
Thomas More

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2973: 2941: 4633:, an Anglican church whose southern chapel More commissioned and in which he sang with the parish choir. Except for his chapel, the church was largely destroyed in the Second World War and rebuilt in 1958. The capitals on the medieval arch connecting the chapel to the main sanctuary display symbols associated with More and his office. On the southern wall of the sanctuary is the tomb and epitaph he erected for himself and his wives, detailing his ancestry and accomplishments in Latin, including his role as peacemaker between the various Christian European states as well as a curiously altered portion about his curbing heresy. When More served Mass, he would leave by the door just to the left of it. He is not, however, buried here, nor is it entirely certain which of his family may be. It is open to the public at specific times. Outside the church, facing the 19586: 5653:
describes the ideal society on the imaginary island of Utopia. ... He was the first to describe a society in which private property (even personal property) has been abolished, equality of consumption has been introduced (as in the early Christian communes), and production and the way of life have been socialized. ... The family, a cell for the communist way of life, is organized more as a productive unit than as a kinship unit. ... More did not believe that the ideal society would be achieved through revolution. Utopia ... greatly influenced reformers of subsequent centuries, especially Morelly, G. Babeuf, Saint-Simon, C. Fourier, E. Cabet, and other representatives of Utopian socialism. ... The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970–1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
3045: 4500: 3794:
public intellectual, Hugh Trevor-Roper held More up as "the first great Englishman whom we feel that we know, the most saintly of Humanists...the universal man of our cool northern Renaissance." By 1978, the quincentenary of More's birth Trevor-Roper wrote an essay putting More in the Renaissance Platonist tradition, and claim his reputation was "quite independent of his Catholicism." (Only, later on, did a more critical view arise in academia, led by Professor Sir Geoffrey Elton, which "challenged More's reputation for saintliness by focusing on his dealings with heretics, the ferocity of which, in fairness to him, More did not deny. In this research, More's role as a prosecutor, or persecutor, of dissidents has been at the center of the debate.")
2085:. But he came to the House of Commons for a much larger sum than he intended to give with his daughter. The members, unwilling as they were to vote the money, were afraid to offend the king, till the silence was broken by More, whose speech is said to have moved the house to reduce the subsidy of three-fifteenths which the Government had demanded to £30,000. One of the chamberlains went and told his master that he had been thwarted by a beardless boy. Henry never forgave the audacity; but, for the moment, the only revenge he could take was upon More's father, whom upon some pretext he threw into the Tower, and he only released him upon payment of a fine of £100. Thomas More even found it advisable to withdraw from public life into obscurity. 2045: 72: 5367:(Chapter 22) ... Already, in these early days of English heresy, he was thinking of the fire. It is a measure of his alarm at the erosion of the traditional order that he should, in this letter, compose a defence of scholastic theology—the same scholasticism which in his younger days he had treated with derision. This was no longer a time for questioning, or innovation, or uncertainty, of any kind. He blamed Luther for the Peasants' Revolt in Germany, and maintained that all its havoc and destruction were the direct result of Luther's challenge to the authority of the Church; under the pretext of 'libertas' Luther preached 'licentia' which had in turn led to rape, sacrilege, bloodshed, fire and ruin. 684: 2782:, a nun who had prophesied that the king had ruined his soul and would come to a quick end for having divorced Queen Catherine. This was a month after Barton had confessed, which was possibly done under royal pressure, and was said to be concealment of treason. Though it was dangerous for anyone to have anything to do with Barton, More had indeed met her, and was impressed by her fervour. But More was prudent and told her not to interfere with state matters. More was called before a committee of the Privy Council to answer these charges of treason, and after his respectful answers the matter seemed to have been dropped. 2870: 15532: 2848: 11003: 10989: 3564: 3507:
correspondence (mostly in English), letters to fellow humanist scholars (in Latin), several epistolary tracts, verse epistles, prefatory letters (some fictional) to several of More's own works, letters to More's children and their tutors (in Latin), and the so-called "prison-letters" (in English) which he exchanged with his oldest daughter Margaret while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London awaiting execution. More also engaged in controversies, most notably with the French poet
651: 412: 11428: 2968:
to the King's Supremacy, the particular Secrets, and only Point about which I have been so long pressed to explain my self? which I never did, nor never would reveal; when the Act was once made, either to the King himself, or any of his Privy Councillors, as is well known to your Honours, who have been sent upon no other account at several times by his Majesty to me in the Tower. I refer it to your Judgments, my Lords, whether this can seem credible to any of your Lordships.
5271:"Serious analysis precludes the repetition of protestant stories that Sir Thomas flogged heretics against a tree in his garden at Chelsea. It must exclude, too, the accusations of illegal imprisonment made against More by John Field and Thomas Phillips. Much vaunted by J.A. Froude, such charges are unsupported by independent proof. More indeed answered them in his Apology with emphatic denial. None has ever been substantiated, and we may hope that they were all untrue." 11434: 4618: 11058: 676: 1878: 692: 11440: 16945: 15544: 14257: 12097: 1684: 2771:. Technically, this was not an act of treason, as More had written to Henry seemingly acknowledging Anne's queenship and expressing his desire for the King's happiness and the new Queen's health. Despite this, his refusal to attend was widely interpreted as a snub against Anne, and Henry took action against him. Shortly thereafter, More was charged with accepting bribes, but the charges had to be dismissed for lack of any evidence. 3037: 14269: 10950: 11077: 2805:...By reason whereof the Bishop of Rome and See Apostolic, contrary to the great and inviolable grants of jurisdictions given by God immediately to emperors, kings and princes in succession to their heirs, hath presumed in times past to invest who should please them to inherit in other men's kingdoms and dominions, which thing we your most humble subjects, both spiritual and temporal, do most abhor and detest... 2348:
my darling that he detests and abhors the errors and heresies that Tyndale plainly teaches and abides by and therefore Erasmus my darling shall be my dear darling still. And surely if Tyndale had either never taught them, or yet had the grace to revoke them: then should Tyndale be my dear darling too. But while he holds such heresies still I cannot take for my darling him that the devil takes for his darling.
3229: 2221: 12109: 1696: 4078:, which he saw as a satire. In this novel, Thomas More travels through time to the year 2535, where he is made king of the world "Astrobe", only to be beheaded after ruling for a mere nine days. One character compares More favourably to almost every other major historical figure: "He had one completely honest moment right at the end. I cannot think of anyone else who ever had one." 4574: 3803: 10964: 3008:. When he came to mount the steps to the scaffold, its frame seeming so weak that it might collapse, More is widely quoted as saying (to one of the officials): "I pray you, master Lieutenant, see me safe up and my coming down, let me shift for my self"; while on the scaffold he declared "that he died the king's good servant, and God's first." Theologian 2736:
that he believed capital punishment to be immoral, reprehensible and unjustifiable. Yet as Lord Chancellor and as councillor to the King, he certainly participated in sending hundreds of people to their death, a troubling thought. Doubtless he saw himself, as many judges before and since have done, as a mere instrument of the legal power of the State.
3530:(a.k.a. The Agony of Christ). More handwrote the last in the Tower of London while awaiting his execution. This last manuscript, saved from the confiscation decreed by Henry VIII, passed by the will of his daughter Margaret to Spanish hands through Fray Pedro de Soto, confessor of Emperor Charles V. More's friend 5162:'s pronouncement about the Lutherans' heresy "tending principally and chiefly to the withdrawing of the obedience of the Church of Rome, and also of the governance, regyment and supreme dignity of Princes and all nobility." Luther's attacks on German princes were evidence of the seditious nature of his doctrine. 2928:. Norfolk offered More the chance of the king's "gracious pardon" should he "reform his obstinate opinion". More responded that, although he had not taken the oath, he had never spoken out against it either and that his silence could be accepted as his "ratification and confirmation" of the new statutes. 3833:, a Roman Catholic convert from the Church of England, predicted More "may come to be counted the greatest Englishman, or at least the greatest historical character in English history." He wrote "the mind of More was like a diamond that a tyrant threw away into a ditch, because he could not break it." 3497:
is an imaginary dialogue between More and Tyndale, with More addressing each of Tyndale's criticisms of Catholic rites and doctrines. More, who valued structure, tradition and order in society as safeguards against tyranny and error, vehemently believed that Lutheranism and the Protestant Reformation
3441:, More defended papal supremacy, the sacraments, and other Church traditions. More, though considered "a much steadier personality", described Luther as an "ape", a "drunkard", and a "lousy little friar" amongst other epithets. Writing under the pseudonym of Gulielmus Rosseus, More tells Luther that: 2531:
and other post-Reformation sources that More "tied heretics to a tree in his Chelsea garden and whipped them", that "he watched as 'newe men' were put upon the rack in the Tower and tortured until they confessed", and that "he was personally responsible for the burning of several of the 'brethren' in
Thomas More, as lord chancellor , was in effect the first port of call for those arrested in London on suspicion of heresy, and he took the initial decisions about whether to release them, where to imprison them, or to which bishop to send them. He can be connected with police or judicial proceedings
and some other clergy refused to sign. Henry purged most clergy who supported the papal stance from senior positions in the church. More continued to refuse to sign the Oath of Supremacy and did not agree to support the annulment of Henry's marriage to Catherine. However, he did not openly reject the
I have not contended with Erasmus my darling, because I found no such malicious intent with Erasmus my darling, as I find with Tyndale. For had I found with Erasmus my darling the cunning intent and purpose that I find in Tyndale: Erasmus my darling should be no more my darling. But I find in Erasmus
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. ... More, Thomas ... English humanist, statesman, and writer; founder of Utopian socialism. ... More is especially famous for the dialogue Utopia (1516; Russian translation, 1789), which
More's resignation as Lord Chancellor demonstrates also a recognition of the fact that, so long as he held office, he was obliged to conform to the King's law. It is often the fact that judges and lawyers must perform acts which they do not particularly like. In Utopia, for example, More had written
More insisted upon giving his daughters the same classical education as his son, an unusual attitude at the time. His eldest daughter, Margaret, attracted much admiration for her erudition, especially her fluency in Greek and Latin. More told his daughter of his pride in her academic accomplishments
has carefully investigated, preserved and sealed this burial vault. The last archaeological investigation revealed that the suspected head of More rests in a niche separate from the other bodies, possibly from later interference. Displays in the chapel record the archaeological findings in pictures
In an essay examining the events around the addition to the Anglican calendar, Scholar William Sheils links the reasoning for More's recognition to a "long-standing tradition hinted at in Rose Macaulay's ironic debating point of 1935 about More's status as an 'unschismed Anglican', a tradition also
for as long as your reverend paternity will be determined to tell these shameless lies, others will be permitted, on behalf of his English majesty, to throw back into your paternity's shitty mouth, truly the shit-pool of all shit, all the muck and shit which your damnable rottenness has vomited up,
Can it therefore seem likely to your Lordships, that I should in so weighty an Affair as this, act so unadvisedly, as to trust Mr. Rich, a Man I had always so mean an Opinion of, in reference to his Truth and Honesty, ... that I should only impart to Mr. Rich the Secrets of my Conscience in respect
One of More's criticisms of the initial Tyndale translation was that despite claiming to be in the vernacular, Tyndale had employed numerous neologisms: for example, "Jehovah", "scapegoat", "Passover", "atonement", "mercy seat", "shewbread." More also accused Tyndale of deliberately avoiding common
argues, "More speaks for his ruler and in his opponent's idiom; Luther speaks for himself, and his scatological imagery far exceeds in quantity, intensity, and inventiveness anything that More could muster. If for More scatology normally expresses a communal disapproval, for Luther, it expresses a
remain far outside Church doctrine. Hythlodaeus asserts that a man who refuses to believe in a god or an afterlife could never be trusted, because he would not acknowledge any authority or principle outside himself. A scholar has suggested that More is most interested in the type of citizen Utopia
More instead claimed in his "Apology" (1533) that he only applied corporal punishment to two "heretics": a child servant in his household who was caned (the customary punishment for children at that time) for repeating a heresy regarding the Eucharist, and a "feeble-minded" man who was whipped for
When he saw from the signature that it was the letter of a lady, his surprise led him to read it more eagerly ... he said he would never have believed it to be your work unless I had assured him of the fact, and he began to praise it in the highest terms ... for its pure Latinity, its correctness,
Princes were 'driven by necessity' by the 'importune malice of heretics raising rebellions' to set 'sorer and sorer punishments thereunto' (CTA, 956). In other words, the heretics had started it: 'the Catholic Church did never persecute heretics by any temporal pain or any secular power until the
in 1516. It was only translated into English and published in his native land in 1551 (16 years after his execution), and the 1684 translation became the most commonly cited. More (who is also a character in the book) and the narrator/traveller, Raphael Hythlodaeus (whose name alludes both to the
in this respect (malicious conspiracy) and, according to some sources, included asserting that Parliament did not have the right to proclaim the King's Supremacy over the English Church. One group of scholars believes that the judges dismissed the first two charges (malicious acts) and tried More
which gave More a "reputation as a defender of the right of conscience". Thanks to the play's depiction, this "brought his life to a broader and more popular audience" with the film "extending its impact worldwide following the Oscar triumphs". Around this time the atheist Oxford historian and
If any person or persons, after the first day of February next coming, do maliciously wish, will or desire, by words or writing, or by craft imagine, invent, practise, or attempt any bodily harm to be done or committed to the king's most royal person, the queen's, or their heirs apparent, or to
Soon after meeting the young lawyer More, who became his best friend and invited Erasmus into his household, Erasmus reported in 1500 "Did nature ever invent anything kinder, sweeter or more harmonious than the character of Thomas More?". In 1519, he wrote that More was "born and designed for
Some take the novel's principal message to be the social need for order and discipline rather than liberty. Ironically, Hythlodaeus, who believes philosophers should not get involved in politics, addresses More's ultimate conflict between his humanistic beliefs and courtly duties as the King's
contrasts the contentious social life of European states with the perfectly orderly, reasonable social arrangements of Utopia and its environs (Tallstoria, Nolandia, and Aircastle). In Utopia, there are no lawyers because of the laws' simplicity and because social gatherings are in public view
every 6 July (the date of More's execution) as "Thomas More, scholar, and John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, Reformation Martyrs, 1535". The annual remembrance of 6 July, is recognized by all Anglican Churches in communion with Canterbury, including Australia, Brazil, Canada, and South Africa.
Victorian biographer Seebohm commented "Along with great intellectual gifts was combined in the young student (More) a gentle and loving disposition, which threw itself into the bosom of a friend with so guileless and pure an affection, that when men came under the power of its unconscious
Others have been more critical, such as writer Richard Marius, an American scholar of the Reformation, believing that such persecutions were a betrayal of More's earlier humanist convictions, including More's zealous and well-documented advocacy of extermination for heretics. This supposed
Most major humanists were prolific letter writers, and Thomas More was no exception. As in the case of his friend Erasmus of Rotterdam, however, only a small portion of his correspondence (about 280 letters) survived. These include everything from personal letters to official government
2324:(Tyndale changed this to "elder"), and the latinate "congregation" instead of "church". Tyndale's bibles include text other than the scriptures: some of Tyndale's prefaces were direct translations of Martin Luther, and it included marginal glosses which challenged Catholic doctrine. 8808: 5512:
passed parliament, "investing Henry VIII with the power to "visit, redress, reform, correct or amend all errors, heresies and enormities;" to define faith; and to appoint bishops. This law also directed the monies which had previously been paid to Rome to the king's coffers. The
Burning at the stake was the standard punishment by the English state for obstinate or relapsed, major seditious or proselytizing heresy, and continued to be used by both Catholics and Protestants during the religious upheaval of the following decades. In England, following the
In a 1532 letter, Erasmus wrote "such is the kindliness of his disposition, or rather, to say it better, such is his piety and wisdom, that whatever comes his way that cannot be corrected, he comes to love just as wholeheartedly as if nothing better could have happened to him."
A 1999 poll of legal British professionals nominated More as the person who most embodies the virtues of the law needed at the close of the millennium. The virtues were More's views on the primacy of conscience and his role in the practical establishment of the principle of
and follower of Bishop Stokesley, as the man More commissioned to befriend Tyndale and then betray him. This was notwithstanding that the execution took place on 6 October 1536, sixteen months after More himself had been executed, and in a different jurisdiction. Historian
3846:, an Anglican, wrote that More was "a person of the greatest virtue this kingdom ever produced". Some consider this quote to be of Samuel Johnson, although it is not found in Johnson's writings. Swift put More in the company of Socrates, Brutus, Epaminondas and Junius. 5129:
points out that More's repeated references to Erasmus as "darling" was his retort to Tyndale's mocking use of the word, being an adroit example of the rhetorical technique of repetition, culminating in the quip that, unlike Erasmus, Tyndale could never be his darling:
Some biographers, including Peter Ackroyd, have taken a relatively tolerant or even positive view of More's campaign against Protestantism by placing his actions within the turbulent religious climate of the time and the threat of deadly catastrophes such as the
2937:" ("one who keeps silent seems to consent"), understanding that he could not be convicted as long as he did not explicitly deny that the King was Supreme Head of the Church, and he therefore refused to answer all questions regarding his opinions on the subject. 2903:
deprive them or any of them of their dignity, title, or name of their royal estates ... That then every such person and persons so offending ... shall have and suffer such pains of death and other penalties, as is limited and accustomed in cases of high treason.
Stories of a similar nature were current even in More's lifetime and he denied them forcefully. He admitted that he did imprison heretics in his house – 'theyr sure kepynge' – he called it – but he utterly rejected claims of torture and whipping... 'as help me
2205:) in 1529; this was the highest official responsible for equity and common law, including contracts and royal household cases, and some misdemeanour appeals. He dispatched cases with unprecedented rapidity. In 1532 he was responsible for an anti-pollution act. 5622:
This monument, suggested by Lenin and built in 1918, lists Thomas More (ninth from the top) among the most influential thinkers "who promoted the liberation of humankind from oppression, arbitrariness, and exploitation." It is in Aleksndrovsky Garden near the
4697:, whose family lived in Canterbury down and across the street from their parish church. A stone immediately to the left of the altar marks the sealed Roper family vault beneath the Nicholas Chapel, itself to the right of the church's sanctuary or main altar. 2417:
On 16 May 1532, More resigned from his role as Chancellor but remained in Henry's favour despite his refusal. His decision to resign was caused by the decision of the convocation of the English Church, which was under intense royal threat, on the day before.
3416:(Nov.). In these books, Luther set out his doctrine of salvation through faith alone, rejected certain Catholic practices, and attacked abuses and excesses within the Catholic Church. In 1521, Henry VIII formally responded to Luther's criticisms with the 4002:
More is a man of an angel's wit and singular learning. I know not his fellow. For where is the man of that gentleness, lowliness and affability? And, as time requireth, a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes, and sometime of as sad gravity. A man for all
4682:, just east of the Tower where he was executed. The street in which it is situated was formerly called Nightingale Lane, a corruption of "Knighten Guild", derived from the original owners of the land. It is now renamed Thomas More Street in his honour. 4366:", the first person "to describe a society in which private property ... had been abolished" (a society in which the family was "a cell for the communist way of life"), and a thinker who "did not believe that the ideal society would be achieved through 4525:, it was convenient to select a riverside property situated between them (the common method of transport being by boat) for his home. In about 1520 he purchased a parcel of land comprising "undisturbed wood and pasture", stretching from the Thames in 2813:
confirming Anne's role as queen and the rights of their children to succession. More's fate was sealed. While he had no argument with the basic concept of succession as stated in the Act, the preamble of the Oath repudiated the authority of the Pope.
The whole work is really an exercise of the imagination with much brilliant satire upon the world of More's own day. ... there can be no doubt that he would have been delighted at entrapping William Morris, who discovered in it a complete gospel of
Another comment More is believed to have made to the executioner is that his beard was completely innocent of any crime, and did not deserve the axe; he then positioned his beard so that it would not be harmed. More asked that his adopted daughter
The steadfastness and courage with which More maintained his religious convictions, and his dignity during his imprisonment, trial, and execution, contributed much to More's posthumous reputation, particularly among Roman Catholics. His friend
was arrested on a warrant of Thomas More as Lord Chancellor and detained at his gatehouse. He was examined by Bishop John Stokesley, abjured, penalized and freed. He subsequently re-canted, and was re-arrested, tried and executed as a relapsed
5694: 4702:
and narratives. Roman Catholics donated stained glass to commemorate the events in More's life. A small plaque marks the former home of William and Margaret Roper; another house nearby and entitled Roper House is now a home for deaf people.
of statesmen and politicians in October 2000, stating: "It can be said that he demonstrated in a singular way the value of a moral conscience ... even if, in his actions against heretics, he reflected the limits of the culture of his time".
3900:, More disagreed with secret witnesses, the admissibility of hearsay, and found St Germain's criticism of religious courts superficial or ignorant. More and St Germain's views on equity owed in part to the 15th-century humanist theologian, 1944:
More had no children from his second marriage, although he raised Alice's daughter from her previous marriage as his own. More also became the guardian of two young girls: Anne Cresacre who would eventually marry his son, John More; and
Moreover, Solzhenitsyn insists that the Soviet system cannot survive without the camps, that Soviet communism requires enslavement and forced labour. " ...foreseen as far back as Thomas More, the great-grandfather of socialism, in his
erected in 1969, commemorating More as "saint", "scholar", and "statesman"; the back displays his coat-of-arms. Nearby, on Upper Cheyne Row, the Roman Catholic Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer & St. Thomas More honours the martyr.
Torture was not officially legal in England, except in pre-trial discovery phase of kinds of extreme cases that the King had allowed, such as seditious heresy. It was regarded as unsafe for evidence, and was not an allowed punishment.
outside the walls of London and joined in the monks' spiritual exercises. Although he deeply admired their piety, More ultimately decided to remain a layman, standing for election to Parliament in 1504 and marrying the following year.
5434:. There he argued that the Peasants' Revolt in Germany (1525), the Lutheran mercenaries' sack of Rome (1527), and the growing unrest in England all stemmed from Luther's inflammatory teachings and especially the lure of false freedom 2268:
More wrote a series of books and pamphlets in English and Latin to respond to Protestants, and in his official capacities took action against the illegal book trade, notably fronting a diplomatically-sensitive raid in 1525 of the
3304:(encouraging participants to behave well), communal ownership supplants private property, men and women are educated alike, and there is almost complete religious toleration (except for atheists, who are allowed but despised). 5326:
Marius suggests that the rumours of More's cruelty started with renegade priest John Constantine, who was arrested, betrayed Bayfield, and escaped from More's house to stay with a friend in Antwerp who he also later betrayed.
5297:"...turned to waging implacable war on enemies of the Church whom he could crush without inhibition. He had a positive relish for burning heretics. Claims that he personally tortured heretics have no evidence to back them up. 3162:
is a Renaissance biography, remarkable more for its literary skill and adherence to classical precepts than for its historical accuracy. Some consider it an attack on royal tyranny, rather than on Richard III himself or the
4537:, written in 1525 by a member of More's household (or even by More himself) using the pseudonym of "Walter Smith", the widow arrives by boat at "Chelsay...where she had best cheare of all/in the house of Syr Thomas More." 3167:. More uses a more dramatic writing style than had been typical in medieval chronicles; Richard III is limned as an outstanding, archetypal tyrant—however, More was only seven years old when Richard III was killed at the 1977:; however, it was lost in a fire in the 18th century. More's grandson commissioned a copy, of which two versions survive. The Nostell copy of the portrait shown above also includes the family's two pet dogs and monkey. 3958:, and others. In it More is portrayed as a wise and honest statesman. The original manuscript has survived as a handwritten text that shows many revisions by its several authors, as well as the censorious influence of 5582:
I die the king's good servant, but God's first." Footnote 133: "This phrase from Robert Bolt's play 'A Man for All Seasons' ... is an adjustment of More's actual last words: 'I die the king's good servant, and God's
5071:"More held that the experience of friendship is a partial anticipation of the secure friendship of heaven, where we may hope that all will "be merry together"-not just our friends in this life but our enemies too." 2248:, a threat to the unity of both church and society. More believed in the theology, argumentation, and ecclesiastical laws of the church, and "heard Luther's call to destroy the Catholic Church as a call to war." 5038:"Sir Thomas More's first wife was instructed 'in learning and every kind of music'; his second wife, in middle age, was induced 'to learn to play apon the gittern, the lute, the clavichord and the recorders.'" 4485:. The building, which houses Parliament, would have been well known to More, who served several terms as a member and became Speaker of the House of Commons before his appointment as England's Lord Chancellor. 19864: 2797:, he steadfastly refused to take the oath of supremacy of the Crown in the relationship between the kingdom and the church in England. More also publicly refused to uphold Henry's annulment from Catherine. 2096:, a position of considerable responsibility in which he earned a reputation as an honest and effective public servant. Interested in public health, he became a Commissioner for Sewers in 1514. More became 1905:
More married Joanna "Jane" Colt, the eldest daughter of John Colt of Essex in 1505. In that year he leased a portion of a house known as the Old Barge (originally there had been a wharf nearby serving the
4341:), as one of the most influential thinkers "who promoted the liberation of humankind from oppression, arbitrariness, and exploitation." This monument was erected in 1918 in Aleksandrovsky Garden near the 2983:
After the jury's verdict was delivered and before his sentencing, More spoke freely of his belief that "no temporal man may be the head of the spirituality" (take over the role of the Pope). According to
9206: 5475:
In the Peasants' Revolt in Germany in 1525, More pointed out, 70,000 German peasants were slaughtered – and More, along with Erasmus and many others, considered Luther to be largely responsible for that
Thomas More : the saint and the society; addresses and articles on St Thomas More further published to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the foundation of the St Thomas More Society on 14th August
3462:, that asserted the Catholic Church was the one true church, established by Christ and the Apostles, and affirmed the validity of its authority, traditions and practices. In 1529, the circulation of 2746: 3732: 1775:" (scholarship which was later known as "humanism" or "London humanism"), and thought highly of the young More. Believing that More had great potential, Morton nominated him for a place at the 4658:, as well as all those executed there, many as religious martyrs or as prisoners of conscience. More's corpse, minus his head, was unceremoniously buried in an unmarked mass grave beneath the 8592: 3446:
and to empty out all the sewers and privies onto your crown divested of the dignity of the priestly crown, against which no less than the kingly crown you have determined to play the buffoon.
friendship; no one is more open-hearted in making friends or more tenacious in keeping them." In 1535, after More's execution, Erasmus wrote that More "never bore ill-intent towards anyone".
20309: 4407:
Many see More's communism or socialism as purely satirical. In 1888, while praising More's communism, Karl Kautsky pointed out that "perplexed" historians and economists often saw the name
3977:(1900–1984) wrote a short story, "The King's Servant", based on the last few years of Thomas More's life, seen through his family, and especially his adopted daughter, Anne Cresacre More. 20399: 3293:, etc.; Book II is a remembered discourse by Raphael Hythlodaeus on his supposed travels, in which the earlier issues are revisited in fantastical but concrete forms that has been called 3787:
recalled in the annual memorial lecture held at St. Dunstan's Church in Canterbury, where More's head is said to be buried." Sheils also noted the influence of the 1960s play and film
was instrumental in publicizing accusations of torture, alleging that More had often personally used violence or torture while interrogating heretics. Later Protestant authors such as
624:, he was convicted of treason on what he stated was false evidence, and was executed. At his execution, he was reported to have said: "I die the King's good servant, and God's first." 3178:
was written and published in both English and Latin, each written separately, and with information deleted from the Latin edition to suit a European readership. It greatly influenced
to testify that More had, in his presence, denied that the King was the legitimate head of the Church. This testimony was characterised by More as being extremely dubious. Witnesses
18875: 5414:
heretics began such violence themself' (CTA, 954). More had in mind violent conflicts on the continent, such as the German Peasants' War (1524–5) and the Münster Rebellion (1532–5).
reported that More wanted to give his young wife a better education than she had previously received at home, and tutored her in music and literature. The couple had four children:
It is reported that the canonization ceremony was greeted with a "minimal and hostile" treatment by the British press, and officially boycotted by the parliament and universities.
asserts that the actual author of the chronicle was, in large part, Archbishop Morton himself and that More was simply copying, or perhaps translating, Morton's original material.
Confronting Luther confirmed More's theological conservatism. He thereafter avoided any hint of criticism of Church authority. In 1528, More published another religious polemic,
in 1529 had made it a crime to support in public or office the claim of any authority outside the realm (such as the Papacy) to have a legal jurisdiction superior to the King's.
for his legal prowess but delegated to judge in the under-court for 'poor man's cases' and serving as a liaison between the King and Lord Chancellor Wolsey. More later served as
15320: 3840:
called More "the first great Englishman whom we feel that we know, the most saintly of humanists, the most human of saints, the universal man of our cool northern renaissance."
2004:"We are 'together, you and I, a crowd'; that is my feeling, and I think I could live happily with you in any wilderness. Farewell, dearest Erasmus, dear as the apple of my eye." 4595:, London, but this was not a simple transaction: eight months later he sold the property (never having lived there) at a considerable profit to his friend and business partner 2644:
of harbouring English translated New Testaments; he was sentenced to burning for refusing to recant. More declared: he "burned as there was neuer wretche I wene better worthy."
records a similar claim, which tells about James Bainham, and writes that "the story Foxe told of Bainham's whipping and racking at More's hands is universally doubted today".
18888: 2208:
As Lord Chancellor he was a member (and probably the Presiding Judge at the court when present, who spoke last and cast the deciding vote in case of ties) of the Court of the
its erudition, and its expressions of tender affection. He took out at once from his pocket a portague ... to send to you as a pledge and token of his good will towards you.
neither murmur at it nor dispute upon it, nor never did nor will. ...I faithfully pray to God for his Grace and hers both long to live and well, and their noble issue too...
4175:, have offered a more sympathetic picture of More as both a sophisticated philosopher and man of letters, as well as a zealous Catholic who believed in the authority of the 3823:
defended More's character as "more pure than any snow" and described his genius as "such as England never had and never again will have." Upon learning of More's execution,
5374: 19585: 4533:. There he caused to be built a dignified red-brick mansion (known simply as More's house or Chelsea House) in which he lived until his arrest in 1534. In the bawdy poem 1949:(later Clement) who was the only member of his family to witness his execution (she died on the 35th anniversary of that execution, and her daughter married More's nephew 4427:, argued that Soviet communism needed enslavement and forced labour to survive, and that this had been " ...foreseen as far back as Thomas More, the great-grandfather of 1798:, he became proficient in both Latin and Greek. More left Oxford after only two years—at his father's insistence—to begin legal training in London at New Inn, one of the 20294: 5194:
had to deal with in arguing for religious tolerance was that religious assemblies other than those sponsored by the established church invariably gave rise to sedition"
3057:(née Giggs) be given his headless corpse to bury. She was the only member of his family to witness his execution. He was buried at the Tower of London, in the chapel of 3297:. For example, the proposition in the Book I "no republic can be prosperous or justly governed where there is private property and money is the measure of everything." 5242:
approach of reform and counter-propaganda, to More's brief approach of capital punishment of key networkers, to the subsequent Tudor policy of torture and terror. See
4603:; possibly this was an agreed means of dealing with a debt between More and Bonvisi. Because of this the Crown did not confiscate the property after More's execution. 3263:, as well as describe the political arrangements of the imaginary island country of Utopia (a Greek pun on 'ou-topos' and 'eu-topos' ) among themselves as well as to 20364: 19871: 15209: 2839:, written in the Tower to his daughter Meg, he wrote of feeling favoured by God: "For methinketh God maketh me a wanton, and setteth me on his lap and dandleth me." 1966:
More's decision to educate his daughters set an example for other noble families. Even Erasmus became much more favourable once he witnessed their accomplishments.
20299: 14306: 9493:
Historians and economists who are perplexed by Utopia perceive in this name a subtle hint by More that he himself regarded his communism as an impracticable dream.
3076:, perhaps with the remains of Margaret and her husband's family. Some have claimed that the head is buried within the tomb erected for More in Chelsea Old Church. 7995: 3083:, presented for safe keeping by Margaret Clement. This was long in the custody of the community of Augustinian canonesses who until 1983 lived at the convent at 15581: 15516: 15511: 1953:). An affectionate father, More wrote letters to his children whenever he was away on legal or government business, and encouraged them to write to him often. 2963:
and Mr. Palmer (a servant to Southwell) were also present and both denied having heard the details of the reported conversation. As More himself pointed out:
Going "against friends' advice and common custom," within 30 days, More had married one of the many eligible women among his wide circle of friends. He chose
20404: 18868: 10890: 9831: 4712: 3708: 5995: 4130:, a collection of essays, is critical of More and refers to him as "cruel in punishment, evasive in argument, lusty for power, and repressive in politics". 20394: 20349: 11342: 10496: 9398: 2343:
because there was no good Latin word, while English had the perfectly fine "church", but that the intent and theology under the words were all important:
Heresy was the single most time-consuming issue Thomas More dealt with in his chancellorship, and probably in the whole of the last ten years of his life.
