
User talk:Paul Barlow/Archive 2

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forced the Blakean brethren from their plain dwellings and replaced them with temples dedicated to the Moral Law and the Blood of Mercy. Such inscriptions were found in tablets unearthed in the the major archaeological digs undertaken by Prof Jove in the early 1890s, a moment of critical crisis in Western self-imaging. I could go on like this forever, but when will you realise that Blake's men (there were no women as such in those days), were self-unified cloudy clay-forms beyond all polarities of black and white, and that their holy greyness was expunged by the evil scientist Tonnew when, on the Cheviot Highlands, he made a race of breadpaste men to tussle eternal with the accumulated particulars of colour-weaved men. This division, like a cistern of brokeness, means that all watery bodies must weep in their difference until the sorrowness of Urizen fill immensity. I think this explains everything from Alfred Elmore's use of post-appositional compositional motifs to Richard Wagner's secret love of Nietzschean 'regions. May I add that Prof Von Wagner's very early first cabaret performance 'The Little Fairies'--- although he wasn't made into a Professor of Vonness until later in life, and so strictly speaking I should resist this glorious appellation in one so young and babylike --- was a pale-to-paste-like echo of a story about WB translated into German by a midgit admirer of Allan Cunningham, the secret Master of the Yantanii, the the source of all woe and weeping in Blakeland.
your incivility and personal attacks is indicative of anything *but* that - if you keep it up, I'll turn to a mediator for the page since you appear It is ascribed to one's own body and need for attention. The fact is, civility and personal attacks are comments that focus on the contributor and their motivations, and are outside the realm of the content of their editing. Your throwing around exhibitionism is an attempt to gain more credibility, when it has absolutely nothing to do with my own addition to the page. Contributors can't be held accountable for every edit that has been made to every page before they arrived. It takes maturity, Paul, to recognize that and to take each edit on its face value. You also equated Latino with romance languages and race to African Americanism, which was completely nonsensical. I have no idea what you see as race and language, and what bearing that has on a pubic hair article, but I'm curious what languages you think they speak in the Caribbean and in Africa. Actually, I'm not. I have taken offense to your heavy-handedness and ask you keep this discussion to the Talk page on pubic hair and stop contacting me since you seem very wedded to the African American pubes. If I need to, I will get a mediator to step in on the article. --
from outher sources. The truth about Moors is that there was no separation as to distinction in race. Under the yolk of Islam this was not taught. The site before Mustafa edited it seemed to be NPOV. I think it is best to not bring race into the equation at this point since it is a much later definition. Stanley Lane-Poole from the british museum also backed up thes same historic points in his various books and through his bibliographies and he definitely wasn't an Afrocentrist neither was J.A. Rogers. Please let's try to keep this article focused on the many groups that made up the Moors as we know this to be true. When a person adopts a culture and religion it makes them part of that group. When the Arabs brought Islam to Africa it first began in Ethiopia and then swept across the northern continent. They weren't called black Moors as Mustafa wants to label them. In addition Moors didn't stay in one area as they were nomadic as I am sure you know as well and they were found South of the Sahara as well. If a person chooses to convert to judaism he is a jewish person. Not a black jew. We should strive to keep articles such as this removed from racial POVs. Leave me a note on my page please Paul, I'm interested in knowing your thoughts. Thanks.--
interesting" --- this is a Paul Barlow/LoreMaster false quest that emanates from sheer ignorance. The impression by Paul Barlow and LoreMaster is that anyone who calls the PoS BS being the "work of a fanatic". Plantard was THE maniac and FANATIC who made things up as he went along --- the Priory of Sion had no "legitimacy" outside of Plantard's poor imagination. It was pure hokum and absolutely nothing else. Why include things about the "legitimacy of the Priory of Sion" on Knowledge? What on Eath is that all about??? WHAT WAS THE "LEGITIMACY" OF THE PRIORY OF SION??? And there they are --- Paul Barlow and LoreMaster trying to turn the Plantard fantasies into something legitimate. I have just read the latest rubbbish in the Philippe de Cherisey article and find myself wondering === WHERE ON EARTH DID ALL THAT COME FROM AND WHERE ARE THE REFERENCES TO IT ALL??? It seems that any old stranger to Knowledge can come along and make any allegation and it simply gets accepted. No sources are required - just write the allegations and it remains on Knowledge. In the meantime those who can question and discredit these latest allegations without substance remain gagged.
abusive, Paul B. Besides, look at what they have said. They have been more abuseful than me. And Anyway, you don't own wikipedia. If you erase my text again, I will erase the text of Vandh and Asian Duracell, because they have been very abuseful in their language too! And Don't even try to act like you don't know what user:AsianDuracell and user:Vandh have been saying! Otherwise, I will talk to the owners of Knowledge and let them know that you are being BIASED in the Discussions in Knowledge articles. You can't erase my text, saying that it has abusive language, without erasing the text of user:Asian Duracell and user:Vandh. Because those two have been using racist remarks and very abuseful language. It's time that you stop being biased and realize what is going on. Is cussing okay, because user:Vandh and user:Asian Duracell have used words like shit, and bitch, and bullshit, and slave!! --Bcr 09:12, 17 February 2007
Court. Many of these Sons were Brothers, including (and in no particular order) Leonardo, Raphael, Mickyangelo and Tadpole Cattermole. All of these --- including Tadpole, it seems --- were followers of Herbert Spencer; this took the form of reading his footnotes for signs of friction-free force theory: the idea that the world comes into being as a non-vibrating form spectrum pulsed by light-beams emanating from India --- or Paris. Although such ideas were somewhat eccentric --- Spencer called the Brothers anarcho-spiritual sprites (some commentators have seen this as evidence that Spencer thought the Cattermoles were in fact the 'real'mini-sized Brothers --- they gained credence among the remnants of the Fifth Solar Men, some of whom called Spencer 'the Spiritus', seeing in his comments on mechanics and physics evidence that he was the reincarnation of Osiris --- or Richard Dadd's machicolatory Fairy-Feller.
literary theorist, though I am interested in his theory about Oxford's death. Oxfordianism must come to terms with Freudianism, either by alligning itself with Freud or by breaking with his view to form a new theory of biography and sexual trauma. The Knowledge article is a helpful venue but the question remains whether there is room in this tiny section to discuss such controversies as the incestuous sexual life of Elizabeth the first and Henry VIII and the treatment of these things in the plays of Shakespeare. Second, it would have to be recognized that the plays present a salutary philosophy such as that of Epicurus or Buddhism. Such a view of Shakespeare if properly conceived would be nothing short of a revolution in academe and theory in general.
priory etc.. and also took names of brilliant ppl like da vinci and newton to be its previous grandmaster... was the priory of sion real? or did it start frm plantard? or is it still unclear? my personal opinion, if u ask, is that it began frm plantard and is complete hoax. coz if u see everything(at least most of it) is in french.. and plantard was a french(i believe).. my logic says.. wat would U do if U started a hoax secret society.. ? being an english u would associate a lot of it to things in england, etc.. if it started in china, most of the info would have been in chinese.. (tell me if i am goin wrong somewhere) i dnt know a lot of history.. but yeah i'd loved to be enlightened in this respect(i.e. priory of sion)
included. Your statement about this being untrue may or may not be appropriate in regards to this particular section. However calling it gibberish is definitely a personal matter of opinion and clearly a POV of yours. Whether I agree or disagree with you is irrelevant. Only because this is and has been a debate on this subject of racial ancestry of Moors. The section is clearly titled "Debate and Research Regarding Racial Ancestry". I feel it is safe to assume that you as I do would not like to associate Moors with one particular race either white or black. Nor was this the purpose of this addition. The purpose was to detail the current debate of this topic and specific views from research.--
one group inaddition to saying they were only froma certain area. As evidence proves there were nomads of all different types during this time. However the term to say, referred to darker skinned individuals. I don't think the artical should be focused on race instead I think it should show how a collective group of individuals from different backgrounds came together under the islam. For any number of reasons. It is somewhat of a shame that we can do this today. Regardless I think this approach will be more effective and less offensive to others. Although there will be those whom argue that the leaders were white opposed to black or vice versa. What are your thought?--
1134:. In fact, this unfortunate incident may be seen as an opportunity to improve the use of the edit summary template(s), so that we can avoid this situation from occuring again with other editors. In that respect, I want to thank you for your feedback, as it has been quite valuable. You gave me the idea that each use of the edit summary template should be accompanied by a link to the relevant page name and/or link, so as to avoid any confusion. Again, I apologize for any ill will between us and I look forward to working with you in the future. If you have the time, could you comment on the task I added to my "to do" list? (The link is 644:
about their only know ancestors the Mede and Mede heritage, before other ancestors were accepted. The Sun is also very significant element of ancient Iranian and Zorasatrianism. Diyako is misleading everyone. Go to Kurdistan 20 years ago let alone 50 they will say we are Aryans and our own blood relatives are the Persians. The Kurdish flag is not banned in Iran and is based on Iranian colours. This user also claims the Iranians are only a lingustic group after he saw that the tide was against him that Kurds are in definition an Iranian people so he worked to undermine the definition of Iranian people and even Persians with user:Acuman.
use this symbol, and more importantly it was in use long before the term "Hindu" came to be reflexively used at all, then the phrase "Hindu version of this symbol" both superimposes Hinduism on the other religions that make use of the swastika in South Asia, and also retroactively places the term Hindu on a time when this term was not operative. Both of these issues are particularly sensitive considering the current Hindutva attempts to equate the south Asian subcontinent with Hinduism, so that's why I think the change is useful. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on this. Thanks.
4548:'s strange name under my 24.87 log in number. Someone asked me in private if the names could be written in hieroglyphics but I replied that I don't know. Do you know anyone who does? As an Aside, do the names Maspero give here sound remotely Semitic--ie: non Mitannian/Hurrian--to you? The proposal that Yuya was Mitannian is just that--a proposal. In reality, I would imagine if he was a foreigner taht he would be a Semite since Canaan is closer to Egypt than Syria was. I personally have no knowledge of the situation. I just state what Maspero writes. Thank You. 3459:"Nation Of Islam" before, well if any muslim look at the name of this organisation he/she would think first that it means "The Entire Muslim World". Later on I found out that "NOI" is an organisation and a CULT. I was really shocked when I read your article about Prophet Yaqub/Jacob(Peace be upon him) being an evil scientist. In The Holy Quran Allah talks about him. he is our Prophet, an ideal,honorable and respectable person for the mankind. Please check the following link. This link talks about prophet Yaqub/Jacob(pbuh) according to true Islam. 3434:"The Nazi staff and mainly Himmler was convinced of that Bosnians were Muslim Aryans" (Source: "SS: Hell on the Western Front. The Waffen SS in Europe 1940-1945", 2003. p.70). He believed the Bosnians to be widely the same, racially, as the Croatians, who he saw as descendants of the Gothic and Persian stock." - Serbs were not included into this racial view and were the subjects of a minor holocaust. The nazis did not proclaim systematic widescale murder beyond racial reasons, which by other words was the only reason for systematic killing. 1946:"For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says." 1 Corinthians 14:33-39. I can quote this, chapter and verse, but it does not mean that most Christians believe it, even though Paul, endower of docrtines, said so. I wonder, out of genuine curiosity and from a former religious background, whether that verse that is in there means what it says, and if there is a way to back it up. 3594:) I see that we have a much bigger problem than I realized. Editingoprah and his or her sock puppets have been causing problems for a long long time. I think that if Editingoprah/Kobrakid/Timelist etc does not want to adopt their own article to edit and leave this one alone, we should get them barred from this article. It is clear that they have had some sort of crazy irrational agenda for many months that no one else agrees with. I am sorry to sound so harsh but that is what it looks like to me. I should have realized this sooner.-- 2490:
not totally helpful I had hoped to use its bibliography to dive deeper into my research. Needless to say I have had no luck so I am hoping that it was you who entered the name of the book into the Notes and may therefore have a way of tracking down a copy of the book. I have a friend who is a reasearch librarian and she was not able to locate a copy of the book for me. If you know where I can buy a copy, borrow a copy or pay for the bibliography to be mailed to me, I would greatly appreciate your help.
the perceived darker complexion of North Africans, along with other post-Classical European uses of 'Moor' - or it may not have done. But the fact is that the etymology of Mauri is not known for certain. Some sources I've seen suggest a Semitic term for 'Westerner' as the source. We should articulate these issues in the main text. It's also the case that there are also many cases in which terms meaning black or dark have been applied to people whose complexions were only very relatively darker.
the details of Ashvamedha could have been done in different ways. One of the way certainly would have involved the insertion of the Sacrificail Horse's Penies into the Vagina of the Kings chief Queen. The Brahmins destorted History to thier advantage and hid true facts of History by numerous stories and by modifying / inserting origianl texts with stories that helped Brahmanism and the Caste system that they devised for thier superamacy and survival after the collapse of Buddhism.
1348:"Other research published by Franck Marie in 1974 and Michel Vallet (Pierre Jarnac) in 1985 had already shown that the tomb was created in 1933 by Louis Lawrence to contain the dead bodies of his mother and grandmother - the previous owner of the land, Jean Galibert, buried his wife and grandmother there in a grave and not in a tomb, and the remains were later transferred to a cemetery in the town of Limoux when the property was sold to Emily Rivares and her son Louis Lawrence." 5399:"No one would choose to call themselves black on their own, as it's the color of the devil, the color of evil, the color of death. All the great religions have said this. Why do you think Afrocentrics are always trying to push that the East Indians, the tamils, the Australian aboriginals were black. They feel it's unfair that they got stuck with the black label and are pissed that other dark people escaped it." You mean these comments do not strike you as offensive. 1045:
pre-Royal Tudor blood in Anglo-British people today, since the status and/or concept of Welsh royalty/nobility is rather hazy in my mind. I found the Blevins aka Ap Bleddyn family of Powys in my ancestry, but have no real idea on what to make of it--or any other Welsh "native aristocracy". I might be able to find Stewart descent somewhere, from way back when. What percentage of Hanoverian background do you think that German colonists had in America?
6355: 7230:. Given that it is not a copyrightable image, if the yellow-green is the truer color perhaps we could replace it with one like that (which is also higher resolution). I suspect that this is the case as far as the color given how much clearer that version is, not just in resolution but in the details and lack of compression artifacts. Also, minor concern - the filename is a little short and may be prone to being overwritten at some later date. -- 6027: 5682: 5773:
the information is striped of it's substance. I have proved to you already of the connections, and you only started with this after you could not disprove the facts. So your twisting his statements and adding in your own research. If you want to talk about "incoherent" sentences, your trying to connect 1 with 2, and if 2 fails, there is 3,4,5...and so on (talking about your spin that the AIT is only about the linguistic aspect).
about Castesim in India is it started in India after the collapse of Buddhism after the 1st Century B.C. The Kings and his Kinsmen that opposed Brahmanism were cleverly ex-communicated when they were defeated in war by Kings that support Brahmanism and over a period of time made as 'Untouchables" To hide this fact Brahmins always give antique age to Sanskrit, Claim Vedas were given by God, and Castesim was given by God and so forth.
3831: 1374:
1933 - witnessed by Adrien Bourrell - Louis Lawrence's second son, who was the source of information for both Franck Marie and Pierre Jarnac. There was NO TOMB at Les Pontils in 1903, only a grave - which was replaced by a tomb in 1933 by Louis Lawrence. Is this really so difficult to understand? (Sure, there are 100s of websites out there which make the same mistake - but must you really copy that mistake?) Paul Smith
1119: 4950:
this to the "narrator" is falsely ambiguous, because there is no "narrator" proper to the book: there are two main "narrators" in the book, the editor and teufelsdrockh. Also the cut and paste you did has altered the chronology I was going for -- "emerged" was referring to Carlyle's previous work and struggle with fiction. If there points seem warranted to you than feel free to make changes yourself. Tom
making representations to the UN or anything); and several sources make reference to the swastika as an "ancient" symbol, and as a symbol of creation. So basically I'm skeptical as to what extent the Kuna were influenced at that time by the "international swastika craze": although the existence of that craze, and at the same period, I certainly don't dispute. And while "classic" swastikas appear on old
4650: 7244:
you to photograph it or verify the proper colors, that'd be great. The linked photograph of it seems very good and I think we could use it straight from that site without a problem, in light of the copyright law. If you'd prefer to wait until you can inspect the painting yourself that's fine with me, just thought I'd raise the issue given the substantial difference between the photographs. --
1940:"The quotation IS a citation", yes, but, and I may be off on the policy of how things go, what I'm asking is if it can be verified as a core belief. For example, the first commandment: "I am the LORD your God... Thou shalt have no other gods before Me..." Rarely do christian dispute this, and it is hard to call yourself a "true believer" or part of the "mainline" community if you say otherwise. 6312: 2295: 7015:
several Jats and other Indians who have also been concerned about the tone of the article, the fanaticism and vainglorious fantasies of some of the contributors, not to mention the promotion of Aryan supremicist concepts, which have certainly helped encourage me to keep at it. But this is the first time I have received a barnstar for my efforts! Thank you so very much indeed!
have followed other leads of this nature only to discover people are referencing the book site unseen). The responses I got sent me back thru all the research I had already done, with the exception of one thing. Someone suggested I go thru the history of the Mona Lisa article and try to pin point who had added Note 9 that references the book and see how they got a copy.
strongly against the claim for various reasons (both sensible and not-so commendable). But the question is whether we should discuss full range of the meanings and history of the word Moor here, which would allow for these debates to be made more meaningful and more richly explored by being put under one heading. It would also, I hope, help to avoid neutrality disputes.
1179:"How about i propose a compromise? Let's delete the "How secret is the secret" section, and instead add a sentence into the "criticism" section? Let's not put a huge paragraph about it, just a sentence that explains how some believe that the book is not a good piece of literature because it contains inconsistencies. Is that ok with you? dposse 20:30, 16 May 2006 (UTC)" 1434:
grave be "famous"? Maknap has made the mistake of assuming that the Galiberts constructed the Tomb in 1903, when in fact it was Louis Lawrence who constructed it in 1933. Adrien Bourrel, the second son of Louis Lawrence, gave his testimony as witnessing the tomb's construction in 1933 to French authors Franck Marie (1974) and Pierre Jarnac (1985).
you make such accusations, get your facts straight. Quote me at least before you poison the audience with a predisposition against me. Equally dogmatic self-appointed spokes person? See, I consider that kind of ad hominem attack a conscious example of a plot. Discredit Zaphnathpaaneah through character assassination because he is too effective! --
irrelevant babble about Arkaim? I am not sure what his anticipated revert would classify as, but I think that based upon our discussion and his inability to address my main points, they could classify as unproductive edits or vandalism, and hence I could give a warning. What's involved in giving a warning? Thanks for any help you can offer.
disagrees with. And I disagree with you: her position seems to me soundly based—I've been reading around the authorship topic a lot in the past few days, and it is remarkable how many books about Shakespeare fail to mention the issue at all. So although the position Awadewit holds may strike you as wrong or extreme, it is a rational argument.
