
Talk:India/Archive 14

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115:, his "alliances" with Hitler, the Italian Fascists, and the Imperial Japanese notwithstanding. His followers in the Congress party (when he was still in the Congress) formed what was considered the "left wing" of the Congress. After he broke with the Indian National Congress, he formed the Forward Block party, which, (after his death and) for many years after independence, sided with the various Communist parties on most issues in the Indian parliament. Among, mainstream historians, as has been pointed out on these pages before, the consensus is that the various students groups that arose in response to the Quit India Resolution and the various communist and labor parties that drew many new recruits during the years 1942-46, caused more nervousness among the British than Bose ever did. If a consensus decision is made to revise the "freedom struggle" subsection, then those groups will need to be mentioned long before Bose makes an appearance. Such a major re-interpretation needs to be discussed here (and a consensus arrived around it) before it can be introduced into the history section. I will add a link to a previous discussion to Bose on the pages soon. 551:.  :::::Second, your quotes are saying what is well-known: that after the INA failed to "liberate" India, and its leaders were tried for treason by the British, the Congress (somewhat cynically) exploited the wave of sympathy for the INA "generals" to do some PR work for itself. Your quotes don't say, for example, that Nehru attended the trials with Bhulabhai Desai and (along with the Congress) ended up alienating Wavell (the viceroy) even more, which some historians think proved crucial in giving Jinnah the advantage that eventually led to the partition. INA did have a brief flash of glory during the trials, but Bose was long gone by then, and there is no evidence that the British worried about it any more than any mass disturbance in India. It was certainly not on the scale of the Direct Action Day (let alone the Quit India Movement). My basic point remains that there are many more important topics in the Indian Freedom Struggle than either the Indian National Army or Bose himself. Those issues will need to be added before Bose or INA can. If you want to make a contribution, try the 162:. After the war, the British Indian armed forces stopped supporting the Raj's efforts, and the mutinies it inspired were a very strong factor, which even the Congress expolited at the time/ The version of the movement that we see today in India is a very narrow and enclosed version that only talks of Congress and Gandhi, whereas there's more to it than that. I do not have any interest in making Bose a hero, but I have read a lot on this in the last two years (I will reference this a number of authorities of history if you wish) that the ultimate death nail was not the Quit India but the swaying of the alleigance of the armed forces. Also the old version makes a point not to say anything about any event, movement or views before, during or after Gandhi, which gives a wrong impression. The independence movement existed long before Gandhi arrived. In fact a reason why the 6071:)(Chapter VIII) has perceptively described as "The edge of a Volcano". Very foolishly, The British initially decided to hold public trials of dismissing from service and detaining without trial no less that 7000:Mansergh, Vol. VI, pp49-51). They compounded the folly by holding the first trial in the Red Fort, Delhi in November 1945, and putting on the dock together a Hindu, a Muslim, and a Sikh (P.K. Sehgal, Shah Nawaz, Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon). Bhulabhai Desai, Tejbahadur Sapru and Nehru apperared for teh defence (the latter putting on his barrister's gown fter 25 years), and the Muslim league also joined the countrywide protest. On 20 November, an intelligence Bureau note admitted that "There has seldom been a matter which has attracted so much public interest and, it is safe to say, sympathy...this particular brand of sympathy cuts across communal barriers." 2118:)(Chapter VIII) has perceptively described as "The edge of a Volcano". Very foolishly, The British initially decided to hold public trials of dismissing from service and detaining without trial no less that 7000:Mansergh, Vol. VI, pp49-51). They compounded the folly by holding the first trial in the Red Fort, Delhi in November 1945, and putting on the dock together a Hindu, a Muslim, and a Sikh (P.K. Sehgal, Shah Nawaz, Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon). Bhulabhai Desai, Tejbahadur Sapru and Nehru apperared for teh defence (the latter putting on his barrister's gown fter 25 years), and the Muslim league also joined the countrywide protest. On 20 November, an intelligence Bureau note admitted that "There has seldom been a matter which has attracted so much public interest and, it is safe to say, sympathy...this particular brand of sympathy cuts across communal barriers." 2412:...The mutiny came to receive widespread militant support, even for the short period that it lasted, not only in Bombay, but also in Karachi and Calcutta on 23 February, in Ahmedabad, Madras and Trichinopoly on the 25th, at Kanpur on the 26th, and at Madurai and several places in Assam on the 26th. The agitations, mass strikes, demonstrations and consequently support for the mutineers, therefore continued several days even after the mutiny had been called off. Along with this, the assessment may be made that it described in crystal clear terms to the government that the British Indian Armed forces could no longer be universally relied upon for support in crisis, and even more it was more likely itself to be the source of the sparks that would ignite trouble in a country fast slipping out of the scenario of political settlement... 844:
of the partition of Bengal on p7. Bose is mentioned twice, once in a short paragraph introducing the Forward Block on p15 and the second time in the unflattering paragraph quoted above. The Ghadar party gets one paragraph including a mention of Har Dayal. No mention is made of the INA, the INA trials, Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, or any of the other "revolutionaries." In contrast, Pherozeshah Mehta, Dadabhai Naoroji, Surendranath Bannerjee, Gokhale, Jinnah, Tilak, Nehru, Suhrawardy, Liaqat Ali Khan, Patel, and of course Gandhi get a lot of coverage. I said above that the Indian freedom struggle wasn't monolithic, what I meant was that from the 1920s onwards there were fractures in the movement, with the Muslims becoming wary and ultimately splitting off. However, in other ways, it really
forefronted the movement from 1920s, and that there were three notable events in the last five years of the movement that are held of quite considerable importance with relation to the movement. I have referenced my edits to respectable sources including the Encyclopaedia Britannica, BBC's history section, and a number of published accounts of the Raj and the independence movement. These edits have been repeatedly reverted by user Fowler&Fowler who insists that the bit on independence movement can not and should not be expanded anymore, as well as that what my edits are trying to cede more than deserved importance to non-notable events. Hie has also insisted that nothing outside the Gandhian movement is notable and insists on a version that says that
have happened sooner or later no matter what. Nevertheless it did not happen later. It happened then. In the autumn if 1945 India was swept by a storm of excitement and indignation, a storm that Bose and his renegades ignited. It was a storm the Indian officer, and the Jawan too, could not ignore. They did not ignore it. We have it on the authority of the Commander-in-Chief that they did not ignore it. In 1942, at the time of quit India, there had been no question of reliability. Now their own commander doubted it. Three years of campaigning, three years climaxed by victories in Europe and on the Irrawaddy, do not explain the change. Only that autumn storm can. It was the Indian National Army that forced the British hand.
have happened sooner or later no matter what. Nevertheless it did not happen later. It happened then. In the autumn if 1945 India was swept by a storm of excitement and indignation, a storm that Bose and his renegades ignited. It was a storm the Indian officer, and the Jawan too, could not ignore. They did not ignore it. We have it on the authority of the Commander-in-Chief that they did not ignore it. In 1942, at the time of quit India, there had been no question of reliability. Now their own commander doubted it. Three years of campaigning, three years climaxed by victories in Europe and on the Irrawaddy, do not explain the change. Only that autumn storm can. It was the Indian National Army that forced the British hand.
eventually transported to Japan and then to Singapore, where Japan had captured at least 40,000 Indian troops during its takeover of that island fortress in February 1942. These captured soldiers became Netaji (“Leader”) Bose's Indian National Army (INA) in 1943 and, a year later, marched behind him to Rangoon. Bose hoped to “liberate” first Imphal and then Bengal from British rule, but the British forces at India's eastern gateways held until the summer monsoon gave them respite enough to be properly reinforced and drove Bose and his army back down the Malay Peninsula. In August 1945 Bose escaped by air from Saigon but died of severe burns after his overloaded plane crashed onto Formosa.
eventually transported to Japan and then to Singapore, where Japan had captured at least 40,000 Indian troops during its takeover of that island fortress in February 1942. These captured soldiers became Netaji (“Leader”) Bose's Indian National Army (INA) in 1943 and, a year later, marched behind him to Rangoon. Bose hoped to “liberate” first Imphal and then Bengal from British rule, but the British forces at India's eastern gateways held until the summer monsoon gave them respite enough to be properly reinforced and drove Bose and his army back down the Malay Peninsula. In August 1945 Bose escaped by air from Saigon but died of severe burns after his overloaded plane crashed onto Formosa.
2417:...The navy itself was marginal in terms of state power; Indian service personnel were at this time being swept by a wave of nationalist sentiments, as would be proved by the mutinies that occurred in the Royal Indian Air Force. In the after-effect of the mutiny, a Weekly intelligence summary issued on 25 March 1946 admitted that the Indian army, navy and air force units were no longer trust worthy, and, for the army, "only day to day estimates of steadiness could be made". . It came to the situation where, if wide-scale public unrest took shape, the armed forces could not be relied upon to support counter-insurgency operations as they had been during the "Quit India" movement of 1942... 5408:"Liberator." The INA was stopped before entering Bengal, first by monsoon rains and then by the RAF, and forced to retreat, back through Burma and down its coast to the Malay peninsula. (In May 1945, Bose would fly out of Saigon on an overloaded Japanese plane, headed for Taiwan, which crash-landed and burned. Bose suffered third-degree burns and died in the hospital on Formosa.) Wavell's bad news was that the general food situation was unchanged, with serious scarcity suffered throughout south India's Travancore and Cochin states, where the monsoon had failed, and the food grain harvest were less than "one-third of normal." 2628:
Indian armed forces. 'he whole country has been roused', Mahatma Gandhi observed, 'and even regular forces have been stirred into a new political consciousness and have begun to think in erms of indepdence.' There were large-scale street protests in Bombay and Calcutta between November 1945 and February 1946. The most serious of the mutinies took place amon the ratings of the Royal Indian Navy, led by M.S Khan in Bombay and other ports in Western India in February 1946. In street protests, the green flag of the Muslim League and the red flag of the communists were occasionaly flown together with the Congres tricolour.
170:. Please dont look at this as a PoV edit, because its not. I wish this page on India not to be a political statement (particularly in the History section), but to give a complete and true picture (as much as possible). By all means, you have to have a balanced view, but that would mean a different version of the movement than was there earlier. Regarding old discussions, I haven't seen this discussion in the archive. And I dont know who you're claiming as main stream historians. But I have personal correspondence opinions and published accounts of a number of eminent historians that I am sure will prove point. 5117:
belonging to the Hindu right, which I am sure will not be bourne out by my edit history and will only embarass Fowler by exposing his ignorance and blind bias. I have explained before that I do not wish to champion Bose, but I do wish to make the history section more comprehensive to reflect a more than just a propaganda statement by non-violence Nazis. The reason why I included the Quit India and the INA is, first of all I have been reading a lot in the last one year on the last years of the Raj, and the consensus here is that the three or four events I have mentioned, particularly the
7237:, not Keyenes. Thats the third time you've got it wrong :( . As far as content goes, I am quite content with the current version, although I would not be against the content of Dwaipayan's version if it can be compressed, and if the prose can be improved. I do contend that certain sentences in his/her about "minor terrorist and organizational activities oriented towards freedom" are clearly something I would not want to see on the India Page. A request here; can we please remove the controversial tag that is so clearly an eyesore? -- 5206:
the books I read (and quite sure this is a justified notion) is that in fact in the last days of the Raj Gandhian as well as the not-so-Gandhian movements and events (endorsed by Gandhi) came into play in a massive scale and hence my edits. I do not wish to address Fowler's rant because it is quite obvious to me he lacks courtesy and respect for most if not all of his fello-editors who have disagreed with him. He has this to say about editors (principally, I believe, me) who have tried to make edits not corresponding with his:
712:, the emphasis that we place on different contributing factors leading to India's independence should reflect the weightage reliable sources place on them. If editors think that the current version presents the independence struggle as a monolithic effort led by INC/Mahatma Gandhi, we can certainly consider rephrasing the relevant two sentences. IMO for this summary-style article the militant movements could at best merit an additional phrase/half-sentence, but certainly not a detailed discussion of 1244:, which I must clarify is not the point of my earlier edits, although it does deserve to be mention in my opinion. As Dwaipayan suggested above, this section could be re-written, I am willing to do this not to a compromised version, but to a collaborated version. But till this is done, I believe the version as exists when I instituting this tag is an incomplete version that gives a factually totally wrong impression to the layman who would reading this article. And this is not acceptable. 31: 1255:
many issues that had already come to a head in the late 19th century ... BTW, I have not made a single edit in the history section myself. But I am aware that it is written in a concise style. Go back and take a good look at my Britannica outline. If you had to compress 19 pages into two (or even four) sentences, how do you think Bose will merit a mention? Simply, not in the cards. BTW, the five books I have provided links for are not just "concise" histories of India, but
4610: 2485:
by Nehru himself and emerged national heroes. Britain's Field Marshal Lord Wavell, and his Commander in Chief understood at that moment in 1945 that the Raj was doomed, for all ranks in the army that held fast was "turning soft." Britain's final two post-war years were a holding action designed to maintain some "illusion of permanence," while the newly elected labour Government desperately searched for a formula to make the imminent transfer of Power as peaceful as possible.
4602: 1337:, Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre, 12. Gandhi's non-cooperation movement, Congress's demand for complete independence, 13. Gandhi's Salt Satyagraha, 14. Govt. of India Act, formation of governments in states by Congress in 1937, 15. WWII, Pakistan resolution (1940), Quit India resolution (1942), Direct action day (1946), formation of interim government by Jawaharlal Nehru, 16. Partition of India, transfer of power, Hindu-Muslim riots, Gandhi as "one man boundary force." 3390:, Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre, 12. Gandhi's non-cooperation movement, Congress's demand for complete independence, 13. Gandhi's Salt Satyagraha, 14. Govt. of India Act, formation of governments in states by Congress in 1937, 15. WWII, Pakistan resolution (1940), Quit India resolution (1942), Direct action day (1946), formation of interim government by Jawaharlal Nehru, 16. Partition of India, transfer of power, Hindu-Muslim riots, Gandhi as "one man boundary force." 468:
in the country to a standstill while student protests and demonstrations involving members of the British Indian army disrupted daily life. On Dec. 31, 1945, the military court declared Khan, Sahgal, and Dhillon guilty of high treason and waging war against the King of England and sentenced them to exile for life. Immediately following the verdict, however, the commander in chief, Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, commuted the sentences and freed the men ...
India now confirmed that they were — then Indians in the Indian army must have been on the wrong side. It slowly dawned upon the Government of India that the backbone of the British rule, the Indian army, might now no longer be trustworthy. The ghost of Subhas Bose, like Hamlet’s father, walked the battlements of the Red Fort (where the INA soldiers were being tried), and his suddenly amplified figure overawed the conference that was to lead to independence.
India now confirmed that they were — then Indians in the Indian army must have been on the wrong side. It slowly dawned upon the Government of India that the backbone of the British rule, the Indian army, might now no longer be trustworthy. The ghost of Subhas Bose, like Hamlet’s father, walked the battlements of the Red Fort (where the INA soldiers were being tried), and his suddenly amplified figure overawed the conference that was to lead to independence
3406:, or any other militant. The only reference to "extremism" in the modern sense, is indirectly to the Ghadar party (a radical party founded by Sikhs who were denied immigration to Canada), "A small, mostly Sikh revolutionary movement appeared briefly in Punjab." The overwhelming portion of the text (19 pages in Britannica and 16 paragraphs in Encarta) is devoted primarily to the Indian National Congress and secondarily to the Muslim League. 5198:, which itself is pretty succint. Lastly, I am aware of the scale and scope of the events and movement around Bhagat Singh but I do not know enough to write about this. If any other editor does and can incorporate this in the text succintly and NPOVly, I (unlike Fowler) do not have a problem, nor do I wish Bose to be placed on this high pedestal and have every one else removed from the history section. Also, the 6468:
here for the time being, but let me just say I am thoroughly surprised at the disingenuous argument being used here (See Kulke and Dortmund for example) to twist both what is actually written and what is implied. The stats are not showing what the books are saying, and as Kulke's book shows, it looks like there's so much on everyone like Gandhi and Nehru. In reallity, in the book, the independence movement has
2584:...Thus, Wavell concluded,if the army and the police "failed" Britain would be forced to go. In theory, it might be possible to revive and reinvigorate the services, and rule for another fifteent to trwenty years, but:It is a fallacy to suppose that the solution lies in trying to maintain status quo. We have no longer the resources, nor the neccessary prestige or confidence in ourselves. 6260:(ie, what's the argument), ie does it find mention to be significant . I have quoted what my sources say, Fowler so far hasn't. That has rapidly been converted into how many pages is devoted to the issues. The issue that the "non-violent" philosophy and movement was a major movement is not the debate. The debate was, are is or was there anything else notable? Did there 5216:
Right, which was twiddling its thumbs during all 62 years of the Indian freedom struggle (1885 to 1947), now finds itself left out of that struggle's history. They can't really write themselves in; so they champion the "militants," the "terrorists," and other drifting relics as a counterfoil to Gandhi and nonviolence. Fowler&fowler«Talk» 03:26, 25 August 2007 (UTC)
1385:. I am sorry but I will reinstitue the tag till this is addressed, especially in relation to the talk below to expand this article. And I also have a problem that you're dictating the terms here. I wish to reach a consensus, but this article can be and should be improved. And with regards to quoting from other encyclopaedia, I am sure we can improve the quality of the 2306:
overpowering emotion distinguished India at the end of the war, it was anger at the victory of the United Nations... ...Public resentment had not abated after six months. So on March 7 1946, the day of formal celebration of victory in India, Delhi town hall was partly gutted, Indians in European dresses were set upon, their hats and neckties snatched...
mentioning the INA in the media etc...which doesn't really show Wolpert did his homework before publishing. I am not sure anymore that he's a very good historian at all if he cant even count, let alone that he has half digested half vomitted his facts Fowler. Also, Fowler, what does he say about the period between October 1945 and July 1946???
air force units were no longer trust worthy, and, for the army, "only day to day estimates of steadiness could be made". . It came to the situation where, if wide-scale public unrest took shape, the armed forces could not be relied upon to support counter-insurgency operations as they had been during the "Quit India" movement of 1942.