20304: 19566: 19525: 11270: 8462: 2178: 1914:
parish, London. Eight years later he took over the rest of the house and in total he lived there for almost 20 years, until his move to Chelsea in 1525.
195: 1937:, a widow, to head his household and care for his small children. The speed of the marriage was so unusual that More had to get a dispensation from the 20334: 14860: 14340: 2426:
There is considerable variation in opinion on the extent and nature of More's prosecution of heretics: witness the difference in portrayals of More in
9371: 9089: 7594:… with the new Bishop of London, burned John Tewkesbury, Richard Bayfield and James Bainham for the heresy of not renouncing what Tyndale had written. 2972: 1980:
Musical instruments such as a lute and viol feature in the background of the extant copies of Holbein's family portrait. More played the recorder and
18828: 15235: 11126: 8596: 6022: 4832: 2940: 20424: 20289: 18884: 18861: 15310: 11918: 10278: 8196: 4086: 8245:, a later French ambassador to England, of an anonymous French eyewitness: Wegemer, Smith (2004), page 357, provides the original text in French: 8070: 4794: 19707: 13141: 9853: 8551: 8524: 7943: 7917: 2402:
in 1532 agreed to sign the Oath but only under threat of praemunire and only after these words were added: "as far as the law of Christ allows".
11027:: contains several of More's English works, including dialogues, early poetry and letters, as well as journal articles and biographical material 2793:
the legitimate Queen of England, though he refused "the spiritual validity of the king's second marriage", and, holding fast to the teaching of
20429: 20214: 16982: 13171: 7532: 3868:
a critique of economic and social exploitation in pre-modern Europe and More is claimed to have influenced the development of socialist ideas.
A commemorative plaque at the site of the ancient scaffold at Tower Hill, with Sir Thomas More listed among other notables executed at the site
Mazour-Matusevich, Yelena (1 April 2017). "Some Aspects of Jean Gerson's Legal Influence in Sixteenth Century England: The Issue of Epikeia".
5350: 4816: 1817:
More could speak and banter in Latin with the same facility as in English. He wrote and translated poetry. He was particularly influenced by
15599: 14620: 14347: 11604: 5392: 1727: 978: 8578: 7218: 2560:
disrupting the mass by raising women's skirts over their heads at the moment of consecration, More taking the action to prevent a lynching.
20204: 19768: 14299: 11253: 5770:
From the indentures between More and the executors of Sir John RestMore paid to the said executors...£150, and the date was June 1st, 1523.
4299: 3431:
Martin Luther then attacked Henry VIII in print, calling him a "pig, dolt, and liar". At the king's request, More composed a rebuttal: the
2832:. While More was imprisoned in the Tower, Thomas Cromwell made several visits, urging More to take the oath, which he continued to refuse. 188: 9869: 6006: 5430:"...civil chaos will surely follow" (691–93). This prediction seemed to come true very quickly, as More noted in his next polemical work, 4778: 2015:"When More died I seem to have died myself: because we were a single soul as Pythagoras once said. But such is the flux of human affairs." 19975: 19717: 15652: 14893: 14386: 14229: 10741: 5452: 4282:'s Gleeson Library Associates awarded the annual Sir Thomas More Medal for Book Collecting to private book collectors of note, including 4037:
starred in and directed a made-for-television film that restored the character of "the common man" that had been cut from the 1966 film.
More first attracted public attention by his conduct in the parliament of 1504, by his daring opposition to the king's demand for money.
2067: 2063: 9232: 6385: 6345: 5971:
at The Center for Thomas More Studies at the University of Dallas, 2010, citing text "Recorded in The Tablet, June 1, 1935, pp. 694–695"
20269: 20224: 20199: 19996: 19824: 19808: 17772: 17413: 15574: 15275: 14574: 11988: 4545: 7300: 7056:
Chuilleanáin, Eiléan Ní (July 1988). "The Debate Between Thomas More and William Tyndale, 1528–33: Ideas on Literature and Religion".
said: "Had we been master of such a servant, we would rather have lost the best city of our dominions than such a worthy councillor."
As the conflict over supremacy between the Papacy and the King reached its peak, More continued to remain steadfast in supporting the
20374: 20319: 19969: 19697: 19271: 12193: 12146: 11280: 10133: 4904: 4875: 3535: 2913: 447: 5954: 20184: 19857: 19773: 19611: 19571: 17957: 15028: 11335: 8440: 7890: 1757: 5985: 3188:. Modern historians attribute the unflattering portraits of Richard III in both works to both authors' allegiance to the reigning 20314: 20194: 19737: 19712: 19631: 19020: 18565: 17867: 14292: 10141: 7735: 5521:. c. 13) passed in the same month among other things made it treasonable to deny the king's role as Supreme Head of the Church.' 5371: 2828: 11933: 7091: 2212:, an appeals court on civil and criminal matters, including riot and sedition, that was the final appeal in dissenter's trials. 20344: 20339: 20249: 20244: 20189: 20179: 19924: 19722: 19675: 19656: 17986: 14722: 14664: 10982: 8488: 3775: 2170: 2036:
For his part, "Thomas More was an unflagging apologist for Erasmus for the thirty-six years of their adult lives (1499–1535)."
9276: 20125: 19793: 19753: 19190: 17974: 15567: 14133: 10805: 10781: 10727: 10686: 10615: 10594: 10558: 10484: 10454: 10435: 10372: 10300: 10176: 10015: 9983: 9952: 9814: 9789: 9749: 9556: 9153: 8970: 8898: 8836: 8534: 8403: 8309: 8270: 8080: 8053: 8005: 7900: 7793: 7745: 7718: 7458: 7364: 7337: 7310: 7228: 7028: 6717: 6481: 6436: 6245: 5937: 5708: 5575: 5406: 5311: 2706:
contradiction has been called "schizophrenic." He has been called a "zealous legalist...(with an) itchy finesse of cruelty".
2395: 2308:
translations in favour of biased words: such as using the emotion "love" instead of the practical action "charity" for Greek
2146:, More became increasingly influential: welcoming foreign diplomats, drafting official documents, attending the court of the 613: 77: 20284: 6324: 4025:, a noted British actor, who said that the part of Sir Thomas More was "the most difficult part I played." The film won the 2623:, of which More as Lord Chancellor was the presiding judge, could not impose the death sentence: it was a kind of appellate 20369: 20279: 20274: 20234: 20108: 14532: 14428: 12341: 11243: 11020: 10923: 9969: 5164:
Baker House, Seymour (December 2022). "Richard Rex, ed., Henry VIII and Martin Luther: The Second Controversy, 1525–1527".
4556: 2921: 2182: 143: 2992:, to Church laws and to the laws of England, attempting to void the entire indictment against him. He was sentenced to be 2822:
His enemies had enough evidence to have the King arrest him on treason. Four days later, Henry had More imprisoned in the
19702: 19646: 19490: 18675: 18585: 15394: 15292: 15179: 11667: 11328: 11212: 11041: 7863: 6034: 5792: 3044: 2724: 1360: 18700: 10586:
God's Bestseller: William Tyndale, Thomas More, and the Writing of the English Bible – A Story of Martyrdom and Betrayal
6618: 5601: 4612: 4499: 2996:(the usual punishment for traitors who were not the nobility), but the King commuted this to execution by decapitation. 20239: 19336: 16975: 15432: 14734: 14485: 13046: 12164: 11186: 11100: 9971:"Postcolonial Hong Kong Drama Translation" in "Beyond Borders: Translations Moving Languages, Literatures and Cultures" 4541: 3912: 3072:
More's daughter Margaret Roper (née More) later rescued the severed head. It is believed to rest in the Roper Vault of
2917: 4411:(which means "no place") as "a subtle hint by More that he himself regarded his communism as an impracticable dream". 3450:
His saying is followed with a kind of apology to his readers, while Luther possibly never apologized for his sayings.
20209: 20104: 20096: 19727: 19594: 19550: 14564: 10998: 10672: 10537: 10316: 10253: 10117: 9727: 9702: 8928: 8768: 8740: 8712: 8561: 8206: 8105: 7927: 7873: 7828: 7693: 7634: 7587: 7542: 7280: 7003: 6308: 5360: 5143: 4976: 4940: 4054: 4014: 3208:
against Richard III, and Morton was probably one of those who influenced More's hostility towards the defeated king.
2044: 1720: 864: 17: 10401: 9807:
History, fiction, and the Tudors : sex, politics, power, and artistic license in the Showtime television series
19616: 19510: 19341: 19140: 18645: 17095: 16612: 15335: 14815: 14705: 14005: 13176: 4334: 4258: 3696: 2886:
related to More's violating the statutes as to the King's supremacy (malicious silence) and conspiring with Bishop
2390:, and also quarrelled with Henry VIII over the heresy laws. In 1531, a royal decree required the clergy to take an 71: 20419: 20329: 20229: 19783: 19520: 19515: 19505: 19165: 19000: 18944: 17601: 17452: 16637: 15900: 15618: 14830: 14754: 14374: 14352: 11873: 11692: 8987: 8222: 3568:
Portrait of Saint Thomas More, executed on Tower Hill (London) in 1535, apparently based on the Holbein portrait.
3289:: Book I has conversations between friends on various European political issues: the treatment of criminals, the 2202: 1090: 584: 19849: 7627:
If God spare my life: William Tyndale, the English Bible and Sir Thomas More-- a story of martyrdom and betrayal
7128: 2277:
in role as chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster and given his diplomatic experience negotiating with the Hanse.
20324: 20259: 20100: 19732: 19626: 19461: 18802: 18655: 17541: 16562: 15613: 15069: 14688: 14335: 14327: 14315: 14236: 12768: 5282: 4026: 3700: 2768: 2673:
in the Duchy of Brabant, as English agents had long pursued Tyndale. He named Henry Phillips, a student at the
2578: 2391: 659: 559: 10192: 4094:, portrays More as an idealist bound to fail in the power struggle with a ruthless ruler and an unjust world. 19500: 19479: 18842: 18715: 17937: 16968: 16582: 16262: 15659: 15364: 14943: 14918: 14527: 14098: 13286: 12241: 12139: 11782: 10737: 7197:
Thomas More, The Complete Works of St Thomas More, vol. 8, ed. L. A. Schuster, R. C. Marius and J. P. Lusardi
was needed for degrading and particularly heavy work, which no one, under socialism, would wish to perform" (
4659: 4359: 4353: 3639: 3327: 3058: 3028:
while kneeling, the executioner reportedly begged his pardon, then More rose up, kissed him and forgave him.
On 13 April 1534, More was asked to appear before a commission and swear his allegiance to the parliamentary
2451: 2109: 904: 488: 288: 16678: 11392: 1555: 751: 411: 20219: 20077: 20002: 19281: 18740: 18735: 18429: 17467: 17100: 15637: 15404: 14923: 14913: 14369: 12853: 10858:
Miles, Leland. "Persecution and the Dialogue of Comfort: A Fresh Look at the Charges against Thomas More."
4698: 4690: 4459: 4009: 3990: 3789: 3073: 3018: 2993: 2960: 2933: 2427: 2097: 1862: 1713: 1660: 294: 41: 11123: 10307:(Note: this is a 2009 translation (from the original German, by Hector de Cavilla) of Berglar's 1978 work 9250:"Writings on Religion and the Church, Vol. I. by Jonathan Swift: Ch. 14: Concerning that Universal Hatred" 8121: 7651: 4829: 1580: 20414: 20354: 19417: 19125: 19115: 18924: 18897: 18755: 18750: 18535: 16537: 15369: 14739: 14512: 12211: 4964: 4279: 3779: 2588:
maintained that in office More did everything in his power to bring about the extermination of heretics.
Stories emerged in More's lifetime regarding persecution of the Protestant "heretics" during his time as
2174: 1400: 3743:
has celebrated More with St John Fisher on 22 June (the date of Fisher's execution). On 31 October 2000
20359: 19641: 19085: 19010: 17420: 17080: 16688: 16627: 15590: 15378: 14403: 14000: 13221: 12081: 11958: 10682: 8423: 8181: 7820: 4791: 3752: 3107:
In 1533, More wrote to Erasmus and included what he intended should be the epitaph on his family tomb:
Thomas Cromwell, at the time the most powerful of the King's advisors, brought forth Solicitor General
2695: 2128: 1970: 1890: 1784: 1590: 736: 612:. More also opposed Henry VIII's separation from the Catholic Church, refusing to acknowledge Henry as 514: 17737: 16451: 16431: 10994: 10108: 9850: 9304: 6007:
Jubilee of parliament and government members, proclamation of Saint Thomas More as patron of statesmen
4568: 3904:, who taught that consideration of the individual circumstances should be the norm not the exception. 3498:
in general were dangerous, not only to the Catholic faith but to the stability of society as a whole.
1340: 20434: 20389: 20384: 20379: 20264: 20164: 19621: 19402: 19331: 19160: 17784: 17727: 17312: 15437: 15139: 14450: 13256: 13066: 13026: 9249: 8828: 8365:
Sir Thomas More His Life and Times: Illustrated from His Own Writings and from Contemporary Documents
The comprehensive history of England, from the earliest period to the suppression of the Sepoy revolt
6272: 5896: 5244:
D'Alton, Craig (1 August 2004). "William Warham and English heresy policy after the fall of Wolsey".
4952: 4666:, as was the custom for traitors executed at Tower Hill. The chapel is accessible to Tower visitors. 4418: 4375: 4111: 4042: 3205: 2760: 2591:
During More's chancellorship, six people were burned at the stake for heresy, the same rate as under
2399: 1485: 1290: 575:, was an English lawyer, judge, social philosopher, author, statesman, amateur theologian, and noted 10821:
Ecclesiastical Biography, Or, Lives of Eminent Men Connected with the History of Religion in England
Notices of the Historic Persons Buried in the Chapel of St. Peter Ad Vincula: In the Tower of London
7492: 4148:. Zelman is undecided as to whether More was being ironic in his book or was genuinely advocating a 3320:
servant, pointing out that one day those morals will come into conflict with the political reality.
In addition to refusing to support the King's annulment or supremacy, More refused to sign the 1534
20439: 19651: 19495: 19446: 19392: 19170: 19110: 19090: 19080: 19075: 19030: 18625: 16602: 15795: 15687: 15630: 15270: 14845: 14362: 13862: 13121: 12788: 12570: 12454: 12434: 12374: 12132: 11585: 11407: 11382: 9634: 9173: 6370: 4813: 4494: 4338: 3351: 3268: 2944: 2912:
The trial was held on 1 July 1535, before a panel of judges that included the new Lord Chancellor,
2674: 2406: 2056: 1974: 1885: 1765: 1005: 761: 731: 62: 10750: 10575: 9527:
Sue Parrill, William Baxter Robison (2013). "The Tudors on Film and Television", p. 92. McFarland,
8593:"Hair-shirt worn by St Thomas More is enshrined for public veneration for possibly the first time" 8348: 3272: 20254: 20138: 19545: 19412: 19210: 19155: 18605: 18525: 17942: 17531: 17442: 16713: 16657: 16577: 15973: 14888: 14744: 14471: 13995: 13334: 13304: 12695: 12469: 12259: 12155: 11359: 9322: 9229: 8098:
Lying in early modern English culture : from the Oath of supremacy to the Oath of allegiance
7681: 5099:
It seems this court could affirm a conviction that carried the death penalty, but not impose it.
commemorates More's trial for treason and condemnation to execution in that original part of the
4451: 3893: 2869: 2520: 2229: 2224:
Sir Thomas More is commemorated with a sculpture at the late-19th-century Sir Thomas More House,
2159: 2151: 1595: 1225: 852: 714: 467: 18339: 7768: 7153:
Collinson, Patrick (January 1996). "William Tyndale and the Course of the English Reformation".
6375: 4775: 1325: 20112: 19918: 19432: 19306: 19296: 19225: 19095: 19065: 17932: 17912: 17762: 17432: 17060: 16798: 16763: 16597: 16216: 15717: 15359: 15245: 14958: 14261: 13126: 13071: 12773: 12414: 12379: 12356: 12264: 12173: 11973: 10815: 10397: 8661: 8227: 8167: 7575: 6235: 6107: 5747: 4414: 3942: 3740: 3739:
More and Fisher on 19 May 1935, and More's feast day was established as 9 July. Since 1970 the
2574: 2383: 2378:
In 1530, More refused to sign a letter by the leading English churchmen and aristocrats asking
2241: 2117: 1761: 1515: 1150: 887: 597: 463: 31: 17799: 16632: 16592: 16552: 10819: 10474: 9479: 9341: 9143: 8147: 7783: 7354: 7270: 6300: 5923: 5755: 19540: 19530: 19371: 19346: 18959: 18914: 18086: 18041: 17852: 17447: 16723: 16642: 16511: 16506: 16456: 15933: 15776: 15625: 15255: 15240: 14953: 14810: 14717: 14517: 14500: 14413: 14357: 14204: 14168: 13990: 13930: 13319: 13201: 13111: 12968: 12938: 12873: 12813: 12783: 12419: 12364: 12206: 11928: 11863: 11677: 11536: 11372: 11236: 11168: 10978: 10605: 10031: 9897: 9779: 8794: 8417: 8171: 8143: 7479: 7327: 7245: 7092:"Words "Fitly Spoken": Tyndale's English Translation of the Bible | Religious Studies Center" 5639: 5026: 5000: 4752: 4482: 4423: 4198: 4091: 3938:'s biography of More (his father-in-law) was one of the first biographies in Modern English. 3433: 3084: 2728: 2720: 1790:
More began his studies at Oxford in 1492, and received a classical education. Studying under
1380: 1085: 1025: 1000: 808: 440: 17902: 16768: 15305: 10717: 10403:
Life and Writings of Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England and Martyr under Henry VIII
Life and Writings of Sir Thomas More: Lord Chancellor of England and Martyr Under Henry VIII
Life and Writings of Sir Thomas More: Lord Chancellor of England and Martyr Under Henry VIII
7814: 7810: 3751:
of Statesmen and Politicians". More is the patron of the German Catholic youth organisation
2447: 1390: 1365: 921: 20409: 20174: 20169: 19912: 19896: 19175: 19105: 19100: 19045: 18595: 18475: 18244: 18051: 17892: 17819: 17511: 17472: 17457: 16991: 16899: 16869: 16818: 16496: 16381: 16311: 16101: 16076: 16056: 16036: 15998: 15993: 15958: 15840: 15734: 15487: 15482: 15477: 15472: 15467: 15462: 15457: 15452: 15447: 15414: 15341: 15184: 15144: 14963: 14865: 14840: 14779: 14584: 14559: 14495: 14108: 14053: 14048: 13051: 12973: 12953: 12888: 12858: 12680: 12635: 12610: 12565: 12527: 12492: 12429: 12389: 12289: 12066: 12061: 11998: 11943: 11747: 11702: 11637: 11397: 11387: 11351: 11154: 11012: 10423: 10078:
In...1682...Chelsey...was sold to...the first Duke of Beaufort...and henceforth bore name.
5636:""Thomas More." The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition. 1970–1979. The Gale Group, Inc" 5605: 5509: 5398: 4925: 4675: 4379: 4367: 4271: 3963: 3881: 3692: 3389: 3330:, which features ideal societies or perfect cities, or their opposite. Works influenced by 2786: 2536: 2368: 2155: 2082: 1818: 1776: 1480: 1270: 1235: 1205: 1175: 1145: 1040: 936: 756: 746: 667: 576: 497: 396: 53: 18853: 18066: 16884: 16416: 14083: 14063: 13329: 12978: 12177: 11162: 10145: 9974:. Volume 39 of TransÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens. 9888:, Gleeson Library Associates, Number 11, San Francisco: University of San Francisco, 1978. 9036:"Persecution and the Dialogue of Comfort: A Fresh Look at the Charges against Thomas More" 8327:
A Collection of the most remarkable Trials of persons for High-Treason, Murder, Heresy ...
5635: 5459: 5102: 4693:, an Anglican parish church in Canterbury, possesses More's head, rescued by his daughter 2847: 2439: 1575: 8: 19778: 19351: 19195: 18939: 18785: 18665: 18635: 18555: 18081: 18021: 17342: 17262: 16874: 16838: 16808: 16572: 16476: 16316: 16277: 16257: 16185: 16071: 15880: 15723: 15710: 15699: 15536: 15260: 15250: 15199: 15057: 15043: 14903: 14645: 14408: 14158: 14038: 13880: 13146: 13031: 13011: 12948: 12908: 12878: 12828: 12808: 12748: 12743: 12738: 12733: 12705: 12575: 12449: 12346: 12337: 12284: 11968: 11888: 11757: 11501: 11455: 11412: 11201: 11083: 10103: 9975: 9919: 8242: 8072:
Thomas More's Trial by Jury: A Procedural and Legal Review with a Collection of Documents
Thomas More's Trial by Jury: A Procedural and Legal Review with a Collection of Documents
Thomas More's Trial by Jury: A Procedural and Legal Review with a Collection of Documents
6353: 5958: 5700: 5299: 4638: 4522: 4428: 4152:. Zelman comments, "More is the only Christian saint to be honoured with a statue at the 4105: 4070: 3955: 3767: 3704: 3256: 3179: 2540: 2443: 2387: 2331:. Tyndale pointed out that he was following "your darling" Erasmus' Latin translation of 2166: 1911: 1846: 1741: 1545: 1415: 1295: 1230: 1035: 963: 842: 831: 766: 617: 17829: 16919: 16376: 14138: 13056: 11812: 10569: 10218:. Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 8342: 5542: 2501:
Many stories were later published by the sixteenth-century English Protestant historian
1470: 1430: 1385: 593:, published in 1516, which describes the political system of an imaginary island state. 20089: 19880: 19798: 19758: 19457: 19276: 19215: 18797: 18792: 18775: 18770: 18239: 17747: 17684: 16949: 16889: 16501: 16441: 16411: 16326: 16321: 16190: 16086: 15983: 15963: 15923: 15865: 15830: 15825: 15669: 15548: 15325: 15094: 15018: 14986: 14805: 14774: 14611: 14599: 14460: 14398: 14199: 14194: 14143: 14068: 13423: 13271: 13161: 13116: 13106: 13036: 13021: 12918: 12903: 12898: 12833: 12798: 12793: 12690: 12640: 12615: 12580: 12545: 12424: 12314: 12304: 12249: 12216: 12101: 12056: 12015: 12010: 11903: 11737: 11717: 11647: 11526: 11506: 11095: 11002: 10988: 10272: 9836: 9672: 9604: 9562: 9454: 9446: 9071: 9063: 8956: 8301:
Pedro de Ribadeneyra's 'Ecclesiastical History of the Schism of the Kingdom of England'
8139: 7976: 7762: 7428: 7073: 6986:
Rex, Richard (27 January 2011). "Thomas More and the heretics: statesman or fanatic?".
6941: 6916: 6869: 6776: 6699: 6600: 6562: 6288: 5929: 5760:. London: Committee for the Survey of the Memorials of Greater London. pp. 15–32. 5213: 5181: 4679: 4630: 4622: 4447: 3995: 3647: 3586: 3451: 3290: 3184: 3168: 2810: 2120: 2105: 1866: 1834: 1688: 1615: 1240: 1220: 1190: 1140: 1015: 1010: 958: 773: 493: 477: 433: 18229: 16683: 16341: 16242: 15114: 12685: 11192: 11113: 9346:
XVII-XVIII. Revue de la Société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
The Center for Thomas More Studies. Biographical Accounts: Erasmus' Letters about More
6081: 3275:" omitted by later editions, but which may have been an early attempt or precursor of 2539:
commented that "such charges are unsupported by independent proof." Modern historian
1320: 20040: 19251: 19230: 19180: 18760: 18705: 18545: 18334: 17996: 17922: 17897: 17699: 17501: 16879: 16864: 16753: 16617: 16557: 16491: 16486: 16481: 16402: 16371: 16351: 16237: 16195: 16175: 16091: 16051: 16026: 15915: 15885: 15835: 15820: 15494: 15399: 15174: 15160: 15134: 15119: 15023: 15008: 14938: 14928: 14797: 14729: 14630: 14594: 14490: 14224: 14209: 14178: 14173: 14118: 14093: 14058: 13885: 13647: 13477: 13447: 13296: 13281: 13241: 13166: 13131: 12958: 12868: 12803: 12665: 12660: 12645: 12620: 12595: 12560: 12517: 12409: 12394: 12221: 12113: 12036: 12003: 11983: 11953: 11948: 11817: 11792: 11772: 11767: 11742: 11632: 11617: 11564: 11521: 11493: 11053: 10801: 10777: 10723: 10668: 10663:
Statesman and Saint: Cardinal Wolsey, Sir Thomas More, and the Politics of Henry VIII
10661: 10645: 10611: 10590: 10554: 10533: 10526: 10480: 10450: 10431: 10378: 10368: 10353: 10312: 10296: 10249: 10242: 10172: 10113: 10069: 10039: 10011: 9979: 9948: 9923: 9810: 9785: 9745: 9723: 9698: 9676: 9622: 9608: 9552: 9458: 9375: 9149: 9075: 9055: 8966: 8924: 8894: 8832: 8764: 8736: 8708: 8557: 8530: 8399: 8305: 8266: 8202: 8101: 8076: 8049: 8021: 8001: 7980: 7923: 7896: 7869: 7834: 7824: 7789: 7741: 7714: 7689: 7663: 7630: 7583: 7538: 7454: 7420: 7360: 7333: 7306: 7276: 7224: 7077: 7024: 6999: 6908: 6904: 6861: 6784: 6768: 6703: 6604: 6554: 6477: 6432: 6409: 6304: 6293: 6241: 6030: 5933: 5877: 5761: 5704: 5571: 5402: 5356: 5307: 5278: 5257: 5185: 5139: 4363: 4219:
song "Sir", featured on the limited editions and 2008 re-release of their 1994 album
4192: 4058: 3967: 3924: 3837: 3824: 3807: 3771: 3744: 3193: 2895: 2709: 2651: 2454: 1938: 1923: 1858: 1811: 1700: 1600: 1525: 1510: 1505: 1475: 1445: 1410: 1405: 1330: 1260: 1170: 941: 704: 631: 621: 509: 369: 176: 17814: 16698: 16607: 16436: 16426: 13339: 13091: 11687: 8674: 6682:
Scheck, Thomas P. (June 2021). "Thomas More: First and Best Apologist for Erasmus".
6566: 4123:) as an unsympathetic persecutor of Protestants and an ally of the Habsburg empire. 1565: 1370: 20050: 19906: 19485: 19475: 19452: 19437: 19427: 19256: 19035: 18929: 18919: 18765: 18695: 18465: 18384: 18379: 18304: 18279: 18224: 18214: 18204: 18174: 18154: 18144: 18011: 18006: 17964: 17907: 17704: 17387: 17382: 17357: 17302: 17277: 16788: 16783: 16708: 16693: 16673: 16461: 16386: 16247: 16131: 16116: 16096: 16041: 16021: 16008: 15953: 15845: 15677: 15384: 15189: 15169: 15089: 15074: 14973: 14875: 14749: 14589: 14547: 14542: 14522: 14505: 14418: 14028: 13940: 13822: 13812: 13697: 13692: 13612: 13607: 13547: 13522: 13517: 13512: 13502: 13492: 13467: 13442: 13397: 13186: 13181: 13156: 13136: 13016: 13001: 12993: 12943: 12933: 12893: 12725: 12710: 12675: 12650: 12585: 12309: 12294: 12279: 12274: 11938: 11923: 11868: 11858: 11752: 11682: 11672: 11559: 11544: 11367: 11141: 11062: 10969: 10501: 10325: 9664: 9596: 9544: 9438: 9403: 9353: 9280: 9187: 9129:
Reformation Reputations: The Power of the Individual in English Reformation History
9047: 8784: 8670: 8223:"Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 8, January–July 1535" 8177: 7968: 7919:
Policy and Police: The Enforcement of the Reformation in the Age of Thomas Cromwell
7412: 7381: 7162: 7065: 6991: 6900: 6853: 6691: 6592: 6546: 6405: 5994:
proclaiming Saint Thomas More Patron of Statesmen and Politicians, 31 October 2000
5919: 5869: 5809: 5514: 5253: 5205: 5173: 5082: 4478: 4330: 4318: 4249:
as a peaceful man, as well as a devout Roman Catholic and loving family patriarch.
4030: 3974: 3830: 3603: 3209: 3154: 3054: 2779: 2647: 2638: 2604: 2379: 2270: 2101: 1803: 1799: 1640: 1635: 1630: 1605: 1535: 1460: 1285: 1195: 1100: 1075: 1045: 813: 721: 605: 400: 18369: 16904: 16793: 16532: 16331: 12700: 11032: 10695: 10513: 10335: 9695:
Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More; essays on the play and its Shakespearean Interest
9415: 6995: 5838: 4842: 4387: 3877:, an academic journal focusing on analysis of More and his writings, was founded. 3259:, and 'speaker of nonsense', the surname's Greek meaning), discuss modern ills in 20029: 20008: 19883: 19879: 19803: 19692: 19661: 19326: 19321: 19200: 19150: 19145: 19130: 19120: 19055: 18995: 18949: 18934: 18822: 18495: 18414: 18374: 18344: 18329: 18294: 18289: 18259: 18234: 18219: 18194: 18179: 18114: 18091: 18076: 18061: 18046: 17917: 17872: 17857: 17847: 17669: 17664: 17521: 17516: 17496: 17484: 16914: 16803: 16738: 16728: 16652: 16547: 16542: 16446: 16421: 16252: 16232: 16205: 16200: 16170: 16111: 15855: 15682: 15442: 15409: 15353: 15347: 15204: 15109: 15013: 14825: 14319: 14284: 14219: 14078: 13965: 13950: 13847: 13807: 13792: 13772: 13717: 13642: 13632: 13602: 13592: 13527: 13497: 13457: 13452: 13276: 13196: 13151: 13096: 12983: 12928: 12818: 12670: 12555: 12482: 12404: 12369: 12269: 12046: 11722: 11712: 11707: 11622: 11590: 11580: 11297: 11208: 11130: 11036: 11024: 10836:
Gushurst-Moore, André (2004), "A Man for All Eras: Recent Books on Thomas More",
10795: 10584: 10548: 10290: 9942: 9915: 9857: 9236: 8960: 8918: 8888: 8756: 8728: 8618: 8363: 8325: 8299: 8260: 8153: 7559: 7305:. Translated by G.C. Richards, William P. Weaver. Broadview Press. pp. 8–9. 6889:"Council, Star Chamber, and Privy Council under the Tudors: II. The Star Chamber" 6471: 5565: 5378: 5133: 5041: 4981: 4969: 4836: 4820: 4798: 4782: 4663: 4655: 4600: 4596: 4540:
Upon More's arrest the estate was confiscated, coming into the possession of the
4526: 4518: 4383: 4133: 4120: 4034: 3908: 3857: 3667: 3661: 3582: 3563: 3508: 3478: 3243: 3197: 3062: 2858: 2823: 2801:, Bishop of Rochester, refused the oath along with More. The oath reads in part: 2794: 2775: 2670: 2634: 2608: 2507: 2491: 2364: 2286: 2237: 2198: 2143: 1950: 1625: 1585: 1530: 1465: 1455: 1425: 1420: 1395: 1350: 1335: 1315: 1255: 1200: 1130: 1065: 609: 568: 91: 16346: 13191: 12124: 11017: 7606:
More, Thomas (1973). Schuster, LA; Marius, RC; Lusardi, JP; Schoeck, RJ (eds.).
