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317: 778: 725: 394: 769:
of mid-level officials and military men. Most of them got consumed by routine and advancing in age, ended up as colorless bureaucrats. Some recorded periods of more intense militancy interchanging with dormant decades spent on day-to-day routine tasks. Some for most of the time remained somewhat lukewarm participants; undecided whether to engage or to withdraw, they refused major jobs and for years performed second-row roles. Some became public faces of the regime and started to demonstrate dissent no earlier than on retirement. Few, following decades at minor positions, grew to more important roles, e.g. as mayors of provincial capitals or assuming high jobs in central administration. Finally, some having entered the regime identified with it totally and throughout the rest of their career remained militant Francoists, engaged in eradicating perceived opposition or groupings deemed not sufficiently loyal to caudillo.
565: 495: 750: 529: 789:. In most cases they are merely listed among so-called “families” which made up the official political amalgam, along the Falangists, the Alfonsists, the military, the technocrats and the Church. Within such perspective all these groupings are presented as constantly competing for power and trying to outmaneuver the others, while Franco mastered the practice of balancing them. The Carlist component of the regime is usually presented among the least influential ones; only in the period between the mid-1940s and the mid-1950s it enjoyed somewhat less marginal position. Though as part of the official amalgam the Traditionalists are deemed co-responsible for final Nationalist triumph in the Civil War, repressive policy of early Francoism or some liberalization of the regime later on, no scholar claims they can be credited for shaping the system. 380:
approval on part of their leaders. Some of them retained close links with Carlist structures, some merely cultivated selected Carlist relations, and some preferred to discontinue their Carlist engagements. In their new party and state roles some actively promoted Traditionalism e.g. by means of propaganda or personal appointments, some strictly stuck to the official "unificated" line, and some turned into zealous new Falangists, advancing national-syndicalism and at times engineering anti-Traditionalist measures. In the late 1930s and early 1940s it was already clear that a significant section of Carlism was actively engaged in development of Francoism. Though internally heterogeneous, this group emerged as a visible component of the Spanish political scene. It was distinct from other currents forming the regime, like pre-war Falangists,
181: 288:
existing organizations into one party, supposed to unite all patriotic individuals, the Carlists were left disoriented. On the one hand, they appreciated the need for political unity as means of winning the war; some of their earlier documents have actually advocated that all parties get dissolved and a common patriotic front be created, most likely themselves assuming the leading role. On the other hand, they feared that in a united amalgam controlled by the military they would either lose political identity or get maneuvered into a minority position. During a series of meetings between February and April 1937 the Carlist executive proved split in two. The faction led by
though perhaps personally rather than politically motivated; in 1937-1938 Urraca remained in very acute and virulent conflict with Pilar Primo de Rivera, who maintained some political influences for decades to come; Urraca was also systematically ridiculed in what became an iconic cartoon series, Doña Urraca. The only case of possible fatality related to Carlist-Falangist clashes is this is José María Olazåbal Zaldumbide, who at the age of 31 passed away as FET jefe of the Las Palmas province. Some authors speculate that heart failure, the ultimate cause of his death, was triggered by a particularly violent altercation with the local Falangists
marginal roles by political opponents; some were totally ousted and persecuted, up to the point of serving jail sentences. A large group scaled down their engagement in the system; having earlier been chief promoters of unification, they later preferred to remain at arms-length and pursued their own objectives. There were cases of grand returns, marked first by engagement, then by marginalization, and then by re-engagement, at times including assumption of top state jobs. Some individuals re-engaged to dismantle the system from within; some re-engaged to abandon the officialdom again and to work to other political ends.
87: 6497:, initially outspoken opponent of the unification, later engaged in official structures, but politically promoted the carloctavista cause. He was offered a post of civil governor but rejected it and opted for second-rate position within the provincial Navarrese and municipal Pamplona structures. Also JesĂșs FortĂșn Ardaiz refused the post of civil governor, offered to him in the 1950s by Arrese, but was longtime member of the Navarrese diputacion. Ardent Francoist, he turned vehemently anti-Carlist; however, at times he also confronted the Falangist civil governor, Bermejo, 741:
could have adhered to Francoist orthodoxy or they could have advanced own political schemes. In few cases the U-turn performed was dramatic, as most zealous adversaries of the system turned into its most zealous advocates. There were individuals who resigned jobs in Carlism as a measure of disagreement with unification and were jailed or exiled, but some 20 years later they neared the regime; they not only landed prestigious jobs, but also emerged as most vociferous advocates of Francoism during its terminal years, speaking out against the commencing transiciĂłn.
system shook off major vestiges of Fascism and started to pose as “monarquía tradicional católica, social y representativa”. Some did not engage in political structures of Francoism, but they rose to top figures of public life, e.g. in science, or self-government. Others, having been rather few genuine “unificated” Francoists, emerged as recognizable political personalities, e.g. holding numerous posts of civil governor in the 1940s; some joined the intransigent Francoist hardline core and mounted a last-ditch attempt to save the falling system in the mid-1970s.
663: 520:
otherwise supported Traditionalism-flavored periodicals, appointed moderate, non-belligerent Carlists to jobs which remained under their control, openly admitted in the press their Traditionalist background and mindset, or at times even visibly saturated official ceremonies with Carlist essence, though all this always within limits permitted by sense of loyalty to Franco and the regime. With sufficient degree of skill and craft, such tactics could have worked, either in the military, or at the level of provincial ayuntamiento or at presidency of the Cortes.
6304:, one of 2 “asesores polĂ­ticos” of the unificated FET militia and member of the FET Junta PolĂ­tica at the same time; outraged at Falangist domination in the state party, he resigned both posts in March 1939, shortly before the ultimate Nationalist triumph in the Civil War later. MarĂ­a Rosa Urraca Pastor, one of 3 Carlist leaders of 18 existing FET branches, resigned in 1938, following a conflict with the Falangist leader Pilar Primo de Rivera. In 1938 JosĂ© MarĂ­a Oriol resigned his place in Junta PolĂ­tica and protested to Franco personally 98: 675:
contradictory views. On one hand, numerous high-level overviews of history of Spain or the Spanish Civil War tend to blanket statements which suggest that Carlism was absorbed in FET and ceased to exist as autonomous political current. Also some focused works suggest that the movement was fully integrated in the emergent Francoist system. On the other hand, there are historians who present Carlism as a systematic opposition to the regime and play down cases of collaboration as entirely marginal.
organization, its initiatives or individuals, perhaps except strictly private contacts. Single individuals grew to hierarchs of the system and became public faces of Francoism, but at this role they have not revealed any preference for Traditionalism. Some former militants who discontinued their party engagements went even further and have actively engaged in anti-Carlist measures; they engineered or executed initiatives aimed against either independent Traditionalism or against
9219:"antic tradicionalista vinculat a Alfons Sala ArgemĂ­, el comte d’Egara, havia estat secretari de la Mancomunitat quan aquell l’havia presidit, en temps de la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera. El 1934 havia propugnat la integraciĂł carlina en el Bloque Nacional impulsat per JosĂ© Calvo Sotelo, en contra de la postura de la secretaria general. Durant la guerra havia estat partidari de la unificaciĂł carlina amb els falangistes", Josep Gelonch Solle, 354:
Traditionalists tried to save their property from takeover by FET and to retain own political identity of the movement. Their attitude towards the unificated state party and the emerging Francoist regime was highly ambiguous; falling short of explicit opposition, it amounted to marginal controlled participation. It seemed that the Carlist executive were prepared to put up with unification as a limited, temporary measure, acceptable for duration of the war.
594:, and aligned with the hardline Francoist idea of state and society; the group found cautious supporters among top-positioned Carlists. Another example of competition is dated at the early 1960s. A wave of militants from the independent Carlist Javierista branch landed posts in FET Consejo Nacional and in the Cortes; their objective was to promote Don Carlos Hugo as a prospective Franco-appointed king. At the time a group of influential 693: 607: 6424:
sentenced and exiled. In the mid-1950s he started to advocate co-operation with syndicalist Falangists and over time got jeered by the Javierista youth as a collaborationist. Once ousted from the Hugocarlista-dominated Carlist organization he joined Francoist structures are was considered a ministerial candidate in the late 1960s. In the early 1970s he was already firmly set within the so-called bunker, the hardline Francoist core
270: 815: 204:, during the following 100 years became known for rigid, die-hard, adamant stand – by supporters hailed as virtuous principled consistency and by opponents ridiculed as backwater fanaticism – rather than for political compromise and give-and-take alliances. The movement has always prided itself in totally independent, unaligned status. At different points in time it absorbed various political groupings, like the so-called 22: 701:
in, clear-cut Traditionalists occupied 4,2% of ministerial posts available during 36 years in question; with those vaguely associated the figure is 9,7%. According to one scholar the Carlists formed some 3,1% among members of the quasi-parliament, Cortes Españolas; the 4% threshold was exceeded during only 2 terms, in 1943-1949 and 1958–1961. One scholar claims that within the contingent of civil governors, during
457: 150:. They have never formed an organized structure, their dynastical allegiances remained heterogeneous and their specific political objectives might have differed. Within the Francoist power strata, the carlo-francoists remained a minority faction that controlled some 5% of key posts; they failed to shape the regime and at best served as counter-balance to other groupings competing for power. 370: 325: 6380:
early 1970s he was one of public faces of the regime. Somewhat similar was the case of Antonio Iturmendi Bañales, who held civil governor or ministerial sub-secretary roles until the early 1940s, when he protested over the Falangist domination. However, he did not fall out of grace entirely, and in the late 1940s he was back at state jobs, over time rising to the Cortes speaker
5770:“unos acceptaron plenamente el nuovo rĂ©gimen ... otros, puede que la mayorĂ­a, ... se retiraron a sus casas, .. y un tercer grupo, tambiĂ©n numeroso, pugnĂł per ver reconocida su aportaciĂłn a la victoria y por indicir – ya fuese por la vĂ­a de la oposiciĂłn o por la colaboracionista – en la construcciĂłn de la “nueva” España, Canal 2000, p. 342 851:
of the mid-20th century. Their defeat was marked by adoption of Ley de Libertad Religiosa in 1967; it contravened most fundamental Carlist principles and was followed by further transformation, leading towards buildup of consumer, democratic, secular society. Marginalization of post-Francoist Carlists was amply demonstrated during the
one Alfonsist. Where possible, authorities staged public demonstrations of unity: joint parades, marches and rallies. The new state party soon started to seize assets of pre-unification parties, like newspapers, buildings or bank accounts. The Francoist administration made it clear that non-compliance was not a viable option.
6105:(4,6%-4,9%), 1958-1961 term (3,9%-4,4%) and 1955-1958 term (3,5%-3,9%); the lowest one was in during the 1971-1977 term (1,8%-2,0%). The number of total Cortes mandates available during specific terms was 549 (1943), 576 (1949), 619 (1949), 598 (1952), 744 (1955), 700 (1958), 738 (1961), 774 (1964), 742 (1967) and 894 (1971) 468:
to official posts; the process produced another wave of Carlists landing jobs within state, party and media structures. It lost momentum in the early 1960s, when Traditionalist executive realized that the path would not lead them to power and that Franco was determined to contain the movement in minority positions.
Carlo-francoists usually lambasted as traitors sold out to Franco were ministers of justice who worked to contain Javierista influence, Antonio Iturmendi Bañales and Antonio María Oriol. However, both openly admitted their Traditionalist credentials; Iturmendi has even published theoretical works on Traditionalism
5215:. Initially outraged about forced unification, he later concluded that the moment was very opportune to get rid of the Falangists and format FET as a new Carlist organization; he became an enthusiastic member and did his best to convince the other Carlists to follow suit, Peñalba SotorrĂ­o 2013, pp. 57-58, 133 5930:, p. 78. At least 8 of them did not live up till 1937, the fate of 4 (Cavero Esporcera, Cavero Irigoyen, Soler, Jaleon) has not been identified. Of the remaining ones, at least 9 engaged in buildup of the Francoist regime (Rodezno, Bilbao, Oriol, J. Roma, P. Roma, Telleria, de Cura, Comin and F. Contreras) 4654:"ningĂșn movimiento polĂ­tico de la España contemporĂĄnea ha mostrado, como el tradicionalismo carlista, una predisposiciĂłn tan franca y tan persistente a la violencia, hasta hacerla formar parte indisociable de su praxis polĂ­tica, de su identidad colectiva y de su acervo cultural", Eduardo GonzĂĄlez Calleja, 5460:
the cases e.g. of Heliodoro Rolando de Tella y Cantos (in 1943 fired from the post of military governor of the Lugo province), Elías Qyerejeta (in 1939 released from the post of provincial FET jefe in Gipuzkoa), José Quint Zaforteza Amat (in 1937 dismissed as the civil governor of Baleares); they all
did not control. Except the role of culture and religion, which until the mid-1950s resembled the Traditionalist model, other spheres of public life in Franco's Spain did not conform to Carlist prescriptions. In broad terms, the carlo-francoists failed to implement Traditionalist blueprint upon Spain
Within carlo-francoism certain individuals emerged as most prestigious politicians or perhaps even as informal leaders, though there has never been one unchallenged champion of the cause. The only person who built his own clientage was conde Rodezno, minister of justice in 1938-1939 and member of the
detailed accounts differ; according to some sources it was the Minister of Economy who sought homogenisation of the country, according to others the Falangists aimed at undercutting the Carlist strength in Navarre and Alava by means of removing local legal establishments. Various individuals claimed
the most striking case of a grand return was this of JoaquĂ­n Bau Nolla. During the war he served as quasi-minister of economy, but was ousted following a conflict with Serrano SĂșñer and withdrew into total privacy. He returned to officialdom in the late 1950s, rising to top jobs in the 1960s; in the
out of 19 Carlist deputies to the Cortes of the Republican era who survived the war, there were 13 (68%) who at one point or another (though not necessarily systematically) remained active in Francoist structures: Arellano, Bau, Bilbao, de Carcer, Elizalde, Granell, Lis, Martinez de Morentin, Oriol,
Luis Ventallo, shocked with the anti-Catalanist course of Francoist administration, was gradually moved to inferior positions; Fernando Våzquez Ramos lost struggle against the local FET jefe in the Baleares; Agustín Telleria Mendizabal was moved to minor positions in Gipzukoa, Ramón José Maldonado y
Last but not least, a large fraction of carlo-francoists maintained a fairly constant stand. Very often it boiled down to amalgamation into Francoist structures. With focus on ongoing administrative work, their political activities were reduced to hardly visible minimum; this was the case especially
reviews reveal that many pre-war Traditionalist leaders or otherwise distinguished personalities at one point or another chose to enter Francoist structures. Among members of the 1932 Carlist executive who survived the war at least 43% actively supported the emerging Francoism. Some 68% of surviving
and new polarization caused by the Civil War, Carlism was to melt down in a new political amalgam, possibly embodied in the emerging Francoist state. Some viewed the regime as a temporary framework, needed for duration of the war only and to be dismantled afterwards. Some believed that Carlism might
as sort of a Carlist-military alliance; they were increasingly baffled by the rise of general Franco, who in apparent disregard of earlier agreements started to consolidate power and to marginalize all independent political groupings. When in early 1937 he started to make hints about amalgamation of
José María Mazón Sainz (1901-1981) was head of Riojan Carlism in the mid-1930s; he was unexpectedly elevated to nationwide recognition when conde Rodezno suggested him, instead of Ulibarri, to Junta Politica of the unificated state party, at that time still prepared to be launched, Mercedes Peñalba
most Carlist members of the Cortes elected from the so-called tercio familiar were – at least at that time – vehement opponents of the regime, like JosĂ© Ángel Zubaiur Alegre, Auxilio Goñi or Fidel Carazo HernĂĄndez. A very peculiar and perhaps unique case was this of ElĂ­as Querejeta Insausti, who in
save for biographical notes, average Spaniard could have never learnt they had been related to Carlism in the past. JoaquĂ­n Bau Nolla, a Carlist MP during the Republic years, following the period of withdrawal into privacy in the 1950s emerged as one of the hierarchs of the Francoist state, because
there were some exceptions, though. José María Sentís Simeón openly advanced the Traditionalist cause as civil governor in Guadalajara and Palencia, as usual found himself in conflict with the Falangists, but survived within the regime structures. Joaquín Manglano y Cucalo openely supported Carlism
There were examples of political transformation in the opposite direction, when opponents to Francoism later joined its official structures. Some individuals outwardly rejected high ministerial jobs in the 1940s but were aspiring to them in the 1960s; when eventually assuming prestigious posts they
During almost 40 years of Carlist presence in Francoist structures there were periods of competitive sub-factions operating within the group. In most cases, divisions were developed along dynastical lines, though they also translated to different visions of the regime itself. An early example comes
In the mid-1950s mainstream Carlism changed its stand versus Francoism; non-participation bordering opposition gave way to cautious engagement and rapprochement with the regime. The movement returned to the earlier controlled access strategy and its members, including top leaders, started to aspire
JoaquĂ­n Manglano y Cucalo throughout all of his post-war career remained on good if not excellent terms with the Franco and though he did not renounce his Traditionalist identity and at very few times demonstrated dissent (law on religious liberty), he has always remained firmly mounted within the
the most iconic is the case of Rodezno, the chief Carlist advocate of unification. Already in 1939 he started to withdraw from Falangist structures, though he took up roles in provincial diputaciĂłn and in the Cortes. Since 1946s he held no official job. Also his political lieutenant, Luis Arellano
following her resignation from jefatura of the FET sanitary branch withdrew into privacy and tried to operate a small publishing house. In the late 1940s she was twice charged with financial misdeeds; sentenced, she left prison thanks to amnesty. Her incarceration is likely to have been a revenge,
e.g. Luis Ventalló Vergés was appointed the first Nationalist civil governor of Lerida shortly following conquest of the province in April 1938. He immediately run into conflict with the military alcalde of Lerida and was ousted in August 1938, not to assume any political job in the future. He was
the Francoist grip on self-governmental structures was somewhat less firm and the regime did not entirely control membership in provincial diputaciones or in municipal ayuntamientos; only presidents of the diputations and mayors were subject to official governmental confirmation. The cases of high
defined the state party using a Carlist notion of a “comunión” and declared Spain “monarquía tradicional, católica, social y representativa”, which vaguely resembled Traditionalist outline; however, practical effects were none. In the early 1960s, the Juan-Carlos-minded faction of carlo-francoists
some 6,6% were Traditionalists; there is no similar statistics available for the remaining 30 years. In the very initial period Carlists made up some 22-24% of the party executive Consejo Nacional, but since the early 1940s their share of seats remained in the range of 5-10%; it climaxed to 13% in
The weight of Carlism within the Francoist regime has already been subject to numerous quantitative estimates. One study claims that individuals clearly identified with Traditionalism formed 2,5% of all government ministers, another author opts for 4,5%. The duration of particular tenures factored
group, either in functional or structural terms. Except that they were all coming from the same political background there was hardly any particular behavioral feature that would have rendered them a cohesive faction. They were not united by uniform motivations, common objectives, or similar modus
many Carlists who joined the regime structures remained totally committed to the Traditionalist cause; they did their best to promote Carlism at the expense of Falangist syndicalism. These attempts have generated resistance, typically either on part of the military or the Falangists; castigated as
and all other individuals willing to join. Program of the new party was modeled after original national-syndicalist principles of Falange, with little if any attention paid to traditional Carlist outlook. The 10-member FET executive, nominated by Franco, included five Falangists, four Carlists and
currently scholars doubt such interpretation; "Franco acted as if he was prepared to turn his back on the direct line of the Bourbon dynasty and seek an eventual successor elsewhere", Payne 2011, p. 328; “he would produce a law which turned Spain into a kingdom but that would not necessarily mean
JesĂșs Elizalde first abandoned Francoist structures in 1939, re-engaged in the mid-1950s, and in the late 1950s turned towards Juanismo, finally withdrawing into privacy. JosĂ© MarĂ­a Valiente did not renew his Francoist engagements of the late 1930s and focused on Javierista Carlism, re-approached
personal examples are abundant, see e.g. the cases of Luciano Alba Candino, Florencio Aldaz Villanueva, Enrique Alonso Cuevillas, Agustín Bårcena Reus, José Chicharro Lamamié, Lorenzo de Cura Lopé, Claudio Colomer Marqués, Antonio Garzón Martín, Gonzalo Lacalle Leloup, Nicolås Lasarte Arana, José
of 1947, co-drafted by Carlists in the ministry of justice, was by many viewed as designed with the Carloctavista claimant in mind. The draft of Leyes Fundamentales, promoted in the mid-1950s, was dubbed resemblant of Soviet-style regime and eventually blocked by a coalition of Carlists and other
It is close to impossible to sketch a typical path of a Carlist engaged in Francoism. Personal careers differed widely, from time of access to level of enthusiasm to political success or failure. Moreover, numerous carlo-francoists did not maintain a consistent stand during almost 40 years of the
There were individuals who authentically strove to achieve synergy between Traditionalism and what they understood to be a patriotic amalgam. They clung to their Carlism not as to an independent political standing, but approached it as a valid component of the fused ideology, especially after the
whether he was a Javierista, Bilbao replied: "I am a Carlist, I was and I will be. A king? I am faithful to the Dios – Patria - Rey ideario, and my king is the one who serves Fatherland and God. My king will be a Catholic prince, Spanish, over 30 years.. like specified in Ley de Sucesion", Rodon
José Quint Zaforteza was the Carlist pre-war leader in the Baleares and was nominated the civil governor of the province in 1937. He immediately clashed with the Falangists and was ousted following a few months. He continued political activity as president of the local diputación, but only until
clear-cut Carlists and loosely related individuals; in the term commencing in 1943 there were 27 Traditionalism-related procuradores (out of 549); during the following terms the numbers were: 1946: 16 (576); 1949: 18 (619); 1952: 22 (598); 1955: 29 (744); 1958: 30 (700); 1961: 27 (738); 1964: 25
saturating official feasts with Carlist flavor could have produced various results depending upon personal position and skill of the Carlist promoter of the gala. José María Oriol as mayor of Bilbao and Agustín Tellería as FET jefe in Giuzkoa have never appeared in FET uniform, avoided Falangist
the case of Carlists who entered the Cortes elected from the so-called tercio familiair; perhaps the best known cases is this of José Ángel Zubaiur Alegre and Auxilio Goñi, others are these of Fidel Carazo Hernåndez and Antonio Arrue Zarauz, though some sources consider the latter an exponent of
apart from ministerial posts held by conde Rodezno, Esteban Bilbao and Antonio Iturmendi, the less known cases of deputy ministers, department heads, sub-secretaries or directors of ministry-dependent bodies are these of Mariano Puigdollers Oliver, Luis Arellano Dihinx, José María Sentis Simeón,
to the Republican Cortes the figure was 44%. Among members of Consejo de Cultura, a board of Carlist pundits set up in the mid-1930s, some 38% of these surviving assumed various posts within Francoism. Some 67% of members of Junta Nacional Carlista de Guerra, the Traditionalist wartime executive
A large and most representative group of Carlists who joined the regime structures have abandoned their Traditionalist militancy almost entirely or indeed entirely. When holding official posts they demonstrated no particular sympathy for the movement and terminated any links relating them to the
married to a Carlist and involved in requete buildup in the early 1930s; no explicit political links to Carlism identified. Historiographic opinions differ, many authors consider him a "Carlist" or "Traditionalist", many other prefer more vague categorizations and few think him a broadly termed
most of the “families” decomposed over time and in the mid-1960s they were either defunct or re-aligned along new lines: “the original sectors of old-guard Falangists, Carlists, doctrinaire monarchists, semiauthoritarian traditionalist Catholics, and right-wing generals had mostly fallen by the
Antonio Iturmendi is at times quoted as the one who together with Manuel Fraga and Camilo Alonso Vega launched and executed the project, GarcĂ­a Riol 2015, p. 217. Since Iturmendi succeeded Bilbao at the post of Minister of Justice and then as a Cortes speaker he is at times viewed as a clone of
José María Valiente was offered a post of vice-minister of justice in the early 1940s, but declined; in the 1960s he aspired to position of the minister. Juan Såenz-Díez opposed Francoist unification in the 1940s, but in the 1960s targeted jobs in the Madrid ayuntamiento and was also rumored to
generals Polavieja and Weyler were unwilling to rise against the government in the late 1890s and early 1900s; general Primo de Rivera did topple the government in 1923 and remained on close terms with some Traditionalists, but remained loyal to the Alfonsist king; general Sanjurjo collaborated
The list of carlo-francoist failures starts with marginalization in the state structures. They occupied no more than 5-10% of top posts, were unsuccessful at shaping the regime, and at best were used by Franco as a counter-weight when he needed to keep other political groupings in check. During
neither built any structural network and there has never been even a shadow of their organization. The closest thing were structures of the Ministry of Justice, where many former Carlists found employment; however, the ministry has never become anything even vaguely resembling their operational
Another attitude adopted was clinging to Carlist outlook as long as it did not stand in the way of political career and did not generate major controversy. Individuals in question could have attended Traditionalism-flavored feasts (though not independent Carlist political rallies), sponsored or
It soon turned out that the process of controlled Carlist participation in Francoist structures was not manageable. As the emerging new system was taking shape, more and more Traditionalist militants were accepting positions in various structures not seeking any formal authorization or informal
Barcena (1917-1994) volunteered to and fought in requete during the war; no obvious political links to post-war Carlism are identified, though it is known he engaged in Traditionalist initiatives against the law on religious liberties in the 1960s and held high post in the ex-combatant requete
the most dramatic u-turn recorded was this of José Luis Zamanillo. He formed a hardline core of opponents to the unification in 1937; once declared, he resigned all official jobs and volunteered to frontline combat units. He then signed various protest letters directed to Franco, was detained,
at one point also the Carlists themselves tried to gauge their influence in the officialdom. During a 1966 Congreso Nacional Carlista attendees were asked to fill a questionnaire about their access to various officials. The summary results were: Jefe Local del Movimiento 96 positive responses,
A significant group of recognized personalities who landed top jobs in the late 1930s in few years were already no longer associated with the official policy. Some got increasingly disappointed with the emerging system and resigned, up to total withdrawal into privacy; some were sidetracked to
indicate Traditionalist share of power in ranges between 30 and 50%, while in case of regions with noticeable though not dominant Carlist presence the figure drops to 2-3%. In the late 1940s the Carlists formed some 3,3% of all concejales in local ayuntamientos in Spain. Regardless of detailed
by all means possible, including an alliance with the regime. Also Franco, the master of balancing game, started to lure disappointed Traditionalists into his camp. The result was a group of Carlists, including most recognized individuals, assuming prestigious posts in official structures. The
Despite official pressure, the Carlist command continued to operate as leadership of independent political grouping. Though executive bodies like Junta Nacional Carlista de Guerra ceased to meet, by means of semi-clandestine pre-war territorial structures or informal communication networks the
and secularism; this approach started to change in the 1880s. While highly suspicious of other parties and unwilling to engage in political trade-offs, since the late 19th century Carlism was increasingly looking towards the military as to a potential partner on the path towards seizing power.