7117:, but they dint kill not a single innocent people like current terrorists. They certainly deserve mention alongside non-violence movements. Current history section states only one type of independence movement was present i.e. non-violence. All quit india etc were non-violence. Both these leaders can be mentioned in single sentence. 5753:). I like the way the original point has now been twisted to try and have me defend wether "Bose should be included" instead of wether there are other view points that deserve inclusion in addition to the view that Congress was the soul driving force. Reiterating what the RfC was about. Fowler's repeatedly reverted versions say 485:
Indian military from the British Empire and toward the goal of independence. In the years after the trial, as Gandhi's nonviolence campaign gained increasing worldwide sympathy and as the ultimate dream of independence became a reality in 1947, the legacy of Bose, the INA, and the 1945 trial faded considerably, and
1267:) is a much better gauge of notability than a specialty book about the Indian national army, which obviously will have details about the INA. I think the two sentences could certainly be made more balanced, along the lines of: "The nationalist freedom movement in India began in 1885 with the founding of the 4646:
circumscribed lives or events of the book's focus. Compressed in the box below, is a list of some recent monographs, which are all searchable on I have added the search results; the number in the parentheses (as before) indicates the number of pages in which that person or topic appears.
incorrect and onesided, even after reading the citations from Ian Copland's work, and Kulke Dortmund's work I have given above. If you wish to have more information as to why it's factually wrong, pls see Metcalfe reference in Fowler's RfC record page and see how they describe the movement. Next read
One, which for example Sarvagnya writes about, is whether the Indian history section (and the Independence movement sections is particular) can/should be expanded. On this I don't think there is any strong opposition, and I think we can even double the two sentences to paint a broader picture without
are that Kulke follows closely my original edit that expanded it to one para. Sercondly, going By the Ingenious mechanisms of not judging on what the author says but instead on how many times he menions a name, yeah, I would say DNA is the most famous thing in the world, but is it? I am going to stop
the disputant in this RfC), and, in addition, they have the effect of discouraging others from commenting, when they notice that your comments have taken up three times more space than everyone else's put together. You have to learn to make your point in your statement, not drag it out in dribbles in
surprised that he did not recognise(???) a springerlink or a Jounral of Asian and African studies article and could not assure Dwaipayan that it might indeed be a genuine. The other thing I noted was that this particular discussion was between only two people, which Fowler put forward as a consensus
PS In fact the RfC upstairs, echoes these themes. The editor in question would like whittle down the roles of Gandhi and nonviolence and bulk up the (mainly nonexistent) roles of the various violent revolutionaries in the Indian freedom struggle. Part of the problem is that the latterly teeming Hindu
It was also in 1941 when Bose fled to Germany, where he started broadcasting appeals to India urging the masses to “rise up” against British “tyranny” and to “throw off” their chains. There were, however, few Indians in Germany, and Hitler's advisers urged Bose to go back to Asia by submarine; he was
Gandhi is arrested in January. He begins a fast unto death in September to ighlight the divisive nature of the communal award handed down by the British Prime minister Macdonald as part of the roundtable constitution making process. Gandhi and Dr Ambedkar (representing the depressed classes) reaches
The Government of India had hoped, by prosecuting members of the INA, to reinforce the morale of the Indian army. It succeeded only in creating unease, in making the soldiers feel slightly ashamed that they themselves had supported the British. If Bose and his men had been on the right side — and all
His sources and other encyclopaedias he quotes (which do mention other movements in a considerably larger section on the Indian independence movement) are said to ascribe these as nonnotable and he insists that in the article the the independence section be compressed, and for the sake of comressing,
referenced and found to be notable by a number of authors. As such I would like it if we had a larger discussion on this before a conclusion is reached. There's plenty of space to expand this section beyond a few sentences so space seems to be a weasel argument and moreover is reaching PoV pushing to
Amazing! How do you get that I think the Indian Independence struggle began in the 20th century. I just listed all 19 pages from the Britannica chapter on Indian independence movement written by Stanley Wolpert. The pages begin with the founding of the Indian National Congress in 1885, and address
The Government of India had hoped, by prosecuting members of the INA, to reinforce the morale of the Indian army. It succeeded only in creating unease, in making the soldiers feel slightly ashamed that they themselves had supported the British. If Bose and his men had been on the right side — and all
the Congress and the Muslim League. There was really nothing else that made a tangible difference. People like Bhagat Singh, who killed an official or two here or there, made great romantic heroes, but winning India its independence took mass organization, political skill, and persistence over many
Except for two pages, p7 and p13, the pages are long with many long paragraphs. The only militants that are mentioned are in the struggle between the militant (Tilak) wing of the Congress vs. the moderate (Gokhale) wing of the Congress on page 6. "Terrorism" is mentioned in two lines in the context
yet that is exactly what you're version is saying. You're insisting that the version be compressed enough not to include anything but the Congress's role in the freedom movement, and the version is essentially starting and ending with the Gandhi inspired movement from 1918 to 1942 and then concluding
It was also in 1941 when Bose fled to Germany, where he started broadcasting appeals to India urging the masses to “rise up” against British “tyranny” and to “throw off” their chains. There were, however, few Indians in Germany, and Hitler's advisers urged Bose to go back to Asia by submarine; he was
I do not wish to champion Bose. What I do wish to do is to point out that there was more than one movement and philosophy in the freddom movement, and the movement did not start in 1920s (thats factually wrong). Also the fact that a number of defining movements arose especially in the last decade of
Reuben Iys has lately been trying to supplement the history section with his version of Subhash Bose's contribution to the freedom struggle. There is an idiosyncratic version of recent Indian history out there, which assigns to Bose a lion's share of the credit for liberating India from the British.
Proportion of coverage on Bose is a complex issue. He is, as it is, under covered outside of Knowledge. That either could be reflecting his actual relative notability or could be due to some systemic bias. If it's the latter case, we're not a primary source tasked to correct that anomaly. That would
of society, economics and pollitics in Modern India. It is an examination of Modern-Nation-state-style western democracy and Indian-traditional-religious dichotomy of modern India. I am not entirely sure why this would be a study of The Raj and the Indian independence movement. It seems more social
statement is being supported by a encyclopaedias and books on India, and not on the independence movement (on which the paragraph is based), and then the argument is being put forward that "we don't have space" so we can only include this view". The references I have given, ie, books on the movement
consider the INA to be a very bad influence compared to the Japanese, and had to start "Josh" groups to stop the Indian soldiers from defecting, start circulating propaganda among troops about the INA that said they were Barbaric people who ate their PoWs livers, and in general put a newsban on even
Though always introspective and subject to sudden shifts of mood, Nehru more often questioned the wisdom of his own decisions now, feeling more deeply depressed and weary, as he told Mountbatten on the eve of his departure: "May be, we have made many mistakes, you and we ... but I do believe that we
The reason I initially edited was to include the fact that the Gandhian movement, by all means and by far the most prominet, was not the only philosophy, and that the other movements that did exist were by no means non-notable. Why I included INA,trials and the mutiny is because the ideas I got from
Bose, along with Nehru, had long led the more leftist, socialist oriented wing in the Congress. Bose was deeply commited to anti-colonialism and to a more egalitarian social and gender politics than Gandhi, and, when he was denied the Congress presidency he won in 1939, he broke with him definitely.
The final mass movement on all India scale ttok place on the issue of the INA trials in late 1945 and early 1946. Apart from large-scale public protests and Congress's championing of the cause,there was a new dimension to this agitation:It included mutinies, uprisings, and dissent within the British
Bose's Force was stopped by Monsson just outside Imphal in Manipur State in 1944, then driven back by Allied reinforcements flown in after the rain. Whe brought to trial in Delhi's Red Fort after war's end for "treason",Hindu, Sikh, and Muslims officers of the India National Army (INA)were defended
of society, economics and pollitics in Modern India. It is an examination of Modern-Nation-state-style western democracy and Indian-traditional-religious dichotomy of modern India. I am not entirely sure why this would be a study of The Raj and the Indian independence movement. It seems more social
and patriotism), they will also tell you that you're still swallowing World War II war-time Allied propaganda superimposed on refusing to see anything but evil on anybody who worked with axis powers. I am not quoting because my purpose is not to glorify Bose or his army, but to make an encyclopaedic
Indian service personnel were at this time being swept by a wave of nationalist sentiments, as would be proved by the mutinies that occurred in the Royal Indian Air Force. In the after-effect of the mutiny, a Weekly intelligence summary issued on 25 March 1946 admitted that the Indian army, navy and
As the right of the Indian National Army—and consequently of all Indian independence movements—to fight for India's independence was debated in the courtroom, pro-independence supporters across the country staged demonstrations in support of the INA defendants. A general strike brought economic life
The highly publicized trials brought to light the previously unknown legacy of the Indian National Army. During the course of the war, the British government—as well as Allied governments around the world—had denounced the INA as a pawn of the Axis powers. British leaders downplayed the significance
more than just the congress led post-1920s movement is described there, as is there more than just Gandhi. I can see how the statistics are being used to hide behind the truth. Incidentally, we have Fowler's word that these are all "Text Books" in all the university around the world (I am sure they
say that encyclopaedias are tertiary sources and synthesise materials and opinions, and a Historians interpretation of an event or movement is more acceptable. On the latter, the statement has been made that "most historians" agree that the movements I mentioned in my edits, in fact nothing but the
the disputant in this RfC), and, in addition, they have the effect of discouraging others from commenting, when they notice that your comments have taken up three times more space than everyone else's put together. You have to learn to make your point in your statement, not drag it out in dribbles
Indian Nationalist leaders are not consulted before the Viceroy Involves India in the Second World War. Nationalist leaders counter they will fight of they are an independence people. Ignored by the Viceroy, the elected Congress ministries resign. The Muslim league condemns the Viceroy's action but
Having shrewdly assessed the public mood, the Congress made the release of the INA prisoners a central point of their election campaigns. Although the court-martial sentenced the Red Fort three to deprotation for life, the commander-in-chief, Claude Auchinleck, was forced under tremendous pressure
In India itself the atmosphere was tense. There was mass protests against the arrests of leaders of the small Indian National Army recruited by Japan in 1942, which had been udner the command of Subhas Chandra Bose in 1943 and had earned itself a reputation through military actions in north-eastern
I have removed the "Controversial Tag". Obviously the few sentences about India's struggle for Independence do not do justice to all the important leaders of the movement, but there is also the need to keep things concise. Rueben, whether or not you succeed in your attempt to have a consensus for a
and the associates (and there were several, less publicized events/organizations/personalities). However, these were definitely far less significant than INC. So, I do not propose to mention any particular name or organizations. But that there was a separate (and probably the only separate) kind of
was banned in India for many years. Again the Indian freedom struggle has a total of two sentences in the compressed history section and only Gandhi is mentioned by name, Nehru isn't, Tilak isn't, Gokhale isn't, Lajpat Rai isn't, Dadabhoy Nairoji isn't, Patel isn't, Jinnah isn't, Suhrawardy isn't,
No one is saying that the Indian freedom struggle was monolithic, but simply that in a compressed section only certain things can be mentioned and choices have to be made. Bose's contribution is simply not notable enough to merit mention. As I mention above, the 2007 Encyclopaedia Britannica, for
Rueben, Rueben, my man, it does seem you are accusing me, and so many others, of expressing support for Fowler. But I think I'll assume good faith, and assume you are not accusing me, and in the same spirit assume you are assuming good faith too. For the record, I received no notification for RfC.
I am glad to see Bose getting due credit. He has been downplayed, for reasons that had to do with a World War II rationale, and a hatred of certain things that he did or advocated. But he was an extraordinarily great and selfless leader, and his patriotism and his brilliance were second to none. I
ISBN-10: 0312263821. The latter particularly, while quite unsympathetic to the INA or its founder, goes into great detail of the pollitical and ground situations and the unrests during the Quit India, the Red Fort Trial and comments at length on the Bombay mutiny and the deteriorating situation in
lends undue weight to the naval mutiny, INA trials and Bose. if the freedom movement has another sentence or two to play around with, we have lots of options to weigh and then pick from (mention legal and political reforms prior to indep., social reforms preceding and accompanying the independence
4908:] This is a version that Fowler found, which I am sure with (quite) a bit of editing can be turned into an acceptable version. If you give a couple of days, I will try to edit this into an acceptable, readable and NPOV version that can at least try to reach a consensus and not make PoV statements. 2688:
The existence of the INA evoked great pride in India, even among those who repudiated its fascist ties. A British move in late 1945, after the war, to try for disloyalty three of INA officers- a Hindu, a Muslim and a Sikh- provoked widespread demonstrations and secured the reputation of the INA as
Auchinleck did not say, and probably did not believe, that the Raj had ceased to be the object of the Indian officer's loyalty simply because Bose and his renegades had come along. Colonel Wren had not supposed so either. Both believed that the shifting of alleigance was bound to happen, and would
Auchinleck did not say, and probably did not believe, that the Raj had ceased to be the object of the Indian officer's loyalty simply because Bose and his renegades had come along. Colonel Wren had not supposed so either. Both believed that the shifting of alleigance was bound to happen, and would
Even Bose's own grand-nephew, Sugata Bose, has this to say about the INA trials in his book listed above: "Having shrewdly assessed the public mood, the Congress made the release of the INA prisoners the main issue in their election campaigns." The INA briefly became important because the Congress
The court's decision reverberated throughout the country and had a lasting effect. One month after the INA trials, soldiers in the Royal Indian Navy and the Air Force in Bombay and Karachi mutinied, a development that clearly signified the extent to which the INA trial had shifted loyalties in the
I don't know that I have much expertise on this, but it seems to me that in such a short history section as we have, the version previously existing is more or less appropriate. If the discussion of the independence movement is to be expanded, it seems to me that we should use the extra space to
that there's consensus that there's more that just the non-violence and congress to the movement that had a significant impact. In addition, that the attempt at statistization has misrepresented the views of the author I have shown above with regards to Kurke and Dortmunds book as well as another
The British for their part realised the need for some concessions. On 1 December, it was announced that only INA members accused of murder or brutal treatment of fellow-prisoners would henceforward be brought trial (instead of the sweeping charge of "waging war against the King" used in the first
Notice how personal the tone is. And these are just two examples of the many many pages devoted to Nehru. The interview was given in March 2001. I don't know what is, but it seems like a web site in India, and Wolpert (who was on a visit to India) was being interviewed by
Bose when he offered them "Freedom" if they were willing to risk their "Blood" to liberate India a year earlier. The British considered Bose and his "army of traitors" no better than their Japanese sponsors, but to most of Bengal's 50 million Indians, Bose was a great national hero and potential
exuberance they were embarrassed and did their best to disavow and discourage it. The mutineers complained that the leaders of the cause they were trying to help had betrayed them. The Congress leaders were now fearful lest anarchy supervene before they were able to grasp the reins of government.
3426:"revolutionaries/terrorists/extremists," "Bhagat Singh," "Subhas Bose," "Indian National Army/Azad Hind Fauj," "INA trials," all displayed in boldface) are given little coverage in these books. In contrast "Gandhi," "Jinnah," "Nehru," "Indian National Congress," "Muslim League," Tilak," "Patel," 2620:
When the British made the grave error of putting on public trial at the Red Fort three of officers of the INA- a Hindu, a Muslim and a Sikh- forwaging war against the King empeor, the ing put together the Congress put together a high powered legal team for their defence led by Bhulabhai Desai and
The INA trials attracted much attention in India and became a rallying point for the independence movement from Autumn 1945 so much so that the release of INA prisoners and suspension of the trials came to be the dominant pollitical campaign in precedence over the campaign for Freedom. ...If any
The British for their part realised the need for some concessions. On 1 December, it was announced that only INA members accused of murder or brutal treatment of fellow-prisoners would henceforward be brought trial (instead of the sweeping charge of "waging war against the King" used in the first
I have tried to edit the history section to say that the political movement started in the last decades of the 19th century, that Congress came to be the strongest one of many pollitical organisations, there was non-violent and violent philosophies with considerable following of both, that Gandhi
As for your persistent references to the "unflattering" paragraphs on Bose. I am sure that is how it is written by the author you mention. I am not quoting anything here from Fay, James, Majumder,Lebra,Hauner, Fujiwara, Kurowski, and possibly a number of other historians of authority who will not
First of all, Encyclopaedia Britannica does not have an article on the Indian National Army. It has a short biography of Bose and there is the one paragraph in the India page (in the 19 page history section). The quotes you have compiled above are from the Britannica Student Encyclopaedia which
Wether I can write a coherent RfC as according to Fowler&Fowler is a different issue altogether, wether Fowler is willing to respect his fellow editors and talk in a more dignified tone about people who do not agree with him is what's more irritating me. Also, he is repeatedly accusing me of
You got to be joking. Direct Action day was called by Jinnah who seems conspicuous by his absence in both Reuben lys's version and yours. As for the sentence, "Parallel movements led by radicals such as Subhash Chandra Bose and other revolutionaries also gathered steam," why don't you write to
specialised and economico-historical topics like "Hindu Nationalism and the Language of Politics in Late Colonial India", "Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class, Resistance and the State in India, 1850-1950", "The Indian Princes and their States" etc have all of a sudden become "focussed"
Millions of people engaged in civil disobedience with a commitment to Gandhi's philosophy of Ahimsa. (This in particular seems to be a PoV statement, since more radical movements with considerable public support already existed before Gandhi arrived in India, Gandhi's philosophy was one of many
histories. I am using sources that are based either on orginal, or secondary research and are just as notable as the authors or references that you're providing, so I am certain that theres a midline that we should be able to reach where we both can collaborate. The two lines you mention can be
We're back to the same issue again other encyclopaedias are not recording these (I haven't read this source I cannot verify these claims). I have given you references from three different sources that opposes the view given by your references. The very basis of this argument is that the article
you are welcome to rely on evaluations rather than coverage, but then you have to compare these evaluations with those of all the other notable people/events of the time (for eg. Nehru, Muslim league & Jinnah, the social reform movement, Lal-Bal-Pal, Ambedkar, the famines, the partition of
Gandhi (104 pages), Jinnah (19 pages), Nehru (68 pages), Mountbatten (8 pages), Indian National Congress (301 pages), Muslim League (90 pages), Hindu Mahasabha (68 pages), V. D. Savarkar (13 pages), Maulana Azad (10 pages), Liaqat Ali Khan (3 pages), Patel (1 page), Subhas Bose (0 pages), INA
The turning-point, which "caused at least a temporary detente" (Wavell to George VI,31 December, Mansergh Vol.VI pp713) came with popular explosion in Calcutta on the INA issue 21-23 November 1945, which set a pattern of periodic upheavals in that city which went on for about a decade and are
Tension steadily mounted to find a focus in the trial of the leaders of Bose's 'National Army' and the brief naval mutiny in February 1946. In the former case the Congress leaders exploited the situation but in the latter, which seems to have been a spontaneous outbreak of youthful extremist
Gandhi (104 pages), Jinnah (19 pages), Nehru (68 pages), Mountbatten (8 pages), Indian National Congress (301 pages), Muslim League (90 pages), Hindu Mahasabha (68 pages), V. D. Savarkar (13 pages), Maulana Azad (10 pages), Liaqat Ali Khan (3 pages), Patel (1 page), Subhas Bose (0 pages), INA
The turning-point, which "caused at least a temporary detente" (Wavell to George VI,31 December, Mansergh Vol.VI pp713) came with popular explosion in Calcutta on the INA issue 21-23 November 1945, which set a pattern of periodic upheavals in that city which went on for about a decade and are
At least two other editors have expressed the view that the my edits do hold ground and that the section could be improved and also that the edits should be discussed instead of edit-warring. One other editor has expressed the view that Fowler's views are justified based on entries from other
artice, which has a considerably detailed history section and includes quite details the History of modern Australia, especially of notable events from early 1900s through to 1950s I can't see why Fowler refuses to accept that this can be done for this article as well. And also, why is Fowler
In November 1945, a British move to put the INA men on trial immediately sparked off massive demonstrations all over the country. Even more significant was the probable link between the INA experience and the wave of disaffection in the British Indian army during the winter of 1945-46, which
In November 1945, a British move to put the INA men on trial immediately sparked off massive demonstrations all over the country. Even more significant was the probable link between the INA experience and the wave of disaffection in the British Indian army during the winter of 1945-46, which
Besides, Bose was not my original point at all, my original point (and I am tired of saying this) were the three movements in the last five years of which surprisingly only one linked to the Congress is "finding" support while the other two are being "found" to be non-notable even if this is
contemporaneous topics (in this case, people or events in India during the first half of the 20th century). If such a book, for example, spends many pages on Gandhi, even though he is not the principal subject, it does so because Gandhi, as a notable contemporaneous figure, infiltrates the
contemporaneous topics or events (first half of the 20th century) can be used to confer notability. Here is a list of some recent monographs, all of which are searchable on Simply type "Gandhi," "Nehru," "Jinnah," "Patel," "Quit India," "Bose", "Azad," "Indian National Army"
which seems a bit hippocritical to me. I am sure the Encyclopaedia Britannica does not say much more about Bose, but as I said, I am nit here to argue about Bose or his role. I am saying there's a lot lot lot more to Indian independence movement than your version makes out there to be. The
3071:(INC) and Gandhi, and all action to that taking place in the first half of the twentieth century. He would like the history section to state that the independence struggle began in late 19th century and to include the contributions of other people and movements, in particular that of the was clear to Atlee that everything depended on the spirit and reliabillity of the Indian Army:"Provided that they do their duty, armed insurrection in India would not be an insolube problem. If, however, the Indian Army was to go the other way, the picture would be very different... 5548:
The book itself is an account of the War in south-east asia, from Malaya through Singapore and Burma to Imphal and back to Singapore, and considers Burmese,Malayasian as well as Indian nationalism. But I will draw attention to the fact that the author categorically states that there is a
6495:(without counting pages or number of lines or sitting down with a calculator) that the allied movements had considerable impacts, as well as that the INA trials are considerable importance if not expressing the opinion that it was one of the decisive events in shift of British policy. 6264:
anything outside the Non-violent movement (Quit India being a major point, INA trials being another) that profoundly had an effect on the Independence movement and the Raj? and if they are, are they notable enough to be mentioned in this. I can see Fowler has a point with regards to
Gandhi (214 pages), Jinnah (423 pages), Nehru (249 pages), Wavell (131 pages), Mountbatten (71 pages), "Quit India Movement" (35 pages), Maulana Azad (64 pages), Liaqat Ali Khan (29 pages), Patel (47 pages), Suhrawardy (48 pages), Subhas Bose (9 pages), INA (including INA trials, 7
and see what topics they give the most space/weightage to and reflect that here. F&f has already initiated such a survey from which it seems that INA, Bose, etc will not be at the top of the list of topic to be included; others of course, are welcome to propose other reputable
4843:'s interest are not notable enough for inclusion in any compressed (Knowledge-like) history of India. Even if we had a few more sentences (say, four or six, instead of the current two), I don't see how his topics would merit inclusion over the others that are deemed more notable. 4828:
Gandhi (214 pages), Jinnah (423 pages), Nehru (249 pages), Wavell (131 pages), Mountbatten (71 pages), "Quit India Movement" (35 pages), Maulana Azad (64 pages), Liaqat Ali Khan (29 pages), Patel (47 pages), Suhrawardy (48 pages), Subhas Bose (9 pages), INA (including INA trials, 7
I don't subscribe to the view that it should be defeatured to allow a liberal editing or that it should be allowed to be messed up before copyediting. It's not just because it's an FA, but also because it is one of the most widely read articles (I had seen some data a few months
There was also a split within Congress between those who believed that violence was a justifiable weapon in the fight against imperial oppression (whose most iconic figure was Subhas Chandra Bose, who went on to form the Indian National Army), and those who stressed non-violence.