6857: 3087:, Devon. Some sources, including one from 2004, claimed that the shirt, made of 523: 20119: 20083: 20056: 20019: 19951: 19930: 19887: 19763: 19471: 19467: 19422: 19356: 19316: 19220: 19050: 19025: 19005: 18812: 18720: 18710: 18439: 18314: 18299: 18274: 18269: 18264: 18209: 18184: 18139: 18119: 17981: 17952: 17927: 17882: 17862: 17824: 17779: 17659: 17649: 17506: 17337: 17150: 16743: 16718: 16647: 16587: 16361: 16356: 16336: 16291: 16126: 16121: 16066: 15988: 15968: 15905: 15781: 15642: 15559: 15505: 15330: 15124: 15099: 15063: 15003: 14996: 14991: 14981: 14835: 14820: 14759: 14635: 14625: 14381: 14241: 14214: 14020: 13935: 13875: 13817: 13802: 13787: 13767: 13762: 13722: 13712: 13622: 13597: 13582: 13567: 13562: 13542: 13537: 13532: 13472: 13354: 13324: 13309: 13266: 13236: 13211: 13081: 13041: 13006: 12883: 12863: 12848: 12843: 12838: 12758: 12655: 12600: 12535: 12487: 12399: 12226: 11908: 11853: 11642: 11463: 11137: 10791: 10769: 10521: 10505: 10349: 8068: 8043: 7972: 7859: 7622: 7216: 7037: 6516: 6056: 5873: 5448: 5239: 4993: 4957: 4694: 4530: 4401: 4240: 4161: 4065: 4047: 4018: 3951: 3853:, also honoured in their calendar by Anglicans, was More's great-great-nephew. 3843: 3096: 2894:
Regardless of the specific charges, the indictment related to violation of the
2666: 2641: 2612: 2585: 2544: 2516: 2093: 2078: 2077:
was entitled, according to feudal laws, to a grant on occasion of his daughter
2074: 1946: 1919: 1907: 1881: 1795: 1791: 1760:, then considered one of London's best schools. From 1490 to 1492, More served 1745: 1620: 1610: 1435: 1355: 1345: 1215: 1155: 909: 882: 847: 783: 696: 365: 261: 16828: 14698: 14043: 11049: 9442: 9407: 7069: 6596: 5751: 2371:
over that of the King of England. Parliament's reinstatement of the charge of
2185:, with executive and judicial responsibilities over much of northern England. 1570: 20158: 19957: 19834: 19636: 19397: 19361: 19286: 19261: 19246: 19205: 19070: 19015: 18979: 18974: 18969: 18964: 18745: 18575: 18485: 18434: 18404: 18394: 18324: 18319: 18309: 18169: 18159: 18149: 18124: 17991: 17969: 17887: 17794: 17767: 17752: 17694: 17377: 16924: 16894: 16823: 16516: 16471: 16210: 16180: 16081: 16061: 16046: 15938: 15928: 15815: 15728: 15389: 15315: 15281: 15265: 15225: 14908: 14883: 14659: 14569: 14554: 14476: 14273: 14163: 14148: 14128: 14073: 14033: 13837: 13832: 13782: 13777: 13707: 13687: 13652: 13617: 13587: 13557: 13552: 13482: 13377: 13349: 13314: 13246: 13226: 12507: 12502: 12384: 12181: 11978: 11833: 11777: 11732: 11612: 11554: 11468: 11417: 11402: 11290: 11263: 10955: 10713: 10656: 10411: 10286: 10237: 10073: 9927: 9881: 9059: 8790:
Richard III: His Life and Character, reviewed in the light of recent research
8700: 8504: 7667: 7424: 7166: 6912: 6865: 6772: 6583:
Baker-Smith, Dominic (May 2010). "Erasmus and More: A Friendship Revisited".
6558: 6550: 6535:"Extended Play: Reflections of Heinrich Isaac's Music in Early Tudor England" 6380: 5881: 5861: 5765: 5668: 5609: 5561: 5523: 5346: 5073:
McEvoy, James (2006). "The Theory of Friendship in Erasmus and Thomas More".
4945: 4732: 4370:", but who "greatly influenced reformers of subsequent centuries, especially 4287: 4266: 4253: 4221: 4211: 4172: 4116: 4081: 4022: 3959: 3947: 3935: 3721: 3671: 3607: 3593: 3401: 3341: 3264: 3238: 3223: 3189: 3164: 3066: 3009: 2985: 2925: 2657: 2624: 2616: 2600: 2596: 2524: 2304:(1532). More also wrote or contributed to several other anti-Lutheran books. 2289: 2113: 1853:
More continued ascetic practices for the rest of his life, such as wearing a
1807: 1780: 1749: 1520: 1450: 1265: 1250: 1210: 1125: 1080: 1070: 931: 857: 803: 778: 601: 589: 384: 240: 228: 136: 124: 11307: 11087: 8865: 6413: 3022:, which differs from his actual words. After More had finished reciting the 2988:'s account, More was pleading that the Statute of Supremacy was contrary to 2949:
The meeting of Sir Thomas More with his daughter after his sentence of death
19788: 19442: 19407: 19311: 19291: 19060: 19040: 18725: 18409: 18399: 18389: 18254: 18249: 18189: 18164: 18134: 18129: 18036: 18031: 17877: 17757: 17491: 17427: 17297: 17287: 17282: 17201: 17191: 17135: 17025: 16909: 16848: 16758: 16567: 16227: 16031: 15870: 15810: 15499: 15374: 15230: 15194: 14933: 14855: 14699: 14445: 14440: 14435: 14423: 14153: 13852: 13842: 13827: 13757: 13732: 13667: 13627: 13577: 13487: 13402: 13206: 13086: 13061: 12630: 12439: 12231: 12169: 12051: 11893: 11838: 11511: 11182: 11176: 11109: 10065: 10047: 9870:
Sangorski Manuscript a Top Lot at PBA's Sale of Dr. Elmer Belt's Collection
9649: 9600: 9566: 9538: 9475: 9357: 7838: 6695: 5990: 5690: 5177: 5005: 4719: 4634: 4599:
who, in turn, leased it back to More's son-in-law William Roper and nephew
4588: 4514: 4322: 4187: 4149: 3920: 3897: 3861: 3748: 3682: 3624: 3620: 3614: 3336: 2956: 2883: 2713: 2620: 2477:
against around forty suspected or convicted heretics in the years 1529–33.
2225: 2209: 2147: 2089: 1927: 1841:, More once seriously contemplated abandoning his legal career to become a 1772: 1645: 1185: 1060: 899: 635: 627: 519: 373: 16833: 16622: 11179:– Saint Thomas More biography, prayers, quotes, Catholic devotions to him. 10918:——— (2004), Wegemer, Gerald B; Smith, Stephen W (eds.), 10382: 10361: 10043: 9224:
Cited in Marvin O'Connell, "A Man for all Seasons: an Historian's Demur,"
More, Thomas (31 October 2013). "Introduction". In Lumby, J Rawson (ed.).
Marius, Richard (1999). Thomas More: A Biography, Harvard University Press
6788: 5086: 650: 20067: 19829: 19535: 19366: 18424: 18419: 18354: 18349: 18199: 18071: 18026: 18016: 17804: 17742: 17679: 17462: 17437: 17362: 17322: 17292: 17267: 17247: 17226: 17206: 17186: 17176: 17145: 17010: 16843: 16813: 16778: 16773: 16748: 16733: 16703: 16301: 16273: 16165: 16160: 16141: 16106: 16016: 15805: 15300: 15129: 15104: 15052: 15039: 14948: 14850: 14537: 14113: 13960: 13752: 13747: 13742: 13737: 13727: 13677: 13672: 13662: 13637: 13572: 13462: 13261: 13231: 13101: 13076: 12605: 12512: 12299: 12071: 11883: 11878: 11843: 11807: 11802: 11797: 11787: 11727: 11662: 11652: 10099: 8914: 7446: 5235: 5126: 4592: 4455: 4443: 4180: 3985: 3981: 3901: 3728: 3308: 2989: 2887: 2798: 2790: 2764: 2690:
Modern commentators have been divided over More's character and actions.
2679: 2469: 2458: 2435: 2410: 2257: 1655: 1650: 1560: 1550: 1540: 1280: 1275: 1245: 1180: 1160: 796: 700: 10357: 9548: 9450: 9145:
The Seekers: The Story of Man's Continuing Quest to Understand His World
Renaissance Studies 15, no. 4 (2001): 514–37. Retrieved 1 December 2015.
8788: 6780: 6756: 6389:. Vol. 18 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 824. 4617: 4513:
As More's royal duties frequently required his attendance at the king's
in September 1522, after he showed the bishop a letter she had written:
19941: 19387: 19301: 18954: 18807: 18615: 18515: 18364: 18284: 18056: 17947: 17789: 17732: 17709: 17674: 17623: 17613: 17581: 17526: 17352: 17332: 17257: 17221: 17125: 17110: 17035: 16960: 16929: 16306: 16222: 15890: 15750: 15084: 14669: 14123: 13797: 13682: 13657: 13507: 13344: 12625: 12076: 11898: 11549: 11377: 10931:——— (2010), Logan, George M; Adams, Robert M (eds.), 9668: 9650:"The Conscience of Thomas More: An Introduction to Equity in Modernity" 7432: 7404: 7382:"Documents on the changing status of the English Vernacular, 1500–1540" 6945: 6935: 6669:
Erasmus to Conrad Goclenius (Chair of Latin, Louvain), 2 September 1535
6374: 5217: 5191: 5159: 4988: 4651: 4397: 4283: 4245: 4216: 4206: 4165: 3970:. The script has since been published and has had several productions. 3850: 3531: 3463: 3421: 3385: 3381: 3365: 3312: 3200:, Archbishop John Morton, in whose household More had served as a page 3158:, which he never finished but which was published after his death. The 3080: 3005: 2854: 2372: 1934: 1854: 1105: 818: 726: 580: 341: 274: 216: 164: 112: 11320: 11161: 9126: 9067: 9035: 8705:
Soul of the age : the life, mind and world of William Shakespeare
6920: 6888: 6873: 6841: 6677: 6675: 2584:
Ackroyd and MacCulloch agree that More zealously approved of burning.
19986: 18505: 18444: 18001: 17644: 17571: 17556: 17477: 17397: 17392: 17317: 17272: 17252: 17231: 17216: 17196: 17181: 17045: 17005: 16465: 16151: 15745: 14103: 14010: 13702: 13364: 13216: 12459: 12324: 12201: 12041: 11913: 10863: 9832:"TV News Roundup: 'The Spanish Princess' Sets New and Returning Cast" 8759:(2011). "The making of a London citizen". In Logan, George M. (ed.). 6619:"Brethren of the Christian humanist life, Christian History Magazine" 5518: 5488: 5196:
Manning, Roger B. (1980). "The Origins of the Doctrine of Sedition".
4439: 4314: 4310: 4230: 4226: 4099: 3736: 3724: 3373: 3311:
as his model, although other concepts he presents such as legalising
3276: 2512: 2502: 2431: 2327:
One notable exchange occurred over More's attack on Tyndale's use of
2274: 2136: 1877: 1838: 837: 741: 564: 11008: 7416: 7329:
Defending Royal Supremacy and Discerning God's Will in Tudor England
5209: 4202:, is "Dr Thomas More", a reluctant Catholic and descendant of More. 3860:
had a portrait of More in his office. Marxist theoreticians such as
3428:("Defender of the Faith") for his work combating Luther's heresies. 19185: 19135: 18780: 18359: 18096: 17689: 17654: 17628: 17608: 17561: 17372: 17327: 17211: 17115: 17105: 17070: 17040: 16944: 16365: 15943: 15895: 15800: 15790: 15760: 15740: 15704: 15543: 14898: 14652: 14640: 14256: 14088: 13925: 13905: 12963: 12913: 12715: 12444: 12254: 12096: 11993: 11963: 11657: 11516: 11483: 11071: 11067: 10476:
The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern English Literature and Religion
9051: 6672: 4176: 4119:
portrays More (from the perspective of a sympathetically portrayed
3599: 3361: 3092: 3036: 3024: 2462: 2421: 1756:
Graunger). He was the second of six children. More was educated at
1683: 1050: 1020: 926: 916: 894: 823: 481: 10216:
Das Haupt des Thomas Morus in der St. Dunstan-Kirche zu Canterbury
McNamara, Robert (2003). "Irish Perspectives on the Vietnam War".
8579:"St. Thomas More's hair shirt now enshrined for public veneration" 8069:
Henry Ansgar Kelly; Louis W. Karlin; Gerard Wegemer, eds. (2011).
Henry Ansgar Kelly; Louis W. Karlin; Gerard Wegemer, eds. (2011).
Henry Ansgar Kelly; Louis W. Karlin; Gerard Wegemer, eds. (2011).
6534: 6291:(1991). "Letter to Ulrich von Hutten". In Adams, Robert M. (ed.). 4685: 4650:
A plaque and small garden commemorate the famed execution site on
3770:, More and Fisher were added as martyrs of the reformation to the 18817: 18730: 17618: 17586: 17576: 17347: 17307: 17140: 17065: 17050: 17030: 16397: 16286: 16136: 15875: 15850: 15765: 15693: 15647: 15155: 14769: 14391: 13980: 13955: 13900: 13417: 13382: 12823: 12778: 12540: 12477: 12332: 11697: 11478: 11473: 11197: 6062: 5955:"The Center for Thomas More Studies: Canonization of Thomas More" 5602:"The Center for Thomas More Studies Art > Gallery > Moscow" 4371: 4342: 4153: 3873: 3820: 3688: 3356: 3346: 3260: 3247: 2898:
which declared it treason to speak against the King's Supremacy:
2699: 2570: 2461:
the "foster-child" of the Wycliffite heresy that had underpinned
1993: 1915: 1375: 1030: 995: 953: 948: 827: 2650:
was found distributing Tyndale's Bibles, and examined by Bishop
1941:, which, due to his good public reputation, he easily obtained. 17566: 17367: 17155: 17130: 17120: 17090: 17075: 15978: 15860: 15755: 15321:
Pope Pius XII 1942 consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
14764: 14674: 14579: 13985: 13920: 13910: 13895: 13870: 12923: 12550: 12020: 11627: 11143:
Integrity and Conscience in the Life and Thought of Thomas More
Guy, John (2000), "The Search for the Historical Thomas More",
10171:(3rd ed.). Oxford : Oxford University Press. p. 115. 9683: 5458:. The Center for Thomas More Studies. p. 8. Archived from 5231: 5230:
There were a succession of policies towards heretics, from the
Published after More's death (with likely dates of composition)
In 2002, More was placed at number 37 in the BBC's poll of the
3811: 3633: 3534:
received it in Valencia, where it remains in the collection of
3377: 3251: 3228: 3091:
was then at the Martyr's church on the Weld family's estate in
of having given advice and counsel to the "Holy Maid of Kent,"
2592: 2245: 2194: 2132: 2124: 1996:
gave a consistent portrait over a period of thirty five years.
1135: 1095: 1055: 535: 8279: 7997:
Voices of the Reformation: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life
7858: 5696:
Enslavement Enslavement and Emancipation] and Emancipation
Across a small park and Old Church Street from Crosby Hall is
4573: 2543:
finds no evidence that he was directly involved in torture.
2220: 2215: 17596: 17085: 17020: 13975: 13970: 13945: 13915: 13890: 13407: 13392: 13387: 12497: 12185: 11848: 9742:
Beyond the snow : the life and faith of Elizabeth Goudge
Thomas More and his Utopia Part 3 Chapter 5 The Aim of Utopia
7688:. Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 188–189. 7129:"William Tyndale's Concept of the Church | Christian Library" 4346: 4337:
from the top of Moscow's Stele of Freedom (also known as the
3550: 3369: 3286: 3171:
in 1485, so he had no first-hand, in-depth knowledge of him.
2319: 2309: 2020:
Erasmus to Piotr Tomiczki (Bishop of Kraków), August 31, 1535
1752:, a successful lawyer and later a judge, and his wife Agnes ( 20310:
People executed under the Tudors for treason against England
11150: 10743:
The Life and Illustrious Martyrdom of Sir Thomas More (1588)
9633:]. Vol. 2. Translated by Ashworth, Philip. London: 7109: 3518:
More also wrote about more spiritual matters. They include:
3515:(1519). Erasmus intervened, however, and ended the dispute. 1984:, and made sure his wives could join in the family consort. 20400:
Members of the Parliament of England for the City of London
18883: 17591: 17015: 15948: 13434: 13412: 13372: 12590: 10046:) assigns publication of the work to More's brother-in-law 9009: 7959:"Review of Book: St Thomas More's History of the Passion". 7561:
The Constitutional History of England: A Course of Lectures
5596: 5594: 3896:
through various books: while agreeing on various issues on
3088: 2698:, which More blamed on Luther, as did many others, such as 1981: 1842: 1165: 10292:
Thomas More: A Lonely Voice against the Power of the State
8831:(1952 ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. vii. 8810:
Thomas More's Richard III: Probing the Limits of Humanism.
8247:"qu'il mouroit son bon serviteur et de Dieu premièrement." 4710:
Note: The reference "CW" is to the relevant volume of the
Chelsea Old Church § 16th century and Sir Thomas More
4304: 3246:
written in Latin. More completed the book, and theologian
for a month, according to the normal custom for traitors.
Thus More was relying upon legal precedent and the maxim "
More took a personal interest in the three London cases:
17160: 17055: 15210:
Dechristianization of France during the French Revolution
John Fisher and Thomas More: Martyrs of England and Wales
7868:. The Catholic University of America Press. p. 305. 6429:
The field is won; the life and death of Saint Thomas More
The Oxford Reformers. John Colet, Erasmus and Thomas More
5689: 5567:
Liturgy and Empire: Faith in Exile and Political Theology
4290:, Albert Sperisen, John S. Mayfield and Lord Wardington. 3802: 3675: 2682:
argues that linking the execution to More was "bizarre".
The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature
5591: 5560: 5540: 5138:. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. pp. 36–37. 4929:, by Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola (c. 1510) (CW 1) 4720:
Published during More's life (with dates of publication)
In June 1523 More bought the "very large and beautiful"
An Appeal to the Christian Nobility of the German Nation
The jury took only fifteen minutes to find More guilty.
2654:. More commented that he was "well and worthely burned". 2029:
In a 1533 letter, Erasmus described More's character as
Paperback edition by Kessinger Publishing, LLC (2006),
8632: 7194: 7178: 7176: 6237:
Delphi Collected Works of Sir Thomas More (Illustrated)
University Of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School Of Law
The intertwining of sedition and heresy can be seen in
4325:" because of the Communist attitude to property in his 4021:
and adapted for the screen by the playwright. It stars
3131: How smoothly mixed had our three fortunes flowed! 2669:
alleged that More influenced the eventual execution of
cite Foxe when repeating these allegations. Biographer
10909:——— (2003), Thornton, John F (ed.), 10900:——— (2001), da Silva, Álvaro (ed.), 10112:(1993 ed.). London: Macmillan. pp. 219–220. 9860:, Retrieved 19 May 2021. 9342:"The Image of Thomas More in the Age of Enlightenment" 8415: 7582:. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. p. xxix. 6515:
More, Thomas (1961). Rogers, Elizabeth Frances (ed.).
is a play written circa 1592 in collaboration between
of "Saints and Heroes of the Christian Church", to be
More wrote several books against the first edition of
in 1514, the same year in which he was appointed as a
English politician, author and philosopher (1478–1535)
Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More
10391:(Note: Brémond is frequently cited in Berglar (2009)) 10010:. Sydney: St Thomas More Society. 1995. p. 110. 9396:
Colclough, David (2011) . "Donne, John (1572–1631)".
8463:"Lady Margaret Roper and the head of Sir Thomas More" 4713:
Yale Edition of the Complete Works of St. Thomas More
University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Arts and Letters
God's first" is a line from Robert Bolt's stage play
only on the final one, but others strongly disagree.
and Lord Chancellor of England, as a household page.
10945: 10685:(2003), Wegemer, Gerard B; Smith, Stephen W (eds.), 9127:
David J. Crankshaw, George W. C. Gross, ed. (2020).
8655:: Thomas More's Fragment and his Answer to Lucian's 8486: 8451:. British Archaeological Association: 142–144. 1895. 8297: 8194: 7173: 6660:
Erasmus to John Faber (later Bishop of Vienna), 1532
6469: 6402:
Ecclesiastical Antiquities of London and Its Suburbs
6223:. London: Early English Text Society. pp. 12–3. 5914: 5912: 5910: 3930: 3271:. Utopia's original edition included a symmetrical " 3135: So kinder death shall grant what life denied. 3111: Within this tomb Jane, wife of More, reclines; 2135:, More was knighted and made under-treasurer of the 2062:
In 1504 More was elected to Parliament to represent
30:"Sir Thomas More" redirects here. For the play, see 10466:
A Daughter's Love: Thomas More and His Daughter Meg
Die Stunde des Thomas Morus – Einer gegen die Macht
Miscellanea Moreana: Essays for Germain Marc'hadour
8866:"The Politics of Enclosure in Thomas More's Utopia" 8100:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 36–38. 6651:
Translated by Gerald Malsbary & Mary Taneyhill.
5190:Even 150 years later, "one of the assumptions that 4390:, and other representatives of Utopian socialism." 3511:, which culminated in the publication of de Brie's 3388:oratory), the Renaissance genre continued into the 3126: Which most my love, I know not—first or last. 3122: Nursed my sweet infants with a mother's care. 2743:
Thomas More, Martin Luther and the Judiciary today,
2573:uprisings, heresy had been linked to sedition (see 1987: 20295:People educated at Magdalen College School, Oxford 14314: 10660: 10644: 10603: 10525: 10324: 10265:Born for Friendship: The Spirit of Sir Thomas More 10241: 10213: 10169:The Oxford guide to literary Britain & Ireland 9781:The Broken Estate: Essays on Literature and Belief 9141: 8955: 7474:Farris, Michael (2007). "From Tyndale to Madison". 7043: 7023:. London: Associated Faculty Press, Incorporated. 6292: 5628: 5549:thomas more sentenced hanged, drawn and quartered. 4233:alludes to the socialist interpretation of More's 3368:combined classical concepts of perfect societies ( 2754: 2450:whose heresies fed their sedition. Ambassador to 1969:A large portrait of More and his extended family, 12154: 10604:Mueller, Janel; Loewenstein, David, eds. (2002). 10571:The Life of Sir Thomas More by His Great-Grandson 9586: 9186: 8962:Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture 8445:Journal of the British Archaeological Association 8138: 7948:, Nineteenth Century and After, 1891, p. 556 7740:. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. p. 342. 7708: 6642:Translated by R.A.B. Mynors & D.F.S. Thomson. 5907: 4209:song "A Man For All Seasons" from the 1978 album 3766:In 1980, despite their staunch opposition to the 3410:Concerning the Babylonish Captivity of the Church 2104:. After undertaking a diplomatic mission to the 1748:, on 7 February 1478, Thomas More was the son of 20365:People executed by Tudor England by decapitation 20156: 15589: 15311:Persecutions of the Catholic Church and Pius XII 10694:, Center for Thomas More Studies, archived from 9714:Gabrieli, Vittorio. Melchiori, Giorgio, editors 8340: 8330:Vol. IV. London: T. Read. 1736. p. 94. 7892:Thomas More's Utopia: Arguing for Social Justice 7816:The Tudor constitution: documents and commentary 7767:. London: Archibald Constable, Limited. p.  7629:. London: Little, Brown. pp. 325–328, 340. 7610:. Complete Works. Vol. 8. Yale. p. 20. 6350:Tau Cross Region of the Secular Franciscan Order 5981: 5979: 5977: 5952:"Homily at the Canonization of St. Thomas More" 5103:"English Court of Star Chamber: A Brief History" 5025:Erasmus wrote about this monkey in his Colloquy 4477:A plaque in the middle of the floor of London's 4293: 3192:that wrested the throne from Richard III in the 3117: Gave me three daughters and a son to know; 3115: The first, dear object of my youthful vow, 2637:was a London leather seller found guilty by the 2422:Controversy on extent of prosecution of heretics 1865:honours More as a member of that Order on their 20300:People associated with the University of Oxford 10377:published in French in Paris by Gabalda, 1920, 9961: 9909: 9872:, Retrieved 19 May 2021. 9321: 8920:The Catholic Church Through the Ages: A History 8467:Insert Logo Here Lynsted with Kingsdown Society 7781: 7352: 7247:Tudor Constitutional Documents: A. D. 1485–1603 6470:Wagner, John A.; Walters Schmid, Susan (2011). 6017: 6015: 5384: 4980:, 1988 made-for-TV film: More was portrayed by 4686:St Dunstan's Church and Roper House, Canterbury 4168:, despite their brutal repression of religion. 3236:More's best known and most controversial work, 3133: But, be we in the tomb, in heaven allied, 2434:. The English establishment initially regarded 11133:– a learning resource from the British Library 10835: 10098: 9470: 9468: 9311:. Catholic Culture via Trinity Communications. 8576: 8258: 7993: 7888: 7530: 7268: 7223:. Boydell & Brewer Ltd. pp. xiv–xvi. 7195:Schuster (Ed), L.A.; Marius (Ed), R.C. (173). 6937:Review of A Study of the Court of Star Chamber 6521:. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 6142:Rebhorn, Wayne A, ed. (2005). "Introduction". 5663: 5661: 4109:, and the final book of the trilogy, her 2020 4090:("Die you fool!"), about More's struggle with 3489:More responded with a half million words: the 3144: 3139: 3124: With both my years so happily have past, 3120: The next—ah! virtue in a stepdame rare!— 3113: This More for Alice and himself designs. 2789:. More accepted Parliament's right to declare 2414:King's actions and kept his opinions private. 2048:Study for a portrait of Thomas More's family, 1857:next to his skin and occasionally engaging in 19865: 18869: 16976: 15575: 14300: 12140: 11336: 11312: 11030: 10473:Hiscock, Andrew; Wilcox, Helen, eds. (2017). 10472: 10352:published by R. & T. Washbourne Limited, 9967: 9910:Valavoi, Dmitry; Lapshina, Henrietta (1983). 9474: 8886: 8522: 8396:A Daughter's Love: Thomas & Margaret More 8361: 8262:Liturgy and Contemplation in Byrd's Gradualia 7733: 7680: 7325: 7115: 6738:Richard S. Sylvester & Davis P. Harding, 5974: 5925:Renaissance Humanism: An Anthology of Sources 5345: 5339: 4992:, 2007–2010 TV series: More was portrayed by 3285:is structured into two parts, both with much 1721: 600:, directing polemics against the theology of 20405:Burials at the Church of St Peter ad Vincula 17482: 11153:– The Center for Thomas More Studies at the 10500:(online ed.). Oxford University Press. 10277:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 9968:Chen, Chapman (2011). Pekka Kujamäki (ed.). 9809:. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 13. 9402:(online ed.). Oxford University Press. 9220: 9218: 8686: 8684: 8122:"The Trial and Execution of Sir Thomas More" 7294: 7292: 7212: 7210: 7208: 7206: 7055: 6842:"Wolsey, the Council and the Council Courts" 6012: 5897:"The Trial of Sir Thomas More: A Chronology" 5604:. The Center for Thomas More Studies at The 5441: 5004:, 2015 TV miniseries: More was portrayed by 4300:List of institutions named after Thomas More 3915:); from More on, they tended to be lawyers. 3522:(a.k.a. Treatise on the Passion of Christ), 2262:More and the heretics: statesman or fanatic? 2033:– commanding, far-ruling, not at all timid. 1845:. Between 1503 and 1504 More lived near the 1810:, where he remained until 1502, when he was 20395:Speakers of the House of Commons of England 20350:Members of the Third Order of Saint Francis 19604: 17418: 10979:"Archival material relating to Thomas More" 10494:House, Seymour B. (2008) . "More, Thomas". 