: 4538: 4010: 3726:. Article 10(2) of the convention allows for such restrictions if they are "in accordance with law" and " 2676: 2409: 1155: 84:
Proponents of anti-BDS laws claim that BDS is a form of antisemitism, and so such laws legislate against
9712: 9039: 3843:
opinions either in favor or against BDS and that it therefore did not violate Ried's right to express a
2656: 1492:
The operative part of the bill states that for any contract worth $ 100,000 or more, the bidder must be
12931: 12780: 10970: 4813: 4704: 3106: 2305:
In 2018, text mirroring the bill was inserted as a rider to the 2018–2019 State budget bill by senator
1352: 11226:"Former Olympia Food Co-op Board Members Move to End Seven-Year Lawsuit Over Boycott of Israeli Goods" 9914: 9177: 3696: 3022: 12890: 12885: 12603: 10356: 10197: 9462: 5792: 5694: 5299: 4834: 4562: 4443: 4287: 4062: 4046: 3309: 3201:
Only applies to contracts worth more than $ 100,000 and contractors with more five or more employees.
2497: 2493: 2397: 1920: 1916: 1123: 1103: 593:
Whether political boycotts are protected speech. If so, laws designed to stop them could violate the
491: 436: 334: 324: 29: 11760: 11607: 8743: 4610: 4588: 2612: 2588: 2584: 10398:"Breaking Down the Combating BDS Act of 2019 and First Amendment Challenges to State Anti-BDS Laws" 8512: 7140: 5661:"Breaking Down the Combating BDS Act of 2019 and First Amendment Challenges to State Anti-BDS Laws" 3703:'s French associate the Bureau National de Vigilance Contre l'Antisemitisme, to the appeals court, 3606: 3509: 3454:, a law that prohibits foreigners who support a boycott of Israel from entering the country or its 2344: 2029:
as "New York's Outrageous Attempt to Ban Academic BDS". In the end, the bill failed to pass as the
In 2016, the bill A 925/S 1923 was passed by the state legislature and signed into law by governor
1661: 1575: 1330: 1001:
where it passed the Senate without much debate. The act has so far not been taken up in the House.
546: 519: 349: 9219:"Landeshauptstadt MĂĽnchen muss Veranstaltungssaal fĂĽr BDS-Podiumsdiskussion zur VerfĂĽgung stellen" 7439: 5201: 5199: 5159:"Georgia Passes Bill Banning State from Contracting with Entities that Boycott Israel - The Tower" 4378: 4356: 3255:
Only applies to contracts worth more than $ 100,000 and contractors with more than five employees.
Only applies to contracts worth more than $ 100,000 and contractors with more than five employees.
2828: 12828: 12633:
Breaking Down the Combating BDS Act of 2019 and First Amendment Challenges to State Anti-BDS Laws
8214:"FACT CHECK: Did a City in Texas Require Harvey Aid Recipients to Promise Not to Boycott Israel?" 8132:"South Carolina Moves to Censor Palestine Advocacy at Public Colleges and Universities (Updated)" 7030: 6060: 4203: 3983: 3921: 3776: 3700: 2700: 2696: 2592: 2106: 2037: 1715:
Elliot Bartky, of the Jewish Affairs Committee of Indiana, welcomed the bill. Erin Polley of the
1457: 1034:
On September 27, 2018, the Arizona district court ruled in his favor, granting him a preliminary
944: 868: 759:
was not about boycotting and participation in a political boycott is obvious expressive conduct.
668: 618: 229:
has considered anti-boycott legislation in reaction to the BDS movement. The
139: 11386: 11120: 6458: 5442:"Almost 300 Rabbis and Cantors Oppose Any Legislation Penalizing Supporters of the BDS Movement" 4659:, passed resolution SR 894 denouncing academic boycotts of Israel as "biased and hypocritical." 3684: 3372: 3174:
Blacklisting only applies to investments by Colorado's public employees' retirement association.
3042: 1444:
where it passed with the vote 29–0. It was subsequently sent to the House where it passed 69–3.
12529: 11486: 8714: 5930: 5358: 5196: 4768: 4195: 3936: 3868: 2938: 2632: 2208: 1559:
In 2018, the State legislature passed the bill HB 545, introduced by Republican Representative
Bahia Amawi, an American speech pathologist of Palestinian origin. She had contracted with the
is the principal unsanctioned foreign boycott that U.S. persons must be concerned with today."
952: 948: 928: 882: 818: 534: 446: 344: 302: 11246: 10439: 10419: 10307: 10286: 10265: 9197: 3427:, demanding a halt in the approval process of the law. After the law was passed, the far-left 913: 4543: 4123: 3627: 2159: 2005: 1728: 1193: 990: 848: 12623:
Starting a Conversation or Sending a Message: The Uses & Abuses of State Anti-BDS Speech
12525: 12366: 10528:
Zanotti, Jim; Weiss, Martin A.; Brannon, Valerie C.; Elsea, Jennifer K. (December 3, 2019).
8541: 8374: 4679:
criticized the resolution for being one-sided. Co-sponsors of the resolution were Democrats
3336: 3330: 2891: 2254:
South Carolina's State legislature passed bill H 3583 which was signed into law by governor
In February 2020, the bill HF 2504 was introduced, requiring government entities to use the
ruled in Martin's favor, holding that Georgia Southern violated her First Amendment rights.
12406:"Lawsuit: ASA's Boycott of Israel Violates Law Professors sue American Studies Association" 10420:"The State Power to Boycott a Boycott: The Thorny Constitutionality of State Anti-BDS Laws" 7208: 7206: 6765: 4724: 4708: 4262:
passed resolution HR 246 with the vote 398-17 denouncing BDS. Sixteen Democrats, including
4099: 4086: 4022:
and noted that it was employees' pension money and not public funds that were in question.
In August 2017, the Frankfurt City Council approved a bill introduced by Frankfurt's mayor
2489: 2274:
hailed the bill as "the country's first legislation confronting BDS". In an interview with
2175: 1709: 1364: 1262:
In January 2019, CAIR, on behalf of former Maryland state legislator and software engineer
11548:"NYCLU Warns Nassau County Against Pulling Roger Waters Performances over Political Views" 9423:"U.K.'s Conservative Party vows to ban councils from boycotting Israeli products - Europe" 8943:: "... incitement to discrimination under section 24 (8) of the Law of 29 July 1881." 6249: 5896:
involved unions, but it also involved directly analogous fact patterns', Greendorfer said.
announced that it would attempt to pass a law banning local councils from supporting BDS.
3126: 1210:
coerced him into agreeing to the "No Boycott of Israel" clause of his employment contract.
by lobbying for anti-BDS laws that infringe upon the right to free speech, and conflating
8: 12873: 12845: 12765: 10510:"Boycotting a Boycott: A First Amendment Analysis of Nationwide Anti-Boycott Legislation" 8213: 6105: 4801: 4753: 4652: 4103: 4050: 3855:
expressed the ruling as regrettable. The city council immediately filed an appeal in the
3455: 3192:
Only applicable to contracts worth more than $ 100,000 and excludes sole proprietorships.
2720: 2066: 1652:
defined by the bill in the same manner that they treat discrimination motivated by race.
1272: 637: 622: 311: 165: 124: 97: 12522:, October 2018. Ben White, Bina Ahmad, and Phyllis Bennis. Institute for Policy Studies. 9319:. European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine. September 19, 2019 7221: 7203: 3350: 3346: 3342: 196:
The Israeli government and its supporters believe that the BDS movement conforms to the
12880: 12607: 10497: 8517: 7088: 6791: 5992: 5420: 4842: 4519: 4292: 4114: 3835: 3828: 3620: 3440: 3404: 3156:
Only for contractors with 10 or more employees and contracts worth more than $ 100,000.
3130: 2501: 2417: 2413: 2281: 2276: 1275: 569: 538: 135: 45: 12548:
Rashida Tlaib: The Senate's Anti-BDS Bill Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Free Speech
9367:"Banning boycotts of Israel will protect Britain's national security, Government says" 8278:"Need Hurricane Aid? In One Texas City, If You Boycott Israel, You May Be Out Of Luck" 3319: 3315: 3228:
Does not apply to agreements with individuals and contracts worth less than $ 100,000.
2129:, specifically for including "territories controlled by Israel" – a euphemism for the 12823: 12637: 12264:
An act to add Section 2010 to the Public Contract Code, relating to public contracts.
10572: 10501: 10435: 10402: 10313: 10292: 10271: 9524:"Austrian Parliament Adopts Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism and the BDS Movement" 9339:"In landmark ruling, top Spanish court says BDS movement 'infringes on basic rights'" 5665: 4978: 4945: 4712: 3602: 2295: 2122: 2041: 2030: 2026: 1516: 1356: 986: 872: 852: 306: 12681: 11822:"Indiana lawmakers want to pull retirement money from companies that boycott Israel" 8457: 8296:"Dickinson backtracks on Israel clause as local governments launch anti-boycott law" 6077: 6006: 12808: 12604:
South Carolina Disqualifies Companies Supporting BDS from Receiving State Contracts
12467:"How a bill that seeks to shut down boycotts of Israel is spreading state-to-state" 12232: 12167: 11189: 11167: 11145: 10562: 10487: 10427: 9788: 9786: 7647: 7536: 7520:"How a bill that seeks to shut down boycotts of Israel is spreading state-to-state" 5521: 4720: 4514: 4235: 3940: 3794: 3742: 3654: 3641:
France criminalizes calls to boycott other nations since 1977, on the basis of the
3433: 2380: 2376: 2231: 2001: 1802: 1689: 1606: 1239: 1087:
had for two years published over 83 paid advertisements on a contractual basis for
680: 626: 147: 74: 22: 11367:"In first, Spanish state calls attempts to boycott Israel a form of anti-Semitism" 10492: 10475: 4098:
The motion was supported by the Liberals and the Conservatives and opposed by the
4077: 3935:
The motions of the Bonn City Council, as well as the motions of the parliament of
On May 18, 2016, BDS Initiative Oldenburg, a local chapter of the BDS movement in
2580: 971: 920:, by claiming that there were a large number of countries that have embraced BDS. 12317: 12213: 12194: 12067:"US legislator: Israel 'asked me' to introduce bill against groups boycotting it" 10337:"Wielding Antidiscrimination Law to Suppress the Movement for Palestinian Rights" 10065: 5961: 4818: 4692: 4688: 3905: 3292: 2918: 2335: 2299: 2238:
rights but Ackerman thought the bill was about "regulating commercial activity".
2235: 2134: 2133:– because boycotts of Israeli settlements could lead to full boycotts of Israel. 2093: 2081: 2049: 1777:
introduced HB 2015 that would repeal the anti-BDS law, but it died in committee.
1673: 1564: 1522:
The bill was opposed by the ACLU, Friends of Sabeel Colorado, a local chapter of
1360: 1118:
and 15 news media organizations filed another one in support of the paper, while
1028: 518:
The spread of anti-BDS laws in U.S. states is largely due to the lobbying of the
201: 61: 10014: 9897:"Rep. John Lewis backs the right to boycott Israel — even though he opposes BDS" 9783: 5100: 4160: 3246:
Does not apply to BDS-inspired, political boycotts according to Palestine Legal.
Does not apply to BDS-inspired, political boycotts according to Palestine Legal.
12866: 12551: 12274: 9071: 6648: 4757: 4680: 4672: 4656: 4636: 4472: 4335: 4330: 4207: 3880: 3424: 2434:. The definition could imply that boycotting Israel is a form of Antisemitism. 2375:
The law came under fire in October 2017 from both Democrats and Republicans as
2310: 2187: 1968: 1932: 1928: 1924: 1908: 1736: 1602: 1437: 1206:
George Hale, a radio reporter. He claimed that the radio station he worked for
1083: 786: 354: 12586: 12576: 12566: 12556: 12547: 11266:"5 Olympia Food Co-op members who sued to end Israeli boycott must pay $ 160K" 10143:"Pennsylvania's anti-BDS resolution sends message to Israel: 'We support you'" 8887:"BDS a Hate Crime? In France, Legal Vigilance Punishes anti-Israel Activists." 5050: 4841:, the resolution passed with 86 ayes, five nays, and nine abstentions. In the 3797:, planned to hold a BDS-related event featuring Israeli human rights activist 1911:
introduced SB 26 in 2017. It passed the Assembly 39–0 with three abstentions;
12910: 12895: 12251: 12144: 10576: 10567: 10551:"Delegitimizing Solidarity: Israel Smears Palestine Advocacy as Anti-Semitic" 9554:"Austrian parliament unanimously passes condemnation of anti-Israel boycotts" 9484:"Palestine activists win landmark Supreme Court ruling against UK government" 9451:. Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government. 15 September 2016. 8970: 8968: 8966: 8964: 7236: 6528: 5026: 5017: 4982: 4949: 4684: 4271: 4263: 3987: 3876: 3872: 3852: 3459: 3420: 3416: 2365: 2271: 2223: 2070:
defending the executive order, Cuomo compared BDS with terrorism and murder:
1763: 1681: 1478: 1473: 1468: 542: 226: 108: 104: 10041:"PJTN Celebrates Ohio Move To Condemn BDS Movement With Passage Of New Bill" 8621:"Israel publishes 'BDS blacklist' of 20 groups barred from entering country" 6603: 5496: 5494: 5492: 5490: 1975:
The bill was criticized by ACLU of New Jersey and of the editorial board of
12341: 12297: 12278: 12270: 12255: 12236: 12217: 12198: 12171: 11722:"Gov. Andrew Cuomo: If you boycott Israel, New York state will boycott you" 10642: 10214: 10194:"Tennessee General Assembly becomes first state legislature to condemn BDS" 9247:"German state parliament bans BDS while anti-Israel bank defies resolution" 6856:"Frequently Asked Questions: California's AB 2844&the Right to Boycott" 6201: 6199: 6131: 6129: 6127: 4716: 4297: 2306: 2227: 2183: 2111: 2060: 1956: 1693: 1685: 1630: 1461: 1111: 936: 890: 844: 552:
Israeli officials congratulated some states after enacting anti-BDS bills.
278: 270: 246: 178: 93: 57: 49: 12475:"One way to silence Israel boycotts? Get lawmakers to pass anti-BDS bills" 12321: 12207:
Relates to purchasing restrictions and persons boycotting American allies.
11569:"New York Senate passes bill penalizing academic group for Israel boycott" 11487:"Backlash Against Israel Boycott Puts American Studies Assn. on Defensive" 11081:"U.S. pro-Israel groups failed to disclose grants from Israeli government" 9273:"German cultural festival director urged to be fired for BDS antisemitism" 8961: 8157: 7995: 6506: 6347: 6163: 6161: 5355:"JVP WELCOMES ACLU CHALLENGE TO UNCONSTITUTIONAL ANTI-BOYCOTT LEGISLATION" 4089:
passed a resolution in 229–51 vote condemning the BDS movement that read:
12590: 12293: 12117: 10860: 10431: 8886: 8047: 7799: 7784: 7769: 6148: 6146: 5487: 5472: 5186:"Is Evangelical Group a Useful Ally in BDS Fight — or Bigoted Albatross?" 4971:"UN court orders Israel to end its occupation of Palestinian territories" 4822: 4749: 4667: 4648: 4135: 4058: 4014: 3428: 3408: 2469: 2356: 2322: 2255: 2163: 2086: 2053: 2018: 1976: 1896: 1871: 1853: 1840: 1827: 1677: 1665: 1610: 1582: 1477:, Bloom has received $ 7,000 in campaign contributions from IAC Chairman 1453: 1441: 1369: 1300: 1267: 1151: 1119: 1098:
In February 2019, the paper represented by ACLU appealed the decision to
998: 982: 905: 840: 739:
in one. This view was taken by the Arkansas district court that ruled on
565: 561: 553: 374: 238: 230: 85: 10821: 9605:"Palestinian boycott movement slams Austrian parliament anti-BDS motion" 8821:"Acte citoyen ou discrimination : le difficile Ă©quilibre de la loi" 8570:"Nobel-winning Quakers vow to keep up campaign after banned from Israel" 8486:"Israeli Left launches public campaign against new law banning boycotts" 7935: 7715: 7176: 7147: 6921: 6876: 6196: 6124: 5114: 3403:, passed an anti-BDS law that makes calls for boycotts of Israel or its 296: 12614:
State Anti-BDS Laws Counteracting the BDS Movement and the Constitution
12445: 12313: 12140: 12113: 8846:"France's criminalisation of Israel boycotts sparks free-speech debate" 8321: 8183: 7550: 7401: 7351: 7289:"Gov. Mark Bevin signed anti-BDS law, pro-Israel supporters praised it" 7084:"'Unconstitutional': Federal court strikes down Georgia's anti-BDS law" 7003: 6158: 4776: 4279: 4267: 3827:
becoming the first German city to deny space and public funds for BDS.
3748: 3609:
to the source of your translation. A model attribution edit summary is
3463: 2146: 2009: 1888: 1884: 1786: 1701: 1697: 1571: 1560: 1553: 1413: 1401: 1035: 956: 262: 254: 234: 11427:"Bevin To Require State Contractors Promise They Don't Boycott Israel" 11347:"Hickenlooper signs Nordberg-Moreno bill to fight anti-Israel boycott" 11327:"French high court confirms BDS activists' discrimination convictions" 10899: 10841: 10781: 10761: 10741: 10622: 10602: 9392:"Boris Johnson to pass law banning anti-Israel boycott, official says" 7826: 7683:: Status: (Engrossed – Dead) 2014-01-28 – referred to higher education 6566: 6564: 6143: 5988:"New bill in Congress prioritizes fight against BDS in EU trade talks" 4200:
Resisting the BDS Movement with Determination – Combating Antisemitism
1489:. They argue that BDS campaigns are not discriminatory under the law. 1221:
International Longshoremen's Association v. Allied International, Inc.
