
User talk:Supertask: Difference between revisions

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447:"If this is your final word I will change the date to represent the date the act came into operation" - There is nothing in the template to state that the date is to be the date it was formally adopted. One of your first arguments was "The Independence section of the infobox detail actual independence dates, not legal technicalities" and I rebutted that immediately. What you claimed is not true. ] states the date of royal assent as 9 October 1942 and the date of commencement as 3 September 1939 so these are obviously the important dates. In the amendment that I made to ] after you raised your concerns, which you might note I explained by creating ] and which was not opposed by anyone else, I have clearly explained the circumstances surrounding the adoption of the Act. There is therefore no reason for you to change anything as your apparent concerns are completely and accurately covered by what is written. I pointed this out at Talk:Australia back on ] ] and you haven't made any attempt to explain why what is written does not satisfy you. Instead you've just continued on about legal technicalities and how it was actually adopted on 9 October 1942, which is explained in the note any way, making it impossible to know exactly what would please you and what exactly you find wrong with the current article. Why exactly is it so important to you that the date be shown as 9 October 1942 in the infobox without any reference to the backdating, rather than being fully explained in the note which includes references to the ] article? What you seem to be proposing will hide relevant facts. 1789::::::::We have 2 dates, I argue mine is the main date because it is when the act actually took effect on Australia, when Australia was allowed to <em>fully</em> self legislate (yes, it had legislated itself before but it didn't have the independence of the British government to do this fully without the possibility of intevention, so don't bring that up), I have elaborated on this point a lot earlier. You, however, are just declaring by fiat that your date is the main date, regardless of the fact the act confirming the Statute of Westminster 1931, the one you showed me in your cite 11, official name is: "]" and regardless of the fact that my date is the one when the act actually effected Australia, as explained earlier. Now you are using the strange tactic of calling on the support of the original editor who inserted that date, again it is part of your unfounded notion that the status quo is automatically a stronger argument than objections on Knowledge and that objections must overcome this advantage. I have already said all this, so now who's "rehashing the same old stuff over and over without adding anything". 1355::::I thought the Australia act was more important because it's when the ] actually took effect, and it would allow the infobox to display both dates. My point on legal technicalities vs actual dates is that the actual date that act had an actual effect on Australia's independence can't have been your date because the act hadn't been invented then. In addition, even if beyond that you say they are equal dates, both being in the document of the act, then which one should be picked? Well the one which has a being on physical reality would be the one. The act that Australia used to ratify the Statute of Westminster, the one you showed me in your cite 11, official name is even Statute of Westminster Adoption Act '''1942''' (emphasis mine). You mentioned earlier that not showing the backdate would be excluding relevant information, so please accept my compromise which will show both dates: "- Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 9 October 1942 (backdated to 3 September 1939)".--] (]) 20:05, 4 June 2008 (UTC) 537::::Why the information of his religious belief is important? It is important because he abolished the Caliphate. (removed the Political Islam from political arena) Was he a Muslim? Yes he was. Did he liked green apples? He was not an apple farmer or a genetic scientist who works on apples. That question is irrelevant. Hovever if he had an allergy to green apples, in that case this question would be significant. ''We ask questions, because they give us important clues of historically significant events.'' He never claimed he was a "Hoja" or compete for the position of Calip. He did not develop a theological theory. His position regarding angles or devil is irrelevant. His political theories are relevant, but you are not interested in them. It is not clear what your are trying to say or what is the significance of your position. Do not take it too personal, when people question your motives. Because they are not clear. --] (]) 20:35, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 3397::Hi, and thanks for the reply. At present, the infobox includes details about the Acts of Union of 1707 as well as the Act of Union of 1801, as I believe it should. The date of formation of the UK is something that is disputed between those who argue for 1707 and those who argue for 1801 - the easiest way for us to resolve this in the United Kingdom article is to include both. (Personally, I think that the fact that the original Treaty of Union referred throughout to the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' does lend support to the view that though the original UK was formed in 1707 with it growing in 1801 and shrinking again in 1922!) Whatever our views on that point, if we agree that the Union of Crowns in 1603 was not the date of the formation of the UK, my view is that this means it should not be included in the infobox. Cheers for now. ] (]) 15:34, 29 December 2008 (UTC) 1160:* "WP:DEADHORSE is about an argument coming to a natural end which it hasn't." - Again as I pointed out on your talk page, apart from me, only one other person has joined the discussion and he made a single post. I've been trying to get away from the discussion for 3 weeks and the only reason I haven't been able to is because of your incessant demands for replies to the same arguments that you keep making over and over. The only person interested in continuing is you. The only community members involved, other than you, have lost interest so yes, the discussion has come to a natural end, exactly as stated in ], ie: {{cquote|'''If a debate, discussion, or general exchange of views has come to a natural end through''' one party having "won" or (more likely) '''the community having lost interest in the entire thing'''}} 377:"WP:DEADHORSE is about an argument coming to a natural end which it hasn't." - Again as I pointed out on your talk page, apart from me, only one other person has joined the discussion and he made a single post. I've been trying to get away from the discussion for 3 weeks and the only reason I haven't been able to is because of your incessant demands for replies to the same arguments that you keep making over and over. The only person interested in continuing is you. The only community members involved, other than you, have lost interest so yes, the discussion has come to a natural end, exactly as stated in ], ie: {{cquote|'''If a debate, discussion, or general exchange of views has come to a natural end through''' one party having "won" or (more likely) '''the community having lost interest in the entire thing'''}} 3408:::Yes, I understand your point about 1801 and realise that there is evidence to back it. However, I'm afraid I do not see that the personal union of 1603 should be included because later political unions are. After 1603, England and Scotland remained separate states until the brief period of Cromwell's commonwealth after which the former situation was restored. Over the century up to 1706, attempts to bring about political union failed, so it was not the fact of the union of the crowns that led to political union rather than the political and economic conditions of 1706. Anyway, that's my view - you may wish to bring this to a wider audience by raising the issue on the UK talk page, though I doubt there will be concensus for change. Cheers for now ] (]) 22:33, 29 December 2008 (UTC) 1335::::Basically your saying you want to leave the discussion because it is your opinion that it has come to an end, but I can't change anything anyway because the community hasn't commented. When I said there is no Knowledge definition of status quo I meant there is no policy on it - you are putting your argument on higher ground by saying that if the discussion stops (despite the fact your the one stopping it) your view automatically stays just because it is the status quo - you could have saved loads of time if you had only responded to me once, then flashed ] and said "actually I think the discussion has come to a natural end and you can't edit this article because my view is the current status quo" - show me anything like a WP:Status Quo and OK. 503:::There is a whole section regarding his religious beliefs under ''Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's personal life.'' There is a picture showing him preying in that section. The question of ones religious beliefs is somewhat funny! Do we ask how much "Christian" one should be to be a Christian man. If one does not accept the Pope's authority, (like Caliphate) do he become non Christian? I guess in the eyes of Pope that person will be deemed for the Hell. Besides if these people who question is religious beliefs were Muslims, they would know that if one accepts God's existance, become Muslim for life. If one deny the God later, that person do not become Non-Muslim, but ]. --] (]) 00:26, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 318:
Thus he still acted outwardly in the name of the Caliphate, whose abolition was his ultimate objective. With every appearance of defernce he mobilized the ulema, the religious authority of Angora, which now issued a counterblast to Constantinople with a fetva of its own." "... to encourage such deputies as might be reluctant to come to the newly elected Assembly, he thus circulated throughout the country his own proclamation which outdid the Sultan-Caliph himself in its Islamic invocations." Later, p.386 Kinross mentions how "an emissary, claiming to represent Indian and Egyptian Moslems" "suggested to Kemal that he himself should become the Caliph." Cheers, ] (]) 05:32, 10 April 2008 (UTC)
2356::You've made your own conclusion which is different from what is actually written. That's ] so it's not a lie. It has been the case all along but I haven't used it until now because I've been trying to get you to see reason by pointing out all of the flaws in your arguments. After a month of pointless discussion I see no problem pointing out what you should have realised from the beginning. I don't need consensus because I'm supporting what was in the article to begin with. You're seeking to change the article and you've been opposed so you need consensus. I suggest you read ] which states:{{cquote|The burden of evidence lies with the editor who adds or restores material.}} 2399:
written, the article mentions both the ] ] and the ] ] date so you must show specifically what part supports your argument but contradicts mine. You didn't do this and just threw an accusation out there as your argument so far has been dotted with useless slander, I guess I should expect it. The quote you have taken from ] was part of a greater statement about needing citation. It didn't say that information that had been there for a long time (the ] ] date) somehow needed less evidence than information trying to be introduced, the burden of proof was on whoever put in the ] ] date as well as on me.--] (]) 20:29, 10 June 2008 (UTC)
2505:]: {{cquote|'''Knowledge does not publish original research or original thought'''. This includes unpublished facts, arguments, speculation, and ideas; and any unpublished analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to advance a position. This means that ] the place to publish your own opinions, experiences, or arguments. ] and avoiding original research are inextricably linked: to demonstrate that you are not presenting original research, you must cite reliable sources that provide information '''directly related''' to the topic of the article, and that directly support the information as it is presented.|20|20|]}} 2430:{{cquote|'''Knowledge does not publish original research or original thought'''. This includes unpublished facts, arguments, speculation, and ideas; and any unpublished analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to advance a position. This means that ] the place to publish your own opinions, experiences, or arguments. ] and avoiding original research are inextricably linked: to demonstrate that you are not presenting original research, you must cite reliable sources that provide information '''directly related''' to the topic of the article, and that directly support the information as it is presented.|20|20|]}} 676:"Then the teacher - a hoja - arrived before the green bedecked door of our house, accompanied by all his scholars. After a prayer had been offered, I made an obeisance to my mother, my father and the teacher, lifting my fingertips to my breast and forehead and kissing their hands. Then, amid the cheering of my new companions, I went in joyous procession through the streets of the city to the school, which adjoined the mosque. On our arrival there another prayer was repeated in chorus; then the teacher, taking me by the hand, led me into a bare, vaulted chamber, where the sacred word of the Koran was unfolded to me." 3910:"WP:DEADHORSE is about an argument coming to a natural end which it hasn't." - Again as I pointed out on your talk page, apart from me, only one other person has joined the discussion and he made a single post. I've been trying to get away from the discussion for 3 weeks and the only reason I haven't been able to is because of your incessant demands for replies to the same arguments that you keep making over and over. The only person interested in continuing is you. The only community members involved, other than you, have lost interest so yes, the discussion has come to a natural end, exactly as stated in 3688:"WP:DEADHORSE is about an argument coming to a natural end which it hasn't." - Again as I pointed out on your talk page, apart from me, only one other person has joined the discussion and he made a single post. I've been trying to get away from the discussion for 3 weeks and the only reason I haven't been able to is because of your incessant demands for replies to the same arguments that you keep making over and over. The only person interested in continuing is you. The only community members involved, other than you, have lost interest so yes, the discussion has come to a natural end, exactly as stated in 1510::::::The 9 October 1942 date is put at the bottom but it is not a side note it is the main date so this is not sufficient. In addition you misrepresented my argument at the bottom by saying "The ] received royal assent on ] ]" how many times do I have to say my argument for listing it with that date has nothing to do with royal assent? Even if royal assent was on a different day, I would still support the ] ] date because thats when it came into operation, thats when it actually started being enforced so that is when it affected Australia. Anyway basically the ] ] deserves to be in the infobox. 2315:] Welcome to Knowledge. We welcome and appreciate your contributions, {{#if:Australia| including your edits to ],}} but we regretfully cannot accept ]. Original research also encompasses novel, unpublished syntheses of previously published material. Please be prepared to cite a ] for all of your information. {{#if:|{{{2}}}|Thank you.}}<!-- Template:Uw-nor1 --> ''As we discussed over the period of a month, the appropriate Act is the Statute of Westminster, not the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act. There has been no consensus for your change.'' ] (]) 22:15, 8 June 2008 (UTC) 1623::::::::]: "There's only so much information that you can put in the infobox. That's why the statement is included as a note, which isn't just at the bottom of the page. It appears when you roll over the note tag in the infobox. There's no way anyone is going to agree to a whole sentence appearing in the infobox. That's not the way it's done. What has been added as a note is far more accurate and descriptive than just adding a date. It expands on what is in the infobox in such a way that nobody reading the article could misinterpret what is written." 5781:
way for us to resolve this in the United Kingdom article is to include both. (Personally, I think that the fact that the original Treaty of Union referred throughout to the 'United Kingdom of Great Britain' does lend support to the view that though the original UK was formed in 1707 with it growing in 1801 and shrinking again in 1922!) Whatever our views on that point, if we agree that the Union of Crowns in 1603 was not the date of the formation of the UK, my view is that this means it should not be included in the infobox. Cheers for now.