the best known case is this of Antonio Correa Veglison, a professional military active in Carlism during the Republican era. Already prior to outbreak of the Civil War he approached Falangism, but did not renounce totally his Traditionalist links. Between 1939 and 1945 he held 4 various civil
5591:(historian of literature, member of the Academia) and AgustĂ­n Asis y Garrote (academic, state official). Some individuals remained vehemently anti-Francoist, but considered their participation in official scientific structures compatible with their anti-regime stand; this was e.g. the case of 5407:
the cases e.g. of JosĂ© MarĂ­a Zubiaur Alegre in Navarre, Luis VentallĂł VergĂ©s in Catalonia, JoaquĂ­n Manglano in Valencia, Fernando VĂĄzquez Ramos in the Baleares, AgustĂ­n TellerĂ­a and then ElĂ­as Querejeta Insausti in Gipuzkoa, JosĂ© MarĂ­a SentĂ­s SimeĂłn in Guadalajara and Palencia, JesĂșs ComĂ­n in
there were 12 individuals holding various posts in Junta Nacional Carlista de Guerra, and all survived the war. 8 out them engaged in Francoist structures: Gaiztarro, Martínez Morentín, Muñoz Aguilar, Oriol, Rada, Rodezno, Valiente and Zamanillo. Those who did not were Fal Conde, Gómez Sanz,
former Carlists especially bent on blocking all personal nominations suspected of being related to Carlism were Julio Muñoz Aguilar and José María Mazón Sainz. Some sources note also Agustín de Asís y Garrote and Amadeo Marco Ilincheta, though the latter was somehow related to carloctavismo.
the best known case is this of José Luis Zamanillo Gonzålez-Camino, who opposed the ascent of progressist Hugocarlistas within the Carlist structures, lost the internal struggle, was expulsed from Comuníon and approached Francoism. There were many similar cases, e.g. this of Francisco Guinea
a career officer, he became a Carlist sympathizer before the war and as such was possibly involved in the Sanjurjo coup. During his civil governor spells he was customarily accused of cultivating Carlism, the charge which cost him dismissal from the Las Palmas post, Martorell PĂ©rez 2009, p.
JosĂ© MarĂ­a Valiente was offered the post of vice-minister of Justice in the late 1930s, but declined; in the early 1960s he aspired to the job, recommended by the Javierista structures. Valiente failed in his ministerial bid but eventually landed a place in the Cortes as a personal Franco’s
out of 50 individuals identified as running on the Carlist ticket for the Cortes in the Republican era who survived the war, there were 22 who later engaged in Francoist structures: Arellano, Bau, Bilbao, Elizalde, Granell, Lis Quiven, Llanas, Manglano, MartĂ­nez de MorentĂ­n, Oreja, Pagoaga,
there were 6,934 mandates available in 10 terms of the Francoist Cortes. Depending upon definition of political allegiances of specific individuals, the number of mandates held by the Carlists is between 196 and 227. The highest proportion of Carlists was recorded during the 1943-1949 term
imagery during public ceremonies, exposed Traditionalist rather than syndicalist ex-combatants, orchestras or juvenile groups and generally placed Carlist symbols in prominent places; the first survived at his post until he resigned some time later voluntarily, the latter was promptly fired
1958. Initially they held 29% of provincial FET jefaturas and commanded 18% of specialized FET branches; later this share dropped dramatically. Locally the percentage of Carlists holding posts of power could have differed widely; studies for traditional Carlist strongholds like Navarre or
The weight of Francoism within Carlism remains unclear. None of the sources consulted estimates what proportion of Carlists actively engaged in buildup of Francoist structures and how large was the carlo-francoist faction within Carlism in general. General historiographic accounts present
when in office, Esteban Bilbao has never publicly allowed his Traditionalist spirit to seem incompatible with the official Francoist political line. However, when a retiree he allowed himself to criticize what looked like an imminent nomination of Juan Carlos as the future king of Spain,
these were the cases e.g. of Manuel Agreda Aguinaga, Miguel Urmeneta Ajarnaute, José María Roger Amat, Mariano Puigdollers Oliver, Joaquín Ordoño y López de Vallejo, Jose Millaruelo Clementez, José Maldonado y Fernåndez del Torco, Eduardo Larrea Såez de Navarrete, and José María Llaneza
6059:, p. 22. In case individuals loosely related to Carlism are included, the figure is 5,0% - Rodezno, Bilbao, Iturmendi and Oriol combined served 28 years as ministers of justice; on average, there were 12 ministers in each government operational during 36 years between 1939 and 1975 4552: 5716:
carlo-franquistas who engaged in promoting the law on religious liberty were especially José María Oriol, Antonio María Oriol and Antonio Iturmendi. Carlo-franquistas who oppsed it were Joaquín Manglano, Miguel Fagoaga Gutiérrez-Solana and José Luis Zamanillo, Mónica Moreno Seco,
5987:“la masa carlista ... volvió a los veneros de los que había salido y se aletargó ante la ausencia de reclamos”, Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, p. 10; “the great majority of Carlists lost what interest they had had in the FET’s affairs and left it in droves”, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 295 9428:
loosely related to Carlism, generally not formally in its ranks, however at one point figured in their Delegacion de Prensa. By some scholars described as "mezclado en los entornos carlistas, aunque solo militio an Comunion en el periodo republicano", Iker Cantabrana Morras,
pro-franquistas”, “pseudotradicionalistas franquistas”, “carlo-falangistas”, “carlo-fascistas”, "tradicionalistas del Movimiento", “tacitistas” or "carloenchufistas", usually highly abusive and disparaging. There is no obvious corresponding but non-partisan term available.
Dihinx, scaled down his engagement in the state party. Both have earlier voiced to Franco their unease about Falangist predomination in the emerging state. Both – like many carlo-franquistas – turned into supporters of the Alfonsist claimant Don Juan and worked for his cause
remained dominated by the Carlists, who controlled not only mid-level posts but also institutions dependent on the ministry. Some 30 years later a distinct group of committed Carlists competed for seats in the Cortes; their objective was to dismantle the system from within.
Fernando Våzquez Ramos, Agustín Telleria Mendizabal, Ramón José Maldonado y Cocat, Eustaquio Echave Sustaeta and Elías Querejeta Insausti held key positions of either civil governors or provincial FET jefes, but outmaneouvred into other positions of minor or nil political
contributed to thwarting regalist ambitions of the Javierista hopeful Don Carlos Hugo; in 1969 they saw Don Juan Carlos declared the future Spanish king and in the early 1970s they assisted in ensuring his ascendance against the hardline Francoist “regentialist” faction.
758: 9695:
Carlist militant since the 1910s, in the spring of 1936 he entered Junta Técnica Militar, a joint Carlist-military conspiracy board, where he co-headed Department of Propaganda y Prensa; however, at the same time he was also involved in Falange, Roberto Muñoz Bolaños,
5570:, joined FET and in 1943 was nominated president of the Barcelona diputation, later to be active within Carloctavismo. Roman OyarzĂșn OyarzĂșn, somewhat less known party propagandist, declared Carlism dead and though with some doubts, welcomed emergence of the new state 5375:
the political Carlist leader of the time, José María Valiente, was twice admitted by Franco. The dictator made no references to his role in Carlist organization, technically illegal, but instead encouraged the Traditionalists to work for their cause and hope for the
ran into conflict with Falange and were charged of trying to build “Carlist fiefdoms”. The ousting of JoaquĂ­n Bau from the first Francoist quasi-government was probably not related to his Carlism, but driven rather by a personal conflict with RamĂłn Serrano SĂșñer
placed all their bets on the regime, either with the intention to outsmart the dictator or in genuine hope of a monarchist-Francoist merger; in some regions of Spain they formed a large fraction of Traditionalists and might have even outnumbered the mainstream
in France, they started to hope for a general who would be prepared to carry out a conservative coup d’état; in such case, they were ready to lend him their support. Throughout the next few decades these speculations focused on a few individuals, like
or generic conservatives. It was also distinct from independent Carlism, which continued to operate on the verge of legality, beyond the official political framework and at times assuming recalcitrant, if not openly opposing stance versus the regime.
a career officer, involved in conspiracy talks with the Carlists in the spring of 1936; commanded a Carlist battalion during some period of the civil war; demonstrated some benevolence towards requetes, though no political links to Carlism have been
according to the 1941 confidential info by the civil governor, before the war Pero-Sanz had been active in Comunion Tradicionalista; contemporary scholar considers this engagement - if true - irrelevant, Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, Mikel Urquijo (eds.),
and Navarre, the list of carlo-francoist political accomplishments is mostly about thwarting radical Falangist designs. In 1940 they mounted a successful opposition to totalitarian draft of Ley de OrganizaciĂłn del Estado. In aftermath of the 1942
Juan MarĂ­a Roma Comamala, longtime Carlist propagandist and sort of iconic person for the cause, in the early 1940s considered Carlism politically expired and himself fully unificated within a new, patriotic front. Also another Carlist veteran,
of his various functions frequently featured in the media. Unlike in case of other very high officials of Carlist background, notably Bilbao and Iturmendi, not a single case of Bau referring to his Traditionalist credentials has been identified
originated from a Carlist Navarrese family; career officer who commanded a requete brigade during much of the civil war. No direct political links to Carlism identified. Some authors refer to him as "carlista", see e.g. Ricardo de la Cierva,
424:; they concluded that active engagement in Francoist structures would improve their personal lot, and that non-participation would harm their position. However, there were also numerous political mechanisms responsible for Carlist access. 5471:
Cocat was outmaneuvred from FET jefatura in Logroño and settled for academic career; Eustaquio Echave Sustaeta was lambasted as Tradicionalist cacique when serving as FET jefe in Alava and shortly moved to the far less important position
this was the case e.g. of Roman Oyarzun. Over time he started to consider himself sort of an appendix to an extinguished idea, as he declared the Carlist dynasty finished and Carlism "reduced into debris and ashes”, Oyarzun 1965, p.
4687:, pp. 128-129. For the 20th century compare "el carlismo se habĂ­a erigido de nuevo como nĂșcleo cohesivo de otra alamgama conterrevolucionaria, aunque de dimensiones bastante mĂĄs modestas que las del siglo XIX", Jordi Canal i Morell, 6640:
compare studies dealing with Carlism during the Francoist era: Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, Martorell PĂ©rez 2009, RodĂłn Guinjoan Barcelona 2015, GarcĂ­a Riol 2015, Miralles Climent 2018, MacClancy 2000, also Josep Miralles Climent,
i.e. 55 out of 837, calculations by Pi-Sunyer quoted by MarĂ­n Corbera 2013, p. 278. When calculating the share of positions held by the Traditionalists, the author arrives at the same percentage (123 out of 1871), Stanley G. Payne,
6886:. Right-wing political conglomerates with carlo-francoist component, like Fuerza Nueva, Unión Nacional Española or Alianza Nacional 18 de Julio, fared badly in general elections. None of the carlist candidates made it to the Cortes 537: 6338:
replaced by another individual of Traditionalist leaning, Fernando VĂĄzquez Ramos; the latter also clashed with the Falangists, was moved to Las Palmas, again engaged in conflict with the party old-shirts, and was dismissed in 1940
5133:'s hydropower business was heavily subsidized during the post-war reconstruction period. Some authors suggest that the Baleztena family benefitted financially from their initial support for unification, Fernando Mikelarena Peña, 6252:
e.g. in Cantabria, the province with notable though not major Traditionalist presence, the Carlists held 3 out of 86 (2,1%) local party jefaturas; in case of members of the ayuntamientos, the figure was 4,84%, JuliĂĄn Sanz Hoya,
5587:(member of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Tribunal Supremo, RACMYP, ), RamĂłn JosĂ© Maldonado y Cocat (academic pundit at various positions), Manuel Bofarull Romaña (in executive of scientific jurifical bodies), 590:, considered ready to adopt Traditionalist principles; this bid was associated with the concept of a somewhat liberalized regime. They competed for influence against the Carloctavistas, determined to support their own claimant, 5154:“like most single parties the FET of the 1940s – its heyday – was riddled with political and economic corruption, welcome to the ‘arrivistes’ of the Falange but frowned on by the more sober Carlists”, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 298 5324:
nominations made reportedly on recommendation of the official Carlist executive; the cases in question were these of Echave Sustaeta, Astrain Baquedano, CodĂłn FernĂĄndez, LĂłpez Sanz and Zamanillo GonzĂĄlez-Camino, see e.g.
as the future king of Spain. An example of conflict non-related to dynastic issues was the one centred on Law on Religious Liberty of the late 1960s; one faction promoted the draft and another one tried to block the law.
attempts to build local “Carlist fiefdoms”, they invariably led to counter-action and individuals in question being usually either ousted or marginalized; some resigned on their own. There were two exceptions, though. In
the Carlist family usually mentioned first when discussing economic oligarchies of Francoist Spain is the Oriols, business tycoons engaged in energy, transport and banking sectors, see e.g. Josep Carles Clemente Muñoz,
process continued until the early 1970s; some of these late carlo-francoists soon withdrew into the back row, but some assumed key roles and in the mid-1970s they were among leaders of the so-called hardline Francoist
5171:, Madrid 2015, p. 231. For a sample of his endeavors as a Falangist propaganda jefe see e.g. a circular issued prior to a homage feast for José Antonio Primo de Rivera, José Andrés Gallego, Antón M. Pazos (eds.), 427:
In the late 1930s and early 1940s many individuals joined because of bewilderment or disorientation. Some believed that Carlist leadership willingly entered the unification path. Some concluded that with death of
apart from 28 years occupied by Carlists at the ministry of justice, one might add 4 years served by Garicano at interior, 7 years served by Lacalle at aviation, and 3 years served by Varela at army, combined 42
777: 316: 9529:
career officer, actively involved in the 1936 conspiracy in Gipuzkoa, during the war commanded a Carlist tercio and then 1. Brigada Navarra, a division-type Carlist unit. No political links to Carlism identified
regime. The same stand was adopted by the Oriol brothers, especially José María and Antonio. Also the Oreja brothers, though not on equally high posts, remained firmly amalgamated within the Francoist structures
e.g. Valiente, ousted from Carlist structures and handed a post in FET’s Consejo Nacional, did not identify with Francoism; he soon opted for Juanismo and did not exploit his position in the Falangist structures
José María Oriol at various posts in the Vascongadas mastered the skill of demonstrating Traditionalist identity up to the point permitted by the regime; similar was the case of Tómas Dolz de Espejo, conde de
some 14,5% officials were related to Traditionalism; another scholar calculated that there has never been more than 3 Carlist governors during any specific period. Until the mid-1940s among vaguely specified
operandi. Though many of them attempted to preserve or at times even to promote Traditionalist ingredients, there were also many who have abandoned even lukewarm or watered-down Traditionalist sentiments. The
all Carlist violent attempts to seize power, and especially these resulting in civil wars of 1833-1840 and 1872-1876, were thwarted by the army; the military in general remained loyal to the Madrid government
created in August 1936, were later engaged in Francoist structures. Whether the above figures, representative for high command layer, are applicable to mid-level leadership or to rank-and-file, is not clear.
a fairly unique case of a Carlist - watered-down as he was - nominated to alcaldia of a provincial capital during late Francoism is this of Marcelo FernĂĄndez Nieto, who ascended to the mayor of Salamanca in
has filtered out from Spanish historiography and public discourse into the English academic language. Alternative terms used are “carlistas colaboracionistas”, “carlistas unificados”, “carlismo franquista”,
head of DirecciĂłn General de Asuntos EcclesiĂĄsticos department within the Ministry of Justice, head of Consejo Superior de ProtecciĂłn de Menores and member of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas
a relatively unknwown case in the wave of Carlist promotions in the regime structures from the early 1960s is this of Javier María Santiago Pascual Ibañez, who in 1961 moved from a niche Carlist periodical
in the 1860s, rather than joined alliances with others. In fact, periodically surfacing temptations to form broad coalitions were usually quashed and resulted in secessions, like in case of the so-called
Herreros de Tejada y Azcona was a Riojan family traditoinally related to Carlism. Three brothers, Jose Maria, Rafael and Manuel, volunteered to requete; Jose Maria was heading a battalion-type unit, see
out of 13 surviving members, there were 5 who engaged in Francoism: Rodezno, ComĂ­n, Bilbao, Lisbona Alonso and Echave Sustaeta. The survivors who did not engage were Larramendi, Senante, Solana, Tejera,
4395:, Barcelona 2015, p. 144 (“colaboracionistas” vs “anticolaboracionistas”). As a linguistic copy the term is accepted also in some foreign languages, see „collaborationists” in English, Martin Blinkhorn, 8336:
Eugenio Mazón Verdejo (1929-2003) was son to José María Mazón Sainz, first Carlist member of FET Junta Politica. He was moderately engaged in Traditionalist current of Carlism during late Francoism and
asesor of AET in the early 1950s, scholar of natural law at various universities, allegedly expulsed from the Javierista branch of Carlism following his acceptance of the CN seat, José Carlos Clemente,
Since the mid-1960s another mechanism of recruitment started to operate. At the time Carlism was increasingly subject to internal power strife between Traditionalists and the progressist faction of
see e.g. the cases of Manuel Agreda Aguinaga, Jaime Bofill-Gasset Amil, Enrique Alonso Cuevillas, José Chicharro Lamamié, José Iruteagoyena Solchaga, Luis García Redondo or José María Sentis Simeon
JesĂșs Elizalde Sanz Robles, outraged at Falangist dominance in the unificated state party, resigned his position in the FET Junta PolĂ­tica shortly prior to the Nationalist triumph in the Civil War
until the mid-1950s Antonio MarĂ­a Oriol was politically inactive and focused on business; then he started to rise in the official structures until becoming president of Consejo de Estado in 1973
5583:(initially secretary of Real Academia Española), Cayetano Mergelina Luna (rector of the Valladolid university), Martín de Riquer Morera (catedråtico in various scientific and academic bodies); 4645:"enchufismo" usually stands for cronyism or favoritism; the term suggests that the individuals in question blended some Carlist sympathy with much stronger pursuit of personal gain, Ferrer 1948 6014:
Gobernador Civil 96, Alcalde de la Capital 88, Presidente de la DiputaciĂłn 67, Jefe Superior de la Policia 54, Gobernador Militar 45, Obispo 25, CapitĂĄn General 22, Daniel JesĂșs GarcĂ­a Riol,
634:, but none of them enjoyed comparable standing, even though Bilbao and Iturmendi grew also to speakers of the Cortes and members of Consejo del Reino and Consejo de Regencia, while Oriol and 8130:. In the mid-1930s active in Sociedad Tradicionalista of Barracaldo, in 1936 member of Junta de Guerra de Vizcaya, a provincial wartime Carlist executive, Antonio Francisco Canales Serrano, 5025:
for a variety of positions taken by the Carlist militant towards the unification see e.g. Peñalba Sotorrío 2013, pp. 51-91, Martorell Pérez 2009, pp. 28-175, Peñas Bernaldo 1996, pp. 294-300
189: 6274:
out of 46,288 consejales elected in 1948, there were 1,539 individuals related to Carlism, at least according to the confidential governmental statistics, Villanueva MartĂ­nez 1998, p. 518
Florencio Aldaz Villanueva, Mariano Puigdollers Oliver, Luis Arellano Dihinx, José María Sentis Simeón, Rafael Díaz Aguado, Lorenzo María Alier Cassi or María de Naverån Såenz de Tejada
career officer, he commanded a Navarrese Brigade during much of the Civil War. Known for monarchist, though not necessarily Carlist sympathies. No political links to Carlism identified
6283:“todos los estudios prosopográficos de amplio alcance han seƄalado como la presencia en los altos cargos de la política del estado del tradicionalismo fue muy pequeƄa”, Martí Marin, 4584:
for usage among vehement Carlist foes see e.g. Clemente Bernad, Víctor Moreno, José Ramón Urtasun, Carlos Martínez, Fernando Mikelarena, Carolina Martínez, Ángel Zoco, Txema Aranaz,
5268:, p. 184; similar theory was advanced by FermĂ­n PĂ©rez-Nievas Borderas, MarĂ­a Teresa de BorbĂłn-Parma or JoaquĂ­n Cubero SĂĄnchez. More balanced views e.g. in Robert VallverdĂș i MartĂ­, 408:
as traitors pure and simple. In such case they were usually presented as people who betrayed Traditionalism for the sake of their own, personal interest, which either took shape of
of large cities the ComuniĂłn leaders welcomed appointments of their men given the individuals in question kept working for the cause and do not abandon the Traditionalist outlook.