10311:. Freiburg 1978; Adamas-Verlag, Köln 1998, 9691:The Occasion of the Book of Sir Thomas More 9465: 9327:Sir Thomas More's Fame Among His Countrymen 9302: 9162: 8913: 8241:This is a translation from the archives of 7915: 7819:(2nd ed.). Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: 7788:. Cambridge University Press. p. 122. 7359:. Cambridge University Press. p. 116. 7298: 6750: 6748: 6582: 6198: 6196: 6194: 6192: 6190: 6188: 6186: 6184: 6182: 6180: 6178: 6176: 6174: 5746: 5658: 5390: 5243: 5163: 5043:Music & Poetry in the Early Tudor Court 3404:published three works in quick succession: 3004:The execution took place on 6 July 1535 at 2976:Beheading of Thomas More, 1870 illustration 2216:Campaign against the Protestant Reformation 156:31 December 1525 – 3 November 1529 20305:Christian martyrs executed by decapitation 19872: 19858: 18876: 18862: 16983: 16969: 15582: 15568: 15326:Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 15276:Prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart 14307: 14293: 12147: 12133: 11343: 11329: 11159: 11001: 10987: 10935:, Critical Editions (3rd ed.), Norton 10814: 10624: 10327:Stage of Fools: A Novel of Sir Thomas More 10167:Eagle, Dorothy; et al., eds. (2008). 9900:, Retrieved 19 May 2021. 9851:USF perhaps considering to sell rare books 9247: 9204: 9148:. Random House Digital, Inc. p. 154. 9122: 9120: 9118: 9116: 9114: 9112: 9110: 8942: 8940: 8733:Shakespeare and the remains of Richard III 8285: 7453:. Cambridge University Press. p. 93. 7405:"Torture and Truth in Renaissance England" 6826: 6824: 6822: 6820: 6818: 6450: 6448: 6266: 6264: 6218: 6172: 6170: 6168: 6166: 6164: 6162: 6160: 6158: 6156: 6154: 6137: 6135: 6133: 6131: 6129: 5859: 5757:Survey of London Monograph 9, Crosby Place 5298: 4965:God's Outlaw: The Story of William Tyndale 3562: 3477:In 1531, a year after More's father died, 3424:rewarded the English king with the title " 1728: 1714: 70: 20335:Early modern Christian devotional writers 10888: 9771: 9536: 9505:Moreau, Jean-Philippe (1992). "Review of 9395: 9315: 9215: 8859: 8857: 8681: 8549: 8048:. Boydell & Brewer Ltd. p. 189. 7764:Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century 7537:. Harvard University Press. p. 406. 7524: 7504: 7502: 7289: 7203: 7152: 6957: 6955: 6510: 6508: 6365: 6363: 6146:. Classics. New York: Barnes & Noble. 5683: 5320: 5135:Thomas More: the search for the inner man 5120: 5075:American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 4905:Real Colegio Seminario del Corpus Christi 4876:A Dialogue of Comfort Against Tribulation 4362:(1979) described More as "the founder of 3973:In 1941, the 20th-century British author 3536:Real Colegio Seminario del Corpus Christi 3483:An Answer unto Sir Thomas More's Dialogue 3437:was published at the end of 1523. In the 2861:, where More was executed by decapitation 2339:More replied that Erasmus needed to coin 2088:From 1510, More served as one of the two 2039: 448:A Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation 16990: 11204:, with 186 library catalogue records 10800:. Catholic University of America Press. 10642: 10633: 10582: 10410: 10396: 10092: 9934: 9543:. Catholic University of America Press. 9428: 8727: 8201:. Oxford University Press. p. 531. 8166: 8095: 8075:. Boydell & Brewer Ltd. p. 22. 7711:Women and Religion in England: 1500–1720 7621: 7557: 7551: 7182: 6754: 6745: 6496: 6431:. Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co. p. 54. 6426: 6369: 6299:. New York: WW Norton & Co. p.  6059:Luminarium. Retrieved 19 September 2011. 4616: 4572: 4498: 4454:in a translated and modified version of 4438:In 2008, More was portrayed on stage in 4017:with the same title. It was directed by 3892:More debated the lawyer and pamphleteer 3801: 3392:and survives in modern science fiction. 3227: 3043: 3040:Thomas More's grave, St Peter ad Vincula 3035: 2971: 2939: 2290:English translation of the New Testament 2219: 2043: 2009:Thomas More to Erasmus, October 31, 1516 1876: 1833:According to his friend, the theologian 587:from October 1529 to May 1532. He wrote 40:For other people named Thomas More, see 20425:English politicians convicted of crimes 20290:Members of the Privy Council of England 18566:Reflections on the Revolution in France 11350: 10862:, vol. 5, no. 1, 1965, pp. 19–30. 10790: 10768: 10497:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 10285: 10236: 10142:Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea 9804: 9766:Paul Scofield: An Actor for All Seasons 9739: 9627:The History of the English Constitution 9399:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 9329:. London: Sheed & Ward. p. 13. 9194:. London: Sheed & Ward. p. 63. 9107: 8937: 8783: 8638: 8595:. Diocese of Shrewsbury. Archived from 8344:The Life and Letters of Sir Thomas More 7754: 7574: 6886: 6880: 6815: 6454: 6445: 6287: 6277:(3rd ed.). Longmans, Green and Co. 6270: 6261: 6202: 6151: 6141: 6126: 5862:"Thomas More as a renaissance humanist" 5447: 5435: 5272: 5195: 5039: 4674:Thomas More is commemorated by a stone 4569:Crosby Hall, London § Tudor period 4305:Communism, socialism and anti-communism 4126:Literary critic James Wood in his book 3151:Between 1512 and 1519 More worked on a 3129: Oh! had religion destiny allowed, 2829:Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation 2550:More himself denied these allegations: 2280: 1771:Morton enthusiastically supported the " 331: 1505; died 1511) 208:15 April 1523 – 13 August 1523 14: 20157: 16583:Wilhelm Emmanuel Freiherr von Ketteler 10655: 10546: 10520: 10262: 10059: 9829: 9647: 9621: 9504: 9431:Irish Studies in International Affairs 8854: 8761:The Cambridge Companion to Thomas More 8755: 8735:. Oxford University Press. p. 4. 8651:Meyer, Jürgen (2014). "An Unthinkable 8368:. London: Charles Dolman. p. 353. 7785:The Cambridge Companion to Thomas More 7499: 7473: 7451:The Cambridge Companion to Thomas More 7402: 7356:The Cambridge Companion to Thomas More 7243: 7018: 6988:The Cambridge Companion to Thomas More 6981: 6979: 6977: 6975: 6973: 6971: 6952: 6933: 6681: 6505: 6501:. London: Harleian Society. p. 5. 6497:Maddison, The Rev. Canon, ed. (1903). 6463: 6360: 5570:. Emmaus Road Publishing. p. 73. 5238:approach of persuasion, the 1529–1531 5072: 4535:The Twelve Mery Jestes of Wyddow Edyth 4243:depicts More in the television series 3524:A Treatise to Receive the Blessed Body 2494:, and he denied them in detail in his 2481: 2197:fell, More succeeded to the office of 20430:Catholic martyrs of England and Wales 20215:Chancellors of the Duchy of Lancaster 19853: 18857: 16964: 15563: 14288: 12128: 11324: 11311: 11207: 11094:. Presents a critical view of More's 11089:Sir Thomas More: A Man for One Season 10881:The Correspondence of Sir Thomas More 10736: 10712: 10681: 10651:. New York: Fordham University Press. 10493: 10322: 10214:Schulte Herbrüggen, Hubertus (1982). 10166: 10126: 10030:Ackroyd (1999) p. 244. Bibliographer 9697:. Cambridge University Press. (1989) 9279:. Thomas More Studies. Archived from 9205:Chesterton, G. K. (9 November 2021). 9033: 8985: 8863: 8650: 7808: 7058:The Journal of Ecclesiastical History 6578: 6576: 6532: 6234:More, Sir Thomas (10 December 2018). 6068: 5839:"St. Thomas More As Judge and lawyer" 5836: 5793:"Topic 1.3: The Northern Renaissance" 5131: 4669: 4606: 4577:Crosby Hall on its Bishopsgate site, 3980:The 20th-century agnostic playwright 3911:tended to be clerics (with a role as 3761: 3395: 3376:) with Roman rhetorical finesse (cf. 2396:Supreme Head of the Church of England 2173:and, on Wolsey's recommendation, the 2142:As secretary and personal adviser to 616:and the annulment of his marriage to 614:supreme head of the Church of England 11244:Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 11172:. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 10930: 10924:Catholic University of America Press 10917: 10911:Saint Thomas More: Selected Writings 10908: 10899: 10875: 10567: 10428:The Public Career of Sir Thomas More 10340:Le Bienheureux Thomas More 1478–1535 9777: 9589:Journal of Early Modern Christianity 9339: 9170:Britannica – The Online Encyclopedia 9131:. Springer International Publishing. 8887:O'Donovan, Louis (5 November 2019). 8822: 8699: 8556:. Gracewing Publishing. p. 42. 8378: 7649: 7605: 6514: 6399: 6233: 6221:The Life and Death of Sr Thomas More 5918: 5832: 5830: 5487: 5355:. Chatto & Windus. p. 244. 5275:The public career of Sir Thomas More 4660:Royal Chapel of St. Peter Ad Vincula 4262:, More is depicted by Ryan Kiggell. 3656:9 July (Catholic Extraordinary Form) 3079:Among other surviving relics is his 2405:This was considered to be the final 2183:Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1802:. In 1496, More became a student at 630:canonised More in 1935 as a martyr. 144:Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 20205:16th-century Roman Catholic martyrs 18676:The End of History and the Last Man 18586:Elements of the Philosophy of Right 15180:Suppression of the Society of Jesus 11136: 11108: 11042:Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 10889:——— (1963–1997), 10849: 10463: 10444: 10422: 9940: 9266:v. 13, Oxford UP, 1959, p. 123 8890:The Defence of the Seven Sacraments 8577:Simon Caldwell (21 November 2016). 8497: 8198:The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations 7760: 7608:The Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 7558:Maitland, Frederic William (1911). 7445: 7275:. Scepter Publishers. p. xiv. 7244:Tanner, Joseph Robson, ed. (1922). 6985: 6968: 6839: 6761:Bulletin of the History of Medicine 5541:Anne Manning; Edmund Lodge (1852). 4968:, 1986 film: More was portrayed by 4956:, 1969 film: More was portrayed by 4944:, 1966 film: More was portrayed by 4933: 4920:(many dates 1506–1534) (CW 3, Pt.1) 4788:The Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 4756:(The Answer to Luther, 1523) (CW 5) 4637:, is a statue by British Sculptor, 4503:Beaufort House next to the Thames, 4472: 4421:-winning, anti-Communist author of 3923:in English secular law through the 3061:in an unmarked grave. His head was 2826:. There More prepared a devotional 2774:In early 1534, More was accused by 2725:International Commission of Jurists 2685: 2298:An Answer to Sir T. More's Dialogue 24: 20137:Italics indicate service when the 14735:Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran 13047:Forty Martyrs of England and Wales 12165:Dicastery for the Causes of Saints 11214:More's History of King Richard III 11187:University of Missouri-Kansas City 11151:The Essential Works of Thomas More 11009:The Center for Thomas More Studies 10869: 10824:. Vol. 2. London: Rivingtons. 10774:Thomas More: A Portrait of Courage 10688:The Life of Sir Thomas More (1556) 10346:(1913) translated by Henry Child; 9830:Nissen, Dano (26 September 2019). 9228:8 no. 2 (March–April 2002): 16–19 8298:Spencer J. Weinreich, ed. (2017). 8195:Elizabeth M. Knowles, ed. (1999). 7379: 7272:Thomas More: A Portrait of Courage 6573: 6457:Thomas More: A Portrait of Courage 5894: 5306:. Penguin Books. pp. 160–62. 5277:. Brighton, Sussex: Harvester Pr. 4551:In 1682, the property was renamed 4542:Comptroller of the Royal Household 3735:on 29 December 1886. Pope Pius XI 3716: 3470:prompted More to respond with the 3420:, written with More's assistance. 2918:Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk 2916:, as well as Anne Boleyn's uncle, 2318:instead of "priest" for the Greek 2300:(1530), and More replied with his 25: 20451: 20270:Executions at the Tower of London 20225:16th-century English philosophers 20200:16th-century English male writers 11160:Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). 10999:National Portrait Gallery, London 10941: 10879:(1947), Rogers, Elizabeth (ed.), 10829: 10625:Phélippeau, Marie-Claire (2016). 10589:. St. Martin's Publishing Group. 9784:. New York: Picador. p. 15. 8893:. Dalcassian Publishing Company. 8653:History of King Richard the Third 7862:; Stephen W. Smith, eds. (2004). 7021:The Germans in England, 1066–1598 5837:Glenn, Garrard (1 January 1941). 5827: 5493:The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn 5100: 4903:(1535) (CW 14) (preserved in the 4716:(New Haven and London 1963–1997) 4488: 4467: 4339:Obelisk of Revolutionary Thinkers 4074:as a modern equivalent to More's 3931:In literature and popular culture 3501: 3414:On the Liberty of a Christian Man 3095:, Dorset. It is now preserved at 2188: 2066:, and in 1510 began representing 1828: 563:(7 February 1478 – 6 July 1535), 20375:People executed under Henry VIII 20320:Prisoners in the Tower of London 19584: 18885:Speakers of the House of Commons 18646:The Open Society and Its Enemies 16943: 15542: 15530: 14861:Fourth Council of Constantinople 14816:Second Council of Constantinople 14267: 14255: 14134:María de las Maravillas de Jesús 13991:Seven Maccabees and their mother 13177:Martyrs of the Spanish Civil War 12107: 12095: 11989:Stratification of emotional life 11438: 11432: 11426: 11082: 11075: 10962: 10948: 10295:. New York: Scepter Publishers. 10207: 10185: 10160: 10083: 10053: 10024: 9999: 9903: 9891: 9875: 9863: 9844: 9823: 9798: 9758: 9733: 9708: 9641: 9615: 9580: 9530: 9521: 9498: 9422: 9389: 9364: 9333: 9296: 9269: 9256: 9241: 9198: 9180: 9135: 9082: 9027: 9002: 8979: 8949: 8907: 8880: 8845: 8816: 8801: 8777: 8749: 8721: 8693: 8644: 8611: 8585: 8570: 8543: 8516: 8480: 8455: 8433: 8409: 8388: 8372: 8355: 8334: 8318: 8291: 8252: 8215: 8188: 8160: 8132: 8114: 8089: 8062: 8037: 8028: 8014: 7987: 7952: 7945:The Twentieth Century, Volume 30 7936: 7909: 7882: 7809:Elton, Geoffrey Rudolph (1982). 7449:(2011). Logan, George M. (ed.). 6810:Chambers Biographical Dictionary 6108:"Thomas More: Always a Londoner" 5740: 5554: 5544:The Household of Sir Thomas More 5534: 5273:Guy, John; More, Thomas (1980). 5258:10.1111/j.1468-2281.2004.00213.x 4810:Debellation of Salem and Bizance 4259:Henry VIII: The Mind of a Tyrant 4064:Catholic science fiction writer 3697:Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee 2868: 2846: 2759:In 1533, More refused to attend 2747:speech to St Thomas More Society 1988:Personality according to Erasmus 1694: 1682: 690: 682: 674: 649: 410: 104:October 1529 – May 1532 20185:16th-century English historians 17453:Family as a model for the state 15901:Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite 14831:Third Council of Constantinople 14755:First Council of Constantinople 11271:Speaker of the House of Commons 11185:, Professor Douglas O. Linder, 11103:The History of Richard III 10902:The Last Letters of Thomas More 10050:, with a date of 23 March 1525. 9722:. Manchester University Press. 9718:. Munday, Anthony. And others. 9648:Herian, Robert (January 2022). 9631:Englische Verfassungsgeschichte 9192:The Fame of Blessed Thomas More 8707:. London: Viking. p. 268. 8675:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0629 8416:Thomas Edward Bridgett (1891). 8398:, London: Fourth Estate, 2008, 7895:. Routledge. pp. 112–113. 7852: 7802: 7775: 7727: 7702: 7686:The Religious Orders in England 7674: 7643: 7615: 7599: 7568: 7511: 7467: 7439: 7396: 7373: 7346: 7319: 7262: 7237: 7188: 7146: 7121: 7084: 7049: 7012: 6934:Howard, George Elliott (1901). 6927: 6833: 6802: 6732: 6710: 6663: 6654: 6645: 6636: 6611: 6526: 6490: 6420: 6393: 6338: 6317: 6281: 6227: 6212: 6100: 6074: 6049: 5868:. 17 (Number 65-6 (1–2): 5–22. 5860:Kristeller, Paul Oskar (1980). 5502: 5481: 5424: 5419:Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 5330: 5291: 5265: 5224: 5152: 5093: 5065: 5051: 5032: 5019: 4911: 4849:The History of King Richard III 4790:(1532, 1533) (CW 8) Books 1–4, 4333:the name of Thomas More was in 4156:." By this Zelman implies that 3994:. The title is drawn from what 3913:Keeper of the King's Conscience 3691:; Ateneo de Manila Law School; 3526:(a.k.a. Holy Body Treaty), and 3491:Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 3326:gave rise to a literary genre, 3099:, near Buckfastleigh in Devon. 3074:St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury 2755:Indictment, trial and execution 2302:Confutation of Tyndale's Answer 2296:(1529), Tyndale responded with 1992:Concerning More's personality, 1930:, and John. Jane died in 1511. 585:Lord High Chancellor of England 350: 328: 295:St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury 196:Speaker of the House of Commons 20315:People from the City of London 20195:16th-century English novelists 18803:Separation of church and state 18701:Collectivism and individualism 18656:The Origins of Totalitarianism 15614:History of the Catholic Church 15070:Dissolution of the monasteries 14336:History of the Catholic Church 10643:——— (1965). 10610:. Cambridge University Press. 10547:——— (1999). 10464:——— (2009). 10445:——— (2000). 10230: 10134:"Thomas More Comes to Chelsea" 9305:"A Man of Enduring Conscience" 8923:. Paulist Press. p. 184. 8763:. Cambridge University Press. 8619:"Thomas More to Erasmus, 1533" 8553:Shrines of Our Lady in England 7564:. Cambridge: University Press. 7044:Mueller & Loewenstein 2002 6905:10.1093/ehr/XXXVII.CXLVIII.516 6476:. ABC-CLIO. pp. 769–770. 6325:"Erasmus to Ulrich von Hutten" 6057:"The Life of Sir Thomas More." 6000: 5946: 5888: 5853: 5802: 5785: 5432:A dialogue Concerning Heresies 4760:A Dialogue Concerning Heresies 4621:Statue of Thomas More outside 4562: 4027:Academy Award for Best Picture 3701:Kerala Catholic Youth Movement 3460:A Dialogue Concerning Heresies 3048:Sir Thomas More family's vault 2579:Suppression of Heresy Act 1414 2527:also lists claims from Foxe's 2358: 1872: 638:of statesmen and politicians. 13: 1: 20345:Authors of utopian literature 20340:Canonizations by Pope Pius XI 20250:English Roman Catholic saints 20245:English Renaissance humanists 20190:16th-century writers in Latin 20180:16th-century Christian saints 18843:Category:Political philosophy 18716:Critique of political economy 16263:Giovanni Pico della Mirandola 15660:History of Christian theology 14944:Fourth Council of the Lateran 14919:Second Council of the Lateran 14528:Apostles in the New Testament 14099:Faustina and Liberata of Como 13287:Zanitas and Lazarus of Persia 13232:Teresa Benedicta of the Cross 12156:Saints of the Catholic Church 11220:. Cambridge University Press. 11059:Works by or about Thomas More 10636:The Trialet of St Thomas More 9884:, "Aims in Book Collecting", 9264:Prose Works of Jonathan Swift 8487:Doyne Courtenay Bell (1877). 8422:. Burns & Oates. p.  8347:. Burns & Oates. p.  7782:George M. Logan, ed. (2011). 7650:Wood, James (16 April 1998). 7353:George M. Logan, ed. (2011). 7199:. New Haven, CT. p. 177. 6996:10.1017/CCOL9780521888622.006 6893:The English Historical Review 6846:The English Historical Review 6830:Rebhorn, W. A. (ed.) p. xviii 6720:. History of Parliament Trust 6473:Encyclopedia of Tudor England 6219:Harpsfield, Nicholas (1931). 6086:The Biography Channel website 5779: 5547:. C. Scribner. p. xiii. 5304:Thomas Cromwell : a life 4865: 4852: 4826:The Answer to a Poisoned Book 4645: 4578: 4504: 4354:The Great Soviet Encyclopedia 4294:Institutions named after More 4046:, More is portrayed by actor 3984:portrayed Thomas More as the 3640:Church of St Peter ad Vincula 3541: 3487:Dialogue Concerning Heresies. 3328:Utopian and dystopian fiction 3232:A 1516 illustration of Utopia 2817: 2712:honoured him by making More 2619:. However, the court of the 2563: 2049: 1895: 1891:The Family of Sir Thomas More 641: 620:. After refusing to take the 289:Church of St Peter ad Vincula 18741:Institutional discrimination 18736:History of political thought 17468:Negative and positive rights 15591:History of Catholic theology 15058:Catholic Counter-Reformation 14924:Third Council of the Lateran 14914:First Council of the Lateran 14370:Catholic ecumenical councils 11018:Thomas More Studies database 10995:Portraits of Sir Thomas More 10883:, Princeton University Press 10797:Thomas More on Statesmanship 10553:. Harvard University Press. 10514:UK public library membership 10479:. Oxford: University Press. 10267:. London: Burns & Oates. 10263:Basset, Bernard, SJ (1965). 9941:Guy, John Alexander (2000). 9805:Robison, William B. (2016). 9744:. Bloomington, IN: Westbow. 9693:. Howard-Hill, T.H. editor. 9416:UK public library membership 8851:Logan (2011) pp 39, 142, 144 8493:. J. Murray. pp. 88–91. 7922:. CUP Archive. p. 223. 7046:, p. 93, (footnote 36). 6533:Bryan, John (January 2011). 6427:Reynolds, Ernest E. (1968). 6055:Jokinen, A. (13 June 2009). 5564:; David Scott, eds. (2009). 4889:Treatise on the Blessed Body 4055:Henry VIII and his Six Wives 3747:declared More "the heavenly 3468:Supplication for the Beggars 2999: 2994:hanged, drawn, and quartered 2934:qui tacet consentire videtur 2853:The site of the scaffold at 2294:Dialogue concerning Heresies 2165:In 1523 More was elected as 1863:Third Order of Saint Francis 42:Thomas More (disambiguation) 7: 20370:Executed people from London 20280:Lord chancellors of England 20275:Creators of writing systems 20235:English non-fiction writers 19480:3rd Protectorate Parliament 19462:2nd Protectorate Parliament 18751:Justification for the state 18536:Two Treatises of Government 11581:Theological intellectualism 11074:(public domain audiobooks) 10719:The Life of St. Thomas More 9768:, Applause Books. Page 150. 9740:Rawlins, Christine (2015). 9142:Daniel J. Boorstin (1999). 8441:"The Head of Simon Sudbury" 7019:Colvin, Ian Duncan (1915). 6742:(Yale, 1962), pp. xvi, 199. 6623:Christian History Institute 6455:Wegemer, Gerard B. (1995). 5058:enchantment they literally 4748:(1520) (CW 3, Pt. 2, App C) 4654:, London, just outside the 4280:University of San Francisco 4278:In the years 1968–2007 the 4256:'s 2009 documentary series 4171:Other biographers, such as 4138:The State Versus the People 3687:Statesmen and politicians; 3666:dressed in the robe of the 3574:Reformation Martyr, Scholar 3201: 3176:History of King Richard III 3146:History of King Richard III 3140:Scholarly and literary work 2723:judge and President of the 2392:oath acknowledging the King 10: 20456: 19997:1st Marquess of Winchester 19970:1st Baron Audley of Walden 17421:Bellum omnium contra omnes 16689:Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 16679:Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange 15964:Transubstantiation dispute 14404:History of the Roman Curia 14262:Catholic Church portal 13222:Saints of the Cristero War 11959:Principle of double effect 11115:Thomas More and his Utopia 10860:Journal of British Studies 10838:Political Science Reviewer 10323:Brady, Charles A. (1953). 10225: 9978:, Berlin. pp. 47–54. 9947:. Arnold. pp. 95–96. 9537:Curtright, Travis (2012). 9040:Journal of British Studies 8986:Brown, Brendan F. (1935). 7973:10.1177/001258064206000211 7967:(2): 230–232. April 1942. 7821:Cambridge University Press 7709:Patricia Crawford (2014). 7403:Hanson, Elizabeth (1991). 6271:Seebohm, Frederic (1869). 5874:10.3366/more.1980.17.1-2.3 5453:"Thomas More as statesman" 5336:I.e., "their sure-keeping" 4662:, within the walls of the 4610: 4566: 4492: 4309:Having been praised "as a 4297: 4112:The Mirror & the Light 4053:In the 1972 BBC TV series 3753:Katholische Junge Gemeinde 3654:6 July (Church of England) 3221: 3102: 3012:notes that the misquoted " 2129:Field of the Cloth of Gold 1971:Sir Thomas More and Family 737:Principle of Double Effect 515:Criticism of Protestantism 39: 29: 20240:English religious writers 20135: 20066: 20039: 20018: 19985: 19940: 19895: 19817: 19746: 19685: 19674: 19593: 19582: 19559: 19380: 19239: 18988: 18907: 18896: 18838: 18688: 18457: 18105: 17838: 17718: 17637: 17549: 17540: 17406: 17240: 17169: 16998: 16938: 16857: 16666: 16525: 16395: 16271: 16150: 16007: 15914: 15774: 15668: 15606: 15597: 15525: 15425: 15291: 15218: 15153: 15140:European wars of religion 15037: 14972: 14874: 14796: 14687: 14610: 14470: 14459: 14451:Eastern Catholic Churches 14326: 14250: 14187: 14019: 13861: 13433: 13363: 13295: 13257:Three Martyrs of Chimbote 13027:Child Martyrs of Tlaxcala 12992: 12757: 12724: 12526: 12468: 12355: 12323: 12240: 12202:Mother of God (Theotokos) 12192: 12162: 12090: 12029: 11826: 11603: 11573: 11535: 11492: 11454: 11447: 11424: 11358: 11318: 11313:Links to related articles 11295: 11287: 11277: 11268: 11260: 11250: 11241: 11233: 11228: 11177:Patron Saints Index entry 10920:A Thomas More Source Book 10430:. Yale University Press. 9443:10.3318/ISIA.2003.14.1.75 9208:The Well and the Shallows 8988:"St. Thomas More, lawyer" 8965:. Routledge. p. 95. 8341:Agnes M. Stewart (1876). 8265:. Routledge. p. 61. 8096:Hadfield, Andrew (2017). 8022:"Annotated original text" 8000:. ABC-CLIO. p. 170. 7865:A Thomas More Source Book 7713:. Routledge. p. 29. 7332:. Routledge. p. 13. 7250:. CUP Archive. p. 17 7116:Hiscock & Wilcox 2017 7070:10.1017/S0022046900038392 6858:10.1093/ehr/XCI.CCCLX.481 6757:"Erasmus' Medical Milieu" 6597:10.1017/S0034193200012607 6539:The Journal of Musicology 6207:. New York: Anchor Books. 