4366:: "There's only so much information that you can put in the infobox. That's why the statement is included as a note, which isn't just at the bottom of the page. It appears when you roll over the note tag in the infobox. There's no way anyone is going to agree to a whole sentence appearing in the infobox. That's not the way it's done. What has been added as a note is far more accurate and descriptive than just adding a date. It expands on what is in the infobox in such a way that nobody reading the article could misinterpret what is written." 2078:]: "This is not the first time that you've claimed that I haven't said something that I have and you've done it even after I've provided diffs to the change. The edit where I "put the 9 October 1942 date at the bottom" was at 06:10, 8 May 2008 UTC. Your first complaint at ] was at 00:23, 9 May 2008 UTC so the edits "were made before you started complaining on ]", 18 hours and 13 minutes before to be precise. It would be nice, just once, to see you actually acknowledge that you've made a mistake rather than ignore the fact that you did." 1115:
Eastern history and in general Soviet/Russian sources have a higher quality than the British ones. In addition even encycl;opedia Britanica says that 728 BC Deioces united the Median tribes and became their king. It is the establishment of the Median Kingdom. Nevertheless for some reason you want to diagree. But again as I said I have left wikipedia and will not do much efforts here. You can go on with your pinion. It is now up to other Iranian editors to discuss with you. Good Luck--] (]) 13:31, 29 April 2008 (UTC)
4558:" and regardless of the fact that my date is the one when the act actually effected Australia, as explained earlier. Now you are using the strange tactic of calling on the support of the original editor who inserted that date, again it is part of your unfounded notion that the status quo is automatically a stronger argument than objections on Knowledge and that objections must overcome this advantage. I have already said all this, so now who's "rehashing the same old stuff over and over without adding anything". 387:''Atatürk: The Rebirth of a Nation''. However, I would like to know what you meant by pp.4,217, I thought pp. meant a page but obviously not. Could you tell me what you meant by that, what part of the book provides the evidence should I acquire the book and the exact words in that book that you think are proof Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a Muslim. Also, please do not assume I don't know that there are Muslims that don't pursue political Islam. --] 04:41, 10 April 2008 (GMT) 1375::::::]: "No, I'm saying the conversation ''did'' come to an end a long time ago. You just won't let it die until you want it to and keep insisting that I continue this pointless discussion. It's pointless because the concerns you raised in your edits back on 5 and 6 May were addressed in an edit made on 8 May, as I've already mentioned, and provided diffs for. You're arguing about something that was fixed for you a month ago. I'm really glad I'm not your mechanic." 1253::I wasn't threatening to make controversial edits, I just said if you want to back down thats fine and I will change it, then unopposed. You have not answered some of my points properly and are now trying to back out of the argument while thretening that me then daring to change it it 'reprehensible'. Your argument is not the default because it's the status quo, they are still equal, you only supporting yours openly and me only supporting mine openly. 5796:
commonwealth after which the former situation was restored. Over the century up to 1706, attempts to bring about political union failed, so it was not the fact of the union of the crowns that led to political union rather than the political and economic conditions of 1706. Anyway, that's my view - you may wish to bring this to a wider audience by raising the issue on the UK talk page, though I doubt there will be concensus for change. Cheers for now
status quo is supported and that means the changes shouldn't be made. Threatening to make controversial changes as a way of forcing somebody to continue a conversation is reprehensible. Unless somebody else is willing to weigh in on the discussion, and after a month it's highly unlikely, then you really should give up and stop pestering people to continue a dead conversation that only you are interested in continuing. --] (]) 01:30, 4 June 2008 (UTC)
2682::"this still doesn't say anything about edits that have been around for longer being more immune to criticism because there is no such policy." - Consider the time that the edit has been around and the number of people who have edited the page. Now compare that to your attempt. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people have edited or read the article and of all of them, only one person has opposed what is written. Your edit was immediately opposed. 5313:"this still doesn't say anything about edits that have been around for longer being more immune to criticism because there is no such policy." - Consider the time that the edit has been around and the number of people who have edited the page. Now compare that to your attempt. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people have edited or read the article and of all of them, only one person has opposed what is written. Your edit was immediately opposed. 1448::::::What?! I can't believe this, I told you its so that both dates can be displayed easily! I'm fine to have it list the date of the ''Statute of Westminster'' 1942 and the date it was adopted, but to have both our dates on it would need more space and so we could use the ''Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942''. The ''Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942'' isn't relevant at all other than to display both dates and reach a compromise. 3615: 5359:
date of adoption is 3 September 1939 and the date it came into operation is 9 October 1942 (and that is also the date it entered Australian law and actually started affecting Australia. It is actually you who is more slanted towards original research, but I will not accuse you of it because your not doing original research yet and again unlike you I'm reasonable enough not to try every underhand tactic to further my agenda.
5823: 2745:
date of adoption is 3 September 1939 and the date it came into operation is 9 October 1942 (and that is also the date it entered Australian law and actually started affecting Australia. It is actually you who is more slanted towards original research, but I will not accuse you of it because your not doing original research yet and again unlike you I'm reasonable enough not to try every underhand tactic to further my agenda.
5722: 3377:
Union of the Crowns. The Treaty of Union of 1706 agreed the details of the new state created in 1707 and the Acts of Union of 1707 brought this new state into being by ratifying the Treaty. The Union of the Crowns did not create a new state and need not have led to the creation of the United Kingdom - therefore, I do not think it can be included in the way you propose. Cheers for now ] (]) 13:19, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
68: 908:
Mannai but then managed to establish (his own) Median empire. Also in the Irnian books is he recognized as the establisher of the Median empire. The confusion comes because it is assumed that after a period Median throne got conquered( by the Scythians probably), but the Median royal clan again defeated them. See Diakonov on the History of Media.--Babakexorramdin (talk) 01:24, 22 April 2008 (UTC)
Mannai but then managed to establish (his own) Median empire. Also in the Irnian books is he recognized as the establisher of the Median empire. The confusion comes because it is assumed that after a period Median throne got conquered( by the Scythians probably), but the Median royal clan again defeated them. See Diakonov on the History of Media.--Babakexorramdin (talk) 01:24, 22 April 2008 (UTC)
4887: 1315::What about this as a compromise: I think that the Statue of Westminster Adoption Act passed by the Australian paliament is more important to its independence so what if rather than saying: "- Statute of Westminster 11 December 1931 (commenced 3 September 1939)" it said: "- Statute of Westminster Adoption 9 October 1942 (backdated to 3 September 1939)"--] (]) 09:06, 4 June 2008 (UTC) 2693::"Your argument from there is no community support for my argument falls apart because there is no community support" - Clearly you have either not read the policies or not understood them. "''Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident''" That edit has been around for a long time without change or opposition so there has been support for a long time. 5420:
1939 meant it came into operation in 3 September 1939, showing that your 'I'm just doing what the act says' tactic is a sham. You have dumped all discussion and evidence and are shouting wild accusations. You still haven't answered this even though I have asked you to: why did you not originally call my views original research? More evidence this is just an underhand tactic.
1939 meant it came into operation in 3 September 1939, showing that your 'I'm just doing what the act says' tactic is a sham. You have dumped all discussion and evidence and are shouting wild accusations. You still haven't answered this even though I have asked you to: why did you not originally call my views original research? More evidence this is just an underhand tactic.
1654::::::::]: "It's not an immature insult. It's an analogy based on the way you've handled this. You raised issues at the beginning of May and what you wanted included was added to the article soon after. Here you are harping on about it a month later with still no sign of accepting that what you wanted in the article was included so you've got nothing to complain about." 4402:: "It's not an immature insult. It's an analogy based on the way you've handled this. You raised issues at the beginning of May and what you wanted included was added to the article soon after. Here you are harping on about it a month later with still no sign of accepting that what you wanted in the article was included so you've got nothing to complain about." 2627::"Great, you quoted what I already read." - You may have read it but you clearly do not understand it. Your statement "I haven't done any of that" proves that. By deciding that the adoption date of the Statute of Westminster should be 9 October 1942, rather than 3 September 1939 as stated in the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act you've done exactly that. 5286:"Great, you quoted what I already read." - You may have read it but you clearly do not understand it. Your statement "I haven't done any of that" proves that. By deciding that the adoption date of the Statute of Westminster should be 9 October 1942, rather than 3 September 1939 as stated in the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act you've done exactly that. 3184:
next month to find the initial board, who will oversee the process of founding the company and accepting membership applications. They will then call an AGM to formally elect a new board who after obtaining charitable status will start the fund raising, promotion and active support for the UK Wikimedian community for which the chapter is being founded.