3138: 5337:: I see from your user page that your "main interests here are in the history of scholarly theories in religion, literature and ethnology." Therefore I'm assuming that you're pretty familar with issues of citation, verifiability, and reliable sources, and that you and I are basically on the same side of this issue. Have a good one. -- 2511:. I would suggest that you could write to the Renaissance art specialists in galleries with significant art collections. The London National Gallery created a reconstruction of the costume, hair etc in van Eyck's Arnolfini Marriage Portrait, so they may have information on people to contact or scholarly articles on Renaissance hair. 2428:. Hannibal was a Carthaginian. The Carthaginians were Phoenicians (From Lebanon originally), who would have looked like other Semitic peoples. St Maurice is very often depicted as dark-skinned. Egyptians were probably a very mixed population including both dark and lighter skinned peoples, but usually portrayed themselves as brown. 1445:
are often used as synonyms. Look the word up in the OED, which defines "tomb" as "a place of burial; an excavation in earth or rock for the reception of a dead body, a grave"). But for clarity I'll change tomb to grave if it makes you happy.' And, lo, I did change it. This website works best if people collaborate in good faith.
1199:. Please review the recent edit history of the article. I did not think that using BCE and CE would be offensive to Christians, and the fact is the article has used these twerms for years. Moreove, I didn't think identifying the article as relevant to Jewish articles would be offensive to Christians. I appreciate your help, 3479:, so please be careful. :P More seriously, working on Nazi Archeology from a bunch of conflicting texts is very confusing for me, since I'm hardly a specialist in that kind of thing. Weltanschauungswissenschaften seemed to be presented as a theory so I called it that. Any further help you can give would be very appreciated. -- 706:. It's going to take me some time to get down to the university library to dig up references and Aucaman has been creating a lot of problems at this article - once one problem has been solved, he immediately tries to find another one, even if that one was dealt with before. BTW, if you are so inclined, your comments at 1329:
understandings of it, Dalit and communist readings ( M.N Roy for instance) exists. Allegations of ethnocentric bias are very real, and cannot be dismissed as 'fundamentalist cruft.' Perhaps, incorporating the Hindu (vs. Vedic)take on Ashvamedha will make it less 'biased.' --Notquiteauden 11:27, 21 June 2006 (UTC)
5881: 2141:). I am aware of Khazar Jews, but I'm not sure how they are relevant in this case. Don't you think it would be rather unlikely that a Jew would be one of the founders and leaders of the Nazi party, especially since the Nazis defined Jewishness in racial, not religious terms? Since you ask, I am not Jewish. 1427:
pointed out is that what existed in 1903 was different to what existed in 1933 - and any discussion about Les Pontils cannot be limited to Louis Lawrence and 1933 since the history of the site containing the remains of dead bodies begins with Louis Galibert in 1903 and not with Louis Lawrence in 1933.
What does "my" ability to identify Latino genitalia have to do with anything here? First, we are talking pubic hair, not genitalia. Second, the model whose photograph I took is a friend of mine and is the same model on all my body parts, so I know his racial background. Third, the "Afric am" photo
I agree with you there. Last time I looked, the concerns were met and the alternative authorship theories were reffed through good third party sources. But so long as Smatprt keeps arguing for his own preferred authors on the FAC, the point will be repeated that those authors are not reliable enough.
I just figured I'd comment that I've been impressed by how calm and reasonable you've managed to stay despite the charged nature of discussions over there. I don't really know for sure what I think about the subject - it's been hard for me to think through with the tone of much of the argumentation,
In Armenian, we call ourselves Aryatzi or Aryaee. This is referring to Aryan. The scholars reveals it clearly we are from "Aryan" stock. I didnt say Arya, please dont play word games here, even though Arya is the same as Aryan. Either way we are Aryan also known Arya. 16:46, 2 May 2007
First of all Paul B, you have no right to erase my text for abusive language, because user:AsianDuracell and user:Vandh have also used abusive language too! You just want to erase my stuff because you don't agree with my opinion. What about user:Asian Duracell, he called me a racist bitch. Isn't that
It seems that you have reincorporated some of the older version on Carlyle's early writing that I deleted. I do not object to the idea of the movement from Everlasting Nay to Yea, though it is only three chapters of the book and thus does not seem to warrant mention in wikipedia. However, attributing
The argument revolved around removal of a misleading line in the intro and incorporating it in the later sections of the article purely. The only Indian nationalism you saw was me refraining to mention Hinduism's founding influence when it would have been all too easy to incorporate, just because our
Nice edits to the Taj debate. I wonder though, if you wouldn't mind, stepping back for a few days and resisting the urge to refute all pro-oak assetions as they spring up. It will be a more effective (and efficient) argument to refute them en-masse; and with some space they may receive enough rope to
It is blatantly clear that the edit to which Paul replied was meant to provoke. It does not require exalted percipience to figure out that the abuse wasn't meant in good faith. In this case it is not so much an issue of assuming good faith, but of not falling for a blatant flamebait. One can say that
Paul, a while ago you spoke to me about some of my proposed changes to the baltic collaborators section of the holocaust article. Specifically you told me to speak to 'Goodoldpolonius2' about it, but he appears to be taking a wiki-break. I am only in the Baltics for another 3 weeks, from then on it
I see your point, I cannot provide any sources for the text regarding the view on Serb people. But it is apparently obvious that they were not regarded to be "Aryan", why would nazi germany otherwise build huge concentration camps intended for them? I know I've read somewhere about the "Asian view on
Hello, you seem to be quite well informed of this painting, as well as many other Knowledge articles, after seeing your posts on many of others' inputs. I was just curious to know, if it was unusual at all for married women to not wear their bands, or rings. I never gave it much thought, and I'm sure
I read your articles on the 'Ashvamedha' and your struggle to establish what is written in ancient literature. The Indian society had thousands of tribes with differing culture. Marriage was done in so many different ways, the idea of Family and its sanctitiy the type of sexual acts varied. Similarly
I put in a general humanities request back on Aug 18th asking for the person who added this reference to please let me know how they obtained a copy of the book or know if it was truly published or just cited by someone who read a blurb about what the book is supposed to contain (I say this because I
Do you have and detailed article about your facts on Rosenburg been a common name in the baltics? Are you also aware of the Khazar Jews? For me it seems (and i dont know if your jewish or not) but i'm someone who prides himself on detecting jewish names even though i'm no expect... but any way for it
Rosenberg is a German name that also happens to be common among Jews. But in Baltic area, from which Rosenberg came, it was very common in the general population. Despite repeated suggestions that Rosenberg was Jewish, purely because of his surname, there is no evidence of this, and indeed this would
Hello-- regarding the reversion of the "svastika" page from proposed "South Asian version of this symbol..." back to "Hindu version of this symbol..." I don't think that this is evasive, but rather points to an important point that the pages as it currently stands misses: If Jains and Buddhists also
You're right that the Mandarin word should not be confused with the English epithet. But, as a regular visitor to China, I can tell you that I still think I'm hearing "Nigger" when people around me say, "Niga,...." (It's used in much the same way as "uh" or "you know", so there's often a pause that
hi paul, i am not much of a historian or anything... but the stories about priory, knight templars, and freemasons, and the holy grail and some hidden treasures, etc etc. appeal to me very much.. taking it up one by one, i want to know some thing.. i understand plantard did a good thing to start the
No, I don't suggest a third article, but the issue is disputed in more publications than mentioned and, as Walter Ameling interprets the findings, child offerings (the sacrifice issue is hard to determine from the remains) did rather become a minority pratice (Imagine an article about New England in
Well...the language is in sync with the theory/hypothesis of migration/invasion of people/culture/infusion of languages,etc,etc., from central Asia/elsewhere. And Stephen Oppenheimer is saying is that 1 group of the 4 or 5 in Africa, left in one push, and went along the Indian Ocean coast line, and
Listen, were going around in circles, standing in the same spot. I see how since you have no real position, and keep changing the one you had. Your personal attacks were not appreciated, and you have gone from criticizing and cherry picking want you want to eventually find some "loop Hole" so that
I saw your claim about the scanned pages. They are scanned pages and clearly show that Aryan Race Theory came from the bible. So you are wrong. Did you even read the pages? Read the pages from William Jones's book. He clearly talks of god's creation and nonsense of that sort. You seem to be a low iq
page, due to an individual who obsessively wikifies every word, and who has some very strange theories about the history of philosophy. The trouble is that there are very few editors who know anything about the history of philosophy, and this individual seems to be gaining some converts (equally, a
page up for months as a way to try to get past the log jams where each had their own vision. I have also seen that EVEN when just self-identified African Americans were editing, they did not agree at all either. Which is pretty funny. I do not seem to be able to get the editors to agree that they do
I agree with these two statements by you Paul. Semetic is surely accurate in my opinion because many Jews converted to Islam and vice versus in order to marry under the laws. I think you and I have been arguing the same point from the beginning. It is impossible and unrealistic to label the Moors as
Medieval illuminations are not good evidence of anything concerning race, but in any case, you miss the point. This is not about trying to prove that North Africans were black or were white. Yes, there are, mainly US-based, Afrocentrists who do try to prove the former, and there are others who react
Please provide some information on what your credentials are when you take liberties to edit sensitive topics in Hinduism. Have you mastered Sanskrit,understood any of the deeper meanings in Hinduism or are you one of those ignorant Christian guys who thinks of India as a country of cows and snakes?
A consensus is not fact and the consensus among scholars and historians is that nobody is 100 percent sure what his religious beliefs were, but the majority believe that he was either a unitarian or diest. This is stated in the religious views section and I didn't remove that. I only removed the use
The link to the Maknap website relating to the Galibert history is a waste of time because it is WRONG. The Galiberts dug a GRAVE and not a TOMB in 1903. Maknap makes it clear that he is referring to a TOMB MADE FROM STONE and not to a dug grave when he refers to "The famous tomb" - why should a dug
Dab---I'm sure your translation from Sanskrit is great, and I am not doubting your qualifications. However, translations in Indian languages by competent religious scholars do exist, as do translations issued in English by various temple shrines in India. I can procure one, and see if the verses are
I'm just asking you because I trust your range of knowledge. I'm curious about the most common recent royal ancestor--and dynasty for those of UK heritage. I think it is the Plantagenets, descent being from whichever monarch in that house. I do not believe that we (you, me, others) have Tudor and
anthropological term developed by early 20th century race scientists. It is not a phenotype. If the image did come from a present day anthropology class, the class is suspect as to its legitimacy. Asians have both broad and narrow skulls. Asians have both flatter and more projected faces.- 11:30
Ouch, such honesty. In any case try to discuss it with the other party and let me know if he reverts again. He posted on my talk page from a different IP after I blocked him, so I concluded the original block was pointless and just gave him a warning. He also stated he was unaware of the 3RR anyway.
Hmm. I see you have reverted my deletion of Wagner from the 'opera manager' category. No big deal, however while Wagner did indeed 'manage opera' he was considerably more than the other professional managers like Bing, Christie etc. who are in this category. In his younger days, Wagner's role in the
You make a fair point about the lack of available evidence for truly "ancient" use of the swastika. However, the 1925 flag was created in response to direct attacks on the Kuna by the then Panamanian regime, and was for use in that conflict, not for international use (as far as I know, they weren't
Exhibitionism is not displaying your partner's genitalia. Please, provide to me a link that says it has anything to do with the way you define exhibitionism. Regardless, I used a model - not so difficult for a photographer to find. Not my "partner" nor myself. I don't think my taking offense at
In Indian business circles and in the developement of Indian banking, Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala stands out as he founded the Central Bank of India, which is one of India's five large banks. I am also sure that along with the great Jewish businessman Sir David Sassoon Sir Sorabji founded the Bank of
It's an honor and credit to wikipedia to have a scholar to work on Millais-related articles and other areas of knowledge you have. I admire the work of Millais a great deal, especially this painting, which has such a depth of meaning as well as being aesthetically beautiful. If it is possible for
I think you are misreading what Awadewit said. She was referring to the notes added in the roman numeral section, which are a different thing from citations. She thinks that solution was inelegant and that people won't read them: I agree with her. The actual citations to the authorship section have
Thanks very much for your comments. There comes a point when all of us lose patience. Sophia herself is no more of an exception than I am, but you and she certainly show willingness to debate fairly, as does Kenosis, who at first seemed to be so hostile. Since I am myself a long term editor of this
Not his finest hour, to be sure. However, to call it a low point compared to others is pretty harsh - most of the other editors have made posts of much greater venom. I can see why that comment might be particularly offensive to you (or me), since it criticises the long-term editors of the original
Hi Paul - sorry to put an automated message on your page so I thought I'd personalise it. Can you put the source of this PD image (the link where you got it from) as they're all meant to have them on wikipedia even if they're copyright status is clear.... and while I'm at it all PD images should be
Paul, Thanks for leaving some interesting info on Emma on Knowledge. I am particularly interested in where your Romney picture came from. I have an identical image which is a family heirloom and had often wondered where it came from. At the bottom of the picture, there is a note saying engraved by
Thanks poul for the award. I really did not mean to vandalize your work but it was a mare effort to correct some vital information about Islam (Since Islam terribly miss understood). But I do apolagize if i have cause you trouble. I miss uderstood your writting since i have never heard of so called
Paul Barlow, you are acting very childish, this is one account of the race of Jesus, don't edit it for your own racist wishes. I'm sorry you hate White People, but that is know reason to take it out on Jesus. There is know where that says "Acta Pilati" is fake. If you know a website please post it,
Dear Paul B, Osman has his own speculative ideas but the problem is that even in the crowd of minority ideas concerning Akhenaten. Osman's ideas are completely his own! Other controversial writers like David Rohl had some scholarly training when he wrote his book--'A Test of Time' but Osman has no
AND THIS, THIS STATEMENT WITH REGARD TO THE LATER GRAND MASTERS LIST "Although Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair is on this list, young Thomas was ignorant that his name had been used in such a manner." --- IS SIMPLY LAUGHABLE BECAUSE THOMAS PLANTARD TOOK OVER THE RUNNING OF THE SCAM BETWEEN 1991-1993
I'm sorry for the delay in replying, and even sorrier that I am not likely to be much use to you. I did add the footnote to this book, which weas published by a small printing house and is not in mainstream libraries. I did rely on online summary of its contents. Most of the material I have is from
Thanks for the welcome. I was just now checking the Vedas page. Hoo boy is that messed up, right from the get-go. Several paragraphs are well beyond opinion and are simply propaganda. That'll take a lot of time and will surely lead to a great deal of angst for some. Considering they really are
I did not add the line where "Jeffersons opponents attacked him as an atheist" I agree with your reasoning. However, I do believe that this is a common viewpoint and Jefferson actually was attacked as an athiest. It is surely selective propaganda. I will ask for a citation for you on that line, and
I agree with you. I believe that rightfully that the white supremacy ideology is clearly racialist as with black supremacy, but you will take a lot of heat from people who will always think it is racist no matter what you tell them. I think the best option is to leave all use of the term out of the
I agree with you on the point that he was an Afrocentrist. However you cannot just write off the historical evidence and proof that exists in the book when you do the research. Please look through the books in his bibliography and research those as well and also the other information he has gleaned
The latest addition by me below - please note that both Franck Marie and Pierre Jarnac established the fact that the tomb at Les Pontils was constructed in 1933 AND NOT IN 1903 by Louis Lawrence - they got this information by interviewing interviewing Adrien Bourrell who was Louis Lawrence's second
I was responsible for writing a significant portion of the original article, including pointing out that it involved necrophilia, bestiality and other acts; that Ambedkar had refered to it; that Samudrgupta conducted it and that modern tv versions do not discuss it. I returned recently to find that
I was wondering if you agree with the proposition that the term "Aryan" is no longer used in technical writings (or if it used it only refers to Indo-Aryans and not Indo-Iranians or Indo-Europeans). If not, what do you think is the definition of term and how do you think it should be applied? Thank
You are the one being disingenuous. You are throwing around a problematic word like "race" to essentially mean "white bodies" and "black bodies". It's completely irrelevant to the pubic hair page. My model could be Asian - you wouldn't know. Fact is, he's not white. Keep to the issues and not
talk page trying to "maintain reason against the forces of the ethnocentrism." Sometimes it is very lonely and discouraging in the face of the torrent of abuse that seems to follow any questioning of these "ethnocentric" writers. Fortunately, I have regularly received email letters of support from
If you continue to revert without any sources to your twisted claims (Which you HAVE CHANGED because you can read it in the History pages, so you been caught lying and misleading once again, your actions could be considered for Vandilism and Page-Protectionism. Show sources and stop stalling, and
Instead of compromising, you just reverted when I asked you for sources, and your response contained various cherry picked nonsense that can be easily fixed. I'll add a footnote, take out the part (that was palced by accident, it was in the power point document). By the way, Oppenheimer is not
John, Paul, George and Dingo (bit of a mistake, I guess) Cattermole were monster masters or magi whose sublime machicolations were noted by The Sons of Moses, a mighty and mystical Brotherhood devoted to illuminating the machinery of death located in the region between Monmouth Street and Fountain
I hope that if we can direct the energy into working on a suite of articles, and leave 2 or 3 as general articles, that we can get back to productivity. It makes me cringe when I think of how much material was lost and how many editors gave up in disgust and how much time and energy was wasted. If
Comments such as the unsigned statements above indicate why it is imperative to discuss the range of meanings here. AFAIK, the standard Greek word for black/dark is "melas", and the standard Latin one is "niger". "Mauro" does appear in late Greek to mean dark, and may have derived its meaning from
Unfortunately every Westerner and most Indians today believe that Caste system existed in India since the origin of Civilization in India. Though true facts come out now, the Brahmins take extreme measures to prevent the truth from coming out as this will destroy their current supremacy. The truth
I have further found several books in the library on the history of hair, but the information is limited and less scholarly than perhaps theatrical. I am trying to discover a historically accurate recreation. This book is the closest description I have seen of what I am looking for, and if it is
On June 17, 2006 there is a note entry to the article on Mona Lisa, referencing a book I have been trying to get ahold of since 2003 (buy, borrow, pay for a copy of the bibliography). The book is called "Plucked Shaved and Braided" by Daniela Turudich, Streamline Press...and I won't bore you with
that Jesus depicted as a black man still causes an uproar? I think you are whitewashing the situation. Jesus was very, very likely not a white man, yet no one seems to blink when he is depicted as such. Same with the Egyptians, Hannibal, St. Maurice and any number of historical figures who have
of those claims were just "a way of attacking their racial ideology" – but that does not per se contradict any single one of them. You argued that "it would be rather unlikely that a Jew would be one of the founders and leaders of the Nazi party" – I agree that the chances are smaller, and my only