authorized selected individuals to enter FET command structures but he expulsed from Carlism these who took positions without his consent. In case of major administrative jobs like
7858: 6631:
political wayside. The various institutions of the regime were still full of survivors from all these groups, but they were rarely any longer at the top”, Payne 2011, p. 506
Bilbao. However, in the mid-1960s they represented opposing factions when it comes to the Alfonsist restoration; Iturmendi worked to make it happen, while Bilbao opposed it
revolved around Carlism; himself Jose was probably active as a Carlist militant in his youth. Referred as "otro carlista" in Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, Mikel Urquijo (eds.),
the indisputable leader of the Juanista faction among the carlo-francoists was conde de Rodezno; others are e.g. JesĂșs Elizalde, JoaquĂ­n Manglano, or Luis Arellano Dihinx
5256:"carloctavismo fue inventado y auspiciado desde la sombra, en las reuniones de „La Ballena Alegre” que altos dirigentes falangistas celebraban", Josep Carles Clemente, 9574:
a navarro and a career officer; no links to pre-war Carlism identified. During the war commanded a requete company in a Carlist tercio. No later links to Carlism known
see the cases of José Iruretagoyena Solchaga, Jaime Bofill-Gasset Amil, Luis Redondo García, Julio Rico de Sanz, Enrique Alonso Cuevillas or Florencio Aldaz Villanueva
one scholar claims there were 79 procuradores he classified as Traditionalists among 2,551 individuals serving in the Francoist Cortes, Miguel Ángel Giménez Martínez,
Garricano (interior), Varela (defence) and Lacalle Laraga (aviation) are usually not counted in as Carlist ministers, though they had some earlier relations to Carlism
see e.g. the case of Juan Araluce Villar, Fidel Azurza Aramburu, Lorenzo de Cura Lope, José Elizagarate Berrueta, Elias Querejeta Insausti or Miguel Urmeneta Ajarnaute
724: 334: 9347:
descendant to a militant Carlist family, he might have been briefly involved in Carlism in his youth and he certainly developed great admiration for Victor Pradera,
perhaps the last moment when Traditionalists spoke to massive crowd, possibly exceeding 100,000 people, was during a rally at Plaza de Oriente in November 1978, see
the Traditionalists managed to mount successful opposition to falangisation of the province and achieved sort of a balance of power. Except the late 1940s, also the
the Traditionalists who are routinely listed as “vehement Francoists” bent on confronting independent Carlism are JosĂ© MarĂ­a MazĂłn Sainz, Amadeo Marco Ilincheta,
iconic part of the Carlist gear, a red beret, was officially declared part of the FET uniform in 1937. A governmental decree replaced it with a peaked cap in 1939
La rebeldía carlista. Memoria de una represión silenciada: Enfrentamientos, marginación y persecución durante la primera mitad del régimen franquista (1936-1955)
La rebeldía carlista. Memoria de una represión silenciada: Enfrentamientos, marginación y persecución durante la primera mitad del régimen franquista (1936-1955)
401: 337:
have designed the unification terms themselves; the Carlists were barely consulted, and they learnt about emergence of Falange Española Tradicionalista from the
6879: 5339:
become a minister. Miguel Fagoaga initially stayed clear of officialdom, but on official Carlist recommendation landed a Cortes seat and a secretary role in FET
12669: 433:
maintain its political identity within the Francoist structures, and some thought that it could even dominate the regime and sideline competitive factions.
7708:, During Francoism published a few books on Traditionalist political thought and on history of Carlism, but no personal links to post-war Carlism are known 5743:
the only cases identified as intended as insults and appear in a militantly progressist Hugocarlista review Esfuerzo Comun from the early 1970s, see. e.g.
749: 393: 258:. In most cases these schemes eventually failed, though in the early summer of 1936 the Carlists managed to close a vague and ambiguous deal with general 9547:
a Navarro, career officer, with no pre-war Carlist links identified. During the war commanded a Carlist tercio. No later political links to Carlism known
5791:, p. 71; “the Falangists, Alfonsine and Carlist monarchists, and conservative Catholics – were amalgamated into a single political group”, Simon Barton, 453:. With unexpected death of the pretender in 1953, the current gradually dried out, though some of its representatives were active until the late 1960s. 8869: 7922:
Herreros de Tejada y Azcona was a Riojan family traditoinally related to Carlism. Three brothers, Jose Maria, Rafael and Manuel, volunteered to requete
4225: 9634: 8543: 8183: 8127: 7705: 6989: 9455:
active in Carlism during youth, moved to Falange in the mid-1930s. Supporter of Carloctavismo in the late 1940s/early 1950s, Xavier Tornafoch Yuste,
La democracia orgĂĄnica como forma de representaciĂłn polĂ­tica: un anĂĄlisis de las fĂłrmulas de cooptaciĂłn de procuradores en Cortes y de sus resultados
Franco regime; many demonstrated a vacillating approach, marked by varying modes of engagement or even by erratic twists and turns of their careers.
the term appears in scientific narrative, though it is mostly used as a derogatory designation intended to stigmatize and abuse; the related name of
active in pre-war Carlism, then requete, afterwards provincial Navarrese Carlist leader, recommended to Cortes by the Javierista branch of Carlism,
4285:. Some highly partisan groups like Ateneo Basilio Lacort systematically use the term as stigmatization, referred after Manuel FernĂĄndez de Sevilla, 12358: 11390: 7345: 5106: 831: 591: 441: 5395: 9368: 8594:
1955-1961 from sindical organisations pool, 1961-1964 from local administration pool, as representative of Alava, 1964-1967 from the FET CN pool
governor post, and especially during his Barcelona tenure strove to achieve sort of a Traditionalist-Falangist synthesis, Javier TĂ©bar Hurtado,
1936-1938, in fact president of ComisiĂłn de Industria, Comercio y Abastos within Junta TĂ©cnica del Estado, makeshift Francoist quasi-government
6841:(1943), Martorell PĂ©rez 2009, pp. 244, 371-2, Payne 1987, p. 328, Ballestero 2014, p. 80, Martorell PĂ©rez 2009, p. 244, Josep Carles Clemente, 6833:
see e.g. Carlist memoranda to Franco which outlined key points of divergence and denied the Francoist regime the Traditionalist qualification,
802: 6390:
the 1960s was member of the Cortes appointed as a syndicalist representative, but remained engaged in Javierista and then Hugocarlista Carlism
5975: 564: 10007: 6484:
José María Sentis Simeon following a fairly active period of the 1940s assumed a passive stand in the 1950s, to resume militancy in the 1960s
Blinkhorn 2008, pp. 109-110, 139, 202 and passim; for detailed discussion of monarchist alliance of the mid-1930s see Julio Gil PecharromĂĄn,
following his zealously pro-Francoist phase of the early 1940s turned into a vehement anti-Francoist yet held high academic posts in Seville
494: 11030: 2373: 807: 429: 7478:
1943-1946 from OrganizaciĂłn Sindical pool, 1955-1961 from Asociaciones, Colegios y CĂĄmaras pool, as representative of Chambers of Commerce
4634: 4323: 12072: 11427: 6456:
e.g. the cases of Miguel Urmeneta Ajarnaute, NicolĂĄs Lasarte Arana, Marcelo FernĂĄndez Nieto, Felipe Antoja Vigo, Antonio Archanco Zubiri
11493: 5823:, p. 44; “el carlismo no presentó ya resistencia; quedo ingresado en la FET y de las JONS, donde se desnaturalizaría”, Bernat Muniesa, 4560: 716:
figures, there seems to be a general agreement that the Carlists formed a minor fraction among holders of high jobs within the regime.
advocated compliance and suggested the Traditionalists take part in buildup of an anticipated unified organization; the faction led by
11422: 5417:
for detailed insights into competition between Carlists and Falangists at the provincial level see e.g. Jordi Esteve RubiĂł Coromina,
2401: 333:
In April 1937 it turned out that there would be no negotiations about conditions of merger into the new monopolist party. Franco and
5961: 5588: 5055:
Martorell Pérez 2009, pp. 167-175, Canal 2000, pp. 342-346, Caspistegui Gorasurreta 1997, pp. 8-12, Peñas Bernaldo 1996, pp. 295-301
2716: 528: 11385: 9475:. Some works present him as nurturing a vision of genuine Carlism amalgamated in the new, national party, TĂ©bar Hurtado 2012, p. 39 6318:
held the posts of civil governor in 1938-1943, but afterwards he withdrew from the public eye and stayed so until his death in 1977
María Llaneza Zabaleta, Ramón José Maldonado y Cocat, Joaquín Ordoño y López, Tomås Pero-Sanz, Juan Selva Mergelina and many others
5596: 3674: 712: 647: 5302:. Other notable Carloctavistas active in the 1960s were Claro AbĂĄnades LĂłpez, Jaime del Burgo Torres and Antonio Lizarza Irribaren 4593: 12632: 6587:
Reaccionarios y golpistas: la extrema derecha en España : del tardofranquismo a la consolidaciĂłn de la democracia, 1967-1982
5803:, p. 241; “The Falange and the Traditionalist Communion were amalgamated into a new organization”, John William Donald Trythall, 5556:
the most iconic are cases of Esteban Bilbao and Antonio Iturmendi, Traditionalist militants who became public faces of the regime
284: 225:
camp generated enormous internal resistance and were eventually abandoned, like in case of the so-called TYRE in the mid-1930s.
11878: 11218: 4120: 7137:, p. 31. In the early 1960s vicepresident of Javierista-controlled Movimiento Obrero Tradicionalista, Josep Miralles Climent, 6095:
27 (2015), p. 78. In this article there are 71 individuals listed (77 if those also loosely related to Carlism are counted in)
see Mikelarena Peña 2015, the work which presents Carlism as a murderous component of the emerging atrocious Francoist regime
Lo viejo y lo nuevo: DĂ­putaciĂłn-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinĂĄmica polĂ­tica de la "leal" Alava (Primera parte: 1936-1938)
Lo viejo y lo nuevo: Diputación-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinåmica política de la "leal" Álava (Segunda parte: 1938-1943)
Lo viejo y lo nuevo: DĂ­putaciĂłn-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinĂĄmica polĂ­tica de la "leal" Alava (Segunda parte: 1938-1943)
Lo viejo y lo nuevo: DĂ­putaciĂłn-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinĂĄmica polĂ­tica de la "leal" Alava (Segunda parte: 1938-1943)
Lo viejo y lo nuevo: DĂ­putaciĂłn-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinĂĄmica polĂ­tica de la "leal" Alava (Primera parte: 1936-1938)
Lo viejo y lo nuevo: DĂ­putaciĂłn-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinĂĄmica polĂ­tica de la "leal" Alava (Segunda parte: 1938-1943)
Lo viejo y lo nuevo: DĂ­putaciĂłn-FET de las JONS. La convulsa dinĂĄmica polĂ­tica de la "leal" Alava (Primera parte: 1936-1938)
130:. Though mainstream Carlism retained an independent stand, many Carlist militants on their own assumed various roles in the 12784: 12491: 11434: 10820: 2345: 11768: 8907:
in scholarly prosopographic work on civil governors during Francoism listed as "tradicionalista", MartĂ­ MarĂ­n i Corbera,
2490: 1354: 685: 540: 475:; the latter were gaining the upper hand. Some of those sidetracked or leaving willingly were determined to restrain the 9302:
unless his/her Carlist militancy is clear from a linked personal entry, relationship to Carlism is explained in footnote
unless his/her Carlist militancy is clear from a linked personal entry, relationship to Carlism is explained in footnote
5835:, p. 32; the unification decree “ponĂ­a fin a la existencia independiente de la ComuniĂłn Tradicionalista”, Pedro RĂșjula, 5212: 3386: 11191: 10810: 8554:
as personal appointee of head of state, since 1961 double-hatting as representative of Asociaciones, Colegios y CĂĄmaras
6850: 6255:
La construcciĂłn de la dictadura franquista en Cantabria: Instituciones, personal polĂ­tico y apoyos sociales (1937-1951)
6153:, p. 236. One scholar calculated that Carlists formed 6% of civil governors, appointed in 1940-1945, JuliĂĄn Sanz Hoya, 3356: 8093: 7833: 7041: 5719:
El miedo a la libertad religiosa. Autoridades franquistas, catĂłlicos y protestantes ante la Ley de 28 de junio de 1967
1040: 444:
to the throne; it is not agreed whether he was an independent political agent or a figurehead, manipulated by Franco.
11323: 10565: 10000: 9959: 9920: 9899: 9874: 9853: 9810: 9713: 9698:"Por Dios, por la Patria y el Rey marchemos sobre Madrid": el intento de sublevaciĂłn carlista en la primavera de 1936 9472: 8731: 8315: 8139: 8012: 7757: 7621: 7432: 7146: 7134: 6876: 6821: 6809: 6746: 6702: 6690: 6618: 6606: 6594: 6582: 6262: 6224: 6150: 6056: 5927: 5906: 5894: 5882: 5870: 5832: 5820: 5800: 5788: 5277: 5265: 5233: 5180: 5142: 5098: 5077: 5043: 4927: 4853: 4733: 4696: 4684: 4572: 4528: 4498: 4477: 4457: 4445: 4433: 4404: 4384: 4368: 4355: 4261: 1750: 65: 11201: 11196: 11162: 8603:
a pre-war Navarrese Carlist, in the early 1940s served as sub-secretary in the Carlist-dominated ministry of justice
6301: 5592: 4563:; the term is usually intended as insult. A related term is “carlo-falangismo”, see e.g. Oriol Malló, Alfons Martí, 2172: 1833: 47: 10514: 5321: 4671:
for interpretation of the 19th-century Carlism of as an “amalgama contrarrevolucionaria” see Jordi Canal i Morell,
4540: 4282: 4230: 827: 587: 338: 11186: 7808: 4716:
13 (1977), pp. 71-79. Numerous works discuss particular breakups, for the 1888 one see e.g. Jordi Canal i Morell,
1468: 12092: 7467: 5918:
the first united Carlist executive, formed in 1932, was composed of 35 individuals, see Antonio M. Moral Roncal,
5610: 5118: 4409:“Don Carlos Marx”. Studium przypadku rewolucyjnej transgresji tradycjonalizmu w socjalizm w hiszpaƄskim karlizmie 3620: 2953: 2572: 1235: 853: 6188:
in 1958 there were 22 individuals related to Carlism sitting in Consejo Nacional, at that time a 150-member body
4091: 3267: 1667: 346: 12644: 8724:
Bilbao desde sus alcaldes: Diccionario biogrĂĄfico de los alcaldes de Bilbao y gestiĂłn municipal en la Dictadura
8631: 7750:
Bilbao desde sus alcaldes: Diccionario biogrĂĄfico de los alcaldes de Bilbao y gestiĂłn municipal en la Dictadura
6771: 5584: 5489:
some scholars claim even that, “their control of the party and the province was secure”, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 295
5245: 4832: 4792: 3730: 3562: 3414: 3209: 2626: 835: 450: 355: 297: 262:, chief engineer of the military anti-Republican conspiracy; the agreement sealed their access to the military 180: 32: 12353: 11908: 9704:, Madrid 2014, pp. 143-169. He was also managing Oficina de Prensa Tradicionalista, Eduardo GonzĂĄlez Calleja, 8692: 5499:
Rafael DĂ­az Aguado, Lorenzo MarĂ­a Alier Cassi, Florencio Aldaz Villanueva, or MarĂ­a de NaverĂĄn SĂĄenz de Tejada
5101:, pp. 234-235. The companies of TomĂĄs Dolz de Espejo landed hefty governmental contracts in construction, see 4673:
Espacio propio, espacio pĂșblico. La sociabilidad carlista en la España mediterrĂĄnea an la etapa de entresiglos
3038: 3010: 2922: 2518: 2461: 1498: 761: 631: 12694: 12516: 11291: 11257: 10161: 9373:
El sinsentido de una vida entregada a la ideologĂ­a. Un lĂ­der comunista olvidado por la Historia: JesĂșs MonzĂłn
3151: 2836: 1382: 11240: 7585:
1936; he served only few hours, having been promptly demoted by the military, Cantabrana Morras 2004, p. 152
in the 3rd Consejo Nacional, at that time composed of 100 members, there were 7 Carlists, Payne 2011, p. 238
the highest-positioned Carlist who demonstrated some sympathy for the Carloctavista cause was Esteban Bilbao
3975: 1889: 243: 12087: 12064: 9993: 9273: 8024: 6506: 6215:
it was the case mostly of 2 provinces, Navarre and Alava; for Navarre see e.g. Aurora Villanueva MartĂ­nez,
5807:, London 1970, p. 110, “residual integration of Carlism into the single party”, Mercedes Peñalba SotorrĂ­o, 228:
Until the late 19th century the Traditionalists viewed the army as a backbone of godless state, ravaged by
11943: 11793: 9981:
usual TVE broadcast signoff during Francoism, with Carlist, Falangist and state anthems played in sequence
Franquismo y tradicionalismo. La legitimaciĂłn teĂłrica del franquismo en la teĂłria polĂ­tica tradicionalista
best known cases of Carlists assuming high posts in scientific structures of Francoist state are these of
when civil governor and later Valencia mayor, but remained in the Francoist top strate for decades to come
3592: 2804: 2746: 2138: 1440: 627: 12723: 12263: 12102: 11868: 10658: 10298: 10168: 10114: 3532: 984: 512: 147: 9771: 9457:
El carlisme vigatĂ  entre la Segona RepĂșblica i el primer franquisme: victĂČria militar i derrota polĂ­tica
active in Javierista branch of Carlism in the 1950s and 1960s, recommended by CT to the Cortes in 1961,
6347: 3503: 2260: 1527: 342: 12474: 12077: 11978: 11333: 10830: 10355: 10079: 10039: 9706:
Contrarrevolucionarios. RadicalizaciĂłn violenta de las derechas durante la Segunda RepĂșblica, 1931-1936
active in Javierista branch of Carlism in the 1950s and 1960s, president of Circulos VĂĄzquez de Mella,
6444: 6315: 5899:
Contra viento y marea. Historia de la evolución ideológica del carlismo a través de dos siglos de lucha
5121:. José María Sentís Simeón was granted licenses related to trade with Spanish Guinea, Rosa Pardo Sanz, 4470:
Contra viento y marea. Historia de la evolución ideológica del carlismo a través de dos siglos de lucha
3857: 3444: 3094: 839: 477: 146:
political faction of the Francoist regime issued from Carlism particularly held tight control over the
11173: 8015:, p. 198. As a 17-year-old he volunteered to requete and spent the rest of the war in Carlist troops, 3944: 2316: 1321: 638:
entered Consejo del Reino and Consejo de Estado. The only other individuals which stood out among the
12318: 11863: 11417: 11370: 11051: 10619: 10582: 10360: 8923:
22 (2005), p. 142. He is also identified as coming from the Carlist background by Manual Santa Cruz,
for discussion of Carlism as a movement permanently plagued by secessions see e.g. Martin Blinkhorn,
3887: 3474: 650:(early 1970s), the former as champion of Carloctavismo and the latter among key personalities of the 263: 10283: 5779:
Serrano forced „the Carlists and the Falange to amalgamate into a new state party”, Martin Kitchen,
3298: 2775: 2657: 12639: 12328: 11338: 11167: 10524: 10375: 10370: 10271: 10094: 10044: 9383:. However, in other sources he is listed as a "monarquico". No explicit links to Carlism identified 5950:
Puigdollers, Rodezno, Quint, Rada, Ramirez Sinues, TellerĂ­a, Toledo, Urraca, Valiente and Zamanillo
not few Carlists demonstrated genuine enthusiasm about the unification, Canal i Morell 2006, p. 341
Las 'muertes' y las 'resurrecciones' del carlismo. Reflexiones sobre la escisiĂłn integrista de 1888
3800: 654:. However, personalist terms like “Iturmendistas” or “Zamanillistas” were used only exceptionally. 214: 12422: 6170:
in the first FET Consejo Nacional, appointed in October 1937, the Carlists took 12 out of 50 seats
Falange y el nombramiento de gobernadores civiles durante el segundo mandato de Arrese (1956-1957)
La metamorfosi del carlisme catalĂ : del "DĂ©u, PĂ tria i Rei" a l'Assamblea de Catalunya (1936-1975)
4737: 12589: 12228: 11778: 11637: 11503: 10847: 10842: 10560: 10506: 10311: 4294: 3326: 681: 289: 273: 43: 12193: 11121: 10942: 10589: 10484: 9463:, 2017, p. 11. Some scholars refer to his "temprana militancia carlista", Javier TĂ©bar Hurtado, 9009: 6400:
Francoist structures in the late 1960s and in the early 1970s switched towards the Juanista case
9 out of 31; for Republican-held provinces there were no FET jefes appointed, Payne 2000, p. 276
5130: 4656:
Aproximación a las subculturas violentas de las derechas antirrepublicanas españolas (1931-1936)
1638: 1126: 623: 373: 12689: 12288: 12082: 12018: 11998: 11823: 11748: 11702: 11461: 11266: 11079: 11006: 10994: 10932: 10732: 10673: 10422: 10392: 10329: 10321: 10206: 10104: 10089: 7333: 6494: 6411: 4944: 4220: 4005: 2650: 2432: 1411: 843: 599: 251: 163: 143: 86: 9941:“Dios, Patra y Tradición” o la falsa unitat de les forces franquistes a la província de Girona 9465:
Barcelona, anys blaus: el governador Correa Veglison: poder i polĂ­tica franquistes (1940-1945)
members of Consejo Nacional of FET; membership in Junta PolĂ­tica of FET specified in footnotes
members of Consejo Nacional of FET; membership in Junta PolĂ­tica of FET specified in footnotes
5419:“Dios, Patra y Tradición” o la falsa unitat de les forces franquistes a la província de Girona 4174: 416:
and material gain. Other scholars agree that numerous individuals have probably joined due to
in the 1920s. Even mild and provisional attempts to co-ordinate political strategy within the
12654: 12536: 12338: 12033: 11672: 11471: 11360: 11097: 10987: 10925: 10601: 10365: 10256: 10214: 10074: 10069: 10049: 9241:
Zaldivar (1911-2002) was leader of AET in the mid-1930s; no later links to Carlism identified
formally general auditor, rank in the legal branch of the navy, equivalent to counter-admiral
102 (1969). However, the same year Bilbao used to give more ambiguous answers. When asked by
4601: 11788: 8639: 5609:
self-government officials of Carlist preferences are these of José Gabriel Sarasa Miquélez,
El Carlismo, la RepĂșblica y la Guerra Civil (1936-1937). De la conspiraciĂłn a la unificaciĂłn
came about already after the death of Franco and his rise to power was the process that the
12742: 12612: 12393: 11206: 11109: 10999: 10769: 10691: 10449: 10064: 8630:
former requete, active in post-war Carlism and later in its hugocarlista branch, member of
6561: 5580: 4805:
closely with individual Carlists during the coup of 1932 but remained politically ambiguous
Observaciones de un viejo carlista sobre las pretensiones de un Principe al trono de Espana
2054: 1097: 409: 8642:. His son Juan Querejeta became an activist of the Hugocarlista terrorist organization GAC 7745: 7612:
active in the Javierista and then Hugocarlista branch of Carlism, Manuel Martorell PĂ©rez,
1946-1955 from local administration pool as representative of Alava, 1955-1961 FET CN pool
6447:(in central administration) or Joaquín Ordoño y López de Vallejo (in local administration) 5299: 1556: 1289: 643: 635: 610: 460: 8: 12754: 12718: 12457: 12430: 12403: 11883: 11818: 11483: 11478: 11348: 11286: 10835: 10548: 10244: 10219: 10109: 10084: 10054: 9356: 7261:
cultural institutions pool, as representative of Reales Academias del Instituto de España
6044: 359: 229: 39: 10432: 8053:
during many years subgobernador primero of Banco de España; 1964-65 its acting president
Sin piedad. Limpieza politica en Navarra, 1936. Responsables, colaboradores y ejecutores
667: 139: 12789: 12733: 12706: 12684: 12674: 12627: 12541: 12531: 12521: 12303: 12188: 12097: 11983: 11963: 11642: 11571: 11353: 11279: 11274: 11011: 10964: 10825: 10577: 10553: 10191: 10059: 6410:
appointee. However, he took advantage of the position to advance the Juanista and then
4391:, Valencia 2009, pp. 11, 43 (“carlismo colaboracionista”); Ramón María Rodón Guinjoan, 3831: 3123: 12398: 10959: 9952:
Franquistas contra franquistas. Luchas por el poder en la cĂșpula del rĂ©gimen de Franco
Franquistas contra franquistas: Luchas por el poder en la cĂșpula del rĂ©gimen de Franco
Cortes later; since the late 1930s until the early 1950s he was leading a group named
12649: 12526: 12462: 12378: 12258: 12238: 12208: 12178: 12168: 12143: 12138: 11953: 11938: 11923: 11893: 11798: 11728: 11615: 11488: 11375: 11069: 10776: 10701: 10387: 10239: 10119: 9955: 9916: 9895: 9870: 9849: 9806: 9709: 9468: 8727: 8311: 8135: 8132:
Las otras derechas: derechas y poder local en el País Vasco y Cataluña en el siglo XX
8008: 8003:"de origen carlista", though later referred as a "technocrat", Antonio Rivera (ed.), 7753: 7617: 7428: 7142: 7130: 6846: 6817: 6805: 6767: 6742: 6698: 6686: 6614: 6602: 6590: 6578: 6258: 6220: 6146: 6116:
Los gubernadores civiles del franquismo, 1936-1963: seis personajes en busca de autor
6052: 5998:
Los gubernadores civiles del franquismo, 1936-1963: seis personajes en busca de autor
5923: 5902: 5890: 5887:
Carlismo y represiĂłn "franquista": tres estudios sobre la Guerra Civil y la posguerra
5878: 5866: 5837:
Conmemorar la muerte, recordar la historia. La Fiesta de los MĂĄrtires de la TradiciĂłn
5828: 5816: 5796: 5784: 5273: 5261: 5241: 5229: 5176: 5138: 5094: 5073: 5039: 4923: 4849: 4828: 4788: 4729: 4692: 4680: 4568: 4524: 4494: 4473: 4453: 4441: 4429: 4400: 4380: 4351: 4335: 4257: 662: 280: 201: 192: 135: 9906:
El carlismo militante (1965-1980). Del tradicionalismo al socialismo autogestionario
Carlos Hugo frente a Juan Carlos. La solución federal para España que Franco rechazó
Los gobernadores civiles del franquismo 1936-1963: seis personajes en busca de autor
Los gobernadores civiles del franquismo 1936-1963: seis personajes en busca de autor
Carlos Hugo frente a Juan Carlos: La solución federal para España que Franco rechazó
Martí Marin 2016, p. 107, Cuenca, Miranda 1987, p. 108, Giménez Martínez 2015, p. 79
Carlos Hugo frente a Juan Carlos. La solución federal para España que Franco rechazó
the credit for eventual preservation of some Alavese and Navarrese fueros, see e.g.