There was also a split within Congress between those who believed that violence was a justifiable weapon in the fight against imperial oppression (whose most iconic figure was Subhas Chandra Bose, who went on to form the Indian National Army), and those who stressed non-violence.
Which part of "add your versions here" (in red) do you have trouble understanding? I never in the least meant my 'first cut' to be the end of it. Want to add Jinnah? add Jinnah. want to add Pervez Musharaff? add Musharaff. Just stop filling pages with your useless rants.
1215:'s interpretation of what is notable and deserves inclusion in the history section in the India article is skewing the facts to give the idea that the Indian independence movement started in the first half of the twentieth century, and consisted chiefly if not solely of the 1279:
based on non-violence proved decisive." Even if it is increased to four sentences, it would make room for Swadeshi movement, Tilak, Gokhale, Muslim League, Jinnah, and the Non-cooperation movement. Still don't see how Bose, INA, or the revolutionaries will make the cut.
Gandhi (29 pages), Jinnah (3 pages), Nehru (18 pages), Wavell (2 pages), Mountbatten (8 pages), "Quit India Movement" (6 pages), Maulana Azad (0 pages), Liaqat Ali Khan (4 pages), Patel (14 pages), Suhrawardy (0 pages), Subhas Bose (5 pages), INA (including INA trials, 0
However we should be very careful that we don't base our judgment on specialized studies of various persons and/or incidents during the independence struggle, or on popular histories that often reflect an (intentionally) idiosyncratic take on the topic (read for example,
Gandhi (29 pages), Jinnah (3 pages), Nehru (18 pages), Wavell (2 pages), Mountbatten (8 pages), "Quit India Movement" (6 pages), Maulana Azad (0 pages), Liaqat Ali Khan (4 pages), Patel (14 pages), Suhrawardy (0 pages), Subhas Bose (5 pages), INA (including INA trials, 0
2309:...Opposition to the trial of the officers for treason became a major public and pollitical campaign, and the very opening of the first trial saw violence and series of riots in a scale later described as sensational. It also saw a campaign that defied communal barriers. 7252:
guideline had been given a short shrift, but in light of Fowler's current efforts, I too will assume good faith was operating for the purpose of inviting comments here. Lastly, regarding your comments on the content, fair enough, if that's your opinion, then that's your
is irritating and a general hindrance towards a collaboration. I am giving you evidence here, and miraculously your arguments have changed from your so called scholar (who can't count and half vomits history) to pretending that my arguments are not worth addressing with
And you're further missing the point that I am not trying (nor anyone else) to rewrite the History to say it was the INA and not the Congress that won India independence, that's a totally different issue altogether. What I am saying is that the independence movement was
After returning to India the veterans of the INA posed a difficult problem for the British government. The British feared that a public trial for treason on the part of the INA members might embolden anti-British sentiment and erupt into widespread protest and violence.
Even if there is consensus to expand the text on the Indian independence movement on this page from two sentences to (say) four or five, I can't see how the militants, revolutionaries, and the INA are going to make the cut. The reliable sources give them short shrift.
many failed to recall that while the INA failed on the battlefield, the rebellious army proved a formidable force in the equally important struggle between the British colonial government and the pro-independence Indian leaders for the hearts and minds of the Indian
in an interview that matter. The fact remains that in his 2006 book, about the period 1942 to 1948, (which included Bose's years of glory that saw him became a mythic hero in Bengal,) Wolpert pretty much ignores Bose. That, for a politician, is a fate worse than
5403:("Leader") Subhas Chandra Bose's Indian National Army (INA) that had advanced to its outskirts before the monsoon began. Bose's INA consisted of about 20,000 of the British Indian soldiers captured by the Japanese in Singapore, who had volunteered to serve under 2949:
Subhas Chandra Bose escapes from detention in Calcutta and broadasts from Berlin, calling for Indians to revolt. Indian National Congress rejects a proposal from the British, delivered by the Lord Privy Seal, Stafford Cripps, or Dominion status at the end of the
By the end of 1945, he and the Commander-in-chief, General Auckinleck were advising that there was a real threat in 1946 of large scale anti-British Disorder amounting to even a well-organised rising aiming to expel the British by paralysing the administration
5241:, but did not recognise it as a journal article or that it is from Springerlink (which would make me think it is not just a random website or rant, but a respectable portal). Fowler has claimed in the past that he has access to knowledge databases, but I am 7129:
Current version gives false impression that only non-violence movement was there in freedom struggle, which is not true. What type had major effect is secondary, but non-non-violent protest certainly deserves mention, at least as second sentence. Thanks.
7076:. You are yet to demonstrate that one of the authors has indicated that "this was equivalent in impact to the Muslim League", or "greater in impact than the Congress ministries following the GOI act of 1935" etc. Obviously, you won't. Because it wasn't. 5616: 4955:
Now, since we're also discussing expanding the article anyway, it might be useful if people here took turns editing my sandbox to present what they think it should look like. Once(and if) someone does that, please add your version to the list above.
the armed forces in the wake of the trials and how these were being appraised to and percieved by London and why this meant that in the case of another possible mass agitation by the Congress the army could not be relied upon. My other minor source is
This has been discussed on this page many times before. Bose has of late been championed even by the Hindu right, in part because he is a convenient counterfoil to Gandhi. In fact, Bose was never thought of contemporaneously as being anywhere on the
notable stuff, that were intricately linked to the Raj's decision to leave (of which INA is just one of at least three), and these were of a scale large enough and popular enough and potent enough to find mention in an encyclopaedia article on India.
histories of India used in university courses (undergraduate and graduate) around the world. The numbers in parentheses immediately after an individual/topic name indicate the total number of pages in the book that refer to that individual/topic:
3094:(I am of course aware of the irony of crafting thousands of words in the defense of two sentences, but I feel that the principle is important; I also foresee similar disputes arising again if we don't clarify some issues.) I have some sympathy for 5862: 4625:
monographs devoted only to Bose or the INA, but producing a citation from such a monograph (as I have already stated above) doesn't make the subject of the monograph notable for a compressed Knowledge history. However, and in contrast, if the
The fact remains that in his 2006 book, about the period 1942 to 1948, (which included Bose's years of glory that saw him became a mythic hero in Bengal,) Wolpert pretty much ignores Bose. That, for a politician, is a fate worse than death.
5087:(pages 426-431) give brief accounts of the INA, nothing to indicate that it particularly merits a mention in a 2 (or 4) sentence summary - Bose and the INA would have to jostle for space with many other significant events of the ~100 years. 6535:
I think I can show that the historians hold these of considerable importance, inclusing Stan Wolpert (the question that Fowler wouldn't answer). So far opposing we have been given the text of a few encyclopaedia articles which leads to the
about Wavell). In contrast, Gandhi, Jinnah, Nehru, Patel, Mountbatten, Suhrawardy, Ambedkar, Azad, Rajagopalachari... have pages devoted to them, and the tone is not so impersonal and off-hand as it is above. Here is Wolpert on Nehru for
The civil disobedience movement begins with a Gandhi-led march Ahmedabad to the coast to draw attention to the iniquity in 5h3 Governments excise on salt. Both Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi are arrested in the course of a massive Government
that understandably emphasize their influence or role in India's gaining independence - such information may be worthy of inclusion in the person's biographical article - but will not merit a discussion here, since the issue is not simple
Britannica get them to accept that one sentence in their 19 pages on the Indian freedom struggle. This is not a copy-editing problem. It is a problem of content, being pushed by someone (Rueben lys) who can't even write a coherent RfC.
what is says, we will see that a lot of aspects of the non-violent nature) preceding and co-existing with the Congress led movement would be found. Particularly, I believe, the there's an issue about how the Raj ended. What does the book
3409: 593:
is not really a very up-to-the-mark article. So it need not be compared here. Of course that article needs improvement. That's different issue. Can you, Rueben, propose a compressed way to mention what you are trying to (INA), with good
285:... why then Bose? If Britannica's signed history section devotes one unflattering paragraph to Bose out of a total of 19 long pages on the Indian freedom struggle, why should we give seven sentences to Bose out a total outlay of two? 6092:
The British became extremely nervous about the INA spirit spreading to the Indian army, and in Janurary the Punjab Governor reported that a Loahore reception for released INA prisoners had been attended by Indian soldiers in uniform
The British became extremely nervous about the INA spirit spreading to the Indian army, and in Janurary the Punjab Governor reported that a Loahore reception for released INA prisoners had been attended by Indian soldiers in uniform
1856: 6406:
The pros and cons of office acceptance. Includes the policies of the Congress as well as the princes in 1936 and also describes the effect of Bose standing for re-election as Congress President at Tripuri. (I am going by what it
Return to the constitutional arena. two pages. Includes the rise of extremeist views within the Congress, and describes Bose and Nehru as the leaders in this new trend. Gives equal coverage (give or take a sentence) to Nehru and
While militarily insignificant, it made most impact after the war, and Indian and American scholars generally accept the view that its role in Indian independence was vital, particularly the political impact of the Delhi trials.
The pros and cons of office acceptance. Includes the policies of the Congress as well as the princes in 1936 and also describes the effect of Bose standing for re-election as Congress President at Tripuri. (I am going by what it
Return to the constitutional arena. two pages. Includes the rise of extremeist views within the Congress, and describes Bose and Nehru as the leaders in this new trend. Gives equal coverage (give or take a sentence) to Nehru and
Encyclopaedia. The main EB does not have an article on the INA. Not only is this Student Encyclopaedia article a short (2 page) one written by the Britannica editorial staff, but it is also a "specialty" article, in which you
513:, so you can check this. If you tell me you still think that this is not to be included in the article then I will be forced to assume that you're making a Bad Faith edit and will seek a Request for mediation because it will be 2900:
After a pact agreed to in March by Gandhi and Lord Irwin, the British government releases all prisoners, relaxes repressive measures, and allows the manufacture of salth in coastal villages in return for suspension of civil
I would like these concerns to be addressed since my efforts to make the history section more comprehensive is being frustrated here. I have no intention of edit warring and would like to see a collaboration to improve on the
concise, hence I believe reproduction from these would (and has) further compress this section to give an essentially misrepresentaed point of view. I also believe (without prejudice) Fowler has at least some PoV issue with
Bose does not deserve mention any more than many other leaders and events, and it would not be possible to mention all of them here as the importance of keeping things concise is, well, important. Rueben lys please relent.
assumed as you would like us to have by quoting the number of pages) arguments are and who it is made by. Incidentally, you still haven't told me what Stan Wolpert says about the period between September 1945 and November
Spear's (1978) largely political history (not particularly sympathetic of Bose - for eg., "authoritarian leanings") has this to say on the INA and the mutinies in its ~90 pages, 7 chapters on the independence movement -
encyclopaedia also puts Bose's speeches in inverted commas, which essentially tries to prove these were actually propagandist statements. The encyclopaedia also does not have anything to say (as far as I can see) on the
to have anyother facts to be included or even mentioned. I do not have any reason to think this user is at all interested in improving any article and is just out to prove his PoV point and confront and talk down other
First of all, apologies for getting your name wrong (this one was first). Secondly, I was not accusing you or anyone else for that matter of expressing support for Fowler. I was expressing my disappointment that the
In either case, can we please discuss the specifics here and arrive at a consensus for the language and references that are needed for any additional content, instead of edit-warring on an Featured article ? Thanks.
p15 Congress's ambivalent strategy, Gandhi's noncooperation movement, Motilal Nehru, Swaraj Party (within Congress), Gandhi the social reformer, Dandi March, Subhash Bose (small paragraph), Jawaharlal Nehru (long
p15 Congress's ambivalent strategy, Gandhi's noncooperation movement, Motilal Nehru, Swaraj Party (within Congress), Gandhi the social reformer, Dandi March, Subhash Bose (small paragraph), Jawaharlal Nehru (long
expect to find references to the article's subject. These kinds of citations, however, confer neither the "notability" nor the "absence of undue weight" needed for inclusion in a "general" overview article like
Gandhi's civil disobedience movement was influential, but it is disingenuous of Kurlansky to ignore the role played by Subhash Chandra Bose's Indian National Army in persuading the British to relinquish the Raj
of any increase in prose should go to things that are already wanting to be covered than one of the sections here. That said, I'm not averse to adding a little more prose to the history section and copyediting
my concerns to Fowler, but I have not seen any efforts to collaborate, and have had not reasons or seen efforts to believe that a constructive process is possible. Also his comments on unoing my revision was
exactly a sinister attempt to mislead people into believing a completely wrong version of history. Let's not make the India page ugly, and keep the discussion to this Talk Page before things are final. Thanks.
In order to determine the overall notability of an event, other encyc articles are a useful criterion. I have to agree that Bose/INA are not notable enough to be mentioned in a summary of the freedom movement.
in a few paragraphs on the independence movement. If the section is expanded, it should expand to cover moves towards self-government, 1935 Act, the Quit India Movement and the pressures leading to partition.
5719:, that is: describe the opposing viewpoints according to reputability of the sources, and give precedence to those sources that have been the most successful in presenting facts in an equally balanced manner. 3224: 5439:"Nehru finally had awakened. The historian he so long had been gained dominance, at least temporarily, over the power politician he had of late become, seduced by the charming allures o f high office...." 2342:
The towering figure in this latter group was Mahatma Gandhi, who introduced a seismic new idiom of opposition in the shape of non-violent non-cooperation or 'satyagraha' (meaning 'truth' or 'soul' force').
This issue is increasingly seeming like a storm in a tea cup to me. I took a close look at it and let me try to put it in perspective. Below are results of the exercise I carried out in my sandbox.
When I had not read the discussion on this page my opinion was confined to removing the "Contoversial Tag" from this article. Now, after reading the discussion (most of it ;), I am of the opinion that
Surely those are not the only criterion??? Also the fact that I have provided references to notable historians which is being ignored for other references. As for wether Bose is notable or not, you've
of Bose's movement by pointing to the fact that some 2.5 million Indian nationals had served in the British armed forces during World War II, while the INA never mustered more than 45,000 supporters.
Easy, Fowler. I don't think I have ever seen a case made as thoroughly as yours. I think we can declare this closed, surely? Reuben, it appears the weight of (page) numbers is against you this time.