John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019
12580: 12560: 11913:"Group of Jewish Floridians hammer anti-Semitism bill, call for veto" 11306:"WA Court Dismisses Seven-Year Lawsuit Over Boycott of Israeli Goods" 11286:"Appeals Court Upholds Olympia Food Co-op's Boycott of Israeli Goods" 11100:"Lawsuit: Maryland's anti-BDS law 'chills' free speech - Middle East" 10801: 10721: 10702: 10682: 10662: 10015:"JUF News : Chicago, Cook County join Illinois in rejecting BDS" 9932:"Ilhan Omar introduces pro-BDS resolution, announces visit to Israel" 9044: 8769:"Vancouver City Council rejects misguided definition of antisemitism" 8689:"Ontario's move against the BDS movement is an attack on free speech" 7462: 7460: 7256: 7254: 6963: 6961: 6959: 6957: 6955: 6953: 6951: 5931:"H.R.4009 – 113th Congress (2013–2014): Protect Academic Freedom Act" 4215: 3780: 3497: 3482: 3183:
Certification is not required for contracts valued less than $ 1,000.
2130: 1912: 1669: 1452:
California passed an anti-BDS law on September 24, 2016, as governor
1304: 1263: 523: 506: 421: 119:, which was first imposed in 1945 as part of an effort to weaken the 12776:
Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
12535: 12514:
Penal populism and the BDS movement after Security Council Res. 2334
11995:"240 Israeli, Jewish academics urge against calling BDS antisemitic" 10879: 9317:"Another German Court rules in favour of supporters of BDS Movement" 8946: 8596:"Israel imposes travel ban on 20 foreign NGOs over boycott movement" 8106:"South Carolina Bill Breaks Barriers on Fight Against Anti-Semitism" 7493: 7111:"Federal judge says Georgia's anti-BDS law violates First Amendment" 6731: 6729: 6184: 6182: 6180: 6178: 1242:
wrote in his opinion that the law was a restriction on free speech:
1170: 12026: 11305: 11285: 11225: 8546: 8403:"Bill to punish anti-Israel boycotters passes first Knesset hurdle" 8379: 8238: 7969: 7577:"N.J. pro-Israel bills take Big Brother to the extreme – Editorial" 6633: 6618: 6561: 5383: 4177: 3947:
It instructed the city to let the women's association participate.
passed a resolution condemning the BDS movement, the day after the
2199: 1355:
in 2013 and in 2016 it was sued by four ASA members represented by
1043: 718:
equivalent to speech and therefore not protected speech. They view
451: 431: 153:
International Convention on the Prevention of Racial Discrimination
11529:"Roger Waters Shows Will Go On Despite Nassau County Anti-BDS Law" 11509:"Klein and Hikind want penalties for colleges that boycott Israel" 10919: 10530:"Israel and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement" 10476:"The right to boycott: BDS, law, and politics in a global context" 7921: 7457: 7306: 7251: 7162: 6948: 6224:"Amicus Brief: Arkansas Anti-BDS Law Violates the First Amendment" 5911:, p. 1323: "However, the Court's analysis made it clear that 2145:
North Carolina got its anti-BDS law on July 31, 2017, as governor
with 70–24. The bill was subsequently signed into law by governor
111:, which has been Israel's closest ally on the international stage 77:, charging it with pushing a double standard and lobbying for the 11702:"How New York can help stop Europe's rampaging Israel boycotters" 8490: 8435: 8407: 6726: 6175: 6061:"U.S. lawmakers introduce legislation to prevent Israel boycotts" 5975:"Proposed congressional bill links BDS prevention, EU trade deal" 5101:"Most Americans don't know about or don't support BDS - Pew poll" 4006: 3890: 3757: 3676:
On September 26, 2009, and May 22, 2010, eleven activists of the
3490: 3400: 1618: 1165:
United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia
89: 12025: 11975:"German parliament declares Israel boycott campaign antisemitic" 11893:"States Are Moving to Class Criticism of Israel as Antisemitism" 11661:"Nassau official calls on county to cancel Roger Waters concert" 10288:
The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East
9193:"Stadt darf Diskussionen ĂĽber die BDS-Kampagne nicht verhindern" 7036: 5957:"US bill seeks to tie massive trade pact to EU rejection of BDS" 4304:
Summary of resolutions relating to BDS in various legislatures:
to the festival because he wrote a foreword in 2015 to the book
3875:'s director Stefanie Carp's decision to invite the pro-BDS band 3567: 2182:
The primary sponsors of the bill were Republican Representative
which caused an outcry in the American political establishment.
The anti-BDS law in Michigan is from January 2017 when governor
In 2019, one of the co-sponsors to the Israel Anti-Boycott Act,
Law for Prevention of Damage to State of Israel through Boycott
12387:"What do Americans think of the BDS movement, aimed at Israel?" 11679: 9150:"German court upholds Munich's ban of antisemitic BDS campaign" 7703: 5205: 4938:"Israel should evacuate settlements, pay reparations, ICJ says" 4238:
passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism as defined by the
refused to support the motion but said they also rejected BDS.
3820: 3444: 3391:
Law for Prevention of Damage to State of Israel through Boycott
1759: 1336: 748:
Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic & Institutional Rights, Inc.
216: 120: 81:, and are often followed by laws targeting boycotts of Israel. 33: 12047:"Civil rights groups sue over US state's 'Israel boycott law'" 11447:"How US states are countering the BDS movement against Israel" 8648:"Government reevaluating ban on BDS activists entering Israel" 6459:"Amawi v. Pflugerville Indep. Sch. Dist., 373 F. Supp. 3d 717" 5780: 5403: 5401: 5399: 3683:
In 2011 following a memo issued by French Minister of Justice
United States District Court for the Western District of Texas
rights activists and failed to pass. Republican state Senator
passed the bill HB 1378 authored by Republican Representative
11467:"The Anti-Boycott Law Israel Used to Bar Both Omar and Tlaib" 4771:
and a number of other American organizations involved in the
opposed. The motion was sponsored by Conservative legislator
1811: 1567:, to do away with the $ 1 million threshold in the 2016 law. 704: 530: 53: 12587:
Abby Martin's Lawsuit Over Israel Loyalty Oath Mandate in US
9857:"UK okays bill barring public bodies from boycotting Israel" 7970:"Pennsylvania: Legislative Advocacy Opposing Anti-BDS Bills" 6529:"U.S. judge refuses to block 'No Boycott of Israel' measure" 2302:, claimed that it did not regulate or restrict free speech. 1424:
IAC for Action lobbied Ducey to sign the bill, according to
11954:"UN experts publish letter criticising German anti-BDS law" 10210:
Fight against Boycott Movement Moving to State Legislatures
9014:"Frankfurt advances bill barring BDS from municipal venues" 7537:"New Hampshire becomes 37th US state to adopt anti-BDS law" 6819:"Israeli-Americans Now Have A Voice – Are They All On Key?" 6792:"California's Senate passes bill targeting Israel boycotts" 6533: 6316:"Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip, No. 19-1378 (8th Cir. 2021)" 6302:"Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip, No. 19-1378 (8th Cir. 2021)" 5396: 5141: 5139: 5137: 5135: 5133: 5131: 5022:"A Dangerous Move to Crack Down on Protests Against Israel" 4918:
United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner
4283: 3897: 2044:. According to Benjamin Weinthal, fellow at the think tank 1818:, a group founded to "counter delegitimization" of Israel. 1207: 282: 274: 266: 258: 250: 242: 88:. Opponents claim that Israel's supporters are engaging in 9506:"Austrian Parliament condemns BDS movement as antisemitic" 8994: 8870: 8868: 8866: 6276:"StandWithUs Files Brief Supporting Arkansas Anti-BDS Law" 5866:"Boycott and Divestment, Frequently Asked Legal Questions" 3579:
to this template: there are already 1,480 articles in the
opposed the bill and told her it was a violation of their
11407:"Illinois's newest law fights divestment with divestment" 10378:"Free speech rights and the rise of anti-BDS legislation" 10229:"Virginia becomes seventh US state to pass anti-BDS laws" 5697:
and a director at the Kohelet Policy Forum in Jerusalem."
During an address to the Knesset, Israeli Prime Minister
United States-Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act
12659:, February 27, 2020. Austrian National Council. Austria. 10527: 9067:"German parliament condemns 'anti-Semitic' BDS movement" 6152: 5128: 3504:
introduced a motion to get the city to adopt the IHRA's
five employees and contracts worth more than $ 100,000.
The Court ruled in 2012 that the lawsuit was an illegal
12027:"Georgia: Legislative Advocacy Opposing Anti-BDS Bills" 11859: 11839: 9761: 9759: 8863: 7841: 7759: 7757: 7227: 7212: 6591: 6007:"Boycott Our Enemies not Israel Act (2015 – H.R. 1572)" 4110:
which said that it went against the freedom of speech.
passed the same resolution. The resolution calls for a
1552:(ACLU) of Florida who wrote an open letter to Governor 974:
and as the Office of Antiboycott Compliance notes "The
has faced longstanding criticism of its conduct in the
Arkansas Newspaper Challenges The State's Anti-BDS Law
US Jewish Groups Rally to Support Anti-BDS Legislation
12087:"Virginia General Assembly passes anti-BDS resolution" 12006:
Jacobs, Michael; Schechter, Dave (November 21, 2017).
11934:"German Parliament Deems B.D.S. Movement Anti-Semitic" 9813: 8900: 8898: 8348:"Virginia General Assembly passes anti-BDS resolution" 7899:"Ohio House of Representatives approves anti-BDS bill" 6911: 6909: 4282:, despite his opposition to BDS, and supported by the 4106:. It was welcomed by Jewish groups but decried by the 3756:
would move its factory from the Israeli settlement to
The main promoter of the bill, Democratic Assemblyman
1143: 12711: 11700:
Weinthal, Benjamin; Romirowsky, Asaf (May 11, 2016).
9986:"Broad Coalition Stops Anti-Boycott Bill in Illinois" 9978: 9837: 8513:"Rights groups to appeal 'Boycott Law' at High Court" 7662: 7268: 5081: 4882: 1456:
signed the bill AB 2844 into law after it passed the
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
Public opinions on the BDS movement and anti-BDS laws
211: 48:. Most organized boycotts of Israel have been led by 12657:
Verurteilung von Antisemitismus und der BDS-Bewegung
11761:"In Legislative Upset, Missouri Anti-BDS Bill Fails" 9872:"US House overwhelmingly passes anti-BDS resolution" 9756: 9706: 9704: 8910: 7909: 7814: 7754: 6101:"US House overwhelmingly passes anti-BDS resolution" 5977:, Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), 10 February 2015. 3563: 962:
The Anti-Boycott Act of 2018, passed as part of the
United States House Committee on Education and Labor
317: 293:(CAIR) have challenged many of them in court cases. 189:, or divesting funds from Israeli corporations. The 12791:
British Committee for the Universities of Palestine
12495:"Ten things to know about anti-boycott legislation" 12161:
Anti-semitism; crime reporting; aggravating factor.
12065: 11861:"Iowa General Assembly passes anti-BDS legislation" 11629:"New York's Outrageous Attempt to Ban Academic BDS" 9825: 9091: 9089: 9087: 8895: 8681: 7950: 7742: 7635: 7320: 7191: 7067: 7018: 6906: 6748: 6746: 6714: 6433:"Amawi v. Pflugerville Independent School District" 5527: 5509: 5069: 3559:
a machine-translated version of the French article.
3379: 2056:to shut down an Austrian BDS group's bank account. 770:had, it is still protected speech, critics assert. 572:tweeted about his government's lobbying successes: 391: 161:
European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
11932: 11699: 11606: 9579:"Statement on Austrian Parliament's Anti-BDS Bill" 9390: 9365: 9040:"Bundestag verurteilt Boykottaufrufe gegen Israel" 8022:"Rhode Island Governor Signs Anti-BDS Legislation" 7730: 7709: 7653: 7623: 7474: 7117: 6687: 6675: 6663: 6579: 6549: 5590: 5588: 5586: 5584: 3993: 3669: 1943:, the educational arm of the pro-Israel lobby the 1758:On June 16, 2017, HB 2409 was signed into laws by 1271:the oppression of Palestinians". In October 2020, 1089:University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College 1019: 862: 140:Palestinian territories it has occupied since 1967 12952:First Amendment to the United States Constitution 12516:, January 30, 2017. Luigi Daniele. openDemocracy. 11589:"Senate passes Klein's don't-boycott-Israel bill" 11207:"Who's who behind the Olympia Food Co-op lawsuit" 11060:"South Carolina Governor Signs Anti-Boycott Bill" 9915:"Does Anyone Take the B.D.S. Movement Seriously?" 9701: 8613: 8124: 7693: 7691: 7689: 6896: 6894: 4206:party that called for BDS to be banned entirely. 4194:In 2019, the German parliament passed a symbolic 4180:City Council passed a resolution condemning BDS. 3914:No place for the antisemitic BDS movement in Bonn 2370:Amawi v. Pflugerville Independent School District 2309:which passed and was signed into law by governor 1178:Amawi v. Pflugerville Independent School District 1172:Amawi v. Pflugerville Independent School District 1128:Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 997:in a package of three other bills related to the 714:Proponents contend that boycotting is not per se 380:Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America 12908: 12786:American Studies Association's boycott of Israel 11841:"Indiana House unanimously passes anti-BDS bill" 10009: 10007: 9303:"German-Palestinian Women's Association v. Bonn" 9084: 8922: 8587: 8207: 8205: 8065: 7280: 6743: 6704: 6702: 6482: 6480: 6254:The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press 6218: 6216: 5999: 5460: 3476:Standing Up Against Anti-Semitism in Ontario Act 2424: 1509:Colorado Public Employees Retirement Association 1343:American Studies Association's boycott of Israel 707:-initiated a boycott against white merchants in 12947:Opposition to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions 12937:Court of Justice of the European Union case law 12493: 12404: 12008:"Anti-BDS Vote Divides 2 Top Georgia Democrats" 12005: 11952: 11185:"Suit Against American Studies Group Dismissed" 10940: 10109: 9923: 9792: 9623: 9264: 9238: 9141: 9115: 8014: 6983:"Veto SB 86, Relating to Scrutinized Companies" 6654: 6427: 6425: 6423: 5923: 5658: 5581: 5407: 5056: 1291:, but about various boycotts targeting Israel. 