1891:{{cquote|An Act to remove Doubts as to the Validity of certain Commonwealth Legislation, to obviate Delays occurring in its Passage, and to effect certain related purposes, by '''adopting''' certain Sections of the Statute of Westminster 1931, as ''' from the Commencement of the War between his Majesty the King and Germany'''|30px|30px|Long title|]}} 4798:
judegement, such as this one "Because, by backdating the effective date of the Act the effective date that the Act came into operation became 3 September 1939. It's not rocket science." even though your own cite of the act itself says it came into operation on 9 October 1942, you choose to say that adoption makes the operation 3 September 1939.
4667:: "Your most recent post has added nothing. You've, once again, just rehashed the same old stuff so it appears we're definitely at an end. You haven't justified your desired change so it will just have to stay out. The simple fact is that even the Act states that the beginning of the war is the important date, and it does so in its long title: 4039:
beyond that you say they are equal dates, both being in the document of the act, then which one should be picked? Well the one which has a being on physical reality would be the one. The act that Australia used to ratify the Statute of Westminster, the one you showed me in your cite 11, official name is even Statute of Westminster Adoption Act
judegement, such as this one "Because, by backdating the effective date of the Act the effective date that the Act came into operation became 3 September 1939. It's not rocket science." even though your own cite of the act itself says it came into operation on 9 October 1942, you choose to say that adoption makes the operation 3 September 1939.
1880:]: "Your most recent post has added nothing. You've, once again, just rehashed the same old stuff so it appears we're definitely at an end. You haven't justified your desired change so it will just have to stay out. The simple fact is that even the Act states that the beginning of the war is the important date, and it does so in its long title: 308:
only one post, over 3 weeks ago. My only responses to you in those three weeks have been as a result of your demands on my talk page. More than just the community losing interested, it was never interested to start with. So yes, it has happened. Accept it, ]. This is my final word on the matter. Cheers. --] (]) 14:01, 2 June 2008 (UTC)
2452:{{cquote|Consensus is typically reached as a natural and inherent product of the wiki-editing process; generally someone makes a change or addition to a page, and then everyone who reads the page has an opportunity to either leave the page as it is or change it. In essence, ], if there is adequate exposure to the community.|20|20|]}} 3724:"If this is your final word I will change the date to represent the date the act came into operation" - There is nothing in the template to state that the date is to be the date it was formally adopted. One of your first arguments was "The Independence section of the infobox detail actual independence dates, not legal technicalities" 1242::]: Where no consensus has been reached the status quo is supported and that means the changes shouldn't be made. Threatening to make controversial changes as a way of forcing somebody to continue a conversation is reprehensible. Unless somebody else is willing to weigh in on the discussion, and after a month it's highly unlikely 3817:: Where no consensus has been reached the status quo is supported and that means the changes shouldn't be made. Threatening to make controversial changes as a way of forcing somebody to continue a conversation is reprehensible. Unless somebody else is willing to weigh in on the discussion, and after a month it's highly unlikely 759:]: Where no consensus has been reached the status quo is supported and that means the changes shouldn't be made. Threatening to make controversial changes as a way of forcing somebody to continue a conversation is reprehensible. Unless somebody else is willing to weigh in on the discussion, and after a month it's highly unlikely 3969:: Where no consensus has been reached the status quo is supported and that means the changes shouldn't be made. Threatening to make controversial changes as a way of forcing somebody to continue a conversation is reprehensible. Unless somebody else is willing to weigh in on the discussion, and after a month it's highly unlikely 1304::]: Why exactly is it so important to you that the date be shown as 9 October 1942 in the infobox without any reference to the backdating, rather than being fully explained in the note which includes references to the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 article? What you seem to be proposing will hide relevant facts. 3840:: Why exactly is it so important to you that the date be shown as 9 October 1942 in the infobox without any reference to the backdating, rather than being fully explained in the note which includes references to the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 article? What you seem to be proposing will hide relevant facts. 990:]: Why exactly is it so important to you that the date be shown as 9 October 1942 in the infobox without any reference to the backdating, rather than being fully explained in the note which includes references to the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 article? What you seem to be proposing will hide relevant facts. 3992:: Why exactly is it so important to you that the date be shown as 9 October 1942 in the infobox without any reference to the backdating, rather than being fully explained in the note which includes references to the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 article? What you seem to be proposing will hide relevant facts. 2928:]:{{cquote|'''Consider the time that the edit has been around and the number of people who have edited the page. Now compare that to your attempt. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people have edited or read the article and of all of them, only one person has opposed what is written. Your edit was immediately opposed.}} 1634::::::::The date the act was passed is important enough to be in the infobox. It's amazing you are telling me no one will agree to a whole sentence in the infobox - what do you think I was talking about when I said we needed to save space and proposed my compromise which would show both dates in minimal space?! 1603::::::::The community hasn't shown interest in either of our views so there still on equal ground, again you still pass silly judgements "ignoring reality" yet I have responded to this before and you keep bringing it up so it seems to be you who is ignoring the reality that I have already responded to this. 5795:
Yes, I understand your point about 1801 and realise that there is evidence to back it. However, I'm afraid I do not see that the personal union of 1603 should be included because later political unions are. After 1603, England and Scotland remained separate states until the brief period of Cromwell's
Hi, and thanks for the reply. At present, the infobox includes details about the Acts of Union of 1707 as well as the Act of Union of 1801, as I believe it should. The date of formation of the UK is something that is disputed between those who argue for 1707 and those who argue for 1801 - the easiest
You still haven't answered my question: I have only said what the act said and that it came into Australian law on 9 October 1942. Other than that all I have said is the 9 October 1942 date is important enough to be in the infobox. If you can't point out which part of that is original research please
so it's not a lie. It has been the case all along but I haven't used it until now because I've been trying to get you to see reason by pointing out all of the flaws in your arguments. After a month of pointless discussion I see no problem pointing out what you should have realised from the beginning.
The original research ploy is a complete lie that you have only recently started using because it's a buzzword which labels a users contributions as bad, rightly so. Though I have never once resorted to my own hypothesis or evidence, only using the act and what it says and history to support my side.
I wasn't threatening to make controversial edits, I just said if you want to back down thats fine and I will change it, then unopposed. You have not answered some of my points properly and are now trying to back out of the argument while thretening that me then daring to change it it 'reprehensible'.
I wasn't threatening to make controversial edits, I just said if you want to back down thats fine and I will change it, then unopposed. You have not answered some of my points properly and are now trying to back out of the argument while thretening that me then daring to change it it 'reprehensible'.
I agree. He sometimes used crude attacks and kept trying to avoid the issue - ] by wrongly applying a ] and ] and making up his own terms for the debate. With the help of others a compromise was eventually reached. I guess editors of the Australia article may simply have a hard time.--] (]) 08:17, 23
You still haven't answered my question: I have only said what the act said and that it came into Australian law on 9 October 1942. Other than that all I have said is the 9 October 1942 date is important enough to be in the infobox. If you can't point out which part of that is original research please
The original research ploy is a complete lie that you have only recently started using because it's a buzzword which labels a users contributions as bad, rightly so. Though I have never once resorted to my own hypothesis or evidence, only using the act and what it says and history to support my side.
dear super task your I cannot open the link but the other one states "petty Median chieftain subject to the kingdom of Mannai in modern Iranian Azerbaijan; later tradition made him the founder of the Median empire. " It says that he was first a subject of
I wasn't threatening to make controversial edits, I just said if you want to back down thats fine and I will change it, then unopposed. You have not answered some of my points properly and are now trying to back out of the argument while thretening that me then daring to change it it 'reprehensible'.
dear super task your I cannot open the link but the other one states "petty Median chieftain subject to the kingdom of Mannai in modern Iranian Azerbaijan; later tradition made him the founder of the Median empire. " It says that he was first a subject of
On page 4: "He was born an Ottoman Moslem, of lower middle class family and ostensibly Turkish stock." On p. 216-7: After noting how the Sheikh of Islam had pronounced a fatwa on the Nationalists, Kinross says "In creating it Kemal must reply in kind to the Islamic manifestoes of Constantinople.
It was immediately opposed by only one person. All over Knowledge wrong edits are overlooked by thousands of people. Maybe they don't have time, more likely they don't look into it. It doesn't say anything about the 1939 date being a backdate in the infobox, many would have thought that was the date
Please answer this and don't ignore it: I have always only said what is in the act, 3 September 1939 is the date it was adopted, 9 October 1942 was the date it came into operation and the date it entered Australian law. However, you made a blunder and said that the fact it was adopted in 3 September
It is ridiculous to suggest I have done research just because I have reached a different conclusion to you, if you want to push this, you must show how my interpretation is original research and yours is not. You vaguely say that it's because I made my own conclusion different from what was actually
Funny you accuse me of ignoring reality, the 'community' has not shown interest either way (it hasn't shown interest in showing your point of view either) and WP:DEADHORSE is about an argument coming to a natural end which it hasn't. If this is your final word I will change the date to represent the
It was immediately opposed by only one person. All over Knowledge wrong edits are overlooked by thousands of people. Maybe they don't have time, more likely they don't look into it. It doesn't say anything about the 1939 date being a backdate in the infobox, many would have thought that was the date
Please answer this and don't ignore it: I have always only said what is in the act, 3 September 1939 is the date it was adopted, 9 October 1942 was the date it came into operation and the date it entered Australian law. However, you made a blunder and said that the fact it was adopted in 3 September
It is ridiculous to suggest I have done research just because I have reached a different conclusion to you, if you want to push this, you must show how my interpretation is original research and yours is not. You vaguely say that it's because I made my own conclusion different from what was actually
That makes it pretty clear that the date of adoption of the ] is ] ]. I've pointed this out previously. Don't say I didn't, as you are wont to do, because . The ] may have come into operation on 9 October 1942, when it received Royal Assent, but it immediately caused the ] to be adopted as from ] ].