El carlismo militante (1965-1980). Del tradicionalismo al socialismo autogestionario
La democracia española: realidades y desafíos: anålisis del sistema político español
5567: 5398:, were not latecomers but individuals who sided with Francoism since its early phase 798: 598:
were already engaged in so-called “operación salmón”, a long campaign in support of
12779: 12584: 12579: 12440: 12323: 12293: 12268: 12203: 12198: 12173: 12133: 11973: 11898: 11853: 11773: 11733: 11657: 11409: 11045: 11016: 10954: 10949: 10917: 10912: 10900: 10895: 10719: 10614: 10156: 4426:
La Falange de Franco: fascismo y fascistización en el régimen franquista, 1937-1945
almost 40 years they failed to get any of their preferred claimants crowned, be it
293: 247: 154: 127: 111: 12510: 12218: 11968: 10969: 10638: 10413: 9817:
La resistencia tradicionalista a la renovaciĂłn ideolĂłgica del carlismo (1965-1973)
29 (2013), p. 299. Others prefer to name him "integrist", Iker Cantabrana Morras,
La resistencia tradicionalista a la renovaciĂłn ideolĂłgica del carlismo (1965-1973)
La resistencia tradicionalista a la renovaciĂłn ideolĂłgica del carlismo (1965-1973)
La resistencia tradicionalista a la renovaciĂłn ideolĂłgica del carlismo (1965-1973)
4062: 255: 12759: 12435: 12383: 12283: 12273: 12163: 12128: 12028: 12013: 11948: 11903: 11743: 11662: 11632: 11537: 11498: 11365: 11131: 10519: 10470: 10138: 6883: 5002:
Organizacion, actividad y bases del carlismo navarro durante el primer franquismo
4736:. For treatment in classic works written from the Traditionalist perspective see 3179: 785:
There are very few studies which try to gauge the actual political impact of the
131: 12408: 12308: 11848: 10793: 10178: 10129: 9770:
monarchist, perhaps even with an Alfonsist leaning, see discussion on dedicated
Pedro Capilla: “Siempre ha habido intentos de regular la farmacia sin conocerla”
pre-war young Carlist militant, active also in the early 1940s, last manager of
El final de una ilusiĂłn. Auge y declive del tradicionalismo carlista (1957-1967)
the case of Zamanillo. Other bĂșnker-related Carlists, like Antonio Ma. Oriol or
4596:; however, also the Javierista Carlists resolved to "carlofascismo" insult, see 4377:
El final de una ilusiĂłn. Auge y declive del tradicionalismo carlista (1957-1967)
from the late 1940s. One section worked for the cause of the Alfonsist claimant
12664: 12607: 12551: 12484: 12368: 12343: 12313: 12278: 12213: 12158: 12153: 12148: 11873: 11843: 11828: 11763: 11738: 11697: 11561: 10877: 10696: 10646: 10538: 10496: 10339: 7828:
active in Javierista and then initially in the Hugocarlista branch of Carlism,
38 (2000), pp. 115–136, for the 1919 one see e.g. Juan RamĂłn de AndrĂ©s MartĂ­n,
4436:, p. 328, also used systematically in his other works, like Joan Maria ThomĂ s, 11918: 9980: 9971: 8431:
pre-war vice-president of Carlist circulo in Vitoria, Iker Cantabrana Morras,
La uniĂłn imposible: Carlistas y Falangistas en Navarra durante la Guerra Civil
La uniĂłn imposible: Carlistas y Falangistas en Navarra durante la Guerra Civil
4543:; another spelling is „carlofalangistas”, see e.g. Fernando Mikelarena Peña, 12773: 12713: 12546: 12348: 12298: 12248: 12183: 12043: 12038: 12003: 11993: 11928: 11838: 11783: 11758: 11620: 11556: 10751: 10572: 8249: 5238:
Un pretendiente desconocido. Carlos de Habsburgo. El otro candidato de Franco
Banderas blancas, boinas rojas: una historia polĂ­tica del carlismo, 1876-1939
4029: 2226: 676: 437: 10334: 9611:
1943-1946 from FET CN pool, 1946-1952 as personal appointee of head of state
1961-1967 from FET CN pool, 1967-1977 as personal appointee of head of state
1943-1945 from FET CN pool, 1945-1949 as personal appointee of head of state
former head of Jaimista circulo in Logrono and Alava, Antonio Rivera (ed.),
Entrevista a Claudi Colomer, l'Ășltim director «carlista» d'El Correo CatalĂĄn
6753:, Madrid 2014, Miralles Climent 2015, pp. 230, 234, GarcĂ­a Riol 2015, p. 295 5809:
Red berets, blue shirts: nationalist militia forces in the Spanish Civil War
97: 12679: 12659: 12617: 12447: 12388: 12333: 12253: 12233: 12223: 12008: 11988: 11958: 11858: 11813: 11808: 11753: 11707: 11682: 11546: 11114: 11063: 10905: 10609: 10461: 10288: 10277: 10196: 10151: 10016: 9629:
active in Burgos Carlism in the early 1930s, but in 1935 moved to Falange,
1943-1967 FET CN pool, 1967-1971 as personal appointee of the head of state
calculation of Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer, referred after MartĂ­ MarĂ­n Corbera,
La Barcelona azul de posguerra: reflexiones sobre una indagaciĂłn biogrĂĄfica
10477: 8466:
1943-1946 from the FET CN pool, 1946-1946 from sindical organisations pool
former requete, later president of Hermanded de Ex-combatientes Requetes,
1939. Following 25 years of withdrawal into and privacy, he died in 1965.
La cuestiĂłn religiosa en la Segunda RepĂșblica Española: Iglesia y carlismo
who became the FET propaganda chief in Navarre, Daniel JesĂșs GarcĂ­a Riol,
Maximiliano GarcĂ­a Venero, Historia de la Unificacion, Madrid 1970, p. 109
12701: 12622: 12594: 12574: 12479: 12243: 12023: 11913: 11888: 11803: 11692: 11677: 11667: 11610: 11605: 11583: 11566: 11551: 11530: 11525: 11146: 11140: 11087: 10857: 10799: 10713: 10686: 10543: 10531: 10454: 10439: 10234: 10099: 8999:
local administration pool, as representative of Navarrese self-government
7760:, p. 238, also counted as Carlist in MarĂ­a del Mar Larraza-Micheltorena, 6370:
e.g. JoaquĂ­n Bau Nolla, JosĂ© MarĂ­a Valiente or JesĂșs Elizalde Sanz RoblĂ©s
4555:; the term is also used across the blog of Fernando Mikelarena Peña, see 573: 472: 417: 259: 233: 9892:
El Carlismo frente al estado español: rebelión, cultura y lucha política
Palabras para la sesion de homenaje al academico Claudio Colomer Marques
5425:, Barcelona 2012, ISBN 9788491687139 (Girona), Eduardo Martínez Lacabe, 4675:, Jean-Louis Guereña, Isidro Sånchez Sånchez, Rafael Villena Espinosa, 12123: 12118: 11833: 11687: 11652: 11593: 11510: 11211: 11092: 10626: 10186: 8520:
from the FET CN pool, since 1964 double-hatting as member of government
7902: 6737:, Madrid 2014, ISBN, 9788483569160, p. 105; Mercedes VĂĄzquez de Prada, 5435:
PolĂ­tica y poder local: el ayuntamiento vitoriano durante el franquismo
PolĂ­tica y poder local: el ayuntamiento vitoriano durante el franquismo
238: 222: 8355:
Rectores de Universidades pool, as rector of the Valladolid University
5595:, longtime member of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas. 5164: 801:
the Carlist outrage contributed to de-emphasizing of Fascist threads.
12728: 12363: 11712: 11647: 11466: 11380: 11343: 11301: 11229: 10977: 10867: 10852: 10764: 10740: 10663: 10491: 10397: 10146: 8583:
La lealtad, el buen sentido, el Requete y la logistica de nuestra paz
clearly referred as Carlist in Larraza Micheltorena 2012, pp. 229-247
Los dĂ­as fugaces. El carlismo, de las guerras civiles a la transiciĂłn
5109:. Isidoro Delclaux built an own multi-business industry fortune, see 4964:
Martorell Pérez 2008, pp. 28-50, and Peñalba Sotorrío 2013, pp. 30-47
4215: 421: 381: 296:
suggested non-participation. Eventually the former prevailed and the
9380: 8703:
1943-1964 FET CN pool, 1964-1967 personal appointee of head of state
local administration pool, as representative of Navarrese diputacion
860: 692: 651: 606: 483: 50:. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. 12469: 12452: 11598: 11395: 11306: 11057: 10937: 10872: 10782: 10708: 10681: 10444: 10306: 10224: 4565:
En Tierra de Fariseos: Viaje a Las Fuentes Del Catalanismo CatĂłlico
269: 218: 9359:. Some sources refer to him explicitly as "carlista navarro", see 7762:
Alcaldes de Pamplona durante el franquismo: Un retrato de conjunto
from the syndicates pool, as representative of the Fishermen Union
Alcaldes de Pamplona durante el franquismo: Un retrato de conjunto
6796:, Santiago de Compostela 2013. Also Pedro Carlos GonzĂĄlez Cuevas, 4387:, p. 18 (“carlistas colaboracionaistas”); Manuel Martorell PĂ©rez, 814: 793: 12373: 11933: 11588: 11520: 11311: 11179: 11103: 10788: 10745: 10652: 10265: 10229: 8925:
Apuntes y documentos para la historia del tradicionalismo español
Apuntes y documentos para la Historia del Tradicionalismo Español
4210: 572:
The Carlists who joined Francoist structures have never formed a
508: 123: 9702:
David contra Goliat: Guerra y asimetrĂ­a en la Edad ContemporĂĄnea
one of Traditionalist leaders in Alava, Iker Cantabrana Morras,
La formaciĂłn del poder local franquista en GuipĂșzcoa (1937-1945)
Latin Fascist Elites: The Mussolini, Franco, and Salazar Regimes
4795:, pp. 231-255, Oyarzun 1969, pp. 475-489, Ferrer 1958, pp. 67-92 4491:
El Carlismo en la España de Franco: Bases Documentales 1936-1977
369: 11578: 10380: 9985: 9700:, Daniel Macias Fernandez, Fernando Puell de la Villa (eds.), 8772:
El partit Ășnic: La Falange i el Movimiento a Girona (1935-1977)
local administration pool, as president of Gipuzkoan diputacion
Sociabilidad fin de siglo: espacios asociativos en torno a 1898
413: 9268:
active in Javierista and then Hugocarlista branch of Carlism,
1943-1946 from local administration pool, as mayor of Valencia
456: 11625: 9110:
head of FET delegacion de frentes & hospitales, 1937-1938
cases of Antonio MarĂ­a Oriol Urquijo or RamĂłn Forcadell Prats
363: 5163:
this was the case e.g. of José Ángel Zubiaur, a 19-year-old
Fascismo y Franquismo. Relazioni, immagini, rappresentazioni
grudgingly provided his consent to enter unification talks.
11515: 11296: 10862: 9945:
La dictadura franquista. La institucionalització d’un rùgim
La continuidad ideolĂłgica del carlismo tras la Guerra Civil
Historia y polĂ­tica: Ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales
career officer, served as inspector of Requete in 1931-1932
Historia y polĂ­tica: Ideas, procesos y movimientos sociales
El carlismo navarro durante el primer franquismo, 1937-1951
La dictadura franquista. La institucionalització d’un rùgim
4407:, p. 294, or “kolaboracjoniƛci” in Polish, Jacek Bartyzel, 4389:
La continuidad ideolĂłgica del carlismo tras la Guerra Civil
857:, when their electoral attempts ended up in utter failure. 5825:
Dictadura y transiciĂłn: La dictadura franquista, 1939-1975
Spain at war. Society, culture and mobilization, 1936-1944
the most iconic example of the Carloctavista militant was
Cruzadistas y carloctavistas: historia de una conspiraciĂłn
Peñas Bernaldo 1996, pp. 241-301, Manuel Martorell Pérez,
El alfonsismo radical en las elecciones de febrero de 1936
active pre-war Carlist militant, Iker Cantabrana Morras,
before the war a provincial Carlist jefe in Granada, see
all terms from personal appointees of Jefe de Estado pool
e.g. the cases of Luis Redondo GarcĂ­a (in the military),
Martorell PĂ©rez 2008, p. 41, Aurora Villanueva MartĂ­nez,
4375:, vol. 3, Madrid 1979, p. 19; Mercedes VĂĄzquez de Prada, 9976:
with original lyrics changed to fit the Francoist vision
before it ceased as Carlist newspaper in the mid-1950s,
In the mid-1940s within Carlism emerged a current named
9943:, Antoni Segura, Andreu Mayayo, Teresa AbellĂł (eds.), 9867:
Retorno a la lealtad; el desafĂ­o carlista al franquismo
former requete, openly declared his Carlist militancy,
Entre la espada y la pared: De Franco a la ConstituciĂłn
the only case identified is RodĂłn Guinjoan 2015, p. 210
5421:, Antoni Segura, Andreu Mayayo, Teresa AbellĂł (eds.), 5320:
some semi-official Carlist publications boasted of FET
Except preservation of semi-separate establishments in
Carlist ex-combatants at official rally, late Francoism
9947:, Barcelona 2012, ISBN 9788491687139, pp. 110–123 9828:
Trocadero: Revista de historia moderna y contemporĂĄnea
El naufragio de las ortodoxias. El carlismo, 1962–1977
Falange i poder. Lleida durant la dictadura franquista
brother of the Carlist political leader in 1921-1932,
Trocadero: Revista de historia moderna y contemporĂĄnea
5280:, MacClancy 2000, Martorell PĂ©rez 2009, Blinkhorn 2008 5036:
El naufragio de las ortodoxias. El carlismo, 1962–1977
Los carlistas: cisma en el tradicionalismo (1876-1931)
Hispanic and Latino conservatism in the United States
local administration pool, as representative of Alava
69 (2008), p. 28-50, Peñalba Sotorrío 2013, pp. 30-47
Invierno, primavera y otoño del carlismo (1939-1976)
Soledad Miranda García, José Manuel Cuenca Toribio,
Jefe de la Casa Civil del Jefe del Estado, 1938-1961
local administration pool, as mayor of San Sebastian
21 (2004), pp. 149–180, and Iker Cantabrana Morras,
Soledad Miranda García, José Manuel Cuenca Toribio,
Canal 2000, pp. 325-326, Blinkhorn 2008, pp. 228-250
El cisma mellista. Historia de una ambiciĂłn polĂ­tica
Invierno, primavera y otoño del carlismo (1939-1976)
7853:member of Juventud Jaimista, volunteer to requete, 7768:15 (2012), p. 237, and in Eduardo MartĂ­nez Lacabe, 6764:
JoaquĂ­n Bau Nolla y la restauraciĂłn de la MonarquĂ­a
La España de Franco, 1939-1975: política y sociedad
6802:Diccionario polĂ­tico y social del siglo XX español 5441:, Vitoria-Gasteiz 2009, ISBN 9788496845305 (Alava) 4226:Historiography on Carlism during the Francoist era 3277:Lugo, CĂĄceres, Álava, Zaragoza, Gipuzkoa, Baleares 568:Carlist symbols at official rally, early Francoism 345:, was declared amalgamated into FET together with 8151:local administration pool, as mayor of Barracaldo 7425:Dictadura y desarroluismo. El Franquismo en Álava 6715:bringing back the Bourbons”, Preston 2011, p. 534 5439:Dictadura y desarrollismo. El franquismo en Álava 4254:Dictadura y desarrollismo. El franquismo en Álava 861:Appendix. 100 Carlists at top Francoist positions 12771: 9137:local administration pool, as mayor of La Coruna 8005:Dictadura y desarrolismo. El Franquismo en Alava 5433:1 (1994) (Navarre), Virginia LĂłpez de Maturana, 303: 9796:El carlismo de Franco. De Rodezno a Carlos VIII 9092:local administration pool, as mayor of Pamplona 8248:in the late 1940s and early 1950s supporter of 8088:militant Carlist before the war, then requete, 7985:local administration pool, as mayor of Pamplona 7079:local administration pool, as mayor of Pamplona 7052:local administration pool, as mayor of Badalona 9824:Las Cortes de Franco o el Parlamento imposible 8448:local administration pool, as mayor of Vitoria 8035:local administration pool, as mayor of Vitoria 6089:Las Cortes de Franco o el Parlamento imposible 4885:Navarra 1937-1939: el fiasco de la UnificaciĂłn 556:who cultivated their Traditionalist heritage. 10624: 10001: 9311:members of government in the rank of minister 7018:local administration pool, as mayor of Orense 6904:members of government in the rank of minister 6131:see graphs in MarĂ­n Corbera 2013, pp. 296-297 5258:Historia del Carlismo contemporĂĄneo 1935–1972 5066:Gallery of traitors. The ‘Carlists’ of Franco 11535: 10587: 10529: 10482: 10468: 10459: 10430: 5885:, Manuel Martorell, Josep Miralles Climent, 5805:El Caudillo: A Political Biography of Franco 4744:, Madrid 1969, pp. 477-478, Melchor Ferrer, 657: 388: 12073:European Conservatives and Reformists Party 8774:, Barcelona 1999, ISBN 9788492016150, p. 37 5173:Archivo GomĂĄ: documentos de la Guerra Civil 4939:original text of the Unification Decree in 10008: 9994: 9801:Francisco Javier Caspistegui Gorasurreta, 7036:before the war active in Catalan Carlism, 6573:see e.g. Mikel Barreda, Rosa Borge Bravo, 5613:, LuĂ­s ArgemĂ­ MartĂ­ or JesĂșs Ardaiz FortĂșn 5034:Francisco Javier Caspistegui Gorasurreta, 4316:Sobre el carlista Jose Maria Sentis Simeon 622:. He was succeeded at ministerial post by 12567: 9675:La historia se confiesa: España 1930-1977 9371:, "tradicionalista", see JosĂ© Basaburua, 8866:Hoja oficial de la provincia de Barcelona 6966:in his youth active in Cantabrian Carlism 6300:perhaps the most striking is the case of 5353:to one of the best known regime reviews, 5125:, Renato Moro, Giuliana de Febo (eds.), 808:Ley de Principios del Movimiento Nacional 803:Ley de SucesiĂłn en la Jefatura del Estado 66:Learn how and when to remove this message 8178:militant Carlist during pre-war period, 7774:Huarte de San Juan. GeografĂ­a e historia 6227:; for Alava see Iker Cantabrana Morras, 5940:Ramirez, de Rodezno, Valiente, Zamanillo 5431:Huarte de San Juan. GeografĂ­a e historia 3759:Individuals loosely related to Carlism: 813: 776: 723: 719: 691: 661: 605: 563: 559: 493: 455: 392: 368: 268: 126:which actively engaged in the regime of 7744:came from a very distinguished family, 6749:, pp. 299-300, Manuel Martorell PĂ©rez, 5091:Breve historia de las guerras carlistas 4533:Llamamiento por una Navarra democrĂĄtica 4314:see e.g. exchange of posts in a thread 2084:Herreros de Tejada y Azcona, JosĂ© MarĂ­a 821:at Carlist Montejurra rally, late 1960s 12772: 8493:as personal appointee of head of state 8484:as personal appointee of head of state 8278:as personal appointee of head of state 8203:as personal appointee of head of state 6585:, p. 12, JosĂ© Luis RodrĂ­guez JimĂ©nez, 4823:Juan Carlos Peñas Bernaldo de QuirĂłs, 4746:Breve historia del legitimismo español 4545:Respuesta a JesĂșs MarĂ­a AragĂłn Samanes 680:Carlist deputies to the Cortes of the 489: 142:procuradores, or civil governors. The 9989: 8770:engineer and landowner, Josep Clara, 7195:BoletĂ­n Instituto GerĂłnimo de UztĂĄriz 6800:, Javier FernĂĄndez SebastiĂĄn (ed.), 5761:(774); 1967: 20 (742); 1971: 18 (894) 4397:Carlism and Crisis in Spain 1931-1939 4305:see e.g. Gil PecharromĂĄn 2019, p. 212 4287:No somos nada