5377:27 September 2018 at the 4953:Anne of the Thousand Days 4883:Treatise Upon the Passion 4742:(1518, 1520) (CW 3, Pt.2) 4269:in the television series 4225:. In addition, the song " 4205:More is the focus of the 4140:includes a comparison of 4043:Anne of the Thousand Days 3797: 3681: 3660: 3652:22 June (Catholic Church) 3646: 3630: 3613: 3592: 3578: 3573: 3561: 3548: 3520:A Treatise on the Passion 3215: 3031: 2400:Convocation of Canterbury 2203:chief government minister 634:in 2000 declared him the 549: 545: 541: 529: 503: 487: 473: 459: 455: 426: 418: 406: 392: 380: 361: 307: 300:Chelsea Old Church (head) 281: 268: 255: 250: 246: 234: 222: 212: 201: 194: 182: 170: 160: 149: 142: 130: 118: 108: 97: 90: 86: 69: 51: 20285:Members of Lincoln's Inn 20210:British writers in Latin 18626:The Revolt of the Masses 16603:Matthias Joseph Scheeben 15796:Athanasius of Alexandria 15688:First Epistle of Clement 15271:Mary of the Divine Heart 14894:Clash against the empire 14846:Second Council of Nicaea 14740:Old St. Peter's Basilica 13403:Joseph (father of Jesus) 12789:Athanasius of Alexandria 12571:Athanasius of Alexandria 12455:Theophanes the Confessor 12435:Paul I of Constantinople 12430:Paphnutius the Confessor 12375:Athanasius the Confessor 11183:Trial of Sir Thomas More 10895:, Yale University Press. 10722:. Benediction Classics. 10583:Moynahan, Brian (2014). 10574:. W. Pickering. p.  10550:Thomas More: a biography 10528:Thomas More: A Biography 10089:Ackroyd (1999) pp. 234–5 10062:Memorials of Old Chelsea 8428:thomas more head buried. 7534:Thomas More: A Biography 7167:10.1179/ref_1996_1_1_007 6755:Krivatsy, Peter (1973). 6551:10.1525/jm.2011.28.1.118 6400:Wood, Alexander (1874). 6376:"More, Sir Thomas"  5132:Martz, Louis L. (1990). 5012: 4895:Instructions and Prayers 4705: 4495:Beaufort House (Chelsea) 3887: 3733:52 other English Martyrs 3269:Hieronymus van Busleyden 2945:William Frederick Yeames 2907: 2407:Submission of the Clergy 2154:for the Universities of 2057:Hans Holbein the Younger 1886:Hans Holbein the Younger 1766:Archbishop of Canterbury 19976:1st Earl of Southampton 18606:The Communist Manifesto 17532:Tyranny of the majority 17443:Consent of the governed 16714:Dietrich von Hildebrand 16578:Giovanni Maria Cornoldi 16452:Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet 16432:Mary of Jesus of Ágreda 15974:Paulinus II of Aquileia 15969:Predestination disputes 15537:Vatican City portal 14889:Investiture Controversy 14745:First Council of Nicaea 13335:Gregory the Illuminator 13305:Augustine of Canterbury 12854:Dionysius of Alexandria 12769:Alexander of Alexandria 11586:Theological voluntarism 11254:Sir William Fitzwilliam 11163:"St. Thomas More"  11129:7 November 2020 at the 11124:Thomas More and Utopias 10816:Wordsworth, Christopher 10647:Thomas More and Erasmus 10568:More, Cresacre (1828). 10398:Bridgett, Thomas Edward 10244:The Life of Thomas More 10195:. Exploring East London 10109:The London Encyclopædia 10106:(1983). "Crosby Hall". 10060:Beaver, Alfred (1892). 8259:Kerry McCarthy (2008). 8168:Bridgett, Thomas Edward 7994:John A. Wagner (2015). 7889:Lawrence Wilde (2016). 7737:The Life of Thomas More 7580:Tyndale's New Testament 7531:Richard Marius (1999). 7269:Gerard Wegemer (1995). 6887:Pollard, A. F. (1922). 6718:"History of Parliament" 6386:Encyclopædia Britannica 6205:The Life of Thomas More 6203:Ackroyd, Peter (1999). 5693:; Hobby, Blake (2010). 5352:The Life of Thomas More 4452:Chinese Communist Party 4229:" by indie rock outfit 3998:in 1520 wrote of More: 3894:Christopher St. Germain 2696:German Peasants' Revolt 2320: 2310: 2230:Royal Courts of Justice 2228:, London, opposite the 853:Theological determinism 468:16th-century philosophy 20420:English male novelists 20330:Roman Catholic writers 20230:English Catholic poets 20141:was held in Commission 17483: 17433:Clash of civilizations 17419: 16950:Catholicism portal 16799:Hans Urs von Balthasar 16598:Tommaso Maria Zigliara 16538:Félicité de La Mennais 16217:The Cloud of Unknowing 15718:The Shepherd of Hermas 15549:Catholicism portal 15360:Second Vatican Council 15246:Our Lady of La Salette 15053:Protestant Reformation 15040:Protestant Reformation 14959:Second Council of Lyon 14348:Ecclesiastical history 12774:Alexander of Jerusalem 12380:Chariton the Confessor 12342:in the Catholic Church 12102:Catholicism portal 10776:. Scepter Publishers. 10506:10.1093/ref:odnb/19191 9976:Frank & Timme GmbH 9764:Gary O'Connor (2002), 9601:10.1515/jemc-2017-0003 9358:10.3406/xvii.1987.1353 9340:Gury, Jacques (1987). 9034:Miles, Leland (1965). 8795:Smith, Elder & Co. 8662:Modern Language Review 8523:David Hilliam (2010). 8509:Catholic Encyclopaedia 8381:The History of England 8362:W. Jos Walter (1840). 8304:. BRILL. p. 238. 8231:. University of London 8228:British History Online 7734:Peter Ackroyd (2012). 7656:London Review of Books 7652:"The Great Dissembler" 7487:Cite journal requires 7326:Daniel Eppley (2016). 6696:10.3366/more.2021.0093 6499:Lincolnshire Pedigrees 6033:. 2011. Archived from 6027:Worship – The Calendar 5673:Catholic Encyclopaedia 5608:. 2010. Archived from 5528:Catholic Encyclopaedia 5178:10.3366/more.2022.0130 5040:Stevens, John (1961). 4918:Translations of Lucian 4858:–1518) (CW 2 & 15) 4626: 4584: 4510: 4415:Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 4005: 3849:The metaphysical poet 3815: 3806:Statue of More at the 3741:General Roman Calendar 3485:in response to More's 3472:Supplycatyon of Soulys 3233: 3204:, had joined the 1483 3049: 3041: 2977: 2970: 2952: 2905: 2837:History of the Passion 2807: 2752: 2575:De heretico comburendo 2557: 2479: 2356: 2314:, using the neologism 2266: 2242:Protestant Reformation 2233: 2181:. In 1525 More became 2059: 2040:Early political career 2023: 2012: 1964: 1902: 1689:Catholicism portal 1041:Gregory (of Nazianzus) 905:Christian Neoplatonism 598:Protestant Reformation 464:Renaissance philosophy 20325:Catholic philosophers 20260:Executed philosophers 20126:1st Viscount Brackley 19678:of the United Kingdom 17448:Divine right of kings 16724:Marie-Dominique Chenu 16643:Marie-Joseph Lagrange 16628:Désiré-Joseph Mercier 16512:Clement Mary Hofbauer 16507:Johann Michael Sailer 15934:Maximus the Confessor 15626:History of the papacy 15256:First Vatican Council 14954:First Council of Lyon 14718:Constantine the Great 14414:Christian monasticism 14205:Fourteen Holy Helpers 14169:Trasilla and Emiliana 13320:Evermode of Ratzeburg 13202:Perpetua and Felicity 13172:Martyrs of Sandomierz 13042:Dismas the Good Thief 12969:Theophilus of Antioch 12939:Maximus the Confessor 12874:Epiphanius of Salamis 12814:Clement of Alexandria 12528:Doctors of the Church 12420:Maximus the Confessor 12207:Immaculate Conception 12114:Philosophy portal 11929:Infused righteousness 11237:Sir Richard Wingfield 11169:Catholic Encyclopedia 10634:Reynolds, EE (1964). 10193:"St Katharine's Dock" 10036:Shakespeare Jest Book 10032:William Carew Hazlitt 9408:10.1093/ref:odnb/7819 9094:The Church of England 8864:Nyers, Peter (2000). 8581:. Catholic Telegraph. 8526:Little Book of Dorset 6740:Two Early Tudor Lives 6459:. Scepter Publishing. 6346:"Franciscan Calendar" 5399:John Wiley & Sons 5302:(27 September 2018). 5087:10.5840/acpq200680243 4977:A Man for All Seasons 4941:A Man for All Seasons 4835:9 August 2020 at the 4819:9 August 2020 at the 4797:9 August 2020 at the 4781:25 March 2016 at the 4766:Supplication of Souls 4753:Responsio ad Lutherum 4620: 4576: 4502: 4483:Palace of Westminster 4461:A Man for All Seasons 4424:The Gulag Archipelago 4199:The Thanatos Syndrome 4029:and Scofield won the 4010:A Man for All Seasons 4000: 3991:A Man for All Seasons 3966:in the government of 3907:Before More, English 3805: 3790:A Man for All Seasons 3455:deep personal rage." 3434:Responsio ad Lutherum 3400:In 1520 the reformer 3231: 3085:Abbotskerswell Priory 3047: 3039: 3019:A Man For All Seasons 2975: 2965: 2943: 2900: 2803: 2733: 2721:Australian High Court 2675:University of Louvain 2552: 2474: 2428:A Man for All Seasons 2398:. The bishops at the 2365:supremacy of the Pope 2345: 2250: 2223: 2047: 2013: 2002: 1959: 1880: 1861:. A tradition of the 1701:Philosophy portal 441:Responsio ad Lutherum 272:6 July 1535 (aged 57) 19447:Barebones Parliament 18596:Democracy in America 17975:political philosophy 17958:political philosophy 17773:political philosophy 17602:political philosophy 17512:Separation of powers 17473:Night-watchman state 17458:Monopoly on violence 16992:Political philosophy 16900:Raniero Cantalamessa 16870:Alice von Hildebrand 16819:Edward Schillebeeckx 16497:Maria Gaetana Agnesi 16382:Lawrence of Brindisi 16312:Francisco de Vitoria 16102:Beatrice of Nazareth 16077:Hugh of Saint Victor 16057:Bernard of Clairvaux 16037:Anselm of Canterbury 15999:John Scotus Eriugena 15994:Paschasius Radbertus 15841:Gregory of Nazianzus 15735:Epistle to Diognetus 15433:Sexual abuse scandal 15342:Mit brennender Sorge 15185:Age of Enlightenment 14964:Bernard of Clairvaux 14841:Byzantine Iconoclasm 14780:Council of Chalcedon 14560:Council of Jerusalem 14429:Role in civilization 14409:Religious institutes 14341:By country or region 14109:Hiltrude of Liessies 14054:Catherine of Bologna 14049:Bernadette Soubirous 13242:17 Thomasian Martyrs 13052:Four Crowned Martyrs 12974:Victorinus of Pettau 12954:Papias of Hierapolis 12924:Jerome of Stridonium 12889:Gregory of Nazianzus 12859:Dionysius of Corinth 12681:Lawrence of Brindisi 12636:Bernard of Clairvaux 12611:Anselm of Canterbury 12566:Gregory of Nazianzus 12493:Priscilla and Aquila 12390:Edward the Confessor 12062:Doctor of the Church 11944:Ontological argument 11189:(UMKC) School of Law 11155:University of Dallas 11068:Works by Thomas More 11050:Works by Thomas More 11023:20 June 2012 at the 11013:University of Dallas 10983:UK National Archives 10104:Hibbert, Christopher 10068:. pp. 118–138. 9778:Wood, James (2010). 9657:The Heythrop Journal 9303:Kenny, Jack (2011). 8379:Hume, David (1813), 7916:G. R. Elton (1985). 7761:Lee, Sidney (1904). 7299:Thomas More (2010). 6940:. pp. 775–777. 5703:. pp. 173–174. 5640:The Free Dictionary 5606:University of Dallas 5510:First Succession Act 5391:Joanne Paul (2016). 5300:MacCulloch, Diarmaid 4926:Pico della Mirandola 4901:De Tristitia Christi 4862:The Four Last Things 4772:Letter Against Frith 4557:1st Duke of Beaufort 4272:The Spanish Princess 4265:More is depicted by 4136:'s non-fiction book 3964:Master of the Revels 3882:100 Greatest Britons 3693:Diocese of Arlington 3528:De Tristitia Christi 3390:Age of Enlightenment 3309:monastic communalism 3206:Buckingham rebellion 2386:Henry's marriage to 2281:Debates with Tyndale 2083:James IV of Scotland 1847:Carthusian monastery 1819:Pico della Mirandola 1787:, both now defunct. 1777:University of Oxford 1758:St. Anthony's School 937:Second scholasticism 577:Renaissance humanist 498:Renaissance humanism 397:University of Oxford 54:The Right Honourable 20220:Christian humanists 18786:Right-wing politics 18666:A Theory of Justice 18636:The Road to Serfdom 18556:The Social Contract 17263:Christian democracy 16875:Carlo Maria Martini 16839:Johann Baptist Metz 16809:Frederick Copleston 16633:Friedrich von Hügel 16593:Joseph Hergenröther 16573:Gaetano Sanseverino 16553:Ignaz von Döllinger 16477:Nicolas Malebranche 16317:Thomas of Villanova 16278:Counter-Reformation 16258:Girolamo Savonarola 16072:Hildegard of Bingen 15881:Cyril of Alexandria 15724:Aristides of Athens 15711:Epistle of Barnabas 15700:Ignatius of Antioch 15638:Ecumenical councils 15261:Papal infallibility 15251:Our Lady of Lourdes 15200:Shimabara Rebellion 15044:Counter-Reformation 14159:Teresa of the Andes 14039:Angela of the Cross 14001:Zechariah (prophet) 13147:Martyrs of La Rioja 13142:21 Martyrs of Libya 13032:Christina of Persia 13012:Charles de Foucauld 12949:Quadratus of Athens 12909:Ignatius of Antioch 12879:Fulgentius of Ruspe 12829:Cyril of Alexandria 12824:Cyprian of Carthage 12809:Cappadocian Fathers 12706:Hildegard of Bingen 12576:Cyril of Alexandria 12450:Sergius of Radonezh 12212:Perpetual virginity 11889:Divine illumination 11545:Augustinian realism 11413:Theological virtues 11352:Catholic philosophy 11202:Library of Congress 11031:Gerard B. Wegemer. 10756:on 29 December 2016 9920:Progress Publishers 9912:Names on an obelisk 9856:19 May 2021 at the 9549:10.2307/j.ctt284wpm 9540:The One Thomas More 9235:12 May 2008 at the 8757:Barron, Caroline M. 8626:Thomas More Studies 8288:, pp. 222–223. 8243:Michel de Castelnau 8140:MacFarlane, Charles 8034:Ackroyd (1998) p383 7961:The Downside Review 6963:Portrait of Courage 6961:Gerard B. Wegemer, 6840:Guy, J. A. (1976). 6289:Erasmus, Desiderius 6240:. Delphi Classics. 6114:. 24 September 2016 6071:, More, Sir Thomas. 6037:on 25 December 2018 5895:Linder, Douglas O. 5701:Infobase Publishing 5508:In March 1534, the 5451:(31 October 2001). 5246:Historical Research 4762:(1529, 1530) (CW 6) 4699:St Dunstan's Church 4691:St Dunstan's Church 4639:Leslie Cubitt Bevis 4529:to the present-day 4360:English translation 4186:The protagonist of 4106:Bring Up the Bodies 4057:More was played by 4013:was adapted into a 3956:William Shakespeare 3768:English Reformation 3705:University of Malta 3307:More may have used 3180:William Shakespeare 3059:St Peter ad Vincula 2541:Diarmaid MacCulloch 2482:Torture allegations 2388:Catherine of Aragon 2271:Hanseatic Merchants 2236:More supported the 2167:knight of the shire 1912:St Stephen Walbrook 1910:) on Bucklersbury, 1821:and translated the 767:Liberation Theology 668:Catholic philosophy 618:Catherine of Aragon 189:William FitzWilliam 20415:British male poets 20355:Franciscan martyrs 20109:1st Earl of Dorset 20097:1st Baron Burghley 20090:Christopher Hatton 18798:Political violence 18793:Political theology 18776:Left-wing politics 18771:Political spectrum 16890:Alasdair MacIntyre 16769:Nouvelle théologie 16658:Thérèse of Lisieux 16502:Alfonso Muzzarelli 16442:Jean-Jacques Olier 16412:Tommaso Campanella 16327:Francisco de Osuna 16322:Ignatius of Loyola 16191:Catherine of Siena 16087:Robert Grosseteste 15984:Benedict of Aniane 15924:Isidore of Seville 15866:Augustine of Hippo 15831:Cyril of Jerusalem 15826:Hilary of Poitiers 15306:Our Lady of Fátima 15095:Ignatius of Loyola 15019:Catherine of Siena 14987:Pope Boniface VIII 14806:Benedict of Nursia 14775:Council of Ephesus 14612:Ante-Nicene period 14565:Split with Judaism 14399:Crusading movement 14200:Four Holy Marshals 14195:Calendar of saints 14164:Teresa of Calcutta 14144:Patricia of Naples 14069:Catherine of Siena 13350:Patrick of Ireland 13272:Vietnamese Martyrs 13162:Martyrs of Otranto 13117:Martyrs of Cajonos 13112:Martyrs of Algeria 13107:Martyrs of Albania 13067:The Holy Innocents 13037:Devasahayam Pillai 13022:Carthusian Martyrs 12964:Polycarp of Smyrna 12919:Isidore of Seville 12904:Hippolytus of Rome 12899:Hilary of Poitiers 12834:Cyril of Jerusalem 12799:Caesarius of Arles 12794:Augustine of Hippo 12696:Thérèse of Lisieux 12691:Catherine of Siena 12641:Hilary of Poitiers 12616:Isidore of Seville 12591:Bede the Venerable 12581:Cyril of Jerusalem 12546:Augustine of Hippo 12460:Pio of Pietrelcina 12425:Michael of Synnada 12057:Islamic philosophy 12011:Trademark argument 11904:Formal distinction 11854:Augustinian values 11527:Analytical Thomism 11507:Christian humanism 11264:Sir Thomas Neville 11229:Political offices 11096:anti-Protestantism 10418:. Harcourt, Brace. 9669:10.1111/heyj.13507 8992:Fordham Law Review 8957:Stephen Greenblatt 8550:Anne Vail (2004). 7521:Oxford, 1988. p 26 6408:. pp. 105–6. 5930:Hackett Publishing 5843:Fordham Law Review 5612:on 15 January 2019 4680:St Katharine Docks 4670:St Katharine Docks 4631:Chelsea Old Church 4627: 4623:Chelsea Old Church 4607:Chelsea Old Church 4585: 4511: 4448:pan-democracy camp 4103:, its 2012 sequel 4097:In her 2009 novel 4007:In 1966, the play 3996:Robert Whittington 3864:considered More's 3816: 3762:Anglican Communion 3598:29 December 1886, 3587:Anglican Communion 3452:Stephen Greenblatt 3396:Religious polemics 3295:mythical idealism 3291:enclosure movement 3234: 3169:Battle of Bosworth 3050: 3042: 2978: 2953: 2857:just north of the 2835:In his unfinished 2811:Oath of Succession 2369:Successor of Peter 2292::. More wrote the 2234: 2121:Archbishop of York 2106:Holy Roman Emperor 2098:Master of Requests 2060: 1903: 1867:calendar of saints 1835:Desiderius Erasmus 1785:Canterbury College 1046:Gregory (of Nyssa) 774:Christian Humanism 494:Christian humanism 478:Western philosophy 20360:Franciscan saints 20152: 20151: 20146: 20145: 20105:10th Baron Cobham 20101:1st Baron Hunsdon 19847: 19846: 19843: 19842: 19670: 19669: 19580: 19579: 18851: 18850: 18761:Philosophy of law 18706:Conflict theories 18546:The Spirit of Law 18453: 18452: 17502:Original position 16958: 16957: 16885:Gustavo Gutiérrez 16880:Pope Benedict XVI 16865:Pope John Paul II 16764:Josemaría Escrivá 16754:Henri Daniel-Rops 16638:Vladimir Solovyov 16618:Neo-scholasticism 16558:John Henry Newman 16492:Louis de Montfort 16487:Alphonsus Liguori 16482:Giambattista Vico 16417:Pierre de Bérulle 16403:French Revolution 16372:Robert Bellarmine 16352:John of the Cross 16238:Julian of Norwich 16196:Bridget of Sweden 16186:John of Ruusbroec 16176:William of Ockham 16092:Francis of Assisi 16082:Dominic de Guzmán 16052:Decretum Gratiani 16027:Berengar of Tours 15916:Early Middle Ages 15886:Peter Chrysologus 15836:Basil of Caesarea 15821:Ephrem the Syrian 15761:Antipope Novatian 15557: 15556: 15517:COVID-19 pandemic 15495:Pope Benedict XVI 15400:Pope John Paul II 15175:Pope Benedict XIV 15161:French Revolution 15145:Thirty Years' War 15135:Robert Bellarmine 15120:John of the Cross 15024:Pope Alexander VI 15009:Council of Vienne 14939:Francis of Assisi 14929:Pope Innocent III 14798:Early Middle Ages 14792: 14791: 14788: 14787: 14730:Arian controversy 14683: 14682: 14631:Apostolic Fathers 14282: 14281: 14274:Saints portal 14225:Miles Christianus 14210:Martyr of charity 14179:Josephine Bakhita 14174:Ubaldesca Taccini 14119:Kateri Tekakwitha 14094:Faustina Kowalska 14084:Eulalia of Mérida 14064:Catherine Labouré 14059:Brigid of Kildare 13886:Baruch ben Neriah 13330:François de Laval 13315:Damien of Molokai 13282:Victor and Corona 13277:Valentine of Rome 13167:Martyrs of Prague 13132:Martyrs of Gorkum 13092:Martyrs of Lübeck 12979:Vincent of Lérins 12959:Peter Chrysologus 12914:Irenaeus of Lyons 12884:Gregory the Great 12869:Ephrem the Syrian 12666:Robert Bellarmine 12661:John of the Cross 12646:Alphonsus Liguori 12621:Peter Chrysologus 12596:Ephrem the Syrian 12561:Basil of Caesarea 12536:Gregory the Great 12518:Seventy disciples 12410:Lazarus Zographos 12395:Francis of Assisi 12265:James of Alphaeus 12222:Marian apparition 12122: 12121: 12037:Catholic theology 11984:Seven deadly sins 11954:Peripatetic axiom 11864:Cartesian dualism 11599: 11598: 11565:Scotistic realism 11522:Neo-scholasticism 11306: 11305: 11281:Sir Thomas Audley 11278:Succeeded by 11251:Succeeded by 11198:Saint Thomas More 11054:Project Gutenberg 10807:978-0-8132-0836-7 10783:978-1-889334-12-7 10738:Stapleton, Thomas 10729:978-1-4092-2795-3 10617:978-0-521-63156-3 10596:978-1-4668-6650-8 10560:978-0-674-88525-7 10532:. Vintage Books. 10512:(Subscription or 10486:978-0-19-165342-1 10456:978-0-340-73138-3 10437:978-0-300-02546-0 10373:978-1-4286-1904-3 10302:978-1-59417-073-7 10248:. Nan A. Talese. 10178:978-0-19-861460-9 10017:978-0-646-26104-1 9985:978-3-86596-356-7 9954:978-0-340-73139-0 9816:978-1-137-43881-2 9791:978-0-312-42956-0 9751:978-1-4908-8619-0 9689:Long, William B. 9558:978-0-8132-1995-0 9414:(Subscription or 9376:Church of England 9283:on 14 August 2017 9188:Chesterton, G. K. 9155:978-0-375-70475-8 8972:978-1-136-77420-1 8900:978-1-5380-9202-6 8838:978-1-107-64515-8 8797:pp. 168–171. 8785:Markham, Clements 8690:Logan (2011) p168 8536:978-0-7524-6265-3 8529:. History Press. 8505:"St. Thomas More" 8404:978-0-00-719231-1 8311:978-90-04-32396-4 8272:978-1-135-86564-1 8178:Burns & Oates 8082:978-1-84383-629-2 8055:978-1-84383-629-2 8007:978-1-61069-680-7 7902:978-1-317-28137-5 7795:978-1-139-82848-2 7747:978-0-307-82301-4 7720:978-1-136-09756-0 7460:978-1-139-82848-2 7366:978-1-139-82848-2 7339:978-1-351-94579-0 7312:978-1-4604-0211-5 7230:978-1-84383-629-2 7030:978-0-8046-1213-5 6483:978-1-59884-299-9 6438:978-0-223-97628-3 6406:Burns & Oates 6247:978-1-78877-995-1 6082:"Sir Thomas More" 6031:Church of England 5939:978-1-62466-146-4 5920:King, Margaret L. 5810:"St. Thomas More" 5710:978-1-60413-441-4 5669:"St. Thomas More" 5577:978-1-931018-56-2 5524:"St. Thomas More" 5408:978-0-7456-9220-3 5370:(Online citation 5313:978-1-84614-429-5 4746:Letter to Brixius 4591:(Crosby Hall) in 4364:Utopian socialism 4193:Love in the Ruins 4128:The Broken Estate 4059:Michael Goodliffe 4040:In the 1969 film 3988:of his 1960 play 3968:Queen Elizabeth I 3925:Court of Chancery 3838:Hugh Trevor-Roper 3825:Emperor Charles V 3808:Ateneo Law School 3772:Church of England 3745:Pope John Paul II 3714: 3713: 3642:, London, England 3579:Venerated in 3255:healer archangel 3194:Wars of the Roses 3063:fixed upon a pike 2961:Richard Southwell 2914:Sir Thomas Audley 2896:Treasons Act 1534 2787:Act of Succession 2710:Pope John Paul II 2652:Cuthbert Tunstall 2505:in his polemical 2455:Cuthbert Tunstall 2442:) as akin to the 2177:elected More its 1973:, was painted by 1939:banns of marriage 1859:self-flagellation 1812:called to the Bar 1738: 1737: 1671: 1670: 1556:Garrigou-Lagrange 865:Divine Attributes 632:Pope John Paul II 622:Oath of Supremacy 596:More opposed the 579:. He also served 573:Saint Thomas More 553: 552: 510:Social philosophy 421:Philosophy career 277:, London, England 177:Richard Wingfield 18:Saint Thomas More 16:(Redirected from 20447: 20435:Proto-socialists 20390:English MPs 1523 20385:English MPs 1510 20380:English MPs 1504 20265:Executed writers 20165:Lord chancellors 20051:Stephen Gardiner 20044:(July 1553–1558) 19907:Thomas Rotherham 19884:Lord Chancellors 19874: 19867: 19860: 19851: 19850: 19683: 19682: 19676:House of Commons 19602: 19601: 19597:of Great Britain 19595:House of Commons 19588: 18905: 18904: 18898:House of Commons 18878: 18871: 18864: 18855: 18854: 18766:Political ethics 18756:Machiavellianism 18696:Authoritarianism 18681: 18671: 18661: 18651: 18641: 18631: 18621: 18611: 18601: 18591: 18581: 18571: 18561: 18551: 18541: 18531: 18521: 18511: 18501: 18491: 18481: 18471: 17547: 17546: 17488: 17424: 17414:Balance of power 17388:Social democracy 17383:Social Darwinism 17358:Multiculturalism 17303:Environmentalism 17278:Communitarianism 16985: 16978: 16971: 16962: 16961: 16948: 16947: 16789:Emmanuel Mounier 16784:Bernard Lonergan 16709:Georges Bernanos 16694:Jacques Maritain 16674:G. K. Chesterton 16563:Henri Lacordaire 16462:Cornelius Jansen 16457:François Fénelon 16387:Francis de Sales 16377:Francisco Suárez 16248:Nicholas of Cusa 16132:Siger of Brabant 16117:Boetius of Dacia 16097:Anthony of Padua 16042:Joachim of Fiore 16022:Gregory of Narek 16009:High Middle Ages 15954:John of Damascus 15846:Gregory of Nyssa 15584: 15577: 15570: 15561: 15560: 15547: 15546: 15535: 15534: 15533: 15512:Patriarch Kirill 15385:Pope John Paul I 15190:Anti-clericalism 15170:Pope Innocent XI 15090:Society of Jesus 15075:Council of Trent 15029:Age of Discovery 14974:Late Middle Ages 14876:High Middle Ages 14866:East–West Schism 14750:Pope Sylvester I 14696: 14695: 14685: 14684: 14595:General epistles 14590:Pauline epistles 14523:John the Baptist 14506:Great Commission 14468: 14467: 14419:Catholic culture 14309: 14302: 14295: 14286: 14285: 14272: 14271: 14270: 14260: 14259: 14139:Narcisa de Jesús 14124:Lucy of Syracuse 14029:Agatha of Sicily 13941:John the Baptist 13187:Maximilian Kolbe 13182:Martyrs of Zenta 13157:Martyrs of Natal 13137:Martyrs of Japan 13127:Martyrs of China 13122:Martyrs of Drina 13057:Gerard of Csanád 13017:Canadian Martyrs 13002:Abda and Abdisho 12944:Melito of Sardis 12934:John of Damascus 12894:Gregory of Nyssa 12779:Ambrose of Milan 12711:Gregory of Narek 12676:Anthony of Padua 12651:Francis de Sales 12586:John of Damascus 12232:Joseph (husband) 12184:  →   12180:  →   12176:  →   12149: 12142: 12135: 12126: 12125: 12112: 12111: 12110: 12100: 12099: 11924:Homo unius libri 11869:Cogito, ergo sum 11859:Cardinal virtues 11560:Moderate realism 11452: 11451: 11442: 11441: 11436: 11435: 11430: 11429: 11368:Cardinal virtues 11345: 11338: 11331: 11322: 11321: 11309: 11308: 11288:Preceded by 11261:Preceded by 11234:Preceded by 11226: 11225: 11221: 11219: 11209:Lumby, J. Rawson 11173: 11165: 11146: 11119: 11093: 11079: 11078: 11063:Internet Archive 11046: 11037:Zalta, Edward N. 11005: 10991: 10986: 10972: 10970:Biography portal 10967: 10966: 10965: 10958: 10953: 10952: 10951: 10936: 10926: 10913: 10904: 10896: 10884: 10855: 10845: 10825: 10811: 10787: 10764: 10763: 10761: 10755: 10749:, archived from 10748: 10733: 10709: 10708: 10706: 10700: 10693: 10678: 10667:. Viking Press. 10666: 10652: 10650: 10639: 10630: 10621: 10600: 10579: 10564: 10543: 10531: 10517: 10509: 10490: 10469: 10460: 10441: 10419: 10407: 10332: 10330: 10306: 10282: 10276: 10268: 10259: 10247: 10220: 10219: 10211: 10205: 10204: 10202: 10200: 10189: 10183: 10182: 10164: 10158: 10157: 10155: 10153: 10144:. Archived from 10130: 10124: 10123: 10096: 10090: 10087: 10081: 10080: 10057: 10051: 10028: 10022: 10021: 10003: 9997: 9996: 9994: 9992: 9965: 9959: 9958: 9938: 9932: 9931: 9922:. pp. 8–9. 