1074: 731:is irrelevant because it affirmed the right to 9954: 9952: 9649: 9597: 9172: 9170: 9124:"Munich first in Germany to pass anti-BDS law" 8593: 8288: 7853: 7686: 7420: 7382: 7370: 7332: 7287:Abramowitz, Heddy Breuer (September 4, 2019). 7045: 6891: 6836: 6451: 5323: 5321: 5151: 4865:Strategic lawsuit against public participation 4860:Reactions to Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions 4509:Expressing support for Israel, condemning BDS 4032: 3902:Diversity! Bonn Culture and Encounter Festival 3892:German-Palestinian Women's Association v. Bonn 3605:accompanying your translation by providing an 3550:Click for important translation instructions. 3537:expand this section with text translated from 2100: 1668:and co-authored by Republican Representatives 1320:Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation 893:on February 6, 2014. The bill would amend the 12819:Amendment No. 28 to the Entry Into Israel Law 12697: 12670:Veto SB 86, Relating to Scrutinized Companies 10004: 9863: 9545: 8431:"Israel passes law banning calls for boycott" 8231: 8202: 8150: 7865: 7539:. 6 July 2023 – via The Jerusalem Post. 7344: 6699: 6477: 6213: 6030: 6028: 5016: 3910:Vielfalt! – Bonner Kultur– und Begegnungsfest 3834:On April 19, 2018, Klaus Ried applied to the 3452:Amendment No. 28 to the Entry Into Israel Law 3395:Amendment No. 28 to the Entry Into Israel Law 2288: 2174:The anti-BDS bill HB 3967 was enacted in the 2025:described it as "a chill on free speech" and 1294: 1108:Foundation for Individual Rights in Education 442:Foundation for Individual Rights in Education 12464: 11879: 11264: 10523:(5). Rutgers University: 1304. May 15, 2020. 10083: 9730: 9297: 9295: 9293: 8735: 8639: 8483: 8314: 8176: 8082: 8080: 7988: 7512: 7394: 7242: 6936: 6784: 6758: 6609: 6420: 5145: 4821:and co-sponsored with State Representative 4624:Affirming the right to political boycotting 4580:Condemning ASA's academic boycott of Israel 4533:Condemning BDS and increasing anti-Semitism 3885:Apartheid Israel: The Politics of an Analogy 2085:, decried the executive order as pro-Israel 1923:, and the senate 19–2, the nay voters being 1645:International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance 1524:Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center 1363:and Jerome Marcus of the Israeli think tank 1337:American Studies Association boycott lawsuit 1116:Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press 1011: 497:Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center 487:Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press 12678:, NLG et al. to Indiana Governor Mike Pence 10221: 10092:"Indiana Senate passes anti-BDS resolution" 10058: 9949: 9869: 9631:"Liberals who opposed BDS motion speak out" 9167: 8561: 7569: 7486: 6810: 6268: 6250:"This article could be illegal in Arkansas" 6098: 5318: 4837:passed a resolution condemning BDS. In the 3775:On May 17, 2019, right-wing populist party 2360:its pension funds from those entities. The 1266:, sued Governor Hogan and Attorney General 12771:CUPE Ontario and disinvestment from Israel 12704: 12690: 12532:. American–Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. 12045: 11782:"Oklahoma Legislature Passes Anti-BDS Law" 11526: 11098: 10312:. Oxford University Press. pp. 430–. 9683:"Canada's parliament rejects BDS movement" 8795:"L'appel au boycott est-il illĂ©gal ?" 8375:"Knesset votes in favor of 'boycott bill'" 8040: 7847: 7543: 7286: 6512: 6353: 6338: 6025: 4775:signed an open letter to Indiana Governor 4270:who both support BDS, and one Republican, 3485:, was defeated with the vote 39–18 in the 1114:arguing that Act 710 is unconstitutional. 611: 12761:2017 Humboldt University lecture incident 12473: 12139: 11972: 11118: 11058: 10989: 10566: 10491: 10066:"Indiana SR0074 - 2015 - Regular Session" 9819: 9710: 9675: 9655: 9290: 8974: 8818: 8761: 8366: 8077: 7962: 7137:"Illinois governor to sign anti-BDS bill" 5500: 5478: 5380:"BOYCOTT, DIVESTMENT AND SANCTIONS (BDS)" 5294: 5292: 5290: 5087: 4128:Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario 4108:National Council on Canada-Arab Relations 3922:All persons shall be equal before the law 3862: 3649:. This was strengthened in 2003 with the 2372:ruled that the law was unconstitutional. 1436:In March 2017, the governor of Arkansas, 1380: 796:USAID v. Alliance for Open Society (2013) 482:Radio Television Digital News Association 12231: 12212: 12193: 12166: 12105: 11930: 11890: 11626: 11405:Stoil, Rebecca Shimoni (July 24, 2015). 11364: 11009: 10949: 10263: 10161: 10033: 9843: 9807: 9777: 9658:"Canada jumps on the anti-BDS bandwagon" 9656:Zerbisias, Antonia (February 25, 2016). 9571: 9309: 9245:Winthal, Benjamin (September 19, 2018). 9006: 8741: 8211: 8098: 7805: 7790: 7775: 7680: 7668: 7274: 6597: 6242: 6205: 6135: 6078:"Office of Antiboycott Compliance (OAC)" 5858: 5261: 4968: 4779:asking him to repudiate the resolution. 4557:Condemning the anti-Israel BDS movement 4076: 1945:American Israel Public Affairs Committee 1225:Briggs & Stratton Corp. v. Baldridge 1187:Pflugerville Independent School District 1064:and requested a preliminary injunction. 472:National Press Photographers Association 330:American Israel Public Affairs Committee 215: 183:bring peace between Israel and Palestine 79:de-legitimization of Israeli sovereignty 12645: 12444: 12384: 12336: 12292: 12269: 12250: 12112: 11802:"Oklahoma House passes pro-Israel bill" 11779: 11742:"New York Senate Passes Anti-BDS Bills" 11739: 11659: 11627:Goldberg, Michelle (January 29, 2014). 11527:Offenhartz, Jake (September 13, 2017). 11506: 11484: 11464: 11324: 11183:Redden, Elizabeth (December 12, 2017). 10969: 10417: 10305: 10169:"2019 House Concurrent Resolution 1005" 10135: 10089: 9929: 9736: 9388: 9270: 9244: 9147: 9122:Winthal, Benjamin (December 14, 2017). 9121: 9000: 8916: 8874: 8671: 8542:"Netanyahu: I approved the Boycott Law" 8275: 8263: 7941: 7915: 7891: 7820: 7763: 7613: 7601: 7182: 7153: 6927: 6848: 6720: 6167: 5824: 5812: 5750: 5706: 5652: 5235: 5233: 5231: 5229: 5227: 5225: 5223: 5221: 5219: 5217: 5183: 5075: 5044: 4485:Denouncing academic boycotts of Israel 4370:Denouncing academic boycotts of Israel 1773:In 2019, Democrat House representative 1287:These cases aren't about anti-BDS laws 691: 200:, most notably in applying to Israel a 123:by targeting the Jewish economy in the 12909: 12520:Shrinking space & the BDS movement 12312: 12307:council. Makes a conforming amendment. 11992: 11910: 11819: 11799: 11639: 11586: 11507:Bakeman, Jessica (December 27, 2013). 11445:Bob, Yonah Jeremy (October 16, 2016). 11424: 11344: 11244: 11204: 11182: 11161:Redden, Elizabeth (February 6, 2019). 11160: 11141:"Israel Boycott Battle Heads to Court" 11138: 10453: 10375: 9831: 9190: 9148:Winthal, Benjamin (October 24, 2018). 9064: 8988: 8940: 8904: 8715:"Combatting Antisemitism in Vancouver" 8645: 8539: 8372: 7956: 7748: 7641: 7326: 7197: 7024: 7009: 6915: 6693: 6681: 6669: 6585: 6555: 5885: 5722: 5686: 5642: 5287: 5115:"Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS)" 4935: 1785:In November 2018, Kentucky's governor 843:that refused to unload cargo from the 839:, where the Supreme Court held that a 632: 46:boycotts of Israel-affiliated entities 12685: 12672:, ACLU to Florida Governor Rick Scott 11759: 11719: 11566: 11546: 11404: 11325:Dolsten, Josefin (October 23, 2015). 11163:"Judge Dismisses Israel Boycott Case" 11119:Saltzberg, Emma (November 22, 2019). 11045:Council on American-Islamic Relations 11038: 10548: 10424:Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 10395: 10284: 9958: 9765: 9739:"Ontario passes motion rejecting BDS" 9737:Dolsten, Josefin (December 4, 2016). 9551: 9363: 8880: 8567: 8465:(in Hebrew). 13 July 2011 7832: 7736: 7629: 7480: 7440:"House Bill 761 – History of Actions" 7123: 7063: 6816: 5515: 5434: 5000: 4998: 4900: 4888: 4025:The Supreme Court's decision allowed 3963: 3867:In September 2018, the parliament of 3786: 3399:In 2011, the Israeli parliament, the 2046:Foundation for Defense of Democracies 1874:were the primary author of the bill. 457:National Coalition Against Censorship 427:Council on American–Islamic Relations 360:Israeli-American Coalition for Action 291:Council on American–Islamic Relations 12385:Telhami, Shibley (January 8, 2020). 11891:Friedman, Lara (February 20, 2020). 11425:Barton, Ryland (November 18, 2018). 11384: 11139:Redden, Elizabeth (April 21, 2016). 11121:"Poll: Democrats Are Divided on BDS" 11078: 9959:Glatt, Benjamin (February 8, 2018). 9711:Jefferson, Shawn (1 December 2016). 9552:Ahren, Raphael (February 27, 2020). 9389:Osborne, Samuel (16 December 2019). 9271:Winthal, Benjamin (April 15, 2020). 8088:"Anti-Semitism bill passes SC House" 7873:"Ohio Senate Approves Anti-BDS Bill" 6752: 6036:"Boycott our Enemies Not Israel Act" 5466: 5214: 5184:Guttman, Nathan (November 5, 2015). 4931: 4929: 4927: 4234:In June 2020, the parliament of the 4144:Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs 3900:holds an annual festival called the 3699:, Association France-Israel and the 3519: 3273:(2017), Bal Harbour Village, Florida 1941:American Israel Education Foundation 1412:On March 17, 2016, Arizona governor 1227:, and instead it relied on the case 1154:was invited to speak at an event at 1058:Kansas State Department of Education 412:Association of Alternative Newsmedia 36:have often advocated or implemented 18:Measures opposing boycotts of Israel 12635:, March 19, 2019. Nathaniel Sobel. 12597: 12424: 11740:Redden, Elizabeth (March 9, 2017). 11444: 11304: 11284: 11224: 10951:"Arkansas Times LP v. Mark Waldrip" 10541: 10508: 10473: 10396:Sobel, Nathaniel (March 19, 2019). 10355: 10335: 10285:Tripp, Charles (25 February 2013). 10267:The Battle for Justice in Palestine 9965:The Jerusalem Post | 9961:"Anti-BDS bill set to pass in Ohio" 9936:The Jerusalem Post | 9870:Cortellessa, Eric (July 24, 2019). 9510:The Jerusalem Post | 9470:Supreme Court of the United Kingdom 9191:Wetzel, Jakob (November 19, 2020), 8952: 8928: 8819:Coroller, Catherine; Faure, Sonya. 8652:The Jerusalem Post | 8428: 8400: 8276:Kennedy, Merrit (20 October 2017). 8071: 7721: 6882: 6639: 6624: 6570: 6099:Cortellessa, Eric (July 24, 2019). 5986:Michael Wilner (10 February 2015), 5905: 5852: 5836: 5774: 5762: 5738: 5630: 5618: 5606: 5594: 5572: 5557: 5542: 4245: 4240:Working Definition of anti-Semitism 3724:European Convention on Human Rights 1998:join the academic boycott of Israel 1955:In 2023, Governor of New Hampshire 1747:Working Definition of anti-Semitism 1570:In 2019, Republican Representative 1315:and the plaintiffs by StandWithUs. 1145:Abby Martin v. the State of Georgia 1130:filed one in support of the State. 1049: 925:Boycott Our Enemies, not Israel Act 674: 502:Society of Professional Journalists 365:Jewish Federations of North America 13: 12557:DC Direct: Anti-BDS Laws in the US 11886:. ACLU of Iowa. February 24, 2016. 11765:US Campaign for Palestinian Rights 11587:Seiler, Casey (January 28, 2014). 11485:Schmidt, Peter (January 2, 2014). 11465:Chokshi, Niraj (August 15, 2019). 11205:Nguyen, Phan (February 22, 2012). 10592: 10454:de Leo, Andreina (June 16, 2020). 10357:"S.C. Code Ann. 11-35-5300 (2015)" 10270:. Haymarket Books. pp. 133–. 9713:"Ontario MPPs reject BDS movement" 9226:Bayerischer Verwaltungsgerichtshof 8212:MacGuill, Dan (October 24, 2017). 5300:"S.C. Code Ann. 11-35-5300 (2015)" 4995: 4870:Working Definition of Antisemitism 4223:United Nations special rapporteurs 4130:, with only the social democratic 3506:Working Definition of Antisemitism 2432:Working Definition of Antisemitism 1742:ACLU of Iowa criticized the bill. 1717:American Friends Service Committee 1649:Working Definition of Antisemitism 1161:Partnership for Civil Justice Fund 908:introduced another anti-BDS bill, 836:Longshoremen v. Allied Int'l, Inc. 812: 803: 647:Working Definition of Antisemitism 560:, wrote an email to Ohio Governor 477:Partnership for Civil Justice Fund 370:Proclaiming Justice to the Nations 212:Anti-BDS laws in the United States 206:delegitimizing the state of Israel 14: 12963: 12713:Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions 12507: 12465:Essley White, Liz (May 1, 2019). 11973:Oltermann, Philip (17 May 2019). 11365:Liphshiz, Cnaan (June 22, 2020). 11011:"Mikkel Jordahl v. Mark Brnovich" 10991:"Baldassi & Others v. France" 10918: 10898: 10878: 10859: 10840: 10820: 10800: 10780: 10760: 10740: 10720: 10701: 10681: 10661: 10641: 10621: 10601: 10535:. Congressional Research Service. 10418:Cuffman, Timothy (May 29, 2018). 8892:. 15 February 2015. 29 June 2017. 8792: 8594:Peter Beaumont (7 January 2018). 7927: 7859: 7697: 7466: 7426: 7388: 7376: 7338: 7312: 7260: 7168: 7051: 6967: 6900: 6842: 6735: 6708: 6188: 6080:. Bureau of Industry and Security 5659:Nathaniel Sobel (19 March 2019). 5423:. Friends of Sabeel North America 5034:from the original on May 7, 2021. 4924: 4795: 4782: 4149: 3958: 3812: 3728:necessary in a democratic society 3714:The decision was appealed to the 3693:Tribunal correctionel de Mulhouse 3279:(2015), City of Chicago, Illinois 2249: 2140: 1511:(PERA), the fund for the state's 1324:Washington State Court of Appeals 847:in protest against the country's 823:Export Administration Act of 1979 742:Arkansas Times LP v. Mark Waldrip 580: 318:Groups that promote anti-BDS laws 191:Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions 12031:Center for Constitutional Rights 11931:Bennhold, Katrin (17 May 2019). 11800:Forman, Carmen (March 4, 2020). 11567:Lewis, Renee (August 25, 2015). 11345:Wright, Jared (March 18, 2016). 11310:Center for Constitutional Rights 11290:Center for Constitutional Rights 11230:Center for Constitutional Rights 10328: 10203: 10186: 9907: 9889: 9849: 9801: 9771: 9516: 9498: 9486:. Middle East Eye. 29 April 2020 9476: 9455: 9441: 9415: 9382: 9378:from the original on 2022-05-07. 