, pero nos imputan todo 4248:see e.g. Virginia LĂłpez de Maturana, 2374:Maldonado y FernĂĄndez del Torco, JosĂ© 9927:Entre la boina roja y la camisa azul 8308:Entre la boina roja y la camisa azul 7700:active in Carlism during his youth, 7651:also member of Junta Politica of FET 7514:also member of Junta Politica of FET 7487:also member of Junta Politica of FET 7462:requete captain during the war, see 6597:, p. 80, Josemari Lorenzo Espinosa, 5236:, Francisco de las Heras y Borrero, 4846:Entre la boina roja y la camisa azul 3675:Zamanillo GonzĂĄlez-Camino, JosĂ© Luis 3210:Rolando de Tella y Cantos, Heliodoro 684:actively engaged in the regime; for 582:headquarters or political backbone. 15: 9686:personal appointee of head of state 9119:personal appointee of head of state 8792:personal appointee of head of state 8687:active in Carlism since the 1910s, 7356:personal appointee of head of state 7127:El carlismo en su prensa, 1931-1972 6509:, Sanz Hoya 2023, pp. 331, 333, 339 6206:3 out of 17, Blinkhorn 2008, p. 292 5213:AgustĂ­n CĂĄndido TellerĂ­a MendizĂĄbal 4413:Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 2111:Herreros de Tejada y Azcona, Rafael 498:official feast; note Carlist emblem 13: 9929:, Estella 2013, ISBN 9788423533657 9788: 8017:Fallece don Gonzalo Lacalle Leloup 6611:El Movimiento Nacional (1937-1977) 5202:PĂ©rez-Nievas Borderas 1999, p. 145 3601:CĂĄceres, CĂĄdiz, Lerida, Las Palmas 3268:SaĂ©nz de Tejada OlĂłzaga, Francisco 2689:Ordoño y LĂłpez de Vallejo, JoaquĂ­n 14: 12801: 9965: 9461:V Simposi d'historia del Carlisme 8927:, vols. 1-3, Sevilla 1979, p. 160 7523:Larraza Micheltorena 2012, p. 237 6814:Historia de la filosĂłfia española 2234:Larrea SĂĄez de Navarrete, Eduardo 10015: 9776: 9763: 9754: 9745: 9736: 9727: 9718: 9689: 9680: 9666: 9657: 9648: 9639: 9623: 9614: 9605: 9595: 9586: 9577: 9568: 9559: 9550: 9541: 9532: 9523: 9514: 9505: 9496: 9487: 9478: 9449: 9440: 9422: 9413: 9404: 9395: 9386: 9341: 9332: 9323: 9314: 9305: 9296: 9287: 9278: 9262: 9253: 9244: 9235: 9226: 9213: 9204: 9195: 9186: 9177: 9167: 9158: 9149: 9140: 9131: 9122: 9113: 9104: 9095: 9086: 9077: 9068: 9059: 9050: 9041: 9032: 9023: 9014: 9002: 8993: 8984: 8975: 8966: 8957: 8948: 8939: 8930: 8901: 8892: 8883: 8874: 8858: 8849: 8840: 8831: 8822: 8813: 8804: 8795: 8786: 8777: 8764: 8755: 8746: 8737: 8715: 8706: 8697: 8681: 8672: 8663: 8654: 8645: 8624: 8615: 8606: 8597: 8588: 8575: 8566: 8557: 8548: 8532: 8523: 8514: 8505: 8496: 8487: 8478: 8469: 8460: 8451: 8442: 8425: 8416: 8407: 8398: 8389: 8380: 8371: 8358: 8349: 8340: 8330: 8321: 8299: 8290: 8281: 8272: 8263: 8254: 8242: 8233: 8224: 8215: 8206: 8197: 8188: 8172: 8163: 8154: 8145: 8116: 8107: 8098: 8082: 8073: 8056: 8047: 8038: 8029: 7997: 7988: 7979: 7970: 7961: 7952: 7943: 7934: 7925: 7916: 7907: 7890: 7881: 7872: 7863: 7847: 7838: 7822: 7813: 7797: 7788: 7779: 7738: 7729: 7720: 7711: 7694: 7685: 7676: 7667: 7654: 7645: 7636: 7627: 7606: 7597: 7588: 7579: 7562: 7553: 7544: 7535: 7526: 7517: 7508: 7499: 7490: 7481: 7472: 7456: 7447: 7438: 7417: 7408: 7399: 7386: 7377: 7368: 7359: 7350: 7318: 7309: 7300: 7291: 7282: 7273: 7264: 7255: 7246: 7237: 7228: 7219: 7209: 7200: 7183: 7174: 7161: 7152: 7118: 7109: 7106:also as member of Junta Politica 7100: 7091: 7082: 7073: 7064: 7055: 7046: 7030: 7021: 7012: 7003: 6994: 6978: 6969: 6960: 6951: 6934: 6925: 6916: 6907: 6898: 6889: 6865: 6856: 6827: 6786: 6777: 6756: 6727: 6718: 6708: 6675: 6666: 6648: 6634: 6624: 6609:, p. 73, Julio Gil PecharromĂĄn, 6567: 6554: 6545: 6535: 6512: 6487: 6478: 6468: 6459: 6450: 6437: 6427: 6417: 6403: 6393: 6383: 6373: 6364: 6354: 6341: 6331: 6321: 6307: 6294: 6277: 6268: 6246: 6209: 6200: 6191: 6182: 6173: 6164: 6134: 6125: 6108: 6098: 6081: 6072: 6062: 6038: 6021: 6007: 5990: 5981: 5967: 5897:, FermĂ­n PĂ©rez-Nievas Borderas, 5723:Anales de Historia ContemporĂĄnea 5593:Marcial Solana y GonzĂĄlez-Camino 4973:Peñas Bernaldo 1996, pp. 241-301 4874:Peñas Bernaldo 1996, pp. 241-275 4865:Peñas Bernaldo 1996, pp. 211-239 4586:La consagraciĂłn de la desmemoria 4531:, p. 234, TomĂĄs Urzainqui Mina, 4231:Unification Decree (Spain, 1937) 3867:Gerona, Navarre, Jaen, Barcelona 1862:Fagoaga GutiĂ©rrez-Solana, Miguel 1779:Elizagarate Berrueta, Jose Maria 748: 527: 315: 179: 96: 85: 20: 12093:International Monarchist League 9881:La elite ministerial franquista 9822:Miguel Ángel GimĂ©nez MartĂ­nez, 9338:only provincial capitals listed 8632:Euskalherriko Karlista Alderdia 6931:only provincial capitals listed 6029:La elite ministerial franquista 5953: 5943: 5933: 5912: 5855: 5846: 5773: 5764: 5754: 5737: 5728: 5710: 5700: 5691: 5682: 5673: 5663: 5653: 5643: 5634: 5616: 5602: 5573: 5559: 5550: 5541: 5532: 5522: 5512: 5502: 5492: 5483: 5474: 5464: 5454: 5444: 5411: 5401: 5388: 5379: 5369: 5359: 5342: 5332: 5314: 5305: 5292: 5283: 5250: 5218: 5205: 5196: 5186: 5157: 5148: 5082: 5070:Franco: AnatomĂ­a de un genocida 5058: 5049: 5028: 5019: 5010: 4994: 4985: 4976: 4967: 4958: 4949: 4933: 4912: 4903: 4894: 4877: 4868: 4859: 4838: 4817: 4808: 4798: 4777: 4768: 4751: 4702: 4665: 4648: 4639: 4619: 4606: 4578: 4521:Franco: AnatomĂ­a de un genocida 4513: 4504: 4326:. For historical use, see e.g. 4121:SĂĄnchez GonzĂĄlez, Juan Bautista 2717:Olazabal Zaldumbide, JosĂ© MarĂ­a 283:the Traditionalists viewed the 6812:, pp. 1170–1171, Heleno Saña, 6302:JesĂșs Elizalde Sainz de Robles 4483: 4468:FermĂ­n PĂ©rez-Nievas Borderas, 4462: 4418: 4361: 4340: 4308: 4299: 4267: 4242: 1181:AstraĂ­n Baquedano, Javier 217:in the 1870s or the so-called 208:in the 1830s or the so-called 1: 9939:Jordi Esteve RubiĂł Coromina, 9885:Revista de Estudios PolĂ­ticos 9677:, vol. 10, Madrid 1976, p. 65 9270:Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia 8689:Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia 7464:Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia 6503:Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia 6033:Revista de Estudios PolĂ­ticos 5996:source: MartĂ­ MarĂ­n Corbera, 4763:Revista de Estudios PolĂ­ticos 4633:service, May 2016, available 4450:JosĂ© Antonio: Realidad y mito 4322:service, May 2016, available 4175:Varela Iglesias, JosĂ© Enrique 3648:Zaldivar Arenzana, JosĂ© MarĂ­a 3299:Sarasa MiquĂ©lez, JosĂ© Gabriel 2894:Ortigosa Irigoyen, Juan AngĂ©l 170: 12088:International Democrat Union 9932:RamĂłn MarĂ­a RodĂłn Guinjoan, 6940:Maria Larraza Micheltorena, 6792:see Álvaro RodrĂ­guez NĂșñez, 6762:JoaquĂ­n Monserrat Cavaller, 6289:Revista Estudos do SĂ©culo XX 5611:Alejandro Encinas de la Rosa 5123:El Franquismo y las Colonias 5115:Auñamendi Eusko Entzikopedia 5068:, in Josep Carles Clemente, 4592:service 03.03.19, available 4539:service 03.02.10, available 4281:service 17.10.08, available 4236: 3888:GarcĂ­a-Valiño MarcĂ©n, Rafael 3533:Valiente Soriano, JosĂ© Maria 3415:Toledo y Robles, Romualdo de 3387:TellerĂ­a MendizĂĄbal, AgustĂ­n 2491:MartĂ­nez de MorentĂ­n, Javier 2317:LĂłpez Sanz Latasa, Francisco 2173:Iruretagoyena Solchaga, JosĂ© 1834:Elizalde Sainz Robles, JesĂșs 7: 12785:Politics of Francoist Spain 12103:Tradition, Family, Property 9925:Mercedes Peñalba SotorrĂ­o, 9887:57 (1987), pp. 107–148 9841:29 (2013), pp. 269–299 8651:sindical organisations pool 8377:sindical organisations pool 8346:sindical organisations pool 8296:sindical organisations pool 6657:Entrevista a Esteban Bilbao 6521:Entrevista a Esteban Bilbao 5111:Delclaux Arostegui, Isidoro 4943:182/1937, available online 4844:Mercedes Peñalba SotorrĂ­o, 4510:RodĂłn Guinjoan 2015, p. 570 4346:see e.g. Jeremy MacClancy, 4204: 3445:Ulibarri Eguilaz, Marcelino 3095:Puigdollers Oliver, Mariano 2684:Jefe of Franco's household 2346:Maldonado Cocat, RamĂłn JosĂ© 1612:Delclaux Arostegui, Isidoro 1528:CodĂłn Fernandez, JosĂ© MarĂ­a 1469:Coca de la Piñera, Fernando 1236:Baleztena AscaratĂ©, JoaquĂ­n 956:Aldaz Villanueva, Florencio 279:During first months of the 46:the claims made and adding 10: 12806: 12475:Traditionalist Catholicism 9830:27 (2015), pp. 67–100 9815:Daniel JesĂșs GarcĂ­a Riol, 9794:Juan-Cruz AllĂ­ Aranguren, 8122:pre-war links to Carlism, 6984:pre-war Carlist militant, 6735:JosĂ© Ma de Oriol y Urquijo 6564:and AgustĂ­n Asis y Garrote 6445:Mariano Puigdollers Oliver 5873:, Josep Miralles Climent, 5589:AgustĂ­n GonzĂĄlez de AmezĂșa 5211:this was the case e.g. of 5064:see e.g. a chapter titled 4612:Daniel JesĂșs GarcĂ­a Riol, 4557:ElBlogDeFernandoMikelarena 4275:AntĂ­lope con Salsa de Soja 4273:see e.g. discussion under 4092:RodrĂ­guez Tarduchy, Emilio 3731:Zubiaur Alegre, JosĂ© Ángel 3475:Urmeneta Ajarnaute, Miguel 2954:Quint Zaforteza Amat, JosĂ© 2627:MinguijĂłn AdriĂĄn, Salvador 2600:Millaruelo Clementez, JosĂ© 2139:Iturmendi Bañales, Antonio 1751:Echave Sustaeta, Eustaquio 1383:Bofill-Gasset Amell, Jaime 1154:AsĂ­s y Garrote, AgustĂ­n de 1041:Araluce Villar, Juan MarĂ­a 341:. Their own organization, 237:Encouraged by the rise of 12751: 12560: 12500: 12421: 12111: 12063: 12056: 11721: 11454: 11447: 11408: 11322: 11265: 11256: 11155: 11130: 11078: 11038: 11029: 10888: 10809: 10731: 10672: 10637: 10620:Italian school of elitism 10600: 10505: 10421: 10412: 10348: 10320: 10297: 10255: 10205: 10177: 10137: 10128: 10032: 10023: 9353:Real Academia de Historia 9329:provincial leaders of FET 7702:Imperio. Diario de Zamora 7216:organization in the 1970s 7009:in requete during the war 6922:provincial leaders of FET 6693:, p. 468; Paul H. Lewis, 5863:El carlismo contra Franco 5811:, James Matthews (ed.), 5597:Francisco ElĂ­as de Tejada 5585:Salvador MinguijĂłn AdriĂĄn 5437:, Antonio Rivera (ed.), 4920:Franco en la guerra civil 4748:, Sevilla 1958, pp. 69-76 4369:Alberto Ruiz de Galarreta 4252:, Antonio Rivera (ed.), 3794: 3791: 3788: 3785: 3782: 3779: 3776: 3773: 3770: 3767: 3764: 3504:Urraca Pastor, MarĂ­a Rosa 3357:Sentis Simeon, JosĂ© MarĂ­a 3039:Pradera Ortega, Juan JosĂ© 3011:Pero-Sanz Zorrilla, TomĂĄs 2923:Querejeta Insausti, ElĂ­as 2805:Oriol Urquijo, Antonio Ma 1918:Galindo Herrero, Santiago 985:Alonso Cuevillas, Enrique 897: 894: 891: 888: 885: 882: 879: 876: 873: 870: 867: 806:groups. The 1958-adopted 772: 686:Traditionalist candidates 658:Statistical approximation 389:Mechanisms of recruitment 285:anti-Republican coalition 134:, e.g. as members of the 12640:Catholic social teaching 9911:Josep Miralles Climent, 9904:Josep Miralles Climent, 9890:Josep Miralles Climent, 9865:Manuel Martorell PĂ©rez, 9858:Manuel Martorell PĂ©rez, 9844:Manuel Martorell PĂ©rez, 6862:Moreno Seco 2001, p. 358 6835:ManifestaciĂłn de ideales 6348:MarĂ­a Rosa Urraca Pastor 5631:28-29 (2012-2013), p. 39 5396:JesĂșs Evaristo Casariego 5175:, vol. 12, Madrid 2009, 4627:Jose Maria Sentis Simeon 4448:, or Joan Maria ThomĂ s, 4293:service 2017, available 4256:, Vitoria-Gasteiz 2009, 3976:Monasterio Ituarte, JosĂ© 3858:Correa Veglison, Antonio 3832:Esparza Aguinaga, Eladio 2982:Paguaga Paguaga, Antonio 2573:Mergelina Luna, Cayetano 2402:Manglano CucalĂł, JoaquĂ­n 1890:FernĂĄndez Nieto, Marcelo 1723:Echave Sustaeta, Antonio 1668:DĂłminguez ArĂ©valo, TĂłmas 1508:Alava, Toledo, Santander 1499:Colomer MarquĂ©s, Claudio 1070:Archanco Zubiri, Antonio 1009:general, mlt. gov. Lugo 728:Carlist and Nazi emblems 696:share of civil governors 343:ComuniĂłn Tradicionalista 328:Franco in Carlist beret 12590:Conservative liberalism 12078:European People's Party 9833:MartĂ­ MarĂ­n i Corbera, 7752:, vol. 3, Bilbao 2008, 7189:Felix Luengo Teixidor, 7139:La AET, el MOT y la FOS 5781:Europe Between the Wars 5289:Canal 2000, pp. 351-353 4625:see e.g. discussion at 4519:Josep Carles Clemente, 4043:Zamora, Cdd Real, Cadiz 3593:VĂĄzquez Ramos, Fernando 3563:Valle VĂĄzquez, JosĂ© del 2867:Oriol Urquijo, Lucas Ma 2776:Oreja Elosegui, Ricardo 2747:Oreja Elosegui, Benigno 2519:MazĂłn Sainz, JosĂ© MarĂ­a 2462:MartĂ­nez Berasain, JosĂ© 2433:Marco Ilincheta, Amadeo 2202:Lacalle Leloup, Gonzalo 1441:Carazo HernĂĄndez, Fidel 1412:Burgo Torres, Jaime del 1355:Bofarull Romaña, Manuel 903:Ágreda Aguinaga, Manuel 12083:Identity and Democracy 11536: 10625: 10588: 10530: 10483: 10469: 10460: 10431: 8327:also in Junta Politica 7857:26.07.1938, available 7855:El Pensamiento Navarro 7766:Memoria y CivilizaciĂłn 6948:15 (2012), pp. 236-237 6946:Memoria y civilizacion 6243:22 (2005), pp. 139–169 6004:29 (2013), pp. 296-297 5861:JosĂ© Carlos Clemente, 4991:Blinkhorn 2008, p. 293 4982:Blinkhorn 2008, p. 272 4909:Blinkhorn 2008, p. 272 4765:42 (1984), pp. 101-136 4551:11.04.2014, available 4489:JosĂ© Carlos Clemente, 4348:The Decline of Carlism 4334:167 (1970), available 4221:Traditionalism (Spain) 4148:Sanz de LerĂ­n, Eugenio 4143:mltry gvrnr Catalonia 3917:Ibisate GorrĂ­a, Pedro 3469:Anti-Masonry Tribunal 3238:Roger Amat, JosĂ© MarĂ­a 3152:Ramirez SinuĂ©s, Javier 2837:Oriol Urquijo, JosĂ© Ma 2546:MazĂłn Verdejo, Eugenio 2289:Llaneza Zabaleta, JosĂ© 2261:Lasarte Arana, NicolĂĄs 1807:Escudero Rueda, Manuel 1263:Barcena Reus, AgustĂ­n 1208:Azurza Aramburu, Fidel 822: 782: 729: 697: 671: 614: 569: 499: 464: 398: 376: 276: 200:Carlism, the movement 115: 12743:Small-c conservatives 12655:Counter-revolutionary 12645:Conservative feminism 12537:Counter-Enlightenment 12492:Traditionalist School 9379:37 (2008), available 9223:, Lerida 2010, p. 575 6839:ReclamaciĂłn del Poder 6532:Guinjoan 2015, p. 435 6316:Javier RamĂ­rez SinuĂ©s 5129:, Roma 2005, p. 239. 