Funny you accuse me of ignoring reality, the 'community' has not shown interest either way (it hasn't shown interest in showing your point of view either) and WP:DEADHORSE is about an argument coming to a natural end which it hasn't. If this is your final word I will change the date to represent the
Here's some more from Kinross's book: Below are Ataturk's own words - a later recollection quoted on p.6 describing the occasion of his introduction "with the usual religious ceremony into the school of Fatima Mollah Kadin" clearly it goes along with the image discussed (which I can't find - I guess
and let us know. We plan on holding an election in the next month to find the initial board, who will oversee the process of founding the company and accepting membership applications. They will then call an AGM to formally elect a new board who after obtaining charitable status will start the fund
self legislate (yes, it had legislated itself before but it didn't have the independence of the British government to do this fully without the possibility of intevention, so don't bring that up), I have elaborated on this point a lot earlier. You, however, are just declaring by fiat that your date
Basically your saying you want to leave the discussion because it is your opinion that it has come to an end, but I can't change anything anyway because the community hasn't commented. When I said there is no Knowledge definition of status quo I meant there is no policy on it - you are putting your
and you haven't made any attempt to explain why what is written does not satisfy you. Instead you've just continued on about legal technicalities and how it was actually adopted on 9 October 1942, which is explained in the note any way, making it impossible to know exactly what would please you and
We are also in the process of forming a new UK Wikimedia chapter to replace the soon to be folded old one. If you are interested in helping shape our plans, showing your support or becoming a future member or board member, please head over to ] and let us know. We plan on holding an election in the
1592::::::::]: "This goes back to my statement about you ignoring reality. You keep saying that the discussion hasn't ended but if you didn't pester people to respond it would have ended a long time ago. The community has no interest in continuing so it did end, just as ] says. You just won't let it go." 1114:
As I announced I have left Knowledge because of much irritation. Do not take it personal. But I am tired of some peoples'behaviour especially with regards to the Iranian articles. As your answer: I may hurt your British feelings but allow me to diagree with you, Diakonov is an authority in the near
and which was not opposed by anyone else, I have clearly explained the circumstances surrounding the adoption of the Act. There is therefore no reason for you to change anything as your apparent concerns are completely and accurately covered by what is written. I pointed this out at Talk:Australia
Hi there. Sorry I reverted your edit to the United Kingdom article without giving a reason - I've now reverted again but this time provided a reason! This may be an issue for talk but my view is that we have ] that outlines the steps that led to the formation of the United Kingdom which covers the
Massive hypocrisy occurs here. I have never said that the adoption date was 9 October 1942. It was you that made this mistake earlier and said the date of operation was 3 September 1939. I have not done original research and have unlike you stuck strictly to what the act says and that is that the
3508:|valign=top|Hello, Supertask. Based on the templates on your talk page, please consider joining the ]. Rescue Squadron members are focused on rescuing articles from deletion, that might otherwise be lost forever. I think you will find our project matches your vision of Knowledge. You can join ]. 2744:
Massive hypocrisy occurs here. I have never said that the adoption date was 9 October 1942. It was you that made this mistake earlier and said the date of operation was 3 September 1939. I have not done original research and have unlike you stuck strictly to what the act says and that is that the
As you are well aware, I posted that quote at ] but, like every other response, you just ignore it, or misunderstand it, and come back with the same old arguments, just as you've done on my talk page. To be quite frank, it's more than just annoying and gives nobody any incentive to discuss things
I directed you to ] and quoted a specific section to which you responded "Yes, I read that, it hasn't happened." It's an interesting statement to make because, like your arguments at ], it ignores reality. Other than you and me, the only person to join in on the discussion was Gazzter and he made
Great, you quoted what I already read. I haven't done any of that. You are saying that simply because I disagree with your view it is my original research, you are putting your view as the standard and everything else is original research, but this isn't true and is simply arrogance. You haven't
Your just using a simple mistake of mine to turn into as if I've been decietful all along, part of your false judgement thing earlier. I'd like you to show me the other times I've misrepresented you and these times I'm ignoring making a mistake. You have made mistakes before and I haven't passed
The date the act was passed is important enough to be in the infobox. It's amazing you are telling me no one will agree to a whole sentence in the infobox - what do you think I was talking about when I said we needed to save space and proposed my compromise which would show both dates in minimal
actually took effect, and it would allow the infobox to display both dates. My point on legal technicalities vs actual dates is that the actual date that act had an actual effect on Australia's independence can't have been your date because the act hadn't been invented then. In addition, even if
What about this as a compromise: I think that the Statue of Westminster Adoption Act passed by the Australian paliament is more important to its independence so what if rather than saying: "- Statute of Westminster 11 December 1931 (commenced 3 September 1939)" it said: "- Statute of Westminster
What about this as a compromise: I think that the Statue of Westminster Adoption Act passed by the Australian paliament is more important to its independence so what if rather than saying: "- Statute of Westminster 11 December 1931 (commenced 3 September 1939)" it said: "- Statute of Westminster
Great, you quoted what I already read. I haven't done any of that. You are saying that simply because I disagree with your view it is my original research, you are putting your view as the standard and everything else is original research, but this isn't true and is simply arrogance. You haven't
Your just using a simple mistake of mine to turn into as if I've been decietful all along, part of your false judgement thing earlier. I'd like you to show me the other times I've misrepresented you and these times I'm ignoring making a mistake. You have made mistakes before and I haven't passed
1437::::::]: "You've only raised the Australia Act in the past day or so. Until now the thrust of your arguments has been about the adoption date of the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942. The Australia Act is not relevant to the discussion that we've been having. Why the sudden change of tack?" 1047:
What about this as a compromise: I think that the Statue of Westminster Adoption Act passed by the Australian paliament is more important to its independence so what if rather than saying: "- Statute of Westminster 11 December 1931 (commenced 3 September 1939)" it said: "- Statute of Westminster
All that aside, the 1939 date has been present in the article for a long time. You wish to change it so the burden of proof is upon you and so far you haven't met the burden. Your changes have been opposed so ] is needed in order to incorporate your edits. Where no consensus has been reached the
that outlines the steps that led to the formation of the United Kingdom which covers the Union of the Crowns. The Treaty of Union of 1706 agreed the details of the new state created in 1707 and the Acts of Union of 1707 brought this new state into being by ratifying the Treaty. The Union of the
I am the voiced disagreement, this still doesn't say anything about edits that have been around for longer being more immune to criticism because there is no such policy. Your argument from there is no community support for my argument falls apart because there is no community support for yours
is needed in order to incorporate your edits. Where no consensus has been reached the status quo is supported and that means the changes shouldn't be made. Threatening to make controversial changes as a way of forcing somebody to continue a conversation is reprehensible. Unless somebody else is
I am the voiced disagreement, this still doesn't say anything about edits that have been around for longer being more immune to criticism because there is no such policy. Your argument from there is no community support for my argument falls apart because there is no community support for yours
Consider the time that the edit has been around and the number of people who have edited the page. Now compare that to your attempt. Hundreds, possibly thousands of people have edited or read the article and of all of them, only one person has opposed what is written. Your edit was immediately
The community hasn't shown interest in either of our views so there still on equal ground, again you still pass silly judgements "ignoring reality" yet I have responded to this before and you keep bringing it up so it seems to be you who is ignoring the reality that I have already responded to
come to an end a long time ago. You just won't let it die until you want it to and keep insisting that I continue this pointless discussion. It's pointless because the concerns you raised in your edits back on 5 and 6 May were addressed in an edit made on 8 May, as I've already mentioned, and
lol, well the one you consider that "really mattered" was passed in 1931! Again an arrogant assertion with nothing to back it up. Also one that actually supports my view, it is just the 1942 act that says it was adopted in 1939, people actually acknowledged the application of the 1931 act on
Hi, I see that you've endured a certain aggressive stance by this user. You may be interested that this person has now , and refuses to reinstate them, thus destroying the thread for participants and newcomers. I have apologised to him for not knowing the recommendation against interpolating
lol, well the one you consider that "really mattered" was passed in 1931! Again an arrogant assertion with nothing to back it up. Also one that actually supports my view, it is just the 1942 act that says it was adopted in 1939, people actually acknowledged the application of the 1931 act on
I see you reverted my edit to the ''Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's personal life'' and ''Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's leadership of the independence war'' articles when I said there was no evidence that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a Muslim. I thought there wasn't but I'll take your word for it there is in
4134:: "You've only raised the Australia Act in the past day or so. Until now the thrust of your arguments has been about the adoption date of the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942. The Australia Act is not relevant to the discussion that we've been having. Why the sudden change of tack?" 2485::On a slightly different matter, regarding the way you've been formatting dates. eg <nowiki>]</nowiki>, I suggest you familiarise yourself with ]. In short, you only need to type <nowiki>]</nowiki> or <nowiki>]</nowiki>. --] (]) 22:58, 10 June 2008 (UTC) 2660::"You haven't answered my question " - And yet again you accuse me of not doing something that I have done. This is really tiring. Please read . You don't have to look far. It's only a few lines up on this very page. Granted, it was said yesterday but you should remember reading it. 560:::::There is no need to discuss. Knowledge works with citations. There is a picture of him preying according to "Islam" rules. It is included in the article. If you brought a better proof (a picture) disproves that stop reverting the information. --] (]) 14:00, 14 April 2008 (UTC) 3809:
There is no definition of a status quo in Knowledge policy you just made it up. There is no consensus because no one has supported your point or mine and I have already said this. There is no policy on Knowledge which says those defending the status quo get a boost of any kind.