That is not the description of a signal role in the freedom struggle. This is not just the view of Indian historians, it is the mainstream view. The Britannica article, for example, is written by
5943: 5889:: I of course can't force you to use the collapsible box format for your notes below, but I should warn you that such long rambling notes are not read by anyone (I certainly haven't read them, and 5390:, Oxford University Press, 2006. The book covers the period 1942 to 1948. Of the 238 pages in the book, just one paragraph each is devoted to Bose and the INA trials. Here is Wolpert on Bose: 5291:: I of course can't force you to use the collapsible box format for your notes below, but I should warn you that such long rambling notes are not read by anyone (I certainly haven't read them, and 3386:
The World Wars and the Emergence of Gandhi: (paragraphs) 8. Indians in WW I 9. Return of Gandhi from SA, pact with Jinnah, 10. Montagu-Chemlford Reforms, 11. Resistance to Rowlatt Acts, birth of
2448:...Its political impact in India-after defeat-oddly proved to be of greater and more lasting importance, for the trials of several INA officers became a rallying point of the nationalist movement 2870:
A resolution for complete independence is passed in the Calcutta session of the Congress in December and civil disobedience is mooted if India is not given "Dominion status" within twleve months.
or not. I dont see any of Fowler's sources saying anything. Of course, for the major part the stuff that find mention in the books that Fowler quotes . Nothing has been said on what the books
I have given the sources I used to come to the conclusion that other movements deserve to be mentioned, most notabillity, but not only nationalist sentiments and the political fallouts of the
A Government of India act passed in August provides for a federal government in India. It gives a large degree of Autonomy to the provinces, although veto power still resides with the Viceroy.
that I do not wish to champion Bose and only mention this since Fowler has twice quoted this author and the fact that the author's work indicates that Bose and the INA stuff are not notable:
available. Try the library for reputable books and journal articles, and look for the most reliable online resources. A little ground work can save a lot of time justifying a point later.
view. Here are eight (searchable) standard histories of India that are used in university courses worldwide. As the search results (in the collapsible box below) indicate, the topics that
Rise of Indian Nationalism: (paragraphs) 1. Aftermath of 1857, 2. Formation of Indian National Congress, Dadabhai Naoroji, 3. Reformers: Bal Gangadhar Tilak, 4. Curzon, partition of Bengal,
Rise of Indian Nationalism: (paragraphs) 1. Aftermath of 1857, 2. Formation of Indian National Congress, Dadabhai Naoroji, 3. Reformers: Bal Gangadhar Tilak, 4. Curzon, partition of Bengal,
5733:(of notable historians) which are concluding that the INA played a vital role in the independence movement, and is held prominently within India. Fowler has so far provided either provided 5041:
Those who felt strongest on supported S. C. Bose who fled the country and raised the Indian National Army from Indian prisoners in Japanese hands. He hoped to return as an Indian dictator.
2433: 6826:
Gandhi (43 pages), Jinnah (3 pages), Nehru (15 pages), "Quit India Movement" (16 pages), , Subhas Bose (3 pages), Indian National Congress (40 pages), INA (including INA trials, 0 pages)
Gandhi (43 pages), Jinnah (3 pages), Nehru (15 pages), "Quit India Movement" (16 pages), , Subhas Bose (3 pages), Indian National Congress (40 pages), INA (including INA trials, 0 pages)
1932: 1138:
You're insisting that the Britannica student Encyclopaedia reference is not admissible.So as other references,James L. Raj; Making and unmaking of British India. Abacus. 1997. p571, p598
2062: 7145: 6910:
As you say, I have already (in my statement) compiled a list of five general histories, which too can be searched for references to "Bose," or "Gandhi," or "Militants," and the like.
5629:, First of all, I am starting to doubt how "scholarly" your Stanley Wolpert is seeing as he has halved the troops strength of the INA and only found British Indian Soldiers in it (see 1527:
change in the description so that it includes Bose's contribution, I would request you to not put the Controversial Tag for purely aesthetic reasons and because the current version is
2993: 6329: 6308: 1897: 1876: 403:
Despite the brevity of its existence, the INA emerged, along with Mahatma Gandhi's peaceful resistance movement within India, as an integral part of India's struggle for liberation.
6426:(Incidentally I think this is the same book that Fowler mentions in his search. I am surprised the independence movement is condensed to one chapter, which is totally opposite the 5870:'s another article from Britannica which I believe makes Indian independence movement concise as well as puts due weight to everything. With regards to Fowler's above comment of 6194:
The greatest threat of all, however, was the naval mutiny in Bombay on 18-23 February 1946 - one of the most truly heroic, if largely forgotten, episodes in our freedom struggle.
That the Congress started the movement (It did not, political movement started long before the congress even existed. It only became a strong force after Gandhi arrived after the
page, without looking at what I have written or edited, and the version he reverted to just reinforces my view that he has an intensely biased PoV for non-violence and Gandhi and
3876: 2235:
The greatest threat of all, however, was the naval mutiny in Bombay on 18-23 February 1946 - one of the most truly heroic, if largely forgotten, episodes in our freedom struggle.
944: 3331:
p17 WWII, resignation of Congress ministries, Pakistan resolution, Vinoba Bhave and Gandhi's individual satyagraha, Bose (second and final unflattering paragraph, quoted above).
p17 WWII, resignation of Congress ministries, Pakistan resolution, Vinoba Bhave and Gandhi's individual satyagraha, Bose (second and final unflattering paragraph, quoted above).
In Tokyo, Subhash Chandra Bose forms a Provisional Government of Free India and assumes control of the Indian National Army which has been formed of disaffected POWs in Malaya.
5857: 1763: 1573:
The movement started in the first decades of the twentieth century (It didn't and is thus factually wrong, only the first non-cooperation movement started around that time).
nothing else is seen as "making the cut". The references I have provided are not given considered at all, which seems to me to pass into more of an article ownership issue.
No one is saying that the Indian freedom struggle was monolithic, but simply that in a compressed section only certain things can be mentioned and choices have to be made.
6582: 6046:
culminated in the great Bombay Naval strike on February 1946 and was quite possibly the sinlge most decisive reason behind the British decision to make a quick withdrawal
5937: 5315: 2095:
culminated in the great Bombay Naval strike on February 1946 and was quite possibly the sinlge most decisive reason behind the British decision to make a quick withdrawal
1549: 1339:
There is no mention of Bose, INA, Bhagat Singh, or any other militant. The only reference to extremism is indirectly to the Ghadar party in the one sentence quoted above
Denounced as traitors by the overwhelming majority of the Indian population during the war, the members of the INA were seen in a different light as the trial unfolded...
4854: 2974:
A British Cabinet mission arrives in India to negotiate the transfer of power but disagreements over safegaurds for Muslims and the future of Pakistan leads to stalemate.
even before Gandhi arrived and the Congress began its Non coop movement. It was there before that. Also, Ahimsa was not the only method, certainly a widely used one, but
The decisive shift in British policy really came about under mass pressure in Autumn and Winter of 1945-46 - the same month Pererel Moon while editing Wavell's journal (
5097: 3282:
p1. Rise of Indian nationalism in 1880s. Two turbulent national mainstreams: INC (1885) and Muslim League 1906. Surendranath Bannerjee, Allen Octavian Hume, Annie Besant
The decisive shift in British policy really came about under mass pressure in Autumn and Winter of 1945-46 - the same month Pererel Moon while editing Wavell's journal (
p1. Rise of Indian nationalism in 1880s. Two turbulent national mainstreams: INC (1885) and Muslim League 1906. Surendranath Bannerjee, Allen Octavian Hume, Annie Besant
7010: 6332:'s book in the Journal of South Asian studies, which says there will be inevitable discomfort at the ommission of details and then says it is an excellent book on the 1900:'s book in the Journal of South Asian studies, which says there will be inevitable discomfort at the ommission of details and then says it is an excellent book on the 2956:
In August, the entire Congres leadership is arrested after calling on the British to "quit India". The Quit India Movement begins with widescale rioting and sabotage.
7090: 4863: 2644:...The 'decisive shift' in the British policy of decolonisation, Sumit Sarkar has correctly noted, 'came under mass pressure in the autumn and winter of 1945-46'... 5005: 7215:
I do not wish to accuse anyone, but there does seem to be a number of editors here expressing support for Fowler who seem have been notified of the RfC by Fowler
Asaf Ali in a private conversation in october was reported to have explained that his party "would lose much ground in the country" unless it took up their cause
Asaf Ali in a private conversation in october was reported to have explained that his party "would lose much ground in the country" unless it took up their cause
histories of India that are used as text-books all over the world. Obviously a 500 page "concise" history written by an internationally known academic historian(
5504: 1891: 1584:
strong views, as well as that Congress itself became divided in the late 1920s on wether to keep following Gandhi's strategy or to take more radical means. Also
7241: 7173: 6849:
Gandhi (35 pages), Nehru (13 pages), Bhagat Singh (3 pages), Indian National Congress (136 pages), Subhas Bose (0 pages), INA (including INA trials, 0 pages).
Gandhi (35 pages), Nehru (13 pages), Bhagat Singh (3 pages), Indian National Congress (136 pages), Subhas Bose (0 pages), INA (including INA trials, 0 pages).
Bar chart (based on eight university text-books listed in collapsible box) showing the proportional references to various people and topics in these text-books.
6938: 848:
a monolithic movement, the Indian National Congress was really the only turbulent mainstream of the movement from its start in 1885 until 1936 and then it was
6319:. Incidentally it also says as a Text Book it does not compare well with more recent and far more historigraphical work like those of Metcalfe and Metcalfe. 5687:(secondary source, in this context) is disagreeing with most of what your scholars have so far said in the encyclopaedias (teriary source in this context). 5225:
wether that is a POV statement or not is for other readers and editors to decide. But my earlier attempts at discussion with Fowler led him directing me to
page (like many country pages) is the focus of potential edits that are deemed idiosyncratic by a consensus of scholarly opinion. It is my view that what
1887:. Incidentally it also says as a Text Book it does not compare well with more recent and far more historigraphical work like those of Metcalfe and Metcalfe. 1654:
Reuben Iys, you can't impose you idiosyncratic version of history and include sizeable text and more sizeable footnotes without discussion on the talk page
548: 6636:
suggests) or something else altogether. The specific answer to this is not obvious, but the method for determining the answer is quite clearly determined
by him in the Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 38, No. 1. which addresses some of the earlier comments you made regadring Bose's own newphew etc etc.
Pie chart based on eight university text-books (listed in collapsible box) showing the proportional reference to various people and topics in these books.
by him in the Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 38, No. 1. which addresses some of the earlier comments you made regadring Bose's own newphew etc etc.
5805:, and (in my opinion, agreed to by Lawrence James' account of the rise and fall of British Raj- which the idnependence movement is all about anyway) the 4630:
histories bestow only cursory attention to some topics ("revolutionaries," Bose, "terrorists," INA, INA trials, ...) then it does become a sign of their
That the Congress started the movement (It did not, the pollitical movement for independence had already started long before the Congress, the party was
1536: 3148:'s formulation, however, the mainstreams seem to be "Non-violent" (represented by Gandhi) and "Violent" (represented by assorted revolutionary groups). 5703:
Disagreements over whether something is approached neutrally can usually be avoided through the practice of good and unbiased research, based upon the
1356: 1014: 147: 5359:
Please do not take this to mean I am a Bose fanatic etc etc, I just thought I'd mention this since Fowler mentions this author in earlier discussions.
Marginalised within the Congress and a target for British surveillance, Bose chose to embrace Fascist powersas allies against Britain and fled India.
movement, more leaders, notable incidents that fuelled popular opposition, the economic and demographic changes of the 20th century. see the lead in
be allowed. The (India) page's history section is currently highly compressed, with exactly two sentences devoted to the Indian freedom struggle.
4948: 7257: 7222: 7200: 6246: 6606: 6540:
that there's nothing else that's anymore important, or been given a list of books and the calculation of how many times the names are mentioned,
The movement started in the first decades of the twentieth century (Dates wrong by about 50 years, only includes the Congress inspired movement).
5496: 5490: 5476: 5307: 3383:
movement, 5. Split in the congress between extremists (Tilak) and moderates (Gokhale), 6. Muslim League, 7. Reunification of Bengal, World War I
1693: 1680: 1416: 1326:
movement, 5. Split in the congress between extremists (Tilak) and moderates (Gokhale), 6. Muslim League, 7. Reunification of Bengal, World War I
1291: 886: 649: 603: 574: 525: 296: 174: 6921: 6028: 5280: 5250: 4995: 4985: 4570: 4558: 4422: 4410: 4274: 4262: 4130: 4118: 3080: 2077: 1376:
and public agitations at the INA trials was of stupendous importance and is definitely notable. I suspect that the encyclopaedias are based on
724: 659: 7044: 638:
the Cripps mission). There is no evidence in the reliable sources that militant organizations (INA included) made any tangible difference.
3151: 1180:, which should make it clear that the Indian independence movement was not a gift from Gandhi and Congress to Indian people. Stuff happened, 7121: 7001:
I'd request all interested parties to let go of personal differences and arrive at a consensus towards improving this important article. --
In the general context of this RfC now. With regards to the weight issue, I am reading up on the wikipedia policy, and this is what I read:
4965: 2704:
His romantic saga, coupled with his defiant nationalism,has made Bose a near-mythic figre not only in his native Bengal, but accross India.
Expand to see Ronald Hyam's analysis of decisive factors that guided British policies with regards to India in 1944-46, as described in his
1088:(who led the turnaround of the Congress into demanding Purna Swaraj in late 1920s, Bose favouring even more millitant approach later). I am 6178:
of the Royal Indian Navy that you say you cant find (a bit surprised I am, because you seem quite well read and with access to info if you
When reputable sources contradict one another, the core of the NPOV policy is to let competing approaches exist on the same page: work for
of the Royal Indian Navy that you say you cant find (a bit surprised I am, because you seem quite well read and with access to info if you
5061: 2518:
India.These protests led to the British governments growing willingness to grant India independence its Independence as soon as possible.
As F&F has mentioned, independence movement was not monolithic. That is precisely why a mention of the other stream should be there.--
7080: 7063: 7054: 6720:
Expand to view six research monographs about with focus on pre-1947 India. List includes titles, searchable links, and search results:
6341: 6323: 1909: 1509: 1189: 679: 126: 5991:
is that these were not at all notable stuff and did not have any bearing whatsoever on relinquishing the Raj" without having provided a
Rueben lys, I think trying to resuscitate Bose in this fashion is a waste of time, yours and mine. At some point, I'll stop replying.
used it (as I said above) somewhat cynically to do PR work for itself; how does that make INA's contribution intrinsically worthwhile?
7134: 6576: 6548:
only the Congress and Gandhi movement was notable and had an impact. I have said what and where these arguments have been made. I have
of other notable authors that says something totally opposite about the consensus that Fowler mentions among "academics and Scholars".
which has links to both the version on its homepage and am sure is endorsed by the encyclopaedia. My principle and primary sources are
7005: 5399:
The good news Wavell reported was that the RAF had just recently flown enough of its planes into Manipur's capital of Imphal to smash
1641: 547:
does not have signed articles by historians, but are written by the editorial staff. Please see Knowledge policy on tertiary sources
7157: 6628:
The second question is if we should use the extra space to mention INA, Red Fort Trials, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singth etc (as
6486: 5363: 5091: 2660:
Expand to see how Barbara Metcalf and Thomas Metcalf analyses the effect of Bose and the Indian National Army in their book .(p 134)
talk about Jinnah and the Muslim League, and to better explain the background of partition, rather than to talk about Bose, et al.
6611: 4652:
Expand to view six research monographs with focus on pre-1947 India. List includes titles, searchable links, and search results:
founded in 1906, and leading ultimately to the partition of British India and to the independence for both India and Pakistan. In
Second world war, the Cripp's mission and 'Quit India' Three and a half page in total, again with the mentions of Bose at the end.
Second world war, the Cripp's mission and 'Quit India' Three and a half page in total, again with the mentions of Bose at the end.
6251: 5683:
is again open for PoV debate, while I have provided notable historians on India (Fay, Lebra, Majumder, Cohen, Edwards... ) whose
Expand to View a summary of sources, including web articles, Encyclopaedia Britannica articles, and Books by notable historians.
currently is giving a one sided view that is turning into a controversial claim of a monilithic view. You're source confirms the
5828: 5780: 5742: 5734: 5730: 5684: 5567: 3334:
p18 Cripps Mission, Quit India Resolution, Gandhi's imprisonment and release, Gandhi-Jinnah meetings, Wavell's Simla conference.
Lata Mani. Contentious Traditions: the debate on Sati in colonial India, 1780-1833 (Berkeley: University California Press, 1998)
p18 Cripps Mission, Quit India Resolution, Gandhi's imprisonment and release, Gandhi-Jinnah meetings, Wavell's Simla conference.
4301: 3720: 3005: 2865:
General strikes and protests all over India. Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhash Chandra Bose emerge as Important Congress Leaders.
4309: 4161: 929: 914: 749:
Here are the bare outlines of the 19 pages in Britannica devoted to the Indian Independence struggle (beginning in the 1880s):
6832: 6353: 5451:
them. Perhaps he was being polite, perhaps he was in an expansive mood, ... but ultimately for a historian, it's the words
5264: 4902: 4897: 4892: 4764: 2296: 1921: 1372:
point, so you accept that is notable. I have given references from other sources that say that the INA and its products, the
5513: 1713: 6881:
The Partition Omnibus: Prelude to Partition/the Origins of the Partition of India 1936-1947/Divide and Quit/Stern Reckoning
6879: 6698: 5572: 5226: 4813:
The Partition Omnibus: Prelude to Partition/the Origins of the Partition of India 1936-1947/Divide and Quit/Stern Reckoning
4811: 133: 105: 6256:
I can see that the issue of notabillity has become an issue of coverage. My point was notabillity on the basis of what is
do not wish to Champion Bose, but since Fowler's been quoting an article by Stanley Wolpert, just thought I would mention
Note: All the versions above are sans references and wiki formatting which I stripped away for purposes of this exercise.
an agreement on the representation of the depresed classes in te federal legislature, at which point Gandhi ends his fast.
1698: 1686: 6783: 4715: 1248: 521:, preventing other editors from making a positive contribution of facts in favour (possibly) of your views and opinions. 1828: 1333:
9. Return of Gandhi from SA, pact with Jinnah, 10. Montagu-Chemlford Reforms, 11. Resistance to Rowlatt Acts, birth of
After my attempts to improve/build upon the 'normalised' version.. hopefully towards a 'consensus' version - 1924 bytes
is trying to add to the history section of the article constitutes such an idiosyncratic edit, and, consequently, must
1845: 5057:
doesn't look to be enough to trump all other candidates for inclusion and carry the weight it does in this revision.
2365: 2059:
Hyam's analysis of the critical events governing Atlee in 1945-46 are given below in the section on rueben's sources.
1803: 6594: 6273:. What have the author said??? I have said what my references say, which allows the judgement of wether it satisfies 5187: 5164: 5157: 3885: 1672:
encyclopaedias, which I feel needs to be addressed since other sources which I have referenced hold a different view
953: 5908:
a. You're not the topic of the dispute, the content of the article's paragraph is. But yes, you're attitude towards
Expand to see reviews of the Books quoted later by Fowler, found in different journals, as specified, obtained from
7022: 6813:(Cambridge Studies in Indian History & Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 400 pages. 6808: 6733:, (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 316 pages. 6728: 6296: 5109: 4934: 4923: 4745:(Cambridge Studies in Indian History & Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 400 pages. 4740: 4665:, (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 316 pages. 4660: 3728: 3596: 3328:
p16. Muslim separatism, Muslims in northwestern provinces, Iqbal, Chaudhury Rahmat Ali and idea of Pakistan, Jinnah
1561: 1404: 1381:
easily expanded to a concise paragraph to include these. And when you say it doesn't make the cut, it doesn't make
p16. Muslim separatism, Muslims in northwestern provinces, Iqbal, Chaudhury Rahmat Ali and idea of Pakistan, Jinnah
183:. The history section is highly compressed with exactly two sentences devoted to the Indian freedom struggle.  ::: 6788:(Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 320 pages. 6561: 5921: 4720:(Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 320 pages. 3067:
feels that this is a one-sided description of the Indian Freedom Movement, which apportions all the credit to the
7102: 6837:(Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 490 pages. 6315:
role in India, as well as other criticisms of the book which might raise doubts as to how much it is a text book
was notable enough that at least a few words needs to be included (NPOVdly) about its conception and resolution.