Thank you. I am brand new to this, and have just started reading and editing entries for artists. I surely do not always follow protocol, but I am cleaning up some unfortunate prose devoted to great painters, and adding a little basic information as I go. A number of these entries read like junior
Well I am so glad I left such an impression on you Paul. And once again you misrepresent my position. I do not consider the QUESTIONING of the international inclusiveness of the term black as a plot. I consider the REJECTION of the international inclusiveness of the term black as a plot. Next time
Hey Paul! Thanks for the note. It's all taken from the FBI file. Informations about their marriage are on page 5 (p.5) and Hazel's comment about divorcing Wallace because he was "temperamental" is on page 74 (p.74). I just added some more informations about his rise to power, would be great if you
Paul, are you remotely capable of approaching this suject in a vaguely sensible manner. If you have a better link, replace the curreent one. I have already addressed the issue about the word "tomb". Here, again, is what I wrote on the 23rd June - in case you missed it, 'The word "tomb" and "grave"
I was rather surprised that the authorship question flared up again today, because I thought the editors had agreed not to action Awadewit's original recommendation about removing the passage. She has actually shifted her position over time and is prepared to accept the inclusion of the matter so
Yes true it is a controversial term, however, Aryan Invasion Theory is a hypothesis foremost, which is the subject of the controversial meaning ,so please don't try "spin" on me, try that on your next victim. Secondly, Stephen Oppenheimer is discrediting the Aryan Invasion theory into India with
4498:. Also, I will gather more notable views and perspectives on this rite if I can. I do not think the article is representative and presents a biased perspective, which needs to be qualifies with all significant viewpoints, of which there is but a lame sentence or two at the end by Subhash Kak etc. 4486:
Regarding Muller, thanks for your refs, Based on what I read in the sabha website and the verification of the text on Google books, I believe you are right that that sabha website guy misrepresented a lot of Muller's views and attitudes. Nonetheless, I see a distinct disdain for Indian Culture in
And guess what Paul Barlow --- EVERYTHING ABOUT THE PRIORY OF SION is a SCAM AND SPAM --- there is NO "middle ground objective approach" whereby "negative" and "positive" can be "distilled together to form a coherent impression" that produces something that can be described as being "legitimately
I don't think it's reasonable to say that Jesus was "very very likely not a white man". There is no clear definition of "white man", but the people of the middle east do fit the general category of "caucasoid". We also have very ancient depictions of middle easterners of the levant/palestine area
I removed the term "racialist" because it is a POV term and matter of controversy. I tried to fix the problem by just deleting both terms altogether and letting the reader make up their own mind. Many people think the black supremacy is racist, some people think it is racialist, and others have a
THE SAME MISTAKE IS MADE IN THE ET IN ARCADIA EGO ARTICLE. There was no tomb at Les Pontils in 1903 - and neither Frank Marie nor Pierre Jarnac ever made such a claim in any of their books - what existed in 1903 at Les Pontils was a Grave AND NOT a tomb. The tomb was constructed at Les Pontils in
Thank you, Paul, for suggesting balance between value and doubt in your revision to the section, "Historicity of David." In the interest of balance, I also counterweighted the three-word pattern on the doubt side with a three-word pattern on the value side. Your changes also gave me occasion to
Afghan Historian here, from the AIT page. I appreciate your discussion on that page. And, I was wondering if you could help me. I just thought I agreed with most that Parsis are ethnically Persian until I read a genetic study where it showed them to be only patrilineally Iranian and matrilineally
Having slept on it a bit, I came to the conclusion that getting the issue resolved up front and out in the open at RFC was the best way to go. I've written a draft on my talk page, if you'd care to comment - it could probably do with the inclusion of some kind of statement about what was done to
page can be one of the main inclusive pages and the others, including the list of sites, can be linked from it. Also, I suspect that many of the "falangists" are the same as these black groups, with a lot of sock puppets, and the falangist/white supremacy group is just one or two people. I have
4) As I had pointed out earlier, the ritual continued into pre-modern times, and even this century in an attenuated form. Samudragupta's might have been the last true to scripture sacrifice but other Ashvamedhas happened. This is common with several Vedic rituals where pratices incompatible with
Also, the statement "The Order occupied its "mother" abbey, the Abbey de Notre Dame du Mont Sion, built on the foundations of the original apostolic Cenacle, or Coenaculum, traditionally assumed to be the location of the Last Supper" is one of Steven Mizrach's theories and nothing else - no more
He has claimed the Kurdish flag has nothing to do with Iran and is a crime to fly in Iran. The Kurdish flag is based on the Iranian flag it is even in the memories of the founders of the Mehbad Republic who wanted to showcase their Aryan and Mede heritage. Back then Kurds only had a oral history
and seen how they live, but even today it's not exactly wired into mainstream society. And in 1925, its surprising that they knew about Panama... ;-) The Kuna revolution (they fought with traditional poisoned arrows) was sparked off by Panamanian authoritarianism, and their expression of their
Last year you posted some sane comments when a controversy erupted with the CW/Deb/Don aliases. Exactly one year to the date this person has returned again. Can you review what has happened and offer us your advice? The other party is not pursuing mediation and people are again being scared off
article. Nonetheless, there's a lot more nastiness emanating from most of the other editors involved in this. I don't wish to dwell on the flaws that they've all displayed, and wished to congratulate Paul on a restraint which neither I, nor most of the other editors, appear capable of showing.
I have just started a article with the title mentioned above. Perhaps it would be interesting contributing\starting with me to this list; it might be fun if their is some kind of a competition between several users, to be on top of that list! Maybe some people would go and work harder, do more,
Why do you avoid any reference to The Sons of William Blake in each and every sub-directy dealing the race theories and yaheeewoistic ethnographies? Surely, they and they alone populated the mountains of The West before the migration of the Yantanii Peoples Of The Third Shadow. These latecomers
Claims that leading Nazis were part Jewish were common at the time - as a way of attacking their racial ideology. I'm not sure what point you are making about Dr. Bloch. Yes, it's well known that Hitler protected Bloch while his emigration to the US was being organised. What significance do you
You have certainly caught my attention Paul, one of the few times that someone I oppose truely has earned my respect. You are articulate and concise. However you are flat out misleading people about my position. Don't take my ability to read between the lines as a knee jerk cry of a conspiracy.
In addition if I'm not mistaken this section is regarding the debate and research regarding ancestry. So with this respect, this is a debate that does exist. Initially I had agreed with you, but upon further thought. It actually does make sense because of the title of the section for this to be
Do you want me to send you a copy of E G Rey's 1888 article where he refers to THE ABBEY OF SION (EMPHASIS - NOT "PRIORY OF SION")? You keep altering everything to "Priory" when no such description applies at all - even a Papal Communication refers to the religious community as an ABBEY OF SION
In the article, you erased the part that it said it was built by Persian architects. You said not only Iranians but all architects (Turkish, etc etc) were from Iran because Iran in that time was much bigger country than it is now. As it is mentioned in the article: As of 1983, the Taj Mahal was
No prob. I don't have the published version either. I was just working on the assumption that the original quoter got it right and the later editor merely changed all instances of "god" to "God". This is quite questionable in its own right, but at least he shouldn't be changing quotes. Also, I
Dear Paul, you reverted me, saying that someone inserted the capital letters. However, your edit actually restored them. Could you please check which way you wanted it. My intention was to revert back to the previous state (small letters) as I believe that this reflects the quotes accurately.
Do you have any more info about pictures such as these? I am told that it was given to my grandmother when she was a young gal in the 1920's. It was given to her by an older millionaire friend who told her that the picture looked like her. Shame the good looks have not lasted as long as my own
out of the article even despite Hinduism's influence being well cited? Do you know that Kennethtennyson has been accused of pushing red Han Chinese agenda on various articles but yet has to actually get anything written in an actual article? Unlike JFD, who labouriously works to get citations
If you simply use the words "grave" (ie, an "earthen pit") and "tomb" (ie, a "stone monument" ususally above the ground - yes tombs can also be found in family mausoleums beneath ground level in France) this would be more easily understood. As for "detailed and tangental", all that needs to be
I haven't changed anything from "Abbey of Sion" to "Priory of Sion" as far as I know. If such a change has been made, then someone else made it. AFIK, the usual shorthand terminology for the medieval organisation is "Order of Sion" (or "Zion", the spelling is simply a matter of preference). An
Yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as they present it with civility. Anybody with good intentions will always be extremely careful when using sensitive words like the devil, evil, death or even freakin. I don't see her going to a black neighborhood and saying what she said.
The Nordic Myth has often been attributed to the reaction to an inferiority complex. Phillip Wayne Powell, in his book, Tree of Hate (1985), claimed that the Nordic Myth began to arise in 15th century Germany, when Germans resented the fact that Italians looked down on them as an inferior and
Not quite, the argument revolves around "one line". Kenny used it as an excuse to confuse things an remove some portions which were mutually agreed upon and crafted by a third party. The one line is selective, misleading and a more elaborate mention of it in the later sections was in order. I
Hi Paul, I've decided to go on a long WikiBreak for work reasons but thanks for raising the Barry issue- I agree that his behaviour is becoming unacceptable after a period of relative decency and he certainly needs a warning; I won't be able to help out for a while, however. Thanks again, TSB
Maybe you know ... I read about Sappho describing her daughter as "a girl whose hair is yellower than torchlight" - which sounds rather blond - and thus with fair color of skin. And this was in the 6th century BC in the Aegean Sea. Do you know how far south and to which countries such people
As a source of this claim of Mr. Streitz, who is a political theorist and writer, I have only seen him make the argument in his review pages at A link might be provided to these reviews. They are informal reviews written by customers. I do not consider Mr. Streitz to be an able
of the term diest when it was stated as fact. If you have a verifiable source of him saying that he is a diest feel free to add it but untill then it is in violation of wiki NPOV policy to say he was undoubtedly a diest (which is in clear contradiction to the opening line of religious views).
Do you understand that in 1903 all that existed at Les Pontils opposite the farmhouse was a GRAVE that contained the dead bodies of Louis Galibert's wife and mother? Do you understand that in 1933 the tomb REPLACED THE GRAVE when the dead bodies of Louis Lawrence's mother and grandmother were
I'm thinking that there is a big difference between Plantagenet and Tudor descents, that the commons in all likelihood have the former and the latter is held by the lords. (just generally speaking) Then again, Tudor descent in the Welsh must be higher in general. I am further curious about
Thank you for your reply. You write: "Wagner had huge influence on the staging of opera because of what he did at Bayreuth. Bayreuth is one of the most influential "events" in the history of the management of opera, so to exclude Wagner seems to me to be rather perverse." However establishing
Although it wasn't me who removed those remarks, I believe that removal was a good call. I would like to ask you to consider changing your characterisation of Awadewit. She holds her position strongly, but as far as I know, she never uses words like that to describe the position of those she
It's been debated for 2 weeks without any one showing refuting sources, and you as well the other page-protectors won't even acknowledge that a "theory" and "hypothesis" are one and the same. Look on the Google for "AIT" "hypothesis", you'll get more hits then you can read also. I wouldn't
I disagree with your assessment Paul. These comments are blatantly offensive. Imagine if someone said this on live tv, they would be censored or severely criticized. I think an atheist and a religous person can have differences in a civil manner. Furthermore this is just one of possibly many
I got your message. I see what you mean, I just wanted to attempt to convince him to compromise by being very respectful towards him. But the change I'd like to see is still an issue. Would it be right for me to make a change based on the fact that I set forth points and he responded with
So please explain to me where you think you have the right to change names of articles? Just wondering if you were the King of Knowledge or something, because you know if you are, I'll bow to your superior knowledge of everything. Since, I'm rather skeptical about that particular level of
status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, then you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually
Abecedare is trying to retain anti-Hindu mischievous links on talk page of Hinduism and cite vague Knowledge policy. A subversive way to have rascality in Hinduism. Pl. give your view to remove entire discussion, if we have to retain those mischievous links on talk page just to retain the
if it is not given you can delete it although I'm pretty positive that it will be provided. If it is, you can be free to re arrange the article and add more factual information that will sway people to your viewpoint. But I hope you understand why I removed innaccurate use of the term deist.
South Asia has a clear meaning. South Asia is not the same as "southern Asia" which encompases more "West Asian" nations. South Asia, I feel, is properly defined by SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) because it is based off of self-definition. -- 9:50 (PST) March 30
Noted Zoroastrians, I used the edit tool to include 3 more outstanding Parsees: Adi Marzban was a highly respected editor of the Parsee paper jame i Jamshed, read by several thousand Parsees and Gujeratis. He was also a very prolific playright of comedies and other stage plays and moving
Finally, I intend to edit the article significantly over the next few weeks. Since my Sanskrit is poor, it will not deal with the translation (except the Telugu part). A more detailed modern, Hindu view of the Ashvamedha is required. Literature discussing the semiotics, symbolism, modern
You have repeatedly referred to me as an exhibitionist. Until you are ready to apologize for the incivility and personal attack, leave my Talk page alone or I will bring it up on the Admin incident page and have someone else explain to you how you could have handled this situation more
Paul-B---There is no Dravidianist reading of the Ashvamedha. The Shastri translation is published by the Tirupati shrine, and that is as high-Brahmin as you can get. Both the names are Brahmin names, and further none of the significant Dravidian movement figures mention the sacrifice. .
You just reverted me in that article and I'm not sure you've actually read the article's talk page. Ludvikus is apparently basing his changes on original research (worse he claims to be the most knowledgeable scholar on the topic here at wikipedia). Though I notice you only replaced
364:. The image has been identified as not specifying the source and creator of the image, which is required by Knowledge's policy on images. If you don't indicate the source and creator of the image on the image's description page, it may be deleted some time in the next seven days. 5251: 2597:
Guess what, Paul Barlow, your Priory of Sion article is getting worse and worse - first you cite material from a website run by Mark Naples who cannot tell the difference between historical fact and pseudo-history --- and muddles the two together without citing his sources.
2324:! You know how sometimes you hate checking your watchlist? The Ray of Sunshine is bestowed on that person that, when you see their name at the top of your watchlist, you know that all is right with the world , you can relax, and do something besides cleaning up another mess. 2611:
730:: If we were to change the term Mongoloid to please people we would have to change other offensive terms like Bugger, Jew, Dutch Elm Disease and German Measeles which are far too numerous. Since we cannot possibly change all these terms, we should not change mongoloid. 4290:
Hi Paul B. I don't know where you are getting alot of this "info" that Homo floresiensis is in fact a new species. First off anything written by Tabitha M. Powledge should be looking at atleast twice. Not a reputable source, in fact a downright distortion of the facts.
one of the early members of the SS had a Jewish grandfather (Charles Maurice Schwartzenberger), and the Jew Dr. Eduard Bloch (1880 in Frombork - † 1945 in New York City) who was the physician of Hitler's mother was especially protected by the Gestapo on Hitler's order.
The word "tomb" and "grave" are often used as synonyms. Look the word up in the OED, which defines "tomb" as "a place of burial; an excavation in earth or rock for the reception of a dead body, a grave"). But for clarity I'll change tomb to grave if it makes you happy.
re Jefferson, without the reference to deism the accusation of "atheism" is an unexplained attack. It only makes wense if there is some indication that his views are non-trinitarian/orthodox, which would be understood to mean tainted with Thomas Paines's rationalism.
To be honest I cribbed almost all of what I wrote from lecture notes I took in an architecture class, and sometimes it was referred to as "Hindoo Gothick." And in looking for some reference I discovered I may have plagerized a little... going to have to fix that...
Are you targetting me again - are you automatically deleting ANYTHING that I put to the Priory of Sion article in Knowledge? What is your problem? Most of the factual material on that page ORIGINATES WITH ME - Why don't you delete all that material also? Email me at
What is it that drives me to look for this book? I teach classes on Medieval Hairstyles and specifically have been trying to answer some questions about Italian Renassiance Hair taping. I have found one article online about the topic, which uses no bibliography.
2385:" link (it is located at the very top of any Knowledge page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any fair use images lacking such an explanation will be deleted one week after they have been uploaded, as described on 6994:
The article says nothing about "hooligans", that's just the title of a webpage listed in the external links. I don't know what you mean by "voyeurism" in this context. It's not for us to say whether or not a myth is denigrating, just report it as fully as we can.
Stop with your childish games and shows sources discrediting my information posted in the article, or you do not have a case. I repeat, stop with your childish games and shows sources discrediting my information posted in the article, or you do not have a case.
Where is the source for the connection, very simple, editors cannot make connections or join dots in the sand. Where is the newspaper saying there is a blatent connection. If you knew anything about Farrakhan you would know opposition to Zionism is as old as the
Don't be so disingenuous. The "reference" was to a propaganda website which refers to the intervention of Indian troops as "treacherous". It is pure anti-Indian propaganda. Also, a website that spells British as "Bristish" is hardly appropriate or authoritative.
335:"It is important to note, this Afrocentric viewpoint had developed while mainstream scholarship was seriously wrestling with the Eurocentric idea that Nordic or contiental Europeans had founded Egyptian royalty and established the dynastic leadership of Egypt." 4589:
do it themselves. The RFC will be up for a month and consensus will be built by reference to policy so, bakaman for instance, by saying "Whatever his other theories are, this one is quite plausible" has already pissed on his chips by imply Oak is an otherwise
Most religious images portray saints in a manner derived from norms in the population that is making the image. It's not necessarily "racism" that produces such images, just a tendency to portray biblical figures looking like the people that the artist knows.
mixed opinion. I think the best solution is to remove all terms and so the reader can go over the article and make up their own mind at the end as wikipedia NPOV policy would instruct us to do. Both terms should have never been mentioned in the first place.
in fact be used simply as a synonym for "grave" (hence gravestone and tombstone are synonyms). This then led to complaints that the discussion was rather too pedantic, detailed and tangental, so it was shortened and moved to the main article on this subject,
modernity are rendered symbolic, ex using bread flour as a substitute for goats in the Agnistoma, stuffed human shaped food offerings instead of human sacrifice at Kalighat etc. It would be interesting to learn what precisely was used in place of copulation.
we have all taken the bait as we have made an issue of it. Tohru Honda13, note that the guideline to assume good faith also says that it "does not require that editors continue to assume good faith in the presence of evidence to the contrary." It is infact
4326:. I know that was a dumb vandalism, but you musn't make such summaries. It'll probably just provoke that vandal, and he'll do it again. A summary like that won't teach a vandal its lesson. Well, just wanted to tell you, so... have a good morning/afternoon/ 936:
This suggests you didn't realize this was indeed a footnote (as indicated by the † (dagger) symbol in the text and at the beginning of the footnote which you removed. I am reinserting the footnote since the lone dagger as it now stands becomes enigmatic.