5103:Hoja Oficial de Lunes 4742:Historia del carlismo 4616:, Madrid 2015, p. 350 4600:, a 1948 pamphlet by 4169:mltry gvrnr Tenerife 3945:Lacalle Larraga, JosĂ© 3704:Zubiaga Imaz, Gabriel 3621:VentallĂł VergĂ©s, Luis 3366:Guadalajara, Palencia 3327:Selva Mergelina, Juan 2977:pres. Baleares Dptcn 2948:pres. Gipuzkoa Dptcn 2055:Granell Pascual, Juan 2002:Goñi Donazar, Auxilio 1976:GarzĂłn MarĂ­n, Antonio 1639:Dolz de Espejo, TĂłmas 1584:Cura LĂłpe, Lorenzo de 1322:Bilbao Eguia, Esteban 1230:pres. Gipuzkoa Dptcn 1127:Arrue Zarauz, Antonio 1098:Arellano Dihinx, Luis 1065:pres. Gipuzkoa Dptcn 929:Albo Candina, Luciano 819:Franco sĂ­, Juanito no 817: 780: 727: 720:Personal trajectories 695: 665: 609: 567: 560:Cohesion and conflict 497: 459: 402:Josep Carles Clemente 396: 372: 272: 12613:Anti-gender movement 12517:Bourbon Restauration 10770:National Catholicism 10485:RĂ©volution nationale 10450:Integral nationalism 9633:15.02.64, available 9367:18.05.09, available 9293:tercio familiar pool 9284:tercio familiar pool 9250:tercio familiar pool 9010:Juan Selva Mergelina 8868:13.03.61, available 8542:29.03.57, available 8386:member of, 1938-1959 8182:17.12.43, available 8126:03.11.42, available 8092:18.06.61, available 7844:tercio familiar pool 7832:20.05.76, available 7704:11.05.58, available 7682:tercio familiar pool 7633:tercio familiar pool 7288:tercio familiar pool 7115:tercio familiar pool 7040:09.03.74, available 6988:21.10.42, available 6875:21.11.78, available 6824:, p. 255 and onwards 6733:Alfonso Ballestero, 6724:Preston 2011, p. 662 6562:Juan Granell Pascual 6499:FortĂșn Ardaiz, JesĂșs 6018:, Madrid 2015, p. 65 5745:Strip Tease polĂ­tico 5581:Julio Urquijo Ibarra 5131:JoaquĂ­n Gomis Cornet 5105:15.05.44, available 4279:NickJournalArcadiano 4006:Pombo Angulo, Manuel 3801:Garicano Goñi, TomĂĄs 3789:Consejo de Regencia 3293:in Tribunal Supremo 3180:Redondo GarcĂ­a, Luis 2658:Muñoz Aguilar, Julio 2456:pres. Navarre Dptcn 2106:director of prisons 1697:Echandi Indart, Juan 892:Consejo de Regencia 12755:Conservatism portal 12719:Right-wing politics 12458:Jewish conservatism 12431:Christian democracy 11678:Social institutions 11484:Collective identity 11479:Class collaboration 11287:Clerico-nationalism 10836:Muscular liberalism 10169:Neoauthoritarianism 9950:Joan Maria ThomĂ s, 9365:Correo FarmacĂ©utico 9355:service, available 9349:TomĂĄs Garicano Goñi 9272:service, available 8691:service, available 8638:service, available 7901:service, available 7807:service, available 7466:service, available 7344:service, available 6683:Franco. A biography 6120:Historia y PolĂ­tica 6045:Enrique Moradiellos 6002:Historia y PolĂ­tica 5978:and OlazĂĄbal Eulate 5629:GerĂłnimo de UztĂĄriz 5005:GerĂłnimo de UztĂĄriz 4559:service, available 4549:Noticias de Navarra 4424:Joan Maria ThomĂ s, 4063:Solchaga Zala, JosĂ© 4036:Rico de Sanz, Julio 3811:Gipuzkoa, Barcelona 3124:Rada Peral, Ricardo 3068:LluĂ­s de Prat Roure 2831:FET Social Aid Dpt 2149:Tarragona, Zaragoza 2028:Goñi Iraeta, Adolfo 1014:Antoja Vigo, Felipe 648:JosĂ© Luis Zamanillo 541:Jose Luis Zamanillo 513:Ministry of Justice 490:Modes of engagement 440:, centred around a 412:or translated into 148:Ministry of Justice 12675:LGBTQ conservatism 12628:Black conservatism 12542:German Romanticism 12532:Conservative Order 12522:Congress of Vienna 12098:Muslim Brotherhood 11944:CorrĂȘa de Oliveira 11643:Organized religion 11572:Complementarianism 10659:National Democracy 9954:, Barcelona 2016, 9467:, Barcelona 2011, 8810:co-head, 1937-1938 6986:Pensamiento Alaves 6882:2018-01-10 at the 6672:Payne 2011, p. 260 6613:, Barcelona 2013, 6505:online, available 6257:, Santander 2009, 6161:41 (2023), pp. 327 5962:Gonzalez de Amezua 5909:, esp. pp. 143-192 5827:, Barcelona 2005, 5793:A History of Spain 5311:Canal 2000, p. 357 5272:, Barcelona 2014, 5260:, Barcelona 1977, 5228:, Barcelona 2012, 4567:, Barcelona 2000, 4399:, Cambridge 2008, 4367:Manuel Santa Cruz 3786:Consejo de Estado 3783:Consejo del Reino 1802:pres. Alava Dptcn 1774:pres. Alava Dptcn 1607:pres. Alava dptcn 1557:Cora y Lira, JesĂșs 1290:Bau Nolla, JoaquĂ­n 889:Consejo de Estado 886:Consejo del Reino 842:; the crowning of 823: 783: 730: 698: 672: 646:(early 1950s) and 615: 570: 500: 465: 399: 377: 277: 122:) was a branch of 31:possibly contains 12767: 12766: 12650:Conservative wave 12603: 12602: 12527:Concert of Europe 12463:Religious Zionism 12417: 12416: 12052: 12051: 11489:Cultural heritage 11462:Ancestral worship 11443: 11442: 11404: 11403: 11252: 11251: 11070:Orthodox Peronism 11025: 11024: 10525:Historical School 10408: 10407: 9805:, Pamplona 1997, 9772:Varela's WP entry 9437:21 (2004), p. 169 8581:compare e.g. his 8439:22 (2005), p. 163 8070:22 (2005), p. 163 7576:21 (2004), p. 152 7326:El Correo CatalĂĄn 6529:El Correo Catalan 6291:16 (2016), p. 107 6143:The Franco Regime 6122:29 (2013), p. 278 6035:57 (1987), p. 108 5901:, Pamplona 1999, 5725:17 (2001), p. 358 5300:JesĂșs Cora y Lira 5038:, Pamplona 1997; 5007:19 (2003), p. 101 4889:PrĂ­ncipe de Viana 4472:, Pamplona 1999, 4415:V/4 (2010), p. 68 4358:, pp. 76, 92, 292 4202: 4201: 3970:aviation general 3757: 3756: 1949:GarrĂĄn Moso, JosĂ© 848:carlo-franquistas 787:carlo-franquistas 708:personal polĂ­tico 703:primer franquismo 644:Jesus Cora y Lira 640:carlo-franquistas 628:Antonio Iturmendi 596:carlo-franquistas 579:carlo-franquistas 554:carlo-franquistas 504:primer franquismo 397:FET training camp 264:coup of July 1936 202:born in the 1830s 136:FET y de las JONS 78:Branch of Carlism 76: 75: 68: 33:original research 12797: 12724:Authoritarianism 12585:Communitarianism 12580:Clerical fascism 12565: 12564: 12441:Theoconservatism 12061: 12060: 11864:Kuehnelt-Leddihn 11673:Social hierarchy 11658:Private property 11541: 11452: 11451: 11263: 11262: 11046:Federal Peronism 11036: 11035: 10720:Pochvennichestvo 10697:Black-hundredism 10630: 10615:Historical Right 10593: 10535: 10488: 10474: 10465: 10436: 10433:Action Française 10419: 10418: 10135: 10134: 10030: 10029: 10010: 10003: 9996: 9987: 9986: 9936:, Barcelona 2015 9908:, CastellĂłn 2015 9783: 9780: 9774: 9767: 9761: 9758: 9752: 9749: 9743: 9740: 9734: 9731: 9725: 9722: 9716: 9693: 9687: 9684: 9678: 9670: 9664: 9661: 9655: 9652: 9646: 9643: 9637: 9631:Diario de Burgos 9627: 9621: 9618: 9612: 9609: 9603: 9599: 9593: 9590: 9584: 9581: 9575: 9572: 9566: 9563: 9557: 9554: 9548: 9545: 9539: 9536: 9530: 9527: 9521: 9518: 9512: 9509: 9503: 9500: 9494: 9491: 9485: 9482: 9476: 9453: 9447: 9444: 9438: 9426: 9420: 9417: 9411: 9408: 9402: 9399: 9393: 9390: 9384: 9345: 9339: 9336: 9330: 9327: 9321: 9318: 9312: 9309: 9303: 9300: 9294: 9291: 9285: 9282: 9276: 9266: 9260: 9257: 9251: 9248: 9242: 9239: 9233: 9230: 9224: 9217: 9211: 9208: 9202: 9199: 9193: 9190: 9184: 9181: 9175: 9171: 9165: 9162: 9156: 9153: 9147: 9144: 9138: 9135: 9129: 9126: 9120: 9117: 9111: 9108: 9102: 9099: 9093: 9090: 9084: 9081: 9075: 9072: 9066: 9063: 9057: 9054: 9048: 9045: 9039: 9036: 9030: 9027: 9021: 9018: 9012: 9006: 9000: 8997: 8991: 8988: 8982: 8979: 8973: 8970: 8964: 8961: 8955: 8952: 8946: 8943: 8937: 8934: 8928: 8921:Sancho el Sabio 8905: 8899: 8896: 8890: 8887: 8881: 8878: 8872: 8862: 8856: 8853: 8847: 8844: 8838: 8835: 8829: 8826: 8820: 8817: 8811: 8808: 8802: 8799: 8793: 8790: 8784: 8781: 8775: 8768: 8762: 8759: 8753: 8750: 8744: 8741: 8735: 8719: 8713: 8710: 8704: 8701: 8695: 8685: 8679: 8676: 8670: 8667: 8661: 8658: 8652: 8649: 8643: 8628: 8622: 8619: 8613: 8610: 8604: 8601: 8595: 8592: 8586: 8579: 8573: 8570: 8564: 8561: 8555: 8552: 8546: 8540:Diario de Burgos 8536: 8530: 8527: 8521: 8518: 8512: 8509: 8503: 8500: 8494: 8491: 8485: 8482: 8476: 8473: 8467: 8464: 8458: 8455: 8449: 8446: 8440: 8429: 8423: 8420: 8414: 8411: 8405: 8402: 8396: 8393: 8387: 8384: 8378: 8375: 8369: 8362: 8356: 8353: 8347: 8344: 8338: 8334: 8328: 8325: 8319: 8310:, Estella 2013, 8303: 8297: 8294: 8288: 8285: 8279: 8276: 8270: 8267: 8261: 8258: 8252: 8246: 8240: 8237: 8231: 8228: 8222: 8219: 8213: 8210: 8204: 8201: 8195: 8192: 8186: 8180:Diario de Burgos 8176: 8170: 8167: 8161: 8158: 8152: 8149: 8143: 8124:Diario de Burgos 8120: 8114: 8111: 8105: 8102: 8096: 8086: 8080: 8077: 8071: 8060: 8054: 8051: 8045: 8042: 8036: 8033: 8027: 8023:blog, available 8007:, Vitoria 2009, 8001: 7995: 7992: 7986: 7983: 7977: 7974: 7968: 7965: 7959: 7956: 7950: 7947: 7941: 7938: 7932: 7929: 7923: 7920: 7914: 7911: 7905: 7894: 7888: 7885: 7879: 7876: 7870: 7867: 7861: 7851: 7845: 7842: 7836: 7826: 7820: 7817: 7811: 7801: 7795: 7792: 7786: 7783: 7777: 7776:1 (1994), p. 360 7742: 7736: 7733: 7727: 7724: 7718: 7715: 7709: 7698: 7692: 7689: 7683: 7680: 7674: 7671: 7665: 7658: 7652: 7649: 7643: 7640: 7634: 7631: 7625: 7610: 7604: 7601: 7595: 7592: 7586: 7583: 7577: 7566: 7560: 7557: 7551: 7548: 7542: 7539: 7533: 7530: 7524: 7521: 7515: 7512: 7506: 7503: 7497: 7494: 7488: 7485: 7479: 7476: 7470: 7460: 7454: 7451: 7445: 7442: 7436: 7427:, Vitoria 2009, 7421: 7415: 7412: 7406: 7403: 7397: 7390: 7384: 7381: 7375: 7372: 7366: 7363: 7357: 7354: 7348: 7322: 7316: 7313: 7307: 7304: 7298: 7295: 7289: 7286: 7280: 7277: 7271: 7268: 7262: 7259: 7253: 7250: 7244: 7241: 7235: 7232: 7226: 7223: 7217: 7213: 7207: 7204: 7198: 7187: 7181: 7178: 7172: 7165: 7159: 7156: 7150: 7122: 7116: 7113: 7107: 7104: 7098: 7095: 7089: 7086: 7080: 7077: 7071: 7068: 7062: 7059: 7053: 7050: 7044: 7034: 7028: 7025: 7019: 7016: 7010: 7007: 7001: 6998: 6992: 6982: 6976: 6973: 6967: 6964: 6958: 6955: 6949: 6938: 6932: 6929: 6923: 6920: 6914: 6911: 6905: 6902: 6896: 6893: 6887: 6869: 6863: 6860: 6854: 6831: 6825: 6790: 6784: 6781: 6775: 6760: 6754: 6731: 6725: 6722: 6716: 6712: 6706: 6679: 6673: 6670: 6664: 6652: 6646: 6645:, CastellĂłn 2015 6638: 6632: 6628: 6622: 6571: 6565: 6558: 6552: 6549: 6543: 6539: 6533: 6516: 6510: 6491: 6485: 6482: 6476: 6472: 6466: 6463: 6457: 6454: 6448: 6441: 6435: 6431: 6425: 6421: 6415: 6407: 6401: 6397: 6391: 6387: 6381: 6377: 6371: 6368: 6362: 6358: 6352: 6345: 6339: 6335: 6329: 6325: 6319: 6311: 6305: 6298: 6292: 6281: 6275: 6272: 6266: 6250: 6244: 6213: 6207: 6204: 6198: 6195: 6189: 6186: 6180: 6177: 6171: 6168: 6162: 6159:Studia Historica 6145:, Madison 2011, 6138: 6132: 6129: 6123: 6112: 6106: 6102: 6096: 6085: 6079: 6076: 6070: 6066: 6060: 6042: 6036: 6025: 6019: 6011: 6005: 5994: 5988: 5985: 5979: 5971: 5965: 5957: 5951: 5947: 5941: 5937: 5931: 5916: 5910: 5859: 5853: 5850: 5844: 5843:51 (2003), p. 84 5777: 5771: 5768: 5762: 5758: 5752: 5741: 5735: 5732: 5726: 5714: 5708: 5704: 5698: 5695: 5689: 5686: 5680: 5677: 5671: 5667: 5661: 5657: 5651: 5647: 5641: 5638: 5632: 5620: 5614: 5606: 5600: 5577: 5571: 5563: 5557: 5554: 5548: 5545: 5539: 5536: 5530: 5526: 5520: 5516: 5510: 5506: 5500: 5496: 5490: 5487: 5481: 5478: 5472: 5468: 5462: 5458: 5452: 5448: 5442: 5415: 5409: 5405: 5399: 5392: 5386: 5383: 5377: 5373: 5367: 5363: 5357: 5346: 5340: 5336: 5330: 5322:Consejo Nacional 5318: 5312: 5309: 5303: 5296: 5290: 5287: 5281: 5254: 5248: 5222: 5216: 5209: 5203: 5200: 5194: 5190: 5184: 5161: 5155: 5152: 5146: 5137:, Tafalla 2015, 5086: 5080: 5062: 5056: 5053: 5047: 5032: 5026: 5023: 5017: 5014: 5008: 4998: 4992: 4989: 4983: 4980: 4974: 4971: 4965: 4962: 4956: 4953: 4947: 4937: 4931: 4916: 4910: 4907: 4901: 4898: 4892: 4881: 4875: 4872: 4866: 4863: 4857: 4848:, Estella 2013, 4842: 4836: 4821: 4815: 4812: 4806: 4802: 4796: 4781: 4775: 4772: 4766: 4755: 4749: 4706: 4700: 4669: 4663: 4662:2 (2003), p. 113 4660:Pasado y memoria 4652: 4646: 4643: 4637: 4623: 4617: 4610: 4604: 4582: 4576: 4517: 4511: 4508: 4502: 4487: 4481: 4466: 4460: 4422: 4416: 4365: 4359: 4344: 4338: 4312: 4306: 4303: 4297: 4271: 4265: 4246: 3762: 3761: 2651:Tribunal Supremo 865: 864: 762:Antonio M. Oriol 752: 531: 406:carlo-francoists 347:Falange Española 319: 306:carlo-franquismo 183: 164:tradicionalistas 159:carlofranquistas 132:Francoist system 128:Francisco Franco 120:carlo-franquismo 100: 89: 71: 64: 60: 57: 51: 48:inline citations 24: 23: 16: 12805: 12804: 12800: 12799: 12798: 12796: 12795: 12794: 12770: 12769: 12768: 12763: 12760:Politics portal 12747: 12599: 12556: 12502: 12496: 12436:Christian right 12413: 12339:Prat de la Riba 12107: 12048: 11717: 11663:Public morality 11633:Ordered liberty 11538:Noblesse oblige 11499:Culture of life 11494:Cultural values 11439: 11400: 11325: 11318: 11248: 11151: 11126: 11074: 11021: 10884: 10812: 10805: 10758:Carlo-francoism 10727: 10668: 10633: 10596: 10583:State Socialism 10501: 10471:Nouvelle Droite 10404: 10344: 10316: 10293: 10251: 10201: 10173: 10124: 10025: 10019: 10014: 9972:Carlist anthem 9968: 9915:, Madrid 2018, 9894:, Madrid 2004, 9869:, Madrid 2010, 9862:, Valencia 2009 9848:, Madrid 2014, 9791: 9789:Further reading 9786: 9781: 9777: 9768: 9764: 9759: 9755: 9750: 9746: 9741: 9737: 9732: 9728: 9723: 9719: 9708:, Madrid 2001, 9694: 9690: 9685: 9681: 9671: 9667: 9662: 9658: 9653: 9649: 9644: 9640: 9628: 9624: 9619: 9615: 9610: 9606: 9600: 9596: 9591: 9587: 9582: 9578: 9573: 9569: 9564: 9560: 9555: 9551: 9546: 9542: 9537: 9533: 9528: 9524: 9519: 9515: 9510: 9506: 9501: 9497: 9492: 9488: 9483: 9479: 9454: 9450: 9445: 9441: 9435:Sancho el Sabio 9427: 9423: 9418: 9414: 9409: 9405: 9400: 9396: 9391: 9387: 9346: 9342: 9337: 9333: 9328: 9324: 9319: 9315: 9310: 9306: 9301: 9297: 9292: 9288: 9283: 9279: 9267: 9263: 9258: 9254: 9249: 9245: 9240: 9236: 9231: 9227: 9218: 9214: 9209: 9205: 9200: 9196: 9191: 9187: 9182: 9178: 9172: 9168: 9163: 9159: 9154: 9150: 9145: 9141: 9136: 9132: 9127: 9123: 9118: 9114: 9109: 9105: 9100: 9096: 9091: 9087: 9082: 9078: 9073: 9069: 9064: 9060: 9055: 9051: 9046: 9042: 9037: 9033: 9028: 9024: 9019: 9015: 9007: 9003: 8998: 8994: 8989: 8985: 8980: 8976: 8971: 8967: 8962: 8958: 8953: 8949: 8944: 8940: 8935: 8931: 8906: 8902: 8897: 8893: 8888: 8884: 8879: 8875: 8863: 8859: 8854: 8850: 8845: 8841: 8836: 8832: 8827: 8823: 8818: 8814: 8809: 8805: 8800: 8796: 8791: 8787: 8782: 8778: 8769: 8765: 8760: 8756: 8751: 8747: 8742: 8738: 8720: 8716: 8711: 8707: 8702: 8698: 8686: 8682: 8677: 8673: 8668: 8664: 8659: 8655: 8650: 8646: 8629: 8625: 8620: 8616: 8611: 8607: 8602: 8598: 8593: 8589: 8580: 8576: 8571: 8567: 8562: 8558: 8553: 8549: 8537: 8533: 8528: 8524: 8519: 8515: 8510: 8506: 8501: 8497: 8492: 8488: 8483: 8479: 8474: 8470: 8465: 8461: 8456: 8452: 8447: 8443: 8437:Sancho el Sabio 8430: 8426: 8421: 8417: 8412: 8408: 8403: 8399: 8394: 8390: 8385: 8381: 8376: 8372: 8363: 8359: 8354: 8350: 8345: 8341: 8335: 8331: 8326: 8322: 8304: 8300: 8295: 8291: 8286: 8282: 8277: 8273: 8268: 8264: 8259: 8255: 8247: 8243: 8238: 8234: 8229: 8225: 8220: 8216: 8211: 8207: 8202: 8198: 8193: 8189: 8177: 8173: 8168: 8164: 8159: 8155: 8150: 8146: 8134:, Madrid 2006, 8121: 8117: 8112: 8108: 8103: 8099: 8087: 8083: 8078: 8074: 8068:Sancho el Sabio 8061: 8057: 8052: 8048: 8043: 8039: 8034: 8030: 8002: 7998: 7993: 7989: 7984: 7980: 7975: 7971: 7966: 7962: 7957: 7953: 7948: 7944: 7939: 7935: 7930: 7926: 7921: 7917: 7912: 7908: 7895: 7891: 7886: 7882: 7877: 7873: 7868: 7864: 7852: 7848: 7843: 7839: 7827: 7823: 7818: 7814: 7802: 7798: 7793: 7789: 7784: 7780: 7743: 7739: 7734: 7730: 7725: 7721: 7716: 7712: 7699: 7695: 7690: 7686: 7681: 7677: 7672: 7668: 7659: 7655: 7650: 7646: 7641: 7637: 7632: 7628: 7616:, Madrid 2014, 7611: 7607: 7602: 7598: 7593: 7589: 7584: 7580: 7574:Sancho el Sabio 7567: 7563: 7558: 7554: 7549: 7545: 7540: 7536: 7531: 7527: 7522: 7518: 7513: 7509: 7504: 7500: 7495: 7491: 7486: 7482: 7477: 7473: 7461: 7457: 7452: 7448: 7443: 7439: 7422: 7418: 7413: 7409: 7404: 7400: 7391: 7387: 7382: 7378: 7373: 7369: 7364: 7360: 7355: 7351: 7323: 7319: 7314: 7310: 7305: 7301: 7296: 7292: 7287: 7283: 7278: 7274: 7269: 7265: 7260: 7256: 7251: 7247: 7242: 7238: 7233: 7229: 7224: 7220: 7214: 7210: 7205: 7201: 7197:4 (1990), p. 89 7188: 7184: 7179: 7175: 7166: 7162: 7157: 7153: 7141:, Madrid 2007, 7129:, Madrid 1999, 7123: 7119: 7114: 7110: 7105: 7101: 7096: 7092: 7087: 7083: 7078: 7074: 7069: 7065: 7060: 7056: 7051: 7047: 7035: 7031: 7026: 7022: 7017: 7013: 7008: 7004: 6999: 6995: 6983: 6979: 6974: 6970: 6965: 6961: 6956: 6952: 6939: 6935: 6930: 6926: 6921: 6917: 6912: 6908: 6903: 6899: 6894: 6890: 6884:Wayback Machine 6870: 6866: 6861: 6857: 6845:, Cuenca 2013, 6832: 6828: 6816:, Madrid 2007, 6804:, Madrid 2008, 6798:Tradicionalismo 6791: 6787: 6782: 6778: 6766:, Madrid 2001, 6761: 6757: 6741:, Madrid 2016, 6732: 6728: 6723: 6719: 6713: 6709: 6697:, London 2002, 6685:, London 2011, 6680: 6676: 6671: 6667: 6653: 6649: 6639: 6635: 6629: 6625: 6601:, Madrid 2017, 6589:, Madrid 1994, 6577:, Madrid 2006, 6572: 6568: 6559: 6555: 6550: 6546: 6540: 6536: 6517: 6513: 6495:Jaime del Burgo 6492: 6488: 6483: 6479: 6473: 6469: 6464: 6460: 6455: 6451: 6442: 6438: 6432: 6428: 6422: 6418: 6408: 6404: 6398: 6394: 6388: 6384: 6378: 6374: 6369: 6365: 6359: 6355: 6346: 6342: 6336: 6332: 6326: 6322: 6312: 6308: 6299: 6295: 6282: 6278: 6273: 6269: 6251: 6247: 6241:Sancho el Sabio 6233:Sancho el Sabio 6219:, Madrid 1998, 6214: 6210: 6205: 6201: 6196: 6192: 6187: 6183: 6178: 6174: 6169: 6165: 6139: 6135: 6130: 6126: 6113: 6109: 6103: 6099: 6086: 6082: 6077: 6073: 6067: 6063: 6051:, Madrid 2000, 6043: 6039: 6026: 6022: 6012: 6008: 