4875: 4769:(Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 490 pages. 3337:
p19 Pethick-Lawrence visit, Mountbatten, Transfer of Power, Partition of India, Hindu-Muslim riots, Independence.
The first roundtable conference, suggested by Lord Irwin, is held in London to discuss Dominion status for India.
role in India, as well as other criticisms of the book which might raise doubts as to how much it is a text book
p19 Pethick-Lawrence visit, Mountbatten, Transfer of Power, Partition of India, Hindu-Muslim riots, Independence.
6855: 6711:"Militants," "Revolutionaries," and so forth, and see how many pages in the book have entries on those subjects: 6481: 6300: 4787: 3455: 3207:
says he cites Britannica, he is really citing from the article, "Indian National Army," (INA) in the Britannica
Unsigned articles may be less reliable, but they may be used so long as the encyclopedia is a high quality one.
6888: 6864: 6841: 6817: 6792: 6737: 5509:
Fowler earlier mentioned that most academics considers the INA insignificant (or doesn't consider it at all).
5017: 4887: 4820: 4796: 4773: 4749: 4724: 4669: 4465: 4318: 4170: 4025: 3737: 3605: 3464: 3192:.) These, I believe, are the best tertiary sources one can get: not only are they written by experts, but the 2804:
Expand to see how Ian Copland summarises the Indian Independence movement beyween 1920 and 1947 in his 2001 boo
Bose or Gandhi.)Same space given to Nehru, the left wing of the Congress and the plans for election and office.
1271:. Although other political leaders played a role in the freedom struggle, the major direction was provided by 984: 968: 938: 923: 6415:
Bose or Gandhi.)Same space given toNehru, the left wing of the Congress and the plans for election and office.
P.J. Marshall (ed.) The eighteenth century in Indian history : evolution or revolution? (New Delhi: OUP, 2003)
7151: 6553:
which I did not list the content but have menioned by name. The argument being put forward is that it can be
and categorically makes statements that disagree with the implied meaning of not including the other aspects.
5611: 4839:
I feel that the sources—both secondary and tertiary that I have listed—make a strong case that the topics of
3350: 3168:
Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press), or by academic publishing houses like Routledge. (See:
1307: 662:
played notable part at least in the first 30 years of 20th century. Probably the most publicized instance is
was of much more sympolic importance in the Indian Independence Movement than the INA trials, which happened
and because Fowler has convinced (impressively, I will say in appreciation) that others dont get coverage.
deal with Bose sympathetically in my book, much against the prevailing dogma of minimizing his contribution
was a popular history book in her childhood and not some random trash from the street. He also accepts that
3098:'s point of view. For example, had I written the two sentences quoted above, they would likely have read: 2021:
A.T. Embree & S. Hay (eds.). Sources of Indian Tradition, vol. 2, (2nd edn., New York, 1988) (documents)
I do not have any ready reference at hand. So my argument may be ignored. Still, I am putting forward those.
587:. IMO "militant nationalist movements" or "organisations" need to be mentioned (no individual names though). 6976: 6950: 6507:
Forgotten Heroes of India's Freedom Struggle: A Who's Who, British Secret Documents.Pran Nath Chopra - 1992
5268: 5191: 5030: 3034: 1747: 580: 518: 350: 198: 5791:
of bing a PoV pusher, Saffronist, right wing, and one occasion, of not being able to write a coherent RfC.
But aside from this please note the original posting I made before intentionally making PoV remarks like "
4456: 3306:
p9. Anti-British activity, Ghadar Party, Khilafat movement, Congress-Muslim League (Lucknow) Pact, Jinnah.
However, I feel that there is no room in a concise history for the people, organizations, and events that
Expand to View a Sumit Sarkar's opinion of notable and decisive event influensing British policy in India
975: 795:
p9. Anti-British activity, Ghadar Party, Khilafat movement, Congress-Muslim League (Lucknow) Pact, Jinnah.
5633:) Also, the offensive was not stopped by the RAF, but by the IAF (and that's what it was and called, see 2402: 2324: 1732: 1727: 1544: 1446: 1300:
Here is a list containing the subject of each paragraph in the section on the Indian Freedom Movement in
1199: 7196:
Dwaipayan's compromise version, and see which prose is more appropriate for the summary of the movement.
p6. 1907 Congress meeting, Moderate (Gokhale) and Militant (Tilak) nationalism, reunification of Bengal.
3169: 1981:
C.A. Bayly. Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire (New Cambridge History) (CUP paperback)
p6. 1907 Congress meeting, Moderate (Gokhale) and Militant (Tilak) nationalism, reunification of Bengal.
6916: 5704: 5625: 5471: 5302: 5195: 4980: 4943: 4849: 3140:"mainstreams" in the Indian freedom struggle were the Indian National Congress founded in 1885 and the 2999: 2930:
The Indian National Congress takes office in six provinces after elections are held under the 1935 act.
2320: 1608:
as well as the tense pollitcal and public situation after the war is admissible to the article because
1351: 1331:
One sentence on Ghadar party: "A small, mostly Sikh revolutionary movement appeared briefly in Punjab."
1286: 1210: 1009: 881: 644: 569: 291: 142: 121: 38: 5769:
Millions of people engaged in civil disobedience with a commitment to Gandhi's philosophy of Ahimsa. (
Establishment of the Simon Commission to study if India is ready for further constitutional proggress.
The Indian National Congress,led by Gandhi, starts a Non-Cooperation movement against the government.
713: 6860:(The New Cambridge History of India), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 324 pages. 5827:
b. Other encyclopaedias do not mention anything in detail but Gandhi and Congress. First of all, the
4792:(The New Cambridge History of India), Cambridge and London: Cambridge University Press. 324 pages. 3111:. Although many political leaders played roles in the movement, the major direction was provided by 2832:
Gandhi halts the movement after twentytwo policemen are killed in a violent protest in Chauri Chaura.
4016: 3346: 3303:
p8. Indian nationalists and WWI, Indian soldiers in Mesopotamia campaign. Montagu-Chelmsford Report.
2723: 959: 792:
p8. Indian nationalists and WWI, Indian soldiers in Mesopotamia campaign. Montagu-Chelmsford Report.
7238: 7170: 7147: 6762: 6378:
A new Generation of liberal nationalists (Mostly the period before the congress)- nearly two pages.
5925: 5142: 4694: 4511: 4491: 4363: 4343: 4215: 4195: 4071: 4051: 4012: 3930: 3910: 3783: 3763: 3650: 3630: 3510: 3490: 3432:, Non-violence, "Non-cooperation," "Civil disobedience," ... have many more pages devoted to them: 3237:
of UCLA devotes 19 long pages to the Indian freedom movement, but has just this to say about Bose:
3181: 3108: 3068: 3038: 2747:
A new Generation of liberal nationalists (Mostly the period before the congress)- nearly two pages.
2038: 1533: 1268: 1232: 1216: 202: 6557:
from the stats, but I have shown that the stats are hiding the authors actual views and arguments.
movement/notion/ideal/stream other than INC should be mentioned, in as compressed way as possible.
No, Rueben, those examples, the work of two banned sockpuppeteers, were meant to illustrate what
4157: 1941: 1841:
Forgotten heroes of India's freedom struggle : a who's who, British secret documents · 0461935857
Expand to see how Reinhard Schulze describes the effect of the Indian National Army in his book
1945: 6991: 5320:
I am not sure if I am still allowed to make comments, and I do not wish to pick Brownie points
359: 167: 5770: 5738: 5578: 5418:
Bose is mentioned almost as an afterthought, as an incident in Wavell's life (and the book is
1757: 6911: 6588: 6372:
1 para on te ealriest stuff preceding the mutiny of 1857 followed by the followng sections:
6012: 5850: 5466: 5297: 4975: 4938: 4844: 4527: 4379: 4231: 4087: 3946: 3799: 3666: 3526: 2995: 2741:
1 para on te ealriest stuff preceding the mutiny of 1857 followed by the followng sections:
2469: 1346: 1281: 1205: 1004: 876: 639: 623: 564: 286: 234:
example, devotes 19 long pages to the Indian freedom movement and has this to say about Bose:
137: 116: 97: 89: 84: 72: 67: 59: 6510:
Conflict in Asia: Korea, China-Taiwan, and India-Pakistan.2003 Uk Heo, Shale Asher Horowitz.
5867: 555:, which BTW is silent on Bose! Why should Bose be added here, when he hasn't made it to the 7016: 6961:
The article as it stands needs more breadth than depth--so few "dimensions" covered. So, a
Bengal) to decide what to include, not decide on the basis of evaluations of people/events
Tradition Never Dies: The Genesis and Growth of the Indian Sundar Singh Bawa.1972.
6292: 6284: 5630: 5103: 4919: 4911: 4305: 3724: 3185: 3072: 1846:
Conflict in Asia: Korea, China-Taiwan, and India-Pakistan.2003 Uk Heo, Shale Asher Horowitz
1597: 1555: 1400: 1392: 1097: 675: 599: 375: 159: 6974:
merit a mention, but not on par with Gandhi's movement. More detailed coverage belongs in
presented, opposed to the contention there were other notable movements and philosophies).
Tradition Never Dies: The Genesis and Growth of the Indian Sundar Singh Bawa.1972
than the Congress is either to the Muslim League or the one sentence to the Ghadar party!
8: 7096: 6997:
tag is an eyesore and must be quickly removed after taking appropriate remedial measures.
6661: 6653: 6525:
Dominion India in World Perspectives, Economic and Political. by Benoy Kumar Sarkar.1949.
6443: 6139:
case) and imprisonment sentences passed against the first batch were remitted in January
5118: 4992: 4962: 4869: 4487: 4339: 4191: 4047: 3906: 3759: 3626: 3486: 3076: 2263: 2259: 2180:
case) and imprisonment sentences passed against the first batch were remitted in January
1812: 1780: 1774: 1768: 1585: 6810:
Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class, Resistance and the State in India, 1850-1950
Changing India: Bourgeois Revolution on the Subcontinent.Robert W. Stern. History. 2003.
5234: 4742:
Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class, Resistance and the State in India, 1850-1950
1834: 1822: 1792: 583:). The big question is what to mention in the extremely compressed space in the article 6878:
Page, David, Anita Inder Singh, Penderel Moon, G. D. Khosla, and Mushirul Hasan. 2001.
5788: 5011: 4810:
Page, David, Anita Inder Singh, Penderel Moon, G. D. Khosla, and Mushirul Hasan. 2001.
4551: 4515: 4403: 4367: 4255: 4219: 4111: 4075: 3970: 3934: 3864: 3823: 3787: 3654: 3550: 3514: 3116: 3042: 3041:
and other political organisations. Millions of protesters engaged in mass campaigns of
2805: 2605: 2535: 2502: 1741: 1485:
Note that Tilak etc are not mentioned in this article, but Bose and the INA are. Other
1341:. Doesn't that seem obvious now. Sixteen paragraphs and the only mention of anything 1276: 627: 619: 611: 391:
Expand to see quotes on the Indian National Army from Britannica Student Encyclopedia:
206: 205:
and other political organisations. Millions of protesters engaged in mass campaigns of
7249: 7216: 6885: 6861: 6838: 6814: 6789: 6758: 6734: 6274: 6032: 5973: 5525: 5199: 5184: 5161: 5154: 4817: 4793: 4770: 4746: 4721: 4690: 4666: 4462: 4315: 4167: 4022: 3882: 3734: 3602: 3461: 3269:
In contrast, the INC and the Muslim League are covered in decisively greater detail:
2081: 1204:
I have added the controversial claim tag chiefly for reasons talked in detail above.
981: 965: 950: 935: 920: 560: 363: 180: 163: 3294:
p5. Minto-Morley Reforms, Satyendra P. Sinha, Gokhale and free elementary education.
p5. Minto-Morley Reforms, Satyendra P. Sinha, Gokhale and free elementary education.
6944: 6754: 6657: 6633: 6603: 6584: 5634: 5025: 4686: 4531: 4483: 4383: 4335: 4235: 4187: 4091: 4043: 3950: 3902: 3872: 3803: 3755: 3670: 3622: 3530: 3482: 3230: 3136:
wants included. Moreover, I feel there is wide consensus among scholars that the
2429: 590: 556: 552: 245:
Expand to see quotes from Britannica article on Indian History by Stanley Wolpert:
5784: 2468:
describes the Indian National Army and the effects of INA trials in his 2005 book
7254: 7219: 7197: 7077: 7060: 7051: 7041: 7012: 6686: 6637: 6629: 6558: 6478: 6338: 6320: 6288: 6243: 5934: 5913: 5886: 5854: 5842: 5608: 5564: 5493: 5360: 5288: 5277: 5247: 5122: 5099: 4915: 4840: 4547: 4543: 4448: 4399: 4395: 4251: 4247: 4107: 4103: 4008: 3966: 3962: 3819: 3815: 3682: 3546: 3542: 3419: 3353:, of Columbia University, devotes 16 paragraphs to the Indian freedom struggle: 3234: 3204: 3145: 3133: 3107:
The nationalist freedom movement in India began in 1885 with the founding of the
3095: 3064: 3017: 2465: 1906: 1888: 1690: 1677: 1601: 1551: 1506: 1413: 1396: 1260: 1245: 1186: 1105: 709: 671: 615: 595: 522: 371: 277: 171: 6430:
I got from Fowler's post. Using stats has an old adage, it covers up the facts,
5329: 5134: 3275:
Expand to see outline of the 19 pages on Indian Freedom Struggle in Britannica:
and Ayesha Jalal describes the effect of the Indian National Army in their book
1798: 1742:
Britain's Declining Empire: The Road to Decolonisation 1918-1968. By Ronald Hyam
which seems to me to be an obstruction to constructive editing bourne out of an
Expand to see outline of the 19 pages on Indian Freedom Struggle in Britannica:
510: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
7131: 7118: 7092: 6746: 6695: 6669: 6665: 6613: 6016: 5230: 5168: 5129:
were extremely notable event. Fowler's mother noted that one of my references,
4865: 4678: 4578: 4539: 4475: 4430: 4391: 4327: 4282: 4243: 4179: 4138: 4099: 4035: 3989: 3958: 3894: 3842: 3811: 3747: 3701: 3678: 3614: 3569: 3538: 3474: 3189: 3112: 3052: 2398: 1272: 721: 216: 6311:'s book in the Journal of Asian Studies which says it focusses heavily on the 6225:
Now tell me Fowler, in the pages that you say you find mention of Bose(on the
4314:. Basil Blackwell Oxford (Reprinted by Oxford University Press India 2001). 1954:
VACATION READING India 1700-1947: Raj, Rebellion and Ryot (History 3/4 MA)
1879:'s book in the Journal of Asian Studies which says it focusses heavily on the 919:. Basil Blackwell Oxford (Reprinted by Oxford University Press India 2001). 7036: 6766: 6573: 6522:
India's Struggle for Freedom: Role of Associated Movements. Pran Nath Chopra.
have, on the other hand, provided two referenced comments by the those among
5909: 5806: 5126: 5088: 5058: 5007: 4698: 4519: 4371: 4223: 4079: 3938: 3791: 3658: 3518: 3141: 3088: 1664: 1605: 1373: 1329:
The World Wars and the Emergence of Gandhi: (paragraphs) 8. Indians in WW I (
and general public agitations, mass movements, strikes and mayhem in general.
1109: 367: 355: 5238: 1787:
India's Struggle for Freedom: Role of Associated Movements. Pran Nath Chopra
My earleri concerns are compounded by this discussion in Fowler's talk page
7110: 6770: 6677: 6366:
chapter on the Freedom movement and partition, broken up into the sections
and not the books on wether Gungadin was Behari or Gujerati), what does it
6024: 5917: 5582: 4702: 4609: 4586: 4535: 4523: 4501: 4438: 4387: 4375: 4353: 4290: 4239: 4227: 4205: 4146: 4095: 4083: 4061: 3997: 3954: 3942: 3920: 3868: 3850: 3807: 3795: 3773: 3709: 3674: 3662: 3640: 3577: 3534: 3522: 3500: 3403: 2366:
Book The Forgotten Army: India's Armed Struggle for Independence, 1942-1945
1751: 663: 6381:
Vedanta Karmayoga and National revolutionaries (Vivekanada etc)- one page.
4601: 2750:
Vedanta Karmayoga and National revolutionaries (Vivekanada etc)- one page.
2266:) on the notable and decisive event influencing British policy in India. 1840: 7002: 6940: 6774: 6682: 6348:
I couldn't find a review of Sugata Bose's book yet (I am looking), but I
5517: 5177: 5072: 4706: 4566: 4418: 4270: 4126: 3981: 3860: 3834: 3693: 3592: 3561: 2601: 1916:
I couldn't find a review of Sugata Bose's book yet (I am looking), but I
1717: 1629: 1264: 1241: 1085: 5617:
On the weight issue and point of this RfC and not wether Bose was a Nazi
F. Robinson(ed). The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of India. (Cambridge, 1989)
1786: 7114: 7050:
I really am not sure what the user directly below me is trying to say.
5802: 5798: 5783:
from reputable authors agree were key points in the movement have been
edits, including, explaining, and summarising the notable events which
The Forgotten Army: India's Armed Struggle for Independence, 1942-1945,
4582: 4496: 4434: 4348: 4286: 4200: 4142: 4056: 3993: 3915: 3846: 3768: 3705: 3635: 3573: 3495: 3428: 3084: 1806:
The Forgotten Army: India's Armed Struggle for Independence, 1942-1945,
1369: 1149:
The Forgotten Army: India's Armed Struggle for Independence, 1942-1945.
1093: 155: 47: 17: 7113:
deserve mention, as non-non-violation movement. Some people call them
After I tried my hand at 'normalizing' the above versions - 1742 bytes
The Last Years of British India, Cleveland, World Pub. Co.,1964, p. 93
Hindu Nationalism and the Language of Politics in Late Colonial India
Another from Britannica on Indian independence movement, about weight
Now first of all, the independence movement section does not mention
5638: 5146: 4717:
Hindu Nationalism and the Language of Politics in Late Colonial India
2361: 1721: 1617: 1580:
in 1885 and rapidly came to the forefront of the political campaign).
article, it doesn't have to be a photocopy of other encyclopaedias.
5585:'s book reviews. This is a review by Ian Pindar Mark of Kurlansky's 3601:. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. 372 pages. 2943:
The Muslim league, at Lahore, demands a seperate state for Pakistan.
6204: 4506: 4358: 4210: 4066: 3925: 3778: 3645: 3588: 3505: 3359:
Expand to topic headings of each paragraph of the Encarta article:
2249: 1616:
Fowler mentioned earlier that the India article is modelled on the
I have quoted extensively from the encyclopaedia Britannica artice
Swaraj in One year (part of the Congress story). Nearly two pages.