9914:. Translated by 9907: 9901: 9895: 9889: 9879: 9873: 9867: 9861: 9848: 9842: 9841: 9827: 9821: 9820: 9802: 9796: 9795: 9775: 9769: 9762: 9756: 9755: 9737: 9731: 9712: 9706: 9687: 9681: 9680: 9654: 9645: 9639: 9638: 9619: 9613: 9612: 9584: 9578: 9577: 9575: 9573: 9534: 9528: 9525: 9519: 9518: 9511:Études Anglaises 9502: 9496: 9495: 9490: 9488: 9472: 9463: 9462: 9426: 9420: 9419: 9411: 9393: 9387: 9386: 9384: 9382: 9368: 9362: 9361: 9337: 9331: 9330: 9319: 9313: 9312: 9300: 9294: 9292: 9290: 9288: 9273: 9267: 9262:Jonathan Swift, 9260: 9254: 9253: 9248:Jonathan Swift. 9245: 9239: 9226:Catholic Dossier 9222: 9213: 9212: 9202: 9196: 9195: 9184: 9178: 9166: 9160: 9159: 9139: 9133: 9132: 9124: 9105: 9104: 9102: 9100: 9086: 9080: 9079: 9031: 9025: 9024: 9022: 9020: 9006: 9000: 8999: 8983: 8977: 8976: 8953: 8947: 8946:Rex (2011) p.102 8944: 8935: 8934: 8911: 8905: 8904: 8884: 8878: 8877: 8861: 8852: 8849: 8843: 8842: 8827:. Translated by 8820: 8814: 8805: 8799: 8798: 8781: 8775: 8774: 8753: 8747: 8746: 8729:Schwyzer, Philip 8725: 8719: 8718: 8697: 8691: 8688: 8679: 8678: 8648: 8642: 8636: 8630: 8629: 8623: 8615: 8609: 8608: 8606: 8604: 8589: 8583: 8582: 8574: 8568: 8567: 8547: 8541: 8540: 8520: 8514: 8512: 8501: 8495: 8494: 8484: 8478: 8477: 8475: 8473: 8459: 8453: 8452: 8437: 8431: 8430: 8413: 8407: 8392: 8386: 8384: 8376: 8370: 8369: 8359: 8353: 8352: 8338: 8332: 8331: 8322: 8316: 8315: 8295: 8289: 8283: 8277: 8276: 8256: 8250: 8240: 8238: 8236: 8219: 8213: 8212: 8192: 8186: 8185: 8164: 8158: 8157: 8136: 8130: 8129: 8118: 8112: 8111: 8093: 8087: 8086: 8066: 8060: 8059: 8041: 8035: 8032: 8026: 8025: 8024:. November 2017. 8018: 8012: 8011: 7991: 7985: 7984: 7956: 7950: 7949: 7940: 7934: 7933: 7913: 7907: 7906: 7886: 7880: 7879: 7856: 7850: 7849: 7847: 7845: 7806: 7800: 7799: 7779: 7773: 7772: 7758: 7752: 7751: 7731: 7725: 7724: 7706: 7700: 7699: 7678: 7672: 7671: 7647: 7641: 7640: 7619: 7613: 7611: 7603: 7597: 7596: 7572: 7566: 7565: 7555: 7549: 7548: 7528: 7522: 7515: 7509: 7506: 7497: 7496: 7490: 7485: 7483: 7475: 7471: 7465: 7464: 7443: 7437: 7436: 7400: 7394: 7393: 7391: 7389: 7377: 7371: 7370: 7350: 7344: 7343: 7323: 7317: 7316: 7296: 7287: 7286: 7266: 7260: 7259: 7257: 7255: 7241: 7235: 7234: 7214: 7201: 7200: 7192: 7186: 7180: 7171: 7170: 7150: 7144: 7143: 7141: 7139: 7125: 7119: 7113: 7107: 7106: 7104: 7102: 7088: 7082: 7081: 7053: 7047: 7041: 7035: 7034: 7016: 7010: 7009: 6983: 6966: 6959: 6950: 6949: 6931: 6925: 6924: 6899:(148): 516–539. 6884: 6878: 6877: 6852:(360): 481–505. 6837: 6831: 6828: 6813: 6808:Magnusson (ed.) 6806: 6800: 6799: 6797: 6795: 6752: 6743: 6736: 6730: 6729: 6727: 6725: 6714: 6708: 6707: 6679: 6670: 6667: 6661: 6658: 6652: 6649: 6643: 6640: 6634: 6633: 6631: 6629: 6615: 6609: 6608: 6585:Recusant History 6580: 6571: 6570: 6530: 6524: 6522: 6518:Selected Letters 6512: 6503: 6502: 6494: 6488: 6487: 6467: 6461: 6460: 6452: 6443: 6442: 6424: 6418: 6417: 6397: 6391: 6390: 6378: 6367: 6358: 6357: 6352:. Archived from 6342: 6336: 6335: 6329: 6321: 6315: 6314: 6298: 6285: 6279: 6278: 6268: 6259: 6258: 6256: 6254: 6231: 6225: 6224: 6216: 6210: 6208: 6200: 6149: 6147: 6139: 6124: 6123: 6121: 6119: 6104: 6098: 6097: 6095: 6093: 6078: 6072: 6066: 6060: 6053: 6047: 6046: 6044: 6042: 6019: 6010: 6004: 5998: 5986:Apostolic letter 5983: 5972: 5970: 5968: 5966: 5957:. Archived from 5950: 5944: 5943: 5916: 5905: 5904: 5892: 5886: 5885: 5857: 5851: 5850: 5834: 5825: 5824: 5822: 5820: 5806: 5800: 5799: 5797: 5789: 5773: 5772: 5744: 5738: 5737: 5719: 5717: 5687: 5681: 5680: 5665: 5656: 5655: 5649: 5647: 5632: 5626: 5625: 5619: 5617: 5598: 5589: 5588: 5586: 5558: 5552: 5551: 5538: 5532: 5531: 5515:Treason Act 1534 5506: 5500: 5499: 5485: 5479: 5478: 5472: 5470: 5465:on 10 March 2017 5464: 5457: 5445: 5439: 5428: 5422: 5416: 5388: 5382: 5369: 5343: 5337: 5334: 5328: 5324: 5318: 5317: 5295: 5289: 5288: 5269: 5263: 5261: 5252:(197): 337–357. 5228: 5222: 5221: 5189: 5156: 5150: 5149: 5124: 5118: 5117: 5115: 5113: 5101:Snell, Melissa. 5097: 5091: 5090: 5069: 5063: 5055: 5049: 5047: 5036: 5030: 5023: 4934:Media portrayals 4870: 4867: 4857: 4854: 4728:(c. 1516) (CW 1) 4583: 4580: 4517:palaces in both 4509: 4506: 4479:Westminster Hall 4473:Westminster Hall 4331:Soviet Communism 4319:Friedrich Engels 4068:wrote his novel 4031:Best Actor Oscar 3975:Elizabeth Goudge 3909:Lord Chancellors 3831:G. K. Chesterton 3670:and wearing the 3636: 3604:Kingdom of Italy 3566: 3546: 3545: 3273:Utopian alphabet 3250:published it in 3210:Clements Markham 3203: 3155:King Richard III 3055:Margaret Clement 2924:and her brother 2872: 2850: 2780:Elizabeth Barton 2769:Queen of England 2750: 2686:Modern treatment 2648:Richard Bayfield 2639:Bishop of London 2605:Richard Bayfield 2380:Pope Clement VII 2354: 2323: 2313: 2264: 2175:House of Commons 2102:Privy Counsellor 2054: 2051: 2021: 2010: 1901:, Nostell Priory 1900: 1897: 1800:Inns of Chancery 1730: 1723: 1716: 1699: 1698: 1697: 1687: 1686: 1076:John of Damascus 984: 983: 814:Moderate realism 722:Cardinal virtues 694: 693: 689: 686: 685: 681: 678: 677: 653: 646: 645: 606:Huldrych Zwingli 562: 429: 414: 354: 352: 332: 330: 251:Personal details 237: 225: 206: 185: 173: 154: 133: 121: 102: 74: 49: 48: 21: 20455: 20454: 20450: 20449: 20448: 20446: 20445: 20444: 20440:Anglican saints 20155: 20154: 20153: 20148: 20147: 20142: 20131: 20070: 20062: 20043: 20035: 20030:Thomas Goodrich 20022: 20014: 20009:Thomas Goodrich 19989: 19981: 19944: 19936: 19899: 19891: 19878: 19848: 19839: 19813: 19742: 19677: 19666: 19596: 19589: 19576: 19555: 19376: 19235: 18984: 18899: 18892: 18882: 18852: 18847: 18834: 18823:Totalitarianism 18684: 18679: 18669: 18659: 18649: 18639: 18629: 18619: 18609: 18599: 18589: 18579: 18569: 18559: 18549: 18539: 18529: 18519: 18509: 18499: 18496:Treatise on Law 18489: 18479: 18469: 18449: 18107: 18101: 17840: 17834: 17720: 17714: 17633: 17536: 17522:State of nature 17517:Social contract 17497:Ordered liberty 17485:Noblesse oblige 17402: 17236: 17165: 16994: 16989: 16959: 16954: 16942: 16934: 16915:Jean-Luc Marion 16853: 16804:Marcel Lefebvre 16729:Romano Guardini 16684:Joseph Maréchal 16662: 16653:Maurice Blondel 16548:Antonio Rosmini 16543:Luigi Taparelli 16521: 16447:Louis Thomassin 16422:Pierre Gassendi 16405: 16401: 16391: 16342:Teresa of Ávila 16280: 16276: 16267: 16253:Marsilio Ficino 16243:Thomas à Kempis 16233:Devotio Moderna 16206:Johannes Tauler 16201:Meister Eckhart 16171:Dante Alighieri 16146: 16112:Albertus Magnus 16003: 15910: 15856:John Chrysostom 15784: 15780: 15770: 15683:Clement of Rome 15664: 15602: 15593: 15588: 15558: 15553: 15541: 15531: 15529: 15521: 15443:World Youth Day 15421: 15410:World Youth Day 15354:Pacem in terris 15348:Pope John XXIII 15287: 15214: 15205:Edict of Nantes 15163: 15159: 15149: 15115:Teresa of Ávila 15110:Tridentine Mass 15046: 15042: 15033: 15014:Knights Templar 14968: 14870: 14826:Gregorian chant 14784: 14710: 14707: 14704: 14702: 14691: 14679: 14606: 14475: 14463: 14455: 14322: 14320:Catholic Church 14313: 14283: 14278: 14268: 14266: 14254: 14246: 14237:Seven Champions 14230:Church Militant 14220:Athleta Christi 14215:Military saints 14183: 14079:Clare of Assisi 14015: 13951:Judas Barsabbas 13857: 13429: 13359: 13345:Nino of Georgia 13291: 13197:Pedro Calungsod 13152:Martyrs of Laos 13097:Luigi Versiglia 12988: 12929:John Chrysostom 12819:Clement of Rome 12760: 12753: 12720: 12686:Teresa of Ávila 12671:Albertus Magnus 12556:John Chrysostom 12522: 12483:Mary of Bethany 12464: 12370:Anthony of Kiev 12351: 12319: 12270:James the Great 12236: 12188: 12167: 12158: 12153: 12123: 12118: 12108: 12106: 12094: 12086: 12047:Aristotelianism 12025: 11874:Dehellenization 11822: 11595: 11591:Foundationalism 11569: 11531: 11488: 11443: 11439: 11437: 11433: 11431: 11427: 11422: 11408:Social teaching 11354: 11349: 11314: 11301: 11298:Lord Chancellor 11293: 11283: 11274: 11266: 11256: 11247: 11239: 11217: 11138:Wegemer, Gerard 11131:Wayback Machine 11076: 11025:Wayback Machine 10977: 10968: 10963: 10961: 10954: 10949: 10947: 10944: 10872: 10870:Primary sources 10832: 10808: 10792:Wegemer, Gerard 10784: 10770:Wegemer, Gerard 10759: 10757: 10753: 10746: 10730: 10704: 10702: 10698: 10691: 10675: 10618: 10597: 10561: 10540: 10522:Marius, Richard 10511: 10487: 10457: 10438: 10344:Sir Thomas More 10303: 10270: 10269: 10256: 10233: 10228: 10223: 10212: 10208: 10198: 10196: 10191: 10190: 10186: 10179: 10165: 10161: 10151: 10149: 10148:on 21 June 2021 10132: 10131: 10127: 10120: 10097: 10093: 10088: 10084: 10058: 10054: 10029: 10025: 10018: 10005: 10004: 10000: 9990: 9988: 9986: 9966: 9962: 9955: 9939: 9935: 9916:Peter Greenwood 9908: 9904: 9898:Lord Wardington 9896: 9892: 9880: 9876: 9868: 9864: 9858:Wayback Machine 9849: 9845: 9828: 9824: 9817: 9803: 9799: 9792: 9776: 9772: 9763: 9759: 9752: 9738: 9734: 9720:Sir Thomas More 9713: 9709: 9688: 9684: 9652: 9646: 9642: 9623:Gneist, Rudolph 9620: 9616: 9585: 9581: 9571: 9569: 9559: 9535: 9531: 9526: 9522: 9503: 9499: 9486: 9484: 9473: 9466: 9427: 9423: 9413: 9394: 9390: 9380: 9378: 9370: 9369: 9365: 9338: 9334: 9323:Chambers, R. W. 9320: 9316: 9309:Resource Center 9301: 9297: 9286: 9284: 9275: 9274: 9270: 9261: 9257: 9246: 9242: 9237:Wayback Machine 9223: 9216: 9203: 9199: 9185: 9181: 9175:Sir Thomas More 9167: 9163: 9156: 9140: 9136: 9125: 9108: 9098: 9096: 9088: 9087: 9083: 9032: 9028: 9018: 9016: 9008: 9007: 9003: 8984: 8980: 8973: 8954: 8950: 8945: 8938: 8931: 8912: 8908: 8901: 8885: 8881: 8862: 8855: 8850: 8846: 8839: 8829:Robynson, Raphe 8821: 8817: 8806: 8802: 8782: 8778: 8771: 8754: 8750: 8743: 8726: 8722: 8715: 8698: 8694: 8689: 8682: 8649: 8645: 8637: 8633: 8621: 8617: 8616: 8612: 8602: 8600: 8599:on 2 April 2019 8591: 8590: 8586: 8575: 8571: 8564: 8548: 8544: 8537: 8521: 8517: 8503: 8502: 8498: 8485: 8481: 8471: 8469: 8461: 8460: 8456: 8439: 8438: 8434: 8414: 8410: 8393: 8389: 8377: 8373: 8360: 8356: 8339: 8335: 8324: 8323: 8319: 8312: 8296: 8292: 8286:Wordsworth 1810 8284: 8280: 8273: 8257: 8253: 8234: 8232: 8221: 8220: 8216: 8209: 8193: 8189: 8165: 8161: 8154:Blackie and Son 8144:Thomson, Thomas 8137: 8133: 8120: 8119: 8115: 8108: 8094: 8090: 8083: 8067: 8063: 8056: 8042: 8038: 8033: 8029: 8020: 8019: 8015: 8008: 7992: 7988: 7958: 7957: 7953: 7942: 7941: 7937: 7930: 7914: 7910: 7903: 7887: 7883: 7876: 7857: 7853: 7843: 7841: 7831: 7807: 7803: 7796: 7780: 7776: 7759: 7755: 7748: 7732: 7728: 7721: 7707: 7703: 7696: 7679: 7675: 7648: 7644: 7637: 7623:Moynahan, Brian 7620: 7616: 7604: 7600: 7590: 7573: 7569: 7556: 7552: 7545: 7529: 7525: 7516: 7512: 7507: 7500: 7488: 7486: 7477: 7476: 7472: 7468: 7461: 7444: 7440: 7417:10.2307/2928770 7409:Representations 7401: 7397: 7387: 7385: 7378: 7374: 7367: 7351: 7347: 7340: 7324: 7320: 7313: 7297: 7290: 7283: 7267: 7263: 7253: 7251: 7242: 7238: 7231: 7215: 7204: 7193: 7189: 7181: 7174: 7151: 7147: 7137: 7135: 7127: 7126: 7122: 7114: 7110: 7100: 7098: 7090: 7089: 7085: 7054: 7050: 7042: 7038: 7031: 7017: 7013: 7006: 6984: 6969: 6960: 6953: 6932: 6928: 6885: 6881: 6838: 6834: 6829: 6816: 6807: 6803: 6793: 6791: 6753: 6746: 6737: 6733: 6723: 6721: 6716: 6715: 6711: 6680: 6673: 6668: 6664: 6659: 6655: 6650: 6646: 6641: 6637: 6627: 6625: 6617: 6616: 6612: 6581: 6574: 6531: 6527: 6513: 6506: 6495: 6491: 6484: 6468: 6464: 6453: 6446: 6439: 6425: 6421: 6398: 6394: 6368: 6361: 6344: 6343: 6339: 6327: 6323: 6322: 6318: 6311: 6286: 6282: 6269: 6262: 6252: 6250: 6248: 6232: 6228: 6217: 6213: 6201: 6152: 6140: 6127: 6117: 6115: 6106: 6105: 6101: 6091: 6089: 6080: 6079: 6075: 6067: 6063: 6054: 6050: 6040: 6038: 6021: 6020: 6013: 6005: 6001: 5984: 5975: 5964: 5962: 5961:on 4 March 2016 5953: 5951: 5947: 5940: 5932:. p. 157. 5917: 5908: 5893: 5889: 5858: 5854: 5835: 5828: 5818: 5816: 5808: 5807: 5803: 5795: 5791: 5790: 5786: 5782: 5777: 5776: 5745: 5741: 5715: 5713: 5711: 5688: 5684: 5667: 5666: 5659: 5645: 5643: 5634: 5633: 5629: 5615: 5613: 5600: 5599: 5592: 5584: 5578: 5559: 5555: 5539: 5535: 5522: 5507: 5503: 5486: 5482: 5468: 5466: 5462: 5455: 5449:Wegemer, Gerard 5446: 5442: 5429: 5425: 5409: 5389: 5385: 5379:Wayback Machine 5363: 5344: 5340: 5335: 5331: 5325: 5321: 5314: 5296: 5292: 5285: 5270: 5266: 5229: 5225: 5210:10.2307/4048812 5157: 5153: 5146: 5125: 5121: 5111: 5109: 5098: 5094: 5070: 5066: 5056: 5052: 5037: 5033: 5024: 5020: 5015: 4982:Charlton Heston 4970:Bernard Archard 4936: 4914: 4868: 4855: 4845: 4837:Wayback Machine 4828:(1533) (CW 11) 4821:Wayback Machine 4812:(1533) (CW 10) 4799:Wayback Machine 4783:Wayback Machine 4722: 4708: 4688: 4672: 4664:Tower of London 4656:Tower of London 4648: 4615: 4609: 4601:William Rastell 4597:Antonio Bonvisi 4581: 4571: 4565: 4559:, a new owner. 4507: 4497: 4491: 4475: 4470: 4349:'s suggestion. 4307: 4302: 4296: 4134:Aaron S. Zelman 4121:Thomas Cromwell 4115:, the novelist 4035:Charlton Heston 3943:Sir Thomas More 3933: 3890: 3858:Eugene McCarthy 3800: 3764: 3719: 3717:Catholic Church 3672:Collar of Esses 3655: 3653: 3631: 3585: 3583:Catholic Church 3569: 3557: 3554: 3553: 3544: 3509:Germain de Brie 3504: 3479:William Tyndale 3426:Fidei defensor" 3398: 3244:frame narrative 3226: 3220: 3198:Caroline Barron 3196:. According to 3149: 3142: 3137: 3134: 3132: 3130: 3128: 3127: 3125: 3123: 3121: 3119: 3118: 3116: 3114: 3112: 3105: 3034: 3002: 2910: 2882:The charges of 2880: 2879: 2878: 2877: 2876: 2873: 2864: 2863: 2862: 2859:Tower of London 2851: 2824:Tower of London 2820: 2795:papal supremacy 2776:Thomas Cromwell 2757: 2751: 2740: 2688: 2671:William Tyndale 2635:John Tewkesbury 2609:John Tewkesbury 2566: 2529:Book of Martyrs 2508:Book of Martyrs 2492:Lord Chancellor 2484: 2424: 2361: 2355: 2352: 2283: 2265: 2256: 2238:Catholic Church 2218: 2199:Lord Chancellor 2191: 2144:King Henry VIII 2112:, accompanying 2081:'s marriage to 2052: 2042: 2022: 2019: 2011: 2008: 1990: 1951:William Rastell 1935:Alice Middleton 1898: 1875: 1831: 1734: 1705: 1695: 1693: 1681: 1673: 1672: 1667: 1666: 1665: 1500: 1492: 1491: 1490: 1310: 1302: 1301: 1300: 1120: 1112: 1111: 1110: 990: 981: 971: 970: 878: 870: 869: 799: 789: 788: 762:Social teaching 717: 707: 691: 687: 683: 679: 675: 644: 610:William Tyndale 569:Catholic Church 558: 556:Sir Thomas More 532: 518: 513: 506: 496: 466: 445: 438: 427: 419: 399: 387: 357: 356: 353: 1511) 348: 344: 342:Alice Middleton 334: 326: 322: 319: 303: 273: 260: 259:7 February 1478 235: 223: 207: 202: 183: 171: 155: 150: 131: 119: 103: 98: 92:Lord Chancellor 82: 78:Sir Thomas More 65: 60: 57: 45: 38: 33:Sir Thomas More 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 20453: 20443: 20442: 20437: 20432: 20427: 20422: 20417: 20412: 20407: 20402: 20397: 20392: 20387: 20382: 20377: 20372: 20367: 20362: 20357: 20352: 20347: 20342: 20337: 20332: 20327: 20322: 20317: 20312: 20307: 20302: 20297: 20292: 20287: 20282: 20277: 20272: 20267: 20262: 20257: 20255:English saints 20252: 20247: 20242: 20237: 20232: 20227: 20222: 20217: 20212: 20207: 20202: 20197: 20192: 20187: 20182: 20177: 20172: 20167: 20150: 20149: 20144: 20143: 20136: 20133: 20132: 20130: 20129: 20123: 20120:John Puckering 20117: 20113:Gilbert Gerard 20093: 20087: 20084:Thomas Bromley 20081: 20078:Nicholas Bacon 20074: 20072: 20064: 20063: 20061: 20060: 20057:Nicholas Heath 20054: 20047: 20045: 20037: 20036: 20034: 20033: 20026: 20024: 20020:Lady Jane Grey 20016: 20015: 20013: 20012: 20006: 20003:1st Baron Rich 20000: 19993: 19991: 19983: 19982: 19980: 19979: 19973: 19967: 19961: 19955: 19952:William Warham 19948: 19946: 19938: 19937: 19935: 19934: 19931:William Warham 19928: 19922: 19916: 19910: 19903: 19901: 19893: 19892: 19888:House of Tudor 19877: 19876: 19869: 19862: 19854: 19845: 19844: 19841: 19840: 19838: 19837: 19832: 19827: 19821: 19819: 19815: 19814: 19812: 19811: 19806: 19801: 19796: 19791: 19786: 19781: 19776: 19771: 19766: 19761: 19756: 19750: 19748: 19744: 19743: 19741: 19740: 19735: 19730: 19725: 19720: 19715: 19710: 19708:Manners-Sutton 19705: 19700: 19695: 19689: 19687: 19680: 19672: 19671: 19668: 19667: 19665: 19664: 19659: 19654: 19649: 19644: 19639: 19634: 19629: 19624: 19619: 19614: 19608: 19606: 19599: 19591: 19590: 19583: 19581: 19578: 19577: 19575: 19574: 19569: 19563: 19561: 19557: 19556: 19554: 19553: 19548: 19543: 19538: 19533: 19528: 19523: 19518: 19513: 19508: 19503: 19498: 19493: 19488: 19483: 19465: 19455: 19450: 19440: 19435: 19430: 19425: 19420: 19415: 19410: 19405: 19400: 19395: 19390: 19384: 19382: 19378: 19377: 19375: 19374: 19369: 19364: 19359: 19354: 19349: 19344: 19339: 19334: 19329: 19324: 19319: 19314: 19309: 19304: 19299: 19294: 19289: 19284: 19279: 19274: 19269: 19264: 19259: 19254: 19249: 19243: 19241: 19237: 19236: 19234: 19233: 19228: 19223: 19218: 19213: 19208: 19203: 19198: 19193: 19188: 19183: 19178: 19173: 19168: 19163: 19158: 19153: 19148: 19143: 19138: 19133: 19128: 19123: 19118: 19113: 19108: 19103: 19098: 19093: 19088: 19083: 19078: 19073: 19068: 19063: 19058: 19053: 19048: 19043: 19038: 19033: 19028: 19023: 19018: 19013: 19008: 19003: 18998: 18992: 18990: 18986: 18985: 18983: 18982: 18977: 18972: 18967: 18962: 18957: 18952: 18947: 18942: 18940:Guildesborough 18937: 18932: 18927: 18922: 18917: 18911: 18909: 18902: 18894: 18893: 18881: 18880: 18873: 18866: 18858: 18849: 18848: 18846: 18845: 18839: 18836: 18835: 18833: 18832: 18825: 18820: 18815: 18813:Social justice 18810: 18805: 18800: 18795: 18790: 18789: 18788: 18783: 18778: 18768: 18763: 18758: 18753: 18748: 18743: 18738: 18733: 18728: 18723: 18721:Egalitarianism 18718: 18713: 18711:Contractualism 18708: 18703: 18698: 18692: 18690: 18686: 18685: 18683: 18682: 18672: 18662: 18652: 18642: 18632: 18622: 18612: 18602: 18592: 18582: 18572: 18562: 18552: 18542: 18532: 18522: 18512: 18502: 18492: 18482: 18472: 18461: 18459: 18455: 18454: 18451: 18450: 18448: 18447: 18442: 18437: 18432: 18427: 18422: 18417: 18412: 18407: 18402: 18397: 18392: 18387: 18382: 18377: 18372: 18367: 18362: 18357: 18352: 18347: 18342: 18337: 18332: 18327: 18322: 18317: 18312: 18307: 18302: 18297: 18292: 18287: 18282: 18277: 18272: 18267: 18262: 18257: 18252: 18247: 18242: 18237: 18232: 18227: 18222: 18217: 18212: 18207: 18202: 18197: 18192: 18187: 18182: 18177: 18172: 18167: 18162: 18157: 18152: 18147: 18142: 18137: 18132: 18127: 18122: 18117: 18111: 18109: 18103: 18102: 18100: 18099: 18094: 18089: 18084: 18079: 18074: 18069: 18064: 18059: 18054: 18049: 18044: 18039: 18034: 18029: 18024: 18019: 18014: 18009: 18004: 17999: 17994: 17989: 17984: 17979: 17978: 17977: 17967: 17962: 17961: 17960: 17950: 17945: 17940: 17935: 17930: 17925: 17920: 17915: 17910: 17905: 17900: 17895: 17890: 17885: 17880: 17875: 17870: 17865: 17860: 17855: 17850: 17844: 17842: 17836: 17835: 17833: 17832: 17827: 17822: 17817: 17812: 17807: 17802: 17797: 17792: 17787: 17782: 17777: 17776: 17775: 17765: 17760: 17755: 17750: 17745: 17740: 17735: 17730: 17724: 17722: 17716: 17715: 17713: 17712: 17707: 17702: 17697: 17692: 17687: 17682: 17677: 17672: 17667: 17662: 17657: 17652: 17647: 17641: 17639: 17635: 17634: 17632: 17631: 17626: 17621: 17616: 17611: 17606: 17605: 17604: 17594: 17589: 17584: 17579: 17574: 17569: 17564: 17559: 17553: 17551: 17544: 17538: 17537: 17535: 17534: 17529: 17524: 17519: 17514: 17509: 17507:Overton window 17504: 17499: 17494: 17489: 17480: 17475: 17470: 17465: 17460: 17455: 17450: 17445: 17440: 17435: 17430: 17425: 17416: 17410: 17408: 17404: 17403: 17401: 17400: 17395: 17390: 17385: 17380: 17375: 17370: 17365: 17360: 17355: 17350: 17345: 17340: 17338:Libertarianism 17335: 17330: 17325: 17320: 17315: 17310: 17305: 17300: 17295: 17290: 17285: 17280: 17275: 17270: 17265: 17260: 17255: 17250: 17244: 17242: 17238: 17237: 17235: 17234: 17229: 17224: 17219: 17214: 17209: 17204: 17199: 17194: 17189: 17184: 17179: 17173: 17171: 17167: 17166: 17164: 17163: 17158: 17153: 17148: 17143: 17138: 17133: 17128: 17123: 17118: 17113: 17108: 17103: 17098: 17093: 17088: 17083: 17078: 17073: 17068: 17063: 17058: 17053: 17048: 17043: 17038: 17033: 17028: 17023: 17018: 17013: 17008: 17002: 17000: 16996: 16995: 16988: 16987: 16980: 16973: 16965: 16956: 16955: 16953: 16952: 16939: 16936: 16935: 16933: 16932: 16927: 16922: 16917: 16912: 16907: 16902: 16897: 16892: 16887: 16882: 16877: 16872: 16867: 16861: 16859: 16855: 16854: 16852: 16851: 16846: 16841: 16836: 16831: 16826: 16821: 16816: 16811: 16806: 16801: 16796: 16791: 16786: 16781: 16776: 16771: 16766: 16761: 16756: 16751: 16746: 16744:Henri de Lubac 16741: 16736: 16731: 16726: 16721: 16719:Gabriel Marcel 16716: 16711: 16706: 16701: 16699:Étienne Gilson 16696: 16691: 16686: 16681: 16676: 16670: 16668: 16664: 16663: 16661: 16660: 16655: 16650: 16648:George Tyrrell 16645: 16640: 16635: 16630: 16625: 16620: 16615: 16610: 16608:Émile Boutroux 16605: 16600: 16595: 16590: 16588:Giuseppe Pecci 16585: 16580: 16575: 16570: 16565: 16560: 16555: 16550: 16545: 16540: 16535: 16529: 16527: 16523: 16522: 16520: 16519: 16514: 16509: 16504: 16499: 16494: 16489: 16484: 16479: 16474: 16469: 16459: 16454: 16449: 16444: 16439: 16437:António Vieira 16434: 16429: 16427:René Descartes 16424: 16419: 16414: 16408: 16406: 16398:Baroque period 16396: 16393: 16392: 16390: 16389: 16384: 16379: 16374: 16369: 16362:Luis de Molina 16359: 16357:Peter Canisius 16354: 16349: 16344: 16339: 16337:Francis Xavier 16334: 16329: 16324: 16319: 16314: 16309: 16304: 16299: 16294: 16292:Thomas Cajetan 16289: 16283: 16281: 16272: 16269: 16268: 16266: 16265: 16260: 16255: 16250: 16245: 16240: 16235: 16230: 16225: 16223:Heinrich Seuse 16220: 16213: 16208: 16203: 16198: 16193: 16188: 16183: 16178: 16173: 16168: 16163: 16157: 16155: 16148: 16147: 16145: 16144: 16139: 16134: 16129: 16127:Thomas Aquinas 16124: 16122:Henry of Ghent 16119: 16114: 16109: 16104: 16099: 16094: 16089: 16084: 16079: 16074: 16069: 16067:Anselm of Laon 16064: 16059: 16054: 16049: 16044: 16039: 16034: 16029: 16024: 16019: 16013: 16011: 16005: 16004: 16002: 16001: 15996: 15991: 15989:Rabanus Maurus 15986: 15981: 15976: 15971: 15966: 15961: 15956: 15951: 15946: 15941: 15936: 15931: 15926: 15920: 15918: 15912: 15911: 15909: 15908: 15906:Pope Gregory I 15903: 15898: 15893: 15888: 15883: 15878: 15873: 15868: 15863: 15858: 15853: 15848: 15843: 15838: 15833: 15828: 15823: 15818: 15813: 15808: 15803: 15798: 15793: 15787: 15785: 15782:Pope Gregory I 15775: 15772: 15771: 15769: 15768: 15763: 15758: 15753: 15748: 15743: 15738: 15731: 15726: 15721: 15714: 15707: 15702: 15697: 15690: 15685: 15680: 15674: 15672: 15666: 15665: 15663: 15662: 15657: 15656: 15655: 15653:Biblical canon 15650: 15643:Catholic Bible 15640: 15635: 15634: 15633: 15623: 15622: 15621: 15610: 15608: 15604: 15603: 15598: 15595: 15594: 15587: 15586: 15579: 15572: 15564: 15555: 15554: 15552: 15551: 15539: 15526: 15523: 15522: 15520: 15519: 15514: 15509: 15502: 15497: 15492: 15491: 15490: 15485: 15480: 15475: 15470: 15465: 15460: 15455: 15450: 15440: 15435: 15429: 15427: 15423: 15422: 15420: 15419: 15418: 15417: 15407: 15402: 15397: 15392: 15387: 15382: 15372: 15367: 15362: 15357: 15350: 15345: 15338: 15333: 15331:Lateran Treaty 15328: 15323: 15318: 15313: 15308: 15303: 15297: 15295: 15289: 15288: 15286: 15285: 15278: 15273: 15268: 15263: 15258: 15253: 15248: 15243: 15238: 15233: 15228: 15222: 15220: 15216: 15215: 15213: 15212: 15207: 15202: 15197: 15192: 15187: 15182: 15177: 15172: 15166: 15164: 15156:Baroque period 15154: 15151: 15150: 15148: 15147: 15142: 15137: 15132: 15127: 15125:Peter Canisius 15122: 15117: 15112: 15107: 15102: 15100:Francis Xavier 15097: 15092: 15087: 15082: 15077: 15072: 15067: 15064:Exsurge Domine 15060: 15055: 15049: 15047: 15038: 15035: 15034: 15032: 15031: 15026: 15021: 15016: 15011: 15006: 15004:Pope Clement V 15001: 15000: 14999: 14997:Avignon Papacy 14992:Western Schism 14989: 14984: 14982:Thomas Aquinas 14978: 14976: 14970: 14969: 14967: 14966: 14961: 14956: 14951: 14946: 14941: 14936: 14931: 14926: 14921: 14916: 14911: 14906: 14901: 14896: 14891: 14886: 14880: 14878: 14872: 14871: 14869: 14868: 14863: 14858: 14853: 14848: 14843: 14838: 14836:Saint Boniface 14833: 14828: 14823: 14821:Pope Gregory I 14818: 14813: 14808: 14802: 14800: 14794: 14793: 14790: 14789: 14786: 14785: 14783: 14782: 14777: 14772: 14767: 14762: 14760:Biblical canon 14757: 14752: 14747: 14742: 14737: 14732: 14727: 14726: 14725: 14714: 14712: 14693: 14689:Late antiquity 14681: 14680: 14678: 14677: 14672: 14667: 14662: 14657: 14656: 14655: 14650: 14649: 14648: 14643: 14638: 14636:Pope Clement I 14626:Church Fathers 14623: 14617: 14615: 14608: 14607: 14605: 14604: 14603: 14602: 14597: 14592: 14587: 14582: 14577: 14567: 14562: 14557: 14552: 14551: 14550: 14545: 14540: 14535: 14525: 14520: 14515: 14510: 14509: 14508: 14503: 14498: 14493: 14482: 14480: 14465: 14457: 14456: 14454: 14453: 14448: 14443: 14438: 14433: 14432: 14431: 14426: 14416: 14411: 14406: 14401: 14396: 14395: 14394: 14389: 14387:Biblical canon 14382:Catholic Bible 14379: 14378: 14377: 14367: 14366: 14365: 14355: 14350: 14345: 14344: 14343: 14332: 14330: 14324: 14323: 14312: 14311: 14304: 14297: 14289: 14280: 14279: 14277: 14276: 14264: 14251: 14248: 14247: 14245: 14244: 14242:Virtuous pagan 14239: 14234: 14233: 14232: 14227: 14222: 14212: 14207: 14202: 14197: 14191: 14189: 14185: 14184: 14182: 14181: 14176: 14171: 14166: 14161: 14156: 14151: 14146: 14141: 14136: 14131: 14126: 14121: 14116: 14111: 14106: 14101: 14096: 14091: 14086: 14081: 14076: 14071: 14066: 14061: 14056: 14051: 14046: 14041: 14036: 14031: 14025: 14023: 14017: 14016: 14014: 