I haven't by any means read all of your edits, or even read the article lately, but I stopped by the article long enough to note your reasoned edits and combatting of Asian2duracell's obfuscations of fact and edit warring. Your efforts are appreciated.
5364:"In the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, a powerful surge of German patriotism was stimulated by the distain of Italians for German cultural inferiority and barbarism, which lead to a counterattempt by German humanists to laud German qualities." 3975:
I also think that the reference to the Bhagavad Gita is offtopic to the article. What does this have to do with Aryan race? Many Westerners have read and esteemed the Gita. The question of the religion of individual Nazis should be discussed in another
I've noticed that American Presidents don't descend from either king, but the most common recent royal ancestor shared by many of us is Edward III. How common is it for anybody in the English or British genepool, to have a Protestant royal ancestor?
Thanks for uploading the image; it is a favorite of mine. I was wondering however if this rendition is accurate as far as the color. I've noticed a wide variation in the colors of photographs of it, from orange-red like this one to yellow-green like
Mr i have tried to reason with you, do not delete my tags, how can you tell another editor his concerns are not valid, and there is a entire section on the talk page discussing a current issue? u r showing zero civil behaviour or any measure of mature
Thereamalikee has been put on notice by other Knowledge moderators not to push his own POV's on others. By the Way, my Akhenaten post attempts to bring some sense and structure on Yuya's identity and on the Akhenaten article as you requested. Regards,
3747:. I find it SURPRISING that no one has TRANSLATED and PUBLISHED this book into ENGLISH in its complete form — all of the FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTEEN (419) PAGES!!! My dream is to see it done one day! I would LOVE to get to understand the mind-set of this 7148:
been improved today, and if that can be followed by removal of the roman numeral notes (which Wrad, who added them, said he won't mind), I think Awadewit's concerns on that matter will have been fully met, and much to the advantage of the article.
Oh. I guess that was self evident. I will check the links and see for myself. I like to see images other than photos turn up in articles. But I have also noticed undue weight and misrepresentation been given to this part of Huxley's work lately.
847:. The image has been identified as not specifying the copyright status of the image, which is required by Knowledge's policy on images. If you don't indicate the copyright status of the image on the image's description page, using an appropriate 669:
I'm not really sure. An RfC might be in order, but I find the whole process tiresome, and generally lose interest halfway through, so I'm probably not the best person to start one. I'm also not sure he's really reached that level of disruption.
2266:"Upon the mentioning of his name and his somewhat ambiguous physiognomy I automatically had to think of a remark of Rudolf Kommer about the role of foreign half-castes in national movements. Did I get to know a perfect example with Rosenberg …?" 967:(transcribed by E G Rey in his article). Why do you keep changing things to "Priory of Sion" all the time? I'll send you a copy of Rey's article - don't take my word for it - read Rey's article. I'll send you a scan - what's your e-mail address? 7130:
long as it is sourced to the best sources. So she's not asking much, really, on that matter. It's up to the editors to move on from that issue and address the improvement of the whole article, much of which is still falling short of FA standard.
5023:, where I am trying to include at least those Nazis who already have got Wikipedian entries, in order to be able to know the post-war destiny of such persons. It is of course also a page to be watched, as some don't like it that much (recently, 1048:
On the British side, I have to go as far back as Welf himself...but any recent genetic relationship with the Hanoverians or the counts of Nassau are completely obscure. How does one research those other colonial people, such as the Hessians?
You wrote on the Elijah Muhammad page that he was as bad as the Klan's.... are you kidding me? Did the NOI go to white peoples' houses' and break windows and throw torches inside their houses? You definitly don't know what you're talking about.
He is a friend at work who introduced me to wikipedia. I am not his sock-puppet nor am I his double. Please refrain from intimating otherwise just because we share a view on some historical facts. Many thanks for your attention to this matter.
Yes I wonder how many independent editors we really have at the black people article. I have seen many give up over the last few months. I think if we can divide off those with a restrictive attitude and give them their own page, then this one
N.B. : Iran is the only country with more than 2000 years of history in it's area. Which means it's neighbors (Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan, Armanistan, Tajikistan, etc,etc) are a part of it or a part of an older country such as India.
article where the author defined Far East as a region beyond India. If we hold that definition as an accurate one, changing it to India and the Far East seems to be the best option available. I have no problem with the current version. Thanks
Thanks to reverting back to my version, and comments.... Maybe with some work we can get our version to stick. It seems clear though that certain people there want readers to believe it is taken more seriously by academics than it really is.
3188:, for the reasons I give on the talk page there. I have largely rewritten the article but can't see how to rename it. Any chance you could do this? I put a request on the talk page some days ago, but no one has done it yet. Thanks if you can 1324:
5) 'no one leadest me' is perfectly sound gramatically. It tries to imitate the kind of language the KJV Bible and Book of Common Prayer employed. I have a copy of George Fox's journal that uses the word leadest in a very similiar fashion. .
7191:...and drove him from his intention of destroying Jerusalem and deporting its inhabititants - an critical action that has shaped the Wetern world. For, at this time, the Bible had not yet been written and the concept of YWEH fully defined. 6556:
I'm sorry, it still needs a source even if the copyright status is clear. If you think you scanned it say that, if not, and its available on the web, put in a link to a web version, I'm not going to quibble if its not the exact same image.
I'm waiting for Sutcliffe to checked again by the rewiewer (he's taking some time) and I wonder if he will mention the comments about Sutcliffe's style in the Art section. I have no problems with it at all, but he might ask for references.
The cited source did not say that, as you well know. However, the actual report is clearly a better souce. "Had ever" is still a very clumsy locution in this sentence. You have also deleted a fully sourced reference which I have restored.
3864:, an automated process that notifies editors that articles to which they may have contributed on more than one occasion in the past now need cleanup. If you have any comments or object to this message being left, please leave a message on 1966:
If you want to add the TRUE aim of the Inquisition I'm all for it. But the record of brutality has got to remain on the page. The facts are POV against the Portugese (no one can defend their actions). But we would welcome your help on the
Indian, (suprisingly). What would you label them as? I also ask because many want to label Freddie Mercury Persian because he himself apparently stated so, even though he was a Parsi and, I think, trying to keep his background a secret. -
If Jerusalem had been destroyed before the deportation, and they had not survived the attack of 701 (and the subsequent interpretation of having bested Ashur, and thus, YWEH was stronger) the Western world would be profoundly different.
You certainly are entitled to your opinion of me. I don't mind it - as long as it does not interfer with Knowledge work. So if you visit my User page you will find a lot of work - even much more - which is NOT devoted to the Protocols.
Is it because of fratricide in the Wars of the Roses, the Tudors' "new men", or the Union of the Crowns, or the parliamentary union under Queen Anne (I can't think of any non-royal family descent from the Hanoverians within the UK)?
Thanks for your note on my talkpage. If you need any help with an additional opinion on contentious article, don't hesitate to ask. I've spend so much time on that nonsense anyway that I must count as something of an expert by now.
anon. To Paul, I am beginning to ee that there are misrepresentations by the website guy, but, nonetheless, Mueller's motivations behind the "Aryan race theory" do seem questionable and perhaps motivated by the same biases as the
Han Chinese friends may not find it all that palatable. Yet you say "What I see is a rather ugly form of extreme Indocentric nationalism that already has disfigured several articles.", a sentence without any substance whatsoever.
designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was "constructed by Iranians (Persians), or designed and constructed in the style of Iranian architecture". So i think it is important that this be mentioned in the top of the article.
5503: 4271:
Thanks for catching my mistake. I thought that I was pasting "British House of Commons|" in. I had just been editing an article on SSM in Spain, and had copied that phrase. I should have checked the edit before saving. Regards,
424:. Technically, I could block you too, but I won't, seeing as how he made seven reverts and you only made four, he's still three ahead of you and in greater violation. Next time something like this is about to happen, post it at 331:
There is a comment in the Afrocentrism article that I am curious about. I believe you are the one who wrote it, if not then maybe you have some insight into it as you seem to have built the majority of the article. The comment:
5504: 787:
I find Tichondrias's one-man campaign to get rid of "Mongoloid" from Knowledge rather strange considering his failure to support my campaign to get rid of the Eurocentric terms "Asia" and "Europe", which he dismissed in these
Armenia, a scion of the "Aryan" stock, has for four millenniums and more, through two or three revivals and through some of the most devastating misfortunes that ever beset a people, been an advanced post of civilization.
Of course I understand it. If you check the edit history you will see that I was the one who clarified this very point on the page. I used the word "sepulchre" rather than "tomb" to clarify the distinction, because "tomb"
U dont even have an argument, how easy is it to say that. It is a blank cheque remark. Jackson is jackson, you have no source to show a link, a happened then b. I think i came across you before i will look in the history
If you are going to list composers, why stop at Wagner? You can list Verdi, Richard Strauss and probably dozens of others. Almost all composers are involved in the productions of their operas, the selection of singers.
612: 4386:. Having spoken to the (now nearly broken) editor who originally expanded this article, I'm proposing mirroring the article and bringing it up to scratch in non-article space. Would you be interested in copyediting? -- 1510:
Most is not all. Historians and biographers are not sure what his religious views are and in his info box unitarinism and deism are listed. To say he was a diest as fact is in clear contradiction to other statements.
Your reply was very cautiously crafted, my friend. It was not accurate though. I uderstand about the way you feel about Indian nationalism, the question is do you feel the same way about Kenny's Chinese nationalism?
5370:"No race has suffered so much from an inferiority complex as has the German. National Socialism was a kind of Coué method of converting the inferiority complex, at least temporarily, into a feeling of superiority". 1029:
This is intended to have broad answers and based on gradients of time and population, not going into specifics about exact descendents. About how common is their descent in the English or British genepool today?
2004: 1867:
Your point regarding Sickert's use of paint is well taken. Perhaps better for me to say that both Sickert and Freud are idiosyncratic enough that imitation seems unlikely--finally, the use of "adapted" is spot on.
I put in the reference for the Neo-Nazi paragraph in the "Aryan Race" article as you requested. The Black Sun, published in 2002, is the standard text about and has the most information on Neo-Nazis. Best wishes,
And it wasn't just in English that Moor meant 'dark skinned'. It did so elsewhere in Renaissance Europe too. It was tied to negative colour symbolism and theories about Hamitic descent. Paul B 10:13, 11 July 2005
I hve no idea what you are talking about. Is this in reference to some specific contribution of mine somewhere? If so, what? I've never written anything about late medieval English monarchs or their "gene pool".
who calls it "POV" and reduces the article to a stub version by removing most content. Could you contribute your own opinion on the discussion? Up till now we seem to be reverting back and forth undproductively.
Then how do you explain the fact that to be in the Waffen SS you had to prove your Aryan lineage going back 5 generations and the fact there were not only Nordics but also many Slavs and Mediteraneans in it.
Ooh someone has found the list I created and started editing it. Very exciting! Just a suggestion - do you fancy including an infobox on any painting pages you create? It does make them look rather good. See
some reasonable approximate set of different articles can be defined, then these people who want to fight about assorted differences of opinion can be directed to the appropriate article for their efforts.--
Hello. I'm trying to work with you on the Da Vinci Code article. I proposed a compromise about the "How secret is the secret?" section. Will you please consider it and discuss it on the Da Vinci Talk Page?
719: 5750:
genetics and new archaeological findings, which is in sync with the article. No more spin please. Find the relevant sources to discredit my facts in the article, you you don't have any legs to stand on.
article. This way both sides can reach a compromise. If you want to add racailist I believe that if want you to acheive your goal you should try to do it on both articles to protect you from future attacks.
Hi. Isn't removing large section of sourced text "Vandalism" and can popups not be used in that case? Perhaps it is better to contextualize the information in question instead of deleting it outright, no?
talking about a migration into India 90,000 years ago, he is refer more so on the migration taking place out of India (as they evolved in India over 30,000-40,000 years). Show some transparency, please.
authority, do you think that there could be some discussion? Or are you so brilliant you do not believe you need to lower yourself to my simpleton level to explain such massive changes? Just curious.
is placed on standard revert parole for one year. He is limited to one revert per page per week, excepting obvious vandalism. Further, he is required to discuss any content reversions on the page's talk
1808:. I am not capable of edit warring against several sock puppets. Whatever consensus we reach in the talk page does not matter if it does not show in the article. We cannot all give in to the nonsense. -- 2410: 2381:
If you have uploaded other fair use media, consider checking that you have specified the fair use rationale on those pages too. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "
and sign under the users who tried to solve the dispute and failed, since yourname was mentioned. So, please go sign your name under the section, `Users certifying the basis for this dispute`. Thanks
As the forms of Shiva as a deity evolved into the present form, primarily a Vaishnava Tradition, that created over time a trinity of deities, with Shiva being allocated as the deity for destruction..
Hi, my name is Paula Hofmann and I am interested in the picture you have posted in Nordic theory. Could you tell me where you have found the original picture, or from when this picture is originally?
By taking an isolated interpretation, and creating a being , hooligan , as being an attendant of his, will create misunderstandings to some one not familiar with the vast diversities in Hinduism.
will be hard to reference all cited work. I am new around here and wondered what other course of action I can take? I don't feel comfortable editing something as important as the Holocaust article.
been getting worn down a bit: I really just want to add and improve content but lately I've found myself spending great gobs of time just keeping the good articles at at a "good" level. I guess the
I appreciate your note, but really, you did a fine jop of explication. It is good to see some level-headed people involved in the discussion, which I hope will soon become more level headed itself,
I have attempted to address relevant problems. If there are oustanding errors it s best to draw attention to them on the Talk page of the relevant article, to which I have also posted your commnts
ties in very well with truly traditional mola designs, which are characteristically geometric and frequently angular; in fact, if you look at some old mola designs, it's hard to see how they could
5521: 5117:
The debate is about Farrakhan not about his support for Jackson, what does that have to do with anti-semitic content? please discuss and see my reasons on the talk page. and avoid a revert war. --
I changed the title from Indian Mutiny to Indian Rebellion/War of Independence. Indian Rebellion is NOT the agreed title. There is a debate. Atleast, please don't revert it to the Mutiny. Thanks.
6277: 5620:
is out of danger - someone had an itchy speedy delete finger as I was creating it. If the list gets too monstrous we'll have to split it off into separate articles, but I think it's ok for now.
interred into it? There was no tomb there before 1933 - and that there is a difference between a tomb and a grave? Do you know that there is a difference between a tomb and a grave? Email me at
translated or not. I think they are usually reliable--I remember reading a copy of the Kalikapurana that I picked up at the Kamakhya shrine that mentioned passages other translations omitted. .
is that remains of corpses from young children and young animals have been found in the tophet and there is a scientific discussion about these, considering the possibility of child sacrifice.
2618: 2451:
Who did they blend with? Eg, did they blend with Semitic peoples? Were there blond Phoenicians? Were there famous persons of the past who were blond/brown-haired where one would not expect it?
Dr Irach Taraporewala was a very erudite and well read scholar of Zoroastrianism and his translations of the Zoroastrian Gathas are very widely read and used by other scholars as a benchmark.
3995:. Do you have an interest in participating in this voluntary, informal mediation? If yes, please click the link, state that you wish to proceed and sign your name in the discussion section. 1757:
Pronunciation: 'mur Function: noun Etymology: Middle English More, from Anglo-French, from Latin Maurus inhabitant of Mauretania 1 : one of the Arab and Berber conquerors of Spain 2 : BERBER
650: 6003:
general and 20% of the article is about the witchhunts and people claiming to be witches. It gives the issue undue weight.). Just point out there is a discussion and link to the main article
4662: 4617: 3206:
What on earth are you talking about? It's irrelevant because it is not about the "Mediterranean race". It is also full of inaccuracies. Also "Maleabroad", please don't hide behind anonymity.
1389: 6370:
prohibits making more than three reversions in a content dispute within a 24 hour period. Additionally, users who perform a large number of reversions in content disputes may be blocked for
Versus the fourth commandment: "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work." Many christians argue back and forth on the importance of this.
it has been fairly controversial. I have difficulty following the discussion since people donot seem to indent or sign, and some older postings have been deleted However I would like to say
and the fact that some people seem much more interested insulting each other than actually engaging with their thoughts. Nonetheless, I'm impressed by the style in which you're arguing.
5019:. I'm sure you would be interested, and actually are already doing it, in getting Nazi stuff more coherent, in particular by linking different aspects. Thus, I point out to you the entry 4764:
Extraordinary behaviour? Like listing for mediation with no knowledge on the subject at hand and a pronounced hatered for "Indocentric nationalism" even when the issue being discussed is
2) There seem to be issues regarding bias and translation. I read Telugu and can look up the books. The existing translation on the page is not very eloquent, even if it might be true. .
Freedom skies shall select one account and use only that account. Any other account used may be indefinitely banned. Pending selection of an account Freedom skies may not edit Knowledge.
Anyhoo, a quick check on "Oxford Reference Online" lists an entry from the Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture on "Hindoo." And it's pretty much verbatim what I wrote.
UK genealogy is relatively easy when focusing on English (and French) ancestries. What would a "national person" of Jerusalem (or Antioch, for example) in Crusader times be known as?
of this article. You seem knowledgable in the field, and you've mentioned his edits once before, so if you have time do you think you could address his points there? An example diff is
I see your point. Then perhaps the section should be worded that Oak is supported by people with his ideological inclinations. I do not support outright erasure or prejudicial wording.
5265: 5238: 628:
Nevruz is the spring festival among Turkic-speaking nations, from Turkey to Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan etc. It is very similar to the Iranian festival of Norouz.
a swastika. So I guess my challenge is to hunt down some really old swastikas in Kuna art... trouble is Molas haven't been documented / preserved for very long. Oh well. Cheers, —
One as gana- for Group,republic, etc, and the other for “gana ‘as a mythical individual being, who is a Hooligan, and this hooligan is an attendant of the Indian Hindu deity Shiva.
You may be right, but I see my responses, especially on the article Talk page, as generic. So they would be intended for anyone following the threads, or wondering about the issues.
actually incorporated Duomlin's content in the article, is it contrary to the consensus of the scholarly literature then? Is the opposition not free to ask for more sources and does
I write to you now in the hope of revising your opinion of me as an obssessed eccentric - or if so, at least I'm obssessed with Knowledge as much, if not more so, than The Protocols.
if possible; he's an eccentric Marlovian theorist who fills Elizabethan pages with contentious and badly-formatted material. I'm Wikiholiday and won't be able to keep up with him...