This is not just the view of these two historians, it is also the
Swaraj in One year (part of the Congress story). Nearly two pages.
chapter on Indian independence movement, broken up as shown below.
B. Chandra et al. India's Struggle for Independence, (Delhi, 1988)
J. F. Richards. The Mughal Empire (New Cambridge History of India)
6019:, published in well known publications. As for secondary sources 5645:
enter Bengal, reaching Mowdok near Chittagong, it couldn't enter
3591:) and Thomas R. Metcalf (Professor of History and India Studies, 6403:
Frustration at the round table and the communal award two pages.
A History of Modern India 1480-1950 (Anthem South Asian Studies)
Frustration at the round table and the communal award two pages.
Britain's Declining Empire: The Road to Decolonisation 1918-1968
Teresa Hubel. Whose India? (London: Duke University Press, 1996)
to be kidding me if you say he is not notable. This is what the
and some other books on Concise histories of India, seems to be
Yes there are several aspects in the independence movement (see
7234: 6834:
The Politics of the Urban Poor in Early Twentieth-Century India
6750: 5333: 4766:
The Politics of the Urban Poor in Early Twentieth-Century India
4682: 4479: 4331: 4183: 4039: 3898: 3751: 3618: 3598:
A Concise History of Modern India (Cambridge Concise Histories)
3478: 3120: 3047: 1220: 211: 7166:
the current description is just fine and should stay as it is.
Shameful Flight: The Last Years of the British Empire in India
5233:. What I particularly noticed is Dwaipayan searched and found 3410:
Secondary Sources: Academic Histories and Research Monographs
3218: 3033:
During the first half of the twentieth century, a nationwide
3013: 1996:
H. Kulke and D. Rothermund A History of India, (London, 1986)
1865: 1092:
saying that the 1940s saw at least three defining movements,
1081: 584: 197:
During the first half of the twentieth century, a nationwide
6542:"without being told what the authors views or arguments are" 6446:
edited by among others, Percival Spear. I believe if Fowler
Partition of Bengal and rise of extremism. Nearly two pages.
Kulke and Dortmund's History of India (Paperback)] has this:
c. I am being repeatedly told that "the consensus among the
that do not evaluate or inlcude the INA, or have provided a
5135:"Indian National Army." the Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 3312:
p11. Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre, Gandhi's first Satyagraha.
Partition of Bengal and rise of extremism. Nearly two pages.
Expand to see Books in the list of suggested reading in the
1799:"Indian National Army." the Britannica Student Encyclopedia. 1031:
You have quoted the bit about unsigned article, but not that
p11. Jallianwallah Bagh Massacre, Gandhi's first Satyagraha.
articles on India and the Indian independence movement and,
5763: 5563:
which I believe disagrees with Fowler's earlier assertion.
Rueben lys, This past spring I read Wolpert's latest book,
4452: 3696:(5 pages, 1.46%), Terrorists (1890-1947) (6 pages, 1.75%), 3451: 3225:
Tertiary Sources: Signed Articles in Britannica and Encarta
3083:; in addition, he would like some events of 1946 (like the 2979:
In August, 5000 people die in Communal clashes in Calcutta.
Gandhi is released from prison after suffering poor health.
A. Jalal & S. Bose. Modern South Asia, (London, 1998) *
Opinions found in different Journals about Fowler's sources
the freedom movement, of which one very strong one was the
Fowler's extracts are indicative that mention of Bose has
Jungle Alliance; Japan And The Indian National Army (1971)
p3 Partition of Bengal; Swadeshi movement; Tilak, Gokhale.
of their articles—the history section in an India page—is
Gandhi attends the second roundtable conference in London.
Expand to see [Michael Edwardes' opinion in his 1964 Book
Jungle Alliance; Japan And The Indian National Army (1971)
there is issue about ownership and collaboration problems.
1632:, which I say because of the general tone of his comments 777:
p3 Partition of Bengal; Swadeshi movement; Tilak, Gokhale.
6673: 4574: 4426: 4278: 4134: 3985: 3838: 3697: 3565: 3315:
p12. Gandhi's strategy, ahimsa, boycott of British goods.
p4. Muslim league, Syed Ahmad Khan, Sayyid Mahdi Ali 1906
1442: 1231:
importance. But Fowler's sources, which I believe is the
p12. Gandhi's strategy, ahimsa, boycott of British goods.
p4. Muslim league, Syed Ahmad Khan, Sayyid Mahdi Ali 1906
The Princes of India in the Endgame of Empire, 1917-1947
I cannot find any Journal reviews of Spears book, but I
that argue that Bose was Fascist or a dictator etc etc (
The Princes of India in the Endgame of Empire, 1917-1947
each from the History sections of the "India" pages of
Gavin Flood. An Introduction to Hinduism (CUP Paperback)
Changing India: Bourgeois Revolution on the Subcontinent
5821: 5749:) and that His army was a failed military enterprise. ( 5141:. I sourced this directly from the online resources of 906:
Expand to see five recent standard Histories of India:
6656:). I am certain that we can find specialized books on 5751:
which is not the issue under consideration here either
Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy
Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy
Sharma J Encyclopaedia of India's Struggle for Freedom
Modern South Asia: History, Culture, Political Economy
happened was because the British were jumpy after the
historians I have provided earlier, who have written
India's Partition the Story of Imperialism in Retreat
The Indian National Congress Boycotts the commission.
I have a feeling Fowler has a PoV issue with certain
PS Here are some more (searchable on Amazon) sources:
hiding the actual views in this case. The stats are
Civil-disobedience and Gandhi-Irwin pact. two pages.
Neo Hinduism and Muslim resentment (1 page in total)
FORGOTTEN ARMIES: The Fall of British Asia 1941-1945
From Plassey to Partition: A History of Modern India
The disputed portion as it was earlier - 1325 bytes
p14. Constitutional reforms, Round Table Conferences
Expand to see paragraph on Bose by Stanley Wolpert:
Civil-disobedience and Gandhi-Irwin pact. two pages.
Neo Hinduism and Muslim resentment (1 page in total)
notable events that all my resources tell me are of
p14. Constitutional reforms, Round Table Conferences
reputable academic texts on (modern) Indian history
5434:did try to do right ... the right thing by India." 5237:in the Journal of Asian and African studies in the 5033:) and summary style offers a good way to do that. 3837:(3 pages, 2.1898%), Terrorists (3 pages, 2.1898%), 3164:
published either by recognized university presses (
3012:Here is the gist of the problem, as I see it. The 1933:
University Reading Lists as found from Uni websites
was undertaken with a commitment far from Ahimsa).
610:Why should "militant organizations" be mentioned? 517:making a PoV edit, taking a monolithic view on the 5972:the topic of the Indian independence movement and 4565:from the period 1890 to 1947) (8 pages, 1.2422%), 4417:from the period 1890 to 1947) (4 pages, 0.8772%), 4125:from the period 1890 to 1947) (4 pages, 1.4134%), 3980:from the period 1890 to 1947) 11 pages, 3.1161%), 3833:from the period 1890 to 1947) (2 pages, 1.4599%), 3285:p2. First Congress Meeting 1885, Dadabhai Naoroji. 2403:Book Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India 2043:Course: V13257 : British Decolonization Since 1945 774:p2. First Congress Meeting 1885, Dadabhai Naoroji. 6165:or "days" in Paris during the French revolution. 3730:A History of India (Palgrave Essential Histories) 2206:or "days" in Paris during the French revolution. 1633: 6387:1st world war and the Home rule league one page. 4011:) and Dietmar Rothermund (Professor of History, 3692:from the period 1890 to 1947) (2 pages, 0.58%), 3560:from the period 1890 to 1947) (3 pages, 0.83%), 3233:in the 2007 Encyclopaedia Britannica, historian 2756:1st world war and the Home rule league one page. 2063:Excerpts and contents from some Rueben's sources 1976:William Dalrymple Cityof Djinns (Flamingo, 1994) 634:the British had already decided to leave India ( 280:who is hardly an "Indian nationalist" and whose 6777:(2 pages), INA (including INA trials, 2 pages). 6519:The End of the War in Louis Allen.1979. 6455:is the question. Ie, what aspects does it find 6207:'s Maharma Gandhi: The Last Phase, (Vol. IX). 5747:which is not the issue under consideration here 4709:(2 pages), INA (including INA trials, 2 pages). 4007:Kulke, Hermann (Professor of History of India, 3984:(12 pages, 3.3994%), Terrorists (0 pages, 0%), 3564:(3 pages, 0.83%), Terrorists (6 pages, 1.66%), 3450:Markovits, Claude (ed). (Director of Research, 2252:'s Maharma Gandhi: The Last Phase, (Vol. IX). 1758:Opinions of Ian Pindar in Guardian Book reviews 1080:notable people in addition to Gandhi, of which 958:Kulke, Hermann and Dietmar Rothermund. 2004. 6203:I believe you would find similar arguments in 6007:very scholars that the consensus says exactly 5332:I found which is an interview with Wolpert on 3719:Robb, Peter. (Professor of History of India, 3309:p10. Post-war years, Rowlatt Act, M. K. Gandhi 2248:I believe you would find similar arguments in 798:p10. Post-war years, Rowlatt Act, M. K. Gandhi 563:and has a highly compressed history section. 6970:border on OR. So, IMO, he, along with others 6706:Agreed. In addition, research monographs on 6499:Encyclopaedia of India's Struggle for Freedom 6269:, I cant make Fowler see that I have a point 5705:best and most reputable authoritative sources 5246:while I would ask for a larger participation. 5229:to an earlier discussion between himself and 5173:Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India 4269:from the period 1890 to 1947) (0 pages, 0%), 4156:Spear, Percival (Reader Emeritus in History, 1808:1993, ISBN 0-472-08342-2 / ISBN 81-7167-356-2 1735:Raj: The Making and Unmaking of British India 374:, etc, but this is what it has to say on the 7037:Knowledge is not where we right great wrongs 6491:Here are ten more sources where the authors 5729:I have so far (as I have said above) used [[ 5587:Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous Idea 1171:just tell you totally a different story (of 6620:I think we have two different issues here: 6390:Gandhi and Non-cooperation. Nearly 3 pages. 5380:Expand to view reply by Fowler&fowler: 3587:Metcalf, Barbara D. (Professor of History, 2759:Gandhi and Non-cooperation. Nearly 3 pages. 1505:Gandhian movement. This needs to addressed. 1125:You have deleted the reference to Edwards' 6632:recommends), Jinnah and Muslim League (as 5137:is a good source, but is claiming this is 5083:(pages 269-270), Śekhara Bandyopādhyāẏa's 3318:p13. Prelude to independence. (short page) 1944:, Centre of South Asian Studies, as found 807:p13. Prelude to independence. (short page) 5832:Gandhian movement, was important at all. 4461:. Oxford University Press. 544 pages. 3402:Again, there is no mention of Bose, INA, 2037:Expand to see the only Book found on the 980:. Oxford University Press. 544 pages. 943:Bose, Sugata & Ayesha Jalal. 2003. 4933:to write on Knowledge. Please read the 4608: 4600: 3976:(Rueben lys's topics): Revolutionaries ( 3829:(Rueben lys's topics): Revolutionaries ( 3688:(Rueben lys's topics): Revolutionaries ( 3556:(Rueben lys's topics): Revolutionaries ( 2918:The Communist Party is declared illegal. 2806:India 1855-1950: From Empire to Republic 2299:in the Journal Pacific affairs in 1953. 1971:Geoffrey Moorhouse. Calcutta (Penguin) 6432:"what do they say, Fowler, I ask again" 5455:in the reliable sources, not the words 4893:After Reuben added his bit - 2799 bytes 2818:Communist Prty of India is established. 2051:Britain's Declining Empire. Ronald Hyam 316:You're saying in you're first line that 14: 6516:Indian Summer.Wilfrid W. Russell.1951. 5952:I am a bit surprised on a few things: 5816:the reason being cited is that it is 4302:School of Oriental and African Studies 3721:School of Oriental and African Studies 3300:p7.WW1 and its aftermath. (short page) 2262:London, Cassell, 1963 (and its review 1986:Lawrence James. The Raj (London, 1998) 1497:mentioning the alternative view point. 789:p7.WW1 and its aftermath. (short page) 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 5553:that the INA, especially its trials, 3881:Routledge, 2nd edition. 304 pages. 2878:Communist conspiracy trial at Meerut. 2503:A Modern History of the Islamic world 1728:BBC history article by Chandrika Kaul 1223:. I edited this bit to reflect three 949:Routledge, 2nd edition. 304 pages. 559:page yet? This article is about the 6187: 6153: 6131: 6110: 6085: 6060: 6038: 5875: 5771:Only one movement and Point of View 5692: 5666: 5591: 5531: 5426: 5392: 5342: 5208: 4494:(up to 1947) (159 pages, 24.6894%), 3248: 3100: 3026: 2697: 2681: 2665: 2637: 2613: 2577: 2562: 2543: 2510: 2477: 2441: 2373: 2332: 2271: 2228: 2194: 2172: 2153: 2130: 2107: 2087: 1823:Journal of Asian and African Studies 1647: 1592:Fowler also insists that no mention 1493:to accept as references and sources 1459: 1038: 477: 460: 445: 429: 412: 396: 349:that that was the only thing in the 325: 250: 190: 25: 6857:The Indian Princes and their States 5067:similarly, Metcalf & Metcalf's 4789:The Indian Princes and their States 4346:(up to 1947) (79 pages, 17.3246%), 4198:(up to 1947) (49 pages, 17.3759%), 4054:(up to 1947) (39 pages, 13.7809%), 3913:(up to 1947) (82 pages, 23.2295%), 3766:(up to 1947) (16 pages, 11.6788%), 3733:, Palgrave Macmillan. 368 pages. 3349:in Encyclopedia Encarta, historian 3091:) to be mentioned as well. 23: 6987:For the same reason as above, the 6544:.No reference has been given that 6513:India. by Stanley A. Wolpert.2005. 4486:(up to 1947) (35 pages, 5.4348%), 4338:(up to 1947) (32 pages, 7.0175%), 4190:(up to 1947) (23 pages, 8.1560%), 4046:(up to 1947) (21 pages, 7.4205%), 3905:(up to 1947) (20 pages, 5.6657%), 3345:Similarly, in his signed article, 1628:Indian nationalists, particularly 24: 7269: 6807:Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan. 1998. 5079:(pages 223,225), D N Panigrahi's 4739:Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan. 1998. 3758:(up to 1947) (8 pages, 5.8394%), 3633:(up to 1947) (55 pages, 16.08%), 3493:(up to 1947) (83 pages, 22.99%), 2937:decides to work the constitution. 2041:'s reaing list of for the course 1769:INDIAN SUMMER. By Wilfrid Russell 6802:(including INA trials, 0 pages). 6503:by Jagdish Saran Sharma - 1971] 5995:reference that such a consensus 5814:anything but Gandhi and Congress 5700:A vital component: good research 5560:role in the Indian independence. 5190:. I have also used (and cited) 4734:(including INA trials, 0 pages). 4641:be useful, if their focus is on 4451:(Emeritus Professor of History, 3625:(up to 1947) (22 pages, 6.43%), 3485:(up to 1947) (28 pages, 7.76%), 2368:. University of Michigan Press. 29: 5316:With regards to Stanley Wolpert 5069:Concise History of Modern India 2836:Gandhi is tried and imprisoned. 2260:The last years of British India 614:isn't mentioned. Neither are: 7258:01:34, 14 September 2007 (UTC) 7242:20:04, 13 September 2007 (UTC) 7223:20:02, 12 September 2007 (UTC) 7201:19:54, 12 September 2007 (UTC) 7174:18:25, 12 September 2007 (UTC) 6031:has to say on the question of 4637:Research monographs, however, 3890:Search results from the book: 3460:. Anthem Press. 607 pages. 2985:India achieves independence... 2689:fighters for India's freedom. 