14013: 14008: 14006:Zechariah (NT) 14003: 13998: 13993: 13988: 13983: 13978: 13973: 13968: 13963: 13958: 13953: 13948: 13943: 13938: 13933: 13928: 13923: 13918: 13913: 13908: 13903: 13898: 13893: 13888: 13883: 13878: 13873: 13867: 13865: 13859: 13858: 13856: 13855: 13850: 13845: 13840: 13835: 13830: 13825: 13820: 13815: 13810: 13805: 13800: 13795: 13790: 13785: 13780: 13775: 13770: 13765: 13760: 13755: 13750: 13745: 13740: 13735: 13730: 13725: 13720: 13715: 13710: 13705: 13700: 13695: 13690: 13685: 13680: 13675: 13670: 13665: 13660: 13655: 13650: 13645: 13640: 13635: 13630: 13625: 13620: 13615: 13610: 13605: 13600: 13595: 13590: 13585: 13580: 13575: 13570: 13565: 13560: 13555: 13550: 13545: 13540: 13535: 13530: 13525: 13520: 13515: 13510: 13505: 13500: 13495: 13490: 13485: 13480: 13475: 13470: 13465: 13460: 13455: 13450: 13445: 13439: 13437: 13431: 13430: 13428: 13427: 13420: 13415: 13410: 13405: 13400: 13395: 13390: 13385: 13380: 13375: 13369: 13367: 13361: 13360: 13358: 13357: 13352: 13347: 13342: 13340:Junípero Serra 13337: 13332: 13327: 13325:Francis Xavier 13322: 13317: 13312: 13307: 13301: 13299: 13293: 13292: 13290: 13289: 13284: 13279: 13274: 13269: 13267:Uganda Martyrs 13264: 13259: 13254: 13249: 13244: 13239: 13237:Titus Brandsma 13234: 13229: 13224: 13219: 13214: 13212:Pietro Parenzo 13209: 13204: 13199: 13194: 13189: 13184: 13179: 13174: 13169: 13164: 13159: 13154: 13149: 13144: 13139: 13134: 13129: 13124: 13119: 13114: 13109: 13104: 13099: 13094: 13089: 13084: 13082:Korean Martyrs 13079: 13074: 13069: 13064: 13059: 13054: 13049: 13044: 13039: 13034: 13029: 13024: 13019: 13014: 13009: 13007:Boris and Gleb 13004: 12998: 12996: 12990: 12989: 12987: 12986: 12981: 12976: 12971: 12966: 12961: 12956: 12951: 12946: 12941: 12936: 12931: 12926: 12921: 12916: 12911: 12906: 12901: 12896: 12891: 12886: 12881: 12876: 12871: 12866: 12861: 12856: 12851: 12849:Desert Mothers 12846: 12844:Desert Fathers 12841: 12836: 12831: 12826: 12821: 12816: 12811: 12806: 12801: 12796: 12791: 12786: 12781: 12776: 12771: 12765: 12763: 12755: 12754: 12752: 12751: 12746: 12741: 12736: 12730: 12728: 12722: 12721: 12719: 12718: 12713: 12708: 12703: 12698: 12693: 12688: 12683: 12678: 12673: 12668: 12663: 12658: 12656:Peter Canisius 12653: 12648: 12643: 12638: 12633: 12628: 12623: 12618: 12613: 12608: 12603: 12601:Thomas Aquinas 12598: 12593: 12588: 12583: 12578: 12573: 12568: 12563: 12558: 12553: 12548: 12543: 12538: 12532: 12530: 12524: 12523: 12521: 12520: 12515: 12510: 12505: 12500: 12495: 12490: 12488:Mary Magdalene 12485: 12480: 12474: 12472: 12466: 12465: 12463: 12462: 12457: 12452: 12447: 12442: 12437: 12432: 12427: 12422: 12417: 12415:Louis Bertrand 12412: 12407: 12402: 12400:Francis Borgia 12397: 12392: 12387: 12382: 12377: 12372: 12367: 12361: 12359: 12353: 12352: 12350: 12349: 12344: 12335: 12329: 12327: 12321: 12320: 12318: 12317: 12312: 12307: 12302: 12297: 12292: 12287: 12282: 12277: 12272: 12267: 12262: 12257: 12252: 12246: 12244: 12238: 12237: 12235: 12234: 12229: 12227:Titles of Mary 12224: 12219: 12214: 12209: 12204: 12198: 12196: 12190: 12189: 12174:Servant of God 12163: 12160: 12159: 12152: 12151: 12144: 12137: 12129: 12120: 12119: 12117: 12116: 12104: 12091: 12088: 12087: 12085: 12084: 12079: 12074: 12069: 12064: 12059: 12054: 12049: 12044: 12039: 12033: 12031: 12027: 12026: 12024: 12023: 12018: 12013: 12008: 12007: 12006: 12001: 11991: 11986: 11981: 11976: 11971: 11966: 11961: 11956: 11951: 11949:Pascal's wager 11946: 11941: 11936: 11931: 11926: 11921: 11916: 11911: 11909:Guardian angel 11906: 11901: 11896: 11891: 11886: 11881: 11876: 11871: 11866: 11861: 11856: 11851: 11846: 11841: 11836: 11830: 11828: 11824: 11823: 11821: 11820: 11815: 11810: 11805: 11800: 11795: 11790: 11785: 11780: 11775: 11770: 11765: 11760: 11755: 11750: 11745: 11740: 11735: 11730: 11725: 11720: 11715: 11710: 11705: 11700: 11695: 11690: 11685: 11680: 11675: 11670: 11665: 11660: 11655: 11650: 11645: 11640: 11635: 11630: 11625: 11620: 11615: 11609: 11607: 11601: 11600: 11597: 11596: 11594: 11593: 11588: 11583: 11577: 11575: 11571: 11570: 11568: 11567: 11562: 11557: 11552: 11547: 11541: 11539: 11533: 11532: 11530: 11529: 11524: 11519: 11514: 11509: 11504: 11498: 11496: 11490: 11489: 11487: 11486: 11481: 11476: 11471: 11466: 11464:Augustinianism 11460: 11458: 11449: 11445: 11444: 11425: 11423: 11421: 11420: 11415: 11410: 11405: 11400: 11395: 11390: 11385: 11380: 11375: 11373:Divine command 11370: 11364: 11362: 11356: 11355: 11348: 11347: 11340: 11333: 11325: 11319: 11316: 11315: 11304: 11303: 11294: 11289: 11285: 11284: 11279: 11276: 11267: 11262: 11258: 11257: 11252: 11249: 11240: 11235: 11231: 11230: 11224: 11223: 11211:, ed. (1883). 11205: 11195: 11190: 11180: 11174: 11157: 11148: 11134: 11121: 11106: 11098: 11080: 11065: 11056: 11047: 11028: 11015: 11006: 10992: 10974: 10973: 10959: 10943: 10942:External links 10940: 10939: 10938: 10928: 10915: 10906: 10897: 10886: 10871: 10868: 10867: 10866: 10856: 10852:History Review 10847: 10831: 10830:Historiography 10828: 10827: 10826: 10812: 10806: 10788: 10782: 10766: 10734: 10728: 10714:Roper, William 10710: 10701:on 8 June 2012 10683:Roper, William 10679: 10673: 10657:Ridley, Jasper 10653: 10640: 10631: 10622: 10616: 10601: 10595: 10580: 10565: 10559: 10544: 10538: 10518: 10491: 10485: 10470: 10461: 10455: 10442: 10436: 10420: 10408: 10393: 10392: 10388: 10387: 10386: 10385: 10375: 10365: 10336:Brémond, Henri 10333: 10320: 10301: 10287:Berglar, Peter 10283: 10260: 10254: 10238:Ackroyd, Peter 10232: 10229: 10227: 10224: 10222: 10221: 10206: 10184: 10177: 10159: 10125: 10118: 10091: 10082: 10052: 10023: 10016: 9998: 9984: 9960: 9953: 9933: 9902: 9890: 9874: 9862: 9843: 9822: 9815: 9797: 9790: 9770: 9757: 9750: 9732: 9707: 9682: 9640: 9637:. p. 178. 9635:William Clowes 9614: 9579: 9557: 9529: 9520: 9497: 9464: 9421: 9388: 9372:"The Calendar" 9363: 9332: 9314: 9295: 9268: 9255: 9240: 9214: 9197: 9179: 9161: 9154: 9134: 9106: 9090:"The Calendar" 9081: 9052:10.1086/385507 9026: 9010:"Thomas Morus" 9001: 8978: 8971: 8948: 8936: 8929: 8906: 8899: 8879: 8853: 8844: 8837: 8815: 8800: 8776: 8769: 8748: 8741: 8720: 8713: 8701:Bate, Jonathan 8692: 8680: 8669:(3): 629–639. 8643: 8641:, p. 218. 8631: 8610: 8584: 8569: 8562: 8542: 8535: 8515: 8496: 8479: 8454: 8432: 8408: 8387: 8371: 8354: 8333: 8317: 8310: 8290: 8278: 8271: 8251: 8214: 8207: 8187: 8176:(3 ed.). 8159: 8156:. p. 798. 8131: 8113: 8106: 8088: 8081: 8061: 8054: 8036: 8027: 8013: 8006: 7986: 7951: 7935: 7928: 7908: 7901: 7881: 7874: 7860:Gerard Wegemer 7851: 7829: 7801: 7794: 7774: 7753: 7746: 7726: 7719: 7701: 7694: 7673: 7642: 7635: 7614: 7598: 7588: 7578:, ed. (1995). 7576:Daniell, David 7567: 7550: 7543: 7523: 7510: 7498: 7489:|journal= 7466: 7459: 7438: 7395: 7372: 7365: 7345: 7338: 7318: 7311: 7288: 7281: 7261: 7236: 7229: 7202: 7187: 7172: 7145: 7120: 7118:, p. 547. 7108: 7083: 7064:(3): 382–411. 7048: 7036: 7029: 7011: 7004: 6967: 6951: 6926: 6879: 6832: 6814: 6812:(1990) p. 1039 6801: 6767:(2): 113–154. 6744: 6731: 6709: 6671: 6662: 6653: 6644: 6635: 6610: 6572: 6545:(1): 118–141. 6525: 6504: 6489: 6482: 6462: 6444: 6437: 6419: 6392: 6381:Chisholm, Hugh 6371:Pattison, Mark 6359: 6356:on 5 May 2013. 6337: 6316: 6309: 6280: 6260: 6246: 6226: 6211: 6150: 6125: 6099: 6073: 6061: 6048: 6011: 5999: 5973: 5945: 5938: 5906: 5887: 5852: 5826: 5801: 5783: 5781: 5778: 5775: 5774: 5748:Norman, Philip 5739: 5735:, Vol 3. 578). 5709: 5682: 5657: 5627: 5590: 5576: 5553: 5533: 5501: 5495:, p. 47, 5480: 5440: 5423: 5407: 5383: 5361: 5338: 5329: 5319: 5312: 5290: 5283: 5264: 5240:William Warham 5223: 5172:(2): 254–269. 5151: 5144: 5119: 5092: 5081:(2): 227–252. 5064: 5050: 5046:. CUP Archive. 5031: 5017: 5016: 5014: 5011: 5010: 5009: 4997: 4994:Jeremy Northam 4985: 4973: 4961: 4958:William Squire 4949: 4935: 4932: 4931: 4930: 4921: 4913: 4910: 4909: 4908: 4898: 4897:(1535) (CW 13) 4892: 4891:(1535) (CW 13) 4886: 4885:(1534) (CW 13) 4880: 4879:(1534) (CW 12) 4872: 4859: 4844: 4841: 4840: 4839: 4823: 4807: 4801: 4785: 4774:(1532) (CW 7) 4769: 4763: 4757: 4749: 4743: 4737: 4729: 4721: 4718: 4707: 4704: 4695:Margaret Roper 4687: 4684: 4671: 4668: 4647: 4644: 4625:in west London 4611:Main article: 4608: 4605: 4567:Main article: 4564: 4561: 4553:Beaufort House 4546:William Paulet 4493:Main article: 4490: 4489:Beaufort House 4487: 4474: 4471: 4469: 4468:Historic sites 4466: 4450:resisting the 4446:symbol of the 4417:, the Russian 4402:William Morris 4396:also inspired 4335:ninth position 4306: 4303: 4298:Main article: 4295: 4292: 4241:Jeremy Northam 4162:Vladimir Lenin 4087:Stirb du Narr! 4066:R. A. Lafferty 4048:William Squire 4019:Fred Zinnemann 3952:Anthony Munday 3932: 3929: 3889: 3886: 3844:Jonathan Swift 3799: 3796: 3763: 3760: 3718: 3715: 3712: 3711: 3685: 3679: 3678: 3664: 3658: 3657: 3650: 3644: 3643: 3637: 3628: 3627: 3617: 3611: 3610: 3596: 3590: 3589: 3580: 3576: 3575: 3571: 3570: 3567: 3559: 3558: 3555: 3549: 3543: 3540: 3503: 3502:Correspondence 3500: 3448: 3447: 3397: 3394: 3222:Main article: 3219: 3214: 3148: 3143: 3141: 3138: 3109: 3104: 3101: 3097:Buckfast Abbey 3033: 3030: 3001: 2998: 2909: 2906: 2874: 2867: 2866: 2865: 2852: 2845: 2844: 2843: 2842: 2841: 2819: 2816: 2761:the coronation 2756: 2753: 2738: 2687: 2684: 2667:Brian Moynahan 2663: 2662: 2655: 2645: 2642:John Stokesley 2613:Thomas Dusgate 2586:Richard Marius 2565: 2562: 2545:Richard Marius 2532:Smithfield." 2521:Michael Farris 2517:Brian Moynahan 2483: 2480: 2423: 2420: 2360: 2357: 2350: 2282: 2279: 2254: 2217: 2214: 2190: 2189:Chancellorship 2187: 2094:City of London 2079:Margaret Tudor 2075:King Henry VII 2064:Great Yarmouth 2041: 2038: 2017: 2006: 1989: 1986: 1947:Margaret Giggs 1908:Walbrook river 1882:Rowland Lockey 1874: 1871: 1830: 1829:Spiritual life 1827: 1825:into English. 1796:William Grocyn 1792:Thomas Linacre 1746:City of London 1736: 1735: 1733: 1732: 1725: 1718: 1710: 1707: 1706: 1704: 1703: 1691: 1678: 1675: 1674: 1669: 1668: 1664: 1663: 1658: 1653: 1648: 1643: 1638: 1633: 1628: 1623: 1618: 1613: 1608: 1603: 1598: 1593: 1588: 1583: 1578: 1573: 1568: 1563: 1558: 1553: 1548: 1543: 1538: 1533: 1528: 1523: 1518: 1513: 1508: 1502: 1501: 1498: 1497: 1494: 1493: 1489: 1488: 1483: 1478: 1473: 1468: 1463: 1458: 1453: 1448: 1443: 1438: 1433: 1428: 1423: 1418: 1413: 1408: 1403: 1398: 1393: 1388: 1383: 1378: 1373: 1368: 1363: 1358: 1353: 1348: 1343: 1338: 1333: 1328: 1323: 1318: 1312: 1311: 1308: 1307: 1304: 1303: 1299: 1298: 1293: 1288: 1283: 1278: 1273: 1268: 1263: 1258: 1253: 1248: 1243: 1238: 1233: 1228: 1223: 1218: 1213: 1208: 1203: 1198: 1193: 1188: 1183: 1178: 1173: 1168: 1163: 1158: 1153: 1148: 1143: 1138: 1133: 1128: 1122: 1121: 1118: 1117: 1114: 1113: 1109: 1108: 1103: 1098: 1093: 1088: 1083: 1078: 1073: 1068: 1063: 1058: 1053: 1048: 1043: 1038: 1033: 1028: 1023: 1018: 1013: 1008: 1003: 998: 992: 991: 988: 987: 982: 977: 976: 973: 972: 969: 968: 967: 966: 961: 951: 946: 945: 944: 939: 929: 924: 919: 914: 913: 912: 910:Friends of God 902: 897: 892: 891: 890: 883:Augustinianism 879: 876: 875: 872: 871: 868: 867: 862: 861: 860: 855: 848:Predestination 845: 840: 835: 821: 816: 811: 806: 800: 795: 794: 791: 790: 787: 786: 784:Works of mercy 781: 776: 771: 770: 769: 759: 754: 749: 744: 739: 734: 729: 724: 718: 713: 712: 709: 708: 695: 671: 670: 664: 663: 655: 654: 643: 640: 551: 550: 547: 546: 543: 542: 539: 538: 533: 530: 527: 526: 507: 505:Main interests 504: 501: 500: 491: 485: 484: 475: 471: 470: 461: 457: 456: 453: 452: 430: 424: 423: 416: 415: 408: 404: 403: 394: 390: 389: 388:Agnes Graunger 382: 378: 377: 363: 359: 358: 346: 340: 339: 338: 337: 324: 320: 317: 316: 315: 314: 311: 309: 305: 304: 302: 301: 292: 285: 283: 279: 278: 270: 266: 265: 262:City of London 257: 253: 252: 248: 247: 244: 243: 238: 232: 231: 226: 220: 219: 214: 210: 209: 199: 198: 192: 191: 186: 180: 179: 174: 168: 167: 162: 158: 157: 147: 146: 140: 139: 134: 128: 127: 122: 116: 115: 110: 106: 105: 95: 94: 88: 87: 84: 83: 75: 67: 66: 61: 58: 52: 26: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 20452: 20441: 20438: 20436: 20433: 20431: 20428: 20426: 20423: 20421: 20418: 20416: 20413: 20411: 20408: 20406: 20403: 20401: 20398: 20396: 20393: 20391: 20388: 20386: 20383: 20381: 20378: 20376: 20373: 20371: 20368: 20366: 20363: 20361: 20358: 20356: 20353: 20351: 20348: 20346: 20343: 20341: 20338: 20336: 20333: 20331: 20328: 20326: 20323: 20321: 20318: 20316: 20313: 20311: 20308: 20306: 20303: 20301: 20298: 20296: 20293: 20291: 20288: 20286: 20283: 20281: 20278: 20276: 20273: 20271: 20268: 20266: 20263: 20261: 20258: 20256: 20253: 20251: 20248: 20246: 20243: 20241: 20238: 20236: 20233: 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13245: 13243: 13240: 13238: 13235: 13233: 13230: 13228: 13225: 13223: 13220: 13218: 13215: 13213: 13210: 13208: 13205: 13203: 13200: 13198: 13195: 13193: 13190: 13188: 13185: 13183: 13180: 13178: 13175: 13173: 13170: 13168: 13165: 13163: 13160: 13158: 13155: 13153: 13150: 13148: 13145: 13143: 13140: 13138: 13135: 13133: 13130: 13128: 13125: 13123: 13120: 13118: 13115: 13113: 13110: 13108: 13105: 13103: 13100: 13098: 13095: 13093: 13090: 13088: 13085: 13083: 13080: 13078: 13075: 13073: 13072:Irish Martyrs 13070: 13068: 13065: 13063: 13060: 13058: 13055: 13053: 13050: 13048: 13045: 13043: 13040: 13038: 13035: 13033: 13030: 13028: 13025: 13023: 13020: 13018: 13015: 13013: 13010: 13008: 13005: 13003: 13000: 12999: 12997: 12995: 12991: 12985: 12982: 12980: 12977: 12975: 12972: 12970: 12967: 12965: 12962: 12960: 12957: 12955: 12952: 12950: 12947: 12945: 12942: 12940: 12937: 12935: 12932: 12930: 12927: 12925: 12922: 12920: 12917: 12915: 12912: 12910: 12907: 12905: 12902: 12900: 12897: 12895: 12892: 12890: 12887: 12885: 12882: 12880: 12877: 12875: 12872: 12870: 12867: 12865: 12862: 12860: 12857: 12855: 12852: 12850: 12847: 12845: 12842: 12840: 12837: 12835: 12832: 12830: 12827: 12825: 12822: 12820: 12817: 12815: 12812: 12810: 12807: 12805: 12802: 12800: 12797: 12795: 12792: 12790: 12787: 12785: 12782: 12780: 12777: 12775: 12772: 12770: 12767: 12766: 12764: 12762: 12756: 12750: 12747: 12745: 12742: 12740: 12737: 12735: 12732: 12731: 12729: 12727: 12723: 12717: 12714: 12712: 12709: 12707: 12704: 12702: 12701:John of Ávila 12699: 12697: 12694: 12692: 12689: 12687: 12684: 12682: 12679: 12677: 12674: 12672: 12669: 12667: 12664: 12662: 12659: 12657: 12654: 12652: 12649: 12647: 12644: 12642: 12639: 12637: 12634: 12632: 12629: 12627: 12626:Leo the Great 12624: 12622: 12619: 12617: 12614: 12612: 12609: 12607: 12604: 12602: 12599: 12597: 12594: 12592: 12589: 12587: 12584: 12582: 12579: 12577: 12574: 12572: 12569: 12567: 12564: 12562: 12559: 12557: 12554: 12552: 12549: 12547: 12544: 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Good Press. 9210: 9209: 9201: 9193: 9189: 9183: 9177: 9176: 9171: 9165: 9157: 9151: 9147: 9146: 9138: 9130: 9123: 9121: 9119: 9117: 9115: 9113: 9111: 9095: 9091: 9085: 9077: 9073: 9069: 9065: 9061: 9057: 9053: 9049: 9045: 9041: 9037: 9030: 9015: 9011: 9005: 8998:(3): 375–390. 8997: 8993: 8989: 8982: 8974: 8968: 8964: 8963: 8958: 8952: 8943: 8941: 8932: 8930:0-8091-4234-1 8926: 8922: 8921: 8916: 8910: 8902: 8896: 8892: 8891: 8883: 8875: 8871: 8870:Problematique 8867: 8860: 8858: 8848: 8840: 8834: 8830: 8826: 8825:More's Utopia 8819: 8812: 8811: 8804: 8796: 8792: 8791: 8786: 8780: 8772: 8770:9780521888622 8766: 8762: 8758: 8752: 8744: 8742:9780199676101 8738: 8734: 8730: 8724: 8716: 8714:9780670914821 8710: 8706: 8702: 8696: 8687: 8685: 8676: 8672: 8668: 8664: 8663: 8658: 8654: 8647: 8640: 8635: 8627: 8620: 8614: 8598: 8594: 8588: 8580: 8573: 8565: 8563:0-85244-603-9 8559: 8555: 8554: 8546: 8538: 8532: 8528: 8527: 8519: 8510: 8506: 8500: 8492: 8491: 8483: 8468: 8464: 8458: 8450: 8446: 8442: 8436: 8429: 8425: 8421: 8420: 8412: 8405: 8401: 8397: 8391: 8383:, p. 632 8382: 8375: 8367: 8366: 8358: 8350: 8346: 8345: 8337: 8329: 8328: 8321: 8313: 8307: 8303: 8302: 8294: 8287: 8282: 8274: 8268: 8264: 8263: 8255: 8248: 8244: 8230: 8229: 8224: 8218: 8210: 8208:0-19-860173-5 8204: 8200: 8199: 8191: 8183: 8179: 8175: 8174: 8169: 8163: 8155: 8151: 8150: 8145: 8141: 8135: 8127: 8123: 8117: 8109: 8107:9780192844804 8103: 8099: 8092: 8084: 8078: 8074: 8073: 8065: 8057: 8051: 8047: 8040: 8031: 8023: 8017: 8009: 8003: 7999: 7998: 7990: 7982: 7978: 7974: 7970: 7966: 7962: 7955: 7947: 7946: 7939: 7931: 7929:0-521-31309-0 7925: 7921: 7920: 7912: 7904: 7898: 7894: 7893: 7885: 7877: 7875:0-8132-1376-2 7871: 7867: 7866: 7861: 7855: 7840: 7836: 7832: 7830:0-521-24506-0 7826: 7823:. p. 7. 7822: 7818: 7817: 7812: 7805: 7797: 7791: 7787: 7786: 7778: 7770: 7766: 7765: 7757: 7749: 7743: 7739: 7738: 7730: 7722: 7716: 7712: 7705: 7697: 7695:0-521-29568-8 7691: 7687: 7683: 7682:David Knowles 7677: 7669: 7665: 7661: 7657: 7653: 7646: 7638: 7636:0-316-86092-1 7632: 7628: 7624: 7618: 7609: 7602: 7595: 7591: 7589:0-300-06580-9 7585: 7581: 7577: 7571: 7563: 7562: 7554: 7546: 7544:0-674-88525-2 7540: 7536: 7535: 7527: 7520: 7519:Tudor England 7517:Guy, John A. 7514: 7505: 7503: 7494: 7481: 7470: 7462: 7456: 7452: 7448: 7442: 7434: 7430: 7426: 7422: 7418: 7414: 7411:(34): 53–84. 7410: 7406: 7399: 7383: 7376: 7368: 7362: 7358: 7357: 7349: 7341: 7335: 7331: 7330: 7322: 7314: 7308: 7304: 7303: 7295: 7293: 7284: 7282:1-889334-12-X 7278: 7274: 7273: 7265: 7249: 7248: 7240: 7232: 7226: 7222: 7221: 7213: 7211: 7209: 7207: 7198: 7191: 7184: 7183:Moynahan 2014 7179: 7177: 7168: 7164: 7160: 7156: 7149: 7134: 7130: 7124: 7117: 7112: 7097: 7093: 7087: 7079: 7075: 7071: 7067: 7063: 7059: 7052: 7045: 7040: 7032: 7026: 7022: 7015: 7007: 7005:9780521888622 7001: 6997: 6993: 6989: 6982: 6980: 6978: 6976: 6974: 6972: 6964: 6958: 6956: 6947: 6943: 6939: 6938: 6930: 6922: 6918: 6914: 6910: 6906: 6902: 6898: 6894: 6890: 6883: 6875: 6871: 6867: 6863: 6859: 6855: 6851: 6847: 6843: 6836: 6827: 6825: 6823: 6821: 6819: 6811: 6805: 6790: 6786: 6782: 6778: 6774: 6770: 6766: 6762: 6758: 6751: 6749: 6741: 6735: 6719: 6713: 6705: 6701: 6697: 6693: 6690:(1): 75–111. 6689: 6685: 6678: 6676: 6666: 6657: 6648: 6639: 6624: 6620: 6614: 6606: 6602: 6598: 6594: 6590: 6586: 6579: 6577: 6568: 6564: 6560: 6556: 6552: 6548: 6544: 6540: 6536: 6529: 6520: 6519: 6511: 6509: 6500: 6493: 6485: 6479: 6475: 6474: 6466: 6458: 6451: 6449: 6440: 6434: 6430: 6423: 6415: 6411: 6407: 6403: 6396: 6388: 6387: 6382: 6377: 6372: 6366: 6364: 6355: 6351: 6347: 6341: 6333: 6326: 6320: 6312: 6310:9780393961454 6306: 6302: 6297: 6296: 6290: 6284: 6276: 6275: 6267: 6265: 6249: 6243: 6239: 6238: 6230: 6222: 6215: 6206: 6199: 6197: 6195: 6193: 6191: 6189: 6187: 6185: 6183: 6181: 6179: 6177: 6175: 6173: 6171: 6169: 6167: 6165: 6163: 6161: 6159: 6157: 6155: 6145: 6138: 6136: 6134: 6132: 6130: 6113: 6109: 6103: 6087: 6083: 6077: 6070: 6065: 6058: 6052: 6036: 6032: 6028: 6024: 6018: 6016: 6008: 6003: 5997: 5993: 5992: 5987: 5982: 5980: 5978: 5960: 5956: 5949: 5941: 5935: 5931: 5927: 5926: 5921: 5915: 5913: 5911: 5902: 5898: 5891: 5883: 5879: 5875: 5871: 5867: 5863: 5856: 5848: 5844: 5840: 5833: 5831: 5815: 5811: 5805: 5794: 5788: 5784: 5771: 5767: 5763: 5759: 5758: 5753: 5749: 5743: 5736: 5734: 5730: 5726: 5712: 5706: 5702: 5698: 5697: 5692: 5691:Bloom, Harold 5686: 5679: 5674: 5670: 5664: 5662: 5654: 5641: 5637: 5631: 5624: 5611: 5607: 5603: 5597: 5595: 5587: 5579: 5573: 5569: 5568: 5563: 5562:Scott W. Hahn 5557: 5550: 5546: 5545: 5537: 5529: 5525: 5520: 5516: 5511: 5505: 5498: 5494: 5490: 5484: 5477: 5461: 5454: 5450: 5444: 5438:, p. 173 5437: 5433: 5427: 5420: 5415: 5410: 5404: 5400: 5396: 5395: 5387: 5380: 5376: 5373: 5368: 5364: 5362:1-85619-711-5 5358: 5354: 5353: 5348: 5347:Peter Ackroyd 5342: 5333: 5323: 5315: 5309: 5305: 5301: 5294: 5286: 5280: 5276: 5268: 5259: 5255: 5251: 5247: 5241: 5237: 5233: 5227: 5219: 5215: 5211: 5207: 5204:(2): 99–121. 5203: 5199: 5193: 5187: 5183: 5179: 5175: 5171: 5167: 5161: 5155: 5147: 5145:9780300056686 5141: 5137: 5136: 5128: 5123: 5108: 5104: 5096: 5088: 5084: 5080: 5076: 5068: 5061: 5054: 5045: 5044: 5035: 5028: 5022: 5018: 5007: 5003: 5002: 4998: 4995: 4991: 4990: 4986: 4983: 4979: 4978: 4974: 4971: 4967: 4966: 4962: 4959: 4955: 4954: 4950: 4947: 4946:Paul Scofield 4943: 4942: 4938: 4937: 4928: 4927: 4922: 4919: 4916: 4915: 4906: 4902: 4899: 4896: 4893: 4890: 4887: 4884: 4881: 4878: 4877: 4873: 4863: 4860: 4850: 4847: 4846: 4838: 4834: 4831: 4827: 4824: 4822: 4818: 4815: 4811: 4808: 4806:(1533) (CW 9) 4805: 4802: 4800: 4796: 4793: 4789: 4786: 4784: 4780: 4777: 4773: 4770: 4768:(1529) (CW 7) 4767: 4764: 4761: 4758: 4755: 4754: 4750: 4747: 4744: 4741: 4738: 4736:(1516) (CW 4) 4735: 4734: 4730: 4727: 4724: 4723: 4717: 4715: 4714: 4703: 4700: 4696: 4692: 4683: 4681: 4677: 4667: 4665: 4661: 4657: 4653: 4643: 4640: 4636: 4632: 4624: 4619: 4614: 4604: 4602: 4598: 4594: 4590: 4575: 4570: 4560: 4558: 4554: 4549: 4547: 4543: 4538: 4536: 4532: 4528: 4524: 4520: 4516: 4501: 4496: 4486: 4484: 4480: 4465: 4463: 4462: 4457: 4453: 4449: 4445: 4441: 4436: 4434: 4430: 4426: 4425: 4420: 4416: 4412: 4410: 4405: 4403: 4399: 4395: 4391: 4389: 4385: 4381: 4377: 4373: 4369: 4365: 4361: 4357: 4355: 4350: 4348: 4344: 4340: 4336: 4332: 4328: 4324: 4320: 4316: 4312: 4301: 4291: 4289: 4288:Otto Schaefer 4285: 4281: 4276: 4274: 4273: 4268: 4267:Andrew Buchan 4263: 4261: 4260: 4255: 4254:David Starkey 4250: 4248: 4247: 4242: 4238: 4236: 4232: 4228: 4224: 4223: 4218: 4215:, and of the 4214: 4213: 4212:Time Passages 4208: 4203: 4201: 4200: 4195: 4194: 4189: 4184: 4182: 4178: 4174: 4173:Peter Ackroyd 4169: 4167: 4163: 4159: 4155: 4151: 4147: 4144:with Plato's 4143: 4139: 4135: 4131: 4129: 4124: 4122: 4118: 4117:Hilary Mantel 4114: 4113: 4108: 4107: 4102: 4101: 4095: 4093: 4089: 4088: 4083: 4082:Karl Zuchardt 4079: 4077: 4073: 4072: 4067: 4062: 4060: 4056: 4051: 4049: 4045: 4044: 4038: 4036: 4032: 4028: 4024: 4023:Paul Scofield 4020: 4016: 4012: 4011: 4004: 3999: 3997: 3993: 3992: 3987: 3983: 3978: 3976: 3971: 3969: 3965: 3961: 3960:Edmund Tylney 3957: 3953: 3949: 3948:Henry Chettle 3945: 3944: 3939: 3937: 3936:William Roper 3928: 3926: 3922: 3916: 3914: 3910: 3905: 3903: 3899: 3895: 3885: 3883: 3878: 3876: 3875: 3869: 3867: 3863: 3859: 3854: 3852: 3847: 3845: 3841: 3839: 3834: 3832: 3828: 3826: 3822: 3814:, Philippines 3813: 3809: 3804: 3795: 3792: 3791: 3784: 3781: 3777: 3773: 3769: 3759: 3756: 3754: 3750: 3746: 3742: 3738: 3734: 3730: 3727:Thomas More, 3726: 3723: 3722:Pope Leo XIII 3710: 3706: 3702: 3698: 3694: 3690: 3686: 3684: 3680: 3677: 3673: 3669: 3665: 3663: 3659: 3651: 3649: 3645: 3641: 3638: 3635: 3629: 3626: 3622: 3619:19 May 1935, 3618: 3616: 3612: 3609: 3608:Pope Leo XIII 3605: 3601: 3597: 3595: 3591: 3588: 3584: 3581: 3577: 3572: 3565: 3560: 3552: 3547: 3539: 3537: 3533: 3529: 3525: 3521: 3516: 3514: 3510: 3499: 3496: 3492: 3488: 3484: 3480: 3475: 3473: 3469: 3465: 3461: 3456: 3453: 3444: 3443: 3442: 3440: 3436: 3435: 3429: 3427: 3423: 3419: 3415: 3411: 3407: 3403: 3402:Martin Luther 3393: 3391: 3387: 3383: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3367: 3363: 3359: 3358: 3353: 3352:Samuel Butler 3349: 3348: 3343: 3342:Francis Bacon 3339: 3338: 3333: 3329: 3325: 3321: 3317: 3314: 3310: 3305: 3302: 3298: 3296: 3292: 3288: 3284: 3280: 3278: 3274: 3270: 3266: 3265:Pieter Gillis 3262: 3258: 3253: 3249: 3245: 3241: 3240: 3230: 3225: 3224:Utopia (book) 3218: 3213: 3211: 3207: 3199: 3195: 3191: 3190:Tudor dynasty 3187: 3186: 3181: 3177: 3172: 3170: 3166: 3165:House of York 3161: 3157: 3156: 3147: 3136: 3108: 3100: 3098: 3094: 3090: 3086: 3082: 3077: 3075: 3070: 3068: 3067:London Bridge 3064: 3060: 3056: 3046: 3038: 3029: 3027: 3026: 3021: 3020: 3015: 3011: 3010:Scott W. Hahn 3007: 2997: 2995: 2991: 2987: 2986:William Roper 2981: 2974: 2969: 2964: 2962: 2958: 2950: 2946: 2942: 2938: 2936: 2935: 2929: 2927: 2926:George Boleyn 2923: 2922:Thomas Boleyn 2920:, her father 2919: 2915: 2904: 2899: 2897: 2892: 2889: 2885: 2871: 2860: 2856: 2849: 2840: 2838: 2833: 2831: 2830: 2825: 2815: 2812: 2806: 2802: 2800: 2796: 2792: 2788: 2783: 2781: 2777: 2772: 2770: 2766: 2762: 2748: 2744: 2737: 2732: 2730: 2729:Michael Kirby 2726: 2722: 2718: 2715: 2711: 2707: 2703: 2701: 2697: 2691: 2683: 2681: 2676: 2672: 2668: 2659: 2658:James Bainham 2656: 2653: 2649: 2646: 2643: 2640: 2636: 2633: 2632: 2631: 2628: 2626: 2625:supreme court 2622: 2618: 2617:James Bainham 2614: 2610: 2606: 2602: 2601:Thomas Bilney 2598: 2597:Thomas Hitton 2594: 2589: 2587: 2582: 2580: 2576: 2572: 2561: 2556: 2551: 2548: 2546: 2542: 2538: 2533: 2530: 2526: 2525:Peter Ackroyd 2522: 2518: 2514: 2511: 2509: 2504: 2499: 2497: 2493: 2488: 2478: 2473: 2471: 2466: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2453: 2449: 2445: 2441: 2437: 2433: 2429: 2419: 2415: 2412: 2408: 2403: 2401: 2397: 2393: 2389: 2385: 2381: 2376: 2374: 2370: 2366: 2349: 2344: 2342: 2338: 2334: 2330: 2325: 2322: 2317: 2312: 2305: 2303: 2299: 2295: 2291: 2288: 2278: 2276: 2272: 2263: 2259: 2253: 2249: 2247: 2243: 2239: 2231: 2227: 2222: 2213: 2211: 2206: 2204: 2200: 2196: 2186: 2184: 2180: 2176: 2172: 2168: 2163: 2161: 2157: 2153: 2149: 2145: 2140: 2138: 2134: 2130: 2126: 2122: 2119: 2115: 2114:Thomas Wolsey 2111: 2107: 2103: 2099: 2095: 2091: 2090:undersheriffs 2086: 2084: 2080: 2076: 2071: 2069: 2065: 2058: 2046: 2037: 2034: 2032: 2027: 2016: 2005: 2001: 1997: 1995: 1985: 1983: 1978: 1976: 1972: 1967: 1963: 1958: 1954: 1952: 1948: 1942: 1940: 1936: 