9357: 9331: 9211: 9184: 9058: 9032: 8982: 8934: 8838: 8812: 8786: 8773:Independent Jewish Voices Canada 8742:Horowitz, Adam (July 26, 2019). 8707: 8665: 8533: 8505: 8477: 8450: 8422: 8394: 8340: 8269: 8257: 7974:Center for Constitutional Rights 7674: 7607: 7595: 7529: 7432: 7129: 7103: 7076: 7057: 7038:Center for Constitutional Rights 6975: 6817:Santo, Orli (November 1, 2017). 5421:"Resisting Anti-BDS Legislation" 4762:Indiana House of Representatives 4274:, voted against the resolution. 4253: 4126:and the opposition centre-right 3986:government under Prime Minister 3524: 3380:Anti-BDS laws in other countries 3249: 3240: 3231: 3222: 3213: 3204: 3195: 3186: 3177: 3168: 3159: 3150: 3141: 2270:The primary sponsor of the bill 2205:Center for Constitutional Rights 1950: 1706:Indiana House of Representatives 1597:Center for Constitutional Rights 1487:Center for Constitutional Rights 1313:Center for Constitutional Rights 1282: 417:Center for Constitutional Rights 404:American Society of News Editors 392:Groups that oppose anti-BDS laws 172: 12663: 12365: 11820:Briggs, James (March 3, 2016). 11780:Bandler, Aaron (May 20, 2020). 11720:Cuomo, Andrew (June 10, 2016). 11685:Zionist Organization of America 11079:Pink, Aiden (August 31, 2020). 10549:White, Ben (February 1, 2020). 10309:Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War 10147:The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle 9930:Nahmias, Omri (July 17, 2019). 9920:. 29 July 2019. 29 July 2019. 9403:from the original on 2022-05-07 9364:Stone, Jon (17 February 2016). 6942: 6521: 6408:from the original on 2021-05-24 6390: 6362: 6332: 6308: 6294: 6113:from the original on 2019-07-24 6092: 6070: 6054: 5980: 5968: 5949: 5899: 5879: 5846: 5830: 5818: 5806: 5768: 5756: 5744: 5732: 5716: 5700: 5680: 5636: 5624: 5612: 5600: 5566: 5551: 5536: 5413: 5372: 5347: 5207:Zionist Organization of America 5177: 5107: 5093: 5004: 4969:Siddique, Haroon (2024-07-19). 4278:co-sponsored by representative 4119:Legislative Assembly of Ontario 4081:Legislative Assembly of Ontario 4027:Local Government Pension Scheme 3994:Public pension funds investment 3671:Baldassi & Others v. France 3487:Legislative Assembly of Ontario 3474:A proposed anti-BDS law called 2355:On May 2, 2017, Texas Governor 2316: 2217: 2193: 2127:Zionist Organization of America 1907:Republican Lieutenant Governor 1704:. It passed unanimously in the 1548:The bill was criticized by the 1255: 1230:NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co. 1021:Mikkel Jordahl v. Mark Brnovich 863:Federal anti-BDS bills and laws 781:Pickering v. Board of Education 722:for a boycott as distinct from 700:NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co. 625:or "discriminatory intent" and 385:Zionist Organization of America 12629:. Journal of Law & Policy. 12469:. Center for Public Integrity. 11993:Joffre, Tzvi (June 12, 2019). 11552:New York Civil Liberties Union 11039:Ajeen, Ayan (March 12, 2020). 10291:. Cambridge University Press. 10264:Abunimah, Ali (3 March 2014). 9228:(in German), November 19, 2020 8646:Harkov, Lahav (Aug 13, 2020). 8540:Azulay, Moran (13 July 2011). 8484:Lis, Jonathan; Tomer Zarchin. 8429:Lis, Jonathan (11 July 2011). 8401:Lis, Jonathan (7 March 2011). 8373:Azulay, Moran (11 July 2011). 7710:Weinthal & Romirowsky 2016 6766:"Arkansas Passes Anti-BDS Law" 5269:"HB 1058: Anti-BDS Law Update" 5117:. Christians United for Israel 5103:. Jerusalem Post. 27 May 2022. 5038: 5010: 4962: 4936:Morris, Loveday (2024-07-19). 4906: 4894: 4807: 3982:In December 2019, the British 3716:European Court of Human Rights 3615:You may also add the template 2198:On November 4, 2016, governor 2116:New York Civil Liberties Union 1860: 1708:and with the vote 47–3 in the 1700:, and Democrat representative 1550:American Civil Liberties Union 462:National Newspaper Association 399:American Civil Liberties Union 287:American Civil Liberties Union 144:International Court of Justice 56:with support from much of the 1: 12851:Ministry of Strategic Affairs 11911:Powers, Scott (May 1, 2019). 11608:"Opinion - A Chill on Speech" 11492:Chronicle of Higher Education 11385:Kane, Alex (March 25, 2019). 11245:Nguyen, Phan (May 29, 2015). 10493:10.1080/20414005.2019.1672134 10376:Mansur, Sarah (May 1, 2019). 4875: 4828: 4789:Pennsylvania General Assembly 4737:Ohio House of Representatives 4723:. On September 24, 2015, the 4675:. Her colleague Commissioner 4662: 4639:passed SJR 6 condemning BDS. 4390:Expressing opposition to BDS 4260:U.S. House of Representatives 4003:Palestine Solidarity Campaign 3859:and it is currently pending. 3760:, a city in southern Israel. 3743:SodaStream § Controversy 3736: 3647:Arab League boycott of Israel 3285:(2015), Cook County, Illinois 2425:Summary of US legal situation 2334:In 2019, Tennessee lawmakers 1962: 1733:Iowa House of Representatives 1447: 1309:Davis, et al., v. Cox, et al. 976:Arab League boycott of Israel 935:by Republican Representative 918:Transatlantic Free Trade Area 889:by Republican Representative 833:Another argument is based on 558:Ministry of Strategic Affairs 130: 125:British Mandate for Palestine 117:Arab League boycott of Israel 70:independent Palestinian state 12841:Creative Community for Peace 12367:"State Anti-BDS Legislation" 11640:Norton, Ben (June 6, 2016). 11015:Global Freedom of Expression 10995:Global Freedom of Expression 10975:Global Freedom of Expression 10955:Global Freedom of Expression 10942:Global Freedom of Expression 10555:Journal of Palestine Studies 10196:, (reprinted by the 10090:Kampeas, Ron (May 1, 2015). 9859:– via Times of Israel. 9101:Global Freedom of Expression 9065:Knight, Ben (May 17, 2019), 6437:Global Freedom of Expression 5894:International Longshoremen's 5273:Asian American Advocacy Fund 4855:Legality of Holocaust denial 4773:Israeli–Palestinian conflict 4743: 4642: 4630: 4607:US House of Representatives 4585:US House of Representatives 4190:Anti-antisemitism in Germany 4183: 4132:Ontario New Democratic Party 3939:(20 September 2018) and the 3857:Federal Administrative Court 2390: 2329: 2092:In 2017, Republican Senator 2040:and Democrat representative 1994:American Studies Association 1847: 1796: 1563:and Democrat Representative 1513:public employee pension plan 1349:American Studies Association 1076:Arkansas Times LP v. Waldrip 895:Higher Education Act of 1965 879:Protect Academic Freedom Act 800:"constitutional condition". 408:Asian American Advocacy Fund 340:Christians United for Israel 198:definitions of anti-Semitism 187:Israeli-occupied territories 159:senior legal adviser of the 73:condemnations accuse BDS of 7: 12571:Jewish Broadcasting Service 12536:Freedom2Boycott in Maryland 9583:AJC Transatlantic Institute 5408:Jacobs & Schechter 2017 4848: 4539:Virginia House of Delegates 4171: 4072: 4033:Parliamentary condemnations 4011:Campaign Against Arms Trade 3823:passed a resolution titled 3587:will aid in categorization. 3299:Bills under consideration: 3262:Local laws and ordinances: 2410:Virginia House of Delegates 2403: 2222:In February 2016, governor 2169: 2101:Bills in counties and towns 2008:Co-leader, and Assemblyman 1983: 1877: 1834: 1821: 1780: 1624: 1501: 1431: 1156:Georgia Southern University 513: 10: 12968: 12917:Anti-Palestinian sentiment 12781:Academic boycott of Israel 12625:, 2018. Danielle Haberer. 12526:State Anti-BDS Legislation 12450:Friends of Sabeel Colorado 10480:Transnational Legal Theory 10382:Chicago Daily Law Bulletin 10251: 5913:International Longshoremen 4814:Tennessee General Assembly 4800:On February 13, 2019, the 4229: 4187: 4163:, leader of the chamber's 4139:that it silenced dissent. 4057:Israel's Foreign Minister 4045:On February 27, 2020, the 4040: 4005:, with the support of the 3763: 3740: 3562:Machine translation, like 3388: 2321:In January 2020, governor 2289:Anti-Semitism redefinition 1867:Israel Support Act of 2019 1801:On May 22, 2018, governor 1655: 1589: 1529: 1407: 1394: 1353:academic boycott of Israel 1340: 1295:Olympia Food Co-op lawsuit 1031:rights had been violated. 866: 851:had engaged in an illegal 817:Proponents argue that the 20: 12942:Freedom of expression law 12891:Occupied Territories Bill 12886:Disinvestment from Israel 12859: 12801: 12749: 12719: 12616:, 2018. Sara J. Watkins. 12446:"Fact Sheet - HB 16-1284" 12091:Jewish Telegraphic Agency 11431:89.3 WFPL News Louisville 11371:Jewish Telegraphic Agency 11331:Jewish Telegraphic Agency 10306:Kittrie, Orde F. (2016). 10198:Connecticut Jewish Ledger 10096:Jewish Telegraphic Agency 9743:Jewish Telegraphic Agency 9048:(in German), May 17, 2019 8352:Jewish Telegraphic Agency 6463:Casetext Search + Citator 6228:Institute For Free Speech 5793:Arizona State Legislature 5695:Antonin Scalia Law School 5673:Arkansas Times v. Waldrip 4835:Virginia General Assembly 4730: 4563:Philadelphia City Council 4444:Pennsylvania State Senate 4324: 4321: 4318: 4315: 4312: 4309: 4063:American Jewish Committee 4049:, the lower house of the 4047:Austrian National Council 3539:the corresponding article 3515: 3478:(Bill 202), sponsored by 3469: 3384: 2451: 2448: 2445: 2442: 2439: 1902: 1753: 1385: 1124:Agudath Israel of America 1104:Institute for Free Speech 1012:Constitutional challenges 995:116th session of Congress 933:114th session of Congress 887:113th session of Congress 735:for a boycott but not to 665:US sanctions against Iran 492:Reporters Without Borders 437:Institute for Free Speech 335:American Jewish Committee 325:Agudath Israel of America 32:, many supporters of the 12541: 12358: 10568:10.1525/jps.2020.49.2.65 10256: 8568:staff (8 January 2018). 8458: 4764:as House Resolution 59. 4154:On 22 October 2019, the 3950: 3510:Non-Partisan Association 3480:Progressive Conservative 3450:In 2017, Israel enacted 3375:, (2017), South Carolina 2350: 2345:Three Ds of antisemitism 2079:Ben Norton, writing for 1662:Indiana General Assembly 1331:Washington Supreme Court 1006:House of Representatives 931:) was introduced to the 885:) was introduced to the 547:Israeli-American Council 520:Israel Allies Foundation 350:Israel Allies Foundation 107:, and especially in the 21:Not to be confused with 12829:Israel Anti-Boycott Act 12430:Simon Wiesenthal Center 12262:. California Assembly. 11031: 9780:: a symbolic resolution 5955:Rebecca Shimoni Stoil, 4647:On April 11, 2014, the 4204:Alternative for Germany 4113:On December 1, 2016, a 3969:government argued that 3931:The Court stated that: 3777:Alternative for Germany 3701:Simon Wiesenthal Center 3697:Avocats sans Frontières 3691:. The trial court, the 3678:Palestine 68 Collective 3626:For more guidance, see 3423:, and Finance Minister 2186:and Republican Senator 2153: 2038:New York State Assembly 1722: 1464:as the only dissenter. 1163:. On May 24, 2021, the 945:Israel Anti-Boycott Act 869:Israel Anti-Boycott Act 849:invasion of Afghanistan 669:Anti-Apartheid Movement 621:have been referred to: 612:Discrimination argument 12922:Anti-Israeli sentiment 12530:Jewish Virtual Library 12371:Jewish Virtual Library 10121:National Lawyers Guild 9305:. Columbia University. 9180:. Columbia University. 5935:United States Congress 5671:In the Arkansas case, 5359:Jewish Voice for Peace 4769:National Lawyers Guild 4258:On July 23, 2019, the 4221:In January 2020, five 4196:non-binding resolution 4096: 4085:In February 2016, the 4082: 3976: 3945: 3937:North Rhine-Westphalia 3909: 3869:North Rhine-Westphalia 3863:Ruhrtriennale festival 3819:On December 13, 2017, 3705:Cour d'appel de Colmar 2408:On March 9, 2016, the 2368:division, in the case 2265: 2209:National Lawyers Guild 2158:In December 2016, the 2077: 2059:In May 2016, governor 1992:In December 2013, the 1499: 1381:Anti-BDS laws by state 1249: 1150:Documentary filmmaker 1136:On June 22, 2022, the 904:Roskam and co-sponsor 819:Tax Reform Act of 1976 578: 447:Jewish Voice for Peace 303:University of Maryland 221: 12589:, November 13, 2020. 12569:, February 19, 2019. 12106:Bills and resolutions 10474:Bot, Michiel (2019). 6040:Congressional Monitor 5788:"35-393. Definitions" 4812:On 9 April 2015, the 4188:Further information: 4124:Ontario Liberal Party 4091: 4080: 3971: 3933: 3628:Knowledge:Translation 3599:copyright attribution 3389:Further information: 2260: 2160:Ohio General Assembly 2072: 2006:New York State Senate 1816:Israel Action Network 1729:Iowa General Assembly 1660:In January 2016, the 1615:University of Georgia 1494: 1244: 1194:University of Houston 1102:. In April 2019, the 1081:The weekly newspaper 867:Further information: 773:Another objection to 574: 535:Israel Action Network 345:Israel Action Network 219: 75:closeted antisemitism 30:Arab–Israeli conflict 12646:Laws and resolutions 12559:, January 18, 2019. 12012:Atlanta Jewish Times 11593:Capitol Confidential 11554:. September 11, 2017 10432:10.2139/ssrn.3186369 10021:. September 24, 2015 9097:"Glanz v. Oldenburg" 5020:(December 7, 2020). 4833:In March, 2016, the 4725:Chicago City Council 4709:Joan Patricia Murphy 4468:South Carolina House 4100:New Democratic Party 4087:Parliament of Canada 3803:cultural center, PFL 3685:Michèle Alliot-Marie 3369:(2017), Pennsylvania 2176:Oklahoma Legislature 1710:Indiana State Senate 1638:House Representative 1586:to Palestine Legal. 1365:Kohelet Policy Forum 692:Free speech argument 142:. In July 2024, the 12846:Maccabee Task Force 12766:Boycott from Within 12618:Duquesne Law Review 12550:, January 8, 2019. 12501:. January 17, 2020. 12243:. New York Senate. 12224:. New York Senate. 12205:. New York Senate. 12073:. November 18, 2020 12071:Middle East Monitor 12053:. February 10, 2020 11867:. February 22, 2016 11865:The Times of Israel 11845:The Times of Israel 11726:The Washington Post 11665:News 12 Long Island 11411:The Times of Israel 11232:. November 16, 2017 10828:. February 25, 2018 10689:. December 17, 2019 10343:. February 10, 2020 9901:The Times of Israel 9876:The Times of Israel 9689:. February 23, 2016 9687:The Times of Israel 9637:. February 26, 2016 9611:. February 28, 2020 9609:Middle East Monitor 9585:. February 28, 2020 9558:The Times of Israel 9512:. 