1222::There is no definition of a status quo in Knowledge policy you just made it up. There is no consensus because no one has supported your point or mine and I have already said this. There is no policy on Knowledge which says those defending the status quo get a boost of any kind. 3284:
I have reverted your changes (and to ]) with a reliable reference from the most authoritative history of Wales. Please do not revert again unless you can provide a justification which is not simply "It's well known that...", as you stated before. ] (]) 10:29, 2 November 2008
There is no definition of a status quo in Knowledge policy you just made it up. There is no consensus because no one has supported your point or mine and I have already said this. There is no policy on Knowledge which says those defending the status quo get a boost of any
2969:]:{{cquote|'''you have either not read the policies or not understood them. "''Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident''" That edit has been around for a long time without change or opposition so there has been support for a long time.}} 2225:
You sure are good at flinging accusations, but here is a change of tactic ] stops working so now you switch to ]? It's all in the act, the act gives a date, it actually came into effect on that date, therefore the act originated on that date, I've elaborated on this a lot
There is no definition of a status quo in Knowledge policy you just made it up. There is no consensus because no one has supported your point or mine and I have already said this. There is no policy on Knowledge which says those defending the status quo get a boost of any
date so you must show specifically what part supports your argument but contradicts mine. You didn't do this and just threw an accusation out there as your argument so far has been dotted with useless slander, I guess I should expect it. The quote you have taken from
The act also says it comes into operation 9 October 1942. So which is more important, adoption or operation? Well, as I've pointed out before, the date it actually came into effect would be. It is convention that acts have the date they started in their title, again:
what exactly you find wrong with the current article. Why exactly is it so important to you that the date be shown as 9 October 1942 in the infobox without any reference to the backdating, rather than being fully explained in the note which includes references to the
The act also says it comes into operation 9 October 1942. So which is more important, adoption or operation? Well, as I've pointed out before, the date it actually came into effect would be. It is convention that acts have the date they started in their title, again:
Consensus is typically reached as a natural and inherent product of the wiki-editing process; generally someone makes a change or addition to a page, and then everyone who reads the page has an opportunity to either leave the page as it is or change it. In essence,
1778::::::::]: "It isn't the main date. Previous editors of ] obviously disagreed with you and so do I. We've been over this before. The Act backdated itself to have effect from 1939 so that is more important, regardless of whether or not you think it's a technicality." 4043:(emphasis mine). You mentioned earlier that not showing the backdate would be excluding relevant information, so please accept my compromise which will show both dates: "- Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 9 October 1942 (backdated to 3 September 1939)".-- 151: 5582:, and refuses to reinstate them, thus destroying the thread for participants and newcomers. I have apologised to him for not knowing the recommendation against interpolating comments, and received an abusive note on my talk page from him (which I have removed) 4017:
argument on higher ground by saying that if the discussion stops (despite the fact your the one stopping it) your view automatically stays just because it is the status quo - you could have saved loads of time if you had only responded to me once, then flashed
but, like every other response, you just ignore it, or misunderstand it, and come back with the same old arguments, just as you've done on my talk page. To be quite frank, it's more than just annoying and gives nobody any incentive to discuss things with you.
1211::]: All that aside, the 1939 date has been present in the article for a long time. You wish to change it so the burden of proof is upon you and so far you haven't met the burden. Your changes have been opposed so ] is needed in order to incorporate your edits. 643:]: All that aside, the 1939 date has been present in the article for a long time. You wish to change it so the burden of proof is upon you and so far you haven't met the burden. Your changes have been opposed so ] is needed in order to incorporate your edits. 4326:: "This goes back to my statement about you ignoring reality. You keep saying that the discussion hasn't ended but if you didn't pester people to respond it would have ended a long time ago. The community has no interest in continuing so it did end, just as 1809::::::::]: "I shouldn't have had to bring it up. The edits were made before you started complaining on ]. If you had issue with what was written or the way it was written ''you'' should have brought it up rather than expecting others to guess for a month." 1386::::::It's just your opinion it's ended, they weren't addressed on 8 May, just put at the bottom of the page, the date it actually happened it important enough to be in the infobox. Just putting "did" in italics still doesn't make it anymore your opinion. 3336:]An article that you have been involved in editing, ], has been listed for ]. If you are interested in the deletion discussion, please participate by adding your comments at ]. Thank you.<!-- Template:Adw --> ] (]) 20:07, 22 December 2008 (UTC) 60: 4862:: "If you insist on changing the date of adoption to 9 October 1942 it will be reverted and an appropriate warning will be placed on your talk page. If you continue to change it the changes will be treated as vandalism, for that is what they are." 2255:]: "If you insist on changing the date of adoption to 9 October 1942 it will be reverted and an appropriate warning will be placed on your talk page. If you continue to change it the changes will be treated as vandalism, for that is what they are." 1572::::::Yes, along with that I'm pestering, and that your really glad your not my mechanic, what more rhetorical gems of simple slander will you throw my way? ''I'm starting to think'' about what the next one will be.--] (]) 08:10, 6 June 2008 (UTC) 2638::"You are saying that simply because I disagree with your view it is my original research" - No, I'm saying that because you are pushing a position that isn't supported, without citing anything that supports your position, you are engaging in ]. 5652:
We are also in the process of forming a new UK Wikimedia chapter to replace the soon to be folded old one. If you are interested in helping shape our plans, showing your support or becoming a future member or board member, please head over to
5289:"You are saying that simply because I disagree with your view it is my original research" - No, I'm saying that because you are pushing a position that isn't supported, without citing anything that supports your position, you are engaging in 4082:
It's just your opinion it's ended, they weren't addressed on 8 May, just put at the bottom of the page, the date it actually happened it important enough to be in the infobox. Just putting "did" in italics still doesn't make it anymore your
Hi. pp means "pages" as opposed to p. for "page". Maybe a bit old fashioned. Kinross's book is/was one of the main biographies of Ataturk. (It's a bit old and I think it has a reputation of being rather sympathetic to the subject.)
1541::::::I noticed this but didn't bring it up because you haven't used it up until now, all you've been using is the 'ahhhh! stop pestering me with your discussion (but I still want to enforce my view)' argument so this is a new tactic. 1499::::::]: "That information is already in the article. It has been there since 8 May 2008 in response to your concerns. I've told you that and provided diffs to it. I'm not sure that there is any more I can do to point it out to you." 2704::One final thing, please do not quote so much. You only need to quote relevant portions of what you're replying to. Quoiting almost the whole lot makes your responses extremely difficult to follow. --] (]) 12:02, 11 June 2008 (UTC) 4200:: "That information is already in the article. It has been there since 8 May 2008 in response to your concerns. I've told you that and provided diffs to it. I'm not sure that there is any more I can do to point it out to you." 4777:: "This is not the first time that you've claimed that I haven't said something that I have and you've done it even after I've provided diffs to the change. The edit where I "put the 9 October 1942 date at the bottom" was 4255:
I noticed this but didn't bring it up because you haven't used it up until now, all you've been using is the 'ahhhh! stop pestering me with your discussion (but I still want to enforce my view)' argument so this is a new
This statement makes no sense in our universe, how can something in 1942 cause something to happen in 1939? Again a mistake you have made and I can't believe you fell into it because I've been pointing it out all along.
Whether you think that's a technicality is irrelevant. Australian law says that ] ] is the date and if you want that changed you'll have to go before the Australian parliament and get the members to vote in your favour."
1665::::::::"I'm really glad I'm not your mechanic." is just a quip and doesn't help the discussion. You are constantly passing false judgments on me with these silly statements yet I have not done the same disservice to you. 3793:
Actually you didn't, you misrepresented it by saying I was using royal assent which I wasn't, apart from that I still have questions that haven't been answered, the argument continues but you want to block me out.
willing to weigh in on the discussion, and after a month it's highly unlikely, then you really should give up and stop pestering people to continue a dead conversation that only you are interested in continuing. --
1191::Actually you didn't, you misrepresented it by saying I was using royal assent which I wasn't, apart from that I still have questions that haven't been answered, the argument continues but you want to block me out. 4405:"I'm really glad I'm not your mechanic." is just a quip and doesn't help the discussion. You are constantly passing false judgments on me with these silly statements yet I have not done the same disservice to you. 3162:
As a regularly contributing UK Wikipedian, we were wondering if you wanted to contribute to the ]. Please see ] for details of how to get involved, we need all the help we can get if we are to put in a compelling
This statement makes no sense in our universe, how can something in 1942 cause something to happen in 1939? Again a mistake you have made and I can't believe you fell into it because I've been pointing it out all
2724:{{cquote|'''By deciding that the adoption date of the Statute of Westminster should be 9 October 1942, rather than 3 September 1939 as stated in the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act you've done exactly that.}} 5878:. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose 5697:) with a reliable reference from the most authoritative history of Wales. Please do not revert again unless you can provide a justification which is not simply "It's well known that...", as you stated before. 3953:: All that aside, the 1939 date has been present in the article for a long time. You wish to change it so the burden of proof is upon you and so far you haven't met the burden. Your changes have been opposed so 3801:: All that aside, the 1939 date has been present in the article for a long time. You wish to change it so the burden of proof is upon you and so far you haven't met the burden. Your changes have been opposed so 2586:{{cquote|Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident (typically through reverting or editing). You find out whether your edit has consensus when you try to build on it.|20|20|]}} 2474:{{cquote|Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident (typically through reverting or editing). You find out whether your edit has consensus when you try to build on it.|20|20|]}} 3944:
Actually you didn't, you misrepresented it by saying I was using royal assent which I wasn't, apart from that I still have questions that haven't been answered, the argument continues but you want to block me
All that aside, the 1939 date has been present in the article for a long time. You wish to change it so the burden of proof is upon you and so far you haven't met the burden. Your changes have been opposed so
Actually you didn't, you misrepresented it by saying I was using royal assent which I wasn't, apart from that I still have questions that haven't been answered, the argument continues but you want to block me
Hi there. Sorry I reverted your edit to the United Kingdom article without giving a reason - I've now reverted again but this time provided a reason! This may be an issue for talk but my view is that we have
obviously disagreed with you and so do I. We've been over this before. The Act backdated itself to have effect from 1939 so that is more important, regardless of whether or not you think it's a technicality."
dear super task see my talk page about Media. I think I have a clue and have a solution which is workable. sinply there was first a kingdom but later it became an empire.--] (]) 00:27, 25 April 2008 (UTC)
5737: 5323:
One final thing, please do not quote so much. You only need to quote relevant portions of what you're replying to. Quoiting almost the whole lot makes your responses extremely difficult to follow. --
By deciding that the adoption date of the Statute of Westminster should be 9 October 1942, rather than 3 September 1939 as stated in the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act you've done exactly that.
Obviously you have been ignoring the support I have been arguing for it this entire time. You have no evidence your position is any more supported than mine, just a supreme amount of arrogance.
5832:. Rescue Squadron members are focused on rescuing articles from deletion, that might otherwise be lost forever. I think you will find our project matches your vision of Knowledge. You can join 2785:
Obviously you have been ignoring the support I have been arguing for it this entire time. You have no evidence your position is any more supported than mine, just a supreme amount of arrogance.
Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident (typically through reverting or editing). You find out whether your edit has consensus when you try to build on it.
Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident (typically through reverting or editing). You find out whether your edit has consensus when you try to build on it.
3658:, it ignores reality. Other than you and me, the only person to join in on the discussion was Gazzter and he made only one post, over 3 weeks ago. My only responses to you in those three weeks 15: 5316:"Your argument from there is no community support for my argument falls apart because there is no community support" - Clearly you have either not read the policies or not understood them. " 4203:
The 9 October 1942 date is put at the bottom but it is not a side note it is the main date so this is not sufficient. In addition you misrepresented my argument at the bottom by saying "The
and said "actually I think the discussion has come to a natural end and you can't edit this article because my view is the current status quo" - show me anything like a WP:Status Quo and OK.