Bayreuth, building and designing an opera house is NOT 'management'. 'Management is the job that Joe Volpe and co. do. It is the day to day running of the business of an opera house.
4987:" link (it is located at the very top of any Knowledge page when you are logged in), and then selecting "Image" from the dropdown box. Note that any fair use images not used in any 80:, I certainly have to recognise the syncretic nature of this art — I almost bought (wish I had now) a really cool, well-made, classic-style mola featuring Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. 3285:
that's not proof, stop deleting it, just because YOU don't think it is credable, I don't think the interpitation of the book of revalation is accurate but i'm not deleting that. --
803: 4421: 3511:
for educational purposes and to avoid confusion a brief explanation and background of the word antisemitism is needed as it is already mentioned and also to keep the objectivity.
The name "Order of Sion" originates from Plantard's "Dossiers Secrets" and from nowhere else (in the context of the PoS being "linked" with the Templars) and this is not history.
I had sources about the influence of dharmic religions from india influencing Zen Buddhism, I opted to keep it out as our Han Chinese friend may not find it all that palatable.
reach an agreement - although in this case, I'm still in two minds whether there should be anything about the PN Oak theories at all - so appeasement is going to be difficult. --
revert per talk' to a version prior to said changes. But as I already said I don't particularly object to a change from forgery to hoax, what I didn't like was your edit summary
2438: 617:
User:Diyako has created an article on a Turkic-Nowruz without mention of its Iranian history and roots. Soon we will here Nowruz has nothing to do with Iran too. His article is
If you have uploaded other unlicensed media, please check whether they're used in any articles or not. You can find a list of 'image' pages you have edited by clicking on the "
2676: 1449: 1419: 7005: 6118: 5289: 1006:
Hi Paul - thanks for the information. Have you got any citations for:- On the basis of Coptic grammar and vocabulary, it is widely assumed that the mising word is "mouth"?
6297: 1437:
Don't you want to take any notice of this, Paul Barlow? Are you going to continue ignoring the facts by referencing the bogus article by Maknap (Mark Naples) on Knowledge?
7083: 7070: 6506:
If you have uploaded other files, consider checking that you have specified their source and tagged them, too. You can find a list of files you have uploaded by following
4953: 2923:
academic training. Rohl and Velikovsky had their own suppporters but Osman has none really except Thereamalikee. Have you seen the discussion on Osman which I posted here
360: 352: 6966:
Now this interpretation does not sit particularly well, with those who consider Shiva to be representing the force of creation, and for example being the auspicious one.
As well as adding the source, please add a proper copyright licensing tag if the file doesn't have one already. If you created/took the picture, audio, or video then the
6223: 5777:
settled in India, and how overtime genetics mixture, physical features changed over time, and how it impacted with the surrounding environment changing with the climate.
6165: 6156: 4960: 4918:
The reason for delinking "Ostmark" is that the Ostmark article is about Austria, while Kossinna's paper is apparently about Poland. Two different uses of the same word.
3493: 6319:
useful. After a revert, these can be placed on the user's talk page to let them know you considered their edit was inappropriate, and also direct new users towards the
Violations of paroles and probations imposed on parties of this case shall be enforced by blocks for an appropriate period of time. Blocks and bans are to be logged at
6131: 6201: 6142:
Im showing you the site here. Im not talking about Ariun, Im talking about Aryan. I gave you the page of the scholars and historian. Please dont remove the cited info
5285: 4200:
In spite of your view of me, I still think you deserve your Barnstar because the objectivity I'm concerned with is in regard to WP articles - not what you think of me.
851:, it may be deleted some time in the next seven days. If you have uploaded other images, please verify that you have provided copyright information for them as well. 87:
The ubiquity of the swastika symbol is easily explained by it being a very simple symbol that will arise independently when people incise patterns on pottery or stone.
5487: 5483: 1332: 7019: 1848:
I switched the Mein Kampf link you added to a non-Neo-Nazi site. However, I note that the chapter you cite is v.2 c. 3, but the link is to v. 2. c. 5. Which is it?
son and who witnessed the construction of the tomb in 1933 - the site in 1903 did not occupy a tomb but a grave - and there is a difference between the two things.
India historically has included the entirety of the Indian Subcontinent. Since the term has been used more inclusively in the past, we must continue using it now.
The beliefs and doctrines hold some similarities (Mormonism is based on Christianity, like Christianity is based on Judaism), but they are two seperate religions!
5580: 5558: 5544: 5468: 5422: 4616:
that lists you as a party. The Mediation Committee requires that all parties listed in a mediation must be notified of the mediation. Please review the request at
4511: 4502: 4453: 4442: 4175:
Believe me, I have a strong ego, so I don't mind disagreement, or disapproval - except that it leaves at times an unpleasant tast, and disappointment in the other.
4065: 4056: 2375: 2363: 1246: 916: 6415:
I have to say that is really refreshing to read your contributions, as one doesn't often have contact with users that are interested in art on Beatles' pages. :)
5996: 1383: 1366: 4266: 4254:
few other editors find him extremely tedious). He has managed to get the article itself locked down, and persists in writing long commentaries on the talk page.
3591: 1775:
Thanks Paul, I will review the edit to the article and make the necessary changes if you haven't done so. I appreciate your promptness in getting back with me.--
838: 287: 4280: 6884: 6787:
involved. It was mainly aimed at people who see plots and conspiracies everywhere and people who seem to have a very superficial knowledge of ancient history.
6234: 5979: 5282:
as soon as possible. I would like to start by enquiring if you wish for mediation to be conducted at the Mediation Cabal subpage, or on the article talk page.
4999: 4752:
Yes I agree his behavior is quite extraordinary... It's amazing how he sits there and argues his points yet has no desire at mediation when it is brought up.
first to determine whether we need to include the P.N. Oak theories - it can all be sorted out from the off then and we can rewrite the article accordingly. --
Now I think you are a dedicated Wikipedian, that's why it's important what you think of me. I was about to write to you again when I discovered your're thanks.
2356: 1889:
high essays, replete with jumbled data, thinly disguised copy straight from other sources, and little or now overview of the context. Aaaggghhh. Best regards,
1765: 5789:
criticize my sources, when it's my Stephen Oppenheimer, and a dictionary, and yours is Original thought, without any sources refuting the claims presented.
5498: 878: 6457: 6162: 6153: 5338: 4257:
I gather you have taught philosophy in the past, and would be very grateful of a reality check. Some times I wonder if it's me who is just going mad. Best
3381: 3334: 2452: 2405: 2270: 2213: 1749: 1604: 1548: 1531: 1514: 660:
Hello, I don't know if you agree, but imo TrumpetPower! seems to be reaching a point of obnoxiousness that might warrant some kind of action. Any thoughts?
647: 350: 4972:, meaning that it is not used in any articles on Knowledge. If the image was previously in an article, please go to the article and see why it was removed. 3410: 2996:
meaning, "part of the Hebrews evolve into the Kingom of Judah, and the remnants of that kingdom became the Jews of Late Antiquity. Seeing your edit summary
391: 7334: 7318: 7299: 6128: 6011: 4787: 3400: 820: 5746:"this is a bout a controversial TERM. The hypothesis is the migration. Oppenheimer's Stone age migrations are off topic - this is about late Bronze age)" 3440:
Serbian heritage", but cannot recall where. So it's reasonable to remove the "Asian statement", but they were however not regarded Aryan, no matter what.
2135:, which are Hebrew in origin. Rosenberg is just German for "rose mountain", it's a location-related surname (like my own, which derives from a village in 941: 752:
The term does not refer to a phenotype. This was the mistake of early 20th century anthropologists. There is no clear definition of what a mongoloid is.
5576: 5554: 5540: 5463: 4597: 4583: 4356: 4192:
Ludvikus is a very eccentric editor who seems to be obsessed the details of different editions, which he documents on pages devoted to each edition.
2651: 106: 6999: 4976:
if you think that that will be useful. However, please note that images for which a replacement could be created are not acceptable under fair use (see
3363: 2455: 2273: 2226: 2216: 125: 5583: 5561: 5211:
Hi, I've seen the edit conflict. Since I'm not any kind of expert, please feel free to get on and expand. This was an offshoot from my connection with
3173: 2524: 2010:
You deserve another barnstar for your diligence, good humour and alertness, forming a one-man bulwark against national mysticism and confused kookery.
Hi Paul. The term "Aryan" has no racist meaning in the Iranian context. It's still in use by many scholars, and even recognized by the United Nations.
238: 122: 6791: 6466:
sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, then their copyright should also be acknowledged.
thought that since your edit came so quick after mine that you simply mistook my "current version" for his and reverted the last edit. Cheers anyway,
6054:, which you created or substantially expanded. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the 5709:, which you created or substantially expanded. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the 1754:
Paul, I'm not sure as to your claim. Please clarify as to your statement of this being untrue. Here is a copy of the Definition from Webster's below.
1273: 1086: 1064: 6710:
Given how you feel, you better keep a close eye on this article. I just deleted an edit FelipeS made and commented on the talk page. Check it out.
6419: 6327: 3992: 3935: 3085:
Sorry, about not signing. Yes, I agree - you are correct about the Rebellion title. I thought you just wanted to change it back to Mutiny - my bad. (
2895: 2416:
been appropriated as and by white people. So I aask you if it is not because of prevailing racist attitudes, wherein lies the source of the uproar?
2332: 2181: 2145: 1700: 1660: 1592: 6735: 6170: 3820: 3692:? I just am no master - yet - on working imaging software (I just purchased Microsoft's software for it), and I do not know how to "crop" an image! 3325:
to learn more about contributing to our encyclopedia. - Furthermore, please do not removed referenced material from wiki articles as you did on the
3089: 2849: 1075: 6202: 6182: 5971: 5479: 5469: 4203:
However, if you take a closer look at my User page, you might change your mind about me, and that may mean an even better WP working relationship.
2845: 146: 6957:
In his simplest form, Shiva represents the force of Universal Creation, and is known by various names for various aspects one being ‘auspicious”.
mentions an article of the "Osservatore Romano" from September 15, 1937, which claims that the grandmother of Rosenberg's grandfather was Jewish .
1825: 1741: 1152:
Thank you for your apology in turn, but I feel the error is mine. I should have apolgized to you right away. BTW, you may be interested in this
6777: 6767: 6558: 6547: 6316: 5621: 5607: 5197:
edit. I am trying to find a compromise position and spur discussion, and I sincerely appreciate your support in that endeavour. Thank you again.
4258: 4161: 4100: 3392: 3077: 2079:
Isnt this nazi high ranking official a Jew? Rosenberg sure sounds like a jewish name... and why isnt this mentioned in his wikipedia... article?
1164: 905:
Your edit history indicates you have briefly worked on the article on Anna Leonowens. Recently this version of the article has been contested by
688:? It seems to have only been published rather recently. Perhaps it might be best to simply excerpt the particular lines that need discussion? 343: 201: 160: 114: 4370: 714: 7052: 6887: 6691:
It might help if I spoke Mandarin. But even though I know what "niga" means, I often do a doubletake the first couple of days when I hear it.
6561: 5662: 5653: 5624: 4422:,+Customs+and+Ceremonies#PPP12,M1
4221: 4120: 3980: 3814: 3718: 3086: 2466: 2050: 1252: 1018: 6750: 6580: 6515: 6112: 5610: 5201: 4992: 4507:
Regarding your post on translations, if Griffiths etc "hid" the phrases then whose translations are you using in the article? Could you cite?
3952: 3066:
without discussion or, at the very least, an explanation in your edit summary. There is no cite for that statement, and it is inherently POV.
2386: 795:"I don't think the change will happen in Eurasia and I hope you don't change wiki around to confuse users to make it fit the Eurasia concept." 304: 7251: 6828: 6647: 6619: 6595: 6195: 5136: 4338: 3659: 3501: 3210: 3184:
Hi, I notice you changed the title of the article from Guiseppe to Jose some time ago. That was I suppose progress but it should clearly be
2696: 2289: 1471: 934:(added definition of cuntline. remove odd passage on kunta. no reason is given for telling us that a similar word does NOT exist in Swedish.) 4178:
Now I ask you for a Wiki favor - please visit my User page and look at my edits - I think you will find that the time I have devoted to the
4028: 3377: 1358:
Please read the discussion on the talk page of the article. No one deleted that in order to censor facts - in fact I simply moved it to the
some sort of nebulous criterion that you have dreamed up. And try archiving this Talk page - it's ridiculously long. And also review the
7174: 7152: 7134: 7120: 6664: 6636: 4249:
Hello. Excuse me dropping in but I picked up some of your comments on the protocols of Zion talk page. There is a spot of trouble on the
2770: 1607: 890: 338:
I have never heard this although it is very interesting, any insights into sources or the current state of this idea would be appreciated.
130: 4936: 3799: 2748: 1218: 956: 6948:
The problem I am having is that this interpretation, is that it is a negative interpretation, and is not the general view of Lord Shiva.
5943: 4984: 4576: 4073: 3662:.M This is one person who has been harassing other users here for months and months and ignoring mediation attempts. We have a problem.-- 3579: 2382: 6718: 6550: 5186: 3251:
He's a bit violent, and he didnt react well to you saying that he supports the Nazi's — although he does i think, but just tolerate him
Your posts make your own stupidity self-evident. Why you would want to publicize it is a question you should pose to your psychiatrist.
1575: 1269:. Please consider signing up and participating in this collaborative effort to improve and expand Anglican-related articles! Cheers! 7314:, which is a problematic term theoretically, into a discussion about a pubic hair photo. It's bizarre. And so is your incivility. -- 6723: 6254:
Not overly bothered, we share a like of history and sports. Whether you believe he exists is immaterial. But thanks for your interest.
5460: 5341: 5039: 3286: 3279: 3266: 2069: 1534: 1517: 5922: 5180: 5053:
and women in Arab culture (not to be confused with Islamic culture). This article is waiting for a motivated wikipedian to expand it!
3999: 3034: 1551: 315: 6954:
Hinduism as it has evolved to today’s form contains many many streams and many many interpretations, and some will be contradictory.
5444: 5423: 5020: 5009: 4852:
If I see Chinese ethnocentrism distorting an aticle I hope I will be as opposed to as to any other nationalist distortion of history.
Please have the honesty to create a user identity for yourself before you have the gall to ask other people for their "credentials".
It is undeniably "racialist" because any ideology that states that there is differentiation of races based on innate characteristics
I wasnt talking about the Armenian word for blood "Ariun", and this cited info and page is not talking about "Ariun" (blood) either.
4310: 3948:
You seem to be familiar with Thulean/Lucas19's history. As such, I'd like it if you could give feedback on this issue . Thanks. -
3048: 2269:
This question is not answered so easily – a historian will have to dig in the old documents. I don't know what his biographers say.
1852: 707: 6567: 6302: 5594: 4438: 4323: 3006:(which is of course not what I intended to state) it appears I haven't phrased this well. Maybe you can think of a better wording. 2328:
This template is rather poorly worded IMHO, but I'm sure you get the message. Keep up the good work, Paul. Appreciatively yours,
295: 7358: 6698: 6137: 6125: 3729:. . . articles about the history of racial theories, religious ideologies and – especially – any stuff that combines the two . . . 2912: 2840:, not on the contributor; personal attacks damage the community and deter users. Note that continued personal attacks may lead to 2100:
seems that Jews are willing to cherry pick whoever they want to represent them. And dats not a jewish thing its just human nature.
1992: 7271:
excluding these is unfair, more to them than any one, such as myself, whose only aim was to include some more prominent Parsees.
The ‘hooligan’ theme smacks of voyeurism, and there are individuals who get a ‘kick’ out of indulging in this sort of voyeurism.
6519: 6409: 4481: 4426: 4412: 4294: 3755: 3700: 3514: 2647: 2088: 2061:
I wanted to tell you that there is an international wiki archive for pictures and I contribute further pictures to this archive.
1838: 585: 5984:
I suggested to move the lengthy dispute of child sacrifice from the article about the city of Carthage to the article about the
Thank you for contributing to Knowledge. Your edits to Nazi Archeology are disgustingly useful. These edits may be construed as
3352: 2765:; the purported "atheistic" Hindus are not surprisingly rabid nationalists. Of course, atheism has been a historic viewpoint in 1972: 1724: 1082:
later royal descent (being descended from King James VI/I or the Hanoverians, etc), or that it is even possible in most cases.
Hello Paul, I dont fully understand how wikipedia edit works, some time back, today 29th June, reference to Zoroastrianism: -->
7237: 7080: 7049: 5895:
Thank you for your long-term efforts in defending Knowledge against the confused nationalists, and against the merely confused
4908: 4004: 3466: 2932: 2860: 1486: 979: 893: 7345: 7284: 4635: 3543: 3019: 2313: 692: 674: 664: 290: 5932: 5736: 5641: 5539:
I might be wrong but Far East does not necessarily refers to the entire "Eastern world". It generally refers to East Asia. --
5083: 4403:, the website in question is not faking the docs, the Dubois book is real, as is the scanned page, check any public library: 4261: 3890:
on the article's talk page to check if there is a precise translation for the particular expression mentioned there? Thanks,
Also provide information on how many times you have been to India and what first hand experience you have had in the matter.
224: 6618:
Oops sorry. I had already found it. Thanks anyway. You might consider uploading it to commons. I'm curious, what is it for?
6272: 6258: 6249: 5057: 4236: 3666: 3526: 1953: 1636: 823: 6757: 6740: 6442: 5807: 5793: 5783: 5766: 5754: 4756: 4390: 4044: 3760: 3197: 2901:
I have no problem debating an issue with you if you bring a reasoned argument to the forum. However, abusive comments (see
2682: 2557: 1146: 7280:
is blurry, poor quality, poorly lit, etc. And how much ability do you have to differentiate between racial genitalia? --
7033: 6988: 5959: 5547: 4384: 3160: 2641:
The origin of Brahmanism, Caste and Riddles in Hinduism Who are the Paraiyars Who are the Brahmins and who are the Aryans
1396: 1339: 6535: 6394: 5927: 5904: 4890: 4837: 4661:
to which you are a party was not accepted and has been delisted. You can find more information on the mediation subpage,
4306: 4074: 3938: 3915:
information. If you think that the language is not compliant with the WiKi standard, edit the language and presentation.
3598: 3558: 3518: 3123: 2401: 2390: 1108: 697: 45:
cultural identity sprang directly from that. A symbol identical to the swastika (though I don't know what they call it)
Actually, I don't - I never looked at it. You're right about the other one: the GS reference was complete - my mistake.