29 February 2020. 9429:. November 24, 2019 9343:The Times of Israel 9198:SĂĽddeutsche Zeitung 9018:The Times of Israel 8574:The Times of Israel 7229:The Times of Israel 7214:The Times of Israel 7069:Middle East Monitor 6153:Zanotti et al. 2019 6106:The Times of Israel 5965:, 10 February 2015. 5529:Middle East Monitor 4802:South Dakota Senate 4754:Indiana Legislature 4677:JesĂşs "Chuy" GarcĂ­a 4653:Florida Legislature 4176:In March 2016, the 4165:Christian Democrats 4156:Chamber of Deputies 4051:Austrian Parliament 3847:opinion about BDS. 3419:, Justice Minister 2067:The Washington Post 2033:never voted on it. 1727:In April 2016, the 1273:U.S. District Judge 923:In March 2015, the 638:Disparate treatment 633:Disparate treatment 623:disparate treatment 467:National Press Club 312:Pew Research Center 136:Israel's government 100:with antisemitism. 98:criticism of Israel 28:With regard to the 12927:Boycotts of Israel 12881:Boycotts of Israel 12877:(documentary film) 12729:List of supporters 12608:Harvard Law Review 12348:. Illinois House. 12285:. Oklahoma House. 11999:The Jerusalem Post 11960:. January 17, 2020 11939:The New York Times 11847:. January 10, 2016 11614:. February 4, 2014 11612:The New York Times 11573:Al Jazeera America 11471:The New York Times 11451:The Jerusalem Post 11106:. January 10, 2019 10971:"Koontz v. Watson" 10788:. January 18, 2017 10768:. October 23, 2017 10669:. October 17, 2019 10517:Rutgers Law Review 10361:Harvard Law Review 10341:Harvard Law Review 9918:The New York Times 9277:The Jerusalem Post 9251:The Jerusalem Post 9154:The Jerusalem Post 9128:The Jerusalem Post 9003:, pp. 251–52. 8676:The Jerusalem Post 8518:The Jerusalem Post 8328:. October 30, 2017 8302:. October 28, 2017 8164:. January 17, 2020 8002:. November 4, 2016 7976:. October 24, 2016 7879:. December 9, 2016 7655:The New York Times 7408:. October 17, 2019 7358:. October 17, 2019 7293:The Jerusalem Post 7089:The Jerusalem Post 6537:. October 27, 2020 6042:. October 30, 2017 5993:The Jerusalem Post 5937:. February 6, 2014 5841:Claiborne Hardware 5335:. January 29, 2019 5304:Harvard Law Review 4491:South Dakota House 4396:Pennsylvania House 4293:The Jerusalem Post 4117:was passed in the 4115:non-binding motion 4083: 3964:Public procurement 3836:Munich City Museum 3829:Charlotte Knobloch 3788:Glanz v. Oldenburg 3607:interlanguage link 3441:Benjamin Netanyahu 3289:Resolution No. 195 2917:2021-06-04 at the 2418:two-state solution 2282:Eugene Kontorovich 2277:The Jerusalem Post 2023:The New York Times 1899:on July 13, 2020. 1252:worse, silenced." 827:Claiborne Hardware 793:Critics also cite 775:Claiborne Hardware 768:Claiborne Hardware 764:Claiborne Hardware 729:Claiborne Hardware 716:expressive conduct 703:which was about a 570:Benjamin Netanyahu 539:Jewish Federations 222: 12932:Case law by topic 12904: 12903: 12824:Combating BDS Act 12724:List of opponents 12579:, March 8, 2019. 12338:Carroll, Jonathan 12328:. Florida House. 12304:. Indiana House. 12178:. New York Senate 11826:Indianapolis Star 11351:Colorado Politics 11017:. August 11, 2020 10997:. August 11, 2020 10319:978-0-19-026357-7 10298:978-0-521-80965-8 10277:978-1-60846-347-3 10200:), 22 April 2015. 9913:Alterman, Eric. 9345:. October 7, 2022 9020:. August 26, 2017 8300:Houston Chronicle 6798:. August 24, 2016 6067:. 27 March 2015. 5361:. 11 October 2017 5146:Essley White 2019 5064:Los Angeles Times 4891:, pp. 125–6. 4748:In May 2015, the 4713:Timothy Schneider 4628: 4627: 3709:Cour de cassation 3689:Press Law of 1881 3643:Press Law of 1881 3639: 3638: 3551: 3547: 3502:Sarah Kirby-Young 3322:(2019), Tennessee 3137: 3136: 2296:Kenneth L. Marcus 2123:Town of Hempstead 2042:Charles D. Lavine 2031:New York Assembly 2027:Michelle Goldberg 1996:(ASA) decided to 1636:In January 2020, 1517:John Hickenlooper 1357:Kenneth L. Marcus 1351:(ASA) joined the 987:Combating BDS Act 985:, introduced the 873:Combating BDS Act 853:secondary boycott 745:. It argued that 599:freedom of speech 307:Data for Progress 12959: 12809:AMCHA Initiative 12706: 12699: 12692: 12683: 12682: 12606:, May 10, 2016. 12502: 12490: 12488: 12486: 12470: 12461: 12459: 12457: 12452:. March 10, 2014 12441: 12439: 12437: 12421: 12419: 12417: 12412:. April 20, 2016 12401: 12399: 12397: 12381: 12379: 12377: 12353: 12333: 12318:Moskowitz, Jared 12309: 12289: 12266: 12247: 12228: 12214:Phillips, Elaine 12209: 12195:Phillips, Elaine 12190: 12185: 12183: 12163: 12158: 12156: 12151:. Arizona Senate 12136: 12131: 12129: 12124:. Alabama Senate 12102: 12100: 12098: 12093:. March 10, 2016 12082: 12080: 12078: 12062: 12060: 12058: 12042: 12040: 12038: 12033:. April 18, 2016 12022: 12020: 12018: 12002: 11989: 11987: 11985: 11969: 11967: 11965: 11949: 11947: 11945: 11936: 11927: 11925: 11923: 11917:Florida Politics 11907: 11905: 11903: 11887: 11885: 11876: 11874: 11872: 11856: 11854: 11852: 11836: 11834: 11832: 11816: 11814: 11812: 11796: 11794: 11792: 11776: 11774: 11772: 11756: 11754: 11752: 11746:Inside Higher Ed 11736: 11734: 11732: 11716: 11714: 11712: 11696: 11694: 11692: 11676: 11674: 11672: 11656: 11654: 11652: 11636: 11623: 11621: 11619: 11603: 11601: 11599: 11583: 11581: 11579: 11563: 11561: 11559: 11543: 11541: 11539: 11523: 11521: 11519: 11503: 11501: 11499: 11481: 11479: 11477: 11461: 11459: 11457: 11441: 11439: 11437: 11421: 11419: 11417: 11401: 11399: 11397: 11381: 11379: 11377: 11361: 11359: 11357: 11341: 11339: 11337: 11321: 11319: 11317: 11301: 11299: 11297: 11281: 11279: 11277: 11261: 11259: 11257: 11241: 11239: 11237: 11221: 11219: 11217: 11201: 11199: 11197: 11190:Inside Higher Ed 11179: 11177: 11175: 11168:Inside Higher Ed 11157: 11155: 11153: 11146:Inside Higher Ed 11135: 11133: 11131: 11115: 11113: 11111: 11095: 11093: 11091: 11075: 11073: 11071: 11055: 11053: 11051: 11026: 11024: 11022: 11006: 11004: 11002: 10986: 10984: 10982: 10977:. August 3, 2020 10966: 10964: 10962: 10957:. March 14, 2019 10935: 10933: 10931: 10915: 10913: 10911: 10895: 10893: 10891: 10886:. April 16, 2019 10875: 10873: 10871: 10856: 10854: 10852: 10837: 10835: 10833: 10817: 10815: 10813: 10797: 10795: 10793: 10777: 10775: 10773: 10757: 10755: 10753: 10748:. April 16, 2019 10737: 10735: 10733: 10717: 10715: 10713: 10698: 10696: 10694: 10678: 10676: 10674: 10658: 10656: 10654: 10643:"North Carolina" 10638: 10636: 10634: 10618: 10616: 10614: 10587: 10585: 10583: 10570: 10542:Journal articles 10536: 10534: 10524: 10514: 10505: 10495: 10486:(3–4): 421–445. 10470: 10468: 10466: 10450: 10448: 10446: 10414: 10412: 10410: 10392: 10390: 10388: 10372: 10370: 10368: 10352: 10350: 10348: 10323: 10302: 10281: 10245: 10244: 10242: 10240: 10235:. March 23, 2016 10225: 10219: 10218:, 24 April 2015. 10207: 10201: 10190: 10184: 10183: 10181: 10179: 10165: 10159: 10158: 10156: 10154: 10139: 10133: 10132: 10130: 10128: 10113: 10107: 10106: 10104: 10102: 10087: 10081: 10080: 10078: 10076: 10062: 10056: 10055: 10053: 10051: 10037: 10031: 10030: 10028: 10026: 10011: 10002: 10001: 9999: 9997: 9992:. April 11, 2014 9982: 9976: 9975: 9973: 9971: 9956: 9947: 9946: 9944: 9942: 9927: 9921: 9911: 9905: 9904: 9903:. July 27, 2019. 9893: 9887: 9886: 9884: 9882: 9867: 9861: 9860: 9853: 9847: 9841: 9835: 9829: 9823: 9817: 9811: 9805: 9799: 9790: 9781: 9775: 9769: 9763: 9754: 9753: 9751: 9749: 9734: 9728: 9727: 9725: 9723: 9708: 9699: 9698: 9696: 9694: 9679: 9673: 9672: 9670: 9668: 9653: 9647: 9646: 9644: 9642: 9627: 9621: 9620: 9618: 9616: 9601: 9595: 9594: 9592: 9590: 9575: 9569: 9568: 9566: 9564: 9549: 9543: 9542: 9540: 9539: 9530:. Archived from 9520: 9514: 9513: 9502: 9496: 9495: 9493: 9491: 9480: 9474: 9473: 9467: 9459: 9453: 9452: 9445: 9439: 9438: 9436: 9434: 9419: 9413: 9412: 9410: 9408: 9394: 9386: 9380: 9379: 9369: 9361: 9355: 9354: 9352: 9350: 9335: 9329: 9328: 9326: 9324: 9313: 9307: 9306: 9299: 9288: 9287: 9285: 9283: 9268: 9262: 9261: 9259: 9257: 9242: 9236: 9235: 9234: 9233: 9223: 9215: 9209: 9208: 9207: 9206: 9188: 9182: 9181: 9178:"Ried v. Munich" 9174: 9165: 9164: 9162: 9160: 9145: 9139: 9138: 9136: 9134: 9119: 9113: 9112: 9110: 9108: 9103:. March 13, 2020 9093: 9082: 9081: 9080: 9079: 9062: 9056: 9055: 9054: 9053: 9036: 9030: 9029: 9027: 9025: 9010: 9004: 8998: 8992: 8986: 8980: 8972: 8959: 8950: 8944: 8938: 8932: 8926: 8920: 8914: 8908: 8902: 8893: 8884: 8878: 8872: 8861: 8860: 8858: 8857: 8842: 8836: 8835: 8833: 8832: 8816: 8810: 8809: 8807: 8806: 8790: 8784: 8783: 8781: 8779: 8765: 8759: 8758: 8756: 8754: 8739: 8733: 8732: 8730: 8728: 8719: 8711: 8705: 8704: 8702: 8700: 8685: 8679: 8669: 8663: 8662: 8660: 8658: 8643: 8637: 8636: 8634: 8632: 8627:. 7 January 2018 8617: 8611: 8610: 8608: 8606: 8591: 8585: 8584: 8582: 8580: 8565: 8559: 8558: 8556: 8554: 8537: 8531: 8530: 8528: 8526: 8509: 8503: 8502: 8500: 8498: 8481: 8475: 8474: 8472: 8470: 8464: 8454: 8448: 8447: 8445: 8443: 8426: 8420: 8419: 8417: 8415: 8398: 8392: 8391: 8389: 8387: 8370: 8364: 8363: 8361: 8359: 8354:. March 10, 2016 8344: 8338: 8337: 8335: 8333: 8318: 8312: 8311: 8309: 8307: 8292: 8286: 8285: 8273: 8267: 8261: 8255: 8254: 8252: 8250: 8235: 8229: 8228: 8226: 8224: 8209: 8200: 8199: 8197: 8195: 8190:. April 16, 2019 8180: 8174: 8173: 8171: 8169: 8154: 8148: 8147: 8145: 8143: 8128: 8122: 8121: 8119: 8117: 8112:. March 10, 2017 8102: 8096: 8095: 8084: 8075: 8069: 8063: 8062: 8060: 8058: 8044: 8038: 8037: 8035: 8033: 8018: 8012: 8011: 8009: 8007: 7992: 7986: 7985: 7983: 7981: 7966: 7960: 7954: 7948: 7939: 7933: 7925: 7919: 7913: 7907: 7906: 7895: 7889: 7888: 7886: 7884: 7869: 7863: 7857: 7851: 7845: 7839: 7830: 7824: 7818: 7812: 7803: 7797: 7788: 7782: 7773: 7767: 7761: 7752: 7746: 7740: 7734: 7728: 7719: 7713: 7707: 7701: 7695: 7684: 7678: 7672: 7666: 7660: 7651: 7645: 7639: 7633: 7627: 7621: 7619: 7611: 7605: 7599: 7593: 7592: 7590: 7588: 7573: 7567: 7566: 7564: 7562: 7547: 7541: 7540: 7533: 7527: 7526: 7516: 7510: 7509: 7507: 7505: 7490: 7484: 7478: 7472: 7464: 7455: 7454: 7452: 7450: 7436: 7430: 7424: 7418: 7417: 7415: 7413: 7398: 7392: 7386: 7380: 7374: 7368: 7367: 7365: 7363: 7348: 7342: 7336: 7330: 7324: 7318: 7310: 7304: 7303: 7301: 7299: 7284: 7278: 7272: 7266: 7258: 7249: 7240: 7234: 7225: 7219: 7210: 7201: 7195: 7189: 7180: 7174: 7166: 7160: 7151: 7145: 7144: 7133: 7127: 7121: 7115: 7114: 7107: 7101: 7100: 7098: 7096: 7080: 7074: 7061: 7055: 7049: 7043: 7034: 7028: 7022: 7016: 7007: 7001: 7000: 6998: 6996: 6987: 6979: 6973: 6965: 6946: 6940: 6934: 6925: 6919: 6913: 6904: 6898: 6889: 6880: 6874: 6873: 6871: 6869: 6860: 6852: 6846: 6840: 6834: 6833: 6831: 6829: 6814: 6808: 6807: 6805: 6803: 6788: 6782: 6781: 6779: 6777: 6762: 6756: 6750: 6741: 6733: 6724: 6718: 6712: 6706: 6697: 6691: 6685: 6679: 6673: 6667: 6661: 6652: 6646: 6637: 6631: 6622: 6616: 6607: 6601: 6595: 6589: 6583: 6577: 6568: 6559: 6553: 6547: 6546: 6544: 6542: 6525: 6519: 6510: 6504: 6503: 6501: 6499: 6494:. April 26, 2019 6484: 6475: 6474: 6472: 6470: 6465:. April 25, 2019 6455: 6449: 6448: 6446: 6444: 6429: 6418: 6417: 6415: 6413: 6394: 6388: 6387: 6385: 6383: 6374: 6366: 6360: 6351: 6345: 6336: 6330: 6329: 6327: 6326: 6312: 6306: 6305: 6298: 6292: 6291: 6289: 6287: 6272: 6266: 6265: 6263: 6261: 6246: 6240: 6239: 6237: 6235: 6230:. April 16, 2019 6220: 6211: 6203: 6194: 6186: 6173: 6165: 6156: 6150: 6141: 6133: 6122: 6121: 6119: 6118: 6096: 6090: 6089: 6087: 6085: 6074: 6068: 6058: 6052: 6051: 6049: 6047: 6032: 6023: 6022: 6020: 6018: 6013:. April 18, 2020 6003: 5997: 5984: 5978: 5972: 5966: 5953: 5947: 5946: 5944: 5942: 5927: 5921: 5919: 5903: 5897: 5883: 5877: 5876: 5870: 5862: 5856: 5850: 5844: 5834: 5828: 5822: 5816: 5810: 5804: 5803: 5802: 5800: 5784: 5778: 5772: 5766: 5760: 5754: 5748: 5742: 5736: 5730: 5728: 5720: 5714: 5704: 5698: 5692: 5684: 5678: 5677: 5656: 5650: 5648: 5640: 5634: 5628: 5622: 5616: 5610: 5604: 5598: 5592: 5579: 5570: 5564: 5555: 5549: 5540: 5534: 5525: 5519: 5513: 5507: 5498: 5485: 5476: 5470: 5464: 5458: 5457: 5455: 5453: 5438: 5432: 5431: 5429: 5428: 5417: 5411: 5405: 5394: 5393: 5391: 5390: 5376: 5370: 5369: 5367: 5366: 5351: 5345: 5344: 5342: 5340: 5325: 5316: 5315: 5313: 5311: 5296: 5285: 5284: 5282: 5280: 5275:. March 28, 2020 5265: 5259: 5258: 5256: 5254: 5245: 5237: 5212: 5203: 5194: 5193: 5181: 5175: 5174: 5172: 5170: 5165:. March 28, 2016 5155: 5149: 5143: 5126: 5125: 5123: 5122: 5111: 5105: 5104: 5097: 5091: 5085: 5079: 5073: 5067: 5054: 5048: 5042: 5036: 5035: 5014: 5008: 5002: 4993: 4992: 4990: 4989: 4966: 4960: 4959: 4957: 4956: 4933: 4922: 4921: 4910: 4904: 4898: 4892: 4886: 4721:Sean M. Morrison 4711:and Republicans 4515:Tennessee Senate 4307: 4306: 4290:. Commenting to 4236:Balearic Islands 3941:German Bundestag 3655:Pierre Lellouche 3618: 3612: 3586: 3585:|topic= 3583:, and specifying 3568:Google Translate 3549: 3545: 3528: 3527: 3520: 3500:City Councillor 3434:Yehuda Weinstein 3359:(2017), Oklahoma 3353:(2016), New York 3339:(2018), Missouri 3326:Rejected bills: 3306:(2020), Illinois 3256: 3253: 3247: 3244: 3238: 3235: 3229: 3226: 3220: 3217: 3211: 3208: 3202: 3199: 3193: 3190: 3184: 3181: 3175: 3172: 3166: 3163: 3157: 3154: 3148: 3145: 2761:EO 01.01.2017.25 2522:Act 710 (SB 513) 2437: 2436: 2381:Hurricane Harvey 2377:Dickinson, Texas 2232:Brown University 1803:John Bel Edwards 1768:Koontz v. Watson 1690:Christopher Judy 1641:Jonathan Carroll 1607:Michael Wilensky 1240:Robert L. Pitman 1237: 1217:Rumsfeld v. FAIR 1051:Koontz v. Watson 681:disparate impact 675:Disparate impact 627:disparate impact 148:advisory opinion 12967: 12966: 12962: 12961: 12960: 12958: 12957: 12956: 12907: 12906: 12905: 12900: 12855: 12797: 12754: 12752: 12745: 12715: 12710: 12666: 12648: 12600: 12544: 12510: 12505: 12499:Palestine Legal 12484: 12482: 12455: 12453: 12435: 12433: 12432:. July 16, 2020 12415: 12413: 12410:Brandeis Center 12395: 12393: 12375: 12373: 12361: 12356: 12275:Weaver, Darrell 12181: 12179: 