5716: 4940:
I don't need consensus because I'm supporting what was in the article to begin with. You're seeking to change the article and you've been opposed so you need consensus. I suggest you read
4848: 4018: 5181:. This includes unpublished facts, arguments, speculation, and ideas; and any unpublished analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to advance a position. This means that 5045:. This includes unpublished facts, arguments, speculation, and ideas; and any unpublished analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to advance a position. This means that 4904:
As we discussed over the period of a month, the appropriate Act is the Statute of Westminster, not the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act. There has been no consensus for your change.
4214:" how many times do I have to say my argument for listing it with that date has nothing to do with royal assent? Even if royal assent was on a different day, I would still support the 5765:
Crowns did not create a new state and need not have led to the creation of the United Kingdom - therefore, I do not think it can be included in the way you propose. Cheers for now
4793:", 18 hours and 13 minutes before to be precise. It would be nice, just once, to see you actually acknowledge that you've made a mistake rather than ignore the fact that you did." 3665:
have been as a result of your demands on my talk page. More than just the community losing interested, it was never interested to start with. So yes, it has happened. Accept it,
and making up his own terms for the debate. With the help of others a compromise was eventually reached. I guess editors of the Australia article may simply have a hard time.--
and avoiding original research are inextricably linked: to demonstrate that you are not presenting original research, you must cite reliable sources that provide information
and avoiding original research are inextricably linked: to demonstrate that you are not presenting original research, you must cite reliable sources that provide information
states the date of royal assent as 9 October 1942 and the date of commencement as 3 September 1939 so these are obviously the important dates. In the amendment that I made to
answered my question as to if this isn't just a tactic why didn't you mention it the moment I stated my views? I used the act itself, in your cite 11, to support my views.
2671::"I used the act itself, in your cite 11, to support my views" - Yes, but there are two Acts involved and that refers to only one and it's not the one that really matters. 2526:
answered my question as to if this isn't just a tactic why didn't you mention it the moment I stated my views? I used the act itself, in your cite 11, to support my views.
5310:"I used the act itself, in your cite 11, to support my views" - Yes, but there are two Acts involved and that refers to only one and it's not the one that really matters. 4855:? It's all in the act, the act gives a date, it actually came into effect on that date, therefore the act originated on that date, I've elaborated on this a lot earlier. 2846:]:{{cquote|1='''Please read . You don't have to look far. It's only a few lines up on this very page. Granted, it was said yesterday but you should remember reading it.}} 5813: 1180::]: One of your first arguments was "The Independence section of the infobox detail actual independence dates, not legal technicalities" and I rebutted that immediately. 3789:: One of your first arguments was "The Independence section of the infobox detail actual independence dates, not legal technicalities" and I rebutted that immediately. 528:]: One of your first arguments was "The Independence section of the infobox detail actual independence dates, not legal technicalities" and I rebutted that immediately. 5633: 4676:
An Act to remove Doubts as to the Validity of certain Commonwealth Legislation, to obviate Delays occurring in its Passage, and to effect certain related purposes, by
3941:: One of your first arguments was "The Independence section of the infobox detail actual independence dates, not legal technicalities" and I rebutted that immediately. 3204:
You may also wish to attend ] at which both of these issues will be discussed. If you can't attend this meetup, you may want to watch ], for updates on future meets.
1057:::: How on the earth can you call Diakonov's work as an obscure book??????? He is an authority on the ancient near Eastern history.--] (]) 02:11, 27 April 2008 (UTC) 134: 2765:]:{{cquote|'''I'm saying that because you are pushing a position that isn't supported, without citing anything that supports your position, you are engaging in ].}} 5749: 5573: 5550: 1082:
I just discovered the Australian adoption acts official name is Statute of Westminster Adoption Act '''1942''' (emphasis mine).--] (]) 19:38, 4 June 2008 (UTC)
422:::There is a whole section regarding his religious beliefs under ''Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's personal life.'' Did you read it? --] (]) 00:11, 11 April 2008 (UTC) 3090:
Seems like an unpleasant atmosphere at that article, dominated by a single person who resents anyone who doesn't agree with him. ] ] 07:19, 23 July 2008 (UTC)
1840::::::::]: "We're clearly getting nowhere so, unless you can come up with a much better suggestion and some new material there I don't intend continuing this." 5926: 5921: 3833:
It's not pestering if someone is stepping away from an ongoing argument saying it's natualy ended when it hasn't, but still enforcing their point of view.
1284::It's not pestering if someone is stepping away from an ongoing argument saying it's natualy ended when it hasn't, but still enforcing their point of view. 4221:
date because thats when it came into operation, thats when it actually started being enforced so that is when it affected Australia. Anyway basically the
It's not pestering if someone is stepping away from an ongoing argument saying it's natualy ended when it hasn't, but still enforcing their point of view.
It's not pestering if someone is stepping away from an ongoing argument saying it's natualy ended when it hasn't, but still enforcing their point of view.
Your argument is not the default because it's the status quo, they are still equal, you only supporting yours openly and me only supporting mine openly.
Your argument is not the default because it's the status quo, they are still equal, you only supporting yours openly and me only supporting mine openly.
Your argument is not the default because it's the status quo, they are still equal, you only supporting yours openly and me only supporting mine openly.
is the main date, regardless of the fact the act confirming the Statute of Westminster 1931, the one you showed me in your cite 11, official name is: "
Yes, along with that I'm pestering, and that your really glad your not my mechanic, what more rhetorical gems of simple slander will you throw my way?
4633:: "We're clearly getting nowhere so, unless you can come up with a much better suggestion and some new material there I don't intend continuing this." 2196:]: "You know that because the evidence has been presented to you a number of times over the past month. Your interpretation that the date is ] ] is ]" 480:
I did read it and it shows what I think - that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's religious beliefs are not known with certainty. --] 01:20, 11 April 2008 (GMT)
5907: 5683: 5628: 5375:
I'm saying that because you are pushing a position that isn't supported, without citing anything that supports your position, you are engaging in
I proposed a solution at my ] that I hope you will find acceptable. It Adds the Adoption act and uses both dates. -] (]) 14:39, 22 June 2008 (UTC)
5848: 5833: 3599:<!-- Message sent by User:Mdann52@enwiki using the list at --> 5761: 5602: 5568: 5303:"You haven't answered my question " - And yet again you accuse me of not doing something that I have done. This is really tiring. Please read 5805: 5790: 90: 5440:. You don't have to look far. It's only a few lines up on this very page. Granted, it was said yesterday but you should remember reading it. 5307:. You don't have to look far. It's only a few lines up on this very page. Granted, it was said yesterday but you should remember reading it. 4832:: "You know that because the evidence has been presented to you a number of times over the past month. Your interpretation that the date is 4755:: "Your most recent post has added nothing. You've, once again, just rehashed the same old stuff so it appears we're definitely at an end." 1962:]: "Your most recent post has added nothing. You've, once again, just rehashed the same old stuff so it appears we're definitely at an end." 4549:
We have 2 dates, I argue mine is the main date because it is when the act actually took effect on Australia, when Australia was allowed to
28: 5729: 4739:
is the date and if you want that changed you'll have to go before the Australian parliament and get the members to vote in your favour."
5332: 5160: 1273::]: then you really should give up and stop pestering people to continue a dead conversation that only you are interested in continuing. 3829:: then you really should give up and stop pestering people to continue a dead conversation that only you are interested in continuing. 3629:. As a result, any requests made here may not receive a response. If you are seeking assistance, you may need to approach someone else. 2137:]: "The ] makes it quite clear in both the long title and the preamble that it causes certain sections of the ] to be adopted from ] ]" 875:]: then you really should give up and stop pestering people to continue a dead conversation that only you are interested in continuing. 3981:: then you really should give up and stop pestering people to continue a dead conversation that only you are interested in continuing. 4645: 4296: 4052: 4005: 3654:
to which you responded "Yes, I read that, it hasn't happened." It's an interesting statement to make because, like your arguments at
1685::::::::]: "The Australia Act is irrelevant to displaying the dates. That's already been done without any hint of the Australia Act." 1149:* "Funny you accuse me of ignoring reality, the 'community' has not shown interest either way" - Yes, I said that on your talk page. 4806: 4745: 4718: 4693: 4555: 4204: 3759: 3731: 69: 3905:"Funny you accuse me of ignoring reality, the 'community' has not shown interest either way" - Yes, I said that on your talk page. 3683:"Funny you accuse me of ignoring reality, the 'community' has not shown interest either way" - Yes, I said that on your talk page. 343:"Funny you accuse me of ignoring reality, the 'community' has not shown interest either way" - Yes, I said that on your talk page. 5589:
Seems like an unpleasant atmosphere at that article, dominated by a single person who resents anyone who doesn't agree with him.
4898:. Original research also encompasses novel, unpublished syntheses of previously published material. Please be prepared to cite a 4137:
What?! I can't believe this, I told you its so that both dates can be displayed easily! I'm fine to have it list the date of the
5711: 5003:
was part of a greater statement about needing citation. It didn't say that information that had been there for a long time (the
5857: 5147:
On a slightly different matter, regarding the way you've been formatting dates. eg ], I suggest you familiarise yourself with
Where I repeat stuff it is only because you haven't responded or have missed the point. For the record, you repeat stuff too.
provided diffs for. You're arguing about something that was fixed for you a month ago. I'm really glad I'm not your mechanic."
2649::"you are putting your view as the standard " - My view ''is'' the standard because it's exactly what is stated in the Act(s). 1851::::::::Fine, but don't then have the arrogance to think you can ban me from editing that date.--] (]) 10:30, 7 June 2008 (UTC) 142: 1991:
Where I repeat stuff it is only because you haven't responded or have missed the point. For the record, you repeat stuff too.
108: 86: 4437:: "The Australia Act is irrelevant to displaying the dates. That's already been done without any hint of the Australia Act." 3780: 3678: 5903: 5010:
date) somehow needed less evidence than information trying to be introduced, the burden of proof was on whoever put in the
4875: 4766:: "if you want that changed you'll have to go before the Australian parliament and get the members to vote in your favour" 3899: 2020:]: "if you want that changed you'll have to go before the Australian parliament and get the members to vote in your favour" 180: 5646: 3872: 3854: 1727::::::::While I'm trying to reach a compromise you are declaring by fiat that the 3 September 1939 date is more important. 184: 146: 1758::::::::Because you suddenly pulled out I am trying to get you to answer some of my points and defend your point of view. 5890:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to
5706: 5578:
Hi, I see that you've endured a certain aggressive stance by this user. You may be interested that this person has now
We look forward to hearing from you soon, and we send our apologies for this automated intrusion onto your talk page!