5995: 5991: 5986: 5982: 5972: 5968: 5964:and Argamasilla 5958: 5954: 5948: 5944: 5938: 5934: 5922:, Madrid 2009, 5917: 5913: 5889:, Madrid 2009, 5877:, Madrid 2018, 5865:, Madrid 2003, 5860: 5856: 5851: 5847: 5815:, London 2019, 5795:, London 2009, 5783:, London 2014, 5778: 5774: 5769: 5765: 5759: 5755: 5742: 5738: 5733: 5729: 5715: 5711: 5705: 5701: 5696: 5692: 5687: 5683: 5678: 5674: 5668: 5664: 5658: 5654: 5648: 5644: 5639: 5635: 5621: 5617: 5607: 5603: 5578: 5574: 5564: 5560: 5555: 5551: 5546: 5542: 5537: 5533: 5527: 5523: 5517: 5513: 5507: 5503: 5497: 5493: 5488: 5484: 5479: 5475: 5469: 5465: 5459: 5455: 5449: 5445: 5416: 5412: 5406: 5402: 5393: 5389: 5384: 5380: 5374: 5370: 5364: 5360: 5347: 5343: 5337: 5333: 5319: 5315: 5310: 5306: 5297: 5293: 5288: 5284: 5255: 5251: 5240:, Madrid 2004, 5223: 5219: 5210: 5206: 5201: 5197: 5191: 5187: 5162: 5158: 5153: 5149: 5093:, Madrid 2011, 5087: 5083: 5072:, Madrid 2014, 5063: 5059: 5054: 5050: 5033: 5029: 5024: 5020: 5015: 5011: 4999: 4995: 4990: 4986: 4981: 4977: 4972: 4968: 4963: 4959: 4954: 4950: 4938: 4934: 4922:, Madrid 2002, 4918:Javier Tusell, 4917: 4913: 4908: 4904: 4899: 4895: 4882: 4878: 4873: 4869: 4864: 4860: 4843: 4839: 4827:, Madrid 1996, 4822: 4818: 4813: 4809: 4803: 4799: 4787:, Madrid 2000, 4782: 4778: 4773: 4769: 4756: 4752: 4728:, Madrid 2000, 4707: 4703: 4691:, Madrid 2006, 4679:, Cuenca 1999, 4670: 4666: 4653: 4649: 4644: 4640: 4624: 4620: 4611: 4607: 4583: 4579: 4523:, Madrid 2014, 4518: 4514: 4509: 4505: 4493:, Madrid 1994, 4488: 4484: 4467: 4463: 4452:, Madrid 2017, 4440:, Madrid 2016, 4428:, Madrid 2001, 4423: 4419: 4379:, Madrid 2016, 4366: 4362: 4345: 4341: 4313: 4309: 4304: 4300: 4291:PartidoCarlista 4272: 4268: 4247: 4243: 4239: 4207: 3774:civil governor 2770:FET Health Dpt 2167:Cortes speaker 1349:Cortes speaker 877:civil governor 863: 844:Don Juan Carlos 840:Don Carlos Hugo 775: 766: 765: 764: 760: 755: 754: 753: 722: 660: 600:Don Juan Carlos 562: 545: 544: 543: 539: 534: 533: 532: 492: 478:carlo-huguistas 410:political power 391: 360:civil governors 339:official decree 331: 330: 329: 327: 322: 321: 320: 309: 298:regent-claimant 252:Primo de Rivera 198: 197: 196: 191: 186: 185: 184: 173: 116:carlofranquismo 108:Carlo-francoism 105: 104: 103: 102: 101: 92: 91: 90: 79: 72: 61: 55: 52: 37: 25: 21: 12: 11: 5: 12803: 12793: 12792: 12787: 12782: 12765: 12764: 12762: 12757: 12752: 12749: 12748: 12746: 12745: 12740: 12739: 12738: 12737: 12736: 12726: 12716: 12711: 12710: 12709: 12699: 12698: 12697: 12692: 12682: 12677: 12672: 12667: 12665:Ethnopluralism 12662: 12657: 12652: 12647: 12642: 12637: 12636: 12635: 12625: 12620: 12615: 12610: 12608:Anti-communism 12604: 12601: 12600: 12598: 12597: 12592: 12587: 12582: 12577: 12571: 12569: 12562: 12558: 12557: 12555: 12554: 12552:Ultra-royalism 12549: 12544: 12539: 12534: 12529: 12524: 12519: 12514: 12506: 12504: 12498: 12497: 12495: 12494: 12489: 12488: 12487: 12485:Ultramontanism 12482: 12472: 12467: 12466: 12465: 12455: 12450: 12445: 12444: 12443: 12433: 12427: 12425: 12419: 12418: 12415: 12414: 12412: 12411: 12406: 12401: 12396: 12391: 12386: 12381: 12376: 12371: 12366: 12361: 12356: 12351: 12346: 12341: 12336: 12331: 12326: 12321: 12316: 12311: 12306: 12301: 12296: 12291: 12286: 12281: 12276: 12271: 12266: 12261: 12256: 12251: 12246: 12241: 12236: 12231: 12226: 12221: 12216: 12211: 12206: 12201: 12196: 12191: 12186: 12181: 12176: 12171: 12166: 12161: 12156: 12151: 12146: 12141: 12136: 12131: 12126: 12121: 12115: 12113: 12109: 12108: 12106: 12105: 12100: 12095: 12090: 12085: 12080: 12075: 12069: 12067: 12058: 12054: 12053: 12050: 12049: 12047: 12046: 12041: 12036: 12031: 12026: 12021: 12016: 12011: 12006: 12001: 11996: 11991: 11986: 11981: 11976: 11971: 11966: 11961: 11956: 11951: 11946: 11941: 11936: 11931: 11926: 11921: 11916: 11911: 11906: 11901: 11896: 11891: 11886: 11881: 11876: 11871: 11866: 11861: 11856: 11851: 11846: 11841: 11836: 11831: 11826: 11821: 11816: 11811: 11806: 11801: 11796: 11791: 11786: 11781: 11776: 11771: 11766: 11761: 11756: 11751: 11746: 11741: 11736: 11731: 11725: 11723: 11719: 11718: 11716: 11715: 11710: 11705: 11700: 11698:State religion 11695: 11690: 11685: 11680: 11675: 11670: 11665: 11660: 11655: 11650: 11645: 11640: 11635: 11630: 11629: 11628: 11623: 11618: 11608: 11603: 11602: 11601: 11591: 11586: 11581: 11576: 11575: 11574: 11564: 11562:Fundamentalism 11559: 11554: 11549: 11544: 11543: 11542: 11533: 11528: 11518: 11513: 11508: 11507: 11506: 11496: 11491: 11486: 11481: 11476: 11475: 11474: 11464: 11458: 11456: 11449: 11445: 11444: 11441: 11440: 11438: 11437: 11432: 11431: 11430: 11428:National Right 11425: 11414: 11412: 11406: 11405: 11402: 11401: 11399: 11398: 11393: 11391:Traditionalist 11388: 11383: 11378: 11373: 11368: 11363: 11358: 11357: 11356: 11351: 11346: 11336: 11330: 11328: 11320: 11319: 11317: 11316: 11315: 11314: 11309: 11304: 11294: 11289: 11284: 11283: 11282: 11271: 11269: 11260: 11254: 11253: 11250: 11249: 11247: 11246: 11245: 11244: 11241:Perezjimenismo 11234: 11233: 11232: 11224: 11223: 11222: 11214: 11204: 11199: 11194: 11189: 11184: 11183: 11182: 11177: 11165: 11159: 11157: 11153: 11152: 11150: 11149: 11144: 11136: 11134: 11128: 11127: 11125: 11124: 11119: 11118: 11117: 11107: 11100: 11095: 11090: 11084: 11082: 11076: 11075: 11073: 11072: 11067: 11060: 11055: 11048: 11042: 11040: 11033: 11027: 11026: 11023: 11022: 11020: 11019: 11014: 11009: 11004: 11003: 11002: 10992: 10991: 10990: 10982: 10981: 10980: 10972: 10967: 10962: 10957: 10952: 10947: 10946: 10945: 10940: 10930: 10929: 10928: 10920: 10915: 10910: 10909: 10908: 10898: 10892: 10890: 10886: 10885: 10883: 10882: 10881: 10880: 10875: 10870: 10860: 10855: 10850: 10845: 10840: 10839: 10838: 10828: 10823: 10817: 10815: 10807: 10806: 10804: 10803: 10796: 10794:Neocatholicism 10791: 10786: 10779: 10774: 10773: 10772: 10762: 10761: 10760: 10755: 10743: 10737: 10735: 10729: 10728: 10726: 10725: 10724: 10723: 10711: 10706: 10705: 10704: 10699: 10689: 10684: 10678: 10676: 10670: 10669: 10667: 10666: 10661: 10656: 10649: 10647:Golden Liberty 10643: 10641: 10635: 10634: 10632: 10631: 10622: 10617: 10612: 10606: 10604: 10598: 10597: 10595: 10594: 10585: 10580: 10575: 10570: 10569: 10568: 10558: 10557: 10556: 10551: 10541: 10539:Ordoliberalism 10536: 10527: 10522: 10517: 10511: 10509: 10503: 10502: 10500: 10499: 10497:Ultra-royalism 10494: 10489: 10480: 10475: 10466: 10457: 10452: 10447: 10442: 10437: 10427: 10425: 10416: 10410: 10409: 10406: 10405: 10403: 10402: 10401: 10400: 10390: 10385: 10384: 10383: 10373: 10368: 10363: 10358: 10352: 10350: 10346: 10345: 10343: 10342: 10340:Neo-Ottomanism 10337: 10332: 10326: 10324: 10318: 10317: 10315: 10314: 10309: 10303: 10301: 10295: 10294: 10292: 10291: 10286: 10281: 10274: 10269: 10261: 10259: 10253: 10252: 10250: 10249: 10248: 10247: 10242: 10237: 10227: 10222: 10217: 10215:Fundamentalist 10211: 10209: 10203: 10202: 10200: 10199: 10194: 10189: 10183: 10181: 10175: 10174: 10172: 10171: 10166: 10165: 10164: 10159: 10149: 10143: 10141: 10132: 10126: 10125: 10123: 10122: 10117: 10115:Traditionalist 10112: 10107: 10102: 10097: 10092: 10087: 10082: 10077: 10072: 10067: 10062: 10057: 10052: 10047: 10042: 10036: 10034: 10027: 10021: 10020: 10013: 10012: 10005: 9998: 9990: 9984: 9983: 9978: 9967: 9966:External links 9964: 9963: 9962: 9948: 9937: 9930: 9923: 9909: 9902: 9888: 9877: 9863: 9856: 9842: 9831: 9820: 9813: 9799: 9790: 9787: 9785: 9784: 9775: 9762: 9753: 9744: 9735: 9726: 9717: 9688: 9679: 9665: 9656: 9647: 9638: 9622: 9613: 9604: 9594: 9585: 9576: 9567: 9558: 9549: 9540: 9531: 9522: 9513: 9504: 9495: 9486: 9477: 9448: 9439: 9421: 9412: 9403: 9394: 9385: 9340: 9331: 9322: 9313: 9304: 9295: 9286: 9277: 9261: 9252: 9243: 9234: 9225: 9212: 9203: 9194: 9185: 9176: 9166: 9157: 9148: 9139: 9130: 9121: 9112: 9103: 9094: 9085: 9076: 9067: 9058: 9049: 9040: 9031: 9022: 9013: 9001: 8992: 8983: 8974: 8965: 8956: 8947: 8938: 8929: 8900: 8891: 8882: 8873: 8857: 8848: 8839: 8830: 8821: 8812: 8803: 8794: 8785: 8776: 8763: 8754: 8745: 8736: 8714: 8705: 8696: 8680: 8671: 8662: 8653: 8644: 8623: 8614: 8605: 8596: 8587: 8574: 8565: 8556: 8547: 8531: 8522: 8513: 8504: 8495: 8486: 8477: 8468: 8459: 8450: 8441: 8424: 8415: 8406: 8397: 8388: 8379: 8370: 8357: 8348: 8339: 8329: 8320: 8298: 8289: 8280: 8271: 8262: 8253: 8241: 8232: 8223: 8214: 8205: 8196: 8187: 8171: 8162: 8153: 8144: 8115: 8106: 8097: 8081: 8072: 8055: 8046: 8037: 8028: 8021:Tradicion Viva 7996: 7987: 7978: 7969: 7960: 7951: 7942: 7933: 7924: 7915: 7906: 7889: 7880: 7871: 7862: 7846: 7837: 7821: 7812: 7805:ReinoDeGranada 7796: 7787: 7778: 7737: 7728: 7719: 7710: 7693: 7684: 7675: 7666: 7653: 7644: 7635: 7626: 7605: 7596: 7587: 7578: 7561: 7552: 7543: 7534: 7525: 7516: 7507: 7498: 7489: 7480: 7471: 7455: 7446: 7437: 7416: 7407: 7398: 7385: 7376: 7367: 7358: 7349: 7317: 7308: 7299: 7290: 7281: 7272: 7263: 7254: 7245: 7236: 7227: 7218: 7208: 7199: 7182: 7173: 7160: 7151: 7117: 7108: 7099: 7090: 7081: 7072: 7063: 7054: 7045: 7029: 7020: 7011: 7002: 6993: 6977: 6968: 6959: 6950: 6933: 6924: 6915: 6906: 6897: 6888: 6864: 6855: 6851:978-8495414243 6826: 6785: 6776: 6774:, pp. 337, 352 6755: 6726: 6717: 6707: 6681:Paul Preston, 6674: 6665: 6661:Esfuerzo comĂșn 6647: 6633: 6623: 6566: 6553: 6544: 6534: 6525:Esfuerzo comĂșn 6511: 6486: 6477: 6467: 6458: 6449: 6436: 6426: 6416: 6402: 6392: 6382: 6372: 6363: 6353: 6340: 6330: 6320: 6306: 6293: 6276: 6267: 6265:, pp. 239, 295 6245: 6208: 6199: 6190: 6181: 6172: 6163: 6133: 6124: 6107: 6097: 6080: 6071: 6061: 6037: 6020: 6006: 5989: 5980: 5966: 5952: 5942: 5932: 5911: 5854: 5845: 5772: 5763: 5753: 5751:VI/1972, p. 21 5749:Esfuerzo ComĂșn 5736: 5727: 5709: 5699: 5690: 5681: 5672: 5662: 5652: 5642: 5633: 5615: 5601: 5572: 5558: 5549: 5540: 5531: 5521: 5511: 5501: 5491: 5482: 5473: 5463: 5453: 5443: 5410: 5400: 5387: 5378: 5368: 5358: 5341: 5331: 5313: 5304: 5291: 5282: 5249: 5224:CĂ©sar AlcalĂĄ, 5217: 5204: 5195: 5185: 5156: 5147: 5081: 5057: 5048: 5027: 5018: 5009: 4993: 4984: 4975: 4966: 4957: 4948: 4932: 4911: 4902: 4893: 4876: 4867: 4858: 4837: 4816: 4807: 4797: 4776: 4767: 4750: 4701: 4664: 4647: 4638: 4618: 4605: 4602:Melchor Ferrer 4577: 4537:TomasUrzainqui 4512: 4503: 4482: 4461: 4417: 4360: 4339: 4307: 4298: 4266: 4240: 4238: 4235: 4234: 4233: 4228: 4223: 4218: 4213: 4206: 4203: 4200: 4199: 4196: 4194: 4192: 4190: 4188: 4186: 4184: 4182: 4180: 4177: 4171: 4170: 4167: 4165: 4163: 4161: 4159: 4157: 4155: 4153: 4151: 4149: 4145: 4144: 4141: 4139: 4137: 4135: 4133: 4131: 4129: 4127: 4125: 4123: 4117: 4116: 4114: 4112: 4110: 4108: 4106: 4104: 4101: 4099: 4096: 4094: 4088: 4087: 4084: 4082: 4080: 4078: 4076: 4074: 4072: 4070: 4067: 4065: 4059: 4058: 4056: 4054: 4052: 4050: 4048: 4046: 4044: 4041: 4039: 4037: 4033: 4032: 4026: 4024: 4022: 4020: 4018: 4016: 4014: 4012: 4010: 4008: 4002: 4001: 3998: 3996: 3994: 3992: 3990: 3988: 3985: 3983: 3980: 3978: 3972: 3971: 3968: 3966: 3964: 3962: 3960: 3958: 3955: 3953: 3950: 3947: 3941: 3940: 3938: 3936: 3934: 3932: 3930: 3927: 3925: 3922: 3920: 3918: 3914: 3913: 3910: 3908: 3906: 3904: 3901: 3899: 3897: 3895: 3892: 3890: 3884: 3883: 3881: 3879: 3877: 3875: 3873: 3871: 3868: 3865: 3862: 3860: 3854: 3853: 3851: 3849: 3847: 3845: 3843: 3841: 3838: 3836: 3834: 3828: 3827: 3825: 3823: 3821: 3819: 3817: 3815: 3812: 3809: 3806: 3803: 3797: 3796: 3793: 3790: 3787: 3784: 3781: 3778: 3775: 3772: 3769: 3766: 3755: 3754: 3752: 3750: 3748: 3746: 3744: 3742: 3740: 3738: 3735: 3733: 3727: 3726: 3724: 3722: 3720: 3718: 3716: 3714: 3712: 3710: 3707: 3705: 3701: 3700: 3698: 3696: 3694: 3691: 3689: 3687: 3684: 3682: 3679: 3677: 3671: 3670: 3668: 3666: 3664: 3662: 3660: 3658: 3656: 3654: 3651: 3649: 3645: 3644: 3642: 3640: 3638: 3636: 3634: 3632: 3630: 3627: 3625: 3623: 3617: 3616: 3614: 3612: 3610: 3608: 3606: 3604: 3602: 3599: 3597: 3595: 3589: 3588: 3586: 3583: 3581: 3579: 3577: 3575: 3573: 3570: 3567: 3565: 3559: 3558: 3556: 3554: 3552: 3550: 3548: 3545: 3542: 3540: 3537: 3535: 3529: 3528: 3527:FET Hospitals 3525: 3523: 3521: 3519: 3517: 3515: 3512: 3510: 3508: 3506: 3500: 3499: 3497: 3494: 3492: 3490: 3488: 3486: 3484: 3482: 3479: 3477: 3471: 3470: 3467: 3465: 3463: 3461: 3459: 3457: 3454: 3452: 3449: 3447: 3441: 3440: 3439:FET Education 3437: 3435: 3433: 3431: 3429: 3427: 3424: 3422: 3419: 3417: 3411: 3410: 3408: 3406: 3404: 3402: 3400: 3397: 3395: 3393: 3391: 3389: 3383: 3382: 3380: 3378: 3376: 3374: 3372: 3370: 3367: 3364: 3361: 3359: 3353: 3352: 3350: 3348: 3346: 3344: 3342: 3340: 3337: 3334: 3331: 3329: 3323: 3322: 3320: 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1371: 1369: 1367: 1365: 1363: 1360: 1358: 1356: 1353: 1352: 1348: 1346: 1343: 1341: 1338: 1336: 1333: 1331: 1328: 1325: 1323: 1320: 1319: 1316: 1314: 1312: 1309: 1306: 1304: 1301: 1299: 1296: 1293: 1291: 1288: 1287: 1284: 1282: 1280: 1278: 1276: 1274: 1272: 1270: 1267: 1265: 1262: 1261: 1258: 1256: 1254: 1252: 1250: 1248: 1245: 1243: 1241: 1239: 1237: 1234: 1233: 1229: 1227: 1225: 1223: 1221: 1218: 1216: 1214: 1212: 1210: 1207: 1206: 1203: 1201: 1199: 1197: 1195: 1193: 1190: 1188: 1185: 1183: 1180: 1179: 1176: 1174: 1172: 1170: 1168: 1166: 1163: 1161: 1158: 1156: 1153: 1152: 1149: 1147: 1145: 1143: 1141: 1139: 1137: 1135: 1132: 1130: 1128: 1125: 1124: 1121: 1119: 1117: 1115: 1113: 1111: 1108: 1106: 1103: 1101: 1099: 1096: 1095: 1092: 1089: 1087: 1085: 1083: 1081: 1079: 1077: 1074: 1072: 1069: 1068: 1064: 1062: 1060: 1058: 1055: 1053: 1051: 1049: 1046: 1044: 1042: 1039: 1038: 1035: 1033: 1031: 1029: 1027: 1025: 1023: 1021: 1018: 1016: 1013: 1012: 1008: 1005: 1003: 1001: 999: 997: 995: 993: 990: 988: 986: 983: 982: 978: 976: 974: 972: 970: 967: 965: 962: 960: 958: 955: 954: 951: 949: 947: 945: 943: 941: 938: 936: 933: 931: 928: 927: 924: 921: 919: 917: 915: 913: 911: 909: 907: 905: 902: 901: 866: 858: 856: 855: 849: 845: 841: 837: 833: 829: 820: 816: 812: 809: 804: 800: 799:Begoña crisis 795: 790: 788: 779: 770: 763: 759: 751: 742: 738: 734: 726: 717: 714: 709: 704: 694: 690: 687: 683: 678: 669: 664: 655: 653: 649: 645: 641: 637: 633: 632:Antonio Oriol 629: 625: 621: 613:(earlier pic) 612: 608: 604: 601: 597: 593: 589: 583: 580: 575: 566: 557: 555: 549: 542: 538: 530: 521: 517: 514: 510: 505: 496: 487: 485: 480: 479: 474: 469: 463:(earlier pic) 462: 458: 454: 452: 447: 443: 439: 438:Carloctavismo 434: 431: 425: 423: 419: 415: 411: 407: 403: 395: 386: 383: 375: 371: 367: 365: 361: 357: 351: 348: 344: 340: 336: 326: 318: 307: 304:Emergence of 301: 299: 295: 291: 286: 282: 275: 271: 267: 265: 261: 257: 253: 249: 245: 240: 235: 231: 226: 224: 220: 216: 211: 207: 203: 194: 190: 182: 168: 165: 160: 156: 151: 149: 145: 141: 137: 133: 129: 125: 121: 117: 113: 109: 99: 88: 70: 67: 59: 49: 45: 41: 35: 34: 29:This article 27: 18: 17: 12680:Para-fascism 12660:Elite theory 12618:Anti-Masonry 12509: 12448:Confucianism 12224:John Paul II 11999:Solzhenitsyn 11708:Subsidiarity 11683:Social order 11423:Centre Right 11239: 11217: 11172: 11139: 11115:Patrianovism 11102: 11064:Nacionalismo 11062: 11050: 10798: 10781: 10757: 10750: 10718: 10651: 10610:Berlusconism 10549:Cameralistic 10462:Maurrassisme 10289:State Shinto 10278:Nippon Kaigi 10276: 10264: 10152:Confucianism 10017:Conservatism 9973: 9951: 9944: 9940: 9933: 9926: 9912: 9905: 9891: 9884: 9880: 9866: 9859: 9845: 9838: 9834: 9827: 9823: 9816: 9802: 9795: 9778: 9765: 9756: 9747: 9738: 9729: 9720: 9705: 9701: 9697: 9691: 9682: 9674: 9668: 9659: 9650: 9641: 9630: 9625: 9616: 9607: 9597: 9588: 9579: 9570: 9561: 9552: 9543: 9534: 9525: 9516: 9507: 9498: 9489: 9480: 9464: 9460: 9456: 9451: 9442: 9434: 9430: 9424: 9415: 9406: 9397: 9388: 9376: 9372: 9364: 9360: 9352: 9348: 9343: 9334: 9325: 9316: 9307: 9298: 9289: 9280: 9269: 9264: 9255: 9246: 9237: 9228: 9220: 9215: 9206: 9197: 9188: 9179: 9169: 9160: 9151: 9142: 9133: 9124: 9115: 9106: 9097: 9088: 9079: 9070: 9061: 9052: 9043: 9034: 9025: 9016: 9004: 8995: 8986: 8977: 8968: 8959: 8950: 8941: 8932: 8924: 8920: 8916: 8912: 8908: 