12154: 12152: 12127: 12125: 12108: 12103: 12096: 12094: 12085: 12076: 12074: 12056: 12054: 12036: 12034: 12016: 12014: 11983: 11981: 11963: 11961: 11958:Middle East Eye 11943: 11941: 11921: 11919: 11901: 11899: 11897:Jewish Currents 11883: 11870: 11868: 11850: 11848: 11830: 11828: 11810: 11808: 11790: 11788: 11770: 11768: 11750: 11748: 11730: 11728: 11710: 11708: 11690: 11688: 11687:. June 10, 2016 11670: 11668: 11667:. July 12, 2017 11650: 11648: 11617: 11615: 11597: 11595: 11577: 11575: 11557: 11555: 11537: 11535: 11517: 11515: 11497: 11495: 11475: 11473: 11455: 11453: 11435: 11433: 11415: 11413: 11395: 11393: 11375: 11373: 11355: 11353: 11335: 11333: 11315: 11313: 11312:. March 9, 2018 11295: 11293: 11292:. April 7, 2014 11275: 11273: 11272:. July 12, 2012 11255: 11253: 11235: 11233: 11215: 11213: 11195: 11193: 11173: 11171: 11151: 11149: 11129: 11127: 11125:Jewish Currents 11109: 11107: 11089: 11087: 11069: 11067: 11049: 11047: 11034: 11029: 11020: 11018: 11000: 10998: 10980: 10978: 10960: 10958: 10945: 10938: 10929: 10927: 10926:. April 1, 2020 10924:Palestine Legal 10909: 10907: 10906:. July 14, 2020 10904:Palestine Legal 10889: 10887: 10884:Palestine Legal 10869: 10867: 10865:Palestine Legal 10850: 10848: 10846:Palestine Legal 10831: 10829: 10826:Palestine Legal 10811: 10809: 10808:. March 3, 2019 10806:Palestine Legal 10791: 10789: 10786:Palestine Legal 10771: 10769: 10766:Palestine Legal 10751: 10749: 10746:Palestine Legal 10731: 10729: 10726:Palestine Legal 10711: 10709: 10707:Palestine Legal 10692: 10690: 10687:Palestine Legal 10672: 10670: 10667:Palestine Legal 10652: 10650: 10649:. July 31, 2017 10647:Palestine Legal 10632: 10630: 10629:. April 1, 2020 10627:Palestine Legal 10612: 10610: 10607:Palestine Legal 10597: 10594:Palestine Legal 10590: 10581: 10579: 10544: 10539: 10532: 10512: 10464: 10462: 10444: 10442: 10408: 10406: 10386: 10384: 10366: 10364: 10346: 10344: 10331: 10326: 10320: 10299: 10278: 10259: 10254: 10249: 10248: 10238: 10236: 10227: 10226: 10222: 10208: 10204: 10191: 10187: 10177: 10175: 10167: 10166: 10162: 10152: 10150: 10141: 10140: 10136: 10126: 10124: 10115: 10114: 10110: 10100: 10098: 10088: 10084: 10074: 10072: 10064: 10063: 10059: 10049: 10047: 10039: 10038: 10034: 10024: 10022: 10013: 10012: 10005: 9995: 9993: 9990:Chicago Monitor 9984: 9983: 9979: 9969: 9967: 9957: 9950: 9940: 9938: 9928: 9924: 9912: 9908: 9895: 9894: 9890: 9880: 9878: 9868: 9864: 9855: 9854: 9850: 9842: 9838: 9830: 9826: 9818: 9814: 9806: 9802: 9794:Middle East Eye 9791: 9784: 9776: 9772: 9764: 9757: 9747: 9745: 9735: 9731: 9721: 9719: 9709: 9702: 9692: 9690: 9681: 9680: 9676: 9666: 9664: 9654: 9650: 9640: 9638: 9629: 9628: 9624: 9614: 9612: 9603: 9602: 9598: 9588: 9586: 9577: 9576: 9572: 9562: 9560: 9550: 9546: 9537: 9535: 9522: 9521: 9517: 9504: 9503: 9499: 9489: 9487: 9482: 9481: 9477: 9465: 9461: 9460: 9456: 9447: 9446: 9442: 9432: 9430: 9421: 9420: 9416: 9406: 9404: 9397:The Independent 9387: 9383: 9372:The Independent 9362: 9358: 9348: 9346: 9337: 9336: 9332: 9322: 9320: 9315: 9314: 9310: 9301: 9300: 9291: 9281: 9279: 9269: 9265: 9255: 9253: 9243: 9239: 9231: 9229: 9221: 9217: 9216: 9212: 9204: 9202: 9189: 9185: 9176: 9175: 9168: 9158: 9156: 9146: 9142: 9132: 9130: 9120: 9116: 9106: 9104: 9095: 9094: 9085: 9077: 9075: 9063: 9059: 9051: 9049: 9038: 9037: 9033: 9023: 9021: 9012: 9011: 9007: 8999: 8995: 8987: 8983: 8973: 8962: 8951: 8947: 8939: 8935: 8927: 8923: 8915: 8911: 8903: 8896: 8885: 8881: 8873: 8864: 8855: 8853: 8844: 8843: 8839: 8830: 8828: 8817: 8813: 8804: 8802: 8791: 8787: 8777: 8775: 8767: 8766: 8762: 8752: 8750: 8740: 8736: 8726: 8724: 8717: 8713: 8712: 8708: 8698: 8696: 8687: 8686: 8682: 8670: 8666: 8656: 8654: 8644: 8640: 8630: 8628: 8619: 8618: 8614: 8604: 8602: 8592: 8588: 8578: 8576: 8566: 8562: 8552: 8550: 8538: 8534: 8524: 8522: 8511: 8510: 8506: 8496: 8494: 8482: 8478: 8468: 8466: 8462: 8460: 8456: 8455: 8451: 8441: 8439: 8427: 8423: 8413: 8411: 8399: 8395: 8385: 8383: 8371: 8367: 8357: 8355: 8346: 8345: 8341: 8331: 8329: 8326:Palestine Legal 8320: 8319: 8315: 8305: 8303: 8294: 8293: 8289: 8274: 8270: 8262: 8258: 8248: 8246: 8245:. June 13, 2019 8243:Palestine Legal 8237: 8236: 8232: 8222: 8220: 8210: 8203: 8193: 8191: 8188:Palestine Legal 8182: 8181: 8177: 8167: 8165: 8162:Palestine Legal 8156: 8155: 8151: 8141: 8139: 8138:. July 10, 2018 8136:Palestine Legal 8130: 8129: 8125: 8115: 8113: 8104: 8103: 8099: 8086: 8085: 8078: 8070: 8066: 8056: 8054: 8052:Palestine Legal 8046: 8045: 8041: 8031: 8029: 8028:. July 26, 2016 8026:Brandeis Center 8020: 8019: 8015: 8005: 8003: 8000:Palestine Legal 7994: 7993: 7989: 7979: 7977: 7968: 7967: 7963: 7955: 7951: 7940: 7936: 7926: 7922: 7914: 7910: 7903:Times of Israel 7897: 7896: 7892: 7882: 7880: 7871: 7870: 7866: 7858: 7854: 7848:Offenhartz 2017 7846: 7842: 7831: 7827: 7819: 7815: 7804: 7800: 7789: 7785: 7774: 7770: 7762: 7755: 7747: 7743: 7735: 7731: 7727:, p. 1336. 7720: 7716: 7708: 7704: 7696: 7687: 7679: 7675: 7667: 7663: 7652: 7648: 7640: 7636: 7628: 7624: 7617: 7612: 7608: 7600: 7596: 7586: 7584: 7583:. June 10, 2016 7575: 7574: 7570: 7560: 7558: 7557:. July 12, 2019 7555:Palestine Legal 7549: 7548: 7544: 7535: 7534: 7530: 7518: 7517: 7513: 7503: 7501: 7498:Palestine Legal 7492: 7491: 7487: 7479: 7475: 7465: 7458: 7448: 7446: 7438: 7437: 7433: 7425: 7421: 7411: 7409: 7406:Palestine Legal 7400: 7399: 7395: 7387: 7383: 7375: 7371: 7361: 7359: 7356:Palestine Legal 7350: 7349: 7345: 7337: 7333: 7325: 7321: 7311: 7307: 7297: 7295: 7285: 7281: 7273: 7269: 7259: 7252: 7241: 7237: 7226: 7222: 7211: 7204: 7196: 7192: 7181: 7177: 7167: 7163: 7152: 7148: 7135: 7134: 7130: 7122: 7118: 7109: 7108: 7104: 7094: 7092: 7082: 7081: 7077: 7062: 7058: 7050: 7046: 7035: 7031: 7023: 7019: 7008: 7004: 6994: 6992: 6985: 6981: 6980: 6976: 6966: 6949: 6941: 6937: 6926: 6922: 6914: 6907: 6899: 6892: 6888:, p. 1338. 6881: 6877: 6867: 6865: 6858: 6854: 6853: 6849: 6841: 6837: 6827: 6825: 6815: 6811: 6801: 6799: 6790: 6789: 6785: 6775: 6773: 6772:. April 3, 2017 6770:Brandeis Center 6764: 6763: 6759: 6751: 6744: 6734: 6727: 6719: 6715: 6707: 6700: 6692: 6688: 6680: 6676: 6668: 6664: 6656:Brandeis Center 6653: 6649: 6638: 6634: 6623: 6619: 6608: 6604: 6596: 6592: 6584: 6580: 6569: 6562: 6554: 6550: 6540: 6538: 6527: 6526: 6522: 6511: 6507: 6497: 6495: 6486: 6485: 6478: 6468: 6466: 6457: 6456: 6452: 6442: 6440: 6439:. July 31, 2020 6431: 6430: 6421: 6411: 6409: 6404:. 24 May 2021. 6396: 6395: 6391: 6381: 6379: 6372: 6368: 6367: 6363: 6352: 6348: 6337: 6333: 6324: 6322: 6314: 6313: 6309: 6300: 6299: 6295: 6285: 6283: 6282:. June 11, 2019 6274: 6273: 6269: 6259: 6257: 6248: 6247: 6243: 6233: 6231: 6222: 6221: 6214: 6204: 6197: 6187: 6176: 6166: 6159: 6151: 6144: 6134: 6125: 6116: 6114: 6097: 6093: 6083: 6081: 6076: 6075: 6071: 6059: 6055: 6045: 6043: 6034: 6033: 6026: 6016: 6014: 6005: 6004: 6000: 5985: 5981: 5973: 5969: 5962:Times of Israel 5954: 5950: 5940: 5938: 5929: 5928: 5924: 5917: 5904: 5900: 5884: 5880: 5868: 5864: 5863: 5859: 5851: 5847: 5835: 5831: 5823: 5819: 5811: 5807: 5798: 5796: 5786: 5785: 5781: 5773: 5769: 5761: 5757: 5749: 5745: 5737: 5733: 5726: 5721: 5717: 5705: 5701: 5690: 5685: 5681: 5657: 5653: 5646: 5641: 5637: 5629: 5625: 5617: 5613: 5605: 5601: 5593: 5582: 5571: 5567: 5556: 5552: 5541: 5537: 5526: 5522: 5514: 5510: 5499: 5488: 5477: 5473: 5465: 5461: 5451: 5449: 5448:. July 30, 2019 5440: 5439: 5435: 5426: 5424: 5419: 5418: 5414: 5406: 5397: 5388: 5386: 5378: 5377: 5373: 5364: 5362: 5353: 5352: 5348: 5338: 5336: 5327: 5326: 5319: 5309: 5307: 5298: 5297: 5288: 5278: 5276: 5267: 5266: 5262: 5252: 5250: 5243: 5239: 5238: 5215: 5204: 5197: 5182: 5178: 5168: 5166: 5157: 5156: 5152: 5144: 5129: 5120: 5118: 5113: 5112: 5108: 5099: 5098: 5094: 5086: 5082: 5074: 5070: 5058:Palestine Legal 5055: 5051: 5043: 5039: 5015: 5011: 5003: 4996: 4987: 4985: 4967: 4963: 4954: 4952: 4942:Washington Post 4934: 4925: 4912: 4911: 4907: 4899: 4895: 4887: 4883: 4878: 4851: 4831: 4819:Dolores Gresham 4810: 4798: 4785: 4746: 4733: 4693:Luis Arroyo Jr. 4689:Larry Suffredin 4665: 4645: 4633: 4602:Denouncing BDS 4462:Condemning BDS 4438:Condemning BDS 4414:Condemning BDS 4375:Indiana Senate 4353:Florida Senate 4348:Denouncing BDS 4256: 4248: 4232: 4192: 4186: 4174: 4152: 4075: 4043: 4035: 3996: 3966: 3961: 3953: 3895: 3865: 3817: 3791: 3766: 3745: 3739: 3674: 3635: 3634: 3633: 3616: 3610: 3584: 3552: 3529: 3525: 3518: 3472: 3397: 3387: 3382: 3312:(2020), Georgia 3293:Rockland County 3260: 3259: 3254: 3250: 3245: 3241: 3236: 3232: 3227: 3223: 3218: 3214: 3209: 3205: 3200: 3196: 3191: 3187: 3182: 3178: 3173: 3169: 3164: 3160: 3155: 3151: 3146: 3142: 3030:South Carolina 2926:North Carolina 2919:Wayback Machine 2427: 2414:Virginia Senate 2406: 2393: 2353: 2336:Dolores Gresham 2332: 2319: 2300:Brandeis Center 2291: 2252: 2244:Palestine Legal 2236:First Amendment 2220: 2196: 2172: 2156: 2143: 2135:Rockland County 2103: 2094:Elaine Phillips 2050:Asaf Romirowsky 1986: 1965: 1953: 1905: 1880: 1863: 1850: 1837: 1824: 1799: 1783: 1775:John Carmichael 1756: 1725: 1674:Martin Carbaugh 1658: 1627: 1592: 1581:The village of 1565:Jared Moskowitz 1532: 1504: 1450: 1434: 1410: 1397: 1388: 1383: 1361:Brandeis Center 1345: 1339: 1297: 1285: 1276:Catherine Blake 1260: 1235: 1175: 1148: 1079: 1054: 1029:First Amendment 1024: 1014: 875: 865: 815: 813:Other arguments 806: 804:Lack of clarity 694: 677: 635: 614: 595:First Amendment 583: 516: 511: 394: 389: 320: 299: 289:(ACLU) and the 214: 202:double standard 175: 166:Washington Post 146:declared in an 133: 113:since the 1960s 62:Second Intifada 34:State of Israel 26: 19: 12: 11: 5: 12965: 12955: 12954: 12949: 12944: 12939: 12934: 12929: 12924: 12919: 12902: 12901: 12899: 12898: 12893: 12888: 12883: 12878: 12870: 12867:Omar Barghouti 12863: 12861: 12857: 12856: 12854: 12853: 12848: 12843: 12838: 12837: 12836: 12831: 12826: 12821: 12811: 12805: 12803: 12799: 12798: 12796: 12795: 12794: 12793: 12788: 12783: 12773: 12768: 12763: 12757: 12755: 12750: 12747: 12746: 12744: 12743: 12738: 12737: 12736: 12726: 12720: 12717: 12716: 12709: 12708: 12701: 12694: 12686: 12680: 12679: 12673: 12665: 12662: 12661: 12660: 12647: 12644: 12643: 12642: 12630: 12620: 12611: 12599: 12598:Legal analysis 12596: 12595: 12594: 12584: 12574: 12564: 12554: 12552:Democracy Now! 12543: 12540: 12539: 12538: 12533: 12523: 12517: 12509: 12508:External links 12506: 12504: 12503: 12491: 12471: 12462: 12442: 12422: 12402: 12382: 12362: 12360: 12357: 12355: 12354: 12334: 12310: 12290: 12267: 12252:Bloom, Richard 12248: 12233:Klein, Jeffrey 12229: 12210: 12191: 12168:Klein, Jeffrey 12164: 12137: 12109: 12107: 12104: 12084: 12083: 12063: 12043: 12023: 12003: 11990: 11970: 11950: 11928: 11908: 11888: 11877: 11857: 11837: 11817: 11797: 11786:Jewish Journal 11777: 11767:. May 22, 2018 11757: 11737: 11717: 11697: 11677: 11657: 11637: 11624: 11604: 11584: 11564: 11544: 11524: 11504: 11482: 11462: 11442: 11422: 11402: 11382: 11362: 11342: 11322: 11302: 11282: 11262: 11242: 11222: 11202: 11180: 11158: 11136: 11116: 11096: 11076: 11066:. June 5, 2015 11056: 11035: 11033: 11030: 11028: 11027: 11007: 10987: 10967: 10946: 10944: 10939: 10937: 10936: 10916: 10896: 10876: 10857: 10838: 10818: 10798: 10778: 10758: 10738: 10728:. May 18, 2020 10718: 10699: 10679: 10659: 10639: 10619: 10609:. June 1, 2020 10598: 10596: 10591: 10589: 10588: 10545: 10543: 10540: 10538: 10537: 10525: 10506: 10471: 10451: 10415: 10393: 10373: 10363:. May 10, 2016 10353: 10332: 10330: 10327: 10325: 10324: 10318: 10303: 10297: 10282: 10276: 10260: 10258: 10255: 10253: 10250: 10247: 10246: 10220: 10202: 10185: 10160: 10149:. July 1, 2015 10134: 10123:. May 18, 2015 10108: 10082: 10057: 10032: 10003: 9977: 9948: 9922: 9906: 9888: 9862: 9848: 9836: 9824: 9820:Oltermann 2019 9812: 9800: 9782: 9770: 9755: 9729: 9700: 9674: 9648: 9622: 9596: 9570: 9544: 9515: 9497: 9475: 9454: 9440: 9414: 9381: 9356: 9330: 9308: 9289: 9263: 9237: 9210: 9183: 9166: 9140: 9114: 9083: 9072:Deutsche Welle 9057: 9031: 9005: 8993: 8981: 8960: 8945: 8933: 8921: 8909: 8894: 8879: 8877:, p. 251. 8862: 8837: 8811: 8793:Faure, Sonya. 8785: 8760: 8734: 8706: 8695:. May 19, 2016 8680: 8664: 8638: 8612: 8586: 8560: 8532: 8521:. 12 July 2011 8504: 8476: 8449: 8421: 8393: 8365: 8339: 8313: 8287: 8268: 8256: 8230: 8201: 8175: 8158:"South Dakota" 8149: 8123: 8097: 8076: 8064: 8048:"Rhode Island" 8039: 8013: 7996:"Pennsylvania" 7987: 7961: 7949: 7934: 7920: 7908: 7890: 7864: 7852: 7840: 7825: 7813: 7798: 7783: 7768: 7753: 7741: 7729: 7714: 7702: 7685: 7673: 7661: 7646: 7634: 7622: 7606: 7594: 7568: 7542: 7528: 7511: 7500:. June 2, 2017 7485: 7473: 7456: 7431: 7419: 7393: 7381: 7369: 7343: 7331: 7319: 7305: 7279: 7267: 7250: 7235: 7231:& Feb 2016 7220: 7216:& Jan 2016 7202: 7190: 7175: 7161: 7146: 7143:. 19 May 2015. 7128: 7116: 7113:. 24 May 2021. 7102: 7075: 7056: 7044: 7029: 7017: 7002: 6974: 6947: 6935: 6920: 6905: 6890: 6875: 6847: 6835: 6809: 6796:Jewish Journal 6783: 6757: 6742: 6725: 6713: 6698: 6686: 6674: 6662: 6647: 6632: 6617: 6602: 6600:, p. 133. 