3906: 3684: 1747::::::::]: "It's not a discussion when you're just rehashing the same old stuff over and over without adding anything." 1138:
date the act came into operation because this is when it made its dent on history ] ].--] (]) 10:21, 3 June 2008 (UTC)
5829: 5616: 3548:|} <!--Template based on Template:WPSPAM-invite-n, one of the 260 Category:WikiProject invitation templates --> 3224:
We look forward to hearing from you soon, and we send our apologies for this automated intrusion onto your talk page!
97: 4770:
I wondered before what the next bit of simple, immature slander you'd throw would be, well here it is as predicted.
5526:" That edit has been around for a long time without change or opposition so there has been support for a long time. 5320:" That edit has been around for a long time without change or opposition so there has been support for a long time. 3877: 2049:
I wondered before what the next bit of simple, immature slander you'd throw would be, well here it is as predicted.
While I'm trying to reach a compromise you are declaring by fiat that the 3 September 1939 date is more important.
5899: 5579: 5261: 5182: 5137: 5096: 5046: 4786: 4714: 4510:
Because you suddenly pulled out I am trying to get you to answer some of my points and defend your point of view.
1942 and the date it was adopted, but to have both our dates on it would need more space and so we could use the
3755: 3745: 3725: 3718: 3661: 3659: 3652: 2887:]:{{cquote|'''there are two Acts involved and that refers to only one and it's not the one that really matters.}} 5774: 5437: 5304: 5203: 5067: 4914: 4895: 4852: 3635: 1479::::::No, you just want to back out without continuing the discussion because you can't be bothered to continue. 169: 5658:
raising, promotion and active support for the UK Wikimedian community for which the chapter is being founded.
5642: 4507:: "It's not a discussion when you're just rehashing the same old stuff over and over without adding anything." 5688: 4721:
may have come into operation on 9 October 1942, when it received Royal Assent, but it immediately caused the
3621: 5545: 5280: 5026: 4929: 2989:
I have already said that I am the voiced opposition, you have ignored this.--] (]) 13:08, 13 June 2008 (UTC)
3588:{{Knowledge:Arbitration Committee Elections December 2015/MassMessage}} ] (]) 16:36, 23 November 2015 (UTC) 1468::::::]: "I'm really not interested in going over the same arguments over and over and over and over again." 5649:
for details of how to get involved, we need all the help we can get if we are to put in a compelling bid.
4778: 4176:
No, you just want to back out without continuing the discussion because you can't be bothered to continue.
3739: 3728: 3663: 5895: 4810: 4722: 4703: 4035: 2336:
I have used the act itself as my source and you have no consensus either.--] (]) 16:47, 9 June 2008 (UTC)
at which both of these issues will be discussed. If you can't attend this meetup, you may want to watch
I'm addressing this here, rather than at ] because this is a more appropriate place for this discussion.
158: 5662: 5612: 4899: 4782: 3742: 3715: 3655: 5733: 4173:: "I'm really not interested in going over the same arguments over and over and over and over again." 104: 4809:
makes it quite clear in both the long title and the preamble that it causes certain sections of the
I just discovered the Australian adoption acts official name is Statute of Westminster Adoption Act
1820::::::::No they weren't, I am referring to your edit which put the 9 October 1942 date at the bottom. 5736:. If you are interested in the deletion discussion, please participate by adding your comments at 5583: 5186: 5050: 5801: 5786: 5770: 5608: 5467:
there are two Acts involved and that refers to only one and it's not the one that really matters.
5000: 4941: 176: 5641:
As a regularly contributing UK Wikipedian, we were wondering if you wanted to contribute to the
1716::::::::]: "No, we don't need any more space. That's why we use notes, references and wikilinks." 5328: 5156: 4973: 4910: 3776: 3674: 4590:: "I shouldn't have had to bring it up. The edits were made before you started complaining on 2805:]:{{cquote|'''My view ''is'' the standard because it's exactly what is stated in the Act(s).}} 5745: 4601:
No they weren't, I am referring to your edit which put the 9 October 1942 date at the bottom.
63: 5654: 4890:
Welcome to Knowledge. We welcome and appreciate your contributions, including your edits to
Back to threats now I see. Ones you can't carry out, either.--] (]) 10:01, 8 June 2008 (UTC)
5886:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 5556: 5239:
I've read that before so please don't mangle normal Knowledge policies to win an argument.
to the topic of the article, and that directly support the information as it is presented.
to the topic of the article, and that directly support the information as it is presented.
I've read that before so please don't mangle normal Knowledge policies to win an argument.
8: 5891: 5828:
Hello, Supertask. Based on the templates on your talk page, please consider joining the
5109: 4935:
You've made your own conclusion which is different from what is actually written. That's
Fine, but don't then have the arrogance to think you can ban me from editing that date.--
4327: 3954: 3911: 3802: 3767: 3689: 3666: 3648: 3070:
comments, and received an abusive note on my talk page from him (which I have removed) ].
4472:: "No, we don't need any more space. That's why we use notes, references and wikilinks." 1048:
Adoption 9 October 1942 (backdated to 3 September 1939)"--] (]) 09:07, 4 June 2008 (UTC)
5797: 5782: 5766: 5702: 4713:. I've pointed this out previously. Don't say I didn't, as you are wont to do, because 3924:
If a debate, discussion, or general exchange of views has come to a natural end through
If a debate, discussion, or general exchange of views has come to a natural end through
188: 165: 1696::::::::But the actual date the act affected Australia is not displayed on the infobox. 618:
Here it is. The talk page is getting big and confusing, can see why you had trouble.:
5867: 5858: 5754: 5559:
that I hope you will find acceptable. It Adds the Adoption act and uses both dates. -
5509: 5481: 5454: 5423: 5392: 5362: 5324: 5216: 5166: 5152: 4969: 4906: 4880: 4859: 4829: 4802: 4774: 4763: 4752: 4664: 4630: 4587: 4539: 4504: 4469: 4434: 4399: 4363: 4323: 4277: 4249: 4197: 4170: 4131: 4104: 4071: 3989: 3978: 3966: 3950: 3938: 3837: 3826: 3814: 3798: 3786: 3772: 3670: 2546:]: {{cquote|'''Please at least pretend to read Knowledge policies before replying:}} 942:
Retrieved from ""--] (]) 01:33, 22 April 2008 (UTC)
Retrieved from ""--] (]) 01:33, 22 April 2008 (UTC)
5887: 5871: 5741: 5679: 5666: 4789:
at 00:23, 9 May 2008 UTC so the edits "were made before you started complaining on
1530::::::]: "you've ignored my requests to explain what exactly you find wrong with it" 16: 4732:. Whether you think that's a technicality is irrelevant. Australian law says that 3883:
date the act came into operation because this is when it made its dent on history
5597: 5564: 5148: 5883: 5875: 5844: 5620: 5537: 5272: 5018: 4921: 4867: 4790: 4637: 4591: 4440:
But the actual date the act affected Australia is not displayed on the infobox.
4288: 4149:
isn't relevant at all other than to display both dates and reach a compromise.
4044: 3997: 3891: 3864: 3846: 3641: 2607:
either, anyway Gazzster has taken an interest.--] (]) 11:14, 11 June 2008 (UTC)
I agree. He sometimes used crude attacks and kept trying to avoid the issue -
5915: 5879: 5698: 5536:
I have already said that I am the voiced opposition, you have ignored this.--
should have brought it up rather than expecting others to guess for a month."
4252:: "you've ignored my requests to explain what exactly you find wrong with it" 44: 5738:
Knowledge:Articles for deletion/List of fictional city-states in literature
Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident
5376: 5318:
Consensus can be assumed to exist until voiced disagreement becomes evident
5290: 4954:
The burden of evidence lies with the editor who adds or restores material.
4936: 4920:
I have used the act itself as my source and you have no consensus either.--
4840: 4847:
You sure are good at flinging accusations, but here is a change of tactic
5822: 5675: 5078: 5011: 5004: 4985: 4965: 4814: 4733: 4726: 4707: 4682:
from the Commencement of the War between his Majesty the King and Germany
3448:{| cellpadding=5 style="border: thin solid red; background-color: white" 2441::Regarding the burden of proof and the ] ] date being there a long time: 5590: 5560: 1561::::::]: "I'm starting to think that you're arguing for arguments sake." 5840: 4992: 4891: 4833: 4543: 4222: 4215: 4208: 4034:
I thought the Australia act was more important because it's when the
3884: 3735: 2419::Please at least pretend to read Knowledge policies before replying: 5721: 5229:
Please at least pretend to read Knowledge policies before replying:
the place to publish your own opinions, experiences, or arguments.
the place to publish your own opinions, experiences, or arguments.
Please at least pretend to read Knowledge policies before replying:
4594:. If you had issue with what was written or the way it was written 3762:
article? What you seem to be proposing will hide relevant facts.
3614: 5874:
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Knowledge
4280:: "I'm starting to think that you're arguing for arguments sake." 3325:==AfD nomination of List of fictional city-states in literature== 5179:
Knowledge does not publish original research or original thought
Knowledge does not publish original research or original thought
you have either not read the policies or not understood them. "
the standard because it's exactly what is stated in the Act(s).
the standard because it's exactly what is stated in the Act(s).
3749: 4886: 4866:
Back to threats now I see. Ones you can't carry out, either.--
because this is a more appropriate place for this discussion.