8903: 8894: 8885: 8876: 8865: 8860: 8851: 8842: 8833: 8824: 8815: 8806: 8797: 8788: 8779: 8771: 8766: 8757: 8748: 8739: 8723: 8717: 8708: 8699: 8688: 8683: 8674: 8665: 8656: 8647: 8635: 8626: 8617: 8608: 8599: 8590: 8582: 8577: 8568: 8559: 8550: 8539: 8534: 8525: 8516: 8507: 8502:deputy mayor 8498: 8489: 8480: 8471: 8462: 8453: 8444: 8436: 8432: 8427: 8418: 8409: 8400: 8391: 8382: 8373: 8365: 8360: 8351: 8342: 8332: 8323: 8307: 8301: 8292: 8283: 8274: 8265: 8256: 8244: 8235: 8226: 8217: 8208: 8199: 8190: 8179: 8174: 8165: 8156: 8147: 8131: 8123: 8118: 8109: 8100: 8089: 8084: 8075: 8067: 8063: 8058: 8049: 8040: 8031: 8020: 8016: 8004: 7999: 7990: 7981: 7972: 7963: 7954: 7945: 7936: 7927: 7918: 7909: 7898: 7892: 7883: 7874: 7865: 7854: 7849: 7840: 7829: 7824: 7815: 7804: 7799: 7790: 7781: 7773: 7769: 7765: 7761: 7749: 7740: 7731: 7722: 7713: 7701: 7696: 7687: 7678: 7669: 7661: 7656: 7647: 7638: 7629: 7613: 7608: 7599: 7590: 7581: 7573: 7569: 7564: 7555: 7546: 7537: 7528: 7519: 7510: 7501: 7492: 7483: 7474: 7463: 7458: 7449: 7440: 7424: 7419: 7410: 7401: 7393: 7388: 7379: 7370: 7361: 7352: 7341: 7337: 7332:, available 7329: 7325: 7320: 7311: 7302: 7293: 7284: 7275: 7266: 7257: 7248: 7239: 7230: 7221: 7211: 7202: 7194: 7190: 7185: 7176: 7168: 7163: 7154: 7138: 7126: 7120: 7111: 7102: 7093: 7084: 7075: 7066: 7057: 7048: 7037: 7032: 7023: 7014: 7005: 6996: 6985: 6980: 6971: 6962: 6953: 6945: 6941: 6936: 6927: 6918: 6909: 6900: 6891: 6872: 6867: 6858: 6842: 6838: 6834: 6829: 6813: 6801: 6797: 6793: 6788: 6779: 6763: 6758: 6750: 6738: 6734: 6729: 6720: 6710: 6694: 6682: 6677: 6668: 6660: 6656: 6650: 6642: 6636: 6626: 6610: 6598: 6586: 6574: 6569: 6556: 6547: 6537: 6528: 6524: 6520: 6514: 6502: 6498: 6493:the case of 6489: 6480: 6470: 6461: 6452: 6439: 6429: 6419: 6412:Juancarlista 6405: 6395: 6385: 6375: 6366: 6356: 6343: 6333: 6323: 6309: 6296: 6288: 6284: 6279: 6270: 6254: 6248: 6240: 6236: 6232: 6228: 6216: 6211: 6202: 6193: 6184: 6175: 6166: 6158: 6154: 6142: 6136: 6127: 6119: 6115: 6110: 6100: 6092: 6088: 6083: 6074: 6064: 6048: 6040: 6032: 6028: 6023: 6015: 6009: 6001: 5997: 5992: 5983: 5969: 5955: 5945: 5935: 5919: 5914: 5898: 5886: 5874: 5862: 5857: 5848: 5840: 5836: 5824: 5812: 5808: 5804: 5792: 5780: 5775: 5766: 5756: 5748: 5744: 5739: 5730: 5722: 5718: 5712: 5702: 5693: 5684: 5675: 5665: 5655: 5645: 5636: 5628: 5624: 5618: 5604: 5575: 5561: 5552: 5543: 5534: 5524: 5514: 5504: 5494: 5485: 5476: 5466: 5456: 5446: 5438: 5434: 5430: 5426: 5422: 5418: 5413: 5403: 5390: 5381: 5371: 5361: 5354: 5351:Azada y Asta 5350: 5344: 5334: 5326: 5316: 5307: 5294: 5285: 5269: 5257: 5252: 5237: 5225: 5220: 5207: 5198: 5188: 5172: 5168: 5159: 5150: 5134: 5126: 5122: 5117:, available 5114: 5110: 5102: 5090: 5084: 5069: 5065: 5060: 5051: 5035: 5030: 5021: 5012: 5004: 5001: 4996: 4987: 4978: 4969: 4960: 4951: 4940: 4935: 4919: 4914: 4905: 4896: 4888: 4884: 4879: 4870: 4861: 4845: 4840: 4824: 4819: 4810: 4800: 4784: 4779: 4770: 4762: 4758: 4753: 4745: 4741: 4725: 4721: 4717: 4713: 4709: 4704: 4688: 4676: 4672: 4667: 4659: 4655: 4650: 4641: 4631:ForoDeDebate 4630: 4626: 4621: 4613: 4608: 4597: 4590:NuevaTribuna 4589: 4585: 4580: 4564: 4556: 4548: 4544: 4536: 4532: 4520: 4515: 4506: 4490: 4485: 4469: 4464: 4449: 4437: 4425: 4420: 4412: 4408: 4396: 4392: 4388: 4376: 4372: 4363: 4347: 4342: 4332:Tierra Vasca 4331: 4327: 4320:ForoDeDebate 4319: 4315: 4310: 4301: 4290: 4286: 4278: 4274: 4269: 4253: 4249: 4244: 3758: 3572:Cuenca, Lugo 3160:Soria, Alava 3146:FET Militia 2670:37–39, 43-46 2439:43–55, 67-77 2408:43–46, 52-67 1942: 1845:38–39, 52-58 1617:43–46, 55-61 1481:43–49, 55-58 1475:43–49, 55-58 852: 847: 824: 818: 791: 786: 784: 767: 739: 735: 731: 707: 702: 699: 673: 639: 619: 616: 595: 584: 578: 571: 553: 550: 546: 518: 503: 501: 476: 470: 466: 445: 442:new claimant 435: 426: 405: 400: 378: 352: 332: 305: 278: 227: 210:neocatĂłlicos 209: 205: 199: 158: 152: 119: 107: 106: 62: 53: 30: 12702:Reactionary 12623:Aristocracy 12595:Corporatism 12575:Agrarianism 12480:Integralism 12174:Diefenbaker 12112:Politicians 12034:Tocqueville 11749:Buckley Jr. 11703:Stewardship 11693:Sovereignty 11668:Rule of law 11616:Conventions 11606:Nationalism 11584:Imperialism 11567:Gender role 11552:Familialism 11531:Meritocracy 11526:Aristocracy 11472:Traditional 11435:New Zealand 11339:Libertarian 11147:Pinochetism 11141:Gremialismo 11098:Integralism 11088:Bolsonarism 11052:Maurrasismo 11012:Switzerland 10965:Netherlands 10858:Thatcherism 10800:Noucentisme 10714:Slavophilia 10687:Eurasianism 10578:Romanticism 10544:Prussianism 10532:Neue Rechte 10440:Bonapartism 10299:South Korea 10245:Revisionist 10197:Principlist 10100:Reactionary 10095:Progressive 10045:Corporatist 9798:, s.l. 2021 9724:FET CN pool 9484:FET CN pool 9401:FET CN pool 9259:FET CN pool 9083:FET CN pool 9074:FET CN pool 9038:FET CN pool 9020:FET CN pool 8936:FET CN pool 8880:FET CN pool 8837:FET CN pool 8752:FET CN pool 8634:, see e.g. 8612:FET CN pool 8395:FET CN pool 8260:FET CN pool 8221:FET CN pool 8169:FET CN pool 7949:FET CN pool 7931:FET CN pool 7673:FET CN pool 7642:FET CN pool 7541:FET CN pool 7405:FET CN pool 7297:FET CN pool 7279:FET CN pool 7270:FET CN pool 7180:FET CN pool 7158:FET CN pool 6975:FET CN pool 6837:(1939) and 6621:, pp. 29-30 5568:Luis ArgemĂ­ 4856:, pp. 21-43 4785:El carlismo 3252:Ciudad Real 3246:Ciudad Real 713:Vascongadas 636:JoaquĂ­n Bau 620:Rodeznistas 611:Cora y Lira 574:homogeneous 473:Carlos Hugo 461:JoaquĂ­n Bau 451:Javieristas 418:opportunism 260:Emilio Mola 206:apostĂłlicos 138:executive, 12774:Categories 12568:Ideologies 12503:background 12501:Historical 12289:Metternich 12264:Mannerheim 12139:Berlusconi 11869:La Mennais 11799:Dostoevsky 11774:Chesterton 11688:Solidarity 11653:Patriotism 11638:Organicism 11594:Monarchism 11511:Discipline 11455:Principles 11448:Philosophy 11236:Venezuela 11212:Fujimorism 11110:Monarchist 11093:Coronelism 11000:Monarchist 10988:Monarchist 10960:Luxembourg 10926:Monarchist 10821:Cameronism 10692:Monarchist 10627:Sanfedismo 10455:Legitimism 10356:Bangladesh 10335:Erdoğanism 10330:Democratic 10192:Monarchist 10187:Khomeinism 9602:identified 8726:, vol. 3, 8636:Eka.Mforos 8366:Montejurra 8337:afterwards 8306:SotorrĂ­o, 7746:his father 7662:Montejurra 7394:Montejurra 7342:Hispanismo 7169:Montejurra 6772:8487863949 6663:102 (1969) 6328:importance 5355:El AlcĂĄzar 5327:Montejurra 5246:8497725565 4833:8487863523 4793:8420639478 2726:Las Palmas 1943:El AlcazĂĄr 854:transiciĂłn 836:Don Javier 404:lambasted 382:Alfonsists 356:Don Javier 239:Boulangism 230:liberalism 223:monarchist 215:pidalistas 171:Background 56:March 2024 40:improve it 12790:Francoism 12399:de Valera 12359:Salisbury 12304:Netanyahu 12259:Macdonald 12229:KaczyƄski 12209:de Gaulle 12169:Churchill 12149:Bolsonaro 12134:Andreotti 11974:Santayana 11939:Oakeshott 11899:Mansfield 11779:Coleridge 11729:Bainville 11713:Tradition 11648:Orthodoxy 11467:Authority 11418:Australia 11381:Reaganism 11371:Old Right 11354:Tea Party 11344:Fusionism 11230:Herrerism 11192:Guatemala 11039:Argentina 10978:Miguelist 10974:Portugal 10853:Powellism 10777:Integrism 10765:Francoism 10741:Alfonsism 10664:Sarmatism 10554:Socialist 10492:Sarkozysm 10478:OrlĂ©anism 10398:Chiangism 10388:Singapore 10361:Hong Kong 10312:New Right 10240:Religious 10147:Chiangism 10105:Religious 10090:Pragmatic 10026:by region 9974:Oriamendi 9782:1939-1942 9742:1940-1957 9663:1968-1969 9654:1965-1968 9645:1964-1965 9620:1942-1944 9583:1962-1969 9565:1951-1953 9556:1951-1953 9520:1940-1945 9446:1937-1938 9419:1966-1969 9410:1951-1956 9392:1969-1973 9210:1939-1940 9201:1938-1939 9192:1937-1938 9183:1936-1937 9164:1943-1946 9155:1948-1957 9146:1943-1948 9128:1937-1938 9101:1954-1967 9056:1940-1942 9047:1939-1940 9029:1941-1943 8990:1951-1952 8981:1943-1951 8972:1939-1943 8954:1937-1939 8898:1968-1972 8889:1968-1972 8855:1942-1943 8846:1941-1942 8828:1939-1943 8819:1937-1939 8783:1938-1939 8761:1937-1938 8743:1941-1942 8712:1937-1942 8669:1938-1939 8660:1941-1943 8572:1939-1941 8563:1937-1940 8529:president 8511:1965-1973 8457:1943-1946 8413:1937-1938 8404:1938-1939 8368:39 (1964) 8239:1939-1943 8230:1938-1939 8160:1963-1966 8113:1961-1964 8044:1951-1956 7994:1946-1949 7976:1965-1969 7940:1951-1965 7887:1940-1941 7869:1938-1939 7794:1941-1942 7785:1941-1942 7735:1960-1962 7726:1958-1960 7717:1958-1960 7691:1969-1971 7594:1937-1938 7559:1936-1938 7532:1941-1942 7505:1938-1939 7453:1944-1958 7383:1971-1973 7374:1963-1965 7365:1961-1963 7315:1943-1949 7306:1941-1943 7252:1943-1965 7243:1939-1943 7088:1943-1946 7027:1962-1963 7000:1942-1945 5509:Francoism 5329:11 (1961) 5046:, pp. 1-7 4328:Pajaritos 4237:Footnotes 4216:Francoism 3780:Prov/FET 3585:La Coruña 3336:Tarragona 2797:d. Madrid 2667:La Coruña 2416:CastellĂłn 2229:official 1911:Salamanca 1652:Salamanca 883:Prov/FET 666:share of 422:careerism 281:Civil War 244:Polavieja 219:mellistas 44:verifying 12734:European 12470:Islamism 12453:Hindutva 12423:Religion 12394:Vajpayee 12384:Trujillo 12379:Thatcher 12369:Stolypin 12324:Pinochet 12239:Khomeini 12234:Khamenei 12204:Fujimori 12189:Dollfuss 12179:Disraeli 12144:Bismarck 12129:Adenauer 12057:Politics 12044:Voegelin 12014:Spengler 11984:Schlegel 11949:Peterson 11909:MenĂ©ndez 11884:Leontiev 11854:Karamzin 11829:Hitchens 11599:Royalism 11504:Pro-Life 11396:Trumpism 11361:Movement 11280:Trumpism 11275:Populism 11226:Uruguay 11219:Odriismo 11168:Colombia 11122:Populism 11058:Menemism 10984:Romania 10943:Populist 10938:Metaxism 10922:Georgia 10783:Mellismo 10709:Putinism 10682:Duginism 10590:Völkisch 10520:Hegelian 10515:Agrarian 10445:Gaullism 10376:Pakistan 10371:Malaysia 10307:Ilminism 10225:Kahanism 10085:Populist 10075:National 10070:Moderate 10050:Cultural 8734:, p. 216 8538:1957-?, 8142:, p. 246 7664:6 (1961) 7624:, p. 250 7435:, p. 152 7396:6 (1961) 7171:6 (1961) 6880:Archived 6475:Zabaleta 5113:entry, 4714:Historia 4699:, p. 324 4501:, p. 423 4480:, p. 205 4264:, p. 162 4205:See also 4086:general 4000:general 3949:aviation 3805:interior 3768:gvrnmnt 3496:Pamplona 3399:Gipuzkoa 3053:Gipuzkoa 3003:Donostia 2962:Baleares 2937:Gipuzkoa 2673:Gipuzkoa 2425:Valencia 2282:Donostia 2194:Pamplona 1969:Pamplona 1930:Tenerife 1925:Tenerife 1716:Pamplona 1579:admiral 1219:Gipuzkoa 1090:Pamplona 979:general 922:Pamplona 871:gvrnmnt 828:Don Juan 588:Don Juan 256:Sanjurjo 195:, 1830s 12780:Carlism 12561:Related 12409:Zemmour 12374:Suharto 12354:Salazar 12284:Metaxas 12279:Menzies 12274:Maurras 12194:Erdoğan 12184:Dmowski 12159:Canning 12154:GW Bush 12024:Strauss 11994:Scruton 11989:Schmitt 11979:Savigny 11964:Rivarol 11934:Novalis 11904:Maurras 11894:Maistre 11879:Le Play 11844:Johnson 11764:Carlyle 11759:Burnham 11734:Barruel 11621:Customs 11589:Loyalty 11521:Elitism 11410:Oceania 11297:Toryism 11207:Peruvia 11180:Uribism 11174:Rojismo 11104:Janismo 11017:Ukraine 10955:Iceland 10950:Hungary 10918:Finland 10913:Denmark 10901:Belgium 10896:Austria 10863:Toryism 10813:Kingdom 10789:Maurism 10746:Carlism 10702:Tsarism 10653:Kaczyzm 10507:Germany 10266:Minzoku 10230:Zionism 10065:Liberal 10024:Schools 8318:, p. 56 7899:Requete 7336:, also 7149:, p. 79 6853:, p. 33 6705:, p. 88 5976:Lamamie 5519:Florida 5165:requetĂ© 4575:, p. 42 4211:Carlism 3777:CN/FET 3771:Cortes 2907:Navarre 2809:justice 2709:Vitoria 2475:Navarre 2358:Logroño 2222:Vitoria 2143:justice 2095:Logroño 2039:Navarre 1987:Granada 1672:justice 1326:justice 1294:economy 880:CN/FET 874:Cortes 509:Navarre 502:During 335:Serrano 290:Rodezno 274:Rodezno 234:masonry 155:Spanish 124:Carlism 118:, also 112:Spanish 38:Please 12690:Europe 12349:Reagan 12334:Powell 12294:Mobutu 12269:Marcos 12249:Le Pen 12219:Horthy 12214:Harper 12199:Franco 12164:Chiang 12039:Uvarov 12004:Sowell 11929:Nisbet 11924:Newman 11919:MĂŒller 11874:Le Bon 11849:JĂŒnger 11824:Haller 11814:Fardid 11794:DĂĄvila 11789:CortĂ©s 11744:Bonald 11739:Belloc 11579:Honour 11386:Social 11326:States 11324:United 11292:Social 11267:Canada 11216:  11202:Panama 11197:Mexico 11163:Belize 11080:Brazil 11007:Sweden 10995:Serbia 10970:Norway 10933:Greece 10906:Rexism 10878:Social 10811:United 10674:Russia 10639:Poland 10423:France 10414:Europe 10393:Taiwan 10381:Ziaism 10322:Turkey 10220:Jewish 10207:Israel 10110:Social 10055:Fiscal 9958:  9919:  9898:  9873:  9852:  9809:  9760:1941-? 9712:  9471:  8730:  8314:  8138:  8011:  7756:  7620:  7431:  7145:  7133:  6849:  6820:  6808:  6770:  6745:  6701:  6689:  6617:  6605:  6593:  6581:  6261:  6223:  6149:  6055:  5926:  5905:  5893:  5881:  5869:  5831:  5819:  5799:  5787:  5408:Aragon 5376:better 5276:  5264:  5244:  5232:  5179:  5141:  5097:  5076:  5042:  4926:  4852:  4831:  4791:  4732:  4695:  4683:  4571:  4527:  4497:  4476:  4456:  4444:  4432:  4403:  4383:  4354:  4260:  3929:Orense 3924:Orense 3795:other 3792:mayor 3629:Lerida 3547:Burgos 3218:Burgos 3118:varia 3079:Gerona 3031:Bilbao 2932:Murcia 2860:Bilbao 2851:Biscay 2064:Biscay 1956:Biscay 1006:Orense 968:Orense 963:Orense 898:other 895:mayor 773:Impact 668:Cortes 652:bĂșnker 484:bunker 414:wealth 364:mayors 248:Weyler 140:Cortes 12389:Trump 12364:Smith 12344:Putin 12309:OrbĂĄn 12124:Adams 12029:Taine 12019:Stahl 12009:Spann 11969:Röpke 11959:Renan 11954:Ranke 11889:Lewis 11839:Iorga 11819:Gentz 11809:Evola 11804:Eliot 11784:Comte 11754:Burke 11626:Mores 11611:Norms 11376:Paleo 11349:Paleo 11156:Other 11132:Chile 10889:Other 10826:Civic 10733:Spain 10602:Italy 10566:Young 10366:India 10349:Other 10257:Japan 10139:China 10120:Ultra 10060:Green 9377:Abril 8621:37-38 6414:cause 6069:years 5366:Gauna 4103:49-64 4098:49-64 4069:46-53 3987:37-46 3982:43-52 3957:61-67 3952:61-77 3903:67-72 3894:43-71 3870:43-71 3864:43-71 3840:Alava 3814:64-77 3808:64-77 3765:name 3737:67-71 3709:71-77 3693:72-76 3686:61-77 3681:61-77 3653:67-71 3569:43-46 3544:37-43 3539:67-77 3514:37-39 3481:55-61 3456:39-51 3451:43-51 3426:37-39 3421:43-58 3369:64-67 3363:64-67 3339:43-46 3333:43-46 3305:67-71 3280:43-58 3274:43-58 3249:58-67 3243:58-67 3191:58-64 3186:58-64 3101:43-67 3050:43-61 3045:43-61 2992:43-64 2987:43-67 2929:43-46 2904:52-61 2899:52-61 2877:64-67 2872:55-67 2848:37-39 2843:55-77 2824:73-79 2821:73-78 2812:55-77 2782:52-65 2753:43-58 2729:43-46 2723:43-49 2694:43-46 2664:43-46 2605:58-61 2579:43-51 2551:71-76 2529:37-43 2497:43-46 2468:55-60 2413:52-67 2380:55-58 2328:61-67 2323:61-67 2297:Alava 2294:43-61 2267:61-64 2239:49-55 2225:high 2207:49-58 2179:46-49 2162:65-69 2157:65-69 2152:49-76 2146:49-76 2121:55-61 2116:55-61 2067:39-45 2061:43-49 2007:67-71 1941:mngr 1896:67-71 1872:58-67 1867:58-67 1840:52-58 1812:67-77 1791:Alava 1786:Alava 1763:Alava 1733:61-64 1728:61-64 1680:37-46 1675:43-46 1649:37-39 1594:55-61 1589:46-61 1539:61-67 1534:61-67 1505:55-61 1447:71-77 1423:58-64 1418:58-64 1394:71-77 1389:71-77 1361:52-55 1344:43-65 1339:43-65 1334:43-65 1329:43-65 1310:65-73 1307:65-73 1302:58-71 1297:58-73 1268:58-77 1246:37-39 1191:61-67 1186:61-67 1164:64-77 1159:64-77 1133:67-71 1109:37-39 1104:52-67 1075:43-46 1056:71-76 1047:67-76 1019:71-77 991:61-64 939:58-61 934:58-61 868:name 794:Álava 670:seats 642:were 12707:Neo- 12329:Pitt 12314:Park 12299:Modi 12244:Kohl 11914:More 11859:Kirk 11834:Hume 11516:Duty 11312:Pink 11302:Blue 11187:Cuba 10868:High 10179:Iran 10130:Asia 9956:ISBN 9917:ISBN 9896:ISBN 9871:ISBN 9850:ISBN 9807:ISBN 9710:ISBN 9635:here 9511:1940 9502:1939 9493:1939 9469:ISBN 9381:here 9369:here 9357:here 9274:here 9232:1938 9065:1937 8963:1939 8945:1937 8870:here 8728:ISBN 8693:here 8678:1937 8640:here 8544:here 8475:1946 8312:ISBN 8287:1937 8194:1943 8184:here 8136:ISBN 8128:here 8094:here 8025:here 8009:ISBN 7967:1939 7958:1939 7913:1937 7903:here 7859:here 7834:here 7819:1937 7809:here 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Francisco Franco
Francoist system
FET y de las JONS
Ministry of Justice
Carlism at war, 1830s

Carlism at war
born in the 1830s
Primo de Rivera

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