6590: 6578: 6560: 6548: 6520: 6505: 6476: 6450: 6419: 6389: 6361: 6346: 6331: 6307: 6293: 6280:Jewish Journal 6267: 6256:. July 2, 2019 6241: 6212: 6195: 6174: 6157: 6142: 6123: 6091: 6069: 6053: 6024: 5998: 5979: 5967: 5948: 5922: 5898: 5878: 5857: 5845: 5829: 5817: 5805: 5779: 5767: 5755: 5743: 5731: 5715: 5699: 5679: 5651: 5635: 5623: 5611: 5599: 5580: 5565: 5550: 5535: 5520: 5508: 5486: 5471: 5459: 5433: 5412: 5395: 5371: 5346: 5317: 5286: 5260: 5213: 5195: 5176: 5150: 5127: 5106: 5092: 5088:Saltzberg 2019 5080: 5068: 5049: 5037: 5009: 4994: 4961: 4923: 4905: 4893: 4880: 4879: 4877: 4874: 4873: 4872: 4867: 4862: 4857: 4850: 4847: 4830: 4827: 4809: 4806: 4797: 4794: 4784: 4781: 4758:Indiana Senate 4745: 4742: 4732: 4729: 4681:Richard Boykin 4673:Bridget Gainer 4664: 4661: 4657:Florida Senate 4644: 4641: 4637:Alabama Senate 4632: 4629: 4626: 4625: 4622: 4619: 4616: 4613: 4608: 4604: 4603: 4600: 4597: 4594: 4591: 4586: 4582: 4581: 4578: 4575: 4573: 4570: 4565: 4559: 4558: 4555: 4552: 4549: 4546: 4541: 4535: 4534: 4531: 4528: 4525: 4522: 4517: 4511: 4510: 4507: 4504: 4501: 4498: 4493: 4487: 4486: 4483: 4480: 4478: 4475: 4470: 4464: 4463: 4460: 4457: 4454: 4451: 4446: 4440: 4439: 4436: 4433: 4430: 4427: 4422: 4416: 4415: 4412: 4409: 4406: 4403: 4398: 4392: 4391: 4388: 4386: 4384: 4381: 4376: 4372: 4371: 4368: 4365: 4362: 4359: 4354: 4350: 4349: 4346: 4343: 4341: 4338: 4333: 4331:Alabama Senate 4327: 4326: 4323: 4320: 4317: 4314: 4311: 4255: 4252: 4247: 4246:United Kingdom 4244: 4231: 4228: 4208:The Left Party 4185: 4182: 4173: 4170: 4151: 4150:Czech Republic 4148: 4104:Bloc QuĂ©bĂ©cois 4074: 4071: 4042: 4039: 4034: 4031: 3995: 3992: 3965: 3962: 3960: 3959:United Kingdom 3957: 3952: 3949: 3894: 3889: 3881:Achille Mbembe 3864: 3861: 3816: 3814:Ried v. Munich 3811: 3790: 3785: 3765: 3762: 3738: 3735: 3673: 3668: 3651:Lellouche law, 3637: 3636: 3632: 3631: 3624: 3613: 3591: 3588: 3576:adding a topic 3571: 3560: 3553: 3546:(October 2023) 3534: 3533: 3532: 3530: 3523: 3517: 3514: 3496:In June 2019, 3471: 3468: 3425:Yuval Steinitz 3386: 3383: 3381: 3378: 3377: 3376: 3370: 3360: 3354: 3340: 3334: 3333:(2019), Kansas 3324: 3323: 3313: 3307: 3297: 3296: 3286: 3280: 3274: 3258: 3257: 3248: 3239: 3230: 3221: 3212: 3203: 3194: 3185: 3176: 3167: 3158: 3149: 3139: 3138: 3135: 3134: 3124: 3121: 3118: 3115: 3111: 3110: 3104: 3101: 3098: 3095: 3091: 3090: 3080: 3077: 3074: 3071: 3067: 3066: 3060: 3057: 3054: 3051: 3047: 3046: 3040: 3037: 3034: 3031: 3027: 3026: 3020: 3017: 3014: 3011: 3007: 3006: 3000: 2997: 2994: 2991: 2987: 2986: 2980: 2977: 2974: 2971: 2967: 2966: 2956: 2953: 2950: 2947: 2943: 2942: 2936: 2933: 2930: 2927: 2923: 2922: 2909: 2906: 2903: 2900: 2896: 2895: 2889: 2886: 2883: 2880: 2876: 2875: 2870: 2867: 2864: 2861: 2857: 2856: 2846: 2843: 2840: 2837: 2833: 2832: 2826: 2823: 2820: 2817: 2813: 2812: 2802: 2799: 2796: 2793: 2789: 2788: 2778: 2775: 2772: 2769: 2765: 2764: 2758: 2755: 2752: 2749: 2745: 2744: 2738: 2735: 2732: 2729: 2725: 2724: 2718: 2715: 2712: 2709: 2705: 2704: 2694: 2691: 2688: 2685: 2681: 2680: 2674: 2671: 2668: 2665: 2661: 2660: 2654: 2651: 2648: 2645: 2641: 2640: 2630: 2627: 2624: 2621: 2617: 2616: 2610: 2607: 2604: 2601: 2597: 2596: 2578: 2575: 2572: 2569: 2565: 2564: 2558: 2555: 2552: 2549: 2545: 2544: 2539: 2536: 2533: 2530: 2526: 2525: 2519: 2516: 2513: 2510: 2506: 2505: 2487: 2484: 2481: 2478: 2474: 2473: 2467: 2464: 2461: 2458: 2454: 2453: 2450: 2447: 2444: 2443:Certification 2441: 2426: 2423: 2405: 2402: 2392: 2389: 2352: 2349: 2331: 2328: 2318: 2315: 2311:Henry McMaster 2290: 2287: 2251: 2250:South Carolina 2248: 2230:, students at 2219: 2216: 2195: 2192: 2188:Darrell Weaver 2171: 2168: 2155: 2152: 2142: 2141:North Carolina 2139: 2102: 2099: 1985: 1982: 1969:Chris Christie 1964: 1961: 1952: 1949: 1933:Brian Sandoval 1929:Tick Segerblom 1925:Yvanna Cancela 1909:Mark Hutchison 1904: 1901: 1879: 1876: 1862: 1859: 1849: 1846: 1836: 1833: 1823: 1820: 1798: 1795: 1782: 1779: 1755: 1752: 1737:Terry Branstad 1724: 1721: 1657: 1654: 1626: 1623: 1603:Deborah Silcox 1591: 1588: 1546: 1545: 1542: 1539: 1531: 1528: 1503: 1500: 1449: 1446: 1438:Asa Hutchinson 1433: 1430: 1409: 1406: 1396: 1393: 1387: 1384: 1382: 1379: 1341:Main article: 1338: 1335: 1296: 1293: 1284: 1281: 1259: 1254: 1212: 1211: 1204: 1201: 1197: 1190: 1174: 1169: 1147: 1142: 1084:Arkansas Times 1078: 1073: 1062:Randall Watson 1053: 1048: 1023: 1018: 1013: 1010: 968:50 U.S.C. 949:H.R. 1697 929:H.R. 1572 883:H.R. 1409 864: 861: 814: 811: 805: 802: 787:Elrod v. Burns 693: 690: 676: 673: 634: 631: 613: 610: 603: 602: 591: 582: 581:Legal analysis 579: 515: 512: 510: 509: 504: 499: 494: 489: 484: 479: 474: 469: 464: 459: 454: 449: 444: 439: 434: 429: 424: 419: 414: 409: 406: 401: 395: 393: 390: 388: 387: 382: 377: 372: 367: 362: 357: 355:Israel Project 352: 347: 342: 337: 332: 327: 321: 319: 316: 298: 295: 213: 210: 181:had failed to 174: 171: 163:quoted by the 132: 129: 23:anti-BDSM laws 17: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 12964: 12953: 12950: 12948: 12945: 12943: 12940: 12938: 12935: 12933: 12930: 12928: 12925: 12923: 12920: 12918: 12915: 12914: 12912: 12897: 12894: 12892: 12889: 12887: 12884: 12882: 12879: 12876: 12875: 12871: 12868: 12865: 12864: 12862: 12858: 12852: 12849: 12847: 12844: 12842: 12839: 12835: 12832: 12830: 12827: 12825: 12822: 12820: 12817: 12816: 12815: 12814:Anti-BDS laws 12812: 12810: 12807: 12806: 12804: 12800: 12792: 12789: 12787: 12784: 12782: 12779: 12778: 12777: 12774: 12772: 12769: 12767: 12764: 12762: 12759: 12758: 12756: 12748: 12742: 12739: 12735: 12734:Organizations 12732: 12731: 12730: 12727: 12725: 12722: 12721: 12718: 12714: 12707: 12702: 12700: 12695: 12693: 12688: 12687: 12684: 12677: 12674: 12671: 12668: 12667: 12658: 12655: 12654: 12653: 12652: 12640: 12639: 12634: 12631: 12628: 12624: 12621: 12619: 12615: 12612: 12609: 12605: 12602: 12601: 12592: 12588: 12585: 12582: 12578: 12575: 12572: 12568: 12565: 12562: 12558: 12555: 12553: 12549: 12546: 12545: 12537: 12534: 12531: 12527: 12524: 12521: 12518: 12515: 12512: 12511: 12500: 12496: 12492: 12485:September 11, 12481:. May 1, 2019 12480: 12476: 12472: 12468: 12463: 12451: 12447: 12443: 12431: 12427: 12423: 12411: 12407: 12403: 12392: 12388: 12383: 12372: 12368: 12364: 12363: 12352: 12347: 12343: 12339: 12335: 12332: 12327: 12323: 12319: 12315: 12311: 12308: 12303: 12299: 12295: 12291: 12288: 12284: 12280: 12276: 12272: 12271:McBride, Mark 12268: 12265: 12261: 12257: 12253: 12249: 12246: 12242: 12238: 12234: 12230: 12227: 12223: 12219: 12215: 12211: 12208: 12204: 12200: 12196: 12192: 12189: 12177: 12173: 12169: 12165: 12162: 12150: 12146: 12142: 12138: 12135: 12123: 12119: 12115: 12111: 12110: 12092: 12088: 12072: 12068: 12064: 12052: 12048: 12044: 12032: 12028: 12024: 12013: 12009: 12004: 12000: 11996: 11991: 11980: 11976: 11971: 11959: 11955: 11951: 11940: 11935: 11929: 11918: 11914: 11909: 11898: 11894: 11889: 11882: 11878: 11866: 11862: 11858: 11846: 11842: 11838: 11827: 11823: 11818: 11807: 11806:The Oklahoman 11803: 11798: 11787: 11783: 11778: 11771:September 12, 11766: 11762: 11758: 11747: 11743: 11738: 11731:September 21, 11727: 11723: 11718: 11707: 11706:New York Post 11703: 11698: 11686: 11682: 11678: 11666: 11662: 11658: 11647: 11643: 11638: 11634: 11630: 11625: 11613: 11609: 11605: 11594: 11590: 11585: 11574: 11570: 11565: 11553: 11549: 11545: 11534: 11530: 11525: 11514: 11510: 11505: 11494: 11493: 11488: 11483: 11472: 11468: 11463: 11452: 11448: 11443: 11432: 11428: 11423: 11412: 11408: 11403: 11396:September 12, 11392: 11391:The Intercept 11388: 11383: 11372: 11368: 11363: 11352: 11348: 11343: 11332: 11328: 11323: 11311: 11307: 11303: 11291: 11287: 11283: 11271: 11267: 11263: 11252: 11248: 11243: 11231: 11227: 11223: 11216:September 12, 11212: 11208: 11203: 11192: 11191: 11186: 11181: 11170: 11169: 11164: 11159: 11148: 11147: 11142: 11137: 11126: 11122: 11117: 11105: 11101: 11097: 11090:September 10, 11086: 11082: 11077: 11070:September 11, 11065: 11061: 11057: 11046: 11042: 11037: 11036: 11016: 11012: 11008: 10996: 10992: 10988: 10976: 10972: 10968: 10956: 10952: 10948: 10947: 10943: 10925: 10921: 10917: 10905: 10901: 10897: 10885: 10881: 10877: 10866: 10862: 10861:"Mississippi" 10858: 10847: 10843: 10839: 10827: 10823: 10819: 10807: 10803: 10799: 10787: 10783: 10779: 10767: 10763: 10759: 10747: 10743: 10739: 10727: 10723: 10719: 10708: 10704: 10700: 10688: 10684: 10680: 10668: 10664: 10660: 10648: 10644: 10640: 10628: 10624: 10620: 10608: 10604: 10600: 10599: 10595: 10578: 10574: 10569: 10564: 10560: 10556: 10552: 10547: 10546: 10531: 10526: 10522: 10518: 10511: 10507: 10503: 10499: 10494: 10489: 10485: 10481: 10477: 10472: 10461: 10457: 10452: 10441: 10437: 10433: 10429: 10425: 10421: 10416: 10405: 10404: 10399: 10394: 10383: 10379: 10374: 10362: 10358: 10354: 10342: 10338: 10334: 10333: 10329:Legal opinion 10321: 10315: 10311: 10310: 10304: 10300: 10294: 10290: 10289: 10283: 10279: 10273: 10269: 10268: 10262: 10261: 10234: 10230: 10224: 10217: 10216: 10211: 10206: 10199: 10195: 10192:Sean Savage, 10189: 10174: 10170: 10164: 10148: 10144: 10138: 10122: 10118: 10112: 10097: 10093: 10086: 10071: 10067: 10061: 10046: 10042: 10036: 10020: 10016: 10010: 10008: 9991: 9987: 9981: 9966: 9962: 9955: 9953: 9937: 9933: 9926: 9919: 9916: 9910: 9902: 9898: 9892: 9877: 9873: 9866: 9858: 9852: 9845: 9844:Liphshiz 2020 9840: 9833: 9828: 9821: 9816: 9809: 9808:Bennhold 2019 9804: 9797: 9795: 9789: 9787: 9779: 9778:Bennhold 2019 9774: 9768:, p. 66. 9767: 9762: 9760: 9744: 9740: 9733: 9718: 9714: 9707: 9705: 9688: 9684: 9678: 9663: 9659: 9652: 9636: 9632: 9626: 9610: 9606: 9600: 9584: 9580: 9574: 9559: 9555: 9548: 9534:on 2021-06-09 9533: 9529: 9525: 9519: 9511: 9507: 9501: 9485: 9479: 9471: 9464: 9458: 9450: 9444: 9428: 9424: 9418: 9402: 9398: 9393: 9385: 9377: 9373: 9368: 9360: 9344: 9340: 9334: 9318: 9312: 9304: 9298: 9296: 9294: 9278: 9274: 9267: 9252: 9248: 9241: 9227: 9220: 9214: 9200: 9199: 9194: 9187: 9179: 9173: 9171: 9155: 9151: 9144: 9129: 9125: 9118: 9102: 9098: 9092: 9090: 9088: 9074: 9073: 9068: 9061: 9047: 9046: 9041: 9035: 9019: 9015: 9009: 9002: 8997: 8990: 8985: 8978: 8977: 8976:GFE: Baldassi 8971: 8969: 8967: 8965: 8957: 8955: 8949: 8942: 8937: 8930: 8925: 8918: 8913: 8906: 8901: 8899: 8891: 8888: 8883: 8876: 8871: 8869: 8867: 8851: 8847: 8841: 8826: 8822: 8815: 8800: 8796: 8789: 8778:September 17, 8774: 8770: 8764: 8753:September 17, 8749: 8745: 8738: 8723: 8716: 8710: 8694: 8690: 8684: 8677: 8673: 8668: 8653: 8649: 8642: 8626: 8622: 8616: 8601: 8597: 8590: 8575: 8571: 8564: 8549: 8548: 8543: 8536: 8520: 8519: 8514: 8508: 8493: 8492: 8487: 8480: 8461: 8453: 8438: 8437: 8432: 8425: 8410: 8409: 8404: 8397: 8382: 8381: 8376: 8369: 8353: 8349: 8343: 8327: 8323: 8317: 8301: 8297: 8291: 8283: 8279: 8272: 8265: 8260: 8244: 8240: 8234: 8219: 8215: 8208: 8206: 8189: 8185: 8179: 8163: 8159: 8153: 8137: 8133: 8127: 8111: 8107: 8101: 8093: 8089: 8083: 8081: 8073: 8068: 8053: 8049: 8043: 8027: 8023: 8017: 8001: 7997: 7991: 7975: 7971: 7965: 7958: 7953: 7946: 7944: 7938: 7931: 7930: 7924: 7917: 7912: 7904: 7900: 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Retrieved 10864: 10849:. Retrieved 10845: 10830:. Retrieved 10825: 10822:"California" 10810:. Retrieved 10805: 10790:. Retrieved 10785: 10770:. Retrieved 10765: 10750:. Retrieved 10745: 10730:. Retrieved 10725: 10710:. Retrieved 10706: 10691:. Retrieved 10686: 10671:. Retrieved 10666: 10651:. Retrieved 10646: 10631:. Retrieved 10626: 10611:. Retrieved 10606: 10593: 10580:. Retrieved 10561:(2): 65–79. 10558: 10554: 10520: 10516: 10483: 10479: 10463:. Retrieved 10460:Opinio Juris 10459: 10443:. Retrieved 10423: 10407:. Retrieved 10401: 10385:. Retrieved 10381: 10365:. Retrieved 10360: 10345:. Retrieved 10340: 10308: 10287: 10266: 10237:. Retrieved 10232: 10223: 10215:Jewish Press 10213: 10205: 10188: 10176:. Retrieved 10172: 10163: 10151:. Retrieved 10146: 10137: 10125:. Retrieved 10120: 10111: 10099:. Retrieved 10095: 10085: 10073:. Retrieved 10069: 10060: 10048:. Retrieved 10044: 10035: 10023:. Retrieved 10018: 9994:. Retrieved 9989: 9980: 9968:. Retrieved 9964: 9939:. Retrieved 9935: 9925: 9917: 9909: 9900: 9891: 9879:. Retrieved 9875: 9865: 9851: 9839: 9827: 9815: 9803: 9793: 9773: 9746:. Retrieved 9742: 9732: 9720:. Retrieved 9716: 9691:. Retrieved 9686: 9677: 9665:. Retrieved 9661: 9651: 9639:. Retrieved 9634: 9625: 9613:. Retrieved 9608: 9599: 9587:. Retrieved 9582: 9573: 9561:. Retrieved 9557: 9547: 9536:. Retrieved 9532:the original 9527: 9518: 9509: 9500: 9488:. Retrieved 9478: 9469: 9457: 9443: 9431:. Retrieved 9426: 9417: 9405:. Retrieved 9396: 9384: 9371: 9359: 9347:. Retrieved 9342: 9333: 9321:. Retrieved 9311: 9280:. Retrieved 9276: 9266: 9254:. Retrieved 9250: 9240: 9230:, retrieved 9225: 9213: 9203:, retrieved 9196: 9186: 9157:. Retrieved 9153: 9143: 9131:. Retrieved 9127: 9117: 9105:. Retrieved 9100: 9076:, retrieved 9070: 9060: 9050:, retrieved 9043: 9034: 9022:. Retrieved 9017: 9008: 9001:Kittrie 2016 8996: 8984: 8975: 8953: 8948: 8936: 8924: 8917:Dolsten 2015 8912: 8889: 8882: 8875:Kittrie 2016 8854:. Retrieved 8852:. 2016-01-21 8849: 8840: 8829:. Retrieved 8824: 8814: 8803:. Retrieved 8798: 8788: 8776:. Retrieved 8772: 8763: 8751:. Retrieved 8747: 8737: 8725:. Retrieved 8721: 8709: 8697:. Retrieved 8692: 8683: 8675: 8672:Chokshi 2019 8667: 8655:. Retrieved 8651: 8641: 8629:. Retrieved 8624: 8615: 8603:. Retrieved 8600:The Guardian 8599: 8589: 8577:. Retrieved 8573: 8563: 8551:. Retrieved 8545: 8535: 8523:. Retrieved 8516: 8507: 8495:. Retrieved 8489: 8479: 8467:. Retrieved 8452: 8440:. Retrieved 8434: 8424: 8412:. Retrieved 8406: 8396: 8384:. Retrieved 8378: 8368: 8356:. Retrieved 8351: 8342: 8330:. Retrieved 8325: 8316: 8304:. Retrieved 8299: 8290: 8281: 8271: 8264:Cuffman 2018 8259: 8247:. Retrieved 8242: 8233: 8221:. Retrieved 8217: 8192:. Retrieved 8187: 8178: 8166:. Retrieved 8161: 8152: 8140:. Retrieved 8135: 8126: 8114:. Retrieved 8109: 8100: 8091: 8067: 8055:. Retrieved 8051: 8042: 8030:. Retrieved 8025: 8016: 8004:. Retrieved 7999: 7990: 7978:. Retrieved 7973: 7964: 7952: 7942: 7937: 7928: 7923: 7916:Bandler 2020 7911: 7902: 7893: 7881:. Retrieved 7876: 7867: 7855: 7843: 7833: 7828: 7821:News 12 2017 7816: 7806: 7801: 7791: 7786: 7776: 7771: 7764:Redden 2017b 7744: 7732: 7722: 7717: 7705: 7676: 7664: 7654: 7649: 7637: 7625: 7614:Bakeman 2013 7609: 7602:Schmidt 2014 7597: 7585:. Retrieved 7580: 7571: 7559:. Retrieved 7554: 7551:"New Jersey" 7545: 7531: 7523: 7522:. May 2019. 