AfD nomination of List of fictional city-states in literature
5694: 4702:
That makes it pretty clear that the date of adoption of the
2367::I suppose now you'll tell me that ] doesn't apply. --] (]) 5081: 5014: 5007: 4995: 4988: 4836: 4817: 4736: 4729: 4710: 4225: 4218: 4211: 3887: 3752: 3996:
Adoption 9 October 1942 (backdated to 3 September 1939)"--
Adoption 9 October 1942 (backdated to 3 September 1939)"--
certain Sections of the Statute of Westminster 1931, as
5296:"you are putting your view as the standard " - My view 3928:
the community having lost interest in the entire thing
the community having lost interest in the entire thing
3428:==You maybe interested in the Article Rescue Squadron== 3131:==Oxford Wikimania 2010 and Wikimedia UK v2.0 Notice== 51: 3049:== Someone seems to own the talk page at Australia == 3009:== Possible resolution on Australia infobox issues == 5814:
You maybe interested in the Article Rescue Squadron
5728:An article that you have been involved in editing, 5634:Oxford Wikimania 2010 and Wikimedia UK v2.0 Notice 5099:, if there is adequate exposure to the community. 4781:at 06:10, 8 May 2008 UTC. Your first complaint at 5866:You appear to be eligible to vote in the current 3669:. This is my final word on the matter. Cheers. -- 3305:== List of fictional city-states in literature == 209:(40 intermediate revisions by 13 users not shown) 5913: 5643:Oxford bid to host the 2010 Wikimania conference 5271:either, anyway Gazzster has taken an interest.-- 1406::::::]: "I'm really glad I'm not your mechanic." 5574:Someone seems to own the talk page at Australia 5551:Possible resolution on Australia infobox issues 4542:: "It isn't the main date. Previous editors of 3805:is needed in order to incorporate your edits. 3714:As you are well aware, I posted that quote at 1417::::::Immature insults don't help a discussion. 3957:is needed in order to incorporate your edits. 3741:which you might note I explained by creating 3606:Latest revision as of 06:37, 27 November 2023 143:Latest revision as of 06:37, 27 November 2023 5927:Wikipedians who opt out of template messages 5151:. In short, you only need to type ] or ]. -- 5922:Wikipedians who opt out of message delivery 5730:List of fictional city-states in literature 5712:List of fictional city-states in literature 4107:: "I'm really glad I'm not your mechanic." 4110:Immature insults don't help a discussion. 3640:I'm addressing this here, rather than at 4902:for all of your information. Thank you. 4807:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 4746:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 4719:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 4694:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 4556:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 4205:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 4147:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 4143:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 3926:one party having "won" or (more likely) 3760:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 3732:Statute of Westminster Adoption Act 1942 3703:one party having "won" or (more likely) 4984:written, the article mentions both the 5914: 5077:Regarding the burden of proof and the 711:ciao, ] (]) 02:44, 16 April 2008 (UTC) 5693:I have reverted your changes (and to 5580:removed my rejoinders to his postings 4783:Talk:Australia#Statute of Westminster 3743:Talk:Australia#Statute of Westminster 3716:Talk:Australia#Statute of Westminster 3656:Talk:Australia#Statute of Westminster 3625:. Supertask has not edited Knowledge 5514: 5486: 5459: 5428: 5397: 5367: 5340: 5244: 5221: 5171: 5120: 5087: 5035: 4947: 4669: 3917: 3694: 3609: 77: 43: 4894:, but we regretfully cannot accept 4851:stops working so now you switch to 4074:: "No, I'm saying the conversation 3667:drop the stick and back slowly away 3528:] (]) 15:18, 24 February 2009 (UTC) 208: 200: 157: 140: 133: 122: 96: 87:Revision as of 13:31, 29 April 2008 84: 13: 5720: 5584:Talk:Australia#a_few_little_things 4964:I suppose now you'll tell me that 4287:about what the next one will be.-- 3608: 32: 5938: 5892:review the candidates' statements 5451:cease you tiring smear campaign. 3622:This user may have left Knowledge 3244:] (]) 23:48, 30 August 2008 (UTC) 5821: 5817: 4885: 4330:says. You just won't let it go." 3727:and I rebutted that immediately. 3613: 2867:cease you tiring smear campaign. 5669:, for updates on future meets. 5262:Knowledge:Silence and consensus 5138:Knowledge:Silence and consensus 3738:after you raised your concerns, 5898:. For the Election committee, 5868:Arbitration Committee election 5859:ArbCom elections are now open! 5506:the act actually took effect. 5204:Knowledge:No original research 5068:Knowledge:No original research 4228:deserves to be in the infobox. 3730:What you claimed is not true. 1: 5908:16:36, 23 November 2015 (UTC) 5849:15:18, 24 February 2009 (UTC) 5806:22:33, 29 December 2008 (UTC) 5791:15:34, 29 December 2008 (UTC) 5775:13:19, 29 December 2008 (UTC) 5750:20:07, 22 December 2008 (UTC) 5084:date being there a long time: 3651:and quoted a specific section 3604: 3595: 3584: 3575: 3564: 3555: 3544: 3535: 3524: 3515: 3504: 3495: 3484: 3475: 3464: 3455: 3444: 3435: 3424: 3415: 3404: 3393: 3384: 3372: 3363: 3352: 3343: 3332: 3321: 3312: 3301: 3292: 3280: 3271: 3260: 3251: 3240: 3231: 3220: 3211: 3200: 3191: 3179: 3170: 3158: 3149: 3138: 3127: 3118: 3106: 3097: 3086: 3077: 3065: 3056: 3045: 3036: 3025: 3016: 3005: 2996: 2985: 2976: 2965: 2956: 2949:the act actually took effect. 2944: 2935: 2924: 2915: 2903: 2894: 2883: 2874: 2862: 2853: 2842: 2833: 2821: 2812: 2801: 2792: 2781: 2772: 2761: 2752: 2740: 2731: 2720: 2711: 2700: 2689: 2678: 2667: 2656: 2645: 2634: 2623: 2614: 2602: 2593: 2582: 2573: 2562: 2553: 2542: 2533: 2521: 2512: 2501: 2492: 2481: 2470: 2459: 2448: 2437: 2426: 2415: 2406: 2394: 2385: 2374: 2363: 2352: 2343: 2331: 2322: 2311: 2300: 2291: 2280: 2271: 2262: 2251: 2242: 2233: 2221: 2212: 2203: 2192: 2183: 2174: 2162: 2153: 2144: 2133: 2124: 2115: 2103: 2094: 2085: 2074: 2065: 2056: 2045: 2036: 2027: 2016: 2007: 1998: 1987: 1978: 1969: 1958: 1949: 1940: 1928: 1919: 1910: 1898: 1887: 1876: 1867: 1858: 1847: 1836: 1827: 1816: 1805: 1796: 1785: 1774: 1765: 1754: 1743: 1734: 1723: 1712: 1703: 1692: 1681: 1672: 1661: 1650: 1641: 1630: 1619: 1610: 1599: 1588: 1579: 1568: 1557: 1548: 1537: 1526: 1517: 1506: 1495: 1486: 1475: 1464: 1455: 1444: 1433: 1424: 1413: 1402: 1393: 1382: 1371: 1362: 1351: 1342: 1331: 1322: 1311: 1300: 1291: 1280: 1269: 1260: 1249: 1238: 1229: 1218: 1207: 1198: 1187: 1176: 1167: 1156: 1145: 1133: 1124: 1110: 1101: 1078: 1053: 1043: 1018: 995: 986: 961: 938: 929: 903: 880: 871: 846: 823: 813: 787: 764: 755: 730: 707: 697: 672: 648: 639: 614: 591: 581: 556: 533: 524: 499: 476: 466: 443: 418: 408: 382: 373: 348: 339: 313: 303: 277: 268: 245: 232: 223: 126: 5707:10:29, 2 November 2008 (UTC) 5661:You may also wish to attend 5555:I proposed a solution at my 1105:== Statute of Westminster == 249:== Statute of Westminster == 227:{{not around|3=6 July 2009}} 18:Browse history interactively 7: 5894:and submit your choices on 5684:23:48, 30 August 2008 (UTC) 4811:Statute of Westminster 1931 4723:Statute of Westminster 1931 4704:Statute of Westminster 1931 4036:Statute of Westminster 1931 3264:== Gruffudd ap Llewellyn == 965:== Median kingdom/empire == 352:== Mustafa Kemal Atatürk == 10: 5943: 5900:MediaWiki message delivery 5827: 5655:the Wikimedia UK v2.0 page 202:not around since July 2009 124: 5629:08:17, 23 July 2008 (UTC) 5603:07:19, 23 July 2008 (UTC) 5569:14:39, 22 June 2008 (UTC) 5546:13:08, 13 June 2008 (UTC) 5333:12:02, 11 June 2008 (UTC) 5281:11:14, 11 June 2008 (UTC) 5258: 5200: 5161:22:58, 10 June 2008 (UTC) 5134: 5106: 5064: 5027:20:29, 10 June 2008 (UTC) 4980:22:26, 9 June 2008 (UTC) 4690: 4207:received royal assent on 3593: 3582: 3573: 3562: 3553: 3542: 3533: 3522: 3513: 3502: 3493: 3482: 3473: 3462: 3453: 3442: 3433: 3422: 3413: 3402: 3391: 3382: 3370: 3361: 3350: 3341: 3330: 3319: 3310: 3299: 3290: 3278: 3269: 3258: 3249: 3238: 3229: 3218: 3209: 3198: 3189: 3177: 3168: 3156: 3147: 3136: 3125: 3116: 3104: 3095: 3084: 3075: 3063: 3054: 3043: 3034: 3023: 3014: 3003: 2994: 2983: 2974: 2963: 2954: 2942: 2933: 2922: 2913: 2901: 2892: 2881: 2872: 2860: 2851: 2840: 2831: 2819: 2810: 2799: 2790: 2779: 2770: 2759: 2750: 2738: 2729: 2718: 2709: 2698: 2687: 2676: 2665: 2654: 2643: 2632: 2621: 2612: 2600: 2591: 2580: 2571: 2560: 2551: 2540: 2531: 2519: 2510: 2499: 2490: 2479: 2468: 2457: 2446: 2435: 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5478:Australia in 1942. 5110:Knowledge:Consensus 4813:to be adopted from 5888:arbitration policy 5726: 4715:here are the diffs 3863:(emphasis mine).-- 3647:I directed you to 2908:Australia in 1942. 155: 94: 5855: 5854: 5534: 5533: 5503: 5502: 5475: 5474: 5448: 5447: 5417: 5416: 5387: 5386: 5356: 5355: 5268: 5267: 5237: 5236: 5210: 5209: 5144: 5143: 5116: 5115: 5074: 5073: 4968:doesn't apply. -- 4961: 4960: 4896:original research 4700: 4699: 3935: 3934: 3712: 3711: 3633: 3632: 3627:since 6 July 2009 3603: 141: 85: 65: 5934: 5825: 5818: 5667:Knowledge:Meetup 5600: 5595: 5515: 5487: 5460: 5429: 5398: 5368: 5341: 5264: 5245: 5222: 5206: 5191:directly related 5183:Knowledge is not 5172: 5140: 5121: 5112: 5088: 5070: 5055:directly related 5047:Knowledge is not 5036: 4948: 4889: 4696: 4670: 3918: 3695: 3617: 3610: 203: 195: 173: 154: 149: 131: 130: 129: 117: 112: 93: 66: 57: 56: 54: 49: 47: 39: 36: 21: 19: 5942: 5941: 5937: 5936: 5935: 5933: 5932: 5931: 5912: 5911: 5896:the voting page 5862: 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