6928: 6917: 6496: 5842: 5417: 5407: 4922: 4773:
despite his overly busy schedule, our Kenny likes to vandalize talk pages and revert, that's it. Extraordinary? Indeed.
4569: 3897: 3887: 3202:
Just because you are white gives you no right to delete material which you deem "irrelevant" for another person's race.
3063: 2040: 1464: 1231: 1207: 769:
anthropological term developed by early 20th century race scientists. It is not a phenotype.- 10:50 (PST) March 30 2006
604: 7110: 6864: 6831: 6724: 6450: 6076:
Great article - I love anything connected to Charles I! In case you'd like to expand it, here's his biography from the
5389: 5380: 4317: 3044:
I realized my error minutes after making the edit, and I could have sworn that I recorrected it. Sorry and thanks. --
2724: 2659: 2584: 2573: 2424:
from the Egyptians, who clearly portray them as pale skinned in comparison to themselves. See the illustrations of the
2023: 1930: 1779: 1746:
Paul, I just wanted let you know I left you a reply to your question at "Theatre Talk." W.C. 18:13, 21 July 2006 (UTC)
1135: 874: 417: 58: 6646:
is currently the subject of a Project collaboration, if you have some more Huxley related stuff let me know. regards,
6612: 6341: 5867: 5847: 5219: 5161: 5151: 5121: 4964:. The image description page currently specifies that the image is non-free and may only be used on Knowledge under a 4534: 2810: 2797:
Then restore to my version before your edits , then redo you style fixes, because otherwise I will wind up in a 3RR.--
1812: 1055:
We say "American" for those Founders, but was there such a nationality-term for the Crusaders in their own domains?
6473: 5187: 4401: 3986: 3969: 3943: 3072: 1291: 1266: 1186: 256: 6507: 3923: 2351: 6095: 6082: 5912: 5595: 4096:
is inapropriate to describe the entire text, though it does apply to at least the 1865 pamphlet by Maurice Joly.--
3241: 3232: 3192: 2801: 2792: 1506:
of his biographers agree he was a deist, a common position held by European intellectuals in the late 18th century.
1221: 1097: 548: 281: 7221: 6293:, as it appears to be a copy and paste error. If I missed something, please feel free to correct me in return. -- 4552: 3237:
Update: I just checked what the wikientry says and it's not plagerized, so I needn't have worried on that front.--
Hebrews does not only refer to the remnants of the Kingdom of Judah, but also to earlier and more diffuse cultures
2719: 2543: 525: 489: 453: 28: 7365: 5074: 5004: 4110:
asked that the change should be discussed before a change is made, which is why I reverted with the edit summary
3039: 2778: 1915: 1843: 1559: 1058:
I guess the term is supposed to be Levantine/Outremer, or "Crusader" as our national heritage says "Colonist"...
As I told him, I haven't checked what the dispute's really about and I don't care, but the edit war must stop. —
The Texas case you've deleted has come back again. I've left a note for that editor suggesting he discusses it.
As an aside, you probably know the amount of work I've done to support this article with related articles, like
I have no idea how, where, this TAG occurs--but I read it in the CATEGORY section on the bottom of the page: -->
I'm so used to seeing the garbage AIT I had a lapse of judgement on the OIT page. Thanks for reverting my edits.
I ahve seen you are interested in adding appropriate pictures to wikipedia, so I recommend it to you. Greetings
Paul, you wrote you will check in Trautmann for Indophobia passages. In the meanwhile, please take a look here.
the article against the charge that it was biassed in favour of Elijah Muhammad, that it stated that the "NOI's
6703: 6682: 6500: 6049: 5212: 4154:. I am not mentioning this here as an ego trip, but just as evidence of my familiarity with the subject matter. 863: 376: 6323:. They can also be used to give a stern warning to a vandal when they've been previously warned. Thank you.--- 6315:
Hello. I'm in agreement with the recent revert you made . You may already know about them, but you might find
6291: 6071: 5571: 5553:
It would be great if you can provide a source saying that Far East includes South Asia and South-East Asia. --
I totally agree with you, but I'm not that well-known with the subject to be making such major contributions.
1897: 321: 7170:
If he would desist on that point, Awadewit would too, but anyway, the FAC does not rest on that issue at all.
6490: 5825: 5166: 4620:, and indicate whether you agree or refuse to mediate. If you are unfamiliar with mediation, please refer to 3259:
this is not vandalism, it is historical writings, if you don't believe me visit the website i have listed...
2902: 2833: 1714: 1696:
If you have something useful to contribute please do so. All you are revealling is your own moral cowardice.
1523:"QUOTE"Deism and Unitarianism are entirely consistent. There is a clear consensus that he was a deist."QUOTE" 1458: 6984:
I do not know how to put this across, and perhaps you can help here, in putting suitable wordings in place.
6850: 6438:
Heh. I thought I might have, which was why I was hedging my words around with a dozen modifier and caveats.
3303: 2127:. So it's a fair rule-of-thumb to use, but there is nothing specifically Jewish about the name, unlike say, 1876: 6658: 6630: 6606: 5617: 5603: 4434: 3849:
If possible, we would appreciate your assistance in cleaning up this article to bring it up to Knowledge's
3761: 3330: 2738: 1977: 946: 883: 6694:
That said, I agree with your edit. Just thought I'd share my experiences, on the off chance you'd care.
4404: 2945: 1023:
What sort of social rank would one have to bear in their family, in order to be a descendent of either?
I very much doubt that the Kuna were aware of any "international swastika craze". I don't know if you've
pictures/movies. He was a very well respected member of the Parsee community as many can attest to this.
6383: 6375: 6367: 5326: 3671: 2056: 1491: 1197: 1106: 5531:
I just removed the line about Nate in Six Feet Under dying from the article. Not a very nice spoiler :)
Excuse me Paul B, but you can't delete my text. AsianDuracell and Vandh have used abusive comments too!
I am trembling as I type this but my curiosity wins out over, so: "What is the Billy-Goat Bite Theory"?
6461:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 6086:, by Antony Griffiths. It's also strictly copyrighted, so you may blank this text if/after you use it. 6055: 5710: 4927: 4128:
Thank you, Paul Barlow, for your objectivity. I was beginning to loose hope in this part of Knowledge.
the various publication dates that I have found on the internet. I do find a common ISBN #193006408X.
but there is no explanation or rationale as to why its use in Knowledge articles constitutes fair use.
2116: 1539: 858: 679: 371: 6546:). I'm on a mission to get all the art images copied over. Thanks. Great work on the Pre-Raphaelites! 5288:; I will try to answer all your questions as fully as possible in so far as it does not compromise my 2957: 2707:
what a nice talk page you've got! Looking up the user who I'm arguing with, I've seen the barnstar by
The argument you made is fallacious. Today, India is understood to just include the nation of India.
49:, and as it represents creation, it must have been the natural choice as the basis for their flag. — 6960:
You may appreciate that a being described as auspicious, can hardly have a hooligan as his attendant
To get a grasp and understanding of Lord Shiva requires quite a bit of study and some understanding.
6874: 6379: 4285: 3603: 3533: 2917: 2841: 2003: 597: 562: 387: 7100: 3965:
Yes, I thought so too. I have removed the section about OIT from the Aryan race article. Regards, --
2730: 2503:
art historical literature on Leonardo. I think the book itself was very superficial - like Asser's
1908: 268:
There is a request for mediation in place regarding this issue. Your comments would be appreciated:
Should I assume you are in agreement with my comments above? Should we remove the tag then? Regards.
appropriately. It takes a small man to level names at another; it takes a big man to admit it. --
6399: 5062: 4932:
Please take a look at my post to the Alfred Rosenberg article re: weasel tag and reply. Cordially,
2139: 2074: 921: 621:. This should be merged or edited properly. He has gone on the Turkish discussions to promote it. 553: 271: 7274: 3917:
Do not delete the content because the information is backed with links and books written by people
As for Taharqua having done this, there is ample evidence to suggest in that book that it is so.
I would find that word upsetting. Hopefully, Awadewit is tougher than me, which I suspect she is.
5672: 5630: 4933: 4913: 4883: 4830: 4780: 4508: 4499: 4478: 4450: 4430: 4409: 4302: 4241: 4062: 4053: 4041: 3807:
PS: Also, can you please move the image to the right? It will look better that way! Thanks again.
3522: 3373: 3031: 2951: 2601:
NOW - NOW - you are making BASIC MISTAKES in the article which you WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO RECTIFY.
1961: 1468: 733:
The argument you made is fallacious. We can change the term mongoloid to a less offensive term.
101: 53: 2908:
appear to be the currency with which you conduct transactions here as the evidence above shows.
historical than the claim that the Abbey of Notre Dame de Mont Sion was called "Order of Sion".
6715: 6704: 6145:
Armenians are of Aryan stock. Not pronounced Arya here. 16:43, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
4895: 4631:
you might be interested in how freedom skies has interpreted your statement on Zen discussion.
3585: 3548: 3322: 3024: 2827: 2655: 1935: 1228: 1204: 961: 235: 221: 6975:
It creates a picture however, that apart from being incorrect, is actually quite denigrating.
6026: 5681: 5482:. Please add any evidence you may wish the arbitrators to consider to the evidence sub-page, 5049:
I understood you are interetsted in eccentric topics! Then you may be by chance interested in
5027:, who helped draft the Nuremberg Law, has been deleted twice...). Cheers, and let us remember 4977: 4106:
Actually I read your comment on the talk page, just missed who signed it (you). For the rest,
2924: 2304:
Paul, I just wanted to drop by and say that I have long enjoyed your steadfast support of the
1729: 1645:
You can still answer the question, bozo. Unless you feel that it would expose your ignorance.
Hi. Do you know what the copyright status is of that poem you just pasted the entirety of to
64: 7215:
As for the deportation comment, it was Assyrian policy to do that with any captured peoples.
Actually, the survey does indeed ask about whether people had ever had anal sex - read it at
7024: 6263: 6042: 5697: 5346: 5070: 4277: 4147: 3877: 3865: 2890: 2883: 2855: 2671: 2346: 1476: 953: 781: 770: 760: 747: 655: 403: 17: 5233: 5224: 4052:
Actually, it meets reliability in expressing their viewpoint, which is what I meant before.
2175: 2036:
Of course the discussion about it maybe rather belongs on the Indophobia article. Cheers. --
among the most important text in the history of the world, it really deserves much better.--
6591: 6346: 6324: 6255: 6246: 6004: 5741: 4753: 4632: 4143:
You've restored my faith in the belief that the time I spent on Knowledge is not fruitless.
3949: 3308: 2548: 1985: 1978: 1835: 1822: 1799: 1153: 1113: 1101: 1009:
And are you reffering to coptic a language, or arabic, or hebrew for this wide assumption?
711: 507: 471: 435: 6836: 1313:
3) There is a genuine problem with using any Western translations published before 1960 .
For what it's worth, I'm mildly disturbed that nobody noticed it and stepped in sooner. —
41: 8: 7342: 7331: 7315: 7296: 7281: 6985: 6925: 6914: 6801: 6433: 6387: 6008: 5993: 5900: 5518: 5334: 5327: 5279: 5044: 4621: 3011: 2968:"Aramaeans — from the 14th century BC, evolve into the Syriacs of the early centuries AD" 2909: 2172: 2169: 2136: 2066: 2015: 1622: 1161: 1143: 591: 577:
were as racist as the Klan's". They were. That is quite different from saying that their
513: 477: 441: 211: 6827:
I know you are ever so busy. Thank you for taking the time. Appreciated. Cheers! Brad.--
as to why you automatically delete any information I put on the Priory of Sion article.
7091: 6585: 6523: 6484: 6371: 6359: 6279: 6212: 5949: 5940: 5871: 5730: 5433: 5275: 5262: 5235: 5206: 5069:
The user Geomatician appears to have finally been coerced into saying something on the
4879: 4826: 4776: 4594: 4580: 4566: 4531: 4387: 4349: 4331: 4298: 3612: 2562: 2368: 2028: 1262: 1242: 98: 50: 6783:
article I thought it was fairly obvious that the comment was not intended to apply to
6425: 5649:
Thanks for the quick response. One of my own edit summaries today said "whoops". :) --
2906: 2848:
and keep this in mind while editing. Thank you. Regarding you calling me a "nitwit".
Most people with the name Rosenberg in English speaking countries are indeed Jewish -
7361: 6774: 6747: 6732: 6711: 6332: 6320: 6231: 6193: 6180: 5830: 5112: 4730: 4722: 4626:
There are only seven days for everyone to agree, so please check as soon as possible.
4603: 4395: 4179: 3928: 3744: 3506: 3318: 3170: 3157: 3120: 3070: 2762: 2582: 2571: 2484: 2201: 1776: 1762: 1483: 1412: 1359: 1224: 1200: 1170: 844: 809: 522: 486: 450: 231: 217: 5515:; its just for fun, and feel free to add yourself to the list! So, what do you say? 4640: 2634:
If you are interested more on this topic please review the articles in the web page
point out that both archaeological discoveries and biblical texts are interpreted.
408: 7067: 7038: 6996: 6788: 6651: 6623: 6599: 6416: 6406: 6080:, entry by Antony Griffiths. It can be cited as follows: "William Marshall" in the 5637:
Hi. I've reverted your deletion and left a note on the talk page of the article. --
5534: 5394: 5298: 5177: 5063: 5054: 4905: 4693: 4378: 4273: 4151: 3861: 3677: 3486: 3360: 3207: 3185: 3137: 3128: 3053: 2981: 2887: 2852: 2783: 2766: 2693: 2668: 2521: 2435: 2343: 2223: 2178: 2142: 2120: 2085: 1997: 1968: 1920: 1697: 1657: 1633: 1589: 1572: 1446: 1416: 1380: 1363: 1278: 1072: 976: 685: 671: 661: 582: 510: 474: 438: 263: 244: 7208:
I looked over my sentence, and it seems to both gramatically and factually sound.
I doubt that that is picture you or any reasonable person will wish to propagate.
List of Wikipedians by number of total starsList of users by number of total stars
4496: 3883: 3853:. If you are unsure what the nature of the problem is, please discuss this on the 3460: 3418: 7292: 6512:
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
6439: 6239: 6109: 6092: 6068: 5968: 5956: 5818: 5704: 5631: 5414: 5404: 5036: 5028: 4363: 3960: 3894: 3850: 3768: 3711: 3689: 3647: 3407: 3095: 2773: 2745: 2329: 2124: 1270: 1083: 1061: 703: 272:
77: 7228: 6529: 3062:, all unsourced statements can be removed. You should not have reverted my edit 1617: 702:
Hi, Paul. I was wondering if you could help assist in providing sources over at
119: 7016: 6269: 6208:
This case is now closed and the results have been published at the link above.
5896: 5839: 5804: 5790: 5780: 5763: 5751: 5194: 4973: 4814:
amount to being totally contrary to the consensus of the scholarly literature?
You behaviour is totally contrary to the consensus of the scholarly literature.
4747: 3902: 3652: 3627: 3622: 3617: 3481: 3314: 3313:
Thank you for experimenting with Knowledge. Your test worked, and it has been
3216: 3179: 3007: 2989: 2867: 2753: 2608:--- HE WAS THE EDITOR OF THE RE-VAMPED "Vaincre" DURING THE YEARS IN QUESTION. 2554: 2397: 2011: 1927: 1217:
As someone who has recently edited this article, would you care to comment on:
1212: 1191: 1157: 1139: 899: 870: 536: 519: 483: 447: 383: 198: 157: 143: 1131: 46: 7310:
It's your Talk page, why don't you keep it up? And your the one who brought
7046: 6817:
Have we erred in our response? Are you comfortable providing advice in this?
6577: 6543: 6304: 5936: 5919: 5722: 5659: 5650: 5638: 5494: 5271: 5198: 4658: 4609: 4557: 4549: 4527: 4469: 4345: 4218: 4158: 4117: 4097: 4025: 3977: 3966: 3920: 3811: 3796: 3752: 3715: 3697: 3637: 3632: 2929: 2871: 2807: 2788:
Why did you revert my changes , while saying that you are fixing the style?--
2758: 2702: 2530: 2425: 2047: 2037: 1989: 1950: 1912: 1881: 1770: 1736: 1284: 911: 906: 848: 800: 425: 421: 301: 7194:
Henry T. Aubin, The Rescue of Jerusalem, 2nd edition, 2003, Anchor Canada.
3246: 2925:
As you can see from these sites, it was quite common for Jewish families to
User:Diyako is trying to make an alternative ficticious definition of Newroz
7245: 7231: 7030: 6898: 6870: 6676: 6391: 6363: 6347: 6338: 6190: 6177: 5967:
Please do have a look at kkm's other obsession. It's giving me a headache.
5835: 5812: 5308: 5158: 5148: 5133: 5118: 5080: 4965: 4726: 4613: 4590: 4539: 4492: 3996: 3842: 3793: 3693: 3571: 3566: 3540: 3389: 3385: 3333:
its considered vandalism, you're welcome to improve the article. thanks. --
3326: 3238: 3229: 3189: 3067: 3045: 2716: 2579: 2568: 2540: 2208: 2034: 1849: 1805: 1288: 1138:) Any suggestions for improving the use of this template is appreciated. — 1127: 1091: 640:
Nevruz is not very similar to the Irnian festival of Norouz it is Norouz!
601: 545: 309: 251: 35: 6542:
uploaded to Wikimedia Commons as Knowledge is not a collection of images (
6386:, but use the talk page to work towards wording and content which gains a 2589: 2367:. The image description page specifies that the image is being used under 1612: 1362:
article. It was simply too tangental to the subject of the Priory itself.
Th user Diyako is definnityl anti-Iranian and has an anti-Iranian agenda.
7360:; Martiros Kavoukjian, "The Genesis of Armenian People", Montreal, 1982; 7171: 7149: 7131: 7117: 7107: 6760: 6695: 6294: 6017: 5860:
If you have any further info about this picture I would love to know it.
5216: 5032: 5024: 4969: 4801:
Someone else then? It would seem that he even signed an "agree" for you.
to perform case management. If you have questions about this bot, please
4686: 4521: 4474: 4188:
Here's partly what you think of me (which I hope to revise in your mind):
4107: 4034: 3748: 3736: 3685: 3448: 3441: 3428: 3300: 3059: 2938: 2708: 2337: 2263:
And apropos Rosenberg again (a Hanfstaengl quotation from the same book):
1902: 1860: 1258: 1183: 689: 6354: 5880: 5096: 4577:
Talk:Taj Mahal#Request for Comment: Inclusion of minority points of view
1001: 7200: 7011: 6846: 6643: 6430:
REally? Where? I don't really care. They know I'm their sworn nemesis.