7514: 7502:. Retrieved 7497: 7488: 7476: 7467: 7447:. Retrieved 7443: 7434: 7422: 7410:. Retrieved 7405: 7396: 7384: 7372: 7360:. Retrieved 7355: 7346: 7334: 7322: 7313: 7308: 7296:. Retrieved 7292: 7282: 7270: 7261: 7244:ACLU of Iowa 7243: 7238: 7228: 7223: 7213: 7193: 7183: 7178: 7169: 7164: 7154: 7149: 7131: 7119: 7105: 7093:. Retrieved 7087: 7078: 7068: 7059: 7047: 7037: 7032: 7020: 7010: 7005: 6993:. Retrieved 6989: 6977: 6968: 6938: 6928: 6923: 6883: 6878: 6866:. Retrieved 6862: 6850: 6838: 6826:. Retrieved 6822: 6812: 6800:. Retrieved 6795: 6786: 6774:. Retrieved 6769: 6760: 6736: 6721:AL-SB81 2016 6716: 6689: 6677: 6665: 6655: 6650: 6640: 6635: 6625: 6620: 6611:BDS Movement 6610: 6605: 6593: 6581: 6571: 6551: 6541:November 22, 6539:. Retrieved 6532: 6523: 6513: 6508: 6496:. Retrieved 6491: 6467:. Retrieved 6462: 6453: 6441:. Retrieved 6436: 6410:. Retrieved 6401: 6392: 6380:. Retrieved 6376: 6364: 6354: 6349: 6339: 6334: 6323:. Retrieved 6319: 6310: 6296: 6284:. Retrieved 6279: 6270: 6258:. Retrieved 6253: 6244: 6232:. Retrieved 6227: 6207:GFE: Waldrip 6206: 6189: 6168: 6137:GFE: Jordahl 6136: 6115:. Retrieved 6104: 6094: 6084:February 16, 6082:. Retrieved 6072: 6064: 6056: 6044:. Retrieved 6039: 6015:. Retrieved 6010: 6001: 5991: 5982: 5970: 5960: 5951: 5939:. Retrieved 5934: 5925: 5912: 5906: 5901: 5893: 5890:Longshoremen 5889: 5881: 5872: 5860: 5848: 5840: 5832: 5825:Cuffman 2018 5820: 5813:Cuffman 2018 5808: 5797:, retrieved 5791: 5782: 5770: 5758: 5751:Cuffman 2018 5746: 5734: 5718: 5710: 5707:Cuffman 2018 5702: 5682: 5672: 5670: 5664: 5654: 5638: 5626: 5614: 5602: 5573: 5568: 5558: 5553: 5543: 5538: 5528: 5523: 5511: 5501: 5479: 5474: 5462: 5450:. Retrieved 5445: 5436: 5425:. Retrieved 5415: 5387:. Retrieved 5374: 5363:. Retrieved 5349: 5337:. Retrieved 5332: 5308:. Retrieved 5303: 5277:. Retrieved 5272: 5263: 5251:. Retrieved 5247: 5206: 5189: 5179: 5167:. Retrieved 5162: 5153: 5119:. Retrieved 5109: 5095: 5083: 5076:Telhami 2020 5071: 5063: 5057: 5052: 5045:Cuffman 2018 5040: 5025: 5012: 4986:. Retrieved 4975:The Guardian 4974: 4964: 4953:. Retrieved 4941: 4917: 4908: 4896: 4884: 4832: 4811: 4799: 4796:South Dakota 4786: 4783:Pennsylvania 4766: 4747: 4734: 4717:Gregg Goslin 4701:Deborah Sims 4666: 4646: 4634: 4303: 4298:Brad Sherman 4291: 4276: 4257: 4249: 4233: 4220: 4212: 4199: 4193: 4175: 4161:Jan Bartošek 4153: 4141: 4112: 4097: 4092: 4084: 4067: 4056: 4044: 4036: 4024: 4000: 3997: 3984:Conservative 3981: 3977: 3972: 3967: 3954: 3946: 3934: 3930: 3918: 3913: 3901: 3896: 3891: 3884: 3866: 3849: 3844: 3841: 3833: 3824: 3818: 3813: 3807: 3792: 3787: 3774: 3767: 3754: 3746: 3732: 3713: 3708: 3704: 3692: 3682: 3677: 3675: 3670: 3658: 3653:named after 3650: 3640: 3603:edit summary 3594: 3574: 3544: 3536: 3495: 3475: 3473: 3449: 3438: 3413: 3398: 3325: 3298: 3261: 3251: 3242: 3233: 3224: 3215: 3206: 3197: 3188: 3179: 3170: 3161: 3152: 3143: 2816:Mississippi 2428: 2407: 2398:Scott Walker 2394: 2374: 2369: 2354: 2333: 2320: 2317:South Dakota 2307:Larry Grooms 2304: 2292: 2285:companies". 2275: 2269: 2266: 2261: 2253: 2243: 2240: 2228:Mia Ackerman 2221: 2218:Rhode Island 2213: 2197: 2194:Pennsylvania 2184:Mark McBride 2181: 2173: 2157: 2144: 2120: 2112:Roger Waters 2104: 2091: 2080: 2078: 2073: 2065: 2061:Andrew Cuomo 2058: 2035: 2022: 2015: 1991: 1987: 1974: 1966: 1957:Chris Sununu 1954: 1937: 1921:Edgar Flores 1917:John Ellison 1906: 1893: 1881: 1866: 1864: 1851: 1838: 1825: 1808: 1800: 1791: 1784: 1772: 1767: 1757: 1744: 1741: 1726: 1714: 1694:Edward Clere 1686:Woody Burton 1659: 1635: 1631:Bruce Rauner 1628: 1601: 1593: 1580: 1569: 1558: 1547: 1533: 1521: 1505: 1495: 1491: 1483: 1481:since 2016. 1472: 1466: 1462:Bill Monning 1451: 1435: 1425: 1423: 1419: 1411: 1398: 1389: 1375: 1368: 1346: 1328: 1317: 1308: 1298: 1288: 1286: 1261: 1257:Ali v. Hogan 1256: 1250: 1245: 1228: 1224: 1220: 1216: 1213: 1177: 1176: 1171: 1149: 1144: 1135: 1132: 1112:amicus brief 1097: 1093: 1082: 1080: 1075: 1070: 1066: 1055: 1050: 1040: 1033: 1025: 1020: 1015: 1003: 980: 961: 942: 937:Doug Lamborn 924: 922: 909: 903: 891:Peter Roskam 878: 876: 857:Longshoremen 856: 845:Soviet Union 834: 832: 826: 816: 807: 794: 792: 785: 779: 774: 772: 767: 763: 761: 756: 752: 746: 740: 736: 732: 728: 723: 719: 715: 713: 698: 695: 686: 678: 662: 660:motivation. 656: 652:but-for test 650: 643: 636: 615: 607: 604: 584: 575: 551: 537:, and local 528: 517: 300: 279:Steve Daines 271:Bill Hagerty 247:Bill Cassidy 223: 195: 179:Oslo Accords 176: 164: 157: 134: 102: 94:anti-Zionism 83: 66:BDS movement 60:. Since the 58:Muslim world 50:Palestinians 37: 27: 15: 12591:Abby Martin 12396:November 2, 12314:Fine, Randy 12182:November 9, 12155:November 9, 12141:Fann, Karen 12128:November 9, 12114:Orr, Arthur 12077:December 2, 12057:December 2, 11811:November 9, 11751:November 9, 11711:November 9, 11598:November 9, 11578:November 9, 11518:November 9, 11476:November 9, 11376:November 9, 11196:February 4, 11174:February 6, 11130:November 2, 11110:November 2, 11085:The Forward 11050:December 2, 10465:November 5, 10367:November 1, 10347:November 1, 9832:Joffre 2019 9717:Toronto Sun 9407:16 December 9323:12 November 9201:(in German) 8989:de Leo 2020 8941:de Leo 2020 8905:de Leo 2020 8827:(in French) 8801:(in French) 8322:"Wisconsin" 8184:"Tennessee" 7957:Forman 2020 7877:The Forward 7749:Norton 2016 7642:Seiler 2014 7402:"Minnesota" 7352:"Louisiana" 7327:Barton 2018 7198:Briggs 2016 7025:Powers 2019 6916:Wright 2016 6823:Jewish Week 6694:Redden 2017 6682:Redden 2019 6670:Redden 2016 6586:Nguyen 2015 6556:Nguyen 2012 6402:PR Newswire 6169:GFE: Koontz 5886:Mansur 2019 5723:Mansur 2019 5687:Mansur 2019 5643:Mansur 2019 4823:Sheila Butt 4750:Upper house 4668:Cook County 4649:upper house 4313:Resolution 4296:, Democrat 4136:Gila Martow 4059:Israel Katz 4015:War on Want 3456:settlements 3429:Gush Shalom 3409:civil wrong 3405:settlements 2963:EO 2022-06D 2879:New Jersey 2529:California 2357:Greg Abbott 2323:Kristi Noem 2256:Nikki Haley 2164:John Kasich 2087:McCarthyism 2054:Erste Group 2019:Lisa Duggan 1977:Star Ledger 1931:. Governor 1897:Mike Parson 1872:Donnie Bell 1861:Mississippi 1854:Mark Dayton 1841:Rick Snyder 1828:Larry Hogan 1678:Mike Speedy 1666:Brian Bosma 1611:Abby Martin 1583:Bal Harbour 1460:34–1, with 1454:Jerry Brown 1442:Bart Hester 1370:ultra vires 1301:StandWithUs 1268:Brian Frosh 1152:Abby Martin 1120:StandWithUs 999:Middle East 983:Marco Rubio 972:§ 4842 953:S. 720 906:Juan Vargas 841:trade union 762:Discarding 737:participate 597:-protected 566:Danny Danon 562:John Kasich 554:Gilad Erdan 375:StandWithUs 239:Marco Rubio 231:U.S. Senate 86:hate speech 12911:Categories 12802:Opposition 12753:and groups 12456:August 20, 12436:August 14, 12416:August 21, 12051:Al Jazeera 12037:August 20, 12017:August 20, 11871:August 20, 11851:August 16, 11831:August 16, 11791:August 22, 11691:August 18, 11671:August 18, 11651:August 27, 11633:The Nation 11618:August 25, 11558:August 18, 11538:August 18, 11498:January 4, 11456:August 18, 11436:August 23, 11416:August 18, 11356:August 20, 11336:August 14, 11316:August 19, 11296:August 19, 11276:August 19, 11256:August 19, 11251:Mondoweiss 11236:August 19, 11211:Mondoweiss 11104:Al Jazeera 11021:August 24, 11001:August 14, 10981:August 19, 10961:August 18, 10910:August 23, 10900:"Missouri" 10890:August 19, 10870:August 23, 10851:August 20, 10842:"Colorado" 10832:August 21, 10812:August 20, 10792:August 22, 10782:"Michigan" 10772:August 22, 10762:"Maryland" 10752:August 23, 10742:"Kentucky" 10732:August 20, 10712:August 20, 10693:August 15, 10673:August 18, 10663:"New York" 10653:August 22, 10633:August 18, 10623:"Illinois" 10613:August 22, 10603:"Oklahoma" 10582:August 15, 10445:August 14, 10409:August 13, 10387:August 27, 10239:August 20, 10178:August 19, 10153:August 21, 10127:August 16, 10101:August 15, 10075:August 15, 10050:9 December 10025:August 17, 9996:August 15, 9970:August 22, 9941:August 19, 9881:August 19, 9766:White 2020 9748:August 14, 9722:6 December 9693:August 14, 9667:August 14, 9662:Al Jazeera 9641:August 14, 9615:August 14, 9589:August 14, 9563:August 14, 9538:2020-08-14 9433:August 28, 9349:October 7, 9232:2021-06-07 9205:2021-06-07 9107:August 14, 9078:2021-06-09 9052:2021-06-09 9024:August 28, 8856:2023-10-30 8831:2023-10-30 8825:LibĂ©ration 8805:2023-10-30 8799:LibĂ©ration 8748:Mondoweiss 8727:9 December 8699:August 27, 8625:i24 Israel 8459:ספר החוקים 8332:August 22, 8306:August 18, 8249:August 18, 8223:August 18, 8194:August 23, 8168:August 19, 8142:August 21, 8116:August 21, 8057:August 21, 8032:August 21, 8006:August 21, 7980:August 21, 7883:August 22, 7737:Cuomo 2016 7630:Lewis 2015 7587:August 21, 7561:August 21, 7504:August 22, 7481:USCPR 2018 7449:9 December 7412:August 22, 7362:August 22, 7298:August 23, 7141:Al-Jazeera 7124:Stoil 2015 7095:9 December 7064:Ajeen 2020 6995:9 December 6868:9 December 6802:August 21, 6776:August 18, 6514:Al Jazeera 6498:August 18, 6469:August 18, 6443:August 18, 6382:9 December 6355:Al Jazeera 6340:Al Jazeera 6325:2022-06-23 6320:Justia Law 6286:August 18, 6260:August 18, 6234:August 18, 6117:2021-06-06 6046:August 19, 6017:August 19, 5941:August 19, 5516:White 2020 5452:October 6, 5427:2021-08-04 5389:2021-08-04 5365:2021-08-04 5339:August 24, 5310:August 18, 5279:August 20, 5253:9 December 5169:August 20, 5121:2021-08-04 4988:2024-08-27 4955:2024-08-27 4901:Sobel 2019 4889:Tripp 2013 4876:References 4777:Mike Pence 4420:Ohio House 4280:John Lewis 4268:Ilhan Omar 3974:Government 3845:particular 3770:Uwe Becker 3749:SodaStream 3741:See also: 3737:SodaStream 3464:Ilhan Omar 3295:, New York 3271:Sec. 2-112 3267:Sec. 2-402 3114:Wisconsin 3070:Tennessee 3063:EO 2020-01 2792:Minnesota 2728:Louisiana 2561:HB 16-1284 2496:, (2019), 2446:Blacklist 2340:Mark White 2147:Roy Cooper 2010:Dov Hikind 1963:New Jersey 1889:Mike Kehoe 1885:Rob Schaaf 1787:Matt Bevin 1702:Ed DeLaney 1698:Jerry Torr 1613:suing the 1572:Randy Fine 1561:Randy Fine 1554:Rick Scott 1448:California 1414:Doug Ducey 1402:Arthur Orr 1126:, and the 1036:injunction 957:Ben Cardin 263:Rick Scott 255:Mike Braun 235:U.S. House 177:After the 131:Background 52:and other 12751:Campaigns 12741:Reactions 12581:VICE News 12561:TRT World 12479:USA Today 12391:Brookings 12342:"HB 4049" 12298:"HB 1378" 12279:"HB 3967" 12256:"AB 2844" 12145:"SB 1143" 11533:Gothamist 11064:The Tower 10802:"Arizona" 10722:"Georgia" 10703:"Alabama" 10683:"Florida" 10577:0377-919X 10502:203154725 10233:Al Bawaba 9635:iPolitics 9045:Bundestag 8850:France 24 8631:8 January 8605:8 January 8579:8 January 8553:23 August 8525:23 August 8497:23 August 8442:23 August 8414:23 August 8386:23 August 6753:Kane 2019 5502:USA Today 5480:The Tower 5467:Pink 2020 5163:The Tower 4983:0261-3077 4950:0190-8286 4808:Tennessee 4310:Assembly 4216:Im Tirtzu 3926:Basic Law 3795:Oldenburg 3781:Bundestag 3621:talk page 3573:Consider 3541:in French 3498:Vancouver 3483:Tim Hudak 3277:R2015-569 2970:Oklahoma 2899:New York 2836:Missouri 2768:Michigan 2748:Maryland 2708:Kentucky 2620:Illinois 2548:Colorado 2509:Arkansas 2391:Wisconsin 2385:Phil King 2379:required 2330:Tennessee 2131:West Bank 1913:Skip Daly 1852:Governor 1848:Minnesota 1826:Governor 1797:Louisiana 1762:governor 1670:Bill Fine 1329:In 2015, 1305:Akiva Tor 1264:Saqib Ali 1110:filed an 993:) to the 991:S. 1 709:Claiborne 619:labor law 524:model act 422:Code Pink 12346:LegiScan 12340:(2020). 12326:LegiScan 12322:"HB 741" 12320:(2018). 12302:LegiScan 12296:(2016). 12283:LegiScan 12277:(2020). 12260:LegiScan 12254:(2016). 12241:LegiScan 12237:"S 4837" 12235:(2017). 12222:LegiScan 12218:"S 2493" 12216:(2017). 12203:LegiScan 12199:"S 2492" 12197:(2017). 12176:LegiScan 12172:"S 6438" 12170:(2014). 12149:LegiScan 12143:(2020). 12122:LegiScan 12116:(2016). 12097:July 12, 11152:July 13, 10880:"Kansas" 10070:LegiScan 10019:JUF News 9401:Archived 9376:Archived 8929:Bot 2019 8547:Ynetnews 8380:Ynetnews 8358:July 12, 8110:Observer 8072:Bob 2016 7807:NY-S4837 7792:NY-S2493 7777:NY-S2492 7494:"Nevada" 6406:Archived 6111:Archived 5853:HLR 2016 5837:HLR 2016 5775:HLR 2016 5763:HLR 2016 5739:HLR 2016 5711:Rumsfeld 5631:HLR 2016 5619:HLR 2020 5607:HLR 2020 5595:HLR 2020 5384:J Street 5032:Archived 4849:See also 4829:Virginia 4663:Illinois 4496:HCR 1005 4325:Purpose 4288:J Street 4178:Toulouse 3597:provide 3345:(2014), 3291:(2017), 3269:(2015), 3129:(2018), 3085:(2022), 2961:(2017), 2915:Archived 2807:(2017), 2783:(2016), 2699:(2017), 2644:Indiana 2635:(2014), 2600:Georgia 2587:(2018), 2583:(2016), 2568:Florida 2492:(2016), 2477:Arizona 2457:Alabama 2404:Virginia 2207:and the 2200:Tom Wolf 2170:Oklahoma 1984:New York 1878:Missouri 1865:HB 761, 1835:Michigan 1822:Maryland 1814:and the 1781:Kentucky 1625:Illinois 1502:Colorado 1432:Arkansas 1106:and the 821:and the 586:issues: 514:Lobbying 452:J Street 432:IfNotNow 245:),  12874:Boycott 12860:Related 12651:Austria 12638:Lawfare 12118:"SB 81" 10440:3186369 10403:Lawfare 10252:Sources 9528:Austria 9282:June 6, 9256:June 6, 9159:June 6, 9133:June 6, 8890:Haaretz 8657:Aug 15, 8491:Haaretz 8436:Haaretz 8408:Haaretz 8239:"Texas" 7943:HB 3967 7184:HB 1378 7155:HB 4049 6929:FoS: CO 6065:Haaretz 5799:June 3, 5666:Lawfare 5190:Forward 4752:of the 4744:Indiana 4651:of the 4643:Florida 4631:Alabama 4599:Passed 4596:398-17 4577:Passed 4554:Passed 4551:86-5-9 4530:Passed 4520:SJR 170 4506:Passed 4482:Passed 4473:HR 4635 4459:Passed 4435:Passed 4411:Passed 4367:Passed 4345:Passed 4322:Status 4184:Germany 4041:Austria 4007:Quakers 3764:Germany 3758:Lehavim 3722:of the 3659:Haaretz 3619:to the 3601:in the 3543:. 3512:party. 3491:Ontario 3401:Knesset 3367:HB 1969 3363:HB 1968 3357:HB 1512 3347:SB 8017 3331:HB 2015 3320:SB 1250 3310:HB 1058 3304:HB 4049 3283:15-4701 3133:(2018) 3109:(2017) 3089:(2022) 3087:HB 2673 3083:SB 1993 3065:(2020) 3045:(2015) 3025:(2016) 3005:(2016) 3003:HB 2107 2985:(2020) 2983:HB 3967 2965:(2022) 2941:(2017) 2921:(2016) 2894:(2016) 2860:Nevada 2855:(2020) 2853:HB 2179 2831:(2019) 2811:(2017) 2787:(2016) 2785:HB 5822 2781:HB 5821 2763:(2017) 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anti-BDSM laws
Arab–Israeli conflict
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Second Intifada
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hate speech
criticism of Israel
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United States
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