2434:in the Journal Pacific Affairs 2080:has to say on the question of 1407:) 13:32, August 24, 2007 (UTC) 13: 1: 7135:07:15, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 7081:00:17, 3 September 2007 (UTC) 7064:06:18, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 6577:10:39, 3 September 2007 (UTC) 6562:18:22, 2 September 2007 (UTC) 6482:14:20, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 6342:13:20, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 6324:13:07, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 6301:12:26, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 6210:These sit in addition to the 5948:sources relevant to the topic 5933:and arguments based on facts. 5837:and on parts of the movement 5520:reviewing Bayly and Harper's 1910:13:20, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 1892:13:07, 1 September 2007 (UTC) 1537:14:19, 7 September 2007 (UTC) 1084:certainly qualifies, as does 7217:and invited to make comments 6977:Indian independence movement 6773:(2 pages), Patel (21 page), 5269:Indian independence movement 5031:Indian independence movement 4705:(2 pages), Patel (21 page), 4166:Penguin Books. 298 pages. 4163:A History of India, Volume 2 2726:'s "A history of India" has 2295:Expand to see a synopsis of 934:Penguin Books. 298 pages. 931:A History of India, Volume 2 581:Indian independence movement 519:Indian independence movement 358:, on the role played by the 351:Indian independence movement 106:Bose and the history section 7: 7183:Keyenes are you saying you 7122:03:43, 31 August 2007 (UTC) 7055:03:59, 31 August 2007 (UTC) 7045:22:42, 30 August 2007 (UTC) 7006:07:46, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 6957:Following are my comments. 6922:10:44, 28 August 2007 (UTC) 6884:. Oxford University Press. 6699:17:33, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 6607:15:13, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 6444:The Oxford History of India 6247:20:26, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 5938:12:14, 27 August 2007 (UTC) 5858:11:49, 26 August 2007 (UTC) 5829:wikipedia policy on sources 5612:00:18, 26 August 2007 (UTC) 5568:00:00, 26 August 2007 (UTC) 5497:12:08, 26 August 2007 (UTC) 5477:00:35, 26 August 2007 (UTC) 5371:Reply by Fowler&fowler: 5364:23:02, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 5308:05:50, 27 August 2007 (UTC) 5296:in comment after comment. 5281:13:56, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 5251:13:31, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 5092:21:36, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 5062:08:09, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 4996:06:43, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 4986:05:11, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 4966:04:39, 25 August 2007 (UTC) 4949:20:36, 26 August 2007 (UTC) 4855:20:05, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 4816:. Oxford University Press. 4021:. Routledge. 448 pages. 2264:in Journal of Asian studies 1694:23:53, 24 August 2007 (UTC) 1681:23:38, 24 August 2007 (UTC) 1510:16:27, 24 August 2007 (UTC) 1417:14:54, 24 August 2007 (UTC) 1357:19:10, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 1310:, of Columbia University: 1292:15:42, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 1249:12:00, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 1190:11:33, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 1015:10:35, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 964:. Routledge. 448 pages. 887:09:57, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 725:04:41, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 680:03:43, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 650:03:17, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 604:02:56, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 575:02:39, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 526:00:33, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 297:22:17, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 175:21:47, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 148:14:17, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 127:14:08, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 10: 7274: 6411:and not how many times it 5926:threatening words and tone 5505:Consensus among historians 5131:Last Days of British India 5077:Transfer of Power in India 4471:Search results from book: 4323:Search results from book: 4031:Search results from book: 3743:Search results from book: 3610:Search results from book: 3470:Search results from book: 3170:What is a reliable source? 3051:, or non-violence, led by 2780:and not how many times it 2624:to release them fortwith. 1781:The End of the War in Asia 974:Wolpert, Stanley. 2003. 215:, or non-violence, led by 179:This article is about the 6182:to look up), Sarkar says 6161:reminescent of the famou 6011:. I have mentioned these 5922:citiing spurious concerns 5139:not as good as his source 4175:Search results from book 3370:Movement for Independence 3229:In his signed article on 3152:An overview of my sources 3115:and his movement of mass 3035:struggle for independence 2297:Niradh Chaudhri's opinion 2223:to look up), Sarkar says 2202:reminescent of the famou 1489:and sources which you're 1313:Movement for Independence 928:Spear, Percival. 1990. 199:struggle for independence 6831:Gooptu, Nandini. 2001. 6782:Gould, William. 2004. 6763:Indian National Congress 6477:are by notable authors). 6271:on the basis of argument 5910:ownership of the article 5549:substantially held view 5192:article from BBC history 5143:Encyclopaedia Britannica 4763:Gooptu, Nandini. 2001. 4714:Gould, William. 2004. 4695:Indian National Congress 4512:Non-cooperation movement 4492:Indian National Congress 4364:Non-cooperation movement 4344:Indian National Congress 4216:Non-cooperation movement 4196:Indian National Congress 4072:Non-cooperation movement 4052:Indian National Congress 4013:University of Heidelberg 3931:Non-cooperation movement 3911:Indian National Congress 3784:Non-cooperation movement 3764:Indian National Congress 3651:Non-cooperation movement 3631:Indian National Congress 3511:Non-cooperation movement 3491:Indian National Congress 3182:Encyclopaedia Britannica 3109:Indian National Congress 3069:Indian National Congress 3039:Indian National Congress 2039:University of Nottingham 1764:India by Stanley Wolpert 1269:Indian National Congress 1233:Encyclopaedia Britannica 1217:Indian National Congress 203:Indian National Congress 158:, and the other was the 6029:Modern India, 1885-1947 5841:actually calculate the 5649:. Besides, the British 4926:) 13:50, 26 August 2007 4557:(Rueben lys's topics): 4478:(148 pages, 22.9814%), 4409:(Rueben lys's topics): 4300:Stein, Burton (Late of 4261:(Rueben lys's topics): 4158:University of Cambridge 4117:(Rueben lys's topics): 3871:(Professor of History, 3863:(Professor of History, 3750:(30 pages, 21.8978%), 3231:"Modern Indian History" 3176:, I have described one 3081:revolutionary movements 2401:'s opinion in his 1993 2364:'s opinion in his 1993 2078:Modern India, 1885-1947 1942:University of Edinburgh 1748:History of Modern India 1275:whose movement of mass 913:Stein, Burton. 1998. 7068:Reuben, the stats are 6727:Copland, Ian. 2002. 6625:raising length issues. 5894:comment after comment. 5843:weight and notabillity 5052: 5043: 4659:Copland, Ian. 2002. 4614: 4606: 4458:A New History of India 4342:(14 pages, 3.0702 %), 4330:(88 pages, 19.2982%), 4222:(11 pages, 3.9007 %), 4182:(58 pages, 20.5674%), 4038:(66 pages, 23.3216%), 3941:(44 pages, 12.4646%), 3901:(36 pages, 10.1983%), 3897:(53 pages, 15.0142%), 3347:"Movement for Freedom" 2987: 2981: 2976: 2970: 2968:Second World War Ends. 2964: 2958: 2952: 2945: 2939: 2932: 2926: 2920: 2914: 2907: 2903: 2894: 2889: 2880: 2872: 2867: 2859: 2854: 2846: 2838: 2825: 2820: 2436:in Summer issue,1973. 2419: 2414: 1775:Oxford History of Asia 1157: 1144: 1135: 977:A New History of India 660:Militant organizations 360:1915 Ghadar conspiracy 168:1915 Ghadar conspiracy 6854:Ramusack, Barbara N. 6570:you've already chosen 6307:Here's the review of 6214:secondary sources by 6023:the topic, this what 5849:I have also provided 5324:sling mud at any one 5239:Springerlink database 5047: 5039: 4786:Ramusack, Barbara N. 4612: 4604: 4585:, 4 pages, 0.6211%), 4573:(11 pages, 1.7081%), 4569:(13 pages, 2.0186%), 4538:(18 pages, 2.7950%), 4534:(7 pages, 1.0870%), 4530:(18 pages, 2.7950%), 4528:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 4522:(41 pages, 6.3665%), 4518:(15 pages, 2.3292%), 4514:(18 pages, 2.7950%), 4510:(11 pages, 1.7081%), 4504:(22 pages, 3.4161%), 4500:(21 pages, 3.2609%), 4490:(17 pages, 2.6398%), 4482:(47 pages, 7.2981%), 4474:(Mainstream topics): 4437:, 5 pages, 1.0965%), 4421:(11 pages, 2.4123%), 4394:(14 pages, 3.0702%), 4390:(21 pages, 4.6053%), 4386:(7 pages, 1.5351%), 4380:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 4374:(35 pages, 7.6754%), 4370:(14 pages, 3.0702%), 4366:(18 pages, 3.9474%), 4362:(11 pages, 2.4123%), 4356:(22 pages, 4.8246%), 4352:(17 pages, 3.7281%), 4334:(30 pages, 6.5789%), 4326:(Mainstream topics): 4289:, 2 pages, 0.7092%), 4246:(14 pages, 4.9645%), 4238:(7 pages, 2.4823%), 4234:(13 pages, 4.6099%), 4232:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 4226:(18 pages, 6.3830%), 4214:(11 pages, 3.9007%), 4194:(16 pages, 5.6738%), 4186:(15 pages, 5.3191%), 4178:(Mainstream topics): 4145:, 5 pages, 1.7668%), 4129:(11 pages, 3.8869%), 4094:(3 pages, 1.0601%), 4088:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 4082:(19 pages, 6.7138%), 4074:(15 pages, 5.3004%), 4050:(12 pages, 4.2403%), 4042:(24 pages, 8.4806%), 4034:(Mainstream topics): 3953:(7 pages, 1.9830%), 3947:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 3909:(17 pages, 4.8159%), 3893:(Mainstream topics): 3814:(5 pages, 3.6496%), 3806:(2 pages, 1.4599%), 3800:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 3794:(12 pages, 8.7591%), 3776:(6 pages, 4.3796%), 3754:(8 pages, 5.8394%), 3746:(Mainstream topics): 3667:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 3613:(Mainstream topics): 3527:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 3473:(Mainstream topics): 3438:Expand to view eight 3422:would like included ( 3045:with a commitment to 2983: 2977: 2972: 2966: 2960: 2954: 2947: 2941: 2934: 2928: 2922: 2916: 2909: 2898: 2890: 2884: 2876: 2868: 2863: 2855: 2850: 2842: 2834: 2830: 2821: 2816: 2415: 2410: 1875:Here's the review of 1306:written by historian 1152: 1139: 1130: 1100:, and later inspired 624:Gopal Krishna Gokhale 209:with a commitment to 42:of past discussions. 6972:not excluding Jinnah 5960:of pages on wierdly 5739:One secondary source 5631:Indian National Army 4550:(8 pages, 1.2422%), 4546:(7 pages, 1.0870%), 4542:(7 pages, 1.0870%), 4526:(6 pages, 0.9317%), 4425:(7 pages, 1.5351%), 4402:(3 pages, 0.6579%), 4398:(6 pages, 1.3158%), 4382:(7 pages, 1.5351%), 4378:(6 pages, 1.3158%), 4306:University of London 4277:(4 pages, 1.4184%), 4273:(8 pages, 2.8369%), 4254:(3 pages, 1.0638%), 4250:(6 pages, 2.1277%), 4242:(6 pages, 2.1277%), 4230:(3 pages, 1.0638%), 4218:(4 pages, 1.4184%), 4208:(8 pages, 2.8369%), 4133:(7 pages, 2.4735%), 4110:(5 pages, 1.7668%), 4102:(7 pages, 2.4735%), 4098:(6 pages, 2.1201%), 4090:(7 pages, 2.4735%), 4086:(4 pages, 1.4134%), 4078:(9 pages, 3.1802%), 4070:(3 pages, 1.0601%), 4064:(5 pages, 1.7668%), 4060:(8 pages, 2.8269%), 3996:, 4 pages, 1.331%), 3969:(6 pages, 1.6997%), 3965:(5 pages, 1.4164%), 3961:(3 pages, 0.8499%), 3957:(6 pages, 1.6997%), 3949:(7 pages, 1.9830%), 3945:(2 pages, 0.5666%), 3937:(8 pages, 2.2663%), 3933:(5 pages, 1.4164%), 3929:(8 pages, 2.2663%), 3919:(6 pages, 1.6997%), 3822:(2 pages, 1.4599%), 3818:(3 pages, 2.1898%), 3810:(5 pages, 3.6496%), 3802:(3 pages, 2.1898%), 3798:(2 pages, 1.4599%), 3790:(5 pages, 3.6496%), 3786:(6 pages, 4.3796%), 3782:(5 pages, 3.6496%), 3772:(5 pages, 3.6496%), 3762:(4 pages, 2.9197%), 3725:University of London 3617:(86 pages, 25.15%), 3521:(37 pages, 10.25%), 3477:(59 pages, 16.34%), 3200:the same as ours. 3186:Encyclopedia Encarta 3073:Indian National Army 3037:was launched by the 1831:. Robert Stern. 2003 1598:Indian National Army 1303:Encyclopedia Encarta 1098:Indian National Army 1072:the only one. There 376:Indian National Army 201:was launched by the 160:Indian National Army 7239:Keynes.john.maynard 7171:Keynes.john.maynard 7148:Keynes.john.maynard 6662:Rabindranath Tagore 6654:Freedom at midnight 6643:We need to look at 6638:by wikipedia policy 6493:express the opinion 6328:Here's a review of 6233:. Show me what the 5964:topics has yielded 5641:. Besides, the INA 5119:Quit India movement 4554:(3 pages, 0.4658%). 4488:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 4406:(5 pages, 1.0965%). 4340:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 4258:(2 pages, 0.7092%). 4204:(1 page, 0.3546%), 4192:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 4114:(3 pages, 1.0601%). 4048:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 4000:(2 pages, 0.5666%). 3973:(5 pages, 1.4164%). 3923:(4 pages, 1.1331), 3907:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 3826:(2 pages, 1.4599%). 3760:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 3708:, 3 pages, 0.88%), 3673:(7 pages, 2.05%), 3669:(12 pages, 3.51%), 3661:(26 pages, 7.60%), 3657:(12 pages, 3.51%), 3653:(22 pages, 6.43%), 3649:(16 pages, 4.68%), 3643:(12 pages, 3.51%), 3629:(13 pages, 3.80%), 3627:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 3621:(23 pages, 6.73%), 3576:, 2 pages, 0.55%), 3537:(11 pages, 3.05%), 3533:(3 pages, 0.83%), 3517:(17 pages, 4.71%), 3513:(15 pages, 4.16%), 3503:(12 pages, 3.32%), 3487:Bal Gangadhar Tilak 3481:(24 pages, 6.65%), 3077:Subhas Chandra Bose 2325:BBC History article 1896:Here's a review of 1737:ISBN-10: 0312263821 1714:Consensus according 1687:which might suggest 1586:Quit India Movement 1545:Request for Comment 1534:Keynes.john.maynard 1200:Controversial claim 6317:all over the world 6069:Vicerory's journal 5662:resuscitating Bose 5514:This is an article 4615: 4607: 4552:C. Rajagopalachari 4516:Civil disobedience 4404:C. Rajagopalachari 4368:Civil disobedience 4311:A History of India 4256:C. Rajagopalachari 4220:Civil disobedience 4112:C. Rajagopalachari 4076:Civil disobedience 4018:A History of India 3971:C. Rajagopalachari 3935:Civil disobedience 3865:Harvard University 3824:C. Rajagopalachari 3788:Civil disobedience 3681:(6 pages, 1.75%), 3677:(3 pages, 0.88%), 3665:(2 pages, 0.58%), 3655:Civil disobedience 3639:(6 pages, 1.75%), 3551:C. Rajagopalachari 3549:(6 pages, 1.66%), 3545:(5 pages, 1.39%), 3541:(6 pages, 1.66%), 3529:(5 pages, 1.39%), 3525:(3 pages, 0.83%), 3515:Civil disobedience 3509:(8 pages, 2.22%), 3499:(8 pages, 2.22%), 3489:(9 pages, 2.49%), 3203:In contrast, when 3156:I have limited my 3117:civil disobedience 3043:civil disobedience 2722:Expand to see how 2621:Jawaharlal Nehru. 2600:Expand to see how 2464:Expand to see how 2323:'s opinion on her 2319:Expand to see how 2116:Vicerory's journal 1946:in the Uni website 1885:all over the world 1817:ISBN 9971-4-3048-7 1783:. By Louis Allen . 1277:civil disobedience 961:A History of India 916:A History of India 628:Jallianwallah Bagh 620:Jallianwallah Bagh 612:Balgangadhar Tilak 282:Nine Hours to Rama 207:civil disobedience 7187:find the current 6913:Fowler&fowler 6905: 6904: 6672:or even possibly 6303: 6287:comment added by 6201: 6200: 6172: 6171: 6146: 6145: 6124: 6123: 6100: 6099: 6080:(Sarkar, pp-419) 6078: 6077: 6055:(Sarkar, pp 411) 6053: 6052: 6033:what were notable 5905: 5904: 5787:after repeatedly 5781:secondary sources 5731:Secondary sources 5727: 5726: 5681: 5680: 5606: 5605: 5546: 5545: 5484: 5483: 5468:Fowler&fowler 5447: 5446: 5415: 5414: 5357: 5356: 5299:Fowler&fowler 5223: 5222: 5200:Pakistan movement 4977:Fowler&fowler 4961: 4951: 4940:Fowler&fowler 4927: 4914:comment added by 4846:Fowler&fowler 4837: 4836: 4599: 4598: 3712:(3 pages, 0.88%). 3580:(2 pages, 0.55%). 3553:(6 pages, 1.66%). 