1931: 1929: 1925: 1921: 1917: 1913: 1909: 1893: 1892: 1887: 1883: 1879: 1870: 1868: 1864: 1860: 1856: 1851: 1848: 1844: 1840: 1836: 1826: 1824: 1820: 1815: 1813: 1809: 1808:Inns of Court 1806:, one of the 1805: 1804:Lincoln's Inn 1801: 1797: 1793: 1788: 1786: 1782: 1781:St. Mary Hall 1778: 1774: 1769: 1767: 1763: 1759: 1755: 1751: 1750:Sir John More 1747: 1743: 1731: 1726: 1724: 1719: 1717: 1712: 1711: 1709: 1708: 1702: 1692: 1690: 1685: 1680: 1679: 1677: 1676: 1662: 1659: 1657: 1654: 1652: 1649: 1647: 1644: 1642: 1639: 1637: 1634: 1632: 1629: 1627: 1624: 1622: 1619: 1617: 1614: 1612: 1609: 1607: 1604: 1602: 1599: 1597: 1594: 1592: 1589: 1587: 1584: 1582: 1579: 1577: 1574: 1572: 1569: 1567: 1564: 1562: 1559: 1557: 1554: 1552: 1549: 1547: 1544: 1542: 1539: 1537: 1534: 1532: 1529: 1527: 1524: 1522: 1519: 1517: 1514: 1512: 1509: 1507: 1504: 1503: 1496: 1495: 1487: 1484: 1482: 1479: 1477: 1474: 1472: 1469: 1467: 1464: 1462: 1459: 1457: 1454: 1452: 1449: 1447: 1444: 1442: 1439: 1437: 1434: 1432: 1429: 1427: 1424: 1422: 1419: 1417: 1414: 1412: 1409: 1407: 1404: 1402: 1399: 1397: 1394: 1392: 1389: 1387: 1384: 1382: 1379: 1377: 1374: 1372: 1369: 1367: 1364: 1362: 1361:Chateaubriand 1359: 1357: 1354: 1352: 1349: 1347: 1344: 1342: 1339: 1337: 1334: 1332: 1329: 1327: 1324: 1322: 1319: 1317: 1314: 1313: 1306: 1305: 1297: 1294: 1292: 1289: 1287: 1284: 1282: 1279: 1277: 1274: 1272: 1269: 1267: 1264: 1262: 1259: 1257: 1254: 1252: 1249: 1247: 1244: 1242: 1239: 1237: 1234: 1232: 1229: 1227: 1226:Gundissalinus 1224: 1222: 1219: 1217: 1214: 1212: 1209: 1207: 1204: 1202: 1199: 1197: 1194: 1192: 1189: 1187: 1184: 1182: 1179: 1177: 1174: 1172: 1169: 1167: 1164: 1162: 1159: 1157: 1154: 1152: 1149: 1147: 1144: 1142: 1139: 1137: 1134: 1132: 1129: 1127: 1124: 1123: 1116: 1115: 1107: 1104: 1102: 1099: 1097: 1094: 1092: 1089: 1087: 1084: 1082: 1079: 1077: 1074: 1072: 1069: 1067: 1064: 1062: 1059: 1057: 1054: 1052: 1049: 1047: 1044: 1042: 1039: 1037: 1034: 1032: 1029: 1027: 1024: 1022: 1019: 1017: 1014: 1012: 1009: 1007: 1004: 1002: 999: 997: 994: 993: 986: 985: 980: 975: 974: 965: 962: 960: 957: 956: 955: 952: 950: 947: 943: 940: 938: 935: 934: 933: 932:Scholasticism 930: 928: 925: 923: 922:Ressourcement 920: 918: 915: 911: 908: 907: 906: 903: 901: 898: 896: 893: 889: 886: 885: 884: 881: 880: 874: 873: 866: 863: 859: 858:Compatibilism 856: 854: 851: 850: 849: 846: 844: 841: 839: 836: 833: 829: 825: 822: 820: 817: 815: 812: 810: 807: 805: 804:Conceptualism 802: 801: 798: 793: 792: 785: 782: 780: 779:Virtue ethics 777: 775: 772: 768: 765: 764: 763: 760: 758: 755: 753: 750: 748: 745: 743: 740: 738: 735: 733: 730: 728: 725: 723: 720: 719: 716: 711: 710: 706: 702: 698: 673: 672: 669: 666: 665: 661: 657: 656: 652: 648: 647: 639: 637: 633: 629: 625: 623: 619: 615: 611: 607: 603: 602:Martin Luther 599: 594: 592: 591: 586: 582: 578: 574: 570: 566: 561: 557: 548: 544: 540: 537: 534: 531:Notable ideas 528: 525: 521: 516: 511: 508: 502: 499: 495: 492: 490: 486: 483: 479: 476: 472: 469: 465: 462: 458: 454: 450: 449: 443: 442: 436: 435: 431: 425: 422: 417: 413: 409: 405: 402: 401:Lincoln's Inn 398: 395: 391: 386: 385:Sir John More 383: 379: 375: 371: 367: 364: 360: 343: 336: 335: 313: 312: 310: 306: 299: 296: 293: 290: 287: 286: 284: 282:Resting place 280: 276: 271: 267: 263: 258: 254: 249: 245: 242: 241:Thomas Audley 239: 233: 230: 229:Thomas Nevill 227: 221: 218: 215: 211: 205: 200: 197: 193: 190: 187: 181: 178: 175: 169: 166: 163: 159: 153: 148: 145: 141: 138: 137:Thomas Audley 135: 129: 126: 125:Thomas Wolsey 123: 117: 114: 111: 107: 101: 96: 93: 89: 85: 80: 79: 73: 68: 64: 55: 50: 47: 43: 36: 34: 19: 20095: 19963: 19818:21st century 19747:20th century 19718:Shaw-Lefevre 19686:19th century 19605:18th century 19560:18th century 19381:17th century 19266: 19240:16th century 18989:15th century 18908:14th century 18827: 18726:Elite theory 18674: 18664: 18654: 18644: 18634: 18624: 18614: 18604: 18594: 18584: 18574: 18564: 18554: 18544: 18534: 18524: 18514: 18504: 18494: 18484: 18474: 18464: 17809: 17763:Guicciardini 17719:Early modern 17542:Philosophers 17492:Open society 17428:Body politic 17298:Distributism 17288:Conservatism 17283:Confucianism 17202:Gerontocracy 17192:Dictatorship 17146:Sovereignty‎ 17136:Ruling class 17026:Emancipation 17011:Citizenship‎ 16910:Peter Kreeft 16858:21st century 16849:Henri Nouwen 16759:Jean Guitton 16739:Fulton Sheen 16667:20th century 16568:Jaime Balmes 16526:19th century 16347:Luis de León 16296: 16228:Geert Groote 16215: 16032:Peter Damian 15871:John Cassian 15811:Nestorianism 15733: 15716: 15709: 15692: 15670:Early Church 15504: 15500:Pope Francis 15426:21st century 15375:Pope Paul VI 15352: 15340: 15293:20th century 15280: 15231:Pope Pius IX 15219:19th century 15195:Pope Pius VI 15079: 15062: 14934:Latin Empire 14904:Universities 14856:Pope Leo III 14723:Christianity 14708:state church 14700:Great Church 14501:Resurrection 14464:(30–325/476) 14461:Early Church 14446:Latin Church 14441:Papal States 14436:Vatican City 14154:Rose of Lima 13648:John Paul II 13478:Anastasius I 13448:Adeodatus II 13422: 13297:Missionaries 13251: 13207:Peter Chanel 13192:Óscar Romero 13087:Lorenzo Ruiz 13062:Great Martyr 12631:Peter Damian 12440:Peter Claver 12170:canonization 12052:Neoplatonism 11974:Ressentiment 11969:Quinque viae 11934:Memento mori 11894:Double truth 11839:Actus primus 11762: 11605:Philosophers 11512:Cartesianism 11296: 11269: 11242: 11222:(large file) 11213: 11167: 11142: 11114: 11102: 11088: 11040: 10932: 10919: 10910: 10901: 10891: 10880: 10877:More, Thomas 10876: 10859: 10851: 10841: 10837: 10820: 10796: 10773: 10758:, retrieved 10751:the original 10742: 10718: 10703:, retrieved 10696:the original 10687: 10662: 10646: 10635: 10629:. Gallimard. 10626: 10606: 10585: 10570: 10549: 10527: 10495: 10475: 10465: 10446: 10427: 10415: 10412:Chambers, RW 10402: 10350:1920 edition 10343: 10339: 10326: 10308: 10291: 10264: 10243: 10215: 10209: 10197:. Retrieved 10187: 10168: 10162: 10150:. Retrieved 10146:the original 10137: 10128: 10107: 10100:Weinreb, Ben 10094: 10085: 10077: 10066:Elliot Stock 10061: 10055: 10048:John Rastell 10038:Volume III ( 10035: 10026: 10006: 10001: 9989:. Retrieved 9970: 9963: 9943: 9936: 9911: 9905: 9893: 9885: 9877: 9865: 9846: 9835: 9825: 9806: 9800: 9780: 9773: 9765: 9760: 9741: 9735: 9719: 9716:Introduction 9715: 9710: 9694: 9690: 9685: 9663:(1): 64–75. 9660: 9656: 9643: 9630: 9626: 9617: 9595:(1): 47–62. 9592: 9588: 9582: 9570:. Retrieved 9539: 9532: 9523: 9514: 9510: 9506: 9500: 9492: 9485:. Retrieved 9480: 9434: 9430: 9424: 9397: 9391: 9379:. Retrieved 9366: 9352:(1): 53–61. 9349: 9345: 9335: 9326: 9317: 9308: 9298: 9285:. Retrieved 9281:the original 9277:"Reputation" 9271: 9263: 9258: 9243: 9225: 9207: 9200: 9191: 9182: 9174: 9169: 9164: 9144: 9137: 9128: 9097:. Retrieved 9093: 9084: 9046:(1): 19–30. 9043: 9039: 9029: 9017:. Retrieved 9013: 9004: 8995: 8991: 8981: 8961: 8951: 8919: 8909: 8889: 8882: 8873: 8869: 8847: 8824: 8818: 8809: 8803: 8789: 8779: 8760: 8751: 8732: 8723: 8704: 8695: 8666: 8660: 8656: 8652: 8646: 8639:Wegemer 1996 8634: 8625: 8613: 8601:. Retrieved 8597:the original 8587: 8572: 8552: 8545: 8525: 8518: 8508: 8499: 8489: 8482: 8470:. Retrieved 8466: 8457: 8448: 8444: 8435: 8427: 8418: 8411: 8395: 8390: 8380: 8374: 8364: 8357: 8343: 8336: 8326: 8320: 8300: 8293: 8281: 8261: 8254: 8246: 8233:. Retrieved 8226: 8217: 8197: 8190: 8172: 8162: 8148: 8134: 8125: 8116: 8097: 8091: 8071: 8064: 8045: 8039: 8030: 8016: 7996: 7989: 7964: 7960: 7954: 7944: 7938: 7918: 7911: 7891: 7884: 7864: 7854: 7842:. Retrieved 7815: 7804: 7784: 7777: 7763: 7756: 7736: 7729: 7710: 7704: 7685: 7676: 7659: 7655: 7645: 7626: 7617: 7607: 7601: 7593: 7579: 7570: 7560: 7553: 7533: 7526: 7518: 7513: 7480:cite journal 7469: 7450: 7447:Rex, Richard 7441: 7408: 7398: 7386:. Retrieved 7375: 7355: 7348: 7328: 7321: 7301: 7271: 7264: 7252:. Retrieved 7246: 7239: 7219: 7196: 7190: 7161:(1): 72–97. 7158: 7154: 7148: 7136:. Retrieved 7132: 7123: 7111: 7099:. Retrieved 7095: 7086: 7061: 7057: 7051: 7039: 7020: 7014: 6987: 6962: 6936: 6929: 6896: 6892: 6882: 6849: 6845: 6835: 6809: 6804: 6792:. Retrieved 6764: 6760: 6739: 6734: 6722:. Retrieved 6712: 6687: 6683: 6665: 6656: 6647: 6638: 6626:. Retrieved 6622: 6613: 6588: 6584: 6542: 6538: 6528: 6517: 6498: 6492: 6472: 6465: 6456: 6428: 6422: 6401: 6395: 6384: 6354:the original 6349: 6340: 6331: 6319: 6294: 6283: 6273: 6251:. Retrieved 6236: 6229: 6220: 6214: 6204: 6143: 6116:. Retrieved 6111: 6102: 6090:. Retrieved 6085: 6076: 6064: 6051: 6039:. Retrieved 6035:the original 6026: 6002: 5991:motu proprio 5989: 5963:. Retrieved 5959:the original 5948: 5924: 5900: 5890: 5865: 5855: 5846: 5842: 5817:. Retrieved 5813: 5804: 5787: 5769: 5756: 5752:Caroe, W. D. 5742: 5732: 5728: 5724: 5721: 5714:. Retrieved 5695: 5685: 5676: 5672: 5651: 5646:14 September 5644:. Retrieved 5630: 5621: 5614:. Retrieved 5610:the original 5581: 5566: 5556: 5548: 5543: 5536: 5527: 5504: 5496: 5492: 5489:Ives, Eric W 5483: 5474: 5469:27 September 5467:. Retrieved 5460:the original 5443: 5436:Wegemer 1996 5431: 5426: 5418: 5412: 5393: 5386: 5366: 5351: 5341: 5332: 5322: 5303: 5293: 5274: 5267: 5249: 5245: 5226: 5201: 5197: 5169: 5165: 5154: 5134: 5122: 5110:. Retrieved 5106: 5095: 5078: 5074: 5067: 5060:fell in love 5059: 5053: 5042: 5034: 5021: 5006:Anton Lesser 4999: 4987: 4975: 4963: 4951: 4939: 4924:The Life of 4923: 4917: 4912:Translations 4900: 4894: 4888: 4882: 4874: 4861: 4848: 4825: 4809: 4803: 4787: 4771: 4765: 4759: 4751: 4745: 4739: 4731: 4726:A Merry Jest 4725: 4711: 4709: 4689: 4673: 4649: 4635:River Thames 4628: 4589:Crosby Place 4586: 4552: 4550: 4539: 4534: 4512: 4476: 4460: 4437: 4432: 4422: 4413: 4408: 4406: 4393: 4392: 4352: 4351: 4326: 4323:Karl Kautsky 4308: 4277: 4270: 4264: 4257: 4251: 4244: 4239: 4234: 4220: 4210: 4204: 4197: 4191: 4188:Walker Percy 4185: 4170: 4157: 4150:police state 4145: 4141: 4137: 4132: 4127: 4125: 4110: 4104: 4098: 4096: 4085: 4080: 4075: 4069: 4063: 4052: 4041: 4039: 4008: 4006: 4001: 3989: 3979: 3972: 3941: 3940: 3934: 3917: 3906: 3891: 3879: 3872: 3870: 3865: 3862:Karl Kautsky 3855: 3848: 3842: 3835: 3829: 3817: 3788: 3785: 3780:commemorated 3765: 3757: 3720: 3625:Pope Pius XI 3621:Vatican City 3527: 3523: 3519: 3517: 3512: 3505: 3494: 3490: 3486: 3482: 3476: 3471: 3467: 3459: 3457: 3449: 3438: 3432: 3430: 3425: 3417: 3413: 3412:(Oct.), and 3409: 3405: 3399: 3355: 3345: 3337:New Atlantis 3335: 3331: 3323: 3322: 3318: 3306: 3300: 3299: 3294: 3282: 3281: 3237: 3235: 3216: 3183: 3175: 3173: 3159: 3152: 3150: 3145: 3110: 3106: 3078: 3071: 3051: 3023: 3017: 3013: 3003: 2982: 2979: 2966: 2957:Richard Rich 2954: 2948: 2932: 2930: 2911: 2901: 2893: 2884:high treason 2881: 2836: 2834: 2827: 2821: 2808: 2804: 2784: 2773: 2758: 2742: 2734: 2719: 2714:patron saint 2708: 2704: 2692: 2689: 2664: 2629: 2621:Star Chamber 2595:: they were 2590: 2583: 2567: 2558: 2553: 2549: 2534: 2528: 2506: 2500: 2495: 2489: 2485: 2475: 2467: 2425: 2416: 2404: 2377: 2362: 2353:Thomas More 2346: 2340: 2337:congregatio. 2336: 2332: 2329:congregation 2328: 2326: 2315: 2306: 2301: 2297: 2293: 2284: 2267: 2261: 2251: 2240:and saw the 2235: 2226:Carey Street 2210:Star Chamber 2207: 2192: 2164: 2152:High Steward 2148:Star Chamber 2141: 2087: 2072: 2061: 2035: 2030: 2028: 2024: 2014: 2003: 1998: 1991: 1979: 1968: 1965: 1960: 1955: 1943: 1932: 1904: 1889: 1852: 1832: 1823:Life of Pico 1822: 1816: 1789: 1779:, either in 1773:New Learning 1770: 1753: 1739: 1601:John Paul II 1526:Benedict XVI 1499:Contemporary 1440: 979:Philosophers 900:Cartesianism 843:Quinque Viae 636:patron saint 628:Pope Pius XI 626: 595: 588: 572: 555: 554: 520:Legal Equity 446: 439: 432: 428:Notable work 420: 297: 236:Succeeded by 203: 184:Succeeded by 151: 132:Succeeded by 99: 76: 46: 32: 20410:More family 20175:1535 deaths 20170:1478 births 20128:(1596–1603) 20122:(1592–1596) 20116:(1591–1592) 20092:(1587–1591) 20086:(1579–1587) 20080:(1558–1579) 20071:(1558–1603) 20068:Elizabeth I 20059:(1555–1558) 20053:(1553–1555) 20032:(July 1553) 20023:(July 1553) 20011:(1552–1553) 20005:(1547–1551) 19990:(1547–1553) 19978:(1544–1547) 19972:(1532–1544) 19966:(1529–1532) 19964:Thomas More 19960:(1515–1529) 19954:(1509–1515) 19945:(1509–1547) 19933:(1502–1509) 19927:(1500–1502) 19925:Henry Deane 19921:(1486–1500) 19919:John Morton 19915:(1485–1486) 19913:John Alcock 19900:(1485–1509) 19890:(1485–1603) 19526:W. Williams 19458:Widdrington 19332:T. Williams 19216:Fitzwilliam 19191:Alington II 19181:Strangeways 18600:(1835–1840) 18480:(c. 350 BC) 18470:(c. 375 BC) 18087:Tocqueville 18052:Saint-Simon 18017:Montesquieu 17868:Bolingbroke 17800:Machiavelli 17680:Ibn Khaldun 17645:Alpharabius 17638:Middle Ages 17463:Natural law 17438:Common good 17363:Nationalism 17323:Imperialism 17293:Corporatism 17268:Colonialism 17248:Agrarianism 17227:Technocracy 17207:Meritocracy 17187:Bureaucracy 17177:Aristocracy 16920:Tomáš Halík 16844:Jean Vanier 16829:René Girard 16814:Alfred Delp 16779:Yves Congar 16774:Karl Rahner 16749:Dorothy Day 16734:Edith Stein 16704:Ronald Knox 16302:John Fisher 16297:Thomas More 16274:Reformation 16166:Duns Scotus 16161:Ramon Llull 16154:and reforms 16142:Roger Bacon 16107:Bonaventure 16017:Roscellinus 15806:Pelagianism 15777:Constantine 15600:Key figures 15506:Laudato si' 15301:Pope Pius X 15130:Philip Neri 15105:Pope Pius V 15080:Thomas More 14949:Inquisition 14851:Charlemagne 14811:Monasticism 14621:Persecution 14513:Holy Spirit 14496:Crucifixion 14375:First seven 14114:Joan of Arc 14044:Æthelthryth 13961:Melchizedek 13823:Telesphorus 13813:Sylvester I 13698:Marcellus I 13693:Marcellinus 13613:Gregory VII 13608:Gregory III 13523:Celestine V 13518:Celestine I 13513:Callixtus I 13503:Boniface IV 13493:Benedict II 13468:Alexander I 13443:Adeodatus I 13262:Ulma Family 13252:Thomas More 13102:Martyrology 13077:John Fisher 12726:Evangelists 12606:Bonaventure 12260:Bartholomew 12194:Virgin Mary 12072:Rationalism 12067:Renaissance 11999:Augustinian 11884:Disputation 11879:Differentia 11844:Actus purus 11748:Malebranche 11663:Bonaventure 11398:Personalism 11393:Natural law 11388:Probabilism 11084:Wood, James 10627:Thomas More 10447:Thomas More 10416:Thomas More 10231:Biographies 9944:Thomas More 9567:j.ctt284wpm 9487:23 November 9172:, article: 8915:John Vidmar 8657:Tyrannicide 8394:Guy, John, 7811:"The Crown" 7380:Potter, R. 7155:Reformation 6591:(1): 7–25. 6023:"Holy Days" 5616:20 December 5394:Thomas More 5236:John Fisher 5127:Louis Martz 5062:with More." 4907:, Valencia) 4869: 1522 4856: 1513 4740:Latin Poems 4593:Bishopsgate 4582: 1885 4563:Crosby Hall 4531:King's Road 4515:Thames-side 4508: 1707 4456:Robert Bolt 4444:allegorical 4419:Nobel Prize 4380:Saint-Simon 4190:'s novels, 4181:Christendom 4160:influenced 4071:Past Master 3986:tragic hero 3982:Robert Bolt 3902:Jean Gerson 3856:US Senator 3729:John Fisher 3556:Thomas More 3495:Confutation 3364:. Although 3202:(see above) 3185:Richard III 3153:History of 2990:Magna Carta 2888:John Fisher 2799:John Fisher 2791:Anne Boleyn 2765:Anne Boleyn 2680:Richard Rex 2470:Richard Rex 2459:Lutheranism 2440:Anabaptists 2436:Protestants 2411:John Fisher 2409:. Cardinal 2359:Resignation 2341:congregatio 2321:presbyteros 2258:Richard Rex 2053: 1527 1899: 1594 1873:Family life 1762:John Morton 1742:Milk Street 1416:Malebranche 1276:Roscellinus 1221:Grosseteste 1181:Bonaventure 1001:Athenagoras 797:Metaphysics 757:Personalism 752:Natural law 747:Probabilism 224:Preceded by 172:Preceded by 120:Preceded by 59:Thomas More 20159:Categories 20139:Greal Seal 19942:Henry VIII 19886:under the 19799:Weatherill 19713:Abercromby 19403:Richardson 19252:Englefield 19231:Englefield 19171:T. Tresham 19146:W. Tresham 19131:W. Tresham 19121:W. Tresham 19086:Alington I 19021:Hungerford 18945:Waldegrave 18930:De la Mare 18925:Hungerford 18920:De la Mare 18900:of England 18808:Separatism 18616:On Liberty 18516:The Prince 18245:Huntington 17748:Campanella 17675:al-Ghazali 17624:Thucydides 17582:Lactantius 17527:Statolatry 17353:Monarchism 17333:Liberalism 17258:Capitalism 17241:Ideologies 17222:Plutocracy 17170:Government 17126:Revolution 17111:Propaganda 17061:Legitimacy 17036:Government 16930:Scott Hahn 16307:Johann Eck 15959:Iconoclasm 15891:Pope Leo I 15751:Tertullian 15379:coronation 15085:Pope Leo X 14670:Tertullian 14600:Revelation 14575:Background 13848:Zephyrinus 13808:Stephen IV 13793:Sixtus III 13773:Simplicius 13718:Nicholas I 13643:John XXIII 13633:Innocent I 13603:Gregory II 13593:Gelasius I 13498:Boniface I 13458:Agapetus I 13453:Adrian III 13424:Matriarchs 13365:Patriarchs 12984:Zephyrinus 12357:Confessors 12325:Archangels 12217:Assumption 12168:Stages of 12077:Empiricism 11899:Evil demon 11673:Chesterton 11550:Nominalism 11537:Universals 11378:Just price 11302:1529–1532 11248:1525–1529 11118:, Marxists 10516:required.) 10449:. Arnold. 10199:4 November 10152:19 January 10064:. London: 9918:. Moscow: 9886:The Record 9418:required.) 9168:Quoted in 8807:Yoran, H. 8180:. p.  6990:: 93–115. 6724:13 October 6404:. London: 6092:30 January 6069:House 2008 5780:References 5716:20 January 5284:085527963X 5192:John Locke 5160:Henry VIII 5112:16 October 4989:The Tudors 4652:Tower Hill 4646:Tower Hill 4398:socialists 4384:C. Fourier 4368:revolution 4284:Elmer Belt 4246:The Tudors 4207:Al Stewart 4166:Bolsheviks 4092:King Henry 4084:'s novel, 4033:. In 1988 3851:John Donne 3836:Historian 3668:Chancellor 3662:Attributes 3542:Veneration 3532:Luis Vives 3481:published 3464:Simon Fish 3422:Pope Leo X 3386:epideictic 3382:Quintilian 3366:Utopianism 3316:produces. 3313:euthanasia 3081:hair shirt 3006:Tower Hill 2855:Tower Hill 2818:Indictment 2731:has noted 2727:, Justice 2665:Historian 2564:Executions 2535:Historian 2468:Historian 2373:praemunire 2031:imperiosus 1855:hair shirt 1596:Hildebrand 1536:Chesterton 1401:La Mennais 1331:Bellarmine 1326:Azpilcueta 1271:Paschasius 1151:Autrecourt 1106:Tertullian 1066:Chrysostom 1006:Athanasius 888:Victorines 819:Nominalism 727:Just price 642:Early life 581:Henry VIII 524:Conscience 376:, and John 275:Tower Hill 217:Henry VIII 165:Henry VIII 113:Henry VIII 19987:Edward VI 19897:Henry VII 19804:Boothroyd 19693:Addington 19662:Addington 19657:Grenville 19637:A. Onslow 19617:R. Onslow 19551:Littleton 19476:Bampfield 19423:Glanville 19372:Yelverton 19357:Puckering 19352:Popham II 19277:Wingfield 19257:Sheffield 19036:Beauchamp 18950:Pickering 18935:Pickering 18526:Leviathan 18506:Monarchia 18500:(c. 1274) 18335:Oakeshott 18280:Mansfield 18275:Luxemburg 18260:Kropotkin 18155:Bernstein 18108:centuries 18022:Nietzsche 17965:Jefferson 17893:Condorcet 17841:centuries 17820:Pufendorf 17685:Marsilius 17572:Confucius 17557:Aristotle 17550:Antiquity 17478:Noble lie 17398:Third Way 17393:Socialism 17318:Feudalism 17273:Communism 17253:Anarchism 17232:Theocracy 17217:Oligarchy 17197:Democracy 17182:Autocracy 17096:Pluralism 17081:Obedience 17046:Hierarchy 17006:Authority 16834:Hans Küng 16623:Léon Bloy 16613:Modernism 16466:Jansenism 16152:Mysticism 15746:Montanism 15395:Communism 15365:Ecumenism 14711:(380–451) 14703:(180–451) 14692:(313–476) 14614:(100–325) 14104:Genevieve 14011:Zephaniah 13818:Symmachus 13803:Stephen I 13788:Sixtus II 13768:Silverius 13763:Sergius I 13723:Paschal I 13713:Miltiades 13623:Hormisdas 13598:Gregory I 13583:Felix III 13568:Evaristus 13563:Eutychian 13548:Eleuterus 13543:Dionysius 13538:Damasus I 13533:Cornelius 13528:Clement I 13473:Anacletus 13217:Philomena 12864:Dionysius 12839:Damasus I 12784:Anatolius 12470:Disciples 12405:Homobonus 12365:Anatolius 12178:Venerable 12042:Platonism 12016:Univocity 11914:Haecceity 11793:Ratzinger 11758:Montaigne 11738:MacIntyre 11693:Dionysius 11688:Descartes 11648:Augustine 11502:Salamanca 11101:More and 10760:3 January 10424:Guy, John 10383:369064822 10362:749455885 10342:(1904) as 10338:(1904) – 10331:. Dutton. 10273:cite book 10074:499072940 10044:690506548 9991:8 January 9928:878939730 9677:214203101 9609:164459672 9459:153710978 9076:143128538 9060:0021-9371 8406:, p. 266. 7981:220418917 7668:0260-9592 7425:0734-6018 7078:163326083 6965:, p. 136. 6913:0013-8266 6866:0013-8266 6773:0007-5140 6704:236358666 6605:164968766 6559:0277-9269 6253:28 August 5882:0047-8105 5849:(2): 187. 5766:644450239 5727:labor of 5678:Socialism 5519:26 Hen. 8 5476:wildfire. 5186:254358434 5107:ThoughtCo 5001:Wolf Hall 4792:Books 5–9 4523:Greenwich 4440:Hong Kong 4431:, in his 4429:socialism 4376:G. Babeuf 4315:Karl Marx 4311:Communist 4231:The Shins 4227:So Says I 4100:Wolf Hall 3871:In 1963, 3737:canonised 3725:beatified 3683:Patronage 3615:Canonized 3594:Beatified 3513:Antimorus 3439:Responsio 3374:Aristotle 3334:included 3277:shorthand 3089:goat hair 3000:Execution 2503:John Foxe 2452:Charles V 2432:Wolf Hall 2287:Tyndale's 2275:Steelyard 2171:Middlesex 2169:(MP) for 2160:Cambridge 2139:in 1521. 2137:Exchequer 2127:(for the 2110:Charles V 1924:Elizabeth 1839:Rotterdam 1616:MacIntyre 1576:Gutiérrez 1546:Copleston 1516:Balthasar 1371:Descartes 1231:Hildegard 1216:Gregory I 1191:Catherine 1141:Alexander 1091:Dionysius 1011:Augustine 964:Salamanca 838:Haecceity 742:Casuistry 565:venerated 407:Signature 393:Education 381:Parent(s) 370:Elizabeth 318:Jane Colt 264:, England 204:In office 152:In office 100:In office 19774:Morrison 19652:Cornwall 19501:Charlton 19491:Grimston 19486:Lenthall 19453:Lenthall 19438:Lenthall 19428:Lenthall 19418:J. Finch 19413:H. Finch 19408:T. Crewe 19398:R. Crewe 19327:Gargrave 19211:Mordaunt 19161:Charlton 19141:Popham I 19016:Doreward 19011:Stourton 18965:Doreward 18781:Centrism 18476:Politics 18466:Republic 18435:Voegelin 18415:Spengler 18400:Shariati 18375:Rothbard 18330:Nussbaum 18230:Habermas 18205:Fukuyama 18195:Foucault 18120:Ambedkar 18097:Voltaire 18067:de Staël 18042:Rousseau 17923:Franklin 17898:Constant 17858:Beccaria 17690:Muhammad 17670:Gelasius 17655:Averroes 17629:Xenophon 17609:Polybius 17562:Chanakya 17407:Concepts 17373:Populism 17343:Localism 17328:Islamism 17313:Feminism 17212:Monarchy 17116:Property 17106:Progress 17071:Monopoly 17041:Hegemony 16366:Molinism 15944:Ecthesis 15896:Boethius 15801:Arianism 15791:Eusebius 15741:Irenaeus 15705:Polycarp 15619:Timeline 15405:HIV/AIDS 14899:Crusades 14653:Irenaeus 14646:Ignatius 14641:Polycarp 14491:Ministry 14479:(30–100) 14353:Timeline 14188:See also 14089:Euphemia 13926:Jeremiah 13906:Habakkuk 13863:Prophets 13838:Vitalian 13833:Victor I 13783:Sixtus I 13778:Siricius 13708:Martin I 13688:Lucius I 13653:Julius I 13618:Hilarius 13588:Felix IV 13558:Eusebius 13553:Eugene I 13483:Anicetus 13355:Remigius 13310:Boniface 12716:Irenaeus 12498:Silvanus 12445:Salonius 12290:Matthias 12255:Barnabas 12242:Apostles 12004:Irenaean 11994:Theodicy 11964:Quiddity 11827:Concepts 11753:Maritain 11723:Krasicki 11713:Gassendi 11703:Eriugena 11658:Boethius 11633:Anscombe 11623:Albertus 11517:Molinism 11484:Occamism 11456:Medieval 11383:Just war 11127:Archived 11072:LibriVox 11021:Archived 10844:: 90–143 10818:(1810). 10794:(1996). 10772:(1985). 10716:(2007). 10659:(1983). 10524:(1984). 10426:(1980). 10414:(1935). 10400:(1891). 10289:(2009). 10240:(1999). 9854:Archived 9730:. Page 1 9625:(1886). 9478:(1888). 9451:30001965 9381:23 March 9325:(1929). 9287:14 April 9233:Archived 9190:(1929). 9099:27 March 8959:(2012). 8917:(2005). 8787:(1906). 8731:(2013). 8703:(2008). 8603:31 March 8170:(1891). 8146:(1876). 7684:(1979). 7625:(2002). 7388:11 March 6781:44447526 6567:18594216 6414:18479600 6373:(1911). 6041:20 April 5965:14 April 5922:(2014). 5754:(1908). 5675:. 1913. 5623:Kremlin. 5491:(2004), 5375:Archived 5349:(1998). 5027:Amicitia 4871:) (CW 1) 4833:Archived 4817:Archived 4795:Archived 4779:Archived 4519:Richmond 4458:'s play 4400:such as 4388:E. Cabet 4329:, under 4313:hero by 4177:Holy See 4146:Republic 4003:seasons. 3810:chapel, 3776:calendar 3600:Florence 3538:museum. 3418:Assertio 3408:(Aug.), 3362:Voltaire 3182:'s play 3093:Chideock 3025:Miserere 2739:—  2661:heretic. 2537:John Guy 2498:(1533). 2496:Apologia 2463:Lollardy 2448:Hussites 2444:Lollards 2351:—  2333:ecclesia 2255:—  2118:Cardinal 2018:—  2007:—  1920:Margaret 1740:Born on 1631:Maritain 1606:Lonergan 1586:Guardini 1511:Anscombe 1486:Caramuel 1396:Krasicki 1391:Kołłątaj 1346:Brentano 1206:Eriugena 1171:Berengar 1119:Medieval 1071:Climacus 1051:Irenaeus 1021:Boethius 1016:Benedict 959:Analytic 927:Occamism 917:Molinism 895:Llullism 824:Quiddity 732:Just war 660:a series 658:Part of 482:Catholic 366:Margaret 362:Children 19881:English 19764:FitzRoy 19759:Whitley 19754:Lowther 19723:Denison 19698:Mitford 19632:Compton 19622:Bromley 19521:Gregory 19516:Seymour 19506:Seymour 19496:Turnour 19393:Phelips 19322:Cordell 19307:Pollard 19201:Catesby 19166:Wenlock 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Saint Thomas More
Sir Thomas More (play)
Thomas More (disambiguation)
The Right Honourable

Sir Thomas More
Lord Chancellor
Henry VIII
Thomas Wolsey
Thomas Audley
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Henry VIII
Richard Wingfield
William FitzWilliam
Speaker of the House of Commons
Henry VIII
Thomas Nevill
Thomas Audley
City of London
Tower Hill
Church of St Peter ad Vincula
St Dunstan's Church, Canterbury
Alice Middleton
Sir John More
University of Oxford
Lincoln's Inn

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.