Knowledge:Requests for arbitration/Freedom skies#Log of blocks and bans
6106: 6065: 5803:
trying to lie your ways through with personally attacking other users.
5050: 5016: 5005: 4996: 4897: 4544:
Dear Paul Barlow, I just posted G. Maspero's 5 different spellings of
4488: 4405:
4250: 4242: 4207: 4093: 3891: 3740: 3663: 3642: 3595: 3576: 3555: 2798: 2789: 2260:
possible – Hitler (and the other Nazis) did make exceptions, after all.
1721: 756: 278: 4227: 3152:
For your service and dedication to helping Knowledge, mainly with the
898: 720:
About historical racial terms being casually used in the Oriental page
6842: 6462: 5386: 5377: 4811: 4367: 3841:, to which you have helped contribute, has been flagged as requiring 3424: 3262: 2972:
meaning, part of the ancient Arameans evolve into the Syriacs, I had
I see. His newest book seems to be an interesting one too. Cheers. --
1809: 1568: 938: 318: 6861:
What do you have against cartoons images in wikipedipia's articles?
6594:. Can you tell me which essay and where the image is from. Thanks. 5088: 4495:. Regarding Ashwamedha and related aspects, I suggest you read this 3272: 2821:
it's been gone over before, but I was just curious, and had to ask.
So, bless you, Paul. Your timing is impeccable. Gratefully yours,
7186: 7039: 5989: 5822: 5451: 5437: 4919: 4769: 4322:
Hey, what's up Paul? I just wanted to bring to your attention this
As a matter of fact, I am currently involved in a Editors War over
Can you help me remove the "article with unsourced statements" TAG?
3830: 3775:
Can you please enlarge the Color Cover image at the above article?
It is generally known that Serbs were persecuted by the nazis, see
3295: 2875: 1894: 1890: 1882: 1873: 1869: 1861: 7010:
Thank you, Paul, for the above-mentioned award for my work on the
3919:. They ALL are valid contents based on their research and reason!! 3710:
Can you get rid of that WHILE, upsidedown,
2715:, only to see on the talk page, that you're already involved... -- 1784: 1257:
Hello! I noticed that you have been a contributor to articles on
1236: 633:
According to Turkish legends Nevruz dates back to era of Gökturks.
326: 5688: 5486:. You may also contribute to the case on the workshop sub-page, 4133: 4085: 2977: 2411:
Why can't we say it is because of prevailing racists attitudes...
5526: 4491:, just like Macauley deserves mentioning in both Indophobia and 2937: 2294: 1911:. Please do come and express support so I don't look all alone. 6283: 4765: 3153: 2619:
How rulers of India that opposed Brahmanism became Untouchables
1118: 975:
article at that title already exists, and I have linked to it.
For more information on using images, see the following pages:
618: 609:
Stephen Moorer, Artistic Director of Pacific Repertory Theatre
For more information on using images, see the following pages:
6311: 4797:
I did not list myself on the mediation. Someone else did that.
I awarded you the Barnstar some time ago? You haven't noticed?
Priory of Sion article - do you know how to understand things?
1296: 120:
Thanks you for noting there are two different meanings here.
I suggest we keep this discussion on one page only- yours.
6033: 5985: 5284:
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to
5250: 4116:. But I expect that was based on a mutual misunderstanding.-- 3854: 3838: 2305: 2168:
the name Rosenberg. Why that name was popular, I do not know
2128: 1265:. You may be interested in checking out a new WikiProject - 409: 4649: 2851:. Can't find a source other than the extremist FOSA can you? 2815: 1130:
to you. It was not my intent to upset you or cause you any
Thank you for your support, we do appreciate it very much --
7311: 6922:
Please post on this age only, to keep thread in one place.
6908: 6900: 6841:
Pardon for my deficient English. Which difference is among
i am a medical student, who loves to read human psychology
6480: 6037: 5692: 5311: 4545: 4449:
You may be right. Let me read your points in detail first.
4137: 4089: 3732: 3321:
for any other tests you may want to do. Take a look at the
2985: 2132: 2062: 1463:
Hello, respected Shakespeare editor. Please keep an eye on
925: 541: 6856: 5031:'s sentence (by memory): "it is only because I, and other 3453: 2960:. I was saying that the Kingdom of Judah and the Jews are 1100:. That's the sign it's too late for me to be wiki-ing. - 6873:, so there's no reason why it should be mentioned on the 5988:. What we can savely state in the article on the city of 5488:
Knowledge:Requests for arbitration/Freedom skies/Workshop
Knowledge:Requests for arbitration/Freedom skies/Evidence
about your thoughts on Freedom skies' edits and conduct?
and listed you as a party because of your involvement at
5315: 5258: 5106: 4848:
Certainly not, but some in the very selective list were.
You have been named as a respondent in a mediation case,
2879: 1012:
I would be interested from an educational point of view.
Map from Thomas Huxley's 1870 essay on racial categories
4941: 3372:
Hi man. If you have any input you'd like to share here:
3254: 2882:
headquarters".Of course anybody who has taken a look at
2635: 7370:
The Early History of Indo-European(aka Aryan) Languages
I've requested an arbitration regarding the conduct of
Knowledge:Mediation Cabal/Cases/2006-08-08 Black people
I've got a request for admin assistance against WIN up
986: 928:
removed a footnote about the usage of the similar word
I am moving this discussion to the Talk page of Wagner.
for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.
were happy, that we could engage in such a struggle."
I've slept on the idea and concluded we should file a
which has caused an Administrator to lock the article.
About 300px would be great! If not, then maybe 250px?
396: 300:
In that context, gay and lame have similar meanings.--
I have to say though that the comment in the article:
Here is the discussion, please dont remove cited info
In fact I can move it to the start, see the article.
Article in need of cleanup - please assist if you can
in my article on his most "important" work, entitlee
Vahan Kurkjian "History of Armenia", Michigan, 1968
I left you further messages in the discussion page.
Orphaned fair use image (Image:Hamburg painting.jpg)
This message delivered: 00:15, 24 January 2007 (UTC)
to assume good faith where the is obviously none. --
4140:, so editors say forgery when they really mean hoax. 2905:) such as "the preposterous narcissism you display" 2711:
and thought about asking you, to have an eye on the
Hello again - further to this article on Knowledge:
6810:contributing. We just want to prevent edits to the 6534:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 5478:An Arbitration case involving you has been opened: 5376:Why are you deleting Phillip Wayne? to start with. 2389:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 2299:
Thanks for your championship of the Olmec article!!
1496:This was the opening line on his religious views: 136:opera house was that of a conductor not a manager. 5511:contribute more, and vandalise less! Not take it ' 4991:will be deleted after seven days, as described on 2485: 1351:Can you leave the true facts as they are, please? 6483:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 4235:I am looking forward to receiving your answer to 3993:Knowledge:Mediation Cabal/Cases/2006-12-18 Hitler 3767:You've done a great job of cropping the image at 2667:Man I wish I got jokes like this on my talk page. 1656:Your own ignorance and stupidity are very clear. 1333:Priory of Sion - deleting additions by Paul Smith 6670: 6203:Knowledge:Requests for arbitration/Freedom skies 5480:Knowledge:Requests for arbitration/Freedom skies 5470:Knowledge:Requests for arbitration/Freedom skies 5445:Knowledge:Requests for arbitration#Freedom skies 5443:Can I trouble you to write a brief statement at 5424:Knowledge:Requests for arbitration#Freedom skies 4768:foundations ? Did you read that I opted to keep 4092:which is reasonable. I hope you will agree that 2964:from the early Iron Age Hebrews. Just as I have 6814:which contravene the standard Knowledge seeks. 6317:Knowledge:Template messages/User talk namespace 5361:unsophisticated people. In page 48, he states: 5015:Hello! I've just stumbled upon your article on 4995:. Thank you. This is an automated message from 4267:Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, 14th Duke of Hamilton 3684:Can you do the same, but on the PHOTO image of 3461: 2493:Kindest Regards, Michelle Wiseman Portland, OR 2400:. For assistance on the image use policy, see 2200:In his book "Zwischen Weißem und Braunem Haus" 873:. For assistance on the image use policy, see 839:Image copyright problem with Image:Shershah.jpg 708:Knowledge:Requests_for_arbitration#User:Aucaman 386:. For assistance on the image use policy, see 6374:, even if they do not technically violate the 5980:move child sacrifice from the Carthage article 4593:. No further argument of logic is necessary.-- 4462:moron who is afraid of ending up in hellfire. 4132:Perhaps an explanation of our problem is that 2886:would easily understand what I was/am saying. 2539:. Can you give me your opinion. Thanks again. 2357:Fair use rationale for Image:Mountainadolf.JPG 1500:But Jefferson wrote at length on religion and 47:seems to have been in use there for many years 6268:Having fun yet? Let me know if I can help. -- 6101:Come on, now - you can't just post a blatant 5935:. But I have to admit it made me laugh. :-) 5367:Fodor, M. W. claimed in "The nation" (1936): 4344:Excuse the typo. And BTW, yes, I am serious. 3778:I got to scan this image and had it upoaded. 3660:Knowledge:Suspected sock puppets/Editingoprah 2806:I suggest you do not restore CltFn's change. 2378:and edit it to include a fair use rationale. 1750:Debate and Research Regarding Racial Ancestry 1618: 775:It is taught in anthropological classes as a 765:It is taught in anthropological classes as a 5403:offensive issues that the author has raised. 3590:Now that I have skimmed the Mediation case ( 3401:Anti-Hindu rubbish on talk page of Hinduism? 3058:As it states in the very first paragraph of 2878:(and as dab would say) "chatterbot from the 1026:How far up the totem pole, would you say? 7006:"Most Highly Honoured Nasal Index barnstar" 5357:Nazi Nordicism and the inferiority complex 4844:Are the mediators all Han nationalists too? 4725:, an automated bot account operated by the 4487:Muller's works that deserves mentioning in 4238:. Thanks in advance and best wishes. Paula 4016:I have CLEANED UP the article considerably. 2769:but is that worth mentioning in the intro? 2308:article. I have therefore awarded you the 932:in Norwegian and Swedish. Your comment was 7048:. I'm restoring my wording on that basis. 6756:That's strange because I see this comment 6362:according to the reverts you have made on 5493:On behalf of the Arbitration Committee, - 4867:Indian nationalism on one article "Zen." 4477:would develop later on, do you not agree? 3828: 1037:There is a general cutoff, isn't there? 6358:You currently appear to be engaged in an 6046:was updated with a fact from the article 5878: 5701:was updated with a fact from the article 5333:Howdy, Paul Barlow. Re the discussion at 3784:I do not know why I cannot do it myself!! 3135: 7295:and No personal attacks policies, ay? -- 7205:Care to elaborate on that comment then? 6981:An encyclopedia must have some balance. 6759:as a real low-point in this whole mess. 6479:tag can be used to release it under the 4731:contact the Mediation Committee directly 2741:applies here in Knowledge-land as well. 2293: 2207:Apropos sounding like a contradiction - 2084:be rather unlikely for obvious reasons! 1117: 759:is outdated.-- 10:50 (PST) March 30 2006 6497:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 6083:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 5107: 3743:, and containing - as chapter 12 - the 3608:Suspected Sockpuppets of Editingoprah: 3427:and [[Independent State of Croatia ]]. 3384:vis-a-vis your debate with him over at 3078:Agreed Title - Indian Rebellion of 1857 2733:. It comes at a great time, because I 755:The term Indian in reference to all of 115:And now they are trying to fix the vote 14: 7197:I cited the book. What's the problem? 6518:. If the image is copyrighted under a 6171:Capitals in Hitler's religious beliefs 5848:Romney painting of Emma, Lady Hamilton 5519:the Old and respectable Kashwialariski 2467:Mona Lisa - Plucked Shaved and Braided 2063: 1253:Anglicanism and the Anglican Communion 1019:Descendents of Edward IV and Henry VII 917:Erroneous delete of footnote at "cunt" 832:Thanks for the reply. Have a nice day. 710:would be much appreciated. Take care, 624:Here is what user:Diyako has written; 6907:Why are you deleting my edits to the 6105:copyvio like that on a talk page. -- 5351:OK Paul let us try to work this out: 4009:Hello, Mr. 2-Barnstars, how are you? 2290:Thanks for your championship of Olmec 1156:. Have a good (and relaxing) week! — 987: 6290:Hello, I'm undoing your change here 4663:Knowledge:Requests for mediation/Zen 4618:Knowledge:Requests for mediation/Zen 3882:Hi Phil, thanks for your cleanup at 3731:. You should like my article on the 3727:I quote from your User (Home) page: 3676:I appreciate very much your work on 3146:The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar 2516:Sorry I can't be of more use to you. 131:Was Richard Wagner an opera manager? 6495:or one of the other tags listed at 5606:to steal the template. Best wishes 4075:The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 3860:You have been left this message by 3680:- resizing the image of the COVER! 3228:Any advise on what else I can do?-- 2402:Knowledge:Media copyright questions 1720:could NPOV/POV-review it. Thanks! 1283:I thank you for keeping a watch on 23: 6725:Mythographic perspectives on Jesus 4968:. However, the image is currently 3886:. Could you please take a look at 2956:I think you misunderstood my edit 2256:point was to show, that it indeed 2002: 875:Knowledge:Image legality questions 737:Argumentum ad antiquitatem Fallacy 724:Let me summarize your argument. 24: 7384: 7372:, Scientific American, March 1990 7081:The way, the truth, and the light 7050:The way, the truth, and the light 7029:Indeed! Many thanks for the tip. 6869:There's already an article about 5889:The Defender of the Wiki Barnstar 2729:Paul, thank you so very much for 1415:, where it is still to be found. 922:Your edit of 12:08, July 15, 2005 6688:makes it sound like an address. 6568:this is about the priory of sion 6353: 6310: 6230:For the Arbitration Committee -- 6078:Dictionary of National Biography 6025: 5879: 5680: 5596:List of Pre-Raphaelite paintings 5249: 5188:Adolf Hitler's religious beliefs 4648: 3829: 3156:article. Keep up the good work! 3136: 1742:"Lost" Archive at "Theatre Talk" 596:Feeling glad to talk with you – 296:Perjorative uses of the word Gay 5245: 3835: 3278:back yourself up with facts. -- 2594:Insert non-formatted text here 2535:Hi, I ask an arbitration about 2396:This is an automated notice by 869:This is an automated notice by 382:This is an automated notice by 7351: 6536:Media copyright questions page 6532:after 22:31, 13 May 2007 (UTC) 6501:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 6378:. If you continue, you may be 6050:William Marshall (illustrator) 5450:A summary of your comments at 5213:Knowledge:Notability (artists) 4856:I hope so as well, my friend. 4182:is just the tip of the iceberg 3467:Your edits to: Nazi Archeology 2874:? I'm quite happy staying the 2811:13:41, 22 September 2006 (UTC) 2802:12:19, 22 September 2006 (UTC) 2793:12:11, 22 September 2006 (UTC) 2779:13:53, 13 September 2006 (UTC) 2391:Media copyright questions page 1571:. That's what the word means. 864:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 377:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 13: 1: 5220:14:48, 23 February 2007 (UTC) 5202:09:47, 22 February 2007 (UTC) 5181:18:23, 21 February 2007 (UTC) 5162:09:51, 22 February 2007 (UTC) 5152:09:40, 22 February 2007 (UTC) 5137:09:36, 22 February 2007 (UTC) 5122:16:58, 21 February 2007 (UTC) 5084:13:46, 16 February 2007 (UTC) 5058:18:40, 12 February 2007 (UTC) 4114:as per talk? I don't think so 4029:20:30, 21 December 2006 (UTC) 4000:06:42, 20 December 2006 (UTC) 3981:18:13, 17 December 2006 (UTC) 3970:13:39, 17 December 2006 (UTC) 3953:17:41, 15 December 2006 (UTC) 3939:19:55, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 3924:16:16, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 3898:09:15, 13 December 2006 (UTC) 3815:05:52, 12 December 2006 (UTC) 3800:05:49, 12 December 2006 (UTC) 3756:17:36, 11 December 2006 (UTC) 3719:17:15, 11 December 2006 (UTC) 3701:17:13, 11 December 2006 (UTC) 3411:01:30, 26 November 2006 (UTC) 3393:10:27, 26 November 2006 (UTC) 3364:19:57, 25 November 2006 (UTC) 3353:17:10, 25 November 2006 (UTC) 3304:16:37, 25 December 2006 (UTC) 3242:17:31, 15 November 2006 (UTC) 3233:17:27, 15 November 2006 (UTC) 2903:Knowledge:No personal attacks 2866:Taken seriously by who? You, 2749:00:54, 9 September 2006 (UTC) 2720:12:21, 7 September 2006 (UTC) 2697:14:18, 1 September 2006 (UTC) 2677:18:04, 1 September 2006 (UTC) 2525:11:38, 5 September 2006 (UTC) 2456:22:18, 30 November 2006 (UTC) 2274:21:22, 30 November 2006 (UTC) 2227:12:10, 30 November 2006 (UTC) 2217:21:42, 28 November 2006 (UTC) 1701:08:01, 2 September 2006 (UTC) 126:13:16, 27 February 2006 (UTC) 107:13:39, 26 February 2006 (UTC) 59:10:48, 26 February 2006 (UTC) 6741:Jesus and Mythology articles 6516:criteria for speedy deletion 6382:from editing. Please do not 5618:April Love (Hughes painting) 5604:April Love (Hughes painting) 5278:. I am prepared to commence 5261:time); I have accepted your 5040:22:47, 9 February 2007 (UTC) 5000:22:01, 2 February 2007 (UTC) 4993:criteria for speedy deletion 4937:05:01, 29 January 2007 (UTC) 4923:04:17, 28 January 2007 (UTC) 4909:18:10, 27 January 2007 (UTC) 4891:12:33, 25 January 2007 (UTC) 4838:11:33, 25 January 2007 (UTC) 4788:10:41, 25 January 2007 (UTC) 4757:22:47, 24 January 2007 (UTC) 4740: 4683:For the Mediation Committee, 4636:04:23, 23 January 2007 (UTC) 4598:23:06, 22 January 2007 (UTC) 4584:16:46, 22 January 2007 (UTC) 4570:10:47, 22 January 2007 (UTC) 4553:09:47, 22 January 2007 (UTC) 4535:14:56, 21 January 2007 (UTC) 4512:00:40, 22 January 2007 (UTC) 4503:00:15, 22 January 2007 (UTC) 4482:01:06, 21 January 2007 (UTC) 4454:00:58, 21 January 2007 (UTC) 4443:00:56, 21 January 2007 (UTC) 4413:00:39, 21 January 2007 (UTC) 4391:23:39, 20 January 2007 (UTC) 4371:12:54, 16 January 2007 (UTC) 4357:03:06, 15 January 2007 (UTC) 4339:02:34, 15 January 2007 (UTC) 4311:19:28, 13 January 2007 (UTC) 4281:17:47, 12 January 2007 (UTC) 4005:The Patriotic Publishing Co. 3907:The content that I added is 3762:THE PATRIOTIC PUBLISHING CO. 3667:16:06, 9 December 2006 (UTC) 3599:14:33, 9 December 2006 (UTC) 3580:14:48, 8 December 2006 (UTC) 3559:19:15, 7 December 2006 (UTC) 3544:10:27, 6 December 2006 (UTC) 3527:09:46, 6 December 2006 (UTC) 3502:01:56, 2 December 2006 (UTC) 3211:18:11, 8 November 2006 (UTC) 3198:Mediterranean race vandalism 3193:19:01, 4 November 2006 (UTC) 3174:23:14, 8 November 2006 (UTC) 3161:01:51, 31 October 2006 (UTC) 3124:17:04, 27 October 2006 (UTC) 3090:18:22, 23 October 2006 (UTC) 3073:21:51, 18 October 2006 (UTC) 3049:21:26, 15 October 2006 (UTC) 3035:16:53, 14 October 2006 (UTC) 3020:16:23, 13 October 2006 (UTC) 2739:Second law of thermodynamics 2683:Priory of Sion Spam and Scam 2578:Thanks for the information. 2387:criteria for speedy deletion 1341:to explain why you do this. 544:, and thanks for the Taj. -- 7: 5928:Shakespearean authorship II 4262:17:59, 8 January 2007 (UTC) 4222:21:08, 7 January 2007 (UTC) 4162:20:32, 7 January 2007 (UTC) 4121:14:13, 7 January 2007 (UTC) 4101:13:34, 7 January 2007 (UTC) 4066:15:56, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 4057:03:14, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 4045:03:05, 4 January 2007 (UTC) 2933:10:48, 6 October 2006 (UTC) 2913:21:37, 3 October 2006 (UTC) 2896:01:20, 1 October 2006 (UTC) 2861:01:12, 1 October 2006 (UTC) 2585:11:39, 31 August 2006 (UTC) 2574:08:23, 31 August 2006 (UTC) 2558:02:11, 30 August 2006 (UTC) 2544:22:01, 29 August 2006 (UTC) 2439:14:39, 30 August 2006 (UTC) 2406:00:03, 25 August 2006 (UTC) 2352:23:07, 19 August 2006 (UTC) 2333:14:39, 19 August 2006 (UTC) 2182:08:46, 17 August 2006 (UTC) 2146:08:37, 17 August 2006 (UTC) 2089:08:18, 17 August 2006 (UTC) 2070:21:38, 15 August 2006 (UTC) 2051:12:39, 16 August 2006 (UTC) 2041:11:47, 15 August 2006 (UTC) 2024:17:46, 12 August 2006 (UTC) 1661:20:26, 26 August 2006 (UTC) 1196:Paul, can you comment here 698:Aucaman and Iranian peoples 361:Image:Brigitte_and_Tiye.JPG 353:Image:Brigitte_and_Tiye.JPG 10: 7389: 6865:Mormons are not Christians 6528:the image will be deleted 6451:Image:Image:ANightmare.jpg 6012:11:08, 30 April 2007 (UTC) 5997:10:21, 30 April 2007 (UTC) 5960:08:12, 30 April 2007 (UTC) 5944:21:19, 28 April 2007 (UTC) 5923:23:28, 23 April 2007 (UTC) 5905:07:34, 12 April 2007 (UTC) 5625:15:51, 28 March 2007 (UTC) 5611:15:17, 28 March 2007 (UTC) 5584:10:24, 28 March 2007 (UTC) 5562:10:12, 28 March 2007 (UTC) 5548:10:01, 28 March 2007 (UTC) 5522:16:16, 20 March 2007 (UTC) 5499:02:51, 20 March 2007 (UTC) 5464:21:00, 15 March 2007 (UTC) 5418:14:44, 13 March 2007 (UTC) 5408:14:28, 13 March 2007 (UTC) 5390:00:56, 13 March 2007 (UTC) 5381:00:43, 13 March 2007 (UTC) 4961:Image:Hamburg painting.jpg 4721:This message delivered by 4318:Assume Good Faith, please. 3388:) then please do. Thanks. 3374:WP:ANI#User:Street_Scholar 2725:Thank you for the Barnstar 2376:the image description page 2117:Julius and Ethel Rosenberg 1993:18:26, 8 August 2006 (UTC) 1973:15:15, 7 August 2006 (UTC) 1954:01:18, 6 August 2006 (UTC) 1931:06:44, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1916:14:35, 2 August 2006 (UTC) 1898:12:18, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 1877:04:04, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 1730:Neo-Nazi Reference Request 1126:I would like to extend an 894:00:33, 28 April 2006 (UTC) 859:Knowledge:Image use policy 804:04:06, 31 March 2006 (UTC) 715:04:56, 24 March 2006 (UTC) 693:23:58, 23 March 2006 (UTC) 675:16:20, 24 March 2006 (UTC) 665:20:49, 23 March 2006 (UTC) 651:21:29, 19 March 2006 (UTC) 605:14:06, 17 March 2006 (UTC) 586:23:58, 16 March 2006 (UTC) 549:17:55, 14 March 2006 (UTC) 372:Knowledge:Image use policy 342:this comment was added by 7252:20:32, 26 June 2007 (UTC) 7238:10:11, 26 June 2007 (UTC) 7175:14:29, 24 June 2007 (UTC) 7153:03:14, 24 June 2007 (UTC) 7135:02:53, 24 June 2007 (UTC) 7121:02:35, 24 June 2007 (UTC) 7111:01:47, 24 June 2007 (UTC) 7084:17:48, 14 June 2007 (UTC) 7071:17:44, 14 June 2007 (UTC) 7053:17:25, 14 June 2007 (UTC) 7034:20:12, 13 June 2007 (UTC) 7020:23:06, 11 June 2007 (UTC) 7000:21:35, 12 June 2007 (UTC) 6989:21:29, 12 June 2007 (UTC) 6929:21:29, 12 June 2007 (UTC) 6918:17:45, 11 June 2007 (UTC) 6888:09:48, 11 June 2007 (UTC) 6875:Persecution of Christians 6056:"Did you know?" talk page 5885: 5843:23:12, 9 April 2007 (UTC) 5826:02:23, 7 April 2007 (UTC) 5808:12:27, 6 April 2007 (UTC) 5794:06:06, 6 April 2007 (UTC) 5784:05:54, 6 April 2007 (UTC) 5767:05:28, 6 April 2007 (UTC) 5755:05:14, 6 April 2007 (UTC) 5737:23:00, 5 April 2007 (UTC) 5711:"Did you know?" talk page 5663:15:46, 4 April 2007 (UTC) 5654:16:13, 3 April 2007 (UTC) 5642:15:33, 3 April 2007 (UTC) 5354:This is my contribution: 5342:18:51, 6 March 2007 (UTC) 5225:Race of Giant Cattermoles 4400:Regarding your reversion 3987:Mediation -- Adolf Hitler 3944:Please give your feedback 3142: 1984:Interesting additions to 1853:03:08, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1839:07:12, 30 July 2006 (UTC) 1826:07:12, 30 July 2006 (UTC) 1813:20:19, 26 July 2006 (UTC) 1780:13:40, 24 July 2006 (UTC) 1766:16:10, 23 July 2006 (UTC) 1725:15:28, 13 July 2006 (UTC) 1637:12:28, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 1487:15:17, 29 June 2006 (UTC) 1472:09:28, 28 June 2006 (UTC) 1420:13:20, 23 June 2006 (UTC) 1384:13:26, 23 June 2006 (UTC) 1367:13:05, 23 June 2006 (UTC) 1292:17:59, 12 June 2006 (UTC) 1274:22:51, 11 June 2006 (UTC) 1241:Thanks for the heads-up. 879:13:11, 7 April 2006 (UTC) 824:00:21, 3 April 2006 (UTC) 563:User:Icelandic Clementine 392:10:46, 9 March 2006 (UTC) 388:User talk:Carnildo/images 322:17:13, 8 March 2006 (UTC) 305:08:20, 8 March 2006 (UTC) 291:10:30, 3 March 2006 (UTC) 282:22:47, 2 March 2006 (UTC) 257:17:15, 2 March 2006 (UTC) 239:17:35, 2 March 2006 (UTC) 225:15:35, 1 March 2006 (UTC) 202:15:31, 6 March 2006 (UTC) 161:19:00, 4 March 2006 (UTC) 147:10:33, 1 March 2006 (UTC) 7346:14:27, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 7335:14:12, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 7319:13:07, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 7300:13:02, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 7285:12:55, 2 July 2007 (UTC) 6837:modernism and modern art 6832:23:54, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 6792:11:43, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 6778:11:31, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 6768:11:05, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 6751:10:09, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 6736:00:54, 1 June 2007 (UTC) 6719:13:34, 29 May 2007 (UTC) 6699:14:04, 26 May 2007 (UTC) 6665:22:17, 17 May 2007 (UTC) 6637:21:21, 17 May 2007 (UTC) 6613:20:04, 17 May 2007 (UTC) 6590:Hi Paul. I noticed your 6581:11:35, 16 May 2007 (UTC) 6562:22:40, 13 May 2007 (UTC) 6551:22:31, 13 May 2007 (UTC) 6474:GFDL-self-no-disclaimers 6443:19:11, 13 May 2007 (UTC) 6420:23:01, 12 May 2007 (UTC) 6410:20:35, 12 May 2007 (UTC) 6161:and watch your over 3RR 5913:Shakespearean authorship 5193:Thank you for reverting 4612:has been filed with the 4346:Assume Good Faith Please 3570:advocated splitting the 2553:Thanks for removing...-- 2007:Barnstar for Paul Barlow 1608:02:45, 8 July 2006 (UTC) 1593:01:48, 8 July 2006 (UTC) 1576:01:40, 8 July 2006 (UTC) 1552:01:36, 8 July 2006 (UTC) 1535:01:19, 8 July 2006 (UTC) 1518:00:46, 8 July 2006 (UTC) 1450:23:30, 4 July 2006 (UTC) 1232:16:09, 2 June 2006 (UTC) 1208:13:50, 29 May 2006 (UTC) 1187:22:47, 22 May 2006 (UTC) 1165:02:07, 22 May 2006 (UTC) 1147:02:23, 21 May 2006 (UTC) 1109:13:22, 19 May 2006 (UTC) 7060:moved from my talk page 6395:14:37, 9 May 2007 (UTC) 6384:repeatedly revert edits 6342:13:50, 9 May 2007 (UTC) 6328:13:47, 7 May 2007 (UTC) 6298:17:02, 5 May 2007 (UTC) 6273:15:21, 4 May 2007 (UTC) 6259:17:09, 4 May 2007 (UTC) 6250:13:38, 4 May 2007 (UTC) 6235:18:39, 3 May 2007 (UTC) 6196:21:49, 3 May 2007 (UTC) 6183:07:58, 3 May 2007 (UTC) 6166:16:54, 2 May 2007 (UTC) 6157:16:48, 2 May 2007 (UTC) 6132:16:32, 2 May 2007 (UTC) 6113:16:38, 1 May 2007 (UTC) 6096:15:47, 1 May 2007 (UTC) 6072:14:34, 1 May 2007 (UTC) 5972:07:30, 3 May 2007 (UTC) 3866:PocKleanBot's talk page 3317:or removed. Please use 3040:Error on Akhenaten post 2844:for disruption. Please 2832:Please see Knowledge's 2364:Image:Mountainadolf.JPG 1844:Link question on Hitler 1560:Re Jefferson +Supremacy 1267:WikiProject Anglicanism 1087:14:06, 9 May 2006 (UTC) 1076:13:48, 9 May 2006 (UTC) 1065:11:45, 9 May 2006 (UTC) 980:14:29, 6 May 2006 (UTC) 957:20:23, 3 May 2006 (UTC) 942:11:35, 3 May 2006 (UTC) 6871:Persecution of Mormons 6705:Race and ancient Egypt 6683:Comment on Nigger/niga 6426:Shakespeare Authorship 4854: 4846: 4807: 4799: 4575:I've filed the RFC at 4383:Cheers for this Paul. 4136:is more familiar than 3169:You're quite welcome. 2980:— the remnants of the 2944:Hello! Please see the 2301: 2008: 1508: 1123: 728:Slippery Slope Fallacy 404:User: Afghan Historian 6853:. 18:11, 4 June 2007 6455:Thanks for uploading 5167:Race of William Blake 4958:Thanks for uploading 4850: 4842: 4803: 4795: 4659:Request for Mediation 4641:Request for Mediation 4610:request for mediation 4429:comment was added by 4297:comment was added by 4148:The International Jew 3517:comment was added by 3475:and thus may get you 2650:comment was added by 2636: 2505:Historic Hairdressing 2361:Thanks for uploading 2310:Ray of Sunshine Award 2297: 2251:I have no doubt that 2006: 1715:Wallace Fard Muhammad 1498: 1459:John Baker, PhD (abd) 1121: 843:Thanks for uploading 782:User:Dark Tichondrias 771:User:Dark Tichondrias 761:User:Dark Tichondrias 748:User:Dark Tichondrias 358:Thanks for uploading 18:User talk:Paul Barlow 6491:non-free fair use in 6487:, use a tag such as 6458:Image:ANightmare.jpg 6278:"the exploration of 6005:religion in Carthage 5570:I was going through 5387:Veritas et Severitas 5378:Veritas et Severitas 3473:actual contributions 3419:Nazi racial politics 3263:The Table of Nations 2638:under New&Links 1986:Dido Elizabeth Belle 1979:Dido Elizabeth Belle 1796:Yours, Chris Gontar 947:Historicity of David 884:svastika, south asia 561:unsigned comment by 6303:Regarding edits to 5335:Talk:Priory of Sion 5328:Talk:Priory of Sion 5274:- on behalf of the 4978:our fair use policy 4974:You may add it back 4727:Mediation Committee 4622:Knowledge:Mediation 4614:Mediation Committee 3672:Thanks! Paul Barlow 3382:User:Street Scholar 2836:policy. Comment on 2834:no personal attacks 2137:Lancashire, England 2057:Source for pictures 1492:Thomas Jefferson... 780:(PST) March 30 2006 581:were as oppressive. 428:. Happy editing. — 346:05:56, 9 March 2006 42:been to the islands 29:leave me a message. 27:You are welcome to 7222:Image:Huguenot.jpg 6524:Knowledge:Fair use 6514:, as described on 6485:Knowledge:Fair use 6280:Sub-Saharan Africa 4934:Steven J. Anderson 4874:Anyways, Regards. 4734: 4509:Rumpelstiltskin223 4500:Rumpelstiltskin223 4479:Rumpelstiltskin223 4451:Rumpelstiltskin223 4431:Rumpelstiltskin223 4410:Rumpelstiltskin223 4063:Rumpelstiltskin223 4054:Rumpelstiltskin223 4042:Rumpelstiltskin223 3613:User: 3032:The Singing Badger 2984:evolving into the 2509:Women's Hairstyles 2302: 2009: 1540:Black Supremacy... 1469:The Singing Badger 1465:John Baker's edits 1263:Anglican Communion 1124: 845:Image:Shershah.jpg 680:Copyright of poem? 351:Image Tagging for 7362:T. V. Gamkrelidze 7250: 7236: 6877:article as well. 6849:? You can answer 6823:Brad Hoffstetter 6662: 6655: 6634: 6627: 6610: 6603: 6376:three-revert rule 6368:three-revert rule 6090: 6062: 6061: 5910: 5909: 5903: 5853:In (or Jn)Jones. 5838:is Steve Knapp -- 5734: 5717: 5716: 5324: 5323: 4966:claim of fair use 4739: 4738: 4735: 4720: 4698: 4591:unreliable source 4446: 4314: 4286:Homo floresiensis 4180:Protocols of Zion 3874: 3873: 3869: 3851:quality standards 3745:Protocols of Zion 3604:Extent of Problem 3534:Question for Paul 3530: 3499: 3247:Sorry about lewis 3166: 3165: 3018: 2918:My Akhenaten post 2763:Hindu nationalism 2663: 2300: 2202:Ernst Hanfstaengl 2022: 1789:Dear Mr. Barlow, 1413:Et in Arcadia ego 1360:Et in Arcadia ego 503: 467: 431: 7380: 7373: 7355: 7248: 7234: 6765: 6660: 6653: 6632: 6625: 6608: 6601: 6520:non-free license 6494: 6478: 6472: 6400:Stuart Sutcliffe 6390:among editors. 6366:. Note that the 6357: 6314: 6089: 6029: 6022: 6021: 5899: 5883: 5876: 5875: 5735: 5728: 5725: 5684: 5677: 5676: 5304: 5301: 5253: 5246: 5105:Retrieved from " 5064:Dravidian people 4985:my contributions 4928:Alfred Rosenberg 4888: 4886: 4835: 4833: 4785: 4783: 4719: 4702: 4700: 4696: 4691: 4652: 4645: 4644: 4424: 4354: 4336: 4292: 4157:Best regards, -- 4152:The Jewish Peril 3859: 3833: 3826: 3825: 3678:The Jewish Peril 3512: 3500: 3498: 3496: 3491: 3484: 3349: 3348: 3345: 3342: 3339: 3329:article in this 3186:Jusepe de Ribera 3140: 3133: 3132: 3010: 2982:Kingdom of Judah 2776: 2767:Hindu philosophy 2645: 2383:my contributions 2298: 2222:attach to this? 2121:Harold Rosenberg 2075:Alfred Rosenberg 2014: 1613:Queen Mab speech 1104: 954:Lawrencemykytiuk 686:Talk:Wiccan Rede 554:Are you kidding? 532: 528: 501: 496: 492: 465: 460: 456: 429: 412:, a mild warning 7388: 7387: 7383: 7382: 7381: 7379: 7378: 7377: 7376: 7356: 7352: 7343:David Shankbone 7332:David Shankbone 7316:David Shankbone 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User talk:Paul Barlow
leave me a message.
been to the islands
seems to have been in use there for many years
Johan the Ghost
10:48, 26 February 2006 (UTC)
Mola art
Johan the Ghost
13:39, 26 February 2006 (UTC)
13:16, 27 February 2006 (UTC)
10:33, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
19:00, 4 March 2006 (UTC)
15:31, 6 March 2006 (UTC)
15:35, 1 March 2006 (UTC)
17:35, 2 March 2006 (UTC)
17:15, 2 March 2006 (UTC)

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