3400: 3399: 3343: 3342: 3267: 3266: 3263: 3262: 3130: 3129: 3062: 3061: 2996:Fowler&fowler 2991: 2990: 2797: 2796: 2715: 2714: 2711: 2710: 2696: 2695: 2680: 2679: 2655: 2654: 2651: 2650: 2636: 2635: 2595: 2594: 2591: 2590: 2576: 2575: 2558: 2557: 2529: 2528: 2525: 2524: 2496: 2495: 2492: 2491: 2459: 2458: 2455: 2454: 2423: 2422: 2392: 2391: 2388: 2387: 2355: 2354: 2351: 2350: 2321:Dr Chandrika Kaul 2314: 2313: 2290: 2289: 2286: 2285: 2246: 2245: 2242: 2241: 2213: 2212: 2187: 2186: 2167: 2166: 2145: 2144: 2126:(Sarkar, pp-419) 2125: 2124: 2103:(Sarkar, pp 411) 2102: 2101: 2082:what were notable 2057: 2056: 2032: 2031: 1930: 1929: 1854: 1853: 1661: 1660: 1474: 1473: 1408: 1395:comment added by 1348:Fowler&fowler 1283:Fowler&fowler 1207:Fowler&fowler 1052: 1051: 1006:Fowler&fowler 993: 992: 878:Fowler&fowler 832: 831: 641:Fowler&fowler 566:Fowler&fowler 561:Republic of India 500: 499: 496: 495: 475: 474: 459: 458: 444: 443: 427: 426: 410: 409: 364:Amritsar massacre 339: 338: 288:Fowler&fowler 269: 268: 265: 264: 226: 225: 181:Republic of India 164:Amritsar massacre 139:Fowler&fowler 118:Fowler&fowler 103: 102: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 7265: 7191:of the Movement 7074:too overwhelming 6996: 6990: 6963:significant part 6919: 6914: 6717: 6716: 6658:Lord Mountbatten 6640:. Specifically: 6442:find one on the 6282: 6188: 6154: 6132: 6126:(Sarkar, pp420) 6111: 6086: 6061: 6039: 5876: 5743:tertiary sources 5735:tertiary sources 5693: 5667: 5635:Indian Air Force 5592: 5532: 5474: 5469: 5427: 5393: 5377: 5376: 5343: 5305: 5300: 5267:my edits in the 5265:blindly reverted 5209: 5024:agree that this 4983: 4978: 4959: 4946: 4941: 4928: 4909: 4852: 4847: 4649: 4648: 4532:Dadabhai Naoroji 4449:Wolpert, Stanley 4384:Dadabhai Naoroji 4236:Dadabhai Naoroji 4092:Dadabhai Naoroji 3951:Dadabhai Naoroji 3873:Tufts University 3849:, 0 pages, 0%), 3804:Dadabhai Naoroji 3671:Dadabhai Naoroji 3531:Dadabhai Naoroji 3435: 3434: 3356: 3355: 3351:Philip Oldenburg 3272: 3271: 3249: 3240: 3239: 3174:tertiary sources 3101: 3065:User: Rueben lys 3027: 2799: 2798: 2717: 2716: 2698: 2682: 2666: 2657: 2656: 2638: 2614: 2597: 2596: 2578: 2563: 2544: 2531: 2530: 2511: 2498: 2497: 2478: 2461: 2460: 2442: 2430:Stephen P. Cohen 2425: 2424: 2394: 2393: 2374: 2357: 2356: 2333: 2316: 2315: 2292: 2291: 2272: 2255: 2254: 2229: 2195: 2173: 2168:(Sarkar, pp420) 2154: 2131: 2108: 2088: 2067: 2066: 2034: 2033: 1937: 1936: 1861: 1860: 1703: 1702: 1699:Rueben's sources 1648: 1460: 1390: 1354: 1349: 1308:Philip Oldenburg 1289: 1284: 1213: 1208: 1104:the INA and the 1039: 1012: 1007: 903: 902: 884: 879: 761: 760: 647: 642: 591:History of India 572: 567: 557:History of India 553:History of India 478: 461: 446: 430: 413: 397: 388: 387: 326: 294: 289: 251: 242: 241: 191: 145: 140: 124: 119: 81: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 7273: 7272: 7268: 7267: 7266: 7264: 7263: 7262: 7162: 7107: 7027: 6994: 6988: 6955: 6935: 6917: 6912: 6894:Search Results: 6870:Search Results: 6847:Search Results: 6824:Search Results: 6799:Search Results: 6744:Search Results: 6618: 6599: 6489: 6472:chapter, and a 6254: 6102:(Sarkar pp420) 5950: 5887:User:Rueben lys 5865: 5619: 5579:another article 5575: 5507: 5472: 5467: 5318: 5303: 5298: 5289:User:Rueben lys 5123:Red Fort trials 5114: 5022: 4981: 4976: 4944: 4939: 4880: 4850: 4845: 4841:user:Rueben lys 4826:Search Results: 4802:Search Results: 4779:Search Results: 4756:Search Results: 4731:Search Results: 4676:Search Results: 4617:Of course, one 4559:Revolutionaries 4548:Abul Kalam Azad 4544:Lala Lajpat Rai 4411:Revolutionaries 4400:Abul Kalam Azad 4396:Lala Lajpat Rai 4263:Revolutionaries 4252:Abul Kalam Azad 4248:Lala Lajpat Rai 4119:Revolutionaries 4108:Abul Kalam Azad 4106:(0 pages, 0%), 4104:Lala Lajpat Rai 4009:Kiel University 3967:Abul Kalam Azad 3963:Lala Lajpat Rai 3820:Abul Kalam Azad 3816:Lala Lajpat Rai 3683:Lala Lajpat Rai 3547:Abul Kalam Azad 3543:Lala Lajpat Rai 3420:user:Rueben lys 3412: 3235:Stanley Wolpert 3227: 3205:user:Rueben lys 3154: 3146:user:Rueben lys 3134:user:Rueben lys 3096:user:Rueben lys 3018:user:Rueben lys 3010: 2808:(P xvii-xviii). 2466:Stanley Wolpert 2146:(Sarkar pp420) 2065: 1935: 1859: 1733:Lawrence James. 1701: 1602:Red Fort trials 1566: 1547: 1352: 1347: 1287: 1282: 1261:Stanley Wolpert 1211: 1206: 1202: 1106:Red Fort trials 1010: 1005: 882: 877: 645: 640: 616:Lala Lajpat Rai 570: 565: 372:Red Fort trials 292: 287: 278:Stanley Wolpert 143: 138: 122: 117: 108: 77: 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 7271: 7261: 7260: 7230: 7229: 7228: 7227: 7226: 7225: 7208: 7207: 7206: 7205: 7204: 7203: 7161: 7144: 7142: 7140: 7139: 7138: 7137: 7106: 7089: 7088: 7087: 7086: 7085: 7084: 7083: 7026: 7009: 6999: 6998: 6985: 6981: 6967: 6954: 6937: 6934:Subscript text 6933: 6931: 6929: 6927: 6926: 6925: 6924: 6903: 6902: 6901: 6900: 6899: 6898: 6876: 6875: 6874: 6852: 6851: 6850: 6829: 6828: 6827: 6805: 6804: 6803: 6780: 6779: 6778: 6722: 6721: 6715: 6714: 6713: 6712: 6693: 6692: 6691: 6690: 6670:Clement Attlee 6666:Sarojini Naidu 6649: 6626: 6617: 6610: 6598: 6581: 6580: 6579: 6533: 6532: 6529: 6526: 6523: 6520: 6517: 6514: 6511: 6508: 6501: 6500: 6488: 6485: 6461: 6460: 6424: 6423: 6422: 6421: 6420: 6419: 6416: 6404: 6401: 6398: 6394: 6391: 6388: 6385: 6382: 6379: 6376: 6361: 6360: 6357: 6352:come accross 6345: 6344: 6337:history to me. 6326: 6253: 6250: 6227:relevant topic 6199: 6198: 6195: 6192: 6185: 6170: 6169: 6166: 6158: 6151: 6144: 6143: 6140: 6136: 6122: 6121: 6118: 6115: 6108: 6098: 6097: 6094: 6090: 6076: 6075: 6072: 6065: 6051: 6050: 6047: 6043: 6037: 6036: 5999:been reached. 5985: 5977: 5949: 5942: 5941: 5940: 5903: 5902: 5899: 5898: 5897: 5896: 5895: 5880: 5873: 5864: 5861: 5847: 5846: 5825: 5795: 5794: 5793: 5792: 5774: 5767: 5760: 5741:and umpteenth 5725: 5724: 5721: 5697: 5685:Published work 5679: 5678: 5675: 5671: 5658: 5657: 5656: 5655: 5618: 5615: 5604: 5603: 5600: 5596: 5574: 5571: 5551:among scholars 5544: 5543: 5540: 5536: 5530: 5529: 5506: 5503: 5502: 5501: 5500: 5499: 5482: 5481: 5480: 5479: 5462: 5461: 5445: 5444: 5441: 5431: 5425: 5424: 5413: 5412: 5409: 5397: 5382: 5381: 5375: 5374: 5355: 5354: 5351: 5347: 5317: 5314: 5313: 5312: 5311: 5310: 5262: 5261: 5260: 5259: 5221: 5220: 5217: 5213: 5196:Chandrika Kaul 5169:Lawrence James 5113: 5096: 5095: 5094: 5021: 5004: 5003: 5002: 5001: 5000: 4999: 4998: 4953: 4952: 4905: 4900: 4895: 4890: 4879: 4862: 4861: 4859: 4835: 4834: 4833: 4832: 4831: 4830: 4808: 4807: 4806: 4784: 4783: 4782: 4761: 4760: 4759: 4737: 4736: 4735: 4712: 4711: 4710: 4654: 4653: 4632:non-notability 4597: 4596: 4595: 4594: 4593: 4592: 4591: 4590: 4589:(0 pages, 0%). 4579:Azad Hind Fauj 4555: 4540:B. R. Ambedkar 4446: 4445: 4444: 4443: 4442: 4441:(0 pages, 0%). 4431:Azad Hind Fauj 4407: 4392:B. R. Ambedkar 4298: 4297: 4296: 4295: 4294: 4293:(0 pages, 0%). 4283:Azad Hind Fauj 4259: 4244:B. R. Ambedkar 4154: 4153: 4152: 4151: 4150: 4149:(0 pages, 0%). 4139:Azad Hind Fauj 4115: 4100:B. R. Ambedkar 4005: 4004: 4003: 4002: 4001: 3990:Azad Hind Fauj 3974: 3959:B. R. Ambedkar 3858: 3857: 3856: 3855: 3854: 3853:(0 pages, 0%). 3843:Azad Hind Fauj 3827: 3812:B. R. Ambedkar 3717: 3716: 3715: 3714: 3713: 3702:Azad Hind Fauj 3686: 3685:(0 pages, 0%), 3679:B. R. Ambedkar 3585: 3584: 3583: 3582: 3581: 3570:Azad Hind Fauj 3554: 3539:B. R. 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4768: 4767: 4762: 4757: 4754: 4753: 4751: 4748: 4744: 4743: 4738: 4732: 4729: 4728: 4726: 4723: 4719: 4718: 4713: 4708: 4704: 4700: 4699:Muslim League 4696: 4692: 4688: 4684: 4680: 4677: 4674: 4673: 4671: 4668: 4664: 4663: 4658: 4657: 4656: 4655: 4651: 4650: 4647: 4644: 4640: 4635: 4633: 4629: 4624: 4620: 4611: 4603: 4588: 4584: 4580: 4576: 4572: 4568: 4564: 4560: 4556: 4553: 4549: 4545: 4541: 4537: 4533: 4529: 4525: 4521: 4520:Muslim League 4517: 4513: 4509: 4508: 4503: 4499: 4498: 4493: 4489: 4485: 4481: 4477: 4473: 4472: 4470: 4469: 4467: 4464: 4460: 4459: 4454: 4450: 4447: 4440: 4436: 4432: 4428: 4424: 4420: 4416: 4412: 4408: 4405: 4401: 4397: 4393: 4389: 4385: 4381: 4377: 4373: 4372:Muslim League 4369: 4365: 4361: 4360: 4355: 4351: 4350: 4345: 4341: 4337: 4333: 4329: 4325: 4324: 4322: 4321: 4320: 4317: 4313: 4312: 4307: 4303: 4299: 4292: 4288: 4284: 4280: 4276: 4272: 4268: 4264: 4260: 4257: 4253: 4249: 4245: 4241: 4237: 4233: 4229: 4225: 4224:Muslim League 4221: 4217: 4213: 4212: 4207: 4203: 4202: 4197: 4193: 4189: 4185: 4181: 4177: 4176: 4174: 4173: 4172: 4169: 4165: 4164: 4159: 4155: 4148: 4144: 4140: 4136: 4132: 4128: 4124: 4120: 4116: 4113: 4109: 4105: 4101: 4097: 4093: 4089: 4085: 4081: 4080:Muslim League 4077: 4073: 4069: 4068: 4063: 4059: 4058: 4053: 4049: 4045: 4041: 4037: 4033: 4032: 4030: 4029: 4028:. p 260-266. 4027: 4024: 4020: 4019: 4014: 4010: 4006: 3999: 3995: 3991: 3987: 3983: 3979: 3975: 3972: 3968: 3964: 3960: 3956: 3952: 3948: 3944: 3940: 3939:Muslim League 3936: 3932: 3928: 3927: 3922: 3918: 3917: 3912: 3908: 3904: 3900: 3896: 3892: 3891: 3889: 3888: 3887: 3886:0-415-30787-2 3884: 3880: 3879: 3874: 3870: 3866: 3862: 3859: 3852: 3848: 3844: 3840: 3836: 3832: 3828: 3825: 3821: 3817: 3813: 3809: 3805: 3801: 3797: 3793: 3792:Muslim League 3789: 3785: 3781: 3780: 3775: 3771: 3770: 3765: 3761: 3757: 3753: 3749: 3745: 3744: 3742: 3741: 3739: 3736: 3732: 3731: 3727:). 2004. 3726: 3722: 3718: 3711: 3707: 3703: 3699: 3695: 3691: 3687: 3684: 3680: 3676: 3672: 3668: 3664: 3660: 3659:Muslim League 3656: 3652: 3648: 3647: 3642: 3638: 3637: 3632: 3628: 3624: 3620: 3616: 3612: 3611: 3609: 3608: 3607: 3604: 3600: 3599: 3594: 3590: 3586: 3579: 3575: 3571: 3567: 3563: 3559: 3555: 3552: 3548: 3544: 3540: 3536: 3532: 3528: 3524: 3520: 3519:Muslim League 3516: 3512: 3508: 3507: 3502: 3498: 3497: 3492: 3488: 3484: 3480: 3476: 3472: 3471: 3469: 3468: 3466: 3463: 3459: 3458: 3453: 3449: 3448: 3447: 3446: 3441: 3437: 3436: 3433: 3431: 3430: 3425: 3421: 3417: 3407: 3405: 3389: 3385: 3382: 3378: 3377: 3376: 3375: 3369: 3368: 3367: 3366: 3365: 3364: 3363: 3362: 3358: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3348: 3336: 3333: 3330: 3327: 3323: 3320: 3317: 3314: 3311: 3308: 3305: 3302: 3299: 3296: 3293: 3290: 3287: 3284: 3281: 3280: 3279: 3278: 3274: 3273: 3270: 3258: 3254: 3251: 3250: 3247: 3246: 3242: 3241: 3238: 3236: 3232: 3222: 3220: 3215: 3210: 3206: 3201: 3199: 3195: 3191: 3187: 3183: 3179: 3175: 3171: 3167: 3163: 3159: 3149: 3147: 3143: 3142:Muslim League 3139: 3135: 3125: 3122: 3118: 3114: 3110: 3106: 3103: 3102: 3099: 3097: 3092: 3090: 3089:Bombay mutiny 3086: 3082: 3078: 3074: 3070: 3066: 3057: 3054: 3050: 3049: 3044: 3040: 3036: 3032: 3029: 3028: 3025: 3023: 3019: 3015: 3007: 3004: 3001: 2997: 2994:Statement by 2986: 2980: 2975: 2969: 2963: 2957: 2951: 2944: 2938: 2931: 2925: 2919: 2913: 2906: 2902: 2901:disobedience. 2897: 2893: 2888: 2883: 2879: 2875: 2871: 2866: 2862: 2858: 2853: 2849: 2845: 2841: 2837: 2833: 2828: 2824: 2819: 2814: 2813: 2807: 2803: 2802: 2801: 2800: 2786: 2783: 2779: 2774: 2771: 2768: 2764: 2761: 2758: 2755: 2752: 2749: 2746: 2743: 2742: 2740: 2739: 2738: 2737: 2736: 2735: 2729: 2725: 2721: 2720: 2719: 2718: 2706: 2703: 2700: 2699: 2691: 2687: 2684: 2683: 2675: 2671: 2668: 2667: 2664: 2663: 2659: 2658: 2646: 2643: 2640: 2639: 2631: 2629: 2625: 2619: 2616: 2615: 2612: 2611: 2607: 2603: 2599: 2598: 2586: 2583: 2580: 2579: 2571: 2568: 2565: 2564: 2561: 2553: 2549: 2546: 2545: 2542: 2541: 2537: 2533: 2532: 2520: 2516: 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1943: 1939: 1938: 1923: 1919: 1915: 1914: 1911: 1908: 1903: 1899: 1895: 1893: 1890: 1886: 1882: 1878: 1874: 1873: 1872: 1871: 1867: 1863: 1862: 1847: 1844: 1842: 1839: 1836: 1833: 1830: 1827: 1824: 1821: 1818: 1816: 1813:Joyce Lebra. 1811: 1809: 1807: 1802: 1800: 1797: 1794: 1791: 1788: 1785: 1782: 1779: 1776: 1773: 1770: 1767: 1765: 1762: 1759: 1756: 1753: 1749: 1746: 1743: 1740: 1738: 1736: 1731: 1729: 1726: 1723: 1719: 1715: 1712: 1711: 1710: 1709: 1705: 1704: 1696: 1695: 1692: 1688: 1683: 1682: 1679: 1673: 1668: 1666: 1656: 1653: 1650: 1649: 1646: 1643: 1640:I have tried 1635: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1611: 1610: 1609: 1607: 1606:Bombay mutiny 1603: 1599: 1595: 1587: 1582: 1579: 1575: 1572: 1571: 1570: 1563: 1560: 1557: 1553: 1550:Statement by 1538: 1535: 1530: 1525: 1524: 1523: 1522: 1511: 1508: 1504: 1499: 1496: 1492: 1488: 1484: 1483: 1482: 1481: 1480: 1479: 1478: 1477: 1476: 1475: 1469: 1465: 1462: 1461: 1448: 1444: 1440: 1436: 1435: 1434: 1433: 1432: 1431: 1430: 1429: 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6464: 6462: 6456: 6452: 6447: 6439: 6431: 6427: 6425: 6412: 6408: 6363: 6362: 6354:this article 6349: 6333: 6316: 6312: 6278: 6270: 6266: 6261: 6257: 6255: 6238: 6234: 6230: 6226: 6224: 6219: 6215: 6211: 6209: 6202: 6184: 6179: 6175: 6173: 6162: 6150: 6147: 6128: 6125: 6107: 6104: 6101: 6082: 6079: 6068: 6057: 6054: 6025:Sumit Sarkar 6020: 6008: 6004: 6000: 5996: 5992: 5988: 5980: 5969: 5965: 5961: 5957: 5951: 5945: 5930: 5924:and general 5912:and general 5890: 5872: 5866: 5848: 5838: 5833: 5813: 5811: 5796: 5776: 5750: 5746: 5728: 5716: 5714: 5710: 5709: 5702: 5699: 5689: 5682: 5661: 5659: 5650: 5646: 5642: 5624: 5607: 5589:which says 5586: 5583:The Guardian 5576: 5559: 5555: 5554: 5550: 5547: 5521: 5508: 5456: 5452: 5438: 5435: 5419: 5404: 5400: 5387: 5385: 5370: 5358: 5337: 5325: 5321: 5319: 5292: 5272: 5263: 5242: 5224: 5204: 5181: 5172: 5150: 5138: 5130: 5115: 5106: 5098:Comments by 5084: 5080: 5076: 5071:(page 210), 5068: 5056: 5053: 5048: 5044: 5040: 5035: 5023: 5014: 4958: 4954: 4930: 4881: 4872: 4858: 4838: 4825: 4812: 4801: 4788: 4778: 4765: 4755: 4741: 4730: 4716: 4703:Maulana Azad 4701:(21 pages), 4697:(90 pages), 4693:(44 pages), 4689:(48 pages), 4685:(15 pages), 4681:(20 pages), 4675: 4661: 4642: 4638: 4636: 4631: 4627: 4623:narrow-focus 4622: 4618: 4616: 4587:Bhagat Singh 4562: 4536:Sardar Patel 4524:Annie Besant 4505: 4502:Non-violence 4495: 4457: 4439:Bhagat Singh 4414: 4388:Sardar Patel 4376:Annie Besant 4357: 4354:Non-violence 4347: 4310: 4291:Bhagat Singh 4266: 4240:Sardar Patel 4228:Annie Besant 4209: 4206:Non-violence 4199: 4162: 4147:Bhagat Singh 4122: 4096:Sardar Patel 4084:Annie Besant 4065: 4062:Non-violence 4055: 4017: 3998:Bhagat Singh 3977: 3955:Sardar Patel 3943:Annie Besant 3924: 3921:Non-violence 3914: 3877: 3869:Ayesha Jalal 3861:Bose, Sugata 3851:Bhagat Singh 3830: 3808:Sardar Patel 3796:Annie Besant 3777: 3774:Non-violence 3767: 3729: 3710:Bhagat Singh 3689: 3675:Sardar Patel 3663:Annie Besant 3644: 3641:Non-violence 3634: 3597: 3578:Bhagat Singh 3557: 3535:Sardar Patel 3523:Annie Besant 3504: 3501:Non-violence 3494: 3456: 3439: 3427: 3423: 3415: 3413: 3404:Bhagat Singh 3401: 3387: 3380: 3344: 3268: 3228: 3213: 3208: 3202: 3197: 3193: 3177: 3173: 3165: 3161: 3157: 3155: 3137: 3131: 3121:non-violence 3093: 3063: 3046: 3021: 3011: 3002: 2984: 2978: 2973: 2967: 2961: 2955: 2948: 2942: 2935: 2929: 2923: 2917: 2910: 2904: 2899: 2895: 2891: 2885: 2881: 2877: 2873: 2869: 2864: 2860: 2856: 2851: 2847: 2843: 2839: 2835: 2831: 2826: 2822: 2817: 2781: 2777: 2727: 2626: 2622: 2559: 2416: 2411: 2341: 2308: 2304: 2247: 2225: 2220: 2216: 2214: 2203: 2191: 2188: 2169: 2150: 2147: 2127: 2115: 2104: 2058: 2042: 1956: 1953: 1922:this article 1917: 1901: 1884: 1880: 1814: 1805: 1752:Sumit Sarkar 1734: 1684: 1674: 1669: 1662: 1639: 1626:very notable 1625: 1593: 1591: 1577: 1567: 1558: 1528: 1502: 1494: 1490: 1486: 1438: 1386: 1382: 1377: 1342: 1338: 1334: 1330: 1323: 1302: 1301: 1256: 1236: 1228: 1224: 1203: 1181: 1177: 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14:08, 22 August 2007 (UTC)
14:17, 22 August 2007 (UTC)
Quit India
Indian National Army
Amritsar massacre
1915 Ghadar conspiracy
Rueben lys
21:47, 22 August 2007 (UTC)
Republic of India
struggle for independence
Indian National Congress
civil disobedience
Mahatma Gandhi
Stanley Wolpert

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